Central, Northern Wirt; See Gridiron The Weather V. I. WMttMT I ur«*u Far Kill THE PONTIAC PRESS Horn# edition PONTIAC, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1968 Heart Donor's Wish: ’To Do Some Good' BSBnBnUDVnPAl, PLANE CRASHES — The tail section Af wr.ph.to of a French Breguet 1150 Atlantic maritime patrol plane lies crash. The aircraft, a twin-engine turboprop, was built to-this atop the airport social chib in Farnborough, England, yester- specification? of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. A day where it crashed in flames (hiring a demonstration of formal inquiry begins toddy, and two key questions are wheth- flying on one engine. At least 12 persons were kflled inthe er the plane was flying too low or too slowly. One of the last things a Pontiac criminal who donated his heart so another man might live said was “I want to do some goad.” This was the start of- the first heart transplant in Michigan. His remarks were reported by his brother-in-law, who saw him just before his last operation. The heart donor was Herman Opdenboff, 38, a former Pontiac resident who Was a three-time convict at the Southern Michigan State Prison in Jackson. countant. Barnum was reported resting comfortably this morning, according tq hospital officials. The donor has at least four relatives in the Pontiac area including a 17-year-old daughter. One of the last persons to see him alive was his brother-in-law, Arthur. E. Allen of 1640 Waterfront, Waterford Township. EYES, BRAIN DONATED ■■■ Allen reported that before his last operation for a brain hemorrhage, Op-denhoff fold him: “If things , don’t go right in the operation, I want to do some good. The hospital can take anything they want.” v ‘ He has also reportedly donated his eyes and brain to medical science. Opdenboff was 4$ken from the prison to, the University of Michigan hospital on Sept. 6 after suffering fever and severe headaches, which apparently led to rup-turing of blood ‘ vessels in his brain, followed by his death early yesterday. Doctors said he Suffered a massive brain hemorrhage, and hope for his survival Was abandoned late Thursday. TRANSPLANT MADE Doctors said Opdenhoff died at 12:45 a.m. yesterday, about one hour after a 22-member team began operating on Barnum. The transplant was mads- at 3:02 a.m., and the operation was completed at.SkSO a.m. He had been sentenced to 6% to 10 years in April by a circuit court judge in (Continued oft Page A-2, Col. 5) Vietnam Escalates as Issue in Presidential Campaign "We do not want to lose at the conference table what 200,000 American casualties have already paid for in Vietnam,” he said. Nixon said a coalition settlement “will end tills war and it will bring home the 19- and 29-year-old boys that are out there now and tbfeir 14- and 16-year-old brothers will be fighting someplace else again. I doft’t want that to happen.” By the Associated Press Vietnam is. escalating as an issue in the race for the White House. Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey drew a standing ovation from a crowd of 5,000 last night as he pledged to do everything possible “to find an honorable pence, to end this war.” His Republicpii rival, Richard M. Nixon, cautioned against a settlement tfcftt would bring home today’s 19 and 29-year-old soldiers blit would mean “their 14-and 19-yeto'-4dd brothers will be fighting someplace else again.” Nixon said 8 a coalition government were imposed on South Vietnam, the Communists would only be encouraged to try aggression elsewhere. He raid Vietnam’s future should be determined by free elections. OLIVE BRANCH Humphrey, speaking in Louisville, Ky., made what may have been an allusion to his ride as vice president in the Johnson administration when he noted the eagle on his seal of office holds only a single olive branch, compared to the cluster on the presidential seal. Related Stories, Early yesterdfty morning at the University of Michigan Hospital, Ann Arbor, his heart was transplanted into Philip T. Barnum, 49, a Kalamazoo ac- Next Space Trip Last for Schirra Romney Sounds Like Nixon Pick Nixon continued campaigning in Philadelphia today while Humphrey and his running mate, Sen. Edmund S. Muskie of Maine, planned a pilgrimage to Independence, Mo., to meet with former Presideht Harry S. Truman. Third-party candidate George C. Wallace stumped through Florida yesterday, criticizing the federal government and the Supreme Court Wallace told a cheering crowd, of 9,000 at Orlando, ‘Hie federal government is increasing caniral aver every phase and aspect of your lives.” He said If elected he-will seek a constitutional change to require Senate reconfirmatioo of Supreme Court justices every six or eight years. SPACE CENTER, Houston, Tex. (AP) — Astronaut Walter M. Schirra Jr., the dashing hero of Mercury and Gemini flights, says be will hang up his space helmet after pe commands the first three-man Apollo ship on an earth orbit trip post month.. There was i hint of regret in his voice when the 45-year-old Navy captain, the nation’s oldest astronailt,' told an interviewer: “I don’t anticipate another flight. I don’t think I want to wait two or mare years for a mission, and we don’t have that many coming up, if you recall our budget.” SACRAMENTO, CaUf. (UH) - Govi George Romney talked yesterday like ht expects to Wind up in. Richard M. Nixon’* cabinet if the Republicans win the praakteftOythis-fall. wide-ranging speech before a California businessmen’s group h e touched on a variety of national and in-ternationai matters, including the Viet- 2 City Brothers,2 Others Arrested After Bank Theft Two Pontiac brothers and two men identified as escapees from prison were arrested yesterday -in Nashville, Tenn., in connection with the holdup Monday of the Woodruff State Bank in Dewitt. A spokesman for the Federal Bureau of Investigaiion (FBI) in Detroit said that Alan Rex Adams, 32, and his brother, Melvin C. Adams, were arrested by Nashville police with John Bailor, 26, of Detroit and John C. Green, 27, of Lansing at a motel. 000 bond' each before being remanded to local custody. HARBORING FUGITIVES Melvin Adams, local address unreported, is charged with harboring the other three as fugitives. Green and Bailor were named on warrants issued earlier in the week after the bank was robbed of 96,400 by three men. He also mentioned the rigors of training, with resulting disruption of family life, as a contributing factor in his decision. . “One of the niany things my Wife will be glad to see is my getting off this," he said. “I’ve been on Apollo now for almost three years and that’s a long pul). WRb the Mercury and Gemini preparations, I’ve been gone' one heck of a lot. Last week my son, left for college aiKl I couldn’t see Mm off.” for the GOP ticket on both the East and West coasts. Romney told the Comstock Club of Sacramento that the probleifis of the cities, the U-S- economy and Vietnam are “central to the future of America.'"; AN URBAN PLAN Re set forth a detailed prescription for curing America’s urban malaise. Here are the major fagradiefttat- • Establish urban extension services at big city universities to provide technical assistance to encourage seif-help and cooperative action. b Replace many government-operated pOVWrty-programs by contracting with private urban corporations whose purpose would be to provide jobs for the jemm in construction, health, household, general service and other occupations. • Modernize state and local building codas and regulations which Mock the use of new cost-cutting technology in low-cost home construction. • Create national business (develop-ment hank for bans for black-owned and black-run enterprises inthe ghettos. ' He told his cheering supporters, “I will do everything, God willing, to find an honorable way, »to And an honorable peace, to end this war and get on with the unfinished business of-America.” Nixon voiced his opposition to a coalition govermmnt for south Vietnam In-a television broadcast to Pennsylvania, Delaware and parts of New Jersey last MUNICH, Germany (A P) U Oktoberfest, the world’s biggest beer bust, began at the stroke of noon today when Mayor Hans-Jochen Vogel ceremoniously tapped the first keg. $ooh beer was foaming hi countless mugs. The festival wilt cohtinue until Oct. 6 and five million visitors are ex-pected in •Munich for ltv * **"— warrant after, the arrest. Nashville police said a shotgun, two pistols and some $4,000 were seised from the three motel rooms where the group registered. All will probably be prosecuted fed-eralty, the FBI said. Alan Adams, whose last reported local address was 138 W. Cornell, Bailor and Green are all charged as federal fug-tives, according to the FBI. Officers said that the three appeared yesterday before a federal commissioner in Nashville and were placed under |75,- Temperatures Tumble Snow Hits Rockies tion before dawn. A few autumnlike 50s cooled the northern plains, the northern Great Lakes and New England. The only exceptions to a generally fair weather pattern were widely scattered thundershowers ift the Texas panhandle and Oklahoma and extreme western Iowa. Early morning temperatures ranged from 30 at Butte, Mont., to 84 at Patrick Air Force Base, Cocoa, Fla. By the Associated Press A wintry storm packing windblown snow, - cold rain and freezing temperatures laced the northern and central Rockies today—the last full dqy of summer. Six to 10 inches of snow covered some mountain sections of Montana and Idaho. Temperatures tumbled into the 20s and 30s. Warnings to stockmen and travelers, were in meet for portions of central and < western Montana and western Wyoming. Hazardous driving warnings included parts of Idaho and Utah , as well. Highway craws attempting to keep mountain passes open were hampered by limited VislbUtty. Snow-bearing winds up to 40 miles bn hour frustrated their efforts. The Going to the Sun Road in Glazier Nationbl Bark in northern Motv-tana was closed by drifting snow. Park imaintenace workers hoped to have it open by Sunday. COLD FRONT Snowfall amounts were lighter as the storm spilled out of the high country into the Montana plains. Eastward across Montana, Wyoming and Utah, the first cold front triggered thundershowers and chilling rains. , For most of the country froth the great ptitins to toe Atlantic, however, the day was a pleasant climax to summer. Autumn begins st 7:21 pm. EOT Sunday. Temperatures in the 60s and 70s were common over the eastern half of the na- Go, Tigers! Detroit wins 10th straight PAGEB-l. • License Needed State tries to regulate mailorder schools — PAGE D-9. Mehse Spending Senate committee approves slashed appropriation — PAGE A-?. Mostly Sun Over the Weekend Showers forecast for today will move eastward, leaving skies rnoetiy sunny la the Pontiac area over tbs weekend. . Hera is toe official U.S. Weather Bureau Report: TODAY-A few brief sbowefc or thundershowers ara possible, but mostly sunny and warm. High 77 to tt. Low tonight 54 to 60. . . , *■ , , . . Southerly winds at seven to 17 miles per lour /early today will continue through" thenlght. . •' * TOMORROW - Partly sunny sod Soon tiki gaff-rigged craft will take her final trip of the year, and aha will be hauled out and tifh gear stowed away ** far THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1068 Griffin: Fortas Opposition Not Anti-Semitic Birmirigjhbr*! Mea from the White Home which GrittjD has accused in the past of bringing extraordinary pressure .to bear in Fortes’ behalf. HART SPEECH As Griffin got in some final licks against the nomination before debate starts next week, Sea. Philip A. Hart, &-Mich., put out a speech defending Fortas, who would become the 'first Jewish chief justice if confirmed. * ♦ e Hart, who did not deliver the speech before the Senate adjourned, said examination of Fortas’ record in Supreme . “The White House, indirectly and :&roetty, is trying to stir this up and make ft a Mg issue, even though there is no basis for It,” Sen Robert P. Griffin, R-MJch., told newsmen Friday. ,, _*‘I think it’s emanating right from the I WhMe House,” he said. “It’s flipped and kbackfired on them, tout they are still There was no inunpdiatitromment eawfitining to advise the fMMdent while on the high eoucLnnd that his aiding with the majority to overturning obscenity cases has contributed an Increase to pornography. 1 '. Debate is expected to start Tuesday or Wednesday. ________ He said be didn’t think the' nomination would ever come to a vote. JUDICIARY PANEL The Senate-Judiciary Committee, after unprecedented hearings during which s chief justice nominee was questioned by Marine Task Force DrivesThrough sfjhk* NEARS COMPLETION — The opening of Elizabeth Lake began to early June, is being financed on a 50-50 basis with Road, to through traffic between Joeephine and MSS In We- the Federal Bureau of Roads. The improvement of the one- terford Township is scheduled for Oct. l, according to the mHe section of road includes the widening of the existing Oakland County Road Commission. The (358,530 project, which pavement to five lanes, With die center lane for left turns: Holly Crash Fatal to Clawson Man Highway Toll in’68 Tail-Gate Defect in GM Wagons Vanderlip, 57, of Flint, who was treated and re- DETROIT (AF) — General Motors Corp. disclosed yesterday a defect has been found to duai-aptton tail-gates on some 1M9 GM station Wagons, but said all will have bean repaired before new models go on sale next Thursday. Trustees Deadlock in Vote MSU Finance Exec Keeps Job EAST LANSING (AP) - The Michigan State University Board of Trustees, by a deadlocked 44 veto, agreed today to keep Philip J. Slay on the job as die univeratty’s top financial officer. May had been under fire for hia Improper synchronisation of the side and bottom locking devices on Fisher Body division assembly lines was blamed tor the malfunctioning, which could cause a defective tail gate to fall off when opened. Chrysler Corp. reported yesterday that OU Receives Six Major Gifts, Grants Six major gifts and grants totaling (137,822 ware accepted* in behalf of Oakland University yesterday by the Michigan State University Board of Trustees. Two grants will support eye research in Oakland's new Institute of Biological Science, under toe direction of Prof. V. Everett Kinsey, director of the institute. Another federal grant, In the sum of (29,250 from the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, wUl support: Oil’s language and Area Center for Bast Asia, tpler the directtou of S. Bernard Tfjpias, chairman of (MU area Czech Leaders Hopeful of Edge in Kremlin Talks The other gifts arid grants included digit from & National Science Foundation as an institutional grant for science, under the direction of Chancellor D. B. Varner; (12.1N from National Science Foundation to purchase instructional scientific equipment, under the direction of Robert B. Edgerton, associate professor of engineering; and (11,194 worth of laboratory equipment for teaching and research in chemistry, from Smith and Underwood Laboratories of Royal Oak. PRAGUE (AP) Czechoslovakia’s liberal leaden continued their visit to the provinces today, hopeful that the chews they draw demonstrate a national solidarity that will give them a bargaining wedge in upcoming talks with the Krqmun. / t , :A ■it Their visit today to Ostrava, i city of 250,000 in the coal, iron and steel region of Csech Silesia, followag • triumphant visit yesterday to the totornattonal Industrial fair at Brno, Czochoelovikia’s second hugest city. President Ludvik Svoboda, reformist Communist party chief Alexander Dubcek. Premier OWrich Cemik, National Assembly President Joseph Smrkovsky and Slovak Communist party leader' Gustav Husak were cheered by thousands in the streets of Brno and at toa fair. Dubcek and Cemik appear today at a workers’ mass meeting at Ostrava. The provincial tour came after postponement of talks in Moact Originally expected this weekend. Informed sources said Dubcek would probably lead a delegation of party and government officials to Moscow Monday or Tuesday to ask the Soviets to begin withdrawing the more then 500,000 troops who occupied ttifeountry a month ago. Prague Radio reported 100 per cent of 010 citizens queried in a poll at Ufcti, North Bohemia, said they favored the departure of the occupation forces. SAIGON (AP) - A task force of 2,000 U.S. Merton swept through t b e demilitarized zone today to a drive, to seize the enemy’s, weapons stockpiles and destroy its infiltration trails. -/' • Heavy fighting also raged near jthe Cambodian border northwest of Saigon where government troops holding an embattled outpost reported killing 173 enemy. * ★ k Helicopters carried the Marine assault troops into the DMZ Tuesday, but the U.S. Commend placed an embargo on news about the operation until word leaked out today. In fivt days of maneuvering, the Leathernecks reported killing 74 North Vietnamese regulars while suffering two dead and 10 wounded. FIRST TIME IN SECTOR_________ It is reported the first time an allied force has entered the IMS’s central sector. American and South Vietnamese forces have made five major forays into the zone’s eastern ftank over the last 16 months, including one last Friday. The zone, which extends three miles on each side of the North-South Vietnamese border, ia supposed to be neutral territory but enemy troop* have fortifications and gun positions there. • * * • * Allied forces have stayed out of the zone’s northern half, but U.S. Air Force B52 bombers have unloaded tons of explosives there and over the extreme southern fringe of North Vietnam 4n an attempt to silence the Mg enemjrgtas that could be used against the Marines. Field reports said the enemy’s heavy artillery had failed to pinpohlt Die Leathernecks’ sweeps. Headquarters said the operation had two aims, to destroy hidden war supplies and to disrupt a newly discovered network of “speed trails” enabling North Vietnamese to move swiftly through the DMZ to Marine outposts. A Marine spokesman described the “speed trails” as cleared paths fitted with steps and hand rails at difficult spots. Associated Press correfpondent John Wheeler reported from Marine head-> quarters that the Leathernecks had seized 450 Russian assault rifles and 300,000 rounds of ammunition to addition to other booty. Donor's Wish To Do Good' (Continued From Page One) Grand Traverse Bay on ri charge of breaking and entering. •k 'k k Prison officials said ha served time from September 1003 to February 1900 for armed robbery and from September 1960 to February 1966 for burglary. Despite his encounters with the law, he was described by his brother, Carl Opdenhoff of 157 N. TUden, Waterford TownsMp, as a “good and generous person,” but one who had a “streak” in> him. LOANING MONEY “He was always loaning people money,” his brother said. Opdenhoff had three brothers and three sisters, among those reportedly in the Pontiac area are Carl, Charles of 4000 Halvey, Independence TownsMp, and a sister, Donna Allen, wife of Arthur. He also is survived by a second BusinessHead Appointed at Roeper School BLOOMFIELD Htt& - MtWd. M director of business edministirtolm aod development of Roeper CSty eao OOunty School is Anthony; A. H*to«k Chesterbrook, Farmington TownsMp. Announcement rss made by Georg* A. Roeper, headmaster arid a trustee of the Roeper School, an Independent school for gifted children, early elementary through grade twelve. , Haisch, a Wayne State University graduate, is a member of the J&fta Gamma Honor Society, the of School Business Offlcials. tbe Council of Educational Facility .Planners, and toe Institute lor Certlflcetton of Engineering Technicians. BIRMINGHAM — Philip G. Moon, 1020 Brookwood. vice president of the National Bank of Detroit, has boon named Detroit, area chairman of Dartmouth College’s Third Century Fund. Tne national goal of the drive to f I million. Moon is s 1942 Dartmouth graduate and also attended Dartmouth’s Amok Tuck School of Business Administration. BIRMINGHAM - People and Politics, a short course designed to acquaint the public with exciting opportunities for playing active roles in government will be offered from 6 to 10 p.m. at Birmingham Seaholm High School, from Sept. 24 through Oct 29. Fee for the six-week course is (IQ-k k k ,. “People as Voters” will be the topic of the first session, conducted by Selma Fisher, chairman of the League of Women Voters. , k k ★" . L • On Oct. 1, Frances Snelham, national board member of the League of Women Voters will conduct a discussion oh people as volunteers. Panelists for this program will be Dr. John Dorsey, CBm, Movements; Jerry McNebb, Democrat; Rita Robertson, Republican; Doris Mosher, higher level political activity; and Mary Bright, New Detroit Committee. The course, offered by Oakland Community College, is cosponsored by the Binntogham-Bkxnnfield League of Women Voters and the Birmingham Department of Adult Education. For information, call the OOP. Com-munity Sendees Division. The Weather L—ut ttmo*r«ur« preceding I ajn.: U At ■ «.m.: Wind vatocity 7 m#JL Diractlm: Smith In *ata Saturday at 7:1* p.m. Sun rtaa* Sunday at T:SS a.m. Maan aatt Saturday at Viw pm. Moan rtaaa Sanday at >:M a.m. British Gunman Holed Up 3 Days, Holds Wife, 4 Children Hostages WELLINGTON, England (l» — Police closed to on besieged gunmmp John James today but were told by one of his hostage children: “Mummy says Just go away.” James, 2(, has been holed up for three days to his barricaded farmhouse with his wife and four children as hostages. All attempts to talk him out have failed, t ^k 'k k A former mental patient, James is said to have a grudge against policemen. He was chased into the house after falling to stop on a traffic charge. Today’s drama started with the arrival of the mailman. James’s mother-in-law, who bad waited outside the house ail night, called in through a loudspeaker: “There"! some mail for you which may need a reply. R may he urgent.” WALKS UP TO HOUSE Then, with the postman aba walked up to the. house unprotected. Police followed. The mother-in-law, Mrs. Eunice Hadlingtoa, 60, shouted to the children: “Please toll Mummy to come and open the door.” “Mummy can’t talk,” one of the children said. “Mummy says just go away.” dr . k . J ■ Police believe James and his family are running short of food and water. The house normally reltai on a back-yard faucet. James asked for cigarettes after opening fire from the house with a shotgun ft 41 Ootrolt ■ I » 54 Duluth m as 75 54 Fart WMfe I ft naupmau M D Jacksonville IS 7) Houghton Lk. 47 45 Kansas CSy *# » Jackson 77 si Lot Aajtlsa 71 St Lanital 75 (a Miami mkh (a fs Marquatta II SI PMpH 71 S4 Muakagan 75 fa Nsi* OrfiaM S7 a Oscoda 71 as Maw York (5 as FaMaten TP at pasaka 77 as travarta c. at a7 Fhaanix W at Albuquarqua M SI FMfiank M St Atlanta m tl ft. Louts SS st Bismarck Nn Tampa t# 7a kaatan is at t. Laka City 71 jf Chicago SHI- Frpadaea 44 IS Cincinnati if 2 i. Ha. Marla II S7 Danwar IT s» laPIWa St as Officials at University of Michigan Hospital said last night heart recipient Barnum was “much improved” after a few moments of panic yesterday morning when Ms new heart stopped beating an hour after the operation. They said he was sleeping and resting comfortably. Funeral arrangements for the heart donor were announced today. , * k Service wili be 2 p.m. Monday at Elton Black Funeral Home, Union Lake, with burial in Lakeside cessful, the subconscious has done the work. You stop! Hot quit. There’s such a finality to that word. Just the mere thought of finality produces anxiety. / ‘Tm not stopping, I’m quit-] ting,1’ you say. What of that? The mind is a tricky thing. Actually, you’ll be setting! yourself ,up for the fall. MONSTER LOOMS LARGE Should the habit be resumed at a later date, for example, the monster called guilt looms large I and real. Resumption would o.p.e n 1 y , reveal ambivalence, insincerity, subservience to the tobacco-filled tube. The tendency will be to hide, to sneak one. The anxiety will mount until it becomes so unbearable that i you are unbearable. The lesser, of the two evils wins. Gleefully,! the slave.lights up. How to. resist-resumption of the smoking habit? This. is \ phase three — staying stopped. Again, it rests firmly on the brainwashing accomplished in phase one. The' repeated ad-mo dlt ions, subconsciously rooted and sublimiSally discharged, become the mood and the new habit. Fine summer furniture for indoor/outdopr, rain or shine use, # Protected against rusting out by Gallo's Special finishing process • Table glass^P5 have seamed odges • For unusual dining room decor, Florida'Roomx, Patios, Rec-Rooms, Family Room, etc. INDCXWOUTDOOR END TABLES $"|0 OC # 16x24-inch glass top • Iron worked frames. ^ I jf the typical puffer is apt to slow down a bft for a while, but he won’t abstain. He’ll com- Contest Ends When If Should —on Last Lap* 5-PC. PATIO DINETTE SETS • Save $50.07 on regular $129.95 Mt * Choice of 42" diameter gloss lop table or 28x46" glass top table • 4 matching chairs • Iron Work frames. EL PASO, Tex. (API - Four-teen coeds were sitting on Mim Wyley’s lap when the chair collapsed. That was the end of the lapsitting contest Friday. S-PG LIVING ROOM SETS Save $120.07 on regular $289.95 set • Outfit has sofa, 2 lounge chairs, cocktail table and end table # Glass tops on the table * Gallo iron work ^frames. Wyley, 6-foot-5 255-pound senior at the University of Texas at El Paso, was treated at a hospital for cuts from the splintered back of the wooden chair. When college officials called the contest off, the leader was Allen Mueller, Woot-7 and 208 pounds, clocked for 45 seconds with 13 coeds aboard. ■Ighta. PHASE ONE „ Phase one is not easy, It may take weeks, even months. But, self-directed brainwashing ttywt !be complete. Phase two is then automatic. “I want to stop.” It’s that simple. No announcements need he made, no countdowns — 20 SAVE IN WKC'S LOWER LEVEL FURNITURE DEPT. NO MONEY DOWN-90 Days Same as Cash-Up to 3 Years to Pay! Downtown Mall ' tobacco smoke are continually mounting. The seemingly unending presentation of facts upon facts provide reinforcement for the initial phase one mental gymnastics. However, reinforcement la not really necessary when’ the fbrmer smoker realizes his new found control over his emotions. H amounts to a significant dose self-approval. The Ivy League consists of t Yale, Harvard, Pennsylvania, I Cornell, Princeton, Dartmouth, MColumbia and Brown colleges. LAWRENCE J. SOWTER ■' - 5«2I Highland Bei Wmltrfmrd PUutm Cam j PHONE I7I-SN1 eniuuf .WAYS RRBT QUALITY m Starts Monday, ; Sept. 23rd ALWAYS FIRST QUALITY P RUGS l REDUCED i THRU SATURDAY! WSTALLED Accent rugs to give every room a color lift. U¥EWf "WT IN I PUItmi Deep polyeitor/ayfan and nyion/rayon pit*. Naugohyde* introduced fora now affect. (A Penney* exduiivel). Colon cool to hotl REG. *6, NOW 30" x 50" REG. *9, NOW 7.49 M 42" x66" REG. *17, NOW 13.99 V W 30%jo 27" x 48" REG. 5.98, NOW 4.99 36"x60"RIG. 10.98, NOW 8.99 48"x72" RIG. 17.98, NOW 14.99 I •’SB gits EjSglfes! 1 I 1 START KNITTING NOW WITH ORLON® SAYELLE WORSTED WEIGHT YARN! ,1«jrtura 555* BcckwttK-Ev/ims SERVING NORTH OAKLAND COUNTY - FINE FLOOR COVERINGS THE PONTIAC PRESS. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1968 Nixon Hits Coalition as Viet Settlement PHILADELPHIA (AP) -Richard M. Nixon scouts the city and the suburbs fof votes today after declaring that as president, he would not accept a Vietnam settlement to bring home U.S. troops at the risk that “their 14-and 15-year-old brothers Will have to fight another war.’* He plans a stop at a shopping center In the; Negro section of Philadelphia to open a 14-hour day of campaign rallies, and said he seeks the votes of all Americans. settlement. “We do not want to lose at the conference table what 200,000 American casualties have already paid for in Vietnam,” he said. RAPS ADMINISTRATION He did so, after Jack McKinpey, a Democrat, and a member of the panel which questioned him on the campaign television show, suggested that the GOP nominee has been seeking votes with “a Wink and a smile”, but with no detailed discuissipn of tfie war. “No# Mr. McKinney, just a minute, maybe you haven’t been reading what I have said about Vietnam,” Nixon said. Wrote House. “Whoever is.going to be president of this country has got to be president of the whole country/’ Nixon said. “He must be able to unite this country and therefore his appeal must be to all segments of tin country.” ‘CIVIL WAR’ The Republican nominee said any candidate who ignored Negro voters and appealed only to white Americans would not be able to govern as president because he would have “basically a civil war on his hands between the black and the white community." Nixon said even if he does not win Negro support, it is important that he seek it for '1 hope that after this election, I’ll have the confidence of the black people as well as the white people." Dealing with Vietnam, Nixon He accused the Johnson administration df wasting U.S. military and diplomatic potential and failing to unite the nation with a full account of the war situation. “If we impose by negotiation a coalition government with Communists in the government of South Vietnam, that will be Charge It Soft Chevette 'Nehru* shirts with cuff links, .medallions, in' white, yellow. “It will end this war and it will bring home the 19-and 20-year-old boys that are out there now and their 14-and 15-yeaT-oki brothers will be fighting someplace else again. I don’t want that to happen.” GIRLS' STRETCH NYLON TIGHTS IN COLORS HOODED SKI JACKETS IN QUILTED NYLON Charge it Children's run resistant, stretch nylon tights in black, red, blue, beige, white, navy. 4 to 6x. Kmart Infants' Dapt. one in the current administration, seemed to become even more pointed when discussing the design of the vice presidential seal that adorns his podium. Noting that the eagle on hit seal grasps but a single olive branch in one claw, compared to a bunch of them on the presidential seal, be ftaid: “How can you expetit me to be the number one peace man with one little olive branch. You let me have a handful and, believe me, you’ll have peace.” * * * Humphrey—by invitation also brought his Louisville audience to its feet when he wound up his speech with these words: “Stand with me now. Let us go forth from this place determined that America will not turn its back on its own people, that we are determined to make this country the finest place in the world for the finest people ht-4he-worid~4lm American people. I ask your help.” This statement followed directly after one in which he said to Ids border-state audience: “I’m going to stand on the principle of human equality and human opportunity, of equal equality and equal opportunity, for every American regardless of race, cdor or creed.” With all this, Humphrey did not neglect Nixon. At one point he said the voters would have * LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) -Hubert H. Humphrey, bound for a reunion with the underdog winner of the 1948 presidential election; seems to be Inching to-ward making the Vietnam war his major issue-The self-acknowledged 1968 underdog in the presidential campalgn flies to Kansas City, Mo., today to meet his running mate, Sen. Edmund S. Muskie of Maine, for a brief trip to Independence and a visit with Harry S. Truman. Our Reg. 4.44 n1 j Sunday Only CF wl On the slopes or off to school.. this girls’ ski jacket points fashion-wise, thrift-wise. Of snug and warm er-print -quilted nylon .. some jackets reverse to'a warm cotton pUefabric and efmeto nylOh in a color. Zip front Hood. 4to 14. r /'K’ Our Reg. 1.13 YOUR Sunday Only CHOICE , jP Goose bridge mix, chocolate covered TEFLON® COATED STAMLESS STEEL FRYING PAN Owlb* 2.27 1.73 Sunday Only Teflon®-coated, 10” stain* less steel fry pan with heat resistant handle. Hangs for easy storage. BAN SPRAY DEODORANT Ow Jb»I^7 Humphrey, who says he badly needs all the help he can get in his race with Republican Rich-ard M. Nixon, found Friday night Vietnam brought him his second standing ovation in 24 hours. Speaking at a flOO-a-plate fund raising dinner in cavernous Freedom Hall—where at least twice as many people greeted third party candidate George C. Wallace a few weeks ago—he brought his estimated audience of 5,000 to its feet saying: ‘1 will do everything, God willing, to find an honorable way, to find an honorable peace, to end this war and get on with the unfinished business of America.” SIMILAR RESPONSE A day earlier he had gotten a similar response—prolonged applause from people on their feet —with a similar statement in Sioux Frila, S.D. And earlier- Friday, speaking from the steps of Abraham Lip-coin’s old home in Springfield, 111., he sprite of the works of the Great Emancipator and said “We must be emancipated.” Rather pointedly, many observers flit, he went on to speak of emancipation from “policies of the past If they are wrong.” Humphrey, who had said earlier in the week that Nixon is a bigger Vietnam hawk than any- Sunday Only Lenticular cloth sdreen with black finish gives a clear, sharp view. Excellent reflective quality. standpoint—of “trickle Rom” Nixon or “percolate up Hubert." The vice president also predicted be would ciqep up on his GOP opponent, causing him to look-over his shoulder. “When he does,” said Humphrey, “he may trip himself up a little bit, If you know what I mean.” Declaring that Nixon evades major issues, be said: “I’m gripg to send him talcum powder. He must have travel sores from straddling' All those GARBAGE CAN TOTE CART Choice of Pattern^ SEAT, BACK CHAIR KIT Our Reg. 4.57 Each RIKI, CARPET Ml FURNHURE CLEANING - In Your Home or in Our Modem Plant. Complete Service*- Domestic and Oriental Phone: FE 2*7132 NEWWAY/aSJ^r 40 Yean Serving Pontiac 42 W1SNEB STREET, FOOTUC’ ADULT SLEEPING BAG OurR.g.11.97 ■)§ Sunday Only JrO m m Heavy duty hal contains 4 lb* acrylic fllL With Easy-to-install, high-back seat and back replacement.kit in your choice of attractive pat* terns. Hardware included. Just say “Charge It’ GLENWOOD PLAZA- NORTH PERRY AT GLENWOOD THE PONTIAC PRESS H West Huron Stoeet Pontiac, Michigan 48056 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1968 * The POWER of FAITH By WOOD! fSHMAR Saiim of tit* Bo*rd FruUUnt and PublUber Register to Vote Before October 4 One of the really depressing facets of our society is that toliffcfepjrie are registered to vote and not all of those who are, actUsflDy go out and exercise that most precious privilege on election day. With that in mind, we offer this word of advice to all dozens of voting age who are not registered: The deadline for voter registration at year city, vUage or township clerk’s office ts Friday, Oct. 4. Get out and "get registered NOW* * * ' jr-irv ff you hkre neither registered nor voted in any election in, the past two years, yoU are no ltoiger a registered voter and must reregister. If you have moved from ogie voting precinct to another, you must have your registration trenferred to the precindl Where you currently reside. That means notifying the clerk’s office,; of your move, ~ ' J- The second step, obviously, is to; be suftTAnd get put and cast votes for your choices in the November election. ★ Ar Both the Democratic aiiti Republican parties are currently engaged in campaigns urging people to register before the Oct, 4 deadline. There is certainly much need for such endeavors in Oakland County. A recent survey showed that while the County’s population has increased about 175,000 in the last eight years, the number of registered voters has gone up a mere 250. r Right now there are about 356,000 registered- voters in Oakland. That only represents 68 per cent of the County’s potential voters. ★ ★ • ir.\ > Let’s bring thatfUp to> 100 per cent. Get out and register before ' Oct. 4. Fund, Local Agencies Join Hands for Self-Help Not enough is heard of local efforts to improve our cities through community action suck 88 the Community ImprovemeMProgram sponsored by the Searejftdtfmdc Foundation in cooperation jfttb the General Federation o£ Women’s Clubs. This effort was iiteugurtted nationwide in 1955 for th* purpose of encouraging self-help activities to build better communities.' Under lift program, the attention of wom«n'S| dubs has been directed to analysing tore* needs and wording to fill J&DS* need*. Two-year projects undertaken fy women’s dubs'. are entoreft Instate competition, and firet-plare Winners in each state are then mon'Wn the national level, the winders receiving cash- prises of up to %? v* ,vv: Nearly 12,000 women’s clubs participated la the IMWfRw gram. The notional winner in the period justconcluded organised an anti-crime crusade in the Indianapolis area, enlisting 50,000 women to work on reducing the rityfs crime rate/ The Community Improvement Program has- been enlarged. New emphasis will be placed on devetop-ing projects by women's clubs in metropolitanycenters. Incentive grants now amount to more than $100,006 add. in addition, over $120,000 is .allocated to education, ipcl|4ding regional seminars, communications and other /program expense. ■ xv‘ 4 Nothing .could be more significant 'than such. a development to bring vitality, pride and a determination to help themselves into the lives and actions of people living- in urban aregs and in the smaller towns and cities across the Country. T ■, All community problems can-i not be turned over to the Federal government which lacks the expertise to solve them. The strength of our Nation depends upon the self-reliance and responsible actions'of our people. Seniority System Prevails in By EVERETT DIRKSEN While the campaign for the Presidency is gaining great momentum toward the Nov. S d i m a x, we come of those contests affect U>e seniority of members in the next Congress? There are at this date six dropouts from the Senate — Senators Hickenlooper, Kuch-el, Carbon and Morton, who am Republicans, and Senators mi, Gniening and Smathers, who are Democrats. The Republican chances are stiff in Iowa, good In Connecticut and Alaska, and pretty aura in Pennsylvania and Indiana. The Republicans could pick i* as many aa a doaen awfe In tbe Senate thb elactian. * ' ★ * If the ratio of party members in tea Senate is changed, for example, W St Democrats ad d1 Republicans, Oie ratio >f —din ship »« <[|1 111111 mittoee would be changed to there would to quite a few , vacaadaraMbe committee s that would ha filled by new _^Jhedy one term, qg of whom would he pushing ».v up to ofaraw m their «e#Jl Wfe been vacated, and first Choice goes to the member with the longest service. It’s aimpiy a ■custom, not a rule. This same seniority comes into platen committee memberships. Assignments ore made by * committee— one for each side of the center aisle—known as the Committee on Committees. All mem-tapt, at the beginning of a new Congress, can express their preferences for the standing, special, select and joint committees. Seniority is respected and does prevail. h ♦ i It has been argued that this custom is unfair to new mem-bers because it ignores the special skills, talents.’and backgrounds they bring to the Capitol. There is doubtless some validity to that contention, but it should be pointed out that the service already, rendered by a veteran incumbent member of a committee has developed in him * great knowledge and background in the Odd over which tee committee has jurisdiction. There have bean occasions during an election campaign in a particular state when tee question of whether or not the minority party would make.: .provision for membership op good committees became a leading issue. The voters were assured tee candidate wquM certainly tote good committees that would ha in fine with the dominant interests in teat, state.' V. ■_ - A"v Criticism aimed at the rules and custoate of tee Congress pre especially hard on the seniority rule as it applies to the chairmanships of Committees. The &bafor who be* . Father Ajbeft,J,MeKnlght, a Holy Ghost Father, has spearheaded his own war on iBretty among hundreds of poor Negro farmers in Louisiana. He has worked with them for 14 years and has helped develop The Southern Consumers Co-operative among the farmers to give them strength in producing and marketing their products. A few years ago the Sweet Potato Fanners CoOp was organized, bringing to-’ gather some 500 Negro formers who pooled resources to buy seed, fertilizer and equipment The Co-Op’s yearly sales in sweet potatoes amount to about $250,000. In four years Father McKnigbt’s' bakery Co-Op has become an outstanding success and the pride of many low-income peep* growers on the Bayou. With the help of Tuskegee (Ala.) Institute home economist Edward' W. Ramsey, a fruit cake recipe was developed using the pecans and fruits of the Area. The cake, named "Acadian Delight,” has been called "one of tee nation’s finest gourmet fruit cakes.” Last year the bakery ^produced 20,600 such cakes with distribution as far away as California. Much of the business te’mail order And fit (greatest at Christmas time. ' Father McKnight says the Southern Consumers Co-operative is waging an effective War on poverty by, incorporating two major tools—economic motivation and teamwork, or collective responsibility. •• He adds, "As a priest, I see no conflict between economic rather than spiritual priority in tbe Southern Consumers’ programs to help the poor. Naturally I am concerned with the spiritual needs of the peons, tot I cannot be indifferent to!J“| _■ jaS • coma true.’ tmumu mwi wic opuwwsu uvvuo v* m*v ww* * vhhmv* w ■ '■ comic fulfillment of the people's aspirations . .. this is a story of hopp™ OT Confident Living: Almost Anything Can Be Done mlttee—and this applies to , r. - both parties — reached that pinnacle by serving m the committee y*ar after year and session After session and thereby actfeyed seniority. His elevation to the chairmanship was a&ttelly automatic. During his service overthe many years he developed knowledge and background on the many things that come within the jurisdiction of the committee — familiarity with government departments and agencies and personnel who come within tee scope of the committee’s work. Above all, he Is familiar with legislation handled by to# t pnmmttt<»* in all the years that have gone by. This matter of knowledge is quite Important. - ★ * ♦ A • If the seniority practice were .abandoned, what would bp tee alternative? Selection of committee chairmen would be left to the entire Senate. That would be an impossible task. Selection could be left to the Committee on Committees, but the ambitious members who might want a chairmanship would launch a campaign among the members who do the selecting. That could have some, awkward consequences. The same would be true if it were . toft to members of each committee to select the chairman. In MM, a Joint Committee of the House and 'Senate on tee Reorganization of the Legislative Branch of Govern-'' ment wr.es tie d with ’ this problem and after touch consideration concluded that the sentority/system is as good as or totin’ than any alterative proposal that has been mode, and it therefore' made no recommendation for change. Seniority still prevails. r iHk. By NORMAN VINCENT PE ALE Here is yet another; instance Of something that allegedly could not be done, but was. Glancing through a stack of i literature that bad accumulated on my desk, I came aeroas a -print-ed speech distributed by tee Newcomen Society in Norte America. It was in honor of Hon. Prentiss M. Brown.; former U.S. DR. PEALE Senator from Michigan. The reason for this tribute: Mr. Brown played the key: role, it seems, in bribing ,to pass.the building a project that had been blocked for more than half a century because . so many people were so sure it was impossible. ★ * ’* As early as the 1880s forward-looking Michigan business people started saying there should be a bridge Across the Straits. Tito rail-roads already had branch lines running east through Michigan’s Upper Peninsula to St. Ignace on the north shore of the Straits and running north from Detroit to 1 Mackinaw City on the south shore. Before long there was also,. ferry service carrying passengers and goods back and forte across the five miles of water separating the two rail* ' Verbal Orchids - Mrs. Margaret Hoffmaa trf Birmingham; 88th birthday. Mrs. Mary Jadnea of 40 Mechanic; 98th birthday. Mrs. LeRay Smith of 532 Orchard Lake AVe.; ’ 99th birthday. A. W. DicUason of 900 Lake Adgelus Shores; 88th birthday. Mrs. Ethel TtoriT: r of Davisburg; 94th birthday. Mrs* Anna Newberry . I' of 89 Poplar; Mth birthday. heads. In winter, however, when the Straits wers ice-bound, nothing ihoved across except sometimes the mail. This situation was a hindrance to economic development, especially ’ in the Upper Peninsula. ' '■ i ■ * *- »■' -Various groups kept trying to promote the idea of a bridge, but again and again they were met with tee assertion, "It’s impossible.” ft was impossible, said the wiseacres, because you could never build a bridge that would stand up against the high-velocity winds that go roaring through the Straits. It was impoftdble, they said, because the terrific winter ice pressure would crack and undermine, the piers and foundations. It Was impossible, others Maintained, because there was evidence that the bottom tinder tee Straits consisted of shale, top weak to support the weight of bridge foundations 4utd—extending—many feet down before you would come to bedrock. -■For decades these, oh* jections prevented any progress toward a bridge. That shortly after World WarH ex* Senator Prentiss Brown got behind the idea. He arranged for scientific investigation of the alleged obstacles. * Research disclosed teat tee highest wind velocity ever iMoqctMg 'totite Straits was 71 miles per Jmur during a November storm in 1940. Civil engineers^afffrmed there was 'ho' reason why the con-templated bridge could not to designed to vrttNMiM two and a half times tluffjilnd velocity* _ 2L Jt yS!’ ' ' CMm * l> *34.00 ■ y*«r; ,U,-«taMl»aiHiM|a«Ml •* «ihw *Iwm I U *M IMMImOm *1* 00 • r*«. . M M* MkwMteW IWT^ll* In od-i »—»«■ *»!■»» *— *— |m «< *» J w The question of ice pressure was hxriced into, s the engineers readily came up with specifications for piers and foundatidto. capable of withstanding pva times the greatest ice pressure ever encountered anywhere on earth! ) ‘ V- j- Exhaustive teste: f-shoWod teat tee :redk beneath tee Straits could toipport more than 60 tons of load per square foot Calculations indicated teat .tee foundations could be so designed as to beep the loading pressure safely under 15 tons per square foot. \! . * . * avif Once ttof* findings had disposed of tea Aid tojfctitoiti ' plans fop the long-desired bridge .adopfodi Then, juidaii constructibn was about tn‘ start, A'tgii4(e at Tacoma, Wash., s udde n1 y coUapsed/Jrten the force- of wind presmte in the gorge beneath pushing up against the under aids of tee span. What if the same kind of upward pressure should -develop in tew Mackinac Straits? That one got answered very promptly. The Michigan engineers simply tpok the Tacoma catastrophe as a lesson to the importance of installing gratings to bridge roadways to provide an outfot for upthrust wind. They Incorporated this feature to the plans. So at long last the dreamed-of bHdge across the Madkinac Straits became a reality —v five miles long and rising 552 feet above the water. It was opened to traffic to November 1967. f ' • * * * “Given will ptsrar enough and brains enough and fAfih enough,” said the project engineer, "almost anything can to done.” Harry Emeroon Fosdick a few years beck observed, "The world is moving so fast these days that tee man who says it can’t to dona is pensrally interrupted by someone doing it.” Voice of the People: ‘Replace Foreign Aid v With Defense Spending’ / 6lir jfitercontinentAl jbdmber, nuclear Rrmed, m the one war deterrent Russia fears. Hoping to ease tension, we have not built an intercontinental bomber since mid-1962. Our B-70 intercontinental bomber, almost completed, was abandoned. Our air-to-surface missile program and desperately-needed defense projects were cancelled. Meantime, the Soviets have been making amazing progress and are a dangerous challenge. Canada reported a flight of seven Russian Bear strategic bombers within 50 miles of Newfoundland. The Baltimore Sun has reported three dozen such flights this year; more than 85 Red bombers were involved. ★ 1 ★ Hie most dangerous threat to tile United States is posed by the growing Soviet strategic nuclear forces. Yet the Department of Defense has ignored recommendation for air-to-surface and submarine-launched missiles and advanced bombers. First spending priority must support'measures to insure our survival. With our unmatched industrial genius, we must create overwhelmingly ■ superior strategic air and space striking power, ■ . f.S ' It would be fatal to ignore the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Ror foreign aid in fiscal ’69, the President is asking for $11 billion. Not one penny should be appropriated. If we and the free world are to survive, United" States Defense must replace foreign - aid. . ____ / 8 a. the Taxpayers committee TO END FOREIGN AID WASHINGTON, D.C. Two Agree With Actions of Chicago Police , I feel tee Chicago police were justified to their actions. The marchers who got hit by blackjacks and were arrested were people who deserved it. When a person has enough gall to disobey in order or regulation, he must feci the patosh-ment. The American youth will someday be our leaders, but actions like these sometimes make me wonder what our country will be like then. COLLEGE STUDENT MIKE KELLER I twnk tee police were right to try to stop certain groups who started trouble to Chicago. What’s tee use of taxpayers paying a lot of money if tee police can’t do their job? If a policeman looks at a person cross-eyed, he starts yelling “police brutality.” Something had better be done and fast. ARTIE LOUISE BETTERS WATERFORD TOWNSHIP HIGH STUDENT Several Letters Discuss Welfare Programs In many families the income is supplemented by the mother working full-time or part-time to order to offer the ■ children advantages they would not normally have. Why teen tiq;jnothers on ADC feet they should be able to lounge around Ato have someone eti# offer these advantages to their chil-dren? Whera are thesechildren while tee mothers are protesting? If tbty era am*te for the children to be taken care of Airing this time, why can't they be taken care of while tbe mothers work? Why should the public support a woman’s family simply because she no longer cikes to live with her husband? This aid should be reserved for widows with families to support. Agencies who band out aid so freely are producing a group of people with no pride, no ambition and low morals. Let’s put the responsibility of supporting children back on the parents where it belongs. MRS. DOUGLAS TILLERY 245 W. CHICAGO I am another mother who resents welfare recipients demanding my money to dress their children. I believe people who support this County should say how it is run, not the people who live Off. ft Changes must be made and we must organize to make them. As taxpayers we must let pur voices be heard----- -..........j--------, MRS- CATHERINE LAVEjDE * 518 EAST BLVD. N Whose welfare is our welfare department working for? Each payday when I see what is taken from my check for state tax, city tax, income tax, etc., I wonder where my money is really going. When I find myself in a bit of financial trouble and need a temporary helping band from the welfare department, I find I have to wade through miles of red tape before anything is done. In tee meantime, I must, go to work without lunch, and my family without a few meals. la fi any wonder I am reluctant to work for an honest living ami have respect for law and order? If it weren’t for everybody paying taxes, you wouldn’t have a job with the welfare departeMt. I pay texts and live like everybody else. MR. AND MRS. ELMER G. BINGA 16S PERKINS' it stems that if ADC mothers would apply their time and energy to finding jobs and baby sitters, they wouldn’t find it necessary to protest for more of the taxpayers’ money to eutoort tertr 1 wonder bow many of them can fruits and vegetables or sew dotting for their children. How can they have the gall to expect tbe government to support toefo?. ; ; - . ■ 'v vL',-■ -*-a*-**=- MRS. RICHARD BOOMS 35M CROOKS, ROCHESTER ■ Stale Worker Recalls More Payless Paydays Regarding payless pay days for the State of Michigan, there were otters than the one you mentioned to May, 1959. I was working for the munificent sum of |l,20(f to the Secretary of State’s office fe Lansing,to 1935-1935. During tbe summer following tbe bank holnay we received our two weeks checks only once a month and were never reimbursed for the subsequent less. One-Erne State Worker Question and Answer When did flrisHaus begin otoerviug Sunday a REPLY ' ' As with all religious questions, you can 'probably get an argument on any answer. However, a safe estimate would be within the first century after the death of Christ. It was a gradual development, with tome Christians observing it \ and others not. > At first Jewish converts observed . bate Monday and is expected to be passed wttfon two days. The committee trimmed an-other $353 million from the Hpuae$assad defense measure of $2.2 billion. A Senate-House conference eventually will try to Iron oio die differences. nsBya*ed $7 billion in the de-fense budget for the fiscal year that began July 1. The heavy cuts, made meetly in the House, represented' the first time in recent ymoe lhat the military budget has been, 2 State Youths Meld in Georgia Slaying I STATESBORO, Ga. (UPI) 4 Two Michigan youths were bound over to a grand jury Friday on charges they murdered a 77-year-old retired merchant seaman from New York who gave them a ride. T The Bullouch County sheriff’s office identified the two youths as Daniel Paul Karkin, 20, and Mark Alan Aim, », both,, of Saginaw, Mich. I ** 4* The two were taken Into custody Tuesday while driving through Statesboro in a cm owned by the dead man, Frank Lindstrom of Red Hook, NT., police Said. Lindstrom’s body was believed to have been carried several ’miles staffed in the trunk of his mssz SPECIALS the body was discovered in a plum orchard. SAVE DETROIT (AP)—Ibe Justice Department Friday filed a lawsuit accusing Parke, Devis & Co., a major pharmaceutical firm, of. against Negroes in Its employment at HpjteBt$1n Detroit and AmrArbor. The civil suit filed in U. 8. District Court ft Detroit, accuses Parke, Davis of violating the equal employment opportunities section of the llCii Civil Rights Act. ' A .fttai Of 3,000 employes In Detroit, Parke, Davis has only ISO Negroes, the suit said. It said about eight Negroes are employed among 170 in Ann Arbor 30 miles west of Detroit The suit ask* that the court forbid Parke, Davis to continue any of tbe alleged discriminatory practices. It seeks an order requiring tbe drug maker to recruit lad hire Negroes on the SAVE Men's wool worsted perm, create slocks, 13.00 to 16.00 value Men's 11.99-14.99 imported oil wool deluxe sweaters Rugged masculine fashion In pure wool worsted with permanent crease for d smooth, neat look for life! Famous fabrics from Millikan, Hockanum, Ste- « vans and imported woolens in flannels, twists, twills, a? hopsack and others. Ivy or Continental styles with french fly, non-slip Talon* zipper, Bon-Rol* waistband and neatly cuffedL Black, navy, beige, olive; brawn in men's sizes 30 to 42. Quality imported all wool sweaters with the sophisticated cosmopolitan look of Men's sizes S-M-L-XL in the group. KOIKE TO TAXPAYERS Regular 3.99 flannel-lined Beys12.99 rayon flannel or cotton corduroy shirts Jloowfll BE^ADDiD TO Swt^watSf^rs uni ONTHI RICOiDi. this AMOUNT IS ADDED ACG6rDING TO TUP PROVtStONS OF SctiONIII!59CoSmUDuRToF cSS^THE TAXIS AND DISCRIP- Sl^KT TO SAU AT THE NtXT MAt tAX SAU. IMMEDIATE PAYMENT WELl 4iw AMD KflEP YOUR PROPERTY FROM ANlMmli ffl me JuK,co?tor\u»»io«fowaw> at tax'SSL JAMES E smWN Fashion's fire never bufned brighter than in this sleek silhouetted royal blue silk velvet chosen by Mrs. Alger V. Conner\of Kellen Lane, Bloomfield Township, for the Pontiac Area Vnited Fund Volunteer Ball in Holiday Inn, Qct. 15. Illuniinated with daisy-effected\ prisms and petal shaped rhinestones, Mrs. Conner, whose husband is this, year’s campaign chairman, presents a look of sophisticated elegance. Frothy white organdy ruffles edge the neck- A bit of glamour is added with touches of jewelry line and cuffs of a blue silk taffeta mini cocktail for Mrs. Boole, whose husband is president of the dress for Mrs. Frederick J. Poole of Heitsch Street. PAVF board of trustees. Night to Sparkle as Milady Sets Fashion Pace another “first" for the Patiac Aree en ■ utvt8ton> coa“ me Oala event wtth this musty platinum en- United Fund. Ball gowns and mini 5em&k- The matching sheath and rhinestone cuffed full-length coat cocktail ensembles will glitter on Oct. Ur are done in luxurious brocade. Her dancing slippers carry out the as the PAUF Ball scatters its gaiety note of silver along with the dainty evening bag. through the evening air. The scene takes place at Holiday Inn with McCullough Realty, Inc. sponsoring I*"1’..... '■' """".........................1 1 1 ..... 1 -............. this gala far volunteers. Highlight of the evening will be a film presentation of ,l» W-'i - “The Day Love Died,” filmed on the I 4 / f rJ Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. i % * \ It I § w a | » From recent reports, there will be a fairly even distribution between floor length gowns and the dressy shorter versions so popular In fids area nowadays., In the spirit of friendly feminine competition, area lovlies will vie for attention in spectacular ensembles rangtag from couture designs to the self-made. Colors and fabrics run the gamut as does the styling. The Kickoff Ball heralds the opening of. this year’s campaign in which the goal is set at $1,190,000. CHAIRMAN Mrs. Richard Veazey, PAVF special events dutonan, . reports that response to the bali has bed} tremendous. In addition, Mrs. Alger Conner, wife of fids year’s general chairman, comments that everyone is optimistic and enthusiastic' with a positive outlook for reaching die. SATURDAY, ifEPTEMBER 21, 1968 Garden Clubs Set Joint Sessions H Mrs! Ted McCullough Jr. of I Stephanie Court, West Bloom- H | field township, untt wear black . lake aver taffeta. Sparkling drop Clever Mrs. v. Richard Veazey, Special Events chairman, will earrings, along with the lace have a look all her owtim the ball in this almost finishedblack satin niching defining the hemline, sheath. Black was a splendid choice for Mary whose blonde tresses add (a iouch of drama to the un-triU be highlighted by the simplicity of hqr ensemble. The Veazeys demoted sleeveless took of her lies on Midpme Road, West Bloomfield Township. dress. . The first meeting of the hew season for the Orchard Lake Flower and Garden dub and the Bloomfield Welcome Wagon Garden dub will be held jointly Sept. 2$ at 12:30 p.m. at the Birmingham Federal Savings and Loan on West Maple Road at Lahser Road. Mrs. Fred Trickey, president of the Orcbud Lake group, will.present a program entitled “Design With Garden Flowers” end will make several arrangements. Mrs. Trickey is an ac-credioted judge and well known exhibitor in this area. Seven members of the Orchard dub served as hostesses at the exhibition of table settings and flower arrangements presented by District One of The Federated Garden dubs of Michigan at the Washington Boulevard store of Charles W. Warren and Company in rw~».u ... ’T. ..... lady' Goes Only Whe —ThisDay B Hostesses Describe Visit Miss Humphries Wed Mr. and Mrs. Stomas Humphries an- “**■ « Bounce the recent marriage of their Hoitosam fir the daughter, Linda, to Thomas Swett. Ha be MrTcharie.Jaffa m Ja the joo of Mr. «n(LMn, S^oley Swett FoUoclc ”*• It nl SMnmM. Tot. TJ-J™ ti._ “ommWUlMlB. With Foreign Delegates Members at Sylvan Lake branch,Woman’s National Farm and Garden Association, who entertained Countrywomen of the World recently, described their experience and spoke of the customs of their visitors’ countries at the Thursday tenting of the group. Mrs. Glenn Bedell talked about the uses to which the “FROntes for Friendship” fund is put, both here and abroad. of Seymour Lake Road, BTanddn Township. The newlyweds, who wen attended by Susan Humphries, Judy Sutton and Jamas Burr, spoke vows at the Sylvan Lake bom* of the bride's parents. Following a reception at the CAI building thay departed for a Niagara Falls honeymoon. They an now’reaMBhg in East Lansing where both an students at Michigan State UnivenRy. My mother did this several times, but now she says getting rid of Betty is MY problem, and she refusal to lie for me anymore. How can I end this friendship, without hurting Betty? SOFT DEAR SOFT: Answer the telephone and tell Betty you are too busy to tiUk to her mon than a few minutes. And when she suggests getting , togriher, be .unavailable. I can’t guarantee that you won’t “hurt” Betty in the beginning, hut I promise, you’ll be rid of her In the end. By ABIGAIL VAN BOREN DEAR ABBY: After being a widow for four years, I. married George, a divorced man whose daughter is getting married to Syracuse and she’s started to use verf vulgar language. She kept wanting to get to* gether, but I always made tty excuses. Finally Betty suggested she pick me up (she drives) and we go to visit a for* mer teacher who is ailing, I agreed, sis I liked this teacher. When 1 saw how hard and cheap Betty looked, I was shocked. Now I know I don’t want to associate with her anymore, sb when she calls, I ask my mother to say I’m ouf. Thanks' Always in Order for a Compliment By ELIZABETH L. POST . Dear Mrs. Post: In a group of friends, someone complimented bm on tity 17-year-old daughter’s poise. I said, “thank you*” Someone else then commented that when 1 compliment is paid Wl your child Cultural Calendar DETROIT (AP) - Here is a list of major cultural events In Michigan for fodpy’through Friday, DETROIT - Donald Morris Gallery: Group Show; Arp, Avery, Calder. DeKooning, Frank, Gross, Johnson, Lagsr, Marsh, Noguchi, Utte MM* TXTlfl______ ^ . DETROIT — Institute of Artel Household. Arts of the Classical World, Syruitfwn, Greek and Roman glass, metal work and pottery used in everyday life from vn-Ceatury B.c. to IV Century AJD, Through Oct 18. Hour*: Tim., 9:30 «.m.-g:90 p.m. Wed.-Sun., 9:30 a.m.-5:90 p,m. DETROIT - J. L. Hudson Gallery: Kinetic Light} LeParc, Jonas, Ptyatnik, Reiback, Boto, Mack, Piene, Takis, Vardanego and Tsai. Through Sept. 30. Itours: The!;, Thun., Sat., 9:IS a.m.-5:30 p.m.; Mon. and Wad. 9:15 a m.-8:30 p.m. DETROIT — "Gerfrude Kasle Gallery: Edward Giobbi, drawings, paintings and watercotyrs. Through Oct. 3. worn: Mon.-Sat., 11 e.ty.-I p.m. suppose that ha’s afraid if I go to the wedding IT find out something he does not want me to know? He says, “I can’t why you. would even, want to bf then with my former In-laws and ex-wife present” Please advise me a* I am very unhappy ever fids, and am considering 'leaving him. I i > LEFT OUT LADY DEAR LEFT OUT: A "lady” goes only where she is invited. The day belongs to George’s danghter, and if she had wanted you at bar wedding, she’d have Invited you. George should go ' menttoyou. '* *„. * Dear Mrs. Post: In recent weeks, R 1 ' -Jje* become necessity. for me to stay b - is^vils IP late at the office one night a week to do Post-Christmas vows are special wwfc My bon aba stays and planned py Peggy Jane Wolfe ne talma me to dinner and drives ana and Jmu W.Kerr. Their parents H *• married and has children are Mr. and Mrs. HdnrJ C. Wolfe JE ^g^nd.obJectn on foe grounds ;&?***+""**£ The bride OUOti a member Djf Chi Deer Rosalie: K year own and your ;0miga^$orontyi-issenior at employer’s attitude is strictly imper-Wmerh Michigan Vnto&sity, ***1’ * he/chvkua to those vfoo her fiance’s alma mater, ^Do^nKtS^^JS With .Siymp^ er the attuation may ja*’ DEAR ABBY:, I am 16 told have, known Betty since IlidtejiartMi. She is A fluffy feather boa pnhances this black chiffon sheath for Mrs. Ufmmnen Road who is Division this year. , THS PONTIAC PRESS. SATCBPAY, SEPTEMBER 2l, 1968 Banquet Relives Pc# Events ®usine88 bgtonipg *t 6:90 p.tn. to the Members even wrote sent Girls (MT Aseocstotioo meets for Oarkston GetfOub. letters. < j - its end-ofj- the-season banquet , Q°lfen?faced with today1* to 1936, the closing dinne Saturday evening, it will mark frf lo“* for “tbe good held at Rotunda ton; cost i the 40th anniversary for the ^.B<,^nniJen league ****• meal cents. By 1 WWMC»Md>Ul.lSltoM4, BW.d-M-ta.ito. tTSSJoSaa, Community House, the eotme is cooirdlhated by James Freer, associate professor et Psychology, University of Detroit. ; | JWbW' For registration er . to-formation, contact the COC Community Services Division . IStarker) organized a group of business women who tiled to | play or wanted to learn bow to itorny gott. ■: Within a few years, member? ship reached ISO and leaguerplay at the Pontiac Municipal Golf Course was scheduled.twice'a week. This course was home for BGGA for 30 years, ACTIVITIES During the early years, winter meetings were bingo and loard parties and style shows. Whitney Bloomfield iSfaumery School Enroll your OPEN SUNDAY 2 to 5 PM HOtes.- » osar- - 'j1?-'.'®® Mrs. Claudine Whitney ' Director Pontiac lYaU & Arflao Dr. Orchard take 682-0110 medalist who will foguis attention on Skills essential in making parties fun for the guests and hostess. , Fee is $10 and the session is coordinated by interior designer Dorothy Thomson. You and Your Personality will be conducted fljve consecutive CHEROKEE HILLS-TRI-LEVEL 3-badroom brick and aluminum home in excellent condition, approximatoly 5 years old. Living room, dining roam, family room with fireplace, modem kitchen, 1 Vt baths, jpf heat. 2?■*■■ * 1 Rabbi Minkowich ’win abo lead the services .at t a.m. and 7 p.m. Monday; and at 8 a.m. on Tuesday. * I:' • , 1 « '■ ★ '/ - Sermon topics will be ^‘Faith—the Basic Concept in life" and “Kiddush — The Sanctification of the Name of God.” . TEMPLE BETH JACOB Services at Temple Befit Jacob, 79 Elizabefit Lake will begin at 8:30 pin. Stall#: Rabbi Philip Berkowitz will preach and Jacob A. Meyer will blow the Shofar. ★ p ★ m| ||pj mM Rosh Hashanah service will be held at 10 a.m. Monday and a service for children oil file Religious School hi scheduled for 2 p.m. on the same dayr NEW TEMPLE The High Holy Day schedule for the New Tfemple will be held in the Birmingham Unitarian Church, Woodward at Lone Pine, Bloomfield Hills beginning at 8:30 Sunday evening. Service is set for 10 a.m. Monday at the Unitarian Church. A service for the children of the ReUgtyui School will be 2 p.m. '. v ■ * ★ ■. W ■ The worship known as Shab-bat Shuvah is scheduled for 8:30 p.m. Friday. • j i Rabbi Ernst ?J. Conrad, spiritual leader of’ the congregation, will conduct die worship services. Jewp throughout the worldjtbe Jewish New Year. Jewbhfjudgment for all manldnd, asjCWJGREGATIQN B’NAI will celebrate Bosh Hashanah tradition ascribmto this boUdhylthls is believed to be the very ISRAEL for two days’ beginning at sun-a universal significance. It isjday when God created yo7A>Aga» j Morning Worship 11 AJM. Evening Service 7 P.M. The Christian Faith' Is Very Personal. You Decide For Yourself. No One Can Force You To— BREAD FOR SMORGASBORD - Mrs. Darrell Stewart. o{ 1848 June, Avon Township, bakes bread for the smorgasbord set for Sept. 25 at the Apostolic Church of Ovist, 1410 University. Mrs. Stewart lets her son, Darren, sample the bread. The smorgasbord dinner will be served from 5 to 7 p.m. Tickets for adults are $1.25 and 75 cents for children. Pastor William D. Parent will show slides of South America, British Columbia and the Western States. Church of Christ 87 Lafayette St. • SERVICES: Lord's Day, 10:30 A.M. and 7 P.M. Wad. 7t00 P.M. 482-6042 "Unhe Bible Spsak- Dominican Sisters Hold Fall Festival A Fall Festival of fun and fency is in die offing near Oxford. The Dominican Sisters announce the festival will be held on Sunday from noon until 8 p.m. at 775 W. Drahner Road, Oxford. There will be ample n on the spacious Mother-house grounds approximately one mile west of M-24. THE SALVATION ARMY CITADEL 29 W. LAWRENCE SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 A.M. Toon Ago Fellowship Hour As Announced MORNING WORSHIP 11:15 A.M. EVANGELICAL MEETING 7 P.M. TUESDAY PRAYER AND PRAISE MEETING 7 P.M. ■ Brigadier and Mrs. John Grindle, Commanding Officers Hood Munir — Sinning — Preaching You Are Invited —FIRSTCHURCH OFTHEBREIHRBI 46 Roselawn Dr.; North, of East Pike Sunday School 10 AJM. - HAROLD LEID, SUfT. Morning Worship 11 A.M. - Evening Service 7 P.M. Rrv. Hobrrl I). Hoovmr- ■ , 332-2412 Through the united efforts of the parishes where the Dominican Sisters of Oxford are teaching, and under the chalrman-. of John J. Martin and co-chairmen Peter L. Buback and John Baiun, the festival grounds will be filled with a variety of fun activities, dr Special attractions will include carnival rides by the Glen, Wade Shows, horse and fire engine rides by John Ivory, and a whole midway of booths and games galore. The highlight of the day will be the raffling of a Chrysler, Plymouth, and eight various U.S. Savings Bonds. * * dr Proceeds will be given to the Dominican Sisters of Oxford to the expenses of the Faith Xaptfst Cburcb 3411 Airport Road Service?.. Sunday School.., 10 A*M. Worship Sorvico... 11A.M. Evonirig Sorvico . 7:00 P.M. Wednesday , .. . . . 7 P.M. Deaf Always Wolcomo ' LARRY H. MALONE community’s latest adventures, the building of a residence hall for DeLima Junior College, and a new Motherhouse building for the Sisters. Some men see things as they are and say why, .I dream things that never were and say why not.—Robert F. Kennedy. WATERFORD CUMMUN1Y CHURCH AlrpOtt Pood — Olympic Parkway Robert D. Winn4, Pastor Ken Orr, Youth Director Are you looking for a goad .fundamental, friendly Biblo-proaching Church? Como and worship with us tfos Suridayl • Sunday School..... • Worship Sorvico.... o Youth Groups....... . G Evening Sorvico . . . 9:45 A.M. ; litOOAAfc 6:00 P.M. 7:00 P M. The rapture of the church'and the Second 1 Coming of Christ. Coming-'Fail Evangelistic Moedjtag*- " ~ Sept. 30 through Oct. 6 Rev. Sid Robinson-former Professional Race Car Driver. FIRST SOCIAL BRETHRENOfURCH 316 Baldwin-FE 4-7631 Sunday School—10:00 A.M. Sunday Worship-11 iOO A.M. Evening Worship - 7:30 PM. Wednesday Prayer—7:00 P.M. SeMdUy Evening Bible Study--7:30 PM. Rev. Harry Carr, Pastor FI 34017'1 Noted Evangelist in Detroit First Baptist Church Walnut at Fourth Rochester SERVICES FOR YOU: Sunday 10:00 AM Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Worship 5:45 P.M. Youth Groups 7:00 P.M. Worship Wednesday 7:30 P.M. Prayer Meeting Nursery Provided In Fellowship With GARBC M. Donald Cunroy, Pastor SUNNYVALE CHAPEL WELCOMES YOU 9:45 11:00 6:00 7:00 America Needs to Pray Today ’The Greatest need o f America today is a spiritual awakening, a getting back Id God” said Dr. Billy Granbam, top evangelist of the century, as he spoke to more than 1,200 members and guests of the Economic Club of Detroit at the noon luncheon Tuesday 1 n Masonic Temple, Detroit. ■k it k Walter L. Cisler, chairman of the board of Detroit Edison Co., introduced the Very Rev. Malcolm Carron, president of the University of Detroit, who presided. Laughingly Father Carron said it was a little unusual for a Catholic priest to introduce a Baptist minister in a Masonic auditorium. REPENT, FORGIVE As Dr. Graham dines with kings, queens or heads of state, ana preaches to thousands in huge auditoriums around the world, his Message is always the same — “Repend, Forgive and Love God,” the university president stated. Father Carron introduced Dr. Graham saying “With personal pride I present today’s speaker, a great and good man, Dr. Billy Graham.” Evangelist Grfihara" who REV. DR. BILLY GRAHAM preaches to millions through crusades, television, radio and the printed word, spoke of the political conventions. He quoted the late President John F. Kennedy concerning the presidency — “No man entering upon this office can fail to be staggered, by the enormity of the trials through which we must pass in the next four years, and time is not on our side.” 1 r In speaking of student rioting and discontent in colleges he repeated remarks by J. Edgar Hoover who said “The plan of the new left is to smash first our educational system, economic system and finally our government itself. “It is vitally Important to recognize that these militant extremists are not simply faddists or college kids at play, their cries for revolution and their advocacy of guerrilla warfare evolves out of pathological hatred for our way of life and a determination to destroy It.” WWW “I believe In dissent but what we are witnessing is not dissent. It is anarchy and revolution.” People want to hear about God. After our last crusade we received one million letters from persons pouring out their hearts, and troubles to us.” In closing Dr. Graham said early leaders of our country who helped make America great were praying men. He reminded guests that Washington knelt and prayed tor help in the battle of Valley Forge; that Lincoln prayed far guidance during Hie Civil War; and America needs, to pray to- Mark Alabama Day alias! Side Church The East Side Church of Gad, 343 Irwin, will observe Alabama Day in services tomorrow.. The c o n g r eg a 11 on' will celebrate during the 9:45 a.m. Sunday School hour and conclude the observance with the 9 p.m. service. ' Guest speaker* include the BETHEL TABERNACLE Rift hIMo. E. Crouch FSMM7 Evangelistic Servicesrz»n <*#»» SEPTEMBER 22 thill SEPTEMBER 29 Sunday Services 9:45 A.M. -11:00 A.M. -7:00 P.M. WEEKNIGHT SERVICES 7:00 P.M. NO SATURDAY SERVICES Tinwly Massagws And Special Music vi At tvwrv Service___ Hear Such Topics Discussed As: • On Thu Brink of Notional Disaster . e A Matter ef life and Booth ... • Doos Lawlessness Prosper • Tha Secret of ^BiritealFuiftllmant MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH 599 MICHIGAN AVENUE PONTIAC Rav. Gwrajd H. Rapelje Rev. Samuel Bryant, pastor of Lincoln Park Church of God in Cincinnati, Ohio; and the Rev. Robert Moody, pastor of Bethel Church ot God and tha Rev. John Early of the North Street ChtiS’ch of God, both in Toledo, Ohio. Choirs' of the visiting clergymen will furnish music. Guests will Also be present; from churches in Detroit and Flint. Those in irarge of the proram are the Rev. J. C. William* and the Rev. Paul Baylor, both associate ministers . natives of Alabama. The Rev: M. M. Scott la pastor. day. CHURCH OF JCSUB OHOST of Lottor Day Saints Pontiac Congregation new moating at l9w CrMCpnt Luka ltd. eke BIBB liver-nets,Tray. J. A. Oultaml, Pastor 651-0732 CHRISTIAN CHURCH Disciples of Christ 858 W. Huron Street Rev. Lawrence C. Babbitt PHONE: Office 333-1474 Parsonage 335-9723 Evangelistic Meetings uSTSwT" * and Teuton®* w*. 6LEHWAUH - MVMtGEUST esrfsftMN— a Hw> Mlnlwuty CluwUi RENOWN SFCAKIH OF: There Will Be: ; A Friendly Welcome O Inspirational Singing Bible-Centered Preaching • FIRST MISSIONARY CHURCH 149 North last Blvd. - FI 4-1811 ______ Rev. Kenneth L. Pennell Sunday School 10 AM. — Worship 11 A.M. SundpyYouth Fellowship - 6:00 P.M. Sunday Evening Warship - 7M Pjj. Attend The New Branch Sunday School of Sunnyvale Chapel at 9:30 AM. at Btilo Ann School Brandon Township Sunmp/ctfe CHAPEL THE GOSPEL TABERNACLE 25 East Blvd. South MtlACHMO A CKSKT CINTIMO MtSSAGf Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hetler and son Gary, Missionary to Bolivia, S. A., singing and spiaaking Sunday 7:00 P.M. A FRIENDLY WELCOME TO ONE AND ALL Sunder Sehool 9:45 - Worship Hour 11:00 -[vangolistic Hour 74)0 — Wsdssrtlsy-PToy* Church 338-1155 - As*. 333-3953 Independent, Fundamental, Evangelistic HORTHSUE BAPTIST CHURCH 2024 Pontiac Road Located Between North Perry and Opdyke Road Sunday School 10 A.M. Church Service 11 A.M. Sunday Evening Evangelistic Service 7 P.M. Midweek Service, Thursday 7 P.M. Nursery Provided For Transportation or Information 335-5590 Pastor — Rav. Jack Tumor Central Christian Church 347 N. SAGINAW 11 AM. Morning Wanhip-9i45 Bible School 6 PM. Youth Meeting—7 PM. Gospel Hour Mr. Ralph Sherman, Minister Silvercrest Baptist Church 2562 Dixie Highway, Penfiac l! 9:45 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL 10:50 A.M. "SHOUTING FOR JOY" 7:00 P.M. "STUDIES IN FAITH" Nursery Open at All Services Paster John Hunter CHRISTIAN CHURCH of DRAYTON PLAINS Temporary Meeting Place: MASON SCHOOL 135 Walton Blvd. (betTSaSnabei - - - llvd. (bet. Sashabaw end Silver Lake Rd.) WORSHIP 9:30 A.M. BIBLE SCHOOL 10:45 AM. wsro-rM.Drntorrve.7m 145 p.m. 5uwdsyi.miy$liajtjew Hsur* Missionary Alliance Church North Cobs Lake Road at M59 Sunday 945 : . opt • SUNDAY SCHOOL • MORNING SERVICE • WQTE BROADCAST • CJSP BROADCAST • YOUTH FELLOWSHIP • EVENING SERVICE • midweek Prayer SERVICE - Wednesday • WBFG-FM Wed. 'iwk 9:30 a. m. 10:45 a.m 11:00 a.m 4:00 p. m 5:45 p. m 7:00 ft m, 7:30 p, m. 9:00 a. m. gam, OAKLAND and SAGINAW Rav. Robert Shelton • Pastor ^ '1 ^1' A 68 W. WALTON BLVD. 4 SUNDAY SCHOOL ... MORNING WORSHIP .....; v.1 1 tflfr&AA. EVENING SERVICE....... 7?|0 Pji. Rav. Robert F. Richardson, pastor Members Celebrate 50th Anniversary FRIENDLY GENERAL BAPTIST CHURCH UL 2-1155 3454 Auburn *d. 334-7407 (Next to tho Fire Station)-Robert Gamer, Pastor SUN. SCHOOL, 9:45 A.M.-MORNING WORSHIP, 11 A.M. EVENING SERVICE 7 P.M. WED. PRAYER, 7 P.M. The early history of the St. Paul United Methodist Church, Bloomfield Township, is closely connected with that of First United Methodist Church of Pontiac. The congregation will celebrate its 50th birthday tomorrow. It was in April, 1914, that the Young People’s Class .of First Church with the late Moore teacher, rented a small house on South Paddock for the purpose of organizing a Sunday School letter in the same year the official board of First Church appointed a building committee to establish the Foote Street Chapel. Sunday School and worship were held each Sunday afternoon. APOSTOLIC CHURCH OF CHRIST 1410 University Dr. Saturday Young People 7:30 P.M. Sunday School and Worahip 10 A.M/ Sunday Evening Service 7:30 P.M. Tue.and Thura. Services 7:30 P.M. Sithe, l. A. Parent Pastor's Phono 852-2382 Church Phono F| 5-8361 On Jan.. 13, 1913, the new congregation separated from the mother church and became a Methodist Society taking the new name of Wilson Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church, (hi Dec. 28, 1918, the First Methodist Church deeded the property to the new church. ★ ★ ★ In the spring of 1958 It became apparent that the church could not meet the demands of tiie changing congregation. The building was small and . parking was inadequate. Under the leadership of the Rev. ; Easton H. Hazard the congregation decided to relocate, and the present church site was purchased. Just prior to the move the church took the new name of St. Paul Methodist. CENTRAL UNITED METHODIST 3882 Highland Rd, REV. CARL PRICE B'ethorfwod Without Restriction 9:00 A.M. and 10:45 A.M. "IS ANYBODY LISTENING?" Rav. Carl Prica Broadcast an WPON, 1460 K - 11:15 A.M. FIRST UNITED METHODIST South Saginaw at Judton / Walter T. Ratdlffe, Minister "The Church with a Heart in the Heart af tha City* Sunday Sorvico Church School 11:00 A.M. 9:45 A.M. "WHEN WORSHIP IS MEANINGFUL" Methodist Youth Fellowship 6:15 P.M. ST. PAUL UIMED METHODIST S 1SS t. Square lake Rd., lleomflelS Hilli-FI B-B233 end FE 2-2752 CHURCH SCHOOL 9:30 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP 10:45 A.M. Ample Forking - Samuel C. Seliert. Min. - Supervised Nuraary ELMWOOD UNITED METHODIST S 2680 Crook. Rd. | Sunday School 9:30 a.m. , §: l„ Worthip 10:45 a.m. % Evening Worship 7 p.m. £: Prayer Wed. 7 p.m. £■ Dudley AAeeure, pastor |i ALDERSGATE UNITED : METHODIST 1536 Baldwin FI 5-7797 Rav. Clean F. Abbott Warship 9:45 a.m. Church School 11 a.m. CLARKSTON METHODIST 6600 Waldon Read, Clarkston | CHURCH SCHOOL 9:45 A.M. WORSHIP 10 A.M. Frank jjk. Cozadd, Minister . AdaHa Thomas, Director of Music St Janies United Methodist Church 451 W. Kannatt Rd. Oppor the Akott ilamentary School K Sunday School.. .9:30 A.M. B Worship Service 11:00 A.M. —Nursery Provided ■* ‘ * ROBERT SECRIfT, MINISTER , UNITED METHODIST 6440 IRacaday Dr. .. MORNING WORSHIP 8:30, 10:30 CHURCH SCHOOL 9:15 ' Timothy Hickey, Minister , -AN AMERICAN BAPTIST CHURCH* BETHANY BAPTIST CHURCH WEST HURON AT MARK Sunday, September 15 11 A.M* SERMON -Hit Love-in Your Heart” Dr. Kents WED. EVf« 7:30. SEPT. II MIDWEEK BIBLE STUDY United Presbyterian Churches AUBURN HEIGHTS 3456 Primary Street F. Wm. Palmar, Pastor Sunday School.'..9:30 Morning Worship...... 1 i tOO DRAYTON Cor.Sashabaw at Monroe St. W. J. Toeuwitten, Pastor Bible School..9:45 AM. Morning Warship;. 11:00 AM. Youth Groups..6:30 P.M. Wednesday Prayer and Study Hour....7:00 P.M. OAKLAND AVENUE 404 Oakland at Cadillac Theodora R, Allabach, Patter Audrey Umkeman, Youth Dimeter Warship 8:30 and 11 AM. Sunday School.... 9:45 AM. Youth Fellowship... 5:45 P.M. Worahip......... 7:00 P.M. Wed. Prayer...7:00 P.M. WATERFORD LAKELAND d 7325 Macaday Lake Rd. Ray F. Lambert, Nstat Sunday School 9:30 AM. Morning Wenhip 10:45 AM. CHURCH QF ATONEMENT 3535 Clintonvilla Rd. Watarfmd Twp. Church School 9:30 ", • and 10:45 Warship Sarvica 10:45 A.M. QeaM.CM', tester The old Hickory Grove School on the property was completely refurbished, the auditorium becoming the sanctuary. Bishop Marshall R. Reed, now retired, delivered the consecration ceremony. Membership numbered 200. During the ministry of the Rev. James A. McClung a new parsonage was built on Harrington. e h e It wasn't long before the congregation now holding two services realized the need for a new church. In the fall of 1962 a building committee was appointed and specifications for the new church were presented to members. ' Groundbreaking was in September, 1964. The new sanctuary and fellowship hall were consecrated in September 1965. * * *, Under the leadership o f Pastor Samuel G. Seizert the congregation has grown to more than 500 members. Organizations include Church School, Women’s Society for Christian Service, Methodist Men’s Club, and Methodist Youth Fellowship. HILLCREST BAPTIST CHURCH 1240 DORIS ROAD MORNING SERVICES 9:45 and 11:00 EVENING SERVICES 6:00 and 7:00 Wodnaiday 7:00 P.M. Rev. Virgil Tarvin, Pactor All Saints Episcopal Church Wilfiams St. at W. Pile* St. 8:00 A.M. Holy Communion 10:00 AM. Morning Prayor and Sermon by Mr. Wilton Infant Nuraory and Child Cara 1i 7> yaars of ago AUBURN HEIGHTS FREE METHODIST 2SSS.SQUHHKW.I HINRT SCHMIDT, RAStOR SUNDAY SCHOOL.......10,00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP.....10*45 A.M. EVENING WORSHIP......7:00 KM. WEDNESDAY PRAYER.7:30 PJIH. SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF THE GOOD SAMARITAN 4780 Hillcrast Drive, Waterford '623-1074 SERVICE 7 PM. GUEST SPEAKER SILVER TEA, THURS., SEPT. 26,7 P.M. Ecumenical Lecture at 7:30 P.M. Sunday The Rev. Henry D. Jones, missionary associate of the Orchard Lake Community Church, Presbyterian w 11| deliver the first in a series of two ecumenical lectures at 7:30 p.m. Sunday at the'church, 5171 Commerce, Orchard Lake. The lectures sponsored jointly by the Orchard Lake Church and St. Mary’s Collegb will constitute an interpretation of the Fourth Assembly of the World Council of Churches. for the Orchard Lake Church and the second lecture is set for Shrine Chapel, St. Mary’s College. A fellowship hour will Mlow each program with time for discussion. Neighborhood churches are invited, and the public welcome, Pastor Edward Auchard said. SERVED MISSIONS The Rev. and Mrs. Jones spent 20 years in National Missions work in. American The first lecture is a cities. He served in China and Japan from 1947 to 19 65 journeying to other areas of Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America. Mr. and Mrs. .Jones’ tour to, Europe last summer included a visit to Uppsala. The Jones are well acquainted with many leaders of .the World Council of Churches. Dick Reese, Don Brunson and Gene Smaltz will attend the Presbytery of Detroit Tuesday with the Jones and Pastor and M$s. Auchard. BIRMINGHAM " UNITARIAN CHURCH Woodward at Lon# Pina Bloamfiald Hilli-647-2380 Robert Marshall and Stanlay Stefancic, Ministers "Wo All Naad a Tim* , of Atonement" 9:3d and 11:15 AM. WORSHIP SERVICES and CHURCH SCHOOL (Nunary thru 12tH grade) BLOOMFIELD HILLS BAPTIST CHURCH 3600 T*l*graph Rd. 10 A.M. Sunday School 11 A.M. Morning Worahip 6 P.M. Evaning Sarvica Wadnasday, 7:30 P.M. Prayor Moating THE LUTHERAN CHURCH INVITES YOU THE LUTHERAN CHURCH MISSOURI SYNOD CROSS OF CHRIST On Mr Fins •! Tatagraiai Daleyne H. Rawlhr», Fait,: QRACI Ran*la«,Rhaa.:H 1-1S82 Sunday Ckarak tiksrl too and 11:00 Sunday Wtrakiy 9 GO and 11 «0 Rickard C. Slu.luaaynt, Rattar THE LUTHERAN CHURCH IN AMERICA ^Mrasrt at Okas, laid Rd., Wntwfwd Fknnn OR 3-7331 Svnday WaraMp 11 MS. Sunday Ckurck Schoal 9: JO Wayna 1 Rotaraoa, Ratter GLORIA Dll , 2900 FnnMac Rnad, FsnHas Ffconn 230*161 Sunday Wank* SrSO1 andl 1 rOO CknrinsA.Cs ASCCNSION 4150 Partial _ Fknnn OR 4.1212 , . Wonhip 0:30 A 11 A.M. Sunday Chunk Scknal • A M. Sunday Wwshle 10:30 AM. Wilkan Wumt, Fa.tnr FhanotflMOM, William C Wum. Favor i ST.STiFHEN Wr „„ - " ' Souhahaurat Knmyl.DraytaafWns -< ?. Sunday ChwchOukant *<15 . Sunday Wnahln S:0O and 5040 THE AMERICAN LUTHERAN CHURCH SrAUnFIM-SAMOft li ■ „ ' 163 R AdansNa WmmSsM HMs Sunday WnraMo MS and 11:00 * t Sunday Onnuk School 9>30 DaaaM ZW, Radar MT.HORE 517 W. Wakan Skrd.. RonHaa Rhanar 333*131 A Sunday Wowlria^ 10:30 _ Ronuld I. R< 2399 Flat. Fontioc Fkann: M2-0770 * , , Sunday WynMa 000 and 10 I Sunday Ckunrit Scknal 9:4S . __ Sunday Wankly 9:30 and 11 >00 lOkkCOavSkRaMar THE LUTHERAN HOUR* lock Sunday WRON 7.05 A.M, CKLW 12,30 F.M. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE RADIO SERIES SUNDAY 9s45 A.M. WQTE __560 on your dial CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Subjoct; “MATTER” Sunday Sarvica 11 A.M. Sunday School 11 A.M. WEDNESDAY SERVICE... 8:00 P.M. Roading Room 14 W. Huron FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, saomsT 164 W. Lawianca Pontiac COLUMBIA AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH 64 W. Columbia Ava. 9.45 A M. Sunday School -6:30 R.M. TjHIR 11 A.M. Worahip Sarvica—7:30 R.M. Evaning Wadnatdoy Night Sorvka 7:30 PJ4. Emmanuel | "Bapttut Cku/ick/ 645 S. Talagraph (Naar Orchard Laka Rd.) | DR. TOM MALONE, Pastor i:w A Fundamental, Independent, Bible-Believing Baptist Church Si BIBLE SCHOOL 10 A.M. J p Dapartmontalizod Sunday School for All Agas ... with NO Litaratura but tha Bibla ( HEAR DR. TOM MALONE f iSitaach tha Word af God, vara# by vana, in <4ia largo Auditorium vi Bibla Clots, broadca.t on WPON 10:15 to 1045 A.M. ' | MORNING WORSHIP 11 A.M.. | I EVANGELISTIC SERVICE 7P.M. ^PRAYER MEETING Wed. 7:30 P.M.I § BUS SERVICE CALL FE 2-8328 || Doaf dots and Nursery — All Sarvica* I BECK TO SCHOOL SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 22, 10 A.M. Frao Gift* to All lay* and Girl* During Sunday School TsOO P.M. MUSIC TO BLESS THE HEART Special Selections by Ladies’ Trie Ensemble M totpnl Favorites and Requested Sente Ohnir Under Direction of Jgygg Malone Rav.A.C. REVIVAL SERVICES First Wosloyan Church Baldwin eft Foirmount Sept. 20-29 WaakDay. — 7ri)0 F.M Sundays 11 A.M. and 7 P.M. • 4 EVANGELIST Rev. A. C. DOEHRING Singers & AAuifeittnt Paul & Ruby Davis WcIccithi Paul & Ruby Davie ■"“i.... -1" 1 .m THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1968 Wixom Church Marks 130th Birthday The congregation Baptist Church of Wixom, will j - «» &$&$.*** celebrate the 130th anniversary i of the church at a special serv-(E-*Wy- ice at 3 fc.m. Sunday. During the service the new .educational B unit casting approximately $150,Q0Q will be dedicated. H Those participating in the B afternoon worship include Pas-tor Robert V. Warren; Terry B Angles, youth and music di-B rectors; the Rev. George 6. Bj Dagley of Calvary Baptist ^B Church, Charlotte; Wesley Mc-B Atee, mayor of Wixom; the |K Rev. Stanley Veldt, pastor of ^B Berean Baptist Church, Utica; ■K and the Rev. Radon Brown, pastor of Highland Park Bap-- p«iHk prwnw list, Southfield. The original Church was founded In a small schoolhouse. The Paul Profitt, contractor, and pastor urges former membesrs and friends' to attend worship Carl Gaiser, architect, will pre-tombrrow and revival services next week. sent the keys of 4hp building ■ i__________________to Everett PearsaTlf chai^BW , of the board of trustees ,and ~ Wayne Beckley, chairman of the building committee. rtorarv Deacon sociation of Michigan, will give the dedicatory message. -were three rows of splintery plank seats on three levels. 1 There was one seat in/which < Deacon Wright, 93 years old, i always sat. 7 A red brick building later re-; placed the little^school. A new pastor, the Rev. James ! D. Drew, thought the congrega-1 tion should have its own church building. - < On June 24, 1864 Alonzo Sibley deeded land from his farm1 on the comer of West Maple and Wixom roads for “meeting1 ■ house purposes only. “The total cost was. $625. On Jan. 13’, 1865 the new church was dedicated ' with a sermon by President Fairfield of Hillsdale College. After the sermon Deacon Sib-. ley's oldest daughter, Harriet,. came down the aisle and was married to Pastor Drew. In 1807 the Rev. J, C. Robinson proposed moving the building into the center of town. This took two. weeks using a team of horses and a sweep with planks underneath on which the rollers were used. It was moved - across the corner, down through a cornfield where the present church ; now stands, and a c r os s the road to the old site where the , Wixom Elementary School is I located. Young people led by the Rev. H. E. Sayles built the first ad- dition and dedicated it Ofct. 1910. A basement was later added: The congregation celebrated the centennial in July 1938, In 1958 a new building site of more than five acres was purchased. The new diurch auditorium was constructed in 1960 under the ministry of the Rev. 1 Edmund Case. The congregation called its present pastor, the Rev. Robert V. Warren of Flint in 1963: 1 In November 1965 the old church property was sold to 1 the Walled Lake School System. 1 In April 1966 the old church was torn down by the school. . The new educational unit was started on Oct. 1, 1967. COMPLETEDa— The new. educational; unit of Wixom Baptist Church was completed in time for dedication service tomorrow. The Rev. Robert C. Warren, paisfor, will officiate ht services with special music, and guest spankers present. Bethany Baptist Church will observe Homecoming Sunday tomorrow, the annual roundup of the congregation. The day also marks the beginning.of a week-long celebration of the 50th anniversary of Bethany Church. S p e c i a 1 features tomorrow include recognition of Ivan H. Long as a new honorary deacon. For more than 35 years an • outstanding i&der in the church and community. Long will leave Pontiac, shortly to make his home in Phoenix, Charter members living in thei II a.m. will include dedication Pontiac area also will be of a piano, a memorial to Earl recognized. Morning worship at| Sanborn. Pastor Emil Kontz will preach on “His Yoke on Your Back” and the Chancel Choir { will sing directed by David' Hoover. The Rev. William Of-! futt, assistant pastor, also will' participate in the service. A, time of fellowship will follow! with refreshments. Highlight of the 6 p.m. worship will be several young, people who traveled this summer to Latin America reporting bn their experiences. ★ ★ ★ Headed by Linda McCulloch, the group will show color. pic-! tures of visits to mission fields in Central America. Pastor Offutt will assist. The board of missions will provide a get together of members and friends with refreshments following the pro- Other participants are Robert ! Schneider of Chelsea, and the j Rev. Ronald MacDonald of ] Spring Lake. As a climax to the service J. Standish Sibley of Pontiac, a former member of the Wixom j Church, Will ring the old church bell for the first time in many years. Sibley’s grandfather, Alonzo Sibley, the first elected deacon 1 of the church, was instrumental in securing the bell for the church back in 1865 when the church was built. The Rev. J. Ronald MacDonald of Spring Lake will conduct revival meetings at the ; church beginning at* 11 a.m. and ! 7 p.m. tomorrow. Services will continue through Sept 29 at 7:30 each evening. There will be special music and a nursery provided. The Wixom Church, the only church in the community for 130 years, has an interesting background. On March 21, 1838 a dozen families came ot Michigan from New York State ; settling in the Wixom area. • Under the leadership of the ' Rev. C. P. Goodrich they or-1 ganized a church, meeting iq | homes until 1854 when they held : services in a red frame school ! house located near the present 1 Wixom Cemetery. A balcony over the front door seated the choir; the pulpit > was opposite. On either side Presenting Long with the ,'Citation will be Wilbur s Crawford, moderator, and Ray j Rooney, deacon. Choirs, Members inChurch Musicale REV. MURL EASTMAN REV. COY D. SIMS Davidson to Show Revival Services Set p,ansforPon,tec , ■ I C- Don Davidson, professor i for Baptist Churches Members of Perry Park Baptist Church Baltimore and Cameron, as well as the Adult and .Youth choirs will present special numbers during the .musicale at evening service ’tomorrow. ■ Director of the program will Coming to Crescent Hills Baptist Church, Waterford Township to conduct revival meetings is the Rev. Murl Eastman of Mason. Evangelist Eastman will preach at the 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. worship tomorrow and services each evening during the week through Friday. Special meetings for children' are scheduled for 4 p.m. daily. The Rev. Mr. Eastman will use chalk talks, object lessons and black light along with his sermons. KEEGO HARBOR BAPTIST The Rev. Coy D." Sims, founder of the personal evangelism Association and evangelist of the State Baptist Convention, will conduct the evangelistic meetings at Keego Harbor Baptist -Church, 1712 Cass Lake. The guest speaker will preach at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday .and at 7 p.m. Thursday through Saturday. The new Boy Scout Troop, open to boys in the community, will hold meetings from 7:30 to 9 p.m. in the Roosevelt School. The first session was held Monday. More information may be obtained by calling the Keego Harbor Baptist Church office. NEW UNIT—The Rev. Robert C. Warren* pastor, is shown in front of the new educational unit and church bell at Wixom Baptist Church, Wixom. The congregation will observe its 130th anniversary with services tomorrow and also dedicate the new unit. J. Standish Sibley of Pontiac, a former member of the Wixom Church, will ring the bell for services. meeting of the Philadelphia and Berean classes at 7 p.m. on Sept. 28 at the home of the Delbert Burnett family 595 Melrose.. Rally day is scheduled for Oct. 6 under the direction of Sunday School superintendent Leonard Liddy. Junior choirs will assist the Rev. Thomas Wilson, associate rector, during the chapel service at Pontiae State Hospital Tomorrow afternoon. Cars will leave the church at 12:45 p.m. and return at about 2:30 p.m. 35th Anniversary, Observance Sunday Open SUNDAY 12 Baptist Church will give the history of the mission. Members of the mission department of Macedonia Baptist Church also wiU be guests. The Rev. Arthur Jackson of New Bethel Baptist Church will speak at 11 a.m, ■k ★ ★ At 7 p m. the Young Matrons will present “A Personal Encounter With Christ” under the direction of Dorothy Arnold. Mrs. Made Jordan is general chairman for the day. The Rev. Jesse Long if pastor. •very nit* *tfl 9 When you want the flexibility of Saving any amount, any time, with convenient availability, then Capitol's passbook plan is for you. You aam Capitol's current rate of 4%%, paid and compounded quarterly. The annual rata on funds left in your account for 12 thenths is 4.84%. Service of Songs at Liberty Church BONUS SAVING CERTIFICATES fastesv^^^ wH most compact washer/spin-dryer combination If you*hcnm, limited space, water and sewage problems and want to save money on water, detergent and repairs ... BUY this outstanding combination by HQOVER for die fasted washing, most compact Washer-Dryer ever made. CAPITOL’S NEW BONUS SAVINGS CERTIFICATES offer earnings of 5Vb% on funds invested for a specified timo (six months or longor). Certificates in amount of $5,000 or mar# are issued and automatically Church of God in Christ will present a service of song hi Liberty Baptist, Church, 250 CAPITOL SWINGS 1 LOAN ASSOCIATION iKirnoonpATPh me * • Ay«i•.$*» INCORPORATED 1890 • LANSING. MICHIGAN 75 W. HURON STREET PONTIAC 338-7t*Tl ilegraph & Sq. Lake Roads Miracle Mile Shopping Center ONE COLOR THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1968 MONDAY SPECIAL! I DOWNTOWN PONTIAC STORE ONLY I BABY *1* 12-1 Sliced Free 49! Slicod Into Chops , And Roasts At No Extra Charge PORK LOINS S* OH8H MOND4Y tVHUNBS TIL > P.M. 1 BAZLEY MARKET H 71 North Saginaw RELIEVES EYESTRAIN, SAVES TIME Alfe SPACE OFFICE SUPPLIES - MAIN FLOOR General Printing & Office Supply ""ate""" Phone 335-9261 t-FAIRWAY FOOO MARKETS . 4348 Dixit Highway-Drayton Plains OPEN SUNDAY 9 A.M. to A P.M. 1220 North Pony at Madison OPEN SUNDAY 10 AiA. terfrKAL AvriwbaV S.O.D. DtaMtotar • WIN! • LIQUOR • OHO FAIRWAY POODS 1220 NORTH PERRY at MADISON Aerooc Fra* Pontiac northern High School We Retervm the Right to Lindt QuantUlet j . FE 4-2260 DAILY 9:30 A.M. to 9 P-M. SUNDAYS II A.M. to CP.M. WHEN YOU NAVE LOTS TO DO ... DO IT WITH THE WORK SW W SPECIAL SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY ONLY S«|rt. 21, 22, 21 LUCITE WHITE CRQQ HOUSE MINT *3,0!: «• TOM’S HARDWARE ML MS Orchard Lake **». FES-2424 ffALL CLNAAKANCI 200 Used Golf Cars Electric or Gasoline from *135M • Some Beautiful a Some Good a Some Fair Froo Delivery Within |0 Milos SUPER KIM-TONE-Rtf. $T.69 $299 Reg. Colot'** Our SpatsalPrice J $8” KEM-GLO, Reg. $10.49 Priced........... Special FOR OOLF COURSES, ESTATES and COMMERCIAL TRANSPORTATION GOLF CAR DISTHIIUTORS, INC. S12 S. Saginaw (U.S. 11) Pontiac, Men, (313)334-9585 | Get ready for the Heating Season — Install a new Auto-Flo Power Humidifier; we carry a complete line, including the popular portable model. Wi alto have all of the pipe and fittings needed for installation; we cut and thread pipe. ALUMINUM DOORS BUSIER BROWN CLOIMNO FOR CHILDREN Chocs* now for long w«ar and batter values! 'blue bell wearing apparel1 FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY *23“ YARD SIMPLICITY GOODS and PATTERNS • Storm Windows and Screens Repaired Prompt Service Art 1234 - Washable Colors ^DATOirDtARK*e RED HEART KNITTING WORSTED 100% Virgin Wool -Mothproof — Tangle Proof-Ready to Knit . — Pull Out Skein $|19 “Thrifty Sawings1’ HOURS: *»tli mi mt UHAN’S VARIETY STORE 14T5 Baldwin Avat at Walton FE 4-3340 Open Daily 9 A.M. to 9 P.M., Sunday 10 A.M. to 6 PM. Swingers Take Note IS NOINING SQUARE ABOUT THIS PAGE! IT DEFINITELY MAKES A BUCK GO FURTHER* THAT'S WHY IT'S "IN" TO KEEP YGUR EYE ON THE PRESS SHOPPER STOPPER PAGE! R CHUNK BOLOGNA SS OR M RING BOLOGNA NIDNI6AN GRADE NO. 1 SKINLESS HOT DOSS 39<„ 12-lb.'Limit Pitas# AUTO CENTER HEAVY DUTY— MUFFLERS ■uoiuei STOP-SHOP-COMPARE CUT YOUR FOOD BILL IH HALF AT HOFFMAN’S PACKERS TRIM BlEF LOINS AVD. WONT. GO-GO lb*. ' 59( LB. JUST THINK! Sirloins, T-Bones, M Porterhouse Steaks, and GnL Boat Mt CASH 4 CARRY FOR ONLY 5Ve. || PLEASE ONLY 2 BEEF LOINS PER CUSTOMER Fr nwnr tlu> right to limit yn«nifi(c 'll CUT | NRtlAO FRtQER FOODS N. FIRRY FI 2-1140 SINGLE EXHAUST SYSTEM ONLY- REPLACE YOUR MUFFLER NOW— •AVI AND Ml SAFI ■ a r-l DATS $1088 ■4BR instal INSTALLED STOCK # MOST CARS FEATUKIe • ZINC OOATED SHELL • BUST RESISTANT DESIGN • THICKER STEEL • HEAVY DUTY 1137 Chevrolet 54-64 1515 Ford 0 Mercury 65-84 1TG Plymouth, Dodge and Ohmlar 9MI 1695 Plymauth and Dodge 52-85 Why WaftP CHARGE IT! wr m WomfinA Wonld -Se/tifiA in THE COMMUNITY ROOM of THE PONTIAC MALL Wednesday, Sept. 26th at 10:05 A.M. Coffee Time Starting at 9:30 “Attitudes Toward Weight Control" Mrs, Rosalie Hawley, THE PONTIAC AAALL Telegraph at Elisabeth Lake Rd. a,>en 6 Buy 9tSO AM. to 9 PM. lom# Economist SHsnmn-WiLUAMS SUPER HEM-TONE FINEST WASHABLE LATEX WALL PAINT YOU CAN USE. k-UP|J} WORK SKIPPER *54i ONLY HUDSON’S HARDWARE 41 EAST WALTON $ •« NEAR BALDWIN Saturday, Sept. 21st 2:011 (o 4:1 P.M.-fcl to 8:00 P.M. OAKLAND COUNTYK-9 4-HGLUB WITH THEIR DOGS Demonstrating... 0 Dog Obedience e Crowning of K-9 King »nd Queen-~ 9 Choosing n Puppy • Fashion Show e 4-H Dog. Projrett 9 Dog Handling Demonstrations • Dog Action Exhibits a Trick Tinte • Parade of Different Breed* • How to Teach Obedience to Your Dog • Beginner* Obedience j Demonatration a Junior Demonstration In Recognition of Nationul Dog Week . at THE MALL All Next Week* Sept. 23 thru 28th- ■HeajfiJt Few, 1968 Pontiac Area United Fund Exhibition ( • Exhibiting • Demonstration that LdVB MAY LIVE.. GIVE! Support Tour Pontiac Area United Fund The PONTIAC MALlI THE MONTI AC HlESS, -SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1968 I Jacoby on 'Pof Is Whdf? iGREEN BAY, Wtt. j(i*) J-When three teen-age bCys were arrested an the fairgrounds smoking “marijuana.” they readily admitted tear guilt. They told of paying a man £1$ tor a one-pound bag. Pdlice then received a report on jthe FBI analysis of the bag’s ttxytantil ordinary Hack tea. I rl mjrwilltesH&fK. > PC6TASY WHEUlW&r, HP* POdPU WITH . j w‘PLANJDHAH^f. FfHiSisrso 1 MU5HR00W- CHA6IW6TH6 R4ftJU*J6iy WSAUTHY j ^MAtower ypttr diamonds to see what hap* and then to lay down flat king of spades. This lino will succeed if East and West discard badly or if West takes that Spade king. Otherwise it will fail. The correct Hne of play is to count your tricks carefully. You; have seven tricks in top cards and two potential tricks in spades. How can you get those two tricks? D you could get to dummy twice you coakl lead up to your hand both times but you are going tor each dummy once and once only. Therefore you can only lead toward your spades that one time. W . #J4tl 5. ♦ 10 8 6 *£«J10 tN.T. By OSWALD AND JAMES JACOBY When there is just one correct way'to play a hand it behooves you to find it. If you fall f§> at least. you ifilllgjjjj^^ THE BORN LOSER ‘Of course I won’t concede it — Ifigi par from there is still three. XIST01, CARtiifo THBVRe PUVlMfc best. See ifVou caniH find tne ^rrectHHI^H way to play h a n d*iJr without lookingiHBHHH over the EastB^HHQH and W e a t hands. JACOBY There art two rather attractive wrong ways to play It, The first is to duck the heart lead in both hands. This won’t cost you anything if a heart is re- tiirnari kill B rinkv whiff will I BERRY'S WORLD—By Jim Berry Q—The bidding has been: fekt North Eait Sc CAPTAIN EASY VBAH? NOWWUt ISWCAWLE from hums iuftacar htW woop» near th1 ear ci jj © INI ij MIA. Iim ^" _ ’f*'*rW¥**J “Don’t you understand? I don’t WANT to get involved, again -1 GOT involved With McCarthy!” PphfT TBLL MB MaJjREcKNMd > TO COVER ALL THAT GLASS WITH PAPBR AMP MASKlklG TAPE, PA/ . WHAT A WASTE OF TIMEWHAT, ' A PRAGJ WHY I’LL HAVE THE J HOUSE HALF PAIMTEP BE- aftlTK FORE YOU’RE READY TO A H V PICK UPA BRUSH/ imril [g - YfcAM.AN' InAI V JU5TWH t I TOOK OW THE JOB OF no-l IMG THE WINDOWS MYSELF; 'THE WAV YOU SLOSH IT ON WE’D BE SCRAPIMG PAIWT r OFF SLABS FOR A WEEK ! J ’THERE'S TOO MUCH VIOL6AJCE OK) TELEVISION! , I KUOWJ, &UT THBRB’S ALSO TOO MUCH VIOLENCE OU THE STREETS... AMD BELIEVE ME, ITS SAFER TO STAY HOMB AMD VUATCH IT J • BOARDING HOUSE .WSr’HE GTU6K Hf RB FOR] GMWl. > Z* _ ANOTHER WfBK/THE^\ LOAD Of aK.. flON, GTAirrft)N5 my \maoor wont last \ Sust&k NiMG WHEN lSLOVf/WORO,\ ANY LONGER THAN -U WBARlN'/ MY WHISTLE?ANP JU FATHER,n A HURDLER WITH A & THE A UONTTON6 OUT U40M&- / RROYEN GHOELACEI m m&J/l AFTER TWO MlNOTBS \TlM66 / ],---rjgf^&P—% x-rMAKBUKETOU'(^ X ,K }/ VijRP V *jS V IBl M if ir - ^^douTYxj.y 4 j $ Wt i % t DONT WANT TO SEE YOU MOLPER IN JAiULADi WE MUST WORK TOGETHER FOR YOUR BETTERMENT! work to Lift you outoF the MIREi I WANT TO HELP YOU I HOW ARE YOU AT CHANGIN' CATTLE BRANDS? . imk nvamniiwwiii MHti i am. SNAKE-EYE/MY BOY; I SYMPATHIZE WITH YOU IN YOUR WRETCHED CONDITIONi.nVyi TWN6G# y^cnRDjg/uc»» THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 81, m* S^n Chargedin Organized Crime Ring SAVE *4 MONDAY'9;30 am ib 9 p.nS?* 9RL-. SONY All-Transistor IBBSt ifodcet Radio Regular $12.95 Mon* Only 'L(JU • As shown — Miniature pocket y A A ' ' • radio With cos* and batteries. Picks ? uP all .area AM stations Oidls for -volume and stations. , her 1967 case in which 31 per* sons, including three of the fire men accused » members of the ring, were charged with violations, ranging from conspiracy to murder a police informant to gambling. Those named by Kelley and, the charges Wore: Thomas J. Parry, 30, of Erie, 1 Pi. who reportedly was picked ; up in connection with the ] Junior Editors Quiz on—-- FEDERAL BRANCHES PARK FREE in Smiths Perry St. Lot in Badcl of WKG's Stofe or Park Free in Downtown Park*-,ingl$t MpH Joseph Giacalone, 29, of Flint, Mich., ' arreeted in Flint, held on conspiracy to commit armed robbery, obstructing justice and inciting perjury. Caesar Montevecchio, 25, of Erie, arrested in Erie and held on a fugitive warrant, conspir-acy to commit armed! robbery &ied prospective witnesses hi the November 1967 cases and twice imported hired killenk to Flint. . ' ' ■ " ^ Leonard told newsmen that informants had confirmed that “arrangements had beat made” to kill him. 108 N. SAGINAW FE 3-7114 AND QUESTION: How do checks and balances work in our national government? ANSWER: Our Founding Fathers decided that a written constitution should stand as the supreme law for the new nation of the United States, protecting it from thpse who tititfit try to grab power. Hie Constitution provides for a federal system which divides power between the governments of the states and the national government. Hie Constitution spelled out a wonderful system of checks ami balances which has worked very In our drawing, each federal branch is symbolized within a circle. Each branch has its separate job. The Congress makes Jaws, the President enforces them, the Supreme Court checks on them, if necessary, to aea that they agree with Discount- Priced to fit into mom’s budget Our drawing shows how each department can check or restrain each of the others. These checks are shown by wMto arrows. Look where they are going and read what Wallace Gets Tough in Florida Speeches ORLANDO, Fla. with 2:25 rmaining in the half, and Bruce Saffron added the go-ahead PAT kick. Sheldon again confounded defense by breaking loose up the middle, then breaking to the left sideline for a 57- Northville Then the winners’ defense broke down after a soaring 60-yard punt by Bill Foloy. The Blue Jays promptly mrohfd 80 yards ill 8 plays. The six-pointer came on a fourth down pass from the nine that found two of the visitors all alone- to flip end zone. Wie-land made the catch. FUMBLE With toe score 21-19, Southfield took charge when Streby recovered Colt’s fumble at toe Waterford 49. The losers onty needed five plays — quarterback Rick Ellison going the last 20 on a keeper around left rad. But the Skippers came right back, moving from their 16 Mowing a penalty Potter tmmA ____y Waterford Mott remains on toe quest Stevenson will go to Pqnttoc Northern, of vanity football vkfayHb. 1 following while Farmington wiH be at Southfield its 39-6 misadventure last evening at Latte-up. Both of toe latter two dropped Northville. two nonleggue ratings. The host Mustangs-engagtiltiia non-^ footmll jtatutic* \ league game because of scheduling con- m ^ _______ flicts tor WayneGekland League rival fU! dm* ftSSS? » i Waterford Kettering - wrapped up toe Hard-running Barry Deal drove over MF from too two-yaid‘itoe end from the gaKa eight to the opyning half. Teammate Meanwhile, the Chiefs were controlling and marching with the ball en offense. They ran 61 plays to 39 for toe Vikings. After Northern scored, the Chiefs took the kickoff and marched 68 yards in 16 plays to tie the game. But the ' Battlin’ Bathers caught Seaholm tinwares to the second period on an end-around pass. End Sylvester Fisher — who ran off the same formation ihfoe iirst quarter — found opposite terminal John Lee open for a 40-yard scoring play. De/vtcc/rio In Fold port Huron tm - ai« Dei- vecchio, today signed a two-year contract for an undisclosed sum of money to play fof the Detroit Red Wings. The Wings’ 36-year-old captain' begins his 18th season with toe National Hockey League dub; Delvecchio had the best point total of his career last season adding up 70-points on 22 goals and 48 assists. FuUtflpt : Hinsperger a n d halfback Horace Davis ate up most iff the grraftL But quarterback Rollie Garcia cane up with the big ptey-xvhen he hit Davis in the endzone from toe 15 on fourth down., A Northern fiimble on a punt attempt late to the first period gave PCH the ball on the Viking 26 and the Chiefs moved to with Hinsberger chewing up 21 yards) Garcia carried over from a foot out on a sneak four plays into the second period Hinsperger missed his second kick for the extra. Mint. Central drove to toe Northern one yard That was all toe scoring. The host Mapbss threatened twice to the second half after blocking punts at the Mount Clemens 25. On another occasion, they drove inside the 20. v But the Maples couldn’t penetrate further than the 13. Mott’s Corsaln entered toe scortog column to the tofrd quarter after an exchange of punts. Taking over at midfield, Mott used Ziem’s passing to reach paydirt. ‘ The tog play was a 27-yard scoring tossvto Terryniitt. 4 * -jO# jfxrV vhmw Craig MicOtbuttf 83-yard run, a 15-yard jautit by Berm Bncfa and two conversions -b^Mgaj)fa'''torapp«d up the Mustangs' scoring to the fourth quarter. FOOTtALL STATISTICS losers’ 18. Potter rolled out and gained a first down at toe 4, aided by Safora’s crunch-tag block. On fourth down, toe senior PMser wedged into the end zone behind Kimball Wins "'Blue' Lewis Wins on TKO in Second DETROIT if A Heavyweight Alvin . Stallings, otifir Egfater to whip Lewis “Blue” Lewis of Detroit knocked down . since the Detroiter ^turned ‘ pic three Bob Stallings of Freeport, Long Island, ytiere ago, scored s TKO over him to the tone times to toe second round Friday seventh round last December at Buffalo, night, scaring a technical knockout over N. Y; . ., ‘ / the New York State boxer. |n a preliminary bout, Frank* Steele ' The 6-footr4 Lewis, seeking a;''jig>r ',;e< flint, 148, ?wun on a TKD #.■ 'toy decision over Stallings after two earlier minute, 4ST*econd» of too eighth round bouts, titan toe TKO 82 seconds into toe oyer Gene Gretoart at Detroit Gresham second round. weighed 133. toy (35), Wayne Tiara (55) and Mark Aaplin (ip>. Quarterback Rollie Garcia (18) , is in toe background. Davis rushed for SO yards to 10 carries and caught a touchdown pass. Mozingo and reserve quarterback Ambus Harper were dumped five times trying to pass by the hard-charging PCH Past Mot • ' * ■, Walled Lake Amassed 351 as it closed f 6 QO A out its series annual with the Bears, The | v V' V Vikings next week will entertain un- } line-which also blocked one punt and beaten Waterford iri tbui top I-L opener. | THE PpNTXAC FRRSS. . SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1969 Milford, West Bloomfield Roll Andover Pair Clicks I in Taming Clarkstoh 3JH|J HE Troy Manages Tie; Falcons Pall Away By FLETCHER SPEARS {covered a fumble on their own With perhaps a couple of ex- S3, and on the first play, Scott ceptlons, the lineup of powers in rifled a pass over the middle the . Wayne-Oakland League {that Jeff hauled in at his own football race looks pretty much 45 and scooted past the Clark-the same. ston secondary to the endzone. Milford, as usual, is rolUngi Andover (2-0) had the ball and the same for West Bloom- again with just five seconds left field. The exceptions are Clark- in the half and it was enough, stem, which seems headed foe From Iris' own' 44, Scott faded a not-too-bright season, and the back and lofted a pass down- I. Defending champion Tiroy had Finally, Bob Tremblay put jo scramble to earn a wild 37-27 the Eagjes ahead on a lb-yard fie with Madison’s Eagles; run, but Troy came back to -while Rochester, Clawson and gain the deadlock. Romeo jumped into first .place Rochester took a 114 lead in- 1 with winS on the opening night to the fmal perthd at Lake of the Oakland A League race Orion. Gary Miller (69 yards) Friday. . and Mike Hall (20 yards) ran While falling to avenge last,for the early six-pointers, and ^year's loss to the Eagles, Troy [Boh Dens booted the ct»-did manage to; avoid a defeat versions, when quarterback-Terry Brown * | * * plunged over fromthe two-yard-1 Then the Falcons pulled away line and Joe Mitchell ran the WRB Ted^MafasUttv And game-tying PAT with 1:25 leftjMark McAllister taking scoring .to play. ~ passes from Mike Scally, and Rochester pulled away from Lake Orion in the fourth period for a 33-0 triumph, Romeo held off Avondale, 17-6, and Clawson made a first-quarter touchdown stand up far a 7-0 win at Utica. ; At Troy, the host Colts and Madison matched points for ttiree quarters with the Troy team tallying first each time. THREE SCORES * Mitchell tallied on 2-yard and 47-yard runs. Brown scampered 18; but each time -Madison retaliated with Doug Meadows. He scored from the 26, the 13 andthe29. vine, ze-7, west moomnew rAKI,T Mnvp blanked Brighton, 41-o; and And-. 4. over, which crushed West I CTwkston’s offen^ in the mc-Bloomfield in its finale ^ ^ h^f was toeff^ve against year, 324, pinned a 224 setback Ifa.fo*1* Ba^°" def<;n“ "hlc,“ on Clarkston. limited the victors to just 37 SHARP COMBINATION yards rushing. ^ ^ At Andover, the Barons’ fam- Halfback Tarry Conley, the . lily combination of quarterback league dash champion, scared Scott Roley, a junior, and broth- three-times to spark the Wesf. er Jeff, a senior halfback, was Bloomfield victory. v too much for the bigger but X0EES , slower Clarkston squad. t . _ . , „„ ... | The speedy Conley tallied on _ . .w _ ., . . runs of three and five yards .«■ »>«iuled in a 60-yard pass front in the first frame on a six- j his third score from quar- & tars s as — rrr Puahad 19. P01"18 * iff Kim Woodruff clicked on a second period to break the pass from Brennan, ^ game open. McKenna went over on a four- After fullback Chuck Palaian. ^ and jim Bays ; Wf Mender who * 45 vard, wlth pn inter-' picked up 91 yards rushing ^, for the final West, )]m Tapered the **oey booted five extra points. I boys took over. 1 __ • PASS PAYS OFF | SCORING TOUCH « Milford was outgained tn the j • - ^ Parana re- yardage department by the vis- Tom Brown tossing one to Chris Diener. ^ Miller’s (gening touchdown came an the first scrimmage play following a penalty after the opening kickoff. He also set up Hall’s scoring scamper with a 24-yard punt return. The speedy Miller gained 294 yards in 22 carries. QUICK LEAD ) A six-yard scoring sprint by Pete Dahl capped a 40-yard drive by Clawson’s Trojans in the. first period at Utica. Bill Weakly's run for the PAT ended the night’s pointmaking. Avondtfe took the initiative at the start of its game in Romeo, I but the host Bulldogs halted ! their'"Visitors inside the five-1 yard-line. 1 Romeo took over later in better position thanks to a pass interception. Marvin Craft put the home team on the scoreboard with a 15-yard run, and Ron Tabar kicked the eitra point. * '■ * * The season promises to be anl field Hills Lahser trimmed It stayed 7-0 until the third i Interesting one for the Falcons'Southfield Latbrup, 214. quarter. Gary Monroe broke of Birmingham Groves. I * * * * i through to block a Romeo punt With the season lust two' The Falcons, who fell behind inside the 20 and Cly de eames old the FakS haJe|ta the first quarter, 74, ex-McCauley scooped up the ball SITinvolved” in a SJpte W ^ijrM points in tee sec- and went over from the 10-yard onsets Ther surorised Seaholmlond period to take a 20-13 lead line, tort week to their ^eSr^74,iat intermission but Cranbrook But ^ and in return were shocked alcame back with a pair of quick In the final period, another pass m the fourth to pull I**£#**« Cranbrook who rallied for a 26-lout- Jp^triuinph. i LOT OF ROOM Tabar added that PAT, teen It was the opener lor It was tee running «+A yarns wnue ^»iat afic^rjh#> mo M* the other Anchor Bay rushers Aia-jtffT May « aauTram lean Roiey in other games Armada AAtoell Kiev s< pa* tram Scott Relev defeated Dryden, 194; New A^ia^.fiajd aaai. Haven stopped Almqnt, 134; Clark.**! ** *Y #UA*Tf j t a- . and Richmond walloped a. Mill. Arwavar —■■■•>♦ > ^ Memphis, 384. ws-cani^Vr^mvarak kieio Mousseau scored Iwice on two wbIcSH!!?: *o7liTrjrir1mk»rinn.n;and 10 yard runs, while Jerry 40 .^ Genso scored on a 13 yard pass Five different players, scored six-pointers for Ridnnond. Doug Sparling tallied on a 40-yard run, and Nell Evans was on the scoring end of Scott Scofield’s 45-yard pass. it # ’ Jt ‘« Almont and New Haven were scOTeJess for one half. Then TYyone Moore scored oh Lynn Ryan’s 30-yard pass. Roy Lee completed the pointmaking with the extra pioint and a 39-yard run with an intercepted aeriaf. The Cranes picked up the tying score on a 62-yard , march that took 11 plays and ended with Dieters hitting flanker Rod Fonda with a 22-yard pass far the touchdown with 7:32 left. Groves then fiimbled the ensuing kickoff to set the stage for the Cranes winning score. SCORES CLINCHER Recovering the ball at the Falcons’ 29, Cranbrook used only five plays. to score the cUncber at 4:M. . Thomas carried the kill behind some crunching blocks by fullback John Wallace on three of those plays for 31 yards, including the last 13 on a1 jaunt around right end. 1 LONDON, Ont. (AP) - The Boston Bruins let Detroit run up a 4-1 lead Friday night, teen ! slashed back with five straight goals and went on to defeat the Red Wings 74 far a National Hockey League exhibition game. . * * * Phil Esposite, who led off the scoring for Beaton, grabbed two goals, as did Tom Webster. Don I Awrey, Fred Stanfield and Ross Lonsberry each scored for Boston, with Lonsberry slamming tee final tally into an empty Red Wings net. : < Kent Douglas, Pete Mahov-lich, Garry Unger, Ron Harris and Pete StemkowsU scored for the Wings. Roger Crorier and Don Mc-Gleod shared goal-tending duties for Detroit with Crocier giving up two goals and McLeod four. GoodrichTops Orfonvilk 11 Center Line QB Proves Too Much for Stevenson LA Dodgers Keep Alston LOS ANGELES (AP) - The Los Angeles Dodgers, struggling to keep from falling into Hie National League cellar, announced Friday that Walter Alston will be back in 1969 for his 16th sea- Wayne Brady’s two short-yardage scoring runs lad Goodrich to a 2|0 Fllpt Suburban c League conquest of Ortonville Brandon last evening, Brody tallied from Hie two-and three-yard-lines. The Tigers posted 13 points in both the first and third quarters. TheJr defense contained tee Ortonville attack. South Lyon Held to 6-6 Deadlock Brown City II Close Winner Center line made it two straight over Utica football units With a 19-12 conquest of Stetenaon’s Titans Friday right. Ron Kariis was too much for the losers, the Center Line quarterback swept around ehd for 19 yards for the first Score, South Lyon won the battle of statistics but managed only a 6-6 He with YpaUanH Lincoln last ! right. Lany Baran scored on a six-yard run hi the first period for South Lyon. 11 Lincoln hit pay dirt in the final stansa when Larry Megget took a 21-yard paas from Hensley. South Lyon had 111 total yards to 123 for Lincoln. Terry Kalbfleiab scored on runs of; four and 20 yards last night in feadmg Brown City to a 29-13 win over Norte Brandi. I Gene Walker rambled eight [yards for a score, Jerry Defter trilled on a 65-yarder and Russ sped 35 yards in leading ’•jlu i Livonia Stevenson to victory, ij Quarterback Ken MacKenzie scored twice and passed for two ^ other touchdowns in leading •*> Highland Park past Thurston, non Jeff Kezlarian scored throe n touoh^lowns and a pair of extra SV points to pace the Lahser 9ie-n tory. He counted on a 99-yard romp ’££ with a recovered ftimUe in the first, on Sf seven-yard run in jj# the second' and on a. 39-yard pass from Jith Coe in the seo- tamWa ong Radar weht over from 1 one-yard out for Latjirup*# tone hm. score. Novi Record f) Now Evened Jerry Sauder hauled in a one-yard pan from Terry Caap for the other Brown City score. Bob liaybeny tallied on an _|8k yard kickoff return and ’dri "i 23-yard run for North Branch. Harriers Win of Highkmd Highland Takes campus of Community College boosted its record to 44 for the season by defeating Macomb CC In n cross country meet, 1141 yesterday. He also added the winners’ ] lone PAT. Kariis made the ] score 134 In the second quarter ^ with a 37-yard pass to Gary] Qualmann. B.'OrayHno U jftart^rbatroR Stevenson cut the gap to 134 before intermission whan Rich writ* took a four-yard aerial from Jerry Williams. The Tttons' final fix points were posted by John Mari on a one* i yard plunge. ♦. W j Center Line routed Utica, 33-1 0, tost week while Stevenson 1 was losing to Rochester. ] Falcons Fly tocovarekj FutnjblM SAGINAW Ufi 1 - Saginaw Douglas MacArthur turned three fmnhiea!; and an in-tercepted pass Into touchdowns in toe firri quarter Friday night to idriioff a 594 rout of Bay d-ty John Glenn in high SrilOOl record to 24 yesterday qdfli an 1944 win over Kettering. Keith j Watties paced Rochester with • j winring tipie of 19:48. Team- j mate Ed Griffis was second. I Kevin Rea be placed third for I Kettering, J f UM> UfUNtI AC PHKSS saffURDAy, SEPTEMBER 21, 1968 Pole Position for Cafe in 'Old Dominion'. 11 MARtlNSVflXE, y»J (AP)-11 Cale Yarborough of Timmons-I ville, S.C., looking for his see-. ond straight victory on the' half 1' mile track, put Jus 1968 Mercury i on thepde Friday for Sunday’s] 1 j 13th annual CHd Dominion 548 • race at Martinsville Speedway.! I Yarborough, NASCAR’s top - ^B0^r — Piete Hamilton (right), treasurer of the Pontiac Goa Collectors and Shooters Asm., and William Honaker, Wee president, hold two of the more modern rifles that will be on display Sunday at the CAJ Building in Waterford Township. Hie occasion is the association’s first gun show. Antique and modern rifles, pistols and shotguns will be -on display from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Exhibitors and dealers .will be from Michigan, Ohio and Indiana, BREAKING LOOSE - PoqtiaC CenfraPS Jerry Hinsperger finds running rooth Up the middle. .Moving in on the big fullback is Flint Northern's Mike Richards. Hinsperger gaihed 78 yards in 27 carries for the Chiefs who defeated the Vikings, 14-6, in the Saginaw Valley Conference game. Lions, Bears QB's Recuperating Munson Ready Parochials Yaz Hikes Average to .305 ninth with his homer, Lonborg struck out the side, finishing the game with eight. Reliever Wilbur Wood tied an American League record with his 82nd appearance of the year, helping the White Sox nail down their victory over the Orioles. Wood matched the mark set , by Eddie Fisher with Chicago in 1965. i Ken Berry drove in both Chicago runs with clutch singles. Jim “Catfish” Hunter pitehed [Oakland past Minnesota with Danny Cater tagging a home [run and Bert Campaneris stealing two bases, lbs two steals [{gave Campaneris 56-^a single m hull Weekend Schedule Chicago's Concannon Has broken Nose The Eaglets of Orchard Lake St. Mary and the Laker* of Waterford Our Lady of Lakes were involved in squeakers, but with different rseults, last week in their football openers and both will be looking for better performances when they collide tonight. Two convalescing quarterbacks, Bill Munson of Hie Detroit Lions and Jack Concannon of, file Chicago Bears will face eafih other tomorrow in the season home opener for the Lions at Titter Stadium. Both teams were defeated in their openers last week, the Lions logins 59-13 to the powerful Dallas Cowboys and the Bearg taking * 38-28 setback at the hands of the Washington Redskins. Munson, who pulled some chest muscles in the Exhibition game against the New York Jets two weeks ago, was on the sidelines as rookio Grog Barton handled the signal calling against Dallas. I John Roseboro homered for ithe Twins. The Eaglets scored the win- off# .. "‘.'.’.‘mV’J1. i tfMj ning touchdown late in file oHS^.* V LO^o*oH~ii! game and kicker Tad Cyman booted the extra point as the *»!!"* »*>. m3 Detroit on lopg runs and kick pTBugc «P*k returns. ! fjmim w« After one gome, he is second Kuraltai sm in the NFL nishing with 105 Mickey BUudtz continues to : lead the Firebirds receivers with U receptions for 260 yards. Flanker Jfoa Stewart has been : out for two games with an in-’ 1 jury and tight end Hon Bemis! ; has moved up among leadfogj receivers. Chuck Stein. last year’s fop • interceptor, back in the lead in'that department with two steals, and Mblty Malatin, now leads the'team scoring with 38 points. ... , The Firebirds rate 13 point favorites over the' Chargers. Kickoff is 7:30 p m. with ticket, windows Slated to open at 6:30!-p.m. . PONTIAC FIREBIRDS STATISTICS I season, moveij'irtQ the spotlight two weeks ago with hia shifty ninth, but the Astros returned with two more of their Own on Bob AspronWnte’8 sacrifice fly and Rusty Stabu’s hit. Pete Rose got his 2tyth hit for the Reds. perfect for coll typos of hutitina and fishing . . through swamps., sand, mud, snow, ico and on tho wator. Cruiso at 35 iqph in opon country. Tough high-impact body and woldod chassis. AMPHICAT is America's most vorsatiio and mobile vehicle. So# it Plan now...enjoy later! PURE Home Comfort Program • Complete Oil Burner Service • Automatic Delivery • Budget Payment Plan LOCALIZE* DELIVERY AFTER MR PJL! Buick’s New Place Is Tom Tony Grimaldi Invito# You to Where the Aotion It.. Wa hava sold 114 now Buicks and Opals sinca ws look over on July 1, this yaar. For that SPECIAL DIAL on a new-Buick or Opel, or on a Double Check, quality used car wo hava a top selection of 150 cars to guess WH*R THE i WOW**** i*rr«n OUW WUISB®1* Pure Oil Division Fmtisc Fr*»« Photo F-BIRD FLYER—Shifty Bob Brown has become the leading rusher on average per carry for the Pohtiac Firebirds m the past two games. Brown, a former gridder from Alliance, Ohio, has carried the ball 13 times for 175 yards and a 13.5 average. Last week in the Fort Wayne game, he caught a TD pass for 49 yards, ran back a punt 62 yards and went for 40 yard dash. The Firebirds play Hamtramck tonight at Wisner Stadium. Horse Racing DRC Entries Hazel Park Results Hodges> Mets Reach Win Goal Test-Drive a Renault Today I R & M Motors "Wtw* Hi* CvUmm,jWahoo Rw 0»»r Press Night Sports Phones 3324163/332-0164 By the Associated Press When it comes to wishful thinking, Gil Hodges must be the best in baseball. For him, they come true. First, the former great first baseman of the old Brooklyn Dodgers hitched his star to the downtrodden Was bin g t on Senators of the American League in his debut as a manager in 1963 and made his wish. \ ★ * * I want to see this club improve every year,” he said with overwhelming optimism. And lo and behold, the Senators climbed from last place and 56 victories to ninth and 6T. and 70, eighth and 71 and sixth and 76. Then, Hodges returned to New York this season to manage the aickly Mets with their five 10th place finishes and one ninth. Another wish. “I’d Uke to win 70 games this jason,” he said, knowing full well the Mets had never won more than 66 and were again* a unanimous pick for last place in the National League. NINTH PLAGE But Friday night, the Mets made it come true, slipping by Philadelphia 3-2 and 5-4 in a twi-night doubleheader for their 69th and 70th triumphs. They also held onto ninth place and open another impossible dream — a seventh place finish. The Mets climbed within two games of the Phillies and Los Angeles, which tied for seventh by tripping the • St. > Louis Cardinals 5-4. Houston dropped one game behind the Mets in last place despite a 74 triumph over Cincinnati, w ■ foil w In other games,’ Steve Blass on his eighth consecutive game and seventh shutout with a two-hitter as PitUburgh stopped the Chicago (fobs 54, and Juan Marichal won his 26th, a personal high, witH a five-hitter that sent San Frttncisco by Atlanta 6-1. Hie hot Dodgers celebrated the rehiring of Walt Alston for fos 16th year as their manager by notching their 13th victory in 17 games. SACRIFICE FLY Willie Davis’s sacrifice fly in the sixth inning broke the tie after the Cardinal* had climbed back from a 4-1 deficit aided by homers from Lou Brqpk- and rookie Joe Hague, ids first in the majors. The Astros had to confe-from behind twice against the Reds. Houston scored two unearned runs in the eighth for a 54 lead. The Reds scored tjrifee in the 1969 SKLRSRS NOW RN DISPLAY We also have a large selection of used snowmobiles DRASTIC REDUCTIONS CttlllSE-miT 63 E. WALTON FEU4402 OPEN DAILY 9-6 - CLOSED SUNDAYS Lions' Castoffs Joining Arrows in Minor Loop DETROIT (UP!) • - Si: members of the Detroit Lions taxi squad, including quarterback 'Greg Barton, Friday to play with the an Arrows of the Continental Professional Football Lfague. The six will join the Arrows tonight for the game in Charleston, W. Via., against the Charleston Rockets. Barton, a ninth-round draft choice of the Lions* from Tulsa, should add some punch to the Arrows’ ailing attack which has seen the team drop 04 this Others signed to contracts were soccer-style kicker Garo Yepremian, Solomon Brannan, defensive back and receiver; Mike Campbell, running back; Chuck Bailey, tackle; and George Chatlos, linebacker. Hazel Park Entries I rdmmjjtat i drive I DOES ANYWHERE Takes You Where the ACTION is! SWIH8 TOP WASTE III <&*** 2“ THE PONTI AC PRESS Home on an Proves a 3-Time Winner block tables ‘raiPhish additional ligh| for the grouping. An off-white chair and round,«ttoman await the browser’s convergence rntne room's book nook. Austrian antique ■ ; “The crucilixl,;,f^^alil* Mr. Duffy, nojfc. ding to the cross above the chair, “is ah old crucifix from Austria which was given to us when our home was opened. It is an Austrian tradition to have it hang in a corner.” Mrs; Duffy, or Dr. Helga as she is fondly known by many of the owners of her animal patients, is a native of Austria. By JODY HEADLEE Home Editor, the Pontiac Press The custom-designed home , of fire Irv-ing A. Duffys is a winner all the way. It won file hearts of the Duffys as it developed . from the home of their dreams into an woituig reality. And, for its architect Carl Luckenbacji Of Birmingham, it won the first honor award In 1967 from the Detroit Chapter of the American Institute of Architects and the 1968 award of merit from the Michigan Society of Architects. ★ ; *., ♦ , Built by Walter Desimpel of Birmingham,' the dramatic one-story is located on a cleared hilltop in Oxford Township, its contemporary exterior of natural-finished cedar siding complemented by a hand-split shake roof. •* * a The breathtaking beauty of the surrounding woods-dotted' hills and pastureland commands attention through the home’s Wide expanses of insulated glass- ta incorporate the. vastness of the outdoors into the interior’s majestic floor plan. ENTRANCE Massive double doors lead from the entrance courtyard into the brick-flowed foyer and hall allowing for a smooth traffic pattern between the master bedroom wing, the living and entertainment center, the nursery and guest rooms and the service wing. A bittersweet, deep-piled rug in. the center of the brick flow* of the ranch room marks the conversation grouping before the brick fireplace. An original bronze of the famous rac-ing horse Man O’War by June Harrah on the room’s credenza hints at the Duffys’ devotion to horses and the sport of racing. To enhance the Contemporary mood established by the room’s furnishings and design, the Duffys • inject the permanence of the past by using a hand-carved teakwood oriental chest . topped by three rare porcelain mandarins. , . ★ ; ★, * fl The Duffys will open their home for the Oxford Junior Women’s Club annual Fall Home Tour. Proceeds of the tour, to be held Oct. 2, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., will purchase playground equipment for the Oxford Area Community. Schools. “The chandelier,” said Mr. Duffy, “was also designed by Carl Luckenbach so that it would be in keeping with the size of the room. Its glass globes had to be specialfy blown. And as a safety measure, in case there was ever any breakage, we ordered a dozen extra. "The furniture,” he continued,” is of Florentine leather with a rosewood base. We had it made in Italy.” CRYSTAL DISPLAY Serving the triumvirate of sofas is a square cocktail table of bronzed glass, the special glass being used to absorb the light rays of the spotlights trained on ' the glittering crystal piece's on the table. “Thi Steuben piece,” said Mr. Duffy, with more than a tinge of pride entering his voice, “depicts the surface of the moon. It was given to me when I retired as chairman of the board of Philco Corporation.” Hie exquisite half round sparkles with a dignity befitting its cos* rnic counterpart. Matching ceramic lamps on rosewood Cedar Planks And Beams In Bridbrloored Ranch Room Repeat Home's Natural Finished Exterior Back Terrace Allows for Privacy At The Irving A. Duffy Residence In Oxford Township THE PONTIAC -PRESS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1168 Yes, we take the pains to he “Old Fashioned” builders That’s why Kampsen Built Homes consistently re-sell at higher prices The other day a man who wanted to pay ns a compliment called us “Old-Fashioned** builders. “I mean « he said* “you go on building to quality standard. You don't take construction short-cuts ... or compromise onmaterials. Well, Fm glad yen build the way you do. It means that, if I ever have to sell my Kampsen Built Home, Fm going to get more money for it than for any other comparably priced home I knight have bought!** Yes, we’re “old-fashioned” that way. “Old-fashioned in our ideas about service, too. We otdieve that every buyer of a Kampsen Built home is entitled to prompt, thorough service. That’s why we only build in areas where we cangfve service to our homeowners. We like to “stay on top** of the homes We’ve built. , Cheek these features for a step in bsaufy. • On* Piac* Conttruction * PH A Specification • Permanent Soauty . o Strona Reinforcod Coti • Rupped expandability • Avoid Ma„y ln»tollotii FREE ESTIMATES “*** we Deliver An^eft Manufactured and Sold hy OFFICE ^- Sunlight floods through >hie V; end his partner Major Robert J. Borg own window wail offrvirtg Duffy’s office in his the Red-Bob Farms, Michigan’s largest com- Oxford Township home. Paneled in teak- mercial breeding;, toffy of thoroughbred wood, the room is floored in brick. Dtjffy horses. 6497 Highland Road (fN-59) 673-0775 Add Buouty to Your ftomtf With Concrete Stops and Railings Open rfil!2 Saturdays Call Kupn Realty & NMbg Ce., FE MCI Soft Look Achieved by Shutte RECIPE FOR GRACIOUS LIVING 'BfXWkj-'RifA HOMES FE 4-0921 From authentic Colonials to OPEN 1 Daily 4 to 6 p.m. Sunday 1 to 6 p.m. HUNTOON SHORES Ranch, Colonial, Quad-Level, Tri-Level homes available now. Only 6 LAKE FRONT late loft. Price* range from $29,130 to $32,440 including large wooded lot. 4-bedroom Colonial ready for immediate occupancy. Beautiful off-the-lqke location. $29,700. NMOTMMl IMS (Highland ltd.) watt to signer turns to shutters tor softening the exterior and making the windows mors interesting. Homeowners can achieve the same effect by having shutters installed on their present ROYER ACTION SPECIAL lake Angelas Lakeview Estates 4 beautiful new homes are under construction in exclusive Lakeview Estates. Relax and enjoy the peace and quiet of beautiful Morgan Lake. Choose from Colonials, Tri-Levels, Quad-Levels and Ranches. Tri-Level prices start at $27,026. Today’s aluminum shutters are normally fixed in posttion to provide decorative treatment to your home. They are factory prepainted in many colors to Mend with your home's color idling. built by LEON BLACHURA, General Contractor, Inc. the window will detract rather Ah, to Live in the Country! pearance. The shutter should extend from the top of the window frame to the bottom of the window sill. Long units are used next to doors to-carry out a fully framed look. LITTLE CARE The baked enamel finish on aluminum shutters requires little care and stay clean with an occasional washing down with a garden hose; Shutters can be. installed in minutes over any] wail aurtece, aluminum, wood • FIVE ACRES OF ROOM TO ROAM. 9 FIELDSTONE FIREPLACE IN THE LIVING ROOM TO KEEP YOU COZY. • JUST OFF 1-75. • 24'x52' ADDITIONAL BUILDING FOR SHOP, STUDIO OR APARTMENTS. Decorators have recently! brought shutters into the home interior and suggested their use I in wall treatments and as room dividers. This seems to follow designers desires to coordinate! exterior and interior treat- ‘ ROYER REALTY. INC HOLLY PLAZA bi^bATEMAN TRADE PLAN M1ENAN1RAK-WPMIII Symbol Wj Brad New Apartments Between Two Lovely Lakes Security Sylvan on the Lakes LUXURY APARTMENTS, THE PONTIAC PRESS. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21. 1968 Cottages Get Lease on Beauty C" *8 •» Summer cottages are _ p new lease on beauty due to hew influence of Interior decorators and color specialists with manufacturers. . Everything froth, paper accessories to pots and pans provides colorful, low-cost, hare pick-ups, particularly goOd tor vacation cottages. I • * h Resilient floorings in yummy pew colors—yellows, oranges, toint greens and pinky-red patterns were not an afterthought by one manufacturer, the idea was the result of market search. “We have been going along With the old architectural theory of muted, and earth colors,” explains Gene Walker, flooring designer-colorist for Armstrong. “Architects had ^control of color until recently but now decorators and color specialists are setting the pace. We also had to consider op, pop and psychedelic art in planning hew color ideas.” FLOORINGS These new floorings in six-foot Widths come in the same tiny, random-size hexagonal designs that have been popular in beigy tones in country and beach houses. The new floorings (vinyl Corlons) reflect the influence of California, Florida and the Gulf Coast. ★ A Lemon and lime always have been popular colors in such preas — happy colors that go with open planning. Now these - colors have workedtheir*way into New England and other eastern homes and it is time to •top playing it safe, he says. Heretofore, such durable floorings were confined to kitchen and utility traffic but now have found their .way throughout the house in portant homes, particularly in the country and at beach where emphasis is on easy care. BRIGHTNESS Now there is a red hexagonal — pinky red and magenta flakes —that provides brightness without glare to blend in with everything in home furnishings. *. The new trends in decorating with painted and lacquered furnishings, Naugahyde materials, antiqued furniture, Spanish and Mediterranean styles which will be around for getting quite a few years and the trend to paper all had to be taken into consideration in designing new color schemes. great mapy avant-garde first homes .and summer cottages are on the paper standard with everything, from tableware to bedspreads of paper providing .instant color on i budget. Color is an easy way to inject personality into a house, - and young people choose paper for that reason. They also like washable, bright cottons. SUMMER HOMES. An easy decorating idea noted in several houses at one vacation resort was thii maintenance one: One washable, colorful cotton in geometric pattern r e d s, greens, yellows, blues, white, was laminated to all window shades throughout a house, and the same pattern, was used on sleep sofas in the living room. It was the only pattern in the hoose. Plain-color bedspreads i each bedroom provided the only other color — each spread lifted a colon, from the shade. All bathrooms were bright white. A beige resilient floor was used throughout the house. When things can be washed or disposed of easily*, vacation cottages are a joy- But if they are furnished with heavy draperies, rugs, coverlets that can become damp and soggy or mildewed, you cant see the fun for the work. - -This year, take a good look at your summer home. Are there ways to makn it more efficient Bathroom Made in Waste Space Do you have an oM closet, pantry or space under a stairwell going to waste? Are you badly in need of additional bathroom facilities? If this combination exists at your house, why not use that waste space for a com. powder room? According to the Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Information Bureau, you can ii stall a powder room in a space as little as 1x5 feet. For rooms with unusual shapes, there are lavatories and water closets far corner installation. A good neighbor fence looks equally attractive on both sides. EXPERTS PREDICT IT WILL BE ANOTHER 20 YEARS BEFORE REAL ESTATE WILL REACH ITS PRESENT HIGH SELL NOW WHILE HOME MARKET IS AT IIS HIGHEST-WE HAVE QUALIFIED BUYER FOR YOUR HOME WEGUARANTEE A SALE Guarantotd Sale WE LIST YOUR HOME J!T THE MARKET PRICE We commit ourselves in writing te huy the property anytime during the listing IMMEDIATE TRADE CASH SALE - WE BUY YOUR HOUSE am akts to t*k« ymir ALL MONEY IN t DAYS yniMt MONK m THAOS Star « BAYS AFTEI SMI CALL FOR DETAILS 7 Office* Serving All of J Macomb, Oakland and Wayne CouM&e OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK YORK REAL ROTATE PHONES OW *03*3"------- « *7176 > 4713 Dixie Hwy. - 1702 Telegraph Rd. so that it will be more en-ifrom your other house, but you joyable? It’s something to think haven’t really saved anything in ohout. v • time or money when you can- You may have furnished it sider the cost of maintenance inexpensively with cast-offs I and the effort involved. i©ic©ic©i*:o;*;©:*:©:* 1©:$ :©;*:© MODELS OPEN DAILY 12 to 8P.M. LUSTRA-E-CON-O RANCH *15,990 . _ ..t family yo», for only $15,090 on your lot. Wo will build this all aluminum tided homo. Drivs out AA-59 to Airport Road, turn right to Dwight, than right to PRINCESS *17,990 3 bedroom family home and 2-car garage, priced at only $17,990 plu* lot. Located in ■ubdMtior •boats,. curb*, gutters, side-wollu, and city water. Drive out AA-59 to Ciaacent Lake Road, turn right to Crottbrook Street and than to* modal. For Salo By WE TRADE ® Ph. 613-7837 ® ip DAYS Sherwin-Williams Paints PRICESGOODTHRU SATURDAY—SEPT. 28 SAVE 50 KEJN-KLEEN 139 Dissolves paint, I .grease, oil in-plain water. m .VE *100 r BRUSH *369 1W% NYLON SAVE 20* rumni|9( Dozens of Usos SAVE 53* MINT THINNER OOv Q*i- SAVE 10* RUSTIC M * COVER IVv Big 0'xt2'Size each Maybe yon never thought of paying | this much for house paint... But you could never buy a paint like this before! AMII/mt white house peint... with su/ier quality. ..super durability. CmersieomeoeL Come in foiloH details. WHfElto per gallon on SHtmmWkuAMS Sherwin-Williams IIP A-100 Latex NOOSEIWRT HOUSE PAINT Th$779 —-•* i Whko and S ^ Raffular Colon ■ Tough durable finioti Igr all wood surfaces. Gives your hefne extra years of beauty At and pi$|ectio». ■ $77g * OeHen •tog-lt79 Whin and Regular Colon Resists blistering and peeling. No undercoater 'required: oh previously painfed surfaces. ■ SAVE SIC 2 TRIM HOh BRUSH TOY 100% NYLON togjf.49 SAVt’1" PEN GALLON ON Shkrwin-WIluams FLOOR ENAMEL The Sherwin-Williams Co, mj. PERRY PBBTIAC NALL tl 4-2871 682-1110 , FREE PARKING Ch#ctoQstf Ub4f>l Ttrfiw PigymBniTflanri. ... YouCan Borrow Up to$5i0OO Up to 3 to Repay on Low, FHA Terms ! Ttiili W.Huron • Street H . LawrencB $t., Pontiac : iNMfri m ^PMMh 2-9147 |5H| MAtdSp .............. „ 9799 Orfonv.lld Rd., Clark.ton " 625 2811 m % Brofdway, Lake Orion | 6924228 5040 MiftiNAd Rd., Wafttford J ' . 672-1271 7119 Codoy Lk.Jtd,, jlMB N»-1IUt m CRANE YEAR-’ROUND COMFORT CONTROL HEATING Lot us help with a Home Improvement ban Don't delay needed addition* or repair* any longer. A low-cost Home Improvement loan can make your home ' morn livableand enjoyable — now! DAY SATURDAY 371 Voorlttis Rd. FE 2-2919 Our Operator on Duly After Hours Tkoy National Bank THE ^PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1968 aluminum or weave. Call for free estimate. FE 5-7471 NO DOWN PAYMENT LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS. WANT TO SELL LAWN MOWERS. POWER MOWERS, BOATS? USE A LOW COST PONTIAC PRESS CLASSIFIED AD - - - TO PLACE YOURS, CALL 332-8181. Understanding Is Key Toilet Repairs Are Easy "Ready So Serve > You Now" "One Call Doe* ft 4U" By MR. FIX The typical flush-type toilet has remained pretty much over the years, easy to come by and of what the average thinks, repairs are not complicated. When the tank doesn’t operate erly, not only is there inefficiency, there is noise as well. And don’t forget the waste of water which can be considerable over a period of Piffle. Take a look inside the tank sometime and watch how it works. Set the tank cover aside carefully, If you break It you may have to buy a whole new . . . for a better way of life? the quiet country life that is Lakeland Estates, la spread out and grow. ENJOY private plus 8 miles of boating in 3 connecting Immediate possession on this lovely lake privilege ranch! 3 bedrooms, life ceramic tiled baths, custom kitchen cabinets with dishwasher, range, hood, family room with fireplace, sealed glass windows and dorwall plus full basement and double car garage. LANDSCAPING INCLUDED at $34,900. 4 bedroom colonial also available. Watkins Hills ranch at $31,900; LAKELAND ESTATES: On Dixit Hwy., V* Milt Ntrtli tf Walton llvd. BEYOND COMPARE! 6755 AMY DRIVE OPEN SUNDAY 2 to 5 Wa’vs tttrohtd our tilts for t comparable valut and ntnt was ft bt found ... Homo sweet home ... As you stop Into this hemp it is os if you Were opening o picture megesine. Lovely brick custom home with large family ream, fireplace, full basement, attached 2-car garage, 1 Vi baths, all new cdrpeting, built-in even, range, an a large well .landscaped let with lake privileges in en excellent location. DIRECTIONS: Take M-15 te |ust pest I-7S exemstwey, to a right at AMY DRIVE. YiSI MM Our new VAL-U-VISION show ef hemes •t Mr etWoe §r have n egurteeu* Ml**-person explain this n*w method to you. when it ik raised. Bui as the water level drops the ball fal back down and is reseated against the opening when the tank is emptied. Models Opsn Daily Sat. A Sun. 14 AM. 623-0610 outfit. Covers alone are hard to come by. Pushing down on the handle horizontal piece of meta- outside the tank raises a trip lever. This pulls a lift rod upward which lifts the tank ball off of Its seat. This uncovers the opening at the bottom of the tank allowing the water from the tank to rush into the toilet bowl. FLOAT BALL With the water inside the tank going down, a large float ball goes down with it. The float ball is connected by way of an arm to the inlet valve. As the ball and arm are depressed the valve opens to allow more water to rush in. The tank ball floats upward (It is hollo#: at the bottom) The fresh water holds the ball firmly against the seat. Meanwhile, the float ball is ris-until it turns offthe inlet valve as the water is restored to its former level. There is a little more to it than that, such as part of the water entering through the inlet valve being diverted through anpther tube through the oer-flow tube into the bowl. That > water to the bowl to sea] | the trap. A HELP Understanding the operation you #111 be able to determine where the trouble is. The problem most likely to leecur is one in which water continues to run into the howl and the tank itself never seems to fill up. This is caused by the tank ball not being seated properly. Since the tank ball wears in time it is 'best to replace it. Turn off the water, or support the float arm with a piece of string tied to a> stick placed across the top of the tank. Unscrew the ball from the lift rod and replace with a new one. If even a new ball doesn’t seat property the rod guide might need adjusting. This is a fastened to toe overflow tube. Through the other end of it passes the lift -ml. The guide can be moved to toe left or right by loosening a setscrew where it is fastened ’ the overflow tube. ' Sometimes the continuous run of water is not through the tank opening but from the inlet valve through toe overflow tube. This happens when the inlet valve does not shut off after the water reaches the proper level. The problem is either with the tank float or toe inlet valve. Try the float first. Lift the float ball manually. Raise it as high as it will go. If this stops toe water running, unsefew the float ball and ex-dli amine it. Sometimes it will ted develop a leak and partially fill with water. Replace it. If that is not the trouble, then This will allow the ball to rise hlgher~4han~ 4t would-wito~-i straight arm. You will have to experiment to get the right adjustment. If the trouble is not with the float ba 1 or arm, then the inlet valve itself may-he at fault. There is a washer inside at toe top of the valve, right beneath' toe plunger that moves up and | down. have to remove toe' float arm! linkage at toe top of the valve, f There may be either a setscrew] pr a pin. Then pull up toe whole plunger to get at the washer. Aluminum Siding Conserves Heat If you had to set your thermostat at 75 or 80 degrees last winter to heat your home, your heating system is not operating efficiently and your fuel bills are too high. One of the chief causes of heating problems is insufficient insulation, he says. Most homes, {especially those built before 1955, have a little or no insulation in the walls. To correct this situation, homeowners previously had to have insulation blown into wall cavities, a costly and difficult PATTERN 482 ORIENTAL DESIGNS for bird houses are sure to please your decorative sense and the birds will like them, too. The Japanese tea house for wrens and the Chinese lantern for blue birds are equally attractive. Pattern 482, which gives actual-size cutting guides and directions, is 35c. It is also in Bird House and Feeder Packet No. 79 with flye other unusual designs for $1. The Pontiac Press Pattern Dept., P.O. Box 50, New Windsor, New York 12558--------- Today, many homeowners are looking into toe i n s u l a t i o ft qualities of aluminum siding, in addition to the savings it offers on periodic exterior repainting, the aluminum siding has reflective properties that bounce the heat from heating system back into the house. ' interlocking designs prevent outdoor drafts < from entering. Insulation is obtained wlthout alteifing interior waifi: Fuller details on the insulation properties Of aluminum siding as well as its other properties are available in a free booklet, “26 Straight -Answers on Aluminum Siding." For a copy, write to “26 Answer Booklet,’’ Building Products Division, Alcan Aluminum Corporation, 100 Erie view Plaza, Cleveland, Ohio 44144. adjust the float arm which isi made of heavy gauge wire. If the ball is not rising high enough, then bend the wire1 downward at its middle.. 7750 HACKETTj REALTY EM 3-6703 MODEL OPEN M-59 and Dolane Dr. Ph. 363-6700 Sign of Action PLUNGER To reach this plunger you will! Your Listing Will Receive Prompt Attention ’We Have Cash Buyers Waiting "List With Hackett and Start to Pack It!" 7750 COOLEY LAKE RD.-UNION LAKE Ladder Safety Check Points A good way to insure the safety of older, straight ladders used for outdoor painting: Lay the ladder flat on the ground, and put all of your weight on each rung — if one of them breaks or splinters, it's time for a new ladder. YEAR-’ROUND COMFORT H| with the touch of /jffl your finger I *Country Living for the Discriminating Taste" -16 High Restrictions For Your Protection- • 60-ft. wide paved streets • Underground utilities including gas • As low a* $300 down — $40 per month to qualified buyers • 814 .miles of lots a LoW take* • Vi mil# from now M-78 cross-town expressway • Lot sizes from 80' wide by 135' deep CALL NOW CE 4-6821 or PI 2-3111 !ash or Term* Open 7 Days a Weak “Retiree's Hares” 1200 ft. fms proposed expressway exit Additions or repairs? THE PONTIAC. PRESS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1968 Avoid Autumn Fires W Tips MORTGAGES - MORTGAGES Selling Your Own Home?? Fall fires can be disastrous. This is a good time to take special care to prevent them. Dry leaves, grass and other foliage add to the fire threat to pails with water or sand before you strike the first match. With this precaution you can douse a fire before it gets away from you. • Store gasoline, turpentine, kerosene, cleaners and other flammable fluids in fire-proof metal containers, away from sources bfheat or sparks. LET US HANDLE YOUR MORTGAGED Think ahead and know what to do to prevent fires and fight them if they do get started. Here are some tips for your family: • Don’t burn leaves or other refuse in an open fire when other ways are available. BUBNEHL If possible, burn these dry materials in a perforated galvanized steel rubbish burner with a close-fitting cover. That Fast, Efficient Service After the last gross cutting this fall, drain the power mower and store the gasoline in a galvanized steel fuel can. Do the same with the cleaners and solvents you’ll be using for fall painting and tool cleanup.. • Clean the basement garage, and other areas where FHA - Gl - CONVENTIONAL LOANS Lew Discount Points — Good Appraisals Aaron Mortgage & Investment Co. refuse is ant to collect. And resolve to keep them clean AARON BAUGHEY, BROKER through the year. ***.. Jt *... .* .•*» • Discard or burn o 1 d newspapers, rags and other trash Which might cause a fire. Put accumulations of sawdust, scrap lumber and the like from your workshop into a galvanized steel trash can until it can be hauled out. embers around. • If you do start an- open fire, malm arrangements ahead of time to control it. Be on hand hwmiiuL ^Aad keep children away, as they’re attracted by fire. 616 W. Huron St. • One good “stitch in time’’ is to fill several galvanized steel Clean Mildew Area Before Repainting WE DO EVERYTHING IN HOME IMPROVEMENTS Free Mutes - Cheerfully given Before repainting in mildew problem areas, it is absolutely necessary to wash the mildewed area with a quality mildew cleaner. Merely painting over the area will not kill the fungi and will INTIRIORS BUDGET TERMS No Down Payment GALL *1695 Mildew cleaners are available in various forms such as liquids, powders and small tablets to be dissolved In water. Many all-purpose mildew cleaners may be used on painted surfaces, roofs, - tile, canvas and cement blocks, and will clean and renew these surfaces while killing any mildew infection. COMPLETE (UNATTACHED) BEAUTIFULLY CONSTRUCTED 2-CM GARAGE 24 Hour Phone Service Licensed Builder “Member Chamber of Commerce” EtfahlUhed 1936 PONTIAC Storage Space > 13 YEARS EXPERIENCE ENS CALL US TODAY Aluminum IRS aam 07 A A ADDITI OMS OOO-0/4U REMODI AFFILIATED BUILDERS 1969 MODELS IN SCENIC TWIN LAKES VILUGE portable kitchen appliances will be a great time-saver for the cook. So will work areas surfaced with a heatproof and stainproof material such as ceramic tile. ■:.* WHATISKUlIttLHUTFAOEBfilCKSIDIlia? Itlt thf Multi-Purpose Brick Siding that does so many jobs-BETTER WALL MAGIC - Stock wood mouldings bring decorating magic to plain wails, as illustrated here. For idea and “how to” booklets, send SO cents to Homemakers In- by Master-Craft Building Co jlncr 192$ MODELS OPEN DAILY 1 TO 7 PJA (EXCEPT FRIDAYS) Blacktop curbod street, community water, nicely landscaped loti. vM 20 WATERFRONT LOTS 30 WOODED LAKE PRIVILEGE LOTS DIRECTIONS - Highland Rd. West, Left on Sunnybeach fed. Follow eigne We Wilt Guarantee the Sale of Your Present Heme Sale* Attendant* on Property JACK FRUSHOUR HARVEY KEITH JIM DeFLORIO CHUCK SHOTWELL DAVID KERR MARILYN VAUGHN BOB GIROUX BILL GIROUX VIRGINIA FLANIGAN ROGER PRATT %'fThree extra large bedrooms; two full bathe, each with double lavatories; kitchen-family room; bauemeni, oversized two car garage. See it under eoiMtruetSoit — Call Sofa Exclusively by Waterford Realty 4540 Dixie Hwy., Drayton Plains BUY! SELL! TRADE! ... USE PONTIAC; PRESS WANT ADSJ * - Annual Realtor Forum Petitpren, Sr., Mt. Clemens Realtor, is chairman of the council The general public Is welcome to attend the Forum. Tickets, priced at five dollars, Including breakfsst, may he obtained in advance from forum ticket chairman, William Demmons. /VXoNTGOMERY WARD SUNDAY/ Sept. 22,2 to 5 p.m. 41666 Fourteen Milo Road Wallod Lake, between Decker and Haggerty Road Quality built 3 bedroom ranch on over 1 acre of ground. Owner transferred, large paneled family room with fireplace, basement; first floor laundry, nice porch and patio, attached garage. Comfortable family living, in a very convenient location, and priced at only $29,900. COME AND SEEI MAX BROOCK, Inc 4139 Orchard Lake Rd. at Pontiac Trail ' / Ml 4-6700 Realtors JO 4-6700 OFFICI OMN SUNDAYS Your first glimpse of i new home of cherished quality, design and charm ... invites yon to step inside and discover a better way of living. You’ll fee how the latest in modern, efficient design has been coordinated with the charm and comfort you want in. your new home. Accept our invitation and see our latest models today. Open Daily 2 to 8 P.M. FROM •25,950 WESTRIDGE OF WATERFORD HOMES CHEATED BY FKUSHOUR A ANGEL - a J. MASON CONST. CO. It at Onr Lady of th# Lakes Church and School, Watch for aia». LAKE VIEW ESTATES - LAKE ANGELUS HOMES CREATED BY BOOTH, INC. By Appointment FROM •29,900 FABULOUS FOX BAY HOMES CREATED BY BELAIRE BUILDERS, INC. FROM *27*200 Open Sunday 2 to S PM. Direction: Weal on Eliaabeth Lake Road 1052 N. CASS LAKE ROAD This attractive three bedroom ranch will please the most discriminating buyer. Will duplicate on your lot or ours — why not trade your out-dated home .for a sparkling NEW one! Open daily 9-9. DUPLICATED ON YOUR SITE OWEIL REALTY 3520 Pontiac Lake Rd. OR 4-2222 Office Open Sunday 1-4 3&4 BEDROOM CAPE COO JONOO Rd. *10*450" MEAD0WBR00K RD. All Aluminum Siding 1% Baths Poured Concrete Basomont Hardwood Floors — Sanded and Flnlshud Double Kitchen Sink Formica Counter Tops Mercer Cobinote with BlitH Poors - American Standard Plumbing and Hooting BifoM Ciosat Doors Take Baldwin north to Clarkstaa/Orion Rd. Left to N. Often Rd. and right to Mesldewbieek. Turn right to modal. Watch for signs. DAN MATI1MILY Eli Highland Road THE PONTIAC X1*KKSS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21,1968 Spl '\ wE* Open to Public FORMAL DINING Pale green antique satin draperies in the formal dining room of the Irving Duffys of Oxford Township open to reveal the outdoor dining patio. Adding a bright touch of color to the silver bowl cen- Ponll.c Pr«t Photo by R.ll Winl.r tering the rosewood table are fresh begonias. The Duffy home will be shown on the Oxford Junior Women annual Fall Home Tour, Oct. 2 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Fire: a Major Cause of Accidental Deaths “Symbols of Success” will be le of the principal topics discussed at the fifth annual Realtor Forum to be held on Oct. 1, Marvin 0. Moser, general chairman, announced. ‘ The speaker will be Clifford Robedeaux, a recognized expert in real estate sales stimulation. Robedeaux will present his audience with an oral and graphic demonstrated of Successful real estate sales techniques through the application of his "motivation tjy acjtitude” process. . ; a * More than 1,000 Realtors and guests- from throughout the metropolitan Detroit area are expected to attend the half-day Forum at the Raleigh House, Southfield. ... The principal address will be by'Marilyn Van Derbur, Miss, America of 1958, a popular keynote speaker for thousands of groups. 1 BREAKFAST Starting with breakfast 8:30 and lasting until shortly before noon, the Forum will also feature reports and predictions on real-estate | market ’ conditions throughout the five-county metropolitan area. The Forum is sponsored by the Metropolitan Detroit Council of Real Estate Boards, con-ststlnf uf ii Realtor Boards operating in Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, Washtenaw ahd Monroe Counties. Robert C. Rainy Day Moves a Necessary Evil Everyone hates moving in bad weather and even the moving men would prefer postponing the event to a sunny day. * ’ * 7 * , But that’s just not possible. Usually the moving family has a commitment to vacate the s on a set date while the carrier is confronted with tight schedules. - Inclement weather, is only a bother, not a deterrent, and when confronted with rain or snow, movers simply adopt tested methods for the protection of the goods. They use waterproof coverings and spread floor runners through! the house in order not to track up floor or carpets. The vans themselves , waterproof. OPEN HOUSE AT THE RANCH! Other qualities that have helped establish moth-repellent cedar closets as a highly desirable home feature include attractiveness and ease of upkeep. Wards 11-ga. Chain-Link fence fabric 72c Enjoy security, privacy, beauty! Installation available .. .call 682-4940 today for a FREE estimate in the comfort of your home. Gate and terminals extra. PER _ ■■ FOOT INCLD. FABRIC. LINK POST AND • TOO MIL'. 100 FT. MINIMUM nil JUST FOR YOU! HOMES WHICH SPEAK AN INVITATION TO BETTER LIVING YARD STORAGE — Small tool house in garden will take clutter out of garage or back porch — and the home handyman can build one readily with basic materials, lumber, plywood and shingles, stock wood window and doors. Arbor for sun-filtering vines ties unit closely to garden. For— plan and materials list, send 15 cents to: H-I Tool House, TOO Yeon Bldg., Portland, Or. 97204. 9D3i3r DEAL NOW SAVE NOW! 0 Models j On Display {YEARS TO MY ON F.HA EXPERT CEMENT WMK Dl -MODERNIZATION- > Attics • Etc. Rooms • Additions • Breezeways v ’ Atatinum Siding* Insulition DIX IE SUMS wsK* 5744 HIGHLAND ROAD (M-59) Between Crete**! Lake and Airport Rdt. TAKE AIRPORT ROAD-EAST ON M4S OR 4-0371 ’ Open Daily Btyl&mnday 9 A.M. to 7 J \M. Fire is ranked by the National Safety Council as one of the three major causes of accidental deaths. Nealy 13,000 lives were lost In this country last year as a result of fires. One of the main causes of fire is the careless handling of trash or waste material. Because of this, virtually all fire safety officials endorse the use of covered galvanized steel garbage cans as the most effective deterrent against the spread of destructive fire. ★ * ★ ‘ Should spontaneous combustion occur in a galvanized steel can, the fire can no more than smolder if the cover Is in place. Even if th* cover 1^ removed, the fire can be confined until the-cover is put back to smother the flames. TESTED Fire resistance capabilities of galvanized steel garbage cans were tested by the General Services Administration 1 n Washington, D.C. This federal agency operates more than 8.000 government buildings throughout the world. Galvanized steel garbage cans were pitted against nonmetal containers, winning hands-down in the dramatic tests. A * * 1 The G. S. A. report concluded: “These tests proved beyond doubt that combustible waste and trash containers multiply the chances of spreading fire and for this reason are completely unsatisfactory for use in G.S.A. buildings.” BARRED Such receptables also are barred in many offices, shops, schools, hospitals and public and private buildings where large numbers of people congregate. Besides fire1 safety reasons, covered galvanized s t eel garbage cans are approved by municipal authorities for health reasons, guarding against the spread of disease from flies and rodents. * ★ ★ Rats are compulsive gnawers who like to eat through the Insulation . on electric wiring as well as nonmetallic garbage containers. They would not be disposed to gain entry to a home or establishment unless attracted by uhkempt trash storage. Chancellor of Urban Affairs THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, lj}68 Death Notices Death Notices New Administrator at OU A Wayne State JUnJvijretty economist was named yesterday to the newly created post of assistant to the chancellor for urban affairs at Oakland University. “KSrT"Tr~©*8ory, assistant professor of economics at WSU; will primarily work with disadvantaged residents of Pontiac -and in the drea of race relations and urban problems. . . -it’... W; ' 'ft ' The Michigan State University Board of Trustees, which also governs OU, approved the appointment of Gregory»at its regular monthly meeting East tensing. Other top-level administrative changes approved by the board were: • Tidy, P. Crowder, director of university relations, will take on additional duties as assistant to Chancellor Durward B. Varner. Crowder will * handle administrative details of the; COLLIER, WILLARD; September 21, 1068; 815 ■- OUve Street, Oxford. Funeral rangemients an pending at the Bossardet Funeral Home, Oxford. J, • Lawis N. Pino, assistant to the chancellor for planning, will assume the newly created post of dean of the summer^MoiL and director of research services. • Provost Donald D. O’Dowd was named to the additional post of dean of graduate study. It is a new position. POSITION EXPLAINED Varner had this to say About Gregory’s appointment: “While the specifics of the assignment must be worked out, it is my hope that Gregroy can serve as a focal point in the university community for student and faculty interests and involvement hi this problem in terms of both community action and research. on Insurance th Waterford H. Jones, associate director of admissions. OTHER PROMOTIONS .. Assistant Provost Frederick W. Obear Was promoted to vice provost and Wiilihm F. Stumer was reappointed assistant provost. The board also approved the promotions to assistant pro-fessor of Arturo Blhiarz, instructor in sociology, and Marc E. Briod, instructor in teacher Aducatfam- B e a u r egard Stubblefield, associate professor of mathematics, was granted' a leave of absence to continue his work in a teacher improvement program in Texas.' HARLESS, JCWBERLY LYNN; September 19, 1968; 11749 Meadowbrook, Independence Township; beloved infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Manford Harless; beloved infant granddaughter Of Mrs. Ollie Harless and Mr. Marshall Davidson; dear slater of Randy Harleax> Graveside service was held today, September .21, at 10. a.m. at the Lakeviewj Cemetery. Arrangements by< Home, Clarks ton. Police Arrest City Shooting Suspect, 36 36-year-old Pontiac man was arrested by city police . ‘A successful program (in early today moments after ao> Rnnrrl fn Arf dealing with the disadvantagedl other naan was shot at a bar. wv/u w I w /nv.1 wjm necessitate a dose and! *n custody for investigation continous working relationship of attempted murder is -Wesley With the many segments of the Hamblin of 356 Franklin EM., Pontiac community, both black according to officers, and white.’' I W ★ * '♦ I He faces arraignment, prob- Gregory has held his present late? today, in the wound-Th» Watoi-Onvi t n » n « h* - Position since 1964. He has also of 27-year-old Joe A. Carr The Waterford Township ^ /wnmi^nt mDetroit’s01 328in the incident --------- «"‘*“rveaa8 Business ^ * Chib, 88 Bsgley, about provement Forum, the Federal ■ -J. £££ M Bureau of the Budget aidfl»i PoHce tw0 officers on Another new position -!■■*■ *** to to assistant dead of graduate study — was filled by William Bon'd is expected to take final action Monday night on a report from the insurance committee concerning rfot and civil disorder coverage. The existing township insurance policy does not cover police action outside Oakland County. Concern arose on this exclusion police car was' recently called to Ann Arbor as part of tee North Oakland County, Police Tactical Unit. ' <*'.. The board also is expected to consider an amendment of the zoning ordinance for multiple dwellings in a residentia district. The amendmen primarily concerns , the establishment of fees. In other business, the boanLis scheduled to consider a request for an application for a water main extension in the Hospital and Cooley Lake roads area. it 'it. : it The meeting will be 7:30 p.m. in the cafeteria of the Waterford Township. High School, 1415 Crescent Lake Road. Turkey Dinner in Ortonville The Harvest Festival at Ortonville United Methodist Church is set for Thursday. Hie family style turkey dinner beginning at 5:36 p.m. will be served by the Woman’s Society for Christian Service. Fancy work, mystery packages, bilked goods and candy will bp for sale. Mrs. Ellis jencks is chairman. Daily Almanac By United Press International Today is Saturday, Sept. 21, the 265th day of 1968 with 101 remaining. The mom is between Its last quarter and new phase. The morning star is Mars. ....it it ' * The evening stars are Saturn and Venus. On this day in history: In 1792 France became a republic. In 1093, the first successful gasoline - operated motor car made in America — designed and built by Charles and Frank Duryea—appealed on the streets of Springfield, Mass. t it it it ; ffl In 1938, at least 450 persons were killed to a hurricane that battered the coasts of New England and New York. fa 1955 Rocky Marciano knocked out Archie Moore in the ninth round at Yankee Stadium in New York, successfully defending his heavyweight title for the sixth Investigate, They said a man, identified as Rambun, fled through a rear door when tee patrolmen entered. SHORT CHASE ' Officers said Rambun surrendered after a short chase and jgave up a pistol which had-one shell misting. i Carr, wounded in the left leg, is reported in satisfactory condition in Pontiac General Hospital. An argument preceded the incident, investigators said. Pontiac DeMolay t6 Install Officers A Pontiac Township boy Robert H. Howard of 3180 Gid-dings, will be installed ai master .coun< gilor of the Pontiac Order of DeMolay te^ 1 night. The in-Istaltation Is at |7:30 at th Roosevelt Masonic Temple, 22 State. Also to be -In-HOWARD stalled are Edward Driller of 4322 Windiate, Waterford Township, as senior' councillor and Richard Foote of 1247 Bielby, Waterford Township, as junior counciBor. BIG 2 ViCAR GARAGE lli,999 Iasom Mua Mcuois auo* the mwowmo » uwnt turn « • It foot SMElf OB WOR« BINCM • 2a» RATTERS .• M O.C STUM • SIOING • WIND SNACKS • ITHl OVfHHIAD DOOR • « SOX CORNICI . coon tut • iik cono • m iiHNom • oouau meaosb* FK8^58I Rosary will be Monday; at 8. P-m. at tee Sparks-Griffin Funeral Home. Funeral service will be held Tuesday, September 24, at 11 a.m. at the . St Vincent de Paul Catholic Church. Mr. Winegar will tie in state at the funeral home. (Suggested visiting hours 3 to 5 and 7 to 9.) ANDREW H.; 19. 1968; 3U>! Varjo Coart, Keego Harbor; age 69; beloved husband of Sarah Kluesner; dear father of Mrs. Fred (Mary Bernice) Cook, Mrs. Kenneth (Alma J. Warren, Mrs. Donald (Dolores) Morrison, Mrs Richard (Hazel M.) Dick, John A. and Joseph M. Kluesner; dear brother Mrs. Omma Goffinet, Mrs. C|am Shafer, Mrs. Marie Hoesli, Mrs. Zita Hall; Frank, Jesse, Hilary and Nick Kluesner ; also survived by 40 grandchildren and five greatgrandchildren. Recitation the Rosary will be Sunday, at 8 p.m. at the C. J. Godhardt Funeral Home, Keego Harbor. Funeral service will be held Monday, September 28, at 10 a.m. at tee Our Lddy of Refuge Catholic Church Interment in Mount Hope Cemetery. Mr. Kluesner trill lie In state at the funeral home after 7 p.m. tonight. (Suggested visiting hours 8 to 5 and 7 to 0.) OPDENHOFF, HERMAN M-; September 19, liNB; 806 Waterfront, Watarford Township; age 38; beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Opdenhoff; dear father of Diane Lynn and Wendy Jo Opdenhoff; dear brother of Mrs. Arthur Allen, Mrs. Cecil Guffi, Mrs. Frank Peck, Carl, Charles and Henry Opdenhoff. Funeral service trill be held Monday, September 23, at p.m. at the Elton Black Funeral Home, Onion Lake. Iqtertnent in Lakes id Cemetery. Mr. Opdenhoff trill fie ld state it the..funeral home. G 8 M CONSTRUCTION 8 ELLIS ■Wliomo IN PONTIAC SMSCt IMS* ' mmei'm stop smm mm* Special Program by Sunday School The Sunday School Providence Missionary Baptist Church trill present a special program at 3:80 p.m. tomorrow with tee Rev. Willie L. Cohn, assistant pastor of Now Hope Baptist Church, as guest speak-r. . Choir8 of New Hope Church I present several adoptions. At 7:30 p.m. tee Deaconess Board trill sponsor a musical Orograa. All singing groq* of the host church will participate as other musical groups of the ORy- K. Mrs. Dave White is chairman of tee Deaconess Board. Pastor Claude Goodwta said the public is invited. Music of Messiah . Hie Senior choir 1 _____ I its loth anniversary and the J Juntos Choir trill matt Us so-• cond year at the 6 p.m. service Sjamorrww. in Mdsflah g Missionary Baptist Church. The ■ Rev. Henry Robinson trill speak 1 srid the Morning Stan ^ ■•tags. I auTccowkw^ • DINS • VAWOS • OAKAOiS • *KCa|aTION KOONS . CONCRETE WORjCiMASONRirj • E^tV f • ATHROOMS • ITtHtM ond SCREEN DOORS Sfid WINDOWS IS North Saginaw - Downtown Pontiac twwMP&mni.' ERSER ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ MiBSion.' I Hold Dinner The Rev. John F. Kunkle, field representative of t ie „ World Gospel Mission, wifi b* ■ tee featured speaker at an ad-,9 vance crusade dinner to be tend at ? p.m. Tuesday in Sveden Mouse. The rally Is sponsored by laymen of tee World Gospel REYNOLDS, LUCILLE P September 19, 1968; 12 West Howard; age 85; beloved wife of Junes Reynolds; dear mother of Clifford E. and Theodore J. Reynolds; dear sister of Mrs. Wynona Arnett, Joseph and William Foster; also survived by 13 grandchildren ami one greatgrandchild. Funeral service will be held Monday, September 23, at 1:20 pm. at the HuatoOEi Funeral Homt-Interment in Oak Hill Cemetery. Mrs. Reynolds will lie in state at the funeral RIVES, THOMAS E.; September 18, 180;. 9411 Beechcrest, White Lake; age 38; betoved husband of Ar-dean Rives'; betoved son Of Hr. and wi. Lofton Rives; betoved grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Beilin; dear father of George, John, Michael Sharon and Thomas Rives Jr.; dew brother of Mrs. Dean (Annie) Good, Mrs. Richard (Gontove) Hunter, Mrs. Edward (Afioa) Aptoy, Mn. Paul (Joyet) Robinette, Joe and Donald Rives. Funeral service will be bdd Monday, September 2| id 11 a.m. at Eaten Black Ftineral Home, Uttton Lake. Full Navy military graveside sendees and interment at Lakeside Cemetery. Mr. Rives win lie Inatate at thsfoneral home. SMITH, HELEN MAE; September 20, 19M; 1386 Curwood, Drayton Plains; age tt; dear mother of Roy E. Lindahl; dew sister of Mrs, Albert (Rachael) Griswold, Mro, Clara Baker, E. A.; Jessie and Walter Jones; alio survived by two grandchildren and a e v e great-grandchildren. Funeral nervine will bo held Monday, September 23, at 1 pm, at file Coats Funeral Home, Drayton Plains with 'Rev. Walter If.' official hr Oik Hill 11 Owosao. - Mra-Smith will fit ln state at the funeral honto. (Sugge vititing hpurs 3 to 5 and 7 to MMWmniT w ‘ WINEGAR, JOSEPH ,^1 September J|, 1866; 80 Cottage Street; age 81; survived Iqr two nieces and of To Soy, Rent, Sell or Trade ' Use Pontiac Press WAMTApS--------- Office Hours: >1 am- to 5 p.m. Cancellation Deadline 9 am. Day Following * Ffmt insertion Cted-bf Thanks ' I THS FAMILY OF PETER J. Van eoxclaar wl»h to extant their nncere .appreciation Is the many MenSeMi relative! from fir and Mir, To all the brother! and .Ware of Veteran, of World War I . N jjiajU.S.A.. Clinton Valley ear. rpMQ IjwiISIIS Ijir .ma graatnaea In atrangth, lova and kind neat at a time moat needed. Or. Pawl lanaman, .-PsUar WjmA QiMat Church, his wonderful aarmon which ware heard by many people there, it wM tnWmut-Anatanding, raathu to ail. Bwja the Coata Funeral Home, the klndnwe, ar«l help el the Coata Jaml^wm^»lwoy» be remembered Wit-WISH TQJWANK wi wjsH TiHAN'F^ir^wy gHMghHj turn relativei ter Speclel thanki to the Rev. L. R. Miner and Rev. Jimmy Fleming*, The jMMonla BaMit Church, The Panttec Oitacwathtc Hospital . ahi Wwr,;Frank C.arrvt'hara Fynarel Hama and Itaft. Wife, children amt Mary Sawdltch- ACIO INDIGESTION? PAINFUL Oil? Gat new FHS tablets. Fast at jjquMt. Only N caota. Simm't oa pumo TORTILLAS r. . ^AjiWt Afnarlcan Product* SlfW>3liWWW . 371 Auburn AtfK : Pontiac, Michigan END WORRIES With A Payday Payment Lit Debt-Aid, profettwnel credit cogntalors provide you with confidential money management ajjyfae thaThaa haipad thoutand* ulva'thatr bill gnbiam*. oattlng a Mg lean It not the tniwar. You out it debt! lltw YiYvr bagn iwlng tar by taking aR your bllta und dltcuttlng your problem*: DEBT-AID, Inc. M4 Communhy NeH. Sift, Bldg. k LkenUd A Bonded SNvtng Oakland ISauniy ERRANDS BOYS. INC. You name It SmVtKXirSU. : trrDndif Mbory,m. p a r * ** -- -Sar^ j Top mm LET t)| JUELL YOUR cKr on e cgmmlMNn Diamendt, it» CbM Lake ltd. dr call «•» .1 Wt attar i ftin. Ifrtt ifw WT BOX REPLIES At II am. today there were replies at Hie Pross Office in the following C-6, Cl, CU, C-13, C18, Cli^ CM, C4I, CM, CM. COATS DRAYTtxTga^^ ttABM, Huntoon FUNERAL I O Pontiac ta SPARKS-GRIFFIN VoorheesSipl© CemotsryUts 44 CHRIltlAN MEMORIAL EITATEi ^Tifjaii ANY GIRL OR,WOMAN NSEOING Debt Consuftonts llTO* isaw’jrjiSv' Calvin a. MeBanM, in* Pi REWARD: 1MI TUROUOISE Chevy ttallon wagon, OTW, any In-tawtlen — cad «P41N. VQLUNTEER$J(EEDH) Retiree* your tpara ttm* to naadod by The Drayton Plaint Nature Center. Apply at llia Penttoc Mall -- sarbar ibid..,---. Wp% Lest and Feund S LARGE BLACK A T*NIhound'... vicinity N. Coat Lake Rd. and Pamtae Lk. Rd, answer! to Pep- per. MASH, . ■■ ■_______ LOST r Sltmptt cet. In St. Jottph rjwprd. if Milt 4 li Lost BLACK AND TAN 8StpSjifd MANS fcLACK wkLLSf Imt -hi' Am . vicinity arAIrwirt Bar. no reward ‘ tar rdhirn fitad. sSitV. to "Chtrlie Brown" — latt tten ntar Drevton Plaint Nature Cen-*«r. Pemlhr pat «f»«03f. attar *. , ItoltB. 10 BOYS WANTED , to work Monday Sept. 23 From 12:00 p.m. — to 4t00 pm.-——- Must be at least 16 years of age Apply in piw>n To Lyle McLaehan Mail Room THE PONTIAC PRESS 48 WEST HURON ST. 50 Men Wanted MONDAY 6 AM. KELLY LABOR DIVISION US N. Sadlnaw *t. . BEAR ENTRANCE WORK TODAY^GITPAID TODAY AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY . i/MUI. PAlT. TtMB tar "plane moving and delivering. H.R. Smith. 10 I. Jatala. a and ahalf. tenrtoe"man. Vgrian Heating. ?E MANAGER ln LOCAL BRANCH of cqait to ef«rr'l TERNATIONAL CHAIN : OROANIZATION. THR RICHARDS “^"-k^r.ta.w^k quickly. Loom br*nO Mdiniw ogfir? procedure*, te 1 et promoflont, . file*/ etc. STARTING SALARY par me., te thoea accepted. $600 -SE THAT I Wi ■ jka Jim RabWna Company It leek, i(ng far man ever irtp wait In shipping, building * ground* PiPRfllBgN,. HBftgilitiil tmploy-evfjrtlmt, paid hd|ddyi and jNNB* Inauranca. Opportunity to advance to toajtarttapwieltlon •« o«r expanding platllct company. t PMt-tftt tot A married man, 21-34, to work 4 hour* par evenMg. Ot&fa. Cad Monday * p.m.4 p.m. $200 FIR MONTH Archtectural Enginee 16 - Iplary range ttMB — 119,441 anualiy. 91 a r 11 n g ' rata cammanturata wtth ax-garwagft JWF jpBtok. ta, Involve lha direction. ardiitaNufarai^iMlnaiffi plant tar contlrucflon, ax-panilon, and ramadallng of engineering plut rgNtlraflon at Ml archlttct In IB* mat* i ot MIchlgan. Applicant*-mutt h*v* at toatt Tyaart of *»- jiatafi m tm* wmmnM tt • ' prolad* greater Bian average • oamilixHr and caet. A Matter* dapraa In trchltac- sen: above exparlanca, but In no -ayitf will MiiJMn 1 year* iptss:. , UtahuAiLatn..,,. jp ■ ATTENTION. *3.00 nt HOUR W* urgently need 10 young man & NorE tn ear outsW* order de-partmonf. if you ar* 1M*7ndat appaarbiB, and able to atari Im-mediately,, w* have a tab tor 0 a.m. to l p.m. A j ASSISTANT mIcHaMIC tibRiwiA plnscttart, work . evening*. . ex-perlenCT pftjtarred,y tulj" t? part AFTERNOON ttflpt, iHjE^TION j!rStttata'TK|Mrlif(DW-W hr. call between »:3g and 2:», JV3- A^uswoceiRl, Wiit\jm~pr9tr-«•’ vSShKgton, 6jik as tprk.f holldayi. Hoi .. small tlnple dwelling In Pontiac and Orw.,..,.. ' ■ Instellart first clau *3.7S Large naMgnal organization, tlmo and a halt aim 40 hr*. Paid holidays, vacations, Incentive pro-pram, excellent working condition*. Apply Atmeo — *ay|i Montcalm, 314 AUDIO-VISUAL TECHNICIAN , .Audto^toual and IimihM 444aM0 axt,: AUTO BODY REPAIRMAN. GM experience, no Saturday work, frlhw.banMIlik contact Kan Dud- ttipt^rt«r'C^ AUTO MECHANIC trucki, Ml N. Main ». -T:- BARBER WANTED. LOTS at work, corner Pontiac Lake Rd. and Scott Lakt-.Rd, a>.Mi3 *ftaf dU* — BOY OVER II to work In store, h or part time dCM. 1031 W. BiwmWaldHlIlt. BUSBOY.. STEADY, lull lima am-, ploymant. Apply In parson ^ ' Frank's Bntaurant, Orchard . KdCBaHirhcr. BUSBOYS. DISHWASHERS, CAREER OPPORTUNITY FOR *m-Mtleut man new cvcllcbto with eld ■nc* company In rill train you to be •m approxlmataly "tuiifl"" *,|*r eMunEdtoM Mr. ' - wife CLERICS, FULL OR parf _Ptotogtt^ta Pftry Ph.rm.cy CREDIT AGENCY Sales Reprauntative Call cn butlnaia and professional people. Sarvic* aatabiltned ColltctionSpecialist rfKTb-"WTSa give tarvic*. Group Insurance and paid vacation*. Phone 33C-3M7 tor appt. CAREER MINDED. MEN Out to new store* opening In North Detroit tuburbt we have need for man lnt*r**t*d In aalat (• tale* . management. A salary A commission position that oftart batter than average aiming*. Company (ring* banaBts, all promotions made -from within the ranks. Salts axp. helpful but not nacataury. If. you bay* a high school afttMUan. .* daslrt to Gi succaatful A willing te work wa will gay you full wary A com-miMion while training, Apply to manager or call I4MB4 Pvanlngs. PontSc College Men t required. SrbSWj dtoarti - -- ExparU_______ Permanent employ. ins Co., 14 MltoAtophanten H CIVIL ENGINEERS AND TECHNICIANS TESTiNG ENGINEERS & CONSULTANTS COOK WANTED — PREPARATION, I axpartoncaiL day shift, wages epan. Tally-Ho Raatw Hwy’teMOT. . TKS POR PRIVATE club. Apply parson aftor j p.m. mmm Hm. Clawson Troy Elks. 1451 E. big Uft/TUr k .. . twroapw_________________ frlngt banoflts. M7-41II. DELIVERY AND GENERAL plant work, must b* absT to hindls m ton truai. Call 413-5440, t to ll DIE REPAIR ANO PRESS MAINTENANCE Ovartlm* — profit Mtarlng PROGRESSIVE STAMPING CO. 3725 NAKOTA , ^ipYAL OAK 14 MILE — COLLI DOE ABBA DISHWASHER, DELIVERY BOY, full time, or col- fe,jfeg,rwT,,ah,m- • DISPATCHER WANTED ntnoit mtn, oooo it fMurti« hours, 11:30 •.m, to ■ Cantod 'R,rCa«iMi^:igtowr, District Manager Opening FOR AN ALERT CONSCIENTIOUS MAN WITH DEPENDABLE TRANSPORTATION Pleasant outside work : with nawspaper boys Good Starting Salary and Autoffiohila Allowanc* ' Good Vacation Plan and Job Banefits APPlV JR ' PERSON TO THE CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT The Pontgic * Press ' DEPENDABLE MAN ataag w..,. i ___ DOZER O P » * A* 6 R. Bit-'-' Perlenced . fHgHb , ground"' " drOg. HogrciSk owr 17, Ruts'! Country Drum, 4500 iihkhSn,tloSrt: DRIVER: ' i. Large firm hae g tor experienced — ---------on. Must have er can obtain chauffeur's license. Good salary Qtu* liberal benefit*. „ Cell Ml 6-1000, PartP1-1 DRIVER FOR ESTABLISHEODry . Cleaning Route, New truck tom., -, must bs reliable and sober’. Apply X3Z C Mwhi.Nl fll.—i_i__ ' DRIVER 3 salesman | Establish Routes •;; S NationarCbrnpany j GUARANTEED 34,000 PER YEAR Plus Commission Plus Bonus OUR MEN AVERAGE ttHO TO S1S>0M PER YEAR. AGES ZS-50. * WE TRAIN YOU, WE FURNISH CUSTOMERS, EmT ANO ALL EXPENSES. WE HAWK THE NUMBER ONE RETIREMENT "CALL FOR IN; iW^Hn.^'”- 59,5 H,B,V EXPERIENCED. MILLING machine - hand, steady work, isvertlme, lull West M-».' _______________ EXFiRiKNClb ' SEMI " -111 truck driver. 3351141. _________ 1 eFFKWeNCED buffers and polishers, full or' part time. Mira i metal and dl* cast, stair'— ■'— Also retired or tm- butter to run saop. C E^ERmNCED ACETYLENE torch Exparitnca Solosmon New and Used To-Notch Min - with bast working condition, all banefits. See - b V Grimaldi ' Buick-Opel 1*4 Orchard Lake PE 3-4145 “ EXPEBIENCEO TREE ’ - Experienced Salesmen Wanted tou* Pay preeram, tor ag-rMtlv* Salesman — S*a Water, , gressl lords EXMRmHCfd' SihVICB HM or Experienced MOLD BUILDERS MOLD REPAIRMAN AND lathe hand With MptitttC*°{n olfStlc'hlection melds, standard & Imr waft, Permanent amptoymant, no St- UMO^w! Huron^^PsSAlSll. ^ . -FUwIt gaWilwaTALii v " NO Expartone* needed, we WIN fttUn, full tlma — ne layotti. Th* Floor Shop, 225s Elisabeth Lake Mapl* Bdi IBWWE 544-Mnbaf. EiiCKBAt. • lamping an if appolntm FOREMAN MMitiiiBni Michigan, r familiar Per manufacturing plant IB with on.*, * FULL TIME EMPLOYMENT Man wanted tor hydr*ufk> npprator ' repair, will train, also shipping and rtcalvino, it you ar* Making 7^Sf*UxV' Ha’lgMt. (14 M*la anil DafwindrafeaiT. . Factory Help Urgently (Needed MEN. AND WOMEN aver It far light ''Wnttyraaulr* no pravtoyt exparlanca. Can be •asmed quickly by beglnnar*. ‘ ,,w"w APPLY 4 a.m.-4 p.m. ‘ - EMPLOYERS Temp. Service, Inc. CLAWSON vumwif BEDFORD PlitfOALB ppr ■■ Hllforund R 2320 Hilton i •341 E. 10 V THESE ARE FREE JOBS! Wp i an Equal Opportunity Employ not Ml flmnntLD REPAII Need Part Time Werk? 5 A.M. TO 10 A.M. 5 A.M. TO 1*30 P.M. APPLY PERSONNEL DEPT. Second floor Montgomery Word *5inr M NEEDED PRODUCTION WORKERS PONTIAC Motor Division PONTIAC, MICHIGAN _ tfet OwsEg ^ L£W2&S&cl Corgeotry^ A-1 CAhFENTkV, ntw and repair. Fraa aatlmnlat. MSdrtl. i A-1 iNtElOOR a8p'|WTB|18M~~ Family roomt, rough or flnlahod, dormort, porctwa, rocrootlon rooms, kltdwni, bathrooms. Stats llcsfwod. Rots. Call attar I pm AS. CARPENTRY AND CEMiNT work fiM ostimotoa SBLwL____ 'Com^etoipaitffy ~ CmTb pSKI! - - ^ frto astlmata. MS- — ACKER A-1 PENCik ARl :£rr^.lStaSkln usus I tmak PONTIAC FENCE CO. am Dixie Hwy., Watartard US-1444 •“ rtssr iaiiliig ~ Twi Trbwnlag Servke~ Stumps Removed Free Coll Tft-MM and _______i. tmrni MibiFOR FULL TIME HELP no oxiMrltncM MOMstry 819 L Ten MileRd. ROYAL OAK JO 4407, Mr. Snow POSTER Full Hma parmanont position, ai Demery's PHARMACIST ASSISTANT MANAGER — K MART would you ilka a real op-portunitr to igff o wait astabllstiad campanyt Ex* ctliant diary and banaflt program worth aadad dollora. Rotlromom tnd profit ahar- ieSSSS Inauranca. Apply in parson: CUNNINGHAMS DRUGS IMS Baga^Datrolt ^aintVr NEEDED, FULL 'Wtit Watartord araa;MSSM0._ ’ART-TIME And full Hma oon-atructlon workara. SM-S1S5. W S. Clarkston Floor Covering Salat and /cuttom Installation of Hwv. Utrtw. ________________ CUSTOM FLOOR COVERINO. I noNwn, farmlca, flw. Carhati UNO At— FE HISS. TreeMi P’S LIGHT HAULING aarvica. FE wCw room additions, roe. rooms, kitchen _j,_«_ ramadaltng, aluminum patle LOIMSCEDINg ancloiuraa. Wa do all work our.,***•**<*«-* 1 SSsS!SrSrS) *«..!; a&uxmFBZstuiS' nfl m!T M. »gMr ltSBR r wa.iiivai; interior pgiarmc ga1 ^---------- —»■» "> c|TtiaSSB&^=- x-l^ DR IVEWAYS, Patios. SLOCK AND CEMENT WORK. CONtMlkCiAL Id rasldsntlal. Bl ««W ™ mlno~andtamow»i."'flMM* Truck ImM ‘x^Yrtjraw>4aiTrucks aS&±iZma£------«“ “ ■Nil ■■ 1 ‘ND EQUIPMENT Sami TralMra RAILROAD TIB ' Hardwood lumbar, alt 1 nontral uaa. US7SO. 334-7677 Of 391-3671 MOSHIER— Glass aarvica. wood ar aluminum. WeH Cleamrs SpaciaiiM ftona mason aed flrsplacasbuTlt. UL sjdto_ _ MMlR |t»HHt *40'Srns V?.1 ft. FR^LMTS*days! Credit Advisers SMITH MOVING CO. Your flWURlB socialists. PR *4144. gusrsntsod. Insured. FE S-1431. UI-IJS— O R T A B L E WELDING, ilim^lnn y'niTrnmi Pontiac Farm and Indusrtlal Tractor Co. proas ar punch prim an_ 8^iSBr38r1l^ Stavanson Hwy., Troy. PRESSOPERATORS OVERTIME—PROFIT SHARING FROORESSIVR STAMPING CO. .. t2S NAKOTA ROYAL OAK M MILE—COOUPGE AREA RochewW’ : Community Schools EXCELLENT EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Immediate openinas-full tint Liberal fringe benefits with security Mechanic>4tay Shift Building Custodial Supervisors 2nd Shift APPLY AT BOARD OF EDUCATION OFFICE 4TH AND WILCOX OR PHONE 6514210 MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 8i00-5i00 P.M. NTiJKr CROSS REALTY } ^ AND mvaSTiUMT CO. . OR 4-3105 MIS Help Wanted Male tECEIVtNG CLERK RMdOd fast growing midjpa m_______ x jZSuwrfiSm ££" mm pnSfSman control iipniTmwiT of "0 growing automotive supplier. Send ROCHESTER COMMUNITY SCHOOL .ataggrh Mechanic—Day Shift Building Custodial Supervisor pply at Board Of EducaHon Ofttca, 4th and WIIwk or 4514110 Mon. TWfu FrL 11tt5 PM. Help Wnted Feuwde T Help Wonted Femole IMMEDIATE OPENING Sayaral good araa* now op«n f« port or tun aw2m>wnwt* m- orynliaHona.*Wookty commlulonj with bonus arrangoments. No In vastmam, coiiactfons. quotas, 01 full swing. Write to John McNeer. a^rtYjAi-L-, ^ no My —r«S Btraon, Ldhewood lounge, 3111 MSI ESTATE SALESMEN 1 future? Hart la an tawsfapjo a w ’com, iWal salat sBi. g-m minion ^ doliart y - 035,000 a Huron SIm anOM “ sstefei/' SBSSt, •on ai-strictly IMnMMI — FROM Pontiac t» basis. Fqr further m.1.- botwoon 10 o Jn.-l P.m. C5-5I70. salesman wanted Liwlflg ;-h)r 'a carter opport •adilN dmotlgs. abovt svaragu ... coma 4 security. Duo to the 'MmLM. Mir wpnteaWw we want thin to wont with bOMS c^r*H,o.pFtX,.tioSh*pSS;ibiiiti« of 025,000 the first year. Far appointment call 0IMII0. Salesmen ECtWHClAH TRAINEES In aerial photography «*& survay cordllatkxv thaTralii«ai ^iirar___________ be 'CasTlQt. Rd„ Pontiac. TECHNICIAN, OMbWlMca color preferred, top wagoU, PI vacation, apply In person 422 1 Huron,: Sweat's Radio and 4 pHtnce Inc. " USED CAR PORfER XBS W. Huron «t. WANTED: MEN 45 to 55 years Old PWtKJffh Df? and avanlng ahlfls. APtrtyj^r.VRm Big joy Raataurant. SWiDIxia Hwy, TV-Stereo Men's Clothing Plumbing-Heating • Building Materials Appliances • These are carter sales poiltkx The earning poMntlar 10 (MW a up. Soma salaa axearlan< necessary, but wa ami train y for big ticket sailing. Wa hava o of tha flnatt employee banaflt pi g^ama In the country. H you art presently In sailing and Wish to make a change, Invastlgata our oatyilng opportunities today. APPLY PERSONNEL DEPT. W AM tot PM Montgomery Ward An equal opportunity employer PONTIAC MALL WANTED:; USED .CAR PORTERS 18 t ,JSw* PONTIAC- wantIA .hfiCHANi'c’.."nhd ¥sm, toewusv!%.%%£ WANTED: An axparlanced mech famlllar. wttl! Bolans tractor. I know air cooled anginas. Call 2514 for appt. or coma In Mu. . and It elSi. at 4507 Dtela, Clarkston, Mich.__________ 15.00 por hr. LAKE HEATING CO. 2260 PONTIAC RD. 334-0067 ilSsr* . . BANK T^LLftlRS V Birmingham -Bloomfleld Bank/ duo to Increased qrowtti has openings for axparlanced part-time tellers at premium rum vtf» conditions, to warn In, KITCHEN HELP POR. Nursing lady to LivE(ii4imirM laundry HELP, ^OKPOrtoneo, CURB aiRL TO work day»y 11 a.m. to 4 % WMNndi. Piper, 4370 Htohiand Rd. CLERICAL Wa Itavu full time, positions available for woman with clerical •xpgrMnco In accounting, cashla inn or general Mflca work. E callont company banaflts. APPLY PERSONNEL DEPT. GRINNELL'S HAS OPENINGS general office, bookkper, si— music sales, record solo*, music it mm pcdlflcna. ' “ —ting of Grlnnel.. _ qs In Oakland Mall and Tal- «zkiSmm -PONTIAC HELP FOR ELDERLY HOUSEWIFE Pay whatever is neadsd for pofant.-nHponalMo twin, to im of loadandjogof soitia. not. i SALESMAN WANTED tha new and usod homo markot now Inv* Hie opportunity to laarn tna'profastional approach glaiaaa dHTIa ilimited c» Mr. ini m- DAN’MATTINGLY AGENCY SALES AND MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITIES and aurroundlng arias, calling iliMnflpjMF grocery (mmlijMir.laadbN feod manuf furor, afraid kiUiwIya plan, MrjN«mjpg.i all axpansas paid. May baiWSd . lor *edvano!mant into managamont ssSg% a *w fringe bam i coltaga i iry. Hr. CAREER MINDER YOUNG SiS •rarmd but arsonal In- _______ ....... M. Grant at tha following number. SIMMS! on Mon. Sapt. 29, bat. 14 p.m. or Tuaa. Soft. 24, MY. » a.m. andjl Am/ OR sand complete work rcaumb' and. educational McEpound to: tha Nestle Co. Inc., IMi E. Parry, Dat., Mich., 4pl. An Equal Oppurtu nlty SHOE SALESMAN good position, Shopps, Blrm SALES EXPLOSION "NEED HELP" tmfcm «r-a*,ssaaar“ TdVANCE EXECUTIVE BENEFITS ■II Mlsa WOodard.. 335-4117 tor de- Winkelman's, StaS ^experlSmce el'l rodmen, tw HORT ORDER COOK wanted for It a.m. fp a Am., gkparlanca not RRHR jniMi part time afternoons, axparlanced, 25 veers old minimum. Good j&ff Itatlon^YonB*’La tiw Waaiwnw kiitwaih i a.m. and 4 SERVICE STATIC^ i tire' or angina - repair, SIOD irtlng, no phone calls. Apply III SIDING APPLICATOR WANT E D' EX P E R I I N Plenty of wgrk In Mb n of laundry i frag* banaflts pi —. fu sra>£ YOUNG MAN INTBREST^D I —mlted future with large com-If. Invotvas drapery Installation, portunlty Ington 447-5542 from • s.m.-- —. Wa gr* an aqual op-dmlitoyar. YOUNG MAN Assistant pfflCe manager for. rapidly growing construction company. Knowloaga of drafting or mechanical {Mem MMMMry. Salaried position, exc-.od- ----------- Plan. WHT C-10. AN IT COMBINATION BAR AND grill cook, short order, steady. Start t?0 and up w plus inauranca. 377 $. Blvd., Euaf. ~ COOK WANTED ' TOR ' St. Vi-TIME, full TIME wallr wanted. Tenuta'e Raataurant, i nor Huron and Johnson. Apply >|S!lM(AblO DISPATCHER, m L -W Hit dty. FE 24205. 3 LADY LGER In COUHTER GIRL, FULL or «Brt — — 1---------—y nawsury. 2104 Orchard coast. International dhain ORGANIZATION, TNl RICHARDS CO., INC. You must ba «Ma to MSEmB . . „ nflrttjiifcwv rr A?? PEARANCE • must. Loom brand Identification tochnlquas, office managamont procoduroa, s a I a s promotions, mnomc. STARTING •ALARY par mo., to those accepted: > , $600 company banaflts. CALL BAILEY for personal Intel 952-4345 * A.M.-1 P.M. ay ttmbrk/ MuR trantpoffath refarancas. Birmingham. H1-3f33. Dependable housekeeper. . p.m. ta J gjn., I jgya, mutt hava 5a8g^ptogpy4:3l AAAA New that I have y Are you always ova and MMlr1 lIBa aa I luxury Hams? Fartv pany can Mto yc......... openings on the day, aftornaan t midnight sblft far weman to do elaaiOIlKMiKORKf- Many banaflts plus overtime. Apply m parson. Jim Robbins Cosngsny, u Mils' A jMavanacn HwyJYWy/ , l SWITCH DoaUd apdTator. high school gradual*, aver 25. day shin, mutt ba able to write lilt and carracWy and. ap*U. Retr— slays and Helldaya. troop. ,_ Pleas* call far an appanmftM between 7 a.m.-l p.m. only, fe + DEPENDABLE LADY fO Ilya In and tMp. C*mw*to care of .heme ATTENTION GIRLS Id-22 Ta work In' *ur outside i hifftSw!—_________ a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Man, through ATTENTION OTtr’isfctr workers, TAILOR . to Jw73M|M| . PMM. Full time. Good eay. Apply In por-jwu Graohom Claanara, 405 Oak- fsarwMcjr-w- THE PLAYHOUSE CO. FE 3-7177 . _ eiMWl AmiTKife SALESPEOPLE Kerlt. Excellent salary plus “ HADLEY'S BARMAID tAND dfAITRESSES. call ' IM 1 TMgaeaucit B»BVs]l^ERT^i^rnrmaium, ,-TrmJtIlB7nn* fegjwOTMi utimr n$i ___________ to Ss’ caN I a.m. toYkm. wtto. 8lSil. BMY JITTER. MATUAb —~«- uvF , hams than wages. Fl- baby siTfiOC MY Home, Mr Montgomery Ward ot Rt.ChoStjl r) Transportation 40SMRY SALE! gjaa 0U3EKEEPER to llvs ago chlMrtn, *50. “ t aiMMto after 5:30 p CLERK *xp.EwNh*c . LIVE IN, 5 days. P.mu M0. BIU* Croaa. 542-5725. HOUSEWIVES Ito vacant axpwianca rafar OMtiand County renown, call BRANCH CLAIMS manager.fe Pin. MICHIGAN MUTUAL Id yau ilka in work p •gT Infarasllna t a ncce appearance a personality, we t PM. can 44M331. parlancad, day, shift, waoas span, ifl^mia - *”* pikIs train** openings are tor gay or tvanm schedules. APPLY PERSONNEL DEPT/ 2ND FLOOR 1* AM TO • P.M. Montgomery Ward An equal opportunity employer Pontiac Moll KITCHEN >?ELP, itfoht shift, full time only. Apply EllM^Brqa. Big . Boy RoatawranL Toiogroph mid kitchen HELP.: apply; In parson. light FAc^^Y woRk,' ^ Housewives CURB WAITRESSES Tad's Raataurant ha* openings foi curb waltruiwb day ahm ant night. Fraa ily* Cross and lift Insurance Unnorms and maalL taes-jfuxuffjsi JOIN BEE LINE Fashions. Fraa wardMba plus prqrit. Pull or —--ilma. 335-9971 or 452-5034. DEPENDABLE MAID 2 days, 414. must hava DINING ROOM WAITRESSES rill train you aa t In to* friendly ah lining room. Day. I TED'S eLOOMFULD HILLS . dishwash»B: —*ulap oiyyjH almoiphara ot ..._______________ (L Paid Blue Craa-Buftot, 4IEL ilngham. 434175 DOCTOR'S OFFICE - Girl Friday or madtoar assistant, fin. or port ""^oci^aSS^OM DM ^ dTctaphone 0Wtt>M AMERICAN eiRL .. . 0*Y CLRANRR WILL TRAItl. pold yfitaftor Davis i. Blrm- DRY CLEANERS NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY GOOD WORKING CONDITIONS . PAID VACATIONS PAID HOLIDAYS JANET DAVIS . DRY CLEANERS Factory Help Urgently Needed choica (w fuir tlma. 1fo?I 4 and of each shift. W:,tJ APPLY 4 ajn.4 p.m. EMPLOYERS T*mp. Service, Inc. ■■OBIfW—Wi APPLY IN PERSON FROM 10 A.M. TO 4 P.M. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Hudson's Pontiac Mall Rochester Firm Hat permanent position available for mlddia-aaod lady. Must ba an accurate typist with good attention to detail. Excellent working conditions, pay commensurate with aBBlty, jtofiiEaiil^WlriWiif ifa* REGISTERED NURSE Dlrsctor of Nursing far a___ extended care nursing hem*. Ex-—rimead r*- fc— *““ salary and rapid Incraasas. lmma-dlate employment. Reply Box C-33, We Are Not Just TAKING APPLICATIONS We Are Hiring People]! * People who ar« looking for a position where they may start at once. * People who want to make money. * People who hove a neat appearance and a good telephone voics. WE ARE NOT CONCERNED WHAT YOU HAVE DONE IN THE PAST, YOUR, AGE, YOUR HANDICAP OR YOUR SALES EXPERIENCE WE ARE OPEN 1:34 A.M. TO f P.M. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY—SATURDAY: » A.M. TO S PJVL FULL OR PART TIME Call 338*9762 MICHIGAN BELL Has immadiata full tima openings in Pontiac/ Detroit and throughout ths Metropolitan area for* # DRIVER-SERVICEMEN # INSTALLERS • SPLICERS • ELECTRICAL, TECHNICIANS • FULL PAY DURING TRAINING • HIGHER STARTING WAGES • EXCELLENT BENEFIT^ APPfcY NOW! . ROOM S-175 23500 NORTHWESTERN HWY. ^ _ SOUTHFIELD ROOM 201, LELAND' HOUSE 400 BAGLEY ST^ DETROIT J MICHIGAN BELL .* Port of tha Nationwide Bell System I »Mp Weet*d | SjR#' ‘ SEAMSTRESS, (xperiecnsd in ggrtS? alterations of ladies' coots, ; suits and drams. Apply in person, Walton Pierce Company 5% N. Woodward, ' Birmingham. timh nrtp WaUM, fa. V- ; € C—Q »w iff WHi^W'jtoHBMi TW^ ii OHmtry Inn., 1727 waitresses, full an part time, MM vacation, blue cross benefits, 3®iS3roill IhkMI SALAD GIRL Aim L__ r.n^n HutlS WOMEN ew*»... WAITRESSES Fer*y and night shlftv Apply In KtiS ,ttEj secretary . Excellent eaperiunlly • for e aftjepgenjnL RWlr#»*9M«|WtypinB M*k?lls **nd «» date^ J, jra^m,jw*t -- .Jb8 it Aerodynamics inc. WAITRESS WAim» FOR- night •"■ft- —perlence not necaseeihf, irklno condttlont, apply ^CountryKItchen, WOULD YOU LIRE A NEW WARDROBE? EXTRA INCOME? NEW FRIENDS? s&ttur-ft.’s Orchard Lake jj mww, mpl Uk* children and have “H **** 5 teedier, tsttstoon* work a Cat! Mrs. Smith. 151-IMO. mi pearing Indi' me Jami i WILL TRAIN CAPABL. ___________ person for reuonslbf* position at real part « -* * vwnr ^ISSflOMUaa, CWawglt Uffita Mlla-Stnvenson Hwy., Troy. • TELEPHONE SOLICITORS at homo or In office, Si.50 per hour, plus/ comfhttsion. House of Dinettes, zzr\ American Girl * temporary work for; cratarlas - Stenos-Tynlits, J - - «a * Oprs. and Sr. — PBX Opro. _ _ Comp. Opr*. - Keypunch Opro. ««"*?%» - c*~ .sra M' HOLIDAY PAY -AND BONUSES Birmingham S. Adama Plan, Ri Rocco'i Msiauiim, 01,1 DlXla * Drown, apply it to i pjn.^^M ‘ WAITRESS. WANTgD FULL TIME, nlghti, *----- 0320. Call PE 2-WOMAN WANTED BABY SIT at- MS- ternooni In Negra home. Call S ENGINEERS If W *» looking for greator opportunity Itlo bora In Portland, ,M^Js»,swtaJLX riwstt: of heavy duty Mghwaylracko. Prolghtllnar Corpwatlon/tlwrapldly •xpendlng manufacturer of Whlto-FroIgMIlnar track* and a tMCkor In ml* field, needs your anglnaarlng talents now. A swans*.* raavars arsr. AKTwprsAjlsk" * —*• —• ■y .A Project Englnoor^-BAM-E. with * to 5 yoan of oxparl-tn "omnfr highway vohlclo design. ’ ihtlinor Corporation often Challenging and rewarding careers excellent fringe benefits and salaries. IMOUSINE DRIVERS WANTED, jrug.g aSy • ALWAYS LEAOS ALWAYS LOVELY APARTMENT Contplotsty furnished, carpet a. TV, tolophcno m exchange for hours onrvtpo^por day far mk t oor ,FE 2-7W TwUSSISSl m* BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED BOOKKEEPER.. MECHANIC AND bodymon, retiree, handicapped . 1 fkoSc ---------jSf'.nlnnr^HNL matuu person fa delivery. See Mr. SpSn, 45 W. Huron. ■ MtDDLE-AOED COUPLE or wom • * Medical Technomotm ■ |---H ------S .^.AKf MOTEL CLERK, part MOONLIGHTERS MM and 1 p.m, to It i pjn. wCrvB The Parti and area offers « and n mild yaer-around cl torther Information. 1 •excelled outdoor recreational opportunities nato tor you end your femlty. write new dervtows will be arranged in your area ue collect at (IU) Wist, or mail con- Elias Bros. Big Boy Restaurants Waitresses, InaEdt’and curb. Tele-tray operator. 'GtRTracks. kitchen asvrs^* mSeucs'S'is ssssk? mm to is- nati^ SByiiL toS: uniforms furn.# ptld v Insurance. A# ply Reetaumnt, 725 s. Hi RCA 'general effw* 'jHmi MtEMH' Bh dm benante Including company hoopttnl, eurgkel and m a SaSSSr'Ks ktterytew, ytelt our branch Ma—, through Saturday, f «.m. to I p/n. ^RarteicE co. AnimWSnTmp. 7Htlp Wantadl Famd* VERNbN t. coats, P.0. BOX 3591 PORTLAND, OREGON 97208 FREIGHTLINER CORPORATION An Equal Opportunity Employer ANALYTICAL ENGINEER (Turbin* experienct) DRILL PRESS OPERATOR GENERAL MACHINIST • INSPECTOR aERK LATHE OPERATOR "A" (experience desireable) LAYOUT INSPECTOR Manufacturing Engineer (sheet metal background) MASTER SCHEDULER (familiar with lina of balance control) Personnel, Representative (experience in recruiting, labor relations, etc.) RECEIVING INSPECTOR Sheet Metal Fabricator "B" (minimum of 6 mo. experience) WELDER (heliare- experience) Immediate Openings In o Rapidly Growing Company Call or Come In ,far 0 -ij0CpnGdentiai Interview Mr. Charles E. Bailey Personnel Manager WILLIAMS RESEARCH CORPORATION 2280 V. NMple, Walled Lake, *2*4591 HOUSEWIVES RETIRED PEOPLE SERVICE PERSONNEL STUDENTS TEACHERS "Dial for Dollars'' Full Time or Part Time Help Wanted ,n 338-9706 Call Miss May TELE-TYPE OPERATOR $4900 - $5700 Immediate _opontnge far garmcdd 2Fj"tn£ . •» work rotating shlfia. The. 2 late ehltte racelv* a salary dMOrantlal of 25 cant* Mr Dour. Applicants must be an Oakland County :r#sl- had at least one year paid typing PERSONNEL DIV.. VICKERS DIVISION OF. SPERRY-RAND C0RP. CROOKS AND.MAPLB ROADS TROY. MICHIGAN, mU HAS OPENINGS FOR; STATISTICAL SECRETARY SECRETARIES aERK TYPISTS Per n poottkm In eatee. *)___ -- counting, axpertence preferred, but Witt consider Inexperienced ap-plicants with good clerical and typing akin*. OWHQBLtoP P If OFFICE MANAGER NIc* iMNfhb benefiti, local. Adams and Adams, 647-8880 lieipYidNIST: MattMTSB doctor's office. Start tmmedl...., »t jLOJ^Key Roy, 334-2473 Snelllng WANT A BETTER JOB? Cent* to ut and w* will prov.— tSJSfoSr A MMllSrCcalad INTERNATIONAL PERSONNEL M0 ». WoodwerU B-ham. «42^2M MILLION Dollar* has been made avallabto te at to jwitltaw and eeeutn* uni contrsdt, mortgegei or buy homee. tele or ecreege outright. *wlty. p^rV>pr*l4*r t* aweltSt MurtoUat ' 674-2236 McCullough realty -fM Highland Rd. (M-s») MLS Open W <74-2234 ATTENTION STft?n^>* AUTO MECHANICS Enroll, now start training on ACETY-ARC WELDING HSU ARC WELDING . Body Pender Cetltelon WOLVERINE SCHOOL Mich, Oldett Trad* School Approved Under O.l. Bill .a w.~raS|?iy_^pltwo raw Werk Weoted Mete Aportmeets, Uefendibid It MSSDROOM, " tiFPIS, 1 “ilcomt, *100 tec, 4 ilghu kd., Uka Orlen. A SYNDICATE HavInS unlimited funds to tnveet In -MnMHI^HwFlM^liM employed u* .a*., to*asmtl to acauW residential horn*, comm property, land contract* *c ate. May wd tuggait that you tut vaur property you e...™-. Von Realty ftp a cash sal*. Th* HS hay* tomawMStter da not preepact* going through your * — edit u* tor an appraMal. M5-5B02, If busy tWIOO BUILDeM WILL PAY CASli tor any number gt good building lots Sir or mar* and* or mall acreage. What have you? KINZLER REALTY. 5219 Dixie Hwy., M3- OUPLE ........ ............ Intomttod In MtonMlM amal home In Pontiac araa. Piatof rural taciilien. Please write Phillip AiwfjJiBvilRMI 'R_____ PM —— “in repair rusty FORMER PROFESSIONAL Drur mar wants work In Pontlec am No young group*. Cell 474-3070. LIOHT HAULINO. Minor raptor*. SMee HM|i Mele»Feeiele >-A 2 AUTOMOBILE SALESMEN WANTED Fastest grawlng G.M. dtaleril th* Pontitc area, good fleer .... tic, excellent pay plan, demo and •M allowance. Blue Cross, year end bonus, - experience net ...—iyjjn only to Truckx, at 'Sm t£k!-M2°7&9D h< SPECIALIZING IN CHIMNEYS. S r! IRONINB, I McCawen, PE 4- vray REAL ESTATE ' ha* 7 offices to boiler m Jfour community. Par beet rei SELLING TRADING BUYING Your real aetata today, call; RAY REAL ESTATE 689-0760 - ■>'* ■ g*~---- RAY REAL ESTATE 731-0500 rooms 'and ftm.Wfk'tiih il^prlveto, dep.. credit 3i*ek.Tl PARTIALL3 ......tCUPANCY Coral Ridge Apts. IBCOilDMMLCOX ROCHESTER I BEDROOM APTS; $145 Mo. iwiWjaiB [r Pfneled offices and sir vgosgiAM Ptowy of anrfcbto.,jr AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY, 1,366 id . n. Jm jHmWu m atm- • ■rfwr ft AVAILABLE NOW IN. . Mirj.bk AMERICAN HERITAGE APARTMENTS Accepting epplkatloni tor bedreem epartmems, third i building avail. Nov. 1. No child no pet*. 473-51** 4574 or 731-8400. tjsrsb - ,tnt faapartY 47-A STAwa ‘jStowgJWdflp.’' >. required. id, Renitoi, ...___ DOLLY MADISON Ml ~ bra. Webster-Crofoot are*. PE A3M4.__________________________ n^' " ' t. hi- BABY SITTING. DAY or n HAVE A PURCHASER Ito . CASH FOR A WlWk STAR OAICLA! IfAL ESTATE la opening tor f toll Altr active list in; new. Call tor------ tervlew. Mon.- W experienced caehH m, 3734 jii«lyn A»*. time seletmen. ‘ XPERIENCED 6aV cook, also baking, pitat. i HOME NURSING, GOOD references. LOTS WANTED 30_fL_or longer, any location. Cash 674-0363 PONtlA APARTMENTS .-2 BEDROOMS FROM $145 Sun dack — pool — elr conditioning AiHilimiCWhpt alaclrleify Models Open IT AAM PM 5^1125 President Madison tfrassa FROM $145 John R between IS and 14 Mil* Rd. Madison Height* n*|FJ. L. Hudson's Oe*k!UM,l includes; Sun deck — pool — elr conditionInj All utilities except Elecirlclly AAodel* Open TlAMBPM 588-6300 ROCHESTER MANOR Under new . professional managi mam, Shostak Bra*, and Ci Country living tew mBbi. < th* city. Vau will .aniny to friendly atmosphere of Rnchesta Manor Apartmants. These quaiH apartmenie featuring ewlmmln offer a truly PRHHiWPIM Take Rodieetor Road to Parkdale, Parkdato to MS Plato Rd. inquire at manager's, nous* or cal) f" 7772. Small children walcema. 4615 DIXIE Nuara It. warehouse or , enng bldg. Rent or lease. ____Into possession, ma smH; " BUILDING 17 BY 140, ideal tor most anything an Oakland Aua. FE 2- SHOP* AND STORAGE building. n .0 Uh. iniiufl OARAGE^POR RENT. OINOLHVILLfc 25 acre* ito 'rM Very reasonable. Ph. 427-310) after 4 p.m. Sale Hoeset 2-BEDROOM ON DOLLAR LK. Ch°eNaNt.ECTlSnTo0 CcAoSnSt^cKtE; US KINRICK — VACANT. 334-7742. t BEDRbOM HOME, WEST side ** Pontiac on iVk acre* with full basement. Gas hast, aluminum biding. Family room, a t o n a fireplace, 2V4 par garage. *24,900. , On tend eontrdo. BACKUS REALTY ________4*2-7131 or 334-1495.____ 2, . 3 AND 4 BEDROOMS, newly REAL ESTATE SALESPEOPLE WANTED Your Own Desk tour Own Phone Large Spacius Office Liberal Commission CALL JOE KIRK LAUING1R REALTY 674-0319 6744)310 MATURE LADY of''rmrencST'Vj earn of ■ ana eve*. Beet *4454. Light Rnn*0 4734*747 ___________ i u(CK^CTK»i AGSTROM *1 EVE- kNSPBRRRD COUPLE WITH ooo gown desires 3-ber------- im* to Waterford an*. ABB man lor sal** position « firm. Dfrerbig draw traWpajn company echo to SlMtD first year. Cell rISostai Clerkateh era*. I ButlueseSeratee 13 (TUMPS RBMOVID FREE ,f w* cut to* tree down. T—- Drtssmflkiitg t Tallerin| 17 SALES OPPORTUNITY Sale* BbKUTI|i£mnre lS^&W!^H!nS*3?"r&i: ALTERATIONS^ DJJ.E S S MAKING. Clarkston Real Estate H54 S.-Mnln ___________MA Mill wilki RmNMR Q acre* or .......«*» dep. S5S-1V75. 2-BEDROOM, NEWLY decoretod. Cherokee MRU, tar rant or aato. PE WEB. furnlthed. Adults Sin month. 3371 house n ppp bedrooms, 2Vk baths, ‘ tlreplace, attod— -- . b adjacent lovely . perk, _nx-I to town Iscatlen, fine < —1 LAKEFRO 3-BEDROOM BRICK, Clarkston, ci 3 ROOAM AND BASEMENT, *4500 cash. 6h |P« 4‘144^[|^ -wp&annm carpeted. I Madc ftam Orchard Like Rd. Sylvan-Cass area. *M5^RACTI'^medT(wm araaT (I2J0O. Term*. Land con-,r*e,‘ WE TRADE BLwoebiiNMffi - mm 3-BEDROOM HOME In Judah Lakt |-WIEKi™-32MS™^^||5mw|i tos *19,950. .JW BEDROOMS, S7 X I# Itotas room, toTprtoa mtoO.%nS* wrallaMk SHELbON EFICIENCY APARTMENT Wtto LAI# TT SL^EPl.d,^**S> garage, 1«B Tecumseh eft Case SlL.h*«- to November 1. IM I- by eppelfitment. Help WaataG M. er F. t Help Wanted M. er F. Appliance salesmen, no experience necessary, a fine opportunity to learn the appliance sales business, above average earnings for aggressive person, liberal fringe benefits, paid holidays, vacation and insurance, steady employment. Salary plus commission. APPLY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY, 9t00 a.m. to 11*00 a m. or ItOO p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Biap|eyweP^^ABelim|it^i $350-$550 Secretaries ^^(NAT^AL^e'ftONNEL A lido W. Huron, piiidtoc 334-4*71 ' $450- Nb FEE Financa Trainee Net'l. growth COrp„ 21-2*, n* exp. L INTERNATIONAL PERSONNEL _ 10W W. Huron. PtoittoG 334-4T71 P $6,000 Public Relations Trainee 21-34, H*0,m •JMp ^Lesdscepieg Tjfl LAWN CUTTING , —iiim . - MERION BLUE GRASS eod, tor eato i Tra i ARB LOOklNG tor a eowfc n* lust ilk* their very own. on Cedar Istaiid. Lake *175 per month—1 y cReatNeeeei,>alural**i 40 LADIES DESIRE INTERIOR f 6 ) ikOQNls, Merllght.ln totii. f to pantllmk newly decorated wJW dapoeit, tram MS a waek. '-■‘d wetooma. Call between ir | 1030 Feotherstone Rd. $6600 —Feel Industrial Relations jMMgftfefifNeL IMP W. Huron, Penttoc, 334-4971 7$6W5 YOUNG TYPIST General Office Tve* 45-4* wpm. Phone, Filing. IHTiBRNATIOiiAbPIW tew w. Huron, Peiiitoc. 334-4971 A FRONT OPFICE POSITION, light typing end filing, UN call Angle Rook. I»«l|7. Aeeaelato* Person- 20 TO 50 PCT. OFF on s selected group aftobrlc*. toe expert* reugholetor. y o turnltur* at haH to* nrlc*. ( 335-1700 tor Irae^R --=3- FTL*.~ fl ISVlSfatl 3 ROOM FURNISHED MINT. *140 mo. ato* « utlinie* paid Newly ram Rochester. 441-5*11._„ i ko^Ml^ BATH. adult* only, tail F 3 ROOMS AMP RATH, dM* t* daiwaiin. Billtfldt. tfSm siHSW1Ssi &tgrs?g?2?jst: eCeitatee 41 i iwmomrir Rteti r — ©BT AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER M'NSWI Katoy King, XHkftSr. Associates Parafanw. - ■ ACCOUNTANT; Energetic vovni i sMMk fiararffjB InifanaSneinng. „ ___________________________ HIQHferr PRICES PAID for im furnllura and epaltoncee. Or sfhat ”r*B»ucnoii ___Dixie Hwy. OR >3717 Road. 4734534. BRbOM, MAIN cMV*nnw«iMt' i lapp L CARPETED ROOM. CLEAN, autot. ATTRACTIVE 'I'BEDRoSm WNCH asikSrgtrunsoi*' FLATTliY REALTY BY OWNER win t iMid contract. 1914 BLOOMFIELD HILLS ISSTtoS^ yard. S31.W0. SNYDER KINNEY & BENNETT S. S. KRESGE CO. Now Accepting Applications fori FOOD CHECKER ___jnfWd eirmtogham ana. Q Adorns and Adams, 647-8880 attention . wwii y*t*. __ue*i4 l> CLEAN. QUIET ROOMS ter man. L Parking. Clee* in. Many extras. yTyr i*k. can em 34544 or or ewMS. 1 1 BEDROOM cottage, fireplace, bath, 4 lots, grto.: an Perry Lake, Fit advancement w icturar. w.jooi Ji 171. inaHtoB a; BCXDKKEEPERS OFFICE CASHIERS SALES LADIES SNACK BAR WAITRESSES CHECKOUT OPERATORS STOCK MEN ' PORTERS Full Thin and Part Tima APPLY IN PERSON: Thru Front Doors 28600 TBJGRAPN AT 12 MILE , ^EL-TWELyE MALL Monday thin Friday 9i30 a.m. to 12 noon or 1 to 4 p.m. (next door m Kmart) GIRLS, GIRLS rueuc RELATIONS intoy an aqdttog caraar wi with ton public, Bleasnirt ,. roundings In a beoutrful new ( HHIIi XAMiniWNSr _______1 generator*, c. Dixson. x or • • WANTED; (CAMPER) * hole rime and Mr** for Chevy pickup. N5 x MBs. a Wofd te Rent COTTAGE BY FLORIDA Cnupto tor fc.wrb.tt/451 KOOMi POk MIN. HI wwok. PI 2-7300 □te* wSKertT MA Sle^pin^Doms- 1!m SLEEPING raesonable, preferred, i ROOMS FOR rent, Jwtorv warkare IWB PE 4-2*45, BUHJ5 0N YOUR OWN LOT IWpBwto*. toSSre V^t r u ptlo'ii supervision, write tor catalog an# tofirmaHen tas Albee Homes, Inc. STEN0S office Manager Naad girl PMay tat g craathf* ; adminlflrattyv poatllan, axe. BOOKKEEPER CapaM* o» handling book* sc curretwyT Top wen conditions “u m SECRETARY POLICY CLERK' TSTiBWM FRONT DESK UMa position for attractive bg? i^OfcSt Mr*. 1 5, 2 bad*. *»J0 a day. Wanted ReeHitafe 1 to 50 WARREN STOUT, Realtor . M1 FeHW Jrgently nted ty Immadtoto aatol MuurwuftXma sowwajj Ali'CAiH tor hemes anyplace In Oakl* plffaNtol ,1 YORK ■ BUY M TRAP* n OH* Hwy. 1702 S. ISwraph Pontiac Press Want Ads Phone 332-8181 , Apartmantt, Unfernlshtd 3SApartmeiita, IhrfundsM 38 '■■■ r 1 " IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY CHILDREN WELCOME YOU'LL ENJOY LIFE MORE IN'A BEAUTIFUL NEW APARTMENT BETWEEN 2 LOVELY LAKES. COMB OUT TODAY, NobtM P.M. 1 riSTODOTROIT k 49 QfW-, jyajfy X, JP *% SYLVAN ON .THE LAKES an Cass Ufa Rd., fa twain Cam and Syhiaft Lofas ,;jaiitow4ii lit V ■ ..m THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY^ SEPTEMBER 21, 1968 - • ~"»iTinr | ■ ■*«' JWT* ***£*' MM tiSmnti and ragSEi arajpiro ~ by ownIr,. iGttwooM, pull tot. north W }Tt£ “inf SXSgfTlth Sp5 cert tolerata brick, now homo, *73-5172. MILFORD. 3 BEDROOMS, brick and ...—----ranch, 11* betas, (2) $-csr garages, Huron nw. By ow By Omni. VjfiAB-OLO, com-pleto, Oroywn Plains, 3 bod room ranch, m balhs, full bosamsnt, attachatf Mar gang*, carpeting, Olshwashtr. drapes, largo lot, ssejog. com4744706. ™'i.pWBROKEB HILLf . H.... 3-bad room furnished, basamant, oaraga. gee hart. F6 3-7S03. Cooley Lakt Front 2 fIraplacas,'*beoutlful brlck^and rough fawn, conlemporary walk-out basement- modeL -3 beautiful homes available. WM. NELSON BLDG. bedroom bungalow. .. age. In Rochester. . S apt. Income, fumlshad. $34,500 —* 3 bedroom brlok ranch. ,,totally room, fireplace, garage. nLmo — 3 badraom farm house .over a • acres, iMMari.... modern kitchen and heating plant. available. 53&N0. NELSON CO. «7M1*1. 1 m^wSm%itoNSM m TOM REAGAN REAL ESTATE 1 N. Opdyke 333-01! particulars. Below appral MbvttT o. Kolovos, 1103 Pontiac, 333-44W, alter 7 p Crestbrook MODEL OPEN DAILY 12-8 or By Appolntme... 3-bodreom, tomlfifroom and Bear garage, srlcad at only SIMM Plus w. XWtoep" tub with p«— streets, curb, gutter, iflpinfi dip water. Drive out M3t k Strmt^^nd model. GIROUX REAL BBTATB 4W*Sll Highland Road IM-sK*”” Cash For Your Equity HACKETT 363-6703 CHEROKEE HILLS 3-bedroom tri-level, custer with lots or extras. Km wai ad heating. 127,100. Call ' YORK WE TRADE ISKemW^' NORTH CITY Only a saw Metta from pi ttorihmnfflgh School and shipping center. Incfuda bedfooim, gas hept.alum.1™-and screens. Pull'wpHeg only si 3.300. 1400 down pniS closing costs. Call J. A. Taylor Aaency, Inc. HOLLOWAY .jam . "model" ranch. . "altobto orn»!tlO0 r^rniot. ’ rNU^lTmr^isEisiDH/WulHyi S4^ranch home, many extras. SU- Investors Special jggaHiS'vs **LAKt PRIVILEGES HOME Oft 130- x 1J0-, perttelly, seed nyff^Md ‘Bfoen swL. **£a. WEBSTER, Realty MY W»l OAkland MilS moDEl o^In bAiLr, ws Mim jm r^p^^ir€Rr LAKE PRIVILEGES 3 bedroom, built INI. .Basement. • •fNBi,*badroor Ith boating fecllllles. larp iced In, mmadlate M ’’"cr'sCHUETT REALTY $51*1414 or SSI-1413 Beauty Rife' Homes . HUNT00N SHORES OPEN 4-3 p.m. Monday thru Thursday Up. Sat. & Sun. 6 LAKE FRONTS UNDER CONSTRUCTION 3 LAKE PRIVILEGES 2 UNDER CONSTRUCTION 1 COLONIAL NEAR COMPLETION $29,700 iko MB to Airport Rood, turn WiL' - dnM): m Wot. is Tninrnoby Drive, turn right to CASS LAKE "PRIVILEGES Are included with this brand new 4 bedroOnT brick Cape Cod, taotiiring main floor • fomlily ; room with fireplace. 2VS ceramic the balhs. S walk-ln closets, formal - dining nfuU Mooment, end 2-cer of garage. All this on an extra large (of win paved slrieet. West Bloomfield Schools dose-by.' Buy now and beyv your choice of cm-ors. Immediate occupancy. Only 141,MO, good terms- LAKE PRIVILEGES Immaculate 2 bedroom ranch home on corner tot; large family room, 2 fireplaces, ceramic tile ■MjlhT batobbarp het water bee* WOLVERINE LAKE FRONT 2 bedroom year-round . alumlnui sided ranch home. Welled LM schools, only sio.750. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 3 bedroom ranch, ,on, large well landscMSd lot, pevbd streets, and nice subT with lake privileges, Vh car garage. A buy at SIS, 100. LAKE FRONT LOTS SS.OOO up, also lake privilege lots from Si.000 up. Lot our MHIdiH’t give you a price on a now horn* Over S,M0 plant to choose from. COSWAY REAL ESTATE 631-0760 3370 Orchard Lk. (At CommorM Rd.) 8IRMINGHAM4100MFIELD OPEN SAT. & SUN. Separate dining ream.. tflteMn Withbuih-ins and 'mBmmEk araa. Paneled family 1room with ftroptae£Tw bewimont. Ooen.1 to s p.m., taM. il .and 22. 3455 Winchester, Birmingham, P‘ •“ HEATED INDOOR fOOL tar year around totally fur.. __ your ' needs. Four bedrooms. 4 2 full OPEN SUNDAY, lOOtg S:30 pmn^stos Orion itooiMtoaierior.i SNYDER, KINNEY & BENNETT BIRMtNOtlAM . Ml 4-7001 HOWARD T. KEATING C0i OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 Come entf see for yourself, 3 this h dltloo SbIbHgbms WALTERS LAKE Designers home unusual 1000 sq. PJjpl bathe, exterior all redwood. Im- Sah H—mb WALTERS LAKE ■ ssfa»%3«iS BXwmuiBar v» * — ApWMtj** maw lust doslno costi.on this 3 bedroom WALLED LAKE FRONT, jwimi ^ersi5,«0 now offering a* kitchen In early American Mugnt, mw get furnace, low heating cost, 7^, m beths. cariwfttg. iwwly .....I m, ed, carpets and drapes, heme Is In perfect can----- 2286 Middle Belt Rd. IETWBEN SQUARE LAKE ANI HAMMOND LAKE DRIVE CALL WEST BLOOMFIELD OFFICE , 682-7700 LAKE ANGELUS LAKEVIEW ESTATES 4 HOMES UNDER CONSTRUCTION TRI-LEVEL COLONIAL RANCH QUAD-LEVEL Tri-LBVBl pricf at low as $27,830 SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT CALL DICK STIER AT 674-3136 OR 544-7773 ta complete informottan I Partridge “IS THE BIRD TO SEE" ' SB.B.H0MB ...IMn walking dtatiiico of Pontiac Motor. Hot onT OH fenced, its gf ’ ahodo troes. BeaulHui ilfchan. whh ullra mown cobtaets, garbage dlipqml, built-in oven iM range. Carpeted living room end MK FOR FRBJ CATALOG FARTRIDOE REAL ESTATE 44i real Estate OXFORD TWA. - Orion Schools. 4 btafroita ranch, full basement, 1 w baths, taqwcounhY kitchen. Fries »$Cno dmm to oxlstlng k mirtgogs or will PHA. 3$44 DIXIE Hwy, jahr $ p.m. RHODES ! INOIANWOQP LAKE, 4 bedroom hgRtat.1lb betas, large “**“ ——1 with fireplace, wall to \ MODEL OPEN DAILY 9-V SUNDAY 2-8 PJM. basement, 2 car garago, W 1 frownge. Iconic locotwn. Ex nice natanMnWI,'' vdTi s~r?rr,1« That's why ■ your family over to kv La; DO MOwirp MMs BMUlwVllf ” RAY (YNEIL REALTY ^^FwdtacUBoRood PRESTON 6ILT4IQMES AND REALTY RANCH BRICK HOME WATERFORD AREA Platter walls, finished basement, gat haat, landscaped, fenced yard, BEfMOELBb' homo,' op- leidwin Ave. t^SOoT^BMI. fine Lake bedroom i lendacapod ins, pfitoli sS?'1* “ESTABLISHED 1930" OPEN - 5257 FARM ROAD - OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS fQR HWRMAffNm CAU OR 40324 I MONEY— and soon tp DPI Ip tali spacious FOUR HIT MjmMtamtakitctwn, —k..H$8Mgrihio. .hjjm tis beech Muse, Mrtt an a taMtfh land. _. Jood ond street. Brick etory rt omfeonvetaentairTBMp Aoliii wita wardrobe typo closets, lull oSmawamtahnaiy radons. leOutl ms, .wltt mammoth new. dosott, fitting Sirvicp—674-0324 O'mt OPEN SUNDAY 14 P.M. 4315 MOTORWAY FOR A PARTICULAR BUYER: ' ' While vou art looking you shouldn't pass up tab lovely homo on beta on mein floor and Vk both an the lower level. Sun ream, endoeed decorated In and ouLThe dew tot Is well shaded by stately trees end •hrub*. l! you. eon eHord a bettor home bp sUfSlo see tab one priced wife iukes, 335-4414. #$47 OFEN SUNDAY 1-5 P.NL $117 Rone Court COMB OUT IUNDAY AND BE! THIS beautiful .custom ranch. BRAND NEW, fMturlim t tall ceramic tiled Mtal,} targo bedrooms, family room with flroplaco, soperota dining area. Built Ins In the. kltchsn, full basement and 2 car eltaiiJ parage, jn.ensroe of line homse. Go out m-», turn ,bft on Williams right an Re^ to*ta« on Rener(ffuVt?*Ywi?hm?XA7Greh™,M5^^ L . OPRN -tUNDAY M P.M. __________________, SI E. Iroquois THIS TWO (TORY BRICK end It's Otlrecllye eppoeronco warrants your party inspection. On t lots. wlta WkW depth h provides on trap of privacy. The Interior taSta»g»..yxii> t/tmm. xvine room wita firopike, large dming THIS SYBAR OLD S BEDROOM PUNNED FOR IMPORTANT PEOPLE %2X »VThllrMtW tS3H po^S JOIN THE WINNERS CIRCLE sax srurs 6»v« ss andheil. CoynhyItnciteri'hae bum-la waiieven and ratine. 11 cltjin^nd^sharp Ihrouohaul. sodded bwn, patio mm fyan ROOM TO ROAM kgSul bar-b-q end 2VS car gereoe. Many shade treat. ColOlOW Sir ■ excellfiit carpet In Hying room. Finished basement with gee lire-place, also room finished tor Mflos or bedroom, screened and glassed S7S&fe'8ta«T:^ •m DON'T FUMBLE THIS ONE RAY O'NEIL REALTY OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 -NEW MODEL "THE FRANKLIN," a 3 or 4 Bedroom Wing Colonial featuring paneled family room with fireplace, 1H baths, custom kitchen with range and oven, 24x24 oversize garage, full basement plus your choice of wood or alum, windows. Stop out Sunday to see what your Dollar can still buy in a customized quality home. Take Dixie Hwy. to Moybee Rd., right to Chickadee, left to model. Don't miss this one I Anderson & Associates, Inc. 1044 Jotlyn FE 4-3536 i "IT'S TRADING TIME" OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 P.M. OUR OFFICE WILL BE OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 1435 R0SEDALE IN SYLVAN VILLAGE end surrounded by many shade trees I charming h featuring a twenty loot living room whh natural formal dining room, modern kitchen, recreetlo- — large bedrooms. fuN basement, got hast, two water and sewers. Beautifully landscaped lot wl... —. on one et the finer lakes In ear eras. DIRECTIONS! Orchard Lake to Pontiac Orlve to Reoodalo. right to propwty. YOUR HQ$TR1S; Loo Korr. _________________________ 6128 GORDON UNDECIDED? Whether to buy or H5J! beseme twfryaor-o A benw, A large flroploca In ,_„t™ ________k oh tha dining rt—.. - _________ ... ________ Twp. and conveniently McoHd to churches, senoob and shopping. AIK ABOUT OUR TRADE-IN FLAN. DIRECTIONS: M*» to Atriiort Ritad, iBMta ta Gordon, right tn nrpperty. YOUR HOST-uSSiQlSSrHoword. Price roduSTii uTMT 2579 LITTLETELL - Sorry, Soldi SYLVAN MANOR No Moira ta climb In tab custom built ranchor featuring large v pMEM living roam with Bniki EMtaMv built-in dlshsvosher end garaugu disposal. Gat hot water heat, NML screen patio on dwbta lot. with Anchor tanca. Also has carport Ufftawn storms. A rial goad buy gb tost posiessloh. RECTIONt: Orchard Lake to Woodrow Wilson, ‘-i * ‘ -* left ta oror|[]-[Y| ffyf|^[OgT; ThOrm WIH. 313 HUR0NDALE LAKE FRONT TRI. Deluxe three bedroom homo with oHlce or fourth badraom. Rotaan brick tiroptsco In SSJt. temlly room. Throe tall ceramic Ilia bathe. Beaullfully landacaped with underground sprinkling . systsm. Built-In dlshweshtr end hl-fl. Priced unbelievably Jt -v *42,»I0. DIRECTION*: Elisabeth Lake Rd. past Wlllbms Like Rd., right on Rlwdele, right on ttaromtota. YOUR HOSTESS: Elleon Mowr*. _________■ 7707 L0CKLIN UNION LAKE FRONT Thb bl-level overlooks a beeutllully tarr send beach wita dodi sKtandlng out into it tagtaroo make this home wortn^ltr carpallng. a huge Mono fireplace and completely fenced yard. Over 1,200 eq. ft. of luxurious living. Thb fins homo will pbue your pyo and stool your heart. COME SEE IT TODAY—4)1-RECTIONS: Cooley Lake Rd. to MMCtawb, left to Locktln, right ____ta-JftaOrty. WR>iWT«i»r Donna goodon,_______________________________ 10126 ELIZABETH LAKE ROAD OXBOW LAKE FRONT Thb IMt story bungalow can tayke toko living ova tr$ aluminum sided, hat 1W baths, p welk-out roamotjen rapHu. Mta p ttaio Bn wall. Many « dishwasher, bullt-ln even end ranw and three I heat. Incinerator, Water taWonef. This Iwmp musr ns i be appreciated. Owner mint tall and will lako any rat qfinrDIRECTIONS: west on Elizabeth uko Rd. to P . VOUft HOST; Emery Butler. . 780 SECOND AVI. A HEATED POOL many tea panitad I h diving bos n et tab tl tan,1 large per age with wet___.. _________, _____________ .. a located on tha far nertasldta a stone's throw from Northern High.- DIRECTIONS: Joslyn, north to tocong, right to property. YOUR HOST: Ken 1(011. OUR CUAIIAHTEBD TRADE-IN FLAN IS DESIGNED FOR YOU, MR. HOMEOWNER—WITHOUT IT—YOUV, MUST SELL BEFORE YOU BUY-OR BUY BEFORE '.YOU SELL—CALL SI2HJ JSyUSv?*3®8 ™« home you own for the. OAKLAND UNIVERSITY AREA CRAMPED FOR SPACE? THE TINY SUM , of five hundred dollart together with o good credit rating Is all' you iwedllt If you can comply, we can provide you with thb Nvn Mroom homt with l vmii bWNNMt md ivt car owmi. >» Meh® BIMkjbii* SUJW on PHATEipIS. 1071W. HURON STREET ’MLS FE 44)921 AFTER 6 P.M. AND SUNDAY FE B-1984 §J?M 8 @ ir OPEN 29S NESBIT LANE BETWEEN ROCHESTER AND OAKUND U. - Brloht end cheerful j* (4®gy :iita%. MhsSuiiSiBH “ lot. Entire nemo recently decorated and lust Ilka wmsmsm OPEN 6120 COMMERCE RD. Orciiini''Lake Rd.'io 'Sinmerce ^dT^lirie prep^iyTAppriw. % ’ifille end 2-csr garsy, makes It , situated an approx.,. I OCIO pt n tor a nursery, a paneled fam-deal family home end property, b west of Hiller Rd.) Your hestota- 0PEN 4390 WAVERLY OPEN 3525 LORENA TRUE TRANQUILITY SURROUNDS THIS CHARMING 4 bedroom cotonbl-type. heme, anjy j yeero oldj . ..^.jtaTl^tafflW room with glass slldingWper to .roar yard, carpottng,. 2to botafc 2 car ettacheo garage and IMMEDIATE POMESHOtt on closing data. .The myyytrafealuros we would Hke youto see lor yourself, So drive out Sunday. Dixie Hwy. to Wetkhii Lake Rd., left to Lorona, right to property. Your host—Web Qrlawt. ■ OPEN 4375 MUIRHEAD ^ ~ ' - - - - WALLED UKE SCHOOLS District Is the location of tali 3 bedroom rancher whh tall b*wmwn,.nrop.lece. 1V4 betas, flnbhad roe, rown, byllMn oven end range, 2to cor attached garage end jeoutifui jenfr tewed lot. Your InapectforTaf tale lovely homo will .be .time well spent. Cqmnnerce.gd..tojtatjn Grom Lake Rd. toritkhoWMi Rd. to Banks kb, right to Croetmoro to Mulrhead, hit to praparty. Your hostesses-Allco Kelley. OPEN 5601 KINGFISHER Hl-WOOD VILLAQE, NEAR CURKSTON end we have Just tor, you. - a lovely custom-built 3 bedroom brick rancher vrita all the "T wants" your heart could desire. Full besement, family room with, brick fireplace, carpeting, /bullt-ln oven, range and dishwasher, 2 full baths, 3-zone hot-water .heat, 2to car garage and many extra toatoros. Clem to all Clarkttan schools and situated on a king-sized tot. Dixie Ftoy. to Maybee Rd., right to Kingfisher, left te property- Your hostess—Cindy Jamnlck. OPEN 712 BIRDSONG (MILFORD) tURURRAN SETTING—WITH CITY CONVENIENCES ora ottarod wHh thle 3 bedroom W-hvel, situated on a large comer tot. The family teeth is brick end .paneling, end there's gat heebalumlnvm storms, 3'h car gorSK Loctaad to the Village of Milford, you shouldn't mUs this one) Orchard Leke Rd. to Commerce Rd! to Milford, right on Milford Rood, to Sweetbrler, btt to Panorama, left to Birdsong. Your OPEN 1845 HIGHLAND DRIVE BREATH-TAKING VIEW overlooking Lower Pettlbone Lake. This practically new 3 bedroom ranch has ell the features you could ask for: tall basement, forgo breeiewey to a Z car garago, and lake privileges only stops sway. M-5t west to Mlltord Rd., south to-Like, toft to Hlghlmd Or., toft to prapmty. Your host—Marshall McIntosh. OPEN 271 ANNIS0N AN EXPERIENCED HOME wita tae original owner who hot showered It with love and core. 3. bedroom brick ranch, fireplace In living room, family room, formal dining room, carpeting, dragee end_2Vk csr garage. Situated on a beautiful wooded tot wlm a view of tap lake, and room tor a garden. IHtabeth Lake Rd. to Cootoy Lake Rd., left through Unkut Lake village to Berowy Dr., toft to Annlson-Watch tor Batomon Open Stone. Your hostesses Ann carbon. OPEN 2324 JONES RD. ONE ACRE CLOSE IN — ideal location far the children. 3 bedroom bungalow with carpeting, drapes, gas hast, aluminum storms, basement, 2W car oarage and plenty of elbow room. There’s community WMir, fenced yard and an enclosed, heated porta. M-SS to Airport Rd., ripht to Tubbs Rd.. right to Jones Rd.. toft to praparty. Your hostess—Eleanor Sisson. OPEN 904 MALL0CK - Sorry, Soldi M describes _ _____ ------ .,—... on a targe shady lot with bks ^-... ■__ ____ ____ „ pertoct starter homo or tor retirees. Ellzabsta Laks Rd. to Cwley Lake Rd., toft through Union Like Village to Round Lake Rd., right to Coder Island Rd., toft to Matlock. Your hostess Lucy Norman. OPEN 142 W. BEVERLY BARGAIN HUNTERS-Tsko Noto-3 bedroom rancher on tl “ Tts, pvwang* and ctooo to tch< ' a out and inspect tor yourself, \ f. Your ho stall Leone Hunt, I, ,m.i_ ..... ....,.™ ------------------------------------ ..do of town and Includes gas hoot, aluminum storfhs, ovwwangs and ctooo to schools and shopping. Pricod right to stll on GI or FHA *----- — ----------1 —‘ ”—‘ *— ---------------- —a —*t bsfievt the price! Baldwin Ave. to Beverly, OPEN 1195 FAIRFAX SQUARE UKE i walkout to the lake. SQUARE LAKE FRONT—A 4 bedroom iplltrock rancher, full besement with situated an over a hetaecro site and only 2 veers eld. Thb lovely home has 2 . HR ■HHH petae, carpeting, htaaikr haat, MbGglast windows, path front and roar decks, 2 car geragt and taH /paneled basement, pfue many, extra custom Matures. S. Tsbgranh Rd. to Fairfax (approx, hail mlM South ot Orchard Lake Rd.), right to praparty. Watch tor "Opwr' tiiint. Your host—Larry McCulloch. OPEN 8446 TIMBERLINE YOU WILL APPRECIATE the elr-condltlonlng In tab lovely 3 bedroom ranch heme with lb temlly math, fireplace, carpeting, driuoe. IVk baths, full bosemsnf—tlbd and perl It toned and 2 car garage, Many, Many ether tadragi last on Twenty-Three Mite Rd., left on Van Dyke, right on Tlmberitoo to property. Yor- ■— OPEN 8705 23-MILE RD. MODERN STYLING FOR MOOERN LIVING! Thb to oaey11 opining a picture magazine, lovely brick cuatom homa, large family room, with llreplace. -Mar garage, m bathe, alt new carpetim large wair landscaped lot. Lake arfvttog Terms or trade. DIRECTIONS: M-1S to ,™ • • ■ ■ - Drive. YOUR HOST: Jerry Wilton. I baiemant, attached 3807 AQUARINA See gaga C-4 of today'* Home taction for picture and details. OPEN SUNDAY * TO S: 4-bedroom brick ranch with over 1,900 *q- ft. Hug# family room, 2 baths, p«tlo with poritf. fenced yard, paved street and drlw. Excellent location. Term* or trad* your equity. DIRECTIONS: Walton Blvd., to Aquarlna, to mile eoot of fashabew. Your Hoot: Bill Hovlland. 5051 WATERFORD ROAD OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO S: 1-bedroom cuatom bull! ranch homo on 10 acres of choice land, animals welcome, ever l,*00 sq. ft. In this lovely new home, targe family room wteTtHgtoei, attached *to-car garage, built-tna, a home -built with muchprtd* of -craftsmanship. Be th* envy of your friends and neighbors. Terms or trade your equity. DIRECTIONS: North on Dixie Highway to right at Waterford-Rood lo property. YOUR HOSTESS: Dora Thompklna. 470 OMAR OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO S: Per. city living ond convenience you can't boot this 3-bed room colonial otylod homo, now aluminum otormo —. —i.—-is. .------. 3-car garage, large corner let, vacant, I________ price $14,950 and hoar thli ... for assume the present mortgage with low monthly Intarsn. DIRECTIONS: NoHh on Perry to right at umar, ■ mocx north of Kmart. Your Hosfoao: Sharia DeFlorlo. 3715 CHENL0T OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO 5: 4-badroom brick ranch homa an to-acr* lot. 1 black Mm Com Lake. Largo carpeted living room, refrigerator and rang* metudad. Attached garage, 2 lull, batty, owner, will have exclusive use of 15 feat at lan* frontage an CaaaLaka, with no ugfoaap. Vacant and ImmadMa paaiMIton. DIRECTIONS: South an Caw Lake Road lo right at Cast-Ellzabatb Rd., te toft at Parkway to left at Chlnlot, follow signs. YOUR HOST: At Taylgr.- 3018 ST. JUDE swbsk ’Auajrssaffif aws ss ■'■—"'-ito this trHovsl or omor modal homos in ttUa aubdlvlalon. 40 Mo aim avanoMo. directions: Wallen Blvd., to Shawnee Lone to St. Judo. YOUR HOSTEtti Don Cooley. OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO 5 JUDAH LAKE ESTATES A' lovely Persona,, L- ____ lent guy at $17,500. WATER WONDERLAND On White Late. A towtv beach, lar*a MhOST W-. *tedreomi. brick ranch. Beautifully decorated beach haw* and boat Jill. All “fed and drag** art hduMja. Stone flrosdac* Hfgpyg.ySt PONTIAC KNOLLS i ranch ham*, pa* lx t and. ribbon drive. I INCOME ITSSU, *Narlb‘q8S^toteflte**Latef Sma^Mm^CouM^ 674-2236 McCullough REAL ESTATE 5460 Highland Rood (M-59) 682-6309 Sola Nana* OVERLOOKING LAKE — 1 I bedroom, 2 full baths, hug*_.... IBMX deck, stone's throw to MBgof — •**‘4 MIDDLE STRAITS LAKE H Wide “ X 15 ». family room with 2 or 3 bedrooms. c~ tow condition. Pull pr ------------------• eiEisx r**~ CEDAR ISLAND LAKE — It ml. west or Pontiac. 3 bedroom brick, jH —*—L carpet. 4to ACRES house. Pull shdMNng c SCHRAM FAMILY SPECIAL 3 : bedroom home.. Pul. terms, Ml price $14,000. BARGAIN PRICED bawnjenf, FHA "wiii gas neoT, immediais {uponcy. Only 012,750. You n list With SCHRAM And Cali the Van OPEN EVES. AND SUN. REAi!?$LRYNAVE' EASTHAM LARGE COLONIAL only 5 1 of ll ismH_______________________ tone got tired baseboard heat, large kltrihdin saaMK Kill I* In. ..w 5 years old. With ever 1,000 sq. I living space. This Is the -— looking for w You can assume their existing -lortgago at ... _________ >v» closing costs. This woift lost x)fl> so moke an appointment to see horses and acreage ^blnetlon and unds like what you hove g tor? We're sure you'll i this, so call now. Full price Safe Houses large privileged beach with clubhouse, Exceptional buy at $*7,500. *7 40310 518,000, 52.000 d II price ... waOmut Largo spacious living room, fireplace. Exoaltont lake for fl and skiing. 4740310. arty. 473.2144. LAKE PRIVILEGE LOT Upper Long Laka Woods, 73x203. Nicety wooded, high A see ' PHA. Wldi bedrooms, 2 run oama, a kitchen. Large recreation nqw carpet. ExceHant Com________ Lake privileges b**Ch. 474-0319. BUILDING LOTS — Your lot or our lot. See out IRWIN OTTAWA HILLS; homeon a quiet tree lined street 1 With Ihnng nth, dining rm., two bedrooms on main floor. C,T. both and tidy kitchen. —— rooms and full bath up. for Inlaws or ten bo use. .. 2 bedrooms. Gas hoot. Alum, storms. Family room In bass, ment. Many other extras. Priced te sell and you can have Immediate possession on closing. DRAYTON PLAINS: One story, five rooms. Aluminum siding. Lake privileges on Wood-hull Lake. Available on G.l. BUYING OR SELLING CALL JOHN K. IRWIN & SONS .313 West Huron—Since 1925 PE 5-9444. After 5 P.M, PE 5-36S3 OPEN SUNDAY 2 Til 5 NEED EXERCISE? Finish his homa yourself i---- ------- little work HfliSfB save i vary _ -Italy 5 Bill Easthom, Realtor M Highland Rd. (MS9) MLS WATERFORD PLAZA 674-3126 ROYER OXFORD OFFICE Reduced For Quick Sale *ftrgetedroefm. Formal dining g”"-. -*nofly Pino living room! ars;.T,!^« 10-------------- Southern Comfort J whlto pillars, 13 ft. Mph^l 71 lags of Onford. _. -. „ _. .tils home is new. New kitchen, now bathroom, new U'1!!!' ,/Mn*bte and hot water hoatiir. If you want the charm ol on older homo, but don't wont the headaches that an older home con . Priced to a ROYER REALTY, INC. PHONE: 628-2548 lord Office «2> s. Lspoor Rd. FE 5-8183 EAST SUBURBAN -Two bedroom homo located i about a halt aero lot, gsrag work but a bargain ai with forms. Vacant. SOUTH SIDE Cut* two bedroom but gas hoot, recently Vacant end Priced ol 70 acres of very picturesque “ ------—1 wodds. 1* mile at Located .boat • "““-n laivl Trovorao City. Only $: contract. If Interested Investment coll on It WEST SIDE Large older homo ' bedrooms. hoot. Garage. Easy PHA terms. NORTH EAST SIDE Throe bedroom brick with full Vacant with terms. Eve*. Call Mr. Cootoll, PE 2-7*73 Nicholia & Harger Co. “* tem “ FE 5-1183 HIGHLAND AREA, — 3 bedroom ranch, homo, fu» baser ” S|i carpeting except kitchen . _ vinyl elding. 1176 aq. ft., on hardtop rood. Natural gat. Price Is right. CO HOWELL Town & Country Inc. Highland Branch Office PHONEi 313-685-1585 AVON SMALL RANCH 2 bedroom ranckor. In M of Pontiac, has 5 rooms one floor, lust SIXMO. FHA Suburban bungalo . floor, completely large •“ large axcoB... $14,900. WATERFORD- 2 story colonial, $ room, , Just 'd'JXoS i het built In livim'iiMv-nfilifn hot......... - stove and dllBWiilior, family room iwih fireplace, 2W baths, laundry room on first floor, full boMmsnt co mg Maly filed. Just $31,900, terms or trade. AVON REALTY lisa a' buyer for your he Because if our sate of M borgar Bwite 'WI.’hBW. * * Avon realty Pontiac Press Want Ads 332-8181- OPEN CHEROKEE HILLS- VUPMPVUHV ■ this 1954 built ranch homo which has been trejjted^wtth fonder core. Tiled noted living tegS 3 cheerful Gfhirod it $24400. Directions: Prom Pontiac toko Pontiac Laka Road, to Scott Lake Rd., south to Otsego, east to *922 Otsego, watch fir — AVON RANCH HOME 1945 aluminum sided ranch ....IP containing 3 bedrooms which It nan, carpeting and d SEE THISI LIKE LAKE LIVING? — ached garage. Very attract e lot with shade treat. Un- »l stone work. :e htxmfco and *1 ly 55,000 idown a COMMERCIAL COLONIAL Includes 22x30 salesroom attached largo colonial consisting of f very largo n_ Located In action area which would bo wltabio tor many — A MiABk IummU SHINN NEW HOME 5 room homo. Woolly d_ ■ family living. 3 bod room, large |UAtegM|MigteM^GMMfor only orsa. AI wr lot. ' NORTHERN ACREAGR street, land contract—terms- WATKINS HILLS 3-B E O ROOM BRICK RANCH, gill basement. ceramic both, nicely ——coped lot, on pavad street. Could be purchased tots «t trees, located on blacktop street. G l or FHA CROSS . REALTY WE HAVE MORTGAGE MONEY 674-3105 GAYLORD PMMSOlon. $12,900. MY 2-2121 or 'FEt-Mt!. ST. mikes AREA. Fartoct ■ • fvwu rvixbm, r et tout fBIDlly homo. Attic compldtoly finished, “IhkopToWor home. Sir M-------Z r van or fe sttn. OPEN SUN, .2 TO 5 PM. 20 N. GENESEE W* Invite you to took at this gracious horns with 2 bedrooms KGbSUBI NICH01IE-HUDS0N Associates, Inc.' 49 Dnlvoralty Drive FE5-12Q1 after 6 p.m. FE 2-3370 49 Sale House* BLOOMFIELD AREA attached 2-car garage on large comer lot, well landscaped, features a family kitchen with garbage disposal, lW*bams, marble top vanity and enclotad tub, fireplace In large living room, 23 $36,900. v COSWAY REAL ESTATE 681-0760 3379 Orchard Lk. ,. NR ........ilngUtrigger I'll list hy horn* with Arro SPACIOUS WOODED LOT In qulat neighborhood with privileges on 2 lakes. This would fen iJ-., —.vit (At Commorcb Rd.) ANNETT wooded, high A scenic, aneslto. SM00. tarrr~ GENERAL HOSPITAL AREA II bosom cwamlc $17,000, te WATERFORD TWP - 4 LOTS 4 bedroom homo in good co dltlon, LR, DR, kitchen, enclosed porches, full basemen Lots of room for gardening, wells, 170 ft. of paved rot frontage. $21,000, terms. WALTON BLVD. INGOME PHONE: 682-2211 5135 Cass-Ellzobeth Rood MLS REALTOR Open Dolly Id C-2. Ir is owner's ai West side location that will show over 1$ per cor' vestment. Each with furalsMnga l .... „.... ... furnace. 3 car garage. $24,000, ■■■i. Gas 20 ACRR ESTATE - W. SUBURBAN Cuatom built now brldr X MM! homo, inwiaculato condition, JJx» ft. LR, 15X15 ft. DR,------- try kitchen, 15x25, ullro m. Full boiamont. *Vi car living A entertaining. ■ luxury $13,500, WE WILL TRADE REALTORS 28 E. Huron St. Office Open Evenings A Sunday 1-4 338-0466 KINZLER OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 6110 WATERFORD HILL TERRACE LEVEL FAMILY HOME BEAUTIFUL WATIRPOR D HILLS, HAS WIDE FOYER ENTRANCE! SPACIOUS LIVING ROOM, FORMAL DINING EDOM, DELUXE KITCHEN WITH RICH CABINETS, BREAKFAST AREA, ' OR 1 BEDROOMS (MAST El 24x1)1, BATHS, ___JCOM THROUGHOUT. INCLUDE FLUSH CARPitl____I CUSTOM DRAPERIES. BUILT-IN RlPRHHHLmR FREEZER, AND O'. ,__________ ... . PROFESSIONALLY LANDSCAPED GROUND, BEACH AND LAKE PRIVILEGES. NOW VACANT AND IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. WE INVITE YOU TO DRIVE OUT SUNDAY. DIXIE HWY. TURN LBFT ON WATERFORD HILL TERRACE JUST PAST WATERFORD VILLAGE. YOUR HOSTESS, GRACE HOYT. DRAYTON PLAINS 40x5)0 with big shade trees and garden. $ veteran. JOHN KINZLER, Realtor 5219 Dixie Hwy. 42X02 Across from Peckers Store MULTIPLE LISTING SB1-—— open 1:30-0:30 Im OPEN Sun. 2-5 CLARKSTON AREA -3 bedroom brick ranch with foil walk ot§ basement. Family room on mom floor with fireplace. 2 MR garage. Prlcod lo Mil. Adams will be your host. DIRECTIONS: Dixie Hwy. nor... .. iaybee R., right to Warbler, loft OPEN Sun. 1-5 i r- 3 bod roar . r lot or ours in 40 daya or loss. DlflScTlojSi CMley Lateftd. west to Union Lake village, turn left on Sable St. to OPEN olgn. LETS TRADE . HALL REALTY, REALTOR OMODiteltwy, 42*4114 Open dolly t-f. Sot. 9-4 HITTER TRADE-TRADE - On fills neat 7 room 2 level homo. 2 r " fireplace, 4 cor garage. Clot area. Lika now. Owner says " $27,500. Tarms. WILLIAMS LAKE — Sharp 5 rooms ORCHARD LAKE RD. - 214 fl. cemmerlcal frontage with 4 room modem homa. 3 stall garage. Good location. Priced to sail. we BUILD — 2 bodhoom ranchers mam, Oiat on your lot or we have lots. CaH B. C. HI ITER ERA C7 OR, 379* Cl IT.alru ■ .VB Bh 'imLm ELIZABETH LAKE Rd..«MMt AFTER I P.M. 334-0093. OPEN WARDEN 4 LARGE BEDROOMS Lika to live In a bird cage* Noil Then maybe you will bo Interested looking ovor Mi dandy woof ‘ ‘nrger 0-room homo that Is tebitsd Inside and e ‘ flroploco, formal CLARK WIST SIDIt CITY: Rxlra stem 5 room bungalow In eng Of the better regldontlif oraao, is ft. living room — sir stjssswtj, -item and ninfry dtt k floors, pbstered waits. ... MM except Indian ere egypotod, ♦odfiiglly docoretod, attached •ante beautiful londaceped lot. PriteP at ImmM. 49 Sale Hgusbs ARRO COMMENCE LAKE horriB. Ltt on* of our taitsmtn CLARKSTON SCHOOLS Am within walking distance of the 4 bedroom ranch with 1 Va baths, large lot, gas mcTnerotor, paved street. In excellent neighborhood for only $1X950 so call today for an-appolntment. CLOSE AT 5 SAT. OPEN SUN. 2-5 6 ROOM BUNGALOW------------- With 100* of beautiful sand beach on Lotus Late. The ahady lot alone will Impress you »nrf «>• home features 3 bodroo Wideman OPEN land contract# so call now. IDEAL SPOT For newlywed* or retirees, situated on almost an acre with lots of garden space. The (harp ranch home has a paneled living room, dining room and full basement and IVb car garage. With only $4,000 you can the mortgage. Call or 389 S. CASS LAKE ROAD CANAL FRONT RANCHER wll.. ■. ©tier spacious carpeted kitchen t-ln oven and rang*, 3 2 baths, doubt* vanity, it basement, large recreation . —75x245 ft. lot. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. D I R E C T I O NS: ELIZABETH LAKE ROAD TO 309 S. CASS LAKE ROAD. n Val-U-Way SUBURBAN RANCH on 390x149 ft. parcal. arlor, 2 bedroom: ______ ..,-oards, attach* garage. Priced lor quick salt $17,490, forms. I. 0. WIDEMAN, REALTOR 412 W. HURON ST Brown COUNTRY ESTATE — T room trl-lgval with OPEN SUNDAY It P.M.-5 P.M. UNIQUE SPANISH TRI-LEVEL — With heavy |-------- ------- (sign, rest to Bogle Late Rd., go loft PINE KNOB NORTH - LES BROWN REALTORS & BUILDERS KENT I yard. l $2,000 < .*nC/#ttno.5rbo» FLOYD KENT, INC., Realtor __ 2200 Dlxla Hwy at Tele^mph LOOK ON THE OUTSIDE LOOK ON THE INSIDE LOOK ON THE COST SIDE we otter thlo brick multi lava homo for your comMareflon. Th tlrot floor has ponolod family roon with opan staircase to the lorg brick garage with blacktop drlv and boot of oil tote priv. < Oakland Laka. Mate this o mui on your list to too. Llstad (t elusive ly and prlcod reasonably. BRIAN REALTY Mui^toPLl^r!gliS£lca [days 'III f Sunday 1-4 Dixit Hwy.___________423-0702 VON OPEN SUN. 2-5 Watkins Lake Privileges Immediate Possession i full tei or garage I Imi&iyll •crated. .990. ______ed by 'aggro: On 150x150 lot. N root and It's just This Is a prime an Drive out to Panne Mil kb Orchid, turn right to Fort, then OPEN SUN. 2-5 Move right in. Hie Mllors con give 1 ___ pollution on this Ilka n tri-fivoL 3 largo tr---- ail .awp with plonty ol cupboard apace i electric wilt'lna. Extra n 11 earpaling in living room i teStt __________ mar tot.. Priced for quick Pontiac Northern Area Cozy bungalow. If you wont to I - proud owner of A spotless bedroom newly decoratsd homo. G to too this lovely homa with built ---- ,rinte, carpeting ai :oncrefe driveway wl Office open Sun. 2-5 VON REALTY REALTORS. 3401 W. I o ammr, UL 2-232* MATS FAYING lieNTi t ream Stick, torrac* In goad cammton. cktdad. full bgsamant with knotty gtod ftoith Olid tiiod W9gw. Jhit grin 97,95a Only 179.00 per month. UUY. SRLL OR ItADR isS^RiBBfrsTO&w .« Open Ff MLS Pontiac Press WantAds ARE FAMOUS FOR "ACTION" lUST-OALL 332-8181 TIMES . Welled Lake LAKE iovel on a paved street. This Immaculate home has 1,500 squoro fast of living area, 1W baths, family room with o flre- ACRE Ing. 2 C3*^ RETtRID COUPLE Claude McGruder Realtor 221 Baldwin FE 5-4175 Multlpla Llitlno Service Opan 9-~ ;a your Times Retilty 5190 DIXIE HIGHWAY 4234)600 Realtor Opan 9-9 Dolly OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY 14 Open Sunday 1 to 4 Drayton Plains room, recrea- n room, I VS baths, patio, 2Va car rage. Largo fenced corner lot with e privileges. $23,500, FHA terms r 94,000 to assume iand contract. Handyman's Special Repossessed 2 bedroom home will Ksement and garage. Large lot 0,0000 full price. $400 movts you In. City Slicker bedroom homa with large living 1, dining room, kitchen and port ____ment. Just remodeled Inside and out. $400 Is all you mad to move In. Call now while It's still hare. YOU CAN TRADE FOR ANY HOME WE HAVE FOR SALE Val-U-Woy Realty and Building Co. FE 4-3531 345 Oakland Avo. Open 9 to- SMITH NEAR FISHER BODY, ptoaaad to otter this —MM well-kept 3-bed room ranch on fenced corner let with ment and ga* heat. ....... room Is carpeted, more la dining spec* In th* kitchen and th are's even a scar garage. Why nor Mi close to your work end ontoy_________ leisure hour* at home? Coll ut today tor detail! on how this — con be yours. INVEST IN THIS LARGE 2-famlly Income homo mar city r*-“l- —1 shopping. The property commercial. Soils for land contract terms. 913,950. The Rolfe H. Smith Co. Sheldon B. Smith, Realtor 244 S. Telegraph Rd. 333-7848 BUDGET Minded? Work In Pontiac? And driving 0 long distance? Why not taka a look at a ctoan 3 bedroom brick with fenced yard. $17,“ $5,500 down to 5VS per cent CLARKSTON Move right to to thlo iparklln homo on corner tot, 2 bedroom: with plastered walls and hardwso floors, full baaamant, garage Wll extended roof ovor patio, flower trees and shruba. Extra Vi lot It eluded. 017,950, 95,000 down. UNDERWOOD 425-2*15 I. 425-1974 425-3125 Mattingly That anyone can 4IPMMR home on a land contract. 2 and possibly 4 bedrooms. Cope Cod with wll basement, 1W baths, largo country kitchen, M-fold torge country xnenan, 01-closet doors, 92,000 down, TMMMRihdB —— Ready DAN MATTINGLY AGENCY OFFICE MODEL 64X9000 OR 4-3540 Mattingly OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 P.M. GILES V-FRONT bedroom, yaar around cottaaa# <120' lot# oh White Lake# nothing -i to a 61# call today. ' , - LOT nlca 2 bedroom ranch, walls, could easily be. 3 ns, gas heat, carpeting and kitchen stove and cupboards ) property, 20 x 20 garage, echanlc pit, located In. Orion Pontioc Northern High * English colonial wRh many am .silent features. Hm 3 good sized bedrooms. Largo living room with fireplace. Modern kitchen with lots ot Cabinets. Don. Workbench to full basament. Gas host, 2-car garage. Priced to mTi. Cell — ROYER OPEN SUNDAY 124 Gl special with 2 large ooma and Uving room sitting ir h n .hade fr^on^a^larjjO^O GIROUX OPEN SUNDAY 2 to 5 bungalow, taaturln baths, full dining room, bi basement with complete kitchen, and situated on large lot with nicely wooded grove, appi— 1 mil* west of Dixie Hwy. GEORGE IRWIN, REALTOR Multiple Listing Service I HI im FE 3-7993 SYLVAN LAKE FRONT 3 bedroom brick with car and a half garage, on a beautiful WOLVERINE LAKE PRIVILEGES plenty of spec* tor a IDEAL FOR YOUR FIRST HOME OR YOUR RETIREMENT Nice airy bedrooms, with gat sliding glow door from klld outside patio, -laig* tot, ___ ----- extra discount tor larg* $14,750. LAKE LIVING ON FOX LAXE living room, a walk-out bason leading to a sandy baste. C. Schuett' TUCKER Jefferson Jr. plastered walls, hardwood floors, onlyJSDdOWn. 5 BEDROOMS WtTH—THIt FAMILY H W 9300. East stdo. 4 BEDROOMS rn STORY HOME, located near McConnell school, -teteteL garage, 1100 down. 3 BEDROOMS FOR SIM DOWN, lull basement, gas ha ol hoot, Tvs cor garage, carpeted. East sido. TUCKER REALTY CO. 903 Pontiac State Bonk 334-1545 DUNHAM LAKE HIGHLAND TOWNSHIP BLUR HURON DR-. r C PI t O I redwood and brick ranch, situ: In thick grow ot Pino — ^ s OffaM loored foyer, laodo to 20' ........ room ond dining ores. 14* kitchen has buHMn oopltoncoa, axe. tabla space, 2 bedrooms, dan, ~ “ * ‘ 14' x It' roam, I wl- ___________ - fleldstono fireplaces, ctoan aloe. F-A boat, central air conditioning, ollghti . -.-JMS I on th* w Jlv w MATHERS-STEVENS MARTIN 541 N. Main 4 CAPE COD All aluminum aiding, 11b baths, pourtp concrete bps a m a n t, hardwood floor* — sanded and finished, larg* country kitchen, double kitchen oink, formic* witli^BIrcR*' dooVt*Amwlcan Standard glumUM and haatlng, bi-told closet doors. Toko Baldwin north to Ctorkolon-Orlon Rd., loft to N. Esfin Rd. and right to Meadowbrook. Turn *- model, watch for signs. $16#450 OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 P.M. MAIN STREET CLARKSTON OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 P.M. GENTLEMAN FARMER Woterford Twp. Clots-ln, ap-------- r acre, well groimotijy r*cre possible 3-bedroom all axtarler bungalow. Pa room, MBHr. .Country kitchen, aluminum ownings owr all windows, Itb-car garage plus tool shad, , blacktop drive, stow, carpeting, drapM and an above Call Sot. and boot, the (thereto a real deal or drtva out Sunday — M-59 .West, first teeiTESt Airport Rd., lafi on Shaman to |»rej»arty. Mr. Pat* will b* your LAZENBY OPEN SUN. 2-5 5838 Sutherland 3-bedroom brlcl room, kitchen will ' -' si range and hoi finished Extra sharp ranch, carpeted Mpoteto dtolog - otton room, oversized comenTdrive. Nicely teteeteWi yard. I Cyclone fenced 1 l-c*r garage, landscaped C Ideal WMt aiL.____________ DIRECTIONS: West on M-59, toft M^ori Rd., toft an Sutherland R0YCE LAZENBY, Realtor Open dally 9-9. Sun. 1-4 4626 W. Walton — OR P0301 JACK -FRUSHOUR REALTOR WE TRADE BRICK RANCH WATERFORD THIS BEAUTIFUL 2-BEDROOM HOUSB wlth toads ot ckuat space featuring a lull boaament and 3-car garag* an a dead end strost tor privacy. This air con- LAKE FRONT If YOU WANT A LAKE f RONT HOME but just can't afford It, than Chock this on* out. It has 2 badroaww, larg* klwite living room wHn flroploco, WRjBt te ■ ppeesns 9 lakes In too county..The FOR APPOII iw!mrnt*tod^vl YOU CAN'T GO WRONG CALI today on this very nice MfiHwp mm homo, ft hot tuH teMmont. tiled both. Brick alum, sldtoa. storms, acroon* snd feneed yard, locetad on bUCxtte OTML WBh city water and aowor. Pull pries SIMM Gl MIS 674-0819 ' 674-2245 5730 WllLlAMI LAKE RD. LAZENBY R0YCE LAZENBY, Realtor on dolly XX Su (■ WoHon - O HOLLY OFFICE Bet. Rochester 8t Utica Root sharp 2-bedroom aluminum and 2-car garage. Great for starter or retirement noma. Real cute on inaida. Minutes from expressway. neighborhood. Only $14,500. MPMPMMNML room. Larg* living room,. Basement and 2-car attached garage. The decorating Is . beyond belief. Beautiful fenced in. . yard, You hew to so* it to bBliBv* -ft. At only 135,900, Housewife's Heaven All! new kitchen with electronic oven. - Built-in rang* and hood. Dishwasher and disposal. New paneled and brick family room with flraplaca. 3 bedrooms, lib baths. Beautiful brick ranch with 2-car attached garage. On a fenced $27,900. WE BUILD-TRADE ROYER REALTY, INC. PHONE: 634-8204 Holly Plaza Landscaping Included! on 6 new homes by ROSS WATKINS HILLS 3-bedroom, 2 bath rente, Flraplaca, carpeting $31,900 $37,900 3 BEDROOM RANCH $34,900 2 LAKE FRONT CALL 623-0670 Dixie Hwy., to ml. N. et Walton ROSS 1941 S. Telegraph Rd. Sylvan Shores in slow. Nothing ni Ing tF— lake vl_________ disposal, food recreation roam In bar, sink 1— — carpeted and orapas tl..„............ cludad. Gas boat, ttocar .Baraga. spotlessly clean and decoratsd In the OPEN SUNDAY 1 TO 4 2430 LITCHFIELD DRAYTON WOODS $26,900 TERMS sr* Sunken II -.... Family style f Car attached garage Lara* shidad lot Dr.: Dlxle_Hwy. N. to light on Hatchery Rd. toft war railroad > track* to Sagtoaw Troll. Fellow INCOME If you can quality ter an PHA ", mortgage tola Proem apartment will make your payment .and .give you another 5-reem apartmant far _____________ it free? Each aparilflgifjSte B I size dining rogmt3aMWM-'-Men throughout, plastered walls UNION LAKE AREA Iroem heme with gaaslbimy et Badroam, larRa.iwtoft (te B room and kitchen, to basa- on .10' lot, h«i new «um. -j. This to a good buy, call tor OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY 14 STRUBLE 5925 Highland Rd. (AW9) Next to Pranks Nunary 674-3175 Income, $15.9M, 20 per tent dr— . BACKUS REALTY 652-7131 or 333-1695 6 UNITS Clots to downtown —. I rooms each. Separate lurnacaa. *13,500 dawn. Good down.Good return*. ~ CROSS REALTY AND INVESTMENT CO. OR 4-3107 MLS We pay cash tor teed homes r cabin near Harrison, ii2'x244' lot, hunting In area, completely" furnished — $2,700 •> $500 Rewn,' IB VACANT ACRES m near MteMtoaa, , __________ roads, tote‘ than a mil* from blacktop- to woods ted X rolling -meadows - $1500 cash” MENZIES REAL ESTATE 11 ACRE LAKE FRONT STATEWIDE REAL ESTATE - 91-2000 353-5940 P % G—12 THE PONTIAC PRESS. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1968 Ufce hipirty AVAILABLE FOR UNOER $50,000 UPPER STRAITS LAKE PRIVILEGES and enough land to . keep two horse*. Lovely framt and brick ranch with, tare* bedrooms, fireplace In mo family room, and the recreation room In tat . boaoment, 2Va car garage, centred terms. Ron lake fpSwl?Ies*j.a ----------y trees Is selttng end family room. Kite buUtl-ns. Excellent Condi for oppt. U«y baths, toff# family ro fireplace, and studio cellti of closet space, quality BROOCK At Pontiac Trail MA 64000 4444890 OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY EY OWNER, EXECUTIVE I part . of Laka completely Entailed: 3# ft. of pit., sliding door wells. Eolcony off ■ , dining end family EY OWNER Ht-WATER frinT lot Area of 'take Oakland, j.ooo homes. Site 874-1581.;, After 4 DERR' •LAKE —• WATERFRONT, fOxSnr let. black top road, gas, full price §9900. Easy Tarms. HAROLD R. FRANKS, Realty LOG COTTAGE S room and utility, furnished, at Sugdan Lake, 75' on water, good .-EC -* •",J00, $3850 h, price i, US pa Everett Cummings, Realtor 3983 UNION LAKE ROAD Hh------ 343-7181 LAKE LOTS, Clarkston-Orlon Rd. By -------r. 3384731. LAKE FRONT HOMES, New and Used. J. L. Dally CO. EM 3-7114 KE SHERWOOD and Uka, privileged I Model homt _____1 homes for your Inspection by Woodcraft Hemes Inc. Call 3*3) 3741 or 887-9191 for Intel--------- sales by Eesllck Properties LOVELAND Lets-Acreage , 10 ACRE PARCELS, wooded ■tna EM 3-9S31,-Pewter. ' LONGFELLOW 14 LOTS NEAR i and low lend Cedars, Pond site, 116,500 ilrland Realty Lapeer of. Pontiac. 6255564. i, IS miles northwest 44 ACRES OF LAND, N.W. OF Lapeer, 33 acres of alfalfa, trees, and 18 rods on private lake, 814,900, 4444101 or 844-I12J. Fairlsne Realty, Inc., 444 Fox, St,, industrial' _ Waterford Twp. AL PAULY - 4914 DIXIE, REAR tho hoart of home, seml-i sd for Scijg 30 ACRES WITH LIKE BOW hors# barn or abappe, 4 mile* from 1 ”— Ti* “ T/ -v-u—t$4,$K) 10 acrsi and barn, 815,000. 40 ACRES N. OF M-S» near course, more land available, I par acre, or cash offer. UNDERWOOD Eves. 439-1874 Seto BesIwss Propwty 57 EVES. 473-9373 BUCKHORN.LAKE FRONT minutes Pontiac, 70 x ISO*. 83999 — 8700 down — 835 per mo. Sheldon, CLARKSTON AREA _ 129XJOO' lot. per nip. Sheldon 424-5557. CLARKSTON ON PERRY LK. Road, .RHRRIR 1.44 acre, 103 x 417.5. 84250. Land Sals or trade. 4,000 SQUARE FEET with large fenced yard, leading dock, good for any purpose. Sale aa ‘------- “ ir lease, FE 5- APARTMENTS For sale. 3 veers old. 100 Per cent occuple Do you need tax Shelter end Security? contract. 420-2005. CLARKSTON AREA Larga beautiful bulk11-' Fowler Realty. 343-4413. P9331. Replies confidential J Box C-5. ___________ 1 CLARKSTON BEER, WINE CLARKSTON AREA HOMESITES: WO X 190 WOObEB-tOT — on Warbtor (Ufa Hi-Wood Village). Full price. SCSOQ. 135 x tea, feot groceries. With 2 bedroom home. Also 4 room income home on Itk* frontage. New fixtures. Priced to salt. Terms available. Offered by P»»l F.rh.nc. Cn 713.1450 or 743-8141. Flint, Mich. countryside. H I g h restrictions. Priced n 89,930. — COMMERCIAL BUILDING — , Ip Oxford. 30 ft. x 90 ft. Full base-. menf, choice , location. 812,900. S2^XI0 down or will leesa to right . .parly,...... YEACKUS realty . 403-7131 or 330-1495 ORION INDUSTRIAL , ■ I I • parcels# zoned llaht manufacturing on AA-24# N. of 1-75. ! LADD'S OF PONTIAC 3477 LAPEER RD.________391 3300 EXTRA CHOICE WOODED SCENIC HOMESITES 7.62 Acres rolling land# good T< boggan hill near Clarksfon. 621 2035. OWNER RETIRING MUST SELL Ideal location for personal service, short order drlve-in, etc. Includes block building with 004 s |H " of Commercial GREAT EARNING potential In this parcel which contains owner's 2i „ bedroom residence, cottages, ren- formation call — OR 44)304. ting at 8170 a month, some lake! . . _ frontage. f^sIWIhy ren-t j. A. ToylOr Agency, IllC. jgfiiV nUJwry ih.. W.tarfSrd 7733 Highland Rd.^M-W) OR 4-0304 GOOD LOCATION . H* ^Property_ zoned commercial. » for many ijts: .Jsiif, t» 2 i I contract! Beach Priced right Listed by Ore Dill Eastham, Realtor 20 Highland Rd. (M-99) _• MLS Wbierfdrd Pler- 674-3126 ITHACA AREA /try desirable 4 acre comer parcel m 37 Highway, featuring a 32X59 ft, Jtore building -w — | apartments up, • single. An ideal ftMK’ dealer .... ______ DETAILS, . DUCED FOR QUICK SALl. OWNER LEAVINO STATE, I. 0. WIDEMAN, REALTOR 413 W. HURON ST. 334-4524 EVE. CAlL --- RHODES LAKE ORION. Large building 54x94 with clear ipan, full basement, gas heat, | Ideal- for furniture store ■wteMd appliances, ------------------ it or storago. Only $24,01 A. 3, RHODES, REALTOR FE 9-2304 290 W. Walton FE 5-4712 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE SMALL GROCERY STORE. Take and wine license. East 2-31H2. TIZZY * By Kate Osann WANT TO SELL YOUR BUSINESS?, Definitely, Realtor Partridge 1s the bird to set. 1050 Huron, Pontiac, 33A3901. ----------------------------4- TO it wtiPKA"1 ABC warehowb apKiances, Km! fBBffa s^fflaZHiausc admiral, W^fflWQHfiaUIE.JrtC;, refrigerators. Property described USED WASHER AND I each. 4740724. 1 WAiSHS* Fft*T* Sale Land Contracts 1 i-MILLION *S tr NSMw. TM Sm «A te M “Father, I’m on an'economy kick—I’m not going to buy a single thing unless I absolutely want ttt" ; Sale Household Goods 65 3-ROOM — (Brand new furniture) I S2S9. Cash, terms, I ey - e w a y. P*arson's_ Furnllura, 210 E. Pike Dollars has bean mad* available to—^ us to purchase and assume lanJ contracts, mortgages or buy home lots or acreage outright. We wl________________________________________ give you caih for your equity. Our g PIECE DUNCAN PHYFE ------,. —iu_ “our call ---------------------- J — J “ ■ r la awaiting yi 674-2236 McCullough realty 10 Highland Rd. (M-19) ...ML? ■n suite, good cond.. OR 3-9739. ELECTRIC StOVE; condition. Me. «35-5l57._______ ELECTRIC RANGE 30", goad condition $25., OR 39331 _ ' ELECTRIC STOVE, MS; GAS SfeVtl S35; Refrigerator with lop freezer, 5-276A.V 9x12 Linoleum Rugs $3.89 Solid Vinyl Tile HH8 Vinyl Asbe»-“ * 674-2234 Inlaid Tile, 1 TO 50 LAND CONTRACTS gently needed* See Warren Stout, Realtor Realty, <73-1273. Summer-Wintor Fun bedroom. Neat as a pin. Yeai round home. StILSOO. Terms. INVESTOR S-OEVELOPERS -acres .plus, long frontage on roads, plus lots of lake frontage ... large undeveloped lake. Greveland Twp. Price STSlSOa — 4-H REAL ESTATE. 433-1400 or 42«-347l. 1ROYER OXFORD OFFICE Leona Lovolond, Realtor ""WE”* 4-H REAL ESTATE — 423-1400 or 428 2478__________________ MAC ED AY LAKE prIVIIoges. 50x150. ■oitofcjaMM^H TOWNSEND LAKE too ft. lake frontage. 200 ft. di 88,200; 10 per cent down. SISL0CK & KENT, INC. l^Pontlec Slate. B.nk Bjd^ IRY .CLEAN LARGE^oid' OXFORD AREA 30 acres of wiki end beet This lovely parcel la i 51-A 402-3300 PRIVATE LAKE 155 acres. Northern Oakland County. 12-ecre private Take, lovely smaller --— other excelleiit bulldlr-rty fronts on Two r rolling dElggJ ant or for ___ , including eiinsie, Menlsteo and Mason oSiiv, Coho tlshlng territory. si.OO per county postpaid. Michigan Partridge "IS THE BIRD TO SEE" RETIREMENT HOME, , Located In • recorded subdlvisii St. Helen on an lsoyeo* shadec ditlon WoUM make a Will give Immadlata ter No. MJMMtac. EXECUTIVE RETREAT w.« > Ml road lo 140 acres with llvo stream and springs and rlvar frentaga. Cedar swamp and Has a I 2 Hrapl ___ _ , extra ap k Located In Gladwin Co. {orsaSr'now tor™175,500.'and sis.ooo down. No. 31-noo-RF _ SWTSMAN'S PARADISE_________ Over 1 mil*_ of spring W, Middle levity Convalescent Home First Nme offered. Oxford eroe. This litllo money maker Is State, County, end Fir# Marshall ep. -proved for 14 out patlontt. Located in small town. This beautiful older homo with well landscaped lot has a very beautiful setting. 2 large 15 ft. x 30 ft. living rooms. 12 ft. x 14 ft. dining room, n ft, x 12 ft. country kitchen. Plastered walls. Hfrdwoed floors, throughout. May bis bought with land centred terms. ROYER REALTY, INC. PHONE: 628-2548 , KT® ng’,X,s! 0"fq National Unclaimed FURNITURE md new 4-plece Bedroom Suite $9$ 24 sets to sell 45116 Cass (Utica) 731-0200 FREE DELIVERY 1 TO 50 LAND CONTRACTS Urgently needed. See us before DISCOUNT FURNITURE NEW S-PIECE DINETTE $39.99 or $5 MO. HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE 457 Ellr. tfc-Rd.------ 33S-02I3I table lamps, cola cooler and mlsc. GAS STOVE, like new, i hone 332-3773, after 5:30 p.m. YARDS Rose w BALANCE $3,195.51 at 7 par payments 940 per month, so by 9 . acre* In white Township. Discount 15 pei arpotlng, LI 3-7344. 1968 TOUCH-A-MATIC New sewing machines, does fa stitching, makes buttonholes, __ Sold tar $124.50, balance only 831.40 or pay 51.10 par waak, C— d----- night, 330-2544, Importpl. National Unclaimed FURNITURE Brand naw Nylon Sofa—$41 45116 Cass (Utica) 731-0200 FREE DELIVERY MA 4-5400 OR EM 3-4014. FE 4-4013. Mr, Clark. 1968' WHITE Used t months. Zlg Zaggai horns, daslgn, buttonholes. $39.20 cash or month. Guaranteed. -----------•— Appliances, 335-9283. WALTER'S LAKE prlvlleoas. Clarkston School dlatrlct, several choices, 120 x 120* bonding sites.! PONTIAC TOWNSHIP-AUBURN ROAD 475 ft. Commercial abutting 1-75. Good dralh 30 acres Industrial along I-7S and GTRR 473-3401: reasonable 1 Very LOANS tding t roads. sites. RATTALEE LAKE RD. Davlsburo and 1-75 Ex-pressway, 42Vh acres aacludad with excellent view from high elevation. Smell pond end bam. Let us show Multlolo. AVON TOWNSHIP-WALT0N-LIVERN0IS Are*. Superb site tar MOTEL, --OFFICE, *■— —'—' 825 TO 51,000 COMMUNITY LOAN CO. E. LAWRENCE_____FE 0-0421 VRRWPHMMiOT parcel. WATERFORD TOWNSHIP -MULTIPLE 30 acres ol land In a fine area th needs Multiple Units NOW. C build 12 Unlit per acre on septl LOANS S2S to 01,000 toaurte Payment Plan,.. BAXTER S, LIVINGSTONE FE 4-1538-9 PLENTY OF USED washers staves, refrigerators, and trade-ir furniture bargains. Little Jee'i Trade-In store, Baldwin at Waltai FE 2-4042. Attention Housewives Highest prices for used furniture and appliances. Ask for Mr. Grr-et Wyman's Furniture FE S-1S01. DISCOUNT FURNITURE New Mattress or Box Spring $29.99 or $5 M0. HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE 457 EIU. Lk. Rd._______335-9203 ...$ 1M9. Water it IN. 95 ACRES DIXIE HWY. UNION LAKE - COMMERCIAL irlngfleld Township, corner el Ret- 4 Ideal parcels In existing shop- lee lake Road. Can be divided — ping center. ' Hd------- or II acres. MICHAEL WAGNER BATEMAN COMMERCIAL B INVESTMENT 377 S. Telegraph Rd. ' t 338-9641 Sat. A Sun. — CALL 332-37S9 RHODES 10 ACRES, Ortonvllte, I Chamberlain 428-9100 - 13 Mile 8 1 western VALUABLE COMMERCIAL _________ paved road and M-90, Waterford Twp. Terms, By owner, 812-1458. WOULD YOU BELIEVE M-l zone property tor only 8100 per front toot. 2 tots 75x185, each high and dry level completely fenced with 8‘ high Industrial fence. Half a block ■ eft Ohio HwVj.lr --- ------ 1 deer cover, t < ound plea sure. 140 acres with A. J. RHODES, Realtor FE 1-2304 251 W-_ WeHon__FE _W712 M-l 13 Hwy. between Clare erta Ceailltt. Plclures and more Info .* m.f office. Priced " id worth morel O. 35-5440-RP "It'S ALIVE WITH FISH' An ulcer-rallevlng business, rearing fish from eggs to tabto the. One of the largest privately owned hatcheries Tn stele, located near large harbor on Lake Huron. 160 acre------ u.s. Hwy., including manor bedroom home, etarnge pUlMlnoi P complete equipment to operate Iwelve ’-i-ecre holding ponds. Modern heftlwry ctn hatcB nMOt time. 50,000 laMo also, OT .r-bu'S’r i ROYER!1 ASK FOR FREE CATALOG PARTRIDGE REAL ESTATE ion Wait Huron St., Pontiac 214-3851 04S-S7 leh-Acreoge ROYER REALTY, INC. PHONEt 628-2548 Oxford Office (23 S. Lapeer Rd. SCENIC WOODED HOME SITE 7.82 acres, independence Township. 1 ACRE IN ORTONVILLE, 81500. sis ACRES SUBURBAN firms, nmflu Lake Twp. cell 481-09“ — ACRES, HEAVY il bylldlrL. -______...... ....__________ Plant, desirable area, Will consldar 25 get. down, utilities evellebta. c. Ichuett Reeliy, «Sl-l4l4 or 191-1415. io acr8 PARCELS, ^8 Lapeer County, Hadley Twp., 3 Green Corner Rd.. 313-797-4478. A PLEASANT CONTRAST NO CROWD NO SMOKE - NO NOISE COUNTRY ACRES W ACRES, In an ore* of i.,_„ gtejnnratat. size p^cs's. - IS ACRES, in Mecktop road. Nice mstrsss *jbsuwv stM Cell 47441981 attar 1. ■HP for picks MY 3*131. 1980 CHEVY 2-DOOR slick, meeds IZONED GENERAL COMMERCIAL, many out buildings, alto with house In prime condition, k MULTIPLE LlifhlG SERVICE 330* frontage. SIWOO. N gi-Otll end SS2-337S. CASE 120 MOWER 5 snow blade.J business requiring (urge mi. wed Investment property, reasonable taxes end Lnni. REALTY C. SCHUETT R 151-1414 or IS OXFORD OFFICE growing area. Several hundri ol this property will be e —ad lake. Make----------■-*- ASSOC .-ACTIVE DISTRIBUTORSHIP Available - IMMEDIATE INCOME Spare or Full Time PROFITABLE ______ I keep restocking COMPANY ESTABLISHED ACCOUNTS iN Ihlt and surrounding areas —-____■ ‘v'g pro5u their BEST SELLING Company tr------ VERTISING............... lifetime BUSINESS and have S2992 lor Investment for pert lime or more, write. Including address — ---------1. to Box C4, Press, Pontiac, OA 8-2035. 882-9349 attar4:30! SEVERAL EXCELLENT lalia (rant -■* - In Iwnjy Waterford reelden-aree. First time offered by iloper. 823-1114. SMALL PLATTEO Subdivision, W. “'told Twp., sand lake front, by owner, 8P-149S. m _____________________16 ATTENTION A perfect opportunity tar 1 dividual ta own and operate hi ' iets. This malor brand ga has barn REDUCED for IneluilM Inventory a_... 'aallzlng. a con- Sale f 1 In ffW vi because of III health tho MRR Immadfita sala. Land contrac avail, on the price of (19,008. DON'T WAIT ON THIS ONE. Bill Eastham, Realtor 62 FOR THE PAST 42 YEARS AUTOMATIC ZIG ZAG Sowing machine. I 'feiTe " Fashion -W67 . ____ model Walnut cabinet, payments of; $5.50 PER M0. FOR 8 M0S. OR $44 CASH BALANCE Still Under,Guarantee Id5®" UNIVERSAL SEWING CENTER 1415 Dixie Hwy, • ^^^F|^4j0909 to home owners on 1st — _ mortgages for repairing, remodeling, additions, consolidating bills, etc. Into one small monthly payment. Before you borrow on your 334-3267 National Unclaimed FURNITURE Brand new Posture Mattress end Box. Sralag| teteUa *••* «■-Price. Regular 5139—Oui TON STAKE TRUCK. 8150 or I Hue. 3471 Lexington, 21 Sets to see 45116 Cass (Utica) 731-0200 FREE DELIVERY SNOW MOBILES, r ' MJ; BEDROOM AND DINETTE brown living room srtTTTsby over 400 horse! BROIUE OR CHROME DINETTE ? or sele cln sale, BRAND NEW. Large and or saie. can jm>|| (roum) ^ra tengulT) tables In y, S-setf# $24.95 - 65 Sale Household GmnIs VERY good rlt, FE 5- I. 6. tfer- Sale Household Goode 61 WAS - UFHOLST4RM Comff'uphoiatery. Far Sale Mlscenaweet 0 COAL FURNACE, raoaonoblt. FE I- SAVE PLENTY TODAY; Oil All, W|0„t}B0f ««nripl»s at CRANBERRY NAUQHAHYOE court) -i.—mt bar stools# plr* jg lni.» 674-3764. DEEP WELL JET pump, OOPhlnB 84 h.p., 115-230 volts, 40 gal. storage tank, both In good condition, 540. AIM I in. inf: i ■■■ IIP Cell 442-8444 DETROIT PERRY OARAGE,,door. accordingly. Terrill. 71 TURQUOISE Jr ^fiAjLronge, lata CHAtR ENCLOSE YOUR 5H0WEI bathtub with a beautiful fru—. — ________________3358744. GARAGE CO-OP SALE;- Bike*, < M-------clothing, Used TWO 810.05 Ueed — RADIO AND'AfpCFANCE, INC R*SWEE r^-^77 DISCOUNT FURNITURE NEW BEDROOM SUITE $77.99 or $5 MO. HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE Lk: Rd. I___less Steel Sinks,.32x21, 529.50. PF Sable Laima Plywood, 4xl» 54.95 per sheet, TALROTT LUMBER MS Oakland . ' . PE.:»4995 GARAGE, NEIGHBORHOOD SALE WINDOW FANS, 520 end 535. 35 tq. yrds. white carpetlng end pad, 579. Walnut enmw Mi*, 5M, 2 mir- GARAOE VILE: rert.m«»Bii______________ YELLOW CHROME DINETTE, good cond., 520. 8BMM*. 65-A w-.--— _____ITS- 98 Johnson, 1*31, 8175, 1.7 GARAGE SALE: TOMo. taw, bend saw, drill prats, Tig saws, mini-jblktt, metal cabinets, water ANTIQUE OUTBOARD’n 3348742 or 18348831. ANTIQUE FURNITURE, .DISHES, lamps, clocks, bowl and Pjjehar tats, targe variety in choota from. Open 12fo 4:55 TnSidlno Sunday. Closed Mow1-" “8““* ANTIQUE BRIGGS AND Stratton 1 HP 4-cyela angina,, »PPro*„ 45 years old, *75, 451-7954 alter 6:30. COAAMODES, TABLES, DRESSERS A many more Hems. Open l " m GARAGE SALEl“.54n Cenlor" »»., directly across tram .Spring Lake Golf COUM In Clerkston, Court chairs A .tablet, clothes, all sli Mon, ta FrL>eta4. . GARAGE AND ANTIQUE SALE: Antique glassware. Ire nf* furniture, churn; coffee grin chair, children's clothing, sew. 233 W. Ypslienll. GARAGE SALE: Thursday end Frl-day. Sept. 19, 20 end 21. 10 o.m. to 5 p.m. 271 Michigan at corntr all day 5atJ Junka Shoppe, 7 -I Milford, 1 mile W. « jCUSTOM ANTIQUE REFINISHING. GARAGE SALE: SCHOOL clothing and furniture. 3005 Crooks Rd-corner of Auburn. GARAGE SALE: Um GE REFRIGERATOR, 8 682-1758, after 4:30 T4.EA MARKET HORSE DRAWN BUGC bookcase. Cell FE 2-3940. TABLES — 54" round pedostal, trestle, walnut drop leaf, gateleg. Y-Knot Antiques In Oavlsburg. HOUSEHOLD SPECIAL 520 A MONTH BUYS 3 ROOMS OF FURNITURE — Consists of: Apiece living room outfit with 2-pc. living room suite, 2 step tables, ’ cocktail table, 2 table lamps an l) 9‘xir rug Included. -piece bedroom sulfa with doub WEATHERED SIDING. Old Car..... is must come down. Call FE 2-nfior 8 p.m. except Friday. nnersprlng mattress ai Pox spring and 2 vanltv 5-piece dinette tel i credit it chairs and tabla. All tar *399. Your ■EIIMiiSGiiiaiiiiL^H WYMAN FURNITURE CO. 17 E. HURON FE 5-1501 KIRBY SWEEPER EXCELLENT CONDITION - 850 FULL GUARANTEE „ Kirby Service & Supply Co. ljia.w 674*2234 2617 DIXIE HWY National Unclaimed FURNITURE Brand new Maple or Walnut Chest 4drawer — 820.00 45116 Cass (Utica) 731-0200 FREE DELIVERY DISCOUNT FURNITURE NEW PERSONAL TV---- $68.99 or $5 M0. HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE 857 Ellz. Lk. Rd.____ 335-9213 KELVINATOR i 1 Electric; K E LVINATOR REFRIGERATOR GOOD condition, OR 3-0879. 5at., Sept. 21,, 9-6 Sun., Sept. 22, 11-6 30 Dealers Featuring porcelain pottery, pies coins, ertbis, clocks, do Tit. leweiry, turn., primitives. Oriental wear, white elephant. No Admission, held on fht grounds of THe TREASURE CHEST. 3231 Union Lake Rd., Union Lake, Mich. EM—■ IGGIES, sleighs, ,.jilty hagiir Gig Beaver Ahflque shop, 3 44 5 Rochester Rd. Troy 609-0330. and Sun. 12-5. 1 Hi-Fi, TV t Radies .. USED TV .................529 Walton TV, FE 2-2257 Open $15 E Walton, comer of Jdsiyn COLOR TV SERVICE Johnson's TV, FE 8-4549 _____45 E. Walton near Baldwin COLOR TV BARGAINS, LlfVl Joe's Bargain House. FE 2-4*42. Color TVs Stereos Repossessed All Sizes Goodyear Service Store 1370 Wide Track Dr., West Pontiac NEW COLOR TV's. 10 per cent ovei cost. All sizes and color* -------- appliance, 335-9283. fur Sale MiscellaReeas 67 RUMMAGE SALE;JIiwb bed, drum table, kltdien cabhjsL iSfic. 575 Amborwood, ^G)BdMd,. rummage CHAIRS - UPNOLSTERjED, save with ctaasHMit. fabrics. Cell 933-1700. STORAqI » RUMMAGE SALETlie most everything 7xll 85. W14M40. SPRED-SATIN PAINTS. WARWICK i-u-- “J* 39L35 is, metal s. Cone s, f Bend taw, #xc. Set., Somemlng r 12-5. Coin Changer; : typewriter. New 5 hp, 3 p *550. • ■ , New and used steel, i beams, plate, pipe, ^ __ H ! Used metal garage door*. Meal •'■"‘'bouCeva^dsSSpply'' ~ 5. Blvd! E. H every day, 521 1 Childrens on au anas, ol Wo rd. -Jter. Mo: WHIRLPOOL AUTQMATC washer, used twlcel 2 rhe. old AKC black ■aHlI ^ iT MMd m e.c, , 1940 Yamaha 30s c.c.. Can aftar O, 851-H94. WIG — COMPLETI w blower, lock ilsc. Sept. 22 lock former. M Tooh - MEcbliiiry 6 t i. Ollid P were of N. Edith. Clean clothing, furniture, dishes, paper backs Come : Large ...... ..... bullet, metal frame trundle bed, twin size bed, 4 drawer dresser, fleer tamps, table lamps, coffee table, portable laundry tub and mlsc. itams. 3125 St. Clair Drive, 1 mile east of Auburn Heights. GARAGE SALE: DOORS windows, tump pump, clothing, beds, furniture household goads, motors 4097 Parkway Rd. off Bike, nd Hza GARAGE SALE: Clothing, Cloth In gi furniture—mo GARAGE SALE: Hatchery Rd. Sat, and Sun. GARAGE SALE: Moving, fumltur buby Kama, Molt, clothes, A mo. 1 6x, adults and mlsc. All must gi 3171 McCormlc,k Off Scott Lak GARAGE SALE. Saturday and— ’day 10 ta 4. Baby furniture and other Itams. 2437 Lifer. OR Baldwin. Judah Lake Sub. Pon- GARAGE SALE: SATURDAY and Sunday. Household Items. Toys. Antiques. 3920 W. Drahner. Ntar Mohawk comer Genesee. Plk«. Saturday end Si SPLIT RAILS,. eythyntie.'T rail fence. Including Pm 1300, 425-2095. THE SALVATION ARMY lrtEW. LAWRENCEJIT. . poodta. Rees. FE 3-i 14" kATHE, Villf H iirivrall, 10" bench lottie, Bit*, drills, rapmtrt, live AIR COMPRESSORS, lubrication MulpmMfb, hydroUlc tartu- thinm cleaners. Welding MtAnment, etc. Pontiac Motor Porn, tot* years oidr'»S. ^l-TTM *eS*rX*:3o! ONE 36" PIPE WRENCH# OM W condition, $11410. Blvd. Supply. 5i e DI..W B WL1U1 conamon# viiw. di S. Blvd’ fe. 333-7161. Cameras—Servlet REVERE 0 CAMERA end tur-m ien>, ano ,77 Revere prolector and screen. J88 Polaroid and cate. Polaroid 100, color With lights and Barr lights. 27 O'Rllty. Pontiac. AMPLIFIERS. GUITARS, DRUM sett, taxaphOMt, clarinets, flutes, trumpets, cornels, trombones Oboe, French Horn. New end Used. Reasonable. Peonies FE l- BAND INSTRUMENTS FOR RENT. Pontiac Music and Sound 3101 W. Huron ___________452-3350 BARGAINS IN USED PRACTICE PIANOS Uprights and grande, all dean. garage SALE; Household Itams, ail day Sat. A Sun. 21616 Hampton, Blrm., between 13 and 14 Mile Rd., Entfgf Lehser. Morris Music 34 8. Telegraph GIPTb, JOKBS, GAGS, NOVELTIES LIBERAL BILL'S OUTPOST 3289 DIXIE HWY., OR 38474 BEAUTIFUL WIRLITZER walnut . spinlt, 8395, 882-3442. BLESSING TRtiMPtV, 880. Chlckerlng Upright piano. 8300. Ml 4-1897.____________■' BLESSING TRUMPET. LIKB now. HOT WATER HEATER, 30 gal., 0*1 Consumers approved. 009.90 vaiua, 839.99 and 849.95 electric and bottta ■ art tarrHIc valuta hutars. Michigan Fit. Orchard Lk. FE 4-0482. CLARINET, NEW, WILL aacrlficq HUGE YARD SAH^MP^HW Sun. 9-19 thru 9-21. 9 a.m. 10 7 p.m. Shotgunr, rifles, tools clothes, toys, books, dishes, walkle •alkies, radios- Antiques, dinner ben, old pint —— stove, lot of miscellantout. 9231 Pontiac Lk. Rd. Rd._________, IT'S INEXPENSIVE EVERYTHING MUST GO TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR 1969 MODELS Thomas was S70S; .....now *295 _ Ti . ----zi, ........now $395 (■RHIIVHILJ119S; . ..ngw *895 Grlnnell was 809S; “ *'** Wurlltzer was 8895; . Lester wat 8795; . Lowrey was S2S85; . Bush r—---------1 PEARSON'S FURNITURE KENMORE GAS DRYER, good _ 210 E, Pike _______ FE 4-71811 working order, S45. Coil 1151717. LINOLEUM RUGS. MOST SIZES, DISCOUNT FURNITURE NEW SOFA GOOD DUMP TRUCK or car tar! $69.99 Or $5 M0. ----HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE 457 Ellz. Lk. Rd._____335-921 late model motorcycle. FE 4-1499. IK* NEW MINI BIKE, trade tor outboard motor, 15 H.P. •-------- 451-415* after 5.__________ TIFFANY LAMP, K N I T T I N O complete. *49.50 ai WANTED: OLDER usew wntnumibbeezfr dishes and mlsc. for cash, 8*2-25*6. “SHI tioo 3320428 4*438, cell mominos. V A-1 condition, tor g DISCOUNT FURNITURE NEW BUNK BEDS $39.99 or $5 M0. HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE 497 Blit, Lk. Rd. ____339-92*3 i while TV, also | rrored *hat-umbr»Ml '•tarist. _3Cfe-87 441 Fox Hllls -lNvBa -Apt.- l. SINGER TOUCH AND SEW Slant neadto gear drive, 400 wrloi it needle gei a bobbin, » die. Zigzag [___National Unclaimed FURNITURE Brand im —i beck (Recllnert—S58 145116 Casslurico) 731-0200 FREE DELIVERY H WHAT YOU'D EXPECT TO PAY 3% ACRE ESTATE, tpecjdu* J 5920 Highland IM. }«f»> m—TI bUevel featuring 2 WOtartOrdptar in^&^22fe 674j3126 Un^^lc#jS"WJ^tSIw? AVAILABLE OCtOBER tat tar rani DisWiufolwAi^Eb— MRIHPI unc- HOTl FIRST 12V electric mmi-elke. Fentestlc speedster I- to 80 mph. Costs lc per Bay's room, hserannnl, 2 big rod born* end mama* bulldlno. 020,000. *7,500 toown. Hadley area. C. PANGUS, Realtors DRIVE INN ghwey location i —... . — P attag Inside - a 1W betas, service, excellent equlpm-... -----■ — except tonal prort. A, best buy at SIMM down MCI. reel estate. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK M-15 _ Orti CALL COLLECT 827-2115 rreJtaU NORTHERN BAR A floe liquor bar ta thg Coho ora*. New equipment end Interlor. An excellent buy Incl. reel artgta for $45,000 wlta *15,000 down. C. PANGUS, Reoltors 80 to 800 ACRES in lower MIchiMn. Dairy, drain, beef or hogtl Name your farm Coldweler, Michigan Dale A. Den WSEirWK iss» Warden Realty 3 ROOMS BRAND NEW FURNITURE $297 DISCOUNT FURNITURE IW Portable White Sewing Machl $38.99 or $5 M0. HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE 457 Ellz. Lk. Rd,______335-02*3 1481 Baldwin it wamn, FB 2-4*41 Acre* of Prat Parking Eves, 'til ti Sei. 'Ill *■ IZ terms •RAND NEW AVOCAb6 30" gtit brand new, *39. Brand new. $20439. Brand new Blue Soft choir, 1139. Counfnr-sld# Living, 1004 Oakland, niHiOf. ' National Unclaimad FURNITURE •rand raw We^Jk Mra. ChMra 45116 Cau (Utica) 731-0208 FREE DELIVERY NOW SOFA AND CHAIR' $109.99 or $6 MO. HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE Njfeifc-iiKr: Mm * TV'S. CUSHI0NS-CUSHI0NS & green, SUM; avocado chair. S3.fi MUStlACRIFICE dt of better carpeting 01 L vard, free tstlmales c Appliance. 3359283. e, full size hi — Living room, MSS. .*M0-jiar Auction, 7405 NOROE -AUTOMATIC WASHER I REFRIGERATOR, C P U C H ■ S :erxiuBiuiuK, cuu drasters, mlac. UL 2-3993. dsmsged end .perafehed models. sofas. 20 to 50 per cent off i selected group of ta*-u-- 9k.it, Com'l. Upholstery. FOlly guaranteed. Terrific savings! tURI'S APPLIANCE 8404 WILLIAMS LAKE RD. 474-1 IS) ID MAPI# I Irt, OR 3-fiH. DANISH LOVESEAT, 2 MATCHING ■epfs'|M0,..8t*o Danish Lounge Chair with Ottoman 525. 332-2450. DINETTE lET. I LEA)1. 3. Chain, 2 rili..._____...... ______ ______chairs, smell buffet, pecan finish. SM. Roe* Frig* oof* hod, *35. 4lf i. like Angetus. PtNETTE^SET,. LAROi tebta wtaj DEEP FRtdgT.AUtdMATIC $6 PER MONTH OR $59 CASH now Machine Ouoranta* UNIVERSAL SEWING CENTER 2*15 DIxle Hwy. _ #« *0998 DRAFTED MUST SELL __Jnm. k/oiHHhi Iasi*, ta*; a 2 end up. OHtah, MS; rugs, up; mew bed, S4; p(| springs, BSinia5fl5&iS JJD-I- flvk ■H — J mil. New 2 niece Riling room, was S295 now 5155. M. C. LTPPARD, 115 n. Saginaw. SINGER DIAL-A-MATIC Zlg Zag Sowing Machine, nbrolder*, #—— *--■*• 4-PLAYER BAR type bowling machine, $40. 2 Gottlelb 2-player pen games, $50 and (79. UL 2- FURNACES, 350,000 I JIGGER MOTOR HiY! motor and transmission; alto, never used deluxe Relax-e SLiSX fs? Off ' -2^9.^111 gwHiorr pre-day, Sat. 04 P.M. 3130 Isihehxw Drayton PIcIm. Included, SIS0. Call 824-1093 altar S V* *• erTfo r SUMMER SAVINGS ‘ ON PIANOS. ---Many medal* from SI* up Rent piano — buy later as low * Smiley Bros., Music H9 N. SADINAW Men. TumTThga,.e«LJftSgiSS wm .rRt^rtlftSMlSi Smith. Tsmita0Vnn* I USED ORGA^ GRINNILVS— — 27 5, Stelnew^’^1 <>>r* P« S-715* ACCORDION. OUITAR. LESSONS, O^fk* BBiiyy.y,^y.i DENTAL E Q U I P M ■ fit ■■ jmlta' ll^ c^tags. eng Sporting Goods . ,1 ALL RED MEN'S suit.' Slit 42. Good Coll OR 31540:________________ " 10 OAilOE,- 3 INCH,’ mAgnum. I-* itMihk haPMl. ftlM tt4.in * prT" * Reg. 1144.50 Skl-Doo Blueblll i tars uni to »l Linabery 4 man - with swivel hitch -« OTHER , BARGAINS _ Close Out -t- prices- on new I960 Johnson outboard motors. Pickup truck , campers, Apache camp traitors, «.* Grumman and. Star Craft canoes. Star Craft beats: lav* SB par. cant ....Jtr all water ski* and surfboards, 0 ■toot, cap high aluminum pickup :. truck covert $17*. S AND ARRI I AROtEtty- -714 WThURON DRASTIC SAVINGS .. 14 h.p. elec Ski Doe, rag- *1020, nt *705. 14 h.p. Ski DOO, rep. MOO, now ttt] * TOW h.p. lost Ski DOO *305 "14ft h.p. 1447 Ski Ooo *550. ' 1W0 h.p. 1044 For *350. 1014 h.p. 1*44 FOX, sharp *3*5. 22 ho. 1*47 AMF, wide tra ' reverse. *7*5. ‘ 14 h.p. Alpine 1*44 Ski Doo, *5*5. 14 h.p. Dlabloroug* 1*47, Ilk* m rv FOX DOUBLE BARREL 12 gauge, single trigger, gad *»~«*i*'* *130. OR 3-44*4. GUNS, 700 NCW AMD tiled modem and antlqu*, buy. sail or trade, lay-away now while stock Is com-■ plate, Kan's ta Shop, Ilk mil* * north ol Ottlsvlll* on M-l5. o— ' 5, free admission, .Tin 5440 WintemTlrttoRq. ■“ M-l CARBINE, NEW, blue f.___ .ff&a ar^ur _roun4W*. 1-AAkEblCAN ESKIMOS JWh Teddle Bear Puppies). Older now < tor October 4* dellyery. schnauzers, Norwegian Elkhounds, • Tropical Fish,, Pet luppltos and GROOMING. Ur* Cherlle's Pet Shop, 4*4 W. Huron, ft mile i. of, Telegraph, 3334111. Open Sunday Extra Sptcial Door Priza 1 smell Shetland Pony. Furnished By Unttsd Auctioneers Assoc. B&B AUCTION Sunday Afternoon, Sept. 22, 2 p.m. Sharp SPECIAL CLEAN-UP 'siipps§ ■ offfraewey *n US-23 A. N. Leher, Plneonnlng, Michigan. 51744* - AKC AIREDALES. BIB. b*B»WM. > U!ESaSH!'s I a ..... .™W temps, living ro Hell's weni^ 7*5 w. i Lake Orton. 4*3-1*71 ■ TUESOAV SEPTEMBER 24. II Rig? sir condltloners, fixtures, grocery cart* mm mw Perkins tale-Service Auctlaneers Ph. gwerte Creek 43S44*. TYLER'S AUCTKWT 7405 HKhtond Bd. (M4» 4734134 f! 1RRRI - aprvcw TI e>asa I CHESTNUT GELOINO, 1 brown MM, b»H efter 4TX sssrau^Ki Travel Trailers C—18 : STALt ----1 by yoc... , Sled to fret ' APACHE TRAILER, ZIP-ON canopy —“toted, •me. condition. Can be i at 77* Pensacola, sot op. FE AY MARC SHETLAND EVAN'S EQUIPMENT 4507 DIXIE. HIGHWAY ‘ I CLARKSTON 425-1711 ■ , HHI ' 425-2514 CAMPER, $200 ^ CENTURY YELLOWSTONE ,. travel Trailers QUALITY AT ANY BUDGET STACHLER TRAILER SALES, INC. 2771 Highland (M4*) 4«2-*4 ' .HQRMSHOW Ktontner riding Academy to offering tor your pleasure Its Ith annual Fall Hers* show on Sun., Sept. 2*, 1*41 at * e.m. All entries welcome. We offer our finest to riding Instruction at all levels. W* else have a very complete . seledlon of horses for sal*. 1*00 Hiller Rd. 343400*. aggygj TENNESSEE WALKER tool. Wonderful lA 47*3. THOROUGHBRED G i L D I N G ______J, _t« WlttP*. Perfect manners. 4*2-5711. WILL BOARD- HOUSES, *90 per month and up, we hay end pasture, winter shelter, geldtoi end meras only. 42S-1S75.__________________ CHICKENS, DUCKS, Pheasants, Persian sheen end iamb. 437410*. cwftr grocery sack; eetto Mich. 7I1-3IM. Closed BLUFREE ______ delicious tor connlm MHi “ CANNING . bushel. 2001 Pentlic Rd., lust eft AND full line | i, 741 Senders; - Sttort Bdx, 4*3-d4*7. Short__________ Check pur deal on — SWISS COLONY LUXURY TRAILERS FROLIC TJAlbGR* AND TRUCK CAMPERS SKAMPER FOLD-DOWN CAMPERS 13 to pB ft. an dlmtoy at — Jacobson Trailer Sales DEER HUNTERS Specie! EL, CAMMdO AtH* Rancher. New t*4S fiberglass covert m stock. Vojiageur tales. 71ITE. Holly Rd.. WINNEBAGO GO MOTOR HOMES PICK-UP CAMPERS DRAW-TITE/REESE F. E. HOWLAND SALES 3255 iDIxto Hwy.,lMtto£ffl* 5-145* NOW on dIsRay Travelmate 10 ft. Double Bed* Dinette $1395 12 ft. Double bed* Dinette $1*495 Pleasure Mate OAKLAND CAMPER Midwest covert end steep*™ steel frame. Tour-e-home c impers. Pert* By Dick Turner Boots-Accessories New and Used Trucks 103 Roslyn. USED BARGAINS 1*44 Johnson R o v-a I o r -demonrtrator—with 155 O.M.C., l-O, too sldes-att,_____ brakes.;.*4500 nuls Jjr. with l-O. custom ‘ tier—SO . *24*5 plus mph ski-boat . 15" Odrseft, *0 H.P. Jpnnsun , »ix» 14' Alum. Crertllner, top sTdes eft. 7 h.p. Evlnrudo — trailer .... *10511 CHRYSLER AND JOHNSON BOATS AND MOTORS INSIDE BOAT AND MOTOR STORAGE OPEN DAILY * to 4 SUNDAYS 10-4 PAUL A. YOUNG, INC. 4030 DIXIE HWY. MARINA on Loon LAKE OR 4-0411 1965 Ford VWon pickup, V4, standard shift) with attached camper ’cover, excellent, condition. „ $1175 AUTOBAHN 3384531 1*45 GMC Vi ton pick up V4, very ***“ “*3- 334-3514 1*45 DODGE VAN, WINDOWS, d WANTED. OLD BOATS, anv kind, poor condition. Top dollor mk call 473411* or 33«-4»d«. 1*64 ALON AIRCOUPE, full panel, Mark III with Omni, conventional centrals, licensed to April 1*t*, *00 hrs. T. T., A. A E„ exc. condition, *5*00. 4S1-7074 after 4:3* p.m. LEARN TO PCY — brlVdt* license — *445.. All ratings ottered. Commander Flight Service Inc., Pon-Mec Airport. 473-123*. Wanted Cars-Tnick* 101 more. H. G. Van’ V “But we DON’T treat him like a criminal, Junior! In fact we try.not to caddie him at all!” r. Cell 434-S44*. PIONEER CAMPER SALES Trailer*: Jubilee, Gleb* tier Garth tori: Swinger, •I Queen, Cart irt:Stutz Bean PHJ9 BOB Hutchinson's 21st Anniversary SALE YES, 21 YEARS Bob has been in Mobile Home Sales Bob Hutchinson Invites you to see the all new $22,000 DOUBLE-WIDE KR0PF HOME 1400 SQ. FT. FLOOR SEE THE ALL NEW DETROITERS CLEARANCE FRICESf ALL 1* Suzuki cycles SOcc to SOOcc. Rup Mint bikes from $144.50. Tek* M-5* to W, Highland. Right to Hickory Ridge --------|—jH i Rd.. left end EXTRA Dollars Paid FOR THAT 1 EXTRA Sharp Car Especially 4 speeds and corvrttos. 'Check the rest, then get the bos •1 Averill's » FE 2-9*7* 2020 Dixie FE 4-4W4 1*44 CHEVY, M-TON, pickup) V-«, •*—iddrd transmission, radio, naw *■ tires, save at *1275. AUTOBAHN 3384531 > JEEP COAAMANDO 4 whetl drive, radio, 4 sorts. *900 miles, whitewalls, like new, priced to sell. ROSE RAMBLER. JEEP. Union Lake, EM 3-4155. HIGHEST DOLLAR . PAID FOR Extra'Sharp Carsl DAWSON’S 'SALES AT *lffpSICO LAKE. Phone 42»-217*. SPECIAL FALL CLEARANCE ON ALL Suzuki, Hodaka Bultoco Motorcycles Aito rtiany mini blktt to > . MG'Soles 444; Dixie Hwy, Drayton 473-415« Mansfield AUTO SALES 300 YAMAHA, 57* 100 twin* blua. Prica to wit $230. MANSFIELD AUTO SALES Bicycles ________________96 A-1 REPAIRED BIKES, boys, girls, USED BIKES. Some are real n Speed Seville. 2f*S Lapeer Rd. house north of 1-75. after 5:30 *. Boots-Accessories Open Dally 'til • p.m. Saturday and Sunday 'til 5 DRAYTON PLAINS _________ 4301 Dixie Hwv.CUS-t01 OR 3-12M| HP Johnson, lf31,..»175I 1 EXCEPTIONAL TOMATOES, gr FOR SALE: AT Middleton's BrnkoM Graham ipys, Mcalntr-'-* Pontiac potatoes. 1! Read. Lek- * 7VWEWE....r 4 on wet) Saturday A Sunday. PEACHES, PLUMS, Applet, Paari Hllltw Orchertra, ft: mil* t. e city limit* on Hartland Rd., Pen ton. 43*2*12- PEARS-APPLES -tosh and other*. B. Fresh elder the SPORTCRAFT MANUFACTURING Steel frame pickup ileepers s tat. 4140 Foley Waterford, — PICK YOuk OWN. MACS. Crab mteew Plums, bring INE MA 5-3112, 5341 Stlcknsy TOMATOES. 172 HARRV >eut Or. Lake Orton, 2nd road west ol BuckhernLeke._______________ TOMATOES. SST PrydenRd., WWI. Fetwi Ifdywt__________17 APPLE OR POTATO crates. Eoi sxcsllent condition, **50, 425-3744. FORD TRACTOI HOMELITE CHAIN SAWS, 12 ■ ferent sizes. Devi* Machinery Co. Ortonvlll* NA 7-32*2, T o n r JOHN bEER ~M Tractor wth 2 raw dese 210 JOHN DEERE 210 d with Ityd. ongI* b< Case with « wa in Dear* dozer, k 310 Casa; tO 1^*1 jlW™--' Je for sntlqua cars or what * you. Ctortrs Tractor*, ASA *• 1. Fenton, LARGE SELECTION OF usad mowers end riding tractors, priced to sell. Term* Avail. Tam's Hardware. fOS Orchard Lk. Daily *-4. Sun. *-2: FE 5-2424. MONTOdAsIlY WARD. W a I k I n g Tractor, axe. condition, n«“ ^ I rebut cultlveto.. with fUffcy 411-7*54 after Stie. SALE No. Mac-15 ton.. u—.T” KING BROS. FE 4-14*2 ^ _ L . FE 44734 Pontiac Rd. at Opdyb* 60 Passenger Buses Suitable for AAoWI* Hometl TAYLOR 27' TAMDGM lHEfcE, with rats* hitch cemptote, exc. condition “—* ottor over *22C0. OR 34742. Hi W INTERNATIO If^MCAMFER O^AflE^^rteeper 1*41 DOOOt, vmt- 1968 Starcroft Campers (SuffSTk: M E. Wettow M Y *4 FE jaw 1*44 ft-TON CHIVY Pickup. 1 .W. Sr5SV»ra. ■yam's dxciHne cdreyensd,_■ APACHE CAMP TRAILERS. Buy brand near 1*4* Apache Camp Traitor* at used trjSlor prices. Over SB brand new ifit plciaag CORSAIR, GEM ROAMER AND TALLY-HO ALSO Corsair and Gem pickup campers And Mackinaw ptckup coyers Wag-N-Master The new easy up and down hard too camber. Huge Foil Discounts Johnson's Trovil Trailers Corner of Joelyn end Walton FE 4-5*57 WHEEL CAMPER, SLEEPS 4, fully equipped, MSG 415-1657. AND SLEEPERS. Factory outlet, repair and parts, new end used, rentals. Jacks, Intercoms, telescoping bumpers, spare tire carriers, auxiliary g a s 011 r -tanks. Lowry Camper tales, 13 S. Hospital Rd„ union Lake EM YELLOWSTONE TRUCK CAMPERS PRICES SLASHED 1-11' sen 10* self e. I sleeper. Iw sold. STACHLER TRAILER SALES, fNC. 3771 Highland 4; HONDA-JN, new fir*. Your* to* balance **75. MY 2-i0«4. 1N7 h6nDA tCRAMBLBR. good 1N7 HONDA TEAIJL 00. 5400 mllM, Flberglas Canoes Cliff Dryer's Marine Sport Center 15210 Holly Rd., Hdlly MB 44771 |—in Dally and f—1— ...... radio, tarp, 71_________ electric start. Very deep hi *5-7340. I, 0*75. 1*40 CHRIS CRAFT Sedan, 1*44 17' CENTUkY R traitor. All I hours US*. *3aw i trad* tor smaller tersnee. 023453* bi Exc. condition. *2*50. 0 l!GCLEARANCE 196$ boat • camping tranprs, aiso used ooai motors and traitors. Pontiac's on Mercury and Merc-Crulsar dealer. CRUISE-OUT INC. 3 E. Walton FB 34402 Dally ♦-«, tat. *4 _________Cleeed Sundays Grumman Cenoes Mlrro-Cratt Barts Ooiphan Pontoons - -——----- Evlnrudo Motor* Pamco Trailers Tek* M-5* to W. Highland. Right te Hickary Ride* Ksf. to 6i—— Rd., toft and follow stoi.. .. DAWSON'S tALES TIPSICO LAKE. Pfion* 423217*. INSIDE WINTER STORAGE MY 3 LIKE NEW 1M7 SEA ley, 1 Flberglas boat, fully equipped wl it47 JiitRue lir fift; ertbeei meter, 5*31175 er **3114*. MAM YOUR ^ REIERVATIONS FOR WIMTER TITORATE NOWI AT:---------- HARRINGTON BOAT WORKS Larsen Boats Grumman C "Your ■vtnrude Darter'* ». Telegraph 332403* PAMCO TILT BOAT traBer end rt JohneoB outboard meter, 435-320*. PONTOQN BOAt, 2 .YEAR* old, r X 20* with Autometjcttcrt, t* hp. 1*47, 305 HONDA excaltat *5*0. Coll 332-5215. ‘ | R-60, 1966 Yamaha t n«w, rcti. OL 1 aT'______________________ IMO MOMDA 350 icramhtof, MMi lOH EulteceEL fftifc muefeall Bofto- i*40 TRIUMPH, BONNfeVILLl, exc, cond., *1,150. Hwimto extra. Cali jjs-rfu turn »iT.m. _________ Ml HONDA 350. CaH a *204700. •1* *40 HONDA, 4SO *C(UMBLEk, oxc. omo^^MM er take ever peymento. ANNUAL SUMMER SALE ALL 1968. MODELS ON SALE! BSA. TRIUMPH. HONDA. *2SwSHf,ir'W^i« Cleerei Johnso SALE Tl-ra *t Unlversltv ExH ■______j. Single M 24' Skiff Man Bridge 1*1 24' Skiff Exp. Slngl* 145 AUTHORIZED DEALER Troian tltacraft CHRIS-CRAFT ^JHAyNMAZUREK'S LAKE & SEA MARINE FE 445*7 TERRIFIC DISCOUNTS AT TONY'S MARINE On ell boat* and auppilea I* have a few Jahnaen Metora la MtaigflMBMnk- 11 5 Orchard Lk. Sylvan U STOP HERE LAST M&M MOTOR SALES TOP $ PAID for all sharp Pontiacs and CADILLACS. We are prepared to make you batter offer!! Ask for Bi Burns. WILSON CRISSMAN TOP $ For your Volkswagen BILL G0LLING VW 1*21 Meptolewn Blvd. Off Mapl* Rd. (IS Mile) New qqd Ugqijan DOC'S MOTOR MART .jmnptot* line of sport* car*, vice JeparRnem. Motor^homa* ly* PlcJuart camp- , _ H04 S. Weadwerd Blrmlnohim • tires, good f©r firmly or ' HUNTER DODGE 499 SOUTH HUNTEL Birmingham Sff1? 9 Pickup, Campei had any credit problama, Wa will ♦(Y . to rjMrtebljah your credit again. Call Credit Manager, Mr. LUCKY AUTO ■ . 7*40 W. Wide Track ClerkrtonT MAS-5071. 0 miles, *14*5. 1304 N. Main 1967 CHEVY ’/2 ton Pickup, with VS, radio, heater, ( owner. Only — $1695 ADKINS AUTO SALE 73* Oakland Ave. 332-4230 cSS w*Bon’ « *uto W*5 7**3 Ford 2 doer.-v* euie: . .Tv. .8*5 S35 1W2 Jr*nWrtrtta.E $1M,^ Buy 'hX J, ”"ti<^A8rR-e--J S Alr ltM GUICK , RIVIEftA hardtop, power, only *3* down, weakly, 1*44 BUICK RlV( IVIERA, r •wrjWw;-- 1*44 BUICK iPECIAL - 2 door; automatic trana., whitewalls, like .----tajta |H — RONEY'S AUTO, 131 Baldwin Avt., SAVE MONEY AT MIKtt lAVOlA "HEVY, 1*00 W. Madia, Ml 4-2735 TQM RADEMACHER | CHEVY-OLDS RILL FOX CHEVROLET l*45 buick LeSabra 2 door DILL rux LnCVKULCt hardtop, automatic, power steering. Rochet ter__________ 451-70001 brakes, radio, heater, whitewalls, CAMPER'S SPECIAL ii SmVc/r,"!: select from. On US 10 at MIS, FORD ft ton F-20 DlckUD Clerkston,,MA 5-5071. i«i pouy t p • *d, -----"v--.1- redid, heater. A reat workhorse at a vary attractive price. See B || $2495 1965 BUICK Electro 225 convertible, with full pewer, extre nlc* car et a bargain price— $1777 GRIMALDI YOUR BUICK-OI 210 Orchard Lake _______________________ 333-7843 TOM RADEMACHER CHEVY-OLOS 1*67 CHEVY ft Ton, with . ... fieetslde, 4 cyl. stick, radio, trash ir cert to select 1968 Pickups New —3 leftovers. Save, 100’s elf. SPARTAN DODGE *55 Oakland ____ FE 3*221 1*4* BRONCO V4 Wagen, . H drive, plus front and rear posltrac axles, radio, heater, heavy duly packie*. Full Hydraulic centra 71" snowplow with approx snow route. 3(400 miles ran on warranty. Ml 33714. ’*1*1 MIT* L,SA,R* convartlbls. 1**7 ELECTRA, VlNYL^tan ^ 4SSW05. m ,c,HEvTi?r BUICK LtSABRE, , ____ power steering and brakes, factory sir, lew mllwge. 3354724. • Auto Insurance-Marine 104 AUTO INSURANCE Low Rate* — Broad Protection . Essy Payment Plan Cell today tor quotation ANDERSON & ASSOC., INC. Foreign Car*________________105 1*57 KARMANN GHIA, good angli and tranamlaata. Rear wni V. GAS HEATER, geed at 1*40 AUSTIN SPRITE. 2 tops. Runt good. $300. *25-1*17. vw"itiu: tUNhSOF. adto,~ original ml. 0300. *51-30*3, A p.m. ______________ 1*42 VW, GOOD CONDITION, FE 3 w brakes, 0*M. 0074*21. We w o u*l d like to buy lots model GM Cars or will accept trade-downs. Stop by today. FISCHER BUICK 544 S. WOODWARD 647-5600 1*4* OPEL CADET, good 4234034. 1*44 MGB, EXCELLENT condition. Junk CdrfrYnKto 101-A lit JUNK CARS, PAY FOR S USED FIBERGLAS OVtr metal top tor a lets Willy* Jeep. Medal CJ-5. Call after 5, 4744775. M3 MOTOR AND 3 - S PEED ------... .. ifjscorvetfe. 5200, 6734344, .... FORD V4, good motor a WsSh, * ““ 1 •57 CORVETTE FOR parts. 0 CHEVY 203 Short block engine, S2S, .iw * gn ntat ^ 1964 VW , radio, now while* eched, full luggage cendRIen. $1395 AUTOBAHN 338-4531 *44 VW GOOD^ Condition. 31,000 N 1*47 AUSTIN HEALY Sprtta, ax-callant condition, soft top and hardtop, PM radio, Ztobarted. SHOO. 0334407, ________ OPAL 1*43 RADIO. WHITE walla, disc, brill**, Zlsbprled, exc. con- dltlon, rest. 43320*5.____ AN EXfRA IHAltP 1*44 VW Dune arft.T«r * ^ 1965 RIVIERA un power, factory air, iheel, new tires, tinted alas economV cars 5 DIXIE tr 1*44 BUICK LeSABRE, 4-do or hardtop, porter, air conditioning, vjnyl top, axe. condition. OR 3- 1*47 BUICK LeSABRE, IW* WICK ELECTRA, 335. 44eer ---— black vinyl Cell attar 5, 1*M BUICK- ELECTRA 235, herdta, former otflclrt'e car, air conditioned. full Bower. Like now condition. Call Mr. Park* credit manager at Ml 37500. HAROLD TURNER FORD 1*6* CUSTOM ELECTRA, 3door Sminsii thirtVfSn»i*ill774CO,>' IN* BUICK SFORTSWAGON, I passenger, full power, mw •*. tlona, $3,050. 447-1403. ■UICK. IN0. GlAGtea ^ 'custom conilftalng. 'AM^n’rajS^ivory INS CADILLAC SEDAN D* Vllls, exc. condltta. 8400. N744M. need a CAkrj-wg?|fiii» eraet - Garnisheed? — iira: s INI .CADILLAC COUPE "J-rgnjp, i,—- .......V4*t power itoertog, power brekr ------ WHfl, full IRMH, jNM I JOHN McAULIFFE FORD *30 Oakland Avo. -xr CADILLAC “ 36o6r sedan 1966 FORD CORTINA, green finish Wl mrtoijta. Interior, orlca U*5. GRIMALDI CAR CO. 900 Oakland Avt. GRIMALDI _Your new guiCK-OFEL Dealer 210 Oltherd L*h* *fM8B4|E STAR AUTO EASY CREPIt *42 Oakland FE 8-9661 196/ KARMANN GHIA Yellow with Mack Interior, In i celtont condition, (17*5. GRIMALDI CAR CO. 900 Oakland Avt. Cheep, tave Auto. FE JSL ' New end Used Trucks 1M 1*54 FORD TANDEM dump, beet ottor. 4*3-11*6.______, i*sfwiRIMYiokAL.'3 x J dump, IB I fed. EM 34301. 1*54 CHEVY PICKUP ft ton. 363- 1*54 CHEVY PANEL Truck, no ri 1*54 FORD ft-TON. A-1. 0150. 3*1- 1*5* DODGE TRUCK, 5 gooTti s* Is 025. FE 32707._____ 1*67 VW, SUN. kOOK radio, 4 speed, '“hltswall tires, runs good, low ilieege. si4*0.---------------J HUNTER dodge 4N SOUTH HUNTER . .... 7-0*55 ilrmlnibem lew !tiwi«il HIAIt wb aMB Automatic Transmlsrton. 4 3331131. I1A00) 3337440. 1*40 oFel KAPfeTT, exc owner .mwof eon. 731-5***. _____ ....... On' US 1* at Clerkston, MA 35071. 1*40 CHEVROLdt ft.TON fleet eld* tax. 333**7t, >40 f6rD FICkOf, I tort bed, eoed etta. fa«L gjj*47. mi CHggr TAi^fMprjWJ rM2 F^RD FOOO, BUlClf rtitauL bod. Only *3*5. ., LLOYD BRIDGES TRAVELAND w. Maple Rd. Welled Lk. 4331172 l*43 FORp V4 STICK. 1*53 Ford 4 stick. Pickups; tor Mormotta call 4S1-S2N. Afier s p.m. >42 SUBURBAN CARRYALI 1*43 FORD ft TON, MB box, tey* AutoT P ■ 5227S* ”£l«chSi2& v-K 1967 FIAT » Spyder with rad finish anc lack totorlor, price SIStS. GRIMALDI CAR CO. 900 Oakland Avo. ini MGB ROADSTER, Dark blue, Reel dean. 333H3t.___ 1N7 OFEL SFORY coupe, sun roof, radio, good condition, 013*5, 451- DUNE BUGGIES he Clodhopper by Flberlat. fantastic iBT-12 rear engine ----ir kit. 3K Merino, 473*051. New eod Head Cart NEED A CAR* — New In Betn**BsnPfum? Adi >---, BeefiVr‘ Bankrupt? Need a Car? STANDARD Auto Sales t 340* Rltubdth Lake Head ft •iod(Wi^*r«mr>tam^ 681-0004 1*44, CADILLAC. Sb6an P* Villa, bole, exc. coed., private, 1 owner, MA5G CelJ_ *52-2311 between 0 aim! 1965 CADILLAC Coupe $2495 GRIMALDI YOUR BUICK-OFBL OBALBR 210 preherd Lake 7 FE l-*14J • at - bonk rates. Sol -™. manager Mr. Parke at Ml HAROLD TURNER FORD Hi mtles. oxc. private. 3*3718. Transportation ^Specials- 1*43 BUICK Canvartlbl* .14*5 INI OLM 4 spar - *3*5 ms omuuTtiii tadtop^i i»42 CHEVY a paetenger. *4*5 1*05 MUSTANG 2 plus X 4 SPMd, hf pertormanca .. ......... • alWS me CHEVY ft tan-Camper Detox* 4 sleeper, deer humeri special iteti « Van Camp Chevrolet —On N. MIMord Rd.- I THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 196g Hew and thed Core 106 1*6* CADILLAC COUPE do 1 mi ciolLLAC COUPE DtVIlle, ack tap. or, ami •FM radio, FE I- —HAND AT ALL Tl- JEROME CHEV' ____tn rv FOR SALE. Wwon- CHEVY WAGON, excellent transportation, tilt. Buy Hire, Pay Hart, Marvtl Motors, 251 Oakland A vs. FE now.______________ CHEVY: WHEN YOU Duy If lit MARKET TIRE give It a traa safaty check. 2635 Orchard Rd. fcaaao. . Mow mWmiCian 1965 CHEVY IMPALA, , ___ hardtop V4, auto., double power, push button radio, color rad. It IIS. Vary good condition in^xT 1 1145 CHEVY IMPALA convert!! I automatic, power steering, u_ drafted. Must aall for balance due. 1965 CORSAIR convertible, Aspoed, this car Is In' excellent condition. RONEY'S AUTO, 131 - Ava., FE A4909. steering and brakes, a u t o transmission. FE 1-6504. : wsmxt™ 1*61 CAMERO OL 1-0391 1963 FORD STATION wa g OF automatic, radio. Absolutely no S . down. Full prico till, with payments of S3.92. Coll Mr. Parks credit manager at Ml A 7500, HAROLD TURNER FORD 464 5. Woodward Birmingham : 196* CHEVY, CAPRICE 2-door hardtop,- v-8, vinyl top, full gownr. 94)00 miles, *2775, 33A (*** coXvbTte CONVERTIBLE, : 327, 350 h.p„ Aspsed, posl-traction, many extras, m-mif oil. 4:30 p.m. -.■■■, ■ ..... ■ -196* CHEVY it, 6 cylinder, 2-door, full power, gold with black vinyl top plus extras. 1,950 actual miles, must sell, 82150. 651-144*. IMS FORD GALAX1E Convertible white, beautiful condition. ECONOMY CARS 2335 DIXIE HWY. FE A2131 194* CHEVY 2,Door hardtop, 327 hjjhemetic. radio, Clean, cell 33S- 1963V: FORD, 4I0-1M7 Mercury 1965 CHEVROLET IMPALA hardtop, automatic, with power steering-. Absolutely no t down. Pull price 5955, with payments of *8.92 "" Mr. Perks credit manager < 4-7500. HAROLD TURNER FOR iWARMADUKE 1965 Chrysler Four door, rich metallic, green, full' ' ‘nw mileage, power $1395 T96TCORVAIR WAGON, automatic, r«*«0. >175, 607-2072. ' 1 1961 CHEVY IMPALA Convert rin m ~ni 1961 CHEVY, 2 DOOR, 340 r 251 Oakland, FE ----------------- 1961^* CHEVY, STICK, 0125. Save Auto. FE 5-3270. 1961 CHEVROLET IMPALA, 2.door hardtop, metallic blue, matching vinyl Interior, V-0 matching vli automatic, power brekr whitewall tl 0143.00 will 01.72. par v 001-0002. payments of 1962 CORVAIR MONZA, 2 . door, candy apple red with blue vinyl ' Interior, bucket seets, 4 spaed, radio, heater, whitewall tires, balance due 0173.01 with weekly payments ol 01.03. Call King, 601-0002. ssenger i 0-1030. 1965 CORVAIR Coupe heater, nd luxe $1095 l Matthews-Hargreaves 631 Oakland Ave. 1966 CHRYSLER 300 2-door hardtop, V-0, radio, haater, power steering,. power brakes, bucket seats. $1995 See this auto at our new locati™ at the TROY MOTOR MALL* Maple Rd. (IS Mile) TV* mil East of Wpd^fwprd. BIRMINGHAM Chrysler-Plymouth VERY CLEAN 1962 Chevy SS, 203, auto., 0000 or best after, 336-7659. 1963 CORVAIR, EXCELLENT condition. Cell efter 5:30, OR 3-1612. 1963 CHEVY It station wagon, 0200. 1963 CORVAIR, A-l condition. Coll 1965 CHEVY 2 door WHh radio, heater, automal sharp one owner. Only— $1095 BILL POX CHEVROLET 1964 CORVETTE COUPE, LIKE School se only^014M, lull'price'I lust 0106 down and 056.37 per month. JOHN McAULIFFE FORD 630 Oakland Ave. FE 6-4101 HAROLD TURNER FORD 1965-CHfeVY SS, 327 4-spaad, 1965 CHEVY IMPALA, 1964 CORVAIR, AUTOMATIC, 0395, ,1964 CHEVY IMPALA SO, 121 engine, automatic transmission, power steering, excellent condition. 833-1179,______________________ 1964 jCHOVY IMPALA 2 door 1964 FORD. XL, Adoor, console, white vinyl bucket seats, —-— Savoy Motai; 120 5. Tslac Wagon, I I _ brakes, powtr steering, ___________ heater, one owner trade. 01095. Over 75 other cart to select from. On US 10 at MIS, Clarkston, MA 5- M6 CHEVROLET IMPALA hardtop, automatic, stereo, 11500. 601-0531, after 6 p.m. 1906 CORVETTE. 2 tops. AM-FM stereo. Boautifi 4-speed. onditlon. 964 MALIBU. 203 stick on only OOi Th* c miles, private it for this good 1966 CORVAIR CORSA, 4 transmission, 039 down, w -------its of 09.00. Full Call Mr. Parks, credit BBT 1965 CHEVY II Nova Sport Coupi with VI, stick shift, dark bli finish, only —- M $1295 Matthews- Hargreaves 1964 BEL AIR STATION Wsgon, On M24 in Lake Orion MY 2-2411 1966 CHEVROLET IMPALA Super Sport, bucket sails, automatic, radio, wmiawaii liras, pc snaring, extra sharp. BIMS. HUNTER DPPQI 499 SOUTH HUNTER Ml 7-0955__________ 1966 CHRYSLER NEWPORT Green with 'Mack vinyl roof, matching Interior, V-0, automatic: $1795 See this auto at - BIRMINGHAM Chrysler-Plymouth 1967 CHRYSLER NEWPORT 2-door - hardtop, medium metallic bluo with air conditioning, V-l, automatic, radio, haatar, power steering, power brakes. $2495 So* this euto at our new - location at the TROY MOTOR MALL, on Maplo Rd. (15 Mila) itfc miles east of Woodward. r BIRMINGHAM Chrysler-Plymouth 1962 OODGd LANCER. 1962 VW bus. 1965 DODGE custom 180 4 door hardtop, full power, lutomatic, raal sharp. Only— $1095 BILL FOX CHEVROLET '.'rs 1965 DODGE CORONET 560, good condition, 303 automatic, 2-door hardtop 0900 mus* H| m— , T sarvlca. UL 2-260_____________ 1965 DODGE HALF ton pickup, box, 4 cylinder, o t a nJ transmission, radio, haanr coast mirrors, 0995. HUNTER DODGE 499 SOUTH HUNTER Ml 7-0955 Birmingham 1967 DODGE -CORONET RT, ax-cellont condition, 16.000 miles 02,400. 002-2037. 1967 DSLUKfr CHHVY-SBorT van. . passenger. V-l automatic, radio, 2 heaters,,01995. 837-3383. (irtonylil*. 1967 CHEVY MALIBU, seets, i Ml 4-2560, mm. only 17,000 mites, r| Jams god, will-sell as Is ft. .... Call OR 4-0306, eves. EM 3-7546. 1961 DODGE DART, 6 cylinder Stic ~c. condition, radio and heatc ke ever payments. 330-0246. 1968 Dodge last dell i to choose I Save and colors, Vo choose from. 1964 . FORO FAtRLANE, 2 door hardtop, V-0 auto, trans., excellent condition, 0750. Call after ( p.r 752-9450. 1964 FORD COUNTRY Squirt passenger, power, air condTtlonln excellent .tondHim. 0050. 335-1204. “ J964 T-BIRD Convertible with blue finish at blue interior, full .power, on 01295. GRIMALDI CAR CO. 900 Oakland Avenue 1964 FORD FAIRLANE 2-dOOr. Wl cylinder amine, stick shift, ... rust and almost Ilka new, only 0595. ROSE RAMBLER - JEEP, 1964 FORD 2 door, 6how shoe white with fawn Interior, clearanco special at Only S400 full price, No Monty Down. JOHN McAULIFFE FORD -4M Oakland Ava. Ft 5-4101 22,000 n 16 FT. 1964 FOttD 2 DOOR, STICK. . LUCKY AUTO 1940 w. Wide Track H U N D LE, I ekly _________ s $1305. Call R D CON-■ “nly 031 0(0.44, Parks and top, raal sharp, raas. FE 5- 1964 FORD Station wagon, with V-0, .... ... good solid transporta- full price. No Monoy automatic, power power brakes, radio, MMIf, whitewall tires, balance due LANDAU with full all ,,the goodies. »«iv - «7«7fuII snd.S52.47 Clearance I ____ price, lust $110 do par month. S year new car warranty. JOHN McAULIFFE FORD 030 Oakland Ave. • FE 5-4101 Leemin* N«w and Used Cars lit ^lyoyfQNTlAC V-8. stick . .^yco^ tots PONTIAC GRAND PR'fX, HAROLD TURNER FQRD 1963 PONTIAC COUPE, LOOKING FOR A BARtMIpr TRYTHB PONTIAC RETAIL STORE FE 3*7951 1964 P O N T IA C\ CONVERTIBLE, power tqulppad. Only 039 •c""“ weekly payments,of 013.4 . cfidlt menegsiei V KEEG0 PONTIAC HAROLD TURNER FORD *”a° ■***«------------ 464 s. Woodward Birmingham PONTIAC CATALINA, 2 .d?0r dtop, power, one Owner, 20,000 1903 CATALINA, CONVERTIBLE. 943 PONT1AC -m-sm...- BONNEVILLE, 1195. 1963 PONTIAC Adoor • hardtop; full ■ conditioning, mutt “I to appredato, price *095. GRIMALDI CAR CO. 900 Ookland Avenue “No use begging for food here! You can see who gets MOST of it!” , * 1963 BONNEVILLE. 29,000 miles, f power ^rlfiTbrakas, windows A raafo. Factory alr A nags. *1,20*. I Call 424-1093 after 5 p.m, ,J New and Used Cars 106 New and Used Care 106 1967 FORD OFFICIAL* Birmingham 1______________ car, automatic, power equipped-! sedan, 6 Only 539 down with weakly 144«0mlt payments of 510.64, . full prfca iS *1295. Call Mr, Parks credit!'* manager at Ml 4-7500. HAROLD TURNER FORD matching Interior, V0, - automatic, radio, heater, power steering, can't be told from brand new. Close out special at only 120*0 full price, lust *188 down, and 563.02 per month year or 50,000 mile now car w ranty. JOHN McAULIFFE FORD 630 Oakland Ava. FE S-4101. 1965 FORD 1 2-door with black flnlhs red interior, V-0 engine, GRIMALDI CAR CO. 900 Ooklond Avenue 1905 FORD V-l, 1 owner, very nice, 482-9223, Riggins, Peeler.____ 1965 FORD CUSTOM 500, 352 engine. automatic transmission, power sloering, only 839 down, weekly payments of 510.44, full price 11245,-call credit------------ Parks at Ml 4-7300, 1955 FORO COUNTRY SQUIRE, passenger wagon, b e a u »Tl metallic burgundy finish 1 black all vinyl Intaror, automatic, transmission, radio. * 1965 Chevy $1195 SPARTAN DODGE Oakland fe $9222 19W CORVAIR MONZA, Sport *750, * 1967 Chevy Impale Hardtop.' 2 door, with VI, automatic, aowi steering, brakes, ytllow finis only— $2195 FLANNERY . (Formerly Beattie Ford) Wetgrterd _______________62349*0 1967 CORVETTE COUPE, 427-390, 4 IS?-’,. ***.!•' P'PW* AM-FM. Kftroll, call after 6 p.m. VI 8- 3*0 h.p. —ring atv* *■ 0. 661-5023.__ CHiVELLE' MALIBU, IruBRifiar4 m 1967 DoHge 2 door seden with 4 cyl. stick, radio, burgum finish, now only— $1495 FLANNERY MOTORS, INC. (Formtrly Beattie Ford) aterford 423-09______________ ' TN-i-----iw<5 MUSTANG, 4 SPEED. 1968 Dodge I f^rMfra’i 1968 Count Down HURRY Before They're All Gone BEST 0LDSM0BILE, Inc. 550 Oakland Avenue FE 2-8101 1967 T-BIRD Landau with beautlf champagne finish, wHh black vinyl top, full power, end factory elr conditioning, vacation Special at only1 tam. Full price, S2*8 down, *85.25 par month. 5 year or 50.000 mlto. Now car warranty. JOHN McAULIFFE FORD [630 Oakland Ave. FE 5-4101 I960 FORD TORINO GT, 390. Must sell, take over payments. 3344290. lMTTtfptt mTlACK GT, *2375. Cell bofBro 3 p.m. 602-3450. MILOSCH CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH CONVERTIBLE SALE 964 Buick LaSabra convertible, black with white top, white interior, auto., double power, whitewalls. Sharp car, *1095. 1966 Chtvy convartlble, groan, doubla power, radio, whit IIM 1967 Fiiry ril convertible, red, white top, red Interior, auto., power window*, steering end brakes, radio, whitewalls, 52195. MS Bonneville convertible, rad, white top, auto., double power, radio, whitewalls, 81395. 1967 GTX 2-door, hardtop, 4-speed, -----‘t, bucket setts, sharp car. 677 M44 Lake Orion MY 2-2041 1961 FLYMOUTH 2 DOOR hardtop, dard 6, 1158, 332- ------ special, ___ ^_______ price, lust *185 down and 556.33 per month. Thin car has a S year, 50,000 milt new car war- J0HN McAULIFFE FORD 1630 Oakland Ava._______FE 5-4101 1945 MUSTANG, 4 SPEED. Only 539 J ’ Of 810.88. ■ Parks 1968 TORINO GT FAIRLANE 500 with beautiful metallic turquoise finish, with black vinyl Interior, V. I, 390 cu. In. 4 barrel carb., automatic, radio, heater, power iteerlng, brains, Ilk* new, save ■ bunch an this on*. BIG TRADE Allowance, 1400 miles. 02605, o ' 8155 Dawn, 551.97 par month. JOHN McAULIFFE FORD Oakland Ava,________FE 5-4191 Camper Van, .-JPHRPmMPM cylinder, automatic, fully equipped, bunks, frlngt, vlste top. Big Discount toV* SPARTAN DODGE 555 Oakland credit manager at Ml 4-750*. 1941 DODGE Monaco 9 passenger wagon, (DEMO) with 3 way power, elr conditioning, white fioWv NdM IMS FAIRLANE 500, VI, standard, -rad!*,..whitewalls, 37,000 miles ex-cellsnt condition, 482-3537 before 10 p.m. 1965 FORD COUNTRY KESSLER'S DODGE IUIRE, power, euiomaTic, only at down with weekly payment* of 510.44, full price 51395. Cell Mr. Pa-" credit manager at Ml 4-7500. HAROLD TURNER FORD 1964-1965- 1966 Continental CONVERTIBLES All Priced to Move In Excellertt Condition SAVE Bob Borst Lincoln-Mercury Sales HUNTER DODGE 499 SOUTH HOUNTER Ml 7-0955 Birmingham 166 PLYMOUTH, SATELLITE, yellow with black vinyl top, 626, Street heml, 4 speed, sure grip, *xc. cond , sacrifice, 543-23)7. iw7 Belvedere gtx, buroundvo K interior, 440 engine. FE 5- 473-4570. 1944 MEI auto RCURY, imatlc. ONLY 27 LEFT ■ GUT THEY GO Americans......from $1839 Javelins ......from $2269 Ambassadors ...from $2569 Special Sale on Demos --. .and Factory. Official Core _ Village Rambler 666 S. WOODWARD Salat and Service i Oxford DA 0-1400 464 8. Woodward Birmingham 1965 THUNDERAlltp LANDAU, Full FQRD: Whan you buy it lot MARKET TiRE give it * free | safety check.. 2635 Orchard Laka Rd. Kaago. Power, Exc. condition. Gold with Whlto vinyl tap, and whit* Interior, Take over payments. 291 1. Wilson, Pont. 333-7653. 1959 FORD* $60 674-3634 1945 FORD GALAXIE 500 com vertlble, vs, automatic, ndto, haatar, power otoerlng, brakes, beautiful arctic whlto with black top, and ready for tn* fun paoplo. Vqcatton special only 51210 fuii eric*. Just MS down, and S53.07 11940 FALCON, RECENTLY overhaul**, good tiros and brakes. 1 663-0251. 1941 FALCON 4, STANDARD, exc. HAH DTOP, _ --------... air conditioned, power. Abaoluttly no s down, lull price 0645, with payment* of 85.92. Call Mr. Parks credit manager at Ml 4-7500. HAROLD TURNER FORD 464 8. Woodwird Blrmlnah .LIGHT' OUIE (*66 MesMirr ft.ru aim tiftftin sim 6iBm 1964 COMET 2-DOOR V-S, u power steering, now. tiros. BIRMINGHAM 646-3900 B!LL HAHN &£ Today’s Special — 1962 CADILLAC Hardtop .. $995 bargain^ ^ower' *nc*u<*'n9 °’r conditioning^car in tap condition. A Raol 1966 CHIVY SS 396 —! $1695 4 spaed, with vinyl roof, top condition bucket saatsl Fire engine red finish! 1965 MUSTANG Hardtop $995 Radio, haatar, looks likp now. 1962 CHEVY W ton ... $395 FloetsJde pickup, runs vary good, ideal second cor. 1965 CHEVY Biscoyna ......... $995 2 door with V-8, automatic, power steering, air conditioning, low mileage. 1964 PONTIAC Bonnevillo .... $895 2 door hardtop, full poworr-raady to got 1963 FORD Galaxle $495 Convertible, ideal school car. Wetertord 6234900 automatic, radio, haatar, poi— •tearing, brakes, factory air c_. I frig. Back to SChobl sale at 1 pt toll price, tiB* down 1 N McAULIFFE FORD g door, Full price *74*, w.... ..._ 54.45. Call Mr. Perks :rn manager at Ml 4-7500. HAROLD TURNER FORD PLYMOUTH SPORT —*lc, power steer- _______ling* vinyl tog. condition, jjggg Ev». $fb 1 rx DEALER AUT05AATIC—0400 330-9230 New and IM Cana 106 tooe temfEst, sums ...... UTCKY AUTO PONTIAC 19M CATAUMXft ' passenger wagon, euto- — steering, powsr brakes, wivweVewnsr, 879-6560. i»66 Pontiac Catalina, 2 door hardtop, Power brake* l^XtoBilli Ziebart undercooling, 11,700 61750. 332-2354. herd FONTIaCv C d - top, oxdel ior, *1350. 45 CXTALtNA A door ..illont condition, toll 691-0656- i Core BONNE VILLE COUPE by •am low mlleag*, power brakes earing, vinyl top, excellent Ml. 52900. 350-751* days, FE 54)130. 1950 PONTIAC Catalina Dame. Save 1965 T-BIrd cony. ....... *1,550 1966 Catalina 4-door .......§1,530 1965 Chevy Impale cqr" 1965 Chevy IMPALA $ 1945 Tempest conv. 1964 Catalina 4-door . I.81.195 tandtop, 9 Hi. UL 5-: I960. TEMPEST LeMons, V-S, spaed, Exc. condition. 332-7*59. M6 0ATALIHA HARDTOP, * 'go power stosrlng end brakes, ra; automatic trans.. air, 4288 Lett Drayton OR 3-7668. .RED BONNEVILLE. mafic. Radio. 391-1696. CUStOM TEMPfeiT, ^ewor,^ excell^d^t^condltlon. 1967 FIREBIRD, : O now, Prlv., 651-7100, 1967 4-DOOR BONNEVILLE, OR 34)895, cal dltton, 1 year old, light blue, 51700. 33W638. • _____________ 1967 PONTIAC tEMPEST, LeMons, 2-door hardtop, 4-spoed, bucket seats, power steering and brakes. Call after 6 p.m , 33*1474. vertlble, 326, 6-sp**d, 01900. After — rr*™ vernoie, j,o • S, Mf 4-2M0. ____________ '■ "ill11967 PONTIAC EXECUTIVE. AM. fe«* iww, Vinyl top, tinted 1967 PONTIAC, Grand Prlx, -----elf, stereo and starao t_,____ i miles, 02700. FE 4-9934, 1964 PONTIAC Catalina Hardtop 4-door with automatic, ra 1967 PONTIAC CATALINA 4-door, double power, new tires, extras, exc. condition. 625-3706, iff: 3 P.m. 1967 CATALINA _________ ________ owner, power brakes and steering, plus air. call after 6 p.m. 625-2265. 1967 PONTIAC CATALINA, 2 door hardtop, vinyl top, double power, fectory air, storao'tap*, exc. cond.. “ “* ““ 0 p.m. 1968 TEMPESf CUSTOM 2-door Sport coupe. S cyl, ...autOthanc, double power. 130 Summit St. 1940 LeAAANS 2-DOOR hardtop. 8 PONTIAC WAGON, 9 ItoPlt extras. 451-3115, call owner. 1M CATALINA 2-doqr .hardtop, . with black vinyl top, 12,000 ml steering end brakes, deluxe . Interior) any reasonable after will not be refused, cell 335-W9* ; turquoise, exc. Condition, prlv. I960 CATALINA, 4 doors, double power, vinyl top, elr comf— -J end low mllfogo. 473-3591. .OADED i960 TEMPEST LeMons 350. List price over S3I00. Exc. condition, 82450. 330-3TII. mUsoge; 83100. OR 3-9617. MY >■ 1961 6T0 COUPE, air conditioning. k sole. 625-4966. I960 PONTIAC CATALINA 4 door sedan, Hydramatlc, radio, power steering, brakes. OR 3-1019.______' RUSS JOHNSON tropical turquoise finish. Only— $1295 . Matthews-Hargreaves 631 Ooklond Ave._FE 4-43 „ i PONTIAC-TEMPEST GRIMALDI CAR CO. On M-24 In Lekt Orion 900 Oakland Ave: | MY 3-6266 19^7 PONTIAC GRANO Prlx, con- 1941 RAMBLER AMERICAN, I • u ill motor, loaded with FE 5-8234. 81438, 383-2*34. ^ 1944 TEMPEST V 3152. 1967 LEMANS 9 64 BONNEVILLE convertible, 33,0*0 ml. No rust. Exc. condition. SI095. 482-7993. ________________ 1966 fON f I AC CONVERTIBLE,! power, euto.. FM, any reasonable I —mXuriAr offer actoptad. 3914)572, altar 3:15: __________ 5 FE Ml 13.______________ 1964 PONTIAC CATALINA Bdeor sedan. *75*. OR 34656. power steering and power brakes, red with.whit* Interior. Truly a new kind ol automobile and only $2295 AUDETTE brakes, ________________ mt white top. Not a spot or rustl $1*25. Runs perfect. FE 8-1832 until 1964 RAMBLER CLASSIC ftatlost wagon, pries to sell 8295. 338-3514. 1944 RAMBLER AMBASSADOR 990) V-8 enginp. automatic, power brakes and steorlng, radio, low • mileage, a Florid* ter, priced to PONTIAC WILLYS WAGONEER DELUXE, A rvn i ihv. door. Awheel drive, full power, low 1 R