ONE COLOn Th* Pontiac Prott Thortctay, July 3, 1969 THURSDAY R — Rerun C — Color rm KSDAV ^VlOKMNC 5:50 (2) TV Chapel 5:55 (2) C — On the Farm Scene 6:00 (2) C—Black Heritage 6:30 (2) C—Woodrow t h e Woodsman (4) Classroom — “Germany Today; Social Fabric** 6:45 (7) C-Batfink 7:00 (4) C-Today (7) C — Morning Show 7:30 (2) C—News, Weather, Sports 8:00 (2) C Kangaroo Captain 8:15 (9) Warm-Up 8:25 (9) C — Morgan’s Merry-Go-Round 8:30 (7) R - Movie: “The Canterville Ghost’* (1944) Charles Lau ghton, Margaret O’Brien (9) C — Bozo 9:00 (2) R C — Lucy Show (4) Ludden’s Gallery — Guests include Carol Burnette, John Garj^nd Charles Nelson Riley (of the Ghost and Mr s. Muir) 9:30 (2)RC--Beverly Hillbillies (9) Friendly Giant 9:45 (9) Chez Helene 10:00 (2) R C-Andy Griffith (4)^ C — Personality (9) Mr. Dressup 10:25 (9) Pick of the Week 10:30 (2) C-Merv Griffin (4)C — Hollywood Squares (y) C — Gallo ping Gourmet 10:55 (9) C — News 11:00 (4) C-It Takes Two (7) R — Bewitched (9) C — Luncheon Date (Part 1) I tlvrrylhin^ 191 ytinli^rnizaiitni! \ ENJOY MORE LIVING AREA NOW! Add Baouty . . . lncr«ot« th« Volu« of Your Homo SBE OUR PLANS TODAY! KITCHENS • GARAGES RECREATION ROOMS G & M CONSTRUCTION & ELLIS 116 North Saginaw ACROSS PROM SIARS FE 2-1211 TRANSMISSION RIMIILT - RIPAIRIO RXONMIRKD ALL MAKES AUTOMATIC and STANDARD POWER STEERING ,4«le About OurJComdItiimat Qtmnmtta_mR KTIIIATIS.' 922 OAKUUn AVE. Call 334-0701 (50) C — Jack LaLannc 11:25 (4) C - Carol Duvall 11:30 (4) C — Concentration (7) R C - That Girl (9) Take Thirty (50) C-Kimba nil H.SI)\\ VriKKNOUN 1 2 : 0 0 ( 2 ) C - News. Weather, Sports (4) C — Jeopardy (7) C — Dream House (9) Luncheon Date (Part 2) (50) C — Underdog 12:25 (2) C—-Fashions 12:30 (2) C — As the World Turns (4) C — News, Weather, Sports (7) C — Let’s Make a Deal (9) R - Real McCoys (50) R —Movie: “Hungry Hill** (British, 1947) Jean Simmons, Dan O’Herlihy 1:00 (2) C — Divorce Court (4) C — Days of Our Lives (7) C — Newlywed Game (9) R — Movie: “Untamed Youth (1957) Mamie Van Doren, Lori Nelson 1:30 (2) C — Guiding Light (4) C — Doctors (7) C — Dating Game 2:00 (2) C — Secret Storm (4) C — Another World (7) C — General Hospital 2:30 (2) C “ Edge of Night (4) C — You Don’t Say (7) C — One Life to Live (50) R — Make Room for Daddy 3:00 (2) C — Linkletter Show (4) -C — Match Game (7) C — Dark Shadows (9) R — Dennis the Menace ^ (50) R —Topper ^ 3:25 (4) C - News 3:30 (2) C — Search for Tomorrow (4) C — You’re Putting Me On (7) C — Anniversary Game (9) C — Magic Shoppe (50) C — Captain Detroit 4:00 (2) C - Love of Life (4) C — Steve Allen (7) R C - Movie: “On the Town” (1950) Frank Sinatra, Gene Kelly (9) C — Bozo 4:30 (2) C — Mike Douglas (50) R — Little Rascals (62) R — Star Performance 5:00 (4) C—George Pierrot — “Holiday in Spain” (9) R C — Batman (50) R — Munsters (62) C — Bugs Bunny and Friends 5:15 (56) Friendly Giant — “An Apple Pie” 5:30 (9) R C — F Troop (50) R —Superman (56) Misterogers (62) R — Leave It to Beaver nil RSDAV NIGHT 6:00 (2) (4) (7) C - News, Weather, Sports (9) R C - I Spy - Kelly and Scott baby sit Tor a 10-month-old child being used as a courier of top-secret data. (50) R C — Flintstones (56) What’s New — Characteristics and uses of carbon dioxide are discussed. (62) R —Sea Hunt 6:30 (2) C - News -Cronkite (4) C — News — Huntley, Brinkley (7) C — News — Reynolds, Smith (50) R McHale’s Navy (56) Cancion de la Raza (62) R “ Highway Patrol 7:00 (2) C — *^uth or Consequences (4) (7) C - News, Weather, Sports (9) R — Movie; “Raton Pass” (1951) Husband and wife fight for a cattle empire. Dennis Morgan, Patricia Neal (50) R — I Love Lucy (56) NET Playhouse — “A Man on Her Back,” Peter Luke’s comedy about a love affair between a young musician and his softhearted girlfriend. (62) C — Swingintime 7:30 (2) C — Animal World — A profile of Amazon Th« Pontiac Proii Thursday, July 3, 1969 ONE jungly trapper Mike Tsalickis (4) R C — Daniel Boone — A swindler tries to include Israel Boone in his adopted family of thieves, (7) R C — Flying Nun — Movie star who is rescued by Sister Bertrille thinks it a miracle and decides to become a nun. (50) R — Hazel (62) R — Ann Sothern r 8:00(2) R C - The Prisoner — After uncovering a plot 10 brainwash his fellow captives, the Prisoner tries to smash it by unveiling the identity of a mysterious general (7) R C - That Girl -Ann and Don get into an argument over an abstract sculpture he sent her. (50) C — Pay Cards (62) R — Ozzie and Harriet 8:30 (4) R C — Ironside — Ohief Ironside searches for a talented artist accused of murder, convinced his “death” is a phony. (7) R C — Bewitched — Samantha hires a maid and then finds she and Darrint^ave trouble ridding thmselves of their unwanted domestic treasurer. (9) Telescope (50) C — Password (56) C — Washington Week in Review (62) R - Movie: “Forbidden Jungle” (1950) An explorer tracks down^ a wild jungle boy who is believfd to be the son of an American. Forrest Taylor, Alyce .Louis. 9:00 (2) R C - Movie: "Boys’ Night Out” (1961) Three married men and one bachelor decide their weekly get-together is a dull bore. James Garner, Kim Novak. (7) R C — Tom Jones — Guests include Joey Heatherton, Peter Sellers, Mary Hopkin, Richard Pryor and the Moody Blues. (9) C-It’s Our Stuff (50) R — Perry Mason (56) That’s Life - “Wake Up Your Mind,” A study of how people make decisions. 9:30 (4) R C — Dragnet — Sgt. Friday uncovers a “bad cop” who is involved in a bookmaking operation. (9) Nature of Things (56) More Room for Living — Finding space in attics, porches, and closets is the topic. 9:55 (62) Greatest Headlines 10:00 (4) R C - Dean Martin — Eddie Albert, Dorn DeLuise, Linda Bennett and Georgie Kaye guest. (7) C “ Summer Focus — “It Can Be Done” Profiles changing racial at-'titud^s in a southern urban commu nity — Atlanta, Ga. (9) (50) C — News, Weather, Sports (56) R — News i n Perspective (62) R — Movie: “Fun on YOUR OLD WiNDOWS TIM^ TVHEPUCE NUPRIME WHITE ALUMINUM WINDOWS • Potnt fraa *35.. Instcrilotlon Avallobla NEWPORT CONSTRUCTION CO. FE 4-4190 a Weekend” (1947) Broke and hungry, a l>oy and girl endeavor to go from rags to riches, Priscilla Lane, Eddie Bracken. 10:30 (9) C - What’s My Line? (50) R^Alfred Hitchcock 11:00 (2) (4) (7) C - News, Weather, Sports (9) R — Movie: “So Evil, My Love” (1948) Love, murder and blackmail in Victorian England. Ray Milland, Ann Todd, (50) R — One Step Beyond 11:30 (4) C — Johnny Carson — Scheduled guests are Buddy Hackett and .^hari Lewis. (7) C — Joey Bishop (50) R — Movie: “Raw Deal” (1948) A convict escapes jail in order to get the gang that framed him. Dennis O’Keefe, Claire Trevor 11:35 (2) R C — Movies: 1. “Passport to Hell’* THURSDAY (French, 1964) Undercover agent is assigned to track down the Black Scorpion, mysterious leader of a terrorist ring. George A r d i s s 0 n , Georges Riviere; 2. “Ring of Terror” (1962) Premed student must open a crypt and remove corpse as part of a fraternity initiation. George Mather. Austin Green 12:24 (9) Viewpoint 12:30 (9) C — Perry’s Probe 1:00 (4) Beat the Champ (7) R — Texan 3:00 (2) C — News, Weather 3:05 (2) TV Chapel Get All the Money You Need in One Convenient Loan Borrow Up to $ With Our \ Confidential HOMEOWNER’S LOAN PUN! Low Convenient Payments to Suit Your Budget No Closing Costs No Applioation Foos COMPLETE INSURANCE LOAN PROTECTION Call In.Your Application Today! FAMILY ACCEPTANCE CCRPORATICN 101 Pontile State RankRIdg. FE 8-4022