, QffilOLOR Series to Deal With 'the Black Soldier' Did you know that a black soMHsr is In the crow rowing the boat in Jhcfamous point; ; irtff “Washington Crossing tMf Ddawarq”? Did you kndw that black regiments participated in Teddy Uoose-vett's charge up San Juan HM? Did you know that black cavalry regiments were in-’ strumental in the winning of the West? 4 Those arc some or the iil-tle-known facts about the Negro, soldier in' American history which will be revealed on “The . Black Soldier,” Tuesday night at 10 p.m. on Channel 2. , • "* 7**^* . “The Black Soldier’.’ is the second in the seven-part CBS News scries “Of Black America.” “■Die Black Soldier” will fotlow the history of the Ne> gro from the Revolutionary War through/the War of 1812, the Civil War,' the two world Wars, and into the present, the Vietnam! war. The broadcast will concbntratc on historical fact' and on. the history of attitudes-both black ahd white—toward the Negro soldier. INSTITUTED POLICY “Ironically, it wasn’t until the Civil War that America indtlhdM.iB official policy of segregating its troops,", «im* ments Peter Poor, producer of “Hid*Black Soldic*;^* “Before that, though many Amcric*rt don’t know It, -there always had been Negroes in the. armed force?.' “During the Battle of.tHc Bulge integrated fighting occurred again—but only because of a German . breakthrough. The situation be- came so critical that the lines of segregationwere' broken as ail soldiers, -white and Negro, fought side by side. * ★ . * “It wasn't until 1948 that President Truman Issued an executive order calling for integration in, the armed forces. It took'Amirlca over a century and a half to tonic ruH'efrcltb” CBS News Reporter George Poster, anchor man on the “Of Black America” series, will narrate “The Black Soldier." Executive producer is Perry Wolff. Ex-Ring Champ in TV Role former world heavyweight boxing champion Floyd Patterson will make his acting • debut playing an Oklahoma “sod buster” in ah episode of "The .Wild Wild. West” . Which begins production in Hollywood Tuesday, for future presentation on CBS television. ,. The-series, starring Robprt Conrad and Ross Martin is broadcast Fridays, 7:30-8:30 p.m. on Channel 2 in color. the episode in which Pat- ■ J tprson steps into the acting ffelfr is written by Calvin. Clements Jr. and directWLby Irving Moore. Bruce Lansbury is producer and Leonard Katzman Associate producer of ‘‘The Wild Wild West.” NEW FOR 1968 MUSTANG SUPREME MODEL 3240 MUSTANG SUPREME -30" Cuffing Width — 3 rotary blades; staggered. Dual Range Transmission, Super Cushion tires. 6 HP Briggs & Stratton Easy^Spin Engine. BIGTRADE-IN ALLOWANCES We Service All Types of Mowers Authorized Sale* & Service for YARDMAN-J ACOBSEN-TORO-LAWN BOY HALVERSON SALES and SERVICE SATURDAY MORNING ' 0:08 (2). TV Chapel V:‘ •:15 (2) C- Nows 1:30 (2) Understanding OUr World 4:55 (4) c.- News .' K j* 7:00 (2) O - Captain Kangaroo i,:'; (4YC'—‘ Country f.lVinft 7:30 (4) C Oopsy The Clown 7:41 (7) (j — Rural Report 8:00 (S) C - Woodrow the Woodsman <7),,^~3PV^1ogo 8:30 (SO) Rocky Jones -*■■■•* 9:00 (2) C — Frankstein Jr. (4) C — Super 0 , (7) C Casper (50) C — Roller Derby — . San Francisco Bay Bombers vs Midwest' Pioneers 9:25 (9) Warmup 9:30 (2) C - Herculoids (4) C— Super President (7) G — Fantastic Four (0) Window on the World 10:00 (2) C — Shazzan (4) R C Flintstones m C - Sfdderman <9) William Tell (50t C ‘— Home Shopper The, Pontiac Pr««i Saturday, July 13 . , ^ f „ (4) Bfcal the Champ ~ Bowlingiv r (?) GAmerican TUrnf. stand (0) Country Calendar -1:00 (2) R C—Lone Ranger (0) C - CBS Sports > (4) C - Red Jonei (7) Happening ’68 —, Raul, JRcverc and Mark Llndfcay arp cohosts ,, 10:30 (2) C — Sptfco Ghost (4) Young Samson .X7ATC~ (Special l—Brltish.-Opcn Golf Tournament ' from Carnoustie Golf Links, Carnoustie, < Soot-land ' ’ ' (0) R — Hawkeyo 11:00 (2) C - Moby Dick (4) Q — Blrdman (50) C,- Upfeot. 11:30 (2) C — Superman-Aquaman (4) .6 — Ant»Sgulrrel 1 11:45 (0) C — The Gardener SATURDAY AFTERNOON 12:00 (4) C — Cool McCool ’ (7) C — Beaties (9) C — Audubon Theatre (50) R — Movie: “Lar-■ ceny, Inc.” (1942) Ex-con plans big bank, robbery. Edward G. Robinson, Jane Wyman 12iJ8 (2) R 6 — Jonny Quest 2:00, (2) C — Tiger Warmup (4) G• M|jor League . Baseball (?) Outer l imits (9) R — Movie: “Broken Arrow” (1950) James Stewart. Jeff Chandler (50) R — Mbvle: ‘Today We Raid Calais” (1042) Loo J. Cobb Baseball:. De- ‘ troll* at Minnesota 3:00(7) C. - Celebrity . Billiards 3:30 (7) C - (Special) . -British Open Golf Touma-. ment. Repeat of live morning telecast fronf Scotland (50) R - Movie: “Flight to Mars” (1952) Cameron • Mitchell 4:M (9) Wrestling (80). Sin^ lli-Sing Lo 4:15 (50) Merlin the Magician //*':. 4:50 (2) C—Baseball fltorc-I board 4:55 (4) O— Shell’sWondcr-Tul World of Color -5:10 (2) R - Dobie Gillis (4) C — Car and Track (7) C ~ Wide World of Sports: Daytona Firecracker 400 race. (9) R — Twilight Zone ' (50) O r : ,5:M (2) biKirf Talk 5:30 (2) R C —Gebtle Ben (4) C —1 George Pierrot—, “Paris to D’lblin” -. (9) R — Gidget" 5:45 (2)* C — Moments in Music Hot? Humid? Sticky? fit tiny handle Don't fight the traffic and the crowds to cool off. There io no place like home! And every home should have a pool. Make your vacation last all summer by having one of our. pools installed in your backyard. They come in many shapes and sizes wtyt prices to pocketbook. Feol free to coll or stop in for further information. We also a full line of pool supplies. €465 Telegraph R d., Birmingham Phone 647-5506 3297 Pontiac Rd., CLARKST0N POOL COMPANY OPEN Mon. thru Thurs. 8-5, Friday 8-9, Saturday 10-4, Sunday 3-6 A DIVISION OF JOHN S. V00RHEES, BUILDER 7170 Dixie Highway, Clarkston, Michigan, 48016-Phone 625-2674 SUNDAY SUNDAY MORNING 1:05 (2) TV Chapel 5:10 (2) C—News 0:15 (2) Let’s Find Out ^ A new art form, based on light projection, reaches beyond the picture frame. 6:30 (2) C — Cathedral of Tomorrow ; May Speak — Program examines the work being .done at the Detroit Children’s School for the Deaf. : (7) C — Bullwinkle (50) R — Little Rascals 11:30 (2) C - Face the .Nation (7) R C — Discovery ’68 —“East Meets West” as students from over 30 countries join at Honolulu lo study technology and promote international understanding. (9) R -7, Movie: “Daniel * Boone. Trail B 1 a z e-r The Pontiac Prats Sunday, July 7 broad way star of the Thirties. June Haver, Ray Bolger, Gordon MacRae 1:00 (2) R C - Tom and Jerry < (4) C — Meet the Press (7) C — Spotlight (9) Movie; “A1 Capone" . (1959) Story of the Chicago mobsters rise to infamy, Rod Steiger, Fay Spain, Martih Balsam 1:30 (2) R C — Road Run- 7:30 (2) C — Christopher Program • Local paint expert Lucinda Wyckoff of Brown Bros, is featured' spearer. Rosalie Hawley, Oakland County heme economist, will question Lucinda. 8:00 (2) C - This Is the JLife (4) C — World Council of Churches — “Via Uppsala” Eugene Blake, genera] secretary of the ____World C o u n c i j , of M “Churches,” discusses the ' organization’s Fourth Assembly. (7) C — TV College 8:15 (9) Sacred Heart 8:30T2r T£- Temple” BaF-tist Church (41 C — Church at the Crossroads r (7) C — Green Up Time. (9) Window on the World : (50) C — Herald of Truth — Religious division* is discussed. 8:55 (4) C — Newsworthy 9:00 (2) C — Mass for Shut-ins ’ (4) C — Oopsy, tbc Clown (7) C,- War This Week (9), R C — Laredo (50) R.— Silent Service 5:45 (56) London Line SUNDAY NIGHT 6:00 (2) C —. N e ws , Weather, Sports (4) C — News — McGee (7) R C — Wackiest Ship (50) r—Victory ar Sea (56) Tangled World — Case of unemployed miner illustrates plight of JrtT $|k A n'Stete Lawrence an&EytiieGgrpteMing d Cole„ Porter medtey on “The Ed Sullivan Show rerun 8 p.fn. Sunday on Channel 2. \ * France, i 'Mivthews, Donald 1 Love Lucy U.S.A. -• Poets 'Robert Duncan and John W Weiners are interviewed. 7:00 (2) R C —Lassie (4) C — George Pierrot Jerry Hausner presents ^ “The Isle of Matt.” '(7) R C —Voyage —— Nelson’s crewmen aro mysteriously disappearingy while he must disarm the superbomb He Is delivering to a Pacific atoll. (50) R C (Special) — “Vincent Van Go^j: A Self-Portrait” — Lee J. , Cobb .reads ..excerpts from , the artiste Tetters to his brother while cameras examine his paintings and drawings, i OPEN MONDAY and FRIDAY Til 9 P.M mipnii if * MMiwiEawni tv m n 3-WIT Thu Pontiac Pium Friday, July 12 Meet# Girt" (1938) James tWCegnsar. Pat 0 ’ 3 rj to, • Marie Wilson, .R alp h FRIDAY MORNING 8:48ft) Classroom lilS (2) On the Farm Scene 1:88 ft)C~News 1:30 (1) U. of M. Television (4) C — Ed Allen 7188 (2) C - Woodrow the (4) C—Today (7) C — Morning Show 7:8* (8) Morgan's Merry-Go-Round . 1:00(2) C - Gaptain Kangaroo (9) Talcs of the River Bank 8:38(7) R - Movie: "Designing Woman” U957)(Part2) ’ (9) C —Vacation Time 9:88 (8) 0 — M^Y priffin (9) C — Bozo the Clown,, I8s89'W^=G' 1 Wp' a Judgement (7) C —Virginia Graham (8) R~Hawkeye 19:25 (4) C — News 19:38(2) RC — Beverly Hillbillies «. (4) C—Concentration (7) C — Dick Cavett (9) C—Friendly Giant (50) C—Jack LaLanne * 19:4$ ft) Chez Helene* ** 11:98(2) R — Andy of Mayberry (4)‘C —Personality (9) Mr. Dressup (50 C — Kimba . 11:25 (9) — Pick of tho Week 11:30(2) R — Dick Van. I Dyke (4) C — Hollywood . Squares (50) R—Little Rascals 11:55 (9) News s FRIDAY AFTERNOON 12:00 (2) (4) C - News, Weather, Sports (7) R-Bewitched (9) Luncheon Date . 12:25 (2) C — Fashions 12r30 (2) C — Search for Tomorrow (4) C — Eye Guess (7) C — Treasure Isle (9) R — Movie: "The Ghost Breakers" (1940) Bob Hope, Paulette Goddard, Richard Carlson, Paul Lukas (50) R — Movie: "Boy 1:09 <2) C —Love of life (4) C — Match Game (7) C — Dream House 1:2$ (2) C-News ft) C-Carol Duvall 1:38 (2) C — As the World - Turns (4) C — Let's Make a Deal (7) C-Wedding Party 2:88 (2) C - Love Is a Many Splendored Thing (4) C — Days of Our Live* (7) C — Newlywed Game 2:18 (2) C-,House Party ft) C —Doctors (7) C —Baby Game (50) R— Make Room for Daddy 8:82 (7) C - Childrens Doctor .. ... 1(88 (2) C— Divorce Court # ftj.'C — Another World * (7) C —General Hospital i (9) R —Route 66 (50) R C — To Tell-the Truth 3:25 (50) News 3:30 (2) C-Edge of Night (4) C — You Don’t Say (7) C — Dark Shadows (60) C — Captain Detroit 4:08 <8):C — Secret Storm ftyC — Woody Woodbury (T) 6—Dating Game (8) C — Swingin' Time 4:38 (2) C — Mike Douglas (7) R — Movie: “Hie Benny Goodman Story" (1855) (Part 2) (50) R — Three Stooges 5:00 (9) C - Bozo (50) R — Little Rascals 5:30 (4) C — George Pierrot "Bus Trip, U.S.A.” . (9) C — Fun House (50) Superman 5:45 (56) Friendly Giant FRIDAY NIGHT 8:88 (2) (4) (7) C - News, Weather, Sports (9) R — Dennis the Menace (50) RC—Flintstonerf (56) Misterogers 8t30 (2) C' ‘ News, .^ Craniate (4) C — News — Huntley, Brinkley (8) R —Gilligan’s Island (50) R — McHale’s Navy (56) What’s New 740 (2) R C — Truth or ft) C - News, Weather, Sports m $ g* Reynolds (8) R —Movie: “Attack" (1956) dy Epsen. (50) R — My Favorite Martian (5«) R - We Saw It Happen -* History of aviation in films and still photos 7:38 (2) R C Wity Wild West ft) R’ C — Tarzan — First of two parts starring JuUe Harris and Maurice Evans (7) R C - Off to See the Wizard — Movie: “Zebra In the Kitchen’' (1865) ■conclusion. Chris, concerned for Mi pet Wildcat, frees ail the animals in . the zoo. Jay North, Martin Milner, Andy Devine (50) R-ILoyeLucy * 1:08 (50) RC—Hazel (56) WorM Traveler 8:15 (56) London Line 8:38 (2) R C — Gomer Pyle USMC — Gomer loses the colonel’s daughter while escorting her. (4) R C — Star Trek -To save the starship, Kirk must destroy a powerful god-machine that creates : a paradise for Its subjects. I (7) C — Man in a Suit-. case — McGill must fight through a web of lies to discover whether the son of a prominent, Englishman killed his best friend. (50) R — Honeymooners (56) R — Black Journal — Sched|uled: A look at life in an all-black community, a report on the sickle cell anemia, a black-press digest, and a look at Mack theater. 8*55 (9) C—News 1:88 (2) C — Baseball -Detroit at Minnesota. (8) R — Twilight Zone (50) R —. Perry Mason »:|8 ^4) C v - Hollywood Muhammad Alt — The deposed heavyweight champ talks abort his role as a Blade Muslim minister, his feelings about returning to the ring and his conviction that he is still “the (7) R C - Guns of Will Sonnett — Will undertakes Jeffs defense when the youth is charged with murder. (9) Miriam Breitman (56) R — (Special) 19:99 (4) — American Profile ■f\ “What’s Happening to America" (Part 1) Edwin Newman talks to experts on conditions in country. (7) RC —Judd-Judd’s case turns to murder, when his client kills a ruthless Hollywood producer. Ida Luplno stars. (9) Let’s Sing Out (50) C — Les Crane — Dick Gregory discusses politics, social problems, and Ms, chances Cor becoming president of the United States. (58) NET Playhouse TV adaptation of tha off-Broadway Mt “Trumpets -of tha Lord” set to a Negro gospel meeting where the old-time Negro preachers captivate their congregations. 19:38 (8) C — Five Years to the life — A' profile of the Markham f a m 1J y of Westmount, Que. Walter Markham is vice presi- . dent of a large prtottog . form, -j----------—- 1148 (4) (7) (9) C — News, tyeathcr, Sports (50) C—Joepyne 11:38 (2) C — News. Weather, Sports (4) C—Johnny Carson (7) C — Joey Bishop (9) R -«Arrest and Trial 12:08 (2) R C — Movies: 1. "From Hell to Borneo" — (1964) George Montgomery, Torn Thatcher; 2. "Interpol, Code 8” ( (Japanese, 1955) Agent investigates Communist plot . to smuggle arms to the Vietcong. Tatsuya Mihashi 1:99(4) Beat the Champ (7) R C — Movie: 'To . Hell and Bade” (1855) Medal of Honor winner Audit Murphy plays hiipself in this reenact-ment of his World War II -.-career. Marshall Thompson, JacMKelly 1:38 (4) C —PDQ 3:15 (7) News 4:88(2 )*‘C' — News, Weather OPEN Monday | nTSTTT A P, PRi JLXllA ■ Jl '. ||h» |Ijjl ii c%XJ ||B *1* V. 2L-4»j-**wr. ■* “Y-w^v *jj’ "i\M ■ Xi1’/',v* '\ w?lfi§£fe ^srnpiu ftyWP Gunman Gives Up Jet Hijack Try Six Cong Divisions Poised to Hit Saigon SAIGON fll — Intelligence reports say •lx enemy divisions are poised to hit Saigon next week, and Vietcong suicide squads are pouring into the capita^ for the massivp offensive. -ir u>,ijh|fltily ntoaid Vietnamese source "shkj /jCfePeS^^rdop^jUreddy were inside the capital despite idenfiiy'rheeks. and allied sweeps around the city. They are believed to be terrorists, demolition experts and commandos. ★ aw. Military spokesman believe the enemy wjll attack Saigon before Friday, anniversary of the 1964 Geneva agreements that partitioned Vietnam. One possibility id that the attack will be launched to coincide with the visit of Secretray of Defense Clark M. Clifford, due to arrive this weekend for a firsthand assessment of the war. Reports indicate the Vietcong Will be backed up by artillery, 122mm and 140mm rockets and possibly some new type of artillery. The 140mm rockets are more powerful but less accurate than the rockets previously used against Saigon, and are expected to cause significant civilian casualties in any mass barrage intended for military targets. 105 BODIES FOUND _ Meanwhile, allied ground troops searctogan enemy infiltration route in the Mekong Delta have found the bodies of 105 enemy soldiers killed by B52 strikes, the U.S. Air Force said today. The eight-engine bombers, America’s biggest, have been pounding infiltration routes leading to Saigon in an effort to blunt the offensive expected next week. ★ ★ ★ The Air Force said the enemy troops were killed by heavy B52 raids Thursday and yesterday in Chau Doc Province. The expected attack on Saigon — which would be the third on the city------ also is expected to be the fiercest and most destructive of the war. ARRESTED ON AIRLINER. — Daniel Riehards (center), 33, is handcuffed and led to a car at Miami International Airport last night by a Dade County deputy (left) and an FBI agent. Richards was identified by police as the man who earlier attempted to hijack a Philadelphia-to-Houston flight and force it to fly to Cuba. Muggy Weather Due for Weekend in Alaskan Leader Asks Polar Effort Gov. Walter J. Hickel of Alaska said today that the U.S. must undertake the development of the polar area or it will continue to lag far behind Russia in its use of a northwest passage trade route. “Russia is about 20 years ahead in developing its polar area,” said Hickel at a morning press conference at the Kingsley Inn in Bloomfield Hills. Hickel, the cochairman of Richard Nixon’s. presidential campaign west of Denver, met with Gov. George Romney at his home yesterday. He said that he knew Romney’s views toward an uncommitted delegation to the Republican National Convention and had not attempted to sway him toward the former vice president. 'WOULD GET HALF’ He said that if Romney released the delegates from the favorite son position he believed Nixon would receive half of the votes. -Hickel's position on the development of the polar area came to light when it was noted that he was on the natural, resources committee of the . National Republican Platform committee.----- 1 ★ ★ ★ “We need a plan that will telescope time,” said Hickel, pointing out that Russia has made steady progress in the development of its northwest passage since 1966; The U.S. development of the polar area would, benefit not only the United States but the entire world, said Hickel. He pointed to the wide-open market of Japan and its need for > shorter shipping routes. If we don’t make it easier to trade with other countries, they1 can get it from Russia. “And once Russia gets 15 per cent of Japan they will control Asia.’” Eagle Sparks Player's Win NY Killing Suspect Surrenders in South CARNOUSTIE, Scotland (AP)-Little Gary Player of South Africa nailed a dramatic eagle on the 14th hole and went on to shoot a final round 73 for 289 today that won him his second British Open Golf Championship------- The meticulous pro from Johannesburg finished two strokes ahead of Jack Nick-laus and Bob Charles of New Zealand, trying for second place at 291. Nicklaus, playing with Player over Carnoustie’s chilly, wind-whipped 7,252 yards, made a strong charge but could not pick up ground. He had a last round 73. Charles, the left-hander who won this title in 1963 and who started the day .only one shot back of the front-running Bill Casper, faltered on the final round, shooting 76. ★ ★ ★ Casper, who led through the second and third rounds, skied to an outgoing 40. and never was able ter move back into contention. On the 496-yard 14th, where Player canned his decisive eagle from five feet, Casper drove out of bounds and took a double bogey 6. That was the telling blow. ' It was the fifst major victory for Player since he won the U.S. Open at St. Louis in 1965. BURLINGTON, N.C. (AP) — Bobby L. Rogers, identified by police as the Bronx gunman who killed three men, told his brother he shot in self-defense, the brother said. The 3t-year-oId Afmy veteran was in the Alamance County jail today after surrendering meekly yesterday to a deputy sheriff in the adjoining city of Graham and waiving extradition. ★ ★ ★ New York officials were being sent to North Carolina to take custody of him. They said they expected to return him to New York Monday or Tuesday. Rogers was unarmed and accompanied by his brother, Henry Rogers of Burling- Picture, Page A-2 ton, when they approached Deputy Oif-ten Wilkmson-on the courthouse steps. They were “calm as anybody;” Wilkinson said. 'HE DID rr IN SELF-DEFENSE’ Henry Rogers, 35, oldest of U children in the famiIy, told the Burlington Times-News: “He did it in self-defense. Some people have asked me if my brother is insane. He is not insane. He did it in self-defense.” Rogers quoted his brother as saying “those people -came into the building where he whs superintendent. One of them put a gun against his belly. He took the gun away from the fellow and sprayed them with it.” “After he did it, he got scared and ran,” Henry Rogers said. Sheriff John Stockard said Bobby Rogers told him he had thrown the weapon away, then boarded a bus in Manhattan at 8:36 p.m. Thursday—a few hours after the Bronx shootings. He arrived in nearby Greensboro, N.C., yesterday meaning and took another bus to Burlington. Henry Rogers said his brother considered going back to New York to surrender. DIDN’T ELABORATE “I told him not to do that, because they would kill him if he did.” He did not elaborate on who “they” might be. Bobby Rogers had been the subject of a manhunt through the slums and busy streets of New York since the Thursday evening spray of bullets from a 30-caliber automatic carbine killed three men and left a bystander slightly wounded. ) He'll Nominate Teddy WASHINGTON (AP) - Former Ohio Gov. Michael V. DiSalle artnounced today he will place in nomination the name of Sen. Edward M. Kennedy for the top spot on the Democratic presidential ticket. Sales Mark Set by Pontiac Div. Pontiac Motor Division reported today that Us sales for the first 10 days of July were the highest for that period in the history of the division and were 20 per cent above a year ago. Thomas L. King, Pontiac’s general sales manager, said sales fo^the Julyl-10 period totaled 25,072 units, surpassing the previous record of 20,856 set last year. King attributed the division’s sales strength to “the buying public spending more of their income for new cars” compared to last year. Pontiac, he added was "welrOn its way” to a seventh consecutive record year. Muggy is the weekend weather outlook for the Pontiac area, with Some thundershowers on tap. The official day-by-day U.S.» Weather Bureau forecast is: TONIGHT — Partly cloudy and warm. Lows expected to be 60 to 65. Winds will be south to southwest 10 to 15 miles. TOMORROW — Partly sunny, continued very warm and humid with a 20 pcs' cent chance of. thundershowers. MONDAY tS®! Thundershowers are likely, bringing colder temperatures late in the day. Low in downtown Pontiac prior to S am. was 66. By 2 p.m. the mercury had climbed to 86. Humidity was in the 80s. | Dope Is Found 1 ------- *on 'Faf'Women! Postal Cutbacks NEW YORK Ifl —Customs offi- | cials stopped two women who 1 seemed a bit bulky about the mid- 1 die at Kennedy Airport and dis- § covered $4 million worth of heroin | taped to their midsections. An official said yesterday that I the two Argentines — a school- | teacher and a hairdresser — were § "undoubtedly couriers” for one of i the world’s largest heroin smug- 1 gling operations. The women were | on board a flight from Brazil that 1 arrived Thursday morning. ★ * ★ Customs agents became suspi- 1 cious of the. two women because 1 of “theunsual bulk of their per- 1 sons” and because one of them, Mrs. Maria Avelina Gonzales de Rossi, 28, was wearing a “very heavy blaciL WOol coat with a fur cottar,” the official said. Mrs. Rossi and Melida Lucia Burgueno Mainardi, 40, the hairdresser, were charged with illegal importation of heroin and held in 1 $100,000 bail each. ★ ★ ★ I If convicted, they face Up to 20 I years in jail and fines of $20,000 | each. ..________— if" Are Launched WASHINGTON (AP) - The Poet Office Department has ordered the closing of 347 small branches and told postmasters to gear for sharp curtailment of Saturday service everywhere. Announcing this yesterday the department said it was caused by manpower cutbacks dictated in the new tax bill. The department said 250 fourth-class post offices will be closed Aug. 2 and 97 more Aug. 30. Effective July 27 all Saturday and Sunday window service at first- and second-class post offices wifi be cut to a maximum of two hours. Saturday collection from street boxes will be limited to Sunday schedules. The tax bill requires the department to cut back 83,238 employes by filling only three out of every four vacancies. ★ ★ ★ In Congress, the department action was received coolly. “We will not be intimidated by blackmail or implied threats,” said Sen. John J. Williams, R-Del., in a floor speech. Y."_ “a- ApartmentComplex Starts in Waterford Drawing Of $2-Mil(ion Apartment Complex In Waterford Township . Among the features included in each apartment will be central air-conditioning, electric heat and individual washer and dryer combinations. Scheduled to participate in this morning’s ceremonies were Waterford’s national and state government representatives and members of the Waterford Township Board. Leon Blachura, General Contractor Inc., of 3538 Pontiac Lake,* Waterford Township, is both owner and developer of the project. v / . .. ; •■ \ From (fur News. Wires , • MIAMI, Fla. — A babbling gunman who “knew he was making a mistake” ordered a U.S. jetliner to fly- to Cuba, then surrendered his gun, cried and let the plane land in Miami. “I’m dying of cancer,” the tearful hijacker told the crew. ★ ★ ★ Oraif Daniel Richards, a 33-year-old "forklift operator from Springfield, Ohio, was charged with kidnaping and aircraft piracy. Both are federal offenses and the piracy charge carries a- maximum penalty of death. U.S. Commissioner Edward Swan set. Richards’ bond at $250,000 pending a hearing Monday. SENATOR THREATENED Sen. James O. Eastland, D-Miss., one of the 47 other passengers, said the gunman threatened to kill him. None of the passengers or six crewmen was injured on the Philadelphia-to-Houston flight. Eastland, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, was making his way forward to the rest room when he encountered the gunman. ★ ★ ★ A voice behind him snapped: “I am going to kill you. I am a sick man.” The senator turned slowly. He saw a tall, gaunt man with a crew cut. One arm was around stewardess Elaine Hawes’ neck and the other terminated in a gleaming, 45-caliber automatic pistol, pointed directly at Eastland. The senator swiftly returned to his seat. Eastland and the other 47 passengers ..... P'PMWr: Ground-breaking ceremonies this morning in Waterford Township signaled the start of construction work on a $3-million luxury apartment complex. The 184-unit Colonial Village resigned themselves-4o a. side trip to Hayana. But' thanks* to flight engineer Glenn Smith; Flight g77 became an exception in the steadily growing list of airliners diverted at gunpoint to Cuba. The gunman babbled, sobbed like a baby and finally, coaxed by Smith, dropped his pistol to the cabin floor and said “Land where you feel you should .’S ★ ★ * In a second hijacking incident yesterday, a man identified as Leonard S. Bendicks, a teacher from Williamsport, Pa., hired charter pilot Cletis Massengill' to fly him from Key West to Miami. Once in the air, die pulled a gun and forced Massengill to take him to Havana. AP Wlrtphoto SEN. JAMES O. EASTLAND Threatened by Gunman Apartments will be located on a 17-acre site on Scott Lake Road between Dixie Highway and Watkins Lake Road. ★ ★ ★ Construction, is Scheduled to begin immediately on the year-round swimming pool and clubhouse facilities. It is expected that the first units will be ready for occupancy early in January with the entire complex set for com- The i development will consist of 23 buildings framing a courtyard which is to include d fountain with coloredlights. Rents in the complex will range from $160 for one-bedroom apartments to 8189 for two-bedroom units. A-a THE POXTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1968 Dem Convention May Get Short Shrift on Coverage NEW YORK (UPI)-Thfe FCC notwithstanding, the Democratic National Convention may hot get equal time with the Republican on radio and television because of a prolonged telephone strike in Chicago. That was the essence of a telegram sent yesterday to Democratic National Chairman John Bailey, Chicago Mayor , Richard Daley and John Criswell, executive director of die Democratic National 'Convention. * * ★ ' The telegram, signed by William Sheehan of ABC News, William Leonard, vice president of CBS News, and Stephen McCormack, vice president of the Mutual Broadcasting. System, said in part: —:——:—__5m—-------------------*----*--------- “It is our duty to inform you that due to the prolonged strike by telephone workers in Chicago, we have serious reservations concerning our ability to give the Democratic National Convention television and radio coverage equal to that being prepared for the Republican National Convention.” The Federal Communications Commission requires that the networks give equal time to all candidates running for political office, It has not ruled on whether curtailment of coverage of the Democratic convention would violate that ruling. The telegram said the networks were given “only five weeks” to prepare the site “which is only half the time requested.” '1 ' ',r • / Sunday Liquor Ok'd in 13 State Counties McCarthy Leads Rocky, Nixon in Gallup Poll LANSING (AP) — Thirteen Michigan counties have approved Sunday sale of liquor under provisions of a new state law. The Michigan Licensed Beverage Association listed 12 of the counties in its latest compilation, and Dickinson County supervisors also have voted to allow Sunday liquor sales. . Two other counties have postponed a AP Wirtpholo SUSPECT IN KILLINGS — This is Bobby L. Rogers, identified by police as the Bronx gunman who killed three men, The 31-year-okl Army veteran was in Alamance County (N.C.) Jail today after surrendering meekly to a deputy sheriff there. Reportedly he is claiming he shot in self-defense. vote on the proposal until next month and in five counties, supervisors are “in a state of bewilderment” because of total Sunday sale prohibition laws, the Association said. The new law, which Gov. George Romney allowed to go into effect without his signature, puts the question of Sunday liquor sales up to the county boards of supervisors. If the supervisors fail to vote within 60 days, the people may petition for a vote at the general state election. FIRST COUNTY Calhoun was the first county to approve Sunday sales. Others include Washtenaw, Emmett, St. Clair, Bay, Mackinac, Mason, Roscommon, Huron, Leelanau, Ogemaw and Keweenaw. Ingham and Cheboygan Counties have put off the vote until next month. Supervisors in five other counties “realize a favorable vote for Sunday sale of liquor will be meaningless unless voters repeal the law which now forbids all sales of beer, wine and liquor,” the association said. Counties with this problem are Muskegon, Newaygo, Oceana, Ottawa and Isabella. Business and civic groups in Muskegon, Newaygo and Isabella Coun-ties now are circulating petitions to place repeal of Sunday prohibition on the November ballot, the association said. A similar move is being discussed in both Ottawa and Oceana Counties. The Sunday liquor sale law, if approved by a county, would make liquor available in establishments which have mare than 50 per cent of their business in food and other goods and services. The Weather Fun U.S. Weather Bureau Report PONTIAC AND VICINITY—Mostly sunny, warm and humid today. High 83 to 88. Tonight: partly-doudy and warm. Low 60 to 65. Sunday: partly stumy, continued very warm and IbumM. Chance of thundershowers. Outlook for Monday: thundershowers likely andvturmng cooler late in the day. Winds southerly two to 10 miles WAmtng south to southwest 10 to 15 utiles tonight. Precipitation probability Sunday 20 per cent. taday la Fsntiac Sun nix today at 9:09 p.m. Sun rlsat Sunday at 4:Of a m. Moon nts Sunday at 11:41 p.m. ----Moon tins today at 11: W a rn..... Friday la Faattac (ax recorded downtown) Highest temperature ................ Lowest temperature ........ Is Oats in M Years f Friday's Temperature Chart .........77 SI Duluth ...... ...... 70 40 Fart Worth ... ........87 60 Jacksonville - >ids ....15 44 Kansas CUy . Houghton Lake . r: Warm, humid. 4 a.m. ............. 17 11 a.m. One Year Age In Highest temperature ....... Lowest temperature ........ I 47 Milwaukee Pellston Trayerto| City Albuquerque . 45 52 . .SO 72 . 00 75 . .07 74 00 45 . 90 40 . .14 42 .81 62 .19 74 .04 40 17 75 91 47 Salt Lake City ...94 40 SO 70 San Francisco ... 47 54 ...74 70 Sault Ste. Marla .71 59 .91 40 Seattle " “ ' » Washington !!.!!.! IS 77 --—Weather: Mostly sunny, breery._ Detroit . 04 47 Lake St Clair: South-southeast winds 10 knots becoming southwest 10-15 knots today. i.aka Erie: Variable winds; eight to 15 knots becoming southwest eight to 15 knots today. South-southeast eight to 15 knots tonight. i-aka Huron: South-southeast winds 10 to 15 knots today, south-southeast 12 to 18 knots tonight. Possible showers in the northern portion. i.«ka Michigan: East-southeast winds 10 to 15 knots becoming south-southeast 12 to 20 knots today and tonight. Chance of showers in the extreme north.------ tab Superior: Small craft warnings in effect west of Eagle Harbor. East-southeast winds 12 to 18 knots becoming south^outheast winds 17 to 26 knots today and tonigit. Chance of thundershowers today and tonight with briefly higher winds. Considerable fog today and tonight. Eastern half: Easterly winds 10 to 18 knots becoming east-southeast by early afternoon. Easterly 17 to 25 knots late today and Wiight Showers, thundershowers likely today and tonight with briefly higher winds. Considerable fog today and tonight. From Our News Wires PRINCETON, N.J. - Voters favor Minnesota Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy over New York Gov. , Nelson A. Rockefeller and former Vice President Richard M. Nixon in the latest presidential survey, according to the Gallup Poll. Hte poll said yesterday that while McCarthy held a slight edge over the major Republican presidential hopefuls, Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey also leads Nixon but is tied with Rockefeller. ★ ★ - 5* Humphrey and McCarthy, both Democrats, were not pitted against each other in the nationwide survey of 1,220 registered voters completed early this month. In the interviews, McCarthy and Humphrey were each tested against Republicans Nixon and Rockefeller and third-party candidate George C. Wallace, former Alabama governor. GETS 39 PCT. In the McCarthy-Nixon-Wallace race, McCarthy was favored by 39 per cent of the voters, 3 per cent more than Nixon collected. Wallace received 18 per cent and the remainder were undecided. In a McCarthy-Rockefeller-Wallace test, McCarthy collected 37 per cent; Rockefeller 35; Wallace 20, and 8 per cent were undeciced. „ * * ★ In the Humphrey race, the vice president was favored by 40 per cent of the voters, five per cent more than Nixon, but was tied with Rockefeller. Humphrey led Wallace by some 30 percentage points. Rockefeller today proposed a four-stage peace plan for Vietnam that he said could end the hostilities there in six months if steps were taken immediately. He proposed gradual withdrawal of military forces by both sides, a neutral international buffer force, and free elections in which the Vietcong could participate if it “renounces force.” Harriman Points to Informal Talks PARIS (AP) - U.S. Ambassador W. Averell Harriman disclosed today that 1 'serious mattersu have been touched on in his informal coffee-break con-. versations with Ambassador Xuan Thuy of North Vietnam during the Paris peace talks. “There are a lot of trivialities and personal discussions,” Harriman said, “but one can’t help but touch on serious matters. And we’re getting into a little bit more of the idea of what’s important ’ in each other’s minds.” ★ ★ ★ Harimanr-said he—cmaMafed it a “good sign” that enemy forces “haven’t shelled Saigon for a couple of weeks.” He described this as one of the “straws in the wind” that he found somewhat encouraging.______ But he Said that soTfar he has not found any indication that North Vietnam was prepared to impose ‘‘restraint” on its military operations to justify ending the rest of the American bombing on the North. CHANGE OF HEART?—Corado Bailey, a Negro auto worker, is watched by his wife and 8-year-old daughter, Pam, as he put up a “for sqje” sign in front of his Warren home last April. He has been harassed by neighbors, and police were assigned to prevent mob action by angry crowds. After he put the sign up, 1,750 persons signed a pledge asking the Baileys to stay. The sign has now been taken down, and Bailey says he is reconsidering his plans. Harassed Negro in Warren Reconsidering Plan to Move WARREN (AP) — “We will try, as Christian people, to overcome the prejudice and bigotry shown them on so many occasions.” A Negro auto worker and his wife took down the “for sale” sign in front of their house after the above message, addressed to them, appeared in a full-page newspaper advertisement signed by 1,750 persons. * ★ ★ “We’re reconsidering our plans,” said" Corado Bailey, who moved into this industrial suburb of Detroit with his white wife and their two children about a year ago. * When they first arrived, a crowd gathered outside their house, and police were assigned to prevent trouble. Rocks were thrown through windows, racial slurs were shouted and sever-1 attempts were made to set fire to tire house. The Baileys continued to be the target of harassment, mainly by teen-agers. “It was especially hard on our little girl, Pam. She’s only 8,” said Mrs. Bailey. “She doesn’t understand what it’s all about and has been upset by all this.” * ★ ★ This spring the Baileys decided to move, and a “for sale” sign was posted on their front lawn. Shortly thereafter, the*newspaper ad appeared urging them to stay on. OPENING UP The ad said the signers wanted the Baileys to be a part of the opening up of Warren to all people, of whatever,race, nationality or creed. The Baileys live in an upper-middle-class neighborhood where the houses range upward of $25,000-830,000. Warren, a mushrooming suburb where the population has grown from 89,000 in 1960 to an estimated 175,000 today, has two or three other Negro families. ★ ★ ★ After the newspaper ad appeared, more than 100 persons telephoned the Baileys or rang their door bell to lend their voice of support. Somi brought their children with them to play with Pam. “But nobody in our immediate neighborhood signed the ad, and most of our neighbors still won’t let their children play with Pam,” Mrs. Bailey said. Drug-Addiction Bills Pass WASHINGTON Ml — In a two-edged attack on drug addiction the House has passed bills that would provide jnore ' facilities for treatment arid stiffen penalties for illegal trafficking in -nafcotics. The two bills were sent to the Senate Friday by overwhelming votes. ★ ★ ★ Possession for personal use without a prescription of LSD and other hallucinogens, plus depressant and stimulant drugs for the first time would be a misdemeanor under one bill. But the same measure also takes into consideration the plight of the youthful, first-time offender. Rep. Paul G. Rogers, D-Fla., told the House that testimony has shown that three tqfjyepercent of the nation’s high "School and college age students have experimented with the mindbending drug LSD. Penalties under the bill range from a $1,000 fine and one-year prison term or both for first offenders to three years and $10,000 for subsequent violations. „j ★. ★ > Courts, however, would be free under a section of the bill to suspend sentences of those convicted for the first time:--- The bill was passed by a 319-2 vote. The other measure, cleared by 325-1, would provide $211 million over two years for various health programs, including alcoholism and drug addiction. New Boundary Law Is Surprise NATIONAL WEATHER — Showers and thundershowers are forecast tonight for the Southeast god for the area extending from the Gulf Coast into the Southern Plains. also is predicted for the Pacific Northwest. Recent state legislation doing away with county boundaries committees caught Oakland County Board members off guard yesterday and altered plans to consider incorporation of two area villages. /At a meeting yesterday to consider petitions from the villages of Wolverine Lake and Oxford for incorporation, Oakland County Board of Supervisors Boundaries Committee members heard for the first time of a new 4a* that will establish a State Boundaries Commission to replace such committees on the county level. ' The hew law caught most Oakland County Board Boundaries Committee members completely unaware. The bill was signed into law June 22 by Got* Romney. „ The committee subsequently tabled both petitions until corporation counsel for the county could determine exactly what effect the new law would have on .petitions submitted before the bill was Sighed. . Nor ye^t known It is not yet known by any member of the committee whether the law is retroactive, in which case both Oxford and Wolverine Lake villages would have to go through the. petitioning process again. . * " * p ★ / County Corporation Counsel Robert Allen, told the committee he didn’t think the biu would take effect until 90 days .after the State Legislature ended its present session.; Birmingham Local Man Is Fact-Finder for Flint Riff BIRMINGHAM-Harpy Casselman of 3279 Hartslock Woods, a veteran labor mediator, was named this week as factfinder in the labqr .dispute involving Flint and 2,300 of Its municipal employes. Casselman, a former regional director of the National Labor Relations Board, was named to the post by Robert How-lett, head of the Michigan Labor Mediation Board. * * * ■ Howlett said Casselman will move as soon'as possible to arrange fact-finding sessions with Flint city officials and three unions who are striking the city. He described Casselman as “an excellent arbitrator.” Casselman is a member of the National Academy of Arbitrators and has served several times as a fact finder for the Mediation Board. John W. Helton Jr. of 5605 Woodwind has been appointed product manager, accounting machines! and systems, for! Burroughs Corp’s.| . U.S. Business Ma-| chines Group. According to Rich-1 ard O. Baily, vice! president and group! executive, Helton 1 will be responsible! for all operating as-" peels of product management relating ,i product areas. WORK WITH MANAGERS He will work closely with marketing managers and salesmen at all operating levels throughout the nationwide marketing organization, and will coordinate product policy with the corporate product management staff. „ With Burroughs for 20 years, Helton began his career as a sales trainee in Charlotte, N.C. in 1948 after receiving his B.S. degree in economics from Davidson College, Davidson, N.C. Dr. Jerry G. Margolis has been elected president of the Oakland County Osteopathic Association in the annual election at a recent meeting. Margolis of 7027 Woodbank, a general practitioner for nine years, has his office at 4930 Elizabeth Lake Road, Waterford Township. ★ ★ ★ . For the past few years he has been a delegate to the National Osteopathic Association; a member of the board of trustees of the Oakland County association for the past five years, and recently was chief of staff at the flontiac Osteopathic Hospital. ■k k ★ Also elected to the board of trustees for the group was Dr. Paul P. Mitros, of 4110 Nearbrook, Bloomfield Hills. Dr. Frederick W. Bowditch, of 927 Abbey has recently been appointed director of Emission Control, General Motors Enginering Staff. ; Bowditch will represent General Motors in autorrtb> live air pollution control, said GM Vice President 1 Harry F. Barr. * ....|8 * A 1944 graduate of the University of II-BOWDITCH linois with a BS degree in mechanical engineering, Bowditch served 2Mt years with the Navy. He attended Purdue University which granted him the MSME degree in 1948 and the Ph.D in 1951. He joined General Motors in 1951 with the GM Research Laboratories Fuels and Lubricants Department. He advanced to senior research engineer before being assigned as staff engineer, Emission Control Liason, GM Engineering Staff, in 1966.— Train Crash Kills 8 MEDINA DEL CAMPO, Spain Ml—An express passenger train and a freight train collided head-on today, killing eight persons and injuring 60, railroad officials Associated press sources in Lansing said' the bill took effect immediately upon Romney’s signature almost a mopth ago. * * ' * ' The bill calls for tins creation of /a three-member State Boundary Commission to be appointed by the governor-for three-year terms. * * * The bill defines the duties of the new Commission as “henceforth all petitions fra- incorporation required by those acts to bje filed with the board of supervisors or the secretary of state shall be filed with Vthe commission ami the commission , shall \exercise the pqwers and carry out the duties of the board of supervisors and tiie secretary of state in relation to such! incorporations.” $1,250 Boat, Outboard, Trailer — Fast Sale . . . “Our Press Want Ad gave us fast action. Sold complete outfit first night.” ~ Mrs. D.W. PRESS WANT ADS are equally efficient in many ways —to sell, buy, find, hire, swap. TlieyTl work for you, too. Tty one and see. work for you, :. Dial - \ > 332-8181 c 334-4981 HIE PONTIAC With Disney dimeters Children's TIMEX Watch Shock Resistant Our $7.95 Seller Sot. and Mon. 5" y Shock resistant children's Timex wrist watch with unbreakable crystal and stainless steel bock. Packaged with colorful ceramic figurine of Walt Disney character*. Choice of Alice In Wonderland. Snow White, Cinderella, Zorro, or Hop-a-long Cassidy. Sundries—Main Floor Twin-Drip Handies Make It Union Tool*Tack Mies’ Knit Tops Jour tray Unlo box with 'Twii that make it t| i - dovlce is foot-proof. , corrosion-proof trays have 0 total of It) compai j— to bottom section. ' Hardwt SATURDAY, JULY 13. 1 DOT A—3 1J Famous ‘CATALINA’ Sleeveless Regular $4.00 Sutler iSat. and Mon. ]09 Another Simms special purchase of famous 'Catalina' sportswear. These are sleeveless knit tops with V-neck and smart collar. They are 100% cotton and machine washable. You'll find a good selection of colors to go with any shorts or slacks. Sizes from S to U Main Floor Standard Size Laminated Guitar Case Simms Sat. and Mon. Special 7»8 Heavy laminated guitar case fits most sizes of standard' Spanish guitars. Protects your guitar from scratches, etc Guitar Strap Rt«. $2.93. Your ctioleo of leatHer or clolfi A|||| with colorful donign adjustable guitar strops. Sundries-Main Floor Fortrol® Polyester and Cotton Blonds {Men’s Bermudas Value* to 15.49 Sat. and Mon. 2" mnsnlly pressed fortrol® Polyester and I cotton Bermuda ihorts In attractive plaid color*. Flnt quality and American made. Sizes 30 to 34. OPEN TONITE ’til 9 SMI I - Monday Hours 9 am to 9 pm SATURDAY-MONDAY For Safety in the Water Water Skiers’ Belts Vinyl foam lafety belt with marine fabric covering. Size* Large (32-44), Med. (24" to 32"), Small (18" to 26"). Sundriee—Main Floor Dristan Nasal Mist 30cc Size Drugs—Main Floor Phisohex Skin Cleanser Anti-Bacterial-Sudsing $3.04 Value Sat. and .Mon, [77 Phisohex ahtl-bacteridl sudsing ______1 helps remove germ* that cause sldn blemishes. Now comes In handy unbreakable plastic bottle. _____________ Drugs—Main Floor Tampax or Pursettes Tampons Pkg. of 40 ■ $1.79 value. Your choice of Tampax or nirsettes tampon* for feminine hygiene. Lets you Swim* any time of the month. j» ._____________Drug*—Main Floor Jergen’s Lotion lO'/z-FI. Oz. Size World famous all purpose hand lotion that .keeps your skin deli-cqjply soft and nice to hold. _____________Drugs—Main Floor 6-12 Insect Repellent IT-oz. Met Wt. Spray $1.98 Value Sat. and Mon. [19 Handy spray can of 4-12 insect repellent keeps mosquitos, flies and gnats away. _____Drags—Main Floor Preparation H Suppositories $2.89 value, Preparation H suppositories relieve pain and Hchlng distress of hemorrhoids. Drugs—Main Floor First Quality—Gleaming White Kh Deck Pants Values to $3.95 Sat. and Mon. |57 /{Popular styles gleaming white cotton deck pants 'all first qualify and American made. Machine washable. You'll find sizes from 28 to 34. Basement Early American Style Decorative Oil Lamp The romantic light of oil in a glass oiljamp, 18 Vi inches tall, ideal for patio and emergency lighting. Complete with colorful scented oil in choice of colors. Individually boxed.. Housewares—2nd Floor Indestructible Polypropylene Fedtro Electrical Octo-Let 8 Electrical Outlets from 1 Simms Sat. and, Mon. Special [44 For home, shop, office wherever extra outlets are needed. Features tight spring gripping action, rugged theavy duty line cable and plug. Complete with mounting wood screws. Electrical—2nd Floor Receive All Your Regular Channels In Color and Blaek ’n White REMBRANDT Deluxe Indoor TV Antenna If you're not getting the best possible TV reception try this Rembrandt Indoor antenha, Ideal for color, black and white and UHF and VHF. 12 position control With silver contacts Instantly locks in clearer snow-free picture. Quality construction with precision 4-section all brass arms. assures up to 5 times longer life. Smartly styled In mahogany, walnut or ivory. _________________Electrical—2nd Floor New Arrivals-One and 2-Pc. Styles Ladies Swinsuits Values to $17.95 At Simms Sat, and Mon. j|st arrived — smartly styled ladies' swimsuits including such famous brands as Catalina, etc. Popular 1 and 2-pc. styles of DuPont nylon l|stex and 100% cottons. You'll find a pretty selection of prints* checks, splid colors, stripes in sizes from 8 to 16, but not in every style, i f Main Floor Ladies'Wear Operates on 2 Standard V Batteries Cordless Personal Fan Regular $2.95 W 1 Sat. & Mon. *2*7 Cordless personal fan that operates on 2. 'D' batteries with safe, soft vinyl blades. Ideal for use In theaters, churches, etc. Made In USA. Sundriee—Main Floor Comfortable Kbit Stylos Boys’ Sport Shirts Reg. $1.98 Sat. & Mon. [00 Famous brand pullover style knit thirls with 2 button and collar front and short sleeves. In attractive stripe design. Sizes 10 to.18. - Fits 32x80-lnch Doorway Vinyl Folding Doors $3.48 Regular Sat. & Mon. 2eo Saves space end mon sliding melal track. 1 Beige or ebudwhite. t. Permanently pleated, durable, easy -ipe clean vinyl that lasts for years. Hardware—2nd Floor 3/8-lnch Professional Model ‘Sboporaff Electric Drill p$, Boats, Trocks-Keeps Battery Charged Fedtro Powerhouse Model 9748 electric drill for low speed and high torque requirements. This professional drill offers 62% more torque than in. 14" models. Drills %" In steel, %" in hardwood. Rugged power is provided by 4,000' r.p^n. motor that is ■ fen cooled. Bright mirror finish. - —2nd Floor Ivy Styled Forma Press Men’s Casual Pants Battery Charger viim gvi 3*9 U.S. Coast Guard Approved Kapok Filled Boat Cushions Simms Sat, MMon. Special Coast Guard approved boat cush-with deluxe quality vinyl cover with t welting and long loop! handles, be used as a d Floor Ivy styled casual pants in blacks, and tans In sties 28 to 34, or Pernta Prest Polyester'and blends in dress pants. to 38. Keep your battery, fully charged in any weather. Safe automatic topering charge, prevents overcharging. —2nd Floor ere' Masks, Fins, Goggles Sundries—Main Floor SIMMS JL Floor Samples, Mostly Otis-of-a-Kmd Famous Brand Luggago Slightly—scuffed samples of our famous brand of luggage. Mostly one-of-a-kind, i good selection of colors sizes. Come in while Our selection is good. — Basement 4-Pick Dp Solid Body Electric Guitar Former $49.50 Sat. & Mon» 4-pick up flat top solid body cutaway style electric guitar with tone and volume control. Ideal for young musical groups. Sea Simms display \ of other electrical and standard guitars and accessories. Sundries-Main Floor Sturdy Polypropylene { Tackle Box Reg. $1.99 Sat. & Mon. [59 Hi impafct polypropylene tackle box with IS adjustable compartments. Ideal for fishing gear or slot car a \ ~2i|d f W. CABMEN PROUT Aide o Court From County Heads Group Oakland County Friend of the Court W. Cadman Prout yesterday was named president of the Michigan Friends of Court Association at the group’s annual meeting in Harbor Springs. Prout, 1200 Williams Lake. White Lake Township, has been the friend of the court since his appointment in 1954 by then Gov. G. Mermen Williams. ★ ★ ★ He succeeds Sidney Schneider of Midland as head of the state organization. The friends of the court make investigations for circuit courts in domestic relations matters involving minor children in regard to support, custody and visiting privileges. ★ ★ Otfier officers named at the close of the four-day session included Mrs. Anna Weaver of Ithaca, first vice president; R. W. Standal of Flint, second vice president; and Fred Conley of Charlotte, executive secretary. 2Hdd in Killing of Detroit Twins DETROIT UP) — Police in Detroit Were holding two teen-aged boys today for the June 30 murder of 11-year-old twin girls. Warrants , were issued Friday charging Gerald Ivaldi, 17, and a n unidentified 15-year-old juvenile with the murders of Deanne and Nora Ann Guiley. Both the youths are from Detroit. ★ * * Police said both the girls were stabbed to death with a butcher knife. Nora Ann was found dead in her bedroom. Deanne apparently escaped from h?r assailant through a less than a block from the east side Detroit home. ★ ★ * The two youths were arrested In Detroit Friday, and warrants Were issued by Wayne County Prosecutor William Cahalgn. 'Arrangement of Ivaldi was expected today. Firm Continues Land-Fill Effort! A Waterford Township landfill firm is preparing to return to court in an effort to obtain permit to operate a dump in the township. Attorneys for the Waterford Processing and Reclaiming Co. currently are taking preliminary steps aimed putting the matter before Oakland County Circuit Judge Chfrk J. Adams. The company ' has been attempting since January 1967, to obtain from the township permit to operate a sanitary land-fill on a 50-acre site north of Gale and west of Maceday Lake Roarhin the township. After five public hearings on the matter, the township planning commission rejected the permit request last September. DECISION UPHELD Two months ago the permit applicants took their case before Judge Adams who ruled that the township board of appeals would have to decide on the matter before the court could act. He kept the case, however, within his jurisdiction. The board of appeals June 28 upheld the decision of the planning commission, rejecting the company’s appeal. The company has argued that it has beep unjustly denied the permit, since the township engineers approved the project and representatives of the Michigan Department of Health and the Oakland County Health Department testified before the township planning commission in favor of the land-fill. It’s Coming — CHESAN1NG SHOWBOAT Six Big Nights of top-flight vaudeville-minstrel entertainment. July 15 thru 20 Each evening at Chesa-ning Showboat Path Free Parking All seats reserved Tuesday thru Saturday — $3.00, 2.75, $2.50, $2.00. Monday no reserved seats, all seats $1.50. Witts for tickets: Chesaning Showboat Ticket Office, Chesaniafc Mich. 4Mlf, Tickets on sale at gate. 4 Professional Ada SPECIAL PRICES FOR JULY 14 - 11 A.M. to UP. M Sunday Only SPECIAL GROUP OF LIGHTWEIGHT-. SPORT COATS Our Reg. 14.9 7 to 19.97 4.99 Charge It Cool summer fabric, with 3-button center vent styling. Solid, • plaids and checks. Reg., short, long. Wide selection. Sunday Only SOFT PLASTIC DISHRACK, DRAIN BOARD Our Reg'. 1.27 86' Charge It Break resistant, soft and flexible. Cushions dishes, protects sink, is sloped for fast drying. Charge It. WHILE QUANTITIES LAST Wide Selection GLAMOROUS SLEEPWEAR Our Reg. 2.68 - 2.97 Sunday Only Some permanent press fabrics. Includes mini gowns, dorm shirts, more. S, M, L, X, XX; 42-48. SPINNING WONDER-ROD Our Reg. 13.67 A 88^8 Sunday Only OtW In 6’, 6Vi’ or T lengths Shakespeare spinning rod. Fine line cork grip, chrome guides. , Women's 'SANDPIPERS' Our Reg. 1.76 | QQ Sunday Only With black or white canvas uppers. With single eyelet tie, rubber soles. Slses to 10. Music to Flee By WARM SPRINGS, Mont. (AP) — There was no Justice after the band stopped playing in Warm Springs, Mont. And a park couldn’t be located either. Miss-. ing following a concert by the Montana State Prison band Thursday night were band members Ernest Justice, 26, serving, time for grand larceny,! and John Fark, 27, convicted of robbery. BIBLE REBINDING CHRISTIAN . LITERATURE SALES 55 Oakland Ave. FE 4-95* QVixW/i 100% Rayon Rug Our Reg. 16.88 m J* OO Sunday Only | XuOO 8’6”xH’6” 100% rayon cut pile tweed rug with waffle backing. CHOICE OF WRENCHES ■Values to 1.50 Sunday Only W w Carded wrenches. Choose from open end, box, combina- lion to name a few. All drop forged, chrome plated. UTTER BASKET, TISSUE HOLDER Our Reg. 2.37 M QQ Sun. Only I600-Saves oil, keeps engine run- For ‘ autos. Fits on hump PRESTONE OIL MISER Reg-77c MMe ning smoothly. 15-Oz. wherever you go. MOBILE HOMES LAKE LOTS AVAILABLE If you wont a WHEEL DEAL? CALL C & S Equipment Co. 3170 Orchord Lk. Rd. Keego Harbor__ 682-6190 PHTROIT KPISOW REPORTS More Air Conditioning Spurs “Energy” Growth Growth in electric air conditioning continues to be one of the dominant factors influencing increased electric-energy consumption1 by residential customers. There are over 20,000 homes and apartments in our service area with central air conditioning. And more than a quarter of a" million window or room cooling units are in use on our lines. Other competitive appliances have also shown significant progress. Over 70,000 electric ranges, 40,000 electric dryers and 21,000 electric water heaters were sold during an extended sales promotion program recently completed. * In 1967, Detroit Edison sold a record total of more than 23 billion kilowatt-hours. 237th Consecutive Quarterly Dividend Common stock-35< per share payable July 15, 1968, to ahawhoiders of record June 28,1968. The third quarterly dividend of $1.37*/* per share upon the new preferred stock is payable July 15, 1968, to holders of |eceid on June 26,1968. \ MTRVOrr EDISON I ffittryliifl Less Than 32” Wide, 66” High • Freezer Holds 219-lbs. Frozen Food • Porcelain-on-steel Interior 14 Cu. Ft. Frostless •.Left Hand Door Opening • 3.1 Cu. Ft. Manual Defrost Freezer • Crisper, Egg Rack, Butter Compartment 2-Temp. Elec. Dryer Installed* *85 • Heator“Air Fluff” Tamp. • Top-Mounted Lint Soroon Kenmore Gas Dryer *105 • 2 Temperature* • 3-Hour Timor • 20,000 BTU’s 3-Cycle Electric *117 • 0 Temperature* • Cyolet tor Normal, Dolieato and No-lroi Fabrics 30-In. Classic Automatic Gas Range *149 *Normal, no-cost installation of Dryers on Detroit Edison Co. lines or Michigan Consolidated Gas Co. lines. Venting is extra. • Eye-Level Ovsn with Visi-Baks Door • Eleetrio Clock with 4-Hour Timor • Low-Temperature Controls Electric Classic Range........... .$149 Base and HoodExtra SEW INEXPENSIVELY Kenmore Zig-Zag wm »m 7 *47 Overeasts, Sows on Buttons / • Lever Type Stitch Width and Length Control • Front Mounted Bobbin Winder —10% to 40% OFF------------------- Floor models, samples and demonstrators jL. sewing machines, cabinets, floorpolisbers,snd vacuum cleaners. Hurry,save! *** ™ TUNES IN ALL CHANNELS Static Free Portable TV - • 18-In. Picture Measured Diagonally jTaiiaJIlI • Delivers Rich, Static-free Sound • Modem Square-Look Cabinet . no Money Down Silvertone Console Stereo..........*...*....m$98 ITmRTKI : COMPACT, 10 CU. FT. 1 _ ®|i| 1 Upright i mm Freezer i ^8911 Stars Low Price 1 i - *193 i i No Money Down 1 ,4m 1 | • Loss Than 2’ Wide I j; • Holds 350-lbs. Frozsn Food Coolii% Freezers 6,000 BTU Air CendHtonar.. 11-Piirt Capacity son 110u.PL OO Chest Freezer... ♦56 tt^zer., Open Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday 9 to 9, ; Tuesday, Wednesday 9 to 5>30 SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. Downtown Pontiac • Phone THE PONTIAC PRESS 41 West Huron Stmt Pontiac, Michigan 4KS6 SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1968 . jaw A. wwwm* . The POWER of FAITH ty WOOOtlSHMAEL » H. nmuu. it caisr, VtMTwMMt •Mr” ItWKAU M. IMMUI Tmnnr ul Finnic* Oflla*r France Will Observe Bastille Day A curious thing will happen in France tomorrow. That nation will observe its 179th Bastille Day. Students who only a month ago were throwing cobblestones, will dance in the streets they rioted ip. Parisians will ingest great ’ quantities of champagne, brandy and red wine. It will be a gay holiday as always* but this year Bastille Day will be almost painfully ironic. Bastille Day is an independence day unlike the Fourth of July. What is memorialized is not the throwing off of a foreign tyrant’s yoke, but the birth of individual political liberty. It is dedicated to democracy by a people who, for 179 years, have been unable clearly to express their will through an elected parliament. ★ ★ ★ The fall of the Bastille on July 14, 1789, may be said to have shaken all France to its deepest foundations. Voters shaken by street riots, sit-ins and! the threat of a general strike only two weeks before this year’s Bastille Day, went to the polls and for the first time in French history gave a single party an absolute majority in Parliament. , President Charles de Gaulle has a free hand of the nature frequently reserved for dictatorships. He boldly took measures to avoid devaluation of the franc. But the flight of capital has already reduced reserves by well over $1 billion. The people are impatient-for de Gaulle’s promised reforms in education and industry. Student unrest smolders; the fall winds could relight the university fires. Workers may strike again this winter if inflation continues to eat away, at their recent wage increases. It will indeed be a strange Bastille Day. Squeeze Put on West Berlin by East Germany What the world very much doesn’t need at this point is another crisis. Yet this is what the East Germans seem intent on cranking up with their new squeeze play on West Berlin, nicely timed for the 20th anniversary of the great blockade and airlift. Pressure is being applied bit by bit in the familiar Communist “salami-slicing” technique. First a ban on travel to Berlin by “neo-Nazis,'” ostensibly in reaction to recent election successes of West Germany’s Nazi-tinged NDP party, later extended to West Germany cabinet ministers and other top officials. Now requirement of an East German visa for all Germans traveling to and from the city. ★ ★ ★ With the threatened next turn of the screw, doubling of East German transit taxes on goods shipped between Berlin and West Germany, the squeeze could become really painful. Berlin depends upon supplies from and sales to the West for economic survival—__ What is being played out here is yet another attempt by East Ger* many to blackmail the West into recognition of its sovereignty, but with well-timed embellishments. A new Berlin confrontation is for the United States an unwelcome distraction from Vietnam, for Britain and France from their domestic problems. ★ ★ ★ To make it as difficult as possible for the West, the East Germans so far have kept the confrontation on a German-to-German level, avoiding infringement of allied rights. Only surface communication is affected-—rati and canal links and the 110 miles of East German-controlled—autobahn. The air lanes are still a Western preserve. Barring an unlikely direct. Soviet involvement, American, British and French flights into Berlin are immune to harassment. ★ ★ ★ The United States is moving cautiously. We do not want a new showdown in Europe and neither, it is believed, does the Soviet Union. It is hoped that good sense and restraint on both sides will prevail. “I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: My God; in Him will I trust.” Psalm 91, verse 2 To millions of Americans over the years Jimmy Stewart has been a symbol of fine film entertainment and of American manhood. His films have provided inspiration, and his military record has been exemplary. Recently Brig. Gen. James Stewart, United States Air Force, received the Distinguished Service Medal at his retirement ceremony. He traces tlds and'other awards back to his faith in God and man. His father, a Presbyterian, passed on to Jimmy his own staunch faith. When Jimmy went overseas to fly bombers in WW II, his father gave him a little booklet entitled “The Secret Peace—a Key to the 91st Psalm.” The booklet was always with him and he read from it before each bombing raid. Each reading deepened and strengthened his faith. He says, “The words and meaning Of the 91st Psalm have carried me through my life.” ------ -------................................ | Voice of the People: I ‘We Need More Control j on Use of Firecrackers’ Regarding the use of firecrackers on the Fourth of July, I live in Highland Estates subdivision and I have never heard such explosions, lasting until well after midnight. Aren’t parents awara of the danger, plus they are breaking the law tit allowing use of firecrackers? ★ ★ ★ Let’s set a better example for the youngsters. Before we can get better gun controls, let’s start , with firecracker control from out of state. MRS. ADAM KAFKA 1208 DUNDEE Suggests Printing Cartoon in Full Page Sine Your recent cartoon "We Must Be Doing Something Wrong,” by Morris, was superb. It should be page dee in every paper in the U.8.A., as you so proudly placed our Country’s flag. Do it again, please. We all Jove your paper. RUTH ROSS 7187 STONEBROOK, BIRMINGHAM Comments on Supreme Court Appointment I am shocked and horrified to think that anyone could possibly consider Abe Fortes for chief justice In the light of Ms background. We watch in dismay while our youths fight and die in Vietnam for liberty, while on the homefront they are undermining it. I hope and pray (and that’s another Supreme Court story.) that Congress has the courage to challenge this for the sake of our Country. Otherwise. what heritage wiii— pur children have? Write to your senators and representatives [ in Congress—especially to the U.S. Judiciary Committee. T. JOHNSON 344 GRIGGS, ROCHESTER ‘Many Would Vote Against Beer and Liquor’ I’ll bet if a vote were taken from 16-year-olds to five-year-olds on liquor and beer files, you’d get 90 per cent “no” votes. I wish the beer and liquor people would strike 369 days. My heart goes out to children who have to live with that influence. MRS. LUCILLE BROWN 4610 LINWOOD Confident Living: Question and Answer How much did the Beautification Program cost taxpayers in 1967? CURIOUS REPLY Approximately $7.5 million in Federal funds, and $24.5 million in local funds, according to the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Renewal Assistance Administration, in Washington. Outlook Determines the Future NORMAN VINCENT PEALE Fred really knew how to. handle a rough situation. He demonstrated that mental outlook can determine one’s future to a large degree. He telephoned one day. “How are things?” I asked. “O.K.,” he repliedv thenl added casually,_____ “I’Ve • lost my DR. PEALE job.” Politics Shrouds Co By EVERETT DIRKSEN . In ordinary tithes it would; be the wisest course to have a generous cooling-off period'before appointment of a new chief justice and associate justice to the! meCourt of the Unit* States. Now, however, is not op€ of those times. DIRKSEN The announced resignation for retirement of Chief Justice Earl Warren stimulated immediate speculation on who would be chosen to succeed him and who would be named to any other vacancy on the court, should the nomination for chief justice go to a present member of the court. ' *• ★ , ★ The speculation was stimulated even more by the problem that whs brought up when many in the Senate and elsewhere in government, and in political circles, stated their opinion that President Johnson should delay appointments until the next President could make them. The anecufotion came to an end with the appointment of Associate Justice Abe Fortas of Tennessee to. the post of chief JqaMce and Homer* Thornberry of Texas to the popt of associate justice. The appointments disappointed many Republicans. As a voice to their objection to the laminations at this time of political strife,' 19 Republican senators signed a round robin of protest They want pyt nominations to be made by the next President, whoever he is. ★ * ' ★ We cannot now view such action and opinion with the degree of equanimity that otherwise might prevail. These are extraordinary political times, If the political viewpoint had not entered into the matter, the cooling-off period would be desirable. But now we do .___ _jlitical situathm-in relation to the^ appointments to the Suprme Court, and we cannot back off from it. We cannot wait. The burden created in the round robin of the 19 senators must be lifted. Some of the 19 have already told me, in fact, that they are not now in favor of a delay and, when the time comes to consider the nominations, they w$l not oppose early approval during the administration of Mr. Johnson. ★ * ★ Justice Fortas is already a member of the court. He was approved as a judge in 1965, and he certainly is going to ^remain on the court whether or not his new nomination is approved. It is now a question of whether the judge will be approved as a chief judge. It is net a question of his ability. It is a question of politics. However, it would be good for file country if more of the public could egress themselves to the members of the Senate concerning Justice Fortas and Judge Thornberry. The reasons are sound. When public sentiment about foe .court became intense in times past, various suggestions were advanced to deal with the particular situ- ation. The most extreme, of course, was the suggestion for impeachment. Another was to curtail the appellate jurisdiction so if could consider only those cases over which, under the Constitution, if has original jurisdiction. Still another was to limit the tenure of the justices, who are appointed for life. ★ ★ ___It_______;__ When a President nominates to the Supreme Court, the proceedings that follow —the hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee and then the open hearings where the nominee appears in person — are very short. Few people appear and testify for or against the nominee. The reverberations from Supreme Court decisions have had an effect on the lives of almost every American. It is entirely appropriate now that the public should be completely informed so that it can give careful attention to the appointments of two men, for life, to the Supreme Court. The people then might wish to express their opinions to tlie members Of the Senate. CopyrtfM IMS, Los Angolos Tim OS I was amazed at his mal of-fact reaction. He had occupied an upper-level position in his company and I knew that his "superiors appreciated his work performance. Indeed everything seemed to assure him a promising future. Verbal Orchids William H. McNalley of Imlay City; 87th birthday. Rudolph Petan -____ TSfTSIirirTKnffiierc^ Road; 80th birthday. But, as sometimes happens, an intracompahy p olltl -cal maneuvering developed and he was, with another young executive, suddenly let out. “Just like that,” he said, “out, on the street, both of us.” Expressing regret and concern 1 suggested we talk over his problem. But he said that he only wanted me to know about his situation and “to do some positive thinking” about him. “FU do all right,” he asserted confidently. ★ ★ * “I sure do. admire your ’ I told him: “but what Th* Associated Prsts Is entitled exclusively tV ttie use t#r repubil- Mr. and Mrs. William Mihay of 591 Bradford; 57th weddihg anniversary. Mrs. John H. Maps of Farmington; 85th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred G. Hall of Birmingham; 62nd wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Castor of 113 E. Cornell; 56th wedding anniversary. Mrs. Emma Holland of 19 E. Sheffield; 81st birthday. Mrs. A. R. Mills of 140 E. Huron; 92nd birthday. Henry Sabell of 470 W. Walton; 85th birthday. Frank A. Tucker of West Bloomfield Township; 84th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray E- Sherman of 60 Crescent; 51st wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Compau of 85 N. Roselawn; 51st wedding anniversary. C. W. Bridgeman of 208 Mohawk; 95th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Amaatea . of 16 Oriole;, golden wedding anniversary. are you going to do?” “I don’t know exactly yet. When I’ve had a chance to do some constructive thinking I’ll let you know. With a good mental attitude I am sure I. will have a future.” Well, this conversation took place several years ago. And the different ways in which things worked out for the two ousted young executives provide an interesting example of how mental outlook can help dgtennifie a person’s iutiiriE career. ★ * ★ , Our man Fred reasoned on t positive basis: with my particular qualifications and experience, perhaps you may want to follow it up with an interview . . .” And he added optimistically, “before someone buys my services.” Believe it or not this forthright letter appealed to some of the employers and it resulted in several job offers. The one he accepted landed him in a better position than his previous post. And the rrpativity ho brought to the job led to steady advancement. By a positive mental attitude he found the advantage that is always present in ■^disadvantage.------------:—I 1 going What about the other fellow who lost his job at the same time? Well, he did not fare so well. Angered and bitter he went on a sulking jag, spending his time hating and, worrying. Result? He worked himself into a nervous breakdown. But he cjuite mit of it finally - and shook off the negativisms and resentments. He "started cultivating a positive mental attitude. He took a job far below his basic qualifications but now his attitude is a right one and ac-1 to take the attitude that I can turn this misfortune into good fortune. I’m going to believe that every disadvantage can be turned into an advantage.” Beyond that he practiced being calm and unresentful. He got busy doing some solid thinking. As a consequence he moved away from the past toward the better future in which he had conditioned himself to believe. ,— His thinking gave him an idea. Ideas are bound to come if you really thinR Anyone can think himself out of any difficulty* even the hardest problems. Well, the idea he put into operation was to write a letter to 100 executives of local coippanies. '★ h\ 1 St‘ He wrote a brief businesslike letter that went as follows: “Since every business organization brings in new personnel from time to thne perhaps your company could use a man like me. The success summary enclosed will give you ah idea of my abilities. I have some weak points too which I have frankly enumerated. But I honestly think my strengths outweigh the weaknesses. So ff by chance you need Someone; move ahead once again. ★ ★ ★ Setbacks come to everyone. Write Your Representative AsTi~public service to help its readers contact government representatives, The Press will publish the listing below from time to time. U.S. Senators Philip A. Hart, 253 Old Senate Office Building ]| Washington, D.C. 20510 { Robert P. Griffin § 353 Old Senate Michigan House of Representatives Capitol Building Unsing, Mich. 48901 60th District Clifford H. Smart 61 it District r Office Building I Washington, D.C, 20510 Loren D. Anderson 1 | 62nd District | U.S. Representatives 18th District 1 William S. Broomfield I Suite 2435 Rayburn | House Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20515 Arthur J. Law 63rd District Donald E. Bishop 64th .District Raymond L. Baker 19th jDfctcict-^ Jack H. McDonald 1409 Longworth House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 65th District William P. Hampton Michigan Senate Capitol Building Governor George W. Romney velop and hold the that any adversity can actually be turned to your advantage, you have an immense mental asset going_ joryou. Concentrate on the fact that youf ffiture is not determined by circumstances over which you have no control, but by proper mental outlook. Thus, you truly can shape your own future. ★ ★ * Naturally the question is: How do you get the right mental outlook? The answer is to stert developing what is , called rightness in thinking. All of us have a lot of error in our minds. And error results in wrong thinking which in turnresults in wrong action. The only remedy for error is rightness. And this requires a quality of study and thought that will in time develop ^deeper insight and perceptiveness. Then one can be pretty sure that better outlook will create the conditions of a better future, si ’ (PubHilwrvHall Syndic*!*) 14th District Secretary of State I George W. Kuhn James M. Hare 15th District 1 Sander M. Levin Attorney General I 16th District Frank J.kaltev 1 Robert J. Huber 17th District State Capitol 1 L. Harvey Lodge Unsing, Mich. 48918 THE BETTER H ALF “I understand two of them are actually hippies who took bad LSD trips.” m L THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1968 ,A~7 [ Junior Editors Qutx { OPERA QUESTION: Why are operas always sung to Italian?. ANSWER: Americans enjoy opera because It gives them ao many forms of entertainment. Opera la the plural of the Latin word opus, meaning work. So, opera actually gives us the works — drama, beautiful stogtog, stage spectacles, orchestral mdsic — all to one. Italians gave us opera as an expression of their natural temperament, so gay and lively, so colorful and romantic. Italians love to sing — what more natural than to sing a romantic story? Opera history began in Italy about 1600 with the performance of Peri’s Eurldici and was carried on by such world famous composers as Rossini, Verdi and Puccini, with a remarkable outpouring of operatic masterpieces, such as Alda, La Boheme, Lueia di Lammermoor and many more. It is not true that all operas'are sung to Italian. Many are to German or French, and some to other languages. .But because so many of the most popular composers werejtalians, and also because the Italian language brings out the beauty of the singing more than any other, we hear more opera in Italian than to other languages. Thus, we have come to associate opera to the Italian language with each other. (You can win $10 cash plus AP’s handsome World Yearbook if your question, mailed on a postcard to Junior Editors in care of this newspaper, is selected for a prize). DRAYTON OPEN SUN. NOON TO 6 SPECIALS from our health, beauty needs dept. .33SIZE Anacin 100’s for fait . pain relief. O w C VCi 1.38 SIZE Yodora deodorant Twin pack _ cream.Savel 3 w'C 1.10 SIZE Noxzema-cream 6-ox. wi jar r skin cream. U/ V SAVE tysol spray 1.19 V 1.65 SIZE Head fir Shoulders 99c 4.3 oz. wt. tube. Savel 1,69 SIZE Seminox capsules Package of 10. W Save bigl leV7 95c SIZE Gloom toothpaste 6.73-ox. vA. JA. size tube. *#yC REG. 1.64 Pampers diapers 39 daytime. W OO Disposable. I.AY I A.M. TO t PM. Wet. 9:3S-W eg«faiiAsr'MMe> pp closet fee*. PeZ • pMj . Jh- el 3-poi. backr.il, safety handle, foatrast. Waath.r shield, morel Felds easily. 21.99 deluxe porta • crib 17.88 SALE 1.99-2,39 cool infants' sleepwear Cool, easy - care cotton pajamas or sleepers in prints and solid pastel colors. Elastic waist, snap • front closure. Sizes 1 to 4. $3 If perfect famous maka coveralls 1.57 Cotton / nylon stretch. Snap or Zip closure. Tiny irregs. won't affect wear. M-L. Regular 1.99 1-doz. soft Birdseye diapers Infants' 398 If port, famous make anklets 84* Infants' rag. 698-798 cotton knitpolos Short sleeves, Smos-Mmos. dm ■ Regular 3 for 1.25 4/598 waterproof cotton training pants vinyl baby pants Whits cotton, Four colors. J|WA long wearing. OP we ^ M-L-Xl. Savel ^8 Regular 1.29 fitted cotton crib sheets < White, ties. ends. VP9 ’ 1.4* prints. 1.14 8/ 998 - 2.2S Fkishabyos disposable diapers UH (the • 705-1** doth dwper m Pre-folded diapers, 3.99 If perfect. By Chix. Tiny 191 IrrMuiort, Soft! I los. $7 to $12 comforter set for crib, carriage Gift hexed, with J|88 ' matching pillow, MPi 2.29 and up If perl, crib blankets, pads , 758 If peif. 30x40" receiving blankets , Assartad blankets, OiBf Cotton flannel. mAi fitted pad*. ,l««|''7 tiny irregulars OPEN 10 A.M. TO 9 P.M. (Set. 9:35-9) Drayton open Sunday Neon ts 6 p.m. (Downtown closes fwt, r«4. of O pm.) Reg. 5.00 insulated „ vinyl formula bags Flips open, has ^R47 •aside pocket* W DOWNTOWN AND DRAYTON PLAINS DOWNTOWN AND DRAYTON PLAINS Af«j8 ONE COLOR THE PONTIAC PRESS. SATURDAY, JULY 18, I»88 gpgaaB SBMBB (alias Nomlco Carry-Corder 150) knows how tl record a full hour of anything on spill-proof, snag-proof, snarl-proof tape Cas-sette-anytime, any-: where. Come hi and meet tht Shadow, today. fl/ore/cd GENERAL PRINTING & OFFICE SUPPLY Pontiac 17 Wo*t Lawrence Street ■ PHONE 335-9261 l sumday only K IBBBy THU SO Shading Hot• • • Ready Tp Eat BAR-B-CUED CHICKENS SUNDAY ONLY - At i Store* Utttd lilow Only! '-FAIRWAY FOOD MARKETS 4348 Dixie Highway-Drayton Plaint OPEN SUNDAY 9 AAA to 6 P.M. 1220 North Perry at Madison OPEN SUNDAY 10 AJM. to* P.M. I MONDAY AND TUESDAY ONLY! FAIRWAY FOODS Featuring BARLEY MEATS STEAKS SEALTEST MILK 79‘ Gallon VAC Carton FAIRWAY FOODS 1220 NORTH PERRY at MADISON Acrosi From Pontiac Northern High School We Reserve the Right to limit Quantities DAILY 9:30 A.M. to 9 P M. EC A OOAA SUNDAYS 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. » C ‘t-ZAOU NEW LOW PRICE SUPER $C49 TONE OoAL. Whits and All Rsady Mix Qslors INCITE -Wall Pairs, ojcnv House Paint LUCITE INSIDE WALL PAINT S&. SR49 LUCITE HOUSE PAINT White and All Ready Mix Colors $745 ff GAL, •St TOM’S HARDWARE 4K. 905 Orchard Lake Ave. 4 FE 5-2424 HOOVER SWEETER AUTHORIZED •Safes tud SewKCfo FACTORY TRAINED MIN BY HOOVER - SAME DAY SERVICE OUR GOAL IS CUSTOMER SATISFACTION PARTS & SERVICE ON ALL BRANDS SWEEPERS PARTS For All Vacuums • PAPER MBS • (WITCHES • HOSES • CORDS • aim aiut • BRUSHES • ETC. FREE PICK-UP A DELIVERY BARNES * HARGRAVES HARDWARE 742 W. Huron St. * PARK FREE FE 5-9101 Acroia from tho Peat Offie* Qtum&i -Anti k CONTRACTOR’S Si **SS£. Betty Baldwin's 'SHUWHLACE IPECIAL! Reg. $39.95 THIS WEEK ONLY! NOW ?34»5 good nows! MAGEE APPRECIATION K0DEL POLYESTER CARPET ir Th. famous Poly.»t.r lab.1 you luww from pur- ' tWiTii manunt pr... clothing I. now an carp#*, mating !' ’ “RICOCHET RESILIENT" e Caricaturist • Portraitist THE PONTIAC MALL Telegraph at Elizabeth Lake Rd. Open 6 Day 9:30 AM. to 9 PM. NOW thru JULY 20th , Contractor'* Heavy-Duty deep-tray wheelbarrow. Model M-l 1 represents the finest heavy-duty wheelbarrow for the contractor. KEEGO HOWE. NO. 1 3041 Orchard Lake Rd. 682-2660 COMPARE OUR CUSTOM DRAPERIES Colt Mary Racine for sample shewing* In yoai; heme. She’ll soar —* -fabulous variety of brand new custom measuredfabric*. 4990 Dixie Highway One Block North of Walton -1 CARPET DRAPERY Phone 673-1297 Drayton Plaint Take a AHD SHOP THESE STORES! Start summer fun time with a real vacation treat, shopping, these stores! This is where you can shop with ease and comfort. Take a vacation from the shopping rush and worry. You'll find just what you need, quickly and conveniently with relaxing savings, too. MONDAY and TUESDAY ONLY! FILL YOUR FREEZER, AVOID HIGH PRICES jpf Hoffman’s Famous - Guaranteed Tender 1 BUTCHER BOY STEAKS tIsb STEER BEEF LIVER 29° We reserve the right to limit quantities. . HOFFMAN’S PONTIAC FREEZER FOODS US N. PERRY FEZ-1100 BUSTER BROWN CLOTHING FOR CHILDREN Chooso now for long 'blue BELL WEARING APPAREL FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY We Carry a YARD . SIMPLICITY GOODS and PATTERNS Art E234 - Washable Colors ■COATS and CLARK’S RED HEART KNITTING WORSTED 100t. Virflin Wool — Mothproof — Tangle Proof—Ready to Knit Poll Opt Skein $|19 i TJHAN’S VARIETY STORE 14T5 Baldwin Ave. at Walton FE 4-334® Open Deity 9 AM. to 9 PJMunday.lO A.M. to 6 P.M. SUPER KEM-T0NE-Reg. $7.69 $K Reg. Color Our Special Price km 49 KEM-GL0, Reg. $10.49 SpecialPriced.... $8W We Carry Lumber 2x4x8 CULLS As Is 39* If You Have - Water Proolems See Us WE CARRY W00DLATH ready mix CEMENT $lo45 10 BAGS PRICE PLASTIC SOIL PIPE A FITTINGS DRAINTILE S FITflNQS SLIP JOINT TILE SUMP CROCKS SUMP PUMPS PIPE WRAPPING Storm Windows and Screens. Repaired Prompt Service' thrifty Savings” HOURS: *7ZT\ Si Si. iiwiMMumum iggf HURON CLEANERS ^SHIRTIAUNDRV (“k HEAP 0’ CLEARING FOR A WEE BIT O’ MOREY" T Reg. $1.60 «a.* " “JjZmgT* I M0N.-TVIt.-WI0.-WITH THISOOUPOM "■ * ■■IlflT 1 e Men’s Suits (2-pc.) 1 * Plain Color Dresses I Dry cleaned and prisseil SHIRTS BEAUTIFULLY laundered WITH DRY CLIANIH0 ORDER, eurli r* "* WegT85c Value i • MEN’S PANTS i • LADIES’SUCKS |J)RY CLEANED aj|d PjlESSED^ 2:2s $1.25 Each 27 60 Oi J c i Cl I J Present Coupon When You Bring In Cleaning 944 Weat Huron St. Si SNR DAILY* 1 to I • t • SAT,, S TO I HURON THEATER i PHONE FE 24211 Sherwin-Williams SUPER KEM-TOME^ FINEST WASHABLE LATEX ,r., . WALL PAINT YOU CAN USE ^ §UpEg j fern-1 Tone use the WORK SKIPPER now $C49 ONLY O calion HUDSON’S’ 41 EAST WALTON .. [vrr<- --r jssg HARDWARE NEAR BALDWIN FOOD TOWN SUPER MARKETS 1580 Highland Road M-59 Plant M-59 at William* Lk. Rd. OPEN SUNDAYS 1200 BALDWIN AVE. Corner Columbia OPENSUNDAYS U.S. CHOICE 2006 HIGHLAND!©. HYLAND PLAZA COR. DUCK LAKE RD. OPEN SUNDAYS 8293 CooUy Lake Rd. Union Lake Villaga OPEN SUNDAYS 79 . , i P ■ \ J 3 U.S. NO. 1 GOBBLER POTATOES 10 lbs. 69e Grade ‘A’ Large 2-Lbs. Peschke EGGS THRIFTY MCM 39° 89° 1 PEOPLE’S I FOOD MARKETS 263 AUBURN AVE. CLOSED SUNDAYS 465 E. PIKE ST. OPEN SUNDAYS EAST BLVD. Conj*r of P.rry OPEN SUNDAYS i 700 AUBURN AVE. OPEN SUNDAYS 888 ORCHARD LK. RD. OPENSUNDAYS ELIZABETH LAIS RD. , at Huron St.,, v OPEN SUNDAYS t /v. Achilles Heel- Is Nq Sore Spot By Jeanne nelson The Greeks may have'had a word for H, but over here it's called American Ingenuity. And Ted and Bonnie Kazanis, both teachers, have it. With the repent opening of their new Greek im-port shop in Birmlng-M§E! ham, “The Achilles band-wife team carries on American tradition. The idea for their first JP” -UPC business venture ripened ?' h • on a honeymoon to Ted’s • '’*”**'¥* homeland. Bonnie fell in JEANNE love with the unusual handcrafted items on display wherever they went. With Ted’s, ability to speak Greek, they soon became acquainted with the market place. ★ * ★ Traveling from village to village and island to island, the pair inspected treasures of each, carefully making their selections for shipping. Then when the entrepreneurs had barely gotten into the swing of things, a painful troth became apparent. “Greek artisans are as temperamental as talented." Shipping deadlines had little meaning for them as did American production methods. UNIQUE ITEMS 'In many of the islands, villages, thp craft is a family project with even the smallest children taking some part. The Kazanises were intrigued by the varied Pontiac Pron Photo by Edward R. Noble Handmade treasures from the Greek Islands fill the new “Achilles Heel” import shop in Birmingham owned by Ted and Bonnie Kazanis of East Boulevard, South. Bonnie, who has a keen eye for beauty, does most of the buying while her husband translates Greek prices to the American market. Inter locheri Schedule Real Crowd Pleaser distinctive marks or colorings on items showing a marked family difference in design and structure. Each village or Island is usually noted for one or more particular item that cannot be found elsewhere. Pottery from one, Siphnos, bears the island’s unusual soil color. The gay and colorful animal pottery (faintly1 reminiscent of our Pennsylvania Dutch) combs from Lesbos. Bbaptiful Flokati rugs are only wbven in Arissa where the force of a nearby waterfall produce the rugs’ texture and body. Epirus is famous for the ornate Byzantine crosses and the sheep herders' hanging bells; Crete, for its fluffy KoUs Kous rugs with their brilliant colors. JEWELRY Also from Crete comes the brass jewelry, which Ted and Bonnie loved so, that they hired a designer to formulate a whole line of matching and coordinating pieces. Before the skiing season gets under way heVe, they hope to stock the new store with both indoor and outdoor wool sweaters hand knitted in Mykonos. * W ft ■’*"1 Bonnie will be running the store alone in the fall when Ted goes back to teaching Greek and English literature at Waterford Township High School. ' His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Demetrios Kazanis, who left here recently to spend their Retirement years' in their land of birth, will act as buying advisors via long distance. Their knowledge of supply and quality will assist the new store owners in such a far. away market. BUDGETING Like typical young marrieds, the Kazanises are filled with dreams for.the future and willing to put aside material things older folks lean on. Right now, guided by a tight budget, they settle for long walks together, listening to music, and talking “shop” over coffee. Bonnie has learned to make the’ most of her food budget by becoming a gourmet cook. Her specialties lean in the direction of both French and Greek cookery and small dinner parties in their apartment on East Boulevard, South, provide inexpensive fun with good friends and family. Little did she ever think, as a University of Michigan student in Speech Correction Education, that she would one day be the part owner of a specialty shop, but she says, “If It doesn’t work out, we’ll have loads and loads of wonderful Greek presents to give as Christmas gifts." vfafli This unusual hat was ■ presented by designer lack McConnell at the fall Millinery Fashion show recently in New York. The feather fall . of dyed ostrich feathers covers the entire head and neck area. Sticky Problem Could Create Bad Feelings By ELIZABETH L. POST The following letter has been chosen as the prize-winning one for this week. A copy of Emily Post’s Etiquette has been sent .to the writer. Dear Mrs. Post: For some time now, a problem has been haunting me for which I should certainly appreciate your solution. After several of our friends announced, “We missed you at the party the other night and we had not been ■ invited—I wondered what my comment • to these people should "have been. (A wan smile? “What party?” ;:\Ve weren’t invited.”) Also, what should my comment to the host and hostess be—if any—assuming this was a “postal" slip-up? The party was given by the dean of the university at which my husband is an instructor and seems to have been all-inclusive. I would not want him to think We had committed the faux pas of not attending the party. I certainly always acknowledge an invitation (when received). Your column is a distinct addition to our paper and the first thing I look for. —Mrs. R. A. Dear Mrs. A.: This is a difficult situation which has happened to most of us on occasion. The only answer is to ask a mutual friend to find out as tactfully as possible from the host or hostess whether or not you were supposed to be invited. If you were, you can then make your explanations and apologies.- If you weren't, the less said the better. Good luck and thank you for your nice Qpmment about my column. Get 'Professional'to an He Needs Outside Help for Himself By ABIGAIL VAN BUREN DEAR ABBY: The complaints I have against my husband could take up your whole coTumn, but here are just a few: If I flll the bathtub more than a quarter full, John yells at me. All heck broke loose when I took our youngest to the doctor with a 104 tern- Touring Arts Program Enlarged INTERLOCHEN, Mich.-A variety of crowd-pleasing events are scheduled for Interlochen’s fourth week. Seventeen, major calendar events and Seventeen performing groups and three touring exhibits were added to the Michigan State Council for the Arts Touring Attractions “cultural menu” for1 1968-69. The vivid yellow and red Touring At-’ tractions packets contain 84 entertainment listings in the categories of dance, theatre, literature, music and multi-arts. PROGRAM composition “Planting Rice in the Philippines.” Initiated only a year ago, the state WWW arts council’s touring program is de- signed to aid Michigan communities ini-tiate or expand current cultural programs. Local sponsors needing financial assistance to support selected cultural programs may apply to the MSCA for . , . . . Arts Academy 1967-68. in a performanee—partial-support: given by ballet aigjwjgn riancf in- ,.y.ij0. e Approval of supporting grants is de-HKBjr standing-room-only DeFalla.s ggfc Dances Iran,, Three- I M| "" " Cornered Hat,” and the overture to “Rosemunde’ ’by Schubert. July 21, the World Youth Symphony I , , , ! Orchestra will be conducted bvThea numerous other recitals and lecture- —:————{----------TZT , . .. _____TT-ir-v----r,r ,r 7 Alcantara, assistant conductor of orches- ----demonstrations will begin with the Na- i ... .. * ...... ... : _ , . . tras at the University pf Michigan, and tional Music Camp faculty dance concert , , . . , .. ° , , m j . * , , resident conductor at the Interlochen Tuesday evening. The annual concert “TStfuctors draws crowd to the 4,000-seat Kresge Auditorium. CHORUS The Faculty-Staff Male Chorus will hold the spotlight on the faculty concert on Wednesday. John A. Merrill, Interlochen vice* president, will lead the men of NMC in their evening song fest of the summer. WWW On .July 18 the University Choir will present Carl Orff’s highly rhythmic and dynamic secular work “Catulli Car-mina.” Four pianos and percussion ensemble will accompany the choir under the direction of Allen C. Lannom, associate professor of music at Boston University. « WWW The high school drama department will present Enid Bagnold’s “The Chalk Garden” at 7:30 p.m. in Grunow Theater July 18, 19, 20. Ann Krappe of Phoenix, Ariz. will direct tfjp English mystery. W W. w _ The University Band, Butler Eitel conducting, Will perform July 19. The program will include many modern compositions, such as Persichetti’s Symphony No. 6-and “Festival” by Clifton Williams. w w V Dr. George C. Wilson, camp director,— will conduct die July 20 evening concert by the High School Symphonic Band. Colonel Laureano G. Carino of the Philippines will be guest conductor for his Chapter Views 'Attack' A self-defense film for women entitled “Attack” was shown by Pontiac Police officer James ft. Lafnear at the Wednesday picnic-style meeting of the .Water-font Charter chapter, American £ Women’s Association! Mrs/ Frank Syron was vocational speaker, telling of -Responsibilities involved as cobwner of the Pontiac Country Club, where the meeting was held. The conclusion of this outdoor Sunday evening concert marks mid-season of Interlochen’s 41st year. termined by availability of funds, equitable geographic distribution and evidence that the attraction will introduce a new cultural experience, or will augment an on-going cultural program in a community. w w w Priority consideration is given to re- V'TAi')' <8,~v Cultural Calendar ft DETROIT UPl — Here are the major cultural events scheduled in Michigan - for today through Friday, July 19: - .. ART M DETROIT — Detroit Instituted Arts: 18 futurist and metaphysical Italian ; artists, 1910-1935, through July 21. Tues., 9 a.m.-9 p.m.; Wed.-Sun., ’9 a.m.-ff 6 p.m.; closed Mon. and holidays. Admission free. DETROIT — Wayne State Community Arts Gallery: 32nd annual student I art exhibit, through July 28. Admission free. (BLOOMFIELD HILLS — Cranbrook Academy of Art, Galleries: annual student exhibition, through Sept. 15, Mon.-Fri., 1-5 pin. <, I ANN ARBOR — Horace H. Rackham Building: 16th annual art confer-ence and regional art exhibition, sponsored by the University of Michigan § Extension Service; includes Outstanding paintings by Michigan artists selected I from local shows during 1967-68 season, July l8-Aug. 1. | DETROIT — Detroit Institute of Arts: the graphic art of Mary Cassatt, I exhibition organized by New York’s Museum of Graphic Art, July 16-Aug. 18, I Tues., 9 a.m.-9 p.m.; Wed.-Sun., 9 a.m.-6 p.m!; 'closed Mon. and holidays. f Admission free. MUSIC I ANN ARBOR — Rackham Auditorium: piano recital, David Barillan, I July 16. Admission charge. ; MIDLAND — Delta College Court: concert, Delta Festival Orchestra, | July 17. Admission charge. | ROCHESTER — Oakland University: Meadow Brook Music Festival, soil prano Judith Raskin, guest conductor Andre Kostelanetz and Detroit Sym- j 1 phony Orchestra, July 13, 8:30 p.m.; July 14, 7:30 pin. Admission charge. 1 ROCHESTER — Oakland University: Meadow Brook Music Festival, so- j I prano Anna Moffo, Detroit Symphony Orchestra conducted by Sixten Ehrling, j I July 18-19, 8:30 pjn. Admission charge. / IV. .. STAGE I DETROIT — Detroit Institute of. Arts Auditorium: “Oklahoma,” Detroit j I Summer Theatre, July 13—8:30 pit; July 14—7:30 p.m. Admission charge. I DETROIT — University of Detroit: “The Fantasticks,” University of De-I trait Summer Theatre Festival, July 13-14; 8:30 p.m. Admission charge. I DETROIT — University of Detroit: Jean1 Anouilh’s farce, “Thieves’ Car-. I -nival,” University of Detroit Summer Theatre Festival, July 18-20; 8:30 p.m.» !; Admission charge. - "!y. \ quests for assistance from geographically remote communities and to disadvantaged inner city areas. MSCA touring exhibitions in the Visual Arts category have no fee attached. However, the sponsoring organization must assume shipping costs for the exhibit. ADDITION Added to the Touring Attractions program were the following: Dance. Orchesis group from Michigan State University: William Hug’with Kit* sey Plavcan from Interlochen Arts Acadv emy.----------- Literary readings and lectures: A. J. M. Smith, poet, East Lansing; Radcliffe Squires, poet, Ann Arbor; John Woods, poet, Kalamazoo._____________ ■k k }k MUsic: Alexander Woodwind Quintet, Michigan State University; Detroit Baroque Ensemble; Duo Concertante, and Fisher-Bossart Duo, both Ann Arbor and Hope College Baroque Ensemble, Holland. Concluding the list of the performing groups is the Interlochen Jazz Quintet, Interlochen! Harold McKinney Jazz Quintet, Detroit; Shiras String Quartet, Marquette; Soiree Musicale, Detroit! Western Michigan University Brass Quintet, and Western Michigan University Piano Trio, both Kalamazoo. perature because.it cost $7. We have been married for 23 years and have jiever hai^a vacation. John refuses to take the family for a little drive in the car as. gasoline costs money. k k ★ The^’children have never been able to have coippany because John likes to sleep in his -shorts in the living room. My father is sending our oldest to college as we “can’t afford it.” We have no debts. My husband is a successful professional man with a good reputation in- town. (His profession is helping people with their problems!) I admire him for the help he gives others, but can he not see! or does he refuse to see the problems in his own home? And what do you suggest I dot JOHN’S WIFE DEAR WIFE: Why you have put up with this for 23 years is a mystery to me. If you sincerely want help, and the situation is as you describe it, get some professional counseling on your own. If your husband is the only “counselor” in town—seek help in another town. k k k DEAR ABBY: I have a friend who is consistently late. When we have a date, she’s anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour late. She’s been this way all her life and she’s nearly 40. It provokes me, particularly because I’m always on time and I have as many things to do as she has. I’ve put up with it because I have a great affection for this person and she has other good qualities, but I would like to know if there is some way to break her of the habit of being late all the time? PROVOKED- DEAR PROVOKED: After putting up with her chronic tardiness for so long* your’chances for reforming her are slim. She has yqu trained. If you sincerely want to break her of the habit, tell her you will wait only 10 minutes after the appointed hour, and if she’s late, you’ll wait no longer. Then carry out your threat. But don’t expect it to work Unless the “affection” is mutual. Honeymoon Departure* to Florida Newlyweds,, thn Rinhnrri EVanltlin gressman says, just before final Nichols said he and fellow Al- ..._ • approval of an $800,000 loan, jabama Democratic Reps. “M the GAO Will either try to Democrat William Nichols of George W. Andrews and Armi-[reconstruct the results by de-( Alabama said the General Ac-jstead I. Splden Jr., had asked pending on the memory of its; counting Office, after some de- f°r the investigation, which be-js^afferg or over again. lay, formally notified him of the last January, after com-|- --- - -. •— 1 theft Friday. GAO, an investiga- Points from area residents tory arm of Congress, was con-1 While U* intent of the 'ducting the inquiry. iloan was help grow okra, Ni- ■ * * * ichols said the project branched) I Nichols said he already had out into social activity. I learned from other sources that LUGGAGE, CLOTHING ) the results of the probe into ani Luggage containing the re-j Office of Economic Opportunity [suits of a scrutiny of the records! |project in 10 counties were sto- 0f the OEO, the Farmers Home' 'len from a GAO staffer’s car [Administration and the Eco-outside a Selma, Ala., motel nomic Development Authority! 'July 3. [were taken, along with clothing, | He said file theft came at thejNichols said. [right moment to prevent any TTie project is in line for an (adverse results the report may |FHA loan of $800,000 and Ni-jhave contained from delaying'chols said he had hoped results [the loan to the Southwest Ala-1 of the investigation would come bama Farmers Cooperative. before its final approval “in an [ hours op WORK effort to ascertain whether the I "While we aren’t saying thatl^f^ip was capable of han-| the theft and the investigation j gS * ^ w. are in any way related, we are He sajdhe was particularly concerned that this material! view of the testimo- was destroyed after so many r ding an 0EO project in! W&ESSESk 1X1 ' Chicago for street gangs, to de-f E. termine U» .value « Ihe V Thomas, who is attached to the bama ,, .. ..| GAO’s Atlanta, Ga., office, said; OPEN SUNDAY 2 to 5 P.M. 1747 E. HIGHLAND ROAD 9 rooms with 4 bedrooms, brick and aluminum sided, 3 zone hot water heating system, lVjj baths, raised hearth fireplace, new wall-to-wall carpeting. 2-car garage, large lot 225x300. This is a fine spot to raise a family or if you are sports minded, a wonderful place for horses or dogs. Reduced to $28,500, terms. Directions.-Out M-59 or Highland to 1747 E. Highland, west of E. Highland, to open signs. __ WE WILL TRADE ANNETT INC. REALTORS 28 E. HURON ST., PONTIAC, 338-0466 Office Open Evenings & Sunday 1 to 4 Don’t Lose Your Cool Enjoy Life With GIBSON from CONSUMERS POWER CO. 28 West Lawrence 333-7812 1 FREE BEACH BALL WITH EACH *3 OR MORE BOX STORAGE ORDER! (All Storage at Regular Prices Only!) _0ry Cleaning Special- Mon., Tuet., Wed., July 15,16,17 LADIES'1-or 2-PC. PLAIN DRESSES LADIES'OR MEN'S 2-PIECE SUITS, ANY2 FOR $2^9 -SojKy 'B/tent Qmm M-59 at Crescent Lake Road WATERFORD PLAZA - 873-8833 ' S. Telegraph Road TEL-HUR0N8. C. - 335-7934 71 South Squirrel Road Auburn Heights — 862-3737 One Hour Martinizing South Telegraph Road MIRACLE MILE S. C. —332-1822 763 Baldwin Avenue BALDWIN PLAZA - 335-2200 3397 Elizabeth Lake Road ELIZABETH LAKE S. C. 982-8910 ? All stores open 7:ao a.m. --7:qo p m. Color Wirephoto 1 Setup Is Developed TOKYO (AP) — Toho Denki| Co. introduced Friday whet it said is the world’s first color-to-color Wirephoto transmitter and I receiver. The equipment is designed^ primarily for use by television f stations broadcasting news in' color. j * • * * •••• I The transmitter can send a! 2V4-by-3‘i-inch color print in seven minutes over a standard telephone line of three kilocycles in band width. The receiver employs a color pack film (type 106). made by Polaroid Ceerpr^xif—Massaej^ setts, and automatically pro-[ duces a color print after the[ regular 60-second development! time for Polaroid color prints/ The only manual operations; involved are the placing of the: dolor print on the drum at, the' transmitting end and the unloading of the print from an eight-print color film pack at the receiving end. FACTS ABOUT PHARMACY by HOWARD L DELL Your Neighborhood Pharmacist QUALIFICATIONS OF YOUR PHARMACIST u Studied at IlnivargHy a* Missturi, Cantrat Miehi-gat UatvarsMjr a ad Farm state uohog*. * II yaars al service la tha puoplu al Pairtiac. YOU CAN EXPECT PERSONAL SERVICE FROM A MAN DEDICATED TO PEOPLE AND THEIR PROBLEMS. Choose Your Phanaaeiat at You Would Your Doctor! BALDWIN PHARAAACY 219 Baldwin, Corhay Grand** FE 4-2620 (•*)■»§§• Wa In llohcm A means 1 low* you." Three diamonds, onu for took of Am three words, encased m I8K gold splendor. And, os ha gurnt you his promise, Orange Blossom gives you ours; 9 your ring is lost, stolen or domoged during the fi rat yeor of purchase. Orange Blossom will replace A without charge. Now you hove two promises. Amore by Orange Blossom; From (200 , Charge e Layaway *.Michigan Bartkard JEWELERS _ DOWNTOWN PONTIAC Corner of Huron and Saginaw Streets FE 2-0294 SAVE ’15" NONDAY at WKC! j Car Kills Girl, 6 j LAKE CITY (AP) -Virginia! 'Duddles, 6. of rural Missaukee [County, was killed-Friday when] Ishe was striick by a car jear {her home. Sheriff’s deputies [said she ran into the road from [behind a haystack. SONY Pocket FM Radio • As pictured * Powerful pocket radio weighs only 7/ ounces • Powerful T1 -transistor FM reception • Automatic FM tuning button • Telescopic antenna • Operates on batteries — plays, wherever you gol OPEN MONDAY 9:30 a.m, to 9 p.m. NO MONEY DOWN - 90 Days Sam* as Cash « PARK FREE in LOT at Roar of WKC t THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1908 B—a ?1 Injured in Outbreak at Italian | Biafrans Need Mass Food Aid NAPLES, Italy (AP) - Police1 put down a new outbreak today , at Naples' Poggioreale prison, where rioting broke out Friday ai$ong the 2,000 Inmates. police aimed tnachine-gun bursts into the air and hurled tear gas grenades to herd the prisoners back into their cells/ Two prisoners Were seriously wounded by bullets, Calm was restored by the 700 lodal and national police who poured into the stpoke-fllled prison. Authorities reported 0 era and 31 police injuredin the fighting that broke out Friday and flared again around midnight. Many of the prisoners used the rioting to settle old grudges among themselves, authorities said. Many were knifed and clubbed in personal fights. In the first outburst Friday, the prisoners chanted “We are dying Of jhirst,’’ as they rampaged through prison yards. Naples has been scorched by a heat wave, and the temperature was 90 Friday. ★ * * The riot began when a group of prisoners on 'their daily re-cess overpowered their guards, seized cel) keys and ran through the corridors to release their jailmates. 5 Meet new neighbors. RUSS BOUSHilL JOHNSON STAN EVANS We’re Allstate people. And we aim to help you save money, time and trouble buying insurance. We offer most everything from life and auto insurance to boat and business insurance. All at Allstate’s famous low rates. All delivering solid protection and value. jfc'H.00.!0* We’re at your service at: * 4381 Highland Road (M-59) At Pontiac Lake Road MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, 8:30 A.M. TO 7:00 P.M. - SATURDAYS, 8:30 A.M. TO 1 P.M. Phone: 681-0400 Allstate Allstate Insurance Companies > Northbrook, INinoit Sources Say 200 Die of Starvation per Day GENEVA (AP) - Red Cross sources said today only massive overland supply convoys can save millions of starving war refugees in secessionist Biafra, ringed by a Nigerian army I blockade. ; The sources estimated that refugees are dying at the rate of 1200 a day, and the figure is expected to surpass 1,000 unless there is immediate help. Other sources have estimated that 1.2 ! million Biafrans will starve to {death by the end of this month 'without relief supplies. ★ * * The International Red Cross | Committee so far has been able to send only IS chartered supply planes to the war-ravaged area In eastern Nigeria. Hazardous night flights are required to dodge Nigerian air force MIGs, which have Orders to shoot down relief planes. No Red Cross supplies have j reached Biafra since one of the {planes crashed two weeks ago, {killing four. Red Cross spokesmen said about 800 tons of food are stored on the Spanish island of Fernando Po, off the Nigerian coast, and more are on the way by sea. U.N. Secretary-General U Thant said Friday that major U.N. agencies were ready to supply “very generous quantities of medicine and food.” Despite appeals from President Johnson and the United Nations, the Biafran government has refused to accept international relief supplies if they are shipped on overland routes controlled by the Nigerian federal forces. Biafran spokesmen have voiced the suspicion that such shipments might be poisonqd by the Nigerians. ★ * ★ The Lagos government will not allow any aid shipments to the Biafrans unless they pass {through Nigerian-controlled cor-| ridors. Lord Hunt, the leader of a British mercy mission, failed Friday to persuade Nigerian leaders to designate Port Har-court as a forwarding point for 'relief supplies. He was told the oort facilities were reserved for Nicotian military needs only. Port, Harcourt is the closest oort to the Biafran area. Vofe on Pact Set MIDLAND (AP) - Negotiators for Dow Coming of Midland and Local 12934 of District 50 of the United Mine Workers of America have announced that a new contract proposal will be presented for a ratification vote. The proposed agreement will be explained to union mpmhprs Monday, with vot-ing scheduled to take place Wednesday. The union has been on strike for some six Weeks in a contract dispute centered mainly around a cost-of-living clause. Come to WKC Monday For This Idea I Starter Bedroom Set For The New Bride or Homemaker SAVE ‘47.95 MONDAY in WKC's Lower Level Furniture Dept. 10-PC MODERN BEDROOM OUTFIT Modern design, generously propor-'1 honed, with a tropical flair . . . years of lasting beauty, protection against spilled cosmetics and marring ... wipes dean with doth. Brass finished hardware on drawer fronts the rich wood graining. All drawers are double guided... . . IN WKC'S LOWER LEVEL FURNITURE DEPT. fmmgssg • DOUBLE DRESSER . • CHEST Jim • BOOKCASE BED J • DRESSER MIRROR 10 PCS. COMPLSTi $206.95 Abernathy's 20-Day Jail Term Enffls Today1 WASHINGTON (UPl) - New enthusiasm came back into the Poor People's Campaign with the release of. Its leader, the Rev. Ralph David Abernathy, after,his 20-day stay in jail. About 150 of the campaigners held an all-night vigil in front of the District of Columbia Jail waiting for Abernathy’s release, expected about midmorning.4 After his release, they planned a march to a nearby church for a news conference by Abernathy and a small rally featuring the campaign’s symbolic “mule train.” Campaign officials scheduled a mass rally tonight at a downtown Washington church to show support for Abernathy, who was arrested oh Capitol Hill the day Resurrection City was shut down by the government. CAPITOL MARCH The head of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference also will lead a march around the capitol tomorrow. While the few remaining Poor People’s Campaigners waited for their leader's release, a Southern senator said the campaign so far has cost taxpayers more than $1 million. Sen. Strom Thurmond, R-S.C., said the expenses related m to the seven-week campaign included overtime pay for police and re sodding the soil where Resurrection City existed for more than a month. Thurmond’s itemized list of expenditures totaling 91,092,-991 included 9806,000 for the D.C. government, 9221,436 for the Interior Department, 954,955 for the NaationaL Guard and 910,600 for the Agriculture Department. ASTRONOMICAL COST “The public has paid an astronomical cost for the two months of disorder and violence in Washington, and the Poor People’s Campaign representatives have been received at levels of government no other group could' ever reach," Thurmond said. He said the government paid 936,000 to restore soil and resod park property near the Lincoln Memorial where the poor people erected their controversial hut*village. It also had to spend 9154,000 for park police operations around the village, 95,600 to clean up after the June 19 Solidarity Day march, 918.500 to tear down Resurrectidh City,\ 95,076 for repair of trees and shrubs and 91,900 for other damages to park property. Genuine Ortho Mattresses Are Sold Only at Ortho Stores! ItjtiB M±il 12 PIECE KING SIZE SLEEP SET Luxurious, Quilted Button-Free! 7 ft Long-6 ft. Wide Mattress and 2 Box Springs! Here's What You Get: • King Size Mattress! ' 2 Box Springs! * King Size Metal Frame with Casters! • King Size Mattress Pad! • 2 King Size Fieldcrest Percale Sheets! • 2 King Size Pillowcases! • 2 King Size Pillows! ONLY 178 INCLUDES DOUBLE BONUS ORTHO, THE BIGGEST MATTRESS CHAIN IN THE NATION! 12 PC. KING SIZE SLEEP SET HUGE 7 FT. LONG - 6 FT; WIDE MATTRESS AND BOX SPRING! HERE’S WHAT YOU GET: King Size - Mattress—KingSize Box Springs—King Size Metal Frame with Casters—King Size Mattress Pad—2 King /' DOUBLE Size Fieldcrest Percale Sheets — 2 King Size Pillow- / BONUS! cases-2 King Size Pillows! ’ ' *. Qunn Sin HEADBOARD * (not at illuilrilM) ,» . with Your Purchau of \An)r Kln^w t^uoofl j INCLUDES DOUBLE BONUS IL,—, ONLY *148 Buy Direct from the Mattress Specialists and Save! FAMOUS SERTA BOX SWING A MATTRESS, TWO VANITY LAMPS, TWO PHliOWS 106 N. Saginaw FE 3-7114 wmm NO MONEY DOWN ■— EASY Terms at WKC MON. STORE HOURS 9,30 AM to 9 PM PARK FREE in Lotot Rear of Store 12 PIECE pUEEN SIZE SLEEP SET 60. IN. WIDE—80 IN. LONG MATTRESS AND BOX SPRING -HERE'S WHAT YOU GET: Queen Size Mattress - Queen Size Box Spring — Queen Size Metal Frame with Casters — Queen Size Mattress Pad — 2 Queen Size Fieldcrest Percale Sheets — 2 Queen Size Pillowcases — 2 Queen Size Pillows! ONLY 128 INCLUDES DOUBLE BONUS FIRM TWIN OR FULL SIZE MATTRESS & BOX SPRING Firm for added support! Deeply cushioned tempered steel colls. Attractive extra heavy cover. Handles and ventilators for easy turning, long lasting comfort. ONLY 78 INCLUDES DOUBLE BONUS Open Daily 10 a m.-9 p.m.• Sat. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. • Sun. 12-6 p.m. (livernois Closed Sunday) • Ptione Orders Accepted • NeCash Down, Up To 24 Months foPay! • ORTHO MATTRESS "IF YOU'D! NOT SUfFINC ON AN SUMS MATTMSS TOU’W NOT SUmNC" FREE PARKINS AT ALL ORTHO STORES 2211 S. TELEGRAPH, PONTIAC MIRACLE MILE STORE ONLY, OPEN SAT. UNTIL 9 P.M. PHONE: 332-2227 WE HONOR MICHIGAN RANKARD end SECURITY CHARGE Other ORTHO Stores in Detroit, Livonia, Lincoln Perk, Roseville, Dearborn & Oak Paris THE PONTIAC PjUflSS, SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1908 locoby on Bridge NOBTH (D) |t * AJ52 to 10 8 6 4 to a« toAII WIST EA8T *4 4k Q 10 9 7 toJS tot ♦ J 9 6 4 5 4Q 107 5 3 4) J109 8 7 *K52 SOUTH 4X8(3 to AKQ9 7 2 ♦ K ♦ Q< Both vulnerable West North East South 1 A Pass 1 to Pau 2 to Pbm 4 N.T. Pass S 4k Past 5 N.T. Past 6 4b Pass 6 to Pass Pass Pass Opening lead—A J l 'i ne, oniamg waam ♦fcoth tables.,Both Norfc players chose to open with one\:lub and The bidding was'the same at whuldiSiave$b e «$) possible to “ '-------tiijjle the plag so’ that the secoii^ spade could be lei toward dum* my but with the jack forgetting to drop, each declarer had to use dummy's ace of spades as an entry to strip the hand of clubs and make the end possible. then to,1 |lve an immediate heart raise. In the New York area most experts favor five card major opening bids and sound major raises. Thus both Ed and Bob felt their hands warranted immediate Blackwood action. By OSWALD and JAMES JACOBY In the recent Eastern championships bridge teachers Ed Pinner and Bob McPherran avoided the spade trap and! landed in the] correct contract] of six hearts. Since they were playing an Intern a t i o n a 1] Match Point match, each one] gave up the play for seven and played safe to make their slam contract. | The play was also Identical. lEach declarer went right up with 'dummy's' ace of rtut% drew ttpmpd with two ftatjs, cashed the king of dlartbtkto, entered dummy with the 10 of trumps, discarded the qpeen of clubs on the ace of diamonds, ruffed a club, eBteredfdWpnfj? with the ace 'bf'Xpaded, Ttflfed the last club tad ltd a tow spade {toward dummy's jad*!' * When West showed toil each South smiled .contmbxfly and called for a lbw spade from dummy. East wis on read and had to either give declarer a ruff and discard or lead away from his queen-of spades. Q—The bidding hat been; PM-\i$T. ' *to pa». *;|S Pass 11' pass aN.T. Pass ett^ryPktt ■ t You, Souta^ hp^k *A4 WKQietl ♦EJ«5 All What M' finesse feeVffj TODAY’S Ipstcdd of reblddinf two no-trump your partner bids three diamonds over your two hearts. What do you do now? Answer Monday JACOBY This line of play gave up a potential overtrick in case West had started with two or three BERRY'S WORLD—By Jim Berry spades headed by the queen but in IMP play you follow the rubber bridge practice of making sure of a game or slam contract. If the jack of trumps had fallien on the first trump lead it Daily Almanac By United Press International , Tqdey is Saturday, July IS, t|| 195(4 day of IMS with 171 The. moon is between its full stage and laqt quarter. The morning stars are Mercury and Saturn. The evening stars are Venus and Jupiter. Oikttyg day in history: In 1863 opposition to the Federal Conscription Act led to an outburst of riots in New York City. More than 1,000 persons were killed, several Negroes lynched and property damage was almost 2 million dollars before the riots were put down 3 days later. i* In .1865 Horace Greeley wrote an editorial In the New York Tribune that federal civil workers who didn’t like Washington should “Go west, young man, go west and grow up with the country.” In 1878 the Russo-Turkish war ended. In 1942 the underground Free JTrench movement changed its name to “Fighting France." ROBIN MALONE THE BERRYS 3PK THE BORN LOSER r j*’ ’ ** By Art Sanannt 'sock it to tmN of com urn7] the mm1 ** EH, OFFICER! 7/#3U BETTER \ THE HUM AM B0UAT10M VJ SQUfflOM ( 7 BELIEVE IT, / CONSIDER—MAV85 HE X BE U / l BUDDV/ / DlDttT SEE THE RRE ) CONFINED TO if • iMlgN*ks.tll*frlU9»ttf J \ ) r y 2-®®^ 1 lyitiii Bv V. T. Hamlin ■■■■■■ alii By SYDNEY DMARR for Sunday "Th* wlM man control* hl» do ... AstrotaRy Ram* tho way," . ARIES (March Jl-Aprll 1»): Now notice that you Of----- “ shako off emotional : Your sense often. • - -on be enhanced thro""h You gain Informotloi TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Hold bock on direct action. Some associates have Information of value. Welt and listen. By displaying maturity, patience, you make ef well-being can be enhanced through social contact. You gain Information of value. Be flexible. ver»etlle. Acquaintance confides problem. Be sympathetic. CANCER (June 21-July 22): .Chert details. Don't overlook essential meb*r* Temptation Is to daydream. Drew LEO (Julr2>Aug. 22): Put off concern over possible financial —*■— ~“-tlon. Conditions for you chdnge. Written ln*~" forthcoming. Member aids. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Cemer lattenshlp with mate, partner. Strlv greater harmony on home front. < ......___;. If diplomatic, gain l« Indicated. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) they actually’ exist. Truth may not appear pleasant. But ultimately you profit by realistic actions. Consider task at ■re HR H ..—-I to younger persons. Credibility gap I* closed. Tell tt as It . ------ r. ■ Accent truth. Re* r. Realize this Be (rink, Ml be wraral proceed accordingly. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 2W3ec.II) Finish prelect which has been left hanging Don't deliberately deley progress. Many went to know your views. Express them ________ges. Highlight Intellectual curio* Ity. Ask questions end you will obtain answers. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. Ill: .Accent on money, personal poseesslwis. If quiet within, answers will—be forthceml Means avoid pushing panic button. you naad Is coming your way. I captive. PISCES (Feb. 1 O'March 20): Obtain hint from GEMINI message. Cycle te tuch that you can safely take Inltletivf Take epeclal care with pereonel f ence. You may be called upon to IF TOMORROW IS YOUR BIRTHDAY you ere finishing a malor prelect. Erase self-doubt. By next month you will have the material you require. ★.....*—*........ .....| -I GENERAL TENDENCIES: Cycle high tor ARIES. TAURUS. Special word to, SAGITTARIUS: realize that Individual who asks for help can also aitf’you. FOR MONDAY j - • ARIES (March 21-Aprll It) Sy altar-noon you ere apprised of opportunity for new start. Your attitude cMbM* In more positive manner. Take IMtletlve. Get going with new contacts, plans and Ideas. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Key I* ' to be charming rather than forceful. One gj —humor Co-operate 4n—special—group proiect. GEMINI (May 21-Juna »): Emphasis on friends, desires. Much can be fulfilled If you don’t skip essentials. You gain by .thorough approach. Takes patience, ma-turity, ^Isclpllne. But rewards today can CANCER (June 21-July 22): St; Ity to carry out special asslgnmer Don't hesitate to put forth views. Peou. In authority can be favorably Impressed. plays significant- LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)i Good lunar ■sped today coincides with pldhs tor tourney. Look ahead. Don't feel you must adhere to tradition. Family discussion proves fruitful. . Vacation break from routine. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22: Dig deep for source material. Don't be satisfied j with superficial values. Get to the reel thing. What you took may be close but sudden from view. Know this—act accordingly. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Emphasis j on how you relate to public. Consider! advertising, public relations proposals.! You could meet someone who plays par-1 amount role In your life. Be open, re-1 captive. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-No.v. 21): Remer SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Oec. 21): bo creative resources. You have -to offer than might be Imagined. phasiZe changa, variety. Apply you: Malaria Control A spectacular rise in the mortality level in Ceylon from 46 to :60 in less than 10 years was due mainly to the control of malarfa by the ^praying of DDT . and ether advances in, sanitation, according to flie Encyclopaedia Britannica. - PONTIAC ' .:-V SCHEDULE WEEK OF JULY 13-20 -CUT HERE FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Keep this page and the following pages in the position they are now. Mold them this way whilp you do step 2. 2. Cut along the dotted line in.the center. Be sure to cut all three sheets. 3. Lift the upper Half (keep all three upper halves as they are now) and place over the lower halves. 4. Fold along the solid black line running up and down the middle of the page. 5. Now you should have a booklet with pages in the proper order 1 thru 24. HUNTOON SHORES to $26,060 for a new 1292 sq. It. ranch on a 125 ft. x A 100 ft. lot. HUntoon lok* privilege* and 2 school* are minutes away. This homo is complete with 3 bedrooms, entry foyer, 2-car attached garage and fireplace- Call Dick Steir at 674-3136 or 544-7773 for details. Immediate occupancy, (pictured at right.). Open daily and Sundoy 1 to 6. LAKE ANGELUS LAKEVIEW ESTATES $27,840 for an all brick tri-level in picturesque lake Angelus Ldkevlew Estates. The subdivision is very picturesque with winding roads, canals, trees, and a beach on Morgan Lake. 3-bedrooms,,carpeting, 1V4 baths, 2-car garage, 100 ft. x 113 ft.iot with trees, patio, and immediate occupancy are port of this beautiful home. Call Dick Steir at 674-3136 or 544-7773 for details. (Pictured at top of ad). Open Sunday 1 to 6. 1 PLEASANT LAKE WOODS All pictured models available In Pleasant Lake Woods, 2 lake front hornet priced at $36,950 including lot and 5 lake-privilege homes' priced at $28,-1 200 to $30,600 including lot. Call for more informa- This Model Huntoon Shorts Only "Be&tdij-rute HOMES LEON BLACHURA, General Contractor, Inc. 674-3136 0* for information CALL The Pontiac Press Thursday, July 18 THURSDAY MORNING 8:88 (4) Classroom 6:15 (2) On the Farm Scene 6:38 (2) U. of M. Television (4) C- Ed Allen 7:08 (2) C — Woodrow the Woodsman ----(4) € — Today (7) C — Morning Show 7:55 (0) Morgan’s Merry-Gb-Round 8:00 (2) C — Captain Kangaroo £41) Tales of the River , Bank 8:30 (7) R — Movie: “Fire Down Below’’ (Part 2) <•) C — Upside Town 9:00 (2) C — Merv Griffin (4) C — Steve Allen (9) C — Bozo 10:01(4) C - Snap * Judgment (7) C — Virginia Graham (9) R — Rawkeye/*|:> 1J&2M4)jC—News^--------- 10:30 (2) RC~ Beverly Hillbillies (4) C — Concentration (7) C — Dick Cavett (9) Friendly Giant (50) C — Jack La Lanne. 10:15 (9) Chez Helene ' 11:00 (2) R - Andy of Mayberry (4) C—Personality ’ (9) Mr. Dressup (50) C — Kimba 11:25 (9) Pick of the Week -11:30 (2) R —4 Dick Van Dyke * (4) C — Hollywood Squares (50) R — Little Rascals 11:15 (9) News THURSDAY AFTERNOON 12:00 (2) (4) C - News, Weather, Sports , (7) R — Bewitched. (9) Luncheon Date 12«SS (2) C — Fashions 12i90 (2) C — Search lot libmorrow " (» <;*- Bye Guess • C — Treasure Isle (9) R — Movie: “Golden Earrings” (1947) R ay i Miiland, Marlene Dietrich (50) R. — Movie: “TWo Flap Vest (1950) Joseph Gotten, Linda Darnell, Jeff OiafodlOr 18:45 (2) C—Guiding Light (4) C — News 1:00 (2) C — Love of Life (4) Match Game (7) C—Dream House 1:25 (2) C-News (4) C — Carol Duvall 1:30 (2) C - As the World s (4) C — Let’s Make a Deal J (?) C — It’s Happening TtSTT?) Children^ Doctor 2:00 (2) C — Love Is a Many Splendored Thing (4) C — Days rtif Our Lives . (7) C — Newlywed Game 2:30 (2) C — House Party (4) C — Doctors (7) C — Dating Game (50) R — Make Room for Daddy 3:00 (2) C — Divorce Court (4) C — Another World (7) C — General Hospital (9) R—Route 66 (50) R C — To Ten the Truth 3:25 (50) C-News 3:30 (2) Edge of Night (4) C — ,You Don’t Say (7) C — One Life to Live (50) C — Captain Detroit 4:00 (2) C — Secret Storm (4) C — Woody Woodbury (7) C — Dark Shadows (9) C — Swingin’ Time 4:30 (2) C — Mike Douglas (7) R — Movie: "Summer Love”.(1957) John Saxon, Judy Meredith, Jill St. John (&) R — Three Stooges 5:90 (9) C — Bozo (50) R — Ljttle Rascals 5:30 (4), C — George Pierrot t- “Summer in Spain” . (9) C — Fun House (50) R — Superman 5:45 (56) Friendly Giant A THURSDAY NIGHT 6:00 (2) (4) (7) C H News, Weather, Sports (9) R — Dennisthe Menace (50) R C -y Flintstones (56) Misteirogere 6:3# (2) (i) C -*Nqws — Rcasoner (4) C - News - Huntley, Brinkley (9) R C — McHale’s Navy (56) What’s New 7:06 (2) C - Truth or Consequences (4) (7) C - News, Weather, Sports (7) C — News rr_._ — Reynolds (9) R — Movie: “The Three Musketeers” (1935) From the novel by Alex-ander Dumas, D’Artagnan— ' and friends try to regain the queen’s broach. Walter Abel, Paul Lukas, Heather Angel (50) R -- My Favorite Martian (56) NET Festival -“Will the real Norman Mailer please stand up?” 7:30 (2) R C . — Cimarron Strip — Robert Lansing stars as the leader of a gang of robbers in pursuit of revenge (4) R C — Daniel Boone — Daniel sets out to sabotage a Spanish fort being built on American ’ soil. r (7) R C — Second hundred Years — Luke subs for Ken on a big date. (50) R — I Love Luey 8:09 (7) R C — Flying Nun , ’; Nuns are given ownership of a casino/ when gangsters threaten Carlos. (50) RC —Hazel (56) Fairy Tales — “FrHgolette” is an Italian rstory about a girl who Is kidnaped by a witch. 8:30 (4) R C — Ironside — Eve is forced to kill in the line of 4uiy.____ (7) R C - Bewitched — | ___Darrin and-Sa m an tfrar continue their battle over her use of witchcraft (59) R —• Honeymooners * (56) crises of Modern Man — Bishop James A. Pike . and educator Frederick Mayer discuss the interrelationship of psychology, education and reUghMi- in the nuclear age: 0:55 (9) C — News 9:00 (2) R C —. Movie: “Where the Spies Are” (English, 1965) A country doctor ’ becomes a secret agent and uncovers an assassination plot. David Niven, Francoise Dorleac. (7) RC —That Girl (9^Jl — Lock Up (50) R — Perry Mason (56) Appalachian Folk Music #730 (4) R C - Dragnet -Police search agonizingly for two missing girls. (7) C - Peyton Place -A—(OHt-€^eleso55e^rArf essay on the buffalo 10:00 (4) C Golddiggers — Pole-sitting and channelswimming are highlighted. (7) R — Untouchables (9) C — Creative Person (50) C — Les Crane (56) K — Movie: “On the Night Stage?’ (1914) kg Silent film director Thomas Ince».rnade this’ Western about a road agent who is in love with a dance-hall girl. William S. Hart, Rh^a Mitchell 10:36 (9) C.— Difference — —Eight-week” Study ol Canadian history contrasting English and French viewpoints 11:66 (2) (4) (7) (9) C -News, Weather, Sports (50) R — Alfred Hitchcock 11:36 (2) C — Movies: 1. “Kangaroo” (1952) A u s t r a 1 i an rancher mistakes seaman for his long-lost son. Maureen O’Hara, Peter Lawford, Richard Boone; 2. “Untamed Heiress” (1954) Girl tries to save gold • from gangsters. Judy Canova, Don Barry (4) C — Johnny Carson ---(7) C — Joey Bishop___ — (9) R^/Secret Agent (SO) R — Movie: “The Big. Lift” (1950; Story of the American Berlin airlift in 1948. Montgomery ,9Clift, Paul''Douglas 12:39 (0) Window on the World 1:99 (4) Beat the Champ (7) News 1:30 (4)C — PDQ 3:00 (2) R — Dobie Gillis %{i|0 (2) R-lJighway Patrol ,4 :00 (2) G — New*,. ' Weather OPEN DAILY 10 to 10 SUNDAY 11 A.M. to 6 P.M. itc/i Tfie most trusted ” name in electronics Makes An Ideal “Second Set** RCA VHF-UHF MINIKIN PORTABLE Black, while scl feature* . diaitimalj—74—sqr in. pic Solid Male VHF-UHF tuners (live sharp pictures, longer life. Solid cop|*er circuits replace hand wiring '3” speaker delivers great sou ml. Buy All Your TV Accessories At Kmart Low Discount Prices! Cliiirge It! Sharp Luggage Inspired Styling COMPACT TRIMETTE PORTABLE TV No Money Down Pay Only 8.31 Per Month IK” dia. (74 sq. in. black and white picture). VHF-UHF lunefs offer full range • programming. RGA solid copper eircuils assure long dependable performance, S” speaker delivers “Golden Throat” sound. GLENWOOD PLAZA- north PERRY STREET CORNER GLENWOOD In Tfiircl Part eof CBS Series Black Man's Position to Be Examined Black leaders of two continents, Africa and North America, will examine the black man\position in the world today on “Black World” Tuesday, at 10 p.m. on Channel 2. Rep. John Conyers, Jr., D-Detroit, Tom Mboya of Kenya, Floyd MaKissick of The Congress of Racial Equality, and Dr. Alex Kwapong, vice chancellor qf. 5 University of Ghana, will connected by radio and :phone circuits, enabling ' them to hear each other. They will be filmed simultaneously. CBS News Correspondent Mike Wallace will be the anchor man of the broadcast, the third in CBS News’ ma- jor seven-part series, “Of Black America.” ' “Black World” will explore how the civil rights movement in American looks to Africans and will seek to discover the similarities and differences between black and white relationships in America and in Africa. v DISCUSSION TOPICS The panelists will discuss how much of a kinship Mack Africans feel toward, black Americans, if recent political developments i n Africa have increased the black American’s desire to identify with his heritage, and how the role of the black woman in Africa differs frpm that of her counterpart in America. Congressman Conyers represents the 1st District of the city bf Detroit He was elected for the first time in 1964. He will be filmed at the CBS News studios 1 n Washington. Mboya is the minister of economic planning and development for Kenya in East Africa «nd is .generally regarded as second in importance in .Kenya only to President Jomo Kenyatta. He will, be filmed at the broadcasting center of the Voice ofICdnya in Nairobi. ★ ★ ★ McKissick is national director of CORE, militant civil rights organisation. He is on an extended leave of absence from his post for treatment of a back injury suffered during a 1966 civil rights demonstration. He will , be at the CBS Broadcast Center in New York. Dr. Kwapong is vice chancellor of the University of Ghana. He is familiar with .America, having served as visiting professor at Princeton University in 1(162. He will be in the studios of the Ghana Broadcasting Corp. in Accra. hfcike Wallace will be in the CBS ‘ News (studios- in Washington. * ★ ★ Palmer Williams is producer of “Black World.” Perry Wolff is executive producer of the “Of Black America” series. Fits in any room in your home. Full Zenith handcrafted quality. The KEPLER • Model Z3906 Perfect for'patio, den, kitchen and bedroom! All new handsomely atyled. Decorator-Compact table model. All new Zenith Handcrafted Color TV Chassis. Vinyl clad metal cabinet in Brown color. , 36995 TV-RADIO SERVICE SATURDAY • SATURDAY MORNING 6:05 (2) TV Chapel 6:16 (2) TV 2 News 6.15 (2) C — On the Farm Scene 6:30 (2) Understanding Our World 6:55 (4) C —News ?:0§ (2) 6 — Captain Kangaroo (4) C — Country Living 7:30 (4) C - Oopsy the Clown 7:45 (7) C —RuralReport 8:00 (2) C — Woodrow the Woodsman (7) C -e TV CoUege 8:30 (50) Rocky Jones 9:00 (2) C—Frankenstein Jr. (4).C — Super 6 (7) C — Casper (50) C - Roller Derby -Midwest Pioneers v s. Detroit Devils 9:25 (9) Warm-Up The Pontiac Press till (I) C — Herculolds ? ‘ (4) C*- Super President (7) C—Fantastic Four (9) Window on the World 10:00 (2) C — Shazsan (4) R C FUntatones (7) C~- Spiderman (9) William Tell (80) C — Home Shopper 16:10 (S) C — Space Ghost ' (4) Young Samson (7) C — Journey to the Center of uie Earth (9) R — Hawkeye 11:00 (2) C -Moby Dick (4) C — Birdman (7) C—King Kong (0) Window on the World (50) C —Upbeat 11:30 (2) C — Superman-Aquaman (4) C — Atom Ant and Secret Squirrel (7) C — George of the Jungle 11:45 (9) The Gardener SATURDAY AFTERNOON 12:00 (4) R C - Cool McCool (7) R C - Beatles j(9) C — Audubon Theatre (50) R - Movie: “Gentleman Jim” (1942) t, July 20 Errol Flynn, Alette Smith, Jade Carson, Ward Band IXsM (3) C-Johnny Quest /(4) Beat the Champ (7) C — American Bandstand ■ (0) Country Calendar ItW (I) B C - Lone Ranger ,(9) CBC Sports 1:90 (3) C - NFL Action (4) C - Red Jones (7) C — Happening *68 1:00i3) C - Tiger Warm-Up (4) C — Major League Baseball (7) R - Movie: “The Black Castle!' (1053) Boris Karloff, Richard Greene ,(9) R — Movie: “Sabre ' Jet” (1953) Robert Stack, Coleen Gray (50) R — Movie: '‘Swing Your Lady" (1938) Humphrey Bogart, Ronald 2:15 (2) C-Baseball: Baltimore at Detroit 3:25 (7) C - World of Sports 3:30 (7) R - Mr. Lucky (50) R - Movie: “The Man with Nine Lives” / 23 (1040) Boris Karloff, Roger pf&r *’■ 4.16(7) C- CelabritF^ Billiards — James GarneC Visits. (•) Wrestling 4(U (86) Merlin the Magi* -* clan , (66) Music for Young , People 4:36 (7) — Michigan Sportsman ' 4:50 (2) C — Baseball Scoreboard 4:55 (4) C - Wonderful World of Sports 5:00 (2) R — Doble GUUi (4) C — Car and Track * (7) C — Wide World of Sporta — World Lumberjack Championships and stock car “thrill race” are featured. (9) R — TwRight Zone (50) C —HyLit 5:21 (2) C-Turf Talk (2) C —Gentle Ben (4) C — George Pierrot — ‘ ‘Round About Madrid” 5:30 (9) RC-Gidget 5:45 (66) — World Traveler THE GREAT FULL 4 PLY NYLON CORD GENERAL-JET WHITEWALL $1000 Plus $2.19, $2.21 F.f.T. Sixo* 7.75x14, 7.75x15 tuba-la** (or Ford, Chavy, Plymouth, Ramblar. $20 00 Plu* $2.35, $3.36 F.I.T. Six#* 0.25x14,8.15x15 tuba-la** for Bulck, Old*, Pontiac, Cbrytlor, Dadga, Plymouth, Moicury. (22 00 Plu* $2.56 F.E.T. Sixa 8.55 4 tubal#** for Cbrytlor, bodgo. Old*, Plymouth and Pontioe. 770 OrcharcTTSkr^vB. FE 5-6112 OPEN • ED WILLIAMS 451 S. Saginaw FE 2-8303 MONDAY - Friday 8:30 - 5:30 - SATURDAY 8:30 -1:00 Tho Pontioe Pro** Sunday, July 14 SUNDAY SUNDAY MORNING 6:05 (2) TV Chapel ----6sl8(2)C^- News __ 0:15 (2) Let's Find Out -An infernal look at paintings by U. of M. artists. 6:30 (2) C — Cathedral of Tomorrow 7:25 (4) C-News 7:30 (2) C — Christopher Program * (4) C — Country Living 8:00 (2) C — This Is the ----Life---- (4) C — World Council of Churches -i- “The U n derground Church,” first of two programs on the church’s increasing involvement in secular „___society. (7) C—TV College-— 8:151&) Sacred Heart 8:30 (2) C — Temple Baptist Church (4) C — Church at the Crossroads (7) C —Green Up Time (9) Window on the World (50)" C — Herald trf Truth — “Who Are the Saved” 8:55 (4) C —Newsworthy 9:00 (2) C — Mass for Shut-ins (4) C — Oopsy, the Clown (7) C — Dialogue (9) Eric Sykes (50) C — Captain Detroit 9:38 (2) C — With This Ring (7) C Milton the Monster (9) Spectrum 9:45 (2) C-Highlight (4) C — Davey and Goliath 10:00 (2) Let’s See (4) C — House Detective (7) C — Lipus , (9) R — Hawkeye (50) C-Kimba 10:30 (2) C - Faith for Today * (7) C —Bugs Bunny (9) C — Bozo’s Big Top *' (50) R — Three Stooges * 11:00 (2) International Zone ■ (7) C -4- Bull winkle (SO) R —Little Rascals 11:30 (2) C — Face the Na-tkm.-.rft}' , -,y (7)JR'0»-? Discovery ’68 -«— “Life Oft the Mississippi” opfena the history of the river and the men who transport Je a r g o through her dangerous waters. (9) R — Movie: — “Tobor the Great .(1954) A scientist—buRds-guinea pig. Charles Drake, Karin Booth, Billy (50) R C — Superman SUNDAY AFTERNOON 12:00 (2) R — Mister Ed | (4) U. of M. Presents (7) C — Championship Bowling (50) R C —Flintstones 12:30 (2) R — Patty Duke (4) C —Design Workshop (50) R Movie: “Captain Blood” (1935) A‘doctor, found treating a wounded rebel, .is convicted of treason and sold into slaVery. Errol Flynn, Olivia de Havilland 1:00 (2) R C— Tom and Jerry------------------- "(4) C — Meet the Press — Guests are CORE’S Floyd B. McKissick and. Roy Innis. (7) C — Spotlight (9) R — Movie — “Sorrowful Jones” (1949) A stingy Broadway bookie receives a small child as security for a gambling debt. Bob Hope, Lucille Ball Road Runner (4) C -At the Zoo j-(7) C— Issues and Answers — Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller of New York is interviewed. 2:00 (2) R — Movie “Revolt of the Mercenaries” (Italian, 1961) A duchess accepts the help of mercenary leader in her battle with an arrogant neighbor. Virginia Mayo, Conrad Sammartin, Livio Lorenzo. (4) R C —Flipper (7) C — Choice — A discussion op how an individual and society get value systems 2:30 (4) C — Animal Kingdom (?)HR~==J£oyie — “The Devil’s Disciple’’.n958) George Bernard SRaw^ pipy about the American Revolution. Burt Lan- CourtneyWeeks (left), a businessman whose store was demolished in last summer’s Newark riot, and Donald Malafronte, administrative assistant to the mayor of Newark, argue over the city administration’s role in the community on liiBp. News’ *li&toark: Anatomy of efUot” Swf-day at 4 p.m. over Channcy 7. the program is part of a series examining ibhite racism. caster, Kirk Douglas (50) R — Movie: "Crime School” (1939) The warden of a reform school tries to regenerate a bunch of tough kids. Humphrey Bogart, Bjlly Halop, Leo Gorcey, Huntz Hall 3:00 (4) C^-Professionals (9) R — Movie: “Sergeant York” (1941) Story -of World War I hero. Gary Cooper, Walter Brennan. 3:30 (4) C-Target 4t0042)JL^_--^t^CCT- Shot,” a look at the nation’s space program. (4) R C — Comedy Playhouse — “The Blue-. Eyed Horse”' ...t- Melvin Feebie has a hard time explaining the disap-v-pearance of his wife who has been transformed into a horse. Ernest Borgnine, Paul Lynde, Joan Blondell (7) C (Special) — Time for Americans — “Newark: Anatomy of Riot,” a panel discussion focusing on last summer’s ^jNew Jersey riots and their-aftermath. (50) R C — Laramie---- •- 4:15 (56) London 4Ate 4:30 (2) R C - Wagon Train (56) NET Playhouse -“Trumpets of the Lord,” TV adaptation of an off-Broadway bit about a Negro gospel meeting. 5:00 (4) International Zone (7) R — Movie — “Three Violent People” (1956) Civil War veteran returns to Texas — and bad news. Charlton Heston, Anne Baxter 5:30 ();C (Debut) Campaign and the Candidates — A new series highlights the presidential hopefuls and their campaigns. El lie Abel will serve as the series’ anchor man. ° ' (9) R C-Laredo (50) R — Silent Service SUNDAY NIGHT 0:00 (2) C — News, Weather, Sports (4) C — Frank McGee Report — Cleveland Mayor Carl Stokes is profiled. (50) R — Victory at Sea — U.S. carrier task force tries to resole Midway . Island, from the Japanese. (56) Insight - Death of U, firtston* BRAKE & FRONT-END SERVICE Here's what we do to put your car —back in safe driving condition;- Align front end Balance both front wheels Adjust brakes Repack front wheel bearing ALL FOR ONLY A CARS All work is done by our skilled mechanics using modern precision equipment, .SAVE‘57 ’80 NOW on a set of 1968 original equipment tires Tiresfone k Any size listed DELUXE CHAMPION W A fOT WHITEWALLS r 0.45-15, 8.85-14, 8.85-15, 0.01-15,9.15-15 Plus *2.35 to *2.97 par tiro Fad. excisW tax,' sales tax and 4 trade-in tirec off your car. $100 POMTIAC' * 22 JL TK* Pontiac Pro»» Friday, July 19 FRIDAY FRIDAY MORNING C:M (4) Classroom 6:15 (2) On the Farm Scene 6:20 (!) C — News «:M (}) U. of M. Television (4) C — Ed Allen 7:00 (2) C — Woodrow the Woodsman (4) C—Today (7) C — Morning Show 7 :55 (9) Morgan’s Merry* Go-Round 1:00 (2) C - Captain Kangaroo (9) Tales o! the River Bank 0:30 (7) R-Movie-"My Wife's Best Friend" (1961) Anne Baxter, Macdonald Carey, Cecil Kellaway (9) C —Vacation Time 0:00 (3) C — Merv Griffin (4) C-Steve Alien (9) C—Bozo the Clown 10:00 (4) C - Snap Judgement (7) C —Virginia Graham (9) R — Hawkeye 10:26 (4) C — News 10:30 (2) RC-Beverly Hillbillies (4) C Concentration (7) C-EtickCavett. (9) R C — Friendly Giant (50) C—Jack LaLanne 10:46 (9) Chez Helene 11:00 (2) R — Andy of Mayberry (4) C —Personality (9) R — Mr. Dressup (50) C — Kimba 11:25 (9) Pick of the Week 11:30 (2) R — Dick Van Dyke (4) C — Hollywood Squares (50) R—Little Rascals 11:65 (9) News FRIDAY AFTERNOON 12:00 <2H4)«,--Hews/ Weather, Sports (7)R—Bewitched (9) Luncheon Date 12:25 (2) C —Fashions 12:30 (2) C — Search for Tomorrow — (4) C—Eye Guess (7) C—Treasure Isle (9) R — Movie: "The Return of October" (1948) Glenn Ford, Terry Moore (50) R — Movie: “The Bride Came C.O.D." (1041) James Cagmey, Bette Davis 12>4I (1) C-Guiding Light 18:15 (4) C-News 1:00 (2) C — Love of Lite (4) C —Match Game (7) C — Dream House 1:25 (2) C — New# (4) C —Carol Duvall 1:30 (2) C - As the World Turns (4) C — Let’s Make a Deal (7) C—It's Happening •1:55 (7) C - Children’s Doctor ' 2:00 (2) C - Love Is a Many Splendored Thing (4) C — Days of Our Lives (7) C — Newlywed Game 2:30 (2) C-House Party (4) C —Doctors (7) C—Dating Game (50). R — Make Rpom for Daddy 3:00 (2) C—Divorce Court» (4) C—Another World '(7) C-General Hospital (0) R — Route 66 (80) R C - To Tell the Truth 3:25 (50) News 3:30 (2) C- Edge of Night (4) C—You Don’t Say (7) C — One Life to Live (50) C — Captain Detroit 4:00 (2) c-Secret storm (4) C — Woody Woodbury (7) C — Dark Shadows (9) C — Swingin’ Time 4:30 (2) C — Mike Douglas (7) R — Movie: "Until They Sail” (1957) Jean Simmons, Paul Newman, Piper Laurie (50) R — Three Stooges 5:00 (9) C —Bozo (50) R — Little Rascals 5:30 (4) C — George Pierrot — “Southern Spain" (9) C — Fun House (50) R — Superman 5:45 (56) Friendly Giant FRIDAY NIGHT 6:00 (2) (4) (7) C — News, * Weather, Sports •- (9) R , — Dennis the— Menace (50) RC —Flintstones (56) Misterogers 6:30 (2) C -S ] News — Reasoner f (4),C —News — Huntley, Brinkley (9) R C — Gilligan’s Island (50) R—McHale’s Navy (56) What’s New -Patriotism is explored. 7:99 (2) R C - Truth or Consequopewi (4) C - News, Weather, Sports (7)C — News — Reynolds (I) R - Movie: "Jubilee . Trail’’ (1053) Vera Ralston, Joan Leslie, Forrest Tucker (50) R - My Favorite Martian - (56) R — Movie (silent): "On the Night Stage" (1014) William S. Hart, Rhea Mitchell 7:30 (2) R C - Wild Wild West — Sammy Davis Jr. and Peter Lawford guest in this episode. West and Artemus attack the riddle of a ghostly nightrider who wears • "bulletproof" Confederate uniform. (4) R C — Tprzan — Maurice Evans 'and Julie Harris star' in the conclusion of a two-part story. (7) C (Special) — On Location — A behind-the-scenes look at the making of the motion picture "Devil’s Brigade." (50) R —I Love Lucy 8:09 (7) C (Special) — RGA Championship — Second-round highlights (50) RC —Hazel (56) World Traveler 8:15 (56) London Line 8:30 (2) R C — Comer Pyle, USMC - Gomer and Sgt. Carter hunt a live mortar round GomeKlpst during range practice. (4) R C — Star Trek —_ Strange cloud draws spaceship to remote planetoid, where its occupants are to provide the lone human theife with companionship forever. (7) C - Man in a Suitcase — Would-b$ assassins peg McGill for deaths when he tries to save blackmailer’s life. (50) R — Honeymooners (56) R — News 1 n Perspective — The Nominating Game. New York Times sages view the role of primaries, polls and conventions in the selection of past and present presidential candidates. 8:55 (9) C-News 9:00 (2) R -Movie: “Portrait of • Mobster" (1961) Vic Morrow, Leslie Parrish, Peter Brack (9) R - Lock Up (50) R r- perry Mason -9:30 (4) C — Hollywood *' Squares (7) R C — Guns of Will Sonnett — Will tries to get old friend out of a pose as a millionaire who has interested a young Woman and angered his expartners. (9) Miriam Breltman (56) R — You Don’t Back Down — Doctor belonging to Canadian version of the Peace Corps In Nigeria is profiled. 10:90 (4) C-(Special) "What Is Happening to America?" — Mayor John Lindsay of New York and Frank Manklewicz, former press secretary to the late Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, give their opinions on the prevailing uneasiness In the nation. 1 * (7) R C — Judd — Judd defends liberal priest on trial for murder, (9) Let’s Sing Out (50) C — Les Crane ,(56) NET Playhouse — BBC production of Henrick Ibsen’s 18 8 6 tragedy, "Rosmersholm.” 10:30 (9) C — Five Years In the Life — Focus on the Rouse family of Saskatoon. Former Western League hockey star Cy Rouse has had successful* careers in auto sales, real estate and construction. 11:99T(2) (4F(7T (9) c -News, Weather, Sports 11:30 (2) R — Movies: 1. “The First Traveling Saleslady" (1956) Ginger Rogers, Carol Channing; 2. Kid Millions" (1934) Eddie Cantor Ann Southern, ’ Ethel ---Merman (4) C — Johnny Carson <7) C — Joey Bishop (9) R — Arrest and Trial 1:00 (4) — Beat the.Champ (7) R — Movie: “The Treasure of Pancho Villa" (1955) Rory Calhoun, Shelley Winters. 1:30 (4) C-PDQ 3:15 (7) News ^ 3:30 (2) News, Weather MIPfUMMIR SPECIALS - CLOSE-OUTS SHOCK ABSORBERS Get the 4th ona FREE! COMPLETE FRONT-END SPECIAL! ONLY I Guaranteed for 24,000 miles or 24 months In normal passenger tar usa. I Free raplacement and Inatallation’ if any BFG shock falls during this pariod. Including 4 New Shock Absorber*! • Front End Checked and Aligned • Brakes Inspected • Front Wheel* Balanced * Brakes Adjusted use your !§ 'Choice n6 MONEY* DOWN f 38 85. Charge' for a cool SUMMER Beat the Heat and Humidity KELVINATORS REDUCED * 2 SPEEDS ■ BIG 20* SIZE This portable fan has sdven safe, plastic blades, carrying handle and a durable cabinet and motor. UL approved. 0NLY . $1A95 —I ■§ aj 19,000 BTU *229“ ROOM AIR CONDITIONER No Money Down SSiSlSaSSaa $ — Kelvinator Air-Custom room air 1 rtOO SS^TiSFASSStSg As ■ I! to bteroom*. Don’t low ■ w uSlhi wait. Got yours todayl i H mOHUU Euy to Buy...Open i Account • The Straight-Talk Tire People m. Opposite Tel-Huren — 332-0121 Open Mon.f Thurs. 8-5 Friday 8-7, Saturday 8-1 taktug Diana Rigg for a trip into the 18th cen- ' turp in “Escape in Time ” a rerun, on “The About to show the pros her beginner’s luck Avengers.” This episode in the highly acclaimed at gambling is Sister Bertrille (star Sally Field), series is colorcast over Channel 7 at 7:30 p.m. It’s part of the action on “The Flying Nun” re-Wednesday. run Thursday at 8 p.m: on Channel 7. m a . £. vSTARCMFT-> • Cruisers • Runabouts • Fishing Boats • Sail Boats • Campers See Them All at— young child- threatens marriage. 6:30 (2) C — Job Opportunity (4) C — News, Weather, Sports (9) R —Movie: “The Three Stooges in Orbit" (1962) (50) R —I Love Lucy (56) U.S.A. — U.S. poets Gary Snyder and Phillip Whalen are guests. 7:00 (2) R C — Lassie — The collie tries to reunite a fawn and its mother. (4) C — George Pierrot — (7) R C — Voyage — Accident drastically af-■ fects Nelson’s personality. (50) C — (Special) Pope and the Vatican — This . profile of Pope Paul VI traces growth of the church and the changes that confront it. (56) Summer Sampler Folk songs 7:30 (2) C — All-American College Show — Variety (4) R C - Walt Disney’s Th« Pontiac Press Sunday, July 14 World — “The Mystery of "Edward Sims" features Reporter Gallegher. (56) A ppalachin . Folk Music — “The Music-makers of the Blue Ridge" 8:00 (2) R C — Ed Sullivan — Guests include the Mamas and the Papas, Ed Ames, F1 o r e n,e e Henderson, Jack Carter, John Byner., (7) R C———FBI — Michael Rennie stars in this story about espionage and murder. —(S0)-e — David Susskind — Features include pros' and cons on drug use and an examination of the , fear of death. 8:25 (9) C-News 6:30 (4) R C — Mothers-in-Law — Desi Arnaz plays a matador in conclusion of this two-parter. (9) C — Lowell Thomas — A visit to Ceylon « (56) Actor’s Company — The company completes its work on Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night." 9:00 (2)C — Summer Brothers Smothers Show — Glen Campbell’s guests are Vikki Carr and file Cream. » (4) R C — Bonanza — The Cartwrights fight their wdy through Indian country. 5 * "(7) R C — Movie: “Dean Brigitte" (1965) James Stewart, Glynis Johns, Fabian, Billy Mumy’ (9) C — Perry’s Probe 9:30 (9) Man Alive — Four terviewed. 10:00 (2) R C - Mission: Impossible — A f r i c a n stockbroker’s plans v t o wreck country’s economy draw IMF to scene. . (4) RC - High Chapar-. rel — Buck and Manolito try to rescue two sisters from Indians. (9) C — Documentary Special — “Twenty-Four Hours in Czechoslovakia” (50) C—Lou Gordon 9 SUNDAY 11:00 (2) (4) (7) C — News, Weather, Sports < ' (9) News, Weather, Sports ll:iS (9) R - Movie: .. “Breaking the Sound Barrier” (1952) Ann Todd, Nigel Patrick J7) c—Haney's People 11:30 (2) R C —y Movie:! “Desiree” (1954) Marlon Brando, Jean Simmons 12:30 (4) C-News ' 12:45 (7) C — World of Sports 12:59 (7) News 1:05 (9) Window on the World 1:30 (2) R — Movie: “We Live Again” / (1)13 4) Fredric March, Anna Sten 3:00 (2) C — News, Weather 3:05 (2) C — With This Ring JULY CLEARANCE SALE NEW DODGE UUICKS 8 CAMPERS Del-Rey - Mackinaw - Camp Four - Little Champ - Dodge Motor Homes Gift 624-1572 * 1010 W. Maple, Walled Lake Lloyd Bridges iravelana Dodge Cars Dodge Dodge Trucks \ 21 ONE COLOR , tW Ntnflat Pie** Saturday, July 13 SATURDAY SATURDAY AFTERNOON :B:00 (4) C — Cod McCool (7) C — Beatles (9) C — Audubon Theatre (50) R — Movie: "Larceny, Inc.” (1942) Ex-con 'plans big * bank robbery. Edward G. Robinson, Jane Wyman Jl2:» (2) R C-Jonny Quest (4) Beat the Champ — Bowling t (7) C — American (9) Country. Calendar 1:00 (2) R C-Lone Rangfir (9) C — CBS Sports 1:80 (2) C — NFL Action — “The Rookies Meet the Pros" (4) C — Red Jones , (7) Happening ’68 — Dick Cavett, Frank Sinatra Jr. -and the Peppermint Trolley Company guest. 2:00 (2) C — Tiger Warm-Up (4) C — Major League Baseball — Los Angeles at Atlanta fill (2) C — Baseball Tt Scoreboard \ 1:00 (2) R-Doble Glflis (4) C -Car and Track [ '- Wide* World bf ■. Sports: Daytona Firecracker 400 race. (9) R — Twilight Zone (50) C-HyLit 5:25 (2) C—Turf Talk 5:30 (2) R C — Gentle Ben (4) C — George Pierrot — *\)ublin to Limerick" (9) R - Gidget 5:45 (56) World Traveler SATURDAY NIGHT 6:00 (2) (4) C — News (0) C — Robin Seymour (50) R — Combat! (56) — Fairy Tales — “The Rabbit Keeper," a Portuguese tale about a soldier who must perform difficult tasks to marry a princess. 6:30 (2) C —Bill Anderson (7) Outer Limits (9) R — Movie: "Broken Arrow” (I960) James Stewart, Jeff Chandler (50) R — Movie: "Tonight We Raid Calais” (1943) Lee J. Cobb 2:15 (2) C — Baseball : Detroit at Minnesota 8:00 (7) C — Celebrity (56) C 8:25 (7) C — World of Sports 3:30 (7) C — (Special) — British Open Golf Tournament. Repeat of live morning telecast from Scotland (50) R — Movie: "Flight to Mars” (1952) Cameron Mitchell 4:60 (9) Wrestling (4) C —News (7) C — Michigan Sportsman • (56) Puppet Master 7:00 (2) C — Death Valley Days (4) C — Michigan Outdoors , (7) C — Anniversary Game (9) C — Something Special — Duke Ellington and Barbara McNair cohost. (50) C —fiayride Crisis of Modem Discussion about modern American youth 7:89 (2) — Prisoner — The Prisoner is the sole resister to a propaganda scheme: a crash-course that would endow its students with a university, ] degree in three minutes.\_ (hily a mysterious general knows the toll this process would take on the human mind. (4) R C — Saipt — Simon , goes to jail in an attempt ''to help police Smash an international, organization. (7) C— Dating Game (56) French Chef 8:O9<7)0<-Newlywed Game (9) An Evening With — Marty Allen and Steve Rossi perform» (50) Movie: "Time of Indifference” (Italian-French, 1984) The story ' of a widow, her lover, And her. two grown children In the Italy of the 1020s. Rod Steiger, Shelley Winters. (56) Folk Guitar 8:30 (») R C — My Three. Sons. ‘v (4) R CAetifmaK (7) R C — Lawrence Welk (9) Movie: "The Conjugal Bed” (Italian, 1065) A girl has been taught that a woman’s function in life is to have children. (56) NET Journal — A recreation of Charles Darwin’s 1835 voyage to the Pacific’s remote islands. 9:00 (2) C R — Hogan’s Heroes — Stalag 13 is overrun by a swarm of excaping POWs. (4) R — Movie: "The Errand Boy” (1962) Spoof of the film industry. Jerry Lewis 9:30 (2) R C — Petticoat Junction — Mad at being cut from his own barbershop quartet, Uncle Joe is a pushover for Selma Plout’s scheme to win first prize in a talent contest for her daughter. (7) R C — Hollywood Palace — Sammy Davis Jr.is host. ~ (56) ReaTTfevoIution — Talks include inquiry, meditation and nationalism; 9:25 (7) Political Talk —‘’ Rockefeller (Special) — Miss Universe Beauty Pageant (50) C — Lou Gordon — Guests are Sen. Philip A. Hart, who discusses violence in U.S. and illegal marketing acttvittea, plus members 4t the Detroit jLlaiis, who will discuss upcoming season. . (66) NET FeMvel -Soprano - Elisabeth Schwarzkopf presents a recital of arias apd songs. 16:30 (7) C — Cine Mondo (9) C — The Group 11:99 (4) (7) (9) C,~ News, Weather, Sports' } 11:15 (9) Movie: "Flight Nurse” (1953) A nurse in thy Air Force asks to be assigned to Korean war duty so she can he near the man she loves. Joan Leslie, Forrest Tucker 11:30 (2) C—News, Weather, Sports (4) R C—Johnny Carson (7) Movie: “Psycho” (1900) Suspense thriller about the sinister events that transpire at a small motel. Janet Leigh, Tony Perkins, Vera Miles, John Gavin (50) C — Alan Burke — Guest is the self-pro-claimed King of the World 11:45 (2) O— Editorial 11:50 (2) C — Weather 11:55 (2) C — Sports 12:00 (2) Movie: “Night Train” (English, 19 3 9 ) Nazis attempt to track down a European scientist who has escaped "from their clutches. Rex Harrison, Margaret Lockwood 1:00 (4) Beat the Champ 1:41X4) C-News 1:55 (7) C—World of Sports 2:00 (2) Movie: “A Touch of Treason” (French, 1962) French and Soviet agents combine forces to find the gang that stole secret documents from the Soyiet Embassy in Paris. Roger Hanln, Claude Brasseur (7) Movie: "The Awful Truth” (1937) Zany antics of a married couple who quarrel over a L mis understanding and separate. Cary Grant, Irene Dunne IMKEIRINE OfFElS Pick your price from 3 Groat Safety Buys! |A«<4/nS’9Q IwiinaiS1? fllfll uMniMt ■■JH r 30,000 miles. Here’s what you get... Here's what we dot • Rugged lining that meets G.S-A. mini-mum brake lining itandardi. 9 • All new lining, and new or completely reconditioned brake shoes installed bp trained brake specialists. • Free brake adjustment at 1500 and 5000 miles. • REPLACE all old linings os both front and rear wheels. J • CLEAN and INSPECT brake drums for perfect roundness. • Inspect entire hydraulic system (cylinders, lines and hoses) for possible leaks and cracks. • Inspect front wheel greeie retainers for leaks; clean, inspect and repack front wheel bearings. • Inspect brake shoe return springe for tension and balance. • Add heavy duty brake fluid and road test. • Adjust brakes on all four wheels for full aven contact with brake drums. IT MUST BE RIGHT OR WE MAKE IT RIGHT Goodyear-installed brake lining is available in three grades —good, better and our best, if the Goodyear Installed brake lining should wear out before the time or mileage (whichever comes first) as listed above for the grade you pus-chase (and upon surrender of the original invoice) we will supply new linings of the same grade at no charge. You pay only for the cost of Installation. Appreciates Customers on onr Easy Pay Plan TAKE A YEAR TO PAY NORAONEYDOWN GOODYEAR 1370 Wide Track Drive 335-6167 SERVICE STORE TO The Pontioc Pres* Monday, July 15 MONDAY MONDAY MORNING 6:00 (4) Classroom 6:15 (2) On the Farm Scene 6:20 (2) News 6:30 (2) U. of M. Television ,—(4) C — Ed Alien—- 7:00 (2) C — Woodrow the Woodsman ip (4) C — Today — Edwin host while Hugh Downs is on a one-month medical leave. W (7) C — Morning Show 7:55 (9) Morgan’s Merry-Go-Round 9:00(2) C — Captain Kangaroo (9) Tales of the River Bank 8:30 (7) R — Movie: “Here Come the Girls” (1954) Bob Hope, Arlene Dahl, Tony Martin, Rosemary Clooney (9) Time for Adventure 9:00 (2) C - Merv Griffin (4>e- Steve Alien (9) C —Boz6 10:90 (4) C gj Snap Judgment. I (7) C — Virginia Graham (9) R — Hawkeye 10:25 (4) C*—News 10:30 (2) R C — Beverly Hillbillies (4) C 4- Concentration (7) C — Dick Cavett (9) Friendly Giant (50) *— Jack La Lanne 10:45 (9) Chez Helene 11:00 (2) R gg Andy of Mayberry (4) C — Personality ----(9) Mr. Dressup------- (50) C —Kimba 11:25 (9) Pick of the Week 11:30(2) R — Dick Van (Dyke (4) C — Hollywood Squares ’ i (50) Little RaScals 11:55 (9) News MONDAY AFTERNOON 12:00(2) (4) Cpijr News;; Weather, Sports (7) R — Bewitched (9) Luncheon Date 12:25 (2) C — Fashions Tomorrow -. 12:30 (2) C — Search for Tomorrow (4) e— Eye Guess (7) C — Treasure Isle (9) R — Movie: “Special Delivery” (German, 1955) Joseph Cotten, Eva Bar-tok. (50) R — Movie: "Manpower” (1941) Edward G. Robinson, Marlene Deitrich 12:45 (2) C Guiding Light 12:55 (4) C —News 1:00 (2) — Love of Life_' (4) C — Match Game (7) C — Dream House 1:25 (2) C-News (4) C — Carol Duvall 1:30 (2) C - As the World Turns (4) *C — Let’s Make a Deal (7) C—(Debut)—It’s Happening Paul Revere and Mark Lindsay host this daily variety show of pop music, fashion fads and news of Hollywood. 1:55 (7) C — Children’s Doctor ,2:00 (2) C — Love Is a Many Splendored Thing (4) C — Days of Our Lives (7) C — Newlywed Game 2:30 (2) R C rr: House Party (4) C .— Doctors (7) C — Dating Game (50) R — Make Room for Daddy ■* 3:00 (2) C — Divorce Court (4) C — Another World (7) C — General Hospital (9) R — Route 66 (50) R C - To Tell the Truth 3:25 (50) C — News 3:30 (2) C — Edge of Night ' (4) C — You Don’t Say (7) C — (Debut) — One Life to Live |gp Philadelphia’s fashionable Main Line provides the setting for this melodrama. (50) C — Captain Detroit 4:00 (2) C — Secret Storm (4) C — Woody Wqodbury (7) C — Dark Shadows (9) Swingin’ Time 4:30 (2) C — Mike Douglas' (7) R — Movie: “Rome 'Adventure” (1962) Suzanne Pleshette, Troy Donahue, Angie Dickinson, Rossano Brazzi (Part 1); (50) Three Stooges 5:00 (9) C —Bozo , (50) R — Little Rascals AAOIVTGOAAJERY tmiHfti HOME MODERNIZATION 'SUPPLY & INSTALL ALUMINUM SIDING ROOFING • STORMS AND SCREENS • PATIOS m COMPLETE KITCHENS • IRON RAILINGS • ADDITIONS • RECREATION ROOMS • ATTIC REMODELING • GARAGE DOORS M FLOOR AND WALL TILE f CHUNGS • INSULATION • AIR-CONDITIONING e GAS AND OIL FURNACES • SOFTENERS AND HEATERS • HUMIDIFIERS • DISPOSERS • AIR CLEANERS • BATHROOM REMODELING • INCINERATORS •' CARPETING • DRAPES e FENCING ’» ,» WARDS 11-GA.CHAIN-I LINK FENCE F/ Enjoy tecunty, privacy; beauty! I Installation available . . call 682-4940 today for a FREE esti- g m Foo, mate in the comfort of your incu&fabmc. m DoirtMove ... IMPROVE! WINDOW PROBLEMS? We Will Remove and Replace Your Old Sweaty Steel and Aluminum Windows with Insulated *vinyl Seal’ VINYL WINDOWS GUARANTEED NO SWEAT. Add* beauty and valua to your home both intide ond out. Vinyl window* are guaranteed not to tweot. tot, or need pointing and a* an intulator against heat and cold vinyl.it 7,680 time* more efficient than tteel, 20 time* more efficient than*- wood, 34,800 time* mere efficient than alumihum. Custom TO SOLID VINYL WINDOWS SIDING We Will Install All-Types of Siding On Your Roust V* VINYL • ALUMINUM steel • asbestos 22 x 24 x 8 A* Lou m.$389 ALUMINUM: $27.95 per 100 Square Foot_ FREE ESTIMATES NO MONEY DOWN • MANY MONTHS TO FAY • CALL 682-4940 FOR FREE ESTIMATE (LWeetion ffonstruriion fla Member Pontiac Chamber of Commerce — In Pontiac Sine. 1931 1032 WEST HURON FE 4-2597 free Estimate* * Planning PONTIAC • Decorator Service ABC Will Feature War Epic Filming A behind-the-scenes look lit the making of a major motion picture, “On Location with David L. Woitper'a Production of “the Devil’s Brigade,’ ” will be telecast in color Friday lit 7:30 p.m. on Channel 7. “the Devil’s Brigade,” starring William Holden, Cliff Robertson and Vince Edwards, is the true story of a group of American Army . misfits and crack Canadian troops nutated into one of the toughest commando units of World War it Their rivalry in training and subsequent unified heroics during two spectacular . Smiling Walter Burke (left) discusses the hrnVal °L{aUlBrinemp mail-°rder recently releLJd* through bride with him on The Guns,of Will Sonnett,” United Artists. m d rerun episode Friday at 9:30 p.m. on The special reveals the Channel 7. technical and legistical feats of movie men Who transform a mountain top of 'Utah’s Wasatch Range into, a German fortress, CLIMACTIC SCENE The Brigade’s scaling of the mountain—known to local inhabitants as Jacob’s Ladder—and the dqfeat of tile enemy- force is the climactic scene of the motion picture. The 14-minute screen battle took two months of preparation and involved 10,000 man hours. In addition to candid looks at the major stars, the special inclddas hlm sequences with such'tdayers as actress Gretchen Wyler, former football star Paul Hornung and former middleweight champion Gene Fullmer. HAPPINESS IS: A Well-Planned Future! HOWEVER: Even the best made plans sometimes go astray. You can feel confident and rest assured that when a financial crisis does exist you may solve your problem through our convenient HOMEOWNER'S LOAN PLAN j I p to 4 Years to Repay! 317 National Building FAMILY ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION There’s A New Ford Deafer) In . , Rick Flannery has purchased the Beatty Motor Sales at the light on Dixie Highway in Waterford, bringing you better ideas in sales and service of Ford cars and trucks. Come In And Get Acquainted . . . Having been in the Ford Sales and Service for the past 20 years, I have learned that to be succe$ffijjJ you must give — : 1 ■ LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES (f| , TltE VERY BEST SERVICE on Now Ford Cars and M , attar the sale. Truck* mm. t If this expresses the way you like to do business, come in, let's get acquainted. Dick Flannery We’re Open Every Day from 8 A.M. to 8:30 P.M. i-WATCH for our gigantic- AUCTION SALE *- NEXT WEEK We will sell all our new and usad cars and trucks purchased from Beattie Motors at tremanduous savings to you. We art also soiling at auction prices all ef the parts, tires, accessories, etc., purchased as part of the servioa station inventory. 10 WEST HURON FE 8-4022 (ML■papONR PHPi • 7^m F’,. . Ught on DIXIE HlOtfWAT at WATERFORD 1 i?4 i WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY MORNING 1 5:45 - (4) Gassroom 6:15 (2) On the Farm Scene 6:20 (2) C — News 6:30 (2) U. of M. Television (4) C — Ed Aljen 7:00 (2) C — Woodrow the. (4) C — Eye Guess (7) C — Treasure Isle (9) R — Movie: “Slightly Scarlet” (1956) John Payne, Arlene Dahl (50) R — Movie: “Voice in the Wind” ( 1944 ) Francis Lederer, Sigrid Gurie, J .Carroll Naish The Pontiac Press Wednesday, July 17 WEDNESDAY NIGHT The Pontiac Press Monday, July )5 - Guiding Light — News 12:45 (2) C- 12:55 (*4) C Newman 1:00 (2) C — J^ove of Life (4) C — Match Game (7) C —Dream House- Woodsman " l (4) C-Today ■j (7). C — Morning Show I 7:55' (9) — Morgan’s Merry-I Go-Round ' 3:00 (2) C — Captain ‘' Kangaroo I (9) Tales of the River I Bank [ 8:30 <7) R — Movie: , “Fire, t Down Below” (1*957) Rita I Hayward, Robert Mit- I chum (Part I) (9) Vacation Time ■ 9:00 (2) C— Merv Griffin I (4) C — Steve Allen___ r (9) C —'Bozo 10:00 (4) C—Snap Judgment i ~ (7) C — Virginia Graham [ (9) R — Hawkeye | 10:25 (4) C — News ■ ’ 1 10:30 (2) R C — Beverly ( Hillbillies (4) c — Concentration (7) C — Dick Cavett (9) Friendly Giant (50) C— Jack La Lanne 10:45 (9) Chez Helene 1 11:00 (2) R — Andy of Mayberry (4) C — Personality (9) R — Mr. Dressup (59) C -Kimba 11:25 (9) Pick of the Week 11:39 (2) R —Dick Van Dyke , (4) C M Hollywood Squares ■ ' (50) R—Little Rascals 11:55 (9) News WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 12:06 (21(4) C — News, Weather, Sports . (7) R—Bewitched y (9) Luncheon Date 12:25 (2) C—Fashions. 12:36 (2) C ^Search for Tomorrow 1:25 (2) O — NeWs (4) C — Carol Duvall 1:30 (2) C — As the World Turns 1 (4) C — Let’s Make a Deal ’ (7) C — It’s Happening 1:55 (7) C — Children’s. Doctor 2:00 (2) C — Love Is a Many Splendored Thing (4) C — Days of Our Lives (7) C — Newlywed Game 2:30 (2) C — House Party_ — (4) C — Doctors- * (7) C — Dating Game (50) R — Make Room for Daddy 3:00 (2) C — Divorce Court ‘ (4) C — Another World (7) C — General Hospital (9) R — Route 66 (56); r c — To Tell the Truth 3:25 (50) C —News 3:30 (2) C — Edge of Night (4) C — You Don’t Say (7) C — One Life to Live (50) C — Captain Detroit 4:00 (2) C — Secret Storm (4) C — Woody Woodbury (7) C — Dark Shadows (9) C — Swingin’ Time 4:30 (2) C — Mike Douglas (7) R — Movie: “Night Passage” (1987) JameO „ Stewart, Audie Murphy, DanDuryea (50) R — Three Stooges 5:00 (9) € —.Bozo the Gown (50) R — tittle Rascals 5:30 (4) C — George Pier-. rot “Rome to Naples” (9) C — Fttn House, (56) R— Superman 5(45 (56) Friendly Giant 6:00 (2) (4) (7) C - News, Weather, Sports (9) R « Dennis the Menace (50) RC —Flintstones (56) Misterogers 6:30 (2) C — News — Reasoner (4) C — News — Huntley, Brinkley (9) R C — Gilligan’s Island ___(30)-R—MeHahrtrNdvy (56) What’s New 7:06 (2) C — Truth or Consequences (4) C — News, Weather,' Sports (7) C — News r” Reynolds ■« (9) R — Movie: “The Tanks Are Coming” (1951) Steve Cochran, Philip Carey, Mari Aldon ' (SO) R — My Favorite Martian - (56) Eric Hoffer — “The i0:00 (2) C Role of the Weak” head leaves Lisa without a memory that she’s married to Oliver. (4) C - Kraft Music Hall — Ed McMahon hosts Paul Anka, Pete Fountain and Dick Cavett. (7) R C - Movie: “Flaming Star” (1960) Elvis Presley, Steve Forrest, Barbara Eden, Dolores Del Rio (9) R — Lock Up (50) R — Perry Mason (M) in r»r.yp»nHtrw-- — New York Times pundits take a look at primaries, polls and conventions. • 6:30 (2) R € — He and She — Hollisters’ dinner party for Dick’s boss turns into (6) R —, (Special) Wayne and Shiister — Johnny and Frank take an “Af-fectionate Look at Westerns” -(Special) Portrait of a Star — Actor Omar Sharif is profiled. Run for" Your Life — Mel Torme plays a Las Vegas entertainer who’s afraid of growing old. (50) C — Les Crane (56) Innovations wnu gets caugm m urn PoUtical Talk — middle of a clash between M-5M7) political lane — 10:30 (9) Square World (56) On Hearing Music 7:30 (2)'R C — Lost in ^Spaw-^^ftVilWI- vs. fauna when Robinsons land on planet. (4) R C — Virginian — Mel Torme stars in this story about, a handyman who gets caught in the Graingers and neighbors. (7) R C — Avengers —-— Steed investigates time tunnel in his search for murderers. (50) Re- I Love Lucy (56) (Special) You Don’t Back Down — Member of Canadian-style Pea c e Corps is profiled. , 8:06 (50) RC —Hazel (56) R — Insight - Marriage Of young couple is threatened when their first child dies, v 8:36 (2) R C — jBeveriy Hillbillies — Granny i« inspired by wr es11 in g match on TV. (7) C—Dream House (50) R — Honeymooners . (56) R m U.S.A. — Contemporary American poets guest ' . . 8:55 (9) C-News -• 9:00 (2) R C — Green Acres — Blow on the 11:00 (2) (4) (7) (9) C -News, Weather, Sports (50) R — Alfred Hitchcock 11:30 (2) R - Movie: “Time Out for Love” (1961) Jem Seberg, Michelme Presle (4) C — Johnny Carson (7) C — Joey Bishop (9) Wrestling (50) R — Movie: “The Unfaithful” (1947) Ann Sheridan, Lew Ayres, Zachary Scott, Eve Arden, Jerome Cowan / 12:30 (9) Window on the World 1:00 (4) Beat the Champ (7) News 1:30 (2) R -Dobie Gillis (4)“C —PDQ 2:00 (2) R - Highway .. Patrol.' 2:30 (2) C — News, Weather Weather 5:30 (4) C — George Pierrot (9) C —Fun House (50) R C — Superman 5:45 (56) Friendly Giant MONDAY NIGHT 6:00 (2) (4) (7) C — News, Weather, Sports (9) R — • Dennis the Menace (50) R C — Flintstones (56) Misterogers 6:30 (2) C - News — . Reasoner (4) C — News — Huntley, (9) C—Gilligan’s Island v (50) R — McHale’s Havy (56) What’s New ' * 7:00 (2) C - Truth or Consequences ’ (4) C News, Weather, Sports (7) C - News -is Reynolds (9) R — Moviei__^King-Richard and the '. Crussiders” (1954) ‘ . Rex Harrison, Laurence Harvey, Virginia Mayo, George Sanders (50) R —• My Favorite Martian ----(56) Creativg Persdn 7:39 (2) RC-Monkees - The Monkees go to England where Davy has inherited a fabulous estate. (7) C — (Special — Time for Americans — “Prejudice and the Police.” A" study of strained relations between minority groups and the police (50) R —I Love Lucy (56) Innovations 8:00 (4) C — Champions — ^ Craig masquerades as a provide protection for a young woman who is to testify against a hoodlum who has threatened her life. (9) R — 12 O’clock High (50) R — Perry Mason 9:30 (2) R c — Family Affair — Twins help Chinese grandfather renew interest in life. ’ (7) C — Peyton Place (56) French Chef Lincoln perform. (50) C — Les Crane (56) Playing the Guitar 10:30 (9) C • Jubilee (56) Folk Guitar ngstfr with Shamm no iB;yo his girlfriend. (50) RC —Hazel * (56) On Hearing Music 8:30 (2)R C - Lucille Ball (7) R C — Rat Patrol -“Tee Tug-of-War Raid.” (50) R — Honeymooners (56) R - NET Journal -“Justice and the Poor” examines the legal double ___standard.-----: 8:55 (9) C- News 9:00 (2)-R C - Andy Griffith (4) C - (Special) Ella Fitsgerald — Duke Ellington joins Ella for an hour of.favorites----- (7) R Cjjjg Felony Squad The: assignment is to Walk in the Night” — A nighttime search for a man with a bomb begins with the arrival of a Swedish freighter at a Chicago pier. (4) R C —I Spy — Jim Backus is featured as Robinson and 'Scott try . to protect _a_retired—agent -and his family from a maniac. (7) R C - Big Valley -Jarrod endangers a family business deal whin he steps in to protect a Chinese couple. . __ (9) Music in Miniature — Pianists Robert Strangeland and Edward . ) (4) (7) (9) News, Weather, Sports (50) Alfred Hitchcock' 11:30 (2) R C — Movie:. “The Tall T” (1957) Ran-dolph Scott, Richard Boone (4) C — Johnny Carson (7) C — Joey Bishop * “ (9) R — Movie: “fte Man Between” (English, 1953) Jamps Mason -------- "“(50) R — Movie: “Whirlpool” (1950) 1:00 (4) — Beat the Champ (7) News (9) Window on the World 1:30 (2) C —Capture (4) C — PDQ 3fOO-72V-Rr-^’llt-gh w ay-" ■ Patrol i 2:30 (2) C -4 j News, ..Weather TRAILER OWNERS rT Ny pre- AhDEVELOPMENT LAKE LOTS Lota bordorinc MANISTEE NATIONAL FOREST, roily potroUod ond private (only properly owners allowed). The boot loeation for fish-ins, hunting, skiing, ski-dooing or any kind *f summer or winter betivity. Sot your share of the north eountry before , Its alt bought up. Remember: the good lots go first and it’s at 4% interest. 3645 PARK REALTY Crooks Road, troy LI 7-7400 Put yotir trailer and boat on your own Lake Lot and quit hauling it back and forth. *80", DOWN $7QC00 *20" PER MONTH I 3U Buy on 4% Interest! ,Yes! For the next 3 weeks you can buy on the old time interest rate of 4%! WE FEATURE Indeer NEATER POOL and skating rink for your2, yaar around us*. | " v. 1 '' this automobile Is th* actual mil*og* ' Item A* previous *w*t*r." , 1SS^? Signed-FRANK B. AVDBTTE ' /~jASjfer J*, luarantc* that th* mileage HevHounOptn Mon.* Thun. ’H1.9P.M. Coleman's FURNITURE MART . FIRST IN FURNITURE & CARPfT JATURDA UjM* (50) Larceny, Inc. MegiM* (7) Backlash mb p.m. (0) Broken Arrow ft# p.m. (50) Tonight We Raid Calais 3:30 p.m. (50) Flight to Mars l:M p.m. (80) Time o f Indifference 0:30 p.m. (9) Conjugal Bed 0:00 p.m. (4) The Errand Boy 11:1$ p.m. (9) Flight Nurse 11:80 p.m. (7) Psycho 13 midnight (3) Night Train 2:00 n.m. (2) A Touch of Treason 2:00 (f) The Awful Truth SUNDAY 11:80 a.m. (9) Tobor the Great 12:30 p.m. (50) Captain Blood 1:00 p.m. (9) Sorrowful • Jones • . > . 2:00 pan. (2) Revolt of the Mercenaries 2:30 p.m. (7) The Devil’s Disciple 2:30 p.m. (50) Crime.JSchool 3:00 p.m. (9) Sergeant York 5:00 p.m. (7) Three Violent People 0:30 p.m, (9) The Three Stooges in Orbit TV Movie Roster 9:00 p.m. (7) Dear Brigitte 111 IS p.m. (9)’ Breaking the Sound Barrier 11:30 p.m. (2) Desiree 1:30 a.m. (2) We Live Again ...... MONDAY 8:3ft a.rn. (7) Here Come the Girls 12:30 p.m. (9) Special Delivery 12:30 p.m. (50) Manpower 4:30 p.m. (7) Rome Adventure (Part 1) 7:00 p.m. (9) King Richard and the-Crusaders 11:30 p.m. (2) The Tall T * 11:30 p.m. (9) The Man Between 11:30 p.m. (50) Whirlpool . TUESDAY 8:30 a.m. (7) Ain’t No Time for Glory 12:30 p.m. (9) Everything but the Truth 12:30 p.m. (50) Princess O’Rourke 4:30 p.m. (7) Rome Adventure (Part 2) 7:00 p.m. (9) The Man in the Iron Mask 8:30 p.m. (4) Man’s Favorite Sport 11:30 p.m. (2) Anna Karenina 11:30 p.m. (9) Brief Encounter 11:30 p.m, (50) Confidence Girl ' v ’ WEDNESDAY 8:30 a.m. (7) Fire Down Below (Part 1) 12:30 p.m. (9) Voicandn the Wind E 12:30 p.m. (50) Stallion Road 4:30 p.m. (7) Night Passage 7:00 p.m. (9) The Tanks Are Coming ■ 9:00 p.m. (7) Flaming Star 11:30 p.m. (2) Time-Out for Love ‘. / 11:30 p.m. -(ftO) The Unfaithful THURSDAY 8:30 a.m. (7) Fire Down Below (Part 2) 12:30 p.m. (9) Golden Earrings 12:30 p.m. (50) Two Flags West 4:30 p.m. (7) Sumiher Love 7:0ft p m. (9) The Three Musketeers 9:t0 p.m. (2) Whom the Spies Are 10:00 p.m. (58) On the Nltftt Stage 11:30 p.m. (2) Kangaroo; Untamed Heiress 11:30 p.m. (50) The Big Lift FRIDAY ■ , 8:30 a,m. (7) My Wife's Best Friend 12:30 p.m. (ft) The Return of October 12:30 p.m. (50) The Bride Came Q.O.D. 4:30 p.m. (7) Until They Sail 7:0ft p.m. (ft) Jubilee Trail 7:00 p.m. (56) On the Night Stage 9:00 p.m. (2) Portrait of a Mobster ll:3ft p.m. (g) The First Traveling Saleslady; Kid. Millions *■ 1:00 a.m. (7) The Treasure f of Pancho Villa SATURDAY 12 noon (50) Gentleman Jim 2:00 p.m. (7) The Black Castle 2:00 p.m. (9) Sabre Jet 2:06 p.m. (50) Swing Your Lady 1964 Ch«v. Impala 4-Doer VI with Auto, tfmna. Powor |4 4 f||" •loerlllg ond brokos. 1 own*r e lino w | | )ly 1966 Pontiac Catalina 4-Dm. Hardtop with powor .toot- __ lag or.d brok.. Whit, with vinyl HTgR top....................Only | I *W 1966 Rambler Classic M595 1966 Pontiac Tempest *1495 1967 pids F85 :*2045 1967 Chevrolet Impala .... *1995 “ggJgjM Mereury ig65 pon> Bonne. Conv.—-4964 Catalina Sta. Wgn. L StntinnWngnn.A w j695 MUJ fj 1962 Tempest 4-1>oor *395 1967 Bonneville 2-dr. Hdtp. Special of the WEEK! Pawnr^»t»oring and bralui. t.cnl- ^745 I 965 Corvoir Monza. ^695 ■ Luxurious New Carpeting THE NEXT BEST THING TO ALL NEW FURNITURE Give your horn* th* beauty dnd wormlh ofnew carpeting end you'll enjoy ntw comfort, butter living. Nothing short of o completely to-furnlzhed homo could provide to much addod luxury to your decoraltod -scheme — so much addod pleasure for every member of your family. WE WILL CARPET 2 ROOMS AND HALLWAY WALL TO WALL ... IN GORGEOUS NEW 100% NYLON RR0ADL00M . .. . Complete With Foam Rubber Padding and Tackless Installation Make your (election from 10 colors: blue-green tweed, red-block tweed, brown, block-white tweed, orange-brown tweed, beige, olive, gold, royal blue, lilac and cocoa. There will be o charge of 20c per sq. yd. extra for installation over concrete floors. Any additional yardage needed (over 32 square yards) will be $5.95 per sq. yd. 'instriiled, We GUARANTEE yoSt, satisfaction With this sturdy, 100% nylon l»rcv»cJlown designed Iqrjlong wear ond beau For Only . *189“ But, it's just one of hundreds of other fine carpeting available Your Home Meant More With Carpet On The Floors 536 North Perry Just Across GLENWOOD fro KMART PONTIAC’S FASTEST OROWINO STORE OF FINE FURNITURE and CARPET SHOP AT HOME NO OBLIGATION FE 4-5711 Our carpet counselor will be happy to brink samples to your home at no obligation to you. Rtgular Price . .. $289.95 FURNITURE MART PRICE > . ... 189.95 You Save *100" TUESDAY MORNING 6:00 (4) Classroom 6:15 (2) On the Farm Scene 6:20 (2) C — News 6:30 (2) U. of M. Television -—Wtr^EOlTenM 7:00 (2) C — Woodrow the Woodsman (4) C—Today (7) C — Morning Show 7:55 (0) Morgan’s Merry-Go-Round 8:00 (2) C — Captain Kangaroo (9) Tales of the River The Pontiac Pres* (9) R — Hawkeye 10:25 (4) C—News 10:30 (2) R C — Beverly ■ Hillbillies (4) ©*•* Concentration (7) C - Dick Cavett (9) Friendly Giant (50) Jack La Lannc 10:45 (9) Chez Helene 11:00 (2) R — Andy of Mayberry (4) C — Personality ---(9) Mr. DresSujT '-- (50) C — Kimba 11:25 (9) Pick of the Week 11:30 (2) R — Dick Van Dyke (4) IQ'-— Hollywood Souarcs ",l (50) R — Little Rascals 11:55 (9) News TUESDAY AFTERNOON —-fT3rT7TR^~ Movie: “Ain’t . No Time for Glory” (1957) Barry 'Sullivan, Gene Barry, John Drew Barrymore, Bruce Bennett (9) Vacation Time 9:00 (2) C-Merv Griffin -----(4K^=rSt5ve1&llCTi (9) C — Bozo 10:00 (4) C—Snap Judgment (7) C —Virginia Graham 12:00 (2) (4) C- News, Weather, Sports (7) R — Bewitched (9) Luncheon Date 12:25 (2) C — Fashions 12:30(2) C — Search for Tomorrow -----. (4) C — Eye Guess (7) C — Treasure Isle (9) R — Movie: “Everything But the Truth” Tuesday, July 16 (1956) Tim Hovey, Maureen O’Hara (50) R—Movie: “Princess O'Rourke” (1943) Olivia de Havilland, Robert Cummings 12:45 (2) C — Guiding Light 12:55 (4) © — News 1:00 (2) C — Love of Life (-1) C— Match Game (7.) C — Dream House 2 1 4?,)i C — News (i) C — Carol Duvall 1:30 (2t C — As the World Turns (4) C - I vet’s Make a Deal (7j ©V- It’s Happening 1:55 (7) C — Children’s Doctor 2:00 (2) C — Love Is a Many Splcndorcd Thine (4) C—Days of Our Lives— MC- Ncwlyv/tKl Game 2:30 (2)-R C -House Party , _ M)C —Doctors (7) .C — Dating Game (•50) R — Make Room for Daddy 3:"0~(2nr— Divorce Court— ’ ()) C — Another World t.7) C — General Hospital (9) R —Route 66 Th# Pontiac Press Tuesday, July 16 (50) R C - To Tell the Truth 3:25 (50) ©-News 3:39 (2) © — Edge of Night (4) C---You Don’t Say (7) C — One Life to Live (50) C — Captain Detroit 4:00 (2) C — Secret Storm (4) C — Woody Woodbury (7) C — Dark Shadows (9) C — Swingin’ Time 4:30 (2) © —Mike Douglas (7) R — Movie: “Rome Adventure” (Part 2) (50) R — Three Stooges 5:00 (9) C — Bozo (50) R —Little Rascals 5:30 (4) C—George Pierrot: “Motoring Through Italy” (9) C — Fun House (50) R C — Superman 5:45 (56) — Friendly. Giant TUESDAY NIGHT G:00 (2) (4) (7) C — News, Weather, Sports (9) R—Dennis the Menace (50) R © — Flintstoncs <5G) Misterogers 6:30 (2) C—News—Reasoner —it) (■ — News — Huntley, B'inklev^U (9) R C — F Troop’' (50) R — McHale’s Navy America by Austin. The first car built to be a second car. America is roomy without being big. Economical without being small Dependable without b&ing lifeless. If the America sounds like the perfect second car, it should It's designed that way. $1845 P.O.E. PIus Tax and License PONTIAC SPQ&TS CAR INC. Ave. . Phone 335-1511 7:00(2) R C - Truth or Consequences (4) C — News, Weather, Sports (7) C News—Reynolds (9) R—Movie: “The Man in the Iron Mask” (1939) Joan Bennett, Louis Hayward (50) R — My Favorite Martian (56) Real Revolution—Indian writer-lecturer discusses "Observing Our-* selves.” 7:30 (2) R C — Daktari -Judy "the-chimn. protec-ting an .ailing Son/risKs her life for the animal when it becomes the 1 quarry of tribesmen. (4) R C — I Dream of .Jeannie — Comic Paul Lynde plays Cmdr. Porter, the maniacal head of a nutrition experiment. hJIT) R C — Garrison’s t» orHi Waterford Township, is made several record albums thf° high sch(^' y“2-ireturning to his home church and has made television ap- SmLvu as P"1 of I8 year*lon* 501,1 an- pearances on the Ed Sullivan, camp-out tomorrow e v e n i n g njversary celebration. I Johnny Carson and Joey Bishops with day camping activities A graduate of Waterford show/ planned for Monday through ' ★ ★ ★ NEW LOCATION FRIENDLY GENERAL BAPTIST CHURCH UL 2-T T 55 3454 Auburn Rd. 334-7407 (Next «• Ik* fir* Station) Nurisry Open Each Evening Rev. Rpbort Garnsr, Paster SUN. SCHOOL, 9:45 A.M.-MORNING WORSHIP, 11 A.M. EVENING SERVICE 7 P.M. WED. PRAYER, 7 R.M. Wednesday. First Baptist Pastor Home The Rev. Robert Shelton j||| returns to the pulpit of-the First * Baptist-Churcii luinorrow aHerj an eight-week missionary tour. The pastor will be presenting! highlights of his trip at both the! 10:45 a.m. and 7 p.m. services. ' M m Emmanuel j 'BapttAt Otu/idt 645 S. Telegraph (Near Orchard Lake Rd.) DR. TOM MALONE, Pastor •: a Fundamental, Independent, Bible-Believing Baptist Chureh BIBLE SCHOOL 10 =: Dapartmantalized Sunday School for All Ages... with NO literature but the Bible LOCAL GOVERNMENT DAY l SUNDAY, JULY 14,10 AM Honoring All Local Officials in Attendant# First Time Visitors Will Receive a Lovely New Testament Bible VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL July 15 through 19 10 AM. to 12:30 For Bus Trampoftation Call FE 2-8328 M m BLOOMFIELD HILLS BAPTIST CHURCH 3600 Telegraph Rd. 10 A.M. Sunday School 11 A.M. Morning Worship 6 P.M. Evening Service Wednesday, 7:30 P.M. Prayer Meeting PASTOR, ELMO TAHRAN Phens: 647-3851 Rev. Shelton’s tour took him! |to Japan, Formosa, Okinawa; ; Hong Kong and the Holy Land. He also spent several days in1 | Vietnam where he had previously served as missionary. ★ ★ ★ Mrs. Shelton joined her husband in Israel and they have spent the last two weeks touring Italy. Germany, France _and. i England. Eternal vigilance is the pttce of liberty. — Thomas Jefferson. I He attended Eureka College, Eureka, 111., and graduated from Yale Divinity School in 1964. Donation High INDIANAPOLIS UR - Contributions_to the Christian. Churches (Disciples of Christ) hit a record high of 9109,631,006 in 1967, despite a one per cent drop in church membership, the denomination reports. Bethel Tabernacle DDCCCIITC REV. W. H. YARBROUGH rilMLIlIO— MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE REVIVAL ^ July 19 Thru 28 1348 Baldwin Ave. FE 5-4387 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: RADIO SERIES SUNDAY 9:45 A.M. WQTE 560 on your dial CHRISTIAI SCIEN IAN CE __ S( Brotherhood Without Roitrictien Morning Worthip and Church School % 9:30 A.M. "Who Would Eat With A Tax Collector?" jj A Rov. Ronald Tollman | 11 A.M. "EXAMPLES" Rov. Carl Prico :•:• Broodco.ton WPON 1460 K-11:15 A.M. j | Amplo Parking Suporvitod Nurtory Wook Day Nursery ,1 i FIRST UNITED METHOPIST ||_- Soulli Suginow at Judton / WeTterTTiotcliffo, Minister « "All Races and All Mon Vyolcomo at All Timet" Sunday Sorvico ....10 A.M,.... Church School 9:00 A.M. "PAUL, THE FREE SLAVE" Guest Ministar, Tha Rev. Koith Colby 165 E. Stuart Lako Rd., Bloomfield Hillg-FE 8-8233 end FE 2-2752 | CHURCH SCHOOL 9:30 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP 10:45 A.M. Ample Par).in* — Samuel C. Setter!, ELMWOOD METHODIST 2680 Crook* Rd. i Sunday School 9:30 a.m. ---Worthip 10:45 a.m. Evening Worthip 7 p.tn.— Prayor Wod. / p.m. Dudley Moturo, patter CLARKSTON METHODIST ALDERSGATE UNITED ! METHODIST 1536 Baldwin FE 5-7797 ; r. Rev. Cleon F. Abbott n‘ ---Worthip 9r4S a.m,-- Church School 11 a.m. ..... 6600 Waldon Road, Claikston CHURCH SCHOOL 9:45 A.M. WORSHIP 10 A.M. j Frank A. Cozadd, Minitter Adollo Thomat, Director of Music ___ ST. JAMES METHODIST CHURCH 451 W. Konnott Rd. Opposite the Alcott Elementary School Sunday School... 9:30 A.M. Worthip Sarvica T 1:00 A.M.-Nurtory Provided mv: ROBERT stctisf, MINISTER & 3—14 THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY,,JULY 18, 1068 THIS MAN NAS A PUN ... That «rfH pseuldt living dollar! whan you U from wtHiing and naming. LAWRENCE J. SOWTER 5624 Highland Road L«k«i»nd nro(»*«t»n»J Cantor 1 ....''IH|||lllllll|||||||||||lll|||||||llllll|f»',M,,n^ Because We Are Conscientious... every detail, rw> matter how minute, is carried out in accordance with the wishes of the family and in keeping with our tradition of outstanding service. Funeral Home 151 Orchard Lake Avenue Pontiac - FE 4-1211 —M Big Trouble's Bruin at the Bear Festival McCLEARY, Wash. (AP) -Polks In this western Washington forest community are preparing for a lot of fun — and wronging — at the annual Mc-Oleary Bear Festival a week from today. Oh, they’ll have the usual parade, a fiddle contest and a loggers’ show where husky lumberjacks show how fast they can cut great trees in half, and stuff like that. ★ . ★ ★ But they always top that off with a big bear stew—and that’s where the controversy always comes In. The Stew, said to be mighty tasty, Is the idea of the S.O.T.s —a Save Our Tree, group that wants to keep bears to a bare minimum because bears eat tree bark and ruin a lot of-valuable timber. A COUNTERGROUP Then there’s a countergroup called the S.O.Bs, for Save Our Bears. The S.0.B.S object to the big bear stew business something fierce, and they say they’ll add a protest march to the festival this year. “You might say we’re going to stage a bru-in,” says Windsor Olson, S.O.B. organizer from the big city of Seattle where they don’t have as many trees and practically no bears. ★ ★ ★ Olson, trying to match ad- vance reports on the big bear stew, has been going around proposing this concoction: 'Mix together eight timber borons, Vt S.O.T.S, thre big* game hunters, one outdoor editor / one forest protection association and one damage control program. - ' ^ *’■>'» 800 POUNDS OF SAP 'Add 800 pounds of sap And simmer three months. Stir occasionally with an American Rifle Association big stick: When » Ja- thoroughly done, export pan.” Otaon says there aren’t too many bears left. And if the bear population has to be regulated, he adds, “I wouldn't be against capturing them and having them sent somewhere.” * w * But the McCleary lumberjacks have warned the S.O.B.S that they might come down with a severe case of logger’s smallpox if they get too meddlesome. Symptoms of that disease, mountain folk say, are a lot of . J,f •mall holes in the skin, caused by those steel spikes that stick out of the soles of a timber-man’s boots. MAYBE AN S.O.S. So, who knows, maybe the S.O.T.S and the S.O.B.S will have such a rollicking time that somebody will have to send out an S.O.S. August 6 ELECT non-partisan Robert Cunningham Exptrinnctd Pontiac Attorney DISTRICT JUDGE CITY OF PONTIAC DISTRICT 50 ____I Hint DUtrlct Ms* • A night court far dsy workers • Weekend erreignmentt • A court dodicotad to low, ardor and iuotice PAID FOX »Y ROBERT CUNWWBtAM ‘‘Mutt and Jeff” is the world's dest comic strip. It celebrated Its.60th anniversary in November 1967. WANT TO SELL LAWN MOWERS, POWER MOWERS, BOATS? USE A LOW COST PONTIAC PRESS CLASSIFIED AD--------TO PLACE YOURS, .CALL 332-6181. It’s A “Capitol”Idea! One for the Book... Nine For .You. • Every payday, set aside a definite amount... one out of every ten dollars, perhaps . . ^. for "the book" . . . Your Capitol Savings account book. Dollar after dollar, your money grows, and earns more, thanks to Capitol's big dividend, made even larger by compounding quarterly. Capitol Bonus Savings Certificates S‘A% Current Annual Rats Capitol's now BONUS SAVINGS CERTIFICATES offer higher earnings on fund* inverted for a specified tims . • . six month*-or longer. Certificates in amounts of $5,000 or more are issued and are automatically renewed. The current rate paid on those longer term savings certificates is 514. When you want the flexibility of saving small amounts . .. any amount. . . any time, with —your funds always available, Capitol's Pass-Book plan is just the thing for you. Remember.. . it's a “CAPITOL” idea to saveyour money. 4%% Annual Rate, compounded and paid quartody. CAPITOL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION INCORPQRATED\1890 • LANSINQ, MICHlQAf^ 15 W. HURON STREET, PONTIAC 338-1127 1125 Mm PERRY STREET AT ARLENE FlWIifml ' THE PONTI AC PRESS [M ODER NIZ A TTQNQ The Howard Simms' Home In Columbiaville Was Built By Lumber Baron Willfdm Peter In 1892 Built-In Sideboard Located In Dining Room Pontiac Prou Photo* by Roll Winter Carving Detail On Newel Columbiaville Home Was Built in 1892 Fireplaces (Left) And Living Room Abut By JODY 1IEADLEE Home Editor, The Pontiac Press Wrought iron fencing punctuated by imposing gates encircles the white brick, three-story home; purchased by the Howard Simms in 1944. Built in 1892, the house was originally the dream of William Peter and his bride. It stands as tangible evidence to the determination of the Bavarian immigrant William Peter who migrated to Columbiaville lh 1848 with little more— than the clothes on his back and his willingness to work. ★ * * Peter hired out as a mill hand at the local saw mill for $4 a month and his board. By doing other odd jobs, he managed to save (48 that firstj^t _ WASTE NOT — WANT NOT Sharp, he noted that stray logs were accumulating behind the miffs broken dam. He obtained permission from the owners to use the logs as his own. By delving into his savings, Peter had the logs sawed into lumber. The venture netted him $1,900 and he Was on his way to becoming a millionaire. In four years, he had saved enough money to build the first store in Columbiaville, elope with Roxanna Clute despite her father’s vociferous objections and build a home for his bride. ★ ★ ' ★ Together they manned the store. Every -cent that Peter saved he Invested in pine land§, walking miles over the forests of Michigan i,and Wisconsin to be sflre they were worthy of his investment. LAND OWNER By 1864, Peter owned all of the land in Columbiaville. Planning a village similar to his birthplace; he built the school, the depot, a cheese factory, a grist mill, foundry, ice house, brick yard, flour mill and the woolen mill, . ★ ★ * With business booming, Peter,was then ready to tweak ground for his dream house. Most of the materials that went into the home were products of Peter’s own business enterprises. place tiles and generally taken their toll." In the living room, hangs an original carbide chandelier of antique brass. It has been electrified. * ★ ★ “Originally," said Mrs. Simms, “there was a carbide generator in die basement that produced the gas for the lights and for the burner in the parlor fireplace.^ I Frosted Globes Found On Original Gas Chandelier Now Electrified All ceilings in the 19th century mansion are 11-foot high. Eight fireplaces (one for each of the downstairs living rooms and the upsthirs bedrooms) supplement the heating system. For galas, the Peters finished the top floor as a ballroom.---——z%------ * ★ ★ The home’s massive entrance hall is finished in paneled oak with the floor, -a block parquet design, continuing through into the dining room., CARVINGS Dimensional leaf carvings are found on the front staircase's solid1 oak newel posts. The broad steps, now carpeted, lead to the second, landing marked by a Reveled, leaded glass window. ★ '★ ★' Detail on the dining room’s oak ceiling is repeated in the dado. The built-in sideboard of matching oak is topped by Victorian red marble. ♦ ★ ★ The piece apparently housed the family’s silver for the fine china was kept in die room’s walk-in china closet and butler’s pantry complete with running water for rinsing the dishes. •,* * Each room on the first floor may be ~ closed off By sliding doors. EMPTY “The borne,” said Mrs. Sintuns, “stood empty for several years and fell into disrepair. Vandals had knocked, die. doors off the tracks, loosened the fire- THE HOME EVERYONE WANTS TO OWN n r jl l I 1 *rC*g» irownAcI .■■(■'imiTr Am«m VSf ——' —-e-O* Taka 1-75 (Chrysler Express wc to Baldwin R bar and books' P f PER WEEK No Monty Down O’BRIEN HEATING 371 Voorheis Rd. FE 2-2919 Our Operator on Duty After Hours more and more Americans have to start their careers or marriages, or both, while living in one-room apartments. Fortunately, the situation has produced a category of furnishings designed to conserve space land prevent the claustrophobic eluding a dining table that is simple enough in appearance to double as a desk for now, oc in the guest room of the home that will come later. Royal System designed in I feeling of' living in anover- [Denmark for instehce, steers crowded closet. |One-room furnishings to highly I Dual purpose furniture such,_RHHRRI^H as the day bed and convertible! BEDSIDE sofa can be found in all styles; STAND and materials, from the elegan! J {small-scale bed of the 18th cen-j' tury to the large, cushiony con-| TENSION POLES Using the tension poles to support back-to-back arrangements, this suspended furniture need not even take up a wall and provides a room divider into the bargain. It’s a breeze to take down for moving, or just to shift the individual units | from one spot to another. | The simplicity of design that characterize contemporary furniture lends itself well to small apartments by subordinating frills to function, provid-j ing an uncluttered look and permitting more individual dec-; orating schemes than traditional groupings do. Heavy, space-swallowing fur-! niture no longer has a place in' modem minimum homes and has given way to the kind that . is lightly-scaled and off-the-, A TERRACED TOP gives :floor. Solid club chairs have] this stand plenty of space at |disappeared in favor of small,! bed level and an upper shelf easjjy moveable chairs that can for a lamp. Pattern 302, which jgg switched from conversation, gives material list, actual-size group to dining tabie to televi- j cutting guide and complete sjon corner. Contemporary fur-1 illustrated directions, is 35 Ljture with its sleek, structured; cents. This pattern also is in unes might have been made the Bedroom Chest and Stand with one-room apartments in Packet No. 22 with three |mind. | other projects all with easy.-. io-make block-front drawers. The Packet of four patterns is $1. The Pontiac Press Pattern Dept. P.O. Box 50, New Windsor, N.Y. 12550. TRADING IS FASY! When one room plays many parts, there has to be some slight but significant distinction! between areas, at least to pro-i vide a change of pace when; _________ moving from one to the other. I Screens, room dividers, chests i Visual Interest placed back-to-back with sofas,] and area rugs, are a few of the! , Decorated tile inserts can add [decorative devices which will; intorpgt tn-a-wall-ftr-floor [mark off invisible boundaries iTof^hJgle-colored tiles. Arrange- within one room, merit of .the inserts can be regu-; Some of the smartest decorat-j lar or irregular depending upon ling plans have developed from idle decorative effect desires. [efficiency living* So even if you I * —*—--------|—----- ihave a full-scale home, the dire; Prefinished hardboard is a necessities of the newlywed! [low maintenance, highjean still give you signposts to, "paneling suitable sensible buying and comfuila— of the house. 'ble living. I EXPERIENCED - UNDERSTANDINQ • CAPABLE TUESDAY AUGUST 6 / Practicing attorney in Pontiac sine* 1931 Represented for many years U.A.W. Pontiac Local 653, U.A.W. Truck « and Coach Local 594, U. A.W. Fisher Body Local 596 and the problems of their members. Devoted 37 years to the problems of the working man. Has the experience and understanding to serve you as Judge of the Pontiac District Court. . _ ..> . , . - .. This Advertisement Paid for by Frank Fortlno THE PONTIAC PHBSS. SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1888 SUPPORT.. . VOTS FOR ... . IUCT FRANK F0RTM0 YEAR-’ROUND COMFORT Igl with the touch of ^—pffil your finger I TRADITIONAL — Long wear and easy maintenance are key features of this handsome sheet vinyl floor, styled in the ever-popular English Tudor tradition. The design resembles an arrangement of hand-set ce- ramic tiles, framed with planking. The material is Armstrong Cork Company’s Dungate Coronelle Vinyl Corkm, manufactured in six-foot-wide sheet form to provide a minimum of seams. Every Inch Counts Compact Living in One Room W LUMBER 00. 151 Oakland Ave. Customized GARAGE BUILDERS Bloomfield Manor STAY HOME AND LIKE IT! A HOME lOO CHEROKEE _ OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 Immediate Occupancy In this beautiful 7-room ranch, just a few features include baseboard heat, 2 natural fireplaces, B.B.Q., family room, carpeting, and 2-car attached all on a lovely 100* landscaped lot. Come out Sunday 2-5 and see for yourselves. 940 Cass Lake Road off Elizabeth Lake Road. Your hostess representing YORK REAL ESTATE CO. will be Faye Henry. YORK RIAL ESTATE ^ OR 4>0363 PHONE FE 8-7176 4113 Dixi. Hwy. 1102 S. Telegraph Drayton Plains Pontiac, Michigan past interest rates is only a small factor in the cost ofyour home. For examples A one-half percent increase in interest rates is only 86 per month on a 25-year, 820,000 loan. Remember, your interest is deductible on your income tax. Your Property Where The Action IBs Kampsen Realty & Building Company FE 4-0921 1071 W. Huron St, “IS STILL THE BEST INVESTMENT A FAMILY CAN MAKE . ARE 8 GOOD REASONS WHY.” Th.- price of land is going np ... np .. . up. Just the other day a group of dis-' tinguished economists predicted real estate will go up 20% in the next three years. j The steady rise in population, in vir-j tually every section of the nation, exerts a steady upward pressure on land prices. I Today, right now, you can find real bar-| gains in new homes. See Kampsen Rlty. and you’ll find the selection was never better. 5 Real estate is your best hedge against inflation.“No investment on earth is so safe, so sure, so certain to enrich its owner as real estate.” *> j If you shop at Kampsen'*, you’ll find < J architects and builders are now figuring with sharper pencils, because of the \ momentary lull in demand. Yon can save important money by acting now. J The family who buys now will be aheacCl [ of the family that continues to collect tent receipts. Each monthly payment builds equity. At the same time, the home can be increasing bi value. , iThe best security in the whole world, . for you, your wife and children, la the security of owning land. Your Monthly Rental Includes Those Features; o Swimming Pool o Carpeting-Drapes o Hotpoint Ovan Rangy o Hotpoint Refrigerator o Dishwasher o Disposal o Hoot o Ample Parking "e Full Dining Room o Air Conditioned o Security Intercoms A lovely home in Ottawa Hills. Full basement and garage, new modarn kitekfeTL, large iivinq room with fireplace. Formal dining room, family room off kitchen. First floor laundry room, two full baths. Ail newly decorated. H||||*AV|||§|Aa West on Huron to 10ft at Cherokee. Ill It EUI lUllOs Watch for open sifns. VISIT Our new VAL-U-VISION show of homes at Our office or have a courteous salesperson explain ■ this new method to you. MeCULLOUSH REALTY 674-2236 5460 HIGHUUIDROAD 682-6309 PWT1M MSTOCT OtWT JUDGE THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1968 C-g COMPACT BILEVEL—Sometimes called a raised ranch, a bilevel such as this gives extra living space without utilising additional ground. Note two front balconies, one .off the bedroom, wing, the other off the living room. Patio and deck are in reiu*. Z-49 STATISTICS Design Z-49 is a bilevel, with a living room, dining room, kitchen, three bedrooms, a foyer and two baths on the upper or main level, totaling 1*217 square feet of livability, There are 360 square feet of living space on the lower level, excluding the two-car garage. Although this level can be arranged as desired, the architect's plans show It divided as a displaced family room', a bedroom or den, a laundry room, a bath and storage areas. Over-all dimensions are 45’ by 40’. Royer Realty, htejr Proudly Presents . Tri-Level! The Fabulous Brookuwd Handsome Bilevel-Small Site Design The lack of a large lot on which to build a house can be frustrating to a family requiring' three or four bedrooms. - It is even worse when there is a strong desire to have such things as a family room, a patio, a deck and other amenities of gracious modem living. ★ ★ it Here is a bilevel plan that satisfies- the needs of such a family. With the modest over-all- di- mensions of 45’ by 40’, including a two-car garage, it nevertheless encompasses 1,577 square feet of living area (1,217 on the main level) and takes in a rear patio, a deck, a family room and two front balconies.' APARTMENT In fact, where zoning regulations permit, the lower level, with large windows above ground, could be made into a rental apartment. i Such an arrangement would still give the owners six rooms I — three of them bedrooms — land two baths. ★ It it The midlevel foyer has a 'short stairway up to the six-room layout, and another of the same size down to the extra rooms. At the left side of the house are three bedrooms and two •baths, one with a powder room Ivanitory alcove. FLOOR PLANS — The six rooms on the plan provides usable space on lower level, upper level would be the livable area if this much of which is above ground, thus per- were the layout of a true ranch. Bi-level mitting entry of natural light. I The two bedrooms which face the front have sliding glass doors opening to the charming front balcony. The living room is enhanced by an open rail, gaining spaciousness from the stairwell and the foyer just below. Sliding glass doors at the front open out to the matching balcony. The dining room forms an L at the back of the living room, and the entire area enjoys a picture window view overlooking the rear deck. - ★ ★ ★ Sliding glass doors open from the kitchen to this deck, which can be a private outdoor dining room or play area in good weather. In a bilevel or high-ranch plan, the lower level is high enough to have large, aboveground windows and a general atmosphere of livability. ★ ★ * Thus, this level can offer more than an ordinary basement. Reaching the bottom of the stairway from the foyer, one finds that architect Lester Cohen has placed two rooms at the left — one a fireplaced family room, the other an extra bedroom or a den. Do-It-Yourselfers Decorating Book A 24 page brochure packed with home decorating ideas now available. With many interiors created by Ving Smith, A.I.D., prominent interior designer, reproduced in color, the booklet suggests decorating schemes for every room in the house. ‘The Marlite Handbook of Professional Decorating Ideas' demonstrates how to combine furnishings, how to choose tasteful accessories, and how to co-’ ordinate color schemes. ★ ★ ★ It provides ideas and advice that will prove equally valu to those planning a new home or tackling an improvement or modernizing project. To obtain the booklet, send 25c to Decorating, Book, Marlite Paneling, Dept. -9221, Dover, Ohio 44622. The family roofh has sliding glass doors leading out to the rear patio, which is sheltered by the dining ,deck above. The extra bedroom has a closet wall and a picture window, sheltered by the main level balcony. | The two-car garage has an| indoor 1 area for bikes and gear, and another, facing the outdoors, for garden tools and| furniture. ★ ★ ★ Also on this level are a laun-1 dry room, a bathroom and a | utility room. Toward the front j is an extra storage area. j The addition of kitchen facili-1 ties in one area of the family room would create a rental apartment of the kind previously mentioned. COMBINATION An alternative would be to dispense with the faintly room entirely and make a combination room that would serve a two-person family. Or it might be decided to utilize the bedroom space for a kitchen and turn the rest of the right side of the lower level into a living room, with a convertible sofa that could be used for sleeping. Handsome in appearance, Design Z-49 has a world of advantages for a family with a small amount of available land. REAR PATIO—Outdoor area shown here through sliding glass doors is of lower-level is sheltered by dining deck above. View family room, which has ai brick fireplace. The effect of a sunken living, room can be achievetfbjTnTis-ing foyer"floors, and surfacing both with quarry tile will add to the suggestion of luxury. Now under construction at beautiful “HARWOOD SHORES.’’ Located just west of Oxford, “HARWOOD SHORES affords waterfront living at it's finest. BUY NOW Make an appointment now to ace thla line home and chooae your own decor incluaing — ceramic, inlaid tile and earpeting# THE BROOKWOOD Over 1900 aq. ft. of liviof .pare plua a largo baaemeol, ottoehad 2-oop garage, three bedrooms ana den, separate laundry *re** large family room with natural fireplace and beam ceiling, in hatha, formal dining SONUS FEATURES Kitchen .. • Cu»tom Bull* Cftklno** ac, • Work Area Lighting * Doik » Formica Oountor and Bocktplatn Hood and Fan Built-in Ovan and Rang* ADDITIONAL QUALITIES • Breakfast Area In' Kltehan e Carofroo Brlek and Aluminum • Slot* Feyar Floor • Ceramic Tile In Bathe • Capper Plumbing Family Room • All Pane lad Wall* • Natural Brick Fireplace • Beamed Celling • Doer Wall to Patio area •"Slate Hearth Exterior • Marbla Window Stile Throughout w PPM! • Outtor ond Downip^rto • Folding Doer* an all Cloaata • Sunken Living (Option, no coat) • Custom Light Fixtures • F«y»f C1*** ROYER REALTY, INC. Open 9 to 9 9 HOLLY PLAZA OFFICE HOLLY PH. 634-8204 — Monday thru Friday 6 Saturday OXFORD OFFICE 823 S. LAPEER RD. PH. 628-2548 THE NAME OF THE GAME IS LIVING! Chooss from one of these high quality-built, tpaciou* ROSS HOMES now, and select your own color coordinated interior for occupancy August 28th (approximately). WATKINS HILLS SPACIOUS RANCH - 3 bedrooms, two full bathe, Thermopan# windows and many more features. *30,900 BLOOMFIELD HILLS 2500 square feet of beautiful home. Four huge bedrooms and 2Vi baths are among the many attractive features of this home. *47,900 LAKELAND ESTATES RANCHES - SPLITAEVELS - 2-STORY HOMES *34,900 to *38,900 Includes Landscaping Two Waterfront Split Levels 1 t "Four and fiva bedrooms — 3 full baths Walton 1941 S. Telegraph Rd. Blvd. Pontiac, Mieh. FE 4-0601 *43,900 Including Let LAKELAND ESTATES HOMES Models Open Daily-Sunday 1 to 8 P.M. (CLOSED FRIDAYS) Phone 623-0670 How to Build. Buy or Sell Your Home Full study plan information on this architect-designed House of the Week is included in a 50-cent baby blueprint. With it in hand you can obtain a contractor’s estimate. You can order also, for $1, a booklet called YOUR HOME—How to Build, Buy or Sell it. Included in it ate small reproductions 6f 16 of the most popular House of the Week issues. Send orders to House Hans, The Pontiac Press, P. 0. Box 9, Pontiac, Michigan 48056 | Enclosed is 56 cents for baby blueprint on Z-49 Enclosed is $1 for for YOUR HOME booklet □ □ | Moving Expenses Can Be Reduced All “full sendee” movers will come into your house and completely pack your belongings at the beginning of the move and unpack at the other aid. ■it ■ "A . dr However, moving specialists point out that you can help reduce the cost of your move by handling the packing and unpacking of unbreakables your- self. But be sure to do it in easy tages. Another, potential money-saver in a local move is knowing exactly where each piece of furniture is to be placed in the new home. ... As with most tilings, in local moving, time is money and every delay in unloading means a higher cost. AM. MODELS OPEN DAILY 1 to 4 and SUNDAYS 1 to 6 P.M. White Horse Lake Jones Road Silver Lake Estates AH brick, 3-bedroom ranch with I Vi baths and fall basement, also 4-bedroom colonial open for inspection, both have leaded glass windows, marble sills, 2-car. garage attached, infold eloset doors,. carpeting, ceramic tile features, outstanding kitchen, you will like this home and the full price including lot is $24,900 and can be duplicated on your lot for $20,900. DIRECTIONS t Highland Road (M-59) to Airport Road, turn sopth Mi mile to Gordon. Watch for aigns. 3-b,edroom ranch also open for inspection along with this 4-bedroom, 114-bath colonial borne with full basemenL Many outstanding features like hardwood floors, 2-car garage attached, all aluminum hiding and bifold closet doors makes this a worthwhile home to sBee Full price including lot, $23,900. We will duplicate on your lot, $18,900. DIRECTIONSj Jones Street is located 1 block east of Road between Hatchery Road and Tubbs Watch for signs. v 4-bedroom brick colonial with lVh ceramic tils baths, large living room with beautiful fireplace, large kitchen with built-ins, Alnma-View windows, This home is ready to move into. Immediate possession. Fall price $29,900 including lot. i Park, left onto Sales by: Dan Mattingly 3881 Highland Rd. 682-9000 C—0 THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1968 Ipyyly,- -1illJill JiJl Fofc -Hiffa &nm, located in Bloomfield Hills bn Opdyke Rd., North of Square Lake Rd. . . . custom changing available ... priced from $40,450 to $43,450. Inc. Vis acre lot. e 4-5 Bedroom. • 2Vk Boths e Weed Paneled Family Reams e Large Kitchen and Eating Areas a First Floor Laundries and Mud Rooms e Closets • Closets • Closets a 35 Minutes to Downtown Detroit . • Minutes to oirmmnnwn j"wrn» e Inclosed Swimming Peel end Community House 4 FURNISHED MODELS by TRIANGLE Open Daily and Sun., 12 to l-Sat., 12 to 6-Closed Thurs. W„, J PULTEI" 626-4700 DETROIT Master Builders 338-9279 f Accessories Finish Job Do you find remodeling projects easy to start and hard to finish? It's probably because the “finishing” process is often as complicated and time-consuming as the basic work. Ond way to end finishing problems is with ready-made accessories. For instance, V you’re Installing prefinished hardboard wall paneling, yon don’t have worry about countersinking and puttying nails so they won’t i or trying to stain moldings and trim the right shade. Color-matched nails, are available for use #tth prefinished hardboard paneling. Or, you can eliminate nailing and install the panels with a special cartridge-type adhesive. Matching or color-coordinated prefinished wood, metal and I vinyl moldings are also obtainable for use over joints, as baseboards, and for inside and joutside corner trim and ceiling trim. A folder of remodeling ideas | that include the use of hard-: board can be obtained for ten I cents from SR&A, Dept. HP, Box 3498, Grand Central Sta-Ition, New York, N.Y. 10017. SMART COMFORT — In recent years, resilient flooring manufacturers have trended toward more luxurious styling, with heavy emphasis on the “Mediterranean Look.” This new Coronelle Vinyl Corlon effect from Armstrong, for example, combines rich color with an intriguing translucent vinyl wear surface that provides an unusual illusion of depth. OPEN SUNDAY 1 to 5 P.M. WATERFORD VILLAGE Taka Airport Road to Southward - ISIS 3-Bedroom brick ranch with full basement * and 2Vfe-car garaga. Full pricn *22,900 * Your Host will b* John Dyer TRADE IN YOUR PRESENT HOME CROSS REALTY and investment 674-3105 , Make a Spare Room Earn Its Space in Today's Home Chalets - Leisure Homes 6,000 Acre Vacationland Wooded Ridges, Lake and Trout Ponds Busy workmen are building a golf course for your pleasure. Phone — Write for Map-Brochure TO WILDERNESS VALLEY: OEOROE WELLINGTON SMITH fills"; ,■' t•> A RARE TREASURE!!! In that* days of "hustle and bustle", this magnificent setting is a delightful sight, Secluded, wooded and very scenic, it offers the peace and tranquility that YOU may be looking for. Nestled in the trees is the lovely three bedroom Brick Ranch, with 2Vi baths, living room with fireplace for those pleasurable times when friends gather, and many other custom features. Close your eyes, picture yourself living here . . . Now open your eyes and reach for the phone, and call today for an appointment. MAX BROOCK INC. 4139 Orchard Lake Rd., at Pontiac Trail MA 6-4000 OFFICE OPENS SUNDAYS 444-4890 ! Rooms can no longer afford Just to sit there — and do only one thing. Neither can ! furniture. As our personal share |of the world’s square footage dwindles, we have arrived at the age of multiple-function and j dual-purpose. Libraries, music rooms, sew-!ing rooms, day nurseries and parlors sound like relics of a j long-forgotten age to a generation who so often starts married life in one room and graduates to the bare essentials as the family grows. Hie extra room that had a specific function in large Victorian houses now has to pull its weight in usefulness [and versatility, doubling often as a farrjUy room or to sleep a [guest...- For the family, make it a I retreat where each member of toe family can go for some relative peace, where a good book can be enjoyed without toe distraction of television, j where letters can be written, or j homework done without 'terra ption. I The multiplicity of today’s “spare” room, furnished half for the family, half for the jguest, is revealed decoration which should be a not-so-obvious accumulation of necessities such as a desk to spread out work or sewing, comfortable seating for relaxed reading, good lighting, shelves for books and .a comfortable place to sleep. * ■ If all this sounds like a lot of furniture for what is usually one of the smaller rooms in the [house, remember that the- wall* taking pieces needed for seating I and sleeping, such as toe new day beds that are really comfortable for both functions, as well as toe streamlined sleep sofas from manufacturers like Simmons and Barcalo. If -the “spare” rooitt is can be put to work as well as the floor. Wall-hung furniture like the ingenious Royal System form Denmark, p r o v id e s shelves, j storage cabinet drawers and working surfaces all within the framework of the ! vertical space in the room. An amazing number of books, records, papers and clothes can be stored without taking up any floor space at all/That leaves plenty of room for toe space/ sometimes used as a place where the adults can entertain another couple or two, there are low tables ltke the one in Dcex-e 1 ’ s Renaissance Collection which nestles Ottomans to roll out for extra seating, or Lane’s cubes with tops for seating which reverse ^ o a checkerboard and have loads of j storage space inside. Heywood-Wakefield’s—34-inch-j square Hi-Lo table doubles in spades. For cards, It can be 281 inches high, or converted to an! 18-inch cocktail height.) Henredon makes a beautiful! weathered mahogany card table which slims to a 18-inch size when not in play. Manufacturers have1: performed wonders in providing | products for our physically-reduced circumstances. It only remains for us to use them with) imagination to. suit each individual situation as the space squeeze throws. j$own t h el challenge. Non-Skid UNIT STEPS Cheek these features for a step in beauty. • One Piece ConstrujETtSH • Permanent Beauty • Rugged Dependability Safety Tread Reduces Slipping e~PHA Specification e Strong Reinforced Casing # Avoid Mossy InstallatiM FREE ESTIMATES We Deliver Anywhere Manufactured and Sold by CONCRETE STEP CO. 6497 Highland Road (M-59) 673-0775 Add Beauty to Your Home With Concrete Steps end Railings Open 8 til 12 Saturdays BUY! SELL!TRADE! USE PONTIAC PRESS WANT ADS! BATH BEAUTY Channel pattern western red cedar panel boards and lift-top bench-hamper team with ornate mirror, gay cushions to make handsome, practical bathroom wall. Small, recessed cupboard is tucked between wall studs. ~Heating Source A recent survey conducted among some of the nation’s topi volume builders by the Consumer Research C e n t e r | showed that 62 per cent prefer I gas as the heating source in ' their new homes. WHAT IS KLINGELHUT FACE BRICK SIDING? It is the Multi-Purpose Brick Siding that does so many jobs-BETTER Klingelhut brick is genuine, Individually made, kiln-fired bridle of standard dimension except that it is Vir inch thick. It M bended to % inch insulating panels by an exclusive process developed by Klingelhut. This produces on insulot-ing combination equal to 4 Inches of blown-in Insulation-or 4 feet of solid brick. • Gives year-round insulation • Reduces fuel costs • Beautifies your home, increases its value e Resists fire e Ends repair and maintenance bills — no painting • Economical to install FHA Financing up to 7 years to pay Phone 673-7507 COMPLETE > HOME MODERNIZATION 2503 DIXIE HWY. PONTIAC Across From Silver Lake Rd. FOR YOUR REMODELING WE HAVE THE MATERIALS Andthe EXPERIENCE Buy from owner— no salesmen. Every former Dixie customer will recamrttend us very highly. Make us prove to Personal fawner’s supervision on your job from start to completion. No subcontractors, we nave our own crews. We build all style garages in Pontiac and suburbs. 5 year guarantee-on all jobs. No money down. DIXIE GARAGE C0HST. COMPANY Between Crescent Lake and Airport Beads OR 44811 -1144 HfOHLAND RD. - LI 144TS (Call Coileet) MILLER REALTY OPEN SUNDAY 2 to 5 P.M. Relaxed Living In ... Fox Bay Estates! NEW BRICK 3-BEDROOM RANCH. Wall to wall carpet, family Idtchen featuring built-in even-range and disposal. Lcpega family mem with fireplace, 1 Vi baths, double bowl with vanity. Full basament, Priced to sail at $28,900. DIRECTIONS: Elizabeth Lake Road to Perry (1 block west of Williams Lake Rd.), .right to Fox Bay Dr., loft to Maria, right to B339 Vandan. Lisa Bergstrom, your hostess. MILLER REALTY Co. AARON BAUGHEY, Realtor 670 W. HURON ST. FE 2-0262 THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1968 C—7 in the heart of ROCHESTER k0#rmoom . Centro! Heat and Alr-condWonlng .Over IMt) S& A BUILDINGS FOR FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN! e ^••valley PLACE ^ROCHESTE^^^ s £ 1 ■HU f.,4 S s _ | i 1 Open Daily 10 a.tn. to 8 p.m. . , . Phone 651-4200 | Garden Facts to Think About For the first time in half century, American gardners have given the growing' edge to vegetables and fruits over flowers — and women, are largely responsible. * * +■ A garden tool company made a national study among 712 garden clubs and a,100 heads of families with incomes of $6,000 to $12,000 and reported: About 81 million home gardeners work in 4$ million gardens. City gardeners have increased from 3.2 million to 4.4 million. ★ ★ . ★ .Of the gardening population, Ir per cent are women and 34 per cent men. ADULT HOBBY Gardening is the most popular adult hobby. The number of new gardens Is up despite a drop in home building. favorite flower Resourceful Homemakers Today’s young women have no intention of being saddled with tedious housework. Through student days, career years and as brides they are discontent with the old way of doing things. They are alert and restlessly seeking new time and labor savings ideas. The/ may be credited with some revolutionary housekeeping changes. Here are some of their staort- The quick cure for this Is to attach with safety pins fish line weights to the hem. Dress weights can be also used, for this purpose. Squeaky rocker? Just glQei felt weather stripping to the bottom of your chair’s rockers and you’ll eliminate 'floor stall floors which eliminate the necessity of waxing. Resilient vhjyl tile flooring in kitchen, bath, children’s rooms, living rooms in embossedL patterns needs only sweeping o r vacuuming and an occasional washing? , Costume Jewelry can be| cleaned easily. Soaked in hair shampoo your pins, bracelets marks, bumping and thumping and necklaces will come out noises. .free of tarnish, bright and! cuts and work saving tips tested I spar|c(iiis. by the Family Research Division of the Conviction Painter coming? A bit of ^search Bureau: vaseline rubbed on light switch plates, doorknobs, locks and A youngster thought up thisilatches painUngt wR* idea and it's a fine one to save| tbe paint from sticking, older backs, too — wet the. * * * bathtub with water, sprinkle on steamed up? Run coid water your cleanser and with a wet|,n the.bathtub firstt later add -™J>!L!Weep ®Way SOap 1 “ the hot and the room will not !get all steamed up. day when UGHT MOp BEST those crispy nylon, dacron ori __ ...______, ._______ ... . ri . J True a high priced mop will fiberglass curtains will hang1 § ® 6 v. . lonirii.r ..J limnii, probably wear twice as long, lankily and limply jjut it 'is also several times * * gs. heavier to push around and to;tbougb (be„ were mangled, This is the time to give them wrjng out than an inexpensive don’t despair a bath in warm not hot water,'0ne. Smart girls buy the light-1. Spread out the pJece run aver Roses are the nation s put a half Cup of powdered mtlklweight cheap mops even though it with an lce cube ]et this in the last rinse water to give:they may have to buy twice as _ them crisp, fresh body. Hang many, over shower rod to dry and no ironing necessary. melted Ice soak for just a minutes and you’ll find the iron slides easily and the re-ironing is done in record time. and dirt! There comes One half cup of kerosene in a quart of very warrrt water is the solution that sets windows sparkling. No rubbing is required, just gently wipe with1 a circular motion and then dry with an old, clean bath towel Carbon inside, dust outside are magically removed and the window is left without streaks and with a dirt repelling coating. WRINKLE CHASER When table linens come back from the laundry, or off your shelves, looking as wrinkled as Timberland Used by Fishermen A recent survey shows that 97.4 per cent of tlraberiands owned by forest industries is used for fishing. These tree farms Include over 37,090 miles of streams. G & M CONSTRUCTION 8 ELLIS m "BUILDING IN PONtlAC SINCI 1t45* i PONTIAC'S *ONE STOP BUILDING SIRVICE* I ! ■ • ADDITIONS • ALUMINUM SIDINO • SRIIZIWAYS • ATTIC CONVERSIONS • AWNINO WINDOWS • AWNINGS • DINS • PATIOS • GARAGIS • RECREATION ROOMS ' - • CONCRETE WORK-MASONRY • KITCHENS • FAMILY ROOMS • BATHROOMS • STORM end SCREEN DOORS end WINDOWS SPCOIBL FIIMNOt PUN ■ 86 North Saginaw - Downtown Pontiac ■ THANK YOU FOR YOUR OVERWHELMING ENTHUSIASM Just a Few Choice Apartments Remain to Choose From - IN THE ROCHESTER AREA OAKLAND UNIVERSITY ipariments of fiistinction . ^^immediate occupancyj> With features found In $50,000 homes. On* and two bedroom units, including wall-to-wall carpeting, draperies, dishwasher, disposal, formica vanity, range, refrigerator, ceramic tile features, landscaped courts, activities room in each building, free covered parking, large storage rooms, laundry equipment and soundproofing. From $175 per month-includes heat, air eonditioiring ond hot water. ------—----; — 2245-2377 WALTON BLVD. Vi MILE EAST OF ADAMS MODELS OPEN 10:00 A.M. • 6:00 P.M. PHONE 651-4193 Young married folk plant earlier and bigger gardens initially, cqmpared with their counterpart of 10 years ago. Of existing home gardens, 74 per cent were expanded substantially. Fifty-nine per cent cut down on flowers and added vegetables. .....★....★ * ' Fifty-four per cent reduced flowers and added fruit. TIDE REASONS WHY Major reasons given: Increasing food prices; homegrown fruits and vegetables | taste better and are more I nourishing; cuts down on shopping time; help families get products they like; vegetables are as relaxing and more | rewarding than fipwers. j About 56 per cent of garden | land is being used largely for string beans, tomatoes, beets, spinach, cucumbers;- carrots, I apples, pears and berries. | The survey indicated that women make most decisions |to the crops. They, buy the I seeds, cuttings and plant food land help buy the tools. Women | say garden tools should be more colorful — easier tosijp when I left on the ground. ★ ★ ★ Men say they have less time for gardening because of more overtime work, crowded highways and more business traveling, which reduces time at home. A floppy shower cur-| tain that refuses to stay snugly NO WAXING FLOORS j inside, allows water to splash: There’s a trend afoot to in-1 and flood the bathroom floor. | WISHING WELL — Perfect for an outdoor accessory is a wishing well built of redwood or red cedar. To obtain the full-size wishing well pattern 371, send $1 (add 25 cents per pattern for airmail delivery) by currency, check or money order to: Steve Ellingson, The Pontiac Press Pattern Dept.^ P. O. Box 2383, Van Nuys, Calif., 91409. E ’' Gas customefs in 1967, used 135.1 billion therms of gas, an increase of 4.8 per cent over the 128.9 hjliion therms consumed in Rigid Vinyl for Windows The_search—for—the—!ine-t—A-dramatic new Step toward1 maintenance” home has led to!relieving homeowners of! the increased use of vinyl as a' weekend maintenance chores isi budding material ;the development of Andersen! Vinyl has a ready found wide'Perma.s J,d winTOFSSf acceptance for many ap- ,iding doors which have a plications inside a home, in-*igid %inyl sheathing over a eluding flooring and wall w^od cor' covering. I * * ★ Now it, has moved outdoors in They offer the'same beauty a big way, because of the low-land comfort advantages as maintenance qualities of a!wood sash, but don’t require particulary tough kind of vinyl painting ami will not rust, pit or known as rigid vinyl. - I corrode. Let us help with a Home Improvement Loan Don't delay needed additions or repairs any longer- A low-cost Home Improvement Lodn can make your home more livableand enjoyable — now! 4 Convenient Locations to Sene You Member Federal Deposit In.uronc# Corporation Hours; till A.M.-4:30 P.M. Daily including Saturday - Friday Jo PH. Ph: 689-4200 CREDIT DEPT. HOURS: 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. including -ALL DAY SATURDAY Phone: 689 1092 Troy National Bank five styling, convonionco and aconamyt A second heme designed for pleasure? Then of carefree, leisure living.-For many enjoyable stages of dreaming is as far as it goes. Ga ahead and make that dream coma true. ~ Our vacation hemes are aH precisian engineered and pro-cut at law wholesale prices. Many styles is cheese from ...A> frames, Chalets, ate. Why oaf pursue year dream further by oandlpg In $1.00, far avr catalog of "Vacation Hamas.** DuBois Homes Co. P.o. Sox 445 Dept. A-6/ . Rochester,'Mich. 48063 THIS 40'x26* "J. V. RANCHER" is priced right for you early summer buyers who wi*h to beat the rush at only $16,900 On our building site of 2 Vi acres.'Features include: Full basement; aluminum tiding; 235 lb. shingles; aluminum windows; #1 oak flooring; 3 bedrooms; 2" sidewalls; 4" ceiling insulation and gas heat. Hurry, only 2 lots available. JOHN S. VOORHKES, Builder TITO Dixie Highway ham E 4C14 Ciarkston,Michigan IhM WHAT? BUY A POOL NOW? Yes, this is the time to buy a pool for your summer fun. Our pools are fiberglass, inground and come in a shape or size to please you. Have your pool installed nowand save your sum-mor months for fun ana beat the possible Spring price increase. Come by Today and tea our dit- , play pool at / Div. JOHN S. V00RHEES, BUILDER TITO DIXIE HIGHWAY, Ciarkston, Michigan CLARKSTON POOL CO. MA 5-26T4 AS WELCOME AS CAN, BE! WE’D LIKE TO ADD YOUR NEW ARRIVAL TO OUR GROWING LIST OF HAPPY CHILDREN (AND PARENTS) NOW YOU CAN LIVE IN A BEAUTIFUL MODERN HOME DESIGNED EXCLUSIVELY FOR YOUR FAMILY AND THEIR LIVING NEEDS All Models May Be Seen SAT. and SUN. from 2 to 6 or by Appointment OR 4-2222 . Gene| ....... - ,, jWilliam Robinson said thqj Va • two daughters, Mrs lReas ol Kee8° Harbor; mid five I William F. Pohl woman put the items in her “ ‘ ‘ troy _ Service for former'Purse and walked out of the Troy resident William F. Pohl,!^^;___________________, J 86, ol Madison Heights will be 11 p.m. Monday at the Price' 'Funeral Home with burial in White Chapel Memorial Disease Fatal to Ex-Central Athlete, 24 Samuel Bernice Dennis of Erie, 111., and!8randchll^ren- " Mrs. Donna Buskosky of Flint;{ and three brothers, including) Mrs. Theodore R. Ernest of Pontiac Township and' c-L.1^, Art of Waterford Township. i ocnuize A former Pontiac Central | Mrs. Theodore R. (Edna High School athlete who was Samuel C. Christensen Schulze, 56, of 55 Edison died stricken with multiple sclerosiS| I today,* Her body is at the two years ago I Service for Samuel C. _ .r — • — .... died yesterday. Service for Paul Brown Jr., 24, of 117 Earl-moor will be 1 p. m. Tuesday, at St. J h on United Method-] 1st Church. Burial by the] Frank Carruth- ers Funeral Home will be in | Oak Hill Cemetery. Surviving are Brown, a 1962 graduate of . ., Bs. Pontiac Central, played two,M f ’’ . 7SS& fSSSR Roberts CoUece and Ferris Stete^ollege and Mrs; Warren Asbury- both! KEEGO HARBOR - Service, MOUNT CLEMENS (AP) before he contracted t he °f_and^Mrs. Hen,ry|[?r ^ Authorities are seeking a De- James E. Hall, vice chairman of the party in Michigan, said Bqrnett’s statements.were “ir responsible and w i t h o u authority” and could not be tolerated. He said a number of Q&er statements made by Burnett in past weeks had contributed to the decision remove him. Hall said the party is opposed to violence and could no longer tolerate Burnett's mllitance. Collier, 42, has been employed as a die maker at Pontiac Motor Division for the past 15 years. He is married and ttjg father of three children. Also elected last night* was Harold Beard as cochairman of the county unit, of the party. He lives at 10120 Dayisburg, Springfield Township, and is employed as an electronics technician at the Federal Steel Corp., Springfield Township. About 50 county ihembers of the party attended thfr Yneeting last night. Burnett Was not among thent. ^ 1 News in Brief Charlotte Garcia of 299 Raeburn reported to police yesterday that thieves broke into her house and stole a television set valued at $80 and radio valued at $50. BROWN Cemetery, Mr. Pohl died Thursday. He is survived by one son, |R,„H n,:]! he in a m Mnndav at! aua' WMU“* Charles S. of Santa Ana, Calif.; ,lau'htm' Mr‘ rmy Church with burial in Mount | Hope Cemetery. Rosary will be ^nel^on-JolmsFunera°Home^ boklt’ Iowa’ and Dwig*11 J- ^ Joseph’Reeves of Arizona and Mr Christensen, a retired A^S °f lawnritv ouard at St joseDh lL' and Phyl,ls A ’ ” De" Anzona; flve grandchildren; m pr. ^Hriniiai HioH tnHav He tr0‘*: sbc grandchildren; two and nine great-grandchildren. Mercy Hoswtal di^ today He brothers Rugsel, R,d, and| 'was a member of the Knights of Ridley> both of Pon. Columbus. 'tiac; and a sister, Mrs. Charles Heavens of Pontiac. H . . c - ' iPursley-Gilbert Funeral Home. IChristensen, 68, of 262 S. East| was a former HFriess of Madison Heights, Mrs. Hnsan, H ■ Surviving are her husband; borothy Tatro of Detroit, Mrs. tnmnrrnw at tw0 sons’ Gerald D. of Hum-|j0hft Meader of Lansing Mrs: tomorrow ai.. n,lri„v,> i & ,____“ his wife, son, Wesley Oak; three Leo E. Lustig KEEGO HARBOR - Service, Detroiter Sought in Killing of Man disease. iS m i t h ,,. M| r Hale; 1 3 Cass Lake will be 10 a.m.jfoQjt man jn connection with the Surviving are his parents, MrJ8randcbddren: 11 great-grand-1 Tuesday at the C. ,J. Godhardt' killing of a 68-year-old man and and Mrs. Paul Brown of Pon-1 children, and three sisters. j Funeral Home. ' {wounding of two persons, tiac; three sisters, Mrs. Dennisej , I Ml/ Lastig; B retlred asff~t A murder warrant was issued Williams of Pontiac, Mrs.! Leo B. Cross .employed plaster contractor, against George Earl Jones, be- Wilhelmina Jordan of Ypsilanti j Iris Brown at home; and a'resident Leo B*. Cross, 85, of grandmother, Mrs: Brown in New York. „ . , . _ ! died yesterday. Service for former Pontiac surviving are his. wife, Anna; two sons, William C. and lieved to be either 28 or 33 years old, of Detroit, Girl Dies on Road Before Wedding City Police Probe Robbery of 2 Men Rache’Longwood, Fla., will be Monday,^^"5;, both 0f Waterford in Longwood. ,Township; one daughter, Mrs. _________I Mr. Cross died Thursday. He Lawrence L Caraway of was retired. Surviving are his wife, Delorse; a daughter, Mrs. Virginia Carleton of Pontiac; four sons, Homer of Miami, Fla., Kenneth of Rome, N.Y., I Merrill of Pontiac, and Randell - _ . ., . „ , MUSKEGON (UPI) - Sandraiof st. Petersburg, Fla.; and 13 BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP - was William Strickland, 30, of Marie Fortin, 18, was driving j grandchildren. I Requiem Mass for Mrs. Joseph {Petro't; wb? was treated at a home yesterday when she lost! (Elvira T.) Mattes, 68, of 7345 hospital and wa$ released, control of her car and it ran off Hcrnr F Frisk Chula Vista will be 10 a.m. a highway near here. wscar c. rs Monday at St. Regis Church, Service for Oscar E. Frisk, Birmingham, with burial at 71, of 88 Hill Circle, Waterford Holy Sepulchre Cem^JjuiJL Township. will be pan p m-grnyors-wHl-tersaia^gTSO a.m. Clarkston; two sisters, including Mrs. Augusta Keel of Keego Harbor; f i v e grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren. Mrs. Joseph Mattes Dazed, Miss Fortin got out of 1 her car and stumbled back onto the highway. Another auto Pontiac police are *nvesHgat- struck and killed hciv Ing the reported robbery of two Pontiac men as they were drivng on Wessen near Bagley about 1 a.m. this morning. Michael Ruinburg, 35, of 811 Thorpe and Earl Stickle, 35, of 778 E. Mansfield said they were driving west and had stopped at the light at Bagley when a man carrying a broken bottle entered their vehicle. He forced the driver to drive through a number of streets before taking $119 from the two men, they said. Police found a marriage license in her purse. She was to have been married today to Robert Earl Kern, 19, Whitehall. 'Monday at the Gloria Dei Lutheran Church with burial in White Chapel Memorial Cemetery, Troy, by Donelson-Johns Funeral Home. Mr. Frisk, a retired metal , one brother. Monday at. Vasu-Lynch Funeral Home, Royal Oak-Mrs. Mattes died Thursday. Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Jack Calati at home, and Jones is sought for the killing of Murray Tate of Clinton Township near Mount Clemens. Tate was killed with a 45-caliber bullet Thursday night at his home. His niece, Nettie Mae Harrison, 39, was wounded and underwent surgery at a Mount Clemens hospital. Also wounded Worker 1Critical' _RoberH^reiaytMr39rbrT5b8 Cole, Birmingham, was reported still in critical condition today in William Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, with injuries suffered in an accident Monday at the Space-Defense Corp. plant, Troy. Ex-GreekJChiet Dies After Illness ATHENS, Greece (AP) Former Premier Elias Tsirirfio-kos died, today after a long illness. He was 60. Tsirimokos served briefly as premier in August 1965. He was a long-time member of Parliament in various parties ranging from left to right and at one time headed his own party, the Socialist Democratic Union. Machine Stolen An mobile excavating machine, valued at about $5,800 was reported stolen yesterday, from a construction site in West Bloomfield Township. Township pllice said the machine -was taken between 11:30 a.m. and noon from a site, Bt Walnut Lake and Green roads. It was owned b y Kdiyater Sales, Ihc. of Jackson. Tot Still Critical A Shelby Township youngster remains in critical condition today in St, Josef* Mercy Hospital after nearly drowning mursday in a small back-yard nrimming pool. Hospitalized is Thomas J. Sa->ata, 18 months, Of 5151 Es- ella. He Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sabata. PUBLIC NOTICE TOMORROW m*m OUlEAEfVER One of Michigan's Original Discounters FROM 10:00 AJH.-7 P.M. AfiLL FRITTER APPLIANCE DISCOUNT OUTLETS AIR CONDITIONERS All top brand names ta choose from, such a* Westing house, Whirlpool, Hot-point, Emerson and many morol Fantastic values start now at__________ *79 REFRIGERATORS Chaos# from the brand you know and trust. Soma are tfd frost-free in both sections, 9 | 2 doors, top f reeiers, bottom freezers. Hotpoint, Whirlpool, Kelvinator, more from AUTOMATIC WASHERS *129 Top brands only included: Whirlpool, Westinghouso, Hotpoint, Hoovor, many more. Some fantastic values here from COLOR TVs 273 Choose hem RCA Victor, ^ Zenith, Admiral, Westing- C house consoles, lo-boys, w portables. Massive assortment of new fleer models. Sensationally priced from KRESBES MIRACLE MILE Sq. Lake& Telegraph STORE OPED SUNDAYS 11 to 5 P.M. 7 H.P. GARDEN TRACTOR • With 32" Twin Blades • 16" Rear Hi-Flotation Wheels • 13" Front Hi-Flotation Wheels • 8 Speeds. 6 Forward—2 Reverie • Padded Seat — Trailer Hitch • Height To Hood 30^ • Wjdth 32%"—Length 5.8" • Controls Mounted on Dashboard • 1 Gallon Gas Tank .• Weight: 393 lbs. Gross •297 7 H.P. TRACTOR, with slsetrie starter..... *333** LAWN MOWER SALE 22" Cut, 3'A H.P. 2Z Stratton* SjlR88 Briggs & J A 3 8 Stratton 7(l Wheels 19" Cut, 3 H.P. 22" Cut, 3V2 H.P. _8§iJSOOB8 Briggs & Stratton J 7" Wheels |||| With Tunnel Deck UU ■ a PATIO FURNITURE CHAIR •2” CHAISE *5" FANS 20” Breeze Boil 2 Speeds Guaranteed S|28S G.E. UR CONDITIONERS . . ’119 SUNDAY'S SPECIALS Total 26 5 12 5 Total 2» 1 3 0 Detroit ..........1 1 • • • 1 1 5 Minnesota ........( UjUl 1 • •— 1 E-Tovar, Wart. DP-Datrolt 2, Minnesota 2. LOB-Oetroit 8, Minnesota 5. 2B—Carew, McAullffe. HR—Wart (8). SB-Stantoy. „ ER BB $0 -McLjUn Gordy Accused the owners of af- tempting to break up the players’ group. “It appears,” Gordy said, “the owners are trying to break this association and we will not stand for it. Hie association -is stronger than ever.” In Johnson City, Tenn., where the Atlanta Falcons opened their rookie camp today, player representative Sam Williams charged the owners “are trying to break up the players’ association by threat. “First, by making a statement cancelling all training camps and then reversing their decision and opening them to rookies only and running off all veterans who show up. “And by threatening to playthe season with rookies and free agents only.” 213 Boats Set Sait PORT HURON (AP)—A high pressure front: over" lower Lake Huron was expected to help most of 215 boats start well today on the 264-nautical-mile race from Port Huron to Mackinac Island. However, race chairman John Pappas of Detroit's Sponsoring Bay view Yacht Club, said “messy stuff ’ over Minnesota was expected to blow down by nifktfal* 1 M1NNEAPOLIS-ST. PAUL (AP) — Detroit right-hander Denny McLain needs to win 13 of the Tigers’ 77 remaining games this baseball season to become the first pitcher in 34 years to record 30 pitching victories. Can he do it? .1 THE PONTIAC PRESS SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1968 D—1 mis D—2 THE PONTIAC PRESS. SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1968 Stanky Quits as White Sox Manager CHANGE IN COMMAND - Eddie Stanky (left) resigned yesterday' as manager of the Chicago White Sox and A1 Lopez returned to pilot the team after a two year absence of the job he once held. Lopez will assume the duties Sunday and stay as manager for the remainder of the season. Lopez to Take Post for Pest of Season CHICAGO UP) — Eddie Stanky resigned as manager of the Chicago White Sox Friday and was replaced by A1 Lopez, the man whom Stanky succeeded more than two years ago. The White Sox did not hold a,press conference, A club spokesman called various news media and announced that Stanky had resigned. Stanky, went along with organizational lines and said' he had re* « signed but was surprised by the announcement. §§ While Stanky might have been surprised by the announcement of1 his resignation, p r o b i n ^ efforts revealed that the move to replace Stanky had been in the works for nearly a month-and con-sumated by the Sox in All-Star break meetings held at Indianapolis. Coach Les Moss filled In as j manager of the Sox until Lopez’ I arrival scheduled for Sunday in the opening of a doubleheader | with Washington. 1 VERY QUICK Miss Wright Takes Lead Mickey Fires Red Hot 65 in First Round COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — “The first nine holes today was „ .. | the best nine holes of putting ‘It was all so quick, saidL had m ^ Mickey anlrir “and T time ClimriCOn ' . . ... Stanky, “and I was surprised w af(er taking the first. by the mpve. But I had to take 8.................. TIM Associated Pratt Complete through gemei of Friday * “ERICAN 1 2820 950 040 101 9 Washington 2432 260 590 44 240 .224 California 2771 267 410 53 245 *** Baltimore 2411 300 545 70 241 CMcagg 240 230 343 40 HdlM New York 2432 242 550 55 244 .212 INDIVIDUAL BATTINO (150 or more at bats) -----------AB » 8H8 RBI Pet. Harrelson Bsn 240 30 74 ,17 40 .97 Monday Oak 224 20 44 3 23 .205 Carew Min 221 24 e5 1 17 .204 Vastnamskl Bsn 273 45 00 13 33 .203 W.Horton Dat 244 41 76 21 R.Smith I ' 201 30 I 1 .278 F .Howard Was 205 37 02 25 41 .270 Uhlaander Min 314 20 07 4 20 .277 311 35 44 13 !■ 202 45 10 I 27 .274 151 16 4 9 .272 .,0 40 71 14 45 .240 309 42 03 0 31 .200 149 13 45 2 24 .244 211 33 54 0 33 .245 204 37 70 13 50 .245 294 45 77 14 35 .262 107 M 51 3 24 .250 250 27 47 0 31 .250 234 22 40 5 11 .254 242 32 47 0 35 .254 174 25 45 4 IS .256 317 46 81 4 22 '.256 102 31 40 4 17 .255 294 33 75 0 17 .255 311 31 01 4 25 J55 247 24 40 0 34 .255 154 14 30 3 14 .253 309 21 /I 4 22 .252 233 30 58 2 23 .240 221 20 55 5 20 .240 307 M 76 10 34 .243 271 24 67 2 21 .247 243 21 40 7 25 .24a 243 24 40 5 34 .247 240 23 44 10 30 .244 271 24 67 2 21 .247 Santo Chi Calllson Phi K1 Terras Htn Phillips Chi . B.Robinson Bel 304 35 74 10 30 .242 Valentine Bal 143 20 30 5 12 .230 Petrocelli Bsn 272 21 65 10 32 .230 Snyder Clo 155 14 37 2 16 .230 Knoap Cal 242 30 42 2 13 .237 Cox NY 233 10 55 23 .234 Northrop Det 310 41 73 13 54 .235 Repoz Cal IN M " * H Foy Bsn Mlnchar Cal Salmon Cle Mlnchar Cal Salmon Cle 244 25 41—1 21 .220 Manna at 223 30 51 11 30 .220 Clarke NY 215 27 65 2 13 .29 L.Brown Cla 201 20 67 5 22 .225 Ward Chi 245 24 55 10 32 .224 Rodgdn Cal "* * ** ’ Cash Det White Phi Rojas Phi W.Oavls LA C.Boyer Atl J.Hall Cle Ntetten Ml Wfbttar Oak Gfeb* NY Killebrew Min Harper Cle Bletary Bal Davis Chi Blair Bal 113 11 38 2 13 .2 170 21 37 7 23 .7 101 11 < Roseboro Min Trash NY Ebstein Casanov Stfhtt B COBfllns ... _) 54 2 .15 .105 202 11 39 1 12 .103 259 21 50 5 27 .193 223 10 43 2 11 .193 225 21 43 4 23 197 17 37 6 17 144 L 30 217 ir ?9 .......- 144 15 29 0 5.177 175 12 30 2 16 .171 Hinton cal 141 17 V t XT ,140 VIM Chi - 152 413 25 2 14 .16 Oyter Dat 174 12 20 1 10 .161 PITCHINO (6 or mere decisions) * IP H BB SOW LERA Tfltnf Cle 152 81 44 154 14 5 1.24 wSed Chi 13 41 12 37 6 4 1.43 OMDowell CIO 154 90 61 183 9 | 1.4 JMm Chi HMigyuMa McLain Det J Nash Oak McNally Bal 111 71 29 75 7 1 111 123 27 147 17 ' 2 112 85 20 0 Watt Ml Phoebus Bal Stottlemyre NY Santiago Bsn Dobson Oak 01 72 27 42 6 4 _ 125 00 29 8210-3-* 44 34 22 44 4 4 2. J 127 19 57113 8 0 2.24 149 115 34 05 11 5 2.29 122 95 41 05 9 4 2.29 147 09 43 104 9 5 2.32 105 78 40 54 7 5 2,38 97 02 27 50 6 6 2.40 133 104 30 94 7 I 2-42 107 II 29 54 I 5 2.42 54 I 23 43 6 2 2.43 43 27 21 27 5 3 270 Francona Atl Charles NY Pena Phi Mlllan Atl A.Johnson Cln F.Alou Atl Haller LA R.Allen Phi Grate NY Helms Cln L.May Cln McCovey SF Hart SF Meta Pgh Wills Pgh "--taler Phi 342 51 1 311 34 li 154 17 w 199 23 42 9 32 .312 117 24 51 0 20 J10 271 24 05 0 17 .304 337 47 103 1 35 .304 357 34 109 7 27 .305 244 12 00 1 21 .303 244 37 74 14 43 .301 237 20 71 2 17 .300 311 22 95 Ut *“ 287 35 15 C.Jones NY Pinson Cln Mays SF „. _ . 14 .294 254 4$ 74 21 55 .291 277 45 M 18 50 .29 177 II 51 0 17 JH 342 43 91 0 21 W 231 25 44 1 23 .216 190 21 54 7 27 .284 345 49 102 5 25 .279 344 45 96 2r II .279 342 40 95 0 40 .270 245 32 73 10 31 .275 291 43 79 3 29 .271 into consideration my family, myself and the organization and it was the right move to make. ★ ★ ★ 'I’ll miss the packing and answering of phone calls and friends I have made,” said Stanky. “Right now I'm still with the Sox organization. Tomorrow I might change my mind. As long as I stay out of baseball, they have to pay my contract through 1971. But I want to work.’* JAMMING THE BRAKES - Detroit Tiger pitcher Denny McLain puts on the brakes and heads back to second base in a rundown during the game with the Minnesota Twins last night. When Dick McAuliffe was trapped off first base, McLain who was on second started for third and he was run down by Frank Quilici (7) after an exchange of throws, , The Tigers won the game, 8-1, and McLain chalked his 17th win of the season. T/fay lor Phi Cepeda StL Cepeda StL Bench Cln J.Alou SF Wynn Htn Javier StL ~taraell Pgh .lunf SF Parker LA Clemente Pgh Parer Cln Menk# Htn Boswell NV Kesslnger Chi Maieroskl Pgh McCarver StL Popovich LA Swoboda NY Kranepool NY *• f chi \ 78 13 41 .271 > 81 11 4 .269 274 31 73 1 24 .266 273 19 67 2 23 .25 Stanky’s more than two years jas manager of the White Sox iM i4 *2 J jo '.IS were marked by his various battles with sports writers. Stanky, 50, has had problems getting his White Sox to hit. He guided them to fourth place in his first season in 1966 and last year the Sox were on top of the league most of the season until their last week collapse. The hangover apparently plagued the Sox who opened the 1968 season by losing their first 10 games, a drop off from which they never recovered and were mired in ninth place, 18% games behind the league leading Detroit Tigers. round lead in the LPBA Pabst Golf Classic with a seven-un-i der-par 65. Miss Wright, of Dallas, the all-time LPGA money-winner, had 30 putts on the Municipal Raymond Memorial Course Friday. * * ★ The par-busting round saw 21 of the 52 women golf pros bettering par 72 on the wide-open layout. Gerda Whalen, Germany’s first woman golf pro, trailed Miss Wright by a stroke going! into today’s second round of the! 54-hole $28,000 event. Legion Baseball Race Tightens WalledLake9 Gains 5-1 Win In Birmingham Invitational Golf Win Streak Continues Htn 210 14 51 1 24 .243 309 50 75 13 47 .243 276 34 67 I 20 .243 294 30 71 13 44 .241 Pgh 295 32 71 7 39 .241 244 25 44 2 21 .241 J 21 .240 0 13 .29 6 17 .237 244 21 55 . -_____ 102 13 41 3 14 .225 172 11 30 4 23 .221 221 23 47 1 12 .213 151 14 32 0 10 .212 190 16 41 0 4 .207 BMRHPW 243 19 50 0 16 .204 Shimikv, NY 203 17 47 6 26 .232 HUM SF Whit* Phi Rotes Phi W.bavls LA “a I Bateman Htn R.BOItey LA R.Davis StL Cline SF Harrolson NY Cardonas Cln Davenport SF 132 11 35 2 23 .230 213 21 49 - — m 320 37 73 347 34 79 273 14 62 244 21 55 . ------- 182 13 41 3 14...225 172 11 30 4 23 .221 221 23 47 1 12 .213 131 14 32 0 10 .212 198 16 41 0 4 .207 243 19 50 0 16 .204 D Johnson Atl 217 13 43 So Stanky’s second fling as a major league manager ended in failure. His first venture was with the St. Louis Cardinals and he was relieved of his duties in 1955 during his fourth season with St. Louis. ★____* ★ Stanky replaced Lopez as Sox manager at the start of the 1966 season and as a result he had only two fourth-place finishes to Michigan State Selects Gibbard X-Country Coach EAST Lansing (UPI) — James R. Gibbard, assistant track and cross country coach at Michigan State University for ten years, has been named head cross country coach by the MSU board of trustees. Gibbard, a former Spartan | running star, replaces Fran, Dittrich, who will devote full time to his duties as head track j coach. Prior to joining the MSU coaching staff in 1958, Gibbard! held coaching positions at J Roseville, Hazel Park and 1 Rnyai Oak high schools. He won four Spartan letters in track! and two in cross country in the late 1940s. One player continued j personal streak while a couple of family combinations posted victories in the quarter-finals of the 22nd Birmingham Cuntry Club Invitational Golf Tournament yesterday. Chuck Byrne, 50, 1966 Birm-ingharn club champion, who has already won two of these invitational affairs this season — each with a different partner racked up his 10th straight match win yesterday as he and partner Joe Brisson turned back John Duncan and Mike Jackson, 2 and 1. Brothers JiW( 25, and Bill Stephenson, 22, pulled an upset as they ousted defending champions Angelo Lotti and Pete Jackson on the 19th hole. ★ ★ ★ In another family win, ROllie Weyand and son, Richard, Dick Whiting and Chuck Granader, 3 and 2. ★ ★ ★ In the fourth match, John Grace, 20-year-old University of Houston student,' teamed with John Panelli to oust Chuck Kocsis and G.I. Connely, 1 up. Those results left the possibility of a family duel for the championship. SEMIFINALS SET The Stephensons were slated to meet Grace and Panelli in the semifinals this morning, while Brisson and Byrne were taking on the Weyands. Finals were slated for this aftejmoon. * * * Byrne, who earlier won at Red Run with Glenn Johnson and then at Pine Lake with Dave Fett, felt the pressure in this one as he and Brfsson were two down with six holes. LEAD CHANGES Rebuffs Challenger, 1-0 Cily Team Boosts Lead The 60-year-old Lopez, who has a reputation of second-place finishes, will take over for the , . j rest of this Season and the en- inS 35 1*612 5 I 04!tire 1969 campaign, according to -----1!.*5.1 ! 1-5* team owner Arthur Allyn. “By that time we will be able to groom a Suitable replacement for Lopez,” said Allyn, who added that “there is no rancor or ill-feeling in our move today. Eddie and I remain the best of friends and he’s still part of our organization." * ★ ★ Lopez, one of the great catchers in National League 129 103 21 mV s' MjlhiRtnry, managed Cleveland « it to 30 5 ! j.7o from 1951 through 1956. He 138 124 35 M o 6 2.74i finished second five times and 130 122 37 70 7 7 2.761 won ihe pennant in 1954 with 100 86 33 81 4 4 2.77 iti Ail™ 4/. 1/v 4 2.77 Cardwell NY Cardwell NY 136 140 >3 72 8 9 2.77 142129 33105 8 10 fM 95 13 30 41 3 9 2. 136 140 33 72 8 9 2. 142129 33 105 8 10 2... 95 83 30 41- 3 9 2.04 134 140 38 96 8 8 2.87 133 139 26 79 10 6 2.91 122 115 46 61 5 0 2.93 142147 28 61 712 2496 104 73 57114 6 7 3.11 131 113 31 72 8 6 3.*' 109 100 37 89 8 5 3. 106 86 26 59 8 4 3. 64 60 31 39 2 4 3— 157 141 60 105 9 10 3.25 40 37 16 28 3 3 3.32 92 88 32 67 8 3.40 109 116 30 66 4 11 3,54 50 56 18 18 4 3 3.58 88 91 19 45.6 3 3.58 46 51 13 24 3 3 3.66 133 138 39 81 6 11 3.78 record 111 victories only to lose the World Series to the New York Giants in four straight games. -CITY CLASS A BASEBALL Bush Named Prep Director m. G. Cell. Past Excav. LANSING (UPD - Allen W. Bush has been named the new director of the Michigan High School Athletic Association. Bush, 45, moves to the top spot after five years as associate director under Charles E. Forsythe, whose retirement after 27 years with the MHSAA is effective Aug. 1. The State Board of Education confirmed Bush’s appointment and at the same time named Lonnie D. Lower, 26, head wrestling coach and assistant football and track coach at Bay City Central, as assistant director for athletics. [with two men out in the fifth inning. SUCCESSIVE HITS The winners’ lone run came in the second. DarrelL Lovell doubled to lead off and went to third on Jerry Hill’s safety. McCloud then brought home the j winning run with a single. Jack McCloud’s shutout hurl- ★ .★ ★ ing and one brief - hitting out-) __________ ___| burst Friday night enabled hit after that,’’although having a j 1965’ 1 Local 514 3 T-lbot Lumber 4 Local 453 | 7 uTc. Pot Shop Today's Mmas JAYCEE PARK—Local 453 vs. Uncte herllo't Pot Shop. 4 p.m.i P»ss -Excs-otlng vs. Talbot Lumbar, 1:30 p.rp-, . t " n’”*s vs. Local a Local 594 vs. M. G. Collision, m.; Talbott vs. Teamsters 414, i Uncls Charlls's vs. Pass, 7:30 JAYCEE PARK M.G. Collision to beat back one of its toughest challenges of the Class A baseball season. But Byrne chopped it to one down by rolling in a 10-foot par putt on the 13th after blasting from a trap. They halved the next one and then Brisson and Byrne took the next three to go two up. The lead came when Byrne canned a 35-footer for a birdie on the 16th. Bill Stephenson was celebrating his 22nd birthday and they closed successfully on the 19th hole when his brother rolled in a nine-foot for a birdie and the match. The Weyands are both former club champions and they kno,w the course well. The senior Weyand took the title in 1954, M.G. managed only one more while Richard won in 1955 and baserunnfer in every inning. The defeat dropped the Teamsters! (who had won eight of their last nine starts before last night) into third place. TEAMSTERS 3 0 2 Lovell If The once-beaten city league leaders downed Teamsters 614, 1-0, to extend their first-place , I P. .. lead to two games. A loss last SKITS*1rt |o°o Kit" i oo night would have left the defending men’s loop titlists with only a one-game advantage over both the Teamsters and The Clippers. ★ * ★ McCloud scattered four hits and struck out five, retiring the final seven batters in order after loser Don Sackett singled fotmsters .. - ...oio <00 x—l 4 . Johnson; Lovell. RUN McCloud. PITCHING.-. ,,, | H, 1-1 R-ER, 5 SO, 2 W, 1 HBP; McCloud 7 IP, 4H, 5 SO. WINNER—McCloud (5-1). LOSER — Seckett (3-2). ERRORS—Rabat*; Holloman. 4 and 5; Rote - Miller ( DiMaggio Poor Song Symbol HJH | Keck - MecQueen dot Kuhn • Borst, 1 NEW YORK (UPI) — There’s average age of 23, and he is crowd, and nothing has chang-lhis legendary exploits^ a n d “h’ETSidwS?1' song that’s-Jiigh on the pop;very much a part of the currentjed. Kids hound him forjthat’s dll they have to hear.|M»rsh»ij. ■ ■ BIRMINGHAM COUNTRY CLUB INVITATIONAL •J Querter-FkwIResulfs CHAMPIONSHIP FLIGHT Jim Stephenson - William Sfephenso def Angelo Lotti - Pete Jackson, 1 up 1 hples; John Grace - John Panelli di Chuck Kocsis - G. L Connely. luc Chuck Byrne - Joo Brisson def Joh Ducan - Mike Jackson, 2 and 1; Roll! Weyand - Richard Weyand def Die Whiting - Chuck Granader, 3 and 2. FIRST FLIGHT Micklow - Jaaskl def Lort'sh - Saba*, and 4; Streeter - Andrews def Malls Robinson. 3 and r Demorest - def Flowers - Smith, 3 and 2; Fett-Knecht defArgersIn^et^Matwi.^iy-Braun-BIshop def Kloor - Devers, 3 and 2; Slater - Breley def Rolls-and 1) Harty - Dr- -*-* v-and 5; Proper - C Haines, 4 and 2. THIRD PLIGHT Rockwall - Watson dOf E< DuBols, 3 and 2; Watkins Goeckel - Larker, 2 and 1; Coffin - Davis def McDonald - Stephenson, 2 Up; Bthler- Phelps - Wlcklzer dot i'necht - Briggs, 1 up; Squibb - Show def MMhews - Morris, 3 and 1; Tor-Hall dot Zerilll -Kachenko, 4 and 3; McCuHqh - Pinkstaff def Fuller-Hall, t — ' FIF* Miller • Filono and 2; Butler 86 95 i6 43 5 s 3.98|charts these days with a lyric scene. 33 36 io is 2 4 4.05 about Joe Dimaggio that asks RRinnro cap 98 103 35 69 5 6 4.22 ... , . #____J0IUUUL3 UAr 102 106 36 70 5 11 4.32. 93 95 15 62.5 6 * •J atfeop* 42 45 30 23 1 5 7.97 U.S. College Five Setback In Korea SEOUL (AP) —.Venture for Victory, the visiting U.S. colle- _________gian basketball squad, lost both w ns £ In .2h! games of a doubleheader Friday a S 2K “3! against Yonsei University and a j|l| Korean team 75-72 and 95-83 respectively. The U:S. team has won seven games against five losses with tie in the goodwill series tour in South Korea. what happened to the famed Yankee Clipper of yesteryear. The song is from the movie called “The Graduate,” which put-down of the stodgy, middle-aged generaflbn, and the lyric *ls a symbolic reference to the frustration of living in the The only thing wrong with the T* but song is that Joe Dimaggio is aiat nrsi’ D HUH 701 51 „. __ 2(70 307 415 42 237 .233 2447 249 434 45 243 .233 as gsii (*** ** JuT* j BMW RBI Fef. mm-’- #« *** autographs as he walks past thelThere is still magic in the] box seats before a game, and Dimaggio name. Answering fan mail, which F „ . . .. . . he signs as many as he can Despite the faet that he was his coaching duties {orce once a great ballplayer for the - New York Yankees, doesn’t look down Oakland players the way many former stars might be inclined to do. him to stop. None of the youngsters ever saw Dimaggio play, but their fathers have told / them about Nor do they look at him with great awe any more. They did at first, but Joe’s winning p..r SSnHBKSfc-M ■ rrs mu" eenerationP |gU)®’ a,beit stU1 8 hero fa 5 Y.nk«es 7, bpiimist 0 (forfeit) generation. 'nf their fvfs cuss FNoiionsi Dimaggio is ,C u r r e n 11 V 01 lne,re”es' ! Rochester Morchenti ' " ' employed as a vice-t and coach of the, Oakland Wherever Jer Dimaggio, went CITY JUNIOR BASEBALL Claw D The X-L's 10, Cliwoon 7 Rochoctor 5, Felice's Merketl Pontiac P.OJk. 7, Frst. Ortor of Po- Class E Houso of Bsrbers4, Pontiac Hawks 1 Alder Block 15. The used to reach astronomical heights during his prime, has even become a part-time job for the 53-year-old Hall of Famer. REWARDED BY KIDS ^ “Tito most rewarding7 thing I’ve gotten since aiming back into baseball is these kids asking for autographs,” says 20-Foot Birdie Nets Golf Title NEW IBERIA, La. (AP) -Tommy Morrow, a Natchitoches, La., pro, won the $5,000 Louisiana Open Golf Tourney Friday when he rammed in' a 20-foot Dunaggio. it s been going bfrdie putt on the seventh hole all season all over the league. 1^ a sudden death playoff with was really surprised _at first Amateur Buddy Short of Lafay- Athletics, the youngest team in tiie major leagues with ____F ArotncSn Pontiac Police 4, Aub. Boys Clubj^mce none Of saw me play.”^l Rochester MonEh^roTcoiornbia Avt.l Joe’s duties as coach include Northslde Merchants 8, Qptlmist I 5 during his glory^ days with the cSSnixa aU. ra b. opn Yankees he would attract * .Brown s aii star 9s Aladdin Vending 8 a • ^Hmiat 7 ten 4, Optimist instruction in batting working with the outfielders on the proper techniques of tEf®»-ing, fielding and relaying, ettte, La. j Morrow finished the 544iole tourney with" a 70-74-69—213, three under, par for the Sugar Oaks Country Chib while Short had a 69-72-72-213).* Southfield is Loser but Holds Lead AMERICAN LEGION BASEBALL Waterford of Farmington (2), 1 p. Sunday's Games Southfield of Waterford (2), 2 p.m Berkley of Troy (2).^p.m. Farmington (2), 2 i yelled Lake (2). 2 p. Walled Lake is looking for help as the American Legion District 18 League enters its final week of the season with the race at its hottest level: A 5-1 conquest of season-long leader Southfield Friday night boosted Walled Lake within a half game of the top spot and both squads have four defeats. They don’t meet, again. „ ★ -k k ■ Waterford has two games to- morrow with Southfield and ban “ keep its slim first-place hopes alive by winning twinbills today (at Farmington) and Sunday. It is 11-6 and holds third place. ★ ★ ★ Other resulto last, night saw Berkley regain a share of the fourth spot by trimming Clark-ston, 5-2, while Milford was upsetting Troy, 2-1. UPHILL DRIVE Walled Lake’s win was its 15th in 17 games after losing a season - opening doubleheader. Tom Johnson’s sixth-inning single drove in Bill Welch and Wal- ! ly Williams to snap a 1-1 tie. Welch had three hits and Wil- [ ams two in backing Dave Hor- -ton’s three-hit pitching. ★____±___________!____L John Morrison’s six-strikeouts and four-hit hurling led Milford’s victory which* left it a > half game out Of seventh. Mor- ! rison, also, tripled in the winning run. Ed Bourdase Sets Pace in Keg Meet FORT WORTH, Tex, (AP) - ! Ed Bourdase of Fresno, Calif.,; continued to set the pace today 112 pro bowlers entered the second day of the $30,000 Fort Worth Open, Bowling Tourna- -ment. ■ k k k Bourdase rolled a total of 2788 for 12 games on six-game blocks of 1401 and 1387 in Friday’s ses-~ sion to lead by 3d pins over Dick Weber of St Louis. The top tcorara after 12 MHW: Ed Bourdase, Fresno* CelH., 2733 Dick Weber, 31. Louis, 2753 - ■ Dote Soevoy,.Blrmlniptem, Mich., 2704 Don MCCune, Munster, Ind., 2423 E. B. Dozier, Lubbock, Tex- 2533 . Lorry Montgomery, Rerawte. <3»)g, **7r Bobby Cooper, Fori Worth, Tex.. 2557 Billy HOrdwIck, LoulSynle, Ky.. 2552 . Nelson Burton Jr., St. Louis, Don Lemon, Rochester, N.Y- l Don Lemon, Kocnesrer, n.tdb Vern Downing; Sen Francisco, 1529 Kellh Wtitse, Vicksburg, Mkh- 2S22 Don Russell. Son Dteg* *323. Norm Mayors, Lqs Angeles, 2511 Therm Davis, Ortcage, 2504 /**>• Weyn* Zohn, Atlanta, 2493 THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, JULY M 19(f8 D—8 Detroit .... efifc___________________ | M°nj&ot«* g m }}Vi CalflKml* ...... 40 44 .474 15W OaKlfijd........ 40 44” .474 1M New York....... 30 41 .441 14 ChlCMO .. ...... 34 44 .425 MM waHmn ..... ao 4» .an aa 1, Friday'! Rt.ulli BdMnwrs 1. waitilngton a Nfir York 2,^ Chicago ^1 CRfMsnd' 4, Oakland a BOM a, California 2 *2 . Today'! Oamat . CUvtland (Hargan 4-10) at Oakland tKlfuBl 5-7) ■|Ph (Culp 4-4) at California (Me-^DdJWIt (Sparma 7-4) at (M#rltt 44) Now Yrk (Stottlemyro n-5) (Horlen 4-7) Washington (Hannan 1-1) at Balllmoro Fhotbui 44) Sunday's Oamat Boston at Oakland Detroit at Callnrnlt Clave land at Minnesota Washington af CMcabe, 1 New York at Bammora, twilight Monday's Oamat Boston at Oakland -Detroit at California, night Cleveland at Minnesota wjnMngton at Chicago NO* York at Baltimore, night <*> National League * wan Cast Pet. OB at. Louis ....... 45 31 MO — Atlanta ..........45 40 ,s» m San Francisco ... 44 42 .512 1) Phihmlphii ..... 41 40 .504 hm Cincinnati ...... 42 41 Jtt lm Now York ....... 41 44 .442 13VS Pittsburgh .......40 44 .474 14 Los Angeles .... 41 44 .471 14M Chicago ......... 40 47 .440 ISM Houston .7777 34 50 .414 14 Friday's Results New York 4, Chicago 4 Phlladalphia a, Pittsburgh 2 Atlanta 7, Los Angeles 0 San Francisco II. Cincinnati 4 St. Louis I, Houston 1 Today's Oamat Chicago (Ross 1-0) at New York (Soever 7-4) Phlladalphia (Fryman 10-4) at Pittsburgh (Blast 4-2) San Francisco (Marithal 144) at Cincinnati (Culver 4-0), twilight Los Angeles (Singer 4-8) at (Jarvis 1-4) Houston (Blaslngame 1-1) at St.-Louis (Carlton 44), twilight Sunday's Oamai PhnSlelphle at Now York, 2 Chicago at Pittsburgh Houston at Cincinnati, 2 San Francisco at Atlanta Los Angolas at St. Louis Monday's Oamts Phlladalphia at New York, night Chicago at Pittsburgh, night Hwston at Cincinnati, night Sen Francisco at Atlanta. 2, twl-nlght LOt Angelas at St. Louis, night Women's Tourney at Barton Hills CC!§ McDowell Misses Record Strikeout Raincheck for Sam By The Associated Press Records are made to be broken, but Sam McDowell had to settle for a tie and a raincheck Friday night. The fast-balling left-hander equaled a modern major league mark by fanning the first five batters he faced in Cleveland’s 6-3 victory over Oakland. But he was (me short of the standard of 41 strikeouts in three consecutive games when he was relieved with two out in the ninth inning. Elsewhere) American League-leading Detroit beat BALTIMORB ______ Unser cf 4 0 2 1 Buford cf 4 . . . ------ 'Oil Valentino If 0 0 0 0 A 1 0 Belanger ss 3 0 0 0 oio FrRpwtin rf 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 Powell lb 3 0 10 b|22h m 3 000 10 00 000 0 3D 3 0 1 1 ft!!! 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 the feat, but the only one to do it twice. The all-time mark is nine game-opening strikeouts by Michael Welch of tiie New York National League club in 1884. McDowell way relieved by Vi-In the first liming, McDowell cente Romo after he fanned Minnesota 8-1, Baltimore made it 11 straight over Washington 3-3, Boston hung on to beat California 8-2 and the New York Yankees edged the Chicago White Sox and interim manager Les Moss 2-1. Bryan c rPeteran n JANwTtt Brnkman t 4120 Mutton ph 3 11 0 Blair cf 1 0 0 0 (iMHran s 3 0 00 pjobpson SO 0 0 Etchebrn 0 0 0 Hardin p 0 0 0 0 Rlchart p 35 3 4 3 Total whiffed John Donaldson and Bert Campaneris en route to a 15-strikeout night. Danny Cater fouled the first pitch off his foot and left the game. Ramon Webster completed the strikeout. CAUGHT LOOKING Sal Bando went down swinging to start the second and Reggie Jackson was caught looking before Joe Rudi bounced to short. It was the second time in his career McDowell had fanned the first five batters in a game and he is one of seven pitchers -four in the American League and three in the Nathmal—to Jackson to open the ninth, walked Rudi, got Rick Monday on a popup ahd went to a 2-0 count on Dave Duncan. * * At The record of 41 strikeouts in thre'fe games was set by Bandy Koufax of the Los Angeles Dodgers in 1959 and equaled only last week by McDowell’s teammate,- Luis Tiant. McDowell fanned 14 in his-last outing for a two-game total of 29 and will have a shot at the mark his next time out. The Indians scored twice off Jim “Catfish” Hunter in the second inning on singles by Mat Junior Takes Honors in Flint Meet Dave Schneider, son of Walled Fuller and McDowell. Soloiljake Hi*h Sch001 wrest,in« home runs in the seventh by mentor Schneidei’, swept Russ Snyder and Jimmie Hall through hls opposlUon Frlday insured the triumph. and was voted the outstand,"« Moss, normally a White soJ^ior high school «itrant In the „ . ., ... eighth annual Flint In- wach, was making moves with te*natlonal WresUing Tourna- Duke Sims, Larry Brown, Vern all the elan of Eddie Stanky, who stepped down as manager Friday. But there was'nothing Moss could do about successive seventh-inning homers by New York’s Tom Tresh and Frank Young Schneider pinned all of i his 103-pound division opposition, until the final match when he] .. . _ ,won, 11-0, to become one of K™ inhn " th h r three Oakland County boys who | Tommy John with his first lossl^,nn after seven victories. won imes.^ ^ ^ SECOND STRAIGHT Blind Mike Chaistain of Troyj Baltimore edged Washington I won the 160-pound laurels, while by combining the daring base-;85-pound Larry Wallis took) running advocated by new Man-1 home a title to Berkley, ager Earl Weaver with some power left over from the Hank Bauer regime. It was the Orioles’ second straight victory under Weaver. The competition continues today with senior high age Amateur Athletic Union activity. "Do-It-Yourself" Pool Kits Oxford pool kits ore easy to install and coma complete vyith instructions, the excavation for the pool and the following materials: — Steel panel pool; 20 gauge extended Vinyl liner,- 36" S&G filter; Automatic skimmer,- 2-step stainless steel ladder; 3-step stainless steel ladder; extended Vinyl capping,- Visqueen caver; 8' Glas-hide diving board with 18" stainless steel stands; Vacuum cleaner complete with head, hose and pole,- and linerj;epa[r kit. 15V2’x3r................Only $1975.00 For other sizes and prices call: — OXFORD POOLS 650 S. Lapeer Rd., Oxford, Mich. 628-4200 _.... ......... 4 4 1 0 4 4 ).. . a—Epstein, DP—Baltimore 1. LOB— . Washington I, Baltimore 7 ™ HR—Buford (4), Etchebarr, Pascual (L.e-5) .. Knowles Hardin (W,10-5) . Rlchart 42-3 4 ....... ... 1-3 0 WP—Paicual. T—2:30. A—10,203. CLEVELAND ~~ OAKLAND abrhbi «b Snyder rf 4 2 2 Cardenal M Mri JHall If Fuller 2b MDoweM P . 2 1 Cater 1b 0 0 0 o 0 O 0 Webstar 1b 4 0 0 0 * U -“ido 3b 4 0 0 0 4iio Kjackson ‘ 4 0 10 Rudnt 3 2 2 1 Monday cf 2 10 4 0 2 1 Duncan c ’ * 1 4 0 11 Hunter p 0 0 0 0 Sprague p mart] APIvlsla*aflSt3.1l(iasetC!WM,,ywlA>t!—ilk.supl'.uteaVal'.aSfBlw.Caaada—OPesriaBke g Sale Ends Tuesday, July 16,1968 Total 30 4 14 4 Total ---------- leveland .......0 2 0 000 11 1 — ekiand .........ooi ooo 10 0—. E—Sims, Campaneris, Donaldson, Rudi, -Brown. woBiter. • "" ~ • Oakland 4. 2B—Dune..., ________ 3B—Cardenal. HR—Snyder (2), (2). S—Salmon, Axcuo, Monday McDowell (W,M) , 034 4 3 3 Romo ............. 1 j O 0 0 Hunter (LA-1) .... 6 2-3 10 Sprague .......... 1-1 0 Several Pontiac area golfers will be among a field of 93 teeing off Monday in the 52nd annual Women’s Michigan Closed Golf Championship at Barton Hills Country Club near Ann Arbor. Returning to defend her title is Mrs. William (Patti Shook) Boice of Saginaw. She’s slated to tee off at 8:30 a.m. along with Bonnie Lauer of Edgewood and Cynthia Claus of Grand Rapids. Pontiac women’s champion Mrs. Chris Miller of Farmington will be on hand, along with Mrs. T. M. Werner of In-dianwood. indblad WP- *-4,177. NEW YORK Amaro lb 0000 3 ‘OwO Josupnsn c - - - -0 2 0 Ward lb 3 0 0 0 nan Davis If 3 0 2 0 Bradford rf 10 0 0 0 '0 0 Josephsn c Cox~3b 3 Tresh ss 3 i i , ________ ... I ■ ■ Fernandz c 3 111 WWIIams rf 4 0.2 0 WRObnsn cf 3 0 0 0 Kanwrthy 3b 2 0 0 Barber p 3 0 0 0 Cullen 2b 10 0. >-•— . 2 0 0 0 ______ „ 0 0 0 0 Causey ph J O 0 O 0 0 0 „ 24 2 Total New Yark .. “ * * * ' 'hlcago ....... DP—New York New York 3, Chicago 4. HR—Tresh (5), Fernandez (3). SB—Apariclo, Barry. Aparldo. Cullen. Barber (W.2-1) | John “ Locker “'ood .........i V « V V-- • HBP—Barber (Ward). PB-JosepMon. Assistant Pro Tourney Slated Art Berry of Pine Lake Country Club will play the role of defending champion Monday in the Michigan S e c t i Assistant-Pro Championship. Thev players will use two courses for the 36-hole event Edgewood and Bay Pointe. ......_.,s 2b 3 0 0 1 Devolillp cf DJones 1b 3 0 10 Frogosl ss 1 0 0 0 Repoz rf 0 0 0 Hold ph 1 4 2 2 ...... WP—Segut. PB—Duncan. T—3:07. t 109.97 -f 4 000 Mlnchar lb 4 0 0 0 4 0 10 Retchardt if 4 0 10 I 2 10 0 Satrlane c 2 0 10 3 2 2 0 Brgmeler pr 0 1 0 0 2 0)1 Rodgers c 1000 2 0 0 1 Knoop 2b 3 1 1 0 0 0 a 0 ARodrgez 3b 2 0 qiL-KrkptrTck ph 0 0 0 0 Fully RulomaticVT. 6 watts of______|___________ tuning devicet tone, balance and volume controls. RR45T SPEAKERS NOT INCLUDED Plus Installation 1 The ultimate in stereo listening. All in one unit. Plays all 4 and 8 track tapes automatically, or plays FM radio. SPEAKERS NOT INCLUDED LARGE SELECTION OF FOUR AND EIGHT TRACK STEREO TAPES AT LOW DISCOUNT PRICES! 28 3 5 3 Tbtal .....ooo eat 010-1 .....4404**024-2 _ ____driguez, Knoop, Lyle. DP— California 1. T.OB—Boston 2, California 4. SB—Foy. S—Gibson, Andrews. SF—Bell, Dpvalllfo. Bell (W.I-3) ... 7 1«OT>hV (L.2-2) .... 4 T—2:01. A—14,314. Who) you want a great whisks; ask for it. The Canadian aubman^ Code: Rule 3. There’s more than one Canadian whisky up there to choose from. So, when you want a really great whisky, just say, “Canadian Club, please.**. That way you can’t help but get the whisky that’s bold enough to be lighter than them all. Next time you’re in a bar : or restaurant, practice the Canadian ! Clubman's Code, Rule 3: Safety kirns... no new holes Designed k» provide sound in- Self-cleaning siliedne formula to drill. Fullj adjustable. Fits stallation on most ears^______ that lasts and lasts. 27-8030 GLENWOOD PLAZA CORNER NORTH PERRY AT GLENWOOD ■ P—-6 THE PONTIAC PfrESS, SATURDAY, JULY Iff, 19 Cardinals' Gibson Is Shutout Artist By The Associated Press ‘started another streak and had.3-2 and New York blanked Chi- Assodated Press Sports Writer built It to 23 innings Friday If you don’t think baseball is a night when Houston’s Denis game of inches, just talk to Bob Menke lined a run-scoring dou-Gibson. ble in the seventh, ★ * * 1 Menke’s shot—scoring only A few silly little inches are | the second run in 71 innings off the only things standing in the Gibson—was fair by only a few way of the St. Louis Cardinals’ inches. cago 4-0. The Dodgers’ Don Drysdale, who holds the record of six straight shutouts and 57 scoreless innings that Gibson had been seeking, was battered by Atlanta for three runs in the sixth, then chased with four blazing fastballer from being! 'Although he was unsuccessful|more in the next inning the greatest shutout artist in jin his bid for a seventh shutout I Rookie Jim Britton, 4-2, who history. .this season. Gibson stopped thelgot into the starting rotation * * * Astros on three Atlanta ripped Los An-, that handed the Pirates their Tournament. The players willlgeles 7-0, San Francisco!seventh straight loss, go 72 holes in the 51st annual trounced Cincinnati 11-4, ‘ Phila-1 Cookie Rojas doubled in a run event. Idelphia turned back Pittsburgh in the first and Roberto Pena 'singled in two more in the third to give Philadelphia all it needed to defeat former teammate! Jim Bunning, 4-11, for the first j Itime. Tourney on OU Courts *5* - Top Matches in County Net Plcfy (continued from page D-l) . also city and county champion, | All players are urged to regis-Should Neff get past his first!team up in men’s doubles, a ter at least 20 minutes before senior’s match also, against title which they have won or gcheduled time,„ and default Herb Parrott at 7:81 Sunday. | shared together or with differ- „ ^er match m Jones ent opponents six times. Because of the huge field of I entries which reached a total of 172, there are several matches which have been listed for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday next week in order, to reach the quartpr-finals by next Saturday. IT’S STOMPING TIME - Cincinnati’s Lee May slides into second base in the third inning of the game with San Francisco here last night (top left! to break up a double play. He rolls quickly (top right) to avoid the descending spikes of Giants’ shortstop Hal Lainier as umpire Ken Burk-hardt signals out. Bottom, Lanier makes a three-point landing, but his throw to first was too late to get Tony Perez. Giants won, 11-4. he will face Rev. Hiram Jones1 ent opponents six times, at 6:15 p.m, Thursday and set up a possible match with defending champion Hlbbs immediately following. Watson, of Rochester, and now a Kalamazoo College freshman, is defending men’s champion and he will start his first match at 2:15 p.m. Sunday against the winner of the Ron Sadler-Ron Chapman match of today. Watson, who started play in the county tournament at the age’ of 12 when he shocked everyone with a victory over one of the top . seeded junior players, has been a champion in one division or another since. Alee, longtime Pontiac city tennis champion, and Hibbs, _____JUNIOR SINGLES RESULTS Kurt Hoffman Oaf. Eric Capa, *-T, 6-0; Mark Griffith* Oaf. Dan Tata, 6-0, 6-3; John Katana Oaf. John Polltek, 6-J, 6-0; John Kennedy def. Scott Halting*. 6-2. 6-2. SENIOR SINGLES RESULTS • —- -.....a* - •linger, 0* * .Jhr ■—J m mm ..oilman def. Dan —P . 6-1; Jack McBride def. Amlt Tagor i......warn m ‘ The Renault 10 TEST DRIVE IT TODAY I R&M MOTORS o MM»in 334-4738 jgWBTwr TRY OUW WSlB BOB-LO FUN CRUISES Daily at 10-11-2-4 & 6 o’clock MOONLIGHT Friday—Saturday—Sunday 9 P.M. 10 P.M. MOONLIGHT CRUISE SATURDAY Fun starts as soon as you step aboard the Bob-Lo boat—you can dance, sightsee or just relax in your deck chair. At Bob-Lo island more fun awaits you—the greatest array ofjjeMLthrilUides-and^un--attractlOns^youWeveTseen—picnic groves and playgrounds—even 12 baseball diamonds. Round trip $2.00. Children 90*. Moonlights $2.00. Island Admission 10<. Dance band on every cruise. DOCK FOOT OF WOODWARD-WO 2-9622 CHILDREN FREE MONDAYS — Children under 12 rid* free Mondays from Dstroit If accompanied by a parent. WYANDOTTE SAILINGS - Every Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 11:45 A.M. Bishop Park Dock, foot of Superior Boulevard. CHILDREN FREE from Wyandotte every Tuesday. Dave Stockton Vaults Into Lead at Midpoint 102 000 000-3 MILWAUKEE,-Wis. (AP) - with a first-round 68, gave the j a Cleveland Open champion a lor. w-j™». 3-3_b-BUnning, 6Ti-. chance when he sees an open-|^ d r 135 after ^ WSrk , Tha 26-year-old Californian atrokes ^ at 137 JP"*'«* “j va“lted fa wLLre Mac M* Koosman, 12-j. L-Hoimn»n, s-6. HR-ta two-stroke lead after twowere Jim wiecners, mac mc Ntw York, Grot* (ih_ |rounds of the Greater Milwau-|LendOn and veteran Sam Snead, 000 So Sol? 10 Oikee Open Golf Tournament; I Drysdale. Bililngham (7)# Purdln (8) + + + i land Heller: Rrittnn and Torre. W—Brlt-i ", , | “Sometimes I charge and:Dav— TSbinetlmes I play safe,” sald:S*"> snaao -vmcinnan . wu 001 010—4 )? 2i r J ’ . Jim Witcher* Sadecki, Bolin (3). Llntv (I) and Dlefi,;Stockton after Shooting a tomd Mac McLendon Barton I7); Nolan. Lee (4), Carroll (5),' _ .. _ .____ „„ XT .. I Dick Loti Kelson (7), Ritchie (7). Abernathy (9) 67 On the 7,155-yard par-72 NorUl Bob Goalby and Bench. W—Bolin, 3-2. L—Carroll, 3-3. 0, Al Galborger HRs—San Franclacn, Hart 2, (II). Me-Shore Country Club course.; Dave Marad Covov (21). Mays (131. Cincinnati. Bench „But 1>m g gojfer charg.| Rocky^Thwnpret Slrlch 24/6-3. MrRStpb •• ison, 6-3, 6-3; Rw. Ed Bronnan def. b Balrley. 6-4, 34/V4._ SUNDAY'S MATCHES MEN'S SINOL1S 1:45 a.m. — Kim Boattla vs. Rick Standard; Ron Moorehoed vs. Steve Mock; Harvoy Burdick vs. Paul Kitchen. 11:30 a.m. — Dick Noon V*. Wm. Fish; Larry Maun V*. Mike Spink; Jeff Myers vt. Marc Brlod; Barry But- “UM v*. FRW: FRW: pion eel vt. FRW. uouio v». FRW; FRW; Jim Hawkins eterson V*. FRW. O Hlpol vs. FRW; __________Pm V*. Gary B*|ln; Tom Lon^ vs. Tom Wrotlwll; Brack Blglor who shot a course record 65. [tan, 4-2. L—Drysdale, 104. San Francisco Weiner, San -----135, 7245-137 7146-137 66-71—137 g-71—131 Stone; Herb Parrott vs. Bob Hoff; woody Proctor vs. Harvty Burdick. MEN'S DOUBLES SUNDAY 1:30 a.m. — Long • Saftord vs. McBride - Bartlett. 10:00 a.m. — Wiley • Morgan vs. Wllson-Neff; Arrington - Selber vs. Kaznackl - Kaznecki; Moran - Sfuart vs. Coyer •pp --------- )I:45pjmT— Wr “I; r «i , Huntley - Eg- gtrlcka; _ .. IVV| Page-0vomwi. 72-66—138 JUNIOR^ DOUBLES SUNDAY ^ St. Lou 10 100—1 3 1 ing. 69-69—138 6:15 P.m. 69-69-138 Thiel • Renius 66-73—139 FRW Indicates 69-70—139 opponent. 71-68—139 Beattie - Bullard vs. FRW; ----FRW. st Round Winner as OUR MR. STEAK BURGER In this town RIGHT NOW you can buy hamburgers from 12c to $1.85 : . . BUT you can only get the USDA Choice Colorado corn-fed chopped sirloin at Mr. Steak for 49c ... you’ll agree that no one, but no one, matches this value in this entire area . . . come often! ELIZABETH LAKE ROAD OPPOSITE THE PONTIAC MALL Friday's round, combined SPECIAL SUMMER SALE on Doughboy ft Bilnor Pools Horse Racing I Hazel Park Entries MONDAY ENTRIES 1st—52,700; Claiming; 6 Furlongs; Lady Beth 1)7 Salty Sailor Rocky Spring 25.20 9.20 6.40 iSth-62,700; Claiming; 6 Furlongs; Brands Lea ~ “ " ' Sara K. Velvet Sheen 16th—53,300; claiming; Mandy Hale Erwin ..... Ken Venturi .... Deane Beman .. Frank Beard — Charles Slfford . Hale Erwin . Furlonos- ! Ken Venturi 38.20 17.00 »40 .?!?"• a*n,#n K SIHord ! Wixom Squad j i StillWinning Wixom continued sailing |j along atop the A Division of the « Walled Lake Industrial Softball a League with a 6-3 victory last a night over Imperial Molding, !: dropping the losers into fourth H place. 7wt’« Mobile Temperature gained! 70-72-J42 ground of Walled Lake Building 69-73—142 Maintenance in “B” action with ALUMINUM PATIO 7,7 strong game^at third base, Completely Installed Any Size Up To Giant lOttO’ Larger jobs proportionately priced. Used for carports and excellent on trailers. TRAILERS and PICK-UP CAMPERS 1968 SILVERLINE DeVille 17-ft. 1-0 with 160 ■ H.P. Mer-cruiser. / Power trim. Wos $4,295. *3,649-. 1968 SILVERLINE Maverick with Merc 650 ready to go. Regularly sold Tor $2,195. $1,$49 1968 SILVERLINE STAR 17-ft. with 150 H.P. Chrysler. Power Tilt. Was $3,895, now ICAR’S * 486 W. CLARKST0M RO. Boats & Motors Phons MY 3-1600 j 4th 8t88F CfMlWlUtM -FPCf--T—MH>»— 1C western Raider 6.60 3*“ “ O. C/s High Time 3. .Chris Dares 6-40 Long Gone j High Card ' 6.80 3-40 3.20 2.80 6.00 Colt Stoke; 1 Mile: 7.60 3.30 2.60 2.60 2.40 ____________HR I 4.20 •th—$3t900; Preferred Pace; 1 Mile: “10 6.40 4.80 6.40 4.80 4.80 9th-4L308; Claim. Hdcp. Pact; 1 Mile: ^ 2.60 3.00 2.20 Cleo's_______ Senator Knox Shiawesse Squire Pocket Adam .«.*• 2.60 18th—41r400; Conditioned Pace; 1 Mila: Key Coda 12^0 4.60 4.00 Cashing Beauty 3.00 2.60 Winaocki COMPLETE PROTECTION of FULL BOAT COVERAGE For As Little As $400 I PERI whort i i that taka off rs leave efffl NO MONEY DOWN Buy ‘Haro . . . Pay Here STANDARD AjUTO SALES PER HUNDRED The Reason is just beginning so start out right by completely ■ ' A protecting your investment. For COMPLETE Carefree Protection CALL: H. R. NICH0LIE Tccv’ 61 University Dr. FE I-TMj The difference? It begins with our feeling that campers aren't tents on wheels . . . they're temporary homes on wheels. For instance, every Star-craft camper has equal sleeping, seating, serving and storage capacity. If a Stare raft camper sleape eight, it has complete accommodations for eight. Believe it or not... most campers don't. *68 Models as low as $895 F4LB. CRUISE OUT, INC.® 63 E* Walton, Pontiac SAT. t-C THE PONTIAC PRESS. SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1968 t)—S 12 NORTH SAQINAW IN DOWNTOWN PONTIAC MATINEES DAILY OPEN 11i45 A.M. Show Starts 12:00 Noon Continuous — 334-4436 .— AIR CONDITIONED YOU MUST BE 18-PROCiF IS REQUIRED ■ ^ThoColl-OIrl racket... Th* thrlll-m**klna housowivss... Tha Street-Walkers... mr “LOVE IS A FOUR LETTER WORD” I ACT A mvc SATUROAY-SUNOAY LAO I 4 UATO CONTINUOUS - OPEN 1:30 p.m. PLUS: Walt Disney's "Mystarios of the Deep" LUCILLE BALL HENRY FON ^ours.Mlne andOXJRS KESS KEEGO "'2001: A Space Odyssey/provides the screen with some of the most dazzling visual happenings and technical achievements in tho^^^H history of the motion picture I" . —Tims Magazine "A fantastic movie about man’s future I An unprecedented psychedelic roller coaster of an .experience!" -LifeMagazine "Kubrick’s special effects border On the miraculous—a quantum leap il^quality over any other science fiction film ever made!"*4f«wswMkMogazine ”2001: A Space Odyssey stimulates one's thinking about space. The special effects, the photography, the authenticity are more awesome and exciting than in any other science fiction film this observer has ever seen. But more than that, there is a mystery of metaphysical statement that leaves you Wondering." Dick Osgood - WXYZ Special Status far Municipal Judges Nixed, Municipal Judges seeking nomination tor district judge-[Ships in Oakland County will ihave no special designation on jtbe Aug. 8 primary ballot as a result of a court ruling yesterday. In ordering that the designation "Municipal Judge” be stricken, Oakland County Circuit Judge Robert L. Templin overturned an earlier decision of the County $lfection Commission. < Sr h it Templin’s decision came after the commission’s action was challenged in a lawsuit filed by 2:25,4:45,1(10,5:10 Admission $1.25, Child BOo NEXT: Starts Wednesday, July 17th Truman Capote*s **IN COLD BLOOD” SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY MATINEE PRICES: Main Floor and Mezz.......... $3.00 — Balcony $2.50 ALL EVENINGS AND HOLIDAYS: Main Floor and Mezz.---;----- $3.00— Balcony v$2.50 TICKETS NOW AVAILABLE AT BOXOFFICE OR BY MAIL .COOL COMFORT. Box Office Open illy Neen te ♦ KM. WASHtMQTOW WLVP. AT WAPAYKTTK WO. I-S7SS Allan H. Tushman of Southfield, a candidate for district Judge In the 46th District. Tushman contended that the designation was in violation of constitution which states that an incumbent can only be so Identified if he reelection. It didn't apply in this Instance because the ppst of District Judge is new, he said. INJUNCTION SOUGHT He asked for an injunction prohibiting the designation after Judge Clarence E. Reid of Southfield was granted the designation of municipal judge. Rejd is also seeking one of the two recently created judge-ships in the 46th District. PEN 8:30 624-3135 BOB HOPE PHYLLIS DILLER "Tb PtofcNfc MMr of SGEOWntMU" ALSO JRACK OF THUNDER TOM KIRK - IN COLOR LAWN CLINIC - Hal Memer of Stewart Lawn Maintenance, Keego Harbor, demonstrates the proper use of power lawn equipment to Pontiac teen-agers interested in doing lawn work this summer. The clinic was sponsored by Youthpower, Inc., the nonprofit summer job referral service for young people. Interested boys are (from left) Pete Prokopchuk of 351 Nelson, Jay Farr of 59 S. Anderson and George Marshall of 31 Crawford. Plastic Head in GM Crash Studies (EDITOR'S NOTE—This, the'M. Herod of AC Spark Plqg second in a series, is based on “The Development of a Laboratory Instrument for Trauma Indication—a Progress Report" by Harry G. Holcombe of General Motors Inland Manufacturing Division and Donald M. Herod of AC Spark Plug Divi- l Community Theaters The development of a new nhnulated human head form, an instrument which can be to measure skull and facial injuries In motor vehicle collisions, was reported recently by two General Motors engineers at an automotive safety seminar being conducted by the corporation at the GM Proving Ground near Milford. The head form — called TRAMASAF—consists of a one-quarter-inch-thick plastic skull covered by a one-quarter-inch layer of “tissue” and 1/32 layer of "skin,” explained Harry Holcombe of Inland Manufacturing Division and Donald Division. All the components are synthetic materials, they added. The skull of die new device is made of a plastic which has physical properties that approximate those of human bone. SIMILAR DAMAGE Impact forces, such as those created in test crashes, will about the same damage to the TRAMASAF head as a human head would suffer in an actual collision. Simulated skin and tissue layers serve as a means for comparing damage to human skin and flesh. SATURDAY SHOWS CONTINUOUS 11 A.M. to 12 P.M. SUNDAY AFTERNOON COMPLETE SHOWS START AT 12:15-4:00-8:00 NO ONE ADMITTED EXCEPT AT THE START of COMPLETE SHOWS SUN. AFTERNOON FISH FRY All You 99’ Can Eat! EVERY NITKI 4:00 - 7:30 CLOSED SUNDAY PMK-IM REST. COMMERCE FIRST RUN DRIVE-IN THEATER 5POWTIME: DUSK CHILDRER UNDER 12 FREE , Henry. Forde, color j Robertson, william Holdan. LAKE THEATRE WALLED LAKE 624-3980 Fri. 7 P.M. Continuovi Sat. & Sun. 3:30 P.M. Continuous Truman Capote's "In Cold Blood" The simulated head is approximately 6% inches in diameter and can be weighted and supported to represent a human head in collision impact te: | and instrumented to report crash test results. Holcombe and Herod said that although TRAMASAF is not the final solution to the problem of precisely simulating the human head, it is a major improvement over prior headforms w" were made of metal or wood covered with tanned aniipal skin. The new head form provides accurate, repeatable data. The need for such a device has grown with the volume of test work which has made it more difficult to obtain and fabricate head forms using tanned animal skin coverings, the engineers I Bee Stings Result Jn Child's Death LENOIR, N.G (fl — A 9-year-old girl, stung by bees while playing hide-and-seek near her home, died Thursday night. Physicians said Arlene Moody, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moody, was stung five or.six times on the face, arms and legs. They said the stings apparently caused a swelling of the vocal cords which obstructed the child’s breathing. r DRIVE-IN TMIATlRj iiSMR w PRIVi-IN THEATER vr This te “S imp vs F* GROUP" ffigygp JMHttgit Fi**1. Pfv.- LASTS _ yow= UHE days Breen Berets mmm. m EJftVIU Wayne Janssen PLUS JAMES HENRY STEWART FORM MEET M THE X • HEAT IF ebtB _ MflIDWG JTHE MEYT^, 0IANT FREE PLAYGROUNDS - BOX OFFICE OKU T-EXCIT1NS POWER RIDES FlHECBEEK WMS LAKE RO. AT AIRPORT RD. MILE WEST OF DIXIE HGWY. (U S. 10) CHILDREN UNDER 1? TREE Jeto Lewis •PONY ^ TMBriDCE j IPWEfc the Riven' Julie Andrews AS MILLIE Mary Tyler Moore Carol Claiming James Fox— „ ROSS HUNTERS production of TWoU9HtfW°D£BN“tUE jimGarfn Beatrice Iillie Mu«ie Scot* by ELMER BERNSTEIN • Muslcnl Number* Seared by ANDRE PREVIN • Written by RICHARD MORRIS - Directed by GEORGE ROY HILL THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1968 D-'-T [People in News By TheAuodated Rre*» Marine Sgt. William, Charlie Horton finally got his Good Conduct Medal yesterday — 66 years late. Horton, the oldest living Medal of Honor winner at 92, ..... received the medal from Marine commandant Gen. Leonard M. Chapman while his > wife, Theresa, looked on. The presentation in Washington, D. C., came 66 years after he was given the Medal of Honor citation for fighting in China’s Boxer Rebellion in 1900. “It was an oversight on our part," a Marine Corps spokesman said. Noting that there is still a bit of trouble involving China, a newsman asked Horton his advice. “Leave 'em alone," the old sergeant said, “there’s too iamn many Of them.” Mountain Climber Blocked in NY Hotel Descent */ A fan letter led Leo Gorcey, once a member of the movies’ Dead End Kids and Bowery Boys to Mdry E. Gannon of Boston. Gorcey, now 51, took out a marriage license yesterday in Keno, Nev., to marry Miss Gannon, 26. No plans were announced for a wedding, which would be Gorcey’s fifth and her first. Death Notices ALEXANDER, EDNA C.; July 11, 1968; 86 Houston Street; age 52; dear sister of Mrs. Mildred Webb apd Everett Hollis. Puneral service will be held Monday, July 15 at Frank Carruthera Funeral Home at 1 p.m. with Rev. Chester R. Trice officiating. Interment in Oakland County Cemetery. Mrs. Alexander will lie in state at the funeral home after 3 p.m. Sunday. BROWN, PAUL, JR.; July 12, 1 968; 117 Earlmoor Boulevard; age 24; beloved son of Paul Brown, Sr. and Matlyn L. White; beloved grandson of Mrs. Rachel Brown; dear brother of Mrs. Dennise Williams, Mrs. Wllhelmlna Jordon and Iris! 'Brown; also survived by four} nieces. Funeral service will be held Tuesday, July 16 at St. John United Methodist Church at 1 p.m. with Rev. Chester R. Trice officiating. Interment in Oak H11.1 Cemetery. Mr. Brown will lie in state at Frank Carruthers Funeral Home after 1 p.m. Sunday. Death Notices McBRIDE, CLINTON (DICK); July 12, 1968; 23647 Woodward Avenue, P lea s a njt Ridge; age 85; beloved husband of Theresa McBride; dear brother of Mrs. Albert (Pauline) Carson, Fred and Paul McBride. Recitation of the Rosary will be Sunday at 8:15 p.m. at Weasels Funeral Home, 23690 Woodward, Pleasant Ridge. Prayer service wiU be held Monday at 9 a.m. at the funeral home, followed by Mass at St. James Church. Interment in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, South-field. Mr. McBride will lie in state at the funeral home. CHRISTENSEN, SAMUEL C.; July IS, 1968 ; 262 East Boulevard South, Age 68;lROHDE REAS. NORMAN W.; July 12, 1968; 211 Going Street; age 61; beloved husband of Betty Reas; dear father , of Mrs. Glenda Lane, Gayle’ Ann Barcome and Gene Reas; also survived by five grandchildren. Funeral service will be held Monday, July 15 at 1:30 at St Trinity Lutheran Church. Interment in North Farmington Cemetery. Mr. Reas will lie in state at Sparks-Griffin Funeral Home until noon Monday. (Suggested vlstyiig-hours, 1 to 5 and 7ito 9<) ^ beloved husband of Jeanotte S. Christensen; dear father*of Mrs. Gerald Roberts, Mrs. Warren Asbury, Mrs. Henry Smith and Wesley Myers; also survi^ftl by three sisters, 13 grandchildren and 11 great- MARGARET VLEISMAN; July- 11, 1968; 245 Bramblebrae, White Lake Township; age 53. Beloved daughter of Mrs. Harmanna Vleisman; dear mother of Ronald Rohde; dear sister of Mrs. Howard Sharkey and Funeral grandchildren. Recitation ofl Stanley Vleisman. the Rosary will be Sunday at service will be held Sunday, 4 p.m. at Donelson-Johns J July 14, at 2 p.m. at the Elton Funeral Home. Funeral, Black Funeral Home, Union service will be Monday, July! Lake. Interment in Lakeside Card of Thanks WE WISH TO EXNtiftl c J5 at 10 a.m. at bur Lady of the Lakes Catholic Church. Interment in Mt. Hope Cemetery. Mr. Christensen will lie in state at the funeral home. (Suggested vislting hours, 3 to 5 and 7 to 9). Cemetery. Mrs. Rohde will lie in state at the funeral home. Auto Smashup Injures Man, 24 A Pontiac man is in serious condition in Pontiac General Hospital today with injuries suffered in a traffic accident in Waterford Township this morning. Injured is Donald H. Boyd, 24, of 583 Peacock. Waterford Township police sajd Boyd was driving north on Silver Lake Road, just south-'of Walton, when he failed to make a turn, crashed through a guard rail on the east side of the road anf flipped into a ditch. The accident occured shortly before 7 a.m., policesaid. Parke, Davis Sales a High DETROIT (UPI) - The first half of 1968 ended with record sales for Parke, Davis & Co. but net earnings for t h pharmaceutical firm were down compared with the same period in 1967. Worldwide sales t o t a 1 e $118,453,746, up 3.7 per cent from the first six months of last year. Earnings were $7,987,846, or 54 cents a share, a decrease of 22.5 per cent from the year-ago figure. The company will pay its 323rd consecutive dividend payment, amounting to 25 cents a share, on July 31 to about *63,000 stockholders. CROSS, LEO B.; July 11, 1 Longwood, Florida, formerly of Pontiac); age 85; beloved husband of Delorse1 Cross; dear father of Virginia Carleton, Homer, Kenneth, Merrill, and Randell Cross; also survived by 13 grandchildren. Funeral service will be Monday, July 15 in Longwood, Florida. FRISK, OSCAR E.; July 12, 1968; 88 Hill Circle, Waterford Township; age 71; beloved husband of Katherine E. Frisk; dear father of Mrs. f£* H cUrk.~45"F«rL<^ John Hagen; .dear brother of Jj|f ^aSKSSS aiwS11OTS Eskil and Carl Frisk; also; survived by three grandchil- oump box. _ , _ dren. Funeral service will be'oKMr® ■ heldMonday, July 15 at Gloria1 C,TY OF ^8bertejldstHadlIr, Dei ^Lutheran Church at 1:30, p.m. Interment in White Chap- Glezin H. Griffin Sparks-Griffin FUNERAL HOME **Thoughtful Service” 46 Williams St. Phone FE 8-9288 WORRIED OVER DEBTS? If you ara unable to pay your payment!, debt*, or bill* when due, see M.C.C. and arrange for. payments you can afford, regardless of how V»uch or how many- you owe. NO SECURITY OR ENDORSER REQUIRED! ONE PLACE TO “Let 14 yean of faintly financial countelling experience assist yoa.” MICHIGAN CREDIT COUNSELLORS 702 PONTIAC STATE BANK BLDG. - 338-0456 SPENCER, LENA L.; July 11, 1968; formerly of 900 Hadley Road,—Orton ville;—age—68l beloved wife of Harold Spencer ; dear mother of Mrs. Roy Taylor; dear sister of Mrs. Vina Palmateer, Mrs. Myrtle Lamkin, Mrs. Anna Freeman and Willard1 Spencer; also1 > survived by | eight grandchildren. Funeral: service will be held Sunday, July 14, at 2 p.m. at the C. F. Sherman Funeral Home, 135 South Street, Ortonville with Rev. Gerald H. Mitchell officiating. Interment in Ortonville Cemetery. Mrs. Spencer will lie in state at the funeral home. July 13, 1948 W notice of public sale Account Number R13-29367-16 Notice It Hereby Given by the undersigned that on Tuesday, July IS, 1968 at ten o'clock A.M., at 305 Main St., Rochester, Michigan public sale of two 1966 Yamaha Motorcycles bearing motor number 166462 and 3353*4 will be held, for cash to the highest bidder. Inspection thereof may be made at 205 Mein St., Rochester, the piece of storage. The undersigned reserves the el Memorial Cemetery. Mr. Frisk will lie in state at Donelson-Johns Funeral Home after 3 p.m. Sunday. (Suggested visiting hours, 3 to 5 and 7 to] 9.) . ■......... ...............—.... ......— i right to bid— LUSTIG; LEO E.; July 12,1968; I “'^national bank of Detroit 1670 Cass Lake Road, Keego - Assistant cashier | Harbor; age 77; beloved hus-j----------------J“lvI*'-!5’—m , . ° *T .. . advertisement for bids band Of Anna Lustlg; dear New Sanitary Tll« Field: Barney Lake father of' Mrs. -LaWrence jM'sS. TfeffaSUr"H (Anna B.) Caraway, William|RM&,.nc# * A“9ela’"'lnc’' C. i( and Eugene E. Lustig; tafiMSB. 49007 dfear brother of Mrs. Anna! p *"*£■,! “71'25. Chapek and Mrs. .Augusta|m* vice will be held Tuesday, I ™ L*k# July 16 at C. J. Gatfiardt ,or con,r•£, documen,‘ *"'1 Funeral Home, Keego Har-),„?•” X «&.*!!!. 53.oE bor at 10 a.m. Mr. Lustig will '"? Aii0. lie in state at the funeral clates, Inc,, Architects,.. 3523 Douglas . . , . . Avenue, Kalamazoo, Michigan, home after 3 D.m. Sundav. 2- Board of Education, CTarkston Com-/0 . . , , V munlty Schools, 45*5 Middle Lake Road, (Suggested Visiting hours, 3 Clorkston, Michigan, to S and 7 to 9.) .At w, DodR c« rStock 3. F. W. Dodge lichigan and FlliMMNHi^^M 4. Builders t> Traders Exchange In Detroit, Michigan: No proposal will be considered unless accompanied by a bid bond or certified Exchange t ii days after Notice of Award by the _«ner or Architect. The bonding company on Issuing a bid Igid thereby obligates themselves to li a Performance, Labor WHEN DEATH OCCURS AWAY FROM HOME In most cases when death occurs away from home it is sadden and unexpected and will be under the jurisdiction of the Coroner or Medical EMminer of VOORHKKS that area. When faced with a problem J.L.VtHJKHKKSj like this the wisest thin* for a family „ to dp is make one phone call to their home town funeral director whom they know and trust. This one phone call will relieve you of all the details that mift be taken care of for,,the problems now become ours. We are in contact with fellow funeral directors throughout the world and can take care of all the necessary details Rest assured, we are here |o protect your rights and to serve you as best as humanly possible. ® VOORHEES-SIPLF FUNERAL HOME 268 North Ferry Street Phone FE 2-8378 ■ JR. E.SIPLE in proposals, within' thirty (hdi.) High Law Last Chg. ©au* is r % 'ijigSEEJEsHSHH AlaxMa .10g 56 49 45% 45 %+2% i ^Vaot should th« sublect Contractor Am Petr .32e 342 23 21% 22% +1% ill SI will h. nnrtormed under » ArkLGas 1.70 436 40 38% »%’+ « mSl ” performed under a Asamera Oil 18*2 |% 7% 7% - % Swrd nf Fd.,ration reserves the AssdOII & G 1374 8% 7% 7% - V, r) Jh,t08 ecceotor relKfar f eserv?s • ?’!e AtlasCorp wt 551 3% 3% 3% — £ ?>* - *jNo bid m^bF^hdram Sri»'lbJtWxal is el*?i V^deys from the da), of rtcem**,. ramnhf* r'hfh itis*’ilf ’Si Published byJSthorlty of the Board of ,2*Education, Clarkston Community Schools, Cdn Javelin 7S2 15% 13% 13% —1 Clarkston. Michiaan Cinerama 1663 f% 7% S% Micntgan^ GREENE, Crisis tm 198 39% «% 39% + VV ' U SuMrtetoKlent Data Coot 314 23%- 22% 22% ... | Julyl3?afcl9M Dlxllyn Corp 417 35% 33% 33% - % ------- Oynalectm 768 28% 17% 18% — %| _ ,N2TICJLTOnpiJ!!i:,c - ^ , EquityCp ,33t -3872 'S% I 8% I Proposal Number; B-9-420 — Control Fed Resrces 1234 11% 18% 18% + % f*Jk>nt Sf'L Buildings In Felmont Oil 129 26% 25% 25% — % County, Michigan Frontier Air 99 16% 16% 16% b,d* 5* r*“lvad. Gen Plywood 389 12% 11% 12% + %l10:08AM,ion Wednesday, July 17, 1961 Giant Yel .40 124 11% 10% 11% - % at tha Michigan Department of State Gotdtleld 1462 K% 11% 11% - % Hlglways Office at 926 Featherstone Gt Bas Pet 941 5% 4% S Road, Box 3054, Pontiac, Michigan) at Gulf Aid Co 2149 17% 15% 17 + % whja*’ time and place ■» bids Will be; HoemarW .82 373 23 ii% 22% +3% publicly opened and reed for the removal I Husky O 1H 365 26% 25% 2Sm + % building owned by ths Michigan De- HySo Mig n w rn 01 Highways and1 ISSSrSfl 2. 11 r IS l^l TSStUumfiWd. Roseville, Michigan larwt Coro 154 1% 7% * +1 1 story frame, brlckote sided, house KBrjSr um 2!% of McCrorv wt 10 14% 13% 13% +.% STATE HIGHWAYS, IN ACCORDANCE M«eh Suo 10 208 11% 10% 11% + % W*TH THE PROVISIONS OF TITLE VI MMwmt^Fin*/ 2SW 7% 6% 7% +l2W THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF1964 Mohwk D Set 294 222 203% 204% I™ |TAT. -THE RgOULA MohwkDS wi i 187% 101 101 r™ TIONS OF ^ DEPARTMENT OF MaMdan 420 43% 40% 42% -M%li8^E^mRAAwf RTn P^nrH81'act NewPark Mn 959 10% »% 9% - % S^|O pURSUANT TO SUCH ACT, Ormand Ind 517 17% 16% 17 f % rSfr RIC Group 1295 13 11% 12% + % T?»I lIH]KfLLT^foruftoArtY fn‘ '--- indust 268 63 56% 5«%-6%]|sglrt T.Mvr, -rS?.' Rain MS 32% .»% 31% +2 JST° -^^BSUANT TO THIS ERTISEMENT Scurry _____ Signal Co la 2099 42 39% - 41% t3 sw 4% na'n ™ *’tmb "'Ttsi/FST Statham Hut 104 36 32% 35%+2% J9- _T_H? Syntax Cp .40 763 68% 64% 64% —1% Technical .48 1040 37% 33% 34 —I Wn Nuclear 180 29% 20 28 —1% Copyrighted by The Associated Press I960 RESPONSIBLE B I O D -DISCRIMINATION ON THE GROUNDS OF RACE, COLOR, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN. 1 , - " jjE CONSIDERED, ALL BIDS ,r MUST » SUBMITJED _jON . THE Bid. being reorganized ^nder the* Barrtuaplcy -PROPOSAL. FORM. Act, Or aecwitles assumed by such com- SPEC I Fj CAT IONS „AND panic*. xl-Ex interest. ct-Certlftcates. ^OPOSAL FORMS may be obta^ni st—Stamped, f—Dealt In flat. x-Maturedjih* DW»1W No; .*•»» F« bonds, negotiability impaired by maturity. Wo^Rpad, Pontiac, Mldilgan. nd-Mext da^Mwary.^xw—Ex_ equalSatSn Employees, National Twist Drill . Tool u.a.w. c.i.o. co. Local 771, Vincent De Paul Catholic Church and all our other frlenda tor Ihalr L | ——‘ during our r a t a n 1 nt. The family of Dan hBwwitor IN LOVING MEMORY of Clark Redman who passed away on July 14, 1M7: The roiling stream of Ilia rolls on. Bui *1111 the vacant chair Racslls the love, (he voice, the smile e and memory lasts. I shall 1_______ Sadly missed by daughter sue Kind and family,_______________ IN., LOVING MEMORY OF Roy Posbender who' went lo real July ____'t gone with him from here >**■ Sadly mlsaed^Jjy^hla jovln^whe. Alice, Ml Mr. and^ta grandchildren. Kadwell end*.' WE WISH TO EXTEND our 1 4 PIECE COUNTRY and western rock *n roll group: All standard tunes for weddings and parties. FE 5-7793.________________ "AVON CALLING" FOR SERVICE ' IN YOUR HOME, FE 60439. 1 ACTB INDIGESTION? PAIliFUL smut Get new PHS tablets. Fast as ------- Only 91 cants. Slmm's gas? Get liquid*. Bros. Drug*. HALI__FOR JtENT,—RECEPTIONS, lodges, church. OR 3-S202. FI 2- END WORRIES ....A Payday Payme,.. Let Debt-Aid. profeasionai credit counselors provide: y— fldenllal money management service that haa JH8HPPIIIIII solve their bill problems, (tatting » big loan Is not tha answer. You can't borrow yourself out of debtl Get the help you've been looking for by taking all your bills and discussing your problems: DEBT-AID, Inc. 504 Community Nat*l. Bnk., Bldg. PE 2-0111 Licensed 8. Bonded_ PONY RIDES, horseback riding. 1354 Scrlppa Rd., off Joalyn or M-24. PUBLIC NOTICE ----GRAND OPENING----- COUNTRYSIDE AUCTION CARPETING NO FRILLS NO GIMMICKS Just Wholesale Prices Hide-a bed, lull tize .$169 Ozlta Indoor-outdoor carpet, S3.59 sq. yd. Plus many other designs and styles OPEN DAILY 9-6 2527 Dixie Hwy. (Near Pan. Drlve-ln) _______________673-7621____________ WIGS. 100 PER CENT human hair. ■ wig party and i hairpiece. Wigs by Anna Deluxe, 682-5459. BOX REPLIES At 10 a.m. today there were replies at The Press Office in the following boxes: C4 - C15 - C17-CZ8-C35-C46 - C85 - C66 - C-7I. DRAYTON PLAINS Huntoon FUNERi Serving-Pontie 79 Oakland Ave. SPARKS-GRIFFIN FUNERAL HOME "Thoughtful Service'_FE 1-9284 VoorheesSiple Cemetery Lets 2 GRAVE LOTS IN Oakland h WHITE CHAPEL, Oakland Hills, AVOID GARNISHMENTS Get out of debt with our plan Debt Consultants SM Pontiac Statt Bank Building 1FE 8-0333 state Licensed—Bonded Open Saturday 9-12 a. BUYING-SELLING-LOOKING-TELL IT TO 260,000. People With A Pontiac Press / WANT AD I Phone t 332-8181 4-B Personal* Mlils" FarriL- Bveryb_, milks' the cow. See sheep shearing and spinning demonstration. See and teed plglati, calves, ducklings, gotllns, chicks and iambe. All ihesa baby animals. Taka an gU. leshlonad hayrlde ever our 240 ■■■■■Mtaii woods, m on our 2 mission 25 to 6 p.m. . Hayrldes, pony napwamtiii. umom hm* Form, taka Adams Rd. to north to end. Then tallow sings to term. PLANNED BUDOtT PROGRAM YOU CAN AFFORD TAILORED TO YOUR INCOME MICHIGAN CREDIT COUNSELORS 702 Pontiac Statt Bank Bldg. ____________F El-8456___________ ANY GIRL OR WOMAN NEEDING a friendly adviser. Phone FE 2-5122 before 5 p.m. Connoanllal_______ SPRING OPENING UPLAND HILLS FARM i. Calves, piglets, - Mated dally, ly. See milking of the cow. sheep sheering at 2:20 and have a chance to pet animals. Dollghttul (horse- „ ____ from farm kltchm. Farm admission end tour *25 cunts, ride WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY B Y Professional color. B r o# h u r o tellable. Call 33M079. anytime. WIGS, 100 PER CENT human hair, 674-861* lor low erica. lost and Found REWARD FOR ■ding to arrest r--“ s person ■■ — 1 conviction of v, —ns who brake ...... ......3 1967 OTO at Pontiac Motor parking lot on July 9. 332- FOUND: BROWN GERMAN short LOST: YELLOW 4 Rd. 331-9450. Liberal i. Reward. MA 6-7426. lost! WHEELBARROW, Ortonville please cell 625-3145. LOST: Reward, Mini Toy Female Apricot Poodle, last seen Thurt., 5:30, Sashabaw and Lamson, Ross, picked up on Sashabaw, pelase cell 6744)736. Children and family heartbroken. LOST: FEMALE COLLIE, .mostly black and white, ’ —“ LOST OR STOLEN lost at meadow brook Festival, Friday July S, tody's diamond dinner ring with large center diamond) surrounded by 12 smaller d I e m o n d s . Substantial. reward. 4SM410._________________I LOST OR STOLEN black and white long haired cat from home in Cass-Ellzabeth area. Extremely friendly. Responds to "Kim. Much loved pet. Owner very upset. For Information leading to the return cell 682-9621 liter 5:30, Reward,, 334-7*4*. _______ LOST: Cross broad Pekingese, rad-dlsh brown, female, vie. of Ken-nelworth and Unlvarslty Dr. Answars to "Sandy," raward. FE 4-513* or 642-5534._________ Help^Wan^JM________________6 2 EXPERIENCED landscaped men with chauffeur's license preferred. Steady work. Whitt's Nursery, 4*2-9730, 7:38* :*0 a m. weekdays. AAA OPPORTUNITY Immediate opening for Real Estate Salesman. Pint, opportunity and worth your Investigation. All in- rtn Stout, Realtor, 1458 N Opdyke Road, Pontiac, Michigan FE 5-8165. By appointment._______- AAA-1 CORPORATION NOW NEEDS: College Students^ —Due *o busy symmer months' we will hire and train 10 sharp men bet. II and 25 to help staff our understaffed office In downtown Pontiac. Wt otter good pay, on the / ■ - ‘-Inlng, and pleasant working / •ns. Typing . not nacessary./ ints must be able to mein/ uslness appearance at aft Instructions and start F,?rn P*£*°2!{ Jtjl r ACCOUNTING I This position Is In the controller's department ot laftr *"*'• fiflb poratlon with offices Detroit. The man w have • degree Administration, hows™, ruyr -mr plication will be consider id If you ere now working on a degree In evening school. Previous related work experience would be e plus/ ; In your application, but It Is not tt pre-raqulslte. Reply.Pontiac Press Box CJ6, Pontiac Michigan. / An Equal Opportunity Employer Manufacturing and auditing experience desirable. Salary commensurate with experience. Send resume to Pontiac Press BOX 0-31, Pontiac, Michigan. /______________________ ----ACCOUNTANT Expanding medium sized CPAflrm With diversified Industrial clientele. The partners Invite applicants prasantiy In Industrial accounting to discuss with us, or any mamber of our staff, the opportunities In public accounting and specifically our firm. Send resume to: JANZ a, ur f r»" • 4*611. ttlUte a ________________________ ALL ARQpND TOOL and die maker. Trans Tube. Inc., 2240 Scoff Lake Rd., PQntlac. In absolute confic Replies i fldence. Mond ’MS ) PER MONTH AETNA LIFE AND CASUALTY / EXECUTIVE SALES Career opportunity for an executive salesmen to work In estate planning, estate analysts, business analysis and group Insurance fields. Excellent starting salary, plus bonuses, plus commissions. Finest training program with Initial training of throe weeks school' at Home Office In Hartford, Conn., commencing to Aug. S. Must be I able to meet highest MllIRMlIlIM j Phone tot appWntmi rlson, or Mr, •—wj 353-4400. ARTIST, PROSPECTIVE line Illustration for model car company. Experience preferred but not ASSISTANT LOAN MANAGER helpful '-tory a ood op... Commarcleb' Credit Pllei, AfTBiWON w Distributor for nationally .known beverage. Must be young and ag-gresslve. Full , time, year-round z—,—— cotiect KE AUTO MECHANIC ' Experienced. Heavy. Wilson Crissman Cadillac. Ml 4-1930. Day*. BARTENDER TO WORK evening on tha weekends, thoroughly ex-perlenced. Good pay. For further Information, cell UL >2410. I Help Wanted EXPERIENCED BODY MAN Combination bump and paint. Radamachar Chevrolet and Olds. Ask tor Cecil. 425-5071. Rieger, Canopy Hotel. 130 Grand River, Brighten, Mich. BUILDING SUPERINTEflD6>it OR honest, and gat people. Should be mechanically Inclined. State complete qualifications end tilery expected. Reply Press Box c-39._________ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY L.P. Gas route, part tithe basis. Must have or be able to purchase pickup truck. Should doer around 53,000 per year. Reply to, P.O. box 5242, Lansing, Michigan, 4*905. BUSINESS .......--------‘ > MANAGER:'Maintenance of r round Boy's Camp - In Holly C-28, Include work CAREER JOBS With branch office of one of tho world's great organizations. We train you. We offer assured Income during - training. Top Income possibilities after training — plus management opportunity. Call Frank Kltlas 547-8560, Metropolitan Ington area. Call after 6 p.m. 2*88 Coughlin Construction Co. C A R P E NT E R S. RESIDENTIAL builder, 473-1501.__________- Con You Fill This Order? Foreign Car Mechanics HAVE TOOLS WILLING TO WORK 5 DAYS A WEEK. WILLING TO EARN GOOD PAY, Contact John Rattell Grimaldi Imported Car Co. 900 Oqkland Ave. ■ CARPENTERS-ROUGH (. 446-443). Eves., 588-2140. CARPENTERS. GOOD raughers. 1st 'neymen an . Oakland ( CARPENTERS _____________ Rough for apartment prelect at IS Mlle Rd. tncL Mpravlan. Sat Willis Tteple on tha lob, ready to work. CARPENTERS 1 W. Bloomfield, Waterford. Com-merce Twp., scattered residential, good pay, C 5, 8. 682-1465 CHILDREN'S SUPERVISOR 55900-$6800 Men to supervise the activities of , boys to age 11. Must be In ex- / cellent health, have good habits. / and be able to control, guide and/ Age 21-59, high benefits Include Excellent fringe benefits Include —■•-'"zatlon, paid/ vaca-, tick leave and an additional $.25 per \r.J for at-iftts. Apply Personnel Division Oakland County /Courthouse 1200 N. Telegraph, Pontiac, 335-47Sir*Ext. 495 CIVIL /nGINEER Building trades for prelect at S e I * r 1 d g «T Field. Pethmsn Construction/ Co. 463-5646, Mt. Clemens, Mich._____ COLLEGE STUDENTS SUMMER WORK COMPUTER PROGRAMMER DATA-PROCESSING MANAGER / COMPUTER OPERATOR Experience necessary. IBM Mod. 360 Birmingham area. Call 646-8629, ft toYfor In*—■— COUNTER MAN i for ■ distributor, i Auburn Ave, CARPENTERS ROUGHERS OR CREWS Union. East and west side work. Residential. Weekdays, 358-4470, Eves, and Weekends, 453-3482. E.M. NOLAN CONTRACTING CO. An Equal-Opeartunlr DO YOU LIKE working with people? want to write your - own paychecks? Than consider a challenging career In real estate, If you qualify you will receive com- Snslva training, work In com-y modern facilities In one of ind County's fastest growing /real estate firms. We do demand / that all applicants possass high moral, character and complete honesty. If Interested call Bill Eastham, Realtor,. 474-3126. EASTHAM REALTY 5020 Highland Rd. (M-39) (Waterford Plaza)____MLS Design Leader Progressive company, not a lob shop# offers permanent position^ —with pood working u)>will Ions. Top capable of a s j ENGINEER FOR analytical studies and prototype development of urban car and systems: To $1000* mo. Mlnlcars Inc., 64M926. Enjoy Driving? Motor routs opening S.W. ssetion of Wsst Bloomfield Twp. approximately 4 hours daily. 1:00 to 5 p.m. APPLY BEFORE NOON MIKE STIER Circulation Dept. THE PONTIAC PRESS Excellent Opportunity Man wltti lata modal car. for pleasant outside ..work with newspaper boys. Good starting salary end lob benefits. APPLY IN PERSON TO Circulation Department THE PONTIAC PRESS ENGINEER-ESTIMATOR-CONVEYOR Carp., requires both H end estimators. Must rlenca. Excellent future tor advancement, eatery open. Warren — 756-4700 for appointment. ESTIMATOR CQMMERCI*' =:r" struction, incemives, , 25! Local 353-8770 I « , PARTS MAN icao OM Pi ■ably Chevrel to^ltel^etlon, hefldty^ An ax- IT hotpilaiizallen.' ) I excellent working conditio ■ Dlagate Chevrolet Company, 3i . It., Pll Draw end commlMjen. Me reel i Construction, 33* N. Perry. FI t-8251. • " EXPERIENCED MILL OPERATOR *nH fulMime Iwiltor apply Birm-iem Hydraulics, 1475 X, Maple Ingham Hyd BO.. Troy. lines bender operators. EXPERIENCED SPRAY painter preferred, fringe bene..... Season All Industry, 2 40S1 Michigan Ave., Inkster, or call. I-565-9380. EXPJHRiINCEd’ GA* STATION at-fendent mechanic, full time, over 31, *2 to. 62.50 per hr. Texaco Station. Woodward, Adorns Rd., Birmingham. FACTORY W&RK FOR man over 30. Must know slmplo arithmetic, mechanical exparlence desirable, steady work, days only. Apply a -217 Control, near Saginaw SI. Pon-tlac. , V.-'_■■ " ■ FACTORY WORKERS Employers Temporary Service Clawson ' 65 S. Main Radford 26117 Grend Rlvor Forndolo__________2320 Hilton Rd. FITTERS FOR STEEL PLATE EXCELLENT FRINGE BENEFITS / UNION RATES / A^fPfio'lNC. / 3020 Indlanwood Rd. Leko Or/on FLOOR LAtERS , Fold vacation, pansion, holidays, Insuranco, union scote, / wilJ established business, ftludy employment. Erickson Flooring Co. 26)9 W. 14 Milo Rd., Royal Oak, 549-6)44. FURNITURE SALES Applications ere now being accepted. /Furniture salea experience preferred. Other telling experience_ would-beconsidered. Inloy such benefits at:- LTfelnsuracnce Blue Cross-Blue Shield Purchase discount, etc. / Apply in Parson / Employment Office / Basement / Hudson HEAD CHEFS SOUS CHEFS !ooks FOR EMPLOYMENT (/MICHIGAN------- enviable growth paltarn i to offer on unlimited I ..I various bronchos o< Internationally respected The /selected candidates will have lxcellent background In all if food preparation and, for .......t senior poattlent available, M, have experience In —* — Salary commensurate wlth_ ability DIRECTOR OF PERSONNEL HOLIDAY INNS OF ONTARIO 292 King Street, London, Ontario 519-439-1292 HEATING SERviCEMAN. top wages, year-around work. J. R. Neph Co., Oxford. 62S-3801. IF YOU ARE ACTIVE with any of tha following groups or background In athlatlcs, call 358-4120: Archery Bowling Gun Clubs Sportsman Club Baiting________________—-—-—gg CampVrr Skiing Complete trelnbig pregram for those who qualify. Alio ment openings In the *25,000 income ramie. Offices In Flint, ■ ---- and Detroit Immediate Openings for Tool and Die Makers ' stamping dies. Company located In Cadillac, Michigan In modern 50,080 quare fool plant with mil equipped tool room. Job . pays going wage rote and fringe benefits for this area. In reply state work experience, education and training. Opportunity to live and work in excellent northern Michigan location. Write P.O. Bax 276, Cadillac, Michigan, 49681. JANITORS, PART TIME mornings. Work 3 hours a- day, 5-6 days week. Good pay and fringes. See , Charles at KMart. 7 S. Glen wood vbet. 6:38 and ft:38 a.m Inspectors ». C. MFC- CO, I. Maple, Waited Lk. —Day are ool Inspector -• axparlanoa « Overtime, all ftrk ust have m,—------- k, too I maker'a * card raouIrad. ■Inge benefits. Jared mi 1M Axtelb Traw. " l Opportunity E"--1-- D—8 THE PONTIAC PiRESS, SATURDAY,'JULY 18, 1968 Hofr Wonted Mule * jefr Wonted IMt t Help Wnnted MECHANICS IWta. Junt Be 9BrS _______ , MM' ~ .jgandabii to kwt*H end cot-ct for TV» In locot hospital. No MfWneo necessary. f qxlwietaiy $4 hour* o doy • qw'oxlwioMty ( day* par wot , Dl 1- MANAGEMENT TRAINEE An out of tho ordinary car await* you' II you can quality tills company and mansgsm Itom. Specially selected man v bo trained In national program J to top-----—------ Excellent „ MEN . WANTED OUTDOOR WORK kELLY LABOR DIVISION mtma,e Open 4:10 A.M. 1117 Hliton Rd-, Parndol* OPEN 4 A.M. WE PAY DAILY An Equal Opportunity employer NEE DEO iMMBptATEUY, I parl- — —> c—s.ii *■— — (or M MANAGER TRAINEE Wo nood a potonllal managorj a man who It Intoroatod In a caroor with an excellent future. Minimum -a old. High school ■erienct noodod. Call 111-7017. SEABOARD FINANCE COMPANY PONTIAC__________. MAINTENANCE ANB MACHINE repairman. mutt bo ablo to miscellaneous maln-1 machine repair f lurmg^j>l 'k. Day la tho and milling mt tome tool and prototype shift oirty. $3.55 starting Cable Conors!'-Highway, Troy. MATURE MAN TO HANDtl concession operation In Pontiac area through Labor. Day. Call Mon.-Frl„ 843-1284. Ask tor Mr. MECHANICAL DESIGNER FOR medium olio shop In Pontiac's vicinity, good pay and working conditions, exc. opportunity tor advancement. Paid vacation, holidays and Insurance. Sand resume to Pontiac Prr —-------------- flee, Michigan. PART TIMq. HELP. Mar# in a» IT!!^ (fcATW transp, MS-lllt. PIZZA MAN. oVI¥ ii. Will train. Apply Llltla Caesar's. 498 W. PAYMASTER FOR a construction firm, must bo exparlanaad, ca" PULNT PRbTrd’f l6R“ tlngiro — —x‘-. Room and boar luaranteed tar part-time, 474-1 IT NEW RESTAURANT OpInInG OpportunlF- -iMittant ffi cooks. Day art available. Full _____- ._____ Ml employment. Interview* Monday through Friday. Call: Arby'i Roa»t Beef inn, Pontiac. hMmlt NIGHT WATCHMAN ItWp Wnnted Mule 4 Hit* Wuuled Femnle 7[tM* Weiited Hmh ^JMMgWeuted Bloomtlsld TV REPAIRMAN Ranchman or road man must know color Tv. Apply Tech TV, 1414 West AubumTTtochostar. swHmm. TObL MAKERS Fixture builder., tools, etc. Long Program, Overtime ntlold Open Hunt, 40§i. Long Rood, Eloomtlold Hills. POOL MAKER Needed st once, steady plenty of ovartime. Print, eluding cost ot living. Apply (ivd. East. Precision • Autu... Ports Company. Ponttac, Mich. consist ot cleaning show now cart, prefer experienced men, but will contldtr others, top pay, paid holidays, vacation, pension, etc. Sea Mr. Burt. Hutchison Lincoln Morcury *>i n Mein at i mi b2.50 per hour to start, and *2.40 par hour oftor tho first year. Oakland County otters oxcoilont fringe benefits In addition to salary. For additional Information and to make applications contact: Personnel Division Oakland County Courthouse 1200 N. Telegraph, Pontloc, 338-4751 Ext. 405 MULTIPLE SPINDLE AUTOMATIC operators and sot up men.. Good ^W||mMm|||i second olslft. | (Off 10 Milo I ORDER DESK AND office w I Industrial. Steady lob tar Send complete resume Information to Prat on1 OUTBOARD MECHANIC, lull time Trainees MACHINE OPERATORS Trainees Excellent opportunity for men tti are dependable, average S3 hi., par weak, oxc. fringe benefits, |ob security, apply •{ 4 Berber St. Pleasant Ridge (Oft 10 Milo Rd.) PRINTED CIRCUIT SpedsHst, dNsn, machinist, ate., required, conditioned bldg., clean room Detroit, ilty employor. USHERS-DAY HELP MUST BE OVER II. APPLY PERSON AFTER 3 P.M. BLUE SKY DRIVE IN 3130 OPDYKB RO. FONTiXC ushers wanted. Apply ••cl* olograph Rd, Volkswagen I Ports Man—OpportunIT Experience preferred Contact Mr, Morgan ‘ 334-4531 WELDERS-LAY-OUT MEN Feld holidays, vacations, pension, blue cross, blue shield, ills and health Insursncs. Paragon Bridge Stool Company, 44000 Grand Packaging end Plastic packaging. Films and machlnsry — Printing papers. Coltege cegree and tolling experience In packaging deslredl Call or sand Retumota Mr. K. R. Mangan, Union Paper ar _ M Co.. 1111 W. Fort St., 4*214.052-2400._____ SERVldfe STATION ATTENDANT, part time, mornings, Wollod Lake oroa, 41*0777, PROCESS ENGINEER For#production plant. Between ISO to 200 employees. Machine casting end forging. Glue —w- —-end anticipated * Press. Box C-17. t to Pontiac YOUNtMEN $75 A WEEK PART TIME arris at Detroit. 1-043- Own tranaporli Coll attar 4 p. _______ _ ' BABY PHOTOGRAPHER Wo need high school arwfuetat ^r'n dSA|PXTTO f rota- h.v, results Pontloc. No previous oxporionco voctnclot tor housekeepers, nocottsry. salary while in training. . Minimum ago U, Groat op-1 Candidates shout ettrtunlty tar advsneomont. Colli • Detroit collect, 272-4S43. » ntt!#»iy..r BABY ilTTER. I CHILD, I years, 4 W* dffll 4i» p.m., W*ttyrt.Lk. or**, ftwnj Float* writ* or t*l« ... Mother plot* confidence to: -Ti i"c.r.^*V DIRECTOR OF PERSONNEL tT&M1 *■ '• e,n ,ft,r 8 HOLIDAY INNS OF ONTARIO L-F5JM * 2J2 King Street, London, Ontorio SI 9433-1292 JANITRESS, FART TIME, 4 hours In the ovonlng. Apply ot Pontlor1 Slot* Bank efiig. Room SIS hot. 1 and 0 p.m, __,________ ifEY PUNCH OPERATORS ex —'-need only. Wp • n*«d 1« Mors tor otaady yOor-rount . Apply DompooYt Kty punci CO, 0-4434 vs, Pori Hwy. d Blanc. 404-3131 or 4t4-7IS1. LADY TO HELP BUSY Moiher wlfh htndlcaepod Vftoron, "■— 1— homo, cnlldiT- * —1 114-1071. LAUNDRY DEPARTMENT Exporolm folding. TO^UVe-IN, car* WAITRESS - NEAT, tttarnoon and 13, An ihsiri shift. Once In * while opening. *• I AAniy in parson before 11 e.m. Encore Restaurant Mlrocl* MIN Shopping Center w¥u1WCKy ' 7 Hel* Wanted Fetnele______________7 He» Wanted M. nr f* B ARE YOU RIAOY tar the future? Housekeepers FOR EMPLOYMENT IN MICHIGAN TiTgfffi, waItrI stoody. i„ . iwggi: WAITED .L-CHARGE BOOKKEEPER _. hove oxporionco “—^ *-*■ g8;,VTM! MOTHER’S HELPER 4... baby sitting to llv* In, Fi M0S8._ i "yo'ung udy OVIR 45 1 wing, loonl BLOOD DONORS [ffl URGENTLY NEEDED S llBT I All RH Positive S7.S0 _ - A)| RH Nag with posltiy* i Wanttd M. or F. __B taetor* ’ «M* ARE YOU REALLY 'Ivlngt Or Just 0-noi existing? Coil Mr. Fokr w“kl REAL ESTATE 474-0343. . . Flshsr f art* 331- WOMAN PART TIME oftlc* work. . p.m, to 3 p.ftt. dolly- Mutt hov* gonofol knowlsdg* ot double entry SgSI!SPl'BiS>ii.B0011 typl"»-lltlll» WORK 2 HOURS Morning, altorixienjr ovqnlno tar Barmaids and Waitresses Full and port tlm*. Experience preferred but not necessary. Over Si. Apphf In parson- altar 4’ p.m. 4825 Hlgnland Rd. Airway Lpuqp^. BAKERY’ !ytt.E5^0MAN,’fUII tlrflC 3 days, no ofoningt' or ki»> Oood pay. Anderson Bakery, 124 Mil*. Birmingham. Ml 4-7114. Bl A FULLiKUrfl" Pick up and deliver orders I N. Ot M-M - phon* 334-4401 S, of M-80 - Phono OR 7-0471 BiAUTY OPE ItATbR. Choz CoH- furos, 414-1033. _______ b«AUTY dFIAATOP. Full or^gort on. 443- ASSISTANT MANAGER ■ b* trolnod tor our typo ‘ lo 11 or over l roduate. Must, — rmanant employ-opportunity with our growing chain. Apply In parson or call tar appolittmont. 40-1130 li school itatTF CHICKEN IN A DRUM 1131 WEST HURON ■*,cmcs« broker or SALBIMjANM least 1-year aettv* real attal or mor/Wj.r^^ng *Sl iTlntarvi jNY wiMoisri it*. Detroit, UN assist ol E Burton, Ml .—-■ coy/LE ^.resident . ... tho Rochti.. i*. Eric. Y. Luti, 1-2400. working condition*. p'otHtr 4 L.P.N., $3.50 Per Hour Plus many other fringe benefit lull or part time. Union Lak Arte, EM 1-din.__________________ BLOOMFIELD AREA 444-3112. I shampoo girl, guarantee. BOOKKEEPER-FULL CHARGE Experienced portunlty tot Madison H*|g— ... Sand resume to Box Heights. 41071. excellent .sneotr . 1700 a i Power Plant Engineer (Must hava City of Detroit Unlimited First Class Watch Engineer's License.) One afternoon shift opening is now available at our Rochester Laboratories. This position offers permanent employment, a full benefit package, good location and working conditions. - _____ Coll 567-5300, Ext. 5641-----, Or Write: Employment Representative Parke-Davis Box 118 GOP Detroit, Mich. 48232 An Equdl Opportunity Employor _________________ Help Wanted Female Service station mechanic, 1 —*---------------------* full time and part-tlmt, days and 1 FRY COOK, HELPER, Waitress, afternoons. Must have tools. Goodj Curb Girls Super Chief- Telegraph pay. Also position for full lima near Dixie, FE 2-4851.____________ gasoline attendants. Call Ml 7-0700. vT TIME, FULL TIME. Wsltrns Service Manager jjMtjtCTsnutrt R**taur»nt. cr#. Lloyd Bridges Dodge — Wollod Lake, 634-1371 1*0 Mr. Bridges, top. Salary andi Incentives, tar good experienced Bookkeeper-Secretory Experienced and competent B kooper-Socrotsrv, ago 30 to 30, — con handl* oil photos ot office work, must bt accurate typist and tbl* to moot public, oxc. salary Huron A Johnson. 4 STABLE HANDS WANTEOTAi person , Rd. ot K hors* form. I_______ Ing quarter., 6|t-H2 ' ENOBNT SURFACE GRINDER,____________Mi person. Bor-Van Tool Co., 30750 wo, Farmington. 474-1470. on carbide tool*. Apply In * “““* trainer. ICO. 31151 tom* ox- 10 Women Needed PUNCH PRESS OPERATORS Ureter a familiarization \............. per cent of contract Tr (ullflllod. i between 6 a.m.-6 p.m. Contact United Stack Firm. , , _ c Leonard, Mich.___________________ Emp oyers Temp. Service tlac ■ Proas Box Michigan.______ BOOKKEEPER AND d resume to F NO ORDINARY GALS FOR THIS JOB Air IpMHiealw* AIR,CONDITIONER Inttaltotlon, I window, or throuoh wall, 411-1117. AlimlRam Bldg. H»m« ALUMINUM SIDED HOUSES CLEANED. PAINTING DONE. EM 3-5897. . ■ ALUMINUM SIDING, WINDOWS, —oflng installed by "Superior" >11 FB 4-3177 onytltn*.___ _______Read Classification ten see or coll Dobt. Aid. Community Bonk Bldg. FB 1-011 Dressmaking, Tailoring ^ ALTBRATIONS, ALL TYPES, KNIT • drosses, loothor coots. 401-9533._ DRESSMAKING AND ALTERATIONS for men and women. FE 4- THOMPSON FI 4-H44 A-l FAINTING WORK OUARAN-tsad. Free estimates. 482-0420 AAA PAINTING AND DdCORATING, 23 yn. exp. Free t8t. UL 2-13^1. HUSBAND AND WIFE' palnterty answer, 674-2920. ordinary sales assignment, bogln- AAA ASPHALT,'PAVING S, Sealing. I APPROVED AUTO DRIVING school. nine Aug. 1st, working lOnr.! FE 3-5321. Free estimate.._ 1 “ * c-“ h""“ nu-u.m weeks tar 1 mot. Girls mutt be1 --. «»nT.~r~aTr 4-9042. United Industrial Engineering Corp. serin " through t LI S^OS oi DISPLAY WINDOW trim: MARIANNE i$ interviewing experienced window trimmer, to take charge of all display work. Employee benefits paid by Company. High salary offered to responsible and inspired aplicant Send Ressume to Mrs. Roberts, 501 Adam Street, Toledo, Ohio ....... & CHRYSLER CORPORATION Eldon Avenue Axle Plant Has immediate opportunities — with excellent — BENEFITS WAGES -^XTENSf^-OVERTIME^ ADVANCEMENT OPPORTUNITIES In the Following Skilled Trades Areas MACHINE REPAIR ELECTRICIANS TOOL MAKERS DIE MAKERS MILLWRIGHTS PIPE FITTERS Journeymen or equivalent experience and men with 5 or more years experience - ALSO HAVE OPENINGS FOR: , Plant Engineer Experience, required in' preparation of plant layout, Estimating cost of engineering, designing and layout of material handling systems. Background in eoordi-nating complete installations. ! Apply in person or by mail to Personnel Dept. 6700 Lynch Rd., Detroit, Michigan 48234 925-2000, Ext. 6475 (Long distance calls collect) * Area Code 313-925-2000 Employment office will be open Monday thru Sat.. 8 A.M. to 4 P.M. An Equal Ogpertunlty Employer GROUP? WANT TO MAKE THE TEEN NIGHT CLUB CIRCUIT? 17, prefer Pontiac or Feld vacations. EXPERIENCED DOG GROOMER, must hava experience. Call MU 9- EXPERIENCED II REAL ESTATE AND CONSTRUCTION I Incentives, 353-0770 jy rhythm guitarists. TRUCK MECHANICS EXPERIENCED, SMALL FLEET 1-344-5840 axt. 247 every other Sunday, 865 par week, Auburtt Haights area, must turn. ref., call Miss Hollis, 332-1302. ) ATTENTION / MOTHERS! EVENINGS FREE? THE PLAYHOUSE CO., INC. World's largest toy distributor Is looking for women to sell toys, xyDesiiNCOb SEAMSTPEfik Aug. to Dae. No experience E3E"y5rzEK. necessary — W« VALUABLE BONUS GIFTS. BETH WEBER FE 3-7377 OR 682-1774 Want Ads For Action nv-4-OO pm. Vicinity'Walton and NURSE LPN, PEDIATRICIAN'S DO YOU WANT yeur barn painted? ACKER INSTALLED FENCES. A-l. _ WOMACK ROOFING CO. aldwin. Own trans. 335-8782. OFFICE, BIRMINGHAM.. ABLE Ron Beardsley. 428-1144. ______ 25 yrs. |n Pontiac area. Our prices Free Estimate_FE_ — GIVE INJECTIONS. REPLY,--------------- . ~ are low. Fressst. 682-5482._1 CnnH—Gravel—Dirt ntiac PRESS BOX c-38.____| Basement Waterproofing chain link’ andwood. ’1 ....__ masonry fainting of al NURSE ANESTHETIST »vp**. . 11 . - 1 . waterproofing, no Ob too large < al labia. .mal£FEJFWL__ FE 8-8328. through Friday. Full tlm* posltloi.____ Progressive hospital presently •*-panding from 350 to 380 beds. We oftor an excellent salary, exceptional call schedule and new frlnga benefit program; Including paid Blue Cross and free Ilf* Insurance. Reply to, Pontiac Press Box C-4.________________________ REAL ESTATE SALESLADY, very Htt7Mh44'n‘“nS°0^ lncen,,v8s' RN-LPN OR experienced physician aid, must have pleasing personal'*-and competence In handling 1 tlsnls. Call 451-7378 tor Interview. Beach Services BEACHES CLEANED SANDED. Steel sea walls Cutler Contracting 4S1-0300 Bee Extermination REMOVE BEES FROM walls of e” 17281 Boats and Accessories BIRMINGHAM BOAT CENTER Stercraft, M.P. S II v Help Wanted Male j fits, apply In parson at Robert Hall Rocco's 5171 Dixie Highway. Apply ! Cloths, 4460 Dixie Hwy., Clarkston.! 4 t0 8 p.m,___ EXPERIENCED COOK AND SALESLADY - DOWNTOWN, Good | dishwasher, 929 W. Hurerf.____1 pay. Will train. See Mr. Vlnga, I EXPERIENCED PUNCH PRESS! Thura., July IS, 45 W. H------- - operators, 368 South St. Rochestar. | SECRETARY PROGRESSIVE die expert, for management of design and build operations. Executive opportunity for a man technically skilled and capable of organization. ' $20,000. Plus Replies confidential — send Ressume. BOX C-22 and Egg, 5395 Dixie Hwy. Water- TOOL AND DIE COMEAM^-f^^ SEEKS ly between 12 a Mercury outboards and 1 drives. 1233 S. Woodward Adams Rd.__________________ Breakwater Construction SHEET PILING BREAKWATERS INSTALLED. 334-7677. GUIN“ CONSTRUCTION CO. service. FE S-3786. Floor Sanding gravel, top-sell. M. Cook, 41__________ BLACK DIRT, vibrated process, leaded and delivered, 7 days, 128 Opdyke near Auburn. FE 4-1731 or UL 2-3442. BLACK DIRT, Flit, TOP Bulldozing — Backhoe Reasonable — 682*1671___ MODERN DUSTLESS landings latest finishes available. Fabulon-Wax-—Varnish, I day service. 731-7S75. R. G. ilNYDER, FLOOR LAYING, sanding and finishing. FE 5-0592. Floor Tiling FILL SAND LOADING DAILY 38 cents per yard, 430 Wl Lake Rd.. Union Lake, MA or EM 3-3316. INTERLAKE SAND AND GRAVEL CO. FILL SAND, ROAD Gravel, fill dirt, ^m-k dirt. Topsoil, reas. 623-1372 or CUnotaum formica matin* GRAVEL,' SAND, STONE. The’bast 741 N Perry^FE' 2-4090. C*° .‘OP soli, Reasohabl* prices. Fast delivery. 6734)049. Homeowners Insurance Anderson 8> Associates 1844 Joslyn_____ FE 4-3535 " SAND, GRAVEL. -474-2439. or 338-1281. I Septlc Tank Sendee J COMPLETE SEPTIC WORK, sewer for dictation l resume. Campbell _______ _jvn transportation. F«.‘ 4llbv i cel lent working conditions. 481-8799, SECRETARY GENERAL OFFICE GENERAL OFFICE HELP In Pon- wofk. *y L tljf1 eftlco,-shorthand| impbell Machine—Co., i work:—free—RTIffl River, Novi, Michigan. Bldg., Co. 425-2128. Carpentry have former GRILL COOK Ted's has an Immediate opening for a grill cook on the night shift. Good earnings, free Blue Cross and life Insurance, vacations anf holiday pay. person only. Woodward at Square Lake Road darting August 5, call!1A CARPENTRY - new and repair 335-4529, 335-7545.__ -1 INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR -Family rooms, rough or finished SECRETARY, 10 MONTHS, (SChc year), knowledge of IBM dl taphone, and IBM executl«. typewriter, shorthand not essential. I Can 9-12 jiMtaMgauUMMOq^M 2 neon only, 647-2524. TRAINEE Initialyeisignment will be picking up and delivering parts and material purchased for use in our Research Center. Opportunity later, to move into purchasing foilow-up, inventory control, etc. Requirements: High school Graduate, Draft exempt,-, good driving record, know City and Suburb, like people, and be able to get along with them. Must be interested in advancement. This is a beginning position with a lot of opportunity for growth^ and development. 26201 Northwestern High-* way, Southfield, Michigan 48075 An Eqpal Opportunity Employer EATON YALE a TOWNE RESEARCH CENTER Girls! Girls! Girls! If you have had previous experience as: 1. Waitress * Sales Cl<* ■ Cashier ? . 4. Factory Help. And war* dissatisfied with the work and wages. We now need 14 young ladles bet. 18 and 25 to staff new division In our Pontiac office. Typing not necessary.' All applicants must bt neat In appearance, Independent and have .km... .. i.— cjulckljf. knowledge at bookkeeping. 1727 E. Auburn Avo„ Rochester. TELEPHONE SOLICITING FROM our studio, no experience necessary, will train, Si.50 an hour plus commission. Came In for personal Interview, 1 to 10 p.m. Fred Astaires Dance Studio, 1143 Griswold. Detroit, 3rd fleer. ___ rooms, kitchens, bathrooms. State licensed. Reas. Call attar 3 p.m 462-0448. ADDITONS AND ALTERATIONS of i Reel Estate CARPENTRY AND CEMENT {SWITCHBOARD, shorthand helpful, good working conditions, fringe benefits, Sea Ray free estimates, UL 2-3252.______ CARPENTER WORK. ReasOnable if Jtm best. Recreation rooms, celling •lie, formica- work, kitchens, roofing end siding, window replace- VERN CRANDALLS SOD Orchard Lake Rd., Pontiac. WAITRESS WANTED, tali nHH employment, $100 guarantee. Apply In person only to Franks Restaurant, Orchard Lake Rd. INTERIOR FINISH, kitchens, paneling, 40 years experience, FE 2- 1235._________________________ WE ARE CARPENTERS, do ell CLAIMS SECRETARY Do you enjoy helping others? Can you type 55 words per minute, take dictation 70 words per minute, and are you capable of performing a variety of office duties? Nationwide Insurance Company has avail-4 able an excellent opportunity for a mature person who is interested in the challenging and responsible position of Claims Secretary in the Oak Park Michigan District Office. Excellent employee benefits, starting salary commensurate with ability and working experience, plus modem, convenient Office location. You/ may be the person we afe seeking. Coll 398-4100 Monday thru Friday between 9 A.M. and 3 P.M. to arrange a personal interview. NATIONWIDE INSURANCE - COMPANY ’ „ District Claims Office 26200 Greenfiefd Rd. Oak Pork, Mich. 48237 * T-Au Equal Opportunity Employer—' A Challenging end rewarding place to wort work ourselves, Carpet Cleaning light hauling, reasonable 4x7 ELDORADO, >2.98, 4x8 Cher- ___ ' “ - Village an- LIGHT HAULING. BASEMENTS, $4.35. Oak, Cement Work I l-A CONCRETE WORK F ree estimates.______, 335- BLOCK AND CEMENT WORK. BRICK, BLOCK, AND cement work. 482-1545 or FE 4-4521. CEMENT WORK, GARAGE, fleer*, patios dlrveways.. sidewalks, basement floors, small additions, sea walls, 25 yrs., standing proof. 473- CEMENT WORK, PORCHES and CEMENT ANO SIDING V COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL ANY SIZE, ANY TYPE Free Estimate 8, E Spray Service_______343-7295 Tree Trimming Service— -1 TREE SERVICE BY B & L Free estimate. FE 5-4449, 674-3S10. ALl TREE SERVICE, FREE ESTIMATES „ - 682-1397, 473-7160, 628-3521 ___________________________-y-r, B8>B TREE SERVICE. Fully ln- del. 4443 Sherwood. 628-2000. 1 | sured. Trimming, removal. Free COMPLETE LANDSCAHING.I estimates. 674.1281. 7** ... j too small. Free est. c & H Spraying. 674-3945, 628-1552. Stop disease Insects We stop mosquitos, other insects. J. & E. SPRAY SERVICE _________363-7295___________ Landscaping_________ MERION BLUE SOD, plckuo. Ml AkiTX ChPnunnH AOO.OfVin W estimates. Call between 9 i Tracking -1 LIGHT MOVING, TRASH heuled ________ —ling, clean up. 473-3992. LAWN SPRAYING, fertilizer, ____________ killers. Call tar free estimates. 674-3945, 623-1552. C 8. H. Spraying. JAMES GRAY OR ERNIE Leach handymen, light trucking, basement repairs, roofing, lawn service frith tree trimming. 338-3S31. LIGHT HAULING of any kind. Odd Jobs. FE 4-2347. - LIGHT HAULING I rytone I—. tlque birch. Hickory, Walnut, S5.77. 852-2709. VILLAGE PANEL & TRIM ^342 Auburn Rd. general use. 624-7453. TALBOTT LUMBER 1825 Oakland Mosquito Control Moving, Storage 5024 or FE 541064, ....i MOVING CO. Your moving specialists. FE 4-4864. Mower Service Work. GUINN'S CONST. CO. 334-7677 or 391-2671 SMALL ENGINE repair, lawn mowers, etc., 334-7436 or 391-3257. CUSTOM CONCRETE Op. All type cement work Modernization, garage building, room additions. 625-2247. SWITTY'S LAWN MOWER repair service, new - used lawn mower SKEWS ’ E""beW' Lk- M‘ Plastering Service PLASTERING. D. MEYERS. 343-9J9S. NOTHING TOO LARGE or smell, commercial or residential, 29 , yrs. experience, special summer price. 628-1372. ^ PATIOS, DRIVES, GARAGES, SLABS. 40 cents *q. ft. FE 4-2874, days. i PLASTER REPAIRS. Prompt service. 3*4-371 S. si and front-end loading. FE 2- Track Hentnl Trucks to Rent tt-Ton Pickups • IW-Ton Stake TRUCKS - TRACTORS AND EQUIPMENT Semi Trailers Pontiac Farm and Indusrtia) Tractor Co. 629 S. WOODWARD Wall Cleansrs A-l WALL WASHING, FE MOTS. ^ _______ ■ LdbMFIELD ,W A L L CLf ANERS. CHET'S PORTABLE WELDING, wrought Iren, boom truck service, demolition wortc. 4W-4840- o EROUSON '9JPD RTABLE 2“ WELL DR1LUNO -3 POINTS I ____J SdM Kelp Male F.m.|. 8 A TOE PONTIAC PRESS. SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1968 CASE WORKER BS degree prat. but would conato., SUuVjfi of_«r» paid vaca- IlSrfet Kit paid v (ill ifflMrasBK'ss resume fa Thumb Area fcconor assfo arifr JT COOKS ,«g hour*, m family typa *• MSf benefit* and •m working conditions. Mu.I toma restaurant experience own tran.poriallon. Apply In a bnly. . HOWARD JOHNSON'S Li ORAPH AND MAPLI CREATIVE SALESMAN IB YOU ARC A SELF-STARTER And Mf. 25 and St yaara of *< you may qualify. Tlw anno WwJwaaSM opportunity at Employment Counselor Do you have a vary outgo personality with tha desire for Intarastlng career? A good u background, public relations, along with an enthualaatle attitude win qualify you-for this terrific spot. Nito Stuart 334-2477 ambitious parson. Exciting new development In security, afwsss RBOWrlXLES Experienced or Inexperienced mar or woman. We train; We offer In' {•enjy end reputation. Fin* work Wdmans and tt» chance it ■2*0*5 * PfoOToeelve company for a personal mtowtiw ask tot Mr. Dsaver at anit.s Royet * men fu firm. Offering draw At All Fe© Paid notltlon, top starting salary It Tokei Two K' Tango You end a top notch boss, Shorthand and typing skint cHR fia?fv?wn ,hi* ** it" Never a Dull Moment HAIR STYLIST EXPERIENCED MALE on after 7:30 ova*, or anytime Call j Apartments, Furnished 37 v T own «<»L**prr«n». A SHARP DENTAL assistant, doctor will train. (300. Call Sue Lee, 332-9157, Associates Personnel. COLLEGE GRADS $7,800 UP, FEE PAID Many maior corporation* cm seeking young men to train lor career opportunities I n sd ministration. INTERNATIONAL PERSONNEL* MO S. Woodward, B'ham. 642-8260; ___________1M :APING by Bill Klbler, 632- contract. ^B^nd^' ’Designer! LANDSCAPING mo. Sec, dap. 44 SPokentTfe-sli NICE LARGE ROOM, cooking focllitlos, pretar older man. 111 President Madison APARTMENTS 1-2 BEDROOMS FROM $140 John R between 13 end t4 Mile Rd. Aedison Heights near J. L. Hudson's Sun deck — pool — air conditioning All utllltlM except Electricity Modole Open 11AM-8PM 588-6300 . TOM REAGAN 47 REAL ESTATE 2257 H. QpdykO _________333-0154 BEDROOM, NEW HOME, lust completed, near Waterford High, aluminum siding, marble sills, gas Of beautifully paneled office space for loasa. Separate private office attached. Walton-Baldwln area. UtllltlM Included In reasonable rent. CALL MR. TR SPICK, 474- heat, ceramic bath, oak floors, utility room, lot 13x150 It. 315,900. -------------——n. OR 3-7440. elevator, contra! .air BEDROOM HOMB ............... privilege! on Lower Straits Lake. New carpeting, lull basement, only (19,500, FHA terms, BACKUS REALTY 633-7131, or 333-1695. 3 Lokevlow, 313,00 3V> ACRES, Orchard Lake oroo, 4 bedroom brick, 2 baths, 4 car brick garage, nicely landscaped, 345,003, 624-2301. __________ 4 BEDROOM HOME'. PULL Base-~ient, 2 car oarage, paved streets, ike privilege*, 1 acre. Drayton lain* arts. *24,500. 673-4735. 5-ROOM HOME, on 1 acre ol 5 ROOM RANCH Pull basement, plus gang 3350 moves you In. Owns available In Arcede. 6 ROOM RANCH, attached iVi car q. ft" each, suitablei oarage, large lot, 117,900, FHA or or rotoN, I-veerI Ol. Dee hMt. 673-1901. _________________ 316240. Acr seta free customer perking Telegraph end Square Lake Rdi Cell 332-9203. Miss Kamehm. 6 Spacious New Homes By BOSS Available about Aug. 28 Rent Business Property 47-A perking, W. Huron, PE 3-791 L-M OR R AND D, Will build 10,000 sq. ft. to eult NEW COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS,1- . „r 25 x40' or 50-X60', or win build to 2 RANCHES-2 LAKE FRONT ___ Air conditioned, plenty of Krklng, located at 2530 Orchard! . Rd., Sylvan Lake. 647-1743 or **Ht, PQNTIAC MALL AREA, furnished 2- ..1‘> ----------- SMcIflcatlons. CoTl tloOMS AlfS hAVH. JlcUor SSSSHtSVi o^,W"”' ^ PE ftUfUHn 48A | ^completely ?- *** ion- nBTO!rsedr d.L,°42 »ar,,n»OT,",r*n er Is vd. Black dirt, peat, top soil Wqqm bath ' 1 end gravel. FE S-4M9 or 333- FE M790 ° "A™ Workln« . TRACTOR WORK Cattle bar and rotary work. 332- Give Yourself A Break MALE Make It Right It you era e young men with e high school or college education, there Is an Immediate need for you In several top training positions. You will earn from $50“ 39000 your first year end hi the opportunity to quickly m to a fop management position you qualify, your tea will bo p< Sharper Shooter 'I . BMW TK.'g&B » f eround 410,000. Car and expenses.!, 1 ____—tely ft. Lauderdale. Fla. For details c - Rent Houses, Unfurnished 40 -FE-S-M7S. . 2 ROOMS, CLEAN, li -ISale Houses TREE SURGEON. HAULING OF ANY klND, bostmonl ‘ *"H ””*— -‘Toned, end odd fobs, cutting. 334P457. » fumlshed, FE 4-5744. bedrooms; I Extra bedroom, (operate dining basement, security deposit. RobIhwood near YankM store. 391- ARTISTIC 3-BEDROOM -----d exclusive llt-lns, large open beam Over the Top *7200 tor a Claims Adluster trainee, extra fast move *- ---------------------------manegement. Looking for agg MAN AND WIFE to act as slve young man. caretakers for apartment building.! Must be able to do general repair. Many positions ora fee paid. Reply to Pontiac Press, Box C-5. ONE OF THE fastest growing; INTERNATIONAL PERSONNEL opening1" tfCSS^>C8BffR|1«10 * Huf0"' Pw*1*------------ also available In other departments _ of the bank. Excellent opportunity, 1 salary and benefits. Apply Blrm-| VjrlV© I OUFS©!! Ingham-Bloomfield L...~, . Maple Rd., Birmingham. An equal opportunity employer. PART TIME WORK............ female. Age 11-60. Eam^MV money at night. 3, 4, 5 and 6 nights a weak. Sr movie with youi ights a weak. See your favorite ■ ’■ with your family every FREE on your night off. • 'i Theatre. Apply Miracle Mile D r ~ SYSTEMS ANALYSTS _______PDAPP* iitirwf_______ r fvwvJlxAmmtKji I Senior Systems Analyst Systems Analyst Senior Programmer Programmers For real time business en_ medical applications on Burroughs B2500-3500 using optrsting system "MCP", Cobof and Fortran. A challenging opportunity to create advanced computer systems concepts as applied to (hanagement and medical Information systems with a progressive and expanding Institution. * Excellent suburban location. Long term career opportunity. Ex-perianca desired but not absolutely necessary. Beginning and advanced training program. Degree or equivalent background preferred. Salary Commensurate- with ax- A Break FEMALE People Movers Tour the worlds salary to $6500. Hava fun while you wor'- Friendfy World .Gal wanted who typess takes fj)!)£H| “ to $550 a -Psssst! shorthand, salary r~but~ir~you Iyp3~53 1 ^rou c— -----u... -- Meet Men Rara opening for sharp gal to run the office -w^akBiw||Wra4 the boss. Salary Secret Storm Gal needed for 007 position. Top Investigation company. Salary to $4400. Many positions ore fee pold. INTERNATIONAL PERSONNEL f. Huron, Pontloc Instructions-Schools 334-4971 10 n and oulsklt. Col*Jot 338-674*. LADIES DESIRE INTERIOR palnt- Inn. In UlatvSw, _____ ----- PAINTING, INTERIOR s Pleoto call bot. 2-3 pj ROOMS. PRIVATE BATH. Nh»ly furn. Baby welcome. 632-3496. ROOMS pi———— rooms unfurnl In roar. No cl PE 5-1705.____________________________ 3-ROOM UPPER, private entrance, 432.50 0 wtek, 450 dtp., 46 Ookhlll. 673-7101, yrs. experience. 651-5296. Fri PAINTING AND PAPERING. You'r —*■ Oryol Gldcumb, 673-0496, QUALITY WORK ASSURED PAINT, Ing; papering, wall waohlng 673- I. PE 8-0244 c ROOMS AND BATH, baby welcome. Norton Street, Pontiac. MA 5-5396.___________________________ 3 LARGE CLEAN rooms, S30, adults, no drinkers. FE 5-5102. _______ITS;:9**! ,r and gas heat. 416,950, 33,000 down, L • land contract. 673-19S8.______ £ 2-BEDROOM ON connecting waters I to Cass Luka. Land contract with 1 good credit, 3135 Konrtck, 2 STORY, ON WOODED acre lot, dose to Dlxlo Lake. 4 bedrooms, full basement, 2 full bathe and showtr In basemant. Colonial stylo with large tront porch, I.-- screened back porch. Gas t SPLIT LEVELS - 2 COLONIAL HOMES IN (3 LOVELY COMMUNITIES) $30,900 to $47,000. Including Lot MODEL OFFICE. 623-0670 Open 1-8 dally, Sun Closed Frl. LAKELAND ESTATES .elusive M..........— ' large led go rock ‘——ceilings, BLOOMFIELD HILLS uw^^-Mevsl, attached 2W-ue>*u«. large lot, 4350 a mo. 0700. EDMUND C. RISDON CLARKSTON, RANCH,. PANELED family room, 2 bdrms, large kitchen, living room, near echools, $160 per mo. plus security deposit. I LAKE — 2 bedrooms. free Cental service .. landlords. Reliable tenants waiting. Art Daniels Realty, 1230 N. MMorJ Rd. 605-1567 or 7030 Daxte. Pinckney Rd- ........ Upholstering ROOMS AND BATH, ........ furnished. Ground floor. Reference _________ _ ____________ and deposit required. Coll 335-1744 HOUSE IN CLARKSTON, 2 bedroom, ' “ “ largo living room and kitchen ' quire at, 2335 Dixit or call FE 20 TO 50 PCT. OFF On a selected group of fabrics. Let the exports reupholstar furniture at half tha prl 335-1700 for free estimate homo. Com'l, Upholstery. ADULTS ONLY, 3 rooms end bath; SIJO. Drive by 314 E. Columbia, Call Ml 4-1456. I than call 58S-5633. ___________ . Evenings call 673-3378, days Transportation DRIVERS California, Seattle, Taxes _ Points. New cars waiting. Insured Drlve-a-way ROOMS, PRIVATE entrance, Vi NICE RANCH, 2 bedroom, basement, block off S. Marshall. S32 Judson, large lot, attached garage. Orchard Ct. ' ! Lake area, 4250 month, It mo. ROOMS - AND BOTH SSm? J**‘*.»va|l*¥«-decorated. Vary nice and oportmont, adults only. clean NEW HOME, on lake, 2 bedroor 135 a near Waterford, 353-6769, aft 7 p.n APARTMENTS FURNISHED and SMALL HOUSt. LIGHTS and water unfurnished, no ef" ' - .. -- — -----■ --- roqulrod^ 673-7101. Reasonable. Ponfla 0976. IMAAACULATE APARTMENT for single person, 335-1642. i atci v oeunnn Ph a*. cent July 13. UL 2-4353 after 5. 8. FE M93f or FE 2-4353 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR _______ furniture and appliances. Or what have you? B & B AUCTION 5089 Dixie Hwy. OR 3-2717 WILLIAM BEAUMONT HOSPITAL 3601 W. 13 MILE ROAD ROYAL OAK, MICHIGAN 549-7000 EXT. 305 , - ATTENTION Gl's AND NOtt&l'S Enroll Now Start Training AUTO MECHANICS ACETY-ARC WELDING HELI-ARC WELDING . BODY FENDER REPAIR ALL IN BIO DEMAND Wanted MiscellaiMaus laundry, 363-7376 or 343-57W 1- 2-BEDROOM. NEW. NEAR Mall — Carpeted. ‘Appliances. Air and sound conditioned, heated. Reic. room. Adulto, no pats. From 0140. . FE 54535._____________________________ ' 2 BEDROOM TERRACE, Clarkston, ELIZABETH LAKE; NO July 13, 360. 632-0531. LAKE FRONT COTTAGE Huron, 17 miles North or ran Huron. Gas heat, all conveniences, 2 bedrooms, sleeps 5. 3110 weekly. TU 1-1229. i Lake WDLVERW^ Michigan's Oldest Trade School AmiJIMiI Si-hml WO 3-0692 INDIVIDUALIZED nt certified reading s Degree U. of " 682-4715. ________________ TUTORING IN READING, specializing In dlegnMls and correction or reading difficulties. 335- Sald Houses ......... RttNnablt. ....- eargiy.. S 0,x'*' BY OWNER, IVi MILES in Osvlsburg araa. n bedroom brick ran basement and 3 car rolling acras. Ms Included, USJMO. polnlm.nl, 634-43)5. ranch with lull BY OWNER, 3 BEDROOM _____ Drayton Plaint, family room, enlace, 2Vi car g a r a - - y* itlnq. drape*, ivs bath nd largo jot. Call 673-960 BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP, 2-elory i baths, lance colonial, M of on dining room, ..RPR fireplace, kitchen .family wTTC ia, 2"j .jtmtnlf :upancy« mt 626- ___ Cash For Your Equity HAGKETT 363-6703 10-room M-level hoi ... modern kitchen, extra large family room, 2-cor garage, circle drive, lifge corner lot, paved street. In before school storta. Only 333,900. COSWAY REAL ESTATE 681-0760 3379 Orchord Lk. tot Commerce Rd.) COLONIAL-STYLE HOUSE, 6 mos. old, ill brick, TW bathe, family room with fireplace. Many axtras. 426,500. 363-5373 or 602-2616. CLOSING COST NEEDED 6 spacious rooms, full basemont, ' :plac*, large dining :ltc‘— "-------- ' 674-1649. I kitchen. Owners < CLARKSTON - 3-BEDRi ranch all on 1 floor with ap-llvlno room and dlnlna alp appointment kltchanp IVa utility roomy many othar down and balance on 30 year fh Mortgage, closing cost of $350 e tra. KENNETH G. HEMPSTEAD REALTOR PE 4-8284 __j83 ELIZABETH LAKE RD. COUNTRY HOME Remodeled 4-bedroom homo In peaceful country sotting. Nei Hadley, S14.900, 84,500 down. FIRST jN VALUES RENTING $78 Mo.~ Excluding taxes and Insurance $10 Deposit WITH APPLICATION *BEfAR4°WME LARGE DINING AREA WILL ACCEPT ALL J#PLiCATION| FROM ANY WORKERS, WIDOWS OR DIVORCRBl. PEOPLE WITH CREDIT PROBLEMS AND RETIREES ARB OKAY WITH US. REAL VALUE REALTY For ImmediatB Action Call FE 5-3676 642-4220 F-H.A. APPROVED 5 room ranch, - full bosemont. Garage. About 103 Mo. Owners ‘2)34.________________ GOOD CREDI That's all lhats need< room ronch with full _ car garage, new turnact, carpetinfl. Owners ------------ | ,674-1690, HOLLOWAY Realty COMMERCE AREA. 3 bedroom ranch, living room, dining room, kltChOn nOWlv r*mad*l*rf. im. mediate pcssi Mr FHA. bedrooms, fenced, cl Motors, spotlessly clean, nice arse, Ol or PHA, 413,900. HIGHLAND AREA, 2? X M' ra'nch- ■, 3 bedrooms, full basement o.. • J acre, | years old, aluminum •tdlnjj, quiet .aria, owner going 112 Milford Rd. HAYDEN temporary ranch design with 120' | on scenic lagoon, 2V2 baths. 60* ■ carpeted overlooking like end 46' r- heated pool, 3 cor garage, 159,500. i Terms. — NO MONEY DOWN BEDROOM HOME — Sylvan-Csss' MANY MODELS TO' CHOOSE area. Land contract. 01,000 dgwn.i PROM, or wllbulld vour Plans. Attractive rarnar lot. Elwood CALL NOW-SEE MODEL Realty, 632-2410. _____________ ... 2 BEDROOMS. PONTIAC near Lincoln Jr. and Fisher Body. Fenr—' ryird,— carpeting.—drapes, la basonwnT ~3WTT car garage, . full dining room, owners agant 338- 3 BEDROOMS, BUILT-IN carpeted, full basemont tract, $1,500 cash, ... . payments, owner Is transferred, Htrrlngton Hills. 330-Ut9, except Sil3.8^."Tenders' | AT ROCHESTER 2-BEDROOM HOME with aluminum I siding. In axcallant condition. G« heat, carpeting, good slzod la quick possession. 412,900 cosh. 3-BEDROOM HOME on lVt acre, full basement, lerga living room with fireplace, 2-car garage, 034,450. Terms arranged. 363*703. LOVELY HOME, Drayton Area, 2-BEDROOM — Smaller ranch home, gas heat, sewer and water, Immediate possession, 410,900 cosh n the Village of Rochester lot. *29,900. 362-7700. BRICK AND ALUM., ranch, 3 ' " ms, basement, lot. $25,600, terme. .... rwp., v--------- terms. EM 3-6703. UNION LAKE, new 4-bedroom In exclusive area. Colonial, with full basement, attached garage, lVb bath, flraplact, varv lovelv. priced to sell »sn,< 3-car garage, large Ic rms. EM 3-5477. ASSUME 5Vi PER CENT rooms, 1 wall dark wood, fireplace, oak wood floors, slate entry and hearth, fan, disposal, walk-ln storage attached garage. Large back yard, patio. Exc. neighborhood. 4 blks. i. sltiSoi school. Owner ANDERSON HAGSTR0M, Realtor 4900 W. Huron MLS OR 4-0350 EVES. FE 4-7005 124 Oneldo, 3 bedroom brick and1 aluminum colonial, living room with fireplace, dining room, newj kitchen with built In dishwasher, COUNTRY RANCHER On almost 7 acras. There Is lots of living In this 3 bedroor " m ,J home. Living, room I has fireplace! family BMnPBMP has fireplace. Attached oversized double garage, lull basamant and but buildings, strdam on property. $35,000. Waterford Realty day for poootssion. Call | ... ...Jlntmont to sat this prestige home. Anderson & Associates, Inc.! 1044 Joslyn FE 4-35361 ---- FURNISHED OR unfurnished, small house, apt. or year-round cabin. Oakland University student, father responsible; Call UN 2*6" P ROOMS aHD^WWP5PP■ raMgeretor^jind ^ beet, hjrhtshad. r Wfifwu ins. 4-ROOM APARTMEHT, StOVe in- p Wanted M. or F. p Wanted M. nr F. ASSISTANT PROJECT ENGINEER DESIGNER DESIGN ENGINEER MANUFACTURING ENGINEER PROCESS AND STANDARDS ENGINEER TEST AND DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER .' *• Grow now with the WILLIAMS RESEARCH CORPORATION TEAM MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIAN SECOND 5««fT fOREMAN SECRETARY TEST AND ASSEMBLY TECHNICIAN CcrH or come in for a confidential interview. See Mr. Charles E. Bailey, Personnel Manager. WILLIAMS RESEARCH CORPORATION 2280 West Maple Road, P.O. Bqx 95, Walled Lain,. Michigan , 624-4591 ales executive WITH 3 children transferred to this area. Urgently needs large house, prefer suburban. Call comet Araa coda (312) 325-3705. I ROOMS. STOVE and furnished. PE ACTS. Sham living Quarters WANTED MAN TO SHARE ment on Cass Lk. with two young men. 335-4111, oxt, 2342 before 5, or agply Jn person ** *■' WORKING GIRL TO SHARE h with 2 of same. 334-9768. bedroom and bam. Share balance 1 to 50 HOMES, LOTS, ACR ll furniture. 83,500. 163-5477. i IOSCA COUNTY, year around home, Tawas area, completely famished, only. 34,a)0 terms — 11,500 down. EM S4703.------------- Looking for a lot? Cell 363-7700 Isk for Cliff Woods. Lots in all areas—all price ranges. Hsckttt Realty, 7750 Cooley ' 4-H REAL ESTATE UNION LAKE n~i Near "AAoray's" — 5 room bungalow, alum, siding,' huge anchor fenced yard, comer parcel, beautiful frees, VERY SHARP — INSIDE AND OUT. Price 311500 - *3000 down on land contract terms. NORTHERN HIGH AREA — 3 bedroom ranch, excellent suburban' location, close tAowif:' taxes 144 Dixie Hwy., Waterford 623-1400 AFTER I PM. 620-2678 OR 3-04515 6734372 1 BEDROOM R, drapes, alum.____ Large tot. 3634794. tAMCH, carpeting and siding, country kitch. Open Monday 3, Tuesday, 4 Friday — By Appo'—-Saturday 3, Sunday* Crestbrook MODEL. OPEN or By Appointment 3-bedroom, temlly room and 2-car garage, prlcad at only 417,490 plus lot. Located in now sub with paved straats, curb, gutter, sldowalkt and cltv water. Drive out MIQ^a GIROUX DAILY BIRMINGHAM — 3-BEDROOM, td kitchen, bath. 2Vb-car oarage. Caraatad* drapes, appliances. Large air condTunTf. Warning dlst. to schools, churches, transp. Call 642-4572. iriujA Rare Investment BLOOMFIELD ORCHARbS — 4 bedroom, IVi baths, bi-level, larg< court lot. FHA available. Owner 3334192. Beauiy Rite Hobies carpeting, IV? bathe, 2-car garage, too ft. x 113 ft. lot with trees, and Imniadlatt occupancy * MbtoiBiillii hotiw id Thurs., 4 to 8 p.m. BY OWNER - Carpeted 2 bedroo home, aluminum awnings, screei and storms, 1B0' frontage wli fenced back yard, 2 car garage, oxe, condition, lake privilege 813,900 cosh. 807-5605. White Lai Twp. Opportunity OVER- 130,000 «u, r,., o, new commercial building, 4 acre* of of land, highway frontage, leased to a Triple A Corp., excellent returns. *135,000. Terms. Acreage Investment 38 ACRES — Future zoning for apartment and town houses. OVER 100 ACRES WITH OVER 1200' of highway UltlllHMif' —srel 100' of. 12 ACRES ZONED INDUSTRIAL—with over 100' of Highway frontage. 2 ACRES CORNER PARCELS-wtth frontage on 2 highways. Zoned com- 5 ACRES ZONED MULTIPLE with high-way and river frontage. J. L. DAILY CO. j 1641 UNION LAKE RD. UNION LAKE EM 3-7114 BY OWNER *10400 fall ____ — land contract Balance «21f4J3. Vacant. 673-7109. BY OWNERS. jytvan'^HIPVI bedrooms, e x c 111 e n t condition, fireplace, new carpet. For ap-polntmant tall 682-2273. BY OWNER, WEST Bloomfield, Colonial, buttt ln 1H7, 3 bedrooms, 2v* baths, many extras, *39,500. 051-1315.________________________ BY OWNEA: GpLF Manor sub- EXTRA SPECIAL 3-bsdroom brick ranch, 1 2Wcar garage, mud room, 2 baths, pave' street, community water, Hlghlan Estates area. See this befuty tc day. FHA terms. Call Oaorg Cornell, Fowler Raalty, 3634613. BY OWNER, 3 bedroom brick aluminum, nice kitchen, attached garage, family room, fenced yard. BY OWNER, 6 rooms, dose to schools, stores, monthly pat--- 343. FE 64793. ____________ subdivision; near tha I - carpeted, CImwwi BY OWNER 2 I+6RY, 7 bedrooms, 1ft baths, can----- . -basement, recreallon room, gat heat, gl«—2 ----------» — garaga, 2 glassed In pwChT 2 lots. 116,500. IIP possession. 790-3394. BY OWNER. J Ik ylvltayo. r" Farrow—Ferndale I married? Ferndale-ranch wit ntry kitchen and big livtri in and utility plus oasemer. ^ 2'/2-car garage for 815/500 689-076Q RAY 398-7760 V* Mile West of Oxbow Leko c- pAN_6US: INC., Realtors u»^&SffBehSRW'ws large corner, fenced* lot. 22“ kitchen, 14x24 family room, 12 x 26 screened patio, leisure living with Chesterfield—Ferndale l4k# prlvi'*fle5-wifhSuT* thi.r iSJiiV £badreom > J- C. HAYDEN, Realtor aluminum bungalow with formal I EM 3-4404 10735 Highland Rd. (M-58) dining room# country kltchan, full t?«oo*npVp'u* m,ny a —689-0760 RAY 398-7760 COZY IS THE WORD FOR THIS PRETTY LITTLE HOME. 2 bedrooms, carpotod living room and dining room, 9x15r family room, 2 car garage, basement, comfy oil heel, city conveniences, north side. 417,500. Nn down Ol.’ . « IT TAKES SO LITTLE TO PURCHASE THIS BASIC- Hartland-Troy RAY 398-7760 HAPPINESS AND SPACE ---- FOR SALE •—-----------7 15 acres# 1140* on Andertonvlllt Rd., divide. *'_1® acr# ••hefront parcels L,,t' Anfl*'u*Rd-' OPEN SUN. 10 TO 4 COME ON 0UTI Brian Realty Inc. 623-0702 5904 Dixie Hwy., Wotorfard Cope Cod Colonial with ia 3 baths, fully carpotod, room with largo flraploct No got hot wotor neat. RWIBRai_ gutters, storm doors ana -. Mb prlvllogot, 9089 Cooley Lk. Rd., Nelson Bldg. Co., no , .iai IN FRANKLIN - 5-— temporary, JVt both*, t with 3 fireplaces. Bloc... schools, 3,000 sq. ft. of living oroo, plus Bear garage and 2-car carport, call for appolntmont. MA - HAVE A HOUSE to s want to buy a 2 or 3 bedro M- doolors, FE 44622. INDRYDEN---------- Capa Cod 4-bad room, don, fireplace, carpeting, shrubbery, BT * ■ “ -------------- IT'S BEAUTIFUL See this 2-bedroom colonial, beautiful landscaped lot, summer kitchen -with, sleeping quarters, garago, paved driveway, fenced yard, full basement,, gas heat, In Drayton Plains. Onlyril7,500 on termi. Call Oqorga Cornell, Fowlgr Realty, 343-9531, 3634413. IMMACULATE CONDITION Just on* block from nlco botch araa with loko privileges on Sylvan Lake. -Three bedrooms, 1 balh, basement. Kitchen remodeled with built-in stove and refrigerator, family room, drapes, curtains, and awnings. $18,500. BROOCKL- REALTORS"" Ml 4^700^ JO 4-6700 We offer for your Inspection this large 4-bedroom family homo located In tha Drayton Plains arei. Includes large screened-in porch ond 2-car garage. Some repairs . needed. Full price 310500. Terms to suit*. J. A. Taylor Agency, Inc. 7732 Highland Rd. (M59) OR 4-0336 Evas. Call 363-2457 URGE LOT 3 BEDROOMS, iVt BATHS, FAMILY TYPE KITCHEN, FULL BASEMENT. don e. McDonald BUILDER _________OR 3-2337 LAKE SHANNON AREA NORTH OP BRIGHTON Spacious custom built 3 bed roc brick ranch. Family . room, 2 ■ nemotes, 2 fall bath*. Partial walk-out basement. Per n (led walls. Besmed jceitlngs, sprinkling system, boat well, dock. Near TYrone Country Club. *49,500. "Executives Homes Dept. 476-0660 _________________453-1221 LAND CONTRACT TERMS VACANT ting ranch bedrooms ______ - - S.I. poym« CALL famqei. lordyraod isymcnts YORK FRANKLIN VILLAGE YOU’LL LIKE IT A LOT - 'cause there's a lot to llkol First, ttu ------ _ Franklin, and wot ----- echoels. The pro- REAL ESTATE Tim"bedrooms,- living roonn, din- we buy we Trade __basement. Spotlessly FE 8-7176 OR 4-0363 1702 S. Telegraph ‘ gH|| 4713 Dixie Hwy. do bettor for $36#500. BENIAMIN <& ■ BISHOP, INC. 6:30,1259 S. Woodward Birmingham . '!MI 4-3232 , JOTsTO lAKB ORION AREA. Perry Acres. Just completed end ready for op. ------icy, J bodreoms. It* baths, 2- car attached. garago, mont. J. OMM Co. UL 2-324Q r. solffc’jh pel i. near Pontiac. C P—10 THIS PONTfAC PRESS. SATURDAYS JULY 18, 1968 S||i Hnm LAKE PRIVILEGES WATERFRONT 4V Sal* Houses ESTER AREA - ROCHBST___ „„„„ ranch. Carpfflng: S Nh^ltoafior**** ' 4SU32i. 852-537S ftbMILA CONSTRUCTION Central contractor ot quality hornet at any stage ^completion. SYLVAN VILLAGE polnimant.______ MltFORD ARIA - Nice 3 bedroom home. Brick and Akim, swing In Ika school, churches and ehopplng. OC - , HOWELL Town & Country Inc. Highland Branch Otflee PHONE. 685-1585 Milford Area ___oom layout, with .attached car garage, baseboard heat, yenl bath, , carpeting. Plua I •» privileges on a ItjO' lot. Call! YORK Wl BUY W* TRAC FE $-7176 FE S-71 1782 S. Telegraph & MODEL OPEN DAILY 9-9 SUNDAY 2-8 P.M. etui luxury and ca . nod conveniences that add up "elegance w 11 h o u * trevagance" mean, more «Fruahour-Angell'' buHt -h WM That's why you can still hevejhal new home of your dt your lot for only $19,—.. ^cbrr c.‘« Lake Road today. Sales exclusively * RAY O'NEIL REALTY 3520 Pontiac Lake Road OR 4-2222 “ . MODEL HOME OPEN SAT, SUN. 1-5 - ANYTIME BY APPT. I bedroom brick trl-level with 2 car attached garage. ad temlly room. Model located «> Williams Lake Rd., I block., north of Union Lake VIUMe.- . mf--------Also We Build I bedroom trl-level with aluminum siding. lVi-car garage. 3 bedroom contemporaryranch wth IK baths. 2 car garage and full 4 bedroom' colonial with 2Vi baths, family room, formal and Informal dining areas. Basement, 2 ear L«*os°dispose of your present ho and place you In a new one l ‘ ’T C. HAYDEN, Realtor 2634684 10735 Highland Rd. (M-59) ’/S mile west of Oxbow MIDDLE STRAITS LAKE PRIVILEGE basement, formal mum. wet plaster wells, lot. Only S22.N0. COSWAY REAL ESTATE 661-0760 aw Orchard Lk. (At Commerce Rd.) SYLVAN VILLAGE 3-bedroom ranch, large living room with fireplace and gas logs, family room, Florida room, all. carpeting, 2-car_ garage, SO* lot. Only *32,500, will sell on land contract. K. L. TEMPLETON, Realtor 2239 ORCHARD LK. RD. 082-0900 Salo Houses ' HIITER OPEN SUNDAY f-TO-f 2020 PIN* LAKE RD. Thle 4-bedroom brick home With sv$ glass-tiled baths, formal dining 5105 GORDON DRIVE 5-bedroom brick rancher with I Ins, 2 ceramic flies, •atra i, fireplace, I ed JVT-Car gars Airport Ad. alum., stdlnQj^SI4,59< LOOK WE BUILD ranchers, ■mhbHPRWR lot. We CLARKSTON AREA - 5 rooms and bath, oak floors, full basement, new gat fumecer SIMM Gl terms. Call HIITER REALTY, 3792 Elll.Lk.Rd. 492-9000,- I p.m. 482-4653. OPEN SUh SAM WARWICK HAS I HOUSES 1795 WARWICK, 2 badroom brick, unfinished attic, carport, carpeting, *19,000. 1980 WARWICK, 3 bedroom brick, carport, S19.9N. Both have lake and dock privileges. 1432 GLENWOOD — 2 bedroom frame older home, small attic, good neighborhood, lako privileges. 516,000 or close offer. 682-2820 OR 602-1714 ANY TIME. SMALL FARMS — ROOM for horses end kids. Buy — Sell — Tri I with Art Daniels Realty, 1230 Milford Rd. 685-1567 or ’ Dexter-PInckney Rd. 436-4696. TRI-LEVEL ALUMINUM Sided, by Vets—8072 Timken Ray offers the starter home you In the low tax city of Warn Features Include MMHmi NEWLY LISTED SNYDER, KINNEY & BENNETT FRANKLIN VILLAGE MA «-P*0! RAY 398-7760 WILL BUILD Ranch, colonial, or trNavel — voor Plan or ours — on Vdur lot or sea our large lake jnd suburban lot selection. r C. Schuett !M,£71N Ml 6-0500 8800 Commerce Rd., Union Lake Woodward atlOVi Mile, Royal Oak Y0UNG-BILT HOMES REALLY MEANS BETTER BILT Russall Young, 334-3(30 _______S3W W. Huron St. ZERO DOWN Just closing costs on this bedroom bungalow with full best ment. All newly decorated. Owner OPEN SUNDAY 2 TIL 5 OPEN SOMETHING SPECIAL! This new listing Is HPHM —■— *— tea sparkllnk ] ixterlor thr apple pie ■nr!s lines of’.thls^pretty 3-bedroom rambler are terrific and It has only 3 birthdays. The fireplace In the freshly carpeted living room adds a cOzy note plus e 2nd for the younger set in the 16x28 lower level recreation room, Outstanding streamlined kitchen with breakfast bar and vary attractive cabinetry. 2Vi baths. Loaded with extras throughout. The heating Is gas and the attached 2-car garage adds valua. Big manicured lot overlooking Oakland Lake privileges. Dirac, tlons: Take Sashabaw north from Walton Blvd. approximately 1 mile to Fowler, right to 4315 Fowler, watch for mmImm car garage and patio. 514,750. WARREN STOUT, REALTOR <50 N. Opdyke Rd. FE S-8165 ANNETT NEW 3910 SASHABAW furniture, finished eabl i.. thermal-sealed windows, brick and; aluminum. 2 car garage, lot. $23,900. IRWIN SYLVAN VILLAGE: TrMevel: Everyone will love the kitchen with its built-in oven range, dishwasher and disposal Spacious richly carpeted Uvjni Ing b« ■ r bedri fireplace in the paneled family room. Two car garage Is attached. Many extras. Just two years old and Is priced to sail Immediately. WEST SIDE: open sat. and sun. 2 PM. TO 4 P.M. PRESTON BILT-HOMES AND REALTY 673-8811 e the keynote S room home of Pontiac'* most (a 2 baths. New BUYING OR SELLING CALL JOHN K. IRWIN & SONS 313 WEST HURON — SINCE 192S FE 5-9446 Attar S p.m. FE 5-8603 NEAR NORTHSIDE For 1400 down, ot nearby schooB^aOPPE^^W churches Is yours. 3 bedrooms and basement at $12,900, FHA. Call today on this one, Its within walking distance to St. Mikas. TERRRACE Living can combine the the Rolfe H. Smith Co. Sheldon B. Smith, Realtor 344 S. TELEGRAPH RD. 338-7848 NOTHING DOWN Gl 3-bedroom' semi-bungalow, ne redecorated Inside and out.-=~ baeement,— automatic neat — i j on approximately .. ___e fenced. Garden pool, garden lights, cute playhouse plus guest . bedroom. Home hes 3 bedrooms, living room, flreplece, family room. Commerce Lake prlvllages across Iho street at $17,500. $6,000 down, $115 per month on land Robin St., right to 231 ner of Bluebird. HAROLD R. FRANKS, Realty Everett Cummings, Realtor 2583 UNION LAKE ROAD OPEN SUN. 1 TO 5 Older 1 story homo with 30 ft. llv. Ing room with HreptecerModern kitchen. Full bath and 2 bedrooms. Closed In porch on skies. Part baseemnt, hot air furnace. Dock Or. Off Anderaonvllle Rd. OPEN SUNDAY July 14, 2-5 p.m. 3-bedroom home with 2 fireplaces. Includes .carpeting, drapes, stove, yofrlgaitor. reduced for wM K-71S1 ' BACKUS REALTY family room with fireplace, large 6565 Dixie Hwy., Clarkston. 625-S«7 or B9»*»87. WeOUCEP FOR. QUIcQaieT . acym wm take. er«kNha many extras. Country Club a ■ : taMmmir™ _ Russell—Pontiac K 3-bedroom bungalow, large OPEN SUN., 1-5 P.M. paneled recreation room with bar, attached 2Vi car garage on large fenced-ln lot. Full price S19.9ML Trades accepted. ’7 Dir: Wllllami Lake Rd. to Maceday Dr. to 6457. SUN., 1-5 P.M. Waterford Village BRICK RANCH, conveniently Your Host: John Dyer ’ help with e guaranteed trade. Dir: Drive out Airport Rd., to Southward — follow OPEN SUN.., 1-5 P.M. ceramic baths with colored fixtures, indirect light In HMtedar''— separate din-sliding glass large kitchen, I no area WIIPBNVIP4II. srpeted living roor and hall, oak floors'^W bedrooms, double glass windows and marble sills, full *“*“■*“■■* completely Rd., left to Gordon- $450 DOWN PLUS CLOSING COSTS — will move you In this well kept 6 room home, |ust North of Pontiac,. Has gas heat, full basement and garage on large lot. Full price only 814,500. CROSS REALTY . AND INVESTMENT CO. Specializing in Income properfy OR 4-3105 GILES COMMERCIAL i, plus bump shop, •*— «- beck. Five I contract. MHiRt S3500 down, and $.„ W month. Call tor particulars.. TWO-BEDROOM pUNGALOW Claude McGruder Realtor „sldwin , FE 1_____ Multiple Listing Service Open 9-9MLS Oakland Lake Front Lot with 100 ft.'drontege, 200 ft. deep, sandy beach on thli desirable toko. $11,500, terms. Sylvan Village [ - 2 bedroom ranch, basement, new gas furnace. Lake privileges, good lot, 2 car garage, paved, street, sewer and water. $18,500, Cherokee Hills 3 bedroom brick and alum, trl-level home In excellent condition, approx. 5 years old. LR, DR, family room with fireplace, modem kitchen, gas heat. 2 car aft. garage. In — -possession. *31,500, to 3 Bedroom Ranch Spacious homo with attached garage plus carport having panoramic view of r'~‘--|iB4*kb Approx. 4 acres, la* swimming pool and are only a tew of th< features. $604)00, terr WILL TRADE REALTORS 28 E. Huron St. Office Open Evenings & Sunday 1-4 in Evenings 8, S 338-0466 FE 5-8183 MADISON JR. HIGH Three bedroom bungalow, largo living room, kitchen with eating Hfi|| m Oath, oil hoot. Just BRICK Ranch with three bedrooms, gleaming hardwood floors, tils bath, full basement with — Story end one halt frame. Two bedrooms down partially finished upper. Nice living room, kitchen with dinette, hardwooqjeeilljte Full basement with g Corner lot. VACANT. WEST SIDE Lovely four bedroom brick homo located on two landscaped leOg Bath end one half, flrepli .. . ...---------- Besut we ill for an appointment. Eves. Call Mr. Castelll FE 2-7273 Nicholie & Harger Co. 53Vi W. Huron St.________FE 5-8183 Horses Too Ranch. Brick and fleldstone exterior with 3 very I----IH--------- -Ireplr— - *— ” facilities end beautiful bar. ALSO very nice guest house ALSO 5 Acres With large swimming pool Fed by artesian well ALSO Barns, stebles, stall, paddock, etc. tor your horses. Only 12 miles west on Pontiac In Union Lako area. IF YOU WANT SOMETHING. NICE, THIS "IS IT. You can buy on terms or wt'll discuss thr trado-in of your present homo. C. Schuett EM 3-7188 BOO Commerce Rd._Union Leki BRIAN'S BUYS JUST LIKE A WALNUT Herd as nails on tlw outside but t sweet It Is on the Inside. These brick ranchers ere In great Mte| and very herd to flak----- the Clarkston area, — __--------- 1 edrooms, lVi baths,, large __rJ*d living room, family room. attached 1 car garage, situated on a Vi acre comer lot with lots of shade. This home has lets to otter on today's market. I, especially IS THIS THE ONE YOU OVERLOOKED? 3 bedrooms, full basement, lVi car garage, aluminum siding, paved street! Perk nearby.toF klddl— -—1 pt $15,500 with 81,550 down TED'S Trading OPEN 3461 ARDRETH pFEM Sunday u very eh tractive 3 bedroom ranch noma, lull basement with a lovely recreation mom, attached breszsway end Tear garage, patio, mo#**exciting-home -M'm w wS. DanT miss this Ofw. DlRtCTIONS: M-» to right at Airport Rd. to Y7>h] At WHTlima Lake Rd. to right ef Ardrefh. ''Peto17 Groenendal Is -yeuy hosl tor toe ttoy. -- :OPEN 3447 ARDRETH , J OPEN SUNDAY 2-5. Lovely 3 b^room ranch with lovely enclosed patio, attached garage, paved drive, finished basement with ftreptoso. large Bvlhg room also with fireplace. Fenced yard, lake privileges, ekcelTent area. Completely carpeted. DIRRC-TlQNll M-59 to right et Airport to right to williams Lake Rd. to right et Ardreth. w OPEN 100 CHEROKEE OPEN SUNDAY M. Excellent location. A homo that hot boon kept and you will want to continue •°.. keep In Immaculate condition, fu.11, basement, garage, large shaped lot, family room, now modern kitchen, lame living room with fireplace, f full baths, large PRESTON BILT-HOMES AND REALTY ..««?... • Howard T. Keating Co. Franklin Village Area 3 bedroom ranch, 2 full belt oil bullt-lns, ample store space, large tot, huge Ratio < family room, Bloomfield school 114400. Morris & Colony Lake I badroom bungalow, fireplace ... living room, 1 car garage, porch with now aluminum awnings, carpels end drapes, house may be sold With only 2 Iota or all 9 lots for $19,900. New Colonials bedrooms, ti illt-ln Kite 3L om *8,000. wafer, g baautifol building sitas. Meadow Lake Farms One acre alto, beautiful meti trees^ large ravine end slree OPEN 86 AV0NW0OD OPEN SUNDAY 14. 3 bedroom brick ranch home with large fern- garage, main floor laundry room, incinerator, dlshmaster, sliding glass doors to patio, large w< landscaped. lot. paved street et.. drive, newly decorated. Ctose to Oakland University, DIRECTIONS: E. on Walton Blvd. approximately 1 mile beyond Adams Rd., right on Avonwood. Dora Tompkfne to your hostess. OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 CASS LAKE CANAL FRONT Land contract terms, 4-rooir bungalow In W. Bloomfield payments, only $94 per month, carpeting, living room drapes, located on canal to Cass Lake aluminum and tfuco' siding aluminum screens, hirdwoot floors, and paneled wells, full price *10.750. HOUSE-O-PLENTY AAANY, MANY EXTRAS IN THIS 4-bedroom blrck and aluminum colonial home. Some of which Includes a gas Incinerator, electric dish washer, underground eprlnkl-Ing system, state foyer, r—*-■-sills, gas lomp, garage opener, patio fireplace, oven and range. Full basement, 2Vi baths, 2Vi-car garage. Excellent buy. Let's trade. LAKE FRONT RANCH Lovely lake front ranch home, large living room with fireplace, "-inge, 3 forgo ........JlSeT formal dining room, largo Ion, 2 Mocks from ■ 3 fo be completed within i from $41,980 to $il,910. i large scenery. , Green Acres Sale H eases TIMES ALMOST AN ACRE tor newlyweds or railrssi Inum sided renD< with I bedrooms, u n rl n 11 h a (. fwsTdis l&a 4 BEDROOM ge* .heel. Meetored we IIX carpeting, full basement, attached 2 car garage end the KENT to 1014 CLEAN 3-BEDROOM HOME ~ .... new nrooting, Gas Mat. Fenced yard wltn cherry flee* end variety of berrfee end flowers, also nice garden. All this end More tor (12.000 with form*. LAKE PRIVILEGES ~ Aluminum skiing homo, 4 rooms end Mffi, New ^astumece. Largo tot and FLOYD KENTy iNC., Realtor 2200 Dixie Hwyl *t, Telegraph PE 34123 Vt*' ' FE 2-7341 yard ere to a new van lance. mt eng me In.MMo pie otter hw at ait your con- L0TUS LAKE FRONT , ^utlluMot^wItlwSeny 'hMe *---and e 3 bedroom otor featuring large sun porch, 2 car mock garaga vtow. You wan around, her tor your and a 3 i norne featuring ?nr.'x.Jh.; ............. streets from *5,700. West Bloomfield Village Several Iota to choose from, storting at $6400. All proxlmatoly one acra. -------CALL----- WEST BLOOMFIELD OFFICE 682-7700 EXCLUSIVE BLOOMFIELD ORCHARDS 2-story brlcto and aluminum tonlal, formal dining room, s-bedroom, lVi baths, new wail to wall carpeting, bullt-ln dishwasher, stove, garbage disposal, 2-car attached garaga, $29,900, terms. AVON REALTY EXCLUSIVE SALES OP WEINBERGER HOMES OL 1-0222_____________682-9124 3 bedroom rancher, close to schools end shopping, paved street end drive, garage, alumlnur-• storms end screens, carpeted li. Ing room, extra cupboard spec: very neat end well kept. Full prlc SI4,900. Immediate possession. 674-2236 682-6309 McCullough agency 3 BEDROOM Like new brick ranch home In kitchen with bullt-ln SmPMMR and disposer, lVi baths — 2'/i car garage and lake privileges. $26,900. FHA terms. BEDROOM "BUNGALOW - In Drayton. Full basement. Gas heat. lO'xlS' kitchen, hardwood floors, nicely shaded yard — Gl terms. $12,000. Vacant. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, JULY 14 2-5 P.M, 2901 MIDDLE BELT PONTIAC Bet. Long Lk. Rd. 8, Sq. Lk. Rd. otters the "plus" features of a large living room with fireplace, separate library, patio, enclosed porch, summer kltcMn, "ree" room, sprinkling system. Carpeting 8> drapes Included at $64,900. COME OUT AND SEE THIS ONE. WE HAVE MANY LAKE FRONT AND LAKE PRIVILEGE HOMES TO CHOOSE FROM. WHETHER YOU NEED THE "STARTER" HOME OR THE "LARGE, FAMILY" SIZE, CALL OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY MAX BROOCK 4139 Orchard Lake Rd. At Pontiac Trail MA 64000 4444890 ARRO tell the flock house and lot And let Arrp find e buyer! ELIZABETH LAKE FRONT 1 bedroom brick ranch, oak floors, plastered walls, plenty of closets Tncludlng>cedar closet. US ■—•'*'---------h Overlooking toM Call Brian ft Selling or Bu Brian Realty Inc. ring 623-0702 OWWHWi atotearde galore. Gas heat, i car attached garage with summer kitchen. Shade trees, .mice send beech, *37,500. Term*. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 3 bedroom ranch with 22W living roam, ptoitored wells, oil heat, storms and screens, carport.’ Lot 120x120 — pertly fenced. Priced at 113,900. CLOSE AT 5 SAT, . OPEN s£|N. 2 5 PHONE: 682-221V 5132 Cass-EluabaHi Road .3 REALTOR OPEN Dally 9-9 AVON CALLING ALL BUYERS 4 DESIRABLE AREAS BEAUTIFUL FRONT On exclusive Loon Lake, 321. Shawnee Lena. 3-bedroom ranch, ell bullt-lns, modern, 2 full baths. Walkout basement to lake. Drapes, csrpatlngTncludad. Brick barbecue. Many exclusive features. Must be seen to be appreciated.- $47,000. 538 N. PINE GROVE Unbelievable value at $14,9N. ELIZABETH LAKE ESTATES 3*bedroom tri-level/ a I u m I n i— siding, large kltcnan and dining arear-complata-^arpatliM In j|j|g| room and badrooms, la- KINZLER, Realtor 5219 Dixie Hwy. 623-0335 Across from Peckers Store Multiple Listing Service 8:30-1:30 JACK FRUSHOUR REALTOR WE TRADE BRICK HOME PLUS ACREAGE THIS HOME HAS an extra large living and dining room, big kitchen and 2 bedrooms. If has a basement, garage and most of all It's on 10 acres of beautiful rolling land. It thto to something like you really want jj||||jfliM I let i show you hew LAKE FRONT HOME but lust can't afford It, then check Jhls^or* jjj|— • out. It has 2 roonTw'lth fireplace, nice' lot on Big Lake. It's one of the best fishing lakes In the county. The foil price on this lake front beauty'jdto^Bli Gl OR FHA NO MONEY DOWN on Gl or $300 down on FHA moves you Into this neat 3 bedroom home In Pontiac. It has a basement and plenty of room. At only $0700. This one won't last long — call today for an appointment. WARDEN EXECUTIVE LAKE FRONT NEAR MILFORD LAND CONTRACT Terms With only $3500 down and ncan be the proud owner of a ledroom trl-level on a quiet lake In Waterford, Tr-home fealuret ef— Me living i irpeflm i- lovely 4sees' In am end family •tteched refrigerator. Will Went tO an thto right away eo cell now. WHEN .YOU SEEK OUR SERVICE YOU "JOIN THE MARCH TO TIMES" Times Realty 5090 DIXIE HIGHWAY 123-0600 REALTOR Open 9-9 Dally OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 Move In today! Lake front. Sett, sandy beech. 2 bedroom pSe -e-anm-i Flreplece. Can ___I Ggreti'p a furniture. Full price 115,900, Vacant 100* lake front, 3 bedrooms. 26' Ing room with fireplace. Mod. .. kitchen. Garage. I pi m a d I a t a Oxford trick and nearooms. Bull, pai Larga beautifully It Union Lake area drnom. Full basement. Lerga 133 t KINZLER BIG FAMILY HOME In Pontlac-Watklna Estates. Al brick ranch with attached 2-cai garage. Custom built by an ex acting owner. Has I e d g a r o c I fireplace In living room, term sin kitchen and finished racreetlai. room. To Include plush carpeting Small Farm 400 ft. on road. Larga H-- RH — ranch plus 2 car anacMd garage. Family room with fireplace. Priced; under the market at 021,900. $5500 For thto Ideal retirement he_ . rooms. Lake privileges. Highland area. _____Lake Privileges Large wooded lot. 2 possible bedrooms. Garage, In vtow ot tek< Full price *15,900. Terms. Waterfronts 3 bedrooms. Walk-oi 49 S«l* Houses OPEN SUN. 2-5 JOHNSQN listing ot 3 Metro Ti -A-otam dining room. All carpeted also. 2 full pains, t oown and 1 up. Large basement with sliding glass door to rear yard. 75'xJOO' yard, eo there Is plenty et room tor e garden. Full price ot thto home la 122,500. 3921 Pontiac Lake Rf -- Scott Lk. Rd. end M-99. THIS LOVELY 3 BEDROOM BRICK ranch HOME, Is located in Pen-tlec-Watklns , Estates. Large darpeied living room wtTh fireplace. Ceramic tlto, bath Finished rec. room In baiemenL with. bar. Oil hot water halt. 2V» car attached garagq. Lovely West on Pontiac Lake Rd. from Telegraph to Orchid, right — Orchid to property. JOHNSON 1074 S. Telegraph PC 4-2 VON* Way Above Average This house Is lor the eorlque heme buyer, who Is MNP lor •amethlne out ot the ordinary. 4 large bedrooms. Lavaly living roam. Formal dining roam, Kitchen ha* Ne^togulh-ln* |j| —T •• T-“S, Firop UH Buy Now-Enjoy Foreverl This lovely 3 bedroom bNck ranch to Mom's dream house. Lowly sunken living room with carpeting and drapes. Specious kitchen with formica counter top. pluejtreekteat room. lVt ceramic Alt: Baths. Lovely 15x39 recrsstlon room with flroplaca In baseman). Gas heat. 2 V, ear attached garage. Call to- Thousands of people $*• our display in the Pontiac. Mall ovory day. That's why wo guarantee the sol# of your homo. For a fast salo coma in and so*— VON REALTY REALTOR IN THE MALL MLS Room 110 602-5002, If no answer, FE 4-170$ basements. Full Starting price i ______ ______ Eves, and Sui phone Mr. Kreher, 401-0091. WALLED LAKE AREA Choice 3 bedroom ranch horns on *' on paved road, city water Lauinger 674-0319 VA-FHA 674-0310 T53T Williams Lake Rd. et M-S9 Delightful ____________________ family home — all In excellent condition end colorfully decorated. |it family rawn, 1 good FARM H0ME-2 A', Just what many have-been w_. .... for. Authentic and solid I room; Parly American—needs renovatlr-1 decorating. Medium size bar OPEN SUN. 2-5 4265 ORCHID Large aluminum- sided ranch bungalow featuring 3 bedre large family room, ceramic .... bath, ell rooms carpeted, 2 finished rooms, plus a utility-- lached 2-car ■ to Fenlc out M-59 ght to P-1 block ^ OPEN Sunday 2-5 2642 LITTLETELL Brick ranch type bungalow with 1V5 baths, carport. Nicely landscaped corner tot with lighted planter end many other extras. Orchard Lake Rd. to Mtddlebelt Rd., left to Square Lake Rd., right to St. Joseph, right 1 block to Ltt-tletoll and left to properly. GEORGE IRWIN, REALTOR MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE llMMMililEtoiiitttoMm^FE-3-7181 298 W. Walton LAZENBY WEST SUBURBAN This beautiful aluminum sided ranch home has many extras. Large 12 x 26 ft. living room and separate dlqlng room era newly carpeted. Bedrooms have gleaming oak floors, /lovely kitchen with bullt-ln oven and range, ivy ceramic tile baths, 2<» —- price with any In the Hammonq jMPVHHVSSWV slve rooms in all, completely carpeted throughout, between the living room and family room, formal dtoing room pius an unbelievable kltchan, 11x18, complete with buHHna: 2 Nil baths, 2-car atteched gerege and over Vi aero lot. Your hostess: Pauline Garner. DIRECTIONS: Telegraph or, Middle Balt to Square Lakt Rd. OPEN-MODEL HOME-WORKING MAN'S P0CKETB00K This building Job should fit nicely Into youf Budget. $16,700 on yiwr tot .will, buy this Alwnlnum shlad .ranch liomo 27V«36 oh foundation you'll have to see to appreciate. „ Yo out M-59,go 3 miles West of Milton) R OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY 12-6 Call for Information OR 4-0324 LUXURIOUS AND COMFORTABLE LAKE-FRONT: 90* ot frontage on Watkins Lakt, locates this beautiful colonial home With 4 bedrooms, massive carpeted living room 15*x21Wr with natural brick ffraplact, I2'x20* glassed-in parch overlooking lining ra Li----------garig. oak fleers, plastered walls,- separate dining room, gee heat, rate water system tor lawn end utilities, t-car attached < with loft storage. Anchor fencing and MEfit abode trees. SHINY NEW PENNY: Describes ------------------------ it *2'x!38'. Near community a 2536 Dixie Hwy.—Multiple Listing SorVico-6740324 O'NEIL WHY NbT TRADE? OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 P.M. 2849 LANDSDOWNE WILLIAMS LAKE FRONT 2 car garaga, 2 full baths, $ — 5f lake If — -* “ — > speedy sale at ims Lake Road, #10-27 OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 P.M. 9380 BUCKINGHAM GET SET FOR SUMMER ENJOYMENT This house Is Ilka new, built in 1944. 3 bed- . canal to Pontiac Lake. New wall to wall carpeting and hall, bullt-ln oven and range. Attractive family garage and fenced yard. ----------. —^— v.. slon 30 dr— -- —— Attractive u ...___pes and curtains tnr ... ,ji excellent buy at only t right to Kingston, r“ *- Bg ill 'rfrspes and c ......... ............ Tight "to'9......... ......... Your host-NIck Backalukas. FE 5-4644. OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 P.M. 1190 FULLER When school stalls /you'll wish you owned this sharp, Ilka m... I bedroom tri-level only a few blocks from Northern HI. So Why don't you bring the family around Sunday to look It over. You'll notice the professional job of landscaping first thing, but ■“* ---- Inside, that will be the clincher. She'll want “ ' It's priced tor quick sale—so bring your deposit. Worth your time to see If, Right to Fuller. Mrs. Hamilton—334-4345. OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 P.M. 4902 SUNDEW ENJOY COUNTRY ATMOSPHERE just fourteen miles west of Pontiac. Lovely tl iirihciuded. Gas’ heat UeuWully' _ _____I____I " assume the present mortgage. ' Conventional eke privileges. Commerce Reed through Rood, right onto Sundew. Mrs. Green— #1-11 financing available. Commerce onto Sleeth OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 P.M. 311 E. LIVINGSTON BEAUTIFUL TREES-MAPLES AND PINES An updated farm home, 7 spacious rooms, big living room 22*xl5f or 4 bedrooms, partial basement. Hot water baseboard heat. B Included, ample room tor 2 cars and a work shop, end storage, dandy location approximately 15 miles west of Pontiac. Will sell ... Land Contract, *4,000 down. Total price $19,900 or trade. Drive west on M-59 left onto MIHord Rood lust past the viaduct. Follow signs to property. 311 E. Livingston. Your hosf-AI Graham. #7-31 ARE YOU LOOKING FOR THE UNUSUAL? estate (15 acres) If oft the the Sashabaw Road and winding private drive oft the highway to me irom ooor. mgn roiling ---1. ----------view from every window. Over reproduction cost. CARROLL LAKE PRIVILEGES A really charming 3 bedroom alunt. ranch with e brick front. Big country kitchen cohnects to family room. Full bath plus Vi bath oft Al?s,V~.bS5.r00??.:.. Huge 3-car garage; big lot all fenced. Full price only $22,500. Will consider trading. 441-24 IMAGINE A 2 STORY ALUM. sided-tons on e.nlcejy. landscaped Corner lot-west side location— ;rtquJc.Lsial*. .^vantage of his loss, which Is your gain and act quickly. Financing can easily be arranged. Trade considered. #1-0 CHEAPER THAN RENT Entoy Elizabeth Lake swimming and boating and • cozy, fireplace & JSi* iBare year 'round one bedroom home with gas heat tor only *9,950 and $15 t month payments. Ideal tor a bachelor or retiree. NEW MODELS AT WESTRIDGE OF WATERFORD. North on Dixie (U S. 10) to Our Lady of the Lakes Church, left on Ledgestone, right onto Conne Mara. FOX BAY, West on Elizabeth Lake Road. RANCH MODEL at 1052 N. Cass Lake Road. OPEN DAILY 9-9. Will Duplicate on your lot. ALL MODELS SHOWN AT YOUR CONVENIENCE. CALL TODAY FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT. , LIST WlfH O'NEIL REALTY For 3 Good Reasons We Think Our Sense of Values Our iw ef Good Prospects And Our Tireless Efforts Will Make You Glad You Called RAY O'NEIL REALTY ? 3520 Pontiac Lake Road Office Open Sun. 1-4 P M. OR 4-2222 334-8576 THE PONT] AC PKlKSSr SATtTRPA¥rJ^fe¥^:13T-m8 D—n sm ij SUNDAY 1-5 3389 CHALICE I 3 bedroom haute lew then 5 yon oW. Met e Ah per cent Intereit mortgage on property. Extra large lot lanced and landscaped. Donr mt»» this bargain open Tor your r — Induction. Directions: 1 Baldwin to Maybee to 5P? CKlIUtt. Judeh-HjWa.S MY 1-3021, FE 0 9693 OPEN 3586 MINTON ow^lmN«hnraghmit? counlrva^t •Rli,r555lL.br,e,t rwch*r «. MOUSE, you mutt tea It lo appreciate» "Tha^,^ 7Vi-eer Termed to MtyUTd., right to 0rl^TO1?,pWldU,N?iJf & RtoS!. " ■mlly rdom, fireplace. "TIW EVERYTHING right I Baldwin Ave. OPEN 22Q W. LONGFELLOW T_h_t chlidr.n c,„ Wal(i to tchool and you can walk to wort OPEN ‘4101 LEDGESTONE OUR LADY OP LAKES It the are hat over MOO tg. ft. ol living ipl parquet floort, lVi baths, hot-wotor with bait of tarmi. Dixit Hwy. to l, Spaclou tat, sVi-car d patio oi tarty, Ye OPEN 2770 WABUM oarage ^fenced you can afford. Real nice 1 bedroom rancher with IVKar ■j*1.?”?: -v.*ra_.?™ fP_ ”• wyater front age. Scenic lake view, refrigerator and ttovt plot wan to Lake 57T r?oht to Gate Rd'tofi S! w?tL2?wE:!?ifr-,h prl5*' *>£ SliLE RIGHT NOWI M-Sf Laxe ko„ rignt to Gan Rd., left to Wabom, left to proparty. Your holt—Ron Strlne. ■ OPEN 2344 ANDERS PU/$H1t THE WORD tor mil ] bedroom split™ Will^ Wif ctrpttlnfl, IVk baths, firtplacc. bar-b-a, built-in ■nd JpoJ center. Glass doorwall leads to outikte patio, and ttera'- -ara looking for loroefhlng really PLUSH you had tetter taioeeti Sltvar Lake Rd., right to Walton Blvd., left to I ronton, right fo Am OPEN x . SUNDAY 2-5 - THE LIVIN' IS EASY For tha famHy that chooses this handsome lake frdrtf tench home In beautiful Twin Lakes village. Tnifde you'll find 3 spacious bedrooms, ive ctrOmlc tiled baths. full basement, large tomlly room and a beautiful natural flroplaca. extras Include udlshwashOr, disposal, Incinerator, r carpeting and* drapes. Outside K quick to notice the beautiful scaping and lov4ly beech off T Tull Lsktplus the large }vy-cer attached garage. Full price tor this lovely homo Is $33,000. To see it takg “ “ —■• -* Lake to DAN MATTINGLY AGENCY Office Model I 602-9000 OR 43560 OPEN 172*226 HURONDALE YOUR tHOICE: 2 custom carpeting, IVk and 3 cerami your cholco. Two lovaly h (2 blocks post Williams Lo YOUR. CkOICii-I custom-built brick ronch homos. Both havo _________________ nlc-tllsd baths, largo landscaped tots and Toko privileges. ~in.p. M targoto prices and Mist ot terms, Elizabeth Lake I • >. right to property. Your host—Marshall McIntosh. OPEN 2697 LITTLETELL SXAN LAKE PRIVILEGES are Included with this 4 bedroom brick rone___________ ________ 8 _ P*®*1* 1°* 2® cl*Y sowars, lVi baths, carpeting, drapes, gas hoot and aluminum stormi lust s tow of the plus-tooturas to bo found In this oxcaltont tamllyhome. Price* to- -- — waltl Orchard Lake Rd. to ........3 Situated on ■ large . ---- ---- jlumlnum stormi art d In this axcellant family home. Priced to SELL NOWI So don't Wilson, left to Littleton, left to property. Your hostess—Cindy OPEN 6060 HACKETT surrounds this 3 hi n Waterford. An oversized lot, fenced a *----- Formal dining room, carpeting, < children. Priced -right with bost I with sprinkling system, -ipas and garage. A rapt terms, M-J9 to Airpart OPEN 1701 BEVERLY SYLVAN-VILLAGE—THE HIGH DEMAND AREA __________ fireplace, spacious living room and attached, *eor garage. Situated on a corner lot on Sylvan Lake. Drive out and inspect this — —"■ |-- , right to property. Your host—Allan Olson. high d .... Situs tei II ba glad yi Orchard Lake Rd. a privileges to Beverly. OPEN 95 SUMMfF BUY1 WITH YOUR HEA- ....... home Is Indeed a bargain. Paneled - fc—*:-|ng^room,-------- .............. .... ____, remodeled oom es well as s finished rec. room In the I garage ora a tow more of the many features Osltli—1 down. Oakland Avo. to Summit, north to p al stylo I nni uesompnt. a found. Priced Your host—Max OPEN 840 SC0TTW00D YOUR WIFE AND YOUR WALLET will both bo happy for this 6 room honte In 1 . ...---dining room, full basement, now gas furnace and garage. All this Is loss to schools, shopping and priced to soli fast on FHA terms. North arty. Your host—Grady Smith. located on a beautifully psrry St. to Scottwood, OPEN 1156 CHERRYLAWN YOUR FAMILY PLUS this vtavLsIdod ranch homo wl extra targe family room,'basement, 2-car garage and living with all city conveniences. Can be purchased on to Cnerrylswn, right to proparty. Your host—Ed. Krlst. I tot all moke for comfortable OPEN 4151 LAKEWOOD WATKINS LAKE FRONX-second kitchen In the low Over 130 ft. of summer. — ' vsnDom. for lake living. Complete ................ ...... _ — _______ ___,---- —. my—i garage arwt air-conditioned. T. of lake frontage and you can havo possession In time to enjoy oil those deluxe extras this Dixie Hwy. to Watkins Lake Hd., toft to Lakewood, right to property. Your hostess—Wanda OPEN 2252 ELLERY WILLIAMS LAKE privileges an Included with this vary naat 2 lx and fenced lot ora a tow of the plus Items to be found. Just perfect noma or renremem home and priced to sell on Land Contract forms with NO MORTG M-59 to Airport Rd., right to Hatchery Rd., left to Ellery, toft to property. Your host- “| homo. Carpeting, now furnace, nerfect tor a starter IORTGAGE COSTS. —Frank Bonner. OPEN 194 CHIPPEWA YOU CAN HAVE POSSESSION In time to bo settled for school, In this lovely 3 bedroom Colonial bora In Seminole Mills. One of the newer homos, there is a finished recreation room, .formM dining Iff baths, fireplace, TV room overlooking a largo landscaped lot, and a garage. Price reduced to tor quick Sato. W. Huron St. to Chippewa, south to property. Your hostoss—Leona Hunt. OPEN 2023 ADDALEEN DR. PARADISE! Is this tremendous 9 room quad-level with now carpeting, sunken tub 2Vi baths, 2Wcer attached garage-and many mora deluxe features. Situated on 1W w lake frontage on a beautiful lake. M-59 to Hickory Ridge Rd.. right to Dunham Rd., I right to property. Your host—Bill Jamnick, l master bath, idad acres and ft to Addalatn, OPEN 3632 JACKSON BLVD. WHITE LAKE FRONT—Four bedrooms, jvi baths, full porch and living-^n’JJ*j£8,*jng1Jh2(rl 7ackson> — Call 624-1631. 12 - M ^ LAKi Ibti. j R*°nable. 625-5618. _ 1J SE PARATE LOTSp SO'xl^, liWtufte 412 W. HURON ST. 334-4526 South o 673-506°j acre, f- Ms***',uM ■*'iROV^FR - 'ith SCHRAM 1 L V_* 1 l_ll L! 'Ur furtltor Intormotlon and prlc. OPEN • PAndan.c.o* Call for Information 4-lj REAL List With SCHRAM and Coll the Van OPEN EVES. AND SUN. ' .... JOSLYN AVE. FE 5-94711 REALTOR MLS1 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION privileges ond^tust 2 milM to 1-75. with easy driving to Pontiac and Flint. ; ^ PONTIAC FE 1-7161 977 S. TELEGRAPH RD. ROCHESTER ^ 1-9518 S. ROCHESTER RD. ORiON-OXFORD "IT'S TRADING TIME" MLS OPEN / SUNDAYS P.M. OUR OFFICE WILL BE OPEN SUNDAY FROM 2-5 P.M. 2358 FERNDALE SYLVAN VILLAGE BI-LEVEL Beautiful brick and cedar com...... bedrooms, attached, two-car garage, - — ** *imHy--------- ..... „!■ XIIIX. lV 20 ft. trery built In 1967. Has tour ...... brick flroplaca In tbs living Has sll sesled-glass windows and ----^ ,rom dining room to _._.jyp^toWRP4IMft|IIPeM tv antsnna. Located «n Lake canal only o tow foot from the lake. slits,' lVb baths, Ihsrmo-slldtng '*9HEEESU "‘^jffiJlCK ...... _____ ..... .. Pontiac property. YOUR HOST: Leo 3284 SCHOOLHOUSE DRIVE SCHOOLHOUSE LAKE Can be entered by ths canal which OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO 5 416 MUSK0KA Like new, built In 1967 Loke privilege tot lOO'xlJO’ corner lot 3 bedroom rancher Aluminum siding Dir: Cooley Lk. Rd. to Bogle L Rd., toft I block to Muskoka, It to property. Watch for signs. Your Host: Don Outright OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO 5 ----2430 tlTCHFJELD-- DRAYTON WOODS $26,900 TERMS Now 3 bedroom homo Carpeted -master bdrm. Sunken living room Family style kitchen I Sat. 6c Sun. 2-5 tr- ‘ Holly-Fenton Area Sharp lokefrant homo. Enloy step saving cooking In this handy ' kitchen with built-lns .and snack bar. Hugo family room. Stone i. Contact: oak Land. Grsi Ph. 6U-342-M26. and seclusion. LIQUIDATION SALIf $100 Down RIVER FRONTAGE |ACRES has frees, rc_____ ___ _________ Oxford schools. Of farad at 810,000. 35 acras - on Morgan Rd., Orion of 1-75 W. of Baldwin. $8',500. GREEN ACRES ipaar Rd. 0 ACRES NEAR Laha J - —---------Twp., 81100 tar acra. 335-9883.___________ , 10 OR 40 ACRES IN L_r * *- - j. Mostly grBi _ _____! tldga Rd., norm on fickory Rd. to Tipslco Trail, left on Tipslco Trail and follow signs to 7912 Tipslco Trail. t DIFFERENT! If you're tha kind that looks for imething different mr 1______IHIR________Hi ......A. A. A. Schrlber, Brown CL j fV, Michigan. 48416. Phone 313-346-Otcaotel 2272.**_______ ^°^|*4SChcw|T— Trade*forSan^toniriKt! SI hou“ „, REAL ESTATE 0 724 Rlkar Bldg. FE 4-5181 MUSKEGON^ RtVER" OS' Irontage on 1 mile South ot 10 Highway bofw— Rood City, West quldotlen. Price Ol down, 120 monthly Evort. 1 Evs- and Sundays___________6S2-2073 "" 18 ACRES MORE OR loss, 10 miles N. of Lapaer Michigan off ot M 16 ... .....|, $5,500. terms ** Clare and _6360. __ n ba arranged, 693- thon, you'll Rood City, 4 miles West ol ----- Price ONLY $2,405, $100 down, S23, spllt. RKhMter irw MUsVloON RIVER - Oscsola, 8468 Dutton. --------------- -Ml0O 7t."'dtol!ctlyTr« Stto'eto! “X '70 FT- w,'*r ’ Muskegon River, located 1 mile I *3'000 ... ---- - „ South of US-10 Hlghwoy between I flowing stream. The cabin Is lull Clare and Rood City, 6M of charm and comas complete with v/est of Evarf 2 stone fireplaces, modem kitchen, — - want to look at this 3 bedr professionally built log cabin, i sets on 2 traa covered acras has It's own prh leUH¥ltv'Vs^mtfes! "» * brook running t Spoclof'price ONLY: ,_hrJJu®h. pr,°F*rjT- 0rlon township, down. S3! monthly. FuH prlc» *M°®- ThS room ls- torutod. Immodioto1 Mason County — "p.i possession tnd priced at lots than Raplds"r7'/t »ero tracts LAKE ORION 3 bedroom homo on corner lot.! LOU privileges. New gas furnace i -“*** Merquelti ------- . Ruby Crye|», ,b« River ,—nui. easy I ___ Branch SI River. Located Hatchary Rd.. let tracks to Soglnav signs to property. Your host: Ford Bird . to light on over railroad Troll. Follow i 72Makne I or 759-744 appointment or In-P-M Land Co.. 301 >.0. Box 365, Mlskaoon, (Area Code 616) 1• 7ur OPEN bedroom ranch with 4V, land In villogo. C ty Comm»rce_Twp., siq^00^697^55. «w-or and ges 2 car LOVELY 2 Hwy- to Silver Loke Rd., rTght to property. YOUR HOST: Dove 1 639 R0BBINANN THE FOURTH OF JULY Is over and IPs time to got serious If you wish to be settled bv the time school starts. Hers is a thru bedroom brick ranch you will find Instantly appealing because of loutton (In Water-lord Twp. and has water and sewers). Also has a full basement, tiled floor and recrutton room, a two-car garage, bullt-ln oven and range, a beautifully landscaped and fenced yard. Wa Invito your Inspection—you'll Ilka It. DIRECTIONS: West on M-59 to Cass Lake Rd.. right to Mark, loft to Robblnann, right to prop-orty. YOUR HOST; Dove Bradley._________~ " ........-- 3705 PERCY KING LARGE FAMILY SHORT OF BEDROOMS, LINE UP FOR THE BATH? Tlwn you should see this four toil b ---- ' Estati.. ........... blacktop stroats and o Capo Cod with two baths, I garage, situated ■- • -*■- 1 -1" subdlvltkr -----| i, which tostursi 0 property. YOUR HOSTESS: 578 LOWELL OVERWHELMING CHARM On FHA Terms—In addition to .the charm this home hoe every- ---- living room wtth a fireplace, thru largo bod- b - —**• *'■ -*—- »—**-- t—emont, two-car DIRECTIONS: t With a v n clout, lb baths, t : diets Howard. 7707 LOCKLIN UNION IAK& FRONT This W-level overlooks I sand beach with a dock - ,. _____ many ..... ....________.. .. two thru bad- rooms. till baths, two-car attached garage. Paneled walls, now corpsittnng. a huge stone fireplace and catnptototy fenced yar< Over 2I0O sq. ft- n#- Ihwii.Iah* ■■ MI III I ■, Itm, i Ivina. This fix OUR GUARANTEED TRADE-IN PUN IS DESIGNED FOR YOU, MR. HMEOWNlltT WITHOUT IT—YOU MUST SELL BEFORE YOU BUY-OR BUY BEFORE YOU SELL-CALL RIGHT) NOW 1071 W. HURON STREET AFTER 6 P.M. AND SUNDAY f£ 4-0921 338-1763, SUNDAY 1 TO 4 167 AVERY ELIZABETH LAKE ESTATES IVt story, 3 bedroom home, family Including stove - - * kltchu - "rlgar iraga space. XHMPmPUMPNi an appointment to see this outstanding buy at only $20,000. PEACE AND QUIET Beautiful older 3 bedroom home on acre lot In village of Hadlty. This horns In outstanding condition with i new kltchu, now bath, formal dining room, enclosed porch. Workshop, full basement. 2 car it silo other buildings, oxc. soil, id terms. Many more forms pnd 1 Clare H. Sheridan, Real Estats Peck, Michigan i road, dote t< Wm co, - —-buildings a ’ cant L.C., tan pt if frontage In Commerce Gordon SSaSK'S rr.m?»'1 ^ Williamson r, wsltr softuar, l" contract tsrmsl VV U11UU1DUU airport, and MunlilnjjjT \ ml. rf CLARKST0N VILLAGE postlSly 7ha terms. Jlr: Ellzaboth Lk. Rd. to Avert to property. Watch for signs. 517,900,, n invrTAii till I srr 3060 South Commerce CLARKSTON VILLAGE middle straits lake from oi-i You lust can't beat this home for, ferU by owner, yur around horns1 iooortuniw charm, location or price. Moke with gas hoot, full basement tiled opportunity. nDAV-rnu niAlsir r°"r •PP'- now ™ " ,nl* *n«rP eno pone DRAYTON PLAINS 3 bedroom bungalow. Located In u lake, room ranch 2-bedroom livlno the Village of Clorkston on lovoly bring u ”dlnl*nSCrum l^'counl?? Privet, strut end .with In w. Ik Ing | WfgUg. * °L^S' iSlef^to I 76 acres near Davlsburg and I-7S, parKl Jt*? . -i barn and unfinished home Included wall I STRUBLE distance to schools. This homo1 with dock end raft, aluminum features an outstanding kttclwn that storms and windows. Full price, c'i'hu has all new cupboards and $21,900. Shown by opp iced at counters, and the dishwasher is Coll 363-6713 eves, alt. 6.__________ Included. 2 bedrooms up and 1 LAKE LOTS — 20 min. from Ron-, Sewing room Ip the full tiac. Wooded and rolling homesltes, garage. S35 per month. /t last I acra parcels,”!_________ lake. Call tor datalls. wait - If EASTHAM OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 I Full price only *19, WE BUILD-TRADE ROYER REALTY, INC ■ 1 PHONE.- 628-2548 | MAIN OFFICE. 023 S. Lapeer Rd. , Oxford PHONE: 634-8204 1 Holly'Bronch________Holly Plaza Income Property--------- 50 LAKE LIVING LOTS, Commerce, ! Holly, Clorkston, Wolverine areas. 1 $1995, $20 mo.. IS min. Putlec. ! Sheldon Real Estate, 6S65 Dixie Hwy., Clorkston 625-5557 or 399- Mony mors — Coll to LOVELAND "UNDERWOOD IS Dixie Hwy. AREAS LOW TERMS 3 LOTS, Commerce area, 90x115, blacktop, water and gavraady. JlL AujJd “ **** *----*3h. ........ SUMMER WINTER FUN BiMPI... M... 1 bedroom. Neat as a PltL ytar i build on. 6580 down. tAn around homo. SI 3.300. Terms. V Leona Loveland, Realtar 2100 Cots Lake Rd. / 682-1255 BRICK DUPLEX 2 family incoma at Wlda Track ai— OP stream on property for only-$3950,: i with $395 down; balance on land; I contract. 625-5355 or SL 8-7256. GAYLORD, 3 ACRES, NEAR Otsego Lk., 110 mo. Land 0*Plnn. LI 9-6677, evenings FE M192.________________ ELIZABETH CAKE; ■e». Cell now to ou this colonial mch, built In 1964. Flagstone yer, formal dining room, kltchu1 Ith loads of cupboards, 3 drooms 1% car garage, early | morlcen decor. S22F00. Cash to tw conventional mortgage. CRIGER REALTORS LAKE FRONT LOTS/ - $7000 and LAKE PRIVILEGE. LOTS - basement, bar - 2-ciir MUST BE SEEN 17,9001 .— $2C — dgd _______REAL eSTi 1400 or OR 3-2191. 2 bedroom bungalow with largo within S miles ol Pontiac. Catt n living room, fireplace, carpeting, all new kltchu, new 26x30 garage. Situated on 4 acres, within m miles of Roscommon. Don" fuss this with o cottage. Thl modern homo. Ideal for' e ment home. NEAR HALE Modern 3 bedroom homa with1 large country kltchu and another.iv, ACRE to 4 acre parcel, prlcad to summer cottage, 4 car garage with jell. Many more to Choose from. - ----------~ that have been) calf B.C. HI ITER. REALTY, 3792 kMH"—'1 Elis. Lk. Rd. 6B-BNA oftor I p.m. 602-4653, OPEN SUNDAY M. . • H0LL0WAY--^4^ REALTY J , ROLLING COUNTRY HILLS. Our — — f iwm. is sfflK ipt. __ located on^ocktap, formerly ’ d as a rental unit for fisherman and deer hunters. Located on Smith Creek. Which Is teeming with Coho salmon. ____,...> NEAR LINCOLN ^ Large 28x32’ building. Completely GEORGE IRWIN. REALT&R MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE 290 W. Walton FE W* 111 Milford Rd. I D—12 THE PONTIAC PH’ESS, SATURDAY^ JULY 13, 1968 KEATING —"And you eon't say why, and you can't say now" "St*h • eh*™. mn you «*«>*,'•-llyji “ " You may hi and aha?. Or you may • NM may go — "(C. Doubtodfy a Co.) Delightful Horsen's Island, on tho Soaway, Sf.'Clair Rivon River Front; ichool bus; Algonec Public ond Porocblol Schools; Elementary on Island. No. mobile homos. Toko Champion's Ferry at Port O'Call Rostouront. Turn left olf Ferry, about two mile from Ferry. A good buy a 115,000.00. Also on South Channel Drives Year sroJhd two story home Aluminum siding, storms am screens; four bedroom, om down; shop and garage and neai shopping. House heated will circulating, oil space heater (llk< now), metric pump, ~T|lMl m- I, or fun to Slt.000.0 C. NELSEY, SALES AGENT . Davisburg LESTER LAKE Lake front. Wooded tot,73xM0, with small cabin and tool shed. Beautiful view. Full price $3,500 cash. 1 “mile out of Waterford on Wlndlate Dr. MOVING NORTH? Coho Country, a miles south ol Frankfurt, 52 acres on U.S. 22 with 1.500' frontage on Herring Lk. Okayed by state for a commercial park, recreation area, and " camping sites. Priced to si $42,000, small down, easy t call today. Win with Shinn R FE 0-0343.______________ lahAcnqf *1 PINE ‘LAKE privileges — loos iso' building sites. WALTER'S lake itrivltoim. WALTER'S LAKE front IttxSir alio. LAPEER — 02 acres 80 to 800 ACRES ilgan. Dairy, groin. Name your farm ---------%2 ima your MMPmpmpp n at m “Michigan **" Farm JUet 1 Coktwater, Michigan. Dele ..._ Farm Broker end Auctioneer Write or call S17-27S-M77 — doyi uuanuartars — Dean Really Co, “ nights._____ r 517/218-4137 - Sola Businoss Property 57 _____ ■ ................J. PE 2-2144. L. Smith. _ COMMERCIAL CORNBh IN'tfxford", 110 It. from ago on M-24, with of- fice — ______ ... _j garage SEMI $15,500, $1500 down. Balance lend contract. » . BACKUS FEALTY AM-7131 or________ 338-1695 sals or l Tease T space, Immediate 0 PSYCHIATRIC TREATMENT s LARGE LOTS, laka privileges; over 250* ot frontage, large lake directly across road for fishing and swimming, $2,000 ooch, *100 down. 10 ACRES, plenty of breathing room, 792' of rood and located lust norm of Ortonvlllo, $$,875, forma. backgr $2,750 SO ACRES, IS' Apple trees, $10,620, $U00 ______, ____ combines hi g I personal Income with—|-r is personal fulfillmant. If you ort In forested In: j Top Level Training. i Constant Operational Guidance. ■ unlimited Growth Markyt. par acre. Terms. TOO. ACRES, a root Investment bargain. Nsar St. Louts, Michigan. 90 acres wooded, birch, oaks and maples. 70 acres open and tlllabla. Only S105 par acre. C. PANGUS INC, Realtors OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 520 M-15 Ortonvlllo CALL COLLECT 027-2015 RHODES SAGINAW BAY. Nice lot, 32* trailer complete with water, electricity and septic. Only 2 blocks' to ths beautiful sandy beach. A real buy 10 ACRES, near Orionvllle with yards and yards of black dirt. W'" pay for Itself. Has 330' road fn tags. A real buy at $0500. BUNNYRUN. Nice 60“ homeslte wl laka privilege. Only 12/100. A: J. RHODES, REALTOR FE 0-2305 250 W. Walton FE 5-5712 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE ROYER Lots-Acreage: HORSE COUNTRY BmiWiMi Tmp pi —rolling ■ —|——- —J- 2 springs. Nlcs 000 full HfMj Idlng le I ilrsa gjjgs - .....QRTONVILLE 165x104 corner lot 'vllfefle# Ideal location for duplex. 175 U. " ------m —J -------s oft JACK FRUSHOUR REALTOR WE TRADE FHA ZONED M-l 0x550“ on Dixie H n Plains. It has 3 bedrooms, lull basement, 2 car garage. If you are Interested CALL TODAY — we will take your present home In on trade — and work out finances. ACREAGE ONE OP THE HOTTEST locations In Oakland County Is at your disposal, t? has 0 frontage ol over 50V and over 6 acres In all. It Is located on Perry Street ----Just north of Pontiac Northern. It .has city water and sewsr. CALL US tor further MOTIVATION— $40,000 OPPORTUNITY! EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY Iromondoui * buslnessl .Not OVS. ..1)1 OB'tar 4 HUhtm operation Hoar Rochester, Avon Township Could fee. veer around. Stainless stool MhfRffin? to t large unit, sxcellsnt condition. B Iscktof jwrklng, tt Insldo stools. (- BATEMAN1 COMMERCIAL Si INVESTMENT 377 S. Telegraph Rd. FE 8-9641 Wsskdeys oftor-S, Sat. 6 Sun. --_______CALL 33*3759 ' EXCEPTlbNAL 1 OPPORTUNITY (Ideal tor the Individual Or Small Company) WELL RATED ME RISER Ol ELECTRICAL RRODUCTS SOLL TO GOVT., --UTH.IT1ES, .CONTRACTORS AND THE lSARM MARKET OPFERS THE EX-C L U 11 V E DISTRIBUTORSHIP FOR THIS gREA. OPPORTUNITY IS AN ^EX- __________ HIGH INCOME OF $20 TO $30 THOUSAND PER year IF YOU CAN SHOW AI BACKGROUND OF SUCCESS IN SALES OR BUSINESS MANAGEMENT AND CAN MAKE AN IMMEDIATE INVENTORY INVESTMENT OF S4,500, WRITE GIVING RHONE NUMBER AND YOU WILL BE CONTACTED FOR A PERSONAL INTERVIEW. PONTIAC PRESS BOX C-43. Bwslittss OppgrtunitiBS 59 SALESMEN, DIALERS distributors to Introduce a i distribute jMrmblo Seune’s in 1 state of Michigan. Call 682-2300 hteUd Culrtcfa H 1 MILLION Dollars has boon Blade'ovollobla < us to purchase and assume lor contracts, mortgages or buy horns tots or scrooga ouirlgM. Wo wl give you cash tor your equity. Oi appraiser la ewemnggeur call ot McCullough realty gW"* Rd. ■ 5-$155 ____Openl vpkTttl 8 p.m. Wantsd Contracts Mtg. 60-A 1 TO 50 LAND CONTRACTS rgontly needed. See us before you •it- Warren Stout, Realtor 1450 N. Opdyko Rd. FE 5-5155 Open Eves' »tll S p.m. CARNIVAL CASH FOR LAND CONTRACTS H. J. Van welt 4540 Dixie Hwy. OR 3-1355 NEED LAND CONTRACTS, 2i_______ lUrl Garrets. MA 4-5400. FOR SALE: Gas station In booming resort area of Harrison, Mich. Pumping 150,000 yearly. Also body repair shop. Modern noma. Large metal storage bldg. $10,000 d-— plus Inventory. BLEVINS REAL ESTATE HARRISON, MICHIGAN 41525 FOR SALE, 7 LOTS In the city ot Grayling, Michigan with 50' x 34' brick building. Ideal Multi Housing set up. $21,000 end terms. Writs P.O. Box 42$, Grayling, Michigan, 49738. HALL'S' aJcTION - Orion -... • - _ Real estate — -ench home — A trucks and oqulpmen >ntary. 3 acres. Cell tor dotalli _____ ... Includes 2 opts. Full price $14,900. Soto to existing lor-contract. VACANT STORE. Lake Oakland, 70‘ _/i water. W ou . Includes 2-car garat— I ... P $9000 cash. Les Brown, Realtor 509 Ellzabtfh Lake Rd. (Across from the Moll) FE 24)552 acknowledge! motivation i industry --th Publicity Support. 34 veers of CONTINUOUS SUCCESS. SERVICES, INC. u N. DEARBORN STF" CHICAGO, ILL. 505 PHONE (312) 457-45 S. Saginaw St. 113 ft. frontage by 130 tt. de partly blacktappad. Suitable 1 any retail use. $23,200, terms. Telegraph-Huron Area 100 ft. frontage In prime comm'l location, 240 ft. deep, suitable for any retail business, drlvt-ln, etc. 2 homes, office, storage bldgs. Paved parking.Terms. Elizabeth Lake Road 202 ft. frontage by 230 ft. deep having frontage on 2 streets, directly across from Pontiac Mall. Preeenr^ement block b“" has 10,000 sq. ft. easily convei to many comm'l uses. One of — few remaining parcels In' this ares/ Terms. ANNETT INC. REALTORS 28 I. Huron St. 338-0466 ORION INDUSTRIAL > to 8 acre parcels, zoned L, »r 1-75. From $5000 per acre MOTEL LOCATED IN PttlOSky a 18 deluxe units. Beautiful view of "xceltont Opportu '* -------too imlly In Northoi _____ St tourist 8, Ski gross. Price end teri cock L5h ... ......._ gen. Lei 1437, evenings 485-7835. MOTEL 22. NICELY I Michigan d In south city. masonary construction. Exti.^^M two-bedroom living quarters. Grossing over $31,000. Asking $92,000 down. For details call or write Sid Hancock. LaNoblo Realty 1516 E. Michigan, Lansing. IV * 1537, evenings, 485-7835. right with $50,000 down. Coll writ* Donald W. Jones 513 Oak Street, Manistee. Michigan. ' ble Realty, 1516 E. Michigan. 1537, evenings, 615-723-5585._________ MOTEL - 27 DELUXE UNITS with leased restaurant. Brick construction. Largo 3-bedroom living quarters also 3-room manager; apartment. Grossing over $52,000 Good price end terms. For detail! call or write Sid Hancock. LaNobl: Really, 1516 E. Michigan, Lansing IV 2-1537, evenings 485-7835.__________ MAKE MORE $$$ Forget about long, strikes end ■ boss. We hav Station tor lease. Excellent lions available now. Your elm stations with bays or without, a small Investment will gel started In your wary own bus.—--. CALL GUS CAMPBELL, ED WHITE or LARRY TREPECK, 674-3)54._____________________ MOTEL - 10 UNITS AT Houghton Lake, Modern. Two-bedroom flying quarters, lto-car garage, large utility room. Priced right. Will consider a house of free and clear, 815,000 down. Pontiac Press Box C-|41, Pontiac. I MOTEL - 18 VERY attractive carpeted units and four apartments in County Seat City. Thumb area. Over $50,000 grots, only $70,000 Down. Call Abdrews. LaNoble Realty, 1516 E. Mlchlgor 1959 FORD WAGON I ________ cash or front ond ol 1963 Bon- nevlllo, 602-3906.__________ 1951 THUNDERBIRD, excellent condition, $500 or trade for large out-board motor. 675-2007._______ Lansli . IV 2-1637, evas. 517-553- Partridge- rrum super' chainstores Is located this General Country Store, selling Beer, Wine and SDD Package Llquc-lake area west of Pontiac. 3 bedroom apartment upstairs it property, i mtract. SPRINGFIELD fWP- 3Vi acres On Andtrsonvllle Rd. Adjjpa of new homes. Gat — **—* oily an anlng. Land contract NEAR ORTONVILLE- 14 acres of frontage on 3 modi. Beautiful building sites. Only $2,000 down on land contract. _____l___cLarkston Large building lj . Same owner 7 yea ement age now. He.. $75,000. Leasing at $200 will sell real estate Ith $5,000 down. Business tor sale LADD'S OF PONTIAC 3577 So. Lapeer_______391-3300 UNION LAKE 3500 sq. ft. Modem Masonry Com-!... ..... ... mercial building plus 600 sq. ft. I at $20,000 with ^TO^^^BUt^TNOm storage .building, 82 ft. by 700 ft. lot, {stock. For appointment ask for No. on busy tMr Pert of. JjgJIdlng u-5071-G. _ , leased, sale or lease. ~** PCRSGNAL-SEJRVICE GARAGE clear span 40JTrx~30~fL--solid III block building, gas furnace,, y sewer and water; including basic _jipment, stock ontlonal, also a 6 bedroom modern home, owner has a large clientele on7 e welting appointment. List tor your Pleasure, nirntv business tor partners, owner mwlho west and will sacrifice everything tor/only $35,000. For appointment asK torWl*512frpB. RETIREMENT SPECIAL. Highway. - toad, 2 com- ...... , ''tlielatesr of equipment, now operating only In the summer^ but could be year around, owner will sacrifice the whole bell ot wax for $22,500. Owner leaving state. This Is your golder opportunity. Ask to see pictures If our office No. 14-4767-R. ASK FOR FREE CATALOG partridge realtors 1050 West Huron, Pontiac 334-3551 |M| APARTMENTS In Pontiac in 3 buildings, ____ .and to build ten more, good area. $12,000 down on L-C. WATERFORD TWP. 5500 sq. ft. Industrial building, % * Ml WeSertord Plaza RHODES 2 COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS, Orion. Has plenty ot .Possibil- Offices, medical building, ep-pltances, restaurant, church. Call today tor details. A. J. RHODES, REALTOR FE 8-2205 ___________ML* RESTAURANT FOR SALE' or lease, ----- «d wife operation, axe. TIMES HOW WOULD You Ilka to buy a already In operation li location for les: FE 4-4813, Mr. Clark. Monoy to Loan (LIcentedjMoney LOANS S25 TO $1,000 COMMUNITY LOAN CO. E LAWRENCE BE 8-0421 LOANS $25 to $1,000 Insured Payment Pier AXTER 8. LIVINGST" Finance Co. 401 Ponttac State Bank I FE 4-1538-9 BAXTER R LIVINGSTONS Sale Household Goods 65 9x12 Linoleum Rugs $3.89 Solid Vinyl Tito ..........I---- Vinyl Aabestos tile ....... Mortgage Loans 62 FOB the PAST 42 YEARS Voss & Buckner, Inc. 209 National Bldg., Pontiac have been loaning $1,000 to $5,000 to home* owners on 1st and " " mortgages tor repairing, ran Ing, additions, consolidating •tc. Into one small monthly mant. Before you borrow on 16 PLACE SETTING Portable C Swaps WHEEL CAMPER Tent, mattress and cooking, tor 7 FE 2-1779, BEDROOM WITH FULL tiled bath and lVfc car garage. 125' front: facing Laka Hurwu^M||mg|| ontage . Will 14' RUNABOUT, 45 HORSE motor, tilt traitor for pickup truck or $500. 332-8950. ---------- INBOARD CHRIS-Crefl. irmnnwer. Trade tor camper ir 81250, 391-1555. APACHE CHIEF CAMPING trail: MU 1 ■ “'add a room" sleeps i. Will trade tor.. 16' Call" 335-9624, ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER end 1955 OLIVER TRACTOR MODEL 70, with blade, $300 or best otter. 627-3505. WANTED OLDfeR USED furniture, dishes and miscellaneous for cash. 502-2505.___________________ By Dick Turner Salt Household Goods 65 SAVE PLENTY TODAY n all I960 floor eatoptot of inges. refrigerator., washer. Little Joe's Bargain Houle «LW«!t*W BKL . SbFA, CUSTOM MADE, lll(e I ------- tradition.I, $125 -siNolR DIAL-A-MATIC zig Zig sawing machlr modern walnut cabinet - ---- design!, appliques, buttonholes etc, RepesMwaad. Pay.atl^. , T54 CASH or $6 per month payments GUARANTEED Universal Sewing Center 2515 DIXIE Hwy. FE 44»05 National Unclaimed FURNITURE id new Sofa, Mr. !• Mr*. Chairs ■ ONLY $15* 45116 Cass (Utica) 731-0^00 excellent shape. $45 ca.h, 7 70 HORSE MERCURY mo... . controls, 1955 traitor hitch, —— - frame. 673Jt95. "Do you mind stepping out ot the room a minute, Grandma? This next part is confidential!” 0. YARDS OF LIVING IT carpeting, nylon, 8100, 330-0250. 1968 DIAL-A-MATIC Brand new sewing machine left toy - sway. Originally sold $119.50. Total balance due c 03.30 or .........* *’ - National Unclaimed FURNITURE 1968 SINGER Repossession. Ztg-Zegg: designs, buttonholes, he..—J^BUF Pay small balance of 143.12 or $5 --------------------______ month, 5 year guarantee. Cell K E LVINATOR------REFRIGERATOR; credit dept. JJS-fML MM||5 MIMtff Appliance. n at Walton staves, refrigerators, and trade-in furniture bargains. ‘ Trade-In store, Bale Blvd. FE 2-5842. AIR CONDITIONER, . .......... ITU, 1 yr. old, 34" GE sto\ >xc. condition. 551-9753, ALL FLOOR SAMPLES King, Quten, full and twin sizes. Save up to 50 par cant. ORTHO MATTRESS MIRACLE MILE SHOPPING ALL WALNUT DOUBLE 8180. OR 3-0258. Sale Clothing MOTORCYCLE JACKETS, pants. helmets, 332-8079. BARGAIN BOX 455 S. Woodward Birmingham Just South of Bus Station Ml 4-4528 September store hours, Mon., Wed., Tburs., Frt., 10 to 5. Tues. 1 to 9. Closed Saturdays. _________________ Sole Household Goods 65 Vi WHAT YOU'D EXPECT TO PAY SINGER TOUCH AND SEW Slant needle gear drive, 500 series. Auto txxibln, wlr------------ needle. Ziz-zaggi., ___ _____ holes, fancy stitches, overcasts, etc. Pay smalt balance of *55.10 rash nr « month. Calf Household winds directly from kaogB, makes button- __ ■ HR.. Call cradlt- ........ pliance.____________ M WHAT YOU'D EXPECT TO PAY 3ROOMS BRAND NEW FURNITURE $297 ---~S2.MI PCI week LITTLE JOE'S BARGAIN house 1451 Baldwin at Walton, FE 2-5842 Acres of Free Parking Eves, 'til 9; Sat, 'til 6. EZ terms Hide-a-bed and i ' *. *299, E-Z TERMS HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE 457 Elizabeth Lk. Rd. ■ 335-9283 Attention Housewives Highest prices for used furnltu and appltorices. Ask tor Mr. Grant at Wyman's Furniture FE 5-1501. iTOJROOM -eUJXE. 3 dining room suites..3798 S. Blvd/E-TTWy. BRONZE OR CHROME DINETTE sale, BRAND NEW. Large and small size (round, drop-l(|MM(g| tangular) tables in 3-, 5- i --‘s, 824.95 up. BED, RUGS, 5 CC,... lurnlturo. Must be « . fe rooms of I this week. Westbrook, off Joslyn. National Unclaimed FURNITURE , l complete set i cost of the equipment? may have lust what you ore looking for. This opportunity also has excellent lease arrangement! end the building and equipment may be moved to the lot of you: choice upon expiration. C*H fat Refrigerator, $20- Studio couch, $10. Bunkbods, $30. 5 rooms furniture must be sold 9 *- ' 579 Westbrook, off Joslyn.__________ 2 STOVES, $30 and $30. 1 refriger; be moved ----ft upon exr7 further particulars. WHEN YOU &EK OUR SERVICE 'JOIN THE MARCH TO -TIMES' YOU H..... LARCH Times Realty .P'S!? HlttHWAY^ 423-0500 — Reeitor Yorks Special Of The Week Clarkston Area end White TV, 3 PIECE CIRCULAR sectional sofa (made to order) like new. $285. Wurlltzer upright a small Baby Grand Plano, Ilka new, $450. 3 piece tangerine aagftonel sofa 3-ROOM — (Brand f National Unclaimed FURNITURE B^pnd new Maple or Walnut Chest . No Down Payment 90 days same as cash Ddg Kennel With 47 Runs, on over ” Jdrawer — $2918;; CRUMP ELECTRIC lo acres. Approximate income dVer,45'J'J^ Cqss (Utica) 73r-09Q01 3455 Auburn - FE 4-3572 jgSKL PJa*r^Ll'r to: , , ■ J ^fFR.GIDAIRE WASHER end dryw. ATTENTION BARGAIN HUNTERS!!! NEW FURNITURE LEFT-IN-LAYAWAY ote with Mr. end Mrs. che old tor $249, unpaid baton suite. Double drawer chest - $229, unpaid USED REFRIGERATOR, $35. GOOD______ OR.AM53. .... HENDREDON COI piece bedroom afPOMPORUPWIM Originally 11,200 will sell for 0295. Howell white dinette set, 005. Heritage twin cocktail tables, 1110 pr. - Excellent condition. Breakfast dishes, 0 place saltings, $25, Henredon walnut square table, $35. stereo ' speakers, $50 TV, 020. 547-4”' _______OD TWIN I items, mlsc. 391-2227. HOUSEHOLD SPECIAL $20 A MONTH BUYS 3 ROOMS OF FURNITURE,;- Consists of: 5-pltce living room Outfit with 2-1 .....— room tulte, 2 step tables, . ____jll table, 2 table lamps and (1) 9'xir rug Included. 7-plece bedroom suite with -double dresser, chest, full-size bed with Innersprlng mattress and matching box spring and 2 vanity lamps. 5-plece dinette sat with 4 chroma chairs and table. All for *399. Your credit Is good at Wyman's. WYMAN FURNITURE CO. HURON _____________FE 5-1501 ITALIAN PROVINCIAL aval table, exc. condition. Pontiac Resale •m 335-7942. 8135. Baby bed, 8 KELVINATOR ELECTRIC Stove, $ CUSTOM ANTIQUE REFINISHING. KIRBY SWEEPER EXCELLENT CONDITION - *50 FULL GUARANTEE Kirby Service & Supply Co. 3517 DIXIE HWY FRONT PORCH SALE, Antique ■jgV. Sat. 2-5 pjn. end ell da) I. 49 Dennison St., Oxford. Ol LIKE HEW HAMILTON automatic washer, lovely gas stove, drape: some furniture, mlsc. FE $-0837. ROUND GLASS ANTIQUE china cabinet, $125. Cane back and •eated chair, $45. Carved rocker, $35. 582-2755. E. Pike St., FE 4-7IS1. MODERN 50" (MAPLE I dining r 5^-0555. THE JUNKE SHOPPE, clocks, carnivals, books, round tables, chairs, and many more Items, National Unclaimed FURNITURE Brand new plush back Recllnere—$58 THE WOODEN PEG Antiques. South Main. Clarkston. Open e.m. to 5 p.m. Closed Monday- NECCHI DELUXE AUTOMATIC Zig Zag sewing machine — cabinet model — embroiders, blind hems, buttonholes, etc. 1956 model. Take over payments of: $5.90 PER MO. for 9 Mos. OR $53 CASH BAL. GUARANTEED Universal Sewing Center 2515 PIXIE HWY. Bankrupt dealer's $34,000 stock, lot $lq. 548 must be sold. ADMIRAL toY's *59 (In crates); TAPPAN ranges $97; color TV consoles 2-door refrigerators 0141, Browse around, many Items, make offer $2 down, $2 week. ABC Warehouse & Start 48825 Van Dyke Utica 739-1010 Dally 10-9________;_______Tues...... each. 270 Oakland. BUNK BEDS Choice ol 15 sty las, trundle —IN triple trundle bads and bunk beds complete, $49.50 and u tortMMMM Furniture. 210 E. Pike. COMPLETE BEDROOM SET, exc. Just Wholesale, Prices jHltJe-a~bed, full slzt ........%l H 3 piece Mr. & Mr*, chair* Contemoorery chairs. and| £ ot1oman .........................*1 sofas. 20 to 50 pet. off on selected proud of fabrics. Call 335-1700. colonial sofa end chair* .........01 PUBLIC NOTICE GRAND OPENING_ of Countryside -Auction " r- and Carpeting CHAIRS REUPHOLSTERED, save DINING ROOM TABLE and 2 bench seat»r~blke-new/85(L-33i-f443. I AND contemporary DRYER AND IRONER ELECTRIC WATER HEATER, never used, auto, washer $25, dryer *35, refrigerator $35. Mlsc. G. Harris. many other design: end style: Jioose from. OPEN DAILY 9 to 4 2527 Dixit Hwy. (Near Pen. Drive-In) E%55.* washer. $40. G- H : 1C STOVE, exc. condltloi IND-IT SHOPPE. Used furniture ■ ‘mr........ FLOOR MODE! CLEARANCE Frost-Proof freezer, 1 Frigldalro washer, 2-speeds, *189. 1 Frlgldelre refrigerator .with kx maker, **** FACTORY BAR Accross* street from rnafn gall Straight shot and beer operatior High gross, low rent. A gold mine i $25,000 down. Warden Realtyt*» ' N W. Huron,' Pontiac ' believing. Call: YORK DRAWER CHEST, Hite, OSS; couch, $35 room, *75; refrigaral. .________ $25; dinette, $20; comer desk, SIS; dining room, $49; china cabinet, $35; hlde-a-bed, baby bed, mlsc. M. C. Llpperd, 115 H. Saginaw. WE TRADE 5-PIECE DINING ROOM SET, ..light OR 4-03531 .oak, $85: 2411 WMitaman near Drayton Plains Sllvar Laka Golf course. - NationaL Unclaimed 'FUlwIITURf -.and new 4-ptoce Bedroom Suita; Only *90 25 atts t0*ill 45116 Cass (Utica) 731-0200 China set. Large end SAVE UP TO 40% WAREHOUSE SALE 2 pc. Early American Living Room, rag. *249 now |u$t *159. 3 pc. Maple bedroom suite, rag. $189, now $125. All Franch7 Provanctol, Modem and Earty Amarktn living room, from *139. Unclaimed Layaway badroem* from $$9, living room sofas, $99. KAY FURNITURE K-MART SHOPPING CENTER SILVER Mi$T FULL booktast t with framie. Ilka now, 254-7757. ALMOST NEW. _____________ 4 chairs, axe. Office desk, good condition. Sectional, table. Hotpoint electric SPEED QUEEN gas d|^er. FE 6- SPEED QUEEN wringer -exc. condition, 335-7942, Resale Shop. USED HIDE-A-BED. PE 04)244 i FE 3-1705. ___________ Used TV's *19.95 MM 'wlitoratorr er Air coi SWEETS RADIO AND APPLIANCE, INC. 422 W. Huron__________________334-5477 WAREHOUSE DISCOUNT (brand..ntw) 2 pc. r 1954 CHEVY, VERY GOOD con-dltlon. 12* Runabout boat ““‘* motor and traitor. $590. 531 AIR CONDITIONER, .— I—WgHH 18,000 BTU, mirror, Iar0e picture mlee. FE 4-0157. -lilrs $39.50 up, 4 bprner apt. ges range, *79.50, 4 burner elec, range *99.50, I step tables, 1 coftoa table *14.95 for sat. AT* tresses for most everything, bi beds, roll away beds, hide a: bads and ate. Loads ot of furniture. PEARSON'S FURNITURE -10 E. PIKE FE 4-7511 Open HI < p.m. Mon., Prl., til 9 - AIR CONDITIONER) Call 330-2447jr ________ A NEW METHOD OF connecting ■ cast Iron ■- — WHIRLPOOL UPRIQHT freezer * alar 4Q" * f O V • dryer; 338-3109 WAREHOUSE SALE: OPEN to range be sold. Every lie... _______ I. Scratched Items priced OM. -Jngly. Sato: Sun. 12-6. HIH Appliance, 24123 W. 10 Mile Rd. (500 «. East of Telegraph). Antique* ANTIQUE BASEMENT SALE Saturday and Sun. to to 6. S3 Wood bridge gff Cooley Lk.Rd. 482- 4195. ____________________ ANTIQUE SALE, clocks, wall and mental, 015 up; largo — gate leg table with M^m^mP torlan chair, 050; Mlsc. items. 1777 N. Rochester Rd., Sat. Sun. MB ~.m, to 5 p.m. open, 27 Furniture, i Washington,—Oxford. 11-4. Closed Fridays. For Sale Miscellaneous 1 For Sal* Mhc*Uantom ^W&a»ihn.ir V4 ml. west of Lapeer Rd. 312-447) , - , • >Dally II wim *r«n ciiuwr; a M M w rotary mowaf and grass catcher, both In goad condition. After 4 p.m. — FE 5-7558; I" TV, ROLLABOUT fan, atoctrif razor, toaster, toddler clothe:, crib. •OKBMr--------.■ ..... . 23" COL6r TV, RCA, goad c«p Toilet: revert*025.95 (r^^iiitiKn, less tiwaw. JltonceS)6inehOlaTj'. 05,000 BTU NEW gas fumect,. ... stalled with ducts. Average *595. METNOD dm -jfiw with llletlm " Cast Iron hw» pin i« m r Cast Iron Sowar plpa I O' for St. O. A. Thompson, 7005 M-59 W. AMPEX PR-10 STEREO ti ■" ylth bog— 721-5249. ANTIQUE BASEMENT SAL -“ irday and Sun., 10 to 6. — dbrldge off Cooley Lk. Rd. 4S2- ASSORTED ITEMS, electric range, refrigerator end dryer, laundry tubs, 1 tricycle, two 25" Mann good condition. OR 3-7253. Itams and clothing for eala. Ml 4-1547. 941 Westvtow Rd. Bloomftold Hills, From July 11 through July BRIDES — BUY YOUR WEDDING announcements at discount from, Forbes, 4500 Dixie. Drayton, OR 3- WHEELHORSE MOWER, *150. Freezer, 23 cu. ft., $150. OII tank. Unfinished deek, $10. Mlsc. *26- 1276._________________ WOODEN FRAMES. STORMS AND screens, reas., FE 4-5497 anytime after 13 P.M. --------- ~ BROKEN SIDEWALK, pumps; sold and repair) FE 8-5542.__________ CHAIRS UPHOLSTERED, Sevt ---close-out fabrics. Cell 3351700. Comi. upholstery Cd. WANTED TO BUY Leaded glass lamps or I: glass shades. 502-4421.__ HI-FI, TV * Radius 6 USED TV *■>.«......... *29. Walton TV, FE 2-2257 . Open 1 515 E Walton, corner of Joslyn COLOR TV SERVICE Johnson's TV, FE 0-4559 GARAGE SALE: Fumltui I pllances, tools. odds _and ) starting TWirsaav. July 18, 2 ___ (CT"^estmoor R^/BIoomfleki Twp. 1st house north of Mmito Rd. 5* —I. west after crossing Franklin GARAGE SALE; Friday - Sunday, 9-6, 10415 M-15, Clarkston, 625-55)8. COLOR TV BARGAINS, LITTLE Joe's Bargain Housa. FE 2-5642. GARAGE SALE. JULY 11-13 i.m.-7 p.m. Van Zandt off Williams COMPLETE NOVICE STATION. Globe Chief Xmtr,’ Knight R-100A receiver, 80m dipole. EATH Klf; 100 ws amplifier, matching .............. FMMPX tuner In walnut cabinets 2 12" 3-way speakers In walnu :ablnets. FE/5-5953 aft. '----- (JARAGE SALE: FUEL Oil tank, girl's bicycle, records, be”"- *■"* clothing, July 12 and 13, 4134 Athene, off Sashabaw, Plains.__________________ GAS DRYER, MOTOROLA black and white TV cabinet model. Relax-a-clzer. FE S-8879.- — MAGNAVOX COLOR TV, stereos, AM-FM radio. Home theatre unit. Too large tor new home. Originally 81200. Best offer takes. 625-1594. REPOSSESSIONS 1 westinghouse Color TV I new Westinghouse repossessed color TV. Goodyear Service Sluie 1370 Wide Track Dr., West Pontiac Friday *1119 p.m. HEATH HAMM STATION, and ai. cessories, 1 KW SSB, also Mosley Beam. FE f »«* ---- SVLVANIA STEREO and ....... radio. In Frultwood cabinet. $100. OA 8-2493.___________________ STEREO CONSOLETTE. AM-FM radio, 4 speed stereo phono, acoustical balanced s t e r. _ speakers. Pay balance to 093 cash 1950 solid itate stereo, dual channel speakers, auto. BSR-----------1 changer, plays ell sizes, UWS layaway. Take over payments of *5 month or pay cash M *77.16. Unclaimed Jayaway. New 5VY tong stereo combination AM-FM radio. 6 speaker* with remote speaker Shut off, ’ MMg storage space. Sold tor *387, balance- due $227 cash or S12 monthly. Left In layaway. New 1951 Olympic stereo, walnut console, AM-FM radio with 6 speakers and auto. BSR record changer, told tor 8199, batanci due $142 cash or $1 month. Fur Sale Miscellaneous 67 CARAT WEDDING ring set. $400 mw. test offer. 7 nice* walnut tm. 33 OIL SPACE HEATER, 2 burner WHEEL TRAILER, II GUITAR, 1 amplifier, stereo % each. Delivery available. Dealer. WINDbW AlR CONDITIONERS. Chrysler air temp. 1957 models, used l week: 6400 BTU $90. lo.ooo BTU 0190. 447-3188. ANTIQUE DINING CHAIRS, cane seat and back, 8mm movie caihera, 3Smm MryN*t AI»o piano Pulaneckl. OK >4«*5. Office Equipment BEDLINGTON TERRIER, female, * ~*W. shots, tralnM, friendly dlipoil Ion, AKC the dog that look* Ilka a Lamb, 626 0537 _ *old!T£?tt^^,,L 1 "*'*• IIJT^TANY PUP8, purebred. 336- 1 GELDING HORSES, * Irottol X for axparlancad rldara. IIXS 6X7JMX, |1M Granga Hill ho.. Holly. _ X YEAR OLD A>PALOOIA gelding, gentle, uedd In 4-H, 636-iiMO. 3-YlAR-otD QUART** AUTOMATIC TIIIPHON! answarlng machine. Demo*. Rebulls. 11 IS. Tal Dali Sytlomi. M7.50. MX-4W0. ____________ chihUahUa puppim, i> 887-5*35 CUTE KITTENS TO GOOD HOME. FE 2-531*-1*61 Lakowlnd Dr. OACHSHUND PUPPY. AKC black - and tan. Pomelo, 166. tn-StM. DALMATIAN PUPPIti, AKC~r*g”. Saautliglly marked. Reas. Ferndale, 543-4657._ __________ _ ________ENGLISH SETTER PUPS and storage eeMnete. 1731 Eason, north started dogs, FDSB. wormed and of Pontiac Lk. Rd. at Watkins shots. 1-7654171.__________ ■»“; hi.su iaftss.'sragsa.**" ”,®«”MFs=ra Store Equlpmant 73 oejtMAN shepherds: AKC~reg. .PIZZA OVEN, Mtg now, call attar l PE 2-7100: •"*’*'**. - , Sporting Bsods ; ^ 74 IV guns. EVERYTHING tor tho shooter. 720 W. Huron St. _ 11x14 WALL TENT. 674-3764._______ {*66 WILSON STAFF'S. * Irons, , woods. In claan condition. Pro-Golf Dlstr. LI 2-5405._____ " . AAA GOLF SALE One 'of tho largest displays In. Ml country - of all name brand merchandise. Now and uaad clubs, baps, carts, balls and putters — Mi YEAR OLD EAV ploesurtTn ^ I 6-YEAR-OLD met, 2-month-old Stud colt, 1325. 335-2443._____ 13 YEAR OLD GELDING, part Arabian and quarter, gontla but spirited. 42*4138.________ APALOOSA MARE, FAST Plnconr_____ GERMAN SHEPHERD' PUPPIES, ■'Ivor, and black, with or ----- ipars. 125 and , up. 628-3464 _■ GERMAN shorthair pups. 4 mos. unoccc nnarsr old. Permanent shots. AKC and. HORSES BO ARC **•« •■*! show poteh* with complete facilities for Engllsl tlal. W. Lapeer* 664-0137. and Western riders. Box and tt- GERMAN SHORTHAIR PUPS, AKC, »♦«!• now available, pasture, 1 6 wks.* $50. 778-5617. • door •—* SS33& j| Deal. Direct With Pro-Golf Distr, and Save PR&GOLF DISTRIBUTORS M3 SOUTH WOODWARD tOVk Mila In Royal oak Open dally 10 a.m.-* p.m. Sunday 11 a.m.-4 p.m. , A-l CONDITION 7 table. S200. 47S440S.____ A GOLF MANUFACTURER'S Represantatlva must sail 14 man's new sample sate. S Irons, 3 woods, 60 par cant oft list price. Pro-Golf Dlstr. LHM»7>.____________ BOATS MOTORS CANOE* SNOWMOBILES ♦X75, 633-S3W ■ .Lr--^.-Brn7rr, r tlri 1 BEAUTIFUL.BL W^MkhT* I Tng. genila but ARAB fTllTeS. REGIXTEREO, 4 weanling, X yr. old and 3 yr. old. Also registered VS Arab brood------ 463-7560. IBritad. 6*21*01. CART RIDES AND PONY RIDES. Ponies Nor tal*. Refreshments. 24*0 Newberry oft Cllntonvllle. OR GERMAN SHEPHERD. FEMACE. 3 years old. X moist — ] months old. Must sell. Rest otter. 674-1217. GERMAN SHEPHER5-puppTesT-no Pipers. 423-1465. _______ GERMAN SHEPHERD Pupplet, ____ ____________irvetlon n____ acres of trills and lumps (no mm--------anywhoro). HUNGARIAN VIZSLA PUPS for those - > want tha beat, hunter so pat, AKC, 5100.857-45*7. IRISH SETTERS Whelped June X, aired by champion of Bench and Field. "Hbta .1242. Mt. Clemens. OR5ES, PONIES, SADDLES, buy. sell or trade. Oavlsburg, 634-4118. HORSES FOR RENT OR SALE. 30« S. Lapeer Rd., Pontiac. Bald Mountain Riding Stable.___________ NICE 2V5 YEAR OLD paint balding. Gregn broke and gentle. 62*1*7*. I PONY RIDES, horseback D—18 , Junk Cori-Trucks 111 JUNK CARS. free few. flWBbu. ■< ALWAYS^BUYmO^JUNJ^ CARS Slid COPPER - BRASS) RADiAfdRk — J------. - „ c DUson, 4 VS" long. SIS, windshield, 15" Moh. 5*" wldt, *15. PE 3-743S. SAILBOAT, NIPPER CLASS, llberglassod olumlnum mast and boom, trailer. 6*2-3371. ___ SAILBOAT, 16' FIBERGLASS sloop. Shinn-1054*o?*DU Sta***" SAILBOAT, THISTLE Class. 17', Dacron Main, Jib, Spinnaker, Gafor Trailer, Ml 6-0094. SKI AND DRAG BOAT 1*66 Klndsvatar with 1*68 Pontiac 420 online, behova. 673-2051-. —— ......| SKIFF” — »' HARDTOP, 1*62. 185 ■ 52*00. 644-2764._____ SEE OUR hug* selection. I JBERGLAS CANOES a boots, rods, reals, ball, a OR 3-584*. Ril TOWING, 34 hour toad service. 6734)633. Dava'I towing. « 427 COB^A ROADSTER 1*67. Car — ■“ -ibull). 642-2*48. JUNK AND wracked ihest prices paid. PE $• Uied Auto-Track Parts Tfe , 4-SPEED TRANSMISSION fqr,,, Corvalr, bucket Mats and back seat, mlsc. parts, 3*1-3153. '65 CHEVY SUPER SPORT tor sood !T 1*56 VOLKSWAGEN CHASSIS and KEESHOND PUPS. PLEA SI consider ua, we promise to ta excellent pete and watch dogt, all shots and wormad, must sac., 674-1841. LARGE VARIETY of dogs end cats available to good homes. FE 5-9290. Scrlpps Rd.* off Joslyn or M-24. PUREBRED ARAB 4-y ear-o Id! gelding. 1-yeer-oid stud colt and others. Livonia. 464-0454. REGISTERED J yebr Appaloosa mare. *300. 338-3522. SHETLAND PONIES, large end smell, reasonable. 391-2500. LARGE FEMALE Doberman poppy* purebred* OL 1-0130. SPfttTED OR GENTLE horses tor sale. New and used tack. Double D. Ranch. 673-7657. LABRADOR REGISTERED, males tnd females, black, 175. 664-2326. Lapeer. THOROUGHBRED GELDING, 9 years old. Gentle end sound. Nice riding horse. Reasonable. 313-685-1102. . LILAC POINT SIAMESE kittens, * wks. old. 1 chocolate point Siamese Chsck our deal on — SWISS COLONY LUXURY TRAILERS FROLIC TRAILERS AND TRUCK CAMPERS SKAMPER FOLD-DOWN CAMPERS 13 to M ft. on display at — Jacobson Trailer Sales 56*0 William* Late Rd. 1*65 RICHARDSON — 10 X 40. : bedroom. Partlcally turn. 0400 down. Toko ovor payments. Se Lot 177. Groveland Mobile Manor D-13318 Dixie Hwy.________ Camping Private Lake FOR RENT LAMI'INg WMIjW— after 5 p.m. and all day Saturday. 3*1-2110. 34*1 North Joslyn. Mary's Campers. FLEXIBLE CAMPER BUS, sleeps •- 651-4388. LABRADOR RETRIEVER pups,1 • black, AKC, shots, axe. pals and hunter*, 476-5053, Novi. MIXED PUPPIES, amdll n WE CURE AND SMOKE MEATS. 84 GO Ih^Grali^ BALEO HAY IN thl .. Drydan, or OA 8-3161. NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND AKC puppies. Need to place In good family homes. Papers, shots, and ^Wormed. Call Flint 23»-7010. NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND, 1W yr. old mala, axe. condition, show quality. 731-7714.___________________ OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG puppies. AKC, Champion tired. Fine markings and dispositions. *250 and up. 477-7454._______________________________ Ceil F-E 3-6155. WINNEBAGO MOTOR HOMES PICK-UP CAMPERS DRAW-TITE, REESE F. E. HOWLAND SALES GO a field 796-352* 3255 Dlida Hwv.. Pontiac, OR 3-1456 CLOVER HAY 2J cant* ready In field, horM hay 35 cants a bate.next week. 2422 Hosner R" 3 miles East, 14 North of Oxfoi 628-4222 or 628-1837 ---'-- EXCELLENT ALFALFA HAY c EXTRA GOOD HORSE and cow ha will dollvor. Alio mulching i bedding hay. 627-322*._______________ GOOD HAY, conditioned, never wi igrne boi*». 35c. 625-3406. ____ GET YOUR hay orders In LAST OF THE APACHES factory^ ■ ... _ wo taw ljj Ramadas M “ long! Thl 814*5. -APACHE DOMINGO Ramadas. D they're anyone s week's special. — 40 h.p. jonnson, wim irai condirion-5750. EM 3-2631. I IS' FIBERGLASS R U N A B O U r. I Mercury 55A Outboard, trailer. Good condition. *400. Deyi 482-9600. 5 FIRESTONE DELUXE champion -J^r‘ Tires-Auto-Truck now and CORRECT CRAFT, * Modal* mad# ..^^^.■,1 t0 24' models on 43 years td ■ftsmanship In this productl -CLIFF DREYER SPORTS CENTER ^ - OPEN 7 DAY* A- WEEK 'BUYERS COME TO DREYERS' 1*61 VOLVO SELL tor parti, drlvg train, 402-7338.____ , 1*42 Bt/lCK OR F IS aluminum VS, 315 cu. - In., new — never uaad. Alter 5 p.m, 334-4255. A-l TRUCK-AUTO anginas. Factory rebuilt, all. mokes. E.Z terms.. MODERN BNOINES, 537-1117, CHEVROLET WIRE HUB ceps. AM . rear Mb lor Ford, will fit a mustang. Traction bars for Mustang, 7.Inch slicks. Phone OR .3-255J Attar 3 p.m. __ MICKEV THOMPSON RACING pistons tor a 301 and 327 Chaw engine. (126. Sailing lor ISp,..CoH 6739335. ask tor Dick BoHOfL MISCELLANEOUS TRlICK part*. 15 U 6-lug whaals, bucket stall, I960 Chevrolet 2 Door — press, labia sew. OR 3-1*35. ________ champlo .. ________ white, 855x14, Ne\ lake off. *100 cash. 3333631, REPAIR, MOUNT, and ball ■MHMNmvSg’ Sa chrome wheals. New and, 15' wheels. MARKET TIRE.; h Orchard Lake Rd., Keago. 1 s and' trailer. Call MY 3-111 0PUN~7- DAYS A WEEK .VERS COME TO DREYER SUNDAYS 12 to 4:30 15210 N. HOLLY RD., HOLLY 634-0300 OR 6336771 SPECIAL bet. 12 and » p.m only S700 down. 334-1501 ' DETROITER, 45' 1*68 12' X 50' LIBERTY, must i --•—Into ttrvlc*,. Wr“ nd Manor, W Mil ly on Dixie Hwy. I Auto Servica — Repair 93 ATTENTION CORVETTE OWNERS ANNOUNCING Expansion of Facilities For Corvette Body Repair Matthews-Hargreaves ! #,|631 Oakland Avt.___ JFE^5^41611 ......m rallar, uilly aqulpped, $995, 662-2277 attar 5._____ 16' AIRBOAT, 125 horiipowtr, Lycoming motor, with trailer, 1450. Weekends only. _ 16' OWENS SPEEDBOAT. MPH, Ideal ski boat, w ft curtains* with Gator tandem a Her and brakes. $2,395. PONTIAC'S ONLY MERCURY MERC CRUISER DEALER CRUISE OUT INC. 63 E. Walton FE 8-4402 ------dally *-8, Sat. *-6 SLICK CRAFT, *0 _____________ top, $1300, 682-4125. _______ ____ I_____~ closed Sur_____________ ® STARCRAFT) 50 HORSEPOWER* ALL BARGAIN PRICED!« NEW 1968 MOBILE HOMES 50x12 Academy ....- ■ ■ *3**5 60x12 ELCAR ..... *43*5 3 BEDROOM 60x11 ...*451# 60X12 WITH LAUNDRY .. SS**5 40x12 CUSTOMIZED ...86*95 DELIVERED AND SET UPI ALL BUILT TO MHMA CODESI COUNTRYSIDE LIVING 1084 Oakland ______334-1508 FACTORY REBUILT MOTORS” cars, trucks, $99 up. H i MODERN ENGINES Motor Scoottrs good condition, *1,00 Lakarldag. ASA 4-3X6*. ________ RUGER 21-CALIBER carbine, Fo: 13-gauge double barrel shotgun _ 623-1342 n----’------'- '“j*? IT POODLE CLIPPING and grooming. 54*9. _lHAY IN FIELD, 25 cents bale. 625- Our rear antranc* floor plan Is one of the roomiest you've aver Unbroken living area, rich grained paneling all around- ,v*.gm-., ^ - ■ —- mos ruxurir rs truly unrnatched. Best Mobile Home Sales Sal* price Including ‘**-1 license and hitch $31*5. ALL BARGAIN PRICED NEW 1968 MOBILE HOMES 44x12 Academy *359* 50x12 Academy *38*9 68x12 Elcar *43*5 - I droom - *4150 1 Baron Custom (54*5 Delivered and Set upl All built to MHMA Codesl COUNTRYSIDE LIVING 1084 Oakland________ 334-150*1 Reasonable price, 851-0281. 474-86*4.________ 16? SEA RAY BOAT, 7S'ii.p. motor and llttlo dude trail extras $1700 or best oh _1420. _ 16' RUNABOUT BOAT WOOD, wind shield and controls; takas long shaft motor. Call 602-6363, after 6. ------,16' FIBERGLASS SPEEDBOAT, 75 • horse*Evlnrud« arid frailer, $1295. 537-11171 363-6006 after 6. 117-FOOT BARBOUR M-aghony 04 Lapstraka, deluxe Interior, 40 horse Johnson motor, Tamco tri” -^1*095^651-4063. . custom, 17' fibERGLAS goat, 75 horsepower TROJAti 24' 1*66 Skiff I Motorcycles '68 HONDA, 175 Scrambler, 400 mllet, 255 Crescent Lk. Rd " ^ F~d 1*51 BMW R6* 20,000 mllea. Exc. condition, call 602-7924. HARLEY. - completely ...... it, 2 helmets, Icckete end 332-107*. electric si-........... trailer. Plus - i trasl Could be goc ir III! it Coho! 673- 1*5* FLH 74 OVERHEAD. Harle 17' OWENS FIBERGLAS, with 00 horsepowor watt band, —1 - Pamco tilt trailer with full ....... and extras. Mutt sacrifice, SI,0*5. I in non — 17 FT. CHRIS-CRAFT Riviera, . trailer. Completely refinlehed. w , condition. >1250. 363-567*. . 17' INBOARD. TRPILBR. 423 No ShoreDr., (S25.MY 2-6601. 18J MAC^^BAY INBOARD^ ____/ Marine. Due to sacrifice, aft. 4. FE 5- fcUBA OUTFIT, complete, 812S. 628 4355.___________ -_______________ WANTED: SNOW MOBILE. A-l condition, and trailer. 628-10*3, clubs. * Irons, 4 woods and 835. Pro-Golf Dlstr, 542-5405. SCHNAUZERS, MINIATURE, AKC 9-3725. Sand-Gravel-Dirt l-AAA SAND AND gravel, all are delivered. 673-5516, Waterford- AKC, health’ 1-A BLACK DIRT State tested; also topsoil, sa.. gravel fill. Buildtrs supplies. Ballard, 623-1410; Lee "Ml 623-1338._______, SAMOYEDS, guaranteed, iww"» from top winning ki Michigan. Stud service to i females. 4*5-2752.___ SCOTTISH TERRIER P April 34, AKC, _______ry ehote, 7180 Orm Davlsburg. 4XABW7, SELLING OUT KENNEL, grown- ----— —proved, studs, puppies, toys and mlnatures. ..Ml thaw stock. Leavlno Martha L. SwartI, 473-8S47. I, top-soil. M. Cook, 41 AT LAST THE TYPES^fWIPWi you want and nood. Free consultation, now loading and delivering the best In tap tolls. Open dally except Sun. 1-5. *645 Highland Rd., 363-3166. A-l SCREENED TOP SOIL Larry Powell Trucking 62&-2173 dTrt.PEAI,- quannf^ordert. ---j— TTyjiil |8~ 1811--- SIAMESE KITTENS. 5774 Van Dykq, yourown. ...___ ROAD GRAVEL, I I, black dirt, toptoll, reas. 6: - v 42303*6. Limestone, crushed stom....... sand, top toll, fill dirt, loading and delivery. American Stone Products. MA 5.2161, 6335 Sashabaw-Rd- 'PROCESSED BLACK dirt a dark rich fop toll, 6 vde. L MM2, S3 stone and sand products. Cri llmaaton*. «lt eaas. T*st»d . —sothTHI dlrT all ar**» del. 628-2563. After 5:30, ..... Pets-HuiiHRfl Dogs i. GROOMING, Uncle BTf. Opan Sundays 1-4. 8, Phone 3*1-0525. McCORMICK FEED GRINDER, silo| fitter,'-JT’Ov treller plow, insliogol blower, tractor operated post hole digger. 8047 Parry Rd. Grand Blenc. 4*4-6363. , 4 wkt, old, LI EVAN'S EQUIPMENT 6507 Dixie Hwy.. Clarkston, Mich. I (Just north of Waterford) 425-2516’ *25-171 Mon. through Fr„ 8 o.m. to » p.m. * * - m.fuS p.m Sundays. Sat. 8 a. 7*' cents. ’ 2001 Pontiac Rd., JUT 1ST TIME OFFERED THIS PRICE Full size 6 h.p. Wheel Horse, *46*-»5. Tom's Hardware, 905 Orchard Lk. Dolly >-6. Sun. *-2. FE 5-2426___ -600 1*56 FOR6 Furguson tractor wl 52*4._____________ 852- Lm H^TkS'feem, ATT- contained, tandem wheels, ex cel lent for retired couple. CaL after 5:30 425-4818. 6151 Overlook Drive. SPECIAL 1 male, 1 female Schnauzer. ears cropped, shots, 3 month guarantee. $100 EACH Uncle Charlie* Pat Shop. 6*4 W. tTIiERNARD PUPPIES, AKC, wormed, shots. 731-5386.____ TOY FRENCH POODLE, *45. FE 4-816* Otter 3._____ TOY POODLE, block and brown. TOY SILVER VALE Poodl Stud. 332-85)5.______. WEIMARANER PUPPIES. ^»."n FORD CORN CULTIVATOR, hydraulic lamp and hay mower for Ford tractor. John Deert hay rack. EM 3-7276. FORD TRACTOR WITH grader . blade, (J°od condition, 3560 Ellz. | NOW ON DISPLAY Travelmate 18 ft. DouMo Bid, Dinette 813*5 12 ft. Double bad. Dinette 81,4*5 Pleasure Mate Amorlca'e Cuttom Hardtop Only *1385 Holly Travel Coach, Inc. 15210 Holly Rd., Holly ME 4-6771 ____Open Dally and Sundays OAKLAND CAMPER BEELINE ■ TOUR-A-HOME COVERS Parts and accessories Baldwin at Colgate 335-0634 CRUISER, access. FE 2-044* B _ 1 - 11960 120 CC SUZUKI Ti tym Da.ly9a.m,8cParnpioj,,4t6 ccujj-^r- oya. Embassy - ...cnr.UHRVI FREE DELIVERY^AND SET UP|.......T,PS'C°l"^» MB WITHIN 200 MILES. _LA_KE: phone ”C*!gL-----------1 — - -------- 12x50' Marlette 1*60, *5,200.00 ||»62 ZUNDAPP 250 CUBIC can- ON DISPLAY AT: . tlmetors, 7*7-4450, Hadley._ Cranberry Loke Mobil* NORTON 1*45, 750 CC Scrambler, (650. 867 *236. ____ 1965 NORTON SCRAMBLER. 750CC. Very good shape. Good ^ r"""1"" DEMO 1*68 15' Sleury Trl-hull beam, lop, ski mirror, tiro ■ tinguisher, speedometer, battery and box, with 85 h.p. Evlnru-1-selectrlc shift motor. Retail prl 82740, now only $21*5. GLASPAR Stoury, GW Invadl Mlrro-Cratt, Grumman c » n o o .. Dolphin—Evlnrude motor, Pamco Tako M-5* to W. Highland. ! New and Used Tracks 103 (1) 1*52 FORD TRACTOR with Back blade. 86*5, (1) 1*55 GMC Dump 5-yard box, 8600; 1*60 Ford F-750, with 32' Tandem axl* trailer, -8)000, 332-4*6*.______ 10W' CHEVY STEP VAN. Ptrfact lor camptr. 3 extra tiros and rims. Good condition. 674-2095. 1*53 CHEVY 1 ton itakt with 10* bod. Has built-up rack for enclosing with tarp or remove rack and have open stake truck. Tlras excellent, new brakes, new valvee, 43,000 actual milts. Original owner. Good condition throughout. Call EM 3-6167 anytime.__________________ 1959 FORD 5-YARD OUMP _______________673-9020.__________ 1*5* CHEVY 46 ton pickup, 8150. 67V 1*60 CHEVY PICKUP, >275, Save Aulo. FE ' a®"5 batqrp- 1*60 DODGE 44-Tc Ton-frdi I5'*32* 1*62 DODGE. PICKUP. < • g. 1375. 335-5133. winch, battery Including Christomatic shift, | *620 Highland Rd., (M-59) 2 milts West of Williams Lk. Rd, 363-52*6 fj 673-11*1 6*2-3101. 1*' CENTURY RESORTER speech hgM excellent condition, 225 ha angina. 36»9»1*. Tony's Marine Service JOHNSON MOTORS;, , Geneva GW invader. Shall Lai 'Affocraft alum, boat* and canoi Also pontoons. Terrific dlscour... on all-1067 motors and boats. 26*5 Orchard Lake Rd., Sylvan lake._ YAMAHA OUTBOARD MOTOR SALE W horsepower .. *, —-*1j . , Vi Bloomfield Sport and Cydo Inc. 1*51 South Telegraph Rd. Pontiac 335-5457 weekdays » fill *. Sat.>6 1*64 ECONOLINE. CLEAN. Run* good. *4*5 H. 4s H. AUTO SALES R 3-5200______ 473-f344 “ 196S FORD Tractor 150 Super duty-Hlway rtadyl $2595 TAYLOR'S CHEV-0LDS HIIadLak*_________ 624-4501 1965 CHEVY %-Ton Pickup, with VS, radio, healer, low mileage, one owner, gnly-<^ $1995 INTERNATIONA CUB CAL _ . ?iarden tractor* all garden at- _ achmantie SZfltU- 335-1572; IfT JOHN DEER 1 ton tractor* 2 bottom 14" plow, 7' 3 point hitch mowing machine. Ray wagon. 628-1741 aft. 6. ----T.'SflDSCjLPTNG" EQUIPMENT. MA 6-3252 after 6._________ adorable, shaggy Pleasure Matas Only *65 per weak Holly Travel Coach; Inc. 15210 Holly Rd., Holly ME 4-6771 '—n Dally ar-* ranWedT 2*3-7011. * SMALL POODLES. 6 V AuctionSales 80 AUCTIONLAND CLOSED for vaca-flon. Private tales only. OR 4-3567. , B & B AUCTION Jack Meyers Sat. Night Special A July 13, 7 P.M. Sharp Grocery on Wheels (Sold in Case Lots) Also, fresh vegetables, railroad salvage, fire dam- slzos, 335-632* or 332-563*. ADORABLE COCKER I Pies, 6 wkt. 6*2-1*01. UKC TOY FOX terrier*, t AKC MALE BASSET months. *30. 9S*S D Clarkston. . AKC IRISH SETTER pupi bred, 47 champions In II arid field. 44*0*6. AKCT POODLES, SMALL Week miniatures, 3 males, 2 682-2474, children. Paid 8125, make offer. OR 3-2**5. ________ AKC SILVER miniature poodles, *75 —J ;■ 682-0185. t wkt eld, show dog stock. 363- aged furniture pliances. Such *r — ap- TVs, cooking utensils, dishes, end other articles. 2 Auctioneers to Help You 5*0* OWN Hfchw.^ i No. 30—teactor and raar Diaaa. NEW Massey-Farguson lawn and gard tractors. AAott mowers. Mass* Ferguson fork lift. PONTIAC FARM AND INDUSTRIAL TRACTOR CO, 825 S.......(8 FE USED CHAIN SAWS AND NEW l.icr AT DDirce COIIAI TO A Trailers: Jubilee* Globa Star STARCRAFT CAMPERS PINTER'S 66ARINE 137* OPDYKB 1-75 at Oakland U. exit SPORTCRAFT MANUFACTURING s>>?^4,or^^.vpl^^r6^op,• TRAILERS AND campers tor rant. BOB Hutchinson's 21st Anniversary SALE YES, 21 YEARS Bob has been in Mobile Home Sales Bob Hutchinson ---invites you to see [ the all new ■- $22XOCr~ DOUBLE-WIDE KR0PF HOME . 1400 SQ. FT. FLOOR SEE THE ALL NEW DETROITERS 842*5 AND UP Free delivery up lo 300 m Open Dally 'til f p.m. Saturday and Sunday 'til l DRAYTON PLAINS 4301 .Dixie Hwy.(US-10)' OR 3-1202 ...a chine. Haw. .. predate. Call 007-5*00. I to ap- 1*65 TRIUMPH 650 CC, exc. con-dltlon, *700. 130 Olenwood St. 1*65 HONDA SUPER *0. like new miles *250. 674-0060. TRAVEL TRAILER. 14', 1*47. Sink; stove, elec, hookups. Used, only 4 times. Extras Included, 1025. 1-543, Travel Trailer* GOODELL TRAILS) SChesterRdT 052-4550 6 & B AUCTION IvIry saturoay::::]:m CONS^GNMEh^S^MELCOME 50*9CADS|5iePH^E EVERY AORT °2717 15 FOOT Ht-LO camping ir model, selt-contolnetf _ -exc. condition, 810E>. 474-2054. >' 1*64 FROLIC. Good condition. 332-7173. 17 FT. TRAVET contained-— B & B AUCTION SUNDAY AFTERNOON 2 P.M. SHARP! ®JULY 14 CLEANUP OF SALES __ 1*64 DODGE-- (Cm.Cib and 1*61 MACKANAW CAMPER Lloyd Bridges DODGE - TRAVELAND Maple, Welled Lake 624-1572 1*65 44 TON V-0 FORD CAN AKC WEIA6ARANER pup*, 12 W« old, female*, exc. hunter* Such ea groceries, new and used furniture, antique*,, tool*. JTV*,—radio*;—smelt trailer; lawn mower*, and to forth. 500* Dixie Highway OR3-2717 ______Drayton Pletni, Mlchigen Country Sid* Auction 2527 Dixie Hwy. 673-7421 Open dally * *. _ BUY - SELL — TRADE WHOLESALE-RETATC AKC DACHSHVJNO PUPS PERKINS *ALE||RVICE AUC- MORSE ; FE 8-2538 TIONEER5 ------ AKC POMERANIAN TOY ' beauties, 338-4*1*. AKC YORKSHIRE terriers; cute, * weeks ajd; male I tamale. Alee beautiful female, < . SATURDAY ~ "mowers? washer, end dryer, half-size tad. a lot at throng* dhf»% ».** « micr Truckload Of TRAILER PARTS AND ACCESSORIES JOHNSON'S TRAVEL TRAILERS 517 E. WALTON BLVO. TRAVEL TRAILERS Your dealer for— CORSAIR, GEM ROAMER AND TALLY-HO ALSO Corsair end Gem pickup campers and MackniaW _plckup covers. Ellsworth Trailer Sales 6577 Pixie Hwy. gjjg|| WESTERN FIELD CAMPER. In WOLVERtNE TRUCK CAMPERS AND SLEEPERS. Factory outlet, repair and parts, new and used, rentals. Jacks, Intercoms, telescoping bumpers, spare tire 1*65 BSA, 650CC, SI 334-4830 1965 TRIUMPH, «g cubic can-timeters,_*650. FE 4-54*0-Fsa»,ffjln1 1*45 BSA 175 cubic centimeter Scrambler, 2 sprokets, knobbles, 5250. MA 5-S1S2, after 6r: ^ ■- ' 1964 SEARS 250CC, 2,300 mllet, adult Custom paint. 8325. FE 6-8*12. 1*66 YAMAHA TWIN 100 good con-dltIon, *275. Ml 4-3751. M *66 BSA 650 CC. Excellent Condition. 6*3-1500. y Marine 22' THOMPSON, TWIN 75, gator trailer, power tilts, trim labs. $3300. UL 2-271*.________ 23 FT. CHRIS CRAFT CRUISER, flying bridge, refinished, new canvas, many extras. *5 h.p. CC engine, *24*5. ROSS HOMES. Call 363-93*8._____________________ Airplanes 1*56 CESSNA 172, 435 S.M.O.H, Mark IV radio, full panel, white with r— trim. >5400. Eve*. 646-79*2. LAKE AMPHIBIAN, corperetl owned. Charles L. Langs, lr.w Pontiac. Office 332-W51, home *73- 673-9*58. Ask for Mr, Norman. 24' CC CABIN CRUISER, r..W reconditioned this year, custom made upholstery and carpeting, bunk pads, heed and kitchenette, new lop end side cur**'"* |&jjjjj|d 26' CABIN CRUISER In eound shape end In the water. $1,7*5. Can be 1*66 MATCHLESS, 750 CC, needs some work, 8650. 334-6863._ 1*64, HONDA ^ SU^^_HAWK^3000 1*66 HONDA 305. Fully customized with helmet and spare Par4* Forced to sell at a toss. *400. 51 123* before 3 or 642-5330 after 5. 168 - 17' SILVER LINE WITH JS0 h.p. Chrysler I. O., power till end traitor, $33*5 complete. Kars Beets 8. Motors. 6*3-1600. __________ AQUA-CAT SAILBOAT. Needs fixing, *225. 363-20*3. BELOW WHOLESALE. Custom I---------- 1967 12x60 Concird with 2 tip outs, . cent. Air conditioning, wall-to-wall i -----*, awning eklrted. Like new, «7*4ira. Tt 1*66 SUZUKI, I carpet, SSdBe. i HAMp'lC CHAMPION DELUXE custom mobile ----- 10 x 57 with expando. 166.BSA 441, MINT condition. AIM bike treller. 1705 tor both. Bill before 6, 682-83*4 - 1*4* TRIUMPH, TR6, extra chrome, VI condition. FE 6-1864.______ 4 HONDA SCRAMBLER, 166 C.C. with 2.170 miles. Like new. See el MOO Cass-Ellzabeth f" *“' NEW 1*68 Jr, Troleh Voyager i 210 hp. 1*6* 28rTroian Skiff Exp. 1 Ceuntryalde Living Inc. Featuring Perk' end King. One only:.... '1*67-700 CUBIC CENTIMETER Moto r»r nn two wheels. bike. 647-4621. 1967 305 YAMAHA streeF Tcrambtor, cell 424-1656, efter-4------- 1*67 TRIUMPH BONNEVILLE. 363-4*00. on everything In itock Fn* delvlery and set up within 300 miles. We will not knowingly be 1*67 HONDA 305 Scraml cel lent condition, (475. x*1 >67 YAMAHA 180„C« miles, <400. 6*3-1688. 1 to 6 Pixie Hwy. 338-0772 MUST BE- MOVED, 1*67 Mar 12x50, with tlp-out, lived months. Central air condmt.... deluxe furnishing, >5.500. 330-1635. 1*67 NORTON, 750cc, icrimbtoi 1*67 JAWA 50 CC. Like new, miles. SI65. 624-3613. OLDER MOBILE HOMES WANTCD rinks; towrT'Comper ,S*les, ,l3251_ CASH OR TRADE IN S. Hospital Rd., Union Lake EM 3-IcounTrvside Living '— urn. ■ -----i-n----; —Tl 334-150* *67 b.m.w. R6*S, loaded with extra-*1,625. Can be seen at 6906 Almond B-Laner-etorketo"' 625-2*5*. 1*68 TRIUMPH TR-6C, flawless ^ '"tion, • In. plus stocks bars* $1150. tan condition. 5720 er of Sasnabaw. l-A Beauties to Choose From WE FINANCE-TERMS RICHARDSON DELTA MONARCH B fflnsjwrFK*---------LIBERTY. COLONIAL MOBILE HOMES FE 2-1657 623-1310 ; 25 OPDYKE------- 543# DIXIE i Auburn Heights s. of Waterford r, 10X35 MOBILE HOME. Exc "Ion. OR 3-68*8. r, ir X »' 1*63 PARKWAY. Excellent Oxford TrailerSales 5 NEW MODELS JUSTJH-Prlced right, built right. 53-61 tong- 12 ■ — •> ■ Early Ann.~Mraata^M| MY 2-0721, 1 ml. S. of Lake Orton M-24. TOWN & COUNTRY ___-MOBILE-HOMES----- 12x50 HOMECRAFT, *4,3*5 v blue. 651-447*. >48 TRIUMPH BO n w b V I L L * CustonvOR 3-5288, after 5. M* TRIU MPH BONNEVILLE tLliO/ 'Weeisld^Moblle, 163 N res nuNOA, CB 350, 8700. 332-064* eft. 4._____ 1*40 BSA, LIKE NEW condition, best otter over-WMOr- 3634B56. annoying the new 1968 Hodaka 100 cc. 5-SPEED TRAIL BIKE. The Bronco 50 cc. nd 4-SPEED BIKE. UA6 SALES :to hUv^ Drayton j* teal. 434-3357, eft. 5. “TTKCW registered tearuiwgi aroiTiotas. ----1 SSftW'flV”- ^^lltal^ APACHfe SCOUT CAMP] air stream International 26 foot comj»ci«-71 . ., _ self-contained, tandem w h e.e Is, 1*65 ALMA 10 x 56 ft•> br JK^T“^exSllint condition, j apdJh,3 wtadroonau«s I Sing. 6al| FE 24710. If no answer (3.500. On tot. -Call 334-6*53. FOR SALE TRAILER LOT, 65 X 150, *' ■—" llghts.nr*-—* — ... srj. HONDA HAWK 300 ------ --- Jte •!r. FO,L W Tr*"!T miles. Ilk* new. Cell effer 7. (425. ui5m. ____________-—-I HONDA 300. DREAM. 1*64 (300. Call after 6, 363*167. _____ MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE S. K. JOHNSON AGENCY FE 4*533 - . - ---- 11 Motorcycle Insurance m tempest 326 engine. Good j Anderson & Associates condition. 6*2*316- . . ___ ;I044 Joslyn_ Wanted Cnrs-Trucks 101 A LATE MODEL CAR wanted, with damaged or major meehenlcel problems. 1*63 end up. OR 3-5200 H. t H. Auto Setoi. BUICKS, CHEVY'S PONT I ACS, and 1*66 PODGE VAN, 4-cyllnder, stick, good tires, teal I after 6:30 p.m. 62P- EXTRA Dollars Paid FOR THAT EXTRA Sharp Car Averill's FE 2-987S 2020 Dixie PE 4*0*4 1967 DODGE Camper V, ton pick up with 31S cu.. In. V-0 engine, poeltrectlon, radio, heater, custom cab end «m^2295 See this auto at our new location et tho TROY MOTOR MALL, on Maple -t Rd. (IS Mile) m miles |get , of Woodward. _m BIRMINGHAM Chrysler-Plymouth CHRYSLER AND JOHNSON Boats and Motors OPEN DAILY 9 TO 0 MON. TILL 9 SUNDAYS 10-4 PAUL A. YOUNG, INC. 4030 Dixie Hwy. Nwaifawn Loon Lake adna on Lot Off 4-041 m— 1*65 26' Owen* Exp. —hoors; -(64*5.--- >60 25' Cavallar, new paint, 185 hi (2*95. 1*66 20* Badgar 1-0 160 hp, *35*5. 1*62 17' CC 1*5 hp Ski low $16*5. 1*57 18' Century 130 hp. clean, 810*5. Many other bargains LAKE & SEA MARINE Blvd. at Woodward FE 4-9587 Mansfield' AUTO SALES 300 ■ Sharp Cadillacs, Pontiac, Olds and Bulcks for out-of-stata market. Top dollar paid. . MANSFIELD AUTO SALES 1104 Baldwin Av*.. ■ FE 5-5*00_____FE 8-8*25 STOP HERE LAST] MOTOR SALES ...« at our new location W* pay more for sharp, tat* model —~ -—-•'ties needed. lal«iV DODGE POWER WAGON, 4 wheel drive, wench and snow blade. Ideal for wreckor or snowplowing. 42*- -1741 aft. 6._______________________,« STOCK HYDRO, Karelson deslgn-ed. never raced, *200. Mercury Mark 20 H, fully converted andjot sal*. *11,900. Sunaat Marin* Woodward 1-8463. CUSTOM BUILT 15' WOLVERINE -■ -fiinum speed boat, 28 h.0. ar, traitor, tkli, access,,, 8650. "TOP DOLLAR PAID" GLENN'S FOR "CLEAN" USED CARS WILSON CRISSMAN I960 GMC 44 ton* 4-speed trens.* lust like new. $1297 full price. LUCKY AUTO I DODGE tt, 3*1-3676. Custom Cab, GMC Factory Branch Oakland at cess FE 5-9485 Foreign Cars 1*62 V.W., BLUE, new clutch, muffler end tires, call 335-1743, before 3 p.m. ________________________ 1*63 FORD CORTINA 4*p*#d, "0" down. Call Mr. ParkV.-MT 4-7500. Harold TurnerJEordfSlrmlng- 1964 OPiL KADETTE WAGON, WfeWfllR.'Wor 1964 OPAL STATION ... mechanical condition. NA ■9&2T 1*64 MG MIDGET, excellent condition. Make otter. >7»-6454.___________ 1*64 VW RED 2 DOOR s< 1965 Triumph Spitfire B.R.G., wire wheels, hardtop, *1095,- GRIMALDI f--------- TOP $ PAID for oil shorp Pontiocs and CADILLACS. We are prepared to make you a i*mywtWhite, i6,ooo miles, *400. better offer!! Askjoc-Bahj^p^- pessenger, radio, heater, extra gai heater, mi, must 6*11. 624-5210. 1*65 AC COBRA, i HARRINGTON BOAT WORKStt35qn. woodward — mi 4-!»30 Your Evlnrudo Daator" WANTED JUNK CARS. -------- . 332-8033 , d l on, tre* lowing. DAD Tow 73I-6I1Q* WtA lt»* S. Telegraph HOUSEBOAT 35' Carrl-condition. Vs Sleeps 6. | -6AILBUA piete with all sails and Little Dude trailer* $1*000. Ml 04738. PINTERS READY TO GO! ] New 1}' Starcraft, Deep V with sensational SS h.p. Jbhnson motor with battery, box. controls. Only I , and quart* 1 628-4355. WANTED Late Model GM Cars TOP $ PAID TOR EXTRA CLEAN -CARS Suburban Olds BIRMINGHAM We w o u I d like to buy late model GM Cars or will accept trade-downs. Stop by today. FISCHER BUICK 544 S. WOODWARD M7-5600 1965 MG MIDGET Wire wheels, hardtop, radio. GRIMALDI CAR. C0i *00 Oakland AYe. Overdrive. Exc. FE 5-9224. to sell, (3,9*5. *51-2*60, 1*67 TRIUMPH «T-A MOOrniies, under full warranty. DR 43*13 1967 GT-6 "1 Fully aqulpped, very tow ndtoeee. * 8 GRIMALDI CAR CO. ;1 x”' Oakland Ava. § BOOIES, framW' ____ BUGGY DUNE ehortatOR !"!'•'rin-Larr*******"****"*^ '? FIAT 1H7* $F»D^ CBfWerttetev\ p—u THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1088 Nwjp Cm _n_ _ DUNE BUGOIE RIOB OUT THE NOT summer In air ua MataHlak* with blacktop. 40 condition**! comfort, roomy 4 RrwHBfiBIHF®*5- ” wiSor itN-wtit a M*»*« ------------- --------~-------|ujK —tar, *143f. Call DUNE BUGGY . BYMLLYflOYLE MOO EtNabaft ~UlTH7 « wo "Michigan's Fastest Growing - VW Dealer" A FINE SELECTION OF 100 PER CENT WARRAPTEED USED CARS BillGolling VW Irtc. Now and Iliad Can *38Wrw’ 106 New aad lhad Can | 1963 CORVETTE po war ataarlng, powar brakes, buckat s**tt, console, burgundy with black vinyl top. axacwtlva car. AUDETTE PONTIAC a *4. Ml 2-8*00 AT MIKE SAVOIE AVE MONEY AT MIKE SAVON CHEW. 1900 W. Mapla. Ml 4-1753. LATE MOOlL CADILLACS ON ITE M------- - HAND AT ALL TIMES JEROME CADILLAC CO. 0 Wlda Track Dr. Beat offer, 646-K_____________ COUPE DEVILLE Cadillac. ' pdWar, AM-FM radio, oi....... 2096, Milford. I»M CADILLAC! CALAli. Pull ••••—- telescope wheal, , 6-way seat. trl-llgl 1821 Moplelawn Blvd. Off Mapls Road (15 Mile Rd.) ACROSS PROM BERZ AIRPORT Just South of Pontiac Troy_______________Ml MW dows^ climate conditioning. >3095. "CONVERTIBLE, 3634086._____ I If66 'CADILLAC i black, factory •«, own jnww. I to sail. >3360. OA 3-0312. 194$ CADILLAC Elborado, like new. 693-9366. too Oakland Aye. 1963 CHIVY vi Bel A.. ' Real Good. 43*4213, Riggins. mp i. 16.75 par r Auto. 33*- wd condition, >735, 696-M)1*. TOM RADEMACHER CHEW-OLDS NEW POLICY r cars to choose from - TR 5-7450> act. 154. 1963 CHEUROLETr -9 passang wagon. Full powdr, 646-1631. ___ iffci Ckilv* 2-OOOR, .$TCylinder •tandend shifts only $497. *'0" down, 14.75 par week. Easy credit, ..........I par wi Star Auto, 338-9661 SAVE AT MIKE W. Mtpie, M 1964 CHEVY II 2-Door $895 Now End Ihod Car* 1965 CHEVROLET Supor-lpo Convertible, omc. condition. mrasap'fcf^ MARMADUKB By Anderson and Learning 1966 CHEVELL! v-l automatic ORtMALDl CAR C0« 5 CHEVY apart van Wagon, 3 aatgr, automatic big six angina, impiti delight, summer special nly 51616 full price, |u“ **“ own and *50.2* — ~— t«t .36 par month. I JOhFm'cAULIFFE FORD Oakland Aya. pe 5-4... 6 6 CHEVROLET SUPBfc-Sport erdtop. S speed. FM radio. Clean. 36-1430.__________ 1966 MALIBU Super Sport Convertible —Em....-i conditf —|—* ring, pov $1995 Siiburhan Olds BIRMINGHAM __________ Ml 7-Sill bHlVlLlStf 3 DOOR. 6 cylinder, ‘autd., radio, whitewalls, 30,000 actual Ml., on# owner, 01300. 651-3660 attar 5 p.m. neater, oeautitut titvor Diue matching Interior, pra h special only 1)300 full prlca MS down *nd >43.56 per r Ask lor stock No. I639A. Big ir 5, OR 3 New and Used Cars i960 Cadillac coupE ttoviiio, like BILL FOX CHEVROLET JOHN McAULIFFE FORD I new, loaded. 647-7601._______ Rochester________________651-7000 630 Oakland Aye._____FE 5-4101 1964 CHS VELLE MALIBU, super 1967 CHEVY BISCAYNE, Moor, ADKINS AUTO SALES &%3S^bl*' Ml ““ 730 Oakland Ava. FE 3-4330 1964 BISCAYNE, 300 1963 Cad, Coupe do Vttle, clean *12ML-,poel4roction,*/»0. ' ..... * 60S lee* CORVAIR c« H>„ 4-SPBlD, ; 1963 Galaxle a Been Bankrupt- HAD A REPOSSESSION? ; BEEN TURNED DOWN j BY OTHERS? NOW YOU CAN BUY A CAR FROM USI BUY HERE! PAY HERE! II Ford SI I auto AL HAN0UTE Chav ratal Bulck On M24 in Lake Orion MY 2-2411 1964 CORVAIR convertible Auto. : HP Nice shape- >3»5. * lot ,1944 Falcon convertible 6. Auto. -*-!!* I Clean. 1550. i 1963 Mercury 3 door hardtop. i Breeieway—powar—clean. >675, 11964 T-BIrd Landau. Power. Nice. 11475. H. & H. AUTO SALES I OR 3-5300 473-9364 1964 CHEVELLE STATION ------ ----------WETS*. 1967 CHEVROLET IMPALaTVWN auto, trans., radio, heater, steering and brakes. Air aadejjja^o condition. >3,350. STANDARD Auto Spies 3400 Elizabeth Lake Road W block wait ot West Huron (MM) Roney's Quality Cars Get What You [Rs Pay For I CHEW IMPALA 4-door, V-l, sutomstlc. Power steering, brakes. >■ FE 5-SQ47. conditioned, i 391-3531.-, Z30 CAMERO; 303-4V Limited ductlon engine, purchased I960; forced sale, privet* os 435-1471. 196* CORVETTE, CONVERTIBLE, 4-Sjwed, 350 horsaposvar, 04700. 363- 1960 CHEVY II dolux* 3-door, 7,ON 363-7700. For the Inconvenience c -681*0894 siEED a CAR* — Nasr ttt 1B0 aria1 Repossessed? — Garnished? — Been Bankrupt? — Divorced? 'Got a problem? Call Mr. White xC. nsjuM NEW FINANCE FLAN. IF PROBLEMS, BANKRUPT, OR GARNISHED WAGES. WE CAN GET YOUR CREDIT REESTABLISHED AGAIN. WE HAVE OVER 80 CARS THAT CAN BE PURCHASED. WITH NO DOWN PAYMENT. COME IN AND SEE CREDIT MGR. MR. IRV. LUCKY AUTO Been Bankrupt? Need a Car? FE 84521 SHOP SUNDAY BUY MONDAY GRIMALDI lc SALE 1?65 monzs, 3-door hardtop, 4-speed, radio, haatar, whitewalls, with black trim, priced to sell. Lesabrt, 4-doi BUY A NEW 1968 Javelin 2-Door Sedon for $2469 AND HSVfYOUR CHOICE OF Automatic Transmission or Radio for heater, v-s, sharp. lc completion we will b* ready to serve you In our usual way. B* WHEaIon’cHRYSLER PLYMOUTH ........... roof, factory official car. Discounted $800 |V, m, * • VrlV ■ ;V‘ \\Y In' i • '.nil tskj P ..... On * ui To _. ’Clarkston, MA 5-5071.____ 19M OLDS CONVERTIBLE. .... power, by owner. 1490* after 4 p.n\. 682-6841, 1943 OLDS. M HOLIDAY' “Marmaduke REALLY knows how to lead a dog’s life!” New and Used Cars 106 JOHN 0'GREEN SAYS- • • FREE radio to you If I cen^t beat any deal on a .. Ford Falrlana, Mustang, T-Blrd .. Falcon. Brlt^.your beat offar to purcha 31. Hui 1962 FORD Galaxie 500, ma-roon with power steering, whitewalls, radio* like new - automatic. ROSE RAMBLER-JEEP Union Lake EM 34155 1962 FALCON 2-DOQR. atlck. sharp, ------_ Pay Majjk 251 Oakland HAHN CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 13 CHRYSLER SEDAN, every thing Rochester. showroom condition. Drivsa Ilka I CHEW. CLEAN. 14> anglm 1958 CHEVY NOMAD. Mint con- , rtltlon 643-94(4 Iff* CHEVY tMPAtjjL I, 251 Oakland, FE 1959 CHEVY, 2 d NOW AT Village- Rambler 666 S. Woodward Birmingham 646-3900 1964 CORVETTE, 2-TOPS, 363 horse TOM RADEMACHER CHEVY-OLDS NEW POLICY ___Ln, iloekaoDays. 1963 CHRYSLER New Yorker Forest green metallic, 4-door hardtop with black vinyl interior, bucket seats, radio. brakes. $795 See this auto at aring MOTOR MALL, on Maple BIRMINGHAM Chrysler-Plymouth MILOSCH CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH —FOOD GALAXIE, a FORD HARDTOP, bucket Mats, jUg down. Coll Mr. 10. Harold fi m I Tumtr Ford, 'F0&%£! Ruamt, 'c l'v-l.fM^ 474-4430. Farmington. 1963 FORD GALAXIE, Conyartlbtg, >450. 693-1668. TOM RADEMACHER CHEVY-OLDS ... NEW POLICY Priced at Wholesale In Stock 30 Days, 1963 FORD Falrtan* 4-door, 6 1946 FORD LTD, whitewalls, we Over 75 other < On US 10 MA 5-3071. S695. Now >495 irs to choose from t M15, Clarkston, tires and brake*, 356-35*4. lltlon %t black"^^^D^^P sterior. WM full price no mom own and S36.4Tper month. JOHN McAULIFFE FORD 630 Oakland Ave. FE S-4K 1966 T-BIRD LANDAU, full power, *-*» of extras; 1966. Comet, power erlng, 390, V-8; 1962 Chevrolet 2, ivemblr --------------- *“** 1960 CHEVY V-S air, c Save Auto. FE 5-3278. 0 CHEVY, REAL clean. Out of state c CHEVY: WHEN YOU buy it let MARKET TIRE give It a tree safety check. 3635 Orchard Lake Rd. Kcogo. >4 BUICK LeSABRE, power brakes. |5 1961 CHEVY 4-DOOR, low mileage,! id condition, FE 2- i radio, automatic. 682-2821 ■ 1965 ■CORVAIR , black, 1965 Satellite 2-door hardtop, t red interior, 4-speed. See this one. i 1965 Plymouth 2-door hardtop, white, I double power, radio, real sharpie, i 1966 Plymouth wagon, blue, whitewalls. # *! 1965 Tempest 2-door hardtop, 3-.. speed, V-8, white, blue inferior, cream-puff. ____________MY 2-2041______________ JOHN O'GREEN SAYS-"Why Pay More?" 1968 Clearance Sole ONLY >68 DOWN LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS « told from Must see to believe — full power, plus all the trimmings, >8(8 full price, $68 down, >35.46 per month. ' I960 BUICK GOOD MOTOR. ’ 63*4335.__________ 1S6I BUICK SPECIAL station wagon. $1195 1963 CHRYSLER 300 4-door hardtop, full power, low mileage. >875. 1 363-6006, alter i Matthews* Hargreaves OAKLAND per month. . JOHN McAULIFFE FORD 630 Oakland Ave. cc uiib n 1963 CORVAIR 2-DOOR, stick, S39S. "0" down. Call Mr. Parks, Ml 4-7500. Harold ' Turner Ford,. Blrm-Inghai 1965 CHEVROLET IMPALA, con-! 196* CHRYSLER, loadgd, factory air, vertibla, 327, full power, excellent! 7,000 mllos. Private owner. Priced condition. >1250. MA 6-733>. . | to soil. 5719 Griggs Or., Clarkston. 1965 tHEVY BEL AlR, 4 , door, T/POTiT Pn'f automatic, powar steering, sharp.! KbooLtrl O $1095. OAKLAND Bob Borst 7500. Harold Turne 1965 BUICK SPECIAL, 6 cylinder, 16,000 mi., .>1000. 330-3237 after 5 1962 CORVAIR MONZA, bucket seats, ^automatic, only^ $297. ^0J* Star Auto, 338-9661. Bob ^orst 1962 CHEVROLET BEL-AIR, 4-door sedan, V-8 automatic, powar bga|||[|^^||faww|||^good, clean, $525, aft. 6, 651-8725. SON IN SERVICE, 1963 Chevrolet impale convertible. Dual Carb. A beauty, no rust, 1725. 682-3535, DODGE CARS AND TRUCKS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH !O)rf0r(1 *•'“ ,nd s,rvlc*0A H400 724 Oakland___________FE 5-9436 ,,^, DODGE POLARA convertible. A ..AAA. -i.p. iedgint, ,|»wer steering'. full power. '. Auto. >1450. Phone 3334-7051. ' 1965 CHEVY 2 Door See O'Green Ford BETWEEN 0 MILE AND 9 MILE on Grand River FARMINGTON 1964 FORD STATION Wag.... automatic, $395. "0" down. Call Mr. Parks, Ml 4-7SO0. Harold Turner Ford, Birmingham.______ 1964 T-BIRD LANDAU beautiful metallic champan* with black vinyl top, automatic, radio, heater power steering^^^uk|te^a|M Special. >8) down. 863.S3 per iiiumi,. John McAuliffe Ford 438 Oakland Ave. . FE 5-4101 19*5 FALCON STATION WAGOtL excellent condition. OR 4-0714. 1965 T-BIRP convertible, beautiful top, .factory aiT conditioning, radio, heater, automatic, pov— special only >3TSI Tull price. Jus >188 down and >69.86 per month. john McAuliffe ford with red interior, radio, whitewalls, less than 10,000 miles. $995. ROSE RAMBLER-JEEP UNION LAKE EM 3-4155 Foreiga Cm 105Foreign Cars 105ForeigirCars CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 79< DAiriAQrt --- FB 5-9436 Wouldn't You Really Rather Drive From InEj vV JDUiwJN. or OPEL Your New LOCAL DEALER No Need to Drive Any Further! mawmwEw Special Introijpctory Offer NEW 1968 BUICK With all th* 1961 safety features, car Is equipped with V-*. push button radio, complete deluxe package Including Wheel covers. Deluxe steering wheel. ALL THIS FOR ONLY- $2594.09 Special Introductory Offer New '68 Opel Kadett This Is the lowest priced car GM otters. Check It out today, and save. Only— $1891.17 /y ’ Boasting—The Finest Service we believe in Oakland County, on any GM cars. We welcome and invite you to visit our large, fine staff of factory trained mechanics, service manager, and parts people. Courtesy is our motto. Please Stop By. 210 m BUiCK-OPEL hard Lake Pontiac 1965 MUSTANG convertible, V9, hardtop, VS. automatic, power OAKLAND jutomatlc. radio, heater, beautiful metallic blue with black top, bucket seets, summer weclol only Sliat. Full price. Just 888 down, end 848.45. per month. JOHN MCAULIFFE FORD . 630 Oakland Ave. ______FE 5-4101 1*63 DART 2-DOOR, * I *' -1. 343-Sllft. Oaalar. DODGE POLARA 500 1965 MUSTANG >r hardtop, V-3 automatic, steering, power brakes, New and Used Cm 1965. FORD C O IHfSM........ Cell Mr._ Parks, Ml 4-7500. Harold ^aii Mr. p«nu, mi 4-/mr Turner Ford, Blrmlnohah 1965 -MUSTANG hardtop, Vvlth a heatar, sticks summer special. Or ly $988 full prfee, no monsy down $36.42 monthly. JOHN McAULIFFE FORD 630 Oakland Ava.________FE $-410 Pretty. Ponies 1965 and 1966 MUSTANGS MANY TO CHOOSE FROM "Priced from $1295 As Low as $39 Down HAROLD TURNER New and Used Cars CONVERTIBLE rsmSaWSMS MSthls woak. 62*-7>63aBB FB 54m. powai 2491. TOM RADEMACHER CHeVY-OLDS NEW POLICY In Stock 30 days, Priced a! Wholesale 1963 OLDS Dynamic II. 6-door, 14*5. Over 75 a to salad mechanically. Interior I rusl, low ----------- ' Attar 5. 3 ant s h a p DOWNEY 0LD$M0BILE, INC. K> Oakland Ava. 19M PONTIAC. IlSSi FB 4.1733. PONTIAC: 1963 °^rH HARDTOP >750 59' PONTIAC, A-t transportation, 164 OLDS CONVERTIBLE, red w red and white Interior, whlto k power sieving end brakes, red heater, rsMuced to >1095. down, >12.75 par weok. El credit, Star Auto. 338-9*41. 1960 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE. Trl-£owtr. 24)00 ml. on angina, 474* 1965 OLDS 98 . Luxury Sedan Full power, black with vinyl top. $1695 Suburban Olds BIRMINGHAM 19*1 PONTIAC, axe; transportation. OldT ^DOOR hardtop, I rer, new tires, $1*95. will . J this week, 636-7163._____ 1965 OLDS LUXURY SEDAN 1 1966 OLDS VISTA Cruiser. Beautiful, In A-l condition. Factory air, Cruise-control. Adjustable ■HUH -ear window. Owner. 483-7723 alter 6 p.m. ________ 1966 OLDSMOBILE _ CUTLASS J convertible WlkJMJ- between 8 1966 OLDS 88 2-door hardtop, maroon with black vinyl interior, power steering, Jirakev radio, priced to sell) ROSE RAMBLER-JEEP Union Loke EM 3-4155 FORD, INC. 464 S. WOODWARD AVE. BIRMINGHAM Ml 4-7500 AIR CONDITIONED, 1956 F~alrlan*. GT, Select shift-full power, c ______FUN IN THE SUN 1966 Comet Caliente convertible, dark bluo with white top, new fires, power brakes and steering. $1,595 from original owner. 646- FAIRLANE, 1966 Mr. Parks, Ml 4-7500. ______ Turner Ford, Birmingham. 1966 MUSTANG HARDTOP, stick, Wagon Sale MANY TO CHOOSE FROM As Low Ast $395 — Village Rambler 666 S. Woodward Birmingham New and Used Cm 106 _ 1967____; PLYMOUTH $1595 Matth^ws- Hargreaves . RUSS JOHNSON PONTIAC-TEMPEST n M-24 in Like Orion MY 3-6226 n^1 When TIRE IE oh 2636 I msH ... .. a tree Orchard Lakg 5100. 693-1217. 1965 PONTIAC 2 PLUS 2, black, nl**. OA 8-3397. ____________ 1965 BONNEVILLE 2-door, very good double powar, auto.', >225. 336-6546. i. Marvel Motors, 251 Oakland Av*. 33*-4079. 1962 TEMPEST CONVERTIBLE, automatic, >395. Porks, Ml 4-7500. Harold lar Ford, Birmingham. 1962 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE, con- SHELTON 1962 TEMPEST. I TOM RADEMACHER -----CHEVY:OLPS NEW POLICY In Stock 30 daya. Priced at Wholesale 1963 TEMPEST 3-door, automatic, radio, heater, whitewalls; was >495. Now *325. Over 75 other cars to select from — On US 10 at M15r Clarkston, MA 5-5071._____ W3—LeMANS. MIDNIGHT—bluer Good cond. 335-3548. New and Used Cm - BAROAINT TRY THB -PONTIAC RETAIL — -STORE.........- FE 3-7951 1964 CATALINA 4 Door, outo., power ing and bnfeat) Cxc. con-___n, *950. 363-5021. t'944 tImfIIt LBMANS * C' door hartmp, auto., powar srlng, 0400- «M-\*40. kTALlN> 1964 CATALINA condition, OR 1965 OTt f965 PONTIAC ' 625-2951. 19*5 PONTIAC 4-DOOR hardtop, now tlroa, powar ataarlng'and Irak** , radio, automatic. 51395. *4*41*19 W5 PONT1AC DRAND PRlXr 1 ‘ owner, new car trado-ln.^ Can b* purchased LUCKY'AUTO 1965 PONTIAC, 4 dopr, sut power brakes. Look* and tra goad. *1150. *73-17*4. condition, all agulp. 44247. 1965 Chav. Imp. c IClieSl . .11595 . *1295 .* 1*5 RRMPMiee..* vs „ hardtop — •. S 795 1964 Catalina 4-door . ....* 495 Impale hardtop ....... J*** GMC Value Van ..........*595 1963 Mttaro 2-door ........» 1943 Bal Air Sdoor ........I 395 1964 T*mphf S«6«r f:-39* KEEGO PONTIAC Keeoo Harber__________*33-3600 1966 PONTIAC CATALINA. All powar, on* ownei Phono FE 2-6147. . 21.000 miles. 1966 TEMPEST CONVERTIBLE, 33*. VS. Automatic, pbwar brakes and ataarlng, new tires. STATION WAGON, and antimna, AM-FM w.... ------------ 23,650 miles, exc. condition. 11950. 335-9054. 1966 TEMPEST LoMANS, 2 door hardtop, 3-speed standard. Good conditon. *1450. 6*50 Colony Dr. Orchard Lake. 167 PONTIAC CATALINA. , All power, vinyl top. Exc. condition. Must sell, *2150. *37 North Ferry. Cell 263-9476, after 6 p.m. >1195. ____ ___________ ____ . Parks, Ml 4-7500. Harold Turi Ford, Birmingham._______ 11963 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX, blue! with matching interior, power I steering and brakes, radio, heater,! $1895. $12.88 per 1966 OLDS T0R0NAD0 >12.00 per Auto. 330-; $2795 Repossessed? — Garnisheed? — . /-Nl 1 r,8;s?c,i SW. m1 Suburban Olds , W owner. 334-6606. 1966 FORD FAIRLANE 500 Con BIRMINGHAM >60 5. Woodward ._ Ml 7-5111 " get a MERRY OLDS M0 DEAL vertlble. >1450, 4913 Pontiac, Lake 1967 MUSTANG lew car trade, very share. >1395_ GRIMALDI CAR CO. 900 Oakland Ave. ,440. Must A 3-3236 MERRY OLDSMOBILE 12fNr.A^STrr-- ROCHESTER, MICHIGAN STANDARD AUTO PONTIAC 109 EAST BLVD., S. 338-4033 1963 PONTIAC Catalina 2-door hardtop. >696 ft LUCKY AUTO 1967 FIREBIRD Convertible steering, radio and heater tires, and a Granada $2795 Matthews- Hargreaves 4-speed ram- 1968 GTO with accessories, 673-9051 < 363- 1966 OLDS 98 Air conditioned! Th.' “ ~ "X, impeccable condition of this fine FE 4-1006 ____or_____ FE 3-7854 wheel. Rally II whe_ motorcar reflects the care given 1963 pontiaC 2-DOOR, automatic, low mi. 674-3689 after 6. by Its former Birmingham owner. poWer steering, power' brakes, SAVE radio, heater, only $397 * I m m per werl'^|MJ 338-9661. le ovals, ?! Suburban Olds -^ >3.50 per week. Easy credit. Star 196* TORINO FASTBACK, GT, 4-speed, 390 stereo tape, blue, off-whlte Interior, call 624-4912. BIRMINGHAM 1947 FORD SQUIRE 10 __________ Wagon, air cond. S2795. $17.** per week. Call Mr. Parks. Ml 4-7500. Harold Turner Ford, Birmingham. REALLY NICE 48 passenger 1956 model G.M.C, bus. $350. UL 2- — S. Woodward____________Ml 7-5111 1961 PLYMOUTH WAGON GOOD condition, >595. 674-0060._____ 1962 VALIANT TUDOR, W5. "f down. Call Mr. Parks, Ml 4-7500. Harold Turner Ford, Birmingham. 1962 PLYMOUTH 4-door, automatic. >525. 332-9749. 1963 MERCURY 2-door, automatic. on. v down. Call^P^^^ra Ml 4-7500. Harold Turner Ford, Birmingham, See this auto; MOTOR MALL, -Rd. (15 Mile) lVk n of Woodward. *495. "0" down. Call. Mr. Pori .BIRMINGHAM Chrysler-Plymouth JJ PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR! lutomatlc, *195. "O' down. Call Ml >arks, Ml 4-7500. =ord, Birmingham. TOM RADEMACHER CHEVY-OLDS NEW POLICY Stock 30 days. with V-l, stick 1964 TEMPEST CUSTOM, 2-door U) GTO, 4-speed, vinyl top, loaded. 1968 PONTIAC CATALINA, Moor hardtop, extras, 673-2625. jrnouc. wn. v' dPWn Call Parin,, Ml 4-7510. Harold nor Ford, Blrntlngham,________ .. - TEMPES I 4-UUUH/ sflck, $391 "0" down. Call Mr. Parks. Ml 4-7500. Harold Turner Ford, Blrm-Inghar GO! HAUPT 1 PONTIAC Factory Official All Models Power Equipped Many with Air*-1 Priced From $1895 Village Rambler 666 S. Woodward Birmingham 646-3900 special at only >2488 $188 down anle powe ..veitstw; many s $1,295. Days cell *46-2494;__________ NE\V CAR TRADES Good Transportation Special —COMET—custom—4 Soor, i cylinder, automatic. 1961 FALCON Wagon. 6 automatic. , standard transmission. Bob Borst Tjoralh-Mercury Sales 1950 W. Maple Ml 4-2200 PLYMOUTH SATELLITE 1965. 313 4- 19*4 PON T T A C CONVERTIBLE; _HYDRAMATIC, double power-rH whltewalls, AM-FM Met. Gold, white top. 3990, 3914)572 attar 5:1$ dition, >758. 334-7303. 1965 DODGE dark green with white top, 6 | cylinder standard ehlft, real burgundy finish. $1395 Suburban 01ds| BIRMINGHAM 060 8. Woodward Ml 7-5111 1960 SI MCA gas saver. $195 1962 FORD 2 door hardtop* 8 automatic. $395 1962 Pontiac 4 door hardtop* $ automatic, power, One of a Kind. $1395. * OAKLAND CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 724 Oakland FE 54436 See this auto at our new location- at th* TR.DY 1965 MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE, automtilc, *109$. S7.8I per week. Call Mr. Parks, Ml 4-7500. Hsrold automatic, power brakes, power! steering. *495 724 Oakland FE 5-9436 1965 PLYMOUTH SATELLITE, tall . 626-9656 or FE 2-3632, Gary. MOTOR MALL, on Mppla Rd. (IS Mil*) m miles East BIRMINGHAM Chrysler-Plymouth ft ic SALE j 1962 CHEVY.6 automatic ■*| 1967 PLYMOUTH Belvedere GTX, 13,000 miles. >2195 or take over payments. Call anytime, 673-1559. 1964 FAIRLANE Wagon, V-l, Michelin tires. - >695 KAVERLEY MERCURY Rochester 1967 PLYMOUTH FURY III, 4 door balance of fac1ory_werranty, mint condition, >2095. OAKLAND CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 19*7 DODGE CHARGER Ml 4 taij i SakesWNw»' ffST radior, "tinted windshield. Ml 6-5137. BUY A NEW 1968 American 2-Door Sedan for FORD: When you buy It Tat MARKET TIRE give It a fra* . safety check. 2*35 Orchard Lake Rd. Keago. VWi (Sa Centex 1931 FORD hOADSTER. Chevy engine. Extras Included. In service must sell, two. 634-2*33. 193t FORD ROADSTER. With $1888 AND HAVf YOUR CWOtCE QF Automatic NQy In the Creator Bloomfield/Pontiac Area Chrysler engine. Needs some wont. Call attar 6. 473-8307. 3350. , J 1966 Mercury Montclair, V-l *u-- tomstlc, radio, whitewalls, with power. S1S95. 1948 FORD, WITH another engine, 3100, FE 58350. Transmission 1964 Pontiac Bonneville,, 1-door harotop, full power with air. 11295. 1855 Y-BiRD, No Rust. Exc condition. Best offer. Cell between 5-9 p.m. 334-8063. or Radio for 1965 Mustang, V-8 automatic 1964 Pontiac Bonneville con- 1999 FORD RUNS, *50. Also 1957 34> Pontiac angina, bum up, *75. MA 5-4125. tranmlsslon, radio, tahltasralls. mat ic transmission^’ wlda *oval tiros. *1195. 1960 FORD OR PONTIAC station 1 wagon, >285, auto. 363410*1, Dealer. 1C < I960 FORD 4 DOOR hardtop power steering and brakes, VI, stick shift. 8*2-6069. 4t. .*■.' [ , » NOW AT MBWMW ' I960 FALCON, noodcondtllon, *65 or swap Or ? FE 2-1779. Village Rambler 666 S. Woodward Birmingham $ 646-3900 ! Telegraph Rd. just North of Squari’ La(ce Rd. PHONE i SAVE MONEY AT MIKE SAy6lt CHEVY, 1900 W. Maple, Ml 4-WS3. 19*1 FALCON 'STATION WAGON, stick, *95. "0" down. Colt Mr. Forks. Ml 4-7500. Harold Turner Ford, Birmingham. 1961 FALCON Moor, stick, *95. "O'' down. Call, Mr. Porks, Ml 4-7500,| trterold Turner Fold. Birmingham. *■ 1966 REBEL 770 2-DOOR HARDTOP, 1 AUTOMATIC, FULL POW .LIKE NEW. JUST: $1295 Village -Rambler- 666 S. Woodward Birmingham n, $1195. FE 44501 HILLSIDE A NAME THAT MEANS A GREAT DEAL 1967 FORD Station Wagon Need lots of room? Interested In economy? You wiH receive both In this low mileage, one-owner beauty. Balance ot 5 years, SO.OOGmlle warranty. $1995 1964 FORD Galaxie "500" , V-0 "352" engine, automatic, radio, heater, whitewalls. ■ Nicest one we've had In a long while. 1965 PONTIAC Bonneville Convertible. A golden beauty with all white vinyl -------‘-erlng and brakes, power win- .leering wheel. All the goodies. $895 aows ana seaT, ti See this one for 1966 PONTIAC Bonneville T*“*door hardtop. Silver blue with matching Ipte-. Automatic, power steering and brakes, radio, r, Mag wheats, whitewalls. Real luxury and a $1695 greet buy. ' 1964 PONTIAC Catalina Sedan* Candy apple red with matching Interior. Automatic, radio, hooter* power Iteerlng and brokot, $1995 $995 1963 MERCURY Meteror Custom Sedan .. Two-door hatdlop, v-8, automatic, radio, haatar, whitewalls. An Waal second car. 1965 MUSTANG Two-door hardtop. "780" v-8, automatic, p Ing, radio, haatar, r^“—-1*- *— $795 , whltewslls. Sporty. ■ $1295 th luxurious mstph- Luxury at a - bargain pric $1595 1250 Oakland. 333-7863 THE PQffTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1908 D--1S, ■Television Programs— Program* fumlshod by station* listod In this column ara subject to chango without notice VwtiK.TV, 4-WWJ.Vv, 7-wtrifi, -ryusmu, gg-WKUMV, 96^ SATURDAY NIGHT , <:N (3) (i) C — News (9) CJjrr Robin Seymour (50) R — Combat! (SO) — Feiry Teles — “The Rabbit Keeper," • Portuguese tale about a soldier who must perform difficult tasks to marry a princess. 0:30 (2) C — Bill Anderson (4) C — News—McGee (7) C — Michigan Sportsman (50) Puppet Master 7:00 (2) C — Death Valley Days (4) C — Michigan Outdoors (7) C — Anniversary Game (9) C — Something Special Duke Ellington and Barbara McNair cohoet. (50) C —Hayride (56) C — Crisis of Modem Man — Discussion about modem American youth 7:30 (2).— Prisoner — The Prisoner is the sole resister to a propaganda scheme: a crash-course that would endow its students with; a university degree in three minutes. Only a mysterious general knows the toll this process would, take on the human mind. (4) R C — Saint-Simon goes to jail in an attempt to help police smash an international organization. . (?) C —Dating Game (56) French Chef 8:00 (7) C — Newlywed Game (9) An Evening With — Marty Allen and Steve Rossi perform (50) Movie: “Timie of Indifference” (Italian-French, 1964) The story of a widow, her lover, and her two grown children in the Italy of the 1920s. Rod Steiger, Shelley Winters. (56) Folk Guitar 8:30 (2) R C — My Three (4) R C — Get Smart f?tR C — Lawrence Welk (9) Movie: “The Conjugal Bed” (Italian, 1965) A girl has been taught that a woman’s function in life is to have children. (56) NET Journal — A recreation of Charles Darwin’s 1835 voyage to the Pacific’s remote islands. 9:00 (2) C R — Hogan’s Heroes — Stalag 13 is overrun by a swarm of excaping POWs. (4) R — Movie: “The Errand Boy” (1962) Spoof of the film industry. Jerry Lewis a-aa m rTT Junction — Mad at being cut from his own barbershop quartet, Uncle Joe is a pushover for Selma Plout’s scheme tb win first prize in a talent contest for her daughter. (7) R C„ — Hollywood Palace V Sammy Davis Jr-, is host. (56) Real Revolution — Talks include inquiry , meditation and nationalism. 9:25 (7) Political Talk -Rockefeller 10:00 (2) (Special) — Miss Universe Beauty Pageant (50) C — Lou Gordon -Guests are Sen. Philip A. Hart, who discusses violence in U.S. and illegal marketing activities, plus members of the Detroit Lions, who will discuss upcoming season. (56) NET Festival — Soprano Elisabeth Schwarzkopf presents a recital of arias and songs. 10:30 (7) C — Cine Mondo (9) C — The Group 11:00 (4) (7) (9) C — News, Weather, Sports 11:15 (9) Movie: “Flight Nurse” (1953) A nurse in the Air Force asks to be assigned to Korean war duty so she can be near the man she loves. Joan Leslie, Forrest Tucker 11:30 (2) C—News, Weather, Sports . (4) RC —Johnny Carson r; (7) Movie: “Psycho” (1960) Suspense thriller about the sinister events that transpire at a small motel. Janet iiigh, Tony Perkins, Vera Miles, John Gavin ' V '' \ (50) C — Alan Burke — Guest is file self-proclaimed King of the World 11:45 (2) C —Editorial 11:50 (2) C — Weather 11:55 (2) C — Sports 12:00 (2) Movie: “Night Train” (English, 1030) Nazis attempt to track down a European scientist who has escaped from their clutches. Rex Harrison, Margaret Lockwobd 1:00 (4) Beat the Champ 1:40 (4) C — News 1:55 (7) C—World of Sports 2:00 (2) Movie: “A Touch of Treason" (French, 1962) French and Soviet agents combine forces to find the gang that stole secret documents from the Soviet Embassy in Paris. Roger H a n 1 n, Claude Brasseur (7) Movie: “The Awful Truth" (1W7) Zany antics of a married couple who quarrel over a m i s understanding and separate; Cary Grant, Irene Dunne SUNDAY MORNING 0:05 (2) TV Chapel 6:10 (2) C- News 6:15 (2) Let’s Find Out -An informal look at paintings by U. of M. artists. 0:30 (2) C - Cathedral of Tomorrow 7:25 (4) C - News 7:30 (2) O-—Christopher Program (4) C — Country Living 8:00 (2) C - This Is the Life (4) £ — World Council of Churches — “the U n derground Church,” first of two programs on the church’s increaainf Involvement in secular society. (7) C — TV College 8:15 (9) Sacred Heart 8:30 (2) C — Temple Baptist Church (4) C — Church at the » Crossroads (7) C — Green Up Time . (9) Window on the World (50) C — Herald of Truth — “Who Are the Saved” 8:55 (4) C — Newsworthy 9:00 (2) C - Mass for Shut-ins (4) C — Oopsy, the Clown tif C — Dialogue (9) Eric Sykes (50) C — Captain Detroit 0:20 flfC fiL With This Ring (7) C - Milton t h e Monster (9) Spectrum 9:45 (2) C - Highlight (4) C — Davey and Goliath 10:00 (2) Let’s See (4) C — House Detective (7) C — Linus (9) R —Hawkeye (50) C — Kimba 10:30 (2) C - Faith Tor Today (7) C — Bugs Bunny (9) C — Bozo’s Big Top 11:00 (2) International Zone (7) C — Bullwinkle (50) R — Little Rascals 11:30 (2) C — Face the Nation , , (7) R C — Discovery ’68 ' — “Life on the Mississippi” explores die history of the river and the men who transport cargo through her dangerous waters. (9) R ~ Movie: -r “Tobor the Great (1954) A scientist builds a robot guinea pig. Charles Drake, Karin Booth, Billy Chapin—------------------ (50) R C — Superman SUNDAY AFTERNOON — Mister Ed M. Presents Championship 12:00 (2) R (4) U. of (7) C -Bowling (50) R C —Flintstones 12:30 (2) R —Patty Duke (4) C —Design Workshop (50) R — Movie: Jieap-□ tain Blood”- (1935) A doctor, . found treating a wounded rebel, is convicted of treason and sold into slavery. Errol Flynn, Olivia de Havilland 1:00 (2) R C— Tom and Jerry . (4) C — Meet the Press -r Guests are CORE’S Floyd B. McKissick and Roy (7) C — Spotlight (0)R — Movie — “Sorrowful Jones” (lOtt) A stogy Broadway bookie receives a small child as security for a gambling debt. Bob Hope, Lucille 1;8S (4) R c — Road Run-ner \ T (4) C —At the Zoo (7) C- Issues and Answers — Gov.Nelson A. Rockefeller of New York is interviewed. 2:00 (2) R - Movie — “Revolt of toe Mercenar- ies" (Itallhn, 1961) A duchess accepts the help of mercenary leader In her battle with an arrogant neighbor. Virginia Mayo, Conrad Sammartin, Livlo Lorenzo. ~ (4) RC-FIlppff------- (7) C —■ Choice — A discussion on how an individual and society get value systems / 2:30 (4) C - Animal Kingdom (7) R — Movie — “The Devil’s Disciple’’ (1958) George Bernard Shaw's play about the American Revolution. Burt Lancaster, Kirk Douglas (50) R — Movie: “Crime School" (1039) The warden of a reform school tries to regenerate a bunch of tough Mds. Humphrey Bogart, Billy Halop, Leo Gorcey, Huntz Hall 3:00 (4) C- Professionals (9) R —Movie: “Sergeant York” (1941) Story of World War I hero. Gary Cooper, Wglter Brennan. 3:30 (4) C-Target 4:00 (2) RC -21st Century — “Anatomy of a Shot," a look at the na-tion’s space program. (4) R c — Qomedy Playhouse — “The Blue-Eyed Horse’’ — Melvin __Feebie has a hard tone explaining Jhe disappearance of his wife who has been transformed into a horse. Ernest Borgnlne, Paul Lvntje. Joan Blondell (7) C (Special) — Time for Americans — “Newark: Anatomy o f Riot,” a panel discussion focusing on last summer’s New Jersey riots and their aftermath. (50) R C — Laramie 4:15 (56) London Line 4:30 (2) R C — Wagon Train (50) NET Playhpuse Jgg “Trumpets of the Lord,” TV adaptation of an off-Broadway hit about a Negro gospel meeting. 5:00 (4) International Zone (7) R — Movie — “Three Violent People” — (1956) Civil War veteran returns to Texas — and bad news. Charlton Heston, Anne Baxter 5:30 (4) C (Debut) Campaign and the Candidates — A new series highlights the presidential hopefuls and their campaigns. Elie Abel will serve as the series’ anchor man. (9) R C — Laredo (50) R — Silent Service SUNDAY NIGHT 1:00 (2) C — News, Weather, Sports Report — Cl e velaft d Mayor Carl Stokes is profiled. (50) R — Victory at Sea — U.S. carrier task force tries to rescue Midway Island from the Japanese. (56) Insight — Death of young child threatens marriage. - -6:30 (2) C — Job Opportunity ■£; (4)-C — -News, Weather, Sports (9) R —Movie: “The Three Stooges in Orbit” (1962) (50) R — I Love Lucy (50) U.S.A. —-ILSr poets Gary Snyder and Phillip Whalen are guests. 7:00 (2) R C Lassie — The collie tries to reunite a fawn and its mother. (4) C — George Pierrot — “Dublin to Limerick” (7) R C * — Voyage — ACcident drastically affects Nelson’s personality. (50) C — (Special) Pope and the Vatican This profile of Pope Paul VI traces growth of the church and toe changes that confront it. (56) Summer Sampler — Folk songs 7:30 (2) C — All-American College Show — Variety (4) R C — Walt Disney’s World —“the Mystery of Edward Sims’’ Reporter Gallegher. TV F&atures j Tonight SOMETHING SPECIAL, | 7 p.m. (•) AN EVENING WITH, 8 P-m. (0) (4) C — Today — Edwin Newman takes over as boat'VtMte Hugh Down* 4*-on a one-month medical leave. (7) C — Morning Show 7:55 (9) Morgan's Merry-Go-Round 8:90(2^ C - Captain Kangaroo (9) Tales of the River MISS UNIVERSE BEAUTY PAGEANT, 10 j p m. (2) Tomorrow MEET THE PRESS, 1 p.m. (4) ISSUER AND AN- 1 1:30 p.m. (7) I TIME FOR AMERICANS, 4 p.m. (7) CAMPAIGN AND THE CANDIDATES, 5:30 p.m. («) POPE AND THE VATICAN, 7 p.m. (50) IT’S HAPPENING, 1:39 p.m. (7) ( 5 6 ) A ppalachin Folk Music — “The Music-makers of the Blue Ridge” 8:00 (2) R C — Ed Sullivan — Guests include the Mamas and the Papas, Ed Ames, Florence Henderson, Jack Carter, John Byner. — (7)RC ----FBI - Michael Rennie stars in this story about . espionage and murder. (50) C — David Susskind — Features include pros and cons on drug uSe arid an examination of the fear of death. 8:25 (0) C — News 8:30 (4) R C — Mothers-in-Law — Desi Arnaz plays a matador in conclusion of this two-parter. (9) C — Lowell Thomas — A visit to Ceylon (56) Actor’s Company — The ' comparty completes its work on Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night.” 9:00.(2) C — Summer Brothers Smothers Show <— Glen Campbell’s guests are Vikki Carr and the cream, if (4) R C — Bonanza — The Cartwrights fight their way through Indian country. (7) R C — Movie: “Dear Brigitte’’ (1965) James Stewart, Glynis Johns, Fabian, Billy Mumy (9) C — Perry’s Probe 9:30 (9) Man Alive — Four theologians are interviewed_________ 9:55 (2) Political Talk^-Rockefeller 10:00 (2) R C — Mission: Impossible — African wreck country’s economy draw IMF to scene. (4) R C — High Chaparral — Buck and Manolito ' try to rescue two sisters from Indians. (9) C — Documentary Special — “Twenty-Four Hours in Czechoslovakia” (50) C— Lou Gordon 11:00 (2) (4) (7) C - News, Weather, Sports 19) News, Weather,Sports 11:15 (9) R — Movie: “Breaking the Sound Barrier” (1952) Ann Todd, Nigel Patrick (71 C — Hanev’xPeople IhSOttBUT- Movie: “Desiree” (1954) Marlon Brando, Jean Simmons (4) Beat toe Champ 12:30 (4) C - News 12:41 (7) C — World o f the 12:59 (7) News 1:05 (9) Window World 1:30 (2) R — Movie: “We Live Again” (193*4) Fredric March, Anna Sten 3:00 (2) C — News, Weather 2:05 (2) C — With This Ring MONDAY MORNING 0:00 (4) Classroom 6:15 (2) On toe Farm Scene 6:20 (2) News 6:30 (2) U. of M. Television (4) C - Ed Allen 7:00 (2) C U Woodrow the Woodsman ★ POLICE MONITORS SONAR - RSOINCY HALLICRAFTERS - *29.95 ndup TOWN « COONTRY RADIO 8 TV 674-3161TJS7A* I 8:30 (7) R - Movie: “Here Come the Girls” (1954) ' Bob Hope, ‘"Arlene Dahl, Tony Martin, Rosemary Clooney (0) Time for Adventure 9:00 (2) C - Merv Griffin (4) C - Steve Allen (9) C — Bozo 10:00 (4) C — Snap Judgment. (7) C —■ Virginia Graham (9) R — Hawkeye 10:25 (4) C - News 10:39(2) RC - Beverly Hillbillies (4) C — Concentration , (7) C — Dick Cavett (9) Friendly Giant (50) — Jack La Lanne 10:45 (9) Chez Helene 11:00 (2) R — Andy.. of Mayberry (4) C — Personality (9) Mr. Dressup (50) C — Kimba S' 11:25 (0) Pick of the Week 11:30(2) R — Dick Van Dyke (4) C — Hollywood Squares (30) Little Rascals 11:55 (9) News MONDAY AFTERNOON 12:00 (2) (4) C - News, Weather, Spans (7) ft— Bewitched (9) Luncheon Date 12:25 (2) G - Fashions Tomorrow 12:30 (2) C - Search for Tomorrow __ 14) C — Eve Guess (7) C — Treasure Isle (9) R — Movie: “Special Delivery” (German, 1955) Joseph Cotton, Eva Bar-tok. (50) R — Movie: “Manpower” (1941) Edward G. Robinson, Marlene Deitrich 12:45 (2) C Guiding Light 12:55 (4) C — News 1:00 (2) — Love of Life (4) C — Match Game (7) C — Dream House 1:25 (2) C- News (4) C — Carol Duvall 1:30 (2) C - As the Wbrld Turns (4) C — Let’s Make a Deal (7) C—(Debut)-It’s Happening — Paul Revere and Mark Lindsay host ACROSS 1 Actress Ekberg 8 Feminine appellation 11 Feminine • nymph 13 Wends 14 Used by female* In sewing U Perfumes for females 16 Paid notices 17 Root flnial 19 Bom "Feminine name 24 Liquid element 27 Alleviates 31 Girl's name 32 Steps over a fence ; 33 Slow (music) 34 Having tides ■ Not partial 36 Levels 87 Convenience 41 Brother (ab.) 44 Drunkard 49 Lower Umb 46 Mourn for 61 Arthurian tamale 64 Eludes 65 Mariner 36 Doctrine 07 Meeting Down 1and • the King of Siam" 2 Require 3 Angers .4 Scatter, as hay 5 Be sick 6 Entangle 7 Lawyer (ab.) 8 Horse color 9 Concerning (law), i 10 Essential being 12 Forest creature 38 Devotees 39 Thus 40 Shoshonean Indians. 41 Internal decay In fruit 42 Rant 43 Arabic state 45 "Flower” HOLLYWOOD; Calif. (AT Three generation of Wagnert will participate In th* Hollywood Lutheran C h u r ctt. •' service Sunday toe Rev. John H. Wagner Sr. as minister, the Rev. John H. Wagner Jr. aa lltiirglst and the' letter's sons, Robert, and William^ as acoloytes. . , ' * “ girl 46 Son of Seth (Bib.) 47 Feminine . nickname 49 Dutch city 50 Seine 52 Pillar 53Atmosphere Family Affair41^ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ' 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 2! [22 23 24 25 26 [27 28 29 30 31 32> 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 \ 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 13 Beds. Come our new shipment. Q00DWILL HEATING A WA-WA TRAILER SALES 3401 W. Huron at llliskolh U. Rd. Phono 683 9300 W| COOL IT" Air Conditioning by CHANDLER HEATING ft COOLING or s-6632 free Estimates If U R Seeking Peace of Mind in Thi« Restless Age Dial 335-0700 pop music, fashion fads and news of Hollywood. 1:55 (7) C — Children’s Doc- tor 2:00 (2.) C - Love Is a Many Splendored Thing (4) C — Days of Our Lives « (7) C — Newlywed Game 2:30 (2) RC - House Party 14) C — Doctors (7) C — Dating Game (50) R — Make Room for Daddy 3:00 (2) C — Divorce Court (4) C — Another World (7) C — General Hospital (9) R — Route 66 —150) H"C — To’Tell the Truth 3:25 (50) C — News 3:30 (2) C - Edge of Night (4) C — You Don’t Say (7) C - (Debut) - One Life to Live Philadelphia’s fashionable Main Line provides the setting for this melodrama. (50) C — Captain Detroit 4:00 (2) C — Secret Storm , (4) C — Woody Woodbury. (7) C — Dark Shadows (9) Swingin’ Time 4:30 (2) C — Mike Douglas (7) R — Movie: “Rome Adventure” (1962) Suzanne Pleshette, Troy Donahue, Angie. Dickinson, Rossano Brazzi (Part 1) (50) Three Stooges 5:00J9) C — Bozo (50) R-Tittle Rascals 5:30 (4) C - George Pierrot (9) C — Fun House ' (50) R C — Superman 5:45 (56) Friendly Giant —Weekend Radio Programs— WJRT7A0) WXYZd 270) CKLW(800) WWJ(950) WCAR(1130) WRONG 460) WJBKO500) WHFI-FM(94.7) TONIOHT «:«0—WWJ, News WCAR, Nows, Choir Loft WPON, Lutheran Hour CKLW, Urtltod Christian 10:1S—WPON, Emmanuel Baptist ' WHFI, Stars of Detenn 4:45—WPON, Music on Dock WJR, Mackinac Race Report, Showcase CKLW. News. Mllllon-Doller-Weekend wxyz, .News. Close-Up WJBK, Henk O'Nell Evangelist— 7:11—WJR, Hymns 7:10—WJR, Weekend Report, —WJR, Pattern* In Music 10:10-WWJ. Ntwo, Scouts, Humana WJBK, Voice of Proohocv 7:W—WJBKTDotroit Common Council WWJ, Nows, Monitor WCAR, News, Rick Stewart WHFI. Larry Baker WPON, News. Phone Opinion WCAR. News, Ron Rose WJR, News — - Sunday Chorale WWJ, Mariner's Church CKLW, Orel Roberts WJBK, LlgM end Lite WJR, Weekend Dimension, Patterns In Music 10:45—WWJ, Art of Living WJR, Nows -_M0u.WPON, Army Show— WJR, Sports 4;30—WJR, Weekend Report, Points and Trends WXYZ, Tom Harman Sports SiSe—WXYZ, Devs Lockhart, News WCAR, The Church Today 7:41—WPON, Mount Olivo BaptUtt WWJ, Farm News S>IS—WJR, News WWJ. News. Muelc 11:00—WWJ, Nows, St. Paul's Cathedral WJBK, Lutheran Hour WHFI, 1 Remember Germany WJR, News, Wsekend Report 7:10—WPON, Protestant Hour 7:4S—WJR, Action: Dotrolt Urban League 7:SS—WJR, Sport* SiOI-WPON, Church of Weak WJBK, LisMn 10 This Si4S—WJR, City Hill Reports FiSS—WCAR, News, Rick Stewart WPON, Serenade WJBK, News, Tern Dean WM, Newt. Analysfs, Dimension 7:1$—WJR, Saturday Showcase CKLW, Your Worship Hour WJBK, Rovivgl Time WCAR, News, Lift ter Living WPON, St. John Luthoran 1:15—WJR, Famous Schools 1:1*—WCAR, Back1 to God Hour CKLW, Old-Fashioned Revival . (WJBK, Radio Bible Clan WPON, Choir . Music H:1J—WPON, Central Methodist WJR,. Patterns In Music UiM—WJR, Sports, Salt Lake City Choir llsdB—WJBK, Ave Mario Hour TOMORROW AFTERNOON WJR, Nows, Showcase WHFI, Jan From Britain WXYZ, News, Show World t:1S—WJBK, Viewpoint Stlb-WJBK, science Nows WXYZ, Publlp Affairs 1:45—WJBK, Books Unlimited 9:00—WPON, OldltS Show 7:1#—WWJ, Newt, Monitor WJR, Weekend Dimension, Report 7:4#—'WJR, Shdwcas* 4:00—WHFI, Don Booco WJR, Newt, Music f:IS—WJR, News, Detroit •and Concert 10:OS—WJR, Newt, Covalctde 10:10—WWJ, Best Prom Inter- WJR, Renfro vallty 9:00—CKLW, Windsor Labor - WCAR, Music for Sunday WHFI, Jim Shields WPON, Brood of Ufa WWJ, Nows, Church at Crossroads WJBK, Wings of Heeling WJR, News Mgrt|n j, 11:00—WWJ, Newt. WCAR, Music tor Sunday WPON. News, Sunday Session WJBKt News, Don Thompson WHFI, Bavarian Hour WJR, Nows, Sports 11:1$—WJR, Showcase WWJ, Audio '48 WJBK, Rx for Health WJR, News 9:15—WJR, Visit With Lenort Romney ‘ WJBK, Living With Adolfs-' cents 9:3*—WJR, Face the Nation WJBK, Young America Looks at Books 11:00-WWJ, News WJR, News Howard , „ 9:15—WPON, Shining Light. U:1S—WJR, News Special: "The Discarded Generation" ,0,0#l)oorJ' New#' Cl,Dl' WJR, Sports, Sunday Show- t;:1S—WWJ, Overnight _WJR.SportsT4nel- 11:30—WJR, Music Till Dawn tlrOS-WXYZ, Ron Knlflhf . .Quartet - — — CKLW. Mlllion-Doller Weekend - WJR, Plano Portraits WXYZ, News. iim Dovls WJPr News, Sports, Showcase. WJBK, Northwestern Review Action WCAR, News, Wayne Phillips WJBK, Nighttime TOMORROW MORNINO 4:00—WJR, Musical Prom- 9:M—WJR, weekend Report Patterns In Music , j CKLW, Million Dollar Weekend WJBK, Cornmunjtyp Currents 2:00—WJR, News, Sho«7Cpse 1:00—WHFI, Larry Baker WWJ, News, Monitor 1:4$—'WJR, Tiger goat,. Best-ball ‘ 1t:l*-WJBK, U of O Journal WWJ, Btanial Light WJR, In Contact 11:M—WJR, News WWJ, Naws WJBK, Naws, Labor WJBK, Hour of Crucified WWJ, News, Music 9nlS—WPON, Religion In the TOMORROW EVBNINO 11:1$—WWJ, Analogue CKLW, Prophet Jones Wxyz, Public Affairs WWJ. Overnight 4:30—WJR, Weekend Report, Organ Encores WJBK, The Book 4:4S—WuR, The Christophers WJBK, Bible Speak* 9:SS—WJR. Weekend Dimension lt:IB—4fWJ, News, Radio Pul-WP(Sl Serenade In Blue 4:00—WXYZ, News, Dick Pur-tan WJBK, Music, News WCAR. News, Music WWJ, News 4:tl—WPON, Guard Session WWJ, Weekend Report till—WPON, Voices of Vista I?:]*—WJBK, What'S the Issue WCAR, Jewish Community WJR, All Night Show H :4$—WWJ, wripen Word till*—WCAR, News, Wayne Phillips 7:00—WJR, News WJBK, Notes WJBK, Abundant Life WJR. News, Sports, Traffic WWJ, Meet the Press WJR, Scores WWJ, News WXYZ, Naws HEARING AIDS ---Rosamond Williams MAIC0 29 E. Corntll FC 2-1221 Services & Supplies Mt-KJouA Laundry Village Self-Service Coin Operated 747 N. Perry St. Across From Kroger Super Market A stormy day or an accident can ruin your vacation. Our policies can’t ontrol the weather, bur protection if an accident occurs. See us for an "Away-from-Home" policy. I ALUMINUM I SIDING | I ALUMINUM 1 TRIM I i ALUMINUM I GUTTERS | j ALUMINUM AWNINGS § ALUMINUM ft { WINDOWS | ( MARCEL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FE 8-9251 § DOES IT AIL! (Bettor) • REYNOLDS • KAISER ; • ALCOA I3-—16 THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1668 foes of Court Nominees Apparently Score Tactical Victory WASHINGTON ★ - Courts, however, would be free under a section of the bill to suspend sentences of those convicted for the first time. The bill was passed by a 319-2 vote. The other measure, cleared by 325-1, would provide $211 million over two years for various health programs, including alcoholism and drug addiction. New Boundary Law Is Surprise NATIONAL WEATHER AP Wlraphoto -. Showers and thundershowers are forecast tonight ' Recent state legislation doing away with county boundaries committees caught Oakland County Board members off guard yesterday and altered {dans to consider incorporation > of two area villages. At a meeting yesterday to consider petitions from the villages of Wolverine Lake and Oxford for incorporation, Oakland County Board of Supervisors Boundaries Committee members heard Jot the first time of a new law that will ( establish a State Boundaries Commission 'to replace such committees cm the county level. The new law caught most Oakland County Bond Boundaries Committee members completely unaware. The bill •8*t|te.|N6iewt and for the area extending from lie Gulf Cbast ittto feel Southern fas signed into law June’ 22 by Gov. Ffadni^hfin aba Is predicted for the PacifinNorthwest. L Romney. t, The committee subsequently tabled both petitions until corporation counsel for the bounty could determine exactly what effect thenew law would have on jietitions submitted before the bill was signed. NOT YET KNOWN Itis not yet known by any member of the committee whether the. law is retroactive, in which case both Oxford and Wolverine Lake villages would have to- go through the petitioning process County Corporation Counsel Robert Allen told the committee he didn’t think the bill Would take effect until 90 days after the State Legislature ended its present'seSiloh. \ . Associated Press sources in Lansing said the MU took effect immediately upon Romney’s signature almost a month ago. -, * * ★ The bill calls for the creation of a three-member State Boundary Commission to be appointed by the governor for three-year terms. * ★ * The bUl defines file duties of the pew commission as “henceforth all petitions for incorporation required by those arts to be filed with the board of supervisors or the secretary of state shall be filed with the commission and the commission shall exercise the powers and carry out the duties of the board of supervisors and the secretary of state in rela^on to such inrtrporiitkns.” . < • Birmingham ....... ".T*.. Local M 4s Fact-Finc for Flint Rift BIRMINGHAM-Harry Casselman of 3279 Hartslock Woods, a veteran labor 'mediator, was ndmed this week as feet-finder in the labor dispute involving' Flirt and 2,300 of its municipal employes. Casselman, a former regional director of the National Labor Relations Board, was named to the post by Robert Hewlett, head of the Michigan Labor Mediation Board. * ★ ★ Howlett said Casselman will move as soon as possible to arrange fact-finding sessions- with Flint city officials and three unions who are striking the city. He described Casselman as “an excellent arbitrator.” Casselman is a member of the National Academy of Arbitrators and has served several times as a fact finder for the Mediation Board. CHANGE OF HEART?—Corado Bailey, a Negro auto worker., is watched by his wife and 8-year-old daughter, Pam, as he put up a “for sale” sign in front of his Warren home last April. He has been harassed by neighbors, and police were assigned to prevent mob action by angry crowds. After he put the sip up, 1,750 persons signed a pledge asking the Baileys to stay. The sign has now been taken down, and Bailey says he is reconsidering his plans. Harassed Negro in Warren Reconsidering Plan to Move WARREN (AP) — “We will try, as Christian people, to overcome the prejudice and bigotry shown them on so many occasions.” A Negro auto worker and his wife took down the “for sale” sip in front of their house after the above message, addressed to them, appeared in a full-page newspaper advertisement siped by.1,750 persons. ★ * ★ “We’re reconsidering our plans,” said Corado Bailey, who moved into this industrial suburb of Detroit with his white wife and their two children about a year ago. When they first arrived, a crowd gathered outside their house, and police were assigned to prevent trouble. Rocks were thrown through windows, racial slurs were shouted and several attempts were made to set fire to the house. The Baileys continued to be the target of harassment, mainly by teen-agers. “Jt was especially hard on our little girl, Pam. She’s only 8,” said Mrs. Bailey. “She doesn’t understand what it’s all about and has been upset by all this.” * ★ ★ This spring the Baileys decided to move, and a “for sale” sign was posted on their front lawn. Shortly thereafter, the newspaper ad appeared urging them to stay on. OPENING UP The ad said the sipers wanted the Baileys to be a part of the opening up Of Warren to all people, of whatever race, nationality or creed- The Baileys live in an upper-middle-class neighborhood where the houses range upward of $25,000-$30,000. Warren, a mushrooming suburb where the population has grown from 89,000 in 1960 to an estimated 175,000 today, has two or three other Nepo families. - ★ ★ ★ 'After the newspaper ad appeared, more than 100 persons telephoned the Baileys or rang their door bell to lend their voice of support. Some brought their children with them to play with Pam. ■ “But nobody in our immediate neighborhood sighed the ad, and most of our neighbors still won’t let their children play with Pam,” Mrs. Bailey Said. Drug-Addiction Bills Pass John W. Helton Jr. of 5605 Woodwind has been appointed product manager, accounting machines a and systems, Burroughs Corp’s.’| U.S. Business Ma-f chines Group. According to Rich-1 ard O. Baily, vice I president and group | executive, Helton I will be responsible 1 for all operating as-1 pects of product HELTON management relating to his assigned product areas. WORK WITH MANAGERS He will work closely with marketing managers and salesmen at all operating levels throughout the nationwide marketing organization, and will coordinate product policy with the corporate product management staff. With Burroughs for 20 years,' Helton began* his career as a sales trainee in Charlotte, N.C. in 1948 after receiving hia B.S. degree in economics from Davidson College, Davidson, N.C. # ' Dr. Jerry G. Margolis has been elected president of the Oakland County Osteopathic Association in the annual election at a recent meeting. Margolis of 7027 Woodbank, a general practitioner for nine years, has his office at 4930 Elizabeth Lake Road, Waterford Township. ★ ★ For the past few years he has been a delegate to the National OstqppathirtAs-sociation; a member of the boara of trustees of the Oakland County association for the past five years, and recently was chief of staff at the Pontiac Osteopathic Hospital. * * ★ Also elected to the board of trustees for the group was Dr. Paul P. Mitros, of -4110 Nearbrook, Bloomfield Hills. Dr. Frederick W. Bowditch, of 927 Abbey has recently been, appointed director of Emission Control, General Motors Enginering Staff. ★ * * Bowditch will represent General Motors in automo-|. tive air pollution [ control, said GM I Vice President Harry F. Barr. * * * A 1944 graduate of the University of II-BOWDTTCH linois with, a BS degree in mechanical engineering, Bowditch served 2% years with the Navy. He attended Purdue University which granted him the MSME degree in 1948 and the Ph.D in 1951. He joined General Motors in 1951 with the GM Research Laboratories Fuels and Lubricants Department. He advanced -to senior research engineer before being assigned as staff engineer, Emission Control Liason, GM Engineering Staff, in 1966. Train Crash Kills 8 MEDINA DEL CAMPO, Sapin UP) — An express passenger train and a freight train collided head-on today, killing eight persons and injuring 60, railroad officials said. . ■ ? $1,250 Boat, Outboard, Trailer — Fast Sale . . . • “Our Press. Wart Ad gaye us fast action. Sold complete outfit/ first night.” . Mrs. D, W. PRESS WANT ADS are equally efficient in many ways —to sell, buy, find, hire, swap. They’ll work for you, too, Try one ’and'.see."Dirt' : 352*8181 or ,i7\* 334-4981 ' - i i (50) Larceny, Inc. 10 pjn. (?) Backlash 2:00 p.m. (0) Broken Arrow 2:00 p.m. (50) Tonight We Raid Calais 3:30 p.m. (50) Flight to Mars 8:00 p.m. (50) Time o f Indifference 8:30 p.m. (0) Conjugal Bed 0:00 p.m. (4) The Errand Boy 11:15 p.m. (0) Flight Nurse 11:30 p.m. (7) Psycho 12 midnight (2) Night Train 2:do a.m. (2) A Touch of Treason 2:00 47) The Awful Truth SUNDAY 11:30 a.m. (9) Tobor the Great 12:30 p.m. (50) Captain Blood 1:00 p.m. (9) S o r r o w f u 1 Jones 2:00 p.m. (2) Revolt of the Mercenaries 2:30 p.m. (7) The Devil’s Disciple 2:30 p.m. (50) Crifte School 3:00 p.m. (9) Sergeant York 5:00 p.m. (7) Three Violent People 8:30 p.m. (9) The Three Stooges in Orbit 9:00 p.m. (7) Dear Brigitte 11:15 p.m. (9) Breaking the Sound Barrier 11:30 p.m.J2) Desiree , 1:30 a.m. (2) We Live Again MONDAY 8:30 a.m. (7) Here Come the Girls 12:30 p.m. (9) Special' Delivery 12:30 p.m. (50) Manpower 4:30 p.m. (7) Rome Adventure (Part 1) 7:00 p.m. (9) King Richard and the Crusaders 11:30 p.m. (2) The Tall T 11:30 p.m. (9) The Man Between , * 11:30 p.m. (50) Whirlpool TUESDAY 8:30 a.m. (7) Ain’t No Time for Glory, 12:30 p.m. (9) Everything but the Truth 12:30 p.m. (50) Princess O’Rourke 4:30 p.m. (7) Rome Adventure (Part 2) 7:00 p.m. (9) The Man in the Iron Mask 8:30 p.m. (4) Man’s Favorite Sport 11:30 p.m. (2) Anna Karenina 11:30 p.m. (9) Brief Encounter 11:30 p.m. (50) Confidence Girl WEDNESDAY 8:30 a.m. (7) Fire Down Below (Part 1) 12:30 p.m. (9) Voice in the Wind 12:30 p.m. (50) Stallion Road 4:30 p.m. (7) Night Passage 7:00 p.m. (9) The Tanks Are Coming 9:00 p.m. (7) Flaming Star 11:30 p.m. (2) Time Out for Love , 11:30 p.m. (50) The Unfaithful THURSDAY 8:30 a.m. (7) Fire Down Below (Part 2) 12:30 p.m. (9) Golden Ear-' rings 12:30 p.m. (50) Two Flags West 4:30 p.m. (7) Summer Love 7:00 pjn. (9) The ’ Three Musketeers , 9:00 p.m. (2) Where the Spies Are 10:00 p.m. (56) On the Night Stage 11:30 p.m. (2) Kangaroo; Untamed Heiress 11:30 p.m. (50) The Big Lift FRIDAY 8:30 a.m. (7) My Wife's Best Friend 12:30 p.m. (9) The Return of October 12:30 p.m. (50) The Bride Came C.O.D. 4:30 p.m. (7) Until They Sail 7:00 p.m. (9) Jubilee Trail 7:00 p.m. (56) On the Night Stage 9:00 p.m. (2) Portrait of a Mobster 11:30 p.m. (2) The First Traveling Saleslady; Kid. Millions .1:00 a.m. (7) The Treasure of Pancho Villa SATURDAY 12 noon (50) Gentleman Jim 2:00 p.m. (7) The Black Castle 2:00 p.m. (9) Sabre Jet 2:00 p.m. (50) Swing Your Lady 'IbliiftM Freo Vocation On What They Save On Pontiac 1964 Chtv. Impala , 4-Door VI wMh Auto. Irons. Power || 4 AP steering and brakes. 1 owner's fine w | | 1966 Pontiac Tempest *1495 1966 Pontiac Catalina 4-Door Hardtop wHh powor ttoor- z. ,ond.bn,k“:.¥Wrf!*.wHh.S *1745 1967 Chevrolet Impala ...*1995 MerCUn' I960 P.n. Bonne. Con,. 1966 Rambler Classic Station Wagon. 6 cylinder. Automatic A _ *1595 1967 Olds F85 2-door. 4-speed. Positraction. Station Wagon. A real solid < ion wagon, m real aona cor __ aah e*745 stiMSSJMSQ *1695 1964 Catalina Sta. Wgn. l-nTr^.r-" *1245 IM2 Tempest 4-Door *395 1967 Bonneville 2-dr. Hdtp. Special of the WEEK! - $2745 1W5 Cervoir Monza. *995 I and brains. t.c.l- I ________is the actual mileage the previous owner." Signed-FRANK B. AUDBTTE AUDETTBPONTIAC IIP | New Hours Open Mon.A Thur*. Ask., 9 Mlo. las« of UP’- WmK-Mi Coleman's FURNITURE MART . . . FIRST IN FURNITURE & CARPET Luxurious New Carpeting THE NEXT BEST THING TO ALL NEW FURNITURE Give your home the beauty and warmth of new carpeting and you'll ! enjoy new comfort, better living. Nothing short of o completely refurnished home could provide so much added luxury to your decoraiive scheme — so much added pleasure for every memfebr of your family. WE WILL CARPET 2 ROOMS AND HALLWAY WALL TO WALL ... IN GORGEOUS NEW 100% NYLON BROADLOOM . . . Complete With Foam Rubber Padding and Tackless Installation Make your selection from 10 colors: b|ue-green tweed. For Only . red-black tweed, brown, black-white tweed, oranrje-bi own tweed, beige, olive, gold, royal blue, lilac and cocoa. I Thete will be d charge of 20c per sq. yd. extra for'in*" I slallcition over concrete floors. Any additional yardage needed (over 32 square yards) will be $5.95 per sq. yd. Installed, We GUARANTEE your satisfaction with this sturdy, " 100% nylon broadloom designed for long wear and beauty. But, it's jOst one of hundreds of other fine carpetin'g available at similor savings'. . Regular Price.........$289.95 FURNITURE MART PRICE . ■ . 199.95 You Save *100°° SHOP AT HOME NO OBLIGATION FE 4-5711 Our carpet counselor will be happy to bring samples to your home atito obligation to you. Your Home Means More With Carpet On The Floor 536 North Perry Jusi Across GLENWOOD fro KMART PONTIAC’S FASTEST GROWING STORE OF FINE FURNITURE and CARPET TUESDAY TUESDAY MORNING 6:00 (4) Classroom 6:1$ (2) On the Farm Scene 6:26 (2) C - News 6:30 (2tTU. of M. Television (4) C — Ed Allen 7:00 (2) C-— Woodrow the Woodsman (4) C — Today (7) C -4- Morning Show 7:55 (9) Morgan’s Merry-Go-Round 8.00 (2) C — Captain Kangaroo (9) Tales of the River Bank 8:30 (7) R — Movie': “Ain’t. No Time for Glory” (1957) Barry Sullivan, Gene Barry, John Drew Barrymore, Bruce Bennett (9) Vacation Time 9:09 (2) C - Merv Griffin (4) C - Steve Allen (9) C — Bozo 19:60 (4) C—Snap Judgment (7) C — Virginia Graham of Th. Pontiac Pr.tt , (9) R — Hawkeye 10:25 (4) C— News 10:30 (2) R C — Beverly Hillbillies (4) C — Concentration .(7) C - Dick Cavett ' (9) Friendly Giant (50) Jack La Lanne 10:45 (9) Chez Hclcnc 11:00 (2) R Andy Mayberry (.4) C — Personality (9) Mr. Dressup (50) C — Kimba 11:25 (9) Pick of the Week 11:30(2) R - Dick Van Dyke (4) C — Hollywood Sauarcs (50) R — Little Rascals 11:55 (9) NewS TUESDAY AFTERNOON 12:00(2) $) C — News, 'Weather, Sports (7)R — Bewitched (9) Luncheon Date 12:25 (2) C- Fashions 12:30(2) C- Search for Tomorrow' (4) C — Eye Guess (7) C — Treasure Isle (9) R — Movie: “Everything But the Truth” Tu.iday, July 16 (1956) Tim Hovey, Maureeq O’Hara (50) R—Movie: “Princess O’Rourke” (1943) Olivia de Havilland, Robert Cummings 12:45 (2) C — Guiding Light 12:55 (4) C- News 1:00 (2) C — Love of Life H) C—Match (iarrte (7) C — Dream House C — News ( ,) C — Carol Duvall 1:30 (2',C — As the World Turns (4) C ■«Li,etXsMak’ a Deal (7) C — It’s Itefppfcriing ;:55 (7) C — Children's Doctor 2:00 (2) C — Love Is a Many Splcndored Thine (4)VC—Days of Our Lives (7) C — Newlywed Game 2:30 (2) R C —House Party (!) C — Dorters (7) C — Dating Game (50) R — 'Tai;;: Room for Daddy 3:‘0 (2) C — Divorce Court (?) C — Another World (7) C — General Hospital (9) R— Route 66 Th. Pontiac Pratt Tu.iday, July 16 (50) R C - To Tell the Truth 3:25 (50) C- News 3:39 (2) C-Edge of Night (4) C---You Don’t Say (7) C — One Life to Live (50) C —Captain Detroit 4:00 (2) C — Secret Storm (4) C — Woody Woodbury (7) C — Dark Shadows (9) C — Swingin’ Time 4:30 (2) C — Mike Douglas (7) R — Movie: “Rome Adventure” (Part 2) (50) R — Thre* Stooges 5:00 (9) C — Bozo (50) R — Little Rascals 5:30 (4) C—George Pierrot: “Motoring Through Italy’’ (9) C — Fun House (50) R C — Superman 5:45 (56) - Friendly Giant TUESDAY NIGHT G:00 (2) (4) (7) C — News, Weather, Sports (9)R—Dfennis the Menace (50) R C — Flintstoncs (5G) Misterogers 6:30 (2) C—News—Reasoner (4) C — News — Huntley, Bnnklev (9) R C — F Troop (50) R — McHale’s Navy- America by Austin. The first car built to be a second car. America is roomy without being big. Economical without being small. Dependable without being lifeless. If tiie America sounds like the perfect second car. it should- It's designed that way. $1845 P.O.E. Plus Tax and License PONTIAC SPORTS CAR INC. 467 Auburn Ave. Phone 335-1511 7:00(2) R C — Truth or Consequences (4) C — News, Weather, Sports (7) C — News—Reynolds (9) R—Movie: “The Man in the Iron Mask” (1939) Joan Bennett, l^ouis Hayward (50) R — My Favorite Martian (56) Real Revolution — Indian writer-lecturer discusses “Observing Ourselves.” 7:30 (2) R C — Daktari — Judy the chimp, protect-ting an ailing lion, risks her life for the animal when it becomes the quarry of tribesmen, fl) R C — I Dream of Jeannie — Comic Paul Lynde plays Cmdr. Porter, the maniacal head of a nutrition experiment. (7) R C Garrison’s Gorillas — Garrison’s felons, behind the German lines in Italy, get the unpleasant job of guarding other criminals when they stumble on a lost MP and his handcuffed prisoners.* (50) R — T l.nvp Lucy (56) Playing the Guitar 8:00 (4) C — Showcase '68 — Lloyd Thaxton hosts this country flavored music show jn Nashville. Guest stars include the Box Tops. ? (50) R C - Hazel (56) CMU Presents -Adaptation of “Rapunzel” 8:30 (i> C — Showtime — Don Knotts hosts Jazz pianist Erroil Garner, actor Robert Moreyr- singer ' Julie London, (4) R C — Movie: “Man’s Favorite Sport?” (1964) (7) R C — It Takes A Thief — Mundy risks his neck to fake defection into # a people’s republic, only to find that his contact’is deed and no cne has any idea of what he’s supposed to steal. (50) R — Honey mooncrs (5G) Puppet Master 9:00 ( 50) R — Pern; MasojT (56) R — Creative Person — Film portrait of composer William Schtr-man 9:75 (9) C — News 9:30 (2) It C - Good Morning, World — Larry makes good on promise to give the Lewises a wedding gift. But they end up on an embarassing shopping foray. (7) R C — N.Y.P.D. — Haines tries to nail aging hood for a string of hijackings. (9) C - Good Company-(56) R — Actor’s Company 10:00 (2) C (Special) - Of Black America—Producer Palmer Williams says this third of seven programs tries to provide an African perspective on What's happening in this country. (7) R C — Invaders—Be--lieving it is a religious manifestation, a 1 No w Mexico teen - ager keeps an alien crystal from all who want it: David and . , the desperate, invaders.. (50) Les Crane—Producer Lawrence Turman (“The Graduate)' discusses film trends. 10:30 (9) Summer Way * * (56) Eric Hoffer 5 11:00 (2) (4) (7) (9) C -News. Weather, Shorts (50) R - Alfred Hitchcock TUESDAY 11:30 (2) R — Movie* “Anna Karenina” (English,, 1948) A married woman becomes tragically caught in a love affair. Vivien Leigh, Ralph Richardson, (4) C — Johnny Carson (7) C — Joey Bishop (9) R — Movie: “Brief Encounter” (English, 1948) David Lean directed this picture, written by Noel Coward, about a romantic interlude between a doctor and married woman who meet between trains in London. Stanley HpUoway, Trevor Howard, Celia Johnson (50) R — Movie ^“Confidence Girl” (1952) 1:00 (4) — Beat the Champ (7) — News (9) Window on the World 1:30 (2) R — Dobic Gillis $4) C — PDQ 2:00 (2) R-Highway P;'trn! 2:30 (2) C — News, Weather ^ MEA1SS ®am r 4#^ TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR COMPLETE RANGE OF HOME ^ y MODERNIZATION AT OUR REDUCED SUMMER PRICES! (Over 20 years experience serving Oakland County) “Service I« Our Specialty” r * WRITTEN GUARANTEE - LOWEST PRICES ■ $ QUALITY WORKMANSHIP - F.H.A. 1 . BUDGET PAYMENTS - NO MONEY DOWN | 1 FREE ESTIMATES - WITHOUT OBLIGATION ^ J “/> & V — A Name You Can Trust” L&VH0MK IMPROVEMENT 163 W. Montcalm, Pontiac CALL 335-2102 ESTATE* BUILDERS THE PONTIAC PRESS SATURDAY, Jli.Y 13/19(58 C—1 Hume Section MAKE OVER PAGES MODERN IZATI &H_ The Howard Simms' Home In Columbiaville Was Built By Lumber Baron William Peter In 1892 Built-In Sideboard Located In Dining Room Columbiaville Home Was Fireplaces In Dining (Left) And Living Room Abut By JODY HEADLEE .Home Editor, The Pontiac Pres;; Wrought iron fencing punctuated by imposing gates encircles the white brick, three-storv home purchased by the ■ Howard Simms in 1944., Built in 1892.,, the house was originall^the dream of William8Rotor! andlhis -brick' - , It stands as tangible evidence to the determination of the Bavarian immigrant William Peter who migrated to Columbiaville ii|->1848 with little” more than the clothes on«M back and his wfttbgncss to work. , * .. ★ * peter hired out, as a mill hand at the local saw mill for $4 a month and his board. By doing other odd jobs, he managed to save $48 that first year, WASTE NOT — WANT NOT " JSharptJjJ'o noted that stray logs were aecunftilStmg behind thf/h^|. ifeipken dam. Hoohtain'ed permsro^Brom the, owners to; t£e- (be logs as his own. The home’s massive entrance hall is finished in paneled oak with the floor, a block parquet . design, continuing through into the dining room. CARVINGS Dimensional leaf carvings are found on the front staircase’s solid oak newel posts. The broad steps, now carpeted, lead to the second landing marked by a beveled, leaded glass window. * * * Detail on the dining room’s oak ceiling is repeater) in the dado, The built-in sideboard of igAcjhing oalc is topped. by Victorian red marble. , '★ * * ' The piece apparently housed the family’s silver for the fine china was kept in the room’s walk-in china closet and butler’s4 pantry complete with running water for rinsing the dishes. * * Each room on the first floor may be closed off by sliding doors. Globes Found dn Original Gas Chandelier’ Now Electrified EMPTY “The home,’’ said Mrs. Simms, “stood , empty for several years, .and fell into disrepair. Vandals had ' knocked the .dints'off the tracks, loosened the fire- Rv delving into his sayings, Peter had Ihemjgs sawed into lumber. The venture netted him $1,900 and he was on his way to becoming a millionaire. ^ In four years, he had saved enough money to build the first store in Columbiaville, elope with Roxanna Clute despite her father's vociferous objections and build a home for his bride. ★ ★ ★. Together they manned the storfe. Every cent that Peter saved he invested in pine, lands, walking miles over the forests of Michigan and Wisconsin to be sure they were worthy of his investment. LAND OWNER Ci By 1864, Peter owned all of the land in Columbiaville. 'i Planning a village similar to his birthplace', he built the school, the depot, a cheese factory, a grist mill, foundry, ice houde, brick yard, flour mill and the woolen-mill. ★ ★ * With business booming, Peter was then ready to break ground for his dream house. Most of the materials that went into the home were products of Peter’s own business enterprises. * * ’ * All ceifing^fm the 19th century man- sion are 11-foot high. Eight fireplaces (one for each of the downstairs living rooms and the upstairs bedrooms) supplement the heating system. For galas, the Peters finished the top floor as a ballroom. Built in place tiles and generally taken their toll.” In the living room, hangs an original carbide chandelier of antique brass. It has been electrified. * * * >•. “Originally,” said Mrs. Simms, “there was a carbide generator in the basement that produced the gas for the lights and for the burner in the parlor fireplace.” Pontiac Press Photos by Rolf Winter Carving Detail On Newel Front Staircase Features Novel Oak Banister mu m m THE-PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY. JULY i:t, 18(18 6Oapartme Reports Due in Waterford Ball Hits Caddy at Area Course A Southfield youth was report-The Waterford Township'ed “Improving” today in New Board will hear six status Grace Hospital, ;Detroit, after reports presented by various being struck hy a golf ball at township departments at its the Birmingham Country Club regular meeting Monday night. Slated for presentation to the board are treasurer’s department reports for the months of May and June, and the following June reports: the building department, the water supply system, the clerk’s budget and financial report and the police department. course yesterday morning. Injured was Michael Wolk, 14, m of MT. and Mrs. Erwin Wolk of 17470 Nadora. Mmp Emanuel H. Murrey pBjjHBB Service for Mrs. Williams member of Gloria Dei Lu-, ROMEO -r Service fortiae General HosjjiuJ ; (Edna C.) Alexander, 52, of 86 theran Church. jEmanuel' H. Murray, 57, of 409 ing gabbed about 7 Houston will be 1 p.m. Monday Surviving are his wife, Hath- S. Main was scheduled today at yesterday during a at the Frank C a r r u th e r s erine E.; a daughter, Mrs. John'3:30 p.m. at Roth’s Home for argument in Beaudetl* I'w Funeral Home with burial in Hagen of Kalamazoo; three Funerals. Burial followed in the Oakland County Cemetery. A spokesman at the club said f the youth was caddying when d the accident occurred. He was a standing on the course’s ninth tee at about 10 a.m., the spokesman said, when an errant shot Bids will be opened for repair from a nearby fairway struck work on pedestrian overpasses him in the head, knocking him — | temporarily unconscious. He was conscious when taken from the course and when he arrived at the hospital. Doctors are treating him for possible brain injuries. in the township. The insurance committee will report on its study of a proposed package insurance policy offered to the township by Pauly’s Insurance Agency. Vacation and sick leave time conpensation for the fire department will be up for consideration, as will bo one lot split and a proposal to put on the November ballot a request for bonding power for a new fire station. A water drainage problem on Hatfield also will be discussed. 2-Car Crash in Area Hurts 3 Three persons wore injured in a two-car crash early today on Haggerty /tear Oakley Park in Commerce Township. Charlie L. Williams, 23, of 9491 Wise, Commerce Township, told Oakland County sheriff’s deputies he was driving north on Haggerty about 1 a.m. when he dropped a cigarette and looked on the floor of his car to retrieve it. The car crossed the. center line and smashed head on into a southbound car driven by Wendell L. Power, 49, of 34004 . 14 Mile, Farmington Township,! officers said. Power is being treated at Pontiac General Hospital for fractures this morning; his wife was treated for cuts and bruises and Williams was under observation, according to hospital officials. KuhiVHHs Romney I *5*® for Riot-Power Veto Disease Fatal to Ex-Central Athlete, 24 ■A former Pontiac Central High School athlete who was stricken with multiple sclerosis two years ago died yesterday. Service for Paul Brown Jr., 24, of 117 Earlmoor will be 1 p.m. Tuesday from St. John United Methodist Chur cl Burial by the Frank Carruthers Funeral Home will be in Oak Hill Cemetery. * ★ ★ Brown, a 1962 graduate of Pontiac Central, played two years of basketball at PCH and attended South Carolina State College and Ferris State College before he contracted the Mrs. Alexander died Thursday. She had been employed by St. Joseph Mercy Hospital. Surviving are a brother Everett Hollis of Pontiac, and aj sister. Harry H. Allen Service for Harry H. Allen, 64, of B-20 Union Court will be U a.m. Monday at the Melvin Schutt Funeral Home with burial in Oak Hill Cemetery. Mr. Allen died Thursday. He was retired from GMCT Truck and Coach Division. Surviving are his wife, Alice; a son, Harry Jr. of Newport, Va.; two daughters, Mrs grandchildren; and two broth-.Romeo Ceipetery^ r,W all S|a,!e OaUaml ^"ly'Iive daughters. Mrs . .Fgry Church with burial in Mount Prosecutor s off,ce- Friess of Madison Heights, Mrs. Hone Cemetery Rosarv will be Surviving are her husband; iporothy Tatro of Detroit, Mrs. Hope Cemetery. Rosary will be|two sons> D of Hum^john Meader of Lansing, Mrs ■R ,boldt, Iowa, and Dwight J. of Joseph Reeves of Arizona and retired Pontiac; two daughters, Wandi Mrs. Arnold Baldenegro of L. add Phyllis A., both of Del [Arizona; five grandchildren; was a Mmber el the Knights et!M^ h J J ^Surviving ‘ are hi, „‘i f e . and a «nt^ Mrs. Charle|! DetTOlter iOUglll Jeanette S.; a son. Wesley!Hea,ens "* Poottac-Myers of Royal Oak; three daughters, Mrs. Gerald Roberts and Mrs. Warren Asbury, both of Pontiac, and Mrs. Henry & m i t h of Hale; 13 grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren, and three sisters. “ Funeral-Home Mr. Liistig, a retired self— | -a murder warrant was issued employed' plaster contractor,'against George Earl Jones, be-died yesterday. Ilieved to be either 28 or 33 years Surviving are his wife, Anna;|old of Detroit. , avo.«w.w *aw mat , - (wo sons, William C. and!' ★ + ★ ITSIT Mon(ky; Eugene E.. both ot wstertyrd Jones ls Leo E. Lustig i in Killing of Man KEEGO HARBOR — Service MOUNT CLEMENS (AP) -for Leo E, Lustig, 77, of 16701 Authorities are seeking a De-Cass Lake will be 10 a ™.!troit man in connection with the Tuesday at the C. J. Godhardt kj]]jng 0f a 68-year-old man and Leo B. Cross Service for former Pontiac |v resident Leo B. Cross, 85, of *, wounding of two persons. Mrs. Joseph Matter Mr/Cross died Thursday. He ^J'J ^aSw^ ^o'f °fMurrayTate of Clinton Town-wac rotirpH Lawrence l. caraway 01 ship near Mount Clemens. was retired. , Clarkston; two sisters, including - .......... Surviving are his wjfe,Mrs Augusta Keel of Keeg0 Delorse; a daughter, M r s . Harbor; five- grandchildren; Virginia Carleton of Pontiac; and four great.grandchildren. four sons, Homer of Miami, Fla., Kenneth of Rome, N.Y.,| Merrill of Pontiac, and Randell; ! f of St. Petersburg, Fla.; and 13j BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP - *as William Strickland, 30, of grandchildren. Requiem Mass for Mrs. Joseph'Detroit, who was treated at a [(Elvira T.) Mattes, 68, of 7345 >oSPltal and was ^leased. a.„, p pr:.|* Chula Vista will be 10 a.m ! ~ Monday at St. Regis Church, | Worker 'Critical‘ Birmingham, with burial at | Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. Robert N. Clayton, 39, of 1508 Tate was killed with a 45-caliber bullet Thursday night at his home. His niece, Nettie Mae Harrison, 39, was wounded and underwent surgery at a Mount Clemens hospital. Also wounded Service for Oscar E. Frisk, 71, of 88 Hill Circle, Waterford Township, will be 1:30 p.m. Monday at the Gloria Dei Lutheran Church with burial in White Chapel Memorial Cemetery, Troy, by Donelson-Johns Funeral Home. Mr. Frisk, a retired metal Prayers will be said 9:30 a.m. Cole, Birmingham,'Was report-Monday at Vasu-Lynch Funeral ed still in critical condition to-Home, Royal Oak. day in William Beaumont Hos- Mrs. Mattes died Thursday, pital, Royal Oak, with injuries Surviving are one daughter, suffered in an accident Monday Mrs. Jack Calati at home, and at the Space-Defense Corp. one brother. [plant, Troy. PUBLIC NOTICE TOMORROW ouicntcniR One «f Michigan's Original Discounters FROM 10:00 A.M.-7 P.M. AT ALL FRETTER APPLIANCE DISCOUNT Dunns AIR CONDITIONERS cheote from, wch o* West- point, Emerson and many morel Fantastic values start now at s 79 ^ REFRIGERATORS Choose from the brand you 2 doers, top freezers, bottom freezers. Hetpoint, Whirlpool, Kelvinator, more from AUTOMATIC WASHERS *129 Top brands only included: Wh I rl pool. West! ng house, Hetpoint, Hoover,many more. Some fantastic values here from COLOR TVs 273 Choose from RCA Victor, Zenith, Admiral, Westing- fk house consoles, lo-boys, W portables. Massive assortment of new floor mddels. Sensationally priced from KRESGE'S MIRACLE MILE Sq. Lake & Telegraph STORE OPEN SUNDAYS 11 to 5 P.M. 7 H.P. GARDEN TRACTOR • With 32" Twin Blades • 16" Rear Hi-Flotation Wheels • 1 3" Front Hi-Flotation Wheels a 8 Speeds, 6 Forward—2 Reverse • Padded Seat — Trailer Hitch • Height To Hood 30" • Wjdth 32Vi"—Length 58" • Controls Mounted on Dashboard • 1 Gallon Gas Tank .• Weight: 393 lbs. Gross *297 7 H.P. TRACTOR, with electric starter..... *333 33 LAWN MOWER SALE 22" CUT, 3 H.P. sB3son& SOC88 .7" Wheels ||V 19" Cut, 3 HeP. sB3so„& $0088 7" Wheels 22" ««*, VA HP. S3388 Briggs & Stratton 7" Wheels 22" Cut, 3Vt H.P. Briggs & $E^77 StraHon ■ With Tunnel Deck OP ■ PATIO FURNITURE GHAIR FA N A 20” Breeze Q4 Bax. 2 Speeds w 1 Guaranteed oo CO CM G.E. AIR CONDITIONERS . .*119 SUNDAY'S SPECIALS McLain Notches 17th Mound Victory 34 YEARS AGO NET RETURN — Bill Ultenbruch puts a drop shot back County Open Tennis Tournament at Oakland University. Ullen-over the net in his senior men’s singles match yesterday bruch, the basketball coach at Bloomfield Hills Lahser, won against John Sirich in the first day’s play of the Oakland his match 2-6. 6-3, 6-4. County Net Field Tough Weekend Card Filled With "top Men's Matches An outstanding field of men’s singles and doubles continues play today-and tomorrow in the annual Oakland County Open Tennis tournament being staged at Oakland University courts. Juniors and senior men got the tournament under way yesterday and the veteran netters over the age of 35 pushed their physical efforts to a peak in several long matches in the humid temperatures. * * * The juniors started at 4 p.m. and finished in relatively fast sets, but the seniors were gluttons for punishment. Bill Ullenbruch, Lahser High School basketball coach, battled John Sirich of Oakland University, and Jack McBride of Birmingham defeated OU professor Amit Tagore in a pair of long three set matches. THREE HOURS A match which went nearly three hours was Wdody Proctor’s 6-2, 9-7 win over John Herd. Easiest victory of all was posted by defending senior’s champion Leon Hibbs who won a pair 6-0 sets from Wade Bollinger Another ex-champion, Ralph Alee, defeated Larry Mason, 6-3 and 6-3, in a match which also went more than, two hours for the two sets. * * , + - Southfield teacher Arnold Hoffman indicated his role as senior challenger as he posted a 6-1, 6-1 win over veteran Pontiac netter Dan Murphy. Play started in juniors events this morning and will continue with men’s singles and doubles until 7:45 p.m. today. Sunday, an impressive array of men's matches are on the calendar with several past champions and outstanding names among the participants, FORMER CHAMPS Past champions include Hibbs, Alee, Bob Neff and Rick Watson. • Neff, a Southfield High School coach and teacher, returns to the county tournament scene for the first time since his 1961 doubles’ championship when he and his tennis team student Doug Dan defeats! Tom Belton and Bruno Kearns in the finals. Neff is tennis and basketball coach at Southfield and he teams in men’s doubles play with Ion Wilson of North-ville. Wijkon has an outstanding back-grbund of tennis in Miami, Fla., where he resides during the winter. :(continued on page D-4, col. 6) NO RETURN !p|t was a hot, humid and harassing day for Frank Jones in the senior men’s division of the Oakland County tournament yesterday. Jones of Orchard Lake failed to return this backhand shot and he subsequently lost his match to Rev. Hiram Jones of Union Lake, 6-3, 6-2. The tournament continues today and tomorrow in day-long matches of the record breaking field. Casper, Charles in Close Quarters of British Open Dizzy Dean last won 30 games in the majors. He was 30-7 for the St. Louis Cardinals in 1934. McLain was 10-10 at this stage last year and finished with a 17-16 record. He was a 20-game winner in 1966. “I’m pitching better this year than I was last year, there’s no one or two ways about that,” McLain said. “I’ve won every year I’ve been up here, but this just seems to be a real good year, that’s all.” * ★ * Detroit pitching coach Johnny Sain was asked about McLain’s chances. “He’s pitching in a tough ballpark in Detroit,” Sain said. “But this guy’s a real competitor. “I think he’s pitching better this year. He’s improved himself. He’s pitching . .differently. He’s got a better assortment fffi pitches and he’s got them organized. He’s an organized pitcher out there now. He hasn’t pitched a bad ball game all year.” IN COMMAND McLain didn’t think he was particularly sharp Friday night as he pitched the Tigers to their 13th victory in 16 games and kept them in command in the American League race. He denied it was a routine showing, however. “I didn’t have good stuff, but I had my fastball and I had pretty good control of it,” he said. “I just couldn’t get my curve over. ★ ★ ★ “Nothing’s routine, believe me. But once I get up four or five runs, I consider myself as having won. “The Twins hit some shots. You never know until it’s over. That’s why they go " nine innings.” McLain walked two batters in the seventh ihning and lost a shutout when third baseman Don Wert let rookie Rick Renick’s grounder go between his legs for an error and an unearned run. Wert had wrapped it up for McLain with a two-run homer off loser Jim Kaat, 6-6, following Willie Horton’s single in the sixth. It was Wert’s eighth homer of the season. The Tigers also scored single runs in the first, second and seventh innings on singles by Horton, Dick McAuliffe and. A1 Kaline. * Firebirds to Scrimmage • , The Pontiac Firebirds will get ready for their first exhibition game next Saturday, " July 20, with the .Flint Wildcats by playing a full dress intrasquad scrimmage tomorrow at 1:00 pn). • on the Wisner Stadium practice,field, g&here is no admission charge for the scrimmage. CARNOUSTIE. Scotland (AP> - BilM Casper of San Diego, Calif., and Bob Charles, the New Zealand left-hander squared off today in the final round of theJBritish Open Golf Championship only One shot apart. Casper’s third-round 214, two under par for the distance over Carnoustie's1! 7,252-vard, par-72 links, was a cozy one Friday. He played it that way because he was four shots in front as the day started. But it was too cozy. Charles, the 1963 Open king, nibbled away andvhis fine 71 gave him a 215. Explaining his round, Casper said : “I thought this was not the day to become over ambitious.”- TWO OFF PACE ' While Casper and Charles clearly wfere in front, the final round could hardly be called a two-man affair/ Only two shots off the pace was Gary Player of South Africa at even par 216. Jack Nicklaus Of Columbus, Ohio, who won the British title in’1966 at Muirfield, was, reasonably close but his game all week has been spotty. * ★ * Arnold Palmer,* two-time British champion from Latrpbe, Pa. still had hi.: fans among the 12,000-strong gallery which thronged this monster of a course, but his 220 was off the pace. He had a thirdfound 72. The 36-hple field of 70 wap cut Friday night to 45 and ties for the final round. The cutoff came at 228,12 over par. ,, Seven American survived it. They included Casper, Nicklaus. Palmer, Gay Brewer of Dallas, Bert Yancey of Tallhassee, Fla., Doug Sanders of Ojai, Calif, and Hubby Habjan of Chicago. Billy Caspfr, San Diego. Call!..........72-68-74-214 Bob Charles. New Zealand ...............72-72-71—215 Gary Player, South Africa ..............74-71-71—216 Public Links Star Still Can't Better Par in U.S. Play THEY DID WORK, HE GETS REWARD - A pretty girl leans down to bestow a kiss on coxswain Patil Hoffman after he guided the Harvard eight-oared crew to victory in the second heat of trials in Long Beach, Califs yesterday to determine the American entry in the Mexico City Olympic games. The victory puts the Harvard boat in Sunday’s finals against Philadelphia. Lions Top Choice Makes Pro Hurdle By BRUNO L. KEARNS « ' Sports Editor, Pontiac Press Earl McCullouch, the speedy track and football star from Southern California, -took what may haye been* the biggest hurdle of his sports career. For months, McCullouch has been weighing the decision of whether to compete in the World Olympic games or sign a pro football contract. * * * Yesterday, the 5-11 and 178-pound athlete flew into Detroit and signed a pro football contract with the Lions, who drafted him No, 1 in the 1968 selections. McCullouch said he had two goals, the Olympics where he hoped to set a world -record in the 110-meter hurdles and to play pro football. TERMS NOT KNOWN e “I wrestled with the decision for a long time and I did set some records in track so I decided to cast my lot with pro football,” he told Lions’ officials after signing a contract, terms of which were KICK SPECIALIST not disclosed. , McCullouch was one of It players selected in the pro draft from the No. 1. rated Southern Cal football team of 1967 and last season he caught 30 passes for 540 yards as a receiver. The Lions will put him at the flanker spot, a position which became open when Pat Studstill wa^/traded to the LA Rams in the package trade for quarterback Bill Munson. ★ ★ . ★ McCullouch was in the Cr an brook training camp today but was leaving to join the College All-Stars who are expected to meet the Green Bay Packers in Chicago, Aug. 2. The game, however, is undecided because of current dispute between NFL players and owners over the pension fund. The dispute has left pro training camps without veteran players. The Lions have 26 rookies and free' agents taking part in drills at Crahbrook. EARL McCOLLOUCH Latest addition to the camp is kicker Jerry DePoyster, the No* 2 choice from Wyoming. DePoyster whs in the College All-Star camp,, but because he was selected as a kicking specialist he was given permission to spend his time in Lions’ camp.' DePoyster holds the collegiate record with 36 field goals"and 182 points by " kicking. He has booted field goals from 52 and 54 yards. ■ Another Lions’ choice, Ed Caruthers of Arizona, is still making plans to join the Olympic team. He has been clocked at 9.7 in the 100 dash but his specialty is', the high jump which he has reached 7-3 as is best. The rookies will continue twice-daily drills next week as the coaching staff hopes for some settlement of the players-owners dispute to enable the veterans to join the camp. NFL Owners Acknowledge Players' Meeting Request Yankees Trade Mon bo for Giants' Reliefer, " CHICAGO (AP) - The New. York Yankees traded veteran right-hander Bill Monbouquette to the San Francisco Giants Friday for Lindy McDaniel, another veteran right-hander used most in relief roles. V ' ★ * * Monbouquette, 31, pitched for the Boston Red Sox and Detroit Tigers U-fore joining the Yankees as a free agent last year. He has a 5-7 record this season.- ‘r ' By The Associated Press The feuding players and pwners of the National Football League today are preparing to meet again in an attempt to solve the pension problems that have plagued their practice camps and threatened their season. “NFL owners have acknowledged the request of the Players Association for a meeting which has tentatively been set for Sunday aftemdon in New York, NFL President Art Modell announced in Cleveland Friday night. , He added that the meeting would be meld oir the condition that all concerned parties could be notified in time. \ in Los Angeles, a spokesman for the players’ group said John Gordy of-. , . . . . , . .. Detroit, president of the NFL Players Tom Pendlebury of Ann Arbor is tee Assoda’t£n had contacted all members id Michigan survivor with 78-78-72-228. ^ ^ ne’otiating committee and their DALLAS, Tex. (AP) - Tiny Gene Towry has yet to equal or break par. But don’t feel , sorry for him. He’s leading the National Public Links Golf Tournament going into today’; final round. The 130-pound Towry, from the Dallas suburb of Richardson, had a two-shot lead on the field with rounds of 74-71-75*-220 over the mean green of Par 70 Teni-son East whefe bogeys lurk for even the slightest mental lapse. top Michigan survivor with 78-78-72—228. Towry’s 10-over par on the 6,578-yard course puts him ahead of Lt. Chester Gorgas, a University of Oklahoma graduate Movie — “Revolt of the Mercenar- ies” (Italian, 1961) A duchess accepts the help of mercenary leader in her battle with an arrogant neighbor. Virginia Mayo, Conrad Sammartin, Livio Lprenzo. (4) R C - Flipper (7) G . M Choice - A discussion on how an individual and society get value systems 2:30 (4) C - Animal -Kingdom (7) R — Movie — “The Devil’s Disciple” (1958) George Bernard Shaw’s play about the American Revolution. Burt Lancaster, Kirk Douglas (50) R — Movie: “Crime School” (1939) The warden of a reform school tries to regenerate a bunch of tough kids. Humphrey Bogart, Billy Halop, Leo . Gorcey, Huntz Hall 3:00 (4) C— Professionals (9) R — Movie: “Sergeant York” (1941) Story of - World, War I hero. Gary Cooper, Walter Brennan. 3:30 (4) C — Target 4:00 (2) RC -21st Century — “Anatomy of a Shot,” a look at the nation’s space program. (4) R C -il“fComedy Playhouse —' “The Blue-Eyed Horse”' — Melvin Feebie has a hard time explaining the disappearance of his wife who has been transformed into a horse. Ernest Borgnine, Paul Lynde, Joan Blondell (7) C (Special) — Time for Americans — “Newark: Anatomy o f Riot,” a panel discussion focusing on last summer’s New Jersey riots and their aftermath. ” (50) R C — Laramie 4:15 (56) London Line 4:30 (2) R C — Wagon Train (56) NET Playhouse — “Trumpets of the Lord,” TV adaptation of an off-Broadway hit about a Negro gospel meeting. 5:00 (4) International Zone (7) R -7- Movie — “Three Violent People” (1956) Civil War veteran, returns to Texas — and bad news. Charlton Heston, A n n e Baxter 5:30 (4) C (Debut) Campaign and the Candidates — A new series highlights the presidential hopefuls and their campaigns. Elie Abel will serve as. the series’ anchor man. (9) R C — Laredo f (50) R — Silent Service SUNDAY NIGHT 6 : 0 0 (2 ) C - News, Weather, Sports (4) C — Frank McGee Report — Cleveland . Mayor Carl Stokes is profiled. (50) R — Victory at Sea — U.S. carrier task force tries to rescue Midway Island from the Japanese. (56) Insight — Death of young ''child threatens marriage., 6:30 (2) C - Job Opportunity (4) C — News, Weather, Sports (9) R _pd|Movie: “The Three Stooges in Orbit” (1962) (50) R — I Love Lucy (56) U.S.A. -- U S. poets Gary Snyder and Phillip Whalen are guests. 7:00 (2) ft C 4- Lassie — The collie tries to reunite a fawn and its mother. (4) C — George Pierrot — “Dublin to Limerick” (7) R C — Voyage — Accident drastically affects Nelson’s personality. (50) C — (Special) Pope and the Vatican — This profile of Pope Paul VI traces growth of the church and the changes that confront it. (56) Summer Sampler — Folk songs 7:30 (2) C 'r^ All-American College Show — Variety (4) R C|ff|walt D|sney’s World —, “The Mystery of Edward Sims” features / Reporter Gallegher. ( 1