IP'S All five were charged with conspiracy to extort, whicfT carries ' ^ ' IBSSDinnr penalty of 20 years in prison. All stood mute and were released cm erf Vietnam. France likely VOL. 120 - - NO. 84 ASSOCIATED PRESS -» V UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL li -40 PAGES 10c 150 S. Viets, 6 Americans Feared Dead in Air Crash The Weather U. S. Wtalhtr Buriau Ptrscnl Showers, Warmer (OtlBllB PBf# II min? lxllj PONTIAC PRESS PONTIAC, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 14. 1908 Home Edition SAIGON (AP) - About 150 South Vietnamese and six Americans are believed to have been killed in the crash of a C130 cargo plane at the Kham Due Special Forces camp, military spokesmen said today. The four-engine transport was downed by North Vietnamese fire Sunday as it sought to evacuate South Vietnamese irregulars and their families from the besieged camp, which later fell to the Communists. The North Vietnamese also downed three other U. S. planes,' including another C130, and five helicopters in the attack. If the 156 deaths are confirmed, the toll would be more than triple the worst previous crash of the Vietnam war and would also exceed the world’s worst civilian aviation disaster, the collision of two airliners over New York City on Dec. 16, 1960, in which 130 persons were killed. CREWMEN ESCAPE The second C130 lost was just landing to pick up government troops when it was hit by antiaircraft fire. The six American crewmen aboard escaped but the plane was destroyed. Kham Due ft 350 miles northeast of Saigon, about 30 miles southwest of Da Nang, and 13'/i miles from the Laotian border. American B52 bombers continued today to pound the enemy troops around the camp, which was abandoned over the weekend. In the Saigon area, the mopup of Vietcong and North Vietnamese forces oentinued in the after-math of the Communist offensive last week, and allied forces reported killing 226 enemy outside the capital yesterday. ★ ★ ★ The 030 in which there was such a large loss of life was shot doyrn Sunday during the removal from Kham Due of the camp’s garrison of civljlfln if“ regulars, their families, the U.S. Green Beret troops who led them and South Vietnamese army troops ^stationed there. “The best we can figure is that it was a full load,’’ said one U.S. source. “We figure a full load of South Vietnamese on a C130 is about 150 persons. There seem to be no survivors.” it it ★ The U.S. Command announced earlier that the plane’s six American crewmen and an unknown number of South Vietnamese were killed. Other Americans could have been aboard, but it was believed mpsi or all of the passengers were Vietnamese. it it it , The plane reportedly was hit as it was taking off, crashed^ into the side of a mountain and exploded. Loan Shark Raid Nets 5 VITO GIACALONE ANTHONY GIACALONE Five Hurt in Detroit March DETROIT (ff) — Five persons in the Midwest contingent of the Poor People's March on Washington were injured yesterday — none seriously — as'Detroit mounted police moved into a group of about 100 protesting police efforts to remove a stalled automobile. The injuries came as a dozen of the horsemen reportedly rode into a group of about 15 marchers — including Milwaukee civil rights leader father James Groppi — in front of Detroit’s Cobo Hall. ’ A march leader, Abraham Rice of Chicago, said he had been ordered by police to move the stalled communications car, equipped with a public address system. When police tried to move in with a tow truck to remove the car, he ordered a group of marchers to surround it. Then, Rice said, police moved in with clubs swinging. About 1,000 marchers, visibly angered by the incident, returned by bus to an inner city church “to sit and talk shop about what we’re going to do.” About 200 police reinforcements quickly arrived, but they stood back while Southern Christian Leadership Conference marshals moved marchers back inside Cobo Hall. ★ ★ ★ The crowd at the downtown rally dwindled from maximum strength of about 3,500 to about 1,000 when some of the march participants began tearing legs from folding- tables to use as makeshift weapons. Marshals persuaded them to drop the table legs and there were no further incidents SURPRISE VISIT Detroit Mayor Jerome P. Cavanagh paid a surprise visit to the marchers as they gathered outside Blessed Sacrament Cathedral for a march down Woodward Avenue to Cobo Hall. ★ ★ . ★ “I hope your campaign has an impression on the Congress,” Cavanagh said. A spokesman for the marchers said “this is the first time .we have willingly been given some kind of. recognition by. officials.” GROSSE POINTE (AP) - Five men — including at least two purported Mafia leaders — were arraigned today in Grosse Pointe Municipal Court on charges stemming from what Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley described as “a large-scale loan shark racket.” released cm bonds ranging from $2,500 to $10,000 to await preliminary examination. Kelley identified the men as Anthony Giacalone, 49, and Vito (Billy) Giacalone, 45, brothers, of Grosse Pointe Shores; Bernie Marchesani, 44, of Roseville; James Karalla, 34, and Clarence Stephan, 42, both of Detroit. Kelley said the five were arrested today as the result of a six-month investigation by his organized crime division into a large-scale loan shark racket. The Giacalone brothers have been identified as alleged Mafia connection in U.S. Senate Rackets Committee testimony. ★ ★ ★ Named as a coconspirator with the five was Robert Dunaway, 37, who was charged with murder in. the slaying of Sam Dimaggio, 57, of Sterling Township. Three other men- previously were charged in the murder of Dimaggio, who was taken from his home and beaten to death. ‘LOAN SHARK VICTIM’ Dimaggio was described by police as a loan shark victim. Dunaway, a Detroit bar owner, toas found murdered last week in Atlanta, Ga. His body was found in the trunk of a parked car with license plates tracked back to Detroit The five were rounded up in a dawn raid by members of the attorney general’s criminal investigation staff, State Police, Sterling Township police and Grosse Pointe detectives. Kelley said the investigation is continuing and more arrests are expected. The attorney general -said the loan shark racket involved loans made at a rate of anywhere from 1 to 5 per cent a week interest. ~ OFFICIAL WELCOME-Detroit Mayor Jerome Cavanagh talks with Abraham (Barracuda) Rice, Chicago’leader of the Poor People's March, as its Midwest contingent prepared to march to Cobo Hall'last night. The army ftiajor’a rank Rice Paris Diplomats Face Big Task PARIS (AP) — The first positions taken by the United States and North Vietnam in the Paris cease-fire talks suggest that only the patient, skillful diplomacy of compromise can eventually bring peace to the war ravaged provinces will have a ★ * * On the surface, the first exchange -Gkwds^hovec. Pontiac Praia Phata by Rolf Wlirtar ■ftaJBanilac, horizon at ,$ patiently waiting for a blazing red sunset illuminating another power source to take its bows and for night to make its entrance. The Press’ roving photographer caught this scene at Orchard Lake and Telegraph roads. He used a Nikon camera at 1/60 of a second at f.8 using Panatomic-X film, a 200 mm lens and a red filter. between Ambassador W. Averell Harriman and Ambassador Xuan Thuy produced, a solid deadlock. They disagreed totally on new moves to scale down the fighting. But neither delegation seems to accept this deadlock as final; it is regarded rather as a start toward bargaining. ★ ★ ★ The two positions on this and other issues were staked out at Monday’s opening session in a 4,000-word speech in Vietnamese by Xuan Thuy and an 1,800-word speech by Harriman. Thuy spoke first at Hardman’s suggestion. After three hours of speechmaking and translations in the International Conference Center’s grand salon, Harriman reluctantly agreed to the North Vietnamese proposal to skip a meeting today and hold the second session tomorrow morning. ★ ★ ★ Xuan Thuy said there should be time to consult with the governments back home. U.S. officials speculated that he wanted to give leaders in Hanoi time to study Harriman’s statement and send new instructions if they thought it necessary. AP WlrlphotB wears on his lapels identifies him as a march leader. “I hope yonr campaign has an impression on Congress,” Cavanagh said. Sales Period Tops for Pontiac Div. Pontiac Motor Division today reported sales of 41,011 for the May 1-10 period, the highest 10-day totgl for the division in the 1968 model year. According to Thomas L. King, Pontiac’s general sales manager, it also marked only the fourth time in the division’s 42-year history that sales have exceeded 41,000 for any 10-day period. ‘ - ” ■ -------------------. “We are extremely pleased w*9i our dealers’ sa+ee performance. Okir op-timistic outlook for a seventh consecutive record year has been bolstered by a rejuvenated economy and a new wave of consumer confidence,” King said. Since the first of the year, a total of 324,507 1968 models have been sold. This compares to 298,644 in the same period last year. Rain May Linger Until Tomorrow The weatherman predicls showers be-ginning today will continue until late tonight or early tomorrow morning. The afternoon will be partly cloudy with temperatures warm, tjie high in the 70s. The low is expected to register 50 to 54 tonight. ★ ★ ★ The outlook for Thursday is partly cloudy and a little cooler. Morning winds southeasterly at 15 to 2§ miles per hour will become southwest to west tonight. it it it Precipitation probabilities in per cent are; today 70,*. tonight 60 and tomorrow 40. A mild 48 w«s the low temperature in downtown Pontiac prior to 8 a.m. At 2 p.m. the mercury stood at 56. r AFL-CIO Is Ready to Suspend UAW WASHINGTON (AP) - The AFL-CIO is ready to suspend Walter Reuther’s big United Auto Workers union in an historic labor split that could spell trouble for the White House bid of Hubert H. Humphrey. AFL-CIO President George Meany, who founded the 14-million-member labor federation with Reuther 13 years ago, said Monday the UAW will be suspended if it doesn’t pay up back dues by tomorrow. This is an unlikely prospect in view of the vote by the 1.5-million-member UAW to stop monthly dues payments. * * * “This is not an expulsion, it is a withdrawal’v by the UAW, Meany said. Referring to Reuther, Meany said, “He’s taking this method of withdrawing.” In Detroit, UAW Vice President Leonard Woodcock said his union will not seek to halt the threatened suspension. ‘JUST AS GLAD’ “I’m just as glad the AFL took this Humphrey Asks position," he said without elaboration. The imminent suspension climaxes a two-year fight between Meany and Reuther. It also appears certain to further fracture organized labor’s once united political front into partisan camps pitting supporters of Vice President Humphrey supporters against backers of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy for the Democratic presidential nomination. The 73-year-old Meany is committing the giant labor federation’s total political support to Humphrey. ( Reuther, 60, is reported leaning toward Kennedy. ★ ★ ★ Meany concedes the AFL-CIO can’t deliver a bloc labor vote, and the schism with Reuther is believed likely to further the straying of many younger union members toward the political camps of Kennedy or Sen. Eugene McCarthy, D-Minn. Meany said he had no choice under the AFL-CIO’s constitution, which Reuther helped write, but to declare the Auto Workers suspended for falling three months-b e hind in dues effective tomorrow. . LANSING OP) — Vice President Hubert Humphrey told the Michigan Legislature today that “soft and sentimental politics” are dangerous while the war con-tinues in Vietnam. In remarks to a joint legislative session, the Democratic presidential contender said, “So long as there is war or the threat of war, there is special need for the hardest and most responsible searching for the elusive answer to mankind's mdst insistent dream—which is peace." ★ ★ * Humphrey, who flew into Lansing’s ralnyTapftal Cify Airporl and lateT met Republican Gov. George Romney in his office, also told the Legislature that a favorite goal of Romney’s»— federal-state revenue sharing — requires “a long and careful look.” ' “Tax sharing is not a panacea," Hum-' phrey said. “It should not be oversimplified. It is worth serious consideration and thorough debate, and I propose to add it in the dialogue of the next few months.” , ★ -it it Romney, a candidate for the GOP presidential nomination until his withdrawal Feb. 29, long has called for the federal government to return part of. its tax revenues to the states without earmarking. Press Area News Candidates, issues listed for | school elections — PAGE A-4. | Track Meet___________ Pontiac Central thinclads race S past PNH Huskies-PAGE B-l. J Primary flection West Virginia voters to pick convention delegates today — -PAGE A-7. Area News ................A-4 | Astrology B-6 Bridge ...................B-6 Crossword Puzzle ........D-ll | Comics ......./.. ........B-6 | Editorials ...............A-6 Education Series ........ A-6 High School .........D-l, D-2 Markets ........,.........D-3 Obituaries ....-j.........B-8 Picture Page ...............W Sports B-l—B-4 Theaters .,............. B-7 TV and Radio Programs ..D-ll Wilson, Earl .............B-7 Women’s Pages .......A-9—A-Il TI1E PONTIAC PKKSS. TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1968 -Housing Debate Set to Resume Today LANSING (AP) — With more than 60 amendments pending to the controversial, Senate-passed open housing bill, the House was expected to take up the issue again late today. Three weakening amendments to the measure were defeated yesterday, but one change would have the bill outlaw racial or religious discrimination in sale or rental of all but a few types of housing. Notably exempted would be rental of rooms in a private house occupied by the owner. HAROLD M. PROVIZER Detroit Attorney Seeks Election, to OCC Board A Detroit attorney is one of 13 candidates who will be on the June 10 ballot ,for Oaklahd Community College Board of Trustees. Three people will be elected to six-year terms. Harold M. Provizer, 32, of 20690 Winchester, Southfield, is the senior partner in a law firm which specializes in labor law and personal injury litigation. He began his law career after graduating from Wayne State University Law School in 1960. ..... A native of Detroit who came to Southfield two years'ago, Provizer is a member of the Kiwanis and Southfield Jaycees in addition to several law associations. He is married. His statement: “I believe in a community school. It is our responsibility in Oakland County to see that the school serves the purposes of the Oakland County students whd for varied reasons find it impossible financially or scholastically to attend one of our big state universities. * “Secondly, I believe in continued growth of file school both in quantity and quality of education offered. TOKYO (AP) — Japan has asked the Commission would arrive in Japan . “It is the responsibility of the school to United States to keep its nuclear sub- tomorrow to help the Japanese scfen- 1 HI1.juiai'mes- awray ‘milM’ '"iHvggHigmiBrR.near.tists’-hwegtigatr1 the.came ’ up. aie.hw. Beaten back yesterday as the House took up the housing bill were proposals to exempt all one-family houses (defeated 17-59), homes owned by the same person at least five years (44-44) and homes sold or rented without the aid of realtors or units in buildings designed for four or fewer families, including the owner (40-42). * * * ★ “I don’t think if someone owns a homo —and I don’t care if it’s five days or 50 years—that we should write into this bill that he has a right to discriminate/’ said Rep, Melvin De Stigter, R-Hudson-ville, chairman of the House Civil Rights Committee which reported out the bill. 'THIS IS MICHIGAN’ Rep. George Edwards, D-Detroit, called on members to “realiafe that this is the 20th century and that this is Michigan and not South Africa.” Approved 50-39 was an amendment stating that in any bias proceeding before the State Civil Rights Commission, the person accused in the complaint would be guaranteed all rights, privileges and safeguards that he would enjoy in a criminal proceeding. ★ ★ ★ Any amendment put qn the bill during the current general orders debates — which feature unlimited debate and nonroll call votes—could be challenged when the measure is moved into position for final action, probably later this week. In that case, it wouKTTtrke 55 votes in the 109-member chamber to uphold the amendments previously made. At the same time, any amendment defeated on general orders may be reoffered later. ANNUAL INCREASES The House also approved bills allowing annual pay increases for county drain commissioners, requiring delegates t o county fall political conventions. to receive at least three election votes, increasing probate court power to detain juveniles over 15, and transferring the Highway Department’s weightmaster division to the State Public Service Commission. - - ★ . Jk \ .. „ . . In the Senate, a controversial court reorganization bill was advanced to third reading following brief debate on several amendments. ★ ★ ★ Other bills advanced to final stage in' the upper chamber included a measure calling for a statewide referendum on Nov. 5 to decide whether the state should issue $335 million bonds to finance sewage treatment plants and other water pollution abatement facilities. The upper chamber also passed to third reading a bill designed to improve tenant’s and landlord’s rights, require motorcyclists to wear crash helmets and for registration of snowmobiles. Until Contamination Probe Ends Japan Bars U.S. Nuclear Subs -J^H| CHRISTOPHER C. BROWN 4th Candidate Seeks Pontiac School Position communitywide educational purposes “In Oakland County, a community college should mean a strong positive tie with education.” Area Man Dies in 1-Car Crash An Ortonville man was killed early today when the car he was driving careened off a utility pole on M15 north of Granger Rd. Oakland County sheriff’s deputies said Joseph L. Koslowski, 55, of 35 S. Harrin died about 3:45 a.m. ★ ★ ★ Koslowski apparently lost control of his vehicle on a curve and ran off to the right, striking the pole, deputies said. The car then crossed the road to the left, rammed into a creek bank some 500 feet from the utility pole and flipped over, according to investigators. Oakland Highway Toll in '68 40 Last Yaar to Data 36 up suspicions that one of them contaminated the waters of a. Japanese port. Chief Cabinet Secretary Toshio Kimura said today the request was made yesterday, the day after the government -scientists said the submarine Swordfish may have caused a radioactivity count 10 to 20 times higher than normal in the waters of Sasebo, site of a U.S. naval base in southern Japan. ★ ★ ★ The scientists added that the reported radioactivity count whs far below the danger level for humans, but initial reports of the possible contamination already have set off new demands from the Socialist opposition that U.S. nuclear-powered ships be barred from Japan. ★ ★ ★ The -U.S. Embassy declined to comment on Kimura’s statement, but the U.S. State and Navy Departments said earlier they were satisfied that the Swordfish was not responsible for the increase in radioactivity. The submarine was at Sasebo, 550 miles southwest of Tokyo, May 2-11 for a rest and recreation leave for the crew. The Japanese nuclear specialists took their radioactivity reading May 6. The State Department said three investigators from the U.S. Atomic Energy creased radioactivity. The. Japanese government welcomed the assistance but stressed that Japan will be “solely responsible for whatever conclusion is to be reached.” Naotsugu Nabeshima, director of the government’s Science and Technology Agency, told newsmen: “We have repeatedly examined the situation in Sasebo, and as of now the only conceivable factor is the Swordfish. We must determine how the high readings were recorded, and for this we needed the U.S. cooperation.” The Weather Full U.S. Weather Bureau Report PONTIAC AND VICINITY — Showers and thundershowers likely and warm today. Highs 71 to 75. Showers ending late tonight or early Wednesday, becoming partly cloudy and warm Wednesday afternoon. Low tonight 50 to 54. Winds southeasterly 15 to 25 miles today, becoming southwest to west tonight. Thursday outlook: Partly cloudy and a little cooler. Precipitation probabilities in per cent: Today 70, tonight 00, tomorrow 40. Today In Pontiac Lowest temperature preceding I a.m ■ *rm.m.: wfiM Vetotity is m.p.h. Direction: Southeast Sun sets Tuesday at 8:44 p.m. Sun rises Wednesday at 6:13 a.m. Moon sets Wedtiesday at a:30 a.m. Moon rises Wednesday at.12:07 a.ft). 4 a 7 a J ? 9 a 10 a Downtown Temperatures Monday in Pontiac (as retarded downtown) Highest lafhddrataf*":: . : .....49 Lowest temperature ............... SO Mean temperature ...... 59.S Weather: Mostly sunny _______________ Monday's Temperatures Alpena 47 43 Duluth M 50 Escanaba 43 40 Port Worth 05 40 Flint 40 49 Jacksonville 93 73 G. Rapids 70 54 Kansas City 77 45 Houghton .. 45 44 Los Angeles 41 CWA Dissidents Agree to Mail Vote DETROIT (AP)—Representatives of the Communications Wqrkers of America and two of its balking local unions agreed yesterday on the international’s polling members of the locals by mail on a new three-year contract the locals previously rejected. U.S. District Judge Thomas P. Thornton then adjourned uptil June 4 a request by the two locals for an injunction to prohibit a second polling of their members. CWA has ordered members of -Local 4000 of Detroit and 4016 of Warren to cast ballots anew by Friday midnight, with the results to be certified Sunday midnight by a public accounting firm. Both locals originally voted against fitting to Michigan Bell Telephone Co. CWA’s national settlement with the Bell system. Local 4000 represents some 5,300 CWA members and 4016 some 2,500. A hearing on the request for injunction had been set for Monday, but Judge Thornton called attorneys for both sides’ into his chambers and asked them to try to work out their differences, saying he would act if they failed to do so. ^"Four^cundktotos 4uwmSMuaiufriMuaB(iu. four-year term on the Pontiac Board of Education. ★ ★ ★ Deadline for filing nominating petitions was yesterday. The election is June 10. ’ Three Oakland' Community College trustees out of a field of 13 candidates will also be elected at that time. ★ ★ ★ ' Filing yesterday was Christopher C. Brown, a self - employed attorney in Pontiac. Brown, 29, of 285 S. Paddock, is a native of Pontiac who started his own general practice here after graduating from the Detroit College of Law in 1966. WAYNE STATE He attended Pontiac Central High School and graduated with a bachelor of arts degree in political science from Wayne State University in 1962. Married with one child, Brown is ac-. tive in the McConnell Elementary School PTA. WWW Other candidates previously announced to run for the seat of James L. Howlett, who has decided not to seek reelection, are: ★ ★ ★ Francis M. Webster Jr., chairman of the school Finance Study Council who lives at 2143 S. Hammond Lake, West Bloomfield Township; Fred M. Crossman, mayor of Sylvan Lake who resides at 2461 Renfrew; and Pontiac Attorney John K. Irwin Jr., 2369 St. Joseph. *. ★ H Entered in a six-man race for two four-year terms on the board Schimmel is director of the Municipal Advisory Council of Michigan, with offices in Detroit. He is a graduate of Pontiac Central High School and Michigan State University where he received a bachelor’s degree in finance. BOND CLUB A former vice president of the Pontiac Jaycees, he also is a member of the Detroit Bond Club. Schimmel is married and the father qf a girl. ★ ★ ★ ■Others seeking a four-year term are Harry L. Smith of 1948 Henbert, West Bloomfield Township; and Philip M. Hampton of 3191 Alco, William D. Motzny of 3078 Grace View, Edward J. Kuhn of 2295 N. Lake Angelus and Frank A. Lane of 5801 Crescent Road, all of Waterford Township. Reapportionment Plan What county district would you be in under the proposed ^apportionment of Oakland County? There are some drastic changes pending with the number on the Board of Supervisors cut from 87 to 27. ' * *_:.......... The Pontiac Press is printing, on Page B-5. a proposed plan. It is being con- Session on Map, Zoning Law Set City commissioners will continue a public hearing on the city’s proposed new zoning ordinance and zoning map at tonight’s meeting in City Hall at 8. Changes in zoning-hr the city in line with actual or expected development, officials said. This is the first major change of the map and ordinance since 1938, they said. The Pontiac Press carried r special supplement April 26 detailing all .the proposed changes. ’’ OTHER BUSINESS Birmingham LOUIS H. SCHIMMEL JR. Two More File for Election in Waterford Twp. Two more candidates filed nominating petitions for the Waterford Township ~~ School District’s June 10 board of education election prior to yesterday’s dsadline. The final two of eight candidates are Mrs. Peggy L. Wood, 30, of 4193 Baybrook and Louis H. Schimmel Jr., 31, of 2776 Woodbine, both of Waterford Tqwnship. - * ir, ★ ★ xj, A housewife and mother of two ; chiMren, Mrs. Wood works part-time-as ~~~a registered .nurse for a Clarks ton pediatrician. She will run against Robert W. Carr, 39, of 6505 Waterford Hill Terrace, Independence Township, for a^ two-year term. OTHER OFFICES Mrs. Wood is the outgoing president of the Waterford Township Jaycee Auxiliary and past president of the Lakeland Nursery. ★ ★ ★ She is a graduate of Bellevue High School and the Bronson Methodist Kalamazoo. .58 Ont Year Ago in Pontiac Highest temperature................57 Lowest temperature ................ 46 Mean temperature 51.5 Weather: Cloudy# rain 1 inch Highest and Lowest Temperatures This Date in H Years • 91 |n. 19$2...... . ,34 in 1910 Houohton Lk. 71 Jackson 71 Lansing Marquette Traverse C. At 1X10061000 Atlanta Bismarck Chicago Cincinnati Denver, Petrpll ‘ . .. 48 Miami Beach 80 75 54 Milwaukee 63 50 73 51 New Orleans 87 74 68 50 New York 65 52 74 52 Omaha 76 53 72 47 Phoenix 83 55 83 64 Pittsburgh 47 5* 70 48 Tampa 88 72 62 58 Seattle 59 50 75 60 Tucson 82 56 65 37 Washington 71 50 Heroes to Be Honored WASHINGTON (AP) - The Pentagon is dedicating a Hall of Heroes with an unprecedented ce remony—the simultaneous presentation of four Medals of Honor—one to a member of each service. Secretary of Defense Clark M.' Clifford was to preside over the ceremony today. tested in the' courts and is not yet official, however. Lynda's Expecting WASHINGTON (UPI) - Lynda Bird Robb, daughter of President Johnson, is expecting her first child in October, the White House announced today,_ . ‘ FORECAST Pigbrut Show High Tcmperolurct Expected f#r Daytime’ Tuesday______________ Italaled Precipitation Not Indicated-: Contull Local Ferecait NATIONAL WEATHER — Showers and thundershowers, are forecast today for st <4 tite nation. Notable exceptions will be the eastern half of the plains, the Pacific Northwest, the middle and Northern Atlantic coastal states and some Great i area states where fair weather is expected. Area School Head Quits The Huron Valley Board of Education last night accepted the unexpected resignation of Supt. Truman Owens. Owens and the school board have had public differences —‘mostly over matters of school district finances. ’ 1 - The resignation was accepted by a 4-1 vote with only Harry Porter voting no. Porter described the Owens’ resignation as “the biggest catastrophe the school system has^ever had.’* He did not elaborate. Owens ndd his reason for reigning is that he has accepted “an attractive offer of another position.” j: Owens added that he can’t reveal details until'Jlater this week when the other school district will announce his employment. The 43-year-old superintendent said he accepted hifneW job last Tuesday. It will necessitate his moving from his present residence at 1532 Pruit, Highland Township, he said. . T, ** ■ Owens has been superintendent three years and had signed a three-year contract last June. \ The superintendent was Asked last night by presiding President Carlos C. Trask III to seek the advice of the Oakland Schools regarding filling the vacancy. In other business, the commission is scheduled to: * -Hr.....★ • Consider authorizing transfer of the city health department to the Oakland County payroll. * • Authorize parking rates for the parking mall which will be created—starting Monday — on North Saginaw between Huron and Pike. —■ • Consider selling eity-owned land at the southeast comer of Featherstone and East Boulevard—the city’s former Incinerator— for development of a nursing home. Refrigeration, Heat Codes Are Revised BIRMINGHAM—City Commission last, night gave its approval to changes in the *; city’s reciprocal refrigeration and heating ordinance. Building permit fees also ^ were hiked. The revamp follows the model codes of the Reciprocal Refrigeration Council ^ and the Reciprocal Heating Council, ac-1 cording to building department official . Harold C, Weber. * * * \ Included in the approved amendments * was one establislyng a board of building trades appeals, the official body for hearing appeals on permit requirements. The board, to be appointed soon, will -include contractors from each of the . building trades, an architect and, as an ex-officio member, the building department head. BIG FEE HIKE The new scale of permit fees will result in an average fee hike of 88 per cent. . Weber recommended the new scale be- „. cause, he said, the building department . must be subsidized from the general tax fund as the fees presently stand. He also noted that fees are generally lower in ~ Birmingham than in other municipalities. , ★ ★ ★ The new rate structure, based on an average $40,"000 single-family residence, js calls for increases of 54 per cent for the rebuilding permit, 10 per cent for the elec-trie permit, 116 per cent for the plumbing , permit, 135 per cent for the heating permit and 100 per cent for the ait conditioning permit. In other business, the commission ap- ? proved, with reservations, the Oakland . County Board Commission’s plan for the paving and grading of Cranbrook Road 4xom Lincoln to 14 Mile. GRADE TO BE RAISED City Engineer William T. Killeen reported that the plans include raising 1 the grade a maximum of seven feet, south of Lincoln, a maximum nine-foot raise for the low area north of 14 Mile, and grade* lowering of a maximum of six feet south of Northlawn. “Cranbrook Road will be considerably higher than the existing roadway along . the Bloomfield Art Association (BAA) lot,” .Killeen noted, “making access virtually impossible to the parking lot at the existing entrance location.” The county commission has agreed to construct a new entry to the BAA'lot, but two other problems remain, ‘Killeen said. One involves the cut which would y be made along Cranbrook north of the BAA building line. As proposed, the county (dan would « result in a “rather abrupt” ridge run- * ning north and south along Cranbrook, the city engineer said. Howevfet\ he con- “ tinued, grading further west from the' road could alleviate the problem ANOTHER PROBLEM The other difficulty, a city matter, in- * volves the water main along Cran- „ brook,which might have to be replaced at a different level because of the changes in grade, Killeen said. The city engineer recommended that a plan for replacement of the main be prepared. The Commission also received a report from A. P. Blethen, superintendent of the department of public works, on possible improvement' of the BAA park- » ing lot. ‘POOR’ BASE Blethen recommended that the “poor” I base material of the lot be removed and ’ replaced, and that double sealfcoat be. • applied. He estimated cost for the entire »' operation at $820. ‘ The eommission directed the ad- * ministration to report on the possibility * of permanently paving the lot instead. V t Little Rock Flooding LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — Firemen began evacuating families fro.pi their homes in Little Rock today when a creek that runs through the southern portion of the city spilled out 6t its banks and threatened residents of low lying areas. No Trouble Selling Household Goods . . . “Excellent and profitable results first night from our Press Wont Ad.” Mrs. E. S. ’ DINtNO TASrsTlETfreNSTONr'oaAYr" with 6 chain# 115. 9x12 green fthag rug# 810. _______ press, want Ads take over the responsibility of obtaining profitable results for you quickly. They are like having your own “iqouey tree.” Try one anti see. Dial " 332*8181 ' or 334-1981 QUALITY REPAIRS ""on "ail make HEARING AIDS Loanurt Available PONTIAC MALL OPTICAL A HEARING AID CENTEH Phono * 682-1113 nv 2 v HEARING AID DEALER . w t) -7 71 162.034; 36 for garages, 153,675; five fpr residential fire repairs, $17,700; five for improvements 53 were approved for Sixteen of the 50 break-ins were cfeared.thereport indU : cated, and $1,567 of the (1,401 involved, was recovered. In addition, six of the eight AT HIGHLAND’S DISCOUNT PRICES - HOR1IOHTM- iensivfe » Hovey, Damian Jarzem- W. Sheldon, 6295 Bloomfield Glens, West Bloomfield Township; James Seccombe Jr., 1193 Pierce, Birmingham, and Florence F. Saltzman, 30630 Woodside, Franklin. Troy bowski, 9 Pontiac, Leah Harroun, 464 Tanview; Maxwell Jones, 956 Burl-ingham; and Kenneth Horton, 105 W. Seymour Lake. Officials cautioned that the petitions had not as yet been certified. Nine candidates will compete for 2 four-year terms, while three have filed fori two-year'Vacancy. Candidates for four-year terms are incumbent Alex Tunstall, 4826 Belzair; incumbent Lloyd A. Stage, 3437 Alpine; LeonardTiUcas,144BoothrMrs:EditirL. Gonzalez, 4382 Cherry wood; James McFarland, 6133 Elmoor; Merl H. Schneidenbach, 6136 Elmoor; Ernest Kwierant Jr., 131 Wendelton; Mrs Joyce Harrison, 231 Blanche; and Whitney Hames, 6196 Sand Shores. ir * * Running for the two-year term are incumbent John Vagnetti, 431 Kirk Lane; -Edward Dennis, 2105 Rochester; and John C. Czamowski, 3831 Femleigh. Imlay City Three candidates have filed for 2 four-year terms. They are Ruth Rittgers, 1911 Reek; Donald Twite, 460 N. Almont; and Jack Rankin, 240 Weston. ; . In addition, residents will vote on a proposed 5.5-mill property tax levy for one year. Installation Dinner Tomorrow for Troy Business Women ’ TROY—The Troy Business and Professional Women’s Club Will hold its annual installation dinner at Howard Johnson’s Restaurant and Cocktail Lounge, 1114 W. 14 Mile, Madison Heights, tomorrow at 7 p.m. Mrs. Eula Funk, state expansion chairman of the Business and Professional Women’s Club, will install the new officers of the Troy group. ★. ★ it ' 1 Officers are Mrs. Dewey Bennett, president; Mrs. Edmund Craig, first vice president; Miss Jaanne Stine, second vice president; Mrs. Walter Burnard, recording secretary; Mrs. Aruella Bay-liss, corresponding secretary; and Mrs. George Snooks, treasurer. Mrs. David Gratopp will be chairman for the evening. BloomfieldTwp. Asks 2.7 Mills for Public Safety BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP - The township board last night voted to ask citizens for a 2.7-mill increase in property taxes for public safety. The increase, to be voted upon in the state primary "election Aug. 6, would raise total millage for public safety to 5.5 mills. Present levy is 2.81 mills, according to William Maloney, township assessor. ★ ★ ★ Maloney said the .present tax being levied for all purposes is'7.16 mills. Of that amount, he said, 1.43 is for the township library, 1.01 for roads- .5 for. drains, and 1.41 for other expenditures under the county allocation system. CRIME INCREASE Township Supervisor Homer Case, in recommending that the board approve-the request, cited a sharp increase in crime in the township, noting a 13 per cent rise in break-ins reported in April alone. Case said the extra millage would increase the township’s public safety income Jay $629,417. Added to the $652,029 expected from this year’s levy, it would give the township nearly $1.3 million for public safety. it it ir With that amount of revenue, Case said, the township would be able to increase’ personnel in both the police and fire departments.--——-——_ “I feel that it’s especially urgent that we have more personnel in the traffic division, and write more tickets,” he commented. YOUTH PERSONNEL The supervisor added that an increase in personnel is also needed in the youth division. The new revenue would also free money from other sources presently being used to provide for public safety, Case said. Missionary Meet Set AVON TOWNSHIP - Ridgecrest Baptist Women’s Missionary Union will meet at 7:30 tonightt at the church, il84 Harding. THE PONTIAC PRESS TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1968 A—4 ho Hews HISTORIC TRIP—Six area youngsters were among those sightseeing at Gettysburg, Pa. over the weekend as part of the Automobile Club of Michigan’s annual safety natrol trio. Pictured with retiring Safety and Traffic Director Ernest P. Davis are (from leH) fficfia^ and James Butter of Pontiac, Ricky Jackson of Rochester, Duncan Augustine of Bloomfield Township and Kevin Gray of Utica. Davis is holding a plaque presented to him by the Michigan patrol delegation for 33 years of service. , ^Scholarship Fund Is Established for Superintendent SOU£H LYON - A college scholarship fund named after retiring South Lyon Schools Supt. Frank Bartlett is accepting contributions at the State Savings Bank here. The scholar ship, will be given starting ...this year or next to a - South Lyon graduate planning to attend Eastern Michigan University. The 65-year-old superintendent will also be honored at a tea and open house May 26 at 2 p.m. in the high school gymnasium. A short recognition program will follow at 3 p.m. The public is invited to attend the affair sponsored by the PTO and PTA organizations and the Lions Club. DAY PROCLAIMED The same day has been proclaimed Frank Bartlett Day in South Lyon by the city’s mayor Br^H"’fiaT’'BeM",snpex' iiitendenU«L South Lyon Schools 22 years. He has seen the district grow from 750 students to the current 2,750 enrollment. Budget Hearing Tonight Walled Lake Eyes Tax Hike WALLED LAKE — This city’s proposed budget incorporates a four-mill increase in property taxes to be added to the present 10.5 mills. Council can> levy up to 20 mills without asking a vote. A public hearing on the budget, effective July 1, is tonight at 8 at the City Hall. Also on the agenda is the adoption of the water ordinance. it it it The proposed budget lists revenues and expenditures at $326,967, up from last year’s $244,897. it it it Each mill should bring in $11,771, said City Manager Royce Downey. One mill of the additional four is to covet; Increased costs due to inflation, Downey explained. NOTE RETIREMENT The remaining three mills is for the retirement of $30,000 worth of tax anticipation notes. “It’s a tight budget from the standpoint of operating,” asserted Downey. it it it Most inoreases in expenditures are due to wage hikes, seen in the general fund allotment of $264,247 as compared to $192,287 last year. The across-the-board salary increase Walled Lake School Slates Careers Day WALLED LAKE—'Tomorrow is Countdown to Careers day for 384 freshmen at C. H. Smart Junior High School. Nearly 70 representatives of various occupations will describe their fields. Special addresses will be made by Lester Carlson, the district’s director of vocational education, and John Nance, personnel assistant for the S. S. Kresge Co. Teacher Plans a School Free From Frustration amounts to about $1,000 each for employes other than supervisors. OTHER PAY HIKES The city manager is slated for an increase of $500, for a salary of $9,600. The salary of the police chief went up $700 to $9,100. The superintendent of public works Is up $300 to a total of $7,800; and the clerk-treasurer up $500 to $7,600. The salary of the chief of the volunteer fire department is to remain the same at $500. * ★ ★ Other budget increases proposed are roads, from $36,750 last year to $45,000 this year; library, $11,310 to $12,770; and water department, $3,725 to $4,125. A major increase in revenues includes $9,400 from the. state income tax. WATER SYSTEM TAB The council is also to consider adoption of the ordinance setting up financing for the citywide water system. The contract between the city and the Oakland County Department of Public Works for the construction of the system was signed Friday, Downey said. FARMINGTON TOWNSHIP - An educator whp has found teaching under usual conditions frustrates young students has begun a school of her own." The venture is called the Leeward Foundation and it plans a school on seven acres on the south side of 14 Mile, one-third of a mile east of Middle Belt. ir it it Its director is Mrs. Howard W. Lee, of 1620 Midland,-Royal Oak, presently a third grade -teaeher '-atr F-e-r-ad^l e. Elementary School. The school is named after its founder and a basic concept of its origin. That is, to ward off or shield students from “the frustrations in most schools," so they can learn better, said , Mrs. Lee. Frustrations include report cards ahd grade levels, she explained. APPLICATIONS TAKEN Mrs. Lee is now taking applications in anticipation Of the’Fall, opening of her school. She is planning on about 30 pupils age 5 to 9 to be taught in two structures similar to the portable classrooms area schools use. One building will be for music classes. The other is for the usual eqlmentary classes, including fine arts and science, Mrs. Lee said. Teaching staff will include Mrs. Lee, another academic * teacher, and one music teacher. ■ ‘MUSIC ALL AROUND’ She explains why music will be offered: “Music is all around us, and children need an appreciationofit,”_ Mrs. Lee envisions the Leeward Foundation as unique in several ways besides its music program. ★ ★ ★ -HBacb -pupil -will kayaks own curriculum, planned by the three teachers. ' Letter grades will be replaced by conferences between parents and teachers and constant teacher evaluation of pupils. The pupil-teachir ratio is expected to be 1-12. NO GRADE LEVELS J , Grade levels will be; eliminated, but the school Will use tits common academic tests as other schools, said Mrs. Lee. Mrs. Lee also puts much stress on nature studies*,adding that she will leave untouched some of the land around the school buildings. •k it it Plans include the possibility of « swimming pool, gymnastics clisses and a science building said Mrs. Lee, who began the foundation in August 1966. Independence Sets Meetings on Sewer .Water INDEPENDENCE TOWNSHIP-Twq public meetings to inform residents of plans and costs for the township’s proposed water and sewer program are slated at 7 tonight and tomorrow at Clark-ston Senior High School. -^-Township financial and engineering ronsuRSnir"along""'With -for township board are expected to make public the provisions of an ordinance now under consideration. ★ it it It - ip expected to set up deadlines and a schedule of Jrayments for the new services, and will regulate the use of a lateral system to be ready for use when the Clinton - Oakland Interceptor is complete sometime early If) 1970. The meetings tonight and tomorrow will be identical, according to Clerk Howard Altman. They will provide two opportunities for people to familiarize themselves With future plans for 4he township. Relax and enjoy the carefree beauty of our machine washable Arnel® triacetate dresses by Wiesen .and Victor. Choose from a colorful twosome perfect for now and all through the summer, too. In sizes 10-18, Hudson's Pontchartrain Dresses, Pontiac 1 st; and also at Downtown, Northland, and Eastland,Westland. A. Zip front skimmer sports a shiny brassy pull. In blue, pink or gold. B. Contrast sparks this Indian print skimmer, black/brewn, navy/brown. NORTHLAND CENTER 8 Milt and Northweetem £ EASTLAND CENTER 8 Milt and Kelly Roadt WESTLAND CENTER Warran and Wayne Roadt THE PONTIAC PRESS. TUESDAY, MAY 14, IGflB Skim through summer in easy cue Arnel* dresses— at an easy fare just *20 Sail away from it all in White Stag separates, shipshape in easygoing Fortrel) *5 to *13 Fortrel® joins White Stag to take you just about anywhere this summer. Whether sailing, picnicking, or just relaxing, you’ll love this huge collection of machine washables of Fortrel® polyester/cotton. Pretty pastels and summer brights in misses sizes from Hudson’s Sunshine Shop, Pohtiac 1st; and also at Downtown, N orthland,andEastlandTWe8tlan4,— ' ' 1 PONTIAC MALL Telegraph and Elizabeth Lake Road DOWNTOWN DETROIT Woodward Ava. and Grand River H TJ 3D SON’S v “ • 1 .,( .i TBSsraassisp THE PONTTAC PRESS 48 West Huron Street Pontiac, Michigan 48058 TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1968 John W. *m°m» Ixeoutlve ViM President end Editor Run J. an* Msnsglne Uttar John a., Rust Secretary and Advertising Director Rickah* M. Fithiuii Treasurer and finance Officer A*lo McCullt Circulation lU^iaaer voice or me reupie. Fire Risks Cut by Safety Inspection The Pontiac Fire Department will launch an extremely worthwhile project Monday when it urges residents to have their homes safety inspected by fire department personnel. The voluntary home fire safety inspection program is scheduled to last I two weeks. During that time, any resi-l dent may call or write the fire department requesting an inspection of his home. It's an educational program aimed at preserving lift and 'property by pointing out to home owners any fire hazards’! MARION which might unknowingly exist in their homes. Hopefully, the drive will redilce house fires in Pontiac by at least 50 per cent, according to Fire Chief Charles Marion. As a by-product, it will provide firemen with a working knowledge of the city. Firemen are also offering window stickers for use in homes where there is an invalid. The stickers are designed to be used in such a way as will aid firemen in locating and evacuating an immobilized person from a burning structure. ★ ★ ★ The Press urges Pontiac residents to take, full advantage of the safety inspection program, and we congratulate our fine department for the job it has done and the foresight it has shown in launching such a program. Grow/ Darn You, Grow! Mrs. Benjaniin H. Anibal David Lawrence Says: It has been truly said that behind every successful man there stands a good woman. ' Mrs. Benjamin H. Anibal whose recent* jieath saddened a host of frfrmrfR and acqiiaintenances well filled that supporting role during the two decades her husband served the Pontiac Motor Division as chief engineer until his retirement in 1947. The gracious gentlewoman nonetheless found expression of her own interests through active participation in a diversity of social, ecclesiastic and recreational organizations. Her benefactions were many, and for the most part unpublicized. One, however, that stands as a monument -to-her-generosity is Anibal Hoiim at , Oakland University, a woman’s dormitory made possible by a joint -donation of the Anibals. In going to her reward, Mrs. AniBal left an inspirational and exemplary record of personal fulfillment and humanitarianism. Student Aid Cut Bill Interesting United States. It would be difficult to choose two abler and more competent men than W. Averell Harriman and Cyrus R. Vance to act as this Nation’s representatives at the Vietnam talks in Paris. To print their complete biographies and do justice to their accomplishments and services to the United States would take an entire editorial page. But at least a brief summary can be given. Harriman,v76, ambassador-at-large in the Johnson ad-mi n i s t ration, former gover-nor of New York and onetime presidential hopeful, has been 9 associated with the Government in various roles for some beginning with ambassadorial posts in Franklin D. Roosevelt’s presidency. Vance, 51, came to Washington in (HH- Tlll4l. I see Independence Township wants to revise the assessments. That’s fine, but why not start in the village? Maybe we can get stop lights at Maybee-Sashabaw and Maybee-Dixie Highway intersections. You can bet the man who painted his house or added a tree to make it look better will pay, and not the ones with the apartments in the village. R. COPEMAN 5266 PINE KNOB, CLARKSTON (Question and Answer Yon had an article ca smoking tips, and it said a filter with silica gel is effective. Can you tell me where to buy one? READER REPLY When we called Cunningham's, we were told the De-Nicgtea brand of cigarette holder contains that type of filter. Wilson’s Drugs in Birmingham is another store which carries this brand. We couldn’t call all the drug stores in this area, but others probably carry the same product. In Washington: Indiana Win W as Impressive By BRUCE BIOSSAT There are strong echoes of 1960 in the quick effort by some political figures to min-imize Sen. Robert F. Kdn-n e d yi s substantial vic-i tory in the Indiana primary. In the 1960] primary, John] F. Kennedy] beat Hubert* Humphrey by BIOSSAT 110,000' votes, won two-thirds of the state’s Convention delegates and six of the 10 congressional districts. ______ * ★ ★ Some politicians and observers immediately labeled it a defeat for Kennedy and a moral victory for Humphrey, mostly—because—there had beeri one or two predictions that Kennedy would sweep all. But this reporter’s survey of 35 states at that time found most party prqfession-als nailing Kennedy’s win as impressive. Today’s professionals, especially in the big-city' states, are judging Bob Kennedy’s Indiana triumph in much the same way. ★ ' * * They know he was applying plenty of money, manpower and veteran political skills in his whirlwind campaign from Lake Michigan south*to the Ohio River, But they also . knpw Indiana was basically a very tough state from which to launch a driving effort for the presidency. OneKennedy-soureesays that his campaign people at the outset had a list of roughly 100 persons who had helped John Kennedy take Indiana in 1960. Only one agreed to work this time. Most of the others were warped into Gov. Roger Branigin’s state organization or into regular eoun y organizations which refused to help. ★ ★ ★ There were no voter lists to work-from,Partyregularsat-all levels gave the Kennedy Camp the freeze. 1 Kennedy plunged into Indiana despite negative advice because he felt his late start on the 1968 trail compelled maximum action. He believed, too, that he could not win huge blocks of big state delegates unless he could persuade such leaders as Chicago’s Mayor Richard Daley’ by testing himself in hard places as well as easy. What Kennedy did accomplish was hardly minor. He beat Branigin by 86,000 votes and third-place Sen. Eugene McCarthy by 111,000. It would have been aweeter to have run up the 50 to 60 per cent vote that looked likely for awhile, but 42 per cent for Kennedy in a three-man race was’ solid. The McCarthy people thought that percentage was excellent when they, achieved it in New Hampshire.- ifr ★ ★ What may be most notable for Daley and others watching the parade of primaries is the fact that Kennedy cracked both the Negro voters and the blue-collar workers most susceptible to backlash sentiments. He took Indianapolis, -Gary, Fort Wayne and Terre Haute to prove his dpuble thrust. S Though hjs jM&j/ on populous suburbs sa-em s -weak; his /Sturdy appeal to disparate elements in the troubled city cores may — if demonstrated further — persuade big city leader’s that he is at once the likeliest— winner in November and the man most able to effect a racial reconciliation in an era of great internal strife. Tho Associated Praia h ant It lad exclusively to tho Utt for reputjll-catlon of all local now* printed In thla newspaper at won ae all AP newt dispatches. The Pontiac Pratt la deliver ad by carrier for 50 canto a waakr where milled In Oakland. Cantata. Livingston. Macomb. La poor and Waahtonaw Counties If. la (11.00 a yaarr elsewhere In Michigan and ill atlwr places In tho . United Stales 124.00 a year. All mall subscriptions payable In advance. Postage has bam paid at the tad «jan rata at Pontiac, Michigan. Member of ABC. I toomf*imneit&,»a. \( AM?f6f64ftiflRttB9 J weniwem^mwa WAKE IIP YOUR • PERISTALSIS And B« Your Soilint Bnt Th* muaouUr action of raur din*, tlv* *y*tem, called Partetalau, ahould not alow down, ir tin* ttappCn* waata material* oan build up m tha lower traot and you baeoma Irraau-lar, uncomfortable and f**l atuffad. Carter1* Flu* with It* unique lax. a tlva formula walla* up th* alowed down muaelaa of th* lower dlgeatlv* tract and atlmulat** Parietal*!*, giving temporary relief of thli Irraiu-larlty. Then you will be your amll-Ini beat. Million* of aatlafled uaer* take Carter'* Pill*. Why don't you. 401 West Virginia Primary Today CHARLESTON, W. Vp. (AP) ■ West Virginia voters pick delegates to the Republican and Democratic national conventions and select party nominees (or governor today in a state primary election. All three Democratic presidential contenders—Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey, Sen. DODGE TRUCKS-PICK-UP CAMPERS TRAVEL TRAILERS—MOTOR HOMES Over TOO Vehicles in Stock to Choose From LLOYD BRIDGES /RAVELAND T 010 W. Maple, Walled Lake, Mich. Mon., Tuo*., and Thur*. 8:30-8:30 Wad., Fri. and Sot. 8:30-6; Sun. 12-6 624-1572 3EWARE fo Whom You Trust YOUR TRANSMISSION- YOU GAN DEPEND ON: RELIADLE TRANSMISSION CO, 922 OAKLAND AVI. CALL 334*0701 Robert F. Kennedy, ahd Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy — have made West Virginia appearances seeking support among the 110 candidates for Democratic convention seats. ★ ★ ★ Preferences of Democratic delegate candidates polled by The Associated Press showed Kennedy favored'by the largest number, with Humphrey a close second and McCarthy a distant third. Sixty-five Republicans are running for convention seats. Among those who announced their preference, Richard M. Nixon’s margin over Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller was between 2-to-l and 3-to-l. Neither campaigned in the state. NO RACE The West Virginia primary has no/presidential preference race ttys year, in contrast to the 1960 battle in which John F. Kennedy defeated Humphrey. The state sends 36 delegates to the Democratic national con* ventlon, 14 to the Republican. Because of a long ballot that also includes dozens of state, district and county offices, most counties do not tabulate delegate votes on election night. Final results will not be known until late in the week. ★ ★ ★11 Whether the West Virginia delegates vote by unit rule at the conventions will be decided by the delegations after their election. Primary results do not bind the delegates. West Virginia does not have crossover voting, and write-ins are hot counted in its primaries. GOVERNOR’S RACE . Chief contenders for the Democratic nomination to succeed Democratic Gov. Hulett C. Smith-Ineligible to succeed himself—are- C. Donald Robertson, finishing his second -term as state attorney general; - • 47 Yanks Killed in Viet Now you can switch your hair stylo to suit your mood; with our natural-looking wig-jots. Como try on a now you . . . soon. $999 DOWNTOWN STORE ONLY WASHINGTON (AP) - Forty-, seven servicemen killed in action in the Vietnam war are listed on the latest Defense Department casualty list. They include: , ARMY CALIFORNIA — Spec. S Kenneth M. Cryan, Mountain View; CpI. Michael M. Montgomery, Visalia; Pfc. William T. Smiley, Frnno; Pic. Thome* A. Nystrom, Buena Park; Pfc. Richard R. Lander*, Orcult. COLORADO — Staff Sgl. S Juan P. Martinez, Pueblo. ILLINOIS — Spec. * Tommy L. Shehorn, Decatur. INDIANA — Pic. John E. Manson, Gary. KANSAS — Platoon Sgl. Glenn E. Nicholson, Saline; Spec. John W. Eckell, Isabel. MICHIGAN — Spec. 4 Donald A-Campbtll, Detroit; Spec. 4 Jerry A. Wyman, Livonia; CpI. Aria tarry, Kalamazoo; Pic. Sana A. Kami, Blanchard. MINNESOTA — CpI. David A. Haalner, North Mankato; Pic. Larry D. Williams, South Minneapolis. NORTH DAKOTA — Sgl. Elroy E. Beier, Langdon. OHIO — Spec, 4 John R. Crouse, Hillsboro. OKLAHOMA — Pic. Charles K. Deere, Okemah. OREGON — Pic. Santiord B. Kempke, Coos Bay. SOUTH DAKOTA — Sgl. Dennis D. Lawyer, Miller. TEXAS — Sgt. John E. Hawthorn, Dallas. _ _ WISCONSIN — Spec. 4 Bernard R. Mazursky, Madison; »Spec. 4 John R. Knorr, Manitowoc; ' Spec. 4 Robert L. Baumgart, Mishicot. NAVY CALIFORNIA — Shlptltter David E. Devine, Imperial Beach. WISCONSIN — Hospital Corpsman. Steven J. Layton, Racine. MARINE CORPS ^XAUEQRMIA— — Capt. Robert W Romero, San Dfe^b., W?'Ol.,J'tr‘ BfWtfW? San Diego; Pfc. Billy R. Greene, Santa Monica; Pfc. Ismael J. Valdez Jr., Pico Rivera; Pfc. Clyde J. Velstad, San Diego. ILLINOIS — Lance CpI. Ronald J. Zlemann, Chicago; Pfc. Ricky L. Doyle, Prophetstown. IOWA — S. Sgt. Richard L. Bartlow, Oskaloosa. MINNESOTA — Pfc. Dean Vasquez, Minneapolis. MISSOURI — CpI. Tyrone W. Austin, St. Louis. OHIO — Lane# CpI. Jerome Pryor, Toledo. TEXAS — Lance CpI. Walter K. Cleveland, Dallas; Pfc. Eduardo Marquez Jr., El Paso. WASHINGTON — Lance CpI. Chris J. Larsen III, West Seattle. WISCONSIN — Lance CpI. Roberto Sanchez, Racine; Lance CpI. Robert L. Weeden, Waukesha. i Died of wounds: ARMY TEXAS — 1st Lt. William L. Rushing. I Austin. UTAH ! Changed from missing to dead —hostile: ARMY MICHIGAN — Pfc. Edward L. Munson, La Sail*. AIR FORCE TEXAS — Capl. Lyn D. Oberdier, Lubbock. Missing as a result of hostile action: ARMY Spec. 5 Glenn T. Fey, Spec. 4 Fredrick E. Bauerle III, Spec. 4 James R. Fedro, Spec, 4 Daniel M. Kelley, Spec. 4 David L. Scoff, Pfc. John A. Ansell Jr., Pfc. George L. Cruse, Pfc. Hubia J. Guillory, Pfc. William H. Hollmen, and Pfc. Julius L. Walker Jr. NAVY Lt. Cmdr. Robert Saavedra. Returned to military control: ARMY Spec. 5 William B. Taylor. , Died not as a result of hostile action: A ARMY MICHIGAN — Pfc. Prank la N. Carter, Detroit. TEXAS Staff Sgt. Donald J. Sweat, Vidor. —-— .... James M. Sprouse, the party's state chairman, and Paul J. Kaufman, a state senator from Charleston. Robertson appeared to have the edge, but not by a big margin. Not considered serious candidates are E. C. ’’Eddie" Cales of Hinton ahd Huntington attorney Peter D. Beter on the Republican side and Blair F. Wi-J nans of Weston and William A.! Lawson of Fairmont in the: Democratic camp. Underwood was the state's! 1957-61 governor, the only Republican to hold office since 1929-33. Since his 1956 victory for governor, he has been de l feated twice, as U.S. senate' nominee in 1960 and as GOP nominee against Smith in 1964. j CONGRESSIONAL The chief congressional con-test was inHhe upstate 1st Dis-I trict, where six Democrats and three Republicans sought nomi-jnation for the seat being vacat-j led by Moore. The state’s four) {Democratic incumbents in the ! U.S. House were running again, land none had serious opposition.: The polls are open from 6:30 a m. to 7:30 p.m., EDT. Preferred for Manhattans. MARINE CORPS COLORADO Lanca CpI. J Velasquez, Johnstown. ------. Changed from missing to dead Contenders for the GOP nomi-—nonhostile: {nation are ex-Gov. Cecil H. Un-j MY |derwood and six-term Rep.! £AUfORNiA,j- m*i, M**^ki H.itori,!Arch A. Moore Jr., only’Kepub-stockitm. jjcan jn state’s Washington: blissing not a result of hos- delegation. The outcome was tile action: {generally expected to be close! army after a bitter campaign between1 CWO Bobby R. Williams, WO RichardUl. I/ym^*;.**** nn.i., • ,_i_ G. Lewis and Pvt. Jerome E. Jacobs. tWO longtime party rivals. A lot of people like Fleischmann’s Preferred. Ancfthey can tell youwhy. f For some, it’s simply the taste. For others, the 90 proof...and the value. For many people the.ijrnportant thing is the Fleischmann name. (And that’s just the kind of confidence we’ve tried to create—every step of the way since 1870*) f From Fleischmann: The Preferred Whiskey. 90 proof. As fine a whiskey as money can buy. $4.21 $2.63 THE FLEISCHMANN DIST. C0RP.. N.Y.C. • BLENDED WHISKEY-90 PROOF-65* 6RAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS DETROIT COUNTRY DAY of Detroit Country Day School ' June 24 - July 19 June 24 - August 2 CAMP Swimming, camping overnight, arts, crafts, painting, nature lore, archery, riding, cookouts, garnet and sports. Detroit Country Day Camp is located on 36 wood-ringed acres awl playing fields of Detroit Country Day School, in the lovely Beverly Hills district of suburban Birmingham. ---------*--- The campus includes numerous springs, the RougeJGvercitits source, free TfipBSfTRlllfrwigBY^ qnc* instnretiymL program (staffed by certified personnel. The co-edueational Day Camp is one of this college preparatory school's summer programs and is directed by members of the regular winter Lower School faculty. The Camp combines cultural, creative and physical activities for ages 6-12 into a living experience in an environment of sun( and fun. The hours of the Camp are 9’ a.m. to 3 p.m. The school kitchen will serve a well-balanced lunch. Indoor facilities are available for rainy days. Private bus transportation is available. Interested parents are encouraged to write for free brochures. Admission is by interview only. - For information call 646-771 7. - /Detroit Country Day School, 22305 W. 13 Mile Rd., Birmingham, Mich. 49010 Phene 646-7717 ' e *»**»4>>.M«>.» »******«*4*»» **»***»>»i»* »»» When you qualify for CHECK-MATE you could save Vz on financing-charges for any purchases made on the installment basis. Instead of paying the usual 1 Va% monthly carrying charges, CHECK-MATE customers pay only 1 % thereby saving V3. This is just another money-saving feature of CHECKMATE, the program that lets yog write a loan anytime you need it ... Plus you get a "Check Guarantee Card" that helps you cash your personal check*-up to $100. CHECK-MATE is available at all 12 offices of Pontiac State Bank. . - . . The Rank On Tha GROW 12 Convenient Offices State Bank Main Office Saginaw aV Lawranca —Optn Daily 9 A.M Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporate With Deposits insured te $15,000.00 THE PONTIAC PRESS, TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1968 CORRELATION GROUP by Simmons Living Room Division See Qur New, Lines of Carpeting, Furniture With the Latest In Styfes and Colors VISIT OUR SHOWROOM Fine Furniture nnii Quality Farpetinit Sinre 1 V24m OF WATERFORQ Hloomt'irM-MirmiiiRham 1. uslumrr* ££ .... 334-0981 TAKE YOUR CHOICE • IN OAKLAND COUNTY • SINCE 1925 • ALL CREDIT TERMS • BURNER SERVICE i MARATHON i CLARKE-GEE OIL CO. FE 2-9181 Published to save lives in cooperation with The Advertising Council, the National Safety Council, "4.W The International Newspaper Advertising Executives. The Pontiac Press Us S. Education Benefits—2 Tuition Loans Are Available (EDITOR’S NOTE - This is the second article in a 15-part series on U.S. educational and training benefits available to you.) By RAY CROMLEY NEA Publications There are five ways the federal government can help you get to and through college lor graduate school. I You may seek a loan, grant or scholarship. You may go into a work-study, program. You thay become a working intern in the summers. You may apply for acceptahce to government-financed classes that will prepare you for college. You may secure a government fellowship. Ther are two major federal AN IMPORTANT NOTE ... All of the programs described in this series have been established by law and many have been in operation for years. However, the amount of money to operate these programs varies from year to year, depending on appropriations voted by Congress. Availability of some funds and openings in training programs%iay vary locally depending upon demand. Ribbon-Eating 1 CAMPBELLSVILLE,' Ky. Ifl - A twist was added to the traditional ribbon-cutting ceremony at the,dedication of a new candy manufacturing, plant Sunday. While two young ladies held up a candy ribbon, David Maupin, son of the Campbells-ville Industrial Board chairman, ate his way through it. Encyclopedia Marks 200th Birthday LONDON FRESH BATTEMES LESS 40% If you are a hearing aid user and come in during our special hearing aid consultation, for a free demonstration, you may purchase a set of batterie* at 40% off, limit one set to a customer.1 If you can't come in, call our offico for a home appointment. jYo obligation. Call 334-7711 WANT TO SELL LAWN MOWERS, POWER MOWERS, BOATS? USE A LOW COST PONTIAC PRESS CLASSIFIED AD---------TO PLACE YOURS, CALL 332-8181. compared with the present 241is, however, a parallel Nationaljnot more than 10 years to repay j volumes — was that it jumped from page 678 to 879 in the section on surgery because the printer failed to spot his mis-numbering. The replica perpetuates the error of the 200 pages that never were. Encyclopedia Britannica . despite its name, is now American-owned and based in Chicago. But a branch of the editorial offices remains in London and the American side has come over in force this week for anniversary celebrations in Edinburgh, Scotland, where the first edition was ptib- IN EDINBURGH Former Connecticut Sen. William Benton, owner of Britannica for 25 years and U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), will be in Edinburgh tomorrow for the unveiling of a memoriaf inscription to William Smellie, the first editor. ★ ★ ★ Dr. Caryl P. Haskins, prudent of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, D.C., is to deliver a Britannica lecture at Edinburgh University that evening. Smellie’s 256,000-word edition lifted much material almost bodily from the writings of Voltaire and other greats of the day, but he also offered do-it-yourself advice. However his three pages of copperplate engravings which illustrated his instructions on midwifery were deemed objectionable by ihe 18th century authorities. King George III ordered purchasers to tear the pages out. The present Britannica has an estimated 36.4. million words and 22,492 illustrations. Subject matter runs from divorce to crime, from Vietnam to German measles, from carnivorous plants to the moon. The writers are leading authorities in their fields Vocational Student Loan Insurance Act which insures loans to students at participating vocational, trade, technical and business schools. The guarantee agency in your his obligation. Deferment may be granted for service in the armed forces, Peace Corps or VISTA. ' (NEXT: The National Defense Student Loan Program.) Education Benefits c/o The Pontiac Press Dept. 480 P.0. Box 489 Radio City Station New York, N.Y. 10019 ■ h I I I I I Please send.......copy (copies) of "What You've ! &SBU99 jn,Uv5- ^ucotioo„Benefjt4". at Jji each !. to: NAME........................................... } ADDRESS......................................... | CITY....................STATE. ..ZIP........... ■ (Mak. checks payable to "Education Benefits." Allow 3 weeks for delivery.) I Even this MEJ budget model 1968 Frigidaire Jet Action Washer has DPC for no-iron fabrics! Bwsbls Press-Gars. Saves you ironing? Gentle washing action plus a cold water cool-down help Durable Press fabrics keep their rnwron promise. • Deep Action Agitator. Creates currents that plunge clothes deep into sudsy water for thorough washing. • 2 Jet-Away Rinses. Get rkt of lint and scum so thoroughly there's no need for a lint trap. • Jet-simple mechanism. No belts. No gears. No pulleys. That’s why it’s dependable. $ 168 oo “Where quality furniture is priced right!” Phone: 333-7052 2133 ORCHARD LAKE ROAD trench coat, 1968: imported antiqued --k.id.slc i,a.Wilfculh.e soft, rich, burnished patina of centuries-old leather. . .a new fashion look, and a great one. Antique broyvn. Sizes 8-16 120.00 336 West Maple Birmingham you are Lrivblfd to an advance fall showing of .including the new cuir sauvage antique-look - leathers, untrimmed styles, and exciting coat shapings trimmed with mink, fox or opossom/ * WEDNESDAY, MAY 15 - 10:00 A.M. TO 4:00 P.M. Jacobson's MRMINOHAM smSBRST* wy^ytawwin iioiw «“ 'fl/|n ‘*f? more appropriate role for your husband’s '«g9-year-pld married sister, should she be in the wedding party. ★ ★ ★ DEAR ABBY: About those husbands who can’t understand why their wives don’t wear sheer, sexy nightgowns to bed: I don’t know what other wives lqok like in flimsy, revealing nightgowns, but I do know what I looked like for about two. . years after . my second baby, and It wasn’t anything I wanted to show off in a sexy nightgown. I love my husband very much, and would love to be a pin-up girl for him, but if your liabilities exceed your assets, you are better off in a flannel. Sign me, i STILL DIETING AAA DEAR ABBY: I have a wonderful husband, but the trouble seems to be the girl he went with before he married me. She keeps sending him “Miss You’L cards, etc. And she signs everything, “Love.” AAA I have begged my husband to please call up this old girl friend and tell her once and for all she should leave him alone, but he won’t do it. He.says he has never done anything to encourage ho*, and he doesn’t lie, but I feel if he really loved me he would do something to put a stop to al] this. I am 56 and he is 68 and we have been married 17 months. WORRIED AAA DEAR WORRIED: You would be wise to quit bugging your “wonderful” husband. He’s right: He has done nothing to encourage her, and by ignoring her he is discouraging her in the best possible way. His old girl friend probably never enters his mind — until you bring her up. PmiHm l>tm Phot* Deciding the right length for these coordinated ensembles of Inter-Lakes chapter, Sweet Adelines, Inc., is Mrs. Robert Verkler of Barnsbury Road, West Bloomfield Township. Patiently standing through the fittings are (from left) Mrs. James Lush of Crayview Street and Mrs. Merle Brazelle of Tower Street£ both West Bloomfield Township. The trio will take part in Saturday’s “Spring Fling” in UAW Local No. 36 Hall in Wixom. Tickets will be available at the door for the 8:15 p.m. event. -* I ft 4997 Indoor-Outdoor CARPET Quality Carpet and Draperies Since 1941 • 1666 South Telegraph FE 4-0516 JUST SOUTH OF VOORHEIS ROAD Heuuty Shop Wlwr Bldflgpi Ft 3-7186 fttt Parking on Oourthouu Lot ELIZABETH LAKE ROA& AT TELEGRAPH * A—10 THE PONTIAC PRESS, TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1968 Welcome/ Awnuwi to- e«c/uj /loom SHEERS, PRINTS, SOLID COLORS, UPHOLSTERY fabrics ... to be made up into just about everything for the home! iwm D/tapetuj *,* Upkoktouj 'Bedipm/k TWk Fiwmitum ORLON StyEERS. .$2.25 yd. VELVETS......'i.... 4.95 yd. DACRON SHEERS and FIBERGLASS FABRICS . . $1.25 yd. HAND-SCREENED PRINTS from $1.95 yd. UPHOLSTERYFABRICS from $2.50 yd. IMPORTED COTTON TICKING ............ $T.95 yd. ACRYLIC AWNING AND — DECK CHAIR FABRIC ... $2.25 yd. 1933 S. Telegraph, near Pontiac Al»» Every beautiful Yard A “Second” CfiUCO corucrs* Open Daily 9:30 to 5:30 Mon. Nil# Til 9 derm-SCCTS/-- ‘ GOFF HARROUN Carrying a cascade of white carnations encircling an orchid, Pamela June Harroun became the bride of Beecher Owen Goff Jr. in St. Paul’s Lutheran Church. For the Saturday evening vows she chose a satin goum with a. floral headpiece and shoulder length veil. Mrs. Wayne Smith and Randy Stogner were honor attendants. Assisting were the Robert Harrouns and children Keri, Kristy and Kevin, Bonnie Jaworski, Sharon Goff and Raymond McKnight. The daughter of the Floyd Harrouns of East Mansfield Street and son of the senior Beecher O. Goffs of West Rutgers Street were feted at the church fellowship hall following the ceremony. NAVARRE-ARMISTEAD Following a reception at Guinn’s .Banquet Hall Saturday, David Lawrence Navarre and his bride (nee Rutfumne Armistead) left for a northern Michigan honeymoon. The daughter of the William J. Armisteads of Thorpe Street and son of the Gerald A. *Navarres of Russell ^Street were wed earlier that evening in St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church. Attended by.Sheila Thomson, the bride wore an Empire 'sheath of organza over taffeta with Alencon lace trim. A floral headpiece capped her veil and she carried carnations with gardenias. Alice and Ann Marie Moorhead, Joanne Hattis and Sue Niebauer attended the bride. Best man was Philip Montroy with ushers Steven Navarre, Paul Thomson and William Hamjtt. u > LANDRY-CAMPBELL St. Michael’s Catholic Church was the setting Friday evening for the wedding of Dianne Lee Campbell and Ralph Steven Landry. jSteph-anotis and white orghids comprised her bouquet. She wore a peau de soie ensemble with a pearled crown and illusion veil. Debra Campbell was maid of honor with bridesmaids Renee Lafontame,-Lynda Kath, Kathryn Bailey, Carrol Freiberg and Hope Flores. Best man was Daniel B i a with Ger&ld Traynor, Patrick Thomberry, Alan Pel-tier, George Glynn and Jay Castillo as ushers. After a reception in the American Legion Hall, the\ couple left for a northern Michigan honeymoon. Their parents are the William L. Campbells of Lewis Street and the Alfred Landrys of North Perry Street? ABWA Hears Teacher Talk Classes in. perception d e v e 1 o p m e.irt being held throughout the county was the subject of a recent talk by Mary Jo' Stenger . be f o r e Waterford charter chapter of the American Business Women’s Association. ★ ★ ★ Miss Stenger, representing the Oakland County Board of Education, outlined the program. Classes are. limited to eight to 10 students so that in-..cau be the ultimate aim of having students accepted in regular school classrooms. Mrs. Gayle Dafoe, manager of the catalog department of the EXCEPTIONAL VALUE! AMAZINGLY LOW PRICE! J. Cr Penney Company, was vocational speaker. . ______L The Ways and Means Committee announced the scheduling of a rummage sale at the Knights of Pythias Hall on Voorheis Road May 25 from 9 a m. to 9 p.m. Parents Tell of Engagement of Cherryland Street, Pontiac Township announce the betrothal of their daughter, Sandra Kay, to James Michael Frisch, Miss Hart and her fiance, son 'of Mrs. John Lilly of Pontiac and Edward L. Frisch of Metamora, are planning an early summer wedding. When cutting washable material that ravels easily. Tub soaponthe edgeofthesetssors. Remove Flaking Paint Spring paintup? Remove loose paint from the house exterior before starting a new coat. New paint will not adhere to a poorly prepared surface. Donnal Coiffure* g Salon and Ejliabeth Lake Rd. and Wig Salon Telegraph and EHiabelh L. 6*2-0420—Open t to » MOTHERS WHO CARE! dapper diaper is the new DIAPER PRODUCT THAT INHIBITS THE GROWTH OF AMMONIA FORMING BACTERIA IN WET DIAPERS (Certified by the Federal Food and Drug Administration.) DO YOUR BABY A FAVOR -ASK YOUR BABY’S DOCTOR. Get (tapper diaper at your favorite drug store, supermarket or department store. De-Roche Laboratories, Inc_ Echo Park SUMMER CAMP JUNE 24 - AUGUST 23 ECHO PARK SUMMER CAMP, one of the most outstanding facilities in Michigan, begins it’s summer season,of nine weeks on Monday, June 24th. Located on 93 acres of unspoiled woods iu Bloriinfield Hills: including three spring*fed lakes, miles of nature and riding trails, and two heated swimming pools. > A day camp covering the years .'Hit to 14, employing qualified educators. Includes specialized instruction in swimming, riding, boating, fishing, games and sports, trampoline, arts and crafts, camp craft, nature lore, archery and cookouls. You are cordially invited to view the camn movie which will be shown each Sunday at 3 p.m. from May I9lll through June I6tli on Edro’l ^Open Hou»e”l)ay». FOR INFORMATION CALL Ml 6-5590 4274 Echo Rd. Bloomfield Hills In Stock for Immediate Delivery $Q59 So. Sq. Yd. , v: i 11 x \: i \\ SIZES THE LAST WEEK FOR YOU TO ENJOY Tk& MuavcqI Rev. and Mrs. Joel Palmer TONIGHT THRU SUNDAY MAY 19th 7,-30 P.M. NIGHTLY (Except Saturday) at the FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH Perry at Wide Track Drive Pontiac, Michigan C. A. DAVENPORT, PASTOR FABULOUS FABRICS 12'/j—24Vi Molls have a big selection of'carpet in stock—Every one an exceptional' value. Loops, Embossed, Shags and Plushes. • Priced From yj h-rr* SUMMER SKIMMER - two words that mean a cool, free, | joyous summer for you. Choose country-fresh checks, solids in Dacron, cotton. Easy. I Printed Pattern 4997: Half Sizes 12%, M%, 16%, 18%, 20%, 122%, 24%. Size 16% (bust 37) ; takes 2% yds. 39-in. SIXTY-i FIVE CENTS in coins for each pattern — add 15 cents for each i pattern for first-class mailing jand special handling. Send to jAnne Adams, care of The Pon-jtiac Press, 137 Pattern Dept., 243 West 17th St., New York, N. Y. 10011. Print NAME, ADDRESS with ZIP, SIZE and STYLE NUMBER. 100% Cotton , "SUZIE" PRINTS _ "SUNVALLEY" - WOVEN PLAIDS Colorful cottons for dresses, blouses, school or play wear. Easy care, little ironing-.. Rl-G. 69c.to 79c -YD, VALUES^ 36" wide Guaranteed Washable 100% COTTON SPORTSWEAR PRINT 'N SOLIDS W and e rfuj cpmbin ations for pants, suits, _ shorts^ cavet-ups, mini skirts. Mix them or match them! Little ironing required. - REG.9Bc VALUE 45" wide Guaranteed Washable HAIR PROBLEM? We'IIP custom plan your permanent to suit your type of hair; whether it's dry, fine, thick, apt to frizz. Com* in or Call BETTER DRESS FABRICS • BONDED JERSEY PRINTS • ORLON ACRYLIC SCREEN STRIPES • KNITTED JERSEY STRIPES Vacation perfect,^ack and go fabrics in goad colors! «G' $2T49T«i $2.98 YD. VALUES £ jm |_ Jerseys are acetate, A g II I U yd. lining* 100% acetate 45" wide Guaranteed washable OPEN DAILY 10 A.M. to 9 P.M.-PHONE 682-3930 t THE PONTIAC PllESS. TUESDAY, MAY! 14, 1968 A—II Pontiac Pr.n Phe), Bloomfield Village branch, Woman’s National Farm and Garden Association, will hold a wind-up bridge tea and jlower show Wednesday at Bloomfield branch of Birmingham Federal Savings and Loan. President Mrs., Fred H. Cowin (from left), Mrs. Richard LaDue and Mrs. Atwell Smith discuss-arrangements in the patio of Mrs. Cowin’s Half Moon Road home. Proceeds of the branch’s bridge tournament will be used for horticulture therapy at Pontiac State Hospital and for landscaping at Bloomfield, Village School. Mrs. LaDue and, Mrs. Smith live, in Bloomfield Village. School Fairs Are Set for Weekend Youngsters throughout the ores are in store for a festive weekend with the lineup of school fairs slated by several PTA groups. CROFOOT Dancing, games and a variety of booths, including a hobby Shop display Ind white elephant sale, will be featured at Crofoot according to chairman Mrs. William Black. Parents and youngsters *are also invited to sample the -dinner menu during the 4-8 p,m. affair. ST. BENEDICTS • “Carnival Capers” at St.' Benedict’s is elated Saturday from 4-8 p.m. The family affair, chaired by Jane Einheuser and Alberta Keller, Is Sponsored by St. Gertrude’s Auxiliary. ST. TRINITY Zulu the clown will be on Sorority Plans Dance, Dinner Gamma Theta chapter of Sigma Beta Sorority, Inc. met1 recently in the Milford home of! Mrs. John Schicht. Plans were discussed for the annual June 22 charity dance to! be held at the Gingellville Community Hall. A buffet dinner will be served. Tickets will be available from members of Sigam Beta. hand for the day’s festivities at St. Trinity Lutheran School Saturday. it it h Honorary chairman is Mrs. Allen E. McBride who will be assisted by /Mrs. Jack Helzer, Janice Brock and Mrs. Frank Pettinaro. * * * The fan begins at 11 a.m. and runs until 2 p.m Camp Fire G Offers Varied Program Welfare and the Camp Fire Girls department of camping. The 120 acre site . in Independence Township is supported by donoations Iron various local civic clubs apd from proceeds of the Chmp Fire Girls annual candy sale. Major improvements to the camp this year include the dredging and redesigning of the waterfront, cooked TJuToriodrsTSf'lfiF^ All activities are under the supervision of a director, nurse Registration for the summer program at Camp Oweki on Gulick Lake in Clarkston is now open for Pontiac Area Camp Fire Girls. The adventure group camp is scheduled June 21-23. About 80 can attend this camp with their leaders. The girls will learn advanced campcraft skills and sleep in tents. All meals will be and waterfront staff. DAY CAMP The Camp Oweki day camp program, which consists of two eight-day sessions, opens July 9-19 with the second session from July 16-Aug. 3. Volunteers trained in May, serve as unit leaders and program specialists at both sessions. The day .camp directors for this summer’s session will be: Mrs. Charles Cupp Jr. and Mi's. John - Fitzgerald and Mrs. William DeRousse. Nurses serving at camp will be: Mrs. Thomas Fitzpatrick of Sylvan Lake, Mrs.,Gilbert Petz of Lake Orion, Mrs. William Postle of Drayton Plains and Mrs^ Robert Whaley * o f Clarkston. Although registered Camp Fire Girls will be accepted first, Camp Oweki day camp is open to all girls 7-14, and interested girls 14-18 are eligible to serve as camp aides. Applications for individual registrations area now available at the Camp Fire Girls office on Franklin Blvd. Camperships, financial aid to deserving girls, are also available at the office. ★ itit . Camp Oweki will serve over 300 girls in its camping program this summer. Special units, one for boys and one for preschoolers, will also be available for the children of volunteer unit leaders serving at Camp Oweki. iS Mrs. Robert- Plew, -a member |$r of the Pontiac Ara Camp Firej-ii: staff, will again serve as camp coordinator. Camp Oweki, noted for its well-supervised and varied program, meets the standard^ set by the American Camping Association, Michigan State Department of Social dition of a sand beach. ★ it ★ The camp development chairman, Richard Jarvis ,has been in charge of the waterfront development program. He has been assisted by Willis Schnekenburger, camp maintenance supervisor. The day camp committee in charge of program is comprised of Mrs. Albert Krueger, chairman and Mesdames Willis Schnekenburger, Jack Pelton, Fitzgerald, Cupp Jr. and Edmund Hadden. VFW Group Initiates Six Six new members were initiated at ceremonies when the Ladies Auxiliary to David Belisle post No. 100$, Veteran’s of Foreign Wars met recently h) the post home on Airport Road. The six are Mesdames : William Carie, Orel Griffis, Clarence Pyle, James Rudd, George Washburn and Carrie M. Webb. Contributions were made to the refugee program ‘‘Rice for Life” and to General William Westmoreland’s T E T Aggression Relief Project. Romantic Collection For Proms . . . ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Lady Luck may be on your side this time if you care to try a hand at the casino games slated Sunday at St. Vincent de Paul parish hall. The annual spring fair, sponsored by St. Fred’s Parents club, will be open from noon until 8 p.m. A! People is chairman. For your special evening . . . long* lovelies to make that night for you beautiful. Our beautiful long-stemmed dresses. .. there's nothing quite like them, we , think, for making a fantastic success of your prom and other important evenings. In the collection are whites, pastels. A. Sleeveless.....................$36.00 B. Puffed sleeve ................$33.00 others $33 to $46 Shopping For The Bride-to Bf Special (rift r roth Wiggs Spring and Summer Collection i':ji Hava You Stan tho | DIPPY GLAS | . for Flowar Making? Many Colors. . Let* ef Other NEW HOMES and CRAFTS, TOO! ..... CLEO’S HANDCRAFT p. SHOP . I |: 366 Oakland Ave, $ pm ^ _ f ■ fe 8:336r^m„mi Elect Kay Phelan The director of nurses for the Oakland County Health Department, Kay Phelan, R.N., has been elected to a three-year fermwthe-boiard--ef-diFectors of the Michigan Public Health Association. The annual election of officers of the Association took place i recently in Lansing. Try Qur Luecioua Fudge and Thin Peanut Brittle stemware. Open stock collection with a goblet for every need. Water goblets, champagne/ sherbets, wines, etc. JEach.^ M~ d .-E. 3.25 C. Earthenware canister sets in antiqued blue, olive and red with old fashioned, dekaliter measurement ensignia motif on front. 3 distinct sizes, 5.00,6.00 and 8.00 * D. ‘‘Gretchen”, Johnson Bros. English dinnerware. Creamy grounds with a provincial floral wreath in reds and greens. Open-stock. 42-pc. set, service for 8, 8 each: dinnerplates, soups, bread/ butters, cups and saucers, 1 vegetable dish, 1 platter, 37 Magnalite Cookware Feather-light, easy to clean. .Seals in all cooking vapors, retains vita-"Wffri^'"aitd—fhrvwv.~,'-.... .■■'■■F-' . . ■ ■ - -i—rnnmn’ffl-—ir jet service thru-out the Southeast. Just a part of $40,000,000 in new Delta Jets delivered since Jan. 1st. Atlanta, now 12 jets Dallas, now 4 jets Lv. 6:30a Arr. 9:25a 6:55a 11:10a 7:10a 9:37a , 8:00a 9:35a Non-stop l«5p * 5:15p l:15p 3:21p l:50p 3:25p NS, Super DC-8 4:45p 7:40p 5:05p 7:30p 5:40p 9:35p 755p 9:38p 8:15p 11:10p Non-stop time only 95 minutes. Connec. in Atlanta to all Southeast Jetourist $40. Lv. 8:00a Arr. 11:14a One-stop l:50p 5:07p- Super-8 thru-jet 5.-05p 921p 8:15p 12:43a Except for Super DC-8 thru-jet, all connect via Atlanta. Jetourist fare: a thrifty 864. Houston, now 5 jets Lv. 8:00a 5.-05p 6:18p 11:10p 12:20a One-stop Thru-jet One-stop, Thru Thru-jet Arr. 11:15a 907p 10:02p 1:23a 4.02a Connecting service via Atlanta at 8a, 505p. Jetourist fares: Day, $72; Night Coach, $56. Indianapolis,6 jets Lv. 8s00a Arr. 7:47a Non-stop 1:45p l:32p Non-stop 4:00p 3:47p Non-stop Lv. 8:00a Arr. 11:23a Thru-jet 8:00a 10:26a One-sfop 505p 9:19p ^ 8:15p 12:19a 12:20a 3:43a Night Coach Except for thru-jet, service via connection.' Jetourist fares: Day, $60; Night Coach, $50. Louisville, 4 jets Lv. 7:10a Arr. 806a Non-stop l:45p 3:56p 505p 5:59p Non-stop 8:15p 9:53p The non-stop flight time is a fast 56 minutes. Day Jetourist fare on all services, only $24. Jacksonville, 4 jets Lv. 800a Arr. 11:13a One-stop l:50p 507p One-stop 505p 9:14p 8:15p 12:59a All service is via direct Atlanta connections. The Jetourist fare on all flights is a low $55. Memphis, now 5 jets Lv. 7:10a 7:15a 1000a liSOp 5:05p 10:00p lOOOp 10:00p 10:55p Arr. 11:58a 11:25a Non-stop sspsnrr NS, ex. Mo, We, Th. Mo, We, Th. Fr, Sa, Su Lv. 8O0a l:45p 6:18p 11:10p 12:20a Arr. One-stop 9:11a 3:40p 7:29p One-stop 11:41p NS, Night Coach 1:31a -One-stop NC All thru-jets except l:45p via'Indianapolis conn. Jetourist: Day, $43;NC, Night, $33. 9:44p 12:26a 124a 2:07a 2:19a The non-stop time, just 2 hours, 26 minutes. 1:50p service is via Super DC-8 to Atlanta. Jetourist fares: Day $73; Night Coach, $57. Tampa, now 5 jets Lv. 7rl5a Arr. 10:13a 8 .-00a 11:34a l:50p 5:28p 5:05p 10:26p 10:00p 12:58a Except thru-jets, via Atlanta connection. Jetourist fares: Day, $63; Night Coach, $50. Orlando,now3jets Lv. 8:00a Arr. 11:25a One-stop 5.-05p 9:30p 10:00p 2:16a Night Coach Service via Atlanta or Tampa jet connects. Jetourist fares: Day, $61; Night Coach, $50. Add tax to lira. For reservations, call Delta or see your Travel Agent. Ask about Delta's wide variety of special low fares. Major credit cards honored. Thru-jet Thru-jet Thru-jet -6t44p- -6i05p—Non-stop 8:15p 12:20a 8:02p Non-stop 12:07a Non-stop The non-stop DC-9 jet time is only 47 min. Jetourjst fares: Day, $20; Night Coach, $17. \ \ ■ Also non-stop Delta jets to Cincinnati, Columbus and Day ton. ' Thru-jets to Chattanooga, Kifoxville and Jackson. i i i I SALE STARTS WEDNESDAY AT 10 AM AND LASTS UNTIL SUNDAY, MAY 19, 7 PM OPEN NIGHTS UNTIL 10 PM AND SUNDAY UNTIL 7 PM DEPARTMENT STORES Battny Operated Portable PHONOGRAPH DISCOUNT PRICSD Medal <001. New compact •_ rocord player. Perfect lor picnic*, b.ach.s end wherever you ««■ MODIL S701..SS.SS MENS MOROCCO FINISH TRAVEL KIT DISCOUNT PNICBD Full zipper end sturdy ; carrying strep. Black morocco finish; For mens shoving gear end toilet* ties. f WHITE PAPER PLATES ...100 COUNT DISCOI HCBD Package' of 100 plates for picnicking or Informal Serving. Sanitarily- pack* aged.___ ■.■MIT « PROS INSULATED PLASTIC FOAM CUPS... 50 COUNT DISCOUNT PRICSD * Package of SO dlepoe'V able 7 ounce cups for either hot pr cold drinks. LIMIT t PROS MISSES SPANDEX BRIEFS DISCOUNT PRICSD Light control panties of . Stretch rayon/nylon .panel.x. One s!xer fits 30 Is 40.. MISSES LEISURE SUPPERS DISCOUNT PRICSD Washable slippers with-crepe soles for indoor or outdoor wear. Assorted pattern. ■ r . TURTLE LIQUID AUTO WAX DISCOUNT PRICSD New high gloss wax with hard shell finish. Worlds most popular car wax. 14 fit oi. ., , LIMIT I MSLONE MOTOR OIL AUDITIVE DISCOUNT PRICSD Quiets' noisy volvos and 'makes your angina run smoothly and eiiiclontly. LIMIT S Bob (Jets a'poppin’) Hope says: "Wow! 2,250 seats South from Detroit every day - what an airlift!” Sm Bob Hope soon tn "The Private Navy of Sgt. O'Farrell" Now a dozen jets daily to Atlanta... morning and evening non-stops toMiami. Increased jet service thru-out the Southeast. Justapart of $40,000,000 in new Delta Jets delivered since Jan. 1st. Atlanta, now 12 jets Dallas, now 4 jets New Orleans, 6 jets Miami, now 8 jets Lv. Si 8:00a l:50p 8:15p 12:20a Arr. 11:23a 1026a ■ 4:21p “9W 12:19a 3:43a Thru-jet One-stop One-stop Non-stop Super PC'S ■ Lv. 6:30a 6:55a 7:10a 8:00a' lfl5p 1:15p l:50p 4:45p 5fl5p ,5:40p 725p 8:15p Arr. 9:25a 11:10a 9:37a Non-stop NS, Super DC-8 9:35a 5:15p 321p 3:25p 7:40p 7:30p 9:35p 9:38p 11:10p Non-stop time only 95 minutes. Connec. in Atlanta to all Southeast Jetourist, $40. Lv. 8:00a Arr. 11:14a One-stop l:50p 5fl7p Super-8 thru-jet 5fl5p 921p 8:15p 12:43a Except for Super DC-8 thru-jet, all connect via Atlanta. Jetourist fare: a thrifty $64. Houston, now 5 jets Lvr 8:00a Arr. ll:15a One-stop 5:05p 9fl7p 6:18p 10fl2p Thru-jet ll:10p 1:23a One-stop, Thru 12:20a 4.-02a Thru-jet Connecting service via Atlanta at 8a, 5fl5p. Jetourist fares: Day, $72; Night Coach, $56. ‘ Indianapolis,6 jets Lv. 8:00a Arr. 7:47a Non-stop l:45p l:32p Non-stop 4:00p 3:47p Non-stop 1 fip____6:05p Non-stop Night Coach Except for thru-jet, service via connection. Jetourist fares: Day, $60; Night Coach, $50. Louisville, 4 jets Lv. 7:10a Arr. 8:06a Non-stop l:45p 3:56p 5fl5p 5:59p Non-stop 8:15p 9:53p The non-stop flight time is a fast 56 minute’s. Day Jetourist fare on all services, only $24. Jacksonville, 4 jets Lv. 8.00a Arr. 11:13a One-stop l:50p 5fl7p One-stop 5fl5p 9:14p 8:15p 12:59a All service is via direct Atlanta connections. The Jetourist fare on all flights is a low $55. Memphis, now 5 jets Lv. 8:00a 1:45p 6:18p 11 :iOp 12:20a One-stop Arr. 9:11a 3:40p 7:29p 11:41p 1:31a All thru-jets except 1:45p via Indianapolis conn. Jetourist: Day, $43; NC, Night, $33. One-stop NS, Night Coach One-stop NC Lv. 7:10a Arr. 11:58a 7:15a 11:25a 10:00a 12:26p -—-fr58p~ ■■■■ 5i38p 5:05p i 9:44p - 10:00p 12:26a NS, ex. Mo, We, Th, 10 flOp 124a Mo, We, Th. 10:00p 2fl7a 10:55p 2:19a Fr,Sa,Su The non-stop time, just 2 hours, 26 minutes. 1:50p service is via Super DC-8 to Atlanta. Jetourist fares: Day $73; Night Coach, $57. Tampa, now5 jets Lv. 7:15a Arr. 10:13a Thru-jet 8fl0a 11:34a Thru-jet l:50p 5:28p 5:05p 10:26p . 10:00p 12:58a Thru-jet Except thru-jets, via Atlanta connection. Jetourist fares: Day, $63; Night Coach, $50. Orlando, now3 jets Lv. 8fl0a Arr. 11:25a One-stop 5fl5p 9:30p lOflOp 2:16a Night Coach ■ Service via Atlanta or Tampa jet connects. Jetourist fares: Day, $61; Night Coach, $50k Add tix-to firM. For reservations, call Delta or see your Travel Agent. Ask about Delta's wide variety of special low fares. Major credit cards honored. Baat thins tlwt avar happanad to air traval 8:1 5p 12:20a 8:02p 12:07a Non-stop Non-stop The non-stop DC-9 jet time is only 47 min. Jetourist fares: Day, $20; Night Coach, $17. Also non-stop Delta jets to Cincinnati, Columbus and Dayton. Thru-jets to Chattanooga, Knoxville and' Jackson. 4 AP Wlrtpholo MOST VALUABLE —St. Louis Blues' goalie Glenn Hall is' surrounded by his most ardent fans after learning the news that he had won the National Hockey League's Conn Smythe Trophy as the Most Valuable player in the NHL Stanley Cup playoffs. With, the"trophy comes a $1,500 bonus. Surrounding Hall are (left to right) Mrs. Hall, Leslie it), Patrick 12, Tammy 6 and Lindsay 3. By the Associated Press If the Pittsburgh Pirates ever get Jim Bunnlng a few runs they’ll be dangerous. If the St. Louis Cardinals get anybody a few more runs they’ll be unstoppable. The Cardinals widened their National League lead to four games Monday night by nipping luckless Bunnlng and the surprisingly punchless Pirates 1-0 behind the four-hit pitching of.Nelson Briles. ★ ★ ★ St. Louis has scored just 12 runs in its last six starts . . . and won four of them. The Pirates have totaled 11 runs in splitting their last six games. Bunnlng is \ 3-3 on the season . . . with a pair of 1-0 setbacks in the last two weeks. The 36-year-old right-hander, acquired b y Pittsburgh in a winter trade, lost five 1-0 decisions with Philadelphia last year. L In other National League night games—the only other action in the majors—the Chicago Cubs whipped Los Angeles 5-1 and Atlanta shaded Philadelphia 4-2. runner to reach second base until the eighth, when he left for a pinch hitter. Ernie Banks cracked a two-run homer for the Cubs, who spotted Los Angeles a 1-0 first inning lead before moving ahead to stay in the fourth on singles by Don Kessinger, Glenn Beckert and Billy Williams plus a sacrifice fly by Ron Santo. ANOTHER RUN ^ Santo singled home another run in the sixth before Banks unloaded his fifth 1968 homer ... and the 447th of his . career. Southpaw Ken Holtzman was the winner with eighth inning relief heljT from former Dodger Phil Regan. Ken Boyer, making his Dodger debut, drove in the only run off Holtzman with the first of his two singles. Knuckleballer Phil Niekro stopped Philadelphia on three hits and keyed the Braves’ deciding two-run rally in the ninth with a bunt single. Reliever Dick Farrell walked pinch hitter Tito Fran* cona with the bases jammed. forcing in the tiebreaking run and Hank Aaron provided insurance with a sacrifice fly. Aaron’s brother Tommy got the Braves .off to an early lead with a two-run homer but the Phils tied it in the fourth on a two-run single by Johnny Briggs. THE PONTIAC PRESS SPORTS TUESDAY, MAY 14, 19(18 B—1 # Bengals Defending Hold on First Place FIFTH VICTORY Curt Flood’s double and Roger Maris’ run-scoring single in the first inning gave ’Briles all the support he needed in winging to his fifth victory against two losses. Briles, tagged for a single by Bill Mazeroski and a double by Willie Stargell in the first inning, pitched out of the jam and then shackled the Pirates, whose team batting average dipped to .226. :> k . k yk After giving up the first inning-run, Bunning allowed only one more St. Louis DETROIT (AP)—The Detroit Tigers, owners of a two-game edge over the rest of the American League pack, tonight open Another one of those door-die series that haunt pennant contenders all season long. The two night games are against the second-place Baltimore Orioles, who just happen to need a pair over the Tigers to even things up again. k k k The Orioles share their second spot with the Cleveland Indians, winners of two from ^altunore”* in"~a*~'Suri SPARKS OUTBURST-Shortstop Mark Karwas ignited the four-run outburst that broke a scoreless tie yesterday in Kettering’s 4-0 conquest of Lake Orion. The senior-infielder-4rov& 4n the first two runs and scored the third. Kettering Hurler Halts Lake Orion With One-Hitter Lake Orion didn’t jiave to face Mike Harkey this time but the Dragons still found Kettering’s hurlers stingy and dropped a 4-0 decision yesterday. ------ _ k ■ ★—if — - Junior right-hander Wayne Smith made his first varsity start a memorable one by holding the Dragons to one hit—they managed none off Harkey in the previ- ' mm mpptinp—nnrt whiffing-ID hatters....- Smith had a perfect game for five innings before Orion put two runners on base in the sixth. k ★. ★ Kettering broke a 0-0 deadlock with four runs in the fifth. Mark Karwas’ Single plated the first two. He scored on Steve Lyons’ sacrifice fly and Bob Earls circled the bases on two misplays by the losers’ infield., Tom Setter had two hits for WKHS who is now 4-8 and visits Bloomfield Hills Andover tomorrow. .Loko Orlen ,.. ... MO MO 0-I 13 Kittoring ......»... ....MO mo x— 4 I o BAKER am? Knapp; SMITH amt Walton, Baker (7th), Image’s owner Peter Fuller and trainer Lou Cavalaris have left Louisville. But the hearing in the disqualification of the gray colt as Kentucky Derby winner continues at Churchill Downs today. “We’ll be back Wednesday morning,’’ Fuller said as he prepared to board a plane for Baltimore after testifying in the first day of the stewards’ hearing Monday. The owner and trainer sSi - SAT.M - CLOSED SUNDAY UNITED TIRE SERVICE ‘WHERE PRICES ARE DISCOUNTED - NOT QUALITY’ 1007 Baldwin Ave. 3 MINUTES FROM DOWNTOWN PONTIAC Tat iLt Tuiedr «t Etlcwi. HOME-IMPROVEMENT-SCREENS and AWNINGS! If you are an individual who prefers a wide array of selections, Midwest is offering to you the b est in - exte ri o r screens and awn- ings. FREE ESTIMATE - 24 HR. SERVICE • ADDITIONS e ATTIC ROOMS • REC ROOMS • CEMENT WORK • GARAGES • KITCHENS • ROOFING* SIDING FE 4-2575 718 W. HURON MIDWEST Builders A Supply Co. Pontiac There were too many strikes even for Lighthouse Lanes Monday night as the Rev. Harold Hughes of Clarkston Appliance held the kegmen hitless in a 3-1 Waterford Township Men’s Softball triumph. Rev. Hughes walked Walt Poe to lead off the game and hi scored after a wild pitch, stolen base and ground out. But that was it for Lighthouse (1-2) who had 15 batters go down on strikes and stranded five other runners. ★ ★ ★ Bob Smith’s sacrifice fly tied it for Clarkston (2-1) in the third, and two errors sandwiched around Steve Ryeson’s single plated the deciding unearned runs. 3RD STRAIGHT The, no-hitter overshadowed Spencer Floor Covering’s third j straight win without a defeat in the opening game. It dumped j Midget Bar (0-3), 6-1. I F16yd Hicks yielded three hits — including Ron Wood-j hull’s triple and Brian Rudd’s run-scoring single — in the opening inning, then scattered [three more in gaining the decision. Jerry Carlton’s two singles featured Spencer’s attack. ★ ★ ★ Tonight, the township’s Bloop-erball League starts at 6:45 p.m. on the Pierce JHS diamond with Lakeland Pharmacy meeting, Huntoon. Setbacks Conti nu& Granatelli's 500' Hopes Fade NEED HELP? USE A PONTIAC PRESS CLASSIFIED AD. LOW IN COST. FAST IN ACTION. PHONE 332-8161. Stevenson Nine Records Victory Keith Nestle collected a double and triple yesterday to lead Utica Stevenson to a 7-5 Eastern Michigan League baseball win over Port Huron Northern. ★ ★ ★ Stevenson is 2-3 in the league and 3-10 over-all. Northern has a 1-3 loop mark. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (AP) Car owner Andy Granatelli has suffered still another setback in his 22-year-old quest for victory in the Indianapolis 500-mile race. ★ A k One of the four Grand Prix drivers Granatelli hired to drive his stable of six turbine-powered cars was sidelined Monday for at least three weeks with a hairline fracture of the right wrist. Jackie Stewart suffered the injury when the -steering wheel lashed back during practice foi* a Formula Two race In Spain. Two 9f the drivers—Jim Clark of Scotland and Mike Spence of England—were killed in racing accidents. Clark died April 7 at Hockenheim, Germany, 'and Spence was injured fatally a month later at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, practicing for the 500. 'A -k k American driver Pamelli Jones, also signed to drive for Granatelli, withdrew, saying the turbocar which nearly won the Memorial Day Indianapolis race last year no longer was compel itive with piston-engine cars be cause of revisions ordered by the U.S. Auto Club. HIT WALL The turbocar was retired permanently Sunday when it spun and slapped the well here. Gfanatelli’ said the car was not worth repairing because a USAG rule change effective next year will not permit engines to extend beyond the inside edge of the wheel. GranateHi’s turbine stable has been reduced to three cars and one Grand Prix driver—Gra- worked day and night to rebuild ham Hill, who won the 1966 Indianapolis race. k k k Dave Blackmer, six-year member of the Granatelli team, says Granatelli “goes to the end of the road and ovevreomes obstacles where others would give up.” Blackmer said, “If it hadn’t been for the 1969 ban on the wheel, Andy and his brothers (Vince and Joe) would have Skippers Triumph; Kettering Defeated Open Bidding for Super Bowl ATLANTA (AP)-The battle for pro football’s prize plum the 1969 Super Bowl site—opens today at the joint meeting of the American and National Football League owners amid indications that Miami and New Orleans hold the inside track. k k k At a news conference Monday, Pete Rozelle, commissioner of the football leagues, said the choice has pretty well narrowed to the two cities. Other controversial problems scheduled for consideration by owners today and Wednesday include a proposal to eliminate the one-point conversion kick Utica Stevenson \....202 i.l I- 1 9 ¥ Dirf i»h Northern ........wi »» o— s • 4 by the NFL Players Associa- c st»rtp< SARGEANT, Janls It) and Beaudoin. fjnn ' ip h R ER BB SO Mi! hTIDlf PhinAl I nnri Wilth. IIUI1. - a •» *» «» 7 < 5r / married a bartender. Four fast-stepping Skippers kept the three Waterford prep trade teams from suffering a blanking in track Monday afternoon. k k k Waterford Township’s mile relay unit clinched a 63-55 triumph over Rochester to make the Skippers the lone winners. Kettering couldn’t keep pace with Walled Lake in the dashes and dropped a 65-53 decision, while Southfield Lathrup outdistanced Mott, 83-35, by winning 9 of the 14 events. WTHS and Rochester evenly National League ATLANTA PHILADELPHIA eb r h bl ab r h bl FAlou cf *4000 TTaylor 5b 4010 Mlllan 2b 4 0 0 0 Rolas 2b 4 0 0 0 Francona ph 0 0 0 1 Callison rf 3 10 0 Lum pr 0 0 0 0 Whitt 1b 110 0 Woodwrd 2b 0 0 0 0 RAIIen If 3 0 0 0! HAaton rf 3 0 0 1 Briggs cf 3 0 2 ‘ DJohnson lb 4 1 1 0 Ryan c 4 0 0 0 TAaron If 2 112 Pena ss 3 0 0 0 C Boyer 3b 4 0 0 0 CShorf p 10 0 0 Tillman c 3 0 0 0 Farrell p 0 0 0 0 RJackson $92120 PNIekro p 3 110 Total 29 4 5 4 Total 26 2 3 2 C.Short awarded first on catcher's Interference. Atlanta .......... 020 0 0 0 0 0 >— 4 Philadelphia .000 200 Off-* 2 E — Tillman. DP — Atlanta P.Nfekro (W,3-3) C.Short . HIGH JUMP — Gene Panker (K), Loveland (WL), Schneider (WL). height 5- POLE VAULT — Conway (K), Myers (K), Cobb (WL), 10-0. LONG JUMP — Richie Richmond (WL). Penoza (K), Ridley (WL), distance 20-*V4. TWO MILE RUN — John Nadolni (WL), Dudley (WL), Sutton (WL). 10:34. ' W. Kettering Three Michigan Matmen Falter in Olympic Test AMES, Iowa (AP)—Three of four wrestlers from the state of Michigan were eliminated from the Greco-Roman competition Monday in the ILrfL Qlympie werestling trials at Iowa State University. Gary Kipfmiller of Saginaw, Mich., was eliminated in the heavyweight division when he was defeated by Gregor Wo-jiechowski, 2-1, in the second round. , k k k 'Rudy. Williams, of Inkster, Mich., was eliminated in the the third round at 171.5 pounds, when he was pinned by Bob Anderson of Torrance, Calif. In the second round, Williams de- Judiey (WL), RELAY — (Donaldson, Oconner, Gobler, Penoza)'. time 1:35.4. MILE RUN — Ron Beegla (WL), Hooker (K), Ridley (WL), 4:44 120 HIGH HURDLES — Bill Penoza (K), Slersma (WL), Rafferty (WL), :14.l. 880 RUN — Kevin Reabe (K), Atkinson (WL), Onrsczak (WL), 2:034. 440 DASH — John Spark* (WL), Oswald (WL), Gobler (K>, :53.9. 100 DASH — Bob Zaabst (WL), Panker (K). Donaldson (K), :10.6. IM LOW HURDLES — Bill Pedoza (K), Rafferty (WL), Slersma (WL), 32.1. 220 DASH — Bob Zaebat (WL), Donaldson (K), Oconner (KjTtSJ. MILE RELAY — Walled Lake (Atkinson, Woznlak, Ridley, Oswald (WL), is, Minn., 3-2. John Hansen of Ypsilanti, Mich., was eliminated in the third round at 138.5 pounds. He was defeated by Tom Best of Allentown, Pa., 5-3. Still remaining a contestant in the competition was Bob Buzzard of Ann Arbor, Mich., at 154 pounds. He defeated Mark Miller of New York City, 2-1, in the third round Monday. American Laasua Wan Last Pet. 10 .443 OB .483 .444 A .444 .452 .433 .385 Datrelt .......... II Baltimore ........ 14 Cltvaland ........ 14 Minnesota ........ 14 Oakland ......... 14 Boston ........... 13 Washington ....... 13 California ....... 14 Naw York .......’13 Chicago .......... 10 Monday's Rasulfs No oames scheduled. Today's Oamas Oakland (Hunter 3-2) at Minnesota (Merritt 3,2), night Baltimore (McNally 3-2) at Detroit (Wilson 3-4), night Naw York (Bahnsari 3-1) at Cleveland (Rohr 0-0), night California (McGlothlln 2-2 or Brunet 3-3) at Chicago (Patars 2-3), night Washington (Ortaga 4-2) at Boston (Culp 0-2 or Stephenson 1-4), nioht Wednesday's Gamas National League wen Last Pel. St. Louis ........ If 10 San Francisco ... IS 14 Atlanta .......... 14 . 15 Pittsburgh ....... 14 14 Chicago .......... 15 14 Cincinnati ....... 14 15 Philadelphia ..... 14 15 Los Angelos .— 14 14 Houston .......... 14 14 Now York ......... 12 14 Monday's Rasults Atlanta 4, Philadelphia 2 .455 .5)7 .514 .500 Only games scheduled. , Today's Gamas Cincinnati (Pappas 2-2) a) New York (Ryan 3-2), night Atlanta (Reed 3-0) at Philadelphia (L. Jackson 3-4), night St. Louis (Carlton 3-1) at Pittsburgh (Blass 1-0), night Houston (Glustl 3-2) at San Francisco (McCormick 2-2), night Chicago (Jenkins 4-2) at Los Angeles (Drysdale 1-3), night Doubteheader (Continued From Page B-l) Andovevr (5-5) took a 2-0 lead on rbi-singles by Dick Souther, .landCraig ’W&lsli.—However,_______ Rich Porritt drove in three markers for Clarkston with a sacrifice fly and then a gamewinning two-run single in the sixth. West Bloomfield won its' second in a row after falling behind on a three-run homer by Cary Rifkin. Ron Van Gqjder’s lead-off triple, three errors and RBI-singles by Mark DeSilvio and Bob Browne sent the Lakers into a 5-3 lead. k k k Bill Bullock’s ifomer, HoBT" Brennan’s double and another clutch i single by Browne highlighted a four-run fifth inning. Curtis Britton blanked C’ville after the first inning apd struck out nine. Clarancevllle ..... 380 000 O— 3 4 4 W. Bloomfield ......500 Of* X— * I 1 McCAMMON, Duman (5th) ond Rlfkln; BRITTON and Bullock. BH Andover .........101 000 0— 2 3 3 Clarksotn ...........001 102 X— 4 7 t BAUMANN, Irving and Parrott) JOHNSON and Keyser. Trinidad in Olympics PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad (AP) — The Trinidad government has provided $15,000 for the Trinidad Olympic Association to send a team to the Olympic Games in Mexico (Sty later this year, it was announced Monday. 6 YURS DID. IMPORTED IS B0TTU FROM CANADA BY HIRAM WALKER IMPORTERS IRC. OETROII. MICH. 86 8 PROOF. BUNDED CANADIAN WHISKY I married a somebody who can wait all day for a fish to bite, double bogey 5 times in 9 holes, or sit half the night in a duckblind— and love every minute of it. I married a somebody who can reel ‘ off spoils sratistfcsj-sOTfe^rpo^cat ar-' gument, and give sympathy to the lovelorn-—all in the same breath. I married a somebody who can laugh at a stale joke, listen arr endless story, and remember your name even if - he's only met you once. I married a very special somebody everybody seems to like. I married a bartender. Note from Hiram Walker: Since May is National Tavern Month, won't you join us in a toast to your favorite man--behind-the-bar? ------- "The Best In The House"9 in 87 lands TO HI* MAJKSTV OUCfN (UZDOKIM II fWMMOrtlWIIlMClM'IIMff HtRAMWALKER A SONS IJflEO WAIKERVULL CANADA RENT A CAR by the flour by theDay by the Week by the Month by the Year »r up trip-rent a Pontiac, from a Tempest to a Bonneville, or a Buick, from a Special to an Electra, from Shelton Any time you need a car for any purpose - from a couple of errand* to do' or up to a month’s vacation i, fr Spe Pontiac-Buick. All Shelton rental cars are new 1968 models, kept in top shape and rarin’ to go. And you’ll find onr rentals most reasonable. See How Much Lease-By-The-Year L______________Can Save You . * " A lot of car owners could save real money by leasing instead of owning their cars. It might pay you, to lease-and drive a brand new car every year. It depends on the amount and type of driving , you do. Stop In and talk It over. We’ll show you to your satisfaction whether a lease will save you money — or whether it wop’t. shelton PONTIAC • BUICK 855 Rochester Rd., Rochester (’A Mils South of Rochosfor) 6.51 *5500 Sports Calendar TODAY PrafSMlanal Baiaball Baltimore at Detroit, I P.m. High School Baiaball Clawson at Rochester Pontiac Northern at Walled Lake Farmington at Waterford Waterford AAott at Utica Stevenson St. Francis de Sales at Farmington OLS Pontiac Catholic at Royal Oak St. Mary Orchard Lake St. Mary at Waterford OLL Oxford at Chippewa Valley South Lyon at Satina Detroit Catholic Central at Brother Rica Romeo at Utica Almont at AAarlette Lamphero at Warren Woods Track Relays at Birmingham Groves North Farmington at Farmington OeH Clarkston at Milford Rochester at Waterford Bloomfield Hills Andover at North Farmington ■ Tennis Clarkston at Rochester Farmington at Waterford Pontiac Northern at Walled Lake WEDNESDAY Professional Baseball - iBettlmofa at Detrolt, *-a.m. - _ High Settee! Baseball Rochester at Pontiac Catholic Catholic Central at Crenbrook - Bloomfield Hills Andover et Kettering Clarkston at Waterford Welled Lake at Waterford West Bloomfield at Waterford Kettering Mount Clemons St. Louis at Pontiac Catholic Golf Pontiac Central at Waterford Kettering af Bloomfield Hills Andover Walled Lake at Northvllle Holly, West Bloomfield at'Milford New Haven at Dryden Tannls Rochester at Waterford Kettering at Bloomfield Hills Andover-North Farmington at Oak Park Wayne Glenn at Birmingham Groves Warren Fitzgerald at Hazel Park THURSDAY------------ Professional Bastball Detroit at Toledo, 7 p.m. — exhibition High School Baseball Rochester at Romeo Clarencevllle at Clarkston Northvllle at Bloomfield Hills Andover Pontiac Catholic at Waterford Mott West Bloomfield at Brighton Holly at Milford Bay City Central at Pontiac Central (2) Lamphero at Oxford Columbia Central at Novi Lake Orion at Clawson Dundee at South Lyon Utica at Madison Monroe at Royal Oak Dondero Dryden at Almont Port Huron, at Utica Stevenson, . Detroit Servile at Royal Oak 3nrlna Trhck.-. North Farmington af Wayne Glenn Oak Park at Franklin Detroit Thurston at Birmingham Graves Detroit St. Anthony, St. Alphonsus at Orchard Laka St. Mary Golf West Bloomfield at Kettering Southfield at Royal Oak Kimball Oak Park at Fern dale Tennli * Ottawa Hills at CYanbrook Kettering at Lapeer V Flint Central at Pontiac Central Southfield at Royal Oak Kimball Farndele at — ‘Sir — -----Hazel Park . Tubeless Whitewalls 2 ,or x 13 735 x 14 7TlbH4 825 x 14 855 x 14 COMPLETE > TIRE SERVICE . Fed. Tax 37-606 Price Includes Mounting and A Full1 ROAD HAZARD OUARANTEE NO TRADE-IN NEEDED OPEN DAILY! I A.M.-8 P.M.) Sat, I A.M.-6 P.M. TRUCK TIRE ROAD SERVICE Tire Service Company 190 West Walton Blvd. PONTIAC Phone: 332-5888 pi pBI|jKjiWM|i| PMW -.-iu-- - ....... .BawJS~ In Northwest Suburban Play Oak Park Edges Leader to Tighten Race W. John Gl.nn I 1 Oik Park N. Firm........3 1 D. Thurston L. Franklin ...3 1 B. Gro\*» .. Oak Park tightened the Northwest Suburban AA diamond title chase by knocking off Wayne John Glenn, 8-5, Monday. . North Farmington pufled out a key 3-2 victory over Thurston In the bottom of the 14th Inning for the longest game in the Raiders’ baseball history. ( Livonia Franklin thumped Birmingham Groves, 9-6, to keep the Falcons from grabbing second place. Jeff Holmes rapped two singles, a double and homer for the losers. Gary Humenny . had a single and double. ■ ^ ★ * ' * Jay Hazelroth’s second single broke up the tough pitchers’ battle between Thurston’s Dlno Syrois an4 North Farmington’s Mike McCoy. 3INA&OW McCoy gained his second win and the Haiders’ (bird in a row by striking out 17, walking only Horse j Wolverine Entries Racing Hazel Park Entries' t I a I At A A Oxford Gins Andover Netters Down Clarkston in Keg Meet Bloomfield Hills ALUMINUM SIMM APPLICATORS IMMEDIATE WORK AVAILABLE WORK YEAR 'ROUND TOP PAY BOND-BILT CONSTRUCTION CO 13800 W. 8 Mile Rd. Grayson Jones JO stops rust TONIGHT 1st—11000 Claiming Pact; 1 Mila Neela Flat! B. C. K. Lenawee Bonnie Herklmars Son Mlti Satin Grattan Thrifty Caah Lea Hayet Key Knight taO-SIMS Claiming Pacat 1 Mila Star Regal Nlkl N Peachamont victor Flanagan Arden Queen Queen* Pirate Mountain Logan Wee Lady Gee 3rd—$1700 Conditioned Tret; 1 Mila Codlea Diana l> Special G Little Dover Hobo* Tommy Sandy Goln Firelana Indian Colonel 4th—tiooo Conditioned Pacat 1 Mila Hickory Encore Jumpln Jimenez Doby Volo Jimmies Paoar Pepper Byrd Some Doll Homebred Ducheoo Wyn Sth—$1700 Conditioned Pacat 1 Milo Iowa Thrift Dominion Ace Oieymlto Kahlai Grattan Rolling-On Lennys Girl Robert E Adlo* Pastime Elolse 4th—01700 Conditioned Pacat 1 Mila Welly* Angel My Adlo* Peppermlll Palsy Hal Frisky Prudence Truax Sisters Joy Hajnna Grattan 7tl>—$3000 Conditioned Facet I Mile Irene Ensign Saturday Grattan Mazzy Anderson Jimmy K Chief Senator Haven Senator Glib Karens Filly Haladale 0th—13400 Conditioned Facet 1 Mila JBalrdS/Adios Greenleaf Douglas Hats A'King Sir Tru Gallant Cong of Venice Pocket Adam Slzzler Hanover Joyces Joy 0th—11700 Conditioned Facet 1 Mila Ensign Adlos Tlnys Jet Dandy D Prim Tracys Pride Keepers Ann Double G Battle Cottonwood Sota Lee O for life! Ziebart Rustproofing takes up where undercoating ends! Ziebart patented process innercotts your car; stops rust completely, permanently. Factory-trained technicians use exclusive Ziebart tools and techniques to apply special sealant inside door panels, fender wells, rocker panels ,.. all rust-prone areas. Army, Navy, U. S. Post Office, thousands of fleet owners use Ziebart Rustproofing. Win the war on rust. Phone now! ZIEBART it 821 Oakland Ave. Phone FE 4-0502 two and scattering seven hits Syrois allowed two of the four hits, off him in the 14th whiffed 21. Oak Park’s Redskins erupted for six runs in the fifth inning to dump Glenn. Ron Ekelman’s three-run homer keyed the out1 burst and handed his brother Dave the mound triumph. The Redskins’ jayvees posted an 8-0 no-hit victory over Glenn behind sophomore Jack Rubenstein. He struck out 12. I • ★ ★ ★ again edged Clarkston's defending Wayne-Oakland League net champions, 3-2, Monday and The Commers, fivoo. 11-year- j Rochester hopes to add to the old girls from Collier Lanes’ bantam bowling program, andjeamed a berth in the Freedom Festival competition next month by winning their Class C event Sunday at the Cecil Ward Jr. Tournament in Detroit. The quintet’s 1735 total (1714 actual) on the WY-7 Lanes earned each of them a title trophy and the praise of coach Louise Bbthwell. Anchorgirl Robin Ward led ! the way with 181—424 high ■ N ANOOVER 3, CLARKITON I Unfits Mark Erickson (C), def. Bob Dutseau, 6-3, 6-3/ Kim Beattie (C) def. Doug Plante, 6-1, 7-5; Fred Miller (A) ‘dot. Dave Kellye, 6-3, 6-3. Andover Wolves’ skid today after thumping Kettering, 7-0, yesterday. Andover ended Clarkston (12-2) long winning skein with a 3-2 i win in their first meeting this Narrow victories in both spring. doubles enabled the BaronFlia-2) to maintain their mastery yesterday. Rochester (8-1) easily swept by WIJHS while prepping for this afternoon's shot at avenging its only loss. Daublas Dava Lau-Dave Moora (A) dot. Tom Bullard-KIrk Beattie, 7-5, 6*4; Tom Colando-Brooks Darling (A) def. Mark GriffIths-Mark Water bury, 9-7, 6*4. ROCHESTER 7, KETTERING 0 Singlas Rick Krumrlna, def. Peterson, 6-4, 6-2; John Katona def. Mefbenstrelt, 6-2, 9-7; Henry Kern def. Myers, 6*2, 6-2; Mike Spink def. Radernr, 7-5, 6-1, YOUR CAR INSURANCE Chris WEDNESDAY'S ENTRIES 1st—$>S(t'Claiming; 4 Furlongs: Lucky Touch 110 Coma* the Gr'i Living Ooublg IIS Holly Pagan Third Ballot 110 Moslam Rose IDS O. Faollne 111 Shiloh Springs 117 Beo't Little Man IIS Indian Gama lis Jnd—SM00 Allow. Pllllaa; 4 Furlongs: Mother Hubbard HI Lamlklns 113 Famous Miss 113 I. A. M. Ape 113 Jacoletna 111 Fiorina's Pride US Satin Diction 11) My Molly Rrown 113 Wanda L. 113 3rd—S3SQ0 Allowance, Mdns.; 4 Furlongs: Spoonful 111 Corky of Clinton Til Snyerglsm US King's Slipper IIS Mild Affair 115 Fall Fury lis Belinda's Boy 111 Hawlofgold 111 Missy Fawn US Highland Piper HI Groves today meets N. , , . Farmington in a vital makeup |~° w™ „ ... Jgame that Will boost the winner^ ^aldo, Chris Smith £ into second place. ' CaJ^ ;Hanson'. ?n? C,ndrT1 ia ‘ r 1 The junior girls from Collier’s Fiss-Barrielt, 6-0, 6-0; and Pod Thiel def. Vaughn-Well, D. Thurston ....... N. Farmington...... SYROIS apd Roy; 001 001 *-2 7 3 000 110 1-3 4 4 McCOY and Jontz. I placed fourth in Class C. The band-tailed, blue, Orove* ...........$13 $$$ 3-4 II L' stacy'(Vi), ward <5th) end Humenny’ i pigeon, is the only wild native DAVIES, Minor (7th) and Hopkini. pigeon in the United States. Michigan Collago Scoreboard By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Baseball University of Detroit 8, Wayne State University } Albion 1-5, Adrian 0-6 Tennis Hillsdale 5, Spring Arbor 4 Miami (Fla.) 9, Michigan State 0 119 112 Shephard's Hope 117 Zoop Magic Wheels 119 Claydan Bouncing Judy 1T2 Slowtout Dream 117 Sth—$2500 Claiming; 4 Furlongs Carach 107 Count de Cha'ge 115 Ask Not 112 Crazy Arm Added Money 115 Tedeum T'Nother Side 115 Jr.'s Platt Prince Buster 115 6th—S31Q0 Claiming; 6Vi Furlongs: Anogmar 120 Quarter 'Til ‘ Watch My Dust 115 Cookie Pie Harbor Island 113 Slipper Nipper Rebec 113 Alpine Mission Mr. Particular 113 Lingo Leeper Steelers, Browns in 4-Player Deal 7th—S5000 Allowance; 4 Furlongs: Ripping Day Lockroy Patrick J. Bay Phantom Silver Joey mb Sth—$4200 Optional Claiming; 1 Milo: Best Irish Burn 'Em Up Proxy Fight Gem's Spy 115 115 115 115 Hwachipato Fur agate Somali's Pride 115 10th—S3400 calming Handicap Pace 1 Mila Duchass Lady Go's King £e» Signal Americanita Flying Jennie Indian Waters Some Abbe Frontier Marshall King Sherry Royal Robert Con Man Summit Road Wolverine Results 113 1 *Milo: Backgammon Batafax Llzz 'n' Win Bristol Court Hazel Park Results PITTSBURGH (AP) - The jjj | Pittsburgh , Steelers acquired ’ quarterback Dick Shiner and tackle Frank Parker and a high National Football League draft choice from the Cleveland Browns today. The Browns obtained quarterback Bill Nelsen and defensive back Jim Bradshaw. Shiner is a 6-foot, 195-pound quarterback who starred at the University of Maryland and was signed by the Washington Redskins. Last August he was traded to the Browns for quarterback Jim Ninowski. MONDAY'S RESULTS ist-Slodo Claiming Pact, 1 Mil,: Linda's Indian —-1.0JM Dixlanna Patch 3.40 3.00 Mr. Dominic , MO 2nd—$1000 Claiming Paca; 1 Mila: Roxie Ko San >.80 2.60 2.40 Flaxey's Ladd 0.60 6.20 Prophesy $-80 Daily Double: (6*1) Paid $20.20 3rd—$1000 Cond. Trot; 1 Milo: Blenda Ann 7.60 3.20 2,60 Lady Degoworth 2.60 2.40, Pastime Mary Margy 3.60 4th—$1000 Cond. Paco; 1 Milo: Nib's Bit 13.p0 4.20 2.801 Great Music 3.00 2.2b Watta Knox 2.80 Sth—$1300 Cond. Pbce; 1 Milo: Senator Knox 5.40 3.40 2.80. Lord's Lady 7.00 4.80 Rosie Jayzoff . 4.40 6th—$2200 Claiming Hdp. Trot; 1 Milo: Chorus Girl 9.60 3.80 3.40 John Express 3.80 3.20 John Colby 6.00 Perfects: (5*1) Paid $21.00 aih-dWOO Cand ' Tfdtia, ' Bonnie Colby Worthy Emily Little Lad 8tl>—$2200 Cond. Paco; 1 Milo: Pochoway 5.40 3.00 2.60 Mona Marvel 3.20 2.80 Tommy Sig 3.00 9th—$2600 Cond. Trot; 1 Milo: Amosson's Seattle 9.60 4.80 5.20 Demon Sam 4.80 3.60 Super Matic 5.00 10th—$1700 Claiming Hdp. Paca; 1 Mile: Lucky Dominion 6.80 3.80 2.60 Dancer 6.20 3.40 Glenn Primrose 2.40 Parfacta: (3*8) Paid $43.00 MONDAY'S RESULTS------- 1st—$2700 Allowance Mdns.; iVY Purlenge Clem Clum 2.80 2.40 2.20 m: vrnian--------------- 4.00 2.0 Cashel Star ^ 2^0 2nd—$2500 Claiming; 6W Furlongs: Lucky Jewel 5.00 2.80 2.60 dh43mible Snip 2.60 WORLD S / W ill Chamberlain says: SSL. (fHifflU ALWAYS SCORE SPECIALISTS J *7w’,h m /ikyj AAMCO CENTERS f *4P TRANSMISSION Wmmm f po'H li-oay Senicel Multi-Check • Road Test Towinr OPEN DAILY 8-7; SAT. 8-2 World's Largest Transmission Spacialiiti 24-Hour Answering Sarvica AAMCO TRANSMISSION 150 W. Montcalm, between Oakland and Baldwin, 334-4951 COMPARE! , If Yeu Drive A $ K 1968 Pontiac 2-Doer Catalina Hardtop: Bodily Injury $W,•00/1100,000 . . . . .m1 Property Damage $10,000 Comprehensive ,..$12 Collision — $100 Deductible Medical $2,000 ...., ...$ 4 Road Service Uninsured Motorist . . .$ 1 TOTAL $69 $ MONTHS PREMIUM Only $£9 Additional Discount For 2 Oars OUT-CITY IIHIPiMH MAY PAY EVEN LESS! Call today And See If You Qualify AGENCY H. R. NICH0UE 51 Mt. Clemens PONTIAC INC. Phone 333-7850 Turn 5.20 3.60 4.00 dh*Jaconee dh-Dead heat for 2nd Daily Double: (1-6) Paid $8.80 3rd—$2700 Allowance; Mdns.; 4 Furlongs: Big Mouth Sam 7.00 2.80 2.60 a*Rulor in Gold 2.40 2.20 Speed Lino 2.60 a*Grlssom entry . $ j 4th—$2500 Claiming) 1 1/$ Milt: Mac's Hobby 4.B0 3.00 2.40 Larsa 5.60 3.00 Optimistical 2.40 Sth—$3000 Claiming; 6^ Furlongs: Lansing Ruler 17.80 8.20 4.40 Jeff Lynn 11.40 4.80 Thr(penny Bit 2.40 6th—$3500 Claiming; 6tt Furlongs: Wedge Ahead 14.20 5.40 2.60 Relected Trouble 3.40 2.20 Carlo Ford _ 2.60 Q|H. Tww Pudbtuy^W Patd $04*40'■,, , Monday's Fights ^ By The Associated Press NEWARK/ N.J.—Lloyd Marshall, 132, Newark, outpointed Genaro Soto, 135Va, New York, 10. TQKYQ—Jaguar Kakizawa, 132%, Japan, stopped Raymundo Rivera, 133Va, pail, 3IUFFCU Philippines, 9. No Golf Wins for OL Orchard Lake St. Mary dropped a 172-200 decision to Dearborn Sacred Heart a t Warren Valley yesterday to conclude its golf season without a victory. Dan Kowalskis’ 44 led the Eaglets in their last outing of an 0-6-1 season. Mike Scibor posted a 41 for Sacred Heart. rmrnnnnrrinrmTmTmTirmTfrnnnnrmTinnD TIRE VALUES SWAP THOSE TIRED OLD TIRES FOR A SET OF SWINGERS! POLYESTER WIDE OVALS Full 4-Ply D7014 WHITEWALL F7014 REDLINE THESE PREMIUM WIDE OVALS WILL GIVE THE PERFORMANCE CAR OR THE FAMILY SEDAN NEW LOOK AND FEEL. JOIN THE BIG SWING TO P0LYE8TER WITH THIS LONG MILEAGE BEAUTY. NO OLD-FASHIONED NYLON THUMP OR BUMP) Full 4 Ply WHITEWALL POLYISTIR Smooth Riding, Long Mileage Polyester. No annoying nylon thump or bump. 7:35/14 $246 8:55/14 $26.46 8:15/15 $24.46 7:75/14 /. $23.46 8:85/14 $26.46 6:45/15 $26.46 | 8:25/14 $24.46 7:75/15 $23.46 9:00/15- $28.46 Pius Federal Excise Tax $2.06 to $2.81 depending on tixe. BUDGET TERMS OR USE YOUR : X JLJULAJ CARTER TIRE CO. 370 South Saginaw Pontiac FK 5-6136 3 ) 190 B ft e ,S, 0 o tit, t >,>,1.4 it. AAA ,4. A A.,9 9 9 A E 9 9, AAAAni 94 EAT E E 999 9 fill E 8 9 E 2 Bill Buechler Sales Representative Hank H. Schlaefer Used Car Salesman Wilbur Finley Sales Representative Bill is using his background of 21 years in the automotive industry to better assist you in the selection of the Buick best suited to your particu-' lar requirements. Hand invites used car buyers to stop by to see the man with the name that’s “hard to pronounce but easy to deal with.” “Wilbur has 10 years experience with auto sales and knows how to treat everyone so you’ll really be happier with a Buick. Stop by and give Wilbur a try. Rex Shelton Sales Representative Chuck Smith Sales Manager Boh Finley Sales Representative Rex has 32 years with CMC Truck and Coach. He’s sure that Buick has a model that’s jus: right for you. Just stop by anytime. , ___... • Chuck is an outstanding salesman, who is an active member of • the Buick Saleniaster Club. His auto sales experience is invaluable to any hew car buyer." ' *""r Be - sure to- sce..“Hdncst Bob.’* He’ll send a new Buick your way by making you the. “skiniest deal in tdWn.” Wouldn’t you rather have a Buick. We felt it of prime importance to put together a team of intelligent, enthusiastic young inen. We have men of good eharaeter w>tlt .purJjx‘ulitt’-„jt'eKat*tl—to hackgrouiul; lutcgi’ity^ hqnesty and willingness. We formed a great team of sales specialists who really believe that the best approach is to serve the public with dignity, with honesty and with values. Our customers say they are unique and delightful to do Business with. 4 • / Yandepntte HIM & OPEL 210 Orchard Lk. Ave. at Williams FE 2^9101 You'll be dbing lots of driving in the weeks to come so don't risk driving an unsafe car. Our chassis engineering service offers the best ..qmilUy., aulamatiite.-j»tfttkpaanshjB., at the lowest cost possible and you don't need cash to deal with Motor Mart. We can easily arrange a 'Pay As You Drive' plan to make repairs now and take up to 12 months to pay. WURCAR! i&fcfSjfc up J ip ■ MSr:i *? m? * Front By JERE CRAIG With the weatherman’s permission, the action will grow keener in intensity and heavier in numbers the next four weekends on the prep spring sports scene as state, county, regional and invitational com petition increases. Putting things in chro- ~ *—~ ~ nologipal order, the regional golf meets Friday champibnships In track are will mark the beginning sl*ted for Ann Arbor (Class A) of the various area schools’ ?last Lansing (Class B) and , . , . . , Mount Pleasant (C-D) Satur- drives for state champion- day ships. | Then on Monday the 27th the Saturday, track moves into slate titles will ■ be decided in the picture and local cinder Solans will have an opportunity! ' ★ * * to see one of the top Class A Baseball — while not having regionals in the state at Water- any state competition — will ford Township High School have its big exposure locally (where actually there ,are no with the beginning of the an-cinders, but rather a new aU- nual Pontiac Invitational Tour-weather track!). nament (16 teams) Wednesday /* it it May 29 and running through Golf, tennis and track are on , 5‘ * , „ ,, . „ the calendar for the following! Th,s years 0ak,and Coun‘y “long weekend.” The regional tennis tourneys will be May 24-25 (Friday-Saturday). INVITATIONAL The popular annual Press Invitational Golf Tournament at Pontiac Country Club is that same Friday, while the state Lahser Triumphs Bloomfield .Hills-i^bser ran Its tennis record to 5-1 yesterday with a 4-3 decision over Waterford Township. ft Circuit Blows Provide \ Margin for Southfield southiait Michigan »ASEi*LL L for Royal Oak nines with a 2-0 11 blanking of Detroit Benedictine, s boosting its mark to 6-2. so Kimball Berkley Haiti Park . MOVES UP — Dave Long-ridge has left the coaching ranks at Northville High School to fill the assistant principal’s post there. His former positions of athletic director and basketball coach are expected to be filled this week. PNH Golfers in l-L Win Southfield stayed one game ahead of Ferndale in the tight Southeast Michigan Association diamond chase Monday as both posted shutout wins. The No. 3 ranked team in the county, Southfield (6-3 over-all) ripped Berkley, 7-0, with a three-home run attack. Ferndale blanked Hazel Park’s slumping Vikings, 10-0, on Ray Laconis* three-hitter. In the other SEMA contest, Royal Oak Kimball took sole possession of third place by' dumping Birmingham Seaholm, 7-1, fo the Knights’ fourth win in their last five outings. ★ ★ ★ Nearby riyal Royal Oak Donderof63) avenged an earlier loss with a 3-2 last-inning victory over Grosse Pointe. Shrine made it a clean sweep NIEDBALSKI GREEN Track Meet will be Monday June3L^t^Qutt^ield._________ Pontiac Northern set its schogl golf record at Pontiac Municipal yesterday in a 198-241 Inter-Lakes League triumph over Southfield Lathrup. ★ ★ ★ The 198 total was the lowest five-man total ever for the Huskies find gives them a boost! as they prepare to meet Pontiac Central Thursday. '—★—★-------it----- -J Ken Moore’s two-over 37 paced the-victars.—----------- Penny Softball Team Unbeaten in Walled Lake Penny Manufacturing kept its record unblemished last night in Walled Lake’s Industrial Slow Pitch Softball circuit with an easy 8-1 conquest of Kimberly LONG BALL At Berkley, Chuck Petrillo (solo), Jim Walters (one on) and Rocky Roe (two on) hit for the circuit to spark Southfield’s attack. Gary Betrus whiffed 11. Petrillo, a sophomore, also had a single and double. i ★ ★ ★ Catcher Carl Roehling singled twice for three runs batted in and Rick Campbell scored twice after singles to help Kimball square its record at 6^6. * ★ ★ Dondero trailed, 2-1, as it batted for the final time. A lead-off walk was followed by Jerry Campbell’s long blast that cleared the center field fence for a disputed ground-rule double. ★ _ ★ ★ Then Larry Killebrew ended the argument with a long two-baggef that settled the outeome and gave him all three rbi’s for the Oaks. Don Newman fanned four of the five batters he faced in relief to gain his Jodrth victory. ★ ★ ★ Shrine’s Jim Chiesa tossed a three-hitter, whiffing 12 fo his fifth win. Rick Zimmerman singled- home the-Knights’ ii^ itial tally, then completed the' scoring on a throwing error. FINAL FLINGS Concluding the preps’ final sports flings of the school year will be the state tennis finals llwnfbM Hill* Latuer 4, Waterier* 1 Randy white (i)"daf. Rodjar Read. June 7-8 (Friday-Saturday) and Novi 9 Stymied Mike Stockwell of Manchester stymied Novi’s Wildcats on four hits and 14 strikeouts and handed them a 6-2 upset defeat Monday. K’vre^wvM; oa^Lindwv (wi °da* a scheduled regional baseball «tv,j®?anrwiM»: St ‘"' tournament that same Saturday ____ possibly at Pontiac’s Jaycee Doubtat Park Rick Roedar-Dan Tate (L) duel. Al ral14-Kafka-Gran , Lukos. 4-1. 7-5; Bruce Dan- ★ ★ ★ Navi Uyl-MIke Vambrach (L) def. Dale Lund- _ .... , . Manchester quIiLDon Crablrw, M, 2-4, M) Tiers' Pontiac Northern S 112-pOUnd, SNOW, Boyer (4th) and Van Wagner) bmmel-Kenneth*YrSnn»r/State Wrestling champ, Bill STOCKWELL and Punches. Green, has signed a tender for Indiana University. Voted one of the two Outstanding County iWrestler awards^ North. Haggerty Lumber cracked~the win column for the first time by trimming WL Building Maintenance, 13-12, handing the losers’ their fourth loss in a row. Winning hurler Bill Penny, aaa aai “iL.1 a Let us help with a Home Improvement Loan Don't delay needed additions or repairs any longer. A low-cost Home Improvement Loan can make your ntfme more livableand enjoyable — now! 4 Convenient Locations to Serve You Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation CREDIT fcEPT. HOURS: 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. including ALL DAY SATURDAY Phone: 689-1092 Hours; 9:30 A.M.-4:30 P.M. Daily Including Saturday - Friday to 6:00 P.M. Ph: 689-4200 Troy N ational Bank Go Swishor Sweets— New Taste Sensation by KING EDWARD Am erica'a Largest Selling Cigar Mr. G's THE FINEST IN MEN’S GROOMING RAZOR CUTTING MANICORING SHOE SHININQ OPEN WEDNESDAY 623-0267 5883 Dixie • Hwy., Waterford CEMENT MEN "Block, Brick, Flat Work" AggijbMo . Now. Addition*, Parches, Garages. Mutt Rave Modernisation Experience. BOND-BILT CONSTRUCTION CO. 13800 W. 8 Milt Rd. 10 4-4880 Mr. J. Metig er is CuT son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmore A. Green of 651 Second. He won 30 of 32 matches this season and 77 of 92 during his PNH career. Indiana coach Charley McDaniel is eying Bill as a 130-pounder in collegiate wrestling. 1 ★ ★ Former Rochester football letterwinner Ed Niedbaski has been lost to Michigan Tech’s spring football practice. A freshman, Ed is a promising prospect at tackle and guard for next fall but must undergo corrective surgery this month due to an injury. Ed was being groomed for duty both offensively and defensively. TOP TEN The first month of the baseball-season at the high school level has produced noticeable changes in the rankings of the top ten area teams. Waterford Township and Rochester were one-two in the preseason poll; but it has been Pontiac Central who has made the best impression over-all, jumping from ninth place to the top. ★ ★ ★ TOe current ratings: PREP BASEBALL TOP TEN. 1. Pontiac Central (10-2) 2. Northville (9-1) 3. Southfield (8-2) —4r-Utica (11-2) 5. Clawson (11-2) 6. Walled Lake (6-5) 7. Waterford (10-8) 8. Rochester (5-5) 9. South Lyon (9-2) 10. B. Hills Lahser (5-2) Save $76645 On This New Chevrolet Suburban Carryall Now Only *3250 Reg. $4016.45 plu* lax and licohsa Cantor and roar tools. Power steering. 7x17.5x6 ply tire*. Powerglide transmission. Chroma front and raar bumpers. Sida trim molding group. Custom appaaranca group. Ammeter—oil gauges. Custom comfort and interior package. Al Hanoute's Chevrolet-Buick-Opel., Inc. , 209 N. Park Ava., Lake Orion . MY 2-2411 Royal Oak Shrina . SOS MS e-X 1 0 D. Banadlctlna ...... IN SOS 0—0 J « CHIESA (5-2) and Szostkowskl; KNIGHT and Gorman. winning hurler BUI Penny • ;; gj 7* J connected with a mate aboard! hilkene, Bratton (6th) and fiii; and temmates Mill Stokus arid BLA,R' RMtI Press Shows Challenged County Remap The accompanying map and area descriptions are of the proposed reapportionment of Oakland County for representation on the Board of Supervisors. ★ ★ it It was prepared in accordance with state instructions by a five-man committee, chaired by John Murphy, county clerk-register of deeds. The reapportion-ment plan is being contested in the State Appeals Court and is not yet official. Some persons have claimed some of the land descriptions are incorrect, it it it1 However, the proposed plan is published by The Press to inform its readers on the districts they might possibly be placed in. and is in no way official. (In no case does the citing of a township include any village or city within its boundaries unless specifically, mentioned.) DISTRICT 1 , All of the townships of Addison, Oakland and Avon and the City of Rochester. -• DISTRICT 2 '•------ All of the City of Clawson and that part of the City of Troy eadt of Livernois, excepting that part south of South Boul/evard, north of Wattles Road, east of l,ivernois and west of Rochester Road. DISTRICT 3 —AR of the City of Bloomfield Hills; that part of the City of Troy west of Livernois and that part south of South Boulevard, north of Wattles, Road, east of Livernois and west of Rochester Road; and Bloomfield Township except that part north of the southern township boundary, west of the City of Birmingham, east of the western township boundary and south of a line described as: beginning at the intersection of Walnut Lake Road and the western township boundary, then east along Walnut Lake Road to Franklin Road, then south along Franklin Road to Maple Road, then east along Majrffr Road--te Lahsec, Road, then north along Lahser Road to Quarton Road, then east along Quarton Road to the western boundary of the City of Birmingham; and also excepting that part of Bloomfield Township in Section 35, T2N, R10E lying south of the City of Birmingham and north of the southern boundary of Bloomfield Township. DISTRICT 4 All of the City of Birmingham DISTRICT 5 Madison Heights-Royal Oak. DISTRICT 7 Royal Oak. DISTRICT 8 Madison Heights-Royal Oak. DISTRICT 9 Hazel Park. DISTRICT 10 Pleasant Ridge-Ferndale-Roy-ai Oak. Royal dale. DISTRICT y Oak Township-Fern- Avenue to Thirteen Mile Road; north of a line described as beginning at the intersection of Woodward Avenue and Thirteen Mile Road, then west along Thirteen Mile Road to Harvard Street, then south along DISTRICT 12 Huntington Woods-Oak Park. .Harvard Street to J u d s o n DISTRICT 13 Berkley-Southfield. DISTRICT 14 Southfield-Oak Park. DISTRICT 15 Street, then west along Judson Street to the western boundary of the City of Royal Oak; that part of Bloomfield Township in SectM 35, T2N, R10E lying] south of the City of Birmingham and north of the southern boundary of Bloomfield Township; that part of Bloomfield Township • north of the ! southern township boundary, Lathrup .Village - Royal Oak east 0f Franklin Road* west of ownshio-Oak Park. ! the City of Birmingham and south1 of a line described as - — - 'beginning at the intersection nf DISTRICT 16 {Maple Road and Franklin Road, All of Southfield Township; all uSs 22 as? a everly Hills; all ol the-village jj» Franklin; that part of the £• ^ boundary of the y of Southfield south of the Clty of Birmingham. :ity orthern City boundary, east fthe-westem - City-boundary zest of Lahser Road and north DISTRICT 17 Ml-------------------------- All of the City of Farmington; a line described as beginning all / of the V111 a g e of the intersection of ithe'Quakertown; all of the Village estern City boundary' and ileven Mile Road, then east long Eleven Mile Road to I-96, then continuing east along of Wood. Creek, Farms; that part of the Township of Farm-ington lying south of a line ... ........„_____—p described as beginning at the to Lahser Road; that part intersection of the western and the City of Royal Oak northern township boundaries scribed as south of the then east along the northern rthern boundary of the City of township boundary to Halstead >yal Oak, east of the western Street, then south along undary of the City of Royal Halstead Street to Twelve Mile ik, west of a line described as Road, then east along Twelve ginning at the northern Mile Road to Middle Belt Road, undary of the City of Royal then north along Middlebelt ik and Woodward Avenue,1 Road to Thirteen Mile Road, en south along Woodward {then east along Thirteen Mile Road to the eastern boundary of the township. DISTRICT 18 All of the City of .Orchard Lake Village; all of the township of West Bloomfield; that part of Bloomfield Township lying east of the w e s t e r n township boundary, north of the southern township boundary, west of Franklin Road and souttrofWalnut Lake Road; that part of Farmington Township lying south of the northern township boundary, east of Halstead Road, west of the eastern township boundary, and north of a line described as beginning at the intersection of Halstead and, Twelve Mile Roads, then east alpng Twelve Mile Road to Midd|ebelt Road, then north along Middlebelt Road to Thirteen Mile Road, then east along Thirteen Mile Road to the eastern Township boundary. v DISTRICT 19 I All of the City of' Sylvan Lake; that part of the City of Pontiac south of a line described as beginning at the intersection of the western City boundary arid Menominee Street, then east along Menominee Street to Chippewa Street, then north along Chippewa Street to Huron Street, then east along Huron Street to Saginaw Street, then south along Saginaw Street to Osmun Street, then east along Osmun Street to East Road, then south along East Road fo Elm Street, then east along Elm Street *and Elm Street extended to the Pontiac City Boundary. DISTRICT 20 That part of the City of Pontiac east of the western City boundary, south of the northern City boundary, north .of a line described as beginning at the intersection of western City boundary and Menominee Street, then east along Menominee Street to Chippewa Street, then,, north along Chippewa Street to Huron Street, then east along HUron Street to Saginaw Street; west of a line described as beginning at the intersection of Saginaw and Huron Streets, then north along Saginaw Street to Montcalm Street, then east along Montcalm Street to Glenwood 'Avenue, then north along Glenwood Avenue, to Kennett Avenue, then east along Kennett Avenue to Joslyn Avenue, then north along Joslyn Avenue to the northern boundary of the City: DISTRICT 21 That part of the City of Pontiac lying east of Saginaw Street, west of the eastern City boundary, north of a line described as beginning at the intersection of Saginaw and Osmun Streets, then east along Osmun Street to East Road, then south along East Road to Elm Street, then east along Elm Street and the extension of Elm Street to the eastern City boundary, south of a line described as beginning at the intersection of Saginaw and Montcalm Streets, then east along Montcalm , Street t o Glenwood Street/ thep north alohg Glenwood Street fo Kennett Street, then east along Kennett street to Joslyn Avenue, then north along Joslyn Avenue to Beverly Avenue, then east alotig Beverly Avenue to Parkwood Street, then south along Parkwood Street t o Manhattan Street, then east along Manhattan Street to the Belt Line right-of-way, then north along the Belt Line right-of-way to the northern boundary of Section 22, T3N, R10E, then east along the northern boundary of Section 22 to the eastern boundary of the City. Harbor; that part of Waterford ito Oxbow Lake, then south| Township lying south of a line {along the eastern shore of Ox-{ described as beginning at the Lake to Shotwell Street, intersection of the western .. ., , _ . .. c._ , , ... . . _ .. then south along Shotwell Street township boundary and Pontiac Lake Road, then east along ,to Elizabeth Lake Road, then Pontiac Lake Road to Hospital |eas^ al°og Elizabeth Lake Road Road, then north along Hospital to the eastern boundary of the1 Road to Highland Road, then I township, east along Highlaud Road to South Shore Street, then con- i DISTRICT 26 ^ j tinuing east along South,Shore { Ah of the Villages of Milford Street to Eason Road, then . . __ and Holly; all of the Townships noftlT along Eason Road to' rp~~^rTr . ■ Covert Street, then east along of Rose' Highland and M lford; Covert Street to Watkins Lake H)e township of White Lake ex-DISTRICT 22 Road, then continuing east cepting that part of White Lake All of the Townships of Orion a,on8 Watkins Lake Road to the Township lying west of the and Pontiac; all of -the Village !eastern. .boundary of theeastern Township boundary, of Lake Angelus; that part of |township. south 0f white Lake Road, east the City of Pontiac lying south '■ N ’ of Teggerdine Road and north of the northern City boundary, . 0f a line described as beginning east-of Joslyn Avenue, west of: That part of Waterford at the intersection of Teg- the eastern City boundary and;Township lying north of a line . north of a line described as described as beginning at the 8erdme and Highland roads, beginning at the intersection of intersection of the western then east along Highland Road -Beverly—Avenue—and- Joslyn township boundary and Pontiac to Oxbow Lake, then along the Avenue, then east along Beverly' Lake Road, then east along eastern shore of Oxbow Lake to Avenue to Parkwood Street, Pontiac Lake Road to Hospital Shotwell Street, then south then south along Parkwood Road, then north along Hospital along Shotwell Strteet t o Street to Manhattan Street, then Road to Highland Road, then Elizabeth Lake Road, then east east along Manhattun street to [east along Highland Road to along Elizabeth JLake Road to the Belt Line right-of-way, then Scndh Shore Street, then cbiPtKe eastern 'Boundary 67 The north nlono the Belt Line 'richt- tinuing east along South Shore township; that part of Com-of-way to the northern boundary Street to Eason Road, then merce Township lying north of of Section 22 TlN R10E then nortb alon8 Eason Road to Wixom-Glengary Road, east of east along the northern boun dary of Section 22 to the eastern boundary of the City. DISTRICT 23 Covert Street, then east along the western township boundary, Covert Street to Watkins Lake south of the northern township Road, then continuing east boundary and west pf a line along Watkins Lake Road to the described as beginning at the eastern boundary of t h e intersection of the eastern township; that part of White boundary of Section 22, T2N, All of the townships of Holly, Lake Township lying west of the R.8E, then north alpng the Groveland, Brandon, Oxford, eastern Township boundary, eastern boundary of Section 22 Springfield and Independence south of White Lake Road, east to the intersection of Oakley and the Villages of Ortonyille, 0f Teggerdine Road and north Park and South Commerce Oxford and Clarkston. 0f a |jne described as beginning Roads, then continuing north J at the Intersection of Teg-along South Commerce Road to DISTRICT 24 igerdine and Highland Roads, j Commerce Road, then west All of the City „pf Keegol then east along Highland Road along Commerce Road to Elkim Road, then north along Elkim Road to Farr Road, then west along Farr Road to Commerce-Boogie Lake Road, then north along Commerce-Boogie Lake Road to the northern township boundary. DISTRICT 27 All of the townships of Lyon and Novi; all of-the villages of Novi and Wolverine Lake; all ot the Cities of South Lyon and Wixom; all of that part of the City of Northville lying within the County of Oakland; all of Commerce Township excepting that part of Commerce Township lying north of Wixom-Glengary Road, east of the west er n township boundary,, south of the northern township boundary and west of a line described as beginning at the intersection of the eastern boundary of a line described as beginning at the intersection of the eastern boundary of Section 22, T2N, R.8E, then north along” the eastern boundary of Section 22 to the intersection of Oakley Park and South Commerce Roads, then continuing north along South Commerce Road to Commerce Road, then west along Commerce Road to Elkim Road, then north along Elkim Road to Farr Road, then west along Farr Road to Commerce-Boogie Lake Rodd, then north along Commerce - Boogie Lake Road to the northern township ,boi(ndary.’ , , IS / T”" --■^rrr-Tn<'*i-- HV mmmi acoby on Bridge NORTH 14 *K75 V 10 9 3 4 A J 3 2 *J74 WEST EAST * J94 A Q 10 8 6 3 VAQ862 *74 ♦ 8 7 ♦ Q 9 5 *K63 * 1052 SOUTH (D) * A2 . VKJ5 4 K 10 6 4 * AQ 9 8 East-West vulnerable Weat North East South 1 N.T. Pass 2 N.T. Pass 3 N.T. Pass Pass Pass Opening lead—V 6 JACOBY By. OS WALD and X JAMES JACOBY North’s raise from one to two no-trump was based on simple addition plus the knowledge that 26 points is the |key number for no-trump |game. He held nine Ip o i n t s of his lown, and his lp a r t n e r \s jno - trump had (shown 16 to 18 with nothing extra in the event of 18. In any evlnt, North could count on a minimum total of 25 and maximum of 27. His raise to two allowed South to stop below game with a minimum, but South, with 17vpoints plus a 10 spot and two nice-looking four-card suits, went on to game. South played dummy’s 10 of hearts at trick one. When it lielcTlhe"trick7~S6uth saw that he was going to make his contract with a reasonable amount of luck. He wanted to keep East out of the lead because, if East *• *1* ■' did get ini he-would be able to - the dueen of diamonds, he lead a heart through the king- j would probably go dpwn When jack the club finesse lost. Therefore, South played The set would not be certain, dummy’s ace of diamonds, There would be a possible end continued with the deuce and play situation if South rose with finessed his 10. When thefts king of hearts and cashed! finesse worked, South took the j all diamonds and the two top| last two diamonds and led the j spades, jack of clubs from dummy. He] still wanted to make sure that THE BETT East would not gain the lead. West took his king and shifted to a spade but this did not: bother South. He was looking at nine top tricks by this time and actually managed to make a 10th when East’s 10 of clubs dropped. This hand also illustrates the point that 26 or 27 high card' points won’t always produce j nine tricks. Give East the ace! of hearts instead of the fouri spot and he would win the first heart arid return the suit to set| up four potential heart tricks] for the defense. Then even if South picked up ., Monkey Roundup LYNN, Mass. J Astrology points the way." because of your efforts. Older individual expresses confidence. Prestige rises. You get what you go after today. Be selective. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Stress creative approach. Realize what the future can hold — don't limit vision. Day features long-distance communication. Look beyond immediate indications — grow. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Use intuition with accounts, investments. You have Inner feeling concerning right move. One who taught you in past can be relied upon as constructive guide. Get,affairs in, order. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Check with | mate, partner regarding social activity. Good night to break from routine. Escdrt loved one to dinner, theater. Key is to inaugurate aura of joy, optimism. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Attend to routine .tasks. Clear away accumulated debris. If you take care of little things, ma|or project rights Itself. Realize this —; act accordingly. Maintain steady pace. Avoid extravagance. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Accent on children, change and creative endeavors. Status quo does not remain—there are new opportunities. Grasp them. Personal magnetism rating is high; opposite sex is attracted. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Ocf. 22): Give thought to adjustment at home. Day features domestic activity, possible residence change. Key is to seek greater harmony. Include family in entertainment plans. Give a little. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Study LIBRA message. If you listen to relatives, you could be confused. Decide for yourself. .Separate basic issues from wishful thinking. Accent on home, building, practical affairs. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22- Dec. 21): Brooding accomplishes nothing. Early, you feel empty, without purpose. Before day is finished you have motive, responsibility. You come alive. Build, shore up emotional reserves. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Cycle moves up tonight. What you have been waiting for comes to pass. Take initiative. Be self- starter. Others have doubts. But you know where you are headed — get going, AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-FEb. 18): A friend could confide secret. Key is to be sympathetic without beomcing inextricably involved. Finish what you start. Work With associates. Toss aside secret fears. PISCES (Feb. 19‘March 20): New friends, fresh contacts, different viewpoint accented today. Discard the old: don't hang on to what has passed. Strive for new horizons. Your potential is great. Start living up tQ it. 4r ★ ' ★ IF WEDNESDAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY Daily Almanac By United Press International Today is Tuesday, May 14", the 135th day of 1968 with 231 to follow. The moon is between -its full phase and last q^frter. ifr ★ ★ The morning stars are Saturn and Venus. '“ The eveningsstarTSTftipiter. ★ ★ ★ On this day in history: In 1904 the Olympic games were held in the United States In 1940 Nazi planes bombed Rotterdam, killing about 30,000 persons. ★ ★ ★ In 1^42 Congress established the Woman’s Auxiliary Army Corps. In 1948 Britain ended her 31-year rule in P a le s t i n e , followed immediately .by a proclamation in Tel Aviv of the birth of the free state of Israel. natural reporter, researcher. You are fascinated with photography, other means of recording current events. Interest in forefront. + + * CAPRTcORN’ Special'word to CAhICER: permit those close to you to have spotlight. Take it easy. (Copyright T-M 1968, General Features Corp.) An air pollution tracer system sensitive enough to pick up a-gas in concentrations of one part per trillion parts of air has hpen developed. HOUSERAI SING „ FOUNOATIOH WALL! -•LEVELING •PIERS • POROHES ORtOKID AND tMQINO BAtEMINT WAUI REPAIRED, REPLACE, WATERPROOFED ADDITIONS « ATTICS • REC. ROOMS • MMOMVOMIN •ITEARtnMT •PRaitTHMm' KAR-VAL 12 S. Mill St. FE 4-9779 IF YOU DONT DRINK •ok in* about Low Ratos Extra Promotion INSURANCE for NON-Drinkors AUTO litRuronc* LIFE Insurant# HOME Insurance Mr. MampttaMI HEMPSTEAD, BARRETT and ASSOC. Main Office Branch Office - IIS Elizabeth Lk. Rd. Pontiac, Michigan Phonal PE 4-4724 II Peninsula Lakavilla, Michigan Phono OA MAM FINGER-LENGTH STEAK What a sandwich!'Tender cubed steak from sirloin of beef . . . char-broiled to tasto and served on a crusty French roll. If you're a bettor, betonthis as the TOP sandwich in ALL these UNITED STATES « . . for sure in MICHIGAN ... including French fries for just $1.09 NOW? Elizabeth Lake Road OPPOSITE THE PONTIAC MALL tnaw mnuiLio *.i*aewnieR^t»gio.dAstWiMseawsta FAMILY retfwtQtf* He Lives It Up With Celebs at White House Posh Party WILSON By EARL WILSON WASHINGTON• — The telegram said, “The White House, Washington, D.C. The President and Mrs. Johnson invite you to a black tie dinner honoring H.E. The Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand and Lady Kittikachom . . . Formal invitation follows . . . The Social Secretary, The White House . . With the formal invitation was a small card: ‘Mr. Earl Wilson will please present this card at the Southeast Gate at 8 o’clock. NOT TRANS-FERRABLE." It was one of the great ..parties. We were allowed to mingle with LBJ, Ladybird, Lynda Bird, Vice President Humphrey, Secretary of Defense Clifford—and Bob and Delores Hope— and experienced a great burst of patriotism. Prime Minister Kittikachom adores fireworks. At about 10:30, after dinner and brandy, we gathered on The Balcony. It was shivery cold. Hospitably, the women were supplied “White House blankets." ★ ★ ★ After a soul-shaking drill by the U.S. Marine drum and bugle corps and a silent drill platoon—what a floor show about 200 men they unleashed fireworks above the South Lawn, the Reflecting Pool, the Washington Monument and the Jefferson Memorial, which in the darkness was unforgettable. Lynda Bird was in a pink moire dress she’d worn as her sister’s bridesmaid, and was heard saying, “My husband’s in plenty of action!" People said to Lynda Bird and her mother, “Which of you is the daughter?” LBJ was gladly autographing menus and kissing female admirers. Bob Hope sat at the President’s table. Handsome Secretary of Defense Clifford had his arm around Bob’ and said, “I have to leave for Paris at 7:30 in the jnorning.” „ “I have to leave for Duluth at 6:30 in the afternoon,’’ Bob said. ★ ★ ★ Florida Garbage Strike Has Parallels to Memphis Trouble ST. (AP) PETERSBURG, Once again a large Southern city is tangled in a strike by garbage men that began over money and spread to threats of racial boycott and charges of outside agitation. This time it is the streets of the Gulf Coast tourist and retirement mecca which are redolent with the stench of garbage steaming in the 90-degree afternoon sun. There are parallels to the recent 65-day strike in Mem phis. When the strike began in this city of 181,000 May 6, pity Man ager Lynn Andrews fired all 170 strikers. Marvin Davies, the state field director of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, threatened Monday to boycott downtown businesses if the local Chamber of Commerce doesn’t back off from supporting Andrews’ action in firing the strikers. ‘NOT RACIAL MATTER’ The city-appointed Communi ty Relations Commission in St Fla. But Andrews also said, “I don’t think money is really involved.” The city manager outlined what he called a conspiracy of some sort by young militants among the predominantly Negro garbage men. He said some of the people he termed agitators were of “the beard variety” or linked with the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. “I do no think it was any par ticular group although there ap pears to be some outside agita tion from somewhere, although we haven’t located it,” Andrews said in an interivew. “I think part of it is the over all picture nationwide to hit the or any outside movements forces,” Sanderiin said. it ★ ★ Collectors first asked raises from $1,875 hourly to $2.50. Drivers and crew chiefs wanted $3.25 instead of their $2,275. But the demands were cut to 25 cents an hour for all by the end of last week and to 20 cents an hour Monday. ★ ★ ★ iSllpilSIS SPECIAL All Hi# Risk you can •at far $1.25. Saryad with F ranch Frias and Calr Slaw. PONTIAC LAKE INN 7890 Highland Road 673-9988 Andrews said the city won’t! add to the five-cents hourly; raise recently given all city workers. utilities,” the city manager SUPPORTED BY CITIZENS j “The citizenry seemed to be 100 per cent behind meeting this said. “The city police are investigating it thoroughly.” DEFENDS MEMBERS James Sanderiin, 39, a Negro attorney representing the strikers who organized as “The head-on," Andrews said. “I told the public there has to come t time to meet the problem and unfortunately, this is the time.’ In Memphis, the strike began Feb. 12 and two weeks later it became a boycott. The homes of Young Men’s P r o g r e s s i v eiS0me nonstrikers in Memphis Club,” said, “absolutely no one|were struck with firebombs j“st in this group is a member or.as happened here twice last has anything to do with any week. Petersburg has urged the city to j groups whatsoever which are; resume talks with strikers here, identified with the so-called Andrews replied, “This is not a racial matter- It’s a labor problem and the Community Relations Commission has no The President in his speech in the State Room complimented the prime minister on his grandson’s photo session, in which hejbusiness getting involved." waved the flags of both the U.S. and lliailand. “He’s only two,” LBJ said, “and I’m in my 60th year, but he has already mastered the difficult art of charming the press, which I’ve never been able to do.” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Black Power movement.” , Iwas assassinated April 4 m “It is highly irregular for the (Memphis when he wait there to City administration and even the aid th,e cause of the strikers city council for it to say the situ-1. The strike was subsequently set ation has anything to do with tied. " hr£»c-------- THE MIDNIGHT EARL IN N. Y. . . . Bobby Kennedy said jokingly at the Inn of the Clock that the tiring Indiana campaign had “aged" him. He reported someone there had told him it was nice of him to bring his daughter along: “And they were talking about my wife, Ethel.” Angela Lansbury and “Marne” broke 'the 46-year house record at the Curran Theater in San Francisco ... Joe Kipness offered blonde Lynn Kellogg of “Hair” a lead in his musical, "All About Eve,” if she’ll go brunette. EARL’S PEARLS: Sometimes a fib starts out as a harmless little white lie, and winds up as a double feature in Technicolor. Seaman Jacobs tells of the couple who are so cautious they won’t fly in the same plane—and they even take separate escalators ... That’s earl, brother. (Publi«htr>-Htll Syndicate) Area A Waterford Township doctor was ordered yesterday to stand dial in Oakland County Circuit Court on a charge of obtaining money under false pretenses from the Detroit Automobile Inter-Insurance Exchange (AAA). Dr. Albert J. Berg, 31, of 45? Extra THICK...Extra GOOD) Dairy Queen MALTS and SHAKES You’ll jump for joy when you try one of our delicious, nutritious malts or shakes. Made spoonin' thick with Dairy Queen, of course —famous for its country-fresh flavor. Come in for a treat TODAY I £11960 Dairy Quoon National Dovolopmont Cm Dawn's Dairy Queen 1525 Baldwin, Pontiac Kulltr'r Dairy Queen 743 N. Main, Rochester Forsyth* Dairy Qutsn 615 Orchard Lake Rd., Pontiec McMillin's Dairy Queen 4710 Dixie Hwy., Drayton Plaint Fetor's Dairy Queen Jotlyn at Firat, Pontiac Beverly Island, stood mute to the charge when he appeared at his arraignment before Circuit Judge Farrell E. Roberts. No trial date was scheduled immediately. Berg allegedly received $266 from AAA for medical treatment of an accident y patient, when professional services should only have amounted to $36, according to state police. Viet Cease-Fire Is Top Priority, Sen. Clark Says Wednesday Only Special! All You T Can f Eat! FREE 18 Holes of Golf PUTT-PUTT Lights for Night Play Open 9 A.M, ’til 12 P.M. 3530 Dm.' Hw Loon Lake Drayton Plain OP 3 <3383 msnsam AP Wlrwhol* MAKES FBI LIST-Taylor Morris. Teaford has been add-fed to the 10 Most Wanted Fugitives list by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Tea-ford is charged with unlawful interstate flight to avoid prosecution for murder, and assault with intent to commit murder. E> 5-4500 Pdtdm ■ MiutJU TUFA' DRIVE-IN THEATER 2935 DIXIE HIDHWAY 1U.S. 10) 1 BLOCK N.JEltSkAPH ED, hml** ”&«#/ 9mnamt.ihi THEATER DRIVE-IN THEATER DRIVE-IN THEATER WMS. LAKE RD. AT AIRPORT RD. MILE WEST OF PIXIE HQWY. (U.S.10) WASHINGTON, (AP) - Sen. Joseph S. Clark, D-Pa., said a cease-fire in Vietnam should be a top priority objective of U.S negotiators in Paris. ★, * In a statement he said the U.S. should make clear that “our side is ready to put a stop to the shooting and killing of Vietnamese and American boys while the talks are going on.” ★ ★ ★ Clark, a member of the Sen- ^TfegrTOttfttqns',Cgnnnltp tee, said Hanoi may want to talk and tight at the same time, “using their troops as bargaining counters in the negotia- tions." |p ★ ★ ‘But we should make it clear that we do not wish to shed Vietnamese or American blood for ap wtrephoto diplomatic advantage,” he said. A SMILE FOR THE CORPS—Bob Hope reviews the corps of cadets at the United States Military Academy, West Point, N.Y., with Maj. Gen. Donald V. Bennett (right), superintendent of the school. Hope was at the academy yesterday to receive the annual Sylvanus Thayer award, presented by the school’s association of graduates, for his efforts in entertaining U.S. military men around the world. ‘HAWAH” PANAVISION* COLOR by Deluxe Starts WEDNESDAY! DEftN MARTIN ELI WALLACH HOW TO SAVE A MARRIAGE-AND RUIN YOUR LIFE! LAST TIMES TONITE Standards Urged for Opinion Polls SANTA BARBARA, Calif. (AP) — Standards should be set up to evaluate public opinion polls, says an official of the American Association of Public Opinion Research “There is a need to distin- guish between surveys which are conducted with proper? concern and those which reflect ignorance and unconcern with good research practices," said Irving Crespi, head of the association’s standards committee. I III 111 ■Ulllllll Phil— — | |H 111 ■'! I 11 ■IWTT 0PDYKE RD. AT WALTON DLVD. 3 ADD MORE SPACE TO YOUR PLACE! Do it the easy way... put the job in POOLE LUMBER'S hands. We'll plan your room addition, supply all materials and labor and arrange financing. Call us this week ■andJim McNeil will come to your home and give you an estimate. Materials and Labor to Add-A-Room,..... By ....', For as Little as $ . , . . A MONTH Lumber & HARDWARE-^ /SI OAKLAND Art.. POfTTtAC ph*t peter at home; herjof Royal Oak, Mrs. James Lov-was a retired businessman. mother, Mrs. Lillian Forster; ell and Anne Tewilliager, both Surviving are his wife, Irene; |six sisters including Mrs. Doris of Birmingham; and four broth-two sons, Earl Jr. oflBurry of Farmington; and four ers, Herbert and Daniel of Bir-Bakersfield, Calif., and Ralph ofj brothers. imingham, Frederick of Royal BIRMINGHAM — Service for Mrs. George T. (Lorraine) Wallace, 44, of 31100 W. Rutland will be 1 p.m. Thursday at Man-^ut confirmed dead in hostile ley Bailey Funeral Home. Bur- action was Spec. 4 James ial will be in White Chapel Me- Kralowski, husband of Mrs. Donna M. Kralowski, Detroit. Jaycees, Hillside Mercury or all Waterford senjor high schools. ★ * * n u i t>• u j P , , . . . . I .... Entry blanks also will be Pfc. Robert Richards, son ofj safety plus various driving skill u Sunday at Waterford John Richards Flint. j tests. Township High School. Pfc. David C. Schultz, son of !cTatf finai « Mr. and Mrs. Edwin O. Schultz, I . . . J Further information can be Port Huron Two local winners, a boy an(f obtained by contacting Richard Previously listed as missing a g!r1' wil1 be "elected, based on,Cooper, general project WmffllSmsmmm West Pointe, N.Y.; six grandchildren; a brother, L. B. Miles of Walled Lake; and a sister, Mrs. Stanley Voorheis of Birmingham. George W. Rae V George W. Rae, 72, of 190 Carriage Circle died yesterday. Arrangements are by th Harold R. Davis Funeral Home, Auburn Heights. Mr. Rae was a retired guard for Denton Construction Co. four sons, George Jr. o f Southfield-, Lyle of White« Lake Walter T. Gay Jf. WEST BJLQO M FI E L D Oak and Gerald Township. of Waterford TOWNSHIP — Service... f or Walter T. Gay Jr., 45, of 3424 Pine Estates will be 3 p.m. Thursday a t Donelson-Johns Funeral Home, Pontiac. Mr. Gay, a partner in Gay Brothers Construction Co., died yesterdav in a construction accident. He was a member of Emmanuel Baptist Church, prjday Pontiac, Blue Lodge F&AM, Moslem Temple, Pontiac Surviving are his wife, Nina; Shrine, and BPOE No. 810. Surviving are his wife, Frances: .three d a u g hi ers, Cheri, Michelle and Tammy, alT at home; two sons, Rodney and Ronald, both at home; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. Gav of Decatur. Ill ; a brother, William P. of Pontiac; and two sisters. Mrs. William Wilzbach TROY — Service for Mrs. William (Isabell J.) Wilzbach of SistersviUe, W. Va. will be 2 p.m. tomorrow at Price Funeral Hirhe with burial in White Chapel Memorial Cemetery Mrs. Wilzbach, the Mrs Man Asks Judge to Ban Nagging NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) -A Nashville man has asked for an injunction to bar his wife from “nagging, arguing with, molesting or interfering with him. The plea for a nagging injunction was contained Monday in a cross-bill filed by the husband in answer to his wife’s divorce suit. their combined written and j chairman, driving skill tests. The two local winners will be awarded ’ an all-expense-paid | trip to the state finals and awards banquet June 8. Iineer Dies After Fall A construction engineer, Walter T. Gay Jr., 45, died yesterday afternoon after falling into a 40-foot hole at a construction project at 14 Mile and Inkster, West Bloomfield Township. i West Bloomfield Township police were called to the scene at 3:11 p.m. Gay, of 3424 Pine Estates in the township, was reported dead on arrival at William Beaumont Hospital, according to police reports. , * ★ * Gay, a partner with his brother in Guy Brothers Construction Co., 832 Crestyiew Pontiac was standing on a ledge inside the 49-foot hole when he was knocked into the hole by a steel tube or the cable attached to the tube which slipped, said police. The United States farmer capable of producing more than enough food for the 266 million persons expected to populate the nation by 1985. Sendoff From 8 City Groups Pontiac Elks Lodge No. 810 today hosted more than 100 men inducted in the May draft call. The draftees used the clubs ballroom for visits with families and refreshments prior to leaving. ^ ★ * * Previously the new draftees left from the Federal Building. ★ ★ ★ Other groups working on the the project included UAW Local 594, American Legion Cook Nelson Post 20, American Legion Chief Pontiac Post 377, Jimmy Day.Amvets Post, VFW Post 1008, the Gideon Society and the Disable^ American Veterans. * * * The clubs intend to repeat the project with the next induction group of 139 men, expected to leave June 3. Posts Are Stolen Royal Oak Man Is Robbed of $75 A Royal Oak man whose truck was parked on a Pontiac street early today was knocked unconscious and robbed of some $75 in cash, it was reported to city-police. ----------- ★ ★ * Francis Stout, 58, told officers he was getting into the truck on the 300 block of S. East Blvd. about 12:30 a.m. when someone struck him from behind with a Milliken Talk* Set of Co-Op Clubs' Fete I Mrs. Jesse W. Jones j | KEEGO HARBOR - Mrs. !Jesse W. (Vivian V.) Jones, 75, Michigan Lt. Gov. William G.lof 1763 Cass Lake died today Her body is at C. J. Godhardt Funeral Home. Mrs. Jones was a member of Keego Harbor Baptist Church. Surviving besides her husband are two daughters, Mrs. Sam Haas of Terre Haute, Ind., and Doris E. at home; a granddaughter; two greatgrandchildren; and two sisters. Joseph L. Koslowski ORTONVILLE - Requiem Mass for Joseph L. Koslowski 55, of 35 Narrin will be 10:30 am. Thursday at St. Anne’s Church, Brandon Township Burial will be in Ortonville Cemetery. A rosary will be Purpose of the banquet is to sa>d at 8 P m- tomorrow at C.l recognize accomplishments by1F-Sherman Funeral Home. j both employers and students Mr. Koslowski, an employe of who have found cooperative edu- Pontiac Motor Division, died| cation to be an extremely sue- tdday in a car accident. cessTul method of training for! Surviving are his wife, entry and career development two sons, Michael or jobs in the school community. Holly and Stephen, aOioine; a - -f *■ ; * I daughter, Mrs. Joanne Pethick During the current school j of Ortonville; three - sisters inyear. the Waterford Townshijf eluding Mrs, Pauline Sulecki School' District has provided j and Mrs. Dorothy Buckingham classroom - related instruction i both of Ortonville; three and on-the-job training to rilore \ brothers including Lawrence Milliken will be the speaker tomorrow night when the co-op clubs of Water-f o r d Kettering and Waterford Township high schools hold their annual employe - employer banquet at Mason Junior High School at 6 p.m. All seniors eh- MILLIKEN rolled in the cooperative occupational educational programs at the two high schools have been asked to bring their employers to the banquet. — -★ ir ■ Eight fence posts standing in concrete, were stolen from the | blunt instument former I rear of 75 N. Saginaw, it was He said his wallet was miss-Leo Ahser of Troy, diedjreported to Pontiac police ing when he regained con-yesterday. sciousness. M. E. Daniels Exceptional Service and. responsible life insurance counseling qualified leading Modern Woodmen representatives to attend the recent Modern Woodmen Natjonal Agency Conference in Nassau, The Bahamas. Knowledge and dedication to the principles of life insurance recommend this representative as a capable life insurance .counselor* Modern Woodmen of America One oj the Nation’s £ealin$ Fraternal jCi/c Insurance Organizations HOME OFFICE • ROCIC ISLAND, ILLINOIS End Window Washing Hazards: Windows with Modern Nu-Sash ...and your windows will Climbing ladders, perching on sills, stretching arid straining to wash old obsoleta windows is a dangerous and time-consuming job. Old-fashioned windows cost money with hjgh fuel bills, yearly painting, and constant maintenance and up-keep bills. than 250 seniors. Police Action Pontiac police officers and Oakland County sheriff’s deputies investigated 86 reported incidents and made six arrests the past 24 hours. A breakdown of causes for police_action: // Vandalisms—9 Burglaries—10 Latcenies—12 | Auto thefts—2 Bicycle thefts—2 Disorderly persons—2 j | Assaults—2 Shopliftings—2 Armed robberies—1 Unarmed robberies—1 Obscene phone calls—2 Bad checks—1 Traffic offenses—14 Property damage accidents—19 Injury accidents—6 and Bernard of Pontiac; and two grandchildren. Mrs. Walter Learned BIRMINGHAM - Service tor I former resident Mrs. Walter | (Annabelle) Learned, 83, of 4 Fort Lauderdale, Fla., will be 1 p.m. tomorrow at Bell Chapel of the William R. Hamilton Co. Burial will be in Greenwood | Cemetery. iff Mrs. Learned died yesterday. 1 She was a charter member of i Central Northwest Presbyterian 4 Gfaureb^DetEftiL... .-7-^ I Surviving are a daughter, | Mrs. Frank Pero of Fort Lauderdale, Fla.; and three grand-gjchildren. Gina M. Mellon \ §1 INDEPENDENCE TOWN-flSHIP - Service for Gina M Mellon, 4-year-old ^daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dale F, Mellon,! Thursday at Apostolic Church Christ, Pontiac. Burial will be in White Chapel Memorial Cemetery. Troy, by Pursley-Gilbert Funeral Home, Pontiac. The child died Sunday. Surviving besides the. parents Say "GOODBYE” to Old Windows and extra Work Here’s what you’ll get with NU-SASH! AFTER I Safe, easy, trouble-free window washing. I Bright new modem home appearance. « . I Trouble-free windows with no yearly mainte-nanca. painting, recaulking. I Greatly reduced fuel and air conditioning bills. ■ Fiberglas insulation seats out dust, dirt, cold, wind, and moisture. ■ Substantial increase in property value. ■ More inside light and better ventilation. ■ A tast-provad and superior rated window. ■ Free installation with purchase. UFf-lU insidethehouse y cleaning INSTALLED IN ANY WEATHER, ANY SEASON v . ABSOLUTELY NO ALTERATIONS TO INSIDE PLASTER, WOOD TRIM, OR STORM WINbOWS. VNo Down PaymenT.T . ModestMOnthlyTerms| | , Available in White or Pearl Grey Finish | 210 South Telegraph "S* . Just South of Yoorhei* Pontiac, Mich. 48053 Please send me the FREE 6-page full-color brochure, sample prices, and other complete details on Nu-Slish. MiMr ( 1 THIS IS THE ORIGINAL NU-SASH® Engineered and Test-Proved by Weather-Seal, Incorporated CALL 338-4036 Member PenHecvAr*« Chamber of Commerce - A 1 N \ , \ r.iTV .... *TAtr 7ip > i NO OBLIGATION • FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION . Old-fashioned, outdated, drafty and dirty, hazardous-to-wash house windows are one of today’s most annoying household problems facing the housewife. Now, however, converting every old window in your home to modern functional windows is easy as well as economical! NU-SASH replacement windows provide the solution! NU-SASH units are new windows! NU-SASH puts an end to problem windows - and at a surprisingly low cost of nearly 40% less than any other old method of renovating old windows. For years, NU-SASH has been tt|e leader in window manufacturing and installations. ■ _.. __^_4rr ~ NU-SASH is the only time-tested window unit specifically designed to replace old obsolete house windows. Homeowners applaud the work-saving features of the windows and are amazed at the attractive "new home atmosphere” gained with a NU-SASH conversion A NU-SASH installation is uniquel- it’s not a dirty or dusty re-modeling project! Inside plaster arid woodwork .trim In the nonw are nbbdisturbed or altered. Expert workmen, specifically trained for the job, remove the old window, then precision fit in the new NU-SASH. Results of recent tests show that a NU-SASH installation is superior to the Standards set up by FHA for new constructionrequirements. Savings in heating, air conditioning, yearly painting and maintenance bills will pay for a NU-SASH conversion. As an important end permanent addition to the home, a NU-SASH installation qualifies for low-interest home improvement loans. Take the first "no obligation” step ... simply phone or clip me coupon and mail today. - FOR FREE BOOKLET, CALL OR MAIL COUPON M BigimggcamB!^ BBgggtaBg 'iJWfky *** DEPARTMENT STORES ONE COLOR SALE STARTS WEDNESDAY AT »ISMa^«MMWMIM«UMII)r«m«n«gimwmim«»Mra««MII• A special speed for each blending ’ fob, solid state circuitry. Model CC8, Service for four . In durable ironstone. Lovely floral decora* tion on white background. DEPARTMENT STORES TilK roMIAC I’KKSS. fl’UKSDAV, MAY 14, 1908 FANTASTIC DISCOUNTS ON OUTDOOR ITEMS INDIVIDUAL AIR CUSHIONS ADJUSTS 36-WAYS PERFECT FOR POOL AND PATIO W' W™ - 7-i y *^v \'-t® DEPARTMENT STORES 1125 MBTH PEKIY... OPEN NIGHTS T010, SIMMY TO 7... USE YOll IICHI6AR BANKABD 01 SECUItY MAINE J -;£w~.^.v* "• ^;jj'^ lSSiK^Alj ¥teS ‘ ★kk jjjpfrWrelg^ ' ’ ' ■.. 306 OPEN FACE SPINNING HEEL PLUS 2-PC. W DIAWA TUOULAR GLASS ROD DISCOUNT PNICBD A big favorite with young campers and scouts. DISCOUNT Made of 4 oz. tent doth with all the features of an adult tent. Complete with Jointed wood PNICBD poles and stakes. Size 7* x 7* with S' center. #*$IL k RAND McNALLY CAMP GROUND GUIDE D00K V: HTifKe family c^pir^ direct- j—i—^oijMT “m orV* More than 10,000 camp Km grounds in the U.S. and PNICBD Canada, shown with up to date facilities & locations. i*»c A quality Coho outfit designed by expert fish* ermen. Guaranteed to help you catch and land Michigan’s most exciting game fish. B /RUE IEMPER 0 CONI CAMPER’S 5-PC MESS KIT DISCOUNT PNICBD Aluminum frypan, covered pan, bowl and cup. Compactly packed 0 U-;*■. a v. 72 X 30 AIR MATTRESS DISCOUNT PNICBD Pilfow model with a rustproof valve. Use for sleeping,-, beach^ patio or pool. Wj * ** ^ * * * WwMh Wrnwwi'1m,' > IC«AL/» a* WILSON LEATHER COVERED PREP LEAGUE HARDBALL DISCOUNT PNICBD Regulation size baseball with genuine leather caver. 0. COMPLETE 4-PLAYER BADMINTON SET DISCOUNT PNICBD Kit includes 4 racquets, net and poles and birds. VALUES UP TO $20 South Bend DISCOUNT PNICBD t!fteew“2“fro^ Heddon, South Bend, True Temper, Action Rod, Spin, Spincast, Fly, all 2 piece tubular glass-construction. SOUTH BEND REEL RIOT ■ - ;";Cr DISCOUNT PNICBD Choose from spinning reels, spincast reel and fly reels, all by famous South Bend, y irjy POPPERS! STREAMERS! FLIES! IN REISERAILE PLASTIC I0X DRSCOUNT PNICBD 6 poppers, 12 flies or 6 streamers to a re-usable plastic box. UMC0 ALUMINUM 2-TRAY TACKLE BOX DISCOUNT PNICBD Complete with 14 lure compartments and extra reel storage. ALUMINIM FLOATING TROUT NET DOSCOUNT PNICBD Complete with wrist cord for ease of use and-handling. PNICBD 6-inch hard maple heads with screw in handles. Multi-coat varnish finish Complete with balls, wickets, posts and rack. TENNIS DISCOUNT' PNICBD 7-ply construction, nylon strings and leather grip. . OPEN NIGHTS JO 10, SUN. TO 7.. USE MICHIGAN BANKARD OR CHARGE SOLID COLOR WOOLY'TEXTURED FIBER-GLAS DRAPERIES 311 F i berg las glass draw draperies with deep pinch pleats. Hand washable, drip dry, no ironing, full width in 63" or 84" lengths, white, beige, gold, green. DISCOUNT PRICED ROTM-SIZED 100% CONTINUOUS FILAMENT NYLON TWEED RUGS DISCOUNT PRICED te 21“ 8!i ft. by ll'i ft. rugs with Duregon backing ... no padding' needed. Serged on all 4 sides. BRIGHT COLORFUL FLORAL & EARLY AMERICAN PRINT BEDSPREADS DISCOUNT PRICED Pro-shrunk Cotton throw styLe.. Twin or fu LI.. Machine washable. TWIN DR DOODLE ttATCHINO 38” PINCR PLEATEB SHORTIE DRAPES Matching print* grid colors to go with spreads. 2“ NOVELTY AND FUN BEACH AND DISCOUNT PRICED Assorted novelty prints that are real conversation starters. 100% cotton terry. 30x00 SIZE Attractive Quo ViUti finish adds an antra dash of alsganca. Breezy T makes this sandal Sun-5 atienal. Sixes 5*10. Show off your, feet in our little wisp ef a sandal. This near-nude look, with multi strfp> fs available- in orange, yellow and green. Sizes 5-10. I -JPP coupon^ wt. V.IU.-«K I*. MACLEAN’S TOOTHPASTE FDR WHITER TEETH WITH THIS COUPON The fresh, clean, biting taste of MacLeans. Limit one. EXPIRES SUN., MAY 19, 7 P.M. This swing'in two* band sandal comes In three wild fun-shine colors: sky, orange, 'allow and bone. Sizes -10. COUPON H«a. sag Valua-Bt PR. ox. JNL ARNOLD'S CREME RINSE HAIR CONDITIONER WITH THIS COUPON COUPON PLAYTEX NURSER RELIEVES DISTRESS WITH THIS COUPON. t, Dramatically reduces spitting up, gas ' pains, colic. Limit one. EXPIRES SUN., MAY 19, 7 P.M. — COUPON rob* voiuo— SHEFFIELD SUPER STAINLESS STEEL DLADES WITI+THIS COUPON Famous English steel blades in dispenser. Limit ane pkg. EXPIRES SUN., MAY 19, 7 P.M. Makes your hair silky . soft and mono g ea b le. Limit ana. EXPIRES SUN., MAY 19, 7 P.M. 39* COUPON .............. —18 ox. no! wt. ADORN SELF STYLING HAIR SPRAY BY TONI WITH THIS COUPON Regular or extra- i-l:_ hold in enaeresol -: ^ can. Limit one. EXPIRES SUN*., MAY 19, 7 P.M. COUPON— ROflr l.BR VOIUO-RO’O TAMPAX SUPERS WITH this coupon The super absar* int~ Tampax. Limit one box. 99* EXPIRES SUN., MAY 19, 7 P.M. COUPON R* •1* Voiuo—lO RoDI Pock —JHtlEtSEIN..— TOILET TISSUES WITH THIS COUPON 2-ply facial quality tissues. Limit one box. 57* EXPIRES SUN., MAY 19, 7 P.M. COUPON Roflj. 18# Voiuo—• OX. not wt. NEW SUPER SUET WITH THIS COUPON j ' The softest, yum* miost marshmallows you ever put oh a stick.' EXPIRES SUN'., MAY 19, 7 P.M. 16* 112$ NORTH PERRY...OPEN WONTS TO 10, SIMMY TO 7... USE YOUR HKHNM MMUWD 01 SECURITY CHAKE wmmmmmmmmmwtmwsmsmim AAA DEPARTMENT STORES «%St, R m PBfes A'> \#H mm v3tti *f* .V k-\ ->S an M GET IN THE SWIM-SEASON’S SMARTEST 2-PC. RIB TICKLERS • SOLID COTTON VOILES • ZINGY POLKA DOTS • DAISY FLORALS From one of the countrys largest makers of swimwear. Combed cotton ruffle tops and stretch rayon/nylon bottoms. Sizes 30 to 36 in navy, brown, lime, blue maize. DISCOUNT PRICID life m J M ! kk sK P > m/l iti in IMs SPECIAL PURCHASE KL0PM1N nurraouH DRESSES i • 100% DACRON POLYESTER • WRINKLE-RESISTANT e 12 to 20,14% to 24!i Split cowl neck shift with short sleeves. ■ B. Slimline Va stepin shift with notched lapel, short sleeves. C. 2 pc. cardigan |ac ket su it with jewel neckline and she aTfisIcTrK iS *3h Tff DISCOUNT PNICBD NO-IRON COTTON GIRL’S 2to4r3to6,7 toll JUNIOR BOYS, 3 to 8 * Girls styles in easy-care cottons in a big -■»electien--ef-styTeey-Beys-€etten—knit—ne--- iron^ crew neiak polo and matching poms press cotton shorts/ 1125 |MTI PERRY ...OPEN NIGHTS TO ID, SUNDAY TO 7 + -m.,<%.+** ■ ,« r . — _. 1-iaT-JT WIT | ,1 imjMi.l, XJEUttj jr*\>n i’iAiD 'jrjttjcioo-1, i f 5S| ;«>wb wmam DEPARTMENT STORES *&j] I MEN’S TEXTRALIZED NYLON KNIT SPORT SHIRTS «*lpgllll fc '■ 1 1 : *.5: | ! •f: v * W1 • POLYESTER AND COTTON BLENDS • NEEDS NO IRONIN' CLASSED AS SLIGHT IMPERFECTIONS-IF PERFECT-WOULD BE 3.99 & 4.99 1125 NORTH PERRY. / V............. -.........*-------------- JL nppARTMPWT ★ ★ ★ Next year’s senior commissioners will be Madeleine Ruessman, Kathy Reddy and Nancy O’Brien. Sandy Zatcoff and Barb Allen will be junior commissioners. FACULTY REPRESENTED The All-School Board, also known as the Marian Commission, is comparable to a student council. One difference, howeyer, is the comipission is composed of an equal number of faculty and student members. In addition, to the eight newly elected members, other student members include the four class presidents. ★ ★ ★ Each student-fnember has a faculty counterpart. The five commissioners each head a committee:, ecdesial, social, financial, communications and scholastic. VARIOUS PROJECTS __________ _ Each committee is responsible for various projects throughout the year. Elections began last week when stu-dents filed for office and registered for voting. ★ ■k ir. After faculty Screening, a list of eligible candidates was posted. Primaries were held Monday. Winning students made their cam- paign speeches Tuesday at an all-school assembly. POSTERS, BUTTONS Election fury reached a climax Wednesday as walls became poster-covered and blazers donned campaign buttons all sizes and shapes. The new board president served as a class officer and commissioner during her freshman and sophomore years. Kathy has been junior class president this year. ★ ★ ★ “Further uniting of all classes and working with Brother Rice High School on projects,” are two of her goals for 1968-69. Sue has served as treasurer of the National Honor Society and her parish Teen Club. ELECTION PANEL Peggy has been a sophomore class commissioner, this year. Sister Veronita and Kathi Hoener, senior, headed the election committee. ★ ★ ★ Sister Raphael, publications modera- tor, recently announced next year’s editors. Lesley Clark, junior, is new Marian Way ed(tor. Lesley is on the yearbook staff this year. ★ ★ ★ Junior Ann Therese Darin is newspaper editor. Presently assistant page-one editor, of the Marianews, Ann Therese also writes for the Southfield Press as Marian correspondent. Top Two Scholars Named at Romeo Sacred Heart G/r/s. Cited for Scores By TEfcESA FIASCHETTI NEDT (National Educational Development Tests) scores werj received recently. Nineteen sophomore^ were awarded ment for scoring at or above the 90th percentile nationally: Judith Allen, Deb-bie Churches, Joan Colombo, Kathy Conklin, Linda Costello, Papi Davis, Colleen Denton, Heide Flynn, Sheila Gray, Anne Huber, Sue Judge, Julie Kircher, Mary Anne McKenzie, Cathy Noftz, Lisa Petrini, Anne Reynolds, Mary Riccardo, Karen Shaefer and Sue Tindall. Sixteen freshmen received certificates: Karen Brewster, Jan Calloway, Maureen Darin, Duffy Flynn, Vicky Kelly, Lynn Marra, Kathy King, Beccy Masterson, Marybeth McDonald, Pam Mikus, Sue Schmidt, Pat Schulte, Marty Shannon, Kim Vanderbilt, Betsy. Walllch and Sue West. David L. Olson, principal of Romeo High School recently announced the graduating class’ valedictorian and salutatorian. . With a perfect 4.0 average, Philip Priest earned the valedictorian position. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Priest of 220 W. St. Clair, Romeo. Bruce Bower, son of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Bower, with a grade point average of 3.9 is the salutatorian. Bruce and his parents live at 324 W. St. Clair, Romeo. Ip addition to Philip’s academic interests, he was also active on the football team, the National Honor Society, the- Science-Math Club, the Student Council, the Band Council and served as stage manager for the 1966-67 junior-senior play- AT BOYS’ STATE He also represented Romeo at the Wolverine Boys’ State during his iunior year. t Bruce displayed his leadership capabilities by serving as president of both the senior class and the Band Council. He was also active In golf, football, intramural basketball, the National Honor Society, Student Council, the varisty “R" Club, the junior-senior play and as a Wolverine * Boys’ State representative. ♦ ★ ★ Both boys plan to attend Michigan State University and follow an engineering program. Tomorrow night an open house will be held at Kettering. Each department will have a display for parents. Teachers will be present. The physical education department is sponsoring a “Fitness Extravaganza.” On the agenda for the prograip will be 200 students exercising in unison to “Chicken Fat,” the “Swedish Roun-dettes,” advanced and intermediate tumbling and apparatus demonstration, the “Health Ettes” in a kinesthetic concept of fitness, “free exercise” (gymnastics), and folk and square dancing. ★ ★ ★ Art students have a show set up in the main lobby. The exhibit will be displayed throughout the week. Newly elected Studeht Council officers for 1968-69 are Andrew Golden, president; Nancy Hogarth, vice president; Missy McGrath, recording secretary; Stephanie Stewert, corresponding secretary; and Marcia S t e e h 1 e r , treasurer. GroupatCentral Holds Initiation By JAN GODOSHIAN Pontiac Central High School’s National Honor Society candidates were initiated in a candlelight ceremony last Wednesday. Dr. Garth Errington, principal, opened the ceremonies with a brief explanation of the National Honor Society. Hr it f Speakers were Victor Adams, Allesia Daniels, Margaret Emerson and Albert Yee. Mrs. William Thiede conducted the signing of the roster, and Alana Cargle administered the National Honor Society _______________.___________________ • • ——-------------------FWItlJK P*Mt MAN'IN THE MIDDLE — Fredrick s Tom Butters) finds sharing his affeciiona no easy task as his nurse Ruth (Jan Huntley, left) pulls one way and Mabel (Deidre Townsend) the other. The trio is practicing for Rochester High School’s production of “The Pirates of Penzance.” Pirates Take Over at Rochester High Dance to Offer Barrels of Fun By MARY STEWART What’s at the “Bottom of the Barrel?” The large crowd expected for Kingswood’s Student Council dance will find out Saturday night at 8 in the Kingswood auditorium. Students from area schools have been invited. ★ ★ ★ “The Bottle Company,” an area rock band, will be there to provide the music. The efforts of both the present and the newly elected Student Council members have been-combined to make “The Bottom of the Barrel” what they hope will be one of the most successful events of the year. dance. Betsy Wolf and Barb Miller are in charge of decorations; Nancy Goldberg, tickets; and Julie Coulter, publicity. SALUTE TO CANDIDATES Jackie Washington sang, ‘‘The Impossible Dream,” in saluting the candidates.' Jackie was accompanied by A. Michael Dempsey, choir director. Winners of the State of Michigan Competitive Scholarships are Victor Adams, Greg Arcinaga, Gordon Bovee, Cecylya Brown, Sue Brown, Mike Campbell, Alana Cargle, Dale Cheal, Rick Cody, Cathy Crew, Anita Crone and Cheryl Davis. ★ ★ ★ Others are Cheryl Dell, Kathy Doig, Joyce Eaglen, Pete Elliott, Carol Gaydos, Susie Genez, Tony Gray, Bob Guzman, Dale Houston, Mike Jacobs, Annette Johnson and Evelyn Klock. Mike Leacher, Linda Lippard, Chris Litwin, John Mason, Kathy McClure, Steve MciCelvey, Charlotte Miller, Ted Mole, Mike Ninotti, Sandy Nutter and Joy Pepper also won. Completing the list are Chuck Porritt, Rick Rogers, Bill Rollo, Jeff Ross, Laura Seiss, Jim Sheilds, Beth Smith, Chuck Stearns, Karen Stringer, Maxine Thome, Larry Tremper, Janie Ulrich, Dave-Waffle, Dave Webster, Madeleine Winter. A1 Yee and Jan Godoshian. Student Council members chose next season's varsity cheerleading squad Friday morning. ★ ★ ★ New members are Sherry Powell, Cynthia Walker and Lois Webster. Moving up to the varsity squad from junior varsity are. Marva Burns, Doreen Corporan and Marilyn Quance. for the junior varsity openings were Delores Burns,'Connie Morris, Gay Neal, Polly Schmitz, Claudette Shorters and Carol Taylor. By KARIN HEADLEE “The Pirates of Penzance” will become the pirates of Rochester High School as the vocal music department presents the Gilbert and Sullivan operetta Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights at 8. Playing the romantic leads of Mabel and Frederick: are Deidre Townsend and Tom Butters. Set on England’s southern coast, their romance is hindered by Fredrick’s apprenticeship to the pirate king (Richard York). Fredrick’s servitude won’t end until his 21st birthday, Feb. 29,1990. ★ ★ ★ Supporting roles are played by Jan Huntley, Ruth (Fredrick’s nursemaid); and Dan Frank, the major general. . The Men’s Glee Club will perform as policemen, led by their sergeant, Larry Lautenbach. Spring Concert Near at Lahser BY GRETCHEN HAAS The first Spring Concert at Bloomfield Hills Lahser High School will be presented by the Lahser Band Thursday "'“at 8 p>m. in the school commons. Douglass Campbell, conductor of the Lahser Band, has announced that George Cavender, assistant director of bands at the University of Michigan, will be featured as guest conductor for the pro--gram. . Samples of the creative work of Lahser art students will be on display in front of the Little Theater at Bloomfield Hills Andover High School May 24, 25 and 26. The exhibit will include a 10-foot collage sculpture by Pat Zane. SERIES OF ILLUSTRATIONS A series of illustrations of various facets of American life from cigarette ads to people and their occupations will exemplify “America," the theme of Pat’s construction. The staff for next year's yearbook, the Also appearing in the operetta are Diane Methven, Edith; Nancy McMahon, Kate; Mike Spink, the pirate lieutenant; and Beverly Grund, Isobel. Frank Irish, head of the music department, will direct the production with the help of student director Karen, Ford. Mrs. Neil Montgomery is designing the scenery. ★ ★ ★ Chairmen and crews for the performance are Chris Simpson, staging chairman; Barbara Stranahan, props; Jan Huntley, make-up chairman; Gail Moynihan, costumes; Sandy Pollock, publicity; , Sue Smith, tickets; Mary Olson, house; and Mike Spink, cleanup. Tickets may be purchased from any cast member. SKIP DAY TODAY Due to the efforts of Ray Lawson, senior adviser; James Drue, principal; the administration; and the school board, seniors are participating in a senior skip day today. To honor Rochester High’s foreign exchange students, a reception will be held Friday from 2:30-4 p.m. ★ ★ * The gathering, to be held in Room 125, is open to the public and will provide a chance for the community to become acquainted with Rochester’s exchange students and program. , This year’s students, Roger Francke from Ceylon and Susanne Sjoblom from Finland, will show slides and discuss their countries and their cultures Ponllac Prill Photo SATURDAY DANCE —Mamie Greenwood (left) and Mary Darwall put their shoulders to the barrel to Insure success of Kingswood School’s Saturday night dance, “The Bottom of the Barrel.” Mamie is president of the Student Council. Mary Is next/year’s president. The dance will be held frpm 8 to 11 p.m. editor; Ed Hershman, advertising manager ;■ Rjunsey, Shirk, Sue Irving a^d Jeff* DelAwter, photography editors; and Anne Frey and Patt Davidson, copy editors. Scholastic Hpnors tq 3 By SHARON BERRIDGE The Detroit Association of Phi Beta Kappa made presentations at the 20th annual certificate awards and honors convocation to three Bloomfield Country Day girls. Gay Cold well, Sue Adams and Kristy Johnston met the required 3.5 average. All-School Play Slated at Seaholm By JOltN CALVER The all-school pfey this year at Sea-holm High School is “He Who Gets Slapped.” “It is under the direction .of Hoyt Byrum, Seaholm’s new dramatics teacher. Dale Ann. Winnie, as the female lead, portrays Consuelo. ★ ★ ★ Tobin Rote, the male lead, is Me an ugly clown who joins a circus and falls in love with Consuelo, a bareback rider. the student director uiursuay, ri juny and Saturday in Sea-hokn’s Little Theatre. . ALSjj) APPEARING L Also appearing in the play will be Sue Cook, Zinida (the lion tamer); Roger James, Briquet (the circus manager), and Pat Murry, Count Mancinl (father of Consuelo).. T ★ ★ * Students in supporting roles are Bill Raymoure, Stu Nunnelly, Steph Sawdy, Diane GiHum, Greg Bell, Will LeFevre and Roger Hilborn. ' «. ' ★ i ★ ★ 'rickets are available from any cart member. _v By DONNA FURLONG Waterford-Kettering High School vocal department will present its annual spring concert, “A Song is Made for Singing Again,” Saturday at 8 p.m. in |he gym. The concert will feature the choir, mixed and girls choruses, Girls Ensemble and the Gleeman. A section rff the “Requiem Mass” by Mozart will be done by the choir. Broadway show tunes “Marne” and “Matchmaker” are to be sung by the choruses. ALUMNI INVITED , The Girls’ Ensemble will perform “More and “Strangers in the Night.” “Up, Up' arid Away” along with several Ray Conniff arrangements will be sung by the Gleeman. Each year the alumni are invited back to join in “Walk Hand in Hand.” * ★ * Accompanists for the evening are Judy Kiger, Sonia Martin and Gail Strader, piano; Rex Hamil and Mark Taylor, drums; Sandy Inglehart, chaimes; and Griff Verhey, bass. They are under, the direction of Mrs. John Hunt. * ' .Varsity'cheerleaders for 1968-69 have been chosen. They are Hazel Goodwin, captain; Lynn Bachelor, cocaptain; Darinel Foote, Carol Freeland, Melanie Granfors and Gail Zollner. OPEN HOUSE BaaBaBHeMeiiGWgaattgaBsaaisaBEaaiBBaeaiiw^^ W«ffla6fflS^^ Student Leaders Selected ^mamsimwBmwKraaasBiiMaMssTsmtiwjn^EiMMWsmtipB! Boy Brings Beer as Teacher s BY DAVID DYE , The prefectures went to 12 seniors Crahbrook School used its new election (class of ’69) whose appointments were systemlor the second year to select next recently _ announced by Headmaster year’s student leaders. Robert M. Sandoe Our Lady of Mercy High Sets Prom for Thursday By MARY ANNE MADDEN A Latin Quarter will be the setting of Our Lady of Mercy’s Junior-Senior Clarkston High Picks 14 Varsity, JV Cheerleaders By KATHY MATLOCK The varsity cheerleading squad for 1968-69 has been chosen at Clarkston High School. Members are Carla Dutcher, Cindy Ford, Pam Gerber, Nan Giles, Sue Griffiths, Jan Norberg, and alternate is Lyn Norberg. Manager is Kathy Caldwell. The junior varsity consists of Annette Dengate, Valerie LePere, Karen MacDougall, Laurie MacGregor, Gail Ragatz, Linda Slade, and alternate is Cindy Porritt. Manager is Jane Richard; Janet Gabier is faculty sponsor. ★ ★ ★ The Girls’ Athletic Association will go on a canoe trip Saturday and Sunj^ay, starting at Grayling down the AuSable River 11 miles to Parmalee Bridge. Chaperones attending the sixteen girls are Sonia Letcher, physical education teacher, and Carolt Nizlek, family living teacher. NEWS STAFF Members of next year’s Wolf Cry (newspaper staff) are: Steve Ashley Trudy Beall, Dawn Bell, Nancy Bullard, Mark Cowen, Gail Cowling, Ellen Fellows and Greg Galligan. Others are Claudia Gordon, Pam Guilds, Polly Hanson, Richard Klein, Sue McAnnaly, Connie Rush, Laura Willets, Marty Woodward, Mike Kaul and Jim Navarre. ★ w ★ The yearbook staff will have the following members next year: Maud Elliot,■JoleitfJ^chmtz,.Mii«^aS91L^G8il.. Cowling, Janet Cobb, Kathy Caldwell, Dave LePere, Mollie Lynch and Kathy Hoff. Other staffers are Kirk Willard, Steve Ashley, Dianne Weeks, Judy McDonald, Denise Meyers and Don Lee. FACULTY SPONSOR The yearbook and newspaper are both under the faculty leadership of Linda Munro. Prom, Thursday from 9 p m. to midnight. Music will be provided by the seven-piece Bob Durant Orchestra, featuring Gwen Wells, vocalist. ★ * * ’ Junior Sue LaBqJJe and her date Denny O’Neill, who submitted the winning theme suggestion, “Forever Tonight,” will receive a free ticket. Chaperones will include Mr. mid Mrs. George Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Breneman, and Mr, and Mrs. Richard LaBelle. Tickets are available during the lunch hour. SPRING CONCERT Mercy choral groups will perform in the annual Spring Concert Friday at 7:30 p.m. and .Sunday at 3 p.m. Accompanying the choral groups will be the Matt Michaels Trio from the Playboy Club, and the North District Symphonette. Tickets for the performance are available from any choral member. ★ ★ ★ \ Fifty members of Mercy’s orchestra were presented in concert Friday night Featured were the Northwest district Symphonette, composed of students from Bishop Foley, Shrine, Dondero and Kimball High Schools. Both classical and modern music was played, including the popular “Love Is Blue,” arranged by Donald Palmer, -MereyorehestFa-director-.—--------- Appointed head prefect for next year is Tom Brennecke. a boarding student. ★ ★ * Prefect; of their respective houses will be Mike Hawkins, Rod Fonda, Scott Babcox, Mark Eaton, Paul Cragin and Mark Habel. COUNCIL CHAIRMAN . -------- Mark Neithercut will be chairman of the Student Council and Jim Rector wilt be prefect of the lower school (7th and 8th grade boys). * ★ Bill McGraw will be prefect in charge of the dining hall; Norm Lerchen, the work program; and Doug Koch the hours program (Cranbrook’s disciplinary program). J, _ ★ ★ ★ These students were appointed in May so they could leam from the “experienced” seniors of the Class of 68. The new election system is launched in the junior year as students and faculty choose a group of boys out of the class. UP FOR DISCUSSION . From this ballot, the 35 most popular boys are brought up for discussion. Of the 35 juniors, 20 are selected to be interviewed. + ★ ★ The student-faculty interviewers present their recommendations on each ofthese students to the headmaster, who then appoints 12 juniors as prefects. “The system seems to be working very effectively,” said Ralph M a r g u 1 i s , present head prefect. / ★ ★ ★ * Six underclassmen were also chosen to be next year’s representatives for Cran-brook Student Council. Elected were Charles Wilson, John Ford and Brad Leithauser, freshmen; and John Cwiakala, John Nevin and Lou Braun, . sophomores. .,^-..................... An apple for the teacher? Not for this kindergarten lad. His offering? A bottle of beer. ★ ★ ★ The bottle was discovered by a Chatham area school bus driver who saw a suspicious bulge under the pupil’s coat. It proved to be, the driver explained, “nothing more than a 1968 version of an apple for the teacher.” The pint-sized lad said a classroom remark Inspired the gift. The teacher indicated she was fresh out of beer. ------1 Auto-Ufe-Home-Bu*ines* See DON DOOLITTLE 500 4th Street, Pontiac, Mich. A Ceil 334-4068 SENTRY.fjINSURANCB The Hardwire Mutual* Oroaniiatlon 'Moonlight and Roses' Is Theme of Prom at St. Lawrence High By JANICE VAN DEN BROUCK “Moonlight and Roses” is the theme of the 1968 Junior-Senior Prom at St. Lawrence High School f The prom is sponsored by the junior class and will be .■held-at— downtown Detroit Friday at 8 p.m. ★ ★ ★ Preceding the prom, the Sisters of St. Dominic who teach at St. Lawrence High will hold a reception at the convent for those couples attending. Five St. Lawrence High Students have been chosen to represent their school during Michigan Week. They will take over the duties of certain city officials May 23. Chosen were Konstantyn Damas, who will take over the post of chief of police, Janice Van Den Brouck, city clerk; Bernadette Justick, electrical inspector; Gary Brock, fire chief; and Mary Gazda, These students along with others representing area high schools will also attend a dinner celebrating Michigan Week. Final elections for next year’s Student Council officers were held last week. Only the seniors weren’t eligible to vote. Elected were Tony Wilhelm, president; Suzi Martin, vice president; Ken Olivier, treasurer; and Marilyn Van De Weghe, secretary. into me with new Michigan Bank auaranfeed carffflcatesl The annual interest rate of 5% on Michigan Bank Guaranteed Certificates actually becomes an average annual interest rate of 6% when held for 86 months. In fact, these Guaranteed Certificates guarantee to return 42% profit on your investment when you hold them to maturity. Come in today to Michigan Bank and arrange to earn guaranteed profit with a Guaranteed Certificate. REDEMPTION VALUE OP CERTIFICATE BASED ON PURCHASE PRICE OP $5000 Time held Redemption ratom 12 months $5,25630 36 months 5,80933 60 months 6,41938 86 months 7.15433 ■ft* JEVJfrrff* Michigan bank NATIONAL ASSOCIATION NEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION The Velvet Touch Romantic fashions in velvet, for special evenings out and for at-home wear, are having particular appeal for English girls from 15 years of age on up. Even the buyers at top name stores are amazed at the way the velvet craze has caught on. One” said that brown velvet was almost unobtainable, and black is also very popular. She felt that even those teen girls who didn’t look well ordinarily in black can wear black velvet because the fabric itself is so flattering. Most of the dresses and suits are to be found in cotton velvet which has a subtle sheen. Many also are etched in lace, black net, or are worn with a lace blouse. (A4v*rtit*m*nl) Why Do You________________4 Have a Poor Memory? A noted publisher in Chicago re- j ports there is a simple technique j for acquiring a powerful mem-j ory which ean pay you real | dividends in both business andj social advancement and works! like magic to give you added J poise, necessary self-confidence i and greater popularity. According to this publisher, I many people do not realize how much they could influence oth-j ers simply by remembering accurately everything they see,j hijar, or read. Whether in busi-J ness, at social functions or even in casual conversations with I -»ew-.-aequaintances,--4lMH,e rare* ways in which you can dominate each situation by your ability to remember. To acquaint the readers of this paper with the easy-to-follow rules fOr developing skill in remembering anything you choose to remember, the publishers have printed full details j of their self-training method in] a new booklet, “Adventures in| Memory,” which will be mailed free to anyone who requests it. No obligation. Send your name, address and zip code to: Memory Studios, 835 Diversey Pkwy., Dept. 377-015, Chicago, 111. 60614. A postcard will do. p||b*; * : ■IB HKk? ifj| Ml a—vmesrr? j wmmMki JmM Tutl ...MAKES YOU A BETTER COOK! Here’s an "informer” that not only gives you the facts but does something about it! How does it work? Simple. Into the center of the meat you put ,a thermostatic probe, one end of which is plugged into the oven wall. Slide the roast into the oven and turn the indicator to the exact de-gree of doneness you want. When the meat probe gets the right "inside” information, it signals you—then automatically and instantly shuts the oven off. Takes all the anxious guesswork out of roasting. What other magical things can a 1968 Gas range do? Everything from starting dinner while you’re gone to keeping a complete meal deliciously ready-to-serve when you’re fate. Outstanding 1968 Features...3ame Wonderful Flame...See Ynur Gas Range Dealer, Today! Published by Consumers Power Company poo-tm-M v V. 'l l , If- ; 71 \ MARKETS Trading Is Active The following are top prices covering sales of locally grown produce by growers and sold by them in wholesale package lots. Quotations are furnished by the \ * Stock Market Moves Lower Primary Today in Nebraska NEW ^)e^I0‘t ®ureau °* Markets as stock market moved lower early I Was unchanged of Monday. ...... — D YORK — The, 11 advanced, 3 declined and one steels generally were off frac- Kennedy Most Win; ’tlons. Produce Jones & Laughlin, the most- No Contest for Nixon FRUITS Apples, Red Delicious, bu. Apples. Jonathan, bu. Apples, Jonathan, C. A., bu Apples, McIntosh, bu. Apples, McIntosh, C.A. Apples, Northern Spy, ou. AIRCRAFTS Among aircrafts, Boeing was down 2V*. Among higher priced issues. Eastman Kodak was off 2? OMAHA, Neb. (AP) Nebraska Democrat? vote today in a presidential primary which | this afternpon. Trading was ac - . . . . . . .active, opened up V/* at 77'/, on The Dow Jones industrial av- U. * £ares Massey-Fergu- TrSie.rage’,W^Ch ^ pann§ son, second most active, was up i.»!“s early loss, turned downward|, Wegtern Union Teiegraph joo.apinandatnoonitwMoff 1.62j ^ed 1V4. Lear giegler rose 4.751at 908.34. i, i, 6.50 j llV*. ___________ 3'75] _ . . ., ... .. ! Chrysler was off 1V«. Ameri- Asparaous, dz. Dch..........2.7s! Gains led losses by less than a, chives, dz. bch.... ........j.oo .___.____ J j can Motors gained %. „ 3.75 dozen issues. I . . > . cnange, itoyai American paceu, pjva| Campaigner Eugene J The Associated Press average] .the list on volume, rising :McCarthy privately pessimistic ffgof 60 stocks at noon was un-i Youngstown Steel Door was j Continental Materials, second about his prospects insisted ' “!changed at 3:30.0, with indus- off ft at 20 ft on 55,100 shares.|most-active, gained %. that Nebraska aione would not trials off .6, rails unchanged,, A block of 44,900 shares of| Gains of a point or more were be (,rucja, tQ his presidential Onion sots, 32-lb. bap Onions, dry, 50-lb. bag Onions, green, dz. bchs. .. Potatoes, 50-lb. bag ....... Potatoes, 20-lb. bag ....... Radishes, Red, % bu. Rhubarb, hothouse, dz.. bch, GREENS Sorrel, bu................... „ ! . - . . ... ’ Sen. Robert F. Kennedy said he Contro Data, lost 3ft IBM was . . . . . ... „ „ „ . v . . must win if he is to become the off 2, and Xerox was down 3. " , (U „ . „ iparty s nominee for the White On the American Stock Ex-1 ^ouse change, Royal American paced and utilities up .6. Chrysler traded at 54, off lft. made by Technicolor, Applied effort and said he would stay g Poultry and Eggs Of the 15 most active issues J Except for Jones & Laughlin,1 Devices, and Clary Corp. tbe race wbatever the outcome DETROIT COGS DETROIT (API—tUSDAI— Egg prices, paid per dozen by first receivers (Including U.S.): large Grade A jumbo, 30-34; extra large, 26%-29'/a; large, 23Va-27Va;. medium, 20*23%; small, 16-18. DETROIT POULTRY DETROIT (AP)—(USDA)— Prices paid Rer pound for No. 1 live poultry: hensi e The New York Stock Exchange RAZOR SPECIALISTS - Mister G’s, which recently opened at 5883 Dixie in the Independence Commons in Waterford Township, specializes in razor cutting and corrective styling, according to owner Jerry1 Hamlin who Is cutting a customer's hair. A man can select a toupee or hairpiece, or a mustache or goalee while a manicurist works on Pontiac Prm Photo his nails or a shoeshine boy cleans his shoes. Hamlin of 3762 Shoals, Waterford Township, also owns a capilpscope, which he claims will point out a man’s hair deficiencies so Mister G’s staff can work to stabilize them. Appointments can be made in advance for Wednesdays. h„ - ....... • SB NEW YORK (AP) - New York Slock Iyp®» 20*23, roasters heavy type, Cyoiiiiiai tRlartiid noon or ices- i 15-27; brollori and fryer* White*. 19-20. Ex,han9* »»«cted noon price*. RaPwLI 1.76 CHICAGO EGGS "■■■ ■■■ A* I PMC Cp .85 CHICAGO (AP) — Chicago Mercantile I?!**. .... , ... eH FordMof 2.S Exchange — Butter steady; wholesale J],*h {#•* f*?.' ForMcK ,25e buying prices unchanged; 93 score AA Abbott Lab l 47 55% 54% 55 + *#iFreepSul 1.40 66; 92 A 66; 90 B 63%; 89 C 60%; cars Abex Cp 1.60 90 B 641/4; 89 C 62. ACf= Ind 2.20 Eggs steady; wholesale buying prices Ad Minis .20 unchanged; 80 per ceht or better Grade Address 1.40 A Whites 27; mediums 23; standards 24; Admiral checks 17. Sales Net (lids.) High Low Last CHg.; 19 66'w 65% " 37% 37V 44 22 265 55% 53 25% 21% 21% AirRedtn 1.50 A lean Alum 1 CHICAGO POULTRY Alleg Cp .10e CHICAGO (AP)—(USDA)—Live*poultry: wholesale-buying prices unchanged; roast-1 AiiTSerK i on ers 25-26’/a; special fed White' Rock fryers AllledStr l 40 i Allis Chal 1 Alcoa 1.80 Livestock 'jmSid." Am Airlin .80 DETROIT LIVESTOCK AmBdcst 1.60 Am Can 2.20 36 21 20% 20-21%. DETROIT (AP)—(USDA)— Cattlf 400;tArrvSUd 1 950-1200 lb. slaughter steers^ 27.00-28.00; j £mdyan i mixed good and choice 26.25-27.00; got ■ ■ ■ 24.50 - 26.25; few lots choice sleuahter | AmTnka , 30 AmE yen IPw 25 1.52 heifers 24.75-25i.75; utility cows 19.50-20.50. | A Home 1.20 Hogs 300; U.S. 1 and 2 200-225 lb. bar- Am Hosp 66 rows and gilts 20.00-20.25; 1 and 3 220- Am Hosp wi 240 lb. 19.25-20.00; U.S. 1 and 3 300-400, Am I nvst 1.10 lb. sows 15.75-16.50; 2 and3400-6001b. AmMFdy .90 14.50- 15.75. AMet Cl 1.90 Vealers 150; high choice and prime Am Motors 38.00- 40.00; choice 34.00-38.00; good 29.00- AmNatGas 2 34.00. 1, Am Photocpy Sheep 500; choice and prime 90-110 lb. Am Seat 1 shorn lambs with No. 1 and 2 pelts Am Smelt 3 28.50- 29.50; cull to good slaughter ewes Am Std 1 7.00- 10.00. CHICAGO LIVESTOCK Am T8.T Am Tob 1.90 AMKCp 30d AMP Inc CHICAGO (AP) — (USDA) - Hogs Ampe* CoVP 7,000; 1-2 190-230 lb butchers IT50-20.75; Ampheno| 70 1-3 220-240 lbs 18.75-19.50; 1-3 'b*' Anacond 2.50 18.25-19.00; 1-3 330-400 lb sow* 16 00-16 75 Anken c(wrn Cottle 800; choice 950-1,325 lb slaughter! ArchDan 1.60 steers ylefd grade 2 to 4 25.75-28.25;, Armco Stl 3' mixed high choice end prime 950-1,050|Armour 1.60 33’/* 33% 22 7'/j 47 47% + i. 24 25% 25% 25Va — ', 236* +1% 20% J- V. GAF Corn .0 29% — % Gam Sko 1.30 259 22% 22% 22% — % G Accept 1.40 20 14% 14% 14% + % GenDynam I 29 63% 63 63% +1% Gen Elec 2.60 16 23 22% 22% — % Gen Fds 2.40 65 36% 36% 36% Gen Mills .80 76 50 49% 49% — % GenMot 1,95e 92 32% 32% 32% + % GenPrec .80 50 70% 70 70V. GPubUt 1.56 28 61% 59% 59% — % GTel El 1.40 70 86% 85 86% +1% Gen Tire .80 125 25% 24% 24% - %iGenesco 1.60 14 57 56% 56%— % Ga Pacific lb 18 52% 52% 52% + %t Gerber 1.10 6 29% 29 29 — V.; GettyOil ,72e 103 25%, 25% 25% — V. | Gillette 1.20 47 33% 33V. 33%+ % I Glen Aid .I7p 21 46% 46 46% —1% Global Marin 37 59% 59% 59% — %| Goodrich 2.40 20 99V, 98% 98% + % Goodyr 1.35 17 33% 33% 33% + V. GraceCo 1.40 58 20% 20 20% + % Granites 1.40 72 19% 19% 19’,e + V. Grant 1.30 23 47% 47% • 47% + % Gt A8.P 1.30a 685 13 12% 13 + % Gt Nor Rv 3 57 38V, 38 38V, + % Gt West Flnl 56 17% 17% 17% — v, GtWnlln 1.80 2 27% 27% 27% + Vs GreenGnt .88 91 70% 70V. 70% Greyhound 1 13 36V, 36% 36% GrumnAlrc -1 432 49% 9% 49% — % Gull Oil 2.60 48 32% 32% 32% — Vs GulfStaUt .88 35 93 92% 92% — % GulfWIn .30b 8 34% 34 34% + % 43 31% 31% 31V, 18 45% 45% 45% + %; Halliburt 1.90 112 46 45V. 45V. — % Harris Int 1 75 12% 12% 12% — % Hecla M 1.20 4 57% 57% 57% + V. HeclaMng wi 40 47% 47% 47% — % Here Inc .50e 247 41V. 40% 41V. + % | HewPack Pan Am .0 PanhEP 1.60 25% + v. ParkeDavis 1 58% 57V. 58V, +1% PennDIx ,60b 139 40% 40V, 40% + % Penney 1.60a 1 Richard M. Nixon led the 'Republican list with no real i contest — althouth h i s 1 managers claimed they had faced aggressive campaigns for s«tt{,H..huw tasted, absent C°P challengers. 90 23% ?3v. mi/. - '< The weather forecast was for cloudy skies, perhaps some Stable Prices Wanted -G— 69 21% 207b 21 5 29 e 17 34 58 52% 136 91% 82 88% 29 40% 95 82^ 333* 337/b + ’/r 40 V4 40% + % 37 45Vb 81% 82% -f % 36 27V X162 40'/2 40 Vb 40Vb + 49 29V4 29 29 + 30 41% 41% 41% I 33 75% 75% 75% 4- 14 28 27% 27% - 210 92% 91% 92% — 43 58% 57% 135 13% 13% PennCen 2.0 PaPwLt 1.56 PennzUn 1.40 PepsiCo .90 Perfect Film PfizerC 1.20a PhelPsD 3.40 Phila El 1.64 PhilMorr 1.80 Phill Pet 2.60 PitneyB 1.20 Pitts Steel Polaroid .32 PPG Ind 2.60 ProctrG 2.40 PudSvcCoIo 1 Publklnd 46f PugSPL 1.68 Pullman 2.80 142 35% 341 117 20% 20% 20% -f % 7 34% 34 34% + % 146 32 ' 31% 31% - % 32 22% 22’/4 22% + % 43 80% 7934 80% + fk X86 77'/4 76% 76% — % Silver Mart Uncertain 13 28'/. 28 9 148V2 147Vj 147 36 447/b 44'/a 44: 147 67Va 28 69 17 66% 68% 14 29 66V4 287/ 55Va 55'/a — 105 563/4 56 56»/4 — % 23 66% 66% 66%. — Va RECORD EXPECTED Nevertheless, state ^ +),/4 were anticipating a f45„ _ .4 primarv vote. Secretary » State Frank Marsh said he ex officials record of By JOHN CUNNIFF $2.30 an ounce in recent days, involves those silver AP Business Analyst amid a great deal of con-certificates. NEW YORK—Is there enough troversy over 'vhethe|r this REDEMPTION RATE pected a turnout of some 410,000 silver in the world to meets its The chances aPPear slim that voters. needs? vv y 3 y those 218 million ounces set T "m "ml Ijv?: Nebraska also was choosing; Does the U.S. Treasury have,110"- aside for redeeming the ” IS* 246% jo’s + ’/‘delegates to cast nominaUngj enough silver to satisfy all its I SUPPLY SIZE ! certificates will be used up. At, such as its; That’s why the size .of the least they won’t at the present 6 54V 18 « 39 Va 16 233/4 49 40 32 28% 7 54% 53 20Vb 10 82 22 37 80 20% 37 33V4 36 76% 35 24% 307 503/4 —H— + Va 13'/4 38% 38% — V. 62% 62% — Va RCA 1 52% 54Vb + %| RalstonP .60 39% 39% — % Ranco Inci .92 23% 23Va — Vb I Raytheon .80 39% 393/4 — % { Reading Co 28 28% + % ReichCh 40b 54Va 54% —1 Repubstl 2.50 19% — % Revlon 1.40 81 —IVb; Rexall .30b 36% + Vb Reyn Met .90 20% — V41 ReynTob 2.20 323/4 —1 %; RheemM 1.40 76 + V* RoanSe 1.67g 8 32H 3®£ SwlX’i votes at the national political I commitments 29 49 48Va _R_ ,----------------------------------------------- 51% — bound by the outcome of the deem silver cer 193/4 35 32Va 31% 32'/a + 62 95V. 95’b 95V, + • 9 23 224, 23 17 15V, .15', 15'4> — 59 43'/t 42’B 43 — 59 89V 5 featured popularity race. Vic^ President Hubert Humpbrcv appeared likclv tificates for the metal if turned in by June 24? Or will it have to renege on its 24 24 — 4 gain a big share of the state s promises, a n $4 ^4 1 4 30 Democratic nominating otj,er 0f whic 24V 506, 50V, + V, RoyCCo t ; Roy Dut RyderSys 59 76% 22 6OV4 59% 59Va —1 86 78% 77 45 39% 24 38V. 38V. 38’/. + gb StEKnF 2.20 ... - 26.00-26.75. Atchison 1.60 Sheep 100; not enough of any one class1 Atl Rich 3.10 o establish prices. American Stock Exch. Atlas Ch Atlas Corp Avco Cp 1.20 Avnet Inc .50 Avon Pd 1.60 30'/4 30 49 118% 118% 118% — 72 21% * 21% 21% + HollySug 1.20 Homestk? .80 Honeywl 1.10 Hook Ch 1.40 22 49% 48% 48Va-%! House Fin 1 69 56% 55% 56 - %;HoyStLP 112 24 138'/, 137'/, 138'/, — '/. : Howmet -B— HuntFds .50b 33% 33% 33%-- % j sobering 1.20 77% 74% 75% +1% Scientif Data 27 130 129% 130 /—I ScienDrfta wl 432 52% 52 52% +-% SCM Cp .60b 118 38% 37% 38% +1%! Scott POper 1 35 42% 42% 42% + % SbdCStL 2.20 45% 44% 45% + % Sear I GD 1.30 government s s u p p l_y , and! rate of. redemption, whether the government has: jn the past 11 months, said enough for its needs, grows so wallace, about 43 million important. ounces have been paid out for Speaking here earlier this silver certificates. The peak was month, Robert Wallace, assis- reached in March, when 10.5 tant Treasury secretary, said million ounces were released, the, U.S. silver stock amounted April was just under that to more t]iai\ 520 million ounces, figure. May might reach a high or seemingly enough f o r of 20 million ounces—perhaps government needs. As coins are more, melted, this stock could grow. I ★ * ★ ★ * ★ The Treasury really figures These are some of the ques- Against this supply are these that much of that silv.er is safe-... 64 47v. 46V, 46’, sikteen Republican .;ons ,n today’s crazv, mixed up mmmitmpntc- ifii million that the silver certificates will ...... 10 «»'/. M tru +2’, nommahng votes were arsTS^. ;silver market, m which in- ounces for the strckpile anotherTe nW Nixon Was expected to capture d^strial users, such as 55 million ounces said to bejralAir than redeemed or that 45 34 33% 33% 78 +1% *» t ?isCT i/4 votes. Delegates to cast 28 of js supply the! n 40V^ 39^ 40V. + h ^m were being elected, the national defense] 10 35'/.* 35 4 35 — w' other two go automatically to j stockpile with! —S— the national committee 165 million who favor Hum-ounces for strategic purposes? CUNNIFF — W'stRegP 1.40b Sanders 32% 32 members, _ v phrey. owners V 1 110V, liov, llO'/i 158 47% 46% 46% — 3/4 124 29% 29% 29% + 11 45 45 most of them. NEW YORK (AP) - American Stock Babck W 1.36 Exchange selected noon prices: Balt GE 1.60 Seles Net Beat Fds 1.65 (hds.) High Low Last Chg. Beckman .50 4 20V. 27’a 27’/, — ', BeechAlrc lb 3 404, 406, 406, + '/. Bell How .60 15 10'/, U'/a 18'/, — 6, Bendlx 1.40 20 37'/. 37 37V. BenefFIn 1.60 95 7V, 7 2'-V6 + W Benguet 189 83/4 8'/a 8% — %'Beth Stl 1.60 56 36, 3V. »4? Boeing 1.20 6 31V. 30’/. 31 + »» S®]srtej;asf~J5 467 16’/* 166, 1664 + 6, Borden 1.20 1 8’/, «’/• 8’/*+l-18 Boro War 1.25 48 9 8 13-168 15-16 + v8 BrlstMyer la 77 36,2 5-16 26,+l-16 Aerojet ,50a A|ax Ma .10g Am Petr .32e ArkLGas 1.70 Asamera Oil AssdOil & G AtlasCorp wt Barnes Eng BrazITLfPw 1 Brit Pet .30e Campbl Chib Can So Pet Cdn Javelin Cinerama Creole 2.60a Data Con! Dixilyn Corp Dynalectrn EquityCp .33t Fargo Oils Fed Resrces Felmont OH Frontier Air Gen Plywood Giant Yel .40 Goldfield Gt Bas Pet Gulf Adi Cp GulfResrc Ch HoernerW .82 Husky O .15e Hycon Mfg Hydrometi 21 45% 45% 45% -f 29 31 % 30% 31% 22 65 64% 65 — 31 55% 55 55% — 28 55% 53% 533/4 —: 10 8.1% 803/4 81 — 15 39% 39% 39% V% inland Stl _ 34 36% 35% 36%y \ jnsNAm 2.40 699 14% 13% 14% + %| infer Ik St 1.80 60 29% 29% 29% IBM 5.20 39 60 —I— 59% - tdahoPw 1.50 Ideal Basic 1 III Cent 1.50 Imp Cp Am IngerRand 2 23 28% 40 17% 18 64'/a 120 10% 9 43Vb 54 32% 44 61‘ Sears Roe la jSeeburg .60 ! Sharon Stl 1 283a 283/4 — % Shell Oil 2.30 17% 173/4 — Vb ShellTrn .66e 63% 64% -f %,SherwnWm 2 10% 10% . 1 Sinclair 2.80 43% 43Va ...jSinoerCo 2.40 32Va 323/4 — %' Smith K 1.80a 61% 61% + 3/4iSouCalE 1.40 Brunswick BucyEr ,1.20 5 ™ 6 38’/. 38’/. 38’/. .^iBulovo .7W 12 19’/t 19V, 196* Burrouohs 1 26 33V, 3264 33', + ’/b “Urr0lJ9ns ' 21 Vs 21 216, + V. V!} V/i' _ Vl Col Flnanl io% 4- % CampRL .45a 10% + % CamP Soup 1 29% 29% 25? ” wf* 54 /4 .SB?- T 7? tnt Harv 1.80 Int Miner 1 Int Nickel 3 Int Packers Int Pap 1.35 101 117 162 74^ 59 55 36 32Va 32 32% + 22 32% 31% 31% — % 16 79% 78% 79Vb + % 355 15% 15% 15% + % 7 25% 25% 25% 4- Vb 57 28% 28% 28% — % 4 31% 31 31 — Vi 101 45 45 45 + % 128 2183/4 215Va 215V2 —1% —C— Int T8.T .85 174 10% CaroPLt 1.38 21 9% 9% 9% — % CaroTAT 53 12% 11% 12% + % carrier Cp 05 10% 10 10% 4- % SrtirUV i towaPSv 1.28 Jewel Co 1.30 JohnMan 2.20 JohnJhn .60a 63 * 3964 386» 396, +1V. £? 61 32 31V, 316* In0 21 276*. 27'/, 27'/* - >/. 12 306, 30V. 306, i !°u2UCo „„ 33 669V, 666 669V, — '/, SouNGos 1.40 38 335'/, 335 335'/, - V, \*9. 72 33V. 32’, 33 + V, S,“u'h„R„v .2„®0 96 25'/, 24’/. J5'/b + 6.{SPsrton Ind 18 112’/. Ill’/, lll’/B - ’• mL 214 13'/, 13'/, 13V, + ,'7.o 169 31'/o 31 31V. + ', |{ara"9 ' j49 64 58 576* 576*— U stOHCal 5.70 ----J----- StOIIInd 2.10 J ^ liS5 38% 38/a — % st packaging 24 47% 47% 42 68% 68% 68% — 51 24% 24 Vb 243/b 18 39% 39% 39% - 52 67% 67% 67% + ' 15 40 40 40 + : 6 54% 54% 54% ' 19 79% 783/4 78% 44 79% 79% 79% + 1 21 50% 93/4 493/4 — : 23 3234 32% 32% + 1 30 26% 26% 26% - 47 46% 46 46'/a — 1 145 31% 31% 31% + ' 19 52% 52% 52Vb — ! 24 24Vb 23% 24 - 135 553/4 55% 55% - ' 107 20% 20% 20% — 20 42% 413/4 42% + 64 21’/4 20% 21 Vb + 68 61% 61 61% + 65 52 5P/4 51% 147 69% 69% 69% + 62% 62 62% + | KENNEDY ELSEWHERE While Nebraska made manufacturers of photographic, needed by the Atomic Energy | many million of them have been film, battle hoarders a n d Commission, and; 218 million lost or buried in mattresses, its speculators for a supply whose ounces for redeeming silver Meanwhile, the market bpils decision Kennedy was in' Ohio size few people agree upon. certificates. with uncertainties. To be in- and Iowa, trying to build STABLE PRICES Since the government is also volved means that you can sift delegate support. The industrial users would committed1 to weekly sales to facts from ‘‘SsSttaS ★ ★ * ,ik t , b, Drices Thev industry, the Treasury’s supply you can tolerate frustrations, moment” for the Democratic makers, television set manufac- nomination President Johnson turers and others, said he would neither seek nor it’s the speculators, the hoard- accept. 76 ... !CarterW 9'/4 3vb 5'/b —Vb case Jl 12% 123/4 12% castle Cook i 31% 31./ JL a. t/ CaterTr 1.20 18% 18Va 18% - % CelaneseCp 2 49 26% 25% 26% — % cenco Ins .30 15 20% 15 Isram Corp Kaiser Ind MageII Pet McCrory wt Mich Sug .10 Mohwk D Scl Molybden NewPark Mn Ormand Ind Pancoastal RIC Group Scurry Relb Signal Co 1e Statham Inst Syntex Cp .40 Technlcol .40 74 20% 5 183 , I Cent SW 1.70 20% - % Cerro 1.60b 7% 7% - % Cert-teed .80 20% 20% + % [Cessna A 1.40 3% 3% — %’CFI Stl .80 9% 9% Ches Ohio 4 9% 9% + % ChiMil StP P 181 181 -3 ChiPneu 1.80 Chi Rl Pec ChrisCreft la 13% 131% —. Vb Chrysler 2 2% 2% iCITFln 1.80 10% 10% + % - Cities Svc 2 +1% Clark Eq 1.20 113 38% 37% 38 — % ClevElllf 1.92 5 S% 31% 31% CocaCola 2.10 222 73% 71 Va 73'/? +2% Coca Cola ^ wi 434 »V. 18 »'/, +1’6 ?9 f|RaJrt ' '9 99 90 9S1/^ 29 + % Collin Rad .80 The Associated Press 1968 £2l?,n.,®nJ'<0 33 38V, 37V. 95 29V, 28V, 29 ' + '/, 7 72’/, 72V. 72’/* — '/*»., 14 15 14% 14’/* + V. Kaiser Al 1 27 17 16% 17 + '/. KanGE 1.32 127 40% 38’/b 39V. +1’/, iKanPwL 1.12 141 41V, 40V, 41V, +1 Katy Ind 29 64% 63% 63% —l'/.|KayserRo .60 35 54% 53% 54V. — vs'Konneeolt 2 170 68V, 67V 12 87% 86V, Bov, —I stauffCh 1.80 1 63V. 63'/, 63'/, - '/, Iter I Drug 1 1915 77% 77 77 +2 studeWorth 1 16 32 31'/, 31% - s sun Oil lb 14 33% 33V4 33'/, — '/» Sunray 1.50 K— SurvyFd .56e 41 17’/, 17% 17% — 1 ers with something like 300 million ounces hidden , who are News in Brief 2 33 33 33 THE IMPROBABLE You must also accept the improbable. Because the price of silver, reacting to these uncertainties 41% 41% 41 13 54% 54 54 - 83 6'/a 64 64'/b + 4 66'/* 66% 66V? + 62 43% 42'/....... Business Notes Swift Co 1.20 59 45% 44% 45 — % 9 25Va 25'/b 25% + M 7 21 203-4 ' 21 TamnaPl 42 25'/a 25Vb 25% + %! 42 634 6% 6% 244 27'/b 26% 27 —T- +1 keeping the Drices so high, the Robert Stephens of 4010 Ar- and perhapS eVen shortages, industrialists say. cad.a Park Waterford Town- r|;en stro , in the t ww* ship, reported o ^"^'Plyear, the pre-1964 sUver coins in race through today’s police yesterday the theft of|y - v . Rumors 26 27V 121 34% 34% 34V 100 9% 22 13% 11% Stocks of Local Interest CBS 1.40b ColuGas 1.52 ComlCrr 1.80 ComSolv 1.20 ComwEd 2.20 Comsat Fiouras alter decimal points are eighths con Edis 1.80 ' —-............jj..yrr, r_nnEI,c|ntl 1 OVER THE COUNTERSTOCKS TonFoodKMT 40)/. 39’/« 39’/, + %! Kerr Me 1.50 66 42V. 41V, 42V. +1V. KlmbClk 2.20 26’/, — v, Koppers 1.40 .. 57 — V. Kresge .90 19V. 18% 19'/, + % Kroger 1.30 62V, 62% 62V, — % 23 47 46%‘ 47 + % 18 38V, 38V, 38% Lear Sieg .80 4 21% 21% 21% — % LehPCem .60 3 34% 34% 34% — '/, Leh Val Ind 760 65V. 6 64V,—I Lehmn T:06e 32 37 36% 37 ; LOFGIss 2.80 89 47% 47% 47% + V. Llbb McN L 56 28V, 28V. 28% I Llpgett8.M 5 9 36% 36% ■ 36% — Lily Cup 1.20 27 155% 154 155 Litton 2.651 10 78% 78 78% + %>Llvingstn Oil 37 46’/a 46% 46’/* + %'LockhdA 2.20 16 80% 80% 80% LoewsTh .20h 8 47% 46% 47% + % LoneS Cem 1 56 56% 56% 56% + V. LoneSGa 1.12 36 27% 27% 27% + '/. LonglsLt 1.24 242 6% 46% 46% — %:Lorniard 2.50 19 34% 34% 3'4% + % LTV 1.33 25 43% 43% 43% — % LuckStr 1 20b 22 63 62% 63 — V.J Lukens Stl 1 58 32% 32 32% + '/■! 14 43 42'/, 42% 33% 33% 33V. — %! Tektronix 66 39% 39% 39% - ' ‘ 12 21 135% 1343/4 135 - % SI2S 9 M 6 56Vb 557/§ 557/b — ’/JTexaCO 2.BU 18 35 34Va 347/b 70 92% 92V? 92Va 54 27% 27V4 27V4 — % 425 44Vb 19 16 51 14% 23 22 15% 14V _ £ TexETrn 1.20 TexGSul 1.20 TexGSut wi Texaslnst .80 ITcxPLd .40e Mi/, i 7/« I Textron .70 43V? + 7/8; Thlokol .40 , , , jTimkRB 1.80 TransWAir V Transam 1b Transitron TriCont 2.30e 213/4 21% + 55V? 55V? 16V? 16V* —• as lit}. 1 '£;fRwYnc‘)To 85 38% 37% 38'/u + ’/, Inc wl 137 68'/a 67% 67V* - % |wen Cent 1 51 10'/4 10 10 -'/BITwen Cem ' 31 263/4 26 26 — Va, 16 46'/s 46 46'/a + '/a I 232 123 122 122'/b — % | 90 27 26% 26% — ’/• j 77 78% 77% 78% + 3/4l 71 24>/a 24'/4 24V. 96 130'/4 128V* 128V? —2'4, 42 44 43'/4 43% — % | 34 1023/4 102'/* 102'/* —1%| 12 27’/a 263/4 27'/a — %1 36 53% 53 53% + 43 18% 18 18% + yt x25 37% 37% 37% 79 41% 403A 41 A-% j 92 56 55% 55% J 38 15 14% 14%'— '/a, 22 30'/4 29% 30Vb + 3n' 20 lOS7/* 1053/4 105% + Vi 13 53'/a 52% 53Vb + '/a 82 35% 34% 34% + Va A former Pontiac man, Van „:iVGr market Darticularly in tools and a toolbox, total value y°ur . , R Peters, has sllver marK.» ParuLUldriy f . . a’hrpakin of more than their face value, n,. rcicia, h ^ months or so since thej°f auring a DreaK-m oi _________________________________________ been named, , _ ,, O 1 d s m o bile’s federal g°vernmant s to end a $1.29 an ounce ceiling decision111*8 2araf>e- p a ci f ic man-10 e,,u a a" "Ul"-C Lost—Since February 1, 102| ager, assumes on the metal and let the marketipounds. W.W.J.’s Tops Club. In-1 direction ‘of all dictate Pnce . . . terested! 334-7253. Oldsmobile- Di- Since then the price has been terested! 334-7253. vision, General mostly higher, bobbing around Motors Corp.. -Adv. Earnings Up, Ward's Says PETERS sales activities within the Pacific region. Highest first quarter earn- 57’/. 57V. 57% — % 66 88 86V, 87% +1% ' 58 24V, 24% 24% - ', UMC Ind .72 94 24% 24 24% + ', Un Cerbide 2 30 25'/, 24% 25' + '/4 Un Elec 1.20 11 48% 48% 48% UnOILCal 1.40 920 131 129% 130 + %iUnlor»P»Clf 2 30 44% 44V. 44% lUnlroyal 1.20 12 35% 35 35 ..... I UnllAtrLIn 1 —M— —U— Quotations Irbm the NASD are repra- ConNatG 1.70 sentatlve Intar-dealer prices-of approxl- ConsPwr 1.90 mataly 11 a. m. Inter-dealer markets Containr 1.40 change throughout the day. PrJe*! ^t. ir. Wwk ^9° ■ -- -63'/,—-BTaiwtymFnn'-inKeir'Bn mo Tatrqorrttriy oUty—laott. He faineu vJeKws if! TOmtn Ago 45V 45'A 1958 *';+ lis Inated as regi ".A following tootnotas. 27’/* 37’/* a—Also extra or extras, b—Annual rale Send Plus man, Lyman G. Hed(Jen ,of 6457 stock dividend.. o^Dqclorod or paid . *?1 Alden has 82V, ’ dend. ’id—fJeclareeT or 18 S6V, “’A M'A - ^|far'thls'year"!—Vayabie fn stock du'rlngIAlOen, nas re- ,7 53’A 53 53 - V* 1967, estimated cash value on ex-dlvldand,tjr_j from [>. 18 3tv» 2f A 28'A — 'Ain, ex-dlstrlbutloei dele, a—Paid last year. UrcU irom t-K Year Ago 1968 High _____ 1968 Low A West Bloomfield Township m7 low 476.8 481.2 62.7 ma i4i.5 330.8 predicts Roger E. Spear, presi- was negative in March. And tisis''firo'-dem-'-of Spear-Jn_-.^§tocks, of course, bounded back 2»93| vestment advisers. in April" ^ “Experience shows 191.7 154 1 331 3 435.6 165.6 493.2 209.6 159.1 342.6 413.4 159.4 136.5 292 34 38V, 24 85 2 59V* a 40v* 13 46 —O- 360 49V, 37 26’/* 6 22'A 16 18'A 58 35’/i 38’/* 4 27’/* Owens llj 1.15 l6>/* 78’., *-11, .. 32+. 32 32'A +1,' IS S3'A p ll'A + 'A Pac G El 1.40 31 30V, 30V, 30V, + VtiPacLtg 1,60 386 ii "37 ' 27'A + 'A Pac PoUTlta 6 43', 43'A 43'A .....1 PacPwL 1.20 33 S5V, 55'A 55V] —P— 16 31V, 54 26’/, 40 18 14 32'A . ,,, or ax-dlilrlbutlon data, g—Paid last year. +,» h—Declared or paid a tier stock dividend 11 roj t Edison Co j or split up. k—Declared dr paid this j/ear, 58V* WV* -> 'A ,n accumulative Issue with dividends In after almost 4. 19 ~ J* I arrears, n—New Issue, p—Paid this year, " 66 46 — V, dividend omitted, deterred or no action years Of SerV- takan at last dividend meeting, r—Da I dared or paid In 1861 plus stock dividend, ice. He W8S < V2J, 43H + 'A t-Pald In stock during 1868, estimated . 26% 26% 4 % cash value on ex-dlvldand or ax*dlstrlbu- TCfll CS1816 rep 2]% 82% .4 %. tlon date. rocpnlntivp j*r 19% 19% * z~saie$ in full. reseniauve ir 35% 35% .+ % cld~Called. x-^Ex dividend, y—Ex dlvl- f h p POiltinanv^ “ ‘ dend and sales In full. x-dls-Ex dlstrlbu- 111 c * ♦Ion. xr—Ex , rlgh%. xw~Without war- properties am tants. ww-With warrants wd-+When dls- /V 4 f t trlbuted. wl—When Issued. nd—Nexh^day rights Of W8) v|-- In bankruptcy or receivership or departHient. ------------ X'cltnB0rr*.°.rcfluar'!(fee,d ^ Hedcten began his career as J 1 fe*est* equMizetIon"tex"u* ,ub|'c' ,0 ,n'ic'erk iTl the control department. l^atoCons GDrfedg 1? 46% 46% 46% — vg BOND AVERAGES Compiled by Ralls Ind. Util Net Change -f.) Noon Tues. 64.0 Prev. Day 641 Week Ago 64.1 j Month Ago 65.1 *Yfar Ago 72.2 ' 1968 High 66.3 I 1968 Low 64 0 "1967 High 73.0 1967 Low 64.6 plained Mr. Spear, ‘“that TwSirtod Pro..[primary bull markets do not grow in uninterrupted fashion. Fgn. 88.7 91.9 89.4 88.1 92.5 j l Moreover, unemployment fell in April, down to only 3.5 per cent of the labor force, as manufacturing jobs increased with the end of strikes In the glass and copper industires. “Speculators may be in for trouble over the tt*** Tuesday's HEDDEN INCREASED Canada .11 REGULAR eo.2j “They require periods of so ?j consolidation — periodic prun-Jf j'ing, so to speak — in order to £2 flourish. some 78 4 “For the near-term we an- term, but the outlook for In-ticipat some profit - taking, vestors seeking intermediate — D'widep*-stk*Co*p»y. espec|auv (n certain \ favored and long-term profits '■*“ R,to _rioo Rocord ebio hjgh f)yers But we think the provided of course the right 81 consolidation will be a modest! stocks are bought and'held — i« L” one and of relatively .brief!decidedly good,” Mr. Spear concluded. • 5-20 duration. I IPi J-*. * -• IMWi NttTTrt'0irwU*ocMtA*rN8!’ * ! Zoning Mop. (other of PROM AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT TO' I RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT: T3N, RSE, Section 5 & 4. Port ot the| irs us for State Roads Cause No. MJM _ _ . . N STATE OF MICHIGAN—In the Probate Ing . . . .. ,---- cmirtfor the County of Oakland, Juven a ship Planning Commission at the Town-DM.Ion I ship Hall on May JO. 1MB.. at 8:00 p.m. In the matter ot the petition concerning,to consider the following changes In the Michael Simpson, minor. To Wllllom Herold Simpson. said minor child. ( ^ ^ awvuun a « B rall vf ,,,m Petition having been Hied in this Court iEasj,'vs ot^NE^ractlonaT % ot “section"!!! alleging that sold child Mmes within the,#nd part 0t the NW Fractional V. of Sec-provisions of Chapter 712A of the Com-|jjon 5, beginning at point distance S piled Laws of 1941 as amended, in that u03fl. w 2658.5yo ft. from NE corner of the present whereabouts of the father section 6, thence N ll°4r W 1101.26 ft.* of said minor child is unknown and said thence $ w jo7.0 ft., thence S M#41* . child Is depondent upon the public for E noo 0 ft. to E % corner of Section 6 ... .______________________ »*««? nA support, and that said child should be ^ yy v« comer of Section 5, thence East HlgnW&y Departmenl n8S 80- contlnued undet the Jurisdiction of this 200.0 ft., thence North 207.0 ft., thence , , A . c . Court. West 200.0 ft. to point of beginning. V1SGG IHOtOriSlS Of SIX detOUrS In the Name of the People of the State 1 Property located on White Lake Road ... . . of Michigan, you are hereby notified that (directly east of residence of 4835. on State highways placed MHO the hearing on said petition will be heldi Persons interested are requested to be, 0 * at the Court House, Oakland County Serv- present. A copy of the Zoning Map to-1 effort recently Thev include: ice Center, In the City >t Pontiac in said (gather with a list of the proposed changes (* * County, on the 23rd day of May A.D. | is on file at the office of the Township 1 # w 70 between Harrisville 1968, at 9:00 o'clock in the forenoon,'clerk and may be examined by those w m uctwwsJi nauiaviuc -and- -you-■^•;;herel^:iconOTaiM^„f^fca^.|intireitejL DAMAinr ^adubk land COlUlty road 171 SOUth Of Death Nonces I LANSING (AP) - The State pear personally at said hearing at which time temporary or permanent severance of all parental rlghts.JfrlU be considered. It being Impractical to make personal service hereof, this summons and notice shall be served by publication of a copy RONALD C. VOORHEIS, . . W „ \ ■ , secretary ot white Lake twp. Lincoln jn Alcona County; traf Planning Commission _ > , . , April 30, May 14,1968 jflc detoured on county roads ad- I ding five miles to the route. • M 37 north of White Cloud in Newaygo County: traffic de-fi» jthl^owiTyoUti.' liii b^ Sid! toured on M 20 and county § road adding two miles to the GAY, WALTER T. JR.; May 13 1968 ; 3424 Pine Estates Drive AIRPORT PROGRAM DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE The Pontiac Prats, and circulated In said County Witness, the Honorable Nor Barnard. Judge of said Court, ,,PJ ..... — ______ City of Pontiac in sa,id County, this 10th by Michigan Aeronautics Commission day of May A.D., 1968. at the time and place indicated below,; (Seal) NORMAN R. BARNARD, and will then and there ttottpubliclV route - true copy) Judqe of Probate ;opened and read. * ’ ......HI H ........... ........... • U.S. 12 business route, Ypsi- CARLSON, SOPHIE L.; May 12, 1968; 3050 West Davison Lake Road, Ortonville; age 44; beloved wife of Ewald Carlson; beloved daughter of Mrs. Lillian Forster; dear mother of Peter Carlson; dear sister of Mrs. Doris Burry, Mrs. Delores Norris, Mrs. Donna Roberts, Beverley, Dorothy, Myrtle, Albert, Kenneth, James and Gary Forster. Funeral service will be held Thursday, May 16 at the Bossardet Funeral Home. Oxford. Interment in Oakland Hills Memorial Gardens. Mrs. Carlson will lie in state at the 'funeral home. Plans, proposal forms and supplemental I documents may be obtained at the office iof the Michigan Aeronautics Commission, lan(j. traffic detOUred On city Qinlnaarlnn Olultlnn raniUI fitv Air. Ua“,V UUUUIVU VII J ' SHIRLEY SMITH. Deputy Probate Register, Juvenile Division May 14. 19681 f*igi near ing Division, Capital' City , port, Lansing, Michigan 48906, upon pay- streets, adding tWO miles (O the free prospectus-booklets give you the facts on channing mutual funds Without obligation, just indicate your choice of the free fund prospectus-booklets below and mail this advertisement today. □ Balanced Fund □ Common Stock Fund □ Growth Fund*'0 Income Fund □ Special Fund CHANNING COMPANY, INC. 605 Pontiac State Bank Bldg. Pontiac, Michigan 48058 Phone: (313) 334-4577 Richard Womack, Div. Mgr. Name_ HR 10 PLANS AVAILABLE ment of the fee listed with the proposal number. No fees will be refunded. rOUt6. The June 1959 edition of "Standard „ „, . t ' Specifications for Construction of Air- # NortuDOUlKi sU.D. lol tree-ports" as prepared by the Federal Avia-! *«.*vfttn rlA ' tion Agency, with Supplement No. 2. 1964, | Way, Grand KSpluS, iratllC tie-. is an essential part of the contract, tractors not possessir obtain same, at the above address, for fee of three dollars and twenty-five cents ditional mileage. addition to that-, * M 33 south of Atlanta, Mont-' ($3.25), which fee is charged for plans. Plans and documents may be examined morencv Countv: Atlanta traf-at the Michigan Aeronautics Commission * " ' . or at the offices of the Consultant listed fic detoured On COlinty TOduS, no A certified Por cashier's check In the i additional millage; Hillman * viAu/n I TI I T AM P amount of not less than ten per cent, A1 traffic HetnnrpH on M 72 «UWl2r, GIGLiIAIN Hi.; May lO t, anytlma Lost and Found 5 C.0.P.S, INCORPORATED CRANE OPERATOR drivers, torch ____, work. Call FE 2-0209. DIE MAKER MOLD MAKER TOOL MAKE* Top rates, Full benefits. DO YOU HAVE SALES OR COLLECTION EXPERIENCE? WE NEED A MAN TO CONTACT OUR DELIQUENT CUSTOMERS IN THE EVENINGS AND SATURDAY, TO SECURE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR OUR RECORDS. AUTO REQUIRED. PAYMENT MADE FOR EACH CONTACT, PLUS MILEAGE ALLOWANCE. WRITE, INCLUDING YOUR PHONE NUMBER TO PONTIAC PRESS BOX C-33. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. DESIGN ENGINEER ESTIMATOR (SHEETMETAL-MACHINE PARTS) SYSTEMS ANALYST MFG. ENGINEER GENERAL MACHINIST SHEETMETAL FABRICATOR (B) SHEETMETAL WELDER TEST AND DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER SYSTEMS PROJECT ENGINEER METALLURGICAL TECHNICIAN (Turbine experience desirable Buf not necessary) Call or come In for Confidential interview. Mr. Charles E, Bailey, Personnel Mgr. Williams Research Corp.“ P.O. Box 95 2280 W. Maple Rd. Walled Lake, Mich. 48088 624-4591 __ An equal opportunity employer DIE REPAIR PRESS MAINTENANCE OVERTIME-PROFIT SHARING. PROGRESSIVE STAMPING CO. 2725 Nakota Royal Oak DRIVER SALESMAN, wholesale ice cream delivery. Capes Ice Cream, Milford, 684-6885. Experienced data processing orgaiMtion wishing to proceed to third generation equipment within year. Creative self-starter who can deal effectively with various professions and levels of management. Persons selected will have management responsibilities for over 15 people and operations, design, programming, new development ana research. Please forward experience and earnings history to— EMPLOYMENT MANAGER ST. JOSEPH MERCY HOSPITAL 326 N. Ingalls St. Ann Arbor, Mich. An Equal Opportunity Employer Drill Press Operators Permanent position with rapidiy expanding company, fringe benefits, overtime, good working conditions, Clyde Corp., 1800 w. Maple, Troy. DRUG CLERK Monday through Friday. 9 to 5. Must be witling to work. Willing to learn. Apply in person. Franklin Drugs. 32940 Middlebelt. Farmington. DRYWALL, HANGERS AND FINISHERS, TOP PAY, YEAR AROUND WORK. CONTACT BUCKEYE PARTITIONS, (614) 267-3163. 567 E. HUDSON ST. COLOMBUS. EXPERIENCED SHORT order cook. EXPERIENCED MULTI-LITE operator, must be capable of top quality work, call 644-4752. EXPERIENCED WOOL FINISHER. Full time. Top wages. Also wool spotter, or will train.' Berg Cleaners. 625-3521. EXPERIENCED DO-ALL surface grinder for grinding carbide and carbide tipped tools, overtime. Champion Tool Co. 24060 Orchard Lk„ Rd., Farmington 474-6200. Experienced Designer Work involves design ancf service of boring tools. Phone 674-0436. Factory Workers By day or week: WarehousemenT assemblers; machine operators; material handlers; common laborers; ate. Daily pay. Report any time <4i‘r * a.m. Employers Temporary Service Clawson 65 S. Main Radford 26117 Grand River Farndala 2320 Hilton Rd. FIELD REPRESENTATIVE South Central taction of state. Will locate In Lantlng-JaCkson area. Must be multiple line experienced. Excellent opportunity, salary open, company paid fringe benefits. Your confidential Inquiry to Harry I fringe b _ ____ Inquiry _ ____, Thomas. Frankenmuth Mutual In- wnniaJ GAS APPLIANCE AND wafer heater installers needed for Pontiac areas Also helpers, steady work. Apply. DELTA CO. 421 W. Lincoln, Madison Heights _______or cell 84181864 GAS STATION - "eXFERTeNCED driveway and Juba man. 82 to vt over 52.50 per hr. Time end V3 ever Alto part lima help. Shell High school grads. 18 end over 12 weeks work for 12 students First come first serve Cell before 2 p.m.. 336-0350 COMBINATION TRUCK DRIVER warehouse man mutt be familiar with Oeklend. Macomb. Wayne, and Genesee County areas. PLEASE DO NOT _A P P L Y UNLESS EXPERIENCED. Service Maple and Lahstr. Birmingham. GAS STATION ATTENOiNT, ex'-perlanced. mechanically Inclined, local reft., full or part-time. Gull, Telegraph and Maple.__ GAS LIGHT INSTALLER'S and helpers needed for Pontlec areas, steady work. Apply: DELTA CO. W<6 can offer good year around position with many fringe benefits to qualified man. GENERAL manager Cell Jack Fosjer FE 5-6178 for appointment._ CONCRETE-STEP INSTALLATION, manufacturing and welding. Man looking for permanent wont only. 6497 Highland Rd. CONSTRUCT To n 'SUPERINTENDENT, largest company in the Midwest, chance for advancement, share In company benefits, salary open. Call Mr. Metzgar, JO 4-4880. COOK, ALL AROUND experience, • days, closed on Monday's. Rotunda Country Inn., 3230 Pine Lake Road, Orchard Lake, 682-0600. tor new "Mickey Finn" type bar and restaurant lo be built in Norlh Oakland County area Immediately. Top pay, excellent fringe benefits. Please apply to Pontiac Press Box C 39. GOOD MAN WANTED Security guards — full or part time — all Union benefits — 25-64 years old. Write letter to P.O. Box 497,- Pontiac, Mich. DISPATCHING, TELEPHONE CONTACT IN PERSONNEL TYPE WORK. EXCELLENT POTEN-TIAL. MORNING HOURS. PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED, EARLY RETIREE, STUDENT. OR PART TIME MAN WILL ALSO BE CONSIDERED. CALL MR. MARSH FE 2-1145 GUARD For DETROIT SUBURBAN private police guards wanted 363-5122 for appointment. Utica, Mt. Clemens and Detroit area. Top Union scale Paid Blue Cross, Vacation and holiday benefits. Call us collect. Bonded Guard Services — 441 E. Grand Blvd., DETROIT. LO 8-4150. To be relocated in Lake Orion In the next few months, apply in person at I. D. Shea Mfg. Inc. 7040 E. 7 Mile Rd. Detroit. HOUSEMAN — Janitor work, experienced preferred, will train, good wages, paid vacations, yejr around, position. Apply in person Orchard Lake Country Club, 500 W. Shore Drive. IMMEDIATE. OPENINGS on all shifts for men to perform clean factory work. Apply in person. Jim Robbins Co. 14 Mile and Stephenson Hwy., Troy.___ INSURANCE AGENTS. No experience necessary, will train right men. $8,000 to f10,000 possible first year. Vacation, pension plan, group insurance, good car necessary* Call Mr. Scherschun, 338-4650, Monday 8:30 a.m. until 11 a.m., Tues. Wed., 8:30 a.m. until 1 p.m. 8 p.m. until 10:30 p.m. Call 754-4756, Warren. _ J AN I TOR , NIG H TS. F or Seasona I Country Club. Birmingham area. Own transportation. ^Exc. piy and working conditions. For interview call 626-8430. JOHN R. LUMBER CO. has an opening ^tor an aggressive !n-telligent young man to tram as manager. 7904 Cooley Lake Rd. Union Lake, Mich. JOURNEYMEN MACHINE TOOL WIREMAN EXC. FRINGE UNION RATES BENEFITS APPLY AT ARTCO INC. 3020 Indlanwood Rd., Lake Orion LABORERS WANTED, NO experience necessary. Apply at G and W Engineering, 2501 Williams Drive, Pontiac._____________________ Las Vegas Convention For salesman who desires a change. Here is a job we offer: 1—Up to $750 monthly income to start. Commission and bonus. -National concern over 50 years in business, extensive national, advertising program. 4—Extensive training program. r-CaNi /eritaptei it . ........... EXPERIENCED - GLASS - iqstalled capable of .running installment part of shop, starting $175 to $200 weekly, .plus benefits. All State Glass Co. 334-0959 EXPERIENCED FORD mechanics contact service manager: At Jack L'OJi-0.. Ford, 215 Main St., -Rochester. 651-9711: 3—Non-contributary retirement. Retire with annuity up to $109,000. MACHINE TOOL DESIGNERS Preferably with machine shop experience. Permanent s a I a r I e d position with national corporation. ’ Offering growth and advancement. Located In Troy. Contact F. E. Taylor or J. A. Frank. 566-3811. An Equal Opportunity Employer, MACHINE OPERATORS We will train dependable men to run lathes, mills and surface grinders. General shop experience preferred. Knowledge of blue prints, micrometers, very helpful. Average of 53 hrs. P®r week. Liberal fringe benefits including a profit sharing program. Apply at 6 Barber St. Pleasant Ridge (off of 10 Ml. Rd.) _____________ MACHINE TRAINEES Manufacturer located in Walled Lake has immediate openings for persons with mechanical abilities, no experience is necessary as we will train you. This is' steady employment with a good starting rate and fully paid company fringe benefits. Apply at: 2285 W. MAPLE RD. Walled Lake, Mich. Equal Opportunity Employer MAINTENANCE MAN FOR 7 days per woek, call 682-5040. MAN TO WORK, MUST be experienced as an Auto. Parts Clerk. Apply Hollerback Auto Parts, 273 Baldwin Ave. Call 338-4054. MAN WITH PLATE making, camera or stripping experience. For sheet fed and rotary. 682-0444. MAN TO DRIVE SMALL truck, also yard man, $2 to start. Farmington. 476-7212. MANAGER, PART TIME nights (or restaurant and cocktail lounge. Call Ml 7-2276, between 5 and “TO--------------------------------- MASSEUR TO WORK at the new Holiday Health Spas, caJj;K68^j^4fti -MEN FOR LAteOSCA^ I NG arid lawn cutting work for business. 673-8797. Men Wanted Fitters—Steel Fabrication Union Scale Fringes — Insurance Plenty of Overtime Delta Associated Ind. 458 PAIR FERNDALE Fixtures-Machine Builders / Union Scale Fringes — Insurance Plenty of Overtime Delta Associated Ind. 450 FAIR___ FERNDALE FURNITURE TRUCK DR I\7IrK»x-perlenced. Steady employment. AppJy 838-7060. F URfoIT UftE SALESMAN! Permanent position to start at once in retell furniture store. Salary plus commission. Apply Economy Furniture Company, 125 South Main Street, Royel Oik. ‘ GARDNER, YEAR AROUNtT fob On estate in Birmingham area, live In apt. on premises, Give experience, etc. Reply Pontiac Press Box C-3. $193(60 includes expenses per 6 day week, yearly gross $7,000-$9,000. .Immediate full time lobs available near your home, we train you to teach driving and provide you with a completely dual control training car to use for Vour very own and also the customers .Requirements: 1. Age over 28. 2. Married. 3. Good driving record. 4. Excellent character. Full time only. FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE: FE 8-9444 Executive offices 15032.Grand River Ave. Open' 7 a.rtu-iQ-10-ft.m.----l MEN WANTED OUTDOOR WORK KELLY LABOR DIVISION 125 N. Saginaw, Pontiac REAR ENTRANCE Open 6:30 A.M. 3317 Hilton Rd., Ferndale Open 6 A.M. .. . WE PAY DAILY An Equal Opportunity Employar NEED PART TIMF-WORKT If you need a lob to tupplamanf your praient earning!, wa have (schedules available In our I maintenance department as follows: S a.m. to 1:30 p.m. 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m. to'-10 p.m. APPLY PERSONNEL DEPT. SECOND FLOOR Montgomery Ward Pontiac Mall 409,North Telegraph Rd. Pontiac An tquat opportunity employer 9 1 /'. 'r V':“3S •TT A*N FOJJUANOtCAPINO. Apply •> SALESMAN: TO SELL Mil W8»t Bio Boavor pood. Ik-I TIONALLY KNOWN UN ond house last of Adorn on PLASTIC PACKAi South Sid* or till Ml 4-6915 II no answar call LI I-M10. MEN WANTED AS LABORERS, union tcalo, with trlnga boneliu. Muil apply In Parian. 70001 Ppwoli Rd., Romeo, Mich. An tqual op- tsu.i nginwi rvm.r port unity employer MOTEL NIGHT CLERK7 aipaflanca helplul but npt nacanary. Call Ml 4-1148. ■91 , - , M 01.. 6 I N 0 M^T!L?IAL NO . OVERNIGHT TRAVEL. NO LIMIT to future OPPORTUNITIES, FOR QUICK INTERVIEW reply box c-j, PONTIAC PRESS, PONTIAC SALESMEN STOCK MEN' Wa hava openings In our receiving dapl. lor man to work from I e.m. to 4:30 p.m. alio one S p.m, to f p m. evening schedule. Must be at least II years of age. NEW AND USED car salesmen. Call Mrs. Morgan between 10-4 p.m., APPLY PERSONNEL DEPT. SECOND FLOOR 624JIM._____ New and used car porter No Saturday work. Fringe benefits. See Bud Smith, Service Mgr.1 , Haupt Pontiac. N. Main Clarkston. I NEED PART TImIT help over 21 Cell Mr, Pace, 482-4203 5 to >. NEED DRUMMER AND erianlsl between ages 11-22. Own >'U!p--ment, For audition call 337 8560. NEEDED UMPIRE FOR the Pontiac1 Church Soft Ball League, call after S. FE 2-3427 or after 1:30 FE » 9744 BUILDING MAIJglALS PLUMBING-HEATING FURNITURE APPLIANCES Montogmery Ward We want man who hava soma, sales experience who need to earn at least $8,000 to tl2c0Q0 per! year. Pontiac Mall jjkn equal opportunity .employer SUMMER JOBS FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS APPLICATION NOW BEINO accepted, lor full tlma sales lady, so hours a weak, many company benefits. Robert Hall Clothes, 200 No. Saginaw, Pontiac. ,_ assTstanV TO"peSToNNE'L director. Secretarial tkllla and able to aasumo responsibility. Working with manegoment programs. 1500. No Fee 705 Northleno Towers . _________353-1550 _ AUTO DEArEfsHIP ottfca, ex perienced only — full or pert time, See Mr. Derkacz. 155 S. Rochester Rochester. Moore. ble. FEa 4-02^5, Ask tor Deb- EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES, cooks 21 yters old or older need apply. Aik for Manager or Mr. RlchaMson. T350 Highland Rd. B jfp E R l¥~f/CTO LEGAL SECRETARY tar Birmingham law firm. Excellent wage* tor well nullified person. 442-2555. experTencVd wo6l~ finiSher. _ , Full tlmo. Top wages. Aldo wool Prefer a temlllerliatlon with pro spotter or will train. Berg gresilve punch press operellon. Cleaners. 425-3521 _ I u«y and night shills. Apply EXPErTeNCBB~WA|YRESSES, fix- r*,w*?n 4 a.m.-6 p.m. cellent working conditions Top1 employers Temp. Service wages. Excellent tipi.. Apply: The 6j s M„n Clawson Ferndele Radford Punch Press OPERATORS Estate, or *■ pjt43. ARE Y6U IN A Rut? Cell Mr', Foley. YORK REAL ESTATE, OR DO SINGLE GIRLS 4-0343. BAKfR experienced HAVE MORE FUN? in thl> job they will. Tour the world while being paid. 14,000 first 1 alt benefits. NEEDED AT ONCE APPLY PERSONNEL DEPT. SECOND FLOOR SALARY $500 PER MONTH Experienced SERVICE STATION Montgomery Ward Manager —Lake Orion Area— Salary plus comm. Fringe benefits. Call MY 3-6266 Pontiac Mall An equal opportunity employer SALES INCOME FUTURE Phone Mr. Becker at 3324742 SUPERVISOR AFTER NOON Si Ex'-perlencedv Salary open. Fringe benefits. Apply In person Norwalk Truck Lines. Equal Opportunity Employer. _ TOOL AND DIE MAKER, Trent* Tube Inc.e 2260 Scott Lake Rd. Pontiac.___ T O p LMAKER• J OURNEYMAN or equivalent. Age 40-55. North East Detroit area. Box 208 Bloomfield Hlllsr Mich. 48013. BABY SITTER, LIVE-IN, weekends off. OR 4-1833 before 3 p.m. BABY SITTER DAYS* Welled Lake, i Own transportation or live In. Cell _ bejwen 6 and 9 p.m. 624-4159. BABY SITTER 3 days a watrit. 3 children, light housakaaplng. 334-2201. ~ BABY SITTER.'LIVE IN ___________FE_5-0425 BABY sitter', f children. Prat. FAST, m .. .. . Apply Country Kettlg, OrtonvHle, , 2320 Hilton Rd EXPERIENCED WOMAN BAKER 24117 Grand River -‘ for private'club,.4 day week, good pekiiae fit.silks wages end working conditionsXL. ?!■■■. JOrden 4-7199, any day except _ Monday. _ Employment Counselor: Do you have a vary outgoing personality with the desire for an interesting career? Sales background, public relations Full time BRH.... hands, male or female. MACHUS BAKERY 633 8. Adams Rd. Blrmlngha ~ BEAUTICIAN STYLIST FEE PAID ImpleymewtAgwwtoi Sno Job RIOMT HAND GAL POE MET hand BOH The only thing wivnfl with this lob Is you work 4 daVt. You'll do gtntral office work In pluah eur- .......JtXSm about fioo e weak girls elso accepted. INTERNATIONAL PERSONNEL 134-4471 Fox, Dry Cleaners. 719 W. Huron. RECEPTIONIST 3 days a week. Accurate fapt typist. Light bookkeeping. Must be experienced In meeting the public,! Needed for a beautiful Dept. Store Salon. Excellent wages, com* missions, and discount privilege. Special consideration to those with followings. For a personal, con* fldentlel Interview, please call 682 4040, Ext. 329. ELECTRONICS TECH . TO $7,200 experience The Working Girl's Friend Navy or Air Force preferred. Trainees perienced. Some positions to 59,200 with relocation. Call Mr. Frye. | Where'd He Go? In the right direction In this lino management development program BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED or live in After 4, 335-9295 BABY SITTER, DAYS. 824 ROBIN* wood. FE 4-8688, BABY S ITT Eh AND light housework In Walled Lake area, live In, i you for this terrific spot. Unlimited earnings. Call: NITA STUART AT SNELLING & SNELlfNG I A 334-2471 I ACCURATE " TYPIST withj _sl experle Call Mrs. Colwell at FE 8-7161 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m._ general CLEANING, baby bitting. 3 days week. Thurs. Frl. Sat. Willing to stay 2 nights. 353-2229. s ■ All RM Nag. with positive I factors and Aneq., B-nefl., ABritg. •7.50 FEE PAID INDUSTRIAL SALES TO $9,000 _____334-497t_ Instructions-Schools 10 •7 50 810 113 children, more for home than Tool Room MACHINIST GIRL TO LIVE IN, own room and gen. TV, 1 school age child, housework ._$35^wk. 051-3223, GRILL COOK AND counter help Drayton A 8. W. 4355 Dixie Hwy. GRILL COOK AND w • ft r eYs e s'Must be thoroughly experienced wanted. Gave'* Grill, 875 Baldwin, selling ladies ready to wear j| If selling Is your field and challenge Is your meat then consioer ouri average salesmen nano'*illy ex-' ceed 812,000 per yedr and our top 15 per cent exceed 816,000. Turret Lathe OPERATOR PAINTING CONTRACTOR NEEDSl™5 »nd professional men; non-union shop, fifififififi 642-3760, after 6. Kart time bartender to work weekends, hourly rate. For further information call UL 2-3410, Part Time Days or evenings. 850 week to right man. 21 and over, married end reliable. Call 674-0520, between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. PART TIME $50 WEEK PARTS MAN WANTED For construction equipment dealership, experience preferred. 682-9600. PHARMACIST ASSISTANT MANAGER — EX-CELLENT OPPORTUNITY. FULL LINE OF COMPANY BENEFITS SUCH AS: PENSION PLAN, PROFIT SHARING PLAN, MAJOR MEDICAL, BLUE CROSS, ETC. FULL OR PART TIME, 2 NIGHTS PER WEEK. NO SUNDAYS OR HOLIDAYS. PAID VACATION AND HOLIDAYS. APPLY IN PERSON CUNNINGHAM'S HW IMh »__ ___Or Call WO 3-7740 Korter FOR SERVICE Depart ment of new car dealership, must work, see Oldsmobile, 550 Oakland Ave., Pontiac. 332-8101 PORTER Fulf time. Apply personnel Dept, Slrmli ' DEMERY'S good future with a fine company is yours If you can con-i vince us you can sell. Send resume • or call for appointment. Ask for' Mr. Meyers. PITNEY-B0WES TR 4-3900 8220 Second Boulevard An Equal Opportunity Emp.oyer | SALESMAN FOR A DRY cleaning route high quality plant In basil North Woodward area, Must be i steady, be able to get along with peopl^ .Dry cleaning, shirts, take down and rehang drapes guaranteed to , start. Write qualifications to Box 209 Bloomfield Hills. / SERVICE Inspector wages, 5 days, 815 wk. 624-5666 BABY SITTER wanted. Own traneportatlon. Walled Lk. 634-5076. BABYSITTER WANTED afternoons my home. 335*4546.__________f___ BABY SITTER WANTED, Monday-Frlday, 8:30 a m. to 4:30 p.m. No, housework. Williams Lake area,; HAIR Drayton Plains. Own transp. FE 4- esta 3561 bet. 8 a.m.*3:30 p.m,_____Rochester. For Interview BAKERY Hfitp. DAY work. Apply I ,„45l_-5400. ---- ------- In person: Auburn Bakery, 3337,HIGHLANDER MOTEL *r Maids full Auburn Road, Auburn Heights. • | time or swing — FE 8-4061 BARMAID AND DAY Good wages, jjood tli person, RESTAURANT WORK Day or night, good' salary fringe benefits, good future, 'O-nag. uniforms and food furnished, e*-. M*^H GAN COMMUNITY perience not needed. „ ,s BUODeENT IR WHITE TOWER . *n Fentlac FE 4-9947 142 Saginaw i ^1342 Wide Track Or., W.^ | SNCAK BAR OPERATORS (2 ^ Wed* IVm-7 pm women for swimming pool). 6 day fAftpTAuFD~enp':'i? UnirWrI week. Memorial Day through CARETAKER FOR 12 Unit apart-Labor Day. Good wages and! m*nt ln Birmingham, experience working conditions. JOrdan 6-7199 unnecessary, sulfable for retired any day except Monday. couple. Reply Press, Box ;r-;;^Bjri C-17, Pontiac, Michigan. SALESLADY JO WORK In bakery.; •^ACUlC0v~rnkircccinij ' iicucdc Apply 432 Orchard Lake Avt. CASHIERS, CONCESSION, USHERS,1 SALESLADIES Experience In food, oil, chemicals or outboard motors, good pay, exc. future. Call Mr. Frye. FEE PAID SECRETARIES s TO $6,000 and Excellent starting positions positions requiring exp. i your choice of office locations and type of business. Batchelber. 2150 Apply In, person._ STYLIST FOR departments. Excellent opportunity, beautiful Above average salary, vacation with Opdyke, no phone calls. II1 COOK WANTED. LAKE ORION, FEE PAID all Mgr. Must be proficient In the use of a____________________________________ Inspection Tools. Surface plate and D.'DuAin , TIAAP Ijiv-out BunBriunr. rt«Kir»ri BARMAID, FULL TIME, ?5-35, Utica area, 731-2156 tvts. t_ BE A FULLERETTE Pick up and deliver orders for the Fuller Brush Co. $2.50 per hr. to start. ! N. of M-59 - phone 334-6401 |_____S^of M-W-bhone 477-9671 BEAUTICIAN ALBERT'S "coiffures", j 681-0060 __________________n___ 'Experienced car and truck. Ex- DCAIITV ODCDATHD cellent hours. Good pay. Excellent otAUIT UrtKAIUK benefits. Apply at 45 Oakland Ave., Experienced. Full or part time. Pontiac. I 651-1322. * lay-out experience desired. M. C. MFG., CO. 118 Indianwood Rd. ska Orion 692-2711 j An Equal Opportunity Employer j TIRE MOUNTERS manager. HOUSEKEEPING AND LAUNDRY, apply In 2 or 3 day week, ref., and own SPort-tf-Rama Lounge, 8561 transportation raq., $12 . a day. Oakland Avenue. Vicinity of Waterford High School. - I 673-5625._________________’ ____ HOUSE KE E PER, 45-55, PRIVATE apartment, light _ work, stay Jn, 0545 or JO 4-5621. Jacqueline Shops, Telegraph at Maple, Birmingham or ?308l_Coojjdge, Oak Park. _ SALESLADIES FULL AND PART TIME ABOVE AVERAGE SALARY Apply: ARDEN'S DRAPERIES PONTIAC MALL more for home than wages. HOUSEKEEPER, DAY SHIFT I a m. to 4 p.m. good wages, fringes, uniforms, meals, pleasant working STATION* attendant, ex-' perienced, day shift, good pay plus incentive. Bob Jones Mobile, Long end Woodward. Apply bet. 8 e.m.-6 p SERVICE STATION attendant, experienced-dependable, 42 hr. wk. Good pay — plus commissions and bonus, paid vacation hospitalization. Call John Kozlaker, 646-7727. SERVICE MANAGER TO supervise 4 mechanics and perform administrative duties for lawn, garden and industrial equipment dealer. Excellent opportunity with good pay and working conditions, for right person. Contact Mr. Bohm at C. E. Anderson Company, 23455 Telegraph Road, Southfield, £53-5300. TELEVISION / TECHNICIANS7 RCA HAS IMMEDIATE OPENINGS Apply for these desirable openings if you have completed some form of electonics schooling either military or vocational. Alsg experienced technicians will find our starting salaries very attractive with additional earning possibilities. BEAUTY IS YOUR BUSINESS. Im-„ mediate openings for mature: 642-9650 338-0338 women to service excellent rural. An equal opportunity Employer territory. Pleasant, dlanlfied work, I kTtChTEN HELP FOR Nurslno *“'* "* “ Home. Must have own transporta- conditions. Apply *" per Kin. Orch- SNACK BAR HELP, lull lime, paid ard Lake Country Club, 5000 West vacation. Blue Cross benefits, ap- shore Dr.______^_________________ ply in person, 300 Bowl. 100 5. KFIIY URVIfiU Cass Lake Rd. _ KtlLY itKVlLti ‘secretary TO DIRECTOR of small active publ* 125 N. Saginaw No experience needed — we will train you to show AVON COSMETICS. Phone FE 4-0439 or write PO Box 91, Drayton Plains.________ tlon. Union Lk., EM 3-4121. KITCHEN HELP RCA offers an outstanding benefit program including company paid hospital surgical and ma|or medical insurance plan for you and your family. Paid vacations plus 8 paid holldayf. This Is an excellent QPP iERVICE STATION ATTENDANTS,, good wages, apply In person at« 4009 Telegraph at Long Lake Rd. j silent opportunity to get the best available working training In color television service. SERVICE STATION mechanic, part time, 5 to 10 p.m., Monday through Friday. Light mechanical work. Tune up, brakes, shocks, etc. Will not have to pump gas. Excellent pay, Ml 7-0700. PIZZA BOY, OVER 18, will train. Also delivery boy gver 18, must have own car. Apply Little Caesars, 698 W. Huron. PRODUCTION WORKERS, PUNCH and drill experience preferred, day shift only, good wages. 1875 Stephenson, Troy. Prudential insurance Co. now taking applications for opening in our sales division in tnis area. Salary, fringe benefits, complete bell, WO 3-3100. Real Estate Salesmen Sell real estate at the Mall. One of the hottest locations In Oakland Co. Lots of leads — lots oi contacts — lots of business. Will train. Call Von Realty, 682-5800. RETIRED MAN TO work In coin op-laundry. Apply 2530 Orchard Lake Road, between 4 and 6 p.m._________ ROUTE SALESMAN Ambitious, stable man with pleasant personality. Interested In a long term employment. With a prominent Royal Oak Quality Dry Cleaning plant. To help build and cover already established route. 338-4667. SALESMEN, ALUMINUM siding and building products, call o n wholesalers, lumber dealers modernization dealers. Triple A-l rated firm. Salary, bonus, commission, free ma|or medical, life Insurance, pension, expenses paid. Send resume to George Howard, Modern Materials Corporation, 7018 South Street, Detroit. Also hiring personnel for order desk. SEMI-TRUCK DRIVER to haul sod, winter work also. Good pay. 476* 3104. SHARP YOUNG MEN 18-30 Tremendous Future No Experience Needed International firm, AAA-1 Dunn and Bradstreet — The Richards Co., is expanding our great Detroit Operations. You must be exceptionally neat, be able to converse intelligently, be able to devote 100 per cent effort to your training and be aggressive enough to move up the ladder with over $1,000 per mo. earnings within 6 mos. Program, procedures, sales office procedures, For personal interview, visit our branch Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturdays, 9 a.m, to 5 p.m. or call 335-6118. 4895 Highland Rd. RCA SERVICE CO. An Equal Opportunity* Employer TRUCK MECHANIC $3.50 per hr. to start. 476-3104. WANTED TRUCK MECHANICS Gas or Diesel. Lib-pay eral pay, insurance furnished, feTMtnehV sales promotion sales, etc. $600 Starting salary per mo., to those accepted after 4 day indoctrination training program. To arrange your personal Interview in Detroit^ Call Mr. Davis a.m.-l p.m. 692-4346. SHOE FITTER Experienced In quality shoes. Permanent, Straight salary and fringe benefits *or Birmingham store call Mr. Hack, WO 2-7790. 84 Minnesota. Troy, Mhl SPRAY PAINTER Experienced GEMCO ELECTRIC CO. 1080 N. Crooks, Clawson Help Wanted Male 6 Help Wanted Male S. S. KRESGE CO. Kresge - K-Mart - Jupiter Management trainees: Must be high school graduate, high caliber young man, good starting salary, paid vacations, insurance and many other company benefits. APPLY ONLY AT S. S. KRESGE CO. 66 N. Saginaw Downtown Pontiac TTfreT full benefits. See Mr. Coe, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday thru Friday. GMC BEAUTICIAN BOOKKEEPER THROUGH balance for Real Estata days. 623-1333, Waferford. B 0 0 KKEEPER, EXPERIENCED preferred. Apply In person, Food- CAPABLE OLDER WOMAN TO take care of girls, 5 and 2. Must have a tender heart for children, own transportation. Near Telegraph and Huron. Can pay 75 cents nr. Would No experience cenessary. Full time. Apply In person. Jack's Drive In, 22 W. Montcalm male or female. Business portunity for person capable of taking complete charge ofi restaurant In bar and bowling alley! Royal Recreation, Lake Orion. 29 E. Front St^ DISHWASHER* NOON AND nIght. Call between 5-10 p.m.. Ml 7-2276. E.D.P. PROGRAMMER “ ! EXP. IN FORTRAN FULL OR PART TIME EXC. FRINGE BENEFITS APPLY TO ARTCO INC. 3020 Indianwood Rd., Lake Orjon F R EE REAL ESTATE classes ' Earn while you learn. Full or part time. Art Daniels Realty, 1230 N. Milford Rd. 685-1567 or 7030 Dexter-Pincl^ney Rjd. 426-4696., FULL TIME CUSTODIAN. Apply in person to Standard Electric Co., 175 ^ Saginaw. FULL TIME EXP E R I E N C E D caretaker couple to assist; manager of large apartment complex. Salary plus apartment. Good sanity for competent mature person. Shorthand and \ pleasant FEEL LIKE LIFE is Passing you public personality necessary. : by? C all Mr. Foley. YORK REAL Phone 643-9090. ESTATE, OR 4-0363.________ HAIR DRESSER, FULL or time. EM 3-6740 or MA 5-1500. LAB TECH. TO $6,000 not lab.,' College degree helpful but necessary, exp. In Chem. qualify control or chemical periments. Good background, lifetime career. Call Mrs. Smith ATTENTION GfIS AND NON GIS Enroll now—Start training AUTO MECHANICS AUTO BOOY COLLISION ACTY-ARC WELDING HELI-ARC WELDING Aoproved under Gl Bill MICHIGAN'S OLDEST TRADE SCHOOL WOLVERINE SCHOOL Mrs! 1400 West Fort, Dot. WO 3-0692 PRIVATE GROUND SCHOOL 1 Barber's Flying Service announces I an easier way to pass that written. I Professional ground Instructor on { staff to teach you all you need to i know. Class begins May 20, 7 p.m. * $75. For details phono 674-0336 or DetrqjtJ156*8933. REGISTER NOW INCOAi Day or evening classes. MICHIGAN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS INTERNATIONAL PERSONNEL * 5722 W. Maple Rd. Orchard Lake 851-1050 566-2563 16 E. Huron 332-5398 Licensed by Mich. State SECRETARY RECEPTIONIST For new Southfield offices. General office abilities. S a I a ry commensurate with ability. Call 7151 for Interview. Let Us Help You _ Board of Education , Work Wanted Male 11 on your "Not So Impossible" Mission |A 19 YEAR OLD STUDENT desir«« ! part time work, 6 hrs. per day, must pay living wage, 363-4566. ACC O U N T A*N T BOOKKEEPER available full or part time. 1 References. KE 3-8045. HOUSE P A I N T I N~G 7 Guaranteed i work. FE 4-2867. FEMALES KITCHEN HELP, DAY AND EVE-!STOCK GIRL — WILL alio assist Injn nlng shift, hospitalization, paid va- rt Accounting Clerks Bookkeepers cSmarsTToM N. Woodward. Royal IS YOUR INCOME MMvata? Call o*r7 Friday Oak. _ . r -V; I YORK REAL ESTATE, costemic Consultant Car and expenses SHIRT PRESSER AND PACKAGER. Top wages. Full time. .Elite OR 4-0363. ELIAS L BIG BOY RESTAURANT Dixie Hwy. 8. Silver Lake Rd. receiving room, full time position,!LIMOUSINE DRIVERS, full or parti many benefits. Mrs. Zetye, Ml 7- time, good wages. Call FE 2-91451 Secretaries 1300. Chudlk's of Birmingham. or FE 2-9146.___________________Statistical typist JOB WITH A future. Call Mr. Foley. Stenos YORK REAL ESTATE, OR 4-0363. Switchboard op«r. LADY FOR BAR and grill work, call after 6, 731-0951. SUMMER JOBS FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS town Market, 7396 Hlghlen6 Rd. M- days, 840 weekly, must Iter 5. — MANAGER SALARY ____ $500 PER MONTH J & L Home improvements, painting, I small hot-roofs, shingles, cleaning, sidewalks, yard work. For less. I PHj__682-8304. _ ODD JOBS. CALL BOB, _ 391-1914.____ $350 up PLUMBING AND SERVICE repair, $450 up, truck and tools, no |ob too small. $400 up 338-8420. ______ *40q_ up' sa'LEsT REPRESENT COMPANY In commercial and govarnmert con-tfacts In metal work or position as manufacturing 'manager, 26 years experience in all phases of metal $550 $450 up $400 up 8425 up 9325 up MANAGERIAL TRAINEE for na- . . ... tional collection organization. This mOST Ot The OuOVe positions Is an excellent opportunity tor an .Ambitious--- aggressive—man ore employer fee paid work. Repfy Pontiac Press Box C- 12. SEPTIC TANKS installed, backhoe and loader work, gravel, sand. Work Wonted Female -—.12 • Phone MrJIecker at_337-9747_ “SUMMER JOB AVAILABLE average about $30 for 5 day weak. Call after 6:30 Cheryl Agne, 332-6982. ____________ _ i CAR BILLER NEEDED — new car; dealership, full or part time experienced only. Mr Derkacz at 855 j S. Rochester Rd., Rochester. SUMMtK jud , ^roevd'!oBaru'6-0l80W' F0Ur,h St' T O I T k T from June 24th until August 30th.! —TcruMnt~rrrigT---------- r StYV^TTC! Experienced girl wanted for MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST, J I . lO VV lawyers office in Pontiac. Must be able, to type. Shorthand desired but not required. For information please call 334-0308 or 334-0582. -wellpaid career. Salary-ptus Hfaeratt~ bonus, advancement opportunities. IflAO C Woodward B'hom G,RL WANTS BABYSITTING |nb, unlimited Find Nation*! 1OOU WUUUWUfU, D lluln ||ve In ~ weekends Off. 627-3384. 642-8268 CASHIER Must have knowledge of restaurant j work. For night shift. All benefits.) Apply at: ELIAS BROS. BIG BOY RESTAURANT ________Telegraph 8» Huron ' Woman experienced in ready to. wear or related lines, to manage a large volume fashion dept. Excellent benefits, salary plus incentive. Send complete resume to I Personnel Dept, on the second floor. CASHIERS AND salesgirls for John, R. Lumber. 7940 Cooley Lake Rd. j Union Lake. ■ Montgotnery Ward Pontiac Mall Summer's Here ASCP, or eligible. Full time permanent position. Excellent starting salary based on qualifications and ex-j perience. Assured increases. Liberal employe benefits including retirement plan. Contact Personnel Director, Saginaw General1 Hospital, 1447 N. Harrison, For Fast Relief . . . of low pay, poor opportunity, ™„1'a"mrs.”mccowan' HOUSE CLEANING for working people. Need transportation. OR 3-8516. . We're right into our challanging opportunity — to direct new Birmingham day I Saginaw, Michigan. {PART TIME WORK, male andj female, ape 17-60. Earn extra! L money at night, 3-4-5 or 6 nights aj week. See your favorite movie with your family every week FREE on ,your night off. Apply Miracle-Mile Theater, 2103 S. Telegraph,! m. ^ ■ In- gram and move fast. The pay is good, the future bright. Call — INTERNATIONAL PERSONNEL 334-4971 Good Guy Wanted . . . To earn $7,000 plus on a top career opportunity, car and expenses, fee paid. Some travel. A high school diploma is all you need. Call— INTERNATIONAL PERSONNELL 334-4971 Building Services-Supplies 13 education^ 6cpSVT8nce' fyfvdHy care, An equal opportunity employe1___________ nursery school br Its equivalent, /^jure LADY FOR baby sittlnu. 3 children. 673-2076. Year around opening fall 1968. Mail resume to Birmingham Day Care Center P. O. Box 73, Franklin, Michigan 48025.________ CLEANING LADIES, ALSO housekeepers, Birmingham, car allowance. 642-7900.___________ STRUCTURAL STEEL and design drawings for 4,500 sq. ft. (52 x 60) building. Priced to sell. Phone 566-1461. Mr. Ransier, Eves. 644-2552. Credit Advisors 16-A Make May Special CLEANING WOMAN Must have own car, top pay to right gal, full time, s o m weekends, EM 3-4121. _________ Factory Branch Oakland at Cass FE 5-9485 An equal opportunity employer CLERK TYPISTS For general office work, bookkeeping and stenographic experience helpful. Contact: Mr. Walter Glebe 349-5500 or apply in person to: . PYLES INDUSTRIES, INC. WANTED: MEN TO WORK IN 28990 WlxbM RD., WIXOM, MICH. plastic door factory. Knowledge of formica work helpful. Apply in person, to Pone raft Door Co., 2005 Pontiac Road. An equal opportunity employer WANTED — FULL TIME TREE trimmers, will train, all fringes, best equipment, age 18 to 30. Good Office, 685-1561. 8:30 a.m. to *6 p.m. WANTED EXPERIENCED mechanic with tools. Apply Chucks Standard Service, 2411 Orchard Lake Rd. Selary guaranteed plus commission. WATER METER READER and repairman for City of Birmingham. Mature young man, high school education, married, mechanical ability and public contact experience. Mondays thru Fridays. Hours 8 to 5. Salary range 81.81-$3.37 par hour. An equal CLERK TYPIST MATURE LADY TO CARE FOR In-, valid lady, light housework. Live In. $27.50 per wk. 626-2980._______ MATURE GIRL FOR cashier In Royal Oak Doctors office, must type, some bookkeeping, week, L| 7-2640. day MATURE WOMAN, CLERICAL work. Typing essential. Monday, Wednesday and Saturday's, 8 a.m to 5 p.m. 398-5929, ask for Donna MATURE WOMAN FOR clerical office work, who likes to work with figures. Typing required. Write giving age. education, family status, |ob and pay expelonce to Post Office Box 232, Pontiac, Mich Should have et least 1-year experienced In filing, typing and related ereas. Good salary and working conditions. Apply I n person. Jim Robbins Co. 14 Mile 8, ■ Stephenson Hwy., Troy._________________ MAfTURE WOMAN TO HOSTESS and supervise dining room. Must have restaurant experience, must be neat and have good character. Good fringe benefits. Age 2S to 45 preferred. Elias Big Boy Family Restaurant Telegraph 8. Huron Sts, ASCP JR. AND SR. TYPISTS STENOS - BOOKKEEPERS Highest Rates COME IN OR CALL KELLY SERVICES 125 N. Saginaw 642-9650 338-0338 An equal opportunity Employer STEN0 POSITION PONTIAC AREA Immediate Employment. Routine office duties. Pleasing personality ----------------—' • Int a must. Call 338-7151 for interview. CLERK TYPIST Good typist. Shorthand desirable helpful. and he [pful. Preferably with experience In financing or credit work. 5 day week. Good workl.tg 'conditions. Pay subject to qualif- ications and ability. Phone Mr. Voss, FE 5-4636 tor Interview. CLERK-TYPIST For general office work. 40 hour week. Apply In person or telephone for appointment. PONTIAC SERVICE BUREAU, INC. MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST full time permanent position private laboratory. FE 4-7232. MIDDLE-AGED LADY wanted for part tlifle oft’es work, position could result In full time employment. Some bookkeeping experience helpful. With typing a requirement. Excellent working conditions with pay commenzurate with ability. Please send brief resume written In longhand to .Christian Memorial Estates Cemetery. In care of Mr. LePage, 521 E. Hamlin Rd. Rochester, Mich. 48063. ________,_________ portunity employer. Apply between1 .. _ .. s. , Hank FE s.9Mt 9 a.m.-and noon. Personnel Office..314 Pontiac.5w«_B«nK-----re avaei Municipal Building, 151 Martin COOK Pontiac Country Club, 4 3 3 5 Street,. Birmingham. WELDERS. EXPERIENCED, at 714 No. Saginaw, Holly, M McDaniel tank Mfg. Co. Pcpt!y,! Elizabeth Lake Road. WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY ambitious man to earn ceptlonally high. Income. We have an established insurance debit Bpen due to promotion. We will train and assist you to be successful. Previous sales experience helpful but not necessary. Call Jtm Coomes, 363-7259.___________________ YOUNG MAN , (18*34) Public relations or sales experience helpful, but not necessary. waitresses, dish washers, days eves., full and part time Superchief. FE 2-6851. _____ MANAGER Jr. Sports Wea’ Stenos — Secretaries Typists — Key Punch General Office Work Profitable temporary assignments Available Now Pontiac area Call MANPOWER 332-8386 PRESSER FOR QUALITY Dry cleaning plant, paid vacations, | holidays, and other fringe benefits, call Mr. Moore, 332-1822. penses, top benefits. INTERNATIONAL PERSONNEL 334-4971 RETIRED COUPLE OR single to maintain Pontiac 10 unit apt., gas! heated, rent free. eves. 353-3209. Need a Change? WAITRESSES, BARMAID, Kitchen help, applications now being accepted after 3 P.M. Donelli, 2/75 S. Lapeer Rd., Lake Priory________________ OPPORTUNITY FOR YOUNG gal in general office, good location, $300. Call Kathv King, 3 3 2-9 1 57 , Associates Personnel. Sales Help Male-Female 8-A A REAL ESTATE SALESMEN NEEDED END WORRIES- Let Debt-Aid, professional credit counselors provide you with con-fidentiel money menegement service' that hat helped thousands solve their bill problems. Getting a big loan Is not the answer. You can't borrow yourtelf out ot deMI for by taking all your bills . discussing your problems with: DEBT-AID, Inc. 504 Community Nat'l. Bnk., Bldg. FE 2-0181 Licensed & Bonded Due to expansion. Classes starting; May 13 at 7 p.m. Our office. Finei working conditions and a chance to; prow with a progressive company. Let Us Help You I Gardening 18 For personal interview ask for Joe1 (Kirk) Kuykendall Mgr. or John; Lauinger. 1531 Williams Lake Rd. 674-0310._______________________ $17,000 PLUS REGULAR CASH bonus for man over 40 In Pontiac area. Take short auto trips to on your "Not So Impossible" Mission contract customers. Airmail W. Dickerson, Southwestern Petroleum Corp., Ft. Worth, Texas. 76101. Males Landscaping 18*A JOHN OWEN'S LANDSCAPING. Kentucky and Merlan Blue Sod, laid or delivered, also grading, 624-5306. LAWN CUTTING SERVICE 363-5138 RICK'S LAWN SERVICE, no iob to small, lawn's and bed work, 682-7106. TYPIST - RECEPTIONIST - 2 office. In Troy, well groomed, over 25, experience with dictaphone, good speller, type <0-70 WPM, handle phone. Call Mr. Gibbons 689-2445. BUILDER & REALTY TYPISTS? We offer you free use of our typewriter to practice on In our Store, 2 hrs. a day limit. Forbes Printing 8. Office Supplies. 4500 Printing & Office buppn Dixie, Drayton, OR 3-9767. WAITRESS, FULL TIME, nights. Harbor Bar; Keego Harbor, 682- 0320.__________________________I ! WAITRESS'TO WORK PARt time I evenings, hourly rate, plus tips, for further Information, call UL 2- Woman experienced in ready to : ____________________-------- j wear or related lines, to manage a j WAITRESS-BARMAID, 40 hour' large volume- fashion dept. Ex-i week, nights^..Albet's Inn, Lake! cellent benefits, salary plus in-j Orion, call mornings, 393-1701. centive. Send complete resume to’yuAiropcepc NIGHT SHIFT. Full' «k« Dn.mnnnl AAanxner nr annlv/ in ! VVMI I rtCOOCO. IQHjn i vntr i . ■ vm time and part time. Good, wages. Has an opening for 1 full time | cfatmsTArthf^ter car.................. $575 salesman with preferable e/perlence car 0« ,,„ In new and used homes. Call 674-3141 ,xp...........V,.™ TREE TRIMMING, REMOVAL AND tioooo ub Wt hauling, tew ratee. UL 2-4868. 8550 up Gardtn Plowing 18-8 or 674-2297. COLUMBIA VALLEY REALTY ANDERSON & GILFORD INC. EXPERIENCED SALES PEOPLE needed! Would you like to Increase your earning by 20 per cent per people for over 17-years.—tf yov., , . . , BP wonder what you have been miss- Most of the QDOVe positions ing contact Mr. Onrich at LI 3-7520 . r • j immediately. __________________ are employer fee paid RARE OPPORTUNITY | International Personnel National firm- seeks aggressive Elec. Tech. ............Salary open Finance Trainees .......... 8450 up Financial Analyst .......... $1200 Management Trainees • ......$500 up Marketing Trainees .........$600 up Production Control .........$600 up Prod. Control Mgr. . . $15-818,000 yr. Programmers, exp...........$1000 up Public Relations ---------- $550 up Salesman, car, expenses ....$550 up Moving and Tracking 22 BASEMENTS AND GARAGES Cle«n«d, light hauling. OR 38867. LIGHT HAULING, moving. Reasonable. 682-7516. Pointing ond Docoroting 23 A LADY INTERIOR DECORATOR _______Papering. FE 8-6214 __ CUSTOM INTERIOR painting, neat and prompt, free estimates, phone 887-5505. Shmtmari ^ 880 S. Woodward, B'ham : ladies desire interior pam'- COUNTER GIRL, OVER 18, ex-perienced preferred but will train. Apply Little Caesars, 698 W. Huron; . i ♦he Personnel Manager or apply person to the' Personnel Dept, on; the second floor. Call after 5 p.m. MA 5-3970. - Credit Office Montgomery Word $800 PONTIAC MALL General office with knowledge ott 409 North Telegraph Rd.-~»i * bookkeeping. 40 hour week with . , f-omiec employee benefits. Apply In person An equal opportunity employer )0 a.m. to 5 p.m. to Miss. Cun-INURSES AIDES, experienced or will ningham. Lions' Store, Miracle train, all shifts, must have own Milo. ________ I ,catv Union Lake Area, EM 3-4121. w c< HRYSLER CORPORATION Eldon Avenue Axle Plant Has immediate opportunities with excellent benefits, salaries and wages in the following areas. Production Foreman , Machining and assembly gear-and axel-manufacturing. Must hove high school education, with 2 years experience in machine shop and/or dssembly operation. MACHINE REPAIRMEN ELECTRICIANS - TOOL MAKERS Journeymen or equivalent experience APPLY IN PERSON or BY MAIL TO £ldon Avenue,Axle Plant 6700 Lynch Road, Detroit, Michigan 48234 Monday thru Saturday, 8:00 A.M. to 4i00 P.M. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE-WILL BE -OPEN i or call 925-2000, Ext. 6475 or 6373 LONG DISTANCE CALLS - COLLECT AREA CODE 313-925-2000 An Equal Opportunity Employer Minimum monthly guarantee,' If you meet our requirements. Car need- -J^CARSON, 542-6536 A. D. H0EG, 338-9618 10 a.m, to 1 p.m. dally YOUNG MEN 18-25 High School Graduate Management trainee. Career opportunities, rapid advancement lor right man In local office of national corporation. Good starting salary. For Interview, call Mr. Carson, at 338-0359. 9 a.m.;2 p.m. 1 YOUNG MAN FOR baker's helper: alio truck -driver..—Apply 432 Orchard Lake Ave.. Help Wanted Female CURB WAITRESSES Ted's Restaurant has openings for curb waitresses, day and night shift. Free Blue Cross and life insurance, Uniforms and meals furnished. Top wages and tips. Vacation and paid holidays. Apply In person only. . . , TED'S ____Bloomfield Hlljs__ DENTAL RECEPTIONIST assistant for dental office in Troy, tome ^xp.-deslrable 8796551. -------— DRUG -AND COSMETIC CLERK, full or pert time. Russ Loumry Orugsr 4500 Elizabeth Lake Rd.__________ Office Skills We have career opportunltes for women with a business education, or general office or accounting experience. APPLY PERSONNEL DEPT. SECOND FLOOR Montgomery Ward PONTIAC MALL— An equal opportunity employer ^ TIME, FULL TIME. Waitress wsnted Immediately. T e n u t a ' s Restaurant, corner Huron t, Johnson. Apply In parson. Across lac Genei ' Elias Big Boy Family Restaurant from Pontiac General, __ ¥mma i,diM for waitresses, DAYS PER WE E K. thorough4 TEuTfEay'-OPgRATPRS*-—ANC cleaning, ' soma Ironing, transp. Rat. $40, 623)113. A MARRIED WOMAN TO work part time In Veterinary Hospital. General office, ana hospital work. Experience helpful. before 6 p.m. ALBERT'S BEAUTY Studio. Mold, shampoo girl, and manicurists. 1674-3166. AMBITIOUS LADIES' 18-25 SINGLE High School Graduate Tired ot making last than sioo a week, I hava caraar opportunities lor 4 ladies In local outside order departmertt. if you can present neat appaaranca. converse Intelligently, and are looking lor CAR HOPS. Must be neat ap pearing and ot good character. No experience necessary. We train you. Company paid vacation, health Insurance, life Inaurance, lunch hour, meals. 5-6 days week. Day uhlft and night shift. Ages less preferred. Interviews 9 to It a.m. 2-4 and 1-9 p.m. OFFICE CLERK For Personnel Office SHORTHAND REQUIRED EXCELLENT FRINGE BENEFITS APPLY AT ARTCO INC. Indianwood Rd. Lake Orion WAITRESS experienced. Full Prefer experienced. Full time. Apply in person. Jack's Drive In, 22 W. Montcqlm.__________________ WANT OLDER WOMAN for baby sitting, will also need weekends, Waterford area. Call bef. 11 a.m. 623-1075. __________a ___ WANTED: FULL TIME day waitress. Country Club. Call Mr. ability. Due to expansion, rare and ekeiting positions. ace available in Michigan. If hired you will recieve thorough training with financial security. Our men earn $300 to $15,000 every week. Immediate income will exceed 8250 a week. (Not restricted to salary). Details explained in confidential interview. Call 353-7660. . 642-8268 ting estTrr PAINTING AND PAPERING. You'ra next. Orvel Gidcumb, 673-1 0496..- Help Wanted M. or F. 8 Help Waated M. or F. 8 REAL ESTATE SALES_ Experienced or inexperienced mar or woman.’ We train. We offer integrity add reputation. Fine work--ing r conditions.;^ew$r-tbe.-ctiai»c*r:te- Cprcoran, 625-3731, personal Interview ask tor Mr. Deaver at 628-2548. Royer WANTED — LADY for counter work1 Realty, Inc. Oxford, Mich.____________ Ih quality dry cleaners, days, paid real ESTATE PERSONNEL, full holidays, vacation. Waterford or parf time, no experience rearea. Call 682-8910, ash for Mr. quired, will train for professional Book.................. ,________ career. Earnings unlimited. WANTED BEAUTY OPERATOR.! 399-0720. Full or part time. 624-2907. Soles Representative WOMAN TO WORK In Spotting dept > A will train, Wesch Cleaners, 1456 S Woodward, Birmingham. M1 4-7044. WOMAN FOR LIGHT housework days week. Call Sisters of Mercv, Farmington, 476-8010. __________ WOMAN WANTED FOR Inside order department with retail food ex- perlence. Pontiac area. FE 2-0119 WOMAN—FOR—INSPECTION araf assembly. Collins Cleaners, T. Outstanding opportunity fessional real estate representatives. Full time positions now open. Only these with experience need apply. - Call Mr. Deaver for personal Interview at: ROYER REALTY, INC. —628-2548 823 S. Lapeer Oxford Holly TrowrHsttyrMKh. — Woodward St.. Rochester, 651-7525. WOMAN T6“LIVE IN nnd core lor 1 I _Ml5 Goodrlch^MIch child, wore for home than wages, i you*NG AMBITIOUS salesmen' to Apply at 274 Baldwin Ave., days | SPu one of . the most exciting only. Betore 3 p.m. _____automobile products on the market WOMAN FOR TYPING and general today. This position allows you to ottlce work. Write Post Office Box be your own boss with freedom of 65. Pontiac. Mich, giving complalej movement. Call Mrs Morgan resume. j between 10 4 p m. only, 624-3192 Telegraph and Huron Sts. Dixie Hwy. and Sllvor Lake Rd. PART t!m'|? OFFICE POSITION Woman for general, diversified one girl office. Typing, filing, soma figure work. Dependability and Interest prime requirements. 4-5 hours a day. Apply 409 Pontiac Building. State Bank PART TIME MAID WANTED tar motel work. Nights on weektnds EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Secrttarlal position — part time triiiyrmiy, anu are whiiiih tut a carter, call Mill Robin at U3I-03S0 9 a m.-2 p.m. apWLicaIitsVoA biNlRSTSHfep work, woman 18 to 30, lull time, some typing required, Birmingham area — contact; General Electric Corp., Ml 6*8060. A'SS'iST CfffLORiN, "“LAUKShY, tlon. flee. Shorthand or speed writing preferred, not necessary. Normal office hours. Tucker Realty Co., 903 Pontiac State Bank, Bldg., 334-1445 FOR l N TER V I E tf* AP PQINTMENT. excKEEHY'" ofi'PtiRTunit transportation.. Call 333- POSITIONS OPEN telephone saleswomen. No ex* perience necesiaty. Will train in our office. Age no barrier. Full or part time. $60 guaranteed. Bonuses plus commission. Call 338-1356 for interview. ork from our office, guaranteed work i selary. . 3 women for days, 1 tor nights age no barrier, 332-3053. WOOL FINISHER Full time Good working conditions paid holidays , paid vacation Own transportation Janet Davis Dr Dry Cleaners -3009 Eoiployoieat Ageacies A SHARP.YOUNG GAL for Clark typist, some general office, $300. Call Sue Lee, 332-9157, Associates Personnel.__________________j____ ALERT GAL FOR receptionist» light typing, good location, $280. Call • Kathy King, 332t9157, Associates large Stylists. Call Miss Pat. Miss Kent, 548-3585. PERSONNEL SECRETARY WITH large North West company. Lots of public contact.. Must Ji a v e shorthand $450 no F#e. HARRIET SORGE PERSONNEL 705 Northland Towars East 1 353-1550 I * PART T I M E .* "EXPE^IENCED Ufl|n Ulfllltad M or F. secretary to serve top executives. I n"T, ”r 5* Personnel N-EXCELLENT FUTURE for a young gal to assist doctor, will __________________________I_____ train, $280. Call Sue Lee, 332-9157, YOUNG WOMAN FOlTkltchen help. Associates Personnel. S .___________ Must be neat and of Qood ATTRACxive YOUNG gal for inside character. No * experience collections, excellent hours, light necessary. We. train you ^ges 18 typing, $300. Call Kathy King, 332-* ' i 9157, Associates Personnel.__________________________ Be There < . . * Where the action ii. Front line company wants to Pay up to $7500 a year for the young man who likes to make things happen. Call INTERNATIONAL PERSONNEL * 334-4971 to 35. Good fringe benefits. Apply at: Elias Big Boy Fatnity Restaurant Telegraph R Huron Sts, DO YOU LIKE banker's hours? Here , ,, ______ |_____ ....,...J8P__________HSR ......._ - Is »n axcallent spot for you, nice 288. 725 S, Adorns Rd., Blrm- existing? Call Mr. Foley, YORK .iocalion, $300. Call Sue Lee, 332-indham. I REAL ESTATE 674-0343. I ^157, Associates Personnel. OMMEDIAXEjQBENlNGa FOR "BIG TICKET'^ SALESPEOPLE in the following Departments FLOOR COVERING APPLIANCES ' -TELEVISION 6c STEREO HOME DEVELOPMENT Experience not necessary. We Will train you. Explore rtrppoiit7fwtyatg--eorn' -an--Diw4K4-4n6ame-4o.4hR~58.4- figure bracket. Excellent Company benefits, and immediate discount privilege. Apply in person at the Personnel Office. / M ONTQOMERY WARD 285)0 Telegraph Rd. and 12 Mile Southfield An Equal Opportunity Employar IBS S3?^ / ;liy.ivV.^;v,'n.y\.J^tr.l.,L . 24-A Bplubfrl^ SPRING SALES On ••brie* and upholstery, jetter th»n MW. it half the. ill* experts *t 3J5-1700 for FREE estimate In yoor homo. Coml. Upholstery Co._____________________ Transportation 25 Wanted Miscellaneous 30 Wanted t» Rent 32 j Share Living Quartan 33 NEWSPAPER 85c PER 100 lbs. delivered. Royal Oak Wait* Paper and Mata) Co.. 414 E. Hudson, Roval Oak. U1 1-4020._______ THREE COMPARTMENT Stainless steel slbk, NSF commercial, call «. 473-0496 alter 6 p.m. ^ WElSHT-LIFtER'WANTS used Iron - ’ weights. 6/14^ 4 2690, alter 6 P.M Walled Lake GENTLEMAN TO SHARE Con-I venient service apt. SS5 includes utilities. Call FE 4-402*. 12^30. WORKING GIRLS WISH to share apartment with sama, over 21. 673- aparti 0720. DETROIT DEALER HAS 40 late modal cars In Miami to be driven to Detroit. In Detroit call 834-5000, j ^ Rant 3 BEDROOMS, area. 363-5825. CORPORATE' C OTl R O L mi would like 3-bedroom house In plaasant area, rant open, 64241783 COLLEGE PROFESSOR and family, -----... .. , . . - 3 school age children, one beagle, wanted' Rsol estate want lease of 4 bedroom plus house In Birmingham or Webster school district, Pontiac, tor Aug. t-f Welcome option to buy. Maximum | rent 5160. Cali 651-6154 36 1 to 50 <«A ENGLISHMAN DESIRES) TO 8h#r®|paraas BUSINESS PROP-32 apartment or house. BloomfWd-j 1 Birmingham *rea^/673-l3l2. I t»T+ES, ANp_LAND CONTRACTS In Miami call Mr. Mtdlln, 685-1548 ^York. Gas^llowance136>»5W. 1 ^EDA00iA/'1 5 »Bn U R N 1 S H E ° MANAGER RECENTLY translated. Oodvk# Rd FES-8165 -----------------_____------------, apartment, 334-9480. ____ to Pontiac area, wishes to lease 3j '4Sp^J3pdyke Rd. FE 5-BI6S ,,, . . u. r_____I nn12-BEDROOM FURNISHED home In[ bedroom home In the suburbs. WOlltOd Household woods AT, Pontiac Area, $120 mo. utilitiesi Excellent references. Please direct -----------rvJ^v-------—---------- paltl 6740255. I all replies to D. Alcher, In care of CDn«ce2*l DliJeNwUho5senfl.0'-eAat!3 BJP"OOM- BA™ »n<1 B“enr,e”'f R»mWr citl°33 4N2444T,Ex9tra?54 « * .CVb V?«d ' _ I _ 332-3222. ____________. . I and leave message. _____ option to WARREN STOUl, Realtor Urgently need tor immediate Sale I Pontiac Dally ‘til 8 WU.L BUY OR SELL your furniture. 13-BEDROOM HOME (w Tyler's Auction. 7605 Highland 1 j Road. 673*9534. buy) W years with General Mtrs., Pref. Lake front. Holly, 634-8172, after 6 whaf have you? B & B AUCTION goorf^urnhura and Appliances. Or 3 BEDROOM MOUSE OS a&V^cnl, what have vouf «, prefer ably partially furnished on I ^ 5|d< (or hotplfal physician. wile and 3 school age children.| small 1089 Dixit Hwy. OR 3-7717! Call 338-4711, ext. 336, 9 a m. to 5 Wonted Miscellaneous COPPER. BRASS, RADI, starters and generatort. 1 son, OR 3 5849. 12 mo. lease. Up to $200 per lease. Up to $200 per mo. Pontiac Lake. Union Lake or Cass Lake areas. Exc. local references. Call eves, after 6. 363*82)6. MARRIED COUPLE Interested In renting on year around basis, furnished or semi-furnished house or cottage on lake In Pontiac area. Call 229 2620 after 6 p.m. Whitmore Lake. ____________________________ CABIN, COTTAGE or apartment, turn., or partialty turn. I for elderly lady and 2 small dogs | Walled Lake-Pontiac area. Refs.: and dep.Jurn. 338-6572 or 363-9632. j'wE! BUY WANT TO RENT A cottage. Union,OR 4 0363 Lake vicinity. For the month of 4713 Dixie August. Must be suitable for smal children, sandy beach preferred 885 0111, Detroit. )ally 'til I MULTIPLE LISTING 8ERVIgE ALL CASH 10 MINUTES even It behind In payments or urv der torctosure Mr. Alslp, 527-6400. ALL CASH For homes anyplace In Oak Ian County. Money in 24 hours. YORK WE TRADE FE 8-7176, 1702 S. Telegraph; CASH Apartmtnti, Unfurnithtd 38 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Coral Ridge Apts. SECONO-WILCOX ROCHESTER 1 BEDROOM APTS. $145 Mo. Includei ell utilities, except elec trie. Office open dally 'til 7 p.m. Ph.t 651-0042 AMERICAN HERITAGE APARTMENTS NO VACANCIES Now takino applications tor new building to be completed by June. No children, pets. 3365 Watklna Lake Rd. 673-516B bet. 6:30-8 p.m. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY, NEW bedroom apt., air conditioned electric heat, carpeted, n e a General Hospital. 63 Prall St. 673 0331. _________________ BLOOMFIELD ORCHARDS APARTMENTS Ideally situated In Bloomfield-Birmingham area, luxury 2-bedroom apartments available for Immediate possession from $160 per month including carpeting, WZ: Rooms with Bourd PRIVATE ROOM, home cooked meals, cloaa to plant*. 335-1679, Rent Ottlce Spoce 47 2 OFFICES, 565 mo., 4540 Dixie, OR 3-1355. _____ AVAILABLE NOW IN ONE OF Rachtsttr7* finest end nswast office and commercial canter. Medical suttee, general office suits* and commercial ipacaa. Plenty ol fret parking. Phone 651-4576 or 731-1400. BLOOMFIELb HILLS, nevTbviirdYng. Share apaca with attorney, park-' Ing, air conditioning, carpatlng. utilities furnished. 6.2-4070. COMPLETELY paneled office apaca with separata prlvata oftlca for laa»a — approx. 1100 sq. ft. Utilities Included — reasonable rental, Walton and Baldwin area. CALLY LARRY TREPECK *74- 3104._____________ FOR LEASE OFFICl SPACl. Waterford Township, M59. 2,300 aq. feat, parking, 357-4420. Buyers waiting — all cash sales. Call VALU-WAY REALTY lor Immediate fra* appraisal of your property. FE 4-3531 CASH 48 Hours Lend Contracts—Homes Equities Wright 382 Oakland Ava. ________FE 2-9141 I HAVE A PURCHASER WITH CASH FOR A STARTER HOME IN OAKLAND COUNTY. CALL AGENT AT 674-1698 Aluminum Bldg. Items ALUMINUM SIDING, WINDOWS, roofing Installed by "Superior." Cell FE 4-3177 anytime, i __ Antenna Service Eavestroughing B & G SERVICE Painting and Decorating A-t PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING Alum, gutters end Alcoa elding 'THOMPSON FE 4-8364 SPRING SPECIAL complete price A7i PAINTING. WORK-GUARAN-85c per ft. for 5 white enameled jA estimates.*82-0620. heavy duty gutters and downspouts----^ \>.rv nef-npatikiT** Installed, free est. 674-3704. _ AAA PAINTING AND DECORATING, ----MOC rilTTCD rh-------------- 25 yrs. exp. Free esf.. UL 2-1390 m. o* j. UUIICIx LVJ. HOUSE P A I N T 1 N G . Guaranteed Complete eavetroughing service.| work. FE 4-2867___________ Free estimates. Licensed — bond-j painting ed. 673-6866. Excavating PAPERING, WALL cleaning, paper removel. B. T. Sandusky. FE 4-8548. UL 2-3190. QUALITY WORK ASSURED. PAINT-ing; papering, well washing, *73-2872. _______ Asphalt Paving ADLER AND BARKER asphslt paving, seal coating, rasurtacmg parking lots, driveways. Llcnesed, fra* estimates. OR 3-6310. ____ BULLDOZING, BACKHOE, loading, ASPHALT AND SEAL coating. Free trucking. 625-1756, 673-8793.____ estlmat«s. FE 2-4631. _______/BULLDOZING 0-4. OR 3-1165 after ASPHALT DISCOUNT PAVING Co.! 5:30 PM and weekends. 10 yrs. of satisfied service. Fre*;end LOADING AND bKkhoe, est. FE 5-7459.________________trucking, sand gravel end fill, ASPHALT, SEAL coating, licensed.! complete septic work, bulldozing, insured. Free estimated, OR 4-07221 basement digging. 673-1972 or or 682-8377. White Lake, 887-5148. ASPHALT PARKING LOTS AND; END LOADING AND BACKHOE,[BIG BOY DRIVE-IN, DIXIE AT LIST With Columbia Vallay Realty and let us take the headaches out of selling your home. Fast and efficient service to everyone. Call now for your free appraisal. 674-2297 CVR OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT 800 Sq. Ft. Each Call FE 8-7161 swimming pool end large sun deck! Jack Ralph — All utilities except electric. Lo-j--~— ---------—— -------- ceted on South Blvd <20 Mile Rent BUSMBSS Property 47-A Kd ), between Opdyke end t-75 ex-L y ...____..f.. „ .----- pressway. Open dally 9 to 6 p.m. Sunday, 12 to 6 p.m. Closed Thura- t-A 4000 SQ day. For Information: Mgr. 335- Hwy 5670. FE 6-0770. 4t 159 SEWARD ST., - Large living room# bedroom, kltchan with din* ^crehb«!’.ra..T,d. M3 bad room, full basement, new gat furnace, hot water heater, laundry tuba. 1 car garaM, 58,000 with 6250 down plus closing coif, FHA or VA Mortgage KENNETN G. HEMPSTiAD REALTOR FE 4-I2S4—1S5 ELIZABETH LAKE _____________RD. 4 BEDROOM YRl-LtYiL. lamliv room, llroplace. large kitchen, bullt-lns, Ha baths, gas heat, large lot, 2W car garage. 137,500, owner 651-0372 Rochester. AUBURN GARDENS 5 room ranch, full basement with gas heel. Mew carpeting, large dining room, new furnace, connecting bath. P.H.A. approved. Zero down. About S470 closing cotta. Owners agent. 338-6952. Sole Heusei CAPE COD Vacant 4 bedroom, 2 bathi, aluminum siding, full basement natural fireplace, 2 car FHA approved. OWNERS aoeW; GRAND PRIX APTS 1 S, 2-bedroom apartments From 5130 carpeted All utilities except Electricity. Private pool and air cond. 315 S. Telegraph, Pontiac Sat Mgr.# Apt. No. 1 336-7171 INDEPENDENCE GREEN APARTMENTS Beside an 18 hole golf course — Included in rent — all for no charge, clubhouse, indoor pool full use of golf course, washer ono dryer In every apartment, oullt-in vacuum, carpet and drapes, air conditioned, appliances, heat, hot water — 1 and 2 bedroom apartments, 3 bedroom townhouses, some furnished apartments available — from $155. .In Farmington (Grand River at Halstead), children 17 years and older. No pets. Week days 474-7284, Waek ends 476-7874 or 476-4111. FT.# at 4541 Dixie Drayton, good tor restaurant# beer oarden or what have you. MA 5-2161. 30 X 50' BUILDING WITH K>ts Of parklhg# West Huron. FE 3-7968. A-1 40,000 SQ. FT.# — warehouse or heavy manufacturer# 3200' air conditioned office building# suitable for all types of business.. 4615 Dixit# Drayton. AHA 5-2161. COMMERCIAL BUILDING# for' toast 3300 square feat# on Elizabeth Lake Road near West Huron. Large fenced lot# 625-5530# atter 5 p.m. NEW COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS# 25x60 or 50x60 or will build to suit, air conditioned, plenty of parking# located by 2530 Orchard Lk. Rd., Sylvan Lake. 647-1743 before 6 or 585-3617 after 7. SQUARE AT ROCHESTER $14,900 — 1Va story frame home, 4 bedrooms possible, basement Terms. $16,500 — 3 bedroom frame ranch, good size country lot. Terms will be arranged. $22,500 — lVa story home on over 1 aqre. Country living tor the entire family. Terms. $31,600 — U baths, 2 attached terms. 2 car garage. Easy. MILTON WEAVER INC., Raaltors In the Village of Rochester 118 W. University 651-8141 3 bedroom RRi______ ___ large lot. $12,500. $2500 down. Land contract. Nix Realtor. 651-0221 or 852-5375. ATTENTION G.l. NIc* two bedroom home with full basement on two wooded lots. • Closing costs movo you In. Lake privileges Huntoon Lake. 812,900. Call Ron O'Nell, 625-5071. CpMPLETELY FURNISHED, 3 bedroom ranch with fireplace, attached breazewey, 4-car garage, shop Including milling machine, lathe, drill areaa, loots, etc. Located on I acre nf lend In Troy _.MtJL9-!428__________ kitchen, COUNTRY HOME: Nice 3-bedroom, carpeted living room, full bath with W bath In mein bedroom, all large rooms, 2-cer garage. Extra! large lot 100 x 321. Very reasonably priced. CO 4334. HOWELL Town & Country Inc. Highland Branch oftlca PHONE: 313-685-1S85 Crestbrook MODEL OPEN DAILY 12 8 3-bad room, family room and 2-car garage, priced at only $17,490 plus lot. Locatad in new sub with paved streets, curb# gutter* aldawalks and city watar. Drive out M59 to Cras-cant Laka Road# turn right tc Crestbrook Street and medal. DON GIROUX REAL ESTATE 4511 Highland Road (M591 *73-7837 DUCK LAKE. 3 bedroom modern lakefront home. Gas heat, large country kitchen, controlled lake level. By owner. Cell *87-5582 sioing. .h.wm.m parage, f I.,5b0 with 81*00 dewn. Cell Hadley 797- *739.____________________ IN RELAXED~bTRMINOHAM NEIGHBORHOOD By owner. 3 bedroom brick colonial, IV, bathi, large living room with natural fireplace, full dining room, eellng apace In kitchen, paneled basement, gel heat. Well landscaped 50' x 130' lot. 2W car garage. S34.900, Cell 044-983I._ IRWIN' BETWEEN HOLLY AND Fanton, by owner, new 3 bedroom home. lVa baths* landscape. $18*900. Will dis-|EAST SIDE LAND CONTRACT count for cash. AAA 9-9376* Fanton. | TERMS. 2 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, basrrit., gas heat. Only $8,000 with BEVERLY HILLS EVA HOWARD DNTf ng r Mjfh, Loadina dock and parkIna lot for TW0 BEDROOM DREAM HOUSE — $1,000 down on land contract or $250 20 cars. S175 per month. MAytelr sPaclous bul C“Y- Family room1 down plus closing costs on FHA. 6-1710. i (With tlraplace. STORE BUILDING T0x60, street In Pontiac. $95 per mo. 33-6-8109. —p j garage, carpeting and drapes.|2 FAMILY INCOME. Apt. No. 1 — 4 M*101 Beautiful treed lot. Perfect for small Plastering Service Restaurants LISTINGS WANTED Due to the quick salt of our used homes, we are In need of r«w, listings on good clean used homes, muuckn Call now for your free appraisal. COLUMBIA VALLEY REALTY ANDERSON & GILFORD INC. 674-3141 WE TRADE 674-2297 Lower 5 rooms, utilities furnished. $30 wk., $75 dep. FE 5- 7133._______„_____________________ MODERN 3 ROOMS. All utilities I turn, including washer and__dryer roadways. Same location since 1920. Also selling asphalt and sealer. Ann Arbor Construction Co. MAple 5-5891 DOMINO CONST. CO—^— Asphat Paving. Free Quotes. *74-3955. bfelVEWAY. SPECIALIST, . 335-4980, free estimate._____________ PARKING LOTS, DRIVES, etc. Ask .about 2 years free maintenance. Fred's 338-3694. R. O. 547-7111. SELHOST ASPHALT S, Sealcoating. Fre* estimates. 363-7989. If no answer. 674-2920._____________________ complete septic work, bulldozing, Silver take basement, dry wells. 682*3042 or 391-3519. Fencing ACKER FENCES 25 yr. exparltnca* Ponllac area, Fence repairs* prompt service 682-5482. Teleqrapha t Huron. Road Grading PRIVATE DRIVES, SUBDIVISIONS, parktng^ Roofing Cash Buytrs. YORK LOTS WANTED larger* any locai .on. 674-0363 LOTS-WANTED IN PONTIAC Immediate closing. REAL VALUE REALTY, 642-4220 * —---- wants starter home In Pontiac. Has $1500 to put down. Agent 338-6993. CHAIN LINK FENCES, MAILBOX RORM posts installed, free estimates, 11 estimates. week service. 338-0297 or 674-3961.1 Pontiac Roofing A-l ROOFING, NEW AND old, free No children or pels. Near General Hospital. 131 Oneida. S125 per mo. Call FE 3-7494,____________________ ______ _ ROOM TERRACE. Stove, refrigerator. $150. See Mgr. at 2403 James K. BlydjMH-9587. MODERN APARTMENT BUILDING rooms and bath, on bus line, Rant Miscellaneous 48 STALL GARAGE TO RENT out for storage or? 22 W. Kennett or after 4 p.m. call FE 2-8083. family. $39,5001 BENIAMIN 6c BISHOP, INO. 259 S. Woodward NORTHSIDE OF PONTIAC garage gT for storage, FE 2-6935. —---- --------*-------------------BIRMINGHAM and bath, renting at $30 per week Full basmt.* oil heat. Just $9,000 with $250 down plus closing cost. FE 2-6412 Miller Realty 670 W. Huron SoIb Houses 49 BY OWNER, I Needs some work. OR 3-/314. main floor, 40 years or older, $92,[2 BEDROOM HOME, WATERFORD -------- area — Lake privileges. 673-1891. bedroom, family room, fireplace, basement, gas heat, 2 car garage, fenced yard, walking distance to schools and shopping center, Ml 4-1177. From 9:30 to 5 p.m. tor ap-pointment. 682-8884. Bools and Accessories^ BIRMINGHAM BOAT CENTER Stercraft, I.M.P. S' 11 v e r 11 n *. Mercury outboards end stern drives. 1265 S. Woodward at Adams Rd. ________ PONTIAC FENCE CO. 5932 Dixie Hy„ Wattrford_623-10401 Floor Sanding A-l ROOFING, CALL for our free! estimates. Springfield Bldg., Co.I 625-2128. RAY REAL ESTATE Now has 7 offices to better serve i your community. For best results! in: NEW ROOFS FOR OLD. HOT ROOF-shingles, 24 hrs., free estimate, repair roofs. FE 8-1725., FLOOR SANDING AND finishing, expertly done, insured, guaranteed, free estimates. 879-0598, 755-5085. Broakwotor Construction I. G. SNYDER. FLOOR LAYING sanding and finishing. FE S-0592. Floor Tiling S mSTALLEDNG334^76R7^ATui NNCUSTOM FLOOR COVERING. _LI-CONSTRUCTION CO. Building Modernization Garden Plowing RE-ROOFING - ROOF repali eavestrough. Free estimate. 33^ 4060 or FE 4-1969.________ WOMACK ROOFING CO. Free estimates FE 8-454 iSHdateUlilt, 1-1 BULLDOZING, FINISHED grade, gravel, top soil. M. Cook. 682-6145. GARAGE 20 x 20' — $875. Cement [GARDEN work, Free estimate Springfield Bidg., co. 625-2128. - I Gutters-Downspouts CARAGES — 20 x 20 $785, 14 ki—,---------------~~~ I ■ M. & S. GUTTER CO BLACK DIRT, vibrator processed, loaded or delivered, 7 days, 120 PLOWING AND yard! Opdyke, near Auburn.___________________ grading. Reas. 625-4073, FE 8-8954. [DRIVE WAY GRAVEL, mason sand, SELLING TRADING BUYING Your real estate today, call: RAY REAL ESTATE 689-0760 RAY REAL ESTATE 731-0500 ROCHESTER MANOR Enjoy Living in Scenic Rochester Area "+’heBesfV*TO Quiet, friendly atmosphere, carpatadp air conditioned, haat# swimming pool* recitation facility. 1- BEDROOM, $140 2- BEDROOM, $165 Visit our model and see the best! rental value in Rochester area. Take Rochester Rd. to Parkdale, Parkdaie to 810 Plate Rd. Inquire1 at manager's house. CALL: 651-7772 MLS 2-ST0RY BIRMINGHAM BLOOMFIELD CITY CAPE COD 4 BEDROOMS* Two full baths. Living room with fireplace. Dining room. Carpeting. Draperies. Air conditioner. Full basement with BIRMINGHAM AREA. Elegance On 2 choice lots. This . .,,- large' family home In beautiful WING LAKE Semmole HMis' features' 3 ample bedrooms* floored attic* fireplace in living room* separate dining room, full basement and gas heat. There's also a 2-car garage. Priced to sell at $19,250. Enjoy Your Vacation Private beach for residents of this street. Large modern Ranch on VERY LARGE SITE. Living rm with Jireplace* dining ell. Paneled library. First-floor family, room covered porch. 3 bedrooms, baths. Thermopane windows. Carpeting. Water and gas in street. Many features. $57,900. You won't need to fight the traffic, your complete recreation area is all here. 3 bedrooms, lVa baths* w *r fully carpeted, 2 car garage, 42' WEST BEVERLY HILLS recreation room, on 2 lots ir peaceful Clarkston. $39,500 com plete. SPOT CWSH“ FOR YOUR EQUITY, VA, FHA, DR OTHER. FOR QUICK ACTION CALL NOW. HAGSTROM REALTOR, OR 4-0358 OR EVENINGS FE 4-7005. NOW LEASING BLOOMFIELD MANOR 1 and 2 bedroom luxury apartments built-in Hot Point appliances* models ORCHARD COURT APARTMENTS 1 2 bedroom apartments Adults Manager-Apt. 6. 19 Salmer 20 $785* \4 x . 20 $590, any size. Cement work-, free est. Pedy-Bllt garage. OR 3- 5619. {FILL SAND, ROAD GRAVEL* fill dirt, black dirt, topsoil, reas. 623-1372. Carpentry A-l INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR -Family rooms, rough or finished; dormers* porches, recreation rooms, kitchens, bathrooms. State licensed. Reas. Call after 5 p.m 682-0648._____________________________ CARPENTRY AND PAINTING New and repair. FE 5-1331 INTERIOR FINISH, kitchens panel ing, 40 years Experience, FE 2> 1235. ______________ WANTED CABINET WORK of all kinds and repair work. OR 3-1402. Carpet Cleaning BUS. DIR. — CARPET CLEANING EXCELLENT CARPET CLEANING *52-3007, after 3:30.___^_ Carpet Installation Cement Work -'bond![ LOADING TOP SOIL AND dirt. ed. 673-6866. transferred couple with Rent Houses, Furnished 39 $5000 down desires 3-bedroomj~ home in Waterford area. Agent. OR 2 BEDROOM TRAILER, adults only, 4-1*49.________;_) $U0 mo. 628-1402, after 5 p.m. WE BUY LOTS ON Union Lake, ---------- insect Control Sign Painting SMALL 1 ROOM HOUSE In Lake Orion, suitable for couple or single, completely turn, inciud util, $25 weekly, dep. required. 693-6613._ SMALL HOUSE, 1 BEDROOM* Dixie • • a a Hwy. and Telegraph Rd, area Apartments, Furnished 371 Adults. $25 week, mwwl__________ Walled Lake or Commerce ares, please call us 363-7001, Eve. 887-4553. Frank Marotta & Assoc., 3195 Union Lake Rd. SMALL 7 BEDROOM home. White MOSQUITO CONTROL No lob too!AVAILABLE: SIGN SERVICE, other'l-ROOM, PRIVATE bath and en-| Lake Township."682-5181.-------------------- Mb4QG/ w SliaiL Free °e,lobcs,H Misc,£aintjng, 673-1607 332-34H. | 8<,im' S20Rent Houses, Unfurnished 40 Spraying, 674-3945, 628-1552. |M 8. M SIGN SERVICE, sign pain- -geP '- WK• g"1'’*'!-—---- 1 — -------^ j ■ | Ing and neon repair, reas. rates. 1 ROOM KITCHENETTE, bachelor, Landscaping I FE 5-7148, FE 5-3288. . private, north end, FE 2-4376. — -----------------------------T... Traitamlnn CavwSra ' ' BEDROOM MODERN, utilities 1-A MERION BLUE SOD, pickup or! 1 rBC 1 rimming jerviLC paid, adults, 10003 Dixie. 625-2546. The Rolfe H. Smith Co. Sheldon B. Smith, Realtor 244 S. TELEGRAPH RD. 333-7848 2-BEDROOM NEAR Clarkston* lake pnvw g^s^ieat, very neat and 2- bedroom in Pontiac* full basement, cyclone fenced yard* handy location near Baldwin* $13,500. 3- bedroom brick in Waterford* all the extrds including bath ' Vs, finished basement, 2'^-car garage and much more, $26,90ff about $3,000 down. 3-bedroom bungalow In LeBarron Farms* near Pontiac Motors Engineering, exc. neighborhood, full basement, 2-car garage, quick possession — $17,500 — about $2000 down. MENZIES REAL ESTATE Office 625-5485 After 5:00 625-2775 or 673-7146 I BEDROOM, AUBURN HEIGHTS area. $125 mo. $125 dep. Adults only. No pets. UL 2-3123. !, 3 AND 4 BEDROOMS, newly decorated. $49 down. We buy homes. Art Daniels Realty, 1230 N. Milford Rd. 685-1567 or 7030 ■ Dexter-Pinckney Rd. 426-4696. del. 4643J>herwood. 628-2000.___ A-1 ~ ME RI ON BLUE sod, lop soil# sand, gravel, bulldozing. 338-8201 i TPFF SFTRVirP ay »•, j JROOMEFF 1C IE NCY, private bath 1 TREE SERVICE BY BJl , and entrance. FE 5-0494. , . Free estimate,.FE 5-4449, 674-3510. | -SLgb'pT*T^-----------s------- A-1 BULLDOZING. FINISH grading Adowntown, 1 Backhoe. Complete land^ping,' free estimate, 682-1397, 673-7160.____ ] 335.7942 ------ — 1-1201,! B&B BEDROOM HOME. Northside, 1 child only, carpeting. Refs. sec. dep. FE 2-2254, FE 8-3023. 674-2639, A-1 TREE SERVICE. Fully in-sured. Trimming, removal. Free stimates. 391-0488, 724-8611. Pontiac. COMPLETE LANDSCAPING.,______________________________■______ Specializing in broken concrete*[TREE TRIMMING AND REMOV-retaining walls. Free estimates. H. Waltman. FE 8-8314. AL's DEPENDABLE lawn maintenance* cutting, fertilizing, spring clean up. 673-3992. COMPLETE LANbsCAPING. All work guaranteed. Merion Blue peat sod, delivered 42c yard. Stone—all types. -We have a landscape architect 4f—desire^.-- M-o^fH^o-e Landscaping Co. FE 3-7438, FE 2-4969. *• j COMPLETE LANDSCAPING AND gardening, 11 years experience* FE 8-9452, McCall and Stout. Reasonable. 391-0538.____ TREE TRIMMING AND removal Skip's Tree Service. 693-2711. Trucking service. ROOMS. NO DRINKERS, children or pets. Couple. P.O. Box 3489, Pontiac. 2 ROOMS, BATH, couple or lady, by Chrysler Dealer. FE 8-0784. 2 ROOMS AND BATH, attractively decorated* no children, or— pet* 335-7942. _________________ HAULING AND RUBBISH. NAME I your price. Any time. FE 8-0095. 12-ROOM UPPER WORK, j COMPLETE DHQdSCAPTNG^ A7!! U<^T«J?*cy any *,nd and ____________,... ..... Merlon and Kentucky Blue sod,!B----------------------------- a ROOMS NEWLY decorated. CITY SIDEWALKS*. Drives_ and So laid and delivered. Seeding. (Re-; LIGHT HAULING. Of ANY kind and J prjVate entrance. From $60 dep. BEDROOMS, LIVING ROOM, dining room, carpeted, lVa bath, 2 car garage, available till Nov., possibility to buy at this time, $150 monthly, 334-4296.__________ _______ 4-BEDROOM SYLVAN Village, 2>/a-car garage, carpeting and drapes, built-in oven and stove. 334-2521. PONTIAC AREA. LAKE front. 2 bedrooms. Garage. 2 baths. Gas heat. Newly decorated. Security deposit required. $180 month. 682-SI 90 eves. 642-8070 days._____________ WESTSIDE 6 ROOM brick, gas heat, basement and garage, $150 month, , and dep.* 673-6339.______________________ Rent Lake Cottages 41 ! FAMILY HOUSE NEAR Oakland University, newly decorated* 2 car garage, gas, upstairs completely turn. Comfortable home, income producer, by owner, call after 6, 335-4389. I BEDROOM BRICK, PANELED basement, carpeted living room, 2V> car parage, well-landscaped lot* Clarkston, A-l condition. Save Commission, $24,900* by appolhtment only. 625-4179.________, ’________ 3-BEDROOM RANCH CANAL FRONT LOT, PANELING* STONE 10x36'* 2 CAR GARAGE. $20*500. COMMERCE LAKE FRONT — 3 BEDROOMS* LARGE LIVING ROOM* FIREPLACE* Targe lot. $19*900. FLATTLEY REALTY 620 COMMERCE RD. 363-6981 CLEAN. Couple. No di'tnkers. Ref. FE 2-9634. bedrms. Phone traverse City, 947: 3-B E D R O O M TRI-LEVEL By 8343. J owner. Large kitchen and family room. Carport. Patio in fenced backyard. Near schools. Good lake privileges. $18,200. 673-2393. COTTAGES Forth, Phone Pontiac, 391-3516. ALL gaining walls, ties and concrete).: odd fobs. FE 5-4226 CFMFNT WO»K OF AU type. ! *87-5148 and 673-1972. , _______ LIGHT HAULING, REASONABLE Garage building. Room additions MARION BLUE PEAT SOD, 40 rates. FE 8-V266. and modernization. CUSTOM), cents per yard. Delivered CONCRETE COMPANY. 625*2249.1 J904.________________________________j 0dd jobs FE 4.2347 Cement work of all kinds. j NOW DELIVERING AAA 1 merlon light REMODELED Otsego Lake, 4 miles Gaylord. Carpeted, new kitchens, Pontiac from $30 wk. 674-1581. ROOMS AND BATH. $100 dep., — | $160 a month. No children or pets. LIGHT HAULING OF ANY KIND | 334-7231. Call bet. 5:30-9._ FURNISHED, UL 2-4751 CEMENT WORK, GARAGE floors, ..patios*, driveways* _ si .d;.e^«t a J K .a l "1 basement '^floors and srhall ad* dition. 673-7548. 'CEMENT WORK. ALL KINDS. I ___332-1639 ___( CEMENT WORKrGARAGE floors#1 patios, driveways, sidewalks > basement floors and small ad-; blue sod. 42c per yd. dei. 753-9573. SOD HAULED AND LAID. 673-3558. GRADING, PLOWING, DISKING. OR 3-1589 LIGHT AND HEAVY TRUCKING* rubbish, fill dirt> ~gradlng and gravel and front-end loading. F E 2-0603. ROOMS NICELY bath and private e ntrance. Norton St-. dition, sea walls, 25 yeari standing" proof. 673-7548. COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL j •nd residential. Block and cement work. GUINN'S CONST. CO. ___ 334-7677 or 391-2671 ill U L T-l -C-OL O R E D—PATTOSr1 driveways* sidewalks and floors. —Licensed, Bonded. Ted —Elwood 682-3373. . 1 town Service LAWN SPRINKLING PUMPS, pipe 3-2121_ LAWN SPRAYING, FERTILIZER*) carb grass killer and weed killers.' Call for free estimate. 674-3945.! 628-1552: TT~8rTrrSftrayiftg. ~ — lumber 1V4»Ton Stake! AND EQUIPMENT Semi Trailers Pontiac Farm and Industrial Trader Co 3 ROOMS AND BATH. Also 4 rooms and bath. Utilities -furnlshecL 435. weekly, deposit required^! 574-2395. 3 LOVELY ROOMS AND bath. Carpeted. Utilities and garage.-Mb acres. North side. No children. $35 per week. $75 security deposit. >ferences required. FE 2-6375 3 ROOMS, BATH ____Cali Ml 4-1456_______ ROOMS. EVERYTHING private. Couple only. Rdf. FE 4-7051. % day linens provided. June 15 until Aug.j3 BEDROOM, BASEMENT, garage, 31. Weekly. Call aft. 4 p.m. 334- near Northern High, 686 Second. 2655.___________________| FE 5-7643.________________________________________ CHEMUNG LAKE FRONT available LAKE for June. 2 bedroom, furnished, gas heat, Fireplace, sunporCh, boat. $100 wk. or $300 mo. 517-546^420. COTTAGE FOR RENT on Torch Laker . -€811-363-9758 Of -QiL M49» -FURNISHED 2 BEDROOM lake front cottage. Boat, raft, gas heat, full bath. Available May through “September. Season* monthly or weekly. Call 673-8487 after 5 P.M. NEW 2 BEDROOM YEAR around ... Cass Lake. Seasonal • rental. June, July, Aug. $2100. Available May 1, 682-2024. _________ home13-BEDROOM HOME on Chippewa, 2 fireplaces, full _ basement, 2 large lots, 2-car garage — $24,500, 20 per cent down. 6 per cent contract. NORTH END 2-bedroom home, full basement. Large—loir--$6jt5(fc--$L580o down. Payments less than rent. BACKUS REALTY 682-7131 Eves. 338-1695 Quality* built special Ranch. Beautifully constructed and built for owner. Family rm. Library. 3 large bedrooms, I'/a baths. Basement all tiled and with cedar closets, dehumidlfiar and refrigerator. E n c I os e d porch. Fenced yard beautifully maintained. Sprinkler system. Central AIR CONDITIONING. Birmingham RENTING $78 Mo. Excluding taxes and Insurance ONLY $10 Deposit WITH APPLICATION 3-BEDROOM HOME WILL, ACCEPT ALL APPUCA. TIONS FROM ANY WORKERS, WIDOWS OR DIVORCEES. PEOPLE WITH CREDIT PROB-L E M S AND RETIREES ARE OKAY WITH US. OPEN DAILY AND SAT. AND SUN. or come to 290 W Kennett Neer Baldwin REAL VALUE REALTY For Immediate Actum Call FE 5-3676 642-4220 Fred Pierce Inc., Realtor Bloomfield Hills Colonial* Large brick home with 5 bedrooms, 2 baths and powder room. Formal dining room, fireplace in family room, large dining room. Breakfast room and bullt-lns in the kitchen, gas u^cllQql$-,uEXCELL^IJdjQM^^Q^)heaL.naWit.cafrgaragt,r.*Uta.(>ntranrg*,_WELL HERE IS YOUR ENTERTAINING. $62,500. walk In closets in the masfei^j^^ 5-ACRE COUNTRY ESTATE GORGEOUS HILLTOP 5 acre Ravine site overlooking r»n enrhMtar Road A truly Deluxe'bubbling brook, 6 bedroom, ays home. Marvellous * construction of Soloo' beaut ,ul quality brick. Full basement. Solarium.1 older home. $89,500. *Family room with slate floor Huge living room. 3 fireplaces, bedrooms and library which could be 4th bedroom. Solid, picturesque Barn (could even be converted to a house). TOO MANY FEATURES TO DESCRIBE. MUST BE SEEN $86,900. 5VS per cent mortgage Ml 7-1414 1GAYLORD NORTHERN HIGH 3 bedroom home with 1’ garage and fantad Jot. KEEG0 HARBOR bedroom home with GEORGE IRWIN, REALTOR MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE 298 W. Walton FE 3-7883 LAKE PRIVILEGES 4-bedroom colonial* full basement 2Mi-cer garage. 45 days possession. $28,900.00 ' \ l£___674-2297 N LARGE BUNGALOW room, full basement, gas heal and garage. Needs some flxln'. Owners Agent 674-1698. _ LARGE WOODED LAKE LOTS Private lake with no public access. Near Rifle River. Miles of beautiful shoreline, this property has never been offered for sale before. Adjacent to the Ogemaw State Forest. Building sites never before accessable except by fire trails. For further Information write Columbia Realty* 2820 W. Maple Rd., Troy* Mich., 48084. Or caI[Jack Stanton, 642-7200._ LAND CONTRACT TERMS Newly Decorated 5 room bungalow, 2V) car garage. Extra sharp. Save Red Tape. CALL YORK WE BUY FE 8-7176 702 S. Telegraph WE TRADE FE 6-7176 Pontiac LIVE A LITTLE Extra sharp 3 bedroom brick ranch, with dlshwakher and built-1ns, full basement, plus patio. E-Z terms. CALL. u”' wrtBUY ________ FE 8-7176 1702 S. Telegraph WEJTttAP— FE 8-7176 Pontiac LOTS OF GOODIES FOR ONLY $600 DOWN FHA (no down If1 you're a Veteran) we have all kinds of goodies in this home, 2 bedrooms, hardwood floors# carpeted living and dining room, family room, basement* City Northside. $17,500. so purchase this 3 bedroom Baslc-Bilt alum, sided ranch on 67' x 130' corner site near Crescent Lake. Electric and rough plumbing are In. We will furnish materials to finish* and add to contract. $12,120 as Is. HAGSTROM,* Realtor 4900 W. Huron MLS OR 4-0358 EVES. FE 4-7005 MODERN 5 ROOMS with corner lot, lake priv. Elizabeth Lk., Sacrifice. Exc. Investment. LI 8-0382. INCOME 10 room duplex for $10,500. Needs some work to finish. Most of material on premises. Quick possession. Call MY 2-2821, FE 8-9693. TWO ACRE?. T- room ranch trovnef "iO years old, lots and lots of ex-,tras. 24x26 garage. Two fireplaces. Owner transferred. Let us show you now. Call MY 2-2821, FE 8-3 bedroom brick trl-level wim 2 car MODEL HOME OPEN SAT., SUN. 1-5 MON. THRU THURS. 5-8 9693. GAYLORD INC. 2 W. Flint St., Lake Orion MY 2-2821 FE 8-9693 HERRINGTON HILLS bedroom brick, large carpeted living room, attractive Kitchen, full basement with gas heat, fenced lot on paved street. FHA or Gl terms. TOM REAGAN REAL ESTATE MS) N. Opdyke ___332-0156 HIITER NEAR UNION LAKE — Owner Says —If sell''—this large ^bedroom home. Features dishwasher, washer and dryer, deep freeze, 16 x 20 family robm, full basement. 3 lots..$23,500, terms. OAKLAND HILLS LESS THAN YEAR OLD DELUXE HOME. Very large and quality built. 4 bedrooms, 3 full baths, 2 tavs. Marble foyer and vanities. Gorgeous family room with green marble facing over fireplace. Formal living room and elegant formal dining room. Per fee t kitchen end large family dining room — all with carpeting. Lush Inclusions and features. *139,500. SNYDER KINNEY & BENNETT Birmingham Ml 4-7000 6« JO 4-6565 BLOOMFIELD HILLS This large custom built brick ranch style home Is well located ■ on a large-high well landscaped lot, overlooking golf .course and beautiful scenic country-side. Entrance hall with slate and cork floor leads Into a 16x20 ft. carpeted living room and dining room. 3 bedrooms, 2 ceramic tile baths,'NORTH SIDE — Owner says __ . , . . - . large well arranged kitchen, offer" on this neat 3-bedroom with ne^ conveniences that .add up ledgestone fireplace, p I a s t e r e d full basement, fenced lot. Gl or! elegance without _ extravagance" wans, oak floors, awnings, full I FHA terms, basement, 2Vi-car heated garage. For full information can owner 335-1065, aft, 6 P.m. BUY FOR $13 Newly painted Inpome. Has .2 apartments first floor, t apartment up. Full, basement, 2-car. Yearly INCOME IS *3640. Substantial down required. -C SCHUETT attached garage, IV2 baths, finished family room. From $19,400 plus lot. Model located on Williams Lake Rd. 1 block north of Union Lake Village.. Also We Build 3 bedroom trl-level with IVb car garage, $13,600 plus lot. 3 bedroom ranch with 2 car garage and full basement* $15,700 plus lot. 4 bedroom colonial with 2Vi baths, family room, formal and informal dining areas. Basement, 2 car garage, $29,200 plus tot. Let us dispose of. your present home and place you In a new one this year. J. C. HAYDEN, Realtor 363-6604 10735 Highland Rd. (M-59) Va mile west of Oxbow Lake - MODEL ’ OPEN DAILY 9-9 SUNDAY 2-8 P.M. take Tasteful luxury and carefully plan- 3,956 FE 3-7088 MA 3-0288 SAND POINT. NEAR Sandy. beach. Sleeps yveek. 632-5403. bet Casevllle. 6. $85 per and 8 p.m. 825 S. WOODWARD FB 4-0461 FE 4-1442 . Open Dally Including Sunday ' Water Softeners r~R'007A5 AN D BATFL ctoie TUT downtown, single person or couple, 335-7942. •_____________ -UNION____LAKE FRONT. E_P_LlJ ROOMS, PRIVATE entrance, couple .only, no drinkers, no pets. 332-9579. 4 NOTHING TOO LARGE OR small,! DAII DHAH TICC commercial or residential, special1- KAILKUALJ Hlj spring price, 29 yr. experience.!-Hardwo&d lurnbfer* ail sizes ..... ______ I__________ _____________________________________ _ Free estimates. 623-1372.______general use, 626-7653. —- --—--------------------^-IAT LAKE 'ORION, Modern 3 rooms PATIOS, DRIVES, , GARAGES TALBOTT LUMBER SALES AND RENTALS. and bath, adults. vMY 3-1809.—_ SLABS — 40 cents sq. ft. FE 4- Glass service, wood dr alumlnum.|Culllgan Water Condt. 334-9944! BAQ4E>ORS EFFICIENCY apart- 2876, days.________________. j Building and Hardware suppliesOWN-----------Tf—OR RENT—free' ***. bllto pfjd estimates, ask for Earl, 682- 1025 Oakland FE 4-4595 A<^IEUOR_ _______________ . mwr all bills paid, $25 weekly pljus sec, dep. 62S-3125 eves. Credit Advisor* Moving, Storage WaH Cleaners ( KITCHENETTE. SUITABLE for 1 or 2 adults. 9470 Pontiac Lk. Rd. 673-1040. If it'* at all possible — we do our,_____________________________________ best. Read Classification I6 A then SMITH MOVING CO Your or call Debt, Aid* _ Specialists, FE 4-4864 WASHING, reasonable. *04 Community Banking. FE 2-OH1 i.•-.iSgnFai.,..A L L cJr^lA.NE5s-1 — --~ —r — -SNYDER BRJDS^ oiawn* Wa,,s cleaned. Reas^Satlsfadlon pR|VATg Dressmaking, Tailoring Mower Service ALTERATIONS, ALL TYPES. KNIT dresses, leather coats- 682-9533. ]■ -- ” ” ^ ^ . . ^ j . BCT.TY JO'S DRESSMA.KING iSMITTY'S LAWN MOWER repair| __ Weddings, alterations. 6/£3/U4 jrervicl. U$wJ"fi8»h mowerai DRESSMAKING AND ALTERA- f.0or 3861 Elizabeth Lk. Rd.1 TIONS I _ 882 9755 FE 4-8139 MILLS WALL WASHING and window cleaning. David Mills, FE 4-7686. Welding 7605 . ROOMS U P P E R , Westside, couple only, FE 6-3248. UPPER 3 ROOMS AND bath, private entrance, couple only, no children. FE 5-8232. _ STUDIO APARTMENT season preferred. Couple. Screened porches, sleeps 12, fireplace showers. Sandy beach. UN 3-7627. WEEKLY.”' Laker Offim tak» ^front cottages. 693-1076.______________ 3. Bedrooms low down payment, NO MORTGAGE COSTS MODEL OPEN 510 California 1:30 to 5 p.m. — 6-day week WEST0WN REALTY WHITMORE LAKE, .Urge 4-bedroom, spacious lot, good beach, ideal place for a families or lots of guests, call 1-449-2668. i BEDROOM RANCH ,ON water, brick facing on 4 sides, 1800 sq. ft., will consider land contract, must see Inside to appreciate* 673-7638, after 5. Rent Rooms 42 KITCHENETTE APARTMENT ON Pontiac Lake, no pets or children, Royal^Apls.* 0180 Highland _Rd. 673- CLEAN SLEEPING ROOMS. FE 4- BASEMENT APARTMENT and sleeping room, FE 4-4825. CLEAN SLEEPING room. 3063 Greenwood St. Auburn Heights. 673-6512 _5641. 350 W. Huron LIVE IN DOWNTOWN Pontiac's Waldron Hotel, completely furnished rooms, rates begin at $21 weekly. Contact Mr. Shields, 36 E. Pike St. or call 332-6591 bet, 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Drywall SPECIALIZED GUARANTEED, Dry wall, new and remodel, FE >1419. Driven Training APPROVED AUTO DRIVING school. FE 8-9444. Free home pickup. Plumbing & Heating CONORA PLUMBING & HEATING Sewer, water lines — FE 8-0643. DUCT WORK made installed./ Hot, cold q'ty* added. 758-3577.___ Piano Tuning CHET'S PORTABLE WELDING, wrought iron, boom truck service, demolition work. 693-6860. _ FERGUSON'S PORTABL > WELDING. 673-6390. JIM'S PORTABLE WELDING 52/3 Well Drilling !" WELL DRILLING -changed and pump service 1831 MAt , downtown, 2 rooms and, LOVELY ROOM FOR professional Apartments, Unfurnishad 38 BEDROOM INCLUDING . I utilities, j New stove and refrfg. Neat ana clean, adults. FE 2-1050. _ 3EDROOM. NEW. NEAR MALL — Carpeted. Appliances. Air and sound conditioned, heated. Rec. room. Adults, no pets. From $140. FE 5-8585._____________________________ “ ROOMS AND BATH, carpeted, stove ■» and refrigerator, utilities furnished, W. side. Adults, dep.. SLEEPING ROOM for man, home privileges, 338-4613._________ va\ rurnisneo, w. siuv, muuii», u•*»., SLEEPING ’ ROOMS IN white **'*'"“ m\ $125 ajnonth. FE_2-09181 3-ROOM APARTMENT. Stove ajid! SLEEPING FOR GIRL. $13 a week 7111. NICE CLEAN ROOM tor gentleman. Private entrance. 245 Nelson, FE 4-4373. SAGAMORE MOTEL* SINGLE occupancy, $30 per week. Maid service, TV, telephone. 7S9 S. Woodward.____________________________.i & 3 MODELS OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAY Drlv, out M59 lust west ot Cats Ltke Rd. to Candalstick. Direct;, behind the Dan Mattingly Builnt«t Cantar. OAN MATTINGLY ■ FE 5-9497 ^OL 1-0321 r m REAL ESTATE Lincoln Jr. High — 1 block — IVa-story bungalow, 2 bedrooms, 1 dormatory sized up, basement, 1-car garage — quiet paved street, priced $10,500. Gl* FHA.* less for cash. 5844 DIXIE HWY. 623-1400 OR 3-0455 673*372 628-21^8 10 ACRES-CLARKSTON _ __i E.Z. Terms. CALL YORK WE BUY OR 4-0363 47)3 Dlxla Hwy. WE TRADE OR 4-0363 Orayton Plains BY OWNER, SYLVAN LAKE. 3 bedroom ranch, radiant haat, tlraplace, 2 car garage. Lake prlv. 586-3774. __________ BY OWNER — 2 BEDROdto house near High school, large lot. 475 W. First, Imlay City. 724-9745, BY BUILDER.-Immediate possession. 3 bedroom. Aluminum siding. Full basement. Gas forced air heat, oak ftoora, ceramlc bath, completely decorated. 1 acre lot. *17,900. Dwight Patterson. 391-3*4).____ BY OWNER, 2-BEDROOM home, with garaga, 682-32M. BY OWNER, TROY, FRAME 4 bedroom, baths, basement, gas, 26 car garage, carpet and drapes; 2 lireplacas, bullt-lns. Owner must sell. Immediate possession. Best offer over *20,000. 16 Milo-Llver-nols area. 689-0671. BY OWNER, OVER an country style_ _ living, acre ot __^ n a w I __; remodeled ' otdar Rome, bedrooms, 23' kitchen, good In-vestment property, 651-2165._ CLARKSTON 10 semi-wooded acres with large barn and tl room modernized farm home lust waiting for you and your horses. Land It high, seml-wooded and scenic. Near f-75 freeway, *36,900, substantial down. 30 acres, springs, streams and cash. UNDERWOQD 8665 Dlxla Hwy. , 625-MIS Cosh ForYour Equity HACKETT 363-6703 refrigerator, heat, lights and gas) Close to Mall. 334-6370. turn. .Ideal for bachelor. S.00 ™ Rmmi witll Board 40 ACRE COUNTRY HOME FE 4-4481. call ROOMS WITH BATH between 3:38-7 p.m. 332-0075._ ROOM APARTMENT, adults, $25 weekly plus security dep., evas. 625-3125.__ CADILLAC. BUILDING being modernized. 3 room apts. $90 to $100. WO 2-3825. 431ln beautiful setting near Lapaar, at-. tractive 2-bedroom\hoint with r base--x..- merit, barn with 4, ox stalls and 1 OR 2 GENTLEMEN. HOME | grain storage, wooded area in back of buildings* 25 ft. wide Flint river atmosphere. Fine food- 338-3255. CLEAN ROOM with good food. Private driveway. Men only. 335-4297. within site of housfc, $52*500* terms* C. A. WEBSTER, Realtor 692-2291 *21-2*15 ir CLARKSTON EAST SIDE — 5 rooms and bath* basement,. Wz-car garage. $10,250, Gl terms. Call HIITER REALTY, 3792 Etiz. Lake Rd. 682-8080, after $ p.m, 682-4653. ~ HOWARD T. KEATING 22060 W. 13 Mile, Birmingham 646-1234 566-7959 A Beautiful Nature Sanctuary —xo~*rrer,,“fflTTy yna woodio; ttwwt bogs. A, lake could be made. Cabin Is sided and partitioned with white oak planks, has restful screen porch, inviting stone fireplace, loft sleeping quarters with one bedroom down. Modern excellent - wettr septlc, and electric pump. Ideal tor lovers of nature. Year around* but best for summer living as snow presents a problem. Priced at $32*000. Really secluded. Beautiful Wa-Me-Gah lake Unrecorded subdivision* 65 acres* more or less. Some .high ground. Approximately Vb mile of lake frontage. Some marsh. Sold with meets and bounds description* Another nature sanctuary* suitable for a Camp or Club. Listed at $90,000* Jbut owner will accept a reasonable offer. Older Farm House with Small Acreage _ 2 >|orv occupied house. Huge1 stately frees In beiufTJuT yard, small barn. Just off black-fop on scerfld country road. 10 acres. A good buy at $35,000. Not far from rtonville* Oxford, and 9 or 10 miles from Drayton Plains. In Same Area Adlacent to this* 70 acres# .mora or mean more in a "Frushour-Angell" built home. That's why you can still have that new home of your dreams, built on your lot for only $18,400. Why don't you bring your family over to. inspect our n^odel at 1052 N. Cass Lake Road today. Sales exclusively by RAY O'NEIL REALTY 3520 Pontiac Lake Road OR 4-2222_______V___________- MLS NORTHERN HIGH AREA 3-bedroom. bungalow with Carpeted living room* dining and hall. Aluminum awning over front porch* fenced lot and lVa-car -»• garage* ■ Gan-bfr~-bouqht, ‘Oir"1tft1tAr terms. GEORGE IRWIN* REALTOR MULTIPLE‘LISTING SERVICE 298 W. Walton FE 3-7883 ORION — NEW 3 BEDROOM brick —and—atomhwm ranch on -TOOx W-$ loping tot with trees* 2 baths, bullt-lns* VM Insulation, large closet# exposed basement* gas heat. $21,500 with $2,150 down plus closing costs. spring fed lake and stream property, 2 ml. N. of 1-75 near Baldwin Rd. Quick Occupancy. $29,500. GREEN ACRES 1469 S. Lapetr Rd, MY 3-6262 " OUR PROGRAM 3513 Elizabeth Lake Rd. . ____ Pontiac, or phone: 682-3850 bedrm., 2 bath, recreation Higher, prlce-wItaT Same location In Brandon ToWMhlp. C- Nelsey, Sale* Agent, Davlsburg 313-625-3298 or 634-9625 ___ Evening calls welcome Aluminum tiding ranch In wooded ,area, need* loma work, full price. *7.950. Land Contract Term*. CALL . YORK WB BUY // we TRADS OR 4-0363 // OR 4-0363 4713 Dlxla Hwy. //Orayton Plain* JOHNSON WATERFORD TOWNSHIP 5 room ranch homa, nice and clean with 5 lot* *11 fenced. Ideal Her starter home tor a young cou-' pte, or a retirement home for an Si der couple. Tho full pries la only 13,500. THINKING t About building a new home? Spring I* hare and now Is the time lo start that new home you have alway* wanted. Will build to your plan* or our*. Call us today. Attar 6 call Jack Jell *82-0212. JOHNSON 1705 8. Telegraph Rd. FB 4-2533 Is designed to save you thousands. _ We will design, plan and construct your new homo on your lot. Years of know-how will save you thousands. Wrlta for Information to: ALBEE HOMES tad, . ___ J good .garden land, soma fruit, tree*, etc.1 T mile from Rochester! School' buses, at and of privet* street, minutes to X-wayt, Oakland college, and recreation areas. Real qultt neighborhood oxcopt for an occasional dear In the distance, and a variety of sang birds, pheasants and rabbits stomping around the yard. Ideal for young or mature family. If you are really Interested In buying and have *17,500 avallsbla, call owner. 6003. Occupancy Immediate._ PONTIAC AREA 2 bedrooms, living room, llrtplaca, dining room, • kitchen, breakfast room, glassad-in back porch, garage, prick stucco, ftneed lot, good reskltnllal area. *1,500 will •stum* mortgage. H01LAWAY REALTY CO. HIGHLAND 4* Sal* Houm ' PRESTON BILT-HOMES AND REALTY 373-Mil “> QUALITY BUILT Lake front roncji In While Lake T*yp. 3 large bedrooms. beautifully decorated with Prigldalre bullMni. Only $35,900. Chamberlain WoOdword-Long Lokt _ 647-9*30 QUICK POSSESSION 9 yr. New bHek ranch ill nawl decorated, full basamant, gat heal built-ini, plus Dlthmatfar an carport. Prieto Right. CAUL YORK WE BUY WE TRADE OR 4-0363_ _____OR 4-0343 reduceFto sell 320 E. Sheffield Aluminum tided 2-bedroom ranch home, owner must tell, $9,700. J ASTER GA 2 7010 ____ KE 1-3300 ' RETIRING SPECIAL Neat and clean ranch with lull basement, new gas furnace, new carpeting, 3-car garage ',9x33 living room 0 down, about (70 per month. Owner's agent. <74-1490._ Sol* Houih 49 TRADE New aluminum sided 1 bedroom ranch with IW baths, family room, lull basement end 3 car garage. 117,300. No money down on your lot. Trades accepted. CROSS REALTY AND INVESTMENT CO. OR 4-3105 We pay cash for used homes LAZENBY Housti 'Wi Sal* Houses Wideman The livin' IS EASY For the family who ealecti this while ranch home tor their own. The living will be easy because ll hat been planned for comfort. The BMMeMI living room Is carpeted and has a large picture window, the nearby 17A PAnnnfK-kitchen Is well planned with ample 1 rhWVWI work space, carpeted dining area. .... f'bedroorn name In good con- 3 spacious carpeted bedrooms, I fon. Extra lord# rooms Now lorgo wardrobe closets, m baths, I ^rnoeo. Close to schools end shop-vanity end Ilia features, petto and P'nD' Price sn,900.,G.i. Terms. •Itochod garaga, make this home __...... lor easy livin’ only $22,950, Terms, DRAYTON PLAINSt (Old riouis. IRWIN JCWsZ.. ROCHESTER AREA 3 tMdroom ranch, 1V> baths, family room with beautllul fireplace, basement, 3 car oarage, 34 acre lot. Only 931,000. STATEWIDE REAL ESTATE 2661 S. Lapeer Rd„ Lake Orion 391-2000 ROCHESTER Charming 4 bedroom colonial with carpeting, fireplace, glassed In screened porch. Besamont. a Car parage. On large lot. $33,400. For quick possession coll 431-3383. Shepard Real Estate, Inc. ROCHESTER SUBURBAN — Sharp 4 bedroom aluminum rancher. 1 Va baths. Bullt-lns, carpeting, tiled basement, attached garage. (33.300. Nix Realtor 431-0331. 133-3373. Specious New Homes by ROSS 2 new ranch homes available soon. $30,900 623-0670 1941 S- Telegraph Rd.______FE 4-059 ~ SWISS TYPE CHALET 3 bedroom, full basement, gas heat, natural fireplace, formal* dining room, plus garage. Needs some painting. 0 down to qualified buyer. Owners agent. 338-6952. SYLVAN LAKE AREA 4-rOom brick and aluminum bilevel, built 19(3, 2’/a-car gerage. large family room, SO' water front, , .pricp rJgMJBLflHh& H.!*-. COMMERCE AREA . ~ Large 3-bedroom aluminum tided homo on 1 .acre, bordertZtaft lend, only $17,300 on land contract. 3 BEDROOM BIRMINGHAM (14 Mile, Woodward) 2 bedroom, full basement, paved streets, gas heat, $14,900, FHA terms. COSWAY REAL ESTATE % 681-0760 3379 Orchard Lk. (at Commerce Rd.) 0RT0NVILLE BRICK RANCH, full basement, at-1 tached 2-car garage, spacious mahogany paneled family room, large living room. 3 bedrooms with: double closets, ceramic tila bath with built-in vanity, plus Vs bath > off family room. Attractive kitchen with French Provincial cabinats, built-in range and ovan, family eating araa 20 pet. down. LARGE FAMILY LOVE RAMBLERS? Here's your home located In choice Twin*. Lakes. All the goodies — such at 3 bedrooms, 7 large closets, 3 baths, 3 fireplaces. Family room, carpeting throughout. Attached 2-car garage. Beautllul landscape, end more. CALL FOR APPOINTMENT. I. 0. WIDEMAN, REALTQR 412 W. HURON ST. 334-4323 EVE. CALL __t __333-33(9 CLARK condition. Large lot. Carport. Fenced yard. O.l. terms available. BUYING OR SELLING CALL JOHN K. IRWIN & SONS 313 West Huron — Since 192S FE 5-9446 After 5 p.m. FB 5-1683 RHODES This 7-room, 2-story home Is lust the spot for you. Located In the Waterford area with lake privileges en Lotus Lake. Has 3 bedrooms with possible fourth, largd carpeted living room, country style kitchen with stove and refrigerator in-eluded, full basement with almost n*Uf flirn«r*s uujochasr anH lanOSCapOQ “OAKWOOD MANOR" 6-room brick ranch with full basement. Tennessee and Kentucky Marble Fireplace, formal dining room, double closets in bedrooms, ■oak floors, plastered walls, ceramic bath, 2-car attached garage, auto, dobr opener. Over I acre beautifully Shown by SAGINAW BAY- AREA, 32' housetraller with large attached cabana, lot, Water, electricity and septic. Only $4,000. See this Ideal hideout today. LAKEFRONT HOME on l.ake Orion. Handyman's special with 62' fenc- $9,000. BUNNY RUN, 60' homesite, $2,000. 20 ACRES, Hadley Rd., $15,000. 10 ACRES, Ortonvllle, $8,500. A. j. RHODES, REALTOR FE 8-2306 258 W. Walton FE 5-6712 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE CROSS NORTH PONTIAC 3' bedroom ranch hat carpeted living room, utility room, off kitchen, gas heat, aluminum storms and screens and large lot. Only $450 down on FHA terms. CLARKST0N AREA 5 bedroom aluminum sided 2 story home needs some finish work. Has 2 baths; fireplace, gat heat and full basement on 1>6 acres of land. Full price $21,000 with $5,000 down on LAND CONTRACT. CROSS REALTY AND INVESTMENT CO. OR 4-3105 We pay cash for used homes FE 5-8183 MILLER AARQN BAUGHEY REALTOR 3 BEDROOMS, FIREPLACE, new kitchen, large living room. Full basmt., gas heat. All city conveniences. Large bedrboms plus sun room. Just $16,900 with $900 down. FHA. SYLVAN. LAKE NEW brick ranch. 3 bedroom home. Never occupied. 1'6 baths, largo family room, full basmt., gas heat, 2 car attached garage. A beautiful home setting on 2 lots. $29,500. Terms. WATKINS LAKE PRIVILEGES and surrounded by beautiful horpes. 4 rooms and b'ath, full basmt., new gas heat, 2 lots. Lovely view of lake and lust $11,450 on land contract. Payments of $$0 month. Make your appointment now I FE 2-0262 670 W. HURON_ OPEN 9 TO 9 TIMES MJLS STRUBLE WE TRADE J0SLYN AREA 3 bedroom 1% story family home, closing costs, very close to Mad [son Jr. High BRIAN'S BUYS 3-BEDR00M FULL BASEMENT Hurryl This new listing will not last Features warm gas heat, hardwood floors, loads of cupboards and closets. Move In tor $600 down plus ivan Wo SGHRAM BRICK RANCH bodroomi. full darn cor ' ton Mill*. FHA. TERMS. 8* end Northern High. Could usa an 4 OFF WIDE TRACK ' dfn|r“mroomy e^d lltclTen with °L C*.b’T l/^SSTA i «ndy*0rttF.I?.r.r.,.h,‘«/.,TJirmtSSl $16,90O-Ltcrms FHA or Gl dryer S.Ve SHtohlS'E .SS! Only. 135,500. Mortgage ' ' nr a 111 terms. Will consider trade. Veer garage. The large 50x250 lot has plenty of shade trees and G i rent flowers. Can be purchased on land pbiv/ii rnnlnrl In, m.1.1 AM rKI VILCUCO contract for only $18,000. R0YCE LAZENBY, Realtor Mattingly SILVER LAKE ESTATES 8 room brick ranch style home plus lake privileges on Silver Lake, 3 large bedrooms, attached 2 car garage, basement, family room, brick fireplace, storms, screens. Full price $34,500. 3-BEDROOM RANCH An excellent home In an excellent neighborhood, alumlnurm storms, screens, built-in GE stove, carpet, drapes, outside storage building, full price $14,900. ROCHESTER Thli distinctive T room brick -ranch home Is located In beautiful Christian—HHte—near Rochester. 9—large bedrooms, family room, Vh baths, attached 3Vi car garage, carpeting, drapes. 93 trees on excellently lendscpeed lot. Full price for this lovely home Is $30,900. DAN MATTINGLY AGENCY SYLVAN LAKE large family room, IV* baths, <^B8aHBBreTfi.KHChem -"wrBtaLs throughout. Also enclosed porch, 2 car garaga, with electric door opener. Will sell completely furnished. Only $33,000. Reasonable down payment. LAND CONTRACT. K. L. TEMPLETON, Realtor 3339 Orchard Lake Rd. 383-0900 TRI-LEVEL White Lake Twp., 3 bedrooms, 2’6-car garage, built-in oven and range. $21,900.00. 674-2298 proximately $97 Including taxes and insurance. 5-room, l-floor bungalow, separate dining room, oak floors, plastered walls, clean condition, gas neat, 100 ft. lot, 2-car garage. Only $10,900. All you need Is mortgage cost* of approximately $500. CLARK REAL ESTATE 1362 W. HURON ST. 682-8850 _ Multiple Listing Service_ TUCKER EXCELLENT INCOME LOCATED EARlfEMOOR BLVD., area. 3 family, separate entrances, ' furnaces, utilities, 4 rooms ea., full basement, corner lot. Buy on land contract, very reasonable. PONTIAC KNOLLS IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, 3 -bedroom family ranch with full basement, auto., heat* carpeting, nice Jot. FHA terms, very low down '■payment. EAST SIDE NICE SMALLER HOME, available 1 on land contract with terms, 6 rooms, gas heat, single story, only $800 down, $75 per mo., no red taper- ------- MODERN RANCH 3 BEDROOMS ON LARGE LOT. 116-car garage, auto., heat, good location. $500 will move you into - this family home on East side. TUCKER REALTY CO. 903 Pontiac State Bank 334-1545 VON • TUCKER REALTY CO. 903 Pontiac State Bank______334-1545 UNFINISHED 2 BEDROOM home. Fireplace. Picture window. 12 MHe & middlebelt. Farmington Twp. MA 6-2617. VACANT MECHANIC ,ST. — 6 rooms and bath, all modern. $14,500. Small down. WILLIS fit. BREWER REAL ESTATE 734 Rlker Bldg.______FE 4-3181 . VACANT ~ 4 bedroom Aluminum siding, Cape Cod, full basement, 2 car garage, 2 baths, natural fireplace, FHA approved. OWNERS AGENT. 1649. WALLED LAKE. 3 BEDROOM ranch with attached garage. One acre land. $1700 will assume land contract mortgage, at $125 a month. 624-2983.________________ WARDEN UNION LAKE PRIVILEGES A fine 3-bedroom rambler with large lot on a quiet street. Has wood floors, paneled living room, carpeting, gas heat, attached garage. Ydu must see to appreciate it's value at $19,000 with terms. NEAR NORTHERN HIGH Immaculate 3-bedroom bungalow on completely fenced lot'. Has new carpeting, paneled walls, all aluminum Florida room, gas heat, paved drive. A good buy at $14,500 with terms. WARDEN REALTY . 3434 SHI. Huron. Pontiac 333-3930 WEST SUBURBAN Lovely 3 bedroom ranch Romo located near Village of Waterford. Features Include plastered walls, carpeted floors, beautiful stona fireplace, basement, enclosed breezeway, attached 3 car garage, well landscaped lot. Handy to schools;—churches, stores, - Lake privileges. 10 per cent down will handle. Call'DR 4-0303. J. A. Taylor Agency, Inc. 7732 Highland Rd. (M39) OR 4-0303 Open dally 9-9 Sun. 1-5 YOUNG-BILT HOMES YOUR CHOICE 3 bedroom ranch homes. 1 full basement, 1 walkout basement, l with family room, $19,900 each. Call George Cornell. FOWLER REALTY 333-9531 WIN WITH SHINN BIG SHADE LOT: Trees by the Jake keep this neat nonle In shaded quietness. Lg. fireplace In living rfn., cathedral celling, kit. I,.bedrid1, ere very neat. Barter see. this today. /Only $9,930. Fine Home: Two-bedrm., foil basement, sunroom tpo. Very "flDO lot shodod and In first cwu/family araa, with achools $ shopping otiose by, also, naar work t x-way. Only $10,250. Cherry Land: quietly I, prouaiy. rine j-oec.-additional "walk through sleeping rm," Full beaement, gas heat, •[. siding) neer college, grade school, shopping 1 Wont. AIM, IS I decorated. Possession 30 dey$ like ------- $«■ POINTMENT. ^ REALTOR Jl 13 N. Tologrepl AN OLD SMOOTHIE For someone who likes more room this home has, nice living room, dining room, large kitchen, 3 bedrooms, plus full- basement and front porch. You can't go wrong at $7,950. ROCHESTER Frankly we'ro excited about this 4-bedroom ranch located in the hills of Paint Creek. As you probably know homes In this exclusive area era few and far between. To top It all off an acre of lend goes with It. Realistically priced at $29,900. Why not trade in your present home. ONLY 2 HOURS AWAY Swim In Lake Huron. Beautiful sandy beech, excellent swimming and fishing In an area of luxury summer homes. Just 3 miles from the summer resort of Port Austin. Let us tell you more. WHAT? _____________t You never heard of a charming home In a dean City neighborhood featuring large living room, dining room, family kitchen end 2 bedrooms? Well, we hove one and It's selling tor only $7,930 on FHA or Gl terms. Call today. Bill Eastham, Realtor 674-3126 It's Beautiful DoywtoenficeTiiiriM11 wowoii dltliei tnlutog roam who lived In a shoe, when I* comes —— • *- to entertaining so many children you don't know what to do? Then, this 3-bedroom brick home is for you. It includes over 800 square feet of paneled recreation area. Complete with 8 ft. enclosed bar. Large kitchen with plenty of cupboards, wall to wall carpeting, plus 2-car attached garage. This shoe is conveniently placed on a 75x150 ft. lot. Close to shopping centers and schools. Only $23,900. Lauinger WATERFRONT — 71 ft. on water. Cedar Island Lake. Brick 3-bedroom. Walk out basement. Ledgestone fireplace. Large covered porch. Exc. neighborhood. Deep lake. Trout fishing. 15 minutes to Pontiac. Full price $37,300. HIGHLAND. — 2-bodroom plus - family room. IVj-cef- garage. On 100 x 130 ft. fenced yard. Many blooming shrubs. Large garden space. In excellent condition. Lake privileges. IDEAL BUILDING SITES — As low as $800. Waterfronts. Wooded. Lake privileged. Terms. $1500 DOWN — On this wide brick rancher, 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths. Family room. Built-In kitchen. Gas heat. Larga lot with excellent lake ■privileges. I DOWN TC TO VETS — Large corner «... . bedrooms. Gas boat. Near Sylvan Lake. Ideal starter home. Full price $7900. 1LBOWN TO VETS — Large 4 bedrooms. Full bo sement. .Fireplace,_2-ter oarage. Neer Pontiac Mali. i ? . WATERFRONT — Starting 3 wblk-out basements. 3 bedrooms. Fireplace. Marble sill*. Hardwpod toor*. Con have Vh ■ baths. CASH FOR YOUR PROPERTY -Let us sell your horn* While we build your new homff. WO hive 3 .custom builders, win complete In 674-0$ 19 VA-FHA 673-2168 1531 Williams Lake Rd. at M-39 throughout, 2-car attached garage. Priced at $45,000 on land contract terms. SPLIT LEVEL Tacoma Cedar Inside and out sets this home off as s lomtemporary special. Features 3 bedrooms, family room with full wall ((replace, built-in oven, range and dishwasher, 2-car attached gerage, wall to wall Commerce Lake. Priced et $29,(K KINZLER CAPE COD 1 A. “All white alumlhumexterlor with 3 delightful rooms, breozewey and > car garags. Has 29' recreation room with fireplace. Gat hoot. Too Include property, *n d refrigerator. I acre site, 100x424 — nice shade, trull end garden. Watkins Lake privileges. A perfect family home. Prompt postasslon. «C||1 lakeoakland front . Complete basement hotw wl*fl fenced yard. Tpo Include an furnishing!, raft end ice shanty. Futt pride S3500 on bnd contract ‘’lotus Lk. PRIVILEGES Now oil aluminum ranch home now under construction. Over 1,000 square foot with 1 bedrooms, m baths, family size kitchen with formica cabinets and counter and basamant tor rocrootlon. Ooj heat and township .Water. $17,910 Includes lor. 10 per cent down financing. Lnfwty .......... , ........ — .,,$. Haw Ike k can be mortgaged .iasHy. 11 1,300. SHOWN BYf AP- bniurucut 7 , ■ 330-0343 pan* 'III 0 JOHN KINZLER, Realtor 3219 Dlxl* HWV. 323-0333 ACROSS FROM PACKERS STORE Multiple Listing Sarvlct Open 9-0 Conviniently Located Yes, It IS I Only 2 blocks to schools end only- 1 block to bus stop. This 3-bedroom bungalow has a full basement, formal dining room, compact kitchen, plus a fenced In back yard for the kiddies. Call today on this! Just $13,900 on land contract with $3,500 down. VON REALTY REALTOR In the Mall , MLS GILES OFF OAKLAND 3 bedroom home, attach garage. This home can be bought on Gl with no down payment. The montly payments will be much less than your present rent. AUBURN HEIGHTS First offering on this 6-room home all on one floor, full basement, new gas furnace, living room end dining room lust newly decorated. E x t e r I o r has aluminum siding, this is at a price anyone can afford. Call for further information. ARE YOU A^GI? If you era, you can buy thla 3 family Intome with nothing down and let It pay for Itself. Full price only S11.9QD. you can't beat -a deal Ilka that, call us today. ~i—CkiudeMcG ruder Realtor FE 5-3175 Open 9-9 SEMINOLE HILLS Brick colonial with 2 car attached garage. 24 ft. living room, family dining room, don, large paneled family room. Completely carpeted. Master bedroom with batn. Two twin size bedrooms, ceramic tile bath. Gas heat, excellent condition. WEST SIDE Washing ton-Webster School district. Story and one half. Two'MAfFDAY IAKE haHrnnmt anH full hath Hnuun Lnl'L 3-FAMILY Income In prime location for this* type rental ha* full basement, | gas heal, fairly new carpeting, partially furnished ana approximately . $400 per month income. Oh ves, also 2 car garage I Only $21,500 with land contract! terms. Call for your eajd pointment. CUTE AND COZY Ranch with\2 bedrooms In the vicinity of Cess and Elizabeth Lake with privilege*. Having* ga* heat, fenced yard and IVa car attached garage. Only $10,500 and Its |ust waiting for the newlywed or retiree. So make your appointment today to see now reasonably you can live tomorrow. bedrooms and full bath down, one bedroom and full bath up. Family dining room, carpeting, completely modernized kitchen with built Ins. Summer porch. Gas heat. » SOUTH SIDE Two and three and four bedroom homes availabe on contract. The prices are reasonable and terms easy. Call for details. Eves. Mr. Castell FE 2-7273 Nicholie & Harger Co. 53*6 W. Huron St._FE 5-8183 Brown. Realtor & Builder Since 1939 INCOME f*ut that money to work In this nice 2 family apartment. Each apartment has living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms end bath with private entrances. Full screens, gas automatic haat. Only $16,900 on'„terms. Let Income make your payments for you. REALTOR - MLS 5925 Highland Rd. (M59) Next to Franks Nursery 674-3175 HALL CLARKSTON AREA — New 3-bedroom brick and alum, ranch with full walk-out baiement. 2Va-car attached garage, 4 zone hot water heat, 2 full baths, baautiful $0 DOWNPayments like rent for this Clarkston area 2-bedroom bungalow. Featuring 20 ft. living room, separate dining room, clean gas heat. All rooms carpeted for your comfort. $10,400 total price. Don't wait on this. Privileges go with this lovely 3-bedroom brick and frame ranch CLARKSTON AREA home with gas heat, fenced lot. 2-car garage, blacktop dr'IVe and street, close Ur private beach for the subdivision which is fenced and well kept. Call for your appointment. LOTS — We have a few choice lots left in Deer Lake area. Approx. 1 acre each; also other surrounding areas. Some as low as 15 pet. oown. Call for more details. WATERFORD TWP.: OTTER AND SYLVAN j b. hallrealTty*DrEealtor For your boetlntf pleasure la' le _Hyyy._9-9 d»i,y *35-4113 being offered with the purchase] of this all brick ranch with ap-i proximately 80' on the water, i also having 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, basement with walkrout feature to the lake, large kitchen1 with eating space. Also dining! area, plastered walls, plus oak; flooring. A real steal for the handyman and is being sold far below duplicating cost. WHEN YOU SEEK OUR SERVICE ! YOU “JOIN THE MARCH TO TIMES'' Times Realty I TED'S Trading Features gas heetv formal dining area, large rooms, gas heat,! no down payment. Full price $14,000. LOTUS LAKE PRIVILEGES j Neat 2-bedroom home In Waterford. Features full basement, oil heat,! cedar shake siding. $15,200, 10 per cent down. WE BUY AND TRADE Brian Realty, Inc. 623-0702! 5904 Dixie Hwy., Waterfodr j Val-U-Way $600 DOWN Full brick 3 bedroom ranch home near 1-75 and East Blvd. .Spacious 18 ft. living room, large family size kitchen, 1V» tiled baths,1 recently decorated, gas heat, spacious 2 car garage. Priced under $15,000 with only $600 to move NORTH SIDE Cute 3 bedroom bungalow /tear Fisher Body. Featuring family type living room, spacious kitchen end dining area, tile bath, warm gas haat, full basement paneled recreation room. Real sharp. Assume present owner's mortgage of $14,300 with reasonable monthly payments. 3 BEDROOMS - BASEMENT Dandy 3 bedroom home located off Baldwin on a fenced corner lot. Large kitchen and dining area, tiled bath, alum, storms and screens, gas heat, large 2 car garage. Priced at $16,800, 10 pet. down plus closing costs or trade in your present home. YOU CAN TRADE FOR ANY HOME WE HAVE FOR SALE * R. J. (Dick) VALUET REALTOR FE 4-3531 345 Oakland Ave. / Open 9 to 7 List With SCHRAM and Call the Van OPEN EVES, AND SUN. Mil JOSLYN AVE. FE *9471 REALTOR 'MLS Serving Pontiac area for 30 yoor$ ARRO CASH FOR YOUR LAND CONTRACT OR EQUITY JUST WALK OUT YOUR FRONT DOOR and across the street to the beach from this completely redecorated 3-bedroom ranch, located on large lot In good suburban area. Gas heat, plastered walls and oak floors, carpeting, ample closet space. Just $1580 plus costs down 4o handle. SHARP 3 BEDROOM RANCH beautiful ledgerock fireplace In living room, excellent kitchen with bullt-ln oven and rang#, stainless steel sink and snack bar. Aluminum storms and screens, water softener, 116 car gerage. Specious lot. 3 blocks to grade school. All this and more for only $16,900. PHONE: 682-2211 Incom* Property 50 3 ACRES ZONED multiple, Oil utilities, near Expressway. Cell Dick Stier, 674-3136. 92 AND 98 PRALL ST., houses used as dormetory's will net over $6v000 annually/ price at $29,500. Details avail! KENNETH G. HEMPSTEAD FE 4-8284—185 EUZ. LAKE RD. Sal* Hows** 49 Sal* Nhmi 49 O'NEIL WYNOTTRAWr’ ANNETT Near Mall—Vacant Newly decorated terrace, living room, dining room and kitchen on main floor, 2 bedrooms and bath up. Full basement. Small down payment or will sell on lease option. Birmingham—3 Bedrooms Attractive home In good con* i.kikhw.wjtli. dining araa, 3 bedrooms and bath on first floor) 13x33 ft. bedroom on second floor. Fulljxlu basement, gas haat. 3 car 514,900 garage. $13,900, terms. |^| Lake privileges on Woodhull Lake. $19,900. CTELC $3,000 QHTHE WATER: Pleasant Likeu~fiwRr’BKBriiytr'"* bedroom ranch with 80 foot frontage; sandy beach; large kitchen; 4 piece bath, split rail fence. $24,500. Terms. LAKE PRIVILEGES: Elizabeth Lake Estates. Possible * bedroom home with full basement IV2 car garage and fenced yard $18,000 with terms. WHITE LAKE TWP.: NICE LAKE FRONT HOME Privileges on McKeefer Lake. Newi , * tri-level, 3 bedrooms, kitchen wlthj^-*^ built-ins, family room, large lot. WHITE LAKE TWP.: Privileges on Allen Lake; very large colonial style home with 2 full baths; 3 large bedrooms; family room with fireplace; large balcony off Master bedroom; beautiful carpeting; hot water heat. Approx. 1,900 sq. ft. of Living area. Large high lot. $36,900/ terms. LOW DOWN PAYMENT^ a..... Jrfdiea»fg;Mnetwgw!$>>lifc|! finished basement; fenced yard; pqneling; carpet and drapes; Lot 50 ~~ $0 down to GIs. Priced at ____ listed 7 rooms, 1% story bungalow. Beautiful view of the lake. 3 or 4 bedrOoms, separate dining room, living room .20.6x15', sun room 16.6x8.6', gas heat, full basement. Taxes only $270. All alumin. exterior. Don't wait on this one, by ap-1 pointment please.. No. 7-19 VERY VERY PRETTY A pure -white, brick ' ranch home featuring a low covered porch with a shocking pink front door. You'll |ove roonLrichi/Tarpeted In soft velvety green. Gas heat, community Water. Oversize 216 car attached garage, paved drive and street. Commerce ; Lake privileges; you'll even be Webster School Area 3 bedroom brick home in excellent condition, extra lot for parking, zoned for personal service. 100 ft. frontage suitable for doctor's office. Insurance or any professional business. $28,900, terms. Baldwin Rd.—8V3 Acres Brick ranch with 2,310 sq. ft. of living area in excellent condition. Living room 16x24, o p e n fireplace, formal dining room! 15x17, sun room, ultra modern | kitchen, 2 baths, full basement 1 with rec. room, 2 car garage.] Several fruit trees. $65,000,. terms. for membership rough sawp cedar trim. Full basement; built-in kitchen; TVS baths; walnut paneled family room with full wall fireplace; 100 x150 foot lot; 2’6 car garage and black-top driveway. Priced at $32,900 with terms. OPEN SUNDAY from 2 to 5 P.M. M-24 to Silverbell — Right to Hi Hill. Left to sign. Les Brown, Realtor 509 Elizabeth Lake Rd. (Across from the Mali) FE 2-0552 Bogie at $21,500. Terms to suit. Possession closing. No. 1-18 YOU WERE SMART TO WAIT Select homes at reasonable prices are disappearing from the market fast, so don't wait any longer. We-have a beautiful 5 room alum, tided home located off Baldwin. Real nice carpeting, full basement, gas heat Room 110 WJF, WILL TRADE 682-5802 If busy 682-5800 "BRIAN 29,000 TO $52,000 VERY CONTEMPORARY Elegant living is offered In ihls Bloomfield ranch featuring 3 bedrooms, IVa decorator baths, family room with fireplace, sunken kitchen, luxurious carpeting. In the mammoth exposed basement you find natural stonework on the bar and fireplace. Designed for the *x-ecutive .who entertains. Situated on a large terraced lot with a million dollar view of the surrounding area. Priced at $52,000. This home Ts truly one of a kind. COLONIAL Indlanwoods Manor Is the salting for this 5-year-old gem on the water. 4 bedrooms and bath up with living, dining and family rooms down. Ex- WE BUY AND TRADE • Brian Realty, Inc., 623-0702 5904J Dixie Hwy., Waterford PINE TREES line the front of this Beautifully landscaped one acre lot surrounding this twcvyear-old raised ranch. It includes three bedrooms, full basement, attached garage, blacktop drive, paneled walls, 1*6 baths, two fireplaces. It's loaded with extras too, such as built-in oven and range, dishwasher, and garbage disposal, carpeting and Aluma-vue windows. Has a side patio and includes lake privileges on White Lake. Call us today for an inspection of this spotless home — priced at only $29,950. ASK ABOUT OUR TRADE-IN PLAN. Gl—FHA SPECIAL Nothing down to a qualified G.l. Only $400 (town on easy FHA , terms plus closing costs will $ju!flinum moye you into this large three- 000. rnent and 116-car garage. Has a close, in west side location and priced at $12,500. Call for an appointment. Frushour DON'T STALL AND LET THIS ONE GET AWAY $(4,300 Is the price on this A 2-car garaga. larga lot are features that will make this one go last. Call today tor an appointment. . LAKE FRONT THIS 3>BEOROOM LOG HOME is on one of the best fishing lakes around Big Lake — It has a big living room with, fireplace, nice big family kitchen and has n beautiful lot and Is well landscaped. So 11 you wont a lake front homo — but lust can't afford It — give us a call and wa will tlx you up with this one for only $11,900. WATERFORD AREA WITH THE SUMMER MONTHS lust aheod — you myit too this $• room homo, with 4 bedrooms, 1W baths, family „ room, with sliding glait doors on each side of the fireplace, fully carpeted and a 2-car garage. To top It oil off, it has a beautllul below-ground swimming pool with • depth of 9VV end diving board — And o roil nice potlo. Call to toe1 this beauty today. $31,950. Wa will taka your present homo In on trad*. JACK FRUSHOUR, Realtor 5730 Williams Lake Rd. MLS 674-2245 * REALTORS 28 E. Huron St. KAMPSEN "IT'S TRADING TIME" STARTER HOME For newlyweds or for a refmef T4J0 Opdyke Road Multiple Listing Daily til 8 couple wanting to save mortgage costs. This rancher has a 1’6-car heated garage and a fenced back yard. $2,000 down on a land contract will move you in. Call and let us show you through this cozy home. RENT BEATER aluminum sided home on Pontiac's near north side. The garage is attached and the front porch is enclosed. The full price is only $9,000. Approx. $1500 down would assume the present - - .contracts "flIf for- newlyweds- or retirees. QUADRUPLETS NOT REQUIRED but It you love yoyr family, buy them this |umbo size tan-room home located on a lorgo .,„„~beeuUluUv-,. :and«6 aped ..lot- LLa-mlles from 1-75 STOUTS Best Buys Today BE READY FOR SUMMER! It's almost here! Enioy the 16x32 swimming pool together with this beautiful 9-room, 5»bedroom quad-level home located in the Rochester area. Includes carpeting the many outstanding features—too numerous to mention.) Immediate possession on this out-; standing value at $45,000. LOWER STRAITS LAKE PRIVILEGES With this easy to care for 3-bedroom aluminum * sided ranch located on a nice lot 134x100. 1’6 , ceramic tile baths, basement,, gas heat, 2-car garage and convenient location. Many more features in this lovely home for only $22,500. WANT TO BE A LANDLORD? * We have an excellent 1-story, 8-room duplex for only $12,500 with —"$2500— down producing—» weekly rental Income of $53.00. Located in a good rental area In Onion Township and very much worth your time to call us. Warren Stout, Realtor FB 5-8165 Listing Service MIS and 2-car garage. $15,955 on FHA j terms. No. 4-22 ]GI OR FHA North side, ail alum, bungalow with j full basement, garage, large carpeted living room and dining room, 2 bedrooms on first floor, possible 3rd bedroom up. Hurry on I this one. Price only $13,900. No. 11*02 SAVE YOUR MONEY The remodeling is finished on this tvyo bedroom North side home, it offers a separate dining room, full basement, gas heat and alum, siding. Take over the existing FHA mortgage and low monthly payments. No. 15-21 $89.00 PER MONTH will be the payment for an eligible G. I. on this newly remodeled 2 bedroom bungalow In Waterford Township, about one mile from the courthouse. Gas heat, carport, and nice garden spot in the back yard. About $500 closing costs Is all you will need. No. 4-19 NEW MODELS AT WESTRIDGE OF WATERFORD PRICED FROM $25,950 INCL. LOT North on Dixie (U.S. 10) to Our! Lady of the Lakes Church, left on Ledgestone, left on Tipperasy. FOX BAY PRICED FROM $26,900. Incl. lot.. West on Elizabeth Lake Road. RANCH MODEL. AT 1052 N. CASS LAKE ROAD OPEN DAILY 9-9, WILL LHJWJCATE ON-#OUfc ~LGT AT $18,400. ALL MODELS SHOWN AT YOUR CONVEtHENGEi^ ---------- CALL TODAY -FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT. LIST WITH O'NEIL-REALTY For 3 Good Reasons We Think Our Sense of Values Our List of Good Prospects And Our Tireless Efforts Will Make You Glad You Called RAY O'NEIL REALTY 3520 Pontiac Lake Road OR 4-2222 MLS 623-0708 LINCOLN HEIGHTS Lovely ranch home in a comfortable suburban setting, full . ba sement., lamliy .xoam^ ^ At tached garage, large well landscaped lot. trade your present home. LAMPLIGHTER Attractive yard light shines a warm welcome to this very attractive 3 bedroom ranch home, excellent suburban location, 1*/> baths, family room, fireplace, attached garage, large well landscaped lot, $2,900 down or trade your equity. SIGN OF THE TIMES Better hurry, 3 bedroom brick ranch with 1!6 baths, carpeting, full basement, payed street and drive, large lot, full price $15,900. QUE H0RA ES? A Spanish phrase for “What time is it?'' NOW in the right time to buy a home and this 3 bedroom home at $17,500, setting high on a targe frees Is a value that time won't wait for. Terms — FHA or Gl. Call now your personal appointnflht. ^FAMILY INCOME 2 story brick and aluminum, new roof, shows a good steady profit. Full price, $11,000. Excellent and contract terms. PLATF0RMATE NOT ONE DROP NEEDED but you'll get all the happy mileage you went from this beauty. 3 .bedroom brick ranch In ROCHESTER, excellent residential neighborhood, full basement, 1’6 baths, built-in oven and range, full price $22,500 with only $2300 down or let's trade equities. BEAUTIFUL, JUST BEAUTIFUL A local saying that describes this sharp 3 bedroom brick ranch home in Lake Angelus Golfview Estates. Full basement, attached 2 car garage, 1’6 baths, oven, range and refrigerator included. Fireplace in living room, large well landscaped lot, lake privileges. A very beautiful home in a lovely setting. LET'S TRADE. TED'S CORNER Multiple listing is a service to you, be a potential house buyer. 200* qualified sales personnel. .. 11 enhances your opportunity for the quick sale. Each member sends a copy of his new listing to a central office, where a picture of the home if taken and all pertinent I Information Is placed—cards are then sent out to#the -many sales \ ^representatives, the main theme is cooperation. This cooperation enables the realtors fo give you far greater service. We strongly urge you to list with a member of the Multiple Listing Service. McCullough realty -art*----——— ------—^—------— ------------—_____ NEWER HOME IN SEMINOLE HILLS: This 7-room Cape Cod features a 20-ft. master bedroom, formal dining room, carpeting, 1V3 baths, full basement with finished rac. room and garage. Situated on an oversized landscaped lot, this lovely homo Is TRULY a bargain at 525,250. CALL TODAY! #43 EXECUTIVE'S DREAM HOME DELUXE QUAD-LEV'EL: #38 AIR CONDITIONED 5460 Highland Rd (M59) REALTORS Open 9-9 MLS $74t2236 Sal* Houses 49 #50 LAKE FRONT ON WHIPPLE LAKE: Clean and neat 3-bedroom lake front rancher with walkout basement. Practically 2 homos In one: 2 kitchens, one for formal living and one for the more relaxed living In the large recreation room with a fireplace, bar and shower. Carpeted throughout, there Is also a second fireplace plus a 2-car attached garaga. Reasonably priced at $31,900 with bast o> terms. #39 LAKE FRONT COTTAGE LAKEVILLE AREA: Beautiful swimming beach and fishing laka plus a dock right at your front door. The furnishings stay with this placa and there7s a picnic table, lawnmower, etc. You can have Immediate NEW MODEL RANCHER: 3 bedrooms, 1’6 baths, beautiful custom-built kitchen, full basement, wood sealed-glass windows with screens, 2-car attached garaga and gleaming-whifet carefree aluminum siding. Priced at fust 118,850 plus inside decorating and building site. OPEN SAT. $ SUN. 1-5 p.m. Also shown by appointment on week days. Corner of Scott Laka Rd. and Watkins Lake Rd. TRADING THE BATEMAN WAY: The modem way to acquire your next homo. Your equity is CASH! Let us show you how to spend It wisely on the home of you, choice the RISK-FREE WAY. SOLD IBATEMANI J RtAITV CO. L FE.8-7161 Sal* Houses 49 Sal* Houses Township. It Includes a 3(7 x (O' heated garaga with plumbing /-facilities. The home Is (Iliad with specialcust o mtouches throughout such as wash basins. In two 4>f the five bedrooms, loads of bullt-lns, two full baths, complete kitchen facilities on both levels. Even includes a spartan Swimming pool complete with diving boaro and filter pump. Possession Is Immodloto. Priced ot only $37,950. OUR GUARANTEED TRADE-IN PLAN IS DESIGNED FOR YOU, MR. HOMEOWNER - WITHOUT IT - YOU MUST SELL BEFORE YOU BUY - OR BUY BEFORE YOU SELL - CALL , RIGHT - NOW TO TRADE THE I^OME YOll OWN FOR THE HOME YOU WANTI Ask for Dave Kramer, Al Grunor, Thurman Witt, Loo Kerr, Olota Howard, Elaine Smith, Leo Bohtrt, Bob Horroil, Dave Bradley, JoAnn Heenon, Dick -Bryin, Ken Hall Ellaan Moyer or Loo Kampatn. ...... T - ML! FE 4-0921 "ESTABLISHED 6930" HEATED SWIMMING POOL: 3-bedroom colonial between Oxford end Orion, bargain priced at $25,500 on Land Contract. Oak floors, spacious kitchen with glass door-wail opening to deluxe pool. 1J6 baths, full basement with gas heat, 2-car garage and corner lot, 105'xl08'. Many other sales features such as deluxe Anchor fenced dog ktnnel end lot. SUSIN LAKE FRONT: 5 larger than average rooms In this Crawl space bungalow with laka frontage aalorel Wood floors throughout. □II FA haat and 2'i-car garage. $17,300. Owner will consider an offer on land contract. , LAKE FRONT INCOME. _________________ ______ . , on very popular Loon Lake. Very comfortable 6*room home of your with 3i —in Hal Hii wM Dixie Highway frontage and lake frontage ________xe. Very comfortable 6-room home of your large tadroomt, gas heat and 216-car attached Q*rage. This plus a smalt income home on the laka and the lot Is 75 x478 with room to build several more rental un|ts. $29,500. 84 N. MARSHALL ' No financing problem hart! Take over existing mortgage with only $1900 to a total monthly payment of $91. Neat 2-bedroom home with separate dining. New carpeting over oak floors, plastered wells, full basement end gerage. TAKE YOUR ULCERS fo a doctor, your cracked block to, a mechanic, bring your real estate problems to Dorris. Because of our standing policy of constant affective advertising, our salts for tho past 3 months have left us with waiting buyar$ fnd wa NEED LISTINGS. 2536 Dixie Hwy. Multiple Listing Service 674-0324 Pontiac Multiple Listing Service List Your Home With a Pontlet araa MLS office? There Is no mystery — the millions ot $$$$ of real estate /told each month by the member offices — Is proof positive that MLS stands tor ACTION where real property is concerned. It all begins when you call a member office — tn»y list your home, put up thalr sign — a picture ll taken. Important details end the picture are distributed among the below listed office*. With over 200 qualified sales personnel — It MAKES IMPORTANT SENSE fo coll one now wllfi your reel property problems. Arro Realty ,/Bateman Realty Co. Les Brown Realty Clerk Real Estate Cross Realty Dorris tl Son, A**1*? Eastham Agency Frushour Realty Giles Realty Co. Hegstrom Real Estate George R. Irwin John K. Irwin S< Son Kampsen Realty Co. Kinzlor Realty Lazanby Realty McCullough Roolty O'Neil Realty Co. Albert J. Rhodes Schrem Roolty Rofto H. Smith Co. Stout Roolty Strobol Realty Von'Realty Waterford Roolty ' iHft iroI\ TI AG 1 *5iaw Ircmm Nfffljf iyvws^AA^yvwv* **’'* KENT Establlihod In 1*16 a UNITS — Good annual Income, excellent locellon on V* acre lot. LAKE PRIVILEGES — On good lake and has good maach. *65,000, •arms. 50 j N#rrtarnPMparfy 51-A I ROOM CABIN ON I acre 1 ml. w. ol- Hillman, large atone lira-place, good wall, WMO. FE 2-4803. I ACRES VACANT, building multiple _ . Close to US-10. *7,030 with terms! — Good tor dwelling fn, Floyd Kent, Inc., Reoltor 2300 Dixie Hwy. at Telegraph FE 2-0123 or FE 2-7342 lake Proparty 51 1 LOTS ON Lake Mlramlchl. Private. Bruce Tigner, R-2. Coleman* Mich. 40618. ____ 20x24 COTTAGE, BASEMENT started. Can add 10x20 room on. Partly furnished. By entrance to Cess-Dodge Park. Sacrifice *3,500. FE 4-0307.______________ ¥£... *3' FRONTAGE ON PRIVATE Tull Lake, lust otf M-5>. OR 3-3031. IOO'xWF IN THE Lakeshore Estates on Oavls Lk„ I ml. W. of Oxford. Paved street. *7,800. 628-3574._____ lTi'xllO' LOV ON LAKE Sherwood, trees, sleeth road. 684-4044. APPROX, k* ACRE, 250 FT . ACRES, WOODED CAMP SITE *1250, terms, discount for cash. P O. Box 6*1 Kalkaska, Mich, area 616-23»*44*________________________ 640 ACRES WOODED LAND, live stream, 2 miles from paved highway. , electricity to property, fenced, exc. hunting, Iosco County, 517-728-3207.______________ COHO AREA, 77V> ACRES, barn , needs work. 2 road frontages, will divide In 11 acre parcels. (Vi miles to airport, within 6 miles to Glenn Lake Empire and Burdick or within 13 miles to Lake Michigan, Traverse City or Lake Leelanau, 1 mile South ol M-72 and 66*. Bsook Lake privileges. Not over *130 per acre. F. J. Mobarak, Realtor. 25*01 Novi Road. 349-4411._______________ COTTAGE, ON SAGINAW BAY, Plnconnlng 879-4842 or 728-2802, ' • COTTAGES „ Prefabricated, erected on your property. Call 631-6701, 9 a.m. to p.m. Nu-Trend Homes. Inc. _ GAYLORD — 2 ACRES* flood" road, ■ it. $io LI 9- Lots—AcrtagB 54 Sols Busin*** Proptrty 57 TIZZY 11*500* terms. COMMERCIAL LOT, 100x237 ft. sewer* water* gas* lust W. rt Telegraph. Contact Leon Blachura* 674-3136._______________________ DRAYTON PLAINS* 10 to 50 acres* M l property aultable^for warehouse apd light manufacturing* access to railroad. AL PAULY 4516 Dixie, rear OR 3-3800____Evesn. 673-*272 ‘ GOING TO BUILD? ! We heve a large variety ol ex-] cellent building sites In ths Wen Suburban area. Both lake front and lake privileged lots. For further information cell — OR 4-0306. J. A. Toylor Agency, Inc. brand gas-station 7732 Highland Rd. (MS*) OR 4-0306 | Judah Lake area. Open dally *-*. Sun 1-5 40'k60' pavad parking, corner 8-*67».___________ 240 X ISO — ELIZABETH Lake Rd.. Waterford Twp. S2S.000. FE 2-2144. L. Smith._ __ 300' OF LEVEL DIXTfTtignwav frontage. Zoned commercial. 300' In depth. 8 miles north of 1-75. Full price $6,500 cash. Clarkston Real Estate 3656 S. Mein ____MA 54621 EASTHAMt COMMERCIAL frontage. Duck Lake, near Milford. 771-4886. LOG COTTAGE BRAND NEW------------- . Henderson Lake near West Branch. Shell Includes well, plumbing, electrical. On large wooded lot with access to 130 ft. Private easement. $4,**5. Terms. Phone Richard Pauley, 317-343-2728. _ BUCKHORN LAKE, LARGE-LAKE ■front tot. *3,995. *40 mo. Open Sun. Bloch Bros., 623-1333, FE 4-450*, 5660 Dixie Hwy., Waterford.___ down—*10 mo 6677, evos. Call FE 6-81*2 LARGE SCHOOLHOUSE, FURNISHED, sleeps 8. Inside toilet. Coal end oil heat. Electricity. Deep well. 2 acres. *2,300. At Lincoln, Michigan. Ideal lor _ hunting lodge — In good deer INTERESTED ___■ country, FE 5-701*.________ lake LARGE COUNTY itHAPS. , Showing Townships and ranga numbers. Sections. Roads. Lakes. Streams. Land Owners. Hunttn, Upper Peninsula. Lower Peninsula. *1.00 per County. Postpaid. Michigan . Tax Land Service. Cadillac.] LOTS Michigan.__________________CRANBERRY LAKEFRONT — ax- LOG CABIN. COMPLETELY cellent home site on paved road, modern. 3 years old. On Black *10,000. River near kllbj- Dam. Oneway.| Call 673-540* or EM 3 3284. _ WOODPECKER LAKE PRIVILEGES GOLD MINE Slake your claim on this ma|or bn Joslyn Road, Here is a wonderful opportunity to be your own boss. Let us show you today. ZONED M-1 Cabin or Mobile Homes $14*900. AT ' FAMOUS RIFLE RIVER OR CAKE HURON Lsrga wooded lots* $1995, $100 down. For additional information call collect or write for brochure. C. PANGUS, INC. Realtors OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK *30 M-15 1 Ortonvllle CALL COLLECT 627-2815______ CANAL LOT LEADING to end with e perfect view of Schoolhousa AT LAKE ST Lake. Ideal for walkout basement, | County tot In area of finer homes. 170' on HI-HILL VILLAGE s a most picturesqua community^)* trua scenic beauty, country living with city conveniences. Large lots, many wooded, paved winding roads, price from $3675.00 only 10 per cent down. LADD'S OF PONTIAC 3677 Lapeer Rd. _ 391-33fl0 N BUYING lots of 5920 Highland Rd. (M-59) acreage OR 3-81*1.______. ] W®,',i0-,ox'* 674-31 Zb 4.7 acres with 1,116' of frontage along the railroad. Just right tor a small factory. The price is# right! The lime Is now! Phone for more details. Bill Eastham, Realtor LARGE WOODED LOT. Allanwood Estates. Clarkston. 685-1650. LOT FOR SALE WITH house trailer on Harsens Island, on South Channel, MU »-142S, 731-S46*. RETIREMENT HOME rolling* wooded, very scenic residential lot. $13,500. 2 Ledroom home located 1 mile from downtown Roscommon, has,poREST LAKE FRONT — wooded new furnace* nice fireplace and all! lot, sloping to lake with island that new kitchen. Has 2 garages* 1 is I can be landscped* zoned reslden-new 26'x30'. Many other nice tial. $30,000. features too numerous to mention.; Situated on 5 acres. Priced at: ACREAGE 3,000 PINES planted on this 30 acres FOR SALE O.R lease — close In zoned light Industrial building 40 x-80, large lot. OR 3-1425, FE 2-5065. INDUSTRIAL 67 x 298'. $4,500. Near I *1 J I ' I I - ,J \ \ \ Auburn Rd. and Adams, 852-2304 j **,„HM.'bcTM us.M U 1 *’IH ‘ \ V STORE BELOW APARTMENT I T 1 . . . . . , , ideal for keeping an aye on your “Jane Ellen has a smashing new hair-do! Snes using LMoVq. n. adn°du newVS« tomacl:] frozen orange juice cans- for curlers!" Sprinflfield-Davlsburg area. $8,000'------------------------------------g---------*—•------- cash or terms. i • Business Opportunities 59i Sole Household Goods 65 , GEORGE IRWJN, REALTOR MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE 298 W. Walton FE 3-7883 Resort Property 52 for $fgn. Call formation. STRUBLE REALTY 674-3175 HAROLD R. FRANKS, Realty SUGDEN LAKE COTTAGE 5, rooms furnished, 75' on lake, good beach, price $12,000, land contract terms. CARROLL LAKE FRONT 2 bedrooms* nice kitchen, large living room, enclosed porch, gas heat, furniture and boat Included. Price $14*0Q& 12,000 down on land contract. , Everett Cummings, Realtor —— , 2583 UNION LAKE ROAD EM 3-3208 363-7181 “'TI1GHCAND MfLPORf* -AREA 60‘x15D' lak* front. $100 down,. Blk. top Rd. Near expressways, rollino. Open Sun. Bloch Bros.1623-1333, FE 4-450*. 5660 Dixie Hwy., Waterford. LAKE FRONT HOMES, new and used. J. L. Dally Co. EM 3-7114. LAKE ORION. 100' CANAL front. 175 ft. x 200 ft. $5,500, S1.500 down. 628-1064. ___________________________ LAKE FRONT, Waterford area, beautiful send beach, wooded tot, brick 5 room, full basement, fireplace, carpet, new 2V, car garabe. 482-739* after 4 p.m. 673- *62* weekends._____________;________ LAKE ORION CANAL Front. 600 ft. 2 lakes $3*95. $40 month. Open Sunday Bloch Brothers. 5660 Dixie Hwy. Waterford 623-1333._____________ LAKE FRONTAGE ON Lake Huron, -‘■HHHff—‘ unWWWul -—’aaMag***—L« Grindstone City, Mich. MA 6-2617. Lake Lot In Bloomfield Hills, located Medow Lake, ideal location for right party. ISO' lake frontage 360' deep City Water Birmingham school system All this totals up to the most beautiful piece of lake prop in the area. *21,000. Lot No. 25 for further Information and details call 642-3546. LOVELAND SUMMER FUN-WINTER INCOME Small year around home on Dollar Lake. Just a few yards from beautiful Cass Lake. Large 3V2. car. garage for boat storage. Winter rental would provide income of $100 per month. Full price $10,000. Leona Loveland, Realtor HELEN—Roscommon ____,. . outstanding developments open for inspection. Beautiful forest sites, lake frontage and lagoon properties. Year-round [ ea a z Anflfi vacation cottages and retirement ;»v!« w "ww homes of distinction. 12 miles south of Roscommon on M-76. Brochures on request. Milford Township. $30,000. MAA BROOCK VASSAR 24 x 78 commercial building In the iNVESTORS WANTED. Minimum Vi WHAT YOU'D EXPECT TO PAY heart of town, has apartment investment $2,500. 7 per cent on money. FE 5-7569 . 9*30 — 5.__ MOBILE SERVICE STATION. Combination with groceries and sporting goods. Service bay with 2 post hoist end all tools. GMC wrecker, home attached. Must sell due to illness. Morden Post, Frederic, Phone 348-9960._____ $11,000, land contract. COMMERCIAL BUILDING Dixie Hwy. Front 3,900 sq, ft. with 15' ceiling, 12 ft. doors, approximately' 3’a acres with 675' road frontage. 3 ROOMS BRAND NEW FURNITURE $297 INC. 4139 Orchard Lake Rd. At Pontiac Trail 444-4890 YOU CAN TAKE THE Bridn, Realtors 623-0702 Pontiac Restaurant 5904 Dixie Hwy., Waterford I 0n main thoroughfare doing real UTICA AREA STERLING TOWNSHIP 7 ACRES — Zoned multiple dwelling1 $2.50 per week. LITTLE JOE'S ' BARGAIN HOUSE good business. Large parking lot.) «« Owner retiring, Business, futures £ves ,*cr« E j1 ,tnm, 6-YEAR CRIB and mattress, *25: 3*1-1*14. Included In tull LARGE DINING ROOM fable and pads. Opens to *■ and S chair*. Green naugthyd* reclining chair. 73 Thorpe. 332-9733. ____ LIKE NEW ELECTRIC dryer. $7J. Walnut bedroom S65. New TV antenna >40. Dinette SIB. 338-6067. LINOLEUM RUGS. MOSl SlZfcS. *3,4* up. P*ar*on'i Furniture, lit ¥. Pike Sty FE 4-7MI. KIRBY SWEEPER EXCELLENT CONDITION - ISO FULL GUARANTEE w Kirby Servica & Supply Co, 2617 DIXIE HWV._________674-223* LIVING ROOM FURNITURE. n*eds covering. *40i Naugehvd* sofa bed *35,- elec, range. 40fl. »50~ 338-1*3*. LIVING ROOM SUITE (Left In layaway) Your choice of color*. Sofa end His and Hers chairs. Sold for only S249, unpaid balance $1*2 cash or only S10.50 monthly. IS year guarantee Household Appliance. 465 Elizabeth Lk. Rd. 335-92*3.________ MOVING k~“ MISCELLANEOUS lurnlture. 332-3353, eft. * p.m. NORGE REFRIGERATOR *75. Tappan gas range' *50, both ini exc. condition. 363-2863, ^ PLASTIC WALL TILE H8,0 Outler __1075 W. Huron PHILCO’ REFRIGERATOR w I I h separate freezer compartment, In good condition, $45. 673-0351,__ Pontiac Resale Shop Buy — Sell Antiques, Furniture, Glassware Misc. 80 Lafayette, flr$t street past Oakland on Wide Track. 335-6932 Open Wed .-Sat. 10-5 p.m.__ RANGE, REFRIGERATOR, AUTO, washer, dryer, dishwasher, /TV. Curt's, 6484 Williams Lake Rd. 674- 1101. ______________________ Repossessed Merchandise Washers Dryers Ranges Refrigerators Freezers WAREHOUSE SALE: OPEN to public. Entire Inventory ol new Zenith, RCA end Motorola TV's; color TV and itereo'i must be told. Every Item discounted. Scratched sett priced accordingly. No reas. otter refuied, terms. Sale: today end tommorrow, 10*. HILF APPLIANCE, 2416 14 Mile Road, between Woodward end Crooks.___________________________ For Solo Miscellaneous 67 lit BAG CEMENT mixer, *40. 3*58 Pontiac station wagon, *40. 1*62 Econoline Van *200. 10 In. rolo-_tlller, *40. 334-»B02 before 6 p.m. 2 PORTABLE DOG RUNS,' chain link: Maytag wringer washer: 5 pc. dinette set. Ideal for coflage. 651-3750, eft. 5 p.m._____ »'}.I2' LINOLEUM RUGS, S3<*5 EA. Plastic wall file lc ea. Ceding tile — well paneling, cheap. BEG Tile. FE 4-**57. 1073 w. Huron 0 CUBIC FOOf^rigidbr* Freezer. Chest type. >60. 332-3373.__ 21" REEL JACOBSON mower and grass catcher, *133. Top condition. 4IJ0 Chestnut Hill Dr., troy. 100 GALLON OIL tank. *35 or best offer. 644-5103.________________ 105 000 BTU NEW ga* furnace, In-stalled with ducts. Average *5*5. Also aluminum siding Installed. Rees. A. 8. H. Sales. 625-1501. 625- A NEW METHOD OF connecting cast .Iron sewer pipe I* available by using stainless steel clamps with lifetime rubber gaskets. •4" Cast Iron sewer pipe 10' for $10 *5 3" Cast Iron Sewer pipe 10' lor *8.*8 G. A. Thompson, 7005 M-S* W. AlTtYPES OF TOOLS: Chicken hatchery, elect., furn. FE 2-4850.____________________-________ ALL BRONZE SUMP pumps, hew end used, also repair*. Cone's, FE *-6642._______________________________ Goodyear Service Store 1370 Wide Track Dr., West Pontiac Open Friday 'til 9 p.m. the.: St.-Helen, Mlga'n 4^1 BOY OUT OF THE \ COUNTRY ■ with "both^ OtrntTes. Priced to move Lynch Room RONDEAU PARK. LAKE Erie cot- BUT-Y0U CAN'T TAKE THE lifted2 t^OMhbut.P F"fe(Sacedand’! COUNTRY OUT OF THE BOY heatalator. Completely furn. 22|gv, ACRES, Ortonvllle area on year lease on lof. *7500. Ml 4-2530, blacktop, area of nice homes, M —“ "" *6*50, *1,000 down. 5 ACRES on blacktop road with green meadow and trees and also pond site. $8,875, 20 per cent down Lots—Acreage ii i iu acre parcels, rolling EM 3-9531, Fowler. 54 i ACRE LOT IN RESTRICTED Evangel Meadows, pvt. tree lined drive, gas, v* mile from 1-75 off Baldwin. *4.500. 3*1-2*53. 2 'WOODED LOTS, 50x113’ ACRES NEAR Clarkston, smell house, fruit trees, *7.000 cash. BACKUS REALTY 602-7131 Eve. 338-16*5 ACRES. 20 MINUTES PONTIAC S500 down. Beautiful rolling land. Wooded and cleared. Open Sun. Bloch Bros. 673-1333, FE 4-4509. 5660 Dixie Hwy., Waterford. 15 MILES NORTHWEST of Pontiac, 80 acres with home; wooded, hilly, 2 smell lakes. 625-5568._ 114 ACRES IN LAPEER county, consisting of 25 acre* gf hardwood, 10 acre lake, gravel xrchaaad„foplas low as $50 down on land contract.. WRIGHT REALTY 382 Oakland Ave. FE 2-9141 Sola. Farms BIRDWATCHERS PARADISE -enjoy the sweep of quietness un broken except by the cell of birds, 18 acres of gently rolling land near Devisburg with private pond end live stream, partly wooded, SSIF on black top road. $21,1500. Terms Call Hagstrom Realtor, 4*00 W, Huron, OR 4-0358 or FE 4-7005. BUYING OR SELLING CALL JOHN K. IRWIN & SONS 313 West Huron — Since 1925 FE $-9446* After 5 p.m. FE 5-8683 "BUD m Northeast of Clarkston. Remodeled home, barn and workshop. Rolling land and pond. 20 acres of low iand and remaining hilly and scenic. Large down payment required. $49,950. 120 Acres Rolling land with large 4 bedroom home, garage, 2 barns, 2 streams, trout pond. Near Columbiavllle. *55,000. Terms. C. PANGUS, INC., Realtors OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 630 M-15 Ortonvllle CALL COLLECT 627-2815 CONEY ISLAND Top operation on busy intersection in Waterford Township. High gross, stainless steel equipment, large seating and parking capacity. Owner's personal circumstances forces sale. MA|i “TnteTITOiT-cdndition. H’oYnT features new family room with1 fireplace. Bern end other Out: .buildings. All In good repair. Only 20 minutes from Pontiac. May be' bought on lend contract. HADLEY | /40 acres with 1,320 ft. ,,of /road frontage. Good lake possibilities Nice Early American farm home, barn and other out buildings. Priced for quick sale at $32,500. ORTONVILLE 40 acre farmer's farm. Yes, there's still money in farming. This is a unique set up ready to make nothing but moneyl Call rfbw for details. WE BUILD-JRADE ROYER REALTY CO. PHONE 62B-2548 MAIN OFFICE, *23 S. Lapeer Rd. Oxford • HOLLY BRANCH: Phone 634-1204 > Hally Pitze WE HAVE A SPOT FOR YOU G it Service Stations for lease In and around the Pontiac area. (i|i?p.i‘T. GASOLINE ONLY. Excelien: d iientlal. high volume basoline sales. Small Investment only. Call Larry Trepeck or Gus Campbell 674-3184. LOANS $25 to $1,000 Insured Payment Plan CVXTER & LIVINGSTONE Finance Co. 401 Pontiac State Bank Buildlhg FE 4-1538-9 GARAGE SALE Clothing and Misc. Thursday and Friday, May 16 and 17 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 1403 Woodlow off Pontiac Lk. Rd. GARAGE SALE Thurs., 5 to 9 formats. 1007 T elegraph._______ — Tues., Wed., p.m. Misc. and Lakeview, B A SS AM PL I FI E R and guitar. $150. Lead guitar and amp. $80. 1 snare drum $25. Shura mika and stand* $30. 624-4305. GARAGE SALE: May 15* 16 and 17* from 9 to 5* 5239 Stevens Road off Ma-ybee._____________________________ Mortgage Loans 62 WHITE AUTOMATIC ZIG ZAG Sewing machine — deluxe, features — maple cabinet, American" design. T payments of: I $5 PER M0. OR' $49 CASH BAL. 5-year guarantee . ] Universal Sewing Center !7615 DIXIE HWY, FE 4 0*05 Young Folks I - Yes, we have furniture that I* | > Ideal for the young couple. i Rose Beige sofa, chair*- [(Brand new) floor sample ., »»» 13 piece walnut bedrm. suite Double ores FOR THE PAST 42 YEARS Voss, & BucknerTTnc. 209 National Bldg., .Pontiac EARLY AMERICAN bedroom suite, $85. 1 white and gold bedroom suite, $120. 1 dresser, mirror, headboard and.foot for bed, $35. 1 mahogany dining rbom ruite $125. 2 beige leather chairs, $15 each. Call Ml 4-5972.________________ ELECTRIC . STOVE, $25; GAS stove, $35; Refrigerator with top freezer, $49; Wringer washer, $40. G. Harris, FE 5-2766.__________ EXCELLENT APARTMENT t refrigerator with freezer. 332-0560. F R I G IDAIRE REFRIGERAtOR. Go6d condition. $60. 335-9606. FLOOR MODEL CLEARANCE 1 Frlgidalre Fro*f-Proof freezer, $21*. ' ■ Double Jresser, chest l Frlgidalre washer. 2-sDeeds, *18*. ] BookgasttJv-n, crate marred, new $97 maker,'825* re,rlflera'or A *“ KAY FURNITURE No Down Payment 90 days same as cash CRUMP ELECTRIC tC-Marf Shopping Center have been loaning $1000 to $5000 to: 3465 Auburn fe 4-3573 Antiques 65-A (-1 ANTIQUES, estate*, art glass wanted. Bt (JE B1R D AUGT4DNS,- Own Your Own Food Store home owners on “1st and 2nd! GAS STOVE, $25 mortgages for repairing, remodel-' fe 4-8342 home s«HOor'phVone T™ .°" V°“r Princetoh.^OTO.^_______________IChTERRY SEeRETARY DESK, lc< .r.------ ;GE 21" CONSOLE TV, $50; Kenmore dream chairs, wash stand, dolls dryer, <20. FE S-2665 334-3267 j Swop*^^ ^ \ 112-FT; BOAT AND'OARS, upright i piano, 24 in. TV, vanity dresser and bed, refrigerator, 52 gal. elec-[ trie hot water heater, 24 in. & 30 ’ In. ♦lectric range, misc. For What? Need farm Tractor. H. R; Smith Moylrig, 10 S. Jessie.________ 389 fri-cam. 4 GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE Now It Is posslblg for you to own a new modern grocery store with as little as $4,000 cash Investment. 7- ELEVEN Food Store thru their____________■—■■ unique franchising prog r a m l?|0TpNT!AC SPORT coupe, furnishes the store site ab3l pdwer, solid liners, pig <_ building, trade fixtures enif the| ‘SLi*1* or ,rad* *or complete program of operation ?35'0766, any time.---------------- wgsjBj that insures your success. 1964 CONSTRUCTION KING BACK- 44U5 Highland I hoe and loader for land, small house or ?. 334-7677._____________ ! DRY WALL, COMPLETE fof freezer I or? 627-3644. Y’-Knot Antiques, In Davisburg, open 6,days, Closed Sun. ._________ CUSTOM ANTIQUE REFINISHING Specializing In find antique refinlshing* furniture repair of all types hand canelng, hand carving, custom matching colors. AM work guaranteed. Harold Richardson, 363-9361. Mori.-Sat. 1285 Union Lk. Rd.y Union Lk. - GOING OUT OF BUSINESS Service station equipment and ac-_cessories. 4177 Cass-Elizabeth._ GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE (Licensed) COACH HOUSE Colonial Furniture 4405 Highland Pontiac GRAND PIANOS New and used, such famous makes *SCHICKERING AND FISCHER USED BUSCH AND LANE $699 LARGE SELECTIONS OF USED Qjf[SPINETS AND CONSOLES .......S36* Shop us bfifora you buy TERMS TO SUIT YOU GALLAGHER'S 1710 W. Telegraph FE 4-0566 V4 mile south off Orchard Lake Rd. Daily 9:30-9 p.m. SaK 9 to 5:30 GUITAR $10. CAR BED $4. Bassinette $5. Playpen $3. Ping pong 'table $10. Rocker $4. Bottle * gas stove $10. Desk $10. Pole lamp $5. Bedsprings $$. Rambler spoke hub’ caps $10. Dishes, clothing, rummage: '730^7-BeverTy.-"- - -----HEAVY DUTY GO-CART engine >25. Herb'S Ffc 2-13IT. HOME MADE PICKUP steeper. 8'x6'. Reasonable. UL 2-3106. HORSE INTERNATIONAL Cub Cadet, elec, starter with mower. $525. FE 5-7732._ HOUSEHOLD “SALE": WEDNESDAY only 9-3, selling contents of house, turn.* dishes, freezer, ironer, lamps, lawn mowers, lots of misc. 88 Marlbure off Woodward and Square - Lk. Rds., behind Bedells. new, KENMORE PORTABLE. DISHWASHER, cost $189, used 2 GRINNELL'S HAS AN OPENING in the Pontiac Mall Store for a radio and TV salesman „ Interested In selling Magnavox and other top quality Tines. He should want to make better than average earnings and want to advance to a store manager in the fast growing American Music Stbre chain numbering 50 stores in 7 states. GUITAR j*ND AMPLIFIER, 10" speaker* 'triple pick-up. 644-9091. - >7*- " . HAMMOND ORGAN, MODI-L A-100, full keyboard, A-1 condition. 887-4778.________^______. . LIKE NEW. Baldwin orgasonic organ. Double keyboard.!. MINI-COMPACT ORGAN* good con-ditfoir, $200. Like new '67 Fender Bassman Amp., $325. Call 852-4254. Smiley Bros., Music Co* 119 N. SAGINAW PONTIAC ________* FE 4-4721 SUNN—200S- ampMfieiv-i- mqji. old* $850. 1 portable Leslie organ speaker, $150. 334-6531. _ UPRIGHT PIANO* $40. H*. R. Smith Van Lines40 &. Jessie. USED ORGANS- Choose from Hammond and other well known brands, prica as low as $289. (Licensed) COACH HOUSE Colonial Furniture Pontiac I SHEET'S, MANY" 7-ELEVEN FRANCHISE OWNERS _.,^Am44H-4NCOME--IN EXCESS OF $20,000 ANNUALLY Husband and wife' team with teenage children ere Ideally suited to become 7-ELEVEN franchise owners. Your Investment Is secure In that you redelve a minimum gross annual Income assurance of *16,400. No experience necessary. We will train you. Locations j Available 13 Milt Road and Hoover — 15 Mile Road and Dodge — 13 Mile Road end Schoenherr — Cherry Hill and Inkster. ^ CALL OR WRITE 7-ELEVEN FOOD STORES 2214 ALGONQUIN RD. ROLLING MEADOW, ILL. CALL 312-255-17T1 HAMILTON DRYER, *30 ___673-3565 __ HOT POINT REFRIGERATOR, IB Hi-Fi, TV t Rad'lOS _______ HORSE " garden. .f* ' t°ppgT?.0-n-?: I —---------------- tractor. With snow blade _-and[ Taltor*. ^ -T'KIflOflT 5—BAND- short w ff j, cultivator. Swap tor 14' aluminum ____________,___________ \ m tJl «* ”“■ -______________| HOUSEHOLD SPECIAL Sola Clothing 64; *20 a month buys 3 rooms of ------------- FURNITURE - Consists ot: 8-Plece living room outfit With 3-pc. A D.:«Ni7E«?.nx5? n* w#d4J|’° living room suite, 3 step tables, 1 12. 6^06».------— cocktail table, 2 table lamp* and: BEAUTIFUL YELLOW and white,] (!) rxW rug Included, floor /length prom gown size 13, 7-plece bedroom suite with double gloves included. Very reasonable., dresser, chest, full-size bed with “ Innerspring mattress end matching box spring end 2 vanity lamps. 5-plece dinette set with 4 chroma chairs and table. All for S3**. Your credit Is good at Wyman's. WYMAN mo*;, now $95. S^ars portable car air conditiqnar, A-1 condition, $30.1 GRINNELL S ............................ 335-9054r — ■>- ~ ~ ~ i “ DOWNTOWN STOWE” FINE EARLY AMERICAN and Vic- LAVATORIES COMPLETE *24lo J7 So: Sagtnaw FE 3-7168 torian furniture — collector's Items va|ue, »u,*5, also bathtubs, toilets,!--------------------------------5---- in glass — Charlotte Henry-An- shower stalls. . Irregulars, terrific .. , . - ttques, _ 3210 Lake George—Rd..| tops Mtchlgen Fluor«scent^ -393.MuUC- La$SaM-----------------------------71-A ____[ Orchard LK., FE 4-8462 — 1. _1——-■ ----------------------------: ------W LAWN MOWERS, War a"Kl>u ie] clearance 22" mowers, 3; h.p. ____4 rotary, $59.95, 22" mowers, 3W| h.p., 2-speed self-propelled rotary,! W$99, 21" mowers, 2to h.p., reel, $94.95, 24" mowers, 5 h.p., tractor type, $239, 12" fmm Lake Drlon.- 651-1942. __________10101 EAGLE RD. ____ | Davisburg. 5 M.W. Dixie Hwy. 634- 9656. * ________ . receivers. Reas. FE^ 8-4349. wave Sole Household Goods 65 ,2. PIECE WING BACKED sectional I7 sofa: wing backed gold chairs: metal double bed”complete; 21" USED TV S2».*> Walton TV, FE 2-22S7 Open *-6 SIS E. Walton, cornar of Joslyn COLOR TV BARGAINS* LITTLE joe's Bargain House, FE 2-6842. complete 5 20" framed slate glass mirror; cane I furniture, like new, elec, stove, FURNITURE CO. If- e, HURON FE 5-J50I HUBBY BETNG TRANiF ERRED out 33S-*283______________________ ' state, compjpte 5 rooms, of, RECORD PLAYER NEEDLES HeaTh A AM/ Tuner* Laytayette Crlterioh 20 > — speakers, axe. conditloh* $250. 626- 3776. __________ •___________ MEDITERRANEAN STEREO New daft In layaway) 5' long. AM-FM starao , radio, rumble filter, scratch filter, 100 watts. Automatic *speed record changer. Plenty of record storage space. Was $339, •aid balance only $267 CfSh or ihi unpi , $15 monthly. Housenold Appliance, WURLITZER AND THOMAS ORGANS AND PIANOS INSTRUCTIONS AND INSTRUMENTS. JACK HAGAN MUSIC chain saw, *5*.»5;46* Elizabeth Lake Rd. 332-05K ’ 81*2 Cooley Lake Rd, 363-5500 lessons! Maco Distributors—lilHLB*rrHt_IL, Troy, between Crooks e n d Livernols. North off of Maple 689-0201. • SUPPLIES. INKLI wy/-( INKL LAWN SPRINKLING system available. Check Our plastic pipe price*. • / V." S3.65 Per hundred / 1" *5.61 per hundred / IV," *0.51 per hundred 1 Va *10.01 per hundred G. A. Thompson, 7005 M-5* W. LOWREY ORGAff. Like new. S6S0. Electric stove, good cond. 682-6127. MOWERS — USIIT W* repair mowers end ell air-cooled engines. Teytor Equipment Repair. **2 « .. . ... University Dr. Open Sunday.___j SparTIng vOOai PICNIC TABLfcS. Lewh swings’"and childrens swings, made ol coder 1 and pine for durability end beauty, sho Moon Valley Rustic Furniture Co. $25 6465 Dixie Hwy. Clarkston "* ACCORDION, GUITAR, Salas-4arvlca,.Pulanackl, OR 3-55*6. WILL GIVE ORGAN or piano lessons In my home or your*. Classical, sscrad or as you prater. 335-0644. Sforg Egalpnignt ■> / 73 6' REACH IN BEER Cooler, a*(f contalnn, 14' back bar# and Misc, restaurant equipment, 673-3457. SOFT ICE CREAM. Twist machine, reasonable. Shake end- thlush freezer. Hamburger broiler, chicken fryer, barbecue michlnt. Woodward 3*2411. *■«* 12-GAUGE DOUBLE BARREL shotgun *70. .25 automatic pistol *25. .30 special chromed *43. .32 evolvtr' *31. ( MM mauser rifle 635. *MM pistol *3*. 'William/ Hona- hard to find? refrigerator, all alec, appliances. _ sm vt — Wrheve molt all kinds snow fencing, Ml 6-0243. & ____ I Will sacrifice. 624-5960.__ Johnson TV~*FE 1-456* . _ 3-ROOM - (Brand new furniture)IKENmUSe ■eLhCTRlC ~45 W. Wal)an near B*lgw^t------------------------------^ Guns FE *-8165. $289. Osh, terms, lav-awa^..; good working condition. $25. FE 8- TV WESTINGHOU$^2i black and PICNlC TABLES (5 OjJE HIH .....■ -* t white stereo dltlon, 1863. ! Pearsoin's Furniture* 210 E. Pika _________________________________ j FE 4-7831/ ____ ____________- LARGE UPRIGHT UNITED Harvast! 6 PIECE DINETTE SET. FE 5*7159,! Quatn frtezar, only usad 6 mo»„ I call after 4. * I 8250. 651*4212. ‘ console, AM-FM radio, record player. Exc, con-walnut finish* $225. 628- SWINGS. LAWN ORNAMENTS, 2 PAIR BINOCULARS, NEVER used., GIFTS, GAGS, JOKES—LIBERAL ad. Powar—20x50 and 7*3 5.% BILL'S OUTPOST* 3265 DIXIE includes leather carrying case for HWy., OR 3-9474. ' 1 each. 651-8365. * i..- tWkMS'Jm^rK‘ ^DqBI >V.hn^V.r>Vl/wBHurtnlM° ,0r 'h, ST.lr®l?,,NA,,5 PUPPIES, Beautiful stiBOtOf, ntw. Huron W... ilruclure and marking*. Champion 10 HP. SKIDADDLER Snowmobile, *lfad for pot or thaw. Exceli.nl 1450. 336-1430. * _ disposition. Cell 343-2773 16w» aHd ARROWS-334 »14» ' 1 »T~: «|PN^0fb~ p6R Iile. mele, 14 ikiii ir nTm i >i iiin it lTrlTa TUaaamrfWaMi fcaCSBjMaigfe attfJBB&xBZ'F: EDDIE bAuEr Aoler AarKe lOO parl *T BERNARD AKC TamaitTT cent poose down, range 70 degrees I moving, mutt tell. 644 5794 below 0, Ilka new size 44 44 157-WANTED :"mINIATUREPIN|CHER gj.MM't___ ......... I puppy. Ml 4-0331. GOLF CLUBS £'gHLM° white itrrierl ^n,,, ! bundle*ol mlKhSlf. ^40?' ",'»« *PASHB ,C^P' * Quality "Royal” Woods, t, 3, 3 WEST HIGHLAND WHITE lerrlen, ,s*°° A’,o **£>'# a and 5. Excellent condition. '*—— |—..........—......... Jtt| eiocroeeM ur u^„ *'/>■ PICKUP CAMPER, 1940 model, Heaps 4, 4710. 404-7433. ■ 14’ foyiEA-HOMI, sleeps 5. ""SoSl condition. 404-3141.____________ low "SHASTA, 5ELP ."contained, excellent condition. 474-0013.__ W DREAMER PLAINSMAN, self contained, jurjgtJtrakes. 474-3441. 17' FOOT SWISS COLONY, sell-con telned, Reese hitch, Access. 41400 711-4179 after 4 pirn., and 4. Excellent cond only _ — .. call Ml 4-4740 evenings. lomales, 4 mot. 4100, FE 0-1501 'OIKSHIRj terrier pupp AKC. 4134 ea. 348-0413, Warren. 9S@WM4ll By Dick Turner|W«nt«d Cors-Trucks 101 Foralgn Car* D—0 10S New and Um4 C«r* 1 ESTATE AUCTION OOLF RANGE EQUIPMENT mowers, tractors, ball picker lights, wiring, matt, tees, brushes Can be teen by appointment P Box 103, Bloomfield Hills, 4B0IJI. , NEW MO AUTOMATIC; 45l M-l' Wed., Carbine Ammoi 34 Auto. 435. 334-1 ■5 4404. _________________ j j Quant) REMINGTON 13 GAUGE model 1100 homes __ _______ shotgun 4175. Also Remington 30-001 dining room, china chest; model 743, BDL Monto Carlo stock' ’ ■ rifle 4150. Both guns, never used, FE 5-4493 _____ SCUBA All COMPRESSOR - 19 CFM at 1500 tbs. Rlx compressor, 4 cyl Leroy gas engine. Dual I tillers. Electric dryer. 35 KV generator, trailer mounted. Best otter. QE 7-1407, South Lyons. Sand-Graval-DTrt 76 1941 10' FLOTE AIR Skamper, like FE 3-1447 AsieOtisss ------------- ni|. new, 113-0479._________________135 OPDYKE nUCTIOII bales 80 1941 ll* SELF-CONTAINED, with!Auburn Heights front awning, carpet and drapes Exc. St475. 473-3157.___ 1965 21' All STREAM Ambassador, WOLVERINE TRUCK CAMPERS AND •LKIRMI, Factory outlaid repair ana parti, naw and useo, rantali. Jacks, Intarcorm, tala* •coping borfipara, »par« lira car rlars, aux iterating gaioilna tanks. Lowry Camper Sales, 1325 s. Hoi-! pttal Rd., Union Lake EM 3-3681. Mobil# Hamit 89 1-A Beauties to Choose From RICHARDSON DELTA MONARCH DUKE MOMETTE LIBERTY COLONIAL MOBILE HOMES 623*13lgj 5430 DIXIE of Waierforc merchandise from fine No lunk. Duncan Phyfa paint, $1395, 852-3389. round 1-A BLACK DIRT State teetedi also topsoil, sand end front china cabinet; piano and bench; old pump organ; books; lawn tools plus 3 unopened trunks. DOORS OPEN 4 P.M auction starts 0:30 sharp. AUCTI0NLAND 1300 Crescent Lake Rd. Mike Spak — Auctioneer and II-' quldator | revet fill. Builders^supplies. Budi ACTION AND SALE, Sat. May 18, jjgijd||| * H at Four Ridge Community Center. Pleasant Ridge, across I r o m Detroit Zoo entrance. On concrete, under tent, rain or shine. Sale 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Auction beings II a.m. Cars; antiques; sportinq goods; tools; books; furniture,; jewelry, etc. Exhibits, food.1 Admission free. Sponsored 8th year by Pleasant Ridge Foundation. B & B AUCTION EVERY FRIDAY commode; chairs. Twin "mahogany '’leinea^ileeo?^333*3617 SELFCOn' bedroom furniture; large sue I«ln«a,slee_ps 6. 333-38I7. ____________ M*h0?!nLll<,<,rr„00^' corT’b,,ie; apt.' 1968 Starcraft Campers gas range; round rug; cabinet;! ,«u. ,udL r round end drum tables; rocker, rninrr amt vixir line living room chairs; sola; CRUISE 0UT.HNC. portable TV; wall mirrors; lawn a*» c lA/Aifnn naiiu o.* cc haam furniture; clothes; housewares; - E' wardrobe; dinette; antiques and 1966 PLAYMATE^. SLEEPS 6. Gas glass items; lamps;' vacuum; bow gfijfij I 10' BY 50* GENERAL Cabane. 335 •900. After 5 jp.m. 10'XSfF HOWARDf FURNISHED on iot. Bxc. condition. UL 2-4164. “Big 4 10X44' SKYLINl. 19417 '3-bedroom PPP ------- -- -..........axcapt with 2 Expandos Front. Living toilet, extended body# large mlr- room 14 x 15. Kitchen 12 x 14. rors, chrome bumpers, 2-tone' utility shed included. New drapes end carpeting. Beit offer up to $3,000. 689-4041. After 4 p.m. A lot 8valuable in Holly.__ 12 K 60*7 3 BEDROOMS, like new, $495 down. Take over payment. 623-J310 or 332*2057. _ 12'x60' PARK WOOD 1966, better than new cond., step-up kitchen and din stove, refrigerator and oven. 2 air vents. Lots of extras. Used times. Heese hitch. $1630. 052-5016, APACHE CAMP TRAILERS PICKUP TRUCK CAMPERS A-l BULLDOZING, finished grade, gravel, top soil, M. Cook, 483-4145. ~ A-l SCREENED TOP SOIL Larry Powell Trucking 435-317 A-l BLACK DIRT Top toll# itone all kinds, 681-0422. CHOICE DARK RICH day alumej EVERY SATURDAY top soil, shredded, 4 yds., 418 EVERY SUNDAY delivered. FE 4-6588,____ — — ing room, 2 bedrooms, extra large living room with beam celling, full1 carpeting, delivered and set upi with full skirting, large patio type! porch. Save $2800 interest with1 $800 down and take over payments. 852-4457._______________________ 1957 CHAMPION, 8'X35\ 2 bedrooms. | A good selection of new 1947, Very good condition. $1,350. 335-1 Apache Camp trailers and pickup-iriSr—.—,----------...—------^-------i truck campers, ail at close out j 1962 NEW MOON, IO'xSO', very good prices, while they last. Open daily] condition, 2-bedroom, colonial. 632* to 6 p.m. 7254,________________________ f BILL C0LLER 11*43 marlette expando, isxii' v, mile E of Looker ' i hying room, carpeting, drapes, City limits on M-21 ' awning, furnished. 443-4841.______, airstream travel trailer-' 1,63 blue MOON, low. STOP HERE LAST M&M MOTOR SALES Now <«f our new location We pay more for sharp, late model cars. Corvettes needed. 1150 Oakland at Viaduct 338:9261 _ fOP I f OR C L 6 AN CA RS OR trucks. Economy Cars. 2335 Pi^le TOP $ PAID for all sharp Pontiacs AND CADILLACS. We c prepared to make you a 1944 VW> 38,000 MILES. osi-mif_______ i>4rvwTi68rY6m$mmi7wi. 0349,______: ____________, 1945 REhAOLt. 10,000 MILlt, 1 owner, $500/ 685-2614 after 4 p.m. 1944 MOB IMO. rffct. CONfimtiW. FE 4-7184 before 4 p.m., 447-8124 after 5 p.m IMS ALFA ROMEO 1400 CC, 5-speed transmission, Almont* 798-8365. _ TOM RADEMACHER CHEVY-OLD5 1965 VW 2 door sedan, radio, heater, whitewalls, tan with matching interior, 194] CHEVY IMPALA if. White as-Mr lor, red lnt#r)qr, BMEMf .HM, Astro WhMll. 317-1000. Pldridd Ur. PE 5-M79. 1943 CDllVAIR . MONZA 4 IPWd. Good condition, 1400. 424-9041 etter, 5 p.m. f»43 CHEW" hardtop, 6 imFacc a—assr cylinder, stick. No LUCKY AUTO 1940 W. Wide Track mileage. FE 4-1004 Of PE i*tM4 41095. On US lO.el M15, Clerketon, 1943 CHEVROLET 2 DOOR Impale MA 5-5071.______________________hardtop, 327 VI engine, 242 Edison 1944 VOLKSWAGEN. SUN ROOF, St. 4400._______________________ AM-FM. ReclTnlng leals. Forest;i44lm'cWvir, « cylinder »*gr. green. 4990. 402-0311 etter 4 P.M. 1 white with red Interior. Motor exc. 1944 v.W. SEDAN Sea Blue, 1 Radio, condition. Body fair condition, 1411. 333-1474._______________________ 643^133.____________________________ ore 1944 SUNBEAM ALPINE, exc7 con-11943 CQRVAIR - A little dream — dltlon, extras. 41750. 43S-3193. 1 vinyl top plus, eccts. Tip-top, con- ...1. 4324 Weldon Rd., CMrfceton Burns. WILSON CRISSMAN WANTED DUNE BUGGY! r-»*f O IMS by HU. lac. TAt R«e> UA Lpte Model GM Cars TO? $ PAID FOR EXTRA CLEAN CARS Suburban Olds ! BIRMINGHAM Self-contained, tandem wheels, 261 ft.; also 1968 Pontiac, 2800 miles,* complete trailer package. Owner'! 97 CHOICE SHREDDED BLACK dirt, topsoil, 6 yds., $18 del. FE 4-6588. ______________ FILL DIRT, TOP SOIL, Gravel, 10-A Stone, black dirt, loader and bull-dozer work, OR 3-5850. LOADING FILL SAND dally. Mon-Fri. 7:30-4:30 beginning April 22 D 8, H Rlchman. 1095 Union Lk. Rd. 363-3110. 7:00 P.M. 7:00 PM. 2:00 P M. WE BUY - SELL - TRADE RETAIL 7 DAYS WEEKLY CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME CASH PRIZE EVERY AUCTION 89 Dixie Hwy. OR 3-271/ SATURDAY, MAY 18, 10 A.M. - Hatfield Farm and Home Estate 5946 E. Bath Rd., 4V3 miles West of Byron S£!Ec,c'.t. Sross realty; (“Speaking of selling, how are yoii doing in getting your ^odeT^'Cars°or will'ac |_______ _ 474-nos.__________________ !dad to buy the idea of giving, yoij the car Friday night? death necessitates sale. Call Jim T965 PARKWOOD 12vX56' fully;...................... ........ ..............‘_____ lllaylor, OR 4-0306._____________<_ carpeted, new furniture, make AIRSTREAM LIGHTWEIGHT | down payment, FE 2-q391.______________ Mafarevrlat TRAVEL TRAILERS 11966 PONTIAC CHIEF - 42x10, | _____1........... Since 1932 Guaranteed for life, ftyrn. 2 bedrooms, extras, on lot,;"^^' , See them and get a demonstra- $2895.335-8728 11967 RED SUZUKI 150CC, Electric lion at Warner frailer Sales, 30981m7 PEERLESS 5-ROOM mobile! s*aT,t- yyi,h.h1eirriel' M50’ 0R 3-4093. W. Huron (plan 10 loin one of home. 55 x 12. Sylvanla color rnn- Call after 3:30.__________________ Wally Byam's exciting caravans). joie j-y. Porch.. .Utility shed. ,1947 HONDA SCRAMBLER 305, AVION 27', AIR like new, *5250, 3860 44,400. Call after 5 tor appt., 332- completely customized, best offer. Malden, Watartord. Maceday Lk. 4798._______________________________i 62»-3509. _____________________ BRADLEY CAMPER', PT C K - U P 1947 CHAMPION PERFECT con-ll967 SUZUKI 250 Scrambler, 418 sleepers and covers, spare tiro dltlon. Immediate possession. 334-, tires, must see. 333-8865. carriers, 3259 Seebaldt, Drayton I 17841 Plains, 673-9538. 95 Boati-Accessories Do-It-Yourself DOCKS . Aluminum or Wood Larsen Boots Grumman Canoes cept trade-downs. Stop by; today. FISCHER! BUICK ! 544 S. WOODWARD j 647-5600 1944 VOLKSWAGEN, Bahama Blue,, 41175.627-3142. _____ ! imTchevrolet IMPALA. Power 1964 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE CON- A'’ VERTIBLE. A-l condition. Bright i ._BJtjon, 4895. MY 3;112»; - red. bleck upholstery. Wire wheels, 11944 CHEVELLE CLUB Coupe. 4795. radio, body end paint In axe. con- "0" down, payments 44.44 weok. dltlon. $1625. Good clean car. 644- Call Mr. Parks, Ml 4-7400. Harold 1507. _ Turner Ford, Birmingham. I4M VW SEDAN."RADIO, good con-, 1944 MbNZA”cpUPE ...............4400 dltlon. 651-9450.____________I Dealer 338-9238.__________________ ,.10-in 1966 AUSTIN "HEALEY, 1000, Mark; 1964 CHEVY II STICK, 6 cylinder, III. Good condition. OR 1-9M3. like new Inside and out. Priced lo sell. RONEY'S AUTO, 121 Baldwin. FE 4-4909. TOM RADEMACHER CHEVY-OLDS 1944 CHEVY II Nova station wagon, 6 cyl. automatic, radio, heater, low mileage, Ideal family car at 41095. On US 10 at MIS, Clarkston, MA 3-5071.__________ 1964 CORVAIR MONZA, 4495 ___ ' FE 8-1864 ________ 1964 CHEVY WAGON Bal Air 8, auto., radio, double power, turquoise, Ivory, owner, exc. condition. Attractive price. H. J. VAN WELT, OR 3-1355,.... 1965 CHEVY IMPALA SS. automatic, power staering-brakes. 471-6427. 1965 CHEVY II 2-door hardtop, stick 6, radio, maroon. M I L O S C H CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH. 477 M-24, Lake Orion. MY 2-2041._________ 1965 CHEVY IMPALA WAGON, pass., double power, 1 m 0493. I PARTS AND ACCESSORIES FRAME SHORTENING ! BY BILLY DOYLE 5500 ElIzabeth Lk. Rd. 682-92441 "Michigan's j Fastest Growing VW Dealer" OFFERS A FINE SELECTION OF 100 ,PER CENT WARRANTED USED CARS loaded. 647- j tractors and tools, tillage tools,! CAMPER BUS READY to go# 335-. - guns, shop, station wagon,1 4817- ^______________#_______UpBn household, relics, row boat. CAMPERS FOR PICKUPS Marlette Perkins Sale Service Auctioneers i PHOENIX AND WINNEBAGO |Royal Embassy PH., Swartz Creek 635*9400 Trailers squire STAN PERKINS AUCTIONEER REESE AND DRAW-TITE HITCHES: Delta Alean Vidor SWARTZ CREEK HOWLAND TRAILER SALES MARLETTE EXPANDOS ON TYLER'S AUCTION AND RENTALS J FREE DELIVERY AND SET UP 3255 Dixie Hwy. Pontiac OR 3-1456 WITHIN 200 MILES. 12 X 50' American 1968, $4995 7605 Highland Rd. (M-59) 673*9534 Plant s-T rees-Shrubs 81 -A PONTIAC LAKE BUILDERS SUP ply. Sand gravel fill dirt. OR 3-ply. Sand gravel fill dirt. OR 3-1534.______________ * SAND, GRAVEL AND DIRT. All kinds. Delivered. FE 2-1485 SAND, GRAVEL, FILL, TOPSOlC broken concrete, crushed limestone, delivered. 625-1756, 673- 8793. ____________________ 1———- -7^'—— S A W. SAND AND GRAVEL all I A-l TREES, SPRUCE, Pine, Fir and stone and sand products. Crushed: shade trees. You dig, your tools, limestone, all Sizes. Tested top- 2922 Sleeth, 3 miles W. of Corn-soil, fill dirt, all areas del. 628-1 merce Village. Daily — 684-0635. J543. After 5:30, 394-0042.----(GERANIUMS 65 CENTS A PIECE. SLAG FOR YOUR driveway. If you( petunias, salvia, allysum eel. 42.89 per flat. Also tomatoes and other vegetables and plants at reasonable prices. Vernots Green 377] Z84.____ (1947 YAMAHA. CANDY APPLE red. HARRINGTON BOAT WORKS ... _ . -------------mil /^* Hi °wner. Ml 6 Best Mobile Home Sales,*)b *”% n,w' 3450 0R 3'"J5 ,,t' 7 "Your Evinrude Dealer" ^on*t Cafi-Trucki_R"| 11 GrOllmETfi 1965 )pen Daily 9 a.m,8 pmt. !t»S^onoa m>rwC« 6^-4 '!.>». too j!|nk car.s.-trucks. Imp VW Inc. 1965 CHEVY. SS Convertlbla. 327, air conditioning, full power, wire wheels, top like new, Exc. shape, t owner. Ml 6-4730._______________________ sF All 1968 Models NOW HERE!! free tow anytime. FE 2-2666. SAND AND GRAVEL FILL OR 3-5564 iop~TOfr~soir~ANP‘Tm 2049. ' _____________ House, Vj block OFF DIXIE AT —PONTIAC DRIVE -iN THEAT-REr 2461 WiHiams Drive. CENTURY YELLOWSTONE TRAVEL TRAILERS Quality at any budget One lOVa' TRUCK CAMPER Was $2845 NOW $2395 STACHLER TRAILER SALES, INC. Highland (M-59) 682-9440 ON DISPLAY AT Cranberry Lake Mobile Home Village 9620 Highland Rd., (M-59) 2 miles West of Williams Lk. Rd. 363-5296 673-1191 WATCH FOR "OUR DISPLAY" AT THE WATERFORD HOME AND BUILDERS SHOW BSA, TRlUMPHt HONDA NORTON, DUCATI, AND MONTESA ANDERSON SALES & SERVICE i 1645 S. Telegraph_____PE 3-71021 ANNOUNCING THE NEW 1968 Hodaka 100 cc 5-SPEED TRAIL BIKE. The Bronco 50 cc 4-SPEED BIKE. MG SALES 4667 Dixie Hwy., Drayton 673-6458 j EVINRUDE 9'/a 7Va hp. $85. Others 5 to 60 hp. 5370 ___!■■■_____________I Dixie Hwy.______ ______________’ll. JUNK CARS, K*Y FOR SOME | JOHNSON 40 H.P. eleciro-matlc with (rte l°'6'- 683-7080. ________ , all controls used less then 100! ALWAYS BUYING JUNK CARS! hours. $350. 637-4291. after 4:30._. and_scrap, we tow. FE 5-0201. I MERCRAFT 16 FT. INBOARD- COPPER -~BRASS; RADIATORS— outboard, 110 hp. Windshield and starters and generators, C. Olx-full convertible top., Includes full son, OR 3-5849. hardware, life jackets, low rope, free TOWING, 24 hour road serv-l CHEVROLET Impala Caprice 1821 Maplelawn Blvd. Off Maple Road (IS Mile Rd.) . „ ... Aie« (tertirraft i-xct1 iuwinu, 4t^ nuur ruou »«• *-> ACROSS FROM BERZ AIRPORT s!'.?;,-?,c , ,.Ai° „51*rn?r.?I!' Ice. 673-0623. Dave's Towing. Just South of Pontiac Tilting trailer. Used very utile,----------:—________________■■■■■-—-—. ■■ i-rrnv mi 2-6900 in new condition. Cost new over JUNK CARS, FREE TOW, anytime.'1™*-------------------------------------------^-1-5—- $4500. Best offer over $2500. FE 5-7795 Barber's Flying Servcie, Pontiac ort. 674-0336. Used Auto-Truck Parts 102! Adoor hardtop, balga with black vinyl ' top, fully loaded, V-8 automatic, only 17,000 miles. You must see this one. Bob Borst Lincoln-Mercury Sales 1950 W. Maple________Ml 6-2200 PERENNIALS FIELD GROWN Vegetabels, flowers, geraniums, Indianwood Perennial Gardens, 3030 S. Lapeer Rd., Lake Orion. 391-3883. Camping Private-Cake- - Safe beach, flush toilets and showers, 1140 MIS, Ortonvllle. McFeely Resort. 627-3820 weekends or 965-5958 weekdays 9 to 3. 412 Empire Bldg., Detroit, 48324. T(?oPadSg°r'aL>;,l^'63-^4t4. ™S°n ,a"d' !*■»»■*________ .83 Wood-Coal-Coke-Fuel 77 1/2 QUARTER HORSE-bay gelding, very gentle, NA 7r2407. CAMPERS OR TRAILERS GOODELL TRAILERS 3200 S. Rochester Rd. 852-4550 Ready to move In todayl $4,795.84 Includes Sales Tax—Insurance Plus Honeymoon Specials Drive Out—See—Only $79.07 Monthly PEERLESS MOBILE HOMES 13318 Dixie Hwy., Holly 6 miles S. of Grand Blanc ' HONDA 166, i2l&' 673-6453. ALBERTA LUMBER MILLS Hardwood ^umber^ new'^falf/oad > BLACK WELCH-ARABIAN mere, ties, plain or Tr»5ot^ 334-0575 o7 $150. l gray vv Arabian yearling 334-0576. _______*______ Pets-Hunting Dogs 79 aft. 4. 14 HORSES. - _______ AMERICAN ESKIMO, Black tay geldings Well trained 5445 Mini Schnauzers (rare!. Pocket Whippie Lake Rd., Clarkston, Poodles, Lakeland Terriers, Halt! Mich. 394-0286._______________— Moon Parrots, Finches, Parakeets,(ARABIAN GELDING, show winner, Igunanas, Alligators, Tropltal Fish English and western—half Arabs ...tBafavL....qiscussrj,.^ Grooming. . Uncle tnarnes PeT|A -------------- --------- —“ Shop, 696 W. Huron, Va mile of'M Telegraph, Pontiac. 332-8515. Open 1-6 fundays Check our deal on— SWISS COLONY LUXURY TRAILERS FROLIC TRAILERS AND TRUCK CAMPERS SKAMPER —-----—J FOLD-DOWN CAMPERS p A. LAM I NO mares,_ _ 2113 t0 28 |t on display at — colt, $100. 1 bay Thoroughbred mare with papers, $350. 625-4559 Jacobson Trailer Sales 5490 Williams Lake Rd. OR 3-5981 1-A DACHSHUND PUPS, AKC,. ESTEI HEIM KENNELS, 391-1889 A POODLE CLIPPING, $3 U| r*ud Service puppies. FE 4-6438. HORSE TRAILER FOR 2 horses ori cows.- Heavy duty with side escape doors. Tack room. Electric brakes.! $775. 634-4215, Holly. location, 11842 Lambs Rd Memphis Michigan.I 392-2336. New Trailer In Stock, service ard parts avail Ox. jrd Trailer Sa!.; MARLETTES - 50 to 43 long, 12 wide, 20 wide. Early American* Conventional and modern decor Expando or tlp-outs. Priced right. Built right. Phone MY 2-0721, ml. S. of Lake Orion on M24. Motorcycle Insurance LOW RATES Anderson & Associates INSURANCE 1044 Jodlyn __________FE 4-3535 MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE S. K. JOHNSON AGENCY FE 4-2533 _______ 11961 CHEVY, GOOD motor 1 transmission, cheap. Save Auto. FE 5-3278. Mun. Airport. PINTERS SPECIAL ____________________________________ N«W 196* T4' Thompson Fibergtes-A-L TRUCK-AUTO englnes. Factory | lapstrake with vinyl convertible, ^BlHtt, all makes. E-Z terms... top, side aft curtains. 65 h.p. MODERN ENGINES, 537«11i7.-j Johnson with battery and box, 12001 CHEVY 283 MOTOR AND automatic I lb. Little Dude Trailer; plus elec-| transmission. FE 5-6957, $45._« trie horn, deck mounted mirror, |F, qq« SHIFT KIT. For 1965 Pon-j fire extinguisher, 4 life preservers, »tjac 3 5peed hearst with full paddle, anchor and line. Regularly length console. Glove box and light $3109.50. hookup. Best offer. 338-4824. SPECIAL $2497 SEATS AND DOOR pads, green, good condition, for 1960 Pontiac 4 door Ventura. FE 4-5623. __, VW PARTS,, INCLUDING engines, YOU SAVE $612.50 ________________________ __________ 1370 OPdyke 9-8 Sat. 9-4 SUZUKI CYCLES 50CC - S00CC 12 (|-75 at Oakland University Exit) 'X'mIh. seats, radios, chassis month or 12,000 ml. warranty^!----------------—^--------------— ~ i custom, power, nice car. 62^433L SPRING SPECIAL, 24—26" boys' girls' bikes. $10 up. 481-0055. SCHWINN STINGRAY, boys, ex cellent condition. 682-8183.______________ and good- 343-0081, Dealt CORRECT CRAFT, 9 Models made! 962 FORD PICKUP, for skiing, 14' to 24' models, on| wheel drive, snow plow, $1,800. 673- 1966 IMPALA Chevy Impale * passenger' station wagon, automatic, power steering, power brakes, extra clean. $2295 PONTIAC RETAIL STORE 45 UNIVERSITY FE 3-7951 Boots-Accessories 97 10 HORSEPOWER MERCURY, quick silver lower unit, (3) spaed props, $110, 391-3889. 2 FT. WOLVERINE RUNABOUT with controls, refinished last year, $50. 852-1313. ______________________ Poodle Bound. 777-9146. SPIRITED OR GENTLE horses tor sale. New and used tack. Double O Ranch. 673-7657._____________ TENNESSEE 16.2 hands, AKC BLACK MINIATURE puppies, $50 each, 682-4143,_ AKC BLACK FEMALE Poodle, 7 weeks old. Call EM 3-3549.____ AKC SMALL MINIATURE poodle puppies. Black, 6 weeks, 661-0329. AKC COLLIE PUPPIES, 10 weeks, temporary shots and wormed, 545 and up, 684-4291 In Milford.__ AKC DACHSHUND PUPS MORSE__________________FE 8-2538 AKCWHITE POODLE pup, $40 andTENNESSEE REGISTERED walking! grown poodles, FE 2-5269.______mare. 5 year old, $500. 474-1740. Meats 83-A Open Dally and Sundays OAKLAND CAMPER BEELINE TOUR-A-HOME COVERS Parts and accessories WALKING HORSE, ___ _______ 7 yean old gelding, pleasure and trail horse for adults. 4 year old registered Tennessee _______j________________________ gelding,, show prospect. Also, pick UP COVER for sale registered Cheviot sheep with 1200. Phone 682-0888. lamb. Top breeding. Shown by ap-pointment. OLive 1-0078. Baldwin at Colgate 335-0634 AKC BLACK MINIATURE Poodle puppies, $50. ea. 363-6965 AKC BEAGLE PUPS# 7 weeks. $50. 338-1281._____________________ ALL PET SHOP# 55 Williams, FE A-\-----■ 6433. Female Parakeets._______»Hay-Graill-Feed BASSETT HOUND, MALE, 8; ^ -- -----^ months, AKC reffo very gentle, j ^xTRA GOOD HORSE and cow hay 84 682-0465 or Ml 4-2530. rill deliver 627-3229. BEAUTIFUL PUREBRED AKC col- f0r sale dry MULCH hay 20 lie pups, trl-colored and sables, cen(s per ba|e Phone 627-3788. exceptionally nice. 451-8748.________. . ortonvllle. BE BEAUTIFUL FARM COLLIE PUPS-1 g0OD HAY FOR SALE, will deliver, 492-1901. I 625-4604. __(_____ BLACK-SILVER Poodle stuq service, pro||oce 86 HERE TODAY WE NEED TRADE INS For Our CUSTOMERS TO TAKE NORTH NOW LET'S TRADE NOW SEE THE ALL NEW 60x12 DETROITER WITH SLIDE-A-ROOM PLUS MANY OTHERS Free Delivery up to 300 ml. See the New-Detroiters Bob Hutchinsons MOBILE Apache Travel Trailer HOMES _ THE ENVY OF YOUR 4301 Dixie Hwy. (US-10) OR 3-1202 FRIENDS, TRAVEL WITH ---— PIONEER CAMPER SALES Trailers: Jubilee, Globa Star Barth Campers: Swinger, Maclnaw, Travel Queen, Carabou, Barth Covers: Stutz Bearcat, Merit 3091 W. Huron___481-0720 Premier Showing . V STARCRAFT ALUMINUM Runabout, 33 h.p. Scott-Atwater motor. 682-01B7.______________ CLIFF DREYER SPORTS CENTER OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK "BUYERS COME TO DREYERS" SUNDAYS 12 to 6:30 15210 N. HOLLY RD., HOLLY 634-8300 OR 634-6771 Tony's Marine Service JOHNSON MOTORS Geneva GW Invader, Shell Lake, Aerocraft alum, boats and canoes. Also pontoons. Terrific discounts 1944 BUICK VISTA Wagon, $129S. $39 down, payments $10.92 weak. Call Mr. Parks, Ml 4-7500. Harold Turner Ford, Birmingham 1962 1 TON GMC horse van, $1100, 1944 BUICK ELECTRA 2-door 674-1740.____________________ I hardtop. ExC. condition. -’Full 1952 DODGE Va Ion pickup. $75. Call power. 36,000 actual mi. FE 4-4373. before 3 p.m., 673-3326.____________ 1963 CORVAIR VAN, excellent condition. Sell for $450 or trade for motorcycle of equal value. 335-6302 1944 BUICK SPECIAL convertible, auto., double power, wife's car, 33,500 ml. 424-1554. .Qpnpn TANDEM dump.' 1965 BUICK LeSABRE hardtop. ,9$3400 FE 2 1440 ,A”UC A.uamxlr. rariln. heater, cower 1964 GMC % TON cab and chassis only, dual wheel, radio and heater. condition. Lincoln 8-1982. USED BARGAINS 14' Swltzercraft ... ..... $195 14' Century 35 h.p. Olec. Gale — lights, controls, battery, cover, $395 __________ 14' Fleetform-30 h.p. elec. Johnson- RUN-ABOUT, 18 h.p. Johnson, air buoy trailer . $595 Trailer, $300. Call after 6, 626-4382.; 15* shell Lake — 30 h.p. elec. 12' ALUMINUM BOATS “ «08j, tr»iler ,, . . *S” bIo i'coho*'bo.tsS' imiy.Ts' $379.' 5Jo'hnsonYaller'0dern 35 * ' H95 BIO 'rif*' ‘^"huYoY l"-P ^ ^ _ -a. .a.... . n . _# i 14' White House — 40 elec. Save $$$ at Buchanans Evinrude ....................$595 9669 Highland Rd. 115' Scottie Craft-40 h.p. elec.- --------------lortrir Johnson $096 m»15' Borun-new top aft. side curtains-j, 75 h p Johnson —r— 15' Lake & Sea-35 elec. motor. Moody trailer ..... 16' White House — 75 h.p. McCullouch ...................$895 Automatic, radio, heater, power steering and brakes. Save on this one. $1195. Hillside Lincoln-Mercury, 1250 Oakland.. 333-7863. ----- ------ -----, -----------—|1965 BUICK SEDAN, $1395# $39 on all 1967 motors and boats. 2695 1964 CHEVY 1 TON STAKE, new down, payments $12.88 week. Cal Orchard Lpke Rd., Sylvan Lake ........ — c,ox - ...... Harold engine. <1200. 682-1230 or 682-5136 ----_ _ _ P t-Tz^NTVT^ i »urner t-oro, pirminmiom. ___________ 1 QnS K)n J 1965 BUICK GRAN SPORT, $1495 ■LvUv 1 | |39 down, payments $12.88 week EC0N0-VAN $39 down, payments . _ Call Mr. Parks, Ml 4-7500. Harold Turner Ford, Birmingham, Beige, Good running 1966 buick LeSABRE 2 door hardtop. Power steering, power brakes, automatic. Best offer. 674-2810. I' FIBERGLAS, 40 trailer, exc. condition, 3677. ________ HP. Specially Priced $595 JOHN McAULIFFE FORD 277 West Montcalm Ll 3-2030 4' SHELL LAKE Flberglas. Trailer, motor, all controls. Best offer. EM 3-6943. ________________________ DRAYTON PLAINS 15' LONE-STAR, 40 horsepower! Evinrude, Little Dude trailer. 2 6 gallon gas tanks and water skis. I All In good condition. Call 335-1782. ! 115' ARISTOCRATE run-about, 45 1 Horse Mercury, tllt-traller, $40(j.; I Call 332-8950.______________ i 17' CHRIS CRAFT, 215 H.P., Refln- CHRYSLER AND JOHNSON Boats and Motors OPEN DAILY 9 TO 6 MON. AND THURS. TILL 9 SUNDAYS 10-4 PAUL A. YOUNG, INC. 4030 Dixie Hwy. Marina on Loon Lake OR 4-0411 $795 1965 JEEP WAGONEER, 6 cylinder 1 with automatic transmission, power brakes and steering, sharp and priced to sell. ROSE -RAMBLER-JEEP, Union Lake, EM 3-4155. 1964 Vj-TON CHEVY truck, 6, good condition, $1288. EM 3-9429 or EM 3-5873._____________ 1947 BUICK RIVIERA 3oor hardtop, 3-way power and alr-con-dltlonlng, beautiful Blue with black vinyl top. MILOSCH CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH. 677 M-24, Lake Orion. MY 2-2841 TOM RADEMACHER ruPVYJTI 1944 CHEVELLB 2 door with V», radio, heater. See the Flying Dutchman 1966 CHEVY Impala Hardtop 2-door, automatic, V-8, power steering, brakes, like neyrl Only — $1959 VAN CAMP CHEVROLET 2475 Milford Rd„ Milford <84-1825 1944 STINGRAY CORVETTE, engine, $3288. Call 391-2151. 1944 CHEVELLE MALIBU SS, V-8, automatic, power steering, buckets, new tires. Must sell, $1588. 651-1983. - .....- TOM RADEMACHER CHEVY-OLDS 1944 CHEVY Impala convertible, with V8 automatic, power steering, radio, haater, whitewalls, white with a black top. New car trade, $1895. On US 10 at Ml5, Clarkston, MA 5-5071. 1947 CAMERO SS 359, 4-spaed, Posl-tractlon. 624-2734. After 5 p.m. 1947 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2-dpor hardtop, vinyl top, white Interior, auto.* power. Laay s car. 651-3750* aft. 5 p.m. 1966 ished. $850. Call 674-3537. 17Va' CENTURY INBOARD, convertible top, 140 h.p., extras. 363-0226. FE 8-3631,______ CUTE, TRAINED 8 week olif kittens, free to good home. OR 3-0225._ CAIAN TERRIER PUPPIES, do not shed* good with children, father | Carm EdUipmeilf (McCarthy) took several blue rite-j __ v, v.; ~ C0AyCEch^g(onMMLred/U^^: 673-5168. • USED 6 HP WHEELHORSE TRAC- COLLIE PUPPIES. AKC sable and • TOE WITH_ ELECTRIC 3351 Apache Travel Trailer __ lAS the KIDS SAY, "IT'S COOL, i7 | IT'S NEAT" white. Shots, wormed,, guaranteed, Utica, 731-8257._________________ DAL MAT K7N PUPPIES7'8 weeks; old. AKC reg. 474-4879. ____ ____ FREE KITTENS, 3'Females. ...- - 447-4821_______________! FREE TO GOOD home: German Shepherd puppies. Mornings only 664-2389. Lapeer, AND MOWER. ONLY $495. USED WHEELHORSE WITH, ELECTRIC START AND MOWER, ONLY $395. USED FERGUSON WITH 3 POINT ' $495. APACHE TRAVEL TRAILER EVAN'S EQUIPMENT ---- 6387-Dlxla Hwy., Clarkston—r-i , Just N. of'Waterford 625-1711 _ 625-25)4 HP reg. STORE HOURS: Mon.-Frl. 8 a.m.-9 p.m. Set. 9 a.m.-* p.m. Closed Sun. Comimrcial Trailers___90-A 35' SEMI-TRAILER WITH air brakes, ' excellent for material storage, 4 goqd tires, body heed some repair, make otter, 342-7171, Auto Accessories 91 - Clarkston Auto Parts_________ North Main 625-5171 TROJAN CRUISERS 24' to 36' SLICKCRAFT l-O's and outboards EVINRUDE 19' Rogue, W f Sportsman, On Display Showroom MANY USED BOATS LAKE & SEA MARINA Saginaw at S. Blvd. FE 4-9587 ______Daiiy a-8* Sun. J2-6 ABC IT'S .ASSEMBLED! UnsinkabJ, (WANTED: _ BpOAT dockag, tor smal. OWENS CRUISER, loaded, in- cludlng trim tabs, OR 3-2484.___ 5 HP JOHNSON motor for safe. Controls and gas tank Included. 682-2281 1968 _ 17' SILViR LINE with 188 h.p. Chrysler I.O., power tilt and trailer, $3395 complete. Kars Boats 8, Motors, 693T 600.________________ „ INTERNATIONAL tandem tractor, 238 GMC V-6, 71 N engine, i 5 and 3 transmission, 1944 Montone 25' tri-axle dump trailer. Call alter, 5:30, 887-5229: ______ I 1967 Buick LeSabre 4 door sedan, power leering* brakes* automatic, this car is like new -In every way. Sell for only— <2399 VANDEPUTTE BUICK-OPEL BUICK-OPE.L 196-210 Orchard Laka FE 2-9165 1967 CHEVROLET Biscayne* 4 door, V-8 Powerglide, power steering and brakes, radio* Granada gold* excellent condition, $2*000. 685- 2278. 1967 FORD PICKUP. F-100. EXTRAS. EXC. CONDITION. $1875. 394-0180. JEEP TYPE SAFARI Wagon. 1967Tr>ck.PA ^ngllsTr "Rover 10 passenger, 4!CADILLAC wheel drive, completely equipped JEBOME CADILLAC CO. 1956* good, good tires. >150. 334^1979. plastic Stowboats can be carried on~~Car jfif§ piFiS^-wfiNs KING BROS box traftied, 1 with heart trouble.| 682*6297-______________ 4.i662 FE 4-0734 FREE PUPPIES TO good home 363-' _ Pontiac Rd. at Opdyke • 0528;___.______!________ BUY A WflfeBL*HOR5F. TRACTOR GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES, Special sale* save^^£,0.$1®° , . Black and Tan* 6 wks. old, see Tom's Hardware; 905 1*• RENTY Or v Pleasure Mates Only $65 per week Holly Travel Coach, Inc. 15210 Holly Rd., Holly ME 4-6771 Open Dally end Sund*y» after 3 PM, 1042 Airport Rd________________ GERMAN SHEPHERD-- pu P s FARMALL CUB AND tools, like females to lees#, stud service. Ul 2-1457 D6lly 9-4, Sun. 9-2. FE 5-2424 _AND tools, SPORTCRAFT manufacturing Steel Irame .pickup sleepers and lops 4140 Foley. Waterford. 623-0650 new. $895. Fowlervllle, 223-9072 FORD TRACTOR 9 N. Flail mpwer. |...........|...... |.......... KITTENS, FREE TO good home 673- grading blade, l-Beem, Hydraulic, P|NTER,S marine 1370 OPDYKE 6234.__________ ___________________626-4737. ....._____________________.—1-75 at Oakland U...exlL. KITTENS FREE TO good home. GIBSON TRACTOR 4-SPEED, with FE 8-4929. _ _ ... plow, Sprlngtooth drag, snow i ARRAnnp RETRIEVER PUPS, blade, ripper, $250, also>4 cyl. LEAVING STATE — must selll DOM Holly, registered male Beagle. 4 V”!"*- QKijETTfc -FHAT'C-SAWS. JOHN Gmd hupter. $40. After 6, 682-6942. HOMELITE CHAIN SAwa^ j u n w ’ /WNIATURE SCHNAUZER. _ 11 weeks old, female. 363-6636 NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND PUMles. AKC. Grand Blanc, Mich. 694/7854. NORWEGIAN ELKHOUNl PUPP]'»- ..AKC. Grand Blanc, Mlch. 494-7854 (-rn a/-rr)nc U/ITH MOWERS- PART POODLE PUPPIES, very I KAU UKS . WM n JYlUir*Cl$3 reesoneble, MA 5-W94. . ElECTR|C STATERS. PEKINGESE, AKC, » weeks old,; „ pp,A.r «r tAOC silver females* with wot». 54441782. UjI ' ' puppies mixed collIe *nd SALE PRICE $545. . boxer, $5 etch, 412-9044. PUl»PiES, 13 Tires-Auto-Truck 92 package 4W" thick, pouhds. Garry -Fold Into flat! REPAIR. MOUNT, and balance Mao and chrome wheels. New and! used wheels. MARKET TIRE, 2435 Orchard Lake Rd Keego. Auto Service — Repair ___________93 FACTORY REBUILT MOTORS for cars* trucks* $89 up. High performance * engines. C o r v a I specialist.-Terms. ; * MODERN ENGINES_______________537-1117 SPECIALS ON MF 7 H,P, GARDEN "STARCRAFT CAMPERS TRAVEL TRAILERS You dealer for — CORSAIR, OEM ROAMER AND TALLY-HO ALSO Corsair and Gem pickup campers and Mackinaw pickup covers 6577 Dixie Hwv Motor Scooter* ______WANTED Rupp mlnl-blkeT mus1"'"be" 94 95 Trot wood BIG IN SAFETY, COMFORT; ECONOMY. Jll INDIVIDUAL WHEEL SUSPENSION AT JOHNSON'S 517 W. Walton Blvd. FE 4-5853 682-7765. REGISTERED ST. BERNARD pups, 7 wkt. old. 387-3184, Yale. SHELTIE PUPPIES " AND older females free on lease. Also stud service. 394-0278. 1 _ SHELTIES (TOY coliles), large selection, $45 up. Studs. M5-4354._ SPANIEL“aND POODLE mixed, 5W week# Old. 55. 338-4833. _ ___ 4T;^RRNAlb~DU¥“ to Illness owner must sail, ll month mala, $150; 12 weak female, 1200; both from famous "Might Mo line. Exc. Disposition, show quality. 442-8083. ALSOt»|THfcc^sT»«ra..-:used Trailers Motorcycles 305 HONDA SUPERHAWK. Adult owned. 1800 mi. Mint condition . $450 or best offer. 626-4979._ 1947 180 YAMAHA. $4507^rf1Wfr ME 7-3592.____________________ 1964 BMW 650 CC* like new* $850. 628-1154. • 1964 HONDA SCRAMBLER 250 CC* like new* $350. 673*0250. SALE PRICE $480. Pontiac Farm and Industrial Tractor Co. 825 S. WOODWARD_ Closing out our rental fleet To roplece with 1968 models. 13 to 20 ft., 2 to 4 yrs. old. Some self-contained. From $645. Jacobson Trailer Sates 5498 williams Laka Rd. OR 3-5981 ,1964 BSA 658 cc. LIKE new, 1588 mllet. 8988. After 4! FE 4-1847. 1944 HONDA 305~SCRAMBLER, 2380 miles. 391-2009.__________ 1944 SUZUKI X-4. * ____ 425-2171.___________J 1964 SEARS 250CC $2>5. FE 4-7156. weighing 55 — ppunds — Available as row boats, outboards and salt boats. From $269, up. FERRY SERVICE, 6129 Highland Road, (M-59).______________________k___ CENTURY 21' SPEED BOAT, I960 Coronado, like new, 325 HP, Cadillac mlr., many axtr«s. Lex-Ington 313-359-2521. DAWSON'S - SPECIAL. Used. 15' Sleury flberglas runabout. Speedometer, horn, cover, a real buy at $395. Used alumacraft S-12.. Sailboat. ’75 sq. ft. of sail $295. 1968 14' Glasspar flberglas runabout, . windshields, steering, lights, lounge seitl. 8 yr, warranty. $6S5: Airplanes 99 with AM-FM radio, heater, snow' 1940 CADILLAC, FLEETWOOD. 4 plow, cable winch, emergency joor hardtop. Just like new. T-lights* etc. Ideal for sportsmen or owner .car. Can be purchased with emergency work. Cost new over | n0 money down. $7000. Save Thousands. Zero dowiv; j* » Ttm/s 36 months bank rates, 5 per cent.. L 11L Y Y AIJ iU 449^444, Royal Sports Cars. I 4-1A A A w A FORD F-250. PICKUP I944 ^ton, 6 cylinder. 8,880 ml. $1550. 731-8415 947 CAMERO, 6-cyllnder, automatic. Pvt. owner. Call bet. 10 a.m.-7 p.m. EM 3-4452. ________________ 1967 CAMARO, W Ml T E W A L L S . radio, ixc. condliion, 398-3781 after 1967 Chevy Impala Hardtop 2 door with V8, automatic, power steering plenty of new car warranty left. Only — $2395 Beattie Ford, "Your FORD DEALER Since 1930" ON DIXIE HWY. IN WATERFORD- 623-0900 CESSNA 120, eU metal, 90 H.P., 45pl Hours, 3-tone%paint exc., Omnl.j $2250, 428-2845 or Ll 7-7942. | cisSNA_120 ALL METAL, Omni, Wlxom. Price $2250! Phohe 424c 3314. PONTIAC'S ONLY AUTHORIZED JEEP DEALER Khosed ieeps-reedy ; ibod Glasspar,—Steuty7”"GW^+-n-v-ad-#-r-T’ Mlrocraff boats, Grumman canoes. Kaypl and Dolphin's pontoons. Evinrude motors, Pamco trailers. Take M-59 to W. Highland. Right to Hickory Ridge Rd. to Demode Rd. Left and follow signs to DAWSON'S SALES AT TIPSICO LAKE. 629-2179. _ Expansion Sale Wanted Cars-Trucks 101 A LATE MODEL CAR wanted, with damaged - or major mechanical problems. 1963 and up. OR 3-5200 j H. & J. Auto Salen. _____' BUICKS* CHEVY'S* PONTIACS, and more. H. G. Van Welt, OR 3-1355 — top pay for nice cars._ CADtLLAfCr -LATE MODEL, wilt take over payment. 625*2128. EXTRA Dollars Paid FOR THAT -----fXTRA Sharp Cor-------- Especially 4 speeds and corvettes. "Check the rest, than get the best" at AveriU's |=[- }-9B7p 2920 Dlxla FE 4-6894 For Immediate summer delivery COMPLETE PARTS AND SERVICE GRIMALDI JEEP 900 Oakland Ave.______FE 5-9421 SALE BUY NEW 1968 4 Wheel Drive FORD TRUCKS AT WHOLESALE PRICES FE 6 cal. hoi,y, ME Rii?TALS' E R' op*n D,lkvppnAYFRV Y -f aira Tru'cll, ao*1 business for'tale, call .new, 8250. 673-1104. alter s p.m., 424-2582. 1966' HONDA CB 140. Very good condition. Low mileage. 332-2243 before 3 p.m.______________■...... 1966 HONDA 300 Dream with new _ n,„ 1967 engine, reel good condition. ‘3 E Hours . 424*3472. ___ __________' ___ 1966 “NoItM 7M. A-l.‘ Mult sell. 8700 or best otter. 424-5740. ;____ nit HARLEY 74" Chopper. Ixc. condition, fast, many extras, best Offer. 673-5497, attpr 5 p,m, • _ 1947 SEAltS SABRE, excellent condition, 2125. 852-2337 eft. S, - MORE ROOM TO BETTER SERVE YOU SPECIAL $1495 New 16' Aluma Craft feel Mara New Alloy trailer 1963 A-l 40 h.p. E-Matlc Johnson New V bottom fishing boat, $159, now $129. * Limited quantity* ; PONTIAC'S ONLY MERCURY MERC CRUISER DEALER CRUISE OUT INC. FE 8 4*02 FE 5-5906 Hours: dally 9-6, Sat. 9*6, . Closed Sun.__ FISHING BOAT, 17' Lapstrahe Hip-j gins cruiser, glass bottom, convertible lop end cover. 7S horsepower Evinrude, extra motor, mount, gator trailer, extra whael new rubber. All accessories Included, $1508, no otters. 624-6645. ! Mansfield AUTO SALES 300 12 to Choose From JOHN McAULIFFE FORD 277 West Montcalm FE .54101 * Foreign Cart 105 1957 VW WITH 1963 Motor end transmission for -work or dune buggy. $225. 493-4436, I960 MERCEOES 228S, REAR END wrecked, mechanically perfect, drlvable, $300..OL 1-1505.__________ Sharp Cadillacs, Pontiac, Olds and W6, SUNBEAM ALPINE Roadster, 961 CADILLAC Convertible, clean sacrifice, $775. EM 3-2534. 1964 CADILLAC convertible. White, black Inferior. -867-4217 1966 CADILLAC CONVERTIBLE Low mileage, AtA- J owner. 53500 13808 W. 8 Ml. JO 4-8400 CADILLAC 1968 ELDORADO, loeded with extras, 6,800 ml., will accept trade, 644-7945 CHEVY: When you buy MARKET TIRE give J» a free safety check. 253] Orchard Laka Rd. Keego. SAVE MONEY AT MIKE SAVOIE CHEVY. 1900 W. Maple. Ml 4-2753 1957 CHEVY, METALLIC BLUE, speed. best offer,-343-58<4. _____ 1957 CHEVY, GOOD motor and tires, Best offer. 451-9748. 1958 CHEVY STATION wagon, $50. —223-Rossell-Str—— $100 1960 CHEVY 4-Door Dealer 338-9234._______J__________ 1940 CHEVY V-8, station wagon, $195. 343-8081, Dealer.__________ 1940 CHEVY CLUB COUPE, $288. "0" down, payments $2.88 week Call mA Parks, Ml 4-7500. Harold ..m.-2IUa. TurnerBfcd, Birmingham.---------- ------ REAL NICE CARS 1940 Chevy Bel Air 1963 Chevy CAMARO, 1967, 350SS. 4-sp»ed. AM-PM. Disc brakaa. Vinyl top Custom trim and Instrumants. Lika naw. $2,1 SO. 444-7430. 1957 CHEVY Impala 2 door, hardtop, ~VB,—automatic, - power— steering, brakes, radio. Heater, whitewalls, $95 down tlnanca balance of only $1900. Oakland CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 724 Oakland _______FE 5-9436 1947- CHEVY IMPALA 2 DOOR hardtop. Auto., double power, other ecces., $1975, ,451-7590. _ 1968 CHEVROLET Caprice Sport Coupe demonstrator. V. $ engine, powerglide, povwr . steering* vinyl top. Save $600. WALLED LAKE TAYLOR Chevy-Olds —T968 CHEVYImpala----------- Custom coupe with 327 engine* • automatic, power _ iteerlng, brakes, vinyl top. 3,000 miles, demo. On y $195 down* balance to finance owt" $2795 BILL FOX CHEVROLET tm -----------—-----OL-AUOIkU.. door. RIGGIN5, dealer. 462-9223 CHEVY, 1961 Blstayne 2 door hardtop. $108. Phone 682-2984. ____ 1962 BEL AIR Chevy wagon, 1 owner, 8400. FE 5-6702, IM2 CORVAIR 4-DOOR price. Cell Mr, ■ full AJJT0 SALES 1104 Baldwin Ave. $149 Parks, Ml 4-7500. Harold Turner Ford* BIrmlngham. 1962 BEL AIR, V-8 STICK FE 4*6200 ^__J.. 1962 CHEVY 9 PASSENGER# ~Ill power, good condition. 391-0662. Buicks for out-of-state market. Top 1 needs work, $100, dollar paid. . \ , sales, 20 W. Auburn. MANSFIELD ' bsm'414."_____ .... . _ 1962 PORSCHE CONVERTIBLE,, ex-lira set of tires, perfect engine, | new heater boxes, plugs, points., FE 8-8835 other new parts, $1286. 682-9215 1963 xkE “JAGUAR. VERY good condition. $3,400. 852-1455. __ i 1963 FORD SPRINT CONVERTIBlE, 738 OAKLAND AVE 1 OP "DOLLAR PAID" GLENN'S FOR "CLEAN" USED„d:ARS 952 W. Huron St._ FE 4-7371 FE 4-171 ADKINS AUTO SALES FE 2-6230. 4* s'peedr $485'fJli price at Marvei 11962 Monza 4-speed. Only ■ __ Motors, 251 Oakland Ave. FE 8-1 jyij CHEVY II 4-dr. $595. c*^wn, 4079.______________ | payments $5.44^week. Call. 1964 JAUGAR XKE. 682-2655 Mr. ParksT'MI ’4-7500. Harold Turnar Ford, Birmingham. SAVE MONEY AT MIKE5AVOIE CHEVY, 1908 W. Maple. Ml 4-2735- 1968 CHEVY II SS Coupe, with 350 VI, “-tm?)"*' automatic radio, air condlwnmjt many other extra*, factory offlclil car discounted over — , $1000 BILL FOX CHEVROLET Rochester OL l-ftjjd ieTrcHRYSLER CRSwN Imperial. Good condition. FE 2-7447. WE'RE MOVING Yes, now we have mor# -ipac# $nd better facilities to. serve you,. Phis a' larger end better SOlectloil la quality used cars, Como on out to BIRMINGHAM Chryilar-Plymouth 2700 W. Moot# ‘ 7rW • OPENING SAT., MAY 4 SB 4 T7rri7TT“—r~::~:r gr?s'Tre:Trragag----------rr™ Til ft rUA 11 At ,1'ithna. it iwi/ft 1, Am i 14* *»ve_ New md Uted Cart 10* I New and UiedCar* UEUf niiAUrt n ■ AM IE 1965 FALCON CONVERTIBLE, good 119*6 FAIRLANE ' TOWN6 SfcD NEW FINANCE PLAN. *r I 'condition II150. Call 1 *l3»? »» down, payment* 11 104!New and Used Cars 106 New and Uitd Can 106 M ARM AI) IKK. PROBLEMS, BANKRUPT, OR IMS falcon 33m*. good con rnwvAMn,, -' --1 ditlon. Now tires end brakes. Runs well. M25. Call 093-4551._ Ttl MUST A N G . HIGH ...... „,c PERFORMANCE 4 speod, 11100. ESTABLISHED AGAIN. WE fiS-rm • HAVE OVER 80 CARS THAT ^^ro.custom >,^.-.0. CAN BE PURCHASED. WITH Orchard Lake Road. GARNISHEED WAGES, WE I CAN GET YOUR CREDIT RE#£T LIJCKY AUTC hk.fS& SCT i-i yj \JLS- 1 n W j. a. 28,000 Ml. w AND SEE CRED'T ^GR I MR. IRV. days. ________ FORD CONVERTIBLE, V8, _radio, powar, new tires, Inci snow tires. 28,000 ML. EM 3-3853. 1040 W. wide Track 1965 LTD "“HARDTOP, $1305. $39 FE 4*1006 Of PB 3*7854 down. Payments $12.88 week. Call toil' CHRYSLER IMPERIAL. A-l Mr. Parks, Ml 4*7500. Harold edition FE 8*1101 ___ : Turner fW Birmingham. __L IOAA IMPERIAL CROWN, 4 door 1965 MUSTANG HARDTOP, full tordtop, privateC owner, by ap-| factory equipment. and S year or DOlntment designers conversion' 50,000 mile New car warranty. Jrom *65» exceptional all power,' Spring Special Only $1088 Full air# vlnvl top, garaged. 12495. Call* Price, lust $88 down, 136.12 per Aaelmia month. Ask lor Stock No. I422A. 1967 CHRYSLER Newport 4 door JOHN McAULIFFE FORD hardtop, with V8, automatic, power 630 Oakland Ave. FE 5-4101 steering* brakes, air conditioning, ——-~ --------- •JW........-“«•«* Pretty Ponies Oakland 1 CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH ! 724 Oakland Ave. L FE £043* 1*42 DODGE, 4-DOOR CUSTOM 880,1 all power, perfect condition original, owner. 335-5394, _ I 1*44 DODGE POLARA 4 door sedan, | v-8, 4-speed, power steering, heater, radio with rear seat i speaker, FE 9-17*0. _j___js’J DODGE CHARGER 1*46, 4 speed,; posltractlon. 383, Noted glass, vary; nice I 424-253*._____j|__s KESSLER'S DODGE CARS AND TRUCKS Sales and Service Oxford oa 1-1400 1966 DODGE V-B automatic, power steering, power brakes, Console. $1895 Suburban Old? BIRMINGHAM ... , „„ 435 S. Woodward____Ml 7-5111 FORD” When you - buy It let1630 Oakland MARKET TIRE give It a free 1965 and 1966 MUSTANGS SEVERAL USED MUSTANGS TO CHOOSE FROM CONVERTIBLES HARDT0PS FULL EQUIPMENT Priced From $1295 As Low As $39 Down And 39 Per Month HAROLD TURNER SEDAN il964 OLDSMOBILE FI5 hardtop, a $11,921 $944. $0 down, paymenH $'.40 week. Call Mr. Parks. Ml 4-750011 weak. Call Mr. Parks, Ml * "'00. Mm ~ Harold Turner Ford, Birmingham. MIRR1 OLDS MCLt LAL IVlERRY OLDSMOBILE 528 N. Main ' ' ROCHESTER. MICHIGAN 1965 OLDSMOBILE STATION WAGON. 51345. 53* down payments 512.88 week Call Mr. Perks. Ml 47500 Harold turner Ford. Birmingham. 1*65 OLDS 2 DOOR hardlop. double power, radio. 42,000 ml., call atler 6 p m *l305. 65J74I6 I 1965 OLDS DeiM 88 4-door hardtop, power Con- steering, power brakes, like new. 9Z $1695 black fob. V8, automatic, radio, i i /^xl 1 heater, power, steering, brakes. 51 1 r"\l 1 T'pv("T‘n (. ) Ki c year or 50,00* miles new car war- kJUlk^U.1 UUil ranly. SprlnS Special only *2388 BIRMINGHAM full price, Just 5188 and I73.70' per. M s woodward- Ml 7-5111 Toh-n mcauliffe ford "***<«g»«A?S® 630 Oakland Ave. FE 5-4101 qlDS 1*45, DELTA 88, 4 door hardtop. 51275. Excellent condition. Shell Station, Woodward and Long Lake Rd. Ml 6-4888 veil mi. raiRi. mi i*/jvi Harold Turner Ford, Birmingham. 1967 Ford Golaxie 500 Hardtop 2 door with 390 V8, power steering. $2295 Beattie Ford "Your FORD DEALER Since 1930" ON DIXIE HWY. IN WATERFORD 623-0900 1967 FORD G ALAX I E 500 vertible, beautiful Sahara with black all Vinyl interior, black top. and Uted Can .——*' 1966 PONTIAC V—--n-nr-r—,T-.||,"n.------------ "Dinner won't start until f> 1966 OLDS "98" Luxury Sedan. This w cared tor trade is loaded with of the extras including factory conditioning and a vinyl top. $2695 1967 MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE, I beautiful lime gold with black top, ! and black bucket seats, and con-i sole, V8 automatic, radio, heater, ; power steering, 13,000 miles, can't be told from new. Spring Special Only $2288 full price, just $188 down, $69.86 per month. 5 year or 50,000 mile new car warranty available. , JOHN McAULIFFE FORD 630 Oakland Ave._______FE 5-41011 T-BIRD. 1967 Landau. Burgundy with blk top. Air. $3,150. 647*2135. ' BIRMINGHAM 1967 MUSTANG HARDTOP, 28* 435 S. Woodward........... Ml 7-5111 engine, radio, wide tires, dark |*m OLDSMOBILE HARDTOP, green with black Inferior. 11850. .518*5. 53* down, payments 513.92 FEJ-.1900.___ __________ week. Call Mr. Parks, Ml 4-7500. 1947 FORD ■CONVERTIBLE, S7195 Harold Turner Ford. Birmingham. 53* down, payments SJ6.B8 week.; 1966 OLDSMOBILE 1*45 PONTIAC 4-DOOR CATALINA. [ 1*41 FIREBIRD V I AUTOMATIC. . Hog miles, all power, olr, trailer vinyl roof, stereo fopo. nelly Executive HardtOD package. Also 24 ft. Alrstreaml Wheels, !24{0. 51 7-4112.__ V I automatic nowar ataarlnn '.travel t r 111 • r, .all-contained, 19*0 RAMBLER WAGON, automatic, automatic, power steering, llndtm Whe*ls. Owner's death,!* ryl clr leant throughout! Full III ...:.i. r.H lira T.ui.r * r,ccV »|*J, 42 weekly wllh 55 down. Standard Auto. 1304 Baldwin ■__ FE 8-4512 1963 RAMBLER AMflICAN. stick, low mileage, good condition. $300. * Call after 1p.m. FE 5*4772. _ ^ See the Flying Dutchman 1964 RAMBLER S-*4 Suburban 01dr New and Usqd Cart 106 New and Used Cars 106 power brakes, radio, whitewall tires. * $1975 AUDETTE V PONTIAC IB501 W. Maple Rd. _ _ Ml 2*8600 1966 STAR- chief Executive, full power, top condition, $2000, FE 5* 9373 or 682-900._Mrs. Wheeler, 1966 TEMPEST. CUSTOM. 2 door, automatic, double power, V8, decor group, premium tires. 391*1737. 1967 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE,, like new, double power, private owner, $2600 call 817*4160. 1967 P O N T I AC CONVERTIBLE Beautiful condition. $2450. Many extras. 1 owner. 879-0152. 1966 TEMPEST CUSTOM', $1388. $39 down, payments $13.44 waek. Ca Mr. Parks, Ml 4-7500. Harol Torner Ford* Birmingham. 1966 PONTIAC Catalina 2-door hardtop, full power, factory warranty. . Bargain Priced At: $1795 Village Rambler Factory Official CARS 1967 FORD Fairlane "500" sports coupe. "289" V-8, automatic, power FORD INC steering and brakes, radio, heater, * ..MAMiiADr! Av,c 1 whitewalls. Low mileage, one a 7vhi : <>wn®r $1895. Hillside Lincoln* BIRMINGHAM________________MJL 4-7500 Mercury. 1250 Oakland. 333-7863. 1967 FORD GALAX IE 500 hardtop, sedan, beautiful arctic white fi Need a Car? New in the area? RePossessec^-'®cirn's^ee<^ door hardtop, one of the §een Bankrupt?—Divorced? 666 S. Woodward Birmingham 646-3900 Call Mr. Parks, Ml 4-7500. Harold Turner Ford, Birmingham. Starfi. _ _ . ... most beautiful GM built cars. - n prohlpm? Original cost about $5,000. NOW «OT O rrODiem. 1965 T-BIRD LANDAU special ter lor, . and dash, factory stallatlon for auto show, run power, spring special only 888 r full price. Just $188 down, and $61.41 per month, 5 year or 50,000 mile new car warranty, available. john mcauliffe ford FE 5*4101 red,1 mustangs 1965 FORD CONVERTIBLE, power steering, auto., AM, FM, 630 Oakland Ave. new tires, completely tuned and ___!_i lOVKlU After 4 1 yo' tty Ktego.______________________ m........... .....pun - CHOOSE | rewired, $1200,' 693-2916. After ,,FRbM''Call Mr. Parks, Ml 4-7500.j p.m.________________________________ Harold Turner Ford, Birmingham. ]1965 falcon SOU I RE. $1345. $39 T-BIRD. EXC. condition. No: down, payments $12.88 week. "Call rust Auto. Power steering, vinyl! Mr. Parks, Ml 4-7500. Harold top,‘$1600 after 3:30. 3820 Pontiac Turner Ford, Birmingham.___________ Lake Rd. Pontiac. _______________ . 1966 FORD MUSTANG hardtop, V-8 with twi-light aqua interior, automatic, radio, heater, power i steering, this was titled to Ford, Motor Co. still under New Can Warranty. Spring Special Jnlyi $2188. Full Price, Just $188 down i $67.01 per month. john mcauliffe ford | FE £41011 BIRD LANDAU. 2 door. Burgundy with black top. Power, windows. Brakes. Steering. Air conditioning. Tinted ilass. Bucket seats. Tllt-a-way steering wheel. 681-0802 11*40~JPATALINA 1*44 CATALINA, STICK SHIFT. Low mileage. Exc. condition. 682*4137. 1944 TEMPS ST WAGON. RADIO, heater, all power, $1,000. 673-9408. 1964 PONTIAC STATION WAGON, $1044. $0 down, payments $9.82 week. Call Mr. Parks, Ml 4-7500. r* Harold Turner Ford, Birmingham 1964 Pontiac GRAND PRIX 112*5 ■ LUCKY auto DOWNEY :Ca11 W ownVr] Standard Auto 1967 PONTtAC CATALINA station CLA^KSTON wagon, 6 passenger, automatic. power steering-brakes, 7500 actual________ miles, $2700. 651-8032.__ LAST CHANCE.' Just received 1967 Pontiac municipal cars, power steering and brakes, priced to sell fast. Can purchased with no money down All Models Power Equipped Wi,h *,,ck ,h cy1, ! VAN CAMP CHEVROLET ' 2475 Milford Rd.. Milford_4041025 ■ RAMBLER. I * 64 AMBASSADOR automatic. $900, will finance. FE 4* 7160 or 693-1637._ ___ 1965 RAMBLER CLASSIC 2-door i with 6 cylinder engine, automatic transmission, power steer ing, radio sharp and priced lo sell. ROSE RAMBLER, Union Lake, EM J-4155. WAGON SALE | Many to Choose From 63's thru 66's As Low At: $495 Village , i Rambler 666 S. Woodward Birmingham 646-3900 -Many with Air-Priced Frbm $1895 Village Rambler 666 S. Woodward Birmingham 646-3900 GO! HAUPT PONTIAC And Save $ $ $ $13 Weekly $5 down 3400 Elizabeth Lk. Rd. block W. of West Huron St.) 681-0004 195* FORD, MECHANICALLY cellent. body fair. 335-3511. *150.; 1*41 FALCON STATION WAGON. real nlca. Save Auto. FE 5-3278. . FORD STARLINER 1*61. 3*0, 3-| speed, Hurst, chrome, scoop. Mint condition. S500. 442-944*. atl. 5. i 1941F0RD 4 DOOR wagon, good condition, S125. 482-6440 aft- 5. 1*61 FORD WAGON .............. Dealer 338-9233.______________ 53*5; *0 down. 647-2135 _ THUNDERBIRD 1968. 3 MONTHS old. Power windows, air con> ditioning. Take over payments. BIRMINGHAM Private owner. Mt. Clemens. 463- 635 S. Woodward Ml 7*5111 1966 T-Bird Ford, Birmingham. 1*42 FORD STATION WAGON, 5475. SO down, payments 54.42 weak. Call Mr. Parks, Ml 4-7500. Hsroid Turner Fora, Birmingham.______ 1*42 FALCON 4-door, 5345. 50 down, payments 53.00 weak. Call Mr. I Parks, Ml 4-750G. Harold Turner Ford, Birmingham. automatic, second car, 13,000 ml A-l, like new, private. 51700. 624- 4250. . 0000.__ 1*47 INTERNATIONAL Travel all, power steering, automatic, differential gear, excellent for hun- Landau Hardtop C^rkston. ^ 2 door with burgundy white vinyl |962 LINCOLN CONTIN EN f AL roof, *white interior, brand new beautiful arctic white with black and white Interior, full power, air conditioning, spotless condition, Spring Special only $1088 full price, lust $88 down, $36.42 per month.; One year warranty. john mcauliffe ford Oldsmobile, Inc. 550 Oakland Avenue FE 2-8101 " 1967 OLDS Delta Custom 4-door hardtop, power brakes power steering, power windows, vinyl ~Jop, transferable new car warranty. $2595 O, ,L_, , A1 J_ IW PONTIAC HARDTOP, power bUDUroan Uia.. g^r,5enrdcg!,ec,itril0nn9; BILL F0X CHEVROLET 9M 0akl4na Avenu*', '’lltoma^k! po^n*5.«rinhaada°nPd Rocne5Lar______________OLW000 door. transportation car. Original make offer. 851-1394._____________ 1960 PONTIAC, 4 DOOR STARCHIEF, double power, good condition. Call 623*0251 aft. 5 p.m. BniiTl J rATA, lklA -----i~i—-r-T 1965 PONTIAC CATALINA 1960 PONTIAC BONNEV LLE, Trl- oea|er 338-9238. power, 4-speed, call a*ter 6 pm, FE 2-6057. ;______________ 1960 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE door, runs good Auto. FE 5-3278.____~____________ 1961 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE Good shape. 682-5434 $165 Save 1965 CATALINA, RED 4 door sedan. One owner. Excellent condition, tinted windshield, 33,000 miles, $1500. 391-3420. 1965 TEMPEST STATION wagon, V-8, double power, snow tires, auto, top carrier, $1350. FE 2-9737. 1940 W. Wide Track FE 4-1006 or FE >7854 IRE B R CM CONVERTIBLE. Low mi., clean. 673- 7889.________________________§ 1967 FIREBIRD, 326 H.O., 4 speed, HSU vinyl top, power steering, exc. $1100 condition. 363-6064._ 1967 BQNNEVILLE COUPE, ex-cellent condition, 623-0627. _1 1967 GTO Hardtop with hydramatic, power steering, brakes, vinyl top, one owner, like new. Only — $2695 whitewalls, only— $2495 Beattie Ford "Your FORD DEALER Since 1930' ON DIXIE HWY, IN WATERFORD 623-0900 1967 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass supreme convertible. This one has everything yoO could want even a top that goes up and down. Only $2695. DOWNEY; Oldsmobile, Inc. 550 Oakland Avenue > FE 2-8101 STAR AUTO 1962 PONTIAC Convertible, $395 4965 CHEVY 2-door, $895 NO MONEY DOWN 962 Oakland FE 8-9661 BONNEVILLE HARDTOP Coupe, extra sharp, double power, Mercury, 1250 Oakland. 333-7863. $2900. 682-6329. 11965 PONTIAC Catalina convertible. f967 PONTIAC CAtALINA hardtop. With V8 automatic, radio, heater, power steering, brakes, beautiful silver blue, with matching interior, and black vinyl roof, spring special only $2388. Full pftce. $188 down, $73.70 per month. john mcauliffe ford FE 5-4101 1 Rochester______________FE 5-4191 1963 MERCURY METEOR $497,___________________ "0" down, payments $4.79 week.' 1961 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR Call Mr. Parks, Ml 4-7500. Harold condition. ^63-9045. Turner Ford, Birmingham. 1962 FALCON WAGON, RUNS good! $189. Full Price. Buy Here — Pay (Here — at Marvel Motors, 2511 Oakland Ave. FE 8-4079._________ , 1962 FORD SEDAN, $444. $0 down,| payments $4.42 week. Call Mr.} Parks# Ml 4-7500. Harold Timer| Ford* Birmingham. 4E 50t - . . wagon, beautiful robins egg blue, ng all vinyl Interior, V8, automatic, radio, heater, wonderful BANKRUPT? BAD CREDIT? REPOSSESSION? WE CAN HELP YOU DEAL! 1963 BONNEVILLEf 2 door hardtop ^ *050. 682-5725._____________ _ 10X1 5T^si^^iPY_ron»Vrtlhip 1*3 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE, *6*5.! snow tires. Best offer over *2450. 1963 Impaia 4 dr. hardtop 1,4 ITo< E,7i; "0" down, payments *5.72 week. 626-0346.____*_______|______ 1963 Ford wagon Price* BuvkHere - Pa^ Here a Ca" Mr Par\5: l'7500- Haro,d 1»M PONTIAC CATALINA Ma"e, %.orre251 -Oakland' __ sedan. brakes. FE 8-4079. _ 1963 PLYMOUTH 426 cubic i 1966 FORD COUNTRY Sedan, station Wagon, 10 passenger, V 3 automatic, radio, heater, power steering, beautiful twi-light with matching interior, the perfect car for the large family. Spring special only $1788 full orice $188 down, _ _ , _ $57.80 per month. 5 year or 50,000i A i mile new car warranty available. O lUilClLlI Cl A U. IU --- .. i JOHN MCAULIFFE FORD | ino c q|uj /r \ Ford Birminaham __________09 FE 8 403d3 (S-) :pLYMOU^*i ^RY^4-DOOR latching all vinyl Interior, V8, < 1966 FALCON STATION Wagon, ---------- n---------------------— | 383. Auto. Power steering. Rust ---------- laicnmn an r.nj----- ^^^...i $]395 539 down> payments $11.88 1964 MERCURY 9 passenger, squirej proofed. Exc. condition. 646-3679 1963 TEMPEST LEMANS 4 cylinder. week. Call Mr. Parks, Ml 4-7500. wagon, with V8 automatic, full- after 6 D.m. exc. condition, $535. 682-9194. power, beautiful condition. Arctic 10,c 0-rv^7T-fu~c^".rra> Tori mTttTat wa>,on Double 1965 BONNEVILLE HARDTOP ! $1695. $39 down, payments $14.92 ... . A week. Call Mr. Parks, Ml $7500. ^30 Oakland Ave. Harold Turner Ford, Birmingham. , mA Cata|ina 4 door sedan .$1695 $1695 $1595 $1295 $1095 $ 795 $ 695 $ 595 $ 495 dition aood tires, best offer. 651-'^^ BONNEVILLE CONVERTIBLE. 1965 Ventura convertible omon, gooci nres, Desi oner. ( L|ke new Beauty. Dark blue, blk 1965 Bonneville 4 dr. hardtop top. Radio, heater, power windows,! 1967 MG Mark II convertible brakes, and steering. 1 owner.'1965 Chevy 9 pass, wagon 28,000 mi. 4 ply Kelly citation new. 1964 Catalina 4 dr. sedan COME TO I SHELTON 24,000 miles. 335-9054. door 1962 Buick Spec. 9 pass. KEEG0 PONTIAC 1963 PONTIAC 2 DOOR, POWER ______________ Inch. automatic, no rust. *475. 674-0580. , f966 PONflAC, NEW CONDITION, KEEGO HARBOR Built for A-stock. 4 speed. 456 Sure grip. Call 624-3017. 1964 VALIANT 2-DR. *6*5. *0 down, payments *5.*2 week. Call Parks, Ml 4-7500 Harold Turner PONTIAC-BUICK (Formerly Kessler Hahn) Chrysler-Plymouth Rambler-Jeep SPRING SPECIAL SALE! 1967 PLYMOUTH Fury II 4-door sedan. V-8. Full power, new car demo — never titled. Hurry, only •— $2195 1962 CHEVY Impaia Convertible, V-8, automatic, power steering, here is a sharp car. Only — $795 1965 TEMPEST Wagon with automatic] V-8, full power. Completely safety checked for vacation fun. Only — $1295 1966 RAMBLER Classic station wagon, Ideal family car. Hera is tha buy of a lifetime. y? $1295 ~ * 1964 OLDS 442 $1095 1963 PLYMOUTH Hardtop 2-door with V-0, automatic, powar stnrlno. Ideal second car. Only - T $895 ON DIXit HWY.-NEAR M15 CLARKST0N MA 5-2635 second” car, spring special only '' price, lust *83 down,| john mcauliffe ford 630 Oakland Ave.___ FE 5-4101 • Harold Turner Ford, Birmingham. 1963 FALCON CONVERTIBLE. V8. dual quads, 4 speed, this car is a; mechanic special at $395 full price. [ $4 weekly with $5 down. Standard Auto, j 1304 Baldwin FE 8-4521 j 1963 Ford Fairlane 2 door with V8. this is e decent car felllnd tor only — $299 VANDEPUTTEI BUICK-OPEL BUICK-OPEL 196-210 Orchard Lake FE 2-9165 $88 down, $48.65 per month r I • enn 1 JOHN McAUUFFE FORD Galoxie 500 Hardtop 1630 Oakland Ave.___________FE 5-4101 1944 MERCURY SEDAN, *7*5. "0" down, payments $5.88 week. Cal Mr. Parks, Ml 4-7500. Harold Turner Ford, Birmingham. spring special at Only *1188. Just 5tecrjn^ radi0> h(aler, whitewalls. W63~P0NTIAC CATAL|Fa~~4 door. $145 down.. Finance balance only jet b\ac^ V8, automatic, $395 full 21050. price, $5 down, $4 weekly ____ style steel wheel covers, burgundy with matching interior,! only — Oakland Standard Auto $1895 Beattie Ford ''Your FORD DEALER Since 1930" ON DIXIE HWY. IN WATERFORD 623-0900 1966 THUNDERBIRD LANDAU> executive car, air conditio'ning, white i vinyl top, blue bottom, white interior,- complete power, fully! equipped, original owner. Call aft. 6 p.m. or all day Sat.-Sun! Ml, 7-7673.___________________________j 1966 FORD CONVERTIBLE, $1595' . $39 down, payments $14.44 week 1966 Call Mr. Parks, Mf 4-7500. Harol 1966 COMET Calient] two dOor hardtop. Solid black with all red vinyl Interior. V-8, automatic, power steering and brakes, radio, heater, whitewalls. Be sure to see 1963 FORD HARDTOP, $695. $0 down, payments M.92 week. Call' tS™?'Ford' Birmingham Mr. Parks, Ml 4-7500. Harold 1 urner porg' s^mmgnam Turner Ford, Birmingham._______ 11966 FORD CUSTOM 2 door, blue with MERCURY equipped, auto., 1466. 1966 MERCURY $1795. $39 down. 1304 Baldwin__________FE 8-4521 1963 LeMANS CONVERTIBLE, 326 stick, exc. condition, $600, 682-6460 after 5 p.m.__________________ console, $1100. LI 9-3624 1963 PONTIAC CATALINA, $625. 391- near 14 Mile and Woodward.__. 3675._________1|||_______________ PLYMOUTH SPORTS FURY 1962 pONTIAC CONVERTIBLE. Best $1395. $39 down, payments $13.44 offer. Also 1926 Ford Touring. Call Mr. Parks, Ml 4-7500. After 6 PM, 673-9403. 1963 TEMPEST CONVERTIBLE, 1965 PLYMOUTH, DARK green, very clean, V4), 3-speed, new radio, Exc. condition. Good tires. 1 clutch, transmission and rear end. owner. $970. 682-9747 after 5 p.m. Credit no problem, financing 1965 PLYMOUTH STATION WAGON, available. Bob Perkins. 338-4501.____ $1295, $39 down, payments S1C.92 1963 BONNEVILLE CONVERTIBLE. week. Call Mr. Parks, Ml 4-7500. OR 3-3385.______ Harold Turner Ford, Birmingham. ,^5 TEMPEST LeMANS Sport Hillside Lincoln- VALIANT. Selling due to illness. Coupe, white with red interior, J M** - —------ automatic, V-8. In excellent con- duction. RONEY'S AUTO, 131-Baldwin, FE 4-4909. CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH ;i*«6 MERCURY HARDTOP, in ai724 Oakland FE 5-9435 , beautiful metallic turquoise with I-----------------------7”. black vinyl top. 15,000 miles, V8|1965 RED BARRACUDA V-8, double automatic, radio, heater, powe j power, steering, brakes, mint condition _ j Spring special only $1688, ful 1 f^s ' price, |ust $188 down $54.19 per’ j month. 5 year or 50,000 mile war-; week. ranty available. Harold Turner Ford, Birmingham ! john mcauliffe ford -------------------------------------- !630 Oakland PE 5-4101 Phone before 1 p.m. 338*6587. 1963 FORD GALAX IE, 289 engine. Power steering, automatic, radio, heater. Real clean. $100 down Balance of $411. Wife's car. OR 3-7419. 1963 FORD GALAXY 500 convertible, full power, good condition, $850. 363-5571._____________________________ 1*43 FORD GALAXIE 500 2 door;630. P-?*1?™! Hardtop, beautiful chestnut finish, black vinyl Interior, Full Price $595. beautiful robin's egg matching interior, full factory equipment. Spring special only $1188 full price, just $88 down, 1966 MERCURY COLONY Park, $39.74 per month. Ask for Stock; $2195. $39 down, payments $16.8fi No. 1464A. 5-year or 50,000-mi,lei week. Call Mr. Parks, Ml 4-7500 new car warranty. [ Harold Turner Ford, Birmingham. JOHN McAULITFE FORD 11967 COURGAR XR-7, double power, Ave FE 5-41011 aut9- transmission^cgnsole, radio, WAGON, power 1966 PLYMOUTH FURY $1,795. $39 i passenger, 682* down, payments $14.92 week. Call ! Mr. Parks, Ml 4-7500. Indoor hardtop. »nar Ford, Birmingham Payments Harold 1963 PONTIAC, AUTOMATIC, power steer ing* brakes, $495. 335-4704. TirZi 1967 PLYMOUTH FURY~li7~$1895.; 1963 STARCHIEF 4 door hardtop. full condition, best $39 down, payments $14.92 week Call Mr. Parks, Ml 4-7500. Harold Turner Ford. Birmingham.__ 1943 BONNEVILLE, CONVERTIBLE, 1967 BARRACUDA HARDTOP, $2095. full power, black custom interior, $39 down, payments $15.92 week. $650. FE 2-1201 aft. 6 Call Mr. Parks, Ml 4*7500. Harokl ctad chief 4 door .Turner Ford, Birmlngh.m. * StandardAuto 1963 T-BIRD, WHITE Landau, low mileage.* all power, very good condition* best offer. 644-5220.___, 1963 FORD GALAXIE 2 door fuzzy hardtop. Power steeijng, brakes, radio, heater. $575. 673-1165 after; 5:30.__________________• 1*63 FALCON WAGON, *5*5. "0" 1966 FORD LTD 2-door hardtop, V8, full I factory warranty. Bargain Priced At: $1795 Village - Rambler 666 S. Woodward Birmingham 646-3900 dark green, 852-4457. 1962 OLDSMOBILE CONVI $595. $0 down, payments $5.44 j week. Call Mr. Parks, Ml 4-'500.! Harold Turner Ford, Birmingham, j 1964 OLDS F85, 4-DOOR sedan.! Radio. Heater. 330 engine. $650.! 651-4972.________________________ ! 1964 OLDS 98 This is a sharp 4-door hardtop with] full power and factory air conditioning. Come in and see this one’ today If you are serious about i buying a good used car. $1395 $700 ____ , Dealer 330-9236 _______ intn PL7^UT„^?P?^S *\rcnn'! 1964 CATALINA] 4-DOOR hardtop, auto., double power, auto, air-con- — no *1.00^7 lit ion ing, rear window defoger, i exc- condition, OR ,3:2247 _ rear seat speaker, 15" (1964 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE $800. wheels and disk brakes, tinted! 682-5725. ________,___________ glass, red^with white vinyl, top and , ^ PONTIAC Catalina two door ^ •* | hardtop. A bronze beauty with Only $139 down I Suburban Gleb 1964 FORD 9-passenger StaHon Wagon, $995., $0 down, payments $8.92 weak. Call Mr. Parks, Ml 4-7500. Harold Turner Ford, Birnv !m4 FORD COUNTRY S q u I r Wagon, beautiful candy apple red. All vinyl (Interior, VI, automatic radio, heater, power steering, sharp is a tack. — Spring Specie: only SI2U full price, lusl *16 down, and *48.65 per month One year warranty. JOHN MB Mcauliffe ford 630 Oakland Ave. ___ fe s-4iti f*6S T-BIRD, AUTOMATIC, double power, silver blue. MiLOSCH-CHRYfLRR-PLYMQUTH. 677 M-24, Lake Orion, MY 2 W4t. ____ 1*65 TORO AUTOMATIC, rad On , rad, «M Malt take over payment* ol 140*3. day 335-8*12, ava. 682-#12. Turner ForQ, Birmingham. FALCON FUTURA, stick, . 1*64 GALAXIE XL Hardlop. 1*45. *0 mileage, exc. condition. Lady's down, payments of $8:83 week. Call car. *1450. 682-0743, aft. 5. < 635 S Mr. Parks, Mt 4-7500.—Harold Turner Ford, Birmingham. 1*64 RAIRL AN E STATION Wagon, *7*5, "0" down, payments *6.44 week. Call Mr: Parks, MI 4-7500. Harold Turner Ford, Birm-Ingham.__________________________ top, and Interior, full power, and factory air conditioning, Spring Special only *1688. Full price,-lust, $188 down, and *66.33 per month. 5 year or 50,000 mile new car warranty. john mcauliffe ford 630 Oakland AVe._, FE 5-4101 1964 FORD XL 4 door hardtop, 390 automatic* power steering brakes* windows, $45 dov Finance balance of only $918. Oakland CHRYSLER-PLYMOUT! 724 Oakland Ave TOM RADEMACH CHEVY-OLDJ 1964 FORD Galaxie convertible V8* automatic, powe ’iteering* radio, beater, whitewalls Jooks and drives like new. Maroon with white Interior $1095. On US 10 _at M15, Clarkston* MA 5*y)7i 1964 FORD Country Sedan 9 Passenger Station Wagon* power steering, power breXes, air conditioning. T ^^YjacotiQn.....Special. $1295 Suburban Old white interior. Save $ 1 *000. MILOSCH CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH. 677 M-24, Lake Qrlon. MY 2-2041. _______ 1968 PLYMOUTH Satefite hardtop, V8, automatic, radio, heater, power steering, brakes, 6,000 miles, beautiful metallic bold with matching interior, save at least $1,000 on this one. Spring special °rinUll8»*Ul 1 AMMCCC [non 1964 ~fEMPEST CLUB Coupe, *7*5. JOHN McAULIFFE FORD *• "0" down, payments *6.44 week. 630 Oakland Ave. FE 5-4101! Call Mr. Parks, Ml 4-7300. Harold matching interior, V-8, automatic* power steering and brakes, radio, heater, nearly new white wall tires. Low mileage, one owner, $1195. Hillside Llncoln-Mercury, 1250 Oakland. 333-7863.__________ 1964 LeMANS CONVERTIBLE! Floor' shift. A-1 condition. $850. 363-7033 before 6 p.m. PONTIAC: When you buy it let . ford' Birmingham MARKET TIRE give It a tree 1*64 PONTIAC Bonneville Con- safety check. 2635 Orchard Lake vertible. Reas. Call alter 5 P.m. Ml 7-5111 -fid., Keego. . 673-»8»t. 1968 DEMOS DISCOUNTED 1968 CATALINA 2-door hardtop, V-8, double power 1968 TEMRE5T Station,Wagon, V-8, double power, less than 5000 miles 1968 PONTIAC Catalina 2-door Hardtop, Ventura, double power 1968 BONNEVILLE'4-door_HardtO'p7”?verything including air ^ ’ . . Discounted $800 Discounted $600 Discounted $800 Discounted $1200 1962 PONTIAC 2-Door $495 1959 PLYMOUTH'i-Door $195 1964 FORD Sedan $595 1959 RAMBLER 4 door $295 1967 PONTIAC Bonneville 1964 PONTIAC Bonneville 1966 GMC 1-Ton 1965 TEMPEST Wogon " Vista loaded wUh equipment, red , with black cordova top. .$2995 Vista, V-8, automatic, /power steering, power brakes. Only — $1095 Stake truck* red finish.^ Ready to work. $1595 r6-cyl. automatic* gas saver 1 Only $1295 TREMENDOUS REDUCTIONS ON ALL 1968 RAMBLERS IN STOCK STOP IN—NAME YOUR PRICE! ON M24 „ LAKE ORION PONTIAC-RAMBLER ' Ask for Stub Graves, Jim Bornowsky, MY 3-6266 OPEN 9 TO 9 QUALITY HAS NO SUBSTITUTE . 1967 Ghevy Biscayne 6-Cyl. Stick shift, heater. Full factory equipment, factory warranty. Col ivory finish. Only — $1695 1966 IMPALA 6-Passenger Wagon Tropical turquoise, 8 cylinger* power steering, power brakes, automatic transmission, new white-wall tires. $2095 1966 BEL AIR V-8 Wagon Beige. Auto, trans., power steering, new tires, whitewalls. $1995 1967 OHEVY Biscayne Wagon 6 passenger* with V-8* automatic* power steering* brakes, radio, heater, whitewalls, factory warranty. Marina blue finish. Only— $2595 1964 FORD Falcon 2-0001* with 6 cyl engine, stick shift, radio, heater, whitewalls. Must see to appreciate! $895 . 1965 CHEVY Convertible Turauoise, white top, V-8* automatic* power steering, new whiter walls. $1595 1967 Malibu 2-Door Hardtop with 6 cyl.* stick shift, radio* heater, whitewalls. Silver blue mist finish. Only — $1995 1964 CHEVY- Suburban Carry-All with V-8* stick shift* radio, heater, tu-tone beige and ivory finish. $1095 1964 GHEVY Biscayne 2-Door Sedan with 6 cyl. engine, Powerglide, radio, heater* whitewalls. Sandy beige finish. $895 1966 Rambler , j 660 Classic 4-Door with radio, heater, 6 cyl., automatic, radio* heater, whitewalls. Sea foam green finish. Only — $1295 1967 8 CAMARO 327 V-8 Black coupe. Power steering* auto, transmission, whitewalls. $2395 1968 BARRACUDA 2-Door Hardtop with radio* heater* whitewalls. Black vinyl trim. Candy apple red and factory warranty. $2395 . 1965 FORD 1965 IMPALA 1967 GHEVY Impaia Sport Coupe with automatic* radio, heater* whitewalls, cameo ivory finish. $2195 1968 FORD Fairlane 500 4-Door Sedan. Tuxedo black beauty* with a parchment vinyl top* full factory equipment. Only — $1995 _ Galaxie “500" 4-Door sedan, with automatic, V-8, power steering, radio* heater* whitewalls* aqua finish. $1395 Gray, black interior. V-8* auto, trans., power steering* power brakes* radio. $1595 . . .-1967 FORD ‘ Rancher Pickup with custom cab# radio* heater. Full-'factory warranty. Red finish. Wide side box. Only —■ $2195 . 1967 MUSTANG . “GT" Fastback with V-8, 4 speed, radio, heater, new whitewalls, emerald green firtish. $2345 1965 FORD Galaxie XL Convertible with V-8, automatic* power steering, brakes, white buckets, fire engine red With white top. Only— $1595 1968 BARRACUD/ Convertible with the formula 1-engine. 4-speed, power steering, brakes; radio* whitewalls. Beautiful yellow Tin-* Ish. Factory warranty. $2795 Oakland County's Largest Volume Chevrolet'Dealer FE 4-4547 y CHEVROLET j 631 OAKLAND Widest Selection of 'OK' Used Cars in Oakland County -r-.rr--:~ 2SHE dryer Kitis Boy BRAWLEY, Calif. (AP) - A portable hair dryer fell into his bathtub and electrocuted Hector Ken Tom, 8. Found unconscious by his parents, Mr. and MrB. Herman Tom, the boy did not respond to treatment with a re-suscitator. PONTiAU’S F-l-R-S-T Wide-Oval RETREAD • RACING SUCKS • CHROME WHEELS • REO LINES for sale prices on ALL OTHER SIZES phone FE 8-0900 CITY TIRE SOS NORTH PERRY —Television Programs— Programs furnished by stations listed in this column are subject to change without notice Channels! 2-WJSK-TV, 4-WWJ-TV, 7-WXYZ-TV, 9-CKLW-TV, 30-WKSD-TV, 36-WTVS Sherriff-Goslin Co. Pontiac's Oldeif Roofing and Siding Cdmpany Free Estimates 332*5231 REPLACE OLD WINDOWS With Solid amino vinyl windows WEDON'S 334-2697 TUESDAY NIGHT 8:00 (2) (4) C - News, Weather, Sports (7) R C — Movie: “North to Alaska” (1960) Part 1. John Wayne, Stewart Granger, Erriie Kovacs (9) R — Dennis the Menace (50) R C — Flintstones (56) Friendly Giant 6:15 (56) Sing Hl-Sing Lo 6:30(2) C - News -Cronkile (4) C — News — Huntley, Brinkley (9) RC-.F Troop (50) R — McHale’s Navy (56) R — What’s New 7:00 (2) C - Truth or Consequences (4) C — News, Weather, Sports (9) Movie: “Stream of Fear" (English, 1961) Susan Strasberg (50) R — Monsters (56) Spectrum 7:30 (2) R C - Daktari -Clarence has run away and found himself a harem. (4) R C — I Dream of Jeannie — A Hollywood director (Paul Lynde) is making a documentary at the base. (7) R C — Garrison’s Gorillas — The Gorillas use the animosity between the Italians and their German allies to help free American prisoners. (50) R — I Love Lucy (56) Playing the Guitar Cash for Any Purpose to home owners, even if you hove a first er second mortgage. Consolidate bills, bring payments up to date. Step foreclosures. Leave your name, address and phene number with our 24 hour operator. ESSAY ENYERPRISES, Inc. Telephone MIN 1-7400 OPEN MONDAY A FRIDAY EVENINGS TIL 9 P.M. Reasonable • # # Efficient1 COLOR • BUCK & WHITE ANTEWABlSTarLAT»Wy UHF • VHF COMBINATION • ROTORS SWEET'S 422 West Huron RADIO & APPLIANCE ■ FE 4-5677 WAREHOUSE MAM UP TO 50% OFF Sofas • Chairs • Divan Beds Recliners • Chests • Dressers Odd Beds • Box Springs Mattresses • Dinette Sets and Many Other Miscellaneous Items! HOURS SAME AS STORE 311 ALUMINUM SPICIALS! Save Oti SIDING Ends Painting Forever •.. HOME OWNERS! Dual Direct KAISER DISTRIBUTOR ★ Custom Trim ★ Gutters ★ Awnings ★ Storm Doors ★ Windows YOUR HOME $479 CONTRACTORS! Materials and Installation NOW! A NEW ROOF THICK BUTT SHINBLES Ouaneteed-lieentse-Insured -FHA, Me Monty Down, Frtt Kntimetee Pinna lOIRffi FS Mill ERVICE COi Telegraph NEBRASKA PRIMARY The networke will cover developments in the Nebraska primary with special reports and bulletins throughout the evening. 1:00 (4) C - (Special) World of Animals — A far-ranging look at the feline world, from the American alley cat to Africa’s lord of the jungle. (50) R - Hazel (56) Book Beat — Chaim Potok talks about his novel, “The Chosen.” 8:30 (2) C — Red Skelton — Guests are Roy Rogers and Dale Evans and singer Gilbert Price. (7) R C — It Takes a Thief — Mundy thwarts Communist plans to topple a pro-Western principality. (50) R — Honeymooners (56) Face of Sweden 8:55 (9) C - News 9:00 (4) R C — Movie: “Incident at Phantom . Hill” (1966) Union officers and a treacherous Rebel prisoner form an uneasy alliance to' search for stolen gold in Texas. Robert Fuller, Jocelyn Lane, Dan Duryea (9) C Survival (50) R — Perry Mason (56) Dog’s Life 9:30 (2) R C — Good Morning World — Larry and Dave are ordered to do a show at a dude ranch. wteeb toms out to be a nude ranch. (7) R C - N.Y.P.D. -Haines sets a trap for a rapist. (9) Jazz 625 — Woody Herman is featured. (56) R — Men Who Teach 10:00 (2) C — (Special) University—21st Century — The history of the university and description of philosophy of education at Wayne State. Teen-agers have stolen a spitcase containing some seedlings that will produce full-grown aliens. (9) Newsmagazine (50) C — Les Crane 10:30 (2) C — (Special) Nebraska Primary--Mike Wallace anchors this report on results of voting. (9) Public Eye (56) Piano Competition 11:00 (2) (4) (7) (9) C -News, Weather, Sports (50) R — Movie: “Chain Lightning” (1950) Humphrey Bo gart, Eleanor Parker, Raymond Massey 11:30 (2) Movie: “Deadly Carousel” (German, 1960) Juliette Mayniel (4) C — (Special) Nebraska Primary — Frank McGee anchors report on key primary. (7) C — (Special) Nebraska Primary — Howard K. Smith and William H. Lawrence anchor this report on election developments. (9) R — Movie: “Tight Little > Island” (English, 1949) Basil Radford 11:45 (7) C - Joe Bishop -Evangelist Billy Grahairi and Louis Armstrong head guest list. 12:00 (4) C—Tonight — Joe ----Guraglola,—subbing—f or- vacationing Johnny Car-son, will greet Beatles John Lennon and Paul Lennon and Paul McCart-ney. Soupy Sales and Tallulah Bankhead also guest. 1:00 (4) Beat the Champ (7) News (9) Window on the World 1:30 (2) C — Capture (4) C - PDQ . 2:00 (2) R — Highway Patrol 2:30 (2) C — News WEDNESDAY MORNING 5:45 (2) On the Farm Scene 5:50 (2) C — News 6:00 (2) C — Sunrise Semester - (4). Ciassroom....-,^^, 6:30 (2). C, — Woodrow the Woodsman (4) C — Ed Allen 7:00 (4) C -Today (7) C -r Morning Show 7:30 (2) C — Captain Kangaroo 7 :55 (9) Morgan’s Merry-Go-Round 8:00 (9) Upside Town 8:30 (2) R — Mister Ed (7) c — Movie: “The Road, to Bali” (1952) Bob Hope, Bing Crosby, Dorothy Lamour (9) Bonnie Prudden 9:00 (2) C-Merv Griffin (4) C — Steve Allen 0:05 ( 56) All Aboard for Reading 9:25 (56) Of Cabbages and Kings 9:50 ( 56) Art Lesson 10:00 ( 56) C—Snap Judgment (7) Virginia Graham (9) Mr. Dressup 10:05 ( 56) Reason and Read 10:20 ( 56) Science Is Discovery 10:25 (4) C-News 10:30 (2) RC — Beverly Hillbillies (4) C — Concentration (7) C — Dick Cavett (9) Friendly Giant (50) C — Jack La Lanne 10:35 (56) Children’s Hour 10:45 (9) Ontario Schools 10:50 ( 56) Spanish Lesson 11:00 (2) R — Andy of Mayberry (4) C — Personality , (50) C — Kimba 11:15 (9) Canadian Schools 11:30 (2) R — Dick Van Dyke (4) C — Hollywood Squares (50) R — Little Rascals 11:45 (9) Chez Helene 11:50 (56) Modem, Math for Parents WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 12:00 (2) (4) C - News, Weather, Sports (7) R — Bewitched (9) Take 30 12:25 (2) C — Fashions 12:30 (2) C - Search for Tomorrow (4) Eye Guess (7) C — Treasure Isle (9) R — Movie: ,lI Died a _ Thousand Times”' (1955) Jack P a lance, Lee Marvin, Shelley Winters, Lori Nelson (50) R — Movie: “The Kid From Kokomo” (1939) Pat O’Brien, Joan Blondell, Jane Wyman (56) Spainish Lesson 12:45 (2) C — Guiding Light 12:50 ( 56) All Aboard for Reading 12:55 (4) C — News 1:00 (2) C — Love of Life ..,.<'.,,(■4.1. ,G. ^latcfa-GaniP— — — (7) C — Dream House 1:10 (56) Children’s Hour 1:25 (2) C —News (4) C — Carol Duvall (56) Reason and Read 1:30 (2) C — As the World Turns (4) C — Let’s Make a Deal (7) C — Wedding Party 1:40 (56) Art Lesson 1:55 (56) Of Cabbages and Kings 2:00 (2) C — Love Is A Many Splendored Thing (4) C — Days of Our Lives (7) C — Newlywed Game 2:30 (2) C — House Party ' (4) C —Doctors (7) C — Baby Game (50) R — Make Room for Daddy (56) interlude 2:55 (7) C — Children’s Doctor 3:00 (2) C — Divorce Court (4) C — Another World (7) C — General Hospital (9) C — Pat Boone (50) R C — To Tell the Truth (56) Consultation 3:25 (50) C —News 3:30 (2) C - Edge of Night (4) C — You Don’t Say (7) C r--Dark-Shadows (50) C — Captain Detroit (56) Memo to Teachers 4:00 (2) C — Secret Storm (4) C — Woody Woodbury ( 7 ) C- Dating Game (9) C — Swingin’ Time (56) Modem Supervision 4:30 (2) C — Mike Douglas (7) C — News, Weather, Sports (50) Three Stooges (56) What’s New 5:00 (9) C M Bozo (50) R — Little Rascals (56) Misterogera 5:30 (4) C — George Pierrot (7) C — News — Young (9) C — Fun House (50) R — Superman (56) TV Kindergarten . Modify Aniwer to Previous Pusile ACROSS ornament 7 Miniature repreaenta-tlona 13 Fahey 14 Culmination 15 Oppoaite of borrower )6 Surgical threada ' .. „ 58 Meal 40 Marine fish 42 Depot (ab.) 45 Pound* (ab.) 46 Part of a locomotive 49 Burrow 52 Bridge holding 55 Part within 18 Large tub 20 Diitresi call 21 Gift 25 Old- womanish 28 Interstices 32 Flower part 33 Minute , reproductive body • 34 Genus of palms 35 European .finch 36 Roselike DOWN 1 —— monster 21 Localities 2 Arabian gulf 22 Narrate 3 Lease 4 Father 5 Summer (Fr.) 6 Pluck 7 Overcome 8 Unclose (poet.) 9 Period 10 Self-esteem (pi.) 30 Seed 11 Cotton fabric appendage 12 Soap-frame 31 Evenings bar (Scot.) 19 King of 37 Greater In Judah (Bib.) stature 38 Declines 41 Fall flower 42 Mix « Melody 23 Centaur 24 Drunkards ?5 Three- banded armadillo 26 Roman emperor 27 Followers 29 Feminine appellation 44 Handle 46 House (Sp.) 47 High cards 48 Finest 50 Clamp 51.Dutch city 53 Before 54 Snooze 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 H TT 13 14 IB 16 1? m ,8 19 m W 23 W 26 27 ■28 29 30 31 & ■ ■ 3T 34 35 36 37 38 1 39 40 41 42 4 4 4 46 47 4 4^ 50 51 ST 53 - 5& 86 67 68 14 A Look at TV correct Graft inboards REBEL SAILBOATS Saw, Safe—Fast and Unsinkable TED WADE 4300 CASS ELIZABETH 682-3286 , OPEN 7 DAYS UNTIL SUNSET! . \ ' \ ; A \ 0 , * * ■ * IMPROVE YOUR HOME DEAL DIRECT FREE PLANS and ESTIMATES-NO CHARGE SPECIAL FINANCE PLAN t-MMAMlimi No Money Down Jobi Sturt Immedlotely Up tu 20 yion ft puyl KITCHEN CABINETS 5-Ft. Kitchen $OCQ00 COMPLETE £09 7-Ft. Kitchen SOQQ00 COMPLETE 499 INCLUDES: Upper and Lower Cabinets, Counter Tops, Sink with Faucets, Formica or Wilson Art I WILL COME TO YOU WITH FREE ESTIMATE AND PLANS - NO CHARGE 12 S. MILL Pontiac, AAleh. CALL FE 8-9880 Opan Daily and Inn. CALL DAY OR NIGHT * ADDITIONS* FAMILY BOOMS ALUMINUM SIDING COLOR ALUMINUMS ROOFING—SIDING W00DFIELD CONSTRUCTION FE MHO' 6 Months Baforn First Payment FINEST LOCAL CONTRACTOR Carol Ends Season By CYNTHIA LOWRY AP Radio-Television Writer NEW YORK (AP) - The Carol Burnett show, which wound up its season Monday night, One feature of the weekly show involved a married couple sketch with Miss Burnett and Korman playing a disenchanted pair given to bitterly funny generally has been - a pleasant cracks in the manner of radio’s addition to the CBS television |old Bickersons. schedule. mood and theme of the old Garry Moore program, was what Carol called a “family show.” There were no guest stars and the haad-working regulars had windup show was, however, a Burnett solo—a housewife hearing the voices of all those commercial TV pitches ranging from a challenge to eat one po- their moments alone in the spot- tato chip to accusations about light. / the whiteness of her wash. TV * * ★ still can get more satiric kid- The show will go into reruns; ding itself than any other sub-until early July when the net-;jecL including politics, work will turn the hour over to a series of pilot programs that failed to make the grade. Carol, a comedienne of talent, has an interesting singing voice and a warm and generous manner that projects well., STRONGEST ASSET Her strongest asset during the season has been Harvey Korman, a performer of multiple talents who has backstopped her well. He is a fine sketch actor, has an excellent sense of comedy timing and can even sing and dance a bit. TV Features WORLD OF ANIMALS, J. pm. (4).____ RED. SKELTON, p.m. (2) 8:30 “JAZZ 125, 9:30 p.m. (9) UNIVERSITY, 10 p.m. (2) NEBRASKA PRIMARY,' 16:30 p.m. (2), 11:30 p.m. (4), (7) ★ ★ ★ In connection with television commercials, there is great interest and in many quarters, concern, about a current trend toward splitting 60 second spots into two 30-second commercials. It started when companies bought the usual minute periods and started selling two of its products in the time. Then companies started swapping 30 second spots among themselves. The question now is whether the networks will sell 30 second spots the way they sell minute participations. The idea has considerable resistance. j The three networks obviously I are finding coverage of the (peace talks in Paris somewhat I frustrating. The preliminaries are not productive of much news that the cameras can cap TW^L6gnitaries;^entaring^ and leaving the conference hall and (mass news conferences are jhardly the ideal TV news story. ★ ★ ★ SONYMATIC SOLID-STATE pictured above. ;From a woman’s point of view... It's so :nice to have a Sony around the house Complete solid-state design. 7* reel capacity, 3 speeds (V/s, 3H, 7Vi ips), dual track for up to 8 hours recording and playback. Sony- • matic recording control automatically adjusts recording levels for perfectly lialanced recordings everytime. Easymatic tape threading—threads in an instant with one hand. Complete with dynamic microphone, only 1109.50. EASY TO OPERATE! Tapa Fun for lbs Family Parfact for Mis Kids TAPE IT EASY TAPE IT SONY Operates Easy As 1-2.3 JOEY p.m. (7) BISHOP, 11:45 TONIGHT, 12 midnight |i--— I NBC, handling the networks’ | pool, has a staff of 60 tied up on | the conference, and the other I two networks have almost as | many. Some important news | events are just not adapted to | TV’s visual requirements, and | they include diplomatic confer-| ences behind closed doors and | courtrooms, . to which cameras I are denied access. ij Recommended tonight: “Big |;Cats, Little Cats,” NBC, 8-9 IIedtI PONTIAC MUSIC & SOUND till West an Hwm U2-IW ACROSS FROM A1RSTREAM TRAILER SALES "BUNT WAIT TO REMODEL” WJR(760) WXYZ(1270) CKLW(800) WWJ(9S0) WCAR(1130) WPON(l 460) WJBK(1500) WHFI-FM(94.7) > TONIGHT 4:0S—WWJ, News, Sports WJR, Nows, sports ’ CKLW, Mlki Rlvsrs WPON', News, Phono Opinion WHFI, Don Bose. wcar, News, Ron Rote wxyz, Nowseopo WJBK, News, Honk O'Nell AtlO—WWJ, Today In Review, Emphasis rito-WWJ, News, SportsUns WPON, Nows, John Irons WJ8K, News. Tom Doon WCAR, Nows, Rick Stewsrt CKLW, Tom Shsnnon WJR, World Tonight Tits—WJR, Business Sports 7il0—WXYZ, NowS,. Dsvt Lockhsrt MS-WJR, Fanfare fiV—WJR, Tiger Beat nrun. r-ur Commission t:SO—WHFI, Tom Colsmsn CKLW. Merk Richards lillS—WJR| Scores WWJ, News of the World III4S — WJR, Music for Moderns .jw rtu _ WJR. News, Sports It i It-WWJ, SportsUns ItilS—WJR, Music Till Dawn WWJ, Death Notices 11i4S—WWJ. Indlene Primary: Overnight IliSS-WJBK, Nighttime WXYZ, News, Johnny Randall CKLW, Prank B rod Id WCAR, Nona, Wayne Phillips 1 WEDNESDAY MORNINQ 4:00—WJR, MUSIC Hall WWJ, Nows WCAR, News, Bill Deltsll WXYZ, Ntws. Martin 4 Howard WPON, Newt, A r 11 o n a Weston CKLW. Chuck Morgan WJBK. Ntws, Marc Avery SiSg-WWJ. Morrle Carlson 7:lt—WHFI, Gary Purses WPON, Nows, Bill King litg-WJR, News. Sunnyslde •:10—WJR, NOWS, Music Hall fits—WJR, Nows, Jack Harris \ . v \ . 'd CKLW, Gary Mitchell 1 WHFI, Undo Jay WWJ, News, Ask Your Neighbor ttiOt—WXYZ, Nows, Don McNeill WJBK, News, Conrad Patrick WJR. News, Music WCAR, Rod Miller WPON, News, Jerry Whit-man IlitS-WJR, News, Kaleidoscope WXYZ, News, Danny Taylor WHFI, Jim Zlnser WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON I2:oo-WJR, Newt, Farm WWJ, Naws, Review CKLW, Jim Edwards lliJO-WWJ. Marty McNeeley tiPt—WJR, Naws,-Arthur Godfrey rt:00-*-WPGN, News, Pat Appolson WHFI, Bill Lynch WXYZ, Newt, Dsvt Prlnca .WJR, NowS, Dimension 1:1S—WJR, Music Hall \ 1:00—WCAR, Nows, Ron Rose CKLW, Mlko Rivers WJBK, Hank O'Neil. KAJ&iaM Ji$yf7 FREE PLANNING SERVICE Home Improvement | Is My Business ... | -Add beauty, Incroato the value of your homa B with a modem up-to-the-minut. spacious fom- fll ily room for your growing family. See eor dll- ■ tinctiva plane and Idoae with only the finest g| materials and on-tho-iob supervision tor the p bast workmanship possible. n NO MONEY DOWN ■ FHA and BANK FINANCING ■ ■ ■ ■ COMPLETE REMODELING SERVICE AS LW AS m WHK RECREATION ROOMS • KITCHENS • BATHROOMS GARAGES • DORMERS * ALUMINUM SIDIMQ S Ljlh (.all Anytime . . . EE Q.QOCi FREE ESTIMATES rt Odcui 328 N. Perry, PONTIAC (No Obligation) MEMIER PONTIAC ARIA 0HAM8IR OF OOMM6N96 Hate Utomod iuftder and Reewdellng Cortmstor MMMflBMBMMMMiilMMMMMMMBM'MMMMPMMMl T-iTPT'rr 'i1'!11]}! V""’*1 w v/jfjrirr'............................................... T-TT WMEMWMMISIlMMltWIMMlllMMlBBMBMIll^^ Poor People's Shanties Take Shape in Capital WASHINGTON (AP) — Hun-i By midnight the site "resenv-dreds of unpainted plywood bled an Army biouvac area. Cu-shanties took shape in front of rious couples strolled past re-the Lincoln Memorial today as fleeting pools whose rippling the Poor People’s Campaign hammered together its temporary home away from home. Just 10 hours after The Rev. Ralph David Abernathy drove a symbolic stake into the ground, 88 prefabricated, tent-shaped That dream, Abernathy has|dom!’! from the audience, most] A march leader said Mondayj He was scheduled to fly to, repeatedly told his followers, |of. whom had marched ^and rid-f night that the car, parked in I Philadelphia for a rally today: did not die with King. den with him on a five-day trek froiU of downtown Cobo Hall, | with the Northeast caravan at from Mississippi. TODAY’S AGENDA had been disabled by a dead which Dr. King’s widow battery, and that a replacementlschediiled to speak. H MM .. P r ,had been sent for. h wishing the shanties of Re- ES he sakJ about M lice surrecMon City U.S.A. is the d on the scene. mtr main-item on today s agenda 1 The 430 already in Washington. a jovial, With a carpenter’s apron tied waters pictured the glow • of! around his stocky, denim-clad flashlights and enough moonlit frame, he told some 400 people piles of lumber to build another]Monday that "we will be here 100 or so shanties. for a long, long time . .: * * * % * * imam-Heiiioniouaysagt-nua |nesses said the parade.s ownjseemed generally In Five years agb, Abernathy’s “We will be in Washington,”! The estimated 450 demons ra- marshals quieted things. {hopeful mood, predecessor,Hhe'Slain Dr. Mar-he said, /‘until the Congress of, t0/s™ band ^ toda>’ ^'n structures stretched in four; tin Luther King, stood on the the United States and the lead-i^, u ase™ . , .. .. even rows down the mile-long, (steps of the Lincoln Memorial to ers of the various departments tlon roorns , ° 1 ® tree-lined grassy Mall familiar] tell 200,000 marchers, “I have a]of our government decide theyj™®^-^^^^* nlvwnorf nuar-to millions of tourists. Idream All You Can Eat! FISH & CHIPS DINNER Also Carry-Out 99* 4 P.M. to 8 P.M. Mon. thru Sat. CLOSED SUNDAY PARK-INN REST. Corner of Orchard Lake Road and Telegraph are going to do something about [ni«ht in their new P1^0^ t»uar-poverty and unemployment and ters- * underemployment Each blow from the Southern! thinking about improving your home? Then shouldn’t you see us soon? Loans are available up to 36 months. Take advantage of pur services — offer all they’re for you. Cult 335-9493 CHIEF PONTIAC EMPLOYEES FEDERAL | CREDIT UNION 1M Joslyn Ave.-Pontiac OU Hosts Highland Fling More than 250 pipers, drum-; The dance competition will be Chalked lines on the grass; mers and dancers from the held from 9:30 a.m, to 5:30 p.m Christian Leadership (Confer-'mark out sewer P‘Pe trenches to.United States and Canada will Saturday in the Sports and Rec-ence president’s hammer waslbe dug- Elec,ric company crews participate in the National High-|reation Building. The public can echoed by a shouted " Free- Red Cross Seeks Help for Needs * I installed equipment. ■* ]land Dance Competition Satur-iview competitors,, whose ages A second contingent of march- day and Sunday at Oakland!range from five to twenty years, ers from the Midwest is sched- University. vie for trophies and medals uled to arrive Thursday, follow- The colorful event being held . which will be presented to the ing by an Eastern caravan Fri- in conjunction \vjth Michigan winners of such dances as the day and a Southern caravan!Week marks the first time:Highland Fling, Sword Dance Sunday. ! Michigan has hosted the dance I and Highland Reel. 1 competition. * * ★ * * * Volunteers *are needed Attention Adults Interested In Securing A High School Diploma, Preparing For A Pre-Apprentice Or BusinesV Program??? GOAL IS 3,000 ... r- i ’ • . . .L , Judges at the games will be ! SCLC has voiced hope they, Highlight of the two-day event sharon Farrar from Venice, lr!Lra‘Se the tota ,,toihe goa of w‘” be the combined perform-!Ca|if i and Miss Jean Pringie !3,000 “permanent demonstra-'anCe of all competitors at 12:30 from perth Scotland to ] tors who will live in ^he camp- Sunday on the Oakland Univer- * * * serv7thTcommunity’7nee“ds in^ “ te"tatS SCt nex.1 ^grounds. The public is in# the months ahead, the Oakland Monday for he(. beginn'"gh the march which willJbes^Ssllteci the «inii*h»a«iorn mass demonstrations which, a begin m front of the Sports and1 lwo Dest aancers trom tne com of the boutneastem|staff memo said may pr0voke Recreation Building and pro- Petltlon- Th® wmn®rs com‘ pete in the world champion-j ships which will be held in' . / Despite repeated reminders! Local pipe bands that will ^Scotland this summer, ospital from Abernathy that his demon-represented in the national com i Region {Michigan Chapter of *b®‘‘mass arrests and police brutal- cede to Vandenberg Hall [American Red Cross announced!.. „ | ★ w * [ today, i Most needed are I volunteers, persons willing to .• strators will remain nonviolent, | petition and the Sunday per- provide personal services for Midwest contingent briefly j formance will be the Detroit St caused an esti- WEDDING INVITATIONS j\\ For the Discriminating BRIDE-TO-BE ioo ,.sio=° You may select your wedding invitations, announcements and accessories with complete * confidence as to quality and correctness of form. Wedding Announcements of. TRADITIONAL BEAUTY CLASSIC DISTINCTION SOCIAL CORRECTNESS Personalised wedding napkini, matches and cake, boxes also available. 123 Nerih Saghimr SL f>*FE248l patients that o v e r w o r k e d j f|jrted with trouble in Detroit, Andrews Pipe Band, the Red- 112,000 deaths WANT T0 SELL LAWN MOWERS, POWER MOWERS, BOATS? hospital staffs do not have time when they tried to stop police;ford Highlanders and the Mich- in the United States during 1967, J USE A LOW COST PONTIAC PRESS CLASSIFIED AD - j to do Local 653, UAW, in cooperation with THE SCHOOL DISTRICT IN THE CITY OF PONTIAC announces an educational program for the fall 1968-69. from towing away a car. CLASSES WILL BEGIN SEPTEMBER 9,1968 Counselors will be available to assist you in selecting courses during pre-registration time. Pre-Registration Dates For the Fall Term: Opportunities to serve exist at Botsford General, in Farmington Township, Pontiac General. Pontiac . Osteopathic., Pontiac State and St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, according to the Red Cross. Social welfare aides to assist professional case workers in serving men on military duty, veterans and their families also are needed. TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY MAY 14, MAY, 15, MAY 16,1968 OFFICE WORKERS PLACE: Pontiac Motor Local 653, UAW, 990 Joslyn Ave., Pontiac, Mich. TIME: 11:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. Coursos offered for High School Credit will be held at Pontiac Northern and/or Pontiac Central High — ONLY. Adult* working toward a HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA may take any offered High School Credit Course. "TUITION FREE." Day and Evening Courses Available. For further information concerning any part of the Pre-Apprentice, Business or High School Credit Programs, PLEASE CALL 332-0235 Anyone with talents in office • work, such as typing, filing, telephoning, are needed in the local Red Cross office. Volunteer drivers are also in .jlemand.iftJadp.deiiyer.bLaod.Aa] hospitals and supplies and personnel. ★ ★ ★ Throughout the county, Red j Cross needs blood program aides and volunteer registered ; nurses to work at bloodmobile | sites. Aides register donors help in donor room procedures and serve as hostesses in the refreshment room. The local office at 118 [Franklin Blvd. can give additional information about Red 1 Cross volunteer jobs. ★★★★★★★ _ America's tightest Whiskey YES! Canadian Quality Scotch Lightness YES! T G&W SEVEN 'AN IXTAAOADINAAILV i/oyf PLCNOeO WHItKfY /SJi SEVEN ***** A Smooth American Blend Preferred by Millions For Its Taste sUsstssssmwwwsofcsu*^* •AiiriiA«et9caeAuMT9««N«i,li,,i,,B" $/f52 $085 $1085 ' *+4/5 QT. JL PINT 1 w1/2 CAL. 1/2 All Taxes Included HMDID WHISKEY, 86 rtOQF, «* STRAIGHT WHISKEY—6098 GRAIN NEUTRAL STOUTS. GOODBHAM * WORTS LTD., PEORIA, ILL ligan Highlanders. about 1,000 fewer than in 1966.1 PLACE YOURS, CALL 332-8181. sans bsssj si* ■: T3Wf' '■ - AUTHOWltO OOOOt OIALEAS , JWAtv0e who doesn’t If you re the typ jargon, ,h. Dodge Boy. ,s Amwica., m0»t pop These sho» >h j |, the ■compaO-""" a"d . That th„. are 8 Dart ."compact (over 16 ,ee ha-dlop* >P.__ models to eh00*® • , ,,hat's the models to cn *° ^ a prjce that's tbe 4-door sedans. Sea the Dodge Boys hsst-looldhg li,ufe ot a!Se* -I-- fmupes 855 Ookland — Phono 338-9222 MI ■ By The Associated Pres* Sen. Robert# F. Kennedy has rolled up a. decisive Democratic presidential victory in Nebraska hut Hubert H. Humphrey's backers claim the vice f president already has almost enough delegates for the nomination, Kennedy — defeating Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy 51 per cent to 31 in yesterday’s votlftg — Invited McCarthy to , Join forces with him. . McCarthy promptly turned him down. Related Stories, Pagtf B-4 Republican candidate Richard M. Nixon got 70 per cent of the ^yote. California Gov. Ronald Reagan got 22 per cent and New York Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller got a write-in of about 5 per cent. Here are the Nebraska returns with about 94 per cent of the vote counted: GOP Vote Nixon ............ 128,411 — 70 Pet. Reagon .. 39,923 Vr 22 Pet. Rockefeller 9,865 — 5 Pet, Stassen 2,507 — 1 Ret. Others — '1,167 — 1 Pet. Wallace 619 — 0 Pet. Democratic Vote Kennedy ....... 77,917 — 51 Pet. McCarthy ...... 46,798 - 31 Pet. The Weather U, I. Wtathar Burtau Forte lit Showers (fialatlt ea(# II fTlTTp, mMmm mMi , m ■■ jM Home Edition PONTIAC PRESS VOL. 126 NO. 85 PONTIAC, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 1968 ★ ★ ★ UNITEDSpRE»TiNTe?NATIONAL -92 PAGES 10c Humphrey ......... 12,830 — 8 Pet,. Johnson ........... 8,519 — 6 Pet. Nixon .. v...... 2,099 — 1 Pet. Wallace ........ j 1,403 — 1 Pet. Others ......... 1,983— 1 Pet. ‘SURPRISED BY SHOWING’ Reagan said he was surprised by his showing and repeated he would accept the GOP nomination if it were offered but said he ‘‘could not now foresee myself soliciting the job.” * * * " Humphrey backers said the Kennedy- McCarthy outcome was not surprising. They Claimed the real significance was a CBS forecast that Humphrey would get 1,265 of the 1,312 first-ballot convention votes needed for nomination and Kennedy would get 585. Kennedy’s primary victory was his third in a row, following Indiana and the* District of Columbia by a week. McCarthy said he was satisfied with h1s Nebraska vote and would campaign alone as planned in Oregon and California. McCarthy said, he's about even with Kennedy in Oregon now and said California offers him his best chance of winning. * * * Candidates favoring Nixon won all 16 GOp convention delegate contests. But the contest for 28 Democratic delegate seats was unclear with most candidates listed as uncommitted — or pledged to non-candidate President Johnson. In West Virginia’s primary, Rep. Arch A. MoOre Jr. appeared to have won the Republican gubernatorial nomination over ex-Gov. Cecil H. Underwood. Atty. Gen. C Donald Robertson had a xperilously thin lead over state Demo-'\ cratic chairman James M. Sprouse for the Democratic nomination. C o/ C Directors Back Fair Housing The boafrd of directors of the Pontiac Area Chamber of Commerce today announced its support of the fair housing ordinance to be decided by Pontiac voters June 24 in a special election. The ordinance, adopted by a 4-3 vote of Y City OKs Rates ^ for Parking Mall A tentative parking rate structure for the planned parking mall on North Saginaw between Huron and Lawrence was announced last night by City Manager Joseph A. Warren. The City Commission at its meeting gave general approval to the rates. Stories, Page B-13 / the,Pontiac City Commission Jan. 30, was placed on the ballot following the filing of petitions for a referendum vote. It neiver has been put into effect. * * * In a unanimously approved resolution, the board said its position has been to "support fair housing in concept and, specifically, to work toward the reduction and elimination of the effects of racism in all aspects of the community.” ‘CONSTRUCTIVE FORCE’ The resolution reads in part: “Whereas the board . . . recognizes that a constructive force for growth of our area is the improvement of race relations and whereas federal open housing legislation is existent and state fair housing legislation imminent, it is evident that the passage or defeat of Pontiac’s ordinance No. 1577 will resolve itself as a test of goodwill and hope.” The board also urged that fair housing be implemented promptly throughout the entire Pontiac area. COLLISION IN FOG — Oakland County sheriffs deputies work to clear the scene of a chain-reaction accident that occurred in dense fog early today' at Clarkston Road and M24 in Orion Township. The mishap happened about 7:30 a.m. when a gravel truck stopped for a red light and was hit from behind by another Ftntiac Prw Photo by Edward R. Nobio truck, deputies said. Six persons from the four vehicles ultimately involved in the accident were taken to Pontiac General Hospital. Jerome Kowalski, 33, of 255 Angle, Lapeer, was reportedly the most seriously injured. Demand Voiced at Paris Hanoi Hits U.S. on DMZ PARIS (AP) - North Vietnam demanded in the Paris talks today that - the United States and its allies halt all attacks across the demilitarized zone into North Vietnamese territory and withdraw completely from the area. Ambassador Xuan Thuy, in a statement directed at U.S. Ambassador W. Averell Harriman specifically demanded that the United States stop all firing of artillery across the zone. North Vietnamese spokesman said Thuy linked the demand with North Vietnam’s insistence that the United States must halt the rest of the bombing of the North and stop “all other acts of war” before the talks here can go on to other issues. The United-Statesand South Vietnam have forces just below the demilitarized Zone to counter North iVetnamese army regulars who allied commanders say infiltrate through the DM7. and arpund its western end via Laos. So far as is known no allied forces are inside the DMZ, which divides the two Vietnams, although soem forays have been made to attack enemy positions In Today's Press Independence Twp. Community plans to use giant sewer interceptor — PAGE A-4. Pontiac Police Law enforcement Is 24-hour-a-day job - PAGE C-4. Superspy Jolted -..Bob-Congidine-t6lls.of.41ull( Khrushchev meeting — PAGE A-6. Area New/i ...............A-4 Astrology . . . — . Y........ E-8 Bridge ...l.............. E-8 Crossword Puzzle ..... D-15 Comics ...... ........... E-6 Editorials . .............A-6 Education Series .......*E-10 Food Section . .....C-l—C-3 Markets ............... C-15 Obituaries , ............ • C-14 Picture Page .......... ..Y. C-4 Sports ............. D-l—D-6 Theaters . C-6 TV and Radio Programs . D-15 .Women’s Pages ..... B-l—B-3 Dues Deadline for UAW Today DETROIT (AP) - Today is the deadline the AFL-CIO has , set for the United Auto Workers union to catch up on its dues or be suspended. Neither side has indicated R intends to relent. A spokesman for Walter P. Reuther’s 1.4-million member UAW, which has marked its payments for escrow because policy dlffprencftft-witb^ the parent organization, said last,? night the auto workers had not changed their plans. a a a George Meany, president of the federation, also gave no hint that heliad changed Jiis:— Suspension, said an AFI^-CIO source, would deny the UAW any positions within the federation and would, in effect, place the union in an “inactive” category. FINAL BREACH Both the auto workers and the federation characterized the potential suspension as a final breach in their relationship. ★ ★ ★ “It’s a withdrawal,” Meany said Monday in announcing the deadline. there. U.S. planes also have bombed the buffer zone from time to time. In his opening remarks at the first full session Monday, Harriman called for a restoration of the DMZ as a nonmilitary buffer zone. ★ ★ ★ The two sides met for 3V4 hours today and Harriman described the discussions as extensive and active. He did not elaborate. - Hie negotiators decided not to meet again until Saturday. U.S. REPORT Harriman spoke first today for an hour and Thuy for an hour and a half, each time including translations. While the North Vietnamese briefing was under way oiYthe Left Bank of the~ Seine, an American report to newsmen by spokesman William Jofden was given at the U.S. Embassy. Mercury Will Soar Into the 80s Today Showers and thunderstorms are expected to arrive in Pontiac area late this afternoon or early tonight. The weatherman predicts temperatures will soar into the 80s this afternoon. The low will register 54 to 60 tonight. Showers through the night will end tomorrow morning. Skies will clear tomorrow afternoon and temperatures will turn cooler. Fair and mild is the outlook for Friday Percentage of precipitation probability is: today 30, tonight 60, tomorrow 40. The low temperature prior to 8 a.m. In downtown Pontiac was 60. At 2 p.m. the mercury registered 86. . Panama Results Wait PANAMA (AP) — Panamanians apparently must wait at least a few more .days to learn who won Sunday’s presidential election. A spokesman for the electoral tribunal says the official re-turns are being withheld because so many ballots were challenged. Warren said they will be put into effect when the mall opens Monday if downtown merchants are generally agreeable. AAA The rates call for a five-cent charge for the first half-hour, 10 cents for an hour, 15 cents for 1% hours, 25 cents for two hours and 35 cents for each additional hour. When implemented, the mall will provide 70 parking spaces. Parking will be at right angles to the curb. The present parking scheme has only 14 spaces of parking parallel to the curb. ENTRANCE GATES Entrance gates will be provided at Huron and Lawrence but cars will only be able to exit at Lawrence. Barricades and gates will be erected at each end with an attendant on duty at the exit to take tolls. Decorative planters and benches will be placed along the sidewalk in the mall to create a pleasant effect, officials said. A A A The mall will be in operation during shopping hours Monday through Saturday. The movable gates and barricades will be moved to allow traffic to use Saginaw during other hours, Warren said. The manager said the rate structure allows a modest charge for short stops, a reasonable rate for those who -wish, to stay long and a steep rate to discourage those who might want to use the facility for all-day parking. Recognizing the Pontiac Area Friends of Fair Housing as the “focal group to further implement the understanding toward and passage of local fair housing legislation,” the board said it is encouraging members of the Chamber to support the group. Fair Housing Near Final House Vote LANSING (AP) — Open housing was In line for final action in the House today — placed there by a marathon battle yesterday that lasted until nearly midnight. Some’ legislators predicted passage with five or more votes to spare. House leaders hoped for a showdown on the controversial bill today, but only after informal attempts to iron out differences between their chamber’s version and the bill which passed the Senate April 4. ★ ★ ★ Two major compromises — one near the beginning and one near the end of yesterday’s eight-hour floor fight — hammered the bill into the shape in which it moved to third reading in the House. b The chamber adopted 17 of the 75 amendments offered to the Senate , version of the housing bill and rejected a proposed substitute. Tavern License Action May 28 The long-discussed issue of upgrading Pontiac’s tavern licenses will be taken up by the City Commission at its May 28 meeting^, Mayor William H. Taylor Jr. said last night. Taylor said a proposal at that time will be made to follow most of thp 1964 recommendations of a special committee which was appointed to study the matter. ’ a a a The commission has the authority to allow all Tavern licenses in the city to be upgraded to full Class C status. Under . ..aUto-lawaav£rns»can..3elLi)nly.bfiSOOdU, spokesman said. - • - • * ★ ★ But technically, the UAW would continue to have ties with the federation’hnd could resume an active role simply by paying its overdue,assessments, an AFL-CIO source said.' AAA The UAW, largest of the almost 130 unions in the 14-million metnber federation, could sever all connections with the organization by formally withdrawing, a step the union has authorized but not taken despite repeated indications that it intended to move in that direction. .A H A The federation also could end all connections with the auto workers by expelling the union. y <4% ■ l - , 16 per cent alcohol, by consumption on the wine (up to volume) for premises. ’AAA Class C bars can sell all spirits, which Includes whlskyr gin, vodka, rum, etc., for consumption on the premises. Chief Pontiac Meets More than 220 of Chief Pontiac’s braves gathered at the Bloomfield Hills Country Club last night for a spring encampment. Top industrialists and business leaders joined in a general meeting and social hour. Optimism over the Immediate future was the keyrtota throughout. * HELPING HAND — A girl straddles the roof of a plywood hoiise as she helps put on finishing touches at the Poor People’s Campaign encampment near the Lincoln Memorial. She was one of hundreds helping late yesterday to get the shacks AS Wlr»ptwH» in shape for an expected demonstrators who will move in for l heir temporary slay in Washington. In the right background is the Washington Monument. i ^ * SAIGON (AP) — About 150 South Vietnamese and six Americans are believed (o have been killed in the crash of a C130 cargo plane at the Kham Due Spe- - The four-engine transport waadowned by North Vietnamese -fire Sundajr-as-it sought to evacuate South Vietnamese irregulars and their families from the besieged camp, which later fell to the Communists. The North Vietnamese also downed three other U. S. planes, including another C130, and five helicopters in the attack. If the 156 deaths are confirmed, the toll would be more than triple the worst previous crash of the Vietnam war and would also exceed the world’s worst civilian aviation disaster, the collision of JEK-TiTHW. in which 130 persons were killed. . " CREWMEN ESCAPE ______ The second C130 lost was just landing to pick up government troops when it was hit by antiaircraft fire. The six American crewmen aboard escaped but the plane was destroyed. Kham Due is 350 miles northeast of Saigon, about 30 miles southwest of Da Nang, and 13’A miles from the Laotian border. American B52 bombers continued today to pound the enemy troops around the camp, which was abandoned over the.weekend. In the Saigon area, gtwSBpttp ^Aifeteopg, and North, Xfcfc, ■namasa, 'In the'"'af-1, termath of the Communist Offensive last week, and allied forces reported killing 226 enemy outside the capital "yesterday. ★ w w The C130 in which there was such a large loss of life was shot down Sunday during the removal from Kham Due, of the camp’s garrison of civilian irregulars, their families, the U.S. Green Beret troops who led them and South Vietnamese army troops stationed there. “The best we can figure is that it was a full load,’’ said one U.S. source. “We figure a full load of South Vietnamese on a C130 is about 150 persons. There seem Zltt:be~no survivors.’J- The U!S. Comiftantf announeed earlier that the plane’s six AmericanImtwmen-and an unknown number of South Vietnamese were killed. Other Americans could have been aboard, but it was believed most or all of the passengers were Vietnamese. ★ J ir ★ The plane reportedly was hit as it was taking off, crashed into the side of a mountain and exploded. Split Could~ Hurt Humphrey Somite Prtii Photo by Rolf Winter GROSSE POINTE (AP) - Five men — including at least two purported Mafia leaders — were arraigned today in Grosse Pointe Municipal Court on charges stemming from what Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley described as “a large-scale loan shark racket.” All five, were charged with conspiracy to extort, which carries a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison. All stood mute and were released on bonds ranging from $2,500 to $10,000 to await preliminary examination. Kelley identified the men as Anthony Giacalone, 49, and Vito (Billy) Giacalpne, 45, brothers, of Grosse Pointe Shores; Bernie Marchesani, 44, of Roseville; James Karalla, 34. and Clarence Stephan, 42, both of Detroit. Reapportionment Plan ■ What county district would you be in under the proposed reapportionment of Oakland County? There are some drastic changes pending with the number on the Board of Supervisors cut from 87 to 27. The Pontiac Press is printing, on Page B-5, a proposed plan. It is being contested in the courts and is not yet official, however. In Today's ~ Press Area News Candidates, issues listed for school elections — PAGE A-4. V Track Meet Pontiac Central thinclads race past PNH Huskies—PAGE B-l. Primary Flectipn West Virginia voter's to pick, convention delegates today — PAGE A-7.‘ - Area News •.............A-4 Astrology ............. B-6 Bridge . j&fi.... —. • IM /Crossword Puzzle .....D-li 'Comics 12,,j...r...—. B-6 l Editorials . .Vv;. A-6 Education Series ..... A-8 High School .......D-l, D-2 Markets ............... D-3 Obituaries ............ B-8 Picture Page ....-..... B-5 Sports ....... B-l—B-4 Theaters .... B-7 TV and Radio Programs .\D-11 Wilson, Earl........... B-7 Women’s Pages ......A-9—A-11 MMMMtMIMII t NSMNMNdWR * 11 Rqin Is Forecast Until Tomorrow The weatherman predicts showers beginning today will continue uhtil late tonight or early tomorrow morning. The afternoon will: be partly cloddy with temperatures warm, the high in the 70s. The low is expected to register SO to 54 tonight. tt W W The outlook for Thursday is partly ,cloudy and a little cooler. Morning winds southeasterly at 15 to 25 miles per hour will become southwest to west, tonight. ■ w . w w Precipitation probabilities in per cent are: today 70, tonight 60 and tomorrow 40. \ • A mild 48 was the low temperature in doWntown Pontiac prior to 8 a m. At' . 12:30 p.n& the mercury stood at 60. UAW Suspension Near ParisDiplomafs Face Big Task POWERFUL SUNSET — .Clouds hover over the Pontiac horizon at 8 p.m., patiently Waiting for a blazing red sunset' illuminating another power source to take its bows and for night to make its entrance. The Press’ roving photographer caught this-scene at Orchard Lake and^Telegraph roads. He used a Nikon camera at 1/60 of a second atrf.8 using Fanatomic-X film, a 200 mm lens and a red filter. 5 Arraigned on Charges in 'Loan Shark Racket' Kelley said the five were arrested today as the result of a six-month investigation by his organized crime division into a large-scale loan shark ' racket. The Giacalone brothers have been identified as alleged Mafia connection in U.S. Senate Rackets Committee testimony. WWW Named as a coconspirator with the five was Robert Dunaway, 37, who was charged with murder in the slaying of Sam Dimaggio, 57, of Sterling Township. Three other men previously were charged in the murder of, Dimaggio, who was taken from his home and beaten to death. ‘LOAN SHARK VICTIM’ Dimaggio was described by police as a loan shark victim. Dunaway, a Detroit bar owner, was found murdered last week in Atlanta, , Ga. His body was found in the trunk of a parked car with license plates tracked back to Detroit. The five were rounded up in a dawn raid by members of the attorney general’s criminal investigation staff, State Police, Sterling Township police and Grosse Pointe detectives. ★ w w Kelley said the investigation is continuing and more arrests are expected The attorney general said the loan shark racked involved loans made at a rate of anywhere from 1 to 5 per cent a week interest. Payment was assured, he said, by a group of “enforcers” who maintained constant pressure on their victims by violence and threat of violence. WASHINGTON (AP) — The AFL-CIO is ready to suspend Walter Reuther’s big United Auto Workers union in an historic labor split that could spell trouble for the White House bid of Hubert H. Humphrey. AFL-CIO President George Meany, who founded the 14-milliop-member labor federation with Reuther 13 years' ago, said Monday the UAW .will be suspended if it doesn’t pay up back dues by tomorrow. This is an unlikely prospect in view of the vote by the 1.5-miIIion-member UAW to stop monthly dues payments. -w, w w “This is not an expulsion, it is a withdrawal” by the .UAW, Meany said. Referring to Reuther, Meany said, “He’s taking this method of withdrawing.” In Detroit, UAW Vice President Leonard Woodcock said his union will not seek to halt the threatened suspension. ‘JUST AS GLAD’ “I’m just as glad the AFL took this position,” he said without elaboration The imminent suspension climaxes a two-year fight between Meany and Reuther. It also appears certain to further fracture organized labor’s once united political front into partisan camps pitting supporters of Vice President Humphrey supporters against backers of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy for the Democratic presidential nomination. The 73-year-old Meany is committing the giant labor federation’s total political support to Humphrey. Reuther, 60-year-old former Petroit Reuther, 60, is reported leaning toward Kennedy. WWW Meany concedes the AFL-CIO can’t deliver a bloc labor vote, and the schism with Reuther is believed likely to further the straying of many younger union members toward the political camps of Kennedy or Sen. Eugene McCarthy, D-Minn. Meany said he had no choice under the AFL-CIO’s constitution, which Reuther helped write, but to declare the Auto Workers suspended for falling three months behind in dues effective tomorrow. W *• • Area School Head Quits 1 ‘ % ' , .. - . " ll The Huron Valley Board of Education last night accepted the unexpected resignation of Supt. Truman Owens. Owens and the school board have had public differences — mostly over matters of school district finances. * w w W The resignation was accepted by a 4-1 vote with only Harry Porter votihg no. Porter described the Owens’ resignation as “the biggest catastrophe the school system has ever had,’’ He did not elaborate. Owens said his reason for resignation is that he has accepted “an attractive offer of another position.” Owens added that he can’t reveal details until later this week when the other school district will announce his employment. The 43-year-old superintendent said he accepted his new job last Tuesday. It will necessitate his moving from his present residence at 1532 Pruit, Highland Township, he said. WWW .... Owens has been superintendent three years, and had signed a three-year contract last June. The superintendent was asked last night by presiding president Trask to seek the advice of the Oakland Schools regarding filling the vacancy. PARIS (AP) — The first positions taken by the United States and North Vietnam in the Paris cease-fire talks suggest that only the patient, skillful diplomacy of compromise can eventually bring peace to the war ravaged provinces Of Vietnam France likely will have a critical go-between role to play. WWW On the surface, the first exchange between Ambassador W. Averell Harriman and Ambassador Xuan Thuy produced a solid deadlock. They disagreed totally on new moves to scale down the fighting. But neither delegation seems to accept this deadlock as final; it is regarded rather as a start toward bargaining. ★ ★ W The two positions on this and other issues were staked out at Monday’s opening session in a 4,008-word speech in Vietnamese by Xuan Thuy and an 1,800-word speech by Harriman. Thuy spoke first at Harriman’s suggestion. After three hours of speechmaking and translations In the International Conference Center’s grand salon, Harriman reluctantly agreed to the North Vietnamese proposal to skip a meeting today and hold the second session tomorrow morning. WWW Xuan Thuy said there should be time to consult with the governments back home. U.S. officials speculated that he wanted to give leaders in Hanoi time to. study Harriman’s statement and send new instructions if they thought it necessary. 5 on Poor March Hurt in Detroit Incident DETROIT UP) — Five persons in the Midwest contingent of the Poor People’s March on Washington were injured yesterday — none seriously — as Detroit mounted police moved into a group of about 100 protesting ’ police efforts to remove a stalled automobile. The injuries came as a dozen of the horsemen reportedly rode into a group of about 15 marchers — including Milwaukee civil rights leader Father James Groppi — in front of Detroit’s Cobo Hall. W W if A march leader, Abraham Rice of Chicago, said he had been ordered by police to move the stalled communications car, equipped with a public address system. w w w When police tried to move in with a tow truck to remove the car, he ordered -a group of marchers to surround it. Then, Rice said, police moved in with clubs swinging. About 1,000 marchers, visibly angered by the incident, returned by bus to an inner city church “to sit and talk shop about what we’re going to do.” About 200 police reinforcements quickly arrived, but they stood back while Southern Christian Leadership Conference marshals moved marchers back inside Cobo Hall. -WWW The crowd at the downtown rally dwindled from maximum strength of about 3,500 to about 1,000 when some of the march participants began tearing legs from folding tables to use as •makeshift weapons. Marshals persuaded them" to drop the table legs and there were no further incidents OFFICIAL WELCOME—Detroit Mayor Jerepie Cavanagh talks with Abraham (Barracuda) Rice, Chicago leader of the Poor People's March, as its Midwest contingent prepared to march to Cobo Hall last night. The army major's rank Rich wears on his lapels identifies him as a march leader. “I hope your campaign has an impression on Congress," Cavanagh said. Sales Period Tops for Pontiac Div. •> / • Pontiac. Motor Division today "reported sales of 44,011 for the May 1410 period, the highest 10-day total for the division in the 1968 model year. According to Thomas L. King, Pontiac's general sales manager, it also marked qnly the fourth time in the | division’s 42-year history that sales have ( exceeded 41,000 for any l(klay period. .* * * „.......... / “We are extremely pleased ivith out! dealer’s sales performance. Our optimistic outlook for a seventh, con- . secutive record year ,has been bolstered by a rejuvenated economy and. a new wave of consurper confidence,” King said. * V * 0 Since the first of the year, a total bf 324,507 1968 models have been sold. This compares to 298,844 in the same period * last year. _ , & The Weather U. I. WnllMr Suraau Ciricnl Showers, Warmer IDtlill' Past II the mm i PONTIAC PRESS VOL. 120 — NO. 84 PONTIAC, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1008 / ★ W W W W ASSOCIATED PRESS in P ACtrC " " " ^ UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL --W X ilVTiliO 750 S. Viets, 6 Americans Feared Dead in Air Crash THE PONTIAC PRESS. TUESDAY, MAY 14. 1068 Veep's Visit Delays Fair-Housing Debate HAROLD M. PROVIZER LANSING (AP)—An address to the Legislature today by Vice President Hubert Humphrey delayed debate on the controversial open housing bill, which opened in the House last night. Humphrey, a Democratic presidential candidate, planned a private talk,with former Republican contender Gov. George Romney before speaking to a joint House-Senate session. ★ * ★ After the speech, he planned appearances in Detroit, With more than 60 amendments pen-4ing4o4heJClMLQmsi^.-§E§lt.i^^ open housing bill, the House was expected to take up the issue again late today. ■ Three weakening amendments to the measure were defeated yesterday, but on change would have the bill outlaw racial iifrji (^ni 1111ft*-rgirnig| discrimination didates who will be on the June 10 ballot for Oakland CommiMf CdlfOgT Bmrrnr ' Trustees..Three people will be elected to Detroit Attorney Seeks Election to OCC Board rooms in a private house occupied by the owner. . - Beaten back yesteroay as the House took up the housing bijl were proposals to exempt all one-family houses (defeated 17-59), homes owned by the same person at least five years (44-44) and homes sold or rented without' the aid of realtors or units in buildings designed for foui’ or fewer families, including the owner (40-42). Approved 50-39 was an amendment stating that in any bias proceeding before the State Civil Rights Commission, the person accused in the com-'pialra"^a%WSira“aB^fIgMr privileges and safeguards that he would enjoy in a criminal proceeding. Any amendment put on the bill during the current general orders debates — which feature unlimited debate and non- In that case, it! would take 55 votes in the 109-member chamber to uphold the. amendments previously made. At the .same time, any amendment defeated on general orders may be reoffered later. ANNUAL INCREASES The House also approved bills allowing annual pay increases for county drain commissioners, requiring delegates to county fall political conventions to receive at least,three election votes, increasing probate court power to detain juvenilesjover 15, and transferring the Highway'" Department’s weightmaster division to the State Public Service Com-•ffllgsioir’’-—1 ■ ' • ■ In the Senate, a ..controversial court reorganization bill was advanced-to third reading following brief debate on several amendments. Other bills advanced to final stage in chamber included a measure Birmingham Refrigeration, Heat Codes Are Revi LOUIS H. SCH1MMEL JR. rental of all but a few types of housing. -Notably exempted would- l»~rental- ©f- the measure is movedinto position for calling for f W final actkm, probably later this week. Two More File for Election in Waterford Twp. . BIRMINGHAM—City Commission last ! night gave its approval to ch«tf|ges in thfr;| city's reciprocal refrigeration and heat- j ing ordinance. Building permit fees also * were h|ked. The revamp follows the model codes of the Reciprocal Refrigeration Council and the Reciprocal Heating Council, a tv cording to building department official! Harold C. Weber. * six-year terms. Harold M. Provizer, 32, of 20690 Winchester, Southfield, is the senior partner in a law firm which specializes in labor law and personal injury litigation. He began his law career after graduating from Wayne State University Law School in 1960. A native of Detroit who came to Southfield two years ago, Provizer is a member of the Kiwanis and Southfield Jaycees in addition to several law assoications. He is married. His statement: “I believe in a community school. It is our responsibility in Oakland County to see that the school serves the purposes of the Oakland County students who for varied reasons find it impossible financially or scholastically to attend one of our big state universities. “Secondly, I believe in continued growth of tiie school both in quantity and quality of education offered.* “It is the responsibility of the school to make itself available to the county for communitywide educational purposes “In Oakland County, a community college should mean a strong positive tie with education.’’ LBJ May Have to Accept a $6-Billion Spending Cut Nov. 5 to decide whether the state should issue $335 million bonds to finance sewage treatment plants and other water pollution abatement facilities. The upper chamber also passed to third reading a bill designed to improve tenant’s and landlord’s rights, require motorcyclists to wear crarii helmets and for registration of snowmobiles. petitlons.for. the Waterford.. Township-School District’s June 10 board of WASHINGTON (AP) - Congress members close to the tax controversy are"specuteting“Pre9idem~Johnson,will have to accept a tax bill containing a $6 billion budget cut or there will be no tax bill at all. Johnson has labeled a $6 billion slash as unacceptable although he has repeatedly pleaded for early enactment of his proposal for a 10 per cent surcharge on income taxes. But Secretary of the Treasury Henry H. Fowler told Congress Monday he would accept a $6 billion cut in order to get the tax hike. One congressional member close to the Johnson administration said it would be hopeless to send the^tax measure—already passed by the .Senate—back to a conference committee if: Area Man Dies in 1-Car Oakland Highway Toll in ’68 An Ortonville man was killed early today when the car he was driving careened off a utility pole on M15 north of Granger Rd. Oakland County sheriff’s deputies said Joseph L. Koslowski, 55, of 35 S. Harrin died about 3:45 a.m. ★ ★ . ★ Koslowski apparently lost control, of his vehicle on a curve and ran off to the right, striking the pole, deputies said. The car then crossed the road to the left, rammed into a creek bank some 500 feet from the utility pole and flipped over, according to investigators. 40 Last Year to Date 36 to have the spending limit shaved closer to the $4 billion the President has said would reluctantly accept. . . The conference committee approved the $6 billion figure last week. “If we send it back to conference, it will never come out,” said the member, who asked not to be quoted by name. Others opposed to the deep spending cut said privately the best strategy appears to b^ to pass the bill and hope the spending stringency can be eased later by separate legislation. WAIT AND SEE There continued to be considerable doubt whether the House will pass the bill. Handlers of the legislation appeared inclined to delay a vote until Johnson gives a clearer indication of whether he would ultimately sign a bill with a $6 billion spending slash provision. Although the President has spoken in strong terms against such a deep cut, he has never specifically said he would veto such a bill. ★ ★ ★ Observers said that if Johnson gave the word, even privately, that he would accept the package rather than lose the $10 billion tax increase, passage would .he„virtuallji,,assuried,,,,.__— Fowler is the first top administration official to publicly endorse the $6 billion spending cut although his prime interest obviously is in getting the tax increase he and Johnson have long sought. Fowler supported the compromise package at a Senate Finance Committee hearing and further explained his endorsement in a subsequent interview. “Yes, I’m for that bill,” he said. “I’ve been for it all along.” The Treasury Department’s public affairs office said it had understood Fowler only endorsed the tax Jiike and “doing something about the deficit” without going into specifics about spending cuts. But later the department said Fowler would stand by the transcript of the hearing—in which he endorsed the package measure. 4th Candidate Seeks Pontiac School Position education election prior to yesterday’s deadline. Hie final two of eight candidates are Mrs, Perry L. Wood, 30, of 4193 Baybrook and Louis H. Schimmel Jr., 31, of 2776 Woodbine, both of- Waterford Township. * ★ ★ A housewife and mother of two children, Mrs. Wood works part-time as pediatrician. She will run against Robert W. Carr; 39, of 6505 Waterford Hill Terrace, Independence Township, for a two-year terms. CWA Dissidents Agree to Mail Vote Four candidates are running for one four-year term on the Pontiac Board of Education. . , Deadline for filing nominating petitions was yesterday. The election is June 10. Three Oakland Community College trus* tees out of a field of 13 candidates will also be elected at that time. * * ★ Filing yesterday, was Christopher C. Brown, a self-employed attorney in Pontiac. * Brown, 29, of 285 S. Paddock, is a native of Pontiac who started his own general practice here after graduating from the Detroit College of Law in 1966. WAYNE STATE He attended Pontiac The Weather DETROIT (AP)—Representatives of the Communications Workers of America and t^o of its balking local unions agreed yesterday on the international’s polling members of the locals by mail on a new three-year contract the locals previously rejected. U.S. District Judge Thomas P. Thornton then adjourned until June 4 a request by the,two locals for an injunction to prohibit a second polling of their members. CWA has ordered members of Local 4000 of Detroit and 4016 of Warren to cast ballots anew by Friday midnight, with the results to be certified Sunday midnight by a public accounting firm. Both locals originally voted against fitting to Michigan Bell Telephone Co. CWA’s national settlement with the Bell system. Local 4000 represents some 5,300 CWA members and 4016 some 2,500. A hearing on the request for injunction had been set for Monday, but Judge Thornton called attorneys for both sides into his chambers and asked them to try to work out their differences, saying he would act if they failed to do so. Central, High School and graduated with a bachelor ot arts degree in political science from Wayne State University in 1962. Married with one child, Brown is active in the McConnell Elementary School PTA. ★ ★ ★ Other candidates previously announced to run for the seat of James L. Howlett, who has decided not to seek reelection, are: ' Francis M. Webster Jr., chairman of the school Finance Study Council who lives at 2143 S. Hammond Lake, West Bloomfield Township; Fred M, Crossman, mayor of Sylvan Lake who resides at 2461 Renfrew; and Pontiac Attorney John K. Irwin Jr., 2369 St. Joseph. OTHER OFFICES Mrs. Wood is the outgoing president of the Waterford Township Jaycee Auxiliary and past president of the Lakeland Nursery. * ★ •1 ★ She is a graduate of Bellevue High School and the Bronson Methodist Hospital School of Nursing i n Kalamazoo. *t * * Entered in a six-man race for two four-year terms on the board Schimmel is director of the Municipal Advisory Council of Michigan, with offices jp Detroit. He is a graduate of Pontiac Central High School and Michigan State University where he received a bachelor’s degree in finance. BOND CLUB A former vice president of the Pontiac Jaycees, he also is a member of the Detroit Bond Club. Schimmel is married and the father of a girl. * * ★ Others seeking a four-year term are Harry L. Smith of 1948 Henbert, West Bloomfield Township; and Philip M. Hampton of 3191 Alco, William D. Motzny of 3078 Grace View, Edward J. Kuhn of 2295 N. Lake Angelus and Frank A. Lane of 5801 Crescent Road, all of Waterford Township. „ Full U.S. Weather Bureau Report PONTIAC AND VICINITY — Showers and thundershowers likely and warm today. Highs 71 to 75. Showers ending late tonight or early Wednesday, becoming part- ---------------- ly cloudy and warm Wednesday afternoon. Low tonight 50 to 54. Winds southeasterly m \r\ Hnnnrpr/ 15 to 25 miles today, becoming southwest to west tonight. Thursday outlook: Partly nciuco iu uc iiumuiou cloudy and a little cooler. Precipitation probabilities in per cent: Today 70, tonight 60, tomorrow 40. Today In Pontiac Lowest temperature preceding 8 a.m At 8 a.m.: Wind Velocity 15 m.p.h. Direction: Southeast Sun sets Tuesday at 8:46 p m. Sun rises Wednesday at 6:13 a.m. Moon sets Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. Moon rises Wednesday at 12:07 a.m. Monday In Pontiac (as recorded downtown) Highest temperature ..........— 60 Lowest temperature ............... 50 Mean temperature .............* 59.5 Weather: Mostly sunny Downtown Temperatures 10 a.m. .58 Ono Year Ago in Pontiac Highest temperature ............... 57 Lowest temperature ................46 Mean temperature 51.5 Weather: Cloudy/ rain 1 inch Highest and Lowest Temperatures This Date In 96 Years 91 in 1962 34 in 1910 Monday's Temperatures Alpena * 67 43 Duluth 68 50 Escanaba 63 48 Fort Worth 85 68 Flint * 68 49 Jacksonville 93 72 G. Rapids 70 54 Kansas City 77 65 Houghton 65 46 Los Angeles 61 52 Houohton Lk. 71 48 Miami Beach 80 75 Jackson 71 54 Milwaukee 63 50 Lansing 73 51 New Orleans 87 74 Marauette 68 50 New York 65 52 74 52 Omaha 72 47 Phoenix 83 64 Pittsburgh 70 48 Tampa 62 58 Seattle 75 60 Tucson 65 37 * Washington WASHINGTON (AP) — The Pentagon is dedicating a Hall of Heroes with an unprecedented ce remony—the simultaneous presentation of four Medals of Honor—one to a member of each service. Secretary of Defense Clark M. Clifford was to preside over the ceremony today. Session on Map, Zoning Law Set CHRISTOPHER C. BROWN 76 53 83 55 67 ,52 88 72 59 50 82 56 Until Contamination Probe 'Ends 67< 49 Data From U.S. WEATHER BUREAU - ESS A i FORECAST Figure* Shaw High Temperature* Expected fat Paytime Tuetday_____________________ Shower* fiSfl Snow tvil-J Flurries ■i ■ Uolatad Precipitation Not Indicated— Consult local Forecast Japan Bars U S. Nuclear Subs NATIONAL WEATHER —Showers and thundershowers ar? forecast today for most of the nation. Notable exceptions will be the eastern half of the plains, the Pacific North west,, the middle and Northern Atlantic coastal rates and some Great Lakes area states where fair weather is expected. TOKYO (AP) — Japan has asked the United States to keep its nuclear submarines away until ^investigators clear up suspicions that one of them contaminated the waters of {^Japanese port. Chief Cabinet Secretary Toshio Kimura said today the request was made yesterday, the day after the government scientists said the submarine Swordfish may have caused ,ji radioactivity count 10 to 20 times higher than normal in the waters of Sasebo, site of a U.S. naval base in southern Japan. if k k The scientists added that the reported radioactivity count was 1st below the danger level for humans, but initial' reports- of the possible contamination, already-have set off hew demands from i the Socialist opposition that U.S. nuclear-vpowered ships be barred from Japan. ★ * k The U.S, Embassy declined to comment on Kimura’s statement, .but the U.S, State and Navy Departments said earlier they were satisfied that the J Swordfish was not responsible for the increase in radioactivity. The submarine was at Sasebo, 550 mues southwest of Tokyo, May 2-11 for a rest and recreation leave for the crew. The Japanese nuclear specialists took their radioactivity reading May 6. The State Department said three investigators from the U.S. Atomic Energy * Commission would arrive in Japan tomorrow to help the Japanese scientists investigate the cause of the increased radioactivity. The Japanese government welcomed the assistance but stressed that Japan will be “solely responsible for whatever conclusion is to be reached.” , Naotsugu Nabeshima, director of the 'government’s Science and Technology Agency, told newsmen: “We have repdataJiy- examined the situation in Sasebo^md as of now the only conceivable factor is the Swordfish. We must determine how the high readings were recorded, and for this we needed ‘’the U.S. cooperation.” No Trouble Selling Household Goods . . “Excellent and profitable results first night from our Press Want Ad." Mrs. E. S. DINING TABLE, EXTENSION, GRAY, with * chairs, SIS. 9x12 green shag rug, *10. __________________________ PRESS WANT ADS take over the responsibility of obtaining profitable results for you quickly. They are like having your own "money tree.” Try one and see. Dial - 332-8181 or 334-4981 ■RrcWaeH'ihtheappfove^ was one establishing a board of building trades appeals, the official body for hearing appeals on perniit requirements. The board, to be appointed soon, will ( include contrcfcRms from eac|i of the^ ' building trades, anWchitect and, as an' , ... buMag^Atpants*' - fhehfhead.— — *■ •<* BIG FEE HIKE The new scale of permit fees will ree; suit in an average fee hike of 88 per cent.'-* Weber recoiilpnended the new scale be-e< cause, he said, 'the building department,* must be subsidized from the general ta*,v fund as the fees presently stand. He also noted that fees are generally lower iu,> Birmingham than in other municipalities,,., ★ ★ * ,.t The new rate structure, based on an average $40,000 single-family residence... Calls for increases of 54 per cent jfoFthe^ ’ building permit, 10 per cent for the elec-,* trie permit, 116 per cent for the plumbing permit, 135 per cent for the heating per-''’ mit and 100 per cent for the air condition- ^ ing permit. In other business^ the commission ap^-proved, with reservations, the Oakland^. County Board Commission’s plan for the- , paving and grading of Cranbrook Road from Lincoln to 14 Mile. GRADE TO BE RAISED City Engineer William T. Killeen reported that the plans include raising the grade a maximum of seven feel south of Lincoln, a maximum nine-foot raise for the low area north of 14 Mile, and grade lowering of a maximum of six n feet south of Northlawn. “Cranbrook Road will be considerably n higher than the existing roadway along-v the Bloomfield Art Association (BAAh” lot,” Killeen noted, “making access virtually impossible to the parking lot at the existing entrance location.” v. The county commission has agreed to construct a new entry to the BAA lot, but two other problems remain, Killeen • said. One involves the cut which would, be made along Cranbrook north of the*, BAA building line. As proposed, the county' plan would result in a “rather abrupt” ridge running north and south along Cranbrook' the city engineer said. However, he con-, tinned, grading further west from thp road could alleviate the problem ANOTHER PROBLEM The other difficulty, a city matter, Involves the water main along Cranbrook,which might have to be replaced at a different level because of the' changes in grade, Killeen said. The city engineer recommended that a plan for replacement of the main be prepared. The Commission also received a report from A. P. Blethen, superintendent of the department of public works, on-possible improvement of the BAA parky ing lot. . > City commissioners will continue a public hearing on the city’s proposed new zolhing ordinance and zoning map at tonight’s meeting in City Hall at 8. Changes in zoning in the city in line with actual or expected development, officials said. This is the first major change of the map and ordinance since 1938, they said. The Pontiac Press carried a special supplement April 26 detailing all the proposed changes. OTHER BUSINESS In other business, the commission is . scheduled to; ★ ★ ★ • Consider authorizing transfer of the city health department to the Oakland ’—County payroll. • Authorize parking rates for the parking mall which will be created—starting Monday — on North Saginaw between Huron and Pike. • Consider selling city-owned land at the southeast corner of Featherstone and East Boulevard—the city’s former incinerator — for develppment of a nursing home. ‘POOR’ BASE 4 Blethen recommended that the “poor”* base material of the lot be removed andg replaced, and that double sealcoat be, applied. He estimated cost -for the entire; operation at $820. * The commission directed the ad-« ministration to report on the possibility* of permanently paving the lot instead. * Little Rock Flooding LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) - Firemen* began evacuating families, from their* homes in Little Roc,k today when a* cj-eek that runs through the southern^ portion of the city spilled out of its* banks and threatened residents of low* lying areas. { QUALITY REPAIRS ON All. MAKE HEARING AIDS Loaner* Available PONTIAC MALL OPTICAL SHEARING AID CENTER Phone 682-1113 "Living Sound" NEARING AlO DEALER M :■ T U ft 1 f M I ? /■ THK l'ONTIACPRESS, I I ESI) A V. MAY If, 1 Mti MAKE OVER PAGES (ASvsrtlMmsnt) I / ««* West Virginia Primary Today PERISTALSIS And Be Yonr Smiling Bert The muscular Action of your digestive system, railed PerliMlsIs. should not slow down. II this bsppsns wuU materials can build up In tbs lower tract and you become Irregular. uncomfortable and tael stuffed. Carter's Pills wttb Its unique laxative formula Wake* up tbe slowed down muscles of the lower digestive tract and stimulates Peristalsis, giving temporary relief of this Irregularity. 'Aten you will be your smiling beat. Millions of satisfied users take Carter's Pills. Why don’t you. 4#4 CHARLESTON. W. Va. (AP) — West Virginia voters pick delegates to the Republican and “Democratic national conventions and select party\nominees for governor today in\ state primary election. J All three Democratic presidential opntenders—Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey, Sen. DODGE TRUCKS-PICK-UP CAMPERS TRAVEL TRAILERS—MOTOR HOMES Over 100 Vehicles in Stock to Choose From LLOYD BRIDGES - /RAVELANO 1010 W. Maple, Walled Lake, Mich. Mon., Tuss., and Thurs. 8:30-8:30 Wad., Fri. and Sat. 8:30-6; Sun. 12-6 | Dodge | 62*32 Robeirf F. Kennedy, and Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy have made West Virginia appearances seeking support among the 110 candidates for Democratic convention seats. ★ * it Preferences of delegate candidates Democratic polled by 3EWARE /< I1V4 — 4k 2 39V, 39'A 39'A + 'A 29 354* 35V. 35'A — 'A 50 1344 134k 134b — Vb 29 29Vb 294b 2944 ..... 26 74'4 73'/) 74'A — 'A 21 55 55 55, — 'A 10 32 32 32 ...... 0 32 32 32 ..... 3 79'A 79'A 79'A + 'A 44 15Aithem were being elected, the|nationai^defense^ is io/a Jo'* + *j other two go automatically t.o i stockpile w i t hiS 14 to* 70* 79* + * the national committee 165 million “ so* wa so* - * members, who favor Hum-'ounces for strategic purposes? 2o 32* 32* 32* + * nhrev. 44 T T T-t Sixteen Republican * 52* 52* 52* - * nominating votes were at stake. CUNNIFF most of them. These are somtt of the ques tions in today’s ^razy, mixed up silver market Ain which ! dustrial users,' such - manufacturei* ^ photographic its! film, battle hoarders and ounces 144 45* i 44* 44* —1 7 34* 34* 34* 44 47* 47* 47* + 'A 2 20* 20* 20'A 5 34* 34* 34* 7 154 4 70 70 78 442 10 9* 9* + * 201 33* 32'A 32* +1* 452 30* 30 30* ... 4 32* 32* 32V, — * 79 47* 44* 47* . . , 10 24* 24* 24'A — * _______ 7 29*'29 29 _____ .... Copyrighted by The Auocletod Press 1948 conElecInd 1 — IConFood 1.50 >, onNetG 1.70 Stocks of Local Interest I Conte inr 1.40 Figures ottor decimal points oro eighths ContAIrL .50 I Cont Con 2 OVER THE COUNTER STOCKS font'its 3.20 Quotations from the NASD ere repre- Cont Mot .0 sentatlve Inter Staler prices of approxl-Contoil 2.80 motely 13 a.m. IntarAlealar marketo | Control Data change throughout the day. Prices do not j cooper In 1.20 Include retail markup, markdown or com-1 ^gwj sbe m'“l0n' •“ Askad|coxBdees .50 > JkMT Corp.....................3.8 S.4|Cr5y.toHlnd 1 Associated Truck ...........10.0 Braun Engineering ..........10.0 Citizens Utilities Class A .25.2 io',ICrow Coll ,ia 4l Crown Cork | Curtiss Wr I. 34.41 v.nizens urmnes Lien m ....."'T'ruHahu Co Dotrox Chemical ...........17.4 'M cSrtitPub Diamond Crystal............ 20.4 ».5!r!irtiJ. wr Kelly StrWlCH .............42.4 Mohawk Rubber Co. .........33.4 North Control Airlines Units.. 4.0 Safran Printing ............13.0 Scrlpto .... .............. 4.5 Wyandotte Chemical .........20.4 MUTUAL FUNDS 4 47 47 '47 3 54* 54* 54* 20 27* 27* 27* + 01 44* 44* 44* — 8 34* 34* 34* .. 21 43* «* 43* — 9 43 42* 42* — 39 32* 32 32* + * 9 43 42* 42* 14 59* 59* 59* — 'A 25 29* w9'A 29* — * 22 34* 34* 34* + * 14 31* 31* 31'A + * 44 to* to* to'A — * 28 52 51* 52 + 'A to 03* 13 83 4 II* to* to* + * 33 45 4* 44* — * 53 150* 157* 157* 4 47* 47* 47* 33 40 39* 40 + * 1 344* 344* 344* 2 54* 54* 54* 4 29* 29* 29* + * 15 37* 37* 37* , to 47* 47 47* + H 24 47* 47* 47* + * 52 24 25* 25* 33 7* 7* 7* 24 24* 24* 24* + * —D- Affillattd Fund ...... Chemical Fund ......... Commonwealth Stock ... Dreyfus ............... Keystone, Income K-1 ... Keystone Growth K-2 Mast. Investors Growth Mass, investors Trust ... Putnam Growth ........ Technology 13.4; Dan Rlv 1.20 7.0 DOycoNp 1.40 29.41 Day PL 1.52 ’; Deere Co 2 ■Id Askod|5 his garage. J Lost—Since February 1, 102| pounds. W.W.J.’s Tops Club. In-j terested! 334-7253. terested! 334-7253. A -Adv.| * I St. Michael’s Garage and Bake Sale. Thurs., Fri., May 16 and 17, 9 to 4. 3648 Meadow-ieigh Lane. Off Lake Angelus Rd. —Adv. MOM’S Rummage: Thursday, 9 to 12. Indianwood and Baldwin. —Adv. Lodge Calendar Annual meeting Quadrant Low 12 Club Wednesday, May 15th, at Pontiac Lodge Temple, 18 E. Lawrence Street, at 8:00 p.m. Election of officers, amendment to by-laws 'and annual report of the officers. L. W. Burnes, Secy. • — Aidv. Highest first quarter earnings since 1959 were reported by Montgomery Ward at the recent stockholders meeting in Chicago. > Ward Chairman Robert E-Brooker said estimated net earnings for the first quarter, Feb. 1 through May 1, were $3,025,000 or 22 cents per share of common stock compared with last year’s first quarter earnings of $747,000 or four cents a share. , ★ F Sales for the fiscal first quarter were a record high of $429,--193,000, a 3.6 per cent increase over 1967 .first quarter sales of $414,368,178. 'Breather Indicates Profits 30 IS «0 NICULA July 1966. He joined Vickers in‘prJv. bay Ex dlvl- 1958 Week Ago -0— 40b tlon. xr—Ex rights, xw—Without war-I rants, ww—With warrants, wd—When distributed. wi—When issued, nd—Next day l Month Ago _____ I Year Ago . _ ■ 1968 High A West Bloomfield Township I me low 43Vh 3 431/t i.ritjuirai wi—witcn lasueu. iiu“iybai ugf 1 am uloi lxivuiixxzviu a uttiiijiii|j » IfiJ Io* + In^ bankruptcy or teceiver.hip oriman, Lyman G. Hedden of 6457 a 22V. 21* B* + * helm raarnan led under the Bankruotcv iu______________ i___________ being reorganized under the Bankruptcy a Man hac » Act, or aocurltloi assumed by such com- /',ueni *“■ - - T mlsl! ------ — Gold Assets— IFalrH 10,484,041,573.12 13,187,79*432.09'Ferattel Inc (X) - Includes 1415442JOI.15 debt not Ffd'Mefl 1.80 Ibioct to otitutety limit. Fodders Cp, l 7 41* 61 61* sfoCK|NB* *Vl9Aa** I! ,r.. is utile ............ 65 Stocks ........... BONDS 48 Bondi'............ tO Hlghtr grads rails 10 Induitrldi 31* -F * 5t* 2* + * 300th by th, MlchWFaronautk^CommU.lonjroad add,ng tw0 mijes to the GAY> WALTER ,T. JR.J May 13, Death Notices CARLSON, SOPHIE L.; May 12, 1968; 3050 West Davison Lake Road, Ortonville; age 44; beloved wife of Ewald Carlson; beloved daughter of Mrs. Lillian Forster; dear mother of Peter Carlson; dear sister of Mrs. Doris Burry, Mrs. Deloris Norris, Mrs. Donna Roberts, Beverley, Dorothy, Myrtle, Albert, Kenneth, James and Gary Forster. Funeral service will be held Thursday, May 16 at the Bossardet Funeral Home. Oxford. Interment in Oakland Hills Memorial Gardens. Mrs. Carlson will lie in state at the funeral home. day of May A.D., 1968. (Seal) NORMAN R. BARNARD, (a trua copy) Judge of Probate , SHIRLEY SMITH, $ free prospectus-booklets give you the facts on ■ehertning mutual funds Without obligation, Just indicate your choice of tha free fund prospectus-booklets below and mail this advertisement today. □ Balanced Fund □ Common Stock Fund □ Growth.Fund □ Income Fund □ Special Fund CHANNING COMPANY. INC. 60S Pontiac State Bank Bldg. Pontiac, Michigan 48058 Phone: (313) 334-4577 Richard Worm Address- MR 10 HANS AVAILABLE at the time and will then and opened and read, Plant, proposal forms and supplemental documents may be obtained ai the office of the Michigan Aeronautics Commission, F*iglneering Division, Capital City Airport, Lansing, Michigan 48906, upon payment of the fee listed with the proposal n‘fflibs|v rjNo fjist Will be refunded nraman • tsr "swttwnr pubMdyj route. • U.S. 12 business route, Ypsi-lanti; traffic detoured on city streets, adding two miles to the route. 1968 ; 3424 Pine Estates Drive, West Bloomfield Township; age 45; beloved husband of Frances Gay; beloved son of Mr. apd Mrs. Walter T. Gay; I ______ ... Construction ports" as prepared by the Federal Aviation Agency, wltb Supplement No. 2, 1964, Air- • Northbound U.S. 131 free- dear father of Cheri, Michelle, way. Grand Rapids, traffic de- Tammy, Rodney and Ronald gJMjKjjjgg m°«y toured on c(ty streets, no ad-| Gay; dear brother of Mrs.^ iliam P. Gay. Funeral tractors not possessing this edition may obtain sfcme, al the above address, for a I jpilAagA. Dial 334-4981 or 332-8181 Pontiac Prase Want Ads Ajwifttipa fOUOWINO DAY All errors should ba rapartad Immediately, er no tator than the day fallowing publication. If ‘ns noli* ficatlan al such arror is moda by that tima, it will ba asswmad tha oil it correct Tha Brass osswmat no nk sponsihility lor arrors athar than to concal tha chorgas for that portion of tha first insertion of tho odvartisa* mant which hot boon randarad value lass through the arror The dtodllno for concallatian of transient Wont Ads is 9 0,10. the 4tbf of publication after tho first insertion. Whan cancellations ora madtlo sura to «at yWKIUNU* No od|ustmonts will ba fivan, without it. Closing tima for advertisements ontaining type sisos larger than regular agate typo it J2 o'clock naan the day graviaus to publication. CASH WANT AD RATIS (whan each ^ f accamponios _ordor; ^ L,r Linas 1-Doy $200 200 2.44 3 05 3.60 4.27 4.81 3-Oayt 6-Days $2.46 $3.14 3 60 SSI 4.6$ 6.96 5.40 $.40 6.4$ )0J>$ 7.36 11.76. $.64 13.44. “ICIT" will ba mode far uso of Pontiac Pratt ! fee of three dollars and twvrdyrlJw^lixMy !----- ... |s HL-TJ , Th* Pontiac .fftijfff FROM I AM TO S P.M (S3.25). whlch toe- isr ..... .......... ^$KrarS documents may be e*#xnined tmorericy CoOnTy] SQsnu-io^ service will be laid Thursday, p fn Mtmoriom lnaii 4aiw.rsto.itriimmluInn " —— • — * “ “ Porsonob Debt Consultants ni Fonftoc Stito^tin^ SulMIng Jt.to UjWjjj TAILORtb MICHIGAN CREDIT COUNSELORS 70S Fonll.c SHI* B»nk Bldg. Ft HW ON AND AFTER THIS d*to May 14, IMS, I will nil b. r.spon.lbl* for any dab:, contr.ct.4 by any other than myitll, Hsrberl Lapa, SM Rivard St., Fonltoc, Wch,___________ WEOOlNO FHOTO*RAPMY fir Professional cos brochure avail- lost found FOUND — LADY'S WATCH In Bald LOST. BLACK PART Chlhuthu* and rsrt Terrier female,' near Cass aka Rd.. M-5., answers to Cacoa, reward. i.. M-jy, * 4S2 94S7, LOST: MAST AND SAIL FOR Cap* 153-1 LOST SMALL WHITE MALE peodl*. Forget Drive and M-59 area. Reward. OR 4-65S7 or OR 4-1300. Holp Wintod Mole PifPi we nood a dependeble married man. over 21, to ^vk momln .. CaU 474-0520, 4. P.M.-I I _A_certlflad or cashtwrM check in the Tamount of not less than ten per cent (10%) of the aggregate amount of the bid shall accompany each sealed proposal. The Michigan Aeronautics Commission reserves the right jfo waives any Informal-[ Ity or to accept oivrefect any or all bids in the best Interesfb^of the Sponsor and ; the people of the Staf&"tjf Michigan. 1 Out-of-State corporations must comply, with the requirements of the Corpora-' tion Division, Department of Treasury and all applicabte laws and regulations of the State of Michigan. The provisions .of Part 151.54, Federal Aviation Regulations, "Equal Employment Opportunity Requirements," shall apply to Federal-aid Airport Protects and are fte (fHouretf on countjuroadsT nol May 16 at 3 p.m. at the Donel-additional millage; Hillman -| son-Johns Funeral Home. I Alpena traffic detoured on M 72' and M 65. H0.WE« LILLIAN E.; May 13, | a U.S. 27 in Lansing; traffic detoured on city streets at two locations, no additional mileage. Division I of the Standard Specifications published in Supplement No. 2. OAKLAND-PONTIAC AIRPORT, PONTIAC, MICHIGAN. Bid Opening May 28, 19$8, 11:00 a.m., E.D.T., at the offices of the Michigan Aeronautics Commission, in tha Capital City Airport Terminal Building, Capital City * Boulevard, Lansing, Michigan. Proposal No. M 63-l-C 29. Fee for plans and proposal forms $5.00. Monday's Events By Iht Atiociato* Prats THE GOVERNOR Commuted th* Mto sentonea o« Albert D. Lord, formerly of Flint. . , . Appointed the Rev. Gilbert Runkel of Alpena and Levi Jackson of Detroit to the Saginaw Valley College Board of Control. THE LABOR DEFARTMRNT Announced appointment of 9MtoutAclm Voice Atom to AUTHORITIES for BUSINESS I HOME AGAINST FIRE, THEFT EQUIPMENT FAILURES Puts Tmth in Existing Alarm Systams. Makes at least 3 telephone calls for each emergency. Instantly notifies owner or police of.dan-gar! Hooks into Telephone Co. Alarm Coupler. Has solid state components. Superior quality throughout EXTRAORDINARY Works with Tatoplien* Alarm Coupler • Attach*, to any existing alarm system a Ona Yaar Factory Warranty • Haa built-in battery stand-by aaggi^iffTliJSSl tea£lSSS&n8gy »>• JONES, VIVIAN V.; May 14. Auditors—Facllltlas Engineering Division. I The work shall InducTe con*t”uctlon and!di,ion!, *°r lighting of E-W runway cross-over exit the senate at the Oakland-Pontiac Airport, near Pontiac, in Oakland County, Michigan and Unclassified Excavation _1,050 C.Y (Lump Sum) Aggregate Base Course ... 620 C.Y. Bituminous Surface Course 470 Ton Cable Trench ............. 950 L.F. Underground Cable .......1,400 L.F. Underground Duct .......... 95 L.F. Dated May 6, 1968 Lansing, Michigan L. C. ANDREWS Assistant Director —ENGINEERING MICHIGAN AERONAUTICS COMMISSION May 14, May 21,1968 Cause No. 23671 STfTE OF MICHIGAN—In the Probate Court for the County of Oakland, Juvenile Division. In the.matter of the petition concerning Donald Gene Bradberry, minor. Ars. Leona Bradberry, mother of said minor child. Petition having been filed In this Court alleging that said child comes within the provisions of Chapter 712A of the Compiled Lews of 1948 as amended. In that the present whereabouts of the mother of minor chUd is unknown and said has violated a law of the State, that said child should be placed un-the (urisdiction of this Court, in the Name of the People of the State of/ Michigan, you are hereby notified the? the hearing on said petition will be held the Court House, Oakland County Serv-i Center, in the City of Pontiac in ild County, on the 23rd day of May i.D. 1968, at 1:30 o^dock in the after-loon and you are hereby commanded to ippear personally at said hearing. It being impractical to make personal irvice hereof, this summons and notice Interstate Alatms Systems, Inc. 673-7555 week previous to said hearing in The 'ontlac Press, a newspaper printed and :irculated in said County. Witness, the Honorable Norman larnard, Judge of said Court, in the lity of Pontiac in said County, this 10th lay of May A.D. 1968. |(Seal) NORMAN R. BARNARD, f(a true copy) Judge of Probate SHIRLEY SMITH, T MANUFACTURING COMNNY WANTED Michigan or Ohio area. Net earnings $100,000.00 minimum. To be funded as part of public issue. Reply with financial details. The President, Box 2662, Detroit, Mich. 48231 Debated on general orders HB2743. Holbrook. Calls tor reorganisation of Michigan's lower court system. THE HOUSE Debated on general orders SBI04. Zollar. Open housing. „ . .. Defeated SB1252, Stamm. Permit teacher sabbaticals each six (instead of seven) years. Passed: SB873, Stamm. Delete requirement corporations must file copies of annual financial reports with deportment of revenue. X-SB1259. Stamm. Delete provision it Is a misdemeanor to falsely sign one's name as circulator of petitions nominating a school board candidate; extend filing deadline one day If deadline falls on weekend or holiday. SB1083, Kuhn. Require delegate to political party's fall county convention to receive at least thr,* votes. SB878, Stamm. Require supervisors to fix salaries of county drain com-Instead of each 1968; 1763 Cass Lake {load Keego Harbor; age, 75. Beloved wife of Jesse W. Jones; dear mother of Mrs. Sam (Dorothy E.) Haas and Doris E. Jones; dear sister of Mrs. George (Sarah) Long and Mrs. Ina Miller; also survived by one granddaughter and two great-grandchildren. Funeral arrangements are pending at the C. J. Godbardl Funeral Home where Mrs. Jones will lie in state after 7 p.m. tonight. (Suggested visiting hours 3 to 5 and 7 to 9). missioners each year, ------ _ four years; forbid salary decrease during TB«lftoRtohar*dMn. Allow one - half! KOSLOWSKI, JOSEPH L.J May ,(M0,“!Sf°'r,TrK! 14, 1968 ; 35 Narrin Street, struction; allow local governments well as property owners to petition. x»* §*• .rlsnc. prafarrtd, .but net Students High school gradt, II and over li weeks work tor tt students Plrot comp tint tarvt Call before f *.m„ JtoOMO warehouse man mutt b* familiar with .Oakland, Macomb, Wayne, and-Genas** County areas. Wa can olfgr good yaar around position with many fringe benefits to qualified man. Call Jack Poster PE 5-4171 tor ippolntmant. CONCkgT* STEP INSTALLATION hi welomg. Ina for partr 4477 Highland Rd, manufacturing. and CONSTRUCT ION TENDENT, largest company ... .... Midwest, chance tor adyancamant, thar* In company benefits, salary open. Call Mr. Mttmer, JO 4-4SM. COOK, ALL AROUND experience, days, closed on /Monday's. Rotunda €.4).P?5rJNCORP6RAT£0' time - all Union benefits Jewelry Repair Home Improvement Departments have career opportunities available for the aggressive* alert* and mature person. Excellent employee benefits plus a training program to Insure maximum earnings. Apply in Person: Employment Office -Basement HUDSON'S PONTIAC MALI: OAKLAND COUNTY Slnfll*. Club, 25 or over, writs Pontiac Press, Box C-59, Pontiac. Mich.__________________ WANTED) HANDMADE ITEMS on consignment. Call 423-0237, BOX REPLIES -At 10 a.m. today there were replies at The Press Office in the following boxes: 6-2, C-7, 013, C-18, C-20, C-25, C-28, C-32, C-50, C-65. Funeral Directors COATS PUNeRAL HOME DRAYTON PLAINS 04414It C. J. GODHARDT PUNERAL HOME K**ao Harter. Pti. 4HQ2S0. DdNELSON-JOHNS FUNERAL HOME Huntoon FUNERAL HOMB SPARKS-GRIFFIN FUNERAL HOMB______ "Tticuohttul sarviar FE~ HIM Voorhees-Siple FUNERAL HOME. $32-837. BstaMIsMd Over 40 Yaar. Cemetery Lets 4-A MEMORIAL GARDENS, Lawn MC-tion, 8 spaces* $145 each or 4 tor $500. 674-1589. Must Sacrifice Six cholc. lot. In best location at Whit. Chiptl Cemetery. W.y belqw market value. Call Don Bennett at Ml 4-3700.______ Persemns ' 44 ANY GIRL OR WOMAN NMOINO 2-Jl23*bafora*JVpjri. EonfidanWal EXCITING SPRING FUN FOR (tout group., church, dub*. Rid. through fluids, woods on horsedr.wn h.yrld*. Followsd by homecookiid spaghetti dinner. Set new born animals—lamb.. Far ______ plgl.ts, reservations, UPLAND HILLS FARM Pontiac Press Want Ads ARE' FAMOUS for Action Phone 332-8181 3—PART TIME Man naadM tor 2 to 3 fire, pa, evening, $50 per WMk guaranteed must be over 21. Call 473-7M0 between 44 p.m. 10 BOYS We need 10 boys to work in -our Moiling Room-Wed^f May 15 and Thurs., May 16 from 11:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. Must be 16 years of age. Apply in person Tuesday or Wednesday to LYLE McLACHLAN Mailing Room THE PONTIAC PRESS ADVERTISING MAN FOR m*n‘. specialty store. At least 2 years exp*r:*nc* In newspaper, radio, TV and store promotion. Capable of writing copy. Apply In own handwriting to Pontiac Proa. Box C-41. ASPHALT PAVING Driv«rs. rakers, experienced. Southfield. 357-1277. ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTSMAN 3 year, minimum, experience, commercial and resdltntlal work call Ml 7-2022. ARC Welders Spray Painters Apply In person REMKE, INC. Automatic Transmission Men Robulldara-flrst class-to $4.50. Installers-flrst class-to 13.75. Large National organisation, time and a half oyer 40 bra., paid holiday*, vacation., txc. condition.. Apply Aamco Transmissions, 150 W. Montcalm. 3344751. ATTENTION Distributor for nationally known beverage^ must ba young and ag- Advertising Display SALESMAN finest Far on* of Ih. nations suburban weekly newspapers. Excellent strong solos background, layout ability, oxc. salary, commission and bonus. Car axpemes, contact Arthur Shifter, The'Birmingham Ecctntlrc, Birmingham. Michigan. 4441100 ext, 41._______ Architectural Draftsman Wages commensurate with a parlance, permanent petition wli fringe benefits. 852-1300. AUTO MECHANIC'S helpers and parts clerks.' Must be able to work any shift. , KEEGO SALES i SERVICE, 3000 Orchard Lake Road, Kaaga Harbor, 482-3400. AUTO MECHANICS Nina new stalls with hoists. and latest equipment wilting eager men. Will consider men tram Independent garages. Good opportunity to gain experience and training In new car dealership- Top Pay, Paid Vacation., Blue Cross, Insurance, Pension, Uniforms, and a S day week. See Mr. Coaiar. HUTCHINSON LINCOLN MERCURY Ml N. Mali) St., Royal Oak BROILER OPERATOR Pull tlm* position In tha hospital power plant. Licensed or able to Obtain license In 4 months. Excellent fringe benefit program including paid Blue Croet and Ufa Insurance. Contact St. Jotaph Mercy Hospital, TOO Woodward Av*., Pontiac. FE Mill ext. MS. BARBER Or apprentice to raplace barber. $200 weak. In Troy. Call 1774743 attar 7 P.m. 477-0425. BARTENDER FOR SEA30NABLE Country Club. Birmingham area. Own transportation. Exc. pay and working conditions. For Interview call 43M430. BENCH HANDS Union Scale Fringes — Insurance Plenty of overtime Delta Associated Ind. 450 FAIR FERNOALE BOO KKEEPIR FOR CON-»f rue tion office. Capable of holding Ray roll and general office work and typing. Top salary and fringe*. 444 12M. Sauthflald. Bridgeport Operators Permanent positions with rapidly expanding company, f r I n g r benefits, overtime, good worklnt Conditions, Clyde Corp., laoo ‘ iv. 1 Maple, Troy. BUMPER AND PAINTER Combination man,’ must ba good, plenty at work, nice dun modern .hop, too manager Downy Old.moblla, 550 Oakland Av.., Pdntlac.' 332-S1W. CAMERAMAN STRIPPER FOR far presses up, „ ----------------- be axpartoncM,' top wage*, call .44475$. CAMP CARETAKER Man capable of doing building maintenance, and managing camp yaar araiina. Good house, utilities and salary. Sand rtpll*. to Pdntlac Prase lax C-7. CANVASSERS: JfMU ochool and Collage students, 41.50 per hr., Flu. cernmTwIen. Call 5344177. COLLEGEStUDfiNTS SUMMER EMPLOYMENT MEDIUM SIZED MANUFACTURING CO. NEEDS IN D US TR i A L TRAINEES FOR 5 U M M E R MONTHS. EXCELLENT EXPERIENCE FOR ENGINEERING AND BUSINESS AD. MAJORS. Delta Assoc. Industries 450 Pair, . Parndalt CRANE OPERATORS, TRUCK drivers, torch man, tor steady« wwfcJMI PE «M». guards wanted 343-^133 polnttftont. DIE MAKER MOLD MAKER TOOL MAKER Tofk rates. Full benefit!. To bo rolocetod In Lake Orion In tho next tow months, apply In person tt T. D. She* Mlg. Inc. 7040 E. 7 Mil. Rd. Detroit. Help Wanted Mato Alto Mll^’u»^J^" AWy: LMt* mY'A’w;" 411 W, Lincoln,, Mgdj|on Heights sarn ft- ,aSo pqrt tlm* help, jhell jtotYlc* Mopl* and Lahsar, Birmingham. /Mam GAS STATION ATTBNDKNT, ax-# perlenced, mechanically Inclined, local rata., full or, parMIma, Gulf, T.legr.ph «nd Maple. GAS LIGHT INSTALLERS and DELTA CO- GENERAL MANA6ER for now "Mlckoy Finn" lypo bar and rtstouranl to be built In North Oakland County era* immediately. Top pay, oxcallont fringe benefits. Piute apply to Pontiac Proas Box GOOD MAN WANTED DEPENDABLE MATURE MAN FOR LIGHT CLERICAL, DISPATCHING, TELEPHONE CONTACT IN PERSONNEL TYPE WORK. EXCELLENT POTENTIAL. MORNING HOURS. P-H YGtCALfeY- -HANOtGAPPEO,-EARLY RETIREE, STUDENT, uR PART TIME MAN WILL ALSO FE |-It45~ '— “ t GUAgD:i^r::r: WU«-crSBT VSOfrafaSdholldey benefits. -Call us collect. Bonded Guard Strvlcei — 441 E. Grand Blvd., DETROIT. LO S-41S0. HOUSEMAN - Janitor work, ox-porloncad preferred, will train, good wages, paid vacations, year around position. Apply In porson Orchard Laka Country Club, SOD W. Short Drive. _________ DO YOU HAVE SALES OR COLLECTION EXPERIENCE? IMMEDIATE OPENINGS on all shift, for man to perform dun factory work. Apply In parson. Jim Robbins Co. 14 Mile and Stephenwn Hwy„ Troy. SATURDAY, TO SECURE DITIONAL INFORMATION FOR OUR RECORDS. AUTO REQUIRED. PAYMENT MADE FOR EACH CONTACT, PLUS MILEAGE ALLOWANCE. WRITE, INCLUDING YOUR PHONE NUMBER TO PONTIAC PRESS BOX C-33. AN' EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. DESIGN ENGINEER ESTIMATOR (SHEfTMETAL-MACHINE PARTS) SYSTEMS ANALYST MFG. ENGINEER GENERAL MACHINIST SHEETMETAL FABRICATOR (B) SHEETMETAL WELDER TEST AND DEVELOPMENT ENOINEER SYSTEMS PROJECT ENGINEER METALLURGICAL TECHNICIAN (Turbin* experience desirable But ndt necessary) Call or com* In tor , Confidential Interview. Mr. Charlu E. Bailey, / Personnel Mgr.. Williams Research Corp. P.O. Box 7S 2280 W. Maple Rd. Walled Lake, Mich. 48088 424-4571 An tqual opportunity amployor DIE REPAIR PRESS MAINTENANCE sharing PROGRESSIVE STAMPING CO. 2725 N«koto , Royal Oak DRIVER SALESMAN, wholesal* lea DATA SYSTEMS MANAGER Experienced data processing or systems manager for aggressive organisation wishing to proceed to third generation equipment within deal effectively with various pro-fissions and leva Is of management. Persons selected will have management responsible it people and , programming/ end research! Pleas* f 0 r w a r earnings history to-EMPLOYMENT I ST. JOSEPH MERC' for ovor IS tlons, design, dovolopmont experience end 326 N. Ingalls St. Ann Arbor, Mich. Equal Opportunity Bmployar Drill Press Operators Permanent potltlon with rapkliy expanding company. fringe benefits, overtime, good working conditions, Clyde Corp., 1800 W. Maple, Troy.____________________ DRUG CLERK Monday through Friday. 7 to 5. Must be willing to work. Willing to learn. Apply Ini person. Franklin Drugs. 32740 Mljwiabolt. Farmington. DRYWALL, HANGERS AND FINISHERS, TOP PAY, YEAR AROUND WORK. CONTACT BUCKEYE PARTITIONS, (414) 267-3143. 547 E. HUDSON ST. COLQMBUS. EXPERIENCED SHORT order cook, EXPERIENCED SHORT ORDER cook, 21 or older, top wages, Blue EXPERIENCED MULTI-LITE operator, must ba capable of top quality work! call 4444752. EXPERIENCED WOOL FINISHER. Full tlm*. Top wages. Alto wool spotter, or. will train. Barg Cleaners. 42S-1S2). EXPERIENCED GLASS installer capable of running installment part of shop, starting SITS to 8200 weekly, plus benefits. All Stato Glass Ce. 3340757. EXPERIENCED FORD mechanics contact service managar. At Jack Long Ford, 215 Main St., Rochester. 451-7711. EXPERIENCED DO-ALL Surface grinder for grinding carbide and carbide tipped tools, .overtime. Champion Tool Co. 24040 Orchard Lk., Rd., Farmington 4744200. Experienced Designer Work Involves design and ttrvlct of boring tools. Phone 474-0434. Factory Workers , By day or week: Warehousemen; assemblers; machlno operators; matortal handlers; common laborars; ate. Dally pay. Raport any tlm* after 4 a.m. Employers Temporary Service Clawson __ 45 S. Main Radford Ferndale 2310 Hliton Rd. FIELD REPRESENTAflVi South Central sactlon of stato. Will tacit. In Lan.lng-JaCk.on area. Must b* multiple tine experienced. Excellent opportunity, (awry opan, company paid frlnga benaflte. Your confidential Inquiry bontflto. Your __________ y to Marry Thomas, Frankenmuth Mutual Insurance, 20020 Sauthflald Rd., Lathrup Village. 4441344 or 154 1350. Fitters—Steel Fabrication Union Scale Fringes — Inauran .net Plenty ot Overtime . / Delta Associated Ind. . 450 PAIR /PBRNPALE Fixtures—Machine Builders Union Seal* Prlngu — Insurance Plenty of Overtime Delta Associated Ind. 450 FAIR , FERNDALE FURNITURE TRUCK DRIvRR, ex- , &ratw’*edv *mpteym*rt' FU^RNlrijRE s alIi ImaN . Permanent position to (tart at ^pnea In retail lurnltura Hera. Salary plut cemmiaann. Apply economy Fumltura Company, 121 South Main Strut, Royal Oak. GARDNER, YEAR AROllNb WT ' ‘— a, ilva apt. an eratiHaM, Giva axparitnce, aft. Reply Pontiac Frees Sox C-l. INSURANCE AGENTS. No ex-perlence necessary, will train right men. IS,000 to $10,000 pgatlbt* first year. Vacation, pension plan, group (nsuranco, good car necessary, call Mr. Scherechun, 334-4450, Monday • a«aa. .*.«». Tugs, Wad., 0:30 a.m. untll T p.mrrijS^ until 10:30 p.m. Call 7544754, Warren. JANITOR, NIGHTS. For Seasonal Couptry Club, Birmingham area. Own transportation. Exc. pay and working conditions. For Intarvlow call 424S430. _________[________ JOHN R. LUMBER CO. hat an opening for an aggressive intelligent young man to train as manager. 7704 Coolay Lake Rd. Union Lake, Mich.___________________ JOURNEYMEN MACHINE TOOL WIREMAN UNION RATES. EXC. FRINGE BENEFITS r APPLY AT ARTCO INC. 3020 Indlanwood Rd., Lake Orion LABORERS WANTED, NO experience necessary. Apply at G and W Engineering, 2501 Williams Drive, Pawl Las Vegas Codvention For salesman who desire* a change. Hare Is a lob w* offor: 1—Up to $750 monthly Income to start.- Commission and bonus. * -National concern over 50 years In business, extensive national, advertising program. 3—Non-contrlbutary retirement. Retire with annuity up to $107,000. 4—Extensive training program. Call: Mr. Horton at 175-4775. LOADER AND DOZER operators. Farmington. 4740545. ________ MACHINE TOOL DESIGNERS Preferably with machine shop experience. Permanent a a I a r I e d position with national corporation. Offering growth and advancement. Located In Trey. Contact F. E. Taylor or J.A. Frank. 5443011. An Equal Opportunity Employer. MACHINE OPERATORS grinders. General shop axparlanca preferred. Knowledge . of blua prints, micrometers, vary helpful. Average of 53 hra. oar wuk. Inclui Liberal fringe benefits Including a profit sharing program. Apply-at 4 Barber St. Plaaunt Ridge (off of 10 Ml. Rd.)_________________________ MACHINE, TRAINEES Manufacturer located'. in . Walled parsons no oxportonco Is necessary as w* will train you. This Is steady employment with a good starting rate and fully paid company (ring* benefits. Apply at: 2285 W. MAPLE. RD. Walled Lake, Mich. Equal Opportunity Employe* MAINTENANCE MAN FOR 7 days par weak, call 482-5040. MAN TO WORK, MUST b* experienced at an Auto Parts Clerk. Apply Hollerback Auto Parti, 273 Baldwin Ava. Call 3344054. m MAN WITH PLATE making, camera or itrlpplng experience. For shut ted and rotary. 642-0444. MAN TO DRIVE SMALL truck, also yard man, S2 to start. Farmington. 4747212. MANAGER, FART TIME nights for rutaurant and cocktail lounge. Call Ml 7-2274, batwun 5 and 10 p.m. MASSEUR TO WORK at »* n«w Holiday Hulth Spaa, c«H 482-5040. MEN FOR LANDSCAPING and lawn cutting work for business. 473-8777. ____________ Men Wanted SI73.40 includes expenses per 4 day wuk, yearly arose $7,OOM7,000. Immediate full time lobs available near your homo, w* train you to teoch driving and provide you with a completely dual control training to use lor your very own and car bat iv uav tut rvvi vwi r m: alee the customers .Requirements: t a.. ...a. 40 4 AAarrldaH ■ 4 ftnnri f. Age over 21. 2. Married. 3. Good driving „>>Wng record. 4. Excellent character. Pull time only. FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE: FE M444 Executive offices 15032 Grand River Ava. Open 7 a.m. to 10 p-m. MEN WANTED OUTDOOR WORK KELLY LABOR DIVISION Open 4:30 A.M. 3317 Hilton Rd., Ferndato Open 4 A.M. WE PAY DAILY An Equal Opportunity Bmployar NEED PART TIME WORK? -If you noad a lob to supplement your prosont earnings, wa hava schedules available In a u r maintenance department as follows: 1 5 a.m. to 1130 p.m. 9 a.m. to 5$30 p.m. ii30 p.m. to 10 p.m. APPLY PERSONNEL DEPT. SECOND FLOOR Montgomery v Ward Pontiac Mall . I MSii An equal opportunity tmploytr