Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, January 20, 2022


A. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: Provost’s Updates; Addition of a 100% online delivery option of the PhD in Human Movement Science; MS in in Safety Management modification; ZZULI (Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, China) and Oakland University Joint Institute Off-Campus Sites; Relational Communication Minor modification; e-Learning Services; Campus Survey Committee | B. ROLL CALL | C. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES of November 18, 2021 | D. OLD BUSINESS: None | E. NEW BUSINESS: change to charge and membership of the Undergraduate Committee on Undergraduate Instruction (1st reading); Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Healthcare Studies (1st reading) | F. GOOD AND WELFARE



Human Movement Science PhD, Safety Management MS, China, Relational communication, E-learning, Campus Survey Committee, Undergraduate Committee on Undergraduate Instruction, Interdisciplinary Healthcare Studies BS
