The Weather II.B. WMtktr Birtai Fcrccm*! OccBtlonal rain or drltile iOtuib ») THE PONTIAC PRESS OK nut Edition 117th YEAR ★ ★ ★ PONTIAC, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY. 5, 1960 —40 PAGES VNITBO PtUCBB WTIIINATIONAL" All Is Serene Again WATCH THK BIRDIt: - Bingo, a three-year-old monkey who defied Pontiac firemen’s efforts to “rescue " him'from a tree yesterday, looks curiously at a camera lens. After firemen failed, FmIUc Fm* m*U Patrolman George Scheuem wont to the scene. The monkey came fight down. Holding Bingo is Patrick Kelley, 11, of 201 S. Sanford St. With him is his sister, Sandra, 13. Chimp, You*re a Chump to Monkey With the Law By .HAX E. SIMON A tree^limbing resident of Pontiac may feel firemf BWi^BBUj birds, but he knows better than to monkey around with the polioe. Bbigo, a three-yea^-old ringtailed monkey, frustrate would-be rescuers from the Pontiac Fire Departmem yesterday afternoon as he swung from tree to South Shirley street. It happened this way; The monkey was in £ car with Patrolman George Scheuern ar- Jj-year-old Sandra K#lley when her rived on the scene. girlfriend. Sharon Badenhoop, li opened the door. 'The unchained Bingo darted out and into the trees in front ot the The house pet of the Ho« atd | Shirley Kelley family, 201 S. .Sanford St ,i ' ■OTATO GM Reports '59 Finance^ 2nd Highest in Its History NEW YORK —Reports from the nation’s two largest auto makers show a similar profit trend during 1959—' a healthy gain for the year as a whole despite a fourth-quarter slump blamed largely on a nationwide steel strike. General Motors Corp. yesterday said preliminary figures indicate last year’s profits rose to $873,000,0.00, equal to $3.06 a common share, from $634,000,000 or ------------------ ^$2.22 a share, in 1959. Sales McNeill, Kelly Quit -Stymie Wing Trade The Detroit Red Wings’ two-for-two trade made last night with the New Vork l6ingehi was called off today when Red Kelly and Billy McNeill suddenly an- hoi'key. * * ★ A apokeaman for the Wings said Ranger delenaeman Bflf Gadsby and forward l^ie Shack returned to New Ynrti with the Rangers this morning. They were supposed to have stayed with Detroit. The swift chaLge ctune. about laat night, he aald, when Me-NdiU, whtf afready had indicated bln wtlUngneM In going to New York, called Wings General Manager Jack Adams at home and said he was through with hockey. Kelly, who hinted be sronidn’t report to New YoMt when in. formed of 'the trade last night, made the same am^ncement later. (For details, see Sports |»gM.) MacArthur Beats Odds NEW YORK m — General of the Army Douglas MacArthur is responding to treatment “more rapidly and more favorably than is usual in an illness of this kind,” said a medical report Thursday from Lenox Hjll Hospital. The 80-year-oltobllshment of the same type service between Detroit nnd Uiicago, also with Pontiac as a stopover. 3. Inclusion of Pontiac as a stopover on n short-haul route between Detroit and the Upper Peninsula. The latter proposal was recommended to the CAB by its bearing examiner, but the first two n’t. FLIGHTS restricted Bimkrant asked the CAB to alter its present policy of restricting direct, intercity flights between southern Michigan and northern Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. Few such flights are allowed at present nnd nMtst of them nre scheduled only, to important terminal points — gateways such as the big Wayne County airports. “Industrial centers in this tristate area have a community of interest which demands direct (Continued on Page 2, Col. 2) .ethal Nerve Gas in Casks on Surface DENVER (fi- The commander of Rocky Mountain Arsenal disclosed today that deadly ne -ve gas is stored above ground in sturdy metal casks about the size of household trash barrels. Col. George Allen admitted in an interview that there is “a certain calculated risk” involved in this method of storage. Spring to Tease Pontiac Area Next Five Days The Pontiac area will have spring-like weather for the next five days, the weatherman promises. High temperatures will average 8 to 12 degrees above the normal high 27 to 34. The tow tonight will be a mild 36. Hm high Saturday wUI again be In the 46i. Occasional rain or drizzle is forecast lor tonight and Saturday. Mostly cloudy with little temperature change is the prediction for Sunday. Morning winds easterly at eight m.p.h. will become light east to northeast tonight. Lowest temperature in downtown Pontiac preceding 8 a.m. was 32. At 2 p.m. the reading was 42. 59AreKilled in Plane Crash Downed ih Bolivia Just After Takeoff; Report No Survivors LA PAZ, BoUvia - Fifty-nine persons aboard a Lloyd Aereo Boliviano airliner were-killed today the plane crashed near C^ chabamba. The DC4 airliner rrashed a few minutes after takeoff at Cochabamba en route to La Pas. . Officials of the airline said they did not know the of the ac-sident. TTie airline reported, however, that all persons aboard perished. There were 55 passengers and 4 crew members. The pa.ssengers included 45 adults, and 10 children. Among the latter were five babies. ♦ Most it not all those aboard were believed to be Bolivians. No passenger list was available immediately. The plane was piloted by Joaquin Lobos, the airiine’s chief pilot, with years of experience flying over this country’s rugged mountain terrain. “We have been on strike for nearly .60 days for higher wages.” said Sytsma. “To go back now with no gains would be ridiculous. ★ ★ , ‘We sympathize with efforts to help the public and business. But the conditions of the proposed truce wouldn’t help us a bit. “If the company can’t get the buses rolling under conditions more Wnfthingten ye»ter- company But he said the installation long ago established a plan designed to cope with aqy emergency. Denver’s downtown business district is located about eight miles from the arsenal. 4r * Allen’s comments followed the day by Rep. Byron L. Johnson (D-Colo) that the arsenal has enough of the gas on hand, kill every man, woman and child in the world.' Income Tax Headache? VAU/ABLE TIPs — The PonUac Press will publish an informative, IS-part series by lax authority Richard A. Mullins, to help you understand requirements, forms, deductions, exemptions and many other facts that can lave you time and money in preparing your 1959 income tax. This series wiU start Monday. File there artfcles and you will find your tax report job much easier. Bus Union to Reject Truce Plan Pontiac’s striking bus drivers and mechanics won’t go back to work without a pay raise, accord-' ig to their local union president. John Sytsma, president of AFL-CIO Local 1090 of the bus transportation union, said today he was prepared to turn down a proposal for a statas quo truce in the two-month strike. ★ A -4 The proposal was scheduled Ip be made this afternoon by a group of Pontiac business leaders who say they want to get the strike “off dead center.” Pontlae City lines, Inc. was reportedly ready Let's Get Together! AF rii*u(» BEVOLUTIONARIES MEET — The short, stocky frame of Russia’s deputy prime minister, Anastas Mikoyan, is overshad-^i owed by Cuba’s six-foot-plus Prime Minister Fidel Castro. The pair met Thul'sday afternoon at Havana’s International Airport. Mikoyan arrived (o open the Soviet Exposition. Po.ssibly he also will negotiate some trade agreements with Castro. Fidel, Mikoyan Eager Over Business Deals HAVANA (AP) —• A shiny Soviet expo-sition set the stage today for talks between Fidel Ca.stro’s trade-hungry government and the top Soviet salesman, Deputy Premier Anastas I. Mikoyan. A top Castro aide quickly let it be known that Cuba hopes for a new era in busi-iness dealings with Mo.scow. J Only a few hours after Mikoyan s arrival Thursday, the left-wing president of (Tuba’s natiwial bank, Ernesto Guevara, told a TV audience that “trade is nece.ssary and for us, very necessary.” “We are completely disposed to talk,” be said. “Now the problem is to see it our visitor is equally disposed. “He must be asked.” the top economic official added, “and we will do it when tbe opportunit>' pre.sqpu itself.” ^ The opportunity probably will come after the 64-year-old Mikoy-fonhalbr opens the Soviet scientific, teclmicd and cultural exhibit—the announced purpose of his visit. ■k * -k .. U.S. officials in Washington viewed Mikoyan’s visit as a dramatic propaganda move by Mos-r to capitalize on the low ebb American-Cuban relations. lAoidd piiU out oF Pbntiac.”’^ CITES POLL Sytsma said a quick poll showed that the 38 striking drivers and virtually unani- mously behind him. ‘This truce would offer us nothing but promises that there wdkild be attempts to help us. There is no guarantee we would get anything.” Th« union has been demanding a 23-cent-an-hour Increase In wngM nnd benefits. Drivers have ((Tontinued on Page 2, (Tol. 4) Alcohol, Sleeping Pills Killed Diana Borivmore NEW YORK (AP) % Dian* Barrymore died from #combi-nktion of alcohol and Vbeping pills, a medical report sajb. An official finding on the cause of death of the 38-year-oid actress was released Thursday by the chief medical examined. Dr. Mil-ton Helpem. (Tuhan-Sovict diplomatic relations, which were broken off during Ful-gencio Batista’s regime. In line with such a move, he is expected to invite Castro to pay a state visit to Moscow. Mikoyan was all smiles as he stepped from a giant Soviet IL18 turboprop airliner at Havana International Airport Thursday to be greet by Castro and his cabinet. The welcoming crowd was small but enthusiastic. They say he may have brought a rail of trade offera in aniicipa-tion of Cuban overtures. Tab Soles Log Bool/ LANSING IPi-Seven out of 10 Michigan motorists still don't have the 1960 tabs for their car license plates,, the secretary of state’s office reported. Tab sales to date are 756,468—141,468 behind last year. Deadline for attaching the tabs is Feb. 29. Gronchi Off for Soviet ROME (UPI) — President Giovanni Cktinchi left today for the .Soviet Union on an official visit he hoped would help continue the thaw in East-West tension.s. House Objection and Ike Veto Loom as Threat Both Senators From Michigan Vote in Favor —Dems Determined WASHINGTON (^The Senate has passed a $1,834,* 000,000 school aid bill to provide federai grants both for classroom construction and for tea<(;hers’ salaries. But there were indica* tions today that the House would not approve the salary provisions, and that President Eisenhower would veto the measure if CoRgress passes it in its present form. ♦ 4 , ★ The 51 - 34 vote by which th* .Senate passed tbe measure Thursday night is far short of the two-thirds that would be needed to override a veto. Both Michigan senators, Philip Hart and Pal McNamara, both Democrats, voted lor tire measure. House Democratic leaders say that they expect to pass school legislation before the 86th Congress quits. But they assert their branch is likely to limit the funds to school construction, omitting teacher salaries which were included in the Senate bill. k k It The Senate vote was the latest move in a long light running back to 1871 to win congressional passage of general federal aid for public elementary and high schools. k k k Senate aides said it was the first time in history that support of teacher salaries had been singled out for specific mention in an education bill. The ouleome whs aa Important > victory^ (or the Nattonal Educa-tion Assn, and other teacher or-ganisattons over the nation. Republican Leader Everett M. Dirksen (R-III) told the Senate Eisenhower would be particularly unhappy with the teacher salary provision. The states would decide how luch would go to salary increases, and how much to new buildings. The annual grant total in the bill was obtained by multiplying tht (Continued on Page 2, (Tol. 1) Tunnel Beneath English Channel Called Feasible PARLS derer-^to kill Mrs. Finch. He said he took money but' had no intention of murdering her. DENIES PLOT But Finch firmly denied the charge tor which he is on trial for his life: That he plotted to kill Mrs. Finch so he wouldn’t have share with her community prerty she estimated at three-quarters of a millkm dollars. Finch’s attorneys said the doctor will explain that Mrs. Flack, , 36, snHcrcd lajorlea . struggling with her estranged mate lor n pistol—and that she was shot to death accidentally. Finch didn’t get lo that part of his story Thursday, his second day (Cbntinued on Page 3. CoL 3} a '‘Hi TWO THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 5, IMP January an Ole Fizgig {... That's a Real Word!) headline read; "CWH Back On Again" HEAT WAVE! On with the sweaters and mul-flers. Then, on the 12th: "Whee! It’s Gonna Be About 56 Tonjorrow." And the follow in g day: "Breath of Spring Silently Stole Away LaKt Night.” We thought January would lose some of her giddiness when we She Ignited with an icy blast.'read subsequent headline: "Winter. 10 which a Pontiac Press weather Brisk Style, to Stay Here Awhile.” bcaiilino gives testimony: '1’ontiac; But that ol’ deceitful gal wooed .Mav Suffer Shivers for Five j us into taking off our aweaters Days " j again and we all came down with Area residents thought she'd Xes sir. there’s no doubt about it and there's hardly a better word to describe her. ♦ * * Fligig! , Webster defines It this way: a fkgtg Is a silly flirt, a giddy girl or a firework that makes a fitslng noise when ignited. Now January was all of those. irV BI.VST^FF > kind of cold to handle, but that was all right as long as she was predictable. Course we know now she wasn't. ★ ★ * A few days later, on the .seventh, the weather headline read: "Slightly Wanner Next Few Days." Off with the sweaters. The next day. on the eighth, the 'the flu. .January's high was 52 on the 13th and the low nine degreed on the fifth. That d' silly fizgig! Senate Okays Bill for Education Aid fContinued From Page One) number of school age children i the country by $20. * * * However, the money would be allocated among the states on formula based on relative schoi age population as weighted by relative Income per school age child. * * ★ There would be no matching requirement the first year; in the second year the states would have to put up an average of one dollar for each four of federal aid, but this would vary sharply amoiiig the states based on their wealth. For instance. New York would ha\-e to put up 50 cents for each •dollar of federal funds, while Mississippi could get $23 of aid for each matching dollar. The grantsvin the bill are thorizations; appropriations would have to be obtained later. The Senate turned down 61-25 the administration school program under which the- federal government would agree to pay over 30 years half the principal and inter-est on up to three billion dollars of bonds issued by needy school districts. It also rejected 49-3'f a proposal ol Sen. W’ayne Morse (D-Ore) others to to the bill 150 ml dollars of loan funds for construction of private schools. On the final roll call, 42 Democrats and 9 Republ|p»M| passage of the bill, 1408112 crats and 22 Republicans opposed. City Raps Nation's Imaginary’ Air Bars (Continued From Page One) transportation, instead of indirect routes through the gateway airports,” Bimkrant said. The tri-state area is “the industrial heart of America," Bimkrant said. ★ * ★ The vast complex of industries within the area are interdependent, with common suppliers ITS. Frequently a big industry in one city ol the tri-state area will have a factory branch or affiliates in other cities, he pointed Snow, Rain, Sleet Pelt Large Area By The Assedated Prese Stormy Weather which dumped heavy snow in the aouthem plains and Rockies spread' across the central part of the country today, with snow, sleet and rain. More snow fell from western Oklahoma northeastward through central Kansas, eastern Nebraska and northwest lown but it was expected to end during the day. Sleet slicked streets and highways in southwest Iowa and in parts of Lower Michigan. Showers and rain extended southeastward through eastern Oklahoma, Missouri, northwest Illinois southern Wisconsin. Warmer weather and diminishing winds in eastern Colorado aided In the job of clearing highways of drifts up to six feet high Several maroon^ motorists were rescued in the area and also In the Texas Panhandle, which also was hit by the heavy snow. The snow also fell in western Kansas and parts ol Oklahoma and New .Mexico. The Weather r«n I'.S. Wrathrr Barraa Brs*rl eONTlac AND V’CINITY — Cl#l witb rala *r Sriiilr iiiS i big automotive lii-dnstry, for example, has extensive ties with business and Industrial eenters In northern Ohio and nttsbnrgh, he said. "Up to now the 'imaginary air barricade’ has prevented our industry from achieving the conpec-tions it should have with its affiliates and suppliers to the south. "W'e must get rid of this barricade, which in terms of 1960 is completely unsound and unwarranted." ♦ ♦ ♦ Bimkrant maintained that because ol the "barricade" policy the CAB examiner ha' looked’’ Pontiac’s needs for direct air freight and passenger travel across Lake Erie. He contended further that the examiner had “overlooked” the need for east-west air transportation between southern Michigan cities and Chicago. The CAB promi.sed to take undei advisement the pleas of Michigan officials and airline representatives for more service than recommended in the report bC the made public two months ago. The examiner recommended I mainly new north-south routes The Day iii Binmngham Plastics Plant Explosion Sends 5 Men to Hospital BIRMINGHAM - A flash fire and explosion at the Birmingham Plastics, .Inc., factory, 2295 E. Lincoln, sent five employes to the hospital last night with face and rm bums. ’ In fair condition at William peaumont Hospital, .Royal Oak, are Arnold Rogus, 21, 22101 W. Hampton. Oak Park; Harvey Price, 22, 621 Sterling St., Pontia^; Larry Drum, 22, and David 23, 785 Mt. Vernon, Orion. Drum’s brother Gary, 19, of the same address, was treated leased. fTTI^ FBI CHIEF — A citation for devotion to national defense is presented to J. Edgar Hoover (left), director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, by Cl)l. John W. Richardson of &r rhatbhs 612 Bennington Dr., Bloomfield Hills, president of the Reserve (Officers Assn. Presentation was njade in Hoover’s office in Washington yesterday. Finch on .Stand Again; Reaches Critical Point within (he state. Most cities agreed with the recommendations as far as they went, but contended like Pontiac that service south of the state line was needed too. Most cities agreed also that east-west routes should be established within the state, reaching to Chicago on the east. A final decision by the CAB is not expected until this summer. ♦ ★ k Also in the Pontiac delegation which appeared before the CAB were John W. HirHnger, manager of the Pontiac Area Chamber of Pontiac airport manager; and representatives of Pontiac Motor and CMC Truck & Coach divisions. Adding strength to (he Pontiac group was Robert B. Oliver, Pontiac auto dealer, who was in W’ash-ington attending an auto dealers’ (Continued From Page One) on the stand. He told how his love for his wife dwindled after she grew sexually frigid—and how he became enamoured of Carole after he and his wife reached an 'fumistice” under which he was fm to come and go as he pleased. Finch admitted candidly that he (ought a delaying action against his wife’s move for a divorce, even though he didn't want to remain permanently married to her. He said he was afraid a divorce would adversely affect his credit rating at a time when he and associates were planning to build a hospital. He said he even urged Barbara to see a marriage counselor, and channeled her suit into conciliation court—purely as delaying tactics. QUIZ PROLONGED Under questioning by his attorney, Grant B. (Jooper, the doctor went over much ol the ground covered by the state in its monthlong case against him and his 23-year-old mistress. Dr. Finch offered explanation (or all the, charges made In the prosecution’s case. The state said that he and Carole brought the death gun with them when they came to the Finch's home the night of the killing. Finch said his .38 caliber pistol was under the scat of his car— but that his car was being used by his wife, He said Mrs. Finch puHed the gun from the car and pomted it at Carole. e state said Finch also brought a length of clothesline to the h(Mne in an attache case which was later found at the scene. Finch said the clothesline was purchased for use on a 30-foot yacht he and chased shortly death. State witnesses said Barbara Jean Finch told of being beaten by Finch twice in the weeks jare-ceding her death. The • incidents were fabricated, said the doctor. Eicher Early Member of Dog Training Club In a feature story published in The Pontiac Press ’Tuesday, John Eicher, 625 Homestead Dr., Wa» terford Township, was reported to have been one of the originators of the Southern Michigan Obedience (dog) Training Qub. It has since beeii learned that Eicher was not one of the originators but rather one of the club’s first members. GM's '59 Finances 2nd Highest Ever ((Continued From Page One) sis, indicated net totaled 6234,852.-Lepreggntatives to businessmen at 485 or 83 cents a share, on sales of headquarters of the Pontiac Area $2,755,800,596. [Chamber of Commerce. FORD LEAPS 288 PCT. Ford Motor Co. a day earlier! ttat the extmded strike reported a 288 per cent jump in!h“ business and inwnvenl-net profits on the year-despite a W'e” shoppers, school chUdren and ................................ factory workeiw, businessmen proposed the truce Tuesday and called for a long-range solution to Pontiac’s public transportation trou- w lwU(h« ttartr s-w SS. Bl(k S*t*rS*r -At I Wind vtloclty t n p. b. Otri^ctlon—Battrriy. foa irti FrldiT «t S:S1 pn. UB liiM StturdAy At T 4l i m Maad ttU SAturdAT At 3:tt •.n. Moon rlMi rrtdAj At U:« p.m. ThanaAT U rABllA* •• (At rteorded downtown' Hhrhcit tenporAtun ........ tnwett tomp?rAtaro ........... Mma UmporAturo ............... WoAtber—aunny. Own Tfor *so la PoptlAo Bingo Plays Tarzan, but Ends Up Treed (Cbntinued From Page One) house. I don’t remember what I did." ' As (or young Sandra, she was greatly relieved young lady. I "Bingo belongs to my 11-year-old i brother, Patrick,” she said. "I don't think he’d understand if anything had happened. * Patrick, one of 10 Kelley children, worked as a gardener for 10 cents an hour to save $21, half the price the family paid for the monkey. His parents P“f uP 8ie rest of the money and Bingo was his last Christmas. He’d worked a year to get the pet. "Our bouse wouldn’t be dM Perhaps not the same, but family wouldn't lack pets. The 101 chlldm, ranging in age from 14 months to 17 years, also have two dogs, a parakeet, and a cat due to have a litter ol kittens any day DOW. nsbMt WnperAturt ................W LwwAtt UtnpArA.wre ..............IS > IsnptrAlurA ................U. , WAAtbAT-fAlr. bAA< abS LawmI TraperAlmm TUa Da«« ta M Tnn Won't Accept Truce, Bus Union Reports (Continued From Page One) made $1.72 an hour since last spring. During negotiations, the company has offered only to renew the old contract without raises. It says it made almost no profit last year and can’t afford increased operating expenses. ^ Both positions were expected to be aired by union and company TRUCE PROPOSED TUESDAY Both firms were adversely affected by the steel strike. GM production lines were down for several weeks, but Ford — which makes much of Its own steel—was not as seriously hurt. * ★ ★ A Industry analysts also noted, however, that introduction of compact cars might have had an effect dollar volume. It was suggested that a special mayor’s committee look for a solution while the buses returiied to the streeta under the temporary tmoe. In the meantime, attempts by state labor mediators to end the strike have apparently gone for naught. The latest bargaining session called by the state in Pontiac two weeks ago. "We’ve gotten noi^’here.” said Sytsma. "The state people .seem GM’s CorvBir and Ford’8 Falcon! to be getting just as tired as bear lower wholesale prices than'are of fruitless negotiations, standard size cars and require "But we're willing to meet with fewer ajjd cheaper accessories. ' anyone, anytime to end the strike." JACQUES 80USTELLE French Cabinet Gets Men Up De Gaulle Fires Sahara Minister Soustelle and ^hifts Others PARIS (AP)-President Charles de Gaulle strengthened his cabinet today by promoting steadfast porters of his Algerian policy and firing Jacques Soustelle, leading spokesman of the French colonialists in Algeria. Soustelle, once touted as the strong man of De Gaulle’s supporters. was ousted from the post of minister of the Sahara, atomic energy and overseas possessions because of his Identification with the Algiers insurgents who unsuccessfully defied De Gaulle last 1 Wil- Flre Chief Park Smith said the men were cleaning stencils with thinner when fumes from the washer were Ignited by a gas heater leas thaa five feet aWay. "It was pure neglect and carelessness to have the heater • near the inflammable liquid,’ Smith said. "It was like putting gasoline next to a blowtorch.” * * * He said the plant had been cited on several occasions for not following fire regulations. Damage to the wash^ and several small machines was estimated at $1,000 by Fire Marshal George Scott. If'approved at the polls March 28. a four mill Increase will enable the' Birmingham School Board to hire 50 new teadiers next year. The additional teachers will aid .1 reducing the present pupil-teabher classroom ratio, according to the Board President Mrs. Kathryn Loomis. The increase is Deeded to brlag the ratle to 27 students to one teacher ns suggested by the North Central Assn. . the mtio Is abont $5 Mrs. Loomis said, "The miUage increase will be used also lor an improved teachers’ salary sched-adjustments in clerical and maintenance salaries and additions of books to the Seaholm library.’ Birmingham will be represented in the Michigan Winter Queen contest climaxing the Petoskey Winter Carnival tomorrow night. Denise Baldwin, 23, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Baldwin of 788 Harmon St.# will vie against 18 other asplrs|its for the queen’s crown. If she wins at Petoskey, the Bir-Iningham beauty will compete at Grayling Feb. 13-14 for the Michigan Snow Queen title. ,,Misa Baldwin Is employed as a receptionist 4jy VickeiTf Inc., Birmingham administrative and engineering center. The Ruth Shain Gass in International Affairs, sponsored by the Birmingham Branch of The University Women, will meet Tuesday at 10 a.m. at Community House. Patricia Hogan, who is completing stWies for a masters degree at the University of Michigan, will present- her thesis "American Policy in Israel.’’ She is the daugh-r of Mrs. Lee Hogan, 263 Puritan d. Mrs. Shain asks members to bring their Great Decisions kits to the meeting. The public is Invited. Mrs. Edwlo A. Hannum Service for Mrs. Edwin A. Hannum, 75, of 1228 WasKingtoii Blvd. Fire at Nationalist Ship TAIPEI, Formosa m — Com-munist guns on the Oiinese mainland fired more than 200 shells at a Nationalist warship patrolling .Thursday off Little Quemoy but caua^ no casualties or damage, the Nationalist Defense Ministry announced. Chapel of the William E Co. ★ * ’♦ Cremation will follow at White Chapel Memorial Cemetery, Troy. Mrs. Hannum died Wednesday at St. Joaeph Mercy Hospital. Pontiac, follov^ng a long Illness. ★ ★ * She Is survived by three sons. Charles of Birmingham, John of Washington. Mich., and David ol Atlanta, Ga. Saif LUNCH BOXES & VACUUM BOTTLES FRIDAY fir SATURDAY 2nd FLOOR BARGAINS All $1—1 —Werksr's Lunch Box ond Vocuum Bottle Itag. $2.49 Valv Box with pint vacuum bottla. $2.00 Akmin«Hi L«ach I8K....... $1.49 KEAFSIT Pint lottk...... $1.99 KUPSIT Qvwt Bottit .... J58 J27 J58 OOUiBI. HVOppHr*. ituvsa, VM>. M N. Saginaw —2nd Floor Girl Was Hurt in a Fall, Not In a Car Accident A Pontiac girl, Kay Kumpula, 17, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen L. Kumpula of 756 Cedarlawn St., was listed in the Press Wednesday as the victim of a traffic accident. ★ * ★ learned todajt’that the teen-ager was not injured in an accident on Auburn avenue as previously reported. She broke an ankle when she fell on a slippery sidewalk near her home. Another casualty was communications minister Bernard Oomut-Gentllle, who had wanted to compromise with the rebellious. French settlers. ★ a * Pierre Guillaumat was slated to be shifted from minister of defense to some of Soustele’s former jobs, Pierre Messmee, former high commissioner of French West Africa, was to become minister of defense. Guillaumat has been severely criticized because the army let 'the settlers’ revolt in Algiers drag on for eight days Instead of nipping it at the start. A ★ * The revamped cabinet wa meet later today. It was expected to approve the first of a series of new detrees designed to pre-l vent a repetition of the recent' French uprising in Algeria and advance Algeria toward the self-determination vote De Gaulle hasi promised. "We like animals and everyone should have a pet,” Sandra explained. The children were asked whether the monkey's shrill chatter didn't; MBMrsiM cfesH bother them sometimes. bIISZh, m m IT “ "Oh. no. "said one of the younger maiarcx M II itfmphii »« 60 boys. "We can’t hear Bingo be- rSmSi ” M M ” cause we make more noise than — .. .. _ .. ■* him. He's usually drowned but. ” r eveUag M It Omaha M ir Good Sales Point iioaiiSi- s U Si ''•EspnivnjLE Ohlo^te-^gn lackaaartDi ft ti wauMBftoB II II on uscd Car lot: Prices Art Born, L235i®“' H B tSSSI ri but Raised Elsewhere. [ SPECIAL PURCHASE! Brand New | LADIES" Deluxe Quality Tweed % Coats! nerlined i 88 Famous ^rond' Style, 100% Wool, Quilt Innorlinod = Original $21.98 Seller (m4 Wt Cm Prevt ItO • Sak 0 Pspgsr TidmU • CoBuins Lttriisr Trim —Fscktii 0 Cuffs • Wsnsly UiMd • Sisw 12 to 20 LADIES* SEAl>Y-TO-WEAB HOUSEHOLD SPECIALS far FRIDAY A SATURDAY 2nd FLOOR BARGAINS Holds Fell 49 OsacM PLASTIC CONTAINER 38^ Air tlfht. aptu-proof. drlp-proo(. . . . tpeclal spout for jwurlnx^ atea and' D cocktaUa. 1 for fht Hmi«, 1 far Car WHISK BROOM POLY f USTIC Wast^askot $4.49 Value Rectangular shaped wastebasket with sturdy tolled rim. 1744 xlS I* 13 inch size. Assorted colors. fmim, MaLSogdunr -MFlooi Continuing SIMMS Groot SURPLUS SALE PRICES REDUCED V2 OFF HALF-OFF DIAMONDS lUf. Ml M OIAklONDS .‘29’* Res IM SO diamonds I49W Rff tiw U DIAMONDS 17476 Ret. IIM 66 diamonds •99” Ref I3N M DIAMONDS .... ..*149” remeae name dlamonde In " white Oald BioBBttnte. IIK renew HALF-OFF ......... $7.50 _ ...... $12.50 Dj Reg. 534.95 Rings—Now $19.95 “ '"-loaa from rraternal, BlrthatoBca, HamatlU. and Onyi • MEN'S A LADIES' STYLES • 1-YEAR OUARANnE Choose from amoot Anterlca'a four leadlns hamaa — we can’t mention ‘am at this low prict. Come, see tor louraell — cboleo of dreiey and sport atyloa, waterproof apd atandard watchea. USE SIMMS^FREE LAYAWAY Buy Now At These SAVINGS fer ENGAGEMENTS— CRADUATION-r-EATHER'S » MOTHER'f DAY GIFTS 98 North Saginaw Stroot lEWEUT Ploor BIG SPECIAL PURCHASE! You'd pay up to double Simms price i( we bought thru regular wholesaler ... compare anywhere! LADIES' and MISSES’ Sldits and Capri Pants Made to Sell at $2.50 Cottons, corduroy, acetates, blends, etc. Many with zipper ankles. Buy several.- THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 5, 1960 THREE Belt Sizes Tell Tale of Mans Piospeiity NEW YORK (UPI) - Ray HIrkok kat a n«ver-lail barometer lor JndKtef the nattoa’a proaperity. Ifa men’s belt alsea. .“WalaUinea expand when a are good,” aaid the men’s •a we’re In for hard tlmea, American male can be counted on to waiit a lot more leather than men with ideal riocheater, N.Y. fable about men pulling In their belts when the economy la off.” Right now moat American men are buying bella In alieo M to SI. During the lean yearn of Die depression their fathers were bpckling In at 32. The average far the war years was sise 34. "The Ideal male fashion model ^ California, with only 2.5 per cent of the nation’s farms, produces the country’s entire supply of almonds, figs, olives and artichokes. It also grows most of its walnuts, dates and lemons. Area Joblessness May Dip to'57 Level DETROIT (UPI)-’The Michigan Employment Security Commission predicted TTiursday that Detroit area Unemployment may drop below 100,000 by the end ol this month, for the first time since March 1957. ♦ ★ # ' ’The MESC said in a report t the job picture here was brightening since the end the *teei strike and that 55,200 workers Went back to work between mid-November and mi4J)bcember. UnempIpyHlMt as of last Dec. 15 was UO,00O->the lowest since December 1957. the MESC said. Hie famed Atlantic Gty boardwalk is 60 feet wide and 5^ miles long. Car Deliveries Ahead of »59 — Chrysler Corp. DETROIT W — Chrysler, Imperial. Plymo«th and Valiant delivered 63,270 autos f»m the start of the I960 model year through Jan. 20, Clare E. Briggs, general These Famous Brand COSMETIC CREAMS and LOTIONS On Sale FRIDAY and SATURDAY . . . ot SIMMS LOWER PRICES Naturally SAVE ON COSMETICS tWOODBURY ‘ \jjBOTION) Reg. 1.00 I 39*1 . fi itSSSSow AUTO DEPT. SPECIALS For PVidcry and Soturdar FomoUi 'GO-GAS' Gas Lise ANTI-FREEZEl 50c Sbe Ca^ 19‘ rVU-VUE' AU Seuseu WindfUeld CleiBti 3T Far Car WInSUItM “ROYAt X-ME8S’-I00% Fsre MOTOR OIL SI.9S Vulse TWO CaUoB Caa 18 „-10 grtdet. Facloty ____________ Umil 4 gnUont. manager of the Chrysler and Imperial Division, reported. He said this compared to e,884 autos delivered by Imperial, Chrysler and Plymouth in the same period last year. Briggs said Imperial sold 18.897 units in 1959, compared to 13,976 in 1958. Sell-Out Last Week — Another 200 Pairs Arrive! ‘ SNOW BOOTS AU Sizes 5 to 10 • Won't Scuff • Won't Mildow • Black fr Croy Compare this price anywhere in Pontiac! It’s our LOWEST . PRICE on snow boots that can be I washed with Just a damp cloth. Open TONITE ond SATURDAY Nights 'til 10 You owe it to your pocketbook to olwoys compare Simms prices before you buy. 98 NORTH SAGINAW Prevents Getting Stuck Sao-6ri|i Treads $1.29 Puir »7o Me PYROIL A 3-Ounces 24' 1.50 alemitb CD-2 Oil Additive .... r 7SC TRANSMISSION Fluid—quart . 44' 1X8 CA81TE on. Additive A Tune-Dp .. 78' l.M BRAKE FLUID 70R1-HD 12 On 36' 1.95 AUTO Waah BRUSH—3 ft handle 1“ 5X5 REAR SEAT RADIO SPEAKER .... 2“ Hong-Up Hook Dolnxo ISslS** Wedgo Stylo Aufo Cushion 82 Quality 133 For Driving Comfort Auto Spring Cushion e or 12-Volt Soalod foam Aslo Spollighl For automobile or--------- for emergency use, locating house numbers, detkeha ble cord, styrene plastic. M IL Sosinsw FJeot And This Woekond SIMMS It Still CUTTING DRUG PRICES . . . seeiw that back in ISM Simms got in the habit of aelUim naUonally advertised dmga for lem ... and today weYe atiB at It. Here is proof for Friday and Saturday ahoppert Itet It COSTS LESS at SIMMS —start the saving habit yonrself today! __________ Right Reserved To Limit Qui BUFFERIN TABLETS 79' Rog. SI.2J Pock lOO'i DRISTAN TABLETS $^97 Rog. 82.19 For CeMi, Atflima, Etc. LILLYS U-40 INSULIN $^02 All Types GILLEHE BLUE-BLADES Rog. 89c_ 10 New Super 59‘ NEW DONDRIL TABLETS 97' Rog. SUS Controls Coughs TAMPAX NAPKINS 33' Rog. 45c Pkg. 10 3 Types VITALIS HAIR TONIC 59' Rm. S9c 7-Ounce Bottle CEPACOL ANTISEPTIC 72' Rog. 98c 16-Ounce Bottle MEDICATED BACK PLASTER 63' Rog. 79c Johnson & BAKERS LIQUID 21 27c Con Boby Formula BART BOTTLE or NIPPLES or COVERS JOc VaIno Evenflo Choice, ee. 7' LIQUID ASPIRIN PEPTO BISMOL 69' Bog. 98c 8-Ox. Bottle BAUME BEN-GAY 67' Rog. 89c For Aches end Peine LILLYS U-80 INSULIN $2^7 All Types 4-WAY COLD TABLETS 72' Rog. 98c Pock 72's EX-LAX LAXATIVE 57' Rog. 79c Choceloto Pkg. 48't COLGATES TOOTHPASTE 66' Rog. SIM 2 Tubes PRIVINE NOSE DROPS 67 LIQUID Rog. 81.98 CM 29 Gostric Antocid WHITE VASELINE 49c Yabo Jt ^ Petroleum skZL^ Jolly J ■ SIMIUC LIQUID 27e Can g Baby yy Fermuio mm I POLYVISOL DROPS ;^77 Rog. 82.59 C Moods ^ 50dc BABY POWDER 43' SAVINGS SPECIAL PURCHASE! 100% LEATHER UPPERS Child’s Cowboy Boob ir Solo* 66 Wilb Goauiao 'MBOUTE' long-Wom Solo* $0.98 Value 3' Apptorod hr PoroaFs Magaiiao Guaranteed FIRST quality. soft pliable loathor. Styled at picturtd. Rubber haols. LOAFERS t OXFORDS o ROTS' Alt Loelfcor Boys' Footwear: Conibat Boob Volnot lo 85R5 J VWIIIMIIK WVVSW S99 : Buckle Tops : 13.98 Quality Siaoo 2V4 lo 6 J u pietand. Umltod ttrl* MlMtloa in brovag a • bUelu. ODly -41 pain toft. • ODDS & ENDS CLEARANCE! Borgoin Lot— Childrei’s Foobvear Originally Priced to $3S8 97 i Broken Sites—8fVi to 3 ___ Gris' and boys' stylos in plenty of some, ftw of others. Some NARROW WIDTHS Included. All 1st quality, fully guarantood. WATERPROOF • INSULATED Leather ^mFLEr : Men's 10 Inch johnmV* Indwell t Crusoders Men's Dress Oxfords 4 Vofuei (e yd 99 88.95 Big table of many styles — all sixes 6 to 12. Choice of many types. Endicott-Johnion "ENDWELL" * Oxfoids SALE! All Leather Wen’s Sport Style OXFORDS C77 $8 Value ^ Genuine. HACK ripple soles with leather uppers. Sizes 6V2 to 12. BARGAIN BASEMENT BIG LOT! Sensationally Under-Priced MEN'S and YOUNG MEN'S Jackets and Coats Originally 813.95 low ONLY— 499 Siaos 36 to 46 Bof HOT in ivory Stylo Ca|>afdlno ^sur-coats, 100% wool zipper fronts, insulated lined iKkets, etc. Also. Sweat-or-Jacs In all sizes. 98 North SAGINAW S». 0^ 26tk Yew ^ THE PONTIAC PRESS. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 5. 1960 Chief White Announces Promotion of 4 Firemen Pontiac Fire Chief James R. White today annoutKed promotions of four firemen. The promotions are effective immedlatdy. ★ ★ * Harold C. Gamester, SO, of 642 E. Tennyson Ave. was raised to captain's rank. He Joined the fire department In U4S and was promoted to Kenneth V. Epgert, 36, of 1280 Brambles Dr. was promoted from engineer to lieutenant. l.t YEAR VETERAN He is a veteran pf more than 13 years service with the department. Two firemen were raised from firefighter to engineer. They are Leo G. Janka, 31, of 801 Robinwood Ave. and Donald H. Genereux. Sr tr A Janka joined the department in 1950, Genereux in 1951. Drink Much Water MILWAUKEE - One dairy cow drinks from four to five pounds of water every day for every pound of milk produced. KENNETH V. EGC.ERT Planning Exhibits Wednesday Night at Crary Junior An evening of educatinal exhibits, panel discussion^ and movies has been scheduled for 7:30 p m. Wednesday at the Isaac E Crary Junior High school in Waterford Township. Sponsored by the Parent-Tearber Organisation, the third m<*eting of the year will feature a S» ienee« Pair with more than tun projects iiy individual students displayed on tables In the auditorium. A short movie, entitled "Teens, will be shown, followed by a di cussion period with a panel of high school counselors Mrs. John Hftber, and Byron Merritt and high school students Diane Adams and Gary Moran. Mrs. Walter Bam-ingham will be the moderator. A brief talk on civil defense w ill be presented by Wesley New man and the evening will conclude with a coffee hour in the cafeteria. "PANT-0 MINE"—The old saying that: "Some folks are just too big for their 'britches’ " certainly doesn’t hold true for this young fella. The trouble is that he’s too littje lor his pants, which contributes to some of life’s embarrassing moments. Ibis little lad lives in Paragould, Ark. Demand to May Colbert Says Requests Higher Than Expected-Eyes Smaller Car Yet ST. LOUIS W — L. L. Colbert, president of Chrysler Corp., said yesterday his firm will not catch up with the demand fbr its Valient cmnpact car until May. Colbert said his firm underestimated the market for compact autos. He said Chrysler has plans for a still smaller car, but no decL Sion has been made on whether to go into production with It. Colbert headed a delegation of 25 Chrysler officials here for an inspectiop of the firm’s new assembly plant In suburban Fenton. Chrysler will hold open house Sunday for lU 4,000 Fenton em- ‘We will give the public what it wants,’’ Colbert said, "But there is evidence that the public does not want a smaller car than the' present compacts being built by the American motor manufacturers." Appropriations Unit Fulfilling Cut Pledge WASHINGTON (AI*) - The House Appropriations Committed today started fulfilling the promise of its leaders to hold down the federal payroll next year. * * -w In the first I960 money bill, it refused to fmance 809 of the 1.07C new jobs requested for the Commerce Department for the fiscal year starting July 1. At the same time, it cut $39,092,765 from the $799,615,000 in new funds President Eisenhower asked for the department and related agencies. 1 WHY I ■ PAY MORE? ■ ■ Deal Direct . . . SovglH B foadad—tieantad Buildar R ■ From I ■ Attic Raom ! Ilac. Raam ...$7»5 ■ R AddMaa ...S9I0 R ■ KHchaa ...$26» ■ m Sathraaai ...$m ■ 2 StaiM Heaiafreat .. ...$1I2 ■ g AhHaiaam Siding . ...$379 R ■ Sliding aau Walla ...$ 99 ■ O PaKh EnciaturM ...$395 ■ g Shim Daara $23 9$ ■ ■ Starm Wiadewt ,. . . $9.95 R MODERNIZATION AT ITS BEST! NO CASH NEEDED FHA TERMS 5 YEARS TO PAY CALL NOW H 3-7033 federal ModernizoHen Co. 2536 Diai* Hwy. C«H Doy or Nigiit SeNAotioiui^ Scoop Paxekose (md REPEAT OF A SEU-OOT! NEW 1960 n NO MONEY DOWN W^tiekly New 23" picture tube . . . giant 282 sq^ in. viewing area! Convenient front controls. Tone control. Lighted channel indicator. 5*yeor written worronty. Matching swivel base (optional). With trade. NO MONEY DOWN .. .YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD ^Tmerson 0 COMBINATION STEREO HI-FI PHONO and RADIO FREE Patkiig la Our Lot Rahiad SIm# FINAL CLEARANCE! 1 up to off! A/l/tTTfS£^SS£S 386 MATTRESSES REDUCED FOR CLEARANCE 6R0UP 2 Valuat ta $59.50 $1988 BROOP 3 Valuat to $79.50 $2986 — APPLIANCES 17 IbcIi Adniial tub Man TV ......... 21 iBcb PUlco CobmIb tv....... RCA OrthophoBic Record Player witb AM/FM radio. 4 ipoakors. CQ Floor Biodol............ Gnuidig^MajoiUc AM/FM radio. ^11 tablo iBodol. Rog. 159.95 . /2 OH M43 *179 OUT THEY GO! DINETTE SETS 109-SETS REDUCED TO CLEAR GROUP 1- 19” GROUP *38“ GROUP 3 “ MM.95 *69** BUNK B£PS FOAM RUBBER 3 & 4 Pc. Soctionol Reversible Cushions Nylon Fobrics Modern Styling From ‘179 BEDROOM SUITES *88 S2i9?aV;.,'::;r/.«-';r $118 CLOSIOUTS 8—i Pe. Snitas Valuas to $249 1328 $399 1459 $268 MANT HObA TO CBOOSI FBOM I. ar«H«r, Birrar ClOfl «i. boakevM bed #10* 1. »trr» |23g Living Room SUITES CLOSEOUTS 6—2 Pe. Suitaa Vofuat le $249 *118 $219!^‘..r $131 $329Sir $i$8 $399r..?b‘?At."**-$238 $459SS/.:J£:‘':'-$268 MANT MOM TO CBOOU nOM DIKING ROOM SETS OUR ENTIRE STOCK 50% OFF OPEN MON. & FRI. NIGHTS NO MONEY DOWN— WEEKS TO PAY FE 4-8795 moeCzAM. dcu/ / THE PONTIAC PRESS. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, I960 FIVB Deer Herd Doing Well ' LANSING m - Midiigwi’i de<^ ^rd ia tat and aaasy despite the recent cold snap, State Oonserva* ^on Department game men re- ported. No serious food shortages Chief tiikes His Cloak and Dagger Job or undernourishment have been--------------------------------------------------------- ' ■- obeerved. Most deer above the Straits were- confined to yarding areas but those elsewhere In the state were ranging freely. MAO M MOOT 100 «00» K)ND $279 $438 I $313 $492 n«t 4/1 Ql. I rial 4/8 Ql. Cast 849 Cast 848 I CtSt 1181 CaSa 111# WORRIED OVER DEBTS If mi art aaaMa 4a aa* yaar eayatata, Sakla ar 9111a vkta Saa. a MICHI08N casiilT CUl’NSELISltS aaS arraagt far aayiMata f< taa affatS ragatSlaaa af law aaach ar ‘—---------— Ike Gets Spy News Each Morning MICHIGAN CBSUIT COl'NSELLOBS EQUIRED I Caaaaallara I oas I ■■■.....t By ENQRE MABTON WASHINGTON W - During the bloody Soviet purge trials in Soviet satellite countries in the late 1940s the defendants were usually confronted with a ^otograi^i. “Do you know this man?’’ they were asked. The answer usually was a blank stare. The picture, the court was told, showed the most dangerous spy of the “imperial-the ai^-enemy of communism and the chief agent of U. S. intelligertce,. The carefully handpicked audi-ice frequently reacted with a snicker. It was hard to believe that the bespectacled, white-haired man with a benevolent smile should be a top expert in cloak and dagger operations. The maa was Allen Wehh Dulles, now director «( the Central Intelligence Agency. Today Dulles displays the same smile when he tells congressional committees about the Soviet Union's strei^fh. He is regarded as the greatest authority in intelligence since the death of Wmiam J. "Wild Bill" Donovan, the man who hired him. All signs indicate the 66-year-old Dulles likes his 122,000 a year hush-hush job. Frie^ quote hin saying his sole ambition in government is to stay on as intelligence chief for the rest of his life. A TERRIFIC WORKER Last week Dulles testified before five groups on Capitol Hill, but he didn’t seem to mind the added activity. His associates describe him as a "terrifio worker’’ who is utterly relaxed, not disturbed by anything and blessed with the rare talent to view the world around him with cool objectivity. He regards this gift as essential. Every morning a terse summary of CIA’s intelligence repo^ winds I up on President Eisenhower’s desk, lit simply coiild not be written with the slightest tinge of subjectivity, ! Allen Dulles believes. In hU opIaiM oMy the naked "Lil II Tear! of Cfedil Connsafing Expefience Assifi Yen’* ffows: Ooiir 9 Wailo’t Cosmefict... Sirool Floor tDcA LOSE INCHES! Your Own Proportioned Girdle r/se... eveff when you walk^ bend^ stride or stoop! STRIDE-EZE Girdle or Panty Girdle By LIDO True Size TOUR IXAa HIIONT TOM IXACT »n • 8ATm FRONT PANEL • POWER NET • NON4IOLL WAIST BAND It alime m h trtm% m it taokb your figure At LEAST 2 SIZES 298 _____________________j front ghws witbevMy atrkfe.-.atrotdiM from 18 to iqvi*. WUn noo-itdl top hugi your weiat, fowa of atitching flatten your tammy and powor aat aidae put firm cootrol on h|^ White qoly.^ Waite's. PaoHac, A Dept. 910 ,v Quantity Waist Siae Length Price 1 jaCHAXftt aCOJX aC^BCX SHOP Tonight UodMaadar Nigtei) Till 9 CongratuloHons to the BOY SCOUTS of AMERICA on their ANNIVERSSSY Visit Woite's Complete BOY SCOUT ond Cub Scout Dept. Second Floor Just right for SKIING! Tiny oir cells ore the secret of insulation! JONES CELOTHERM® Men's Underwear Jones Celotherm underwear gives controlled warmth without weight! Tiny air cells ore knit on the inside to maintain body heat, absorb perspiration. No constricting side seams. Sizes S, M, L, XL Waite’s Man’s Waar . . . StroH Floor Don’t plov with firei ....................... fnfuf nIttUr trfrnl Fira-Ratardant • Haat-Raaiilaat VAULT BOX Thasa sturdy vault boxes' are- spacious enough to hold alf of your valuable pap-tr* small enough to store conveniently! Lid gasket seals out heat. Comptete with cylinder lock and 2 keys; eat of 5 se; curitjes envelopes. JUMBO size; UVa” by 9 criUcsl ol Eastman, said after a tour ol the Public Safety Building he was wUUng David Lawrence Says: Dems Prod Generals Into Danger made. Ho urged other Oommis-slooen to take the tour and ssM some of his remarks about East- ‘Only One Thing Will Cut Accidents’ I have a lot of pleasure reading your Pontiac Prass. If you want to lower accident rates, laws must be enforced. Law says you must have two .headlights, but nothing it done if you don’t. Die same is,true of. tail lights. The speed limit ou Telegraph Is 35, but not one car In 20 drives that speed. A sign at ElliabeA Lake and Telegraph says no left tarn, bat every day people do It anyway. So it’s not just Pontiac Police, but we must also blame the State Police and the Sheriff's Depart- ______________________ If you make a law, teach _ people they must obey it. In the EMtman case of lights, at least give them • a-i*™ tick" The Man About Town ’ Our First Troop Boy Scouts Got Permanent Start in Pontiac in 1912 Reckless driver; A selfish guy who might mend bis ways just to save hU own Ufe, even if it ian’t worth much. In connection with the Golden Jubilee of Boy Scouting, it is interesting to note that the first Pontiac troop to endure was organized in 1912, with Ralph H. Pardee of 382 Mount Clemens St. as Scoutmaster. It was sponsored by the First Baptist Church. Mr. Pardee tells me that It grew to a top membership of 56 boys, and he had a number of Assistant Scoutmasters. The first hike was four miles up the P., O. and N. Railway tracks. The scouts also handled crowds at parade! and performed other "good turn" functions. As far as can be learned, Ted Hoffman was our first scout to reach the Eagle rank, running a neck and neck race with Ralph Vogel. Mr. Pardee continued In administrative Scouting for. many years, both in Pontiac and elsewhere. He also ran a dead heat wlUi Barney Habel in receiving the first Silver Beaver award, Scouting's highest local honor. Directing the first half of the recent program. I am told that CeUa Merrill Turner, Assistant Conductor of the Pontiac Symphony Orchestra, received an ovation for her work. Latest to report tulips breaking through the ground is Mrs. Mike Jenkinson of 3373 Shaw Road, who says they’re making a substantial start. This column will keep pounding on the unsafe eondition of the ice in some of the lakes in the Pontiac vicinity until nobody no longer takes chsnoes. Fourteen robins walking in the snow in her driveway were seen the other day by Mrs. James R. Quinn of Bloomfield Hills, the birds being quite defiant of the winter weather. It can be rea^Qy conceded that such a contingency might arise. The natural conclusion Is that perhaps preparations should be made tor h^h “limited war” and “unlimited nuclear war.” But this would add at least $14 billion a year to our $41-biUion budget lor defense. h it When a man who has been chief WASHINGTON-Another ^eral speaks up in dissent. He is a former member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Since he now is retired, he can talk freely. He has long held the view that there is a nucleara stalemate in the I world and that the! next war will be| fought on the! ground; I So he wants fo| see more moneyl spent for mobilej ground forces. These views, pressed by Gen. I Maxwell D. Tay-I lor. until recenUy LAWRENCE head of the U.S. Army, serve to emphasize the kind of problem that nowadays faces the President of the United States as the Cora-mander-ln-Chief of our Armed Forces. it * it Gen. Taylw, like Gen. Power _______________ of the Strategic Air Command of worse because my of staff of the Army makes a declaration to Congress that our defense set-up is “inadequate," it naturally gives the members something to utilize in their assault on the administration's policies. Diis has always been a tough problem lor democratic government. (Copyright, IMS) ’ up to standard in 1 d i n g. If you’re concerned enough to write letters, you should be willing to go see if you Were correct. 163 W. Rundell A. L. Wickersham Dr. William Brady Says: Try My Silly Exercises to Stop Noisy Snoring Commends Staff at St. Joseph’s I’d like to express appreciation for the fine care I received as a patient recently at St. Joseph Clears Up Points for Ex-Republican I would like to remind Ex-Re-publiom that it was his beloved FDR who promised two cars in every garage. As far as inheriting 1 Tl. . j 10 roilUon unemployed goes, after Mercy Hospital. Die staff deserves ad- “The first 20 years of married life were happy. The last four years have b^n unhappy years, because of my snoring. At first we tried twin beds, but that ^ so that he will lie semi-prone, that is, almost on his belly—the position which the body is placed top praise. Mrs. Harley B. Ferree Drayton Plains Replies to Letter of ‘Music Lover’ I was pleased to read Music Lover’s praise of the musical pro- eight years of Mr. Roosevelt’s ministration and an increase in our national debt of 12 billion dollars, we still had 10 million unemployed. It was wily decreased by the war—blood prosperity, if you please.. Ex-Democrat Luther F. Wall in which the body is placed for Lovers praise oi me musicu pro- Schafer’s method of resuscitation ixams at the high schools. I’m 1 OlirclllS the U.S. Air Force, is sincerely dedicated to the defense of the United States. The ideas and advice of both generals have previously been laid before the Joint Chlefo of Staff, the secretary of defense and the President, So they are not new. But what is new is the prodding of such generals by Democratic leaders in Congress who seek to publicize an impression that the defense of the United Sta husband can’t I push me over on I my side to stop I the snoring. I try I to sleep on my I side, but once I asleep I roll on] my back. Being f 40 pounds over-1 weight I just can’t seem to be comfortable lying on my side. It makes my shoulder ache. So now I am demoted to the living-room couch, DR. BRADY defense of the United States i ii\T.rL4L»uijT.ji A.iAM i§ ij vMnckMA «a1I WnlCn ISH t VCI^ C01Tlfort&bl6. It s imperiled, even If it means tell- ... r™mi» isn't ideal for a married couple to sleep in separate rooms . . • (Mrs. L.JC. A.)” When this unhappy women mentions her weight she adds: “And don’t tell me to diet.” Very well, Mu’um. Remain as curious about the age of the writer. I’m proud to be associated with the Society for the Preeer-vation and Enconragement of Barbershop Quartet Singing In America, and my bnsba^ la a baritone In one group. _____________________^_________ I wish more Pontiac residents bearing yoifr addrcMiri give a were interested and knew more system of exercise which the about these young men and their snorer performs (in privacy) quartet and chapter friends who before a mirror. Many followers finely represent their city as they have reported that faithful per- sing throughout the state and help “Keep America Singing." Anyone interested may contact Mr. Blanchard. FE 8-1183. Meetings are every third Friday o< the month at Knights of Pythias Hall on Voorheis Road. , . Mm. Richard F. Blancliard 4779 Irwindale Dr. (manual prone-pressure). This manuever makes breath. Ing easier for the gmvelyv ill person but relieves the strain on everybody aronnd him. Common name for auch anoring is “death rattle.” In Little Lesson 21, How to Breathe (35c and stamp^ envelope formance of these seemingly silly exercises has stopped their snoring. page or 100 words Ions p«rUlntai| to pcraooal hralUi and hysleoa, not dts. raac. dlagnoala. or treatmani vUI Oa aoawtrtd bjr Dr. WUUam Brady^ 1( a ing the enemy more details of o defense preparations. it it it One would think that in a matter of such vital concern to the nation the orderly way would be for the committees to receive tes- very vveu, |«a am. itemam as ^ & , • « i a • , tiraony in private, and for the y«>“ are-fat, flabby, self-indulgent ,<;aSe ReCOrdS 01 B PsyChOlOglSt: committee chairmen thereafter to "‘f unhappy. -------------------------—-——-------------------— express themselves to the secre- No* all the flabby ones are fat tary of defense or to lay their or even a little overwei^t. nabbi-views in confidence before the By JAMES J. METCALFE Let us remember now the vows ... We made on New Year's Day . . , The resolutions we declared ... To live a better way . . . What progress have we made to date? . . . What battles have we won? ... Or is our score In favor of . . . How poorly we have done? . . .’ Perhaps our every promise has . . . Been broken more than once . . . And now we are inclined to feel . . . The image of a dunce ... If so, it is no reason real ... To cry or to despair . . . There still is time enough this year . . . For progress and repair . . . There still is time for each of us ... To make another start . . . God knows our sins but scores much more . • « The goodi^ess of the heart. President. But the trouble with that procedure Is that It would not get the headlines v> necessary to assist the Democrats In their efforta to discredit the administration. What Gen. Taylor says about the need for ground forces, on tho theory that nuclear war will never be fought, is, of course, realistic. ★ * ★ It is something the highest military advisers of the Present took into account a few years ago when they favored the “new look.” A decision had to be made as to how the available funds \rouTd b* spent. The policy flnslly laid down by the President called for a massive retaliatory power, with Verbal Orchids to- 8. E. Minard of M Norton ^ve.; 86th birthday. 'Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Byrne of 170 South Shirley Ave.; goj[{Ien wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Ftod Tomrell of 28 Mjchlgk^ Ave.; 53rd wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. WlUiani H. Martin of 140 Chippewa Road; 52nd wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. 0. R. BnUer of Drayton Plains; 52nd wedding anni- of Sylvan Lake; S7th wedding anniversary. Willet Hasard of Cass City; formerly of Pontiac; 86th birthday. Mrs. Ira Beadle of North Branch: lormerijr of Pontiac; , •5th birthday. : . . - -V / ■ K. nuclear weapons of all kinds, to deter any aggression by a potential eMmy. Gen. Taylor, however, feels that the real danger lies in a possible encroachment by the enemy on Sur allies by land operations. This is what is called "limited war.” The Country Parson ness, a common contributing factor of snoring, is mainly due to constant pressure on the ischial tuberosities, and the best way to prevent or correct it is by taking two miles of oxygen on the hoof three times a day, or the equivalent in other ki^s of moderate general exercise. The ache In your shoulder. Ma’am, Is probably due to ad-hesioM which cluster about the Joint If the Joint is not used as freely as It should be—put through the full range of movements of n normal shoulder Joint. Some persons snore because they habitually take too much salt on or in food. Keep the ealt eellar off the table. You get all the salt you need in natural sources of salt, such as meat, fish and milk. Some peoide snore because they consume too much sugar. Excess of sugar, like excess of salt, retains too much water in the flesh, maintaining a boggy or waterlogged condition, which is especially pronounced In the lining of the nose and the covering of the turbinate bodies in the nasal passages. This narrows the a I pinny through the nose and,, causes mouth breathing. Try It Yon’H Do Child’s Questions Stump You? .tumped" her educated mother. Send for the'booklet below if you wish to answer a child’s sex queries simply and If yoa use “tommy” than “nter-us” or “womb.” “Yes, Dr. Orane,” worried mothers have oftm protested, “but sup-^ awaU ask me how she 7 give you the latest mixture these two questims until some of modem psychiatry with t*}er. And they are then Applied Psychology. ' amounts, if the explanations wiere made by reliable persons, such as parents, doctors, clergymen, teacbi ers, Scout leaders or the like! ; And I have often challenged readers of this oonal data on this point, yet nobody has EVER said he was • pattern te foUeur.” The most disturbing snore is that of the #ater-k)gg^ individual lying flat on his back’ with mouth open, a^swallowing Ms tongue.” That ^ to say, the Individual is so completely relaxed that his tobgue droi» back and like a ball -^Ive, blo^s the airway to the windpipe, , choking or struigling hhn. Eveti ^ugb it Seldom if ever proves Hatal it is certainly a ghastly ordeal for a spouse. ★ ★ ♦ To relieve or correct this dif-flculty in the breathing, whether the individual is just deeply asleep or obmatoes from grave iUnesk, turn him to ond side or the other By DR. GEORGE W. CRANE CASE D - 471: Dolly G„ aged 4, poses a universal problem. “Dr. Crane, I need help desperately," Dolly’s mother began. "For I don’t know how to answer her sex questions. Yesterday, for example, shej suddenly inquired, ’Mother where did] I come, from?’ "WeU, I tried to) stall around and evade the issue for I raally didn’t want to fall back{ on the trite ‘stork’ tale. "But I also did I not feel I could give her the true ____ facts. So what do you psycholo- to the’hOTpltal, gists recommend that we mothers say?’’, SEX QUERIEg At the age of 3 to 4, the usual child grows interested in orpins. He wants to know where things come from. So he casually asks, often out of the blue sky, "Mommy, where did I come from?” ^ And the most effective answer is< for Mother to say: "Dolly, you canie 'out of MotherS tummy.” Now that* word “tommy” Is ■ot anatomically corredt, bat a regards the en- staggered. For example, the second query Is usually “How did i get out?” which may not occur for another year or two. And it will be foliowed, after an additional year or two, by the final question, "How did I get in your tummy?” BE SPECIFIC CRANE When Question No. 2 arrives and Dolby imiuires, "Mommy, how did I get out?’’ her mother can use . two options. If they are alone and she wishes to describe the natural route of childbirth, such factual explanations do NOT harm the youngster nor make it salacious. If guests are present, she can reply: "There are several methods. harmed by too early sex facto or too many, if given by competent teachers as mentlpaed above. For further specific replies to R / child’s sex queries, send for the booklet "^How to Answer a C3iild’4 Sex Questions,” enclosing In one, the doctor takes Mommy stamped return envelope, plus 20 cents (n<»-proflt). Scrapbixik these "There she Is given some medicine to pat her tto sleep. Then the doctor cots aMttle door in her tammy and llte the baby out, after which hevtows up her tammy again. Don’t'^yoa remember how the Little Red Hen got ont of the sack in whleh the fog pat her?” Alvon writ* to Dr. 0*«rf* W. Crtno I car* ot Th* Pontls* Preu, Poottao, [Ichtfsn. •nelotln* a Ion* 4- - rU-addr*M*d envalopa and 2) rptnt and pAoUnc eaati vban : >r hi* paycbologlesl charu ai (Copyright INI) tlreli This graphic explanation obviously deals with the (Cesarian type of childbirth. It is easier for a diffident parent to explain in a social group. But no . patients have'EVER reported to me that they were harmed in any manner by re-ceitdiig the correct seX facts at too early an age or in too large TM Aifoelatad Praia I carnar **rrlce 1> _________ mall In Oakland. Orneua, Uvlnt-iton, Macomb. Lap«*r and Waib-. tonav CountlM It li lUOO a yaar; alaewhart in Michigan and all otbar placaa la tha United SUtai 123. W a r.r. AU maU lubscrlpttona patabla adraaea. Poataga •— ----------------'■* crlpttona patabla THE PONTIAC PRgSS, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 5, I960 SEVEJT ’ Voluntary or Compulgory Decision Due Soon on ROIC at MSU By BILL SINNOTT EAST LANSING (B — For 43 years, able-bodied male students at Michigan State UniviMity have been undergo miUtaty training. All freshmen and aophomwes marched on the drill field and cracked books on military science —the familiar ROTC program. Now the program, often challenged before, is meeting its moat serious test. The ferment of con-trbversy has spread across the campus as decision ttme nears Passage would serve a strong recommendation to the trustees. Current enrollment in the two-year required programT at MSU is 1,300. Col Merton L. Munson, the schod’s ROTC commander, estimates this figure would d^ to 300 wider a vMuntary setup. About ISO MSU graduates are conunissioned each year in the Army or Air Force after Completing the advanced ROTC program. The oannict at MSU Is being I • enacted at other schools MSU trustees are expected to dhClde — probably in March — whether the program should be placed on n volunUry basis In A resolution to do this comes before the 1,000-member academic senate at its meeting on Monday. cated on other campuses,” says MaJ. Gen. ^Ronald D. McDonald, Michigan adjutant general. MAY START TREND Agreeing with McDonald, Col: Munson says abolishing compulsory ROTC at MSU may touch off movement dangerous to the reserve program." Basically, supporters of the compulsory iHUgram nwintain it makes a real contribution to education. Opponents hold that it interferes with education. happens elsewhere. II could spell the beginning of the end for ROTC. "If ROTC is made voluntary at MSU, the pattern will be dupli- spring, President John A. Hannah, a former assistant secretary of defense, said: "If the Defense Department feels that ROTC-is Important to the nation, 1 think we should take a long look at the question." But the department adopted a hands-off p^icy in December, leaving the compulsory vs. voluntary choice up to the sclux^ concerned. The Morrill Art of 1M3 requires that all land-grant srhoo's offer courses In military scienre. And, SI of the C4 land-grant colleges with ROTC nnits have chosen to make < When the move against the program at MSU picked up speed last This led Hannah to predict the aeademie aennte will vote tor a voluntary program "unless Pree-I dent EUeabower or the Defease pulsory ROTC.” Senate passage wiAuld put the final decision up to the board of trustees. But the board chairman. Dr. Connor Smith, hinted recently that he and his colleagues are split 3-3 on the question. The effect of a split Vote would be to continue the present compulsory program. . Penneyi A LM4 te 16 waistband, leg openings. 3 "T Actiomfit comfort! Long . for life Construction I Propor- A II tion-fit! Penney’s 100% Briefs have all the extras. And, they machine wash!, men'* »i***"30 to 42 FANCY ORLON ACRYLIC SLACK SOCKS FOR MEN Get smart wardrobe-matching colors ... softness you . can feel! Nylon reinforced, heel and toe for longer , wear. Machine washable, too, at medium setting. Stock up! ■iie* lOVi to 13 BOY'S CREW NECK SWEAT SHIRT VALUE! Soft, absorbent cottons, full cut with set-in sleeves, cotton fleece lining. Perfect for sports and leisure wear. White, silver grey, navy» scarlet, gold, others. 77< PENNEY'S-Miracle Mile Op«n Every Weekday—Monday Through Saturday 10:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. PENNEY'S-DOWNTOWN Optn Monddy ond Pfldoy 9:30 A. M. to 9:00 P. M. ... All Other Weokdoyt 9;30 A. M. te 5:30 P. M. UJHRD5 Nationolly Known Bronzetone 9 Pc. Dinette What a Buy! What a Sale! If we purchased these fine dinettes at the regular furniture market Ward's retail price would be $149.95 .. . Only a special carload purchase enables Ward's to offer- this beautiful 9-Pc. Dinette Group for Only............... $ 89 NO MONEY DOWN - M.50 A WEEK! Not 4 . . . Not 5 . . . Not 7 . . . but 8 sturdy bronzetone chairs and extra large, extension table to match . . , The gorgeous table has two leaves inside which enables the extension to a full 72" by 36" wide . . . Choose from blond, grey and walnut wood grain formica tops that are stain proof, burn proof, scratch proof . . . Chair seats and bocks harmonize with the attractive table. Honestly, this is the most out-stonding dinette value we hove offered in years. You have a full carload of 68 sets from which to choose, but hurry, at this low price we expect them to sell fast. USE THE WARD-WAY CREDIT PUN! • No Interest or Carrying Chorge! • No Finonco Compony to Deol With! • Moke All Payments ot Our Store! VERSATILE CHEST Choice of Ebony Block ond Gold or Ebony Block, White ond Gold $ Your Choice 39. No Money Down - $1.00 A Week This attractive extra wide chest will be most Impressive in dining room, hall, living room or bedroom i .. Its full 30" widtfi allows for plenty of storage space. Rigidly framed wood top and sides, guided drawers,' ebony block finished carved panels, outlined in gold or white and gold finish. Golden ring pulls. OPEN MONDAY ond FRIDAY EVENINGS Until 9 P. M. W« Give Holdons Red Stompt SOUTH SHGinnui V ■ KIGHT THE PONTIAC PRESS. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, i960 PAYDAY LOANS $50 for 2 M^ks .. . only 7Qi\ other loam to $500 vrith 24 Rio«. to repaf IaSM you WAT IN WAY IN ncitvi a 4 wws $15.00 »M-»8 t»yO st.40 H W, Kx »W BM* >«»»■■■ $>• $W, aO p» MMO m mmtm. ASSOOAnS LOAN COMPANY in DRAYTON PLAINS: 4494 Dixie Hwy. CALL: OR 3-1207 in PONTIAC: 125-127 N. Soginow CALL: FE 2-0214 2255 S. Telegraph Mich. Miracle Mile CALL: FE 8-9641 AutoProductiorf Lowest in 1959 But Week's Figure -H Still Over Comparable 1955 Average ^ DETROIT urv-Avitomotive New* sai4 U.S. car makers will turn out estimated 166,100 units this The figure is a week-low for the year but still well above the average for the first five weeks the record car output year 1955. The trade piper said the week's output rompared with last week's 173,tSl aauemblles and 1U.477 units built during the week ended Feb. 7 last year. As of Saturday, the industry will have produced an estimated 854.930 cars or some 64,900 more than were turned out during the first five weeks of 1955, Automotive News said. MILUONTH VEmCLE The industry also will turn out the millionth vehicle of the calendar year today—12 days ahead of last year and four days ahead of when the comparable vehicle was built in 1955. Tnirk assemblies will decline from SI,(IS units last week to an estimated S0.SW units this St Stern ssS Swrlcw ONE LEVEL SHOPPING rm PsffelBs fw S.SM Cirt Year-t(Miate output of an fesli-mated 152,750 trudw through Saturday puts commercial car assemblies approximately 13,700 units up on the comparable period of 1951, 'the lop year lor truck assemblies, the paper said. * ★ ★ The 32,613 trucks turned out last week marked the highest level of commercial car output since the week ended June 30,1951 when 34,003 units were built. IMMEDIAH DELIVERY on the New VALIANT MO COIE, Propose Name Change i LANSING wt — The House has received a Senate-approved bill to change the name of the* Boys Vo-jcational School at Whitmore Lake I to Boys Training School. OM GIFT TO *JA—A General Motors Oorpo-_ Bloomfield Hills, executive vice president of ration check for {15,000 came along with the valentine presented to Diane Lanzetta, 18, of Detroit, for the Junior Achievement Fund Drive of Southeastern Michigan. The check, presented by Louis C. Goad (right), 271 Lone Pine Rd„ GM, was a contribution to the 1960 JA fund campaign. On hand for the presentation was Edwin N. Mosler Jr., (center), president of the Mosler Safe Co. of New York and national JA president. Assail Proposal to Protect Solons From Arrest LANSING (UPI)-A state aw-makcr today drew fire from Lansing authorities lor introducing a bill that would protect legislator* from arrest by local authoritieSs. ★ * Ingnam County Prosecutor Jack Warren said the bill, sponsored by ep. Frank Williams (I>Detroit), as "asinine.” Williams’ bill would require anyone arresting a state lawmaker on a breach of the peace charge to turn him over to the nearest State Police officer. Warren said the Detroit lawmak-r should "focus his attention on the nucleus of the problem, which is the conduct of the legislators, and not try to get lawmakers preferential treatment.” Skunk Rabies Increases LANSING un — Rabies in skunks is on the rise in Michigan, the State Health Department reported. Nineteen rabid skunks were reported last year, topping previous highs of 10 in 1957 and 1958. The increase was mostly reported from the Central Michigan where six counties accounted for 13 cases. Tommy Sands Ready to Take His Physical LOS ANGELES (AP) - Singer Tommy Sands is preparing for a date with the armed forces. The 22-year-old idol of the teenage set visited Selective Service headquarters in Los Angeles Thui-^y to sign papers in connection with a call by his draft board in Houston, Tex. The signing was necessary so that Sands can take his pre-induction physical in Los Angeles rather than in his home town. An associate said it would likdy. be late summer before Sands is called for service. Wants to Block Polio Comeback State Health Leader Proposes 3-PoinT Plan to Propel, Success LANSING W - A three-point program to prevent a comeback by polio was urged tod^ by the state health commissioner. "Unless we increase the margin of protection,’' said Dr. Albert E. Heustts, "the polio fight may well turn Into the auccess that failed.” Michigan was hit by 702 cases of crippling polio in the past two' years, Heustis noted. He recommended: 1. Legtslative appropriation of $250,000 to buy polio vaccine lor 250,000 unprotected preschool children. 2. Placing polio under the state’a vaccinatioli law which covers other aeriem diseases. This would require health officers to offer polio shots to children. 3. A check for polio shots as each child enters kindergarten. "This is potentially the most important state health measure proposed in the last decade,” Heustis said of the checkpoint plan. It would require parents to ■show proof that shots have been given. DON’T BUY m RENT IT FROM MANECK'S rsaTT aqci----- ■osriTAL tquiniBNT ms w. Hum rs «-uw MIRACLE MILE 5 Super ValneiS foi Weekend Shoppeis Ladies' Belter Dresses Regular to $19.95 * WITH 3-WJlY HAMPER-DORl dr FOUR djl^farant drying mathodl M PLUS FOUR diffarhnf h«ot l•v•l*i * WRINKLI.QUT drying for much lots Ironingl * Rig/ supor-copoclty drying drum! * Drying rock for stationary dryingl * OUARANniO RUSTPROOF FOR LIFII GAS DRYERS INSTALLED FBEE OUR OWN FREE SERVICE FOR 1 YEAR 2 YEARS TO PAY 90 DAYS SAME AS CASH ■IC\ 0PENFRI.IM0N.III6HTSI ,^||0p *‘Your Appliance Specialists*' 121 N.SifiMlrSL-rE 54119 FAMOUS NAMES! TERRIFIC VALUES! SAVE! HOLLYWOOD NATIONALLY FAMOUS BED OUTFITS!* MATTRESSES! YEAR S BEST BUYS! BUNK BEDS! 24 MATTRESSES i««ekmin6 ^14** Ea. Ho!lywood Beds Deep tufted mattress, matching box springs, headboard and legs. A Tenitie Bay <1 This Price! ‘44?’ BUNK BEDS COMPLETE • 2 MAttressei • CRud Rail • 2 Springs • Ladder FIRESTONE FOAM Rnbbdi Mattress and Box Spring BOTH Ohitf ^79 FULL SIZE ■ Illy Higher ^ ^M^^ Twin or Full Size Maltreu or Box Spriag Metal BED FRAMES with SJ95 Casters ^ HEADBOARDS 12 Colon tfl Soloct From 12 Colon to 1095 Plastic TopYABLES Choice of 51^95 Finishes V 6 YEAR CRIB Mattrenos $fi95 Wot Proof 0 BUDGET TERMS 24 MONTHS TO PAY MODERN SLEEP SHOP BUDGET I FURNITURE and BEDDING i BUDGET TERMS I mile shopping CENTER * Buy In tMclutirn Bataat Atna — Nnxt lo Pontiac Slala tank Now Call Now - FE 8-9551 Call New - FE 8-9551 Buy Now I Ladies' Winter Coats | Regular to $69.95 38 Men’s Suits SELECTED GROUP Regular to $75.00 38 Students’ Suits Regular to $45.00 24 Men's Sport Coats SPECIAL GROUP Regular to $35.00 17 Pins Hundreds of items for Men. Women | and ChUdren reduced to Vi ini more! Use^ A Lion Charge Plan . 'V'K-.-i. THE POXTIAC PRKSS. FRIDAY. FKBmTAnV .5. infio NINE Humphrey Starts Bill for U.S. Peace Agency WASHINOTON (UPI) - Sen. Hubert H. Hntnphrry '(D-Mlim) bus culled tor creuOuil of u ntw federul peuce to "deul with the problemu of uchleving peuce.” •—> He raude (he pleu yeuterduy ufter Introdurlne In the Senute u bill to eetubllsh the ugency. The MU li rimUur to one Intro- FOR VALENTINE’S PAY GIVE HER A CONNOLLY’S DIAMOND FOR THE Rings as beautiful as the purpose for which they were made... To be worn with love. slooo s"fe''r" Budget Payments OPEN MONDAY and FRIDAY EVENING A $6,000 LOSS — This is all that was left to Glen Coller’s house, 9521 Perry I.ake Rd., near Qarkston yesterday after an oil heatef and tank exploded. No one was injured in the $6,000 r»ellv rrni rkclt fire but an English Pointer puppy died in the flames. Independence Township firemen said, (See story on page 2.) Cray Will Resign ;Top Spot in Union I MIAMI BEACH (UPIl-Richard 'J. Gray announced by letter yesterday he is resigning March 1 partment. The 73-year-old Gray, ofl'*n~u-controversial figure in the labor movement, gave poor health and advancing age as the reasons for! retirement. He held the post 17 years. It was reported that James L. Me Devitt. a Democrat who directs the AF'L-CIO committee on politi-icai education, is a candidate to become Gray's successor. Society Beauty to Join Billy Graham in Africa NEW YORK (LTD — Mrs. Eleanor Searle Whitney, divorced wife of. Corneliiis A’anderbill Whitney. ..mM Join Ihe slalf of evangelist Billy Graham (or Ihe Christ in Africa, it v A spokesman for Ihe nationally known society beauty said she probably would assist the Rev. Dr. (iraham as a member of his music staff. The evangelist haa Just eompleted n^' lour of Nigeria, and .Mrs. Whitney has reaehed X'aleuita on her may to join him. Oil Fires Ruin Home; Man Flees An exploding oil heater and its outside tank filled with 1.000 gallons of fuel oil caused a fire that destroyed a near CTarkston yestoWay, accoiding to Independence Township liremen. One of the occupants of the .5-room frame house at 10250 Peiry I.ake Rd. Gerald Benton, 24, narrowly missed being injured in the explosions. However, an expensive registered Pointer pup die if in the flames. Benton, a dog trainer for the Glen Acres Hunt Club. had. fe-liirned to Ihe house after "running'* one of Ihe dogs. When he opened a side door, smoke billowed out and he was driven back as he tried to enter to rescue Ihe dog, Benton said that a.s he rar across the yard to summon the^ fire department, he heard an explosion. The heat frbm the exploded oil heater inside the house set off another explosion in the newly filled oil tank in back of the building. The oil had been thrown over the exterior of the house, and by the time firemen had arrived, the building was a mass of flames. A sudden high wind fanned the flames, hampering firemen in their efforts to extinguish the blaxe. Although (here were several valuable register^ hunting dogs penned up near (he burning building, they were In no danger at any lime, firemen said. Owned by Glen Coller of 9529 Perry Uke Rd., the 1,000-acre shooting reserve has a private membership for sportsmen. All types of valuable hunting dogs are trained on the property, according to CoUcr's nephew, Michael Coller, who lived in the house with Benton. I Firemen estimated damage at $4,500 to the house and $1,500 for i contents. bly firm sleeping ert a Fb/iln SIT MATTRESS « BOX SPRING BOTH Full or twin size MAHRESS AlONE »44” BUTTON-FREEI Just SO mattress and box spriig sols with Clayton’s oxelasivo 8T-oz. licking On sale throughout the U.S. But we insisted on our own unique, heovy-duty, long-wearing 8-oz. cover. Then we hod this special quantity mode for our customers who know our company always tries to give more for the money. You do oet a lot. Compare these features! TuHleis, button-free top for smooth sleeping comfort. Hundrtds of firm, roslliont stool coils. Ixtra-hoovy quollty podding, luxurious, doop box spring support. Crushproof; pro-built bordors.Vontod sides. Tailored hondles. All famous Sooly quality. We con't re-order. So, don’t woit till they’re all gone! This is your diance to replace thot tired-out bedding with a decorator-matched 2-piece set. Superb comfort. Substantial savings! Como in now! OF KEEGO HARBOR 3065 Orchord Lake Rd. Keego Harbor I Open Mon. & Fri. Evenings 'Til 9 i Telephone FE 5-9474 SAMb AS A. ^^'^0 24 cash GEORGE'S 3 DAYS ONLY! FRIDAY, SATURDAY and MONDAY You'll hit tho Bwllsoya with Gaorga's Momy-Soving largeiiM. Buy all your clothos anti homo mods at tho lowost pricos ie yoori. No monoy down, 6 months to pay. Ladi.1* Wool Ladi«t‘ Wool CAR WINTER COATS COATS 9AB 19 verlk U llB.tHt wertli U $.n Ladiat' 10 to 44 ARNEL DRESSES '5 wertli te llt.H Ladiaa' Orip Dry BETTER DRESSES •8 w.rtk t. llt.H Udiai' Pina FUR COATS $49 mvtk te IM Fina Cathmara LADIES' COATS *59 werih IM X Now Spring LADIES' SKIRTS 1.88 wertk te BB.ti First Quality * NYLON HOSE 44< v.iw. u ai.H Ladiot' WARM CAR COATS 5.88 wtrlk IIO.N CoDan Cup LADIES' BRAS 3?: Now Spring LADIES' PURSES m r.f. ia.aa Spocial Croup LADIES' ROBES 3.88 werlb te Draft Stylo MEN'S PANTS 3.88 I. ta.M Coma 0 Sava MEN'S SUITS 19JI8 worth Long Slaovo MEN'S SHIRTS Man'i All-Waal SUBURBAN 12.88 p.rik sti.aa Cirit* Caatt COAT SETS 12 wertli Ie Girit' Full PLEATED SKIRTS. m worth Bt.if loyi' Warm FLANNEL SHIRTS R Soya' WOOL Snbnrbins m yWmy Infants' 2-Fc, DIAPER SETS 1JI0 worth %i.n First Quality CURITY DIAPERS 2.89 «.rtk n.]f e free parking • FREE HOLDEN STAMPS GEORGE'S TEy THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY. EEBRUARY 5. 1960 invent Your Own Cliches Am I Burned Up! Really! By PHYLLIS BATTE^JC .out o! a dcai- blue sky and says, NEW YORK-We live in a worldj You haven’t changed a bit." of cliches, and it’s a pretty sicken-jA WHITE UK big spectacle. I That is nothing but a little white This colunui probably will get Jne in a pack of trouble, and I may five to regret it—but that’s how it goes. Heavens to Betsy, I always lie, as any fool can only reason he said it is because he wants to pass the time of day. He wants to butter you up. But to say, sometimes you’ve got to get me, that remark ts just not accord-down to brass tacks and expose a ing to Hoyle. Maybe I’m looking thing for what it is. no holds under beds, but that "You havei>’t barred, even if it means stepping changed a bit" bit always makes on somebodi ’s toes. jme feel like I had silver threads I don’t know for ceri.ln sure why we, in the land of the free and the brave, haie fallen upon Kiii'h sad limes that in the ninller of expressing oursehes vse ran-not dream up’ something new. I mean really, if we were worth Dur salt, we would pi pointed heads to work on new ways to describe our feelings instead of being drags who—when it eomes to vocabulary—fake the easy way out. ★ ★ ★ Like, take the cliche that gets my back up and makes me feel, like flying off the handle mori than any other. That’s the Who’s kidding And what is there to say, after he’s gi\en you the business? loll are hamstrung. Either you ran answer “Thanks a million," w'hleh is as dull as dishwater, or you ran reply, “You j rbnnged a bit either,*’ lying through your teeth. (Of course, if you were worth your salt you’d turn the tables on him and say. “Don’t be silly. 1 have eyes. The old gray mare ain’t what she used to be. and that goes for your old man"—but what good would it do, in the long run, to knock the tar out of the where the man comes up to^you>fellow. He would probably just turn the other cheek and change the subject. “So what else new?" M’d Say, using a cliche that always makes me sick as HOT ENOUGH FOB YOU?. There is another hackneyed e pression thaL^ if I live to be a hundred. I’ll hale with all my soul. Thank goodness it is purely seasonal, although every dog of an expression has his day. It is "Hot enough for you?” Now this comment can be answered simply with a nod or shake of the head; but what about its partner in crime. How’s the world treating you?" That remark, gentle readers, calls for a pow in the kisser foilowed by a duel In the sun and nn enemy lor life. ^ ' People in the know—that is to say people who don’t bury their heads in the sand—tell me that all cliches once were .stimulating, fascinating new ways of saying things. * * dr At this point of origination, in the mouths of clever pe-vle, they are called "epigrams.” As in the case of Sir Winston Churchill (whose blood, sweat and tears we all know and love), who coined the phrase “iron curtain” shortly afteir Worid War II. At the time it was fresh as daisy, cute as a bug’s ear; b now it is old as the hills, and so’s your old Camp David spirit. It is time we all put our heads together and our thinking caps on, ' came up with something new, expressionwise. We can’t live forever on tired epigrams that turn into cliches. The English language is badly In need of a shot-in-the-arm—^m you, and I do mean you. So let's get the ball rolling. P.D.Q.! TTie English Houses of Parliament were designed by Sir (Charles Barry. SPECIALIZED SERVICE • TV • Hl.fl • RADIO • TAPI RtCOROERS • P. A. SYSTEMS • OFFICE INTER-COMS • WEKOR FACTORY SERVICE BLAKE RADIO-TV SENSATIONAL SALE OF NATIONALLY ADVERTISED Diamond Rings with STYIE-WEIGHU VALUE! LAST 3 DAYS FRIDAY-SATURDAY ond MONDAY OFF! NATIONALLY ADViRTISiD PRICiS . “Truiy, the most speclaatlar diamond ring values tve've ever seen!" That's what oiir nistomers are saying— and that's what you'll say wlien you see these glorious crealions! All genuine Miracle Diamond Rings. All reduced exactly one-half! All once-in-a-LlFEtime buys! V No wopder we’re breaking all previous sales records vWWU///// 23-Dicunond Stunners _ NOW ROTH RINGS ^25 Beoutiful 23 • diamond two - row fishtail poir with blazing solitaire. Far 3M m W»»t *"Dau>n O’ Loi'e" m WMwmnm "/.eee Forti’tr”. NOWNTNRINGS /> 6 brilliant diamonds gleam In this romantic Miracle Diamond Duette. tar U5 a Wttk NO MONEY DOWN TAKE 2 FlU YEAIS TO PAY OPEN FRIDAY, MONDAY NIGHTS 711 9 WKCs 108 NORTH SAGINAW THE POXTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 3, 1960 ELEVEN AP PkaUfti KMOHT IN WOOLEN ARMOR-The wool funny face worn by' Glenn Howard Jr.. 9, of Denver, serves a double purpose. It keeps his head warm, and just as important, it protects him from the cold wetness of snowballs thrown by fellow students at school. The boy's mother, Mrs. Glenn Howard, knitted his cozy mask. Six Men Victims of Doomed Ship NORFOLK,- Va. (AP) — A steep were picked up by the merchant roll by a ship doomed to the | ship Alabama. One oi these two Navy's "graveyard" left one of^ was seriously ipjured. its crewmen dead and five others! 4 . « | missing in the icy waters ofi A Coast Guard cutter sped to-' the Atlantic off the Virginia Ctmt. ward the Alabama to take aboard' One of the men of the destroyer the two injured men and bring Daly was injured fatally on board them here. The cutter was due tOi as the vessel lurched unexpected-'land the men at the nearby Little j ly. Ten others were swept over- Creek Amphibious Base, from! board, and of these only five were w here they were to be transferred rescued. by ambulance to the Portsmouth. * ♦ * Naval Hospital. j Early today, many hours after. Their esfjmated time of arrival the accident at 3:40 p m. Thurs- was not given out, and the Navy day ships and planes still combed withheld the identity of all in-the area 200 miles off Cape Henry, volved until next of kin have been with hope almost gone for finding notified.' any of the missing seamen alive. ★ ♦ ♦ TTie Daly and two other destroy-; There was no immediate expla-ers based at Newport, R. I., thejnation of what caused the mishap. Young and the Cotton, were on | Atlantic Fleet Headquarters sakli perhaps their last cruises when the it had no informatiem on either the tragedy took place; accident or the weather conditions Their "aea trials" en route fromjat the time it occurred. Newport to Hampton Roads will end shortly with their entrance into the Norlblk Naval Shipyard,' where they will be mothballed in preparation for joining the reserve fleet. Three of the 10 who went overboard were plucked from the sea by the Daly herself. The other two PONTIAC Rockcote PAINT STORE ROCKCOTE PAINTS WALLPAPER 2 Saiitli Cssi FE 3-7129 nNAL CLOSE-OUT „„ ICfe SKATES IN STOCK Over 100 Pr. To Choose From From $8.98 Boys', Men's, Girl's and Ladies' SAVE T With a Copy of This Ad, on Any Pair t We Will Still Take Your Old Ice Skotes In Trade—Top Allowance Plus $3.00 With This Ad nUBBER INSULATED BOOTS Reg. 14.95 $A95 All other Bootweu 25% off Leather A Rohmer CLOSE-OUT ON Aik 1959 MODELSI SPRINGFIELD 1««^5 BOTunr *114’’ mURs SAVE SSO Only Four of Thii Price TOM’S HARDWARE . 905 Orchaid L^ke Ave. — FE 5<2424 KEEGO Hardware No. 1 3041 Oichaid Lake U. — FE 2-376S REFRIGERATOR RONAIVZA The Last of the 59's - In Factory Crates ALL CARRY OUR GUARANTEE AND SERVICE POLICY General Electric Deluxe 2-Door Automatic Defrost—Swing-Out Shelves Shelves adjust for just the right height. Holds over 80 pounds. Foot pedal door opener. Big 2.1 cubic foot True Zero freezer. A total of 12 cubic feet of storage. Buy them in the crates and save now on these 1959 models! Save Real Money Now Special Trade-In Allowances Free Delivery--Free Service i-Free Installation Our Biggest Sale of the Year 12 Cu. Ft.—107 Lb. True Freezer ^®U)lufi£poot DOUBLE-DOOR REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER Defro8t8 Automatically - No Water to Empty The new square silhouette. Tall bottle storage and jumbo twin vegetable crispers. Deep, roomy storage shelves on the door. Flush type doors—No overhang beyond cabinet. We do all our own finariting. Our interest rates are low and our complete service department provides you with fast, satisfactory service at all times. With Trade YOU PAY NO MONEY DOWN! LBnggEaty Terms Low Interest Rates H0U5EKEPING of PONTIAC OPEN MONDAYS and FRIDAYS Til 9 P.M. 90 DAYS SAME AS CASH 51 W. HURON ST. FE 44555 ^ 1 TWELVE THE PONTIAC PRESS. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 5, 1960 Pilsrim Father John Alden, best iowwn for his romance with Priscilla Mullins, had anotiier dalm to fame. He was the Ast survivor of the Mayflower pas-■engers. dying in 16R7. Deaths in Pontiac and Nearby Areas Uppoinls Man Cover WaHhoard Craekad Plaslar ond mokf fhem look like lew! Now Available iti White or Colors 5 LB. PACKAGE or GAUONS-Rtody Mixed See It Today! OAKLAND FUEL t PAINT 436 Orchard Loke Ava. Psrh FrM Rear ef Store FE 5-6150 MfCS. JAMES E. BOOTH Mrs. James E.'"(LauraV Booth of 22 Augusta Ave. died unexpectedly yesterday morning at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital. She. was 81. A member of Trinliy'Methodist Church, Keego Harbor, she is survived by two daughters, Mrs. John (Marjorie) VanBelle of Pontiac and iMrs. Frank (Marian) Jlandy of Rochester, N.Y.; two sons, James R. of Sarnia, Ont. and Calvin of Toronto, Ont.; nine grandchildren; County School Contractor Dies Miron B. Hungerford Built Number of Area Structures Miron B. Hungerford, contractor and builder of many Oakland County schools, died this morning at his home, 22 Liberty St. He bad been ill several days. ★ ♦ * Mr. Hungerford, 84, was the builder of the Waterford Village School, Roosevelt School at Keego Harbor and Barney Habel Garage on Mill street, recently purchased by Pontiac Osteopathic Hospital. He also oonstructed the Wilsen Avenue Fire Statton, the Oxford State Bank, high school at Vas-sar, live scIiooIb In Femdale and nine ^at-grandchlldren; a sisteri Surviving are his wife; Mar-and a brother. guei4te, 12 sons. Archie, Jasper, Semce wiU be held at 2:30 p.m. Kenneth. Cecil. Harvey and Floyd Sunday at the C. J. (Sodhardt Pu- Shotwell. all of PonUac, Qarkston neral Home. Keego Harbor. Mrs. r''- Linden, CHarence of Hale. Booth's body will be taken to On-lB^^ Glenroi of California and tario for burial. i James and Horace of Dexter. Also surviving are nine daugh-Mlts. E. R. ELKINS ters, Mrs. Ray Dennis of West Service for Mrs. E. R. (Laura) B'*“>ch. Mrs. John' Alaimo of Buf-Elkins, 94, of 748 Orchard Lake lalo. N.Y., Mrs. Hugo Heise of Ave., will be held at 9 a m. Satur- ««seville, Mrs. Donald Thompson day at the St. Vincent de Paul Dearborn, Mrs. Leon Rog-Church with burial in Perry Mount Mrs. Charles Stanley, Mrs. Hi Park Cemetery. |Nlx and Mrs. Peter Boychuck, The recitation of the Rosary Ann Arbor, and Mrs. Donald will be at 7:30 p.m. Friday at Lovell of Whitmore Lake; 51 the Brace-Smith Funeral Home. Rrandchildren; 41 great-grandchil-Mrs. Elkins died Wednesdayand one great-great-grand-after a long illness. child. CHARLES F. HARPER JR- L . ^ . ...„ Service for Charles F. Harper Topping Miller, Jr., 49. of 139 Bagley St. will bc,p|-o|jfjc AutflOreSS, DieS A member of Central Methodist Church, he served nine years on the SchooF Board of Daniel Whitfield School before its consolida-tkm with the Pontiac Public School System. I DAUGHTERS. 2 SONS Mr. Hungerford leaves his wife, the former Mona Sergent; two daughters, Mrs. Carmen O’Dell of Flint and Mrs. Glenn Lemon of Pontiac; two sons, Bert W. of Garkston and Miron G. of Cleveland; seven grandchildren; one great-grandchild; and a sister, Mrs. Lydia Armstrong of Mt. I^easant. Service will be at 1 p.m. Monday at Sparks. 3.99 2.75 Communication Board 7.99 5.25 Hidc-A-Scraen 8.95 5.25 Hide-A-Screen 19.95 11.95 11 Narth Party Sh All Foam Rubber Cusluoned Sofa Imported Nylon Malese, Hand Crafted, Guaranteed Construction, with choice of all new Colors. This is just one of many fine sofas and chairs now included in bur February Sale at reduced prices. You can be sure of superior quality when you buy at Miller’s. FEBRUARY SALE SAYIIVGS "ALL FURNITUftE —ALL LAMPS ALL PICTURES-ALL MIRRORS ALL BEDDING Except Beautyrest Mattresses & Box Springs 3 WAY TERMS Ar 30 Day Charfe Accounts ADO D»f Account, Pay '/j Each Month * Defend Payment Plan—As Little as 15% Down OlPEN MONDAY & FRIDAY EVENINGS FURNITURE 144 Oakland Ave. Csrefol FBEE DJEL1VERY~AMPLE PARKING When McCandless Rolls Out Your Carpet We're rolling out the finest corpet money con buy . . . Guliston, Bigelow ond mony other Notional Brand Nome Carpets, Rolls of quality carpet, foshioned in delightful colors and weaves. You'll find o style to fit your particular decor at o price you'll be glad to pay. And when we roll out your new carpet, you con be sure it will lie flat and smooth. You con be sure of perfect installation and oil-around service from us. Come in today. Call FE 2-1026 or FE 4-2531 Shop Comfoifobly, Leisurely at Home! Our carpet consultant will bring samples to your home so you' can choose the right carpet and color for your decorating Kheme. No obligation. Free estimates and decorating counsel. Deferred payment plan to fifyOur needs. Special Value on EARLY AMERICAN CARPET Priced From ’3.75 1 per square yard Easy Ivdgtt Ttrns . . . as Llttls at $10 a Manth OIXIITAN'ssARCara — an •*- $1195 BiuKI-ooloTad texton. ^11 All vool — t colon. » wfk Rc(. lUJI. SQ. tD. OVLISTAN VELVET -> a carpot o( dMP. lu»h pUo—topi W'iT *6« SQ. YD. all wool broAolaem, ^ *6« a colon. Mi. $*.». YIJ OeUETAN ESSEX — A«rllaa vlth ozetttBt tixtnn modo ^ ^ —- Ortaa. Aoc. la.W. ^ C^lrAU Tmsi All wool, iturdj $625 .1 Sfi- YO- Free Estimates on Counter Tops ond Bathroom Instollplidns McCANDLESS FE 2-1026 11 N. Perry FE 4-2531 Frio Estimotes I Custom Drppery Instollpti. ^ - ^ i I ■ ' V. THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY.\FEBRUARY 5. 1060 THIRTEEX GAS PERMITS Now Available Tlift Today for information ACE HEATING &C00LIN0 Co. \nS K. WilliaiHi Uke M., nMr M-59 OR 3-4554 U^. Rewrites Language Toss Away Your Dictionary ty JOSEPH t. MYLER WASHINGTON (UPD-The government has put but a dictionary I which says an apron is a parking larea and a bag is a f»el tank. A Canard in- this book is not a hoax but a hind-end-foremoat (airplane. Dope is stuff you put in gasoline, and an eyelid is a clamshell shut- Tbese and some 4,000 other definltioiis are contained in an “aeronaatlcal dlcttonaiy” written by Frank D. Adams and pub- FOR YOU-A GOLD CAR KEY! A knot is 6,076.1033 feet per second. With All New or Used Car Loans A letdown is a glide landing by an airplane, a mouse is a pressure-measuring device, and a nose Is a nacelle, which is a streamlined structure. Oleo is not a spread but a kind of strut. Pants is, or are, wheel fairings. A pip is a blip. Low Bank Rates Which Include Life Insurance Liberal Terms PONTIAC STATE BANK Ushed by the National .\ero-nantlcs * Space Administration (NASA). It has 199 pages and can be bought for $1.75 from the superintendent of documents, govenv nient planting office, Washington D. t LEAFS A STUNT A falling leaf is defined as an aerial stunt, and grass is what you sometimes see on a cathode-ray screen. A hump is a peak on graph, an impulse is something a Jet engine has, and neither Jacket nor Jumper Is an article of clothing. A Jacket may be part of a rocket, and a Jumper Is a parachutist. A quadruplane, whates blowout Is not a lavl t a Uvish/pi It sbonUN’t I. / party but I’t happen to Jet Screaming is much/ll\e same as screeching. Jlach is/ "a form of combustion instability.” touchdown is ‘ an act or instance of touching down.” An undershoot is “an/act or instance od undershooting.”' AN ENGINE, YOV KNOW Vee is a way of writting “v", as in V (ee) engine. , Wenlhereock' is an verb meaning to bend, or tend I X U a Vind of engine design, and so is Y. A Zap flap is a flap named after zap. Try Stealing These! Kennedy Takes Drive to Indiana Greets Voters, Slams Dem, GOP Rivals and Tours Steel Mill GARY, Ind. (AP) — Sen. John F. Kennedy steps into a 12dMur| round of campaigning today, greeting voters with one hand and Jabbing his Democratic rivals and Republicans with the other. The Massachusetts senator scheduled a breakfast for Demo-' cratic women, a news cmiference and a meeting with labor leaders in Gary, a luncheon In East Chi-! , and a tpur of a steel before an evening visit to Terre Haute. Kennedy shifted his drive f(^, the Democratic presidental nomination into high gear in Gary Thursday night just nine hours after announcing in Washington that he will enter Indiana's May 3 primary. Detroit En|ployes Stop Selling Charity Tickets DETROIT W — Mayor Louis Miriani forbade yesterday the sale of charity tickets at ahy time by any city department. Henceforth,” he said, “city employes shall not be compelled either to buy or sell tickets. "The aty of Detroit supports the United Foundation and the Goodfellows, and they are the only exceptions," he added. Earlier yesterday, a vieteran De^ troit fire captajn, Samuel Mason, bad rebelled over selling raffle tickets for Catholic charities. Shop . . G>mpore You'// See Why is yrar BEST BUY! & V Electro Mart 158 Ooklond Avt. FE 2-3781 free ?«Uag Fear of Sloro OpM Mender and Pridar 'til 9 P.M. Vu T»u Cnait CkrU LUTON, England (UPI) — Robert EIngliah, Luton’s director parks, figm«d out how to slop pet^le from stealing the flowers he had planted in> tubs situated throughout the business district ' brighten things up. He planted' cabbages, instead. F/rsf time ever! Prove it ta yourseif! PLYMOUTH ECONOMY DRIVE lets you prove Plymouth's gas economy! At your dealer^s now! YOU take the wheel! YOU do the driving! YOU prove how the Sotid Piymouth gives you more miles per gallon I Others talk gas saving ... but Plymouth lets you prow it! Here’s all you do— Go to your Plymouth dealer’s and take the wheel of a regular Plymouth. You do the driving... the way you always drive. The Economy Meter mounted at the side shows the gas you use, down to the last fraction of a gallon. CL0SE4IP OF ECONOMY! Here's the PLYMOUTH PROVE-ITYOURSELF ECONOMY METER Hi piece. And when you take the test drive, note that brilliant performance u built into the Plymouth engines - htcluding the new design 30-0 Economy Six and the famed Piymouth Fury V-800, YOirU ENJOY Uking the PLYMOUTH PROVE-IT-YOURSELF ECONOMY DRIVE... because you see the savings I And. all of the time, you’ll enjoy unusual ease of driving and handling. Test for yourself how dowly that gas level goes down. See with your own eyes exactly how many miles gou got on only a few teacups of fuel in a Solid '60 Plymouth! You’re in for a very pleasant surprise. Here's the gas saving you’ve been looking for. With all the easy-riding comfort of the big, roony Plymouth I No need to stint on size to get big mileage now. Get full- BOBB SAVINGS IN A FULL-SIZE CAR. Try n May! Your d—tor /nv/to$ you! A Ckn/tUr-engintend pndud, huiU a naw-wW wap id ptW gon aofirf talisfadion. See "Th* St^ Allen Plymouth Show,” Monday nighU, NBC-TV. Solid! . PRICES FISHING SHELTER (lutnloum - c £$2995 „ ..... dSJ’p! ^ if high. Door >lp- Vain* 6 TRANSISTOR RADIO WITH LEATHBR CASI, EARPHONE. BATTERY F24.95 S39.9S Valua '-?* STACKMASTER PARTS CABINET $379; J Intrrlock An »trrl Mlilnrt i Bcgalor aiirer Drntone hat aa.aa V«Im enamel ttnUh. BUCK & DECKER 6Vi" El#c. SAW FITS ELECTRIC pRILLS FOAM FLEX DISC SANDER 1.1 ■ Tumi an eleetrie WMm WATiBraoor ANTI-MAONniO Have iveep ee___ ~ ' luminoui dIaU. AUTO THERMOSTAT FOR CARS HARD TO HEAT 80 ^•1' U. L. APPROVED ROMEX 14.2 3< ft- PAINT SALE PADLOCK SALE 39f Ruggod IH” caae of laminated gteel cadmium plated. SNOW SHOVEL TT •if SlM r"- ■FOTOTETO THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 5. 1960 Wasn*t Conniving in Divorce Case Gamble's Grandmother Is 'Not Guilty' ON OPPOSTTK SIDES — Andrei Porumbeanu. left, suitor of heiress Gamble Benedict, bad a separation complaint from his wife served on him Thursday at New York’s Supreme Cburt. GamUe'f grandmother Mrs. Katherine Geddes Benedict, right, puU a gloved hand to her face AP PhcUlai as she. arrived to deny knowing the whereabouts of Mrs. Porumbeanu. The separation complaint was served on Porumbeanu by attorney Robert Hoffmani who is Mrs. Benedict’s counsel in addition .to being the lawyer for Mrs. Porumbeanu. Doh't Pan Their Idea [winner has organized a club whlchlmay mot find much gold dust, but will hold ‘’gold panning parties” we’ll inhale plenty of fresh air and ST. ALBANS. Vt. (UPI) —Jerryinext spring. He admitted that ‘‘welabsorb plenty of sunshine.’* NEW YORK (AP)-A judge has dismissed a complaint hy Andrei Porumbeanu that the grandmother of Gamble Benedict was hiding his wife so he could not discuss a divorce. The 35-year-old Porumbeanu went into State Supreme Court Thursday with a habeas corpus petition accusing Katherine Geddes Benedi«, the grandmother, of secluding Helma (Mady) Porumbeanu, 33, and their child, Gigi, 11. Mrs. Benedict testified she had nothing to do with Mrs. Porum-beanu’s disappearance and added; ’”rh» only thing 1 was intere'sted in was my granddaughter and get-tin® her away from this man.” The dashing ex-chauffeur, who ran off to Parts with 19-year-old Gamble, did not take the witness stand. JustiM Irving L. Levy dismissed the chaise against Mrs. Benedict and thus left Mrs. Porumbeanu free to remain in hiding. She and her daughter are residing somewhere on Staten Island. Earlier, in a surprise action, jMrs. Porumbeanu sued her hus-iband for a separation and charged him with ‘‘brazenly” conducting Ian affair with a teen-ager. Porumbeanu has said, that hel Tlie girl was brought back from and his wife agreed to a divorce Paris to face a wayward minor back In 1958. His romance withicharge: A.decision on the charge Gamble last summer culminated still is pen^ng. Also, Gamble has in their running off together last promised not to see Andrei while December. me still is married. 91,500 Americans Died From Accidents in 1959 CHICAGO (AP) - Accidents killed 91,500 Americans last year. They injured 9.300,000 men, women and children. They cost $12,600,000,000. The National Safety Council, in; so reporting today, said the 1959 death toll was just 1,000 higher than in 1958, an increase of 1 per cent. Traffic accidents topped the list with 37,800 deaths, followed by home accidents with 26,500, accidents at work with 13,800 and accidents in public—excluding traffic fatalities-with 16,^. - ^ Fatalities rose in all those classes except in the home, where there was no change in comparison with the previous year. The council skid the p<^ation death rate—the number of acci-| dental deaths per 100,000 popula-j tion-<-deelined to a record low of 51.9. ’The economic loss was calculat-j ed for both fatal and nonfatal i accidents and it included v>age losses, medical expense, production delays and equipment and property daniage. ★ ★ ★ Falls, always a major killer in accidents, resulted in the death of 18,300 persons last year, about titt same as in 1958. Deaths from bums totaled 7,400, an increase of cent from last year, while 6,5(X) persons drowned, a decrease! _ per cent. Firearms deaths of 2,200, were 1 per cent more than in 1958. ' ROTH Lumber Opco Sat. 'til S P.M. 3360 W. HDBON FE 5-6910 24 Months to Poy OUR GREATEST ORCHARD FURNITURE 90 Days Some as Cash No Charge for Delivery Plenty of Free’ Parking BEDROOM FURNITURE CLEARANCE REDUCED TO 4-Pc. Blond Double Dresser, Mirror, Chest and $Q Q88 Bed ............. ........................ OO 4-Pc. Grey or Limed Ook, Double Dresser, Book- $V ^ Q 88 cose Bed, Chest---Plastic Top............. IwO 4-Pc. Grey or Chorcool, Triple Dresser, Book- ^ Q88 cose Bed, Chest—Plastic Top............... liO 4-Pc. Grey or Limed Ook, Double Dresser, ^1 iC Q Chest, Bookcose Bed............................... lOw 4-Pc. Deluxe Triple Dresser, Chest, Bookcose $1 QQ88 Bed, Grey......................................... lOO 4-Pc. Deluxe Donish Wolnut, Triple Dresser, Chest, Bookcase Bed..................... iL I O Hollywood Bed, Innerspring Mottress, Box Q88 Spring, Adjustoble Metal Frome, Heodboord All Bedroom and Bedding Reduced. Choose From Our Large Selection of Quality Sets ! OPEN MONDAY & FRIDAY TIL 9 P.M. NEW FLASHLIGHT STICKS TO STEEL MAGNET LIGHT • KEEPS HANDS FREE • RED SAFETY HEAD • IDEAL FOR MECHANICS, MOTORISTS. ELECTRICIANS ,1«0. MG 22 FOAM RURBER BED PILLOWS Cosh ond Corry 3 and 4 Pc. SECTIONALS 25%.50% OFF Choose From These Leading Manufacturers • HOWARD PARLOR >, • UNION • KROLAN • OAINES • CHARLES SCHNEIDER • MONARCH • HOWARD SKYLINE Nylon Covers Foam Rubber for ALL 3 SECTIONS Large Choice of Colors Reversible Cushions LIVING ROOM FURNITURE REDUCED! REDUCED TO Sofo ond Choir—Reversible Innerspring $Q Q88 Cushions, Choice of Colors........... O O Sofo Bed and Motching Chairs, Choice $Q Q88 of Colors............................ O O Sofo ond Choir—Nylon Cover, Fopm Cushions, ^ Q88 Choice of Colors..................... I ■ O Sofo and Choir—Nylort Cover, Foam Rubber $1 O QU8 Cushions, Cilice of Colors................. lOO Deluxe Sofo md Choir—Nylon Cover, Foom ^ Q88 Cushions ^nd Bock....... .................. JmSO Hide-o-W^'Bed with Innerspring Mottress— $1 CTQ88 Mode ay Serto-Restokroft ............ I ^ w Deluxe Hide-o-Woy Bed-^Nylon Cover, Foom $^^Q88 Reclining Choirs by Strotolounger— ^ $PQ88 SAVE UP TO 50% OR MORE! ctmme of moms 5-Pc. Set \ •FORMICA TOP •EXTENSION TABLE LEAF • 4 MATCHING CHAIRS All Dining Room & Dinettes Save up to 50% or More ’35“ ONLY $4 DOWN Phone FE 58114-5 ORCHARD 164 ORCHARD LAKE AVENUE • PONTIAC 3 BLOCKS WEST of SOUTH SAGINAW THE PONTIAC MesS. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5. 19i50 FIFTEEN Women s Section Mrs. Ouo Gabert, right, is ii tor for bo^ day and evening sewing classes at the YWCA. Here, she is explaining the proper procedure for ■cuuing a suit pattern to Mrs. William Bell. The popular crests copper and tilvarsmithing are among mmy classes offered area adults at the Pontiac YWCA, tin the right photo Amy E. Krueger, instructor, center, demonstrates the use of a gas torch for Mrs. Clarence Frank, while Robert Lind shapes a sheet of metal. Left, at the Y MCA pool, swimming class structor Mrs. Leonard Buzz, center, and Mrs. Donald Bowen observe as Mrs. John Streit demon-' strates, the front crawl. The Y has a nursery service for tots between the ages of two and a ^If and five years between 9 a. m. Olid 2 p. m. on Wednesdays and Thursdays, for nuahers desiring to enroll in a class. “Coffee in the kitchen" is served every class morning, with coffee snacks -available at noon as well. raatut rrcn n*U|p Adults Learning Much at YWCA Voters League Meets Lessons in charm are taught by Mrs. William ‘ O’Connor of Birmingham, right, during winter term classes at the Y. Among women registered in 'is class are, frpm.4eft,Jlrs. Charles Cook, Mrs. Lloyd Wagner and Mrs. Ross Elliott. A charm course for teenagers recently was started, also taught by Mrs. O’Connor. Mri. Barney Habd opened her Cherokee rpad home to the board of the League of Women Voten of Pontiac Wednea-day evening. Mrs. Robert Matheaon reported on a recent county council meeting. Plani for a foreign aid workshop were reeui by Mra, John Borsvoki. Announces Episcopal Groupings Mrs. Norvell Is New President at All Saints Newly elected President Mrs. Ralph Norvell, announced her conunittees'when the Episcopal churchwomen of AH Saints Church met Thursday morning i in the Rose Kneale Room. Diocesan Convention reports .were given by Mrs. William S. Wolfram and Mrs. Victor Sutt. The I960 budget was submitted and approved. Plans were given for the Antique Shpw April 2MD. Named to committees were chairman Mrs. Brace Hubbard, Mrs. H. B. Harbage, Mrs. C George Widdifleld and Mrs. David Mills, worship committee; chairman Mrs. Fred Coleman, Mrs. Walter Herreman and guild representatives, Christian education; chairman Mrs. Wolfram, Mrs. Arnold Thing-stad and guild representatives, Christian social relations; chairman Mrs. William Rogers and Mrs. A. S. Periman, missions and supplies; chairman Mrs. Widdifeld and Mrs. Hubbard, program; Mrs. Amy Harper, United Thank Offers ing. ★ * * Others are chairman Mrs. Sutt and Mrs. Harold Fits-gerald, publlctty; Mrs. Marshall Smith and Mrs. Robert NIenstedt, communications; chairman Mrs. Fred Cockle and Mra. Robert Cooper, membership; chairman Mrs. Robert Tricker, antique show; , chairman Mrs. Walter Whai^ ton, Mrs. James Hampton and guild representatives, church periodicals; chairman Mrs. Vernon Abbott, Mrs. TWcker, Mrs. Henry Smith, Mrs. Robert Hauser and Mrs. Don Harrison, kitchen. Members of the housekeeping committee are Mrs. W. M. Prall, Mrs. Gerald Frericks, Mrs. Arthur Young, Mrs. Frances McManus, Mrs. R. W. Allcorn, Mrs, L. W. Thomas, Mrs. Philip Long, Mrs. Harry Morris, Mrs. Clayton McCoy, Mrs. Florence Schlosser, Mrs. N. E. ^ - Thomas Atkinson. Parties and Travel Talk.., Social Items From Birmingham Way Cake decorating is the enjoyable t and creative class taught by Mrs. Rob-% ert Hines, right, looking over a freshly decorated dessert. Adding colorful frosting designs on a cake layerleft, is Mrs, Ray Howard. By surti SAUNDERS BIRMINGHAM - Mr. and Mrs. Harold T. Hagan of Colonial court announce the engagement of their daughter, Barbara, to Robert J. Sulkow-skl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Sulkowski of Romeo. Barbara was graduated from Western Michigan University and her fiance attended Hillsdale College and is now at> tending Wayne State University. A July 30 wedding is being planned. Mrs. Charles H. Getz of Cleveland Heights Ohio, will arrive next week for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Whiting ^ymond. Mrs. Alfred Rosborough Jr., and Mrs. David A. Brennan will entertain at a dessert and shower fpr Mrs. Getz Tuesday ' Feb. 16 in the Brennan home on Westdiester Way. Mrs. Lewis Marshall will be hostess at a luncheon March 9, and again March 20. W ★ ♦ ■ - Mrs. J. Robert Mosby of Shirley di;ive, leaves next week for a visit *vith former Bir-niingham residents, Mr. and Mrs. Legler Paxton, at their . home in Los Angeles. Mr. Mosby will Join her there later and they will fly to Hawaii for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Josejih Wbll-man plan to go to Hawaii in March but first will visit in Portland, Ore. They will Join the Mosbys in Hawaii. ★ w. w • Mr. and Mrs. William J. Markley (Carol Lee Jasper of Davenport, Iowa) (Innounce the birth of a daughter, Catherine Marie, Jan. 21. WWW Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Bdton will be hosts at a buffet supper party this SatiuS day in their new home on Arlington drive. ■k k k Dr. and Mrs, William Lloyd Kemp have invited friends for dinner Saturday at Orchard Lake Country Qub. k .k k A SOB, Harvey Luce Briggs, was born Jan. 30 to Mr. and Mrs. Walter 0. Briggs IH of Chester street Mrs. Briggs is the former Gwen Luce of Bloomfield Hills. . ' Joint hostesses for a buffet luncheon honoring Mrs. Ruth Shain will be Mrs. R. 8, Plex-ico and Mrs. Carson Bingham. The affair will be Feb. 23 in the Bingham .-home on Bing- . ham road. Mrs. Shain is' retiring from her renown^ International Relations classes over which she: has presided lor nearly fort^ years. ■ ' Parliamentary Club Presents Demonstration Mrs. Homer Feneley lecLthe dennonstration group at®the Wednesday afternoon meeting of the Parliamentary Study Qub in the Masonic Temple on Lawrence street. Sponsor of the group was Mrs. Lester Dies. Mrs. CUu> . ence Crawley played the part of president, and Mrs. Harry Lunsford, of secretary. New members introduced were Mrs. Lee Murphy and Mrs. Wayne Andrews. Made Chairman Mrs. Clarence L, Smith of Windcroft drive was apjiointed March chairman for activities of Fannie E. Tompkins Temple 41 Pythian Sisters by Most Ex-cellenb Chief Mrs. Ethel Wink-ley at the group's recent meeting. The workshop will be a mutual project of the League and Michigan State University Oak- Feb. 24 was the date set for public interviews of candidates for City Commission posts. Ar-' rangements will be handled by-Voter’s Service CSialrman Lillian Davidson and her committee. J' k -k k Mrs. Habel, Mrs. Harry Killian, Mary Rubert and Mrs. Fred Steinbaugh were appoinU ed to arrange the March 23 annual, dinner meeting. « Mrs. Roy MacAfee, Amy Krueger, Mrs. Habel and Laura Belz were instructed to prepare the 196(K6l budget. Mrs. John Jones of the state board was a guest. Complete Girl Scout Camp Plan . Narrin Program Helps Facilities;' Cookies Aid . * ■■ f Completion of its Ten Year Camp Develc^ment Plan has been announced by the Southern Oakland Girt Scout Cbun-cil. Facilities of Camp Nar^ near Ortonville will be expand-„ed to accommodate nearly twice as many sununer camjiH ers. Troop camp facilities for spring, fall and winter camping will also be doubled and equipment added. k k k Some of the funds for the camp development plan will be realized from the annual cookie sale. This council, whidi serves the southern porthm of Oakland County, is conductii^; its cookie sale through Feb. Approximately half the puK' chase price of the cookies will ; •be profit for camping funds. Each troop receives a small ^ bonus on sales, but approaches the cookie sAle as an oppor^ tunity to render service to the camp which serves them the year round. PATSY KAYE DERNBEBOKR Announcement is made of -the engagement of Patsy Kayo ' Dernberger and Hubert W. Ed- f wards Jr. of Brandon Township. The bride-elect is the n' daughter of Mrs. Franklin, Dernberger, of Oriole road, ' and file late Mr. Dernberger. t Her fiance is the son of Mr. , and Mrs. Hubert W. Edwards i of Marshall, N. C. ^ Three Pages Today in Womens' Section SIXTEEN THE rONTIAC PRESS. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 5. I960 Mrs. Redinius Is Honored Dickson, all of Clarkston; Mrs. Bud Overcaihier oi WWams Lake; and Richard On of Drayton Mrs. Mauloe J. O’Conndl and daughter Kathy honored Mrs. Charies Redlnius of Waterford Monday evening at a stork shower in their home on James street. Guests included Mrs. lA^liam • Carter and daughter Jan, of Man-don Lake; Mrs. Charies Gates, Mrs. Kenneth Leslie and ^aihara IVora Pontiae were Mrs. Robert Lake, Carolyn and Bonta Knisely, Mrs. Dale Wightman, Mrs. Richard ison and dajii^ters, Joan, jueiine and Mi^; Mary Jo and Nancy Smith; Carole Glynn, Mrs. CecU Choate, Mrs. Walter Feneley, Mrs. Dou^as Campbell, Mrs. Stanley Qark and Mrs. Willis CONTACT LENSES Eye Glasses DR. CLARENCE I. PHILLIPS OPTOMETBIST 205 CAPITOL SAVINGS fr LOAN lUILDINC 75 WIST HURON ST. Lamarr Stephans Back From North Honeymoon igan honeymoon are the Lamarr Frank Stephans (she is the former Mary Sue Holbrook) who were married Saturday in Elmwood Methodist Church. The Rev. Henry Powell read the candlelight service before a background of potted palms and white altar fWers. It takes a lot of counting — tickets, tallies and tables — when you're staging a benefit bridge. Busy at this task for Epsilon Sigma Alpha sorority’s Valentine Bridge . Thursday evening are, from left, Mrs. Don Murphy of Cooley Lake road, Mrs. Rex Parker of W. Princeton avenue and Mrs, Edmund 0. Smith of Alice street. Returned from a northern Mich-of Mr. and Mrs. Amel Nathan Tiers of white scalloped Chan-tily lace fashioned the lloo^Iength bridal gown. The fitted bodice was styled with bateau neckline and long tapering sleeves of the lace. A Swedish pearl crown.( secured the fingertip veil of Illusion. ^ The bride’s semi-cascade/bouquet of miniature carnations and ivy was centered with a white chid. Stephan of Adams road. At the church reception, Mrs. Holbrook appeared in pale blue jersey. The bridegroom’s mother chose a pale blue tissue taffeta sheath dress. Both wore ph* carnations. The new Mrs. Stephan donned mint green polished cotton and the orchid from her bouquet lor traveling. Ihe couple is at home in Pontiac. Caldron Fetes Valentine's Day The parents of the bride are Holbrook of Auburn road. Valentine party cohostesscs for Iraq Caldron 70. Daughters Mokanna. Wednesday at Pontiac Federal Savings and Loan Assn. Building were Mrs. Roger Smiley, mighty chosen one, and Mrs. Earl Mint green chiffon fashioned the dress for maid-of-honor, Roberta Rains. She held a nosegay of j>ink and white carnations. Elaina>Fos-ter complemented her bridesmaid's dress of orchid chiffon with yellow and white camationa arranged in a nosegay. Both attendants are Mn. Samuel E. Smith hrill chairman the April 20 card party, with Ihelma Anderson as co- Annual, inspection and ceremonial wlU be >M>ril 28. from Pontiac. Larry Stephan stood as best man for his brother. They are sons CLEARANCE SALE! BRIDAL SALON Midwinter and Eerly Spring BRIDAL GOWNS, VEILS end BRIDESMAID DRESSES. Reduced to Clear! 55 W, HURON for beauty, protection^ conveniencef be sure it's a FLEXSCREEN From WIGGS! JSow Specially Priced! / No Tools Required / No Holes to Drill / Screen Becomes Port of Your Fireploce with the new MINIT-MOUNT instollation Come in and see this great Flexscracn special today. And bring along your fireplaca mails-urementt (width and height of opening). SAVE ON HREPLACE GRATES for Wood or Coal Heavy cast Iron grates with removable ends. Can be used for wed or coal. And will give 30" Grote... $ 6.95 36" Grate .. .$10.95 WIQQS 24 WEST HURON STREET Qptn Tisniflht and Monday Until 9 P. M. Fast Changes in Living Subject of MSU Talk "Urbanization, mechanization and specialization are fait-moving changes that affect families today,” stated Dr. Alice Ihorpe, head of the home management and child development department at Michigan State UnivecBity, when she addressed a group of homemakers this week. Hie large group of women attending the 45th annual farmer’s week at the university heard experts speak on marketing ards, appliances and market re- search. "We teach thrift but go heavily ito debt. We teach respect for law and continually disobey the limits. We long for peace but prepare for war. We teach equality yet condon^ a ‘Little Rock’,’’ said Mrs. Thorpe. She touched on the fact that ddl-dren coat more than they used to, yet are financial dependents for a longer period of time. She feels that parental influence has lessened, yet parents are increasingly blamed when their children go astray. ’This causes an increase in Mrs. Ralph 0. Allen of Cooley Lake road, standing, wonders if the table prizes for her sorority’s annual ^nefit bridge at Pontiac Federal Savings and Loan Building will look too pretty to open. Smiling at her pleasantry are, from left, Mrs. Eugene Burdette of Lincoln avenue, Mrs. Don Stone of Hallman avenue and Mrs. Harry Rhodes of Liberty street. Classic patterns in warm, sun-burnt biege Hie perfect comblnatian at warm. Informal colora and chiaaic shape. Sbnple, sprightly copper-tone etem-and-lesf design, surrounded by hand-d 14-karat gdld trim, bfenda beautlfuDy with any table aetting from bnakfast to bedtime. 45 PC. SET *19.^5 8 Place Setting 16 PIECE - *9.95 Serving for 4 Relyea Team Competes in Symphony Auditions Among the 32 musicians invited to audition at the Battle Creek Symphony Orchestra’s Young Artist Auditions recently were Gary and Deanna Relyea, a brother and sister dub piano team from Pontiac. played the demanding * Double Concerto. They are students at Pontiac Central High Schori and study with Mark Wes- expressed his pleasure at the high musical quality of the auditions, saying it was the finest to date. Most of the contestants were advanced college students. The Relyea team, according to the local press, was considered the novelty of the afternoon. sri. Parents of the talented pair who were makihg their first appearance as artists in major competition are Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Relyea Jr. of Washington street. Osiy and Deanna are organists and tench in addition to doing tbeir solo work. Gary will to Booth America this satnincr as sccompaatot and to corrcntly singti« the lead role la Oeatral’o productiOD of Booth Pactllc. Raymond Mobile, president of the Battle Creek Symphony Board, Although they were not among the three finalists chosen to solo with the symphony, the expeitence was of great value to them. Local music lovers who have watched the two progress in stature feel they have bad a rare opportunity to perform and be heard before leading musicians in stiff competition mariced by a high degree of sportsmanship, according to a s^es- Because honey tends to absorb loisture It preMnts problems when added to frostings, candies, crisp cookies; follow accurate recipes using honey in these prod- DIXIE POTTERY 5281 Diide Highway OR 3-1894 linq^lep inn Invites You To join Ub in HonoriiiiT”. Our Neighbors SOUTH OF THE BORDER Wednesday Evening Febmary 24, 1960 Dance to the Latin-American mnsic of PANCHITO and his Orchestra. Featuring the Arthnr Murray Dancers with the Bolero and Rhumba from Cnba Pam DoMe and LaRaspa from Bfexies Mambo and Cha Cha from Cuba Calypm frma Trinidad Bring your dancing shoes and enter the Cha Cha Contest. Prises for the best dahteers. Gourmet Dinner Commencing at 7:00 P.M. ' Make Your Reservations £arly MI 4-1400 RUSSELL FENNER Russell Fenner, son of the Lester E. Fenners of Shoman street, has been named to the Ice Show. Committee for the Annual Winter Carnival at Michigan College 4 Slocks Skirts $388 Rag. to ^1 9.95 a LADIES' Res- to 16.95 R^g. to 22.95 HESSES ’8 11 ODDS a ENDS OF 'AAAGIC CONTROLLER' PLAYTEX $C88 GIRDLES *10.95 O CHARGE IT OR OKH A (Open Fri. and Mon. 'til 9 P.M. LONG TERM BUDGET ACCODHT | Sot. Night 'til 7 P.M. SMART LADIES’ APPAREL 75 N. Sagiaaw Ponfioc FEBRUARY CARPET SPECIAL Choice of 13 Colors-Plain or Tweed OUR REGULAR $ NOW 8 95 sq. yd. This is 0 heovy Wilton-typB carpet. It has passed the severest tests for cleonobility, crush resistonce, resilieixy and wear. It has been chosen for lise in passenger ptones— passing with flying colors oU the high starxlards of carpet performance—including those for flome resistance. This carpet has Permopod, double backing, preventing buckling, stretching or relaying. BUY NOW! SAVE! Taka MoiHn' Up To OD Man, Tmb, Wed, Three, SaL 1:88 to 8 F.M. FM. Iilf to 8 P.M. 4479 Dixie Hwy.—Draytwi Pioint HEAT can be built into floor-or oeiling, walls or baseboards! Buying, buildii^ or remodeling, you'll want to leam more about built-in electric heat. It’* lo comforUble, lo fast and *o clean it makes other heating methods downright old fa^ioned. Electric heat makes it practical—for the first time-rto control the temperature in each room separately. Comfort? Here’s such comfort it’s a brand-new experience. Electric heat completely eliminate* the need for a furnace, for boiler or radiator*, for chimney or fuel facilities. It give* yoi| thi* space as a bonus! Like more information? Pick up your f rfle copy of a new booklet bn electric heat at the nearest Edison office,-or phone ybuf request. 60 ELECTRIC Hm modorR way to boot DETROIT EnSW RIGIITEKN THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, FEBRUAl^Y 5, 1960 Schedule March Public Hearing on Proposed Annexation by Holly HOLLY - A public hearing on the proposed annexation of 18 •quare miles sumwnding Holly will ■ be held March 22 at 8 p.m. in the HoDy Hi^ School Student Center. The keariag was schednled yes-tofday by lha Boundaries Oem-■altlca s( the Beard a( Baper-risors Mlawlag a meeting with officials la the affected area of ^»e two square-mile village petitioned the Superv'isors to annex an area bounded by Eddy Lake road on the west. Rattaiee L§k( on the south, Txidter road on the east and 9iields, Lahring and Tins-man roads on the north. Village Manager Norman E. Tuf-forii told the committee that the village is seeking annexation of the rk»th portion of the township becauW it is “a prime industrial area.’’ *K)n^ a few lots in the villa^ preoenUy allow for small-industrial expansion,” Tufford said. Holly is building water, sewer I and dfain facilities sufficient to I serv’e much industrial expansion as well as residential and commercial expansion within the village, Tufford said. “la a year every home in Holly shonld have a sewer, and within two yean storm drains win be provided for all,” he added. “Water service hasn't been too good the past several years, bur we know where it can be located if it is necessary to dig welis and add transmission iines into the village.” Engineers have made surv<*vs that show we could provide two and half million gallons a day by 1870. Under n o r m a’l circumstances now we can handle one-half million gallons of water a day.’ ♦ ★ * Tufford said that state-shared money is based on the census taken every 10 years and that he would like to see annexation cbnie now instead of in the future. "If we gel the proponed land we can benefit from the upcoming eenaus Instead of being bur- later.” “Should we get annexation at some later date our state-shared funds would be based on the I960 even if the population were to increase during the decade,” Tufford said. “With annexation, persrais now living outside the village would save money on servicer,, ’ Tufford added. itepreHeiiling liolly Township, attorney Robert .McKt-nny did. not agn>e with Tufford. "The only service the village could provide any better than the township is the rubbish and garbage pickups,” he said. tThis work outside the village Is now contracted to private panics.) He said the four-man police force would be unable to serve the proposed area adequately. "They have more than they can do right now within the village.” McKenny said. There is no service that isn't provided by the township that could be any better provided by the yiUage,” he sqid. “And until Holly can provide Mrvkses adequately to Its own residents. It should not step one Though a public hearing fill be held to hear the views of persons dffected, the final decision on an-jnexation will be up to the Board of Supervisors following recommendation of the Boundaries Committee. ★ ★ ★ As Holly is an 1895 general law village, there would be no vote of the people to decide the Snnexa-on. Petitions from 600 residents opposing the annexation have been filed with the committee. * * * There are an estimated J.lOO residents in the village and 1,000 the area to be annexed. 2 Black Angus Win for Farmer Rosebush Dad, Son Earn Nearly $950 at MSU Exhibit EAST LANSING OB - A pair sleek black angus steers have earned almost S9M for an Isabella County father and son Michigan State University Farmers' Week. " ’ ★ ★ J ★ Don Swindlehursf and his eon Lynn, both of Rosebush, auctioned off their grand champion steer for 52 cents a pound. *^6 958-pound as purchased by Prince Bros. Market of East Lansing. The pair also soM the reseive grand champhm, an 8M-pouuder, to Allen Packing Oo. of Charlotte at 4t cents a poond. Kenneth Munson of Constantine sold the grand champion swine, a 203-pound Hampshire, to the Peet Packing Co. of Chesaning for 65 cents a pound. SWINE RESERVE CHAMP The reserve grand champion swine, a 222-pound Poland Chino, earned Howard Riley of Charlotte 32^4 cents a pound from the Michigan Livestock Exchange of Battle Creek. Norman Allen of Coral sold the grand champion swIne carrass to Clayton Woodward of East Lansing at SO rents a pound. The grand champion steer carcass was bought from the mahogany farm of Williamston by Brau-1861 House” in 64 cents a pouiid. * * estimated 50,000 visitors viewed a variety of agricultural exhibits and demonstrations during the five-day program which wound up today. At the closing session, an Eaton Rapids man, Uoyd Hammond, was crowned onion king of Michigan. Hammond took the title for the high quality and yield of his onion farm. Dairymen were advised that 1960 is likely to bring much improvement in their industry. PROBLEMS REMAIN But this does not mean that the problems of the industry will be solved, said Glynn McBride, MSU agriculture economist. He warned that increased milk production may result in a surplus problem but noted this may be more than offset by a rising population. Macomb District Fete in Utica High FAST TAIAERS — The Romeo Community High School debating team, two sophomores and two juniors, won another match yesterday, this time against the Avondale team. The Romeo foursome won the second place trophy in the Lower Thumb League vrith 12 wins and two losses. Their ffiore in the'Btate I^eifoe'is. 6-2. earning them the right to enter the state eliminiitions later this month. Team members are, from left, John Van Camp and William Parker, juniors, and Stuart , Card and James Phillips, sophomores. Their* coach is Joseph P. Palmer, high school English aiid I'irnrtr teacher. Three Named to Board by UF WEST BLOOMnELD TOWNSHIP—Three new members have been elected to the Board of Directors of the West Bloomfield United Fund for three-year terms. * * A They are Mrs. Rosina Roy, 2220 Harvard Ct.; Mrs. William Webster. 2131 Greer Ct. ^Ivan Uke. and Mrs. Vernon Bradbum, 2935 Cordell St., Keego Harbor. ^ * Nearly $8,000, or 50 per cent of the 1959-60 quota, has been disbursed to 18 participating agencies by the organization, the board reported. ~FLORIDA LOTS Troilen Pcrmisiible Hudson, Florido Just OH US-19 ^TERMS— B. Z. Schneider 314 N. Pontiac Trail Wollod Ukt MArkut 4-1292 MAAm 2-5255 Teachers Dissatisfied With Pay Issue Romeo Slates School Eleclion March 14 ROMEO — Voters in the Romeo Community School District will go to the polls March It to cast their ballots on a proposal asking for four mills tor one year to help pay off the anticipated 1959-60 de^it and raise teachers’ salaries. ★ ★ ★ Board members went into last night's ses.sion. with the idea of setting Feb. 29 as the date for the special election. Hiey riMNged their minds, however, when representatives of the CItisens’ Study Gronp asked The Board decided on the four-mill, one-year proposal in a special session which followed an open meeting with citizens and teachers Jan. 26. Mechtnc Oa Duty 7 a.iB.-lO pjB. M IKNTiriC MOTOn TCNS-I r ALLEN MOTOn ANALINEE lENNETT TEXACO SERVICE r*>ll>r'« Larcnl Tr»M Dcalw TELEGSArH AT VOOttUIS ED Members had three recommendations under consideration at the time. The study committee had asked for n "crash program” of three mills tor one yrar to tide the district over nntll n more com-plc4e survey of school needs could be conducted. This proposal would have given the teachers an across-the-board pay bike of $1SQ and help pay the anticipated $40,000 deficit. ★ * ★ The teachers asked for a $400 increase in the base salary schedule, higher maximum salaries and larger and fewer, increments. The schools superintendent’s recommendation was to ask for four mills for five yean. * * This ptupooHion would have increase for the teachers next year. In a letter to school officials, the teachers expressed their displeasure with the proposed miilage proposition. CONFIDENT OF, OK - They said they were convinced after the open meeting that the four mills for five years with $300 increase would be approved. They also objected to the fact that tho Board went back Into session right after the meeting after giving the impression they were going to stndy the matter further before acting upon It. They added that everyone present thought the meeting was adjourned for the night. ★ * The Board did deliberate over three hours before coming up with provided a $3W raise for the ja miilage proposal. The compromise proposal adopted by the Board calls for $200 pay NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS Ooklond County, Michigon It is noCjSMorT that all de« osmors In Gaklond County must preduco a coiRiicato that Ihoir dog (or dogs) has boon vaccinatod against rabios within tho last 12 months boioro Township or City rssidonls may rocoivo a 19S0 dog Uconso from Ihoir roipoctiTo troaaurois. H such owBors do not possess such a cortiHcals, lbs samo may bo eblainod from tboir local volorinorion or at on* of the clinics listed below, wUeb will be held at the following locotionc between the hours of IDO P.M. lo 4D0 PM. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6 ond SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13 Oakldnd County Animal Skelter — 1260 West Blvd., Pontiac SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14 Novi Township Fire Hall — On Neri Road in Novi SATURDAY, FEBRUARY* 20 Avon Predncl Hail — 271 West Auburn Rood Tht I960 Dsg licRBsei Also Will It AviiUblt At thf IboTt Cliaict SiSik LICENSE FEES: MALE DOG .............$1.00 im f „ female dog $2.00 — UNSEXED DOG $1.00 On-MoDTch 1, 1980 tho oboTo loos will bo doubl*lu nMd. .hesrr tad veil niled. Very ettrectlve te eerdlnste. 1-Lb. .. 19e 5-Lbi.... ....92e 10-Lbs.........1.80 • - WHEAT with CRACKED CORN Right size for birds 10-Lbi..........65c 25-Lbf.........1.35 • Economicol 25-lb. Bog DOG FOOD Friikiei.......2.69 Hunt Club......2.69 Koico..........2.69 • REGAL Dog Ration 5-Lb. Bog......49c 25-Lb. Bog 1.90 • ROCK SALT for Thawing 100-Lbt.........1J0 25-Lbs.........68c SALT for Woter Softeners Crsnulstsd .100 lbs. I.TO C.C. Rsck 100 lbs. 1.70 Salt Psilstf . ..toolbs. 2.05 Ssk Nuggets ...lOOIbt. IMS Mtdittiu Flaks . .100 lbs. 2.15 Klssr.A-Reck...l00lbt. 2.15 Kiser #2 Reck. . 100 Ike. 2.15 REGAL Fceid ond Supply Co. 28 Jackson FE 2-0491 DRAYtON STORE 4266 Dixie OR 3-2441 USED TRACTORS SAVE NOW FROM $50 TO $100 We Hove the New 1460 SIMPLiemr TRAaOR ond MOWER‘S ON DISPLAY LEE'S SALES ond SERVia 92r bit. dsNMUf ns-veio TORTURE-TESTED! Meet the New McCULLOCH 0NB/40 CHAIN SAW • Torture-tested for dependability • Direct-drive for fast, light touch cutting • Pintail chain—world’s finast professiohal chain' • Lubri-Mac AutomaticOiler • Takes bars up to 24* • Powerful... Rugged • We DeMBstrefe •EesyTine PaymeiU ^ • Chill W' leoUls • We Sjonrice McCiUlech CheiaSews SPECIAL OFFER FOR FERRUARY We Will Include Free With the Purchose of Each New Chain Sow: 1 SIX-PAK of McCULLQCH OIL 1 IVi GALLON FUEL CAN 1 CHAIN SAW SHARPENER FE 4-0734 FE 4-1112 KING BROS. FOIITUC BOU ST orom BOU ' *«FRi;E COFFi®»» 4\ ’‘Ir- . ■ Trig PONTIAC PRESS. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1960 NINETEEN BURMEISTER'S—OPEN DAILY 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. — SUNDAYS 10 A. fo 3 f SOHOAYS ^x% FIR PLYSCORE *4.45 bL■R^-^l>TEP S -OPEN DAILY 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. - SUNDAYS 10 A M to 3 P- M. BURMEISTER'S- 15 LB. FELT 432 FT. *1.98 ELECTRICAL SOPPUES Silent Switch, reg. 1.98 59c Regular Switch, now. . 25c DuplexReceptocle ....15c . Switch Pkite......... 8c ' Duplex Receptocle..... 8c Range Plug...........1.29 Trouble Light, 15'....1.49 Porch Fixture.........39c Starters ...*..........15c Largt Stock of All Typos Extonsion Cords West Coast Kiln Dried No. 1 Dimension Lumber Kept in Sheds — Cleor, Bright ond Dry 2x4-8 to 16 Ft. 0 , “ “ “ 2x6-8 to 16 Ft. d' 2x8-to 16 Ft. 2x10-8 to 16 Ft. 2x12-8 to 16 Ft. 1000 board musuri I Oor LOr. b Uamp»4 By QMlitir W. Cmi» Milb 110 4x8x'/8" MASONITE .BATHROOM ACCESSORIES ir*B. F*»n t.N Bwm. - W * Or.k B«r . •3“ •4“ tq.ii11.tE11inMe.ja95 Srt. Eg. 7..S O MICHIGAN'S URGEST GOLD BOND DEALER CLEAR WHITE PINE MOLDINGS! a: SS .............................a. uiM. .. I 44.44 Ua. ft. .................• W*»4 II"- • I SkrtM C.T. 7* ClM«t M. 01/. a I 44.144 Lin- FL ................ * 144 DIa. Llik FL U /3 I 200 FLotMot#______________________ SLIDING DOOR HARDWARE for door Vs" to %" thick V/ *3” WOW! Heavy Butt 215* Shingles $C95 10 Square Minimum EXTRA NEVER BEFORE at BURMY'S NOT 3 BUT 6 QO* CAULKING TUBES with spout CAULKING GUN 99* SLIDING STORMS All New Season-View Gloee* Storm Doors for All Typos of Sliding Doors. Keep Out Drafts With SEASON-VIEW JUST ARRIVED! JACK POSTS $6.95 SAVE .10 SC" HaiM Saw..............9S NaW at Sawi...............98 Mitar Rai...............91 3 AOjaWaUa Wraackat, I", 10".......... 1.95 16-Ox. Staal Hammar... 2.95 #101 Ratchal Straw Drhrar ............ 1.95 #10 Rraca and Bit.....1.95 10" Maian Trowal......2.95 7" P 1.49 12" .Hack Saw...............91 3.95 26-INCH HAND SAW 195 4.9S MITIAL TYPE t||QK COMBINATION ALUMINUM DOORS Odd Lots and Sizec Values Up to $34.95 *19’’ Nylan «lid«. iNdiiir^k. ALUMINUM PORCH RAIL FOK INTE4i04 OR EXTERi04 USt—ALL SiZP iN STOCK VISQUEEN POLYETHYLENE JUST ARRiVIO FOR SFECiAL SALE 3 Ft. X 100 Ft...........$4.95 4 Ft. X 100 Ft...........$5.95 6Ft. X 100 Ft...>....... . 58.95 MUST SELL ALL BOYDELL & SUPERIOR HOUSE PAINTS Inside & Out \ INSULATIO CEILING TILES^ YOU CAN INSTALL A URGE 12x14 Ft. CEILING *^^’5 FOR AS LITTLE AS 4. # Gold Bond GOLD BOND Got tho baauty at tino weed Mnelini at a traction et the coat . . . with Cold Bend Decerater Paneli. 4x8 WALNUT Reg. $3.20 Only $1»8 4x10 SHEETS AVAIUBLE INSULATION $4495 uwr 16 inch Medium Foil ’69” Per M MEDICINE CABINETS 1 Mirror, Chrome Pleted Fluorescent Light SLIDING DOOR oil sixeg POCKETS herd wo re *995 RANGE TOPS $CQ95 4x6 4k Ploiter loord.........% .96 4x7 % PlofNr loord.........$1.12 4x8 H Plester Boord.........$>.45 —r--------- 4 X 10 % Plotter Board.........$1.65 WMMa 4 X 14 % Plotter Boord.........S1.9P 16 X 14 Rock Uth..................$ .91 4x8 Ve Plotter Boord.........ST.15 4x8 Vi Plotter Boord.........$1.65 25 Lb. Joint Cement ..............$2.3^ | 25 Lb. Toping Comont .............$2.89 4x8H Pre-finithed Dork Walnut Groin Boord. $1.98 Asbestos Siding 114K Roller $18.95 r„ ^ 55500 4x8Vt Exieriet Skeethhig, Per M .. 2x8 25/32 Exterior ^ 50 ____________Sheathing. Per M ... VZ CABINET HARDWARE #1810 CHROME HINOI Ra|. 7Sa ...........Sale 45c I # 2S6 FRICTION CATCH Rag. 19a ........Sale 10< f # 260 CHROME HANDLE, Ra«. 29<..Sale lie I fist Chrama Cancava Kmi6, I Vi 19c.....Sale 22c I 2SI Rubhar |allar CaKb Bag. ISa .....Sale lOc I # 710 Hammarad Black Hinge 79e .......Sale 45e I # 7S6 Hammatad Black Handle 49c .Sale 29c I Alw C*new. nraah ernM., Dal INTERIOR DOORS Birch IH Blr«htt« UOBlUUOUlb 2'0"x6'S" $7,60 $ 9.10 $6.25 17.75 r2-x6'8" $8.60 $10.10 $6.50 $1.00 :'4"x6'8" $S.60 $10.10 $6.50 $1.00 2'6"ii6'8" $1.85 $10.35 $6.65 $B.I5 red rainfercad. Rag. fdd.95 *17’5 50% U9 HACK SAWS Jpi L44 6-IHCH NO. 110 PLANE Sj45| 9.95 4 FOOT $^95 1 MAGNESIUM LEVR f.95 24" Nemy Dety $095 1 SNOW PUSHER ^ ■ BURMEISTER’S NORTHERN LUMBER CO. OPEN SUNDAYS 10 TO 3 ITilDUirSlMMtnlaTF BURMEISTER'S—OPEN DAILY 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. — SUNDAYS 10 A. M. to 3 P. v 7940 COOLEY UKE ROAD AH Pricoi in QoantitiBi QaotBd PHONE EM 3-4171 DfliTtry Sairice AToiloblB —10 Tncki to Sorro Ton >--OPEN DAILY 8 A. M to 8 P. M. - SUNDAYS 10 A V to 3 P. M. BURMEISTER'S ■I rrm TWENTY THE PONTIAC PRESS. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY S, 1060 Mcm THE LADY AND THE GIANT By Clarence Budington Kelland i 0 Its* W ClaUK* liOiStM Kdl«ii4 Q t*S« ky TW Cartk fnWiiUH CMp«V Di*>r»■ killing yourself — says Dr. George C. Griffith, Lnlbersity of Southern CaUfor-nia professor, of medicine and Excessive weekend exercise is the "acceptable American way of committing suicide,” he told a businessmen's luncheon Wednesday. ★ ★ * To avoid heart stress, he said, businessmen should get moderate exercise every day — “even it It’s only 15 minutes of calisthenics or a walk.’’ He's Against Litterbugs but Finds One He Likes Until feldt, vice commander of Lock-bourne Air Force Base here, was violently anti-litterbug. Now he’ found a type of litterbug he likes. Opposes Ike on Amendment Seller Says Expansion of Poll Tax Measure Not Desirable WASHINGTON (UPI)-A House leader Thursday rejected President Eisenhower’s suggestion that a proposed constitutional aqiendment to outlaw poll taxes be expanded to give congressmen longer terms. It * * Chairman Emanuel Sqller ID-NY) of the House Judiciary Committee said the President's idea to add two provisions would make the proposal, which already con-‘ tmns three parts, "too large a target to lire at.” ' The amendment started out as a proposal to let governors temporarily fill House vacancies in case of a sudden disaster, such as a nuclear attack. The Senate approved that Tuesday, but added two more provisions—to abolish poll taxes in elections for federal offices and to give District of Columbia residents a ballot in presidential elections. tor four — Instead of two — yew terms and to give the President authwjty to veto separate' items in appropriations bills. ' Members doubted the package would get to a House vote. President Eisenhower endorsed Practicing what he preaches, the three-part package at his news the colonel was picking up some conference Wednesday, scraps of -paper from the base ★ * grounds. Among the scraps was a Then he proposed two more ad-$20 bill. ‘ditions — to elect House members DoRf NaglGct SHppia^ FALSE TEETH Do f»lM tooM« drop. lUp or wobbM vb*n you uik. *•«. iousli at umeo? •Ikalint (non-ooMi powdor totjarin-U* on your plowo, koopo (oIm tooth non dmly act. Olm eonOdent lari-ins of iccurtty and added oomfort. Mo tummy. soocrpajWy taste or feel-ins. Oet FASlintTB today at drug GAS PERMITS Now Avoilable Call Today for Information ACE HEATMG A COOLING CO. 1735 N. WilliaiAi Lokt N«or M-59 Let's go to the AUTO SHOW ARTILLERY ARMORY W. 8 MILE NEAR NORTHLAND HLANO 11 TO 11 DAILY / PAVED PARKING ADMISSION ADULTS $100 / CHILDREN $.50 long, and a bandstand and a reviewing stand for notables. It might have meant food for the hungry, but to others it amazing spectacle. I eatimated that 30.000 people from town or from the aurround-______I___ country crowded all apace TV Mme one, ” Ussie Sded.i lc« available lor apeclatora. I hIBBING. Minn. - Richest iron "who throttled the Duke.” ^t 10;30 on that beautiful mohn- ore deposits in the United States W -k * ing the signal was given and the'are those in northeast Minnesota, 1 was uncomfortable about the' beneficiaries of the feast were'using Duluth as the outlet. Tops U.S. in Iron Ore Another great attraction is a drink of Four RoseSeiNo other full-bodied whiskey is so smoothi Full 86 proof Same great quality. New popular price. Now only *4^^^ mMKRlBH.,ALLIianiM»B>KnM*akIMMKmiMR$ etimSWmTtt Everybody's Happy! When Shelton's I just gove them 143954 for their 1956 Chevy^ • You don’t have to buy a convertible to get that price! Well give you tl.43».S4 oa a t-Door Sedan If yon bovo a I9M Chevrolet Bel Air 3-Door Hardtop. Must bo V-8, have PowerGUde, Kadlo. Heater, Whitewallf mud average mileage. If yeu have power broket and tteering —yen’ll get a bigger allowance. Don’t forget if your car needi engine or body repalfi wo will have to deduct from the allowance. Don’t Forget! The above fignret are for a Chevrolet—* larger car will bring more money if it hat comptrable equipment and it in good condition. Your ear doean’t even hare tp be paid fort Come on in for a good deal! 1960 Cafolino 2-Door Sedan Here’t the deal — you get the only ear with Wide Track Wheela — the modern driving miracle! You get Hydramatic drive, the big heater and defrotter, deluxe radio, whitewall tlrea, foam rubber cushion. Deluxe wheel dites and itecring wheeL back-up Ughta, windahieM waihera. Oil bath air cleaner, and special decor group for added, smartness. Plus permanent antl-freeie, atate 2-Door Cotalino Sedon Le$$Trode-in (obove). . $331947 14395-* You Poy Only... *1879’3 Our Stocks Are Complete CONVERTIBLES 2 and 4 DOOR SEDANS STATION WAGONS HARDTOPS VISTAS 1960 LeSobre 2-Door Sodon 2-Door LeSobre Sedon. .. $3436?' Less Trode-in (obove). Look at the equipment you get on thie -•60 Buick! Radio, heater, defrotter, wlndahleld v 143954 and steering wheel, whitewall Urea, Dynaflew trMnsmisUen permanent anU-freeie, deinxe chrome trim, sUte sales 1960 VAUXHALL Built in England with famous British engineering and ■killed eraftsmanahip. You get real economy yet yon oo not have to eacrificc any of the quality yon desire. You Pay Only Just $120.91 Down You Poy Only.*19965’ WB SOLD YOUR NEIGHBOR’-WHY NOT YOU? SHELTON PONTUC-BDICE 223 S. MAIN ST. ROCHESTER OL 1-8133 Is Your High School Represonled in fhe Press? THE PONTIAC PRESS Watch for School News On This Page Bach Friday FHU)AY; KKHHUARY llMJO PONTIAC, MICHIGAN, TWKNTY-ONE Central High Cheerleaders Elect Diane Pickford Captain UiMMi; A VELL — Ponliac Oentral High S<-hool cheerieaden give out with lusty voicrs as they tune up for the game with Bay Qty Central. Hie squad is practicing to improve cheeiieading techniques before a weekend trip Northern Dramatics Club Thespians Initiated by Candlelight By AEA.’V ISBELL ’ , “The Patriots,” and "The Cora TV Pontiac Northern High ^ School Dramatics Qub last night ^ »re used to initiated its new membership in the school library. Sidney Kingsley, Garson Kanin, Mary MacDermaid. Jolene Hud- "x* Emiyn Williams comprise the nell, Jean Isbell, Joan Andrews, Mona Hart, KareA Lackey, Janet Shook. and Judy Gage were inducted in the candlelight ceremony before faculty members. Other new members are Kon Hutchinson, DIAnn Call, BIN Robinson, Oeorge Poirier, Bill Ramsey, Clara Dawson, Tom Thomas, Doris Ellis, Dick Sokol and Bill Miracle. The Dramatics Qub elected officers and planned projects ^r-ing its last meeting. Mary li^ Dermaid is serving as the club's first president with Jolene Hud-nell assisting her as vice president. Ron Hutchinson is secretary-treasurer. Four apjir^ices are anticipah ing ihember^ip at the next initiation. They are Linda Lake, Lois Reynolds, Jim Colburn and Adel-pha Riviera. RAISING Fl'NDS The club is discussing money-,^aking projects. Members are planning a talent assembly of acts afid skits supplied from Northern home-r o o m s on a competitive basis. A Ways and Means committee consisting of Jean Isbell, Jolene Hudnell, Karen Lackey, Mary MacDern|aid and Joan Andrews ^ has been appointed to draft a letter to homerooms asking their approval. •A ♦ A Early interest has been slifcwn by the student body in the 'Tat^ ing of The Shrew,” which is slated for Feb. 26 at the Oakland Theater. Many students from the various English classes at Northern are planning to attend. Northern's Student Union is sponsoring an assembly for its members Monday in the auditorium. The program is being put on by the Drama Trio, which is composed of three professional actors. The program is entitled "The Inner Journey” and Is built on Drama Trio. This dramatic company is produced by Phyllis Beardsley who Is also the producer of the Bishop's Company out of Los Angeles. The Drama Trio is an offshoot By KAREN TITTIJ: Jim Havel and Milton Carrigan. members of the senior class at Walled Lake High School, were among the 800 given Achievement Awards by the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE). These boys survived the rigid testing and judging program establishing their excellence in English language skills. Each school was asked to nominate only its best English students. "Bom Yesterday,” By BARBARA GRIPFIN The Pontiac Centra] cheerleaders have elected Diane PickhHti as their new squad captain this semester. A senior, Diane has been a varsity cheerleader for two ! years. .She replaces Karen Oxley. / a Januai-y graduate. * * A Karen was recently given a sur-prise breakfast and presented with a bracelet by the other cheerleaders in appreciation of her excellent leadership during her term as captain. . As new captain, Diane has many Important dutlen. She Is to preside over meetings, sele«-t and direct ekeers at all home and away varsily footlmll and baHkethnll gamr-s. Also, she must maintain and improve chtcrleadbig techniques of the squad, and to appoint, with the help of the sponsor. Mrs. Jean Smith, any necessary duties. A A - A Other new officers are Carole Hughes, secretary-treasurer; aisl Fran Austin, historian. The cheerleaders are planning a weekend at CasevJle after next Friday's game with Bay City Central. UNNEAN HOTIETV The Linncan Society has elected officers for this aemester. Hiey are Barbcra Shadley and DavU PsoUse rr*M paste Todd. co-presidents; John Htmf. to Caseville after next Friday's game. The girls vice president: Virginia Norvcil, are (from left! Tommie Bogdn, Darlene Wood- secretary; Jim Colando, treasurer; hull, Maty Aigfhenhaugh, Diaile Pickford, Carole Livingstone, historian; and Hughes and Sharon Young. k ^ Last night, the biology club vis- ited the Sparks-Griffin Funeral Home for a tour of the establish-lent and a discusaion period. AAA The annual Science Fair, sponsored by the Liimean Society, will be held March 4 and 5 in the Pontiac Central cafeteria. Barbara Shadley will be chairman of this fair, open to all students in Oakland County. AAA Next Wednesday afternoon, the Pontiac Central Future Homemakers of America will have ihe opportunity of hearing Ted Panaretos, community relations director of Pontiac State Hospital, on the topic "Teen-agers Responsibility Toward Mentally 111.” This subject win cover Ihe problem area of young people in their relationships to estb other, to adults and pnrticularly resentment to anthority figures. Glee dub pins were awarded re-cAiUy ^ Mrs. Eloreen Voltmann to 15 senior girls for five ae-meaterit (rf glee club participation. Receiving pins were Margaret I Others are Mary Rucker. Karren! The A Capetla Choir has elected I vice president: Vicki Annas, secret Miller, Annette Marsey, CarolL__„_ neNre^ '^* 'X''*’ officers for the semester, tary; and Tom Schrodl, treasurw. Belts, Ella Irwin. Rosie Moore.F* ' Massengale, president will be Den- Mrs. Doreen Voltmann will be the Elaine White, Linda Wilson and Retaskie, Janice Crowley, Mar-mis Zimmerman. new choir director and Gary Linda Crain. Igaret Buckley and Minnie Norman, i Other officers are Gary Relyea iRelyea, accompanist. __________ of the Bishop’s Company, a group of touring professional actors. In its seven seasons the Bisfas^’ Company has won favor among college audiences. SPLASH PARTY The Girh Recreation Association, known as GRA, is sponsoring a "Splash Party” in the gym tomorrow night. The bill-of-fare for the night indudes a dance and a swim in the pool. Walled Lake, Boasts Two NGTE English Scholars received for each student u nom-inuthm blank, giving pertineiil bingrnphical data; three ^n Piains Episcopaiians to Pick Bishop Would Serve in Huron District of Michigan's 33-County Diocese DETROIT fUPD—The Episcopal Diocese of Michigan will call a special convention In May to elect a second suffragan bishop. The! rapkHy growing diocese covers 33' The action was approved; Wednesday at the jflth annual] convention ot the diocese. | W W * ' I The new suffragan would serve; the Huron District of the diocese. The diocese now has one suffragan, Rt. Rev. Archie H. Howeley, in addition to Bistxgt Richard S. Emridi. The Huron District is now being administered by Archdeacon Rev. Charles D. Braidwood. The convention also named six new members to the executive council. They were Rev. T. Edward Bennett, St Paul Church, < Port Huron; Rev. Frederick W.l Brownell, St. Paul Church, Jack-j son; Rev. William S. Logiui, St. Martin Church, Detroit; E. J. Biei^, Saginapr; Orville B. Eus-| Us, Alpm; and Frederic S. Glover i Jr.) Grosse He. Committee Okays Milk Fund Hike Bill WASHINGTCW tfl-The House Agriculture Committee has unanimously approved a bill authorizing nMte'money for the school : program. The bill provides for an increate from 81 to 85 million dollars for, the year ending June 30. In the year startiiig July 1, the increase would be from 84 to 85 million from conuixidity credit funds, plu4 up to 15 million doUan by direct appropriation. The direct appropriatiM pro-vtsloB wagjipproved despite objections from the Agriculture DeiMrtment. The increased authorizations were proposed because the expanding school milk program has spread available funds so thin that children are faced with increased prices of erne-half cent a half pint. Wage Floor Hearing Set WASHINGTON 'UPD - The House Labor Standards Subcommittee will open hearings the week of Feb. 15 on hills to raise the $1 minimum wage. The first witness will be Secretary of Labor Jamea: P. Mitchell. ^S!IAL VAL(/£i smemART Gins FOR YOUR VALENTINE at SHAWS Fabulous gifts at prices that will amaze you. Shop rM>w for Velentirw's Oey and other gift occasions. Take up to a full year to pay. Notionolly- Fomous Watches Newest styles for men and ladies. Choose now for greeter-than-ever values. IRRVMltU REMEMBER VALENTINE'S DAY IS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14th DIAMOND DUO 7-OIAMONDS Mon't DIAMOND Diomnid ONYX Lady'i tirtliRtMM SJi *49" *89" *75" *29* wV *9" . V . LADY'S CAMEO fOCKET XADIO Mm'r JEWELRY BILLFOLDS PENDANTS 97*-*159" CoftUred pMrf and diamond pend- *12* iU *18* *1*«' CAMm •( C«lwf mmm largest jewelers" ^ *1* 24 NORTH SAGINAW Poiliae Slat* Balk BI4g. NEW WORLDS UNFOLD A hobby con be a world in itself... a world where a man loses himself for a few minutes or a few hours, then return to his job and his responsibilities relaxed and refreshed. Few things are as satisfying as watching a model ship come into being under one's own creative hands, seeing a collection of coins or stamps grow into completion, discovering the satiny beauty of o piece of wood emerge os he works magic on on old piece of furniture. There's o world of satisfaction in working at o hobby . . and 0 world of hobby equipment to be found doily in the Wont Ads. Read the Wont Ads now . . . discover for yourself the^wonderful bargains that will contribute to your hobby world! / CALL FE 2-8181 PONTIAC PRESS WANT ADS^^ / • ■ , / ' THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1960 TWENTY.THREE Census Bureau Discovera: Halt olU.S. Adult. at Least 11 Years of Schooils UnSUCCeSSfUl WASHINGTON tfV-The Censiu Bureau aaid today half the adult population hai had at least 11 yean of achooUng. In 1950 the figure was 9.3 yean and In 1940 It was 8.4 yean. The bureau gathered Its latest statistics in a survey last March. It defined adulU as those 25 and older. Abort 4S per eeiit of the a the illiteracy rate has fallen the lowest level on record—2.2 per cent of all Americans 14 w older. In 1940 the rate was 2.9 •r cent. According to the survey, person, who can neither read nor write is more likely to be a man than a woman. He is also most likely to live m a farm io the South. school at the time of the study. Thls^ was one-third July 4, 1872,- was Calv.ln Coolie’s birth dat^ in yean immediately after World War II and was double the 1940 proportion. YOUNOEB GROUP TOPS The advance in education attainment was most marked among younger adults-those 25 to 2f yean of age. About « per cent of this groop were high school graduates In IMS, compared with St per cert to 1S40. Among nonwhites. ^ bureau foumi that 20 per centof the adults had complete hirtt school last year. In 1940 th^proportion was 8 per cent, */•' * * College gyhduates are stUl relatively r^, the report showed. In 1959,4 per cent of adults had completed college. This compared, 2/6 per cent in 1950 and 4.6 {ler in 1940. / The Western States had the / highest levels of education attato-ment In that section, half the It's Too Slow to Orbit; Jupiter and Polaris Fly Like Mighty Birds Rjr The Associated Press tI.S. missile teams, busy on both ebasts, recorded a successful dou-Ueheader at Cape Canaveral and a delayed finle at Vandenberg Air Force Base Thursday. The discoverer DC satellite rocket left its pad at Vandenberg in fine fortp. But Air Force officen at the C^omia installation announced later that the rocket fail^ to achieve orbital velocity. ★ ★ A They said they lacked inlmma-tion on whether the second stage separated from the first. After failing to reach orbital speed, toe rocket fell ba^ into the earth's \ In the two successful firings at the Florida cape, a Jupiter roared aloft on a final 1,500 • mile test flight and a Polaris recorded its fifth straight hit on an Atlantic target 900 miles away. The state, capital building of Georgia is design^ after the national Capitol structure in Washington, D.C. U.l years at school. The figures for other regions: Northeast, 11.2 years: North Central, 11 years; and the South, 9.9 years. The bureau also reported that Says Retired Teachers Need Added Pension LANSING (UPI) - “A lot of teachers and other school employes who are retired are in pretty desperate circumstances,” Rep. Lucilie Me CoUough (D-Dearbom) said Thursday as she introduced a measure lor supplemental retire-benefits. The bill would appropriate two million dollars for the 196(161 fic-cal year to increase retirement cf many teachers who retired pre? BLOOMFIELD , lumber company ANNOUNCING OUR NEW HOURS DAILY 8K)0A.M. -5K)0P.M. CLOSED ALL DAY SUNDAY COMPLETE LINE of MAHOGANY MOULDINGS WHILE THEY lASTI Interior FLUSH DOORS ______Chow from Oakland Ceniit|r*s Lartest Selectloii_ lot QUALITY CUARANTI80 MAHOGANY IIRCH 2/4 *6/8 $7.60 $9.25 2/6 *6/8 $7.60 $9.25 . 2/8 *6/8 $7.60 $10.10 3/0 *6/8 $8.50 $11.00 Como In ond S«« Our Lorgt S«l«cfion of Lighting Fixturat At Thes« Amosing SAVINGS! FREE Delivery Quality Plywood 4x8Vi PlyKOre.. 4x8>/«PlyMore.. $^50 BLOOMFIELD , lumber company 72 S. Ttltinyh CALL FE 3-7853 NOW DO DISHES FASTER. CLEANER New Imperial DISHMASTER* McNeill Refuse to Report to New York Wing-Ranger Trade Is Called Off Nll for 14th Rated Titans U-D Now Must AP Wlrt»k*U BACK TO NEW VORK — Bill Gadsby, who last night thought hp would be playing for the Detroit Red Wings, left this morning with the New York hockey team after he learned the trade had been called off because the two Wing players said they would not report. The Rangers beat the Wings in night's game, 3-1. ‘Unknown* on Top at Palm Springs Ellis 1 Stroke in Front PALM SPRING.^, Calif. (APt-A comparatively unknown pro was pacing the name players today as the world's richest golf tournament went into its third ★ ★ ★ One stroke in front approaching the halfway point in the 90-hole event was Wes Ellis Jr., steady-nerved Texasn who yesterday put together the tournament’s lowest round yet—€S—over the Tamarisk course, toughest of four layouts in the $100,000 Palm .Springs Desert Classic. His 65. paired with a first iTwnd 70,' gave him 13r>—just o stroke in front of Bill .lohnston, Provo. Utah, public links pro, and '2i-year-old John MoMullin of Fair Oaks, Calif ★ ★ * John.ston shot a 67 at Thunder-bird to go with his previous 69 whUe McMullm scored 68 two days in a row. As the pressure grew, some of the top money winners were close enough to move in for the kill. * W * Veterans A1 BesseUnk, Jackie Burke Jr., and Johnny Palmer were only two strokes off at 137, as was Bob Cioalby. Palmer, the 41-year-old Tulsa pro, shot a 70 yesterday to with his first round 67. He's b off the big tour since 1955. ♦ ★ ♦ Dutch Harrison was three Strokes behind at 138. Also at 138 wu Tony Lema. who shared the ffrit-round lead with Johnny and Arnold Palmer. Goalby and Main Rudolph. * ★ ★ Rudolph was among a dozen pros bunched at 139. Others Included such top money warmers as Mike Souchak, Julius Boros. Billy Maxwell and Bo Wlninger. Arnold Palmer was at 140. ★ ♦ A Although there is keen Interest in the front runners, the real crowd and pro-pleasing gimmick is the $50,000 prize for a hole-ln-one. • Souchak almost got if on Thun-derbird’s 148-yard eighth when his tee shot dropp*'d in and then bouncf*d out of the cup. winding up six inches away. Had the flag bwn leaning ih the other direction, the ball probably would have stayed in the hole. City Hockey Title to Forge Skaters Wallop Snack Shop 5-2, in Tourney Final at Northside Park Juki* Burk* J Irnry WlUia *11 Eatno Tech's Late Rally toots Tri-Stators DETROIT te—Lawrence’ Tech, ted by John Bradley’s nine points iB the last four and a half minutes, pulled away to beat Tri-State (Ind) 8I-71 last Right.. A ♦ * The score was tied 68-68 with fkmr and a half minutes Un when ■ndley, who tobk scoring honors with 37’ polnU, sparked the win-■hhc nini:*- Cap Pethers backed him up with ig points for the wght. Knicks Won NBA First OoAibr BcufUnk Standard Forge won the City Junior Hockey Laague championship last night with a 5-2 victory over the Village Snack Shop on a ragged ice skating surface at the Northside Park softball diamond rink. ’Die Forge skaters went through the tournament undefeated. Snack Shop entered the finMs with one the double elimination tourney for boys 16 to 1^ years of age. Knack Shop scored the 1st goal of the game midway through the 1st period, but the Forge club tied the s<‘orc late in the same salt's Ex-Piep Mate, Hightower, Rising KU Star LAWRENCE, Kan. (AP) - A lean Woot-8'^ sophomore billed two years ago ns "the second Wilt Chamberlain" at the University of Kansas, is writing his own name into Jayhawk basketball records. He is Wayne Hightower, a teammate of the Stilt at Philadelphia’s Overbrook High School. And he is losing the "Stilt the 2nd’’ moniker by shooting his way into the Big Eight Conference exclusive 300-point sophomore club. Wayne has scored 338 points already. Only three other first year varsity men in the conference hold membership in the club— Chamberlain, now the star of the Philadelphia Warriors; Lovellette, an old pro with the St. Louis Hawks, and a Kansas teammate, Bill Bridges. Rated Toledo 12th Ranked Rockets Also Hoping for Bid to Tournament DETROIT (ff — Detroit’s tournament bound ’Titans tomorrow take Toledo, a team with an equivalent record, higher national ranking and fond tournament hopes itself. ’The 14th ranked Detroiters have 15-2 record. Toledo, 12th ranked is 14-2. Detroit announced yesterdny it will . enter the NntlonnI Invitn-tion Touranment In New York next month, the first postsenson bnsketball tourney for the Tttnns. ’They clinched their bid Wednesday with a 65-58 victory over Marquette. ♦ A ★ Coach Bob Caliban estimated attendance at ’Titan home games this year will be around lOO.IXW. ’The hig War Memorial Stadium was filled to its 9.200 capacity for the third time this season in the Marquette game. Caliban said at tomorrow’s game, "Toledo Is n good team with excellent balance and depth. It should be another very tough fame.” Dave Debus.schere of Detroit takes a 25.4 scoring average into the game at Toledo while Charley North, who injured an ankle earlier this season, has 20.8 points game. 'The leading Toledo player 6-5 John Papeun, averaging 12.6 points a game, and George Patterson. with 11.3. Toledo romped over Western Michigan, 67-48, Wednesday night. The Titans haven't lost a game 1 home this year, but have dropped two away from Detroit while winning two on the road. Toledo reports a sellout for the game. St. Benedict Set for Annual Bust Monday Feb. 15th Forge took the lead for keeps with a goal late in the 2nd period and really Iced the decision on a thrse-goal spree in the finale. The Uppers tMlled their final goal late in the 3rd session. Jim Buck scored two goals to lead Forge to its well-deserved city title and teammates Doug Bergman, Bob Benger and Dick Williams each tallied once. Jim Paschke accounted for both Snack Shop goals. Nine penalties were called in the contest, eight. of them against Forge. Horse Race in 1678 RICHMOND, Va. (UPl) - A newspaper clipping in the Virginia State library here includes a notice of a horse race in Henrico County In October, 1678. Kt I tX4h»E TO I9MW — Golf star Mike Souchak shows Jack dMented tour^ment. jurt h^ clos* he, came Ho a fiole-in^ne and $50,000 yesterday at Palm Springs, Cal. His ball w«it into the cup and bouneqd out again coming to r^st six inches from the pin. An ace is good for $50,000 in the $100,000 meet > C ' I'r ' y ' . ' tori Knickerbockers defeated thej Toronto Huskies. 6S«. on Nov. 11.1 fM. in the flrat game ever played hi the Natknal Basketball Asao-| All-Stai Pin Points RIGHT SOLE I*REVENTS1.SLIDING By TONY UNDEMANN If most bowlers *tricd to use my bowling shoes, they'd end their deliveries sprawled headlong over the foul line. Bowling shoes for right-handers have a leather sole on the left foot to allow for sliding. I have a specially made left shoe with a rubber sole that also ___six holes punched out of It —similar to the sole of a basketball sneaker. This device prevents final step in my approach. I know one of the cardinal rules of bowling statbs that you Should, always finish with n long, deep slide. However, when 1 stop abruptly at the line. I’m Uble to get a tremendous amount of that well known “linger lift” on the ball «rith hardly any con-/sdous eHort at nil. To make certain that I don’t get tangled up on my follow through, I take a relatively slow approach. This"way I don’t Hire my legs, especially in long tournaments. Then, too, I needn’t swing the ball very hard to get the AT’8~iaRi>rLB AMBBICAN LEAGUE Cleveland at Bocheiter -----e at Sprlnttleld BASTEhN LBAGUB Haven at PhUsdelpnia INTEBNATIONAL LEAGUE ■ATOBDAT'S SUnEDULE NATIONAL LEAGUE Boston at Uontreal ‘t at Toronto, lo at New York AMEBICAN LEAGUE Rochester at Cleveland Buffalo at Hershey *“0 at torloffleld EA8TEBN I INTEBNATIONAL LEAGUE MEN’S SUITS Made to Sell hr 39.99 No Money Come see for yourself'— Compare and you'll agree that this Is the smart way to dress right! And sove — Satisfaction guoronteed! Sizes 36 to 46, shorts, regulars, longs. $50 All Wool Topcoots . $29.98 Area Keg Tourneys Resume Saturday Elks, Miiford Meets Expect Big Weekend Defending Champions Featured at Women's Invitational Two of last year’s champions will be back for another try when the Elks’ Ladies Invitational International resumes Saturday and Sunday at Lodge 810. The Huron Valley men's team meet will be goiiq; again at Fairgrounds in Mil* ford. WWW Elaine Pibbles and Catherine Townsend will head the keglers competiK M this next to the last weekend at the Elks. Pibbles won all events handicap honors with 18M and also rolled the top single game of 37S In ISM. Townsend was part of a donMes duo with Gertrude Cole which won out with U65. She will have a new partner this ttme. Besides Hillsdale, bowlers frpm Pontiac, Lake Orion. Alma, Lorain and Lakewood in Ohio will be competing during the next two-day ses-'on. WWW It will be the 3rd weekend of a big tourney at Milford where the lead has changed hands each round thus far. ABM Company of Detroit cui^ rently heads the j»ck at 3,084. Art Pelson of that city has posted both the best single series scores 267-681. WWW The men's and women’s state events, the'Knl^ts of Columbus, men's Elk state. State Eagles and others will be going again Saturday and Sunday. Beginning an eight-weekend run will be annual Central States tournament at Huron Lanes in Ann Arbor. Some 210 teams are entered from eight states. Britishers Top-Seeded CHICAGO IPL- Tom Pugh and Mhck Bailiry of London are top-seeded in a 14-team field opening play today in the National Doubles Racquets Tournament. Pugh recently won the Western singles title at Detroit. Bailey, a student at McGill University in Montreal, teamed with Pugji to win the Western doubles crown. Nats in Every Playoff SYRACUSE. N. Y. (UPI) - The Syracuse Nationals, N.B.A champions for 1954-55, is the only '.;am in the National Basketball Association to qualify for every play-off series since becoming ,« league member. Aim for Title Shaye at Berkley Huskies Eye Clincher By CHUCK ABAIR Pontiac Northern gets a chance to show if it has the stuff champions are made of the rest of the Inter-Lakes seasrei with three of the final four games on the road. pile Huskies, needing two victories to clinch the crown, play the first of the away contests tonight at Berkley. A triumph over the Bears would assure the loca^ at least a share of the pennant. - Everything has gone well for PNH In 1-L play as they have won all six starts while the other loop entries have been knocking each other arottml. Coach Dick Hall’s hustlers will be out. to better a close win over Berkley earlier. They are expected to do so partly because BH.S has lost four players through mid-year graduation since the previous meeting. WWW Tonight’s two other league games will carry considerable interest Waterford to shake a slump and repeat a victory over improved Southfield. Walled Lake and Farmington are expected to have another close one at the Falcon court. Romeo coold make a big move towards another Tri • Cooirty. crown with n snocessful lavnsioa of Rochester. The BnlMogo have yet to lose in loop piny. Roch- slate including Almont at Artnada, Capac at Brown City, Memphis at home to meet Drydeh and New Haven vs. Anchew Bay. Rounding out the schedule will be Utica at South Lake, Royal Oak EKmdero at Monroe, Country Day vs. Lamphere, Mt. Oemensi at Roseville, Royal Oak Shrine at Detroit Holy Redeemer and Farmington OLS against Ann Arbor St. Ihomas. Cranbroqk returns to play Saturday at Shady Side in Pitts-buigh. Pa. showing against L'Aiwe Crease. The lattdir loam will be pUying at iJipeer, Birmingham will be favored over Hazel Park as is Port Hurtm at Royal Oak Kimball in Eastern Michigan action. The feature there will match East Detroit and Fern- Avondale will be resting but the other Oakland B, contingents scheduled. Troy should get by improved Oak Park team as is true of Fitzgerald as host to Madison. Lake Orion showed some signs of overcoming a slump last time out and could take its anger out on Qawson. la the Wayne-Oakland, Brighton may have n full evening trying to get by Milford la order to con time in first along with slumping darenoeville. The Tro-Jajis are the choice over North-A-Uie. Holly will be hoping lo gain on either or both by. whipping Bloomfield HUb. West Bloom-Held goes to Clnriuton, All attention among South Central fans will be focused on Imlay City where the Spartans host powerful OrtonviUe. Idle Oxford could take over the lead should the Blackhawkg fall again. Millington and North Branch clash. The Southern Thumb has a full It'S Leap Year...time to , hop over to your OLDSMOBILE DEALER'S FEBRUARY FESnV/ OF You’ll discover there's still nothing like a ROCKET OLDS ! > Free Farhlng — 74 NORTH SAGINAW NIAR HURON — and there's one to fit your pocketl SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED OLDSMOBILE QUALITY DEALER FACES FALCONS - Big Jim Black heads the Romeo cast as the Bulldogs invade the l^hester High gym for a Tri-County battle tonight. Romeo b unbeaten in loop play seeking a title repeat. Black has a 17.9 average. psssstI THINGS AR^ GOING To GET QUIETEF6 AND QUIETTERi And QUI&TER/ IN PONTIAC BECA'JSE THEREfe ANBW 435 S. Soginow FE 2-1010 Mm. 9 A. M. to 9 F. M. Doily Md Sri. 8:30 to 5s30 THE ^NLY THIN(i WE’RE NOT KEEPIN6 QUIET IS THE HEWS ABOUT OUR SERV-ICL WE CAN INSTALL A NEW MIDAS MUFFLER IN YOUR CAR IN JUST 15 MINUTES. THE INSTALLATION IS FREE. THE MIDAS MUFFLER IS GUARANTEED FOR AS LONG AS YOU OWN YOUR CAR FEBRUARYJPECIALS SPECIALS PrfrFinished Pliwood . $ V.ow 1^" 4»8 Birch Sheet ,. $13.56 W 4x8 Cherry Sheet ..... $13.88 Va" 4x8 Wolnut Sheet . .^,3,47 1^" 4x8 White Oak Sheet. PLYWOODS ■/a"Fir—AD 4x8 Sheet..$ 3.20 3/g" Fir—AD 4x8 Sheet..$4.20 1/2" Fir—AD 4x8 Sheet..$5.60 y." Fii^D 4x8 Sheet.... .$ 6.40 3/4" Fir—AD 4x8 Sheet . ....$7.70 Va" Birch—Good 2 Sidei, 4x8.$14.95 •/." Pie-rbiihe4 V-Bieeve Cft MAHOGANY PLYWOOD ’6 BIRCH FLUSH DOORS !25 Std. Sills \W Thick *8= INSULATION Matt Thickness ■ Per A4 $3400^ Medium Thick Far A4 $45ooK Full Thickness Far M $65005^ 15 or 30 Lb. FELT 3-IN-1 SHINGLES $650 F«Sf. ^075 ^ Roll Knotty Pino or Codar Pnnoling l"*6"-8" or 10' 145“ Rodwood Pnnoling, from_$185 M ARMSTRONG CEILING TILE Till From MINGLE WOOD SHEETS 4'x7'xH».... $285 I'xrxH".... $3» Underloyment or decora- C9QC .fivi wallj^eling. 4'x7'xH"... ^ 4'x8'xli"/... All pricis quofid in spiciol cosh ind eorry pricis ovailibli at our yird only. Burke Lumber Co. 4495 Dixie Hwy., Drayton OR 3-1211 TWENTYSnC THE rONTIAC TRESS. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, ICGO About milUoe poundi oti L C. WILLIAMS Salesman SEE US FOR EXPERT SERVICE ON • CHEVROLET • PONTIAC • BUICK *15 Minutes from Pontiac’ Homei Right Motors I0« S. WASHINGTON ON M-24. OXFORD PHONI OA 1.2521 OPEN BOWLING Doily 'til 5 P. M. 3 LINES $1.00 Froo Bowling Instructiens Doily MOTOR INK RECREATION Mf. 19 S. Parry PI 5.G0I2 Pontiac Central Returns to SVC Cage Wars By BILL CORNWELL The won-lost column wouldn't seem to warrant it, but Flint Central deserves Pontiac Centrai’s mplete respect tonight when the two Sa^naw ' Vjdley Ocmferencc basketball teams square off in the PCH gym at 8 o’clock. Coach Joe Dowdy’s Indians are having one of the worst sea .in the school’s history. They’re mired in the Saginaw Valley cellar with a 1-6 record and their over-all mark is 1-9, Bay City has been their lone ain. Yet they pose a great danger to the Chiefs, who perch proudly OF top of the Valley standings with five victories In six starts. Although they've been losing steadily, the Indians have shown marked improvement in every game. Tuesday they dropped a 54-52 decision to city rival North- NCAA Meets Again on Feb. 22-23 Claims St. Louis Bid Grid TV Action Deferred Holds'High Priority' CHICAGO (AP) — Action on a 1960-61 NCAA football TV program which will feature either a na-jegional plan or a spllt-na-r schedule, has been deferred until Feb. 22-23. The NCAA Television Committee ended a 2% days meeting yesterday and wOl convene again on Any Deer Season' Facing New Attack LANSING (UPD-A bipartisan move has started in the house to halt Michigan’s “any dpr’ A number of lawmakers, including tour members of the con8e^ vatlon committee, filed for ontro-duction a bill to take away the conservation commission’s discretionary power over the deer herd. ’’The conservation department a gone too far,” said Rep. Dominic Jacobetti (D-Negaunee). "Too many fawns and does are being kUled.’’ Three other members of the »m-mlttee. Reps. Walter Nakkula (R-Gladwin), Joseph G. O’Connor (D-Detroit) and Albert R. Horri-gan (D-FUnt), also signed the bill these dates during the Winter Olympics at Squaw Valley, Calif. Three members of the group also are U.S, Olympic officials. * * * After the exploratory session ere, NCAA executive director Walter Byers said there was general agreement tor either the type of national-regional programming of 1959 or a form of national, split- The difference, he explained, this; Regional telecuting calls for regional sponBorshif in virtually all of the NCAA’s eight districts. .‘The split-national plan would present up tq five different games shown on the same date under sponsorship of the same network handling the national games-of- NEW YORK (AP) - Dewitt Mower, Washington, D.C., advertising and promotion executive, said Thursday he had been assured by American Football League officials that his request for a franchise for St. Louis in 1961 "had very high priority." ★ W ★ ‘Much depends upon if we can get Busch .Stadium, home of the Louis Cardinals, as a playing site,'* Mower explained. ★ W ★ 'We have r good chance of getting Busch Stadium unless the (Chicago Cardinals of the National Football League move to St. Louis,” Mower said. "And if the Cardinals move to St. Louis, we will move’our franchise to Chicago.” Last year there were 10 natkmal and 3 regional dates. The National Broadcasting Co., highest bidder for 8 M the 9 years of the NCAA program, held the contract for the 10 national dates at a to ' 82.200.000. On completion of the new program, which will be on a two-year basis for the first time instead of one year, it will be submitted to the NCAA membership in a mail «nduffl. Passage requires two-thirds approval o( those voting- _______________________ The Chiefs handed Flint Central thorough 61-36 pasting in their last meeting at hint’s Ballenger Fieldhouse Snd this would tend to indicate that they should whip them even worse in the rematch, especially with the benefits of the friendly home floor. But Dowdy has made a few changM In Ms personnel since that time and the moves apparently strengthened the squad, leaving no room for complaoency among the members of the PCH Cage Resulis - ...........M. SyrkcuM SI Collate SS. Rocheitor S3 Mauaehuiotts S9. Rhode Iilaod SS CoonoeUeut 71, Vermont SS SOUTH Haiopden.Sydney 73. We-h-Lee 70 Dowdy’s most significant move was the promotion of rangy Jim Merriwether to the varsity team. Wiprriwether. an agile 6-foot-“ sophomore center, has improved steadily since his mpsirture from the junior varsity unit. ♦ ★ 47 Merriwether will present bounding problems not encountered by PCH in their 1st duel when the Flint cagers had an acutehhortage of height. Weakness on the back-boards was Dowdy’s No. 1 reason for summoning Merriwether. The Chiefs will have a dennand-Ing defensive assignment against Flint’s nin-and shoot style attack which appears to have little or no system to it, a direct contrast to Pontiac’s organised offense. When the Indians get their scoring guns booming, they pile up points in flurries and a streaking team is always dangerous, Irre- _JUU 7S. WlchlU *7 Drakt S3. Tulna Aiiaoaa St. C<5*i Bouaton S3. Bam _____________ ran west -----JT IS. Oooaaia S9 CoUata et Idaho SO. Padfle, Ora. « NEW SERVICE HOURS Daily 7 A.M. to 9 P.M. (Wednesday 7 A.M.-6 P.M.) No Money Down 24 MONTHS TO PAY on ALL TYPES of SERVICE WORK 7“ FRONT END ALIGNMENT mCLiJDES ★ SET CASTER ir SET CAMBER $ ★ TOE IN ★ CHECK SHOCKS ★ and ROAD TEST Eatt. New Mexico SS m WHi Eact IMEDP SFECUL that includes New Plugs, Points and Condenser YOU EDEE POINTS and GET rlCEE CONDENSER CLEAN-UP on c?R ^qoo RADIOS nr V Genuine FORD Brake Reline Reg. $24.95 ‘13*5 PRICE INCLUDES LABOR AND MATERIALS Ford-O-Matic Special 14” Rtg. $18.95 T. Drain Trantmistien ond Torque Cenvtrfer 2. Adjvtl Trantminion Bonds and Linkogo 3. Cloon Out Pan and Screen 4. Rofill with New Ferdomatic Fluid 5. Read Test Cor CY OWENS, Inc. 147 S. SAGINAW FE 5-4101 NBA Standings NBA AT A GLANCE THURSDAT'g RESULTS Syracuee 137 Phllade.pnia 110 Detroit 131, Cincinnati 103 FRIDAY'S SCHEDULE Syracuee at Boeton 81. Louie at MInncapolle SATURDAY'S SCHEDULE iTlnne New York at Boeton Widow of 'Pudge' Dies HOUSTON, Tex. (AP) - Mrs. Grace Pierce Heffelfinger, widow of Pudge Heffdfinger, All-America football star at Yale in died Thursday. ganfien of the record. The Indians are particularly dangerous at this thne since they are anxious to snap a seven-game losing streak. * H ★ Flint’s top offensive weapon is guard Jack Rashleig|i. currently the Valley's leading scorer with 124 pfdnts in seven loop games tor a 17.7 average. The CMefs wid be trytag to break a loelng ikela of their own. They have lost their last two gameo after winning the first seven and they’re hungry for victory again. They dropped four-point verdtots to Arthur Hill and Highland Park during n foor-gamo rood trip. PCH coach Art Van Ryzin may have heavy duty in mind tonight for Junior forward Leon Prentice, an agile Jumping Jack who regained his ediolastlc eligibiUty at the beginning of the 2nd semester. The 6-1 Prentice is also a talented shooter and Van Ryzin plans use him a lot the rest of the This will be Pontiac’s 1st home court appearance since Jan. when the Chiefs defeated Bay City. They are seeking their 2nd straight Valley title and presently lead runnenip Flint Northern by half a game and- the 3rd place Hillitei by one. Northern and Arthur Hill battle at Flint tonight with the loser facing virtual elimination from (lie league race. Bay Oty invades Saginaw High to round out the Valley schedule. Prep Front By BILL CORNWELL A Pontiac Central graduate who never went out for high school athletics because he was too busy playing in the band has been making-a name for himself as a distance runner at Florida State University. Harold Kent Mills, a 22-year-old junior majoring in recreation at the Tallahassee school, won two marathon races in the East during the Christmas vacation and he hitch-hiked to the, scene of the action. A graduate in June of 1955 at Central, Mills outdis-tanced the field at Phlladel-* phia in a sbe-mile race and one week later came home first in a 2-mile run at Atlantic City, N.J., to win the U.S. Junior Marathon title. Mills, a member Mandoy,. Wadnatday, Thuraday, Fridoy Our nurtary it apen every day from 10 A. M. ta 4 P. M. ta iraby tit far yo« while yau bawl. Rogitterod pertannal an duty ot oil timot. Bring your pte-tchpol children with you and enjoy bawling! -VISIT OUR PRO SHOP- We drill ond plug bowling ballt, 1-doy ttrvical Wo carry • coHiplota lino of bowling ballt, bdgt ond thoot. Alto, quolity thirtt and ‘bleutoi. Traphiot ovailoblol at 9 A,M. until 6:13 P.M. Op* sH day Saturday and Sunday. Saturday and Sunday nifht. THE ALL NEW FABULOUS HUROfl BOWl 2525 Elixobtlk Uk« Rd. FE 5-2525 3ft. riement at Row Weerwoomtleld at Holly EtBloom field 3liirord at Brlxhton Nortbrllle at Clarcnemila Laka Orion at Clawaon MaTt^^'nt^erald Romeo at Hocheater L'Anae Creuaa at Lapaar Ortonvllle at imlay City , Itllllnzton at North Brand Almont at Armada Orvden at Memphie Ca’pac at Brown City Utica at Oouth Laka Country Day at Lamphara no Shrina at Holy Radaemcr AA tt. Thomaa at Farminzton OL8 ■Izh Oehaal Swlnmlnz Pontiac Central at Flint Central Monroe at BO Dondero ““'y‘“.»«{• Before You Buy Any New or Used Car — SEE US forthof LOW PRICE, HIGH TRADE-IN Allowonce Wt Sarrica Our Salas BRAID MOTOR SALES DeSete - Plymauth 70 S. Can at W. Pika Sarrica on All Makma 3S Taorz Fair Coaling FE 2-0186 BRAND NEW IM niMonii ‘1895 SAVOY 2-Dr. Sedan 30-D Economy Engine ■alaa Tax A Ue« ALL OTHER BODY MODELS AVAILABLE AT EQUALLY LOW PRICES..s Come In Now for Your Test Drive 724 Oakland, PontiBC PI 4-3521 TIIK PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY. FKBRUAilY 5, lOOO TVVKNTV-SEVKN Amateur Swim Meet\^t PNH Sunday 300 Swimmers to Participate in 24 Events Boys and Girls in Divisions Entered AAAA Program More than 300 swhnmen will participate in the Michigan Amateur Aquatics swim meet be held at Pontiac Northern High Schooi Sunday afternoon. A A * Twenty-four events are iisteti on the program which wiii start at 2:00 p.m. Tor boys and girls |n four age classes. LIGHTS GO OLT — Battling Torres, a young Mexican with a long string of knockouts, collapses on the canvas as Carolos Ortiz of New York, the junior welterweight champion, knocked AF WIrephaU him out in the tj^nth round of their title fight at La last night. Jose Becc-era successfully defended his bantam crown in the double feature. Becerra, Ortiz Win in title 'Double' LOS ANGELES (APi—The sun rose today on this happy after-math of Memorial Coliseum's championship boxing double-header: Champions Jose Becerra, the bombing bantamweight, and Carlos Ortiz, kingpin of the junior welterweights, still had their titles. Promoters who lured 31.830 fans for the first fight card in the huge outdoor stadium were busy dividing the |363,890-a record California gate. AAA Even the losers—bantamweight Hallmi of France and Mexico’s Raymundo < Battling! Torres — managed smiles. They picked up a pocketful of change and ringing bravos for a gallant, if unsuccessful, try for their divisions’ highest honors. Becerra could easily be elected president of his Mexican homeland after his stunning, one-punch knockout of Nalimi in their sizzling rematch. And Ortiz, sharpshooting New Yorker, added another strong argument to his case lor a crack at lightweight champion Joe Brown's title with his 10th hound knockout 18-year-old Torres. AAA Many of the fans who sat in the chilly Coliseum had hoped the rematch between Becerra and the determined Halimi from French Algeria would be a carbon copy of the little gamecocks’ savage battle last July, when Becerra won the title by an eighth-round knockout. But Hallmi, 117, boxing deftly, kept the hard-socking Mexican champion from Guadaijara at bay for eight rounds. He was leading on all cards when he ran into a corking left hook early in the ninth. 1 hit him right on the point of the chin,” said the 118-po(W Be- ini's Rose Bowl Vote Looms as Decisive One aiAMPAIGN. HI (ir- The Uni-, down. Northwestern has not hn-versity of lUinois’ stand on the] "««i<'cd Its posIHon, but It Is question of Big Ten Rose Bowi| participation may come h^nday AAA at a scheduled meeting of the fac-l Illinois’ stand, apparently, would ulty senate. , It^ the decisive one. Stewart D. ♦ A A {Daniels, president of the Illinois The group never has voted in'AlUmni Assn., and C. E. Bowen, favor of the Rose Bowl in the past but once gave a faculty representative his prerogative and he voted in the affirmative at a conference meeting. The conference the Hose Bowl again after the Athletic Assn, of Western V"*' versitles (Southern California, SUnford, California, VCLA and Washington) formally organized and indicated a desire for another eontrart with the Big Ten. Previously, the Big Ten hat ' voted 5-5, killing continuation of the pact, which expired with the] defunct Pacific Coast Conference after the 1960 New Year’s Day game. _A A ' A Wisconsin, Minnesota. Northwestern, Illinois and Ohio State voted against renewal. Minnesota's faculty senate yesterday repeated its negative stand. Wisconsin and Ohio State also again have turned thumbs aiiimni secretary, have expressed opinions that the vast majority of Rini alumni favor resumption of the Big Ten Rose Bow agreement. AAA Of those aligned for continua-podtion may be looked upon as position may be oOked upon as somewhat questionable. This developed Wednesday when Asst. Prof. Samuel P. Hays said Iowa’s board in control of athletics overruled the faculty council in voting to contimte in the Rose Bowl. A , A A Hays, chairman of the committee which presented the Rose Bowl resolution to the faculty council,, said that in hik opinion the Iowa faculty "does not control athletic policy, and, as such, the university is violhting Western Conference cerra in a dressing room crowded with jubilant Mexicans. ”r knew ' e wasn’t going to get up." Ortiz, 137, wore down the strong lit inexperienced Torres with savage counterpunches. The Coup de Grace was a barrage of lefts and rights followed by a jolting right to the jaw. Teen-age Torres, 138, admitted later that he just couldn’t take any more. Ortiz, who had stunned him repeatedly with fierce rights, said, he didn't know what held the youngster up. In his dressing room, the 23-year-old Ortiz said quietly: ‘Now I want a shoT at Brown. I’ve beaten the best lightweights around. I deserve a title shot." The handsome Puerto. Rican made no secret that he plans to toil in the lightweight vineyards. ’Tm a natural lightweight (135-pounder),’’ he said. "And that’ where the money is." The championship doubleheader was the first bona-fide fight card in the lOO.OCXI-seat Coliseum. However, former heavyweight pion Jack Dempsey fought an exhibition in the Coli.seum as part T a 1928 sports festival. * The record gale eclipsed the $236,521 for the Carmen Ba.silio-Art Aragon battle outdoors Wrigley Field two years ago. The victors had high praise for the vanquished. "Halimi is a brave fighter, said his two-time conqueror. But Becerra added with a touch of Latin pride: "WhOT I hit him in the ninth, just walked back to my corner, knew Halimi wasn’t going to get up.” Ortiz ducked down the hall into the dressing room of. young Torres and putting an arm around him in a fatherly fashion he said, consolingly.: ‘You fought a fine fight. All you need is one or two years’ experience aiid you’ll be up there the best of them." Torres, cut about the eye but in otherwise good shape, smiled wanly. The final come at its in Columbus, ilty is vl mips.” A [a conference I ^rch 3-! 1, Oljlio. vote will 3-5 meeting 'Firesfone Champion 12« 195 ^ iin *.7*.ii iTubMUTyp* , MACKWAU Plus tax and recappable tire. The ceonomy tire for thrifty buyers. Ezclnslve Firestone 8/F Safety-Fortified cord body and Firestone Rnbber-X FMt IMSTALUTieiN MUFFLERS Jns, *8“ GUARANTEED EONOED Brakes Relined S075 r*re—cliRT.—Fir. ■ WhMU FMk«e Fr»« -I MUm »r l-T««r OwnatM ' 149 Wttf Huron Stroot FE 2-1215 PCH Meets Flint Central PNH Tankers Sunk 2-24 Detroit Thurston moved closor to the North Suburban Swim League title last night after whip^ ping Pontiac Northern, 72-24, in the Thurston pool. The Huskies took two firsts both by reliable senior Bill Ratliff, who stayed unbeaten in diving this year. His other win came in the hrdaststroke in a time of 1:14.7. Thurston now boasts a 7-0 league mark while Northern is 3-4 and 5-5 overall. Pontlae Central gets in Saginaw Valley dual meet action tonight at Flint Central. The Some of cIhIm and Ipnms in Michigan will participate In the MAA Eneet In-rlndlng the Anii Artwir Swim Club, Women’! Clly CInb. Detroit Park! and Recreation Club. Fltsgerald Swim Hub along with several Olympic candiiiates. All races arc finals and awards will be presented to the first su fastest swimmers in each event. AAA Swimmers must be registered in the AAU, whose rules will govern the meet. Boys and girls must swim in their own age group except in relays where one swimmer may be upgraded. PNHMatmen Defeated, 26-25 Farmington Wallops Walled J-oke; Chiefs Postponed This^is the list of events for Michigan Amateur Aquatics program: 2. 2M ji. med. r«larF flTlR 10 *i 3. 100 rd. tm. bOTi 11 and 12. 4. 200 yd. med. rrlay. girls II and 1 0. to yd. .bark, boys 10 and under. d. to yd fr»«. glrli 10 and under. yd. breait. glrla It and 12. 0:00 F. M. IVENTS 10 200 yd. mad. relay; 21 to yd. tree, boye 13 and 14. 22. to yd.- frsc. gIrU 12 nsd 14. 23. lOd free, boye 10 and ever. 24. 200 free, glrla 10 and oear. Ann Johnstone in FavoreS Role at Palm Beach WEST PALM BEACH. Fla. AP)—Mrs. Ann Casey Johnstone of Mason City, Iowa, today became a favorite to repeat her 1956 golf triumph in the Women'i Championship of Palm Beach as she led the way into the semifinal round., , , AAA Mrs. Johnstone, six times Iowa women's champion, eliminated Barbara Mclntire of Lake Worth, Fla., defending champion and National Women’s Amateur titlist, 3 and 1, then defeated Joanne Goixl-win of Haverhill, Mass., 2 and 1. AAA Also moving into the 184iole aemifinals were Judy Bell of Wichita, I{)in., Mary Ann Downey of-Baltimore and Barbara Fitton, of Hamilton, Ohio. berjack vlctoiy striiig In tM 8VC at N, defeated the Flint CfWtml team earlier, W-M. With Bruce Norvell, Ted GaeW bauer and Ben Donaldson all hating new marks lor PCH this sea' son, the Chiefs will swim at the PNH pool the rest of the season as their own tank gets a facelifting. Nex$ Tuesday, PCH and PNH will meet for the second time their intra-city rivalry. IT) IM yard freeetyle—Sotijeeon (T» :!• S; Keller |T». Kern (FKHi. Diving—RetUff jFNHt " *“ A defeat in the final match Pontiac Northkm a victory at War-Fitzgerald\ while Farmington was walloping Walled Lake in prep wrestling last night. AAA A scheduled Pontiac Central at Flint Central duel was postpones! until Jeh. 16. After trailing most of the way Northern roared J>ack on a forfeit and pin by Dave Fox to go ahead 25-23 with one match remaining. But Earl Hewitt was outpointed by Tony Miller in the heavy class to end it 26-25. Ben CJiancey and jerry Heard got the other PNH pins. Farmington opened up strong and kept rolling to drub the vikings 32-17. Four phis helped make it easy for the Falcons to extend their dual record lo 6-2-1. FNU-FITZOEKALD SVMMARV „ -Cluncey piniwd Stew Sweru; IW Jfrry MkhUB pinned Ken Klmmel; lia—Montj Ctrolnn Art I pinned 8Un Mertel. Q DuTli; lib—Lawrence won —Foi pinned Maurice Burke: Her defeated Hiwllt. FABMINOTON-WL ...... Jonee iFi Dinned Lirrv Per- tenekl: 103—Bob Meiur iFi plnntd Merk Coegrawe; 112—Bob Cook iFi and i,e— —•----«—; iM-DIck Cook iFi i butterfly—Otrard (Tl 1:(2.T n 111. Johneon IPNHI. M yard freeityle—Armetrong (T 1.3; Barringer iTi, Barrie (PNH) N yard becketroke —.Treaty cT l.S: atepleeni iTi, Oreef iPNHi. M yard breeiUtroke—Ratliff iPNH Alex Beats Pancho in Thrilling Match PHILADELPHIA (AP) - Alex Olmedo of Peru handed Pancho Gonzales his first defeat in the current pro tennis tour Thursday night in a thrilling 2 hour and 10 minute match. AAA Olmedo, the newest professional recruit, defeated Gonzales 6^, 4-6, 13-11. Promoter Jack Kramer said it the finest tennis he had ever Olmedo play. A |medo won the match when les dashed up court and vol-leyedVa forehand at too sharp an angle,\the ball going over the left sidelii Gonzales now leads the tour with gk Victories a^inst one defeat and $5,200 won. Olmedo now is second with a 5-2 record. 4R teem tley, WelU, Tuttle, 1 ep^ reUy— Mother of Cage Star * Threatened in Letter ; PHILADEXPHU (») — Bill (Pk-kles) Kennedy, cnptaiB of tlM Temple Unlverslly mini Track) Stars Thrown by Studies CHAMPAIGN. IJl. (AP) -key athletes on t team have been tiiy—rnuraion . , , Ter Mtreeh, Metlie-! because Of SCholl ' Coach Leo Johnson Oilers Sign Speedie’ HOUSTON. Tex. (AP) - Mac Speedie, who, set pass catching records in three pro leagues, has been signed as an assistant coach of the Houston Oilers of the American Football League. Four Illinois track lied ineligible difficulties. Id Thursday. They include Wartfy Miller, Big Ten 100 and 220-yanft champion: Ernie Haisley of Jamaliw, Big Ten and Pan-American Games high jump titlist; Johnny. Counts, sophomore sprinter, and simhomore Lloyd Gfxxlleigh of Jamaica, outstanding 440 and 880-yar^ prospect. I i I i: IN NVISKm * 21 .SIS — f 22 41t IMf SS 2M Ultf 44 J41 21 f threatening Us mother If he ka$ • good night against LnSalle her« Feb. to. The FBI and Phiindelphia dfr tectlves diacloaed the letter jreB-terday. Kennedy aaid the hand printed letter was mailed from I*hlladel-phla Jan. 20 and received by Um two days later. Professional WRESTLING PONTIAC NATIONAL GUABD ABMOBT 57 WATER ST. FRIDAY, FEB. S Texee Style Dealb Malrb Wire Mceh le ' real De) Mearlee ek j|ia^Mt„., Beaecu Bey ve, Freaehr riU*rt GENERAL ADM.......$1.50 RINGSIDE.. .$2.00 fr $2.50 aOVANCB TICKET SALKS GrlH't Grill, 49 N. Sefiaaw VFW Feri Ne. UTQ FE 5-4201 598 H: Saflnaw Beumeu Keeleuraul. M# S. BIvS. FB l-Stll ^ MolcJuaater — Bert Rahy Jerry Cetaell )F) beet Tom Bell I4.<>—Aloneo Sexton )F) whipped Fiheltncn: U4_Dlek Lamb P) p Bob RlMrifr ISS—Ohnrlee Johtnor, _ downtd Jack Shiker: ISO-John Van SIcklen )W) pinned Bab Burton: Henvy —Jim Teddy iW) pinned Irv Ntkklli. REE INSTAUATIONI 20,000 Miltt or 1-Ymt WritttR OptH Doily 0 t* 7-S>wl«y By AppointiBeiit COMPLETE PRECISION INSTALLATION BRAKES SPECIAL WHEEL ALIGNMENT -$5.95 WHEEL BALANCING $1.50 Per Wheel Beit Work in the City All Work Done While You Wotek ^Ik to Skillod FREE! RUBBER CAR RUG Wirh every brake iob. Iring riiii sd. COMPARE THESE SAVINBSl mur'll Ml I YN list PUCE smi Slt ll llJS $tO.I5 ts.311 I.N 15.3S tr.ti 9.H 4l.2S'l2.M 3S.3« 37.3S I2.N 24 40 30.4S l2.Mi 17.50 CHEVROLET PLYMOUTH LINCOLN CHRYSLER PONTIAC All OThW y.S. CABS $12.15 There Must Be A Reason WHY RAMBLER SALES ARE CONTINUING TO SKT-ROCKET HIGHER AND HIGHER WALT LUCAS Says: WILL GIVE YOU ABSOLUTELY FREE 100 HOLDEN RED STAMPS for LETTING ME SHQW YOU WHY!" WITH A DEMO DRIVE - JVo Obligation BILL SPENCEOainbler 266 S.SiM;iiaw FESdMI WHEREVER YOU HAROLD TURNER 464 S. WOODWARD-BIRMINGHAM TWKyTY-EIGHT THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1&60 Rallies Support Jfor Fair Voting Attorney General Asks U.S. Referees to Guard Negro Rights WAShiNGTON JAP) — Atty. Gen. WUllatn P. Rogers attempts today to rally support in Congress (or the administration’s plan for federal court referees to protect Negro voting rights. ★ ★ Rogers is the final witness Bcouts to Lead Church Services In Waterford * like many other Boy Scout troops of Oakland County, Troop {34 in Waterford Township will (onduct church services Sunday morning. This begins a one-week Ibservance of the 50th Anniversary of Boy Scouting in America. ' Sponsored by the United Pres-b.vteiian Church, the troop was reactivated bs IMS wider the leadership of John Cuthbertson • and Gordon Dean. From a handful of boys, the troop has grown to tS. Last year Troop 134 was pre- ^ , •ented the Brown Jug Awart at ^heduled by the Senate Rules Mh the spring and faU qinton Valey District roundups. | legislation designed to strengthen ... existing laws against racial dis- ■ A court of honor will be held at I cooperative dinner for scouts and their parenU at 6:30 p.m. Monday at the church. Awards ► ill be given to the scouts, and demmstrations of their yearly ac-th'ities will be featured. ; The Congo River in West Africa is about 3.000 miles in length. - ASK ANYONE ^HUNDgUS OP THOUSANDS OP tPIOPlI kWMT HIM IN MICHb :»AN WIU raU YOU THAT ^O.JII.WA lITTHS IS THI rOMATIST MIOICINI THIY 'IVIN USIO. IT OPTIN MINOS allSULTS WHIM OTHM MIDI-*CINIS PAIL. POD IITTII - HIAITH, ASK Tout ORUOOIST FOR A lOTTLI OP OINUINI 0-JIR-WA limu, AMIRICA'S NUMIIR ONI AU HIM TONIC, ; and NOW n% stronoir. ' MORI IPPICTITI AND OUlCMR tACTlNO THAN MIR. ITS fRIASONAILI IN PRICI. IN >PACT IT COSTS LISS TODAY 'THAN IT DID 4S YIAU AOO. crimination in voting. The admnstration measure was outlined by. Rogers at a news conference last week. He proposed It as a substitute for a plan recons-mended by the Ovil Rights Commission last September for federal voting registrars. AAA Only bills to carry-out the commission's plans are before the rules committee. For tactical reasons the maneuvering over civil rights legislation, the administration bill has not yet been introduced in the Senate. Key Senate Republicans held strategy meeting Thursday on civil rights. Sen. Everott M. Dlrk-sen (R-Ill) later said they had pretty well agreed on introducing the administration program in one package bill. A Under the commission's plan, regi.strars would be appointed by the President. They would register persons qualified under state law in areas from which sworn complaints were received that Negroes had been denied the right to register because of their race. The plan for court - appointed re^reea goes beyond this in that thiy would be empowered to oversee voting and vote-counting as well as registration in both state and federal elections. Visitors Not Wonted SACRAMENTO, Chllf. (PI - Inspectors checked 327,479 vehicles for agricultural pests at C&Ufo^ nia border stations in one month. They intercepted 12 types of pests unknown in California. Peggy Lucille Loses Both Her Husbands REASON TO CXLEBRATE - These third grade youngsters at the Donelson School will tell you that school can be as much fun as going to a circus . . . because that’s just what they did Their classes have been studying circus life and yesterday the pupils paid a visit to the r*BiiM rr*u riwto Shrine Qrcus at the State Fair Groiaids to see for themselves. Four of the students are shown here at “work.” They are (from left) Kim Evans, George Pizza (standing), Elwyna Tripp and Sherrie Owen. 120 Donelson 3id Gradeis Study Circus 'in Person' More than 120 Donelson Schoolihigh interest to their'classes' study third graders will tell you that for several days, according to Mrs. ^ ^ ^ I The students learned all abont As a matter of fact, that s just '®; what they did. ““ countries from which they came. The youngsterd left their class- I . , rooms and books behind j ester- | An interesting topic, they found. day afternoon Retired Business AAonoger of Kazoo College Dies KALAMAZOO _________________________ Odlege ■utiMirities were notified ^ daughter, Mrs. Norman Frost. LONG BEACH, Osllf. « destroyer U8g Benner wi Ing easMy at a ‘ " Tlmfs when Carlyle Stanley, », and Marvin FrIteiMl. M. dls- cMlege, dic4 Wednesday night at his winter home in Avon Park, Fla. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Day Marshall Bachelor and that Dr. Frank B. Bachelor, 70, retired business manager of the The body will be brought to Michigan for burial. Peggy Lucille. AAA Ika two sallora laughed, slapped each other on the back and reached tor their wallets. They stopped laughlnf then. The pictures they placed were Idea-tical. FrifadMl, hushand No. t, was the tint to act. He obtained an annulment last December. 8tan-ley got a dlvoree Thursday aft- covery In Superior Court. State Military Sites Get Building Cash WASHINGTON (B- Seven military installations in Michigan have been listed as sites for construction projects under the IL034,161,-000 miUtary cmstructlon authorization bill submitted to Congress. TTie Defense Department named these as: Air Force — Klnrheloe AFB, 8ault Ste. Marie., $4,548,000; K. I. Sawyer Municipal Airport, Marquette, $3,t51.000; Selfridge AFB, Mount Clemens, |1,S8S,-000; Wurtamith AFB, Oscoda, was the problem of circus transportation. In class sessions preceding yesterday's eyewitness seminar, students made circus posters, used modeling clay to make miniature circuses and prepared booklets on special phases of circus life. The third graders, pupils of Mrs. qarence Lackie, Jo Ann Mazza and Mrs. Rudolph Affolder, returned to their classrooms today happy and a little tired. If cotton is used for cloth instead : candy for awhile, it will be all right with them, they agreed. Army National Guard—Armory, Howell, $25flr.0OO. Naval Reserve — Naval Air Station, Grosse He, $150,000. Air Force Reserve Selfridge AFB, $161,000. , . NEW Orga-sonic si series' BUILT BY BALDWIN An unexpected thrlU In a home organ. New “Pre-ietf* tabs make It piMsible to change from solo pUylng tcf Tibia chorus. String ensemble or Full organ with flngery Up controls. Never before have such dramatic contrastr la music been possible In a compact spinet like It’s easier than ever to play! Look what else the new 51 Series offers: • 93 k»ys, 49 on solo manual • 18 individual voices • Percussion group* of S’ Sola Sustain, Vibra Harpr , Harpsichord, GiockensjMe/,-Colssta, Organ Harp and Guitar • Centrally located, color-coded stops • Choice of Contemporary, Italian I8lh Century and • French Provencial styles... S line, hand-tubbed woods sum ST •Optional at esita cost $1030 BaU^WIN- maNOS. otesNi - SPECIAL- ESTEY ORGAN AOCt 2 Manual 18-Pedal Board PABK IN REAR OPEN FRI. and MON. NIGHTS CALBI MUSIC CO. 119 N. Saginaw St. It was part of their "work.” A study of the circus has added WANT MORi FOR YOUR MONEY... KEEP YOUR ON GRANTS ^ WAYS TO BUY ... •fH SEW AND SAVEI...OUR PRINTED AND PIAIN PERCALES APPEAR IN FRESH spring COLORS ...A NEW LOW PRICE The lucky woman Who sews won't want to misS this terrific aalel... Imagine such fine quality percale (and in such novel and beautiful prints) selling at this amazing price! Come early and see! OPEN 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. DAILY Complete New U. S. Post Office New Open Miracle Mils Shopping Cenftr, S. Tsiegraph ot S<|iiora LoIcg Rood LAST TIMES TONITE "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING" EXPOSa THE FEMALE lUNSLE & ERROL FLYNN 'THE BIG BOODLE" SEVER miDES ^SE?BN BROTHERS* zAiHe'^ rdmwtir POWELL KEEL •Nk Wf Richards • Russ TamWyn • Tommy Rail TONIGHT SATURDAY SUNDAY I30NTIAC f ^**'*r,. -- jr/i Open at 6.30 P. M. / OH HAPPY DAVl See / BIGGEST-MOST UUGH PACKED MOST GIRL-STACKED! AU YOUB FAVORITE CHABACTIKI IN THE (UushG FLESH! uv Broadway’s % smash hit- ^ now the .BIGGEST, FUNNIEST) motion picture COMES ALIVE! TECHNICOLOR* . 1 - - - —waft Hodhpuoodi modi eyoaiMn (Xfot og Wew snnrKWHi ut mmiui‘.riiirt lew k FRONT LINE HEROES NOW THEY STOOD ON TRIAL — ATTACKED BY THEIR OWN COMMAND! TAKES MORE THAN GUTS—TO FIGHT AN ENEMY YOU CAN'T SEE I You'll B« Worm With Our ll-CAR HEATEIIS "nr"* THE rONTIAC PRESS. FRIDAY. EEBRUAItY 5, 1960 I TWENTY-yiXE Pupils Get the Bird SWANTON, Vt. (UPI)-Set_______ grade pupUi at Swahton Central School were studying the conservation of wild life when a partridge crashed through one of ^ classroom windows. Warsaw Pact Backing Nikita Over Germany MOSCOW m - The Warsawi The Soviet-led ))loc backed the Pact powers have lined up behind P«>>'cle« already , laid down by Soviet Premier NiWta'"Kh'ni^h-]“^‘>«''-‘"f^^^^^ . . ^ « 'Of a nonaggression pact with the chev for' a showdoro on tte Gerw| North Atlantic alliance, univeieal disarmament, a ban on nuclear weapons and conversion of West man problem at the East-West summit talks in May. ♦ * ★ The dight-nation Communist alliance wound up a one-day conference Thursday night by-threatening agaiq to dgn a separate peace treaty with East Geimany "and ROCK 'N ROLL DANCE STARTING FEB. 6 EVBIY SATUtOAY NIGHT DEAN QUALLS & D - NOTES PLUS RECORDS AT GILES AtCHERY SERVICE t P.M. TO 12 P.M. «959 Hithlsnd Rd. IM-591 Berlin into a "flee dty.” But the Red alliance seemed to show impatience on the German issue. * 4 "Under present conditions cace treaty can be signed or by both German states,” said communique. "We carux>t agree that the solution to this question be delayed endlessly. ■'This can only encourage the militarist and revenge . seeking forces of West Germany. If efforts directed at signing a peace treaty SQUARE ond RQUND DANCING GARDEN CENTER BALLROOM tssi WM<»»r«, D(li«a S*trf Tkir*. Sat.. Sap- CAMPUSBALLROOM FraktU aaS UTcraalf OsaelBf Stmt Tao., Frl.. Sal. with .both German states will meet supp<»t, and the solution to | this problem still faces delay, then the states represented at this con-■ence will have no way out but sign, together with other states which will be ready for that, peace treaty with the (East) German Democratic Republic, attd on this basis to solve the problem of West Berlin as well.” Oiancellw Konrad Adenauer's West German government was cused of stalling in the hope "that an opportune moment may arise for altering the frontiers estab-lished in ^rope as a result of the rout of Nazi Germany." * # ★ TTii.s, the communique continued, "means a ppUcy of pre-paring a new war,’’ blouse neither Poland nor the Soviet Union will surrender the. lands they took from Germany at the end of the war. Khrushchev signed for the Soviet Union as both head of the government and Communist Party chairman. Both premiers party leaders signed for the other countries—East Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Albania. An estimated 1.5 billi(m chicks are hatched annually in the United States, most of them iq the spring Humphrey Desires Red China Arms Pact WASHINGTtW (AP)-*n. Hubert H. Humphrey (D-MInn) said today the time has coma to consider how to bring Red China into an international disarmament sys- Humphrey, chairman of the Sen-le Disarmament subcommittee' nd a presidential aspirant, said he Intends to put the question to| administration otficialB at hearings probably next month. j ★ * * 1 *T think you’ve got to include II major groups of the world if disarmament is going . to worft, and one of them Is Red China," he told'an interviewer. 30‘Ft High Hunks oi Ice Jam Up in St Clair River PORT HURON »-The St. Clair River was solid ice today from Uke St. aair to Marine aty. | Chunks of almost man-sized ice were piled almost 30 feet high in some places. The ice has so far caused only minor damage to shore installations and the Coast Guard said the situation was not serknli. There was no backup of water to any great extent. i Guardsmen said some people are walking across the river over the SEE IT-TODAYI Oakland At; 1:00-3:14-5:14 7:28-9:44 “IF I WERE MAYOR- OF PONTIAC ... I WOULD PROPOSE AN ORDINANCE COMPELLING EVERY CITIZEN OF PONTIAC TO ATTEND THE OAKLAND THEATER TO SEE •’OPEBATIOM PETTlCOAr* i . . GUARANTEED TO BLAST THE BLUES AND KEEP THE CITY SUBMERGED IN LAUGHTER!" ART SA^YFORD, MGR. HELD OVER nd BM NEEI OF HOmilB HIURITV! CARY > . TONY GRunr-cuRns submei^ged Tvith 5 wonder the S.S. SEA TIGER tumod L shocking nlnk! OPERKnON PPmemT jF;' * in Eastman COLOR JOAN OBRIEN-DINAMmiLL‘GENE EVANS Did SARGENT wARTHUR O'CONNELL ADDEPt h» f"Hilorietts leyride... from lode-ia to lode-ouLj 'One el these eNenresceat cMnedies thotl ,sends everyhedy eut ei the theater ieelingC On 'happier!** f The -Nelly weed Reperlerf ^ ONIOPTHE SIDE RUSTERS OF THE OF THE SEASON! .. . "SLICK HILARIOUS" Niven ,Mitzi Gayno/} . ^ "m-. ^ Happy i%nnivepsapy FiElM MOOUCTCNS N COMING SOONI lAMES (IRAVEBICK) GUNEIN5TAUE WOOD ia 'CASH McCAU' THIRTY ' THE PONTIAC PRESS. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 5, 1000 For Fine .... Italian-Ameriean ____ Foods ... In a Newly Decorated Atmosphere COMPLETE CARRY OUT SERVICE 75c CnCKH .1 SHCErm DIEPEI MondoT S TttMdor for CUldran Undor 10 AtoUciU* for Prhrort* PoriiM & Bcmquots CASSINO PIZZERIA lots W. Uif Ukt N. at Ttlagiaph MI 6*1336 0»n WMkcUri II A. M. t* I A. M.-aia«»ri t r. M. U S A. M. Cash for Army Said to Stray Lemnitzer Claims That It Goes to Allies or Is Held by Budget Bureau MISS EDIE at THE PIANO Ploying Your FoYorite Requests at the BECMAR LIQUOR-BEER-WINE Take Out on Beer Pizia'-r Sandwiches 94 W. Huron S». FrM Forking FE 3-9446 FRI.—SAT.—SUN. CURB SPECIAL Va Lb. Jumbo Jack HUHBimGEB FRESH GROUND BEEF ;; ON TOASTED SESAME SEED BUN JUMBO JACK SAUCE . ^ Ef £ ^1 JUMBO dTvVVh JACK Dill* Rwf. at Siu. ■ Tkar*. FE 8-9900 • •;M A. M .|;M r. M. WASHINCSTON (AP)-Much the special additional funds voted by Oongresa to pEx>vide hew equipment lor American soldiers has been tied up by the Budget Bureau or has been used to help allies, says Gen. Lyman L. Lemnitzer. Lenuiitzer, Army chief of staff, told the Senate Preparedness subcommittee and Space Committee Thursday that Army modernization is one of his i»incipal problems. A * ★ Asked if the additional funds voted last year for that purpose are being fully used, Lemnitzer •pUed: "The answer to that question is Why not? •T can’t answer that — you’l have to ask the Budget Bureau,’ he sAid. Lenuiitzer said part of the $386. 200.000 appropriation was used to assist alli^ and 173 million dol-lars were placed in reserve by the Budget Bureau to meet ture contingencies.’* HOPES DASHED President E^nhower’s budget provides about IVi billion dollars to continue the Army’s modernization program present rate. Army originally tried to get fiVe billion dollars a year for three years for modemi- lillllllllllUlllllllllllllllllll^^ Daieiig-Tliirs., | i.Fri.-Sal.tSfi Nilas = JAMBOREE EVERY SUNDAY 4 P. M. iP^MUSiC BY THE KUNTREY KUZENS FINl! LiqiJOR OLD DUTCH MILL AOvn «t Cbwxh Id. Aubsrn Haifhts iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiii»^ LAND'S END. (API-Dr. Barbara Moore, the bouncy 56-year-old vegetarian determined to i«ove that women are as tough as men. finished a 1.006-mile march down the length of Britain Thursday night looking fresh as a daisy. Highest in Years Commercial, Industrial and School Jobs Boost Cit/s January Report Lemnitzer was told Thursday that the Senate committee had testimony that the Soviet army had been highly mechanized, made highly mobile and provided with rockets, tanks and guns that “can outrange and outgun ours." it it it He replied "we do know the Russian army has been completely reorganised at least once once New commercial, industrial and school construction pushed bfUlding report totals in Pontiac last month to the highest January figure in years, according to Carl F. Alt, city building inspector. Y ♦ Y There wete only 29 permits issued in January, but they totaled Sl,636,718 in new construction. Included were five permits involving the modemlsntion program under way at the Fisher Body Divisioa’s Pontiac plant. The five permits — covering a new waste treatment plant plus structural alterattons-^otal $1,250,-». 120,000 AUTO SITE Another big entry was a $120,000; auto sales and service building planned by Cy Owens, Inc. at Oakland Ave. Flight of XI5 Canceled by Technical Difficulties EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE. Calif. (AP)—Powered flight No. 5 for the X15 rodcet ship was called off onjy a minute before the ndedle-nose craft was slated to be dropped from its mother plane. it it it Technical dlffinilties were blamed for the change in plans Thursday. Cause of the trouble was not spelled out by the Air Force. Hart, McNamara Vote in Favor of School Aid WASHINGTON «I-Scns. Hart and McNamara of Michigan, both Democrats, voted for the Demo-cratic-sponsored proposal to double size of the school aid bill Wednesday night. Tbe Senate rejected the bill by a 44-44 tie vote. On a subsequent vote, Vice Pmident Nixon helped seal its fate by breaking a 44-44 tie and thus tabling a Democratic motion to reconsider the action. T" Knight's Attorney to File for Evidence Suppression BRIGHTON m—A motion to suppress key evidence against Alvin W. Knight, charged with the murder iMt September of a state po-licenuui, wUI soon be made in Uv-ingston County Circuit, Court. Knight’s defense counsel, Martin J. La van, said today. La van said he. plans to base his motion on the grounds of illegal search and seizure and personal abuse of the accused. Walks Britain Tip to Tip -She'll Try to Cross U.S. She now has her eyes set on a coast-to-coast solo trek across the United States. A cheering crowd of 10,000 welcomed her here as she briskly stepped off the final paces of a walk that began 21 days earlier at John O’Groats, on the northern tip of Scotland. A * ★ Dr. Moore said she will leave for the United States as soon as' she gets a visa. I ‘T not looking for a sponsor," she added, "1*11 make the whole trip on my own money.’* Well, Didn't It Rain HONOLULU-Annual rainfall of 2 inches has been recorded at Maui in the Hawaiian Islands group. • In addition, permits were filed for eight new homes, totaling $69,000. ★ ★ ★ In January of last year, there were more permits filed—31—but they totaled only $122,687. Included were three new homes. Compact Cars Seen Hiking Market Slice DETROIT W—Ward's Automotive Reports says sale of compact cars is gaining a larger slice of the market. The statistical agency said 101,-171 compacts were sold last month for 22.2 per cent of the auto industry’s January retailing. ★ * ★ During the last 10 days of the month sales shot upward 15.5 per cent. WANTED 1.000 COMIC BOOKS leoo Tme Love Story Mags. We Handle^Trfo^ Jokes, and Kp«rf J 35 A«burn\l Fuittt Ontld m. FI 4.S240 HAVE YOU BEEN TO BETH'S tor SmOReRSBORD YET? open Sunday! 12 Noan 'U1 8 P.M. BETH'S RESTAURANT 476 W. Huron Sf. Across FrbM Coooral HospitsI FE 3-9383 99 Club 86 South Tflcgroph—FE 3-9200 I Block South of Huroo WALTER attko Accordion (Friday e Set.) MILDRED at tha Organ (Friday 6 Sat.) Jan. 11-N period. Ward’s said 172,975 domestic-built cars were sold during the Jan. 21-31 period. it it it The resulting average of selling 19,219 cars a day compared with 18,222 in mid-month and w|u the highest for any 10-day period since 21,862 daily Oct. 11-20 last year. 25th Year Strawberries in February? Yes, at Ted’s..., Shipments of sweet... plump .. ..fresh strawberries are arriving daily by air irom far-off tropical lands, and Ted’s excellent bakers are making them into unforgettable winter treats .. . such as fresh strawberry tarts ... Strawberry French cream pie ... strawberry shortcake ala-mode . *. fresh strawberry ice cream pie... or strawberries in cream. « STOP IN at TED’S Soon and ENJOY the 1960 FRESH WMiwiri St SqssK URc Bssd Strawberry Festival! Dinner Hour Service Degins at 5:00 P.M. Michigan Bank Deposits Hit New Mark in 1959 I LANSING W - Michigan bank deposits and assets reached a new high during 1959, the State Banking Department reported. ’Total resources of 660 state banks tind branches were $4,700,000,000 at the end 6f the year, afl increase of 163 million dollais over last year. Deposits were $4,300,000,000, an increase of $136 millions. Deposits in checking accounts of individuals, firms and corporations increased MODERN ond SQUARE iSl DANCING EVERY SATURDA' NIGHT NOW PLAYING— Ths Echo Valbi B«|s Featuring Th« Scoritt Brotherf ond Doon Qualls 61EN EASTMAN Cdfag f 9481 ELIZABETH J UUOE RD. JAM SESSION EVERY TUESDAY WITH FRANK PERBY AND K8 SWINGMASTER8 CwMr uf EKsaburii DcIFs Inn 33 million dollars. FINE LIQUORS, BEER Md WINE DANCING “ EVERY NIGHT Mask by Um "S UTllE WORDS" with JQB at the OrgSn - HAROLD •a the Sas and RAY un the Drums. Phone OR 4 0022 4769 Dixie Hwy. Drayton PlainA Iwt Sealk 1 WnitoaM U. M. niwrs COCKTAIL-LOUNGE FE 3-9528 West Huron ond Elizobeth Loke Rd. Jam Stision Monday with THE TOM CATS DANCE FRIDAY I SATURDAY NIGHT to tha Music of THE TOM CATS aasa^^waii (Vito lym igppwaiVaw DANCING To The Music Of ■ DICK DENGATE ond the ESQUIRES Friday and Saturday Nights BEER CHOICE LIQUOR WINE DIXIE BAR * 2592 Dixia Hwy. free PARKING OR 3-4521 Hear the BEST in WESTERN and HILLBILLY MUSIC Foehiring JOHNNY SWAN on the Uod ond LARRY HEATH on the Guitar Floor Shows Fridoy 8i Soturdoy 9 P.M. to 2 A.M. SPADAFORE BAR 6 N. Coss ot Huron featuring — • “Mad Man Miltie,” M. C. Comedy & Songs • Fine Dance Music O Wonderful Listening Music • Lots of Laughs — Fun — Entertainment - We’re Proud of Our Kitchen — Catering to • Bowling Banquets (Our Speciality) • Family Dinners • Steaks o Chops • Bar-B-Que Spareribs • Bar-B-Que Chicken NEW DRAYTON INN RESTAURANT AND COCKTAU LOUNGB 4195 Dixie OR 8-7161 Taaf.ffMf Mrs. Degaiar Wilsoa THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 5. 1960 THIRTY-ONE Maggie*g Kiwanis* Guest, Not Meal Little Piggy Goes to Dinner GRAND RAPIDS (UPI) — Tl»e Michigan District of Kiwainis International Is playing a new ver Sion of "This.Little Piggy Went to Market." -In this case the game is called ■ This UtUe Piggy. Went to a tCiwanis Meeting." A A The piggy in question is "Maggie.” a cute (if a young sow can be called cute) sow which is fast growing to be a lady. Maggie already ha» beea le Klwanls meetings in U Michigan cities and there’s no telling how many more she’ll go to before the game «ids. Sidney F. Main, governor of the Michigan District of Kiwanis International, spelled out the rules of the game in a proclamation for all state chapters last Nov. 6. PROMOTE RELATIONS The idea behind the whole thing is to promote interdub relations. The proclamation stated that Maggie, no matter which cinb she happens to be visiting and no niftter what hardships tt^nay present, most have “a warm bed in a warm, dry place.’’ Another stipulation stated Mag- Proposes Help for Migrants Workers Aid ^Among Number of Bills Before Michigan Legislature LANSING (fl — Help for migratory workers is proposed in the newest bills to come before the Legislature. ♦ * dr A 12-member commission on migratory labor, proposed the last two years, was called lor by Rep. Frederick Yates (D-Detroit). the tbotMoads ol migratory workers that poor into Michigan each year to harvest crops. Railroads would be required to attach red and white refleeWrized buttons to their rolling stock as a safety measure under a bill submitted by Rep. Walter H. Nill iD-Muskegon). W ANTS GRAND JURIES Locomotives and tenders would display reflectoriKd fabric. Rep. Joseph A. GUUs (D-De-Irolt) propos^ permanent grand juries, ranging from 1« to tS members. In conntleo of M,M0 Witnesses would get immunity for refusal to give self-incriminatory testimony. tic violailotts under a bin by Rep. James Oarkson (D-8outk-Iteld). TBo proteclioo would not extend to drunk and reckless drivers. Other new Ips would: Outlaw sale of brake fluid not meeting spedfkatians M the Society of Automotive Engineers (E. A. Fitzpatrick). RAISE TB APPROPRIATION Rsdse the state contribution for care of needy tuberculosis patients to a maximum $6 a day (Sobieski). C^reate a board of registration for tiorologists (watch repairmen) iHungerford). ♦ ♦ ★ . i Among bills filed in the Senate were those to: Make it a misdemeanor to operate a state-licensed watercraft lacking a We preserver, buoyant vest or buoyant cushion for each occupant (Ryan). Require state purchasing officials to buy Michigan products in l«ef-erence to those from out of state unless, after allowance for transportation charges, their cost was higher by 5 per cent or more iDzendzel). Firm in Cadillac to Start Golf Cart Subsidiary CADILLAC (gl-Kysor Heater Co., the city’s largest single employer, with nearly 450 workers, today announced establishment of a wholly owned subsidiary at Rothbury to manufacture motorized golf carts. ★ * ★ President Raymond Weigel also announced the parent firm would start work on an addition at the plant in Cadillac next month for Increased production On its truck air conditioners. DONALD DUCK kie must be treated "like a member of the family" by whoever has temporary charge ot her. ★ it it Not playing the game properly would be considered a violation of Kiwanis ethics. Maggie's round of kiwanis luncheons and dinners started Nov. 9 at Grayling when she weighed a slender 42>/i pounds. Mate said that before the GrayUng Kiwanis could pass along Maggie she had to gate ----That’s a rule It follow. The proclamation continued that “ wherever Maggie goes next, the place has to be at least 50 miles from her present home and the tramder must be made to another Kiwanis club while it is having an official, session. There’s a ritual of fraternal amenities, hajWshakes and Intru-ductiona accompanying transfer of Maggie from delegation to delegation. MOVE.MENT8 TOP SECRET But Maggy’s movements arc kept top secret until the transfer has been accomplished. This adds suspense to the game. Maggie doesn’t know from one night to another where she’ll be and neither do other Kiwanis chapters. Right now Maggie is ta the custody of the Grand Haven Kiwanis. Leo Ebel got custody of her from the South Haven Kiwanis. Maggie’s weight has gone up to 130 pounds. Main stipulated that when she reaches 2^ pounds the Kiwanis club having her as a guest at the has the duty to transform her from a "symboT of inter-club good fellowship to a "culinary delight." Some of Maggie's other stops were Oare, Bay City. Tawas, Harrison, Crystal Lake. Sa^aw, Berkley, ^line, Detroit, Lansing, Weat Branch, Alpena, Cheboygan, Traverse C3ty, Manistee and Miis-(egon. EM sammed np the uonal re-Mitten to getting custody of Mag-«te.'. New Choral Group to Choose Name The newly organized Watwford Township choral group will select an (dficial name at Monday night’s weekly meeting at the high school, according to director Rlcb- "You go to a dinner meeting, maybe for roast pork,” and wind up finding a place to sleep for a pig on the hoof." SpoMwred by the township at its second nacet-teg. The imetlag Ifane has been duuged from 1 p.m. to 7:30 -4:00 pjm., Meier said. Officers Include president, diaries Jehle, vice presideid, Robert Morris; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Byron Merritt, and litnnrian, Linda Bylngton. The choral group is now rehearsing for a ben^ concert be presented in May. By Franklin #olger ADAM AMRS By Lou Pina "I sure saved you a lot of money today. I’d have simply died if I didn’t get this coat, and you know what funerals cost!" BOARDING HOUSE ^ OUT OUR WAY ^y Walt Disney BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES By Edgar Martin cuacfsx ^ SO WtiCU UirCU*'fV»!SL WTCV3S8C& C3P >IOU5 WaCAST TV—OpCDtBS Burroughs Co poration Shifting Key Personnel DETROIT Burroughs Corp mkkers of data processing equipment, today announced four key personnel changes in a major reorganization program. President Ray R. Eppert said the Burroughs Division and.Bec-troData Division are being die-coiitinued as organizational units. The marketing activities of these divisions will be joined in a new divigion-requipment and aystenu marketing. Ken. T. Bement, general aatea manager of the Burroughs Division, has been promoted to vice president of marketing as head of the new division. J. R. Bradhurn, vice president and general manager of the ElectroData Diviaiun. has been named vice president of manufacturing and engineering. C. E. Schneider, vice president and general manager of the Burroughs Division, has been appointed vice president and group executive of the graphics systems group and general manager of the Todd Co. Division. Dr. Irven Travis, staff vice president search and engineering, has been named vice president of research. V Mclntoih. bu. ........ 1th I. NoKhm spr. bu........... ITS •rkdUh. pk ... OnloDi. dry Phrtlcr, Hoot, dot. beta!.... Phruiipi criw Psb. OM Partnlps, H ba............... PoUtOTi, M lb. bdf ........... Rhdltbn, BUck. H btt. ........ lUdtAhn. botbeuM. dfw brlM. Rbubkrb, botbooM. do*, bebi. . Roub*|is. b«. ................ Sduib. Rabbard. b>i. ........ Poultry and Eggs DETROIT POI'LTRT omtorr. r*b. i (APt-rricM ptr pound t. e. b. Dotrott lor Ho. 1 quoUty U»« poultry; Htdvy typo boot I4-U; Ufbt type boory typi reoiton ovor I tbi. Stocks Sagging, Using Caution NEW YORK Ufl-The stock market sagged moderately early this afternoon in about the dullest trading of the week. Pivotal issues were down from fractions to a point or m««. A few issues rose gainst the trend. Extreme caution, ruled, some of it normal pre-weekend prudence but most of it based on uncertainty over the next strong trend in the market. Steels were mostly down, some leaders taking sharp losses. Brokers said a cut hrVrices by British steelmakers brought on the steel shares. Noted Folk-Singer Bikel to Appear in Detroit Theodore Bikel. noted folk-sing-rr. actor and motion picture star, »iU appear in the latest in a scries of folk music recitals being spemsored in Detroit. Bikel. currently co^tarring in a Broadway musical, will begin his recital at 8:30 p.m. Sunday in the Ford Auditorium. Death Notice LARBY OBOMER Service for Larry Gromer, 68, of 142H Jackson ill be held at 2 p.m. Saturday at the William F. Davis Funeral Home with burud in Oak Hill Cemetery. Mr. Grraner died Saturday at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital alter an illness of- two weeks. Fencing Begins on Tax Issue Senate GOP to Begin Talks on Adding Sales Levy to Ballot LANSING (B — Maneuvering finally is under way on the touchy tax issue, dormant since the I960 Legislature convened. But a showdown is a long way off. Majoritj' Republicans in the Senate set debate next Tuesday on their move to submit a one per cent sales taX increase to voters in November. The time was fixed yesterday befere lawmakers scattered until Monday night, j “We re an.\ious to get the resolution on the way and see what happens,” said Sen. Frank D. Beadle of St. Qair. GOP majority leader. Democratic senators said they would not block it. ★ ♦ ★ No such assurances came from le House, where Republican-Democratic strength is evenly split, or from the executive office. Gov. Williams and his House floor leader, Rep. Joseph J. Kowalski of Detroit, said their party has taken no position. They hinted they might tavec a corporstioa profits tsx proposal to ge side by side ea the ballot. U.S. Steel neared its low lor 1959-60 as it fell more than point. Chemicals, oils, tobaccos, i lines and electrical equipments declined. Motors showed scant trend. Aircrafts were mixed. Republic Steel was down about a point and Jones & Laughlin well over a point. Bethlehem held steady. U.S. Gypsum dropped more than 2. Down more than a point were American Tobacco (ex dividend) and UgSFtt & Myers. Lorillard lost a fraction. Losses of about a point were shown also by Goodyear. P|ielps Dodge, DuPont and General Electric. w w * Brunswick-Balke was active and about a point higher as merger rumors continued. Baldwin-Lima-Hamilton also was an active gainer. Atlantic Coast Line gained more than a point in continued reaction to a favorable brokerage house report and the possibility of tax relief on a sale of Florida land. Nevf York Stocks (Lit* Mornlnt QuotaUooi) Plfuret Aftar'dKlmsl polnta srt ilshtht. ... lIsiFdv . Am Met Cl . Aqi Motor! .. Lodge Calendar Regular conmunlcatlon Pontiac Lodge No 21 FAtAhl. Prlday, Peb-luary 5th. 7:30 p.m. W. M. Vander-cook W. M. News in Brief Cotei Troc .. Chryiler .... cities 8vc . ----*■ ■ Coif Ptim Celom Ooe .. gssl I Coot Cop g Coot Oil . Corn M Doer# ..... Oet Edit . Combination nuni unmage ana hake to ypirst United Webb's gonthern Pit Barbocme b beck at same location, 2M1 Pontiac Rd. FE 5-3113. —Adv. Announcing the opening of Gene Deaton's Barber Shop at the corner of Stau Street and Johnson. —Adv. Howard 8. Complon, 31. of CS7I Saline Dr.. Waterford Township, pleaded guilty to a charge of reckless driving yesterday before Municipal Judge Ocil McCallum. He was fined W. $10 costs, placed on probation, and sentenced to two day in the Oakland County Jail. SomeoM otote two watch bands valued at $45 from the Whitcroft Jewelry Store, 45, S. Saginaw St., it was reported to Pontiac police ynterday. After his cor .alea tax resolution to the floor yesterday, Sen. Cariton H. Morris (R-Kalamazoo) said a petition drive would be started If the legislative approach failed. Some elements in the Republican Party are not keen on a peti-campaign, and it appeared that interparty bargaining was in store. ♦ •aw The governor told newsmen Democrats were united thing -;- opposition to putting a personal inmme tax question on the ballot as an gJtemative to the sales tax increaae. OR. TREAaORT DEPA TMEHT IN-t«n»l Rc*eB-e Serrice. Ofllc* of th* DUtrtcl Director. Dmolt. MlehlMO. rtb. I. Ism. RoUee U hereby qlTW thet All of the rtcht. title Asd lotereet of MrnAO C. wd KAtherlBe A. KAmUton to AOd eerUto reml proimrty whleh wa; torewlwe eetoed AAHietd IntemAl Kmmm Tasci piir-itoSitto SACttou EMI iBUntAl B^ve OAdA of 1*44. *01 be eoM to AAcerdABce A MMleM.df part rSd' ToWueiup. baiA SIA, OAktoBd Ctm\T_JX. $2,000 Damage in Fire at Waterford Garage Damages were estimated at more than $2,000 in a garage fire last at the home of Richard G. Gall, 889 S. Winding St.. Waterford Townahip, according to township firemen. The $1,000 structure burned the ground. Damage to contents, which included a washer, dryer, and freezer, was extimated to be at least $1,200. The Maze was discovered by a passing newspaper delivery boy. Walled Lake Man Hurt os His Car Overturns Suffering minor Injuries early this morning when his car overturned on Middle Belt road was Ronald G. Russell, 27. of 1998 N. Hoeft St., WaUed Lake. RusseU was treated at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital and released- He told shmttrs deputies his auto rotied over when he lost control and ran off the road. The accident happened neart-dne Pine road in West Bloomfield Township. . . . 51 Krnnecott . 312 OAcns 111 Ol. Il l Pac O A El .. 3t Pah A W Air S3 Ptnh SpI .... rood MACh Pord Met .. PlMU But .. Pnnn Tra 32.5 P»P«1 ColA ... 15.7 Pffter ...... 52.5 Pnelpi D ... 55.4 Phllco ....... 46.3 Phlll Pet ... ___ 43.4 Proct ft O . ft a ll.S RCA .......... . M S Republic 811 . 4S.5 Revlon ...... 4S 3 Rex Drug .. . 41 Reyo Met . 38.3 Rev -fob ... . *3 Royel Dut .. .336 BAfe*Ay St 27.7 at Re* Pap , . *7.4 BeovlIIe M( . . 7 Bean Roeb . . 15 6 Shell Oil .. ,. 41.1 Slmmona .... ,. 25.4 Sinclair .... ..125 Socony ........ ..50 Sou Pac .... ,. M.1 Sou Ry_ .... :: a* SSS"i.."S.i.. 471 Std Oil NJ .. 4t.( SUvena JP . .. *(.* Btud-PACk .. O TM ft T Oen Time . Oen Tire Oerber Prod 51 Olllettc . . --- Ooebel Br Oeolrich . Goodyear .. Wave of Arrests^ Terror Repor^d in Trijillo's^and WASHINGTON O^PI) - A terrifying wave of ^sts of businessmen, professionifl people and members of influmtlal families is still going on lit the Dominican Republic. aorordlng to reliable poi-ts r^hing here today. / ♦ ♦ ■k > reports said a special ion camp" has been built countryside outside Ciudad jilld and the fate of perhaps ,500 persons herded into completely unknown. ★ k ★ The persons arrested were reported to have suffered extreme physical abuse. They have no communication at all with relatives __ friends on the outside and their names have never been announced by the Dominican government. The campaign of arrests began two weeks ago after an alleged plot on the life of dictator Rafael Leonidas Trujillo Molina. It was kept secret by a complete news censorship, but word leaked out. LEE BROOKS HONORED-Some 200 friends and former workers of retired county road commissioner Lee 0. Brooks turned out at the Pontiac Elks Temple last night to pay tribute to Brooks for his 22 years on the Road Commission. The retiree, also known for Kis long work with PcAtlAc Prm PhAU Scouts of America, greets Edward Iceland/(center), scout executive for the Qinton Vafley Council, and Sol D. Lomerson, road coni-missibner. Brooks, who retired last Dec. 31 due tb ill health, received a portable radio from members of the Commission. An effort to save the home for Mrs. Vernor failed when Judge offer by a Bloomfield Township realtor to buy the land for $307,-840. The offer came from Ernest P. Schei-er. a Iriend of Mrs. Vernor. who said He planned to form a corporation to subdivide the land, but spare the home. Scherer offered $60,000 down and the balance and interest of the . _ ,, 1 purchase price over a (ive-year Mediation Board s OK period. to Drop Jurisdiction ' Rejecting Ihe Scherer offer. ^ !Judge Moore said, "It is higher, w ' but nol as firm as the Humar CHICAGO (UPD-The Firemen's bid. which is in cash.’ and Switchmen's unions today awaited National (railway) Media- Also Seeking Rail Arbitration 2 Other Unions Wont Israel Proposes Border Talks Conciliatory Note May Mean Confab on Peace With Arab People By United Press Interaatioiial Israel today proposed a meeting with the United Arab Republic at ‘any time or any. place” to discuss the steadily worsening border dispute in the demilitarized zone that threatens to plunge the Mideast into war. The Israeli foreign ministry in Jerusalem proposed the extraordinary meeting in a letter to the United Nations truce supervision organization chief of staff, Norway’s Gen. Carl Carlson von Horn. The Israeli note left much latitude for ihe calling of s parle.v “at any time or any ^ai-e within the procedures of the mixed armistice commission or otherwise, to discuss peace, complete peace, or it not that to discuss means of preserxing quiet and tranquility along the International border ...” The letter, considered by Israel to be unusually conciliatory, came at a time when both Israeli and Syrian forces from the United Arab Republic remained at watchful standoff along the tense demilitarized zone border, scene of nine days of sporadic fighting in both north and south. Man Gets Away, Police Get a Car —to Be Continued Somewhere in Pontiac there’s a driver who has to decide whether worth the loss of his car to avoid facing a reckless driving charge.. ★ ★ ★ Patrolman William Gracey spotted the offender running a stop sign last night, cutting in front of another auto and almost losing control of his car as he turned •y street on to Montana ,4;i Tran W Air . 15.2 2l:3| .til OrcTho Oulf 0 laUrUk Ir tot But IT -tot Rtrv 1 .Cb Pxc (A Unit Air Lin 43 Unit Alrc . J 6 Unit Fruit .. ( Un Om Cp . 30 4 US StMl M 3 Wet"**Un -Tei 4* 3 : 5S:, w»ite A Bk “ ■ . 42.4 WhIU Mot Tobacco Firms to Change Ads Voluntarily Will Stop Making Health Claims for Cigarettes Attempts to flag down the driver with his patrol car spotlight failed. Gracey tried to head him off. He found the car abandoned at Bagley street and Nevada avenue. The keys were in the ignition and the lights bn. •ft ft ft Gracey waited patiently for an hour, then impounded the car, i' 1955 blue Ford bearing dealer’s license plates. Stu's 'More Interested' n Dem Presidential Bid NEW YORK m - Sen. Stuart Symington of Missouri saya'he is "getting more and more interested” in the Democratic presidential nomination. • ft . ft ft But he reiterated at a news conference Thursday that he has no intention of entering any primary. Chevy Slows Up Due to Strike Overtime Across U.S. Canceled as 10,000 Stay Out at Flint FLINT a\-A strike of some 10. 000 United Auto Workers here hai forced General Motors to schedule production cutbacks at Qievrolet and Fisher Body plants. Saturday overtime was canceled at eight cihevrolet and Fisher Body plants across the country, affecting some 31,500 workers. The plants are in Baltimore, Framingham, Mi^.; Janesville, Wis.; Kansas City; St. Louis: Norwood, Ohio: Los Angeles; and WiUow Run, Mich. Meanwhile, negotiators agreed to meet again today after adjourning night. Spokesmen said the cutbacks were designed to conserve parts made by the struck plant. The UAW walked out Wednesday in a dispute over production standards. "nie dispute Involves fewer than 20* men. Chevrolet said. The struck plant makes slx-cyl- ider engines for standard Chev-rolets. It also produces components for Chevrolet cars and trudks. The company said it changed operating procedures and production standards in the crankshaft department. The union, however, contends the change resulted in speedup. „ Wllion ft Co 27 214 Woolwortli ... 61. tot But Mch ..622 YaIo ft Tow 24 ... .— .. w-nt-ot shftT 124.1 ■Itb Rod . 101. • sfrlSTBlTd.. OrcJtoM ^0. ■TOCR A\-BRAGEB NEW YORK. Fob. A-lCompllqd’ by ko Aowclotod Proul- -Jft rhxnoo .. —LO* Noon todiy . . . 221.0 Pr«». day -----226.0 W»«k A(0 4 Month 060 .. ”l»h ' low .. 1000 6l*h .......... ...... ........... ■**S low ......234.7 M.0 73.0 1504 i>OW-JONEB II A.M. AVERAGE8: 10 tndl. 020.13, on 2.01. W rolU 1X2 02. up-0.21. 8 utiU. 05.10. up 0.03. 15 ttocks 207.07. oil 0.30 ITolumo to 11 n.B., 4*0,000. DETROIT STOCKS (C. J. Nonblor Co.) Flsurti tlur declmoi point* nro elththi. Htoh Lew Noon Auon Bloc, m Aqpi. vo. 43 3.3 3.3 Baldwin Rubber Co.* . 32 ' 23 Rom 0*Ar Co.* ' ....... 37.2 21.2 Ot Lk* OU ft Clun. Co.* ‘ * ' ' Howtll Elec. .Motor trsln right party. I : JOHN S. VERMETT ! REALTY 1303 Commerce Ri EM I S^ALARY AND BONUS ! salary plus bonus. Averugs g300 mODUiIy. This doss not Involve parties, etc. For application and Interview apply Mr. Smith. Room ......^ ----- - ■ A Bat.. MAN OVER 31 in Holy Begulchr^Cemetery.^ Mr Donelson-Johne Funeral Homs. ELKINS. FIB. 3, lOM, LAURA. 7M OrchArd Lake; age 14; dear mother of Barry, Oeorge and Homer Blklns. Funeral service will be held Saturday February g. tPgO Interment in ORETTWBERaER7“F|B~ t-nberger, Mrs_ Ann FI Mrs. Isther Itouthwortl eurvlvsd by I irandi Funeral service will be h urday February g. 1(40 a. -from MethodUt Church Imlay city with Rev. Leo Burch officiating Interment In Imlay City Cemetery. Imlay City. Mr. Orst-tenbcrier will ut In ktate at the MUIr Bros. Funeral Home, Imlay citjT until nor ...... OROldlR. JAN. USED CaB salesman. TOP eommisalons paid. Apply in person BILL BFENCr RAMBLER. 30d a. Baglnaw. FE 1-4541. call Dick Valuet f< t n 6-0403. know the ukusI office___________ Pleasant telephone voles Apply to thr Administration Offlcs. Pan-tiac Osteopathic HpepHal.______ rood references, i KrA“j4on“'g i Ov«^* y“''rs“o“S‘*N»r'oSe'fs n m rnoin^i need apnfy. Pandv's Reetaursnt. o m . room r ^Te Wghwsy,_____________ ; WOMAN POR OBNERAL OFFI^ ‘ work. Must llkt detsUed clerical ! work. Typing required. Write ' I Pontlec Pre«s Box 31 giving I age. education fob experience t ■ temlly status__________________ WAITRBSS WANTED NEAT AP- ir salei backg appearing, willing to work AUTO SALESMAN BALEBMAN YODNO MAN P^ tall furniture ealet. Apply Wai so I - ** i—I pearance. AppTy W BaTdVin. ^ ,?S^e “orete?^: Write JB?xj3,'^Pohtl.c >rsM_ | Jf/,'„\,'’%)‘oVk““"rSm‘“vo“? home"" TKl-’K TRIMMER hour* daily. Salary plus commls- cS!ll*d?raWe*iiti?len?ra?°"weel WAITRiaS W*>*TED_ A^Y AFT-trlmmer with s thorough know]-; P edge of equipment and practices j WOMAN i Mer- Interested In i nd deslrs to ni salary plus leni Ml e-7M A WELl. KNOWN COMPANY HAS 3 local cstabllsbsd dsalcrshliM ooen tor neat appearing married man with ear. nnoos, under 45 No Investment. Stert at glSO week. Also some part time opeo-ings. OR 3-4565 tlh Elder O. Rhodes officiating, interment In |»Uk,»ll Cemetery Mr Oromer will li« In sUU at the WUUwm F. DavU Funeral HVh^T"F«- J. l»«- CHARUi F Jr, 131 Bagley Street, 41. beloved h^band o* er belovad eon of Mr. and Mrs Chirlle F Harper, 8r: deer 7-.SW.. B«aSmp« T. Rums- ‘^nrr^ Home COST ACCOUNTANT ----- .. for well ------------ manufacturer of precision parts. Minimum 2 years expertsnee. college degree or equivalent. Send resume to P O. Box lid. Lake Orion, Michigan._______________ CAB DRIVEM WANTED. BIR-ratngham _area. r?V* urday February g. I at ■mmty Baptut Re» J Allen VrlP t Churc- ----- ___________ker officiating interment tn Oak Hill Cr Arrangemenu y Frank Carruth. HUNOERFORD. praMARY 5 IW. * __- ammo 99 t.lHffrtv. M! bf- > O-Dell. Mre Sundard Service. I and «afety n___________ --------- working In and about trees, cellent . physical condltloA, 21-30 years. An olHclal appl 545 Oakisnd^_______ ^ 30 -TO SS^rOR UOHT I. Moden City Hall cations e BALEBMAN TOM TBLEPBONB CANVi 1 CANVABERB WANT-gUAranteed. PE 3-IJ45. USED CAR BALEBMAN Experisnood la trading necessary. Steady employment WANTED, EXPERIENCED DUCT Installer and gas conversion burner Inetallers. Must have tools and transportatoln. Good wages and permant^ Joba for right men. WE NEED DIE 3 Iv/TAl^FRC! I AUTOMOBILE MAK_,Hb I salesmen PE_5-3I54;_____________________ WTD sbldTONB TO CARE FOR 3 children from g to 5, days. FE 6-400B______________________ WHITE WOMAN TO CARl 90R thild. West sids FE 4-54M after 5.________________________ WOMAN DRUG CLERK. EXFBRI-epced preferred, over 31. must be neat. No fountain. Hunter-Maple Pharmacy. g55 E. Idaple. Birmingham.____________________ WAITRE88E8 AND CURB OIRLS. must be neat and experienced Apply Jnm' ' ‘ ''' " *■** DlxleHw^: WANtED: cleaning ' I Diner. 3130 I able I • meet publli furn^R >15? WOMAN FOR I Uvlng quarters Will accept school age child or COUP e. Call after T p.m. MA 5-1301._______________^ WANTED fart TIME BABYSIT-ter. 5 days week, vicinity of Clarketon. MAple 5-1401 aftar 5:30 p m._______ % O M A N FOR -------------- Short hours, 3 adults. FI WHI're OMEN TO TAU: &Urnd^".Ve\^^nd^H^ rhlld Funrrtl •urtict will Ot hew n*» iPwa4«gavo—wwibauaw 'rM^OMffWpel'Appte in & "-'"‘rn Saturday | S.Th MS^^Banyyicla^^^^^^ LIBERTY TOOL & i ,nter»«t m engineering core. ! state at the Bparks-Orlffln Funeral Hoir- srhool children. Tak MARMADUKE By Anderson & Leeming i J^anted^o^mj^ Share UvMg Quwieiy 33 ____ WANTS eSUPLE OR LADY to share nice home, on bus line. References. Rqp'y Pontiac Press JBox M. SHARE LIVINO OtiARTBRS ON I sere Private entrance, children "I think we convinced Snyder you didn't MEAN Jo knock him down in the snow. ” / BuiMing Sej^ce COMPLETE HOME IMPROVEMENT | IBT CLASS PAINTING AND OK- Storms, ecreens. attics, kitchens, orating. Cash ' — -- recreation rooms, garages. Cali 3-g»40. fr« e^lmqte. iiFcLASS INt! A EXT PAINT- Wtd. Transportation 34 Walled Lake dally—temporary. OR 3J51I.___________ WANT iilANSPORTATlON -A-A-A^ service POR YOU *~^3101 w* HURON BT ABILITY To sell vour land contract at est possible dUcount Is a se Ted McCullough has giver Rent Apti. FurniBhois 37 3 ROOItt. PVT. ENT. AND B^. baby welcome. Flwe FE 5-MW. room. up^. near POH-tlac Motor. Private entraoca and bath Inquire 33 Auburn,_____ “R66M8r“iATO. AOTOMATW heat Near downtown. Oonplo only — FE 5-4433. . __________1____ 3~R;00MS. EVEBYTHINO ^RN-’ tncludtaf uUl., 545 Month. FE 5-4154 _____________________ 3~RMS. FBI B^. WT 104 Idorobtad. FI 5-5441. ------^^3~*"4 KSom EM 3-3474:__________ 4 RMS FVT. way. Lk, Orion. FEJLM45;___. rRbwTFLAT, NEWLY DK^'T-Ml Children wtleomt^ UO B. invdjkochetter. RE 3-3tU^I^ rATTRACnVl ROOM. WAMHNO facimios. all uttUUaa. 444 a mo. FE 5-3407. _ ______ attractive rROOM APT. UTIU lUes fumUhod. SuUablo for nice business lady In Rochsster. OL 3-0331 CaU aftsr L.P “•______ BArmEiTbR APTT. *PVT. BATH A ent. TV. Very nice. FE 3-4374 ____'Building Co. " FE 3-_ CUL8TOM HOMES BT LlCENSkO" builder. Free eetimatea UL 3-Mi5. ______________________ ELECTRICAL SERV.—FREE EST FARTNEY Electric._____«^5439 DRY WALL TAFINO AND FINI8H-Ing. Free esUmates. FE g-g7gl.__ heaters, ranges. _______Reas. Oon Beck OL 1-3141 1ST CLASS DBCORATINO. PAINT-Ing and wall papeilng. FB «:425S A Lady interior dbcorator Papering. FE 8-0343.__________i . A-1 FAINTINO INTERIOR. IX- I terlor. 10 per cent dlic. for cash. Ouaranteed. Free est. FE 4-5305. AAA PAINTING A OBOORATINO, ABBO REALTY______ CASH FOB LAND CONTRACTS H J Van Welt. 4540 OUle Hwy _________OR 3-1354 Dl ------op*'*.''.?- Well heated. Free araehtng laclll-tles Walking distance te downtown. Permanent aduH tenante only Bent 1 month In advance^ Apply 11 N Baglnaw St, FE CLEAN 3 R*M, APT IN CHIW MONEY FOR REMODELINO. new conetructlen, r»alrs7 see SEABOARD FINANCE CO. 1155 a. Ferry. TE I 5d5L_______________ NtlD iiORB ROOM? Let us Oulid you a FAIRWAY Dormer. CaU Ft 3-7500 for details no ohltcatlon » PLABrERlNO A REPAIR - REAS. Fat Lee. FE 3-^33^___ FLASTERINO'a repair viORK — eeUmatee MY 3-5003. 1-1 PAIN-nHO A PAINTiNO. WALL WASHING. PA-per removed, terme. B. T. Ban-dusky. PE 4-7145. UL 3-3190. PAINIINO. INT. A EXT.IPAPEIt him^ng. M^--------------- ** Television Service 24 M. P. BTRAKA WALKER A OARY RADIO A TV. Free* eitimatee. 1 ROOF REPAIRS I. BAVESTBOUOHINO_____FE J.-0444 ' TRENCHINO. IXCAVATINO FOR leptlc tanks Field tile, toolings, ' ditches and boat well. UL 2-5404. Up^iftering 25 EAXLE'S CUSTOM CPHOISTER-M74 Cooley Lake Rd. EM Islactbry Inspection of property and Utle Ask for Ken Templeton. K. L. Templeton, Realtor Qrchsrd Uke Rd FE 4-4543 LAND CONTRACTS TO MY OR to tell Earl 04trrtle. EM 3-Mll or EM 3-4044 Partridge. FE '4-3611. 1040 W. "Wsnted Real EsUtc ^ ALL CASH or A FHA EQUITIES If you need monev quickly, caU US Immediate action. R I W1CEER8HAM 155 WEST MAFLE MAyfaIr t-tl50 COR. UNION A ELU. LK RD. 3 rooms. Schneider MA^1353. _ COUPLE imiVA'TE BATH AND entrance. FE 4-3547 _________ DOWNTOWN APT. SOPmE MA-nor AfAs. A'Se*^* **"''* **^ DtRaE~3“BOOMS'Ti’Nb~BA'fH. ground floor Newly decorated Adulte 193 Florence. _____ LAKF ORION HOUSEKKKFDIO cottages. AU utU. Winter rales. MY 3-5559 404 B Broadway.____ NICl 3 BOOM A BATH PBIVATI 1 baby welcome. FE 3-7333. SMALL AI^ FUBN OB -iNFURN. Oall OL 1-1113 after 5 p.m._ UPPER, HEA'TED. 3 RMS. AND bath, separato ent.. garage. TR 8 -0534^____________________ WIXOM. CLOSI TO ,,UNCOW * nt 3 roomi. Bchablder. MA Rent Uwh^^ 38 r*rfc^& 'X\Wl,SSg.“ai"SrtJ*??r: ttlrhcd. 1 small crad wtleana. ISM Auburn Avsnua. UL >-I2M BASHABAW AFARTiSlT. LaROB apartment. 1 bedroom, itovo and re^lgerater tumteb«i. 575. OR ___________________ THREE ROOMS. PLUS KITCHEN SLATER APTSr 53 N FARKX ST. Apartmante. 114 E. Howard Btraot. U N F D R NIBBIX) AFAHTMBNT, UPSTAIRS APT.. 3 RO<»tB. BATH and amaU room. FE 4-5M1. WEST SIDE - 3, 3 AND 4 ROOM apartmente. bM. beat, hot «aM. stevw and refHgerator furmehed. Near St. Benedict and JP“>*** CASH 48 HOURS HOME - EQUITY WRIGHT-VALUET GI AND FHA CASH FOR YOUR HOME WB TRADE WE BUILD DORRIS A SON REALTORS I. EDA. 3155 ........d Tot— axe as; oear mother of Mr-^ rcnce Bovey. Arthur and Lro V ■r'lair' dfftr sifter of Krnfft LaCUlr; also Vreat* eranrtchlldren and «yen ireat-irsndchlldren -'L'.!!' Vosery will be Friday at 7 “ PJ", from Voorhees-Siple Funern Home Funeral serslce _ wUl^ be held satut ■ “■■■— ' 13350 W. Maple Rd. Walled Lake | DESIGNERS" For ]lgs. fixtures A gsuies Top Rates — OyertimA Lockhart & Wright ENOINEERINO SERVICE i I DESIGN E.NGINEER with pracllcsl experience for i -product development. Steady em- : ployment. medium manufacturing : concern, etate experience and ; salary expected. Apply Pontiac | ..........._i Vincent De Paul (sitiolic Church. Interment In Ml Hope Catholic Cemetery Mr LaClsir will lie In Voorhee»-Blple Funeral Home__ 1 L0VD-FIK_3.^_15M. »U0OT^E^ Irs Eadah ,De Dnii ..... Burling. Mr«_______________________________ Birtie Hyatt and Mra. ^IM Bui^ EXPERlBNCn MAN TO SILL .............. " V 15 grand '“fdten andme''^^ dren Funeral tervlce *»U be held Saturday. F*b. d. at 5 P m^ from the Huntoon runersi Home mith Dr. Bonk offlcUtlnf. I®*;**’' menl to UkeflUe Cemetery Mr tloyd will lie to sUte »t the Huntoon Ftmeral Home.________ 'NElsirFEB 1.^ 1540. L 21 W, Howard BlrMt, 00. belovM husband of Vlrgls V Neel; tfetr lother of, ® 6ml^ end br«lteLO«^{TjS^ andchfldrenl«td.7‘A2,^; 'Taylors. Chevrolet, Olds- ______ Walled Uke MA 4-1 Wl ENOINEfR. IH1ERE8T AND EZ-perleoea la aceeantlag. cost work, correspondcncs A gsnsral effloe work desirable ae weU a' engl-neertaf. Write Faattae Press Box ............ Kslberli tran?ctludrtn"“Fu^ral’ ^ ?1U be held Baturday Fehniary a lOM at 3 p.m. from Ceirtral Christian Church *•»>> Itev femlSt W oS t-m bf'^in te Ihe Ce^jJ Chrtittoii Chttreh until time o. ..... fcrSSS: ’And Howard Bnyder. Mrs. Anne l^bastlM end MrV Lucille UMy-Puncrel service Wiu be held Mijndey Febru-airy I IMO nt 1-30 pm. from Huntoon Funerel Home wl» Rev Loy L Berger offlrtetlng. In-if-rment to Perry Mount Psrk Cemetery Mr Snyder in ftnu nt the Huntoon Puners Wn lOHTTTEB'ir'lOM. Wllllem P. Davti ..s Funersl Hoi wiin Itev.' Oeorge offlcletlng. Interment In Local Cemetery. DON’T PASS UP ^rONEY! Sell unneeded belongings for cash through Oassified Adslj FE 2-8181. . I 0 Ellrsbeth Uke Road. First class surface grinder on flat work. None other need apply. Manufacturing plant located near Wall^ Lake. Steady work, generous benefits. List names and types of machines operated. Write Pontiac Press Box 60. comnjulon and demoj^an. BEE TONY OUYEB RfSRMTRS. 724 Oakland Ave. OUNO MAN FOR GRILL WORK 15-35 years of age Willing to work. Win train Married man preferred. Apply at Big Boy Drive In 3400 Dixie Highway._ YOUNG MEN 18 25 Lartr national firm opening new Afftr.. In PontUc, win train lung man to airtst min-outslde order dept. No nee necestary as we pro-lU training program Car ____jed. For pefrconal Interview appointment phone FI l-tl03. t a.m. to 1 p m SALARY $90 A \VK. TO START Bxceileni ' FE 4-3310 'eves FI 3-5341_______________ YOUNO V^AR TO LIVE IN AND I NEED ggg core for small girls, “— ' ----- Building Supplies 14 THOMAS UPHOL8TERINO 257 NORTH FERRY ST FE 5-8888 L.ost and Found 26 SuBOA^D 1 Ferry FE g-t [ ggg FOR RE- Help Wa:ued Business Service 15 ALL 5UKKS OF FOUNTAIN PENS ASSISTANT TO BROKER 1 W^.ffVce.'a^fS^an?*^ Real Estate eiperlenced pre- | office Supply Co. 17 W. Law-terred to help msoage. sell, dl- , rence St. Phone FE 3-0135. .12 bloompikld wall cleaiTers Svin •— WaU and windows. Reasonable. mcraUve. wiu coisider tratoiog m 9.ig3i inexperienced person 30 ' hxvl^ bustoeu or other C**^OETt___________FE 5-0455 blSTRIBUTORS FOR V 1 V T A N i , BLACK CAT WITH i a- Answers to the nim of Bmokey Vicinity i.. ... Driye. Reword WE 4-1370._______ LOST: BPRINOER SPANIEL. LI-esnso No 1280. BUck A white. Vic Commerce Rd. at Orecn Lake. Reward. EM 3-4313. ___ LOST MALE BEAOLE HOUND, large size with black saddle. Poor eyesight, answers to Buster. Vicinity ol Fourth and Barkle. Reward. FE 5-55M. Lost; red c yoH*'?iow to”'geU'casir^lor Bi "tfarren Stout. jrr us SHOW you how to get cash for your home or land contract. Call tor free appraleel H. C. NEWINGHAM Corner Auburn and Crooke ^ “ie'Vu'i ESTABLISHED WATKINS ROUTE available. Pull or part •- rrage 93.50 ^r hr. 150 Help Wanted Female 7 ATTENTION, LADIES TUPPERWARE has openings for 7 part time to 560 per week. 7 fun time to 0100 per week. Free training. 3 openings for mansg-ers. Use of car neceesary. Call PC 94141, EM 34757 or VE 7-7575 for confidential Inter- rORBMAN. PLANT LOCATED within 30 mile# of Pontiac. Ro-qulree aggresslrc foreman.. Experienced with automotlye etamp-Ug. Mutt baye gool basic knowledge of production dies. Do not apply unlese you can show experience and aggreaalveneas. Write to P.O. Box 150. Lapeer. Michigan._____________________ FIRE FIGHTERS city OP PONTIAC Salary 14.(49 15.200 AppMrant< must be the minimum height of gs" mlulmum weight 143 lbs. between age 31-39 years. cellent physical cqnditlon. CAPABLE PERSON TO CARE FOR home and 3 children. Live In. FE S4d31. Between 10 a m. and 0 p.m ___________XL FOB DRY CLEAN- . Ug plAnt. Apply Excelsior Clean-ers, 359 W. Huron Bt.. Pontiac. DINTAL AMIBTAIW. KPERf-enced preferred. EM 3-0033. Bendable white babystt- ter A housekeeper. Must llvs In. MA 5-3150.______■ DRAYTON AREA, GOOD HONEST. new*ia^"jnd U g^ o'*ire of bsby "while "parents work^M^^st as to age and rrfrren^ Apply : PontUc Press Box 62. igh I EXPERIENCED "COOK LARGE EARNINGS 5 SALESMEN or saleswomen. Nationally advertised product. You will need ref- ; 34 hr. serv. C. L. Nelson FE , Perry. A?’**:_______________________ FURNITURE REFINISHINO AT ITS ‘ *------- ■“ antiques ' Notices & Personals 27 A A PRIVATE DETECTIVES Don’t worry. Know the facts. Ex- pert shsdnwUg. FE 6 .5301. _ ARE YdO WORRIED OVER DEBTS? Paul M. Jones, Real Est . Huroi WANTED _ LAKE LISTINGS ; "Uiivers (ialore" J A'TAYLOR. Agency 7733 HIGHLAND RD OR 40 MUn«sX fVM JBWB4JVW • SIB ’ 8^BOi^~ finance!" 1155 £ Perry. F« MMl , Rent Houses Fumlsbed 39 U tank. 2 Weeks from echool. 2 ml. from FI»A»r Body A Fontlac Motore. F» M3M 2 SMALL CABINS NEAR, BLUB Skv Prlv drive JMChetora w elderly couplet 112 tUfle. FB 3475d or_rE_4-15M.______________ 2~BEDRM HOUSE pOOO .WN^ Uon. 1 school aged child allowed. FE 4-9037_____________________^ BEDRM MODERN OA8 UMAX. Near but lue Convsnlent t# Body. Pontlae Moter. and '•ill C“ ' •*" schools. Call OR 3-1677._ 3 BEDRM HOUSE. BR00KLAM9 Sub. ULytsst 3-lilQl.___ 2 BEDRkd YEAR AROUND HOkOB. oil heat. Ik. nrlv. MY 33110. 3 ROOMS. BATH CLEAN, COU- Rent Apts. Unlurnished 38 borm^lower. qab ht. fam- - 5-0743, 148 Chandler. 'kbO'Q CORNER APART-Free parkUg nicely room. dUIng ri lull ddyllghl bi------- )l closets and storage epace. WUl decqrate If--------- "CHILn WELC6mE. 6 ROOMS and bath private entrance and garage. Oat hsat lover flat, 515 per month. FE 8-3654 _____ "“BEDROOMS ON LAKE AND highway. . heaY'jMaV D^xl^ Hw> ^IIA' 8ju“|3 RM * bath INCLUblNO UTIL, stove and refrIg. Adults. J* g-1275 or F*_3:'f^_afterjy0, 2 ROOMSTSTOVFlTBEFRiaEI^ tor lurnlshed. Adults oiUy. 200 N. Paddock. FE 2-3001.____ 3 ROOM8 UPPER. PRIVATE. 205 A month. 250 N. FerrT . 3 ROOMS AND BA'm. STOVE AND retrtg. furn. FE 2-4100. 3 ROOM APT. GROUND FLOOB 3-1355. required. OL I*IW. 4 ROOMS. CLEAN. FURN.. Wt- espt utlllttes. Prater workUf eob-ple OR 3-3105 _________ 5 ROOM FUrTSshSS ROUSE, near uwn, to raUable ceaplt. 3 child. Rent seas. FE 34001, I ROOMS, heat and UnUTUB furn FE 1:7350,_,______________ I RM. BUN-PORdH. UVIMO BM., kitchen. 3 bdrir- •“ wUter and aumi Lake. FE 3-3713. UNFURNISBtk)I"S EM 3-0000. ________________NICELY PUB- ntshed 2 bedroom boute. near school. 570 a month. FE 5-*»W-LAKB ORION. 1 BEDRM, MOi>-ern. 150 Haights Rd MY 3-12*4. MODERN 2 BiEDROM. FARnV _ furnlsh5U,_M A£le_5:W_ SMALL MODERN HOME. OAI heat 154 monU. DUte-Ttln-graph Area. OR 3-1311. Walled le. mod oony. h«. ym^e. 2-bedrm 114 wk. MB' Rent HouBtB Unturn. 40 Employmenj^Agencies _9 EVELYN EDWARDS C!A°y-'3S droome, living rooms. BUDGET SERVICE FE 2-0900 10 W. Huron St ___ _Over Connolly s Jewelers ANY OIRL OR WOMAN NEED- r. FE 3-9734. ConfldenUsl. : 54354 Receptionist For front desk to greet people and give directions. Must type and Tike working with people. Aged 30-35. Midwest Employment. 406 Pontiac State Bank Bldg. FE 5-5337. SAW BHARPININO LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED AIR COOLED ENOINB ^ REPAIRED ,_______63 "i UNION STREET______ TILLEMA’S CUSTOM HANDBAGS and walleU. 303 B. EdlU St. FE 5-3628^___________ __________ ■" W W. KELLER HEXtINI? Furnaces Installed 8r repaired. Gutters, sheet metal work Licensed. Ph. TRojan 1 KNAPP SHOES Fred Herman__________OR_3-1653 COLD WAVE SPEaAL 15 50 COM-plete. Dorothy's Beauty Shop. FE 3- 1244.____________________ DAINfV MAID 8UPPUES. 055 Lockhaven. Mrs. Ooodson. Ft 4- a015.______ ________ DAINTY MAID SUPPUE8 - 735 Menominee. Mrs. Wallace. FE Rent T*”'"***'^ 1 BEDROOM BASEMENT APART-ment. clean, utilities, gas heal, wrtMme^OUngellvme. F^’5-1537. 1 RM. CABIN PURNIBHp OR UN- Work Wanti^ Mate 11 A-l CARPENTER WORK. NEW and repair. FE 4-4310. A-l PAIimNQ AND WALL TA- _______ .1 3-4731. ________________ 1 WORK. BRICK, BLOCB C ment anil fireplaces PI 5-13 1003 Boston _____________TAnXlRlNO. AL- teratlons. Mrs. Bedell. PI 4-0053. TAILORINO, ALTERA'nONB POR repelr FE°5-°53g'^*Edna ^arne" resident of Ue City of PooUac for at least 1 year ImmedUtely preceding the appIleaUon as provided U aUte AM 75. An official appUeatUn may be obteUed from the Personnel Department. 35 8. Parke Street. All appUcA----- ----- thr I Buffet. 678 I. EXPCRIENClCD SALESLADY^IN china and eoatuma Jewelry tor extra help. lO^to 18 houre weekly Ucludtn^ 2^ evenUji^ pvn. The Peatlae PreM FOR WANT ADS DIAL FE 2-8181 From 8 a.UL to 8 pjn- ported PKM *1 tamedtoUlf. Tb« _ _ keeumee no illtty for errori other in to eancel thd ehargw tor ttet portion ol the first bieertiun of the advertise dared valueleee through the error. When eanrelTatUne are made be sure to get your "kill number.' No adJustmenU wilt be tlvsh publleaUoe after ttia pret uuerthm. CASH WANT AO BATB8 Unas l-nay I-Dava d-Wye t gIM 55 04 13 12 2 150 257 JM « !» J5J J2 ’•*1 JIG BORER HAND MILL HAND First data operators only. Must have own tools 8t lay-out experl-Mice. Roply Pontlae Preis Box 44. Journeymen Die Makers Hawthorne meUl proddeU. U34 Coolldge Rd.. Revel Oak. Mich. MECHANIC. "TO WORK AT RAMB-ler dealership. MACHINIST Must be able to ter-out, eet-up A Inspect their own work. Jpb-ihoi: experUBce ^efeiyed. Reply Pon- MAONETIC PARTlCLl' IN8PEC-TION 5UCH1N1 (MAONJm^Xl OPERATORS. MUST Bt CXR'H-FIER REPLY PONTUC PBE88 BOX 44. NEW ANO OBID FORD 8ALBBMAN. experienced COOK. TOP wages, must have refcrejeei. Ap-jly U person, White Bwan Drlve- ;XPERIENCiD WATTRE88. APPLY 43_Auburn._ morntngs. ln peteon. EXPEREENCEb WOMAN TO'LIVE In. Cooking and general housework, Lovely ------ — Relerencct. Fc 34353_______ O.D. GRINDER HAND Must be able to make own eet-upc. Job-ehop experlenee preferred Reply Fontlac Preea Box rpF'iCi WOli TOR MAN. Knowledge of letter writing, high echool mathematics bookkMplng. purchasing A expediting desirable. ?erv‘e’d*. •eSuca'tJo’S'anr'fa'm'fly te an"iiif flee "man. Wa want Don't Wish For Money 1 Make it Easily tliroiif^Ii Classified Adi. To sell, refit, buy, swap, hire . , DIAL FE 2-8181 irea" j [R WORK OF ANY easonable. Call after d , g-9435 _ _ DEBiaN WORK. LAYOUT If children. EXPERIENOTD^W O M A smaU office, machlne*'^expertqnce, —'ll knowledge ol accouui-able to take :e. Top salary lor person able te quaUfy. Must bt bondable. Give complete resume of last appointment U own handwriting. Write PonUac Press Box 54. receivable. GENERAL OPPICE WORK, BOOK- i**&'un a typing. C ,ub. 5539 I HOUBITNIVEB WANTED POR TELB-phone eollcltlng from you- own home U your spare time, ,ay or evening No experiqnce necessary. WIU tram, good PM. Plmne momUga before 10, FE 1-5697. JEWELRY 2>ARTY PLAN HEEDS top key peopto for unit and branrn manager. Bonect and dependable company bert U area. Also houaewlvee to —-duct fewelry sbowe. Ne Inyesl-laUvexy. Pbona MArket housework. Prefer before 3 p.m, OR tartlet, neer Plyir Salaries start at I yeSr?’M Eour* week,'"l3"day8"pald vaci'lon, 13 days sick leave and u uaUy * paid holidays per year. Mlrugan Civil Service benefits incliinUi( rnUrement. UmitvUy • !££:, US’-/.!! SLJJS'VSWWi*!." EXPERlBNCEb 8IMI OR STATE driver wants work. FE 5-3674 EXPERIENCED 54AN AOE 31 M-alrts poelUon as carpenter helper or stock room (r recelvUg. Refereneee. FI 5-3756. '__ UOHT HAULINO AND ODD JOBS. OR 34173. 1 ncom^ax Syvice J^9 I TO 55 AVERAGE FEE FOR Individuals. All business terms carefully prepared. Dunn s Book-kee^ng 6t Tax Service. OR HAND KNirflNQ, CROCHE"nNa; and eewUg. OR 3-3654.________ MEED 5500 FOR ANY - ..........hejE ___ WANTS WORK OF ANT kUd. FE 5-0855. OFFICE MANAOim^Booraainm. ihasSfg amTExpedltUg. Write Powtlac PreM, Box 35. TRIM WORK AND CABINET work. Carpenter work of all. klnd^as ,ji^***‘* Free Work Wanted Fimalyl2 3 WOMEN WANT WALL WASH-Ing A house cleaning. FIJ-J5I1. DAY "WORK OR C0NVALE8CENT' work. FE 5-2956. OIRL WAlTra Po031 Rcferenoc. Phone FE- MJMEOORAPHINO. TYPING. 8EC- reterlal eerv|ee. KM 3-3043._ REFINED WOMAN DEfTOES yiertable home. 5-3.50 a week. P’one FEJf-1540^_____________ WOMAN WANTS' BABYSITTINO. f 'E 4-5275 WASHINGS A IRONINGS PICK-UP and Delivery. OR 3-7475._____^ Building Service 1J CARPENTER AND CABINET ork, winter rate* work zuaran-led. OR 3-5741. 1-1 BRICK. -ork, Alao FLOOR —------—....... a floor aander. FE 5-3T32.. — A-l CARPENTRY Additions — Basemenu ...._?D ^l^RST rt 3-7304________ RfbBNTUL. COMMERCIAL fcdustrtal Mason and gen. PLE’S TAX SERVICE. OR 3-2943. Home CaUe by appointment. BOLIN TAX SERVICE t. Pike. FE 4-1192 oi iN INCOME TAX RETURN PRE-pared U your home by qualified accountant with matter'e degree. Appointment. W 3-7824. BURTON B STEVENB REQUESTS IN DEBT? IF SO LET US Give You 1 Place to Pay Ease Your Mind WE ARI-: NOT A LOAN COMI’.WV MICHIC.A.Y ( ki'DlT BLOG FE 44456 Member American Assoc. Credit Countellors Mlcfalgen Assoc. Credit Couniellors LOSE WEIGHT SAFELintND economically witn newly teleased Dex-A-Dlet Ubiete. M cento at For free personaltied analysli cell Regional Coimetloe Consul' large ROOMrklTCHKNET’TK and bath all private, adulte only. _37 Stowell. _ ______ BEDRM DLX IB'T FLR. PRfV entr Bachelors paradise. Nurses 2 ROOMS. IBT FLOOR. PRIVATE LARGE ROOMS, CLOSE IN, PRI-vate entrance. FK 2-gdl4. . ROOM UPPER. I»5 MO. IN WalledJ.ake. MArket 4-4344.__ 3 ROOM APT AUTO. OAS HEA'T and hot water Partly furn. 145 mo ra 5-5245 3 RM PARTTALLY FURNISHED bSm Rights _ _ 3 AND BATH. NEWLY DECO-rated. Upper Income on East side, near Church and tow^ Idea^^ lor working couple. PE 3“BEDR'‘dblirLOWE'R7TrULrBA^ heat fumlihed. 655 per month. C. I'AXGUS, Realtor ORTONVILLE 3180 M-15 NA 7-2915 3"^S. PVt ENT""driATH. Hl^ hot water, etove. refrlg. furn. FI _ 6-3633.____________________ 3 ROOMS A BATH LARGE. QUIET lower, pleasant, heated apartment. Cloee U. Ideal >or working couple or teachers. Ne drinkers. Call _FE_3-»1v___ ■_______________ 3 "rooms AND BATH. NEWLY decorated. Close to downtown. 114 Oakland Ave. FE 4-0831,_____ 4 RMS. AND bath: UPPER. HEAT furn Adults only, 123 BemUole 4 ROOMS AND BATH UPPER. ' 3 RMS. PVT. BATH A ENT. UPPER Redecorated. FE 0-0S03._____ 3 ROOMS. PRIVATE "BATH AND --------- Christian couple pre- " A Enl. Everything 5-9335 3 LAK0E~5-"R00M APTS NICE : location. Kccuo Rcssonablc. Iri-qulre 533 W Huron at office. _ ; 2 ROOMS. OAS HEAT 313 * 4 RMS AND BATH. HEAT AND hot water turn, 5M a mo. OR 3-5754 or OR 3-1513.________ 4 RM8. AND BATH. UPPER. _heat, furn. 163 BaldwU. FE 5-3537. 4 ROOM LOWER APARTMENT. " 6(0. 440 PF mW 1-A-t RENTALS 2-BEDROOM DUPLEX AutomaUo Hast - FuU Baomoaks -WIIL DECORATE I $75 PER MONTH * FE 4-7833 5M EAST BLVD. N __ AT VALMCU_________ 2 BEDRM HODBE IN MILFORD. Automatic^ ga^^hcaL^tesement 5i "cLfeS- 3 BEDROOMS. OFF BALDWIN ON _E Hopkins FE 4-9957 after 5. 3 BEDROOM. NEW OIL fVK-nace. Ells. Lake Eatates. 540 per Mo CaU Realtor Partridge, FB 4-3591________________________ a BEDROOM DUPLEX — Brick wlU lull basemenl,gtt heat — TUa bath. Hardwood floora vnu decorate for ro-sponslblo tenant 975 per 2 BEDROOM. . TILE BATH. OIL-heat. Very clean. Near PontUc _Trall. 270, iteulto. ^ %-Jni _ 2 BEDROOM HOME, COAL PUR-nacc. Oae hot water Near OM truck plant. 341 Clifford Bt. 3 children welcome. FE 5-5012. ,T DEC- orated Nice li i Ft dJfteO. 2 bedroom; MODERN. OARAOB. Fenced vArd. 1 block west tt 1^ ion Lake Village. CaU MA 408S* 4_P'i“ Fjff. Income Tax Service 554 W Huron. FB 5-5403 3NO FORtTITEMIZED iN YOUR home. 58^ F^-470V________ COMPLETE FAIdlLY LAUNDRY gvfvlce — Shirt eervtee Pontiac Laundry. 540 8. Telegraph. PE 2-5101. Lsndscsping 21 A-l ACE TRIE SERWeff' RE-’ moval and trimming Oet our bid PI 2-7185 or FE t 1736._ 1-A Reduced Rates Local or long distance moving. SMITH MOVINO CO. FI 4-4564 A-l MOVINO SERVICE Reasonable rates.___FI 8J4M UOHT AND HEAVY TRUCKINO. !-Sm. * Trucks to Rent Our Best Card Assortment Ever For Relatives ft Sweethearu BACKENBTOSI 19 E LAWRENCE__,__FE 2-1414 Wtd. Children to Bosrd 28 DAY OR HOUR CARE. MRS Pens Cummlng. FE 3-7358._: Wtd. Household Goods 29 AN"nQUES : OVOH T I SOLD. ._________r ii SO _ lamps: etc. MY 3-1 BAROAIN HOUSE NEEDS NOW. Used furn. TVs A eppllances. _Topj)rlces._Please ph:J'E 3-6642. CASH FOR FURNITURE AND Appliances. Odd pieces or bousefull. Prompt, courteous • e r v 1 c r. JFE 4-7i51. ________________ wiliTliqui'date vour house- hold goods, either by private tale Ol public auction. Appraisals. L. F smart Sale Farm. Rochester. Michigan. OL l-5o3'. WANTED UPRlOHf" HAVE you A TyPEWRITKR. addUg machine or piece of office furniture er equipment not U use? We will buy these Items. OR_ 3-5767,_____________' UNWANTED MISC ARTICLES, picked up free of charge. EM 3-3756 _______________________ Money V,'i«ited 31 3 CLEAN ROOMS.-PRIVATE I ft entrance. UUUttee furr 514 per wk. 143 Augutta._____ 3 APAR-hlENTS T<6r RENT, ft 1 3 rm. OR 3-1349._____________ 3 RM. APTS A 3 BDRM. HOME rent. PE 4-1035._________ 3 LAROE ROOMS. LOWER PRI-vate entrance. Utilities. Inquire 100 Mechanic.______________ 3 RM8 ft BATH REAR APT. FE 5-8163^Fl 5-5419^ __ _ 3 RM, glfOO A WK 313 UT. Clemens Bt. FKJM154__________ 2 ROOMS ft BATH, UTIL. PAID 513 50 — ... ( Oku ___I, School _________________ 3 ROOMS ft BATH. CHILDREN welcome. 113 per week Inquire 373 Baldwin Avenue. Pfc 5-1051 3 ft, 3 ROOM CABINS. _______tm DIXIE HWY.__________ 3 AND 3 ROOMS. PRIVATE EN-trance and hau 111 N Tele-graph. 3 AND 3 ROOMS Private bath. Clean ■ Near down-_tovu^75_Clark^Apply jApt._7. _ 3 RMS. ON QROUND FLOOR,^ PVT" bath A ,ent. FE 9-9193. FE t-6416 3 RMS a'BATHI p"VT. ENT^ UTIL furm^ Couple only, n Poplar. PI 3’ Rids . OTiLffiKB FURN. "NEAR Fisher Body. Inquire 108 Dresden. 3 HMS: ft PHI MTH: NO DRINK- Adults. Reference!. 100 Norton. 3 ROOMS. BA"fH, UTILITIES. 81 PUe 8t^FE_MIM;______________ 3 ROOItt. PilVA'TB BATH ft EN-trance. All new furniture, Utlll-' ties furnished. Also 1 sleeping roonl. 313 State Bt. FE 5-3040. 3 HOoSa, PRIVATE BATO. WEST Huron, near high echool. Adults, Ml 4-1044 after' 4 m. ^ 3 ROOMS. GROUND FLOOR. PVV nt.; auto heaL 1 >k-Toil Plokupi. 1‘k-TonSUl Dump Trucks Wml-Tralli Pontiac Farm and Industrial Tractor Co. Ft 4-040*” * BORROW 98.504 AT 1", INTEREST Open Dally_^Including Sunday , Home for security Repay "* IN^E^^wWi^31 "^v^r^^glce*^ A5i?t?i£” r»”5-0tt5* I S teitoter.i. RE.-NCH C -A S H CUS- O’DELL CARTAGE^ | cept dishes, silverware and bed- ‘ ding Finer 3 wofkin/girls, coo- ?3 8 IhlT''**'* ) j 3 “rooms "furn UTIUflEsr 520 I RMS. ft "bath. 3 BDRMS.. OA8 heat, partly fuyp. 304 Whittemore. ROOMS ft BATH WEBT BIDE, Oas heat. FE 4-73M._________ ROOMS ft BATH,FULL BASE- mi-nt Telephone JtC 3-0343;_ ROOMS. NR" OEN HO'jP OAS j Heat^ Oer. stove and relrlg FE “rOoMB.'UP 3'BB6liOC«d87Ttt- 1 b BflTH DOWN. 4 RMS ft th up. Bo E 5-0643;^ 50 OAKLAND Clean^ 3^ rwmt bath, first noor. AVATuMTtioi^oDtRia i bid- room apartments, new, near Olengary Elementary and Walled Lake High BchooU. Ideal for young couples or tracheri. Call MA 4-1837 ______________ AV6n APTS. NEWLY DKCORAT^ Brick Flat —Heated Attractive four famllv building 3015 Auburn Ave.. Auburn Hts Front ft rear private entrances Living room. 1 bedroom, kitchenette Dinette, bath ft garage, references Apply at Apt. 5, or phone FE 5-15(5 COLORED APT TOR RENr Phone FE 5-5557.______________ CLEAN, 1ST TOOOR 3 ROOM Apt. Cloee tn. Stove. Refrlg. Heat 190 per Mo. 30 Stout it. FE 4-8171 . ______ avalUb 5136 per mo. Call Realtor Parirldge. FE 4-3651.__________________________ MODERN “5 ROOM BIUCTC APT. Stove ft Ref. furnlthed MS per mon^l^Og E Blyd ^FE NEWLY bECO"BA'TEb UNFURN-Ithed aparimeot. large living ro<«n. kitchen and dinette, bath, stove and refrigerator furaltbed. Shirley ApattmfhVi. 150 E. Huron Stseet,, CafelakrtT “ ' ORCHARD COURT APARTMBiNTB "Rent preatiy Reduced" Furnished 'ft Unfurnished — I MDROOM --AIR COTiDmONBI^ ontlec's most ekclusive moderc West Side epartmenl develop- BEDROOMS, OFF BALDWIN ON E Hopfcint. FE 4-0dl7 after 5. I BEDROOM HOUSE NEAT AN& cje.q«^^«.th. IKAT. or or" 3-4773:"' "" 3 BEDROOM HOME, til STATS". 575 monlh;_OR 3-5557 1 BEDROOM RANCH"H0UU Wltli large lot. utility room. carnoTt. Close to school 115 month. Clark-ston area. 1 or 2 children welcome. Ft g-1331.__________ ROOMS ft HATH. SUITABLE for couple or Individual. FE 2-300T between g and 5 p m._____ iSat. 970 per nace. For reni or a option to buy. R. J. (Dick) VALUET 1 garage, I I ^241*;___ 3 BDRM HOME IN KIEOO HARr bor Children welcome Ft I-04W, After 5. FE 8;U54;^ ________ 3 BEDROOM. BASMT. PAVED street 3 yrt. old. 530 wk. MA I BATH, OAS HEAT. BImpeon. Off Auburn Road; Call gang* At ' rETagii)'** 4 ROOM BINOL^. REDBCORATtb. $45 on Orchard Uko Road. 4 ROOMS ft BATH • ________FE_3AU2__________ 4 tAROB CLEAN TOOMB. BYL- wan lAke prlv. FE 3-4793._ 0 ROOM MObnN TMACi OAS or coal heat, garage. Oood condl-tton. Apply 139 B Bdllh. FB 4-4371. 5 RMsT’oa HEAT FE 4-4444. 311 570 per i Coxy 3 bedroom^ “Biid'’.Xicholie, Realtor 45 Mt. CTement St, __________ FE 5-1301. after 5 p:m.^ FE 4-8772 5 ROOM HOUSE. WEST SmiE New l^i^^^ecorated' throughout. Can LMAl moving \ MOO Pm TOMFRS through Classic (ied Ads. Call'm 2-818i. ______ ST , AFT FE 8^918 open Dally ft Sun. It a m. - • p i RENT IT FAST ; through Kcnt^.-^dsl Room, . - i h o il s e, apartment, any-* thing — AVtnt Ads give , vou AOTOX. Dial FE i^-8181. THIRTY-FOUR THE PONTIAC PRESS. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 5, 1960 ^RewMIoi *«OOM A_ M Kllh.ft 4 It (Ml. AdolU Mly! • RObU^ tMIPLBX OAIUOB. » Mary 6>y. PP »■«»». Dtteolt. « ROOMS AND BATH. RSAT FUR-star PonUac Motor. Ft «~R06MS AND BATH RACK OP MortT't at Oalsa Laki KM 3-tat. / TrM. house, a 8. JESSIE, IFer S«to H MULTIPLE LaiTMO SERVICE ARRO th« water S 4 extra I bedroomi, M' Urlax tetilOD. Brower' Real "Eetete, PE 44UI.________________ ______ DRATTON PLAINS. I ROOM MODERN COUNTRY o refpoaslble party •iw p«i iiionth, RoUe H. Smith, Realtor I4« 8 Teleyraph Rd. PE » I«4« W E PIKE ST. PE 4AJM ___________ CLEAN 1 BIeDROOM AT CRK8- IT lake-e. ir 00 ... „ ________U'VK I. full Tlew irf lake iltchen In baaement olt' lovelT ecreatlon rooB Olaeted porcb eadiDK to lake. Better to be earlr ban eorryl Priced to tell at only HANDYMAN'S SPECIAL bedrooB brick ranch boBC built n •»!. Wired fordryer.Needi llaie^-ln porch, kewly painted! Lake. Oaa furnace. ^la------------ ' NEAR WATTOPORD DRIVE-IN I bedrooB ranch hoBC Larxe 11»-Inx room, wall-to-wall carpettnx. Oil heat, fully Inaulated. breexe-way to attached 3-car larafe. Fenced rear yard. Large comer lot. IU.IM. C.TM. ARllO REALTY TED McCULLOUOH. REALTOR SlU Caaa-Ellaabeth Rd. FE 5-1284 ' FE 4^3844 Open • a.% td l:W p.B. SUNDaV 1 TO t_______________ COLORED J bedroom brick raiich full U menl. automatic oil neat, ham wood floors, tile bath, moder kitchen, landacaped. Mi per m< 13 moi lease required. Phone Mi Tucker, PE I-M43 Associate Brokeja Jnvestmmt Co^_ CORNELL. 234 W., ALMOS'T NEW t RENT: 3 BEDRM. HOUSE at Middle Straits Lake, one Kk from school. IN Mo. Call A d-TlM. FOR SALE OR RENT: mom home in Holly. Ui heat. Carpeted llrinf r------- basement Large lot. Hear shop-pinx area. References. Melrose 4-S4g» or M El rose T-ItT. NEAR ROCHB8T1R. 4 RMS. AND bath, modern, newly decorated. UL 3-3I1I.___________ HENBERT. UN. NEAR 1, Ule ne.nisBbns. svew, ne bedroom ranch i condlUnn, automat ?a‘lU«"bun?“aoJ}“% r“jii&'H*sss- HlbUnU UNPURN. OtaUlRB AT q^3-W3l. K37N. h garage. 0 dogs. OA MONTCALM AND OAKLAND bedroom ranch, oil furnace, I a month EM 3-NN_________ MILPORD. NEW 3 BEDROOM MODERN 3 BEDROOM. LAKI prinieges. |M per month. C. P.\XGUS, Realtor 3I«o_M1S__Ortonyllle_NA7-MII LOTUS LAKE PRIVILEOES 6 rooms. ggO. OR 3-llN MODERN HOME. 3 BEDROOM, living room, kitchen, bath and utlllM room 3M a month. Call UL Mil. After I.N p.m. OL SAM WARWICK HAS I Lake 3 bedrm. bric! '•ke prlTllMes, |1». •I and PE_3-31(I^ AUTOMATIC OIL . ,rlTllases, Watkins ilty. Fenced yard, full (* 3-lTIT__________________ ___,, ,_1 basem&.. For Houys 49 $500 DOWN NO MORTOAOE COST (II 3 bedroom brick ranch homes. Pull basement. Oas or oU beat. Large lot. Immediate possession. Open Sat. and Sun. from 1 to I. W. D. WHITCOMB. REALTOR AT ROMEO. I BDRM. NEARLY new. Corner lot, aluminum siding, me|3lacc. f^ly Jiltcjien_^ _ ift offer low prices through yolumi purchases on custom "Quallti Bullf homes — SOI plans. We'I. securs mortgage. No obUgatlon. Builders Exchange PE H31u or_____________UL 1-3413 ALL BRICK I rms. IVb story. Basement, ga heat, water softener.- payed drfvi Pully landscaped. Wash'. Pk. But Owner trans. gSOO da. PHA. Cai PE 3MN. w down payment. r‘»*3-fe *' BY OWNER I room modem, 3 car garage. Penced yard. Carpeted. Ke^ Harbor. Low down payment. PE 4-IHIl._____________________ BY cilrNER. COTE 2 BEDROOM. —side. Priced to s-" ----le down -------‘ month. PE I BmROOM iPIUtMirNBr^ f Mtr. Tiled bath k shower, fully i ... - --- ----bUnds BY OWNER. 5 ROOMS AND BATH. ------ lower. 3 and bath, upper or i bedrooi^ low down payment. For Sole Houses 49 NXW TRI-LEVEL. LOW DN. PAY-m't. Sylvan Lake. Open this Sun. 1417 Oflenwood. Albert M. Cattell. On the west side. 4 bedroom mad-ero. I baths, all oak floors, attractively decorated, automatic heat, garage. tlS.NS. For Large Family West lid* modem briek Dome. Full basement, breeseway It garage. 4 big bedrooms, lib tile bath. Webster .School Very fine modem brick double. I big rooms and tile bath each. Oat heat. Oarage. Shown by appolnt- WILLIS M. BREWER JOSEPH P. REISZ. PALES MOR I4-N Huron St PE 4-AlSl _______Eves. PE g-0g33_____ ( privileges _ ..... -s stores, pamohlal Id pubdr scbnAit. II minutes to ontiac on beautiful landscaped lot M 347 across the i*—‘ --------- mentary school, Junior high and i Senior High. Rai berries and fruit ______ PE ,1-1441. Retiring? BETTER INSPECT THIS cosy 5 room bungalow situated on large shaded corner lot. Only 1 block frnm w 1111« m s Lake . Immediate ■ “■-B only __________ Call j A. TA1TLOR, Realtor. OR 4-0306. NKAR CRi»Cn«T t,a. wuenens, darage, large lot. $300.06 dn. PK 3-WBl._____ BEDRM. FENCED YARD. TAKE BEDRM.. PARTIALLY PORN. Near Unetdn Plant. Lake priv. Reas, to right party. MA 4-3337. BEDROOM BOMB. PULL BA8E-ment, recreation room. IVk baths. West Bide Cite. illOO down to P.H A. mtg^_^ 4-5012,__________ 3 BEbRkd~l FLOOR, 3 CAR OA-rt(c. Lft. lot. 19.MO down, tl PE 3-6Qgi. _____ BY OWNER Washington Park bungslow. Finished ----- - loum TAYLljR REALTOR. OR 4-030d PRIVATE OWNER - 3^ YR8. old 3 bdrm Partitioned full basement A bar. Plastered walls. Hsrdwood floors. Wall to wall • me- Ugbt hous with 61,KN. ______________ completely furnished 612.M Realtori. OR 3-35M.___ _ COUNTRY HOME ____ LAROE L1V7NO mom. on heat. Nicely landscaped, •torras ft screens. West suburban Oi.OdO. OI nolblnx down; 643 BO. Takes ft insurance f Rocheste ms and bei Bit shade , Realty. COLORED 3 BEDROOM BRICK FOR SALE or emaller home In trade In Pontlec. MAple 6-33N.__________ 3 BEDROOM HOMEM. FULL , batemenia ahd trt-levels. 616,000 to $33,600. Nelson Building Co. BEDROOM HOME. LAROE LOT. lake prlvllrgei. Take over 4 and >4 of Mortgage. $61 a month. New, October '56. PE 4-6036,_________ drive with curb 300 foot front all crocked. 6000 Merlan Blue lawn $600 less than co............ MINQ LOW MONTHLY payments. WON'T LAST LONO $160 DOWN. ALSO OTHER PINE BUYS. JI.VI WRIGHT, Realtor 3M Oakland Ave FE 6-6441 _____Open 'til 6:30_____ Colortd Folks SEMINOLE HILLS room, extra large kitchen. >.k bath and screened-In porch down. Carpeting In llv- Leslic R. Tripp, Realtor 76 Weat Huron Street PE 8-6161 or FE 4-4376 Suburban Living At Its Best Your future home Is the (CONVERTIBLE 24> W. W. ROSS HOMES OR 3-8021 Templeton S.Tve Money on This Ottawa Hill.s Home 3 bedroom. I <4 baths, good slsed 336 Montmoreucy, Rochester.' OL | TPOY. 16 MILE AND ROCHESTER UNION LAKE — LAROE 3 BED- beautiful kitchen will room house. Close to shopping cupboard spare. Attached 3, .res art eM 3-4316. i garage with 3 car paved di _ — . ^ 100X3M ft. Cyclone fenced HERE TODAY GONE TOMORROW this lovely 3 bedroom located near St. Joseph Hospltil with I s lull basement, fenced yard. I neatly landscaped. A well built home with all of the necessities I for modern living. 610.600. | W^. Mlller Realty^OTO W. Huron ! DKAYfON WOODS i‘ 3\fsr old brick rsnch 3 csr j gsrsge. Built-In sppllsnccs. Large llvinx room, dining room ft kitch- i tached garage. Situated on 3 lots, fenced, with outdoor grill. Only 616.000 with fair down payment. K. I - Tcinplfton, Realtor 1336 Orchard Lk Rd. PR 4-4663 After 6, PE 3-6764____________ $9,500 V K 162, Price | as'oOO^^fefms.lOR'3:364V._ _________. . - . ! DON'T LET LACK OP CASH STOP UNION LAKE BEAUTIFUL On a 100x360 ft. Cyclone fenced , you from owning your own home, ^ranch. gas heat, comer fireplace i lot. Better hurry on this one. 1 see SEABOARD FINANCE. 1165 'l-toio*Welk* 3 BKDRO^. JUST OUTSIDE OP i poR~c6LORlD^VACANT”i ROOM “ mtoum stoVms* lirSTto” osrlge; | f»oldr"ooif’mo‘dem Mr"’ i ........... _7 land'T bd^STj 5^«nl’ M^wmlicw?"t?2de“ ' " _________' ! rincii type Lake privileges. 666 ' WALtED-S^MOD—^ NEWINGHAM Vllisge. 3 bedroom, |13 wk. Ma| Corner C^ooks^and Auburn CARNIVAL “I figured the bus would be crowded. Mom, so I asked Jimmy to pick me up!*’ For Sale Hottua 49 MULTIPLE USTINa 8BRVICB ARRO EAST SUBURBAN 1 bedroom home In exoelleiit condition. Lnrge rMms, plenty of closets, full bAsement, oil heat, fully Iniulatod. Ur|a iot. $11,600. C.TM West suburban ^ 3 bedroom horns, lull bath, basement, storms ft sersens. lot SO x 130'. IVi blocks to school. Only 1760 down ___ CRESCENT LAKE ESTATES I bedroom home, ne.w oil furnice, aluminum storms ft screens, lot 78x136' with rear yard fenced. Nice gardin spot. Only $7660. 6143 Cass-Illsslwth Rd._ FF 5-1284 FE 4-3844 Open 0 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. SUNDAY 1 TO 6_________ ' HAGSTROM CRESCENT LAKE PRIYILEOM-6 rooma, IVk s|ory frame, flri place, full beaement with fit Ished recreaUon room. 3 car gi rage, full pries $16,600 on termi OXBOW LAKE PRIVILEOM - 6 peUng MO wll Hagstrom For Sale Houses ,49 WE BUILD I BEDROOMS ALUM. 81DINO CARPORT BRICK FRONT FULL BASEMENT 610.660 A' C. HAYDEN, Realtor Tor Sale Mouses 49 Clarkston REAL ESTATE. INC. 6104 8. Main St. Open Dally, 0 to 6; Sundav 13 to 1 For Sal) Houses 49 ONLY $60 PER l^ONTH PULL PRICE $7,500 COLORED EARLMOOR BLVD. This attractive home at Ml S»rl-moor Is an excellent buy. 3 bed-.sails. sSeatotM msIsk m 'lPd4 hMdroom a finished attic, m I I basement with auto, t Penced. IVk ear ga EARLMOOR BLVD. This nice home sits back atop a hill at 30 Barlmoor. 3 bedrooms. heal. A reasonable ment will take this wll of about 66.6M. A STEAL! For Sale HoMses 49 147 W. STRATHMORE CIVILIANS $190 DOWN RO OTHER COST I bedroom ranch, full hA'/"*"^ alio new auto. heat, hot wa-tor tenesd. Perfect eondlUon. VACANT-IMMEDIATE FOBS. Open. Weik In and, look, at II and If Interested cell owner. Eree Bet, ft Sun. TO SM6I Unbelievable Value beilroom. ell brick. Pull It. Oae beat. IIANNAX CLARK and Mt. Clemens Sts 67M ---- — Wall , 6030 DOWN. I6.0M ComfbrtaWe 6 room modern home, oil forced I air beat, brecaeway. attached ga-i rage, nice comer lot. 130x10 feet, r 3 bedroom i ott Baldwin l.OM DOWN w-.- •.-.500 PLEASANT lake PRONT^ MMera^S trees. VMant, Immediate poasts- 2 KING SIZED FAMILIES wanted immediately for t 6*6*50_________ move you In o Lot 153 - fou These end hundreds of ot 7 $S!o06‘'w Sat. and Sun! 1 to 8 Inspect this lovely 3 bedroom home featuring 15 ft. kitchen. 17 ft. living room,^ oak floors, gas heat. S3 ft 10^ All this for only 66M dowm PHA----------- — c scHunr TO BUT. SILL. TRADE IN ALL OAKLAND CX3UNTY AREAS COLONIAL HILLS SUBDIVISfON Brick TrI-Uvel. 3 bedrm , breakfast rm In kitchen, dining rm . brick wall fire- garage. < Scbooli.. -. S^'aT*'"’ _____ _____ Large lot. Beautiful area, nr M-St. 660 monthly. Hurry I Bet It today. ORANOB HALL RD - 6 BDR6I8. I 70 ACRE FARM. 3 BARNS Regular large room ^farm house 60' X 40' and 50 X 40’ barns. Near US 10. Only 626.M0. Terms.. I NKAR ORCHARD LK -COMMKRCl BEAUTIFUL BRICK RANCH 3 Br. LR .. kitchen, den, family rm , 3 complete ceramic tile baths. 3'w car garage, large fenced lot, I close to schools. PHA approved flnanclhg. 631,600. Vlsta,^_prlYr____............... land ’contraet'l eoomra'iTaTVoaTh' ..... *?«r*al?.fv:"tl.erfl«rr"3i:i',NK. DOWN, 610,50. CEDAR IS-Aluminum itormi tnd LAND LAKE AREA. Modern 1 tn*. Ptyment* only 187 per jjoor home. fuU — No red Upe — .lu»$ move tuUimtUc (urnnee. iot feel —Lake privileges. |g|50. STARTER HOME. Brick front, partitioned, rough wiring Is In. 3gs3g feet on foundstlon. basement. 3 bedroom plan, lot 100x150 feet. Ideal for that large f»n>lly>, > baths. ' Spacious kitchen. Oas heat Enclosed front porch. Only 1700 down with payments ol W6 per month. Located on East side. .ASSOCIATE BROKERS Inv CO. Inc. Of'*’*!*' PE r-6063_ ■ - r 6: FE Bj^l 6650 DOWN 66.660 MODERN 6 ROOM bungalow. Large open front porch, dining r--- floors, plastered walls. I beautiful Watkins ISi’nt* . ' finish'll $950 Down ...J home located near Au-Helgbts. Nicely decorated. --------- attached garage. al value at I7.6M $.500 Down ■s of good land goes v bedroom home Pull hi birn Home neetft t 11 GILES 4-Bedroom Brick Be sure to ere this 7 room rancher before you buy. 63.6M DOWN 613.650 THREE BEDROOM BRICK Good neighborhood and School District, large comer lot, Uled bath modern kitchen ft dinette, partitioned basement, oil beat, balanca on 4>.s per cent OI mortgage. ____ PE 3-7ggg - RES PE 4-4613 .7"“'i CLARK REAL KST.ATE LIST Wim US TO SELL “^?me°°rh'\*.'o**a?reT or'S'n'd" ' ‘"Sutn^lirLIslIJa" BROWN fOTHINO DOWN — All newly ; decorated. Pull basement Oss furnace Aluminum storms, Osk floors Only 3 yrs TNO SERVICE family. condition. Paved St Oil AC furn. You won’t beat this one 610.6M REAL VALUE - and you have PHA terms. Modem bungalow In escellent condition Oas furn. Enclosed porch. Drapes and (ling included "Here Is a SK„„t ssao will carpetin well kei 3-BcdKGPIT. Owner has movedT make us an | otter. "Must Bell. ■ Full basement I borne, knotty pine reeseway and j attacbed garage. 3 lou, overlooking Msceday Lsse. Good swim- | ming and a nice location,. If you are looking lor a bargain, and are looking for a belter then I I7.5M. Call today! l''or Colored Lovely 3 bedroom brick built in '66. Beautifully d ^wnlngs. Wa- j GIROUX :WILLIAMS; I REAL ESTATE ft INSURANCE GENERAL REAL ESTATE ! ML-BALDWIfl_P=_4-0647 4365 Dixie Hwy OR 3-6701 DORRIS MONEY 666 FOB MOVINO ft 'furnishing? - Oet up to 6600- ------iRD FINANCE CO.. 1166 PE 6-6601. RENT. LEASE OPTION ( e 363 Beechland. 4 roc Idem home. NIcbelle ft HArg . FE 6-6163. SEABOAI N Perry_____ _______ WIMT BLOOMFIELD TWP. Orchard Lake and Mtddlebelt Rd. 2406 Walce. 4 bedroom, ranch, 2's garage I'i bath. glM. References. lease. Immediate occu-pancy. UN 3-4638._____________ ..L^drooms, ;----- | ^ - 3ud„oo,;, m E N T. 3 For Rent Rooms 42l years old, sacrifice. OR 3-3613. -----------------J BEDROOMS AND BATH UP, AT BUS STOP LOE. FRONT RM. i downstair- carpeted, basement. Eve^lhlng l»r convenience. PE' gas furnace. 3 car garage. Near FE wsn__________________ COZT HOUBIKIEPINO ROOM, everything furnished. 631 mo. FK_^6264._______________ OOMPORTABLC FRONT ROOM. Prtvste home, close In. Pi; 1-6614. DOWNSTAIRS ROOM FOR GEN-tleman, near Osotml Hoapital. PP_ _________________ _ GIRLS NICE HOME OP YOUR 1 BBDROOM8. 1>4 BATHS. BASK- ---Large lot. Perry Park. 1 down payment, aasuma 44« mortgage. PK 6-6463. t. Cali al r 6 p m. 1 k days 3 BEDROOMS il^ bath,_ BasemsnL,^ AutomaUc oil ____ _____ aluminum sMl 6ie.(Hie with tr- iwlng. CUCKLER REALTY 16 N. Saginaw PE 4-4M1 BEDROOM BRICK. 6S70 FOR equity Mixed neighborhood. Oranadt_Drive.* PI 6-3154._ 3 BEDRM OIL HEAT WITH ^ HERRINGTON HILLS HOUSES POR SALE BY OWNER and builder James Dodd. 37 Dwigbl Btreei FE 4-6436 ( 31 3-bsdroom brick homes. One at 1141 and one at 1431 Roiedale. Sylvan Village. 3-bedroom home.. Orton.' One .. ____ Watkins Like o by appointment. FE IMMEOIATE P0ltoli,aS10N. 6 RM. , modern, rent or will sell. Low down psymenf. Owners. FE 4-3641. — 46317 - IN CLARKStUN. or will I *6.600. LAROE CLEAN ROOM POR OEN tlernsn. prtvste entrance FI ________________________ ROOM IN PVT HOME WITH PVT Ent lor gentleman. Oarage FE i 64:’«7__ _ ^ i ROOM IN PRIVATE HOIli. SYL^: van Lakei PE 4-1007 ROOM N E W L Y DECORATED !' 54 Monroe Cooking privileges If; desired West side. PE 2-4676, i ......... , sfier 4 p.m. | sell to colored. BLEEPINO~RdOM~derTlbrRD.'6 ROOMS. IN PvL home, nr plant. PE 4-3770 j PuU basement. with privtit bt»ch prlvllcgei. FE Rooms with Bosrd 43 !»:••*« ___________ Ll 7-7673 ROOMS AND BATH PERRY Park subdivision. *' down. 666 s mol wood. PE 6.|371._ _ ROOM MODERN HOI tomstlc best, nice ipi ed SPECIALS THIS 7VE1K 3 Rouses on I lot. Keegp, 16.400. ,3 Bdrm , bsmt. Npar State St. I rnis. Auburn Heights Oarden, No Down I’avnient 3 bedroom brick, full basement newly decorated. ACT FAST I KCS.SELL YOUNG REAL ESTATE ft BUILDINO home $66 month including tas and insurancj:.^^^^ 3 apartment Income, separa baths and entrances, for fat or home, or sell for 13.000 dow C. I’.NNGLS. Realtor ORTON VILLE 3100 M -16 in oven ft I price- / 7-3016 ! TWO CLEAN PEOPLE ! needed for this two bedroom doll I house. Located In Walton Blvd. | Baldwin ana. I. has a larga cosy 1 living room country kitchen, nice i utility ..jsulatlofi. nice large le mortgage payments an per montn Including i A real bargain to son can assume the gage o' easy terms to wlo work towards s information call OR 7-i Master B ___ Union Lake. Kitchen '_ bullt-lns. Fireplace. Family room. 24x27 ft, garage In very nice subdivision. 63,700 down to 117.-; 300 PHA mortgage. JIs — NOTHING DOWN. 3 and 3 I bedroom used homes as low as | 60S per mtmth. Mortgage costs I John J. Vermett* REALTY I n03 Commerce Rd. EM 3-0406 i VILLAGE LAKEPBONT ft LAKE prtyllegea. New ft used homes. All raasoDAblv priced with terms. Large eeleetlon to choose from. STEELE REALTY, 1140 N. MIL-ford Rd between Highland ft Mll-ford. Highland. Mich MU 4-3048. WATERFORD 3 BEDRM. RANCH. Lge ot. 113,700. 41k per cent iirtge. Terms. OR 3-3311.___________ WILLIAMS LAKE. FRONT HOUSE. 3030 Desmond. Space beat. 110.-600: 11.000 down. LAkevlew 0-0313 JDctrolt. finished attic, 3 car garage, paved drive, large lot. fine neighbors. Owner leaving atato. Only $16,000. Very good terms. H. P. HOLMES, INC. 1631 S. Lapeer Rd._FE 6-3663 Indian Village o Sylvan Lake. Home beautifully decorated. ' two complete baths, bedroom down, 3 up. new carpeting, nice family room, basement. 3 car garage. Easy P.H.A. terms. $14,660, consider small home In trade. BRICK RANCH HOME 620.600 — Eye appealing well planned 3 bedroom home with full ceramic tile bath and half bath, full ------ privileges Pine Lr*--,_ier appi 11 admire. BLOOMFIELD Located i Tiwiler I preten- terlor 'newly decorated. 1 ! car garage. Completely fi I • nished and only $6,126 f ; (ilLl'iS REALTY CO. , For information and appointment. PE 6-6175 221 BALDWIN AVE OPEN 6 a m - 6 P.M I , MULTIPI^ LISTTNO SEiyflCE :Val-U-Way; ; POR GOOD BUYS AND TRADES ! ‘ ' CANAL PHONTAOE - Make us an offer on this lovely home 6 rms i with 4 lots all beautifully land- ; scaped. Oversixe two car xarai' i Located between Sylvan ft Cass. Quick possession. list; WITH US - OE 30 y----- -.... d vicinity. Open 0 L. H. BROWN. Realtor 500 Ellssbeth Like Bold Ph FE 4-3504 or FE 3-4810 _ Mumple_Lli>lln6_ Service "SCHRAM WE.ST SUBURBAN _ _ . Luxurious llvlno In this besupful 3 bedroom brick ranch. Carpeted 16 ft living rodm. 1 wall paneled wllh Philippine mahogany. Master bedroom 16 x 11 also carpeted. Very attractive kitchen with loads of cup-M X 16 patio. 2-car Well landscaped kUIUTPLE GI's Nothing Down NEW LIBITNO Large 4 room home Just off Basba-baw nestled on a 100x363 foot lot Pull price only |7.-600 with monthly payments of 657 Including taxes and Insurance. BIRMINGHAM Very comfortable 7 bedroom older home. Living room, full FE 3-7103 ' ' _ MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE O'NEIL Kltch- garage. Well lam Tot Price only 616.00 l?'Eot^'kltcfien“!th birch cupboards. Built - In range MSUO AREA Sharp 3 room, carpeted living n en*w?th*vete n... ...----- space Tiled bath Pamilv room with natural brick fireplace. Large utility Lot 60x300. Priced at tt.650 Takes approximately 64.000 0 existing PHA mo^a^e. Payments i . 6500 DOWN — 1 I R. J. (Dick) VALL'ET REALTOR 345 Oakland Ave. Open 0 to 0 FE 5-0003 or PE 4-3631 planned the magnificent plantings. All the appointments demanded by today'i most discriminating buyer. 6100 MOVES YOU IN Brand new 3 bedroom home. Brick front. Carpeted llv-Ine room, dinette and hall heat. All city Improv'cments. IVAN W. SCHRAM Rl'Ai-TOR FE 5-9471 OPEN EVENINGS ft SUNDAYS 043 JOSLYN. COR MANSFIELD MUL'nPLE Lis'nNo service NICHOLIE & HARGER CO. WE.ST SIDE- rt,-, T-N i cV'’S2irv^rtm-e:.? $1,000 Down! possession. 10500 with 6750 Webster School district — ti Bateman Kampsen I MULTIPLE USTINO SERVICE ^ A PARK-LIKE DORRIS ft SON REALTORS WE TRADE %^vtcE’ ’ bedroom triple 1 BUDDlBS ' 6 ROOMS AND~BA11I CLOSED _____ .. OINOKLL CT..' porch, hardwood floors, car- r PonilAC Wotor i plAtt^FM] Wftllt, h^t. o#’tS“da^ThT^ B^^rBOAR^ro^OEKTLE- men Days. 000 N. Perry. PE course.’ Will help finance finish 3-0003 _ . ______ of this home Mt 3-3701^ ROOM /tND MARD IN ^ PRIV ATE « BEDROOM COLONIALS ROCH-afternoon -*•••• m,. -- .................. Lyoi X 304 fenced. PS 6- q^6m'doi» end ... _____n. West . ______ 630 N. Cats Laka ________ Ideal for retlrinK couple. Phone own», ^Reacott 8-4606. _____ MUST SELL. MAKE US AN OFFER. 4 tedrm home at 33 N. An-dersen. Call — 'room ft board WITH OR WITH-out 1364 Oakland Ave PE 4-1664 ROOM AND KARD In'cHRISTIAN borne. Single or double. PK 3-6t64. Convalescent Home^44 EXPERIENCED CARE FOR EL-derlr mao In private home. UL s-jin. i RCXIM House WITH 1 CAR OA- ’ rage. Good location. By owner. Colored welcome. PB 1-6764. 6 ROOMS, BT oifNER PULL price 17.360, 61.366 down. Phone PI 6-1116 alter 4 p m ^ 8 ROOM HOUSE ObOD COND Extra lot 116 W Beverly 11606 down. 676 mo. 11.686 lull price. PK 6-6683 Rent Stwes ^ UOHT MANUPACTURINO. 1 tOO U«i^Hlghl^''ftoad. M66* EM 3-4M3 HR BUSINESSMAN. COME OUT and took at our localton Have two 1.600 sq. ft. stores with complete toilet fscllltles Stores can be divided er used as one store Bultobte for ctoCbinf store, appliances or offices. .Black top^g *“a lloSufsWI.TuCALTOB 17S4 S. TELEGRAPH RD. PE 4-ion 50 Dollars down plus low costs, will move snyooc Into this floe older home. Hss 3 olee bedrooms, living room, dining mm ^•*'6» kltehe^. bsse- j car garage, storms and screens. 1 on s Bice friendly well settled i street. Look this oae over at 13 : 8. Roselawn and ca.I OR 3-8031 lor furthsr Information. W. W. Rota. Matter Builder | 8318 b07ilN-666 MO. INCiL TAXES j Bays this 3 bedroom home near Crescent Lake. Oarage. Very nice lot. PE 44383. 6435 DOWN 1 bedroom home 6 toU Oarage Near LIvtmols ft Auburn. W. O. TPhltoomb. Realtor. UL 3-3830. 'ULTRA-NEW PTOEES. 7PE8T SIDE PE 3-3144 Rent Office S|MiQe47 M FLOOR. 1 R006U OT^OT-flea apace aS #r part In iMprt of dPVPtova area Oomer toca-Udft. Laiwance and Perry Streeu. Pooltoe CbmmUDlt/ Plnajee Oom-3 pany CUl John Lee. PE A801. LAROE 3 ROOM lUITK. UTIU-tStoftmlsbcd. Cbdtee tocattao. Or^mrd Lake Read to Keego. ii:»i4rK9VTtJ ON a large 7 roam bouse on main street. Has «s.SSSft'!'auil‘r;i1i accept best offer. Reply Pontiac Press Box 118. tm PONnAC LAIUI ROAD - t bedrm.. modera. asbestos tiding gsgggg dawn. ggl per mo., to-cra^g. taxes ft mturaace. OR jnil-aSSCO-WEi^DE. PE ^^^eppeelto City Alr- i ' ■ NEED A TINANCE-FIXER? Order Classified Ad» to sell, rent, find a g;ood job. FE 2-8181 is the Want Ad number! ; , ■ * ' i NO MONEY DOWN < will build a starter home on your lot. Any site. Full basement. Rnute wiring. Your plans or ours. OR 3-703$. RUSS UcNAB______ART MEYER NBARL'Y NEW 3 BEDRM. HOTmE south of Lake Orton Large lot. Only 66.660 6600 down. 15 Ft. Frontage on Lake Orion. New kitchen has built In oven and range New gas furnace, rood terms. LAKE ORION REALTY C. McIntosh. Broker -- ... —,—Reply .. _Pontlec Press. JSox 10. _^ NO DOWN payment Pontiac near airport A real op-portunlly to save money providing you can do your owi F.‘c.WoodCo. Williams Lake Rd at M-U OR 3-1136 *■ ___After 6J0 p.m OB^-3M3 NIW HflXsiDt BRICK RANCTSTl room*”*! pSSe **1k**^ ‘ ment with 3 »r garage. David Ward Youhg. Remit h low dowB paymoBt; OR Partridge WIDE FRONT Ranch home oh spacious lOt. nra Waterford High. 3 bedrooms wU 24' living room and the price I SA.SHABAW-WALTON Ideal location for schooto. wbop-v ping center. Large chain - link fenced vard for the children. 3 bedrooms, ol| P.A. heat. Covered potto and barbecue. Under $10.-NO. Only a few years old. Excel- Partridge Johnson .30 YEARS OP SERYICB **J*b^lroom bungalow. Iftrxo Hrti room, kitchen, 3 lot* I-w. Pri’. leges on Gass Lakk. Only 140 ‘Tb^r^m home. Large JJyto, iia •?^ro.S'y*'K.i?'.- ’TOk”?r”o2?1c''hoo. 3 bedrt^ full basement with cecrealtem room, m-car attached gyage. Penced-ln lot, 73 X 300. 6»#,.<‘»’« Hurry on this one. It won’t toot. Eynlnj^s^ofler t eaU Mr. Caranor. A. JOHNSON, Realtor 1704 S. Telegraph Rd. FE 4-253J X 13 living n I kitchen. ' carjMted. Attract- ________ floor. Oil heat and recreation space In full basement. Double garage. SEE IT I P.H.A. terms.' LIST WITH Humphries Open Eves. EE 2-92.16 MULTIPLE USTINO SERVICE ''■SMITH''' NEAR PONTIAC OKNKRAL Desirable professional location on West Huron 100x160 ft. lot extending to 30 ft, alley. 0 room ' house In good co5idltton. 130,000. CLARKSTON VH-LAOB Brick 4 lev ■ "----- large Uv. i natural fireplace. Kitchen end breakfast rm. designed for beauty and .convcttlcnre. 3 lone baseboard heat. 3-car garage with radio doors. Csrpctutg, custom drapes, and wall mirror. Beautifully landscaped with 140 ft. paved street frontage extending to boat channel. Price reduced $4,000 for quick Rolfe IL Smith; Realtor 144 B. Tclegroph Rd. PK 3-7041 -SAVE $5,000 4 bedroom brick mneh. Model Is now being sold ol groat aavlngs for you. Carpeted Uvin* room, drapes throughout. BulIUn oven Sind range Beautiful kltehan. lots of dining area. Large famUy room. sUdlng glass doors opening In back, lit ceramic tile baths, full basement, completely tiled, gas best, storms '*and screens. Located tp one of the beat northwest sections of Watorford: Just 61K600 with 63.608 to a t per cent mortgogo. 10 ACRES. 8A8HABAW ROAD. n remodeled. House oil moderi ' WM. 'A. ■ / KENNEDY SELI- BUY TRADE thru MILLER POPULAR CITY LOCA'nON and a^good 6^ ft tatb l^A^r >>oo>*,'^5 COMPLETELY PUR N I S IPE D auto washes, dryer, stoye, refrigerator. Everything goes with this g room home featuring 3 bedrooms, IVk baths, perimeter Heat, alum, itorms ft screeps. and anchor fenced lot. Cedar shakes ft brick exterior. All of this and -more for only 613.060. Terms available. PACK YQUR BAG nothing else needed, t rooms ft bath with un- room with ,1 !ak”prlvUegesT AU Aimlshings Included for the borgatn price of 60,600 and only $1360 down. William Miller Realtor FE 2-0263 Automatic heal—This Is ____________B^A’________ with carport 114 baths. Newly decorated Inside and out. Payed street. Only $13.-608 with 6600 down-vacant — Wa have the key I NO DOWN PAYMENT Only low closing costs of about 6380 will move you In one of these 3 or 3 bed- Pontlac. Decorated and va- PRIDAY. EVENINO CALL; PBl, 2-7373 Aak Poy Mr. CastcU Icebox. : MULTIPLE LQTINO SERVICE IRWIN GEORGE R. I6EST SUBURBAN 3 bedroom brick ranch tyno bun lalow with full baaement. auto motic beat and hot water, ceram Ic tllo bath, nica kitchen will birch cupboards and situated of large lot Quick possessloo. WILL TRADE Largo 3 bedroom brick bungal with m baths, full basement, car xarage. nicely wooded 1 Has beautifully designs kitcl "h large dlnlnx space. L« t at tbit 0“ " ------- CANAL PRONTAOE 380’W. Walton ANNE T T Nortliern High Area New 3 bedroom ranch, aluminum tiding, 33 ft. llTlng room, "Heatalator" fireplace (wet plaster walls! klichen, "Hotpoint” dishwasher, built In oren. Basement,' oil heat, recreation apace, fireplace. Mortgage Near Ski Resort At county line. Just off main road, ranch type home on lot $60x306. aU outdoor activities at your door. Living room, fireplace. 3 bedrooms, bath, model kitchen, fkrally . room, basement,•'H-W baseboard beat. 3 car attpebed garage. 61g,600. Terms. W. Side Shopping Dist. Unusual ranch. 30 ft. llv-- Int room, family room 16 x 31. ledgerock flreploce. m matter bedroom 16 iw cost ell heat. Oa-attached. 627,600. ^thi / rage' I Ttmt. 4-FamiIy Brit:k just reduced. BOY porch each ed. Full basemeliL oil garage. Price FE 8-0466 luxe privileges a block awoy. Attroctive stone ranch. Spacious carpeted living room with natural fireplace. 3 garages and circle drive. Owner's are Florida bound and say, "SELL". Only 616,168. TRADE- PIONEER HIGHL’bS James K. Bhrd. address — 3 bedriwm brick ranch with full basement and attached plastered garage. Carpeting, natural fireplace and loads of extra features. On 3 beautifully landscaped lota overlooking Sylvan IF COMFORT COUNTS ... 3 bedrooms. Puil dining room and basement. This It one of the finest older homes wt have offered. Only 3 blocks to Wsb-ster school. 3 ear garage, gas heat and other fealurii. Only 111,668. SQUEEZE YOUR DOLLARS The children can skip to school In minutes from this 3 bedroom Aluminum Rancher built In '63. Aluminum storms and screens. Marble sills and other teature^. ^Prloc ^nl^ 610,- Uon will eonvlnes iojii. THE- -Iv^eaciowleigh — YOUR HEART — - WILL'SKIP A BEAT — See It Sunday February 7th FE 4-0528' steam heat. 3 car tarage Carpeting and drapec In-rluled 113.600 It the price. 3 BEDROOM BRICK only 6 years old. Large living room with dining ell. nice brightjdtcben Divided base-ment.Woll heat. Attached 3 ' car 6*^81^. On a^75x»4 ft. gage costs. . KEEOO H AP BOR 5 room NEAR CLARKSTON 3 bedrm. brick. Lge. carpeted living room. With' fireplace ^ning into a cosy den. Dining room, very handy kitchen. 13x30 screened patio. Carport. On largo landscaped lot. Blacktop Ity water 1.600 ap- exlstlng 4>4 per Sacrifice price 616, proximately 13.300 and assume er----- cent mortgagf LOCATOD^on^N. Paddock Scr’i * 3 bedroom bungalow, r...., -------- rw^fh RAY O'NElf.. Realtor SMITH Wiideman KNOLIhH STYLE BRICK 4 bedrooms, satur*) Hre* Siace. 1 »/* baths. Immaculate asement, eas heat vat»p softener. lt% car earale A HOM, Voo W^‘*B1 PROUD TO OWN. ^ 61.000 DOWN Takes this- with vivii dining* area oil h i porches.7 carport. U loL iMxlie ft vprox ■ ^N07 - THM IB I I well kept 3G Mr"' *•!•' basem 14 car irarage. fenced vi Pull pric* 16.560 L DOWN PAYMKET 113 W HURON OPD FI-: 4-4526 Colored 4 tmdroom home. IVb batl ly decorated $6,760 Near Colored THE PONTIAC PRESS. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1960 THIRTY-PIVE For Sak Hornet 49 WHITE BROS. DRAVTON PLAINS 4400 CHEnXMAN 8T. Pul? nelitibortiood to Uro m obO rst*t your ebUdron. Tbt owaer h»> «*»• WHITE BROS. OR >-1100 ip«n Kt44. 'Ul 0. tiMor 10 'U| 0 KENT DAVUBURO AREA -ftmlly homo. Lurit ) room horn*. Full >ith book. bimT AUo imtu RUBURBAN BEADTT - Hert tho homo ttmt ti dUlerant ( Ft brick bemo wllb 4 Uroe bedroom. IVk botbt, ail] family ra^ larf# UtIu rm., fireploet. nill bim't with larie rec. rm.. citra fireplace. Plenty ol cloeeta anef etorage. Located on 2 acrei o( land and pa4ed road. An eicelleot borne for that diatlngulibed family: Call for deUlla. ROCHESTER AREA - ] bedrm ranch, modem to the mlnuw Clean and In good coodltloo Quiet atreet. good acboola and ahopping center nearby. Lot I] 1 a6. An eicepUonal only OT.OIO. Term. WILL TRAOE — Ton can trade your houae tratler or U tract aa down payment ranch typo home. 1 bedn— heat, city of Pontiac. Total price l«.o«e. Can tor deuile. HEARLT I ACRES - Li Carkatoo ares. Attraetl home, hardwood floors, al ^lace. M ft Heine m > nearly new and a 1 are unflnlah--* • — only Ill.M . Can for de •'kiK PE l4l« - Open Eeea. IRWIN y home. Mow first I For Sale Home* 49 STOUT'S Best Buys Tcxiay SAVE YOUR MONEY Den t eonUnua to drive to <>»y. tee this all britok 5 room rancher, that offers the finest In aub> urban Uelng. Some of the RSI. »tt*urei are ItkSI family room with flre-P “t Peetory flnlahed XXL Utehen cupboards, hot wa-iSf . eeramie baths. SSiS-Jfte'-atJSSeS*'? Mi-td* „*lth paved orlf#. ua show you. $21-too. $220 DOWN Mdget priced 4 room and bath home that needs dec-oratmg. Nearle new automatic oil furnace. Large lot. Located la Eeego I^bor. Hurry on this one. 3-BEDROOM BRICK ^aM off Huron St.. In WaUrford Township. A beautiful Hlllatde setting enhances thla almost new Ranch Home. BIc basement area tor recreation room, step carinc kltcheiv completely Insulated. I17.N0. and carpetlne U Included. Warren St«-t* Realtor IT If. Saginaw St. PE MIM Open till I p.m "BUD" Elizabeth Lake Estates Coey. attractive J bedrot home with lake privileges. L.. car earage. Peaturcs picture windows, carpeted living and dtnine room. > bedrooms and raent. pine paneled recreation room, automatic beat and * water, planter, storms i screens. Prtced at Ilf.lMJW. your family a favor, loob day I Near St. Beocdict’n Conveniently located 3 bedroom bungalow, close to both | ' and parochial schools, bui stores. Includes living with dining area, full bath shower, attractive klUhen.__ baiemcait. automatic gas beat and hot water, eaalnator. alu mlnnm stoims and screens. IM car garage, paved street. Quid eceupaneyl Offered at 114.360 04 why wait, call now I “Bud" Nicholie. Realtor 40 Mt aemenc St. FE 5-1201 After 6 P.M. FE 4-8773 For ^le A 35 ■TEBLB REALTT. 1340 M. Mlt^ Js!s3‘"i5s;23,“iiir 31.t ACRES OH PAVED ROAt). 1 mile S. of Clarkston Village, all of Clai -------Good b— water. Ideal tor 1 subdividing, only I Partly wooded with lovely white birch and ether trees. Ilisre Isi a new school adjacent to the property. Must be sold to seSUe estate. Recommended price M.-000 with 02,600 down. F.CWoodCo. 60 ACRES WITH LAKE PRONTAOE AMO BEAU-npCL PARK AREA ON THE LAKE. PRICED TO SELL. NORTHT^T OP OXPORO. JIM WRIGHT, Realtor BUY OF THE YEAR IT good level acree. Approilmstely 3 acres of woods. Oood garden Isnd. 600 ft. on bighwsy 06600 4 rolltiig acres. Just oft pavement. OoodbuUdlng sp^. 43.060. 30 acres, close to hlgbwsv end lake. Tout divide lOM per acre 30 acres. 3 bedroom borne. Will sacrUtec lor quick s ' Business OpportunitiesJI9 COUPLBTELT EQUIPPED BEAU-(y shop, oood location. RsiA. tease or toil cbean PhcBa OR 3^T04 or OR 3-10T3. su'a on 3 main Hwys. Oross |T4.' 333 030.000 bandJoe. STATEWIDE Real Ectate Service Of Pontiac B. D CHARLES. REALTOR ITIT S. Telegrj^ — ' TIZZY By KaU Otann '•lemiyi in.4‘T"4J Remodeled 4 bedroom — - - tool s' ' ■ 10.50?^ Te'fpil borne. Cow bsm. lAol _______ ____ other out buUdlnts. All oood form land. PuU price f------* ------ ----- * bedroom price 010.000. CRAWFORD AGENCY 3U W. Walton PE 0-3300 000 E. Flint_MY 3-1143 For Sale Ferms 56 ANNETT SELLS FARMS MIL- Cali now. STEELE REALTT. lord Rd between maniana ana Mlllord. Highland. Ml^gao. MU 4-3040._______________________ 130 ACRiS. KALKASKA COUNTY. ------ternu. MY 3-1177 lor In- I Uke Income Properly 501 104 Acres t Prime investment 3 n.-_.- 3-csr gsrsge Small steble All bldgs, good repair. 340 ft. frontage on Ige. lake. Hard beach. Level to roUlny. some woods 36 minutes W. of Pontiac. Only 66.-000 dn and 0300 mo Harold Franks Th« dairy ba pleia with al yi!l 7*-tH3.'________ NOVELTY AND MAGAZINE STORK Pull ^e MOO Illness forcss sale. PE 4-1140 oe PE 1-09M. Own Your Own Drive-In Restaurant ACT NOW JOIN THE NA'HON 8 fastest jjrowino drive-in OROAfllZATION NET 41300 MON THLY AND UPWARD PROTECTED FRANCHISE AREA. NO ROYALTIES COMPANY TRAINING 07.500 MINIMUM CASH REQUIRED PI-NANCTNO ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE. WRITE DOO N SUDS. INC.. BOX 640. champaign. ILLINOM._______________ Partridge 18 THE "BIRD" TO SEE 24 acrp:s For commercial or residential development Near Junction of Dixie and M 16 at Clarf-— ZONKI) INDUSTRI.M, j (Light Manufacturing) 6^ acres with over 700 ft of RAILROAD' froulsge Telegraph road abutts' this. Otaly 036 000 with terms! Partridge !i and ASSOCIATES 1 BUSINESSES THRUOUT MICH PE 4-3601 1050 W. HURON , open tC - ' ' ‘ Tve started to read the whole encyclopedia. anything you’d like to know about an aardvark!” Mortgage Loans $(iX) T6 $2000 n Oakland County homai. 62 ^ ^al^Housel^ld Goods 65 73 PIECES OP ST GRATAL CHINA. Swaps „ .... Electric etovo $34. Round oak teble $13. Eel-vlnator Refrigerator 630. Oas hot —•— heater |30, 0 ete $13. Maple ____ 036. Pearson TrI Orchard Lake Ave. AUTOMA'nC WASHER, LIKE N4w. PE 6-4670 PU»kP MECHANIC Bxcelleat opportunity for man to operate own service business. Some cspitel re^ulred^ PE PROFESSIONAL MAN S Type of building, sr'” " • —■-room for expansion and additional li— i AUTO KENMORE WASHER. 44 yeara eld. Esc. cond. $40. MI *-7730 I ABOUT ANYTHING YOU W A N T I POR THE HOME CAN BE POUND AT L a 8 SALES. A little out of Uie way but a lot ....------ Dllure and appll- I. NEW A USED tir’VfoM.' to pay. Purolture a ces of ail kinds. NEW >lt our trade dept. '‘Vs^MONTHS TO PAT i Broker____________EM 3-1300 trances Pt^ basenvent. „oas,j aPT BUttDING 30 BROADWAY, c-u R.i.inwaa Prnnwrfv 57 furnace, water softener V A i Oxford 0170 month Income. 113- DUSinCSS rropeny 3/ a... ■»„..! — —.. —-jg^^yment. --------------------------—- - ______is. c“ . PE 4-0603 tlon. 63.000 down. Balance easy terms PE 4-3357,___________ .SFECL\L 13760 PULL PRICE-tasy terms «^ft CH^MPJON^Ver^y fOj^ »n-tedrMms. fu£ batJ Ph. Mr Brown. PR *-««_ _ _ SERVICE STA'ilONS FOR L^ASE. tooo potential. Please call between >_end 6 PE _3-OlOL — ACREAGE. 30 ACRES. V« MILE road frontage, creek. On shhool but line. Clarkston area. Trade equity tor down payment orv bar !. Come Ol eras of fri 0 TO 0 I Ot.l plus three rooms and bath u private cntrancei. full baa ment, g a rage, near WUe< School, bus and stores. HOYT -b WATKINS HILLS 1 bedroom modem red brick ranch Large ttvl^ room. Family kitchen. 14 ceramic tUe baths. Pastered walla. Oak floors. Pull OI-NOTHINO DOWN 3 bedroom. Large living room Overslsed garage Ideal for paying hobby. 7 subHlivIdcd lou. Escel-lent for large family SYLVAN VILLAOE Older home. Perfect condition. ^^l^^ke^Prppert I SPACIOUS 3 BEDROOM BI-levs', a baths. 3 fireplaces, kitchen buUt-lns. Large porch and upper terrace Situated on high lake-front lot. Overlooking Middle Straits Lake. Underpriced to leU DOW By owner $10,000 terms EM 34013 ALMOST NEW BRICE RANCH home Large tivlog room, ledge-rock fireplace.* beautiful klUben. tiled bath full basement Oat heat. 3 car attached garage. 4 etiri lots Many other PE 0-1448 Pure Oil Co SEND FOR FREE NEW'YmUE. PARTRIDGE'S "M I C H 1 O A N BUSINESS GUIDE " COM------------ --------- PLETE LIST OP ALL KINDS lOM W. HURON, PONTIAC PE 4-3601. _6-J(M_____________________ CASH POR USED TV's. TAPE recorders and radio-phonographs. _WoUm*_or not_FE 3-0J07.___ SELL OR WILL TRADE FREE and clear by owner. 0 room house with bath^ 304JWhlttemore.__ SELLORTR.^DE 42 FT CHAMPION HOUSE-TRAILER — Excellent condi-Only 24 vrs. old Two BLOnBbEDRM set. BOOKCASE bead-board. Seely box spring A mattress $00. Thor portable Iron- ing^ Telegraph I WGodwsrd 3-0701 Business Opportunities 59 Jiir LK FRONTAGE WEST BUB-burban Grocery store. Beer A vine Living quarter.. Cabins Boat Uvery. Bathing beach Terms Store may be purchased separately. J. C. HAYDEN. Realtni PI 0-0441 :Val-U-Wdyi ■ POR OOOD BUYS AND TRADES | BEER. WINE AND GROCERY ; - on main highway. A growing I i ^ business In a progressive com-; ' - munlty. Modern store nlus a lovelv 3 bedroom rueled trailers. Will trade for me Ph Mr Brown FE 3-4010. Teb SOelEMtks TO REM sell. 03 60 month. OR 3-3300. .L SWAP NEW WATim MAB-r conditioners for old outdated ater^lteneri MA 6-0011.___________ BRAND NEW WROUGHT IRON bur.v beds eump>te with springs and maiuess. 630 00- Pea.rsnn • Furnitiiie 43 Orchard Like Ave. BIRDSEYE MAPLE DRESSER AND occaalonal table Ml 4-0310. ii.ANkUUFf STOCit” Lvtng room. ^Mroom and break- Must I HWv.------------------------ ... .. Frf.. 'til 0. 1.000 ft. north of A A P Market___________________ BEDROOM SUffE COMPLETE. 075: SI./. 1in'i./(- nslr h«nk esssT -tiril Sale HonsahoM Quoila hs ____ washer A dryer, good Roai. Ml 0-4000. MAHOaANY oaOP LEAP DIN-Ing table and cordeaia, 0130. Wal-nut drop leaf table. 636. I draw-er cheat al drawert 030. PE 6-0340. MAYTAb WASHER A DRYER, late model. Repoiaeaied. Balancw 43 per week. Schick's. MY.......... iiiw 34 W OAS STOVE $70. 17 - “PrtOW P**"®- 6vKR M USED TV SETS PROM 014.06 up. TV antennas. 00.06. VVALTON TV 616 E. WaltOD PE 3-1367 ROSk ■ UV.' "rM~1uITE. 630. 31 B. Johnson. PE 6-23T7.' _ RKPRIO., bY"KEL«NATOR. TRY for 037. Peer's, comer Commerce Rd. and OnloB Lake Rd____ ^E^iOERATORS TOR SALE • DOYYN TO EARTH PBYC18 " J!ALL_MUTUAL_4J031 _ ITATIONARY LAUNpHT TUBS. tlO. Phone PE 3-4040. BERTA POSfURProiC.MAHTRlSS, brand new. PE 3-4637 f______ SPECIAL Hollywood Headboard Large Cheet .... J'JJJ BeauUful new sofa bodi _ Large Cheet . „ i.. ”—new sofa bodi _____046 ------OutflUtog Oo.. 4TO IWl Drayton P.elne_____OR 3-4734 SbPA. TABLES AND LA6IPS Drapenek Pt_>-J»?«:______ SINOER PORT I0»u. CXC. COND Curfi Ap|d. PTC _______ SOFA AND CHADtr 034. _________0^1-0000,___________ SPhCfAL 0X13 RUOS. 034 06. Me-Leod Carpet, Woodward at Square Lk. lust below Tad'o. PE 3-7701 TRADE ELEC. RANOE POR OAS Trade-In Specials WASHERS. All Branda. Rebuilt. Ouaranteed. Delivered. REPRIOERA'TORS. All ttecf. Guaranteed, Delivered. TV'S -- 31". Rebuilt. Guaranteed, OOOD HOUSEKEEPING SHOP Of Pontiac 61 WEST HURON_______PE 4-1666 TRADE OAS RANOE POBJELKO-tric range. R. B. Munro Electric Co., 4000 W. Huron._____________ TILT-BAI^ CHAIR. 030 : 3 PIECI aectlonalr 060; gae a^ve 0^ Studio couch, oever UMd, $W. fl $-2766. ___________________ USED ¥V, 110.00 UP. SWEEM ^ .-p, _ gu gg Buroo. PE Used Trade-In Dept Bookcate. walnut flnlab .... 0 OM lounge Chair ......... 0 0 00 l-plece breakfast set.. 010.00 Studio Couch ....... 034.60 Davenport and chair . 030.00 Dining room table, ebampagae fln-Uh. Heywood Wakefield 030 00 0-plere dining roam lUlte 050.60 THOMAS ECONOMY 301 S. Saginaw______PE 3-0181 USEb TV AND TV COJIBINA-. UoDs Good aelectton from 116 to 606. Priced for quick tale. GRINNELL’S 37 8. Sagintw PE 3-7t0« USED WASHERS. 634 06 UP OPEN 0 a m. to 6 p m. Thyle Electric, corner N. Joimion and Howard. f"p“g.'* fbTdi frontage. Owne retiring. Tor Sale Clothing^^4 3 COATS. 1 SPRING AND WIN- ter Bixe' 12^ OR 3-5446_ BiAUTlrUL WEDDIHO DOWN CHROME BREAKFAST SET. BA-by tenda Baby scales Doll buggy. UL 2-1756^_______ : shades. • all y . FE Information. _______________^ I LAKE FRONT PRICED TO BELL -RSDcb style, 1 BR. bungalow, bretseway. at-1 tadbed oarage. ter» well land------- — -Tod beach. 117.600. sca^ «ard food 06.0N Dn 6100 i Intmt-’t only FE 6-0101 LA^UJM Tof’ 1 Tcre of.SOoLss'MO. Ft 3-0374 or MA 5-1145 ON TH 8 NKA-T 6^=1 le ftreplaec. Large music room _ . _ . n- , _ _ .. Jtn. sepamte dining room. Bigi Sale Rciort Property 52 kitchen with ample eating space. —- LOANS TO 0000 FOB DOWN PAY-ment or purchase of cottages or las lote. SEABOARD FINANCE. liol N. Psrrr PE »0001. 1 largo bedroom, complete, let floor. 3 bodroomt .upetetri. PuU basement grtth flnleiisd. panated recr. roogg, Oas hsaL Ctty sowtr a water. Bis Mrvloo. HOYT REALTY 364 B. TELEGRAPH PE 3-0040 PE 3-0000 GAYLORD NEAR WATERFORD HIOH Very nest 6 room ranch, located In Waterford Hills Eetstes. 3 bedrooms, carpeted living room, very tps-clous kitchen with dlmng Tiled bath 010.060 Suburban Property 53' 1 ELgln 7-0301. Im- Another Oakland County Wonder tVhv buy a liquor bar when yoU grow&**over*l45%o'Vor only-630.-OOP with 010,000 down with a 6 year lease at $160 per mo? Hurry on this onel! Peterson Real Estate ______ MY 3-1681____________ AIR COND.-HTO SALES ENOt-neer needs partner Have full equip, shop Sheet metal layout man or silent partner 03, to $6,000 required Exchange rel. This la 1 In mllltoo opportunity. Fontlsc Press Box 104. BARBER SHOP. 3 CHAIRS; KX-cetlent opportunity. Write Box UP PonUsc Press._______________ Sale Land C»nlracls 60 40 PER CENT DISCOUNT Contract balance ol 44.750. with payments of 647 50 per month at 0 per cent Interest. Can be bought for 03.050. Warren .Stout, Realtor 77 N Siginaw St. ' FE 5-0165 ________Open 'Ul 0 P M_________ LAND contracts to BUY OR fur coat. 636. LENGTH MOUfON . 4-0000. SKIRTS. DRX88I8. 81 .. „ ..Je awake com-r with large demand — —• --‘-t ehop. » with with ti I. PE 0-0*3. OAS STATION ^ated ‘Slock biiUdlnf with le oil heat. Included are air compressor and hoist. Now rented for 6100 ^er month plue tec per gal- Warren Stout, Realtor 77 N.’Saginaw S' PE $-0165 Open Ul 0 PM SETTLINO ESTATE, OOOD BUS. _property. FE 4-0343 _ SIVERAL'LAND CONTRACTS FOR sale by osmer Seasoned Oood , discounts. 63,000 required. PJi. i _OR 4-270X Parmlngton.__1 SEVERAL CONTRACTS IN WALLED 5ms^e ' Sale Household Goods 65 _3-703____________ ________ COMPLETE MODERN BEDRObM iulle. 605; wringer washer, S20: electric dryer. $SS: 31 In TV. good cond.. 660; upright deep freeae. 005: automatic washer, exc. condition. 606; electric stove, food condition. $46; refrigerator, 636. - omplete Hollywc— *—■- --*• 650. PE 6-3704 CASH Fow UStD TVS. FURNI-. ture » Ml«c. PE 2 0741_______ DININO ROOM SUitE, UPHOL-slered love seat and coffee ti^l*. Very good cond Reas. 340 Chlp- DREXEL WALNUT ^ PECAN round din. rm. table and chairs. __3_end Ubies^l cr^tble. F^ ^13te. DAVENTORT. CHAIR; RUG, 0x13; 2 _AP‘ ' 10 I DININO f 61 Borrow with Confidence $25 to $500 Household Finance Corporation of PonUae ^ 3te 8. Saginaw SI____FE 4 0535 loans 125 TO --- BAXTiat A LIVINOSTONE W Lawrenca 8t FE 4-1530 BARGAIN HUNTING Where can you find a three bedroom rancher vrttb large rooms, plenty of cupboards, spacious kitchen wired for washer and dryer. Lot Is 00 X 333'. Only 00.000 with terms. Less for cash. Call now for your i X3D LOCATION schools, stores, churches. -With oak floors, large kttoh-eo. living loom and uUIlty. and a new oil furnace. One-car garage, with pavrt drive. A 7k X 304 landscaped lot. Priced for a TuiS tale at 00.060 with axcellent terms. PE 0-0003. NEED 4 BEDROOMS? acres, with 00 fruit trees, located near Lake JMlon 3- HUDSON. PLCmiDA. OE ™AI^ LAKEWOOD ViU/AUE A FEt -ni-loe lakefront homeettes ar IAk£boM DEVELOPMENT NEED UP TO 6600 CASH POR d^n payment on a lotT See SEABOARD FINANCE CO.. 1106 N. Perry. PE MOOl. glad yi last I h 1 recresiUon room located i lavatory. Let ue show u this' home with many u this horns with many >re fins features. 033.60A th very good terms. MT I/AWREIVVI. W. GAYLORD WEBSTER OXPORD-LAKB ORIOM COUItTRY HOME. 3 acres of te soeStc surroundings, exoell view Bpactotts Uvtng room, f place. 3 bedrms. Ige. encla tiSeiewly., fuU baeement ... furnace. 3 ear gang* Nlemy landscaped grounds. Oxford -013,600. CQUNTRT H06«. Largs 10 r^m OA 0-31M mt 3-! lli-Jlill Village No.,2 NOW OPEN At a special Introductory offer-The next 7^ per c l*^ 1 •«> Vi ...a.., ------------ With 6105 down. A well restricted neighborhood, on tee northeast LADD’S INC. - y.. Dray-t 3-1331 Pontiac-Watkins Estate 110 X 160 foot lot. 61.000 with Crescent Lake Estate a adjoining 50 foot lots. 0005 with term,. Maceday Lake 60 X 160 foot lot. $050. Easy terms. Lake privileges close by. Williams Lake 3 adjoining lakefrant tote with cx-esUent sani beach. BeauUful view of whole take. Priced right to selUe ettete. F.C.WoodCo. .WUUams U. Rd. at MOO OR 3-U36; After 6130 OR i-MOJ .EE THE NEW SITES AT CHEROKEE HILLS before TOO BOV! You'll Bko IF— ~'«— 6e Rd. to SeoU _ ... ....right 3 blooks .. Lacnta. CARL W. BIRD. Realtor S03 D>n ■ vx-r-r T >c* 173 N. Saginaw________FE 6 3100 : GRINNELLS Full line of building U’' » ----------?*_»•!>« It Isngtbs K soft cop ■w-ft. coll l-^^lbatb sets i WOLVERINE LUMRJ';R piano-“tuFino:\»^^^ o-™-;^^d‘-h6t-Tater ' hnti.r Hmu 3 bedroom house -U**-*® “year end SLASHINO 8ALEI 13 FT. LINOLEUM, te PRICE 100% Vinyl Linoleum 75c Selling out paints below post 4/2-Et. Wall Tiie......25c SVM'S^m W Huron. zTo ZAO SINGER SEWING MA- ^9407°” n garage r) We give ettimates modeling. Onen from 0 to I Noon on Saturdays i BERRY DOOR SALE.S I hSi*’ 3718^Paddock___________PE 3-0203 HOT WATER HEATERS. 30~OAL gas. Nsw, Consumers Power so-proved. 000.50 value. $30 60 ■ $50.50. These are slightly msrr 0 ELECTRIC FRYER Elec, range good cond. Easy wringer washer Apt. aixe gss relrlg. CRUMP ELECTRIC 3«* Auburn Rd PE 4-3673 ELECTRfC~ltAHaE. EXCELLENT M^dit_ioii^re_vBw. ELECTRIC BTOVK. 8. TUden Avenue. Luncheon &. Pat. Med. Equipment alone coet 616.000 On ly 6 years old, tlon. Reasonsbls Under proper operation this business should net 010.000 a year. Will iacrlflce at $0,000 full price including merchandise Inventory _________ - - _ Informa- on call VE 6-0404 or PE 4-0346. LEO P. MEAGHER REALTOR BUSINESS BROKER “LET’S TALK BUSINESS" ) dowd put! you li me lasteat growing buel- vou* ’win hardly befieve* Truck and stock included— but burry, this wlU not be available long. MICHIGAN BUSINESS SALES CORPORATION MOVING SOON? Pav nioviiij?: exjienses by jellinff all- those unusiied items you’ve had stoicd kiway all .this tii'he. DIAL FE 2-8181 tOAIN ..........__r. “** lUyette. FE 2-1 PIECE BECTIONAL. $60 DANIPH modern round uliJc and 4 chalrS _$65. MA 4-1876 after 6 1 PIECE WICKER SET NI(^k FOR recreation room, breezeway. or porch. OR 3-5211____________ P)BcE SBL-lluNAL. i"UAM CUSH- ELECTRIC h oas RANUC8 AT close-out prtOf-. MAple 6-OOU. Bsmuel I ApnMsnres^____________ FR'EEZERm - NOROE FREEZERS Antiques Hi-Fi. TV and Radios 66 31 IN. TV CONSOLE, NEW PIC-ture tube. 676. EM 3-0000. MAONAVOX, 17" BLOND CON-S(ne 066 OR 3-4000 _ T AKEroV ER ip A Y M ENTS BRA ND lau oj; televUton. Custom- .ve'oio’ Psy'’ooly°l3 38 Electric ) )nt. OR 3-6704 BPBCIAL PUNO BALI ------------.---- Cable blond si^t piano. ear guarantee nt oaly 0606 00. the new Oanish modem Story Clark planoe af —*- r operatort. folding Morrte M TeLHuront’pifywloi*' UPRIOHT PIANO. OOOD CO _________PE 0-7060_____ WURLITIZER ELECTRONIC PI- i‘vS Pluorescent, 393 Orchard L HEADQUARTERS POR HOBBIES Trslne-Toys-Schwinn Blkee Scarlett's BIkt-Hobby Shop 20 E. Lawrenca. Pontiac. PE 3-7043 4634 Dlxlo Drayton. —--------- Knotty Pine Paneling UL $ city. You SI per week I LUXAIRX PURNACX, DUCTS, TDil-ken ell conversion, controls. 376 gaL^tank^$l3^Fl 4-4006jfter 4. LUXAIRE OIL BuSnEH. IM.OOO pump, brick, all controls Also o'-l space beater — everything 630 OR _3;06M_ Wiegand Music Center ----AR AREA. MIRACLE T----- Tunlna Organ I PHOWE FE 2-4ta4 OlRis SHOE ROLLER BKATlRi else 0. lUe new. FE 0-3730. OIRL'S ICElSKATlM. SIZX Ote, II. PE 0-0310 after 0 p.m. ________ OUNS MODERN AND ANTldOli Buy, sell, trade and ropate. Barf. _8l.eli, 376 B Telegraph. PE IteTOO. MltlNOWS. ' 36c TO $1.35 DOZ. WAYNE OABERT Y'we'eViy. Pearsons, S3 Ot’cbsrd 6 ROOMS OP HOUSEHOLD PUR-niture. Call after 6 PE 4-77H 6 PIECE T^N BEDROOM SUITE, light Swedish mahogany. MI LOANS i50 TO 0600 - 625 TO 6500 COMMUNITY LOAN CO _ I K. LAWRENCE FE 8-0431 FRIENDLY SERVICE QUICK 03t TO 0600 LOANS Sealioard Finance Co. 1106 N. PERRY STREET ■ - • ■ Phone PE k00$l LOANS $25 TO $500 p signature or other •« ) months to rspsv. O-■ • l. friendly and help- my. "office or phone FE HOME & AUTO LOAN CO. 7 N. Perry St. Comer E. TEAGUE FINANCE CO. 202 S. MAIN 2!4 E. ST.' CI.ATR ROCHESTER ROMEO LOANS 035 TO 1600 AUTOS LIVESrOCR..... HOUSEHOLD GOODS WHEN YOU -NEED $25 TO $.500 We will be gind to help you. STATE FINAnCK CO. 703 Pontiac State Bank Bldg - FE’ 4-1.574 Credit Advifors 61A to get out of debt eeq. Financial Advisors, inc; 3te S. SAOINAW FE 3-706 iXO GRAY BIOELOW RUO AND Kehmorc Ironer and chair. Both In excellent condlUpn. PE 3-0007. PIECE LlVINO ROOM SUITE. Brand ne* daeenport and chair 2 modern step tables, matching coffee table. 3 decorator lamps, all lor OM. Pay only 63 weekly. Peoreon'e Furniture. 43 Orchard ■pC. MAHOOANT DININO RM. 9x12 Linoleum Rug.s $3.89 “BuyL PE 6-34 UNCLAIMED TILE OUTLET BAOINAW___ I X i3~RuaS, 611 Paint, Ulft lino. Shover's E. Pike St ) X 11 RUOS. WOOL FACE. 616 66. Reveritbte. 616 40. Imported. 034 10. Axmlnster. lUU. Rug ^e 06.86. Pearson Furniturs. 13 All sete„ priced over 660 guaranteed 60 days parts and labor. Prom 17" to 27" Uond and ma-, hogany. The finest In cahtnets, pictures and pertormqnces at Obfl TV 3030 Kllsabelh Lk Rd. Ft 4-4046 Open I a m. to I p.m. ______Ask Your Neighbor!______ 16 IN OENERAL jELECTRIC TV. 636 FE'6-8765 _ 16 IN OE TV. 635 , _ PE 4-0746_ M GALLON BOTTLE OAS HOT water heate ■ for sale. Also conversion burners and furnaces In-stalted. 34 hour service on aU —furnaces MI 4^412^__________ OAS RANOE WITH ORIO-UL 3-1004__________, I IN. )Pe Sinre, 3 FE 5 0123 ORANCO FM RADIOS 630 08 A- UP H. B. Munro Klectrtc, 1060 W. r. nrano new, ivov ojunvi, v-warranty. Slightly scratched when delivered. Customer would not accept Must sell. Buv both ?Fa"(1'’sFR^C?c''8TOnE, ^m’s ' _CAR8,_FF 5 6'33._____ _ PURN CLEARANCE 40-60'". OFF 30 xsl. -gas water heater 64S Wringer washers-New 664 4-^ Bedroom Suite 6M Olffpisle JDravton Plains OR y!565 OX. ELEC. STOVE AND RIPRIO ■ PE 3-0720 genera^ ww HOTPOINT DELU3CE OVEN ft cook top. Display. Including tlnk ft cabinet. 0179 08. B. B. Munro Etectrlc,_ll)MJ^ Jnir®!?;-. _ INNERSPRINO M A T f; R E SB. ~ ' rood condition. Coll KENMORE CONSOiS SEWING KENMORE SUDS SAVER WA8H- er. 630_EE 1^1030 _____ SmBY LriUETfEiT^KAP. MY 3-1340. __________________ KXLVINATOR RIPRIO. VINETIAN blinds. Curtains. ?-«01. *°°* L O V K L Y“P P A P F ZIO-ZAO Wm'Sn’d?? ,'"u:'ril)"tee'"M';k'*; 10 payments tON mo Coll PE 3-3337 ask lor Crodlt Manager. Plait Sbwlng Center L A R O »: CH'B AND MATTRESS, brand new. 6U.66. Pearean'e Pur- _nl^j;e 4J Orchard i^«ke_*’te,_______ MOVINO ANTIQUE SOLID WAL-nut bed» dreaser.- commode, love or* wll* e^Mft’ately. ‘itlwtrlc Ironer. 636. 3 quilted spreads. 61 each Other bargalnt MI 0-7600. For Sale Miscelisi^ous 67 j 1-3 CARAT CENTEh DIAMOND with 2 side diamonds. Cost 0360. _Wl(i sell lor 6I^OL I-4201^_ 1 COMPLITE OIL BURNER. CON-verslon. includei tank and con- _trol5 660. FI _____ 1 U8ID FGRCED air furnace, 100.000 BT.U. output In food condition. _ 73 S. Parkc BL______ 1 Uj5iD"0'B'Hf-BOY'biL"FURNACE forced air, 00,000 B.T.U. In good condllloi). 73 8 Parke _ 1 USED OiL FURNAipB WITH bWer and all controls 140.000 B.T U. In good condition. _______M B. Parke 8t_________ * enn?’ Reetl^bte^El^fMH'—L 3 TWIN Bros 'COMPl.ETE TABIE ^rn HelghU. FE 3-0011 ■ Munson Heating ! tfooda. Bo«U. Uotori, etc-p SEABOARD nNANCE. UN A-I TOP SOIL. CRUSHED STONE, Band, gravel, fill. Lyl* CosikUn. FE 0-III3 or FE 3-0673._______ COW MANURE CALL OL 1-0330 _ Gas Heat NowISlfBS^E!" Cpnv. Burnfr ' $68 ! CHANNEL COAL. FIREPLACE. Labor to In.atall j ^“,™‘f„V"o'li.'‘'pB"£or4^ $70 CORD* WOOD~PdiTBALl. to A CAU. OL 1-03.10 ....... ....... 10-YR. 63 0AL. 'ei.EC. WATER 4-3773, 63-OAL. elec. HEATER, $00 06; 3e-gal. luio les healer. 664 65. Cab. sinks ami lutings. 164 16 up. Laundry trsvs and stand ft lau-cete. 6l•06. Cash ft Carry. SAVE FLUMBINO 173 S. Siginaw PE brOO VANITY HAND BASIN. 360 OU. OIL 'TANK __ OR 3-.7t84 _ 06.000 BTU OIL FURNACE ft TANX'. complete. 3607 Manchester. Blr-_mm§ham MI 4-0311;___________ ANCilVlU FFNCKS. ho money down. FHA approved FREE rSTIMATRS FE 6-7471 iEAUTIFUL BINOEB SEWING MA-chjne, late model Like new Take on halanoe of psyntenls, per month for I moUths or 040 60 dlscnuot price for cosh. Capitql Appllsncs. WI• _ ACCORDION. VERY OOGG CON* dltton, 1110. EM 3-3713 MODERN BEAUTY EQUIPMENT _3 years oW, half price. FE 34038, 5JKDICINE CABINET LARGE 20' mirror, slightly marred. 13.06 Large eelectlon of cabinets with or without llihts. Blldlns doors. Terrific buys. Michigan Fluoret-cent. 383 Orchard Laks Ave—37. NEW PISH SHANTY; BNOWSHOES; oil heater, like new; air compressor. EM 3-301E________ 776 Scott Lako Rd. _ir» or OR 3-0106.__________ lOOD HARD 8LABWOOO. . 6 cords for no. dtUvsred. Aion **"-pisee wn*Hl,_ FB_l-3087. SLAB VVu OR PIRRFLAtE _w^, 3 c^. on Dol. PE 04U1. SEASONED riREPLACE WO(ffi. kindling Call < —------ For Sale Pets 79 O"A7’ThOmpt0n7 lolo 'MM West. ---- NEW AND“U8Eb LU3UIBX OAS ♦ II.J!””’' and oil furnaces. Rest^MA 6-JMl »1 _Puppl_es. Jsmor t, PE 0-3030. OIL AND OAS BABEMEin FOR- * nacs Very cheap. MA 6-0011^_ pies for tale. MT 3-1007. -----^t>rv\v^nn A-i POODLE trimming by barfly wood i bars, oo ssdaUvss usod. PR FTH ..............13.45 _4-2380._______________ arc REGISTERED COCKER bRAN- te " HONEY lAAPLE, FINISH $6 06 genuine formica 66c Sq. Ft. PONTIAC PLYWOOD CO. IW Bsldodn Ave FE 3-3841 PREWAY OIL BURNER AND tank Alto auto. Prlgldalrt washer Call between 6 and 7. FE 3-401V_____’___________________ Radiant Ky Lump ft hi SItee BLAYLOCK COAL ft SUPPLY CO 61 Orchard Lake Ave. PE 3-7101 Sjiccial Paneling Offer tal panels, te " nshogsny V-groove. D grade, KIO each «■! n*n»U. nahOtfftr? $SM ffteh If $7 90 tl V-groovc. preflnlthed Oak Flooring Select o'ed _____ black. FE 4-3307. AKC DACHSHUND STUD SERV-_lce. FE 2 00(te BOS 1 ON BULL PEMAtt IKUl^; __Papers, PE 4-ITO._______ COLLIE PUPPIli. AKC. BaMS-and Trina. Also growa dogs. ---------- — Bl7d. ePiKiNons (itippanTlufo ”7 M flke’ySs/^friKi^^^ JS! No. 2 Common Site M north of PonUac. "itN-sox i.umbkr'u!' i Ponllae____________PE 6 6MI | .?'*«•______ ■ BEiGlEr oil HBATiR EXCn7 I ledl condition heats 6 ro6mt ^ 1 V.EC resltter# 376 ^al teak and mUagt. 076. WIRE HAIRED TniRTY-STX THE PONTIAC TRESS, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 5, • Dogy Trrfw^, ^ For Sale HouactraHers 89 BrttMKf pappte*. bMrdlac. Mla-taf. irUialnt. BrUMiiT k poodle etud eonrlco. Call after 4. OL Hwrtiwc [^1_______ BUOim til TO tM COON DOOl t40 up Caah or trade for anr-thlBi of equal value. 3011 Rock- Hay, grain & Feed 82 dertver OA t-tin HAT AND straw. TE 4-4»I , OR Ml«. ns Scott Lk. Rd. We take hooaehoM fumltura Ui BOB HUTCHINSON’S JM Dlile Hop. D. a. 1. Craytoa Platni__OR 3-1102 R1 X 11 TRAILER SALES AND Reotal. lOtt No^ ---------- Oalord OA 1-3313. SPECIAI. I37S0 FULL PRICE - Eai; ierme 41 ft. CHAMPION Ver) Mr. Brown FE 3__________ frANTlLO: DS1U3 '^ILCR - ■* •-* ....nt It for T 10 p^r ceot on our lot. HOLLY marine and COACH SAIJCS 1S3I0 Hollv Rd.. Hollv MXIroie 4-tTTl. P.ARKHUKST TRAILER SALES II Lapeer Lake Ortoa For Sale Livestock 83:—isumrsidOBii^TuTfiE A bott'e tai. Hltehi HORS*. OENTUC^HOOLCD IN | " * KntuOx rtdinc »E 4-«4t3. |„K » hIvoo Wanted Livestock 84; _______ A Trotwood. Mar- A Huron Homee. Sfieclal ratei for Florida vacation. Jarob-•on'i Trailer Bales, tSIS WUUams Lake Rd. OR 3-Slll._____________ WANTED; ANGUS CALF. HEIF- rr FE 4-M13______________ W'ANIED: HOLSTEIN HEIFER, ' Rent Trailer Space 90 ______________________I AUBURN HEIOHTS. MOBIB VIL- Sale Farm Produce 86, “ ------------------------:m N. dpdyke________FE A-3311 APPLES A croERHOM^EAD I oxford MOBILE MANOR FOR orchard, S46| Orchard Lk Rd. the best. 40'it0' APPLES AT BAROAIN PRICE lou. iritO' cement pattoa. etc. Open Sunday North of Rochester I One mile east of Oalord on Lake- cut Rochester Rd I3S E. Buell! vlile road OA A30iO.__ Rd. L._A^Eldrld|e_Farm;_ |YOU VE SEEN THE REST: NOW Sale Farm Equipment 87 j HOMELITE CHAIN SAWS Start at tll3.e0.,Finance and ta trade -Tuff Dreyer'i Oun Sports Canter. lUll Holly R PRIVATE TRAILER LOT AT 711 _Dorls Road, Auburn Heights._ pakkh¥rst LAEE trailer Court. EY 3-4111. The best for less. Wonderful location on 73 acres between Lake Orion and I-ms. CHAIN SAWS NEW AND USED WE HAVE A NICE SELECTION OF NEW AND USED CHAIN SAWS. TRICES START AT HI AND UP IMsy time payments. FE 44734 PE 4-1113 KING BROS. YOUR MCCULLOCH DEALER _ fowtiac rd at OPDYEE FARMALL A TRACTOR. WIT -----•. drags, disc, cultivator. C FE 4-MI7__________________ ' FARM MACHINERY - NEW AND! ■ ~ ~ • n M34IA-1 USED TIRES. 1310 HP. WE Auto Accefsoriea' 91 'll PORD RADIO, 'll CHEVROLET radio, 'll Chevrolet 341 Trl-carb engine, 'll Chevrolet 313 cu. In. engine. 'H Ford VI engine, 'll Rambler VI engine. OR 34134. 1M7 TORD MOTOR i CYLINDER _4-l7l3_Any reasonable offer. PONTIAC BPRINO REBUIUlBIUr Auto and trurk springs repaired. Also used and rebuilt springs. For Sale Tires 92 used. Proula 0---------------, „ ____________ _________ Just north of Oilord.________I buy, sell. Aiso whitewalls. HOMELITE CHAIN SAWS. NEW STATE TIRE BAIXS and uied spreaders. John P«er'KU,e»a‘P«» Tt- lus tax and esohtnge. e Seles. 103 S. Saginaw. lUlp' i| tractors "Hank terms I FS_44S«7 or P^4-#aa7,_______ ark & Fenton. Mein M37I '|2uST MOVE^HlOO OOOD USED ------------------------- 1. 13 II to IIII. Yet Wanted Used Cart 101 MODEST MAIDENS CASH FOR YOURCAR ELSWORTR a BEATTIE •ITT Dixie Hwy LET Ua LOWER YOUR PAY-mente and ilve you transportation. JOE S CAR LOT 3»l PoBUj^Ro^ at Opdyke — NEW DEALER — Quality Motor Sales DESPERATELY NEEDS All Mo4 TON OL 3-ion NEW Used Auto Parts 102 ) FLATHXAD ENOINX. CALL MI WRKckiNO FOR PARTS |i Dodge, good V-t engine; 'M Cbevj trhek motor;_ 13 Plymouth motor '10 Pontiac [larts; -------. __good motor. PL 3-1714. . ' WTD. lUS OR 'M FORD. I CYL. AUCTION SALE off Cash and carry. $5 DOWN ’60 Dodge Pickup $1695 Includes all standard lactory equipment and federal tax. Bales RAMMLER-DALLAS Ml N. MAIN H----- OL 3-llll_ 3 F-600 , DUMP TRUCK, till. FE in* FORD 'VTON PICKUP, I FLY tires. 13.000 miles. SpoUess. MA M331 after 0 p - Due to the Tremendous SUCCE.SS OF OUR YEAR-END (CLEARANCE SALE Sale Used Cars 106 HAUPT PONTIAC Many More to Choose F'r MU One Mile North U S Open^ Evenln|^ " -------- ;pt Wed. MAple I-II41 DOOR rvH I CADILLAC - ________ ower. excellent rubber, rice 11.315 Ring Mr BIr 1006. Lucky Bing. F ;s. 113 I IIM CADILLAC FLEETWOOD 8E- >. Ill I .... price. No — -------- Kite Auto. Mr. Bell. FB I-4I3I. IM 1 B^vd. 8 Jt Auburm______ M CHBVY’BBL air. v'-i. 4 DR. herdtop. Ovsen A white, white- wane. RAH, P-------- cond. Original Jamei KJBlvd, 1154 CHEVROLET BEL AIR. RA-dlo mqd heater, whitewalli, * mllrt, li maculate. No rust, no cavers, very peppy. Hurry, no mor — down. If a day. BIRMINOHAM-RAMBLBR «M B Woodward **1 li* 111! CHEVROLET. 3 DOOR. cyllnrci. powtrglldt - '* actual miles. 1 owt WW FE I-W4I. ir Exc. cond. KING SIZE BARGAINS Month-End Clearance E. & G. Motor .Sales CHEVROLET, 'll. IMPALA CON-vertible all power. Excellent con-dlUon. 13300. Owner. MA W317. 1151 C H E V I E CONyER-flBLE Good cond. till. PE 4-Mll alter ’.56 CHEVROLET si Air ^ dr. HT. Copper ■ iltc Auto. RAH. White « Clarkston Motor Sales CHRYBLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER Main at. C arkston MA 1-1141 1157 CHRYSLER 4-DOOR HARD-top. power brakes A steering, all deluxe equipment. In perfect shape. Low mtleagei Original owner. 11411. OR 3-3311 King Auto I FE V^3^ 1 Mgr Mr r Mo. I BTAR-nNO , -- .. FRIDAY ........7 P.M. - S.^TURD.AY H'M'l «»1 s, Saglnaw ED WILLIA.MS . •-» i V./SX*-.. » i . ..-x.| ggi g ggginaw at Raeburn SUNDAY .......2 P.M. Auto Service 9 ICRANEBHAFT ORINDINO IN THE I csr Cylinders reboiTd. ZucX Ma-DOOR PRIZES EVERY AUCTION! Eddie Steele -hORD Used TRUCK Center WEST HURON AT ELIZ. LAKE RD. FE 1-3177_____________FE »-»M 3 A 34 MONTHS TO PAY Sale Motor Scooters 94 ■ $5 DOWN DODOE 1 Ton i supply oI good, used i ad‘Sl 4-750'j _Haro^idjrurner_^rd____ HRYBLER SARATOOA, 115 7 — I Lllke“neV. 541 YafbJro*‘'Blo«tn- -0341, j Jield Hills MI 4-I3U__________ IIM DODGE ROYAL LANCER 3 ir°lri I hardtop Excellent condl- Can "help " Il'nince FE | Assume'payments*M 75’^« •a» Chevrolet BelUtirTllfoor. V-l. , White, "klnC'Auto SalVsT’III 8. powergllde ...............13.111 Saginaw. FE 1-0417. ____ liil Chevrolet BIscevne 1 door. ----' txjIXJE CORONET." ftOYAL '— belt, black “ " — ____ MA_I-I30«. 1951 CHEVROlir Tmpala. herdtop^$3016. ..... _^313. Sale Used Curs 106 IBM FORD COBTOU MS. 4 DOOR. »M FORD VICTORIA hardtop. -—*“• blua and beautiful peoooek __________ _____te. Matching Interior power steering. Diftiic. iiowvr trc». Special $ “ BIRMINOH^Siulai'^ 1114 FORD CUBTOM T^R. HA-dlo and ht»t«r, original , paint. Our stock klo, 1143. Car li Uki North Chev. >t ■ Woodward Av. Assume paymentt ( Mgr . MI 1-7471, Bebutx Motors. •*L* Woodward. Birmingham IIM FORD 3 DOOR. RADIO AND heater. Excellent condition. No money down. Full price 1311. As-iume payments of 0.31 wr week See credit manager. Mr. White, King Auto sales. Ill 8. Saginaw. SHARP IHI PORD WAGON. passenger trot condl soger, P-O-M. Iltlon. OL' l-llM. • RUSS DAWSON " ’55 FORD FAIRLANE 4 DOOR VI Radio Jk Heater. Auto, traasmiselon. 3 Tone. $795 'Russ' Dawson MOTOR COMPANY 333 S. 8A01NAW FE 3-l»l lIM VICTORSt FORD HARDTOP. Sale Used Cars 106 1163 POH'HAO , . _____ RADIO Excellent condition. NO money sown, full price inr*8.rWmtj?gVr* r w PONTIAC. 4 DR. SXARCHIEP. Power eleerlng and brakes. All leather. 1.000 actual miles. By owner, *3,000. FE 5-4770._ W PONTIAC"WW -riRK. R * H. Hydra. Sharp.- FB 4-0130._ nSrpONTTAC 3 DR. 'IrAOON. 1 owner. FE 3-7104.___________ Good, Clean Second Cars *M chAvv ShlirDi ...... |79& '56 Rtmbier BU. I^n. BharpI WW •14 Ford Station Wgn.....ISM '54 Chevy all ............HM “ ^XR'B BALM a'BlRyiCT Ml AUBURN AVB, FX 3-lltl Expert and Competent MECHANICS RINK MOTORS . HURON OR 4-0311 _____■_ the Rolledlunil_ _ ■11 PONTIAC a dr. CH«Af •liUNB. 176.01. 473* Kllaebeth_|k._Rd._ UM t^NTlAC 3 DTOi^^VER srre’ak wMh sihutx'MoTore, W's. w'ood’ward; Birmingham. Blrminguam._ ___________ im lONTI^. BED AND OTE^. a Dr. BAH, H3 Exr Cond, |M6 Original owner 14 W. Huroo dayUmrs or evenings. 3401 Devon. Bloomfield MlUe. 111! TONTIAC STATION .WAGON ----..... -X—11— goin Exr Sale Used Cara 106 50 RAMBLERS Muet be sold thU month. Now ii «« time to iradt. K & C RAMBLER EM ,,,„^°-»»»- .M3-4IH ilM" RAMBLER WAGON. REAR cerburttor. radta- placed^rlicenlly. Bh?w tfie?'Rai5. jlti. OL 1-1134._______________________ liU~^NA8H SEDAN, RADIO AND HEA'IER. WHIT^ WALU. AB-SoLUlELV NO MONBY DOWN. ______________»I5.*7 V - 1 V... Credit Mgr. Mr. ^rks MI 4-7M0. Harold Turner Ford. 'eu |>aymente. 1 ... rambler AMERICAN 3 DR. RAH, standMd^-^tranTOlealom rull. Bpotieee Inh^orl^’ mtlw -----, ... aug. No money “"IsiRMINOHAM-RAM^lB 4M a. Woodwerd ____Ml_yWI llirSTUDlBAKXR COMAIAMDtR. automatic trane, new battery, good running cond., some body Just, Best offer — Market 4 —" IMo'r ARKS. FREE RADIO. FREE cense. |l4l 31 down: M3XI per monih. Aleo Lark convertlblee. I.srk Hardtops. and Lark etatlon wagons. Marurek ■“« ____ Low mlluge. Raskob St. ________________ II PONTI AcHcAT A hi" A SPORTS Low mileage. Radio. H er Power steering Like i Full price I3.M6 Contact I EXCEL-sage. Ma _ • J* “ __ WILLYS 3 DOOR. *1M. I7M Elliabeth Uke Rd._______ SPICIALIZINO IN ONE-0,WNEK CARS HAND PICKED A PIR80HALLY CHICKED It PB I3MI matlc. rah', good condition. 1376. , .11771 FEj3; 13 FORD V-l REPOSSESSION IM No cash needed. Pay o Auto, m” Bell. ■ t453l. "ill E. Bird, 8. at Auburn,_______ 14 FORD 4 DR V-l CU8TOM- JI54 PONTIAC EXC COND RAH. I Must sell. OL 3JI5I____________! •17 PONTIAC. 3 DOOR. CHI^ \ tain. rah. low mUeage. PE; _4-30l4^_____________________. i 'll K3NT1AC CATAUNA. 3 DR. | ’i.lSo^Ues, FE*3-3443 after owner._MM PE 1-1717._____ jl4 FORD CUSTOMLINE. RADIO and beater. Eicclleot condition No money down, full price 111! ) Sales, 111 * ’55 PONTIAC : Catalina Herdtop with beautiful .. tu-tone paint, power steering A ! . bretes and automatic tranir , DON'T LET THIS ONE GET ; AWAY I ' I PORD 3 dr custom, std I 4 PORD I pass Wgn . drive « 4 CHXV. Delray, real sharp I I CHEV. B-A 4 dr. auto . * PORD SEDAN. RADIO A HEATER. AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY DOWN. Assume payments of IM7I per Mo Call Credit Mgr Mr Parks at MI 4-7500. Haroid Turner Ford. $695 JEROME I BUICK 4 dr spl. nl I PORD Custom 3 dr . s I PORD Vlcl 3 dr bt. < I PORD Custom J dr . I BUICK Wagon. 4 door YOUR CHOICE A8 I PONTIAC 3 Door 1 PONTIAC 3 door 3 T I PONTIAC 4 door I PONTIAC 3 door .. HAUPT PONTIAC "Bright Spot" ! Dixie Ok'd Cars J.JX 141 I BABHABAW Orchard Lake at Cass j Fl''^8^88____Open E I BONNiEVlLLE I lull power PONTIAC — I ... ^.wer convertible i ______ II SUr Chief. 4 j Dr. Vlstv - ,LoU ol other ber-gtlns. Keego Sales, Keego Hsr- \ It's An Early Spring A .heater, ful family carl ^ours fo down payment. SHEP'S BOB BUTLER HAROLD TURNER NEW AND USED OPEN 7 DAYS -- _ . rOR RETAIL ft BUYING CUSHMAN EAGLES simplfi and Track rabbit _ inch Room Open Every AucUop|2J0 E Pike; Pbone FE 4-4246 ; Eddie Steele I B&B I For Sale Motorcycles 9.S |lM0 ZUNDAPP SUPER SABRE AUCTION .5089 DIXIE HWY. Acrosa from Drayton Plalna New Bhopplog Center 'SIMPLEX MOTOR BlkE. PROM , tail. Pull line of Simplex Ookarta from Cliff Orofrer a Oun A Sport Canter, liailLmolly Rd.,-I Holly. MEIrose 4-«77l FORD -U.scd TRUCK Center I WE.'5T HURON ' AT LLIZ. LAKE RD. | FE 1-3177_____________FE 5-IMl FORD 8. WOODWARD. BIRMINGHAM Midwest 4-7500 OMC 1 TON Plck-UP. 1136.. .AUCTION SALE SAT. FIB I AT ‘ « 1" n m 1 mile South. ** mile I if Lake Orion. We are load-1 ih bedroom, dining loom. Boats & Accessories 97 $5 DOWN! Pontiac’s Truck Center GMC Factory Branch OAKLAND AT CASS West of Lake Orion We are load-123 HORSE EVINRUDE MOTOR With bedroom, dining mom. Runs good. 136 Ph. FE 3-4841 ' Vu~ Ne*w lobewS” Mliroi: MOTOR A oue galore Don't miss thlsi sale. Brodle A'Upton. Auc-,_*:‘"W,_____________________ eers L Tyler, Mgr No chil-. || FOOT JfT 34 H P. JOHNSON I under 17 Open for consign- |IM FE 4-0370 Is Mon through Frl MY 'laio gCOTTS ARE HEREIl"" 71 ---------------, . Enter Contest. 302 PrIaesI 'II BoaU A Motora Reduced CRUISE-OUT .■ng '*if!i:heT‘8',;xio‘t‘‘’oi' boat sales uterislls etc Tables, chairs 13 F Weltoo Dally IM PE 1-4413 dressers Every kind and BAROAIN BOATS Home lurnishlngs for every,igji igi WAOEMAKER molded . plus produce and fresh i plywood runabout, windshield, try eggs Sam Proulx. Auc- steering, welk thru seats, le- ' ‘ Sal Eddie Steele. ■M CHEVROLIT PICKUP. I ___________OR 3-1115.__________ j -53 DODOE tx-TON PICKUP ONLY I3II. Price includee tax and IMO coal heaters. — FORD -r.-i'ed TRUCK Outer WEST HURON AT ELIZ. LAKE RD. TOM BOHR, INC 120 S Main, M^ord ___ MU 4-1715 1147 1 TON INTERNA'TIONAL Slake. 1147 Chevrolet 1 ton Van. ! 1151 each or *250 for both. Smith I Moving Co^3ll7_Dlxle_H^^ay. CHEVi* '"M H TON PICK UP. long h -$1688 oxford Ed Proulx. ^ lin". All for|o 11 Federal Taxea Included SELUNGOUT TO BARE. WALLS DELUXE CAB-POAM CUSHIONS i Matth^ws-Hargreaves Auto Insurance 104 P L , P D. A MED. FOR MOST CARS till ON. Foreign & Sports Cars 105 11.390. LOW MILIAOE. ; cond. Cell OL i iwergllde ....11.391 ... .... rotet. 210. Delray. 3 door. I cylinder standard . .. 11.015 1157 Chevrolet, 310. 4 door. I cylinder, powergllde......11.Ill 1157 Olde. Super 11, Holiday coupe. full power ........11.415 1156 Ford Victoria. V-« .IMS 1155 Chevrolet Delray. 2 door, V-l. powergllde ............MI5 TAYLORS CHEVROLET - OLD8MOBIL1 WALLED I.AKK MA_4-1511_______^Open evenIngs maculate. No dings _______ RAH down. *145. Less than II BIRMINOHAM-RAMBLER •|4_8_Woodward MI 4- '51 DODOE. day. *45 North Chev. 1H3 DODOE RADIO AND HEAT-I er Excellent condition No money ellent condltloir^No^moMy payments of (1*5 per week. Bee e 5-I5M or MAple I I PONTIAC CATALINA VISTA, BIRMINOHAM-RAMBLER 1*8 S^Woi^werd______MIj6-3*88 '67~TF'0RD" T - BIRD ENOINE i 1158 roNTIAC. 4 DOOR 8TAB-chlef FE 3-81*4. After 6 OR ^3-3*ia.______________________ I 11(57 PONTIAC. CATALINAS DOOR, herdtop, ---------------- •57 OLDS 2 De • »l ' H-Top II Air Conditioning ' •54 CHEVY Bel Air 2 Dr. I •54 PONTIAC Cat 3 Dr. H-T t 18 PORD F Lane 3 Dr. . t •58 CHEVY 3 Dr H-yon, ( '5* PON'HAC 4 Dr "MB " a •SI PONTIAC 8-Chlef 4 Dr. •64 BUICK 4 r-•53 CHEVY Bn i •53 PONTIAC 2 D '4* PLYMOUTH 4 Sedan I HAVE "a mechanical PROBLEM? ’ 1151 company , 56 DODdE ROYAL ; 73 Cents a Day RINK MOTORS ring and bt 149| 30 mon In- WILL BANK RATES TOP DOLLAR FOR YOUR TRADE OAKLAND COUNTY'S WILDEST TRADER $395 full price. No ci 4455 \ Rite Auto. Mr. Bell North Chev. Birmingham' ____ ____-453» I--------2 m E Blvd. B at Auburn " ■53 DODOE. V*. P*H AUTO.. NEW tires, original upholstery. 4«.000 4-0311 it a. Woodward Avi 1151 CHEVROLET, 3 DOOR, RADIO k HEATER. WHITE WALLS, ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY DN ■----- payments of 131.13 per 1 DR. V-l AUTO- KI." , No Money Down. Aeeuma tnU ot m il per month Credit Mgr.. MI 1-7471. I Motors, 113 8. Woodward. ____'Ne*t_ ______ _______ flS7 TORD RANCH WAOON. I CYLINDER. RADIO li HEATER ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY DOWN Assume payments ol I3I.08 per Mo. Call Credit Mgr. Mr PtrXs at MI 4-7100. Harold Ford BIRMINOHAM-RAMBLER 884 S Woodward MI 4-3100 '5* PONTIAC. 3 "door SEDAN, 8.000 miles, power equip and all accessories PE 2-3443 after I p m : ri53"PbN'TIAC 4 DOOR." HYDRA- : matic RliH. Jjohnson _____________ ' '*4 PONTIAC. 4 DOOR. HYDRA- ' RbH. good condition. 1375. : '57 CHEVY Station B 7 PLYMOUTH 4 3 FORD Custom 4 1 MRD ( "HEAraf iSSoLUTE® Y ! IIsTtoNT^ CHIE^AIN ■ NO MONEY DOWN. Assume paymants ot $8 37 per Mo. C|ll Credit Mgr Mr Parks at Ml I . "dr Low mileaga •54 DESOTO REPOSSESSION _________________________ 1331 full price. No cash needed. ! 1858 FORD CONVERTIBLE Pay only 113 mo._ime Mjar._ ------------ _ 7510 Harold Turner Ford__________ JEEP WITH SNOW PLOW, C300D " 8458 PE 5-3768 1956 CHEVROLET A real sharp yellow and black 4 door sedan hardtop with economical 8 cylinder engine plus smooth operating powergllde A terrific car, in very good shape. $975 Rlt« Auto. Mr. Bell. FE S-4&39 | Crissman ^ *4 CHET. BEL AIR REPOSSESSION I3M full price. No cash needed. Pay only $17 mo. Due Mar..30th. heater and a beauty. $595 , JEROME CYLINDER RADIO * HEATER OOOD TOP ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY DOWN. Assume payments of 134 11 per Mo Call Credit Mgr Mr. Parks at Ml 4;750l_Harold Turner_Pord 157 LINCOLN LnijfDAU PREMIER hardtop. Tucson tan' and white. "S3 PONTIAC. RAH, HYDRAMAflC |168_PE_i07ll___________ •51 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE. S50 418 Mt. Clemens Bt. 2nd floor STATION W^OCTnS - Money Down LOOK! BUY! SAVE! mo Ford 1 V-» 4 *781 S4tl 1050 CHEVROLET 13485 Impala 4-door bardtpp Power steering, power brakes. Power- I. Custc "Bright Spot" leather Interior. A real Immaculate road queen. IIM down. moo. up to 30 months. BIRMINaHAM-RAMBLER lit B Woodward 0D BUYS. 1158 TRIUMPH WITH Al'l." EX- i Ot *20 31 per All niprchandive inu>t hf -lid. JUkIh‘51 liiddok will. ' Plione MAln You Want AUCTION land Right on H 1 c k o r y Ridge Rd. to Demode 'Rd. 1)AW80N%'silEsf aV TIP? J!CX)_LAKE___I__ ______ BIO SAVINOiTON i'59 JOHNSON/lilOTORS Ol^ENS MARINE' SUPPLIES . PE 3-ifBI FREE DOOR PRIZES SUN SALES For Site Housetrftitert 89 MID WINTER PRirrSl ALL IMO MOUCIeS Centurv; Oiris-Craft Cruisers , MERCURY MOTORS BAII.F18H . RUNFISH IXI.A.M) 1,AKF.S .SALES 3127 A_HUR0N ______FE 8-7121 For Sale Airplanes 83^1 OAKLAND AYE FE 5-411^, I KUCK SPECIALS ■55 OMC 888 Diesel ■|, A-J .. ......13,150 , MI 6-7478. Schuir Motori. '56 OMC 831. Conv. ---- 503 gai-Roodranger trana *2.150 '*5 OMC 450. C O B. * spaed '11 OMC 840 871 Dleael tvac . 3 epd . A-1 condition ... tl.MS 'SO Ford, ton pickup. WE BUY — OR TRADE SCHRAM 1154 BUIC|C SUPER it and- ready. Almost new ri . RAH. automatic. *54*. rn. II a day. Low cash do BUICK SPECIAL. '*», 3 DR. BED., Std. Trans. *578. OL 1-1*3*._______ RED 2 DOOR HARDTOP 'NTbUICK. a"ym"ente/b"R* 3“332^'_ 1 BUICK, 3 eIOOR radio Ii I H S 1 R E A M LIOHIWEIOHT I Travel Trailer Since 1133 Ouar-' anteed for Ule See them end get| a demonetratlon el Warner Trail-; 1 Bine of Wally Byam'i HANGAR SPACE AT PONTIAC Airport For rent with bath room A heated office Phone Milford, 'fransportat’n Offer^ lOQ I ENOINE AIRLINER. LOS AN- Blg aavloga. , Hn Hollv. MEIrore b*771_____ • OARDENER , MOillLE HOME 47' V 10 ft., newly varnished inside 2* a. awning, neel steps stocais BBd screens. 200 gal. of furl all. circular close line, enclosed for the winter Will trade bn bouse ■ o^small farm OA 8-1383 ~ ' MUST SELL A t ONCK L 1 t E ^.^im^Vtadale 43 foot eatras LEAVINCi FOR FLORIDA ABOUT Pen 30 _______ ................. share expensesj^ OR 3-544L _ RIDER FROM UNION LA'KE area t« Fisher Bldg area EH TRUCK & EQUIP. 3531 Dixta Hwv. Pontiac Oil 3-1311 Eddie Steele —FOl?D- • USED Truck Center '55 GMC »■ TON PICKUP Good condUton. Credit Mgr. Mr. Park, at Ml 4-7^ Haroid Turner_Pord^ 1054 BUICK century; IIAH. ifr.. _ '■ Drayton.________________ , BtjICK. $315 DODOE 8TA — — C%tt. I OWNER, im BUICK HT. 0,01 ml. 0*00. OR 3-0311. 10*8 BUICK t DOOR HARDTOP-PuU price $m. Ring Mr. Bing, PE 4-1008. Lucky Auto Bales. 103 8 Saginaw 1151 BUICK H-T AUTO TRAN8-RftR Ycry good condition. $300. Eat 3-O.0*____________________ 1051 BUICE CONVERTIBLE, 6,f00 $470- •57 FORD ». TON PICEUP A TMl buy I Oxford Trailc' Sales $800) 3-0330 I e here at 0 p m PE 8-0301 ' Wanteil Uteil Cart 101 I used trailers ' Bone ‘ 0 FOR JUNEiyND ..... $450 ATTENTION! ’57 CHEVROLET tb TON PICKUP BydrauUa tm thta. WE RE PATINO TOP $$$ DOLLAR ^ FOR CLEAN USED CARS $975 DON'T WI.SH FOR MONEY! M»j«e it ea.sily!« throuRh Qassified Ads. Toj , $595 :beJI. rmt. buy, Swap, hire,, diaIF^2-8lk jr AVERILL'S ! EddieSleele, -FORD-Used TRUCK Center WEST HURON AT ELIZ. LAKE RD. „*BUICk, 3 POOR REPOSSESSION IIM fuU price. P»Y only All monUi. Out Mtrch Mth. Kite Aulo7Mr. Bell. PI 0-4*10. Ill M. Blvd. B. - • ‘— *^PBoAr8 AOTO BMM IS Oakland_____________ PE l-MIl CADILLAC. 4 OR. M-«. EXTRAS, ehaap 0470. njLegrjuide_8t._______ 0j471 alter l*^p.m . , lOU dADli-UlC ELECTRIC WIN-dows, C-Z eve. Tutiuotee. QM eaec. MU 1-3311. •'*#. CADILLaC « 4 DOOR he »7830.. GUIDE TO GOLD; Sell things you’re not using through- Classified Adst o^f‘ s - Woodward." Birmingham. . poRD 1050 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 0. Standeri SEE "COST I FE 3-SOM ESS CULE" FOR .... .. used. You'll get a deal lot a Chrysler, Dodge or PIvmoutn thet wUI eave you money. Remember Uie neme — "Cost Less Cole," 100 West Maple. Wailed Lake. MA 8-4*11. New Used — We IMl CHETROTET. 3 DOOR. 1 fc HEATER, ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY DOWn. Assume pey-hients of *1*87 per Mo. c— Credit Mgr Mr. Parke at 4-7800. Harold Turner Ford, REPOSSESSION 1050 Chevy. Blue A « V-l Full price 1515 Ring Mr Blnx. FE 4-1008. Lucky Auto Seles. 103 8, Saginaw._________ Orchard Lake at Cass FI-: 80488 Open Eves. FORCED SALE. 0705. '58 FOR'd. FOM 4 Dr . wixon. sharp 1401 ■lull Drive OR 3-M27 _ ■50 FORD 3""DOOR R&H VERY goo^cdndltlon EM S-«21 __ ENGINEER'S CAR. 3W n.r Auio Trans. Blue k white. 3 Dr . RAH. WW tlree. 1,750 mllei. 01375. ^5-l4J3_____ 150 XNOLISH FORD ANOUA. ----- payments *33.n per mo. ... V vu V-sese •63 MERCURY, AND '54 FORD Ranch wagon. 03 Hudson. LOOKING FOR A USED CAR? Discount to all union members. _P_A G Auto 8ales._5«_Aub^ 1154 MERCURY MONTEREY: 3 •horeilBc gold, by owner. OR 3-0051, caU alter 6^02.105______ SHARP '»J PON'Tl^C CAT |3M; '54 Ford wagon. 0105. smith Motor Balea, Crooke A Auburn. UL 2-1704^_________________________ 1055 PONTIAC, 4 DOOR 73 Cents a Day Washers. 4.1 Uke new. Oil BUICK . I power steering. IMO CRETROLET .......... I15M Blscayn,^2.door^tedam V-a engine. Beautiful 2-tone green a No money d—........... menu 04 M P II before 3. 1 1055 FORD WAOON RAH ,FORD- •66 FORD. BODY tXC, MO'TOH rmingham. MI 1051 THUNDERBIRD. CORDOVAN brown, ^**1 __^equlpment, low 1055 FORD. 3 DOUR. BEATTIE "Your FORD Dealer Since 1 5U0 DIXIE HWY. — * At the Stoplight In MS CH8VR0LBT 4-OOOR STA-tloD wagon, V-S. radio, heater, Powergllde, power a t e e r I n g . Sparkfing S-tpne paint. One owner Ask for etock No. IIM-B. 01513 North Chev. It 8. Woodward A .115* CRBVROLBT.'O DOOR SEDAN. Another Birmingham . ..... car. Our Stock No. 111*. *144*. North Chev. imter Blvd. at S. Woodward Ave SOME or THE FINEST oF") Deed Car^ar^Fbund at • CARPENTER SALES A SBRVtCB / 415 COMMERCE RD ' EM 3-411 ■51 CHEVYSSjPAIR (^DITIOI 415* er best dffer. CaT FE I-I71 RADIO A HEATER AB-BOLUTELY NO MONEY DOWN Assume payments of 121.11 per Ido^Cell^^Crtidlt _»**r^ Mr _ Parks ______3 DR. MECHANIC’S SPECIAL (376 full price. No cash needed. Piy only 115 month. Due Mnr '- 105* FORD 4 DOOR. FAIRLANE 500. beautiful tu-tone green, RAH, -------- eteering, power brakea. iii? FORD NEW TIRES. *171. 471* Elisabeth_Lake IW^ REPOssEssrav 111 price. Pay only *17 per Due March 36th. Rite 1957 FORD A custom 300 4 door sedan with plenty of V-* jpower and effort-fesa FOrdematie. Aleo hAe convenient epottUht plat radio A heater Beautiful medium blue fin- “ “ ‘ ti»7r Crissman ROCHESTER ^ OPEN EVE8 "nL 0 OL 3-0731 WILL 7 X' ■_1;«300^‘ AE E^oig-i^o^j see our selection RAH. White walU. 1 CRTlIiE. I a>S?ry..SS^rV CHEVROLET IM* CONV*RTlL_, , aula, traaamltelon. RAH. bteck and white, exc. boAd. SLIM. One owaer (Of MpQ. . M Mr White 8«jei_ll5 8 Sxfinai Mfc:RCURY"4' . V-a engine, Fordomattc. PE 0-0402. i, STAND _______Exc. Cond. 0305. FE 5-27M. 1153 MERCURY MERC-O-MATIC. 'H OLDS N. HARDTOP. FULL IIH OLDS. IS 73 Cents a Day FE_ 5-6070 _______ __________ 1058 TONTIAC. 3 DOOR BTA'nON wagon. Hydra, trans. RAH. other Reposse.ssion 1055 Pontiac 8 door wagon ance 0M7 17. FE 0-0113 c. 0-0378. Bailey A Campbell. ___ ___Auburn. 1087 OLDS H HOLIDAY. 3 faOOR" hardtop, solid white. Clean I owner. A lot of car and power, (fulli, premium rubber. ,Hurry $1805, 30 payments — '55 PLYMOUTH PLAZA 4 DOOR I • $500 ’55 DeSOTO FIREFLITE 4 DOOR $695 BIRMINOHAM-RAMBLER ^ i 886 8. Woodward __ MI 8-3»0O I '58 OLDS H HOLIDAY SEDAN. | BRAID ,d Pike FE 5-7300 '53 OLDS. OOOD ENOINE. *100. PACEARO CLIPPER SUPER. 10*1. 3 Dr., hardtop, full power, ter-ilon bar, new Urea, truely a beautUul ear. I^ks and runs Uke new IIM. MA i-«ni after 4 IM* PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE white. 4 door, 8 cylinder. 1,500 ftiO PLYMOUTH SAVOY I CYL- er. Birmingham '‘"^tnHbHAM. 800 B. Woodward lOH FLYMOUTH 3-DOOR, T-l KN-glne, automaUc tranamlealon. A bmiutllul one owner car. Out stock No. 1133. Priced tor quick North Chev. UM PLYMOUTH. 7 73 Cenjs a Day 1^5 -f^ull prior. No, - Auto. Mr'. Bell PB *-463i: ' Blvd B. at Auburn. --------------’--------- 1M7 PLYMOUTH ^ATtON on. I passenger. Suburban nqan- MOTOR SALES DeSOTO-PLYMOUTH DEALER "Marathon Products" 8 YEARS FAIR DEAUNO IIM PONTIAC ............ g 2-door herdtop. Hydramatle. dio, heater, whltedhil t‘— Sacrifice 1959 Rambler Super wagon, somebody to take over payments, must have good credit. MY 3-1442. MM PONTIAC- STAf^ON WAOON. - ,___Bnger, ,----- ------ Hydro. RAH, nower equipment, undercoatlng, {(lOO miles. MU 4-8411.___________________ •53 POKTUicTTbOOR REPOSSESSION $179 fuU Drlc«. No cash needed. Pay only 110 month. Due March $0th Rite Auto. Mr. Bell. PB $-4539. 109 K. Bird. B. at Auburn. '53 CATAUNA, OOOD 'TRANB^OR-.....- $l». FE 4-8M1. PONTIAC AUTO .BROKERS 4-Day Special ■57 Ford Cnet. V-$ Sharp ... IIM 'M Buick Spec. 8 dr. Sharp! I . 07M •M Ford I pass wth- Sharp 7.. 87M '5* Chev. Bel Alt V-0 4 dr ... 0505 ■53 Ford VJ Wm Nice ' ISM ■53 Ford 3 Dr. V-*. nlro OIM 13M Ferry at Madison _FE_4-0106 '6|“1enAULT DAUPHIlWC. 11.000 mile*, exc. cond. FI 3-OSOO or FB 0-3893 after 7 p.m. Will consider TO TAKir OVER PAYMENTS ON ---••— hardtop. Take cash or In trade lor equity. power, tooM. OR mu aRgr d 158 BUICK 11805 Super hardtop. Power eteering. power brakes, whitewall tires. Plastic covers never been off. Radio heater, whitewall lasa CHEVROLET ...... |u Bel Air 4-door wagon. PowerglK •'•'••o. heater, whli walls. We new Inilde and oi Hurry osf this. Country 4-radlo, hee 054 DE SOTO ......... | (M Powermaster 4-door sedan. Here Is a floe car lor very lltUe money. radio, heater, whitewall Ing. Buy this at cost. .USTDE 8010 Oonvertible wlU. ^er eteering, power brak? a ‘f»“ml»elon. Radio heat- I gooo transportatian.' SHELTON Pontiac - Buick ROCHE.STER OL l-gl33 Acrou From New Car Balea Open 'Ul 0 or later V. r CUSTOMER CONFIDENCEj -Our-- Tradition- U CHEVY BUUoa WMIon . t»M I I CTlIiMler. Straight atlck. i U OLM 3 Door "M” ...IlMI •H FORD Coorortlblo . gutg I Power itoerlag and brakee. i ■SI BUICK Bpectal H-Top. . .»lS«g Sf BORO 3 Door g ...IU3S •S7 POBD « Door H-Top. .$1396 •56 FORD 4 Door.....6 TISi •56 PORD SUUOD Wagon I country Sedan....6 966' •5t FORD 3 Door........6 695 •55 LINCOLN 4 Door, tharpi 6 995. •55 CHIVY BUtlon Wagon. 3 Door 6.............9 995; '54 FORD Ranch Wagon.6 5451 •54 PLYMOUTH 4 Door. Good traniportatlon.6 165 GLENN'S MOTOR SALES 952 Vf EST FE 4-7371 FE 4-1797 Skip In and Roll Out •57 Bulek Century, 4 doer, hardtop, twin power. A black beauty .............61.64 '57 Ford ConverUble. Mr-lane 569, V6, l>ordeaaaUe. Twin power................61,44 I Ford Cuetom ] er, 16.4 luai nuiea....................Ol.wi •66 Ford ranch wagon, 6 cylinder. atralghi atlck ........ 61.394 '56 Plymouth. 4 door, black and red. 6 crUnder, automatic. R 6t ■..................61.391 •57 Cherroiat, Bol Air. 4 door, hardtop. V6. powergtlde, - '57 Plymouth 3 door, hardtop V3. automatic. RAH 61 '56 Cherrolet. 3 door. 6 cylinder. atralght atlck. Ycl- '55 Old! 66, 4 door, double '57 Pickup Clieyroiet, 56odal 33M. >/i-ton...............61.095 '54 Ford. 3 dooV, cuatom line. 6 cylinder, fordomatlc, R A H......................... 9 445 dan, i cylinder, oyerdriyo. 6 995' .SKIP’S USED CARS i 737 N. klatn. Rocheater OL 3-W71 er OL 3-9HI I air conditioned, ----------- Radio, I I yinyl. cuatom Wagon, light blue i white, atandard tranamlaal radio and beater. Clean. Cuatom Wagon, Quit I TAB, al ---------------- BIRMINGHAM RAMBLER i 666 5. WOODWARD MI 6-3900 'WILSON PONTIAC-CADILLAC CLEAN Birmingham Trade.s 1350 N.^ Woodward BIRMINOHAM_ 511 4-1934 1667 RAMBLER WAGONS. RED and white auper. 33.090 alfidavlt. milea. automatic, radio. Bpotlem.j green and cream. Thfarw. chooae Irom. IUI46. ----5 per mo. Low 5 trade. BIRMINGHAM RAMBLER 666 S. WOODWARD 6 CHETROLET STA'nON WAO-m 210 4 dr V9. Radio, heater h power ateerlng ...... 9909 6 Choyrolo4 Bol-Alr 3 tr vr I FonoMt « or. leaui. wTiww»*a t Ponttae 3 dr. ladan. Hydra- BUlca a or. eouM. * aoio. Heater. Whitewa Pontiac CaUllna 4 i )MHR RIGHT MTRS. •:15 Minute, from GAS SAVERS THESE ARE 30 TO 4S MILE PER GALLON CARS. '59 Morria '56 Volkawagen |57 MOA Roadmaatcr *AR**guaranSwd and aafety teatd. Houghten & Son Your nX-ndly Olda D^er FOREIGN CAR SALES AND SERVICE ^ 521 N. Main. Rocheater OL 1-176.1 WILL ACCEPT , Khinfc ootboorda. hoata. ro^™-tora and aroltaneea, ote. On on; new 1690 Rambleri or ony good uaod ear ga port payment. BILL SPENCE “RAMBLER" •>SAI.E8 A SERVICE-356 B. SAGINAW I Gobd Car Specials •8 ^rainf'Bardtop. full power. •57 l^tloc hydro. A beouty. RAH. Linooln, air conditioned. ■S Chryeler. oonrerUblo. power. 7'M^wdfond ObeTya, RAH. •M “fflila^otmtSroW eo6tyart«»j«: •57 OeSoto. 4-door hardt»t^ nail :8'"S«K S.“ I------------- •■Yonr FORD Dealar ISHT •*"A?2i“stS55it ta W?5rt5i* I I ^RUSS DAWSON MOTOR COMPANY LINCoix ~ MERCURY — ENGLISH FORD AND 'Safe-Buy Used Gars' 1960 1959 MERCURY F.ORD - , 3 DOOR HARDTOP CONVER'nBLE “““i a Hoator. w/w£n, Few- Auto. trAnimUtlon, W/ er aiteiiDt * Power brakee -$AVE $832- -$2560- 19S9 1959 EDSEL ford CORSAIR HARDTOP newrn wiAnnw UaJeniiaa'a;’* ^a“lt * E. Big new heater, dark blue lop. IIAt Wue body while Uree. automatic tranemlHlon, radio anohcatcr. Would mao a fine aecond car. , '55 3uick2Dr. ..........,$ 695 '55 Buick4Dr..............$ 695 BiyECIAL SEDAN, heater, etandard transmleelon. black aa 4rWta ftaiah. White Uree. tool LoU of room end oeonomlcill '55 Buick2Dr..............$ 795 SPECIAL HARDTOP. Radio, heater, etand^ tgtnimUelon. IVhite And bltt« finish. ThU Is a not economical car. '50 Willys...............$ 595 jeEPSTER with radio, heater, etandard ehlR. 1 new white Ur«red and white flnlih. black top. Spring Is fuel around the comer and thle U o nice car to have a lot of fun In._ '50 Foid'2i.......... ■ • .$AVE TON DUMP TRUCE. Big boa. Good ongine. Good cyUnder. Drivo It aa^i (5LEN r At Pontiac's Supermarket-Type Auto Dealer OLIVER MOTOR SALES / 210ORCHARD LAKEAVE FE 2-9101 OPEN EVES. BUICK - OPEL - JEEP - RENAULT the PONTIAC PRESS. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 5, I960 THIRTY-SEVEN -LARK- "ffiADE-INSv Don't Delay-Drive Out today '56 Studebaker ......$ 695 raS^U^NT 4-DOOR SEDAN. AutomoUc tronemlaeloa. rodio '60 Studebaker......SAVE ■LARE - DEMONSTRATOR - 6106 DUCOUNT '56 Ford 8.......'...$ 995 COUNTRY SEDAN WAOON. PordomaUc. radio end hoaUr. '55 Ford 8.......'...$ 695 COUNTRY SEDAN WAOON. Heater '54 Ford 6...........$ 545 RANCH WAOON with radio and boater '55 Chevrolet 8.......$695 4-DOOR SEDAN with Powerfllde. radio and beater Air Styles of the Fabulous I960 LARK'' IN STOCK FOR YOU TO SELECT FROM 2-DOORS 4-DOORS / CONVERTIBLES HARDTOPS WAGONS Remember: \TS1T OUR .MODERN, UP-TO DATE, LIGHT & HEAVY DUTY SERVICE GARAGE -GUARANTEED REPAIRS^Y EXPERT MECHANICS ON ALL MAKES AND MODELS THE LATEST IN ELECTRONIC SERVICE^ EQUIPMENT RINK MOTORS & GARAGE 4455 W. HURON OR 441391 (NEXT to THE ROLI..\DIL'M) WEEKEND SALE . AT LARRY JEROME "Rochester Ford Dealer" These Cars and Trucks Will Be On Display ’59 MERCEDES BENZ .;...$3550 ••316" ledeli. 4.M BENZ .............. ...._.J miles. Beauttlul leather Interior, recllBlns teeu, 6-cylloder engine, solid green finish. ’59 THUNDERBIRD Hardtop ...........$3295 Crulse-o-maUc transmission, power steering and brakes, radio and heater, whitewalls White finish. Here s a bird you'll like. ’59 BUICK Invicta .............................$2695 4.door. eutometlc transmission, power ateerlng. radio, beater. Solid blue finish. See this low mileage car. ’59 MERCURY Montclair..........................$2350 McrcomaUc transmission, power steering and .brakes, radio and heater. Coma out end see It — you'll buy It. ’59 FORD Ranch Wagon...........................$2295 4-door V-8. economical overdrive tronsmlselon. power et«r-Ing power brakes, radio and heater. Beautiful solid blue finish with matching Interior. A real Spring car. ’59 FORD Custom 300 ...........................$1995 V4 engine. Fordomatlc, radio and healer. 1,666 miles. Factory offlclal% car, . 36 day new car guarantee. ’59 CHEVROLET Biscavne ........................ $1850 6^;yllnder engine, Powergltde.. radio, heaUr, whlUwaUs. Ea- ceptlonally clean. • ’57 PONTIAC Hardtop .^..........$1495 ’57 FORD Fairlane 500 ...............................$1395 V-g engine, automatle transmUelon imwer •‘•'Ung.. P®*" brakes, radio and healer. A beauUful 4.door hardtop In solid blue. '57 FORD Custom 300 .................................$1095 t^yllader toflo*. tUadard trantmiMtoo, radio and heatar. A real folld car. ’55 BUICK .Special ..................................$795 4-dodr sedan, Dynafiow traosmleslon, 37.606 actual mllet, one owner. Blue and white. TRUCKS ’58 FORD F-lOO Pickup ..........................$1095 Deluge cab. 6-ft. boa. Ford Motor Co. Truck. '59 FORD F-lOO.................................. $1595 V-6 engine, 3-epMd transmlaelon; heavy duty «»r »Rrtn|a, , padded daa. radii and beater. Factory show truck, 3.060 miles. •^9 FORD F-350 .............................$2095 ’59 CHEVROLET Viking 60 Y4 cnilne. 3-epccd oal*,' heavy duty front aiM war sprints, radio and heater. 1,106 miles. An eaceptional kSyll Larry.Jeronne — FOR MORE THAN 35 YEARS — — A GOOD PLACE TO BUY ^ ' 116 MAIN ST., Rochester -OL 1-9711 Open Eves. PONT.AC J ale IP TOO V* BREN WAITINO FOR A LiwiBW CAR AT TERRIFIC SAVINGS NOW TtM'NfBVV DURING OUR February Close-out Sale WE RE SWAMPED Beautiful Late Models THAT MUST GO ALL PRICES $LASHED '59 PONTIAC ..............$2695 and White Top. '59 PONTIAC ..............$2395 CATAUNA 6-DOOR — Radio MHl Hooter. Rydramalle, Powor Btaortiig and Power BrUes. '58 PONTIAC ..............$2295 '58 FORD .............................$1895 STATION WAOON — Redle oiM Hater. aprdoMtlc. Power Btewrins and Powtr Brakat. Solid Blua Paint. '58 FORD.........................;. .$1795 PAIRLAHB '58 PONTIAC ................$1895 CATALINA S-DOOR HARDTOP - Radio aiM MtaUr, HydramaUe, Powar Starlat and Powtr Brakos. '58 PONTIAC ...~............$2195 STARCHIRP 4-DOOR STOAN - IMlo and Hater. HydramaUe. Power Bteerlat and Power Braka. 1- ■'57 OTEVROLET..............$1695 STATTON WAOON Ridta and Heater. PowariUdt. '57 PONTIAC .... $1695 BTARCHIXP CATENA COUPS — er. HydramaUe. nwer Braaa. Itedle and Hat- '56 PONTIAC .... $1095 '56 OTEV^LeT! $1295 BTA'nOK WAOON"— Radio tad Hater. PowtrtUde. '56 PONTIAC ......................$1395 STATION WAOON — Radio and Htater, Hydraautic. . ir Stearins and Power Brakes. FACTORY BRANCH PONTIAC RETAIL STORE "GOODWILL USED CARS" 65 MT. CLEMENS ST. FE 3-7117 MR. USED CAR BUYER Save That Down Payment UNTIL YOU CHECK THESE PRICES ON THE BRAND NEW 1960 "Dodge Dart" — SENECA MODEL 2-DOOR SEDAN — CHECK THESE FEATURES - YOUR CHOICE OF COLOR Heater — Signals — Washers — Tyrex Tires TORSION-AIRE SUSPENSION Electric Wipers — Armrests — Sun Visors UNIBODY CONSTRUCTION Oil Filter —Horn Ring — CREDIT LIFE IftSURANCE — — SALES TAX INCLUDED — - 3 DAYS ONLY - THURSDAY — FRIDAY — SATURDAY FEBRUARY 4-5-6 - JUST -$138.15 Down $63.80 Per Month 3 Day Added Bonus:' -FREE 1960 LICENSE PLA5TES John J. SMITH Dodge, Inc. "DODGE CITY" 211 S. Saginaw FE 3-7055 SeeTHe Mon "Cy" OWENS WITH THE "BRIGHT RED MUFFLER". FOR THE -BIGGEST- Winter A-1 Used Car Bargains In Our History 5 EXPERT. COURTEOUS SALESMEN READY TO HELP ANSWER ANY USED CAR PROBLEM YOU MIGHT HAVE THURSDAY - FRI DAY - SATURDAY '59 FORD STATION WAOON $S5 '59 FORD GALAXY HARDTOP iDoor $2395 '59 RAMBLER 4-DOOR $1245 '57 FORD STA'nON WAOON $1095 '56 CHEVY 3-DOOR $845 '55 CHEVY CLUB COUP* $395 '59 S'BAKER 3- DOOR $1495 '58 PONTIAC BTAnON WAOON 6-DOOR • $1695 '57 FORD 4- DOOR $895 '.56 FORD 3.DOOR $795 '55 RAMBLER STAnON WAOON $545 i '52 BUICK $95 '59 FORD CONVXRnBLB $2295 '58 FORD l-DOOR $1245 '56 FORD STATION WAOON $895 '56 DODGE 6-DOOR $545 '55 BUICK 3-DOOR ITARDiOP $695 '53 BUICK 4-DOOB $245 '59 FORD ' 34300R $1745 '58 CHEVY 3-DOOR $1345 '56 MERCURY %ooom $645 '55 FORD i-DOOR $695 '55 PONTIAC l-OOOR $545 '54 FORD 3-DOOR HARDTOP $495 ' - MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM — "CY" OWENS Your Friendly FORD Dealer 147 SOUTH SAGINAW STREET FE 5-4101 Open 8 A M. to 9 P.M. THIETY-EIGHT THE PQjfTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 5. 1960 S«l< IIM Cot 106| ! Johnson ; i'* AT 'I lake Orion: • OFFERS ; Complete : delivered price 1960 PONTIAC HEi : / $2695 . pm RAMBLER ALL TAXn COMPLETE $1795 iS7 Cadillac Con V. ..$2695; ’ ALL WRITE BEXUTT •59 Pontiac Sedan .. $2695; ' PWR. STEERING k BRAKES tS8 Pontiac Wagon $1995; 1 Pontiac W'agon I ( PAft. AUTOMATIC ’58 Buick ll'top ...$2395 PULL r^n LIKE NEW 'h7 Pontiac H'top ..$1395; STARCRIEP. CATAUNA CPE. '.'(j Pontiac Wagon $1095 AUTCMATIC. CLEAN | • *56 Plymouth Conv. $ 995 SRARPMI ‘56 Pontiac H’top . .$ 995 ■ mmoN '56 Plymouth Sedan $ 795 a'utcmiatic savoy I ’55 Ford Wagon .. .$ 795 T-l STICK Transportation Specials •55 Olds ...........$695, PINE CONDITION I ’.54 Pontiac Sedan .. .$495 AUTOMATIC. CLEAN ’54 Dodge’S^an------$445 a-OR. A-l CONDITION ’54 Ford V-8.........$445 4-DR. SEDAN. CLEAN ’53 Chrysler.........$395 PWR. STKERINO * BRAKES '53 Buick 2-Df.......$395 STRAIOBT STICK ’51 Mercury Sedan ..$195 r OOOD CONDITION •52 Buick 2-Dr.......$195 STRAIORT STICK '.^3 Olds Sedan .....$195 OOOD SECOND CAR RUSS Johnson MOTOR SALES K. Broadway at Shadbolt • PONTIAC DIVISION - : MY 2-2871 M-24 at Shadbolt "RAMBLER DIVISION’- MY 2-2381 SUPERIOR AUTO SALES No Money Down •43 PLYMOUTH CON- VKRTnUC ............ * 131 -43 FORDS ........» Iji -43 PONT1AC8. RAH 4 <41 CHXV. CLB CPE. SHARPt 4 <43 OLDS 44. LIKE NEW . .4 ■63 LINCOLN HT PULL PWR. 4 •43 PACKARD SPT8 CPE. 1 OWNKR I2I -I «4 PLYMOUTH WAOON, OD. 4 •44 PORD WON AUTO......4 ■44 BUICK SUPER. 0^4 NABR STATiBMAN. OD. .4444 CPE. BLACK. _ HI -44 PORD WON8 4 A 4 PASS. •44 BUICK 4 DR HT ■44 CHEV. BEL AIR WON -- '*’WaTOp5^re"p8?*d‘‘”» . 923 W. Huron FE 4-7500 WF. WILL ALLOW ON ANY 1960 LARK •S3 “ANYTHIWO • RINK MOTORS YOUR - LARK-- DEALER HASKINS SHARP CARS 7 CbcTToIrt 214 3-daar «m1«b I CBtUic. radt«. b«kt«r. BmuU-•BtMB silver »Dd Ivory flBlsb. SCHUTZ ■X \. A COMPLETE SELECTION OF OVER 75 CARS AWAIT YOUR INSPECTION AND APPROVAL ’55 DeSOTO Firedome 4-Dr......$595 VA AUTOMATIC. wbitM. radio and hoaler ’56 DeSOTO Sportsman .........$995 POWER aMtrliii and brakn^ •56 OLDS “98" ............. $1095 HOLIOAT COUPS. Pull povor ’56 PLYMOUTH 2-Door ..........$695 RADIO, btaur and wblto Uroi ’54 CHEVROLET 4-Door .........$395 No Down Payment Required on Cars Priced Less Than $1,000 ’55 PLYMOUTH Wagon ...........$695 V-4 AUTOMA-nC. 4nloor and a nlca car '57 PIA MOUTH Club Sedan......$745 4.CYL1NDER, radio, haater, ataodard ahUl ’59 PLY.MOUTH Wagon .........$2095 4-DOOR with VA. radio, beater, white Ure4. power (tetrlog and brake! ’58 OLDS ••98" Holiday.... .$2045 LIKE NEW throughout ’57 PLYMOUTH Sport ........ $1295 4-PA88ENOER. Power equipped ’53 PLYMOUTH 4-Door........... .$ 245 2 Year Warranty Lets You Buy With Confidence ’55 PONTIAC 4-Door ....:......$595 STARCHIEP. radio, btatrr. Hydramatlc ’54 Dc.SOTO 4-Door..r.........$345 automatic, v-4. radio abd hoattr '57 PLYMOUTH 4-Dodr ...... .$1195 BELVEDERE. Air condltloaed ’58 CHEVROLET 4-Door ........$1695 HARDTOP, power atecrlnt and brakei ’55 CHEVROLET Wagon ..........$695 POWEROLIDE. radio and beater ’59 OLD.S, power steering and brakes ..... .$2395 SCHUTZ MOTORS, INC. OtSOTO . ... Pl.y.MOLTH . . . VALl.WT 912 S. WOODWARD AVE. . MI 6-7478 10 6-1546 DON’T^ Spin Your Wheels! LOOKING FOR A DEAL »>■ <• EDDIE STEELE FORD YOU’LL RECEIVE A FREE SET OF AUTO ICE MATS ” DEMONSTRATION RIDE IN ANY NEW CAR — USED CAR - TRUCK CALL FE 5-9204 FOR A CAR TO YOUR DOOR 1960 FORD / A-l-LATE MODELS-A-1 '59 FORD '58T-BIRD 2-DOOR HARDTOP ..... ..................... Solid White flaHh with Red I. PO-O-MatIc, Radio 4k Heat- leathar Interior. Po-O-Matlc. Radio A Heater. 2-Way powtr. - $1895 — - $2795 - '58 FORD '67 DODGE country SEDAN 4 PatMager—Original tactory 2 Tone fInUh. V4. Mdto A heater. Leathrr Interior. — $1395 — BTA-nON WAOON Coronet 2-Door T-P-Boltd While finish. Auto, trana Radio A Heater, W/Wall«. 2-Way power. —*$1095 — '57 MERCURY MONTEREY CLUB COUPE Mere-O-Matic, Radio A Heater, W/Walla. 2-V/ay power. _ $1095 — '58 FORD CUSTOM 1-DOOR "MO -4 Cyl. Standard traai. Radio A Heater. Original tactory Oreen '57 FORD - $895 — '56 FORD CUSTOM 1-DOOR "300’- VICTORIA 1-DOOR Original factory Oreen tlnt>h. Palrlane—Solid White flnl«h. VI. Po-O-Matic, Radio A Haat- Vg. Po-O-MaUc, Radio A Haat- IB/W.IU er W/WalU — $895 - _ $795 - '56 FORD '55PLYM. CUSTOM 1-DOOR V-4 Oiiglpal factory tinlah. V4 ei line. Radio A Heater. - $595 — No ruit—Extra n — $395 - Galaxy 2-Doors irge Heater. W/Washers, R C! Clock, Back-up Lights Fairlane 2-Doors rgc Heater, Turn .Signals, (til OO A Window Washers l^iyZ^L Fairlane "500's"' 2 Door—Heater, Window $1995 Washers, Deluxe Equipment I960 Ford Pickups $1645 —Fully Equipped— Now Taking Orders I960 FALCON STATION WAGONS A-I - SECOND CARS - A-I • RECONDmONBO AND READY TO OO’- 53 PONTIAC '52-CHEVY Btandard*?raM* RaSo*A Heat- Orlgteal^ Blue^flnUh, Hydrama- _ $99 — '50 FORD CHIEFTAIN 1-DOOR 4 It Blue finuh, ullo A HaaUr. — $199 - '53 FORD H TON PICKUP Excelled Condition. — $299 - '54 FORD - $299 — '53 BUICK CUSTOM 1-DOOR 4 Matlc. Radio A Beaur. — $299 - SUPER HARDTOP )r-^Ton» Yellow A 1, Dynaflow. Radio A - $299 — '53 MERCURY '54 FORD MONTEREY HARDTOP 1-Door — Beautiful 1-Tone l>h. Stralsht atlck. Radio -$299 - '55 FORD .... pC-O-Hatte. Radio Heatar. Vt/Walli - $499 — '55PLYM. DELUXE ^DOOR 4 ____________ Original factory 1 Tone flnl»h. Original factory Standard trani’ Radio A Heat- tram er Extra ' ------ BELVEDERE 4-DOOR V _.tglnal far*— • ^— '*• Standard ti — $499 - DDIE ELE FORD 2705 ORCHARD LAKE RD. -KEEGO HARBOR- FE 5-9204 FE 2-2529 3275 West Huron AT ELIZABETH LAKE RD. FE 5-3177 FE 5-0861 "O.K." Used Cars MATTHEWS-HARGREAVES MID-W®NTER Price Redimctloni $ale "O.K." Used Cars ’60 CORVAIR ' (00 " SERIES Company Demonstrator 4-Door — Powtrgllde. Heater. Deluxe Accessory Group. Solid Inca SUrar F $A\’E .. .Now $1985 '59 CHEVROLET IMPALA SPORT SEDAN V-4. Powargllde, Radio and Haatar. Solid Beige Paint. - WAS $2395 .. .Now $2045 '59 CHEVROLET IMPALA SPORT SEDAN Radio. Heater. Powei Steering and Brakes Beige and Canyon Coral WAS $2495 •59 CHEVROLET STATION WAOON "Parkwood" — Power-glide, Power Steering and Power Brakes. Solid White Paint. WAS $^95 .. .Now $2395 ... Now $2095 '59 CHEVROLET IMPALA SPORT COUPE Radio and Heater. Pow-rrgllde. Power Steering. Solid Light Oreen Paint. WAS $244* ... Now $2295 ’58 FORD STATION WAOON Sedan—V*-g.**fordomau7. Power Steering. Power Brakes. Radio and Heater. Black -and White Paint with Red Interior. WAS $1995 .. .Now $1895. ’59 CHEVROLET Dark Blue \VASIT995 ...Now $1795 WAS $2195 .. .Now $2095 ■59 CHEVROLET IMPALA SPORT COUPE Radio, Heater and Straight suck. Ivory and Fire Engine Red Faint WAS $2445 ’59 CHEVROLET STATION WAOON , . "Parkwood” 4J)oor 4 - k Heater. Crown .. .Now $2345 .58 CHEVROLET Sap^lre WAS ^95 ... Now $2095 '.59 FORD FAIRLANE -SOO ' HARDTOP 4-Ooor — Radio, Heater. Power Steering, Power Brakes. Auto. Transmission. Ivory and Canyon Coral. WAS $2195 ...Now $1995 WAS'0445 .. .Now $2295 ’59 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE l-DOOR ’.5^ CHEVROLET g-Cyl.. Standard Trans-mtaalon, Presh-Air-Heater. Solid Aspln Oreen Paint. WAS $1795 V4, standard Transmli-ston, Presb-AIr Haater, Directional Sl^nala. Sol- ’.58 CHEVROLET BEL AIR HARDTOP 4-Door V-4 — Power-glide. Power Steering .Now $1595 WAS $1795. .. .Now $1595 •59 BUICK LeSABRE MXX3R Standard Tr^----- HeaUr^ew Spare Un- der 4.to0 mUcs. Blue. WAS $2195 .Now $2095 '59 CHEVROLET WAS $1895 .. .Now $1695 •59 CHEVROLET STATION WAOON "Brookwood" i-Door -V-4. PowergUde. SUve WAS $2195 .. .Now $2095 WAS $2545 .. .Now $2445 B^v^ Blua Palni. WAS $1795 AcryUlc Sliver E .Ivory Plulsh. WAS $1895 -.58 CHEVROLET IMPALA CONVERTIBLE V-4. PowergUde, Power Slaeclof, Power Brakes SolidBlack Paint. \\'AS $1895 1 Heater. Ivory ’58 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE 4-DOOR V-4 -.58 CHEVROLET ...Now$1595 ...Now$1795'; ...Now$1795 WAS $1895 i ...Now $17951 WAS $1595 . .Now $1395 suck. R*dk> t Sfttin Beige P WAS $1895 .. .Now $1795 - WE GIVE MORE BECAUSE WE SELL MORE - '.'8 FORD RANCH WAOON 4-Door. gCyl. — Radio. Heater and 0-Drlve Ivory k Adobe Btiga Paint WAS $1695 ’.58 PONTIAC CmEPTAIN I-DOOR Radio and Heai dramatic. B I u .Now $1595 WAS $1795 .. .Now $1595 1447 Pontiac 2-door hardtop. Ry-dramatlc. radIO'. heater. Beautiful black and Ivery flntah. Uke new hardtop V-4 enaine. PowergUde. radio, heater Like new duak, ' pearl and Ivory finlah. Savai ' I Dnkibl' One owner. f IM Cfcml«t,^B4l Air 4^ aeden. Pwwtitlld*. radio, baaur. i Powtftlldc. 4 IMP OMamoMla Dynamic 44; ’ Haskins Chev. ’ < ■ :-v STATION WAOON Radio and Heater. Ivory and Red Paint. WAS $1295 ’56 CHEVROLET STATION WAOON 4-Ooor "2l(r - 4-Cyl W-Lwor jiu — e-s-yi , PowergUde. Radio and HeaUr "-------< - —- Ivory P WAS $1345 ...Now $1145 ...Now $1245 ’.56 DeSOTO riREDOME 4-DOOR Radio. Heater a tr Steering. WAS $1095 Brakes. Paint WAS $895 Hdater. Power ...Now $995 ....Now $795 '57 PONTIAC STA-nON WAOON SUrchief — Power Steering, Power Brakes and Afr - Conditioning. Solid Orey with Red Interior. W.\S $1695 ’57 DeSOTO SPORTSMAN COUPE Radio, HaaUr, Automatic Trane., Tower ., .Now $1595 .. .Now $1295 mrSoV Heater and Signals. Pori est Oreen Paint. WAS $1150 .. . Now $1050 ■55 BUICK SPECIAL 4-DOOR Radio. Heater and'Dyne-flow SoUd Dark Blue ’56 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR •2I0'' _ , _ g-CyUnder. O'Drtv*. Radio and‘HaaUr. 4-Tona ■ Paint. WAS $995 _____Now $895 ’55 CHEVROLET DELRAY a-DOOR e-cyl.. PowergUde. Radio and Heater. Beige end Dark Blue. Leather W AS $695 ____Now $595 WAS $945 ■ .... Now $845 ’57 CHEVROLET «.DOOB^I»' g-Cyl.. PowergUde. Radio and HeaUr. Ivory and Ptarl LuclU Pmish. WAS $1295 .: .Now $1195 ’57 CHEVROLET STATION WAOON 2-Door "210" — 4-Cyl. Standard Tranamlaslon, Presb-Alr Heater. Solid ---» Gold Paint, WAS $1495 •.. .Now $1295 ’.56 CHEVROLET a-DOOR "210" V-S. standard Transmls- VVAS $1095 ... .Now $995 . n Engine Red. WAS $1195 .. .Now $1095 Dirk ureen raui4. WAS $595 ______Now $495 f-Cyl. standard Trani- ....— Radio, HeaUr. Blue and Ivory Paint. WAS $745 __Now $645 "O. K." USED TRUCKS - ■ ’57 FORD STA-nON WAOON Radio and Heater. 4-Cvl. Solid WbtU wUta Red tn- ’57 FORD CUSTOM 4-DOOR —*10. HeaUL _ Ic Transmlss Radio. HeaUr and Auto- WAS $1195 ...Now $1095 ’56 PONTIAC SPORT COUPE SUrchief — Radio, Heater. l^dramatle. Ivory and Harbor Blue. WAS $1195 — Now $995 ’54 PONTIAC STARCHIEP 4-DOOR Radio, HeaUr. Hydra- WAS $1195 .. .Now $1095 '56 CHEVROLET a-DOOR Fresh-l^^aaUr. Baby WAS $995 .... Now $895 ’53 CADILLAC WAS $745 .... Now $645 4-DOOR SEDAN Radio. HeaUr, Power Steertnf. Hydramatlc. Soil# Ugbt Bflua Paint. WAS $895 . Now $795 ’59 CHEVROLET PLEXTSIDE H-TON Long Box — Radio Heder 4-Taaa O ’56 FORD '•-•TON PANEL' HeaUr and Signals. Forest Oreen PaUit. WAS $795 WAS $1695 ...Now $1595 ...Now $695 ’.S6 CHEVROLET SUBUBBAN carryall ’.56 FORD l-TON PICKUP SiC ’55 CHEVROLET Ai-TON PANEL ’.54 CHEVROLET Vk-TON PANEL HeikUr and Signals Mist Oretn Paint. 44peed Transmission. 4-CrUnder. Harbor Blue HaaUr and 811 d al a. Royal Blue Paint. HeaUr and Sign alt. ■ Porast Oraan Paint. WAS $895 WAS*’$495 WAS $795 WAS $695 .... Now $795 '. Now $395' ... ’.Now $695 ... .Now $595 •58 CHEVROLET ’53 G.M.C. H-TON PICKUP ai^'TOK VAN 8l»n»l» Roy- Anthony Lift OaU and al Blue Paint. PuU Air Brakti. WAS $1395 VVAS $1295 .Now $1295 ...Now $1195 Mattlhiews - Hargreaves Clt 631 OAKLAND. AT CASS: . , OAKLAND COUNTY’S LARGEST CHEVROLET DEALER FE 4-4547 FORTY THE H)NTIAC PRESS. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 5. 1960 100% FOAM LOUNGE Smart as a sofa! Perfect as a bed! $39950 A heart-warming monument to a noble past. Named for the historic section of Early America that gave birth to the-style . . . and designed (today os the original pi^es were a hundred years ago) for practical comfort and charming warmth, this exquisite group comes to you now, custom upholstered in your choice of a multitude of correlated Colonial Fabrics. Offers lasting, top-notch comfort! • For Sitting Htrt't modtrn at its baitl A rtolly wtll-mod* loungt-all of lop-comfort, long-lotting 100% fooml Booutifully ttylod • For Hooping j„ ootitonding Danish modem monner^with o rich, glowing wood frame, rounded, tapered, brass-tipped legs. In your living room or den—this dual-purpose lounge offers tho ultimate in sleeping or sitting comfort, the finest in good looks at the lowest cost possible for such value! See Love Seat $i Richly finished exposed wood arms. 169 Swivel Rocker 50 Modern convenience in the best i colonisi style. Has smooth hand ‘ rubbed woodwork, typicatly colonial cover. 6950 NEW EZnND A-IENCH 5-N. MAPLE DINEHE SLIDING GLASS BOOICASE Use It as e cocktail table . . . Hi-Fi or TV table bench! Walnut or ebony. 19" 42" round table extends to 50" and 4 captains chairs in hand rubbed maple finish. H9 Roomy bookcase with sliding front in your choice of blond or walnut finish; •29 iSO losture is a can pt fr^! sleeping ■if;'? World's finest mattress for comfortable, heollhful •teopl Aligm, Senes up and relaxes weary bock musclos—just 01 orthopedic surgeons recommend. Famous Fosfurepodic dosiga coa't lOg—always koeps your spine en.o line. Helps improve your posture, so you feel end look better. Smooth button-free top, too—no bumps, no kxnpi. SIAIY SLEEf S lmWiaw?«im|M you-KEEPS YOU-AT YOU* lEVK KESTI TjHOMAS;^EiCOiN[OMY Ml lOUTH SA6INAW STMIT e PONTIAC LOUNGE CHAIR Feam Rubbor Cusliioii $I29» 3 Cushion Davenport 85" overall length ossures you ample seating space. Deep luxurious comfort. Foam rubber seat ond bock. Only $20 Down 1995< Ampie Free Parking Easy Credit Terms The Weather V.B. WMikw Bum* THE PONTIAC PR COLOR OVER PAGES mth YEAR ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ PONTIAC. MICHIGAN. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5. 1960—40 PAGES UNITKD FMDW IMTliltATIOlUli -------------TBOWUliB AIL Is Serene Again Includes Teachers* Salaries rntuc Tnu WATON THIC BIHDIE — Bingo, a thm-year- Patrolman Goorge Scheuem went to the scene, old monkey who defied Rpntiac firemen's elloils The monkey came right down. Holding Bingo to “rescue" him from a tree yesterday, looks is Patrick Kelley, 11, of 201 S. Sanford St, With curiously at a camera lens. After firemen failed, him is his sister, Sandra, 13, Chimp, You*re a Chump to Monkey With the Law By MAX E. SIMON A freeI aid bUl to provide federal grants both for classroom constructim and for teachers’ salaries. But there were indici« lions today that the House would not approve the salary provisions, and that President Eisenhower would veto the measure if Congress passes it in ita present form. * ♦ The 51-34 vote by which Senate pasted the measure Thura-day night is far riiort of the two-thirds that would ba needed to override i A M,aw LOSS — This is all that was left to Glen (Roller's house, 9521 Perry Lake Rd., near Oarkston yesterday after an oil heater and tank exploded. No one was injured in the S6.000 fire but an English Pointer puppy died in the flames, Independence Township firemen said. (See story on page 2.) HAVANA (APt-A shiny Soviet ^exposition set the stage today for talks between -Fidel Castro's trade-hungry government and the top Soviet salesman. Deputy Premier nastas I. Mikoyan. A top Castro aide quickly let be known that Cuba hopes for a new era in business dealings with Moscow. Only a few hours after Mikoy-an's arrival Thursday, the left-wing presfiient of Cuba's national bank, Etvesto Guevara, told a TV audience that “trade is necessary 1 for ui very neces-sary.” ■We are completely disposed to talk," he said. "Now the problem is to see if our visitor is eciually Bus Union Rejects Proposal for Truce Pontiac's striking bus drivers and mechanics wcm'l go back to work without a pay raise, according to their local union president. John Sytsma, president of AFL-CIO Local 1090 of the bus transportation uniem, said today he was prepared ------------------tto turn down a proposal for Tunnel Beneath English Channel Called Feasible ‘He must be asked," the top economic official added, “aiuf will do if when the opportunity presents itself." The opportunity probably will come after the 64-year-oId Mikoyan formally opens the Soviet scientific, technical and cultural exhibit—the announced purpose of his visit. U.S. officials in Washington viewed Mikoyan's visit as a dramatic propaganda move by Moscow to capitalize on the low ebb in American-Cuban relations. They say he may have brought a raft'of trade offers in anticipation of Cuban overtures. An added possibility Is - that Mikoyan will seek to re-eUtablish PARIS (AP) — The men who dream of building a tunnel under the English Channel will report next week that the project is technically feasible. ♦ AW If construction started this tall, trains could be rolling through the double-line railway passage within five years. The big problem is financial. The estimated cost is 250 to 300 million dollars but the promoters believ& qfe money can be raised if the British and French governments really want the dry-land link first proposed in the 180s Century. which were broken off during Ful-gencio Batista's regime. In line with such a move, he is expected to invite Castro to pay a state visit to Moscow. Mikoyan was all smiles as he stepped from a giant Soviet IL18 turboprop airliner at Havana In-ternatkmal Airport Thursday to be greet by Castro and his cabinet. The welcoming crowd was small but enthusiastic. Spring’ Will Tease for Next Five Days The Pontiac area will haVe spring-like weather for the next five days, the weatherman prom-lOS. High temperatt^res will average .. to 12 degms above Oie nonnal high of 27 to The lew toa|^t will be a mild S5. The to;l^turday will again OcMisional rain or drizzle is forecast for tonight and Saturday. Mostly cloudy with little temperature change is the prediction for Sunday. Lowest temperature in downturn Pontiac preceding 8 a.m. was p.m the readhig was 43. Tab Sales Lag Badly LANSING (JB-Seven out of 10 Michigan, motorists still don't have tlrt 1960 tabs for their car license plates, the secretary of state's office reported. Tab sales to date are 756,468-141,468 behind last year. Deadline for attaching the tabs is Feb. 29. a status quo truce ill the two-month strike, w * a The proposal was scheduled to be made this afternoon by a group of Pontiac business leaders who say they want to get the strike ‘off dead center." Pontiac City IJne*. inc. wa* reportedly ready to welcome the trace. “We have been on strike., now for nearly 60 days for higher ■ said Sl'tsma. ‘"Ib go back now with no gains jivould be ridiculous. ar jk.‘ “We sympathize with efforts to help the public and business. But the tx^Uons of the proposed truce woiilM’t help us a bit. ■“If the company can’t get the buses roiling ui^er conditions more favorable to us, then the company should pull out of Pontiac." CITES POLL Sytsma said a quick poll showed that the 38 striking drivers and mechanics were virtually unanimously behind him. “This truce would offer us nothing but promises that there would be attempts to help us. There is (Continued on Page 2, (bl. 3) House Democratic leaders say wt they expect to pass school legislation b^re the 86th Con-great quits. Ikt they assert their branch is Iflcely to limit the funds to sdWQl construction, omittlnc teacher,' salaries which were lit-cludecFin the Senate biU. A ♦ ★ The Senate vote waa the latest move In a long fight running back to 1871 to win congreasional pas-of- general federal aid for SMate aides aald M was the rst time in history that support of teacher salaries bad been sin-_ out for specific mention in an education bill. Republican Leader Everett M. Dirksen (R-Uli told the Senate Eisenhower would be particularly unhappy with the teacher salary provision. The states would decide how much would go to salary increases, and how much to new The annual grant total in the bill was obtained by multiplying the number of school (*ge children in the country by $30. * * ♦ z However, the money would 6* allocated among the states on-« formula based on relative sch<|p-(Continued on Page 2. Q>l. lU MacArthur, Beats Odds r NEW YORK tm — General of the Army Douglas MacArthur if rapidly and more favorably than is usual in an illness of this kind,” said a medical report Thursday from Lenox Hill Hospital. The 88-yearold Mae-Arthur entered the ho^>ital Jan. 29 for treatment of an enlarged prostate gland. Ready to Testify About Gunshot Finch Story Gets Tense LOS ANGELES (AP) - The story Dr. R. Bernard Finch hopes will save his life today was near ‘ point of crisis—where he tries show his wife's death was not murder but mishap. His attorney already has outlined the defense. And the crew-cut doctor has detailed his flight into adultery from a marriage foustrated by frigidity. But he had still to give his own version of how Barbara Jean Finch was shot to death outside their luxurious suburban ‘home last July 18. The 42-year-old physician, trying to counter the state's accusations, is to testify the gun that killed hia wije wais one she drew herself. Aad be has defied the state’s charge that he hired a man to kill her, claiming instead that the man wns paid te get evl-denoe that eonid be need against her in her dtveree salt. . Several women jurors couldn’t kreil from ^frowning Thursday when the physician testified that he tried twice - unsuccessfully tOasieT hire someone who could follow Mrs. Finch in hopes of “getting something on her." Finally, he said, he and Carole Tregoff — his medical secretary, then his paramour, and now his co-defendant — found someone they thought could “do the Job." The 42-year-oid doctor testified In Todays Press .Csaaty News ...... ........18 that Carole said Jack Cody toM that he'd get the information tor us “If he had to stay with her himself and then go to court And testify." Jack Cody testified for the state that Caitrie and Finch hired him not as a gigolo but as a mun-derer-4o kill Mri. Finch. He said he tqpk money but had no intention of murdering her, DENIES PLOT But Finch firmly denied the charge lor which be is on trinl for his life; That he plotted to kUl Mrs. Finch so he wouldn’t have to share with her community property she esttniated at thre»' quarters of a million dollar*.. Flach’s attbraeya said the daa- tYb Radio Programs........M Wilson,-JCarl ..............» Wotnen'* Page* .........15-17 Finch didn't get to that part ol _is story Tburaday. hk aacoqd day (Oontimied Pi«e 2. OoL »t '' - lik.' j Pointer Pup Dies i THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, loeo Oil Fires Destroy Home An exploding dl heater and its outside tank filled with 1.000 gal-l(ms of fuel oil caused a Are that destroyed a house near Oarkston yesterday, according to Independence TowTiship firemen. One of the occupants of the S-ipom franoe house at 10250 Perry Lake Rd. Go^ Benton. 24, narrowly missed bring injured in the explosions. However, an expensive registered Pointer pup died in the flames. Benton, a dog trainer lor the Glen Acren Hunt Chib, had r»-turned to the bouse alter "n»-nlng" one el the dogs. When he opraed a side door, smoke Ml-le^rd out and be was driven back as be tried to enter to rescue the dog. Benton said that as he ran across the yard to sununon the fire department, he heard an explosion. The beat from the exploded oil heater inside the house set off another explosion in the newly Ailed oil tank in back of the building- The oil had been thrown over Senate Okays Bill (or Education Aid (Continued From Page One) age population as weighted by relative income per school age child. 1r It it There would be no matching requirement the first year; in the second year the states would have to put up an average of one dollar for each four of federal aid. but this would vary sharply among the states based on their wealth. For instance. New York would have to put up 50 cents for each dollar Of federal funds, while Mississippi could get (23 of aid for each matching dollar. it it it The grants In the bill are authorizations; appropriations would have to be olMain^ later. * ♦ ♦ The Senate turned down 61-25 the administration school program under which the federal government would agree to pay over 30 years half the principal and interest on up to three billion dollars of bonds issued by needy school districts. It also rejected 49-37 a propOBal of Sen. Wayne Morse (D-Ore) and others to aM to the bill ISO tniUkin dollars of loan funds fcnr const tkm of private schools. On the final roll cmU. 42 D< crats and 9 Republicans supported passage of the bill, with 12 crats and 22 Republ^|||i Snow, Rain, Slbet Pelt Large Area By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Stormy weather which dumped haayy snow in the southern plains and Rockies spread across the central part of the country today, wMi snow, sleet and rain. * * ★ More snow fell from western Oklahoma northeastward throoi^ central Kansas, eastern Nebraska and northwest Iowa but It was expected to end during the day. Sleet slicked streets and highways in southwest Iowa and in pails of Lower Michigan. Showers and rain extended southeastward through eastern Oklahoma, Missouri, northwest Illinois southern Wisconsin. * * * Wanner weather and diminishing winds in eastern Colorado aided in the job of clearing highways of drifts up to six feet high. Several marooned motorists were rescued in the area and also in the Texas Panhandle, which also was hit by the heavy s snow also fell in western Kansas and parts of Oklahoma and New Mekico. The Weather The vast complex of industries within the area are interdependent, he said, with common suppliers and buyers. Frequently a big industry in one city of the tri-state area will have a factory branch or affiliates in other cities, he pointed out. Fntlac’s Ug antomoliva Industry, for exampio, has extea- the exterior of the house, and the time firemen had arrived, the building was a mass of flames. A sudden high wind fanned the flames, hampering firemen hn their effoKts to extinguish the blaze. Although there ere oeveral vohuble reglotered hnntiBg dogs penoed np near the burning Owned by Glen OoUer of Perry Lake Rd., the l,(W0-acre shooting reserve has a pi' membership for sportsmen. All types of valuable hunting dogs are trained on the property, according to CoUer's nephew, Michael Cotier, who lived in the house with Benton. Firemen estimated damage at (4,500 to the house and (1,500 for contents. City Raps Nation's 'Imaginary' Air Bars (Continued From Page One) I as the big Wayne County “Industrial centers in this tristate area have a community m interest which demands direct transpiHiation, instead of Indirect routes through the gateway airports,’’ Birnkrant said. The tri-state area is "the industrial heart of America,’’ Birnkrant Finch on Stand Again; Reaches Critical Point Bnow the ‘imaginary air ’ has prevented our in->m achieving the connections it should have with its affiliates and suppliers to the south. ’We must get rid of this barricade, which in terms of 1960 is completely unsound and unwarranted.’’ it it it Birnkrant maintained that because of the “barricade’' policy the CAB examiner had “overlooked’’ Pontiac’s needs for direct air, freight and passenger travel across Lake Erie. He contended further that the examiner hud “overlooked’’ the need lor eaot-west air transportation between oontbern Mlehtgan cttleo and CUcagn, The CAB promised to take under advisement the pleas of Michigan officials and airline representatives for more service than recommended in the report of the examiner, made public two months ago. The examiner recommended mainly newr north-south routes within the state. Most citieo agreed with the rocommendationa aa far as they went, but contended Hke Pontiac that service aouth of the otate line waa needed too. Most cities agreed also that east-west routes should be established within the state, reaching to Chicago on the east. A final decision by the CAB is not expected until this summer. * * « Also in the Pontiac delegation which appeared before the CAB were John W. Hirlinger, manager of the Pontiac Area Chamber of Pontiac airport manager; and representatives of Pontiac Motor and GMC ’Truck & Cbach divisions. Adding strength to the Pontiac group was Robert B. Oliver. Pontiac auto dealer, who was in Washington attending an auto dealers’ convention. (Continued From Page One) on the stand. He told how his love for his wife dwindled after she grew sexually frigid—and how be became enamoured of Carrie after he and his wife reached an ’armistice’*' under which he was free to come and go as he pleased. Finch admitted candidly that he fought a delaying action against his wife’s move for a divorce, even though he didn’t want to remain permanently married to her. He said he was afraid a ^vorce would adversely affect his credit rating at a time when he and associates were planning to build hospital. He said he even urged Barbara to see a marriage counselor, and channeled her suit into conciliation court—purely as delaying tactics. QUIZ PROLONGED Under questioning by his attorney, Grant B. Cooper, the doctor Bingo Plays Tarzan, but Ends Up Treed (Continued Fnnn Page One) family wouldn’t lack pets. The 10 children, ranging in age from 14 months to 17 years, also have two dogs, a parakeet, and a cat due to have a litter of kittens any day now. it it it "We Hke animals and everyone should have a pet,’’ Sandra explained. The children were asked whether the monkey’s shrill chatter didn't bother them sometimes. “Oh, no," said one of the younger boys. “We can’t hear Bingo because we make more noise than I him. He’s usually drowned ouL” -------/ U rnitlst . (Ai raeordaS do«nto*D< Rl^nt ttmperstura . Girl Was Hurt in a Fall, Not in a Car Accident A Pontiap girl, Kay Kumpula. 17. daughter of Mr. and Mre. Allen L. Kumpula of 756 Cedarlawn St., was listed in the Press Wednesday as the victim of a traffic accident. It was learned today that the teen-ager was not injured in an accident on Auburn avenue u pre- = viously reported. She bi^ an's ankle when slie feU on a sl^iperyis sidewalk near her home. is Plastics Plant Explosion Sends 5 Men to Hospital BIRMINGHAM - A flash fire and explosion at the Birmingham Plastics, Inc., factory, 206 Lincoln, sent five eitai^yes to the hospital last night with face and arm burns. In fair condition at Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, are Arnold Rogus, 21, 22101 W. Hampton, Oak Park; Harvey Price, 621 Sterling St., Pontiac; i Larry Drum, 22, and David Wilson, 23, 783 Mt Vernon, Lake Orion. Drum’s brother Gary, 19, of the same addrew, was treated and re-• (ased. Fire CUef Park Smith said the CITES FBI CHIEF — A ciUtion for devotion to national defense is presented to J. Edgar Hoover (left), director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, by (ri. John W. Richardson of ar 612 Bennington Dr., Bloomfield Hills, president of the Reserve Officers Assn. Presentation was made in Hoover’s office in Washington yesterday. Won't Accept Truce, Bus Union Reports (Continued From Page One) no guarantee we would get anything.” The union has been demanding a ZS-cent-an-hour increase In wages and benefits. Drivers have made (1.7: an hour since last over much of the ground covered by the state in its monthlong case against him and his 23-year-old mistress. Dr. Finch offered explanation for all the charges made in the prosecution’s case. The state said that Carole brought the death gun with them when they came to the Finch's home the night of the killing. Finch said his .38 caliber pistol was under the seat of his car— but that his car was being used by his wife. He said Mrs. Finch pulled the gun from the car and pointed it-at Carole. The state said Finch also brought a length of clothesline to the h(»ne in an attache case which was later found at the scene. Finch said the clothesline was purchased for use on a 30-foot yacht he and a friend had purchased shortly before Mrs. Finch’s death. State witnesses said Barbara Jean Finch told of being beaten by Finch twice in the weeks preceding her death. The incidents were fabricated, said the doctor. During negotiations, the company has offered only to renew the old contract without raises It says it made almost no profit last year and can’t afford increased operating expenses. Both positions were expected to be aired by union and company representatives to businessmen at headquarters of the Pontiac Area Chamber of Commerce. TRUCE PROPOSED TUESDAY Saying that the extended strike has hurt business and inconvenienced shoppers, school children and factory workers, businessmen proposed the truce Tuesday and called long-range solution to Pontiac's public transportation troubles. It wu suggested that a apeclal mayor’s committee look for a sotutton while the buses returned to the streets under the temporary truce. In the meantime, attempts by state labor mediators to end the strike have apparently gone lor naught. The latest bargaining session called by the state in Pontiac was weeks ago. fe've gotten nowhere,’’ said Sytsma. “The state people seem to be getting just as tired as we are of fruitless negotiations. “But we’re willing to meet with anyone, anytime to end the strike." GM's '59 Finances 2nd Highest Ever ((Continued From Page One) sis, indicated net totaled (234,852,-485 or 83 cente a share, on sales of (2,755.800,596. FORD LEAPS m PCT. Ford Motor Co. a day earlier reported a 288 per cent jump in net profits on the year—despite a slight decline in the final thi^ months. * ★ ★ Its earnings were second only to 19S5, while sales wore third behind IMS and 1M7 flgiires. Both firms were adversely affected by the steel strike. GM production lines were down for several weeks, but Ford — which makes much of its own steel—was not as seriously hurt. ★ ★ ★ Industry analysts also noted, however, that introduction of compact cars might have had an effect on dollar volume. ★ ★ ★ GM’s Corvalr and Font’s Falcon bear lower wholc^e prices than standard size cars and require fewer and cheaper accessories. Primary Race Likely for District 4 Position A primary runoff appeared certain today in Pontiac’s District 4 after four more candidates had filed for nomination in the biennial aty Commission race. Three of the campaigners incumbent commissioners while the fourth is a newcomer. Latest to file are: William W. Donaldson, incumbent from District S; John A. Dugan, District 5 Incumbent; Robert A. Lnndry, who holds the District 1 sent; nnd Winford E. Bottom, n District 4 contender. Bottom’s entry into the race means that two candidates have already filed from that district, INCUMBENT TO FILE And Commissioner Floyd I Miles, District 4 incumbent, said today he will file soon for re-elect-tion. ) Three or more candidates any district automatically guaren-tees a primary runoff. Donaldson, 53, of 153 W. Lawrence St. is seeking his sixth two-year term. He was Pontiac mayor from 1954 until his retirement from that post two autumns ago. Dugan. Sl> of MS Nelson St. is seeking his fourth two-year term nnd Landry, 46, of 47 Center St. his second. Bottom, 35, of 174 EuclM St. is running for office for the fint time. He is president of the Pontiac Police Reserve Assn., an organization that has tangled several times with the present Commission and the city administration. Irked by policies of George D. Eastman, pubUc safety director, the reserve has been largely inactive for rimost a year. Donaldson said he would campaign largely on the record of the present Oommiaalon. He said he would defend the Cotimfla-slon’s polieies in regwd to the Police Department nnd predicted that the turbulent police situation “will be resolved shortly." “The present administration deserves to be continued,” he said. “It has been progressive yet wise and has established a psMern of public improvements on a firm, pay-as-you-go basis.’’ Other candidates were not im-mndintriy available for comment. The other District 4 candidate is Mrs. Edith Keehn, 183 Pingree Ave., who entered the race Monday. A newcomer to poUtics, Mrs. Keehn criticized the record of the existing Commission, particularly in its handling of the Police Department. She said Oty Manager Walter K. Willman should be replaced. The Day in Birmingham washer were Ignited by » gas. heater less than live feet away, •'ll was pure neglect and carelessness to have the heater s« the inflammable liquid,’ Smith said. “It was like putting gasoline next to a blowtorch.*' k ★ He said the plant had been cited on several occasions for not following tin regulatinns. Damage to the washer and several small machines was estimated at (1.000 by Fite Marshal George Scott. If approved at the polls March 28, a four mill increase will enable the Birmingham School Board to hire 50 new teadiers next year. The additional four mills, according to Board President Mrs. Kathryn Loomis, will reduce the pupil-teacher classroom ratio. Tim Increase is needed to bring the ratio to t7 stndents to one teacher ns suggested by the North Centrsl Assn. At preoent the ratio Is sbont » to one. Mrs. Loomis said, “The millage Increase will be used also for an improved teachers’ salary sched-adjustmems in clerical and maintenance salaries and additions of books to the Seaholm library.” Birmingham will be represented in the Michigan Winter (}ueen test climaxing the Petoskey Winter Carnival tomorrow night. Denise Baldwin, tS, dnnghter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Kirk Baldwin of 788 Harmon gt.. will vie If she wins at Petoskey, the Birmingham beauty will compete at Grayling Feb. 13-14 for the Michigan Snow Queen title. Miss Baldwin is employed as a receptionist by Vickers Inc., Birmingham administrative and engineering center. TTie Ruth Shain Class In International Affairs, sponsored by the Birmingham Braiich of The University Women, will meet TWsday at 10 a.m. at Community House. Patricia Hogan, daughter of Mrs. Lee Hogan, MS Puritan Rd„ who is completing studies IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII^ SPECIAL PURCHASE! Brand New | LADIES' Deluxe Quality WESTERVILLE. Ohio (ib-Sign S 7 used car lot: Prices Are = n silHere, but fUised Elaewbere. Tweed % Coats! nMrUnfd 88 Famous 'BramP Style, 10d% Wool, Qolh lontrUnod | Original $21.98 Seller (md Wg On Prtra HB • Salt O Popper Twood • Conuino Uariior Tikp ‘ —Pockofs * Coffe • Wormly Uuod • Sisot 12 to 20 LADIES' BEADY-TO-WEAB HOUSEHOLD SPECIALS for FRIDAY A SATURDAY 2nd FLOOR BARGAINS HeMs Fall 48 Oaneea FUSTIC CONTAINER WHISK BROOM Kef alar 3Se Each For COC 58 Buy two St this price, keop one in the house and one in the car. Sturdy 4 -com straws with wire bound top. Long paint^ wood handie. ooooooooooo $4.49 > Value Rectangular shaped wastebasket with sturdy rolled rim. xl5 x13 inch size. Assorted cotort- mum lor a nuwtera degree at the Uni-verally of Mtchlgnn, will preaent her tbeab "Amerlean Foltoy in IineL’* Mrs. Shain asks members to bring their Great Decisions Mts to the meeting. The public is invited. - Mrs. Ednrin A. Hnnonm Service for Mrs. Edwin A. Han-num, 75, of 1228 Washington Blvd. will be at 4 p.m. Saturday at Bell Chapel of the WUllam ^ I^un^ it it it Cremation will feilow at White Chapel Memorial Cemetery, Troy. Mrs. Hannum died Wednesday at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, Pontiac. following a tong illness. it it it She is survived by t/iree sons, Charles of Birmingham, John of Washington, Mich., and David -of Atlanta, Ga. Muellor Not Interested in Seeking Governorship WASHINOTON (UP!) - OUm-meree geerelary Frederick Jl. Moeller umoanoed Inst night he has no intereot In becomlag governor of MkWgan. it A it Mnellor, of Oraad Rapids, said he promised Preeldent Elsenhower he would stay on In the Cahlaet . ]|ntU the PreridenI’o term expires next Janaary. He Fire at Nationalist Ship TAIPa, Formosa if» -r- Cbm-m\mist guns on the Chinese mainland fired more than 200 shells at a Nationalist warship patrolling Thursday off Little ()i|emoy but caused no casualties or damage, the Nationalist Defense Ministry announced. Salo LUNCH BOXES & VACUUM BOniES FRIDAY fir SATURDAY All Stool —Workor's Lunch Box ond Vocuum Bottle Kef. 12.49 Foluo « fig Box with pint vse- I uum bottle. I $2.00 AlwRiiwm 158 Lmidi Bax......... I $149 KEAPSIT 127 Pirn lank......... I $1.99KEAP$n |58 (Knot Bank........ I 'simmi hu > complete Urn of bosn, betttei. iteppen. fUlore. otc. IS N. Soginaw —2sd floor Continuing SIMMS Greot SURPLUS SALE PRICES REDUCED V2 OFF Staiaie kMVht M« femeu BBTaOIT JSnSKLEa’S nrplM etwk i Dte«Mi«*r(l»Mtief »B« aiMC. Keerr ttem •• riBST grAUTY, »I1 r* Se It Mul M the pricTtat- Bmcn «*pwK kcM> m. Item la tor***: DIAMONDS I HALF-OFF R«(. IM tO DIAMONDS , *29" K«e IMAO DIAMONDS .... *49” Ret. IHt tO DlAMO.tDS •74” Rf(. tiMse DIAMONDS •99” R*t DIAMONDS .. •149” Paaiaai aaait dlameadi la or Wklle GoM mMatlata. eaallly. M day aaBty-back UK TrUow All (lr.1 raaraatt*. HALF-OFF K.‘i*row.......... 57.50 ......... $12.50 I Reg. $34:95 Rings—Now $19.95 CbooM from Fntimtl, IHrtlutonw. Hemctlle. cod Oi WATCHES Reg. $49.95 WATCHES . HALF-OFF 24.95 29.95 35.75 42.50 Reg. $100.00 AQQi: WATCHES .. Reg. $85.0 WATCHES • MEN'S A LADIES' SHLES • 1-YEAR 6UARAHTEE Chootp trom amoDt Amertca's (our leadlnt pamei -’em at thU Jow price. — — - --------” •port ityle*. waUrpr^ a • (or yourwU — chotca ot drtuy a BIG SPECIAL PURCHASE! You'd pay up to doable Simms price if we bought thru regular wholesaltr . . . compart anywhere! Gtealetl Style Saloctions Erer at SIMMS— LADIES' and MISSES' Sldrts and Capri Pants Made to Sell at $2.50 Plakla and Hein ^ Many Italios Imporl Fabric* Cottons, cofduruy, acetates, blends, etc. Many with zipper anlcles. Buy several. LADIES'WEAR TIIE PONTIAC^ PRESS. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, I960 De«r Htrd Doina Well ^ ^ CIA Chief Likes His Cloak and Dagger Job LANSING « - Midiigu'g deer o herd ie fat end saaay deapite the $ recent cold nap. State Cknaecva* « tim Department tame men re- • Ike Gets Spy News Each JMorning Hr ENDBC MABTON WASHINGTCW m — During the bloody Soviet purge ti^ in Soviet uteUlte countriea in the late 1940a the defendants were usually confronted with a photograph. 'Do you know this man?” they were asked. The answer usually was a blank stare. The picture, the court was told, showed the most dangerous spy of the ‘‘imperlalr ists," the ardMnemy of conunu-nism and the chief agent of U. S. itelligence. The carefully handpicked audience frequently reacted with a inicker. It was hard to believe that the beqjiectacled, white-haired man with a benevolent smile should be a top expert in cloak and dagger operations. The maa was Ailea Welsh Dulles, aew director of the Oea-tral latelUgeace Agency. Today Dulles displays the same smUe when he tells congressional committees about the Soviet Un- WORRIED OVER DEBTS mi^oaS TSaun^ SltWsnjiCItr'mSII ^Imsct Vw Me tyrSI^ s« hsw sta t a»w swsy y«s I NO SICURITY OR INOORSiRS RiQUIRIO ONI PLACI TO PAY tUmkm imUmm a»»«lsH»s af VttSH Ci • a incaiaAM oasorr oocnssllo “let 14 Tears of CredU Coaasoliap Ispetieaco Assist Tea" Houst Dsdly 9 to 5. Wed. oad Sat 9 to 12 Aooa. MICHIGAN CREDIT COUNSELLORS ion’s strength. He is regarded es the greatert authority in intdligenoe stnoe the death of William J. "Wild BUI" Donovan, the man who hired him. All signs indicate the 65-yeaixdd Dulles likes his |22,000 a year hush-job. Friends quote him as saying his sole ambition in government is to stay on as intelligence chief for the rest of his life. A TERINFIO WOREER Last week Duties testified before five groups on Capitol Hill, but he didn’t seem to miM the added activity. His associates describe him as a '‘terrific worker” who is utterly relaxed, not disturbed by anything and blessed with the rare talent to view the world around Urn with cool objectivity^ He regards this gift as essential. Every morning a terse summary of CIA’s intelligence reports winds up on President Eisenhower’s desk. It simply could not be written with the slightest tinge of subjectivity, Allen Dulles believes. la Us epinton only the naked ALLEN W. DULLES oon&ning with oOiera on die In- Dulles reports every week to the J National Security Council after There is tremendous demand for him to ppeak to varioua gatherings. He made nine major speedtes last year, a record for him. But be hai to turn down most requetU and accepts only few outside oom- Dulles was bom April 7, 1893 in Watertown. N.Y. His fattier, the Rev. Allen Macy Didles, was He received bach^r of arts and master's degrees from Princeton, where he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa, and later received a law degree at George Wattiington University. W * * His diplomatic service included duty in Vienna, Berne, Switzerland, and in Turkey. In 1926 he resigned and joined the New York law firm of Sullivan and Oomwell, which also included his brother, John Foster, the late aecretaiy of state. Early in Worid War II Donovan recruited him for the Office Strategic Services (OSS), an outfit concerned with ferreting out enemy ■ecrets. His job was to organize an American espionage center in Switzerland where he found contact with German and Italian underground leaders. ♦ ♦ ★ The United States had fairly good knowledge on what was going on in Hitler’s,headquarters, indicating that Dulles succeeded in planting his agents in Nazi Germany. Held in Murder Case, He Denies Confession DETROIT (UPD-Wlndow washier George D. Flatter denied yesterday he confessed to the strangulation attack on a 46-year-old mother of three. The 20-year-old Flatter was bound over for trial on a first degree murder diatge. He showed no emotion as eight witnesses testified about the murder of Mrs. Elizabeth R. Moughler of 1101 Lakeview. The woman was strangled less than a block from her home after she left a neighborhood theater on the night of Jan. 22. Flatter said he was drunk and confused and ’’police put words in my mouth.” He said he drank almost a pint of gin and six bottles of beer. Ihdd in 1920) also have two daugh-tera. The citation of his Legion e Merit Award tells of asaignment he had carried out undtt ‘*e> tremely bazardoua condittana. Those who wotkad wtth IMUaa dur ing Worid War n are convinced he deeerved thia praise. SHOP TONGHT TIL 9 Um • FImibI* CCC Ck«ii«l Introductory Offer! Save 50* on Coty Super-Sheen Nail Enamel when you buy matching Coty "24" Lipstick! -± Super-Sheen Nail Enamel reg. .75 Coty **24" UpsticK reg. . l.;25 $2.00 value now only $ La belle ^nomique from Coty! Coty “24'» Upatkk, 80 smooth, luscious, alive with color! And matching Coty Super-Sheen Nail Enamel, created to stay on longer, make your nails stronger. Choose your match-mates from eight exquisite Coty shades-all Paris-inspired! Buy while supply lasts, and save 50T. Oioose fh>m 8 matching sbadss I Waito't Cesmttics ... SfrMi rieor LOSE INCHES! Your Own Proportioned Girdle Can't rise... even when you walk, bend, stride or stoop! STRIDE-EZE Girdle or Panty Girdle By LIOO True Size • SATIN ntONT PANEL • ALL POyVBR NET • N(m-ROLL WAIST BAND It alfana as it trinaa, at it molds your figure at LXA8T 2 8IZBS If to KVk*. Wida noB-ioh top hogi your waiat, rows of atitchiag ftattan your tamaqr and power sat aklaa put firm ooMiol oa Whita ctaiy. Waito't. Poettoc, Mteh._________Btpt. 910 OeMirity WaIttStot Ltegth Priet Waito't JVolfoH ... SltMl rioot CHAKOE □ COD. Q CHECK Till 9 Congratulationt to the BOY SCOUTS of AMERICA on their ANIilVERSSRSr Visit Woilt's Complete BOY SCOUT ond Cub Scout Dept. Second Floor Just right for SKIING! Tiny oir cells ore the secret of JONES CELOTHERM® Men's Underweor Jones Celotherm underwear gives controlled warmth without weight! Tiny oir cells ore knit on the inside to mointoin body heat, absorb perspiration. No constricting side seams. Sizes S, M, L, XL Waito't Mea't Wear . .. fireel Floot Don’t With lira! ' ’ fHiut nlufit t*P*nl Fin-RitirAat • Haat-RititliRt VAULT BOX Thoie sturdy vault boxes ere spacious tnough to Wd til of your valuabit papers small tnough to store conveniently! Lid gasket seals out heat. Compists with cylinder leek and 2 keys; set of 5 securities envelopes. ‘7.49 JUMBO SIZE, M'/4" by 9Vi" by 6" high..... .9.91 Woito’s Slatioaerr ... Siroel fteor ^ THE POKTIAC PHESS. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 5. 1060 Railroad Trainmen [r.’**";" Missionaries Would Be Amazed Re-Elect Kenftecly Boss | insurgent group. i __ ^ _ i Kennedy defeated William J.j CLEVELAND Ifi—Viliam 51, the Union’s general fec*| Kennedy. 67-year-«ld president ofiretary-trewur^ l»y a vote of 641 j the Brothertood nf Railroad Train-j to 464. as the idimax to the month-men. Thursday was re-elected!long convention. Billy Shaking Up Africa’s Religion FOR VALENTINE’S DAY GIVE HER A CONNOLLY’S DUMOND FOR THE Rings as beautiful as the purpose for which they were made... To be worn with love. ji::‘iur;d°jJLkr. *" ^looo s«ui"" Budget Payments OPEN MONDAY and FRIDAY EVENING 16 W. Huron JEWElE^S FE 2-0291 LAGOS. Nigeria iAF^ - The old-time religion in Africa has had severe shaking up since Billy Graham pitched his first pupit in Monrovia late' in January and then headed s6uth through the palm trees. Graham's nine-man team of evangelists is spreading the gospel in this turbulent, primitive continent as it never has been done before. Old - time missionaries— plagued by slow river boats, long jungle hikes and malarial mosquitoes — wouldn't believe it. ♦ ★ ★ . Every move, every meeting, almost every prayer, has been planned m advance with a precision that would charm a general. The American evangelist wound up his crusade in western Nigeria Wednesday night before a crowd of 40,000. About 850 came forward to embrace the Christian faith, eluding Moslems and Animists—a primitive religion whose followers believe all objects possess souls, 1HOUSAM18 GO FORTH The Graham organization said in the first eight days of his African K^r 2,306 persons were converted ^^abdut 7,000 Christians , redcdicate^ He has run into some hostility but the over-ali reception has been enthusiastic ★ ★ ★ Much of the credit for the cru-■sade's smooth operation goes to two associates, Jerry Beavan, 41, of Bethesda, Md., and Charles Riggs. 4.3. of Nashville, Tcnn. Beavan is a former teacher, news broadcaster and spoils editor. Riggs worked seven years in the Texas oilfields and spent four iyears in the Army before joined Graham. I.,ast May. the Rev, Howard Jones, an American Negro and Baptist minister from Cleveland, visited Africa. Ho went down the West Coast and up the East Coast TO TH»: MARKET IN NIGERIA — Evangelist Billy Graham walks across narrow bridge as he visits the Lagos market in Nigeria on his AF WIreehaU African tour. Youngsters wait to greet the visitor. and recommended meeting places. Beavan and Riggs then took over. They spent seven weeks last fall Bishop Emrich Voted a Sabbatical Leave DETROIT JV-The Rt. Rev. Richard S. Emrich, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Michigan, has been voted a six-month sabbatical leave to begin after the church’s general convention here in September 1961. Emrich said he didn't need the leave for a rest and planned to devote the time to writing two books iri either New York or in Cambridge. Mass. He said one would be on Abraham I Lincoln and the other on iTask of the Church Today ’ flying all over Africa, arranging for local committees, making hotel and airline reservations for a tour which started at Dakar, extended as far south as Bulawayo in South-Rhodesia and then proceeded up to Ruanda-Urundi. TanganyAca, Kenya, Ethiopia and iinatly Egypt. ★ ★ * They checked the food and water at dozens of hotels. They ti led the hotel beds and looked out for air conditioning. They also made accommoda-] tion% for Graham's associate* evangelists, the Revs. Grady Wilson, Joseph Blinco and Leighton Ford, to reach each stop about a week or 10 days ahead of Graham to hold preliminary meetings. One important element of the crusade is known as "Operation 3 DAYS ONLY! FRIDAY, SATURDAY ond MONDAY You'll hit thi BiillMyo twlth Goorfo'i MoMy-Soviii| NrgoiM. Buy all your clothos and homo Roods at tho lowost |h1cos Ih yours. No moHoy dowR, 6 moRths to pay. Ladiei' Wool ^adie*' Wool CAR WINTER COATS COATS 9.88 19 worth i# IIB.Pt «*rlk to IW Andrew.'' It is so called because it is based on the 41st and 42d verees of the first chapter of St. Ifohn's Gospel, where it is said of Andrew; "He first findeth his Own] brother . , , and he brought him! to Jesus." ' I ★ Sr ★ I Operation Andrew is an organ-1 ized effort among Christians in the community "to bring their uncommitted friends under the .sound of the Gospel by making certain that they are in attendance at the campaign meetings." Ladiei' tore 44 Ladiet' Orig Dry ARNEL BETTER DRESSES DRESSES *5 *8 w*rlh to tIi.M warlh to CU.M Some hotels in Ceylon, off the southern coast of fndia. warn their guests not to leave bright! objects such as jewelry too near open windows. There are too many thieving crows around. | bly firm sleeping at a n-to-enrtb price! 2-PIECE SET mattress & BOX spring BOTH Full or twin size MAHRESS ALONE »44« BUTTON-FREEI ^usl 50 fflatlress and box spring sets ^ilh Clayton’s exelnsive 8-oi. ticking On sale throughout the U.S. But we insisted on our own unique, heovy-duty, long-wearing 8-oz. cover. Then we hod this special quantity mode for our customers who know our company always tries to give more for the money. You do oet o lot. Compare these featuresi TuMett, button-free top for smooth stooping comfort. Hundrtds of firm, rosiliont stool coils. Extro-hoovy quality padding. Luxurious, doop box spring support. Crushproof; pro-built borders. Yontod sides. Tailored handles. AH famous Sooly quality. We can’t re-order. So, don’t wait till they’re oil gone! This is your chance to replace thot tired-out bedding with a decorotor-motched 2-piece set. Superb comfort. Substantial savingsl Come in now! OF KHGO HARBOR 3065"Orchard Lake Rd. Keego Harbor Open Mon. & Fri. Evenings 9 Telephone FE 5>9474 ^ohys Dress Stylo MEN'S PANTS 3JI8 TsiMi to Coma 0 Savt MEN'S SUITS 19i8 wwik ^ Leng Sleevt MEN'S SHIRTS 1.59 TMlnrt U Bt.M ' Men's All-Wool SUBURBAN 12JI8 worth Girls' Coats COAT SETS 12 worth U fIft.M Girls' FoH PLEATED SKIRTS u» wartk l«.SO •oyi' Warm FLANNEL SHIRTS 79‘ warth (l.n Boys' WOOL Snbnibaiii m worth II2.M Infants' 2-Pe. DIAPER SETS 1J0 First Quality CURITY DIAPERS 2.89 wartk ta.n . Leek! Fall Sice CANNON SHIRTS 1.118 Fine Flannel PRINT PERCALE !c Yd. 25 Single or Double Full Sixe CHENILLE OILON SPREADS 2.88 BLANKET 8.77 • FREE PARKING • FREE HOLDEN STAMPS GEORGE'S THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 5, 1960 / / Russian Census Gives Population of 209 Million MOSCOW (UPD—Thie curmit population of the Union of Soviet Socialist AepuMiCB is nearly 200 million. The final results of last year's national census by the Central Statistical Board of the Soviet Council of Ministers was released yesterday. ★ ★ ★ The Tasi News Aaehcy said that aa of Jan. IS, 1950, there were 208,820,650 persons^ in the USSR, pf these, the statistical Board counted 94,050,303 males and 114,728,347 females. Kara! p^alatlon was liven aa 108.840JU, compared to an nr-ban popalatlon of M,fT7JN. The census figures also dealt with Soviet education. Comparing 1959 to 1939, the report said then; was a 3.3 per cent increase of city-dwdlers and a 2.80 per cent of rural dwellers having a higher The number of illiterates the nation was given as 1,929,000. The figure applM only to persons between the ages of 9 and 49. cent of New Constitution Advocates to Talk LANSING (Jl — Leaders in a move to rewrite Michigan's > 52-year-old Constitution will be asked to testify next Thursday whim the Senate opens hearings on proposed constitutional revision. Hearings will be conducted by the Senate Judiciafy Oommlttee. Its chairman Is Sen. Carlton H. Morris (R-Kalamasoo), a foe of THE NIQIIT UNOdlJV SPOKE — Abraham Lincoln makes his first great speech, at New York's Cooper Institute on Feb. 27,1860, and eastern political leaders that this man from the West is a giant in more than his physique. Inset photograph erf Lincoln was taken at the studio of Mathew B. Brady, the famous pioneer photographer, on the day of the speech. Morris said presidents of the Michigan Junior Chamber of Com-merc« and the Michigan League of Women Voters will be invited to testify at the first sessiem. The two organizations have lanuched petition drive to put the issue of a new Constitution on the November ballot. OKs Michigan Projects WASHINGTON «-The Senate Public Works Committee has approved plans for construction of a $585,000 post office building in Wyandotte. Mich., and $1,112,000 lor immigration headquarters in Detnrft. The proposals now go to the House Public Works Committee. ROTH Lumber Opel Set 'til 5 f .M. 3360 W. HtlBOM FE 5-6910 24 Months to Pay OUR GREATEST ORCHARD FURNITURE 90 Days Some os Cosh No Charge for DeUvery Plenty of Free Parking OPEN MONDAY & FRIDAY TIL 9 PAI. BEDROOM FURNITURE CLEARANCE 4-Pc. Blond Double Dresser, Mirror, Chest ond Bed ................... .................. 4-Pc. Grey or Limed Ook, Double Dresser, Book- cose Bed, Chest----Plastic Top............ 4-Pc. Grey or Chorcool, Triple Dresser, Bookcase Bed, Chest—Plostic Top................. 4-Pc. Grey or Limed Ook, Double Dresser, Chest, Bookcose Bed....................... 4-Pc. Deluxe Triple Dresser, Chest, Bookcose Bed, Grey ... 4-Pc. Deluxe Donish Wolnut, Triple Dresser, Chest, Bookcose Bed....................... Hollywood Bed, Innersprin^ Mottress, Box Spring, Adjustoble Metol Frame, Heodboord All Bedroom and Bedding Reduced. Choose From Our Large Selection of Quality Sets III. '88 ‘108“ ‘148“ ‘168“ ’188“ ’218“ ‘48“ NEW FUSHLIGHT STICKS TO STEEL MH6NET U6HT • KEEPS HANDS FREE • RED SAFETY HEAD • IDEAL FOR MECHANICS, MOTORISTS. ELECTRICIANS Usolit* Leokpreof Bolttri«s FOAM RURBER BED PILLOWS 3 and 4 Pc. SECTIONALS 25%-50% off Choose From These Leading Manufacturers a HOWARD PARLOR • UNION a KROLAN a GAINES a CHARLES SCHNEIDER a MONARCH ' a HOWARD SKYLINE Nylon Cbrers Foam Rubber for A^L 3 SECTIONS Large Choice of Colors Reversible Cushions LIVING ROOM FURNITURE REDUCED Sofe ond Choir—Reversible Innerspring Cushions, Choice of Colors............ Sofo Bed ond Motching Choirs, Choice of Coloi^............................. Sofo ond Choir—Nylon Cover, Foom Cushions, Choice of Colors.................. Sofo ond Choir—Nylon Cover, Foom Rubber Cushions, Choice of Colors............ Deluxe Sofo ond Choir—Nylon Cover, Foom Cushions ond Bock................. Hide-o-Woy Bed with Innerspring Mottress— ■ Mode by Serto-Restokroft............. Deluxe Hide-o-Woy Bed—Nylon Cover, Foom Rubber Cushions....................... Reclining Chairs by Strotolounger— Choice of Colors...................... SAVE VP TO SO% OR MORE! emmaoF Biiimes 5-Pe. Set • FORMICA TOP • EXTENSION TABLE LEAF • 4 MATCHING CHAIRS All Dining Room & Dinettes Save up to 50% or More 35 88 ORCHARD ONLY «4 DOWN Phone FE 58114-5 FURNITURE COMPANY 164 ORCHARD LAKE AVENUE a PONTIAC 3 BLOCKS WEST of SOUTH SAGINAW Is Your High School Roprosontod in fho Pross? THE PONTIAC PRESS MAKimPAGES KKIDAV. FKUHUAUV MMW . PONTIAC, MICHIGAN. TWKNTY^NE : Central High Cheerleaders Elect Diane Pickford Captain By BARBARA GRIFTIN The Pontiac Central cheerleaders have elected IMane Pickford as their new squad captain lot tills semerter. A senior, Diane has been a varsity cheericaider lor two years. SKe re[dnces Karen Oxley, Januai-y graduate. Karen was recently given a surprise breakfast and presented with bracelet by the other rheeiioad* ers in appreciation of her excellent leadership during her term as captain. Also, she must maintain and Improve ehecrleadbig techniques of the squad, and to appoint, with the help of the sponsor,-Mrs. Jean Smith, any necessary duties. Other new officers are Carole Hughes, secretary-treasurer; at«J Fran Austin, historian. The cheerleaders are planning weeken.J at Casevllle after ne.xt Friday's game with Hay City Central. GIMME A YELL — Pontiac Central High School cheerleaders give out with lusty voices as they tune up for the game with Bay City Central. The squad is practicing to improve cheerleading techniques before a weekend trip rMttoc rrtH ra*u to Caseville after nbxt Friday’s game. The girls are (from left) Tommie Bogan, Darlene Wood-hull, Mary Aughenhaugh, Diane Pickford, Carole Ht^hes and Sharon Young. Northern Dramatics Club Thespians Initiated by Candlelight By JEAN ISBELL The Pontiac Northern High School Dramatics Club last night initiated its new membership in the school library. Mary MacDermaid, Jolene Hud-nell, Jean Isbell, Joan Andrews, Mona Hart, Karen Lackey, Janet Shook and Judy Gage were inducted in the candlelight ceremony before faculty members. “The Patriots,” aad "The Cora Is Greea.” The excerpts from these three plays are used to carry the story. Sidney Kingsley. Garson Kanin, and Ei^yn Williams comprise the Drama Trio. This dramatic company is produced by Plorllis Beardsleys who is also the producer of the Bishop’s Company out Hutchiason, IXAna CalL BUI Robiasoa. George Fowler. BBI Ramsey, Clara Dawaoa. Tom Thomas, Deris Ellis. Dick Sobol and Bill Miracle. The Dramatics dub elected «tf-ficers and planned pmjects du)’-ing iU last meeting. Mary MacDermaid is serving as the club's first president with Jolene Hud- nell assisting her as vice PiMd-dent. Ron Hutchinson is secretaiV-treasurer. • Four apprentices are anticipating membership at the next W-tiation. They are Linda Lake, L/is Reynolds, Jim Colburn and Adel-pha Riviera. RAI8INO FUNDS The club is discussing moneymaking projects. Members are planning a talent assembly of acts and skits supplied from Northern home-rooms on a competitive basis. A Ways and Means committee consisting of Jean Isbell, Jolene Hudnell, Karen Lackey. Mary MacDermaid and Joan Andrews has been appointed to draft letter to homerooms asking their approval. ♦ A . ♦ Early interest has been shown by the student body in the ’’Taming of The Shrew,” which is slated for Feb. 26 at the Oakland Theater. Many students from the various English classes at Northern are planning to attend. Northern’s Student Union is sponsoring an assembly for its members Monday in the auditorium. The program is being put on by the Drama Trio, which is composed of three professional actors. The program is eadtled “The Inner Journey” and is built on ■oenes drawn from three Broadway hits. “Bora Yesterday,” The Drama Trio is an offshoot of the Bishop’s Company, a group of touring professional actors. In its seven seasons the Bishop’s Company has won favor among college audiences. finjl8H PARTY The Girls Recreation Association, known as' GRA, is ing a “Splash Party” in the gym tomoiTOw night. The bill-of-fare for the night includes a dance and swim in the pool. Walled Lake Boasis Two NCTE English Scfiolars By KAREN TUTTLE Jim Havel and Milton Carrigan, members of the senior class at Walled Lake High Schoid. were among the 800 given Achievement Awards by the National Council d Teachers of English (NCTE). These boys survived the rigid testing and judging program establishing their excellence in English language skills. Each school was asked to nominate only its best English students. As basis far decision the Judges received for each student a noro- boys will also be sent to the congressmen and the Governor of Michigan. Walled Lake was one of two Michigan schools having two The N(}TE adopted the Achievement Awards program in 1958 to grant recognition to high school students for excellence in English. A follow-up survey of the first-year winners showed that they had received more than $800,000 worth of scholarship aid when they entered college this fall. biographloa) data; three compositions written by the student, including an autobiographical sketch, an impromptu paper and an out-of-class paper; results of and a standardised test of literary. .^wareness; and two supporting letters from a teacher and an administrator. Scrolls of recognition will be presented to the winners and runners-up, and their names will be sent to all the nation’s colleges and universities with recommendations that they be considered for appropriate scholarships. The Walled Uke High School English department will also receive a certificate of merit for its excellent instructional program. SENT 10 GOVERNOR The names of these outstanding The NCTE, a non-profit professional organization, works with English teachers through publications, . conventions and other educational materials to help improve the teaching of English from kindergarten to the college seminar. The Council now ha about 60.000 member-subscribers. Emmanuel Pupils Look to Contests for School Spirit Oxford High School GAA Plans Awards Banquet By BEATRICE KRUG The Girls Athletic Association at Oxford High School is planning a banquet in the high sclxxd cafeteria at 7 p.m. on Feb. 6. . This banquet is open to all members of the community. GAA awards will be presented by Mrs. Robert Brower, the club’s sponsor. The Melo-Airs will provide them with special music.* The emet^ lor the evening wiU be Edith Magee, a senior. Unda Porter, a junior, will give the invocation. / The guest speaker ier th|h Occasion will be Mrs. Jean Hoxle. director of teons lor the Ham-tram.k public schools. Mrs. koxe has been 'Woman of the Year for UM-M and Conch of ' the Ymr In UH. Sbe hu been la two halls of -fame and has coached King Faronk’s two nephews. King Paul and Queen Fredrtcka of Greece, and Princess Beatrix, daughter of Qneea Julianna of Holland. A special Smorg-asbord dirniCr will be prepared by Mrs. Harold Dearing and the cadeteria staff. Girls on the ticket committee are Kim Nixon, chairman; Jeanne De Line, Janie. Langely, Terry Fujioka and Denni Jo Erwin. Table decorations are being planned by Sue Maguire, chairman; Mary Ann Kastelic, Marilyn Hall, Ronnie Klnu and Kristy Bearson. Lucille Atwood and Paula Mann pe in charge of planning the program. General chairman of the banquet b Diane Yost, a senior. Receiving pins Miller, Annette Belts, Ella Irwin, Elaine White, Unda ^Oain. and away varsHy football and UNNEAN gOClETY The Linnean Society has elected jf&cers for this semester. T.iey are Barbara Shadley and Davkl Todd, co-presidenta; John Hunt, vice invsident; Virginia Norvell, secretary; Jim Colando, treasurer; Janet Livingstone, historian; and Joan Davis, reporter. Last nightr the biology club visited the Sparks-Griffin Funeral Home for a tour of the establish-unent and a discussion ^period. The annual Science Fair, sponsored by the Linnean Society, will be held March 4 and 5 in the Pontiac Central cafeteria. Barbara Shadley will be chainhan of this fair, open to all students in Oakland County. Next Wednesday afternoon, the Pontiac Central Future Homemakers ci America will have the opportunity of hearing Ted A. Panaretos, community relations director of Pontiac SUte Hoqiital, OB the topic "Teen-agers Responsibility Toward Mentally 111.” This subject wtU rawer problem area of young pmple in their rriaHtUMUps to each ether, to adults and particniariy tesentment to auBBrity figures. Glee Club pins were awarded re-coitly by Mrs. Doreen Voltmann to 15 senior giris' for five se-merters of glee dub participation. By BARBARA ARDELAN John Gallardo, Tom Dabbs and Mike Halfpenny were selected as top achievers from thq area Junior Achievement companies and attended a luncheon sponsored by the Detroit Economic Club at the Veteran’s Memorial Building in Detroit. Guest speaker was Air Foroe General Curtis LeMay. His topic for dk-ussion was "The Need for More Nuclear Arms.” Emmanuel Christian School student body officers are planning a month of contests to prcjinde school spirit. Michael School aad presenUy attending Michigan State University Oakland. John gave a talk and displayed Ms grand assortment of Civil War weapons, Unkm and (federate uniforms and all sorts of ammuni- A "Courtesy Week” is scheduled ) begin on Monday and a prince and princess will be chosen from each room and a king and queen to rule the entire student body. Other contests to folllow include Crazy Hat Day and Crazy Mixed Up Day. A school social event will be held at which the contest winners will receive special recogmtion. Brandofl High School Slates Valentine Dance By NORMA 800TT The St. Annes Church is sponsoring a St. Valentines dance at Brandon High School at 9 p.m. Feb. 13. at a cost of 75 cents per and $1 per adult. The Student Council has sched-led a "Dogpatch Dance" lor early April. Dona Swinehart was chosen Brandon’s "Homemaker of To- St. Mike's Achievers Are Feted of the Civil War last week thraugh the courtesy of John of 8t. tlon. The juniors officially closed the first semester by sponsoring dance last week called, ’'‘Semester Swing." The music was supplied by Nick and the Jaguars. After a hectic week of midsemester exams, report cards were distributed to the high school Wednesday by Father Charles Cushing. Father Cushing gave each student their card and some advice on how to better themselves in the following semester. Lake Orion High Collects $700 for Polio Drive By DAVE NORTON Lake Orion High School students collected $713.70 in the school' March of Dimes campaign. The goal set was $^. The freshmen efforts netted $148.35; sophomores, $196.64; juniors, $222.52: and seniors. $81.56. Winning junior class president Tom Reed was awarded a Lake Orion tie. were Margaret! Others are Mary Rucker. Karren| The A Capelia Choir has electedjvice president: Vicki Annas, secre-k Marwiv raroltraa its new officers for the semester, tary; end Tom Schrodl, treasurers Rosie’ Moore,Massengale, serving as president will be Den- Mrs. fereen Voltmann wiU be the, Wilson and ll«f*shle, Janice Crowley. Mar-Ljg Zimmerman. * choir director and Gary, Igaret Buckley and Minnie Norman.I Other officers are Gary Relyea iRelyea, accompanist._ Waterford Casts; for Productions i Cyrano to Be Played; by John Teeuwissen;) Oklahoma Slated, Too I By JOHN TEEIWISSEN j Auditions for ’Oklahoma ” amh "Cyrano de Bergerac” were heldj this week. Many aspiring singers, < dancers and actors tried out tor; parts in the forthconiing Water-lord Township High School pro-| ductions. . Waterford's debaters will !»st| the regional debate tournament’ on Wednesday. ' The tournament consists of three; rouixls of debating with one team. ^ to emerge regional champion.^ j/ CVBANO’S N08E-0ohn Teeilwisscn has been tapped for the part of Cyrano in Waterford Township High School’s forthcoming production of the same name. Oatairing with him as fralUc ertu PiMta Roxanne is Sandy MacAhee. John’s real noae doesn’t quite fill' the part (for which he is thankful), so Sandy is giving him a helping hand with a fake schnozzolla. The regiaoal rbamploiM wlU go | OB to debate other regtoaal rkaw- • pkMs la the eoateol lor Hnt place la the otete. Participating schools, besida Waterford, will be Lansing 'Saat-era and four Flint high schools,-Kearaley, Mandaville. Northerrf and Central. Waterford High sophomores are preparing for the annual Valen-; tine dance, (lipid's CUq>er. to be held on Feb. 13. General chairman for the event is Sally Hickimn, sophomore dass vice president. ; Committee chairmen are Barbara Herrmann, publicity; Sand/” Runyon, decorations; Gary Gam. mage, relreshments; Rick Biggers, band; and Jeff Bergeman. cleanup. 11 Band Seats By PAULETTE KIMBALL Clarkston High School filled 221 chairs tn the Wayne-Oakland j last season are Skip Bonner. Gkwia Klemm, Bob Lawson, Marleen Payne. Georgia Merkel, Doug St. Clair, Diann Williams and Richard Mansfield. ! Placing for their third year in a I )w is Tim Jockwig, a junior. These members Joined with the in presenting the winter concert, Director of the production t The Student Council has decided that wearing of die schod colors, blue and gold, on the days of varsity games should be established as tradition. St. Ffed Students Take Aptitude Tests By PAT VILLELLA The Michigan Employment Security Commission has given an occupational aptitude test to students at St. Frederick School. The examinations were admib-istered to help the students choose a vocation. They determine what sort of work the student would be suited for and. his preference. Those taking the aptitude test were Becky Pineau, Ck>nnie Cro-zier, Becky Sclesky, Peggy Rochon, Pat Villella, Joan Ferron, Dick Warrilow, Jim Zanoni, Ronnie Naccaroto. Joe. Landry, Mike Fraser, Joe Keller and Rudy Chamaro. The junior class took the intelligence teat which places the otu-in rank of I. Q. with his fellow students. * Hammers, Saws Play Busy Tune at W. Bloomfield Igh ■ing By DODI DWYER The West Bloomfield H School walls echoed to the of hammers and buzzing of as workmen complete the ne brary. By adding an adjacent i room to the present library, seating capacity has been doubled. New booksheivcu knve been the toange l^uiirs have been pnr- There are two popular pastimes for the seniors at West Bloomfield High these days. One Is the exchanging of senior pictures and the~other is talking over plana for their senior trip. The trip will take them to New York City where they wHl see the sights and visit the many famous landmarks. Bridal Registry The personal service eoch bride requires for easy selections. Diamonds, silver, kitchenware, stainless. We will list her selections and keep her records on file for your con- TRULY NEW! WEDDING "MEMORY CHESr Sentimental as the Wedding Itself! EVERY BRtDE WILL SWCXJN with delight to have such an exquisite "home" for all those treasured wedding momentos she wants to cherish forever! Most etichantirtg Birde Gift in 25 years! One look and you'll agree it’s perfect! LOANED OUT by Reservotion Leorsard’s will gladly loan this punch sat . . . FREE OF CHARGE. ... to any civic, church,, or educational group vvho desirt to use It ... we request that you make your reservations early. 16 quart bowl decorated with reproduction Lion Mask handles . . . 19" serving tray ... 12 punch cups ... . and a double lipped "Funch" ladle . . . every part of this set has many special. UMS. too! Finest Quality Gourment Cook Ware "Fl»tta Ware" baked enamel on heavy gauge eiainless steel it easily maintained and no cleaning is necessatyl Gives even heat diftnbution on llpme or electric. Always Open Stock Available hr Addition ol Matched Pieces) AT OUR NEW LOCATION 45 N. Saginaw Downtown Pontiac TWENTV^TWO THE PONTIAC PRESS. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1960 Ima Wa^Mut deacribed an un-IThe average woman who goes on| There are 5,996 bridges in the poiadar clubwoman; “She hat a a diet would like to lose ten Califoniia atate highway system, smile like a cnqxtruit knile — pounds, so she can brag she the California Public Works Dept, round, sharp and Jagged" . . . .Ilost 30. — Earl Wilson. Ireports. Episcopalians N6S MORE FOR YOUR ]HO]\EY 1. 3*/*% RETI/RY Paid semi-annually on your investment. Savings placed before the 10th of the month earn from the first I SAFETY Every account is insured to $10,000 by an agency of the United States Government COmEmEYCE Four offices to serve you. Save-by-Mail Service. Drive-in Window and Free Parking at the rear of the Home Office and Drayton Plains Branch. Pontiac Federal SaYingsi Home Office: 716 W. Huron Street __ Downtown Office ^ 16 E. Lawrence St. Rochester Branch 407 Main St 4416 Digie Highway — Drayton Plains to Pick Bishop Would Serve in Huron District of Michigan's! 33-County Diocese DETROIT (UPD-The Episcopal Diocese of Michigan will call a special convention in May to elect a second suffragan bhdxv. The rapidly growing diocese covers 33 countiea, The action was approved Wednesday at the 127Ui annual convention of the diocese. The new suffragan would serve the Huron District of the diocese. The diocese now has one suffragan, Rt. Rev. Archie H. Howeley, in addition to Bishop Richard S. Emrich. The Huron Di$trict is now being administered by Archdeacon The convention new members to the executive dl. They were Rev. T. Edward Bennett, St. Paul Church, Port Huron; Rev. Frederick W. Brownell, St. Paul Church, Jack-son; Rev. WUliam S. Logan, St. Martin Church, Detroit; E. J. Bi^in, Saginaw; Orville B. Eus-tis, Alpena; and Frederic S. Glover Jr., Groaae He. Committee Okays Milk Fund Hike Bill WASHINGTON W-The House Agricultdiv Comniittee has unanimously approved a bill authorizing more nurney for the schod milk program. The bill provides for an increase [ from 81 to 85 million doUart fori the year ending June 30. In the year starting July 1, the increase' would be from 84 to 85 mttlion f direct up to 15 million appropriation. The direct appropriaUen provision was approved despite objections from the Agriculture Department. The increased authorizations were proposed because the expanding school milk program has spread available funds so thin that children are laced with increased prices of one-half cent a half pint. Wage Floor Hearing Set WASHINGTON (UPI) — The| House Labor Standards Subcommittee will bpen hearings the week’ |Of Feb. IS on bills to raise the $1| I minimum wage. The first witness j will be Secretary of Labor JamCi$ P. Mitchell. VALI/£^ smmiART Gins FOR YOUR VALENTINE at SHAWS Nationolly- Fomout Watches .™. »14»« Newest styles tor merv and Choose now tor greater-than-ever values. REMEMBER VALENTINE'S DAY IS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14th DIAMOND DUO 7-DIAMONDS *89“ Man's DIAMOND ’75" Diomond ONYX sji *29“ Lady's Birthstone 50c a $A95 Watk 9 LADY'l CAMEO POCKET RADIO Man's JEWELRY *12* iu *18" *l"«p PENDANTS 97*-*159" Cultured peari and diamond pend-at^, the pertact Valerttinc gitt tor your lady love. Choose from our complete aelecthm. 24 NORTH SAGINAW ‘MICHIGANS LARGEST JEWELERS^ PorHm Stats Bask Blig. NEW WORLDS UNFOLD A hobby can be a world in itself... a world where a rnan loses himself for a few minutes or Q few hours, then return to his job and his responsibilities relaxed and refreshed. Few things are as satisfying as watching a model ship come into being under one's own creative hands, seeing a collection of coins or stamps grow into completion, discovering the satiny beauty of a piece of wood emerge os he works magic on an old piece of furniture. There's Q world of satisfaction in working at a hobby . . i and a world of hobby equipment to be found doily in the Want Ads. Read the Want Ads now ... discover for yourself the wonderful bargains that will contribute to youi* hobby world! CALL FE 2-8181 PONTIAC PkESS WANT ADS THE rONTlAC PRESS. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 5. 1960 ; 1,527\million pounds of, menhanden wet« taken in 19S6. L C. WILLIAMS Salesman SEE US FOR EXPERT SERVICE ON • CHEVROLET • PONTIAC • BUICK *15 Minutes from Pontiac* Homei Right Motois I0< S. WASHINGTON ON M-24, OXFORD FHONi OA 8-2528 OPEN B0WLIN6 Daily 'HI 5 P. M. 3 LINES $1.00 Fra* Bowling Instructions Doily MOTOR INN RECREATION Mard 8Ma. 1* S. Perry PE S-60I2 Pontiac Central Returns to SVC Cage Wars By BILL CORNWELL The won-lost column wouldn't seem to warrant it, but Flint Contral deserves Pontiac Central’s a mplete respfect tonight when the two Saginaw Valley Conference basketball teams square off the PCH gym at 8 o’clock. Coach Joe Dowdy’s Indians are having one of the worst seasons in the school's history. They’re mired in the Saginaw Valley cellar with a 1-6 record and their over-all mark is 1-9. Bay City has been their lone win. Yet they pose a great danger to the Chiefs, who perch proudly, on top of the Valley standings with five victories la sU starts. Although they’ve been losing steadily, the Indians have shown marked improvement in every game. Tuesday they dropped a 54-52 decision to city rival North- NCAA Meets Again on Feb. 22-23 Claims St. Louis Bid Grid TV Action Deferred Holds. 'High Priority' CHICAGO (AP) — Action on a 196041 NCAA football TV program which will feature either a national-regional plan or a split-national schedule, has been deferred until Feb. 22-JQ. ’The NCAA Television Committee ended a 2V4 days meeting yesterday and will convene again on 'Any Deer Season' Facing New Attack i LANSING (UPI1—A bipartisan imove has started in the house to jhalt Michigan’s "any deer" sea- A number of lawmakers, Including four members of the conservation conunlttee, filed for ontn> ductlon a Wll to take away the conservation commission’s discro-jtionary power over the deer herd. : "The conservation department lhas gone too far,” said Rep. Dominic Jacohetti (D-Negaunee). "Too many fawns and does are being killed." i ’Three other members of the imittee. Reps. Waiter Nakkula | meeting in a letter to the United Nations truce supervision organization chief of staff, Nor--way's Gen. Cari Carlson von Horn. The Israeli i^le left much latitude for the calling of s parley “at any time or any place within the procedures of the mixed anniatice commission or otherwise, to discuss peace, complete peace, or If not that to discuss means of preserving quiet 1 ‘ MARKETS IStock Market Stays Uncertain The following are top prfcm covering sales of locally grown troduce brought to the Farmer's Market by growers and sold by hem in wholesale package lots. Quotations are furnished by the >troit Bureau of Markets, as of Monday. Detroit Produce I. Osltclous. Su..................S4 0S The letter, considered by Israel to be imnsually conciliatory, at a time when both Israeli and S.vrian forces from the United Arab Republic remained Watchful standoff along the tense demilitarized zone border, scene of nine days of sporadic^ fighting in both north and south. Burroughs Co.poration Shifting Key Personnel DETROIT WV—Burroughs Corp makers of data processing equipment. today announced four key personnel changes in a major reorganizMion program. President Ray R, Eppert said the Burroughs Division and Elec-iroData Division are being discontinued as organizational uni's. The marketing activities >of these divisions will be joined in a new division—equipment and systems marketing. A * ★ Keji. T. Bement. general sales manager of the Burroughs Division, has been promoted to vice president of marketing as head of ihe new division. J. R. Bradhum, vice president and general manager of the ElectroData Division, has been named vice president of manufacturing and engineering. ★ . w * C E. Schneider, vice president and general manager of the Burroughs Division, has* been ap-iwinled vice president and group executive of the graphics systems group and general manager of the Todd Co. Division. Dr. Irven Travis, staff vice president of search and engineering, has 'oeen named vice president of research. $2,000 Damage in Fire of Waterford Garage Damages were estimated at more than $2,000 in a garage fire last night at the home of Richard G. Gall, 889 S. Winding St.. Water-lord Township, according to township firemen. The $1,000 structure burned to the ground. Damage to contents, which included a washer, dryer, and freezer, was extimaW to be ai least $1,200. The blaze was discovered by a passing newspaper delivery boy. •cUt«; (teadj to Me hlfher: bulU . lover: lead prime Ml lb. yeorllni iteere MM; load hleh cholM to primt around IIM lb. atoert M.M; moat choica i*---- MJS-M.M: good to low choice i •'•• M.SS; atandard to lo good i 33.M; utility tteera 1790-t_____ good ond cholct hollori ll.M-M.M: -----lot high choice to prune IMl Ib. hellera M.T9; atandard to iov^ood hclf-era ll.OP-n.M: ntlHty helfera II.OO-IO.M: utility cova ll.M-lf.M. fev up to It SO. connera and eutura 13.M-lt.M: utility bulla It.M-ll.M: cuttor bulla Ig.M-KOO Vealera—Compartd laat week jteady j etrong: moat cboleo ond prime eealera 15.MI-43.M; atapdard^f-" -........... II.M: cull and utIUty I________ ■ fact week daughter atandard^and nod M.M-_____Bd utIUty II.M-M.N. Shaep—Compared fact week ------------ lambe JS-SOc higher; altughter lower: moat good ond choice woaieu lamba 110 lb. down 10.50-ll.1t: uttUty to good vooled Iambi I1.t0-I0.l0; moat good ond choice shorn Iambi No. I and 1 peiu 100 Ib. down lO.tO-lO.M: cuU to choice daughter ewey g.oO-0.00. Today’s recelota' COttla MO calvea It, -- ItO. sheep IM. . Not enouih early Livestock DETXOIT LIVISTOCK DITROrr. Feb. 4 (AFl—Cetlle-Com- paiwd last Vaek, chalee daughter . —hetteri active, atrent to moil oatabllah trend. Poultry and Eggs OETROIT POl'lTRT DETROIT. Feb. 4 (APi—Prlcei .. pound f. o. b. Detroit lor No. 1 duality llvt poultry; Heary type hent :3-30: light type nena .. heavy typa roasters over I fba. 3t-3gti: heavy type broncri and fryeri 3-4 be. whltis 31-M: Barred Rocks 23-33; ducklings M: htavy ducks 10. DETROIT. Pah. 4 (APi-tgoa f Detroit to caoo lota (edoral-atata :i and commerclaUy oombtnad; NEW YORK (ft- The stock market continued in an uncertain mood early today as prices moved unevenly in slack trading. Changes of roost key stocks were narrow, going to about a point either way. Motors were the moNi active group and maintained a Niight upulfle etige. Steels were mostly lower, rails mixed. Coppers were mainly higher. Anaconda and Kennecott showing plus signs as copper rose sharply the London Metal Elxchange. Phelps Dodge, an exception, off about a point. American Motors when - issued stock based on the 3-for-l stock split continued active and was fractionally higher. American Motors regular rose more than a point in further response to the raised dividend on the new shares. Brunswick - Balke remained in active demand and was fractionally higher as merger rumors tinued. ★ ♦ ♦ Atlantic Coast Line expanded its recent advance by about a point as brokers talked of possible tax relief in the sale of the road't Florida land. International Paper and Anier-Irnn Tobacco (ex dividend) were, down more than a point apiece. Jones A Laughlin and U.8. Gypsum dipped about a poiat each. Moderate gains included Merck, Santa Fe, American smelting. Boeing. Douglas Aircraft. General Dy-nambics, Woolworth and U.S. Rubber. Prices were mixed in an active opening with the ticker tape late briefly. Opening blocks ipciuded; Bruns-wick-Balke, up % at 58% on 7.000 shares; General Motors unchanged on 6,000; and American Telephone up % at 82% on 2,500. New York Stocks I Lite Morning quotsUonii res alKr decimal poInU ara eigbthi. ral .... 30 3 John* Man .4* 1 Ch .. 913 Jonet A L .. 14.4 I Stri .. M Krnnecott . ttl.t Chal .... 31 KImb Clk . . 04.t Ltd ... 33.4 Kruer.......31.9 ti.iii- ao.t LOP Olaie ... S1.0 40.9 Lib McNAL . 10 53 Lockh Alrc M.l . to 4 Loew'i Inc--31.9 39.9 Lone 8 Cem 31.3 - - Lorlllard " ’ Whttaa-Orade lumbo 33-39; extra - medium 39-31; —Orade A larga 31; i Chevy Slows Up Due to Strike Overtime Across U.S. Canceled as 10,000 Stay Out at Flint FLINJ (it—A strike of some 10,-000 UnitM Auto Workera here has forced General Motors to schedule production cutbacks at Chevrolet and Fisher Body planU. Saturday overtime was canceled at eight Chevrolet and Fisher Body plants across the country, affect-ii« some 31.500 workers. The plants Baltimore, Framingham. Janesville, Wis.; Kansas Ctty;. St. Louis; Norwood, Ohio; Los Angeles; and Willow Run, Mich. I Student With Instinct l Meanwhile. negotiator.a a^eed to IMITORD. C»n. KS HONORED-Sume 200 friends and former workers of retired county road commissioner Lee 0. Brooks turned out at the Pontiac Elks Temple last night to pay tribute to Brooks for his 22 years on.the Road Commission. The retiree, also known for his long work with PmiIUc Press PhsU the Boy Scouts of America, greets Eklward Le-land (center), scout executive for the Ointon Valley Council, and Sol D. Lomerson, road c«n-missioner. Brooks, who retired last Dec. 31 due to ill health, received a portable radio from members of the Commission. Wasn*t Conniving in Divorce Case Gambles Grandmother Is 'Not Guilty' NEW YORK (API—A judge hasiwent into State Supreme Courtifree to remain in hiding. .She and Thursday with a habeas corpus!her daughter are residing some-petition accusing Katherine (Jed-j where on Staten Island, des Benedict, the grandmother, of! Earlier, in a surprise aotion, secluding Helma (Mady) Porum-iMrs. Porumbeanu sued her hus-beanu, 33, and their child, Gigi, 11.1 band for a separation and charged ★ A * jhim with ‘brazenly’’ conducting Mrs. Benedict testified she had an affair with a teen-ager, nothing to do with Mrs, Porum- 2 Other Unions Want Mediation Board's OK' to Drop Jurisdiction CHICAGO (UPIl-The Firemen’s! nd Switchmen’s unions today awaited National (railway) Mediation Board action on their requests that it relinquish jurisdiction and offer government arbitration in their wage disputes with the railroads. * A A The 12,000-membcr Switchmen's Union of North America started mailing out strike ballots yesterday as the powerful Brotherhood of Ixv comotive i:nglneer8 (BLEi agreed to let arbitrators settle its wage controversy with the carriers. The Brotberbood of Locomotive Firemen and Engineroeo (BLFK), which hat never accepted arbitration In n national wage dispute since the Railway Labor Act was passed In 1K6, withheld ady strike vote action pending a mediation tNiard withdrawal from its caae. _________ . . . .1 The Switchmen continued to ne- CIIICAGO an.vthlag that would compromise the Engineers’ caae before the arbitrators." The railroads’ demands for major work rules changes, still in negotiation at the individual railroad level, affect the firemen more vitally than any other operating (on-train) brotherhood. AAA If the carriers win their point,' 1 estimated 35.1X10 firemen’s jobs could be wiped out as unnecessary. Rail labor peace still was threatened by wage disputes involving the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen. the order of railway conductors and brakemen, and 16 unions of nonoperating (off-train) workers. All were marking time in mediation. Gray Will Resign Top Spot in Union MIAMI BEACH (UPIl-Rlchard J. Gray announced by "letter yesterday he is resigning March »1 as president of the AFL-CIO Building and Construction Trades Department. The 7.3-year-old Gray, often a controversial, figure in the tabor movement, gave poor health and advancing age as the reasons for retirement. He held the post 17 years. it was reported that James L. Me Pevitt, a Democrat w)ho directs the AFL-CIO committee on political education, is a candidate to become Gray's successor. AMC U^s Dividend PETROIT (^American Motors Corp. announced a 25 cent quarterly dlviderid yesterday. The stock was split three tor one at a stockholders’ meeting Wednesday and this would make the dividend _________ „ worth $3 a share per year on the we’ll inhale plenty of fresh air and j old AMC stock, compared with the Canada is absorb plemy of sunshine.’’ ' l$2.40 dividend last year. provinces. Vemor died in 1957. leaving Ihe home and property to his wife of five years. Frank J. Ortman, executor of the estate, recommended the sale on grounds that the property was the only tangible assets left in Vernor’s estate. Probation of it is in the final stages. Society Beauty to Join Billy Graham in Africa NEW YORK (UPI) — Mrs. Etoanor Searle Whitney, divorced wile of Cornelius Vanilerbllt Whitney, will Join the stall of evangelist Billy Graham (or the remalniler of his crusade for Christ In Africa, It was learned today. A spokesman for (he nationally known aoeiety beauty said she probably would asidst the Kev. Dr. Graham as a member of his music staff. The evangelist has Just (tompleted a tour of Nigeria, and Mrs. Whitney has reached Caicntta on her may to Join him. \mr.,.. MOLSONS I hi \ yui i^nunhitu r,{i/c m Bar iCANADIAN] ^ lager beer ^ Sold in Oakland County ot your tavern, beer and food store. DiMitibutod hr Pfeiffer-Oakland Distributors 93S Ftatberttona Rd. Roetiac, Michigan FI 8.456S Humphrey Starts Bill for U.S. Peace Agency WASHINGTON (UPI) — Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey (D-MliUi) has called (or creattoo of a new fetleral peace agency to "deal with the problems of aiAlevlag peace." He made the pica yesterday after Introducing in the Senate a bill to establish the ageAc.y.’ The bill Is similar to one Introduced last ,vear In the House. BASKETBALL TONIGHT Pontiac Central Chiefs vs. Flint Central Indians HERE Hear the Exciting Piey.byPloy with CHUCK LEWIS ol 7;S5 r.M. a d e up of 12 1460 on Your Diol