T B , „ ^ ... .7 ^ .. onecolor I wo Baseball Owners Linkea to Gambling Interests WASHINGTON (AP) — Government records disclose owners of «two maijor Bartholdmay, are li^ed on the board of directors of t)ie Parvin-Dphrmann Co., which league baseball teams, the Atlanta Braves’and the Oakland Athletics, have stock owns three Las Vegas hotels and casinos. lies v»ith Las Vegas gambling casinos. The Oakland Athletics owner, Charles 0. Finley, bought art estimated $2.7 million Baseball historically has frowned on any gambling connections since a World of stock in the same firm last month,, Nevada records disclosed yesterday. Series scandal half a century ago. ^ The firm,jvhichalsDsupplies hotei equipment,has 'beenreportedunderinvesti- Three officials of the Atlanta Braves, including the club president, William C. gation by the Securities and Exchange Commission. . the casinps are the Stardust, Fremont and Aladdin. Three of the fjrm’s seven directors-Bartholomay, Delbert W. Coleman and Johri J. Louis Jr.—are directors of the /^.tlanta Braves. Coleman, a Chicago business executive, led a $10.5-million take-over of the Parvin-Dohrmann Co. last October. He is now chairman of its board of directors. (Continued on Page A-2, Col. 3) The Weather U. I. WHtIwr Buruu Forica»t Cooler (Details Pag* 2) THE Home Edition City Workers Okay T^OTVrTTT Af^ Contract Proposals •JL* ^1^ JL. ^ I. JL* -JL W _ a wage agreement between the CUy of The fire ^fighters and the Pontiac VOL. 127 PONTIAC, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1969 ★ ★ ★ ★„ —50 PAGES Apollo 10 Shot Still'Go A wage agreement between the city of Pontiac and its employes is apparently at hand after three months of negotiations and strikes. 'Four employe groups have ratified contracts and are waiting formal ratification by the City Commission, which, is expected Monday at its informal meeting. \ Municipal Employes Association ratified contracts last night and the Local 100 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employes approved its contract Wednesday. Casselman said wage increases for clerical and sanitation workers amount to the same money. CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) - Another nagging technical problem developed in the Apollo 10 command ship today, but experts said they felt it could be corrected in time to launch three astronauts toward moon orbit tomorrow as scheduled. The latest trouble was in a system designed to remove moisture from the oxygen supply used for breathing and cooling in the life support system. manager, said that, during flight the moisture is absorbed by a series of porous metal plates called wicks. Low said the wicks must be wetted before the launching by pouring water over them. “We’ve tried to do this several times this morning,” he said, “but the wicks Related Story, Page A-4 It was the second problem to crop up in 14 hours. A small leak in the spacecraft’s fuel system was corrected early today. Astronauts TTiomas P. Stafford, John W. Young and Eugene A. Cernan were eager to start their voyage of discovery, during which they are to orbit the moon V-k days. They are to ride into space at "1:49 p.mi. EST tomorrow atop a Saturn 5 rocket. have not been able to hold sufficient water. VWe do not know now why they |re not propertly serviced,” Low told a nbws conference. “Until we find out we cannot proceed with thg launching.” ABSORBED BY WICKS Explaining the moisture problenv George Low, Apollo spacecraft program He said he hoped the problem could be corrected sometime this afternoon. There was concerrt for several hours last night and early today that the flight might have to be postponed because of a suspected leak in the spaceship’s fuel system. But the troubleshooting teams traced the problem to a loose electrical connection. It, was tightened and the countdown confjnued. ' TJie astronauts are to fly a pathfinder mission intended to clear the way for two Apollo ll astronauts to land on the moon in July. “Apollo 10,” explained Cmdr. Stafford, “is designed to tie together all the knots, to try to sort out all the unknowns and pave the way for a lunar landing — to do everything exactly as on the landing mission except the final descent to the lunar surface.” For three days, the astronauts are to soar outwards across trackless space, zeroing in on their distant target, 237,000 miles away. As they zip behind the moon’s backside, they’ll fire themselves into an orbit 69 miles above the surface. Halfway through their 2'/2-day orbit of the moon, Stafford and Cernan are to transfer to a lunar module, or LEM, tacked to the command ship nose. They’ll detach the spidery -vehicle and execute a.series of maneuvers that twice will take them 9.3 miles above the site where Apollo 11 astronauts Neil A. Armstrong and Edwin E. Aldrin hope to land July 20. Then, duplicating maneuvers moonlanding astronauts must make in leaving the moon, they’ll fly a tricky rendezvous to rejoin Young in the command ship. After another day of photographing potential landing spots and learning how to navigate around the moon, they’ll start the 54-hour homeward trip. Total flight time is eight days, five minutes. Harry N. Casselman, a state-appointed fact finder, said this morning the last two employe groups ratified act proposals last night. Casselman, 3279 Harslock Woods, West Bloomfield Township, said the main contract proposals^ are: • For firemen — a salary increase to $10,150 at the end of the third year. He said the proposal is a $1,150 across-the-board increase for third-year ,.men, retroactive to Jan. 1. • Police — a salary of $10,000 retroactive to Jan. 1 and $10,300 July 1. • Clerical workers — 32'/2-cent-an-hour increase retroactive to Jan. 1. • Sanitation men — 30 cent increase Jan. 1 and five cents more July 1. State Timetable for Roads Is Hit $1,150 FOR THE YEAR Casselman, who was appointed I'/z months ago, said both the police and firemen will get $1,150 increase for the year. . Firemen were seeking parity with a cpntract offer given to policemen. The policemen earlier ratified the contract. The State Highway Department, in announcing scheduled 1973-74 prdjects,-has allotted , nearly $17 million for Oakland County improvements, but the timing is not satisfactory, according to at least one county official. “I'm grateful they’re thinking about us, but I'm not satisfied with the . schedule,” said Supervisor Harry Horton, R-Royal Oak, chairmah of the county public works committee. Rain Through Day Spells Cold Night Horton had particular reference to M59 improvement, which his, committee and a special county roads’^ committee. is dedicated to advancing. According to present scheduling, M59 from Airport Road,, to Williams Lake Road in Waterford Township will be widened to five lanes beginning next March. There was no change in that scheduling announced yesterday. FURTHERING WIDENING It looks as if the weekend will be damp and somewhat cooler. Here is the U.S. Weather Bureau’s official day-by-day forecast; TODAY — Showers and thundershowers (^hanging to occasional rain this afternoon. High 68 to 72. Occasional rain gradually ending and much cooler tonight, low 35 to 42. The 1973-74 schedule calls for further widening to five-lanes of the 4.5-mile strip between Williams Lake Road and Bogie Lake Road in White Lake Township. Some $635,000 has been *et aside to begin preliminary engineering and right-of-way acquisition In 1973 with construction expected to follow in 1974 and 1975. GORDON L. THOMAS East Lansing Mayor to Visit Winds southwest at 15 to 20 miles per hour shifting to north to northwest at 15 to 25 miles tonight and tomorrow. TOMORROW — Partly cloudy and cool; High in the mid-60s. MONDAY — Fair and warmer. Six miles of the proposed M275 freeway from M59 north to 1-75 through White Lake and Springfield townships also will be built in the 1973-74 package. Estimate cost is $6.6 million. Pontiac Prose Photo DOWNTOWN CLEANUP—The .start of a busy day for left are Beth Anne Stickney, Pontiac Northern High School; Pontiac youths began with the cleaning of Saginaw in down- Bill Heaton, Jaycee vice chairman of the event; Jim LaLonde, town Pontiac today. The cleanup program, sponsored by the Pontiac Catholic High School; Mike Cirka, Jaycee chairman; Pontiac Jaycees as part of the beginning of Michigan Week and Patti Dell, Pontiac Central High School student and celebrations, was concentrated in the downtown area. From Pontiac’s junior miss. Poijtiac will have a mayor Monday who is a mild-mannered scholarly chap with British accent and a string of degrees behind his name. He’s Dr. Gordon L. Thomas, associate chairman of the department of communication at Michigan State University and mayor of East Lansing for the last eight years. He’ll only be Pontiac’s mayor for one day. Mayor Exchange Day. At the s'ame time, Pontiac Mayor William H. Taylor Jr. will visit East Lansing., Most other of Michigan’s cities and villages will also make a swap on that day, a state tradition during Michigan Week. ' For Dr. Thomas, he’ll be returning to an area he know.s well. He attended Oxford' schools from 5th to 12th grades after arriving here from England. After leaving Oxford, Dr. Thomas obtained a bachelor’s degree from Albion College, 1936; a master’s from Michigan State,-1941; and his doctorate from Northwestern University, 1952. Probabilities of precipitation are near 100 per cent today, 80 per cent tonight, 20 per cent tomorrow. "" Sixty-two was the low temperature in downtown Pontiac before 8 a m The mercury had moved to 69 by 2 p.m. . State highway officials also announced that construction of bridges on the M275 route south from M59 to 1-96 is scheduled at an estimated cost of $635,000. Construction of freeway lanes is anticipated in 1975, but not yet scheduled. Officials said the highway department will undertake the northerly end of M275 (Continued on Page A-2, Col. 2) Road Complaint Signals Trouble WARSAW, Poland (UPI) - The weekly newspaper Polityka ti^day printed the story of a truck-driver who was flagged down by a policeman in the town.of Wielce. “Where is your rear signal light,” asked the policeman. “1 don’t care about the signal light,” said the startled driver, looking around, “where the hell F. JAMES MCDONALD is my trailer.” Businessmen's In Today's Press Sen. Griffin Michigan lawmaker looks back on Fortas case—PAGE A-7. Sex Education SIECUS is target of controversy—PAGE B-10. 'Space in Bloom' Floral and table arrangements highlighted^PAGE B-9. Astrology .B-«, . .Bridge .............,../...B-»^ Churcli News .......B-5—B-7 Crossword Puzzle ......C-15 Comics .. B-8 editorials A.6 , . Home Section . C-1—C-6 > Markets ........B-12, B43 Obituaries A-13 Picture Page............B-9 Bports ........... B-I-i^B-4 >hieater8 ........B-10, B41 TV-Badio Programs -------C-15 ,, WilsoB, Earl ...........015 Women's Pages .....A-14, A-15 County to Form Uniton Drug Abuse Welcome Set A special countywide drug abuse Chairman Charles B. Edwards Jr. in cross section of county resource people, committee to focus attention on the conjunction with the supervisors’ human is seen as a means of involving enough “dismal picture”, of drug usage will be resources committee. " people to work towards some sblution of named by County Board of Supervisors The committee, to be composed of a the problem. Sheriff Dept. Offers No-Risk Drug Analysis Members of the human resources committee voted to form the committee yesterday after hearing two hours of testimony from Prosecuiing Attorney Thomas Plunkett, his chief investigator, Gerald St. Souver, and Criunty Health Director Dr. Bernard Bei man. Pontiac businessmen will welcome F. James McPonald, general manager of Pontiac Motor Division, June 3. What 'is a parent to do when he finds some weeds or brightly culordd pills — possibly an illegal drug -r^ 'm his son or daughter’s room? More anil more parents are facing this dilemnia. Should they keep quiet about their find or expose their discovery and scold the youth? Neither, says Sgt. Charles Whitldck, chief of the Oakland County Sheriff’s Department Detective Bureau. ^ There^s now a way for Oakland County residents to determine exactly what the drug iS at no risk to parents or children. ' Starting Monday, the sheriff's department is beginning an “Analysis Anonymous” program. Sheriff Frank W. Irons announces. A person — parent, teacher, friend or anyone .who finds a suspicious drug cap call Sgt. Lewis M. Doyle, chief of the sheriff’s identificaiidh bureau, and get an identification number. Nobody will ask for his name or any other identification, tie then will bring the suspected drug to the sheriff’s department. Twd or three dpys later, he can call the identification bufeau and give his identification number. He will be told whether or not the substance is an illegal or dangerous drug. What the person does with this information is his own business, Whitlock sayS. If the drug is illegal, Whitlock urges the person to volunteer information about the user % that he can be helped. Drug abuse among youngsters is at ‘‘a dangerous level,” Whitlock comments. The sheriff’s department has investigated 62 drug complaints the first four months of this year, more than three tinies the number for all of 1968, Whitlock said. , \, * Jw ★. X Just the number of complaints last month exceeded the 1968 total. The experts agreed that any “snlulinn" at this time must Involve it.sclf with prevention, and education was seen as the most, dirdet rout^ tp that achievement. Legisldlioni encompassing both education and the improvement of existing drug laws was also cited. LACK OF FACILITIES > Lack of treafmenl facilities was also discussed, and formation of “at least an outpatient program” whs described as a possibility by Committee Chairman Robert Palneles, R-Royaf Oak. Berman spoke for the need of a Ireal-menl facility. He said (here are very few McDonald will address a meeting at the Elks Temple, according to an, announcement by Harold A. Fitzgerald, chairman of the Board of The Pontiac Press. Luncheon clubs are urged to make this their weekly meeting date if they can. In charge of tjeket sales are Carleton Patterson ,Ir. and Fiederick J. Poole. Distribution points will be announced as soon as the tickets are printed. Condition of Bldiberg Is Causing Concern CAPE TOWN, South Africa (AP) — The condition of Dr. Philip Blaiberg, 59. the world’s longest-surviVirlg heart, transplant patient, is causing some con-(*#rn, Orootc Schuur hospital reported today in an official bulletin. , . The bulletin said he has “responded to care centers in the state and none in the ^-eatment” since his admissloiji yester-. county for cither drug addicts or *elay afternoon. alcoholics. ^ u was the first official indication that Violation of common drug; usage by Blaiborg’s condition may be more '(Continued on Page A-2, pol. ,5) serious than wps first indicated. f ■■■ ‘ 1 THE PONTIAC PRESS 4 - 'y SATURDAY, MAY 17. 1969 y:i,^ r 'Ruling Puts Damper on Arson Probes' By Diqc ROBINSON An Oakland County judge — who declared a state 1 aiw unconstitutional — has made it virtually impossible for officials to investigate fires where arson is suspected, police claim. Law and fire authorities say they believe Circuit Court Judge Arthur E. Moore is the first judge in fhe state not to uphold the state law which permite arson investigations. In a recent court case, Moore said, in effect, that officials must have a search warrant specifying exactly what they are looking for before they enter a building to investigate arson. He cited the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Bill of Rights which prohibits “unreasonable searches and seizures.” officials to “enter without restraint or liability for trespassing” any premise “to investigate the cause of fire.” “This (^oore’s) ruling—which could set a guideline — makes it slavish tOn us,” said Sgt. Chfirles Whitlock, chief of Oakland County Sheriff’s Department detectives. “It means a man in an asbestos , suit would have to investigate for ' ^rson while the fire’s going on. It’s tidiculous.” against Herbert Brewer, 41, of Independence Township. Brewer was accused by the sheHff’s department of setting fire and causing $25,000 damage to his house in 1967. Sheriff’s men entered his house the next day, took pictures of places where arson was suspected and colleced evidence. “The judge contends in- He says arson investigations should be similar to investigations of persons suspected of carrying U concealed weapon. vestigators should secure a searc^h warrant,” Whitlock said. “But But Capt. Glenroy M. Walker of the state fire marshal’s office contends; “This ruling doesn’t establish a guideline that will be binding in all-cases. The' State Supreme Court would have to decide this. This rifling holds for this case only.” you nhed to cite specific evidence in the warrant, and you can only remove what is named. “You can’t get a warrant for a fishing expedition — an exploratory search.” “If someone tells an officer, a person is carrying a gun, the bL hcer can search him to find evidence,” Whitlock contends.. Obldand County Assistant Prosecutor John Davey also feels Moore’s decision was, ^ o r r e c t because of two rulfngs made by the U.S. Supreme Cqurt. and it’s not possible for them to get there during the fire. It takes them a day m two. “It’s one of the dilemmas of the law. The court sides on ^the rights of the d^endant.” Both Davey and Walker said the state law has been questioned many times, but it is the first time they believe it has been ruled unconstitutional in a lower epurt in Michigan. Birmingham Area Hearing $ef on Bloomfield Hills Budget ‘TECHNICALLY RIGHT’ But Whitlock admitted that the ‘WITHOUT RESTRAINT’ The 1945 state law permits state ‘NOT GUILTY’ Moore’s ruling came when he directed a verdict of not guilty judge did what was “technically right” according to the Bill of Rights. He added,“I have.great faith in the Constitution, but it doesn’t deter crime.” HEAL’TH INSPECTIONS Two years ago, the court decided/ in New Yprk City and Seattle cases that health inspectors cbpldn’t enter buildings to make inspections or possibly close the buildings, accor^ng to Davey. Davey then conceded, “I don’t know what the law can do in these cases. There are only four state fire marshals in the Lower Peninsula, BEST DEFENSE Davey said he knows this has never been done in the State Court of Appeals or Supreme Court. What Moore’s ruling means for the defendant accused of arson is that he has open for him the best defense — the Fourth Amendment. BLOOMFIELD HILLS - A budget of $989,000 has been proposed for this city for the new fiscal year—«i approxihiate 20 per cent increase over last year’s budget of $763,000. A public hearing is scheduled for May 27. The city’s water system, on which construction is expected to begin in September, accounts for the biggest part of the budget increase, according to City Clerk Robert Staklerj For the law, it means coping with another law protecting the defendants’ rights, much like that of his right to remain silent. House-Passed School Aid Bill Tops Senate's From Our News Wires LANSING - A massive, $849.5-million public school aid appropriation faces another test in the Michigan Senate after shaking off parochiaid in the House. . The lower chamber yesterday passed 65-30, with 15 members not voting, an appropriation thm is $4.1-million more than the Ssnate' approved earlier and $4.^ million more than Gov. William G. Milliken’s budget recommendation. How They Voted, Page A-5 The Senate now must approve or reject House monetary and distributary adjustments. Also unresolved is the prospect of Senate revival of the defeated House plan for parochiaid. Final legislative action is hot expected until late this month or early next month due to major differences in the House and Senate versions. County to Form Antidrug Unit Assessments for the system have been set at $5.24 per $1,000 of assessed Valuation per annum. Current cost estimates for the project total $3.48 million. Stadler said this figure is sidiject to change by th&v commission’s finance committee. ^ (Continued From Page One) adults, the impact of drug advertising programs and the susceptibility of youth to “fads” were seen as contritoting factors to the present youth problem, Plunkett described known county cases as increasing tenfold in the last two years. He noted no effective way of controlling drugs and drug abuse among addicts, but he said he felt the “curious” and the “experimenters” could be kept from more serious problems. The need to get into the schools with effective drug programs, the need for more speakers and for antidrug advertising similar to that in opposition to cigarette smoking was cited by the prosecutor. 'The failure of some schools and police agencies to cooperate with drug control programs was also cited by the committee. Plunkett noted, “They don’t like to air their dirty laundry in public.” Since the project’s last potential delay — a suit fil^ by Robert Baldwin of 1750 Hill Wood — has been dismissed in Circuit Court, there should be clear sailing ahead in implementing the water system, Stadler said. APPROVED BY VOTERS Baldwin had fought establishment of the system because he said the city asked voters to approve the project without stipulating the cost on the ballot. Voters approved the water plan in April 1968. Bernard Girard of 1250 Vaughn, a defeated candidate for the City Commission in April, has been appointed to the City Planning Commission, replacing Dean Draper of 297 Barden, who resigned. Girard will complete Draper’s term which expires in. July, then assume a new three-year term. ‘The city’s new mayor, Edward H. Lerchen, 180 Lowell, also named Commissioner Walter W. Fisher of 149 Marblehead and City Clerk Robert Stadler to the board for one-year terms. STUDENT OUTBREAKS Moments before the roll call, the House added a controversial amendment WHICH SIDE IS MADE UP?-Marshall Borden of South-.field, from Oakland University’s Meadow Brook Theatre, went fo Websfer Elementary School yesterday to demonstrate the art of theatrical makeup. He made up only half his face for Pontiac Prou Photo comparison. The youngsters are from Webster’s four sixth Pinafore” on June 10 and 13. interested in the grades, which will demonstration present “HMS Michigan Week Calendar requiring school districts to adopt strict rules for suspending and expelling students participating in disruptive activities. Failure to comply would result in loss of tax aid. County Official Hits State Rood Timing That amendment, offered by Mrs. Joyce Symons, D-Allen Park, was attacked by a black legislator, Jackie Vaughn of Detroit, as “a classic example of. demonstrating we don’t understand 19Q9 or care about what students are doing.” (Continued From Page One) first because of M59 inadequacies to accept all traffic from the south. AUBURN ROAD PROJECT Another project to be undertaken in the ’70s is a half mile of widening to five lanes on M150 between Auburn Road and the projected M59 freeway. Estimated cost is $440,000. . Current plans of the highway department are to let an estimated $6.6 million in bids for construction of M59 freeway east from Auburn Road to Mound Road in September. The commission cautioned that inflationary price increases, periodic freezes on federal aid, or diversion of highway funds would have a detrimental effect on the amount of work that can be undertaken. Sunday Special Events Arboretum Walk: A botanical display of native Michigan plants. Glenwood at Rundell streets, Pontiac. Every day; daylight hours only. 1- 4:30 p.m.: Open house, tours of Pinegrove, the Moses IjVisner Home, 405 Oakland. Free*. 2- 5 p.m.: Michigan Sculptors’ Show; Ponfiac Creative Arts Center. Free. Tea, arranged by Oakland Community College, 4 p.m. with miniconcert at 4:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m.: Jazz concert, presented by Oakland Community College and Cran-brook Academy of Art. In Ihe Galleries, Cranbrook. Admission. The Weather Full U.S. Weather Bureau Report PONTIAC AND VICINITY—Showers and thundershowers changing to occasional rain this afternoon. Much cooler. Hign 68 to 75. Occasipnai ram grauuaiiy ending and much cooler tonight, low 35 to 42. Partly cloudy and cool Sunday. High in mid-60s. Monday outlook: fair and warmer. Winds southwest 15 to 20 miles per hour, shlRing to north to northwest 15 to 25 miles during the afternoon and becoming nofthwest 10 to 15 miles tonight and Sunday. Probabilities of precipitation near lOO per cent today, 80 per cent tonight, 20 per cent Sunday. TMiy In Pontiac HighosI and Lowest Tomporiturot Lowest temperature preceding B a.m.: 62 . This Date In 17 Years At 8 a.m.: Wind Velocity 5 m.p.h. ,, Direction: Southwest ” Sun sets Saturday at 7:49 p:m. ----- Sun rises Sunday at 5:10 a.m. crid»v'« t«mDdr> -Main Floor THE PONTIAC PRESjS, SATURDAY. MAY 17. 1969 WEATHER OUTLOOK—Pontiac area residents can expect above-average precipitation and near-normal temperatures during the next 30 days, according to the Weather Bureau forecast shown in these maps. Apollo TV Not Only in Color but Better , CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) — When thft Apollo 10 astronauts turn on thir newest television camera and transmit to earth next week, you probably will notice one improvement more significant than the fact that the picture is in color for the first time from space. More notable will be their natural human movements. With the new camera, developed by Westinghouse for military, projects and adapted to Apollo 10 in less than three mon^s, those jerky motions from previous flights are replaced by normal action. ★ ★ * The new camera transmits at the 525 scan lines that appear op home television screens, while the flickering action on the Camera used previously resulted from its transmission at only 2Q0 scan lines. As for color, inside pictures -may be a disappointment. Virtually everything in the spacecraft is a bland gray. SHORT I^ST Stanley Lebar, Westinghouse program manager for Apollo cameras, said in checking for cblored objects tq photograph in the spacecraft, a pew came up with a short listrnhe Apollo 10 cloth patches and American flags on the astronauts’ uniforms, the red cross on the first aid kit and the flesh tones of the astronauts’ faces. Y “But the view everyone is looking forward to is the earth! in color,” Lebar said. : ■ ■ *- t I There will be a delay of 10 seconds from the time the picture is received ui the space center.at Houston until it is sent out. In this time, the red. green and blue sequence signals from the color wheel carhera will be synchronized through two video tape recorders. , It wouldn’t be necessary to do this for home color TV sets, said the camera’s developer, Larkin i Niemyer, but it is done so that! TV networks and stations can! video tape it and play it back later. 13 POUNDS Tbf color camera the astro=-nauts will use in the command module weighs 13 pounds. They also will have a three-pound monitor which they can attach to the camera or to the metal spacecraft or hold in one hand. Another new camera feature a zoom lens that can, with a twist of the astronaut’s wrist, increase the size of an object nine times, * * Ten color transmissions from space are scheduled during the Apollo 10 mission—May 18«*at 3:49 p.m.. May 19 at 4:04 p.m.. May 20 at 6:49 p.in.. May 21 at p.m. and 9:34 p.m., May 22 at 3:02 p.m.. May 23 at 1:24 a.m. and 7:09 p.m.. May 24 at 9:24 p.m., and May 26 at 7:39 a.m. \ As a back-up, Apoll^O also will carry "a black a^ white RCA camera like that use(j on previous flights. Results of the color camera experiment on Apollo 10 probably will determine whether it will be carried on the moonlanding' Apollo 11 mission in July. NEWSPAPERS 50c per 100 lbs. delivered Royal Oak Watte Paper & Metal Co. 414 E: Hudion, RdVal Oak ' LOW COST > GAR LOANS T. &C FEDERAL CREDIT UNIDN ^139 WOODWARDAVE.-33I-400I . BIBLE REBINDING CHRISTIAN LITERATURE SALES 55 Oakland Ave. FE 4-95' Don't Wait To Take Advantage of This Unusual Opportunity! COUPON ONLY! 4 SALLY ORENT CLEANERS Waterford Plaza Tel-Huron S.C. 71 S. Squirrel Auburn Heights 278 W. Walton Blvd. V4-Mila West of Baldwin 3 ONE HOUR MARTINIZING Miracle Mile S.C. Baldwin Plaza 3397 Elizabeth Lake Rd. Pontiac At All STORES FREE Garden and Pdtio Shop Only Open Sunday 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. oHir SPECIAL PRICES FOR SUNDAY, MAY 18,11 A.M. TO 6 P.M. WHILE QUANTITIES LAST MEN’S SHIRTS IN NO-IRON AND MANY OTHER FABRICS! Sunday Only! 1 56 ITALIAN LEATHER SANDALS Sunday Only! Simply bellisiino! Teens’ and misses’ free-wheeling thqng or slingback- styles," both in rich deep brown. Sizes .I-IO- 24" PORTABLE GRILL Sunday Only! Folding, avocado-color grill has chrome-plated grid aod i side handles. Grid positioner,! steel legs, 5Vk” wheels. Reg. 2,22' ^ few sport shirts in placket, I'mock and layered looks. lit a variety of colors. S-M-L. Charge it at Kmart! A SWINGIN’ VALUE-THEGE POCKET RADIO Sunday Only! 3 97 Discount Price Solid State transistor radio. Automatic volume control; simple, direct tuning and built-in ferrite rod anntenna. PI7S9 sllli^LMrSHEIiS FOR WARM WEATHER 7.44 Sunday Only! ’ Our Reg. 1197 Women, play it cool this season in nylon sleeveless shells with flattering necklines. Stripes, solids. 34r40. Sunday Only ^ Sunday Only 9” size, while lliited plates. • 4EI Dorado.” Avocado or gold. Save now and get ready for the outdoor cooking season! Charge iU Limit 1 Per Customer Reg. 1.11 SuH.Only Sunday Only Toddlers’ cotton duck, 24. . Boys’, jdrls’, styles. 9-18 mo. HANDY, WOODEN PATIO BROOM Move to outdoor living with a clean sweep. Patio broom liaA> 14,” plastic bristles ... sweeps leaves, dirt witlt ease. BIG 20-GALLON GALVANIZED TRASH CAN-SAVE NOW! Sunday Only! FOOTLOCKERWiTH HEAVY-DUTY TRAY Fnamel sheet steel over veneer frame with steel binding. Metal tongue and two leather handles. 1544x 1214x30”. Just charge it. 7 77 Reg. 1.97 Sturdy construction! Gqlvan-, ized metal garbage can hab tight - fitting cover and bandies. Why not charge it! ALUMINUM TRASH CART Sunday Only! Sturdy trash cart liolds two 20-galloii cans. Upnslrncted with T”xllVli” wheels . . . gives you real convenience. 4 66 FISK AUTO AIR FILTERS Sunday Only! Filter saves gas, increases miles per gallon Lets only clean air in carburetor. Easy to install. 1 Flanie-proof. ' , Reg. to 3.97 GLENWOOD PLAZA-NORTH PERRY AT GLENWOOD THE^POKTIAC i^REgS. SATURmY, .MAY 17, >1969 S.D. Students 'Whip to White' WHITE, S.D. (AP) - Local toy^people—who a week probably either laughed at or anguished with Zap, N.D. residents—were working on their own worries aS“ they faced today’s expected student invasion. “We’re hoping everything will stay under control,” ^aid one resident Friday on the eve of the “Whip to. White” , movement organized by situdehts at nearby South Dakota State University. * ★ A Unlike the people of Zap, White’s 400 residents were not making special preparations— other thah worrying a bit and making sure police will be nearby,- . not make any plans to have extra food for the collegians. At Zap, some of the .about 2,000 young people who turned up for the“Zip to Zap” event went on a rampage and caused about $5,000 damage May 0 before 500 Natior^al Guardsmen cleared the town. NO EXTRA FOOD Mrs. Phyllus Donner, owner of White’s only eatmg establishment. said she didn’t see ‘'^much sense to if and,would Organizers of the movement at SoutlHDakota State’s Brookings campis''^^re predicting a turnout of fr^400 to 5,000 persons. Few had showed up by Friday night. Townspeople are relying the students’ promise to police themselves, said banker Art Graslie, adding: “Of course, there will be state police units in the area if anything does get out of hand.” The boast of the organizers that they Would, “^rink the town dry” appeared an easy one to fulfill since Ervin Singsaaf, owner of the only beer-dispensing business, was reportedly not adding to his stock. Field Reported Cut to 2 for Fortas Post ■ w 1 t»rr,«wwwm.'WSP3' iv Open Sunday 12 to 5 'lit 9:00 Monday GROUP ONE OODMENTS 25 rolls, 7 colors. Fine quality f odds. Long wearing, good look-ing. 15 rolls are first quality, 10 rolls GROUP TWO « ODOMENTS 32 rolls. Broken lots of better carpet. Included are nylons, /v , acrylics, olefins. Fine carpets at re clean seconds. ° tiny price. ^ CROUP THREE F. 66* First quality seamless mesh nylons, nude heel. Fashion colors: 9-11 med. Coordinated solid Jamoicos plus sleeveless blouse, matching headband. 7-14. Little girls’ cotton blouse ‘n’ shorts sets Solid color cotton twill or poplin shorts with floral print cotton blouse. 3-6x. InfanU’ waterproof vinyl baby pants Comfortably cut with elas-ticized waist, legs Waterproof vinyL ^ . Shop today! » wr" OPEN 10 A M, TO 9 P.M. (Sat. 9:30-9) , Drayton opeii Sunday Noon to 6 p.m. (Poumtpim cimti Tuei^ Wtd. at 6 p.m.7 Boys’, girls’1.99 toddler-size p.j.s Wide assortment of easy-care fabrics, styles, colors in toddlersV iizes 2 thru 4 Save) Infants’ reg. 1.69 to 2.25 headwear Protective and good-looking summer headwear ass t. In infants' sizes 17.99 “Strolee" sleeper-stroller Girls’2.29-3.00 cotton sleepwear „ position foam - filled Pretty, cool p|S . gowns, seat bock safety strop, and baby-dolls with mopy conchy,, ia« troy. Shop now! DOWNTOWN AND DRAYTON PLAINS THE PONTIAC PRESS. SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1969 ADVERTISEMENT advertisement advertisement advertisement stotm ol the tMrttifit of fioirtieaf stroggto, f, ei9n» ooi^itioos die naUa. wvrk of tHe oenfories, bididing bridgeo of ...................................t man of the iwiversaUty of hts t foreeo •ss r rySrirtTH.a.'-’! \' CALENDAR OF CULTURAL EVEFilTS Pontiac Motor Division, GMC - Spring 1' Pontiac Mall Merchants Association, — F( Is maintained. Since progress m wish to verify dotes end e changes, patrons, too, m h the sponsoring organization. All events listed ore open to the public, and we welconne cultural arts groups os members Calender Staff Mrl D. Richard Veazey, Editor Aiisisted by Mrs. John Bills, Mrs. Thomas Henson, Mrs. W lliam Emerson and the staff of the YWCA of Pontiac Cover Design / Jean L. Smith . Faculty,,Pontiac Central High School This calendar lists the cultural events of the North Oakland Areo and is published of least twice'Q year. Deadline for the next calendar will be July IS for Fall and Winter }s of all events, cultural and general, for re'gis- le lobby, Y.WjCA of Pontiac. Call 334-(JfP3 oi I Shown at the left, I the cpvpr of the I cultural calendar, I with each circle I representing a I category of the I following is a list I of . the cultural I series, organiza-Itions, instructions I an^ classes that IqYe open to the- ■ public. Interested ■ persons are en-Icouraged to por-Iticipate. Made op I of eight categor-lies, the list in< I eludes: O " ■ invites you to help us celebrate MICHIGAN WEEK May 18-25 JOIN IN THE FUN DURING OUR cu PIS CALENDAR OF EVENTS nafiv. Michigan plan.,. GWood a, Rund^^ Company. T,ckel„ coll 338 6239. „ 2.00_ p.m.'- Mini1 t/our question, instiled on a postcard to Junior Editors m care of tp'is ncw.spapcr, is selected for a prize.) 36 Yanks Killed in Vief " WASHINGTON (AP) - Thei Defense Department Wednesday ' announced the names of 36j . . ^ , servicemen killed in Vietnam. i *’ The list includes: action: result of ho.stile .. - Missing not a Changed Irom missing to dead aytion: Aom ho.stile action: i sp/ t p«ui jon^e 7'........................' /.............- The limy device obove, is o remarkable new hearing aid worn all in the eur. It is u toinpiele miniatui.e sound system, , with microphone, volume control, receiver and pillsize battery. '‘‘When placed in the ear (right), it is barely visible. Introduced recently by MAtCO Hearing Instruments, it can be seen locally at 5!i! MAI CO PONTIAC 1QI2 W. HURON ST. PONTIAC - 681-1811 Now 6 Convenient Locations to Serve You . Phone 33V 1I ' DEARBORN CROSSE POINTF. 7 DtgRoi i —------------—------—------------------ MONDAY ONLY—from 9 a. Use Your Sears Charge iVophone ordersfC.O.D. 's or deliveries (except where noted) Save! Hollywood Bed WITH YOUR CHOICE OF 3 HEADBOARD S'HLES Reg. 99.95 69»» This line onllil iluTudcs a 216-i-oil iiinerspriiig inultress, spring, I'riinie and headboard! Choose itiaple I'inisli hardwood, tufted vinyl or Iti'ass ,lnii>h headboard. Twin Size On i„„„„.n,„i' Delivered Automatic Lighter Appliance Timer Reg. 9.99 '^97 Protect yotir home while you’re away! AuldmFtTcari^ Tuidis on-off lamps and appliances at pre-set limes. 24 hour repeat. Ivcnmorc Auto- matic Timer Reg. 7.99 Tinier controls lam|is Or appliances ... up to 14 H.P. motors. Needs no daily resel-ling, \ mm Closeout! Bedspreads TWIN OR FULL SIZE ... SAVE 50% MONDAY Choose from a wide selection of patterns and colors to accent / your decor. All are machine washable cotton, need little or no ironing. Throw style with rounded corners. Bedspread Dept. Save! Giant 18 Cu. Ft, REFRIGERATOR WITH HAliDY BOTTOM FREEZER Two full-width shelves, 1 Reg. 319.99 half-width. Lots 6f space with big orispers, door storage plus 2 KjAwO spacious shelving. Adjustable cold control. Save S60 Monday. Delivered Coldspol Refrigerator Dept. Were 3.23 Save! Catalog Closeout THICK, THIRSTY TOWELS IN BEAUTIFUL COLORS Fringed towels with elegant Schiffli embroidered trim. Velvet touch Cotron® terry, 20% more absorbent than cotton. 1.73 Hand Towel.... .1.32 70c Washcloth ......62c Bath Shop j|99 Bath Towel Save! Vinyl Runner PEBBLE DESIGN ON HEAVY VINYL ... 27” WIDE Peedrative runner protects car- Reg. 1.75 j>et and floors. Underside has *■90 tiny grippers ... you don’t need I OwS tacks or fasteners. JB, 115.59 66-Ft. Roll... 86.88 Running Foot Floor Covering Dept. Save! Sewing Machine K9NM0RE ZIG-ZAG IN PORTABLE CASE With this machine you can overcast, sew on buttons, make buttonholes, applique, monogram and make deeorative stitches manually. Lever type stitch width and length contril. Portable case. Monday Only '^S9 Kenmor® Sewing Machine Dept. Open Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday 9 to 9, Tuceday, Wednesday 9 lo' ."isSO Sears Downtown Pontiac • Phone FE 5-4171 ^THE rONTIAC PRESS, SA'i'UBDAY, MAY l/ 1909 There Are^ 3,858 Ways to Performance of Apollo W CAPE KENNEDY- (UPI) -There are 3,858 ways to tell how Apollo 10 is doing on its journey to the mdon. That many measurements qf the performance of the Saturn booster rocket and the two Apollo, spacecraft will be sent back to earth during the mission of Sstronauts Thotpas P. Stafford, John W.. Young and Eugene A. Cernan. The measurements - include readings from gauges and sensors scattered through the huge space machine. They will give ground engineers monitoring every second of the flight information on the speed of the rwket and spacecraft, vibration, fuel flow, voltage, the positions of yalves and switches in the machine — even the heart rate of the astronauts. The telemetry informiftion coming ffom space is fed into computers, then sent over different circuits to display boards in the control rooms at the launch site here and the Manned Spaceflight Center at-Houston, The total of measurements includes 2,342 fbm the three stages of the Saturn 5 rocket ^ and its instrument, section, 322 ' from the Apollo comma nd capsule, and ltl94 from the lunar landing s^pacecraft — flying only its second manfied mission, and being, closely, checked for performance. MONDAY ONLY—from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Save 50% Bovs’ Shoes “CHRISTOPHER ROBIN" SHOES, LEATHER UPPERS Were 9.99 Wing-lip slip-on in black or ^brown, size ,10-3; black slip-^ on 10-^ black or brown oxford, 8^2-3; black wing-lip oxford, sizes 8V2 to 3. Fully leather lined. 497 Charge It No phone orders, C.O.h.'s or deliveries (except where notetl) Easy-Care Duck Cloth Prints Reg. 1.19 88 Assorted prints in lively colors . . . ideal for spring and summer sportswear. Kasy-care 100% cotton is crqase re-i'tant.'' 11/l.V’ width* — Buy several prints Monday and save! Easy-Care Knit Tops A SPORTSWEAR MUST FOR SUMMER FUN Choice of a pull-over tank top. or short sleeve pullover with crew neck. Assortment includes solids, stripes and prints in cotton and cottop blends. Sizes S, M and L. Buy several Monday. Sportswsor Dept. Monday Only 199 Easy-Care White Uniforms Monday Only 488 I.ooks fashionable on the job . . . smart styles at a low price. Collection includes zip and button frhnts in tumble dry nylon polyester, sizes 3 to 15, 6 to 18, and ]|^i/2 to 24V2. Save! Men’s Underwear Save! Lightweight Dress Dept. OUR BEST SELLING BRIEFS AND T-SHIRTS : Fine all-collon Royal Interna- Reg. 3 fOr 4.29 lionale® knits . . . soft, smooth £*£t andl absorbent. Mereerized for-M* i--S500 strength and luster. Sizes S, VB VB M, L and XL. Limit 12. . ’ or 1.15 each , Sears Men's Store Were 8.99 and 9.99 LINED COTTON POPLIN JACKETS FOR MEN Water repellent poplin shell with bold tartan plaid lining. Smart raglan styling with yoke, back. Knit cuffs and bottom. Sizes .36-48. Sears Men's Store 62J. Coast Guard Approved YOKE-TYPE LIFE VESTS ... ORANGE COLOR TOTS’ support to 50 pounds. CHILDS’ supports 50-90 lbs. ADULTS’ for '-bver 90 lbs. Kapok fill seased in vinyl. Mildew resistant cotton co\'er. Adjustable straps. Save Monday. Sears Sports Center 8-Pc. Aluminum Cookware Set Reg. Sep. iy97 Price 14.94 4-ql. covered saiicep 1 and 2-ql. lO’/2-inch covered chicken fryer. Heavyweight aluminum with plastic handies. 7-Pc. Stainless Cookware Set Reg. Sep. A 0»7 Price 28.941.4# ^ i and 2-ql. covered e pans. 6-qt. covered and lO-ineh skitlet. Sti,... less steel with oven-proof handles, knobs. 20-10-.'i \ Fornnil.i; \ , 20% nitrogen V , v 10% phosphoric \ ’v-*. acid ^ " 5% potash Save! Lawn Food Save! Motor Oil Housewares Dept. Now is the lime to start on your lawn, and Sears GrCen karpet lawn food is lightweight and easy to handle. Nitrogen content is quickly released for best results. Seors Garden Shop lubricities. rtpeciiu Huiiiiivfs slop sludge^ build-up, neutralize daniagitig acids and inhibit varnish deposits. (ioodv performance year around. Reg.49c Charge It Open Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday 9 to 9, Tueiday, Wednesday 9 to 5:30 Sears Auto Accessories Dept. SEARS,WOEBUCK AND CO. Downtown Pontiac • Phone FE 5-4171 A ■ ■> h THE PONTIAC EUESS. SATURDAY, MAY 17. 1969 Ddafbs in Pontiac Area Louis Beom ; Service for Louis Beam, .73, ^ Mrs. Alice F. Vpn Pelt LAKE QRIQN — Service for t)f 23 Mariva will be 1:30 fi.m. [Mrs. Alice f*. Van Pelt, 91, of ... . Monday at Voorhees Siple Chap-tl06d Long Lake will be 1 p.m. el with burial at Perry Mount IMopday at Allen’s Funeral Park Cemetery. HomO with burial in Evergreen • Beam, a former self-employed briek mason, died yesterday. He was a member of World War I Barracks 49 and Bricklayers and Masons Local 29. Surviving are his wife, Queen-le; three sons, Robert L.-in the Air Force in Indiana, Frank TUrcotte of Roanoke, Va,, and Gerald Turcotte of Pontiac; four daughters, Mrs. Doris Jus- Cemetery, Detroit. Mrs. Van Pelt, a member of the Lake Orion United Methodist Church, the Senior Citizens of Lake Orion, the Bunny Run Association, the' Brotherhood of R a i 1 r o ad Trainmen Auxiliary arid the Neighborhood Club, d yesterday. Surviving are two daughters. Bar, Drugstore Robbed in City Holdups Net $800 ii Cash, $55 in Watches TERROR IN DETROIT—Beside the bank he tried to hold' up, Gary Lockwood slumps near his pistol while police close in on his accomplices holding six hostages in the De- troit Bank & Trust at the corner of Woodland and Oakland yesterday aftemono. Lockwood was shot and killed as he tried to escape with a hostage. Robbers held up a Pdntiac bar and drugstore and escaped with more than $800 in cash and watches valued at $55 last night. Two men, wearing small-brimmed dress hats, robbed Dunseith Pharmacy, 522 N.-Perry, and one customer of a total of $500. One of the men carried a revolver. luui uau5iitv.i. o, v"*- I .....o T tice of Virginia Beach. Va.,;Mrs. Floyd L. Baker and Mrs.! Mrs. Iris Ward and Mrs. . Shir-1 James C. Yandell, both ofi ley Hawley, both of Pontiac,'Arizona; two sons, Mervington. and Mrs. Marjorie Douglas of ; C. Swartz of Royal Oak andj Grand Rapids; four brothers,|Robert J, Swdrtz of Illinois; including Alvin and Lawrence!five grandchildren; and five of Pontiac; four sisters, includ-1 great-grandchildren, ing Mrs. John Runyan and Mrs. j i c L Pearl Schneider of Pontiac and. Mrs. Paul oChmiaT Mrs. Mae Smith of Ortonville;; TOWNSHIP - ,, ,ra.*hildre„. -and.* E pTruL) grandchild. Schmidt, 81, of 67M8 Sisson will be 1 p m. Monday at Roth’s iHome for Funerals, with burial in McCafferty Cemetery. 2 Still Sought in Bank Hbldup DETROIT (API - Detroit police sought today to apprehend two suspected bandits who escaped with an unknown amount of cash in Friday’s holdup of a North Side bank. Mrs. Thomas J. Beck Service for Mrs. Thomas J. (Goldia), Beck, 46, of 451 S. Telegraph will be 1 p.m. Monday at Donelson-Johns Funeral Home, with burial in White .Chapel Memorial Cemetery, Troy. • Mrs. Beck dieij ye.sterday. Mrs. Schmidt, a life member of the St. John Lutheran Church and the Noama Circle, died yesterday. Surviving «-e one daughter, Mrs. Marguerite Trieloff of Washington ^Township; a Son, .Surviving in addition to heryelled as they pulled Ipband are her mother, MrsJgrandchjWre". 8 ^ Police shot one bandit io death and took another into custody after he surrendered. Four men were involved in the, stickup, police said. him. The hostage was 58-year-old Joseph M. Rudel, who had worked at the branch for 32 years. Lockwood was shot when Rudel broke from his ! grasp. Lockwood’s body fell in a sitting position, slumped against the wall. Police said the men entered a Detroit Bank and Tr^ji branch w?here about a dozen customers and employes inside. “Don’t pull the alarm’ 8 OR 10 TIMES They must have shot him about eight of 10 times,” a witness said. Carpenter put his gun on the counter and surrendered 10 minutes after Rozman’s trance! Handcuffed, he was led from the building^ wearing sunglasses and smoking a cigarette. Police had to keep crowds back from the scene. Many wanted to view the body of Lockwood. Another teller was forced to Ernest L. Carpenter o f gran'^'^hildren Alabama; thrcp sons, Antonio , , WanCj.Llg Sambrano, Arturo Sambrano Jr. . and Timoth Sambrano, all of LAKE ORION “ . -ru„ bandits re- fiontiac; and a brother, Fred Sickle of 180 Indianside died P . „ ’ Carpenter of Pontiac. ; today. Puneral arrangements are pending at Bossardet Fu-John E. Bougine ineral Home, Oxford. Inspector Anthony Rozman of the 13th Precinct entered the front of the bank, attempting to talk 26-year-old Franklin Carpenter of Detroit into surrendering. Carpenter held six hbstages behind a counter. The Walled Lake High School PTA 'is sponsoring an o^n house tomorrow for retiring Principal E. V. Ayres. The reception will be from 2-4 p.m. at Walled Lake High Sc^hool on S. Comftierce near Oakley Park. Ayres, who has been active in the education field for 44 years, retires after 22 years as principal A man and a woman, both brandishing sawed-off shotguns, took $302 in cash and $55 in watches from the owner and three customers at Ernie Felice Bar, 377 South Boulevard. Police "are looking for two Negroes in the bar holdup. The man was described about 26 years old, 5 feet 10, 170 pounds, wearing gray bell-bottom slacks. The girl was said to be 18 or 19 years old, 5 feet 7 and 135 pounds and wearing light-green bell bottoms. Retiring Principal Will Be Honored in Walled tqfce WomanKilled in City Crash Man Seriou5ly Hurt (Another Accidej A retirement honor will May 28 Club. Tickets are $5 per person. DeForest McIntyre, senior high school counselor, charge of ticket sales. They are available in • the high school main office through May 25. _.yhour apart— in the city early today. Pronounced dead on arrival at Pontiac General Hospital about 5 News in Brief Oakland Christian School Fall Registration, grades '7-12. For information, 85?-2396. —Adv. While Rozman spoke 4o Carpenter before his surrender two bank employes who had been held near the front of the budding fled out the front door to safety. The last six hostages were later screened off from the press for questioning by the FBI. Shot Kills Man Rummage Sale Benefit, Michigan Animal Res League of Pontiac, Saturday and Sunday, 17th and 18th of I May, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. at Dewey’s Dairy Cream, 4708 -.............. " H Peter A. Fortino, 28, of 124 N. Telegraph was found dead yesterday in his home, apparently of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, according, to Pontiac police. —Adv. Elizabeth Lake Rd. Garage Sale: 1829 Wellington, Wards Orchards, Fri., Sat., Sqn. 12-? —Adv. Garage Sale: 100 Home St. Monday, May 19, 8:30 to 7:30 A Pontiric woman wak^ killed and a 21-year-old man was criti-^a\]y/ injured in' separate accidents—less ■ Oakland Highway Toll in’69 51 Last Year to date 42 Elma L. Beasley, 25, of 93 Elm. She was a passenger in a car which ran off the road at en and Branch about 4:30 a.m. and smashed into a brick wall. Reported in serious condition and facing emergency surgery at Pontiac General is Walter S. Smith of 143 S. Francis. Police said he was the driver of a car which ran off Erist Wide Track at University about 3:40 a.m. and slamihed into concrete pipe blocks piled alongside the roadway. Police said they ticketed Kenneth Bradford, 23, of 550 Bloomfield, who was driving the car in which Miss Beasley wqs riding, for having no operator’s license and for traveling too fast for conditions. Bradford and another passen- sr reportedly escaped serious injury. ________ OCC Slates 12-Hour Light Service for John E. Bougine, 53, of 2361 Denby, Waterford Township, will be 11 a.m. Monday at the Drayton Community United Presbyterian Church, | with burial in Roseland Park' Cemetery. Mr. Bougine. an employe of the Fisher Body Division and a i member of the Drayton Com-; munity Unite d Presbyterian .. Church, died Thursday. | presentation of light, sound. covered. Some persons were ordered into a vault and others into the basement. TEAR GAS USED But an alarm, triggered _ by a bank employe brought police t^ the scene. Police fired a canister of gas into the bank^ but i)/was ineffective Show Friday t^^ry .i^ockwood. movem^L .will be shriwn continuously for 12 hours next Friday at Oakland Community mose age and address is unl^nown, was shot by at least three policemen as he tried to escape the scene holding a pistol - whipped and bleeding hqSiage in front of College, Orchard/ Ridge Cam-■ rT( pus, FarmingtoiyTownship. * * translugCnt screen eight £ Cjontroller Post Goes to Chief Oil Accountant Robert J. McGarry, chief accountant at Oakland University since 1960, has been named to Delpha; two (daughters, Mrs. Glenn Hamden of Grosse Pointe Park and Mrs. Larry Chenoweth of Battle Creek; two sons, John C. Bougine of Waterford Township rind David Bougine. at college; one sister: and two grandchildren. high and 44 feet n J, A ! circumfernece will show Peter A. Fortmo j visual jmmposition and 'syn-Peler A. Fortino, 28, of 124 N. chroni^tion of imagery with Telegraph died yesterday. His I sound; music and movement, body is at the Donelson-Johns * * ■ f . Funeral Home; "The Mobile Ch^e,” similar Mr. Fortino. an employe of tb the multimedia programs Fortino’s Steak House, i introduced at Montreal’s Expo survived by his wife, Christa; 67, uses an ^ray of portable his mother, Mrs. John Cooper of sound and p/ojection equipment Pontiac; three sons, Domijiick.; in establishing an emotional and Peter A. Jr. and Joseph R., all i rational/bond with each spec-at home; a daughter, Tneresa, |tator./ at hbme: four . si.ste/s, Mrs. *, * * David Liddy of Union Lake and Among the programs are Mrs Charles Ward. Mrs. "Toward the Year 2000” and Roberta Mondor/and M r s . ; "Juxtapositions and Insights’ Joseph Yates, a(l of Pontiac,: which will be shown between 10 andonebrotlH-r. a m and 10 p.m., at Lexture I department from 1958 to 1960. Hall, ,1,306. Mrs. Edward M. Heacock the new post of controller. His p p 0 i n t-ment was effective Thursday. McGarry o f 714 Cambridge, Avon' Township, came to OU from Chrysler Corp., where he served as a supervisor in the comptroller’s Before that he was an account-^ ^ ^ I ant with the CPA firm of Touch, The production is free for and Smart of OCC students throughout thelDetroit. Service for Mrs Edward M.l day. with a $3 admission fee to i * * (Dorothv) Heacock, 61, of 5841 the public in the evening. A 1955 graduate of Michigan F Toniu'son will be 3 30 pm Those -interested in fiiiihcr:State University, he is a mem-I ^ ■«» «n Roland;bcr „(Alph, Beta Ps .,,al,.,.al Kuncnil ll„mc. .ill. burml in Sh.irollo, OCC dirnclor o I aci'ounling hnnorary iralermiy. TJerrv Mimnt P;ii k Cemclerv cultural affairs. MrV. lleacoJkdLvcsterday. ------- - « . The chemical isolation and Surviving in addition to her Convention spend ing in purification of specific piese husband-are a .son, Edward I). |Delroit last year was in excessjhas Heacock in service; a daughter.iof $42 million. Constance M.' Heacock of Pon- been laboratory. achieved M r .... three sistei Morence Ervin. Mrs. Sylvia! Harper and Mrs. Nora Moyer,I all of Pontiac: and four' brothers. Mrs. Charles D. Burgess Re- .M'ON TOWNS! Ill' qiiie.in Mass for Mrs. Charles 1). i,\nna) Burgess, (it, of 5365 Hicwsler will be 10 a in. Mon day at St, Andrew's Catholic Church, Rochester Burial will be in Resurrection Cemetery, Ajmint Clemens. . Ro.sary will be at 8 p.m. ,Sun-, day at the William R Potere I’uneral Home in Rochester. Mrs. Burgess died Friday. .Surviving are her husband, a son, Dan of Rochester: and four sisjers, ” Clyde Church ORTONVILLE - Service for :!Iyde Church. 34, of 3529 j ;..akeview will be 2 p.m. Mon-| lay in Rainelle, W. Va., with )urial there. Mr. Church, an employe of he Chevrolet Engine Division, lied Thursday. Surviving in addition (0N|iis wife, Ellen, are his parents, Mf.< Ei. Clarence Church: two rs, Pamela and . both at borne; foui' jrothers; and-five sisteis ''Your Vacation Lasts All Summer Long • • • Starcraft 17'Daytona The perfect coho boat 89"'befam • Room tor 8 I^xtra stable 3-poinl trihedral hull Walk thru deck When You Own Your Own Boat." Your choic. of Cruiieri, Runoboutt, Fiahina Boati. SailbooU, Conoes, Watorblk**. We al»o have Weere* Pontoons for at low it $500.00. See them oil o PINTER’S MARINE Opdyke Rd. at Univ.riity Drive (1-75 ot Oolclond Univertify Exit) Open 9 to 8 Sat. 9 to 6 WE TRADE - WE FINANCE "AA Motor Hepntr RfUinn" \ I SALE STARTS SUNDAY MAY IS bt| Mio while quantities iaat Bestform® Cc^r A\atd\mates Bestform is making the best little underthings'for working girls... at working-girl prices. And you get them at Yankee. Be^foim's bras, girdles and t>ra slips give triirming, slimming, contouring. Everything. And they're color coordinated, too. Come get a peachy little bra to match a peachy little girdle and slip at Bestform's working girl prices. Then go out and splurge on something with the money you save. YMm DISCOUNT DEPARTMENT STORES BESTFORM BRASLIPS OR GIRDIES Pontiac D.treif Sforilng H.ighta 1 Rivarviow 1 CoriMraf Joy SOtowHeM 1 CMMratUMIIo 1 1 oMTchoinlmr | AtTtMCanMrol 1 fort^KlMi 1 ■\vi . ' r ' , '\ ' 'V\ ^ A\ 'i.; » . - M' _ I,/.' ' ' THE PONTIAC PRESS. SATURDAY, MAY 17. I ,'1^ > ■'!*' China l^eports Indicate Fight Still On HONG KONG - Under-, ground broadcasts from inside Red China indicate that the power struggle is far from over. a The broadcasts are attacking Defense Minister Lin Piao, who was officially designated chief aide and heir to party Chainhan Mao Tse-tung at the Ninth Corn-last munist Party Congres month. Western government analysts in Hong Kong view the attacks as attempts by enemies of Lin Piao and Mao to create dissension between Lin, an army man, ana leaders of the navy and air force. They say Lin has many ’ s, particularly in the mil- itary, who are trying to pull him down. Reports of the broadcasts come from seamen who' have heard them along the coast, from travelers returning from the mainland and from Chinese in Hong Kong who have relatives oh the mainland. One such broadcast was heard in Hong Kong last July, but whether it came from an underground resistance station or a propaganda station nitrated by the Chinese Natidnalists never wag established. Since iate April, seamen off the coast of Shangtung proving have heard a station called intermittently the Voice of Saving the Country and Saving the People. One such broadcast said Lin Piao “has seized power And Chairman Mao must be rescued from the arch plotter Lin Piao.” ijimwi Analysis Although a number of West-eiTi analysts here believe that Lin Piao is the driving force in China, or is fast becoming that, they don’t see Mao as his political pristmer. Instead they regard Mao as a semiretired elder who sets the policy line and lets Lin Piao carry it out. In contrast with this view, a large number of Chinese observers, editorial writers and commentators insist mainland sources tell them Mao has been victiniized by Lin and is tua! political prisoner. They say other military men, most likely in the air force and navy, are behind the attacks on Lin Piao, a former army officer. Despite the disagreement, both the Western analysts and the Hong Kong Chinese agree the number of reports about broadcasts and the similar details indicate the power struggle is far from over. There are indications, aiso, that broadcasts are not the only weapon. Travelers froni the mainland tell, of small cleverly worded pamphlets attacking Lin or Lin and Mao that are circulated from hand to hand. The analysts agree, however, that for thd time being there is less chaos in China than existed during the height of the cultural revolution. Chinese coming from the mainland say the opposition to Mao and to Lin gone underground. Grimaldi Think Think of yourself... in the driver’s seat of this hot little shift. Four-speed,synchromeshed transmission, dash-import sports spider. Styled by Bertone, with the lively lines mounted tachometer, front di;c brakes are some of Detroit goes overseas for! Powered by a hefty rear-mount the 30 "extras" Fiat indudes at no extra cost. Test engine that’ll go 90 and accelerates to 60 as fast as you can drive and test price the Fiat 850 Spider today! Fiat 850 Spider • How does Fiat do it for the price? Grimaldi IMPORTED CAR CO. 900 OAKLAND AYE. FE 5-9421 Highland Park Teacher Gets Back Wages HIGHLAND PARK (AP) -Marlynn Marcks, a Highland Park high school teacher suspended from teaching duties, has received her payj^ for the past two weeks as a result of a court order. j Circuit Jucjge Thomas J. Foley ordered the school board to] pay hpr all back and future payi pending a hearing next Friday at which the, school board is to show cause why Miss Marcks should not return to her classroom. She was removed from teaching duties April 10 after she informed |)olice that one of her pupils said she witnessed the shooting of a Detroit policeman outside the New Bethel Baptist Church March 29,, The pupil later denied having I witnessed the incident-, in which' Patrolman Michael Czapski was killed. Miss Marcks originally was fired, then reinstated in a non-teaphing post. Her pay was cut off when she refused to accept the nonteaching assignment on the advice of her lawyer. A This is a good question to ask when approached , hy persons offering to do services for you. If this had been done by several persons wlio called us about types of service they might have been saved considerable money. List the things to be done for the price quoted. « Don’t give, money to men you hire to work around your property until they have finished the work. Cases are reported where these men have collected amounts to purchase material for the work they are doing and then never return to complete th^^ for children, so tell Sonny to grow up already and introduce you to Mamma, or find another playmate. between two points is a straight line. Write (or call) and let her know that you'll “be seeing them,” of course — but not to plan anything as you want the freedom to “play it by ear.” DEAR ABBY: A new man has come to town and he works in my husband’s department. He is nice looking, clean-, cut, single, and he’s always alone, which has given me an idea. I have a friend who is about the fight age for him. Laura is a lonely quiet girl who doesn’t get around much because she looks after her invalid mother. I keep thinking how nice it would be if these two young people knew each other, but when I mention it to my husband he says, “If Ppul asks me to introduce him to a girl, I’ll tell him about Laura, but I’m not fixing up any dates unless he Calendar SUNDAY St. .loseph Mercy Hospital Nurses Alumni Association, 11 a.m., McCauley School of Nursing on Fulton Street.-Summer 1944 graduating class will be honored. Abby, I still thinWh^ls a way to get these two together. Any suggestions? CUPID DEAR CUPID: Have an informal get-together and invite both Laura and Paul. Invite others, so it won’t be so obvious. And here’s a tip; Don't build up Laura to Paul, or Paul to Laura before they meet or you’il put the kibosh on the deal for sure. DEAR ABBY: My husband and I are planning to go to Las Vegas soon. ,My problem is my husband’s sister. She lives in Las Vegas with her husband and Tamily. Since this is going to be a vaca-(tion for us we would like to spend it, in bur own way, -coming and going as we please. (We’il stay at a hotel.) How can we make our wishes known without being tactless or curt? My sister-in-law likes to conduct your program from start to finish, which is most annoying. NAMELE.SS, PLEASE DEAR NAMELESS: Use an elementary algebra rule. The’ shortest' distance MONDAY American Association of Retired Persons, chapter No. 7, ,9 a.m. un-. til closing hours at The Pontiac , Mall. Information booth on retirees r during Michigan Week. The booth will be open all week. Women’s Association of the Pontiac Symphony Orchestra, 1 p.m., Illinois Avenue home of Mrs. Robert Irwin. Mrs. Richard Fitzgerald will speak with Mrs. Irving Stein-man as social chairman. PEO Sisterhood, chapter AW, 8 p.m., Dixie Highway home of Mrs. Ashton Emery. Marion Emery will serve" as cohostess. Reports of stale convention will be given. ? DEAR ABBY: I havc,^ common complaint and can think of no'belter place to voice it than in your column. P refer to the clothes shown in mail order catalogs. They never use a model who wears more than size 10, and consequently we larger women never know how the clothes will really look on us. We send for something, and when we put it on — Oh, brother! It doesn’t even look like the same dress. The same goes for maternity clothes. Why don’t they use pregnant models so expectant mothers tan see how the clothes will look on THEM? rthink it’s time clothes manufacturers realized that there are plenty of women between 50 and 65 who weigh 140 pounds or more, so why do' they always use. young, tall, skinny models? FATINS. C. DEAR FAT: I’ve staled your case, now let’s hope for a little more consideration -for; our well-padded senior citizens. Mrs. Waiter Wharton! of Rugby Circle, Bloom- Orchestra hopes to sell at its annual geraniuj sale ' field.Township, displays a few. of.the 4000 plants from nOon Thursday through Saturday at Lli^ ' the Women’s Association of the Ppntiac Symphony Pontiac Mall. , ^ Geranium Sale, Millikens First to Occupy Scholarships Official Governor's Home Are Announced Mrs. Thomas Henson of Bald Mountain Road is taking advance telephone orders for geramums to be sold by the Women’s Association of the Pontiac Symphony Orchestra. The group hopes to sell at least 4000 plants this year to benefit the symphony. 32M • Attache Cases • Brief Bags Up TO OFF! Colors Includo: Brown • Black • Oliva Green GENEMt PRINTING & OFFICE SUPPLY it West Lawrence Street PHONE FE 5-9261 WIBlBgUE tractor with Size for Every Need A Price for Every Budget % TOM’S HARDWARE .ra. 905 Orchard Lake Ave. FE 5-2424 MONDAY & TUESDAY ONLY TENDER - DELICIOUS BONELESS DELMONICO STEAKS n.09 lb. HOFFMAN'S (Harry's Quality Meats — Retail Division) FE 2-1100 526 N. Perry TIBnGS to do and SEE next WEEK! At the Pontiac Mall Michigan Week is being celebrated with the exhibition of Cultural, Historical, Educational, Industrial, Recreational ''and Pict6ral Exhibits of Michigan, dbyi- L Presented Ey the Waterford School District. ENTERTAINMENT EACH EVENING THROUGHOUT Watch Your Favorite Boat in Competition at THE DRAG RACES to be held on LAKE OXFORM in OXFORD^ MICHIGAN Don't miss thm excitement this SUNDAY FOR REAL SAVINGS, SMART SHOPPERS USE THE PONTIAC PRESS SHOPPER STOPPERS! THE BURN-RITE OUTDOOR Incinerater OvQn3rpETTM-,36 70-68—,38 70-68—138 ? ,'b 0 Josephsn c °i!watt (W,l-0) , A R.Nelson JtlOrabowsky I'WIckershann 2 1-3 1 perliffmance by Anthony. Thomas who scored in four .5 events, while Romeo was paced a by huge Dan Burzynski three tl point-scoring efforts. _____ _______ Wayne Ste Eastern ttlinols 6, Central ............... ph.. ,. Ipstein, B.AIIen, Melton. -. Icago ,. LOB—Washington 5, Chicago 2B—Melton, Casanova, Brink------ !—Epstein 3 (3), Bradford toward 1,4,. Alyea 3), T-3:02. A-,J,487. OAKLAND ^CLEVELAND abr hbi ab r lampnris ss 4 0,0 Versalles Bruce Cr_ampton 0 0 Chucl^ Courtney 0 0 4 2 2 PagllarnI Roof ph Odom p Cardenal cf^ 3 S 0 Siyder rf , - , THorton ,b 4 i 2 Maye If 3 , 0 Fosse c 4 0 0 LBrown ss 3 ^o8 Paul* V 2 Schnblum ph 1 ____Douglass .. Tony Jacklin ... Bobby Cole Charles SIfford Deane Beman . Dick Crawford Rod Funseth Dave Hill Doug Sanders "rnie Vossler Tom Triggers 10-9 Win Horse Race Results Hets' Agee Proves Boss Correct WP—Odom. T— CALIFORNIA ab rb Alomar 2b 4 0 1 Johnstone cf 4 LJonhson^ It 3 ARodrgez 3b 3 Stuart ,b 3 Amaro ,b 0 tS?ay p 3 new YORK I ab r ) Clarke 2b 4 o I Tresh ss 3 I ) Murcer rf 4 0 18-70-,38 68- 70-,38 70-69—139 70-69—,39 7,-68—,39 M.74-,40 70-70—140 70-7,-141 . 73-68—141 72- 69-141 71.70-141 69- 72-, 41 73- 68-141 72.69—141 72-69—141 72-69—141 72-69—141 . 73-48—141 69-72—141 .71-70-141 . 69-73-142 . 71-71-142 , 73-49—142 . 70-72-142 . 68-74—142 In the Class B lineup, Hillsdale (316), Mason and Parma Western earned trips to the finals. In the C-D divisiem, Brooklyn Columbia Central (327), Farmington Our Lady of Sorrows (328) and Napoleon (333) made it into the finals. MIDLAND FIMT At Midland, Grand Blanc (317), Midland (321) and Saginaw Douglas MacArthur (326) led a field of 23 Class A schools. Lake Orion was 18th at Midland, Clarkston 19th and Lapeer- 20th. Grand Blanc’s Rick Kent grabbed medalist honors with a 75. Roger Novotney and Herb Larson Carded 91s as Pontiac CathoUc finished sixth (376) in the Class C-D tournament at Spring Meadows in Linden. Flint Holy Redeemer (361) set the pace followed by Linden and Marlette (367). Wolverine Results FRIDAY'S RESULTS ath—$3080 Claiming; {Mat's Bandit By the Associated Press ,£ame a dilemma, batting a pal-J In the adventure-filled sev-try -217 with three toiples, five 2 6o 'en-plus years since the New|homers and 17 runs batted York Mets first dropped—and A solution, he was not. j that surely is what they did— But Manager Gil Hodges in- two-run shot sailed high over Connie Mack Stodium’s left field roof at the 350-foot mark for his sixth homer of the year. 5 Gals Sharing Tourney Lead Total Ntw York, E—Cox, Tr„ . .ork 1. LOB-Cali 2B-Murcer. 2nd-$1000 Cond. Pace; 1 DAILY DOUBLE: *'*'piRF*ECTA 8-3 Pi Atttndinct 9,470 Handio $898eSi1 Hazel Park Entries SEATTLE into the National League, theylsisted that Agee was better than 59^“of^WS ‘taJS/To? ' have endured some pretty awful that. And so far this season, the^. ^ : S Hoteman pUched a Sr;'* employes. BIG TRIPLE Ihree-hitter lor Chicago’s third' ”- 7 - Agee tagged a two-run triple shutout in the last four games SIh—S3SOO Cond.' PERFECTA; 12 Paid S 7th—S26W jCond. P Bradl?Adl05. -S2700 Claiming; 6V> Furlongs: • ' "ver KItIv's Cub iney Aotashine -*v uoroinv s Chance Admiral Bohq Tobo's Hobo Admiral's Requcsl NIsouk Special'Cher 3 Impatient Wind 3rd—$2700 Claiming; ^ c....i««a,.. 3 Apache Moonbeam 4 .A Never Turn Shyboob But few were worse than the disappointment Tommie Agee was upon his arrival last year. Touted as the solution to the center field problem, Agee be- MONTREAL 1 0 Bosch cf 1 .1 Wills ss 0 0 Staub rf 0 0 MJones I 0 0 Cline 1b Friday night, keying a six-run rally that carried New York to a 10-9 victory over Cincinnati. His two hits lifted his batting average to .307 and his and the Cubs exploded for a 10-run seventh inning to demolish Houston. The Cubs/sent 15 batters to the plate (and got nine hits in the big iniing with Don 0 AConiglro 1 DJones It 4 Scott 3b 0 Pelroclli s: 6 6 6 0 OBrien or ODnghue p ST. LOUIS (AP)-Five women shot two-under-par 67s Friday and shared a two-stroke lead in the first round of the $16,000 St: ADD AGATE - ADD AGATE Louis Women’s Invitational Golf Tournament. Tied for first were Peggy Wilson of Fall Brook, Calif.; Sandra Haynie of Fort Worth, Tex.; Sharon Miller of Battle Creek, Mich-; Betsy Rawls of Spartanburg, S.C.; and Shirley Engle-horn of Caldwell, Idaho. Sir Pete Torion 1 Mlic: d Dare brhbi ---- -o- — --- --------1"— — —o — T wniiaxer 6 0 10 two RBIs gave him 19 for the|Young, Glenn Beewert^Ron San- Haney c 4 i 21 year—two more than he man- to and Randy Hundley driving j.^Totai 3 111 aged all last season. in two runs each. 4 01 1 In other National League ac-l ^ *02 00 tion Friday, . Atlanta tripped me> in the bottom of the ninth k Sharon Miller ..... - sy Rawls ley Englehorn . ....dra Spuzich .... Sharron Moran — ! Mickey Wright ... Lesley Holberl e Woodworth . 9,Kathy Whitworth Miqhly McKlyo Home Place Larrv lOlh—SISOO Clalitiing I Worthy Travel Tramofar Adloi Meadow Hal PERFECTA; 1-5 P > 5'6<>i„uniy s o •'»= Ladvflio 3.00'3fh-$2700 I 4Va I I KJohnson p 1 Aspromte ph i Raymond'p ( 1 3 Wicker ph 0 0 McGinn p 0 0 Mota ph ^ 0 0 Pac^ p Old Cl 8 7j7«1 Hazel Park Results " Launch Out A. J.'s Winn 6th—$2900 Allowahces; 4'/i Furlongs: Kentucky Brook Reward Road Joe's Vicki AlIbhaPs Missile Polly's Bounce Pane's King Ouolallon Kit Cardinal Count 7th—$3000 Claiming; 4 Furlong$: 1 Total Atlanta Montreal Montreal 7-5 in 12 innings, Phil-|adelphia took San Francisco 3-1, Chicago bombed Houston 11-0, Los Angeles rallied for a 4-3 victory over Pittsburgh and San Diego trimmed St. Louis 2-1. got Los Angeles past Pittsburgh after the Pirates had rallied for three runs in their half of the ninth to take the lead. nd—$4100 Cloiming; ^ «th-^$4008 ClalmliH 0 Bronze Rock Dottv'S Twist Sutherlan NEW 1 .... McGinn, DP-- Dicgo trimmed St. Louis z-i. Reliever Jim Brewer’s throw- Montreal 1. ,toB—Atlanta 9, . ing error allowed Pittsburgh s 6. 2B-Sutherland. 3B-Cllne. |jc » « • W®«is fCf 4 2 2 «j Dietz c ^ 2 0 0 MRy Stargeli tf 4 110 Rusaell ------ ih 4 110 Har 0 Par l.lhul. Thii nraduce. gn intulol-,um>n equal to 4 inchei at blawn-in -er 4 feet of • Gives year-round insulation • Roauces fuel costs • Beautifies your home, increases its value • Resists fire • Ends repair and maintenance bills - no painting • Economical to install Phone 673-7507 COMPLETE HOME MODERNIZATION ' 2503 DIXIE HWY. PONTIAC Across From Silver Lake Rd. 0 o! ST. LOUIS I Javier 2b A uli'iir f’ 10 9 jlBuroe SS I 1 U U U Fryman ii"c ■■ 3 0 0 0 Parker 1b 3 0 0 , ** 10 0 0 enslfh p 0 0 0 0 Sudakls 3b ,4 0 2 0 1 J S ! if'ss*’*’ J s J i 11 s s phtooo Jlfoskl 2b 3 0 2 0 Sut'toi? p” S 0 0 oLl®'*'. 1®',", . 2 S 2 2 S/.t'JfJi.J ? 0 ? o;ehiiedeipiiia .!!. 0 • 0 0 2 1,001 E—DIelz, R.Allen. DP—Phil—----------- ______1 LOB—Sen Francisco 1/1. Philadelphia I 4 10 4 2B-Bonds. HR—Mays (4), R.AIIgn^(4), One out when winning run scored. S—McCormick. PltNbu»h " ' 0 0 0 0 0 3 - 3 12,587. Let Angeles I80 000 011--4 B-*-Brewer. LOB-PIttsborgh 4, Los Angelos 8. aB-Sudeklt, Heller,JN.DevIs. HR—Crawford (4). SS—Alley. S— Lefebvre, Parker. CHICAGO HOUSTON {'Torre 1b 3 0 '> «»-«• fhitago 9, Houston 3. 2B-Banks, Young, | Louis 7, Sen Diego lO, HR—1 iSanlo, Hundley. 3B $3^97700 BukkRhiieta. i^tfund^rd equipment inqludeN a 475 cubic inch V-8, automatic tranomU-sioii, variable ratio power Bteering, Jelf^adjusting power brakes, new front susiienition, a lonft list of General Motors safety equipment and much, much 3 0 0 0 Murrell Ph -• A , 0 RPana 2b I 0 Gonitlet If 0 ADavIt 11 B'eSerl 2b 4 2 2 2 NMI?ler rf 4 0 0 0 Shannon 2b 1 0 0 0 Splezio 3b 4 0, Bwlllams If. 4 1 0 0 Wynn cf 3 0 0 0 Hague rf 3 0 10 Areje pr_ 0,0 ------- .. » » n 0 Menke ss 4 0 0 0 Full Factory Equipped — Includes “Tilt Steering Wheel” ”W8'rt Stilinf Mora Buicks Than Ever Before, Thera Must Be A Rlaton” 0 0 0 Santorini p Ferrara ph McCoorp Stahl ph - berf ph QjiiniaSdi —Ferrire (2)! BUIGK-OPEL, INC. 210 Orchard Lake Ave.-Pontiac-FE 8-6121 THE rONTlAC PRKSS. SATI’RDAY. MAY 17, 19(i!) -S=ie- Local USGA Paitings • •••r'*—^A-I^aymond Palmer, Grosse Jacl««>n. S»IVatore j.^Pomante Jr., Roseville, 7:08—12:08—A-Biil Doohan, Strawberry Lane; John W,/ Boudreau, Dearbor’n; Section II F econd Round al 7:00-12:0O-A-L„ .. Orion, Eldon Briggs, Octroi Northyllle, Jim Edmi Phillip G. ,J=K,7r — A-wniiam J. Sheldon, T^homhlll, Ont., Canada, Frank Wilson, Harbor Springs, Eugene Boni, Sylvania, ^ 7;32-»:02-A-Richard S. StolarskI, Ann Arbor, Bob Heaiy, Westland, William G. Newton, Ann Arbor. " 7:40—12:40-^-Harvey E. WOodard, Grosse Pte. Woods, Toiri'^retzschimar ®- '“'wrer, Troy. 7;4»—12:48—A-TImo Kilpelalnen, Northvllle, Al Rosseter, Lansing/ David Dunn, Holland, Ohio. ' 7;54-12:5«-A-Dick Warren, Pontli... Bauer, Ann Arbor, Carl Burkemo, Of 10^ Dw, WhlTer'Adrrar''0uncSn* R«Bmond, Grosse Poiiite, Joe W. Hirsch, Petoskey, :20-A-John Jakublak, Northvllle, Sid Smith, Ypsilanti, Charles Kndwl Holland. 8:28-1:28-A-Robert Ni Garry Rosely, Linden, 8:36—1:38-A-Sheph^d A. Richard, East Lansing, Edward J. Flowers, Lake Orion, Brien Charter, Jackson. 8:44-1:4*^-Blalr J. Kamln, Orchard Lake, Larry Tomasino, *— " " ^ Ewald, Birmingham. 8:52—1:52-A-Dr. _____, East Lansing, Don Mcl Gene Bone, Pontiac. »:00-2:a>-A-/Wlchael Franklin, Donald W. Hibbitts, Sylvania, Ohio, Tom Talkington, Ypsilanti. 9:08—2:08^A-AAelvln Stevens, Detroit, Larry Kroll, Westland, Ridhard ■ Kcfnty 9:18l2:14—A-George Koppe, Warren, Texas, Jack R. 2ot Johnston, Detroit. 9:24-2:24—A-Chuck WlacGllllvray, Flint, Stan Jawor, Farmington, Reggie A/ly‘-~ East Lansing. 9:32—2:32-A-Lloyd Syron, P o n 11 a Thomas Rosely, Rockford, William Peck, Detroit. * " 2:48^_A-^bert T. Forluna, Bi Bill Tombros, ommy Dolan, Marlette. 9:48-2:48—A-AAIchael Seremlian, Union ake, John A. Molenda, BIrmingharh, lie, Roy D. Beattie, Sylvania, Ohio, Lou Gbrd Powers, Roseville. 10:04—3:04—Tom Deaton, Detroi Cochrane, Brantford, Ont., C a i Ronald C. Aleks, Orchard Lake. 10:12—3:12—Paul E. Thomas, Franklin, Earl Myers, Plymouth, Dick " Round at Lochmoor, Daigle, MAJOR LEAGUF . St.; Germain, 7:16-12:18-A-Dr. Walter Pn 7:24-12;24-A-Chai.-, ............... Oak, William L. Emery Memphis, Walter F. Kerchinski, Grosse Points ----- 7:32—12:32-A-James A. Birmingham,. John Jawor, Keith ftx, Detroit.. 7:40-12:40-A-Willi#m K. Newcomb, :nn Arbor, Casmere R. Jawor, Dearborn leights,'Rod Thompson, Or ' yiSII_19'ZIL_A.I .inh T,.« Kocsis, Roya 7:48—12:4,^A-Leigh Tuohy, Bloomfield Hills, RobeOf J. McGlllen, Detroit, Ronald Fox, Detroit. ’:54—12:50-A-Bllly Kampfer, Toledo, A I D-------- Rochester, ! Souchak, Birn Ingham, f^d Royal Oak, I, Harry D. Tecumseh, Ont,, —... ... .... Dyke, Flir* :28—A-Michael D. Murphv , Damon, Kingsville, ' lennls. Orchard Lake. -1:34-A-Dr - Warren, Edward 1:38-1:34-A-Dr. T.arren, Edward J. Brown, Lake, James R. Applegati -Gary Quitiquil Bedell, Mzhickteno, Battle Creek, ;52-.^1:52- Holly, I Professional -golfers, almost without exception, tab 1 U.S.G.A. Open as the best all around tournament on the competitive schedule. And they make that choice because of the popularity of the event and the subsequent case value for the champion. NEXT MONTH The 69th renewal of the event B.' Day, Detro Juhola, Troy. 9:08-2:08-A-Sam KocsiS, Gran. .. D'Amato, Jr., Memphis, Douglas N is slated ritext month at Cham-)lf\ -2-24^A-®R*?'’i Dewling, BirmI 9:32.4|toM,,.A-Gene P. Eyier, --------------------- ie, BirmI Lew Hood, Vassar. Ingham, Charles D. Tisdale, i Bill Bisdorf, Grosse He. 9:40—2:40-A-James E. F u n s t Detroit, Robert K. Kuhn, Livonia, W Lasky, Coldwater. 9:48—2:48—A-Milton Carswell, To Ohio, Jack Clark, Mt. Clemens, 9:581-2:56—A-Robert McMasters, Royal Oak, Mac McElmurry, Birmingh — Gerald Prieskorn, BIqomfield Hills. 10:04—3:04-Glenn Stuart, Battle Cr.. Ronald Adkins, Roseville, Larry Wilkin-son. Royal Oak. 10:12—3:12-Bob Clark, Monroe, T — "’-mingham, Ray Bolo, Detroi Waterford, W. Lake Preps Flip No-Hitters Bruce Carlson tossed a nohitter and all three Waterford baseball teams posted prep conquests Friday afternom, but Pontiac Northern commanded much of the spotlight by winning without a hit. Carlson blanked Farmington, 4-0, for Waterford Township’s sixth win in a row and 18th this spring. The Skippers share the Inter-Lakes League lead Pontiac Northern who Walled Lake Central, though the victim of a no-hit effort by the Vikings Don Burlingame. Kettering trimmed Clarenceville, 5-1, in a Wayne-Oakland League makeup contest; and Mott nipped Troy of the , Oakland A circuit, although outhit 5-3. Livonia Stevenstm bombed Southfield Lathrup, 12-3, in the other I-L outing. Carlson Whiffed 11 Falcons and walked four. He also singled in the Skippers’ first run. Teammate Steve Goit’s two-bagger and Jim Smith’s sacrifice fly produced the other three tallies in the fifth. Burlingame was victimized five errors, two of them coi in each of the first two h when the Huskies scon times with two men out. Roger Holland lofted sacrifice fly and Warren Laturneau walked to force in a run in the fifth when two walks and another bobble loaded the 10). PNH is 10-3 and the county’s No. 2 ranked prep nine. It’ll collide with Waterford (18-3 and fifth-rated) Tuesday in the I-L showdown game. BIG BAT ATTACK Jim Cfom’s three singles ani fessionals will be_on hand to try a double produced five runs for Stevenson. Rob Sievert produced five with two singles and a two-bagger. Ric Horstman homered with a man Event Attracts 3,000 Players Qualifying in Detroit Slated for Monday pions Golf\ Club in Houston, Texas, but the jockeying for positions in the tournament | starts Monday for some 3,000 players around the country, END OF ROAD — Baltimore’s Frank Robinson is tagged out at third by Kansas City Royals’ Joe Foy in the third inning of their game in Kansas Cij^y last night. Robinr Only a field of 150 will tee off in the tournament proper and 33 of those positions in the lineup have already been filled by'*^x-empt players. FEW SPOTS So that leaves 117 spots to be decided in the ‘local’ and ‘sectional’ . qualifying rounds that will be played,at 36 holes each. ^ ,For Michigan players, the test j Softball Play comes Monday at Gowanie Golf | Club and Lochmoor Country _ . , Club where a field of 149 - 103, Spencer Floor and Day s pros and 46 amqfeurs - williSan.tary checked m with vic-battle for 26 positions in the‘t-nes last mgh to remain Urtuic I’, , . undefeated in Waterford sectional phase of the event. I SECOND STEP son made the dash for third after a toss on an attempted pick-off got away from first basemS Chuck-Harrison. Baltimore won in 11 innings, 5-3. Softball Schedules 2 Unbeaten in Waterford Homers Power Rochester Past Pontiac Calhotic S EVENING SOFTBALL ... Week's Gf- MONDAY -E PAr‘" MGM NORTHSIDE j Conn's Clothes. 7 p.m.; Ron Eagles 1230, 8:30 p.m. TUESOAY BEAUOETTE — 1st Chri 5. Reese's Standard Svcr7 Dairy 653 JUNIOR - - * coDoer MUj,. lURSDAY WiXOM - Wixpm vs. Wms. Research' WATERFORD TOWNSHIP SOFTBALL Back-to-back home runs by Northwest Catholic shutout and [ Being among the elite 26 just gives those players a ticket to the sectional where they’ll make a final bid for one of those remaining 117 vacancies j in the lineup. .1 Most of the state’s top pro- Paul Curry held Clarenceville to two hits, singled in a run in the first and also crossed the plate on batterymate Kevin Dyer’s ‘ basehit to highlight Kettering’s 10th triumph. Mott scored an unearned marker in the first then came from behind with two in the sixth inning. Two walks sandwiched around Terry Ruf-fatto’s single loaded the sacks: error let in the tying ru.n and Randy Cooper squeezed ' the winner. their luck in the ‘Local’ round. TOP PROS Among the pros are ®ene Bone of Bay Pointe, Ted Kroll, of Franklin Hills, Mike Souchak of Oakland Hills, Bob Panasiuk of Knollwood who is taking a break from the pro four. Bill Mattson of Shenandoah apdJBill Bisdorf of Grosse He. Heading the list of amateurs are former state amateur champions Melvin (Bud) Stevens of Western, Lloyd Syron of Pontiac; Glenn Johnson of Grosse He and Chuck Kocsis of Royal Oak. After spotting Midget Bar (1-2) a 3-0 lead in the first inning, Spencer (3-0) came ba6k to take an 8-3 decision, while Day’s (3-0) broke a 1-1 tie with a three-run fifth to down Timberlanes (2-2), 4-1. EARLY ATTACK Midget Bar touched pitcher Lee Sherby for all four of their hits in the first two innings and the Spencer hurler slammed the door after that. Most damaging blow off Sherby was a two-run single by Dave Diehm in the first. Rochester’s Les Littlejohn an<^ Stan Babiuk in the sixth inning snatched a budding upset victory away from Pontiac Catholic Friday and gave the Falcons’ their ninth win in row, 4-1. keep the Lancers (7-1) atop the iLocar594, 6r30 .. THURSDAY BEAUDETTE — Grubb's ^ Eagles 1230, 7 p.m.; Peterson's "en's, 8:30 p.m. NORTHSIDE - Reese vs. ,m.,‘ . Duckey's vs. Richard Tim Boyer’s two-run circuit clout in the third put the Titdns (3-7) in front, but singles by Littlejohn and Babiuk plus wild pitch cut the lead to 2-1. The dandy duo unclouded their roundtrippers on their next trips to the plate, and Jim Davis brought in an insurance marker with a single. Farmington Our Lady of Sorrows withstood a one-hitter by Salon vs. Pontiac ^WEDNE^DAY Congregational Church BEAUDETTE — Designers' Cabi ----- ----s A, 7 p.m.; Mir rednrian's 8:30 _____ _ l. 8:30 p.m. AARON-PERRY — Huror The defeat leaves OLSM at 5-Megge had two singles, including one in the opening inning when there were Eaglets on first and third with one out. Greg Main then fanned the next two. The hard-throwing right-hander whiffed 16 in the game, and now has 97 in,46 innings. It was his fourth shutout of the campaign for which he is 7-0. ROCHESTER 4, P. CATHOLIC 1 P. CMhOlIc ... 082 » 000 0-2 7 1 Rochester ....... 000 103 ■ x—4 7 C SOLWOLD (0-6) and Boyer; CAMP- i, OL ST. MARY 0 Tim Megge of Orchard Lake St. | Farmington ols ^ Mary to register a 4-0!( BEAUDETTE - Police NORTHSIDE - ance ys. Pyles 6:15 p.m. TUESDAY CASINO — Imperial Molded vs. •emo; WIXOM — Haggerty vs. Per S:15 p.m. WEDNESDAY vs. Copper Mug. 6:15 P.m. THUR CASINO - *---- game with MMbur leading, l-O, in 4th hing; Miibur vs. Tru-Bilt Redi Mix, 2 p.m.; Day's Sanitary vs. Tru-Bilt, 4 p.r Spencer Floor Covering ys. Colon Village, 5:30 p.m. MONDAY -4 Miibur vs. ColonlaU. 7 i.m.; Tru-Bilt vs. Lighthouse Lanes, 9 'WEDNESDAY — Timberlanes Midget Bar, 7:45 p.m.; weedon's Day's, 9:15 p.m. FRIDAY ~ j_lghthouse at Spjence anes^ CITY INDUSTRUL SLOWPITCH BEAUDETTE - * m 1 r.«i wv _ Dragons, TUESDAY Drugs,"*! 0: northsiIde WINNEBAGO Home Luxury On Wheels F. L HOWLAND SALES & SERVICE 3255 Dixie OR 3-1456 THURSDAY BEAUDETTE — Reiecis v .m.; Gophers vs. ‘Tigers, ilthy Few vs. Valwood, noon. NORTHSIDE - ------ ■ i. Hornets, 10:30 a. Dragons vs. C-S, noon. . Carpentry Eng.; WIXOM - DODGE TRUCK Camper Rentals 6-Sleepcr—i-Fully Equipped Make Reservations Now! Call FE 5-0602 RONEY LEASING Fred Millron went three-for-three at the plate and scored twice for Spencer. Singles by John Park, Ken Young and Ben Traxler triggered the three-run fifth by Day’s. Jerry Thomas picked up the decision with a five-hitter. Andover 9 Beats Groves as Labser Trims Orion WATERFORD 4, FARMINGTON 0 Waterford ....... 001 030 0-4 4 Farmington ...... 000 000 0—0 « CARLSON (5-1) and Crawford; DALY and Foaretler. " P. NORTHERN 5, WL CENTRAL 1 j “•Jlf?.■- J5o ts o jlscoring single in the seventh^and pulling out the win by We set aside the month of May^ for the likes of him. URLINGAME ( HUKKA (3-0) and Laturneau. radded the margin. Lahser trailed 2-0 and 3-1, Ktttaring ............. 220 001 x—5 1 ^UMAN, Mutnick (2nd), Paulson (5 I Tlifkin; CURRY (1-1) and Dyer. I before getting one in the sixth j Bloomfield Hills Andover WATERFORD MOTT t, TROY 2 |dumped Birmingham Groves, 4- waieiiord Molt ; ..iM 002 3 Friday afternoon and KOHL (2-4) and Lydick; (5AINES (3-3) neighboring Lahser handed *" *'”■ yp J I Lake Orion a late 6-3 defeat ■1216 o! under the lights. tallying four times after two: were out in the final stanza. Mike Atkins knotted the score with a single, £^d Jeff Kezlarian sent the Kriights (5-7) in front with a single. ANDOVER 4, GROVES 1 . , . STEVENSON 12, S. LATHRUP Ron Thompson’s single drove iL. ^teyenwn , r-In WLC’s lone marker. Bobl ■sieve“rt (4-i), Hood'imT) EidVorsi'l Andover (8-5) enhanced ■its Hukka fanned seven Vikings (5-“"‘^Ihopes for a Pontiac Invitational 'Tournament bid by upending [proves (7-4) with some late-in-jhfng insurance runs. The 11 Barons led, 1-0, after five I frames. May is National Tavern Month. Andean you think of a better place to celebrate it than in your tavorite taverns^ Or a better guy to celebrate it with than your favorite bartender? Why not stop into his place this month and raise your glass to him? Slowpitch Hillers in Form Some sluggihg and some | belted three homers. Bill White unusually tight defensive work highlighted play last night in Class B city slowpitch. In National League games, the Pontiac Police posted a rarity by blanking Duckey’s, 6-0, while Peterson’s Beauty Salon downed Local 853, 10-1, and Bob & Ken’s pulled a late-inning rally to nip Richardson’s, 15-14. HOMERS HELP In the lone American League game, Reese’s clouted six home runs to down Dave Grubb’s Kennels, 14-7. Ron Councilor, Carl Gajewski and Dennis Kline picked up two hits apiece to back Denis Mutrynowski’s eight-hit pitching as the Pontiac Police triumphed. Fourteen batters strode to the plate in the last of the sixth and brought in nine runs as Bob & Ken’s overcame a 14-6 deficit. Joe Shepard picked u^ four hits to pace the winners. John Day clouted a pair of hbmers and drove in five runs for' Richardson. Hayward drove in seven runs. Terry Saline led a 13-hit PeterSon\ assault with a honie run and single and the defense played a solid game behind pitcher Dave Guilds. , Right-fielder Gary Hayward clubbed a pair and B o bjopposite field home run and an Mathewson hit another to lead RBI-single by Russ Thomas in Reese’s past Grubb’s Kennels.!the sixth, and Schmidt’s run- Get one "very interesting" iced tea glass FREE every time you ' buy $3.^0 worth of gasoline at participating Ashlahd Dealers. Sto^... start a set. tNO OIL !• REFINtNQ COMPANY I THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1969 -t- Orchard Ridge OCC Champ l^aiders Whip OCC Rivals on Links - Orehard Ridge won t h e ■ Oakland Community College golf championship and the All-Sports Trophy .Friday with some hdp,from Auburn Hills on the Kensington Metropolitan Park course. „ Using two teams, the Raiders downed Auburn, 314-340, and Highland Lakes, 308-347. Auburn also defeated the Highlanders, , 340-347, and that gave Orchard Ridge outright possession of the President’s Trophy in its first season of competition. All-American hopeful Troy Hornberger from Birmingham posted a one-under-par 70 to pace the Raiders to their seventh and, eighth wins in a row and a 12-4 mark over-all. ' 'They’ll complete their regular season Monday against Washtenaw and Lansing CC’s. Hornberger’s sub-par round marks the ninth time in 12 outings he’s been at par or better. Teammate Frank Garzia had a 77 as did Mike Sauer. > Paul McIntyre toured the' course in 80 for the Raidas; Rod Skelton led Highland Lakes; with 81; and Auburn Hills’ lowj man was Dpug Collick at 82. j SEMA Baseball Race Closer g Ob d raced home from first base on a chances and the sixth basnet passed ball and. two-base error been eliminated yet as the I in the first inning. Southeast Michigan baseball j S’field finally tied it in the race enters the home stretch. * I fifth on an unearned, run. Jim Birmingham SeaMni* ia n d'MapbheLof the Bhie Jay^ raced Hazel Park iMth lost ypsterdayjhome fr^ first in the last to stay tied fpr the lead at 4-3.|ning on another cpstly error. Vt Birmingham, Tom Conlon AIRBORNE REACTIONS - Berkley’s Glenn Downie, the baserunner, and fifst baseman Mike Boston of Seaholni both have their feet off .the ground on this first-inning pickoff play Friday at Birmingham. Downie walked and pitcher John "Bratton of the Maples threw Jiigh to Boston on a pickoff attempt. The runner later advanced on a wild pitch and scored on a double for the Bears’ first run, and'he scored their third marker in the third inning as they scored a 4-1 upset win. ............... ....................: Southfield, Berljley and Kimball all won and now are one-game behind at 4-4 with three games to play. Last-place Femdale staled two games behind at 3-5. Kimball’s freshman hurler Greg Stone stopped Ferndale, 1-0, on a no-hitter , and Rich^ Runchey’s squeeze bunt in the second inning after singles by ' Garl Roehling and,j Fred Shellnut. Ken Tye twirled a three-hitter and first-sacker A1 Berg drove in three runs as Berkley topped Seaholm, 4-1. Southfield crept closer with a ?-l verdict over Hazel Park. Bob Muiter allowed just two hits and fanned 13 for the Blue Jays. Ken Zmikly of Hazel Park _ Seaholm . TYE (4-1) an, BRATTON (4-1) Parker, Rawlik fist); and Berg drilled back-to-back j run-scoring doubles in the first for all the nins Tye needed. He struck out bine and was only damaged by Jim Hagen’s first-inning two-bagger after a walk and wild pitch. SECOND LOSS Madison Heights Lamphefej suffered its secdnd Central! Suburban loss 6f fhe week and! 5 Chippewa Valley! maintained its grip on first place with a 5-3 victory. The Rams (10-2) committed seven errors, giving Chippewa three unearned runs in the first inning and another in the fourth. Loser Dan Maluzhinsky cracked a tworrun triple but was cut down at the plate attempting to tie the score. He also had t*Wo singles an^ struck put nirie of the winners. NEW! 0 KIMBALL 1, FERNDALE 0 STONE (2<2) and SOUTHFIELD % HAZEL P Southfield 000 010 1-2 5 1 JONES (2-2) and Siedlecki; MUITER (3-Zt and Friedman. CHIPPlEWA VALLEY 5, LAMPHERE 3 ^h^ppeWa .... ................... chippeWa Valley .. ?oo loi ‘1H Lamphere .. 001 200 v--» / / REYGAERT and Carroll; MALUZHIN- BRIGHT FROSH — Royal Oak Kimball has jumped into the Southeast Michigan League title race thanks to the moiind workjpf freshman Greg Stone. Fridayjhe tossed a no-hitter against^erndale | for his second win this week | and the Knights’ third. j Rent-ArTruck Equipment Added To Fleet STEVENS MOVING STORAGE 3565 ELIZABETH LAKE RD. 681-0600 ^ YOUNG MARRIED MEN * SAVE UP TO ON) AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE women (aee 25 and under)tan ... hi(h-quality coveraife at the same rates paid by older adults. 623-0453 5736 Wniiams Lk. Rd., Drayton FARM BUREAU INSURANCE f GROUP GLENWOOD PLAZA NORTH PERRY AT GLENWOOD \ V/ THE POiNTlAC PRESS. SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1969 At Hickory Ridge Community Church Celebrate 100th Birthday The congregation of Hickory| Pastors who have served thelchurch in recent years to pfo-ithe area served by the Hickory Ridge Community Church, 4995lcfiurch since 1954 include the N. Hickory Ridge, Milford, isiRev. T. B. Davis, the Rev. A. celebrating the 100th an-|R. Lacky, and the Rev. J. J. niversary of its founding withlGanzel. The present pastor is fairs, dinners, baked sales and j the Rev. Gerald Andrews who'replaced, other activities this month. I came to the area jn Members are gowned in costumes of the 1860s. At 4 p.m. today, men of the congregation are sponsoring a barbecue. A special program is set up for the 10 a.m. Sunday School tomorrow. vide for more Sunday School! Ridge Community Church classes. The interior of thejchanging from farming to urbap sanctuary has been, paneled, a!with new homes dotting the kitchen provided and a porch [countryside. The congregation still continues as a small country A basement was added to thel According to Pastorr Andrews,[church,'he said. Movies of activities of the church over the years will be shown following the cooperative supper starting at 6 p.m. oh May 24. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Walker, blind musicians, will lead the group in a hymn sing. On May 25 morning service will be 11 a.m. Former pastors will be honored at the 3 p.m. service. A fellowship hour and lunch is scheduled for .4:30 p.m. with service following at 7 p.m. when members will present a skit entitled “Olde Time Meeting.” FOUNDED IN 1855 The Hickory Ridge Church was organized as a religious body on July 10, 1855, by the Rev. Samuel Wire, a minister of the Free Will Baptist Church. At the time of organization there were seven members. THIS WAS THE WAY - More than 100 years ago when this buggy was new, families crowded into a Isuggy or a two-seated carriage drawn by horses to get to church. Here is a typical family dressed in costumes of long ago attending the Press Photos by I lOOlh anniversary of the Hickory Ridge Community Church, Milford. Shown are Mr. and Mrs. Maurice McCullough with children (from left) Kim, Norma and Barbara. Af Dedication According to Oakland County History published in 1877, the congregation erected the white frame building seating some 150 persons at a cost of $2,000. The parsonage and bam were constructed , for $700. The cost included the lot. The wood used for timbers in the building was cut from trees ^ ^ in the surrounding area and ^ donated by members ’of the church. The Sunday School w a s organized in 1870, with Charles Lockwood the first Superintendent. JOINS WEST HIGHLANP The congregation supported its own pastor until Oct. 28, 1923 when the group joined with the West Highland Baptist Church, alternating Sunday services. Magnebell Plays for First Time Sunday Pontiac residents living in the area near First Christian Church, 858 W. Huron soon will be hearing the Magnebell tape player installed this month in the church, a gift in memory of loved ones. The bells may be heard at 11 a.m. tomorrow during the dedication of the Magnebell. The bells also'will play at 12:15 and 6 p.m. daily as well as at 10:45 bn Sunday mornings. The Magnebell has features found only in Schulmerich instruments. The Ma^ebell instrumnt is an exclusive development o Schulmerich Carillons Inc. Sellersville, Pa., the world’s largest producer of carillons, bells and chimes, with more than 8,000 installations throughout the world. Pastor Lawrence C. Bobbitt said. The M^ebeli consists of a clock-controlled magnetic tape player and an audio-amplification system. The instrument can be set to . u 10 m a t i c a 11 y play predetermined number of carillon , selections or bell ringing programs at chosen times of the day. Featuring solid state amplication, theMagnebel provides t h e centuries-old tradition of bell ringing, using space-age components, a tribute to man’s scientifi" achievements. The idea of the tape player originated with Edwin Williams, an elder at First Christian Church, who died before plans were completed for the bell system. WHITl'LES FOR FUN — Robert E. Jennings of 4125 Tipsico, Milford, whittles for fun as he mulls over in his mind the early history of Hickory Ridge Coi^fttnuhity Church currently celebrating its 100th birthday. The wall is all that remains of the driving shed. Cost of the shed, parsonage and land was $700. Bricks in the corner are the original chimney bricks. First United Methodist The Rev. Raleigh Sain. St. George Church Marks Feast Day In 1944 the church was closed but reopened on Easter Sunday in 1949. The Rev. William Harvey of Milford Presbyterian I Church served as pastor. There! were 55 persons present. After | three weeks the congregation! called a pastor. ! The Rev. Sinus Reed accepted the call and the Hickory Ridge Community C h,u r c h was ojrganized. GIVE DEED On July 30,1949, the Free Will Baptist Church voted to give a deed to the Hickory Ridge Community Church for church and parsonage. After reopening the parsonage^ was used for Sunday School, the! Sunnyvale Ladies Aid Society meetings,i _ .1 I The senior high and college- ^ ® ■ I age groups of Sunnyvale Chapel will get together at the white house in the church parking lot. News of Ar&a director of the division of administration of MetropoUtan Detroit Council of Churches, will be guest preacher at First United Methodist Church at the 11 a.m. worship service tomor- Tht Singing Omegas, the Men’s Chapel Keys will also be heard Chorus, French horn trio and a during morning worship on May solo by Cheryl Shelton. 25. Auburn Heights Layman William DuFresne will speak briefly concerning [the United Methodist Evangelical Mission. The Greek Community of the Pontiac area will celebrate the feast day of St. Geprge with a dinner at Kingsley Inn, Bloomfield Hills, on May 25. Patron ."iainl of the Greek Church, St. George was a martyr of Christianity. The dinner is scheduled for 7 I I Pontiac Lake, Waterford tlOnOr O©n/Or SlTownship for an evening of fun With Banquet af Five Points iand fellowship at 7:30 tonight. The film entitled “World’ Apart” will be shown. The mood of spring will be Memorial Baptist The Rev. Marvin Pastorious of Roseville will speak at the 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., worship services tomorrow in Memorial Baptist Church, 599 Michigan. Mrs. Glen Stone will be heard in n, violin solo; and Mrs. Darrell Crandall and Mary Costello will sing a duet, “I Found a Friend.” Roger Ringbloom and David Brooks will play a cornet duet at 7 p.m. United Presbyterian Pastor F. William Palmer will continue his series of sermons on “A People Forgiven and Forgiving” at the 11 a.m. worship hour tomorrow i n. Auburn Heights United Presbyterian Church. At 6 p.m. Senior Youth Fellowship will conduct a round table discussion. Mariners-will sponsor a progressive dinner for all couples of the church at 6 p.m. on May 24, Cost will be $3 per couple if a member^of th^ Mariners, and $3.50 for nonmeniber cixiples. captured in the garden setting i row. Several choirs of the Pontiac-Detroit area will participate in the second choir festival of Sunnyvale Chapel at 3 p.m. tomor- Five Points Community Church, 3411 E. Walton, whhn members honor graduating seniors with a banquet at 6:?0 tonight. The program will be Guest .speaker will be the highlighted by the messap and Rev. Dimitrios Kavadas of the musical numbers Presented by A.ssumption Greek Orthodox [the Rev. and Mrs. Philip Church, Detroit. 'Somers Jr. of Maranalha Bap- ’ * * * ; list Church. Members of Sunnyvale will respond to work day from a.m. to 3 p.m. on May 24. Lunch will be provided for the workers. The Young Married Couple’s Class will gather at the church p.m. before driving to Frankenmuth for dinner. Evangel Temple The Rev. Geoffrey Day pastor of Evangel ,Temple will present a two-part, message at Senior High Fellov/ship w>H the 10:45 [morning s e r v i c e get together at 6:30 p.m; the tomorrow. [same evening for a mystery I The topic is “Divorce andinight. , [Remarriage.” [, The second in a series of, quartet sings will be held, at 7:30 p.m. on May 24. The: Chapel Keys of Cincinnati, Ohio,; and the Chancellors of Detroit; will present the prograrff. - The BETHEL TABERNACLE Fint Pantacotlal Church of Pontiac Sun. School 10 a.m. Wonhip 11 a.m. tVANGtllSTIC SERVICE Sun„ Tuoi. and Thurt.-7:}0 P.M. Rav. and Mrs. E. Crouch 13^ Baldwin Avo. FE 5-4387 GOOD SHEPHERD ASSEMBLY OF GOD Leggett Elementary School on ELUtlA RD. off Pontiac Lake Rd. Waterford Township Morning Worship 11 A.M. Evening Service , 7 P.M. Following the dinner participants will enjoy authentic Greek folk dancing and modern American dancing to music provided by Tlie Rhodians of Detroit. Information and reservations may be obtained from Gus A. Froumis of Rochester. The St. George G re ek|foH(,w the evening service. First Baptist The Rev. Robert Shelton qf . „ . " ", " ‘ I First Baptist Church will At 6:30 p.m. tomorrow the Chapcltones of Detroit will ap-|^^^^„ worship pear in musical selections. | tomorrow. Members of the group Ouring the 7 p.m. serviee represent many Chrislian con- pastor Shelton will an.swer gregations in the Detroit area, [questions which have been A young p e o p 1 c ’ sipi-esented to him for the ques-singspiratoion at the homo of (jop answer period. Howartl Wideman, . 3900 Siiecial rpusic for tlie evening Quoensbury, Orlonville, w 111 worship includes numbers by CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF DRAYTON PLAINS Temporary Meeting Place: MASON SCHOOL 3835 Walton Blvd. (bot. Saihabaw and Silvor Lake Rd.) WORSHIP 9;30 A.M. BIBLE SCHOOL10:45 A.M. "The Christians' Hour" WBFG-FM-DETROIT 98.7F^:45RM. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH A Downtown Church Huroh at Wayne, Pontiac Orthodox Church founded Pontiac more than 40 years ago| jruiuiiat: iiiuic lutjiii *iu ^ ^ serves most of Oakland County. [ Cjffer MuSiC Sing Sunday Senior Choir CflMlPiETE ARRANGEMteNTS—Getting togetiier at St. George Greek Orthodox Chufeh to mate final arrangements for the dinner and folk dancing on May 25 are (from left) Sam Savas of 3695 Lorena, Wa- terford Township, the R^. Costis Kouklis, pastor of St. George Church, hnd Gene Rye-son of 13815 Neal, Davisburg. The dinner celebrating the Feast of St. George, will be gin at 7:30 p.m, at Kingsley Inn. The Cohen Singers of New Hope Baptist Church w'ill present a musical program at Friendship'^ BaptisrChurch will 3:30 P ‘fif uw m ^berfy present the Miller Singer.s in a ^^aptiHl ^lureii, I he c I musical Drogi'ahi at '^:30 p.m. [CbPrus will be fcatii^ tomorrow. OtheF singing groups|musical numbers at 7:30 p.m. 1 will also be featured. Mrs. Various choirs of .the church [Jimmy Richardson Is program [will also participate. The public chairman. ; s invited. BLOOMFIELD HILLS BAPTIST CHURCH 3600 Telegraph Rd. 9:45 A.M. Sunday ScKoal 11 A.M. Marning Wonhip 6 P.M. Evening Servic^ Wednetday, 7:30 P.M. Prayer Meeting WORSHIP & CHURCH SG+TOOL 10 A.M. Infant Nursery Ample Parking Near Church Pastor--Rev. Galen E. Hershey Asst. Pastor- Rev. G. F. Pope KEEGO HARBOR BAPTIST CHURCH 681-0968 1712 CASS LAKE ROAD ^ 682-7568 Sundoy School 1 0 A.M. Worship 11 A.M. Troining Union 6:00 P.M. Evening Worship 7:00 P.M. ’ . DAVID HOTT, Postor u Uh Southern < V.rit . r.lii.n TllK I’OiNTlAt i li,:.-S . SA'IL'KDAY, MAV 17, 1909 United Presbyterian Churches AUBURN HEIGHTS "V 3456 Primory Siraat ' F. Wm. Pqlm*r, Paitor ^undoy School...9:30 8 A.M. and 11 A.M. DRAYTON Cor. Sashabaw at Monroo $t. \ W. J. Teeuwissan, Pastor Bible School . . . 9:45 A.M. Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. Youth Groups . .. 6:30 P.M. Wednesday Prdyer and Study Hour . . . 7:00 P.M. OAKLAND AVENUE 404 Oakland at Cadillac Thoodoro R. Alloboch, Pastor Audrey Linkomon, D.C.E. Richard Pickaring, Youth Diroctor Worship 8:30 end 11 A.M. Sunday. School . . . 9:45 A.M. Yputh Fellowship ... 5:4.5 P.M. Worship.......7:00 P.M. Wod. Prayer...pOO P.M. LAKELAND 7325 Maceday take Rd., Waterford Roy F. Laipbert, Pastor Sunday School.... 9:30 A.M. Morning Worship. 10:45 A.M. CHURCH OF ATONEMENT 3535 Clintonville Rd. Waterford Twp. / Church School 9:30 and 10: Worship Service 10:45 Crea M. Clark Past -JOSLYNAVINUE UNITED ri06Jbslyn Sunday School 9:30 A.M. Morning Worship 10:45 A.M. Thursdoy Bible Study 7:30 P.M. Rev. E. I. Watkins Former Residents, Special Speakers lien’s Day will be observed at New Bethel Baptist Church, 1,77 Branch, tornorrow with the theme, “Man’s Place in Today’s World.’’ ■ * ♦ * Sj^eaker for the 11 worship service and the 3;30li p.m. program will be Clarence Barnes of Youngstown, Ohio. His morning message will be directed to the adult men of the CALVARY Assembly of Go 9:45 A.M. SUNDAySCHOOL A SPIRITUAL TRAINING i;:::;:' CUSs40R EVERY AGE YOUR FAMILY. ^ n :00 AM. II ORSHIPHOUR II ^ EVERYONE WELCOME • CHOIR MUSIC o BIBLE PREACHING i;:;::;; 7:00 P.M. EVANGELISTIC . SERMON A GOOD PLACE FOR YOUR ! SUNDAY EVENING PASTOR : ARNOLD Q. HASHMAN !' 673-0049 THE FRIENDLY CHURCH Sx church with empha.sis to the, young men at the afternoon | service. Executive director of Youngstown iJrban L a g u e, Barnes w^ executive director^ of the yontiac Area Ufban League/for five years before kaviny to take the position in Youngstown. /St. Jame§ Baptist Members of Success Lodge No. 10, Knights of Pythias the Rose of Sharon, Court of Calantha, will hold their annual parade and serihon at 3 p. tomorrow. ★ ' * * The parade will leave the Southwest Association Park at Nebraska and Howland, at 2:30 p.m., continue west to South Boulevard, then to Bagley and the St. James Missionary Church. Speaker for the day will be the Rev. J. Allen Parker, former pastor of Newman AME Church. The guest speaker also had served on the Pontiac Board of Education. . J; Music for the parade will be, ^.4^-.- % furnished by Jefferson Junior High School band. I In charge of the program are! Cliarles Moss, Adelaide Cobb I and Vera D. Cabarres. 1 ’ Get away from the crowd when you can. Keep yourself to yourself^ if only for a few hours daily.—Arthur Brisbane Apierican newspapeir editor. Miisicale Honors Temple Organist PLANTS SHRUBS, TREES-The Rev. Horace G. Thurston works on the lawn of the new parsonage of Walled Lake United Methodist Church. The congregation and friends in the community visited the open house at the parsonage Sunday afternoon. Here Pastor Thurston is ready to plant a small, evergreen. SPIRITUALIST CHURCH of GOOD SAMARITAN 4780 Hillcroft Drive, Waterford 623-1074 **A Center ef Spirituality and Sociability* . WORSHIP 7 P.M. Lillian Pace, Garden City Charles J. Johnson Jr., t at Johnson Temple, Mi Olive Morning Doves FRIENDLY GENERAL BAPTIST CHURCH LJL 2-11S5, 3454 Auburn Rd., 852-1335 (Am! io th« Flr> Slation) JyjB Robert Garner, Poitor Sunday School 9:45 A.M. Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. Evening Service . • . 7:00 P.M. ■BUmMHI Wednesday Prayer Ot.. 7:00 P.M. . * -k * 1' Special guests offering musical nujnbers will be Mrs. Mattie Moss Clark and the Clark Sisters of Detroit, Diane Walker of Flint, Jimmie Morton and the Mt. Zion Choir of Detroit, and the Cohen Community Singers of Pontiac. Several local groups also will Independent, Fundamental, Evangelistic NORTHSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH 2024 Pontiac Road (Across from 4-H Fairgrounds) Sunday School 10 A.M. ^ Church Services 11 A.M. ' ^ Sun. Eve. Evangelistic i Service 7 P.M. Midweek Service Wed. 7 P.M. JhSmi A Going - Glowing Orowinsra""®" BIRMINGHAM j UNITARIAN i Woodwa.rd at Lpne Pine ' Bloomfield Hill«-647-23fl0 1 Robert Marshall and Stanley Stefanic, Ministers "YOUTH SUNDAY" 9:30 and 11:15 A.M. Worthip Sarvicas and Church School (Nurtary thru 12th Grad*) Wessen, will be honored with an appreciation program at 8 p.m. May 24. ^Musical groups performing include the Northeastern Choir, I the Johnson Choir, and the The [combined choirs of Messiah sponsoring a musical program ^ Missionary Baptist Church. at 4 p.m. on May .25 in Mt. — I Olive Baptist Church, 458 Cen- tral. Special guests will be Morning Echoes and t h e Harmonizers, both of Detroit. The charge is $1.25. Quartet Union Quartet Uniwi No. 6 will presept a program at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in St. J a m,e s Missionary Baptist Church. ★ ★ ★ Participating groups include Wandering Travelers, Pontiac Spirituals, Miller Singers Goldenaires, G 0 s p e 1 e 11 e s Goldenettes, agd the Pastor’s Choir. Silvercrest High Attendance Sunday Pastors List Activities scheduled for Silvercrest Bap-be conducted at 3:30 p.m. tist Church tomorrow, ac-tomorrow in SL Martin’s cording to Alfred L. Hindes, Church, 389 Orchard Lake. Sunday School superintendent. | The Miller Singers will Each class will attempt to set present a musical program at a new attendance record. |5:30 p.m. The public is invited. LAKECREST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH 35 Airpart Rd., Pantiac Sunday Schaai 9:45 A.M. — Warship 11 A.M. Training Unian 6:30 P.M. — Warship 7:30 P.M. Wed. Chair Practice 6:30 — Prayer 7:30 D«an Spancar, pastor — 334-2322 faitb Sapttet Gburcb 3411 Airport Road . lO-.OOA.M. . 11:00 A.M. . 7:00 P.M. .... 7:00 P.M. VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME Larry H. Malona Mutic and Youth Diraeter EMERSON UNITARIAN SOCIETY 10:30 Service and Sunday School V4 Mile North of Maple Eqit o( Livernois on Hickory to Mona School Professor Speaks on 'Youth Problems' AUBURN heights FREE METHODIST 9SSS.SOUiniUtD.> . HiNRY SCHMIDT, PASTOK SUNDAYSCHOOL........KkOOAJU.1 MORNING WORSHIP.......lOtASAJW. I WBBHG WORSHIP.......74)0 PAR. 1 WIDNISOAY PRAYIR....7il0 PAR.| "“J, • SUNDAY SCHOOL • MORNING SERVICE • WQTE BROADCAST (560) • CHYR BROADCAST (71) • YOUTH FELLOWSHIP • EVENING SERVICE • MIDWEEK PRAYER SERVICE -- Wednesday • WBFG-FM Wed. (98.3) C(u/tch 9:30 a.m. 10:45 am. 11:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 5:45 p.m.' 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 9:00 a.m. Nforning Subject: "Our Sick Generation" Pastor Shelton speaking at both services of the day OAKLAND and SAGINAW Rev. Robert Shelton, Pastor FIRST 576 Orchard Lake NO SERVICE Attend Convention at Pick Durant Hotel in Flint, Michigan ■" For Information ' Coll 334-3715 I Dr. William W. Wattenberg, jprofessor of educational I psychology at Wayne State I University, will speak Wednesday in Christ Church Cran-hrook, Bloomfield Hills, at seminar for clergy titled! “Youth Problems — A Group | Dynamics Approach.” | I The program begins at 9:45, I a.m. with coffee and registra-i tidn. Adjournment will be at All interested clergy arc invited, There is no charge. Dr. Wattenberg, well known in the Detroit area for his studies in juvenile delinquency, : also associate superintendent of Detroit Public School. ★ ★ ★ His primary purpose at the seminar will be to help clergymen detect proneness to antisocial behavior in predelinquent youth. Trinity Baptist Guidance of a Christian Woman” will be the theme of the Rev. Lee A. Gragg’s sermon tomorrow at Trinity Baptist Church, Wessen and Maple. Senior and youth choirs will sing. ■A ' ★ A The congregation of Calvary Baptist Church, Toledo,' Ohio, will be present for the 3:30 p.m. program. More than 100 voices' will be heard in combined choirs. First Congregational ^Irs. V. C. Chapman, former resident of New Zealand, will speak on the life and activities of New Zealand during the Women’s Fellowship i lunch and meeting at noon Tliursday. AAA The Rev. Malcolm K. Burton will preach on “God Giveth Liberally” at 10:30 a.m. tomorrow. The Rev. Maurice 0. Dirette, associate pastor, will speak on “The Extras of Life’’ at 9 a.m. St. Martin's A spiritual demonstration will| New Hope | The Pastor’s Aid Club of New Hope Baptist Church will sponsor the Miller Singers in a musical program at 3:30 p.m. tomorrow. Other local talent also will be featured. Mrs. W. G. Jackson is president of the Aid Qub. Messiah The youth department of Messiah Baptist Cliurch will present the Youth Choir ofi Burnett Baptist Church, Detroit,! in a song festival at 2:30 p.m.I tomorrow. The Rev. J. Allan Caldwell is visiting pastor. The public is in\nted. FIRST SOCIAL BRETHREN CHURCH 316Baldwin-FE 4-7631 Sunday School—10:00 A.M. Sunday Worihip—11:00 A.M. Evaning Worthip—7:30 P.M. Wodnaidoy Proyar—7:00 P.M. Saturday Evaning Bibla Study-7:30 P.M. Horry C< FE2-K FIRST NAZARENE 60 STATE ST. "Where All the Family Wor»hip» Together" SUNDAY CLOSING SERVICE OF OUR BIBLE CRUSADE 9:45 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL "Wally and Gingor" Singing 11 A.M. 7 P.M. EVANGELISTIC HOUR DR> E. W. MARTIN Evangalitt, Wally and Ging«r Singing try Oiien D it ring All Servirei Elizabeth Lake Church of Christ ChrUtian: 183 S. Winding, Pontiac Sunday School , . . .........9:4S A.M. Morning Worihip.............11:00 A.M. Evinlng Sarvica ..............6:00 P.M. Wod. Bibla Study................7:00 P.M. . Miniitar Kannath Williami 682-2785 Central Christian Church 347 N. SAGINAW 11 A M. Meming Wa»hip-9s45 Bible Sdwol 6 P.M. Youth Maating-7 P.M. Goapal Hour Mr. Ralph Shannan. Minitlar EVANGEL TEMPLE^ 1380 University Drive COMING SATURDAY MAY 24 QUARTET SING 7 P.M. CHAPEL KEYS TRIO of Cincinnati, Ohio artd/|' . ' ' ' ■ CHANCELLORS QUARTET V of Detroit Chapel Keys Singing Sunday, May 24 Worship Service 10:45 A.M. The Public Invited Rev. Day, Pastor J The Pontiac CHURCH OF CHRIST n80 H. PERRY Worship 10:30 and 6:00 P.M. BIBLE CLASSES 9:30 A.M. SUNDAY Mid-Week Bible Class Wed., 7:30 P.M. BOB GLOVER TOM MILHOLLAND Minittart HEAR HERALD OF TRUTH Ch. 50-Fri. 10:30 A.M. Ch. 62-Sun. 3:30 P.M. MARIMONT BAPTIST CHURCH 68 W. Walton Blvd. Holding Forth the Word of Life Sunday School .... 9:45 A.M, Morning Worship ..... 11:00 A.M. Evening Service.......7:30 P.M. REV. ROBERT F. RICHARDSON, Pastor First Coi^gational Church ' E. Huron and Mill St. Rev. Malcolm K. Burton, Minister MORNING WORSHIP 9 A.M.and 10:30 A.M. Church of the Mayflower PUgrinu 1st GENERAL BAPTIST CHURCH 249 Baldwin Ave. Sunday School...9:45 A.M. ' Morning Worship.11:00 A.M. Evening Service...6:00 P.M. Wed. Bible Study ...7:00 P.M. Rev. T. W. Blond, Poitor - FE 4-7172 - 673-0209 REVIVAL STONE BAPTIST CHURCH ^3931 Auburn Rd. at Adams Road SUNDAY, AAAY 18 thru SAT., MAY 24 NIGHTLY 7:30 P.M. EVANGELIST DR. JOHN HUNTER Nursery with Attendants Open Each Night Public Invited The Churqh where no one It looked up to for his wealth or looked down upon because of his poverty Pontiac Area United Methodist EVANGELISTIC MISSION | Hear JIM JONES of Jacksonville, N. Carolina | SUNDAY, MAY 25 AT 7:30 P.M. CENTRAL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 3882 Highland Road t Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday f [ MAY 26 - 29 - 7:30 P.M | FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Saginaw and Judson \ II Supervised Nursery Protected Parking j Co-Operating Churches M Aldarsgat* United Methediit Central United Methodist Elmwood United Methodist Four Towns United Methodist St, Jomot United Methodist St. Luke's United Methodist ■j;:;:;! Trinity UnUkd Methodist, Woierford Baldwin Avenue United Methodist fiS QoVerttUnityd Methodist First United Methodist Northeast Community United Methodist St. John's Unitod Mothodist $t Paul Unitod Mothodist, Bloomfiold Hills : ' >■ ...'"v. \ .... THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1969 ^\hJnte^dn ^kurck ^ vio^, BALDWIN at FAIRMONT V Pontiac, Michigan ^ THE 7 Sunday'School ................;....9:45A.M. WESLE)(AN[ Woiihip.......................11:00A.M. ‘. CHURCH j? Wodoyan Youth.................6:00 P.M. '%■ * . C* Evoning Family Goi^ Hour .. .7:00 P.M. Wodnotday Pitiyor and Piatoo. 7:00 P.M. Church of Christ 87 Lofoyotto St. SERVICES: Lord'* 0ay, 10:30 A.M/ and 7 P.M. ^ Wod. 7:00 P.M. 682-0042 CLOSING SERVICES OF REVIVAL FIRST ASSEMBLY of GOD Wide Track at Perry SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 A.M. WORSHIP 1.1 A.M. CLOSING OF REVIVAL 7 P.M. Pastor Davenport EVANGELIST and MRS. ARNOLD SEGESMAN THE SALVATION ARMY CITADEL 29 W. LAWRENCE SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 A.M. Teen Ago Fellowship Hour As Announced MORNING WORSHIP 11:15 A.M. EVANGELICAL MEETING 7 P.M. TUESDAY PRAYER AND PRAISE MEETING 7 P,M. , Brigadier and Mrs.'John Grindlo, Commanding Officurt (iood lUuxir — Sin/fing Preaching Yoii Are Invited ' APOSTOLIC CHURCH OF CHRIST 1410 University ■ y Saturday Young Peoplarv:30 P.M. Sunday School arui^orihip 10 A.M. i Sunday Evening Service 7:30 P.M. Tues.ond^,71uir5. Services 7:30 P.M. Church Phone FE 5-8361 Bishop L. A. Poranr Pastors Phone 852-2382 DISCUSS PLANS -h-I Getting together to make final plans for the breakfast meeting of the League of Catholic Women set fdr May 18 are (frim left) Mrs. Joseph Pollina, president of the League; the Rev. David Magel of St. Basil Novitiate, who is speaker; Mrs. William Dean and Mrs. Mary Miller, cochairmen of the breakfast. t25- Christ Gives NEW LIFE Human lifo i» tamporal. It is destiniBd to and in physical death. The real you it also a spiritua' ■-*'— NEWL spiritual being and Christ offers NEW UFE to you when you come to Him by faith. 11 A.M. REV. BERNARD WRIGHT 7 P.M. REV. G. H. PAPEUE TkA7\M«WtCfi/ (Well Open House Honors’ Pastor, Mrs. Martin Sponsor Fish Fry Friday Evening I ■ ! The Parent’s League of Gethsemane Lutheran Church,! 1892 E. Auburn, Avon Township, I i x will sponsor a family style fish| jyjgnjjjers, of Sunnyvale Chafwl University, and Thomas att^s' The congregation of Prov- Pierce Junior High SchMlfWa-iyence Missionary Batpist terford Township. Church will celebrate the 11th xTIRST CHURCH OF THE BRETHREH ■ 46 Roselawn Dr., North of East Pike SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 A M. SUPT. RICHARD GREENE 7 P.M. SUNDAY Evening WORSHIP PI. Kii/iprr 1>. Hoover .V{2 'J412 Pasjpr to Be Honored fry from 4 to 8 p.m. Friday in:^j;j honor the Rev. and Mrs. V. the dining hall. l l Martin with an open house as According to Mrs. Williampastor and his wife McFarland, proceeds iwill be j celebrate their 2^5th wedding given to the Lutheran Children’s I anniversary op. May 25. Home for the Mentally and| Friends of the Martins are Physically Handicapped. 1 Invited to the festive occasion ---------^---------- [from 2 to 4 p.m.k' j MSITlbBrS to Honor P^^tor Martin grew up in [Pontiac where he attended f* IT Wisner, “Lincoln and Pontiac LOUPIO lOITlOrrOW central High schodls^ He met 220 N. Cass Lak» Roao.\.\i,i) m CK By Walt Disney , MiO BV A i RIMAI»KABI_E > V f j coiNaoErscE.i'u- ^ | .\BE ON IT -naVORROW "ijNCA DONALD. COULD VOU AN*WEB ) THfi QUKSTlONSj— QUIZ sHOW^__J c^^jruRAijjy.r'^ 1 f' THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY. MAY 17^ 1969 LNDER GLASS — Mrs. Chester Wisniewski of the Birmingham branch creates arrangement of white dried baby's breath (gypsophilia), white geranium floretg a shower setting for a Neptunian blessed event using crystal accents on a royal and fronds of green ivy. blue cloth. Centering the table in whatrappears-to-be a gigantic air bubble is an 'Space in Bloom' Ably Charted By JODY HEADLEE Garden Editor, Hie Pontiac Press Tomorrow’s Apollo 10 crew will be too busy concentrating on a successful space journey to concern themselves with the flora of the solar system. But this phase of the,,.trip has already been imaginatively computed and staged by branch members of the Michigan Division of the Woman’s National Farm and Garden Association in their recent "Space in Bloom” flower show at Wright Kay, Detroit. From blast-off to splash-down, the show was a success with each of the sections depicting a segment of the space effort or its-related solar system. In appreciation for the work expended by branch members, Wright Kay presented a $2,000 award to the Michigan Division to be used in its educational and charitable program. General chairman of the show was Mrs. W. D. Sexauer of the Wing Lake branch. Among the area women assisting her on the show’s executive committee were Mrs. William R. Rodger, schedule; Mrs. Mark Nielsfen, assistant; Mrs' E. L. Windeler, entries; Mrs. F. Gordon Davis, assistant; Mrs. George Schmidt, crafts; Mrs. Joseph M. Morris, hostesses. Mrs. Douglas Buss, properties; Mrs. James A. Hall, registrations; Mrs. Frederick Stefansky, passing; Mrs. Elmore Wollering, assistant; and Mrs. Gerald Joynt, secretary. Area branches will again join forces to produce a fall flower spectacular, “The Land of Sky Blue Water,” at the Pontiac Mall Sept 29-Oct. 4. MARTIAN LANDSCAPE - Mrs. W. D. Sexauer of thawing Lake Shores .branch incorporated the feeling of heat into her interpretation/of the flora of Mars. The dried seed head of the traveler palm added height and drama to the arrangement with flame-red gladioli peeking out of each pod. S^nge rock, moss and embryo date palm completed the display. Pontiac Press Photos by Ed Vanderworp ENERGY - Mrs. Earle C. Heft of the Westchester Branch interprets the h»-nessing of energy with a dramatic display. Atop black unicorns (devil’s clawl) r,ds(s a single lavender-rose orchid with green sansavieria zeylanica (snake/plant) leaves. THE ^RTH — A chrysanthemum globular arrangement of bronze (earth) and blue (wi^r) by Mrs. Albert C. Carr of the Wing Lake Shores branch represents the pi .................. ' ' ' ’ - -■ slowly Revolving floral piece. MOON LANDSCAPE - The barren landscape of the moon triggered Mrs. E. L. Windeler’s imagination. Against bronzed cattus blossoms adcTa touch of the exotic to the over-all feeling of bleakness. Mrs. Windeler is Uie general chairman of the earlh A blue"silk backdrop and pedestal cover adds dimension to the stalagmites and sugar sand the tall spire of .the cactus (Sc- WNF&GA Pontiac Mall Flower Show, “The Land of Sky Blue finroi Icnicereus Macdonaldiae) reaches for the universe. The fuchsia Water,” which will be presented Sept. 29-Oct. 4. BLAST-OFF—A member of the Romeo branch, Mrs. Reyer Van Zonen selected a pink hyacinth surrounded by blooming crocus, scilla and snowdrops to depict Uie laynching of .spring. ORACLES OF SPACE — Honoring the firsts in space (Sir Isaac Newton, Johannes Kepler, Copernicus and Gailileol is /Parlay at Pisa” by Mrs. Newton Skillman Jr., Lake Angelas branch, The table arrangement features a centerpiece of maroon carnations and snapdragons, blue iris and yellow pompon chfysanthc-mumsi. Ruby glass' goblets, gold utensils, china with gold leaf and green detail complete the settinj^ on an olive green\damask'|loth. .SIMPLICITY - - Black and white establish the dominant color theme lor the Saturn, engagement party entry of the Walerford branch. Covered in black vinyl, the table is centered by an arrangement of black sprayed alium, dried lunaria ihonestvt and a single white chrysanthemum in « black pedestal container. Geometric patterned pottery in Wack and white, and white napkins complete the .service. \ ' ' .vr B—IM THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAV, MAY 17, 1969 Mmerce Fri., Sat., Sun. IN-CAR HEATERS DRIVE-IN THEATER Unton Lk. at Htnarty Rd. EM 3-0661 SUPPOBT Youa 4 LOCALS SHERIFP Sex Education Enemies Eight SIECUS (EDfTOR’S NOTE — This is' Let’s look at a situation where i the second of two articles on the many of the elements found in 'fight over sex educationJ opposition across the country , By JERRY BUCK ^ . Associate. Press Writer i ^he Renton School DWrlcl A major target in the nation- near Seattle is planning to im-wide campaign against sex edu- piement the first program of cation in public schools is SIE-sex education from kindergar-CUS, a nonprofit organization ten to the 12th grade in the State that helps school authorities set of Washington—and one of the up courses. first in the nation. The Renton The Sex Information and Edu- Parents for Responsible Educa- tices children to try to find out| About 30 mothers picketed the quotations and illustrations tices cm] aboiut it; annual stockholders nieeting of|froni bibliographical materials International Business Ma-1 which are comprehensively list- chines Corp. at Santa Monica,'ed in the guide as references for Calif., April 28. [professional personnel, to gtoup these materials in such a way j „ i as to provide a new context for They Mraed sips saying, j^piy overtly ‘‘Let s not 8“**®*" *"”|state that this is the schUol cur- SHOCK WAVE George D.. Fischer, president of the National Education Association, said he believed that “after the initial trauma of opposition, after the shock wave passes, responsible people will Sit down and see we need more IBM sex education’’ and “Stop enlightenment about sex.”' [selling sex for profit.” _ -«jp(y ygj receive The NEA will be asked at its'„J®^;^ °ne single complapt specifying the classroom,” “Save me fromlj.jgyjyjjj me &ex iniormauon ana i^uu- parents tor Kesponsioie Kuuca- bo arf-h A««inf>iatPR cation Council of the U.S._, with uon was organized to combat>nventionjn_July to CHEROKEE PRODUCTIONS Presents I JAMES GARNER/JOAN HACKETT WALTER BRENNAN I'SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SHERIFF COLOR by Deluxe UmtSd APtiStS headquarters in New York, has the move, been attacked from all sides in RESPONSIBILITY , , the controversy. I ★ * * 1 “We feel It’s the parents’ t-e-1 ^..jg^jjg Often, opposition to SIECUS is Sponsibility to teach sex to their .. - ' ■----j/.HiiHron ” said Ron Mann,ij mal resolution endorsing sex ed-[ucation in the schools. a named school or named teach- those on sex. Fischer said he views the op-a concerted effort the only common ground shared children, saia non maiiii,! jjy right-wing groups. This is by grass-roots cominittees and another device to try to Id 5“Mwi7illl oy giaao-iuvjio a.iv. , , ..,j nHOUiei ucvive lu uy lu right-wing groups fighting sex er of four children, three “ighow people that we’re subvert- . • fVmvrt ir» fiio t^rimarv cfranAS i. ^ . . - , » •• education. them in the primary grades < of children. “Each child matures differ- ® ^ , _ er, in which or by which specifi- One of the first public reactions to sex education came in March 1968 in San Mateo, Calif. Outraged parehts organized the Citizens for Parental “ ' the showing of a sex education film °en a San Francisco ed- cally objectional instruction was given,” Kent said. LUCILLE BALL HENBY FONDA '^urs.Mine and OURS" JAN JOHNSON <& by Deluxe ^edScatiof" them Hot more 'than they want are trying to,improve the mor-L„ jssyg two school district al education. ality of our youth and we were elections. In Redwood City, Cal- ‘COMMUNIST TACTIC’ know.” ’ ,doing quite well until the John!j| three candidates are running In the May bulletin of the The group, is not opposed to ®trch Society jumped in.” [as opponents to sex education. John Birch Society, Robert traditional health education|TOUCfflNG RUMORS [‘MISREPRESENTATION’ Welch suggests that SIECUS jdasses, but Mann says it does | Peak said rumors circulated Another controversy is over x. may be “the straw man that!object to the children being used-that, among other things, boysjteachers’guide prepared by the gets bowled over while compro-igs “guinea pigs” in implenjent-'and girls were being encour-[san Mat^ County school dis-mises’ are then worked out mg a new program. ^ ■ ■ ■ • ’ - which -allow quite simillar pro- FOR THE FINEST IN CUISINE ContinentaJ Menu Intimate Atmosphere Rendezvous for cocktails, dinner or after-theatre supper . . . a unique experience. We Serving an English-Type DINNERS SERVED from Buffet Brunch ,3 noon to 11 p.m. Ev«ry Sunday Between 10 A.M. and 2 P.M. PHONE Midwest 4-1400 - JOrdan 4-514^ aged to touch each other in dark trict. The county superintend-, . , , j • ^ ■ . rooms. ent, J. Russell Kept, said a two- grams to be f . The group also opposes hav- conspiracy is designed [page statement apparently cir- Ischools. He calls th a yp mg sex education taught m the gagpmion and force theiculated nationwide misrepre- I cal Communist tac , P^uTy grades and to having it ^ the teachers’ guide. He Ron Mann, chairman the j coeducational. They plan to Peak said, said the circular contains pic- Renton Parents for Responsible [ teach about nienstruation in the ! companies engaged in prod- tures not found in the guide and Education in Renton, Wash.,[fourth grade in a coeducational ^materials for sex educa-.distorts the text, said, “The SIECUS philosophy .class,” he said. “Boys at that L- classes are not immune! “The techniuu ----- philosophy class,” he said. ‘Joys at tnatuj^jj“^jg^ggg immune! “The technique used in these is all mixed up. They re hung up age don’t need to ™ this. ^j^ber. attacks,” he said, “is to extract on sex.” have to respect the girls right - ^ ^ _ * * ★ to privacy.” _ _ _ In some localities “Dear Pa- s^eqen’S EXAMPLE triot” letter campaigns against _ . , j'on^r'iTc SIECUS are being waged. ^ The Birch Society and SIECUS We get 1,800 dips" a month .also from small-town newspapers Opposition to the SIECUS mate- rial proposed for use in the program is the point at which Mann’s group agrees with the Birch Society. Both groups also point to Sweden as an example of sex educa- i tion leading to low morals, premarital pregnancy and venereal about us,” said Dr. Mary S. Calderdne, executive director. “It’s a grass-roots attack on SIECUS and on me in particular. We’re the red herring which will be used to discredit of education.” , SIECUS PURPOSE She said the purpose of SIE- * * * CUS is to “concentrate attention m the Washington Legislature on relationships of sexualilty to Sen. Sam C. Guess, a conserva-health, mental, social and physi-tive Republican from Spokane,! cal well being.” [has waged a long campaign to I j At the request of school curb what he considers excesses; boards the group evaluates in-jm sex education. Much of the! jstructional material, suggests debate centered on the Renton outlines for instruction- and program. I trains teachers to present mate- Guess originally introduced a :------------jbju yyblch would have required OPEN 7:15 FRI., SAT. and SUN. 624-3135 pauL IMEWlifaN as COOL HaND LUKE Sunday Speciah Sorvin I side the sea. lanes for about Both men are experienced sai-1 His early inspiration was I three-quarters of the distance, ilors. In 1962, Webb wds one ofj“Kon Tiki”, an account of a Pa-iThey figure on better winds that no transmitter—“So we have to get there on our own,” Webb says—but arrangements are being made for an aircraft to' make contact with tHe expedition about 600 miles from Hono-I lulu. ■ 1 MOON-BOUND INSIGNIA—This is the insignia which will adorn the uniforms of the Apollo 10 astronauts on their moon-girdling mission scheduled to start tomorrow. The three astronauts are Air Force Col. Thomas P. Stafford, Navy Cmdr. John W. Young and Navy Cmdr. Eugene A. Cernan. Ordered to Bury Parts, Army Reservist Claims HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) —1 D’Ambrosio said he had tried An Army reservist says he was to bring about\ change in the ordered to bury thousands of dollars worth of vehicle parts apparently shipped by mistake to Ft. Bliss, Tex., the Hartford Courant reports. William B. D'Ambrosio, 22, of Glastonbury, Conn., told the Courant he vifas concerned about “the Army’s silent war against the people by wasting thousands of dollars." Sen. AbVaham Ribicoff, D-, Conn., responded to news of the incident by asking for reports on the allegation from both the Army and the General Accounting Office. A public information officer at the Texas base told the Courant that post authorities would look into the charge. He said he had no knowledge of any such incidents. ON SUMMER DUTY | D’Ambrosio said the matter occurred while he was on sum-niei duty in 1967, the Courant reported in its TTiursday editions. The Issue came up when D’Ambrosio told a reporter he would refuse to attend Army Reserve training this summer. One of the reasons, he said, was the alleged burying of motor parts at the post. alleged disposal of unneeded parts when he was noncommi.s-sioned head of the motor pool. He was ordered to bury them himself because of his efforts, D’Ambrosio added. ♦ D’Ambrosio was honorably i discharged two years ago from! active duty in the Army. He had been drafted into service. ★ * ★ The Glastonbury man, married and employed as a drafts-n)ah, has written to the Army asking that orders for him to report this summer to Camp Drum, N.Y., f(w summer training be revoked. As an alternative, he asked to be allowed to “play a peace game” by serving two weeks with a police department or local hospital. "Duffy’;? for SUNDAY DINNER • Families Welcome,;^ • Dinner from 2 P.M. • Sunday Liquor 8635 Cooley Lake Rd. Union Lake 363-9469 Sensational Thrill Rides BIG CITY SHOWS PONTIAC Sponsored by Metro Chib Show Grounds: S. Saginaw at Pike St. MAY 20 thru JUNE 1 SPECIAL MATINEE. All ride prices reduced ’til 5:30 P.M. 12 NORTH SAGINAW IN DOWNTOWN PONTIAC OPEN 9:45 A.M. SHOW AT 10:00 A.M. Continuous - 334-4436 YOU MUST OrTg - PROOF IS REOUIREb OPFN 9:45 A.M. CONTINUOUS ALL DAY HARD AS THEY COME.., HE CARVED A PERSONAL EMPIRE FROM A VESTAL VASTNESS . . .^ WITH HIS FISTS...HIS GUNS.. HIS MANHOOD! HE WAS.. are at Kroger! 100 Top Value Stamps WITH COUPON BELOW Top ValuG Stamps I WITH THIS COUPON ■ AND SIO PURCHASE OR MORE 2 NOT INCLUDING BEER, WINE OR ■ CIGARETTES | L Valid Thru Wad., May 21, 1969 At Kreger S Dal. i Eoaf. Mich. Limit 1 Coupon. O ■a aoi ■ ■ ■ oi ■■■■■a PETER'S NE^IVACPAC Sliced Bologna 49L^ FROZEN NEW ZEALAND lamb Roost..........u49* PRE-COOKED BREADED KRISPY FISH STICKS OR Cod or Perch Fillets..l.69* NO DEPOSIT-NO RETURN BOTTLES REGULAR OR DIET Pepsi">Cola.............8 79* FOR YOUR LAUNDRY ^ ( CioroA Bleach................3"49* ASSORTED COLORS Puffs Facial Tissue •••• 22* ASSORTED JIFFY FROSTfNG OR Jiffy Cake Mixes.............{7::L10* CHOICE OF GRINDS Maxweil HeusecoFPEE2»N4V* Ivory Liquid-.............i;f”..39* PHILADELPHIA Cream Cheese............;...^J?™.25* RED RIPE Caiifornia Strawberries u CHOICE OF GRINDS KROGER 7>dc Coffee »r’ BORDEN'S Cremora 5S 7-LB JAR NON- DAIRY CREAMER : \ Quart 59 TOP VALUE je A TOP VALUE STAMPS STAMPS ' WITH THIS COUPON ON ANY TWO Vi-GALS COUNTflY CLUB ICE CRtAAA d Valid thru Wad., May 21, 1969 jBt Mic/n WITH THIS COUPON ON ^ m 2-PKGS CUT-UP FRYERS e ■ 2-PKGS FRYER PARTS OR R ■ 2-SPLlt BROILERS ■ [ Valid thru Wad., Nay 21, 1969 pjv, mU-i POLAR PAK TWIN POPS OR Fudgee Bars 12 -43' 8 and East. Mich, thru Tuesday, dMay 20, 1969. Non* said to ^ daalart. Copyright 1969, Tha tttAat.. x Kroger Co. 'Ty: B—12 , THE PONTIAC PRESS. SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1969 R&cord of Transactions for Week on Stock Market N^W YORK (AP) - New York Excb*i\()e- tradm^ for . the week: Ids.) High Low UsI Chg. | |h Low Lost Chg. I 20 Most Active Stocks ..m Tobac 2 ^ AmWWks " ^ AWW5pf > .80 183 683/a 148 36^/0 36 1.51g I 483/4 y I 18^0 10 746 .80'/4 . , 310 m'9 tnaLif 1,40 1682 5134 uirre Co ■ 477 2530 • Proow 1.08 Nev^rry 1 Newb pf 3.7S . NEngEI.1.48 J NEngTT 2,36 it Chg. . „ +5'/4 Panh, EP ).- 326k — % Paprcrft .4-381/2 + Vi Pargas .22 1 5548 — 7/a Pargas Pt2.64 -'/k ParkeDavis I .) High Li 4 35fs 3 x185 2 35Vk 2 ■ 26/4 S6V. - V, gf”/ ZlO 57Vi 57V, 57V7 - % ^ 2?',, ' I 70Vk -flVk'D I 49'/2,, 50 - '/j;5 NoARk NoASugar .80 , i Noeast Ut .94 ;lNorCentRy 4 NolllGas 1.68 _.v/NorlnPS 1.14 _ 3/4 NoNGas 2.60 ' iNoNG pf6.40 -23/4 NoNO pf5.80 + 1% NoNG pf5.60 Z370 53'/2 62Vt 244 53V4 52V2 18% + % PhilEI pf4.68 z350 73 72Va 72% — V4 63% +IV4I PhilEI pf4.40. Z220- 70% 69 70V4 +1 34% + V4 PhilEI pf4.30 z420 66% 66 66 -1% 307%-1% I PhilEI pf3.B0. z460 60 59 597%-% 527/i + % PhllMorr 1^80 '*'*'* *^'7. *7*^ j ot/. 96 —1 PhllMor pf 4 2 ........PhllM pf3J0 Phiiln inH Philip in /0 DPL pfC 3.' /? Deere Co 2 looo 4/va 40/0 40/2 ^ DelPwU. ,1.08 78 237/8 23V4 23V4 Mnfe ilO 223 30V4 29Va 30V4 aAir .40 1413 38% 34V4 36% ec Int 565 20% 19V0 197/8 181 16 15% 16Va - %!klM fnl.92e K 383/4 363/4 37% — % Koehring 2 I 23% 22 J23 ....iKoppers 1.60 ) 58% 56V4 57Va+1%lKoppers pf 4 1 44Va 417/0 44Va +l%|KraftCo .1.70 > 14% 13% 14 — %kresge SS .40 4 PhlM Pet 2 >. 47Va 45V4 453/i 4 - ....r Pac 2.60 142 55% I 0 NoStaPw 1.60 , 259 28% 2 NoStaPw pf 7 Z360 101 1C NSPw pf4.16. Z250 61% t z90 59 67Va i 260 707/0 B636 < I 1359 75% 72Va : 363 38V4 36% : 189 263/4 233A I 1 119 49% 47% i 162 77V4 721/4 ■ i 324 75 d Co .1 /'0 Oenn Mfg .60 ^ DennMfg pf 1 DennyRst .04 (2 Dntsply 1.20a 237 343/i 323/4 : 1 33% 36% +1% . 223/4 21 21 Va - 7/j I pf2.50 , 403/4 _v/2 GouldNB T , 2534 — Va GraceCo 1 , 967/8 _i3^ Granby 1.5 t 44% - 1 I 31Va -1 iijfllBfJ®! I 353^4 +1% L®nvR7t2 iNwstAirl .90 758 67% 6SVr 6 191 29% 27 91 36% 35V4 105 38Va 36% , 55 30^ 28vJ ^2 Polaroid .32 ^ Portec 1.20 “ ‘ r pf5.50 330 551/4 52t pf 3.75 Z170 60 . iLeedsNdr .50 i 2OV0 ■ 277 517/s 48Va i ^2 Oictaphon .48 ; '/a Diebold-, .48b zioa OIGlorgio .80 341 4P/4 DiGiorg pf.88 1 45 Dlllinghm .36 263 27Vb, dlling r' * ^ 19% 18% 1 I 527/0 513/4 bAV2 - » 297/8 27% 287/0 + +3V8,LVIhd pfl.50 /4 +13/4 Oak Elect .64 Oakite Pd .72 Occident .80b , X1307 42 • 391/4 4 >P 40 42V2 411/2 4 '0 75 20% 19V4 1 0 684 94Va 89V4 9 18 139 241/2 211/2 3 ^ Oiling pf B2 DillonCos .5(> 1.40 xl06 541/4 53 ! .60 107 26’/4 25Vs 5 Oh 5 2330 751/2 75 1 1.42 263 38% 373,% r / DIstSeag 1.20 30 51 50'/a 50'/4 -- 3/4 GWUn pfl.81 16 + Va GreenGnt .9 ■"U'? GreenSh 1.2i 8OV4 ^ % Greyhound 1 592- 723/4 I 55 243/i i 139 37% i LevFInc .75a 58 12% 12 LFC FInancI 889 19% 18% LIbOFrd 2.80 x529 543/4 SPi +3% OccldPet pf4 + %iOccidP pf3.6T y* - I'^iOccIdP pf2.1i + 1 Ogden Cp .8( X 5/ Ogden pfl,8? 200 134% 127% 12 I 471/2 45- 46 —2% PSvcEG 1.64 PSEG pf6.80 PSEG pf5.2B )PSEG pf5.05 PSEG ° pf4.30 PSEG pf4.08 PSEG pfl.40 941/2 891/4 ... 241/2 211/a 307 23% 23*" 507 3434 33 zllO 103 102 Z30 67 66V2 t Z310 63 621/2 i 14 223/4 22»/0 5 50 Grumi I ti% 216 13. 12'/4 123/4 + V 68% 691/4 + 1/4 Dorr Oll.ver :t Marqdt :i M pit .25 20.49 CeMneseCp*° 2 4 Dressr pl2.20 ,, Dressr pf B2 I, DreVfusCp lb /, DukePw 1.40 Ouplan Cp 74 14 ' u'% ~ ' GullMOh pf 5 "66 17^ R«rces“ ’°63 46vl 453/^ 46% - GulfStaUt >6 ■417 36'A 34Vk 35Vk - 191 46% 43'/2 43Va __p^jGulfSU 98 40«/2 38% 387/0—IVd —13/4 LIbyLn pfl.25 •f, ’^2 Ligg My 2.50 + % LIgg My pf 7 : LigMy pf5.25 Ling TV 1.33 /0 LingAA 2.71t • %g TV pf 5 i 23% 23% —IVs Pubikfnd .75t 385 1 23/4 1 1 451/0 -f A GulfWInd .40 GulfW pfl4=75 4 GulfW pf3.50 f pf3.87 Z2870 13% 13% 1 '^7 Pueb Sup .48 108 Sl'/a i i 217/0 221/2 + % — 3/4 OneidaLt Pullman 2.80 PurexC^.SOt «di/ njeV . ,7 r*urex pti.w i 4 1 lal * /I Purolatr 1.60 25 6 —Q— 1 23V. -1 IQuakSlO 1 + ii GulfW,, PI5.75 HackWat 2.20 ‘ OwensCg 1.04 319 90Vz i Owenslll 1.35 1005 76Vz 7 Owenll pf4.75 27 123'/j 13 ;; Owenslll pf4 2 749k 1 i 123Vj +2'/. RalstonP .60 4 743/, RalstP Rfl.20 23V. _i7/, Ranco Inc .92 lo CenlllPS 1.12 : 6.02 KnicKrbCk Fd Knickrbck Gr F 10.23 Lexingtn I fi’jyjCenfLaEI 2630 30 29'a 29>4 + z30 33% 33%' 333.4 -- lOOO 27 25Vg 25% - 567 21 ^0 2O'/0 2iyVa - ^E— ^ PacLtg 1.60 289 28% 27% 277/8 — VglRayr" B Z 7zl Pac Pet ,25e *»- * 231 657/0 6 ”, .^6 ' 1.55 1.55 1.55 .exing Rsch Jberty Fd L,ife Gth Stk Capital Manhattan Fd I 13.48 13.51 13.55 » 15.85 16.56 16.70 IS.niMates Inv ‘■JJwalhers 10.89 McDonnell I IX./4 zu.uj 19.941 Mid A-.-' S 9.38 9.46 9.44|Moody‘ I 8.03 8.08 8.04 Morion run 12.22 12.23 12.23; Growth, I 13.47' 13.56 13.47I Insurance .Cp 3.521 i 13.52 13.67 13.58 Chemical Fd 13.54 13.43| ' .A'P .A” J Dividct 20.63 20.53 20.63 i.i.r. orowin 6.53 6.47 6.53 lul Omaha Glh 5.94 5.88 5.91 lut Omaha Inc 11.59 11.42 11.52 [Mutual Shrs 22.23 21.63 21.87 Mutual Trust 2.89 2.87 2.89 52!t;iEA Mut 12.52, 12.31 12.50 ■90i Nation-Wide See 11.54 11.48 11.52 •16 Natl Indust 12.97 12.85 12.87 Natl Investors 8.48 8.38 6.48 •^INjtional Securities Series: I 36% —2% East / » 36 + V? EastGF 1 ^ 201/4 271/3 27% -’ 447/0 42% ■" ■ ■ 447/a +2% 74 + Va 74% +1% Lowenstn Lubrizol LuckyS 1. 3 PaeSwAIr .60 633 i ^ Eaton pfl.l '2 EckerdDg .28 , EdlsonBros I EG8.G .10 ElMusIc .09g : ElMus fn.09g ' , Elect Assoc ’ Elect Spec 0 Harv Al 1.20 5344 35 31V4 31V3 Hat Corp .40 75 13% 13 13% « Hawii El 1.32 X63 36V2 353/4 36V:. '2 Hayes Alb 1 79 25 23% 24 Hazeltine Cp 481 30% 283/4 29% — % LykesCp .60a Mac An F .20u elPanASul 1.50 535 223/4 27% 277/8 - „ ........... „„ «... Raytheon* .50 1367 393/4 36 *4.-w -r /A.Rayth pfl.12 30 457/a 443/4 . 193/i 193/4 -1% RCA 1 1459 47% 46% 4 213/4 217/8 .... |rCA cvpf 4 34 104 101’/i 1( 98 98% + V4iRCA pf3.50' z200 62'/3 62V3 ■< 15% I6V2 + 1/21 Reading Co 76 237/§ 22% J ........ ling 1 pf 38 227/a 21% 2 (Continuedgon Page B- I 221/2 - % ? Curt I. 21% + i Coil .< ,, ncllerWE .60 .’• Heller pf4.07 65 ^ niiA _7/I Helme Pds 1 51V2 53Vk +HA HersI \ MadFO^VIg" MadFd pf cld Chesebro .92 CMSP p Chi Mus ChIPneu Chi Rl ChRliP cl , EIPaSoNG 1 • EltraCp 1.20 Eltra pfl.40 Emer E lec I 4 EmEI pf B.90 EmeryAIr .80 ChRIP cINW EmporC .90b /4 End John .12p 4 End John pf 4 > .577/0 56V0 57% +l»/0 \ 49'/2 48*/4 48% »\31'/2 311/0 31% t 32 31 32 VT, fr. ershFd 1 is OSiC 22 lO'/0 10 10 553 47 % 46% 47% 160 203/4 273/4 28% anpowr .72 , lanHan 2.50 ^ WlAPCO .60 . ^ MAPC pfl.l2 XB86 55% 531/2 ‘ 186 551/2 537/s ‘ 69 307/0 29% 2 152 46% 45VS'^ 265 663/4 64% t What Wall Street Did HewPack .20 I High Voltage ; HiltonHofel 1 1 68Vk 66kk 68Sk +2V I 31V, 29 29'/8 -19 3 28Vi 26'/i 26% — 7 Marriolt .84f MarMcL 1.70 MarshFd 2.20 2894 27V« ; XI4 37V. 36Vi I :765 57 53V, i : 1 2844 59 5374 I A2 189 61 57Vi I ,491 77 16'/e 16Vi 1 1.60 153 40>A 40V. . -I 356 47'/k 457/4 . 124 20Vi- 197/. ; 4 +2Vi HolidA 1.70b 5.85 5.89 5.02 53% 5)'/k 5274 9.78 9.85 9.80, S: j CinnGE 1.40 215 28 27V, 'a CinGE pf4,75 z220 73' a 73 ij Cin GE pf 4 Z910 66'/i 63'/i 369 37''. 357. 35'/. —I'/. HollySug.'l, 257 357/. 337/4 34'4 —1'/4 Homesike , 56 5|7/4 507A 50'/4 — '/4 Honeywl 1. x144 2l'7i 20'/i 2I'A + '/4 Hoov Bl 1.2 597/4 64 -fSSk " NEW YORK (AP) - Disap-4 z\vl Pointment over President Nix-l - 4 on’s Vietnam speech and contin-41 v" ued major uncertainty over the 4 Z value .of European currencies ;; resulted in weaker bond prices I this week. 4 Salomon Brothers & Hutzler, 4 ybond dealers, said also a wors-lii^^jening balance of payments pic-' I’r^iture lor the United States, and By PHIL THOMAS AP Business Writer NEW YORK (AP) - The stock market turned in another winning performandee past week, with analysts attributing much of the activity to President Nixon’s speech on Vietnam peace prospects, After the speech was X2593 229k 20 Hotel Cp Am Houd ' Ihd .80 172 1 ; Houg 15.48 15.25 15.48 1 1.38 10.39 iP.46joceanogphc 11.42 11.32 11.40 11.36 Omega F 6.19 6.11 6.14 6.UI100 Fund 21,07 20.90 21.06, 21,32 ioi Fund 'lil '542 '946 Cityin pTi.31 .’+4 C!L''rkE"3^;i“ pf2.2S 9 123Va 118 / ,30b «2550 34Ve 3H4 pf B2 313 53% 51 120 +5 FaIrchC . le William S j^-J2jOppenheim Fo 10.81 10.67 10.81 10.70 ClucMPec 2.65 12.58 12.61 uissIcNA Fii 15.14 15.04 15,14 IS.UiCNA FI 14.37^4.13 14.29 14,23]CNA pf icon 9C xo oc AT tJS AO ' TnaAt St • 2i9k +’’'4 HousrLp’T.I? xl82 45 i 1 h 1^3 3s: ! iv^ vz'* How5Sh"n ’,3^ J Howmet .70 990 197/1 16’/4 1 894 + 2 ImIic, -___ 1 1?'/I 19'/z 19'/I + '/i MayDStr i.60 595 37'/i 188 207/. JO 209k -F 7/4 MayD pH.80 4 32 I 44 44 44 +2 MaysJW ,80b 23 417k 516 25 23'A 247/4 + 7/,! Maytag 1 308 307/. 5'/l 44, 44'/, - 7/, , MCA Tnc .60 499 39'A +1'/I'McCord 1.20b 6894 + 94 I 8494 ( 328 62'I 57'/. 599. +194' snB 3.40 +1'/, McCro pf4.50 Zl50 76 75 j — 7/i McCrory6pf 6 z80 83 \ 82/, 124 44'/i 43'/l 43'/l —t'A McDerm lb 226 87J/, 84V, 131 5474 52'/i 547/4 +194 McDonald Cp 323 49 649, ( 71 97V» 963/i 97V-J -F lAlMcDontlD .40 2835 36% 33 > 394 33% 32'% 33% + ^ ' .. HudB f 5 7 174 2 /! McGHHl .61 ^’ImcGH pfl.: vJMcGregA . McIntyre 2 j McKee 1.50 7/,!ture tor the United States, and pounced early in the we6 k they 'astringent, Federal Reserve poll- said, many investors started ley and heavy demand for funds b were among the major' bearish tl factors affecting the market. One dealer said that as a re-1.. suit of Nixon’s speech, longterm government bond prices s; fell Thursday for V4 point to 5-16 h point. Trading voilime also was a light. Coast . CstSGs CocaCt. CocaBtIg Colg Pal Colg - Col Ml.. CoinnRad IdealB pf4.7S 2 HI Cent 1.50 ^ IllCen pf3.50 ro Cp 1 brebrd . 1 54% 57% +2%! I FieldctM 1.40 Fin Federatn FstChrt 1.68t FstNCv l.lOq FstNStr 50g f2.3S Z450 361^4 f2.13 zl60 32*/2 f7,04 z710 32 63 40% 39% - ‘6 123 117 119 -^4 L MGM 1.20 •” Mefrom .50b /. MotEd pf3.9p : * MGIC Inv. .20 ) elity Fund 18.z ancial Programs; ®iFluOrCp 2.03f " Fluor pf B 3 ^ Fly Tiger .10 FMC Cp .85 ,, FMC pt2.25 FoodFaIr .90 ^3 29% 27 29% +2 ichGasU '^ube, I “ ’• MidCon'ln '+0 MidCnTel .84 MidSoUlil ^.88 MIdRpfA 4 I 1594 157, _19-, many investors started buying in the apparent hope that the President might say something that would stimulate the market. “It was anticipation buying,’’ said Kenneth Troy, a Filpr Bullard ? Smyth technical analyst, and it enabled the market to shake off the moderate loss it showed Monday and post good gains the next two days, gains that enabled the Dow Jones industrial average to reach a new high for-the yejirf of S68,85 on Wednesday. The previous high for .the year of 963,68 was set May 8,. But after the President outlined his peace proposals Corporate bond prices sof-| Wednesday night, Troy said, “a tened moderately during the Jot of these buyers apparently week. ' i were disappointed that he didn’t , Yields on new corporate bond] go further than he did, and they ’■ issues rose, causing several par-isold out the following day.’’ - Rally unsold issues to be re- The market slid to a moderate Revenue bonds of toll roads and similar tax exempts were generally unchanged in price. “Our market was simply dead, all the steam Went out when the President’s speech failed to mention any abrupt U.S. step to get the Paris peace talks moving,’’ one dealer said. si Oil 3 x28l 64 6094 6 ' JS-M conEdls pi 6 1 Foote Min 104 20% ! Foote pf2.20 26 31% J FordMot 2.40 1481 52% 4 FostWhl ,60b x225 22% 20% 1 A Monogm Ind / Monon ,50r MonroeE .80 Mont DU t *1.60 leased from syndicate restric-1 lions. Despite the higher yields, i however, investors remained ti cautious. One bright spot was the snapping up of Burroughs Corp.’s ii $100 million 25-year 4% convert- a ible debentures. These securi-l the gains they had run up dur-ties were substantially oversub- ing the market’s recent ad-scribed soon after reaching the; vances. and Troy said he ijl’i market TJiursday. thought the trend would contin- loss Thursday but came back !, somewhat in the closing session i to turn in wdiat Troy called “a fairly, steady session.’’ I- The market was hit by period-s ic profittaking during the week s investors sought to cash in on MorseSho .60 Mor-Nor .80 7', Motorola 1 0 Fd HDA Hirtwell JM 49 42'-'i 4n'l.4?'4-9( Xl7 4(1'', 3994 40 + 7( 30 3874 3774 38 + '■'/ Mounting pfessure in the mu- “We’re looking for a minor Fi''i|nicipal market caused prices on downside consolidation in the F 7,jme(Rum grade issues to decline next few weeks,” he said, “be-Hij|to new lows for, the year. I^rime cause the market seems to be in , grade issues also sold off, but ih a minor o'verboard condition. { I general, remained about a half Thp chances for reward seem to + ;»ja point above their mid-March be lessening while the risk 3;»ilows. i seems to be higher.’’ e Fd Heritage Fd rtor Makin Fd Hubshmfln Fd ISI income Imperial Cap 9«/GnAlnv 2.20g 20 GAmOll .60b -1'4 GATran 1.60 • la El LP 1 • la HI GE 1 7 lowaPLt 1 » iii'i IIP', MP'/ MurphOil .60 381 26' 24'" 2594 + 9i MurpO PI5.20 27F 4394 41'/, 42'A —1»k wv “l!'A|Nalco Ch .60 > ?? ZlJJlNarcoScI .60 . nllu. J.114 NgshuaCp .44 1 58 249k 23V, 249k -I , 2474 247/k Imperial Grth Income Fd 60$ I ndependence Gm'^lec c 2.60 1380 98'4 95'4 9 on MrpI .lOg xl14 19'', 187" 1 |7, Gen ‘ ! j'l! GFn mkl ,541' 11)6 337". jo"" : .1. GenInsIF ^ 3 26 46'., 4i', . I, Gen Mills .80 , 779 347. 3J ; .1, GMills pfl.75 54 60 56'1 ( 517 799k 7 Xl2 ns 12 1.20 393 V36'/i 1337 I.at Chem .50' ' 33 45'/i « + NatCIlyL .90 49 31 299 4- 34| ki.a rki^tii on vxn '"i'DS*°&evy s'i'rSI*- SelecHve ' variable -'f I Fund Inb . 25.82 25. , _____ ..'.18 lA/indsOr Fd 9 29 9.27 ,9.29 9.27|Winlierd ■ Gr 9 00 '■11.92 '8.98 8.93 Wis(;onsin f J9i J'9i il'.'j 5274 fl'4 Nat Geni .20 1845 17'I 3874 + 74 NalGvpj 2 M9 17 117 +3’" NalGyp nl.05 198 14.7" 15"k + '4 NGyps pl4,50 z30 1874 39?k + '/J Nalind .461 566 1277, 124 . . iNalind pf.60 fc >874 61 +294 Nalind pH .25 10 !9’'« 31'4 +lVi|NatLead 3.40' +38 iS'/i 5774 +274 Nat Lead wl . 50 )5''i 58 +27k'NalPreslo .80 ' 230 ... - The decline in municjpal bond 115' i - I prices during the last two weeks 59J, +274 has coincided with a Huild-up in wl 1Z the municipal calendar and i'Jk signs that the nation’s commer-54'/i - '/i cial banks aiie feeling more and 60 ~3'2 more the effects of the govern-'45I4! -'74 ment’s tight money policy, ac-jo',4 zr' cording to Salomon Brothers. Because of the lower prices the week with a gain of 5.69 + during the week New York State points to 967.30. Theweek pre-»401.4-1'/I postponed a shceduled sale of vious it gained 4.44 points. Zji, $88 million in transportation Fo^^the week. The Associated capital facilities bonds. Arthur-------- -sv/Levitt, state comptroller, said a 74',’ +17:] new sale date would be set in 35>/ the near future. Troy added, ho)vcver, that iven if the Dow industrial falls or 30 points, it would be a healthy downside consolid ' Troy added, however, that “even if the Dow industrial falls 20 or 30 points, it would be a healthy downside consolidation.” The Dow industrial closed Press average of 60 stocks gained 2.4 to 3«.5, compared with a gain of*21 the previous' week. -':,l 'k . Z 'V /' V "'■p- THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, MAY l7, 19G9 'I I Week's NY List Kuala Lumpur Calmer After 4 Days of RioflhS SllN ' ■ . N»lr ' ItlM. ■ ' H«l , ■ ■ ' ' , ' . ~ ........ L«W LMtChg.. . , *11*^) (Continued from Page B-12) *515^ Tflanaln 1.40 i»4i MIA +2 TRW Inc 1 +3W TRW pl4.50 “ p(4.40 PJA4.U sir% S Hlah Li 34V« 3 *25 RdgBt Vn.'37 RMvea V.50b RblchCh .50 n 3m 34V4 36'A^-,230 im 17 20 U ....... TRW p(4.40 V. TRW plA4,2i. 'A Tsc mo -«0 - ----Ind pf.70 I C*nt 1 W Twpn, C RtvcoOS .30 R«verec_ L50 M 474k 45% 4^Vk 193 31V4 30'A 31 300 89 . 84 X 09 5 72% 58W 72% 122 35% 35 35'/4 4 53% 50Vi, 52 971 42% 40% 42 -3% UARCO 1 UOI Cp 1.20 .'5 UMC Mid .72 . yZ Unarco .40 ■ Unll Ud -1% U ■'to RexCh PI2.S0 Reyn Met .90 ReyM PI4.50 ReyM PI2.37’ z o«v» joyi oo-zi vi ReynTob 2J0 1057 40% 38% 40% +1% H" ReyT pf 3.50 , 4 58 57% 58 + % ^ ReyTob plwl 1381 42% 41 42 . Rbeingold .20 784 33% 30% 32%-^1% }(? ! s; ™ ,/ RldireSon .80 51 28% 25% 27% - % U" | P}J « 4^0 W »8% M + Vj RlChWerr .80 470 55 53% 5SVS +1% U" | P*/ J0 z«0 70% 59% 70% Ridgel Pep 1 324 30% 30 30 —% !('’ | Pj-t, 4210 M% 50 M RlegelT 1.20 x39 24% 24% 24% — %'J{" P*?-* 4 ’0 54% 53% 53% • RIO Grand wl 18 19% 19 19 - % J? S RlOOra plwl ,43 13% 13 13 - % ™ RlvIanaF .80 159 29% 28Vj 29 + % UnlonPacIf 2 ^ . RoanSa 1.08a 902 15 15% 15 + % ^ .. “% 5^ + Rn«n <•! n '1C09 ftVi 7^ TVa lUnPAC pf.<40 1692 9vt 9V4 9Va ....... ^0 79Va 76vS 76%- vJ lf§ ?3% - % ■'* ai% M7AlAiwniroyal .70 3m ^% -1 is'Uniroyal pi KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia 535 ^% M% 2% i’%; (AP) — After four days of com-551M jJ ii''^jmunal rioting, Jdalaysians in ’ ”* *” ’ some ateas of the city emerged to stockpile food, but the neighborhoods hardest hit by arson, loot-71 34% 33% 33V4-%|ing and shootings remained un-lu %% i1% 18% T'%der strict curfew. ” 28% MvrJsvk - %' another development, the i! National Operations Council, ^ 34% “ 34 - % which took over the government '704 15% n% 15%+1% Friday, ordered police to confis- .................. 2 -U/' cate all foreign news meflia curfew passes, meaning they can no longer move about the city. Police and military forces Were ordered to ?hoot all lawbreakers on sight. After a night of monsoon showers, they described the strife-tom capital as ‘much caltner.” who clashed in a predawn skir-a suburban neighborhood. Fires which have burned throughout the city in recent days were rekindled by breezes this morning, and there were a few new repofts df arson. Round-the4iock curfews imposed in six of West Malaysia’s 11 states were lifted this morn- SAULT STE. MARIE (AP) -Occasional gunfire could be i The Shrine of the Missionaries, heard in the worst-hit downtown'a 21-story observation tower in and . police fired on a Sault Ste. Marie, will be dedi- crowd of Malays and Chinese cated as part of Michigan Week I activity in the Soo area. ing in all but the hardest-hit areas of the city and in one district on northern Penang Island. ^Neighborhoods still under'restriction generally were silent and appeared desOrted. * -k ★ In other areas, thousands lined up outside markets to receremonies May 25. [ilenish dwindling food supplies The structure is the first j and stock up‘ in case of more phase of a project to honor 300 trouble, years of Christian missionary! At the central market Shrine at the Soo to Be Qedicated I the Chinese section narket near of thd^pi- tal people were buying as many as W live chickens and jamming them into car trunks, boxes and baskets. Others hauidd away full stalks of bananas' and loaves of bread. ■k ■k -k Unlike Thursday, when gan^ of Malays and Chinese fought each other and attacked shoppers during a three-hoim break in the curfew, no outbreaks Were reported in fhe shopping areas today. RobsCon ........... RobrtnH l.lo 115 32Vj RobinsA n.40 83 42% - . Ro«hG 1.10b 192 31 29% 29% — -1% RochTel 1.10 83 38% 35% 37 — % RoCkMIa 1.40 x59 29Va 28'% 28'% — Vi RohmU 1.50b 259 103'% 9S'% 103% -1-5% ..... 35% 37'% — 'A V, 307 19'A 17% 17% - % H Roper Cp 1 451 44% " ■ RorerAm .70 252 35 ---------- . RoyCColo .54 130 24 21% 21% -2% RoyOut Ling 525 5S'% 54'% 55 ReyO In1.03g 75 54 53% 53% Royal Ind 274 18% 17'% 18% Rubbrmd .95 X111 45% 42 44'% -1-2 Rucker Co 83 23 21% 21% RuuTogs .58 143 29% 27% 27% - Ryder Sy» 1 189 77'% 75 RyderSy n.5o ............. 35'/i 35% - Safeway 1,10 824 30 28% 29 %-l- % StJosLd 1.50 330 37% 34% 35 StJOlLP 1.04 37 19% 18% 181 StLSanF 2.40 1451 DETROIT TIGER IRON-ONS! AT FARMER JACK’S FEATURING THIS WEEK I WILLIE HORTON • MICKEY LOLICH WITH EACH $5.00 PURCHASE SfRegIsP 1.50 554 47iA 45>% 45%-%’2| SanOfeJa* 1 131 27% 25% 27I%-1-2 Sanders .30 279 47% 44% 45%-t-1'% •“ " jl' Sangamo .40 101 3m 35% 35%-2'% i “!!,“!)'it !®1 SaFaInd 1.50 554 32% 31%............ SFaInd pf.50 37 1IF% 10% SanFeInt .30 279 41 38'A «ifii -rz«| sarWelScI .50 i2i 19'% 18% 19'% -f '% Saturn Ind 300 25% 24 24%-1% I SavanhE 1.08 40 23'% 23'% 23'% -!-% schaelar Cp 294 39% 38 38% - '%; Schenley 1.3o 58 33 Schniey pf.50 sehering l .40 Schering n.80 _ + ^ Utah PL 1.72 130 37% 35% 37'% -1- 'A 275 10% 9% 10 ' — % rt 1851 5-54 1-54 1-54--1-16 Br 1.40 117 53'% 52% 53 -1- '/a — V------ ibgr 2 155 144'% 141 144'A -1-3 .. _______I %ata 988 134% 128% 134 -1-5% Sclent Resrc 1735 23'A 20'% 23 H-2'% ScIRes pl.41k 187 33'% '29'% 32%+2% . 'zob Is lii/, 5ii/; jivi _'ia J1X5. 4T1/Z 4- 3/i voeaer i.euo « jd'% jz'/a mvz — va I 89% 87% SCM Cp .50b IS M'% »'% m, +2% ™ «% 11% "1% t y^fnSo^o^fo 385 233A VF Corp 1 84 45% .. .. . VIctComp .50 175 58% 55'A 58 ^ % Villager .50 359 24% 24 24% + if" Wa-i , 'g fK s.i .i.' St Brand 1.M '% _ WiebiSir .20b 130 15% 15 ........ ’I % li 3^% + %— r — |{gcrab'’ ifo ^ 72% W+IJJ __________________________ ItoJIlK' l*ig’ ^ Mjj *3% lS;iffo*''ch’:92 ’94 35% 33% -- ' ^ StdOllOh 2.76 x228 /2% 71% 'l ■% + ™ ■ wncoC pt2.55 2 00 05% StOOh pl3.75 Z500 55 «A 53A vOolv WW .50 375 17% 15 StdOilOh p»4 2 1M 'Ky 'IS Wpmetco .38 112 23% 22% St Packagliig 2« 19 17% 1* woods Cp .40 722 45% 43 Std Press .44 x153 22 zi T y .woolwlh 1.20 1872 37% 34% . .. StPrudent .55 1148 13% iz T ^Iwoolw pf2.20 100 55'% 54>% 54% - % StdPrud pt.lO 3 25% 25% if ^ world AIrwy 320 21% 19% 19%-1% StanWks L40 52 M% S3 W% + « wriglev 3a 19 lli'% 117 117% - - Stanrw -M 39 . 27 if'wiwurlltier .80 37 20 19% 20 + Starrett .80.. , * 1!,^ I?,/, 47% + 'AiXefoSTCp r.80 X757 275'% 272% 2729k - SlautfCh, 1.M 3 * 48% 4m J xerox Cp vrt 159 92% 91 91% .. Stautc pfl.80 % *7% 47% + "Ixira Inc . 529 42% 4m 40% ........... SterchIBr .48 352 11% 1®'7s "«T^iYnostSh .Big 758 48% 45% 48% -F2% SlerlOrug .70 , ..m + '/, YngstSD 1.20 90 24 22% 24 -FI . . x'321 40'% 38% 39%+ ,,4 53,4.5,% 51%-1% ai/* 7%a«w»Si M4^rM ARiL CR7/w AAl/i VA SterlO Pt1,50"' 74 7| «'% - % 4 » Lorp^ - Stevens/ 2,« 31 57’% 55 A 56% +^ ^ ml T r S(jr'% |.ni.HR^^,.4«^ StokeVC pi 1 11380 151i im 15% + .a 42% 41’/z ,41’% - I 19% 18% ' 52% 49'A 49% —2%! 32'% 25% Jl" ■ ' AssoclaledTr 50 39% 38 % Copyrighted Unless otherwise noted, _^rates ol StorerBdcsl 1 M4 44% 42% 42% 2^^^ of^ursemenls Msed on ,.i» i nr nviras. b-Annual rate ^-Liquidating dlvi- ...... ----------- .. paw in 1959 Olua . slock divWand. a-Pald last year, f—Pay-“- in flock iduring 1959, asllmated cash • on ax-dividand or ax-dlstrlbutlon , g—Daclarad " ‘ . Ti-Oaclared I VELVET SMOOTH OR CRUNCHY Peanut Butter annual TOWN PRIDE pORE ____r pIBS s SluW P«A1.40 irp^‘iS. T2,;3% &'m% lg| SuS oh" 01125 3W'S4l '..?'3S iSSl 19% 19%-1%'yaa' Strawberry Preserves 39% 42% -F3 lUgmM 23^ i Co .50 2312 ^ „ +1%: 1958, estimated cash value PI RICH TOMATO TASTE Libby Catsup TOWN PRIDE Salad Mustard 14 OZ. WT. BTL. 1 PT. 8 OZ. BTU. 11 x93/8 ONEPLY Special Label Nerlhern Towels Swh KEEP ONHANP9" AJM While Paper Plates A BREAKFAST MUST Kellogs Corn Flakes PKG. WISHBONE DELICIOUS Italian Dressing -49^ CUT RED / Town Pride Beefs . itB. 1||< CAN STAR CROSS / Rich Tomato Paste io< LIBBY BRAND 7 Fruit Cocktail / ;^i’. iO< CAN ■ jW SILVER FLOSS / Tangy Soueraraut 19< CAN ■ W KEEP FOODS FRESH / Cet RiteWi^ Paper 7SFT fC< .ROLL It# . HEAVY DUTY 18" / Town Pride Foil SPECIAL LABEL / Fab Detergent 3^88* SPECIAL LABEL A fax Cleanser CAN aaB 13 X 13 ONE PLY Town Pride Facials 200 CT. gdB4 BOX A bathroom NEED OZ, Dow Bathroom CleanercTn 49'" DELICIOUS Farm Crest Fig Bars .129' B^14 , THE PONTIAC PRESS. SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1969 j' nanvts /Vv c BADMINTON SET ■.A, »' \ Ao' N#’ C4i L-''* '■v^ V nv. I ^ - jfL OTct :7^ Sy'."^-. .ifr'/wiuw.vr / YANKEE DISCOUNT DEPARTMENT STORES SUNDAY & MONDAY MAY 18 & 19 Limited quantities on sale while they last fCHARCOM. LIGHTER . •'multi’Purpoae fluid” OAMfiCA'. MI>,«HTUI SAVE ON HORSESHOE SET CHARCOAL UGHTER 4 shoes of drop forged Steel* hardened and heat t treated. Handsome bronze and silver colors. Two etakes are included. OUR REG. 8.49 Blue Crest charcoal lighter fluid for fast clean starts vyith no flare back. Get set for cookoutsl LIMIT ? GALLON UTILITY CAN QT. Tight fitting lock lid on this break and dent resistant plastic, can--and it's rust proof, loo. Save 19C. OpGn Nights UnfU 10 P»M. bp«n Sundbys Until 7 P.M. OUR REG. 29C Pontiac ^2-player set, with ? " laminated rfickets and 1 shuttlecock, plus 1 taped I net-lots of backyard ' family fun at savings. Shopper Stoppers _A'S WALK SHORTS ALL 3.49 STYLES 177 0 M OUR M REG. Mm Choose from our entire 3.49 col lection of rio*iron cotton/poly* ester blends or 100% cottons, all machine washable. Jean or .ivy styles; plaids, tattersals, solids. ^ Sizes ranges from 29 through 42, BOYS' NOirons. Don't miss this big valuel GE SYEAM TRAVEL IRON 77 Handy Hannah by GE *15 lightweight, takes up little luggage space. Handle folds to store in waterproof bag. CANNON SHEET BLANKET 2 ^44 RHt 1125 N. Perry At Arlqiie Detroit OUR REG. 97c^ Sterling Heights Corner of Joy & Greenfield Corner of 14 Mile and Schoenherr Riv0rview At The Corner ef Fort and King ^ THE PONTIAC PRESS Se6scape Above Beige Tweed Sofa In Living Room Emphasizes Golds, Greens And Bittersv^et Blue Detail Highlights Kitchen Fixture View Influences Site By JODY HEADLEE Home Editor, The Pontiac Press Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Weeks and their three children, Ann, Kendall and Debra, fondly call their three-bedroom ranch home, “the house that turkeys built.” “We started out in the farmhouse just next door,” explained Mrs. Weeks, “as the owners of the Pilgrim’s Pride turkey ranch. “When we decided to close up the business, we kept this site because of its beautiful view of the hills. And since this is the house that turkeys built, we hung the ranch’s old sign on our front porch.” A framed front page of the New York Herald dated April 15, 1865, proclaiming the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, hangs above the cherry desk in the entrance foyer. the nearby living room with its magnificent view of the rolling countryside. A walnut sewing basket stands near the chair covered in a gold-and-green-on-white floral. Green candles fill the china and brass wall sconces above the eherry Queen Anne table. A porcelain horse signed K. Tutter and an arrangement of ceramic fruit adorn the table. PANELING Rich, warm paneling in the nearby family room complements the living ^ green of the' countryside. * “I couldn’t bear to put up any draperies and cut out the view,” confessed Mrs. Weeks, “so I just left the windows bare.” FAMILY PIECES “Many of our pieces have been handed down through our families,” said Mrs. Weeks. “The desk belonged to an aunt of tnine. And the picture on its top is my husband’s grandfather during the Civil On the fireplace mantel is i by Rex Tullsen. “The china plate with the horse on it,” said Mrs. Weeks, was painted by Mrs. Glen Ellis of Clarkston. She also did all of the plates on the kitchen soffit.” war. Gold sheers, sculptured gold carpeting and white walls set the background for Centering the room’s informal dining table ij a silver caster set belonging to Mrs. Week’s grandmother. Pecan Paneling And Oak Parquet Blocks Stress Warmth Of Woods In Comfortable Family Room Commanding Viev/ Dominates Picture Windo>v Rambling Brick Ranch Home Of The Leonard Weeks In Independence Township Located Op Hill-Top ,^ite / • \ , . -'fiJ C-r-S THE PONTIAC PRESS. SATiAiDAY, MAY 17, 1969 SIMPLE STYLING and restful appearance, typical of to expansion attic, divided into two bedrooms, full |iath and Early American houses, are evident in this New England large storage area. Cape Cod. Gabled dormers add space, light and ventilation Duo-Duty Fireplace in Cape Cod Home There are only 1420 square feet of livable area m the main floor of this picturesque Cape Cod, but especially effective use has been made of the available space. Especially noteworthy in this connection is the manner in which both the living room and the family room have been made to appear larger. Rather than a wall between them, there is a two-way, brick fireplace. It is located centrally so that there is free movement between the two areas on either side of the fireplace. The double passageway also [[serves to bring the two rooms together in a kind of open plan that provides a vista of from the front of the house to the rear. PASSAGEWAY Architect William G. Chirgotis has used the stone technique in combining the family room with the kitchen; that is, separated but connect^. The kitchen is compact "and cmvenient, with the laund^ on one side and with the The accessibility of the sliding door makes it easy to serve food outdoors. There is another door to the rear from the laundry room, as well as a door between the*., laundry room and the one-car I garage. ! A HOME IS STILL THE BEST INVESTMENT a Fan^y Can Make THE TIME TO BUY IS NOW - HEBE ABE 8 GOOD REASONS WHY I The price of land ia itoinK up... up... up. Ju»t the other day a proup of dl«-tinpuiahed economiala predicted real ch. r fate will po up 20% in the next three S20,000 loan. Remember, your intereat fa dednetihle on your Ineome tax. 2 The aleady ri»e in population, in virtually every aeeiion of the nation, exerta a ateady upward preaaure on land pricea. Real eatate ia your beat hedpe apainat inflation. “No investment on earth ia ho safe, HO Hure, ao certain to enrich itH owner aa real eatate.” hiteeta and builders a: I Today, ripht now, you can find real bar-\ paina In new homes. See Kampsen Rlty. and you’ll find the aeleetion waa never better. Intereat rates may po even higher. The ; actual difference between present and paat interest ratea ia only a amqll factor in the cost of your home. For Sample: A one-half percent increase in interest ratea ia only S6 per month on a 25-year, 7 The family who buys now will be ahead I of the family that eontinuea to collect rent receipts. Each monthly payment builds equity. At the same time, the home can be increasing in value. ► The best security in the whole world, I for you, your wife and children, in the security of owning land. “List youp property where the action is” Kampsen Realty & Building Company 681-1000 1071 W. Huron St. The dining room is situated | between the living room and the j kitchen. Although set back ini-the exterior design, it has a front window. LIVING ROOM This arrangement, by the way, gives the living room a sec(»id window, as a look at either the floor plan or the exterior rendering will show. All of this Ik at the left of toe entrance foyer. To the right of it are two bedrooms, wito a hall bathroom serving both. The floor plan Ulustrates how the master bedroom can be ____led to pijoduce a third bedroom downstairs if desired. SECOND FLOOR EXPANSION FLOOR PLANS—Small family nedd utilize only the first floor, dividing right side of house into two or three bedrooms in manner shown. Large family would also use the two upstairs bedrooms and bath. Growing family woi^ use downstafrs at first, both floors later on.. The two closets in toe master bedroom are located so that there would be a closet in each bedroom if the area is divided. As is typical of most Cape Cods, thtoe is an expansion area upstairs. Fin* those willing to utilize it, during the ndginal construction or at a later time, the ardiitect has split it into two bedrooms, with a full bath accessible to eitoer. Besides four closets, two of them walk-inS, there is a large amount of storage space. How to Build, Buy or Sell Your Home Full study plan Information on I House of toe Week is included in a 5(k;ent baby blueprint. 3 architect-designed With it in hand you can obtain a contractor’s estimate. You can order also, for |1, a booklet called YOUR HOME-How to Build. Buy or Sell it. Included in it are small reproductions of 16 of toe most popular House of the Week Issues. Send orders to House Plans, The Pontiac Press, P. 0. Box 9^ Pontiac, Michigan 48056 I Endosed Is SO cents for Baby Blneprint m Z-83 □ | Enclosed is 01 for YOUR HOME booklet n City The Drayton Building which has become a landmaric on toe comer of Sashabaw and Walton has been sold to Cross Realty & Investment Company, Inc., for $70,000. The new oWners plan on extensive face lifting in the near future. The building is presently occupied by a donut shop; a dan-ci^ sch^; a barber shop and the new owners. The realty firm’s plans are occupy the vriiole building when the old tenants move out. ’There is a full basement, wito a stair down from the rear hall. ’The garage has a large storage alcove in which the mower, bikes, etc., that often clutter a garage can be stored. A ,★ A Traditional charm is evident in the exterior styling, wWch includes a sheltered fr(mt porch, red cedar shingles, gabled dormers, asphalt roof shingles ans shuttered windows. GARAGE The garage wing has saltbox roof topp^ by decorative cupola and metal weatheryane. Design Z-93 provides^ pleasant living for a small or growing family. EA5THAM iiSlill 5801 CAA/(feROOK OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO 5 4i 85silverbirch IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. A cUan iharp brick horn* with family room, 1 Vk bathi, ottachad goraga, corpatad living room and family room, , radwood fancad patio. Raady to walcoma yoii. Price $22,950. DIRECTIONS: Dixia Highway to Andareonvillo Rood, loft to Airport Road, loft to Cambrook, laft to property. Watch for signs. ownor. fltit homa bos ----—..........“!■• tot us sImiw you Ibis Dixia Highway to Wotldnt taka Rocnl to Boy brook YOUR HOST: Joe Warran ra^alvad EXCELLENT baouty. DIRECTIONS: loSilv^lichtosign. YOUR HOST: Dan St. Aubin G.S.P. Our GUARANTEED SALES PLAN is unique because we will guarantee the sale of your present home whether you boy your new home from us or not. J674-3126 EASTHAM REALTY In the Waterford Plaza 335-7900 SPRING SPECIAL NEW GALVANIZED 48” FENCE UNIVERSAL’S 11 GA. STEEL PRICE INCLUDES WIRE: Hot Dipped Galvoni: TOP RAIL* Galvanized Inside And Out With " Manufactured To Give Many Yec Scfviro End Posts, Gatos and 3-Foot Wide Aff WALK GATE Complete with Hinges lUr Avail.ible CHARGE-IT with NO MONEY OOWN Ce. NO JOB FREE TOO LARGE ESTIMATES TOO SMALL UML.t. ivuff DELIVERY 363"6639 WAREHOUSE ON MILFORD RD. - JUST NORTH OF M59 BUY! SELL! TRADE! USE PONTIAC PRESS WANT ADS! Drayton Landmark Sold for $70y000 PROTECTS CONCRETE irivMfiyA flmA MtloAaMliidMnin... SfMicw Kdloirt or «M,_ tiM • u,Tii rtMdifdiwMx BOICE BUILDING SUPPLY CO. 545 S. Telesnah—PeirtiM PHONI 335-81B5 YORK THE SieM-0F4an0H!n WE 8UMUITEE A SALE Ouaranteid Sale IMMEDIATE CASH SALE TRADE Wa Nil ytar haea at tha Markat Wabuy your hoiiti all exlaiwhfa adver- Maa. Wa aaaHaN aaraahraa la wil^ monayy in t St.’SCT! ta| la bay tha prapator aiv thN DURim TM LIIT- ma. days, stay 60 days aft«r sals. taka year prat* ,ant MOMI IN TIlAOt. Bail far datails. . I York Real Esthe OR 4-036S OALLFOR PROMPT FREE FE D^TITD 4113 Dixie APPRAISAL , Hit Drayton NO S. Talagraph PlainB OBLIQATIQN PontiaOyMieli. 1 ,,f ' ,l^f . ■' II /'t ' l^>^\ ^:- "UA c—a Durable Tile Topsi in Family Room * Where the family room also serves as4 a hobby room, ceramic tile waUs and floors are an easy way to meet both decorative and practical needs.-Ceramic tile is a tough, durable and easy-to-clean surfacing material that comes in a variety of sizes, shapes ^nd; textures that can ble^d with any decorative style. ^ For best results, paint a room in this order: ceiling first, walls second, trim last. Enjoy Your SWIMMINe P0%" , All Summer BUILD NOW! ^ , n’x30V?” Ground Pool Completely jnsfelled Includes: 20 year tuarantee on walls 36” cement ribbon , 34 ft. depth CLARKSTON POOL COMPANY “‘-i' "if’*”' 625-20T4 Home Modernization! We Will Supply and Install . . . ALUMINUM SIDING • ROOFING • STORMS AND SCREENS • PATIOS • COMPLETE KITCHENS • IRON RAILINGS • ADDITIONS • RECREATION ROOMS • ATTIC REMODELING • GARAGE DOORS* FLOOR AND WALL TILE • CEILINGS • INSULATION • AIR-CONDITIONING • GAS AND OIL FURNACES • SOFTENERS AND HEATERS • HUMIDIFIERS • DISPOSERS • AIR CLEANERS • BATHROOM REMODELING • INCINERATORS • CARPETING • DRA’^ES • FENCING SUMMER WHITE HOUSE ^ Located in San Clemente, Calif., the summer hideaway of President and Mrs. Richard Nixcm features an enclosed private garden. The 10-room Spanish-style adobe home is on a bluff overlooking the Pacific. The White House recently announced that arrangements for the purchase are completed, with a sale price of about $.340,000 for the 44-yeac^ld house and five acres. Call for FREE Estimate, 682A940 Cqmbed cottons have been j “combed” of short fibers, leav-i ing the longer Iragths. 2 MODELS Colonial and Tri-Level are now open for your inspection, in "COLONY HEIGHTS." Choose a design from many featuring: 3-4-5 bedrooms, 1 Va to 2’/2 baths. Priced from $31,000 including lot. Colony Heights MODELS OPEN DAILY 2 to 7 P.M. (Closed Friday) Excellent Einancing Available 10735 Highland Rd. (M-59) 363-6604 Vi mile west of Oxbow Lake Sold R ay Will SELL Your Home Hot just park a sign on your front lawn If yourt IS told, and you'rd looking for something cite, then-moybe we con tell you this one. If'« perfect for o big family. Immaculate inside with four bedrooms, 1 Vi baths, 2Vi corgolrage, big 1 3 x m with carpeting and 1 8 x 22 family :ould pretty good doest Call 674-4101 for the Drayton Plains office of . RAY REAL ESTATE ) '1« 'vij'.'A 'I Two Basic Styles of Aluminum Siding The homeowner reiliodeling or having a new^house built has a choice style, exposure and a wide varietv of colors in aluminum siding. Two basic styles are offered — horizontal traditional clapboard and board and batten siding. Clayboard is probably the most widely used, especially where the need is for a siding which blends well with colonial or similar architecture. aids in maintenance. This smoothne.ss makes it difficult for dust to lodge in the surface so rains can wash the siding clean. For homeowners who might like a wood textured surlace some aluminum siding manufacturers now also produce a product with a wood-grain appearance. Board and batten is con lemporarj Unique i n appearance and can be installed either vertically or horizontally. Frequently the board and batten is applied horizonlally in the liwer area and horizontally above the base of the window line. The baki^d enalnel finishes for alnminnm siding hav^ a low sheen and shoidd las! I'lr 1.3 \oars or more under normal conditions. Color choice is very extensive,, ranging from white to soft pastel pinks. The paints are especially formulated for aluminum to resist blistering and cracking. Exciting New Concept in Living! 2695 WILLIAMS LAKE ROAO OPEN «22,400 SAT. & SUN. Daily 1-7, except Fridays 7' vanity and mirror, 6' sliding doorwall, built-ins, carpeting, in hallway and living room, sunshine lighting in kitchen and bath, $600 well and septic allowance and 22"x22' garage. ONE MOVE TRADE-IN PLAN JOHN GORANG Builder Uiiililt-rs' Reprvuenlatiie on Duty- Sales by (;reg leach 674-2142 674-4404 EXPOSURE Exposure ■ vary for the clapboard aluminum siding - 8”, 10". double 4 .s and double 5 s, are available. The panels are normally 12'2 ft. long. Board and batten aluminum siding widths are 8 inch. 10 imh. 12 inch and in 10 foot lengths The finish is smooth which whor mor« could ydo wont for last than $25,000? How about o good location i,n Drayton? Sounds »»n't it? It jt I Coll ui and moka on oippointm.nttO ittodoy. \ \’ ' Boy Scouts Make Boxes Boy Scouts with some adult coaching can make handy tote boXes ftir campouts. They open up to become a serving table. Companion pieces are folding benches. Made of a factory-primed, smooth and durable hardboard, the tote box^ can be built according to a free plan showing diagrams and pictures. DO IT YOURSELF! Install a professional swiinniing pi yourself that carries this Gtoilllouseheepii^ Guaranty Ttiree weekends and your pool is completed. We give you easy to follow, step-by-step instructions and everything you need to install your Spartan Pool. The complete Spartan Kit includes galvanized steel panels that simply bolt together. Heavy-duty vinyl interior never needs painting or reconditioning. Thousands of "do-it-yourselfers' buy Syrian Kits every year. No money down, five years to pay. Phone us today for all the facts. Spartan®p(Ools 7 CaUT SnaKS’UNllMITU^SHHt • Free ddivery * Free imtalljtion movies Bennett Bldg. on4 POOL TENTER G-4153 S. Saginaw St. (On Dixie) Flint Open Diiiy » I# «, Sun. i-$ Phone 1-742-6640 See These Fine Countiy Homes Sunday, 2 to 5 P.M. 3 BR CAPE COD on 1 ACRE UNION LAKE AREA Excellent 7-room family home. Beautiful setting with trees, small barn, patid, lots of gardening space. Carpeting, drapes, kitchen built-ins. Full basement has rec room. 1580 LOCHAVEN is 1 block south off Cooley Lake Road near South Oakland University. $27,500.00 CONVENTIONAL OR LAND CONTRACT TERMS. DELUXE AIR CONDITIONED RANCH with Lake Privileges, Near OXFORD . Area of fine homes, paved streets. Tan or Davis Lake privileges. Nearly new, featuring 2 fireplaces, 2 caramic baths, zoned baseboard heat, insulated glass windows with marble sills, kitchen built-ins. Lot is 96x148. Take,M-;24 to Oxford, west at light 1 mile to 66 Spezia. $32,750. HOME SELECTIONS IN HI HILL VILLAGE: Customized in every way, these lovely homes are all located on Va acre lots in the most scenic area of Orion Township, just off M-24 (Lapeer Rd.) 2V2 miles north of 1-75, with unlimited recreational facilities. 3818 HI CREST DRIVE More than 2400 square feet of Colonial excellence. 4 spacious bedrooms, 2’/2 baths, electric kitchen, huge family room, privacy patio, completely finished basement. Attached garage, of course, and carpeting, drapes, built-ins all In-duded at the very special price of $45,550.00.1 3858 HI DALE DRIVE Sparkling New England Rambler with 80' width, full 58' of basement, attached oversize garage. 3 bedrooms, huge farm kitchen, elegantly appointed details by mastercraft builder. Carpeting and built-ins included in the full price of $37,500. 3641 HI LURE DRIVE For the discriminating buyer seeking a colonial with separate dining, real breakfast nook area, sunken family room, first floor laund'ry, and all of the other quality extras necessary for full family convenience ond enjoyment. Owner is being transferred — possession can be imme/-diqte. This home is only two years old, and an unusually fine value' at less than reproduction cost. $11,500 DOW'Kl NEEDED. tillage Sales by; "HOMES IN THE HILLS” (ojdbdUA. 3677 S. Lapeer 391-3300 (M-24) OF PONTIAC, INC. C~'“’4 THE PONTIAC 'F(RESS, SATURDAY. MAY 17, 1969 Mud Room Collects ! Everything People are hearing a lot of talk these days about something 11 called a. “mud room” rr but not everyone knows what one is. I First of all, I a mud room is not made of mud — it’s made for mud. ' • VERSATILE-^roving its adaptability, the new “American Style’’ pattern is equally at home in the Hying room, family room, kitchen or bathi'boml Backed with high density foam rubber cushion, the carpeting is available in a five-color pattern in four colors, provincial gold,” providence red, colonial blue and heritage green. It’s available wherever fine carpeting products are sold. MIRACLE MILE STORE ONLY [KRES6E O^N SUNDAYS 11 to SP.M. Square Lake at Telegraph Rd. 7 H.P. GARDEN TRADTDR FLEETWDDD PAGER » With 32" Twin Blades » 16" Rear Hi-Flotation Wheels a 13" Front Hi-Flotation Wheels a 8 Speeds, 6 Forward - 2 Reverse a Trailer Hitch a Height to Hood 30" a Width 32’/2" - Length 58" a Controls Mounted on Dashboard a T Gallon Gas Tank a Weight 393 lbs. Gross ^288 Kmart ELECTRIC TWIN BLADE ROTARY MOWER GARDEN ANHUAU ASST. VARIETIES 38* Per Ctn. V2 PRICE Califarnia Shrubs SPREADERS UPRIGHTS GLOBES BORDER SHURBS from 69*10^3^’ While the Supply Lasts MIRACLE MILE STORE ONLY In simple terms, it’s a place usually near the back, door or kitchen, where the family can shed dirty or wet footwear and clothing before entering the rest of the house. Often, the mud room is equipped with a powder room so that children at play can come in and use the facilities without tracking through the house — a glass of water doesrr’t mean a soiled kitchen floor; * Though it’s sometimes difficult 'to believe, children don’t have a monopoly on getting dirty — grownups can do an admirable job on occasion, too. Whether it’s mother gardening, or dad painting, both need a similar place to wash and change clothes. STOPOVER In many cases, gardening tools, painting equipment and playthings are “parked” right in the mud room, which means they stay out of the house and yet are easily accessible. Another mud room convenience in many homes is the shower bath. This is ideal for your “grimy gremlins” who insist on collecting neighborhood dirt each time they play. * ’ ★ Showers are also great for swimmers. Sand from the beach or grass and dirt near the backyard pool are certainly unwelcome ' in the house, but they’re an easy matter for this handy bathing facility. Little leaguers find showers handy after the ball game — just like the “big time.” j Since mud rooms are so ideal for cleanups, homeowners often combine them with hobby or workshop areas. Still another popular variation is the mud room-laundry combination, with the laundry tub doubling as clothes-soaker and cleanup Whatever the arrangement, the basic purpose of the mud room is the same.—to keep dirt put of the house by providing a “neutral” area for making dirty folks clean. IndivIcJualify Counts in Home Most prospective homebuyers look for an individual touch in a house, and one way to provide it is through imaginative us ceramic tile in other parts of the house as well as in bath and kitchen. Modern setting materials have greatly simplified installing tile in a new house or remodeling an older with it. WATER WONDERLAND FOR SUMMER FUN 701 Artdale Street OPEN SUNDAY 2 to 5 1314WOODLOW OPEN SUNDAY 2 to 5 327’ canal frontage 2.3 acres Paneling and fireplace make this a rdvely and cozy home ^ Road to Uft Bltcayn^ to right on Artdola Street. Watch for T E D S DIRECTIONS: Go wait on Highland Road (M-59) to east on Pontiac Lake MCCULLOUGH REALTY MLS 674-2236 5460 HIGHLAND ROAD 674-2236 / Open Sunday 2 to 5 . . Daily 9 to 6 Bnck three bedroom Mediterranean Ranch with full eleven block basement, two car Karaite, larKe beamed family room with fiill wall fireplace, carpeted tkrouKhout, c.ustom built kitchen cabinets under a dropped beam ceiliuK. One and a half reramie tiled bath with double vanity in main bath (do not miss this feature). Thermo-windows with marble sills, large slate foyer, utility room on first floor, range and hood, everything for easy living. Twelve hundred dollar well and septic allowance. Two hundred dollar light fixture allowance. Special for May E. J. DUNLAP ECONOMY RANCHER Custom Builder Dixie to Silver Cake Road to Walton illvd., turn sriKht to Sllver«lone, 2717 SILVERSTONE FE 8-1198 FE 8-6497 .1-BEDROOM that has o 1,100 square feet of living area, aluminum aiding, 11-block basement, 2-car garage, IV^ baths, Ihermo-pa'ne windows. Ceramic tile and custom built Cabinets. $1200 well and septic allowance. ON VOUR LOT ONLY $20,981. THOUGHT WE’D SKIP THE PHOTOS THIS WEEK Inasmuch as, in mosl cases, you'd have to put your trust in a Realtor before a sale or a purchase, we thought we'd talk about us for a change. DO YOU KNOW- ... We're the largest ond most active reol estate Broker in North Oakland County. . Our volume of sales, at present, averages about 2V2 million dollars monthly in new and pre-used residential housing. . We have five offices covering North Oakland County — Pontiac, Oxford, Clarkston, Rochester, and Union Lake (another pending) — staffed by full time real estate professionals. . We're one of the largest custom home builders in the area — all tailored to suit your individual requirements — with 7 new models for your inspection. . 75% of our business comes from referrals, from satisfied clients; friends, relatives, neighbors, etc., os well os hundreds of "repeaters", in our sixteen years in business locally. . We cover oil price ranges in housing •»- oil styles — oil locations -oil types of financing even in this so-called "tight" rnoney market. hove available . Creators of the nationally-known Bateman Guarantee Plan — a Home Trade-In Plan that prevents owners from being burdened with two houses. . Only local representative, of Nationwide Find-A-Home service — a NO cost - NO obligation service for people re-locating in other areas — Coost-to-CoOst. So, if you ore considering disposing of your existing home, and/or acquiring a new one, transferring to another area, WHATEVER you hbusing problems — let's talk it over. We know we con be of assistance. CALL TODAY!I! “It Please* Us to Please I’l // THE PONTIAC FRES$, SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1969 C—S NOMELITE CHAINSAW CONCRETE STEP CO. 6497 HIGHLAND RD. (M-59) PHONE 673.0715 Across From tho Airport Save Money Advice: Let Architect Supervise 1*., VTVTAN RRnwN Ite^pted to act as their ownjhouse built in reertain style for]possible even to place a window I—'•''”*"’•[1 sum. --"—*-— By VIVIAN BROWN AP Newsfeatures Writer jcontVactor. |a certain su\n. jshade properly, much Ibss hang I If you want that dream house h Nothing w^s said a b o u t curtains and draperies. Summer is house-building a blueprint to come, true,lumber grades pr other time and manys people are hire the architect to see itjmaterials. They hired the ________:________________:____through from start to finish. Or builder because he ' was hire a responsible builder. 3268 Angelas Drive ... Waterford OPEN SAT & SUN 2 to 6 P.M. Over 2100 square feet of living drea, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, family room, built in stove-refrigerator- and dishwasher, 2-car garage with automdtic door opener, air conditioning, carpeting, intercom, water softner, overlooking Silver Lake Golf Course. Access to private beach in Lake Angelus Golfview Estates. $52,500. Walton Blvd,, to Angelus Dr'ive (behween Silver Lake Road and Clintonville Road.) Phone:673-6938 It make^ all the difference say people who have done both. He will not only draw up the plans but he will specify the quality of materials and By the time such deviations from the plan are noted by owners, the correction of mistakes is costly and time- available and one the architect recomrhended was unavailable. , The contract wasn’t really|consuming. It mpy even wind, violated. up with lawsuits iand so on, but SUPERVISE costly and! Even when an architect’s plan j complete with recom-1 WISDOM time consuming. supervise the job. That may bei‘® complete with recom-jW SUUM the most important part of the for lumber, wmj I is wise to weigh your . ct ■ dowsi doors, hardware and abilities at house supervision at ^ v.‘ other materials, there can be I the start and turn the entire CUT CORNERS problems if he isn’t aSked to task over to .a responsible Many people cut financial I supervise the project. person if you consider yourself comers by getting anj jn one'instance, a builder unqualified to do it. architect’s plan and t h e n pajj no attention , to window placement. The plan had been made so that furniture could be placed attractively and windows draped easily and esthetically. In the living room, windows were placed two feet closer than shown on the drawing. In the child’s bedroom, they made up” for that discrepancy by putting windows at the ends the wall rather than centered on the plan. supervising a project themselves. But they often rue that decision. For example, would you know inferior lumber at, a glance? Would you be able to park at your house site and follow tiny stages of the project and understand everything they are doing? Some people can act as their own contractors. But these people usually have b enough houses (and h observed enough problems) to have profited by the experience. Neophytes can’t oversee facets of building that are unfamiliar to them, as many have found out to their horror; whereas an architect can visit a site from time to time to observe with a knowledgeable is home buying time He’ll know when to visit to circumvent disaster as the house progresses. Even he may have to argue to get things done properly. AT LAKE ANGELUS LAKEVIEW ESTATES CREATED BY "Homes by Booth, Inc." the three bedroom trilevel pictured above can be duplicated in Lake Angelus Lakeview Estates for $31,390. ' Located at 2651 Montebello in an area of luxury homes, the model is open for inspection daily from'1-5 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday from 2-7 p.m. To get there - Drive West on Walton, right on Clintonville Rd. to Lake Angelus Rd., to model. Follow O’Neil OPER signs or call 6T4-2222. SEE TODAY'S CLASSIFIED SECTION FOR OPEN HOUSES - SAT. and SUN. MANY NEW ONES TO CHOOSE FROM QUICK POSSESSION O’NEIl REALTY 3520 Pontiac Lake Rd. OR 4-2222 Office Open Sunday 1-4 eye. The owner found it was im-l Homeownrrx J.IIOW Ihni f„r m't he he, Detroit Suburban LAWN SERVICE ^ 2S3S DIXIE HWY. FE 8-W4I “V*r Add a great room to your life. Want to give relief to a horhe that's growing too small? We hove everything you need to see your ideas for "family-fashioned" living come to life. We're always willing to give detailed free estimates for any job. Just visit our Add-a-Room Headqtrs. MIDWEST BUILDERS 718 W. Huron St., Pontiac One electrician bid on a job from an architect’s plan and the unsuspecting house builders, acting as their own contractors, assumed that everything would be great. DRAGGED OUT The electrician dragged out le job for months while various aspects of the job were being held up because of procrastination. At the finish line when paneling was on walls and floors had been laid, the owners found that vital outlets had been left out. Should they rip up expensive quarter-sawn oak to get^ one outlet in the floor in front of fixed French doors? Should tear out new plaster to get another outlet? Should they remove teak panbling to Install six additional outlets’ After spending a small fortune on the house with imported marbles, woods, tiles, the family is stuck with extension cords in several rooms. Another disaster occurred where a family submitted a plan to a builder and walked I away. PLAN The plan was drawn by an architect who was not paid to specify materials or to supervise. He was. shocked when he visited the site at the sudden request of his clients who had become edgy about the appearance of the framing, i Lumber and so-called pl^ood were the lowest grade for jvery expensive house. Wall ! studs didn’t exactly meet cross beams and in some instances wood seemed to have shrunk that nails provided slack in the gap. I The question is whether the builder is liable. The family 'signed an agreement to have a grand OPENING 2nd Phase BLOOMFIELD MANOR WEST In A Quiet Residential Neighborhood 1 and 2 Bedroom Apartments Many Quality Features Found in $50~,000 Homes From $165.00/MQnth IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY YOUR MONTHLY RENTAL INCLUDES THESE FEATURES • Swimming Pool • Carpeting-Drapes • Hotpoint Oven-Range • Hotpoint Refrigerator of Hotpoint Dishwasher, • Walk-in Storage Area • Disposal • Heat • Ample Parking • Full dining room • Air^ Conditioning • Fohnica Cabinets and Vanities 1 Sat., Sun. 1 to 7 p.m. Daily 8:30 to 8:30 p.m Models Open 682-3882 2300 Woodrow Wilson Phone 674-3105 Now! A price-less possession, as valuable to us as it must be to you. We take pride in the houses we sell. It's definitely worth your while to investigate the sure safe way of buying and selling. To find out about a guaranteed sale, call now for a Real Estate Expert. 674-3105 NEW MODEL NOW OPEN SSUNDAY, MAY 18,1 to 6 P.M. Open Daily 2 to 5; Except Friday 5900 WELLINGTON Tins Deluxe Rancher Features: e 3 Bedrooms • Alum. Siding • Formica Kit. e Ceramic Both • Wall-to-Wall Carpet • Att. 2-Gar Garage 1 Alum. Trim » Full Basement «20,500 We will duplicate this fine home on your lot for $20,500. We will appraise your home, give you a guaranteed trade-in, and arrange the best financing available. YOUR ^OST Chuck Shotweli REMEMBER: Mortgage Money is available to customers of Frushour& Angell THIS HOME BUILT BY FRUSHOUR & ANGELL DIRECTIONS: From Pontiac go north on Dixie Highway to one-half mile north of the Andersonville Road, and turn right on ROGKCROFT (immediately north ot Harvey’s Colonial House and directly across the highway from Independence Square Apartments), take Rock-croft to WELLINGTON to model. WATCH FOR THE SIGNS. You Con Trade Your Present Home and Move Immediately—No Waiting to Sell Your Home First! FRUSHOUR REALTY 5730 Williams Lake Road (Listing —Selling —Appraising —Buildihg)'y 674-4161 674-2245 {rji fl I ' mo,v,ko,.c wig on. co«i who took a FlagsUff Joint AS THE TWIG IS BENT Many of us look forward with anticipation to the weekend.. This is a day of rest, no alarm to ring, no clock to punch, nothing but sleep, rest and relaxation. J. L. VOOltHKKS This weekend don’t send your chil-, dren to church, take them! Attend church together as a family. This is the finest thing you can do to give your child the moral and spiritual strength that will develop them into upright men and women of tomorroW. Attend the church of your choice, but do attend. M. i:. SII'LK YOORHEES-SIPLE FUNERAL HOME 268 North Pei rv Street Phone FK 2-8378 years to make it. * ie * Mrs. Mabel Jones Wright, '90, Topeka, began working toward her bachelor’s degree in 1896 when the college was still called Kansas ' State Normal School. She finished this year by correspondence. , Walled I Sealed Blds-c. . Clerk, 1499 West ______ _______ VUchlgan, not later thap 8:00 P.M. Tues-lay, AAay 20, 1989. Specifications may be obtained from the -Uy^ Clerk' " n «rr.m nr reierr env e City of Walled Lake reserves t .-----p, pp fpjjpf pp'y gpd all bin EILEEN B. VAI May i; peace m a * ' it' i Robert Hodgson, 35, of born Heights sent Justice of the Peace James Brierly a |20 check , Friday to pay for a speeding ticket. The ticket was writteh N0v. ?5, 1959. it - , it it Brierly says his problem is the.^ 1959 records have been placed in storage and the statute of limitations has long past. “1 still haven’t lost faith in hu-mah nature,” said Brierly. may just have to return the check and thank him for his Township Boord will meet as follows: Regular meetings on the second and fourth Mondays In April, May and June; only the second Monday in July and August; on the second and fourth Wednes-‘n September through March. Meet-sre at 7:30 p.m. GRETA V. BLOCK, STOCK SEHIM for New Investors PONTIAC NORTHERN HK;H SCHOOI. Three Cunsecutivc Tuesday Eveniiijss , May 20, 27 and June .1, 7:30 to 9 P.M. PLEASE MARE ( ) RESER\ ATIONS EOR: ■Mail to NrphU-r Kingsbury, Box 87, Poiiliai.' -UtO.jO OR CALL MR. ERWLN AT FE 2-9117 "PONTIAC'S OLDEST SECURITIES FIRAA" 818 Community National Bank Bldg. have authorized Thet first strike against the city’s public school system; They voted 10,944-5,438 for the walkout beginning Thursday. John E. Desmond, president of the union, announced the vote Friday night and said it reflects the teachers’ “disgust with the school system.” It “shows the^ teachers feel it’s time to make a| change,” he told a news confer: I Downs in Louisville and was ence. won by a horse named Desmond added, “Our doors| Aristides. In 1954, in a unanimous decision, the Supreme Court ruled racial segregation in public schools un constitutional. By United Press International Today is Saturday, May 17, the 137th day of 1969 with 228 to follow. \ The moon is between its new phase and first quarter. The morning stars are Venus, Mars and Saturn. The evening stars are Mercury and Jupiter. . ^ * Y \ ★ On this day in history: In 1875 the first Kentucky Derby was run at Churchill Death Notices Theresa, Dominick, Joseph R., and Peter Anthony Fortino Junior; dear brother of Mrs. David Liddy, Mrs, Charles Ward, Mrs. Roberta Mondor, , Mrs. Joseph Yates, and Dominick F o r t i n.o . Funeral arrangements are pending at Ddnel?on-Johns Funeral Home, where' Mr. Fortino will lie in state after 3 p.m. Sunday. (Suggested visiting hours. 3 to 5 and 7 to 9.) are open for talks with the school, board. As yet, no talks have been scheduled, but there - is still time.” honesty, even though it is a bit Desmond said the picketing delayed.” committee will meet today to organize the picket lines in front ^'““"notIceof'p“'sale Chicago 523 public schools Ice is hereby given bi J that on Monday, OFFICIAL NOTICE OF SALE 1, $70,000.00 ! CASE DRAINAGE DISTRICT . COUNTY OF OAKLAND, STATE OF MICHIGAN DRAIN BONDS Sealed bids for the purchase of Drain Bonds to be Issued by the Case Drainage District In Oakland County, Michigan, ol the par vKlue, of $70,000.00, will ..be received by the undersigned at his office. No. SSO South Telegrai^ Road, in the City of Pontiac, Michigan, until 10:00 o'clock ■ Eastern Standard Time, on the 2Sth day of May, 1969, at i and place said bids will be publicly Id and read. d bonds will be dated January i, ____ will be cobpon bonds all in the denomination ol $3,000.00 each, wl" ..................J 205 Main Street, Rochester, Michigan, public sale of a '"hevrolet Biscayne 4i of the borne by any other bond of this ___________ Accrued interest to date of delivery of such bonds must be paid by' the pi-chaser at the time of delivery. Said bonds will mature serially on t 1st day of May In each year as follows: 1969-$5,000 /VIONTTGO/WERY WARD ^MONUMENTS AND MARKERS OF ENDURING BEAUTY Beautiful enduring northern granite, selected imported granite, bronze markers and economical southern granites expertly crafted in o variety of artistic designs and sizes. Lettering and religious symbols included at no extra cost. Custom sculptured work also available. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money Bock. Conventional credit terms arronged. Stop ift or phone 'for friendly consultation. thereafter Vlay 1 and November 1 will bear interest in excess o' ------- shall state rultiple: In 1960 planned suitimil talks in Paris collapsed as Premier Khruschev demanded an apology from President Eisenhower for U-2 flights over Russia. ■signed'reserve’the r’ight Mayor Richard ”j. Daley has estimated 100,000 12. ,969 Offered to mediate. National B-^^o,^De.roi, ^g^ed whether he thought the! Rochester, Michiga^n j teachers would actually go on May Desmond answered, _ r ^ ’ 7 “The future will hold that an- swer. The decision making will come later.” He said it would take a vote of THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF OAKLAND SCHOOLS ' OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN SCHOOL DISTRICT BONDS, SERIES----------- Death Notices 23 s of 5Vi% per T. The Ir I the ! ime year shall be Time, 0 197(^ 5,00. 1971— 5,001 1974— 5,000 1975— 10,000 1976— 10,000 1977— 10,000 1978— 10,000 *Boih‘^P Federal a wmch shall Original purchase e issued under _________ ... enticipation of the collectlor of special assessments assessed agains: ----------------------Special Assessment the full membership to st6p the beam, LOUIS; May 16 1969: :pi™ uius lor me purchase ol School {Strike, but added the unions! «~--. Tht BoTd If'^EdutotiinVo^^^^ could recommcnd the' (fo'}m6Wy°l!‘nown ^e Called off or could' he?einafler'Teferfed°?$'*as me‘'""''schM‘l POStpone it if progress WaS district"), of ihe par value of $500,000, being made on the union’s de-t of Education offices*in said mands. rv^ce cenfTpon°,;ic!'M?c“ The union, an affiliate of the Tue^%,'"fh;'27iV day Federation of Teach- ■ihich time and pi— ......- month, effective in September, a limitation on size of classes and no cutbacks in personnel or programs. The pay scale now is $7,350 to $7,770 a year for starting teachers. The union is also . demanding that the Illinois Leg-,1 islature guarantee $600 a year ! I thereof The Interest on any one I per pupil in State aid. GoV.; tall be at one rate only and shall'C-.. , . : ^ ^ $ •esented lay one coupon only for Richard B. OgllVie haS recOlH-1 . jhaif^MrrT'thejmended $520 per pupil. The| !*i.‘',^^^|state currently guarantees $400' 1 IS less man su7, oi me rate borne {npr nuDil i ly other bonds of this issue. Accrued , I (St to date of delivery of such bonds! School Supt. JamCS F. Red-' of’dehtery*’'' *' '*’*|mond lias forecast a $54-million! ipeTamounl' oT*lmooron''MSv*'’,! I deficit in the last six months of; $3So.ooo"2n May’M i?7fw"*L“n year that will force a cut-i prior r(rternption^ Both back in leachcrs and programs! ■ ...... .... J-.-.-'said *b?ds ers, wants a raise of $l5a a publicly opened and read. ’ _ . . bonds will be dated April 1, 1969, . -J coupon bonds In the denomination of $5,000 each or In larger denomination at the option of the original i be numbered conseculivei _____^t order of their maturltioc _____ . upwards, and will bear Interest from November I nnual interest r . Each bid shall each coupon period a Mariva Street, Pontiac, age 73; beloved husband ofl Queenie Beam, dear father of! Mrs. Doris Justice, Mrs.j Marjorie Douglas, Frank Turcotte, Mrs. Irish --Ward, Mrs. Shirley Hawley, Gerald Turcotte, and T-S e r g e a n t Robert L. Beam; dear brother of „Mrs. John Runyan, Mrs. Pearl Scheider, Mrs. Beulah Goheen, Mrs. May Sihith, Melvin, Wesley, Alvin, 'and Lawrence Beam; also survived by 17 grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Funeral ,service will be held' on Monday, May 19 at 1:30 p.m. at the Voorhees Siple; Chapel with Pastor Richard C. Stuckmeyer officiating. Interment in Perry Mount: Park. Mr. Beam will lie in state at the funeral home. (Suggested visiting hours, 3 to 5 and 7 to 9.) HART, WARD T.; May 15, j 2866 Buick Street; Waterford ,' Township; age 71; beloved husband of Myra D.! Silvernail; dear father (>f Mrs. Howard (Mae) Milligan; dear brother of Mrs. Edith M. Dowling; also survived by three grandchildren. Funeral service will be held Monday, May 19 at 1:30 p.m. at the First Missionary Church. Interment in Perry Mount i Park Cemetery. Mr. Hart wilL He in state at the Sparks-Griffin Funeral Home after 7 p.m. tonight. (Suggested visiting hours, 3 to 5 and 7 to 9.) HEACOCK, DORO'THY A.; Mayj 17, 1969; 584 East Tennyson j Avenue, Pontiac; age 51 ;| beloved wife of Edward M. Heacock; dear mother of Edward D. and Constance Mary Heacock; dear sister of Mrs. Florence Ervin, Mrs. Sylvia Harper, Mrs. Nora; Moyer, Walter, Kenneth, William, and Ross DuCharme. Funeral service will be held,! Monday, May 19, at 3:30 p.m.j at Voorhees Siple Funeral Home. Pastor William C.! Wurm officiating. Interment! in Perry Mount Cemetery, Mrs. Heacock will lie in state! after 3 p.m. Sunday, at the funeral horfie. (Suggested visiting hours 3 to 5 and 7 to 9.) VAN SICKLE, LULU: May 17, 1969; 180 Indianside Drive; Lake Orion, Funeral arrangements pending at Bossardet Funeral Home, Oxford. defray the cost of locating, establishing: and constructing the said drain. The assessments are against the Township of Bloomfield and the County of Oakland. e obligated and ---- I valorem taxes upor. ....... ........ ithin their limits in amounts sufficient pay Ihe assessments against them. trust company, qualified under the laws UnlCSS there IS an increase m xx xx S'o^:e^U;'■n\^”o^^'r^?1t"pa“;nr.»Vn^a'i^^ aid. He Said a walkoutp^C^K, GOLDIE M.: May 17 .... ----------- ^ ‘■’'c^SlS'yrna, would be Unfair to pupils and Telegraph rJS! would injure the city’s chances' age 46; beloved wife of; approval'0® of getting the additional state Thomas J. Beck; belovedj the 'bonds’are to be issued for the funds it BCeds. j purpose of defraying the cost of acquiring _ equipment for the Oaktand Schools ad- designated agent Flkewise ■ amount. The statute u ct Is pledged to the prompt .. ...e principal of and interest bonds. By resolution adopted by firmative vole of Iwo-thirdx members elect of the which lh(( ' Dra? age I designated. so qualified The designati sublecf to Ihi NOTICE OF HEM'NG shorewooo*P1Lls SPECIAL ASSESSMENT IMPROVEMENT xes as may be necessary tc s and the ir‘—•>—— In the_ Conslilution :e ol awardinc T. I rur me uuiijuxc u. o™aiuing the bonds, ■. *he iiileresl cost ol each bid will be computed by determining, at the rate dr .. .. . _ ----- rates specified therein, the total dollar , as amended, the *yll_fa|th and yjiug q( interest on the bonds from to their respective maturities g therefrom any premium, be awarded to Ihe bidder e above computation pro- Oakland is srinclpal ol and interest on said bonds. No bid for less than all of the bonds or 3t less than the par value of the bonds rales specified therein, the t putatlon produces the lowest Jpteresi cost ilo the Drainage District on all A certified pr cashier's check amount of $1,400.00 drawn upon on m-. corporated bank or trust company and payable to the order ol the Treasurer of the Drainage Board for thi considered. .V certified or cashier's amount of $10,000, drawn payable to the order of the Treasurer of The Board of Education of Oakland Schools, must accompany each bid as a guarantee of good faith on the part of the bidder, to be torteiled as n--'-'—-■ V bid be accetited _ checks of _______ be promptly returned representativr - ‘ must accompany each bid as a guarantee registered mall. Of good faith on Ihe part of the bidder to Bids shall be conditioned Tipon Ihe be forfeited as iiquidated damages if such quaiified opinion of Dickinson, Wri quaiified McKean Michigan ___ -e accepted and the bidder f._. . .. take up and pay for the bonds. No Interest shall be allowed on ,thg goi checks and checks of the unsu bidders will be promptly returned bidder's representative or by registered Bids shall be conditioned upon the unqualified opinion ol Dickinson, Wright, McKean 8, Cudlip, attorneys, Detroit, , Michigan, approving the legality - of the delivered bonds. The cost of said legal opioion ai5d {Detroit, I of the printing of the bonds will be paidjexpense o by the Drainage District. Bonds will be;be made ------------------------------ '’oquested ntjjjmrt Cudlip, attorneys, Detroit, -wing the leg-''*• of said legal me Hiiiiimy Of thO ‘""• lal opinion printed on Michigan ^has ten-I Assessment Im-wers to be located e north line of Lot 7 easement, common 1< Sewer in Bayou Driv J 78, inclusive, of "Long No. 2" Subdivision L. f' C.R. proposed easement along I southwesterly to Shorehill Drive RXI:V) The right h It Detroit, MIchi District. Bonds ( refect any i umaining the bic ■ked "Proposal h i THINK HBIKIT IT! I A prominent firm of psychologists osk this question when screening and examining employee applications for their clients. . . "Of oil the men you know, hove known, met or heard of, what one man would you most like to be like?" Explain why- Reports indicate this question brings in a lot of different answers and peculiar reasons. Selections include Grandpa, Dad, Uncle John, Goujtin Tim, and so on in an apparanf effort to tie in a helpful family trait . . . or affiliation. Other applicants select men such as Churchill, Lincoln and other historical greets. Some select sports, business or political personalities. Obviously of course, the psychologists are interested in the 'reasons why' — not so much in the selectign, itself. The reasons for the selections also vary grecttly;""' Accomplishments, materialistic success, untarnished reputation, character and other attributes are men-tiotied as reasons. It is an interesting question. How would you answer it? Who would you select? Why? Watch for our selection next week. You may — or may not — be surprised! Courtesy of > ' HUNTOON FUNERAL HOME 79 Oakland Avenue, Pontiac Phone 332-01 ^9 or^, ^embpr Nqtio\ial Selected MoAicians yf jl B B 16^ »tn B » b4 t M 4 8 » » » STATE OF MICHIGAN MUNICIPAL FINANCE COMMISSION DANIEL W. BARRY Chairman of Drainage Board: I The right Is reserved to refect ani I Envelopes containing the bids shouli iglalnly marked "Proposal for Bonds". {APPROVED; APRIL 29, 1969 »"La'-Ka'I'rm"'s?w?; Sewer in Bayou Dr. R.O.W. from Lot Southerly and Easterly to Lot 78 ( J. cnncixoui'i Long Lake Shores Subdivision, We' e Board of Education Bloomfield Township, Oakland Counlj of Oakland Schools Michigan. Sewer '- '— ■ LIGHT MANUFACTURING ■ M-59 near Airport. 2 cement block buildings, 5^32 square foot and 1850 square fool, open spon, gas heal. Lot 84x312. $85,000,410,000 dov^ Other Comm'l Properties After 5 Sat. & anytime' Sun.dcall Mrs. Eva F. Anderson ,, 332-3769 ' " ^ ■ We Will Trade j " ANNETT INC. REALTOft^ ' 28 E. HURON ST.,'Pontioc ' 338-046' Shores Subdivision, V\ Township, Oakland Coun Sewer in an easement lot line- « *h,„ .!x Bayou and an estimate o ■therly and Easterly to lines of 52 and S3, and Westerjv along d County, Michigan! I 53 qf "Long Dr. and Century Oak mon lot lines of 8 and ke Shore Dr., West ship, Oakland County, daughter of Ernest Carpenter and Pearl M. Sams; dear mother o f Antonio, Timothy, and Arturo Sambrano Junior: dear sister! of Fred Carpenter. Funeral! service will be held on Tues-i day. May 20, at 1 p.m. at Donelson-Johns Funeral! Home. Interment will be in' White Chapel Memorial Cemetery. Mrs. Beck will lie in state at the funeral home after 3 p.m. Sunday. (Suggested visiting hours, 3 to 5 and 7 to 9.) BOUGINE, JOHN E.; May 15, 1969; 2361 Denby Drive, Drayton Plains; age 53; beloved husband of Delpha Bougine;| dear father of Mrs. Glenn (Sandra) Hamden, Mrs. Larry (Joan) Chenoweth, John Crain and David Bougine; dear brother of Mrs. Russel (Caroline) Peterson; also survived^ by two grandchildren. Funeral i service will be held Monday, | May 19 at 11 a.m. at the: Drayton Community United Presbyterian Church with Rev. Jack Rowling and Rev. John Paul Peter officiating. Interment in R&seland Park Cemetery, Berkley. Mr. Bougine will lie in state at: Coats Funeral Home, Drayton Ptelns after 3 p.m. today.] (Suggested visiting hours, 3 to 5 and 7 to 9.) Dial 334-4981 or‘332°-81°81 Ponfittc Press Want Adi FOR FAST ACTION The "Pontiac Press BOX REPLIES At 10 a.m. today there were replies at The Press Office in the following boxes: C-J; C-4, C-5, C-6, C-14, C-15, C-23, C-26. C-28, C-'II, C-41, C-43, C-58, C-65, C-72. In Memoriam 2 Form Visi'fs Ar the v Whole Family 5-_______,, Only 11 a.m. to 6' p.m. See baby . lambs galore, new piglets, baby chicks being hatched daily. Enfoy- goats as they walk overhead on their own bridge. Try milking the cows, feed the ducks, geese, chickens, goats and sheep. Watch sheep sheering and wool spinning demonstrations at 1, 2;30 and 4 p.m. Delightful .horse drawn hayrides, pdny rides and delicious dinners or , snacks may b r "•purchased. Farm admission, and i tours: Children 25 cents, adults 75 “"upland HILLS FARM , 481 LK. GEORGE RD. ' Take ^Walton E, to Adams,^N. to Michigan. Townsh'?'‘oakla( Township H Bgbmiield UlrhinAn ’ CHURCH, CLYDE; May 15, | 1969; 3529 Lakeview, Orton-; ville; age 34; beloved husband of Ellen Church; beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Church; dear father of Pamela and Patricia Church; dear brother of Mrs. Doris | Kirschuink, Mrs. Mildred Muir, Mrs. Myrtle Harnman,! Mrs. Patricia Penderass,' Marion, WHlliam. Larry,: Douglas and'Stanley Church. Funeral service will be held Monday, May 19 at 2 p.m. at the Wallace F'uneral Home, East Rainelle, West Virginia,; with Rev. Hay word Price of-' ficiating. Interment ini Wallace Memorial Cemetery. Arrangements by the C. F.j Sherman Funeral Home, 135 South Street, OTtonville. 446Q Orchard Lake *°thV*^noti^I^*i|^given by order OF THE TOWNSHIP BOARD BETTY SUE^OUPREE 28Ih day “Of P.M. Eastern consider any LOVING MEM6'rY~ N LOVING MEMORY of George A Though God has|/ou in H^s koppinq "AVON CALLING" FOR SERVICE 4N YOUR HOME. FE 4-043^. CONFERENCE ‘ " FE 5:4845. HALL FOR 1 meetings, pe 5. Call FE 2-5535 or | rRECEP^rrONS. I YOU ARE HAVING financial FORTINO, PETER A.; May Hi, 1969; 124 North Telegraph Road; \ age. 28: beloved bus-, band of ChVista F 6 r t i n o , beloved son of Mrs. - 'Jolin Cooper; dear father of V I \ \.. FE 2-0181 :ensed 8, Bonded ng Oakland County OSE WEIGHT’ safilv v..... _ D^MsTablets. Only 98 cents. ~ >0()DtE Cl1pPING“' ' il® ___________‘”-w7 Yamaha Music Course Pre-schoolers,, open house May 22, at 7:30 p.m. See special cla.ssronm Anri fj|m on Japanese information Call ^aeWn^s. SMILEY BROS.. MUSIC n»j4^SAGiNM« Funeral Directors 4 DR^YJON PLAINS 674-0461 DCiNELSON-JOHNS ~ funeral home Huntoon > Oakland Ave.___FE 2-0189 SPARKS-GRIFFIN FUNERAL HOME "Thoughtful Service" FE 8-9288 VoorheesSiple FUNERAL HOME. 332-8378 Established Over 45 Years Cemetery Lots 4-A 2 LOTS AT WHITE CHAPEL ' 4 GRAVE SITES Cemetery In ..M^siaft. Can OR at White Chapel he^83Garden of FOR SALE; Two Cemetery'spaces (1 lot), Oakland Hills Memorial Gardens, to settle estate. To view Hills Memoaal Gardens' ' LIVING away’ - will’ sacrifice graves at White Chapel Cemetery 814 Pontiac State Bank Bldg. CALL 338-0333__________ DO YOU nSeD ADVICE? Dial yo Family Bible. 3M-2094, 24 " HEALT|^^S^PA MEMBERSHIP I SPA mem- Mr. & Mrs. Homeowner 9J daily except Sat.________ ON AND AFTER this date 5d7-6'f I will not be responsible for debts contracted by any other than myself, Paul K. Bruce, 290 N. Paddock, Pontiac, Mich.______/ ON AND AFTER this date, oA'ay’lt, any debts contracted by any other than myself. Michael J. Yapo, 3602 Pe^y King^ Waterford, Michigan. WIG PARTIES. Wigs by Calderon. FE 2-7992. WILL THE LADY WHO talked to the lady or the lady who found half toy female poodle, at Glenwood's Lost and Found/ ANYONE FINDIN(f A SET of 1963 Ford car keys with 1088 penny, please contact The Pontiac Press. ■ - 332-8181, ext. 241. REWARD. LOST: BEIG^PURSE, containing important papers. Reward. FE 4- LOST: I sandy colored, '/s toy poo 6 months, female, shadgy i vicinity of K-Mart parking Help Wonted Mole 10 MEN labor lobs. Other rr MANPOWER Wide Track W. Pontiac ...-----‘ -'ly^mpli^er 25 MEN WANTED ■ MONDAY 6 A.M. KELLY LABOR Report Ready to Work An Equal Opportunity Empbye|-AUTO PARTS CLERK, "must be ex weekends. Apply i Ave., call 3M-4054. < RETIRED" MAN, I, handyman, 2 to _3 days gardening a week, . . ____ _________ "Bloomfield Twp. Must have .transp. Call Tl 6-^400, Mr, ALL TYPFs ' OF "LATHE, macNne, mill and grindina C-33, •xcellent pay & Olds. AAA-1 COLLEGE STUDENTS SUMMER JOBS it Managers in brand It $575 ' C—8 "\ TILK rONTlAC PHESS, SATl llDAY, MAY 17, 1909 For Wont,Ads Dial 334-4981 6 Help Wanted I AS^MBIERS ElectrlcM' Wrlno P«nel «- pvltnc* dtifrtble, th«p working 4S hours,^ »ir beiwflfs. THORESON- McCWH. 6IIM510.______ APPCIANCE sorvlcoman BODY SHOP FOREMAN New car Dealership \ Oakland CHRYSLEfi-P'l VMOUTH 1: _________________ If CEMENT FINISHER and" faborer; . "fopT^an lop rnoiiev. / wanted. Call all, a p/hn. 739-2689._ ,'^l> ------ CHECKERS A TROY ! DETAILERS , _4_ _ special machine-automation AREA SHOP ; f,r'S«r, !T '^^"’^CLYOE^CORPORATION 6 Help ylranted Male ■ FACTORY - : ' WORKERS Needed Many lobs requiring 6|Help Wanted Male 6|Help Wanted Male_^^_ MECHANICAL ^GINEER Rapidly growing compa •nqineer, capable ot ------- irge ol and responsible icilyjng and — - —intenance r-.-------- opp'orlutilly Real Estate Classes Applications are now being taken! lor Instruction classes in prepara- ^ . tion for the real estate salesmen's Fringe b» _ . _____________ ____, _ examinalloh. Class will be held Ijolldays. Call between 9 a.m. and Permanent poettlon. J ---- - ■ - p.m. Contact Mr, 3 p.m. Mon. through FrI. FE Call for Appointment. Von Realty, 3401 W.l 4-2S4I.___________^ I Mr. Arthur.___________ 7|iiel^ Wanted l^ab 7|Htdr»Jfimt^^^ SECRETARY - Must type, 0|»rate ■ffiee machines, be RpoP *'V'> Igures and responsible. Contact K. 1. Baton, Breech' Enterprises. 047* ' and designing produc-i re'tired Td’OL MAKERS, ssses and equipment..; makers, machinists. Part or maintenance program f^me. 10 W. Hbro^. ________________ LADY, 35 or ovei'^switch'board, GENERAL OFFICE, retail lew^ry<®^ff^j,^*,J«:hlneAl"**be''^tWod**wlth ATTENTION we train, 2nd shitt available. Must store. Immediate opening. Ex- figures and responsible. Contact K. <-Ai i crc CTlirtCKITC be^high school graduate and able! perlence__helpful to handle functus; RrBaidnrBrU™Enterprises. 047* AV' COLLEGE STUDENTS , to speel, write lleglbly and rapidly, is, cashier,'^ credit » dWIas, light, r.-,,"*"""' ’ $140 week-Atternoon hours l=r!ng, ben,.f..s,^ rotate Sunday and| V>0"° A Long, 332-3.20, batpr. I working conditions. Call any « except Monday, JO 0-7IW- r. okTIi id, in good health — ' long term employment 3 Drill Press . 3 Stock Men 2 Trainees 1800 VI y^Employer ied7 Good pi on. Apply Good lob $3,14 AND UP L FOR INTERVIEW Equal Opportuni CLEAN-UP* MAN neec for dependable per: person^ lue Sky Dr i' CREC?IT INVESTIGATOR, must hiah school graduate; mu$t h ir> JO 6-1514. ^ enters, EXPERIENCED'"cesaing ^ DAILVi. PAY EMPLOYERS Temporary Service, Inc. FERNDALE 2320 Hilton REDFOPD 26617 Gr \ I- ...._____ __________ responsibility, wented. wages open. Reply to BABY SITTER, your hi Compensation^ cjinrjmensuratep Wi^, Box C-3, Ponltac, Michigan.___________________^ OU^ a^ea^^May 26-Jv 65 S. ^ Box_275^ Walled Lake, Mlch.J MAN to LEARN sheet metal trade. 4162 W. Walton, Drayton MIII OPERATORS,~ radiar^rill operators, table layout man, appty at Personnel Office, Sutler Prov ducts Co., 407 Hadley St., Holly, 1 child, 9 years old ”20.' io:30i mouseKEEPEIn.^i 338- 334-0586 COOKS waTIted, afternoon shift’Apply 114 Orchard Lake Ave. lop wages, paid- Blue Cross, life Systemat(<^n l^c. 25464 Novi Rd.| _..J receiving ince helpful. Applv ... rican Plastic Products ; Maple. Welled Lk. ■ REAL ESTATE EXPERIENCED MEN FOR BUSY, BUSY OFFICE. GUARANTEED DRAW"* MEMBERS OF MLS BUILDING PROGRAM PAID INSURANCE AND OTHER BENEFITS , BABY SITTER, elderly, retired or ' t widow lady, 4Vi days. Otter Lake area, after 5 p.m. Call 681-om. BEAUTY 0PERAt0R",*"full time, good working conditions. Lake Orion. 693-3071;_________________j SECRETARIAL HELP New and expanding classic fabricator In Lake Orion Twp. Needs secretarial and general of- __I flee personnel. Typing essential. ayi - Apply T. O., Shea Mfg. Inc., 48|ld V.. Lapeer Rd., Lake Orion Twp. — MUST have experihhee In line sewing «t bridal wear. Full time position. Ml 7-1300, Mrs. Zetye. Chudik's ot Birm. , of handli counting, financial firm needs person cape ling all Phases, ot frofn trial balance BLOOD DONORS jj URGENTLYI NEEDED a!! RH NM*'»'tl’ positive perlenced middle-aged w i BEAUTY OPERATOR ■ HOUSEKEEPER, LIVE IN private .1, room, bath, TV. Wed. and Thurs. ---,t off, $55 week to start. Woodward, FE 2- 7'/2 ml. area. Other help employed. ------------ •- ' -^—ga. Call 9 " carpenters and helpers 673‘I501 3. CHEF FOR "private country clut Call h I. 363*i Country Club, 27700 Haggerty 7791 Tuesdayjhi^ Friday._____Farmington. are " you" INTER"ESTED in CABINET MAKER wanted, si personal interviewing and testing? experience prelerred. Bcauty-I Have desire and abll'lv to work ^ablnels^673 H98. nl^u?I%tLrPoranliaLTallTE CHIEF SHOP FOREMAN 5-922^or ____ Setup, train and instruct AUTO MECHANIC ex"perii ■ - ■ • lelits, 5 ourly gi Gulf Telegraph 8, Maple. , GRILL MEN For lull or part time employrr Gofid wages, hospitalizafion, v •. DeLlsle, 673-5500, Sat. and d drilling equip- Exccl unity . GUARDS FULL AND PART TIME LOCAL OPENINGS TOP UNION SCALES CALL COLLECT. 1-568-4150 HARDINGE CHUCKER OPERATOR, “flernqon shill ' " ’ ‘-■-— jnefifs. Apply Needed at Once! Young, Aggressive Experienced Auto Salesmen! I fill our new car sales staff, to Intends to earn lop wages-spitalizatlon, protit _ sharing SALESMEN TO COVER Oakland County sailing a business service, ^-r.-,-VG~An£S-.-r,,p~ Excellent pay. Age no barrier. OPERATOR, Neatness required. 674-2312. (Housekeeper In full charge. p.m. and weekends 368-3875. o> oiienwie. ono.e ouu,.-, HOUSEKEEPEi que, Drayton Plains, —"—'— ■— public contact experlance, \ _ ^MICHIGAN COMMUNITY , BLOOD CENTER In Pontiac 4-9947 or! Tues., Wed., Thurs. 10-5 __; . Exceptionally high earnih! SALESLADY MUST LIKE children —■—-e friendly personality, over ■ "s. FE 5-0322. li CAMERA SALES Beauty Salon, 682-7326, also r Salesmen ‘1 FE 8-3293 a 3373. We have career opportunities t men experienced In the followlr Mile, Birmingham, f BEAUTY OP E'i hairdressers License required. 851-"clerlcalj ____ _,.ween 9 a.m. ' ’ 333-7668, pur Camera c Building Materials „ . .. Chez Colllures. 6260 033. ____ BOOKKEEPER - RECEPTIONISTS in Physician's office, boqkkeepir~ TAKING APPLICATIONS help. Call between “ ■ room, bath, TV. S-oclal Security", 2 ‘ “ days off. References. $60. Roches-_______ ter. 651-1150, 651-9733.___ TYPIST HbuSEKEEPEI - ' 7 housework, f I childt .. . .r. ij, inge Auto Cleon Up Man . With Some Experience lo clean engine, exteriors, and College Men High School, over 18 Corp.'28_70 In II Row, JEWELRY SALESMEN -RETAIL Creative selling ability required. Permanent position. Call for in- TireS Shoes TV - Stereo salesman, on established i____________ Salary plus commission. Call after These are well paying | 5, 8S7-4«83 or 363-5729. _____________ with. _ ppportunltjes ACCOUNTANT medium sized C.P diversified Cllenti Applv 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. EMPLOYERS Temporary Service, Inc. -. -_W3-5729. .......... ...... MYER'S JEWELRY s'hOP NAtlONAL “COR'l’ORAtTON is now vancement. ROYAL OAK , _ accepting applications ' ' " -— ! summer employment, LANDSCAPE 1 LABORERS WANTED, OFFICE. ~ 60 HOURS PER WEEK. APPLYj athletic i medical experience not n____________ Reply lo Pontiac Press, Box C-30. BOOKKEEPER WITH PAYROLL and trial balance experience, retirement benefits. Hospitalization, „ good hours and pay, also general f otflce help. Apply C o n n o 11 y ' " ■j Jewelers, 65 N. Saginaw, 9:30 ■ 12 noon, no phone calls please. nd equipment and Is i ... - ____ Pay commensurate u,„ ___ EQUAL OP- background and experience. P'ORTUNITY EMPLOYER. ~ , _ ---- Temporary Work AMERICAN GIRL 64Z-3055 725 S. Adams, B'h im TED'S Pontiac Mgll Excellent employee benefits discount. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE n PONTIAC ______ .....j who are politically minded. Must r 18 y Apply PERSONNEL DEPT. 2ND FLOOR COOK I specifically I . _ a*s!'"Tioo'’n. Birmingham, Mich. Replies V. .. „ ------ confidence. _ < BOAT 'rigger, full"time wifrk, ao'e •• '" r. 335-M60. *■* ' Liquor Enf^orcement Officers, "Career Opportunity" IMMEDIATE -sonal Interview in OPENINGS ,FOR COLLEGE si Montgomery Ward Estate Salesmen. Call BRIDGEPORT OPERATORS, COMMERCE. PONTIAC MALL d An equal opportunity employer ^ SERVICE STATION attendant — ft .. perlenced. Walled Lake area 63 , day s amallc Machine Tool BUILDERS ' “ FIRST SIX MONTHS, 1_ _ . . OND SIX - MONTHS, $8,477. - ‘GINNING SECOND YEAR OF - For information call p custodians. onnel o SERVICE, $8,853. BEGINNING SPECIAL MACHINE-AUTOMATION ppporlunlly '* —i—, leader, Frir steady year round work." CLYDE CORPORATION I. Must h, qual Opporluniiy Employer ^ DEPENDABLE CUSTODIAN _ 5^ and qualillMtiona^ _ lice 685-”»3rExi_ _ "PARTS DRIVER SERvTCE^SfATiON ATTENDANT, ...........e good luii time, $2.25 per hr. Exit, and; perlenced. ParrtTme $2.15 per hr. “■ Telegraph and Long LK. Rd._____. Service Technician In electronic field, 3 to 5 yrs. ex-perienCe on TV or commercial equipment repair, some solid state DAY OR / NIGHT SHlFt , IMMEDIATE OPENINGS Willing to Iraln/lop rale of pay during Iraining/perlod. 5 day work week with ov^time available. Free Blue Cross,/ life insurance, sick pay, pension, vacation and holiday pay. Apply In person. TED'S BLOOMFIELD HILLS CLERK-TYPIST For general office work, booking paid vacation. Apply t_ Dempsey Key Punch Service G6434 So. Dort Hwy. trand Blanc 1-694-718.1-694-5W1 An Equal Opportunity Employer KITCHEN HELP Good worlUng ^^condllions, Hack': Holidays. Hospitalizatlon.l surance and sick pay benefits. Apply In person ( UROqNTI DEPENOABLE mature Hudson's Pontiac Mall " Own transportation. COUPLE for otflce cleaning. Must have ability to supervise ------------- children. 4'h days week. Further intormation 334-9432 after 7 - Key Punch WAITRESS. FULL TIME evening work. Rocco's. 5171 Dixie Hwy. Drayton plains. App^ 5-8 p.m. WOMAN FOR COUNTER and marking department, caretaker COUPLE,,tree^ , .... utilities, top small children, Roch-651-0042. Calling All Salespeople ■Ponliac, Bloomfield, Roch Call Now! Manpower KITCHEN HELP YORK Is on ious self starters with outgo- 14 1025,------- WANTED, work custodian s CLYDE CORPORATION A subsidiary ol Chicago-Rneumatlc Tool MndhlonSj^ C iBOY"~SCOUt^CAMP needs 642-3200 b7 full or d working '^'c8??ley°^at 335^464. DESIGNERS work and live anywhere Michigan. Good physical cond' Mileage and expenses in ade to salary plus Michigan State service benefits. Training ■■ 1. Field^S^jTls ^Director, nu 4 capable oi archery instruct I. Cook's assistant to wot direction ot head cook. DETAILERS-CHECKERS DRAFTING TRAINEES Tools—Dies-Mochines Body Fixtures OVERTIME BENEFITS Parliament Design, Inc. ir's'PRODUCTION; WORKERS 3. desire TRAINEES r elee- 4-12, 12:8 FILING MICHiGAN SEAMLESS TUBE CO, j 1600 N. Woodward. BIrmli CASHIER^YPiST, part 11 ■■ ■ - ■ public. South Lyon, Michigan An equal opportunity employer PARTS TRUCK DRIVER and par dable", good starting-- Mechanical-Technical 3 to 5 yrs. practical exp., must be ■» aeie lo diversified In all phases of; ^oP Ih- 1) mechanical work, some electrical Finance, 751_____ exp. desired. Equal opportunity COMPANION FOR E employer. Reply Pontiac Press lady, slay nights. Box G-58. wages. 335-8898. STANDARD BRED horse stablemen. CLEANING experienced OPERATORS ‘"'T - mo-"pe7sona'|ify; For immediate Temcorary ---- ------------; description, you are ------- WAITRESS WANTED TO work' t 1 t w w Trp-TIT^ restaurant and lounge, evenings. \A/ A PM h [ ) Hourly rate plus tips, for further VV J. i—iJ-*' intormation call. UL 2*3410. Pvr\»rienrp not needed, we will WHOLES'aCe company wants! teach you to earn a rewarding' firill Ynnlrc nnH Bus Girls wo man for general, career, on the action team at brill vooKS ana dus w'^is to york real estate, can Mr. Day and evening shifts. Good t^ORK WITH FIGURES AND TAKE! Uartwlck, 674-0363. wages. Hospitalization and other phone ORDERS ESSENTIAL. —-------------rucc------------- benefits. Apply: AVERAGE TYPING ACCEPTABLE. CHtr ELIAS BROS. THIS IS A PERMANENT position; p.aprienced hours felxible. BIG BOY RESTAURANT im PLEASANT SURROUNDINGS Country Club. Call ______ «PPO“jy.N'TY.FOR AD-I Srea 5'7"5<6-4230 “ U>‘.Nr$3.50-pe7Hour- t».„ ..ii vvixoin, Michigan 4BUV6 For afternoon shift. Own WOMAN TO LIVE In with elderly Lake.' le ere an equal opportunity . transportation, --- ‘ '----- ------ ------------- ^---------------- _______employer____________ benefits. Union CLE'kK typist" ___________ general^cle^rical lunch WOMEN Call Mrs Bishop Ml 6-6600.; Wanted, full or part time, ex _________________ SS.'^SP.''WAITRESS WANTED ___________ ability. trinqe benefits. Call Mr. ”'"pYrEs'’TNDUSTRrES 2899D Wixom Rd. Nicholis /. Maple, a . EM % ~ WOMEN NEEDED FOR full tir work. Apply Pontiac Laundry a >t Dry Cleaners 540 S. Telegraph. quired. Ni Pontiac , Send rr— C-2Q. 'Stanezak, General COWBOY JACK'S 1717 Crooks rA. _Troy, Michigan MEDICAL ASSISTANT wanted for PONTIAC AREA ^DISHWASHERS Nighty shifL Com^ny benefits. P 'pTk vacation. APPlV G BOY RESTAURANT Telegraph B H--- I for 40 • go. 626:8634. 689-9630 WHOLESALER ■j. Steady e work. Apply 4773 C with opportunity lor advancement. .,1 Apply 175 S, SAGINAW. ^:EXPE'R^ENCEb ACETYLENE torch- BUSINESS LEADER \A/* nai$H a man who has the 0 progress and take >n additional responsibility asl. To the man who can ve offer $9700 starting salan jius Incentive, g r o u | nsurance end retirement.,. I e benetils. 8-2198. _ ELDERLY MAN wanted lor guard work. 33J-8[4L experTenced ed, good pay with fringe Apply Mcbaniel Tank, Saginaw, _HoJLy,JIAich. _ EXCELlInT opportunity for tr^1n?ng"'?o vvork fn”'mechanlca* ingineering department of North LICENSED REAL ESTATE SALESMEN WITH PURCHASING EXPERIENCE Call Mr, George at Ray Real_Estate_ _ 41 MAN'WANTEb TO operate h. Hours — 7:30 a.m. to 1 . ays a week. Starting pay $160 Oakland Chrysler-Plymouth expenses to the ™_06kkE.....- - - PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICER ; Oakland University has several _ excellent openings for experienced, men In the field public safely andi 1 home^ Employment S >n, 242 Oakland, P Customer Relations Clerk MtODLEAGEO WOMAN, ant, 975 Orchard Laxe Rd. Corner ot Telegraph. WAITRESS WANTED Fo'r full time ‘^'a'r^^minSl'e'' Hlifs 'Nursing employment. Guaranteed $10 0, _s32 Orchard' - *"* employment AVAILABLE-i More for Franks Restaurant, Orchard jr wages. Reply to Rd., Keego. ________ Box C-39. WANTED: LAD'y' >OR AFT _________“tor counterrwilling NOON _ CAFETERIA VVORK:^ accept responsibility. Good; saioi'y and Insurance program. Birmingham Cleaners, 1253 S.________________________________________ Wo^dv™rd._B2r7n.jyi74-^20. _ WOMAN FOR general office wot MATURE, LIVE IN baby sitter. for General Ambulance. Apply 1 , home lhar ! Pontiac Pr mature" Woodward Corp. s description s naegr. Pontiac Press Box, r employees know ot this uf education and e perlence. Reply lo Box C-10, Po tiac Press. energetTc man TO sell wat softeners and electric eopl'ancr LIFE INSURANCE SALESMAN Bookkeeper, Accountant Private concern. Some supervisor experience. Good knowledge c t. Call tor appl. f factory help $10,000 to $25,000 with or without insurance perlence. Cgmplete training in rewarding and lucrative ' busin with a generous long-term lra)i allowance up lo $10,000 per yea Iton Rds. Rochester, Mich, or esiablished 'residence, Under one 338-7211 Ext 2024. | 'married, ambitious, capable EQUAL OPPORTUNITY: assuming responsibility Pl< EMPLOYER _ give full personal history. p"r^eSmXn“"FOR'"" HEIDELB'ERG p, ro'b*,n.arT'?^,m'ydi/.;i?y'.“*Cair‘’^^':LB^.5^^^^ Harrington. 335-9261. _ POSITIONS OrtN FOR SHOE SALESMAN, TOP SALARY, truck oriver^ PLUS BENEFITS. ALVIN'S OF PONTIAC, 892 W. HURON. MATURE LADY TO Salary, commensura ompany pay hospital a i^^MapIe’, WauL Lake. Programmer Analyst H-'In Wanted Male week, all Iringes. .134-4523. 6 Help Wanted Male MANAGEMF-N’ OPPORT.Uf Lid’^'earning^'^P^Slties^ f ^0., 7940 Cooley TURRET tATHE OPERATOR STEEL SAW OPERATOR DRItL PRESS OPERATOR Needed lor fast growing middle sized company. Top rates, all fringes, Steady nonseasonal employment. Contact Mr. Nicholis Audit Clerk O. Box 18S, No phone.calls. ____ 852-3050._____ MATURE WOMAN to I for 3 children, ag< Sailboats, Inc. I WE WANT experienced u sell real estate. For i formation contact Mr. G . $74-1131. ___________ .ounflnq work. l bgfore 6 p.m. 852-3271. d likes accounting Apply PERSONNEL DEPT. 2fid FLOOR I jiame, it—we need YOU! MOTEL, MAlbl >, experler 338-4061. LARGE CGMRATION NOW HIRING Young Men and Women 1 18-26 employment. P o s M available. Call Mr. personal interview. ___ Information write '•Foreign .Employment Mart, Box 2 23 5 . - - Miami, Florida 33159. PEOPLE WHO WOULD like to bi a. more secure • themselves and their enioy the fruits ot S NURSE FOR DOCTORS office near | i Pontiac General, non-smoker, state' jr:‘' ------------------- :. Apply to Pontiac Box C- M':ntcom.e’'y Ward ____ Telegraph S. Huron_____ :-RAY TECHNICIAN, prival, .._______________________ orthopedic office. Details 338-7U5. yyg NEED 10 PEOPLE WTor F. 8 qualified person. Send profit on a fast 5* PERSONAL ATTENDANT ■ ■ CHAUFFEUR Retired executive who has recovered from stroke needs somebne during the day, to assist him and act os chauffeur. Position is shared with other attendants. 5-day work week, no nights. Excellent salary storting at $150 per week. Job is Southeastern Wisconsin. Candidates should hove some personal core experience,, and a good driving reeprd. Private duty experience is desire-able. Geiierol sports and fishing interest helpful. Meet our representative on Sunday, Moy 18, or Monday, 19th, ot Holiday Inn Motel in Livonia, Michigan. Call John Buege ot 313-261-6800 for an appointment. If he is not in, please leave your number. oriented and Wa PYLES INDUSTRIES - 28990 Wixom Rd. Wixom, Michigan 40096 are an ecjual opportun PONTIAC MALL An equal wporjunlly employer CLEANING" LADIES, .ALSO , y^ housekeepers, ' ■•- i Union Lake. Help Wonted M. or F: 8Help Wanted M. or F. 8 allowance. 642-7900. :, and ambition. and aggressive corporation offering a lop professional envlronmen* »-'■ an outstanding opportunity. TURRET LATHE OPERATORS. Day CHILD CARE, and afternoon shifts. Liberal fringe, live In, other e,ni,.ui benefits. Apply in person, Benton! house, top wages, must Corp. 2870 Industrial Row, Troy._! ret. 626-7595. _____ TIRE AND LUBE MANT good pay, iCLEANING GIRL Thu benefits, steady work, experienced | Fridays, and Sals. Mu! ^^“CASHltr » in inn- ■ - - experiences. Reply .. have good Box C-59, Pontiac, Michigan.__ I 0. R. TECHMIANS raining course. Reply P.O. 21430 lA ORDER FILLER FOR and Operator, I _____ Chauffeur _693r280l between _ ____ -used"' a bfO PARTS E xperienced ] "■Oxlofdl Full time work. Night shitt. Cor eouired i Pany benetils. Apply in person. ELIAS BROS. Benefits. Goqd w MANAGEMENT TRAINEE middle sired company Mile and Ferminglon^J 'partsTIerk •king conditions. ____ - Mile Rd., between ' Van Dyke and Mound Rd.________ WATER “maintenance operator tor the Southeastern Oak rand Co Water Authority. .High ELIAS 8----- 3ig BOY RESTAURANT _____Telegraph 8, Huror CREDIT INTERVIEW Challenging job tor an Box 52 s able to work a experienced preferred bbl n aDDlv'' in'''TCrson “ Pvre’sl necessary. KEEGO SALES 28"9,o‘"w^x'’om_ I important ii Interesting work 40 hrs, per week. Some overtime possible, several fringe benefits. Call 335-9261._______ OAKLAND UNIVERSITY. Immediate openings are now available tor experienced clerical personnel. Typing Is required, shorthand is desired. There opportunities otter a fine working atmosphere with a growing university. Apply to the ________ ______ aptitude mechanical and electrical v Salary range $3.45 to $3.56 hour. Full benefits Including paid vacation and holidays, sick time Oak. 3910 I Webster, Roya EXPERIENCED moFoVs. Call FE 5-5660. ; *\AN OR WOMAN ‘ WELDERS; si t on their budget and leading com- Rds., Rochester, Mich, o ■"7211 Ext. 2024. ____________Opportunity Employer OPERATING ROOM NURSE ncludlng paid vacations. Good itarting salary with regular merit ncreases. Previous experience in 544-0094. machine" tool“elktricians, 9U qakland Aye., Pon^^ . • MECHANICS saresman, also helpers. Ap- 1 Rd.. Utica, Mich. real estate . SALES MANAGER Household Finonce Corp. _ 39 NORTH_JAGINAW )RY CLEA'ne'RS counter' girl, one ol our present girls is |UUIHing to worlt'ing -conditions. ''Op- her lobl pho'ne''pE 5-°^, ______r'sag!Saw'''pomia?:*"'- ^^S'mNt.„»xPerieye^ e WANTEDj MEN 45^To 35 years oWj evenings. Good salary. Ph. 624- . ^Benefiti, over WAREHOUSE MAN ’'on-call" 'duty 5 days per week, per 8 hour shift Jor hours worked ____ _________ Contact personnel director Pontiac General Hospital. OFFICE GTRL V 30 to 45. single, some bookkeepln neat, competent, fair typing, ooi spelling, and steady. Cooley IMMEDIATE OPENING ^ Notionol Bank of Detroit has an .opening for an experienced full time teller at our Orcha'rd Lake, Pontiac Trail Office, Orchard Lake, Michigan. Salary commensurate with experience. PLEASE APPLY AT HOURS BETWEEN 10 A.M. AND 3 P.M. 4150 Orcharci Lake Rd. Walton Blvd PdsiTlb"ir“AVAtLABLE"ltiTpayroll Help Wonfdd M. Of-'F. 8Help Wanted M. or F. r KEEGO SALES ( good position. Call Charles I Mills Real <=«*-*• ^aoeer_66't:94^ >. Apply after 4 I. JJ J evenin irk. Day and evening 4511. SEAL ESTATE SALESMEN 693-83711 Restaurant. _______ ____________ WALL CLEANING HELPER, Dalton Carpet Cleaners, 671 Orchard Lk. Big Boy dqctOR'S OFFICE In Pontiac m Help Wanted Male 6Help Wanted Mole I opportunities. We 7( a high caliber -------------- native, preferably licensed rnxi n.lale but not necessary. sales prograin. I draftsmen MALE OR FEMALE Opportunity for growth with an established company in an expanding industry. SENIOR DRAFTSMEN Electronic drafting experience required. JUNIOR DRAFTSMEN General drafting experience to two years. ' ' I DRAFTING, TRAINEES OR DATA TRANSCRIBERS Formal drafting educational courses required. Position will be located in new plant at US-i3 and Center Rd., South of Fenton. 'please mail RESUME WITH SALARY HISTORY OR CALL JOHN C. FRETWELL Entrekin Computers-Inc. 17801 E. 14 Mile Rd. Fraser, Michigan 48026 PH. 1-293-3000, Lxt. 345 WE ARE looking FOR AN Experienced Used Car Salesman Who Intends to make $15,000 r medical assistant, 682- PRIVATE SECRETARY, shor--------- typing required, exc. fringe beneflfs. Apply at Artco Inc., 3828 Indian "nsurance) twicT vacation, profit, to'',.^ u'e*!}'"? Jharlng, many other benefits S. _S.| -urTSm Kresge, Pontiac .EXPERlFNCEtr Production Workers (No Experience Necessary) ALSO 6Help Wanted Male .Machine Operators And Trainees For LATHES MILLS , GRINDERS Lynd Gear Inc. Subsidiary of Condec „Corp(^;)Fation * Phone 651-4377 361 SOUTH STREET ROCHESTER, MICHIGAN An equal opportunity employer dealership^. Many fringe hospitalllation, profit sharing plan. Demo and vacation, see Tommy Thompson, Used Car Dept, bt Shelton Pontiac-Buick-Opel, 855 S. Rochester Rd.'Rocheslerl YOUNG MAN- Livi'NG’ in Waler^ol . ____ _ lime. Mitch' and Restaurant, 68ii-1616.________ experienced' shirt finisher; automatic equipment. Modern dry cleaning plant. Top wages. 626- i^PUNCH PRESS OPERATORS EXPERIENCED WAITRESS « Qualified Journeyman —Pipe Fitters— . FE 8-8828.___________ EXPERIEI^CED SHORT Ol apply In person. Restaurant, 1388 N EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES hostesses wanted. Excellent (ood working conditions. EMPLOYERS Temporary Service, Inc. 65 S. Main Clawson, An Equal Opportunity Employer — employment agency. OR X kitchen f Help Wanted Female SL^n^H.rWs MYROuTcT Colonial ^Hoiuse, 5896 Dixie Hwy., fr?*,**,*™ benefits. Apply Waterford. -----' f ^rt'rn, Inc., 3828 Indianwood Orion, Michigan. i TIMETTM; McDonald's All GM Employee Benefits Program Will Accrue As You Jnjoy Top Wages With A Winning Team FULL ■pUICK, r Lock, 244 V\ FULL 1 cash. Apply 81 2 HOURS DAILY known Co. Cal' letal o'rtji L dRAYTON AiW, 4 GRILL C .......: _pixle Hwy. 'Naiionaify Grill Cooks Cqr Hops ». FE 2-8323, Mr. B. MAY APPLY,-AT OUR ' EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 8 A.M. to 4 P.M.^ Monday through Friday Call b A WOMAN FOR g: pleasant surroundings genial, people; Typing Write'Post Office Box 65, Par giving compjete information. \ ' ATfRACTIVfe "modeling T> secretary, part time. 623-0267. aI?E you interested" in per day, must h; - RECEPTIONIST: , Baldwin. ; GIRL and' kitchen glr Chief, 332-68S1._ ______ I. GENERAL HOUSEINORK Mli'e-jelegraph^erea. 851-1178. " and able % n i GENERAL OFFICE — Typist) good the public -phone voice essential. Mrs. Zetye, t-i-- FISHE'R BODY DIV. desire and. a intTL^ . Scott, 334-: 'no' and £nemnt ag- SHIRT PrIsSER. paid holidays and vacations. Elite ^Pontiac Plant-900 BALDWIN AVE. -An Equal Opportunity Employer- ,'\0 \iy 'VL' For Wont Ads Dial 3344981 “• ••■ f- 8 Help Wanted M. or F. the PONTIAC PRESS. SATUfiPAY.J^IAY 17, 1000 SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS wanted, full ”p;biP=*^hr,rca“iW*'?Ho^;^r 33MX82, bet, 9 a.m, and 5 p ™ ^ FREE CLASSES or women wanted. Earn w >11’K “ ’ ‘’® *"■' miller BROS. REALTY 333-7156 8 Sales Help Male-Female 8-'A|SajeiOMp Male-Female JMjSales Help Male-Female 8-A|Wanted Real Est«it» REAL ESTATE 36! Apartments, Fyrnished 37! Apartments, Unfurnished 38 MAMAGER Appiy'In peTson'oniy'afie" 3 p m’l must 358-1960 or *^(*'24**^^ refereriLe i Real Esttte field that will *lpld you ' APPRAISERS earnings unlimited. We will consider, ~ lull or part, time men provided you; Q A T PQ^Al-'1\T meet our 'qualifications. We wllli Oi^Li GoiVliLiN teach you this- exciting field lf‘ necessary. Bonus arrangement. WARREN STOUT, REALTOR MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE 1430 N. Opdyka Rd. FE 5^16! TRAINEES due to expansion Ray Raal —....... -Up -- Salesman .take 30 minutes of\ your time to check this ad. For In* tervlew call aai-07M. REAL ESTATE SALESMEN --------1 fo work on (arms, •1 Mac—- ------‘'- drdifli _ I. Commensurajp Salary or drying account ■"'mmensi"'*** "" ___________H»00.________ RECREATIONAL SALES 1 to 50 ■ '■°FAI PROPERTIES, AtiiJ' LATTd" COn“ 3 ROOMS NEAR Crescent Lake, Sr®GALLEY APARTMENTS. i"^niediate occupancy — i and Children FOR lease 340-900 3 rooms and bath, working cou-business -pie, non-snrwker^ $32. 338-4897. TRACT------3 ROOMS AND B1ATH, child WARREN STOUT, Realtor rnS*'at“l73'’'£aS5rt il?. tZ .... OpdVke FE S.8US 33»4054. welcome. Phone 357-430o! Urgently m Work and steady em._________ jaa^le at Pontiac Trail id ♦VANTEpfYxpiRTEW^^ KEY SHOP OPETaTOR " I, Sales Help Male-Female 8-A Puill ti CONTACT: MR. ALLARD, 8,354; MR. PEISCHL, ^42.4214. KITCHEN HELP i CAR HOPS I FULL Tlj^ME ONLY, DAYS-EVES | APPLY IN PERSON , ROCHESTER BIG BOY I Rochester ■Can You Sell? lave Immediate opening Jal estate sales people,! In making money. Ex« Hpfut, but not necessary I . plenty of leads ®^and _ How Much Do you'Wont Mrs'in to Eom Durliig 1969? I b. 31675 WE HAVE a ground floor op-I portunity for the man who knows people and likes to talk to them. New Life Insurance Co. lust set-ting up theli* Michlan operation needs people who like to sell. We have a unlqu^ program featuring a special Investment' type con-: tract. Advancement to manage-i ment possible within 6 mos w»l offer a complete training This can be part tl~" --Call FE..................- irsonable and want to t feYsl One of tha Nations >■ developers. Seeking qualified men 0 tor career opportunity. Immediate commission, company financing all : sales, no turn down. Phone Mr , ; Willey, vacation site to work. 332-' ^33^ between * — —- - ' Pontiac Dally 'til 8 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE 3 ROO/Vlf AND BATH, Adults. 332-1995. VALLEY-PLACE (in the Center of Rocliester) 8. Monthly Contest Prliea 9. Free Supplies 10. Potential of $12,000 $20,000 your first ye».- All you need It ANNETT, Needs Listings n 3 rooms, PRIVATT^fTTcoliole; "® drinking, ref./$3S dep. $32, wl wXnil •--■■‘-‘I -lOlNortom 3 ROOMS AtJb BATH, I , welcome, $35 per week, $100 i inquire at 273 Baldwin Ave., '’'*8-4054. '|«®'$*3V APARTMENTS ALL ^9 B a AlXi ‘ - Rent Office Space I a,«i irf m NEW o¥fiCE'S, panels carpeted, heat, air co------------- lanitor furnished. 2520 Airport Road. Call John Stier, 674-313$. OPDYKE rd. NEAR Walton Blvd." tion's largest with 440 offices coast to coast. Exceptionally high earn- 0 ings first year. Snelling and Snell-i ing. Call Bob Scott, 334-2471, for appointment.________________ Mechanic St. See b< ■J±e: salespeople would __________ personally discuss selling < property. Please call for experienced'4 ROOMS AND BATH, adults, s; 727 N. Main •Interview.*: Press Want Ads Do the Job measure?** by ,.nmx c.,,sj 334.4001 qualify? Call Mr ' ' fidenfial Interview ’ succest'*®t| Employment Agencies Quick Reference . MESS SERVICE DIRECtORY SERVICE-w SUPPLIES - EQUIPMENT CLERK TYPIST — $340. Call Sue, Aluniinum Bldg. Items Industrial Sewing Roofing Annett Inc., Realtors 338-0466 MANAGERS FOR LARGE CON-'28 E. HurOn St. CERN exc. potential. $6,500, call----------------- Kathy King, 332-9157, Associates Personnel.___________________ APPRAISALS FREE ' Pat GUARANTEED SALE 332-957, Associates Personnel.! 3Q DAY LISTING week. Refs. 334-0122. ROOMS, VERY NICE, couple oniyl ........... couple ______ Dep. req. FE 5-0303. APARTMENT FOR GENTLEMAN.' ^ 634-9107. EFFICIENCY APARTMENT. Nc drinkers. Close to Pontiac Motor. $35 per week. $100 security deposit iEFFICIENCY and 1 bedroom units ONLY $188 FEATURING air conditioning Rent Business Property 47-A 30x50 BUILDtNG. FOR store, office, RE 3-796I* ' Separate basements eparate bld^s. Jor familiea OPEN DAILY 10 A.M^Vo 8 F PHONE 6514200 0x60 COMMERCIAL suitable lor — - - %w°n'!' BUILDING purpuse, storage .. rerry St., close to FE 5-2424, FE 8-1149. Elizabeth Lake Rd., Telegraph area, corner location. Good parking area. Call 674-0856 after DOWNTOWN PONTIAC ond floor, partitioned ce with lavatories, r passenger elevator. . rental includes Call I ! the sale of \ LAUINGER LOWER ; ROOMS and bath 24 Taylor. TSomT”a GAL FRIDAY 352-3000, Choati M^CAL^TsS _ type~Cair tAIN FLOOR, . __________ .. — _____ Couple and one child. 62 Clark SI Choate & Choate, 674-0319 __ _____________WWIM*jingle MAN, private entrad A BETTER CASH DEAL ' l Xfivewav, tv and stereo, $30 w . , ^ L«3n WC«L j25 dep., North East of Town. I cash Tor homes^ l^nUac and! 5-4297. ______ newTpartments ' ' ■ 1 and 2 bedroom apartments, $141, , adiacnilt up. No children or idets, allowed. osiMDalK?c Fireplace, carpeting, draperies, air! Osleopalhic conditioning, stove, relrigerz furnist Plus a 352-3000, Choae 8. Choate Ir PUBLIC RELATIONS $600 UP _______.1 Plains t.. hours. Call home p department. Cash I g'Apartments, Unfurnished : SIDING ALUM. VINYL AND ASBESTOS AWNIWG-PATIOS SCREENEO-IN OR GLASS ENCLOSED ' EAVES TROUGH lING Continued Seamless i NDUSTRIAL SEWING type. Save AA ROOFS INSTALLED. H( —iney! Boat seats, covers, car;, and shingles. Call L. J.'PrIc ... ----------- ...---------rigjit. 332-1036. Pree es 352-3000, Choate 8. | YORK REAL ESTATE electricity. __ ____ . .... 3603, Drayton Plains.____ Rochester Michigan Rochester Manor ’ Chy"*'' ThS .......... provide new bldg, on site. 120x140. Wit Separately at low renlaL_ numerous i 1 ROOM APARTMENT, re______________ _______ June 1, Rochester area. 739-2618. carpetir 3‘rooms AND BAt‘H. Heat,'^ stove, | >efriger refrigerator, carpeted, and air-i taatures. i ummu unoer j yrs.| i conditioned. No pels or children. 2' we come, I bedroom $140, no pels, blocks -from downtown Clarkston.; I*''® Rochester road to Romeo Clarkslon Manor 423J)711. i Pb-, Parkdale to 812 Plate Rd. In-i] 3 ROOMS AND BATH, private cn.: from m .S,'*'®®' 1 . .. 1. Call 682-9072 Annett Inc., Realtors 128 I Huron St. _ 338-0466 ‘ lt NICE BUILDING tor offices or.fight BEAU‘TY SHOf, 7669 .......■ Call 6’' . Call for appointment;! 1; Rent Miscellaneous <2-2563 or^6-8272. patios, brick and guaranteed. No lot _sman._6W-3047. ,________ I CEMENT WO^k, ALL kinds’' General (^rnent___ _ „ FE 8-9916 CEMENT ^\76rK of 9U klndsT' 335- 1W._ -TERMS CALL NO\W ..Ni5HT-^.l,a00-^T|RMS^^ .. _c,3^cap,ng. 338-83,s. . ---------CEMEM-^BLOCK AND REPAIR AAA LANDSCAPING,' ... Siding | 673-7278 or UL 2-4751._______ qualhy and prices. 682-0208. ] CHIMNE_^,_ PORCHES and cement AAA "^SPRING CLEANUP,' Jantiorial Services WALLS, WINDOWS WASHED, base-! i— >»ent cleaned, free est. 338-3827. _____ Landscaping -A MERION BLUE SOD, pickup or del^ 4643 Sherwoo- — -1 COMPLETE 352-3000, Choate 8. Choate Ir VETS Assistant. $3007 Call A 3000, Choate & Choate Inc. ' 352-1 BEHIND IN PAYMENTS? l3 ROOMS, MODERN, resp-,,.,,,,,, , ------------------------ OR 4-0363 _®b“J'SiJ3?:36?4._______ Rent Houses, Furnished ----- ---- ^ ROOMS, PRIVATE ENTRANCE, ! PF''.'7Stn""'’'®' 2 BEDROOM TENANT housi ! bE 4 76,0.__________ , roiiniru a.Iala r a rr. .. i . < ROOM, NEAR .GARAGE FOR BUMP MILLS ROOFING CO. Work Wanted Male n . bonded. DEALER—ASK F SAVOIE INSULATION Free Estim 4. FE 5-8983. Avoid additional legal costs. Ca today. Agent, 674-4104._ J2e-2b0b--.. '1idU^'’r6ith,|I’clJ'menL jleadyyo . , ... re\®^: Wr^ ^A»iwn^e^'! - - -“'*338-83ij.''- S®'Dl,1finT^'8®V725®F®'®®'"^M. MILLER, REALTY witr-¥E¥Ai'rTiA¥sT~rii,hisreK' ---_ ®**- »-3'> P-f":-! i-ecr’eatton moms i soecl^rily. 682:! DiVOrCe-ForpcIoSUre? drapes. $100 fno. Prefer employed. References requi ^ox_C-27,_Pontia. 5 rooms'. S't'ove ’°"no*®oetf°T,M 3 BEDROOM HOME, newly l>l!r®« Snd ret. M4-3364®1 ®r,®®'®,?^,r'^'acfor%s?®$15,W"wim >nly, 2 -j $3000 down, OR 3-241lE_______ Drayton; .ocriDboM HOME, newly ‘389 W. HURON-UPPER Antenna Service n COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL ^ Iking, cut weekly. Schoensee'i powef 335-6893. WOMACK ROOFING CO. ^estimates___^ Sand—Gravel—Dirt gravel, d I r(X>ms and bath, very FREE RENTAL SERVICE and refrigerator and. landlords, reliable tenants wail r. Ari„i« t,nn per ART DANIELS REALTY, 1230 .'HOUSE PAINTING ;i "I? Solomon Pittman, 335-08r6. HOUSE PAINTING, light hi odd lobs. 335-1833 or 332-5384, rt iiNTERIO'R DECOftATiNG, Landscapiiig. 852-2387!_ Al'S"lawn MAINTENANCE, Spring . ' J®'];'®"' and fall clean ups. Cutting, ' GUINN'S CONST. CO. Jfi-til,zing and spraying. 673-3992. _____ 334,767.7 or 39,-267J._, CLARKSTON GREEN.S reasonabli,- 338-120, l“ork*^’nd ''ma°sonrv®*'8s'i'“l9l4 'oV o?'**'!,'??,,®/ *®‘' “®"''®'’^- CHOICE-s’ilR'EirDWbTalirdirn^^ 108<- ' Ks87 ___________ soil. Farm topsoil, 6 yds. S18 del, I LIGHT 1-A, Auburn Heights Paving —Vl^ro^woRk-"~ ^0^^? UNDSC^ING •y Man. 682-7^50. I «”<* all gravel prdducts. 682-7197, j hour or lob. Call ...after ' — Call deposit, tncludes nr. Pontiac Gene raluet Realty, FE 4-1 Remodeled, carpeting I appraised at $13,500, C offer. OR 3-8098._ beTjroom home, basement, new furnac garaqe. FE 5-2459. Call i Asphalt Paving , all around v American Heritage Apartments n Rochester 65U100 oi m work. 682-7C Guaranteed, FE 5<69e38 POURED BASEMENT WALLS. 391-1939. QUALITY MASONRY, BRICK, I A. JAY ASPHALT DRIVEWAY specialists, FREE! fireplaces, etc. 673-0967. ESTIMATES, FE 5-4980. ___j raromic tile AAA ASPHALT PAVING “ _S^aling^JFEJ,^8. free est. _ DAN'S CERAMIC TILE, slate fl AADCO ASPIHALT " I Tr^n^l^^ree esf.'®674-434l',°62vi Fr^Ml6^!!"^'"“'''""&:' “ Draperies ' ASPHALT PARKING LOTS and] roadways, same location since! ^'i^TOM DRAPERIES mad, sellnig asphalt and order. Call 624-4657. EXCELLENT QUALITY Merlon B ,. sod on peat. 43 cents | . 682-1904 after 6 2641. LANDSCAPING, fertilizing, ' 332-85-06 or 335-9826. , MERION sob. P SOIL, BEACH and fl PATCH PLASTERING, all kinds. f. Meyers, OR 3-1345. CASH FOR A 674-1698 or 338-6952. p Rent Houses, Unfurnished 40 conditioning, __ .. ______ ALU UTILITIES INCLUDED iiv*v„ RENT. "CUSTOM CRAFTED"! 3 BEDROOM, LAKE PRIVILEGES, APPLIANCES BY HOTPOINT ' ---- 1 pets. 673-5'■■ OIL, THE very b delivered, also ■ -y graver, tf ' 338-0514. SERVICE. Complete - VIBRATED PROCESS, bfack dfr» s,!smALL JOBS, BRICK, blocks a id I stone, $5 per hour. Specializes 3- chimneys, and porches. 625-275,. sfublNfsnr'6"do house paintii COUPLE WITH $5,000 dowfk desires 3-bedroom home In Waterf, ' Tight area- Agent OR 4-1649. 338-6943 Factory Built Homes Are Coming! BLOOMFIELD MANOR WEST apartments, 2 BEDROOM HOME, 2 c featured. Carpeting < FE 8-2494._______________ BEDROOM BRICK FARMHOUSE, 16 miles frnm Pnnfla,- naa. Romeo. 1st mortgage or assume ex-■ Interest mortgage. MENZIES Office; 625-5485 Eves. Sun. 62S-50II t months rent <25-5891. n Arbor Construction Co. ASPHALT PAVING Residential and commercial No lob too small ontractors. Free e BEACHES QEANED SANDED DOCKS INSTALLED STEEL SEA WALLS <:utler Contracting _ __^6Bl-030p Dressmoking, Tailoring -A ALTERATIONS, SUITS, COATS, 363-6^. __ We ta DALE'S L '• Work Wanted Female 12 LAUINGER IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Orchard Lake & Middlebelt Road _i300 Woodrow Wilson—682-3882 COUNTRY LIVING BIRMINGHAM. LAVVN V A C u y dresses, 335-4207. h 5SMAKING AND alterations of types. 681-1792.______ Driver's Training __ free estimates. 682-6768. LAWN CUTTING and mower sharpen^g. ^ 2-5541, _ Lawn c u t“t_i_n'.'g^ ROTO-tiiiirtg, hauled. 334-1828._____________ LAWN SPRAYING, tertiliiers, i irass killer, i ' grass killer, and weed killers. Call for free estimate. 425-4019, 474-3945, DRIVER'S T R A structlons. Reas, r Boats and Accessories BIRMINGHAM BOAT CENTER Starcraft, I.M.P. S I I v e r 11 n a FIberglas 8, Aluminum peats. Merc, outboard 8, stern Dr. 1265 S. Woodward “ DRY WALL SERVICE complete t;7.3239. NEW AND REMODEL IN Guaranteed. 335-1419.__________ Building Modernization -1 GARAGES, 20x20, $975 FE 0-1200. JIM'S LAWN AaOwTng and yard I maintenance. 424-5245. ;SOD, LAID AND DELIVERED and I blowing Insulation. 662-7197._ tERLAND'S LAw'N CUTtIKi'g RONING AND Sewing Wantei ___ _ FE 4-0290. _ _ WILL CARE for 1 chird'in-my h( Spraying Service SIZE, any type, planting, NOW INCHWORM SPRAY. 335-0823. Santord-Pike area._ Building Services-Supplies 13 674-0319_____ _____________673-2168 ^ inve'stor bu'yTng home "in Oakland County Ir ---- “ • 28-2961. jooo worerTora, 3 $25,000. Call! It O'Neil Realty, 6: Enjoy A HAWAIIAN WEEKEND indeck, SMALL HOUSE FOR elderly ci I or middle-aged working cc-...-. would permit 1 small boy, 10-12 old. no dogs. Call aft. 5 PM, Rent Lake Cottages BEAUTIFUL VIEW oi '. Reserve week n Steam Cleaning commercial! ____ .leaning Newest equipment, experienced,! EXTERIOR house oi professional steam i Newest equipment. ireful workmen................ . ., laranteed. Free estimates. Phone WATCH FOR OUR AO MONDAY . BENSON COMPANY^ iber and Builders Supplies Lownmower Service Sweeping Service I WILL BUY YOUR HOUSE ANYWHERE, ANY CONDITON, NO POINTS, NO COMMISSION CASH NOW MOVE LATER Cash Investment Campany 333-7824 toJ_2 !_________ I PARKING LOTS, sidewelks I. driveways. Commercial mfhg,| round service,' 338-8427 or 682e8518. Business-Service 15^ LOVELAND runs and fence Fencing Service,! I EAVESTROUGHING. i^gfieliLBuildlng Co, 62JJI28. ALUMINUM SIDING.' masonry work, foundations, storm windows | aluminum gutters, roofing, pre-cast estimates'. 674-3704. _ __ M & S GUTTER CO. LICENSED-BONDED Complete eavestroughing sarvlci Free est 673-6866, 673-5662 Electrical Services nd PORTABLE — repairs, f 681-1847. Every Weekend Year-Round 4 lasonable for the sea: MObERN 2""BibR60M Service | Landscaping Glass serv 1025 Oflk Moving, Storage A-l TREE SERVICE BY B 8. L.! L Free estimate. FE 5-4449, 674-3510. A-1 CAVANAUGH'S TREE Service. SC N MOWING AND w LISTING WANTED We need listings in the Keego Harbor area. For quick service on selling your home please call ' Leona Loveland, Realtor , 2100 Cass Lake Rd. Colonial Village East CLEAN ROOMS, FOR men, S j week, Pontiac area. OR 3-6 EM 3-2566.____________ Condominium Apartments Robert Hall. 22 Carlton Ct. FE ^ LAKE FRONT 2 Clarkston, full basement' with recreation room, 2Va car garage, walking distance, to s<;hools and shopping. 30 day possession, $22,900 BEDROOM RANCH, 2 years old. rmica cabinets, floors, IVj baths, schools. $10,500 balance BEDROOMS, front room. r'oo’m shell HOUS'E. NOTds repair. Near Cass Lake, $5500. 682-.....—e 9 p.m. -ROOM OLDER HOME in Village of Oxford, lot 91'xl $17,500, $3,500 down, balance fROOM BRICK, LARGE LOT, 2400 sq. ft. lake privileges, mortgage unnecessary, $6,000 down, $295 mo. 26x40 full MCCORMICK ELECTRIC rooms, violations corrected, commercial remodeling. 332-7049, FE ' 8337, call day------- recreation room, .......... office, factory with Armstrong Suspended —— MASTER CRAFTSMAN ENGLISH BLDR. Specializing In all types of custom homes, ditlons. Convert yourrec. roor ------ pyjj Mort English Tudor, 1 decide, lo(- ' 338-9430. SMITH MOVING CO. jpeclalisis. FE 4 4M* _ SNYDER BRo¥ MOVING CO. Local and long distance 852-2410. down tree. Free estimate. 334-904 ur 335-5253. BILL'S TREE TRIMMING AND Immediate c Collect 363-7295-Miltord REAL Y, 642-4220. Excavating^ inish 'Srading, oSC^^^^m'I^^ 1-1 BULLDOZING...... ..... Backhoe, Basements. 674-2639,' FE —^ 8-1201. ■ Plano moving j Piano Tuning PIANO TUNlNGj-REPAIRING Removal. \____ CLIFF'S TREE SERvfCE ■" Garden Plowing PRIv'ATE PARTY" HAS cash' Rent for $190 Monthly Buy for $171 Monthly mlnum siding, Aluma-View windows, on your lot $15,91)0. We also have 2 lots avaltabel ill Clarkston area. > Paved street, Clarkston schools and phones, $3500. Have model to show. Model Is for sale with Immediate occupancy. Open Monday through Friday 8-5 p.m., Sal. 10 to 4 p.m. and Sunday 1 to 4 p.m. 625-2674 John Voorheis Builders Inc______________. 112 PRALL ST. GARDNER'S TREE SERVICE GARDEN FfLOWING Srading, ready for sc eas. OR 3-0048. FE 2-52 stimates. Call Bob, 363-8042. trucking BULLDOZING — T R I Reasonable, r e 11 a I estimates. OR 3-1165. Painting and Decorating Frte'l-A RELIABLE PAINTING, Interio, ......651-9M5.___________ , _________ BACKHOE, "“basements.! trucking and septic tank^ 625-3735. ! A-I LIGHT MOVING, TRASH hauled MODERNIZATION - Additions of end loading and bac» I SUSPENDED c E J'LI^N G S and hde work. FE 2-0008. • uYe'P V. YARD .' 335-6893, aft, 7:30 BASEMENTS, ATTIcS, ( .cleaned. OR 3-6417. remodeling work, 674-3007. Cotj^try^ A-1 INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR -Family rooms, rough , or,, finishe dormers, porches, r e c r e a t I o rooms, kitchens, bathrooms. licensed. Reas. Call after 5 P 682-0648. GUARANTEED. 682-0620. PAINTiNG A PAPER HANGING ^Anyljme. FE 6-0095, ' HAUUNG RUBBiSH, construcflon clean^p,_reas. .682-3043.___ 'LIGHT' HAULING AND movin$ Reasonable. 682-7516. I Trucking 22, - LOTS WANTEb BUILDING LOTS WITH SEWER AND WATER IN PONTIAC. CALL DICK VALUET - FE 4-3531. HAULING, MOVING or ren 16 ft. van with lift-gate, t van. Rates. 647-6339. Painting and Decorating 231 INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR' ded-i orating, reasonable rates and free! - *•- ‘- •'•‘^SOIO. After 2:30^ LADIES DESIRE INTeItIOR paint-' Inq. Waterford area. .Free; estimates. PR 3-8304 or OR 3-2956. Fencing JiNSIDE-OUTSIDE PAINTING. Do >e est. 731-0605. LIGHT HAULING, __________ garage cleaned. OR 3-6067. LIGHT hauling. 'Basement' clean,j Transportation WANTED: RAY PAYS CASH FOR HOMES 38-0297 or 674-3961^ - ACKERS A CARPENTRY A ADDITIONS AND alterations, porch; -tlac a repair. FEJJ33I. _ _ ! pay casn ana » , ...........J CEMENT work, 662-54^.^ gg _ e estimates. 852-^5252. CEDAR SPLIT B carpentry" " *«'«■ '•'''* INTERIOR FINISH, kitchens pancl-■— 10 year experle-"- >=i='■-'ms ' ice, FE 2-_l_2j5. CHAIN I Carpet Cleaning Carpets cleaned and mothproofed. FE 2-3857 CARPETS ------ For low n HID di h r.„„rt, .. I, ask'for Ron. 682-8969. - UPHOLSTERY cleaned. For low rates, 335-6706. MAKE YOUR OLD CARPET like new — have itc cleaAeu uy Arthur Atkinsons Carpet Cleaning Service. Fine quality work, —■ • ie estimates. 334-0361. , 1 PAINTING, INTERIOR AND ex- LIGHT HAULING. I .p„- terior. 334-0095.... ................ _ ..... 335-5926. | iclioniquality WORK ASSURED; Paint-LIGHT HAULING. Waterford area.: phone ing: Papering; Wall Washing; j 674-2625. _ j 673-2872 or 674-1969. _____ ._'LIGHT HAULING, REASONABLE G ,0, SPRAY PAINTING ] RATES, 338-1266. __ .627- _ 852-2940 Ken LIGHT HAULING. BASEMEt4TS I gara^s cleajted. 674-1242. | taiieis Photonranhv ilIght and heavy truckino serv- rnoiogropny rubbish, fill dirt, grading and I ^ovel and front-end loading. FE 2- ALL CASH IN 48 HOURS WE ACCEPT 30 DAY LISTINGS GUARANTEED SALE 1 PIECE OR HOUSEFUL. ____________FE 5-7932 _ HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR good furniture and appliances. Or what -PORTRAITS: Wedding, baby pic, ?s, your home, our studio, ... -mpt service, reas. Vervilles Studios, 334-3802^ Plastering Service Carpeting Floor Sanding FLOOR SANDING and laying, oto _ 's refInIshed. 627-3^5^ FLOOR SANDING' AND 1 PLASTERING, _______ _______ -. I, patching, free estimates. 363^607. I- PLASTERING, FREE ESTIMATES' Truck Rentni Trucks tc Rent z-Ton Pickups I'/a-Ton Stake TRUCKS - TRACTORS AND EQUIPMENT Semi Trailers Pontiac Farm and Industrial Tractor Co. 825 S. WOObWARD Floor Tiling A-1 HOUSE RAISING, under-pinni and basements under old bom our specialty. 628-1673 or M3-19 A-1 Custom Cement Contractors Patios - plain and colored in cement. 623-0287._ _______ AAA CEMENT WORK Patios, basements, drives, wall lootings, etc. 334-5666 or 625-2122. I CUSTOM FLOOR CO’ ; i linoleum, formica, lili ■' 741 N. Perry. 338-6120.. Garden Plowing ’iGAROEN Plumbing & Heating r R I N G- ^ Carpeting. CONDRA PLUMBING & HEATING _ Open dally Including Sunday Upholstering B & B AUCTION 5009 Dixie Hwy.____!LOR_3:2ri7 wanted Miscellaneous 30 674-4101 4512 DIXIE HWY. DRAYTON LOCAL HISTORIAN wishes to buy German WWli souvenirs: medalsj uniforms, etc. 334-9105. “ YOU MAY OWN the home my client Is looking for — so why don't you call Tom Selhost at O'Neil Realty, 674-2222 or 623-0517. Our excellent financing enables you fo get CASH Wanted to Rent 2 OR 3 BEDROOM home, 2 R QUICK ACTION Apartments, Furnished 37 ROOM APARTMENT for 1 i utll. furn., no pets, 02.50 v 1800 SCOTT LAKE ROAD between^^pikle Hlglway end EMBASSY WEST Spacious 1- amt, 2-bedroor and $175, no pdH or chlldre Schultz, 674-0M9. 1 to 8 p.m. GREAT OAKS APARTMENTS From .$165 Mo. Oakland A... ______ a week. 338:0637. ROOMS FOi MEN, Immediate occupancy r Body. FE S-3051 $15 telephone, air condllloneo. Rooms with Board NICE CLEAN ROOM, horn room, full basement, gas h< nidifler. Storm windows and screens, price reduced to $15,900 for fast deal. Low down payment available on FHA terms paymei.. ------- with good credit. SISLOCK 8. KENT, INC. nno Pontiac state Bank Bldg. 338-9295 ■and $t09 monthly Includes heat, water, i-------- 1337 Cherrylawn, 335-6171. agent. 13 pESOTO — 2 story brick v ' living room, dining room i kitchen o ■'-I ___________ cooked I and bath ..., . --- ed recreation room, gas hot furnace. $12,900. $100 down. Cli --sis estimated at $300. We ------ f... mortgage 461 O x 60 PARTY STORE. Excellent I .fludllfled buyer. location. Perry at Glenwo^ Kenneth G. Hempstead________________________31^.:0284 Ample parking. Amply equipped.11967 LARGE 7 ROOM Ranch style 335-2195. Rent Office Space 12x13 SHOWROOM or o e baths, basement, a Oakland property on7rTve1T^dr7 T down, 2 bedrooms a 3. ft. basement storage ai ROOMS AND BATH, srr welcome, $25 per week dep. Inquire at 2^3 Baldv Gall 338*4054. MODEL OPEN FOR INFORMATION CALL ,651;7460 I GENTLEMANS AP ARTMENT urthouse. 1 I $13,990 THE BIG, RANCHER Medical s Plenty of fr CHOICE AIRPORT o ..... .Jtchen, fully insulated, large utility room. On your lot. YOUNG-BILT HOMES REALLY MEANS BETTER BILT Russell Young, Bldg. . 334-3830—53Vj W. Huron St. fTRACTIVE 5 bedroom red bric'k Cape Cod, Golf Manor area, no S3-5227^ and delivery. 682-4178. - Philpot. 391-0743. GARDEN 'PLOWING grading, ready for soo or seeaijj any location, reasonable. Clarkston j Wall Cleaners J81-0871. Home Maintenonce ment specialities. 338-9430._ ALL TYPES «f cement work. 625- ^LL KINDS OF HOME REPAIR _ 5515. ____ _ ________ Free estimatM^all OR 3-2835. _ ^patio'f''bM\ment,‘^d^rXfwaW^^^^^ Michi Steam Cleaning 0207.______________________ I Residential, commercial. W ■ BASEMENTS AND BRICK'wORK,| mobile........................... Roofing HOT Tar » adult V ROOFING. Robert Pr!c?*Rooflng Free Estimates fireplaces, commerci dustrlal repzhr. 682-1143, 673-3251. machinery. 685-3814. A-Z CONTRACTING AND REPAIR LICENSED ROOFER, fact T BLOOMFIELD WALL CLEANERS. j Walls cleaned. Reas. Satisfaction - guaranteed. Insured. FE 2-1631. WALL WASHING and alurti. si cleaned. FE 2-901^ __ WALL WASHING AND~ wii '0 clcajilng. '334-0095. , WALL' WASHING and alum. . cleaned. FE 2-9Q15.____________ i _belwefen 9 a.m .and 5 p.nr :e IREflRfNG'SERVICEM'AN' Well Driiiing________I In suburbs, OR 3-2827. pets. 209 Norton. _ 'and 3 ro'6m' furnished, ulllities, pv IbuSINESSMAN -^NEEps ' efficjencyi* reas^gul'et.'FE IwiiS.' ......n Rochestet, ___ ... ... us util., ample parking, 334-2678, aye message, m; 651-9)50. V TAklNG APPLICATIONS for 1 handle your morlgage. FHA or 01. Aaron Mtg. & Invst. Co. Pontiac Press | Want Ads- i For Action E.^ofum^^^^^ Apartments, Unfurnished 38Apartments, Unfurnished 38 ir pels, couple preferrt bedroom apartment. I, Rochester, Pontiac oj 2 'ROOMS. 'AbULfS O'i/ly! SMALLEY REALTORS 852-1700 ' WELL DRIL ell poir 2 ROOMS AND BATH, no child'rf or pets, 890 Roblnwood, FE B-275: 2'AN'd 3 rooms; Adults onLy 'RESPONSIBLE COUPLE desires t'ol__^_.________ ... —(jedrwjm house's rooms AND BATH, decorated, private bath, e ^ jdMTYOlHi BUSINESS E-: |fi>r SIPIBE MRE'; Auburn Heights area. Phone 335-; M_aHer 6 p.rri. Share Living Quarters 33! GENTLEMAN bedroom apai.. iPhone 547-0655. Wanted Real Estate rnished. From $35 v ^deposit, 335-2136. artmenf Ir) Royal Oak. 36 1 DAY CASH • FOR YOUR HOUSE OR LOT NO COST TO SELL FAST FRIENDLY SERVICE Aaron Mtg. &' Invest. Co. ROOMS AND bath: $37.50 per week, $100 dep. 673-5092, ' 3 ROOMS, ALL Ulliltles'paid Security^dep. required. FE_ 2-4636. ROOMS AND BATH, nice" building, :'lAR(3E ROOMS, . rO'oms"and"bai SNEAK PREVIEW C-LAURa VALLEY TOWNHOUSE APTS. baths lexcept 1 bedrm.l, central leat and air conditioning, carpeted throughout, Individual laundry •ooms. Master TV > n t e h n a s Insulated windows. On Highland Rd. "HOTPOINT" RST WITH THt FEATl WOMEN WANT MOb NEW APARTMENTS (They are all townhouses, one, two, o'nd three bed-' rooms. Furnished gas heat, air-conditioned, refriger- ator and gas stove are included. Carpeted and draped. Coin-operated laundry facilities, swimming pool, ample parking, storage lockers. We have them from $165 per month with a one yeor leQse, children are welcome. Np pets. The only utility you pay is electricity. The rent agent is on the prenjises. Rid(?em6nt Apartments 957 N. PERRY 732-3322 C—10 TilK PONTIAC PHESS, SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1909 For Want Ads Dial 334-4981 •LOOMPlEtO OR C H CAPE COD Full basement, badrooms, full dir..... ......... room, FHA. approvad, only S3M down. Apanf' owner, 3n-«993. 674-1W. BUILDERS YOUR PLANS OUR PLANS YOUR LOT OUR ‘ " SAVE P. J. Mason Construction I 673-1291 _L5 BLOOMFIELD-CHAP^C*^ HILL, bedroom ranch, approximately___ SQ. ft., full basement, bullt-lns, lot tSOxtSO, 5% mortgage r- ■—' contract, S3S,yttl. UL ^4071. BY OWNER IN Davisburg. 2 a 5 rooms and bath. Alum, sfo and screens and siding. 2 garage. Full basement and i SI 8,000. <34-5101.______________ baths, 2W-car garage a 3-bedroom brick. garage. 673-3621. t 2 bedroom home. ktichen, 023-1345. BY OWNER ----------,L „ . Waterford, 1 year ol^ fIrepl^aM, ■ ' II basement, $23,000. 673-8837. BRICK COLONIAL large car^ted living kitchen, glassed-in .porch. E: $25,000, terms. STATEWIDE REAL ESTATE 391.2000 _ ______________.^-3482 BY OWNER — 3 ^ropm ranrt with fireplace, basemenf, atfached I ,-ar narana. carpeting, drapes No agents. 335- 9535. BY OWNER - SAVE commission, . bedroom brick ranch, near Walled Lake, ' $30,500, SVt per —‘ mortgage. 624-5302. ____ BY OWNER. ATTRACTIVE bedroom. Full basement, aluminum siding., brick front, 2 years old. ’ acre. Rochester — Auburn R area. 852-2080.____________ tLOOMFIELD Q R C_H A R D ^Sub- CLARKSTON AREA ■ns, 1V» baths, full - mlly type kitchen, large II duplicate -- - Salt Houmi NEW MODEL HOME Open dally 9 to 8 E. J. DUNLAP UNDER $5000 STARTER HOME ON YOUR LOT P. J. Mason Constructlor. 5798 HIGHLAND RD. 673-1291 Don McDonalci RAY EXTRAS GALORE In this cedar shake three bedroom ----■- Pontlec. For Instance, finished garage, finished all bullf-tns in kitchen, iroughout ' '------- ~ 81 back, ----- lot. _____ - or $23,900 Conv. room, dining'room, kitchen, garagiT and full basement, all for lust $12,000 FHA or VA. P-S3. ---- RAY TODAY I_____________676-4101 carpeting t lights front _ _______ ________ . this on a corner lot. Yours n. only $24,900 F " ----------- 62. First Time Offered In Waterfo A lovely 3 bedroom ranch wi r garage, e _______________________ . - batbs, priced under market value. Land contract available or name your Miller Bros. Realty 333-7156 or ' 333-7245 FOX HILLS-BY OWNERS Community house an pool, Bloomfield Hills elementary school in cl r( 1, 2Vj division. Colonial Bi-Level, brick and alum. 3 bedrooms, V'- ‘‘***'* ’^'^-ca:_?tt,che^gam9^^^ ....., ------ ----- den, carpeting and drapes throughout. By ~ pointment 332-7319. 352,500. FRANKLIN VALLEY House for by owner, TrI-level 6 bedro 2Va baths, carpetec ------------- custom drapes, intercom, fully condifioned, gOrage door opener, large fenced in lot, near school, by appointment, open house Sa* ’ 5. Phone 626-9665._____________ HEARfHSIDE REALTY SYLVAN VILLAGE Lake privileges, 3 bedroom brick and alum, tri-level In W. ---------- field school disfref. 4 yrs. ol room, IVa bafhs, gas heat, St., city ws*-----------■*" go at $26,91 BACKUS Be your own landlord We have the Ideal situation for y( to become one. You can In downstairs and rent the upstairs this alum, sided home, situated ( f: This will LAKE FRONT Beautifully maintained bric.. -alum, sided ranch with full finished basement. Many extras. $45,000. BACKUS REALTY 332J2^^ _______338-1695 BEAUTIFUL SETTING overlooking bedrooms, 14x9 sun room, fenced yard with fruit trees, course, lake privileges. All fo $12,500 VA or $11,500 assumpt HOUSE OF BEAUTY FOR YOUNG SOPHISTICATES Over 3,000 sq. ft. of spec beauty describes this 4 yei modern 8 room brick ranch I on 5 acres of beautiful slopln. - and offering 3 or 4 spacious bedrooms, I'/i baths, work easy kitchen with dining area, living room, family room with Inviting fireplace, complete summer ....- RAY EW 3 BEDROOM RANCH, colored alum, sidihg, m baths, lots of large closets, oak floors, full basement, - formica cabinets gutters, Thermo-pana windows, storm doors, .wallpaper, no extra cost. Connection for future sewers already out to road. Elizabeth Lake Rd. 1 block west of Crescaif Lake to PInegt ------- ' " on corner of . NELSON BLDG. OPEN 9 A.M. TO 8 P.M. 2294 Williams Lake Rd, Directions; Drive West of turn north on Williams Lake bedroom ranch, large family full basement, $16,91)0. Beauty Craft Homes 674-4221 $20,950. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 2-5 ,... BUNKER Green Lk. Rd. to Richardson Rd. Bunker Rd. Almost new 3 bedro ---- lull basemenf, r FRANK MAROTTA 8, 363-0274 ______________M7-41 OPEN SUNDAY 2 to 5 1390 ORCHID ST. Salt Housm WITH A LITTLE BIT "0" CASH JUST $1000 DOWN W I PURCHASE fhls 3 bedri Basic-Built alum, sided rand Drayton area, {Exterior Is c plete, you finish inferior, w ouf basement, 70'x220' $14,150 on land contract, furnish material to finish add to contract. Sab Hoaut ROYER HAGSTROM, REALTOR 4900 W. HURON OR 4-0358 MLS After 6 p.m. FE 4-7005 WYMAN LEWIS REALTY RAY GLORIOUS VIEW Ideal family home, bedrooms, family room w fireplace, llvliig room, d WEEPING WILLOWS surround t home In a good locafion for a young price a CALL RAY TODAY I WILLIS M. BREWER REAL ESTATE 724 RIker Bf"- SNYDER, KINNEY 6c BENNETT WOLVERINE LAKE ful 3 bedroom brick ich. Full finished ner lof plus lake 0 down. $21,900 lull LAUINGER every respect, carpeting,' large r--------.. — In the basement, large patio i garage, large lot. fence Dir.; Pontiac Lk. Rd. '“JOHNSON 1704 5. TELEGRAPH OPEN TRI-LEVEL MODELS OPEN 2 P.M.- 'TIL DARK mile to model. : REAL ESTATE 130 Highland MILLS REALTOR 604 S. LAPEER RD. LAKE ORION, MICH. PHONE 693-8371 specialize In small farms and ..........Curtis Rd. flowing ---, ' — ig stream and trout pone Hummer Lake Rd. Davison Lake Rd. 44 .aka lot 00 feet .... 2-bedroom, alum. ......... ■ Clear on M-24. property. Bald 141 ft. front. 80 ft, front, brick,--------- 2-bedroom, 2-story, holly OFFICE _3 Be(»room-$300 pOWN^^ r be under $700 irooms up anr ' emenl. Corner . ...%a'! . 1 down. Full Davisburg. WALTERS LAKE FRONT — bedroom alum, ranch with -1... walk-out basement, 2 full ceramic baths, m car attached garage, with paved drive. Plus many more extras. Priced to sell at only $36,500. Let one of our courteous ----------show you this horn' ' 4 or 5 Bedrooms lit In 1,S50. Over 1800 sq. ft. set-0 on over 2 acres, Gas at the remodeling, ““ — ment potanil NEW 3-Badroom - al PHONE: 634-8204 REALTY, REALTORS Dixie H^. 835-4IJ6 In Rochester 134 W. University (2nd floor) 651-6100 OR 334-3tp0 HIITER OPEN Sunday 2 to 5 2654 WINKLEMAN OVERLOOKING GOLF COURSE. Excellent 5-room brick rancher. Family room, attached garag-Walton to SunhIII, entrance l course to WInkleman. 49,Sab HOasM , HALL screens, hardwood floors. • IX OCA ----X.. -------, (g lot. Calf for LET'S TRADE Office Open Sun. 2-5 MILLER AARON BAUGHEY REALTOR garage. Sets on 3 lots with 1 frontage, $10,500 full price. BLOOMFIELD ORCHARDS home In , 2 car attached garage, .... landscaped yard plus lots $27,900 on mortgage terms. Very attractive brick ... large shaded lot. Spacious carpeted living room, large badrooms, 2 car attached brick garage. This h—-Is beautifully decorated Insl^ out — a real "doll house" won't last long at only $21,900. Hurry out Sunday. DIRECTIONS; Dixie Hwy. a w overlooking the lake, IVi bafhs. .. ..s fufnace V kitchen, boat ____________, _______ IS much, much more. $23,450. NORTH SIDE 6 rooms Large kitchen with eatli ‘“oms. Gas’ heat. 1-75. 5 a 9216 M-15 living and dining rooms, attached garage. Out Dixie Hwy. to ** " N. to property. FENTON - 6 I basement, nice contract terms. . $12,900, land Quick possssslon. Call YORK Is and out. Carpeted Ua , hAiHpAnm *nH livtna ------ NORTH END us If you want help In selling .... home. The difficult wo dr — mediately. The Impossibla ,tak little longer. LAUINGER CHARLES MILLS BROKER LEACH WILL BUILD model call B. C. REALTOR. 3792 Ellz. Lake Rd. ...... — 8 p.m. 682-4653. ' 2 TO 5.________ OPEN SUNDAY 2 OPEN Sunday 1 'til 5 A&G Open Sunday baths, ■ finished basement, 2Va car garage. For quick possession, call SHEPARD'S R°EAL ES?Ae. ° " ' , .21,000 by c______ I 2-1535. 1191 E. Lincoln, n« ic Pd. Torrey School. DON'T NEED PAINY I Orchards. 5 year BRICKS DON'T fireplace, bullf-lns, i irom 1-75. Agent for ow 4-1649, FE 0-6993.____________ RAY BEAUTIFUL BRICK RANCH Pontiac has three --------- living room ' ' ’ and kitchen, Bc. room, and priceo lusi 500 FHA or $18,500 Conv. TODAY I 674-4101 KELLER Representing SELLER URGENCY NEEDED 100 HOMES KELLER REAL ESTATE 681-1833 milMARK PONTIAC 3 Bedroom ranch, basement, famllv kitchen, custom cabinets, choice Union Lake, one of the few nice 3 nnri,| i tii I C bedroom brick homes with lake UrtN I I ILL 0 privileges, 2 fireplaces, 2 bar- ~ sewing room, family room a . J'-'r car garage, many extras, unbelievably priced at $30,950. Wilson Street, I take Privileges 'Only $ioo moves ypu info this n 2 bedroom alum, sided home n Big Lake. Spacious rooms. M-59) Next to ROCHESTER SUBURBAN - Now 4 bedroom ranch. Family kltchem 2 bafhs. Carpeting. W acre. $25,900. TRIS HAMPTON HILLS New delightful subdivision just south of S. Blvd. and « Squirrel Road. RANCHES -- QUADS - COLONIALS. PRICES RANGE FROM $45,000 GREATER BLOOMFIELD REAL estate 190 Telegraph Rd. 646^00 HOUSE FOR SALE, Northslde, $17,500. 335-4975.____________ = YOU'RE A cover on porch and awnings, and the See it today. P-SO. bedrooms, full dining room, k _ room, FHA approved, only $300 down Agent for ovitner, OR 4 CRAWFORD STREET, 2 bedroom. . $1000 down on land c ........II consider cash bffei Anderson & Associotes ,1044\lQslyn _ _ __ .L^..t8536 City location for P Consumers Power emi custom-built. Has n... ____ ■- and root, paneled family lings FE 2-4353 Ol “ CUTE ”AND“C0ZY^ 3l!on“'only $8IOo\n f"ha h REAGAN RAY Open dally. Nix Realty.' 057-5375. ROCHESTER, 687 MILLSTONE - , basement, 2 car attached garage. $44,900. C ROCHESTER In the city of Rochester. Large . bedroom frame home with full basement, 3-car garage, 32' f—" • SMALLEY REALTORS 0 S. Rochester Rd. Rochester 852-1700 RHODES A REAL BUY, 2 bedroom home, full basement, gas heat, large shaded corner lot, water, sewer and gas. Low FHA terms. -Only $12,000. FE 0-2306 258 W. Walton FE 5-671 ALBERT J. RHODES, Realtor MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE SEMINOLE HILLS SUB This Is a custom ■ brick ranch home, with an attached garage r-a corner lot, full walk out bas. ment on a beautifully landscaped yard all fenced. Selling for $23,900 FHA terms available. CAlL ray TODAY! ^ 674-4101 brick 3 bedroom, ... ---------- to wall carpeting Including! ----- lull basement, all recreallon room and YORK have^ such nica 3 bedroom 2669 McCLINTOCK- Webster-Curtis Sda QXFORD-ORION OPEN SAT. & SUN. 1-5 P.M. 1040 Eugeon at Corner -of Spezia V attractiva .nany —* > bath. LAZENBY OPEN Sun. 1 to 5 262!2 Edgevale Drayton Woods Hatchery and teff an Edgevala. / ROYCE LAZENBY, Realtor OPEN Dally 9-9 4676 W. Walton — OR 4^0301 ice Open Sun. 1-5 OPEN Sat. 2-6 p.m . 4 BEDROOMS FIRST IM VALUES RENTING • WE ARE NOW Wideman LAKE FRONT brick ranch, , OR DIVORCEES. PEOPLE WITH CREDIT PROBLEMS AND RETIREES ARE OKAY WITH US. M»rculiiom^’UiV‘« «r^'’',aV"s'iK « I throughout, IVii nia baths llty. Spacious kltclw" Tiled bosemant, 2'A car »6 W. Kennett %ar Baldwin REAL VALUE REALTY ... For Imediate Action Call FE 5-3676-642-4220 sprinkling ........-re. '■*'' POINTMENT. NORTH SIDE ir garagew IRWIN 8. SONS OPEN 2-5 P.M. SUNDAY: 1 brick ranch. 6 room, 1 home. Full I bednxims, spactm^ llv -'ning room, gas heat, . ~. .— )EAL FOR RETIRED COUPLE - 888 CASH. EAST SIDE anch home, 2 bedrooms, large kitchen with ample cupboards, ■ semsnt, gas heat, (. FHA TERMS - CALL TODAY. I. 0. WIDEMAN, realtor 2 W. HURON ST. /E. CALL 673-5868 i: Extra bedroem beautiful lots. C Is ID S. 'Josephine to James BUYING OR SELLING CALL JOHN K. IRWIN & SONS 313 West Huron — Since 1925 =E 5-9446 After 5 P.M. FE 4-8542 1/ BUD' with fenced in yerd at oi need in yi............. . . available. Your host, Mr. naroio Gerow will be on her ' ' point the finer features of home. Localed at 4925 SashB 2Vj mi. North of Walton in Clarksfon School area. Watef OPEN signs. Royer Realty Inc. |7t)PEN' Open Sun. 2-5 4584 So. Shore Dr. WATKINS LAKE FRONT - 3 bedroom alum, sided ranch, family kitchen, gas bullt-lns, carpeted living rooinx 12‘x24' family room, IVi baths, attached 2Vi car garage,* fenced yard. $32,588. , / YOUR HOSTESS; HELEN R. HAGSTROM / , DIR.; M-59 to right On Whitney to left on S. Sbore Dr. to sign. room with dining ell, i kitchen ] with dinin'g ai . Den and shower ...... .. .. proxlmately $2,588, Includin' closing cost on FHA. home. Good Income. Full NICHOLIE-HUDSON Associates, Inc. 1141 W. Huron St. 681-1770 or' FE 2-3370 LLTODAY_,. A FAMILY DELIGHT .Beau CALL FOR AP- MODEL OPEN SUN. 2-5 5745 DWIGHT X)rs, ceramic baths, formica wnter tops, built-in ranges. All is for $14,958. 0 mortgage P ). Satisfaction guaranteed. right on Springtime Special dining room. I —-------------- bedrooms. Main floor family r( Garage. Rochester School S'“‘ Office open Sun. 2-S VON REALTY 3481 W. Huron Sale Houses HAGSTROM, REALTOR . HURON OR 4-tt 49iole H^ses miles from 1-75 li Bedroom Ranch end family ---- an Vanden Road, near Twin Lakes Golf Club. ARRO L / Bo :e- Big House, Little H SUN DECK OVERLOOKS LK. 4 bedroom home planned w the large family In mind, baths, closets galore. It affoi.. privacy tor all. Recreation room on walkout basement level. Lovely lot Jand active private beach club tor the entire family. Let us. show you this charn|lng GI'S - $688 MOVE IN 3 bedroom story and a half, family size kitchen plus breakfast room, lake privileges. Full price ------------- Cash for your equity or land contract MARGARET MCCULLOUGH, Realtor 5143 Cass-Clizabeth Road 682-2211 OPEN 9-9 MLS * Su andsome colonial custom built or the present owner In 1941. deal floor plan with center hall ntrance of slate which flows streamlined kitchen with /t Ins, utility room, convenient h'------ ™„., .... ...... ..... Great grape arbor. Quick possession. /Priced right at $13,458 / terms. First advertisement 1 /n TOWN FOR $700 DOWN- Plus closing costs to qualified buyers will move Into this roomy Includos 3 I breakfast ro< - ■ Fireplace ......... . . living iw,,.. 2 car garage 6"*“— Avenue locatioh. NEW OFFERING- Attractlva 3 bedroom t located In Herrington .......... -----------------Attached IrIVK Va' d sfiould financed on FHA. WARREN STOUT, I^EALTOR 458 N. Opdyke Rd. / FE 5-816: Office Open Sunday 1 til 4 balh house. On sp'acious CITY LOCALE C. SCHUm 888rf^ommeixe_R(^ leeds work. $2,888 li ■pment, 2 car garage, paved ve. A ba^rgaln at $15,958, $558 ‘ S. ANDERSON ST. S. JESSIE ST. • J. A. Taylor Agency, Inc. 7732 Highland Rd. (M-59) Daily OR 4-0306 _ 4 blocks West ol tractive tri-level, 3 large bedrooms nviting llvlng-dlnlng-kltchen large 2 car garage, warm, fl---------- recreation room, all fully carpeted on I acre parcel — Immediate " cupancy. ‘ — ' new 1969 model Idea r selection to build in this I 'livo area." — Open Dally. ^SYLVAN^ _ ---- Vacant. Agent for owner )52. OR 4-1649._ KING-PHIPPS CLARKSTON — Sharp bricl ranch, 3 bedrooms, plus den, carpeted llvina room, patio of from dinno area, oas heal. Onlv $22,588. VILLAGE OF OXFORD-Latge room older, 2 story colonial, ne; modern kitchen with bullt-lns, he -iced at $18,588. KING-PHIPPS AGENCY 1897 5. Lapeer Rd._________628-2565 KEATINGTON SUB, ORION Twp. wiring. Lake privileges. Soulherr Colonial with 3 large bedrooms, IV: baths, family room, fireplace r conditioning, all 4^ services. lake privileges. 1815---------. $43,758.08. OPEN SUND7 P.M. SHOWN ANY, TIME. SAM WARWICK H Elizabeth Lk. privileges. $19,900. Land contract — $4000 down — show anytime. Call 682-2828 or 682- S^TARTER HOME North of Baldwin & Joslyn 5 room, bungalow with attached garage on 1 acre of black sol" nicely landscape^ -rO— down. YORK LAKE HOME, 3 390', frontage i GREEN ACRES 1«9 S. Lapeer Rd.l^_MY 3-6242 LAKE OAKLAND HEIGHTS 3 bedroom brick ranch. Many ex/ tras Inclyding tarnlly, Cash for Your Equity ■HACKETT 363-6703 , / Land Contract Terms 2761 VENDOME, Avon Twp. Nica ; hMirnnni brIck, Separate Oarage r QUICK OCCUPAHCy. $14,500.|39 / ^DANDY In DRAYTON aluminum covered dandy in exc lent location. Has 21x12 carpel living room, formal redecorated. VACANT fenced lawn. lar porch, attractive I. $18,900 li the price, WOLVERINE LAKE FRONT 4 BEDROOMS Full sommer ahead to .e.nlov swimming, fishing, cook-outs all df^hoi^jwllh jiiis beautiful attractive large attached garage, contract with S250 oer montt _____ living klttRen,*^ $12,900.00 116 SCRIPPS ROAD, Orion ...... near M>24, and new high school, o BEDROOM, IVi story, LARGE $19,990.00 1588 LOCHAVEN, oft Coolty Lake, near 5. Oakland Community College. 3 Bedroom Cape Cod on beautiful one acre lot. Breezeway, garage, basement. 68 DAY . POSSESSION. $27,588.08. WARDEN on C NEW H BEDROOM ranch, I Srpeted throughout. A 11 heatad garage. Lot 150x1 privileges. 338-4183. TOY Jihed, heated t om and lake privileges. There' ore loo, ond tor only $24,900 FHt $23,900 Conv. You must tee I .u,l P.AS ' TODAYI " ' 674-4101 THE LAWN IS IN And manicured, the tenet 1$ and the house Is almost, c pletely carpeted, 1400 sq. ft. grbcloui living Includes 3 I rooms, IH ceramic baths, L.... rom and carport. Waterford Realty, 673-1273. ______ THINK SUMMER When you see this comlortabla 3 fepced yard. $32,500. HAGSTROM, REALTOR^ 4900 W. HURON OR 4-0358 After 6 p.m. FE 4-7005 TUCKER'REALTY CO^ 903 PONTIAC STATE BANK _____;___ 336-1545 VACANT CAPE COD._ 4 bSroorns,! I finishing, $2,000 to "ESTABLISHED 1930" OPEN-CLARKSTON BUILDING JOB-SEVEN SITES $17,700 whlph Includes a TO CHOOSE FROM. Total price and dry lot 70'xl50' and a fop constructed aluminum _______ . _ home with 3 bedrooms, all formica kitchen, luxurious balh v vanity, oak floors, slate entrance, marble sills, stori— —' -pletely decorated. Clarkston-Orlon Road north to Es Whipple Lake Road, north bn Yale to model. YOUR OPEN-ANDERSONVILLE SMALL FARMS-NINE ^^-iHCRE SITES CHOOSE FROM. Several different models tinder con-ii>u<.iion lor your Inspection. Basic specs.: IVb ceramic baths, 3 bedrooms, oak floors, massive all formica kitchen. Insulated windows, marble tills, natural alate entrance, full basement, —• 2-car attached garage. Dixie, Highway to AndersonvIliL _____________ ------- ".Dorris _Herihts/'^ SATURDAY ^ Vour Hostess: rsonville Road, -- - __________________________________.................... Marlon Jaikins. SUNbAY 2 to $ . , . Your Hostess E OPEN-3386 ADDIE-DRAYTON BEAUTY^ Outstanding sto/y and half bungalow with 2 /bedroom: _ . ..... - - ... ,.—,— .....^1, rogns wi situated a basement recreallon room, 2-car garage lots, Sunday 2 to S. Your H"*- '“—' turn west ph Luella, right on Gracious living r V^'lng OPEN-TIO PUTNAM-FAMILY CbMFORT Was the motto when this lovely 6-rooTO, 2-slory home Low maintenance Is an added feature to this complet tided/ home. 3 bedrooms, carpeted living room and basement with gas heat, garage —* '--■ .. terms. Oakland Avenue to Cadll TO 5. YOUR HOSTESS; Iva NIC on Putnam. SUNi ■asy FH/ JNDAY OFFICE OPEN/SUNDAY 12 TO 6 FOR INFC|RMATI0N CALL OR 4-0324 ____________ _ . / on a canal front lot to Williams Lake. Owner moving to Florida and willing fo consider any reasonable offer. 3 dandy' bedrooms, hardwood lloort, plastered walls, 17Vj'x22' family room and 2-car attached garage. HUNTOON LAKE FRONT Elegant neighborhood of all comparable homes _ _________ . ol Waterlord' .. _____ _______ 3 bedrooms, brick oxtorior, ........ * the beautifully shaded and terraced lake It lot. Oak floors, plastered wells, 2-flreplacet and garage. EXECUTIVE FISHERMAN-TAKE NOTE!! ck ranch home. Lake front In Fox Bay. Quality immaculate care Is the bOsf description of this 7-,3 baths home. Breathtaking carpeted living rc-............. - iking the lake. Walk 1JVIX23, dining room with tiraplaca overlookl... . - -------- . I-------- ...,.u complete living quarters and built-in bar, 23> ment workshop and many more exciting leatur !e to appreciate. wTha« 2536 Dixie Hwy. DORRIS & SON REALTOR "IT'S TRADING TIME" saiiS OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 P.M. OPEN 278 OTTAWA, DR. SEMINOLE HILLS CHARMER Situated on two largo dining >et this tastefully decorated h ring four large t"'-------- int, garage, the rt.. Huron on Ottawa C it you will drive to h OPEN 181 JOSEPHINE PIONEER HIGHLANDS TrI-Lavel has tha features you want In a ho will see are three generous sized bedrooms, room plus more. Just thir’- " “■— tions Corner of Voqrhels Eileen Moyer.______________ firoplocas'. 1 • Hostesi wl OPEN 972 OLD PER.bH RD. NEAR OAKLAND UNIVERSITY Just three jnlnut<^_ to 1-75. This exciting^ bedroom. Take Leo _. ____islLao. dream home. Priced . ... through. Dlrecthmsi A comer Old Parch Rd. Hi fireplace, t $48,988.08. OPEN 32p SCHOOLHOUSE DRIVE LARGE. CASUAL FAMILY LIVING Will /ova the cbmtort and elboW bedrfaom brick ahd aluminum like country kitchen, dishwasher, built .. .... , iiy the dining area, 2’/b baths, 15x32' family floored attic for storage, plus 2V4 — -------- /locatda 'lust across the -*—* *-/ Schoolhouse Lake '■ " Stairs to a r garage. Bast yet — it's the lake privilege lot Into — - " - cioia tn schools Walton, OPEN 170 PRESTON NEAR THE MALL A neat and clean beauty. Sewer and water a Nicely landscaped yard with V/2 car garage an Lovely living room, country style kitchen, t OPEN 3452 GADD COURT WHITE LAKE PRIVILEGES think central air conditioning, built-in a recreation room with fl“*— **•— -plus more. Taka the t..... .. ... Oleta Howard. Directions: M-59 to Ciym »■ w baths, oversized 2>/i car gari area. Large patio with beautiful landscaoec on Dixie, right onto M-15„rlght onto Weldon OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 P.M. Clarksfon of storai . —,988. Nor left onto Almond I, 363-8531. 4741 ROSS DRIVE Happiness Recipe. Take OPEN SUN 1-5 P.M. •a*"!* lenced-in off with 3 bedroom home, add one .... ________ .._____ ..... carpeted and a full basement, garnish attached garage and breezeway and all extra large -.................. — ..............- lop it I. Drive West On M-59, right m h good It Lake 'Reds 'brrya'.”Y'our' hott''Dbn'''Rel'chI 3365576! CURKSTON AREA Nothing could spook more eloquently about taste and good living than the dignified beauty of this custom built 3 bedroom tri-level .. __________ ___..reo, many, many extras suen- as mi ---- sealed windows, full brick wall fireplace, disposal, self c Ing range, 2Vi car garage, ate. Call now, tomorrow may be too LARGE B|1ICK TWO FAMILY 3 L/C. (2) I I #12-28 YOU'LL NEVER REGRET Th. unn tinaiiu d«ridad-1o look at this besutiful wail built brick V/> baths, gis t/a heat, large living---- fenced, garden area, with handy <1.--- 'Ihborii^, walking distance to Clarks- Thk^homo*s**rn a''axeailwt noiSboilwiA'wa'lk^^^^ 'dista ton schools. Can be yOurt for only $23,888. FHA te/ms. YOU'LL BE HAPPY HERE! I continually have calls tor 3 bedroom himes with . . —... one In Imme—'-‘- garage. Large n'ear'''L6bir Lake. Wa now have o ... niuit and 7 car gar_________ _ trade-in o G.l. OR ,FJIA TERMS Good East tide location. Large fami rooms, living room, dining room am heat, 2 car garage on large city to Only $14,500. Ttottiing down to o Vole EASTERN JR. HIGH AREA E prasent'horiia'. "#65 g for. 3. bedrooms, bosa- good'randl RAY O'NEIL REALTY MtS ' ■ I 'hi [ For Want Ads Dial' GAYLORD 49 Sole 2‘5 ’ iloklland Estotts IRWIN isoNS. 9 ROOM WEST SIDE: 'HIE PONTIAC PR INIAY 17, 19f59 i|le Houses__ 4' OPEN SUNDAY SYLVAN ■Sar 'SISS-3 .-Si’.t '=--''==”5£rlZs=;»;:”._, -~5?' I ---------------—------------------------------^ ............................... ............................................ $100 Wmmm'" will SMITH A5cG Open Sun. 2-5 9 TO 9 : BROOCK MA 6-4000 444-4890 FARRELL | FE 5-8183 ^.J&fZiCRSssI- , aS™raSV-”'l3: R„|„ j Co. “™*“ •' K.Vi“ 32”*" "=r!Z' -^p- OPEN Val-U-Way iiuf^-5?S 3881 Hlflhiand Rd. (AA-59) 682-9000 332-6552 FE 5-8183 FA«:T «:inF WANT TO MAKE A DEAL? THE MffSMMS} WMnSS OPEN 7980 LODGE (UNION LAKE AREA) "WE DON'T WANT ALL THE BUSINESS! JUST YURSI" ^n”'cI.^^.Wrlo'nTo'i‘}SI*d! ’"* in Real E_stat. _work !LtooK, CLARKSTON 6573 biXIE HWY. 625-2441 730 S. ROCHESTER RD. 651-8518 ‘ Pontiac 3S8-7161 120 S. LAPEER RD. -4211 LAKE 8175 363-4171! ITED'S TRADING McCullough realty, inc. VAL-U-VISION SHOW OF HOMES >EN SUNDAY 2 TO 5 2926 ST. JUDE 674-2236 McCullough Realty, Inc. 6^^.H.0H^0RD.,^^^^ SSSCS - 3418 LOON LK. I ?r6^f6l ' ■ ■ I ' I ' T- i , O' .!,V ll * . ' ’ ............ ■' .-..A-K, V., ;i\ ' L ' '' ' ■■: j/" A ,. .V:' ■ A ■ C—12 THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY. MAY 17, 1969 for yiani Ads Diol 334-4981 CRE AND S rooim, bath, t( art. Yr. round house. BlacI iiTs6oo?^no.w WOODED i $1000. FE^4-8 down, reas. monthly paym.... Write: Adams Realty, P.6. Be «yi, Kalkaska Michigan. 296U i -111 616-258-9449. I ACRES, CLARKSTON area 1-75, S30'xt320', $1700 down. SHELDON 625-5557 BY OWNER—YEAR around home and knotty pine cabin with 4 acres of land on Tittabawassee River, Gladwin County. Consider trpde. COTTAGE' NEAR LAKE HELEN, has oil heat, hot water and furniture Included. Available for $6600 with $2000 down. SMALL RESORT OVERLOOKING TROU I Ai^c in iiHQer Penninsui beautiful ___ ___: home, and sufficient cabin: bedroom brick h CROSS Realty & Investment Co. 674-3105 . MLS lot^Acftiy 54 llh» ACRES betwaan Hadtey and Goodrich. Good building site, — •d ro»dy iwrtly fenced^ pond_________ 1950 an acrey Ttss for cash. Tarrns fl37l 630-2968. Hill Road; Goodrich. Call 10 Acre LAKE front l Dixie HWy. $15,000 on la tract. Brian, Inc. 623-0702, 10.9 . ACRES NEAR White Lai Improved roads — $8950 — ______ 15.29 acres, 437' frontage — $10,450 with 15 per cent down. roads very scenic • woods — $1000 per acre, possible. 15 per cent down. Lots—Acreage RESTRICTED,. BUILDING LOT Lake Angelus Road, over 1 aci $154)00 --- ---------------- MALL I ACRE LOT — Independence Twp. with Woodtiull Lakh privileges. $3400 cash or land contract terms. E privileges—In $3500, land < LET'S TRADE B. HALL REALTY REALTOR !0 'Dixie Hwy. 625-4116 Open dally 9-9 Sat. 9-4 r from paved roads — 10-25 . ACRES, ROLLING, cleared' n acre, Oxford a : BUILDING SITES wltff ........-..fage; $ 6613 or 685-1404. ACRES on blacktop road, and bam, $15,000 dr— 623-0702. « A GOOD WAY Tnterlocj^,^ , 2 BEDROOM, 24'x26', Brick 2 bedroom, 24' r Chalet 4 bedroom. Completely toughed In Bill Dew, P&8-2198 or I ROYER HOLLY OFFICE HOUGHTEN LAKE Double corner lot, 120x100. 3 from Houghton Lake, area o around homes. Excellent •----------ir home spot, f 50x125' LOT 2 blocks from Houghton I Village and the lake. Wooded Full price phly $600. • HALE-LONG LAKE 8 lots, 50x100 each, lust lb' from Long Lake. Heavily wooded. IP-ARKSTON. EXCELLENT building or investment potential. Land contract. P,“ “ - ‘ Mich. 48016. t for alh EAST TAWAS ■oom trailer and lot. a attached. Fully furnished on a permanent found-*'— For investment, development or bldg, sites 45 BEAUTIFUL rolling acres, r Rochester, Land contract terms. PHONE: 634-8204 76 ACRES — north of Rochester, Va road frontage.- Reasonable, I cohtract terms. 2 bedroom modern, com- 78 ACRES — between Rochester and Lake Orion on paved road. -cing has been arranged. VACATION PARADISE rt of hunting. ling and snowmobllir C. SCHUETT EM 3-7188 8800 Commerce Rd.__Union Resort Property^ wooded lake f Shore Dr. ' K« Realty Co., r" COTTAGE FOR SALE, I MILLER LAKE, North Of .apeer, [46 ad- shown by appointment. Tom Glesenkamp._______________ fliw COTTAGE and WOODED LOT; — As low es $329 down ' PE:'!'.?.',*, beach on large lake. Fishing and boating. Deer and partridge hunting. Northern Development Co., Harrison. Office on .Bus. US-27. (I-75) across from Wllsgn State Par*- Suburban Property features; fireplace, dining room, carpeted kitchen, custom cupboards and snack bar and bulll-ln stove. IW baths, full basement, partially finished recreation ______ _______ ... desireable area. Golf, swimming and skiing at your door. Selling at appraisal of $27,900. Owner, Holly, 1-634-9820. DlXtE HWY. near Holly, from Flint or Pontiac, h brick ranch. Blfch kit Full basement with nl sation rdom. Attached 3 c ge. Will landscaped 1 acre I LAPEER, LINCOLNSHIRE Lake 5 bedroom brick home, "3 square fMt of livinij over 3,0.. _ . area, 22x30 garage, features, $45,000. Hutchings, Broker, 54 Lots—Acreage 1 ACRE OF LAND in .iihrtivi^ion, 2 miles i . Quick access O" ACRE'"PARCELSrwoo, 15. pe pleasant coun- SEYMOUR LAKE ROAD ACREAGE Several choice building sites with from 7 to 10 acres each. Gently rolling and picturesque. Priced at SMITH MACEDAY LAKE Ideal lot for home lii one of the best areas' for fishing and boating In Oakland county. SPRINGFIELD TWP. 53 acres, high on a hill with woods. Less than $1,000 per with easy terms. Sab BusIimh Praparty 57 ANNETT ROCHESTER FACTORY 14,000 sq. ft. bldg.,, formerly In-dustrlal. Lot 180x150 plus alley, on main strOet. $100,0081 terms; LIGHT manufacturing .M-59 near Airport. 2 block bldgs. 5232 sq. ft. $85,000, $10,00 ACRES—ZONED C-3 lies, display. Main street near tiegraph. Can be divided. ORCHARD LAKE ROAD Pontiac City, 2500 sq. ft. bldg. $25,000, terms. ACROSS FROM J. L. HUDSON Entrance to Pontiac Mall . 202x230 ft, water 8, sewer, 5 lane , highway. $1175 front ft., total $237,500. .7 ACRES - ZONED C2 Opdyke Rd., near M-59 and 1-75, Ideal spot for multiple, motel or a business. 1060 ft. frontage. The Rolfe H. Smith Co. Sheldon B. Smith, Realtor 244 S. Telegraph Rd. 333-7848 10 ACRES, Lapeer a frontage and all gc parcels to choose tr $5,8S6, $900 23 ACRES on blacktop road, $12,850, 25 ACRES, beautiful rolling c and over 1800' of road fr( $687 per acre. Total price I C PANGUS INC, Realtor OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 630 M-1S Ortonvilla CALL COLLECT 627»2815 BY.OWNER, SACRIFICE, 2 wooded lots, Elizabeth Shores. $400 - " assume $2800 balance. 335-7577; Office In Rod MILTON WEAVER I 118 W. University ROYER HOLLY OFFICE 150 Acres—Groveland 2500 tf. of frontage. Excellent spot in the middle for a 20 acre ‘ Rolling and wooded. $1,00 46 Acres—Davisburg Rolling partially wooded land approximately 1,000 ft. of lake frontage on a private lake. 2 miles from f-75. $34,000 cash. 17 Acres-Holly Just outside of Holly. Slight roll. Excellent tor your new horn- -— horses. $16,150. 5 Lots-Clarkston n area of new homes, and 1-75. Dead ' d $4500 with 25 185 Ft. of Frontage Excellent lot outside of Davisburg on payed road. Gas at street. 160 ft. deep corner lot. $1500 down. 2 Lots-Holly Both lots In village with water Excellent building $3,000. PHONE: 634-8204 FARRELL Independence Twp. Excellent building site, 150x150 I with well on property. La privileges with private beach f subdivision. $3200 down. Assur land contract. rs-ACREAGE NEAR ski area. 0 down. Near No 37 Highway. ■" ..... '--t Pines Lodge, NEAR CLARKSTON, I s at $3900, 15 r 625-2268. ■7i , 30 Ai :s, $1,00t aryl 2600 _ _ FLATTLEY REALTY , ■420 COMMERCE RD. _____36^6901 2Va ACRE HOMESITE With’ lake privileges. 681-0871._____ ACRES, CLARKSTON‘near 1-7^ Cllntonvltle Rd. ""625-5557 "" Y 5 ACRES Close to Clar h take p I in Orion down payment. WRIGHT REALTY 382 OAKLAND AVE.__ . FE i'A ACRES, CORNER Squirr ROYER OXFORD OFFICE NEAR METAMORA 3 secluded 10 acre parcels to choose from. Lpw down payment. Land contract terms available. Ask ......._,.s Rds., Pontiac Twp., Oakland University. Hoi hot Potential apartment site. $36,1 ! FOR INFORMATION ON lOj MANY MjIRE PARCELS CAL 5: . ROYER REALTY, INC. 'Oxford Office 628-2548 ' SPRING Brings apple blossoms and we have sever^ 3 acre parcels located in Apple Lane. Estates on Oakhlll Rd. i Yes, you can I at $6,95 BOB WHITE RHODES MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE SCHOOL HOUSE LAKE, excellent Waterford building sifr - — ' at $7, e. Waterford Realty, 673-1273. WEST BLOOMFIELD, t2S'x145' 90' V oiw in«. ciiu.,- Do;-1 625-5557 .. „ 200- lots. ..... Cass Lake. $4495, term SHELDON__________ terms. Fowler, 363-8322, 363-6611. To ACRES, UNTmPROVED house See our display ad on Comm'l. Bldgs, on page C-7. OTHER INDUSTRIAL 8, COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES AVAIABLE After 5 Sat. t> anytime Sun. call Mrs. Eva F. Anderson, 332-3759 WE WILL TRADE Annett Inc. Realtors 28 E. Huron St. 338-0466 AUBURN AVE.-P0NTIAC commercial business. commercial BUILDING 4,300 sq. ft. — 1st level, ft. — 2nd level, pleasing i......... ' parking, suitable t land contract BATEMAN INVESTMENT & COMMERCIAL C Specializing in Investment Reef Estate 377 S. Telegraph Rd. 338-9641 Weekdays after 5, Sat. 8. Sun.-CALL 673-1767 Doing LAKE AREA BAR CARNIVAL By Dick Turner Sl|i0 a 4 bedroom a complete set :ellent location .III aroa ui line homes. 1 mil West of Oxford. Asking $59,500. KING-PHIPPS AGENCY 1097 S. Lapeer Rd. 628-2565 We Sold Your Neighbor's Home I Multiple Listing Service Weekdays 'til 9 Sunday 10 Wlo 800 ACRES In Lower Michigan. Dairy, grain, biet or hogs I Name your farm needs, we have It at Dean's ''Michigan'! Farm Real Estate Headquarters," 220 N. MIchlgatt Coldwater, Mich. Ph.: 517, 157 ACRE FARftH in County with 8 i^m m< and garage attached, ............ healed, free gas, new barn, 110x32, basement, 60x32, another building, 75x20. Very good land, all limed. Must see to appreciate. Write: Gene Gibbs, Route No. 1, McBain, Mich. 48057. ___________ A Hide-Away! 40 ACRES - $6,500,'$500 down. Near Cass City, tVi hours from Pontiac. Good well, choice hunting. 120 ACRES - Near Cass City deep well. Good barn, poultry house, etc. Widower 76 years old, cannot handle. BARGAIN. $19,— 80 ACRES - CREEK THRU PROPERTY. Near Lake Huron. 2 hour drive from Pontiac. Wooded, I Forestvllle, Mich. We have MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM - Call or see B. A. CALKA. Realtor 6306 W. Main St., Cass C Michigan 48726, Phone: Area DAVISBURG 4 BEDROOM older '--- small barn with 70 acres at -- --- Holloway Realty, Call Holly 434-9935 or Fenton 629- GREATER BLOOMFIELD CO. COMMERCIAL DIV. Magnificlent 20 a and maple trees. Enloy the true beauty and color of God' 5. from Detroit. Terms. Lovel|' 8i $795 per acre. Terms. 20 acres, lightly wooded, developing area, $795 per i level 3-bedroom home, , _____ property. 212-2410 MARATHON SERVICE sfalton Pontiac area. Completely remodelei' busy, beautiful location. 2 beys, .............................. Pontiac Press Box C-21. 7 confidential. Write NEED : couples to’—, ________ lakefront. Adults only,____... lo reeltors. Pontiac Press, It Co-Op Partridge “IS THE BIRD TO SEE" SUPPER CLUB - DELUX dern layout. Class C License. No ertalnment. Plenty of parking, iperty and business offered at fair rkef price. No phone Information call for appointment. other bldgs. Donald T. L, 518 N Caro, . 313-673-2032 „ B- A. Calka Realtir _ NORTHEAST OAKLAND COUNTY -----..... home '' u, Iw or 200 rolling a nice building spots. Abo tract te Sale Business Property 57 18,000 SQ. FT. C 0 M M E R C I A I Bulldino,' Ideally located in city .Sales, .manufacturing, wareho'usino liHiQaiBSy ..n«BnuT0Ciurinyr w zoned Industrial, by < lie offices, Ideal I storage, small manufacturing any service type b u s I n c s Construction Co., 334-7677. highland - 360' ON f tr lot 340' deep, '3.™ Victorian double brick h KC. repair. Niw block gar 22. 31 X 16 ouf. building. Z trial. $50,000. Owner. 887-4< ROYER HOLLY OFFICE Barber Shop . ..._n shop. Owner reijring. 14x30 building. Built In 1959, Good net In- ----- "h excellent potential. everything but personal me Independent company h Ing the following: Exchange tank dept. — doln Auto, softener rental di yaking very high earnin xpanding population uburhan development . country water. YOU CAN'T LOSE ILL HEALTH FORCES SALE — HOLLY, ME 4-9696 AFTER 5 ~ ■■ SOFT FREEZE ICE cream _ _ sandwich shop combination. All ..... 18 units — ai$o — other prelects — zuu' on mein street In Holly. on lake, $130,000 terms. h several rentals, $540 674-3406, 625-3125 WANT TP SELL YOUR BUSINESS? SMALL RIDING tractor. Also Ing^ tractor, mlnl-bike, motorc);cle, mower, 852-1694. Sale Lund Contracts TRIUMPH ampllflitr. ? 2452 1 TO 50 LAND CONTRACTS Urgently needed. See us before VOB deal. Warren Stout, Realtor Opdyke Rd.___FE 5-81M ‘ Open Eves. *tll 8 p.m. OWNER — Duck privileges, good discount. FE CASH FOR LAND CONTRACTS 4540 Dixie Hwy; — OR 3-1355 LAND CONTRACT 7 PER CENT INTEREST CROSS Realty 8> Investment Co. We pay cash for used homes 674-3105 MLS OVER’To per cent DISCOUNT Choice contracts secured by room and bath home on Walled Lake front. Property sold for $12,000 present balance $10,tno. Can be handled for $8,350. All dJe In 12 years. Warren Stout, Realtor 1450 N. Opdyke Rd. ' FE S- ' Dally tl OLD FOR $7,850, $2,000 down, 7 ^.. cent Interest, $65 monthly payments. Will discount $1,053. Other land contracts available at Charles Pangus, C. PANGUS, REALTORS OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 630 M-15 Ortonvllle CALL COLLECT 627-2815 Wanted Contracts-Mtg. 60-A LARGE OR SMALL land contracts, quick closing. Reasonable discount, Earl Garrets, MA 4-5400 or eves. EM 3-4086.__________________ 1 MILLION Dollars has been made available to us to purchase and assume land contracts, mortgages r- '------ homes, lots or acreage We will give you cash ... .... equity. Our appraiser It awaiting your call at: 674-2236 McCullough realty 5460 Highland Rd. (M-59) MLS Open 9-9__________________674-2236 LOANS ! $25 to $1,000 Insured Payment Plan LIVINGSTONE BAXTER Finance Co. 40] Pontiac State Bank. FE 4-1538-9 Mo^ag^rans 62 FOR THE PAST 42 YEARS Voss 8i Buckner, Inc. 1408 Pontiac State Bank Bldg. loaning $1000 to $5000 to homeowners ... ___ _____ mortgages tar repairing, additions, consolidating bills, etc. Into one small monthly payment. Before Khone°usi°at *** *334-3267 Swaps 63 BEDROOM, I'A s 30M, I'A acres, many a; ’ smaller home. UL 2-2108. 4' CHRIS CRAFT boat, elec, start, trailer for? 363-0081, dir. Attention Hdusewives Highest prices for used furniture and appliances. Ask for Mr Grant at Wyman's Furniture. FE S-I5fllj BEAT THE HEAT Now selling name brand air-conditioners. Whirlpool, Chrysler Alr-Twnp.^Ke^vinalor, etc. $98, $2 down, ”‘"a?c''WAREHOUSE & STORAGE 2615 Dixie Hwy, 55-9W0 dishwasher, $175. 673-3140. BUNK BEDS Choice of IS styles, trundle bed triple trundle beds and buAk bei complete, $49.50 and up. Pearson Furniture. 640 Auburn, FE 4-7881. WROUGHT IRON brenktast set, leaf stoves, refrigerators, and furniture bargains. Lift Trade-In store., Baldwin a AUTOAAATIC WASHER and | dryer, like new, only used months, $250. 673-5349, 4 5 BRONid OR CHROME DINETTE !. BRAND NEW. Large and 111 size (round, drop-leaf, rec- r$24 *95* u*"'** ^ PEARSON'S FURNITURE 'Ubui-n____________ FE 4-7861 CHROME DINETTEES, low Uftle Joe's, 1461 Baldwin, COLDSPOT 16 cu,. ft. refrigerator with large freezer across top; Hotpolnt elec, range, exc. working condition, clean. OR 3-6540. COMPLETE 7 PIECE~’4’ bedroom suite. Early American sofa. Patchwork chair. Of" If, $40. Holly, 19M J£EP^RUNS^good; fi 7^-6093'a* ir repaired In trade to r pickup. 681-0444. mower, reel and Ford rally. TRADE .... . ______ qidsmoblle with power brakes and Sale^lothjng^ FORMALS, paach and greei ” 1;l0 p 9, 335-5664 aft. 3:30 p.m. MISSES, LADIES dresses, formals. coats. Size 8-10, 851-3327, Sal# Household Coods YOU'D EXPECT TO P. 3 ROOMS BRAND NEW FURNITURE $297 $2.50 per week LITTLE JOE'S BARGAIN HOUSE 1461 Baldwin at_Wal1on. FE 2-6842 trade and . .- .. 12 WOOL RUG .... .. 12x15W wool rug and pad; 1, 6x20 Ratan woven rug; 6-plece porch AIR CONDITIONERS, _____________ and 1, 6,000 BTU, used 3 months. 682-1261. COUCHES, SOFA BED, 1 antique (EmpIre-VIctorlan), 332-6996. color TV : $100 trade .. pectric, 25 V $229.50. GE 2 "— door, $539.5 ince. Hampti 1. FE 4-2525. 4-PIECE BEDROOMS, _______ ____ 1461 BaldwIn'’“E 2^2'’*'" $1S. Chaise' Lounge, $20. 9x12 Linoleum Rugs $4.95 Solid Vinyl Tile .........7e ea. Floor Shop-2255 Elizabeth_ “Across From the Mall' .. 7c aa. 17 CUBIC FOOT Refrigerator-Freezer. Whitt, duobit vtrticf* doors. $200. 332-9124 days, 673-172 "1 TO 5b LAND CONTRACTS Urgently needed. See us before y Warren Stout, Realtor 1450 N. Opdyke Rd. CASH d contract or equity. ■'CE. Lowest posr— 1 682-1820. Ask For voui ------ -------- .. QU1 Ck _SERVjCE.__Lowest possible M ri arro reXlTY 5143 Cass-Ellzebeth Road Monay to Loan LOANS STOP YOUR HOUSE FORECLOSURE - — llecV - s colleaor - stop . ------ ..oblems — we h^ millions of dollars for mortgages — widows, divorcees, PHONE: -------------K. with Any-Rlsk Mortgage Co. 1 -398-7904 personal interview). ' FRIGIDAIRE electric stove, $50. '"Oe refrigerator, • I condition. FE 8 COPPERTONE T 1968 USED SiNOER TOUCH and SEW cohtrolt for but-tonholes, zig-zag, fancy designs, etc. Smooth steady state features for easy tbuch button operations. Deluxe model comes complete with cabinet and free, lessons toot Full price, $44.33. Clsll Midwest ‘ ------- 9-9 dally. 334-3312. 1969 TOUCH-A-MATie New sewing machines, does fancy stitching, makes buttonholes, Sold for $124.50, balance only $ or pay Sl.io per week. Call da night, 338-2544, Imperial. 1968 SINGER Used zig zag sewing machines overcasts, monograms, blthd h — tachme w'*h^ service guarantee. Complete price $66.20 or $6.62 a monthl For free home demonstration, call Capitol 563*82& Manager til 9 p.m. MICHIGAN BANKARD ACCEPTSD Kodels, nylons, and carpet frorn $1.69 per yd. crpdit. ’ 8. Dequindrt. 852-2444. DRYER, $35; REFRIGERATOR $25; j^ve!'i3^%*2!?'r^ir?fsrF^*"5! ELECTRIC BIRCH LOG, ‘Aayteg wrin)— -parts, rebui ELECTRIC STOVE, $ $J5; Refrigerator wl $49; Wringer washer ris, FE 5-2766. storage 356-9098. E-LARGE electric range. FRIGIOARE REFRIGERATOR, good condition, $35. 363-2034. Turniture 1 Lay-A-Way ■, mirror and 4 Sold for $149, bal ih or $10 monthly. Sofa, AAr. and Mrs. chairs, reversible cushions, self-decked with arm caps. Sold for $279, balance due $186 cash or $10 monthly. Sole Househaid G«od#_^^ i SINGER AUTOMATIC ZIG-ZAG Sewing machine — Sews single double needle, designs, overcasts, buttonholes, etc.' — cabinet. Take over Oayments olT $7 per month for 8 mos. or $56 Cash Balance still Under Guarantee_ UNIVERSAL SEWING CENTER 1615 Dixie Hwy. . FE ®-W05 SAVE $224 HOUSEFULL OF FURNITURE Sofa and matching chair, zippered raversibta cushions, 2 step fablas,^ piece dinette complete with ........ onfy"i29s“or '$15 iSontlily’J HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE, 681-2383 droorn'**ii ss and I— day prices. SINGER DELUXE MODEL-PORTABLE Repossessed. Pay - $38 CASH or Payments of $5 Per Mo. 5 year guarantee UNIVERSAL SEWING CENTER USED HIDE-A-Bad. $60. USED COLOR TV SETS, $199.95 SWEET'S RADIO AND APPIANCE, INC. I W. Hurom_________________334-5677 USED 1969 SINGER Golden Touch and Sew Automatic bottonhole maker, push button ' bobbin, fancy — monograms. Comes with -------- full price, $155.50 or $8.60 mo. Call Midwest Appliance, 9-9 dally. 334-3312. n couch. 6 glass toaster stand. YOUNG MARRIEDS Need furniture? Under 21? We get you credit without co-sign.. Household Appliance, 681-2383. HORSE SLEIGH OVER 150 years old, useable condition, best offer --------- -^Ivate party. 693-8841. ANTIQUE PUMP ORGAN with stool. Deacon Bench; ------------ chest; Organ stool, iron; Lincoln, Boston Rockers; Round Table; Lamps; _____________ Kitchen Cabinet. Y-Knot Antiques, Davisburg, 634-8991. _____ CUSTOM ANTIQUE REfJnISHING, Specializing in furniture retinishing and repairs of all typas. 363-9361, FLEA AAARKET Sunday, May ia Paint creek . -...........,— and Gifts. .... Orion Rd., Rochester. Dealers Welcome..Cell 651-7294 throug'---- being 24th. ........... ........... course. 363-9361. Custom Antique Hi-Fi, TV and Radios 66 515 E. Walton, cc 23 CHANNEL Lafayette r 1967 18" COLOR TV. $175. Call a all. Call after 6 p.m. 391-21 COLOR TV SERVICE Johnson's TV. FE 8-4569 45 E. Walton nr------ ' COLOR TV's REPOSSESSED : due $193 cash ( Colonial sofa and matching chair, zippered reversible cushions, —" decked. Sold for $359, balance $243 cash or $12 monthly. zippered cushions. Sold for $189,' YOUNG ^MARRIEDS, WE MAY BE ABLE TO GET YOUR CREDIT WITHOUT A CO-SIGNER. HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE DISCOUNT FURNITURE 461 Ellz. Lk. Rd. 681-2383 Near Telegripph Rd. (10-9 p.m. dally) GRAY BREAKFAST set $35. GE apartrrwnt size refrigerator, $25. Electric train and mounted track $35. Cell FE M11)2._______________ HOUEHOLD including 5 pc --------■ 624-3226. HOUSEHOLD SPECIAL 20 A MONTH BUYS 3 ROOMS OF FURNITURE - Consists of: 8-plece living room outfit,with 2-p ,1..,--------- - jjjp tables. 75 FOOT TOWER, ______ . .. five beams, $300. Golden E( CB, D104 Mike. Like new. $300. ...Ing r_____ ______ _ ______ cocktail table, 2 table lamps i (I) 9'xl2' rug Ir-'"*-'* ROYAL WATER sottensr, automatic, large size, $12 6123, Troy. K Your 5-pieca ----- --- ---- , ——- end table. All for $3 Is good at Wyman's. WYMAN FURNITURE CO. 17 E. HURON___________FE 5-150t KIRBY SWEEPER excellent CONDITION-$50 FULL GUARANTEE Kirby Service & Supply Co. 2617 DIXIE HWY.__________674-2234 LIVING ROOM SOFA and ordinatod chairs, blues and 334-7471. LINOLEUM RUGS. MOST SIZES, UP. Pearson's Fur-'"— urn Ave. FE 4-7081. FE 2-6842.____________ MOVING, LIVING AND din '■—'*•—plus washer, 673- MO’VING TO FLORIDA. Houseful of MEADOW LAKE FARMS, Sun., May 18, 12-5. Household Items from 120 "------- garages, —‘ Anchor Island, on Meadow Lake. Follow signs from entrance on Maple (IS Mila Rd.) I'/d miles West of Telegraph, turn left on Whysall. OFFICE DESKS. See Stoney's for ir needs. 103 N. Cass. N HEADBOARDS; ( --------velvet chair, ni $100. 674-2517, 623-0925. PROVINCIAL COUCH, PEARSON'S FURNITURE HAS NOW MOVED TO 640 AUBURN. PONTIAC, FE 4-7881. REFRIGERATOR, GE, good ( j, $35. 651-62S5 after 6 RETIRING, furniture, ---------- Rosedale.,Sylvan I R E household. REFR[GERAT^^RS, DISHWASHERS ranges, crate I scratched models. ^*"cilRT'S APPLIANCE 6484 WILLIAMS LAKE RD. 674-tlOl SECTIONAL, ■-ir chairs _ 3-7617 att. 3 SAVE PLENTl' TODAY On all 1968 floor sampMs ranges, refrigerators, washers louse FE 2-6842 ALSO 2 -BLACK AND WHITE PORTABLES « monthly payments Goodyear Service Store 1370 Wide Track Pontiac, Mich. PHONE 335-6169 LIKE NEW REBUILT Color guaranteed- black and whita ' $20 and <■ Rd. 6a2-8$20. 3507 /MANUFACTURER'S CLOSE-OUT STEREO • WALNUT OR MAPLE CONSOLE Diamond Needles BSR 4-speed changer $89 Or $; UNIVERSAL Dally 10:15-8 2615 Dixie Hwy. 4-0905 Tues„ Sat. 10:15.6 f.n Water Softeners For Sale Miscellaneous 67 water pipe,’ 39 cents a It. G. A. Thompson 8, Son, 7005 M-59 W. 3 RAIL MOTORCYCLE trailer. $70. FE 5-3425. m INCH PLASTIC drain pipt and fittings, no naed to thread pipe ------------ -----------..................■*" SrueT'an' yoiPS^ is a"hack-sa RIDING LAWN mowtr, and I p ^pe, and t rotary. 623-1137. SHALLOW JET PUMP _... furnace humidifier. OR 34)679. DRESSERS, BABY, crib, high chair, wedding dress, )box spring bed, RCA TV, Sleeplhg bed for camping, 8x10 wool rug, rust color, I refrigerator. 674-1297. . REC. ROOM BAR, c sides. HP GARDEN TRACTOR w FEET L-SHAPED counter 1 .jith cast Iron s‘"V •> DIshmaster, wringer ' cabinet —------------*■'- 3-8030. cabinet sewing machine. Call OR 501 GIVEAWAY TIME at Avon-Troy pad and deluxb li..._... sq. yd. Hurry, this Is a .lifetime offer W"------------------- (M59) Rochester bet. John R 8. Oequindre. 1 of Rochester's largest -----• warehouses, — s. In etock. 852-2444. 1947 JEEP WITH BLADE, V-8 Chevy engine, many extras. 1800. Also some copper pipes, fittings and plumbing tools. 673-2~ ‘ For Saie "^ART SHOWING rthing new and wall. Wall hai Want something n different un oil 4>alnts on black velvet. Come over and browse. Heritage Apartments No. 2, 2375 S. Commerce Rd., Walled Lake, Michigan. Sat. and Sun.. May 17 and 18, from noon 'til 5 iJ.m. each (iR COMPRESSOR • ??;»s.ior •toa'StSr'? wrino tooth drag; 2 ton chain 8.-1-*“ rorga;^jMet grind- ANCHOR FENCES NO MONEY DOWN FE 5-7471 ANTIQUE BONO BOARD for salt or trade. 625-5832. ________. bAtHTUB AND TOILET, picket and Cyclone type fence, steel posts, bottle gas stove and hot water heater. 879-6972. RUA6MAGE: 9 9 Fairview, oft Kennetf. Mon.-Tuei. Wed., 9-5; MIsc. . ' BARfTsSf Saturday, „„ 17, 10 4 . . only. 31810 Evergreen Rd. northeast corner of B^everly and Evergreen. Antique bed, 3 leather top tables, antique chest, painted Victorian settee and chair, dress form, belt-type, weight reducing machine, relaxociser, small antique wash stand, antique mirror, antique crocks. . pictures, lawn mower, b Ike, chairs, fireplace and dishes, mention. Many rt misc. Items.______ BARN BEAMS and b 625-2260 or 625-1912. announcements at Drayton, OR 3- CROQUET SET; shuffle board; ■ "les golf clubs, bag and cart, a used; exercise bike; portable TypEw.i..., • Dlal-A-Matic portable sewing machine,- electronic spot reducer; Ar^sv 3 camera; film splicer; Roberts stero tape recorder; power mower. living room ________ Dinette set, tr washer, tape recorder, __________condition. 332-3322 aft. 5. CUT FIELDSTONE. Call 628-3638 or CHIPPED BATHROOM fixture: sale, G * ------ *- M-59 W COMPETITION GO;CART a n d too carrier. 338-6353._ STEPS, MANUFAC- YureR'S seconds, safety t 682-6662 or 678-2238. ___________ ENCLOSED 2-wheel frailer. Lafayette. ENCLOSE YOUR SHOWER o _ _ I over tt ■bathtub with a beautiful glass tjj enclosure, plumlnum frame, wH sand blasted Swan design, $28.9 G. A. Thompson, 7005 M-59 W. ELECTRIC RANGE, Dow softener. FOLDING CAMP trailer and s FRESH PERCH, 18c_ per p a pound ;tra. Open Sundays. Bayport Ffsh a. Phone, Bayport, (517) 656-2121. _____ 275 gallon oil tank. condition. 682-5775. FORMICA REMNANTS, SOc You pick up special discount price nn discontinued patterns. 20c a so. Waterford Cabinets, I FARM DINNER BELL. FURNANCES, GARAGE SALE, THURS. Frl., Set., including 2 electric stoves and refrigerator. 2759 Hlckoiy Lawn, N. of Auburn, and W. of Rochastor tom« ___________ _______ . /, disht . Neighborhood CoOp. Frl., Sat., Sun. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 179 S, Johnson between Orchard Lake 8, Huron. GARAGE SALE. May 19 a north of Clafkston Rd. GARAGE SALE: GE stove, $70; Admiral stereo, console, $65; RCA stereo console, $300; pcirtablo TV, Browne movie. Closet ARA(3ES gears, cl e. 6405 DI :. Columbia. 9 to 6. : May 16, 17, 18. 90 GARAGE SALE. 2 GE electric ranges, furniture, baby items, clothing, etc. 2842 Colonial Tr., Woodward Square Lk. area. Thurs- GARAGE SALE. 5544 S. Aylesbury off Elizabeth Lk. Rd. Furniture, clothes, misc. May 16 and 17, GARAGE SALE: Table saws, bikss. filing cabinet, typewriters, riding !, bedroom suite, plng-TBoies, utility trailers r—' ■ misc. Sunday, dally 10 ser; water softener; portable grill; yard cart; TV; 2W h.p. engine; I'/ji h.p. motor; water proofing; trailer mirrors; gas bottle; misc. 673-7924, 6'°' “— ________________.J\ay 19-26. 5805 .S. Aylesbury. 602-6701. Everything and anything. 25c-up. GARAGE sale May 17 and 18. Clothing, drapes, tool, pool filler, misc. 9 to 4. 1272 Tull Dr., ffon- softener, _________ .... dryhr; $20. Call 338-1457. GARBAGE DISPOSAL, t GARAGE SALE: Starting Friday, May 16-19. 5945 Pine Knob Rd. off Mavbee. Clafkston. , MC-91, twin governor, muicher, riding sulky ,3 years old, used little. Bood con. ditlon. $450. 647-72 GO-CART, 2 YEARS old, excellent condition, $125. 623-0006. GOOD BOAT TRAILER, adlustable. HOT WATER HEATERS, 30 gallon gas. Consumers approved. $89.50 value, $39.95 and $49.95, marred. Also electric and butane heaters. Terrific values. Michigan F Orchard Lake — 16. _ HOTPOINT WASHER AND dryer, $85 each or best offer, 14' boat to wall. Rent electric thamf. $1. I-.............. E. Walton. ■ LAWN SP|!|INKLING systems. Inch plastic pips, $3.65 per 100, plastic ^pe, 5.61 per lOo, plastic pipe, $0.51 per 100, plastic pipe, $--—- “ Thompsor * Thompson 8. Son, 7005 /W-59 W. 2 hj>., priced from $92.50 JCodak camai-a Iwith hments, $25. Electric _____ $10. Sears M" heavy duty riding lawrtmower, $75. All In very good condition. 391-3656. 1968 FRIGIDAIRE __________ dryer $80. Pin-pong table, $25. Misc. train (0-27) Movie prolector ALUMINUM ’isrDING with I Pontiac Press Want Ads For'Action , For Want Ads Dial 3344981 THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1969 For ^qle Miicellaweoui 67 Musical Goods -shower stalls. Irreaulars, terrific values. Mkhtoan Fluorescent, 393 - .Orchard Lk. FE 4-8462 — 1. MOVING TO FLORIDA. GARAGE SALE. EVERYTHING MUST GO I TOOLS OF ALL KINDS. TOYS CLOTHING. DISHES, FANS, MISC. ITEMS. FRIDAY - SATUR-,DAY - AAONDAY.. TUESDAY - 8 A M. TO 8 PM. —........- WOOD OFF JOSLYN. MOVINd OVERSEAS; Garage si —*—*- •-—B. Gardentn^ e AKC MALE POODLE, 145. _______ 363-0458 AKC POODLU PUPPIES. $45 and SUNN "ffiSimii-r, horns, 1 ^gan 100 wan P. A. amplifier 2 microphones, with stand. 333-7M0 LOWERY ORGAN sTTsTeT Frultwood finish. reasonable. 628-3177. ORGAN CLEARANCE u»‘i_l*1'®*”__'!'.®Kes as Lowrey, Este, tivMfock ____________ '83 HORSE a YBAllS oM, Palamlno ind white, qentle and fast, soi ‘ Kostrach. 363-4727. MOWERS, TRACTORS Bolens, Simplicity, L a w n b < .Comet, Jacobsen, McCulloch cl many others. Prices from $3 GALLAGHER IWUSIC CO. , '710 Telegraph ' fe 4-0566 6433. V OPEN EVENINGS'Til By Kate Osann AR^ MARE. Experienced rider. Id .home. 634-8736. 1 YEAR OLD BLACK GELDING, gentle broke, S'85. 7 year old black SSS'hi'..®" horse. 5250. Call anytime. 332-8995.____ ' HORSES FOR sale, 5120 E. -------Hall Rd;, Holly. ME ' 6 YEAR OLD, GELDING, SI mannered, exc. fr-lady, saddle and b 16 Hand bay gelding. ■top ten In 4-H Engllsn pleasure in state of Michigan, exc. disposition, storfed at lumping. Owner leaving for college. $650. 752-2337. | Siving big d P In and te right nowl Stop Ir our unlH and check our price; , HOUGHTEN PQWER CENTER, PIANO CLEARANCE H's Spring clean-bp timo, Clearance of floor models, trade-ins, close-outs. Buy now—save 550 to $300. neighbor; showed us how, new aaraoa sale: 480 Sharon off M-59 Central Methodist GALLAGHER MUSIC CO. ■' Telegraph FE 4-0566 PONTIAC ........ 9 P.M, papers,______________________ BROWN SEAL POINT 2 yeay-JemaJe Siamese, 4540 Joslyn Rd. PONTIAC OPEN EVENINGS '1 SAT. 5:30 P.l NORGE ELECTRIC DRYER, UOJ -Good condition. 335-1005. ,673:7362. Eves. 4 LAMINATING machine. .AMINA1 PICNIC TABLE - Park type, adult swings. Made of cedar logs Beautiful clear finish. Moon Valley .Rustic Furn. Co. 6465 Dixie Hwy . Clarkslon. 625-3322. _ PICNIC TABLES ■ Music 8. Sound. 682-3350. excellent condition. OR 3-2663. - BONED GERM/U4 Shepherd puppies. Pure bred. 693-6682. , COCKER SPANIELS, AKCi BLACK HACKNEY PONY v and harness, sacrifice, ne space. 693-8918. CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES, registered, 6 wks. Also Ch stud service. Chihuahua . . _ Yorkle mixed pups, cheap. 625- BUCKSKIN ________ CONTEST HORSE. FREE KEEP FOR 1 MONTH. OL 1-0763._______ FOR SALE. Chestnut Gelding, Paint MORRIS MUSIC -cros; USED ORGANS Choose from Hammonds and ol well-known brands, prices a Siamese, 3 months, $20. 651-4375.' FREE kittens, to ______________675-2812 FREE Kittens and good home. 334-1267. __________ FREE KITTENS, Orange Tigers ! Dixie Hwy. OR 3- experlenced rider reasonable, eves. 625-2961. GENTLE TRAIL HORSES, trailer and saddle. 634-4118, Davisburg. C—18 i Min' From Pontiac TOWN & COUNTRY MOBILE HOMES, INC. Telegraph at Dlkje Hwy. 334-6694 Dally 'til 8 , Sat. 8, SI PRIVATELY OWNED BUCKSKIN Gelding, good reining, quick, -prospect. 626-1276.____ PALOMINO FARMS. 1085 Hill Rd. |-lorses boarded, bought, rented. Hay rides. , $49.95;, 3-plece bath sets. PLUMBING CO. 8 41 RAILROAD TIES, NEW and used'. REBUILT LAWN MOWERS SHINGLES. Sealdl I. R. Smith, I GERMAN SHORT HAIR Pointer, . ;RED Vj ARAB' GELDING, I color, 15 hands, -some a, coming 5 yrs. 642-0358. 71.Ai®E'’''AAN shepherd male, ' ‘ " I months has had shots. 623-1093. THE WINDY-iC .............. .. I in new barn, 180' pj''^ ' WELCH AND hackney PulaneckI, OR 3-5596, Office Equipment LABRADOR RETRIEVER puppies. 8 - weeks old. Excellent bloodline, Zi AKC registered. 752-2337. WIDE CARR S E olnH Airedale and Vi ______ _____ Installation «or Ice cream star available. Call OR 3-5402 after S:00TCE CREAM AND - - “It, call after ' ipright, e> S51-«45^ .-'male boxer WITHOUT PAPERS. ____________________FE"lwl6,"”j . j2"5”i3^-76^"* lumper, best offer accepted. IM 5- I MEAT CUTTING, Fr meats. Call FE 2-6155. ROMEO MEAT CENTER - dressed meats. A side o cut. Romeo, PL 2-2941. Open 7 days a week. 67140 Van Dyke. _ 84 Huy-Gruin-Feed 1,000 BALES ALFALF;^ brome h Ion, $300. 644 Bates, Birir Carlos Long. 685-2218. “I guess I AM pretty far ahead on my allowance-well, how about an advance on my social security?” Travel Trailers 1969 STARCRAFT TRAVEL TRAILERS INSIDE DISPLAY CRUISE-OUT, INC. Dally 9- LIFETIME MOTOR HOMES 23' self contained, full power, engine, duals, stereo, etc., sp deal on stock units. STACHLER TRAILER SALES, INC. 3771 Highland Rd. (M-59 ) 682-9440 MotOr ScOOterS 1969 Active MOBILE HOME ""■t Space On Lake lo Entry F‘ ^cles N'S SCHWINN. Like ' boys SCHWINN bicycle, like BOYS 5» speed Schwinn bike, exc. condition, $56. 6S1-78M. STING RAYS, OTHERS, like new, a good deal. 3630 Dixie Htvy., 673- SAILBOAT 8 FT. PRAM, UMd I year, dacron sail, 1175. 681-1193. new, 689-0423. TO SETTLE ESTATE, 16' Aerocraft Aluminum boat, 30 h.p. Evinrude motor, std-fow, extras. I42S. 627-. 284S.\ , , V Bouts-Accessories 97 1 DRAG BOAT, SPICO, 427 Ford, , plush seats, tuned, s p a g h e 11 ' headlars, trailer, $3800 or $3400 with water exhaust. OR 3-9838. TONY'S MARINE For JOHNSON'S MOTORS 33 Years Repair Experience Want a flbreglas pontoon? No rust, nO||rot, If planei. It's fast. It pulls 2 OUTBOARD MOTORS, 5 h.p. and to h.p.j $50 ea. 956 Forest, Birm. Mobile unit - for a ’ mobile office, display unit, mobile home. For information call 548-8411 Monday thru Friday, 9:00 MIDLAND TRAILER SALES Your authorized dealer for Holt/ Park, Oxford, Parkwood ' Ish King. . 30 models Free Delivery within 300 miles. Will trade for most anything of value. Open •-« n m H.P. JOHNSON MOTOR, 1967, ' ALUMINUM BOAT, c rier, 1 year old, also i motor, $75. 852-1141. ' ALUMINUM BOATS . PONTIAC CHIEF 10' 338-0772 SEE OUR "OPEN it sell. FE 8-4266. Trailers $120, l> canoes $169 Big Coho boats, 14' $289. 15' $389. Big tiberglas runabouts ...........$ Auto Accessories Tires-Auto-Truck REPAIR, MOUNT, and balance-mag and chrome wheels. New and used •■ '■—Is. Mags-American ET, Craget, ... -msen. Trade old mags tor new. Goodyear Polyglass tires. Chester ' FIBERGLAS, 35 h.p. r. EM 3-5887 or EM 3-5553. A-1 shape. 651-3539. 4' ALUMA CRAFT. „ ____ Johnson motor, trailer. $495. 673-8947 after 6 p.ir ■ -f^ CANOPY AND STEVEN'S DRAG- f-SKr' 4.95 or W as fast, safety glass 1968 AEROCRAFT alum, boats and canoes, at a terrific discount. Also Geneva and Aerocraft, run-abouts. CALL 682-3660 » 30 BOATS ON DISPLAY LAKE & SEA MARINE S. Blvd. at Saginaw FE 4-958y VVE ARE PROUD TO ANNOUNCE WE NOW CARRY THE "THOMPSON BOAT LINE" 16' to 24' THOMPSON See the 20' C^vas Back Camper complete Galley, 13 CHRYSLER MODELS In stock 14' to 23' ' Polara Outboard at l FULL LINE OF FT- 'ST^ CRAFT, 25 ^ Evinrude, tilt trailer, convertible top, extras. $550. 334-2739. 4 FOOT SUNFISH SAILBOAT, like new, $525. 335-7284._______ V boat, windshield, steering Ii trailer, $200. LI 9-3668. CLIFF DREYER'S MARINE DIVISION 15210 Holly Rd. Holly ME 4-677j - CLOSED SUNDAYS Apache Camp Trailers Pickup Truck Campers Buy brand new 1968 Apache Camp CUSTOMIZED RUTTMAN n used trailer prices? io Phone 674-3163 models of new Apache trailers on display In heated showrooms. Over NOW FFATIIRINO 30 different models of pickup truck rtAI UKINb campers and covers to choose WHEEL CAMPER from. Save up to $5Q0 on new 1968 i .-m 7 campers while they last. New 8' Number 1 fold.down cami cabover pickup truck campers $595 ,, c.,r«. ™ up. Open Sundays, Apache Factory "<>'"• Home Town Dealer, Bill Coller , adquarters'/» Mile East! of Tr uei T*"'® McClellan Travel Trailers, Inc. 4820 Highland Road (M-59) 'jJnd^rn^sfof MACfo spitfire' 175 CC. 16l A-1 condition. $1650. 6 Airplanes PRIVATE TUTORING fc GLASTRON I N B O . Good condition. $100.1 ll-BfKE, 3 il6' ALUMINUM BOAT, 18 Motorcycles 116' THOMPSON LAT>STRAKE, h.p. Chrysler 1-0 with tilt trail Waterford Sport and Marine, 4 Wanted Cars-Trucks 101 EXTRA Dollars Paid FOR THAT EXTRA Sharp Car 3f Lapeer City Li W-21. AIRSTREAM BONANZA [2311. •RUMMAGE SALE Benefit, o Michigan Anmial Rescue League i Pontiac Saturday and Sunday, 171 and 18th of May. 9 a.m. to 7 p.n at Dewey's Dairy Cream, 47C Elizabeth Lake Rd.__________________ Sporting Goods SUMP PUMPS 5ULUf renTet repaired. Cone's, FE 8-6642. ---- MIXED PUPPIES wanted, » ^complete lillers. 851-0072. 74 MUST sell. AKC Poodles. A ~~'5t colors. 334-2749. 9x12 CAMPING TENT. $25. 1x18 NATIONAL TENT, catallstic heater, bendzamatic, cook stove usOd rwk. $140. 682-7815 all. 6. . USED POOL __________ . ______ Coin, $350; 1 — 5x10 Snooker, $350; 9-4x8 from $225. LI 2-8429 or LI ............ Billiard. , housebroken dog. Lake NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND, puppies. POODLE PUPPIES, Cocker puppies, $15 a PIGEONS. WHITE. $1 ell. Hundreds of PART COCKER PUPflES FOR 11 I SMALL EGGS, $.89, 3 xJ. eggs, $.99, C. 8, C. Egg 1796 So. Lapeer Rd., Lake' APPLES-CIDER of Milford.'8-6 Dally. CERTIFIED SEED from the post office, ortc Fraction of Original cost. BOULEVARD SUPPLY 0 S. Blvd. jl9M REMINGTON,_M II black dirt. Phone 394-0042. / WELL ROOTED, STEER AAANURE I EVERY SUNDAY .. B & B AUCTION EVERY FRIDAY.......7:00 P.AA. EVERY SATURDAY ..._7:00 P.M. FIRST F CONTAINED. Excellent in. $1,250, 363-0086._ 19' HOUSE CAR P-M. contained i BULLDOZER, TRUCK, t'ralTer. 673- ivrolet chassis. Complete 8793. CRAFTMAN WOOD SHAPER 27x19 Inch table 44 horse power motor, stand and cutters. $90.00. ■Phone OR 4-3695 after 6 p.m. CATERPILLAR 8. oOzER..Hydraulic blade, $4,000. HD 6 Allis Chal-mer $2,500. 10-12 yard pull sejape^, $900. 210 Low Boy, $1000. MA 5- 2161. bed, 23" shut height, air clutch, safety controls, can be seen lo operation. Auto. Press Product, 185 ^z ■ ■■ ----------- Steel workbench, r ■’Used hough loader $, Used Terra Trek Dozer. BURTON EQUIPMENT C Pets-Hunting Dogs 70 : CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME »V| CASH PRIZE EVERY AUCTION 15089^ Dixie Hwy._; OR 3-2717 YOUNG SQUIRREL MONKEY, ' D 0 b AlirTinM child's pet, $25. FE 4-5050, b & B AULMUN ductory offer. 2 v WHITE FEMALE POODLE. -------Id. $20. BlacK male pupp , $30. 673-0780. M-21, Open 7 days, Saturdays SUN. AFT. MAY 18 2 P.M. SHARP and Sundays, 1 GO FIRST CLASS I BEAGLE 2 YEARS OLD, i and 1 Basset Hound; 1 yr. fen 338-6353.____________________ _______ .UdaCHSHUND pups, AKC, ESTELHEIM KENNELS, 391-188r i and used, tractor, AKC JET BLACK male Poodle mowers. Bicycles puppies, priced for quick sale, $50i And other articles. $65. 852-2440. HOLIDAY TRAVEL TRAILER, Clearance Sale: fresh vege-- L®km*'’'. . , , . ij • i Reese hitch, stablizer Included. 682- tables , groceries, sold in ^iw^______________________ __________ case lots. 24" & 36" Pickup Covers Railroad salvage, fire Inr---- Co's, merchandise, furnitur CUTE POOdLe puppies, 7 weeks old, I sliver grey, 1 apricot, males. Vetinai'y approved. 332-2562. iERO TO 3'' ~BROWNING-S^rpe'j ger/vIAN shepherds................— • Micrometers, diamond, Kennedy 8, white $100. 1 black-silver female, -------- kk,i Kh... »i*h somei Call ^24-3429. ___________ _ mechanics tools, $ Camera! • Service . FREE. 625-4044, i SUNDAY, . ,__ _____ ________ woodshed, stereo, 3 pc. living room outfit, sporting goods, fish rods, lot of misc. items. NEW white canopy bedroom outfits, dinette sets, white " ‘ Early American WEEK OLD pert shepherd puppies.- 673^0608, 673-0110. i UNIVERSAL ACCORDIOfJS. G< ■condition, $200 each. OR 3-1135. _ , lowrey Elect ‘ MAtiUEL organ, 673-235 AKC MALE WEST Highland" witite terrier. Excellent pedigree. $50. AKC COLLIE PUPPIES, $ 673-3157.,_____ -______ AKC COLLIE PUPS, Chami Bloodline. 682-73 Blue aKC d'ASHUND, MALE, biack, FOR RENT Nfw cohsole pianos, $8 per mi ' ^SMTETBI^0S.,\jyiUSlC 119 N. SAGINAW ' ■ AKC BLACK SILVER pups, 2 males, 1 ferr ATAKC^'^dDLE'^STUb’seFvf colors; puppics/ grooming. OR 3-27171 center Ellsworth Trailer Sales f Dixie Hwy._____, 625-4400 1968 TRAVELMASTIr frailer, ccellent condition, tandem wheels. 678-2529. 1954 SPORTSAHAN HOUSETRAILER, sleeps 4, self 'Shape, 625-4940. Hall's Auction, '70S Clarkslon Rd., 1871. t Orion. 693- Bymaster quad-level hotne sold Furnlshlngs-Heirlooms-Boat-shop Perkins -Sale Service Auctioneers 1-635-9400 81-A Plonts-T rees-Shrubs EVERGREEN TREES, pine, 3-4 feet, $3. Yoi Dahlia bulbs. 3206 lUM Mi othi-r pi| ng. To duplicate new :r $5,200, price $2,750. 6 days, 651-6654 aft DELUXE FROLIC. nlno^eldlng am Colonial Mobile Homes E 2-1657 623-1310 0 Opdyke Rd. So. ot Waterford PONTIAC CHIEF, Frankllns-Crees 18 MOBILE HOME, SI975 Fans-Streamllne Skamper-Pleasure Mates Truck Campers furnace, $1995. 334-1509,J MUST GO - at Year-end Prices.- ,J NEW MOON _ ______________ peting with air conditioning. iOO, Call Milford, 685-3429 after STATESMAN, Early :an, Newl Furnished and ■d, Only $4,995. Set-up Countryside Living, 334-'34 Oakland. models. Don't r motor home, special price on si 10x46 Champion v _units^628-3631- _______ "GRAB" The Great Outdoors! Take the "Apache Mesa" s of home. Memorial Reasonable, 332- year? Bank financing Bva?lab liable. EVAN'S EQUIPMENT ‘ ____’ll Clarkslon 625-2516 6507 Dlxie_Hwy. Open 9 a.m.-8 P.m. HEILITETeNT CAMPER. 682-3109 or^334-767^ “have YOU s'een* the all new . OMEGA Motorhom^ CHAMPION MOBILE home, 46'; furnished, air conditloni 278^ e^nlngs^____ DETROlfER AMERICAN SUNRISE PARK KROPF Double Wides# Expando' ... the Chevy Chassis 350C engine, power steering, brakes, i speed transmission, d u a I - r e a j wheels, completely se)f° autom radio, heater, 30,000 miles of ranty, no money down, $54 month. 677 M24, Lake Orion, 693- 1967 CATALINA, 4----- , . . .. -"'s; air, warranty maintained, $2050. Call 851-1652. __ ———irtj;. atic. ______4.99 . ____ ____ _ Mr. Parka Credit manager at M* 4-7500. Ne* -location of ■ ^ ■ Turner Ford pie (15 Mile Rd.) Troy Mali mile east of Woodward PONTIAC BONNEVILLE < vertible, exc. condit. power, ster - - , tires, priv. 681-0166. M«8'fuirpr"cl'5u^^^ "jOHN McAULIFFE ford - „ ....................................... B to our new 630 OaklanlAye,_______________f_E_5:4L«J : i?ea\T*’Be.uflfur’'l 1967 firebird 400 C( black bucket seats Power steering, 3 sr 1964 COMET 404, automatic. i _____ 624-3735._____________ 1964 COMEt, 6 cylinder, automatic,!*^ good condition, $395. Buy here, payl here. Marvel Motors, 251 -Oakland,' FJJ.4079^ 165 MERCI hardtop. T_...............— 8, automatic. Radio, heater, r ... matching Interior. If you find cleaner one than this one, I'lr t this one! Sprint, .pedal! Only 088 full price. Just $188 down. We're moving to our new loca-m and all Used cars must be , ....... ... 27,000 NICEI Call 642-3289. _ Audette Pontiac 1850 W. Maple Rd. TroV 1968 FIREbTRD 400. Nassau blue with vinyl top. Automatic with double power. Factory mags. $2495. Cal! Mr. Al dealer), 682-2601. II 7-0958 CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 1968 DODGE, PICKUP,^^' $35**down,* $66* per month. 677 M24 Lake Orion, 693-8341. _______ 1968 FORD % TON CAMPER special, make offer. 682-1513, after losT^M^l^oir'PKfKUPS, new. Immediate delivery. Save. KEEGO PONT lAC, 682-3400.___________ FORD 1969 Pickup 4 wheel drive, V8, 4-speed, with snow plow and ad|ustable hubs, ■ driven only 4;000 miles. New car '^"bTll''f0X CHEVROLET 755 S. Rochester Rd. __65'‘:7000 a" red . el ' camin67‘ 19V9. 5375 (jooley Lajte Rd._ “■ATfENTION TRUCKERS ! NEW 1969 CHEVY j clean. Best off^. OA 8-2469. fW 1968 SUNROOF, radio. Call 628-1868. fW 1968, FORMULA 1959 CHEVROLET, $75. _________ ............. 852-3294, aft. 4 p.m._____brakes, radio, above average I960 CHEVY IMPALA hardtop, $150,'dillon. $1495 W VAN, overhauled engine, new tires, new exhaust system, $200. FE 5-7166, aft. 5 r - On N. Milford Rd. YOUR VW CENTER 70 to Choos# From -All Models--All Colors--RYTY/rnC r^"° Reconditioned- Autobahn 63 Ford . . . ..3x5 yds. I Molors Inc Authorl«^^ Dealer 69 Ford T-800 . . .8x10 yds.; 1755 S. Telegraph__ FE 8-4531 with olegranning air lift axle. | . - /• All trucks ready Id gol i $495 up! Terms ArrongedI John McAuliffe Ford |- 277 West Montcalm (Nr. dikland) FE 5-410! J-i 3-2030| GMC TRUCKY--. CENTER 8;00 to 5:00 AAon.-Frl. . 8.00 to 12:00 Saturday 701 Ooklond Avenue 335-9731 TOM RADEMACHER CHEVY-OLDS 1961 CHEVY Bel-AIr 4-doOf, ' V-8. automatic, radio, hec. whitewalls, want a sharp old c< rust, radio and heater, good II $J£aj35'd337. 1961 CHEVROLET TAYld)R 1965 MERCURYs r O p shocks, and “T a. .zivu. ,-966 PUyMOUtir“slrtlliti; dovyn, condition, $1095. 628-4370._ .- -....... 1967 Plymouth ■LUCKY AUTO _ ■ steering 1 weekly payments $8.92. Full price 1965 MERCURY 4-DOOR Hardtop, $999. Call Mr. Parks, credit man- lust like —--------------- ager ata,Ml 4-7500. New location of ------ Turner Ford Factory ajr/,— Birmingham _________ ________________ _ _ 1966 PLYMOUTH Satellite, exira: mileage. Well maintained. Call 642-- ---- a,..* AA O ftlAA 3989. Audette Pontiac . Maple Rd. Troy FORD FALCON Convertlble> condition, radio, r—^— illjires, $395. 363-1239. 1966 MUSTANG, 2 door hardtop, j auto, transmission, power brakes and steering. Low mileage. Good; FE 4-1006 2 W. Montcalm I, automatic, 1 Exc. 3 1963 FORD 6ALAXIE $100. FE 5-3270 1962 CHEVY V8 wagon; Polara, clean. 363-0081, 1962 CHEVy NOVA II, 1963 CORVAIR MONZA, 4-dooi "0, heater, $200. 625-1853, aft. Public Action Sale! Must setl 100 cars 1960 to 1966 Hundreds to choose from. Call Mr. Al (dealer) . M2-2061 SPARTAN" DObGE^ WATCH FOR GREAT BUYS MONDAYS PAPER 855 Oakland FE 8-9222 TRANSPORtATjON CARS, (tan be! __________ofJw.J82-771^ M2 CHEVY IMPALA ~§S CO vertible, 327, 3-$peed, 052-2796 i 852-4767. _ ____ __________ 1963 CORVETTE, "iWO 334-3124 BILL FOX CHEVROLET 755 5. Rochdsler Rd.__^;L®?“|l964 FORD 6 cylinder stick, $375 Only $2195. ECONOMY USED CARS 2335 Dixie Hwy._______334-2131 steering and'brakes. Radio, It whitewalls. Call A- ■' Matthews Hargreaves "OK" Truck Specials! 1966 CHEVV Custom Campdr vacation, gold finish. Only — $1595 1966 GHEVY One Ton Stake 1962 CHEVY Vi Ton Pickup “995 ’ Matthews Hargreaves CHfVY 631 Oakland Ave. __ FE 4-4547 SHARP 1962 CHEVY PICKUP, ver good condition, $550. 693-6131. Foreign Cars 10! SHARP 1963 CORVAIR, 2 di automatic, like new condition. I 2-5089, 374 second JL^Pon^tlec. _ 1963 CHEVY "" Convertible. This one Is a real sit at onyl $395. GRIMALDI CAR CO. I Oakland Aye.________FEJ-9421 3 CHEVY IMPALA SS. V-8 lutomatlc, double power. Only 1595. ECONOMY USED CARS !2335 Dixie Hwy, _ - 334-2yi '63 CHEVY IMPALA Convertible, 4-speed, mags, positractlon. Exc. shape. Afterj6 p.m. 64^514. 1M8 CHEVELLE 2 DOOirEconoW -line, 9,000 miles, power, $1895 or Call 682-C899. _ ________ St offer.^ 5-6908. ‘1963 GALAXIE 500 XL, 3 speed CHEVY 1968 Wagon" "5 *p“owe"?’$Soo. passenger, V8, automatic, full.Voaa fMD qALAXIE 500 V0‘, 2‘dr. hard top. Auto. Power steering, power brakes. Radio, heater, new tires. $395. 626-5007.___________ 11964 FALCON. A-1 condiflon all small down payment. Easy' GMAC “HAHN FALCON.................- - - performance, 2-door hardtop, lust painted, loaded with extras, $050. FE 2-0889.______________^_______ 964 COUNTRY SEDAN. 9 passenger. Power and automatic No $ down, weekly payments “ Full price $695. Call Mr. credit manager at Ml 4-7500. Inratinn Of Turner Ford transmlsslbh. 19^ MUSTANG Hardtop, V8 engine. 2600 Maple (15 Mile Rd. 6673 Dixie Hwy. 625-2635i I mile east of Woodward^_i CLARION _ '’M/OJJD^COIJNJRY J_ed.n,_ M^^ 196'4‘CHRYSLER HARDTOP. ' down, weekly payments $6.J price $795. Call Mr. Parks, manager at Ml 4-7500. Nrn ' tion ol Turner Ford 2600 Maple (15 Mile Rd.) /Trc 1 mile east o( WoodWan 1966 Chrysler Newport/ ; 2.doi mati_ , . . radio, hea $795 1965 Mercury 2-dr. Hardtop Uri-Mi-irTTVT^T t x > >r parklane, with .blue finish blue BIRMINGHAM l'960 PONTIAC. Can be purchased LUCKY AUTO- FE 4-1006 , 1968 TEMPEST CUSTOM Station servec,un,y CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH I LTTnMrr."'*lhrJL Tu’g'g^aSS tn05 2100 Maple Rd. Troy! rack. New tires. Power steering ’ 642-^000__________' ............. -—.......... GRIMALDI Buick-Opel ' i967 Plymouth sport fury 2-1 caii64 210 Orchard Lk. Rd.__FE.211M; Audette PontiOC 1965 MERCURY Colony lOl premiun^ tires. Only $1995. ........... ....... •*' HUNTER DODGE 499 South Hunter r and in excellent condition. passenger, i___ automatic, radi spring special at only S1288 fulij moving to \ John McAuliffe Ford 6^ Oakland Ave. FE^WIOI 19M^1^RCURY AAARAUDER 4 door hardtop. Sahara gold with brown I vinyl top. Matching vinyl interior. ' V-8 automatic, power Steering and brakes, radio, heater, whitewalls. Balance due $476.19, w e e k1 y payments $3.62. Call Mr. Al (dealer). 602-2061. 1944 COMET CALIENTE Convertible. ,1850 W. A '11948 ROADRUNNER, $175 down take ever oavmenla. halenra S' 1948 EXECUTIVE, AIR, $2850. 852-4149. 1968 Firebird ___ __________ balance $2300,; condition. OR 3-1589. 3 door hardtop. V-8, automatic,’ -----------------------------—— steering and brakes. $2595 Pontiac Retail er^ly Dr__________FE 3-7954 ' MILOSCH CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH ,40 urn ’’JIr,'’^"arorhe.^“e^y'vV'tS^eMl’^ down payment, $41------*'• ;e Orion, 493-8341 I'4-7500., New" loca-l 5577. PONTIAC Catalina hardtop, illent condition, $200, 401-1240. PONTIAC VENTURA, -jtomatic, 4-door, hardtop. I condition, snow tires. $275. 335- r, exc. condition. 41 location and all Used Cars must “jOHN McAuliffe ford of Woodward CUSTOM 500 2 t,_ automatic transmission^! “-nutiful — 312 W. Montcalm XrXL i FE ^5004 Executive Cars Inc. SM FACTORY OFFICIAL CAR ALSO FACTORY CARS —Over too to 46?TOo'^Mnes-''^' Factory Warranty Low overhead—Large volume— LARGE SAVINGS JL Main, Romeo____ 752-9681 Public Action Salel Must sell 100 CORVAIR MONZAr , . 'automatic. $395. STANDARD AUTO -Waterford J40o_ElizabelhJ.k. ______^68L 144 CHEVY MALIBU, 4 speed, $550. FE 5-9373. ■fOM RADEMACHER CHEVY-OLDS 2964 CHEVY Impala 2-d( hardtop, with V-8. automi power " steering, radio, hef I960 PONTIAC j Sport Couw^ Tys one is a nic o 1966 ^ No dealers) Al (dealer) " NEED A CAR? chrysler-Kymouth X) MAPLE RD. TROY, MICH. 642-7000 Exc. condition, $2,500 646-4444. 1967 CHRYSLER Crown IMPERIAL Hardtop JOHN MCAULIFFE FORD 10 Oakland Aye.____^_5- 1965 f- 7ERBI— -------- ______..jutltul arctic white w black vinyl top. Full power e factory air conditioned. Special, only $1988 full pric whllewa^irtlrer" teSlNturi?v; ‘'gRIMALOI CAR CO. mileage,Birm.^r^ad.^Onl^ $1495. 900_gakjanlAye,... 1MI CATALINA, 1941 Stir Chief, Chevy^ pickup truck. Best *of- Used Cars m ) Hardtop aht blue finish, location steering, brakes. ........I JOHN MCAULIFFE FORD 630 Oakland Aye.__________FE S-4101 GRIMALDI Buick-Onel iiMrFORD country sedan staflon UKIIVIALUJ DUICK upBI ,,,, automatic, double power, 210 £rcharlk. M.________FXM165 ,m,ed ,,455, roof rack, $1000. ,424- TRY sedan station! 1497.____________'______________ ....... automatic trans- ,,47 BURGUNDY, black rnisslon, r a d I 0, heater, . grower j ,op, auto. V-8 power steering. 482-2041j credit? I Clarkston, M^5-50/l. 1944 CORVAIR MONZA Convertible, 4 sMed, nojhp, silver, 484-0615. 1964 CHEVY WAGON,'" good Con- $2995 n, 674-2M2^ ....... u .. 1964 chevy" IMPALA, Call Mr. Al (dealer) ""’■“''''condition, $795. Buv here. STANDARD AUTO SALES ’ Pontiac 109J. Blvd. J. FE 8-4033 NEW finance plan working? Need a car? We arrange tor almost anybody with good, bad or rack. Beautllul silver biue ™uu|,-r,c-maiching all vinyl Interior. Spring;'96/ ------- —y $1,188 - ----- • *■’“ otter. FE 5-7174. full price. Just! Bucket seats. Oakland. FE 8 TOWN 8. COUNTRY CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH ROCHESTER 1001 N. Main SI. 65J-6220 ' MILOSCH" "i CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 1967 CHRYSLER NEWPORT, 4 door,; V8, Bulomalic, power sleering, power | : brakes, power windows, radio,; whitewalls, 3 speed wipers, and; heater, 1 owner low mileage with . -----, „„„.______________________,,gn interior.'677 M-24, Lake Orion. •-“u'ii.--,.CHEVELLE 1965, V-8, lots of extras.;683;«4L P.S. We're moving I $188 Beautl(ul lime gold with natural .^1 leather Interldt. Spring special. soldi ' ' ' ■ ------’ ' t ‘ ........ John McAuliffe Ford P.S. We'r» moving to our new to 0 Oakland Ave._ FE 5-4101 JOHN MCAULIFFE FORD Automatic. $567.01. weekly paymenis 3 engine, aft. 3, FE 5 Call^cr^it mgr SAVE~Mo¥et aT"mik¥“SAVOTe|'" BMtTtlful%ond?iton.°67r^^ ' CHEVY, 1900 W. Maple. ------------------------- Public Action Sale! Hundreds to choose from, Ilf Mr. Al (dealer) 682-20 4-SPEED CONVERTIBLE positractlon, blue whV* lop. 61 1965 BUICK Wildcot 1 door with green finish, an^ It 1967 CHRYiSLER HARDTOP, condition, power and automa $39 down, weekly payments $15 630 Oakland Aye.^ FE 5- transmlssloo...Radio, heater, power steering and brakes. Spring social, only $1880 full price, lust P.S. We're our new loc^ “JOHN MCAULIFFE FORD 430 Oakland_Aye^ FE 5-4101 1948 MERCURY MONTEGO Wagon, V-8. low ml., double power. $2495. Factory official car. McKenzie Ford, 120 Main, Rochester 4803, 451-2506. _______________ 1959 OLDS. Running condition, $50. i' 1965 MUSTANG, 4 CYLINDER, _ standard transmission. 852-5292._ ',5 MUSTANG 260. 1967 FORD Squire. Power — — down, weekly payments ........ price S1999. Call Mr. Parks Credit manager at Ml 4-7500. “ ‘ ' Turner Ford 2400 Maple (IS Mile Rd.) Troy Mall • —-----------St of Woodward itlon of ; 4-speed. $400. 420-12)8. Turner Ford 1945 ■thunderbird, Aaple (15 Mile Rd.l^ Troy Mall ...._ __________ vinyl top, tires and battery, needs repair, SIJOO Call between 12- 4 door vinyl hardtop, doublei.j 'onvertlble, beautiful 1965 Chevy ... falcon FUTURA statiol Wagon. 289. Automatic, powei steering, $1,425. 334-6003. . $2.07. $5.00 down. Call jJPealer), 682-2061. ' 1965 ‘bdbGE CORbNET, 2 door. HUNTER DODGE 499 South Hunter to ___ ________Birmingham '“b XL Convertible, i 390 Thunderbird FORD MUSTANG, 209 V-8, steering, bucket seats, ■■ Tires, like new. 600 Fourth St. 4-on2. CaILN $1195 FLANNERY FORD f (Formerly Beatlie FordI ....... On Dixie Hwy. Waterford 623-0900 Spring Special, 1965 CHEVELLE SS. Ver ________________________________________ John McAuliffe Ford condmon/^mus^M^^^ ■ansmisslon, -r a (i I o ,i«0 Oakland Aye. FE 5-4101, j947 ltD 'HARDTOP. VInyH root. Mint condition. Beautiful metallic [ ching Int $788 lull 1958 VW WITH '65 engine, good fi ^_____cicn -ISS-UZS Jift A 1940 PEUGEOT, good c( set$ of tires Including s ----------1- AAA 6-4792. 1942 VW W $250-473-15 ENGINE GRIMALDI Buick-Opel ) Orchard Lk. Rd. ' FE yi TOM"RADEMACHER ' CHEVY-OLDS I 1965 CORVAIR MONZA, 1 owner.! I , $5M^ 363-752IL ^ , | -',1965 CHEVERbLEt Corvette' co‘n-1 verllble, 327, 350 h.p„ exc. con-, I dllton, $2700, «4-2(^. r 1965 CORvATr ‘Convertible, radio,; .........................hardtop, automatic, power steering, heater, low mllMge, ,4-speed, very 1943 RENAULT, 25,000 miles. $295,; brakes, radio, heater, yvhilewalls, clwn. $M0. 343-W5...................... 493-8794. ■ . . I one owner new car trade. $1195 tMS CHEVROLET SS HARDTOP. 4' =TT-_ 7j ^ select trom speed, radio and healer. No $1 - On US 10 at M15, Clerkslon, down, weekly payments $5.85, full 4A 5-5071^ price $699. Cell Mr. Parks credit BuiCK LeSABRES' 4-door manager ol Ml 4-7500. New locor edans, can ba purchased with $1001 “-----‘ ‘JOHN,MCAULIFFE FORD ,0 Oakland Ave.___ FE 5-4101 1966 Dodge Coronet 500 |942 RED ■ FIAT SPYDER, fires, radio, heater, $450 or efter, 447-4942. MUSTANGS You Wont 'Em? We Got 'Em! 1965 Thru 1969 25 in Stock For immediate delivery Fastbacks, Coupes, Convertibles All engines. Big ones or sme weekly payments $14.44. Full $1899. Call Mr. Parks I manager at Ml 4-7500. New Turner Ford Save Bob Borst i 1942 PONTIAC staflon w Dealer_______ • t‘942 CATALINA , - transmission;: double p rubber, $250. 482-1805. 1943 PONTIAC CATALINA, I door sedan, double power. ------ radio, clean, by owner. 343-034J. 1943 PONTIAC SPORT CATALINA -------- good_^ condition, MANS CONVERTIBLE. - Included, $550. 33S4773. 1943 GRAND PRtX, double power, good condition. $475. 493-0203 or 493=1205. 1964 PONTIAC CATALINA, 4-door, GO! HAUPT PONTIAC 1948 PONTIAC CATALINA 4 door sedan, cream with black Interior. Automatic, power steering and brakes. Full decor, group. New tires. Excellent condition. Call 442- ' 3289. Audette Pontiac 196? CATALINA 2 DOOR hardtop. Burgundy' with black seats. V-8 ' automatic and power steering and brakes. Radio, whitewall tires,, 328?.™' ^I^TEMP^ST 1944' CATALINA 2 door hardtop,! 1949 Tempest 4-door e ■ ble power, auto., exc. FE 2- 1947 Catalina 2-door 1964 Bonneville Conve r9(M‘‘‘GRAND PRIX, 2 _ door,' full Buick Wildcat 741 OLDSMOBILE, g 482-1485._______ I condition. STANDARD AUTO Waterford 3400 Elizabeth Lk. _ 681-0004 1965 Fury yvagon . Is 4-door hardtop . $1495 1395 1944 OLDS CONVERTIBLE, double —-tor, good condition, 482-5445. 1944 OLDS DELTA 88, 2 c "" dtOp. Maroon with matching OWNER, 1944 Cat steering and brakes, _682-8117. _____________ 1945 GTO Convertible, 4 hea' ■■ * $5.00 down. Cell 6 KEEGO PONTIAC SALES KEEGO HARBOR 682-3400 1969 PONTIAC Bonnevilie , Kioine k. t. Radio steer vinyl top. Automatic, power nq, brakes, and radio, can payments $9.08. Full price $1095. Call Mr. Parks Credit Mansaer at Ml 4-7500. New location of Turner Ford e Rd.) Troy Mall;QPDYKE HARDWARE. 1945 OLDS Dynamic 88 2-door hardtop, V-o. automatic, power steering, brakes, radio, heater, whitewalls, white with red Interior, only $1195. Over 75 other cers to select from — On US 10 at M-15, _aarkston' MA 5-M^.____________ OLDS 1965 4-doof Hardtop? fully equipped, with air conditioning, extra shai'f). Just $1195, $145 or old car down, low GMAC terms. BILL FOX CHEVROLET i 1n Pontiac Country, 945 GTO. Low mileage. VERY! showroom condition, GOOD CONDITION. CAII 442-3209. i appreciate. 334-1509._______________________ AiiHpttp" Pontiar l”"4 American Ambassador 990, 4- ■ Auaeire romiac ^ individual front seats. istable, full reclining ..cok ,csts. Reverb, radio,. 16, posl-traction, power > and steering, flit wheel, • lelts. 2 regular and 2 snow $1,200. 332-5627. _ ________ T ROD r9*4¥winvi'coupe. 1965 CATALINA 2 DOOR" hardtop,! 474-0431 1967 FORD GALAklE SOO. 2 Power brakes i ; Air conditlonini ] 3758 or 790-8555. 1963 VW If the "bug" 1$ vour bag, here It Is at 6 reasonable price. , GRIMALDI CAR CO. 900 Oakland Ave. ______?P„5-’42l 1945 VW STATION WAGON with luggage rack. Radio and heater No, $ down; webWy payme $7.88. Full price $895. Call I Parks. Credit Manager at Ml 7500. New location of Turner Ford tale (15 Mila Rd.) Troy /V ■-------*■»* Woodward .......jersKt;— f 332-3138. LUCKY Turner Ford e Rd.) Troy N $1295 I BIRMINGHAM $$$ SAVE $$$ 2 LOCATIONS TO SERVE Y( '. FE f7854 , ■ or FE_ '•'1966 BUiCK" WJIdcar custom i hardtop, with beautiful ti ; (Inish, all the goodies, nothinf. 1,1 that BuiCK ride. Low monthly ; payments; ’ SHELTON Pontiac-Buick CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH i TOM R"ADEMACHEI\ CHEVY-OLDS \ ORZ-/UUU 1964 chevy Impels 4 - d h o r ,,47 OODOE cbRONET station hardtop; with V4, autombhe, _ w,gon. Poiwer equipped. $39 down, oower steering, brekes, radio, vveekly payments 113.92. Full price heater, whltewells, locelly owned; .i.oo ,-.u aa. oarv. rranii new cer trade. $1495. Over 75' td select from — On US ‘* larkstpn. MA 5-W7L \ On D Can" 45)! 1967' Mustang Fastback Hardtop with 4 cyl. engine, stick shift, gold with black Interior. - FLANNERY FORD (lonvertible $1595 Suburban Olds ceptlonally clean. Call 442-3289. it Audette Pontiac “ 1850 W. Maple Rd. Troy !PONTIAC fEMPE^"i'945rbiue-g convertible, new tires, 324, stick,' '0 good condition, $950, prlvaM owner. 444-509). I I /1965! TEMPES-r IT JTANDARD ___________ ioooT condition. Call after 4;30. 4934^._________ 744 P(3NT‘| AC (3 A T A L 1 N “a‘,- hardtop, automatic transmission. Radio, heater, ^^wer Md I 840 S Woodward ' ouoise,' with matching Interior, fllrmlnghar Ml 7-5111! fPrl"l| SPKlS' 'l947-DELTA OLDS ConvertUNe. AM-'S'^j ' uigil, *SJvlna *- - — I fNI radio. Alr^ondlttonad, moving [ M24700.“ 1944 feH‘EVY BIS'CAYNE. '5-3552. manager at Ml 4-7500. N lion of cylinder, Tumer Ford _ >r'2600 Maple (15 MHe Rd.) 9 BtoW* IA/AAW Call Mr. Parks Credit Manager. Ml 4-7500'. New location, 01 Turner Ford 2400 Maple Rd. (IS Mile) Troy Mall' I mile east of Woodward 1968 Ford Torino Fastback ^ 2 door I automatic, p VILLAGE ■■ RAMBLER TRADES ; 1965 Rambler American Wagon Car Is ready. .Small down payment will handle. ' 1965 Monza READYI Must tee. Small down payment will handle. ■ 1965 Bonneville Convertibl# Check this beauty.. Automatic, power steering and brakes, AM-FM radio, air condition, full glass. Spotless tc-- ■ k Interior. . FLANNERY FORD XFormerly Beattie Fbrd) Dixie Hwy,, Waterford 4! weekly payments $17.44.'Foil price! \ 1 glass. Spotless'turouoi Call Mr. Parks credit'1944 CATALlNA STATION wagon.r white top HURI?Y? er at Ml 4-7500. New Loca- Tyrol with matching uTnyi, Smell doWnwyn Turner Ford SHze'r"^ Dl« (15 Mil® Rd.) Troy Mall canW3289. ^ ?l."«.,woodw.rd _| Audette Pontiac .' RAMBLER 666 S. Woodward VILLAGE OWNER, I960 Super Oiu)