m" ^,1,. ’" \ "f By JIM LONG The voices of law and order at the top level were heard in Oakland County last night, calling for justice and |HBality for all ai)d ah end to collage uprjsipgs. Speaking In Southfield before the Detroit Bar Association, U S. Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell said that all forces necessary should be, used to stop -‘‘minority tyranny on the nations campus,’*• , ■' \ .v , it- - W ★ fan* to all of us as it Is fair to each of us.” Meanwhile In Pontiac, appearing at. the Cpunty Courthouse, Michigan Chief Justice Thomas E. Brennan told a Law Day audience, ‘‘All around us, men cry for justice, And they shall have it, for it is their birthright.” THOMAS E. BRENNAN But perfect justice will not come in this life, Brennan said. ‘“Die justice that we do to each other in the meantime will only be as good as we want.it to be — as NATIONAL OBSERVANCE Both men were featured speakers at ceremonies in conjunction with the national observance of Law Day, originated by a presidential proclamation in 1958 and carried on May 1 each year. A highlight of the program at the courthouse was Jhe presentation of awards to outstanding Oakland County citizens who hhve contributed to the principles of law. ★ ★ Liberty Bell Awards went to Dr. Jaap B. Delevie, 534 Wooddale, and Mrs. -Edward Rambie, 901 Abbey,—both of Birmingham. Dr. Delevie, chairman! of the legislative committee of the Oakland County Medical Society was recognized for his many activities with civic groups. Mrs. Ramble was honored for her work with Girl Scout Cadet Troop 292. MAJQR PRONOUNCEMENT Mitche|l’s speech was considered a major: policy pronouncement that closely followed the Lines of President Nixon's statement earlier this week that campus officials must crackdown on disrupters.! \ The . attorney general said t h’a l > university officials are not law enforcement experts or judges. * . W ★ i “They should not take it upon themselves to decide how long violence should endure aijd what rights should be trampled upon before local government .is called in. “The time has come,” said Mitchell, “for an end to patience. The time has come for us to demand, in the strongest possible terms, that university officials, local law enforcement agencies and local courts apply the law. t ‘MUST BE PROSECUTED’ • “If arrests must be made, then arrests there should be. If violators must bo prosecuted; then prosecutions there should be.” * i Mitchell said that in view of what has , been happening on campuses — and that campus police apparently cannot cope with the problem — there are times when local police should move in without being called. ★ ★ ★ He- rejected the notion that the university is an “extraterritorial enclave” further from the reach of law enforcement than other institutions. Mitchell suggested that university of-(Continued on Page A-2, Col. 6(. m JOHN N. MITCHELL WASHINGTON (AP) - Clark M. Clifford, a strong supporter of U.S.- Vietnam policy when he became the Johnson administration’s defense chief in 1968, has said he left office convinced the nation’s military effort in the war was hopeless,* * sources say, Clifford,’1 secretary of Defense from Jan. 30, 1968, until President Johnson left office earlier ibis year, declared his disillusionment to some Senate Foreign Relations Committee members called together by Sen. J. W. Fulbright, sources •aid. Fulbright, one of the strongest critics of the nation’s Vietnam involvement, called the meeting April 22, the sources said, after learning of Clifford’s change of heart. ★ ★ ★ Clifford, one of President Johnson’s closest associated, entered the Defense Department publicly, committed to the idea" that the American intervention was - necessary, not only to save South Vietnam, but to prevent the takcnover of other non-Communist nations In Southeast Asia. CLARIFIED VIEWS Clifford made his views dear when he told a Senate committee considering his appointment Jan. 25,1968: “To me it is not a question of years, it is a question of weeks and months, if we weren’t there, until Southeast Asia, nation by nation, succumbed and that is not happening now, because it is not happening; in my opinion, because we are there and because we have extended this shield and 1 believe we must continue to do it,” p o H c i;e s and convinced the dominS theory that the fall of Vietnam would lead to the takeover of other nations was fallacious. ★ ★ ★ • But at the meeting last month, the sources said, he told the senators he left office in disagreement with many of former President Johnson’s Vietnam In addition, Clifford told the senators he didn’t feel President Nixon had tried hard enough to extricate the United States from Vietnam. The sources also said Clifford’s statements were one of Ihe reasons behind a call yesterday by Sen. George D. Aiken, R-Vt., for the United States to start an immediate Withdrawal of troops Trom the war zone. Pontlic Pros* Photo Dr. William B. Pollard Talks To Urban League Man, W ; HOUSTON (UPI)—A man and woman kidnaped Texas highway patrolman Ken-; neth Crone today, and threatening by radio to kill him if pursuit got too close, raced into Houston with their victim in ids own squad car. ' At last report, Crone was still alive And was reported driving. ~“ • In Houston, the kidnapers, headed toward the downtown area at 90 miles an hourrrair into: heavy moming traffic and turned back east in Interstate Highway t10 toward Beaumont, Tex., from where they had come. . Crone was kidnaped — exactly how was not clear — at Winnie, Tex., 30 miles west of Beaumont. Threatening on the radio in the squad car to shoot Crone if there was close pursuit or a roadblock, the kidnapers doubled bade to Beaumont. By ED BLUNDEN Vows for deeper involvement with the ghetto community were given by principal speakers at the Pontiac Area Urban League annual dinner last night at Oakland University. More than 450 persons attending were urged to take part in a r ene w ed membership drive. ★ ★ * Guest speaker was Dr. William B. Pollard, coordinator for school decentralization for Milwaukee Public Schools. His theme was “Building Ghetto Power.” Dr. Pollard said: “It’s impossible to make me believe that a nation that can send a white man to orbit the moon can’t help a black man on his feet.” America ready to take appropriate actions to end centuries of discrimination? “If white America turns her back on 25 million black Americans, if white America "does not come to grips with herself, if white America does not use her resources to ‘let my people go,’ then the United States Constitution might as well be just a piece of paper.” ‘PROGRESS CAN BE MADE’ Dr. Pollard touched orj his experiences in Liberia whece he served as a consultant and counselor from 1960 to 1963. Though educational processes there were undeveloped, Dr. Pollard said he found the people quick to learn and adaptable to new techniques. He said the success there indicated the progress that can be i-with limited.facilities., -made-) ‘LIKE LABOR STRUGGLE’ He compared the struggle of labor HEART RECIPIENT TALKS TO NEWSMEN —. Michigan’s third heart-transplant patient, Gerald K. Rector, talks with newsmen yesterday prior to leaving University of Michigan Hospital in Ann Arbor. With Rector, who celebrated his 44th birthday yesterday, are his wife, Virginia (right), and his daughter, Terry Lynn, 15. TURN AROUND mont, and with only an unmarked police car following,* drove on U.S. 90 toward Houston, 75 miles away. Eight or 10 squad cars from the Houston sheriffs’ department pulled in behind the procession. ■ “He said he was going to kill that officer if .we didn’t bade off. He is talking constantly. We dont’ know how they are armed but we do know they have- his (patrolman's) gun.” a police spokesman said."' : After the kidnapers turned around in Houston and headed east, police thought they might be trying to get to Baytown, Tex., or.tiie Louisiana bolder, which also are in the general direction of Beaumont. 50,000 GM Workers Idled unions in the 1930s with the present ’efforts of the black community for recognition. “What began more than 30 years ago as a white workingman’s revolution for economic rights has since1 evolved into a black revolution, for human rights.” Pointing’„ out the rapid technological advances of recent years, Dr. Pollard observed,, “Scientific knowledge has advanced by leaps and bounds while social , progress has moved forward at a snail’s pace.” / Dr. Pollard posed a question: Is white In Today's Regarding his duties as coordinator for dotwntralteatiwr of Milwaukee schools, -he explained the effort there hak established neighborhood councils centered around each high school. . it ' ★' j-' ★ The councils have brought about more involvement with schobl programs and problems. Speaking at an afternoon press conference, Dr. Bollard said he felt each community's problems involving integration were different and no blanket procedure should be recommended. He said that, in general, he felt busing of students was undesirable and where possible The neighborhood concept, especially at the elementary school level, should be maintained. Taking office for the first tune at the dinner was Dr. Joseph Grayson, PUntiac pediatrician, new Urban League presi-(Continued on Page A-2, Col. 1) . Clean Water Bond Bill Clears HoUse a LANSING (UPI) - The House today passed, 92-8, the-long-delayed bill to Implement a 8285-million Clean-water bond issue approved by votero.last November. The measure was passed earlier by the Senate bid must go bade to the qpper chamber for concurrence or rejection of House amendments. , ’’ Sponsors hope to complete legislative action next week. ■ * House members deferred a final vote on a companion bill to establish a 850-million lateral sewer loan fund for local communities, It Is hot considered as (agent J&i* Bm - From Our News Wires DETROIT — Union officials said today a series of strikes which have idled more than 50,000 General Motors employes could be long and costly. The strike at fatalities in Van Nuys, Calif., Kansas City, Baltimore, Atlanta, North Tarrytown, N.Y., and Janesville, Wis., began Monday. ★ * * That was the deadline set by the United Auto Workers for completion of new local contracts in the wake of the merger last November of Chevrolet and Fisher Body asseAbly operations in the six cities. The union maintained that the merger eliminated jobs in some locations and forced remaining personnel to work faster to meet quotas. ( ^ 36,109 ON STRIKE In all 28,090 men struck at the six plants. They joined 8,100 UAW members who struck Fisher Body and Chevrolet plants in St. Louis April 10 over work standards. /; . . ■, ^ ' ' ' 1 Charles Tyer, president of UAW Local 93 at Kansas City, said he wouldn’t be surprised to see a shutdown lasting six • sto eight weeks. J . h . it ; it; / Yesterday’S layoffs hit seven .Chevrolet plants in New York, Michigan and Indiana. Michigan plants previously af-‘ fected are; Fisher Body plants in Grand Rapids and Detroit and ,the Chevrolet Spring and Bumper plant in Livonia. L. L. Coats, an Official at Local 34 at 1 ’Atlanta, said the union spejnt “six weeks Idst year negotiating this, contract, and now the management is trying to take some of it away from us. They can’t justify this to the people — workers, the public or anyone else.” Press . Troy Schools Ten years of turbulence ending for Supt. Smith—PAGE A-4. Bound for Israel Weekend Plan, a Pontiac "nursery school teacher honored — PAGE A-8. Gun HQ Buff of Vandals I Typhoon 24 WASHINGTON (iff — Police have ordered ail city precincts to be on the for the weapons and ammunition used to break three windows in the headquarters of the National Rifle Association, lobby for gun interests: Tbe described the items as “slingshots and different size glass ntiirWWr, fT^ V, ’ ' , ‘ .*... ” mmm' MANILA (AP) — A typhoon last week killed at least 24 persons and devastated a populated island off the tip of Mindanao, it was reported today. A Manila Times reporter who fleW over Siargao Island said coastal towns on the Pacific Ocean ap pe a re d demolished. ; , , ,l': ( ■ .!; |f ; Center for Retarded M Supervisors move ahead with . § W plans — PAGE C-12. f. > ."l.l M: -1 Area .News .... A4 Astrology C-10 1 i ffridge .C-10 § <• " Crossword' Puzzle . .........C-8 , § i ■■ 'Comics .>.'v. .1 Editorials A-6 |. ft i Farm and Garden- ...B-4-B-9 I w High School ... .. ....b-l-b-e I Markets v ,0-11 | I.\ §■ Sports C-l—C-6 . §• w Theaters ... C-8, C-9 1 1 TV and Radio Programs .. D-9 \I Women's Pages §§j§ A-8—A-ll ft) & , vlfflr 1 Umbrellas and other rain gear may be in fashion over the weekend. The weatherman reports the following day-by-day U.S. Weather'Bureau official forecast: * ; TODAY — Mostly of the 300,000 in the United s ne States has been, or is being, sued for malpractice. Last year, doctors paid $75 million in malpractice insurance premiums. .» s‘ • Some $18 million was paid in awards to patients in 1968, according to Bernard D. Hirsh, general counsel of the American Medical Association,# Legal fees added to the costs. William F. Martin, a New York lawyer, said in a paper recently before the National Medicolegal Symposium in Las Vegas: “Spokesmen both for the medical profession, and the insurance industry agree that the higher rates are caused by ’ the increased number of malpractice suits befog filed by disgruntled patients and the larger settlements being made both in and out of ★ ★ * 1 ■ court.” are more prone to sue, so the problem is not, limited to the medical profession. The Insurance information Institute In New York says premiums oh malpractice insurance are up 47 per cent over a year ago. An AMA survey also found instances in 14 states in which physicians were unable to obtain malpractice insurance. Doctors and lawyers say that today’s society is more permissive and citizens RATE REVISIONS The Institute, in a recent an- nouncement of ratp revisions, stated that from I960 through 1963, insurahce corth panics paid $14# for every $100 received hi premiums tram physicians. -j For surgeons it was $191 for every>$100. Recent revisions upped malpractice rates in 27 states, while reducing them in two. ’ ★ h a The increases ranged from 10 per cent in four states to 75 per cent in Montana ' and Ohio and 100 per cent jn Vermont. Ratal in six state! went up 50 to 60 par cents'!..v ■ Rates were reduced 10'per gent in New Ha/ppshire and 16 per cent in Oregon. HOSPITAL RATES RISING Rates for hospitals maintaining liability Insurance likewise are rising.-There are other patient costs, too,, engendered by extra-cautious—and * perhaps unnecessary tests, a com*; mittee of the AMA trustees reported. • The »n»i reading of a bill to create a state-supported osteopathic medical school was expected today in the House of Representatives. Three supporters of the bill, Reps. Arthur Law, D-Pontiac, Josephine Hunsinger, D-Detroit, and Dale Kildee, D-Flint, seek to authorize the college to be affiliated with Pontiac Osteopathic Hospital. . ‘ 4 > ★ ★ . h ; The Michigan College! of Osteopathic Medicine (MCOM), now under construction in Pontiac, is the likely choice to receive the state funds in affiliation with Pontiac Osteopathic Hospital. . ’ *. • • ; Opponents of the bill have proposed the college be affiliated with Oakland University and established there. -!t'<—■ - " . _ ... ■ .r ; cause the American Medical Association (AMA) likely would not grant accreditation for osteopathic courses. r ■ . w ★ ★ MSU’s fledgling medical school is linked with the AMA. ' , It is expected that the measure will be voted on in four or five weeks. ^ ^ POINT UNCLEAR But it is unclear, some said, whether Oakland University, an affiliate of Michigan State University, could accept operation of the college without approval from MSU. Arguing for a separate college, Kildee said the school should be independent be- Urban League Ford Sees Taxpayer Target: Ghetto (jn/ess Strife Cools Wilson Ouster Eyed by Rebels (Continued From Page One) dent. He urged an expanded membership drive and warned, “racism is disguised and subtle forms still exist in our community.” Dr. Grayson explained the “new thrust” movement of the Urban League which will in the next year be concentrating ifo efforts in the ghettos, to seek organization for change. Introduced to many for the first time was thefnew league director,. William H. Clark, who began his duties in February. He said the. league Wifi be “turning symbols into substance . . . protest into programs. The Urban League also gave its annual awards, the top one going to radio station WPON for “outstanding community* service.” LEXINGTON, Ky. (AP) - House Republican leader Gerald R. Ford today forecast a taxpayers’ revolt agafost spending for higher education unless University officials damp down on student violence. -ft . “I think the administrators have .got to be firmer and, if they’re not, they ought to be changed,” Ford told a news conference. ★ it v ★ Ford, here for the conference of GOP governors, said there will be “diminishing support financially” for public education unless student violence is quelled. “Die taxpayers as a whole will revolt against expenditures, tax monies being used for higher education, if the institutions are not used for the prime purpose of giving higher education,” Ford said. ABM NOT PLUGGED Other awards went to: John Perdue, Pontiac School administrator for community relations; Ken Morris, * UAW regional director; Richard Saunders, assistant to the managing editor of The Pontiac Press; Willis Seay, director of Local 100, AFSCME; Oakland University Chancellor Durward B. Varner; and Sylvia Simon, president of the Pontiac Urban League youth group. Ford also put in a plug for President Nixon’s Safeguard missile defense system. He said it is necessary for national defense and will pass the House by a margin of 2-to-l or better. ★ ★ ★ Most of the governors, including their host, Kentucky’s Louie B. Nunn, appeared ready to accept local responsibility for controlling student disorders. Some governors suggested cutting off federal aid to institutions which condone rioting and students who participate. Police were alerted to cope with a group pf students who planned an af-_ temoon rally at the University of Kentucky, followed by a march on a downtown hptel where the conference’s | formal state dinner is scheduled. I’ it ® it i • California’s Ronald Reagan, who took a toUgh line on campus demonstrators, also sought to put the Republican governors on the line for Nixon’s decision to deploy the Safeguard system. ★ . ★ ★ He, Nunn and about a dozen other governors indicated their* supportj for Safeguard. But there was some dissent}* and a considerable group of governors wanted to avoid taking a position on the issue now. - LONDON (AP) — Political sources say an attempt from within his own Labor party to replace Prime Minister Harold Wilsonmaybe imminent. BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP — Mrs. Roswell J. Blackinton of 130 Chewton has been named board chairman of the Friends of the Bloomfield Township library organization. V Other new officers are Mrs. Leroy R. Buzan, 3057 Betsy Ross, vice president; Mrs. John Moseley} 385 Yarmouth, secretary; and Erwin B, Wittus, 5060 Wiidane, treasurer. ★ ★ ★. ;'.V. The Friends sponsor programs of interest to-library users and assist with volunteer and financial support of the township library. A current project has been the furnishing of the adult reading lounge in the new library building, which is called Die Friends Room. l£y'' BLOOMFIELD HILLS — William Reports of a plot against Wilson by some of his former cabinet ministers and other backbench MPs are circulating in the lobbies of the House of Commons and appeared today on front pages of most major newspapers. One report said-the rebels were discussing whether to bring a vote of no confidence against the prime minister at an early meeting of the Labor party members in Commons. The immediate sore point is Wilson’s insistence on pushing through Parliament this summer laws to curb the wildcat strikes crippling British exports. The party’s traditional cornerstone of political support, the trade union movement, is fighting the legislation tooth and nail. News in Brief SAIGON (AP) - Pham Dang Lam, South Vietnam’s chief delegate to the Paris peace talks, said today more details are needed to determine whether a statement by a National Liberation Front representative in Paris means the Vietcong is prepared for private talks with Saigon.' Tran Buu Kiem of the NLF said' Wednesday at peace talks that “on the basis of its position,” the NLF is “ready to enter into discussion with the other parties so as to make the conference move forward.” 'V . . Zentz of 730 E. Valley Chase will be the guest speaker at a meeting of the Detroit Chapter, National Association of Accountants May 8 at 7 p.m. at the Pick Fort Shelby Hotel Detroit. Zentz is executive vice president and economists at Bank of the Commonwealth with responsibilities in the Investment Division, Municipal Bond Department and Trust Division. 'iti\’-vp[: ■ ★ ; /; v i His talk will be “Outlook For Interest Rates.” Zentz holds a bachelor's degree from Bowling Green (Ohio) University and a doctorate from the University 0 f Michigan. a* French Presidential Vote PARIS (AP) — The French Cabinet tpdajOset June 1 for first-round voting to name President Charles de Gaulle’s successor. 1 If no candidate gets a majority on the first round, the two top men will compete June 15. Singer Dies at 56 BIRMINGHAM - Henry'A. Zanardegl has been appointed systems control manager for Ford Tractor Operations, here. He previously served, ’as preproduction system manager for Ford’s finance staff in Dearborn. Zandardelli will have responsibility for systems control involving Ford’s worldwide line of tractors, industrial equipment and farpi implements. He resides at 623 Ardmoor. m SAN MATEO, Calif. (\P) Singer Ella Logan, who performed in musical comedy for a generation across Europe and America, is dead of cancer at 56. Miss Logan; whp scored a Broadway hit in “Finian’s Rainbow” in 1947 died yesterday. V \ Chrysler Cuts Valiant by $200 > Pope Puts Limits on Mass . VATICAN PITY (AP) - Pope Paul VI. ordered an end today to further experimentation with Roman Catholic Mass. He left priests a wide choice of Masses to celebrate and ended the 1,909-year-old rule that required wqmen to cover their heads, in church. U.S. Moves to Block Hoff a CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. «l - Die U. S. Justice Department., yesterday filed a motion in U.S. District Court opposing any move to grant jailed Teamsters Bresident James R. Hoffa freedom on bond pending a hearing on alleged wiretapping in his case. The U.S. Supreme Court has ordered U. S. District Court Judge Frank Wilson to reopen the 1964 jury-tampering case which sent Hoffa to prison for eight years to see if any alleged wiretapping or eavesdropping by federal agents violated Hoffa’s rights. .' Carole Tregoff Walks Free DETROIT (AP)—Chrysler Corp, today cut the price of its lowest priced car, the Plymouth Valiant, by about $200 in an apparent move to meet competition from Ford’s new Maverick and various imported cars. The new price tag was set at $2,094, or $99 more than the base price of Ford’s Maverick. . * 1.- it ★ ' in- official announcement of Chrysler’s move was to be made at a news con-. ference today. Company officials declined comment before that hour but an advertising'source confirmed the report, Chrysler reportedly will launch an for; tensive national advertising campaign ^ next week in which it will stress the ‘ fact that dimensions of this Valiant are considerably larger than the Maverick. ★ n n Lynn A. Townsend, Chryslerboard chairman, said only last wert,s“Ws are. selling autos'under the most intmnV^'; competitive conditions that automobile men have encountered during their rep* tire careers.” Fontlac Press Phkto by Edward R. Noble FRONTERA, Calif. (UPI) ,^-r Carde Tregoff sentenced to fife in iwison at age 24 for mdrder, walked to ’freedom yesterday at age'32. Miss Tregoff and Dr. R. Bernard Finch were convicted in 1961 of murder and conspiracy in the death of his wife. Nixon Aids, State Jurist Speak Out in County Protest Limits Lifted WASHINGTON UTI - For the first time in nearly two yearsy there is no limit, today, on the size of crowds that may demonstrate in front ol'the White !. House.. mmmft , j * "• Court action has iqiset the restriction of 100 persons on the sidewafle and 500 fo nearby Lafayette Squatfe, at least Until May # when the U.S. Qairt of Appeals wifi again consider thd case. . ; U.S. District Judge William B. Bryant P|j ordered the government to drop the ; restrictions, and the Court of Appeals fo a ,2-1 decision last night refused to Stay that order. - * ! (Continued From Page One) ; ; ficials consider- applying to coufts for injunctions to remove demonstrators, “a tactic that has proved fairly successful in the past.” ‘ , - - In the same vein, but in a different tone, Brennan, too," spoke oP- taws necessary to the “governance of free men,” . 1,. * W ★ ★ sJilS# s . ' . He stressed that “free men do not choose officeholders who coddlev, their weaknesses -V but leadtes Who Appeal to their strength. * ' r ' >'] Sr iil 7\U'. * '.’A ' * “Permissiveness fo government is wS pernicious as permiteiveness in $1 famtlii atitaf 4iwK#rea wteM - family,” the chief justice said. sUs I ■ ■ HH *¥ y® ■py * 11 i ■Tm THE PUNTlAC ~14tKSS, FRIDAY, >MAY 2,. 19# A Communist Informant said Thursday that the question of discipline “is what the meeting is all about.” mlttee on Czechoslovakia were not being fully carried out. “If decisions are nmant only for those who agree with them, then there is no need for decisions or votes,” he stated. The party claims about 13,000 members in 30 states. This year it commemorates its 50th anniversary. 1 Ten working panels from among the 275. delegates to the foutxlay session at Brooklyn’s Towers Hotel have prepared the ground for the start of today’s discussion. The question of party discipline, especially among leaders of the national committee, was raised, in a speech at Wednesday’s opening session by General Secretary Gus Hall. It was expected to be a majoir topic for debate., ‘CONSTANT TURMOIL’ The party leader complained of a situation where “a small number of comrades keep the party in constant turmoil.” NEW YORK (AP) - After two days of policy speeches, the 19th national convention of the jj,8, Communist party today gets .down to discussion of details of the party program. You’re the winner With These Specials from SIMMS . Hall told newsmen Wednesday that party leaders who opposed the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia lq 'August 1968 had not Park 1-Hr. FREE in Downtown Mail . Simms will pay for 1-hour parking—]uft have ticket i stamped at‘time of purchase except tobacco and beverage. purchases. . CHARGE IT at SIMMS You can chdlge purchases of $10 to $150 at Simms or use your MIDWEST BANK CARD. Ask us about the plan for. you. National Chairman Henry Winston said Thursday that he expected the new program of the party—a lte-page document —to be adopted as written. Carstairs is|eii \eais 4 ahe&dofilsti Stairs Soat*** changed their minds. But he added that the membership unanimously supported and endorsed the position of the national committee favoring the invasion. In his keynote address, however, he hinted that decisions like that by the national com- - PEANUT CELLAR - 5ing*A-Long Beer • Wine' • Liquor OPEN EVERY DAY MUSIC: FRI., SAT. & SUN. ♦ MIIm WmI of Pontiac IV* Mila* N. el union Lake ttl-tltt WELCOME HERE U.S. Identifies 47 Killed in , 72% GRAIN NCUTRAl3PHHTS Regulars - Kings - Filters garton Popular Cigarettes $6.00 Value Viet Conflict To Honor Mother Put this disk on your 'phono for quick, direct dialing for Squad Car, Patrol Officers, Emergency Help. ■% Rsfiilsr kutin.it UlkllAft altar than anar- rOllUc srwr LQS ANGELES (AP) - The U.S. Mother of the Year will be announced Saturday, climaxing individual contests in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia. WASHINGTON (AP) - The Defense Department has announced the names of 47 men killed in action in Vietnam, * The list includes 11 men from the Midwest. KiUed in action: ARMY ILLINOIS — Sat. John K. Mifflin, Murphytboro. INDIANA - Staff Sgt.. Thomas D. Perry, Warrant Spec. 4 Chaster E. Bingham, Port Wayne. MINNESOTA — Plrat Lt. Gregory M. Harrlgan. Minneapolis. MISSOURI — Spec. 4 Larry D. Johnson, Jtffsrson' City. OHIO — Spec S David M. Lacey, Matua. WISCONSIN —Spec. 4 Donald W. Noel, Lacrosse. MARINI CORPS MICHIGAN — Pfe. Timothy Tongarman, GrandviHet Pfe. Dalvln K. Wilson. Pontiac MISSOURI — Pfe. John H. McSwIne, St. Louis. . NEBRASKA — Lance CpI. Paul T. olifornio modem sat* the pace for. lively living, rtloxing comfort. Sculptured wood basts in rich walnut finish highlight bold solid color textured and print combination. M»Mkmr Your favorite brand of regular, king size or filte'r cigarettes. New 100mm or 101mm size not included at this price. LIMIT 2 CARTONS. Com*, shop and save on these week-end specials now at Simms. Rights reserved to limit quantities. $3.50 Value For TRANSISTOR BATTERY *1 OFF GemimSYLyAMUr Box of 50 regular 7c sellers—King Edward Imperial cigars, tax Included. Limit 2 boxes.______._____________ $1.98 Value MEDITERRANEAN Here's Hoe To Os It Keytosvllle. e 65” TRIPLE DRESSER • BEET * HUGE CHEST • MIRROR Missing: First Lt. Jama* E. Bosquet, S. Sot. Julian D. Dadman, Spec. 5 Arthur w. Smith, Spac. 4 Otto P. Barnhart, Spec. 4 Lawrence J. Budzlnkl, Spac. 4 Henry W. Cardwell, Spec. 4 James P. Halm, Spac. 4 John F. Koehler, Spac. 4 Jamas A. Spencer Jr. . and Spac. 4 John W. Tiderencel. Regular 39c seller — 8-oz. size Energine lighter fuel and; 4 flints. Died not as a result of hostile Action: - ARMY ILLINOIS — Pfe. Rodger P. Lanter. Decatur. INDIANA — wot Allan D. Eylar, Poland. MINNESOTA — Spac. 4 Julian W. BOrg, Howard Lake, OHIO — Spec. 4 Donald O. McCrew, Wellsvilla. Changed from missing to dead sis NAVY ■ MICHIGAN — BM1 Ralph C. Munsay, Cherries 50x50 IK SCREENS —r $31.95 Value a Bunk Bads e Guard Rail a 2 Mattresses a 2 Platforms Clio. Missing not as a result of hostile'action: ARMY Pfe. Jamas Hudson Jr. and Pfe. Warren Williams. 115.95 Value Fresh dehdous Brachs chocolate covered cherries with liquid centers. 8-0z. Chocolate Covered Peanut Brittle... *. 29o Printz-Albert tripod w section legs, tub# ext for high position. Si or charge it with your cord. Knox LENTICULAR scre« 50x50-inch size for mov slides. $ I holds In layaway. Complete INDIANAPOLIS (AP) -Members of the Guardians, an organization of Negro police officers in Indianapolis, will spend their spare summer hours providing supervised recreation for youngsters from slum areas. DUAL 8 EMTOR-SPIICER SAM 120IHSTAVIEW Richard Crenshaw said Thursday, “On our own time, at our own expense, we plan to organize league basketball and camping and fishing trips. ★ \jlir ★ “We work as police officers in this area and can readily see there is little supervision of children.” - GLOBE Furniture Co. 2135 Dixie Highway at Telegraph Rtf. Phone 334-4934 Motorixetf The famous Ranger by Johnson with all leather uppers, cushioned innersqle cushioned arch, steel shank, Neoprene sole and heel is oil resistant. First quality and American made. Black or brown in sizes 6 to 12 Dor EE widths. $20.95 Value “i A ft i For 126 or 35tpm I m slides, electric drive I / J too. Holds up to 30 ■ B slides. $1 holds 4 or charge it at Simms. v 139.95 Value BUY! SELL! TRADE! USE PONTIAC PRESS WANT ADS ! Electrical powsrsd ^HompHcw for r^lor 8mm or Supsr 8 film. Tolms up* ‘“J rM| copadty. $1 holds or charg* # at Simms. Sturdy KOR Sides on Men’s 5-In. Leather Work Shoes Michigan’s Oldest Kitchen Specialist $12.95 Vulva BATHROOMS Numbing, electric, tile, custom vanities, medicine cabinets. KITCHENS Formica cabinets in dafeorator colors, birch cabinets in all styles. as low as. $15 * NOTHING DOWN I i# M« ASIIPER 8 PROJECTOR $114.95 Value MAa Modi! 357Z projec- 1II fL Hr' Sturdy Kor soles with rubber heel by Goodyear. 7-eyelet tie shoe with plain toe, leather" uppers and gussett tongue. Brown color in Sizes 6V4 to 12 E width. tor built into- it's own M self contained qase. m gl 400 fr. capacity — w ' automatic threading. Extra bright jection. $l holds or chqrge it. . 11 Folding table to "hold projectors, radios, recorders. Ail metal with 2-AC but-lets. $1 holds. / : With Protective Steel Toe Leather Work Oxford CASSETTE TAPE, RECORDER $99.50 value — solid- state tape recorder — full 12 transistors with built-in 2-band AM-FM radio broadcasting tod. 'Crowncorder • model >CRG-91 OOF. $1 holds or charge if, 1 PLANNING SERVICE Its to Pontiac9s Most Beautiful Showroom *** Or Have One of Our Specialists Conte Out to Your Home tjOammaus FULL SIZE IMCLS ON DISPLAY AT Long wearing work oxford with steel toe, black leather uppers, Mac toe style, all lined shoe with cushioned in> nersole and arch support. Sizes 7 to 12 in E width. It North, Saginaw Open Daily 1M:ll-tunday 12-5 j* Facing Elizabeth Laka Rd. DMslsnsfUlsaMi.es. > - 110 Pontiac Mall Office ^dc. DAY OR NIGHT Simms Bros.-98 N. Saginaw St MIDWEST BANK CARO jTobacco & Candy Dept. Main Floor CAMERA DEPT. DISCOUNTS SIMMS DISCOUNT BASEMENT BH: WSII? '• FYMj • I M fKf*| ■ ’W 'The (Financial) Mismanagement Charges Have Been A Horrible Nightmare, But Some Day The Truth > Will tie. Known/ ' V1 3 ' ' —Dr. Rex B. Smith jMf It gm "'SJ ^,sV Mill *>»» , TROY — “There’s a little joke among ! «$ school superintendents: Each year •you make enemies of about 10 par cent of your constituency,. v Well, this is my 10m year,” , Dr. Rek B. Smith, outgoing superintendent of schools, mixes criticism, humor and proud memories in spdaking of his 10 turbulent years as this dbjxtct’s chief school executive. f|g|J . + k k Sbnith arrived in Troy in August 1958 amidst turmoil. He will leave May 21 with the district “not in shambles, but with problems that make it very difficult to maintain order.”. " .In 1958 Smith took the helm of the district’s eight schools (there are 12 now) as a result of controversy over the former superintendent’s contract. MILLAGE PROBLEM “I was immediately faced with the problem of a millage defeat. The same millage question was resubmitted to ^voters a second and third time, only to be defeated again and again,” Smith recounted. , “The fourth1 time, the question only narrowly passed. In fact, we had a jam-packed gymnasium full of people who were watching a recount of the votes on that fourth time around," he related, t ' t e - The problems and the crises of Troy Schools never stopped during Smith’s tenure. Agitation frdjh “would*be politicians on the board and the events of the past two years” have forced him to throw in the towel, Smith admits. *- “It’s a pretty rldiicUlous situation when the^oard has frozen the salaries of the top three administrators, when one board member has charged the board with mismanaging building site funds and when there is such a deep split in philosophy over the modular scheduling program at the high school,” Smith said. * ★ * * , v .:», Speaking of a charge of alleged mismanagement of $857,000 in land acquisition and building site funds, Smith blasted Board Trustee Harold Janes and “the sensational press.” THE PONTIAC PRESS FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1969 A—it Oxford Twp. ’Homeowners;'. Still Await Answer in Row OXFORD TOWNSHIP — Bewildered redden ts nf Red Barn Subdivision No. 1 here will have to wait longer for an answer to the housing hassle that-may find nearly 50 “homeowners” evicted from their dwellings. Malcolm Kahn of Pontiac, attorney for the residents said that “discussions are atfil being held. This problem cannot be Settled overnight.” , % Residents received letters from the Marion Building Co. of Detroit last April Informing them that Marion had purchased all property of the subdivision from subdeveloper Villa Homes, Inc. of Oak Park. VilLa Homes had reportedly neglected to pay some $4,300 in land contract installments to Marion. Marion, in turn, reclaimed th^land — and all homes attached — by paying the land contract balance, it was reported. , WON ITS CASE V Sfgg - Hie Pontiac Press last summer went to Oakland County Circuit Court, charging Villa Homes with defaulting on some $800 of classified advertising bills. The Press won its case. Group Gets Funds to Make Community Cen ,-FARMINGTON — The Farmington Community Center became a certainty this week as donations flowed in totaling some $15,000 over the minimum requirement. John A. Allen, board chairman of the Farmington Community Center Inc.,-announced that the fund, which was some $4,600 short of the required $50,000 last Monday, reached $65,000 yesterday Donations are still coming in. it' ■' ■ :4t. it The Luman Goodenough estate, site of the community center,-was offered to the nran if 'tha .iwppattary funds rnnlfl he raised by the end of last month. The Homestead includes a large English Manor house and five, acres of wooded land. A meeting of prominent area citizens was held earlier this week to report the shortage offundk needed wihin 48 hours. “Before the meeting was over we had #excess of $8,000,” reported Allen. The next step is to plan programs and hire a community director to run the center. ★ ★ ■;;V C' Allen indicated that the' center committee wanted to open the community center by September. He said, “The citizens of the city, township and villages have’ demonstrated their interest in working together for the enrichment for the present and future of our community. “r" ‘T—“ ; “The immediate prospect of, a new; community center wifi add a new dimension to the development of our solidarity.’’ " According to former County Cureuit Court Commissioner Vern Hampton, there is a 25-year-old State Supreme Court ruling that originated in Oakland County whereby the sale of property on which homes or buddings are attached must be an agreement “by all parties ' involved,” which appears to mean that residents should have been represented in the Marion-Villa Sale in Circuit Court. | ★ it k “Someone should have informed us that our property was being sold right out from under us,” said Mrs. .Jack E. Barwig, 1383 Red Bam, a 2%-year resident. According to Robert W. Guiles, vice president of the James T. Barnes Co., Detroit, holders of all Red Bam mortgages, the problem “will‘be resolved in a week to 10 days.” •k k k . Tomorrow will make the “problem”- 8 days old. School Issues OK Would Add Extra Mill in Oxford OXFORD — If voters approve all three money questions on the June 9 school election ballot here, they will obligate themselves for rally one extra mill. Board members took action recently to cut costs by 2% mills for debt retirement because of increased tax base. The decision to cut was made at a “janes approached the Royal Oak and Pontiac papers with hie 'proof of financial mismanagement a n d then the Detroit papers plcked up' the story, This was all before he even called the attorney general's office for an audit,” Smith explained. k k k “The mismanagement charges have been a horrible nightmare, but some day the truth will be known,” Smith declared. He pointed out that the sOncalled “shady land deals” Janes accused the board of entering into were arranged on land- contract.’‘Under a land contract agreement, the deed transfer is not- completed until the terms of the contract are met. “So of course, anyone can go down to the Oakland County offices and find no record of land acquisition transactions,” Smith explained. And the superintendent boasts that the same land acquisition has provided Troy Schools with all the sites the district, ever will need for schools,- at a savings of $1 million. ★' ★ ★ “We never made our dealings public. We worked quietly for about eight months gathering up the ! land and buying at normal prices. Since we purchased all the land the property has increased in valuation some $2,000 per acre,” he contended. ~ ; ^ ^ i “I don’t know of any other school district in the state that has all the land it, will ever need and all the building sites within walking distance of all students,” Smith proudly declared. ‘NOTHING IMPROPER’ In his flatter of resignation last December, Smith wrote that he had “to ' my knowledge V . . done nothing improper or illegal.’.’ Speaking on the controversy of Troy High School’s unique modular scheduling program, he expressed regret over the misunderstanding, the -mistakes and what he terms the . “misuse” of the modular theory. k • k k I He also complained of “unauthorized and upnecessary introduction of sensitivity training at the high school level” and inadequate facilities and finances to carry off modular scheduling with success. “People sometimes forget that we have 11 schools in this district operating beautifully, with the' indiivdual school administration and faculty united in philosophy. Our only problem is at the high school,” be said. PARENT-TEACHER TALKS Upon'arrival in TYoy, Smtih introduced formal parent-teacher conferences in all grade levels, which he has termed “a huge success in understanding.” He also spys that a major accomplishment has been “for me to survive 10 years, since the average longevity for superintendents is 5-7 years.” - “ k ■ vW,| “The controversy in this school district and the notoriety it has given me personally has made it difficult for me to get interviews for other positions,” Smith said. He has talked with several school districts with openings for superintendents and also is looking in private industry for employment: “Nothing is definite, though,” he said. Dr. Rex B. Smith Discusses Troy School Pontiac Pro** Phqto Woex New Penal Code Just the Ticket for Farmington Twp. Revenue FARMINGTON TOWNSHIP - Additional revenue from-traffic tickets was made possible through the Township Board’s approval of an Omnibus Penal Code at this week’s meeting. The new code makes several state regulations also local ordinances. This allows local officers to write up various charges as infractions of local regulations so the township will get most of tire resulting reverihe. J f k k k Previously, the majority of the ticket fees had been passed onto the state, according to Supervisor Curtis Hall. A public hearing for consideration of a resolution for road improvements in Kendallwood subdivision has been set for 7:30 p.m. May 19 at Dunckel Junior High School. ’ J /., L ■’ A request for road improvements on . Caryn has been passed on to the Oakland County Road Commission. . The township board has passed a resolution supporting a proposed bill now in Lansing allowing municipalities to sell bonds to build district libraries: The bill is an amendment to the building Act 31, Public Acts of Michigan, 1948. / > ’ The board also passed a resolution protesting any plans for a proposed domed stadium jin Southfield. meeting earlier this week. , k k k ■ i On the ballot will be the following one-year financial proposals: A renewal of 2% mills operating costs, and additional 2% mills for operating andPhn additional one mill for new equipment, supplies and fencing for several new schools: Also on the ballot will be two 4tyear board seats to Which the incumbents, Robert McWilliams and Roe Sausser, have said they mil not seek reelection. , it k k Additionally, the ballot will ask voters’ permission to transfer a $141 surplus from an old debt retirement fund to the buiDding fund. SMAIX.COMMUMTY. —krmi Photo ' PREHISTORIC EXHIBIT — Sixth graders (from left) David Dodge of 6542 Post Oak, Shawn McGuire of«878 Beverlycrest add Hall McCaarthy.of 6963 Heather Hleth, all of .West Bloomfield Township, check out the exhibit their class built. The prehistoric ^exhibit, In the lobby Of Ealy School, Offers large papier-mache models £; area alone, including rear area apartments that were declared “unfit frto hahttatia).” * Second floor citations included outdatto alectiicity, loose plaster and improper ventilation,1 Inspections idso showed that! the basement. was in need of complete rewiring. , 4 .-, , Verwood owners have crarected several of the since the original citations, Lawson reporteCend have ob-1 tained a building permit to correct the rest1 if . 1 a ■'. ,' •';■ i y, WWs?|| cri mm ■ % ‘Mm •M 3w®$k • w •" ■ 1 .*"; A • if THE PONTIAC PRESSy FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1969 IA ■ ;ur ,A ■ I 1HH| lliilsi s™ a sSS$!?5^|| -!SMCT . of Waterfo‘rd Township, Louis E. of Pontiac and E. A. Corder of Lake Charles, La.; two sisters, Mrs Ellar " Guess of Broseley, Mo. and Mrs. Ora L. Ashby of White Lake Township; a stepson; a >f be Mrs. George M. Poirier WALLED LAKE - Service for Mrs. George M. (Mary) 'Poirier, 67, of 855 Hilltop will be p.m. tomorrow at. the C. J. Godhardt Funeral Home, Keego Harbor, with burial in Perry Mount Park Cemetery, Pontiac. Min. Poirier died yesterday. Surviving are her husband;, two daughters, Mrs. James J, McHale of Walled Lake and » Dorothy M. Gaskill of Ferndale; six grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. Funeral Is Slated GRAND RAPIDS (AP) Funeral services will be held Saturday for Erwin R. Schwyn, 79, of Grand Rapids, retired J. C. Penney Inc. executive. A native of Switzerland, Schwyn died Wednesday at Butierwprth Hospital. i- vf <;■ Wmmm •*.. v BUBBLING OVER—Actress Natalie Wood chews bubble gum during a break in filming her latest movie. Miss Wood is retumirig to the screen after a two-year absence. A Pontiac man is Hospitylbfod in serious condition after the ear he rode in crashed intp> a parked car in. the city last night. The driver was arrested- on three charges. The passenger, Jesus Rodriguez, 37, of 52 N. Paddock, was rushed to Pontiac General Hospital by ambulance Willie > police arrested Dan Young,'39, of 370 Howard McNeil; : *’'* , ★ - ★ ' "** Young was charged with being drunk and disorderly, speeding - and having 'n o operator’s license. ★ ★ * Henry Gross, owner of the parked car, told police he was awakened by a crash in front of his house at 269 Rapid. The other vehicle had left the scene, and he followed its' trail, of water leaking from the radiator to 110 Raeburn, he told police. Alfred E. Smith was known as "the Happy Warrior." Mrs. Fred Caspary Oakland County’s nine Circuit judges will meet Wednesday to discuss the ouster earlier this week of attorney Milton R. Henry from the courtroom of a Pontiac District judge, The meeting was called yesterday by presiding Circuit Judge William J. Beer after receiving a , telegram, from District Judge James R. Stelt that he had refused to allow Hen$r to practice before him because the attorney had renounced his citizenship. ★ ★ .★ On Tuesday-, Henry, the first vice president of-the Republic of-New Africa (RNA), a black separatist organization, in reply to a question from Stelt, said that he wasn’t a U.S. citizen, "nor have I ever been.” Area Group C. of C. Parley Stejt then ordered him from the courtroom on the basis that attorneys must be citizens to practice law in Michigan. CLAIMEDLYALTY Though no mention of the RNA was made during the exchange between Stelt and Henry, Henry on past occasions has claimed loyalty to the Republic. The RNA in addition to seeking financial reparation which it alleges is due to blacks, wants the U.S. to turn over five southern states to the republic.' Judge Beer would not comment on what, might happen at the judge’s meeting. ★ ★ ★ However, the Circuit bench has jurisdiction over District courts and could make a ruling either upholding or reversing Stelt. Michigan Chief Justice Thomas E. Brennan, in Oakland County last night for a Law Day S program, , said the - incident presented some hilereisting legal aspects. Service for Mrs. Fred E. (Agnes M.) Caspary, 69, of 94 Draper, Waterford Township, will be 10 a.m. tomorrow iri St. Benedict Catholic Church with burial iri Mount Hope Cemetery. The Rosary will be recited at 8:30 tonight at the Donelson-Johns Funeral Home. Ms. Caspary died yesterday. She was a member of St Benedict Church, the Altar Society of her church Retirees’ Club, Oakland County Senior Citizens’ dub, National Senior dtizans rind Retirees' drib of Local 594, GMC Truck & Coach Division. Surviving are her husband; two daughters, Mrs. Henry A. Daniel of Bloomfield Hills and Mrs. Robert H . Taylor of Waterford Township; a son, Raymond H. of Boston; Mass.; 13 grrindchildrem a great grandchild; two sisters; and four brothers. ★ * * He cut his comments short, Pontiac .Area Chamber of Commerce debates returned from the 57th annual meeting of the United States Chamber Mi Commerce in Washington, D, C earlier this week stating that it was one of the best ever presented. , Chamber officials President: E. Eugene Russell, Legislative Chairman; Lewis E. Wint Director diaries M. Tucker, and Executive Manager Earl Kreps attended forums chaired by high cabinet officials on topics dealing with what the business community can do in alleviating urban problems, ★ ★ ★ The group hosted a breakfast attended by House Minority Leader Gerald Ford; Sen. Robert Griffin, R-Mich. Rep, William Broomfield, R-18th district; Rep. Jade McDonald, -R-19th District, who presented informrition on current issues including antiballistic missies and the Vietnam war. George Romney, secretary of Hon sing . and Urban Devdopement', addressed the entire delegation. He spoke on the Vietnam war briefly before turning his attention to domestic, problems saying that segregation is perpetuated by the '*white, mhurfrap noose” around cities and advised businessmen to get irivotred In the solution of .urban problems. Radical college students haven’t the remotest concept of what tills country is all about, Romney add,' 'adding that this is the fault of faculty members who fail to ' teach values, Absolute truth, hi dignity' and the virtues limited government however, by saying: *‘lt may be best not to go into this too deep unless the proper proceedings are brought before us.” Is*^' * ★ To date, neither the' high court nor the Circuit Court hris received a request to take of-ficial action, but only telegrams from Stelt informing them of his actions, Teen Listed Critical After Avon Crash A Rochester driver whose car, sheriff’s deputies say, crossed the center line and hit another car head-on hi Avon Township last night is hospitalized in critical condition. Douglas E. Barrett, 18, of 211 S., Helen was rushed to Critteriton Hospital to Avon Township after the accident on Rochester Road near Hamlin Road and then transferred to Pontiac’s St. Joseph Mercy Hospital. ir' +~4t' Oakland County sheriff’s deputies wore unable to find out from Barrett how the accident happened. A passenger to his car was not seriously hurt. . Deputies said the Barrett car reportedly drove to the left of the center, line rind was improperly overtaking another vehicle. , ★ ★ ★ Thomas J. Cieslak, 22, of Detroit, driver of the car Barrett struck, said his car went over a hill and he saw a car directly in front of him. Cieslak didn’t require hospital treatment. * ★ * Both cars were traveling about 45 or 50 miles per hour, deputies said. Mrs. Elmer (Madeline C.) Lockwood, treasurer of Holly Township, died Wednesday. She was 67. /* $36.00 I year. 2nd' data. rpto sd FenHoc, Michifew.. Memhsr of ABC. Rev. Lerey W. Shafer of 81 S. Paddock;' 80th birthday. Dr. Floyd Starr of Albion; 86th birthday. Mrs. A. W. Neelands of 262 S. Paddock; 82hd birthday,/ Mrs. Bessie Groover of 50 W. Square Lake Road; 82nd birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Byrd 6 of Wixoin; . 57th wedding anniversary. • “ You would take that money and leave it with the British," he said, “since they would then- be full partners in the Common Market. You would consider it to be safer to London triton to Paris because you speak the same language.” He is a realistic Frenchman.* r »It isn’t likely that Pompidou, if placed to the presidency,. would lead France back into membership to the military arm of NATO. Pompidou told the Hearst team that France never really left thW .NATO ‘cause,’ no matter how gruffly De Gauge put jhlL case. Ha pointed out that French military planners are present at . all allied military meetings - WORST POLLUTER ‘ By far the Worst pollutiop of space is our own doing. On May 10, 1963, we lifted more than 400 million tiny/copper needles 2,000 miles above the earth, as a possible back-up ricochet board if) Russia found, some way Of jamming our communtoations. Tbe project was a flop. But they ar . A. OSBORNE 3118 S. COMMERCE, WALLED LAKE ‘Disagree With Opinion on Discrimination9 To Mr. Borgquist who declares that “discrimination is a God-given sacred right," anyone is free to be as discriminating as he pleases to choosing his friends, his clothing, his residence. But how would he enjoy trying to take a trip and find im) restrooms, restaurants or motels that were decently, clean where his family would be served—no matter how well dressed or mannerly they were. These basic rights have ySAfelly been restored to the black men by these “civil-minded lawmakers" and the H.E.W. which Mrj Borgquist denounces as taking away his rights. 1 1 / ■ . RUTH PERRY 608 PARKDALE, ROCHESTER Another Opiniofa on Franee’s Religion Perhaps I can settle the controversy touched off by Janet Odell’s reference to Roman Catholicism a^i’the state religion" of France. I lived to France for over three years as a foreign worker for the Church of Christ ahd* can state cufaffriraiiy that religious freedom to that country is absolute. While the majority of Frenchmen are indeed Catholic, the church is entirely separate from the state; and all religious groups enjoy freedom of worship and belief. DOUGLAS MARSH, MINISTER LAKEVILLE CHURCH OF CHRIST ‘Appreciate Help in Block Oefttutp Drive’ We had a block cleanup drive on Going Street and appreciate the children that worked so hard all day to may# ft a huge success. We also appreciate, the City having men and trucks pick up all the rubbish. MR. AND MRS. GEO. THOMPSON 373 GOING Question and Answer " Q ; Is It Sgatost the law to set back the mileage oa a car before selling it? BUYER REPLY Not at this time. However, a state proposal has been made that would prohibit this practice. Write your elected representatives m Lansing to voice your opinion on the matter. {ji/y Question and Answer / ji^^iigaa^wpreaestatlvsO who are eo- Ogenaortag Rep. Jackwa Betts’ (R-Ohlo) bill to make all m seven oL;tiie 88 eeasas;gaestlaM volontary. I. toe, believe all thats necessaiy is name,1 address,' age, tax, marital status, gsjtamwp > head 1 household awl visitors in the hods, at I yy aB Amhrlaiai H thTiame. This bill should be a must for 6e Mat Oeegreis. ’ ' MRS. JOHN LUNDY ■ - 3184 EASTWOOD ' \ reply | Congressmen Broomfield, Brown, Chamber-lain, Griffiths, Hutchinson, McDonald, Nedzi and Bieglet CongressmmVander Jagt is expected to introduce abiUofhis own. , “ *rry"i T 1 | THE PONTIAC P&KSS, FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1969 SwraWh * 2»2^ r v. nr fm LANSING (AP) ~ Oil* State Bar of Michigaa has petitioned the Stole Supreme Court for reforms Tn licensing and policing powers over the legal profession. Current rules, said Gilbert H, Davis, bar president, ‘‘do not |ive the bar sufficient flexibility And the specific power to move i promptly in disciplining law- member Board of ComMssion-ers to go directly to court jto “exceptional cases," bypassing regular disciplinary procedures to protect the public. This change also wduld eliminate discipline by local bar Associations. • Provisions to suspend a lawyer who failed to appear when requested before1 a grievance lishdd in 1935 And were amended in 19H. The new proposals for changes stem from charges of corruption among some Livingston County lawyers. A three-judge panel of the Livingston County Circuit Court is considering an attempt by the bar to suspend the license of Martin Lavan, a Brighton attorney, without a formal grievance hearing. < \ After 7 Killed in Nepal yers guilty of professional mis conduct and consequently do not protect the public interest ade- quately.” I ■Kit The petition, submitted Thursday, calls for:, —Creatioh' bfr, a ■ slate grievance panel of 20 attorneys and tight laymen appointed by the governor to investigate jo board. m-\ plains against taspm anftaUiSialenKnt Mar suspension •^Sg^SS^S.*£5» Urn camp, which Is at • Requirement that all lawyers repprt\ violations of conduct by fellow lawyers., • An expanded definition of misconduct, including any criminal law conviction «plus any knowing misrepresentation of facts surrounding a grievance complaint. • Tighter eligibility for rein- U.S. Climbers Still Await Airlift m '■■■" 11 KATMANDU, Nepal (AP) -Fliers planned to try again today to reabh thei American survivors of one of the worst disasters in the history of Himalayan mountaineering. j . ■ > Five Americans and two of; Reports of the tragedy said an their Sherpa guides were killed avalanche struck' above the B 1 A of ' Katmandu, for ■ rfP .■ I v American team were reported i west well and awaiting an airliftjweather to clear. from the mountain 159 miles;______•. northwest of Katmandu. But the weather around the mountain was bad Wednesday and Thursday. \\ A ‘ \ the' hearings. • Hie right of onyone to file > A spokesman for th?,Su|*eme;JS*V'tlIL^ri?l^:^81o!f0^^n^rlTte"telim Court said the justices could Mteaflera ridge of Mi. ^,*3 this spring on the petition. the world’s seventh tallest Dianned to stav at the base Current court rules on dimi- mountain. iStbout lO davs to accustom plinary procedures were estab- The other five members of the - PEANUT CELLAR - Sing-A-Long .Beer • Win* e Liquor "A Fin* Place to Celtbrat* • Birthday or Anniversary" Capture the sentiment of the day in the nicest way Mother’s Day Sunday, May 11,1969 EXPRESS YOUR AFFECTION AND APPRECIATION, y CATER TO HE^ LOVE OF BEAUTIFUL THINGS. DELIGHT HER FEMININITY BY A CONNOISSEUR'S CHOICE. ” A A y\; TAKE HER TO llmgsilep itjit BRUNCH. WILL BE SERVED - 10:00 A.M.-2t00 P.M. DINNERS WILL BE SERVED - NOON TILL 11:00 P.M, 9 request with his local county clerk for an investigation of a lawyer. • Authority for the liar’s 15- * themselves to the thin air. Col. W. Stites, the U.S. military attache in Katmandu, left for Jomson, near the foot of the mountain, Inn Nepalese army plane soon after receiving word of the accident. .But the plane was diverted to Pokhara by bad weather and returned to Katmandu Thursday. “There is snow aboye 12,000 feet and heavy winds around 8,000 feet,” Stites reported. “It was impossible to enter iiito the jomson valley.” * '★ ★ POSTHUMOUS CITATION - Mr. and ' Mrs. Thomas Lukes of 4088 Wanonah, Waterford Township, accept the Bronze Star Medal for valor for their son, Army Sgt. Thomas B. Lukes, 20, who was kUled^n combat in Viet- nam July 13. Col. George M_ Bush presented the medal April 17 at the Army Tank Automotive Center in Warren. Sgt. Lukes was killed by a land mine in An Khe Province. Two other planes were waiting at Pokhara, about 100 miles Trade Club Post GRAND RAPIDS (AP) - Clifford Brink Jr., traffic manager for Stow-Davis Furniture Co., will be installed May 23 as president of the World Trade Club of West Michigan. HiMofa -A 4 Hill of a THE HILL AND HILL DISTILLERY COMPANY, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY • SO PROOF • CONTAINS 35% SJRAIGHrYVHISNIES *W4**,« S|U»AL*l>IllttJ 0 ALWAYS FIRST QUALITY Maverick’s hot! Any questions? I ALL OUR NYLON $4 SLEEPWEAR VAU OUR NYLON $5 SLEEPWEAR 'Manufacturer’s suggested retail price for the car. Prlce does not Include: while eldewell tires, $32.00; dealer preparation charge, If any; transportation charges, state and local taxes. • TELEGRAPH & 5Q. ' \ Bloomfield Townshi IHlili HIBh 1 S 20% savings just for mom ... on dreamy sleepwear.. . last 2 days! Measure it any way you like. By the crowds. The news stories. Die sales. Few cars have censed a sensation film Maverick or broken so many records. Every day more and more people are asking questions about it Here are the answers. Q. Why dl.d you build the Maverick? > A. We think of Maverick as another on# of fiord Motor Company’s answers to the gold drain. Now Americans who want small car economy don’t have to send their U.S. dollars overseas. Q. Why did you call It Maverick? A. You know what a maverick is. A maverick breaks the rules. A maverick Is different. Maverick plugs the big gap between the compacts and the imports. It has a wheelbase .eight inches shorter than a ’69 Falcon, eight and one-half inches longer than a VW 1500. Nothing else like it. Q. Why did you makoft this slza? A. Maverick pinches pennies, not people. We gava Maverick'more leg room. Mora shoulder room. More lOggage room. Good example: the front seat of a Maverick offers you nine Inches more shoulder room than the front seat of the leading economy Import And its trunk can handle all the luggage for a family of four, including,a set of golf clubs. \ get a lot less. In tests by professional drivers at our tracks, where we do our best to duplicate actual • driving conditions, Maverick averaged 22.5 mpg. Q. What kind of power doee Maverick have? A. Maverick's Six lets loose 105 galloping horses. That’s 52 more than you get In the 4-cylinder VW 1500. Maverick can coVer 417 feet in ten-seconds from a standing start. That means you can get up to highway speed in a huriy. When you enter-a 70 mph turnpike, you won't feel llfce a retired bookkeeper thrust into the middle of a pro football game. Just a few examples of the many ways Maverick lessens inconvenience and lowers operating cost. Q. Can I do my own maintenance work? A. Yes, if you have an average amount of mechanical ability. The Maverick owner's manual contains 24 pages of idetailed diagrams and easy-to-follow in- structions for routine maintenance jobs you can do yourself, if you wish. You’ll find it easy to change spark plugs, replace ignition points . . . plus many other do-it-yourself repairs and replacements. Q. If It has an eight Inch longer wheelbase than the loading Import, dooe H still handle and park aaslly? A. Maverick can U-turn in a tighter Circle (35.6 feet) .thqm the leading economy Import (36.0 feet). Maverick can slant through traffic like a halfback. It can. 'turn on a dime ancl give you nine cents change. If you've been driving any other American car, you’ll find Maverick's neat size adds up to 5Y* feet to any parking space- *«' ’ •'?[* Q. Can a small car ha aafa? And howaafa la aafa? A. This small car incorporate*'the latest advances in engineering. Maverick's brakes are as big as a standard compact's—designed to stop cars weighing hundreds of pounds more. Maverick* gives you weight... power,... stability. Designed for American driving conditions. Q. What do t got for tho prlca? A. You get your money's worth. A complete, built-for-Americans kind of car. Room. Hot styling. Color-keyed interiors. Even the heater is Included. Some economy car interiors are about as luxurious as a park bench. Not Maverick's. You get plush seats Cloth and vinyl upbolajery with unique tartan plaid alsb get safety features like smart .cloth Insert*. You —| „--------- pull-out door handles. Strong safety door locks. Two-speed electric wipers. Safety belts. Head restraints. Plus conveniences like armrests, coat hooks, lighted heater controls .. . important little things that add so . much to your driving comfort. G. Can Defiblf rattlly build a email economy car thafs tough and long lasting? A. It's not easy, but we did it. Maverick's unitized-body construction makes it light, strong and durable. It's welded like a battleship. Rustproofing compound goes into deep crevices that never see the-light ot , ’day. Then all that strength is covered with four coats of paint for lasting1 beauty. Result: one tough little car that’s put together to stay together. (The service schedule in the Maverick owner's manual goes up to 108,000 miles or nine years; that ought to tell you something about its rugged durability.) -Q. How does Maverick ride? A. Here's where Maverick's longer,, wider stance really pays off. You get a smoother, quieter ride. Mav-wickrs tight, stiOng. unitized 'body: hslpf • eliminate squeaks and rattles. Special insulation blocks out road noise. The people who brought you a Ford that was quieter than a Rqlls-Royce now bring you a small car that doesn't sound like a power mower. Q. Whot about options? . A. You can get ’em if you want ’em. You can’order integral air conditioning. (It's built in, not bung on.) Other options include 3-speed automaticor low-cost semiautomatic transmission, and a hefty 200 CID Six. But lots of people won't put an extra cent into this car. Because it's all there. A complete car all ready to drive home. Q. How about peris and service? A. Maverick is designed to, be unusually easy to service. You're dealing with. made-in-Amerlca parts and 6,000 easy-to-flnd Ford Dealers. Past repairs and easy replacements mean extra savings In both time and money. Q. la there an advantage in the fact that Maverick la rasHy-a 1970car? At Slower depreciation is one money-ln-the-pbcket advantage. Maverick's 1970 model designation means it keeps its trade-in value higher, longer. (Maverick is built to be a good investment from the minute you buy it to the minute you sell it.) Better come take a look at this one. You'll find it wherevthe action is.'. right in there with other great. Ford values like specially equipped Ford Galaxle 500’s ... Fairlanes ... Mustangs and Falcons. Q. What kind of gas mileage can I get? 'A. That depends on you as well as the car. You can get \ a* much as 25 or 26 miles per gallon—if you have an educated toe and the right, road conditions. If you have a lead foot, or do a lot of city driving, you will Q. la Maverick really sailer and less expansive to maintain than an economy Import? A. Definitely. Maverick oil changes . come only every 6,000 miles and chassis lubrication once every 3’6,000 miles. The leading economy import»recom-1 mends oil changes evbry 3,000 miles (twice as often as Meverick) and chassis lubrication every 6,000 miies (six times as often as Maverick!), Those lire You'll find them at your Ford Dealer's .;. the place you've got to go to see what’s going bn. — For an authentic 1/25 scale model of the new Ford Maverick, send $1.00 to Maverick; P.O. Box 5397, Department , Detroit, Michigan 48211. (Offer ends July 31,1969.) , ALL OUR NYLON $6 SLEEPWEAR ' LIKE IT ... CHAXGt IT! tllilli . ,, - -r i K ; •' Mi * / , Lucky brook r- wfHi Mother's Day just oround tho cotnor, and 1 pM Porinoys bunting with the sleep-in of the year! A terrific se-- '"■'ffll’l lection of shifts, minis, babydolls, sleepshirts, pajamas . ^1 sweetened and frosted with lace, ribbons, pleats, sniffles, smocking ... every feminine triekl 100% nylon in many colors r, ’ '! *,' j , 1, f in Junior and Misses sixes. v SHJ ||l|§ .i ‘ ) & iiJl MBBiA 0 13 MILE A ! 11 n Same on specially equippei imm f** ^.1 3 1 v ? c; IT'S THE GOING THINGI MAVERICK i I Dedicated hours won 17-year-old Sheila Fiekoiosky of Detroit a double dtonbr Thursday as she is the first recipient of the Bach at brbnbtq&k AWard. Afnohg those with notes of congratulations following a tea for those working for Bach atCranbrook,ts the group’s director, md founder, JRaymond Benner of Oak.Pork. ‘ ,V*. But her favorite pursuits are reading and writing.-’Tf J had to give tip doe," she said thoughfully, “I’d give up reading, but then f might be so denotata I couldn’t write, "i . \* * \ I JESSAMYfoWEST THE PONTIAC PRESS,. FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1069 march is played, but if you have other ideas, it makes sense to me, and more power to you. DEAR wXlUNG: Pray harder for her. And fAray also .for your young, dedicated minister. And while you’re praying, prly for a little more compassion for bourself. Allans to Leave Cranbiook for Pebble Hill Post DEAR ABBY: I am being married soon, and want to know Why I can’t take my fiance with me when I go to pick out my wedding gown? I mentioned this to a few people,Tandtbey aUactedlfoel was some kind of nut. Abby, if there isONE person I want to approve ofmy wedding gown, lt’s the man I marry. So, why is it so crazy to have him go shopping withme when I buy it? T I. M. SERIOUS DEAR I. M.r I see nothing'“crazy*' about wanting the man you marry to approve of your wedding gown. SOME brides prefer to “surprise” everyone (groom included) until the wedding - < , , ,, Vf- f . ’ i ♦ t1 Ihcfudef^lf jri Prayers 53 ‘'vA*! - ■ Pontiac Press Photo, by Rolf Winter » Fourteen years ago, Bob Kahn, 17, of Beverly v. Island Drive (center) was ini-Mrs. Herman Sten- lar teacher. With Mrs. Stenbuck, (left) they are buck’s first class at Temple" Beth Jacob Nursery checking the map to see where she plans to live in School. Marcy Conn, 5, Lone. Pine Road, West Israel. Mrs. Stenbuck is being honored at a number Bloomfield Township, is a present pupil of the popu- of events this week and next. . r " By ABIGAIL VAN BUREN DEAR ABBY: I am a member of a small church in a very small community. We have a young minister, 28' years old with five Children. He is a very dedicated man, but his wife is a millstone around his neck. , She attends Sunday worship, but that is all. She has a girl staying with her to help with-the-children, so she. can’t use that as an excuse for not being more active in church work. . *. ■ She’s a chain-smoker and plays cards. She even had a card party while we Were haying our mid-week prayer service and, Bible study! The parsonage is right next door to the church, so we know this is a fact. . We have prayed for her and tried to be friendly, but she doesn’t cooperate. Must we tell our pastor to leave? PRAYERFULLY WAITING $ess Stenbuck Leaving Pony Girl Hopes Her Charge Be Derby Winner Again ! Communitys Loss Is Israels Gain By JANET ODELL ?The outpouring of affection for Bess Stenbuck as she prepares to leave Pontiac for Israel is heartwarming. It is difficult to recall a similar occasion in recent years. ^ust this week, the County Board of Supervisors voted to send her a letter of commendation for her work in the many civic activities in the 32 years she has lived here. ★ ★ ★ Over 450 children have had a good start in school because they were taught by Mrs. Stenbuck in Temple Beth Jacob Nursery School. For the past 14 years, she has taught five mornings a week at the cooperative nursery on Elizabeth Lake Road. Mothers have taken their turns helping, but it has always been Bess who set the pace.- And she has loved every minute of that. Everyone who has ever heard her talk about her “kids”, knows how she loves them. It is a love returned in full measure. T Parents of past and present students will honor Bess Saturday at a 7-9 p:m. reception at the temple.. Bom in Illinois, educated in Wisconsin, Bess came to Pontiac, in 1937. Herman Stenbuck was distributor for The Detroit Times. He died several years ago. The Stenbucks had two children and five grandchildren. RETURNED TO TEACHING Having taught in Milwaukee, in Milwauxee, Wis. before her marriage; Bess went back to teaching during World War II. She taught fifth grade and was principal at Malkim School in those war years. She was an active worker in Girl Scouting for many years. She belonged to the League of Women Voters and Zonta Club of Pontiac. And she devoted many' hours to Sisterhood Beth Jacob, holding every office. She was president in 1947-48. Next Friday, this Sisterhood will have its annual worship service, foe service when women take foe leading roles. They will dedicate it to Bess! Stenbuck. This occasion is open to all of Bess’ friends who will greet her at a reception following the 8:30 p.m. worship hour. ★ A ★ All in all, it’s a momentous time for this gay and forthright woman. In June, one of her grandsons will graduate from high school and his older brother will be married. Then, later in the summer, having put all her affairs in order here, she will fly to Israel where she intends to help the little country in whatever way it will let her. She hopes and most of us who know her hope it will be working with children. For that she has always had a special gift. LOUISVILLE, Ky. UP) - Mrs. Rae Johnson is hoping that Saturday .she’ll repeat her performance in last year’s Kentucky Derby. , She’s a pony girl, or outrider^whose job it is to escort thoroughbreds to the starting gate. » ...... .... Last year her charge was first-place finisher Dancer’s Image. On Saturday’s 95th run for the roses she will be riding shotgun for one of the top contenders, Top Knight. • it ■ * ★ Top Knight, like other thoroughbreds, is a highly sensitive animal who could easily be spooked by crowd noise or ofoer distractions. Therefore, Mrs. Johnson explained, foe outrider’s main job is to make sure foe thoroughbred stays calm* from the timS he leaves his stall until he reaches the end of the long walk down to the starting gate. . ■’ h j itf js Top Knight won’t find himself among strangers either when Mrs. Johnson and her buckskin Dudley, escort him and jockey Manny Ycaza to the post Saturday. Mrs. Johnson exercises the derby candidate every morning as the Nixon Kin Shares Fate's Blessing on Writing Career NEW YORK UP) — Jessamyn West’s new book about the Quaker forefathers she.shares ^ith her second cousin, Presi-^dent Nixbn, is jUst bff the press; yet being a writer was a childhood dream she never expected to come true. “I wanted to Write all my life,” declared the author of “Except for Me and Thee,” settling back comfortably in a big chair in her New York hotel .room and kicking off one shoe. .... YRut writers to me were people like Dickens. I didn’t know that a writer was just a person who writes,” she explained. “I had never seen anyone who had written; I had never seen- anyone who had seen anyone who had written I , thought a writer would be someone wearing a big sign saying ‘I am a writer.’ ” Now Miss West is entitled to wear that sign herself. Since her .first book, “The Friendly . Persuasion” in 1945, she has produced a dozen others including Book-’of-the-Month Club selection “Cress Delahanty.” ; Her new volume is a companion piece to “The Friendly Persusasion,” recounting foe earlier life of Jess and Eliza Birdwell and focusing on their activities with the underground railroad of Civil War days. The characters are modeled after / Joshua and Elizabeth Milhous, great-grandparents of both Nix,on and Miss West, whose maternal grandfathers were brothers. Born in Indiana, the author moved at the age of 6 to Yorba Linda, Calif., then a Quaker community that had attracted many branches of th&Milhous family. “But we lived right across an irrigation canal from foe Nixons and I felt closer to them that to my first -cousins. Richard’s mother gave me my first birthday party when I was 7 years old.” . R.. i, it ■ ★ She went to Whittier College, which Nixon also attended, and after graduation married H.M. McPherson, a classmate whom she calls “Max.” She did graduate work at the University of California, seeking a Ph.D. in English. _____:.... '. • ★ » * The date was set for her doctor’s orals when she was told she had an advanced case of tuberculosis and she went to a sanitarium where she didn’t put a foot’ out of bed for two years. CHANGE LIFE “Sometimes I think I got TB. so I wouldn’t have to have a life of Nbrfhside Group Pians^ Annual Coronation Ball Tie annual Coronation Ball of the Nofthside American G. I. Forum will be held Sunday from 6 to 11 p.m. at the CAI building. j*. The queen, to be chosen at the £all, ■wil| compete in the«state convdfiion June Mat Adrian. V\ ■ ■ v... - ■ ■ * The public may attend. Further in- w formation may be obtained by Calling Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Guerra of Short Street^ , ' J .i I h % }*■ III scholarship and teaching,” she laughed. “For 10 years I spent most of my time lying on a couch almost afraid to move. When I began to get 'well I started writing stories, but 1 didn’t send-them-out. ★ ★ - * • “My husband, was'so insistent .that I try to place them,” she continued, “that -I finally said “I will write 12 Stories and sepd each story to 12 magazines and when they’re all turned down, will you say no more?’ , • “Well, a story was taken and I slept with the letter under my pillow,” she smiled, her expressive face, framed by Short grayforown hair, aglow with the recollection: Churchill Downs spires begin taking shape in foe hazy dawn half-light. PART OF THE JOB Riding foe horses in foe morning'is just another part of foe job for outriders ' such as Mrs. Johnson. —~...A She gets; $3 per ride, she -said, the words drifting out in a slow Texas draM. And then, in th£ afternoon, she is paid 810 every time she takes a mount to foe post, she added. |a| J • The day starts early— 4:30 a.m. she said — and ends around 6:30 p.m. There’s usually a break of a couple • hours around 11 a.m. when everybody takes off to get some lunch or a second breakfast before heading back to the. track and the afternoon card. “Mrs. Johnson started training early for the job. - “I’ve been on a race track all my life ’ — and my father had horses,” she said. “I promised my mother I’d never marry a horseman,*’ she said. But she did. In fact a good part of her work is involved in helping her trainer-husband, John, with his mounts. She exercises teem and also escorts them in races. The two she from Houston, Tex., he from Georgetown, Ky. — own a horse farm outside Hot Springs, Ark., “we’ve got 25 head,” tee said. They also own part interest in Cheiron, which Mrs. Johnson described as one of tee nation’s leading 2-year-old sires. By SHIRLEY G$AY Bloomfield Hills residents David and. Kay. Allan will soon be leaving our town — for good, unfortunately. He’s giving up a faculty post at Cranbrook School for an assistant head-mastership at Pebble Hill School at DeWitt, N.Y. While it’s hard not to teed a tear upon leaving a spot you’ve lived in for eight years, the couple is looking forward to being closer to their married son, who Ifoes in New Jersey, and to their summer home, on Nantucket, says Mrs. Allan. The guest list for Saturday night’s Carnation Ball is growing by leaps and bounds. The ball is, of course, the Junior Women’s Association for foe Detroit Symphony’s big formal pow-wow of foe season. Before leaving for tee formal festivities at the Detroit Boat Club, two Birmingham couples are having a few people in for cocktails — the Owen Regans and the George McClellans. The McClellans, by the way, recently moved back into town after a three and a half-year hiatus in Pittsburgh, and have even managed to find a place very / near the one they lived in previously, on Waddington Road. Their daughters, Susan and Jennie, are now 16 and 10, respectively. TICK ET HOLDERS From Bloomfield Hills, the following couples are among those planning to attend the Carnation Ball: the Junior Lance C. Minors, the Robert Berrys, the Christopher J, Mazures, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Whiting, Jr., the H. G. Bowleses, tee Oliver Whites, Mr. and Mrs. John S. Wells, Jr., and David and Sally Lott. There from Birmingham will be Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dalgleish, Jr.; tee Robert Gills, tee James Martins, Mr. •and Mrs. R. C. Doran, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dewar, tee John Deacons and the William Westcotts. BOHers will be able to sweat out their bets at the dub Saturday, Kentucky Derby Day, while viewing tee race on color TV and sipping mint juleps. NOT FLYING . Miss West already has plans for twoi more books. “You feel,like hell if things1 don’t go right, every sentence is durosy and everything written by everyone else is shining, but despite this misery you’re not flying if you’re, a writer and not writing,” she said, throwing out her arms in a gesture which seemed to embrace her whole, love of the craft. Not only does she love writing, but she loves actually putting down words. “As some women like to crochet or knit,” she said, “I love the physical act of forming words with a pen.” it . it * She uses an old-fashioned fountain pqn and writes in bed, often from 9 to 10 in the morning until 2 p.m. In sunny weather she writes outside reclining .on a / cot. “I write lying down, maybe because I'm lazy,” she offered in explanation, “but possibly because I started writing lying flat on my back.” . She and bar husband, who has a doctor’s degree in education and is a professor at the University ‘of California, Berkeley, have afoig, rambling house in Napa, complete with two streams, a . view of tee Mils, Tennessee walking horses, h swimming pool, lots, of dogs and two cats. , N T 'A 1 \ IWujty Royal Secret Luxury Gift Set :<- *>:. ’OBt " iSsiiis e\*»iilti Wwloto THE PONTIAC PRESS/ FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1969 MISS ZIMMERMAN M1SSARDELAN MISS FREMLIN M MISS RAYMOND MISS BRADF1ELD FAYE HERSHBERGER MISS WATSON Wedding Bells in Future for Eight Couples An Aug, 29 wedding is plan- Temple of West Huron Street. A Hershberger of Troy announce! daughter of the .James L. nod by Rita Marie Zimmerman June 28 wedding is planned. the betrothal and planned Bradfields of South Lyon. and John M. Murphy. Their parents are the Robot A. Zimmermans of North Jdhnsoii Street and the Thomas t. Murphys of Tyrone Street. Fremlin - Vycital Hayes Preston. He is the atm of The engagement of Cheryl Mr. and Mrs. Don Preston of Lynne' Fremlin to Spec. '• 5 Detroit. Miss Hershberger is a Ronald A. Vycital, USA, is an- junior at University of Michigan notinced by her parents, Mrs. where hen fiance is a senior. Janet Fremlin of Royal Oak Diana Sue Ardelan’s engage>JA John Fremlin of Walled ment to Pfc. Charles Roy Kib-, „keV . „ .. , , , be, USA, is ariMfed by her1 5 Vycital 18 the son of August wedding of theirj - ★ , * •'* daughter, Faye Marie, to Jack Her fiance, a graduate of Ardelan- Kibbe DeVry Technological Institute, Chicago, 111., is the son of Mrs.| Grace Burbey of Melmoor, Street, Commerce Township,'■ and the late Mr. Burbey. Watson - CarIsen Outsize. Broom wm~, «. -j -v» ** ,w .......... ... Mr. and Mrs, William J. ,¥ . parents, Mr. and Mrs. John^r’ Mrs. Al«ireich Vycital Batson of Parnell Street an- fQ Sweep Outside Ardelan of Spence Street. Her 0* *w»ers. N-*- ana 1 * nounce the engagement of their ~ fiance is the son of George|Pr®8fn^y stationed at Fo^t' daughter, Kimberley Anne, to- . . . Kibbe of Quillan Street and|Hood- T,exas;JAn 0otober wed' Spec. 4 Niles Ronald Carlsen,| When it is time to scrub the Mrs. Charles Lisk of Lake W18 Planned. i USA. Spec. 4 Carlsen, who is patio or garage, it is a good in- Orion. I i» ' , tf .... j station hi Vietnam, is the son of i vestment to get a supersized, Pfc. Kibbe is serving in Viet-' Raymond - Kunlik Mr. and Mrs. Niles J. Carlsen commercial-type broom. It is nam. • April, 1970, vows are1 The engagement is announced ®ar*anan ' inecessary to buy this from a of Linda Raymond, and Brad1, Tl^y »r® planning to marry janitorial supply house but it is Kurilik. Their parents are Mr.'hiNovember.., worth the trouble because it is and Gedrge Raymond Jr.^ wide enough to cover a con- of Bender Street and Mr. and Bradfield - Burbey siderable surface with each Warrent T. Mrs. Alex Kurilik of Peveril 7 siae''aDle surIace w,m cacn Cover of Pickerington, Ohio Road, Bloomfield Township. i An August wedding is planned stroke. announce the egnagement of. ! . > s by Sharon Kay Bradfield and planned. Cover«temple Mr. and Mrs. their daughter, Dixie Lynn, toj Herschberaer - Preston jOrland R- Burbey. Hie brlde-| Like all brushes it should be Byron Ray Temple. He is the* ® +elect, a student at Eastern swished through hot soap suds i i . ";. ■ vvvy j Dont miss this great buyl 6 DIAMOND BRIDAL SET regular $75 . 14 white or yellow gold 32 50 Fabuti 5 . r*mtar 39,9s ® IP* MK whif. e or y#,,°w go Id We invite you to compar^ these fantastic low prices. Select a diamond now for Mother's Day, Anniversary, Engagement, Birthday or any memorable occasion . .. the savings are truly spectacular. One of the most extraordinary savings opportunities on diamonds you've ever seen. See them . .. inspect them ... select the diamond rings you've always dreamed of at dramatic reductions. Magnificently designed 14K white and yellow gold settings fashioned with extraordinary brilliant diamonds of exceptional quality. Your choice now at savings of 30% to 60%. Hurry — this great sale ends soon. son of Mr. and Mrs. Jay! Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Michigan University, is th® to keep the bristles clean. Motke/o T)eAew€A & t s DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RINGS D i • regular , 79.50, SALE 3995 • regllar 100.00 . SALE 80®° • regular 150.00 . .SALE 8250 • regular 197.50 . SALE 95°® • regular 250.00 . . SALE 13950 • regular 300.00 . SALE 165°° • regular 325.00 . .SALE 18$°° • regular 400.00 . SALE 225°® DIAMOND WEDDING RINGS a i MOTHER’S DAY MAY It- • regular regular regujar *• regular • regular • regular • regular • regular 39.95 59.95 , 79.50 119.00 185.00 250.00 325.00 V " 1 ; 500.00’ .SALE 1950 : SALE 35°° SALE 55°° SALE 97s® SALE 137*° .SALE 175°° SALE tU90 • reguky • regular 65.00 . • regular 99.50 . • regular 150.00 . • regular 225.00 . '• regular-300.00 . • regular 4,25.00 . • regular 600.00 . .SALE 3750 SALE 60°° SALE 85°° SALE 12S00 SALE |4759 . SALE 255°° . SALE 325°° f MEN S DIAMOND RINGS ‘. ■ t ’ • ' is • ^regular 49.50 , .. SALE 279S • regular 79.95 .. SALE 49M; ■d regular 110.00 . . SALE 65°* • regular 175.00 . .SALE 9250 • regular 235.00 , sale 125°° • regular 300.00 . . SALE 168°° • regular 425.00 . . SALE 245°° • regular 600.00. .SALE 374°° DIAMOND COCKTAIL 1 RINGS I • regular 29.50.. . SALE 14“ ^ regular 45.00.. SALE 2950 i • regular* 69.50.. SALE 45°° • regular 85.00.. w 50°° | • regular 115.00., SALE 75°° * • regular 200.00,/, SALE 115°° • regular 275.00.. SALE 152°° ' • regular 350.00 .. SALE V; 195°° • regular 475.00; J SALE 255°° r DIAMOND PENDANTS-EARRINGS] • regular 12.50 ..SALE (OO • regular 19.95 ..SALE 9m • ; • Regular 27.50. .SALE IS00 • regular 39v95. SALE I9’5 • regular 65.00 .. SALE 42s0 • regular ‘85-00 .. SALE 4950 • regular 175.00 SALE 85°° • regular 250.00 SALE I3750 • regular 350.00 .. SALE 185°° MICHIGAN'S FINE JEWELERS OPEN MON., THUDS., & EDI. 'TIL 9 M&ti ■ iAaiNAW-^.," POWNTOWli POilWAC J CREDIT ARRANGED TO SUIT YOUR OWN CONVENIENCE Don't lat the lack of cash provent you from taking , advantage of the tremendous diamond savings. You can select the diamond ring of your choice hrow and arrange convenient, credit terms. Stop, |ntodayortomorrdw. 1 * . .Vh Try using a protein shampoo if your hair has lost its bounce. Because protein is the natural element in each hair, it will easily, absorb more in liquid form: For this reason, protein shampoos give body, bounce and curl to tired, limp hair. . - PEANUT CELLAR - | Slng-A-Lon* ■» Btfcr’e Win*. • Liquor mcrunis or old movie STAR* ON TNI WALLS | 9 Maw WM «| Pontine IWMIlac N. « UMm Lake HHIII KINNEY'S SHOES Far tlfr What* Family PONTIAC MALL MIRACLE MlLE Pontiac Prase Photo of Pontiac branch, who helped with the organization of the Waterford, group. The birthday luncheon ,took place in Spring Lake Country Club, Thursday. Mrs. Arthur Hyde, state director of extension, represented the Michigan Division. - y Columbia Avenue Baptist Church Presents •. . Model DW-CDMN, 3 colon & white. > 21300 Mandat* i MVi'VOf. Jowph Hudien j HtnMo, Michigan Phone: 5400200, X270 Court* No. Court* Titia Room Oadna.Days 111 ■■•,T*A 0|iwialg Appllc. 24S 3 MAW En| IIS EWfahahll 223 3 TuATh Sat 102 Intarmadlatu Tyoinq 225 -!. 3 MOW ’ S«c Itt Mtr. Shurihand ■ 225 3 TuATh i MHc tmUlHi , 214 3 MOW bo 151 Eaiglittn , |ff 228 3 TuATh Sac 251 Sociology 1 . 250 3 MlIW Mia261 AfrtHAmarican Hlalsiy1 223 3 . TutTh Pul 251 Infra. Pulllical SciancuU* I MAW Lamphur* High School << Coordinalbn • ‘ 510 W. Thirlaan Mil* Rd. Mr, Wm. DiGuilio Madi.on Haights, Mich. Phonai 547-5186 Coon* lb. Csurat Tltlu ■:*' Room Crudits 0*ya ’ Sag 102' , Inlarmadiala Typing ;' 32 .. - 3 MAW Sac 112 Intermndiata Shorthand, .32 • 3 TuATh Rat 122 Rafail Salas Pramatien 27 , 3 MtW Rat 151 Ratail Buying 27 . --S: TutTh Mt 252 Am1M.3*cM Wnht. M 3 MtW Pal 252 Urban t Stata PaliHca 35 3 MtW Pay 251 Ultra. » Paytbalagy 35 3 TutTh Milford Ffljh School ■' Coord Malar: Sif ' 2530 South Milford Rd Mr. Charlii Bloaaar ■. Milford, Michigan . •Phonos 684-1615 If Count No. Ccuraa Tltlu . Room Credit! Day* Ess* 152 iaglMi II .. ;-W| lag 25* American litnmturn IMIS 3 MtW 55 151 laglnailng Manana I lit 4' MtW Baa 181 laitra. to Bualssuaa 114 8 MtW BSU Anriyai. Social Praha. Ill g MtW 9 ladaaat law * 114 a TaAlh Hit IW World CfvlHtatiaa II lit S TUATh 3465 AUBURN RD. PONTIAC HOLLY Section 02 LAMPHERE Section 13 Pfpm__■■■ THE PONTI AC PRESS, FRIDAY, MAY The Searchlight To Mike Savoie Chevrolet! May Day Sell Down | May t - Fri., May 2 - Sat., May 3 SALE! OPEN 8:30 A.M. ’til MIDNIGHT All Models, Only *99" Deem* ’69 Nova 2 Dr. Come $1961.00 ;J, g’if Monthly Payments As Low As $5j»5< ’69 Chevelle 2 Dr. Coupe $2160.00 Monthly Papents As Low As $S8°3* ’69 impala Sport Coupe $2396.00 Monthly Payments As Low As $64*°* ’69 Camaro Sport Coupe ■ $2515.00 Monthly Payments As Low As ’69 Chevy V^Ton Pick-Up $1991.00 Monthly Payments As Low As $53»‘ ’69 Chevrolet Biscayne $2210410 Full Size 2-Dr. Sedan Monthly Payments As Low As W ‘Special Payment Plan For Those Who Qualify Low Monthly Payments Include: ~ Back Up Lights, Padded Instrument Panel, Windshield Washers, Heater and Defroster, Turn Signals, plus all additional standard factory equipment. m ww 1 iSfl tilp Lighting a candle to mark the 15th anniversary of the Waterford branch, Woman’s National'Farm^ and Garden Association, is Mrs. William Baer Flanking her are (left) Mrs. Howard Huttenlocher of Clarkston branch and Mrs. Arthur W. Selden Qouple Goes Newlyweds, the John Stewsrt Konheims (nee Lynne Anne Taylor: of Bloomfield Hills)’sre honeymooning in Europe for two months. • dr * ♦ ■ V The dawghter of,Mr. and Mrs. F. Richard Taylor: of Kenton, Ohio, and the eon of Mr. end Mrs. Albert j: Konheim of New York City were mended Saturday In the Woodward Room of the Sheraton-Cadillac Hotel, Detroitj Attended by Mrs. Kurt P. Wietzke end Jane S. Konheim, the bride wore | peau satin Empire gown accented ' with Valenciennes lace and , beaded jewel neckline. Her bouquet was comprised of white Cattleya orchids. fn'vVi'SX*Nm WM I fe dr ' ★ B. Brand Konheim of New York City attended his brother as best man with Philip Kolb of jeeanside, N. Y.,- and Dam K. aylor of .Kenton, Ohio, as usher*. '' Pei 1 iMi J Dw % nwdywed* | wffl make their home m W«w York OgL Sivvsf; MinuS Make way for * flve^econd button attacker that eliminates the need for needle and tfarwpd. The gadget the stee of. a fountain pen 1* equipped with a needle for piercing fabric and attaching buttons flth s y n thetit-filament fasteners, rather than thread. The manufacturer says the operator inserts the needle through the button and fabric and bushes the handle, inserting a fastener and attaching button. The maker also said buttons or trim will remain hteurdy Sty fixed indefinitely. , ,: ; Fasteners are not affected hr soaps, detergents or dry-clean- Club Closes Year With Installation Finest Selection of USED CARS and TRUCKS Anywhere... ALL AT BARGAIN PRICES, MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET 19D0 West Maple Rd., Troy* Mich.-944-2135 Located In The. Troy Motor Mall FONTtAC I QUARTOS' JSSOLaJ MARLSR-:/ • __8 1< M:I.E 5 70 TLIST—30 Mima S10 JO DETKOn l Birmingham Woman’s Club | has a number of activities planned for the- wind-up of its 178th year. | First of these is a dessert-tea at the Community House Tuesday at 12:30 p.m. Installation of officers for the new season will be made by Mrs. Bernard Signer, first vice president of the Federation of Women’s Clubs of Metropolitan Detroit. - Mrs.. Seymour Marshak will t^ke over the presidency. She will lie assisted by Mesdames: Gerard H. Horton and Richard Gray, vice presidents; Mb's. Forbes Hascall, recording secretary and Mrs. Theodore A. Dauer, treasurer. The annual spring luncheon is scheduled at Oakland Hills Country Club on May 14. The fashion review will be by the Jacqueline shops with commentary by Jackie Crampton. Club members won several awards which were announced the Michigan State Convention at the Statler-Hilton Hotk Mre. Gayer W. Moynes won a first place for oil painting; Mrs. Olaff Runge, 2nd place. Mrs. Thomas Canniff won both first and second places in watercolors.- Mrs. Daniel Watts took first place for needlework and Mrs. Melbourne Apple won: second place in dressmaking. Ease Hand Strain HI 4-2735 The correct way to hold a paint brush: grasp the brush comfortably, near the bas,e of the handle. Hold it rather loosely. Don’t bear down hard, but exert only enough pressure to make bristles flex slightly toward the tip. Keep Morn Out of The Kitchen Starting Mother's Day with a * FRIGIDAIRE Wash a day’s dishes at one time! It’s often possible with this 1& ' table-setting capacity model (AHAM). t L 4» m py; k 0 -j—x r Easy loading! Roll-To-You racks hay* improved design for versatile loading. And thereVno set loading pattern required. Cnerrywood Melamine top! ” T- Beautiful! Provides extra work space, top. Spill-Saver edge simplifies clean-up. No pre-rinsing! • Super Surge Washing Action sweeps dishes'with torrents of ' hot water. Cldans clean, dries dry without preprinting. ___> k i _ '_____________rh Converts to built-ini If you remogel, simply convert your Dishmobfle to a built-in with optional extra-cost idL f E 4-3573 UL 2-3000 Carpet Your* Kitchen You’ll Be Surprised at The Difference it Makes KITCHEN CARPETS *8^ - *109S Sq. Yd. Sam Cathy Sam will ba the visiting evangelist during a series of evangelistic servicet at Columbia Avenue Baptist Church, 64' W. Columbia Ave., Pontiac, Michigan. AAAY4-11 Sam Cathy is an excellent gospel preacher, well acquainted with the Spiritual needs of people and is an expert irt the field of spiritodl counseling, having had many years experience as pastor and evangelist. Mr. Cathy is a full-time evahgelist serving the Great Lakes ansa, Don't miss the opportunity of hearing this man of God each evening at Y:30 6'elock. Nursery facilities will be provided for Children of nursery age. 64 W. Columbia Ave. Pontiac Z'.5-9960 ADMISSION: Aiqrw* may tnrsll for an Oakland Community Colltgt credit •xltnilon count .who It: ' 1. A high ichuol gradual*. 2. A nun-high tch**l gradual* 19 y*art or *ld*r. 3. A current high tdiuol renlor with ptrminion from parent and high *ch**l principal. DATE A TIME: C/atM* hogIn tho wtok of May 12, 1959, and m**t twte* w**kly f*r •Ight w**kt fr«m 7-10 p.m. Additional hours may b* required f*r f*ur-cr*dit hour court**; that* hour* will h* anangad by th* Imlractar lh* tret night *F date. TUITION: C*ll*g* district reildtnti <9 par credit haurt Michigan nsn-dltlrlct raildanlt—$12 par credit hour. WAIVERS: . Tuition wolvart are ovollobl* ta retldanti of lh* cal lag* dlitrict who qualify. . TEXTBOOKS: i Rsquirad toxlbaakt may ha putchared at th* canton during tire reglilratlon pariadt. COUNSELING: CoUniallng will b* avallabb at aach cantor th* wash* of May S and If:, fwnt 5130-9:30 • p.m. and on’a regular bait* lhareaftar. PREREGISTRATION: May 5 through 9,1 -9 p.m. REGISTRATION: May 12 through 15, T -9 p.m. No Lcrte Registration. Students may receive information or registration forms by contacting ^Section Coordinator (name A phono below) or Community Sorvicos. 33MHB or <424211. *'; ¥ df COURSES OFFEREO AT THE FOLLOWING CENTERS HAZEL PARK Section 01 PONTIAC Section 05 TROY W*bb Junior High’ School 2100 Woodward Haight. Rarndtlt, Michigan Court* No. Count TUI* It* 261 icantmUi II Rtadlaa Imorevamant 156 Satlt MgNtb 155 Butina.. Conununict. 165 Engli.li II 15a Anmican Ut. II 165 World Civlliiatitn II 166 fng 104 Eag 052 Eng 156 ifK( 153 mi-. HE Hit 152 Hit 252 lac 252 lit III Coordinator: i-Mr. Hanry Eldridg* Phonai 5420910 Room Credits _P|y w TuHH M5W NSW, Attlytli SacM __________ Found. Modarn S.ocitty 172 M»W TdSIS MtW Tutlh MCW Pontiac Ctnlrel High School Coordinator. 250 Wait Huron Stmt Mr. Thomtt ' Pontiac, Michigan ‘ ' Phono. Court# No. Count Tin* - Room Act 313 Pilnciaha Acrtg. II 103 ....... IngUshTl * Jit At7t Aanriuni HMare 135 Paaqtitllat 26mi I 155 Mr*, to Preahilasy Itt HtrerenJRatotlona^sd^ Evaritt ■ns 1M Hit 26i: Mat Th Pay < 351 Pay 361 MtW TaSTh TuMh MIW MtW Troy High Ideal Coordinator, ’ < 5179 UMHiwIi . Mr; Ran Man*. .Trey, Michigan '/PpM.' 5SMI35 Court* No. Court* Tltlo Room CredHt I Arc 111 Propriolanhlp Acctg.- I0S 4 At* 252 Prlndplaa Acctg. II 103 4 MtW in 111 Oannrej llalagy I 125 4 M5W li* 152 Otnaral Biology II lmlri.2 4 MBW Cat 101 Fund, of Aaaaoaotict 109 ' 2 TutTh Eca 351 / Econamlca I Eca 262 Econamlca II Mi-i'isr BH Eng 152 Engllih II | Holly Senior High School Coordinator: 920 Ea*t Baird Stratt 'J' Mr. Donald Ditoai Hally, Michigan . Phone: 634-1451 Court* No. Couru Title , ~ Room Cradita Day. Si* < 111 ' Otnaral iialagy I 304 NM 153 Warid ClvilSa*ii II 305 Pay 351 j Pay Sit (at Sit Human Salatla FareonnalPrnb Public Spaaltinn ieSjfi Pontiac Norfhtm High Sc. Coordinator: 1051 Arlan* -t: : , Mr. Trariyu VEyaritt ^Pontiac, Michigan Phonai 3324)396 * Court* No. Court* Till* Room Credit* O Eca 862 fltlw4l|3l. - > S| 3 " Eng 1$6 Intra. t* tha Thaatra S3 •' a ■i 312' Amarkw Hiatary II 51 .Sait1351 lacMagy : , * 15 loc , 353 Analyda Sag 261 Pirbirc $ Pay 251 laire, t* tgaaldap . la' Paychnwgy a Days MtW. TaSTh MtW MtW futlh MtW Tutlh TutTh MtW Eng. 251 ■ Aararltia lltnretur* I 103 ias Amtrlcan literature II 103 HI* . 152, Warid CMHaallnn II -. 106 Hit 251 American Hi.lory I 111 Hit 252 Amnriun Hiatnry II 1R5 Hit ,261 -Aha Rmariren Hi.lnry 107 Mil 101 Suifnnia Mntfianuhca 102 Pay 351 :: Ihlr* In Paychatagy MS Pay 361 Homan Rainliana t Sac 103 ■ Intarawdiala Tyriag Sac ' 112 l*l*r. Hw*dlMd Sac 353 Aaabal* Social Preha. 105 En« 261 PahBa tpaajdag M4 Wc 151 hand. HEadam Sat I Rl ROYAL OAK TOWNSHIP Section 08 Section 03 mBmMmwMBFMmfflawmmmtewmmmm. milford 556 153 Pauad. Madam Sac. U US MAW TutTh MAW TuATh TuAlh MAW MAW TuAlh TuATh MAW TuATh TuATh MAW ipf •/ ;?<• ' | // 'V, 'll | .‘fp Wfm~ THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY! MAY 2, 1969 m m fmm rflwi jmKn A~1I I—PEANUT CELLAR — Slng-A-Long Bttr.f Win* A liquor »U»IC ■ri-"HONKY-TqNKfW'' MUnPUr. our Clientele Double Breasted Sport Jackets..... ^35.00 and up Double Breasted Suits >59.50 and up We still havethe latest in nylon and cottoft jackets ...... from *5.95 fihilnuuu DRAYTON PLAINS SHOPPING CENTER Between Kresges and Packers OR 3-0731 ISSSSSSSSSSOiH County, Royal Oak, Mrs. Dale E. Folsom of North Casts Lake Road was recently graduated from Western Michigan University with a BA degree in elementary education. She is the daughter of Olaf B. Rose of Eldridge Street. Orion; Ann Miller, Clarkston; Mrs. Paul..,Tomboulian, Rochester; 'Mrs. Richard F. Morgan and Mrs. George Code, White Lake Township, * ★ . jt /. , The other summer -Activity Just announced is the Sixth annual camp -for exceptional children.. Camp Courage is a day camp at/ Proud Lake Recreation Area, sponsored by the scouts and SPUR (Special Education Parents’ Unit for Retarded Children). Dates are Aug. 18-21 from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily. I Registrations for any child in special education between the jages of seven and 16 will be accepted through June 1. ' -k . it ★ The program includes campcraft skills and nature crafts. Some of tfre children take part in an overnight session, sleeping in tents and cooking three meals. NEED COUNSELORS Interested parents are'needed to serve as counselors. A unit for counselors’ children will be set up.'Senior Girl Scouts who get special precamp training, assist the adult leaders. ★ ★ ★ Mrs. Robert Schieferstein, OPEN MON. A Rl. 9 AM TO 9 PM OPEN DAILY# AM TO 5:30 PM ORCHARD FURNITURE’S OPEN MON. & FRI. 9 AM TO 9 PM OPEN DAILY 9 AM TO 500 PM TRUE CONFESSIONS Believe it or not... we've made plenty of MISTAKES In the time we have been4n the furniture business but our biggest mistake was last March in thinking that busineil would start to. pick up. We were way off! It was stinko. Nbw you can take advantage of our mistakes and buy furniture at wholesale, some below wholesale and some slightly above. If you're hard to please and think that all "SALES" are phoney (some are) then our low prices will convince you that this is the real thing. Check 'em yourself. FOR THE BEDROOM FOR THE BEDROOM For the LIVING ROOM For the LIVING ROOM CHAIRS!-SWIVELS Dinette, Dining Room MISCELLANEOUS LOST AND FOUND CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN One dozen would have been plenty — we bought 4 dozen. Double dresser, chest and bookcase bed in walunt finish. Now........ $99.95 WE HAVEN’T LOST OUR MARBLES We Should Hire Him MANUFACTURERS CLOSE-OUTS The marble is still on top Of this magnificent BROYHILL Triple Dresser. FRENCH PROVINCIAL Triple Dresser, Chest and Bed. $559.95 THIS IS NO BUNK The guy who soils us living room sets is a terrific salesman. Proof is the 3 truck loads we received last month — Now we're stuck — so contemporary sofa, Mr. A Mrs. (Chairs and Ottoman. WHILE THEY LAST'- - - - $179.95 WE ARE NOT Anti-American we have bought 2 American- of Martinsville chairs and these just might do it. Green corduroy velvet—Reg. 260.00. Now only $130.00 jea. WE’RE NOT LYING DOWN Th IS TOUR FAMILY TOO LARGE ON THE JOB So we don't need all of these recliners by StratolOunger. Vinyl cover....... $79.95 for your dinette set? Try this monster. Table 42"x60" opens to 72". 8 Chairs. All 9 pieces . . $119.95 SO-FA SO GOOD ITS LIKE LOSING A FRIEND SALE OF THE MEDITERRANEAN living room tables you've always wanted. Sturdy . tables at a price that won't get you seasick. MANY AS LOW AS ...........$34.95 LOST IN THE WAREHOUSE We have just found a bunch of Broyhill loveseats we didn't know we had. Out they go qt . $179.95 Now we know why they were closed-, out- AMERICAN OF MARTINSVILLE large Triple Dresser, Door Chest and bed. ALL FOR . . .$419.95 It's bunk bed. Twin size. Complete with Reversible bunk-sters. COMPLETE . $119.95 HE ALSO SELLS MEDITERRANEAN Burton Dixie Studio Sofa, Sofa by day — Bed at night’. ONLY SPARUi REVOLUTION WALL TO WALL MATTRESSES Mediterranean sofa and chair t» foam cushions — a real value ...... $349.95 . $99.95 - I LOVE MV MOTHER-IN-LAW They've been here so long, they're like part of the j family. If you promise |e give them a good home, we'll j sell therrt for half price. Pull-up Chairs, Cane trim . . ... $69.95 00 YOU MAKE BAD PIZZA? AMNESIA Well, your husband wilI not even notice if you serve it to him on this lovely con-tern porary d ining room set. Fruitwood table and 4 chairs., All for.. ... 1. $239.95 WANT TO SEE THE LIGHT? We have a bedroom set that may have been the cause. Double Dresser, Chest and Bed. It's revolting ... ... $219.95 That's what our warehouse looks like. We must make room. Twin or full size. Set. . . . $59.95 His Brother’s A Good Salesman Too SEA WORTHY SELL IT LIKE IT IS Floor sample — Colonial bedroom. Double Dresser, Chest and Bed. All for. . ...$119.95 NITE STAND 19.95 If your son dreams of being a sailor we have a bedroom open--, stock group that will fix'his room ship shape. Solid oak that lasts a lifetime at Special Sayings. fM He works for famous JOHNSON - CARPER — so , colonial sofa and chair —' 'Foam. Rubber Cushions —. Coil Spring construction. Both Sofa and Chair ... . $239.95 but she wanted a French Provincial 3-Pc. Sectional in White and gold. Then she changed her color scheme. It normally sells for $499.95. You can have it for . $359.95 WE WON’T TELL You can if you price this enormous selection q£ lamps. Modern, colonial, French, Traditional and Mediterranean, all reduced for quick clearance. IT’S TRADITIONAL THEY SAID '‘It COULDN’T Bins WOULD YOU BELIEVE They were right. We couldn't sell 100 sets' of Serta Mattresses/ and Box Springs even at "w- special discount. So we'pei lowering the price I per set > We have 5000 Bed-doom sets to dispose of? Would you believe 1000? Would^ you * believe 134?| Well, we do hove 134 and wo ore going to seil- them at low discount prices. Come In and see for youtself ■ * and " ■ then» vou'll believe. to have sales this time of year — but this is ridiculous. Traditional Sofa/f and Chair. * Both for.... . , $179.95 I SNOOLD HAVE LISTENED TO MY WIFE She said not to buy too much. I bought If you won't tell what you paid for these luscious Velvet Swivel Chairs by FUTORIAN. Your friends will think you paid twice the low price of. . i»..... $99.95 WE’RE CHEAP? sure we are, if you're talking about our dinette prices. Extension Table and 4 matched chairs. ONLY . Zl . . . $49.95 IT’S JSRIMINAL to have to sell these 100% nylon rugs for this price./lf you Want to be an accessory then see tfjese 9x12 Rbgs.jA steal at. >. $59.95 IF YOU ARE COLORBLIND THE FRENCH ARE ROMANTIC A another; tri anyhow. So/1 hope she doesn't see this. Modern Wide-arm Sofa and Chair,/-:. L .. , ....,. $119.96 We have just the right BROYHILL Co-lional swivel rocker for you. Some aren't too bad. Your choice print or tweed, f. ... ..:.... $89.95 But they also like to eat A Their dining room sets are among the most beautiful.' FRENCH PROVINCIAL Table', 6 chairs, buffet and; china ONLY $579-95 THI? is //THEEHO fables and cocktail table you've been looking for. 3 matched tables' in walnut finish. /All for.,....... $29.95 Phone FE 58114-5 FURNITURE COMPANY OPEN MON. and FRI. FROM 9 to 9 TUBS., WED., THURS.and SAT. 9 to 5:30 e No Money Down • 24 Months to Pay e 90 Days Cash r.i e Free Delivery e Free Parking e Good Service 164 ORCHARD LAKE AVENUE 2 Blocks West of South $frde Track •/PONTIAC '.Drive m M DEAL DIRECT— PAY AT THE STORE NO FINANCE CO. INVOLVED That's what I claimed when we counted our Colonial Living Room Tables. They've all been reduced. Starting as low as $19.95 WE’VE FOUND that our success is due to our relationship with you, our customer. We thank you for your patronage. We pledge to continue bringing you the best furniture values possible,! backed by the finest customer service. Found In Our Unpaid Bills Invoices for truck-loads of furniture. If/ new owners for this Jurniture are not found within a reasonable time we will be forced to lose these invoices for a. longer 7 period of /time, / / ' ALL KIDDING ASIDE This IS a once in a lifetime iale- All items are subject to prior sale. You ,can benefit from 'our overstocked condition'. Warehousing costs are tremendous ■ and we would rather,, pass the savings on to you. : ‘ " * *'-'r' t, {‘v .v 1 ^ - ,,v 1 piiin I 11||| IWl iii'aSBi'.. / . • •- v. . 111,> i •»• i 1 m mi W; ' • j? / >- * *’ y . i THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, MAY 3, I&se m 5% Passbook AccountSavings # Regular Account If you havo 5% Savings Certificate* at any office of Pontiac State Bank, you now havo FREE CHECKING, .. It'* automatic. This plan pay* 5% par annum and mails you your quarterly inteiett chock. If you're not onjoying those added benefits ndw, we Invite you to save with Pontiac State Bank ... It's the bank on tfse GROW. If you have a 5%-6% Time SIvings Passbook Account at any office of Pontiac State Bank, you automatically have a FREE CHECKING ACCOUNT. With this savings plan, funds oh deposit for 90 months earn effective rat# of 6%. If your savings are not earning this higher tete'Of interest, npw 1* the time to switch.' ,» Any regiildr 4% Savings Account, paid and compounded quarterly, that maintain* a continuous bolance of $400 Or more is automatically qualified, for Hi FREE CHECKING ACCOUNT at any office of Pontiac State Bank ; ... If your present savings program does not offer you these benefits, switch today ... Open your account at any of our 12 offices. The Bank On The GROW Office* 12 Cq\ ^U-rV' 4 ^ * ‘V ■**» HW|f ""‘;V . Pontiac Pratt Photo William Addis, Mrs. Charles Hansard, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Montgomery, and David Smith, and by the final reviewing panel in Ann Arbor. STEMS FROM WORLD WAR H The Youth for Understanding program was originally formed after World War If to promote better understanding between Germany and the United States by giving German students an opportunity to vieyr life * in the UR. firsthand. It has expanded to give students in countries all over the world a chance to live in another country for 10 weeks during the summer. ■ . * * * . Jinx was given a choice of countries she would like to visit, her choice was Germany. * Jinx will live in a family similar to her own and.share in all the family activities. Jinx, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Prose, of East Holly Road, has one Older brother, Rick, an older sister, Margaret, and two younger sisters, Nancy and Julie. „ The aim of the Youth for Understanding exchange program is not to give the students a guided tour of the country but to' give them a chance to observe firsthand family life in that country. ★ • w w They are treated as members of the family and not as guests. Jinx Up traye| by plane from Detroit to Nenf YorlT city and then on to Germany. From the German airport Jinx will then travel to a town nearer her host family. BIGGEST WORRY . • “My biggest worry is that I’ll miss my connections after I get to Germany. And that if I do I might not be able to' find anyone Who can speak English to direct meXremarked Jinx. Jinx will leave the States in late June and return in late summer. i|r> ★ “Die main reason for my wishing to go overseas is tomeetldds my own age in different cotumes and talk to them, exchange ideas about what is going on in the world,” Jinx continued. " ^ Jinx has always taken an active interest in .school activities. She is the chairman of the planning committee for the Junior-Senior Banquet. Out of the total cost of more than $750 for the trip, the Student Council of HHS donated $300. man, Cheryl Depner; and Edith, Ruth Gaemere. / Directing is Patrick Ashton. , . ★ * ★ Juniors will hold their prom May i7 with the theme of ‘‘Cloud Nine.” y- H it i ★ - 4 Members of the class of ’71 will host, the-, dance dressed as angels. Seniors Tom Pardee and John Newman will por- SEE-THROUGH PROPOSITION — Pontiac Northern Players Charlene Depner and Pat Griffin play husband and ghost-wife for the group’s production of “Blithe Spirit.” The play .will be presented tonight and tomorrow in the auditorium at 8. Tickets may be reserved in advance or purchased at the door for $1. ■ By CHRIS GJNGR AS Attention, all students of Waterford Kettering, Waterford Township, Waterford Mott, Clarkston and Pontiac Catholic high schools: You are hereby issued a challenge by'the senior class of Our Lady of the Lakes to find your way over a purposely confusing course in a given amount of time in the first of an annual series of car rallies at Lakes — “Mother Goose on Wheels.” What is a car rally? Precisely this'— the rally master sets up a course over roads and clocks the course as to number of miles.and the time taken to drive it at the legal speed limit. -The contestants leave the starting point at 'a given time and follow, the Groves Readies Its Water Show BENITA ROSEN With a little imagination end scenery: the Wylie E. Groves High School swimming pool will serve as the setting for “Lost Safari,” the 1969 water ballet show, to be presented at 8 pm. on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday of next week.' , “Lost Safari” is based on the experiences of the survivors of a 15-century shipwreck off the coast jf Africa. Each of the acts are student-directed and choreographed under the guidance of the club’s adviser, Mrs. Jack Washka. Grass huts and papier-mache big-gamev Animals adding to the jungle atmosphere were created by scenery chairmen Brooke Greeson and Sharon Lapp. THE SACRIFICE’ Featured in the production is a three-part number called “The Sacrifice,” Which begins with native tribesmen carrying flaming torches. i ‘ > Then Robin Greeson and Doug Tull perform a duet as lovers, after which Robin is sacrificed to the goddess of fire, portrayed by Sue Lapp. 4^ * * ■ Sue, who is president of the Nereids (the Water ballet club), will follow with tee shpw’s solo. “The Hunt,” the following act, b performed by Steve Driver, Rick Horner, Laura Jerue and Michelle Qualtiere. WASHERWOMEN j ' Joan Mattice and Sue VanLopik play washerwoman in the senior duet. Joan also teams up with Peggy Maass and Jann Rosen for' a monkey trio.. ' Connie Aiken, Cathy Bristor and Robin tray the parts of St. Peter and Gabriel respectively. ENTICING CLOUDS Pink, white and blue clouds will entice thA juniors into a star-studded evening of music by the “Stuart Avery Assemblage." A winding stairway fo the stars will lead each participant onto,"Cloud Nine.” • ' f The sCmiformal affair will feature three spotlight dances and a waltz of the Tickets are being sold for $2.75 for the dance which will last >m. ★, it ★ Debbie Hogg is in charge of construction of angel wings. Mrs. A. A. Berry’s first-hour English class will present “The Matchmaker" by Thorton Wilder, Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in the little theatre: Refreshments will be served at intermission. AFRICAN FOLK MUSIC The PNH Afro-American Club and the Human Relations Committee will present an evening of African folk music played by the African Folk Ensemble of Pontiac. The concert will include explanations of African folk tunes and instruments by the ensemble. ir ★ ★ The public is invited to'- attend this event Tuesday from 7-8:30 p.m. in Northern’s auditorium. Admission, price will be 50 cents. , Knight begin their act as coal; then whip off their black cloaks to reveal sparkling African' diamond costumes. Tickets for “Lost Safari” are $1 for students $1.25 for adults and jyill be available at the door. { {! BpST’ , * * # \ i ■ t The melodies of Gilbert and Sullivan’s ‘Trial By1 Jury”, will fill the gym on Thursday, at 8 pjm., as the Groves choir presents its spring concert in operetta form, fa I - *5®-' aBwBBMBWWi prescribed course according to the clues given on the direction sheet. There is a specified average speed to be maintained, and contestants are. penalized points at each .of several checkpoints based On their inability to maintain that speed, whether over or under.., NOT SPEED CONTEST The car with the fewest points upon completion of the course is then declared champion. It is not a speed race of any kind, but rather a test of your skill to decipher the dues given and complete the course in the same amount of time as the rally master, or as near that ideal time as possible. The rally will take place at Lakes May 10, beginning at 3 p.m. with cars starting the course at intervals of one to two minutes. The course driven Will take slightly Under three hours to complete. Admission will be $2.50 per car and driver plus 50 cents for each additional passenger. This price includes free entrance to the victory party afterward, at which prizes will be awarded. -L_____JjL. TROPHIES TO BE AWARDED Trophies will be awarded in each of The following classes: Over-all winner, 2nd and 3rd places, top all-girl team, and top school (the school with the most contestants placing In the top ten.) At the beginning of the rally all participants must pass a technical auto safety inspection in these four areas: front and rear lights and turn signals must be In good operating condition; tires'must have no bald spots; steering must be good without too much play in the wheel; and brakes MUST be in good condition. ★ It it All drivers must also present a waiver/ of liability signed by parent or leggf guardian. All of •this is to insure the safety of the participants; After the inspection, each car will receive a list of instructions and clues, a registration number, a starting time and free entrance to the victory party. || It is recommended, .that each driver bring along at least one navigator to* read the dues aloud and assist in figur-. ing out the directions — and the more navigators, the better. ( . Other recommended accessories Are;-; dictionary, thesaurus (book of synonyms); a book of Mother Goose (as clues will be taken frbm there); a stopwatch; a slide rube, rally tables ot;/ rally computer, to compute your average \ speed; a poweiful flashlight; a compass and county maps; and a full tank of gas. There is a special admission price for the party only of $1 per 'person, or $1.50 per. couple, so those who are not in the rally proper may still attend the party. There will be live entertainment. * \ . * f _ ; ; ' .- Hr f‘ Additional School. New# I Found on Page B-2 First Farewell for Seniors Set at PC By GERI KUNKHAMER Pontiac Catholic High School will wish the first of its formal farewells to the senior class tonight, The, freshmen are sponsoring the Senior Farewell Dance from 8 to 11 tonight in the school cafeteria. The dance honoring the second graduating class of PC’s brief history, will feature the Stoney*Brooks Band. ★ ★ it The diploma-style tickets are $1 for underclassmen in advance, $1,25 at the dood ahd 59 cents, ter the seniors. Dressy dress, is required "for all students attending. The dance is open to PC students only. TRACK MEET Tonight the track team participates in a meet against St. Alphonsus at Henry Ford High School. Pontiac Catholic’s team is coached by Jim Murray. The Parent Teacher’s Guild presented Pontiac Catholic with a new plastic floor covering for the gym floor. The PTG’s celebration of Green-Trees will be this Sunday at Pontiac Catholic. Senior leaders were announced this week in the school paper, The Titan Tally-up. The top 10- are Jane Staszkiewicz, Jim LaLonde, Linda Guzman, G e r i Klinkhamer, Becky Spurk, Sharon Hur-ren, Patricia Hoffman, Judy Carry, Charles Gallagher and Mary Stanton. Cheerleading Squads Chosen at Walled Lake By JOANNE SANDERSON The new Walled Lake Central varsity and junior varsity cheerleading squads were chosen for next year. Sponsor of the cheerleaders is Nancy Fisher, physical education teacher. The varsity squad is made up Of seniors Jeanne Stafford, captain; Cheryl Rose, secretary, Ruth Robinson- and Mary Limb. The other members of the squad are Juniors Kittie Woodward, San die. Schimelfining and Debbie Ricnardson. The Junior varsity squad consists of junior Katty Bemm, sophomores Jody Scarbro, Janet Lachner, Lisa Klieber, Faye Ward and Laura Riendl and freshman Audrey Nicklin. The cheerleaders perform many services to the school. They help to lead pep assemblies an i.-kat* and may ba planted -safely nnw/y /, •(( Mowing, fertilizing, seeding, spraying, rolling, sweeping, aerating and raking. Not to mention snow-throwing, hauling, plowing and so on and on. A Vegetable That Tries to Please All - SEE US FOR LOW, LOW PRICE • Parking braka • Fual gauga a Sugar Chlaf 12 H.P. with automatic drlva al*o avallabla WE TAKE TRADES Large^ Selection of USED MOWERS and TRACTORS PETUNIAS Certain vegetables just don’t seem to suit certain stomachs, i Thus, it’s news when a variety of vegetable is found which is I so mild and bland that even! tender tummies can tolerate it I and their owners enjoy it. ACCENT — Flowering trees provide that soul with love and beauty. No family should fairyland of springtime beauty which fills the - be without at least one floweringTree. Manus Power Mowers, Inc. 3116 N. Woodward j LI 9-2440 2 Blks. S. of 13 Mile Mon.-Fri. 8-8—Sat. 8-6 37 diffarant varieties PLUS many ether variatia* of dpnval*. to give your yard all summer color. Grown in our greenhouses. I Such a vegetable is Burpless, 'la first generation hybrid cucumber. It may be grown in many Climates, even hot ones. » ■ The vines may be trained upward on fense or trellis as well ’ as allowed to spread outward on the ground. SIZE .. Burpless grows a good-sized! cue — is best harvested at lft-1 inch length. It may be used sliced, in salads, or cut into sticks' and j eaten as a.finger food. Should tomatoes, instead of! cucumbers, plastic I By EARL ARONSON ifectively in- almost any land-| The leaf miner is a major AP Newsfeatures scape plant. Jpest of the birch. The larval For accent on your lawn, we Most popular, it seems, are; (Worm) stage of this inject recommend a birch tree. The the birches with the lighterjlives inside the leaf where it | accent is in the bark, the color bark. The canoe, or papier feeds. of which may range from chalk jbirch, has chalky white bark It tunnels inside the leaf,] [white through orange to black, and dark green leaves. causing blotches and blisters to One of our favorite lawn trees The European white birch bas'appear on the outside. Infested 'when we lived in MaW was a drooping branches and white!leaves turn brown jn late spring ; coppery birch. We saw it every hark that peels easily. The or early summer and will drop! [time we looked through the yellow birch has a frayed bark, off. j picture window, the snow or silver on .the outside and -ip! Recommended for control are] sunshine, toward the bay. orange shades when it peels, ’ lindane spray applied when punctures and small mines I !become visible. For best results' repeat spray twice at 10-day I j intervals. This sprty also will! j control jgray aphids. i I There are prepared sprays, |such as Spectraclde, for the control of leaf miner, Applied at 10-day intervals. The formula golf courses use for that green color, rich texture! G ft F LAWN FOOD gives that “greens and fairways” look to the home lawn. Feed your lawn the best ... G '& F . .. this weekend! These may be assorted. ONION SETS White or Yellow Top Size GLAOIOiA BULBS be the vegetable that your tummy can’t take, try Igrowing White Beauty which [has ivory skin, white flesh. -. It is so low in acid that people 'Unable to eat any other kind of j tomato can enjoy White Beauty. TREE& TURF FOOD There are 10 native species of the beautiful birch, including a variety that may be used ef- SPECIAL THIS WEEK G & G LAWN FOOD 5.000 ft. |3M Coverage up 10.000 ft. |£|| Coverage O Authorized GARDEN TOWN A 645 S. Broadway f 'Lake Orion Phone 693-8383 Daily 8:30 to 8:30 Sunday 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Turf Builder Plus 2 Plus 2 go** right to work knocking out (MWHl dandelions and 22 othar kind* of waad*. ■ Give grass' a full feeding of long-lasting I TURF BUILDER at the game time. Re- ■ suits are amazing. Weeds curl up and; die, grass is 1>eautiful. wBf 5,000 sq. ft. bag . 7.95 tttpr 10,000 sq. ft. bag . 14.95 a Gl Sprays will control the adult sawflies as they emerge troth the leaf and prevent them from laying eggs for another hatch;; If you use p u s h - b u f t o n, pressurized cans of insecticides in your garden or indoors, keep the can 18 inches from the foliage to prevent the foliage from injuring the leaves. Straight Hole Best for Planting All Trees, Shrubs Dealer When transplanting trees and shrubs make the planting hole straight-sided or even undercut instead of bowl-shaped. This gives the roots much more room where they need it.. The soil with which you backfill should be enriched with an organic or other slow-acting fertilizer. (Fast-acting fertilizers may burn the tender, young roots.) HAHN-ECUPSE Grass grows greerjand I Jl healthy. Weetfsaie, Lin roots and alt! WEDO double-acting lawn food W works fast, with just one application! Apply it p-j=r— this weekend for a beautiful, weed-free 0QRDEN BLADE Very Finest Quality BULK GRASS SEED Kentucky Blue Grass 98% pure..... 69c ! Merion Blue Grass* 96% pure »... $1.29 Creep Red Fescue, 97% pure....». 49c I Penn. Lawn Fescue^ 97% pure ..... 69c Astoria Bent Grass, 99% pure....$1.15 Perennial Rye Grass, 99% pure.... .29c Italian Rye Grass, 97% pure...... .19c I ' No Charge For Mixing Gran* Seed. LARGER QUANTITIES AT LOWER PRICES Patented Pow-R-Vac® Housing assures cleaner cut . Belt-driven blade lets you start blade after engine is ^ running and you’re safely behind the handles. Also from 2(1 to 25 per cent, by volume, of the soil should be peatmoss, leafmold, perlite , vermiculite, shredded bark or other soil-joosening material, especially if the original soil is heavy. ’ lawn! Tr.ot and F..d 5.000 >q. ft.'Juit 10.000 »q. ft, ... Stop blade without stopping engine. Big 10* steel fe ball-bearing rear wheels—not plastic. Exclusive Ip*,. Pow-R-Vac housing for superb lawn litany grooming. Self-propelled or push. Built At to ASA Safety Code standards. If the surrounding soil Is particularly heavy and surface water is likely to drain into.the area, as in g sink-hole,. it is necessary to improve the drainage, to prevent drowning the'toeei. In such cases, try to dig down another 2-to-3 feet, if possible, and put in the bottom a foot of stones or. othef drainage material with at least an inch of iu»Mnatttng | l(tttt^-.'oil';;:inarsh hay over it to prevent the soil from sifting down between. This gives the excess water some place to. go. * Of Course, after planting you should firm the soil well around 6 to 6 ft. fall — 2 to 5 stems 7 to 8 ft. tall - 3 stems ... 12 to 15 ft* tall — 1 stem ... Naw crop Vegetable seeds — Buy exactly tha amount you wont from Vs lb. up too 10-lb. bog. Poa* should b# plantod now. WE HAVE ANION SETS SALT for WATSR SOFTENERS SPECIAL DISCOUNTS TO PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPERS Town & Country Garden Center Phono OR 3-2441 Wo Deliver GAMALSKl HAROWARI '^*1* w. tziMe pv. - Feed and Lami Supply Co. 4268 Dixit Highway - Drayton Plaint, Michigan ^!v;Jfe! 'i\ J'iKles'NarthWPanttSf 5812 Highland Read (M-59) WEEK DAYS 9-7 SUNDAYS 9-5 the roots and . water generously, stake trees to prevent wind-Whipping. <■ mgggOKB m ms lawn the BIST FOR USS! THE POTJflAC PRESS. FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1969 Four o'Cfocks for Low, Hedge Old-fashioned four Start Marigolds in Clay Pots [ This spring, , While youYe raking, reseeding and fertilizing your laym, it’s good to remember that spring to feeding time for \ your trees, shrubs and \peren-nial flowers, too., Expecting than to flourish with lush foliage and beautiful blossoms without spring care is like sending a man out to' do a day’s Work without a good breakfast under his belt. You may be disappointed. under the* drip branches of the plant. When the handle is turned water flows through the chamber, dissolving! the cartridges 'and carrying the plant food in solution to the feeder roots of the plant, . It -takes little time (you can root feed while you work on the lawn or perform other chores). And it aerates the soil. This to particularly important for deep-rooted plants such as trees and shrubs. AVAILABLE vantages to. usjng the feeder. It leaves only a tiny hole which qucikly disappears. It feeds and waters at the same time, and plant' food in. soldtion can be absorbed and utilized .quicker by the plant. It provides a more even dispersal of plant food - .....« - «.----- _ J . • — many growers. Old-fashioned four o'clock* ins cpacnn florists and garden centers will Lr- _ ■ J ZwJfc i * tc*A Li.j.1 be featuring marigolds in slx-ff ® c _ * The plant food cartridges are,inch clay (hedge. So is kochia, more corn- sold in prepared formulas for. These vivid yellow early monly called, “burning bush’* trees, evergreens, roses, andibloomers can be/ sunk in garden for its fall foliage color, general-purpose. Special soil, in sunny spots, to flower all] Even the spider plant, the formulations are also available summer outdoors after they proper name of which is for transplanting and for cor-have furnished early spring col-jCleome, has been used for this recting iron deficiency. . or indoors. ; purpose. There are a number of ad- the feeder fo syllable at mqst feeding tree A growing _ number 9 f homeowners and gardners have adopted the root-feeding method of fetilizing. The procedure is to place the plant food right at the roots of the plants, bypassing grass and micro-organisms which live just beneath the surface, of the soil and feed on fertilizer since all the food re&chtss the plant for which it is intedCd, and it can be absorbed and utilized quickly. There are two methods of root feeding. One is to bore holes in' the ground around the plant, partially fill them with fertilizer, and replace a protion of the plug. The ground is.foen watered to dissolve the fertilizer, or the gardener waits for rain to complete the job. EASIER WAY An easier, more effective way is to use a root feeder and plant food cartridges. The feeder connects to the garden hose. It has a transparent chamber for plant food, a water shut-off handle, and a 27-inch pointed tube,. '-■vV-'. ★ ® * Plant food cartridges are loaded into the chamber and the tube is pftshed into the ground DOLORFUL SPRINGBLOOMS, YEAR ROUND EVERGREEN BEAUTY,TOO! REGULAR LARGE 2-QT. BASKET EA. • SPECIALLY PRICED Few plants can rival the breathtaking display rhododendrons and azaleas put on each spring! But colorful blooms are wily a part of the story... they thrive in partly shaded landscape spots and have green foliage all year long. Huge savings at Frank’s now on plants that are tagged by variety so you can choose bloom color. None of the plants upon which man depends has had to adapt more suddently to a whole hew way of life than today’s prestigeous lawngrasses. Only a generation ago Kentucky bluegrqsses and fine fescues were rude pasture species, accommodating to nothing more upietting than seasonal .grazing by livestock. Pansies love the cool of spring and are ideal for bloom color now even in partly shaded locations. Here’s your chance to save on big baskets just loaded with mixed bloom color plants! Came America’s migration to the suburbs, and all of this changed within a few years. Suddenly * the hardy pasture grasses were asked to become eternally green, exquistely low and fine-textured,- able to withstand- constant mowing. All of this while continuing to be hardy and resisting disasters which would show so con-' spicuously under constant scrutiny. RESEARCHERS The researchers really had to get busy. The earlier of this new breed pf lawngrasses were simply picked up where discovered, usually f r 0 m patches of outstanding turf. Merlon Kentucky bluegrass; was one such; it was the first j elite bluegrass heralded for fine! turf only. Classical examples j among other species are Chew-ings fine fqscpe from New] Zealand, and Highland! bentgrass from the Silverton hills of Oregon. : J * ★ ★ Today a host of attractive grasses are peing chosen solely for their performance in the lawn. Some are developed through crossing, and the hybrid propagated yegetatively (sincq it Will not come true from -sieed), as with elite Bermuda grasses. Fortunately, Kentucky bluegrasses reproduce by seed that is mostly identical with foe mother plant. Thus When A breeder comes up with an exciting cross he can perpetuate it through seed. Seed, unlike vegetative plantings, is not likely to carry disease or parasitic pests that might wreak havoc in foe lawn. Finest California redwpod made into an attractive planter 21" long. Stained to bring out the grain. It’s cook-out time! No. 2639 has grid adjuster, motor; hood, 2' wheels, bottom shelf, adjustable spit. PICKET FENCE SECTIONS 3/$L00 * • \ •• White painted wood sections each 3-ft. long to protect and make planting Beds mote attractive. - --r ■ Give Phots Preparation^ If you plan to make efficient Use of your house plants outdoors, don’t make foe transfer too abruptly. While foey await foe move, plants can be kept for awhile on an , indoor sheltered porch to Kag. $1:29 DQi Thru 5-4-69 W Wm> 91 Plastic can with removable sprinkling head, easy-grip handles, splash-guard top: No. 218. Save nowi Poith, patio, anywhere |'.| fin these plant! artificial or live flowen for colorful beauty. PLASTIC LINERS, 994 Sad XL29 Plant for lots of tender, crisp green onions or let mature for cooking and slicing uses. TnrtilHf IUIRSERY SALE V Then, when format rf hurt is past, you cap buty fopmiln garden soil, or in Window boxes up to foe rims oi their day. pots, which keep plants healtiiier in all seasons. ALWAYS GREATER VALUE AT FRANK’S SALE OF COLORFUL RHODODENDRONS & AZALEAS FREE PARKING CHARGE IT lettion of Newest krtNtED Min Grown Expressly for Magnolia Dogwood Crab Horn Poach . k INSTANT AND CONTINUOUS BEAUTY WITH FlowerotofREES • URGE FLOWERING MAGNOLIA 9 FLOWERING DOGWOOD • FLOWERING CRAB* FLOWERING PEACH- PURPLE LEAF PLUM f ThU .nd .rcrjr .pdn*. JO*'*—- YOUR CHOICE marvel at the beautiful blooms on • wwr wriw* v»K whichever lawn tree you choose. #V ■■§ ■. ARK^mNL The plum has red-purple leaves, ''QQ - ’ ,/*U the rest attractive green '.p-fiT? if/A1 v ■ : foliage throughout the season. . . 0 J Jm CAo ISJutro. TURFFOOD ■SB fm m THE PONTIAC PRESS, gRIpAY, MJlV 2, I960 Dianthus Bravo ’ Even a single plant of Dianthus v Bravo is an eyecatcher, especially when it’s planted in a suitable setting, for instance alongside a grayish rock. The color Is blazing scarlet red and it draws the eye from afar. ★ ★----★ ..V"—w*~ When you consider that Bravo grows only eight Indies tall, this is remarkaMf. Bravo’s single blooms are fragrant and each petal is fringed: The little, uprightgrowing, compact plants look solid scarlet-red because the flowers are borne above the leaves. VERSATILE This little pink has several uses — the single plant landscape described above or massed in beds dr even window boxes. , 4 * * * It also is pretty as an edging, if only t it is by itself or next to other plants blooming in compatible colors. Check Bloom Eyecatcher Dianthus Bravo Is A Scarlet-Red BUY! SELL! TRADE! USE PONTIAC PRESS WANT ADS! $1,000 *2.00 to *3 Reg 50 Everyone knows crocus but there are also other early bulbs you should get acquainted with. For instance, do you know Siberian scillas? The flowers are smaller, like bells, and of the brightest blue. ★ ★ ★ Happily situated, they multiply fast and a dump of two dozen bulbs soon make a bold splash of color while the crocus are Just making up theirj minds to flower. Blooming with the scillas are the paler blue, upright bells of Chionodoxas and still earlier the white snowdrops. A *, ★ ' ' Did you ever think of In-terplanting daffodils with a background of soft blue hyacinths? Or mixing them with the staid forms of hyacinths in pink, blue, white or red? ■ GIANT TULIPS Then, far ahead of the giant tulips bloom single and double early tulips, about the same time as daffodils and hyacinths, They stretch out your season of bloom. Then,1 of course, everyone knows the late, large-flowered tulips (Darwins and Breeders) but how many plant the graceful lily-flowered type, the wood hyacinths or the other bulbs? 1r ★ ★ With all of these figure out your color schemes now and get the variety names, if you can, so you will get the exact colors for a blooming spring next year. Plan now and your garden will be the envy of your neighbors next year. Consumers Power Company offers a reward of *1,000 to anyone who provides information leading to the arrest and conviction of any person who injures, destroys, or tampers with the Company’s property or facilities without authority and with the intention to Interrupt or disrupt service, or who shall aid or abet ip such acts. Consumers Power Company New shipment just arrived! Choose from a huge selection of your favorite patents ... Chrysler Imperial) Queen Elizabeth, lady Luck, Pink Peace, Tropicana, Golden Girl and many more including recent A AES winners. Save at Frank's! Na N-179S '01989, Frank'* Numry Mm, Inc The city of Moscow has about six million trees or about one for each resident. NORTHERN GROWN EVERGREENS & TREES STATE INSPECTED and GUARANTEED ROYAL RED MAPLES 8-10 FT. BRANCHED MICH. PEAT 69c 50 LB. BEST AVAILABLE MT. ASH 12-14 FT. LEAFED OUT CANADIAN PEAT 4 495 Jill. FT. O STRAWBERRY PLANTS RASPBERRY PLANTS OMION SETS JUNE and EVERBEARERS . . iff PERENNIAL Tit*: flowering cubs, cherries PURPLE LEAF PLUMS 6-8 FT. FROM IS50 PERENNIALS NEARLY 50 VARIETIES BOX YEWS ••12-15" HICKSI CUSPIDATAS BROWNI INTERMEDIAS ARBORVITAES GLOBES, ETC. - • NATURE, NUTROAND YOU ...MAKES YOUR LAWN LOOK LIKENEW! NUTRO TURF FOOD'S tri-nitfogen formula greens turf up fast. Clean, easy-to-apply. Feed,16,000 ... *q.U (64-lb. bag) J Feeds 10,000 i. sq. ft. (40-lb. bagr 9“^5 GROW MORE BEAUTIFUL EVERGREENS ILEX. HOLLY tfflOD LAWNS HAKE GOOD NEIGHBORS! Azalea Evergreen Food —special formula feed Ing for allbroad leaf and narrow-leaf evergreens. High in iron, rich in organics. 14 plant foods guaranteed. A10 lb. box foods TO plants $195 all season 6684 DIXIE HWY. FOARKSTOt i 625-4740*. f P ’v "} .-v,.. ,iv, Wrli . ■ I|p TV):1 n1 | yt ; r ' qs, 1 I, • ■ ’ 1 BE READY FOR TEXT CATERPILLARS, OTHER INSECT PESTS... vrith ACME Fir Fits m Carta lasectt Acme 50% M Tent caterpillars are expected to be a problem this season ... be ready with Acme 50% Malathion. This product is also very useful indie control of mosquitoes and many other Insect pests too. Charge it at Frank's now! 1 PINT THIS EVENING• 9 Need help with lawn and garden problems? Stop In and see the problem-solving experts at Frank’s Waterford store. They’ll be happy to offer advice on anything from aphids to zinnias. ’• ' : h ! ONION SETS e White or YeHew Plant for tender, crisp gram ooions or let matnro. I IS SELF-PROPELLED Rear wheel gear drive with twist grip clutch control makes mowing easier. No. 4212$ has vettkal-pull starts many deluxe features; EXCLUSIVE 4-BLADE CUTTING ACTION mm No. 39125 JACOBSEN ROTARY...$119.95 ' No. 42127 SELF*ROPELUED, 21" w/KEY START... $199.95 F WITH HANDY FOLD DOWN HANDLE No Money Downs snd roller height 'm*r through 5 positions. D^ni aUB CATCHIR.... $5.99 EXTRA No. 1050 21" POWER REEL $149.95 No. 1070 2MNCH PROFESSIONAL MODEL REEL MOWER... $164.95 Toro model 10214 i has a powerful 4-cycle | tngine/ easy-poll fin- I gcrtip starter, And* | scalp dish on quiet § “S’* hfade and deck ' | clean-oot post OTHERS TO $199.95 1 S0H accumulation inside the, root balls of African violets can be fatal. ' f§ Best way to avoid such salt buildups is to keep African violets Hi porous red clay pots, which leach out excess salts through pot walk with each watering." 'JBBm * I A ■ ' I Clay pots, with their capillary j U-173 18-IN. ELECTRIC ROTARY NNMT. 3-WIRE 16GAUGE U.L. APPROVED ELECTRIC CORD .... . M action, permit the effective, technique of watering African violets from below. , *. . <■ 4 To do this, simply set pots in: a saucer of hike warm water! ROAD (M59latAIRPOR'EROAb OPEN 7 DAYS 9 TO 9 TUE PONTIAC 1: m MAT A l»ti9 wmRBRm ii—T Strawberries forifour Garden Easily, Taste Delicious m Of all the small fruits—and, peptaps, of all the fruits- the strawberry is clearly the most productive and one of the most delicious, Also, It can be grown \ V \M®ithere in the United States. \ V,, \ | Fdr .example, ■ a mere dozen plants allowed to grow into a matted' row 25 feet long and only 3 feet wide can average 12 to ll quarts op 4 to6 dozen servr IngS of luscious fruit In a season. v;|' . A ★ * . Any' soil that will grow vegetables or flowers—or even good weeds—will grow strawberries. However, if you must start with new land, prepare it well, as you would for any garden. In either case, prepare your soil early, loosening it and turo-ing ‘it over a full spade or fork in depth. Mix into It a layer of humus (peat, leafmold, age manure, etc.) at least 1 inch deep and rake in thoroughly 5 pounds of any good vegetable fertilizer sold in your area for every 3 by 25 feet. m other times, early spring is best in most parts lot* the country; Then the plants have plenty of time to get Well established by faulting time the following spring. About 2 feet apart in a single row is a good distance for home gardens. Once the, area,' (a 3-foot wide, strip) has become comfortably filled with plants PLANT IN SPRING While plants can be set out at Garden Fair Visitors at the Lawn and Garden Fair at Michigan State Fairgrounds today and tomor-. row will be able to find out all about the proper methods of caring for the fruit trees in their backyards. Several on going demonstrations, presented by expert horticulturists will be of interest. ■ ★ ★ ★ James Lincoln, district horticulturist for Southeastern Michigan, will show how toi prune and train fruit trees with actual trees. Jack Prescott, county etxension director from Mt. Clemens, will show the same procedures in grape culture. One of the local men’s garden clubs will show all of the processes and tediniques used in grafting' and budding of fruit trees. Other experts will deal With strawberry culture, and with raspberries and other bramble fruits. « Still another show-how presentation- will deal with the proper and safe use of pesticides in the home fruit graden. The Lawn and Garden Fair Is presented today from 4-9:30 p.m. and tomorrow from 9 a.m.-6 p.m. at the Michigan State Fairgrounds Woodward Avenue, south of Eight Mile Road. Admission is free except for a small parking fee. The fair is developed to bring together a number of resource people, to present demonstrations dealing with almost all phases . of non-commercial horticulture. . ★ • ★ Subjects covered will Include lawns, vegetable gardens, shade trees, shrubs,. flowers, insect and other pest control, fertilization, landscaping *- and many "other subjects. Resource parsons assisting come .from many sources; Michigan State University, local Extension Service offices, City and County Parks and Recreation staffs, local > landscape firms, local - flower and ornamental growers, and from organizations and garden clubs. Attending the fair in 1968, were 30,000 garden-oriented persons. A larger attendance is expected this year. . ? Hie trade show, which provides exposure to the latest development in lawn and garden equipment and supplies, will be greatly expanded this year. The emphasis for the event, however, continues to stress the “how-to-do-it” demonstration ..of, gardening techniques presented by gardening experts, . and a massive one-day educational even for homeowners. hoe put any additional ones which grow and mulch with wood chips; ground corn cobs, oh) straw or any similar md-ferial to' retain moisture and prevent wide Actuations in soil temperature as well as help keep down weeds. .* ■■ i ★ . ★ For the biggest and best her: ries, however, the hill system Is preferred in home gardens. Under this method the plants ate set out 12 to 18 inches apart, both ways, and all runners hoed off. Obviously, about three times as many phuits are needed, y What varieties to use1? Today strawberry varieties are tailored closely to the areas in which they are grown. So, purchase what is recommended by your dealer as best for your locale, whether you buy by mail % Only one va- order or' locally riety is necessary. Unlike some fruits, jSraptically all varieties aTe self - fruitful when set out by themselves but; in no case, permit fruiting (pick off the flowers) the year they are set out—upless you planted “everbearers.” . Then allow a few the first fall. How long will the plants bear? From 2 to 4 years, if good, virus-free plants are» purchased. Watch your crop. When production begins jto decline noticeably in spite, of a reasonable feeding (3 pounds of fertilizer per 75 square feet) eaPh sprihg, discard the plants and either dig up and prepare the beds well as before or better, move it to a new location, if you have the space, and use new plants. Container Plants. Ready lor Spring This year’s, early spring means container ' plants will supply the flowers that symbolize spring and rebirth, f Y * ’★ ★ * ' •- >f.4 Varieties available at local florists include azaleas , cyclamen,. the flowering bulbs — !s hyacinths, tulips and the pure white Easter lily. Geraniums Like Sun MM' Vividly c 61 o red geraniums will thrive -in a bay window that gets bright sunlight, or they can be planted right in their clay pots in'an outdoor window box or patio planter for the summer. - . They make a welcome lane on front porch ?teps, or an attractive border lor terraces or walks. • ' Check for Salts in American Violets OPEN A HANDY FRANK'S CHARGE -FRANK'S NURSERY ANY IS WORTH MORE MONEY at FRANK'S IN TRADE ON A NEW MOWER. GET A GENEROUS TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE AT FRANK'S NOW! Trade on a Wide Selection of 4-Cycle Engine 1969 JACOBSEN ROTARY MOWERS JACOBSEN IMWN EQUIPMENT 21-IN. CUT ROTARY All Jacobsen mowers at Frank’s are complete with grass bags and have fold down handles, 4-blade catring action, wheel height adjustments and 4 cycle engines. Trade now! 184N. CUT ROTARY Hup n away” vertical putt Starting S you going effortlessly. Other ares indode a 3 KP. 4-cycle engine, easy wheel height adjust* marts, fold-down handle, and a roomy grass beg. No. 31881. $ No.32128 21" ROTARY WITH ELECTRIC KEY START... $159.95 No. N-1798 O 1989; Frank's NurwrySNa. Inc. 19-IN. ROTARY Has Deluxe Features 22-IN. ROTARY With WHEEL LEVERS and GRASS BAG A ragged, made-to-last mower with a 3 HJP. J3riggs A Stratton 4-tyrie engine, full baffle under the deck to ionite pick-up of grass dippings, on-engine throttle controls to end cable slippage, pull and go starter and grass bag. No. 793. Model 723 has all the features of the 793 plus: wider 22* cut, mare, powerful 3 H.P. Briggs # Stratton engine, fingertip cutting height adjustment on the wheels, and new fold-over handle for easy storage. ’51.00 *67.00 VEKIKM. FMJ. START Both Garden King rotaries have Ml A Go starting i.. combining a vertical-puO untune and an automatic choke foe fast, safe easy starting. Charge It! NO MONEY DOWN AT FRANK’S TRADE IN NOW— CHARGE THE DIFFERENCE BLACK & DECKER ELECTRIC MOWERS 18-IN. POWER REEL is Self-Propelled 18-IN. DELUXE ROTARY NO MONEY DOWN INCLUDES FOLDING HANDLE, MORE POWERFUL MOTOR 1 *94.95 -* NO MONEY DOWN Mow the dearie way.... with just the Aide of a switch! loaded with feature^ Model U-173 has: dad blades, low profile; high velocity chute, safe self-locking handle; powerful 1J4 HP. electric motor and heavy-duty cord , THE PONTIAC PffBSS, FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1969 Course Do you know what a college: Depending on the course, it course costs these days? Well, could be much 'more, Like $32 first, there’s tuition, which isn’t'for one tevtbook on landscape cheap by any means, Room and'architecture. Also there i are board, though, make tuition (expensive incidentals such as seem cheap, you really^shell fraternity or sorority fees and out for food and shelter. / coke and hotdog money. Then you have to count on at * * * least $50 for books every term, It adds up to the cadi price ofi If you’re a vege-tabheiabout planting dates, kinds ofithe exams. .However, it*’wt ardener, you'll be interested lnffertilizer to use and rates of necessary to take the testy. To enn State’s correspondence application, howl many plants to become a Tfrllfghty vegetable >uree on Home Vegetable set in a rowtfnd how apart BjgJ, iu t d your mum, ardening. It will cost only $3 to dig^the rows—even when to grower, Jhsi "W ad will present in detail” the harvest. ' W V **>d - address—along; iltural needs ot 35 vegetables The course is easy to un- three, bucks, of coursa*-*to ™me munon to district gardens. derstand and you can be a Vegetable Gardenidg. Box 5000, The course will teach you straight A student if you send in University Park, Pa. 16802. Use Petunias In Floral Bouquets for Summer Beauty TO TBADEl w On Your Old NOW’S THE Tim Top Allowance Ottered N Garden Tractor or L< • niii and most ri oldest., eew shw begin consltecl.o. tor ° ory o ,0° ^“oVoe America's No. H°*> ,ve even more ^ dea, now| Every homemaker delights ini: A one-color bouquet of single arranging flowers, for the table (flowered types, such as Flame, or to brighten some other place'Maytime, Appleblossom, and in the house. And fortunate in- Sugar Daddy, or the doubles deed is the woman who has a such as Cherry Tart, rosy-garden full of annuals to fulfill lavender Plum Double, "and her decorative whims, because white Sonata, 9an’t help but win! these flowers are among j the ipraise. most colorful and easiest to elegant fashion into showy indoor . • .... . . I displays Win just-a bit more doing,] Jr * , ... .. ., the petunia arrangements can] ! *** value an"ual® 50 Wg become really elegant. Simply! for this purpose that they insist work ^ some contrasting color' on having an array of aimuals of flowers with upright8forms. planted in separate beds vdiere For this we ca^‘6 think of they can draw on tiiem freely -:anything more app9oriate than a sort of “cutting garden. ’ the showy Rocket and KneeHigh I s lawn and 9artde". Garden equipment at sp But you don’t need a cutting that include pink, yellow, garden to fully enjoy their in- orchid, bronze, white, red, and door charm. Cut them from the lavender, regular beds and borders. One When you cut your annuals thing about annuals is that they for arrangements, do so in the like to be cut. Snipping their early morning or early evening, blooms actually encourages selecting freshly opened or them to produce new ones. nearly opened • blooms. Place Moreover, the busy them ' hi water immediately homemaker soon discovers that, after cutting and keep them she can whip up dramatic (there while fashioning your ar-“quickie” arrangements in .nolrangement. time with annuals because their;. * ★ * varied size, form, and brilliant I Co m mercial preservatives *£Smplfisthf 7 GREAT NEW 1969 MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM! Look at the mower in this picture, It's actually following the ground and not the tractor. This is the way Simplicity's patented free-floating hiower swivels over your lawn — never scalping, never missing. It's exclusive on every Simplicity tractor from 5-hp up to 12-hp. And every tractor and every attachment has rugged, reliable Simplicity construction designed to give you years of service. Don't buy any power mower or garden tractor until you've seen the full'Simplicity line. ....................." New 7 hp Broadmoor 717 — tccommo- ft! dates over a dozen quick-changing attach- s! manta . . . mows nearly lit acres an hour without ever scalping. New synchro- $ balanced engine contributes to the smooth- v! set most comfortable ride in the 7 hp. class. New 10 hp Landlord 2110 »* makes light' work of tough mowing, snow-throwing, tilling, grading, hauling, leaf-collecting .. . and morel Three power take-offs provide the shortest. Simplest drive linkage for front canter or rear-mounted attachments. ■'. (the life of your blooms, as will a cool location for their display. 'Use containers deep enough to 'provide an adequate supply of water to the flower stems. 10-hp and 12-hp tractors are backed up by these hard wording implements. Simplicity tractor attachments hitch up jn minutes — without tools! And since both tractor and attachments are made by Simplicity, you*get custom fit and maximum performance. Stop in for a demonstration. Discover the difference quality makes. ,■ ■) ’ '! \ > WSm. f % Expose Child to Gardening Rotary Tiller. 32' and 36* widths (42" and 46" with extensions). Tills an 8"-deep seedbed. "Non-clogging. self-sharpening tines. Cultivator. Depth can be adjusted while working. Shovels are staggered to shed trash and keep rows neat. Works astride small plants or between rows. Spring Tooth Harrow. Cultivates a 44* width. Adjust with hand, lever or Powerlilt. Seven all steel' spring teeth on rugged steel frame. Moldboard Plow. Turns a neat, olean furrow. Depth regulator for exact furrow control. Roiling coulter cuts trash. A compact garden of three or four tiny spring flowering .plants! New S hp Serf SIB — stores In lees space than a nine-year-old's tricycle... come* oilt to tarn* tough lawn-yard Job*. Beside* no-scalp mowing. Serf attachments Include a grader, snow plow, cart end lawn roller. New 6 hp Yeoman BIB —‘ turn* on a S dime, work* like a beaver. ..mowing, dozing. grading, enow-throwing, leaf-collecting. % Features include controlled traction differ- ff entiel, ell-gear transmission. ajiftV •§ The mower to have when you’ve had it with all the other* New Sfmpticfiti 21" Rotary Push or Self-Propelled, Simplicity will change your mind about power mowers. Inset wheels let you get closer to edges, eliminate trimming. Offset front wheel shortens wheelbase, minimizes scalping. Automatic choke ends flooding, priming. Just set and start. Options include vertical grass catcher, ignition key electric starting. Discover the difference quality makes. •AiiRiMPR THE BEAUTIFUL < 3V,-hp Briggs S Stratton ongino 1 Cast magnotnim motpir housing • Easy rolling 10" roar wheels Staal-on-steel height adjustors Compact folding handle Touch-O-Matic Clutch for fingertip control Simplicity IS - power tilling • with-Wm fingertip control! jjs’Eager 6-hp engine a Exclusive patented geared reverse • Touch-O-Matic oltjtohlng • Tills from 8% to 32%-fnehes wide with tine extensions, 7-inches deep i' ffi / a Narrow treble design works easily between rows • Self-cleaning, self-sharpening tines also available in * thrifty 3-hp . .model without the geared reverse 1968 Closeouts Miscellaneous Make your lawn a lush green carpet the modem, easy way with RA-PID-GRO. Develop RICH, a IB BRAND NEW 1BBB CLOSEOUTS B HP, RI0INQ TRACTORS 12 Volt electricdarter end 42"Mower. ....................Wl • 10 ONLY - NEW 22” ROTARY M0WI With S-year crankshaft guarantee against banding. I DURABLE TURF tfcet crowds out weeds, ep-courages newT Cfeeper roots and heavier, stronger plants. KEEP YOUR GRASS GREEN AND THICK when other lawns scorch and browh, ' . • - ofi? Spray RA-PID-GRO on your lawn regu-larly. Foliar feeding works Tas't! No1 unsightly, messy fertilizers. No smell. ./Wtrim Just powerful, effective, clean, low-cost, oa t fast feeding of youn^awn. RA-PID-GRO is safe and iE&AZZ^****^ , easy to use. Dissolve this concentrated high-po- 9 tency plant food in water ml and spray on. 1 pound i RA-PIp-GRO in 22 gal- Ma. tons water feeds 2000 ml Tim sq. ft. lawn. Results a I- jm most instantly. Tiy.it a I ONLY - NEW 1ISB I HP STANDARD RIDINB TRACTOR, Electric (tarter, 42" Mower. e 1 USED 1 HP . SIMPLICITY RI0IN0 TRA0T0R With mower, light, 12 volt electric atarter. 3 only — . SIMPLICITY SNOW THROWERS Priced to Move Nowi *164" We Service What We Sett! 1 OPEN DAILY 'I 8:00 A.M( to 6:90 P.M. ■teittand the original and genuine Ra-Pid-Gro. No Substitute. Available at leading Garden Stores, THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1060 OPEN DAILY 10-10; SUN. 11 -6 FRIDAY, SATURDAY A Division of tho S. S. Kresge Company with Storos throughout tho Unitod Status, Canada and Puerto Rica Bind with burlap and move a* shewn; Dig with ball Kmart sells only “First Quality HHs8 The proper way «f KMART 10-6-4 FERTILIZER K GRO LAWN FERTILIZER ibtMilMfwAr * 9mell tgees >\ Discount Price 2 Days Only 80 IBS.* Kmqrt 10*64 is a heavyweight lawn food and preventer of numerous weeds and wild grasses including the stubborn and troublesome crabgrass. A 3*in*l aid for better lawns. Thrift priced. ,NITWt|ttHT. covins 5,000 square hit New Kmart brand fertilizer for the lawn. Lightweight, 23*7*7 formula. It’s non*burning, furnishes, nutrients to produce a strong, healthy and beautiful lawn. Covers 5,000 square feet. ‘NET WEIGHT tu-JL’»„i&sx 3 iv*/ ' -C HOW-TO-HINTS — In these days of nationwide beautification “how to plant” a tree becomes doubly important. Planting trees can be wasteful if the trees die because of improper planting, or lack of care, such as insufficient watering until they bjecome established. Conservation of, a tree begins with planting it. The. drawings show the care taken by nurserymen in digging and planting trees. PKG. 12 GLADI0LA DINNERPLATE DAHLIAS lieii. 73c-2 Days Peg. 61c - 2 Days LILY BULBS Discount Price 2 Days 1 bulb, B”, *>” lit cir* M A ruiiiferpnrr. RrIuB Reg. 83c — 2 Days Doublr-blnum peony ML ■ run lx. Save! %M A Loosen tip these shovel To plant, dig holes with muscles — shrub planting time straight sides and flat bottoms is here. Get bare-rooted plants large enough to accommodate in the ground before they come the roots with three to six in-out in leaf.* ; , ches to spare. Many other planting hints are sat. given in The Pennsylvania State MIX sou^PEAT Un i versity’s correspondence Mix topsoil with one-fourth-course on shrubs for the home peatmoss. Shovel three to six groutids. inches of the mixture into the If plants arrive and you’re hot hole, ready to get the plants into the Next, check plant roots and ground, heel (cover) the roots’prune away damaged and m moist soil in shade. ;• [broken parts. Then place the plant in the hole at the same1 Thin the top growth. Prime depth it stood in the nursery out long stems. Apply mulch where it grew. Spread the roots around the plant to redtipe loss — untangled and outward. Fill of soil moisture, the hole two-thirds and level the Descriptions of foil age, soil1 over thtf roots. ixj. tsw- {flowers and growth habit of 200 I kinds of plants are given in the! Then fill the hole with water.jcorrespondenceli course..- Send Let it settle and fill a second lyour name ' and address with time. {$2.25 to Shrubs, Box 5000, Finally, fill the hole with soil,{University Park, Pa. 16802. but provide a basin-like area.There are no other charges and around the plant to. catch a complete5 course copy comes rainwater. to you by mail. I POTTED SHADE TREES Discount Price — 2 Days Choice, 4 to 8-ft. -strong xhade #B AV tree*. JL 10" Potted Evergreens Discount Price — 2 Days Wide xeleclion. Plantable con- A w V tainert. A# I # POTTED SHRUBS Discount Price — 2 Days Choice, field* — grown evergreen V Any varieties. I •BMP # Discount Price, 2 Days Odorless end ....... weed-free. Nonburning. ju«t e ae Charge It at ■•CP# Kmart! lawn Keeper A riding mower (in 5 or 1 hp modal*) with tho exclusive ease of Center Pivot Steering. Estate Keeper A 10 hp compact with Solan* exclusive Center Pivot Steering for utmost, handling ease. Husky Tractors: light models (7 to 14 lip), four with Bolens exclusive foot-pedal hydrostatic control. Flowering Shrubs In Gal. Container 1.37 50 POUND BAG OF SOIL TOP DRESS Discount Price — 2 Days A wide selection* All of them in gallon*size containers. Reg. 1.27-2 Days 5*lb. bag for starter lawns. 2-lb. Kentucky Blue Grass Seed Mix, Reg. 1.41... 1. Discount Price — 2 Days . Use for planting flower f boxes, .top dressing lawns. Charge It. Reg. 5.88 — 2 Days Premium lightweight formula . . . 22-6*6 feeds soil, kills weeds. COVERS S.000 SQUARE FOOT AREA Bolens makes outdoor power equipment that’s designed to meet your needs, from grass cutting to plowing to snow throwing. Each unit is engineered to give you greater performance* convenience and handling ease, too. So for outdoor power equipment, always look to Bolens, where the difference is designed, with performance and you in mind. ............................................; 1 AQUA GUN HOSE NOZZLE 97* OSCILLATING SPRINKLER Our ReS-,4,37 UW M M. 2 Days'Only , -' Sturdy, heavy-duty oscillating sprinkler gives .thorough and deep penetration of water to your lawn. Made for years of sendee. Shop Kmart for all your garden needs.. for convenience, Cbargo It. Reg. 1.17 -2 Days Bran nozzle for garden hose. Save oh garden needs at Kmart. Regd5.78 —2 Days GREENLAWN rubber garden hose. }/2n I.D. with brags couplings. Thank You” for shopping at Kmart tot BHEECH EMTEBPRISES, IHC. Birmingham, Mick Bolens makes the unit to meet your needs NORTH PERRY AT GLENWOOD Selling it like it is must be one of the reasons so many thousands of families in the Pontiac area use Pontiac Press Want Ads to sell their still useful but no longer needed items. It's so easy. No fuss. No work. Just get the item out of storage and sell it... like it is. • • •- . * ■ ’* .*• ' ’ H CY*"V' ‘ Now is a good time of year to try it yourself. While you're straightening vp your garage, basement or other storage areas, why not set aside things you'll no longer be needing. Someone/else can put them to good use, and they'll be happy to pay you cosh for them ... just like they are. « A Pontiac Press Want Ad is the way to reach these buyers. And placing a Want Ad is easy, too. Our friendly telephone Ad-Visors will be happy to help you word your ad for maximum response. They're skilled in helping you tell it like it is. Phone334-4981 today; . ' . --7" 1 I^, I' ''//Vjfjf. MASSiVE lO pORl BUYING POWER GUARANTEES t y«ur f Coffipf.t.SaNjfactlan Fretter has just reduced prices when you can use the savings Whirlpool 3-Cycle Fully Automatic WASHER a* w; tiiEflffl VERY BESjJ Just South of 12 Milo Rd. £‘"318-2880 • tHE PONTIAC PRESS. FRIDAY, MAY 2, i960 m SAIGON (AP) wp The U.S. command announced today that 23 hfeliccjiters and 18 fixed-wing planes were lost Id the Vietnam war during the past week. It was one of the'more expensive weeks for America's aerial forces.' Most of the helicopters were shot down, and die others were lost in Collisions or enemy attacks on U.S. bases, headquarters said.. At least/ two, of the planes were fighter-bombers reported shot down earlier. The command gave no details about the other losses. The report said a total of 2,585 U.S..helicopters and 2,681 planes now have been lost in the war. A. U.S. spokesman also announced that 38,000 Viet COng COG Post Filled Benton Yates, retiring superintendent of Livonia Public Schools, has been named director of the education division of the Southeast Michigan Council o Governments, according to E. Robert Turner, executive director of SEMCOG. and North Vietnamesd-haVe been killed qjnce the Viet COng ; offensive started Feb. 23, and American and ffouth Vietnamese forces since the first’ of the yeBr have captured: • 2,500 rockets and 110,000 moTtar rounds, “numb than the enemy has fired countrywide in the same period^ , f • 2,500 tons of rice, eitoutfi to feed 50 battalions of 800 men each for four months. • 26,000 individual weapons and 3,000 crew-served weapons Although the u.S. Command dfd not say the enemy offensive was oyer, the spokesman said the heavy losses, had forced the enemy to reduce Ms offensive operations. “We 'estimate that the enemy’s activities have decreased because he did not have any other choice,” the spokesman said. “The primary reason for this, as you may have-noted in the weekly statistical summaries, is that the enemy has suffered about 38,000 killed since Feb. 23. “these are serious which exceed his losses dining the same time frame following initiation of his offensives in. both May and August of 1868. Two Are Honored Roughly one-third of the total WASHINGTON, D.C. (AP) -Stevie Wonder, blind singer from Detroit, and Sharon Ann Smith of Saginaw, were honored in -.Washington/ D.C., Thursday ai the 2lst annual meeting of the Bfesident’sCom-mittee. on Empoyment of the Handicapped. Miss Smith was the winner, of a-Michigan essay American and enemy casualties in eight years and four months of fighting in Vietnam have occurred in the year since the United States and North Veit-nam agreed to talk peace. Saturday is the: first anniversary of President& Lyndon B. Johnson’s announcement that Washington and Hanoi hid agreed to send negotiators to Paris. Ten days later, on May 13, 1968, preliminary peace talks opened. hi the 52 weeks of fighting from April 27, 1968 through last Saturday, April 26, a total of 12,468 Americans and 153,779 of the enemy were killed in action and 79,793 U.S- troops were wounded, according to U.S. Command figures. South- Vietnamese headquarters reports 14,387 of its troops killed and 52,526 wounded In that year The U.S. Command says that since the United States entered the war in force on Jan. 1,1961, a total of 34,446 Aericans and 488*231 North Vietnamese and Vietcong have died in battle and another 221,013 Americans have been wounded. „ * contest on.'’employment of the handicapped Wonder, a gradu ate of the Michigan School for the Blind, hasbfeen active in work with the handicapped. There are no differences between large and small cotton seeds in stand or eventual yield Hickel Retains Ex-Foe of Conservation WASHINGTON (AP) r* A former lobbyist who opposed two conservation measures and later was hired by the Interior Department for two months as a high-level - consultant has now been retained by Interior Secretary Walter J. Hickel for “an indefinite period.” * The Associated Press revealed last February that Hibk-el had retained the former lobbyist for the U.S, Chamber of Commerce, James G. Watt, after Watt testified against measures dealing with industrial water pollution and reclamation of strip-mined lands. At that"time, the Interior Department said Watt had been hired for two months as a $98-a-day consultant in organizing the department under -the new administration. Watt’s two-month term ended March 26. Today he is still at the department add holds the tile of special consultant to the secretary. * • A spokesman said Watt is not in a policy-making position and his job continues to be ope of advising on departmental organization. . “His Initial two-month contract expired some time ago,” a spokesman said Thursday. “He is now working on a day-to-day basis for an indefinite period.” As a lobbyist for business and industry interests last year, Watt opposed two pieces Of conservation legislation supported by the Interior Department, then headed by Democrat Stewart L. Udall. . 1? ’ ,*. j One bill, written by Udall\ would have implemented new standards on industrial water pollution, requiring a minimum of two stages of treatment for municipal wastes apd a “comparable degree of treatment” for industrial wastes. Watt fold the House Public Works . Committee, which was considering the legislation, that if the federal government insisted on such standards, the feder* al government should have to pay for their implementation. One congressional source responded: “He is willing to accept whatever \industry has to do if the public will pay for it*’- Watt also opposed legislation before the Senate Interior Committee which would have provided for federal-state cooperation in reclamation of strip-mined lands. SUBSEA DESIGNS — Outstanding industrial designs by California State College ’students were among those chosen for the Department of Commerce’s display at an international marine-living exposition in England. At top,, Stan Nakaishi adjusts pincer arm on work pod of his model deep submersible vessel. Tim Trapp (bottom left) demon- strates a new concept in subsea petroleum recovery. Subsea recreation habitat (bottom right) gets finishing touch from George Oyama. The concepts were developed under Armco Steel’s Student Design Program and Included participants from Auburn University, Illinois institute of Technology and the University of Kansas. ABSORBS LIKE MAGIC 0 WITH THIS I COUPON • J . ^ .y P* I■■ wi mm mm wDecorated • White • Assorted Colors>■■■■■*«■■•■■ J Sun. Hre. 10-9 A Open 9 AM. to 9 P.M. MARKET 1718 u ftV * iw ■ P 8? * <’• aiSPPi m SHOP ALL 10 CENTERS 'TIL 9 SATURDAY 10-0. SUNDAY 10-7 1300 BARGAIN PRICED SPECIALS REDUCED NOW! DISHWASHER Give Her the Most Wanted Gift, A Westinghouse Dishwasher © Westinghouse FRONT LOADING, MAPLE TOP CONVERTIBLE DISHWASHER Portable Now, Can Be Built-In Later • 3 push buttons and timer knob k Glide-out racks • Dual automatic detergent dispensers • Automatic dear rinse injector e 2 level washing action eliminates rinsing • Porcelain-on-steel interior Available in White, Copper Tone or Avocado Nee Free Immediate Delivery, Service and Guarantee Included Q£)W»stinghouM TOP-LOADING PORTABLE Singlo dial control, Detergent dispenser, Service for 12. Hose and cord storage, no installation necessary, rolls easily on largo castors. Free 2 week home trial on any brand dishwasher in our huge inventory. TOP OF THE LINE Front loading Convert. DISHWASHER 6 pushbuttons and timer knob. Sanitizer assures of proper temperature wash and rinse water, automatic double wash, automatic rinse dispenser, maple A chopping block top, random loading racks. Free 2 week homo trial on any brand dishwasher in our huge' inventory. Special cool-down care for permanent press 3 water temp, selection, Magic Mix lint filter. Available with Suds-Miser. *179 Hotpoint 30" Deluxe Electric Solf-CledR Range Self-dean oven, lift/up surface units,,, removable drip pans, no-drip cooktop. *199 Westinghouse 16-Ft. 2-Dr. No Frost REFRIGERATOR 137 lb. freezer, twin porcelain crispers, glideout adjustable rollers. *259 RCA Personal 12 Inch UHF-VHF PORTABLE TV Solid state UHF/VHF tuner. Built-in antenna. Space ago circuitry. Front mounted speaker. 71 sq. in. *89 Payments 111 August ZENITH COHSOLE STYLE 20 IHCH COLOR TV 25,000 volts of picture power, full 82 channel UHF/VHF tuner. "Push-puli'* On-Off switch. Legs opt. extra. 227 sq. in. *399 88. PRE-SEASON SALE ON OVER 6,000 AIR CONPITIONERS @ Westinghouse 5,000 BTU Rugged — Lightweight AIR CONDITIONER Lightweight — only 59 lbs. Lifetime washable .filter. 2 fan speeds for high and low cool, ■. $ 99 Whirlpool 6,000 OR 8,000 BTU SLIDIHG WIHDOW AIR CONDITIONER 2 fan speeds, adjustable 3-way air direction, washable filter. 115-volt plug-in,:. Emerson 10,000BTU Air Conditioner • Giant cooling tepidly iSfii nt Mil' 8,000 BTU Size Slightly Higher; /1 . WSSMm FULL SATISFACTION GUARANTEE INSTANT CREDIT — 3 YEARS TO PAY RETTER’S Pontiac S. Telegraph Rd. WMile South of Orohpra lake Rd. £ FE 3-7661 FRETTER’S SouthfieldjFRETTIR’S Oakland On Telegraph Read 11 W. 14 Me Road Opposite Oakland Mall 585-5360 open Daily 18 to O-Stiaday IS to 7 i:' ' ,.’I V.il, ft'rhj . ly ,1 ,t i v If i , • 2-flpeed Ran and auto, control* • I IS*volt plug-in operation *199 To Pay THE PONtTAC PRESS, FRIDAY, v '^0r: Wjff' NOW... in its 5th record-breaking week! choice {CARPET BUYERS) J I HOME SERVICE ! ■ Our carpet specialist will bring a' ■ 'samples to your home. No charge ■ | or obligation. . I i 335 t 9431 || Ask for Mr. Friendly ■ 3-cushiofted attached pillow-back 'Quilted’ beauty In rich, figured Damask fabrics in many colors. Reversible foam cushions. ’ / V.V-oi mx m LINDA S. HOWE Event Issues Miss Oakland County Call No Money Down $10 A Month QUILTED 96-in. LAWSON SOFA Rich, lush quitted sofa In the most wanted fabrics and colors. Smart accents in the modern mood. Cela-cloud foam cushions. 199 Officials of the Miss Oakland County Pageant sent out their first call for contestants today, and any single girl 18 through 26 in the county is eligible. IQ its second year, the pageant again will be held in conjunction with the Oakland-County Fair, June 19-22 at the Waterford Township C AI Building, 5640 Williams Lake. The winner will be entered in the 1970 Miss Michigan contest and last year’s Miss Oakland County, Linda Sue Howe, 21, is competing in the 1969 Miss Michigan pageant . ? ★ ★ ★ / ».>] P o t e n t i a 1 contestants’ inquiries may be made with Donald Arsen, 6675 Wellesley, Independence Township, pageant chairman, and Mrs. Robert Fredericksen, 4195: Westridge, Waterford Township,' contestant chairman. Girls who will reach their 18th birthday by Aug. 1 are considered as 18-year-olds for contest purposes, according toj * Arsen. Local 1766 of the United Federation of Postal Clerks in Pontiac will send a representative to Washington next month to press for legislation guaranteeing clerks and carriers a minimumnm 17 pa* cent wage increase in July. For the first time, major postal unions representing 700,0000 rank-and-file employes have organized a “United Pay Front” in answer to an allegedly inadequate 4.1 per cent pay adjustment proposed under the 1967 Salary Reform Law, Local 1766 President Robert Hukka explained that between now and mid-June, each of the major postal unions will send delegates to Washington in a planned sequence of legislative conferences designed to impress the 91st Congress with the heed for increased wages. He added the focus of union support is a bill sponsored in the House of Representatives by Rep. Arnold Olsen, D-Mont., a senior member of the House Post Office and Civil Service Committee. ' I In addition to, establishing a 17 per cent-pay raise, the Olsen] bill would reduce the number of j steps within the six pay levels; from the present 12 to six; | automatically elevate all postal' field service employes by one salary level; increase the night j pay differential from 10 to 20 j per cent and make other wage adjustments consistent with salary practices in private industry, Hukka said. Frame-Top FRENCH PROVINCIAL SOFA Hand-tufted, fantastic French Provincial sofa. Elegant frame-top styling, fruitwood finished accents deluxe fabrics in color choice! ■. 199 SAVE >701 Deep QUILTED SPANISH Mediterranean SOFA 199 No money down • $10 a month Stay at the Convenient HAMILTON MOTOR INN HOTEL ami APARTMENTS w. Modern .air-coni’* ditioned rooms and suites with TV • Coffee Shop * Cocktail Lounge * Special rates for families.& groups • FREE onpremises, Parking with MOTOR ENTRANCE, , RATES SAVE $70! KROEHLER CONTEMPORARY SOFA / .•.Famed Kroehlerquality sofa In heavy textured tweed fabrics Neat Walnut wood accents or)1 sofa. Built-in KroeHler am 'y tomized construction. :! '■ 7 / SAVE. $701 EARLY AMERICAN 85" COLONIAL SOFA 3-cu$hioned styling, divided tufted back with Solid Maple $1AQ finished arms & wings. In sturdy, heavy textured tweed ' covers and moslcoJors. • m ' 1 ./Vo money down • $10 a month OUTFITTING COMPANY I mi • . mm 1 -:4, w . t Si FLINT • PORT HURON- • JACKSON ♦ TOtEDO also in DETROIT • PONTIAC ANN ARBOR th\§ furniturw people* ■S HU CONVENIENT TO: Po. dhd 7, N^j.Turnpike Schuylkill Expressway, Convention Hall, ^ j§ U. Pa. Campus, Pa. §| R.R. 30th St. Station. HAMILTON MOTOR INN HOT*. • APTS. iMuf SftMl «l Mb, : iitfi aveume ", mmm: ILADILPI IA H Telegraph & Sq, Lake Roads Miracle Mile Shopping Certter Open every\nite til 0 OPEN SUNDAY • 12 to 6 vf ^ Hbi ■ 1 I ' ‘7/ Hi i m w I CINCINNATI (AP) — Don Wilson the Avenger—and an expectant' father—unleashed the furies of a no-hitter against Cincinnati Thursday night and then scalded the Reds with a few choice remarks. , \ ■ -i , It was his way, he said, getting , even with Jim Maloney and His no-hit,. 10-0 performance over Houston the previous' night and\ of the Reds, in general. ~ For Wilson, it marked his second major league no-hitter and, coupled with Maloney’s hitless game, marked the second time in the history of the majors that two no-hit games were pitched , on successive days in the same park. SUCCESSIVE NO-HITTERS Last Aug. 17, Gaylord Perry of the Giants pitched a 1-0 hitless game over the St. Louis Cardihals at San Francisco. The next night, St. Louis’ Ray Washburn no-hit San Francisco, 2-0. After the 4-0 performance at Crosley Field, Wilson said: “They don’t like me and I don’t like them.” , ★ ★ * Some observters, not entirely jesting,' suggested the 24-year-old right-hander, whose wife Bernice is expecting a baby momentarily, was venting paternal frustration from the dressing room rather than the maternity waiting room. On the mound, his curve ball broke beautifully and hiS fast ball was very fast. He struck out 13, walked six and hit one batter—Johnny Bench in the fifth inning. * Denis Menke hit a two-run double off Cincinnati starter Jim Merritt, now 1-2*, in the fifth' to push -the score 3-0. Doug Rader opened the scoring with a solo homer in the fourth. Wilson rounded out the scoring, with a sacrifice fly in the eighth. „ Wilson, picking up his second victory in five decisions, then strode off the field to the Houston dugout, his face a mask of anger. He pitched his first nohitter against Atlanta on June 18, 1967, as a rookie. ml was trying to prove something to-' night . . . trying to pay them back for wHbt thev cjid to us when they beat me 14-0,” he said in a broadcast interview —in reference to the Reds-—Astros encounter April 22 in the Astrodome. “They’ve got some good guys on the club — friends of mine off the field — but then they’ve got some others.” * .. The scowl gradually disappeared and he asked the broadcaster if he could say a few words to his wife in Houston. “Don’t get excited and have that baby now.” Later, wife Bernice said, “I thought I Shoemaker on Sidelines Indefinitely VENGEANCE STRIKES — Don Wilson of the Houston Astros unleaches another pitch Thursday night at Crosley Field In Cincinnati as he mows down the host Red-legs, 4(0, with a no-hitter. Vowing to avenge an earlier 14-0 loss to Cinci and also atone far the Astro’s no-hit defeat by Jim Maloney Wednesday, Wilson , hurled the second hitless gem of his career. It is also the second time in the major leagues' that consecutive no-hitters have been pitched in the same ball park in two days, INGLEWOOD, Calif. UPMDoctors say it will be six months at least before Bill Shoemaker can ride again—and possibly never again. The 37-year-old jockey was injured in an accident Wednesday, After a one-hour operation in a hospital, Shoemaker was listed Thursday in improved condition and was visited by his Wife. ★ ★ ★ He suffered a broken pelvis and bladder injuries when his mount, Poona’s Day, unseated Jiim in the saddling paddock of Hollywood Park and fell on top of him. His doctors said it will be weeks before they know exactly how extensive his injuries are. ★ ★ ★ Shoemaker was scheduled to ride ..Arts and Letters in Saturday’s Kentucky Derby but was replaced by Braulio Baeza. was going to have it when catcher Don Bryant (a former Detroit Tiger farmhand) dropped the „ pop foul In the eighth.” I ; i ' -I FAST BALL STRONG Bryant said, “His fast ball was really sailing. He showed that he had a good fast ball in the first inning :. He had a great curve ball, probably the best I’ve ever seen him throw . . . ★ hr ★ Dave Bristol, Cincinnati manager, said later, “You (jan believe Don Wilson if you want to. Irm not a Don Wilson fan.” Pointing to the Reds dressing room, he added: fl don’t think many of the guys there think much of Wilson either.” Bristol contended Wilson singled out Bench for his wild target. “But I don’t believe he scared Bench any.” HOUSTON CINCINNATI ■b r h bi ib r It bl Morgan 2b 3 110 Rosa cf 2 0 0 0 J. Alou If J 0 0 0 Tolan rl 10 0 0 Wynn cf 4 ) 1 0 A. Johnson If 4 0 0 0 Rader 3b Sill Perez 3b 4 0 0 0 Menke ss 4 0 2 2 Bench c 2 0 0 0 N. Miller rf 4 0 0 0 . Whitfield lb 2 0 0 0 Blefary lb 3 12 0 Helms 2b 4 0 0 0 Bryant c 4 0 2 0 Chaney ss 2 0 0 0 D. Wilson p 2 0 0 1 Carroll p 0 0 0 0 Stewarf ss 0 0 0 0 Merritt p 10 0 0 Ruiz ss 10 0 0 Beauchp ph 1000 Noreiga p 0 0 0 0 Total .......34 4 * 4 Total ......... 27 4 0 0 Houston ..... 000 120 010-4 Cincinnati .. ooo 000 000—0 E—Halms, Tolan, Bryant. DP—Cincinnati 1. LOB —Houston 10, Cincinnati 7, 2B—Menke. 3B—Blefary. HR—Rader 2. SB—Bench. S—Morgan. SF—D. Wilson. IP H R ER BB SO D. Wilson (W, 2-3) ... 9 0 0 0 6 13 Merritt (L, 1-2) ...... 544 6 3 3 3 3, Carroll ................2U. 3 110 1 Noriega ......... ... 1, _g o O-____3___2 HBP^by Merrill, D. Wilson; by D. Wilson, Bench. T—2:32. A—4,042. Pro Grid Confab Surge, 2-0 Kuharich Fired by New Owners of Pro Eagles Discusses Shifts of 3 Franchises Freehqn's Two-Run Homer Helps Denny to Win BY BRUNO L KEARNS Sports Editor, Pontiac Press ‘ Pitcher Denny McLain and, his bat-terymate Bill Freehan had one of their brighter moments against the Baltimore Orioles last night. McLain also had onp of his active nights on the field, as he was''called for the “spit ball,” argued with the umpire, was hit by a line drive, and had the fans laughing when he made first baseman John Powell try to run him down on a bunt play between fir^t and home. * • • . In the past neither McLain nor Freehan could claim too much success against the Orioles, but it was a different story for the ace righthander who pitched the Bengals to a 2-0 triumph. McLain won his fourth game of the season with a sparkling three hitter and Freehan gave him all the batting support he needed with a 2-run homer off starter Jim Palmer in the 5th in- ning. ■Die victory was the first over the Orioles this season and it kept the Tigers above the .500 mark with a 11-10 mark. ‘ “■> WILSON TONIGHT Tonight, at Boston, Earl Wilson wiir by trying to keep the Tigers in their winning ways when he faces Sonny S«betC .... "*1' • ^ Last night’s game before 15,700 fans was short and snappy. :, ' . In fact, the time of 1:49 was the fastest game for the Tigers since September 26, 1965 when the time of game was listed as 1:48 against Cleveland. Earlier this season, McLain was also the pitcher in the game in Baltimore which went 10 innings in two hours and three minutes. ★ ★ ‘.4r McLain not only stopped the Orioles' from making a two-game sweep of the series but he also stopped the red hot bat of Frank Robinson whose 10 home runs in April Was the best since 1922 when Ken Williams of . the St. Louis Browns did it. ’ It was also a good start for the month of May’ for McLain who last year defeated Minnesota, 3-2 on this date and had three victories against no losses. Today he has four wins and Jhree set- . Jim Palmer allowed the -Tigers only two hits hi his six innings and the Tigers added another of reliefer Dave Leonhard, but Freehan’s 2-run blast in the fifth inning after Tom Matcjiick walked was enough for McLain. - The Bengal hurler, himself didn’t think he “was top, sharp,” wit Oriole manager Earl Weaver disagreed. 1 “He pitched well against us the last time and we beat him, and he was sharp tonight and won. He’ll have to look that good every time if he expects to beat us.” said Weaver. , In first inning, McLain was called for puttihg his hand to his mouth by first base umpire Ed Runge. “It was chilly and I was keeping my hand warm between pitches,” said Mc-LaMi. -W"fi When he decided to rput his .band in his back pocket to warm his hand, Oriole manager Weaver complained. Later on a bunt play, McLain ran halfway down the line, then stopped. Powell started to chase him back to the plate and then gave up and touched first base. “t was dust, trying to give the runner a chance to. get to third, “McLain .laughed. 4bm&' ■ : ,, •. In the fourth Mining, Powell again was involved with McLain, The big Oriole first sacker lined toward second base and the ball glanced off McLain’s fore-1 head for a single. , “It just stunned me,” he said, after manager Mayo Smith and trainer Bill Behm raced to thqmoiuid. . Baltimore has a mays! been troublesome for McLain, heink\the only team last season to hold aniedge on him. The Orioles defeated him three times and prior to last night held a 11-9 advantage on him. Freehan has also had trouble against the Orioles. The big catcher batted only .156 in Detroit and failed to get a homer off Baltimore last year. The home run last night was the 99th in his six years with Detroit and his 5th of the season. . BALTIMORE (0) DETROIT 12) abrhbi abrhbi • Buford If 4 0 10 McAuliffe 2b '4010 Blair cl 4 0 0 0 Stanley s*. 4 0 0 0 F. Robinson rf 4 0 0 0 Kallne rf 2 0 0 0 Powell lb 4 0 10 Caah lb 3 0 0 0 Hendricks c . 3 0 0 0. Wert 3b 0000 B. Robinson 3b 3 0 0 0 W. Horton If 3 01 0 D. Johnson 2b 3 0.0,0 Northrup cf ’ 2 00 0 Belanger ss 2 0 tiO Matchlck 3b ,2100 Palmer p--' 2 0 O'O' Freshen e 2112 D. May ph . 1 0 0 0 McLain p 2 0 0 0 Leonhard p 0 0 0 0 Total ........ 30 0 3 0 Total ........ Mill Baltimore ........... .....' 000 000 000-0 owrait ........,......'.000 020 oox—3 DP—Baltimore l. LOB—Baltimore 4, Detroit 1. 2B —W. Horton. HR—Freehan $. SB—Belanger. S— McLain. ' \ IP H R ER RS SO palmer (L, 3-1) ..... 7 2 2 2 3 S' Leonhard ...1 1 0 0 0 0 McLain (W, 4-3) .. 9 3 0 0 1 4 HBP-By Palmar, Freehan. T—1:49. A—13,731. THE PONTIAC PRESS FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1969 C—1 PHILADELPHIA (AP) - Leonard Tose, Norristown, Pa., trucking executive, is the new owner of the Philadelphia Eagles of the National Football League. ★ ★ ■ * Shortly after completing the purchase of the club Thursday night for $16,155,000 from financially harried Jerry Wolman, Tose made his first move as owner. He told a midnight news conference that he has fired Joe Kuharich as general manager coach. •k it k m • jt ’ 1 JO m Tose is expected.^ to name Pete Retzlaff, former All-League end with the Eagles and now a television sportscaster, the general manager. NEW YORK (AP) - Evidence has surfaced at the pro football meetings to indicate that the shifting of three National Football League teams into the American League may revolve around taking one club from each of three categories: Midwest franchise—Either Minnesota or St. Louis. Warm weather franchise—Either New Orleans or Atlanta. Prestige franchise —Either Philadelphia or Baltimore. The facts at hand also lend themselves to ,a further pairing down so that Minnesota and Philadelphia appear for various reasons to be the leading candidates in their categories to join either New Orleans or Atlanta in the AFL. /.V | 1 MhSt'. i ■ i wm I *; H Tab Majestic as Derby BLASTED—Tiger pitcher Denny McLain is knocked to the ground after a line drive single by Baltimore’s John Powell glanced off his forehead stunning him in the 4th inning flff the game last night. McLain proceeded to finish the game, pitching a three hitter as the Tigers won, 2-0. LOUISVILLE, Ky. fAP) - Four thoroughbred champions and four pretenders to glory got their final grooming today for the 95th running of the Kentucky Derby. The field of eight, one of them a potential scratch, is thf smallest in 21-years and, most fans believe, the strongest in a far longer time. Majestic Prince, the unbeaten and untried king of the West Coast, has been tabbed as the probable betting favorite in the lVa-mile Run for the Roses that goes to the post at 5:30 p.m. EDT, - Saturday. CANADIAN COLORS * , Flying the colors of Canadian oil millionaire Frank McMahon, the $250,000 yearling purchase' has mowed down 47‘ opponents in seveh races, all of them except his first and last at Santa Anita. Majestic Prince would be the odds-on Of North-South PINEHURST, N. C. — Pete Green, one of Michigan’s Outstanding amateur golfers, who once played his golf in this area as a student, at the University of North Carolina, knocked in a 22-foot birdie putt on the final hole for a 1-up victary over John FjKjuhar in the North-Souffn Amateur GolTChampiondhip. Green’s triumph moved him into today’s semifinals against Joe Inman, 21-year-old Wake Forest senior from /Greensboro, N. C. who defeated Bob Koch of Shaker Heights, Ohio, 5-4 yesterday. Spartan Cage Coach Home From Hospital EAST LANSING (AP)- Michigan State basketball coach John Benington, who suffered a heart attack April 11, was released from -the’ hospital Thursday. '*■ *. ★ * ' V. Benington, 47, tlfe , father/pf nine children, was on the critical list ten)' j! porarily at Lansing’s Edward Sparrow Hospital. His condition now Is reported as. “gpod” but Benington f has been orders! to rest and restrict his activity. choice to cop the $125,000-added Derby except for three things. Their names are Top Knight, Dike and Arts and Letters. Top Knight has finished first in three of four races this year, although he was disqualified to third in the Bahsgnas stakes. His only drawback is a fiveweek layoff since his Florida Derby victory. j Claiborne Farm’s Dike, a late-charging son of French Derby champion Herbager, ran poorly in Florida when he was asked for too much too soon, but prompted new hope in victories in New York’s Gotham and Wood Memorial. Arts and Letters, the Virginia-bred property Paul Mellon’s Rokeby Stable, was a bridesmaid jn the Flamingo, Fountain of Youth and Florida Derby, but took center stage with a 15-length victory in the Blue Grass Stakes last week at Keeneland. ★ ★ ★ ■.* So evenly matched are the Big Four that track handicapper John. Battaglia made Majestic Prince the probable 6-5 betting favorite, then turned around and picked .Dike as the program choice. Challenging the four before an estimated crown of 100,000 are Mr. and. Mrs. R. E. Harris, Rae Jet, Leo Miller’s Ocean Roar, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Roberts’ Traffic Mark and the Kanowsky syndicate’s .Fleet Allied. Rae Jet also was entered-in a pair of I lesser races Saturday, giving his owners chance to change their minds and save the $1,000 due Saturday for each Derby starter. f-RUNNERUP IN 1960 While a student at North Carolina Green was runnerup in this tournament, in I960 arid today he faces a string challenger jn Inman who has yet to be , extended' beyond the 16th hoi? in five / matches this week. .■■it ★ ★ '3’jp! . / In ]the other semifinal match, Lanny Wadkins, a 19-year-old Wake Forest . freshman goes against 38-year-old Bob LoWry, a Huntsville, Ala.; insurance salesman. , v / * » * ’ ’ ■ Wadkins defeated Canadian ' Gary • ^ J \ \ V\ i . came from three down to win five of his , -* • ■ . V ; ’., v^TT r-r-w..............vr ” last six holes in defeating Jim' / BLASTING OUT-r-Pete Green Of Orchard Lake Country Club moved into the Gabrielsen of Atlanta, 2-1. semifinals today of the North-South Amateur Gplf Championship after defeating John Today’s whiners will meet for the title Farquhar of Amarillo, Tex., 1-up yesterday at Pinphurst, N.C. Green is blasting out 1 over 36 holes tomorrow. of/a bunker on the 17th hole and makes Si nice recovery.. ■ • \ The field for Saturday’s $125,000-added Kentucky Derby IV4 miles, at Churchill Downs, with track handicapper’s odds: 1. Top Knight, Ycaza ........•.>.«..............H 2. Traffic Mark, Grimm ......-....... 4f{ 3. Arts And Letter, Baesa ........?...,......... »■{ 4. Rae ’Jet, Howard .......................•srljv 5. Fleet Allied, Hall ...................2rJ 4. Ocean Roar, Stewart ......................... 7. Dike, Velasduez .....••••,'........ fl 8, Melestlf Prince, Hartate ............ • Owners—1. Mrs. Steven Wilson) 2. Robert F. Roberts; 3. Rokeby Stable; 4. Mr.iand Mrs. R. B., Harris; 5. Vincent Kanowsky; 4, Leo Miller; 7. /Claiborne Farrrl; 8. Frank McMahon. . I Weights—All carry 124‘pounds. /,6ros> 'Vjjj* j* eight start—*155.700. First Money, tn3,200;.stcopd. $25,000; third, *12,500; fourth, $5,000. Post Time, 5:30 P.M. EOT. TV—Radlo->5 P.M. EDT,, CBS. LOUISVILLE, Ky (AP)—pacts and figures on fhti 95th running of the KentucKey Derby Saturday: Place—Churchill Downs. ' P05*Time—5:30 p.m.. Eastern Oayliobt time, Enfries-Eitiht 3-year old colts . .-• Purse-SIJliOOO-adapd to nomination, entry and starting fees; $100 each l0_r for each ol eight entries and O'.pw tor each staFj*F ,\ Value—Gross /If eight start, $i55,700 Flrst monev. *1,13,200; second, *25,000; third, *12,500; fourth, $5,000. 1• - *. ‘ F»V6rlte-r-Malestlc Prince, 6^5. > Last. • yaar's winner— Dancarps l*Tiafle.v Last year's Itlme—2102 1-5. / ^ ^ \ ;‘ Record time—Northern Dancer, 1944, . . Crowd—Estimated by Churchill Downs at about 100.000 Woather—Partly cloudy with chance ol showers. Probable track condltlon-Fej». “ ___ , Television -end Radio—CBS-TV 5-4 p.m. EuT, radio 5:15-5:45 O.m.. m o.m. ■ i 1 5.1 l SI A-’v'i mm l ffl w rf; 0-2 a brand new YOUR CHOICE OF 10 ALL-NEW 1969 MODELS 7 TO 14 HP ■ • Automatic ; • 3/Speeds .• 6/Speeds A Size for ■ Every • Need A Price for Every Budget OFFER LIMITED ACT NOW! Low Down Payment EASY TERMS Whaelifa/ue. XING BROS. PONTIAC ROAD at OPDYKE PONTIAC, MICHIGAN Phone: FE 4-1662 and FE 4-0134 MiroN Km ~ BROS. INC. X RONf/MCNO i |N Dave Boswell Pitches With 'Black Eye' ST. PAUL-MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Dave Boswell, his eye blackened and left knee bruised from a fight with a spectator the day before, teamed up with Joe Grzenda for a five-hitter as the Minnesota Twins shelled the Seattle Pilots 4-1 Thursday. Whitaker If TDavIs If Hagan rf Mlncher lb Rollins 3b Comer cf MNertny c Oil ss Ball » Bouton p Vidal ph Aker p MINNESOTA abr hbl abrhbl 4 0 2 0 Uhlaendr cf 5 2 2 0 2 0 10 Carew 2b 5 0 10 2 0 0 0 Oliva rf 5 0 2 1 3 0 0 0 Killebrew 3b 2 0 10 4 0 0 0 Qullld 3b 0 0 0 0 4 0 f. 0 Manual If 3 0 2 2 4 111 Tovar If 10 00 3 0 0 0 Reese lb 4 12 0 2 0 0.0 Cardenas ss 3 0 2 1 2 0 0 0 Rose boro e 2 110 0 0 0 0 Boswell p 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Grzenda p 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Seattle Minnesota 33 4 13 4 30 IS 1 Total .. .000 010 000—1 001 111 0 0 X — 4 DP—Seattle 1, Minnesota 2. LOB— Seattle 3. Minnesota 13. 2B—Cardenas. Reese, Harper. HR—Comer (2). 3-Cardenas. Bell (L,l>2) Bouton .—s Aker 1 Boswell (W.3-2) 5 Grzenda 4 Save—Grzenda. T—2:35. • - ■ ■ ''ill NEW YORK (AP) - Duke ' Sims’ three-run homer capped A, four-run outburst in the ninth inning Thursday, for Cleveland’s 6-2 victory over the New York Yankees after the Indians were held hitless for six innings by Stan Bahnsen. • CLEVELAND NSW YORK abrhbl -i ■ abrhbl Alvls 3b 4 11 0 Clarke 2b S 1 1 o LBrown ss 3 2 2 1 Kenney Cf 4 0 0 0) Snyder If 2 0 00 Mlircer 3b “5 01 o' Hinton If 1 0 0 0 White if 44 2 1 Harrelson rf 3 1 0 0 Pepltone lb 4 10 0 THorton lb 3 0 0 1 Fernanda c 2.0 t o CarOenal cf 3 1 0 0 Trash ss 2 010 flaws 4 113 WRobnsn rf 2 0 0 1 Versallas 2b 4 0 0 0 JHall rf IS 00 Ellsworth p to 0 0 Bahnsan p 3 o 0 0 SWIIIams p 0 0 0 0 McDaniel p 0 0 00 Poul p 0 0 0 0 Boehmer ph 10 0 0 . SHamllfn p 0 0 0 0 .Total 30 4 4 5 Total S3 27 2 Clevelmd .. .. 000 000 3 04-6 Now York ....... 0 0 0 0 0 1,1 0 0—2 ^.E—Cardenal, Murcor, White. DP—New lYork l. LOB—Cleveland '2. Ns wYork '12, SB-Farnandaz, Alvli, HR—Sima (3). §.B.TL.Brown, Clark*, Harralson. SP HIP Wlraphoto Despite I BRIDGESTONE UNBEATABLE PERFORMANCE •20H.P. -5 Speed • Dual Carbe ••Dual Rotary Valves Wins and records at: Bonneville, Bristol, Daytona. Available in Dual -Twin and Hurricane Scrambler models. Now Only Dual Turin *409* BONUS SPECIAL This week—Buy a Dual Twin or Hurricane Scrambler and get a customized TACHOMETER-a $33.50 value—fojr only $12.50! " SAVE $21.00. MMTieaM ScraaMsr iMOml BLOOMFIELD SPORT * CYCLE, INO. 1951 S- Telegraph Rd. - Phene: 355-5457 Pontiac, Michigan MONDAY HITTERS ANAHEIM (AP) • an extra inning in the California! Angels’ 3-2 victory over Oak-j land . on Thursday night,. Rick Monday went hitless in four trips to the plate and thus lost his chance to break a Lou Gehrig record. ‘DON’T TRY IT, WILT’—Boston’s' premier defensive pivotman Bill Russell (left) takes a menacing posture Thursday night at Los Angeles when the Lakers’ Wilt Chamberlain, eyes the basket during the first half of the National Basket-bail Association final playoff series encounter. The Lakers took a 3-2 lead with a 13-point victory. T.Horton. Ellaworth . ... S.Williams .... Paul' (W.1-0) .. .. Bahnsen ......... McDaniel S.Hamllton (1,0-1) WP—Ellaworth, A- 7,170. IP H , 714 7 . 0 0 . 124 0 0 . 6 2-3 2 2 .114 0 0 . 1 .2 4 {.Hamilton. R RR BB SO 2 2 4 2 o o 2 4 2 0 T—2:30. BOSTON OAKLAND CALIFORNIA abrhbl abrhbl c'pr,lt sa 4 0 10 Davallllo rf 5 0 0 0 .TRaynMa If 4 1 2 0 Fregosl as 4 12 0 | RJackson rf 4 1 2 2 Johnstone cf 4 0.1 0 Bando 3b Cater lb DOreen 2b Monday cf Roof, c Hunter 4 0 0 0 Relchardt It 3 1 2 0 4 010 Satrlano lb 3 0 2 1 4 0 0 0 ARodrglz 3b 4 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 Egan c 4 111 4000 Knoop 2b 4 00 0 2 0 0 0 RMay p 3 0 10 L A. Lakers Lead Against Celtics, 117-104 WASHINGTON ab r h bl ab r h bl Thomas lb 43 11 Unltr ef 4 12 2 Andrews 2b 5 2 2 0 Stroud rf 4 0 0 0 Yatrmskl if 4 o l 1 F Howard lb 3 2 12 AConlglro rf 4 0 2 3 H Allen If fill Scott 3b 4 0 10 McMuiln 3b 2 1 1 2 BConlglro cf 0 0 0 0 BAIIen 2b 3 1 0 0 LaHoud cf 2 1 10 culMn 2b 0 00 0 Petroclll at 4 0 0 0 Brnkman ss 4 12 0 4 0 2 1 French c 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 Billing* ph 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 Casanova c 2 1 10 BAAoor* p I Romo p 0 0 0 0 Cox p Schofield ph 1 00 0 Holman ph |Wenz p • 0 O 0 0 Hmphrys p I RSmlth ph 1 0 0 0 Baldwin p Landis p 0 0 0 0 Azcue . OBrien pr Gibson c Culp p LOS ANGELES (AP) — The I “I’m sure when I wake up Hershbgr ph 1 0 0 0 Wlllwlm p 1 0 0 0 Wyatt p O 6 0 o Kraussa p 10 0 0 Los Angeles Boston leading Lakers the head totSaturday morning, I’ll know if Nationali1 can play or not,’’ said Jerry Basketball Association cham-1aftei; undergoing initial treat Total SB 71 7 Washington l-F.How< Oakland^* *""" To • Vs^*?#! g-2 pi°nship playoffs 3-2 but with cajHamia • folio o t o__i—S'their sharpest shooter, Jerry' 35 4114 Total 110 1 20 <00 . s 00 *12 OOx-7 loward, Brinkman. DP—Bolton 2, Washington 3. LOB—7AIP— %, Washington 6. 2B—Culp, Azcue. 3B— H .Allan. HR—McMullen (3), F.Howard (9). S—A.Conlgllaro. IP Culp (L.4-1) ......5 Romo ............. l Wenz .1 * ,. # ★ Landl* ........... r: _ . .. . „ , . B.Moore 9 The sixth game of the best-cox u,**!pulled left hamstring muscle. 2 2-3 5 . „ 1-3 0 Save—Baldwin. HBP—by WP—B.Moore. 1 0 0 0 Humphreys T—2:44. A— £aly jto- liuilJt THE SPLIT MIL FENCE TWO RAIL $100 Running | Foot THREE RAIL *1 Easy to buiid,a buautiful Addition to any homo. |2I Running Foot BASKETWEAVE ALL COMPONENTS STAINED RED •xl SECTION Each 6x8 taction consist* of the following: 1 post: 4x4x9; 3 woavo strips: 1 x 2 X 6; 12 rough cedar fonco boards, Vi x 6 x 6. ‘ Knock Down 5x1, $9.11 — 4x1, $145 been averaging 39.6 Chicago . Kansas city against the Celtics, the Laker cm*v » 5121 Keiiy cf offense loses its zing, and Los [Bradford ”3*00 wk!rahmpp Angeles must win nice more Meiiton,C3b'b ‘ll 0 Ad“rP2b to take the title HJISTW* “I was stretching and Em- jyomsrJb A 215 ISsewnfi r» mette Bryant bumped me,” was Hopkins pt> the way West described the in- Hrrman P/ph jury. “You only pull a muscle Horfen p by stretching it, not by getting hit by somebody." rf > *' * ' * To... • 4 0 10 10 11 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 0 5 0 2 0 5 0 2 1 4 1 0 0 5 0 2 0 5 110 3 0 0 0 Campnis c 0 0 0 0 ROIIver If . 0 0 00 Hernandz ss 4 0 0 0 Rooker p 10 0 0 0 3 0 0 Klrkptrck ph 1 0 0 0 3 0 2 1 Morhead p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Plnleila ph 10 12 1 0 0 0 Bunker p . 0 0 0 0 0 0 oo Harrison 1b 11 I o 2 0 00 44 4 < 4 Total 44 5 14 5 Oil 000 301 001- riously, was 7-fOOt-2 Wilt Cham- | berlain Who suffered a bruised jcincjm^^LOB^hlea^if,'Kansas*ciiy eye ydien he wag Mt, also byifiRj|^l“«,(h“n' P#cv®nl*'- Bryant. A^rldo, Keough, _ Kelly, Boston led 24-23 at the endjAiomar! of the first quarter before the WE HAVE PLANS FOR YOUR OUTDOOR LIVING 8AWITI DRILL IT! NAIL IT! BOLT It! WITH EXCLUSIVE *HEAT BLOCK* DO IT RIGHT WITH ornyfe FIBERGLAS PANELS • PATIO ROOFS • AWNINQS • PENCES • WIND BREAKERS • OAR PORTS 26’W WEEK-END SPECIAL T* •■POOL ’Mk ENCLOSURES . 'I' In colon: yollowy whito, groom arid door. Also availablo in TO o avt arid 12-ft. Ungths. * WM M .'■'.IluJiIjIj- 'll7 L.ykL [ill Jill uem m 4495 DIXIE HIGHWAY : : DRAYTON PLAINS OR 3-1211 SUM kdeys Mon. tl l to 5:30 P.I Open Weekdays Mon. thru Fri. T:36 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Also injured, bUt not so se- Two out when winning run scored. ’ -r pki—— 1 00 1 *0 000 000-4 S—Foy, (2) . SB— Hopkins, Bradford, 17,553 fans, but the Lakers rallied in tiie second and pulled ahead at 49-45. / ★ ty ★ Perhaps the most important play came midway in the third when West /drove in to score on a reverse layup and draw a foul from Russell, the fourth for tha/player-coach, who had to go cautiously from then on. ANGELES Howell Hbvilqi Russell 62-3 Horlan Lacker WMd Oslnskl Ellis (L,03) Rooker ........... s Morehead ......... 2 Bunker 2 Wkershm (W.1-0) 3 HBP—by Wlckarsham 2-3 2 11 1 1 6 4 4 4 5 1 0 0 0 2 1.0022 WP—^Wlckarsham. T—3:20. A— 9,642. BOSTON LOS OPT 4 3-4 11 Baylor 6 64 IS' Ercksn 3 1-1 7 Chmblh 3 1-17 Egan It 3-5 35 West 5 4-4 14 Hawkins j 44 20 Counts i i 41 22-27 104 ratals 4919-33117 34 21 24 35—104 23 26 30 W-117 Bryant Joilaa Nelson Slegtrd Sanders Totals Boston ...... Jf S 0-1 14 5 3-8 13 I 7-9 SI 16 7-S 39 2 1-2 5 4 1-1 13 Los Angales Fouled Out—None Total -fouls—Boston 25, Los Angeles 21 A—17,553 ' YOUR CENTER AUTOBAHN MOTORS TELEGRAPH ROAD Jnt north ofSRMra Lake Roid PHONE 338-4531 Some mowers you start (maybe) With * • TWIST,» Jerrrrr k, a KICK or a err T5 BUR^jniK This one you just turn oh TORO f Trutta T0R0. Trouble-fret as mowing enn be. ’69 TORO KEY- LECTRICt.. a great new start The KEY-LBCTRIC starter’s now available on Bny model you want; And you can start at $129.95* dr move all the way / up to the 21* POW-R-DRIVEf KEY-LECTRIG starter for 7 v$199(.95*« Other TORO'a start at . $99.95* - ' r •Msnufaeturar-s suggested rataOprlaa TExduaM trad* names at Tara ManutactWIng Corporation BRING IN YOUR OLD MOWERWE TAKE, ALL TRADE-INS “We Service What We Sell*’ Us* Your Conv*ni«nt... m or TOirSWAIIDWUE Sun. 9 - 2 — Daily 9 • 6 P.M. I 905 Orchard Lake Ave. /■ FE 5-2424 HARDWARE 3041 Orchard Lake Road 692-2660 • Floor Sandors • Floor Edgars • Hand Sandors • FlSor Polishers PONTIAC TOM’S HARDWARE 906 Orchard Lake AveV FE 5-2424 OPEN SUNDAY 9-2 Gome In and Cheek Our Largo and Complete Selection of WALKING and RIDING POWER LAWN MOWERS PRICES START AT $49.95 $5 Holds on Lay-away We service what we sell YARD-MAN EARTH BIRD ROTARY TILLER 4 A 8 Horsepower Available With Reverse SAVE *15 Brand Naw in Cartons $8 Down, Up to 2 Yrs. Save *2 on 14“ Scotts Halts Plus *12 95 Use now, protect against crab grass, mole & grub damage. Permits immediate seeding. Reg. 7,95,2,500 sq. ft., 6.95 BAD ELECTRIC SHRUB and HEDGE TRIMMERS SALE PRICED *19” 34 *34 UTILITY MODEL DELUXE MODEL Sura-grip hondl* with convshisnt fing*r-tip twitch. Con b* used sithsr right or left hondsri. Llaht-waight, II* tlngls *dg* blod* Mo- furs* d**p "cutting-pock*ti.‘’ 16* doubl* edge Usd*. Sum-grip handle with conv*ni*nf ftng.r tip •lids twitch: Front wrap-around thermal hardened hondl* allow* unit to ba ut*d at any angle in any position. SALE PRIDE 19” ROTARY MOWER ■■a#* 22” ROTARY MOWER Ale SKJI95 I PRICE 3 H.P., 4 cycle Briggs 6 Stratton engine. Float-lock safety handle. Reinforced heavy steel desk. Saif, lub- ricating ''wheel', bearings. ■ * j-lfit blade. Turbo-1 PERENNIAL o rmer KENTUCKY CREEPING RYE BUIE RED GRASS GGASS FESCUE OQc RQc RQc i wH' wQib. 18 lbs. or tears 8lbs. ormiro i 5 lbs. Or more ' •; A. Sfll , 1 . THE PONTIAC iPRESSj FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1969 CHICAGO rn — Hard-hittingi team slugging with .490. In 31 Minnesota and pitching-strong | games, the Gophers have belted Michigan State risk their 45 homers, including four in perfect Big Ten basebal 1 ' records against second division contenders in four-game road tests this weekend. Minnesota, aftef PANTHER of PONTIAC [PER TRAILER SALES & RENtAt^ (INDOOR Sfc^OWROOM) f \\ * ' )W taking reservations jSdhneitz, Bob'Nielsen and Mike: , Walseth, all batting over .400. | Michigan State, 17-6V overall,\ Michigan State, 17-6 uniquely lehds in conference! pitching with a 1.93 ERA, even! . though a complete, game was1 | not recorded by the top Spartan i LARK Double Dinette, 8 Sleeper Camper Trailer blasted a low line drive past the a * Ohio State, ^ 0 ^ first six starts. Blues’ goalie, Jacques Plante,doubleheaders. Saturday’s ___________' | midway through the first peri-^ound 'also includes: Iowa od. Duff set him up on that one. Northwestern add Michigan at! Yank on Disabled List | Then after Jacques Lemaire Indiana for twin Mils, made it 2-0 early in the second Minnesota’s' fast-starting NEW YORK (AP) — Joe Ver-period, Duff added a ^oal in Gophers,,now owning an overall banic, a right-handed relief: each of the final two periods. 24-7 record including a 20-game! pitcher, has been placed on the | Montreal’s big Jean Beliveau winning skein, lead the Big Ten disabled list, the New York summed it up for the Cana- in batting with .294 average and Yankees said Thursday. diens: —______-----------t-—;—r- “We didn’t give them much chance tonight. We were skating , on top of them and didn’t let1 them get organized.’’ ST. LOUIS (AP) - ThO Montreal Canadiens didn't waste any time Thursday night in moving closer to their 14th Stanley Cup by whipping the St. Louis. Blues 3274 TELEGRAPH RD PHONE 335-5149 Across From MIRACLE MILE The victory gave Montreal a 3-0 lead in the National Hockey League’s best-of-7 series. Dick Duff is one of the most impatient of the Canadiens. He doesn’t see patience as a virtue on the ice. Loraled At PRO-SHOP IN THE 300 BOWL 1Mi.0ntUt.M. Fkma UMM Hour*: WooUoyo 4 to S P.M. Solurdoy 11 A.M. to 4 P.M. what bothered St. Louis Coach ma Scotty Bowman most. The goal would have helped, Bowman La agreed, but not enough consid-jering the way the Blues played. “I think they (the Canadiens) si«v are having too easy a time. Our L,e' passing is real bad. We passed , better than teat all year,” Bow-than complained. v “Anytime we carried puck we Hoj were a lot better. Everything at: was a split second off, the pass- leg: ing, the shooting. I don’t know to why.” • - not - PEANUT CELLAR - Sing-A-Long Beer • .Wine • Liquor * WHAM! BANG! TRY OUR SPECIAL COCKTAIL "THE PEANUT BENDER" 4 » Mile* Weil of Pontiac 1% mum n. of union Lake jimih For BETTER BOATING BUYS Try The MIDAS TOUCH! SaMiow. Big Setectioit of Specially Priced "ISOODGE CAMPERS. ANNE HEYWOOD And FRED ASTAIRE have it in their new film “MIDAS RUN” MIDAS MUFFLER has it Garcia spin-casting fishing outfit. Regular price: $294)5. Our price: $17.95. Adventurerouting set. Regular price: $14.95/Our price: $9.95. Turner traiiblazer camp lantern! Regular price: $13.95. Our/price: $9.95. Revere ware outdoor cook kit. Regular price: $39.95. Our price $23.95. Connor! in right IsfSJjSi away and get in on the QQQ|g| big Dodge Boys' sav- ings while they lasti DUTS Come on in to the Dodge Boys’. See how many different and exciting ways we have for you to live on the move. Dodge pickups for slide-on campers. Camper conversions. Chassis mounts. Motor homes. And all of them are specially priced now to give you an exciting opportunity to take your family to enjoy the great outdoors. (Sava on outdoor gear, and equipment, too. Take advantage ofour,spe-cial prices on this camping gear and equipment all outdoorsmen need and want, and save f rom $4 to $16 doing it. Expert Auto Service || .//I Midas Mufflers are installed free I S Guaranteed as long as you own your car. Replaced, if necessary, for a service | charge only at any Midas Muffler Shop, coast-to-coast. U.S. and Canada. muffler SHOPS % OMldnMnaieee CHRYSLER MOTORS OORPOMlUm y MIDAS BjllOGiT FLAN • Eo»y Credit 9 No Money Down • Up 6 Months ' Hi Foy ' ■■■■ 3 Blacks South af Wide Track Drive IMOME HERE L-‘ Monday thru Thursday 10* A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Friday013AJB.t»7t.M.- SaturdaysA.M.ts4^|t.\ RRRBR| MFttm/PIPtS/SHOCKS/ BRAKES ] WES 855 Oakland-—Phone mwAS iflOBil Rif r • itrr ■ ^2 111 1 ! */( i s ip 'l‘V on the Manistee and An Sable rivers. A considerable amount of time last winter teas spent Ice fishing on Lake St. Clair. “My biggest problem is a monster of a lawn,” she said; “It cuts into my fishing time. ’ f made up the remainder of the' Catching big fish is n’t: and hah taken large pike, bass catch. .anything new for Mrs. Talley, mid rainbows. , Upper and LoWer Trout lakes She spends three to four days a She also fishes northern trout were formed about four years | week fishing the Silver Lake streams. She and her family ago by two impoundments on chain across -from her house had good success last weekend Trout Creek. The smaller, up- \ ; , / [(less bar |& chUjjXl Complete jlfNDU track All the Material for Building Low Price on All Size Garages BIG 20” x 20” $ JQ700 2-CAR GARAGE 461 MATERIALS INCLUDE: All Studi 16" O.C. * Plates - Nalls • Asphalt Shinglss • Garage Sash • No. 1 Douglas Fir Studs * Full 2"x12" Headers • No. 106.Fir Siding or D.V. Siding • 2x6 Rafters O.C. • All Exterior Trim • Gable Studp • Roof Boards • Garage Door Grame. Above Prices Do Not Include Cement 6r Door Free estimates on alt size /garages Courteous Dependable Delivery Service GET OUR PRICE BEFORE YOU BUY! Phone 682-1600 2495 Orchard Lake Road KEEGO HARBOR Phone FE 4-159* 151 Oakland Avenue PONTIAC f ^ TELEGRAPH ROAD ^ $mt North of Square Lake Roc i- THE 'PONTIAC PRESS, ERIDAY> MAY 2,1969 MCCULLOCH PUTS YOU IN THE WORK SAVIMG, TIME SAVING WINNER’S CWfclE WITH 2-GREAT NEW CHAIN SAWS Contains Black' Bass* Big Perch By DON VOGEL Outdoor Editor, Pontiac Press A lake that went wrong could turn out to be one of the area’s hot spots this summer. Lower Trout Lake.. . .this h an improper name considering what happened ... in the Bald Mountain recreation area has gained a reputation the last coUple of years as a good place to catch a mess of perch. ★ ★ ★ ; i take was stocked with brook trout' and' rainbows went' into Lower Trout CENTER BALANCED MASTER GRIP for One-Hand Control! * Cuts like saws twice - its weight! Downs a , 6 in. tie* in seconds! > Power Mat Has. the i jhuscie—you don’t heed any4 See it to.(|ay1 *169" NEW PATENTED SOUND SILENCER MUFFLER-CUTS NOISE 75%!* The lightest weight chain’saw with auto-, malic oiling. Big cute ting power increase almost IVo Mr *69. Your best buy by far • •Comparison made to standard cavity-type muffler The Department of Natural Resources has come up with another discovery this spring. Test-net samplings in a d e recently showed a good number of largemouth blade bass over the 10-inch size limR. Big perch *199“ Complete Mac-11-11” Bar Rtf. |m.M, Now Special *1Q9« HARP'S FISHING BOATS 12-ft., 14-ft., 16-ft. ALUMINUM Special PriceWow SPECIAL SALE Water Skis 20% Off • Stare raft Boats . • Silverline Boats • Mercury Motors Yesllt's o fact y you con SAVE MONEY of ghAm i sea*- BOAT CENTER/ 1265 S. Woodward/ at Adams Road OCCASIONAL LUNKER \ Few of the rainbow^ ever turned up in angler’s creels. Two years ago fishermen started taking good catches of perch. This continued last spring with an occasional lunker rainbow from the original plant being caught. Now there appears do be a fishable population of black bass. Although trout continue to be stocked in Upper Trout wjiere a good recovery by anglers has been experienced, no additional trout have been planted in the lower lake. ★ * ' ' No perch 6r bass were stocked in the lake. They are beljev-ed to be. carryovers from the old picnic pond which was drained before construction started on the two ldkes. SALES & SERVICE 1960 Lapeer Rd. (M24) Botwoon Loko Orion and Oxford S2I-1521 — PEANUT CELLAR — Sing-A-Long-' Beer * Wine/Liquor "A TRIP BACK IN TIME. TO THE DAYS OF REAL ENTERTAINMENT" lMr Milas M. of Union Lake MJ-0If I * Mile* Watt of Pontiac ^ Mr/James Talley; 660 W. Walton, ’/as fishing f o r bullhead/ Wednesday on Upper Silver Lake when she caught the 21-inch brown pictured’ on this page. “I was having a good time with bullheads and carp,” she said, “and decided to stay a little longer.” The four-pounder hit a wonnin shallow water. Steelhead fishing is beghudog to taper off along Lake Michigan. However; the pNR reports some spawners are still oh the beds, particularly in feeder streams. Best citches last weekend were on the Betsie, north branch of the White, Stoney Creek and Pentwater. RUN DELAYED " Upper Peninsula steelhead fishing along the Lake Superior watershed may be a little late tills year. There is considerable snow in the woods and the runoff has kept streams too cold. DNR fish experts say that the run should peak about May IS. The run into Lake Michigan streams should be at its best about flye days earlier. '//' Saturday $25,000 Addad R. A. CONNELL HDCP Pott Parade 2:10 P.M. OPTIONAL TWIN DOUBLE-—PERFECTA ■■■ Pantile Press Photo by Edward R. Nobis ‘BULLHEADED’ BROWN-Mrs. James (Marian) Talley, 660 W. Walton, was having a good time catching bullheads at Upper. (Middle) Silver Lake Wednesday afternoon when this four-pound brown trout decided to join the action. The trout measured 21 inches. Briles Wins First Game for Cards OAKLAND COUNTY’S FINEST • SEMIPRIVATE COCKTAIL LOUNGE • PRO SHOP • DINING • BANQUETS • GOLF OUTINGS GOLF RESERVATIONS Call 682-6333 OOLF INSTRUCTION BY APPOINTMENT Announcing FRANKSYR0N 54 Hole MEDAL PLAY TOURNAMENT JULY 4-5-6 PITTSBURGH (AP) - Jim Hicks smacked a two-run triple for his first hit of the season and Nelson Briles held Pittsburgh to six hits, leading the St. Louis Cardinals to a 9-3 victory over I the Pirates Thursday night. j Hicks’ triple to the left center i Glossy F fold Set to Clash at Quanti QUANTICO, Va. UP) — More, than 1,700 athletes began their! bids for the record book today in the 13th annual Quanticoj Relays, for which the entry list; included three U.S. Olympic, gold medal winners anH thei defending individual champion/ in 14 events. Given the slimmest chance to’ repeat was Chaslie Mays, tiiej Grand Street Boys veteran who field wall in the fourth came aft-jvier and Shannon opened the;has won the . long jump sir of er loser Bob Veale walked Joe gates. Ithe last seven years and holds! Torre and Mike Shannon, giving; in the eighth inning Thursdayjy,e relays record of 25 feet, 11% St. Louis a 2-0 lead. ; night, sending the San DiegO jnches> * * * 1 Padres to a 4-3 victory over the; Among those scheduled to Shannon 3b 5 0 2 1L MCarver c 4 2 2 0 Micks rf i Pinson rf AAaxvill ss Briles p PITTSBURGH ab rh bi MAlou €f Hebner 3b Stargel) If Sangullln i AO liver rf AAazroski 2b 0 0 0 0 AAartlnez 2b 3 0 0 0 BRobrtsn 1b 4 0 0 0 Patek ss 3 0 0 0 Veale Pacer Favored 4 0 10 4 12 0 4 0 0 0 4 M 0 4 0 11 veale p Hrtenste en p Kolb ph DalCantn p CTaylor ph Shellenbk p 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 10 0 0 0 0 0 10 10 0 0 0 0 Total 36 9 11 9 Total 33 3 6 1 St. Louis .. .. 000210 033—9 Pittsburgh ..... 000 002 00 1— 3 E—Patek, Martinez, Javier, McCarver, Shellenback. DP—St. Louis 1. LOB—St. Louis 5, Pittsburgh 4. 2B—Hebner 2, Pinson, Javier. 3B—Hicks. S— Briles, Flood. SF—Flood, Pinson. H R ER BB SO Briles (W,1-2) Veale (L,2-3) 5 S3 Hertenstein ... 1 0 0 DelCenton 2 3 3 Shellenback 1 3 3 WP—Briles. T—2:08. A— 7,043. 1 1 6 THfe Cardinals added another Atlanta Braves, run in the fifth on an error, a single by Julian Javier and a sacrifice fly by Curt Flood. The Pirates made it 3-2 in their half of the sixth'with two unearned runs. Errors by Ja- PADRES BEAT BRAVES oppose him today was Bob; Beamon of New York, Olympic] champion and world recordholder. ATLANTA (AP) - Tony (Son zalez slammed a two-run hemer SAM DIEGO ab r h bl Dean ss RPena 2b Arcia 2b Gonzalez If OBrown rf Colbert lb Stahl cf ATLANTA ab r h bl 1 0 FAlou cf 3 110 4 0 2 0 Mlllan 2b 4 0 0 0 0 10 0 HAaron rf 2 10 0 4 112 Cepeda lb 4 1 V 2 4 12 0 Aspromfe If 4 0 0 0 4 0 10 CBoyer 3b 4 0 10 4i ii outer e 3010 Spiezlo 3b 4 0 2 1 Lum ph 10 10 Krug c 2 0 00 RJackson ss 4 0 2 0 Ferrara ph 1 0 0 0 Read p 2 0 10 Cannlzzro c 1010 Upshaw.p 0 0 00 Kallay p 10 10 Francona ph 1 0 0 0 Murrell ph 1 0 0 0 Sisk p 0 0 0 0 . ADavis ph 10 0 0 Baldschn p 1 0 0 0 WESTBURY, N.Y. (AP) Laveme Hanover, the S-year-old pacing champion of 1968, topped a field of 13 entered Thursday for the $263,476 Messeni Stakes at Roosevelt Raceway May 10. Seattle Boxer Retires SEATTLE (AP) - Bill Schell-has, Seattle heavyweight, announced his retirement from boxing Thursday. GLASSPAR 16’ CUTLAS 1/0 ^&bU|)Q/L <4* TDoO &Odtl • PONTOONS • SWIM RAFTS • ALUM. FISHINQ BOATS • SKIN DIVINQ EQUIPMENT f GRUMMAN CANOES • FIBERQLAS CANOES • SUORPION SAILBOATS • JOHNSON ft CHRYSLER MOTORS CLOSEOUT on 3 Remaining Trade Winds Campers Optn 1 Days a Week-Mon., Wed., Frl. Until 9 P.M. Sun. 164 YOUNGS MARINA 4030 DIXIE HWY. ON LOON LAKE OR 4-0411 BUY] SELL! TRAtfEI USE PONTIAC PRESS WANT AD$I Total 3(4124 Total 32 3 8 2 San Dtago...... 080 288 82 0—4 001 0 00 8S8—1 E—Krug. DP—Atlanta 2. LOB—San : Diego 5, Atlanta 8. 2B—C.Boyer, MALMOE, Sweden (AP) — Sweden defeated Mexico, 1-0, in a soccer exhibition Thursday night. Mlllan, Read. Kallay ......... Slak Baldschn (W.3-0) [Reed [Upshaw (L,M) WP—Kelley. T—2:27. A- 5,854. THRIFT CENTER BUILDER’S SUPPLIES i iccn t L# ARS . ■ ”■ •1 v v ... just a few of the VW used pars you’U findort bur lot. Whertltbctirnesto ■ honest value for your money, we think big in the same way that we think small. So you can come In for a big used Cadillac i? m& or a small used Volkswagen 1. . and depbnd on getting your money's worth. 338-4531 m •*? -NS grin'-. S1 • f r■ * '■ / -7- •••'•*»«•• ■- THE PQNtl^C FRES3. FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1969* Milford, PCH Triumph iter, Madison Oakland A PERRY’S LAWN ft GARDEN CENIElif! SALES»SERVICE»PARTS L^-.' • Power Mowers jfffii 17'Y^MnriW • Barden Tractors • Riding Mowers CPFr^Plr^F Free Dump Cart With'Every /flVVjKt Tractor Purchased Rochester and Madison Have Jumped in front of the Oakland A baseball , race after Lake Ortafi ’ and Clawson were suftwiaed for the s e c o n d straight ftmeThursday. ■ • * x ,, . Rochester reacjhect 3*1 in the league with an 114 romp over Avondale as Stan Babiuk limited . the Yellow Jackets to two hits. Madison broke loose for Six runs in thi last inning to down Rqmeo (2-3) and tie the Falcons for first, 6*2. Troy (2-2) scored in the first Clawson, 1-0; while Utica’s Carlo Arnlni stopped Lake Orion on three safeties, 5-0. ★ ★ 1 ★ Birmingham Seaholm handed Birmingham Groves its first defeat, li-8, scoring seven times innings en route to the Chiefs’ 1 first , double victory in the1 Saginaw Valley Conference this : 2 Rick HurSt ana Phil Crawford drove in the ,runs in the opener, and Phil Shaw and Rick Wilson each had two RBI’s in the nightcap. GOOD DUELS > , \ Dennis Wooster of Kettering outdueled Clarkston’s Tom Grace; and Larry Applegy of BHA bested West Bloomfield’s ' Mickey ElwoOd and also drove i in the winning run with a single in the eighth. - Freshman Walt Sakowski of OLSM limited Waterford OLL to [three hits and Tad Cyman ; backed him with three hits and a pair of RBI’s. Sakowski’s I mound debut was highlighted by 119 strikeouts. , Greg Main of Sorrows (4-1) . whiffed 12 de Sales (3-1) batters driven between Sept. 7 and 13 won its seventh in a row, 12-0, over Harper Woods in a Central Suburban contest that saw Dub Brady toss a one-hitter for his third shutout triumph. 1 Around the Wayne - Oakland loop, Kettering took over second place with a 3-2 victory \over Clarkston; Northville moved The county’s two topranked baseball powers, MUford .And Pontiac .^Central,; gained victories Thursday and No. 4-ranked Lamphere also -remained unbeaten. Milford trirpmed Brighton, 6-2, to stay perfect in six Wayne-Oakland League starts and 9-0 over-ail. PCH downed Sagijiaw twice, 2-0 and 6-3, to boost its mark to 8-3. Madison Heights Lamphere vmeusoN Rocket-Powered CaV Is Planned Poatise 7616 Highland Bd. (M-59) : Waterford Mott dumped' Utica , Stevenson, 4-1, to climb'above . .500 at 4-3. The Titans are 7-3. Bill Zipm and Terry ( Ruffatto plated first-inning 'runs ' for Mott with singles to give Doug Gaines all the runs he ijeeded. „ * ‘ 1 SURPRISES N ov 1 surprised Bloomfield EST. 1940 Hills Lahser, 5-4, in eight innings. Paul Faulkher’s double in toe seventh tied the score for the Wildcats (4-1) and an error let in the winning run in the eighth. # # 4r Lyon romped over Mstchlck . Brown Wood* ... McAullff* K*lln. Norton Freehan .. Stanley ... Cash ...... Northrop .. Tracewsici Campbell . price x—Totals South Milan in a big-hitting game, 14-8. The lions’ Robert HaU fifth straight league win saw Tom Cadi clout two singles, and a home run, and Dave Brandon drill a grand slam liompr. North Farmington continued winless by suffering a 6-1 Northwest Suburban loop loss to once-beaten Detroit Thurston. KSkenney .... 0 o 3.2 o.oo Lasher ....... 0 0 6.2 0.00 fwuiln 5.... 4 ■ 3 60.1 2.40 WHOM) ........-M 3 34.2 3.0? Dobson ....... 0 2 10.2 37? Lollch ....... 2 1 26.1 3J1 McMahon . 0 0 4.2 3J6 Sparma ....... 2 1 20.1 4.50 fdWNIMn ..... 0 0 2 4.50 Radatz ...... 1 0 5.1 6.75 Hlllar ...... 1 0 3.1 8.10 Total* ..... 11 10 110 3.21 . x—Includes pitchers bitting. in stretching his sc or eles si across Utah’s Bonneville Salti streak to 18 innings and out-jFlats, with Breedlove’s record pitching Gene LaFave. Ross the target. TOP THIS for 1969 GMC 1/2-TON PICKUP SAN FRANCISCO (AP)-Don MONTREAL (AP)-Jose La-Sutton stopped the San Francis- boy’s sacrifice fly scored pinch co Giants without a hit until Jim runner Ron Brand in the last of Davenport doubled with one out the ninth Inning Thursday to in the eighth inning Thursday give the Montreal Expos a 3-2 and the Los Angeles Dodgersivictory over the New York ended the Giants’ nine-game I Mets. winning streak with a 5-0 vi«o-' MBW Y0*8brhw M0MTREAJ-b r hbl fy- • • ••• ’ * W f ' SsCWr " ■ LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO ixt-r-r J-dbrhbl obr hblifijwot J WDavl* cf 5 13 1 FJohnson d 40 0 SI*™?*”1 Russell jrf 5 0 0 0 Mason 2b 3.0 0 0 ?)™““» J Farkor *b 411 0 Marshall If 4 0 0 0 Kosco If 4 0 10 McCovey 1b 2 0 0 0 c„ . iudakls/ 3b 4 2 2 1 Hiatt c 3 0 0 0 Cardw*u 1 Sizemore 2b 3 110 Burda rf 3 0 0 0 Mailer c 3 0 2 2 Davenprt 3b 3 0 1 0 Grbkwltz is 4 0 0 1 Lanlor SS 3 0 0 0 Sutton p 4 0 2 0 Sadockl p 1 0 0 o tm«i Etheridge ph 1 0 o 5 JST'M 4 • MrXfnSl nan o n Montmal MCormck p 0 0 0 0 E—Collli 4 Total 36 5 12 5 - Total 28 0 1 0 J'00’1jjjL La* Anstlw.......SSS *’2 ••»-* CJonSTt sin Prancl*** ...000 80S 000—0 ■ E—Sizemore. DP—Loa Angela* 1, San Cardwell Francisco 2. LOB—Los Angeles A Son stoneman Francisco S. 2B—Davenport. HR— Face (W, W.DavIs (1), Sudakls (2). WP-Stt IP H R ER SB SO hurdles in :15.6 and :21.2 for WBHS but Milford’s Dan Smith won the 100 (:10.7) and the 220 (;23.8) plus anchored the Redskins’ Winning 880 relay Which was timed in 1:34.6. He also won the long jump in 19- WALT MAZUREK’S -R«Ft. Wide Side Box. Leaf Snrin Healer, (’.hrttnie (irille. Oil Kit Tank, Seal Bells, 10-inch fill iitcliHliiij! Spare, Front Bumper Harrelson ike & Sea Marine Your Complete Northville dominated the field events but couldn’t keep pace with Andover in the running duels., The Barons won seven races and swept the mile. Stevenson and WaUed Lake divided the firsts. Dave Danver of LS won the shot {Nit with a 54-5 effort and Tom Sacharski took the low hurdles in :21.5. But Larry Siersma of WLC ONLY *2191 EVINRUDEL DEALER SO WHY BUY A ’68? Complete Stock of Boats, Motors, Aquanaut*, '. and Slnptor* upset Sacharski in :15.9 for me highs. Bob Zaebst took the 100 in : 10.4 for the Vikings and lost the 220 to Dan Loewe (:22.8). 528IV. Main $tM Rochester, Mich, 651-9761 Thursday's Fights By TIm A**ociat*d Press TAUNTON, Ma**.—Dick Hall. 17S, ton, knocked out Jimmie Hardlman, New York, 1 Pontiac WATERFORD FUEL DAYS f 3 OPEN 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. MA' 2 BIG MVS OF MRMINS-B00R FRIZES AND FUN DUNLOP FULL FOUR PLY FIRST LINE TIRES GOLD NEAL WHITEWALLS FREE HIGH SPEED DALANCE. WITH EVERY TIRE! 5,000 sq. ft. Agrico grass food 25 lb. Agrico for gardens ■ 5 lb. Irving Parke lawn seed 1 Gates contour lawn sprinkler RETAIL VALUE $32 CUAM-UP AND GREEN-UP PACKAGE Consists of 10,000 sq. ft. Ortho Gro lawn food, Ortho Whirly Bird, 1 Ortho 15 gallon lawn sprayer, 1 quart Ortho Weed B-Gon, $ lb. Irving Parker grass seed, 1 gallon Sherwin-Williams outside house paint, 1 Gates contour lawn sprinkler. v . Moat advertising it bated on tho Idoa of pifco loading -that is, tho advertising of low quality, nondoecript tires at a low . price, to get you into the store. DYNAMIC TIRE SALES, INC. is opposed to this kind of advertising • We are advertising the tire we think you ought to uto — tho DUNLOP GOLD SEAL PUNCTURE-SEALING FULL 4-PLY. SAFE AT 100 MPH. A DUNLOP TOTAL PERFORM-ANCETIRE. SPORTIME* LIGHTWEIGHT SPORTCOATS Big selection... bigger vglue! Dacron* polyester and cottons, rayonUei>ds...2 and 3 button sportcoats in plaids and check*. Single and double breasted blazers in solid tones. Tailored with two inside breast pockets. In regulars, longs. SHERWIN- WILLIAMS swp HOUSE PAINT ORTHO LAWN SPRAYER Tubeless 6.95-14/T.35-14 PLUS 1.9G-2.07 F.E.T. PER TIRE HALL-PREST SLACKS OF WORSTED-LOOK DACRON* AND RAYON ALSO A TREASURE CHEST OF OVBR SO MIZES VALUES UP TO $10 FREE KEY GIVEN WITH EACH $1 PURCHASE TUBELESS 7.75-14/15 PLUS 2.20 F.E.T. per tire Tri-Lobal Dacron polyester gives this blend a richness of texture and color shading that resembles fine wool worsted ... yet it’s durable, wrinkle-' * proof, and machine-washable for perfect permanent press! Comp. Value $9 Belt loop model, sizes 2^-42. TUBELESS 8.25-14/15 8.55-14/1S Plus 2.36-2.57 F.E.T. per tire ALTERED TO EXACT INSEAM LENGTH AT NO CHARGE WE WILL NOT BE URBERS0LD IihmmBmiiwb - CLARKSTON AND UTICA STORES OPEN SUNDAY NOON TO 6 P.M. . H »■ * ' . * ** rf'"*'*:*/ * if, PONTIAC ^ CLARKSTON 200 North Saginaw 6460 Dixie Highway Free Parking Just N. of Waterford Hill UTICA: 51035 Van Dyke Just North of 23 ‘ Mile Road \ pmHK > v • For Abavg Average Six* and Exceptional Value, Visit Our Big Men's Shop at 16051 Grand River or.8800, Van Dyke “Dedicated to Halt Spiraling Cotta** JOE STAHHEL’S DYNAMIC TIRE SALES 3824 N. WOODWARD AYE. ROYAL OAK . Phone 548-7350 . ‘ See JOE Bring This Registration for Drawing and Receive Free Treasure Chest Key TIRE GALES NORTH 223 MAIN STREET &0CHE3W^ pheni 651-2280 See Jim or Ev | | Name . ’. | Address |. Phone .. 3943 Airport Rd., Vfe-Mile N. of Williams Lake Rd. No Need to Be Present te Win WANT TO SELL LAWNMOWERS, POWER MOWERS, ROLLER SKATES, WAGONS, BICYCLES? USE A LOW COST PONTIAC PRESS CLASSIFIED* ADA TO PLACE YOURS, CALL 332-8181. :Wi j KfVl1'-1 ■ p ;• r V .'M ■ ' * W: Y' Tv ■' "pm '■.;r ■'■]'*;■ V'.|4 C—6 THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, MAY 2,1900 'Vi.-V •M-, —$5000 Allowance; $ Furlongs: Board Marker Paddy O'Rock Ksarullah Stanislas Jack's Aloha Transvaal Surfs City 7th—MOM Handicap; 4W Furlongs: Alhambra Son Scientologist Wilder Road Fancy Affair Tlmllm Dandy, Cussalol Glenrick Onlbur , Oflt—$7500 Handicap; 6VS Furlongs: Rick's Destiny Movie Man Gravy Bull Help’s Here Canglrod No Petting Ocean's Ahead Parr Fop Phil 9th—525400 Handicap; ' 1/1$ Milat: Royal Cap Yorkvilla Simpleton Sculptor Boy Bachelor of Arts Our Quill Terrasaga 10th—$5000 Claiming; 1 1/14 Milat: Guise ppe Tutorship Scram ’n’ Run Pick and Shovel Fodl’s Error ' Horn A. j-RuIb Breaker Hip Check _ _ Mr. Somebody Tacfe Nicfrlaus PUTTING STANCE MUST BE FLEXIBLE THE BEST PUTTING STANCE IS THE ONE MOST COMFORTABLE AND. BECAUSE GREEN SLOPES VARY, VOU .MUST DEVELOP NOT ONE BUT, IN REALITY, SEVERAL STANCES. OFTEN YOU MUST PLACE ONE FOOT! HIGHER THAN THE OTHER OR ALTER YOUR DISTRIBUTION OF WEIGHT TO BE AT EASE OVER THE BALL. PRACTICE SHOULDN'T BE CONFINED TO LEVEL LIES. LEARN TO ADJUST YOUR STANCE TO £ ANY CONDITION BY PUTTING FROM A VARIETY OF UPHILL.. DOWNHILL AND SIDEHILL ANGLES: AJOR LEAGUE 442 $ American League ■ast Divulge " . Won Last Act. Baltimore........ It I 447 Waahlngtun ...... 13 II Button .......... 11 19 OUtrelt .......... 11 10. Navy York .... .. 11 if Cleveland ........ 3 15 - Witt Division Minnesota ,.... . 14 , 7 Oakland ,. .’. 11. ' » Kansas City 10 10 Chicago ...........| 9 Californio.......... / io Seattle . . II „ Thursday's Results . Cleveland 4, New York 2 Mlnnesol Seattle 1 .. — , i Kansas City 5, Chicago 4i; 12 Innings Detroit 2. Baltimore 0 Washington 7, Boston 4 California 3, Oakland 2,16 Innings Tsday’s Games .647 .550 400 .471 .340 Seattle (Barbar 1-1) »t Oakland (Fingers 2-0), njght Kansas City . ( Jones 1-1 and Drago 0-0) at CallfornM (.Murphy 1-0 and Messersmith 0-1), 2, twl-nlght Cleveland (Tlant 0-4) at Washington (Bertalna. 1-4), night ■ . Baltimore. (CueTior 2-2) at New York (Patereott 3-4), nlgm .... , , . Detroit (Lolich 2-1 or Wilson 1-3) at Boston (Slebert 0-4). night Only gomes scheduled Chicago ot Minnesota.. Cleveland ot Washington Baltimore at New York Detroit at. Boston Kansas City at California ,night Kansas City at California Chicago at Minnesota Cleveland at Washington Detroit at : Boston Seattle at Oakland, 2 . Baltimore at New York, 2 Jit* Rost Divlalrt \ j G,■ i wan Leif Pet. Chicago .......... 16 Pittsburgh ....... 13 12 II Montreal 11 .455 ■m .421 .380 ... » A)3 West Division Son Francisco ... 15 - 7 Los Angeles 15 7 Atlanta .......... 14 I Cincinnati ..... .. 9 12 Sin Diego ...... 10 ' 14 Houston .4 5 20 __ \ Thursday’s Results Los Angelas 5, San Francisco 0 Montreal 3, Now York a -St. Louie f, Pittsburgh 3 Houston 4, Cincinnati o San Diego 4, Atlanta 3 417 J9V% Gamas New York (Gantry 2-0) ot Chlcogo (Holtzman 2-1) Son Francisco (Parry 4-2) at: Houston 1-2) of St. Louis (Washburn 2-2). night Pittsburgh (Ellis 1-2) Ot Montreal (Morton 03), mght .... Los Angeles (Foster 0-1) at Atlanta (Jarvis 1-2), night . , San, Diego (Kirby 1-3) at Cincinnati (Culver 1-2 or Arrlgo 0-0), night Saturday's Gamas ......... Pittsburgh at Montreal Philadelphia at _ Los Angeles at Atlanta San Diego at Cincinnati San Francisco'at Houston, night , Sunday’s Games Pittsburgh at Montreal Philadelphia at St. Louis Los Angelas at Atlanta San Francisco at Houston N.EW York at Chicago, 2 San Diego at Cincinnati, 2 I8C All Bights It osareod Diet Publishcro-Hall Syndicate 3 Local Golf Teams Triumph Lead in, New Orleans Pontiac Catholic stretched its golf winning streak to seven in a row Thursday and remained Pinch Hit Double Helps 'Mug' Nine Clarkston Net Winner Again C'larkston’s unbeaten string now is nine following a 4-1 tennis triumph Thursday oyer Clarenceville, the Wolves’ seventh Wayne-Oakland League victim.. , 1 . m .ft ★ . ★ Roydl Oak Dondero dropped its second in a row after three wins When Monroe posted a 6*1 victory in Border Cities League Play. ■ CLARKSTON 4, CLARENCEVILLE 1 Singles Kirk Beattie (Ck) del. K. Olsen, 4-2, 6 6-3. D4ublas . j ... Mark Weterbury-DIck Ruelle (Ck) del. M. Everhart-J. Haddad, 4-0, 4-11, and M8rkM(altars-Scott Robblnt (Ck) rnf. R, Cook-G. Loads, 64 4-0.' RENT, SELL, TRADE - * - USE PONTIAC PRESS WANT ADS! Sponsor Al Earner pinchhit a double in the top of the seventh, Golfing Buy of the Week! ALL GOLF BABB 20% OiF Price Taes Ovtr 600 for your nleetion Mother's Bay Wits SHORTS and CULOTTES 30% off GOLF BALLS “.C '"*5" GOLF CARTS bearing) G0LFLAND Telegraph Rd. FE 5-8095 Teles In eery on i-Murray-Cobb Entry NHL Playoffs National Laagua Finals Thursday's Rssuit Montreal 4, St. Louis 0, Montreal leads1 Zarlpv anrl Fllripr best-of-7 series, 3-0 *aney ana Riiaei. NEW ORLEANS (AP) -Weightlifting may be just dandy for Gary Player but Kermit Zarley isn’t so sure if it’s '*my thing.” Zarley, coming out of a four-month long slump he thinks may have been caused by a strenuous weight-lifting program he went through during the winter, fired a siK-under-par|^j}tp^ver 66 Thursday. He. shared the first-round lead in the $100,000 Greater New Orleans Open Golf Tournament with Lee Elder. It was a shaky lead, however, with a traffic jam right behind tuday's Gamu No gimt scheduled. Saturday's Gama No gamu schuduled. r— PEANUT* CELLAR Sing-a-Long Beer • Wine • Liquor "THE FUN SPOT OF OAKLAND COUNTY" NBA Playoffs NBA Finals Thursday's Rusult Los Angelas 117, Boston 104, Los Angeles loads best-of-7 series, 3-2 No game scheduled. , Saturday's Gams Los Angeles at Boston ABA Finals Thursday's Rosult No game scheduled. Tuday's Game Indiana at Oakland. Oakland btst-of-7 series, 1-0 Saturday's Gams Oakland at Indiana George Crockett is now working at HEAD’S BARBER SHOP 5825 Andersonville Road Waterford 623-1163 In the pack at. 67 were Frank Beard, Bob Cole, Dan Sikes, Fred Marti, Herb Hooper, Charlie Sifford, Howie Johnson and Dave Hill. I’ve been having a pretty rough year so far and this is encouraging to play a good round,” said Zarley, Who won the Kaiser International—his jbnly tour victory—and $65,000 in 1968. So far this year he’s earned a mere $3,000. Kermit Zarley .................. 33-33-44 Lee Elder Frank Beard Bobby Cole Fred Marti .. Dan Sikes Herb Hooper Charles Sifford Howie Johnson Chris Blocker Grier Jones Jack Ewing Jack Hardin . Lionel Hebert johnny Pott Bob Smith Johnny Stevens Pete Brown B. R. McLendon Johnny Jacobs Don Bias — Larry Hinson ■ Hugh Royer ...... Bert Weaver ..... Bill Galletf John Sch lee .... Dick Rhyan ...... Roll Demina —1. Funsetn ......... win .. onlgomery Moody ML •siSih 33- 33-44 34- 33—47 34-33-47 33- 34-47 34- 33-67 35- 32—47 31- 34-47 34- 33-47 32- 34-48 35- 33-48 33- 35-48 34- 34—48 35- 33—48 34- 34-48 35- 33—68 35-33—68 35-33-48 32-34-46 32- 34-48 34- 32—48 33- 34-69 35- 34-49 34- 33-49 34-35-49 33- 34-49 34- 35-49 35- 34-49 34-35-49 Bob Murphy ... Bab Payne Kan Ellsworth Bob Menne Joel Goldstrand Rich Bassett Harold Henning Lae Trevino Millar Barber .. Bob Mitchell ___ Dave Bollman .. Tommy Aaron .. Deane Be man .. Frank Boynton . Billy Caspar Bruce Crompton Bob Dickson John Lively John Lots Billy Maxwell ... Dave Walters Bob Erickson George Boutell . . Dick Crawford Larry Ziegler Steve Opperman Phil Rodgers . Ron Cerrudo .... Bruce Devlin Jack McGowan . Jim Golbert .... R. H. Sikes .... Lae Davis ...... Howell Fraser ... Randy Wolff Malcolm Gregson Tommy Bolt ..... 34-34—70 3535— 70 34-34-70 34- 34—76 35- 35—78 33-37—70 33- 37—70 3434-70 3434-70 3434- 70 36- 34—70 34- 34—70 3437—71 3338-71 33-38—71 3435- 71 3635—71 35- 34—71 3534-71 3537—71 3238—71 37- 34-71 3435-71 3833—71 33-34-71 343Z—71 3534—71 3534—71 35-34—71 3*-37—71 3734—71 3534—71 3435—71 37-34—71 3534—71 3534-71 3536— 71 37-34—71 3635—71 3537— 72 undefeated on the links with ajinnhig Thursday evening to] 168-174 victory over. Detroit produce the tying and winning; Servite at Chaney Park. Irons as Copper Mug overcame Dick Schachern made his;Haggerty Lumber, 10-6, in a varsity, debut by firing a 38 toi Walled Lake industrial lead the Titans. • 'Slowpitch Softball League “A” ^ * * division game. At Twin Lakes, Bloomfield: Haggerty (0-1) took a 6-3 lead Hills Andover outclassed with three runs in the last of winless Madison, 206-280, behind.the sixth, but Copper Mug a-trio of 40s- Rick Olshocki gained its second straight win Howard Tryon and Chris by erupting In the final inning Fleming paced the Barons who are 2-4. At Pontiac Municipal Course, Pontiac Northem d e f c a t-ad Southfield Lathrup 219-230 with Dick Sumpter firing a 41. PNH is 1-4 for the season. Lou Graham Dava Stockton . Jim Wiechers .. Dudley Wysong Dave Marr Eddie Marrlns . Kal Nagle George Johnson Labran Harris Laurie Hammer .. Monty Kaser Bert Greene — Bob McCallister Buo Lunn Jimmy Day Al Balding Chi Chi Rodriguez Charles Coody Bob Verwey Bunky Henry Gardner Dickinson Jim Hart Jerry Edwards Doug Sanders ..... Bob Toskl ........ Tom Welskopf — Al Mangert ....... Bert Yancey ...... Terry Wllcos ..... Martin Roeslnk ... Wilt Homenuik..... Chick Evans ...... J. C. Goosie ..... Jerry McGee .. . ■ Allen Henning ... Bob Charles ...... jerry Barrier .... Jacky Cuplt ...... Jerry Ab Ken Fulton ...... Homero Blancas . Freed Hess ______ Charles Hoots ... Jack Nlcklaus ... Mason Rudolph ., Rocky Thompson 3438—72 3434—72 3537—72 34- 34-72 3537—72 3537—72 35- 37—72 3537—72 33- 39—72 35-37—72 34- 34—72 3735-72 3537-U-72 3537—72 35- 37—72 3434-72 3634—72 34- 34—72 37-35—72 3634- 72 3438—72 3735—72 3537— 72 35- 38—73 3538— 73 3536-73 37-34-73 3538—73 3835-73 3734—73 •3437—73 3635- 73 3835—73 . 3538-73 4033—73 3734-73 3538-73 33-46—73 3637—73 3737—74 3737—74 in da li ourtney . leckman 36 ^ 3438—74 J7.J7—74 3438-74 3438-74 34-38—74 3539—74 Badk again in ’69 FREE MOWER with the purchase of a new INTERNATIONAL4 CUB CADET LaWn and Garden Tractor. See us for details while this offer lasts/ KING BROS. J:IL, sOll -uV wSwiiwi PONTIAC RD. at OPDYKE PONTIAC, MICHIGAN Phone FE 4-1662 and FE 4-0734 a; rv f for seven tallies A 12-run first inning carried Imperial Molded Products to a 38-2-victory- over Kar Kcaft- in -the opener for both teams. Jdey Tobias’ three-run round-tripper featured the outburst. Thank You for Your Patience W« havs hod to shut our doors temporarily while re-surfacing our lanes; in order that we might offer even better facilities. ' WE'LL BE OPEN TOMORROW SATURDAY, MAY 3 HURON BOWL 2525 Elixabeth Luka Rd. 681-2525 B. F. GOODRICH 2 GAYS OMV 4-PLY NYLON SALE Long Miler GOOD sir Custom Long Miler BETTER $20*V NT 170 BEST $2830 775x14 Black - Plus 2.20 FtEaTa 775x14 Blaok - Plus 2.20 F$E.T. 775x14 Black - Plus 2.20 F.E.T. WHITEWALLS ADD *2.50 EACH All Other Sizes Sale Priced ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT GHANGE0VERS SUPPLY LIMITED Size c 816-15 BUok 170# PIUS 2.20 F.E.T. SHOCK SPECIAL 2 MTS MILT 4 INSTILLED 4 Han DOTY SHOCKS MSTULE0 $3080 $4080 BONUS: SET FREE BAG OF LAWN FOOD OR WEED 0 FEED WHO 4 SHOOKS ... COVERS 6,000 Sq. Ft. MINI-BIKES $13995 SATURDAY, MAT^rd and IMMDAY, MAY 5Ul ffke Straight-Talk ^ ' / Tire People ... ' ‘ ' / MM » V %_HOURS: Moil ttni FA, 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. 60 South Telegraph PONTIAC FE24121 - - - i- - - / . . Opposite Tul-Iluron Saturday Morning Open at 8 AK t'-i ' it dvMkiViNiiMMB!*'* irdodgyv.. REUB i'l ■v '< ^7; ■:-Qy;; ,;^y ^ ^ ,^f^: f. ^/v"; ’ tr y?r ill raK.v v ^ iv'4«tf ^ ftvWffim I'^ 'f'.v.v ,*:...V :V;V.'r .;:4^;>;}»|? i|: ’©‘■‘t^ H-« # ■. h'y’' '‘\y fr ,1 jPFjj \.*/ .• :v-? ,;•• "f"; •■ Ipll i ■ ■■;.H!ff;'j; f f ’. the'Pontiac ^ress, Friday, hay 2, mo -; ''• -■*;1 . ,vl - .. / \„v ;t ;.. „..: .;,; '• XX. ',g C-~7 ap wircphoto 30-DAY FORECAST — Above-normal precipitation and temperatures are forecast for the Pontiac area during the next 30 days, according to these charts released by the United States Weather Bureau. ■ ..* 2 MSU Aides Defended LANSING (AP) - A Lansing attoraey said Thursday he 4$ considering taking legal action and appealing to the State Civil Rights Commission on behalf of two Wilson Dormitory supervisors transferred and demoted as part of a settlement of a Negro sit-in. at Michigan State University. Duane Hildebrandt said charges of discrimi nation against his clients, Joseph Tran- witnesses and no cross-examination of witnesses. (Advertlumcnt) Wrinkles Removed in 3 Minutes KKflmic cosrnvnc wmcn Will ranovi your wrlnklut ttmporarily In lust 3 min-utes and lam up to 8 hours. Apply REVEAL at directed to your forehead. around your eyat, and neck and watch the years disappear at the lines, crows mlnutae. UB money back guarantee It not satisfied for any reason. Just return the package Et. REVEAL TO- tham and Elaine Michler, were “absolutely groundless.” He said the hearing used to air the dispute violated legal rules of the state and the civil rights of the two supervisors. ★ * /' I Hildebrandt said he felt the two supervisors became “pawns” in a policy dispute be-tween Negro students and the university. He further said that during a ' hearing there was no formal legal procedure, ho formal charges were filed against the pair, there was no swearing of to your druggist. DAY AND LfiBK Yl sold only ... SSBPS STORE—tt NORTH SAOINAW — MAIL ORDERS PILLRD. Watch for Our GRAND OPENING Coming Soon BIST MOBILE HOMES 40*0 DIXIE MIOHWAY <73-11*1 PEANUT CELLAR — ■' Sing-A-Long . Beer • Win*.? Liquor "STRAW HATS & CARTERS'1 I Extra Charge" » Milts Wsst of nntiac m Milts N. ol Union Lakt XMin Grade 'A' HOMOGENIZED 2/89 Vt gal. glass SKIM MILK EVERYDAY LOW PRICE etn. or glass 39 C tt-fai. HALF & HALF Makes good coffin hotter, splash It ge>, ovor coital or froth fruit. 39 qt. ctn. STRAWBERRY ICE CREAM Vlt gal. etn. RHHUROSOH FARM DAIRY “ 5/99' 28-Oz.Loaf ORANGE - PINEAPPLE ICECREAM 'A gal ft.,. 7Qe Pin. 99c 19 DIXIE CUPS Hub 1 DOZEN IN ABAC RICHARDSON FARM DAIRY STORES y 5838 M-15 Clarkslon 535 Commerce Rd. 1350 Highland' M-59 Plaza 3414 Huron at Eliz. Lake Rd. 4342 Dixie Hwy. Drayton Plains 2466 Orchard Lake Rd. Sylvan Lake 4100 Baldwin five., Pontia 1)09 Joslyn Ave., Pontiac 954 Pontiac Trail Walled Lake 600 South Lapeer Rd. lake Orion FROM THE BALDWIN-WALTON MERCHANTS !8SiHB3FFfflFS® Comploto Lino of Boouty FE 2-9316 liaiBRLdwiiL OPERATORS: ... Juanita Scott, Wanda Hill, UndaDnVault, Francos Mallntt, Loowy, Johnson Radio A TV Sorvioo Part* and Service—All Make* FE 8-4669 45 East Walton WASH & W; IN TWO MINUTES Stay bahind the whanll Robo malcas -four automatic trips cmund_your car to wash j and wax — driva out in | 2 minutnsl ROBO BALDWIN Parts Md Sdivico For Briggs/Tstumseh, Reo, Lawn Boy and Clinton. MOTORS AUTHORIZED SERVICE CENTER mod, Power, Rida “Come lit and let us know your needs'* MeNABB SAW SERVICE |l345 Baldwin FE 2-63821 SMCIALS PREFINISHEO PANELING *38 MAHQQANY DOORS* Wxi/ixm $665 8 FT. PREFINISHED tea. I.S. OORHER MOULDING ••• 80° COLORED NAILS . hex 80* PLASTIC LAMINATES FOR COUNTERS sq.ft. 60 Kinds of Pansling in Slock. Calling Tilt It x 12 - 10c and up 1969 Murks Our 20th Year of EXPERIENCE Cometh Today and Take Advantage of It QNTIAC PLYWOOD CO. 1488 Baldwin FE 2-2843 BLUE BILL WEARING APPAREL FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY IYARD| GOODS BUSTER BROWN CLOTHING FOR CHILDREN Choose now for Iona wnorand battnr valunsl We Carry a Complete Line ef “ SIMPLICITY and PATTERNS Art E234 - Waahabla Colors OOATS and GUMPS § RED HEART KHITTIIIC WORSTED 100% Vlmln Wool — WiVM | R Mothproof - Tangle | gf Proof Ifi proof — Tonal* of — Ready te writ — Pull Out Skain UHAN’S VARIETY STORE 1418 Baldwin Avo. ot Walton-FE 4-3348 OponDoily 9 AM. to 9. PM.,' Sunday TO AM. to 6 PM. Tire Discounts W»l OVAL SPSCIAL BRAND NEW RED WfIttrEWALLS S \ \ N N \ \ \ \ \ FULL 4-PLY Wide Track—Bias Type Complete TIRE \ SERVICE !# NOT SECONDS E11x14 $1050 MV Fad.Tax$2.J§ NO TRADE-IN NEEDED FREE MOUNTING F-70-14 0-70-15 0 - 70 -14 H -70 - 15 LARGER SIZES SLIGHTLY HIGHER LIFETIME GUARANTEE—INSTANT CREDIT FULL 4-FLY YUOIlESt WNITIWALLt 6.50x13—313.CS A $1.01 T.NxlS-311.01 A $1.04 T.TSx14-$10.H A $2.20 7.75x15-$15.85 1 $2.21 8.25x14-310.05 A $2.36 8.15x16-316.56 i $2.18 8.65x14-318.05 A $2.57 8.45x15-$18.55 A $2.57 Hours: Mon.-Frf. 8-8. Sat. 8-6 TIRE SERVICE CO. 190 W. Walton Blvd. Pontiac Ph. 332-5888 OPEN SUNDAY 2 to 5 8096 FLAGSTAFF, COMMERCE TWP. Lokq Front on Union lake! This completely remodeled home is packed with features: 2 fireplaces one in dining room, on? in full basement, 2 porches, and only 8 miles from JPontiac. * Area’s newest Scott’s products * Tree lawn advice 6,000 Sq. Ft............... $8.46 10.000 Sq. Ft..............$0.08 16.000 Sr. Ft.............. $13.06 mein: House Paint LUCITE HOUSE PAINT 0 Saves on work ... ha* it* own primer for moit bare woods e Save* frequent repainting because It'* even more durable e Dries In one hour f * Tools com* clean with just soap and water e Complete rang* of new color*, plus while. now only *6” gal. SWEEPSTAKES SPECIAL! TWO BONUS OFFERS with purchase of any LUCITE9 paint Du Pont “Swinger” Comb and Brush Set (5) Famous Make Deluxe Sunglasses a *10® 5 value for a *129 value for 25o HUDSON’S PRO HARDWARE 41 Ee Walton FE 4-0242 V-214 Vagabond a sport fisherman- Title Vagabond !• at Kama anywhere—on land as 0 camper or offshore ae a R»h-ing-cruitJng rig! The Vagabond to the Ideal sport fisherman with sleeping mom for four-in two forward bunks finished in marine decorator fabrics and luxurious two-tone deep-cushion vinyl lounge seats—smert decorator colors and dark blue. Walk through the ewing-out tempered glass'windshield—up front for decking or casting or down Into the weather-proof cabin for lounging. The cockpit soots six, with two deep bucket seats astern. The transom conceals let-down steps for easy access ashore or a handy ladder far diving or swimming. Thera's storage aplenty wider the forword bunks and in the smartly cvehiensd side panels—plus a smart lift-out belt wall or beverage cooler astern. Join the fun crowd in a Vagabond! i 4111* m ^ P X ] 11 ~i i THE PONTIAC PRESS, JFRI DAY, MA.Y 2, I960 on Crime to Query Citizens WASHINGTON (AP), — Thejcommittee on crime says the chairman of the new Hoiiselpanel is going to look for solu- tions from the One source he feels has not been tapped—the ordinary citizen. . ‘Everybody else' -except the people involved have been heard by crime commissions,” said Rep. Claude Pepper, D-BTa. “I want us to go to a number of big cities and hear from ordinary citizens on what can be done about crime.” dw 5:51 — 9:00 NO ONI UNDER If TO. BE ADAAITTIP Starts Wed ACADEMY AWARD WINNER! Cliff Robertson (B«Vt Actor) "CHARLEY*1 IN-CAR HEATERS IAJfc-.5UN.Hl45 A.* «7ArtATii4a«tjfc IwLcMIHLtlj BUY! SELL) TRADE!... USE PONTIAC PRESS WANT ADS —r—; WSmI [H]530ii EHfflCaBOO Ul-in|:4ldg r=irjt=i nu-^tiw raiaiui^ —— BF-iW bmm SEjSBliiSiMiS raafflaasnaa® ■ »gia ra m woi ■ I (=ioijn GaHHgj I asrae I mao DRIVE-IN THEATRE Mi/iaclzMi&t Fl 2 1000 “ W WOODWARD CHILDREN UNDtR 12 FREE. THE ATIR 1 DARK Incredible Suspense ] C9lor | % ’jjjjjh&J,' 4 f; 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 IS 14 ■ 1 “ m 9 * imr m n- THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY ;w> *?®fe ft MAY 2, 1969f Sides Py lfe AlUciited Preu | Opponents have tested sothe Sex education classes have instructional materials as “fil-been launched in a small num-i^” and complained the prober of Michigan schools for^Lc Iack a“»mPanying youngsters ranging from kinder- 00 moralWy- Some garten pupils to fifth-graders pBaBjBp I have said the explicitness of In tb, vake of tbe Mw pro-^the grains, many parents ban dun-""" “ch' *“ "*• tered into groups of irate oppo-l * * * neats or enthusiastic supporters1 Advocates have asserted the of the sex education. IP PEANUT CELLAR Sing-A-Long Beer * Wine * Liquor "JOIN THE LINE-UP WHEN THE SAINTS GO MARCHING IN" * Mile* Wert of Pontiac iw Milts N. el union Lake U34HI programs answer ' children’s questions about sex which are “bound to come up anyway” abd educate youngsters factually instead of by hearsay. * BIRTH CONTROL Any mention of birth control in sex education classes is forbidden by an old state law. HaUtrnn Hotel 36 EAST PIKE STREET PONTIAC. MICHIGAN 46058 TJLEPHONE 332.9135 ANNOUNCING : In The Tempest Room : Music .for your Dancing Pleasure EY#ry Friday & Saturday —Starting 9 p.m. The Chest Club meets every Tuesday 7 P.M.; join us!!!! However, a bill has been intror duced in the Senate this year attempting to eliminate this provision from the statutes. In 1968, the Legislature passed a law saying, “Any School may engage in the competent instruction and provide facilities and equipment for instruction in sex education, including the emotional, physical, psychological, physiological, hygenic,* economic and social aspects of family Ufe and sexual relations, as well as socially deviant sex beha vior.”' - . ' k k Former Gov. George Romney allowed this bill to become law without his signature but he vetoed a measure attempting to repeal the prohibition against mention of birth control. „ At the time, Romney asserted, “If the teaching of birth control Were to result primarily in emphasis on methods and . means alone, without imparting sound guidelines for morality and responsibility, there is real danger that it would simply increase the tendency to sexual permissiveness which is already growing at an alarming rate.” EARLY grades The newness of the current The same is true to the Livo-jthat when sufficient signatures program, my wife and I both nia SchooL District where con- are obtained on 100 petitions, said we wished there had been troversy surrounds sex educa- the school board will be asked such instruction when we were tion programs for first-graders!to Yeexamine the course. young.” at one school and second grad-1 She called toe instruction a Mrs. George Houde, whose ers at another. Plans are under-|“crash program,” saying she way for classes to a third eie-advocatessex instruction begin-mentary school. ;ntog with reproduction of plants ’* 'SW and flowers in the early grades, moving on to animal life in later grades and teaching human reproduction'in grade six. Her petition reads: “We be- All but eight Of toe 104 Livonia second-graders were taking toe course this spring, after their parents gave written permission. The eight were en- rolled to a class to toe study oSlieve that such forthright teach-mamals, which included, no de- ing of the basic facts of reprotails of reproductivity. ‘ jduction (i. e. describing toe sex PETITION DRIVE act) at this tender age can ere /Mothers of two children taking toe alternate course led a petition drive against the in- son, Richard, is taking a course, said, “The questions are bound to come anyway, and 4ts’ helpful for me to answering them. We’re broadminded and believe in answering his; questions straight and to (he point.” Kirksey said the teachers are specially trained. k k k Intensive training also is given toe Ann Arbor teachers. The Holly Area School Distrii ate more problems- than it currently is planning a sex edi solves. Jw . I cation program, and a number Some opponents of the Livonia, of other school boards are con. BE KIND TO LITTLE LADIES sex education courses have been struction. Mrs, Joanne M.Cal-,_ „„ . ■ lear, one of tod mothers, said Egg Splatters Office Windows in NY Strike let called “Sex Education in the Schools," which reportedly is connected with toe conservative! John Birch Society, PARENTS INFORMED sidering similar steps. ★ * ' * The increasing interest in Sex education has expanded onto j college campuses, too. Michigan ] State University sponsored a six-week series of 22 lectures to Jan-I make Mother’s Day a real holiday. Treat Mom to dinner at NEW YORK (AP) glass-encased office buildtogs in Manhattan have egg on their .... , . *u„.face this week as negotiations sex education classes is in the remaln sta,emated in a nine- H’t yours RARE DINING PLEASURE GERMAN CUISINE PREPARED IN THE AUTHENTIC TRADITION HOW FEATURING THESE NEW ADDITIONS TO OUR MENU Smoked Pork Chops with sauteed apples $325 Jig Hocks with sauerkraut • -*3® Thiringers $«95 with hot German potato salad A ILHELM’S RATHSKELLER MMIMIBAVARIAN FMD WH**AV>• U *, tlWUTi T ta 1 4M Mein Street Rochester . 661-9828 Jack E. Kirksey; principal ofjuary and February, The series] Grant Elementary School where was titled, --Sexuality : A Search [second - graders receive sex ed- for Perspective/* ~ ucation, said uqpsual steps were! Among the speakers at the jYjanv taken «to inform parents of the heavily attended series were Al-y course. • bert Ellis, an avowed atheist Each parent was given an out-1 and psychotherapist; Calvin‘C. line of the instruction and view-!Hemton, a Negro sociologist who ed a film, “Human and Animal ] is author of “Sex and Racism to fact that they are aimed at ‘"‘TTh Ttrikc'b" ^.indmr;Beginnings'’' which the children [America;” Gerhard Neubeck, youngsters of toe very earliest w ,' a y are shown in toe class. Flyers I acting director, of the University school ages, . wasners. ^ + + j 1 • ■■ are mailed periodically to par-of Minnesota”1 Family.. Studies j’ “Some Michigan schools have a Commerce and Industry As-'ents informing them of current Center and president of the been teachtog sex editeation _lntSftn B„k.eman attributed t0Pics 1,1 ^ &x£ax\ * » • I KITE D M ATinkl A I INTERNATIONAL RESERVE NOW Pontlec —334-2444 1801 Telegraph Rd. (U.S. 24) SINGALONG and Saturday Nights The washers* did, however, High schools commonly have de one conccssion to show some form of sex education, busjness. They allowed the win- dows of toe new General Motors building on Fifth Avenue to be washed for the filming of a scene for toe movie “Cactus often to sociology departments. “Each School district has toe right of decision on whether or not to teach toe subject,” says Waskin. ... Flower.” But it appears a safe bet an kkk increasing number of Michigan] But ^ de{d stipulated that school districts will adoptr-pr at tbe panes be redirtied after-least seriously consider adopt-]wardr “So strikers and cart ing—sex education classes be-]joinedtogether for a giant egg ] fore long. tosstog contest when the scene GUIDELINES PLANNED was complete, j An advisory committee of educators, doctors, nurses and; laymen currently is drawing up; guidelines to be presented to toe State Board of Education for use in establishing model sex education programs. Perhaps the largOst-scale new sac education programs in toe DlMj Inn M here The Action I Corner Elizabeth Lake And Cass Lake Roads I BLOCK WEST OF HURON i v - * A: ^£2 Campaign Success ...and Clean, Too Now Open SUNDAY 1 P.M. Complete Menu Selection SUNDAY SPECIAL! RIB EYE „ STEAKS Chef* Salad Potato*! * J Vagotablo R U ■ 3 Roll! and Suitor' I SUNDAY LIQUOR _ PHONE 3344115 JSS" Noirkh Parry at Pontiac Road With ‘ "r STRAW HATS» SAME GREAT FOOD WIHt Full Time Fan CHARLIE BROWN’S SINGALONG 611W. Kennett Oakland at Telegraph PHONE 332-1111 BUY! SELL! TRADE! USE PONTIAC PRESS WANT ADS!* TUES.,WED., FBI., ” - SAT., SUN. Dance to the Fabulout "SUNDAY FUNNIES” Pontiac’* Great New | lutic Sensation* FLOOR SHOWS EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT All Star Show! DANCING DUKE Hillariou* Comnlj M.C. PIXIE WALES SenMtional Provoralirr Becord-ing Star Sin.ini; Sound* of the Sixtie*. GENE MAYER Comedy eud Awwdl»n BOWL YOUR WAY to SPAIN Join Our VACATION LEAGUE at Savoy Lanes YOU / can be one of only 48 coy pies to i| JETto SPAIN forS days! 1 8 gloriou* days'1 in sunny Spain. Live in Luxury — Let the most fabulous vacation you have .ever dreamed of become a reality. If you are interested and qualify CALL Dick or Bobbie Scribner FE 3-7121 or Attend Our First Group May 11,8 PM. at % SAVOY LANES 130 S. Telegraph mi state are to - toe Ann Arbor School District where toe programs are being taught in 11 . . elementary schools from kinder-garten through fifth grade. k k ■ k But its future is in doubt after protests raised at recent board of education meetings. At one protests raised at recent board of education meetings. At one unusually wild board session, parents shouted “Amen” and “Hallelujah”, after speakers made remarks they particularly Uked. W. Scott Westerman Jr., Ann Arbor schools superintendent, has planned a half-day or daylong board session to review toe program. PERSONAL TAKE-OVER One father, David Sponseller, said at an Ann Arbor meeting that he opposed the state or school board “taking over” personal lives of bis children. ‘T won’t let I my kids hear about it from any miniskir^ed teacher just out of college," an other parrot asserted. ★ k k Paul Cloke, a father who has a first-grader taking the classes said Sex education to public Schools is necessary to “correct misinformation.” Another father called instructional films “filthy” and “disgusting” and said he wouldn’t show them at a stag party. EXPERIMENTATION? Several parrots questioned whether the instruction would lead to sexual experimentation amoiig youngsters. k k k ji Parents who object to the Ann Arbor programs can have their children enrolled in substitute classes. PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) - A campaign to raise $5,000 to keep open a church-sponsored coffee house for hippies has been sue* But one individual didn’t send' money. His solicitation envelope was returned with a small bar of soap inside. j Entertain like The Gourmet Adventures of vJa^40ilt Right here in the kitchen lie* your rep-utation at a ho •' t Whether you’re cooking or baking for yourown family or preparing a' gala party, everyone expect* food to be at it* very flavor beat. Enter-'. taining nhould he fun — not a chore! Of couilie, entertaining come* naturally Tor Rome; other* cuffer from party panic. There are no aet rule* for *ucce»*ful entertaining. However, we hope in the week* and month* to oome, this column will provide in-temting and uueful material relating to food — bow and why! ' We at JAYSON’S, 4195 Dixie Highway 1 at ’Hatchery Rd., Drayton Plain*. 673-7900, hope you haVe enjoyed our article* thi* past year and want to lake this opportnniiy to thank you for yuur patronage. In addition to our main dining room, don't forget oiir private room* for parlies and banquets. “Where Dining Pleasure and Hospitality go Hand in Hand.” ■Helpful Hint: For best coffee flavor, store it in the the stingy rich. When a stingy rich man invites his rich friends over, he has to serve them rich man’s drinks. But he doesn’t squander his money on expensive bottles with fancy labels. He puts his money where it counts. In taste. When it comes to liquor, he serves McMaster’s* imported Canadian and McMaster’s* imported Scotch. And his friends think they’re drinking expensive stuff. Because they taste expensive. Go on. Serve McMaster’s Scotch and McMaster’s Canadian. Yfour friends krill think you’re richer than you are. McRHasterfe. The drink of the stingy rich. SPECIAL SMORGASBORD ON SATURDAY German, American, Italian Fopd FROM 6 P.M. TO 10 P.M. “Chili” at the Organ Every Friday and Saturday Nights! CATERING SERVICE-SUNDAY BANQUETS i We Cater to All Types of Banquets . COMPLETE MENU At ALL TIMES ■3b: 7; . n WIDE TRACK at WEST HURON ras r ■ iTE^mo $4.69 %Qt. Tex Included , j d *4.98 %Qt. Tex Included 4R [PO irn fiki ’ANA D J AN - ///m/iy ml Mi II ,80 Proof, k, m if>i WIs Mmm THE PONTIAC PRESS, JFKIDAY, MAY 8,1P69 9. ioao '.-;: 4. ^.*■ •'■ ■'■ ■ ::,_ 111 Iflftl Calvin to Honor£ Berkeley Official ROBIN MALONE By Bob Rubber* From Jacobys EAST AX107S W A6 ♦ 83 *98653 iff® ^OKBt ♦ K985 VQJ43 «#» ♦52 *KJ7 WEST , ♦ Q 62 WB VT> ♦ KJ10964 ♦Al SOUTH (D) : ’ *A4 WK10985 ♦ AQ7 ♦ Q104 Neither vulnerable WOt North East South IV ■ 2 ♦ 3 V Pass 4-V Past Pass Pass Opening lead—* A ’ . By OSWALD & J A ME S JACOBY A teen-ager looking at an automobile with running boards and a crank might say, "What will they think of next?" Of course, well-informed teen-agers know more about all sorts of carstbantheirparents. Similarly, a well-informed young bridge player would know that the modem trend to limit jump raises just takes us back to 1930 when forcing jump raises were just being invented. ★ ★ it North's jump to three hearts Is one of those limit raises. He Is hot strong enough to force to game, yet his hand clearly calls for some sort of heart raise and a mere two-heart call is inadequate. The limit jump raise gets South to game quickly. He has full values for his opening bid, plus one extra queen. ★ ★ ★" Against any defense, except foe ace of clubs lead followed by a (dub continuation, South 9 wrap up his contract since only loses two acte and the king of diamonds. The actual defense forces South to show his mettle. If he wins the second club and goes right after trumps, East will hop up with his ace and give his partner a club ruff, wheVeupon West will get out with a spade and wait for his diamond trick. An alert South will make the contract in spite of all East and West have done. He will see the danger of an immediate trump play and will try to strip the West hand of any out cards first. Thus, he will cash the ace of spades at trick three, lead a spade to dummy’s king at trick four, ruff a spade at trick five and then lead a trump. East will take, his ace and give his partner that club ruff but that will end proceedings for the defense. West will have to lead a diamond up to South’s ace-queen combination and South won’t have to lose a diamond trick. GRAND RAPIDS (AP)-Roger Heyns, chancellor of the University of California at Berkeley, will receive' Calvin College's Distinguished Alumni Award at commencement exercises May 24. Heyns’ father Garrett, former director of pend institutions for Washington $tate, received Calvin’s first alumni iaward in 1986. THE BETTER HALF THE BERRYS By Carl GtrubeH THE BORN LOSER By Art Sansom V+CnUDJ^M “Hie top button makes him walk through a wall, the middle one makes him tear apart an automobile, ,____and the bottom one makes him grab the nearest blonde and climb .a skyscraper." Q—The bidding has been : West North East South 1* Pass 1W PfSS 2* Pass 3 V Pass' 4W Pass 4(k Pass 4N.T. Pass se Pass 5N.T. Pass 6 ♦ Pass 6W Pass , 7 BERRY'S WORLD—By Jim Berry You, South, hold: ♦K1Q7 VA109652 4Q6 *72 What do you do now? A—Pass..You have nothing more to show except the .queen of diamonds which is not likely to be of much help. TODAY’S QUESTION , What is your opening bid with: ♦AC5 VKQJ1087 ♦K1 *AC Answer Tomorrow ■y SYDNEY OMARR Per Saturday TEEN DATING HINTS: Practical takes eetored and Sagittarius Is In the ipotllght. Some brag, but Lao la favored vith romance, Libra must avoid saying nora than Is actually tha truth. - Good tumor, and a wtllihgess to bo sociable win tie laurels. Discussion or vacation equip. what you start. Procrastination could see non* £». 'tha b*ll,roll[ng.Gemlnl mum eei tmi tha right person has been Uncovered. Capricorn may be uneasy, but is evening progresses, loins In tha fun ★ ★ ★ ARIES (March 21-Aprll IS): Vacation Manning now Is essential. Keep conrt-nurt leaf ton Ilnee open. Excellent for adding, writing -ana advertising. Plan gng-range campaigns. Consult imlly member to keep harmony. TAURUS (April 20May 20): intriguing tdlvidual may be after more than your harms. Mhow this. Protect assets. Be esponslble. Know that tomorrow you face ourself. Accept responsibility. Let” others know pi your capabilities. Stress accomplishment. it ' it 4r IF SATURDAY IS-YOUR BIRTHDAY you are versatile, actlvs and you are due now for domestic adiustmenf w change of residence. (Coyrlght T-M ltit, General Features Carp.) (wV © & ' ITJ w ^ _ OKASf.NQW TOgSONgis r ? 1*4* 4f HCA.bC TM. Ia» VJ. fat OH. ALLEY OOP By V, T. Hamll* C? o o CAPTAIN EASY By Leslie Turner (D lift If HEA, Isc. “I’m a truck hijacker—take me to Cuba!’ OUT OUR WAY GEMINI (May 21-Juna 20): Important tase of special relationship it accented - qould be the Beginning or the end. ature™ approach Is” a necessity. Don't ’thing ty anything you don't mean. CANCER (June 2)-Jyly 22): Adhere to solutions concerning moderation. Not tee to forget diet. You can have ton ittiouf going to extremes. New contact night could prove beneficial. .EO (July 23-Aug. 22): Follow through ' hunch. You ara able to perceive nds. Personal magnetism soars. You )ld"b# the life of arty, party. Utilize tse of showmanship. You are a hit. MRGO (Aug. 23-$ept. 22): Accent on sic responsibilities. Stick cloee to me base. If practical. Older Individual ;erves special consideration, important serves speviui uui'Biumaiiwn. dividual is in expansive mood. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Short lourney iuld be on agenda. Be sure of direc- tin', Instructlonsi ’Relalive'appears to be . — ... -elaxetion. volved. Fine night tor —, ... rtalnment. Leave details for another me.’ SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): A change uld ” result In prof'*- You add to n-softal poieesslons. Vital day because ought processes are crystallized. Day stores variety. Intensified relatione wItn iposite sex. ’ SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-DeC. 21). ntoub Interests dominate. Display tense Joyalty and humor. Cycle high; reumstances turd In four favor. Take itlatlVe. Be receptive to unusual pro- :aPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jen. If): Attend arltable event. Means cooperate in olect aimed at helping those less fortu-te. Excellent evening for theater party, ijoy yourself/ but control,, imagination, AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. IB): Friendly mosphere prevails. Don't be carried iiua|/iic c picvotp. s'"" * Jr ay where expenditures are concerned, generous without being .extravagant. receptive. Meant time Indicated lends plan a surprise. >iSCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Finish Wcm* m fipmmsiSri Bor HE* IN SUCH RAP SHAPE MSQOTTA more some wWHICH IS RIGHT-UP MY ALIB/K EES & MEEK VUATCHIWS MEEK ■SORP IS A10T LIKE.. CZL • nw to RIA te. TJA Its. UJ. tot. e*. Bv Howie Schneider -.'.-Vsy^irv m NANCY Bv Ernie Bushmillei THAT CHINESE MEAL WAS GREAT Daily Almanac BOARDING HOUSE By United Press International Today is Friday, May 2, the 122nd day of 1969 with 243 to follOW. ’ 1 . . ' , TTie moon is full. >- “ -'t it it ★ The morning stars are> Venus, Mars and Saturn. . ' • jit it it The evening stars are Mercury and Jupiter. ★ it ★ !' On this day in history: In 1933 Adolf Hitler abolished labor unions throughout Germany. He set up what he called a “labor .front’’ to control all workers. it it it in 1945, foe Allies an-j nounced the unconditional surrender of Nazi troops in, Italy and in soutiiern. and , • western Austria. < *;&•$ In 1967 the United States cut its farces in Germany to ’ ?I* , \.Last year, foe" United: Auto Workers etopped paying dues la the AgLrCIO.li. P6MEMBER, SHOW/ NO MERCY/ THE M AcToR PIPNT b/enshou/UPPDR THE RM3APE ANP NOWl HE’S C301M& TO SUFFEF?/ MY, WHAT AN ) EXOTIC- \ *■' LOOKING \ HOSTESSJ ..... YOU'VE GOT THAT ORIENTAL LOOK, TOO YEP, YOU'VE GOT CHOP SUEY ALL OVER YOUR DRESS ~Y ^reaZ^y? tumbleweeds ■ r HIYAAAAHJ SEZ WH0?J SEZ WHO?/ ITS A FREE COUNTRY FEU.AI4JS PRIMITIVES HAS CERTAIN UNAUPUPPLE RIGHTS’N' PRESHUS FREEPOMS, YmW]..0UR FOREFATHERS FOUfiHTtsT BLEEPEP SOS WEfP HAVE THE RI6KTTGIVE OUR ' tWAR CRYJ«. ITS-IN THE INJUN CONSTnOQSHUN] by' Tom Ryan fer atYitroonouq sMd. AIN'T'too NEVER HEARPO' ’FREEDOM OF SCREECH*?/ Wm.*: jney UONAI.lt III Uh XXJ’RC COPYING MONBV ? the PBl WILL aS>AB you/ T TWEN WMyl- •3. Bv Walt Disney biiaaeiUiruekVMewMmeM )•“' ■ i it aV wm WiiiS liiil i MH 1 m.FI r rf/i IreliP f«(p ■ 1 ;•, ■ ■ ■ v‘ •//:„,/i ^ ■ *f.Tv;i Mi . " y'v if. W*?r< K i-tv ft/f ,’^J £3 i '.W/‘ V'v /' r^y w tWftw 'id./-',f / ■. i THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1969 MARKETS Investors Encouraged7 The following!are top prices covering sales of .ocally grown produce by groweru and sold by them in wholesale package lots. Quotations are furnished by the Detroit Bureau of Markets as of Wednesday. Mart Holds Onto Early Gains Produce *3.00 5.58 . <.00 5.30 . <.35 MS SIM 4.00 5.00 . 5.50 4.50 FRUITS Apple Cider, seal, cm* Apples, Delicious. Golden. bU. Applet, Golden, C.A., bu. ...... Apples; Delicious, Red, bu. Apples, Red, C.A., bu....... Apples, Jo*MMn,'bu. Apples, Jonathan, C.A., bu. .. Apples, McIntosh, bu. Apples, McIntosh, C.A., bu. ... Apples, Nermerti Spy, bu. ... Apples, Steele Red, C.A., bu. vrgrtablrs Beets; Topped, bu. .......*2.75 Carrots, lopped, bu. ....... 2.25 Chives, dz. beb, 2.50 Horseradish, Rk, bskt. ............ 4.25 Onions, sets, 32-lb. bap 5.00 Onions, Dry, 50-lb. bag ............ l,<0 Parsley. Root, di. bens. . 2.00 Parsnips, % bu. ... 2.25 Parsnips, Cello-Pak, dz. * '• ..... 2.00 Potatoes, 20-lb. bag Potatoes, 50-lb. bn ............. 2.00 Radishes, Black, b bu. ............ 2.50 Rhubarb, Hothouse, s-ib. box ...... 1.75 Rhubarb, Hothouse, dz. bch........ 2.00 NEW YORK (AP). - The stock market was holding onto Its early gains in fairly active trading early this afternoon, with brokers reporting investors somewhat encouraged by its, ability to stand firm Thursday. The Dow Jones industrial average at noon was up 3.06 at 952.28* Gains, led losses by a bit less than 200 issues. :ers said \tbe market’s: *(A lot' of Investors we^e'within the next three years, J ' .. ■ \ \ advance apparently was pleased with the market’s show) some of them with'hoods andrnacfnne’1 run' Brokers early att attempt to continue Its inter-rupted rally as well as an effort to work its way out, of its consolidation phase.' After scoring big gains Wednesday, and to a lesser degree Tuesday, the market paused Thursday, they said, in the face of profit-taking and to consolidate its advance. DETROIT (AP) — American Motors Corp. is planning to build six entirely new vehicles \\By JOHN CUNNfFF ' AP Business'Analyst • NEW YORK — Once again the stock market has surged ahead, spinning off digital records like a crazy adding owning up new scores in vol- of power Wednesday (when the decks of plastic instead Dow industrial jumped more traditional sheet steel. than 16 points),” an analyst! Roy D. Chapin, AMC board u™e and indices said, ‘‘and they were further en-! chairman, announced the plans ■ and e v e n on couraged by the way it stood to build the: six ‘‘entirely new blood pressure products’’ and Company sources cnara or mose said some would have hoods and decks made of high-strength plastic currently used mainily in grills and smaller parts. firm Thursday and didn’t buckle.” ^ . The Associated Press average of 60 stocks at noon was up 1.0 at 338.9, with industrials up 1.2, The New York Stock Exchange caught short. Next to baseball, there is CUNNIFF probably no other area of human enterprise with such a fas- Among the six cars will be Nation for statistics. the AMC Hornet, an economy The 19-million shares traded dow-ledgfe pigeons. But>by then • When money pours into the rumor has had its effect. mutual1 and pensionfunds and ' • An easing of fears that the other institutional accounts it; monetary system might col- must be invested. Such instito-lapse. Ibis, , too, is an old one, tions cap hold their cash for ! and frequently is used by people only a limited period; then, who have no idea What a col- despite imperfect market don-lapse would mean to the mar- ditions, they must invest, ket. • N - ■ • 1 -! ! $ *' * • Inflation. This can be good ! , The growth of such tastitu-; news or bad news, depending oni^01)8 has been enormous. And which you choose, toflationthe* cash position has grown in ; should draw money into the r®c®nt months. The large size market. But inflation threatens °f transaction Wednesday sug-the economy. An all-purpose ex-|8ests that their dam of resisfc-nlanation |ance simply bflrst. pianpi . ^ ^ ^ • Institutions copy each . __„„ onaiirdc thJother. When one acts some r.htrtfiir th« lines andlothers usually follow. Since they chartets refer to ^ tow Md ha^ such enormous power; graphs that ^c^P“larMX their impact on trading gives compact to be introduced this; tr *r *...... a coming fall* a high- Wednesday, for example, madecide tha^ when^ Point A is Turnip*, topped, bu. 3.00 Poultry and Eggs DETROIT EGGS DETROIT (AP) — (USDA)—Egg prices paid par dozen by first receiver* (Including U.S); 3+38%; CHICAGO GUTTRR, EGGS CHICAGO (AP) — Chicago Mercantile Exchange—Butler steady; wholesale buying prices unchanged; 83 score AA 67to; 82 A 67to; 80 B M%; 18 C 60%; Cars 80 B 45to; 89 C <2, Eggs Reek; wholesale buying prices unchanged to 1 lower; 80 per cent or better grade A whites .33; mediums 30; standards 32; checks 2l%. Livestock DBTRjPIT LIVESTOCK DETROIT (AP) — (USDA)—Thursday's (Inal livestock; Cattle 100. Slaughter steers end hatters not well tested, csws steady. Vealert 25, Not enough tor market teat. Hogs 25. Not enough for market tost. Sheep 300. Slaughter iambs steady, choice and prime 8G110 lb. 31.00-32.00. t CHICAGO LIVESTOCK CHICAGO (AP) —. (USDA) — Hogs 3,500; butchers steady to 25 higher; active; shippers took 2,000; 1-2 200-225 lb butchers 22.75-23.25; ISO head at 23,25; 1-3 ArmeoSt 3 26 180-250 lbs. 22.00-22.50; 2-4 220-260 tbs Armour 1JW -A— Isles Net (lids.) High lew Last CIm, 1 37 72 Tito IT + to 772 4110 47% 4»to + to 12 lOVb lGVb Wto — SO 23 Tito 7|to Tito — to 11) 21% 3044 21 — to 361 4|to 4714 47V, — to 82 39% 20% 2884 — to 222 32to 317/, 3314 _ y* 26 21% 2044 21to + to 22 S2to 5144 52to + to 46 22to 2244 2244 -K to 348_32% 3144 3244 + 44 158 4014 387/4 40V. + 44 108 32to 3144 31% + to 88 8244 8144 8144 — to 5 27to ‘27% 27to + to 58 11844 118 1I8V4 — to 123 34 3344 34 72 7244 71 7244 +2 185 56to 56 56 — 44 5 32to 3144 32to + 44 245 32to 32to 32V, + to 12 37to 37 .37 — to 7 2744 27% 2744 + to 184 5844 5744 5844 +1to 62 3444 34to 34V, 81 26 2544 26 +to 47 50to 4844 50 + to 123 1144 1144 1144 - to 25 3844 38V4 38V, ....... ________ . _ 48 1344 ISto 13V4 ... A Smelt 1.4ft 608 41 38to 40 — to Am Std 1 <8 43to 4244 43to Am TS.T 2.40 1413 57 5544 5644 +1 Am TObac 2 173 37to 34% 37to + to AbbtLab 1.1 i ACF Ind 2.40 Ad Mlllls .20 Address 1.40 Admiral AetnaUf 1.40 AlrRedtn 1.50 AlcanAlu 1.10 AllegCp .20e AllegLud 2.40 AllogPw 1.20 AljiedCh 1.20 AliledStr 1.40 Allis Chelm Alcoa 1.80 AMBAC .50 Amerada 3 AmAIrlin .80 AmBdcst 1.60 Am Can 3.20 ACiySug 1.40 GTelEI 1.40 Gan Tire lb Genesco 1.6O Ga Pacific lb Garber 1. to GGttyOlt ,38g Gillette 1.40 Gian Aldan Global Marin Goodrich 1.73 Goodyr 1.50 Goodyear wl GraceCo 1.50 GranlteC Stl GrantW 1.40 Gt ARP 1.30 Gt Nor Ry 3 Gt West Flnl GtWnlinit .80 GroenGnt .96 Greyhound 1 GrumnAirc 1 Gulf Oil 1M GulfStaUt .11 GulfWInd .40 AmEIPw 1.58 Am Enka 1 A Home 1.40 Am Hasp .32 AmMFd y.80 AMet Cl 1.80 Am Motors AihNatGas 2 AMK Cp .30 AMP Itic .41 Ampex Corp Anacond 2.50 AnchHG 1.6O AncorpNSv 1 ArchDan 1.60 280-325 lb strong; fairly active; 1-3 325-4M.lbt 18.00- Assd DG 1.21 20.M; 1-3 400-5M lbs 18.50-18.25; 2-3 500400 All Rich 1.01 lbs 17.50-1850; boars 17.00-17.50. . - Atlas Ch .80 Cattle 3,500; calves none; slaughter Atlas Corp stoars uneven, high choice and prime Avco Cp 1.20 fairly active, steady; average choice and iAvnet Inc .40 below only moderately , active, Heady to Avon Pd 1.M 25 lower; helfars fairly active, steady; cows scarce, full ystoady; bull* (trong V 3644 36 51 44to 4A + % (4 Mto 23to 23% — % 51 53 S3 52'/, + to 57 12% 13to 12to + % 212 33to 3744 37% 28 51'A 50% 51 244 57to Mto Mto + to 77 10% tOto 10'A 110 37to 37 37to — 'A 650 40'A 47 47’A — to 138 27V, 26to 27 82 22% 22% 2 2’A — % 31 2744 27% 27'A 12 5314 52% 53to + to 10 31’A 30% 31 + to —Mi— 14 20% 20% 20% 22 38% Mto 39'/, + %' 72 28% 29to 29to + .14 2) *4 85V, 45% 111 54V, 54 54 43 54% M% 53% 283 58 M 58 37 40% 38% 38% — 'A 54 24% 26'A 24'A — 'A 251 M 35% 36 + to 50 28'A • 28% Sto + 'A Smith KF 2 SouCalE 1.40 South Co 1.14 SouNGas M0 Sou Pac 1.80 Sou Ry 2.80a Spartan Ind SperryR .22g SquareD .80 S+Brand 4 AO Std Kollsman Stocai 2.80b Stoillnd 2.30 StOII Nj\l.80g StdOilOh 2.70 St Packaging StautfCh 1 AO SterlDrug .70 StevensJ 2.40 Studeworth 1 Sun Oil 1b. SurvyPd .72g Swiff Cp A0 6 480.6 1802 150.4 SMAllSSVnhn lie 482.1 185.4 148.7 3MJ,|jndJonn 1M.1 141.4 3»AlSSIf rn 72 513.? 217.7 IM.l 340.? Occident .Mb OhtoEdls 1AO OkloGE 1.00 OkloNQs 1.12 Olin Math .08 Omark 1.018 Otis Elev 2 4(3.0 178.2 144A 328.4 531.1 217.4 140.4 3MA 435.6 MM4 1M.1 288.1 MM BOND AVRRABBS _ Compiled by TlwAsaeelatod Press Rails lad. Pgn. L. Yd. Nat change +.Y Noon Frl. 63.0 |' 42.9 mif. Day wiirit mo AAqrrth Ago Year Ago 1848 High I860 Low 18M High 18M Low 45.1 (3A M.0 64.3 <2.9 MA 43A fni^ U.&M 87.3 86.9 63 91.0 05.0 80J 90.3 804 80A MA 80J 08;1 80.2 M.0 DOW-JONES AVERAGES STOCKS < 30 Indus 20 Ralls .. .m\iin BONDS /‘v-lilB 40 Bonds • • • 10 Hlgliar grade rails ... 10 Second grad* rails ... 10 Public utilities i".....i. 10 industrials ........... 852.M +346 +*51 231 JO 130.M +0J8 325A3 +8J3 ,73;80—0.02 58.M +0A3 73 J5 +0.07 MAT EvansP 40b EVOtWiarp FalrchC JOe Falrch Hiller WanHoal Inc Fadpirs .40 FadOStr AS Flltrol 2 „ Flrestne 1A0 Pstrhrt-lAOTr FIMtkota 1 . Fla Paw 1.52 FlaPwLt 1.M 112 20% 20% »% ——E—— (0- M. I4to 24% -to **,”** C* 101 Mto 00% J0%T1 40 41to 40% 41 + % 15 Mto 17% 18to ,.. 8 SS 38 10 53% 51to 52to —Ito owensfy 1A0 V 25'A 35'A 35'A — 'A Owenslll 1J5 62 M'A 37% 37% -to “ *££ ffiitiSlaeOEl iJp ‘ Ij 8% SJ SS + YRf-fc’A —F— PacPwL IJp 271 S8%, 1414 08 +2% fOcTBT 1» 61 18%' 17% 17%—ObJanASul 1A0 a jr ss 57% - toissh e? iao 38 a* w-S-flissBpe 19 27% 27% 27% ,, 118 M 36% M +1 20 (714 <4% 47 2 33% Mto 33% 40 Mto 15% 15% 33 Mto 67% Mto + to 5 34V, 34% pl4 — to 327 54% 52% 54 +1% 20 14% 1414 MV, — % 30 45% 45% 45% + % 5 37'A 37 , 37 24 24% 24% 24% 17 00'A 78% lOV, + 14 177 20% 2014 20% + 14 xM 99 -80% 80% + to 68 40 M% 40 +1'A "W 36% 34% 34%....-77 27 .53 H% 52% — to 21 55 54% 55 + % 24 >M% Mto 24% 40 #to 44% 44% 04 (fto M ' 40% + % ■13 35 34% 35 + % 14 38to S8to 3814 + to 41 41% 48to 44to — % 516 44% 43% Mto + % - 40 2714 27 27 — to 21 23% 23% 23% + to 25 22 11% 21% ... 103 31% 30% 31 + to 13 28% 2814 28% 13 4714 47 47% fto 415 37% 34 37% +3% 50 83% 92 82% + to 17 73'A 72% . 7314 —P— 44 Mto 14% Mto f to ,16 27% 2714 27to + to 438 34% 33% Mto y % M MU. -IV. MU / 488 32'A 31% 32% + to 41 Mto Mto 38% + to 5 M 32% 32% — % 28 (5% M'A M% — % 13 4314 42V, 41'A +1V, 119 128 124% 127 + % M7 45% 44% 45 + % 104 32% 32% 32% — V, 139 45% 45 45 — to 472 45% M'A 4514 +1 221 72% 72 72% + to 74 Mto (3% 64% — % 2 42% 42% 42% 144 4014 40 48 — to 117 37% 37% 37% + to 71 70% 74% 77% —IV, 1373 45% 44% 45% + % 2M 35% 35% 35% 219 28% Mto 20% + to 39 48% 47% 47% +1 212 38% 30% 38% — % 89 55% 5414 54'A —Ito 1M 25 24% 24% + % 381 55% 54% 55 + % 55 22% 21% 22%— 'A -111 ffl% 48% 50V, +1 110 23% 22% 22% —1 228 M'A 67% M +1 x354 62% 61% 42'A +1 x252 80% 78% 80% +1% 37 71 % 70% 70% — % 61 1914 18% 18% + to 12 47'A 44% 47 + % 245 40% 30% 40% +1% 28 52% 52% 52% — % 183 50% 41% 49 +1 20 Mto 67V, Mto +I'A 208 30% 29to —T— + % of the National Association of Broadcasters said yesterday it had “decided to keep the matter of cigarette advertising under continuing review and that no further actions are necessary at this time.” The . . . ,__, board action was t ak e n^movements must sound fresh Wednesday, a NAB offical said. |and P®riinent a couple of hundred tim^s a year. Drug Warnings Ordered * * ■ * WASHINGTON (AP) — The Now a good broker would no II. S. Food and Drug Adminis- be caught without an ex-tration has ordered two manu- P^anado? ^ witch-doctor facturers of the widely used, wou^d admd losing contact with antibotic novobiocin to warn!^® spirits. He can never tell his that it should be used only when | clients the obvious, that prices Qn- fit pan be arranged later !won 1 oe Iw;eu- DUl w,reM u,uc stay The problem^ of producing ex- ^ stocks have a way of einnati court granted it ^ planations is this: Whereas the doubll"8 every f.ve years tt Thursday’s action reverse stock market goes in only twolpromotes confidence. Ithe court’s decision of Monday. directions, the logic for such 88,000 Ford Trucks, 6,900Cars Recalled DETROIT un — Ford Motor 6,900 cart for inspection of safer and more effective drugs iris® buying6 stircks^^at* iaif^°- says ^ is recalling more1 possible defects in doqr latches Tampa El .72 TafcmBblx " , Teledyne Tanhaco 1.21 Texaco 3.20 TaxETm 1.40 TexGSul .40 Taxaslnst .00 TexPLd .45g Textron .10 Thlokol .40 TlmosMIr A0. TlmkRB 1A0 ToddShp 1 JO must be ruled out. Within 30 days, the FDA said,'Pr®^0Und enough. , , • j „ the companies must tone down) lately the explanations have m ir 57% 57% - % I claims for the drug and include been variations of these: r 2« M% 43% +i% in the label warnings about! • Peace hopes. Around for 287 m% 83% 84v»+ % serious side effects which the • many months now, this reason .M Mto 28% »to + % '................. ..... 283 29% 28% 28% + to 319 1M 121V, 122% +1% 22V, 21V, 22V, + to than 88,000 trucks and nearly|and accelerator cables. The company said Thursday, ToddShp 1. TransWAir Transmr .50b Transltron TrICont 2.60g TRW Inc 1 Twen Cent 1 UMC Ind .72 unCarbld* 2 Un Elec 1.20 UnOliCol 1.40 UnlonPacIf 2 Uniroyal .70 UnnAirLIn 1 UnltAlrc 1.00 Unit Cp .70a Un Fruit 1?40 Unit MM 1.20 USGyps m3a US tndust .45 USPIpe 1.20 USPIyCh 1.50 US Smelt lb U5- steal 2.40 UnlvO Pd A0 Uplohn 1.(0 58 • Mto 36% 3A 78., — % Mlda*-lhtl_ A ^ Friday's 1st Dividends Declared AT ito- Stl. at Pay- Rat* rfed Record ab REGULAR Ind M 3 .225 J75 .15 $170 —0.01 GPUbUt 1A0 35% 31% 31% + to —4 37 -Mto- 37-+-1 , ! 158 37 / 38% -37 >4- 'A M'A 4-% M Mto «to 03% - to 40 33% 33’A M% M3 MS 01% 02% + to 100 2t% 27V ■ PubSCot 1.06 Publklnd .75t Pueb Sup 4| PupSPL IAS Pultrnen lit 668 107% 104to 104% — % SCOtt & Fetter 20 38% 38% 38% — to 51 80% 80 80 + to 38 23% 23 23W 00 12% 12-12 11 44% 47% 40 — to 23 34 Mi 34 21 53% 9% 52V, — to 5-30 5-23 5-16 5-15 5-16 FDA says include blood is beginning to look shopworn. disorders such as anemia, skin Peace rumors apparently reach „ ~ T—- h, rWortivp rtrfit eruptions, pain at the injection'Wall Street before they get to reported stolen from J a n e with P®?“Wy detertive right the Pentagon. Spencebutters, 14, of 6 4 7 0 door or BconoUne cargG * * • * - IWaldon, Independence point and sometimes death Products directly affected by In fact, some observers claim that shortly before some sudden increases in market prices they haiie seen peace doves tossed aloft from brokers’ windows. The brokers claim the sightings are illusions or just plain win- Township, at Clarkston Junior high School yesterday, according to the Oakland County Sheriff’s Department. Mutual Stock Quotations Rummage Sale, sponsored by the Waterford Chapter of the ABWA, May 3, at the Knights of Pythias Hall on Voorheis Rd., 9-?. —Adv.i St. Hugo of the Hills Rummage Sale, May 17! door INVESTING______ COMPANIES NEW YORK (AP) —The following quotations, supplied by the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc., ere the prices at which these securities could have 'been sold (bid) or bought (asked) Thursday. Ai Dynm 7.85 8.59 Indust i:4T 5.92 Incom 8.05 8.81 Fst InGth .10701173 Fst InStk 97210.65 Xst Multi -11.28 11.47 Fst Net 8.32 9.08 Nat Ind 1270 1270 Mat- Invest 8.28 874 Net Sec Ser: Balan 11.38 12.45 Aberdeen Advisers Affiliated Alt Amer Alpha Amcap Am Bus BM Ask 2.69 274 8.58 9.38 8.15 9.80 1.17 1J0 13.28 14.52 6.M 6.97 3A7 3.84 Fist Cqp-Flet FcT Fla Gth Fnd Gth Founders Foursq Am Divln 11119,12.88 Am Grth 7.65 8.32 Am tnv 10.2510.25 Am Mut 10.4311.40 Am NGw 3.57 370 Am Pac unavail Anchor Group: Cap 10.1011.07 10.15 . 18.50 0.50 9.38 5.88 6.55 9.27 10.13 Foursq 13.4014.64 Franklin Group: Com Stk 7.37 0.08 ONTC 13.8115.13 Util 7.41 8.l2 Incom 2.58 2.83 Freedm 9.5310.42 Fund Am 10.0611.87 Gen Sec 12701270 Gibraltar 15.7415.74 Group Sec: Aero Sc 9.79 10.70 Com ST 1478 16.16 Ful Ad 97610.47 Bond Dlvld Ft Stk Stock Grwth Nat West Neuwrth New Eng New Hor New Wld Newton Noreait Ocngph Omega 100 Fd 101 Fund 5.M 4.37 4.88 5.45 7.M 877 9.64 10.52 10.21 11.16 6.72 7A4 27.05 27A5 107611.85 28.30 29.30 15.1016.50 17.00 18.58 17.29 17.28 9.M 10.20 9.11 9.23 17.061I.M 10.8211.83 One WmS 147716.97 Grwth 14.5215.00 Inv- 9.76 10.70 FdMnv 11.0012.14 Axe Houghton: Fund A 0.34 9.07 Fund B 10.2711.16 Stock 0.01 0.75 ScTCp 6.66 7.24 Babson Bondstk Bost Stk Bosloil Broad St Bullock CG Fd Canadian Caplt Inc Caplt Shr Cent Shr 9.14 9.14 7.77 8.48 10.82 11.83 8.88 9.83 15,42 16.67 16.49 18.06 107(11.63 19.63 21.22 9.32 10.21 Grth Ind Gryphon Guardn H&C Lev Ham Gh Ham hda Hanover Harbor. Hartwell H Mann Hubsmn „ ISI Gth ISI Inc Imp Cap Imp Gth Inc Fnd Inc FdB Indepnd 23.23 2373 20.37 22.26 28.61 28.61 15.72 17.00 10.34 11.31 5.53 6.04 1A0 1.43 10.(5 11.64 18.42 20.13 14.21 16.88 10.04 10.M (.37 <74 5.16 S.M 11.4012.38 8.M 9.65 13,3114.55 7.89 8.76 12.79 1378 O'Neil Oppenhm Penn Sq Pa Mut ' Phila Pilgrim Pilot Pine St Pioneer Plan Inv Price TR Pro ProVIdnT Puritan 18.48 19.66 9.02 9.86 9.36 8.M 10.49 10.49 15.75 17.24 10.54 11.54 9.07 971 12.38 12.M 14.07 14.25 1371 15.20 25.35 25.35 11.17 5.44 .'77 11.8012.76 1.02 13.14 Channmg Funds: Bolen 13.3514.59 Com Stk 1.88 >17 Grwth .___7.83 .8.56 . Chase Group': Fund 13.5214.78 Shrhld 13.8315.11 Chemical 18.81 20.57 Colonial: Equity SKI Commerc ComSt Bd 5.56 6.08 13.28 14.51 7.31 7.88, 13.05 14.24 5.52, 6.00 Ind Trend 15.281670 .InsBk Stk" 6.62 7.23 Inv CoAm 147516.34 Inv Guid 10.61 0.61 ubv’ Indie 17.32 17.32 Invps Bos 13.68 i474 Invest Group: IDS ndi 5.60 6.09 Mut 11.1012.04 Stock 2170 MAO Selec 9.25 9.951 Select 9.25 9.95 Var Fay S.M 9.61 GOorg Grth Incom Invest Vista Rep Tech Revere Rosenthl Schuster 15J8 16.71 12A4 13.81 9.32 10.19 7.67 0.M 12.65 13.M 6.02 6.58 15.35 16.(8 976 10.88 17.(7 19.53 Spec! Bel Inv Rash istel Ivest Commonwlth Fds: ' cap Fd 11.46 12.52-Incom 11.0312.05 Invest 10.5311.51 Stock 10.8812.0T Cwlth Al/B 1.73 1.87 Cwlth C&D 173 2.08 Compel ’ Comp Bd 10.35 11.25 Comp Fd 11.2412.22 Concord 20.10 20.1b Cons Inv 13.3713.75 Consm Inv 571 6.46 Corp Ld 16.81 18+1 Cntry Cap lj.43 18tB 5.01 5.40 25.28 26.07 16.71 18.26 T0.H 10.88 nstn 22.51 22.51 Keystone Funds: •* Cus ,B1 20.44 21 ,M Ivy John CUS B2 Cus B4 Cus KT Cus K2 Cus SI Cue 52 Cus S3 Cus S4 Polaris Polaris ,J(nlckb 21.44 23.38, 10.3MT.97 -9.03 9.86 6.M (77 2273 2C01 1272 13.44 9.32 10.18 6.89 7 .52 5.69 6.23 5.68 6.23, 8.40 9.21 Crown W 8.26 9.03 - deVegh M 75.20 75.20 Pecar Inc 13.8615,15 Deldwate 15.6717113/ Delta Tr 9.5410.43 Dlvld Shr 4.07 4.46 DowTh In 7.58 870 Drexei <‘17.7817.78 Dreyfus 14.2015.56 EatonS Howard: Balan 11.751274 Knick Gth 12.6113.81 Lexlngt 11.301275 Lex Rsch 17J1518.74 Scudder Funds: Int Inv . 16.M 14.63 41.72 41.72 16.44 16.44 Com St 11.11 11.81 Sec Dlv 14.21 1577 iec lilUlt 473 475 Sec Inv 8.76 9.57 Selec Am ,11.0812.00 Sel SpecS 10.54 20.29 side 1171 12.34 Sigma 12.2213.36 Slg Inv 3.17 1479 Smith B 10.6210.62 Sw Invest Unavall Sover Inv 157317.44 StFrm Gth Unavall state St 54.19 54.50 Staadman Fds: Am Ind ts.O014.21 Flduc 0.25 9.02 Scltn 6.48 7.08 Slelie Roe Funds: Bal 21.74 21.74 Cap Op 16731673 Stock 15.2715.27 Sup InGth 4.11 0.88 syncr Gth 13.7715.05 TMR Ap 26.30 2877 Rummage Sale, St. George Greek Orthodox Church, 1515 Woodward Ave., 't filoomfieltl, May 1, 2, 3', 9-6. ' —Adv, Girl Scout Garage Sale-Bake Sale, 2164 Dexter Rd. by O. U., Saturday, 10-5. —Adv. Model Airplanes and. Supplies at Reduced Prices. Estes Model Rockets. See Our commercial HO road racing track. Stapleton's Hobby Shop, M59 at Pontiac Lake Rd., next to Rol ladium. latches. The firm said some parts may have been manufactured improperly, failing to secure the door unless a key or the lock button was used.. ★ ★ Ford said it also was recalling 252 F600 and F6000 trucks, also 1969 models, “to locate a maximum of 2i units which . may have incorrect front-wheel v.bearings. These incorrect wheel “avlbearings eventually might cause ' failure of the spindle.” Owners of 6,886 standard-sized, 1969 Ford cars with 302 to 390 cubic inch engines built at the Wayne assembly plant were being asked to return the can to replace accelerator cabled. The firm said a number of the cables were manufactured with improper wire cores and might bind in cold weather. Los Angeles has the largest, concentration of American Indians of any metropolitan area, —Adv. an estimated total of 45,000. # V + i—11— Successfuhlnvesting j wm IBP w % #1 Q By ROGER E. SPEAR — I own shares California Computer Products. It pays no dividends but has split three times. What do yon think of it as a growth stock? — Jr-TU ——ii-------------------- A — CalComp is a' leading supplier of computer graphic plotting equipment mid software for programming. Several acquisitions completed in 1968, or still pending, should broaden as Well as strengthen the company’s product base. In the first half of the current fiscal year — for long-term 45 28% >7% 28% + to NEW YOR K(AP) — Noon New York Stock Exchange Index Market index — Industrial / Transportation Utility .. . Finance x..- +14 cants 58.09 +0.16 60.80 +0.14, 50.78 -4I.0( ,45.58 +071 . .75i05 unch Grwth Incom Special Stock Eborst , Egret Energy Entprlse Equity quit Gth Essex 13.78 15.07 676 7.61 14.58 1578 16:43 17.96 15.06 16.46 14.98 16.28 1576 15.56 10.27 11.22 10.71 11.71 19.53 21.40 17 JO Everst In 17.17 .8.56 EXPlor 28.42 30.23 FBlrfd 14J415.56 FrffiBMU 12.3512.35 Fed Grth 15.22 16.63 Fid Cap 13.09 14.31 Fid Fund 18.2018.68 Fid Trnd... 28.02 30.62 Financial Fto* rm: Liberty 7.25 ‘772 Life Stk 5.M 5.85 Life Inv U 7.68 8+1 Ling 8.57 9-77 Loomis Sayles Fds: Caned 407540.95 Caplt 13.4413.44, Mut 1571 1571 Manhtn , 8.16 871 Mass Fnd 12J413.38 Mass Gth 12741374 ‘ Mass Tr 16.4417.88 Mates 8.64 8.44 Mathers 137413.84 McDon 10.891173 MfdA Mut 7.26 773 Moody Cp 1678 11.56 Moody's 147416.22 Morton Funds: Grwth 12.87 14.10 Incom 4.74 5.19 Insur 8.47 9.28 MlFrFd 2077 22.02 MIF Gth 678 470 Mu OmGth 5.75 (J5 Mu Omln 117212.30 Mut Shr* 2174 2176 Mut Trust 275 271 NEA Mut 12.2012.45 Nat WSac 11791271 Teachrs Tachvst. Tachncl Technol Temp Gt 11.7*12.27 9.47 7.25 7.82 074 9.74 _r . 23+9 25.67 Tower MR 1.58/ 978 Tran Cap 9.8210.78 TwanC Gth 5.28 7.78 Unit Mut 12.221376 unlfd 11.5012.57 United Funds: Accm 1.19 875' Incom 157816.82 Sclen 9.08 972 UnFd Can 8.12 877 Value Lin* Funds: -Val Lin .978 10.17 » Incom 6.18 6.77 ' Spl Sit. 9.5M0.42 VanceS spl 8.83 9.65 Vandrbt 9.6810.58 Vangd 5.83 6.48 Var IndPI 5.(7 6,38 Viking 8.16 1.87 Wall St In 12.88 14.08 Wash Mu 137215.10 Wellgten T3A014.13. Wesf Ind 9.3810J7 Whltehll. 15.26 16:68 Windsor n.jO.31 11.27 , Winfield 7.36 8.04’ Wiscon 7.71 (.43 / I candidate of growth. / Q — Is it true,that a trader mast first boy for his long account the same number of shares of the stock he planB to sell short? — M. W._______ A — No, this is not necessary, although some traders may already own the stock they intend to sell short — a procedure generally restricted to professionals. Die more usual speculative shqrt sale is handled through a margin account by your broker who will sell short whatever stock you choose, whether you own it or not He June 30 — revenues rose 27 per cent, while eamk^s gained 20 .... ^.. ,....... per cent and were equal to 25 must, however, deliver the cents p share. A small drop ini shares you sell to whoever buys fiscal 1968 earnings resulted them. So he borrows them from from a larger niuhher of shares his Street account or from other o u t standi p g, increased available sources known to hint-nonoperating Charges and a When you’re' ready to take your higher tax base. . .★ ' ★ ★ ■, . The market for digital computers is expected to grow 25 profit, buying back the stock at a lower price — called covering — the broker returns these shares to the lender. There art per cent a year^jvhile sales of'so many technicalities display devices should increase!associated with short selling 40 per. cent annually. CalComp’s that in my opihion the average sales hkve exceeded this growth investor should leave this kind rate over tile j past 5 years, of operation, to professionals. It CalComp, now aeHing abojut 36x is not as Simple as it may sound earnings estimate of 85 cents ajfrom toy necessarily brief ex-share for the current fiscaljplanation. year, is mi atfractive rebound (Copyright; 1969) MBps \J/.: yA Wi'j: '•.7'wnt|fW' , .:■ V \ ' * ;' ' m THK PONTIAC. PftBSiS. FRIDAY, MAY 2, on }' By JEAN SABLE Tb« Oakland County Board of Supervisors moved . ahead yesterday with plans to construct a mental retardation , center on Service Center grounds. Supervisors failed, however, to take action ..which would have permitted the Oakland County Road Commission to begin operation of land-fills in Commerce and Pontiac townships. A floor fight reportedly was averted by the decision to table a resolution which would have designated the road commission as the county’s land-fill agent. ★ ★ ★ Lee Walker, D-Mad ikon Heights, a member ofthe. public works committee, who had voted against agent desipation for the commission in committee, had apparently garnered enough support to make the vote outcome questionable. Harry Horton, R-Royal Oak, chairman of the public works committee, in asking for the delay until May 15, said: “Two weeks won’t make that much difference to the county’s refuse problems.” Feelings regarding the road .^commission also were evinced in tee board’s decision to refer to committee a state House bill which would abolish county road commissions. Brought into discussion by Paul Kasper, R-Bloomfield Township, the bill had previously been discussed in legislative committee. Kasper said he felt public hearings, should be conducted and the bill thoroughly discussed. It was -referred to the local affairs committee for action. ★ * ★ Other legislation gaining the attention of supervisors was a bill introduced by Sen. George Kuhn, R-West Bloomfield, which would permit boards of county auditors to rescind action taken by ljoaitfs of supervisor s regarding the spending o f county money. The bill was referred to legislative committee with little discussion. However, William L. Mainland, D-Milford Township, noted it might be wise to keep an eye on any legislation in- 2 Ousted Dems Invited Back? County, Supervisors Carl O’Brien and George Grba, both of Pontiac, expelled from their Democratic caucus earlier this year, say they have been invited back. Philip 0. Mastin, Democratic caucus leader for the County Board of Supervisors, denies it. ★ ★ ★ Mastin. who is also county Democratic deputy chairman, does admit that relations between his group and the two dissidents are more relaxed. “We exchange ideas,” he said. Nevertheless, the fact that an Invitation had been extended has been supported by other members of the Democratic caucus. , . O’Brien, when quizzed about the reported ' softening in attitude; said, “I’ve told them I’ll come back in if they’ll give me Mastin’s job over at Democratic headquarters.” Grba did not comment other than t o substantiate the fact that an invitation had been offered. The two Pontiac supervisors have been conspicuously absent from Democratic caucuses since Jan. 16, when they were asked to leave. They were censured at a county Democratic convention Jan. 17,, following expulsion from the caucus.—^——----------- 4c. ‘ 4c 4c Action by the party followed the board of supervlsors’ organizational meeting Jan. 16 when 'Grba and O’Brien voted with Republicans through 17 roll call votes. ' : The meeting wound lip with Grba as finance committee | chairman and with O’Brien a| member of that committee as j well as chairman of the legislative committee. f“ I Since that time the two have! acted as Independents,, votipgj with the Republicans when they] ;hose 'and witn the Democrats! it other times. Their defection Jan. 16 gave Republicans the majority vote n organization of the 27-man 1 x>ard- Democrats hold an sleeted 15-12 majority on the PEANUT CELLAR — — Sing-A- Long..... 8eer * Win# • Liquor AOSTLY ' SING-A-L0NG ftUTONCE i V,-* ill \l I m traduced in the future by Sen. Kuhn. ' V Approval of county agents to proceed with the proposed mental health center and the designation of T a r a p a t a, MacMahon and Paulsen Associates Inc. of Bloomfield Hills as architects to prepare schematic drawings were not without discussion. Some supervisors objected to the haste necessary to obtain federal funding on the project. The county reportedly has only a month t6 qualify itself for sbme $400,000 in federal funds to assist in building the facility. The sum of j$l million for the center was set aside by the previous board of supervisors. Christian POwell, R-West Bloomfield Township, objected. He said that once again the board is being asked to approve large sums ‘of money for a project when as yet no building priorities have been determined. County departments which send their own lobbyists to Lansing to push programs, “sometimes in opposition to county policy,” may have to stop. A resolution offered by the legislative committee requires all departments to obtain ap- p,v.,, R ... proval from the Corporation Counsel’s office before ' they' undertake such action! Carl O’Brien, D - P 6 n t i a c v legislative* committee chairman, said proper disciplinary action could Me determined later by the board should’ unauthorized lobbying continue The board approved a special assessment project in Oxford Township which will permit construction of a new dam to maintain water levels in Clear, Long, Cedar, Squaw, Tan mid Mickelson Lakes there. Circuit Court notion will .be needed to .establish the levels. C|o«*Kep.lr Specialist! " Si Sale# & Service Qimwttap ISIS. Bate*, Birmingham \ 646-7377 DELUXE 3.5 HP ROTARY MOWER WITH GRASS BAG Briggs & Stratton engine. 21” aluminum deck. -----Bail bearing wheels. 8-inch tires. Fold away chrome handle. Large grass bag included. 97 8'x7'LAWN/P«TH> STORAGE HOUSE ■■>■■■95 Perma-plate guaranteed finish. Structural steel deck flooring. New dual riding ramps. Wide interior sliding doors. Weather-tight over-lap panels. Door padlock and keys. Desert tan; white arch/trim. 20 IHCH ROTARY MOWER WITH STURDY GRASS BAG 3 HP Briggs & Stratton bh aww engine.- I> ■07 20- inch wide cut. -- ■ io V 7” steel wheels. Nylon wheel bearing^. 14 gauge Steel deck. BIRD BATH Tulip shaped concrete bird bath. 27V* high, 23” rounds Charming decoration. SCOH'S TURFBUIIDER Scott's Plus-2 wmm. variety, 10,000 sq. ^> ft. bag.' Grass food and weed killer. Money back guarantee. EVERGREEN SALE 3 to 4 ft. pyramidal aborvitae or 18”-3Q” globe. Perfect for general landscaping or accent planting., 88 CARDEN TOOLS YOUR CHOICE Long handled round WEED-HO-MORE point shovel, garden hoe or heavy fluty bow rake. All hardwood handles; all heat treated and tempered metal. RIG-1.99-2.29 By Acme. 2-4-D plus 2-4-5 TP Si I vex. Weed killer; will ' not harm grass. Pints... 1.47 f "Texture Rite” push-button controls. No 2 speedsi the same. Self-cleaning) In seconds! No extra parts to clean or lose. BONUS OFFER 4 maxi rollers yours free with purchase of Lady Remington hair curler. Just mail coupon to factory. 2-piece "Flexiglas*' tide creates own suction grip. Fits tightly. WARING 8-PUSHBOTTOH BLENDER .Solid state blbnderfeaturing WiA SUNBEAM 12 CUP,AUTOMATIC PERK graduated heat resistant 4-cup cloverleaf glass container. Feeds food into action blades for efficient blending, Model FM-8. Beige only. 18 77 ■if REG. 20.47 * Big family size, brews 4-12 Cups. , ' M * Convenient twist lock top,' * Consistently good coffee automatically. * Keeps coffee serving-hot automatically * Pop-up basket for easy cleaning. 8 97 LADY REMINGTON HAIR CURLER 9* COMPARE AT 12.97 20 rollers in>4 sizes / mcl udi ng super jumbos. Automatic thermostatic controt for tight or loos# curls. Travel case; full mirror. 'Saa Open Night. Until. 10 P.M. Open Sundays Until 7 P.M. '-V ^' Pontiac V’m 1128 N. furry At Arlunu Detroit Corner of J< A On or otjoy oonfiold j® 1 ferling Heights Corner of 14 Mila and Schounhurr Riuahri aw Pol Tho Cornur of 7 rt and King. IB lliaaliaS II"V • I.I/ <8/.8 For Wont Adt Did THE PONTIAC iPRESS, FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1969 *r( Mr. Dub*. Mr. Davit, t Dwt ' ’ ' or 'fiMIMtt, Dwight H. Pat- Mr.' Hinds; . L fcr**1' •nd Jj .ifl psreons" interested, W» nejiau .Thstjht roll of the Special AiMssmenf heretofore mod* by tho CHy Assessor for th* purpose of defraying %tK£ thatest which the Commls-tton deckted should ba paid and born* by special aueumenf for th* .construction of: curb, gutter, pavement, concrete (tdswafk end related Work on Carlisle t from y—— ---------------------- ^ Strut from YpHiantl Jo Hopkins TTR# on fit* In my office for public ‘ , Noifea.tt ofioQwffty given. tlmt* the ommlsston and the Assessor of the city f Pontlpc, will meet In the Commission hsmberjn sato City, r0n thi ttlh day , A.D. 19*9 at I o'clock F.M, .to laid usessmtnf, at which tlmo ptac* opportunity will b* divan all arson* Intemtod to be heard. •1*8) Mini JO, 1M* 1 ' OLGA IARKBLBY. City Clerk V\ v May 2, 1969 cnamoer K'i I . »;V" ITWI . \ ■■mrirOros Cou»e\ No. 24*30'V \ V ’V'V'l Ml --------.v, M»\ No. STATE OI> MICHIGAN—In the Probat* Court for tho County of Oakland, Juvenile Division. .In th* matter -of the petition concerning David T./Morene, minor. TO: Predarlco Moreno, father of'8*14 minor qhud. 'Petition having been filed In thle Court alleging that mm child comes within the provisions of Chapter niA of the compiled Laws of 1941 as amended. In that the presold wtereiiteutt of tno fattiSr of sold minor child Is unknown and said child has violated a law of tho State, end that said child should be placed under the lurisdlctlon Of this Courf, In th* Nam* of th* Peoplo of th* State of Michigan, you ar* hereby notified that tha hearing on said petition will be held at th* Court House, Oakland County Service Center, in the City of Pontiac In said County, on the 12th day of May A.D. IMS, at nine o'clock In th* forenoon, and you arf i hereby Commanded to appear personally at saw hearing. It being Imprbcttcal to mak* personal service Iwreof, this summons and notice on* weak previous to said hearing____________ Pontiac Press, a newspaper printed .end rlrnailssimri 1st uM fminlu ™ -circulated In said coui Witness,, th* Honor*! spapet imy. rani* Barnard, Judge of said Court. In tho City of Pontiac in said County, this 30th day of April A.D. IMP. . NORMAN R. BARNARD, (Seal) a true copy Judge of Probat* MARJORIE SMITH, Deputy Probate Register, Juvenile Division May 2, 1909 NOTICE OP BIDS The School District of th* City of Pontiac will receive sealed bids at the office of th* Business Manager until-4:00 P.M., est, (prevailing time) Friday, May 9, 1969, for 3 double relocatable (mobile) classrooms. Bids should b* plainly marked, "Bid on Relocatable Classrooms," and delivered or . mailed to Business Manager, Pontiac Board of Education, 350 E. Wide Track Drive, Pontiac, Michigan 48058. Bidders shall contemplate furnishing all labor, materials,' and equipment required for the delivery and erection of said classroom buildings at th* sit* of th* Madison Jr. High School, Emerson Elementary School and Mark Twain Elamon- Each bid shall b* accompanied by an acceptable certified or cashier's check payable to the School District of th* city of Pontiac or a Bidders' Bond In an amount not less than 5% of the bid. Specifications may bo obtained from th* office of the Director of Construction at 650 N. Saginaw St., Pontiac, Michigan, . Phono 3344997. any and all bids, and to waive Informalities or Irregularities In the blddl , ___ ____~ --doing, 2 • LUCILLE D. MARSHALL, Seer* „jret*ry Board of Education of th* School District of th* City of Pontiac April 2S, May 2,1969 ADVBRTISEMENT FOR-PARKING FACILITIES . FOR THE WALLED LAKE CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DISTRICT . WALLED LAKE, MICHIGAN Sealed proposals will b* recolved by the Walled Lake Consolidated School District, 61$ N. Pontiac Trail, Administration Office. up to, 1:30 PM., Eastern Standard Tima on May 9, 1969 and promptly tharo-after, the. proposals wlfl_be publicly opened and read aloud. Th* proposals will be reviewed by the Engineer and the award .Of the; contract will bo made by th* School District at the earliest time possible. The work to ba performed consists of th* following approximate quantities: Section A, Wlxom Elementary School, LF C-76 IV concrete pipe, 3 catch basins. 1170 SV.6W" thick ILS.^jkrt Mix- Bit. Base Including Bit. Agg A4-t! Surfacing, Recap-Bit. Agg, #4.11IV4'rlhlek, 1553 SY, with all appropriate appurtenances. Section B, Walled Lake Junior High School; 1973 SF,. concrete sidewalk and combined Curb, iw thick D.S. Hot Mix Bit, Bata, Including Bit. Agg. *4.11 Surfacing, 443 SY, with all appropriate appurtenances. A bid may bo submitted tar oltlwr Section A or B or for both Sections combined. A contract may-, bo awarded for either Mellon A or Section B separately or for both Sections combined. No bMd*r.m|y withdraw hjs bid within 45 days after the day set tar th* opening thereof,' Proposals snail b* submitted on forms fumfshwl by th* Owner. The earliest work can start Is June 17, 1969 and must te finished by August is, 1969. proposal must be accompanied or • certified check, money order or bid tend by .a recognized Surety Company in the amount of at least 5% of the amount of tho total'bid payable to th* Walled Lako Consolidated School District, by the accepted bidder, which will to forfeited upon fathira to enter into a contract with th* Waned Lake consolidated School District within. 15 days after tha award of th* contract ta him. . The successful bidder will b* required to furnlslr 100% Performance and 100% Labor aha Material Bonds. Tho Contract Documents, Plans . and •Specifications will be on fli* and open to public inspection at th* office of the En- gineer, H. W. Penn-Englneers, c/o Main and Fox, 567 Purdy, Birmingham', Mich- igan. A deposit In tha amount, of $10.00 Is required for each set of Plans and Specifications, ' and wfir-te refunded upon return of the Fiona and Specifications In good condition within 10 days attar tho opening of tho bids, • . The right, is resarysd by tha Walled Lake Consolidated. School District to accept tha lowest qualified Md, to rolscf any ar all bids, or to waive Informalities In bidding In the test Interest of the School District. I Walled Lake Consolidated Schools MR. ROLLANDJ. LANGERMAN, Assistant Superintendent . May Z 1069 PEANUT CELLAR -A Junior Editors Quiz About- J. tHORSES QUESTION: How. can a horse sleep standing ,up? ANSWER: Hie point of our impossible main picture is that horses are constructed differently from human beings and can’t be forced into a sleeping position a human would use. Horses, however, can and often do sleep lying down. They kneel down first, and tuck their legs under. They are fond of lying down in file fresh green grass of spring. But horses spend most of their sleeping time standing up. It is hard for us humans to think of sleeping while standing. That’s because we would be balanced on only two feet, and might easily topple over. The horse’s body is strongly balanced on four feet. i, Death Notices Robert’ W. Garrison; also survived by one granddaughter, one great-grandson, End two great-great-Funeral service will be held today, May 2, at 2 net p.m. at the Donelson - Johns Funeral 'Home. Interment In Oak Hill Cemetery. Mrs. Allen will Re in state at the funeral home. A' .BOX REPLIES - At 10 tuiL todoy ther« were replies of The Press Office' in the following boxes: . ' ; * C-3, C-4, C-5, C-8, C-14, C-16, C-i9, C-23, C-27, C-33, C-36, C-42, C-46, C-65. '' ,-M'VMi* T Antiouncomonts CASPARY, AGNES M.; May 1, 1969; 94, Draper; Waterford Tbwnship; jAge\ 6^; beloved wife of Fred E. Caspary; dear mother of Mrs. Henry A. Daniel, Mrs. Robert H. Taylor and Raymond H. Caspary; dear sister of Mrs. Henry Clemens, Mrs. Eugene Stephe»meir, Casimer, Alphonse, Richard and Vincent Schiefer; also survived by 13 grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Recitation of the Rosary will be tonght, at 8:30 at the Donelson-Johns Funeral . Home. Funeral service will be held Saturday, May 3, at 10 a.m. at the St. Benedict’s Catholic Church. Interment in Mount Hope Cemetery. Mrs. Caspary will lie in state at the funeral home. (Suggested visiting hotds 3 to 5 and 7 to 9.) "AVON CALLING" FOR SERVICE IN YOUR HOME. FE 44)439. DO YOU NEED MONEY for a prol-oet? Try W, T. Rawlelghs plan, a company In buslnes* for M yoari. GEORGE CROCKETT IS now work-Ing at Hood's Barber Shop, An-dersonvllle Rd. at Dixie Hwy. In Waterford. HALL FOR RENTl RECEPTIONS, meetings, parties. FE 5-0316 otter 6 p.m. HALL FOR RENT, RECEPTIONS, lodges, church. OR 3-5302. FE 3- IF YOU ARE HAVING financial difficulty — Go to 10 W. Huron — Pontiac, Mich. W* are prgfesslonel Counselors. It will cost .you nothing to sec whet we cog do. Home colls by Appointment DEBT-AID,, Inc. 10 W. Huron FE 34)101 Licensed 8, Bonded Serving Oakland County LESSONS IN STRIPPING old paint from furniture. Applications now being taken for class bag. May 24th. $6 par person tor complete course. 363-9361. Custom Antique Reflnlshlng. LOSE WEIGHT safely with Dex-A-01 of Tab lata. Only 98 cants. Slnam's Bros. Drugs. MODERN ROCK,and roll and slow ----music, deslri ’' i oft. 6 p.m. • Watch some horses while resting and you may notice some with one leg relaxed with the hoof cocked, or pointed down. This rests the muscles and so a horse will usually have one leg cocked while sleeping. A special arrangement of the bones helps while sleeping upright. Hie knee cap bone or patella, usually free from the knee joint or stifle (1), locks into the stifle when the horse goes to sleep standing up. This stiffens tha legs so the weight is taken off the muscles, allowing them to rest during sleep. (You can win $10 cash plus AP’s handsome World Yearbook if . your question, mailed on a postcard to Junior Editors in care of this newspaper, is selected for a prize.) CICOTTE, PHILOMENE MARY; May 1, 1969; 4329 Windiate, Waterford; age 98; dear, grandmother of Mrs. Charles (Mary) Langs; also survived by five great-grand children and five great - great - grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Saturday, May 3, at 9 a.m. at - the Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic Church. Interment in Mount Hope Cemetery. Mrs. Cicotte will lie in repose at the Coats Funeral Home, Drayton Plains. (Suggested visiting hours 3 to 5 and 7 to! 9.) 31 STOP YOUR HOUSE ^ FORECLOSURE Stop ttio bill colloctor .— stop til your credit problems — we have millions of dollars for mortgages — widows* divorcees* and people with bed credit are Q.K. with us. Any-Risk Mortgage Co. 398-7904 (Call now — for ■ confidential personal Interview). LEGAI—FRIDAY—KNAUS Cause No. 24705 _ STATE OF MICHIGAN—In th* Protet* Court for th* County of Oekland, Juvenile ptvlslon. t,Ttj~9t§ MittW of th* petition concerning Richard Torres Moreno, minor. TO: Frodorlco Moreno, father of sold minor child. Pofltlon having boon filed In this Court alloolng that said child come* within the provtsfem of Chapter 7I2A of th* Compiled Law* of 1941 as amended, in that the present whereabouts of tha fatter of said minor child I* unknown and held child bas vlgfolod a low of th* State, and that said child should ho placed under the luriadlctlon of this Court. in. the Nam* ef the People of th* State of Michigan, you or* hereby notified that th* hearing on said petition will te held c«u»?v S! i riVWGW* VB KI B no V.OUI Service Center, hi the City of Pontiac said County, on 1M 12th day of May A.D. ■ref, of nln* o'clock ’In fh* forenoon, and you are horeby commanded^ appear personally at said hearing. It being Impractical fo mak* personal service hereof, this summons and nolle* shall be served by publlcetlen of a copy one week previous to said tearing In The Pontlac PresS' a newspaper printed and circulated in said County. Witness, tho Honorable Norman ... Barnard, Judge of said Court, In th# City SI apth*a.d! iw Coun,v' *hI* J0,h . NORAAAN R. BARNARD, (Soot) a tru* copy Judo* of Protet* MARJOR----------------------------- 3RIE SMITH, Deputy probate Register, Division Juvonll* Of______ May Z 1969 LYNNE NOTICE OP LAST DAY OF REGISTRATION CLARKSTON COMMUNITY „ SCHOOL DISTRICT u OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN Nolle* Is hereby givon that Friday. May 9,' 1969 up to 5:So p.m.. Is fh* Iasi day on which * poram may register to be ollglbl* to vote at th* reguler~sctK>o] a, f. •lection to bo hold on JunoT, if69. Township Offices will bo open Saturday May 3, 1969 from 1:02 o.m. to S:W p....„ r the purpose of receiving registrations. Application for registroflon should bo mod* to tho clork of tho township In which tho elector resides. ' WALTER WILBERG, Secretary of Board of Education May 1, Z 1969 NOTICE OP SPECIAL ASSESSMENT SIDEWALK ON SOUTH SIDE __ OF .MADISON STREET - , TO: Posy) Corporation, Taubmon Co., Mrs. Harrwtt Grossman, Louis loucy, and to all parsons Intersstod, toko notice: That the. roll of tho.Spodol Assessment horetoforo made by fh* City Assessor, for MOBILE, Ala. (UPI) - A brown-haired blue-eyed beauty from Michigan, was admired for her mind last night fy p reliminary judging at the America Junior Miss Pageant. Mis Lynn* Barry of Portage received the five judges’ BRj first place vote H in the scholar-s h i p. category and won a $1,000 scholarship. The 17-year-old high school senior carries a straight — A average and plans to attend Wheaton College in Illinois. ★ ★. w • Hie daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Barry, Miss Barry was crowned Michigan’s Junior* Miss Jan. 18 at Pontiac Northern High School in a pageant sponsored by the Pontiac Area Jaycees. ’ • !Mc ALLISTER, Preliminary judging in the national pageant continues through tomorrow. Tuesday’s tho purpose of dofraylng that port of tho dost which tho Commission decided Should te paid and bom* by spaclal finals will be telecast at 7:30 p.m. on Channel 4. ssassment wr ttev construction of: con-:reto sidewalk on south eld* of Madison Street from Perry Street west to afiet Stng-A-Long Beer • Wirt* • Liquor "NIVIR A DULL MOMENT" o. 1 ta now on filo M my offico for public Inspoctlon. Notice Is also horsby given tttet th* Commission and the Assessor of th* City of Pontiac, will mset In tho Commission Chamber in said City, on tha 12th day of /Way A.D. 1969 at I o'clock 9JL to review sold assessment, at which time and plac* opportunity will te givon all parsons Interested to te hoard. ' f Dated: April 3Z 1969 OLGA BARKELEY, City Clork ; May 11969 BEFORE YOU BUY A NEW HOME... IPIIISIlllU immmst MEN PUN ttabaMtntotstl1 **■*.—res* San, HUsitaMyi - ;: Mdcws iwsimBi k sap isnifim 'MW '«daa*issas9i asaiSMi QUALITY MATOHAU Al STItUCTUItJ PIATURUI lira OF PUNS TO CHOOSE FROM, OR USE YOUR OWN Camgare construction foaturas, sries, flnandag and you will aarea —Ba orb cM duplicate a Capp-Hom* at a Capp-Hom* print dimes McGrow 1609 Crane Court r----MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY— I to CAPP HPME8 #«ft. 3m Midland, klicltigan 640 j SIM Hiawatha Av*:. Minnsspoll*. Minn. |(4M 1 Ptoooooand aia more Intarinoilon 41840 V (5171 83541894 | NAME. | ADDRESS- i TdWN'OR RFDu :: i state______ I a t« JPIL MiKuKiHi I □ I don't own a lot but I could got ono. Beauty's Mind Bends Judges' Pageant Vote CORDER, LILLIE MAE; May 1, 1969; 670 Bow Lane, Waterford Township; age 77; dear mother of Mrs. ; Ellar Guess, Mrs. Ora Lee Ashby, MarionE.rLouiaE. andE.A* SUNDAY ONLY VISIT UPLAND HILLS FARM 11 o.m. to 6 p.m. Soo baby lambs galore, now pig tats, baby chicks being hatched dally. Enloy tho goals *s they walk ovorhoad on tlwlr bridge. Try milking tho cowa, feed tho ducks, gaoso, chickens, goals ond steep. Watch steep shearing and wool spinning demonstrations at 1, 3:30. and 4 p.m. Farm tours and demonstrations for th* sntlro family. Delightful h or so-drawn hay rides, pony rides. Delicious dinners, snacks prepared In our farm kltchon. Farm admission’ tours — children 25c, adults 75c. FARM VISIT SUNDAYS ONLY. Toko Walton E. to Adams N. to end. Follow signs to form. WEDDING-COLOR CANDID and album $99.95. Couple open face — FE 54023. Kendal's. Funeral Directors Corder; dear sister of Tom Rice; also survived by one! step-son, one step-daughter, 12 grandchildren and 35 greatgrandchildren. Memorial service will be held today, at! 2 pirn, at the C., J. Godhardt Funeral Home, Keego Harbor after which she will be taken to the Greer-Crog & Fitch Funeral Home, Poplmt^igtjff, Missouri for services* Sunday, May 4, at 2 p.m. Interment in Ash HiH Cemetery. C. J. GODHARDT FUNERAL HOME Koego Harter. PH. M241200. COATS FUNERAL HOME DRAYTON PLAINS D0NELS0N-J0HNS FUNERAL HOME Huntoon FUNERAL HOME _ Serving Pontiac for SO yrars 79 Oakland Avo. FE 2-OI89 SPARKS-GRIFFIN FUNERAL HOME "Thoughtful Servlet" FE S-92M VoorheesSiple LOFTHOUSE, HELEN ALLAN; April 30, 1969; 15 637 Wakenden, Redford Township; age 81; dear mother of Mrs. Ellen MacNaughton, Mrs. Elizabeth Shipley, Mrs. Helen Robinson] and Arthur W. Lofthouse; also survived by eight grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren. Funeral service will be held Saturday, May 3, at 1 p.m. at the Ross B. Northrop & Son Funeral Home, 22401 Grand River, Redford. Interment in Grand Lawn Cemetery, Detroit. Mrs. Lofthouse will lie in state at the funeral borne. FUNERAL HOME. 332-0370 Established Over 45 Years Cemetery Lets 4-A OAKLAND HILLS Memorial Gardens, S graves In Sermon on ths Mount. Reply to Pontiac Press, Box C-49. OAKLAND HILLS MEMORIAL 4 lots, $250 for .all. Cell Collect iota, #4011 tot v all. v_all Kalamazoo — 1-A16-345-419I. Personals 4-B 19 6 4 WATERFORD-KETTERING graduates call between 12 and 6 p.m., 673-0475 or 673-0466 regarding class reunion. DO YOU NEED ADVICET Dial your Family Blbta. 334-2094, 24 hr*. d*y CHARLES GILLESPIE, plMSO com* horn* to 1739 Brechcroft, - Ktego Harter, Apt. No, 4. __________ CONFUSED ABOUT ENTERING tho hospital? Questions answered about *nv phase of your hospital stay. Driver Is Hurt in Car Crash A Pontiac man is hospitalized in fair condition after he apparently lost control of ids car and It cradled in Orion Township yesterday afternoon. Oakland County sheriff’s deputies were- unable to find out what happened from William P. flight, . 57, of 18 Spokane because he was semi-conscious at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, Pontiac. „ ★ ★ ★ His car went off the road in front of 454 Joslyn and struck a mailbox post, according ' to deputies. ELIZABETH B.; May 1, 1969; 549 W. Hazelhurst, Ferndale; age 80; beloved wife of John W. McAllister; dear mother of John C- McAllister; also survived by one grand-daughter and three greatrgrsuidchildren. Funeral service will be held Saturday, May 3, at 10:30 a.m. at the Spaulding & Curtin Funeral Home, 500 W. 9 Mile Rd., Ferndale. Interment in Woodlawn Columbarium. Mrs. McAllister will lie in state at the funeral home. (Suggested visiting hours 2 to 5 and 7 to 9.) Mr. & Mrs. Homeowner Do you naad financial advlco on repairs, remodeling, paying rea estate taxes, grouping bills, otc? r you do, call Mr. Voss at 334-3267, 9-5 dolly oxetpt lot.—-—--- ON AND AFTER,THIS date May 2, 1969, I will nof bo responsible tor any debts contracted by any other than myself. Ricky M. Parry, 2999 Ormond Rd., Davlsterg, Mich. ON. OR AFTER thto date. May 1, 1969, I will not bo responsible for any debts contracted by any other than myself. Molvln Johnson, 327 S. Telegraph, Apt. 3, Pontiac, Michigan.__________________________ Lost and Found FOUND: POODLE, PLEASE do-scribe end pay tor ad. FE 5-5398. LOST: /MALE TOY block illvor poodle, vicinity of Collogo Haights, - Auburn Heights, contact owner, UL 2-2048. LOST] LITTLE Poodle, near Pontiac Lako Wad. 4/30/69. OR 3-9960. Credit for the formation of the first committee to.obsirve National Safe Boating Wrak goes to! Stephen J. Saddwski of Amesbuiy, Mass., a member of toe U-S, Coast7 Guard Auxiliary. Despte the , fact that the 50-mile stretch of the St. Lawrence River between New York State add Ontario, Canada, is known as the “1,000 islands,” there actually are 1,870 idands in the POIRIER, MARY M.; May 1,| 1969 ; 855 Hilltop, Oxbow Lake; age 67; beloved wife of George E. Poirier; dear mother of Mrs. James J. (Marjorie R.) McHale and Miss Dorothy M. Gaskill; also survived by six grandchildren and tyro great-grandchildren. Funeral service will be held Saturday, May 3, at 1 p.m. at the C. J. Godhardt Funeral Home, Keego Harbor. Internment in Perry, Mount Park Cemetery. Mrs. Poirier will lie in state at the funeral home. (Suggested visiting hours 3 to 5 and 7 to 9.) . LOST 2 MONTH old black Labrador retriever llttlo white on chut. Vicinity Farnsworth and fteund Lk. Rd. Call 363-2585 6r 624-2146. Help Wanted Male 2 MEN DIAL FINANCE CO. Is expanding. If you're career minded* can absorb intensive , Management Training. Cell for Interview. 647* AAA-1 COMPANY Port time help wanted evenings, age 21-35. Dependable morrlod . and •mployod. Guaranteed $200 month to start. Call Mr. Combs, 6744)520 between S-7 p.m,_______■__________ ATTENTION RETIREES, full or part .time, retell Hardware, fringe benefits. A. L. Dammon Co., Bloomfield Plaza, Totagraph and MaptO Rd*. 626-3010.______________ A YOUNG MAN — Do you doslro a can Apply Standard Electrical Co. 175 S. Saginaw St. Death Notices wilimi' 1 m H ALLEN, HATTOS E.; April 30, 1969: 1600 Rainbpw lYaU.Mio, (formerly pf Poutiac);, age 88;° dear mother of Mv D. AUen; Dear slater of POTTS, HAROLD F.; April 30, 1969; 801 Cameron Street; age 77;. dear fatoer of Mrs. William (O’Leita) Vandruska; ‘dear Lrotbe r of Cor ne Blahkenship. Funeral service will he held Saturday, May 3, at 10 a.m. at toe Pursley-Gilbert Funeral Home with] Rev;. Walter T. Ratcliffe of-N fiefating. Interment in Glendale pemetery, Okemos, Michigan.' Mr, Potts will fie in state \at the fuperal home, i (Suggested visiting hours 9:30i a,in. to 9:30 p.m.) ' ' - I <». apyiiiow ^i. ASSISTANT IN/ shipping ond recetV; . Ing dept, must have chauffeur license, at least 40, hours per .week at S2.2S par hour- plus fringe benefits. 335-9251. * ! AUTO MECHANICS Ford dealer In Waterford, noads experienced mechanic, busy shop, fringe benefits. Pleasant working conditions. Coll Service Dept. 623-0900. :! ■ H | Want Ads El ARE\ FAMOUS n\FOR U "ACTION''^ Help Wanted Mala AUTO PARTS CLBRk, must b* ox psrltnced In tolling new and rebuilt 6uto parts. Full tlmo or WWIII oviy pwite. run IlillD fjr weekends. Apply of 273 Baldwin .......... 338-4054. ARC WELDERS, $3.53 hr. shoet metal fabricators, $3.38 hr., good working conditions, and fringes. See Gen*, at Alton cooler and see Gen*, *t Allen Cooler and Ventilator Inc.. 7Q4 woodward, . Rochester, Mich. AAA-1 COMFANY NOW HIRING * Positions open for I young mtn, pleasant personal Interview work to start, leading to supervisory positions. No experience necessary. Mutt bis high school graduate and available tor Immediate employment. $145 per week to atari. Xall Mr. Rogara, bahwan 9-2, 331-8846. Auto Clean Up Man With Some Experience i \ to dun angina, axterlofs, ind Interiors, top wages paid. ~ , ' 673*511 \ ^ QL 1-6^53 ACCOUNTANT _ Mb diversified Industrial Cllantola. • Th* Partner*, Invito applicants prsssntly In Industrial Accounting to dlscuu with us, or any member of our staff, the op- portunnmes in Public Accounting •nd spodtlcollv our firm. Sana resume to JAN2 8. KNIGHT, C.P.A.'s, ltoo N. Woodward. Birmingham, Mich. 40011. Replies will te new In absolute confidence. BRICK _ LAVERS, residential worlc,' BRIDGEPORT OPERATORS MACHINE TOOL ASSEMBLERS ELECTRICIAN PIPE FITTER . Excellent opportunity to loin a fast growing company Ip the field of automation, with a long rang* program. Outstanding fringe benefits with excellent pay ond ' ..................... tad i* plenty of overtime. Locate. ...... malor expressways. Coma In for Interview or phon*. J. M. SMALL— . CLYDE CORF. Subsidiary of Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co., 1100 W. Mapl* Troy, 642-3200. An Equal Opportunity Employer BORING MILL ALSO , VERT. Night shift, top ratu with' machines. Steady employment with progressiva firm. 20 years In business. Journeyman only. Overtime. LIBERTY TOOL & ENGR. 2250 W. Maala WALLED LAKE BODY SHOP FOREMAN New car Dea tor ship Oakland . CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 724 Oakland FE 5-9434 BOYS FOR GARDEN WORK. Pratorebry with blcycl*. vicinity of Koego Harbor. 49$3409, after 6:30 p.m. CLERICAL WORK In Industrial of-flcs for man over 30. Early retirees consktortd. Send complete resume and pay Information to Pontiac Press Box C-3S, Ponttoc. CARETAKERS assistant for gardening and landscaping work for apartment building, Blrmlngham-Clawson area, full time. Can Mr. Krua, 342-5220. COOK All around experience, Rotunda ~C6Untfy Irtn. 602-0i00. CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER - IMMEDIATE OPENING. City of Oak Park, Michigan. Salary range, $8,149-09,904. Threo yoora experience In municipal code enforcement or oqulvatont required. Will te assigned to tho Doportmont ot Community Dovolopmont to perform enforcement of tho Zon- COOK, experienced, fry, no Sundays or holidays, Bodoll's Restaurant, Woodward and Square Lake. COOK - SHORT ORDER, O.m. or p.m. shift. Apply Arrow-Hoad, Golf Club,' 2797 LapOsr Rd. at 1-75, Ponttoc, Twp. 332-9126. DRY CLEANER SPOTTER tor quality petroleum plant, oxc. working conditions ■■ plus many fringe benefits. Apply 900 N. Woodward, Birmingham or csll Ml 2-6230. DRIVER WANTED tor light pickups and delivery, must have good driving record ond ollglblto for chsufnur license. Sea Mr. Davis. 4001 N. Woodward, Royal Oak, ■ Mtotita**. ■ t DESIGNERS CHECKERS DETAILERS Special machino-automotton Opportunity forodvancament, frlnga benefits, overtime. ‘Steady year round work, CLYDE CORPORATION 1000 W. MAPLE RD. TROY An Eaual Opportunity Employer DIE MAKERS Dl* repair, on small progressive dies, day shift, steady. Automatic 115 Elizabeth, DAIRY HELP NEEDED, Oil modem equipment, coll after 6 P.m„ FE 4-7238 or 1-517-MBaMO. DESIGNERS DETAILERS Special Machines sg HOUR WEEK Survey Engineering Corp. Sulte-A' SCM Bldg. 23475 Northwestern Hwy. (Bet. 9-10 Milo Rd.) Southfield _______________ 352-3740 'DEPENDABLE MAN tor maintenance work, on golf court*. Apply 306- E., Drahnar Rd. between Lake Orion and Oxford off M-24. Detailers 'Layout Men Special m a c h I n • b * automation* body fixtures* 58 hr, weak. Precision Design Inc. Help Wanted Male EXPERIENCED CEMENT flnliter wanted. Call eves. 612-3373. ELECTRICAL draftsmen Experienced with S. I., C. Circuits Excellent growth opportunity ENERGETIC MAN TO SELL wattf softeners, and elaCtrlc appl'ances. must te ovar 25, have air, ref., work evenings, salary^tnd com-mitslon. Call tor ippt. FE 4-3574. FOREMAN JOBBING SHOP EXPERIENCE Mutt ba familiar with hand Blight Ordinances and other related codas. Knowledge Of zoning or inspoctlon procedures together with ability to meet ond work harmoniously with tho public it essential. For further Information contact; Joseph B. Thompson, Director of Personnel and Labor Relations, .136(10 Oak Park Blvd., Oak Park, Michigan. 41237. CABINET MAKER 8xp#rtonc«d and mill man, experienced, stabler'* Novi. Mich. 45240 Grand Rlvar. CABINET SHOP, genera woodworker, Novi, Mich. Apply •Stabler'* 45248 Grand River. Berkeley ESTIMATOR FOR MAJOR tool and fixture shop. Location near Ponttoc. Must te experienced In tig and fixtures, .tool shop osttiMtlm, fabricating, machining, otc. Ex- /• cellent frlnga / tenants, salary ^ commensurate with *xparl*nco. Sand resume on expected salary to Pontiac Pres* Box C-24. ENGINEERING AID I Salary: $4,800 to 31.000 PLUS: EXCELLENT BENEFITS, Inct ud t nft'P* td family hospitalization, . paid vacation, | cumulative sick leave, tan legal1 holidays, paw ub llf* Insurance plan, tu H I on reimbursement, . • Ideal working conditions, and opportunity for advancement. QUALIFICATIONS: High school grid, or G.B,D. — at taaat on* v year ef full time paW experience l (within the tost, flu* years) In \\ drafting, ; tOrveylng. Inspection, --V ■preparing' property descriptions and/or conducting tale searches. Be a rethtenr of Oakland County, t For applications and further Inin formation contact: THE PERSONNEL D1V., ' - Oakland County Court Hpus* \ screws-grinders and related secom shift—Salary—Fringe dary. "Day ... benefits^ 564-5173. EXPERIENCED N EXPERIENCED MISCELLANEOUS machine -operators. Craacant Machine Co., 2501 Williams Dr., Ponttoc. FULL TIME AND part time counter control ctork, muit ba personable, dependable and bondabl*. Apply In person, Walkers Cue Club, l«2 S Telegraph, after 2 Pirn. FOREMAN—D.P.W. (to $4.54) Aggressive leader to servo ts Sewer and Water Foreman for Public Works Department crew of nine. Responsible for malntonanco ■nd reMlr of stwar and water mains, task repair, „ service and curb stop installation, ate. Prior municipal or underground water also related equipment experience. Starting rate depends on experience and background. Pulljienofits Including retirement. An Equal Opportunity Employer. Apply Personnel Office, 151 Martin Strut. City of Birmingham FULL TIME CLERK, retail store, good working conditions, fringe eneflts. A. L. Damman Co., Bloomfield Plaza, Telegraph and Mapla Rds. 624-3010._________ GENERAL SERVICEMAN Immediate opening at Auburn Hills campus of Oakland Community Collega. Nigh shift. Excellent salary and fnnga benefits. Contact Personnel Dept. Oakland Com-munlty College, 647-6200 GROOM, PULL TIME, horse farm. Live In, Walled Lake. 624-5554. GAS STATION . ATTENDANT, full time, afternoons and midnights. Apply In person, Ken's Ctork Sta-tlon. 747 Opdyka. Pontiac._ GENERAL HELP for metals processing plant. No experlenco necessary. Mature man preferred. Systematlon Inc. 25464 Novi Rd. 349-5230. GRINDER HANDS, experienced on form tool grinding. Steady 58 hr. . wk. All fringes. 3&4S23. GRINDER HANDS tor carbide cutting tools, top rate and benefits. Apply Bar-Van Tool Co., 29750 Shiawassee, Farmington, 9 Mil* and Shiawassee. GAS STATION attendant dependable midnight man over 18. Ctork Station at M-S9 and Cass Lk. Rd. GRILL MEN For ’toll or part time employment. Good wages, hospitalization, vacation with pay and otter benefits. Apply ot; ELIAS BROS. BIG BOY RESTAURANT ______Tetogreph A Huron ----HOLLY'S LAWN SERVICE--------- Machine operators and trimmers,’ •Iso service station attendant. 332-1237. HARDINGE TRUCKER operator, experienced ond-or tralnu with soma experience, Ufa Insurance and paid Bluo Crus. Apply In parson, Benton Corp., 2170 Industrial Row, Troy.________■ IMMEDIATE OFENINGS MAINTENANCE LABORERS $2.73 — $3.30 Hourly. Plus Excellent Fringe Benefits Must hovo completed 9th grade) bo ago 10-S9, hovo Michigan Drivers License. Apply to: i PERSONNEL DIV. Oakland County Courthouse 1200 No. Telegraph — Pontiac, Mich. A Merit System and Equal Opportunity Employer INSPECTOR Experienced preferred. Machine parts. Good wages, overtime, fringe benefits. Precision Automat-le Parts, 366V5. Blvd, East, Pontiac. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS FOR WATCHMEN Salary 82.88 hr, to $3.06 hr. including Shift Differential Plus: Excellent frlnga -tenants Plus: Excellent now working faclllttos. Applicant must bo Oakland County residents, have passed thtlr 21st birthday, and have a valid Michigan Drlvar's License. For more Information and application! / Contact: . THE PERSONNEL PIV, Oakland County Court’ House Or coll 330-4751 Ext. 495 A Merit System and Equal Opportunity Employer JANITOR-PORTER Permanent openings dsy and ovo- mdablo personnel. College students who Wish to augment their Income are most welcome. 40 hour week, excellent benefits. APPLY JACOBSON'S ' 644-6900 336 W. Mapla Birmingham JANIT0RS-PART TIME MORNINGS Work 2 hours per day, 6 or 7 days per wuk. Top pay. Fringes. Apply K-Mart. Gtonwood Plaza. At tha Service Desk. TRAVEL TRAILER SERVICEMAN Large Oakland County Travel Trailer Dealer with 2 top quality traitor franchise. Is In need of top ■ notch serviceman, married, and living In area. Capable of responsibility, repairing', servicing, get ready tor niw travel trailers, and ocdsslonal sales, top benefits for thi right man. Wilt train into 1 ■ Mil niw J! mechanically Inclined. All replies confidential. Sand qualifications to Ponttoc Press. Box C-16. LATHE OPERATOR^ experienced and-or tralnu with some experience, life Insurance and paid Blue Cross. Apply In person. Ban-ton Corp., 2870 Industrial Row. Trey. LATHE. MILL AND Shaper hahds, tor progressive dies. Steady 5$ hr. week. All fringes. 334-4523. All fringes. 334-4523. LTHE/OPERATORS' LATHE A VERTICLE MILL HANDS JOURNEYMAN TOOLMAKERS /WELDERS Excellent rates and benefits. J APPLY TO -. / ARTCO INC. 3020 Indlenwood Rd. Lake Orion LICENSED REAL ESTATE SALESMEN WITH PURCHASING EXPERIENCE , Call Mr. Georg* at Ray. Real Estate 674.1131 If MEAT CUTtSfg^r, #ULL TIME, TOP WAGES - PLUS 685 S. EAST OPDYK1, PONTIAC mi ft; $V, m Halp Waiifetl Mpfe _ MEN FOR PERMANENT Mlkto work. Must te Newly. Concrete Step Co. 6497 Hlghtand Rd.Vto 5? MAN FOR PRODUCTION work, stake truck drIVMg axparlanca. 624. 0117. MECHANIC EXPERIENCED I n outboard motors.' Calf FE. AS660. MAN FOR DRY CLEANING rout*,’ 25 or ovor, steady lob, good pay must teva soma knowtodga of Ponttoc ' and surrounding trot, Reply to Pontiac Prist, Box C34 Pontiac, Mich. .MANAGER AND assistant manager • wanted for now rutaurant and fast food servlco opening soon, per lance nocessary. Write Pontfi Press Box C-45. Excellent ond bortua arrangements. n, ex-Pontiac uliry MACHINE REPAIR and genarei malntonanco man wanted too afternoon shift, Utlce area. Call Jerry at 731-0100. MECHANICS To assotnbto machinery- Electrical wiring and panel; Experience desirable. All tenoflte. , Thoreson-Mccosh MANAGER AND MANAGER tralnu, full ond part tlmo attendants, for , Kayo Service stations, rapid promotions tor right men. Contact: Mr. Gardner at SB Orchard Loko Rd., or call 338-7709 Or 332-6406 or contact Mr. Moore at 673-9335. Ml ScT Cart *i)d trucks, also helpers. Apply KEEGO- SALES A SERVICE 3080 orchard. Lsks Rd., Ktogo Harbor. 6t^3400. Needed at Once! Young, Aggressive Experienced Auto Salesmen I To fill our new car Utot Staff, who Intends to oarn top waats, hospitalization,, profit sharing, fringe benefits including Demo f*id Bonus! Apply In person only, to Mr. _ Burmalst*r,_ G R I M A L DI Ponttoc, 210 NATIONAL CORPORATION It now accepting applications for full summer employment In PONTIAC OFFICE. Prefer men' who are athletic or politically minded. Must be intelligent, sharp, have neat appearance, and te ovar tl years Salary $3.60 par hour For personal Interview In Detroit Call Mr. Backer at 963-0080 From 9-1 P.M. OAKLAND UNIVERSITY Audio Visual Center Immediate opening for a qualified man In the operation and minor mainteinanco of. movie prolectors, tape records .and related equipment. Apply: PERSONNEL OFFICE Walton A Squirrel Rd. Rochester, Michigan Ph. 330-7211 Ext. 2024 An Equal Opportunity Employer. OFFICE MANAGER FOR 7 girl office, Indludes accounting through financial statement, must bo strong with people and able to organize. Salary plus Blue Cross, Ilia insurance and other frlnga benefits. Cell Mr. Falrbrotter, 1-873-59I0.' OAKLAND UNIVERSITY- MAIL ROOM Immediate openings for two young men In the University mailing service. These pultlons offer a variety ot responsibllltiu. and fine employu tenoflte. Apply: PERSONNEL OFFICE Walton A Squirrel Rd. Rochester,-Michigan.' ~h. 338-i— ...... .... -.,8-7211 Ext. 2024 An Equal Opportunity Employer. PRESSER ON wools, top wagst at highest price work rats. Call Vlllaga Cleaners, ,134 MI I n, Rxhetfar, 651-4340. PRINTER Offset only, responsible position In small shop with Heidelberg and multl-cquipmont, excellent wages, tor man with varied experience. Oakland Office Service, 549-3036. PAY DAY EVERY DAY Work today—gat gold tonight FACTORY WORKERS’— EMPLOYERS Temporary Service, Inc. FERNDALE 2320 Hilton Rd. REDFORD 26617 Grand River CLAWSON 65 $. Mein CENTER LINE 0561 E. 10 Milo An Equal Opportunity Employer Not an employment agency .PARTS HELPER AND PARTS TRUCK DRIVER WANTED.4 OAKLAND CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 724 Oakland FE 5/ PRODUCTION WORKERS You can make a good living here. Bonus, overtime, company paid benefits. Variety of lobs. Shifts from 1-4, 4-12, 12*. Last layoff over 10 yrs. ago. MICHIGAN SEAMLESS TUBE CO. 400 Wm. N. McMunn St. South Lyon, Michigan An equal opportunity employer PORTER — HANDYMAN with car. Mornings. 353-1166.________________ PARTS CLERK Must bo able to work any shift, •xporlsncod preferred but not nacusorv. KEEGO SALES A service, soso Orchard Late, Kaago Harter. 682-3400._____ SEAL ESTATE SALESMEN Commarclal, Investment and business opportunities. W* ar* In naad of a high caliber ules representative, preferably lloansad-now In real estate but not necessary. We have our own training program. Also, over Two Hundred' Million Dollars In listings throughout tho state. Members of ‘ the only non-residentlal multiple listing ssrvlco. Publishers of tho Michigan Business Guide. -All Inqlrtes strictly con-fldsntial. Ask tor Ward E. Partridge or Archie GHas, 1050 W. Huron St„ Phone 601-2111. RESIDENTIAL SUB-CONTRACTOR, ALL TRADES. WE ARE EXPANDING OUR HOME BUILDING OPERATION. RAY RAPAPORT, INC. 367 S. Telegraph Rd., Ponttoc. 335-0107. RETIRED MAN WANTED. Per security work. Call 335-0141. RELIABLE YOUNG MAN 3 day* a week to do landscaping work. Mutt hsvo own transportation. Call 602' 2646 aft. It p.m. REAL ESTATE Hava opening tor 2 high caliber full time ulas representatives. Lots of feeds 6nd floor time plus model home time available. Ask for Mr. warden. ■ ’■ WARDEN REALTY 3434 W. Huron. Ponttoc 682-3920 REAL ESTATE MANAGER, $15,000 YEAR GUARANTEE, plus bonuses. Mil taka development sites and-Acreage, Oakland County, •lies ana bli case* uomoiiu vwviiij# experience In soles of toko end river property and promotion necessary, thto Is $50,008 a year lob to right man. Must te real estate salesman or broker. Phone 366*905. H. Bldoll, 9:30 a.m. to 12 a.m. SURFACE GRINDER 5t hours plus all benefits, Arrow Mold and Proto-type. 1727 E. Auburn near Deaulndre. ; STOCK BOY tor retell office supply stare In downtown Pontiac, approximates hours per day, 5 daya a wuk, starting rate $1.60' par hour. 335-9261. ____________ SOUTHWESTERN OAKLAND County school district needs custodians, liberal salary and benefits, for Information call 605-1531. STRONG YOUNG MAN to work on scrap truck, afternoons part-time. Rochester, Mich'. 052-1911. Salesmen We peed professional salumen In tha following departments: APPLIANCES FURNITURE TIRES AND AUTO ACCESSORIES Thau are high volume department* where professional salesman mak* excelient"compensation. Our company benefits Include a *ine Profit sharing plan. MAN, PART TIME, lawn work. Private teWr/aten* *'' '*’ ■ .• MACHINIST^ 4- Alt a round! forVpro- . Apply PERSONNEL DEPT, 2ND FLOOR \ - rtag*s- 3»M5ia. . MAN FOR BOAT WORK, full time, no axpartanca necessary, 2156 Casa . bate Rd. . . l\\ V Montgomery \ L (lfc Ward PONTIAC MAIL-' _ An equal opportunity amployta ■ *|2ff THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, MAY 2,1968 *r; He» Wonted Mole______ SfRViCE MANAGER New CAR DEALERSHIP OAKLAND . _ CMRySLER-PLYMOUTH 724 Oeklswa , FES-9434 Mi ^ 6 H«ly Wonted Female 7Help Wanted Female STOCK CLERK AND CASHIER No expertenee Memory, will train, full time, many fringe benefits. Ptc-Wty Shoo Mon, 746 N. Ptetv. : fT .if ■BWvicC STATION mechanic ond oil around man. Must' bo ox-1 pertenced, perfect rsfs. over 21, married, axe. pay, good working; conditions. Uniforms furnished. Water meterbREPAIRMAN, ,1i! $3.01 to UP par hour plus cost of. living. Liberal fringe benefits. Experience In ropalr, .maintenance; and testing of wafer meters' preferred. Apply at City Managers'! Office. 11600 Oak Park Blvd„ Oak Park, Michigan. CLERK TYPIST \ I for general office work.' Bookkeeping and atengBI’aphK experience helpful. Salary commensurate with experience ami ability. Liberal fringe benefits. CeirMr. WANTED EXPERIENCED radiator me*, _ many fringe benefits Tom Nichoiis at 349-5500 of mly person, Pvte* Industries The! Mich. FRINGE WEAVERS INWEAVERS Retainers, experienced. Top Inga, fringe benefits. PI ‘ . Cal ; PART TIME, RECEPTIONIST needed for dental office Tn Clerkston area. Typing preferred, mutt have own transportation. Reply Ponflac, Press Box C-52. 28990 Wlxom Rd„ Wixp .nc^mg,-g?oflt'r,,ng;r.^,nsAT S?9ls, 4001 _N. Woodward, Royal Clr!irNJ2® J&VL, J"S*V JSA working K( ■RblT R|H Woodward. LI 9-2151 conditions, -. . Royal Oak location, Magic Textile weavers, 4 S 01 n. PRESSER Help Waited Female WOMAN 'TO STAY- WITH lady, board and room, too . prefer mature peraen. ST •ft* 6 P.m. •Wwrly ’calrUaS*- Oak, Michigan. Perfect |ob for the right man. Apply In person only. Tim's Schell1 Wanted. Immediately Thursday for fatally of t must en|oy. children and Have own transportation, Birmingham I I mSm ArIlL COOKS, SHORTorder, / tall SIS par day, call i end, part-time. Drayton AAW, 4355 Dixie Hwy. i ■ i gRill cookT '^art tinje. Pied Exp. silk and wool,.full time, good w2Mft!JK^TIP fOR courtl*r and pay, fringe benefits. PE 4-879. Ki person. at US --------- - -isMshd -Brrvt e«rP« Gresham Am. Cleaners, 605 Oakland Service, Auburn B John R. SHARE THE PROFIT plan. Mil complete line In data processing \ supplies and office - supplies for well’ known respected company. Send resume to Rortttae Press 'Box , .• ,—V ---------------------4-1 wanted. a7i[j Service Station Attendant II years or oldsr, with experience, *160 per hour, and SIGN PAINTER. . , Commercial man, 333-7931 Sign Co. 101 E. Walton.., City time and half tor, over 40 hours. Work 7 AM to 5 PM. 6 days a work, NO SUNDAY WORK! NO MECHANIC u.mku. ---B*nall4>' busj! SILK SCREEN PAINTER, experienced preferred but not required, good working conditions, exc. pay. Apply Translgn Inc., 34 W. Sheffield, Pontiac. Vi RE _____ POSITION! Must be dtptndabie, trustworthy and neat appearing, ask for Ken Johnson at 693-6246 or stop Ini Texaco Lake Orion CASHIER , HOSTESS Tod's si Pjber Restaurant,' \ 4370 , Highland; GOLF WIDOW, who doesn't Intend to be one this year, needs a baby sitter. Lake Orion area. 391-2729 GIRL POR COUNTER and marking department. Steady lob, good pay. ' erjersT 719 W, fc jf RonttaC Man has ail In* HAIRDRESSER TO TAKE ever msdlata opening tor a cashier and, clientele, 60 par cent .commission, a hostess. Excellent working hours. I’ 651-2070. “ Blue Crntt. I if* InesiraKr* *atH 1 " *. *'"■ ....... ■ - —A-—.'.—, \ > Social Security, paid vacation, pvt. TED ^ ' — I roam» Ha**1- TV. 6265270. PONTIAC MALL HOUSEKEEPER MOUNTER, experienced CLEANING WOMAN Ihousekeeper National man. Must have own car, top pay tar quarters, top right gal, full time, soma wakendv plications to Po Nursing Home. EM 3M12L So, BOR motherless home, to live In; full choree, ref. exchanged. 682-0797. PERSONNEL Rochester Division of Control Data Corp-. - a rapidly growing manufacturer of computer equipment, has gn opening for an ax _____________High. WOMAN POR iNSPECTlbN and «fd»7sfi—r*' widow; MaYuM.lI\M-In meH» perlenced parson Irt procsssing hsaltn,' disability and workmans home, mom 4-4: so p.m. •rises ... BE 5-6663. WOMAN.ToTivti iN with oMariy . ... on*'years insurance! (experience necessary, Employment;' pfferS excellent saiary end liberal! fringe benefit program., cell or write.. — s. J. Manor, Rochester! couple tight housework, good. Clean cook, nice room and wages, ili- Help Wonted M. nr 1,% 8 FURNITURE URHOLSTERBItS WANTED , 624-5509 bat. I and 9 tom. , Fc ns-oiS fmpleyment Agencies t CAREERS OALCjRE. WE GOT KM 3524800 CHOATE I, CHOATE INC. 'Wins GENERAL OFFICE:, "Girls, Girls" —Absolutely no experience re-; gulred. Company will pay W of m. stortinMr at win. Key Roy; 3364tfl, Sneillng and Snelllgi- MANAGERS: YOU WILL bo troteod LIMOUSINE DRIVERS, steady wore, good pay, must b* good driver* ohd over 25. Call Ft 94145 or Ft *4)66. yoHroiLivniliY, pity tolly. qeli at tap wasMOM toll benefits with «. a yog /have an honerabw. discharge and went to Ntra- Mvlwe pneno 3344271,‘ Jlrn Stalnlngor. Sneillng and Sneillng, Man _or woman to. soii itpovor AwIIomm at Meat ' department 'store. Hour*: Pridey — Tto to P-m. SMiHtwy 1 to 5 p,if). Salary ' rr *2 per tagr. Pleaae write Box No. C-3, Fqntlac Frees, giving i heme, pMAOddfees and phone number. ntCEPTIONIST, PLEASANT PER-, sonollty'1 fo groof people ond answer phono, some typing. _ Moms £ adami <474118 employment. Apply In parson! only Franks Restaurant, Ki— Hr®3* Division, Control Data Carp., 1400 Guaranteed Stop par >i Harper N. Rochester Rd., Rochester, Mich. 48063 651-8118, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. An equal opportunity employer. WAITRESS OPENING POR full time 5 days, no Sundays. Apply pwSm. Encore Restaurant Mira Mile Shopping Center. RS8SER PORypAODBRN dry cleaning plant, experienced wpei or silk finisher, full or . part time. , »f**dy Work. 601-0021 'JP H A RMACfBTS, e?Mrlanco, ibftltv^o^tvos *°Co H i 4 °"ly « day WM& MgWtanca. ability to type. Call good rata., of pay,. Sundays^ REGISTERED, needed Immediately tq complete 'vunltdooo system. .Modem pro-•resstve, 392 bad hospital. Exc, Mlary range plus liberal oWB oif- p»y. tlac RELIABLE BABY SITTER In my home, 7-3:30, own transportation. Salary open. PE 0-0977. FOR single png eg* to. Private_________________ Mall ap- ROOM AND BOARD In exchange ter holidays off. Apply -In person — no phone calls. Town and CountfV 1727,5. Telegraph, Press Box C-| mounting and balancing ear and Wanted- Tmrk driuerc ay. truck tires, excellent hours jWOnTea: IrUCK drivers BX- AvluPonttsc' App'v 45 °*kl*ndi perienced in handling lum- cashier and light ottics work,'housekeeper. — doCt6R*S ReLi'AfiLf occasional baby tilting, Lake ama. 363-sooi WAITRESS — Experienced luncheon or toil time, apply In parson, Union Birchroom Restaurant, 4 N aglnaw at Pika. Yake charge real estate broker! her, top wages. 642-0400 or salesman, your responsibility vuAiiirf K* tn riaualnn Mir roal WAN Tt U Men qualified to Work M plastic laminated door conpany Some knowledge of wood working for would be to develop our real estate dept. You must be able to list# hire end train salesman. For confidantial Interview call FE 4* 9812 Evas. 682-8039. Yurret Cor Grimaldi Oakland Ave, dealership, ■ I n q u I Imported Car Co., 900 LATHE operator, lodge of machinery helpful. Day ternoon work avail. Apply In person to Poncroft Door Co. 7005 Cosmetic Department I Soles person, pretarrebly with department store training. 30 hours a week tor expanding new deport-ment. Excellent earning potential. family age 25-40. Light cleaning! laundry. Good with toddler, .other help employed. Live In or out. 10 o.m.-« p.m. own transport. 626-0930.! HAIRDRESSER, FULL time, Maries {••July Salon, Walled Lake) 624-1 perlenced and-or trainee With some wantednewspapfp «Bu4pMvim' C00,i 5ST.*ti?0.^?22ftLjP2fl experience, life Insurance and paid, W„7«m»n APPLY JACOBSON S Blue Cross. Apply in person, Ben- _JS. Apply in person, ton Corp., 2170 Industrial Row Trey. Salary plus commlaslam- MAyfalr 6-3940 attar S p.m. 336 w. Maela 644-6900 HOUSEKEEPER LIVE (own transportation) N or out ^_____ _____, | days, own room, TV, no wishing or choking. ref. SSS. 626-1797. Birmingham i TRACER LATHE operator, experienced ond-or trainee with soma experience, Ufa Insurance and paid BJua Cross. Apply In person; Benton Corn., 2170 Industrial Ross: Troy, WANTED CONTRACT CLEANING firm naadal Perry, HELP WATNED Jax Roost Beef tall time and port time. 511 N, women for cleaning work, Rochester, 01.75 per hour, S days weekly. 547-2971. HOUSEKEEPER, S days, cleaning and Ironing, own transportation, references. SouthfMd. 357-1906. , VERTICALMJLL OPERATOR TRUCK MECHANICS !C*s”-IIR.~.10L” ,0 4:3# H-m*'HOUSEKEEPER - Afternoons, ; 6 days week. FE S-74S2. ______ Monday-Frlday. All day during COTTAGE MOTHERS for school' summer. 1 schoolaged boy, work-neglected—and problem | Ing—adults..............must___be depen ■fins nr Tliaeel—tthevAt KAii l' sorvtng .nogloctod—and problem ing .adults,—must be depen- oOS Of L7I6S6I. Liberal pay(j boys. Applicants should ba matura,| da ble.—start Immediately—own or part time, experience, insurance furnished, retire- person, jod>a!22S!1* matura lady wltb good typing ---- nTohli, WAITRESS, PMSt tlmb Harbor Bar, 6l2-ra20. ; WANTED CASHIER, ^Wltif 0» parlance In Billing, etc, Sritnl forantlel and weekend aonos, exc. ■■■■ ■ Personnel fringe bonont*. Contact . Department, Pontiac G a n a r a I Ilea manager, at ■kills and good attention to detail. Guaranteed pay increases with profit shoring program. Inquiries confidantial. Apply In parsons of send handwritten resume to Christian Momorlol Estates — Memorial Cultare Canter, Attention Mr. LePage, S21 E. Hamlin Rd„ Rochester, 40063. RECEPTIONIST-TYPIST Pleasing personality, pood typing ability and a gracious polsod manner , tor a rapidly expanding corporation—headquartered tn Birmingham. Salary commensurate with experience. For appointment, contact Mr. Catwall at 642-3238. I ARE WAITRESSES PART TIME—full timO weekends —you name it—we naad YOUl Company baneflta. Paid vacation’ ELIAS BROS. BIG BOY RESTAURANT Telegraph A Huron Help Wanted M. or F. con wr"VSSf ESTATE. OR 4-0: YORK REAL SHORT ORDER cook, nights and weekends, experienced helpful but will train. Call EM 3-8611 aft. n a.m. ■ \... Factory Branch •Oakland at Cass FE 5-9485 An equal opportunity employer CREDIT ! BOOKKEEPER WE WANT YOU! If You Are Looking For: Too "wages with good benefits. Steady work overtime. Local Work No "Production-line" work Day or Night Shifts WANTED PRODUCE help, experienced boys or produce manager. Apply Foodtown Market, 7400 Highland Rd., M-59 Plaia. | This Is a good opportunity for a woman with soma bookkeeping experience to work In our Credit Office: Excellent company benefits. YOUNG MEN BETWEEN THE ages of 16 and 20. Arby's Roast Beet In Pontiac naad* man for these hours. ‘ 7 to 11 a.m., and It to 2 p.m. Call 681-1175 ask for Mike or Bob. Apply PERSONNEL DEPT. 2ND FLOOR IMMEDIATE OPENINGS DISHWASH DEPT. Uniforms fumlihsd, paid SALESLADIES, experienced, full time, children's apparel. Apply Youtfi Center Store, Tel-12 Mall, 28606 Telegraph, Southfield. Cross lha _ GREENFIELD'S RESTAURANT 725 S. Hunter ________Birmingham KEEP YOUR FULL TIME |Ob as wlfO and mother. Full time pay, part time work. Pres S 3 4 2 wardrobe. No collecting, n o delivering. We train, cor and phone necessary: Queens Way, Evening and Sat. 611-0386, anytime 673-2139. Blue SECRETARY OR TYPIST. Must be expert on IBM executive. 35 hour w»*k. Pleasant t girl, Bloomfield Hills office. Ml 4-7199, Help Wanted Female ! MATURE WOMEN for sties In carry-out food establishment, hrs. 12 to 6 p.m. and 4 to 10 p.m., 6 days, a weak. Good pay, working conditions. Call 682-1120 tar appointment. Montgomery Ward' . ■ KITCHEN HELP Dishwasher and General MACHUS RED POX _______ 6676 Telegraph SECRETARY - RECEPTIONIST for doctor office, typing and shorthand required. Please call 335-9207 for Interview. SECRETARY POR tool shop, Pleasant surrounding, 1 girt office. Apply Bar-Van Tool Co. 29750 Shiawassee, Farmington, _ YOU IN A Rut? Call Mr. Foley. YORK REAL ESTATE, OR 4-0363. ■ ? Are YOU HI' existing I ■■. ■■ YORK REAL ESTATE 6744)363. lust _T REALLY LIVING? Or existing?.. Call Mr. Folty, BOOKKEEPING Immediate, permanent opening now exist'wlth a Howell area employi .............. ........T nil or. Experience In general accounting through trial balance shoot and profit and loss stafomsnt is desired. Good salary and excellent benefit program. Sand resume or tatter outlining experience to: P.O. Box 333, Howell, Michigan, 48843, Mile ]A MATURE lady for typing PONTIAC MALL An Equal Opportunity Employer KITCHEN HELP Grill Cooks and Bus GiHs Dev and evening. shifts. Good wage*. Hospitalization and other benefits. Apply: ELIAS BROS. BIG BOY RESTAUhANT Telegraph A Huron HELP FOR RtGHT “NOW-Wf “NEED: Turret Lstha Operators Engine Lethe Operators O.D. Grinders Set-up Men STOP IN AND TALK TO US AT. BAR MAID AND waitresses wanted part time and full time. No ex-perlence necessary. PE 8-9971. BABY SITTER IN my home for 1 child aga 5, 9 to 5 p.m. 674-3764 aft. 4 p.m. CLOSING SECRETARY Needed (or Hours 10 'til 5 tar 5 day Week. Would consider applicant with legal background ana wo would train. All applications confidential Inquire Box, C-47, Pontiac Press. Nursing ■ I___ T._ ,.ir--------- tlon. Union Lake. EM 34121. KEY PUNCH OPERATORS, BOOKKEEPER to asslat in cost accummulatlons end general accounting. Should hove prior accounting experience. Salary based on ability and experience. Excellent fringe benefits. Confect — ARTCO, INC. __ , 3020 Indian wood Rd. Lake Orion! SECRETARY FOR small off lea; D| nnn h Akin DC 1 Northwestern Hwy. at Orchard ilk. BLUUU uUNURj RECREATIONAL SALES One ' of the Notions I a r g e s developers, | Staking qveWM * men tar career opportunity, immediate commission, company financing oil sales; no turn down. Phono Mr Willey, vacation site to work: 335-7140. between 9 o.m. ond 12 noon. gresslve ■ company pats medical Ills In*., Holidays and vacamn. Interested at *10,0809 Phono Jim StalnlngOr, 334-2471, shelling and Soolltan. VE Wa epactallza man (h posdtens that*1»?Sr '•rekpiS advancement and steady growth. If you ore drincldedf' In who? areas you wish to seek employment at top wogos.phono m* today, Bta Wolf, 334-2471. SnollinB and Snell _§fc IS YOUR INCOME Adequate? Call OR men and Woman with ambition ; end enthusiasm who don't oblect to earning 0 largo Income and ore willing to work for it. Contact your Sarah Coventry Manager, ask tor Connie, 33M136. SUPPLY, FAMILIES IN year area • with Rowloigh Products.. Special offer to help got you atartoo. It's easy to atari, no money tar ventory. Write or call W. Rowloigh Co., Box Michigan. Ph, WELDERS: Aiscmbly lint, laborers nawlad Immediately! Till* fX, pending company made you to grow with them, i Salaries from 56,880 to 810,800 Will bo yours." PIMM Bud Wolf. 3364271, Sntlllne and snoHing._________ Mwtoj w»i mwlhB 12 l-o b s' UOHT HAULillO, . .odd UgHT.tj/WtiKg; clwii- ig.',9i!iia son HAULINO, ehsln MiiHbb aaJ Ptorqtlm 23 EXPERT PAINTING, special LAoiBfcpESi-, Mi (OB : Wgiortarfi.oroo. or OW &jT llpiilmHwr' . t»s SLIP COVERS custom^ made. Prss eat. UL 2-27?3 or FE ! WOMAN DESIRES ride to downtown Porttioc from Ctarkatan with some, 6 a.m. rotunt trip 3:30 p.m. 625-4142. Wonted Housthold Goods 29 1 PUCE OR HOUSEFUL. PO «BS3 HIGHEST PRICES PAlb FOR good furniture onT oppllonots. Or what ’ HistroctlBRS-SciiMls * ; register "now I 10 SHORTHAND AND TYPING Day and tvaning classes 'GAN r HB.......... Work Wanted Malt 11 Sales Help Malfl-Femalt—8-A APPRAISERS SALESMEN \ TRAINEES Again, due to expansion Ray Real Estate needs qualified help, experience (a necessary, all you 1-A CARPENTER WORK, additions, siding, roofing, cement. Bill Dow, State License. FE 8-2171 or FE I-isat- A-l CARPENTER, LARGE or small lobe, 682-5137. ATTENTION 11 OU students desire painting and household repair lobs, Interior and exterior painting, guitar repairs, - floor tiling, trim rtpnlr, roofing repair, ore. We also panel workmanship. Call Bob, 238-1421, or Ron, 673-6118. • ® No BOYS is AND 17 DESIRE odd lobs. /OU Qlrl 14 dtslras babysitting, etc. ntod to bo is a e g-rd salve Hunhwn Like area. Coll personable and waqt to M pro-' Pta. OR 34261 tosslOMl. ■“ " no ‘ ' hove yodt __________ B & B AUCTION 1087 Dixie Hwy. OR 3-2717 Wontod MiaCGlIoMous 30 BILL'S RENTAL: _ ^ sump pumM rootrdloss of condition. Catr32Min6. SoMV ~ bslwotn ? ojn. nnd 3 p.m. buy ‘of ___ : Sot-Mon-Tuos. COPPER, BRA S S, RADIATORS, starters and generators. C. Dlxson, OR 3-5S47, ____________ OLD PAPERS FOR. ohurdi papsr WANTED: 3-4" BROKEN concrete, if you look for a place to dump l to 2 loads call 335-9624. Encyclopedia Brittanies or World Books. 363-7906. WANTED 32'-40' FLAT bed trailers with tandem axles. Churches Components. 628-4112.__________ Wanted ta Rditt 82 EXECUTIVE FAMILY desires leke-Iront cottage JunwAuo. 647-3836. our people: Here Is whet ws offer to CARPENTER WORK, ........ and Shiawassee.___________ 626-4200 5HORT-GRDER cook to work nights end Sundays, tail or part time.1 Knapps Dairy Bar, Main St. In 'her Rochester. Rd. 626-1117. general office work, comfortable COUNTER LADIES FOR DRY surroundings with pleasant people. I $*£**• Full time or port time. write Post Office Box 232, Pontiac, Write up and etack out orctors. No KITCHEN ■ TVPI,T giving complete information exporlancs nocfssary. Apply lfom*/1 "iv5* u*ve_own transports- typist ------------c---------' ' Radcllffs Cleaners, 4529 N Woodward. S. of 14 Mila. SECRETARY ^" Trinity Baptist Church needs experienced secretary or trainee with some experience In bookkeeping and stenography work. Phono FE 2-4651. 3. Paid Life Insurance 4. Paid Vocations 5. Free Training 4 .Bonus Plans 7. Guaranteed Salary 8. Monthly Contest Prizes 9. Proa Supplies . 10. Potential of *12,(108 1284180 your first yosr 11. 11 Offices to work from 12. Advancement - ta1 repsirs, <82-7585. ELECTRICIAN trims and additions household , WANTS part time work. CPU 451-3578. LIGHT MOVING, pointing, mlsc. 331- LIGHT HAULING, hand i town work, 6MMW; ! painting digging, URGENTLY NEEDED All RH positive Alt RH Nag. with positive factors A-nog., B-neg., AB-neg. O-neg. I All you naad la dOsire and am-17.3d Union, if you ora r‘ I week, this Isn't ora looking for a 5-day Isn't Itl Success Is by effort. Think youi PLOWING; painting, wall washing, win- dow cleaning, eavestrough clean- ing, light repairs, general spring cltanup. 353 1692. light STENOS m BABY SITTER, LIVE In, 2 children. More fee home‘than wages. FE 2-3649. BABY SITTER NEEDED. 67441887, bet. 4-7 p.m. COOK — Short Order, a.m. or p.m. shift. Apply Arrow Head Golf Club, 2797 Lapeer Rd„ at 1-75, Pontiac Twp. 332-9126.__________________ New Hudson Corp. 57077 Pontiac Trail (at Grand River) - New Hudson Michigan BEAUTY OPERATOR, Albert's Beauty Salon, 682-7326, also new Albert's Union Lake Salon.. COLLEGE STUDENTS BEAUTY OPERATOR - Full time. Shampoo girl. Part time. Bloomfield Area. MA 6-2270. BEAUTICIANS AT WILMA'S Beauty Salon, 461 s. Saginaw, PE 4-4254. BAR /MAID, NIGHTS. Morey's Golf and Country Club, 2280 Union Lake Rd. BLOOMFIELD FAMILY In large contemporary home desires mature, quiet, capable lady, live In. Previous domestic, exp. preferred. 2 girls, 10-7. baby boy 7 mos.. Sun., Mon. off. Early afternoon to yourself. Pvt. bedroom-bath. Permanent opportunity, exc. pay. Refs. Reply Pontiac Press Box C-42. International’ Corporation now hiring for-....summer .-employment. Company will hire saverai students for full time work. Immediately to be developed for managerial positions for the summer. Basic requirements: 1. Attending or accoptad In an accredited college. 2. Able to work until Sept. I. 3. Opportunity to win 1 of 15 31,000 cash scholarships to bo awarded In Sept. 4. Opportunity to win an all expanse paid trip to Europe this Pall. In Pontiac ax- -----M GIRL L. 1342 Wlda Track Dr. perlenced Mivrwidy'^ yogfTBuHd"^?55—-----------------------------* Mon„ Frl. 9-4 work, paid Blue Cross, paid life TYPIST - BOOKKEEPER for 1 Tuei., Wad., Thurs. 18-5 Insurance and paid vacation. Andy, man office. 624-0117.' » _COUPLE FOR SMALL hotel In leach S750me8?ured oy ettorr. minx you; PLOWING. LAWN Work. ifjiquallfv? Call Mr. George for con- haullM,cell M4*Jl7 __ JWe have a future for you in the a;—i—ss—.1 . - *—r~----------__ FE 4-9947 Real Estate, field that will yield you, Work Wanted Feoiale 12 earnings unlimited, Wa will contlder ! mi!e*0r 2 WMEtt WAt^ ^ Dempsey Key Runch Service, G-WAITRESS AND GRILL COOK I 6434 S. Dort Hwy., Grand Blanc, Mich. 674-7181 or 694-5131, day and night shifts open, 55 or more girls needed right now, Detroit. Salary, Detroit. TE 2-8063. live - . In. Call LADY 4 DAYS. MON., Tues., Thurs. and Frl., cleaning and Ironing, transportation preferred, Bloomfield Hills area, call Wed., Thura. and Monday. Ml 6-2204. _______________ LAUNDRY .HELP Experience not necessary, many benefits, Pontiac LaOndrv, 540 S. Telegraph. • LPN CHARGE NURSE, midnights, Glen Acres. 1255 W. Sllverbelle. MAID NEEDED at VIc Tanny Health Club. 647-5880. Aik for Mr. Plru. MACHINE OPERATOR WELDER-FITTER for small _____________ medium size stainless steel bookkeepc5 cod anv« c<-niTta ■ • ■ ■' fabrication. Walmll Co.. 1025 E.i S,c?u,*_?'CLERK ADULT Maple Ip Troy. Work schtdulo, positions and earnings will be explained In personal interview. Call Mr. Kelly, before 2 p.m. 335-6846. WANTED EXPERIENCED alders, full time work, Blue Cross hospitalization avail. Also retlre-nrwnt and Jlte Insurance. CtaL bet. 7-9 a.m. 332-5231. WANTED: NIGHT FOREMAN, lay out man, fitters, welders and electric eye burners operator. Equal Opportunity Employer and benefits, 3343567.________________ Wanted estimate to remove 6 . trees, Hampton Electric, 825 W. - Huron, FE 4-2525. America, experienced counting, and typing necessary. | Benefits available, contact, Mrs.' Senger or Mr. Sowerwlne, at 334-2509 bet. 9 q,m. and 5 p.m. week days.________ | every other evening 5 p.m. til 10 dm. Every other Sun 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mill's Pharmacy Birmingham. Ml 4-5060._________ BOOKKEEPER WITH PAYROLL and trial balance, experience If possible. Good hours, retirement, hospitalization plan, also general office help. Apply between 9:30 and 12 noon. No phono calls please. Connolly'S Jewelers, 25 N. Saginaw, Pontiac, Mich. CASHIER Part tims work. Day shift. Company benefits. Apply In person. ELIAS BROS. ’ Big BOY RESTAURANT ______Telegraph 8, Huron DISHWASHER, RELIABLE, 12 to 8:30 p.m., 51.50 per hour. Blue Cross, Call Ml 6-6181 between 2 and 6 p.m. _______________- WE ARE LOOKING FOR AN Experienced Used Car Salesman Who Intends to maks $15,000 or better a Vearl An ex-perienced salesman who is willing to work and desires to increase his earnings, can qualify tor* this position, selling used cars In a modern, progressiva OM dealership. Many fringe benefits, Including hospitalization, profit sharing plan. Demo and vacation, see Tommy Thompson, Used Car Dept, at Shelton Pontlac-Bulck-Opel, 555 5. Rochester. Rd„ Rochester! rf BAR MAID AND waitresses wanted m,irtTnoe __Q■ ___ — I _n steady hours, good pay, ex- DRUGSTORE TOBACCO CLERKS, ■ perience. .Apply at Chalet Inn, 7? over 30 years, expeience preferred! N. Saginaw, Pontiac. No experience necessary Good working conditions Paid holidays and vacation Transportation necessary Janet Davis Cleaners 647-3007 MATURE.GIRL for half days of typing and general office work In our. office. Mall Information to WAITRESSES Experienced food and cocktails Apply In person bet. 18 a.m. and P-m. No phone calls. ■ Closed on /Monday. Rotunda country lnn,i 3230 Pine Lake Rd., Orchard Lake,! Mich. College Students WAITRESS WANTED, AML Shift Apply Arrow Hoad Golf Club, 2797 Lapeer Rd. at f-75; Pontiac Twp 332-9126. Women's Fashions areas EXPERIENCED Many fringe benefits SAKS Fifth Ave. -TROY BIG BEAVER AT COOLIDGE Apply In parson, Personnel OTflce Housewives Would you Ilka a part time tolling lob, averaging 20 to 30 hours per week? We have openings In slitter ■ day or evening schedules averaging 4 or more hours par day. If you have a business Ilka ap-pearance and pleasant personality, we will train you for public contact work. Minimum aga If yoari. our qualifications. you_ this exciting Industrial cleaning 852-2871, necessary. Bonus arrenoamant. WARREN STOUT, REALTOR MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE 1450 N, OpdykO Rd. PE 5-816! A-l IRONING. ONE day service. Mrs. McCowan, PE 4-3867. REAL ESTATE SALES aalespMplt,. will Openings tor * mminiisi wm train qualified parsons tor higher earnings. VALUET REALTY, FE Apply M PERSONNEL DEPT. 2ND FLOOR vui a wiiilc. man mfurmai PosnOfflce Box 65, Pontiac. T________________________________ /MATURE WOMAN for general office, ,or i,l#?nin9 on, work, able to work with public. r Lpl,ln apply In persons People's nnwltfinq1 Cal1 *73-7203/ after 5 p.m. Montgomefy Ward Co. Miracle Milo In Pontiac. 2135 S. Telegraph. PONTIAC MALL An equal opportunity employer MATURE WOMAN TO care for 12 yr. old while mother works. West side, call after 6 p.m. 334-1333 or 335-5878. evenings .5-10 p.m. and weekends; part time. Lee Drugs, 4390 Dixie { Hwy. CLEANING LADIES, ALSO DRp!:b. housekeepers,—Birmingham, car steady work. Wy TponTiV Press -BoX C-4. _____ I allowance. 642-7900. MUNICIPAL PARKING LOT ATTENDANTS High School Graduate S2.79-S3.04 an hr. Excellent fringe benefits. Apply Personnel Dept., Pontiac City Hair-' An Equal Opportunity Employer CASHIER-TYPIST I DAY WORKER, S days, ? to 5, own Interesting work tor HSG who en-l transportation. Sun,, MOn. off, stay NURSES RNs and LPNs toys meeting people, good working conditions and starting salary, no Saturday*. Telephono Mr. Leo, 330- Wed. and Sat. nights, vary experienced, refs. Mapls-Telegfiph area, 570. 626-1236. 0421. Counter help .wanted tor top quality dry cleaning plant in Pontiac area, good pay and other fringe benefits. If Interested .call Mr. Moore or Mrs. Edens. 332-1022. Help Wanted Male 6Help Wanted Male Machine Operators And Trainees For LATHES MILLS GRINDERS Lynd Gear Inc. Subsidiary of Condec Corporation Phone 651^4377 361 SOUTH STREET ROCHESTER, MICHIGAN An equal opportunity employer POCTOR'S OFFICE R.N., L.P.N.,' or doctor's assistant, experienced, full time, good salary. Call 623-45I1. DOCTOR'S RECEPTIONIST — General Practice next to Pontiac General. 31 hour week. Experience preferred. Reply to Pontiac Press Box C-33 DRAPERY SHOP Needs hand iewers. Apply In person only. MARY LEE DRAPERIES, 1 93 9 S. TELEGRAPH RD. WAITRESS Days, Lunch or full time. Exp. Open now. Apply Ricky's, (1? Woodward. WAITRESSES pull and part time dining room waitresses needed on both day and night shift. Apply In parson only. Caretaker Couplt preferred. Experience required. Now 64 unit bulialna In the Pontiac area. Apartment vtlltty. Send resume to Ponflac Press Box C40. DISHWASHERS Night shift, company benefits. Paid TED'S BLOOMFIELD HILLS WOMAN PART time or full time for general office work In Insurance office, Pontiac area. Must be reliable. Repy to Pontiac Press Box C-43. 3-11 AND 11-7 SHIFTS „ _________ _ Modern . well equipped nursing, WANTED: Lady for e a f_e t e_M a •nwiu ; mi, ntuinw, nursinf canter, above average salary. Fringe benefits and meals included. Contact Director of Nuri-lng Bloomfield Hilla Nursing Cantor, SB Square Lake Rd., Bloomfield Hills: 338-0345. NATIONAL CORPORATION Is now accepting applications tor full time surhmer employment In Its PON-TIAC OFFICE. Must be neat appearing, be able to Converse Intelligently and be over 11 years old. Salary $3.60 per hour For personal Interview In Detroit Call Mr. Becker at 963-0088 „ 9-1 P.M. EXPERIENCED 550 Switchboard operator. Must type. Crescent Lake area. Apply 1179 Sylvertls Rd. Division Printing. 9:30 to 3:30. EX PERI ENCED HOUSEKEEPER, 2 days a weak, own transportation. Ml 6-1086. EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES and hostesses wanted.. Excellent tips, pood working conditions. Blue-Cross, apply In person Harvay' Colonial House 5896 Dixie Hwy, NURSE AIDES. EXPERIENCED or wlH train, all shifts, must have own cor. Union Lake area. EM 3-4121. PAYROLL CLERK TO figure payroll also other general office Outlet. 625-5381. want Temporary work? CALL /MANPOWER 332-8386 WANTED: GIRL Friday, small manufacturing plant, 2 blocks from Woodward on South Blvd. needs responsible person for a l girl oh flee. Must bp sharp with, figures, capable of payroll, billing, soma taxes, bookkeeping through trial balance. Compensation commensurate, with ability. Great Lakes Hardware. 338-7111. WANTED: — FIRST AID person, no previous experience necessary. We will train, minimum age 21 yrs. $500 plus expenses, approx. 8 weeks, beginning last week In June. The (raining will take place on 2 week ends prior. The |ob is at a Children's camp In - Lake Orion. Minimum of t day a * Off; call 673-2702. ” ELIAS BROS BIG BOY RESTAURANT Telegraph 8, Huron EMPLOYMENT AVAILABLE—apply at Seminole Hills Nursing homo, 532 Orchard Lk. Ave. PULL TIME SALESMAN or woman, excellent earnings, company benefits and paid vacation. Apply Mallng Shoos, 50 N. Saginaw, FLORAL DESIGNER. MUST BE experienced, full and part time. Alto, telephone tales girl with knowledge of florist byslness. Must be able: to type. Apply Jacobson's Flowore. 101 N. Saginaw. FULL. TIME married man or woman, mature, to take complete charge of retail fruit and vegotablo and dairy store. Experience helpful but not necessary.'Good pay: 407 Elizabeth Leke Rd., acrose from REAL ESTATE MANAGER, $15,000 YEAR GUARANTEE, plus bontuoa, 8011 lake development tiles end acreage, Oakland County, exporlancs in salts of Lake and River property ond promotion necessary. This Is 150,000 a year |ob to right man. Must bo real estate talesman or broker. Phono 3664705. HI. Bidoll, 7:30 o.m. to EXPERIENCED DRAPERIES tales person, highest Mlary, downtown Birmingham. Irving Kay's. HAROLD R. FRANKS, REALTY has openings for exporloncM licensed full time salesmen. Replies confidential. EM 3-32*8. WANTED: YOUNG /MAN with eolet background to learn furniture end appliance solos. Goad base pay plus commission. Phono FE 2-6842 for oppolnfmont. WILL BE COMPANION to elderly tody,-7-3, 3 days per week. Orion or, Oxford area; 620-2170. Building Sarvices-SuppliBs 13 40 BUNDLES of plaster board. PE 4-4344.: KITCHENS ALA CARTE, complete kltchon, coorindatlon and plonnino by appt, your homer Free estimate* on Installations. 363-1112, wMk days. MAKE ONE STOP SAVE YOU TIME AND MQNEY AT BENSON LUMBER CO. STOPS LEAKS WHEN APPLIED DIRECTLY TO STREAM OP WATER. SShm, WATER PLUG, A QUICK SET . HYDROLIC CEMENT. <2 lb. can ................$5.42 THROSEAL A HEAVY CEMENT BASE FOR WATER PROOFING SO lb ................$1.22 _ REAL ESTATE SALESMEN Experienced to work on forms, Oakland and, Macomb Counties. Salary or drawing account available. Commensurate on ablll-ty. PENN, LI 8-1908. SEEKING MAN NOW In M(*t field In Oakland County arte who would Ilka substanclai added Income. Must bu honest, like- people, and have a sincere feeling for the welfare of the public. Coll Sot. or Sim. Only 3 p.m.—7 p.m. Pontiac, 332-9734, oek ter Mr. White. TELEPHONE. SALES FROM my of-ilce, pay dotty, coll 674-2711 rental In Rochester Or Farmington area, call Wyandotte collect: 202-7797. MANAGER ~ Family wants three bedroom heuae, Drayton oreo. OR ■ 33113, oek for Mr. Jonas. RENTALS WANflD~ Apartment, houM, room, or trailer rental llatlngs wanted. 437-17H, Ext. 285, or write Perionnel Dept. Michigan Seamless Tube Co., 400 Wm. N. McMunn, South Lyon, MlCh. _________. ■’ . ■ RETIRED PENSION tody Wants «i apt. with ’bath. Reasonable rant, ponflac Pres* C-25. STATE TROOPER and wife, no children, proteraMv 2, bedroom unturn, home. 625-3351. YOUNG COUPLE both teachers desire house to rent etortlng- In Juno. Pleaae call aft. 6 p.m. 674-4326. Hhart Living Quarters 33 BIRMINGHAM ABBA PArHFinp has completely turn. 2 bedroom, 2 bath home, to share with one other bachelor. 626-5543. ELDERLY COUPLd to share home with lady, . ponflac area. Reply Pontiac Press Box C-44. EMPLOYED CHRISTIAN mature woman to shore homo with MM. (52-2213.. Wanted Real Estate 36 1 to 50 Homes, lots, acreage PARCELS. FARMS, .BUSINESS PROPERTIES, AND LAND CONTRACT. WARREN STOUT, Realtor 1450 N. Opdyke FE M16I Urgently naad for Immediate sal* I Ponflac Dniiy 'tue MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE ' APPRAISALS FREE : GUARANTEED SALE 30 DAY LISTING Wa guarantee the sale of your homo in 30 day*. LAUINGER QUICK SEAL A CEMENT PAINT OVER, THROSEAL. (S colors) 50 lb....... THROBOND A BONDING AGENT . FOR CONCRETE AND PLASTIC. THROPATCH PATCHING . AND FLOORS. • lb. con.. A CEMENT BASE F O R SIDEWALKS THIS IS NO ORDINARY lob. It you •re a licensed real aetata salesman with a provan tales record; If you are conscientious, ambitious, honest; ■nd neat appearing, a wonderful opportunity awaits you. Guaranteed draws, pension, other fringe benefits. You con easily realize • 120,000 plus meome .If you are willing to work. All Inqoirloe confidential. Inquire O. L. Proksch, Sales Manager, O'Neil Realty, Inc. — OR 43922 or OL f 057S, i- : Impioyment Agencies Retiree for supervision, S6,ooo; Associates Personnel, 3324157. the Ponflac Mall. cates i (: cot Help Wanted M. or F. 8 Help Wanted M. or F. 8 Waterford. EXPERIENCED COOK Wanted for mornings, no grill work, good wages. Dew Drop Inn Restaurant, 4720 Walton Bvd., Drayton Plains, See owner. FACTORY WORKERS Urgently ; . Needed Help Wanted Male 6Help Wanted Mole Machine Builders Die Makers i Tool Makers , Grinder Hands Lathe Hands TOP PAY FOR TOP SKILLS 1st or 2nd .SHIFTS ii 58 HOUR WEEK Excellent frlngt benefits including: immediate paid medical and life Insurance/ vacation pay, profit sharing and pension ftlan. Apply in person or phone . m GENESEE TOOL & ENGINEERING CO./ INC. *' ' 0rJ463 ,8. P°RT;H|GHWAY T m '’g pNT] AAICHIOAN 48502V PHONE 313-742-2522 4- Assemblers, Press Operators Packagers, unskilled work avail, REPORT 6 A.M, TO 6 P.M. EMPLOYERS " Temporary Service, Inc; FERNDALE , ,, 2320 Hilton Rd. REDPORD V,/ /26617 Grand River CLAWSON ,, 65 S. Main CENfER LINE 8561 E. 10 Mile An Equal Opportunity Employer , 1 Not an omploymont agency GENERAL OPPICOi WORK Immediate ppanlng. Typing, light bookkeeping end filing, experience necessary. Cell PE 53446. EXCLUSIVE FOOD MARKET Birmingham, no eve. or Sun. Mb# EXPERIENCED BEAUTICIAN TO take over, clientele. 942 Joslyn. 335-5966, PE 138923. -_ Experienced waitress, top wages, pert or full time, day. work. MY 3-9982. FEMALE CONSULTANT We now have on pponlng for tho girt who wants to moke irtenoy end .help: people. FREE TRAINING, l Un 11 m l ted ‘’fiP port unities. Cell Jim StelntoOer 3S4-267I, SneiHng end SnoHlng. ’ PULL’ TIME. CLERK, \reta!l store. flood working ; conditions, frinflt «iHht .l /L, L. Damman ., Co., Bloomfield Piers, Telegraph, and Maple Rd*. 6J6-3018. FREE CLASSES Men or women wanted. EOrn whlli you leom. wo have 8 offices, 20v, salespeople who can't be wrong.I Call today. - MILLER BROS. REALTY 333-7156 CLERK: Could you nag an dktra *390 p month. All you need to know Is a little typing. Hour* ora T to S;30. Call Kay Roy, 334-2471 Sneillng and Snell ing. • FEEL LIKE LIFE la passing you by? Call Mr. Foley, YORK REAL ESTATE, OR 44303. FEMALE CONSULTANT FEE PAID We now have an opening for the 'girl who wants to make money People. FREE end hate TRAINING, Unlimited opportunities. Call Jim SteMnger; 3344471, Spelling and Sneillng. Help Wanted M. or F. SHtlp Wanted M. er F. 8 LADIES and GENTLEMEN , (age 21 to 35) May j have your attention, please!!! SEEK A CAREER IN REAL ESTATE Classes start May 5. If you are in the 21 to 35 age bracket. YOU may f if into our expansion! program. Our special training program will begin May 5th, from 7:00 p.m. to 7:08 p.m. This program will provide the necessary Information to obtain a real estate license, basic real estate solosmonshlp, listing p'ro-ctdurts, and McCullough Realty off let policy. i 8flMi /!_/. m ■ j ' The avereiN' age of our salospooplt at the present Is ‘30 year young. Wa havo TWO propoiod branch offices, and wo ora-tnambors of: MLS • Pontiac Board of Realtors, Michigan Board of Realtors • NIREB, and various ether raat estate organizations. WE OFFER Ths, VALU-VISION show of homos, a building program, homo .trede-ln program, oxcollont advertising, choice loads, sxcheng* and commercial deportment and too notch training. CALL: Aj Taylor or Dick Macintosh McCullough RealtyX'Inc. ’674-2236" m ENTREKIN COMPUTERS INC. Will be interviewing at the Tyrone Hills Golf Club, at US-23 and Certter Rd. on May 3-5 and 6, 1969, from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. The following positions the open: • Sales Engineer—Electrical Engineer ^ * Computer Programmers-Heal Time systems. * Draftsmen-Education or Experience. * Electrical Engineers—Computer background help- ful i f Service Tecijniclan-Digitqfyc^rpputer. •Electrical Tdchnicipn^Electronic background. • Technical writer—experienced • Manufacturing—Soldering and Wiring experience helpful. • Bpokkeepers-full and partial responsibility; • Secretaries-^-executive and other. • Reproduction-Male clerk, offset blueprint. ” Positions will be located at new plant near Fenton at US-23 and Center Rd. If unable to attend interview/ forward'resume tot JOHN C. FRETWELL l/80Vt 14 MILE RD. ' m 480269 An Equal .Opportunity Employer M. A. BENSON COMPANY Lumber and Builders Supplies 549 N. Saginaw PHONE: 334-2521 OPEN 8 to 5 — Saturdays to 12 Business Service 15 AVON-TROY .CARPET WAREHOUSE Carpeting Installed, cleaned, 17,000 sq. yds. corpst in slock. Rochester ,,• ■ *524444 <74-0319 6734161 AVON TOWNSHIP — WILL buy vs-cant iNHi- Nix Rstl Estate. 651-8221, 852-5375. A BEHER CASH DEAL All cash for homes, Pontiac and. Drayton Plains ana,. Cosh in 48 no lug hours. Coll homo purchi department. YORK RE.^1, ESTATE PE 8-7176 - OR 44363 A-Z CONTRACTING AND REPAIR LICENSED ROOFER,., fo c t a r y guonontee, free ost. 363-9827. Dressmaking & Tailoring 17 Dressmaking,/ ladies flWren. 338-4IS3. Landscaping 18-A GRADING, SODDING, delivery. Cel ■ Offer 5. 8524OT. LAWN MOWING AND weed cutting. Cell offer 5 p.m., 651-0885. NEED BULLDOZING work done? For prompt, efficient service, coll <954788. BBSl SOD, SHRUBS AND treat, planting, spraying, fertilizing; trimming, repair removal. r ; , ■ 728-7067 f Collect 363-7295-MUford Garden Plowing fl-8 excellent service 3354326 GAROEN plowing and yard ^K^raod^ter eod or oood. GARDEN P L OWJ N O , . flee, reasonable. L, Phlteta. 3914743. Moving and Trucking 22 1< tt.^ven^wnh^Boto, also amail LIGHT HAULING, ANYTHING all •nyklnd. 363-1872, Corky Ortwins, , 1 DAY CASH FOR YOUR HOUSE OR LOT . ' NO COST TO SELL PAST FRIENDLY SERVICE Aaron Mtg. & Invest. Co.. _______ 332-1144 BEHIND IN PAYMENTS? tedey. Agent, CASH! i J FOR YOUR PROPERTY ’ Reedy to mode, retire, or lose your WtWV- Coil us for fast cash. Ask for owner. WM. MILLER, REALTY t 3324262 Divorce—Foreclosure? Don't tow vourhome <744119 LOuhioor 47S4I68 BLDIRLY^COUPLE NEEDS K ' 33M852. Agent, teftYH A ^PURCHASER wiTW _ TEi CASH. FOR HOME IN coutfhr. call 674-1 or 338-6952. A STARTER OAKLA ND ■ mam, couple with stitne flown desires 34odreom . home In Waterford oreo. Agent or 6-1649. SM-oxa. HANDYMAN WILL buy howwlhst need ma|or or minor repair. Will pay coni. CoiTmy agenb!iii47«. HAyd cash Buyer for bedroom -homewith ■■ balement and tarew.,nKiif be In good Waterford Soles Help Mfde-Femnie 8-ASoles Help Male-Female 8-A si ADVERTISING SALES CAREER OPPORTUNITY The Vemon Company one .of .lha nafton's leading manufacturtaa of advertising spsctalftes. cstenders, signs, god sorecuttva gift*, offers o llfetim* sales career to the nMn who wants raal security. - Wa train you to earn 812,000 to 225408 • yOor. Praterrad aga, 3541. tn| teMBten, yte offer unlimited opportunities to advance to manogp Plus benefits Inch/do. a pension plan, social security. Insurance program, and l weakly sales magazine Our. liHhe-ftald training n uMxcOllad for experfancad men and men dnlrlng to gt ’ Innto. sales. l^l terrttery npw oyMiabte, Wrtte_teO¥ E._ Dedto Gsneral^Satu Manager for on Interview with1 our Division Sales Moneoer. AH? outran csnfktentlal. ■ > ' \ > .,i - J} T™v! T "'1 . _iT v: '.iSa v.' *. jTHE VERNQN COMPANY: ^«WTON|; IOWA 50208 . V'\ * ^ / i) » ’ j m i I ■a -1n'i ■ Hmft&t B&, ■' lw •» For Want Ad* Dial 334-4981 Vi THE PONTIAC PRESS. FRIDAY, - c»» my agent, a«i*r«a LOTS WANTED Siy,r.0r l#n#,r' ®r « month, 444-3924 428-1775.________________________■ 227-4359._______<_____ 1 BEDROOM, $120 PER month, $50 3 BED£°Pl'i H°Mi dop., no children or pets, 9 a.m. to n*®r 'fetoskey. By 9 p.m. 130 Seminole, Apt. 1 lake privileges, mortgage unnecessary, $4,000 down, $295 mo. OR 4-191$. * 713 DE$OTO' — 2 story brick with living room,/ dining room * and kitchen on first floor, 2 bedrooms and bath up, full basement,, paneled recreation room, gas hot air furnace. $12,900. $100 down. Closing costs estimated at $300. We will process FHA mortgage tor qualified buyer. Kenneth G. Hempstead_______334-0264 26x40 DO YOU, HAVE good fewtlt and $300 dollars, If so’ we ll mite^you. Into this 2 bedroom homo onUbxter, In Pontiac Immediately. Celt us tor more details* P-48. CALL RAY TODAY I 474-4101 EASY ON YOUR BUDGET FOR JUST A $1,000 DOWN you can purchase this Basic-Bum 3 bedroom alum, sided ranch In Drayton* area, exterior Is complete — you finish Intorlor, walkout basement, 70x220 site. $14,150 on land contract. NEW RANCH (Will Duplicate) IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Can be had with this brand new 3 bedroom homo located In the west suburban area. Includes 1232 sq. ft. of living' area plus full basement. lWi baths, carpeted throughout. Comer lot. Full price Including lot. 321,900, forms to suit. Call— J. A. Taylor Agency, Inc. 7732 Highland Rd. (M-59) Dally OR 4-0304 Evea. EM 3-7848 N0RTHSIDE In city. 3 bedrooms', gas heat, paved street. Small down payment on FHA forms. ' AADCO ASPHALT _ P®vlnB Co., licensed and Insured. Free estimation___________ 332-4431 ASPHALT PARKING LOTS end _ roadways, same location since 1120, also sejlnlg asphalt and sealer. Ann Arbor Construction Co. 425-5891. v ft ASPHALT DISCOUNT _ _ _ Spring Special •Re-Cap 18 cents a sq. ft. Free Est. FE 5-1107 ________FE 4-9375 Excavating *•' BULLDOZING, Finish Grading, SO201h°** B•*•r',®,!,*• 474-2439, FE BULLDOZING Reasonable, _____ eatlmataa. OR 3-1145. — T R U C KING! reliable. Free BACKHOE WORK, trenching, sap-tics, .tree astlm. 451-902$. BULLDOZING, BACKHOE basements, grading. 482-3042 WORK, ASPHALT PAVING Residential and commercial No lob too small. •Work guaranteed. Free estimates PONTIAC ASPHALT CO. . FE 4-0224 DOMINO CONST. CO. DHvcways, [parking lots. License contractor^. Free est. 474-3955. DRIVEWAY SPECIALISTS, ."ESTIMATES, FE 5-4980. (Basement Waterproofing WATER PROOFING, Basements. Guaranteed. 17 yr. experience. Best-price. Call Collect. 542-2989. Boats and Accessories BIRMINGHAM BOAT CENTER Starcreft, I.M.P. silver I'l.n a Fiberglas 8> Aluminum Boats Marc, outboard 8. atom Dr. - 1245 S. Woodward at Adams Building Modernization A-l GARAGES, 20x20, $975 .Cement r work, modernization. SbflHBtraM BUIIdlng Co. 425-2125. ALUMINUM SIDING, masonry work, foundations, storm windows aluminum gutters, roofing, pre-cast stone, additions, attics, Rec rooms, violations corrected, commercial ' remodeling. 332-7049, FE • 4-0337, dell day or night. CONVERT YOUR recreation room, basement, office, factory ' with Armstrong Suspended ceiling, labor and material $1 sq. ft. 338-9430. MODERNIZATION - Additions «f -Oil types. Cement work. 425-5515. SUSPENDED CEILINGS and remodeling work. 474-3007. Carpentry A-l INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR — Family rooms, rough or finished .dormers, porches, recreation rooms, kitchens, bathrooms. State licensed. Reas. Call after 5 p, 412-0441. ________: ADDITIONS AND alterations, porch repair. FE 5-1331. CARPENTRY INTERIOR FINISH, kitchens paneling, 40 year experience, FE 2-1235. Carpet Cleaning tXRPETS AND UPHOLSTERY cleaned. For low ratal, 335-4704. Carpeting CARPET INSTALLATION. ALSO 'good buys on carpets. 423-1285. Cement Work ALL BRICK REPAIRS, chimney, porchas, violations corrected tuck-pointing, roof leaks (topped Reasonable 335-3433, ALL TYPES OP MASONRY and cement specialities. 33*9430. ALL KINDS OF CEMENT Work, Patio, basement, driveways, 623-0287, CEMENT WORK of. all kinds. 335-1889. . CHIMNEYS,-,PORCHES and cement Work. FE------- • 5-098 jSlT" COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL and .residential brick and cement work, cement Work. GUINN'S CONST. CO. 334-7477 or 391-2471 CONCRETE FOOTINGS, walla, flat work and masonry. 151-1944 or 424-3537.- ~ FlELDSTONE WORK 473-2234 Ceramic Tile AN'S CERAMIC TILE, ceramic, state and marble, Installed In your horns old or now, free estimates. 474-4341. Draperies DOZERS-LOADERS-BACKHOES NEW A USED — SALES A RENT ^Burton Equipment Co. 3774 E. Auburn Rd;____552-3553 OOZING, BACKHOE, basements, trucking, and septic tanks. 425-3735 FRONT END LOADING and back - hoe work. FE 2-0808. Fencing A-l CHAIN LINK FENCE, Installed or repaired. 1 wk. serv., free est. 338-0297 or 474-3941. CHAIN LINK FENCING installed, repaired. Quality work, fat service, ask tor Ron. 402*949. CUTLER CONTRACTING Deal direct to save dollars. Licensed. Fast service. 481-0300. CHAIN LINK and wood fanco. 2 wk. aervlce ______________' 338-3784 Fireplaces FIREPLACES, CHIMNEYS,' brick wa»hlng, 493-1855,________ Floor Sanding FLOOR SANDING and laying, old floors raflnlshod. 427-3775. FLOOR SANDING AND finishing, new and old, 35 yrs. experience. 332-4975. Floor Tiling CUSTOM FLOOR COVERING, linoleum, formica, tile. Carpeting. 741 N. Perry. 338-4120. Jforden Mewing GARDEN PLOWING and yard grading, ready for sod or seed, any location, reasonable. Clarkston, 425-4073. ____Home Maintenance^ Mich. Steam Cleaning Residential, commercial. Wi mobile steam clean trailer homes, homes, awnings, Industrie machinery. 485-3814. ,_____ - ■ Insect Spraying BOWEN AERIAL SPRAYING. Mot-quito control on subdivision. Call now. (517) 546-2792. Janfioriul Services WALLS, WINDOWS WASHED, beie-ment cleaned/ free est. 338-3827. landscaping 1-1 COMPLETE LANDSCAPING, specializing In retaining walls. Free estimates. J. H. Waltman Landscaping. 33S-8314. Plastering Service Accoustical Ceiling PLASTER REPAIRS, reasonable Ratos, no job too small. 332-2455. PLASTERING, NEW WORK .. patching, free estimates. 343-5487. PLASTERING, FREE ESTIMATES _________ 3439595 CONDRA PLUMBING & HEATING Sewer, water lines — FE 8-8443. G S. L PLUMBING & HEATING. Let George Do it. 473-8377. Restaurants BIG BOY DRIVE-IN DIXIE AT Silver Lake — Telegraph at Huron Roofing A-l Tar and ROOFING. HOT shlnglas. Robert Price Roofing Fra® Estimates FE 4-1824 24 hr. service SPOT CASH FOR YOUR EQUITY, VA, FHA. OR OTHER, FOR QUICK ACTION CALL NOW. HA6STR0M REALTOR, OR 4*358 or EVENINGS FE 4-7005. AA ROOFS INSTALLED. Hot tar and shingles/ Call L. J, Price and the price la right. 332-1034. BROWN ROOFING CO. We specialize In. shingles. Free ast, DAVE'S-ROOFING SHINGLE work only. FE 5-7180. MILLS ROOFING CO. Skiing, Roofing, Storms, Eaves.. Osya, 543-2111 Aft. 5 pjn. 343-2510 shlnglas. MAY OWN the homo my client * .poking for — to why don't you “‘Tom Selhost at O'Neil Realty, Si'S2*’ **c®“«nt financing horn ** yo° t0 O®* CASH tor your We Will Not Be Undersold Hot tar, shingles, repairs, 24 hrs. R. Dutton, FE S-1725. WOMACK ROOFING GO. Fret estimates FE 8-4545 Apartments, Furnished 37 '•gFEE^ENCY ,W Sand—Gravel—Dirt SCREENED BLACK DIRT, pest top, dressing delivered. UL 2-5442. TOP SOIL, BEACH end fill sand, all ravel products, reasonable. Yompt delivery. OR 3-4497, VIBRATED PROCESS, black dirt and, peat. Auburn at Opdyke, loading dally,- 7-7 p.m. 391-2081, 391-2418. Septic ^ank lnstaHation COMPLETE SEPTIC WORK, saw lines, 482-3042. Sod GOOD SOD DELIVERED, SOo a yard. Lay It yourself. 332-4210. Spraying Service ANY SIZE, any type, planting, removal end fertilizing. 343-7295. DALBY & SONS TREE SERVICE NQW—DORMANT SPRAYS FU 5- TIMES Are you having trouble with financing, have several buyers for your home but mortgage money Is not available? Well Ire probably time to call Timet, where We make It an every day practice to keep abreast of the market and are constantly striving to find weys to better enhance your sale. NO OBLIGATION. Appraisal and no cost for advertising. Call today tor one of our salespeople. You will be glad you did. WHEN YOU SEEK OUR SERVICE YOU "JOIN THE MARCH'TO TIMES" Timek Realty ‘„„SJ90 DIXIE HIGHWAY REALTOR Open 9-9 Dally OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 TRANSFEREE LOOKING tor home In the Pontiac area. Large down payment. Call mv agent. 481-8744. WORKING COUPLE with $4,008 (town payment would Ilka home n*®r Pontiac. Call Laulngar, 474- %?AN ROOM, bachelor Sl» wklv, FE 5-9178. 1 BEDROOM EFFICIENCY/ newly Painted, utilities turn. $25 wk. Ssc deposit. Adults only. FE 2-8212. 2 ANO 3 ROOM cottages, 4274 Dixit, adults only. 2 ROOMS WITH privet* bath and entmwee, 823 wkly. Dep. required. ““BEDROOM DUPLEX, utilities funrithed, adults, deg; req. $200. 5405 Williams Lake H HOME at Bayview wk., mo. or summer season. For information , BEnDnnAl. write owner, 4523 Sashabaw Rd., 2 BEDROOM, BVSHBDll imiYICdiBtCly. Dravtnn PIbIm 4JM190 Carpeting, stove, refrigerator, heat . furnished. No children. Seymour HEAR PONTIAC NICE lak* front Lk,. Rd.. Oxford. 428-2571 or 423 “ 4225; 2 BEDROOM, LARGE rec-room, fenced shaded lots, swimming pool with cabent, lak* privltogas. 85* a wk. on Isasa basis. 'Security ''deposit and references necessary. 424-4433. 2 BEDROOM, carpeted, air conditioned, heated, fireplace, utility room, washer, dryer, refrigerator, stove. Child welcome. Hillvlew Village, Elizabeth $■ Williams Lake RdS. GA 1-0483. cottages, 2 bedrooms, shower, safe beach, boat, 2 weeks or season. 425-4704.__________. ON WATKINS LAKE — Beautiful beach, dock, lower turn, apt., pvt. entrance, alr-conditloning, $275 mo. for summer Incl. util. No smokers. 4733414. Rent Rooms 42 ATTRACTIVE CLEAN sleeping room for ladles; $12 par weak. FE $-3455 evenings. J. V. rancher, full basement, alu- u, c minum siding, Alums-Vlew win-dows, on your lot $15,908. We also have 2 lots avallabel In Clarkston I area. Paved, street, Clarkston | schools and phones, $3500. Have model to show. Model Is for sale with Immediate occupancy. Open Monday .through Friday 8-5 p.m., Set. 18 to 4 p.m. and Sunday 1 to ___________ ....M John Voorhels FULL BASEMENT munlty water, HAGSTR0M REALTOR 4900 W. HURON , • OR 4-0358 ___ After 4 .p.m, FE 4-7005(2251 N. Opdyke ELMER M. CLARK Real Estate Union lake Office 363-8363 Gale Seedorff, Mgr. TOM REAGAN REAL ESTATE 1395 ANO 8103 MONTHLY Moves you in —. town house. Includes heat, water, malntananca, 1337 Cherrylawn, 335-4171. agent. Call 4738274, Drayton, no a gen Rage, tts. $15,990 Call attar 3 p.m. FE 3-9077. ROdM DUPLE facilities, garage, large second floor patio, stove, refrigerator, $35 par week, $75 dap. 132-0790 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. _________________ — Laundry CLEAN SLEEPING room tor men, private entrance and parking. FE 2-0441. 4 RW1AAS, RETIRED coupla. FE 4- BACHELOR, AIR conditioned, prl-”■ -----------------veto entrance and lavatory, ROOM APARTMENT In Fenton, Mich, after 1 p.m. 437-4384. $103 MONTHLY - 3 PER CENT DOWN buy* Townhouses. 1337 Cherrylawn,- 335*171. Agent. LARGE CLEAN ROOM, neer Tel-Huron. Private entrance, shower bath. Breekfest, gentleman. FE I-3338. AMERICAN HERITAGE APARTMENTS Accepting applications for 1 bedroom apartments. Last 2* nearing completion. A limited number avllabto tor IMMEDIATE,,.^. OCCUPANCY. Completely carpeted, SAGAMORE MOTEL, TV carpeted, alr-eondltloned, lots ot closet space.! telephone, elr conditioned. $40 a See our model, you'll love It. ALL week, 719 S. Woodward._________ UTILITIES jncludrd In rent,_*'CyS; SLEEPING ROOM, 2 rooms, cqok- gas heat, corrv ______ paved st„ 3 bedroom, brick, bath A Vi. Kitchen with bullt-lns, glass door wall In dining rm. lerge tot, beach and boat privileges. Lake Oakland Hts. Terms or trado, $22,900. No agents please. OR 3-2721. FARRELL Pontiac Northern Area Near grade school, lunlor high and high school. 4 bedroom home on large lot. 2 car garege. City water and sewer. Paved street. $2750 down. .Assume mortgage ot $109 per month. EARRELL REALTY 2405 N. Opdyke Rd. ‘ Pontiac 332-4552 TOM CRAFTED APPLIANCES BY HOTPOINT," Adults only, no pets. 473-5148. BLOOMFIELD MANOR WEST Newly completed building, ell Hot-point electric appliances, 1 and 2 Ihg. Men. Ponttoc, 152-4959. SLEEPING ROOM, 2 rooms, cook- low points. Ing, men, Pontiac, 332-8209, before __ _ .........,____ full basement, fully Insulated, family size kitchen, antique birch cupboards. On your lot. Y0UNG-BILT HOMES REALLY MEANS BETTER BILt Russell Young, Bldg. 334-3830—53VI W. Huron St._ A NEW 3 BEDROOM ranch In Rochester area, good closet space, (urnace, laundry, family and living. Lots of Birch, Kitchen Cabinets. A1 siding, csrpst. Lot 88X135. 822,900. 152-1414.__ ........ A CHARMER For you who love a manicured yard with fruit trees In bloom and all lerge rooms, this 3 bedroom, 1 Vb bath brick home In excellent ______,.. . Waterford location, 1st offering ‘‘toJJJ '* ‘n •*- $24,900. Waterford Rlty. 473-1273. ce"ent condition. Two bedrooms, 1V4 ~ A SALE iT^NLY- AS GOQP AS YJOUR FINANCING. ^aiT^aTVoISV! Sold or selling yoor-home? Let us KAY ,OUAY, handle your mortgage. FHA or Gl., RAY PERFECT ____________* 822*154 NEW 3 BEDROOM RANCH, colored alum, siding, ivb baths, lots ot largev closets, oak floors, full, basement, formica' cabinets gut-' ters. Thermo-pane windows, storm doors, wallpaper, no extra cost, Connection for 'future sewers' already out to roSd. Elizabeth Lake Rd. 1 block west Of Crescent Lake to Plnegrove, right to model on corner of Brunswick. $20,950. NELSON BLDG. CO., OR JS191, OPEN 3 bedroom, family room, 1W baths. 2 car garage. Trl-level, only 818,990 on your lot. Highland Rd. (M-59) to Crescent Lake Rd„ right to mile to model. 473-7837 GIROUX REAL ESTATE 5338 Highland 473*200 OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 P.M. $53 N. Cass Lake Rd. north of M-59, sharp 3 or 4 bedroom ranch, with full finished basement, 2to car garage, quick possession, Mr. Shepard will show you this nict home. SHEPARD REAL ESTATE INC-Rochester 4S1-85M HIITER Aaron Mtg. & Invst. Co. ___332;Ui4._______________ NORTHSIDE r excellent 13 room BUILDERS I homo or income, partially fur* bedroomApartments. Model open VERY NICE ROOM IN private Your plans our plans II.l,Sth*f,Viinh2!«m,i!lishTdri?si home for oentlem.n. $12.58 wk. FE ToT^ °U5urLlSt °For ,,ntorm»“rn,«M toSey0"’9*- 3-41?- —‘—----------------- SAVE P. J. Mason Construction SLEEPING ROOM for working gentleman. $12 week. 33S-4893. daily 9:38 to 4:30. Occupancy March 1. 2300 Woodrow Wilson Call UN 4-7405 O'___________412-3812 CLARKSTON, 3 ROOM, STOVE, refrigerator, mature, reiponslbw adults only, Ev«a.'425-l$4S. CLARKSTON CORNERS All olectric apartments No children, no pats 105 Washington, West Clarkston or phono 426-1224. _____~ EMBASSY WEST APARTMENTS Watkrford Township Large, sound conditioned, 2 bedroom units, all utilities except Rooms with Board 43 ROOM AND BOARD In exchange tor 673-1291 occasional baby sitting? Union gy OWNER? Lake area? 343*5Wj Rent Office Space 47 I SEPARATE OFFICES to rent. Open onto foyer. Brand new. Paneled, carpeted. Heat, air conditioning and cleaning furnished. Call John Slier, 474*134. light 2381 DIXIE NEAR courthouse. 1 BEDROOM ranch, I1/, baths, 2 car garage, hot water heat, Clarkston schools, $21,980, open Sunday 2-4, 473-$898.________ ft. office. Immediate possession. 3 — 800 sq. ft. offices, under construction. FE 4-4581. electric, central air conditioning, carpeting, drapes, swimming pool, 2 bedrooms, $175. Minimum I year. _ lease, no children, 4to ml. W. of AVAILABLE NOW -Tel-Huron—Sheading "-Center,—SS471— Rocheater'a flneal Highland Rd. Apt. 137. 474*5491 flee and Mrs. Schultz. Between 1 and S p.m. only. _______________________i BRICK TRI-LEVEL Only '3 years old, located on largo lot with canal frontage to Williams Lake. Hat lovely paneled family room with fireplace, 3 bedrooms, l'/a baths, attached 2 car garage. Everything complete Incl. landscaping. Call for showing and price. WEST SUB — Neat 3 bedroom brick rancher, l’/a baths, family room, attached garage, large lot. Se* this ont. WE BUILD — 3 bedroom ranchers with oak floors, full basements, alum, siding. On your tot. To see the model call B. C. HIITER, REALTOR, 3792 Ellz. Lake Rd. 482-8968, otter I p.m. 412-4427. IN . 482-3928 2-BEDROOM HOUSE, 3-room and~2-room apt. 336-4289, 2 ROOM APARTMENT very claan, private bath, -$25 wk. dap. -474- 2~ ROOMS, PRIVATE bath, coupla ref. S25 dap. S2S wk. 18* Norton P 2 FURNISHED APARTMENTS tor rant. FE 1-4427. 2 ROOMS AND bath. Near Pontiac Motor, private entrance. FE 8*521. ROOMS ANO BATH, near downtown, no children or pets, 335-7842. ! ROOM BACHELOR apartmsnt. Refined quiet home. No drinkers. 72 Norton. ROOMS, ANO BATH, cleanT /private, upper, married couple only. 338-3352 from 18 a.m. to 4 p.m. 3 ROOMS, PRIVATE” bath, $3S| per week, $180 dep., util., Incl. 335-4822. ____Steam Cleaning EXTERIOR HOUSE or commercial nprofessional steam cleaning i * —j—r-------r i Newest equipment, experienced,'3 c5£2M!mAItn careful workmen. All m***, comt* $30, $50 dep. ret. FE 2*443.1 guaranteed. Free estimates. Phone 3 ROOM UPPER AT 9244 Dlxlel 332-4210 for prompt attention. to — _ . Tree Trimming Sarvict A-l TREE SERVICE BY B t L Pro* estimate. FE 5-4449, 474-3510. lAA LANDSCAPING,' for quality and prices. 482-0208. A-l CAVANAUGH'S TREE Service, Hwy., Clarkston area. Util, paid $30 a wk. $108 security dap. 425-MIS or 425*125. 3 ROOMS, NEWLY diet rated, private beth and entrance. Private parking, from $35 weok, from $100 dap. 11nfant welcome. 335-2134 batter! removed free If we taka 3 ROOMS, NEW CARPETING, aaa spring Cleanup, power raking, cut weekly. Schoensee'a Landscaping. 152-2387. • - Al'S LAWN MAINTENANCE, and fall clean ups. Cul fertilizing and apraylng. 473-3992. Spring ittlng. COMPLETE LANDSCAPING Sodding, seeding, shrubs. Licensed Nureery Man. 482-7850. CLIFF'S TREE SERVICE __________485*421 GARDNER'S TREfe SERVICE TREES TRIMMED and removed. Free estimates. Cell Bob after 6 p.m.? 363-8042. Trucking DETKOWSKI BROS. Merlon Blue . ,, , sod, pick up and del., sod depot of ®ny open 4 a.m. 7 days wk. 474*727. , Odd Jobs. FE 4-2347. MERION SOD, undtrg’roun5 ®*‘ LIGHT MOVING, TRASH hauled sprinkler, del. or laid. 887-9475. reasonable. FE 4-1353. i ROOMS AND BATH. preferred, 42 Clark St. 3 ROOMS, BATH, for working mar-ried couple, dote In. FE 2-7455. ROOM FURNISHED apartment, all utilities paid, security dap. raq. ROOMS AND BATH, main floor, utilities furnished. 75 Clark. 3 ROOM UPPER, like new, all private, couple. GlnjKllvllle. 391. lawn Maintenance B. Q. LAWN SERVICE. Complete lawn maintenance. Spring cleanups. Fertilizing. , Free estimates, Wa taka price In our work DALES LAWN CARE, grass cutting and fartlllZlnB,. ,493-2741. COMPLETE 3 ROOM PRIVATE bath and entrance. 334-9028. FOR 1 Lawn Service ___________Phone 331-9845 ____________ lawn spraying, fertilizers, crab grass killer, and weed killers. Can for free estimate. 425-4*19, 474-9945, '574-4449. ana, rec. C *■ H spraying. Spring cleaning and team maintenance. FE 4-1845 or 411-2594. You grow It, Wb Mow B. Lumbar TALBOTT LUMBER Gist* service, wood or aluminum, Building and Hardware suppIIm. 1025 Oakland FE 4-4595 Moving, Storage SMITH MOVING CO. Your moving CUSTOM DRAPERIES mad* to racialists. FE 4*844. .order. Call 424*457, • ■ , Dressmaking,^Tailoring m ALTERATIONS, SUITS, COATS, dresses, 335-42*7. Mrs. Sebeska. ALTERATIONS, ALL TYPEt KNIT 0 dresses, toathar coats. 4S59533. Driver's Training CADEMY OP DRIVER TRAININGS ea home pickup. FE 8-9444 DRIVER'S T RAIN ING IN-structlons. Reas, rates. FE 8-1280. 4 a.m. to 1 p.m.________________ ■ B & G GUTTER SERVICE ‘, Spring Special, beautiful white Heavy duty alurtilntMi gutters. These Ht B«tt*r*„ ($") and dirempoilto. Ihirtallad .9* ^canto par ft„ complete- Free ait. 474-3704. SNYDER BROS. MOVING CO. Local and long distance moving Moderh storage. Pleno moving 852-241*. Piano Tuning PIANO TUNING-REPAIRING OSCAR SCHMIPT___- FE 2-5217 Painting and Dacoratiag l-A RELIABLE PAINTING, Interior, axtertor. Free eat. 334*594. A-l PAINTING a^WORK GUARANTEED, fret estimates 482*420._____ - A-l PAINTING AND; PAPER HANGING Thompson 'Saryx mu' 4*344 HUSBAND-WIPE TEAM Painting, w|g|HMd|||||||alH experience. INSIDE-OUTSIDE PAINTING, own work. Free eit. 731*405. ^ AND AAA-l light hauling and con*;». ----■------ , .. struct Ion claanup. 338-8445, 482-4041,,3 .u„„Th i, u^NfPr.?-AT^' 2,1? .bS02,nB' 332-5024. everything furnished. FE 2*206. BASEMENTS, ATTICS, garigTs 3 PRLYATE b®2.h'Jlor7 __claansd. OR 3-4417. ■ I no Pft* or children, off the airs HAULING AND RUBBISH. Name your price. Anytime. FE 8-0095. hsiilimo piirricii >nn«,rnrtinn I*3 ROOMS AND BATH, sNlsIl baby HAULING RUBBISH, construction, I welcome, $35 weekly, $100 dap!, ---- Inquire at 273 Baldwin Ava., can and 338-4054. clean-up, reas. 482-3043. LIGHT HAULING, basement garage cleaned. OR 3*047. LIGHT HAULING AND moving. Reasonable. 482-7514, 335-51 liter 3 ROOMS AND BATH, all private, . utilities furnished. Call 335*904 before 6. Waterford area. IGHT AND HEAVY TRUCKING rubbish, fin dirt, grading and greval and front-end loading. FE 2- LIGHT HAULING AND yard clean, Ing, 335-2945. ______Track Rental Trucks to, Rent Vfc-Ton Pickups lto-Ton Stake TRUCKS - TRACTORS AND EQUIPMENT .Semi Trailers Pontiac Farm and Industrial Tractor Co. ■25 S. WOODWARD FE 4*441 ,- FE 4-144S Open deHy Including Sundsy Upholstering UPHOLSTERING bV Richard Quality fabrics and work, pick up and delivery. 682-4178, I ROOMS AND BATH, child welcome, $35 par week, SI 80 dap. Inquire at 273 Baldwin Ave„ call 338-4054. 4 ROOMS AND BATH, clean working couple only. No tmokors, drinkers, pats, or children. $50 dap. FE 44048. i ROOMS AND BAm child welcome, $35 per weak dap. raq. FE 2*790. 4 ROOMS AND BATH, 55 Williams. FE 4403. No drinkers or pets. A ROOMS ANO BATH, small baby welcome, $40 wk. $100 dap.. Inquire at 273 Baldwin, call 33S-4054. i ROOMS ADULTS ONLY, _ drinkers, no pets, SI 40 month, S50 cor garage end big 90 x 500 lot. It's ell landscaped and can be yours with Immediate possession for. only $23,900 FHA. P-$7. CALL RAY TODAYI 674*4101 LAND CONTRACT terms available on this older home In Avon. Hat two bedrooms, one unfinished, utility, g*s heat and hot water. Full price IMIH p*6 674-4101 CLARKSTON AREA ~ 3 bedrooms, l'/a bath's, full base-mtnt, family type kitchen, large lot, or, will duplicate on your lot. Don McDonald LICENSED BUILDER OR 3-2837 COUNTRY HOME ON 1 ACRE Capo Cod In Union Leko area 1580 Loohavsn near Oakland Community College. 3 bedrooms, Mil basement, breezeway, attachsd garage. Nicely1 treed, 1 acre tot. f $27,000 7 / OPEN SUNDAY 2-6 LADD'S OF PONTIAC 7 391-3300 BEDROOM IN golf'Manor subdivision. Call 36&3951, for appt. with owner. 3 bedrooms, family room, flraplaca walk out recreation room, built Ins, completely carpeted, 3 Ion, lake prlv,. No agents. 343-7244. 4-H REAL ESTATE AIRPORT AREA — sharpest 5 room ranch available, large lot 72x240', utility basement, new -carpeting, lovely kitchen, 1 bldck from shopping center, newly decorated. -VACANT - MOVE RIGHT IN. Price *14,700 V- about $4500 down on lend contract. (WE TRADE) 5144 Dixie Hwy. 423-1403 Attar S p.m. OR 3*455 OR 3-2391 I Clarkston School Area 9201 Thendara Blvd. Located 5 blocks N. of Clarkston-Orlon Rds., 4 blocks Wast ot N. Eaton Rd., enter, from Algonquin, Walter's Lake privileges, new attractive trl-level, 3 large bedrooms. Inviting llvlng-dlnlng-kltchan area, large 2 car garage, warm, finished recreation room, all fully carpeted, on l acre parcel — immadlMa occupancy. A new 1943 model tdoe Homo. Lots of plans or lot* -for your selection to build In this furl to "llvo area." — Open Dally-: > 673-3406 SYLVAN OftM* CAPE COD Full basement, gas heat, 3 bedrooms, full dining room, lota of room, FHA approved/ only $300 down Ag/nt for owner, OR 4-1449. t-k ' 330-4952 CAPE COD Full baaomant, gas hast, 3 bedrooms, full dining room, lots of ' room, FHA approvsd, only $300 down. Agent tor owner, 335*993. 474.1490. J l ■ 1 RAY LOOKING FOR A FOUR BEDROOM RANCH In Drayton el a good price? Look no more, ‘we've got lust whst you want. Everything's big I Carpeted 13x30 living room, 11x22 family room, 1V5 baths, 2V5 ear garage. Mon for only $24*50 FHA. CALL RAY .TODAYI *74*101 Milford AREA, 30 minute* from Northland, Bl-level home on prl. veto leke; 1 acre, .4 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 fireplaces, family room, 70' balcony, underground sprinkling, 4(4-0755 or 442-2043 MILFORD — 3 BEDROOM Brick ranch, basement, carpeting landscaped, paved streets sidewalks and more. $21,000, $7,000 assumes 6 pet. FHA mortgage 484-5404. , , MASTER CRAFTSMAN ENGLISH BLDR. Specializing in ell types pf custom homes, additions. Convert your rec. room to English Tudor Pub/ Before you decide, look at my work and price. 338-9430. UtW tNi-levIl- 3 bedrooms, 1V5 baths, 2 car ' garage, lake privileges, beautiful ■ free. Wolverine Lk. $27,900, low FHA terms. Broktr — 343-7001 eve. 837-4553. NEW LAKE FRONT COTTAGE AT Henderson Like near West Branch, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, kitchen, living room, recreation room, 1 fireplaces, carpeting, studio cell, , Ing, cedar paneUng, glass front, large deck, gal .furnace. Completely .finished. Exc.swlmming and fishing. $29,0®. terms. Call Richard Pauley, 1*17-345-2720. ONTIAC. 3 bedroom, l’/a bath Ranch, full basement, family room, atr conditioned. Many extras. O f Square Lake Rd. Convenient- to lake. $38,0®. SNYDER, KINNEY & BENNETT In Rochester PONTIAC Bedroom ranch, basement, (amity kitchen, custom cabinets, choice of' colors, paved street end sidewalks, $5® plus costs. Deal-direct with builder. Model open dally and Sunday from 1 to 7, closed Friday. Parionten Builders, Inc. 338-058*._ „ ROYER GOODRICH OFFICE COUNTRY LIVING Is whet you'll onloy In this 4 bedroom, 2 story home. Located on 3 'exceptionally nice acres in Groveland Two. Home features IV? baths, formal dining room, full basement, 2Vi car garage. First time offered at only $22,9®. Bank forms. ROYER REALTY, INC. GOODRICH 636-2211 RHODES East side, 5 rooms, basement, gas heat, nice corner lot, $12,0®. Gl„> nothing down. As J. RHODES, Realtor FE 0-2306 258 W. Walton FE 5*712 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE READ NO FURTHER This lovely brick 3 bedroom ranch with full basement end attached 2 car garage. Sitting on a landscape 154 acres with access to fivo lakes Including Silver Lake. Col.1 YORK FE 8-7176 ROCHESTER AREA By- owner brick tri-level. Oversized combination living and dining room. Kitchen end dining area. Canter entry hell. 4 bedrooms, den, family room, 2V? baths, 2 fireplaces, basement, attached 2V5 car garage. $42,9®. 651-$404. " 1 -- - -- - ■ A ROCHESTER AREA 4 bedroom colonial 2V? baths, corner loft circular drive, 2’/> Car garage, living room formal dining room, kitchen, breakfast room, dsn, family room with natural fireplace, laundry room,' basement, many axtras. Owner transferred. $52,000. 651- 5420. - SAM WARWICK HAS IN SYLVAN LAKE — 3 bedroom frame, good kitchen,, basament, 1 car garage, private lot, lake privileged, -1742 Lakeland. $23,000 br close Offer. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. SHOW ANY TIME, 482-2820. SYLVAN LAKE SAM WARWICK t- has 4-bedroom custom built brick end stone; trl-level 2V? baths, insulated windows, air conditioning, all city services; lake privileges. 1815 Strattord Rd. $42,750. OPEN SUN-DAY 2* P.M. SHOWN ANY TIMEj. CALL 402-2820. _________’ SPACIOUS AND GRACIOUS Need large .rooms? A ranch home featuring a 19x17 living room plue 3 large bedrooms and Vh baths. Sitting on ... _ 100x200 lot. FHA terms are available with $9® down. Call, v \ H iS ■ ■ Y’' NEW MODEtHOME Open dally ? to 4 E. J. DUNLAP Custom Builder ___Sllverstqne Comer Walton 330-119$ . or \ 331*497 'OR 4*363 u_______ . FE 8-7175 SAVE YOUR CREDIT, flip, price paid -'even if behind. In payments.' Western' Yiteyne, W A s h t a n aw/ Oakland and Livingston counties, ART: DANIELS REALTY.t ;7g|# li Dexter-Pinkney Rd. HA M494. 12J6~ I N. Milford Rd., M|U SrW. 1 , m m D-—4 THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, MAY 8, 19Q9 For Want Adi Dial 3344981 hhh Hum 49 Sab Noam SYLVAN LAKE S bedroom*, largo tnctosod porch madam kltchan with w#sh*r ana dryer, basement, gat heat, "lr>-gllHMHJrllmmM1 to garaga, ifPKM. ■ WMBton throughout, 120,500, land contract to reagantl-...............Maun. Wo party, Immediate posse uton. K. j| TEMPLETON, Realtor 49 Salt Nanai TUCKER REALTY CO. ftt PONTIAC ST ATI BANK Will 333* ORCHARD LAKE RD. 412-0900 EXCLUSIVE. AREA 10L1.A^D..C^N; This, on* features *1 kill 49 lohi Hmibi WHAT A HOMEI For.. In country living, near Clarktton and on I largo acraa, 5 bedrooms, beautiful family room garaga, kitchen with built-lns plua Iterratogj. Owner behtg transfer- tbv anii ' "w.wr ™wn* »<«jm glass deer* 130 M-15 lESjSti1* zj. to. the patio,. all an3ot*d by - bedrooms, ntw ctrptting, full prlvtto r tel wood tenet. It's i ^ytiN beserotnt, 2 cir oaraQo* ixcillent old brick ranch and ‘ Is raallv MuaiMtiM ia«a A«eJan* cm r,a r«ntn a™. rwiiT C. PANGUS, Realtor OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK U , Ortonvlito CALL COLLECT 427-2115 49 Sala Noam JOHNSON OPEN MOUSE Sunday 2*5 p.m 7134 Oakley Park Blvd. Model home juft completed e elstlng at | bad room, family i style kitchen, oak flooring, full batsmSnt 49 Sola Nooms AVON condition. Isnd comrsct, $25300 beauty with lota of extras. Built-Ins, SAj**™ HWSy ■“ * ■«*«■; full finished basement, 3 bedrooms. 343-7011, eve, 087-4553. Igerege end a 12 x 14 ft. kennel far Union iiarege and ■ our pet. Lot 23.500. P-42. Lota more, ,........it ■ CALL RAY TODAY! toe, for gnly 474-4101 Lake UTICA AREA, Gracious S bodroom ranch home, by owner, 030,500, Til* 4051. JFTJTs Area' VACANT CAPE COD. 4 bwhoomw I basement needs finishing. 12.000 to *2500 balance. Owner's agant, OR A 1490. 330-4993. t bedroom trl-levol, Ito baths, recreation room, living room, dining | largo WILLIS M. BREWER REAL ESTATE 724 RBcsr Bldg. .. r__________, . vinfl room, aifiiviflj a i y i , ^^e * • room, kltclwn, her room, hot waiter WDnQTDr’J 1 ITT IQ gas heat. LAKE PRIVILEGES. 2 VV tJiJO 11?I’OU.I UO blocks from Golf Course. Walled Lake Schools. LARGE BEAUTIFUL Oxford-Orion 550 ACRES OF STATE LAND AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO YOU, 4 rooms and bath up PARTRIDGE REAL ESTATE 681-2111 large corner lot handy to stores ax Ictllent rental property, 121,000. [BRAND new with gas hoot end recreation area, aluminum siding. WUP build on VACANT Lake front rancher, itg ft. _ lake frontage with access to • takas. . I large rooms, S bedrooms, ha* ga* forcad air Mat, TVS car garaga. PMA ar G farms. RAY your lot or ours. FHA or GI farm*. Pull artea only Si5,530 phi* Orchard Lake ltd. it. Orchard i larc* Rd. tort d. laft to Oal Wa'v* gat two throe bedroom hemes on Merrimac In Ponttac, so take your pick. 0x4 bath. IS X 12 living room, 14 x IS kitdton, 12 x » utility. Both only $15,000 FHA term*. P-33. CaH Ray Today I , 474-4101 merca Rd. tom right to Groan Lk. ■ Oakley Park Rd. turn right jo TIM. watch .tor _open Sign. Eve. aft. 4 call Mr. Braid, FE 4-2244. JOHNSON 1704 S. Telogreph__ SILVER LAKE FRONT m acta of ground frontage wlflt 400 ft. of 'Silver Lake frontage, A . lovely Early American togteMtl^ 49 Sab Noam HALL 9 BEDROOM ALUM. RANCH with large- family ream and fireplace, full basement, carp*tad living room, ceramic bam, ito car gamg* Pr«perty la fenced. offered at snJOO. Lot ont of our courteous aalaspooplo show you this homo. VILLAGE OF OXFORD U 4 room glory oldor homo. 2’ fun baths Larg# garaga. Priced at tl2,soo. flroptocoaTtuI hoot, 2 cor | 1200 $9. FT. ALUM RANCH — With toll baaamant, hot uratar hoat. Hama features Hit batha, baautlful kitchen,. separate dining ‘ room, carpeted throughout, plus many more extras. *23,500 total prica or trade In your prassnt horn*. Don't ORION TWP. 3 bedroom brick homo on 3 acraa. Large carpeted Ilyina room. Paneled family room with bar. in aim. Attached 2 ear garaga. Lot us show you thlal waif on thla one.' acres tael fireplaces, K8ira H ranged. garage, farms ah’ new 3-bedroom — Alum, ranch, toll baaamant, thermo windows with screens, hardwood floor*. Only COUNTRY BETTING - Aluminum 3 bedroom ranch on ito east of Oxford. 2 brick ,« Electric bullf-lns In !■■■■■ ull boaamont and 2to car attachad garaga. liSalTs"*! bam for horns. Asking 431,500. YE'VE GOT homdalto about ortonvlito. It's B E AUT IP U\L feet on Horton Rd. Would bo ptrficti for raising horaos or farming, sines It has 3 ponds on North, South and East aid* of property. Call us for price and farm*. P-43 Cali Ray today; 474-4101 YOUR CREDIT IS OK WITH ME 3-bod room, carpeted, garaga, psv ad street, no basomont, near Lincoln school In Pontiac. *17,000 with *2,000 down on land, cwitract. Call Johnson, FE 2-1137 Monday 3 bedroom rancher plastered walls. ...through Friday_j P-m..to_7.p.m. lireplace. full basement, garage-*24, $60,000 A ram opportunity for the qualified buyer to Impact a tint rural aetata professionally designed-’ and decorated for gracious living. This 3-year-old brick home is located on 10 acre* of landsca Heated 40* awlmmir separate bsthhoua Now stables and work bfrn addition to attached garage. located on 10 coped privacy, ming peal, with muse facilities. Sab Houses 49 Houses 49 ARRO ANDERSON & GILFORD Building & Realty EXCLUSIVE SALES OF WEINBERGER HOMES I OL 1-0222 y 24S-2S14 GAYLORD OFFERS >iWi Ms LET'S TRADE E. HALL REALTY, REALTORS 7150 Dixie Hwy. 4234114 _____Open Dally At, Sat. 9-4 ON.beautiful Lake Orton, Be otje of the first to as* Kite cut* front homo, completely furnished, paneled walls, carpeted living, dliilng and bedrooms. Waahar and drvar, boat and motor and electric hoist and many extra*. Don't daisy, call today, 4931331 or FE 3 9493. __ i KINZLER LAKEFR0NT TRI-LEVEL 4 wall planned raeme with colorful Interior. 24' living room .'{With lodgerock flroplaco wall and plantar, modal term ala* kltchan, 3 bedrooms and belli, beautiful tot 150x295' with nice shads and fruit trees, in Clarkston School area, SQUARE LAKE InLaka. Orion. completely furnished,clean S Prompt possession, droorir horn* with. a. 1 car „ .... _ ON SQUARE A ' garaga." Best "*nd"'rett’ Included, New Water FrOttt Ranch Gni *' rr'smi1 With booting privileges to,4 good •vallablo. Call 493S333, FE »-94»3 connecting Takas, All atomihvm 30*1 Highland Rd. (M-39) “IT'S TRADING TIME INDEPENDENCE TOWNSHIP FOUR BEDROOMS If It's space you need this horns Is tott for you and In a low tax area. Thla almost new Colonial has what you have waited for. Generous sized living room,, formal dining room.’ built-in appliances, Ito baths, full basement, attached two car garage. Just a phone call leads to pwnershipl A good buy at *29,*00. CASUAL LIVING FOR A LARGE FAMILY Your family will lovt the comfort and elbow room In this nln* room five bodroom brick and aluminum Ilk# new trl-lsval. It has a lovely country kitchen, dishwasher, bullt-ins and a natural fireplace in the dining area, 2to baths, 15x32* family room Stairs to a floored attic for storage plus 2to car garaga. Bast yet —. It's located lust across tho street from tho lake privilege lot on Schoolhouse Lake in an elite neighborhood, but dos* to Schools and shopping. Priced at an unbtliavable *41,900. MAND0N LAKE FRONT Wondsrful sandy beach for swimming this summer. House hes three bedrooms, large dining area, basement and two car garage. Call today for an appointment. Priced at *23,500 — JUST TRADE YOUR OLD HOME. SEMINOLE HILLS CHARMER Ona of those stately wast side homes waits for you I Situated on two large tots. Sea this tastefully decorated horn* with rooms to spare — four larg* bedrooms, formal dining room, large living room plus toll baaamant and garaga, A lovely family noma — call for an appointment today, WE LIKE Tp WORK to keep busy ae* need Individual listings. If you would Ilk* to. Olata Howard, Dick Bnran, Eileen Meyar, Norm Davis, Leona Hunt, Elaine Smith, Pat* Groanandal, Lao Bogart dr Dev* . Bradley. . 1071 W. Huron St. MLS 681-1000 ‘ NOTHING 60WN TO GI 2 bedrooms, possible third, 1 story, homo, carpeting to. Hying room | large glassed In porch, 1 car garage. Nice wooded lot. Full price only $11,250. EASTHAM AUBURN HEIGHTS AREA IF YOU ARE LOOKING for a ham* on th* lake *** thla S room M-| leval. Motor boat* waloom*. Immediate possession. Only $14,000. Terms. Call today — 493*133, FE 34493. 1 exterior and 4 wall planned rooms with attachad 2 car garaga. 2 lota and nice shad* trass. Only 322JOO, Terms. GAYLORD INC. 4 BEDROOM 1 STORY HOME tvs baths, gas heat,- lot 10x140', with lake prlvllogts. *14,500. Can be purchased on land contract with $3,000 down. 1 Want lots of room? Ham 1$ a tOO'i*Wjs£11"* W: Lilj? PflSB x 280* lot with a .lovely brick .ranch Qp#n w ***** Choice Small Ranch Near Lotus Lake. Interior newly decorated, nice paneling and new birch kitchen cabinets, 1 Vis car garage. Just right for a young coupl* or (mail family. Only *13,500 cosh to now mortgaga. and refrigerator, attached nt car garage, lovely shaded lot. CashTor your equity or land contract WATKINS HILLS 682-2211 MARGARET, McCULLOUGH, Realtor 5143 Cass-Eilzaboth Road OPEN 9-9 MLS Sun. 2-5 Newly decorated 3 bedroom brick hgme with carpeting, drapes, kitchen with bullt-ins, braazaway, 2-car attached garaga, full basement, anchor fenced yard, be glad to show you fodayr v DRAYTON WOODS BRICK RANCH tattlM to a beautiful wooded area. This horns Is TOP QUALITY 100' LAKE FRONTAGE 3 bedroom cedar shaped home on Williams Lake Rd., built-lns In kitchen, nice large living room, large closets, all located on a larg* lot. Price S14.M0, FHA. CALL TODAY. needed agin-full baths, _________ _______ floorv. PlM* farad walls, washer and dryar, and with beautiful knotty Pina pending around flroplaco, trior* I* JOHN KINZLER, Realtor 5219 Dixie Hwy. 4230333 Multiple Listing Service -Op*n»y Wideman ROCHESTER-UTICA AREA «lao.attached garape. ..And anj Honw |„ beautiful Braokalda Estates excellently landscaped loi Wjrn ^ flrac|0U5 ijVinn nrtrk ranch, a brick and slat* terraces. All «r.m on a now mortgaga wlth!^0"*,^ for gracious living. Brick ranch, 3 :lous bedrooms, large kitchen, ____ built-in oven and range. Paneled family room WHH fireplace, slaw foyer. Living r hall, apd bedroom* carpeted, IVY , SMALL FARM m HIMHV 4 ACRES »t excellent tend. All high ««!«"« »«• »»•«•* w»h VJ"HW Aland dry with a 3 bedroom ram* l*i’!”,.|ryj^rc*^, j*r*y*r * {* setting on th* front portion. This auhxnatlc door opener. Larg* pro. Beautifully landscapod lake front ranch with underground sprinkling system, overlooking 2 tokos. Enjoy the qutot solitude of Over 1 acre with all the advantages of being close enough to shopping and business districts. Paneled family room with largo plctura window, full basement, attached garago. Boating, fishing skiing and swimming at your back door. Call today for an appointment to so* this excellent ranch home. s*l,ins on ... non. oo...... Thl* g»gg«"F■ home ha* toll baadmant. earpatod **"!^*1 , h™ok ANDERSON & GILFORD Building & Realty 3141 Highland Rd. (M-59) 4*2-900 NOT NEW, BUT NICE | I* thl* 3 bedroom aluminum homo, non. nas .on 009.11*.,., ^ v*.. ~ dining room, nice kitchen with 'throughout and flrepliw tacli^.!*h^h bade yard. YOU WILL AD-snack bar, large summer porch in' Thor* to a bank cMgpttmant on ^l"t, J”'® ^ome — CALL FOR back, nlc* built-in front porch, full “ ‘ *--- -------appointment. basomont,. garwe, fenced yard.1 price *15.500. fNoar Eastern Jr High. Let's hear from you. . BILL EASTHAM, Realtor WATERFORD PLAZA 3020 HIGHLAND RD. (M-5t) • MLS 674-3126 335-7900 STRUBLET the hotifta'and frontOkraagi ^ APPOINTMENT. *24,500, with th* remainder of ... acreage for an additional SLOW LIVE IN LEISURE cash. Must sail new. Realty & Investment Co. We pay taish tor used homes—— 674-3105 MLS You won't bullav* how relaxing If 1s to alt In your living room and over look beautiful SILVER - LAKE until you try K. W* have lust th* homo in which you can do .this. Completely wall-to-wall .carpeted, 2 flraplacas, larg* famltly room, master bodroom has triple doer closet with ample cabtoats. 2 car attached gafaga, large lot, boat wall, flood b*dch, ~aBa ttwra. call for APPOINTMENT. MILLS Sale Houses 49 Sale Houses 49 M' lot with boat house on ____j Oakland county laka $4200. WE TRADE OFF BALDWIN I. 0. WIDEMAN, REALTOR Listing — Selling — Appraising — Building MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!! concession stand and year round rental Income, of S50d par month Beautiful sandy bathing beach, docks — boats — picnic area — for 4 units ... plus owner's year round homo. Vacationers gator*. NO COMPARISON This clean sharp 3 bedroom homo Is beautifully landscaped and In Elizabeth Laka Estates, check these added features, full basamsnt, listing. REMEMBER ... WE TRADE! ZONED R0-1 Dixie Highway frontage. 100 feat of frontage on the busiest highway in Oakland County. Large colonial style home with 2 car garage and a large lot which cap be adapted to a variety of business ventures. Trade your present ''•qulty In on this desirable sit*. $49,900. - NOW OPEN NEW MODEL OPEN NOW Open DaHy~Except Friday from 4 to7 P.M.L Open Saturday and Sunday from 1 to 6 P.M. 5900 WELLINGTON. A super aluminum rancher with all aluminum trim, caramlc master bathroom plus half bath, formica cupboards. ng throughout, and attached garaga. On lot, *20,500. DIRECTIONS: Take Dlxla wall to wall carpeting throughout, and attached garaga. On your ‘ ‘ Highway to mSiM# north kcroft to Walllngton. of Andersonvilla Rd., turn right on Rockcroft 674-2245 FRUSH0UR REALTY REALTORS MLS 5730 Williams Lake Rd. 674-4161 00* oh Lake Orion with baautlful I bedroom home, carpeted, fireplace, basement, aluminum siding, lots of trees can be bought on tasy tend contract terms. NEW brick and aluminum tri-ltvol north of Walton, has 4 bedroom, family room flroplaco, bullt-ins, good carpet, 149* lot, house has 1590 sq. it. of living spec*. Only *34,500. S acre CHARLES MILLS BROKER 404 s. Lapeer Rd. 693-8371 IRWIN Reduced ome and Business 3 bodroom brick terrace featuring living room, dining room, kitchen, full basement,-gas heat and prlcod at only *13,500, term*. GINGELLVILLE 1 bedroom aluminum ranchtr, carpeted living room, dining area, nlc* kitchen, gas heat m car RENTING WE ARE NOW Realtor 5925 Highland Rd. (M-59) Next to Franks Nursery 674-3175 MLS TAKING APPLICATION FOR . HOME IVAN W. SCHRAM WILL ACCEPT ALL APPLICATIONS FROM ANY WORKERS, WIDOWS OR DIVORCEES. I A New Model Is Open, For Your Inspection in Colony Heights from SB Monday through Thursday and 24 Sat. and Sun. Tdk* Bite. Lake Rd. to mil* wast from William* Lake Rd, Coiqny Haights Blvd. WE BUILD PEOPLE WITH CREDIT PROBLEMS AND RETIREES ARE OKAY WITH US. NORTHERN HIGH 2 bedrooms, carpeted living room and dtolhg room, full basomont with recreation room, gas hast arid carport. *400 down plus doling costs on FHA terms. DAILY AND SAT. AND List With SCHRAM and Call the Van OPEN EVES. AND SUN. Nearly 2 JOSLYN AVE. FE 39470 - — - net. vna or com* to 274 W. Kennott Near Baldwin . REAL VALUE REALTY For Imediate Action Call FE 5-3676 - 642-4220 Seres, located on Pontiac Road $eaJ-TDR - , ■ MLS between Opdyke snd Perry. 4 Serving Pontiac Area for 20 years rooms, Ito baths, aluminum Val-U-Way siding. Suitable tor .bsieuty shop or I -studlft. —-—..J__________„■. • .I Pioneer Highlands Big custom built” brick ranch With full baaamant—Located an two choice corner lots — Natural fireplace customized kitchen — Attached garage — Enclosed porch—Pleas* call far appointment. CLARK BUYING OR SELLING CALL JOHN K. IRWIN & SONS West Huron—Sinco 1925 FE 39444 After 5 p.m. FE 4-1542 Sals Houstt 49 Sale Houtts 49 Sal* Houses 49 S McCULLOUGH REALTY, Inc. VAIU-VISI0N SHOW OF HOMES HIT THE JACKPOT With this 3 bodroom rancher featuring new aluminum siding,, fenced back yard, braazaway, dining area, attachad garaga, for only *7,400. Hurry an tnl* ona. LAKE PRIVILEGES! GOLF NEAR BY Lovely 3 bedroom home to Elizabeth Lake estates, located lust 4 blocks from the golf course. Carpeted throughout, a dream kitchen with all built Ins, Florida room, recreation, room to boie- cemsnt drive. LET'S HARRINGTON HILLS Lovely 3 bodroom brick horns with asphalt drive, full basement. WITH BSDnolT Oil VC# Tull UWgiugtiu dining room, gas neat, clty water and sewer, FULL PRICE *17,700 on FHA or GI farms. ONCE IN A LIFETIME Bargato. This 4 bsdroom_ bung* HR has. now carpeting front exterior, dishwasher, toll basement, paved drhto - and fenced back yard tot anty *17,500. TRADE )N YOUR PRESENT HOME.'' ■ ' ' P - up Tight? Then itreteh out and- relax j in thl* *xtr* sharp 3 bedroom rerich heme on a canbl loading to Loan Laka. Thl* heme features 2 fire- places, 2to baths, doorwall, balcony, walkout basement, 2vk car garaga with boat storage underneath, dining room and bulm-lns, FULfc PRir--------- TRADE. ilCE 334,300, LET'S RIVER FRONT RANCH This 3 bodroom rancher ha* tott basement, slate foyer, carpeting, gas hot water Itost, aluminum and stone exterior, aluminum! storms and screens, coy* rod potto and lake prlvltogst. FULL PRICE *21,900. ‘ "1 ■ 674-2236 McCULLOUGH Realty, Inc. 5440 Highland rd. hm»i *' REAIItOR: Wi f "MR. 0.1,'' • All you nood is eleetog cost* to purchase this S room 2 story noma, attractive living room, 2 bedrooms, spacious family kitchen, all city conveniences, priced to sail at Si2,900. F.H.A. Terms also available. NORTH SIDE Immediate possession on this cozy 2 bedroom horn*. Completely redecorated. Faauturlng furniture, wall to wall carpeting. - On nlc* lot. Move to for closing costs only. CRESCENT LAKE AREA Sharp 2 bedroom bungalow with Ito car garage, wulf to wall carpeting, 'gas heat, family tlz* FHA terms. Hurry on thll ont, "DELIGHTFUL" This horns has all th* charm, goad test* and txqultlte grooming of a beautiful woman, there Is a lovely carpeted living,, room, 3 spacious bedrooms, *' kitchen built for comfort and convenience. Ceramic tila bath, hardwood floors, 2to car. attached garage, privileges on Lake Oakland, mortgaga terms available. HURON GARDENS Conveniently located horn* now being used at 2 family unit, could easlly.«b* converted back to single residence. Gas hast, caramlc .bath, attached garage. Nlc* comer lot, Full prlaa, 114,950. fha terms. YOU CAN TRADE FOR ANY HOME WE 9IAVE FOR SALE CLARK REAL ESTATE 1342 W. Huron St. 432-3S50| OPEN *9 M.L.S. In association with .Howard J. Fried < 345 Oakland Av*. Vol-U-Way Realty and Building Co. -FE 4-3531 Sale Houses 49Sale Houses 49 RANCHES, COLONIALS, TRI-LEVELS 3-4-5 BEDROOMS 1 -V/? -2'/i BATHS Your choice of 9 modal* with _ distinctive elevations. Prices rung* from $17,100 to *33,900 plus loL WE BUILD YOUR PRINTS ‘Oi OURS ON YOUR LOT OR OURS. 25% DOWN BUY NOW BEFORE THE INTEREST RATE INCREASE HAYDEN REALTY 3434404 10733 Highland Rd. (M-59) ' to Milo wost of Oxbow Lako 49lSale Homes KING-PHIPPS KINWHIPPS AGENCY 1097 8. Lapeer Rd. 435-2333 VON what JUST LISTED If a taka front homo to you've been looking tor 1*1 shew you this one. 4 room aluminum aided, ioxw' pamrisd living room, 2 bedrooms, low taxes. Nlc* clssn horn*, gas liaat. Osnsva • • :|tEr Lake. Only 317,200, FHA. LAND CONTRACT Only *1,500 down on this small ranch with Watkins Lake privileges, S mom*, 2 bedrooms, 49 Suit Houses GILES HEY CUTIi PIE Make old dtddy .too this new horn*; JH a cittla Vs a eutla pi* just Hk# you, to h* Mill huvu to levu It, tt J#0 j.** carpatod living room, wlm dining, lovely panollng. 2 bedrooms, ■■ham,;' gas hsaf and aluminum siding, located to th* Awth and, y*y will have to hurry for this on*, ll's priced at only S12Jjp IlSl ’ WALK TO FISHER 3A00D equity out, tor, this 2 bedroom .............t ■ag..QM~Q~lulE . Just a hog, skip and a, lump Phhor Body* toll igrlea only 110,20(1 tson't mbs out on thla one. BUILDING LOTS Located on Commarco Rd. sstth.lak* privileges on Caat Lake; oxjra larg* let, surrounded by baautltyi homos, don't mist out on th***, call today, Cloum McGruder Realtor saataiytJifa o,isrs FUNI THE MORE IT COSTSI Years of fun to qn* of those homos with lok* privileges, WOLVERINE LAKE A beautiful view from this ........ ....... _ bedroom noma with mod*. enclosed porch, gas host, low-tax-l kitchen, 2 ear garags. wal too month payments. Just landscaped lot, Approk. *5000 to 4»t«' HK PRION AREA Noat. and clean 2 .bedroom bung* km iltueted^ Ml Bjmtoj.gn ociTh**jmjehadl car other axe. taaturae. NEARLY NEW I™#"® aSb" and goodrural -ural aaftwE-1 j Best Buys Today PRICE REDUCED- Thl* *m*ll term *lx* IBP x *82 ettortog toatur** • sharp 3 bedroom aluminum ranch] jr beautiful Auburn Manor, lust mw South Blvd. Hot ovorsjMd 2to cor garagtf bosornom with flnitlwd boy* mm. and. lneW« extra Utlitry building and frult Should sol I* fast at 129,900. fra**. 31,000. astuma mortgage.. MODELS-WE BUILD On your lot or outo^a,.bedroom alum, tided rancher. Full batsmen!, oak Hoar*,.' caramlc bath. Formic* counter top*, built-in rang*. All thla tor 314,950. MODEL AT 045 DWIGHT DIRECTIONS: M-IP to Airport Rd* right oh Airport Rd. to Dwight. Modtl open dally 3 to * p.m. VON REALTY , 3401 W. Huron 4035*00 COMMERCE LAKE ' O-o-D-L-E-s of oxtraa t o numerous to montloa. 7 year old brick with walk out basomont, 2 car garaga, largo tot, rsasonabl' priced and only *37,000 assumable mortgage. naMy with WHITE LAKE Vary clean and naat, 2 bedroom home, with largo living - modem dining and kitchen or**, gas hoat, wolf landscaped 100* lot FE 5-8183 W. CORNELL Just oft Baldwin Ava. Three bedroom bungalow. Fenced yard. Gas hA twit. I m men I a to ' possession. Terms. PLEASANT LAKE Small livable 2-bedroom yoar-round homo, needs repair, but • stssl at only 19,500 cash. WANT TO MAKE A DEALT THE BEST WAY IS WITH COSWAYI AUBURN AVE. Five bedroom, two story older -- home , In-, excellent condition. Two baths. Living and dining rooms. Dan with fireplace. Carpeting. Full besement with recreation room. Get HA heat. Three car garage: FHA terms available. COSWAY REALTOR 631-0760 TIMES SOUTH JOHNSON ullBAkI U411P%# Four bodroom, two story Old-.HURON VALLEY SCHOOLS er home In good condition. Living and dining rooms. Kitchen end dan. Full basement. Gas HA heat. Garage. Easy FHA torms. ARTHUR ST. Two bodroom bung.* low. Living and dining area. Kttchan and utility. Sea HA hast. Vacant. Newly decorated. Only S500.00 down PIUS costs. ' Eva: call MR: ALTONj 294-5331 Nicholie & Harger Co. 5311 53to W. Huron St. FE 5-4183 Sharp ctoan trMaval close to Oxbow Lako featuring I bedrooms, ito baths, large family room. Ilk* new carpet and drapes, attachad 2 and larg* fenced yard, home so why not make an appointment to saa it right away. 4 BEDROOMS Clarktton schools and a large fenced yard era all offered with , ' this Shan) when, omar toatur*s|! Include a 23' family room with a ledgerock fireplace, Ito baths, attached garaga, partial basamtht WALK TQ DOWNTOWN^ Older 4, bedroom' hwtta, Wa*! fw the large faihliy, including living irfl room, dining room, rawing ro°m 'and"kltchan M.;ijf ftWB ‘«jjr with 4 Mdrooms. u». Full merit; with ga* huat. Yanr MJt and clean throughout. Cios* to downtown Fontlac. • i AUBURN AVENUE- just Imagine 7 rooms all (h .I floor, Ftoe.to batt) sam-. the 'living roam. Full basamsnt. ., Garaga. Beat of all. *700 down ■ lua closing costs to quallftofl,' plus buy* SHARP BUNGALOW- * Cozy and cut# 5 room and .bath, bungalow with stairway to largo unfinished 2nd floor. Baisnwnt i, wilh gap heat and,, hot water. New roof and aaptlc. Includes carpating., Ideal tocatton In: Auburn Haights aroa closa Unlvaralty. Priced to sail 411,900. to Warren Stfiut, R*dllor1 Vi 1430 N. Opdykt Rd. - FE 30143 Dally tliE MultlPi* Lifting O'NEIL- WHY NOT TRADE? a Rambling three BEDROOM RANCHER v On a pictoroaque Ito acra» Mtt) frdtt bearing orchard .of over 70 trifot. This handsome brick home hat* spacious fsmite room,, fol* carpating, attractive flraptoc*., 2to car garage, circle blacktop drto*. A-real beauty at UtisOO) axcalisht financing available. No. 1020 ANNETT A MOTHER'S DAY GIFT FOR _____ „ __ _________your WlfP COUld 1)0 thl* bPOUttlul and paved stroot. Offered at only'brlck and alum. 7 room colonial $22,500. You can astuma the heme with Ito batha, hardwood present mortgage or we can ar-!noers, 4 bedrooms, full basemenV range .raw flMncIng to call tor an, 2to car attached garaga, appolntmant. OFFERS WEST HURON ST.—2 LOTS 100 ft, frontage zoned- tor Pro-fssslensl Service. 3 - bedroom brick homo In excellent condition, full basomont, 2 car garaga. 229,900, terms. LOON LAKE" FRONT Attractive 4 bedroom M-IOVtl with 25 ft. family room, 2 fireplaces, kitchen has built-lns plus dishwasher A refrigerator. Auto, lawn sprinkler, aft. 2 car garage, 100 ft. of lako frontage, many omar toatur**, 157,930, torms. LAKE ANGELUS ESTATE Approx. • acres, 230 ft. lake frontage having panoramic view of beautiful Lake An gal us. Features cathedral type LR with cut stone fireplace wall A huge glass wall overlooking lake, DR with stone fireplace, large modem kitchen, 5 bedrooms, Ito baths, guest house A patio with outdoor grill. 4 car garaga 5150,000, terms. MILLER AARON BAUGHEY REALTOR After 5 F.M. call Charles Wood _ 333WI7 WE WILL TRADE Realtors 28 E. Huron St, 338-0466 ROYER AUBURN HEIGHTS AREA. all . fleer and a good buy tor th* handy man. 4 rooms and bath, tto ear Sat* on HOLLY OFFICE garaga. Sets on 3 tott with-120 ft. I frontage. 310,500 toll price. ; : , BLOOMFIELD ORCHARDS hem* In excellent repair. 3 bad rooms, carpeted living room, Ito both*, family room, toll basmt., gat heat, 2 Car attachad garage, fenced and landscaped yard- plus tots mar*. 127,9*0 <>n mortgaga terms. LAKE FRONT AND SHARP. 2 fireplaces, carpeted living, room with walk-out balacbny with a beautiful view overlooking th* lako. Ito baths, new gas tomaca and water heater, new kitchen, best deck, sandy batch plus mud), much more. 223,450. Mortgage terms. "ESTABLISHED 1930" A MONSTER . Brick and aluminum ranch, 3 btdroem horns, carpotod thrgout. Including basement and complete 2nd living quarters, 13X25 first fiMr family .room, 2-car attached garaga, 24x40 swimming pool, and situated an ito acre' tot. WILLIAMS LAKE AREA Lots of room arid peace and quiet with a lovely garden spot. Is what you'll have with this attractive 3 bad room bungalow,, situated on t beautiful shafted and anchor tenced corner let lOOxtlO. Oak floors, piaiterad waits, bastmant and 2 car garage. EXECUTIVES FARMETTES Bargain priced ranch home, situated on ever 2 acres of ground In' Clorkston School system. 3 bodroom*, Ito baths, toll basement, gas heat, and 2 car attachad garaga, 024400 to 424400. SPRING IN DRAYTON truly family horn* supremo. Two bedrooms down and an* large a UP. Oak floors, plastered walls, separate dining room, flraptoc* th* llving reom, toll battmtnt arid Tear garaga. An Outstanding -, 120x157. 021,500. CONTEMPORARY BRICK RANCH Situated on beautiful weeded lot, Jjxio living roc ceilings, carpeting and drapes, loxli kitchen wlm dining room, 3 bedrooms, ttraplsc*, ond 2 csr atti is living ’ room wllh .Msmsd jim built-lns, formal attached garage- / DOLL HOUSE West suburban, quality 2 bedroom ranch with _ ottechojl .garage, oak floors. Insulated windows, built-lns, .anchor tancadtot and. price Includes washer, dryar, riding lawn l»inw*r, snow blower and »ed* of omar extras. WORKING MAN'S SPECIAL Near Fisher Body site Ponttoc Motors. 3. bedroom. * slory atom-Inum sided family hem* tetth toxurtously carpeted, living and dining, room, full basement, gas beet,. garage, fenced lfisWFMA:t#m»i I.B back yard. DORRIS & SON REALTOR 2533 Dixit. Hwy. MLS OR 4-0324 in HniKlSHii NORTH SIDE 4 rooms and bath. Large kitchen with sating gran, 3 bedrooms. Gat hast, gas water heater, good area arid ready for you. 114,950 with "t" down on FHA terms, •TM A FATHER, TOO So I know th* imnertenc* of fenced back yard, 2 car garage, 3 bedrooms, a recreation ar PjriV room; and a large kltehan-dlnln* Combination to accomiriodate kids, toys, nw ► klttoiw arid, * busy mother. If Interested, ceU us for more Intormatten on this 321400 home that's 2 blocks from school, 2 Mocks f rom lake, has city tawsr and water and many other added tostores. BETTER THAN NEW Big old country 2, 3 or 4 bedroom hem* built tt). 1130, Charmlng,..weli built house with lets of possibilities as a home or invottment. House sets on a 2 acre comer lot which shows greet promise tor the future- Houee mods work, but It's only *19,950. FE 2-0262 414 W. HURON OPEN 9 TO 9 WE BUILD r- TRADE f ROYER REALTY, INC. PHONE: 634-8204 I Holly Branch Holly Plaza Sale Houses 49 Sale Houses 49 Wff BEAUTIFUL LOT. Oysr a holt acre in size and luat outside the village of Clprkston. 2 bodroom home with room tor 0x-pantlon and featuring attached 2 car garage, basement, family room and paved afreet. Offered at only *22,900. Call right away for your personal appoiimnsnt. ■ ga* Nt heat, lake privileges on Cranberry Lake, to mil* to 1-75. and, M-15.-Clarkston schools, Lot stz* IWxlJP', Pries *35,200. No. 12-17, To mak* your move. So why not Invostigot* this .lovely. 3 bedroom WHEN .YOU SEEK OUR SERytCE YOU "JOIN THE MARCH TO TIMES" svsrslzsd 2 cor garaga, nicely landscaped. Priced to soil at lust *27,900. NO. 10-3* Times Realty 5490 DIXIE HIGHWAY 423-0400 REALTOR Open 9 Dally OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 HOWARD T. KEATING WANT MORE LEISURE TIME THIS SUMMER? ’ * Add hour* of "fun time" with *Jr year old trl-ioval'all brick and alum,* "family tailored * homo." Ms ny maintenance fro* foatur**, practically eliminate upkeep. See this home in beeutiful Huntaon Shores Sub. Many extras, excellent flnertc-! Ing available, priced to sell far only *24,500. Call today, our teletpsopte will b* happy to serve you. No, Jl-5 22060 W. 13 Mil* 444-1234 CLARKSTON AREA library) with 120 ft. lake frontage, Good fishing. Private beach. Located on'a private road end surrounded, by beeutlto! homes. storage. Llvtrig room 28 x 14. Dining room' MxtT. 2 ear closets attached garage. Beeutiful settirig on 4to acres. In excellent t condition. Clarkston area- schools. Priced at 509,500. Watch our nsxt ad tor e more detelled description. IN DAVISBURG An ''older house In need modernizing, redecorating, rewiring and the roof need* fixing. Furnace partly Installed. Gas available. $10,500. Slightly negotiable for cash. Could be converted Into office or antique shop and It's e good future Investment. LAKE BRAEMAR ' No Round Corners Because this builder doesn't cut for today I Beautiful new bedrooms. Good sized llvtrig room. Formal dining room, am onk Itoore, Except In the . carpeted kitchen. Dishwasher, electric stove and ventlltetlnp ton. On- lower level, large family room with fireplace. Indoor-outdoor carpeting, Fuliber padding underheath. Large welk-m cedar: do eat „„ "pri’flfiB'Be#. Plenty of olectrtcst outtots. Huge storage room. Utility room. Blacktop drive. Potto. Thermo sliding door*. Aluminum wlmtowi and iereont. Largo light ^ 2. csr garage. Putly oovostreughtd. Lake privileges on Braomar Lake where INFLATION STOPPER! #88 BRICK RANCHER with 3 bedrooms, tto baths, finished basement. Mid garage for |u*t_ *23,500. CALL TODAYII ASK ABOUT OUR GUARANTEE PROGRAMil EXECUTIVE UKEFRONT CLARKSTON ARC tem}lyTroom flrej #66 REA * bodroom cotonlal. 2to batha, dream, kltchan, ____ Ireplece, attached garage, / OUR GUARANTEE PROGRAMtl weeded tot, ASK #98 ATTRACTIVE two YEAR OLD quad-level, family room fireplace, kitchen bullt-liu, 2 baths, petto end attached garage. CALL NOWl ASK ABOUT CHUR GUARANTEE PROGRAMil T I ,’ BRING UP #96 YOUR FAMILY in This 4 bedroom brick home. Finished basement, fireplace arid 2 car gai-age. Lend CoRIreet terms. ASK AiOUf OUR GUARANTEE PROOItAMII OXFORD AREA #93 PRICED TO SELL! 3 bedroom home with 'fireplace, basement, end asreM on s treeWwdsd tot. CALL TODAYII ASK ABOUT OUR GUARANTEE PIIOG1IAMII SIX NEW MODELS OMEN SAT, A BUN, 2-5 pjn. or by appointment COLONIAL AND MID-LEVELr- West Huron St Vporhsls Rd. . KEYLON RANCHER AND TRl-LIVEl^-dllter RaTet Koylon Dr. OXFaR6 FAMILY RANCHER -.M-at, lust north of Orahnor Rd. AVON RANCHiR -r Avon Rd. lust *o«t CLARKSTON 625-2441 -- ROCHESTER 651-8513 < PdNTIAC ' 338-71611 ORION/OXFORD ; ^ < 6284211 UNION UKF 3634171 T good fishing fir property Owners. IT "BEST BUY" among duplicate on your Lake Braenwr lot tor S22JN0. Other beautiful lake tots with good shone, S4300 to 00930. Off Iton, lake prlvleged 33*00. IT'S SPRING TIME AND TIME ...__ _ flMW tr*as. Fiift basement, family rbom, YOU'LL NEVER REGRET the day you decided to leek at this beautiful well built two bedrooms, ucautityi wan wm iww *»••'*«"•) where charm begins of the front door, overythlng Is now, carpeting,, ding, f 7 —1 alum, tiding, fenced yard, new I6'x24* bam (cedar), ito cor garage, concrete drive, lake privileges on * „ Css* Lake. Price *21,1007 FHA or-6r* terms. No. 12-1* HELLO DOLLY You'll sing this popular tone It ybu a lovely 2 bedroom are looking tor--------.... - ranch home, targe tot, excellent location, cto** to lake, good garden spot, out In the country whom th* aH* trash, prflc# *17,200. No. IMS . BASEMENT A MUST? Act fast — contract your O'floll NOW ■■■■■ for an polritment lo se* this 3 bsdi ranch alyl* horn* with toll bottihwit available. No. 13-241 NEW MODELS ; ’ OPEN DAILY 1-5 . P.M. west on welteii to ciintotivllte Row to Lak* Angeius Road. a , 1 Ray O'Neil Realty 3510 Pontiac Lake RaidI ’ • OR 4-2222 MLS 343-7*1* Income Property 4 FURNISHED APARTMENTS 3 stores In 1 Mlkttng, tenants pay util., adequate parkins to growirig area. 32*4100 with *10,000 down, 343-0010. . ' . ■ ■ 6 Family — Northsldt r Will thow so pet.-return on down, payment. 074)00 down: r t For Income Property Look to the Loader C. NELSEY, SALES AGENT 313-423-3290 , OR , «*(02Sj A74^'l?» Evening .Celle welcome Realty & Investment Co. * * We pay cash for used horns* j. MLS Sale Houses 49 Sale Houses 49 OXFORD OFFICE IN'THE HILLS T- rt Just North Of Rochester, 3 bedroom. full. tirkkJtUimf jttfh Itogt; ft?, in the ground swimming pool and Cabana on ono tro# covered-acre. Large paneled family ream -with fireplace. Tho apertou* kitchen ha* CllMrii. Many other extra* throughout. Priced to tell tt *39,too. A*k for 264-E. . Wi ’ ■ M?;® PONTIAC WEST SIBE Near winter Stadium. 2 bpdrfom bunggtow, Np*t ~g* g pln..Pgll basement, ga* neat, cSnptojJfly modern. New.kttehato. nawjbattj. Nothing down, FHA to qualHtod buyer. Onto SM4WL Ask fir 2754L, VA TERMS Four bedrooms near Orton. Now asnric iy*toiW»_w*lLmoot* cod* Mff'7 823 Si Lapeer Rood 1 ,PHONE: 628-2548 Oxford ■ hi v< Hi* III ■H KiH ■11 UV ■ '’4 for Want Ads Dial 334-4981 Income Property THE PONTIAC PBKSS. /FEIDAY, MAY % I960 SO 2 FAMILY NO»th l!oe _ 114,000 _ •1000 will Handle down pay* JgSF teick wthiiri ySSiv Vl 5'FAMILY ALUM. JlPgS -r___northside, mpp — UIMO down Will •how over It tor ^"return on down pevmont. sold V 4 FAMILY FdAME Northside, JJMtO — 14,500 down will thow 50 pop cent roturn on •own payment. SOLD. Pop Income Property Look to tho Leader lakh Property SI • LAKE FRONT HOMES, i ir. n Wwond Ueod. J k Pe'ly Co. EM 3-7114 A LOBDEll LAKE subdivision. Jerm front lot* $43oo up. Lake JSbRJf up; ® HB I enultl lovol homes. 30 SlSjufee to Pontiac. Write Owner JJtmpn, Birmingham Mich 41010. Cell 447-0745. .... : lapberarba ijerre a chance to be your own bout Busy restaurant With both, ™W8 ond drlve-ln service, plenty of IPIM pizza- ovens. In-eluded , with equipment, Health reason for selling. Another business oppoptunitye Do you love to meat and. worn with peeplet Business Includes selling maior items, catalogue ordering service, Realty & Investment Co. e*,h ,or used homes 474-3105 MLS 3 FAMILY INCOME taiaiugue oraering service, kWMMIh servlet and In- stallation. Pop further Information FRONTIER REAL ESTATE CO. 374 West Nepesslng street Lapeer, Michlgn * 444-2071 NEVER. BEFORE AND never again, beautiful wooded 10 acre parcels near Grayling, ideal hunting, fusnlno end camping . near the AuSabTe River. Act now. Call Columbia Realty Inc. 350-0000 .for Information or writ* 17477 Watt 10 . Mile, Southfield Michigan 40075, lots-Acroago 54 I, 3, 10 ACRE PARCELS, wooded, .rolling. Fowler pity., 3434332. 2 ACRES 014 COMPLETELY wooded ravine and Trout stream, minutes north of Ponttac. *4,775. 427-2570. / , 2 Va ACRE HOMESITE with lake Lots—Acreage 54 ROCHESTER HEAR new high School, 1401(173, 15,000. 4514440. ROYER GOODRICH OFFICE privileges. 4814071. S ACRES, CLARKSTONneer 1-75, rolling and woodad, 14475, $1000 down, terms. Sheldon, 425-5557,' I and l? aero' * percale Oxtord-Ortonyllle area. Call balera 2 p.m. 420-3477. ■ .... 10 ACRES HOAR Goodrich at 11374 Hill Rd. Nice building alia on paved read. Lend contract terms. Owner 434-3744. 5 ACRES A nice 5 acres «. ____________ Groveland Twp. property hat 33x33 ft. then home with new septic. Several other nice building sites Sola Business Property 3300 SO. ttt, on grade, 3300 sq, ft. baeement, 2 nice offices, Meal for storage, ■ email manufacturing or any service type bust neat, immediate occupancy. Guinn Construction Co., 334-7477. // BUD" Lot* of traps. $3,000 down on land Let's trade. in i* *4 10 ACRES .NEAR Clarkston, over 800 ft. road frontage, already surveyed «!• nraa Tiuinapvf airvaOT vurtuyva. Into 17 lots, zoned, residential —1 017,500 — terms. ROYER REALTY, INC. GOODRICH 636-2211 SCHOOL! DISTRICT OF MENZIES end bath, showing approximately 3350 per month income. Can be purchased on lend contract, WRIGHT REALTY 102 OAKLAND AVE. FE 2-7141 Partridge MS THE BIRD TO SEE" 6 UNITS 1 CABIN — Having 2 units With 4 single cabins, including a 4 bedroom brick homo, all of which le self contained. 3 acres on front uko. beautiful location with • ult of Pino and Birch trees. Located In Upper Peninsula. 110,000 down on land contract at 4 per cent. SOLD. For Income Property Look to the Lender Realty & Investment Co. We pay cash for used homes 674-3105 MLS LET YOUR RENTS Pay for the* 5 units, zone commercial on 44x240* lot; A-l condition. UL 2-2342. , TIN UNIT APARTMENT Income showing good roturn. M-57 Pontiac Loko aroa, lend contract will handle. Call your O'Ntll Realty representative 474-2222. Luke Property 51 2 BEDROOM ALUMINUM elded home on Wtttort Lake, good beach. 374-0357. Add to your pleasure -with Lake Privileges HAWK LAKE PRIVILEGES — Very large comer IM with four bedroom ranch. Ideal family living. Add 2Vk car attached garage, gee heat and paved road. $28,500. Call. for appointment today. 1200 FEET OF BEAUTIFUL __ BLUE WATER SANDY BEACH 27 Acres with home and 1200 feet of sandy beech. A beautiful spot for a resort or motel. Fine place for- boat rentals. Also possibility of cutting a canal through property and tailing lots. Endless Possibilities. This property has the most varied potential. AH this for 047,500 with *14,500 down, balance at S407.00 monthly Including 7 per cent on Land Contract. Ask . tor No. 14-6057-LP. ASK FOR FREE CATALOG __PARTRIDGE REAL ESTATE 1050 West Huron St., Pontiac 481-2111 765-8757 Open Nites *111 7 ROYER HOLLy OFFICE 625-5485 EVE, AND SUN. 425-3015_____. ACRE PARCELS — Partially wooded, rolling, stream bordering rear of property. $970 down on land contract terms. Located (N. of Clarkston. 633-0702. Brian, Inc. 12 ACRES, White Like Twp. 350' X 1320,, 015,700, farms. Sheldon, 625-5557. . 20 ACRES OF SUBURBAN property on Scrtpps Rd. near new high school and 2 new churches, vs down, rest on time. Open market No agents, please. Phone 472-0207. 100x300 LOT, CLARKSTON AREA Cell aft; 4 p.m. 673-0112, I A C R E S 3 PONDS, secluded modem home, IS miles northwest Of Pontiac, will divide. 625-S343, A CHOICE OF 20 LOTS. PRICED FROM 01500.00, SOME 15 PER CENT DOWN. AL PAULY ___________jpR 3-3800 A GOOD WAY TO LIVE COUNTRY ACRES 2Vk ACRES,- completely. $4,775, 15 per cent down. 10 ACRES, Lapeer area, wide road frontage and ell good land. Many parcels to choose from, $5,050, 0700 gown, A HOME IS LOVE When It has had the devoted cere of this Imaginative 3 bedroom homo on Braomar Lake. You'll bo impressed with It's Immaculate character ths moment you enter the foyer and look into the spacious living room with Its lush carpeting and drapet. The kitchen with Its stove, rerrigerator-lraezer and bountiful cabinets has real "Wife-Appeal." Breakfast room; ' • •nd separate 10x11 dining room,) f. PANGUS INC., Realtor 17x11 paneled family room with' * nsuiiB»v< a'wcci, full brick wall fireplace end sliding A/, .°,pEN 7 DAYS A WEEK glass door opening out onti a 40k-,430 ,9,r!onyl,la 60 patio.' Two 12x11 bedrooms1 CALL COLLECT 427-2813________________ and a .17x11 master suite that BARNHART LAKE, Preaque Isle could be divided Into 2 bedrooms., County, near Rogers eCity and 25 ACRES, beautiful rolling country and over 1800* of road frontage, S487 per acre. Total price 170,500, terms. THE CITY OF TROY, MICHIGAN FOR SALE R-1E ZONED PROPERTY Th* Troy School District Board of Education Invites sealed bids labeled "Property Proposal" on the outside ol.the envelope lor the purchase of a block of fourteen (14) lots (Lots No. 50-43) In Caverly Heights Subdivision. See- located on the south side of Starr Drivebetween Troy Street and Talbot. Street, said lots measuring 50 Met wide by 200 feet deep each totalling about 3.21 acres east of Llvernols9 Road and west of tha Morse School. Bids will be accepted et the Board Offices, 120 Hart Street, TroV, Michigan 41004, until 4 p.m. EST Wednesday. May 14, 1747. Bids will be opened and read aloud at 7 p.m. of tho Board , of Education mooting at Troy High School, 3177 Llvernois, Troy, on Moy 14, 1747. The Board reserves the unqualified right to accept any bid end to re-lect any or ell bids. All bids must be accompanied bv a bid bond or certified check payable to the School District of the City ot Troy In an amount equal to at least 5 per cent of the amount of the bid. Bid bonds or checks will be forfeited to the School District In the event ot the failure of the bidder to complete a purchase under the terms of any bid which Is accepted. Bids will be Irrevocable tor a period of one month (tom the dot* of their opening. Bid bonds of unsuccessful bidders will be returned upon acceptance ot a successful bid bv the Board of of Education. The School District will not pay a ' fee or commission to eny In termediery. ZONED COMMERCIAL BUSY PAVED HIGHWAY MANAGER PRIVATE minting and upright PIANOS AND furnlture. nAVENPnRT ■ ______________________________________________t — fishing club,. Cornmlns are* open j tor enclosed trailer, tools or cash, H.| dinette set. Craftsman workbench' chair, 602-4040. n from operating dlnlno|r~: ~ .. and rentei chairs. Ideal Salt Clothlnq ran Inr hiitthsinH anri Uilla ... 64 yean eroung. salary -plus com-|R- Smith Moving, to S. Jesse mission “ " J ' room I.... HRS NMH ■ situation for husband and wife. Housing- and utilities furnished Reply Pontiac Press Box 044. ■ > BARBER SHOP ______________________________________________■ Excellent location — adequate PROM DRESSES. SILK organza, 1 parking. Cell FE 4-S5X2. *'1,“ 1 |H ..... — DINING ROOM SUITE, After 4 p.m. 332-2153. BABY AND MATE R N IT Y,^0MPL* OVEN GAS." clothes, little girls' dresses, coats, 624-5104. walnut. • SUPER MARKET with S.D.O! end S.D.M. License, doing more than $600,000 gross an-. .. nuellv. In a fine, fast-growing Tip-top north side location, 144: neighborhood It you art looking tor ft. X 1126 ft. 2 houses (5 rooms 8i both) (4 rooms and bath) water an street, terms WEST BLOOMFIELD TWP. blue, l pink embroidery end lace _. trim, size 1(712. 2 winter, 1 electric ELECTRIC blue, l watermelon pink. White Borgana capelet. Each 020. *47-677Q. Spring foRmals, size e-io, worn once. Farmington 874-4144, DOUBLE OVEN GAS RANGE, rotlsserle, center griddle, *25. Automatic washer, and sud-sevsr, $20. Largs' refrigerator; *10. 689- 7483, Troy.________________ ______I stovE 40" Frigidoiee deluxe model, axe. cond. 8 years 4 old. Ml 2-5343. __________ ELECTRIC. STOVE, 825) Got stove, YOUNG, MARRIEDS Need fumtturet under *17 We cm get you credit Without co-slg Household Appliance, 881-2? Antiques 65-A $35; Refrigerator with top freezer, $47; wringer washer, $40. G. War- h„d®n't WEDDING DRESS, SIZE 10, $45; overlook this one. Shown by ap- ye||0w formal, size 12, $15; burgundy velvet formal, size 8, 830. 343-3281. Is, FE 5-2748. LARGE WAGON wheels, also wagon, cutter, very old, good con- dlt. FE 2-7820.___________ 10 PIEfcE OAK dining room' suite. Clew Ilka buffet, ois*. Chairs, hair dryer, Mlsc. 674-2031, 1 polntment only. 1812.000 will get vou Lochaven Road. Will sell Land Contract to qualified buyer. NICH0LIE-HUDS0N Associates, Inc. 1141 w. Huron st. > 681-1770 After 6 p.m. FE 2-3370 7748. wants some good men to continual ' Iwe.ieble?***' A flood ,r,nehl“ 'Male Household Goods FURNITURE GARAGE sole,» Bejdwln VS mile pest 1-73._>_ Floor models A-l SLIPPER COUCH, pins water bench, unusual brats hanging lamp. Y-Knot Antiques, DevMwrg, 434-8991. 65 REPOSSESSIONS CUSTOM ANTIQUE REFINISHING, Specializing In lurtiltur* retlnlshlng end repairs of all lypee. 383-7341, Mon-Sei. . tTt ,v0“ .l00klnB Jar .» business or I Vt WHAt YOU'D EXPECT TO PAY Investment property. We hove many what vou art looking tor. Call today, open 'til 7 p.m. each evening. DRAYTON PLAINS—400* on pevod road, 225' deep, zoned light Industry. C-3 use perrnfttbd. Easy ______... RW AST'r LyiATii5gr8Ph_Rd.P0nt.ec.Mich. CARTRIDGE REAL ESTATE BRANCH OFFICE 338-6437 3 ROOMS BRAND NEW FURNITURE $297 AL PAULY OR 3-3800 Evtl. 873-7272 FARRELL Choice 120x100—Zoned Cl Ideal tor doctor, dentist or attorney's office. Elizabeth Lake Rd. Land contract terms. Sunoco $2.30 per week LITTLE JOE'S GE color TVs, 4 to choose from. elec, range, cop- TAKE OVER- PAYMENTS BUDGET TERMS Goodyear Service Store 1370 Wide Track Pontiac, Mich. Phone 335-4187 Acres of Free Parking __________r,.l";.ls..vTrv‘YT_________- Eves, 'til 7; Set. 'tl! 4. sz terms I FRENCH PROVINCIAL couch and i —---—--------------SI”-.*1l1 whelp Iilcn naui tun Ct 0.1 TOC FARRELL REALTY Pontiac GIFT SHOP In 7 room house, ... baths, gas heat. Living quarters, 3 bedrooms, $25,000 or otter' Business district 1-75, Grayling 341-3531. LIGHT INDUSTRIAL Over 7 acres with 1100' railroad frontage, Waterford Township, closa to 1-75, $97,500, terms. AVON TOWNSHIP* Mr Call: SUN OIL CO. Pascoe, Eves, or Weekends 371-1817 Tire Business 3 davenports, chair, TV, dinette set, call 338-4742. chair, I Ike new, $130. FE 8-1725. GAS-STOVE, $35 425-2760 3-ROOM — (Brand new furniture) $287. Cash, terms, lay-away. Pearson's Furniture, 840 Auburn — FE 4-788). 4-PIECE BEDROOMS, brand new, 077: Little Joe's Bargain House, 1441 Baldwin; FE 2-8042.______ Frlgtdalra Retail tires and batteries on busy M-1S near Ortonvllle. Solid 40x80 building, fully equipped, can purchased with or without ventory, $40,000. $10,000 down. GE STOVE. $35. 874-2470 __________ GE COPPERTONE refrigerator, months old, 3150. 343-0471.. HOUSEHOLD SPECIAL 320 A MONTH BUYS 3 ROOMS PF FURNITURE — Consists pf: 8-piece living room outfit with 2-pc, living room suite, 2 step tables, I cocktail .table,. 2 table lamps and ELIZABETH LAKE RD. Vacant lot, 240 ft. frontage, 172 deep — zoned commercial — 025,000, terms. C. PANGUS, Realtors OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 430 M-1S Ortonvllle CALL COLLECT 427-2015 ! CU. FT. DELUXE Refrigerator; Hotpolnt elec, stove, twin ovens; Norge automatic washer, all In exc. condition. 363- 7470. __________, _____ ________ *n" 9x12 Linoleum Rugs $4.95 7-plece bedroom Csu?t?’ with double Solid Vinyl Tile .. .. 7c 4a. dresser, chest, full-size bed with , Vinyl Asbestos tile .. .. 7c ea Innersprlng mattress and matching , Inlaid Tile, 7x9 .... 7c ea. box spring and 2 vanity lamps. Floor Shop-2255 Elizabeth Lake ,5-piece dinette set with 4 chroma “Across From the Mall" 1 ch»'.r> «"<» table, aii tor $377. vour WANT TO SELL YOUR BUSINESS?| Definitely, Realtor Partridge Is the! bird to see. 1050 Huron, Pontiac, 338-3501. Tha terms ot sale will be cash or certified check at tha time of closing. Full finished basement with washer and dryar Included. Large lot with 120 ft. of lake frontage and two large oak tree*. Many 'other -items Included to make lakefront living In a rural atmosphere a real "act et love" for only 152,500. Oneway, prime hunting and fishing. Lot la about 10 x 400. Contract with terms or discount tor cosh. Fenton 629-8431 or 427-7427. . FLANDERS LAKE PRIVILEGES — FIVE bedroom tri-level In excellent location. Thia family sized horn* Is lust 2 years old, and your u _ -famllv cin move In rloht awav to Hofly .Branch WE BUILD - TRADE ROYER REALTY, INC. * PHONE: 634-8204 Holly Plaza BY OWNER — 6 Iota In Bunny Run, Lake Orion, lake privileges. House could be tom down. *4700 or make offer. 673-2127 tor appointment. BY OWNER 2 wood lots Elizabeth ' Shores, $4,000 cash, or terms. 335-7577. ' __________ BUILDING SITE in Chetolah Shores, subdivision corner lot ltOxIlO1. FE ontoy Jho. coming Summer swim SILVER LAKE, 3 bedroom by _ ________________ time. 334,700. owner. $40,000. 673-1726. BUILDING SUES Welkins Lake Proof of marketable till* will be provided by abstract or by title insurance In an amount aqual to tha selling price. sewer. All the above provisions shall be deemed to be lncorporated Into and bo a part of the agroomant of sola pursuant hereto. WHITE LAKE — 100 x 241' beautiful scenic lake prlv., lot overlooking lake, $5400. LAKE 75 X 100', CASS LAKE PRIVILEGES — Four bedroom trl-level, lust 2 years old; and in excellent condition. Large family room with fireplace. iVa car attached garage, gas heat. All the conveniences for ploiont living and priced at lust $46,700. Val-U-Way MAX BROOCK 444-4890 MA 64000 BALD EAGLE LAKEFRONT, 100'. X *00* high sconlc fob ready to build an. SOWS, terms. Sbokton, 625-5557. FOR SALE WOLVERINE Lake front OWN YOUR OWN PRIVATE ISLAND on Lako Orton. 1 cottage nestled In the shade trees. Completely furnished. Including 2 boats, tool shed and a boat house on tho main land. Available on land contract with $2500 down. Full price *11,500. Val-U-Way Realty and Building Co. FE 4-3531 age 2 bedroom home. Cell 731-4130 34$ Oakland Ava, Open 7 to iff. 5:30 p.m. All day Sat. —3— ---------------------------------------3- DUCK LAKE 2 bedroom lake front home, oil forced air heat, full basement, glassed enclosed porch, fenced yard, beautiful, sandy beech. Terms. Price 3*1,700. 484-1245 or 343-7422. Clay Stokes Rhetty. HOWARD T. KEATING Northern Property 51-A LOTS, *2x103 each In Richland Gardens, in the village limits, of Prescott, Mich. $450. 332-9541. 3-80 ACRE FARM LAND, 1-00 acre hunting land. For information write or call 517-724-5130. George Immell,. Harrlavllle, Mich. 48740. Agent tor Real Estate of Goodwin Realty. , area, OR 4-1710, CHOICE LOTS Manor, from Rlty, 673-1273. HAGSTROM Realtors, MLS, 4700 W. Huron, OR 4-0358, after 6 p.m. FE 4-7005. INVESTMENT 8, COMMERCIAL. CO. Specializing In Investment Reel Estate 377 S. Telegraph Rd. 338-9641 • ____Weekdays after 5, M57—W. HURON ST. Corner 200x243, water 8, 8175.000, can be divided. WEST WIDE TRACK Over 10,000 so. ft. masonry, bldo. & ISO ft. frontage on Wide Track. Immediate possession. Owner anxious to sell, land contract terms. DOWNTOWN PONTIAC Near Bell Telephone <■ city offices. 2 story bldg, on corner, 1st floor 4(00 sq. ft., fenced yard, also 2 steal shads. Formerly used as retail-wholesale plumbing 8, heating. Other Comm'l. properties After 5 P.M. call Charles Wood 338-0587 WE WILL TRADE • Annett Inc. Realtors 28 E. Huron St. 338-0466 BATEMAN SSSSSS ■STMENT 8. COMMERCIAL CO. Nf/ NK N*' lSf/ NK NK credit Is good at Wyman's. "24" I RON RITE WYMAN 8" f'rTgIdaiRE electric‘stov*~and FURNITURE CO. refrlg. Maple dining room suite, 17 E. HURON______ FE 5-1501 MEAT BLOCKS. __Good condition. 426-3747. OAK COMMODES $25. refinished desk, secretary $50, walnut desk $25, youth Chair >20. 451-7100._ ROSEWOOD melodeoN foo yri. Full key board. 67 Glenwodd. SELLING COLLECTION of antique*, soma furniture, lots of glassware, and dishes. OR 3-0415, 1710 Airport Rd. SOLID WALNUT love seat; needs reupholstering, <125. 434-5811._ ZENITH COMBINATION TV, radio, phonograph. 402-8279. 66 Hi-Fi, TV and Radio! 3 RCA COLOR TVs 21" table modal, $155; 21" walnut console, $175. 19" portable, 15 mos. $225; all In good .. condition and guaranteed, 423-1154. 21" USED fvH ........ *27.75 Walton TV, FE 2-2257 Open 7-4 515 E. Walton, corner of Joslyn 1748 COURIER 23 Channel CB radio, antenna Coax and all, $150. OR 3-1453. BLACK AND WHITE TV set condition 17". 674-35)7. COLOR axe. BARGAINS, LITTLE Joe's Bargain House. FE 24842. ....COLOR TV SERVICE Johnson's TV. FE 8-4587 45 E. Walton near Baldwin Maytag washer, air conditioner, all INNER SPRING mattress and box like new. 335-7440. You can make money here. Gulf stations .In and around Pontiac area for lease. Both With bays and without. High gailonage potential In all locations. You need only a small Investment — we ere more concerned with the right kind of Individual. Call immediately, Gus Campbell# or Larry Trepeck# 674-3184. 54 YARDS OF AVOCADO Green 501 nylon carpeting# 10 mos. old. $400. C'nri be seen after 5:30 p.m. Phone 673-7771.4 r 1968 USED SINGER' TOUCH AND SEW controls tor button holes, zig-zag, fancy designs. spring, QR 3-2478. KIRBY SWEEPER EXCELLENT CONDITION-350 FULL GUARANTEE Kirby Service & Supply Co. 2617 DIXIE HWY. 674-2234 MANUFACTURER'S CLOSE-OUT STEREO x WALNUT OR MAPLE CONSOLE Diamond Needles BSR 4-speed changer $89 Or $5 per-month UNIVERSAL 261S Dixie Hwy. FE 4-0705 Daily 10:15-0 _Tues.. Sat. 10:154 PHILCO COLOR TV ' 363-5545 LINOLEUM nuos. MOST SIZES, ____________ M47 6V. Pearson'S Furniture. 4401 PORTABLE TV, 17", like new, $50, , , . .. - Auburn Ave. FE 4-7081. ___call 338-9467 anytime. fj£' .S.Tu0K,,rie huttnn ,nn«?Mlnr,. LIVING ROOMS, BRAND new, about for easy touch button operations, i/« nrir*# i ihIg im*i uai a, Deluxe model comes complete with %*,,Lml* Jo•,' ,44> B*Wwln- cabinet end tree lessons too! Full —— --------—-—.— price, $47.75. Call Midwest Ap- L'YIH© ROOM SET — 7 piece pllanca, 7-7 dally. 334-3312, Sale Land Contracts 60 1 TO 50 LAND CONTRACTS Urgently needed. Set us before you deal. Warren Stout, Realtor 1968 SINGER Used zig zag sawing machine, overcasts, monograms, blind hams, makes buttonholes without at. tachments. 4 year parti and service guarantee. Complete prlcb 344.20 or 34.62 a month. For fret home demonstration, call Capitol Sewing Credit Manager til 9 p.m. 563-82’- 1450 N. Opdykt Rd. FE S-816S MICHIGAN BANKARD ACCEPTED Open Eves. *111 8 p.m. Sale Farms 56 COME ON OUT to Underwood and select your new homeaite whlla the s acre PARCELS, WOODED, roll-u “'*'•«"* h-“-1 ing, iive stream. Horse* allowed. (elective. Wa , have acreage or lots. Mokes no difference If you want river trontogo .. __________. ...... wooded - level or >V_gged.We|1®A©RBS AN© unimproved house. terms. Fowler, 343-8322, 343-4411. CHOICE SITE TOO x 400 ft building lot. Lake area In Oxford. TOM REAGAN REAL ESTATE 225) N. Opdyke 232-8154 miles north dt 1-75 and Sashabaw Rd. $12,000. WATTS -“REALTY, Ortonvllle 427-3447. FARRELL 2.7 Acres—Close in Ideal building site. Water in. Sewer available toon. A reel bargain at 54,800 cosh. FARRELL REALTY 2204* W. 12 Milt 444-1834 Ap Old Dutch Cookbook Says: "Throw papa down the !" stairs—his hat Arid make shut the door." So, throw papa down the stairs his hat make shut the door already and point him north on US 10 to Ddvlsbure Rd. Thon west to beautiful Lake Braemar and ask ROOMS, BATH, WALL furnace. 1 acre, nice yard, berries, flowers, and trees. 5 ml. N. and 1 ml. W.;*s/BEAUTIFUL rolling acres, near For investment, development or bldg, sites {/BEAUTIFUL rolling acres, n< Rochester, Land contract terms. 8D TO 800 ACRES beat or hogs) ______.___________I needs, we have It at Daan'a "Michigan's Farm Reel Eatato Headquarters," 220 N. Michigan Ava., Coldwater, Mich.' Ph.: 517-277-7748. HOWARD T. KEATING Inflation is Different things to different people. RETAIL HARDWARE STORE. Annual gross sales over 8200,000. Located In downtown Cadillac, within a block of both banks. Also wa offer: Warehouse or store building on Highway U.S. 131 lust 1450 N. Opdyke Rd. V4 mile North of Cadillac. Ap-|_____________;_______Dally ' E’?,2/,m#te.,L j*'.00!. £8.v f *,* *i cash for land contracts building. 150 feet of highway Iron- h j van Walt tage with _rallroad ..and airport to! 4540 Dixie Hwy. - OR 3-1355 $2,844.00. DISCOUNT— On this real good contract - that, sold for $24,000 with $5000 down, payments of $150 per month ot 71 per cent. Secured by 4 family Income In good condition. Warren Stout, Realtor FE 5-8165 1969 T0UCH-A-MATIC Italian Provincial, also 2 piece Emplra set, and 2 piece modern lounges and bedroom sot, 13 place French provincial and comblna-tlon retrlgerator-treezer. 482-7597. MOVING, EVERYTHING1'MUST go before May 10. Apt, full of naw furniture. 673-7884. MUST SELL: HMe-a-bed, trundle bed, drafting'board with malarial and stool, 2 rockers, 2 stools, kitchen set, 8 chairs, odds and ends. 414 Shorewood Ct., Lake Orton. Homo alt. 4 All day Sat. WAREHOUSE SALE Open to public to sell all new 1969 color Tvs, Zanlth, RCA, Phllco, Motorola, Admiral, GE, Westing-house, etc. Large cholcel $269, $2 down, 2 per week. ABC WAREHOUSE & STORAGE For Sale Miscellaneain 67 -New sewing math_________ stitching, makes buttonholes, etc. 1 Sold tor $124.50, balance only $29.50 » MU ** in u,Mlr rellVj.., a# the rear. Two loading docks, plus ,-. _ criR <7.Mh u hNi Amm 7 n»r oftlca area. Includes Targe parking *0LD. FOR. *7,150, $2,000 down,.7 per or storage area, enclosed by chain link topee. Interested should contact. Floyd E. Sundstrom Broker Cadillac# Michigan Area Code 616-775-5581 or 616-775-5184 SALE OR LEASE cent Interest, $45 m o n t h I payments. Will discount $1,053. Other land contract* available at ......_ room set. . chairs, drop leaf table with leaves or pay *1.10 per week/ Call*dav of ~an** breokfront. 642-8431 aft. 4:30.*- j night, 338-2544, Imperial. ______j MOVING: MUST SELL Furniture, 177800 YARDS OF CARPET, must I ’. ©!0th,n8 ••( sizes, dlshas, baby sell! Kitchen, commercial 501's, sweepers, mlsc. Items. FE Kodals. nylons, and carpet from ......... .......... ■ $1.69 par yd. and up. Cash or NORGE AUTOMATIC washer, $15; credit. 1 of Rochester's largos! 95800 btu oil counter flo furnace carpet warehouses. 1450 E. Auburn with tank and thermostat, $50; 21" Rd. (M-59), Rochester. Bet. Johp electric stove, $25. 19" TV,, $10; R 8, Dequlndra, 052-2444. and bunk beds-mattresses, $25, 881- Attention Housewives ——---------------•—---t.- _ '— Highest .prices tor ysed turnlture] PEARSON'S .FURNITURE HAS W INCH COPPER water pipe, 28 cents -a ft. and 3*—Inch-cuppor water pipe, 39 cents a ft. G. A, Thompson G Son, 7005 M-59 W. I NEW GAS FORCED AIR Furnace, 105,000 BTU installed to present duct work, $425. Pontiac Heating,' 674-5574 or 402-5574, hf rlcs' Pangus. C. PANGUS, REALTORS OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 430 M-15 Ortonvllle CALL COLLECT 427-3815 PQNTIAC — manufacturing plaqt. 9,300 sq. ft., block construction, railroad siding, 2 truck wells, tank storage, air conditioned offices, parking area. Contact J. Alt, Vulcan Laboratories, 334-4747. Business Opportunities . 59 1-QUESTIONS FOR INVESTORS To us It's paying SO cents for 2 — Is Washington getting too much Wanted Contracts-Mfg. 60-A 1 TO 50 LAND CONTRACTS Urgently needed. See us before yog deal. Warren Stout, Realtor 1450 N. Opdyke Rd. FE 5416S ______Open Eves.'til $ p.m. ; 1 A HOUSEHOLD BARGAIN 8 pc. living rm. group (sofa, choirs, 3 beautiful tables, 2 lamps); 0 pc. bedroom (double dresser, chest, bed, mattress, springs, lamps); 6 place bunk bed — 5 piece dinette. Any Item Sold Separately All tor $398 — $10 monthly KAY FURNITURE CARTON IMPORTED Portuguese cork for wall decoration, 48 tiles, each tile \T‘ x 34" by VkY vs price, $24 tor carton. 682-7178. IV) INCH PLASTIC drain pipe and fittings, no need to thread pipe anymore,, It goes together with glue, all you need Is a hack-saw and a paint brush. See G. A. Thompson 8. Son. 7085 M-59 W. RCA ft" COLOR COLONIAL T.V.I set. Excellent condition. Cost *795,.S will soli tor $295. Ml$c. Household! Items. G. Harris. FE 5-2744. j REFRIGERATORS. DISHWASHERS, ’ dryers, washers, ranges, crate damaged and scatched models. Fully guaranteed. Terrific sav-! Ings. Terms. CURT'S APPLIANCE SETS DECORATOR WINDOW shades, complete with valance, beige burlap, brown trim, 57" tip to tip, 4 ft. long, 52" tip to tip, 4 ft. long, complete with hardware. Can be cut to fit smaller window. $45. 482-8217. Next to K Mart In Glenwood Center ___ ADMIRAL ELECTRIC STOVE 38",!^. 4 CA*E. c°Kf Machlnis,!inmcelljent good condition# $50. 391-1834 pFf W»LLIAAA> ,AKE RP. 674*1101, condition with now changer# 3:38 p.m. or before 2 p.m.________| OFFICE DESKS. See Stoney's for 4071. your needs. 103 N. Cass. A — PLENTY OF USED washers,, „_________________________________________________ stoves, rafrlgarators, and trade-in REFRIGERATOR S35, dryar S45, TV furniture bargains. Little Joe's Trade-In store. Baldwin at Walton. Blvd. FE 2-4842. sat, apartment stove, _____ freezer, mlsc. G. Harris, 2744. ‘ COMMERCIAL display refrigerator, $145. 428-465S. BEDROOM. 4 PIECE SET, 2 piece i dining room set, 2 end tablet with lamps. MA 4-2445.________ ! I" BROKEN CONCRETE, fra* estimates on retaining walls. J. H. Waltman Landscaping. 338-83)4. 848-2749. (FE 8-8439.) 7* ACRES — north of Rochester, V< Reasonable, IVa ACRES NEAR Higgins Lake Including to* x 34' house trailer In Exc. condition. 482-8208. __ . . _ . . ANTRIM COUNTY, Widow must sell. 7*,A£?fS,^ Access to Intermediate Lake, small F 2 bedroom cottage. Term*.' Ph.l c,n» h“ been arranBed' Central Lake; 544-4206 or write'» .rBE< „„ ,.rm Idris Fuller, East Jordan, Mlch.!4°,.-A?“E?..-?',!5 ,u^™Pro«« ™rm 49727. parkins to avoid paying 81 tin* for over parking, whiie going In to pay 10 cents tor a 5 cent cup of coffee. Quoted from f. C. News, Winter Garden, Florid*. CLASS C AND SDM resort llctnse. Heart of tlM Upper Peninsula.) Good hunting and fishing, bar and I house, east of Lapeer. Full price only $22,000 cash. 11* W. University 651-8141 hlM to buy a tot at , the present low prices |on this lovely spot. GRAYLING AREA, 10x50* trailer on 10 acre*. Adams Realty, P.O. Box 491, Kalkaska, 27444, or call »1«- GRAVlTnO - 10 ACRESof WOf^TOxisFlSf W^MJddlrtah W^r land. Big. timber, borders state GINGELLVILLE AREA’ — Large 107x152' lot, with lako prlv, on Morgan Lake, $4250 on term*. LARGE 107x345' lot-. With prlv. on Shlnaqaug Lake, $4500 on terms. See the well build quad level HUNTING CLUBS. 1125 acre*. Good medal home. (Opeii tor the present Sat. and Sun. PM,* Hours % to 5) at the low prlos ot *35,500. Blacktop drive' (to be installed). E a vest roughed. Lawn (to bo seeded). 3 bedrooms. 2W baths. Larga carpeted family ..room, -with fireplace. 2 car attached garage. Thermopane picture living room window and dining. N® doors. Huge storage room. Utility room. Large walk In cedar, closets and many ether features..We call this "Our House With No Round centers" because the bulkier didn't cut any. House can be duplicated on any other Lake Braemar tot tor $32,000, of present price. Lake lots, good shore, fishing from $6300 to *4750. Oft Lake Jots on Braemar With privilege* 13500 end S3400. Attar seeing fhl* scenic, Wghly restricted area — If papa doesn't buy a lot and build a house — you may even consider holding Pap** hat and throwing papa down tt* Stairs, but you wouldn't. C. N&SEY, SALES AGENT u,Tfuni 813^25-3298 or 634-98251 BEAUTIFUL IAKE MITCHELL Orchard Lake Rd. $2900 full price. land. Sibo down. Call M r LOT 128x427' In North Suburban, Stanaback (Pontiac) 6*2-5045, agent J?rISrm»’hCA t for Land"0* Pines. CLARKSTON AREA — Lake prlv. tor Lanqjiirinw^------------- ^ ^ Lake> )30x,as- g,,, 1oveiy building site. BUT Th* price ef-this farm •* not Inflationary — at 81750 par acre — In an area where land Is selling tor $3,000 per acre. paving a heavy capital gains tax? t, so contact Bob Bartlabaugh, Commercial Exchange Dept. McCullough realty Approximately Mi mil* road frontage, approximately 1 mil* lake frontage. By surveyors report: *7 workable acres out of 113. Soma of the 113 acres extend Into tho lake. Has ths making ot a beautiful development with Island o r recreational area or overnight camping alto. On Kelsey Rd. lust off Andersonvllle Rd. CHOICE LOTS Suitable tor Multiple dwellings. Located on University Drive. City utilities and sewer available. PARTRIDGE REAL ESTATE BRANCH OFFICE 338-6437 1573 5. Telegraph Pontiac, Mich. MILLION Dollars has been mad* available to us to | purchase and assume land contract*, mortgages or bu.y homes, lots or acreage outright. We will give you cash for your equity. Our appraiser Is awaiting your call at: 674-2236 McCullough realty 5440 Highland Rd. (M-57) MLS Open 9-7 _ -__ 474-2234 BUNK BEDS Choice of 15 styln, trundle beds, triple trundle beds and bunk beds complete, 347.50 and up. Pearson'a Furniture, 440 Auburn, FE 4-7881. BUNKBEDS, ABOUT Va price. Little Joe's, 1461 Baldwin, FE 2-4842._ LARGE OR SMALL land contracts, quick dosing. Reasonable discount Earl Garrefi, MA 4-5400 or eves. EM 3-40(6. Monay to loan (Licensed Money Lender) 61 area, with .5 bedroom modern lodge, S170 per acr«. Sagas Lake. Moden 2 bedroom heme, guest house, boat house, 120 ft. of good beach. $10,000 down. Inq. Ira Scofield, Realtor, Hate, Michigan. 728-2403. MODERN 3 BEDROOM home, also a 2 bedroom modern home on 2Mi acres. Inquire 301 Brink St. Grey-llng, Michigan or- call 348-7062. MUSKEGON RIVER Cabin with 180 ft. frontage an water. 2 bedrooms, picture, window In living ream, Inside plumbing. Completely furnished. Good hunting and fishing. tSCHUETT 8000 Commerce Rd. EM 3-7188 Union Lake NORTHERN COTTAGES basement - 24'x27', *1775 log—24'x28', *3775 nteile—24*x28', *4475 . .■ brick — 24'x28', 8477S 4 bedrm. chalet — 24‘x2t', *7775. roughed In an your tot. BILL DEW FE 8-317* Or FE S-3527. Resort I 52 EVENING Call* Welcome HAROLD R. FRANKS, Realty t ;£ MIDDLE STRAITS LAKE ' Custom carpeted and dr*p» doom. Beautiful view, 3 bedrooms, V/a baths. Attractive kitchen and dining area. All landscaped and lanced. Nk* yard and dock, $25,700. Mortgage assumption. Everett Cuimmiiiigs, Realtor 2583 UNION LAKE ROAD > Over 12 acres In this lake front parcel with approx. 506 feat of lake frontas* and Includes 4 bedroom homSteplus 3 separate rentei units, sltewsr bldg., 2 story garage and utUlty building seek u tees 1 fsOSa w — aMoll ftustltellasaite 42. Other small buildings. Formarty used as resort and would be luet Ideal for club or camp use. Located at Cadillac li our office. A great opportunity 1 Warren Stout, Realtor Elil SOSC ~ 343-7181'U5B N. Opdyke Rd. ’ H FE S-8I4I LAKE FRONTS. COMMERCE,.Fex,: Dally Hi 4-ACRE PARCEL on Cllnfonville Rd. Raal good building site. GEROGE IRWIN, REALTOR MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE 27* W. WALTON FE 3-7883 HOMESITES: Orion Twp. Miller Rd. 180x208, *2,500 „ ' ■ GOLDEN GATE: 181 X 147. *3,000. ALSO see Indianwood Shore* homeslte: Exc. location, raMopably priced.. Call today tor details. . • • . • A. J: RHODES, REALTOR FE 8-2384 258 W. Walton, FE.5-4712 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Drayton BEAUTIFUL LAKE BRAEMAR WEST OF DAVISBURG * ske has good shore - no stumps. No boulders or hidden barn foun-' dationds for excavator*. No air Or water pollution. Never stagnant water, it's movement regulated by dam. Fishing for property owners. Rural atmosphere. - On blacktop road. Large deep let, restricted. Lake lets priced from'’*4300, a tew at *4750. Bade lots from $3400 to $3400. Good ter future Inveitment or a more abundant Ilte tor today. LEVEL BUILDING LOTS, . Plains, *1x150 and 180x)32. Term* or trade, *3,450 arid 83,750. OR 3-2728. LAKE ORION — 6 acres with large road frontage, owner will sacrifice for $7,080 ca$h. Call Mrs. Tucker, rep. WOLFE REALTY, Lakeville. 473-1004 or 428-3135 NICE CANAL FRONT lot. 380 ft. to Private beech. ________________" OXBOW LAKE 34 acres at wooded, ratling tend with approximately 700 ft. of lake frontage. Near 8857 West of Pontiac Airport. Can be sold a* 4 separate parcel*. Excellent Investment and opportunity. ayrena, Cedar Island. Fowtor. NS'lcABIN AND 10 ACRES, beautiful «*•■■■ ■ .I:, '.'v; ' ~ ...i EfisS'.daar In jroiy yard, Pat _md BIRMINGHAM SNYDER, KINNEY & BENNETT WE HAVE OTHER LOTS ON BIGELOW RD. NEAR DAVISBURG. 13400. ON E. HOLLY RD. NEAR 1-75 AND US 18 A LOT, 150x200 APPROXIMATELY. PRICED AT 83,750. C. NELSEY, SALES AGENT 41*625-3293 OR 634-9625 Evening Call* Welcome ROYER GOODRICH OFFICE Near 130 ACRES Oavleon, near I'hoadt. |l /home. Hip roof bard and other out buildings. Excellent Investment at only $800 per acre. 4 per cent contract. CHICKEN I CARRY-OUT ! High -volume, high profit operation In LOANS Royal Dak. Same location sicca 1955. Takes $24,000 to handle. Only !30 E. LAWRENCE qualified buyers With necessary cash, will be shown this outstanding business. Call for appointment. $250 TO $1,000 COMMUNITY LOAN CO. ' ----xi. fe Q.842I WARDEN 3434 W. Huron, Pontiac 4(2-3920 DAIRY SUPREME Own your own frozen custard business, only I veer old. Plenty of parking and room for expansion Into a 12 month operation. Contact Bob Bartlebaugh at 674-2234. McCullough realty 5440 Highland Rd. (M-59) 474-2234 - MLS ONE OF OAKLAND County* finest restaurant and cocktail loungas located In on* of the fastest grow- ing college towns In the state, ,$404100 down Includes property. LOANS $25 to $1#000 Insured,Payment Plan , BAXTER - LIVINGSTONE Finance Co. 401 Pontiac State Bank Building FE 4-1538-9 MONEY Aval labia to home owners. Cash In 24 hours even If behind in payments or In foreclosure. WATERFORD MORTGAGE CO. 623-91)1 5280 Dixie Hwy. Mwiffage Loans 62 FOR THE PAST 42 YEARS .Voss & Buckner, Inc. 1408 Pontiac,State Bank Bldg. Partridge MS THE BIRD TO SEE" ROYER REALTY, INC. GOODRICH 636-2211 TRAILER MANUFACTURING Real estate, situated on 5Vb acres ot I land with a1 block building full of equipment and trailers rolling off the line. All this can be yours for *18,500 down. Full price $41,500. Ask for No. 14-4849—GB. LAKEVIEW LOT OH Lak* Huron in !cortm£d Point development, near Toysan# sawinw VVVmwr eah after 3 pjn. FE 8-3045. LAKE INEZ into, Mich, on M-32 re-Season Special « iMos.’front late on itto eprtng tod !**», benches, from 8M00 Lake tali,- 2 and 5 acre parcels Sle. 'Excellent• fishing. Write Inez, 2548 Elkzaaani ite(M OhtteC, Mkh. '48654. Ph. 674-evenh)g» 6 to 7. i LOVELAND CANAL LOT Turkey too, Co-Ho and Chinook Country, - tel, miles team Detroit. Newaygo County. ' S5B50. , *1000 M l 4-7000 SiburiMn Property SLOPING Ml ACRE WOODED* lolTn restricted subdlvlslwi. 84,000, 473- M-59 U.S.-23 NEAR LAKE, spacious all brick, 3 bedroom, tte ! bath | ranch..: on 7 acras:- With t AT' road frontage. This well-kept home has large rooms, above average storage, buliMm Including doubte oven atteronpe and vaciwm sweeper system, - Carpeted throughout except 2 bedrooms. Pull basement and attached Bear garage. Hartteng school bus S3‘SCHOOL HOUSE LAKE, excellent Waterford building sjt* on Shawnee LOne, sacrifice at $7,700 torquiek tel*. Watertord Realty. 473-1273. Realtors 429-4111 «Ye. 427-0424. lots—Acreage Dock your boot h» yosir own teg* M yard ' whin wet buy this nice I ACRE ON CASS Lk, Rd. north of buiidlng .tot ww o«n*r. teitefj rOi'.sSlL .f • * available. 00,008, ’ f':.. PlwW'lf. 1^ ' 1 1 1 “ 30 Acres, $1,008 an acre, with stream and 2600 ft. road frontage. , ,, FLATTIEY REALTY MACEDAY LAKE Ideal lot tor home In) ana' of the beet areas for fishing and bpqtlfig In Oakland County. -.BaUIMi WE ARE OFFERiNGg/:. J|B .Several choke lets In th* Clarkson school district, walking jdltteitee. to the high school, soma with water front pto$ paved streets -and community water/we alee have some choice acreage site* with nominal down payment ■ on land contracts. Now Is the time to- buy for either speculation or a future building site. Remember — this I* one commodity they are not making any more of. \ ' a PARTY STORE TROY AREA $100,800 gross. Area potential will double this business In th* near future. Beer , and win* store and property/for $34,500 with $4,500 down plus, approximately *5,000 , In stock. Take a good look at this one — you won't see another f opportunity Ilk* this one agalnl No. 14-541S-G. WHEN YOU SEEK OUR SERVICE ' " YOU "JOIN THE MARCH TO TIMES" SPRINGFIELD TWP. Times Realty S3 acres,, high an a bill with some woods. Less than $1,000 per "acre with easy term*, :',r - I 5070 DIXIE HIGHWAY 623-0400 REALTOR Open Ft Dally OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY 1-S ASK FOR FREE CATALOG . PARTRIDGE REAL ESTATE ‘ 1050 West Huron St., Pontiac 4*1.2111 765-8757 __________Open nlfes til 7______' PART TIME, NO SELLING Vary high weekly eernlngs. Our company It seeking a man with car, to service accounts-, In Macomb County which' are established By- th* company. $3,500 Inventory Investment required. We will aeslst you In financing your growth up to $200,000 of inventory ^ (f */l ' Have been loaning 81000 to $5000 to homeowners on 1st and 2nd mortgages tor repairing, additions, consolidating bills, etc. Into one small monthly payment; Before you barrow on your home see or phone us at: 334-3267 Swaps 63 14' CHRIS CRAFT kit boat, motor trailer for ? 363-OOQl, dir. „______ 24x18' CABIN, Naar /Mortdlth, Mich, will trad* for 12x50 Mctolla Home Nothing under 40* tong, 334-3815. 1760 FORD, GOOD . transportation, quilted king size headboard with ' matching spread, 875 aach or? 674-1405, 1740 'fa TON CHEVY Suburban and Ironrite ironar, sell or. swap 625-3*77. , d 1' BRONZE OR CHROME DINETTE eater BRAND NEW. Large and small size (round, drop-leaf, rectangular) tablet In 3-, 5- and 7-pc. sat*, $34.75, up.. - PEARSON'S FURNITURE 440 Auburn_______________FE- 4-7881 COLONIAL LOVE SEAT, metal cabinet, baby bed complete, wringer . washer, end tables. FE 5-1383. COLONIAL COUCH and 2 chairs, 2 and tablet, coffee table. Early American patchwork rocker, lady's swivel rocker, 1 round maple table, 4 captain's chairs, FE 4-4187 aft. 6. CARPETING Must sacrifice, hundreds of yards of batter carpeting, 100 per cent continuous filament nylon at 'only 34.75 a square card. For free estimates call .481-2333. HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE CHROME DINETTEES, tow as 534. Little Joo's, 1441 Baldwin, FE 2-4842. ' ■ COMPLETE BEDROOM suite. Queen size Postro-pedic mattress and box springs, $350. 1 year eld, 4 piece colonial living room suite, 1 old, *300. 482-3440. __________ 'SEWING MAfHINF 6 SETS 5x5 TUBULAR steel scaf- J lirt oT., ”C folding. Farmington 474-4144. ■NO GIMMICKS '6 string crestwood guitar and Just low low prices, not so called Kingston amp. S40, Deluxe Sting repossession at fgntastte savings where a salesman has to come to your house to show Vou .... machine end ends up trying to sell an aft brand model far $200 or more. New 1747 Heavy duty White with 20 year guarantee on parts and labor, built In zlg zag tor buttonholes, mending, overcasting, sew on buttons, hems, etc. Just set zlg zeg dial and saw, our low price $87 with case or lust S107 In lovely cabinet, other model at comparable saving. 481-2383. HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE SIMMON* BEAUTY REST double size mattress end matching box spring, exc. condition, $20 each. UL 2-5544. rxir LINOLEUM RUGS, 13.95 EA. Plastic wall tile ....... |c ea. Celling tile — wall paneling, cheap. BAG Tile, FE 4-7757, 1075 W. Huron. 13 AWNINGS, Flberglas, contact 682-5124. . ________ . 18' SWIMMING POOL with tun deck and cat walk. Cost $2200, asking 8800. 852-1444. ________ 21" FALL. Dark brown, 135. Exc. buy. 481-1759. _______________ SAVE $224 HOUSEFULL OF FURNITURE Sofa and matching chair, ztepered reversible cushions, 2 step tables, ■) coffee tables and,2 lamps, 5 89 piece dinette and bedroom suite complete with mattress and box spring Our low every day prices, only $275 or *15 monthly. HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE. 481-23*3 30" ROCKFORD SHAPERr plainer, rebuilt In good condition, 3 Lucas boring mill, well tooled, Vh h.p Worthington air compressor-rebuilt, LeLand-DIfford drill press 17" Lodge and Shipley lathe,' Blount Walter coaled snag grinder Morey - II, turret lath*. For In-- formation on the Items, 628-4811,. ask for Mr. Peck. ____ SAVE PLENTY TODAY On all 1748 floor. sample* of range*, refrigerators, washers and TVs. Little Joe's Bargain Houst Baldwin at Walton Blvd. FE 2-4842 STEREOS ____ ____ IN LAY-AWAV Poetura mattress or box spring, your .choice *20 cash 'n carry. FURNITURE ^EW LEFT Sofa Mr. and Mrs. chairs, reversible cushions, self-decked with arm caps. Sold for $277, balance' due $187 cash or $10 monthly. Bedroom suite, double dresser, mirror, 4 drawer chest and bookcase bed. Sold for $147, balance due $77 cash or $10 monthly. . Recltner sale, regularly $87 now only $57. Hollywood bedset, heedbo * rd, frame, mattress and box spring. - Now only $47 complete. California modern sofa matching chair. Sold for balance due 8234 cash 1 monthly. Bitnkbed sale, maple bunkbed complete with ladder, guard rail, rails, slats and mattresses; now only *75 cash or $10 monthly. Walnut console stereo, em-fm radio, plays all size records. Sold tor BIBP, balance due S132 cash or $10 monthly. ' 1765 FQRD, PICKUP, VI with little camjser, good' condition, $850. FE 2-177? FOR SALE OR SWAP for Chevy pickup Duo 15* flberglkss boat sport model, fully equipped wlf: frailer, '45 hors* Johnson motor. OL 1-8476. " ___________"■ . : . ' monthly. Medltrerranean stereo e a n s 0 I e , solid state em-fm, radio, diamond LINCOLN S. A. 200 portable arc-wekfer, *40o or trade for small house trailer. OR 3-1973. _______ MONEY FOR HOUSES ' CASH IN 24 HOURS , Brian Inc. 4230703 SCUBA GEAR, SWAP tor ? or sell. 338-4044. TO ' 24 BULLDOZER swap blackhap Or call er sell. 401-1421. tor Hlde-b-Bed, full ska 4" poly mat tress, Scotchgusrd fabric with reversible cushions. -Sold for $217, balance due $114. c4*h, or B10 SINGER * ZIG-ZAG Cabinet Sewing machine. Cabinet model, automatic' "Dial Model" makes blind hems, designs, buttonholes, etc. Repossessed, payoff. $53 CASH ’ j or Payments of $5 per mo. GUARANTEED UNIVERSAL SEWING CENTER 2415 Dixie Hwy._______FE 4-0705 TV $35,. FREEZER $50, refrigerator $40, Wing back chair $7, gas stove $15. 682-2531. TABLE AND CHAIRS, , upholstered. FE 5-7011, YARDS LIGHT GREEN Wool carpeting, good condition; T.V., Radio, . Phonograph combination and perch glider. 501 GIVEAWAY TIME at Avon-Troy Carpet warehouse. Carpet, rubber pad and deluxe Installation. $4.64 sq. yd. Hurry, Jhis Is a once-ln-a-llfattme offer while merchandise Is available! 1450 E. Auburn Rd. (M-57)* Rochester, bet. John R 8. De-qulndre, l of Rochester’s largest carpet warehouses, over 17,080 sq. yds. In stack. 852-2444. '1984 CLARK 7,000 lb. gasoline powered lift truck. 124" lift, good condlt. *3300. 549-5812. 1968 WARD'S SELF POWERED rotary mower. Briggs and Straton engine. 338-4927 aft. 6 p.m. AUTOMATIC DRY COPIERS, $99.50. Exhaust systems, $50. Adding machines, $37.50, p 0 r t a b I a typewriters, $27.50. ‘ Desks $24.50. IBM's $47.50, Calculators $77.50. Check wrltsrs, *17.5.0. Comptometers, $37.50, Files $17.77. Typewriter tables, $7.77. Register* $39. Steno chairs, $12.50. 32* Wooden shelving $15. Postage meters ’ and assorted office furniture below cost. 548-4404. Business Equipment. 1 y I ANNU AL SALE: Some furniture, lots of dishes and mlsc. OR 3-0415. 1910 UPHOLSTERED. CHAIR, living room) Airport Rd. tables, exterior door. 682-9696. UNCLAIMED LAYAWAY New 1968 Zlg Zag sewing machine MUST BE SOLD No attachments needed, saw on buttons, maka buttonholes, blind hem, applique, embroider edn monogram. Full /price $38.80 or terms of $5.40 a month. Call Capitol Sewing,-credit manager till 7. 543-8200. If toll, collect: USED COLOR *rv SETS. 5197.75 SWEET'S RADIO AND APPIANCE, INC. 422 W. Huron' , 334-5477 needle,-plays ail tlza records. Sold tor $247, balance due only- *141 cash.or *10 monthly. Dlnatta sale, 5 piece only $37.75, cash 'n carry. , 1 French Provincial sofa _ matching cnalr, zippered reversible cushions. Sold for $287,' balinc* duo *216 cash or *11 monthly. Spanish sofa and matching chair, zippered reversible cushions. Sold for $317, balance due $176 cash or $10 monthly. - . ■„ w* ... rn , Mi. TRADE OR SALE, 1743 Chevy Va tort MmredNHmtentory°mp*f 7 y( p,^uR’ with r caBover camper, Sttete WANT TO TRADE 1747 Snow Prince YOUNG “AR5'«»S: WE 4ftVnBE jTlMjSr rT teSw«m,MS?li*o ePWISBI dlt. pahtrtngs 10 .oytlew .nowmobila. 2 cvl. 400lCC enolne. ABLE TO GET YOUR CREDIT Crooks, \ Leona Loveland, Realtor .21*8 Cass Lake Rd. /wim: 428 COMMERCE Rd, 343-4711 The Rolfe H. Smith Co. ' Sheldon B. Smith, Realtor ' W13^“ Sale Business Property 57 18.000 SQ. FT. commercial building, ideally "located fp: .«IY. Sales, manuracturlhg, warehousing, ten* | Industrial, by owner. FE 4-8587. /■ established by company. No art experience pr knowledge required. For Interview 'with company *x-ecutlve. write Art Gallery, tOS B. Jefferson or call Mr*. Williams, •27-3781. - . . - . snowmobile, 2 cvl. 400 CC engine. . only’ .7 hrs. running time,'for used, car. OR 3-7377. 1 B| without-a co-signer, T ^ /WHITE7 AUTOMATIC ZIG-ZAG ASSORTED GOOD WOOD dows, storms, screens. SI 76S- Spence, 334-7300._____________ ANNUAL SECOND BEST SALE at First Cong'l. Church. 45 E. Huron. April 27-May 3, 7-4 p.m. Antiques, clothes, lurnlture, household Items. APACHE CAMPER, |ig saw, riding lawn mower, assorted antique* 391-2421. ________________________ AIR COMPRESSOR 1 h.p. Tendem trailer for movlnd tractor, never used. Spring tooth drag. Blacksmith forge, 6 ft. fertilizer spreader. Heavy chain fall. Pulleys. Cablej. _ Wet grinding stone, Mlsc; Lf 3-4742, wise. 1/ ANCHOR FENCES - Sewing machine, deluxe features, ,nq MONEY DOWN maple’ ceblnet "Early American" deiign. Take over payments of: $5 PER MONTH OR $49 CASH BALANCE S veer guarantee UNIVERSAL SEWING CENTER 2415 Dixie Hwv; ______FE 4-0905 F'B 5-7471 WAREHOUSE SALE open to public. Entire Inventory of new refrigerators, ranges, washers, etc. must be sold. Every Item dls-i counted,1 ' many f/ibelow -'cost scratched pieces p r teed at cordingly, term*. Sale today and tomorrow 10-9, HHf Appliance'2416 WILL TRADE EQUITY M house for good used M ton or ton pickup, or HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE DISCOUNT FURNITURE v good used car, new owner tor, take over present mortgage. 231- 441 Elk. Ik. Rd. 431-23*3 27SS. . I Near Telegreph Rd. (187 p.m. dally) _jgg§J$i__ _ WANTED T0~BUY ! Leaded glass lamps or leaded, ,'flla**!^a8**f ;8*2-44«K'-:.!: . j WALNUT TABlS~6 chairs and china cqpmat by Keller. Like new, $288. UL 2-2244. - I Pontiac Press Want Ads ARE' FAMOUS FOR "ACTION'' JUST CALL 334-4981 urn m n w: m m wpp IS/, ,'Rj.r »i.vv m V,- w H -iy»: Uli V'WVuf TllK »'(JM1AC UHKAH; FRIDAY, MAY* 2, 1069 For Want Ad» Dial 334-4961 («Ida HHwaWwmw 67|For Sal* Miscellaneous 67Musical Goods 711 Pets-Hunting Dogs 79|TIZZV By Kate Osann, Travel Trailers Of LT VIBRATOR, standard (In good tor •Hue MlMr, Westlnghouse. good Condlllon Ml Rolrlgorotor Mowers, Vt original cost PLAYER PIANO ,< labrador retriever puppies, . . .. rLMf BR rrwsw TAKC,*Sots. wormed, dew clews Completely rebuilt with axectrl^ removed. Field trial background. I •roller or cemper, combine!Ion del end. electric, never need. *150; Campbell, Peeler, 334-8550. motor, end rolls. MORRIS MUSIC weeks, Mt-MM. MALE POMERANIAN weeks. end fey. cm, Or., Avon Twp., Adorns SKiiSri-F*6, condition. Terms, r^smttinii»rciotheT, I > JteveRltdN »f.*ome mape.elec range?trall*r, dumber ; SMILEY BROS., MUSIC tools, house leek, elf. All goes. 74 1I9 :..gaRi!»t.TO.I!8W3-Kt4!S,tij&v 143 W. Strathmore Thurs., Frl., DOWNTOWN ROCHESTER .wrir—1 — REGISTERED TOY POODLE Pop- Sal, 10-5, ■ ■-------------------------------- \ SILVER-TONE ORGAN. Like new, p|eSl white and aprlcot. FB M4f7. PEARSON S FURNITURE HAS ---- FAMESE KITTENS purebred, no NOW OVED TO 6« AUBURN, USED ORGANS papers, 9 weeks, SIS. 851.3452._ PONTIAC. FE 4-7881. \ Choose from Hammonds and other ~SiXW”ESE“KlfTENS7ll5 ” isasTl,--------------V rrrr wtll-known brands, prices as low fil 5-104S. PORTABLE SEWING machine, as $269. fins 1W water flow. 90' MA OHcler, rug and pad, drawer and . ftPINNPM #C 4W2 ’ * vanity bench, soma antique^ 4557 UKINNtlL > CHIPPED BATHROOM flxWVr ........D°WB’0Wn S,0r* BRIDES - BUY YOUR WEDDING announcements at discount from, Forbes, 4500 Dixie. Drayton, OR 3-_97»7^ COMMERCIAL RADIATION, SIBERIAN HUSKIES, AKC, good family pat. 447-4931. ; _ , h, SIBERIAN HUSKY'femaia sired by .—a.”——" Kun^njLfiiuu lu -- 17 S. Sanlnaw ,FE 3-7148. big Cobo Winner, vary affectionate, *• Thomp“n 4 So"' 7005 ^^Mkdint^ table, do9ch.T,;, vo^super^EAT LE“good“15ir. 5*»"57‘’' Mawiion r-—— ——...— —— i hfluiltai hart, mfrlneratnr tuitahi* I ditlon. S450 or hast after. 4734X187 I rieigms. COMMERCIAL FREEZER, 1 year old 25*4 cu. In. Upright, exc. for round oak dining table, 6 chairs, VOX SUPER BEATLE good con. gerator suit " ‘ ““ * W| ‘' ' I m tor cottage. 451-3750 aft. S p.m. WANTED: DRUM sat. Ice cream storage?tt^tsr 1515 ™' 1 pLA?Il(; LAMINATIN8 machine, Rogers. Sllngartahd. Ceil 45)-21liT CALCINATOR, DETROIT coda, In-clnerator, vary nice, 175. 482-8128, i P'CKETS, 5:30-8:30 p.m. *'—'“'j CO-OP RUMMAGE — yard and —P,BI _» house. Portable sawing machine, p',vNJC TABLES TV. 3 burner Colemans .........‘““," stove,, April 30-May 3. 10-7 ..... WO Maddy Lane, Keego Harbor Warren. 844-1272.________ . PIPE, wood afn d aluminum windows, 12' planksj I" table saw, boat oars. 626-3583. Gifts, gags, , ..dwio SIBERIAN HUSKY Puppies tor sale , Ludwig, AKC registered, papers, 875 or Will trade lor something with equal! value. 3 mala pate only. 887-5372. SHELTlE (TOY COLLIE)."~Lovely ACCORDION GUITAR, LESSONS.! sable and white female puppy. 12 Sales-sarvlce. Also piano tuning.) weeks old. AKC registered, full Music Lessons 71-A Outpost, n3M*"1DixleU^ryil OR "2 cScAt.' fo^taTSiirnP^ rST1, 0474/” y Pontiac Muklc end Sound, 4S2-3350 SPAYED BASSET, housebroken, 2 sister to oujr Penny with 4 Mints 88 : Mobile Hemes CENTURY YELLOWSTONE TRAVKL TRAILERS •W At ,1 tfjf PALACE, I1M0. Exc. condition. 33S4na. _ .1..;'. 1»U NBW MOON. 10x80,~2 iidropm, QUALITY AT ANybu DGET ' new 0«i furnGCt, gopd condlTlon. staMr WileI I ftfar*S}- Si- SALES. INC, IfWnhCTlYI, i»ifr7*MCbit»ttt mn»l 1771 Highland (NLJf) 481-1441 JjftfWPjKjilWlH Dori't Worry About ffiiT 1148 S fg HONDA, excellent con-ditlOh. 8245. 243-8111 aft, 4 p.m, bit yamaMa So ita BMri~ nkt new, m " aw miiaa, aasu. wp-er n. .wewiil NO VACANCY SIGN (as the show gave us) Taka your RESERVATIONS alqng ff«7 RlCHARDtoM- „ I*'**?' '□[; FARMERS INSURANCE AOENCY I ot Pwtfac oHars motarcy eta liability inauranca, bodily ln|ury NOMAD .06 COMANCHE. from: 81270 - read rawly - at Village Trailer Sales OAKLAND COUNTY'S NEWEST 4470 Dixie Hwy; Xlarkston 625-2217 salbs-service-rentals ” FrankiFns-Craat Fans-Straamllne and properly damage. Protection aa low from Awoafaoa'i Hatwa. ssmwi INI MARLETfE Ittil* With ax-pando, 3 bedrooms. Cranberry Lake, unlurnShidr47S-I443. IW WUkRL«WtfBXPAND07l«lv- .... ,,,...111—... faga ol ,.w. Long Lake 8 miles ju»t received six new 630cc road or |tt g Bike Buy from Alpena priced to sail., G. yT models. Don'fPmliTjBJir'anii Newhouse, Rt. 3, Alpena, Mlchlgah Road models 8li80.00,.!TT 81115.00. tyP phohaV S84-451S.' ' : )Thl‘ Jo comRiatE emwotf price.’ AVAILABLB! ^MMEDlAYhLYWHi Coma out fir a f»t rioo. 1* month, PaiKwood «Sff””VH(a5a ' Ori»m.ldf 12,000 Ri)lg''MCMSv' •’’“’•v' “ • ■ " on. tut.- Bast otter ovar.dpwn and no (taVmatiya until May. Cih mMHR—__BHI M___, ssMQ^nffiirw awll.Clayf'i. Cycjb tenter, w M-li, one BETTOR THAN™ NBW...11x40 .Si motorcycIeTnsurance ruck Campers 4 used travel trailers and campers MUST GO — at Year-end Prices. 1770, Holly Travel Coach, Inc. 15210 Hetty. Nelly ME 4-4771 GO FIRST CLASS In en' Mender motor horrw^snfclel price on -stock BEST MOBILE HOMES LOW RATES ~ ION A* . _ 4-2333 MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE ANDERSON 0> ASSOCIATES IBM JOSLVN. FB 4-15S3 1140 TR «C TRIUMPH, excellent HEILITB tent camper, sleeps 5., l*.7.8A/«7fM5^547d.l,,on’ Lo,‘ °' NEW M00N-MARLETTE LIFETIME MbTOR HOMES DEALER Free delivery and set up WNhln 200 mllaa. Marietta Expandos on displays ---------------- 11 NOON Corvette top, oak china plumbing bargains, f r e e Store Enuinmant • cabinet, library de"kV rocktno s'«f>dlr^T toilet. 821.15; 30-gallon «i«ipntBIIT - - - haatar (40 Ok- T.niai-a 73 chairs, emell kitchen saL vanity 3-nlece baih aeii. table, boudoir chair and clothing; *”15; leuMrv tray, trim. 111 «■ 343.771a * shower stalls with trim, 839.15. 1 bowl link, 02.15; lavs.. 52.15; tubs SHIHTZU — AKC-PUPS rare, small $51,157 laundry fray,~trlm, $11.15; -USED NSF RESTAURANT equip- -*5.8M7_.Mgs. 447-5183.^- It WAS a delightful evening, Arlington. Too bad I didn’t enjoy it!” OPEN DAILY -TIM, 8 p m. condition, 10" HMtliar* plus extra chroma, calf4MSS00Stiit.il end 5. Motorcycle * Sale SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL T MODELS Anderson Sales & Service DRAPES, MATCHED lines. 1 peif‘8 $20 end 'up.**p[pe cut’and'threaded! SpGrtiM Goods panels, 1 pair 6 panels, $4", 3 pair SAVE oi iiudiuc m oji ment» Call after 6 p.m. FE 5-0736. SEAL POINT SIAMESE kittens. ................11 r ,r,‘" r‘" -----------— S15, 3-T»4. 74 SEALPOINTE SIAMESE kittens, SIOiAUCtlOII SOIBS i .142 Edison St.' —--------- .— meterlals, double oven ranged ouaTitv~ GA~i»ASP~~iALE ~—No I12*}? TENiT' CA"PING cots, stools.1 SCHNAUZER MINIATURE pupt step tables, English saddle, canopy ,No $75 or sell separately. 334-7468.______________AKC, Health guaranteed. FE stroller, boys' bike, assorted boys1' Lu-n.^-.. 0,s.„0,_iSt®*",sLJM2. *• '1168 MATCHED^PALHTNr^eTPrBJ 1510. snolier, boys' bike, assorted boys' bev,r|¥,“'ott BeldwIn Rd Set ■ MATCHED SPALDING EUTE.1 clothes, Infants, to 8 yrs. Teens fun! Mon?" 8 woods and Irons, used 8 times, like B & B AUCTION EVERY FRIDAY .....7:00 P.M. SALES, INC, W71 Highland Rd, (M-Sf) 482-1440 M LITTLE DEN'— 8 or 10 ft. pickup campers. Custom built, 4 2 5 8 Haichiry Rd. 673H5473 attar 2 p.m. I* CORSAIR, tt,000; 1864 Bon- LIKE NEW FOLChUP aluminum navllla, auto. $6oo FE (-3842. camper, alaapa 6. extras. 343-0428. 23' Mil contained' lull power, V-8i enolne, duals, stereo, etc., special ^""'sTACHLER TRAILER 4080 Dixie JwvT 673-1191 80! Travel Trailer* Sport Jacket, 681-0342. WEIMARANERS AKC, 4 months. v, now $210. 343-' mala, 1 tamale. 420-3127. plus 82 gallon storage tank, in- —-. AMMUNITIONS, guns, buy or trade, pB0 Cnnnlkne (amt,, iector toot and 76 feet of plastic RUMMAGE SALE. Trash- and Opdyke Hardware FE 0-4684 ™ allppiieS-SBfVIC* pipe. Everything for 8125 FE B- treasure. 3109 W. Huron, next to -1--------------------------- - 2834, I Lakewood Lanes, Friday, May 2, 79-A nrt..ccrTr- <.i7ca» --—r-,— Saturday May 3, 8:30 a.m. to 6 DOMESTIC ##USA## sawing machine, D m * boys blkas 24", 20" high risg, bast ' offer. OR 3-5007. AMPHICAT RUMMAGE SALE: May 2 and 3, also May 5 and 6. 9 a.m. to .5 pt.m. ■ 5800 Pontiac Trail, Orchard Lake. RUMMAGE SALE: Saturday, 3892 EL^CfR£MOWE^-92 Washington kS.1I, EM?. Lake EsTaHS, _St^_PontiacJ_after_5.---- “RUMMAGE AND TRASH HALL FE 4-4239 4-WHEEL DRIVE Takes you whore the action It.: Through swamps, sand, snow. Ice1 and even water. Come on In and see it In action. • STACHLER TRAILER i 1-A GROOMING Mr. Edwards' Hlah Fashion Poodle Salon, open 7 days. 335-5259 EVERY SATURDAY .... 7:00 P.M. 16VY HOLLY SLEEPS 7 excellent MrCInllnn Trnunl Trnilprc Inr every Sunday .... V4:oo pm. condition, 674-3472. iviCLieiian travel trailers inc. nem^ ~ tr*pe ,.ii4W self-contained, axc»iient/ 4820 Highland Road (M59) ^'ons^/JM WELCOME WM163' CASH PRIZE EVERY AUCTION 17' HOLLYjEXCELLENT condition, IIbbd e xuITi e 5009 Dixie Hwy.______OR 3-2717: S»0. 425-2833. CAMPERS^AVAjLABLE WOOD LAKE ________WEST WIND __ MOTOR HOME sell-contained only 20,000 miles on new motor, sleeps DEfROlTER ' AMERICAN , , SUNRISE PARK KR0PF Double Wkles, Expando's Custom built to yaur order tret Delivery and Setup Within 300 MUM AT ENCLOSE YOUR SHOWER over the SALES, INC. 3771 Highland (M-S9) ' ,402-944(1 Birmingham BOWS AND ARROWS, 334-4349 SATURDAY, MAY 3. 10 A.M. Helen Green Homestead 11217 N. Saginaw Rd. (M-54) 7 Milas N. of Flint Good antique lurnlshlngs — Grandfathers Clock 8, Others — Lamps — Glassware l> China — Primitives ate. HUTCHINSON MOBILE HOME SALES 20 TOOT SHASTA used 10 times. Sloops 4. MY 3-2787._ 24'* TRAVEL TRAILER; like- now, 4, 13,900, 7195. Cooley Lk. Rd. yioni mvic UU/V A70 10(10 Ske, ?Maln#d' F,r,t" N6r“FEAf4lNG—W H E-EX 4301 ®J? .1SFL ®'?'1202 taxes, m-srri. CAMPER the number 1 fold down bathtub with a beautiful glass tub RUMMAGE SALE . ---- . . ■ - ....JIB—---------- enclosure, aluminum frame, with Congregational Church, Woodward___________________Gene s Archery, 714 W. Huron sand blasted Swan design, $28.95. —*nd- Cranbrook. Sat. May 3,9-1.___________ cySHMAN GOLF CAR, $300, 682- AiirtiAn AmIoc - * **“ -.....F- - .......-- 1669 rjlll Jiftobr K nm I ^UtllUn JOieS — DO MARS Devs 3iM4asSal0n' 332 'Eve*Ur2?9 5447 P*rkins Sale ServIce Phono Swortz 24" & 36" PlckllD Covers camper,' 13 series "to choose from g*Y» 7 Creek 435-9400 00 rltRUH '■ove,s Also see our line ot fine trove POODLE GROOMING, 400 4th St. I—-----------t———, trailers: fe4^712 i«. . . «. w Ellsworth Trailer Soles WEST WIND-WOOD LAKE- DRAYT0N PLAINS Coon Dolly flit I p.m. Saturday and Sunday *♦!! 5 Plants-Trees-Shrubs 81-A G. A. Thompson, 7005 M-» W. RUMMAGE SALE, CO-OP. , Good ; 1889. Coll after 5 p.m. 80 ATTENTION LANDSCAPERS 4577 Dixie Hwy. ______ 425-4400 30"\ HIGH CAMPER, paneled end BONANZA quality," all"! kinds "of" clothing", ENJOY YOUR VACATION this vear ............ .. .. .1 Colorado blue spruce, up to 0 ft. In ‘lO^ts. 681-0286. household articles, 10x12 Oriental at home Anthony Swimmlno AI?T,ln0UE ^UCTION’ Sundev May 4,1 good soil. Large selection. Coll 32x8, ANDERSON, ELECTRIC LIGHT fixture's tor all — ..... rooms, 1961 designs; pull downs, 115,'. COmC.h,',i SSI?' Spanish Tiffany. Bedroom $1.95,' il21?iiwmelii.taHeskTh.£lS?s' crni0 porch *1.55. irregulars, samples. Furn* dDravton PlnJh9^ 3 3C Prices only (actory can give. h,urn" w«Y»b" ")»*• i____ Michigan Fluorescent 393 Orchard RUMMAGE SALE: May 1, 2, 3, 12-5, 2181 Opdyke, across from Blue Sky Drive-In Theatre. McClellan Travel Trailers Inc. Anthony .......... Pools. A design for your individual needs. For long life and l■ . cut $20. Boy's 20" bike. $15. OR 3- GOLF CART IN GOOD condition for BOULEVARD SUPFLY 1301,________________________ I sale. Call T. Senchei, MA 5-5411. 500 S. Blvd. E.____________833*7141 ruPP GO CART excellent condltlon, Hl®H STANDARD 22 caliber FORMICA REMNANTS, 30c a sq. ft. I 3Vk horsepower and access. After revolver, $45. Before 3 p.m. 673-You pick up special discount price 6. 673-2413. I 4457. choirs, lanterns, clocks, lugs, boiler. Iron, brass, china, glass, many more, Edwin H. Murto, Auctioneer. JT 4-££?e^f*-S* P00 a*S; SUMP PUMPS SOLD, rented and HAIG UTRA GOLF SET 13 clubs In* ,___er7?Td^?atinet?' ’ll?'. 5729 repaired, Cone's, FE 8^6642. good condition, $59. Pro Golf. 542- williams Lk. Rd. Drayton Plains, 6 a,v,—. r '— -------•. sens days 7-5 SAAALL 1 CAR garage. Como and B & B AUCTION FRI. NIGHT, MAY 2 7 P.M. SHARP GREEN VINYL SWIVEL-rocter. get if. $30. UL 2-4152, LIKE NEW ELECTRIC trolling GARAGE SALE Michigan Fluorescent, 393 64/-6//B. rresn vegeieoies ana groceries ^ UA.»-ggtiri.'n......45S, 194* FORD SUPER van camper, u.||,, T,«„.l r..,L i„ Aiumlnum awhlixisr mfc L*kei FE i8442.-37. WILSON SAAA SNEAD' used -got!—otlSrartlc^^T^9^'—9?- IjnTO^H^I^Rd H^IvTHF'^l.ay?*:—i sizes Like new. new soreads. SEARS RIDING TRACTOR, 9 h.P. clubs, 4 woods, 9 irons end baa. »™r articles. eggnm- ___________stove, gas refrigerator, Sink,. 30 15210 Holly Rd^HOtly ME 4-6771 7T faucets and curtains $49.50 value ____ $34.50. Lavatories complete with SLOT CAR TRACK — 10x8 feet, faucets, $14.95, toilets, $18.95. . figure 8, one diag. elevated. $20, Michigan F I uore sc en t, 393 647-6778. Truckloads of new and used furniture and appliances ~ Fresh vegetables and groceries 1950 CENTURY 17', sleeps 0, electric refrigerator. 605-1331 ■ WHITE BIRCH, spruce end pine. 1959 FORD TRUCK and 10" camper j You dig, bring shovel, 3500 Bald 1495. 451-7952, Mountain Rd. 335-5820. NEW SPORT TRAILER DELUXE HARDTOP CAMPER Sloops 0, $1495 Ellsworth Trailer Sales Hobbiee & Supplies 82 1943 SHASTA, 14', elec, brakes, , ... . _ ... Reese hllch. Very dean. $1200, nol 4577 Dixie Highway_ 425-4400 self-contained. 451*4334, 1409 N. HAVE YOU SEEN THE ALL NEW 1 OMEGA .SPRING IS HERE SO ENJOY A NEW 1969 Active Livestock 1944 APACHE CHIEF TRAILER, Add-A-Room, spare tiro, $400. 2431 Hoover, Union Lake. 343-3215. $3 1955 FORD TRUCK with 10 ft, ’ | camper. 434*4345, Motorhome 1 1,45 J0' CENTURY trailer, sleeps 4, engine, power'steering,'^rakes?^ n „ 6 mares, gelding. 427*3792. (to-n self-contained, like new, FE 2*4198,_| speed transmission, quel-roe Polly til 8 a.m.; aval. Sat.) MOBILE HOME Park Space On Lake No Entry Foe -S Min, From Pontiac „ , TOWN & COUNTRY MOBILE HOMES, INC. . Telegraph at Dixie Hwy, 334-6694 Sot. & sun, '111 4 5 SPEED SCHWINN, boys, 24". like now, S42. 391*2842. 1968 tR 4C TRIUMPH, excellent condition, 10" Hl-Risers glut extra chroma, coll 4M-5804 bet. 12 and 5. BOYS 10 SPEED Schwinn, ’oxcollent comlltlon; 84S. 8W4B8I. BOY'S AND GIRL'i BICYCLES ________S1Q Ond SIS, 381-1715, SCHWIN TRAVELER BIKES. (»l 1 girls, 24" wheels, good.condition, $30 firm, i mens. 24" wheels, generator and llgms, oxcollent condition, $50 firm. Coll 4024920, 5:304:30 P-m. 2 PONIES, WELL'TRAINED. 485-1144 1946 TENT CAMPER, 6 sleeper with chest, $471 338-4214. _________ 1944“FORD* SUPER VAN camper, wheels, completely self-contained. Only at WILL BUY USED TRAILERS. , ir--T . „ .. . Pontiac Mobile Pork FE 5-0002 2nd, house N. Of 1-75. USED BIKES Speed Savlfior iffS Lapeer Rda Auto Acctisories h.p. sizes. Like new, new spreads, SEARS RIDING TRACTOR, clothing, toys, etc. Set., Sun. 4294 good condition, 338-3821._ Pine Tree Tr. Bloomfield Hills. SCOTTS CEDAR parker yard broom, fishing, SlippliBS’Bait other articles. GARAGE SALE: Thurs., Fr!„ Sat., girls' 20" bike, FE 5-1303.___________________ 9-5 Clothjng, toys, mlsc. 2391 sof A, CHAIRS, tobies, electric Hove, wheel ba trow, electric "saw, 'ST. 63t4449. J*.* ..... 8 YEAR OLD Palomino mare, well gallon water taife,-1 air condition, DOOR PRIZE EACH AUCTION trained 4tH experience. 394-0044. sleeps 4, 12500. 391-2487. 75 10 HORSES AND TACK-5120 Grange 1944 ~HARDTOP”TENT Waller, sink, 5089 Dixie Hwv. OR 3-2717 Hall Rd, Hptly, ME 7-2592, aii Boats-Accessarles 97 GARAGE SALE 4345 L O U 0 11 0 , . Drayton Plains, 9-4. ________ GARAGE SALE — 3237 Plrrin, off Williams Lake Rd. Clothes, furniture end Mlsc. May l, 2. 3. Thurs—Frl. 9 to 4; Sat. 9 to 4. SPRED-SATIN PAINTS, WARWICK sale: Supply, 2471 Orchard Lake. 482- glrls* bike, crib, etc. 424-5104. THE SALVATION ARMY RED SHIELD STORE 111 W. LAWRENCE ST. Everything to meet your needs Clothing, Furniture, Appliances GARAGE AND rummage ----------------- Furniture and appliances, clothing, -air conditioner. May 1, 2, 3. 9-4 USED p.m. 1745 Waldon Rd. LAUNDROMAT GARAGE SALE: Saturday 8. Sun-: day. May 3, 4. Household furnishings, antiques, tools, sport: goods, 1954 Mercedes 190 SL, and 25 yrs. acumulatlon. 3020 Adams Rd. 1st house South of Auburn Rd., Auburn* Heights area. and dry cleaning equipment. Boiler stainless steel dryers. Uni Mac at Don's Balt Shop, 3:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays. 0 a.m. to 4 p m. Saturday and Sun. Equipment and bait furnished. For further Information coll 711-3100 or come out to 3340 24 Milo Rd., Washington, Michigan, lust W. of Stoney Creek park entrance. B & B AUCTION SAT., MAY 3 7 P.M. SHARP Sand-Gravel-Dirt 76 SU.i 4 YARDS OF shredded peat, del., also fop soil. FE 4-45S8.______ stainless stebl washers, legger j joo YARDS CLAY FILL. Will move Bedroom end living room suites, topper, coin changer and air com- it to yoUr lot reas. Vic. of Baldwin! chrome sets, bunk beds, colored pressor. FE 2*7344. I J -—-4 lan iiic I TV*. *utn U/achBF and Druarc BAY MARE. 5 years old. Spirited. 474-3018. , GARAGE SALE—1750 Ward Rd., near Telegraph and Orchard Lake. May 3, 4, 5, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.. May 4 __'til noon only.____ GARAGE SALE: Friday and Saturday 10-5, utility and china cabinets, buffet, misc. M-59 to Rochester Rd. South 2 blocks to Newaka to 244 Shady Wood. Used Office Furniture Warehouse Clearance Jack Meyers again with his groceries on wheelsl Truckloads of f r e s hN vegetables, groceries (sold In case lots) RAILROAD SALVAGE SUCH AS: i Call 627-3776. and Howard, 482-4145. I TV's, auto." Washer ”and’ Dryers';! HORSES^AND^SADDLES SERIES OF EXCAVATIONS] chest of drawers, etc. PAR f fHOROUGIIb'RED, part bZw Independence*' .a^d 5089 Dlxi* Hwy.__----------OR.3*71^ W.merjaartlng^^vary gentle . Open Dally and Sundays OAKLAND CAMPER' ...................... ..... stove, icebox, 2. d’ne1Tes, exc. SALE! dHpnun/^rlccV^ OTS°rand motOfe <150. FE 2-0087, A i5?R co?lfst piHl?>srniSll ’— i Tour-a-homet 6 and 10 ft. campers j Dynamic Tire Sales, North. 223 8* HYDRO-PLANE with controls and ; 1M6 MALLARD 2QW^$%!Lcontalnad,, for Vt ton pickups. Midwest covers.1 Main St.# Rochester, 651-2280. | 18 horse Mercury, best offer. FE ON SALE: t piece aluminum-mags, set of 4 complete, Si 24.95. 1, 12' USED ALUMINUM metal Northslde Auto Supply, 3340941,__j flshjng boot and 3V4 H.P. Sea King axe. 5770 Forostal, 482-2101. Ilka new,] ARABIANS FOR SALE, _ Giy-Reln many extras, porta-pottle, PIONEER CAMPER SALES j liras-Auto-fruck 92 0-8475. BEAUTIFUL 8 YEAR Spirited! $e« to appreciate._48HB72._______________________ Golding, sorrel with blazed taco, 1945 jubilee........15W self contained $225. 437-5194 or 482-5771.________| $1850. 482-0114. 1968 STARCRAFT CAMPING Trailer 3091 W. Huron _____ Like now. Sloops 8. FE 0-2524, FOR SALE: Ducklings and goslings, w,, APACHE camper, fully equipped plus - extras: Sleeps 6. Used 1 time. *1300. 335-7991. _________________________________________1 . Traitors: Jubilee, Globe Star Barth Campari: Swinger, Mackinaw, Travel Queen, Caribou, Barth Cdvars: Stutr Baarcar, Merit 12' ALUMINUM BOATS .........*115 1 ISmS Trallars *120, 15 canoes $169 4 MAG WHEELS, 2 weeks old. $160 Big Coho Mate, 14* 1289. IS' S389. value tor B10Q for Plymouth or Big fIMrglas runabouts .....*595 Ford. 335-9441. _ _ _ 1000 lb. boat trailers 4 *179 lo-ioo-M TRucK TiREs“new on Save $$ at Buchanan's nm. *75. Midway Motors Supply. . PtA uar 4*2-5381 1968 WINNEBAGO ---- — -----------— -----20?;™SET.kTJREL 13'4" BOAT AND trailer, toll 472? STEEL FRAME PICKUP sleepers »“»•. WW Mm W “'h.J 324*. and tops. Cab to campor boot.* ~Z, ',5 chAY/ Ire?li4i_sf Sportcraft Mtg. 4140 Foloyi °P * h0>* 4 — 15" P«>rd l4h.p4f 8— __Wg. Waterford. 623 0450. 9HL ... . . .. ■SW------ , •.—r;--: •.---I Lee 197 So. Johnson Sliver Eagle Vacatianaire Impair, mount,, and. baiaircq~mag H SPEED QUEEN fiborgloss, 35 Johnson electric start, little dud* trailer, $550. Utica, 739-1744. BUILDING A NEW STORAGE j WAREHOUSE: 100 office desks $25 up, office. chairs, blue print filet,. typewriters, adding m a c h I n e s ,! memographs, off set printing presses, one 6' Hamilton drafting Waterford Twps., has yielded several thousand yds. of fill dirt and clay. .If you are In need of such, we shall deliver this to you for the cost ot hauling. OR 3-8935, 6 a.m. to 11 p.m.. Sun. incl. FORBES PRINTING Millionaire C. B. Galleries _____MWRWWPMI ______■_____^ __ --------- 1969 STARCRAFT. TRAVEL TRAILERS INSIDE DISPLAY . OFFICE SUPPLIES, 4500 DIXIE, melton loading tm sano. processed T-i , , jt ^ 1 and bridle. S240. 693-8420._« B *1402 I _________ 8$SS8«®SMaffir-Sis^ssa.® Estate Auction riol'pjn! pjrrot VERY GOOD • RAILROAD TIES, MANURE, $10 e load, dellverM._Call each, 4 wheel, buggy, MO. Horse . 301 Collier Rd. both kinds. Also, 1 2-wheel factory after 4 p.m. FE 0-2381 or 731-1677. ly A T / tioarded, 4*5-2908. _ Joslyn. built trailer. Call after 4 p.m. FE SCREENED BLACK dirt, peat top V. Ji1 liUiL: IVlCIv “I WESTERN GARAGE SALE: Antiques, used 5-“”i ' a.uu.r«i in e.xxx, / — -■>- - _ _ . ...... ................. 1944 STARCRAFT with 40 27' Motor Homo. This uhlt Is ini 14' to 24' starting at 81,495, sylish and chroma wheels. Now and usedi !!?!]5!f0M7rx rinrixAM ®xt*ll#8* new condition. 4,700 miles. Sava * lines, beautiful interior. , whools. Maas-American ET, Crag»,-r condlt. 8*75. CollI 473-1495. ----------------------. , . bundle on.this one. ,. f iNIMRQD camping trollore. 5 modols AP Anson. Trade old mag* fur new. 14 FT. INBOARD WITH Gray POCO GELDING, re g I st or ed . r r unu/| Akin ttOMtCf from 8799 — no payfnents till Goodyear Polyglass tires. Clwator marine engine end trene, reedy for Beautiful solid blacx. 685-2314,.-,.JSsrw‘'AI’u » June. slicks. Market Tlra Co. 2435 Orchard- water. Call aft.A p.m. 4934W61. 3255 afxJeJIwy.----------OR_3j454 AMERIGO .truck campers. Can M Lake Rd. Kaego.----------------14' ALUMINUM R U N AlO U,T , TaVUnD'Q^DAirtDC Motor Scooters 94 fnotur, and trailer. 3944)109. IKCANUK 5 I KAILCKj i . „ ,'.*6,:> i Williams Lake Rd. Drayton Plains * 451-5745 GARXgE~SAL E~Ma7"2,“3-"rio1 £'os* «rt « Whraom'vanities -4. Vases, antiques, clocks, mlsc. -V°°■ SeoKIng. *1200. 674-3344. 4321 COMFORT 459*. | Sl>habaw. 1955 AT HARLEY SPO RTS TER 116' DUO FIBERGLASS, 40 HP modified Mred. $700, Call bot. 12-Si Evlnrude, electric start, traitor, p.m. 052-2252. ™ - 51000. 682-3007. i Pets-tiunting Dogs 79 EVANS EQUIPMENT aUMi'tseaW i6tft*-'a'S it i -- - -- -- 425.7m Clarkston 625-2416 at HOLIDAY INN OT Pontiac A-l meat CUTTING, Freezer This week only closed at 4 p.m. wrapped. We_ cure and smoke „67 USED/APACHE Buffalo with moats. Call FE 2-4155. ------1 heater, with sink and Ice Mx, with ROMEO MEAT CENTER — Home1 add-a-room. 517 E. Walton. r A»»rr-tii r ■ uvini«t«—Cultivator, syde bar and snow °ld' ,re.e 000 Mile East of Lapeer City- Limits on M-21. EM 3-3681 R«J- finest^ quality. Bargains in APACHE CAMPER, sleeps 4, stove, Utility- Grades St.95 Pushed up., jinx. Ice box, tab*. Mater, low Oakland Orchards, 2205 E. Com- mileage, good condition, phono FE mere* Rd. 1 Mil* E. of Milford 9-6' 5.3131; after 5 p.m:, dally,. ' , :■." — Scotts fertilizer, fence, toys, etc., $900 218 ■ Low BOy S1000 MA 5- —ola'-ma,e---after 4 weekends, all day Sat.j, 3tu low soy, *1000. ma >'akc BLACK 84 Axford, Lake Orion 87; -......... ^FORD 4500 DIESEL Tractor GARAGE SALE — Bikes, 10 table backhoo and loader. MA 4-1985. sew. band saw, typewriters, riding collie, wonderful dog, great pedigree. Call from 9-3 p.m., 852-3907. A GIGANTIC SALE NIMROD CAMPERS saw, oana saw, lypawtreu, muhib TD.p. c avi'c tdaiipd -owe:, mlnl-biko, .tilt *pi iwlyfl TRIIPLE^ AXLE J^AILEFL . 33M450. Hwy. AKC POODLE, female black, $50.! GARAGE SALE — Larga variety. 47 -—*Y' lm,T nsri/tfnf-------------- Hudson, off Baldwin. 9-0 p.m., UNIT BACKHOE - Thun., Frl., Sat. ^___ 1 With 30' dragline, truck and trail- lovable, 7 weeks old, male and Form Equipment elry; Unique antiques of every de4 > ‘ r > >' <**.*.* scription. Don't miss this exciting<1 CASE TRACTOR with front end; Terrific Savings on. Most Modal* one day est,t, auction. L%d%orddndtr.%’ wWl "and' SALES & SERVICE C. B. Charles - Dan Cutini, r. ... 7 HP BOLEN TRACTOR—mower I . . STREAM, 1992, n Auctioneers j with ottachmonts, *380. 673-5092. Catalogues available at th* sale 8 N FORD TRACTOR. i~Ford malor International doubt*. 84000. 451-1452. female, nice Another's Day gift. avallaPla a» »h* sale I n FORD TRAC 674-1160. ' , TERMS: Cash, Check, American diesel, 673-8659. — | Express or Diners Club “—— — Cameras - Service GIANT GARAGE SALE: AAay 3, 9-4,! er. 682-2233. 2404 Roselewn, off Glengory. 624 [ 0426. Baby furnishings, mlsc. GARBAGE DISPOSAL, Vt~ hor**- ,,., J power, $27.68 BELL 4, HOWELL movie outfit Stainless Steel Sinks, 32X21, $29.50 Complete, brand new. $180. 332- PF Sable Launa Plywood. 4x8x14,! 6982._____________________■ *4 W S?.1SVtv J, ! SUPER 8, ZOOM. EE 704 movlo TALBOTT LUMBER I camera, never used, S35. 336-7188. 1025 Oakland FE 4459J , j|/||isicgl Goods 71 ALLIS CHALMERS tractors, *250;, flat bottom plow *45. 391-0476. AIRSTREAM 70 AKC scorns terrier fern spayed, 4 yrs. old, raised 1 a I e, . . _ with ' children companion. $75.00. Holly! 634-8937. AKC SHELTlE PUPS (Toy Collie), sable and white. $75. 363-5965.__ AKC MINIATTJRE Schnauzer 7 week's old male, $85. OR 3-4441. Estate of Mrs. Roy Hendricks 43 First St,. Oxford, Mich. SAT. 12 NpON SHARP, MAY 3, Stove; refrigerator; washer; sew- Phyfematable * dr°cha?r*; ° china pOR RENT, 550 Adams grader whh TRAILER SALES *V./bLni, finished orade ooerator. rood 3091 W. Huron BUY YOUR WHEEL Horae tractor early and receive free a rotary mowor attachment, Limited time, only, w* take trade-ins, TOM’S HARDWARE, 905 Orchard Lk. Av*. Dally 9-6 Sun: 9-2, FE 5-2424. FOR 1949 18 Ft. to 31 Ft. vQW UQCV MIRQI neno WARNER GAS RANGE 36", 1943 Renault, both; _exc^condit. reas. 623-95*6 att. yo. I BALDWIN ORGAN and h»nrh, 4*2-7382,. ____... ' GOOD 2 WHEEL TRAILER, *75. 8111 8O0d condition, *550. 673-7490.- Or AKC TOY POODLE ,r E. Pike. . | see ot 1689 Scott Lake Rd. i_______|________Stud Service FE 8-3631. cabinet; TV; living room; bedroom set; nearly now rug. Several Pieces - of lovely antiques. flnlsMd grade operator, road 682-8830 building, subdivision and bocktOp, BEFORE YOU BUY, SEE THE 685-1912. . | EXCITING SHOW, HIT OF 1969, Everything must be sold. Complete-FORD TRACTOR, 4-SPEED, IN with PLEASURE MATE homo furnishings. j r 1 bock blade, new paint, perfect , vmio ue Sons, Inc. 500 Collier Rd., Pontiac, Michigan, Solo of Vehicles will be held on Saturday, May 3, at 1:30 p.m.___ ■- l7HLTi7n--srrp iSLiiet ewriy yrenu pie HEAVY DUTY SINGER sewing; model —' Save tuimfrgds. macnine, model .168, fully racon*' sm this before vou buv !*rriTe7vrt:Vi«.»-—.tt-—. ^ ditioned,. new motor, new .clutch,! GALLAGHER^MUSICCO. 8Stame?i kittws?*^C5SS?.,*20® ' FE 4-05661'JSSi______^_______ Large Quality Antique & Household Auction bottom plows, low hodrs, $4995. Ford backhoo tractor, $1,095. t .others, to other dozers. Ford 3000 like now, $2,595. *N Ford tractors, $295 and up. 530 Construction King, $3,800. Clorks Tractors, 1 mil* East of Fenton. MA 9-9376. Saturdey, May 10th. 9:30 *.tn.!MUST SELL 510 trictpr. loader and FREE B-B-Q GRILL FREE entrance step. FREE water container. FREE, Cooking sot with purchase only. I -f ;■ ■ ■. APRIL 20-MAY M ONLY KAMPR VILLAGE 630 E. Walton' hoar Joslyn Located In take Orion at 159 N.l backhoo. Like new end Cese dozor* 5*8-06*1 OPEN SUN; 589-0011 new table, formica top; also an- , .... _____■ m ____________ RR KM „ JM[ tlque hurricane l4mp. /Telephone 1710 Telegraph FE 3-0566 4375/_____________ ____ I I Shore Drive (3 blocks west of M-24| Mrs. VanCSTnp. Ph. 735-7537 3M-7656.:Can be seen 45 w: Huron: / PONTIAC DOBERMAN' PUPPIES, AKC, sired 'at the cemetery) home sold. 1st! Linden. ■ 1'■______ JEWELRY odd Loxsf~for brizes' OPEN EVENlNGS/TtL'9 P.M, r by 1969 Cobo Hall, best of brebd National Bank of Lapeer: Clerk ’ resile; etc 81 a d* up &4^^ :_________SAT. 5:30 P.M7 , / ' winners. 293-9033. , V _ Oran C. Thomas, / Prop., Lak« special . jinymp Rent electric shampooer, $ 1 . GIBSON €LECTRIC ggiter and ENGLISH BULLDOGS, AKC, '.B ^ aii ---- ---------- ------\ . 'males, 2 females, 9 wks. 624*1070^ s^IrRDA* V '7 aPM>' . used Farm All Cub Tractor* CAMPER THAT FIT$\ IM447 El —......—... ...... j-- • ..... ' . “ ■ lift * rAfrlnoratnre • I a ujm mziurart - rar-nnHif InnaH anrf .. ran* intort u/ith 1 Jtaaw . a - at. .. _ , BOOTH CAMPER • i RUBBER TIRED mlnl-Tarm wagons' P]i£!W/ c<*Ali• TJa Bi with sides; 7 far/$100 651-1271 CUstOITI ' built, C. J. Booth, 4287 'Hudson's Hardware, 41 E. Walton.. LARGE CO-OP rummage sale, May ~ 1-8 10 a.m. til 7 p.m. furniture. amplifier. ,5300. 625-3283. GUITAR 3 PICKUP —— ......................... . 482-4089. .. b'»baa' Cocks- toys. blkes, lowREY ORGAN, double keyboard, etothlng, mlic. Items. 33 E. 473-7169. • Newport off Bladwin. North of----------i wotton. LOWERY ORGANS FREE PART GERMAN Shepherd. yr. old. Shots, license,, good with children, housebroken. 391-2540. frIe ____ BEAUTIFUL housebroken kittens would Ilka good home. 625-3461, - . i free . ma ! kittens, 052-2485. i HOAAE CUTE, cuddly housebroke^ fits; refrigerators; lawn mowers;! reconditioned and repainted with Comlno, sleeps 4, stove, !c*box LARGE {RUBBER TIRED wheel- The best costs you the least In barrow, 820., Hand garden cultiva- the long run. Brand now two tor wifh large front wheel and keyboard snlnets for *700. No ottachmonts 120. Lawn sweeper money down — no payments till ■ SM, 753 Courtwrlght, Pontiac. June,. , LAWN SPRINKLING systems, U Shoo us before you buy. , ^/l?*^.plp5AiM1irrU^m GALLAGHER MUSIC CO. Plastic Ripe, $8.51 per 100, IV2 ,710 Telegraph FE 4-0566 GERMAN SHEPHERD pus, AKC plastic pipe, StOJn per 100. G. A. PONTIAC beauties, stud service. UL 2-1657. Thompson 4. Son. 7005 M-59 W. OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL 9 PM. * HAPPY MOTHER'*" DAY Make It LAWN^PRlfiRONG“pumps, 1 tjp. J SAT. 5:30 P.M. ; complete with a* vrter'ln^ya^ D^^a,”a^*'^niam-r-roozori. to 2 h,p.. prlGOd from S92.50. G. A. PIANO, GRINNELL console, oxc. proved AKC small poodle, male R*ac" k'.BokeS' Mixers,_Dlrmerware Thompoon and Son. 7005.M-59 W. condition. Reasonable. 1-794-3447. | or fema(i, only 5 to choose from MEYERS V. H.p! SHALLOW well UPRIGHT PIANO — qoSTton* - 332i2S42, 43 Michigan. GERMAN SHEPHERD, Mai*. 5 months, house trained, mostly biack. 334-0726. antique lOveseat; matching chair j dropieaf table; 4 bentwooq chdlrtf round oak table; 16' whltohbusa boat with Scott 60 Horto motor, self starter; 1962 Pontiac Cotallna Station 1 Wagon with air Conditioning; new dinette sets; living room outfits; bedroom: outfits; tamps; new end ’ tables, Halls Auction, 70S' W. Clarkston Rd. Lake Orion, 693-1871. WEBnESOAY, MAfl, 2 PjM. Barnes Restaurant t. Coin Liquidation 1123 N. Holly Rd., Holly Dishwasher, Deep Fryers, Steam-Table, pood Warmer, Grills Coffee Makers,' Fountain-Freezers, plow and cultivator. ONLY $795 KING BROS. Md Sink, 343-3484. Tables, counters. Choirs Com Register, Typewriter eve* 8*5-4*25. " || Olda bcHiselHm^ FE 4-1242. ' Iphorik Swartz Creak / . ’ ■ 635-9400 $149, m«Ke offer, 673-1273. FE 4-1442 ' ' FE 4-0734 Pontlic Rd. it Opdyke SEE OUR LINE of ratwllt troefors and *qu foment mom gardin tractors on tip. your "Now id**" and "HOME LITE .. CHAIN IA W" DEALER. "John. Deer*" and "Now Idea" part* galore.. DAVIS MACHINERY CO., ORTONVILLE, NA 7-3292. -. Check our deal on — SWISS COLONY ■■ 'izUJtGRVJfRAiLBRB ■ ; ■’ mmm frolic ' TR At L E RS AND ' TRUCK CAMPERS. . SKAMPER FOLD-DOWN CAMPERS ; 13 to 28 on display at — ■. Jacobson Trailer Sates 5490 Williams Lak* RBI Cfc 3-5981 WE HAVE NOW ADDED A NEW LINE TO OUR OTHER QUALITY TRAILERS DRIFTWbOD TRAVEL TRAILERS - Ellsworth Trailer Sales 4577 DIXl* Highway 625-4480 WINNEBAGO 1946 YAMAHA 305 Excellent Condlt. Extras, 8480. 887-5224 1944 HONDA CL 140, 5000 mile* in stock. condition. Call , Don oft. S p.m. 451-303$, II FT. THUNDERBAUL by Bushier; 3 stage pump, 424 C|)ry$l*r Marino engine, morn ready to got Spotlight horns, running lights, 30 gal. das' tank, tach, all gouget, munrlng cover, all this *3750. Can finance. 651-9761 or 673-1473 ask for Jim Butcher. 1944 305 SUPER HAWK under 5,000 19* LIGHTNING. DACRON soils, spinnaker, trailer, $850. 343-5135. . mils; 2 hoimats, wind scrinm,» OWENS CA|IN CRUISER. 145 lackot. 424-173S. 1944 SUZUKI 250 CC. $350. 1944 Yamoh* 250 CC, $300. 450 Honda, $700. 481-8545. 1944 SPORTSTER, BEST offir, 8ft*r 7 p.m, 6738832. Motor. Hom»—Trailers Reese aiS^W-Tlta^ffltche* eoU RJ05 and installed Screw bier. 762 orchard Lake Rd. F. E. HOWLAND SERVICE 1947 bmw ^excellent 3255 Dixie, Hwy. ;-—ORJM454',w HONDA DREAM, block, v*hlta Mobile Homes a tags, complete accessories 1425. 1967 BSA 400 CC. Excellent condition. S75Q2S-1353. . h.p., tweet 4, In WoMr, good con-dltlon, FE t-7515. 1944 OWENS 2t* STAND UP hood 50 wss, 185 hp. oxc. condiflon, 62*-1007. 1941 13' CHECKMATE, gold metal flak*. 75 Johnson, custom trailer 412-4437. 1944 10' GW INVADER, new 30 h.p. electric motor, Custom Comet «MT‘ ' trailer, $750. 428-3443. new engine. S475. 437-5441,. 1 TO REMEMBERI 63x12 3-BEDROOM WITH TIP-TOP ROOM} ONLY $6,760! INCL. TAXES, DEL» SET-UPI Many extra*-, or* included In this,__ desirable mobile home! So* It 1947 HONDA 305 SCRAMBLER, later now! Othor new models In stock modtl. A-l -condition. $475. 424-037|u. from 1947 BRIDGESTONE "175". *359. 1941 — IS FT. So*. Star trl-hull Inboard, outdrive with 128 h.p; Mate cruiser tnglno, heavy duly trailer, Ilk* now, very reasonable. FE 5-5448. . . - 1967 YAMAHA 305, excollent con- 195* 17* SILVERLINE IK) with ditlon. 425-1653. I traitor, S2S95. 1947-385 HONDA SCRAMBLER, Ilka fes!*' 1*'p' J#hn*8" KARS Boota li MoMW . J 493-1400 lOg HONDA SCRAMBLER^3I», 980 1>w MIRRORjn-1 ■ P CAMPER, t> CABOVER CAMBER, sleeps 3b *450, <303014, ' STB) showers, |140 M-15, Ortonville. Ortonville. McFoolov Resort. 627-3020' w**k-*nd* Of 9 45-595* wtekdoy* 9 to 3 P.m. 412 Emplr* Bldg., DotrWtr Mmlgan- 4U36. 55‘xio- 2 BEDROOM ALMA, good condition. Call 39-9211 8:30 ajn. to 5 p.m. 334-334* an. S o# 1957- GARDNER, 10X47. 2 bedroom. SUZUKI 'X-« SCRAMBLERS $1308, SEME Reg. $766, sole $565.90 del. incl. Tax and license MG SUZUKI SAilS Camping private Lake ;i9*9 rkharmon *«■, excellent So fe botch, flush Ipltots «nd1. I960 PENNANT GENERALTiMO on lot. Porttoily torn. Carpeted, drapes- awning mh ' storage shod. Veto good condition, drafted. 335- smw 152-4749. ’ Im: ' WATERFORD'S ONL' AUTHORIZED SUZUKI DEALER. mint m 11 « 1 nuinwMCBU .144*7 Dixie Hwy. 1 Hickory Ridge Rd.to Demode Rd., left and follow ilgns to DAWSON'S SALES TIPSICO LAKE, PhdM 429-2179. AT TONY'S MARINE 1949 Johnson motors, AroociBfl GW Invaders,;rGoiitva poati, pontoons . and eanoas. ^ 3495: Orchard Lk. Sylvan Like —ATTENTION— 14* boat, motor end trot lor,, 25 hen* Evlnrude, *kiis, otoefne start, etc First $308 takes. Must a* sow py Bulnnay. 1w4dBOO. BOAT SPACES ON Pontiac Lak*. Ptcrrtc Tables *75 * season. 673-7294. __________- BUY EARLY . . TO BE SURE YOU GET 1 ' THE BOAT YOU REALLY WANT it? Johnoon MOtora, Sfr Cr*n BqW» . 9" w; intadar Eo»to._ OfowgR? Boats, Crest Pontoons, Torro Cot TVoii BlkOL Scrbfilbtoro. tm Owi. JIM HARRINGTON'S tw SPORT CRAFT 4 ■ _ Vi Mil* C. qf Lopoor Oly Lhnlta on MHBBk? '' ................ - open 10 to 9 MW.-PrL 'i.W", %' 9TOS SAT, fc SUN, CABIN' 'AAw'lkRs ■ WW B»'W «{£ head; 50 h-p. Evlnrude, IrMyriPto*,' ■ '■.tgliMEHWfcg, - V- ■' ■.iLJ |l,n/ III Mahetany, W; H.P- df*. *» *■ 4340. m ■a wm m • S M isi? as. v 'W SUB m »| 'I.:'.' m ■Ml »#• SB For Wont Aids Dial 3344981 THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY; MAY 2, 1969 D—T loats-Accessorles #7 • k . .. cf,M irAKe docks « J|l(» ikl# plcnlti* family fun **»♦ *ek> so ••rly. Boats rcadyto go art used twlco as much. 4St-32>6tor appointment DOlf^OtmsiLP • BOAT DOCK I Pfe Harrington Boat Works MW.S, Telegraph • • 332-1033 FIBERGLASS IBS* With* 40 Cp All jtectrlcEvInruds Motor, me. icanditfen. Glasspar & Duo Boats ;,1 Grumman Canoes ” Fiberglas Canoes < Pontoons, Swim Rafts Alum, Fishing Boats Scorpion Sailboats Little Dude and ’■ Trail Car Trailers Skin Diving Equip. Johnson ,81 Chrysler Motors Dockage Available OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK M.W;F. ‘til 01 Sun. 10 to 4 YOUNG'S MARINA Wanto^Cers-Tracks top dollar anything sharp with air conditioning. WILSON CRISSMAN i CADILLAC ISM N. woodward' Ve would like to buy late model GM Cars pr will accept trade-downs. Stop by today. BUICK 544 S, WOODWARD 647-5600 t(H [New and Used Tracks RP, LOW 1969 CMC I* TON PICKUPS, nm ____________!L.,„ 'fSSia^SSS-*•" t,!» TOP $ PAID All Cadillacs, Buick Electro 225s, Olds 98s, Pontiac's and 103 FRONT WOOD, ROOF rack tiro Mr VW. MY 3-2727. Nick, l-S17-288-3302or Ml.3054. GMC TRUCK CENTER 8:00 to 5:00, Mon.-Frl. 1:00 to U:M Saturday 701 Oakldnd Avenue 335-9731 LATE MODEL PICKUP SALE 1467 Dodge % ton, pickup, VI, vj $1295 S 1967 Chevy Vi ton, VI, pickup $1395 1968 Chevy 4 ton, . camper, ipaclal, automatic $2195 . .Try* 5!xlt Hwy. on Loon Lake w,MTen. u,..v..w.-w-.-a-—m— Drayton Plaint or 4-iuii W*"J,=D. WALK - IN VAN, 19tU or ———- n*»er, I or 10, or 12' body, S’ NEW 1968 u MODELS USED BOATS AND MOTORS i Drastic Reductions CRUISE OUT, INC. S* In flobd mech. Dhapa. 412-6430, Larry, lunk Con-Trucks (4-1-2 . JUNK CARS, anytime, PE 5-7795. Vi, 1 2-3 JUNK CARS, trucki, fret tow anytime. FE s-3832. 1965 Chevy nfc OIF., New and Used Cars 106 1934 FORD VERY good condition, like new. motor, Interior, wiring, best offer, sft. S p.m. MY 3-1120. #40 FORD STATION WAgOU, good 2nd car, bargain. 3434)081. dir. mi FORD WAGON Vb. Fewer steering, radio, good rubber, good engine. Clean, 8125. .FE 4-5891. 1961 FORD WAGON automatic, white, excellent condlt. No rust, MA 6-644*. 1941 FALCON standard transmission, good trsntp. 482-9444 1962 FAIRLANE 2 door automatic, radio and heater. No 8 down weekly payments 12.44. Full price *299. Call Mf. Parks credit tlon ol Turner Ford 2400 Maple Troy Mall 1 mile east of Woodward__ transportation, 1943 FORD STATION WAGON, auto., transmission, 3 seats, nice and clean mechanically tdbfld, 40,000 miles, private owns?. *350. 335-7254. I ”1943 FORD, (425 OR 3-9757 <943 Foreign Care 1051Hew and Used Cara' 1944 PORU 2# COMPLETELY rebuilt engine, 343-0977. 1944 FORD OALAXIE 500, power ltMrlnp,V-*, radio,,1450. Days UL 2-1793, dnd after 5:30. 451-2493, 1943 FORD GALA* IB *100. Sava Auto FE 5.327s .MUSTANGS 20 to choose from '65-'66-'67-'68-'69 Faslbacks, convertibles end hardtops. (Example:: 1965 Mustang hardtop. Stick shift, radio and heater. Full price *4#.) Call Mr. Perks credit manager at Ml 4-7500 Nfw location ol Turner Ford FALCON CONVERTIBLE, 6 cylinder, 4 speed, good condition $445, Buy Hero--Piy Here, Marve Motors. 251 Oakland, FE 8-4079. KING KING auto Sales AUTO SALES 1944 Ford Custom, 2 door. Metallic green with matching vinyl Interior. V-9 automatic, power steering and brakes, radio and hoator, white well tires. Balance due *291.16 Weekly payments *1.93, *5.00 down, Call 4*1-0602. ______ wagon. Automatic, radio and heater, whitewall tires. No t down^weekly payments *5.82 L LOW CON- DIT?ON. CAM 442-32*9.1 Audette Pontiac 1850 W. Maplt Rd. Tray 1945 ford, 4-door, power stMftnn, VI auto., *5 down. 319 W. Montcajm, PE 4-500* dealer. 1945 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN, good .. ^"vXgHKi condition, new tlrip. 352 ' ....... power steering, chrome root rack. Call 473-4240, alter 4:30 p.m. 1945 FORD GALAXIES good can dlllon, 1 owner, 612-9496. 1945 FORD CONVERTIBLE power equlppedand automat le (.awa^iaalM^ B.ila . kaataa a»4 transmission. Radio, heats? , and whitewall tires. No * down, weakly payment* **.92. Full price (985. coil iwrr Parka credit manager at Ml 4-7500. Nsw location or irks c: ion. now locatio turner ford wagon. VI. automatic transmission, radio, heater, power steering, power brrtces, luggage rack. Beautiful silver blue with matching all vinyl Interior. Spring ipaclal only (1,18$ full price. Just $188 down. John McAuliffe Ford PE MIDI <30 Oahjand Aye, 3661. “I don’t know just how militant Jimmy is .,. I’ve never stuck him with a really big dinner check 1” v 105; COPPER - BRASS, RADIATORS •tartars and generator*. C. Dixsoi OR 3-5849. Used Auto-Truck Parts 102 dltlonlng, exc. condition, *1400. 425 3279, 6795 Llngor, Clerkston. 1963 Ford 9 passenger station _ u wagon. Blue with matching vinyl '944 FALCON Interior*, V-4 automatic, power I r*" “ " N Steering and brakes. Radio and iir^axM -rin' Mr ’ berk. I heater. Balance due *1*4.17, weekly «,A'} . jtim ul? payments *1.71. *5.00 down. Call •' M <-7300. New 601-0802. ■_________i location of 1943 falcon 2 door, automatic. Turner Ford 673-1994. 2600 Maple Troy Mall 1963 FORD, GALAXIE, 500, coupe, ---^i-Hlll«aV*.°LWtK>dw»rd-__________ air, full power, automatic, show FORD GALAXIE CPNVERTIBLE, room condition, *445. , , 1945, yellow with black top, auto., AUTOBAHN'! g??.'*power- •xc- e°ndltlon-m 1944 MUSTANG 2*9 power steering, auto., radio bast offer, 424-08*1. KING, CADILLAC HARDTOP 1944, clean and medium mileage, best otter 334-4951. New and Used Cars 106 N«w and Used Cars' 106 power. 43 Da*h?W. Clo^ SurM^.*'4401 °1 F“LL RACE MOTOR and ’ cl0Md Sundays___ transmission for Pontiac. Sell as MEW ENGLAND PENGUIN ClaU ||| ........ Mil boat. Full rig and trailer. 625- 1959 VW GOOD CONDITION, *295, Buy Hara-^Pay Hera, Marve Motors, 251 Oakland, FE M4079. , —___________------------------ 1940 AUSTIN SPRITE, good body.! ’H*.. ^PjLLAC SEDAN, O*. VHIo, u CHEVELLE, MALIBU, Vt, stick. new interior. 2 tops, needs ring ***** P°WBr ,n° *lr‘ g door, hardtop, excellent condition,_______ ____ |ob. *250. Call 425-1817._, I960 CADILLAC Eldorado, plnecrestl *1095, Bsjf Here—Pa^_Her*_Marv*l i968 CHEVELLE .hardtop, V*, stan- MOTORS 1745 S. Telegraph__ 11941 CHEVY CHEVELLE. 6 cylinder k, auto., power steering, rad Io, n.i heater, whlewalls, *1950. 673-0944. greert, vinyl top 4*4-0385. I Motors, 251 Oakland, FE 8-4079. 3343. trade for”motorcycl*. 33e-3690 after >941 VW, engine excellent condition,1 5 p.m. . i body poor. *125. 332-5203. | 1945; RW«9lt* ''*W) 1948 CADILLAC convertible, equipped. 451-1196.______________. fully 1947 CORVETTE, 427 4 speed, *3300. I Call 4*2-9350.___________ Pinter Marine 1941 PONTIAC AND 1944 Pontiac for, AND parts. 623-0776. 1961 FORD ENGINE, radiator and radio. OA *-1049. nnnw «i i bnieo 'JEROME dard transmission, radio, hostor, beautiful metallic green with black vinyl Interior. Spring special only John McAuliffe Ford , 630 Oakland Ave. STARCRAFT - THOMPSON - ...___ MFG. BOSTON WHALER - 1,42 PONTIAC transmission, *40, FE SAILBOATS—JOHNSON BOATS- <-7923 Sttor S p.m. ___. MOTORS. 1)942 AUSTIN HEALEY 3000, engine We Finance-We Trade I end transmission oxc. 674-2445.________ 8B70 Oodvka M Set ,, 1963 VALIANT BODY, excellent awu opayiM m sat. f-4 condition, *100 or closest offer/ (|-73 »t Unlv*rstty Exm_ complete body minus front tonders pair. Good running con. 343-5593. KIl^G | - \ CADILLAC CO AUTO SALES 1980 Wldk Track Or 1944 Renault Dauphlne. Rad with 'M2-1M7, also matching vinyl Interior. Radio and. r/-nuAaiw necn r*m heater, whit* wall tires. Balahce ECONOMY USED CARS due,*Wl.32, weekly payments 13.07. 2335 Dixie HWy. FE 4-2131 FE 5-4101 fortron air, power steering, brakes,: windows, FM stereo, turbo-, hydramatlc, *1150. Priced (300 below retail. 424-2095. I May Day Specialsy 1965 MUSTANG 2 DOOR hardtop. Burgundy with black Interior, speed plus air condition. VERY NICE! Call 442-3289. Audette Pontiac 1450 W. Maple Rd. Troy AUTO SALES! 1944 FORD 9 passenger station wagon. Red wlftM matching vinyl Interior. V* automatic . power steering and brakes. Radio, mater, white wall tire*. Balance . due *871.16, weakly payments *7.63. (5.00 down. Call 481-r 1966 FORD 1965 MUSTANG Hardtop 2 door, green with a black Interior, 6 cyl. stick, * real buy at only- $995 COUNTRY SEDAN WAGON With V8, automatic power steering, io petssrtg adi passenger available and FLANNERY FORD (Formerly Beattie Ford) * On Dixie Hwy. Watortord _423-0900 1944 MUSTANG/VS 3 spaad. Vinyl top. Good condition. $11*5. 424-21*4. 1966 FORD MUSTANG •peed, radio, few Pontoon BOAT, 24* Kaygot, 18 h.p. and hood, " complete Johnson motor, top - and curtains glass, will fit any modal from 19B3-and dock tinder, OA 4-3494. | 44, call 42*-3991. STARCRAFT *5.00 down. Call 44) interior aiul 1944 VW SUNROOF, gas heatsr, am-* m fm radio, $700. 673-4914 btfort p.m. 1955 CHEVY\ 2-DOOR, NO rust, 2330W Maddy\Lan*t Keego Harbor. . FIBERGLASS boat, 1948 2*9 125. 39441350. 1942 CHEVY CONVERTIBLE, 327-3 speed. Call S5M796. 1942 CHEVY BEL AIR rebuilt angina, naw .parts, 8300. Jack Wood, 2275 Keith, Union Lake. 343-7724 or at work 444-5544. Ing, radio, heater ."“whitewalls, ona 1948 IMPALA, 2-door hardtop, power beat tha hot summer prices, lor owner, new car trade. *1795. Over steering, radio, whitewalls, heater, ly. 75 other cars to select from. —On: V|, automatic transmission^ must $2295 !968tAPRICE 10 St M15, Clerkston, MA 5- sell, *2150 or bsst otter. 334-7198 1949 CAMARO 2-DOOR hardtop, 250, . . . , 3 speed on console. AM-FM low 111 Imperial 4 door hardtop, full mileage, 624-3695. I0WI power. Factory air, all leather In- 1947 CHEVY IMPALA 6 passenger, red station wagon, air conditioning, double power, black Interior, axe. i condition. 81975. 482-9345. __________ MILOSCH CHRYSLER-PLVMOUTH ■WANTED: TRAILER tor 18' bpat, heavy duty. 651-08397" FE 4-958/ PARTS FOR CHRYSLER engine, 450 HP. Isky equipped, 3359990. __0168._____ 1944 VW WE ARE PROUD TO ANNOUNCE WE NOW CARRY THE "THOMPSON BOAT LINE" 14' to 24' THOMPSON See the 20* Canvas Back Camper ■leaps 5, complete, Galley,. 140 Mercruiser. SQUAREBACK. White walls, AM-FM radio, snow tiros, nuutjwll, St 150.00. 425-4854. _ 1964 BLACK VV5”lEDAll, iBfii0. S)4l Seymour Rd., Oxford, Mich KING AUTO SALES PARTS FOR SALE '44 Plymouth parts, '44 Ford 'part*, between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m._ Falcon wagon ^ports.. '44 T944 VOLKSWAGEN”wagon, beautiful. midnight blue with vinyl top. I ■if '**— full!, Tempest parts. *62-'63 Falrlans parts. ‘43 GMC- B6 angina, com. 1942 Chevrolet—Bel ■ At 2 door. White with red vinyl Interior, 'V8 automatic, power steering and brakes, radio and heater. Balance, due $283.14, weekly payments S1.93.H 85.00 down, call 481-0002. 1947 CHEVY IMPALA, 2 door hardtop, blut with blue Interior, V8, 283, automatic, radio, good tiros, *1495, 677 M24, Lak* Orion, 493-8341. convertible, red, 1949 CORVETTE, 427 425-4784 power, factory ..., ... ....___ terior, absolutely ^ sharp inside and 430 Oakland Ave: candy apple red with black vinyl Interior. V8 englne,:.„r, u. 1*m transmission, jxwtr 2 door hardtop. Dark metallic blue buckets, a clean one, yes, this on* steering, excellent transportation, with matching Interior, v 8 has air, today's special at, * looks and runs good, ntw liras, automatic, radio and heater - ttooc Blrm. trade. Only $888. "r£~ BlVYO I HUNTER DODGE 499 South Hunter 1967 Plymouth VIP, 4 door hardtop Ml 7-0958 Birmingham V». automatic, full Power, with fee “ | Iff ' Power steering and brakes. $795' SPECIAL — Plate, *125. Eihjinas and etherj p?icS.8 down. ,,''M ,u"|194_2 cT?Ivy BEL AIR, .automatic 4. 13 CHRYSLER MODELS . Now In stock 14' to 23' "Once In a lifetime deaisl" Glass and Alum. Sea 19* Polera Outboard at unbelievable prices. FULL LINE OF MERCURYS-CHRYSLERS OUTBOARD MOTORS Oakland and Genesee Counties only CORRECT CRAFT DEALER CLIFF DREYER'S , MARINE DIVISION 1S21Q Holly Rd. Holly ME 4-4771 Airplanes ■ , ”■ ' If HOME-BUILT SINGLE . seat sport "Flybaby," 45 h4>- CorOlnental 200! . Hrs. T.T., fly* perfect, top com dltlon. S1J00.0794444. Wanted Cars-Tracks 101 parts also avallabL. tv H.&H. AUTO SALES OR 3-5200 673-9344 OakiSnd AV«. FE 54101 John McAuliffe Ford REMANUFACTUREO ENGINES 230 Chevy / 283 Chtvy 292 Ford....- - - . if-K- 9140 ExchanM ■ Midway AAotar supply . ■_________FE 2-7825 ________ WANTED ANY 1948 OR 1949 Corvette parts—body or whatever FE 5-4904. New and Used Trucks 103 1954 CHEVY DUMP, oood running, good tires, 2 speed axis, Garwood box, *375. 334B047. __________ 1957 GMC Diesel tractor cab over runs «wd(M200. :#5t Oodga Dump *225- 6274706. 1957 CHEVY PICKUP/*125, FE 5-8323. EXTRA Dollars Paid FOR THAT EXTRA Sharp Car 1958 FORD *145. Save Auto PICKUP, , runs good, FE 5-3271 1944 VW, EXCELLENT condition, *900. 624-1044. running 1947 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE. . driven, $1400. 3309430. 1967 OPEL, yellow Fastback, sunroof, power disk brakes, big engine, radio, $1095. 493-1344. 1967 DATSUN. 4 door SS sedan, Original owner. Under 10,000 ml. A real buy at S31N. Top shape 424-52*4. Walled Lake, 1949 PORSCHE, call bet. 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. Must sail 451-2274._________________ BEFORE YOU BUY, * 5 SEE, BILL G0LLING VW From Pontiac . Ml...... (Woodward Ave.) turn latf Maple Rd. approx. 2 miles, than left on Maplelown. 442-6900. Body work. 1100. 482-1899. 1943 CHEVY wagon, 9 passenger, 8325. 1945 Chevelle 4-door wagon, all power, 4 cylinder, gas saver 8450, all new tires. 673-0160.________ station 1943 CHEVY BEL AIR waoon, real Oood, 4820223. 1943 CHEVY BSLAIR VB, standard shift, 4 good tiroes, clean. Call aft. 5 pjn. 363-0948._________________________ 1943 CHEVROLET Mtoor, *5 down. 8377 full price- 312 W. Montcalm, FE 4-5004 Papier. _______ 1943 CHEVY IMPALA . wagon, good driving condition, double powdr, and air lift shocks, *450. 425-3471. 1943 NOVA SS, good running con dltlon, reasonable. (52-1444. 1(63 CORVAIR MONZA, real good! *145. Sava Auto______________FE 5-327* Birmingham 1943 CHEVY IMPALA 4-door, ........HON __________ radio and naatar. Fewer. Call 627-2843. Especially Chevelles, Cameras, Corvettes, GTO's, Firebirds and 442'S. 1960 WILLY'S JEEP VAN. good. $150. H. R. smith, FE 2-5007 Dl before 9 a.m. or aft, a p.m. MUST SELL! NEW, 1949 MGB from runs private overseas delivery. Will sell for (250 below dealers pries. 624-0407, after 5. ________________ 1944 CHEVELLE MALIBU wagon, dark blue auto with light blue vinyl Interior, exc. condition, *495. *51-1999. ______________________________ M Averill's PE 2-9*71 2020 Dixie FE 4N9i Mansfield AUTO SALES 300 •harp Cadlllact, Pontiac, Old* and Buicks tor out-of-state market. Top dollar paid. MANSFIELD AUTO SALES 1)04 Baldwin Ave. STOP HERE LAST M & M MOTOR SALES How at our naw location Wa pay more tor thorp, lata modal . Cara. Corvettes needed. 1150 Qrtdjjffrt Viaduct / TOP ■ * FOR CLEAN CARS .OR trucks. Economy Cars. 2335 Dixie. "TOP DOLLAR PAID" GLENN'S FOR "CLEAN" USED CARS OSS W. Huron St. . eii.2771 NICE SPORTS CARS GOING AT EXTRA LOW PRICES COME IN AND LET'S DEAL 1947 MGB, Roadster, rad 1967 FIAT, 950 Coupe 1962 FORD W TON PICKUP, S500 Opdyka Hardware FE 1-06*4. Wu VW. KarmVnn Ghia, Convt. pant! 1944 SUNBEAM, APlIne 1942 FORD ECONOLINE „1J- truck, runs good, good rubber, *300 1944 MG, Midge , , call after 7 p.m., 651-4*83. !?44 MO 11M racing equipment 1944 CHEVY IMPALA, convertible, toll power, automatic, excellent condition, *495. 0 , MOTORS HAUPT NTIAC HAS YOU! The first 12 purchasers who buy new or used can will receive a 31 pc. set of Dyna-Ware by Anchor Hocking COOK-N-SERVE Ensemble \ jrTTVT/^NTT ir v j-t'orV a'r» Detymui turquoise with n I K M I INI C -T H A KA n™«tchlng interior, this makes a Ull LXViiiN'Ori i/TlVi gorgeous automotiliaf priced at only CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH I $1995 TAYLOR 1966 FORD FAIRLANE 500 HARDTOP , ____ 300 2 door hfrdtop, I This blue beauty Is extra sharp in-slda and out, priced at only. - l $1795 l965 FORDOoloxie "500" wltn VI, automatic, power! steering, vary good condition Inside and out. Sale priced at $945 RANNERYFORD (Formerly Beattie Ford) On Dixit Hwy., Waterford 623-0900 TOWN & COUNTRY CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH ROCHESTER 1967 Chrysler 300 4 door hardtop. Beige with matching Interior. VI automatic, , r*dj°' and heater, power steering 1947 Pontiac, 4 door, sedan, beautiful ana Drones. maroon, extra sharp, Inside and.out f $1765 1965 MUSTANG FAST Back, 390 T- Bird modified eng., hop tarn, V aluminum pistons, stoel hoadars, door etc. FE I-3S4S att. 5. I MUSTANG 1965 convertible 289 VI. 1964 FORD CUSTOM 500 2 doer VB engine, automatic transmission, radio, heater, beautiful arctic white with blue Interior. Spring Special only $108$ toll price. Just SIN down. John McAuliffe Ford $1995 BIRMINGHAM INI N. Main St. 851 -6220 430 Oakland Ave. FE 5-4101 CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 2100 MAPLE RD. TROY, MICH. ______ Phone 642-7000 MILOSCH CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 1947 NEWPORT, CUSTOM, 4 door VB, automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, white walls, balgs with tan interior, 82095, 677 M-24, 1969 PONTIAC Catalina 2 door hardtop with vinyl, "I2L or7on,n»!M34i' trim, turbo hydramatlc, push but-!^d^s,n' ton radio, foam custom front seat, deluxe wheal disc, delux* steering wheel power steering, brakes, artlc blades, head rests, front floor mats, 955x15 whitewalls, DEMOI Only ■ $2995 MILOSCH CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 1947 NEWPORT, 4< DOOR, hardtop, V8, automatic, power steering, jxiwer brakes, radio, white walls, *1695, 677 M-24, Like Orion, 493-*341. 1944 Plymouth Sport Fury, hardtop, absolutely like new, and out, with all the goodies eluding factory sir, the only one in captivity, like this, see it now at only $1695 1966 OLDS/ -2 door, hardtop* automatic* with double power, a real bargain pt only $1395 1965 Chrysler 2 'door, hardtop, this silver beauty is sharp Inside and out With a black vinyl top. $1395 1966 Dodge Dart, 2 door hardtop, automatic, extra sharp inside and out only $1295 AUTOBAHN 1745 S. Telegraph i960 Austin "Big eye" 1942 MG, Midget 1944 CORVAIR with 1945 angina, 332-4144. Mutt fall. 1944 CHEVY IMPALA, 327 4 spaed. excellent condlt. 332-3438. 1944 - V* TON VI Ford pickup, custom cab, naw paint. 2972 Williams Lake Rd. GRIMALDI CAR CO. 900 Oakland Ave. ’ FE 59421: 1M4 CORVETTE 2 tops, ! speed. 1944 CORVAIR 4 door, 3 sposd, *350, Call 424-3443. radio, 1968 GRAND PRIX 2 door hardtop with heater, hydramatlc. power steering, brake*, cordove top, two with factory air conditioning, 3, to choose from — all have new tlras, all have AM-FM radio*, on* with stereo tap* player, the** cars ar* priced to sell! $ave! 1968 Chrysler Newport or sedan. Balg* with matching 'Interior VI* automatic, radio htataiv power steering and brakes. $2295 Birmingham CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH FORD 1964 V< ton with ve, custom Fleet*Ids, automatic and ready to go — SAND SHARK DUNE BUGGY BODIES. Complete * line access. 493-4355., 625-9291. SUNBEAM ARROW SEDAN, reclining seats, low mllsago, (1450 or Otter. 332-4924. 1944 CORVETTE, very sharp, _ excellent condition,, many extras. S2500 firm. OR 3*0443. TOM RADEMACHER , BILL FOX CHEVROLET New and Used Cars 106 755 S. Rochostsr Rd. 451-7000 , I 1955 CHEVY VAN, GOOD condition, *200. FE 2-1779. STANDARD AUTO SALES - Pontiac 1945 JEEP WAGONEER. 4 wheel drive, many extras, make offer. 1 692-2*50, • *' ~", y m 1945 PMC DUMP truck In excellent! 109 E. Blvd. S. FE 8-4033 CHEVY-OLDS 1945 CORVAIR Monza convertible, automatic, radio, htatar, whitcwqiis, be ready tor the sun. *895, Over 75 other cars to select from - On US 10, at M15, Clerkston, MA 5-5071, condition, 051-7739. 1945 M TON Dodge pickup V* stan-i d*rd . transmission 200 horsepower 6 and I ply tires. Ilk* naw. No rust no dents. You will have to drive to know. Priced to sell (ION. FE 5-5344. „ 1 1944 DODGE half ton pick-up, 4 stick with camper. Good condition, *995. SAVE MONEY AT MIKE SAVOIE CHEVY. 1900 W- Mapl*, Ml 4-2735, Executive Cars Inc. GM FACTORY OFFICIAL CAR ALSO FACTORY CARS —Over IN to talect from- 1944 GMC HALF-CAMPER With snow Plow, 7 naw tires, SltN. FE 1-3124. 1966 DODGE good running con Special at Only $695 John McAuliffe Ford 2X7 W. Montcalm (Nr. Oakland) FEl-4101 LI 3-2030 1944 FORD ECONOLINE, Suptr Van. *10N, FE 4-4390/ ________ WE NEED USED CARS Desperately! We Will Pay 1947 DODGE VAN take payments. 474-3364. please. 1947 FORD M TON. 052-5043. Good condittofik 363-9053. 1947 INTERNATIONAL SCOUT 10.000 miles, VI, Mur wheel drive, locking hubs, radio/ buckets. Ilka new. Am tor Phil Strom S34-157S, Lloyd Bridges. 1018 West Mapla Rd. 1947 FORD W TON, fleetside, low mileage, fiberglass top, 11495. AUTOBAHN TOP MOTORS 11745's. Telegraph FE 8-4531 UP to 44,000 Miles— Factory Warranty Low overhead — Large volume — URGE SAVINGS 137 S. Main', Romeo 752-9681 NEW finance plan working? Ha*d a car? We arrange tor almost anybody with good, nut or no credit. ?5 cars to choose from. Call credit mgr, Mr. Irv — Dealer. F E 4-1006 or FE 3-7854. 1045 MONZA. 4 spaed transmission, whitewall tires. No I.down, weakly payment* $5.77. Full price *492. Call Mr. Parks Credit manager at Ml 4-7500. Naw location of Turner Ford 2400 Maple Tray Mall 1 mile east of Woodward . 1968 CATALINA 4 door with radio, .heater, hydramatlc, power s t a a r I h g, brakes, decor new tires assy sye and factory air conditioning, only— $2895 1968 MERCURY Montego MX 2 door hardtop, .VO, automatic, power steering, brakes, cordova top* buckets and console* only — $2495 1945 CHEVELLE, clasn, ntw tires *700. 682-5634, attar 4 P.m. CHEVY CORSA 1965 Hardtop 4 spaed, IN angina, tharpl Ready to go at — $895 195 dn. balahC* GMAC SAVE v^ONgY AT.MIKE SAVOIE I960 W. Maple, Ml 4-2735. STANDARD AUTO SALES-WATERFORD 3400 Elizabeth Lk. 681-0004 ONE 1955 SCHOOL But; two 195* buses. Price each, SIN. Phone 027-2513, Ortonvttl*. Announcing THE GRAND OPENING OF A NEW LOT! LOCATED Aft 312 W. MONTCALM N cart to choose .front, financing no problem. '' 1941 FORD PICKUP, to ton/4 wheal drive, V0 360 ingin*. 4 spaed with, snowplow and business. 739/1037.1 Utica. After 3:30 p.m. I LUCKY VALUE DUMPS! jS4 Ford ..._lVSxS yd. 63 Ford . Ik - .3x5 yds. 63 Fotd T-750 ... .7x9 yds. 64 Ford T-7501 .‘. .>7x9 yds. •pnnn pt FA M'66 mirS® • • •7x9 UL.L/1IN 69 ford T-800 . - 8x10 yds. CARS! | Now 2 location* to serva you bettor. fw - • 312 W. Montcalm FOR Matthews Hargreaves 631 Oakland Ave. ' FI 44547 ^ With olegrannlng air lift art*/;, ! All truck* ready to got $495 up! * Terms Arranged! John McAuliffe Ford SAVE. MONEY AT MIKE SAVOIE CHEVY, 1900 W. Maple! Ml 4J735. »»:#UIQLJ ODOR, goad con-dttkin. 3W-2BN,, -T 'BUICK L^SApRE, *375. Clalrmont, aft, s pjp. VERY CLEAN 1943 But* Rlvteta, uood buy at 8992. anttfi. ' |"■ T - 1964 BUICK Rtviero 2-door hardtop, with white finish, .black vinyl interior, automatic, poWar steering, brakes, ' radio, r haator, aharp only — ■IflS-.'. ilM" >1595 BILL FOX CHEVROLET 755 S. Rochester Rd.' 051-7000 1945 CHEVY CONVERTIBLE, impala v-0 slick, *595. 852-4846. 1945 CORVETTE convertible, 1 ton,; 350 hj>, Mags. New tires, *2400, 482-0234. i TOM RADEMACHER CHEVY-OLDS 1965 CHEVY Impala 4 , door hardtop, -'with V8, automatic, power, power ataerlng, radio, heater, whitewalls, maroon, finish, new car trad*. S1I95. Over 75 other cars to select from — On US 10 at MIS, ClarkstOto MA 5-5071. B 8. B TRUCK SALES 1945 Corvalr Cora*. 2-door hardtop, IN 4-speed. 8495. 1943 Renault Carousal, 2 top*, extra share, 8395. 1944 Ford Custom, 4-door, like naw ■nsld* and out, V-B stick, 83(5. - j?65 Ford 6 automatic, needs Windshield, 3495. 3760 Bill. Lik* Rd. .481-0473 402-4351 1945 CORVETTE CONVERTIBLE, 327. 350 h.p., excellent condition, COMMA ' *2900. 334-0254. 1945 CHEVY WAGON, 9 passenger, $ / cyl., power, extras, axe. condition. 851-3760. • 1944 CORVETTE, 427, 4 spaed. Bait oBfer, att. 7 473-0032. HEVY BEL AIR, power steer 1944 auto./ air, $1195. 385- 1944 CHEVY IMPALA whit* wagon, a pass, auto* double power, radio, extras, >1295. 47*1893. 1944 CHEVELLE SS 394 2481 bp, t 'Spaed: posltractldn, good condition. 43W139. V .'i/ W! Hi ‘ NOVA 4 DOOR. Automatic. 34,008 ml. Lady only owner. 52N Wlno Lake Rd. W. of Telegraph Bat. Lone.' . Pin* £/f}Quartah. MAytelr 6-4662. 277 Watt Mahtcatot (NT, (hkl^^*^WnMALD!' IwtfcOpiM f!E 5-4101 TEy'r ! LI 34OT' 210 Ordiard Lk. Rd. PE 2-9145 AL HAN0UTE acyg ■!,_ Chevrolsl : IK BUM ' On M24 in Lakt Orion II MY 2-2411 1967 TEMPEST Custom 2 door hardtop with VI, automatic, power steering, brakes, cordova top—a real little beauty— 2100 MAPLE RD.\ TROY, Mich Phona 442-7000 IMS 4-DOOR, ~T79lX' good con- 1941DODGE, V-B automatic, runs goodn NO. FE 2-1779. \ KING) AUTO SALES 1944 Ford Gslaxis, 4 door, V-|. automatic, power, excellent transportation, priced right and ready to go at only $595 1905 Plymouth Ideal for " tor only. $1095 19*5 Ford, big ve, transmission, sxtr* right at only . $895 With nice. 1964 Valiant V-2N, 4 door; automatic, extra nlc* Inside and out, drive this one away for only. "f ,• $795 1964 Pontiac convertible, V 8 automatic, P . S .. CONVERTIBLE aeason Is hare. Try this red beauty for only ■ $795 if «i 1943 Dodge Polar* convertible. Jet black with red vinyl Interior/*. V8 automatic, powar steering and brakes. Radio, heater, wnltawall: tires. Balance du* $443.43, waakly .*4.2 F*i.rJan«. V$, automatic, '" ftxtri elein nnlv payment* 84.03. *5.00 down. Call * clean' onl/, Ml-0802. 1945 DODGE CORONET 500 convertible, 341 angina Bucket seats. Automatic on the floor. Call before 5:30, 335-2722. $1995 1967 TEMPEST LaMant 2 door . hardtop with automatic, powar ataerlng, brakes, whitewalls, bucksts, 18,000 actual milts. Only '$1895 1967 FIREBIRD 2 door hardtop this car Is equipped with V0, automatic, „ power, new wide ovals and decor group, ready to go at Only $2195 1945 DODGE CONVERTIBLE, $700. 852-3704. 1945 DOOGE CORONET, 2-door hardtop, o cylinder, auto transmission, power ,steering, exceptional second car tor family. Only 1900. HUNTER DODGE 4N South (junior the Ml 7-09N Birmingham 1966 Dodge Coronet door. Automatic , and powar. $995 Bob Borst Lincoln-Mercury Sales ., 1950 W. Maple, Troy Ml 4-2200 1947 DODGE sports van, portact condition, 9 pass. VP — Personal van, $1500 ask for Mr. Graan. 334-2597. 1967 $395 DODGE Pickup/, V8 enolne* runs goodr only $185 - Oakland spaed manual, whit* sidewalls, radio, hsator, now muffler, tailpipe and battery, good condition, $050. 444-9325. , 1946 FORD GALAXIE 500 Convertible, wtfh VO, automatic, radio, heater, power steering, beautiful spring ytllow with black top, and Interior, specially- prlotd tor a fast sale only 81408 full price. Just'SIU down. . John McAuliffe Ford 630 Oakland Ave. FE 5-4101 New and Usad Cars 106 New and Used Cars 106 FINE TRADE-INS ON 1969 MERCURYS 1965 MUSTANG $995 1968 TEMPEST GT0 Two door hardtop. Silver blue In color with matching vinyl interior. V-8, factory tour speed, power steering and brakes, "Mag" wheals, brand naw red lint tires, radio, heater, yverth looking over. $2895 1965 MERCURY Monterey Sedan Executive blue In color with matching Interior, v-8, automatic, power steering and brakes, radio, heater, whitewalls. $995 1966 TEMPEST Custom Station Wagon All 'whits with red all vinyl Interior. V-0, automatic, power steering and brakes, radio, better,'nearly new whitewalls. ■> *" $1395 1966 FORD "LTD" Hardtop. "390" V-8, automatic, powar steering and brakes, radio, heater, whitewalls. On* of th* nicest. $1495 1963 FORD Country Sedan Station Wagon $495 1966 FORD 10 Passenger Wagon Country Squire and brakes, whitewalls. re'390" V-0, automatic, power steering, „ chroma luggage rack, radio, haster. CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 724 Oakland FE 5-9436 HILLSIDE LINCOLN MERCURY 1250 OAKLAND (at Dixie & Telegraph) 333-7863 New and Used Cars 106New and Usad Cars 106 Ntw .and Used Cars 106 1967 CHEVY ’Impata 2 door hardtop, with va, automatic, whitewalls, low mlitag^, real nlc* car Only — $1995 , I960 PONTIAC Catalina 2 door hardtop with radio, hydramatlc, power s tea ring, brakes, decor group this Is tha on* you havotboen looking for. Only — , $1695 1965 PONTIAC Cafallde, 2 door hardtop, with radio, heater, w hi t*wa I I s, hydramatlc; power staeY.Ing, brakes, a car to b* proud of. Only— $1^95 HAtTPT; PONTIAC 1968 ' Dodge / ; Charger Must sell. Very good condition. WINN- If no answer, call 394-0103. By owner, _________________- 1968 DODGE DART 4 door, atdan, cylinder, auto. FE 2-0925. (3> 19N DODGE Chargors; loaded with accessories, 383 angina,. 4 barrel carburetor, auto, transmission, with power, soma 19N MONTEGO MX, POWSr steering and brakes, vinyl top; *2395. 334-7157 att. 6 or Sat. . 196* DODGE POLARA, 4 door hardtop. Chrysler executive car. 8 - cyl., fulf powar with air conditioning, radio wltfi rear seat speaker, medium metallic blue with matching Mu* vinyl' Interior trim, llko new, *2195, warranty transferable. EM 3-0058. : «a KESSLER'S mt On Ml5 at 1-75 U CMrkstoh , ' I ' 1 ASA 5-4500 DODGE CARS AND Y RUCKS ' Sates and Service ■ ■ Oxtord ........ OA H4M 7 FORDS fr«n 19t3 to....194$.; . ECONOMY USED CART. '2335 Dixie Hwy. ' ' FE 4-2131 1959 T-BiRD, RUNNING Condttlon, * good motor, 8125. 42M77S. ’ S Get Into') the Swing of Spring! Trade up now to one of these excellent used cars. 1968 Skylark Custom 1968 Buick Electra 2 door hardtop. Factory official car With V-8 angina, automatic transmlition, power steering and Full power, factory air condition. On* owner. Low mlmga. Burnished brown finish. Factory war- brakes. Ona owner. Factory war-wiidv. . $2595 ■ K ranty. AM-FM atorao radio. 4 to choost from. $$ Save $$ Easy Terms Arranged Easy Terms Arranged 1967 Opel Kadette ■ 1966 Skylark iSyiifi Station Wagon Custom 2-door hardtop. V-8, auto-' malic transmission, power steer- Real sharp* One-owner. Radio and heater] / ' ing and brakes. Radio, heater and factory air conditioning. Bucket.-seats. Extra clean.,Ona owner.. $1895 $1/195 Easy Terms Arranged r* Easy Terms Arranged 1967 Electra 4-door hardtop. Full power and factory ate condition. Onaawntr with 19,088 actual mllas. $2795 Easy Tdrms Arranged . 1968 Opel Rally Kadette Big engine. Radio, 4 speed. Sharp on* owner, with factory warranty. $1695 Easy Tefins Arranged 544 S. Woodward, Birmingham 647*5600 — n a 1/ 0 THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, HAY 2, 1999 for Wont Ad* Oiol 33449B1 -efcr food On 1M Now and B«W Ort KING MILOSCH : CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH mr GALAX IE m I door, herdtop, VS, Crulse-O-Matic, power itMrlrtg, power brakes, radio, reverberator, rear no* ipoakor, white Willi H» interior, i owntr, tms. *77 m-u. Lake Orion tto-S34t 1967 MUSTANG powsr steering, bucket Mats, 6 tires, S now tires. Merit. FB 44711. 1967 MUSTANG 1 plua 2 fallback. Pad with black bucket seats. VS Wm WWW^B fib* w^l bovera. excellent condition. Call 6424289. Audette' Pontiac 1U» W. Maple Rd. Tray 1567 Mustang H'X Convortiblo with 6 cyl. engine, 3 speed, yellow total a black top. Excellent throughout! FLANNERY FORD . . -. (Formerly Beetle Rprd) On Dixie Hwy., Waterford 623-0900 1967 FORD COUNTRY Squire. Fewer and. automatic transmission. |S9 down, weekly payment* $15.91, Full price $1995. Call Mr. Parks credit manager at Ml 4-7580. New location of Tumor Ford 1600 Maple Troy Mall . ' 1 mile east of Woodward! 1967 SHELBY-MUSTANG GT silver blue faatbdck 1 plua 1. Bull in roll bar. 411 cubic Inch engine, 4 speed transmission. Red line wide oval tires. Low mileage. Well maintained. Call 641-3109. Audette Pontiac 1150 W. Maple Rd. Troy 1967 FORD FAIRLANE 500 XL convertible, yellow, black top, exc. Ft Mill after 6 p.m._______________________ 1967-FORD Galaxie 500 Hardtop 1 door with VI, automatic, power steering, three to choose from — Prices starting at only— $1595 10* New end Used Core ID* MARMADUKE By Anderaon and Leonine AUTO SALES 1964 tlricota Continental. White with qF iaather.. - tataftar. V4 automatic, pMtr steering and brakes, Radio, haatir, white wall tlraa, and factory air condition, Balance due 8897.13. Weekl\ payments 17.53, 19410 dawn. - Cel 611-0002 1961 MERCURY, RUNS good, $50. cell asta*- 1963 MERCURY 9 passenger station wagon. Full power. Good condition 693-6609. '■ ■■ KING AUTO SAUS 1963 Mercury Monterey 4 door. Whlta with brown vinyl interior. VS automatic,, powor steering and brakes, radio and healer, white wall tiree. Balance due $177.17, weakly payments $1.07. $5.00 down. Coll 181-8883, 1965 MERCURY Colony Park 10 passangar, station wagon with Vt, automatic, radio, heater, power steering, brakes, lupgege rsck, spring special*?, only SISK full price, John McAuliffo Ford 630 Oakland Ave. fe 54ioi KING AUTD SALES 1965 Mercury Monterey convertible. White with red vinyl Interior. V-0 automatic, radio, heater, power ottering end broket. Whits well tires. Balance due $463.17. Weekly payments $4.01, SSJXt down. Coil 661-0602. ’ 1966 MERCURY S-55, 2-door herdtop, 430 angina, powor steorlng, and brakes, windows, 6 way seat, vinyl roof, 27,000 actual miles. This car looks and runs like naw. Blrm. Trade. See It Nowi Only $15M. HUNTER DODGE v 419-South Hunter Ml 7-0950 .....— Blrmlnohom COUGAR, 1967, black vtnyi top, whitewalls, radio, $1600. 644-6438. 1967 COUGAR XR-7, 24000 milss, 209 v-o, many extras. 391-1529.______________ 1967 COURGAR XR7 I door hardtop. Yellow with black vinyl roof. V0 automatic, power steering and brakes. Wooden staarlng who*!, tilt wheel. Console, now spore tiro. 15,000 actual miles. Excellent condition. Call 642-3209. AudettB Pontiac 1050 W. Maple Rd. Troy FLANNERY FORD (Formerly Beattie Ford) On Dixie Hwy., Waterford 623-0900 1967 FORD GALAXIE 3 door, double power, air 'conditioning $1625. Coll 798-8555 between S a.m.-5 p.m. Al moot. ________ " I960 FORD TORINO fallback, Vt, automatic, radio, heater, power steering, brains, beautiful metallic turquoise finish, with all vinyl In terlor, Spring (pedal at only -$2288 foil price, |ust SI8S down. .....John McAuliffo Ford 630 Oakland Ave, , FE 54101 BRONCO 1961 WAGON, customized v-8, sport package. Bucket soots, fully carpeted, 7,700 actual miles Calf after 6 p.m., 335-5024, i960 FORD COUNTRY sedan station wagon. 10 passenger, VO automatic, radio, heater, powor steorlng, power brakes. Beautiful candy apple red with all vinyl In- spects! only $25M full price, SIM down. John McAuliffo Ford 630 Oakland Ave. FE S4101 MUSTANG MACH 1 1969. 42S CID 1200 ml. Select shift transmission, Power steering. Power front disc brakes. Tinted glass. Air conditioning. Radio, Goodyear polyglas tires. Attractive price. Call 626-2041. 1969 FORD Country Squire, with 7,000 actual miles, beautiful arctic white with burgundy all vinyl Interior, 10 passenger, VI automatic, radio, heater, power steering, brakes, deluxe luggage rack, spring special ot only S34M. Full . price. Just SIM down. John McAuliffo Ford 630 Oakland Aye. _______FE 54101 1965 JEEP WITH SNOWPLOW) excellent running condition, best offer. see George at North Side Auto Supply, Perry ot Paddock. 4 CYLINDER 19M Jeep. Tilt snow blade, S,000 lb. winch on back. Universal operated. Metal cab. 391-1570. 1961 LINCOLN. BLACK, Grasse Point* car, garaga kept, 42,000 miles, fully equipped, air condit. no rust, vary dean, 0925. Call aft. 5. 651-3352. 1967 MERCURY convertible. Air conditioned, power and automatic transmission. $39 down, weekly payments 815.92. Full .price $1995. Call Mr. Parks Credit manager at Ml 4-7500. New location ot Turner Ford 2600 Maple Troy Mill 1 mile east of Woodward SAVE MONEY at MIKB'.IAVOlt CHEVY, 1900 W. _MOOle. Ml MM. TOM RADEMACHER CHEVY-OLDS M ‘ power steering, brakes, radio, hooter,' whitewalls, maroon with •-Mack tap. One owner, ft >693. over 7$ other cars to select from — on us to at Mis, Clarkslon, MA M071 1966 OLDS 4 door With power, automatic, like now. a vacation apodal only SliM. Si down -balance GMAC terms. BILL FOX CHEVROLET 755'S. Rochester Rd. 651-7000 19M cutlass i automatic, double powsr, AM-PM, t|po geek, mag. wheels, $2250.647-5808 or 642-151$^ 1968 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS 442 _ door hardtop, silver with Mack bucket soots, chrome rally wheal covers. Rod lino radial ply “ SUPER CAR) Call 642-3289. tiro*. Audatte Pontiac 1150 W. Maple Rd. Troy 19M OLDS CUTLASS convertible, Power and automatic 139 down, weekly payments $!7.M. Pull pries 82395. Call Mr. Parks Crodlf manager at Ml 4-7500. Now location -Of Tumor Ford 28M Maple ' Trey Mill 1 mil* east ot Woodward 1969 CUSTOM S AUTOMATIC, V-S, Double power, $2675. 683-9143. THIS WEEK'S NEW CAR SPECIAL 1969 OLDS DELTA "88" $3069.00 Best Olds 550 Oakland Avs. MERRY OLDS M0 DEAL MERRY OLDSMOBILE S2S N. Main ROCHESTER, MICHIGAN 1963 VALIANT 2 DOOR SEDAN, good running condition. Sea to appreciate, *300. 626-9671, altar 6 1965 PLYMOUTH AND 1966 Olds ECONOMY USED CARS 2335 Dixie Hwy. __; FE *1131 1965 PLYMOUTH Fury III Convertible with 318 automatic, power steering, bright red finish, white top, excellent condition. Solo priced at Only — . $995 1967 Cougar XR3 2 door hardtop- Custom paint with vinyl' top- Automatic, consols, bucket seats, radio and hooter, powor steorlng and brakes. EX' TRA SHARPI $2095 Pontiac Retail 65 University Dr, _____FE 3-7954 TOWN & COUNTRY CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH ROCHESTER 1801 N. Main 651-6220 MlWh Ml Nm£ Rn»>»et M MM ‘Why did you haw to lean against it?” Naw and Used Cars 106 New and Used Cars 1967 PLYMOU1M Sport Fury with bucket sodts. Power end automatic transmission. $39 down, wsekty payments $13.75. Pull prlco $1695. Call Mr. Parks credit manogor ot Ml 4-7500. Now location of Turner Ford PLYMOUTH FURY III, 1967, 4-dOOf hardtop, air, auto* double powor, whitewalls, vinyl top, txc. '~Wb ditlon, must see, owner, 636-7146. 1967 PLYMOUTH FURY III convertible^ good condit* all power, call oft. 5, MY 34124. All dev Sot. IMS PLYMOUTH ROAD RUNNER 3 door hardtop, powor steering, auto., sort-grip, 59,000 milts. 02250 682-0154. I960 PLYMOUTH Road Runntr, 303 port-traction, 4-speed, exc. condition, (200 —.tako over payments Of $76 mo. 3369641. 1969 PLYMOUTH Road Runner, $2000. 332-9552. I960 MERCURY COUGAR, 2 door center console, auto* powor steering, power disc brakes, positraction air conditioning, (000 actual miles, l|ko new condition, $2500. 682-5483. steorlng, brakes! rebuilt engine and transmission, tires Ilka new, 8175. 852-2595. 1963 OLDS STARFIRE. air, good condition, $450. FE 2-1779. 1966 YELLOW AND black Plymouth convertible, toko over payments, owner going into servlet. 338-6072. 1966 PLYMOUTH SATEUTE, 2 door hardtop, 310 auto., double power buckets, floor shift and tech, axe. condition. $1,300. DA 0-2469. Call before 3 p.m.______________________■* 1986 PLYMOUTH. Satellite, 383 V-8, 4 speed, good condition, very clean. $10957 6264370. 1963 OLDS CONVERTIBLE mechanically fine, tires like new, needs body work. $190, UL 2-5252. 1963 OLDS 00 WAGON, POWER steering and brakes, radio, exc. tires, very .good i mechanical condition, $595,------- ■ 625-2W5. TOM RADEMACHER ' CHEVY-OLDS 1964 OLDS Dynamic SS 4 door sedan, automatic, power steering, brakes, radio, hooter, whitewalls, one owner new cor trade! $895. Over 75 other cars to select tram — On US ID at M15, Clarkslon, MA 5-5071. 1964 OLDS 4 door. Holiday, air condition**, double power .extras. Ex-ceptlonol. Prig, owner, 338-4313. 1964 OLDS SS 2 door hardtop, auto* double power, 8500, 6734530. 196S OLDS 442 convertible, 4 speed, double powor, S995. Call 79S4555 S a.m.-5 pjn. Almont.___________________ 1966 OLDS TORONADO, deluxe model, like new, low mileage. ,51950. Will accept truck or car In trade. FE 2-6200. New and Used Cars 10* Naw and Used Cars 106 CHECK THESE NEW CAR TRADES <64 Olds 88 ...............,..$ 795 4 door, hardtop, /automatic, power, radio, walls, wheel covers. '64 Plymouth ................... ................$ 355 2 door, 8 cylinder, radio, heater, good runner. '64 Buick LeSabre............. . , .$ 895 Convertible, V-0, automatic, powor, radio, whitewalls. '66 Ford Galaxie 500 ............................$1495 2 door, hardtop, V-0, automatic, powor, black vinyl top,' vinyl Interior, whitewalls, wheel covers, beautiful rod. '*5 Chevy SS ..*________.......,.....,.,....$1195 Malibu, 2 door hardtop, V-0, automatic, radio, whitewalls, buckets. '67 Coronet ...;.................................$1395 Deluxe, 4 door, automatic, radio, whitewalls, elegant, whlta with black top and trim. Vinyl top. '66 Ford LTD ... .....$1495 4-door, hardtop, V-0, automatic, air, power, radio, whitewalls, Whaeicovers. '67 Plymouth Fury II ...... . .. . . V;. . $1595 Station wagon, V-8, automatic, air, power, radio, whitewalls. '67 Mustang, 2 door .......... t.. ........ $1477 Stick, radio, whitewalls, dark blue, with matching Intorlor. , '66 Monaco .......................................$1495 2 door, hardtop, V-8, automatic, power, radio, whitewalls, whits with black vinyl top, and black- vinyl Intorlor, . a real beaut. '66 Buick Special ,........... —,...,., .,$1095 2 door, V-6, automatic, radio, tohHewalls, o rest value. '66 Malibu ......... i...........................$1295 Station Wagon, V-8, automatic, . power, radio, whitewalls. THE GOOD GUYS SAY . > "WE WON'T DODGE ANY DEALS" 855 Oakland SELLS FOR LESS TELL US IF WE'RE WRONG Pontiac 338-9222 CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 1967 VALIANT, SIGNET 2 door, 225; 6 cylinder, automatic, radio, whlta walls, whlta with blue Intorlor, nice cor, 677-M24, Lake Orion, 693-8361. ~ TEMPEST—-1962“ 4 . C y IlndOTV transportation special, best otter 3344951. 1967 PLYMOUTH STATION Wegon. S cylinder, auto, transmission, powor sharing. Thl* little beauty (low mileago) has other extras, Incl. now tiros. A top qualify car only S17IS. HUNTER DODGE . 499 South Hunter. Ml 7-0956______ Birmingham MANSFIELD I960 Mercury, 10 passangar wagon. Colony. Park, Ml powor, air cruise control. I960 Plymouth Sport Fury, full power, factory air, vinyl top, AM-FM, radio, consol*. 1969 Le Moni Wagon, loss than 3,000 miles, double power, tinted gloss, factory air; 1966 V.W. Micro Bus. 1969 Chevy h ton, custom cab, pldk-up track, radio, hoator. i960 Catalina 4 door sedan, double power, tinted glass, air. 1963 GTO, double power, tinted glass, vinyl top, tilt whosl. 1967 Chevy, V-S Sports Von, 3 sealer. 1961 Olds Cutlass 442, doubt* powor, tinted glass, vinyl top, air* 1967 Le Mans Coupe, j 2 door, hardtop, double power, tinted glass. 1968 Impale, factory air. I960 Catalina Coupe, vinyl top, double power, tlntad glass, air. 1967 4 door hardtop Cutlass Oldsmobile, double power, tinted glass, vinyl top, 17,000 actual miles. 1966 Wildcat Buick, vinyl top, double powor, tlntad glass. 1966 Cadillac. Coup* DoVlllo, full power, air. 1966 CadillalL Coupe DeVille, full power, vinyl fop. 1967. Bonneville 4 door hardtop, 1 owner, real sharp, factory air. 1967 Firebird, double power, tinted glass, vinyl top. 1967 .Catalina Coupe, double power. 1967 * 4 Door Sedan, exceptionally sharp, double power. I960 Le Mans Coupe, Ilka new. 1968 El Cemlno Pickup, auto, transmission, V-0, positraction on rear end. 1907 Electro ,225, full power, factory air, vinyl lop, tlntad gins. ‘ MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM SALESMEN: v L. C. WILLIAMS BIG RUDY 1104 BALDWIN AVE. FE 8-8825 FE 5-5900 New and Iliad Cars 106New and Used Cars 10*New,and Used Cars 10* OHAffiN O .-..TODAY'S SPECIAL^' 1968 RAMBLER Ambassador .... .$2495 5ST 4 door sedan, full-power, factory air conditioning, AmeHcan Motors official car, new car warranty. .1 ‘ ' > ' v4;W • 1968 PLYMOUTH Fury III..........$2495 4.4oor, extra nice executive's car, olr conditioning, double power, low mileage and new car warranty! 3 to choose from. Prices start at 82495 1963 DODGE Coronet .,,. .............$695 *7door hardtop, with 383 stick shift, very clean. 1968 JEEP Wagoneer........ . .$2695 {|‘tah**l drtvo) V8, power steering,-now car wer- 9— T966 PONTIAC Bonneville .. ....$1895 ; 4 door hardtop, with factory air conditioning, louM* Bower, like now thraughoutl Must. hlsonel 1968 CHRYSLER Newport ..... .$2895 1964 TEMPEST Custom ........ $695 2 door codon, automatic, radio, heater, A-l condition throughout! " , 1 1966 TEMPEST 2 Door ........... .$995 2 door, oulomotlG runs and took; Ilka nowl 1968 PLYMOUTH Roadrunnar . .$2395 2 door hardtop, with now cor wdrronty, now wkM oval rad nnas,f real goarl Chrysjer-Plymouth-Rambler-Jieep ^cston. . 6673 Dixie Hwy. MA 5-2635 2 PONTIAC station' wagons, 1963-1964, plenty of others 1963-1965. Also tow trucks. ECONOMY USED CARS 2S35 Pixie Hwy. FE 4-2131 1959 PONTIAC CATALINA, 4 door, perfect running condition, good tiros. SI 75. OR 3406. 1960 pontiac, POWER brako* and staarlng, good tiros, FE 5-2707, KING AUTO SALES 1962 Pontiac Bonnovlll# Con vorttblo. Silver blue with matching vinyl intorlor. VS automatic, powsr steering and brakes. Radio and hooter. WhH* wall tires. Balance due 8431.09, waaklv payments $3.87 $5.00 down. Call 681-0002. 106 1965 PONTIAC Catalina hardtop. Power end automatic transmission; No I down, weekly payments 00.92; Full price (905. Call Mr. Parks credit manager at Mi 4-7500. Now location ot Tumor Ford 2600 MOgl* Tray Moll 1 Mil* ooet ot Woodward 1965 PONTIAC CATALINA Vantura Sports Coup*, lcw .mileage, good condition, 3800 Baldwin Rd Glngellvllle. 391-3307.________ 1966 PONTIAC CATALINA COft vertlble, good shape, $1550. 682-5372 eft. 6 p.m. 1966 PONTIAC CATALINA. 4 door •hardtop, olr conditioned, 6029194, 1966 LEMANS 2 door hardtop, V8, auto, double power vinyl top. OR 4-2673. 1966 BONNEVILLE, HARDTOP-automatic, double power, 6824292. 1986 LEMANS SPRINT convertible. 4 epeed, overhead cam engine, console, bucket seats. Dark grasn wllh light grasn cpnvsrtlbto top and white rally atfiHpe. Excellent tires, On# owner.. Call 642-3289. Audetto Pontiac 1850 W. Maple Rd. A Troy 1916 PONTIAC Catalina 2 door hardtop, power, gold with block Vinyl tap, low miles, 81550. 673-2970. 1966 CATALINA STATION wagon, Tryoj blue with matching vinyl Interior. V8, automatic, powsr steering and brakes. Pull decor group. VERY GOOD CONDITION! Cell 642-3209. Audatte Pontiac 1(50 W. Maple Rd. Trey Now and Used Can 106 i963j*wmACCpSLiNA,'1 1967 PONTIAC B O N N B V I L L E Convertlbl*. txc. coMmop, _____________ with hlKkf top and Mack Interior, 1967' OTO Coup*, floor gold with black vinyl root. 400 cubic Inch onglnt. Automatic wl pate shifters. Power brakes, AM-FM ra with .Mini dugi- ■ M whttl*. Immaculate condition. Call Audotto Pontiac 1150 W. Msplf Rd. Troy 1967 .PONTIAC CATALINA 2-ttaor Iwrdtop, I cyl. auto, transmission, power steering and brakss. This car dees not htv* * mark or scratch on it. Positively top quality. Only 031(0. HUNTER DODGE . : ■ 499 South Huntor Ml 7-09SI . Birmingham 1967 PONTIAC Ronttavllto Iwrdtop. Power equipped. Automatic, radio and Iwmo& top down, weekly poyments $15.92. Pull price S1995. Col Mr. Porks credit manogor ot Ml 4-7500. N0w location of Tumor Ford 2500 Maple ■ »Troy Mall 1 mile east of Woodward, 1967 BONNnVILLE 9 patstngtr station wagon. Burgundy wm Mock Intorlor. Powor ghtortoo . brakes. Tlntad windshield, chrome luggage rack. Air shocks, well maintained. Call 642-32*9. Audatte Pontiac 1(53 W. Maple Rd. Trey 1967 CATALINA, dxcailant condition, 1961 PONTIAC CATALINA. 1 door hardtop, hydromatlc, doubto power, 12,000 miles, root sharp. 196r BONNEVILLE COAUIrilble. Turuqolse with matahlBB Interior tteering and brakes. Now tiros Excellent condition. Call 642-3289 Audette Pontiac 1(50 W. Maple Rd.i Troy I960 PONTIAC CATALINA 4 door sedan, cream with Mack Intorlor. Automatic, power steering and broket. Full decor group. Now tiros. Excellent condition. Call 642; 3289, Audette Pontiac 1(50 W. Alaple Rd. Troy i960 RED BONNEVILLE, 2-door hardtop, auto, with .while custom Interior, folding haadllght covers. Still under warranty, axe. con-ditlon. $3395. 624-1346. attar S p.m. 1968 FIREBIRDS. 3 to choose from. Automatic,; powor steering. One has 4 speed, convertible end hardtop. Low miles. Factory war ranty. EXCELLENT CONDITION Call 642-3289. Audatte Pontiac 1850 W. Maple Rd. Troy Now and Used Care 106 PONTIAC TfMPEI or payment. 6253276. PONTIAC' Moor, 1*1 PONTIAC Adder,, automatic brako*. (:M:01__ price, con be purchosoo with no ' money down. LUCKY AUTO :!toto W. WM Trgek _ . FR 4-1006 or ™ ■ 2-7054 I9M TEMPEST COstOM. bold with Mack Vtovl top- HO Vf engine, factory air. storoo toe* Flavor, powor Mooring, and brakes .Automatic. 12,o» actual miles. On* 'owner, Llkd now. Call 642-3219. Audett* Pontiac lOSB W. Maple Rd. 1 Tray 196S PONTIAC CATALWiA harAop. Power and automallc transmission, $39 down, smakly poymiMI 816,73. Pull prigs $221$. Call Mr. Parks credit monagar ot Ml 4-7500. Now location w Tum*r Ford 1980 CATALINA Automatic, pm... I, LIKE NEWl CsUMFXMt” Audette Pontiac toso w. «fspto ag, ‘ ' Tfey 1968 PONTIAC Hardtop 3 .door Catalina, whit* with blue Intorlor, automatic, pqwor steering, brakes, radio, whitewalls, only. $2595 GRIMALDI Buick-Opel 210 Orchard Lfc, , FE 2-9165 I960 CATALINA 2 door hardtop, silver blue with Meek vinyl root. Tinted glow *11 around. Factory air, powor OlMriM ,*nd brakes. Automatic, new wet, New tires. Low mileage, well maintained. Call 642-3209. Audetto Pontiac 1150 w. Maple Rd. Tray VILLAGE -RAMBLER - TRADES 1965 GTO Convortiblo New and Used Cart IQ* lT|C,-n*w 1901 BONNEVILLE 4 door hardtop. Klu* with.matching Interior.vTIntM liillliH elr condition. AWW roam, jwwer windows, stoarlng, .brakes, door tacks and .AM-FM. radio. mfim miauii ______ Audetto Pontiac toto w. wggto Rd. 1 ’ Trgy CONVERTIBLE HSb PONTIAC CATALINA 4-door. w.. ™ y IBm Wm steering .nd Wakes elr. 6744614. I960 PONTIAC CATALINA 2 door hardtop, S^Oi ml* 0299S. 625-3782. 1969 TEMPEST V-S, olr, take oldar car In trade, 625-2901. 1960 RAMBLER, GOOD transportation or second car. 8100. 6734569. 1969 FIRRBIRD .350 iiydramaHc. rally whaala, and power atooi rally wheqie, and i xnimr ateering, cell alter 5 p.m. FE 5-5711. 1962 RAMBLER, GOOD transporta-Won, $250, gall MHNB1 attar 4. Naw and Uiad Cart 106 ToHWw6Aqii^; i? ' CHEVY-OLDS ■ ■ . ■ 1943 RAMBLER Classic 4 door. wllh 6 cyl. sutomstlc, air eon dltlenlno# radio. Mlt of HP .'jWdor automatic transmtaslon, MW* stsorlng, rodta. wMtoWOll tiros 290 V-T onglrn, low milsM*. rM clsan, priced wPdlHL-JO *1495. ROSE RAMBLER-JEEP, Un|« ___LsKs. EM 34155. 1967 RAMBLBR AMBASSADOR, hardra* coop*, air condltlomd, radio gn^ hoator, powor Wakes and steering, automatic, 290 V-* engine, wtilfewall tires, nrlcwl to sell. ROSE RAMBLER-JEEP, Union Lika. EM 34H5. . IMS JAVELIN,SST Moor hardtop. On* automatic and dm wHh. 4- *wjy.|n« an* brakes,' Excslient condition. Call 642-3289. Audett* Pontiac isso w. Mogto Rd. Naw and Iliad Can 106Naw Cad Used Care 106 $995 1963 Dodge Dart Convertible $599 1967 Rambler Wagon. (Classic) 6' cylinder automatic. Very SHARPI $1499 VILLAGE RAMBLER 666 S, Woodward Birmingham Ml 6-3900 DEMOS SPRING SAVINGS Many to Choose From Also New 1969 Valiant V100 Stock No, 101 Full Price $2,095 GIVE US A TRY BEFORE YOU BUY OAKLAND Chrysler-Plymouth 724 Oakland FE 5-9436 New and Usee Can 106New and Used Can 10*New and Used Can 104New and Used Can 10* 1963 GRAND PRlx,- double powor, alum, wheels, good condition, 8700, 693-1205. 1963 PONTIAC Catallno, excellent condition, new paint lob, must so* to appreciate, 731-5512. , 1964 .PONTIAC TEMPEST, convertible, auto* good condition, 8400. FE 2-1779. 1964 TEMPEST LeMANS, coupe, automatic, with power, rad bucket soots, duel premium goody sir tiros, sharp, 0995. AUTOBAHN MOTORS 1765 S. Telegraph FE 84531 1964 PONTIAC CATALINA, 4 barrtl carburetor, ram elr com. Double power, cell 338-1264. After 3:30 pjn. or oil day Sat, 0, Sunday, 1965 PONTIAC CATALINA 4 spedd. with black vinyl top. FE 4-9761 1965 PONTIAC Wagon Star Chief power, 8350. FE 44670. 1965 PONTIAC SAFARI 9 passenger, double pftuer, olr, 51060. 6733168. 1965 BONNEVILLE olr. Clean, 0995. Opdyke Hardware, FE 8-6686. 1965 PONTIAC CATALINA 2-door hardtop, 1 owner, exc condition, Atony extras. 6824M84. ___________ 1965 PONTIAC TEMPEST station wagon. 326 engine, power steering, power brakes, auto, transmission. FE 4-2839 OftOT 4 p.m. 1967 FIREBIRD 400 coup*. Red wllh block biicket seats and consol*.' Powor steering, 3 speed floor shift. 4 new -ttr*t.- 23J)00 actual- mllos.-NICEI Coll 642-3209. Audette Pontiac Troy 1963 PONTIAC WAGON, SS down, 312 1(50 W. Maple Rd. W. Montcalm. FE 4-5004 dealer. 1963 BONNEVILLE convertible, needs work, ports or whole, 334-3653. 1967 FIREBIRD 400. Silvor mist, black vinyl hardtop, and Intorlor. Power steering, turbo-hydramotlc, front disc Vikss, 1700 mHos. Excellent condition. Call after 3 p.m. FE 2-0579. 1967 FIREBIRD 2 door, hardtop. Vardero green with black bucket stats.. VO sutomstlc, power stoarlng and consol*. 27,000 actual vlle$. Well maintained. Cell 642-3209. Audette Pontiac 1(50 W. Maple Rd. Troy 1967 Firebird Hardtop. Power end air condition. Vinyl top; $2075 Bob Borst Lincoln-Mercury Sale; 1950 W. Meple. Trey Ml 6-2200 1957 TEMPEST CONVERTIBLE, double power, rod with white top, 6S24I73. ■ ■■ 1967 GRAND PRIX. Sahara beige with block vinyl tap and black bucket seats. Factory air conditioning, power soot. Spar* novor boon used. 19,000 actual miles. Call 642-3209. Audette Pontiac 1850-W. Moplo Rd. Troy 1967 4-DOOR CATALINA, powor steering and brakes, outo. shift, (1700. 6734)911 after 4 or all d*y Sat. no Sun. colls. Naw and llsad Caro . 106New and Iliad Cars 10* 1968 88 Convertible Sharp! .... * .............. 1965 Bonneville Air Condition. Full power*...... 1968 Olds Cutlass Supreme. Air conditioned .. • 1968 F85 2 door...................... 1968 Torino GT Convertible >,f4':......,......-1 1967 Toronado. ♦ (tvQQQE! Air Conditioned .............. wD 1967 Cutlass Convertible Power steering & brakes...... ........ $1595 1965 Mercury Breezeway 4 door...................... 1966 Buick Electro 225 Hardtop. Air ...... ......... 1968 Olds Dalmont | 4 door hardtop ..,..,. ..■.... 1967 Olds 98 ^ rtvQQQC 4door.Air.......... y CpZOaO 1969 98 Hardtop. (to 2door. Loaded ........................ M>aV0 1966 Toronado - j CtjOOQC Full powor........ ViHHi mmmm 860 S. Woodward WSm 1 MI 7-5111 B'ham 1: - -BRAND NEW 1969 PONTIAC CATALINA 4 Door Sedan with decor group, hydramatic, push button radio, visor mirror, remote control mirror, power steering, power disc brakes, tinted glass, 855x15 whitewalls and all the '89 Safety Features. Champagne finish. -AIR CONDITIONING— —BRAND NEW- 1969 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE Hardtop Coupe with Cordova top, hydramatic, push button radio, roar speaker, custom foam front root, mirror visor right and left sides, remote control mirror, power steering, disc brakes, and arctic blades, tinted glass, 855x15 whitewalls and all '69 Safety* Features, Matador Red finish.''. -BRAND NEW- 1969 PONTIAC H ARDTOP COUPE with decor group, push button radio, hydramatic, power steering, powor brakes, whitewalls 855x15, two front seat bead rests, parking brake, warning light, inside dayidght mirror, front sept boh retractable, theft door locks, dual spaed wipers. Stock #360, -1967 PONTIAC Bonneville, Station Wagon, wllh hydramatic, power (tearing, brekm, .radio, heater. fvwoi aiewHtHf MiHlr TOUIVt nvaiwrr wntfw* walls, luggage rack, factory air conditioning, tinted glais. Only — $2995 1966 Pontiac ton*, turquoti* otto whin, extra moral $1795 Only- 1968 PONTIAC Catollne 4-door aodon, powor steering, hoavy duty power brakes. Osklsnd County carp, turbo-hydramotlc, brand now wMtoweUs, vinyl top. Only — $1795 4 1963 PONTIAC Wagon / power stooring, brakes, radio,, hydra- matic, heater and ready for that vacation at On'tMfllllllliil $993 CONVERTIBLES 1965 Triumph TR4 Convertible with 4 sptod, wlr# wheels, slhtor with a Mack top, radio, hoator. Only— $1295 ' 1966 Pontiac Convortiblo BonmyHIt, wtth powar staarlng, brakes, hy-dramptK radio, hoator, whitewalls, Unhid $169$ 1961 MERCURY Hardtop ....$195 1960 DOD%Nico fV . . i; . .$ 95 1960 PONTIAC Wagon'.....$ 95 1960 PONTIAC Hardtop ..,..$ 95 1957 PONTIAC Wagon ...$ 95 1968 BONNEVIUE 4-Door hardtop wlth cordova tap, whltowblls, automatic, safety track, AM/FM radio, mar. teat spaaksr, powor stooring, brakas, power windows, powor saats, eaty-eye glass, automatic, tamp, control, air- conditioning, whit* with Mock Interior. 6n|y — $3095 1967 Pontiac. Grand Frlx 2-door hardtop, with toll powar, air conditioning, many other extras. Only— $2595 PS 1968 PONTIAC Venture 4-door hardtop, with vinyl n power stooring brako*, air oandittontng, « motto, fire engine rod with o Mock roof, $3195 1967 PONTIAC 4-door Catallno. with power steering, brakes, automatic, whitewalls, beautiful mldnlgM blue only — '■'’el** $1995 % WE WILL MEET OR BEAT ANY DEAL, WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD ■ .y-t • ■QSM^^.Lakeipriori MY 3-6266 v I v V ,js m:r/\A,'-;. »;• I r, Hi1- ■ >un _ v' ■ pn »p; THE PONTIAC P&BSS, FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1969 >- wSj i » -Television Programs- ./• *, * - '• - ‘'t ’-j -"*' ■■*v-'} ^:»UvV,"■?I , '*'• -.0 -&A .• Programs furnished by stations listod jn this column aro subject to change without notice! Earl 'Collects' Hippie Actor Who Collected’in 'Market' • ChOnnolsi 3-WJBK-TV: 4-WWJ-TV. /iWXYZ-TV. 9-CKLW-TV. 30-WKBP-Ty. S6~VtfTVS-TV, 62-WXON-TV FRIDAY NIGHT News, .I:p0 (2) (4) (7) C Weather, Sports ■ (9) RC -~ I Spy r ■ (50) RC — Flintstones , (56) What’s New (62) Rr Sea Hunt 1:30 (2) C - Baseball -Detroit at Boston | (4) C — News — Huntley, ; " Brinkley ' (7) C — News — Reynolds (50) RMcHale’s Navy , (56) TV High School ■ * (62) R — Highway Patrol 7*00 (4) (7) C -News, 'Weather, Sports | (9) R — Movie: “I Saw What You Did” (»P> Two teen-agers call a man and say *1 saw what ' you did and I know who you are,” They don’t .PEANUT CELLAR « Sing-A-Long Baer * Wine • Liquor ”BR INGWOK/TANDDAD, THEY'LL ENJOY THIS!" STEREO COMPONENTS • FISHER • ELECTRO-VOICE • kenwood • McIntosh • TANDBERG • RiEVOX • GARRARD • DUAL • RECIUNEAFU SPKRS. • ACCESSORIES CUSTOMAOE PRODUCTS 4$40 W. HURON 673-9700 — PEANUT CELLAR — ||fe Sing-A-Long Beer; • Wine • Liquor "EVEN THE JUKE BOX RECORDS ARE MOSTLY OLD STANDARDS" . » MIIM west ol Pontl.c. m Mile* vmt or union LMtm-mi QUALITY REPAIRS ON ALL MAKE HEARING AIDS Loamrs Available PONTIAC MALL OPTICAL A HEARING AID CENTER Phone 682-1113 "Living Sound" ^HEARING AID DEALER^ PEANUT CELLAR Sing-A-Long Beer •' Wine • Liquor Hnr the Singing Bnrt*nd«rs: JIMMIE AND EDDIE know that he has committed a crime and knows who they are. Jqhn Crawford, John Ireland, Andl Garrett ____ (50) R — LLowe Lucy # (56) Americana From Africa — “Booker T. Washington and the Atlanta Compromise’’ (62) R - I Led Three Uves 7:36 (4) RC - Nigh Chaparral — Don Sebastian Montoya reneges on his promise to sell a small village on his land, even , - though tenants have raised the purchase money. (7) C — Tom Jones Guests include Sonny and Cher, Herman’s Hermits and Henry Gibson of “Laugh-lb.” (50) RC -Hasel (56) (Special) Return to .--Falmouth — .Railing horn Robert Manry i s interviewed on Cape Cod coast. It was here where Manry set off from Falmouth, Mass., to sail along across the Atlantic to Falmouth, England. (62) R — Aim Sothern 8:00 (50) C - Pay Cards ‘ (62) R — Ozzie and Harriet 8:38 (4) RC - (Special) Hallmark-Hall of Fame — “Victoria Regina” Laurence Housman’s play, adapted for television by Robert Hartung, dramatizes events in the life of the - British monarch from 1837 through her .diamond jubilee in 1897. Julie Harris and James Donald star. —(7)-€——Generation Gap- — Guests are Craig Hundley, 15, pianist and leader of the Craig Hundley |Wo, and his lather and manager, Richard. - (9) C —Don Messer (50) C -r Password (56) Ckieposium — A •generation’s c h a n g i n g mores is the subject of experimental film maker Richard Myers’ production of “Coronation.” (62) R — Movie: “Tarnished Heroes” (British,' 1961) 9:69Vj(2) Movie: -V 4A4NB2A- - Mute French'" jiuutor befriends stray cats and dogs. Jackie Gleason / (7) C — Let’s Make a Dc&l (9) C - Public Eye (50) R—Perry Mason. (56) Grandmaster Chess 9:30 (7) RC - Guns of Will Sonnett — Two gunslingers, vftio claim to have run James Sonnett out t town, charge tribute to PiHTATIQ .•iv’ (9) C - 20 Million Questions (56) R — NET Playhouse — “The Prodigal,” Jack Richardson’s prize - win- IN TROUBLE ABOUT BILLS? Our training) experience and knowledge is at your service. ft "r: • ft We work with you to Moot all obligations on a planned system that will get you out of debt without a loan, ‘ I Call 338-0333 DEBT Consultants of PONTIAC, INC. 814 PONTIAC STATE BANK BLDG. DEDICATED TO TOP QUALITY IV SERVICE TESA of OAKLAND COUNTYS Slake Radio It TV 6S2-634S SIM W. Heron, Portiac . Condon Radio-TV FE 4-9736 v 7M W. Huron, Pontiac 6 ft V TV % FE 2-3781 .,*■ tM Oakland, Pantiac Dolby Radio S TV FE 4-9802 1 141 Lehigh, Pontiao $|j| Dragon’s Radio-TV II44M* : 41M Clarkcton M., Clarkaton Hod's Radio-TV FE 8-4112 TllSrehard id’i lid, Pontiac 363-7433 71M Coolny Lake Rd., Union Lokn Johnson Radio-TV FE 34363 411. Wotton, Pontiac M Latimer Radin-tV 0R 3-2652 WQdasbahaw) Drayton Pudgs DhelTY 682-8620 '3M1 CNsaboth Lk. ltd, Pontiac Rydea TV FE 4-1386 !76t loackwcnt, Hoogo Harbor pi Hooding IV m FE 4-fttS nifW Dlaikaton Rd LokoOnon StafairtkIRadio*TV 631-1816 1UIW.amwFanHao Sweet’s Radio ft TV FE 44677 gig 412 W. Huron, Pontiac j Tray IVrROdio TR 1-0666 ' ■**’ 6N6Uvoraoit,Troy >. Voiko's TV. 632-1111 610 N. Main, SKHord . ^ ' Walled Lk. Electronics 624-2222 1070 E. Wist Maplo Hd., Walled Uke Walton Radio-TV FE 2-2257 j 616 W. Wotton, Pontiac WKC, iMN, Service 674-1113 iHmp life BnyiM nib> TV Features AMERICANS FROM AFRICA, 7 p.m. (56) TOM (7) JONES, 7:30 p.m. RETURN TO FALMOUTH, 7:30 p.m. (56) HALL p.m. OF (4) FAME, 8:30 HERE COME THE STARS, 10 P.m. (4) Tomorrow BASEBALL, 1 ning drama based on the Greek legend of Orestes as seen front a 20th-century viewpoint. K1 m Hunter, Aline MacMahon, John Heffeiman are - featured. *'■-**'J 'Jf'. . 9:55 (62) Greatest Headlines 10:60 (4) C — Here Come the Stars — George Bums, Jack Benny and Edward G. Robinson guest. (7) R C — Judd for the defense — Judd becomes emotionally involved with a female attorney whom -___he defends on a charge of felonious assault. (9) (50) C—News, Weather, Sports *' (62) R — Movie: “An Honorable Murder” '(British, 1959) . 10:30 (9) C — What’s My Line? (50) R — Alfred Hitch-■ cock — N i ' g h t c 1 u b singer is hounded by an ex-convict who claims to be her husband. Polly Bergen stars. 11:00 (2) (4) (7) C - News, Weather, Sports (9) R — Movie: "The Day the Earth Caught Fire” (50) C Joe Pymn 11:30 (4) C — Johnny Carson (7) C — Joey Bishop 11:35 (2) R — Movie: “The Strangler” (1963) City is in terror and police work frantically to capture a psychotic strangler o f women. Victor Buono SATURDAY MORNING the 5:50 (2) TV Chapel 5:55 (2) C - News 6:00 (2) C‘ — Across Fence 6:30 (2) C — Sunrise Semester 6:45 (7) C — Rural Report 6:55 (4) C - News 7:60 (2) C - Mr. Magoo (4) C — Country living (7) C — TV College 7:30 (2) C — Bugs Bunny-Roadrunner (4) C — Oopsy (9) A Place of Your Own 8:60 (7) C — New Casper Show (9) Ontario Schools 1:30 (2) C — Wacky Races (7) C — Gulliver ; 0:00 (2) C — Archie Show (4) R C — Flintstones (7) C — Spiderman (50) R — Wells Fargo 9:30 (2) C — Batman -- Superman (4) C — Banana Splits (7) C — Fantastic Voyage (0) French Schools (50) R — Laramie 10:00 (7) C — Journey to the Center of the Earth , (9) C — D’Iberville 10:30 (2) C — Herculolds (2) C — Underdog (7) C — Fantastic Voyage (0) Tolly .(50) R — Movie: “The Shanghai Cobra” (1945) ^dney Toler 11:00 (2) p ~ Shazzan (4) (^Storybook Squares . (7) C — George id the Jungle . * -v (9) C — Cross Canada 11:80 (2) RC — .Jonny Quest <4) C — Untamed World (7) C — American Bandstand -> Guests are the ^ New Life group and songs-' tress Linda Ronstadt. ' .. ; (9) Country Calendar f SATURDAY AFTERNOON 12:00 (2) Moby Dick #*'*'(€) C **- Super g ' A' ^ W* f9) C - CBC Sports r-"'“ (SO) R Movie; “ITince 'Hd Foxes” (1949) Tyrone Power, Oraon Welles, Wanda Hendrix ' ' 12:30 (2) C—Navy Film (i) C — Red Jones______ > (7) C — Happening 12:45 (2) C — Tiger Warmup 1:90 (2) C» — Baseball:' Detroit at Boston (4) C — Baseball: Philadelphia at St. Louis (7) R C-Movie: “Glory” (1956) Margaret O’Brien, Waltbr Brennan (9) R - Movie: “Slaves of the Invisible Monster” (1950-66) Feature version of serial. Richard Webb, Aline Towne 2:00 (50) R - Movie: “TbrpedO Alley" (1953) Mark Stevens, Dorothy Malone, Bill Williams 3:90 (7) C — Haney's Peimio {9) Through the Eyes of Tomorrow 3:39 (9) C — Magic Shoppe (50) RC - Movie: ‘‘Zon-tar: the Tiling From Venus” (1966) John Agar 4:00 (2) C — ( Special) Kentucky Derby — Jack Whitaker is host and Heywood Hale Broun and Eddie Arcaro provide commentary for the first leg of the Triple Crown of racing. (4) C — (Special) New Orleans Open Golf Tournament (7) C — (Special) NBA Basketball — Los Angeles vs. Boston in sixth game of playoff finals with Lakers leading 3 games to 2. (9) C — Bozo . (56) R C — Davey and Goliath 4:15 (56) R - Time for John 4:30<9XU---8kippy (56) R - Muffinland (62) R — M a c K e nzle’s Raiders i ■ 4:45 (56) R - Sillg Hi -Sing Lo 5:69 (2) R - Mr. Ed (4) C—Huckleberry Finn (9) R C — Monroes — “Ghost of Paradox” (50) C — Hy Lit (56) C — Brother Buzz (62) C - Big-Time Wrestling 5:25 (2) C-Turf Talk 5:39 (2) C- Gentle Ben (4) C — George Pierrot — “Idaho’s River of No Return” (56yR ^ Antiques — “Midwestern Glass II” By EARL WILSON NEW YORK—I collect weird Broadway characters—and actor Joseph R. Sicari, 33, from Boston, who worked Ws way throught Catholic University in Washington selling doughnuts, is weird enough for my collection. ' The neighbors probably think the young man In dungarees who lives ip a $61-a-month rent-controlled apartment on W.16th St. ls a hippie but he’s made $50,000 on the stock market while working for Very little in the off-Broadway show,| "Dames at Sea.” “I do not advise getting stock tips on a bus,” Sicari said the other day in Llndy’s. “But I heard this guy, a school teacher,! saying he bought a stock for 4 and it went to 6. “I had $1,000 in the bank, an all-time high WILSON for me. I bought a stock for 4 and it went to 10. Then a broker said to me, ‘You can buy on margin.'’ I said, ‘What’s margin?’ “Oh, I love it, when I get on the subway and they see this hippie open up the paper to the markets. I was never one of the elite,” he admits. ■k h it “When I heard they were going to sell my building, I went to the manager, and I aaid, ‘Mr. N----~, I would like to consider buying toe building.’ He said ‘You’re crazy,’ I said, ‘Mr. N------, don’t scoff at me. You may be coming to me for a job some day.’ “The building manager says ‘How could you buy the building?’ I said, ‘Easy. I got an “everything” card.’ ” THE MIDNIGHT EARL Opt* • 0-Channol Crystal Controlled . • Also AvalliMO ht Low BOOd (38-40mo) Sonar FS-108 VOVLOh. Speoial • Polio* Disoount Hi-Band (102-114 me) Monitor Raoahrat *140 1-Yoar Warranty JZ it it it TODAY’S BEST LAUGH: A father said he’s comforted by the thought that some day everything he owns will belong to his children: “I just hope they can keep up the payments.” REMEMBERED QUOTE: “A friendship founded bn business is better than a business founded on friendship.” —John D. Rockefeller. EARL’S PEARLS: Comedienne Thelma Lee’s back from a short vacation in Las Vegas: “When I left N.Y. three days ago, it was supposed, to be a long vacation in Las Vegas.” Scientists worked for years and years to perfect television, so that somebody in N.Y. can see somebody in Los Angeles suffering from acid indigestion ... That’s eaH, brother. (PuMIthun—Hall synnieatt) South Dakota Cuts Welfare PIERRE, S.D. (AP) - The South Dakota Welfare Commission has decidied to cut public assistance payments 5 per cent across the board for fiscal 1979. i it The reduction, Effects all categories, including the agbd, blind, disabled and dependent children. The Welfare Department staff also was instructed to reduce medical expenditures by 5 per cent for toe fiscal year begin-ning July 1. k . ★ ★ Welfare director Peter B. Grossman said the action was taken so that tile department may stay with the appropriation limit set by toe 1969 Legislature FEATURING A BIG 145 sq. in. PICTURE • 42% trigger'than 14" color tv • 141% bigger than 10" color tv Big enough to enjoy anywhere in the room, yet small enough to fit anywhere Full Zenith handcrafted quality Radio Programs WJR(760) WXYZQ 270) CKLW(800) WWJ(9aO) WCARQ130) WPON(1490) WJBKQ 5001 WHFI-FM(94.7) TONIGHT 4iM—WJR, Ntws WWJ, New* cklw, stev* Hunter WJBK# New*, Hank O'Nell WCAR, New*, Run Roe* wxyz, Newecepe WPON, New* WHPI Don toeco tiH-WJR, Tiger Beat, Beta ball « i » WWJ, Sporta (:U—WWJ, Today In Review WPON, Phone Opinion tiO-wwj, empnaata 7:00—WCAR. Now*, Rick Stewart WJBiC Newt. Tam Dean WWj7New*,aporttLine 7:15—WWJ, Racalrack Report, InertaUna 7:N—WXYZ, Dave Leckharl 0:00—WPON, NOwe, Larry -Dixon ' ‘A, "A, f :00-WHFI, TOffl Coleman CKLW, Scott Rage* WJR, Score* frIS-WJR, Showcaie 1I:M—WJR, New* 10:15—WJR, Focue Encore IliW-WJR, News llilS—WJR, Sport* Flnel 11:7*—WWJ. Overnight • wlR, Mielc Till Dawn 11:10—WJBK, Nighttime WXriL News. Jim Davis CKLW, Mark Richard* WCAR, Nows, Wsyno Phillip* WJR. News, Music Till Dawn MTUIIMY MORNING 4:00—WJR, Waka-Up WWJ. News. Farm CIO.W, Charlie Van Dyke Nows, Dick Purtan Nows, Marc Avery Nows, Arizona WCAR, Now*, Bill Dolnll (ISO—WWJ, Now*, Morrla Carlson naa-rWJRV now* WHFI, Music WPON, Nows, Chuck War* TilS-WJR, Cavalcade 0:00—WJR, NOW* 0: IS—WJR, Sunnyslda, Caval-. cade .. • t:« wwj, News. Monitor WHFI, Hm Zlnter 11:00—WPON, Now*, Gary Puract.'.;. WCAR, Now*, Rod Millar t WXYZ, Now*, Johnny Ran-"' sail wjbk. News, Conrad Pit- CKLW; Ed Mltchall ii:aa-WJR, Now*, Sports 11:1S—WJR, Cavalcade SATURDAY APTRRNOON 11:00-WWJ, News . WJR, News 1t:IS-WWJ, Now, Marty Mc-Neeley WJR. Farm 1t:18~WJR, Cavalcade 11:46—WJR, Tiger Beat, Baseball 3:46—WPON, News, Dan Milham - WXYZ. Nows, Mike Sherman CKLW, Stave Hunter lilB-WCAR, News, Ron Rose ' ■ WHFI, Larry Baker WJBK, Hank O'Neil WWJ, News, Monitor 1:10—WJR, Scores 1:46—WJR, Showcase 4:40—WJR, News, Dimension 4:I6-WJR, Kontucky Derby 6:00—WJR, News 1:16—WJR, Showcase 4:10—WJR, Dimension Report, Showcase The BERTRAM • A3710 All nawelawntly itv!ad rompa« t hik-M roan portable. Dark Brown fninr and White color ‘A-I710J*, nr Dark Beige color and I ijtht 8ai*e color (A3710L). -»• k i» {win-mne speaker. >321 95 / World’s finest performance features NEW ZENITH HANDCRAFTED PORTABLE COLOR'TV CHASSIS NEW EXCLUSIVE ZENITH "CHROMATIC BRAIN" SOLID-STATE COLOR DEMODULATOR ADVANCED ZENITH SUPER VIDEO RANGE 82-CHANNEL TUNING SYSTEM rgm* SERVICE SPECIALISTS TV • RADIO SERVICE Don’t miss... FE 5-6112 Open Fru Eve.9til 9 770 Orchard Lake ^juniorzffitiss PAOIANT PONTIAC Tuauday, May O- NRC-TV 108 N. Saginaw St., Downtown Pontidc-FE 3-7114 Open 'FrL 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. — ^at. 9:30 a,ni. to 5:30 p.m. YOU CAN BUY THIS POCKET SIZE RCA TRANSISTOR RADIO FOR ONLY * *1 WHEN .YOU BUY ANY II RCA TELEVISION SET NO MONEY' DOWN AT WKC 14" Diagonal 'New Vista Sportabouf RCA PORTABLE (COLOR TV SAVE m Regular $329.95 selleF—•iuper powerful New Vlita VHP Tuner, Solid State UHF- Tuner, one-aet VHF fine tuning. Color quick tuning, picture sharpness . contirbl, dust-proof pfelura tube, *......... ^ solid state color stabilizar, stay-set volume cogtrol, built-in VHF and UHF antennas, 21,500 volt chassis, space age circuitry moke this a real buy in RCA * from WKC. Model,EL 418W. , • . fajAL L /Total Stereo, Sound with RCA FM-AM-FM Stereo Console WITH 20 RECORDS Natural Wolnut grain finish—cabinet is 25x38x17Vi inches G total sound solid State amptifier/tuner, stereo amplifier, FM-AM-FM stereo radio tuner, studio-, malic 4-speed record changer,, feather:-) J action tone arm. Amplifier/tuner controls, tape input/output jack, terminal connectors. And you get twenty 45 rpm records when you buy this diodel VLTlIW. NO-MONEY DOWN -A) DAYS ^MylEASCASHj PARK FREE in WKC's Lot at Rear of J Store or' I-Hr. in' Downtown Parking Mall Have Ticket Stomped qt Cashier's Office S K!- m W t m mx 1 -r. I!» PP SSI Hi 1! ■n HH_I THE PONTIAC PRESS- FRIDAY. MAY ». i I, I it's, f 21 i ■g * PONTIAC 361 S. SAGINAW• FE3-7901 v\, OPEN MONDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY T1L 9 ---‘'Sv. ., * ’J DRAYTON 4345 DIXIE HWY? OR 4-Q32K* OPEN MOIWY,THURSDAY^ FRIDAY T1L9 ill ..... IBK.vj bi Vi • V .t| '■ »• ' ’ • ■•■:’• « ' .• -V 4 A (V. \ j) i I 't ' -.A - ' J ,-hXrkWm Sw-n %wMi /• n ■**.-?■ S113BS FOUR PIECE MEDITERRANEAN BEDROOM: TRIPLE DRESSER, MIRROR, HEADBOARD & CHEST Spanish spirit with the accent on special savings! *349 buys the complete four piece group; 60" triple dresser, mirror, 5 drawer chest plus your choice of full or queen size headboard with frame! Night stand *5995 FOUR PIECE MEDITERRANEAN BEDROOM: TRIPLE DRESSER, MIRROR, HEADBOARD & CHEST Mediterranean beauty, function and value packed into one beautiful package,- 70" triple dresser, mirror, door chests plus choice of full or queen size headboard with frame complete for just *399! r t . Night stand *6995. FOUR PIECE MEDITERRANEAN BEDROOM: TRIPLE DRESSER, MIRROR, HEADBOARD & CHEST The dramatic essence of Mediterranean is superbly f translated to the American taste. You save on the 70" triple dresser, mirror, door J chest plus full or queen size headboard with frame just *449 complete! Night stdhd*799S f-f / • /, ' '■ ■ / lilt •/ v /: r jiraH jf mmER .* ,,1 >,*• ’ It4 J' convenient credit decorator service ■ ifer.v,.' v.r’ _____. SfH Eil B BBfliEBI _________ ___jP gap i t A A 4 CLARIFIED VIEWS Clifford made his views clear when he But at the meeting last mbnth, the sources said, he told the senators he left-office in disagreement with many of former. President Johnson’s Vietnam In addition, Clifford told the senators he didn’t feel President Nixon had tried hard enough to extricate the United States from Vietnam. The sources also said Clifford’s statements were one of the reasons behind a call yesterday by Sen. George D. Aiken, R-Vt., for the United States to start an immediate withdrawal of troops from the war zone. Dr. William B. Pollard Talks To Urban League Urban League Puts Its focus on Ghetto Senators to Mull War on Hunger WASHINGTON itf- Top Nixon administration officials have been asked by a special Senate committee to explain an alleged White House decision against an immediate broad attacks on hunger in the nation. . Sen. George S. McGovern, D-S.D., chairman of the hunger committee, said yesterday invitations to appear before the panel next week went to Clifford M. Hardin, secretary of agriculture; Robert H. Finch, secretary bf health, education and welfare; and Budget Director Robert P. Mayo. j ♦ A A By ED BLUNDEN Vows for deeper involvement with the ghetto community were giveh by principal speakers at the Pontiac Area dinner last night More than 450 persons attending were urged to take part in a renewed membership drive: > * ★ ★ ★ Guest speaker was Dr. Williarn'B. Pollard, coordinator for school decentralization for Milwaukee Public Schools. His theme was “Building Ghetto Power.” Dr. Pollard said: “It’s, impossible to make me believe that a nation that can send a white man to orbit the moon can’t help a black man on his feet.” America .ready to take appropriate actions to end centuries of discrimination? “If white America turns her back on 25 million black Americans, if white America does not come to grips with herself, if white America does not ase her resources to ‘let my people gd,’ then the United States Constitution might as welt be just a piece of paper.” ‘PROGRESS CAN BE MADE’ ‘LIKE LABOR STRUGGLE’ HEART’RECIPIENT TALKS TO NEWSMEN — Michi- Michigan Hospital in Ann Arbor. With Rector, who cele-gan’s third heart-transplapt patient, Gerald K. Rector, talks ' brated his 44th birthday yesterday, are his wife, Virginia with newsmen yesterday prior.-to leaving University of (right), and his daughter, Teiry Lynn, 15. „ 50,000 GM Workers Idled Announcement of the action came shortly after the committee’s ranking Republican, Sen. Jacob Iffdavits, urged the GOP administration to increase , the fight against hunger this year. ★ A #■ - ’ Thes New York 'senator -cited “authoritative reports that the ad-’ ministration does not propose to increase materially the federal food assistance program to the nation’s poor beyond the present level of slightly more than $1.5 billion. He compared the struggle of labor unions in the ’ 1930s with the present efforts of the black community for recognition. “What began more than 30 years ago as a white workingman’s revolution for economic rights has since evolved into a„ black revolution for human rights.” • Pointing out the rapid technological advances of - recent years, Dr. Pollard observed, “Scientific knowledge has eA-' vanced by leaps and bounds while social progress has moved forward at .a snail’s pace.”. Dr. Pollard posed a question: Is white1 ‘DEEPLY DISTURBING’ V , From Our News Wires DETROIT — Union officials said today i series of strikes which have idled more han 50,000 General Motors employes ould be long and costly. 'Die strike at facilities in Van Nuys, Jafif., Kansas City, B.altimore, Atlanta, forth Tarrytown, N.Y., and Janesville, Vis,, began Monday. .... ’ ' ,*;$ A A >That was the deadline set by ^ the Jnited Auto Workers fpr completion of iew local contracts in the. wake of the merger. last November of Chevrolet and Fjsher Body assembly operations in the six cities. The union maintained that the merger eliminated jobs1 in some locations and forced remaining personnel to , work faster to meet quotas. 36,100 ON STRIKE In all 28,000 men struck at the sir plants. They joined 8,100 UAW hnembers Who struck Fisher Body apd Chevrolet 'plants in St. Louis Apjril 10 over work standards. Charles Tyer, president of UAW Local ■ 93 at Kansas City, said he wouldn't be surprised to see a shutdown lasting six to eight weeks. ' A A A Yesterday’s layoffs hit seven Chevrolet plants in New York, Michigan and Indiana. Michigan plants previously affected are Fisher Body plants in Grand Rapids and Detroit and the Chevrolet Spring and Bumper plant in Livonia. L. L. Coats, an official fit Local 34 at Atlanta, said the uqion .spent “six we^ks last year negotiating this contract, and now the management is trying to take some of it away from lis, They can’t justify this to the people — workers, the . public or anyone else.” Gun HQtButf bf Vandals Typhoon Toll Is 24 WASHINGTON UR — Police -have ordered all city precincts to be on the 'lookout for the weapons and ammunition used to break thrfl windows in the headquarters of the National Rifle Association, lobby for gun interests. .. p*.' The message described the items as “slingshots and different size glass marbles.” 'SW/’yMBfe y ' .• * 'If '/21T^\ , n, i-r ..-.-(V . m m ® >- m -a 1 MANILA (AP) — £ typhoon last week killed at least 24'persons and devastated a populated island off the tip of, Mindanao, it was rejjortfed today. A Manila Times reporter who ..flew . over jibMRAo Island said coastal towns on the Pacific Ocean appeared - demolished. ment. I would hope very much that it has not yet been taken and that the subject will be most carefully reviewed in terms of what should be our national priorities,” Javits said. , A A 'A The senator has been making behind-the-scene efforts to convince the administration of the need for a vigorous hunger program. 11 -A ■ A ' rA An aide indicated Javits„ decided to speak put publicly only after being advised on the highest possible levels that such a program could not be undertaken dt this tiipe, / | ' + "■ k X* ’ ■ ! Javits, referring to reports that some administration officials are not convinced hunger is a critical problem, said: > AAA. “I would hope that they will go out into the field, as I’ve done, to see the widespread, appalling conditions o f. ’ hunger that demand much more comprehensive measures involving much greater expenditures than they now seem to haye in mind.” , ' ^ • jJ™ ^ 1 AAA 11 Javits supports - pr oposals - by McGovern to give free food stamps to ’'families with monthly incomes of less than $80. In Today's Press Dr. Pollard touched on his experiences in Liberia where he served as a consultant and counselor from 1960 to 1963. Though educational processes there were undeveloped, Dr. Pollard said he found the people quick to learn and adaptable to new techniques. He Said the success there indicated the progress that can be made with limited facilities. Regarding his duties as Coordinator for decentralization of Milwaukee schools, he explained the effort there has established neighborhood c o u nc i i s centered around each high school. A A A The councils have brought about more involvement with school1 programs and problems. Speaking at ah afternoon press conference, Dr. Pollard sajd he felt e a cli community’s problems involving integration were different and no blanket . procedure should be, recommended. "He said that, in general, hO felt busing of students was undesiraeable and where possible the neighborhood concept, especially at the elementary school level, should be maintained. Taking office for the first time at the dinner was Dr. Joseph Grayson, Pontiac pediatrician, new Urban League presi-(Continued on Page A-2, Col. 1) f| Jl alnl 1 mm 1 ™ (ft la I) y 3 huh a 1it1 m» II Wt Troy Schools Ten years of turbulence end- |' I ing for Supt,. Smith—PAGE A-4. m M' Bound for Israel ■; Pontiac nursery school teach- | er honored — PAGE A-8. l/i/ Center for Retarded Supervisors move ahpad, With < plans - PAGE C-12. i1 1 | • Artea News ..............A-4 - Ip Astrology .......... %.,C*I0 |‘ Bridge ...................|M0 1 Crossword Puzzle ....... C-8 i Comics .'vV;',.C-10’ I. Editorials . —....... ....AhK-4| Farm and Garden .J..B4—B-9 vS ■ - High School 5,s........ • . 8-1, B-2 ¥ Markets -C-lil' w. .Obituaries .............. A-5 p I 'Sports¥— .< — .......Ol—C-6 ■ - •Jp Iheaters ..—..;...&8, C-9‘ ^ ■.\s >TV and. Radio Programs .’. ,D-9 ' . |-' |' Women’s ‘ pages .... A-8—A-U ® Weekend Plan: Umbrellas and. other rain gear may be in fashion over the weekend. The weatherman reports the following day-by-day U.S. Weather Bureau official forecast:' - - ' p, TODAY ' Mostly fair and becoming windy and warmer/ with a high of 68 to 74. Tonight will be partly cloudy and a little warmer with chance of showers or thundershowers. •TOMORROW — ’ Partly mild with chance of showers dershowers. The temperature to be in the mid-70s. SUNDAY — Tartly cloudy and chance Of showers. Probabilities of precipitation cent are; 10 today, 30 tomorrow. ' . if i ■' if ’■ A balmy 48- By CHARLES CL McDANIEL AP Science Writer , Malpractice suits filed by patients, against doctors are contributing to the increased cost, of medical care in the United States. ' Rates on malpractice insurance for doctors have soared across the country and the increased costs are borne, at least in part, by the .patient. ★ ★ ★ • Statistics show that one doctor out of every six of the 300,000 in the United States has been, or is bfelng, sued for malpractice. Last year, doctors paid $75 million in malpractice insurance premiums. Some $18 million was paid in awards to patients in 1968, according to Bernard D. Hirsh, general counsel of the American Medical Association. Legal fees added to the costs. William F. Martin, a New York lawyer, said in a paper recently before the National Medicolegal Symposium ip Las Vegas: “Spokesmen both for the medical profession ahd the insurance industry agree that the higher rates are caused by the increased number of malpractice suits being ' filed by disgruntled patients and the larger settlements being made both in and out of court.” - ★ ★ -w >■ Doctors and lawyers say that today’s society is more permissive and citizens are more prone to sue, so the problem is not limited to the medical profession. The Insurance Information Institute in New York says premiums on malpractice insurance are up 47 pen cent over a year ago. *'* " *. 1 V- r’j An AMA survey alio found instances in 14 states in which physicians were unable to obtain malpractice insurance. nouncement of rate revisions, stated that Rates hi six states went\ip 50 to 60 pei1^ from W59 through 1963, insurance cbm-’ cent panics paid $140 for every $100 received Rates were reduced 10 per qent In NeWt! in premiums from physicians. Fop Hampshire and 15 per cenf in Oregon. t,‘ surgeons it was $l51for every$l0p.-:'. \ HnftptTA, RATRB W ! Recent revision^ upped malfraptice JiOSPITAL RATES RISING > , rates in 27 states, while reducing them in Hates for hospitalsm a in tainfn g*[ two. RATE REVISIONS The institute, in a recent an- ★ ★ ★ The increases ranged from 10 per cent in four states to 75 per cent in Montana and Ohio aid-100 per cent in Vermont. liability insurance likewise arerising-There are other patient costs, too,'1 engendered 'by extra-cautious—aad>- perhaps unnecessary — tests, a com-'! mittee of the AMA trustees reported. “ House to Air Osteopath Sc hool Ties • The final reading of a bill to create a state-supported osteopathic medical school was expected today in the House of Representatives. Three supporters of the bill, Reps. Arthur Law, D-Pontiac, Josephine Hunsinger, D-Detroit, and Dale Kildee, D-Flint, seek to authorize the college to be affiliated with Pontiac Osteopathic Hospital. iffi ♦ ★ w i The Michigan College of Osteopathic Medicine (MCOM), now under construction in Pontiac, is the likely choice to receive the state funds in affiliation with Pontiac Osteopathic Hospital. Opponents of the bill have proposed the college be affiliated with Oakland University and established there. cause the American Medical Association (AMA) likely would not grant accreditation for osteopathic courses. . ★ ★1 ★ ^ MSU’s fledgling medical school is linked with the AMA. It is expected that the measure will be voted on in four or five weeks. . POINT UNCLEAR But it is unclear, some said, whether Oakland University; an affiliate of Michigan State University, could accept operation of the college without approval from MSU. Arguing for a separate college, Kildee said the school should be independent be- LICENSING CHANGE Another, bill in the House concerning osteopathy seeks to combine the licensing of osteopaths and medical doctors under a single board. Under provisions of the bill, one board would administer the same qualifying test to all candidates for the practice of medicine in Michigan. The designations of “Doctor of Medicine” and “Doctor of Osteopathy” would remain. ★ ★ ★ Dr. Irvin J. Kurtz, president of the Michigan Board of Registration in Medicine, said both the MD and DO profressions have developed to the point where “there is no significant, practical difference at this time. One law should apply, to all,” Urban League Target: Ghetto GOP Governors Wrestle (Continued From Page One) dent. He urged an expanded membership drive and warned, “racism is disguised and subtle forms still exists in our community.” Dr. Grayson explained the “new thrust”. movement of the, Urban League which will in the next year be conentrating its efforts in the ghettos to seek organization for change. With Canipys Strife, Wilson Ouster Eyed by Rebels Introduced to many for the first, time was the new league director, William H. Clark, who began his duties in February. He said'the league, will be “turning symbols into substance ... protest into programs. The Urban League also gave its annual awards, the top one going to radio station WPON for “outstanding community service.” / Hr ★ ★ LEXINGTON, Ky. UP) — Republican governors debate at their annual conference today what stand to take on ' campus violence and deployment of the Safeguard missije* defense system. They also faced a student demonstration at their gala black tie dinner tonight. Most of the governors, including their host, Kentucky’s Louie B« Nunn, appeared ready to accept local responsibility for controlling student disorders. "k ★ ★ Some governors suggested cutting off federal aid to institutions which condone rioting and students who participate. But GOP National Chairman Rogers C. B. Morton told a news conference it might be dangerous business for Congress to try to- pass any punitive legislation of this sort. FORD HAILS ‘VICTORY’ the defeated Democratic bid to extend the federal aid to education program for five years-rputting. it out of Nixon’s reach during his first term of office. Police were alerted - to cope with a group of students who planned an afternoon rally at the University of Kentucky, followed by $ • march on a downtown hotel Where-the conference’s formal state dinner is scheduled. ★ . 4 | 4 California’s Ronald Reagan, who took a tough line on campus demonstrators, also sought to put the Republican governors on the line for Nixon’s decision to deploy the Safeguard system. He, Nunn and about a dozen other governors indicated their support for Safeguard. But there Was some dissent, and a considerable group of governors wanted to avoid taking a position on the issue now. Other awards went to: John Perdue, Pontiac School administrator for community relations; Ken Morris, UAW regional director; Richard Saunders, assistant to the managing editor of Hie Pontiac Press; Willis Seay, director of Local 100, AFSCME; Oakland University Chancellor Durward B. Varner; and Sylvia Simon, president of the Pontiac Urban League youth group. House Republican leader Gerald R. Ford of Michigan told the governors today the GOP has blocked a Democratic effort to “strip President Nixon of all but his constitutional functions in foreign and defense matters and stop cold the needed domestic reforms and new* direction the new administration is studying and shaping up.” He said the attempt was, launched in The Weather FuliU.S. Weather Bureau Report PONTIAC AND VICINITY—Today mostly fair and becoming windy and warmer, high 68 to 74, except cooler along Lakes Erie and St. Clair. Tonight partly clondy and a little warmer with chance of showers or thundershowers, low 50 to 55. Saturday partly clondy and mild with chance of showers or thundershowers, high mid 70s, Sunday outlook: partly cloudy and mild and chance of showers. Winds south to southeast increasing to 15 to 20 miles today continuing tonight and south to southwest at ' 10 to 18 miles Saturday. Probabilities of precipitation are 10 per cent today, 30 per cent tonight, and 30 per cent Saturday. Today in Pontine -Lritaest temperature preceding I am.: 48 At 8 a.m.: Wind Velocity 3 m.p.h. Direction: Variable Sun sets Friday at 7:33 p.m. Sun rises Saturday at 5:28 a.m. Moon sets Saturday at 5:84 a.m. Moon rises Friday at 1:43 p.m. Thursday in Pontiac (as recorded downtown) Highest Ismperature ............... . 51 Lowest temperature .................38 Mean temperature ....................50 Weather: Sunny Thursday ■1 Downtown Temperatures 5 a.m. ........50 11 a.m. ...... 50 7 e.m..........51 12 m. ..........70 8 a.m.........54 12:30 p.m......70 » e.m..........50 10 a.rn.........55 one Year Ago in Pontiac Highest temperature .......7........72 Lowest temperature .............. 38 Mean temperature .................. 55 Weather: Sunny Highest an^owest Temperatures /. This Data In 07 Years 85 in 190] 20 In 1875 Alpena 50 Escanaba 51 Flint 51 G. Rapids 55 Houghton 55 Houghton Lk. 53 Jackson 54 Lansing ’55 Marquette 50 Muskegon 58 Oscoda 55 Pellston 55 Saginaw 55 Albuquerque 81 Atlanta 73 Bismarck 55 Bostop 54 Chicago 70 58 45 80 44 51 45 49 42 80 50 58 's Temperatures 48 Cincinnati 71 48 42 Cleveland 47 Denver- 47 Detroit 40 Duluth 40 Kansas City 48 LoS Angeles 40 Miami BeaCH 40 Milwaukee 55 New York 48 Phoenix 50 Pfittsburgh 52 St,.Louis, 45 |. take City 50 S. Francisco <38 S. Ste. Marla 47 Seattle 50 Washington V LONDON (AP) — Political sources say an attempt from within bis own Labor party to replace Prime Minister liarold Wilson may be imminent. Reports of a plot against Wilson by , somi of his former cabinet ministers and other, backbench MPs . Are circulating in the lobbies of the House of Commons-and appeared today on front, pages of Most major newspapers. One report said the rebels were discussing whether to bring a vote of no confidence against the prime minister at an early meeting of the Labor party members in Commons. . The immediate sore point is Wilson’s insistence on pushing through Parliament this summer laws to curb the wildcat strikes, crippling British exports. The party’s traditional cornerstone of political support, the trade union movement, 'is.jighting the. legislation tooth and nail. '■ t.||3 mII'I k v \ HEADS ROTARY — Robert M. Critch-field (above) of 901 N. Lake Angelus, Lake Angelus, was elected president of the Pontiac Rotary Club yesterday. The other officers are Leo Wasserberger, vice president; Francis F. Miller, treasurer; and Lee A. Matheson,. secretary. Charles W. Buck and William P. Whitfield were elected directors. Charles Brown; the current president, becomes a director automatically. News in Brief SAIGON (AP) - Pham Dang Lam, South Vietnam’s chief delegate to the Paris peace talks, said today more , details are needed to determine whether a statement by a National Liberation Front representative in Paris means the Vietcong is prepared for private talks with Saigon. < ; , ★ ★ Tran Buu Kiem of the NLF said Wednesday at peace talks that “on the basis of its portion,” th&NLF is “ready to enter into discussion with the other parties so as to make the conference move forward.” French Presidential Vote PARIS' (AP) —" The French Cabinet today set June 1 for .first-round voting to name President Charles de Gaulle’s successor.— ' If no candidate gets a majroity on the first round, the two top men will compete June, 15. Singer Dies at 56 SAN MATEO, Calif. (4P) Singer Ella Logan, who performed In musical comedy for a generation across Europe and America, is dead of cancer at 56. Miss Logan, who scored a Broadway hit in “Flnian’s Rainbow” in 1947 died yesterday. Pope Puts limits on Mass U. S. Moves'1o^Block Hoff a Carole Tregoff Walks Free Pontiac Prut* Photo by Edward R. Nobtt Binning Kg rif Area Library Unit Names Womari H&ad of Board BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP - Mr* Roswell J. Blackinton of 130 Chewton h$£ been named board chairman of Thq; Friends of the Bloomfield Township Library organization. is Other new officers are Mrs. Leroy R»; Buzan, 3057 Betsy Ross, rice president Mrs. John,. Moseley, 385 Yarmouth^ secretary; ’and Erwin B. Wittus, 506Q Winlane. treasurer. • > W ★ ★ IV ' The Friehds sponsor programs of IftC terest to library users and assist witlr volunteer and financial support of th£ township library. » >*. A current project has been the; furnishing of the adult reading lounge .the new library building, which is calfoc The Friends Room. v BLOOMFIELD HILLS - - William; ZChtz of 730 E. Valley Chase will be the; guest speaker at a meeting of the Detroit Chapter, National Association of Aj>; countants May 8 at 7 p.m. at the Piet; Fort Shelby Hotel Detroit. Zentz is executive rice president anC economists at Bank of the Comr monwealth with responsibilities in th(£, Investment Division, Municipal BoitC; Department and Trust Division. • 3k .★ , His talk will be “Outlook For Interest: Rates.” •>- Zentz holds a bachelor’s degree frortf'. Bowling Green (Ohio) University and W doctorate from the University or; Michigan. £\ BIRMINGHAM - Henry A. Zanardelti has been appointed systems contrdC: manager for Ford Tractor Operation^; here. He ' previously served .-a s • preproduction system manager fop' Ford’s finance staff in Dearborn. £■; Zandardelli will hve responsibility fop> systems control involving Ford’s worldwide line of tractors,/industrial equips; ment^iiKj farm implements. He resid#; at 623 Ardmoor. ;p; ''yyy1 :y'.'y;"';yy ■ . y.-v . ow, Teacher Denies^ Assault Charge m VATICAN CITY (AP) - Pope Paul VI ordered an end today to fdrther experimentation with Roman Catholic Mass. He left priests a/Wide choice of Masses to celebrate and ended the 1,900-year-old rule that required women, to cover, their heads in church. ' CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (JB- The U. S. Justice Department yesterday filed a' motion in U.S. District Oiurt opposing any move to 'grant -jailed Teamsters President James R. Hoff a freedom. on bond pending a hearing on alleged wiretapping in his case. 11 -- The U. S. Supreme Court has ordered U. S. District Court Judge Frank Wilson to reopen the 1964 jury-tampering case Which sent Hoffa to prison for eight years to see if any alleged wiretapping or eavesdropping by federal agmits violated Hoffa’s rights. J;, A, An Eastern Junior High School teacheg-who allegedly struck a 14-year-old sttfr* dent during class' Monday pleaded innocent yesterday at Ms arraignment ife-Pontiac District Court on an assault an$; battery charge. s v! Free, on $50 bond awaitingf; preliminary examination next Thursday? is Charles O. Hunt, 32, of 1111 Gracc£;’ Avon TownsMp.~ ■ V He is charged with striking Ajvirt’ ' Emery, son of Mrs. Betty Emery of 540 Judson, as the result of an argument in an English class. Hunt, who was suspended without pay ^ Tuesday pending^ an investigation by. schori authorities, resigned fnrni the school system prior to the incident. HijL resignation is rffective at the end^f tbg school ye&r. '' ' \ w. ‘SLAMMED INTO WALL’ Dts. Raymond Mayor (Left) And Robert WilljamS mkm FRONTERA, CaliL (UPI) - Carole Tregoff sentenced to life in prison at age 24 for' murder, walked ; 'to freedom yesterday at age 32. -7 Miss Tregoff; and' Dr. ‘R. Bernard Find) were convicted, in 1961 of murder and conspiracy in the death of Ms wife. , X Ail..-. ! lL The youth told police that Hunt* knocked Mm -to the floor'and pushed ai chair into Mm, then slammed Mmc; against a wall, causing his head to bleed- 9 - Emery was taken to St. Joseph Mercy Hospital for X rays and was treated fort bruises on. the arms and head, then;; released. Mrs. Emery made an assault com-; plaint to police Wednesday, and a ware rant was issued against Hunt yesterday, i Nixon Aide, State Jurist •m 'Quit-Smokirig' Clinic Set WtrophOhi ■ — Rain lb expected tonight over the Pacific Northwest, f apd yMana.. Showers are expected, from east Texas to west Florida, in the, \on>l in tho nDrwP Mificifioinni VallAV Warm, rfear soutiiera (Stoat Lakes area, and in the upper Mississippi Valley, Warm, dear weather is to prospect for most of the nation. iMi| A Smoking Withdrawal C1 i n i c , sponsored by. the ■ 'Michigan; Cancer Foundation and Pontiac SeyCntiHiay' D^jMiyeatist Church, will be held from 7:to to 9 p.m. Sunday through Thursday at the Oakland County Courthouse - Auditorium. r‘' The clinic will be conducted by Dr. Raymond L. Mayor, Mj>., and Dr. Robert A.. Williams, director of mtitiance ahd measurements for Oakland Schools. ; ’ Movies showing the phy^al effects of l s m ' 'V. iff lil H MiiaSSS H S i| smoking will be shown each night of the clinic and pamjtolets bnd personal guides with suggestions to ,ov9rcome the smoking habit will-be distributed followed by discussion periods. ' , \ ' Dr.^'Williams will discuss; the psychological side of. smoking and suggest ways to stop while Dr. Mayor deals with the physical side of the topic. ■ 'it ★ The men agree tiiat they are trying to establish, the idea of not smoking for people 'with a desire to give up the habit. M Myt^v a .’-j — Ml Protest Limits Lifted WASHINGTON » For the first time in nearly , two years, there is no** limit today on the size of crowds that may dehumstrate in front of the White House., * ♦ \ ■■■ ,v'. Court action has upset the restriction of 100 persons oh the sidewalk and 500 in nearby Lafayette, Square, at least until May 9 when the' U.S. Court qf Appeals %Will again consider |he case. . U.S. District Judge William B. Bryant ordered the governfnent to drop the restrictions, and thd Otrnrt of Appeal* in a 2-i decision last night refusal to stay that ordo>. Speak Out in County I otP (Continued From iPage One) ficials consider applying, to courts fw^ -injunctiqns to remove demonstrators, “a; tactic that 'has proved fairly successful in*th«vpast.” In u» same vein, but in a different tone, Brennan, too, spoke of laws necessary to the “governance “of. fred ■men” r He stressed that “free .men do not choose officeholders. who - coddte their! . weaknesses — but leaders who appettl tog _ 'their ftreagthl^Si. Pf.-’ ’ “Permissiveneto. M government Is a^ , pernicious as -' pennskiveness in titq A family ” the chief justice said. - r - t .Pontiac Frau Photo ky of Detroit a of the Bach at is the group’s dir A—8 THE PONTIAC PRfeSS, FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1909 Include Self in Prayers Is Advice From Abby Fourteen years ago, Bob Kahn, 17, of Beverly Island Drive (center) tods in, Mrs. Herman Sten-buck’s first class at Temple Beth Jacob Nursery School. Marcy Conn, 5, Lone Pine Road, West Bloomfield Township, is a present pupil of the popu- ronnac rrni rnoigi oy kqiv wm«r By ABIGAIL VAN BUREN DEAR ABBY: I am a member of a small church in a very small community. We have a young minister, 28 years old with five children. He is a very dedicated man, but his wife is a millstone around his neck. She attends Sunday worship, but that is all. She has a girl staying with her to help with the children, so she can’t use' that as an excuse for not being more active in church work. She’s a chain-smoker and plays cards. • She even had a card party while we were having our mid-week prayer service and Bible study! The parsonage is right next door to the church, so we know this is a fact, We have prayed for her and tried to be friendly, but she doesn’t cooperate. Must we tell our pastor to leave? PRAYERFULLY WAITING DEAR WAITING: Pray harder for her. And pray also for your young, dedicated minister. And while you’re praying, pray for a-little more 'compassion for yourself. ★ ★ ★ march is played, but if you have other ideas, it makes sense to me, and more power to you. lar teacher. With Mrs. Stenbuck, '(left) they are checking the map to see where she plans to live in Israel.^Mrs. Stenbuck is being honored at a number of events this week and next. DEAR ABBY: I am being married soon, and want to know why I can’t take my fiance with me when I go to pick out my wedding gown? I mentioned this to a few people, and they all acted like I was some kind of put. Abby, if there is ONE person I want to approve of my .wedding gown, It’s the man I marry. So, why is it so crazy to have him go shopping with mq when I buy it? I. M. SERIOUS DEAR T. M.: T see nothing “crazy” about wanting the man you marry to approve of your wedding gown. , SOME brides prefer to “surprise” everyone (groom included) Until the wedding Allans to Leave Cranbrook for Pebble Hill Post By SHIRLEY GRAY Pony Girl Hopes! Her Charge Bloomfield Hills residents David and Kay Allan will soon be leaving our town — for good, unfortunately. He*s giving up a faulty post at Gran-brook School for an assistant head-mastership at Pebble Hill School at ■ DeWitt, N.Y, Bess Stenbuck Leaving Will Be Derby Winner Again While it’s hard not to shed a tear upon leaving a spot you’ve lived) in for eight years, the couple is looking forward to being closer to their married son, who lives in New Jersey, and to their summer home, on Nantucket, says Mrs. Allan. Community s Loss Is Israel's Gain JANET ODELL The outpouring of affection for Bess Stenbuck as she prepares to leave Pontiac for Israel is heartwarming. It is difficult to recall a similar occasion in-recent years. I Just this week, the County Board .of Supervisors vqted to send her a letter of commendation for her work in the many civic activities in the 32 years she has lived here. ★ ★ ★ Over 450 children have had a good start, in school because they were taught by Mrs. Stenbuck in Temple Beth Jacob Nursery School. , For die past 14 years, she has taught five mornings a week at the cooperative hurserv on Elizabeth Lake Road talk about her “kids” knows how she loves them. It is a love returned in full measure. Parents of past and present students will honor Bess (Saturday at a 7-9 p.m. reception at the temple. Born in Illinois, educated in Wisconsin, Bess came to Pontiac in 1937. Herman Stenhuck was distributor for The Detroit Times. He died several*years ago. The Stenbucks had ^ two children and five grandchildren. RETURNED TO TEACHING Having taught in Milwaukee, Wis. before her marriage, Bess went back to teaching during World War II. She taught\ fifth grade and was principal at Malkim School in those war years. Mothers have taken their turns helping, She was an active worker in Girl but it has always been Bess who set the Scouting for many years. She belonged pace. v to the League of Women Voters and And she has loved every minute of Zonta Club of Pontiac, that. Everyone who has ever heard her And she devoted many hours to Sisterhood Beih Jacob, holding every .office. She was president in 1947-48. Next Friday, this Sisterhood will have its annual worship, service, the service when women take the leading roles. They will dedicate it to Bess Stenbuck. This occasion is open to all of Bess' friends who will greet her at a reception following the 8:30 p.m. worship hour. ■,. h * ★ All in all, it’s a momentous time for this gay and forthright woman. In June, one of her grandsons will graduate from > high school and his older brother will be married. Then, later in the summer, having put all her affairs in order here, she will fly to Israel where she inteds to help the little country in whatever Way it will let her LOUISVILLE, .Ky. «r— Mrs. Rae Johnson is hoping that Saturday she’ll repeat her performance in last year’s Kentucky Derby. She’s a pony girl, or outrider, whose job it is to escort thoroughbreds to the starting gate. Last year her charge was first-place •finisher Dancer’s Image. On Saturday’s 95th run for the roses she will be riding shotgun for one of the top contenders, Top Knight. * * * Churchill Downs spires begin taking shape in the hazy dawn half-light. PART OF THE JOB She hopes and most of us who know-her hope it will be working with children. For that she has always had a special gift. Top Knight, like other thoroughbreds, is a highly sensitive animal who could easily be spooked by crowd noise or other distractions. Therefore, Mrs. Johnson explained, the outrider’s main job is to make sure the thoroughbred, stays calm from the time he leaves his stall until he reaches the end of the long walk down to the starting gate, Top Knight won’t find himself among strangers either when Mrs. Johnson and —her buckskin Dudley, escort him and jockey Manny Ycaza to the postSatur- Riding the horses in the morning is just another part of the job for outriders such as Mrs. Johnson. She gets $3 per ride, she said, the words drifting but in a slow Texas drawl. And then, in the afternoon, she is paid $10 every time she takes a mount to the post, she added. The day starts early — 4:30 a.m. she said — and ends around 6:30 p.m. There’s usually a break of a couple hours around 11 a.m. when everybody takes off to get some lunch or a second breakfast before heading back to the track and the afternoon card. The guest list, for Saturday night’s Carnation Ball is growing by leaps and bounds. The ball/ is, of course, the Junior Women’s Association for the Detroit Syphony’s big formal pow-wow of the season. Before leaving for the formal festivities at the Detroit Boat Club, two Birmingham couples are having a few people in for cocktails — the Owen Regans and the George McClellans. The McClellans, by the way, recently moved back into town, after a three and a half-year hiatus in Pittsburgh, and have even managed to find a place very near the one they lived in previously, on Waddington Road. Their daughters, Susan and Jennie, are now 16 and 10, respectively. ★ ★ ★ Mrs. Johnson started training early for the job. “I’ve been on a race track all my life — and my father had horses,” she said. “I promised my mothfer I’d never marry a horseman,” she said. But she -did,— ------___--------------------- TICKET HOLDERS day. Mrs. Johnson exercises the derby candidate every morning as the ■ ...'""i ' . , - r Nixon Kin Shares Fates Blessing on Writing Career NEW YORK — jessamyn West's new book about the Quaker forefathers she shares with her second cousin, President Nixon, is just off the press yet being a writer was a childhood dream she never expected to com^ true. , “I wanted to write ail my life,” declared the author of “Except for Me and Thee,” settling back cotnfortably in a big chair in her New York, hotel room and kicking off one shoe. \ k “But writers to me were, people like Dickens. I didn’t know that a. writer was just a person who writes,” she explained. . “I had never seen anyone who had written; I had.never seen anyone who had seen anyone who had written I thought a writer would be someone Wearing a big sip ’saying \„T am a writer.’ ” • Now Mjss'West is entitled to wear tha(. sign herself. Since her first book, “The Friendly Persuasion” in 1945, she has produced a dozen others including Book-of-the-Month Club selection “ C r e s s Delahanty.” Her new volume is a companion piece to “The Friendly Persusasion,” recounting the earlier life of Jess and Eliza Birdwell and focusing on their activities with the underground railroad of Civil War days. - The characters are modeled after Joshua and Elizabeth Milhous, great-grandparents of both Nixon and Miss West, whose matebial grandfathers were brothers. • ■> . ’ « Born in Indiana, the author moved at the age of 6 to Yorba Linda, Calif., then a Quaker community that had attracted many branches" of the Milhous family. “But we lived right across an irrigation canal from the Nixons and I felt closer to them that to my first cousins. Richard’s mother gave me my first birthday party when! was 7 years old ” classmate whom she calls “Max.” She did graduate work at the University of California, seeking a Ph.D. in English. * ★ * The date was set for her doctor’s orals, when she was told she had an advanced case of tuberculosis and she went, to a sanitorium where she didn’t put a foot out of bed for two years. scholarship and teaching,” she laughed. “For 10 years I spent most of my time lying on a couch almost afraid to move. When I began to get well I started writing stories, but I didn’t send them out. * * ★ In fact a good part of her work is in-volved in helping her trainer-husband, John, with his mounts. She exercises them and also escorts them in races. The two — she from Houston, Tex., he from Georgetown, Ky. — own a horse farm outside Hot Springs, Ark., “we’ve got 25 head,” she said. They also own part interest in Cheiron, which Mrs. Johnson described as one of the nation’s leading 2-year-old sires. From Bloomfield Hills, the following couples are among those planning to attend the Carnation Ball: the Junior Lance C. Minors, the Robert Berrys, the Christopher J. Mazures, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Whiting, Jr., the H. G. Bowleses, the Oliver Whites, Mr, and Mrs. John S. "Weils, Ji., and David and Sally Lott. There from Birmingham will be Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dalgleish, Jr., the Robert Gills, the James Martins, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Doran, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dewar, the John Deacons and the William Westcotts. BOHers wiil be able to sweat out their bets at the .club Saturday, Kentucky Derby Day, While viewing, the race on color TV and sipping mint julCps. .S. She went to Whittier College, which Nixon also attended, and after graduation married H.M. , McPherson, a CHANGE LIFE “Sometimes I . think I got TB so I wouldn’t have to have a life of “My husband was so insistent that I try to place them,” she continued, “that I finally said “I will Write IThtories and send each story to 12 magazines and when they’re all tiifned down will you say no more?’ ’ , “Well, a story was taken and I slept with the letter under my pillow,” she smiled, her expressive face framed by short gray-brown hair aglow with the recollection. NOT FLYING Northside Group Plans AnnualCoronation Ball * The 1 annual i Coronation^ Ball of ttie Northside American G. I. Forum will'be held Sunday frpm 6 to 11 p.m. at the CAl building. The queen, to be chosen at the ball, •will compete in the state convention June 14 at Adrian. The publfo may attend. Further' information may b# obtained by calling Mr. and Mr?. Rapfon Guerra of Short Street. * * ' o '* '•> "i t Ji Miss West already has plans for two more books. “You feel like hell iFthings don’t go right, every sentence is clumsy and everything written by everyone else is shining, but despite this misery you’re not flying if you’re a writer and not writing,’^she said, throwing out her arms in a gesture which seemed to embrace her whole love of the craft. Not only does she love writing, but she loves actually putting down words. “As some women like to crochet or knit,” she said, “I love the physical act of forming words with a pen.” * * * v > She uses an old-fashioned fountain pen and writes in bed, often from 9 to 10 in the morning until 2 p.m. In sunny ’ weather she writes outside reclining on a cot. “I write lying down; mdybe because I’m lazy,” she offered in explanation, “but possibly because I parted writing lying flat on my back.,” ' She'and her husband, who has a doctor’s degree in education7and is a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, have a big, rambling house in Napa, complete with two stredtas, * view of the hills, Tennessee walking horses, a swimming poof, lots Of dogs and two cats. ' * * * But her favorite' pursuits are- reading and writing. “If X had tp give up one,” she said thoughfully, “I’d give up reading, but then I might be so desolate I couldnlt write.” §> ' ?• . ' ■ . f 4\ k t.«('t. < m mm I Dedicated hours won 17-year-old Sheila double honor Thursday as she is the first re Cranbrook Award. Among those with notes of ■ ing a tea for thosewotking for Bach at Cranbrook, rector and founder, Raymond Benner of Oak Park. VERTICAL PUL START Bod) Garden King rotaries have Pull ft Go starting COMPLETE WITH GRASS BAG THE PONTIAC PltKSS, FRIDAY, MAY 2, I960 Strawberries for Your Garden Grown Taste Delicious Of »U the smell fruits—and perhaps, of all the fruits— the strawberry is clearly die most productive and one of tHe most delicious. Also, it can be.grown anywhere in the United States. .For example, a mere dozen plants allowed to grow into/ a matted row 25 feet long\and only 3 feet wide can average 12 to 18 quarts or 4 to 6 dozen serv ings of luscious fruit in a season. * * * . Any soil that will grow vegetables or flowers—or even good weeds—will grow strawberries. However, if you must start with new land, prepare it well, as you would for any garden. In either case, prepare your soil early, loosening it and turning it over a full spade or fork in depth. Mix into it a layer of humus (peat, leafmold, age manure, etc.) at least 1 inch deep and rake in thoroughly 5 pounds of any good vegetable fertilizer sold in your area for every 3 by 25 feet. other times, early spring is best in most parts of the country. Then the plants have plenty of time to get Veil established by fruiting time the following spring. * * ★ About 2 feet apart in a single row is\a good distance for home gardens. Once the area (a 3-foot wide strip) has become comfortably filled with plants vood phips, ground qorn cobs, )ld straw or any similar ma- hoe out any additional ones which grow and mulch with Wl ol terial to retain' jmoisture and prevent wide fluctuations in sail temperature as well as help keep down weeds. * it it ' For the biggest and best berries, however, the hill system is preferred in home gardens. Under , this method tha plants are set out 12 to 18 inches apart, both frays, and all runners hoed off. Obviously, about three times as many plants are needed. What, varieties to, use? Today strawberry Varieties are tab lored closely to the areas in which they are grown. So, pur- chase what is recommended by your dealer as best for your locale, whether you buy by mail order or locally. Only one va* riety is necessary. Unlike some bruits, practically all varieties are self - fruitful when set Out by themselves but, In no case, permit fruiting (pick off the flowers) the year they are set out—unless you planted ‘‘everbearers." Then allow a few the ^irst fall. * 'nJKvI How long will ffie plants bear? From. 2 Ho 4 yeaps, if good, virus-free plants are purchased. Watch your crop. When production begins to decline noticeably in spite of a reasonable feeding (3 pounds of fertilizer per 75 square feet) each spring, discard the planks, and either dig up and prepare the beds^well as before or bet’ ter, move it to a new location, if you rave the space, and use new plants. Mt; ,,\ Container Plants Ready for Spring This year's early spring means container • plants will supply the flowers that sym bolize spring and rebirth. - ■ ★ . Sr Varieties available at local florists irfdude azaleas, an, the flowering bulbs — hyacinths, tulips and (he pure white Easter lily. Ueraniums Like Sun Vividly colored geraniump will thrive in a bay window thpt gets bright sunlight, Or they can be planted right lit their day pQts in an outdoor window box or patio planter Her the summer. ^ % * ■ They make a welcome lane oh1 tjronty porch steps, or an at- '-tractive border for terraces or' walks. > 8SR’anrVRANK'S NURSERY SALES-SM^KSnSSft PLANT IN SPRING While plants can be set out at Garden Fair IS WORTH MORE MONEY tat FRANK'S IN TRADE ON A NEW MOWER. GET A GENEROUS TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE AT FRANK'S NOW! Trade on a Wide Selection of 4-Cycle Engine l969 JACOBSEN Visitors at the Lawn and Garden Fair at Michigan State Fairgrounds today and tomorrow will be able to find out all about tiie proper methods of caring for the fruit trees in their backyards. Several ongoing demonstrations, presented by expert horticulturists will be of interest. JACOBSEN ROTARY MOWERS All Jacobsen mowers at Franks axe complete with grass bags and have fold dpwn handles, 4-blade cutting action, wheel height adjustments and 4 cycle engines. Trade now! 18-IN. CUT • ft ft . Sr James Lincoln, district horticulturist for Southeastern Michigan, will show how to prune and train fruit trees with actual trees. Jack Prescott, county etxension director from Mt. Clemens, will show the same procedures in grape culture. ROTARY On&M the local men’s garden tubs wul clubs will show all of the processes and techniques used in grafting and budding of fruit .trees. Other experts will deal with strawberry culture, with raspberries and other bramble fruits. Still another show-how presentation will deal with the proper and safe use of pesticides in the home fruit graden. The Lawn and Garden Fair is presented today from 4-9:30 p.m. and tomorrow from 9 a.m. 6 p.m. at the Michigan State Fairgrounds Woodward Avenue, south of Eight Mile Road Admission is free except for i small parking fee. The fair is developed to bring together a number of resource people, to present demonstrations dealing with almost all phases o f non-commercial horticulture. ' ‘it it it Subjects covered will include lawns, vegetable gardens, shade trees, shrubs, flowers, insect and other pest control fertilization, landscaping and many other subjects. Resource persons assisting come ’from many sources Michigan State University, local Extension Service offices, City and County ParJ^s and Recreation staffs, local landscape firms, local flower and ornamental growers, and from organizations and garden clubs Attending the fair in 1968, were 30,000 garden-oriented persons A larger attendance is expected this year. , it it ft Hie trade show, which provides exposure to the latest development in lawn and garden equipment and supplies, will be greatly expanded this year. The emphasis for the event, however, continues to s't r e s s the “how-to-do-it" demonstration o f gardening techniques presented by gardening experts, and a massive one-day educational even for homeowners. IMWH tOUtmtHT EXCLUSIVE 4-BLADE CUTTING ACTION *99.95 °»skm FOLD-DOWN HANDLE No.32128 2r ROTARY WITH ELECTRIC KEY START... $159.95 21-IN. CUT ROTARY ISSEtf-PROKLLED "Up 'n sway” vertical pull starting gets you going effortlessly. Other features include a 3 HP. 4-cycle engine, easy wheel height adjust-handle, ments, fold-down handle, and a roomy grass bag. No. 31881. Rear wheel gear drive with twist grip clutch control makes mowing easier. No, 4212$ has vertical-pull start, many deluxe features. *159.95 No. 32125 JACOBSEN 21" ROTARY...$119.95 No. 42127 SELF-PROPELLED/ 21" w/KIY START...$199.95 No. N-,1 798 O 1969, Frank's Nurwry Sates, Inc.' 2 NEW GARDEN KINGROTARY MOWERS WITH PULL & GO START 19-IN. ROTARY Has Deluxe Features A rugged, made-to-last mower with a 3 HP., .Briggs & Stratton 4-cycle engine, full baffle tinder the deck to insure pick-up of grass dippings, on-engine throttle controls to end cable slippage, pull and go starter and grass bag. No. 793. *57.00 Check for Salts /. in American Violets Pi .Salt accumulation inside the root balls of African violets can be fatal. 1 '\ , Best way to avoid such salt buildups is to keep African violets hr porous red clay pots, which leach out excess salts through pot walls with each watering. , ■i> "ALI, \ ^ ♦ - - ★ Clay pots, with their^ capillary action; permit the effective technique of watering African violets from below. V TO do thin, simply set poll in ft saucer of luke, warm water for an hour'or so. 22-IN. ROTARY With WHEEL LEVERS and GRASS BAG Model 723 has all the features of the 793 plus; wider 22” cut; more, powerful 3 Vt H.P. Briggs 8c Stratton engine, fingertip cutting height adjustment on the wheels, and new fold-over handle for easy storage. *67.00 have Go starting combining vertical TRADE IN NOW— CHARGE THE DIFFERENCE NO MONEY DOWN AT FRANK'S pull and starter auto- choke for fast, safe matte DOWN starting. Charge easy HANDLE YARDMAN MOWERS I black & decker electric mowers 1 TORO 19" ROTARY 18-IN. DELUXE ROTARY 18-IN. POWER REEL is Self-Propelled I H W GRASS BAG INCLUDES FOLDING HANDLE, MORE POWERFUL MOTOR NO MONEY DOWN *139.95 *94.95 NO MONEY DOWN Raise (he safety handle to gTfcJ) jEefe, , so, lower it to1 atop. No. r-.lT 1040 has a rugged 4-cycle engine,* 6 tempered steel cut-aftAcJSSa JBl on# blades and easy wheel grtM^SU^QB and .roller height settings through 5 positions. 393L GRASS CAT6/eR.... $5.99 EXTRA No Money Domna Mow. the diectric way . .. with just die flick of * switch! Loaded with features, Model U-173 has: dual blades, low profile; high velocity chute, safe self-locking handle, powerful 114 HP. decttic motnc and h^svy-duty cord. / I [<'] ^ I f V tmS ’ j ]l , J £’* Toco model 18214 has a powerful 4-cycle engine, casy-puli fingertip starter, and. acalp dish eta quiet *3” blade and; deck clean-one gem, - OTHERS TO $199.9S No. 105021" POWER REEL $149.95 No. 1070 21-INCH PROFESSIONAL MODE REE MOWER... $164.95 U-173 18-IN. ELECTRIC ROTARY . «. *69.99 TOO-FT. 3-WIRE 16 GAUGE UJL. APPROVED ELECTRIC CORD.. No. 7Y99 OPEN 7 DAYS 9 TO 9 FREE PARKING ,Vi CHARGE IT THE PONTIAC PRESS. FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1969 Vietnamese Mast Cure Own Ills, Harrimati Says Two Are Honored WASHINGTON, D.C. (AP) -Stevie Wonder, No Nuclear Cover blind singer from Detroit, and Sharon Ann Smith of' Saginaw^ were honored^, in Washington, D.C., Thursday at the 21st annual meeting of the President’s Committee on Employment of the Handicapped. Miss Sipith was the winner of a Michigan'essay contest\ on employment of the handicapped. Wonder, a graduate of the Michigan ^School for ♦ VvA Dlirtfl Knei V\nnn n />( inn i» NEW DELHI (AP) fi Prime Minister Tndira Gandhi rejected suggestions from some members of Parliament Thursday that Ipdia should seek nuclear umbrella protection from1 the United States or the Soviet Un- LOS ANGELES (AP) - Vietnamese ' problems must be solved basically by the Viet* namese themselves, says W. Averell Harriman, Who was chief negotiator for President Johnson \ at the Paris peace talks, v v": Mrs\ Gandhi told the upper house she did not think it would be in India’s interest to seek such protection. “There never will be a settlement until the Vietnamese sit down together and work it out,” he told a news conference Thursday. THE CIRCUS IS COMING — Lou Jacobs,, one of the world’s most famous clowns, who shows how he transforms himself from a genial, bespectacled man ‘into, the familiar clown seen on posters for the Greatest Show on Earth. Jacobs, who joined the show in 1925, also invents assorted mechanical contraptions to enhance his act. Two of his inventions have been the motorized bathtub and a minicar. Replying to questions from members who want India to begin manufacturing nuclear weapons to meet the threat from China, Mrs, Gandhi reiterated her policy of “strengthening our industrial and economic base” and using atomic energy only for peaceful purposes. There* are no differences between'large and small cotton seeds in stand or eventual yield. Harriman said he believes the National liberation Front would have agreed to talk with Saigon’s representatives last November if the South Vietnamese had cooperated rather than haggle ovar the issue of the confer* ence table’s shape. i . M ;i Harriman was here to address the World Affairs Council. . i MASSIVE 10 STORE BUYING POWER GUARANTEES WOMAN OF STRAW — : Italian ^fashion stylist Domenico Albion believes in dressing worneq in something i different, and in this creation he certainly achieved his goal {.— a straw dress with the world’s largest collar. DA Really Gets a Firsthand Look DALLAS, Tex. (AP) — It was Law Day, so Dist. Atty, Tom Ryan of neighboring Collin County spent Thursday in the Dallas police department for a first-hand look at big city operations. When Ryan returned to his shiny new automobile parked on the street near police headquarters, he found an overtime parking ticket on it. "1 9 IfI I I 1 I|| lilfptt ||P: I I •1 ■"tl * i'v! Complete ■; V < fa||Hp| ‘ "MBi \ "VMM ! Why pay more? Fretter has just reduced prices when youcon use the savings most! In time for Motheji Day Gift Giving! No payment till Augustl Benton Yates, retiring superintendent of L i v o n i a Public Schools, has 'been named director of tne education division of the Southeast Michigan Council o Governments, according to E. Robert Turner, executive director of SEMCOG. I CADILLAC (AP)—A 19-year-old pulpwood cutter was killed Thursday When a tree, fell on him in Wexford County’s Greenwood Township. Killed was Greg iBirgy of Manton. Give Her the Most Wonted Gift, A Westinghouse Dishwasher ($) Westinghouse FRONT LOADING, MAPLE TOP CONVERTIBLE DISHWASHER } QY) Westinghouse TOP-LOADING PORTABLE DISHWASHER Single dial control, Detergent dispenser, Service for 12, Hose‘ and cord,, storage, no installation necessary, rolls easily on large casters. 'Free 2 week home trial on any brand dishwasher in our huge inventory. Free 2 week home trial any brand dishwasher ovr huge inventory. Whirlpool 3-Cycle Fully Automatic WASHER Special cool-down care for permanent press 3 water temp;’ selection. Magic Mix lint ,-fHter. 'Available with Sudt-Miser. $170 s Hotpoint 30" Deluxe Electric Self-Clean Range Westinghouse 16-Ft, 2-Dr., No Frost REFRIGERATOR RCA Personal 12 Inch UHF-VHF PORTABLE TV ZENITH CONSOLE STYLE 20 INCH . COLOR TV 25,000 volts ef picture power, full 82 channel UHF/VHF tuner. "Push-pull" On-Off switch, Legs opt..extra, 227 sq. in. ' SUBSEA DESIGNS — Outstanding industrial designs by California State College students were among those chosen for the Department of Commerce’s display at an international marine-living exposition in Eng^ land. At* top, Stan Nakaishi adjusts pmcer arm on work pod of his model deep submersible vessel. Tim Trapp (bottom left) demon- strates a new concept in subsea petroleum recovery. Subsea recreation habitat (bottom right) gets finishing touch from George Oyama. The concepts were developed under Armed Steel’s Student Design Program and included participants from Auburn University, Illinois Institute of Technology and the University of Kansas. Solid state UHF/VHF tuner. Built-in antenna. Space age circuitry. Front mounted speaker. ?! sq. in. Self-dean oven, lift/up surface units, removable drip pans, no-drip cooktop. 137 lb. freezer, twin porcelain crisper*;, glideout .adjustable rollers. - N* Payments 'til August No Monty Down No II. Payment! 'til August PRE-SEASON SALE ON OVER 6,000 AIR CONDITIONERS iPhirlpool 6,000 OR 8,000 BTU SLIDING WINDOW AIR CONDITIONER 5,000 BTU Riigged — Lightweight AIR CONDITIONER Lightweight — only 59 lbs. Lifetime washable.filter. 2 fan speeds for High and ABSORBS LIKE MAGIC Emerson 10,000BTU Air Conditioner • Giant coating capacity , • Permanent slide-out filteir / a 2-speed fan and auto, control* •’ 115-volt plug-in operation. ’ , 2 fan speeds, adjustable 3-way air direction, washable filter, 115-volt plug-in. seDacoratad • White # Assorted Colors 8,000 BfU. Size Slightly Higher. ^ tiie4 VERY BES1 SHOP ALL 10 CENTERS TIL 9, SATURDAY 10-9, SUNDAY 10-7 1300 BARGAIN PRICED SPECIALS REDUCED NOW! FULL SATISFACTION GUARANTEE INSTANT CREOIT—3 YEARS TO PAY — LU ID ISPIwf THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, HAY 2, 1969 Contains Black Bass, Big Perch PUTS YOU 1M THE WORK * SAVING, TIME SAVING ' WINNER'S CIRCLE WITH 2-GREAT NEW CHAIN SAWS on the Manistee and Au Sable rivers. A . considerable amount of time jwt winter was $pent ic Press Outdoor Editor, Ponl A lake that went wrong Could turn out to be one of the area’s hot spots this Winner. \v Lower'Trout Lake . . . this is an .improper name considering what happened . . . in the Bald Mountain recreation area has gained a reputation the last couple of years as a good place to catch a mess of perch. h 4r A The Department of Natural Resources has coma up with another discovery this spring. ™ Test-net samplings made recently showed a good number of largemouth blade bass over the 10-inch size limit. Big perch ago by twd impoundment' on Trout Creek. 'The smaller, \ip-per lake was stocked with brook trout and rainbows went into Lower Trout. OCCASIONAL LUNKER Few of; the rainbows ever turned up in angler’s creels. Two years ago fishermen started taking good catches of perch. This continued last spring with an occasional lunker rainbow from t h e original plant being caught. Now there appears to be a fishable population of . black bass. . • Although trout continue to be stocked in Upper Trout Where :a good recovery by anglers has been experienced, no additional trout have been planted in me lower lake. mmmmmm wmmm. Saturday $25,000 Added R. R. CONNELL HDCP Post Parade 2:10 P.M. OPTIONAL TWIN DOUBLE—PERFECTA' CENTER BALANCED MASTER £ GRIP for One-Hand Control! ’O# like saws twice \ : its weight! Downs a S1CQ95 6-in. tiee in seconds! 10W Power Mac has the muscle-you don’t Complete need any1 See it today * ya watershed may be a little late this year. There is considerable snow in the woods and the runoff has kept streams too cold. DNR fish experts say that the run should peak about May 15. The run Into Lake Michigan streams should be at its. best about five days earlier. 12-ft., 14-ft., 16-ft. ALUMINUM Special Price Now SPECIAL SALE Water Skis 20% Off • Starcraft Boats , • Silverline Boats • Mercury Motors YmI It'tofact you can SAVE MONEY at No perch or bass were stocked in the lake. They are believed to be carryovers from the old picnic pond which wap drained before construction started on the two lakes. NEW PATENTED SOUND SILENCER MUFFLER-CUTS NOISE 75%!* The; tightest weight chain saw with auto- $1 All 95 matic oiling. Big cut* - IrflH ting power increase al- war mist 15°^ for ‘69. Your Complete best buy by far1 •Cbmparison made to standard ftwity-type muffler • ' Set to Clqsh at Quantico Mrs. James Talley, 660 W. I Walton, was fishing fori bullheads Wednesday ori Upper I Silver Lake when she caught H I I H I I the 21-inch brown pictured on this page. e«nti« er.» pm “I was having a good time ‘BULLHEADED’ BROWN—Mrs. James with bullheads and carp,” she 660 W- Walton; was having a good time ca said, ‘‘and decided to stay a atUpper (Middle) Silver Lake Wednesday 'little longer.” The four-pounder this four-pound brown trout decided to join 1 hit a worm in shallow water," trout measured 21 inches. 'Sham BOAT CENTER 1265 S. Woodward at Adams Road Mae-tl-1ln Oar $1flQ95 Re(. S129.SE, Now |U3 HARP'S SALES & SERVICE 1060 Lapeer Rd. (M24) Batwaan Luku Orion and Oxford <20-1021 QUANTICO, Va. UP) — More than 1,700 athletes, began their bids for the refcord book-today in 1 the 13th annual Quantico Relays, for which the entry list included three U S. Olympic gold medal winners and the — PEANUT CELLAR - Sing-A-Long Beer • wine • Liquor "A TRIP BACK IN TIME TO THE DAYS OF REAL ENTERTAINMENT" m Miles n. of Union Lake 363-9191 9 Milos Wool of Pontioc GLASSPAR 16’ CUTLAS 1/0 defending individual champions in 14 events. Given the s^mmest chance -to repeat was cKarlie Mays, the' Grand Street Boys veteran who| has won the long jump Six of j the last seven years find holds the relays record of 25 feet, 11%; inches. Among those scheduled to oppose him today was Bob Beamon of New York, Olympic champion ap'd world recordholder. I • GRUMMAN CANOES • FIBERGLAS CANOES • SCORPION SAILBOATS • JOHNSON & CHRYSLER MOTORS • PONTOONS • SWIM RAFTS • ALUM. FISHING BOATS • SKIN DIVING jf EQUIPMENT Jim field wall in the fourth came aft- \ triple er loser Bob Vea]e walked Joe £ i and Torre and Mike Shannon, giving i gh to St. Louis a 2-0 lead. t Louis . ■ * a ★ 1 over The Cardinal's added another 1 run in the fifth on an-error, a! enter single by Julian Javier and a sacrifice fly by Curt Flood. ■frhbj The Pirates made it 3-2 in 4 0 0 0 their 4f the Sixth with two 4iio unearned runs. Errors, by Ja- s J S g PADRES BEAT BRAVES J *3 S So ATLANTA (AP) - Tony Gon-j J 8 88 zaiez slammed a two-run homer | 1 1 0 0 ,* ■ ’ . f “ SAN DIEGO ATLANTA ab r h bi ab r h bi ■ Daan ss 4 0 10 FAlou cf 3 110 RPena 2b 4 0 2 0 Mlllan 2b 4 0 0 0 Arcla 2b 0 10 0 HAaron rf 2,1 0 O Gbiizalcz If 4 ft 2 Cepeda 1b 4 117 OBrown rf 4 12 O’ Aspromte If 4 0 0 0 Colbert lb 4 0 1 0 CBoyer 3b 4 0 1 0 Stahl cf 4 111 Dldier c , 3 0 10 Splezio 3b 4 0 2 1 Lum ph 10 10 Krug c 2 0 00 RJackson ss 4 o 2 o Ferrara ph 1 0 0 0 Reed p 2 0 10 Cannlzzro c 10 1 0'Upshaw p 0 0 0 0 Kelley p 1 0 1 0 Francona ph 1 0 0 0 Murrell ph 10 0 0 Sisk p 0 0 0 0 ADavls' ph 10 0 0 Baldschn p 10 0 0 Total 36 4 12 4 Total 32 3 8 2 San Diego ....... 0 0 0 3 |0 ? * — 1 Atlanta .........oil 0 So 000—3 E—Krug. DP—Atlanta 2. LOB—sail Diego 5, Atlanta 8. 2B—C.Boyer, O.Brown, K.Pana', Splezio. 3B—Cepeda. HR—Gonzalez (2). SB—Colbert. S— Mlllan, Reed. __ IP H R ER BB SO Kelley ........... 3 5 3 2 3 2 1 Sisk . 3 0 0 0 0 1 Baldschn (W,3-0) .. 3 3 0 0 1 2 ROOd ......71-3 9 3 3,0, 4 Upshaw (L.0-1) .12-3 3 1 1 0 2 WP—Kelleyi T—2:27, A— 5,854. CLOSEOUT oh 3 Remaining Trade Winds Campers Open ? Pays a Wook—Mon., Wed., Fri. Until 9 P.M. Sun. 10-4 Pacer Favored WESTBURY, N Y. (AP) -i Laverrie Hanover, the 2-year-old pacing champion of 1968, topped a field of 13 entered Thursday for the,, $203,476 Messenger Stakes sit Roosevelt - Raceway 4030 DIXIE HWY. ON LOON LAKE OR 4-0411 Seattle Boxer Retires OAKLAND COUNTY’S FINEST SEMI- »COCKTAIL PRIVATE LOUNGE PRO • DINING 5H0P • GOLF BANQUETS OUTINGS ,, BUY! SELL! TRADE! USE PONTIAC PRESS WANT ADS! SEATTLE (AP) — Bill Schell-has, Seattle heavyweight, announced his retirement from boxing Thursday. Briles p ...300 O Veale p Hrtensfen p Kolb ph DalCantn p CTaylor ph Shellenbk p Total 36 9 11 » Total St. Louis ......... 000210 033—0 Pittsburgh ....... 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 — 3 E—Patek, Martinez, Javier, McCarver, Shellenback. DP—St. Louis 1. LOB—St. Louis I, Pittsburgh 4. 2B—Hebner 2, Pinson, Javlor. 3B—Hicks. S—Briles, Fkiod. SF—Flood, Pinson. IP H R ER BB SO Brllof (W.1-21 .... 9 6 3 11 6 Voalo (L,2-3) 5 5 3 2 3 4 Hartenstein ....... 1 0 0 0 0 2 DalCanton --------- 2 3 3 3 1 .1 thallanback .... l 3 3 1 0 0 WP—Briles. T—2:08. A- 7,043. Announcing \ FRANK SYR0N 54 Hole MEDAL PLAY TOURNAMENT JULY 4-5-6 00LF RESERVATIONS Call THRIFT CENTER BUILDER'S SUPPLIES All the Material for Building I Low Price on All Size Garages I BIG 20” x 20” $4 Q700 1 2-CAR GARAGE fOI MATERIALS INCLUDE: All Stud* ‘16" O.C. • Plot** - Nail* P Asphalt Shingle* • Garage Sash • No. 1 Douglas Fir Stud* • Full 2"x12" Header* • No. 106 Fir Siding or D.V. Siding • 2x6 Rafter* O.C. • All Exterior Trim • Gobi* Stud* • Roof Board* o Garage DeerGrame. f //• ' § ji'1 ! ’■ Above'Prices Do Not Include Cement or .Door M 1. IBS . *. just a few of |fl . ■ I I I the VW used cars ■ml. I ' I you’ll find.on our lot. BjlJL JL When it comes to honest value for your money, we think big in the same way that we think small. So you can comerfirfer a big Used Cadillac or a small used Volkswagen... and depend on getting your money’s worth. reR m $x!P* W4 8$ m H ®I Free estimates on alt size garagesl Courteous Dependable Delivery Service GET OUR PRICE BEFORE YOU BUY! j Phone 682-1600 2495 Orchard Lake Read KEEG0 HARBOR Phone FE 4-1594 , 1$1 Oakland Avenue yv. v v-. . tfjRiAMr TELEGRAPH Just North of Square SS WSmmM wm- IB 7 i SIl MARKETS »I The following are top prices covering sales of ;OC«it|y grown produce by groweni and sola by them in wholesale package lots. Quotations are furnished by the Detroit Bureau of Markets as of Wednesday. produce m Trade Fairly Active . metre AppW»f*CwWto5|* Apples. Jonathan. Bu. ...............US Applet; Jonathan; C.A., bu.......... s.00 Appttt.' Mclrttoih. bu. ............. 4*0 Apiritp. McIntosh. C.A.. bu.......... SM Applet. Northani Spy. bu. ... ...... 520 Applet, steal* Red. C.A., bu. ...... 4*0 - VBGBTABLBS .SMI*,' Topped. bU. ............... *2.75 Carrots,. topp'd, bu. ....... 2.25 Chi vat. 4a. both/................... 920 Horsorodlth, pk. bakt. .................la * Onions, tots, 32-lb. bao ..... Partlty. Root. dz. belts..........,... X Parsnips. % bu. . .............. M Parsnips, Cello-Pale, dz. ..... ......2.00 Potato**. 20-lb. Dag ................. .05 Potatoes, 50-lb. bag ____............. 2.00 Radishes, Black, V» bp. ........ 3*0 Rhubarb, Hothouse, JHB. box ...... 1.75 Rhubarb, Hothouse, dzhch............. 2*0 Turnips, topped, bu. . NEW YORK (AP) - The stock market was slightly higher In fairly active trading early todn; following Thursday’s con-soUdation pause. The Dow Jones-industrial av- Sat 10:30 a.mrwas up 1.97 .19. The Dow was off 0.96 llitirsday. Gains led losses by a bit less than 100 issues. Opening blocks inducted: 5.00 Poultry and Eggs DETROIT Rees DETROIT (AP) — (USDA)—Egg prices paid paf;doian by first receivers (includ Ina U.S.): Grad* A |umbo 32-43; extra largo 35-40; largo Sffi medium 30-32; small 17-22, CHICAOO PUTTER, EOOt CHICAGO (AP) — Chicago MdrconWo ExchangolButter steady; wholesale buy. Ing prices unchangod; os score AA *7%; OTA ami 00 E 44%; 80 C 60%; Cara 00 a 65'A; W C <2. Eggs uneven; wholesale buying prices uncnaiMM to t lower; M par pant or bah tar grade A whites 34; mediums 3b; standards 32; chacks 24%. Livestock DBTRene tWieiecK DETROIT (AP) — (USDA)—Cattle SM; couple jets WMltt lb. slaughter staory 3i.oo-3i.50; qjhaf grades not raatad; utility, cows 2UbWB, Hogs 100;. U*. 1-3 200-240. lb. barrows and gilts 21 JMt.75; 2-3 22B-240 21.5b; 3-4 240-270lb. 19.7MIU57 U J: *5 300-400 SOWS 10.00-17.75; 2-3 >00680 lb. 15.75- 10.I0. _ . . y:wmm Vealers 50; high choice and> prlmt 41.WM3.00; choice 30.00-41.00; good 33.00-31.00. SImpp 400; choice and prime 00-11* lb. shorn (laughter lambs 31.0032*0; cull to good slaughter swat 7,00-11.00. CHICAGO LIVESTOCK CHICAGO (AP) (USDA) - Hog. 3,00b; huicharo to to mostly 50 htoMr; fPIHjr. active; shippers took 1,500; 1-2 20G MLW butchers 22*0-22*5; ISO head at 22S5 and 07 head at 23.00; 1-3 170-250 lbs 21.75- 22.25; load 230 lbs 22.50; 2-4 240-270 the 2).0G3J.75;> 24 770330 lbs 10*0-21*0; ■ *ow* 17.257 2-3 500-400 the 17J04*3b) “cittfe ’<5«;Jcatvps pono). trading slaughter stoori and caws fully, ttoody; moderately actlvp; supply mostly staare and bows with other class** scarce; _*p£ •rat toads. high good . anOhdlcg lb olaughtar steers SOJWl.pO; and kHTgoadl 26.0O-2t.50; utility • merclal cows 2D.00-22.HU high < utility 2225-32*0; carman and cuttsi 10.00-21.25. . Sheep 100; not enough of any clast Tor market toot. . • American Stocks NEW YORK (AP) - American Stock Exchange selected Men price*: Go.) .__ — 35 17% | 14% {7Vh + 'A 2 27% 27Vi 2714 fH.Wt 27% 33 32% 23% 32% ., 100 5% 34% 34% -t1 % 04 7% p% 7% — % 44 jB-aaRT, IS.... 20 31% 30% 30%-% 717 22% 8 B ■■ % 135 17% 17% 17% •- % 121 7% fit 9 + % 1*5 17% 17 17%-+ % Aerojet ,50a Air stoat Alex Mb .10g Am Petr JOg ArkLGa* UB Asemera Oil AssdOil I O AtlasCorp -% 111 _ 12% m , „ 17% 17% 17% + % 4 11% 11% im lit 23% 23 22% + % 11 ini 11% 11% — % 10 0% 0% 0% + % ' 1 14% 14% 14% 4 % 202 77 77 77% 4 % 7 13% »% 33% 4 % 1 14% 14% IMfc ..... 47 4% 4% t% —% 24 10% 10% 10% 17 1% 0% 0% * *%. *% i% — % 1 31% lf% 31% t% 5 35% 35% to% 4 » 103 54% 54% 54% 4 % 21 21% n% »% — % Nuetoar JS 17% 17 fTVk-rlW Copyrighted! by Ttw. AseoeiatadPfaas 174| Syntax Cb; AS TachnlcSr*Ob WASHINGTON (AP) — The cam 1 lien Si the Traasury April to ,1747 « parad Ito April 24, IMS (in RNMrall l,nC* 7,275,732421.55 7*07*0423*03 ^^^*71.122*0205 WIW^Siferi50.53**Sl*to20 . , jfiiiWft W&tSr owtW**GMii4i ®rt- ***10*64,774,244.07 10,404,054,045.05 |J X-lncludes «36,004*01.50 dsT qM tub- gf ltd to atotutery limit. Stocks of Local Interut Figurat attar dactmal points are olbhtho OVER-THE-COUNTER STOCKS , QiMlatlBM from the NASD are representative IntordaaHr prtees. Interdaalar markets;'change throughout.'the'..Nay, Price* do nof Include retail marM|P, markdown or cemmiesten, AMT Com. ......................U 5* Associated TTtsck,t'A,....,......tf.d W* DftrfX CMfVHCM .......»yiM8-; Diamond QyaMI........ ' K«y Mohawk RMiar Safran PrRjtindr ...... Scripto^.i. ..u.,...! ....i. Wyandotte' ChsmtCdl 14* Thursday's lit 2P .ii., 1 - |NL MMwdWm Fn) _ .05 , INCREASED Allied Prado ■ .17 Anap. Q Q sa^nnSn T rreefS 'y iiaai 10 public utilities ........ 00.12+53 1* inSjptrtm*;.. v. Lv, ■",% General Time Corp., 63,000 shares at 41^, off 1; Aimriciln Cyanamid, 14,000 shares at 32%, ib %; Van an Aaaodatn, 18,400 ^tphras at 32%; and travelers Corp., 24,600 shares at 33%, im> changed. GAINS MADE Gains of a point or more were made ^Goodrich wd ^ Pont-(gening priced included: Magnavox, off % at 54; Giant Portland Cement, off % at 15; Cities Soxicet, unchanged at 65; Phillips, Petroleum, up % at 70%: Canadian breweries, up % at 12%, and^Intemational Nickel, up % at 40. v "0'r The Associated Press average of 80 stocks Thursday was off .2 at 337.9. Prices were mixed on the American Stock Exchange. NEW YORK (AP) • New York stock Exchange selected morning prlcoi:' AbbtLab 1.10 ACF Hid 240 Ad Mlllis .20 Address 1.40 Admiral AotnaLIf t*o AirRedtn 1.50 AlcanAlu 1.10 AliegCp .20* AliogLud 2.40 AiiogPw 1.2* AllisdCh'120 AlllodStr 1*0 Allis ChOltn Alcoa l.U AMBAC *0 Amerada 3 -Am Alrlln .00 AMtSdctT 1*0 Am c*n 120 :ven 1.25 IlPw 1.50 Am Enka 1 A Horn* 1*0 Am Hose .22 AmMFdy .70 AMdt Cf 1.70 Am,JWotori' ' JotGa* 2 AmPhot ,07g A Smelt 1,70’ Am jnd. t . An) 1ST 2*f Am Toboc 2 AMK CP .30 AMP Inc AS Ampex 'Co» Apacond 2*0 AnchHG 1.40 AncorpNSv 1 3.IS Armour !p fe Assd DG iao Atl Rich 1.(0 A|iM Ch .80 Attis Carp Avco Cp 1.50 Avnot Inc .40 Avwt nr 1*0 BabckW 1*4 BaltGE 1.70 BeatFdj l Beckman *p Kooch Air ?5 Bell How .40 Sondlx 1*0 SpiofFIn 1*0 K%iM Seeing iao Sofia* ,25b Borden 120 Ml 71% 71% . 47% 47% 47% + Vk ”4 10% 11% 11% — 21% 30% 30% + % .* mi m — % to 34% 34% 34% + % * 20% 10% 20% + % 2 147% 1% 147% + % 57 20% 30% 10% - % [ w 15% 15 W t Ik 4 37% 37% Ph 4- % i 5 55% 55% 55% .... *o S ® 24 45’A 44% 44% 4-H to 47% 47 " W% + % 47 j£t ; »% 23% — % X45 48t’'2,fc 3»b +'% BorgWer 1,25 1st My 12* Brunswfc ,05g 73% TMk — % 12% 32% ..... *1% 11% — % 41 32% V 11% 44 $12 ff% 23% + % 4 24% 20% »% —% 12 13% 13% 13% + % 14 »% 30 30 —% 10 127 124% 124% 1 35% 35% 35% + % 105 32% 32% 12% ....... 5 34% 44% 14% — % * 41 40% 40% — % »22 17% 17% 17% + % 45 2014 20% 20% + % I 37%, 37% 37% — % 3* 53%' 42% 52% — % Goodyear wt GraceCo 1.50 OranltoC Stl OrantW 1.40 gl A*P 120 t Nor Ry I Gt Woof Flltl GtWnUnlt .70 GroonGnt .74 Greyhound 1 wnAlrc-1 ■ Oil 1*0 GulfStaUt .10 GUlfWIM .40 Itorrl* |nt 1 riocloMIM .70 H*rc_inc i HewPack 20 Hoff Electrn Holldylnn .40 Hwym liti Homestke .40 HoMysri 1.10 HOMM# i.io HOUOlLP 1.11 Howmpt .70 IdehoPw 1*0 tdeol basic i ilicSn i*o JngerRMd T fflSW i*» IBM 3.20 intHarv i*o Inf Minor JO IntNick 1.20* PitiS, .... TSr .75 ’ low* Boor lOWBPSv 1.52 Jewel Co 1*0 Johns Manv ■mo Jh JonLogen .00 Jonal-OU 1,35 Jeoten* .40 Joy Mfg 1*0 Kaiser Al 1 KanPwL 1.11 Koty Ind KoyserRo .4* Kenncott 2.40 icin’Me 1*0 IGinbClk 2.20 Koppor* 1.40 Krafico 1.70 Kraago SO .40 Kroger 121 taorSleg *5 LohPCom .40 Uh Vol Ind Laftmn 1*4g LlbOFrd 2.80 Ljbb McN L Llgg My 2*0 lKsTV 1.33 iman i*7t Llvlngstn Oil LoCMMA 220 LoowsTh* .13 LonoSCom 1 LoneSGa 1.12 CojraCp 1*0 Cart-toad .00 Cudahy Co CsnMWrt 54% 54% 54% ] 43 43 43 , 33 34% 35% 14% + % 12 34% 34% 34% + % 21 25% 25% 25% + % 1 8% 40% M% - % 1 IT 45 45 + % 1 42% 42% 42% 1 to to , 1 4 44% 44% 44% — % 97 51% M% B + % 18 lm 9% IKK v.i; 124 45% 44% 8% + % 4 37% 37% 17% — 'A I S to 37 17 + % 14 g% n% S%-% 7 50 50 50. — % 30 57 53% 55% —1% S3L 55% 55 55 + % 24 2M S% 20% A 1 21% 2Uk 21% + % 13 44% 44 44. . . 37 47% 47 47% +l 30 to% .31%. »% - % 5 8 o — to #% 27% 27% »% ft b“ Hhts '8 y» aj»!o 34 135% 144% 1M WM IS 15% St4 a -1 1 207% 2»g4 217%-J 12 (5% 15% jm + % 17 37% mb' ffik ... 2 27% 27% 27% + % 1 37% 37% j. 70% 70% . 9 40% mb 40% ..A. * 17 if 17 — % 1 23% 23% 23% + % »' JM* «% «%—% ,12 T2 ¥% Jn4 < 30%-% 15 24% «% B% —%, i H IL !L ’j a l! 3S% MW 35% J.5 , irg%^20% «% f 25 2M4 24% & 77% 77% 77% FB "IN ^ 11 34% 34 -34% . r.-j S 51% Sw 51% — % St Ttt JsJnri } # # WL*y W'9k *% + % 34% ,.«V. «% —% 20% 2PA + % ! flS* ffif T ft »h!!Morr 1.00 l! 22% 22% ZW To P §% |b-% S*5 34% 34 -,:, 14 —3 121 00% 30 ’ 30% +2% ««!?«% 43 — % - 9 20% 20% 20% 2 31% 11% 31% J 34% 34% 34% + % • 74% 74 74% + % 21 14% 34% 14% + % 14 04 B% mb—1 to 31% 3% B% —% m».-' ib w, — % ;5|l 7f% MW —% 54% 54% ... . 14% M% + .W m ■mni v‘40 47% 44% 47% +1% 77 * 42% b*% 42% + % Nat ■ dr 31% 31% 31% + 13 30 17% 17% 27 10 20 20. — % *5 40% 40% 48% + % 16 toVk 21% 20% ... . 7 52% 52% 51% — % Ryder SV6 I . 2 41 4 12% 21 21% 32% — % 21% 21% + % 5 35% 15% 35% ,,, 44 44% 4T 44% - % 20 24% M% 24% + % 27 32% BU 32% — % — f 74% 73% 74% + % 4 HVb 21% 1Mb — % 7 47 46% 44% — % 7 (5% 05% 15% + % 24 77 14% 14% + % to 17% vfi* »% — % 4 28% 20% 20% .... 41 37% 37)i 17% — % ill 1» 1». + % 4 41% 41% 43% + % # 49 *L 43 — % 12 21% 31% 31% ..... 4 12% 32% 12%-% 20 14% M. 14 — Jb 4 58% 50% 50% — % 4 17% 17% 17% — % 32 37% 34% 37% + % IS 47 4M4 44% + % .41 35% 35% 15% — % 2 35% »%'»b + % X24 325% 325% 325% + % 17 12% W% *2 . T ft 104 17% 17% 17% + % ’ll W J% 5 24 . 14 24 10 47% 47% 47% + % 2 30% 30% Wt — % 1 122% 122% 122% ..... 7 57% V% 5TVt — % 29 30% 30% 30% — % 1 34% 34 - 34, .... 4 34% 34% 14% + % —4S— 54 17% 97 37% . 4 S% 22% 22%- % 4 21% 21% 21% + % * 34% 34% MH ... , 5% 98.-— % ■ural I tReglsP 1-60 Sanders .30 MPblndMO ten Feint .30 Kharlnb 1*0 : ICiMtIt Data-SCM Cp ,40b icott Paper 1 SbdCstL 120 SoarIGD 1.30 rsR 1.20* „.jton 2.40 ShellTrn ,74g ShorwnWm 2 SlgnalCo 1.20 SlngorCo 2.4* Smith KF 2 SouCalE 1.40 iouthCo 1.14 BuNOao 1.40 Sou _P*c 1.80 fiuRtr 2*0a 17 *4% »Jb H» -% | ,*5% dryiSfU Mack* Co *0 Macv RH 1 MadFd 1.240 MagmaC 3*0 Megnvox 1.20 Marattm 1*0 Marcor Inc 1 Altar MM i*o MariinM 1.10 MayOStr 1*0 SSSUiJ ** NW rows n K . _ 4m %b 47% ' —% .. 7 44% 4Mb 44% ;1S 37% 9% *m. —fy— », 70 24% 2tok 2Mb + % * 21% ,«% «% + % * 12% 12% 12% 4- % 24 23% 23% »%—,ft 10 52 52 ifl’ — % 17 12% 12%. Wft + % 107 30 37% to% — % 4 51% Sl\ M% 44 57 54% ST + % 27 :10% 10% W% . 4t 41 37% 37 3JA —% 12 40% 40 44% + % 5 24% 24% 26% — % 17 22% Wm + % 11 27% 27% 27% -I 2 52% 52% 52% — % • 1 «% 30% 31% + % —M— 1 20% 20% 20% 2 30% 30% 30% 11 27% 27% 17% 17 06 15% 04 + ft 240 54% 54 54% — % 4 54% 5Mb 54% + % 74 50% 5* 57% + % 14 40% 40% 40% 10 m 24% Sft-% 34 15% 15% B% + % 1 »% Wft Sft T ft 22 34% Wff 94% + % 55i I* ft 14 ft ft *7% + % j* ft 24% 27% + % 24 24% 24% 24% + % S 106% IQS1* 105% — ft 1 23% Btk 23% + % 54 45 44% 44% + % 171 37% 37% »%-% 40 48 47% 41 + % 2 33% 13% - >33% + % 7 12 Sljk W., v .,v 10 am 37% Wk + ft ■ 1 24% 24 241A + % —N— 5 40% 40% 40% 25 52% -B% '•IS'*-.'* is 40% 48% .01% +t 54 i»ft lift ■■■.. it 40% 4pb 48% — % 5 m m 20% + % 7 27% jm + * ’? ft ft ftj^ «r, ft jP*l ft ft r+i% j i4% ?4% m 1 45% 45% 45% 1 37% 37% J7% I 26% 24% ENb’^r.Sb' 6 00% (0% 00% ^ 8% m xf 77 «% a- If i#.p 15 S% ft 54% + % 34 m 2% 44%-% 26 M% 64 0 + % ?2 IS 34ft 5 +% 4 toVk ft toVk + ft 17 40% 40% IPA — % Std Kails StOCal 2 StOII Ind MB $tOIINj lJta itdOllOh 2.70 St Packaging tauflCk 1 *0 SterlDrug .70 StavanoJ 2*0 StudoWorth 1 Sun OH lb SurvyPd .72g Swift Co .40 TamsoEl .72 Tektronix Teledyne Tennaco 1,20 Toxoce 3.20 TaxiTrn 1*0 ToxGtUl *0 Toxailnst '.00 TexPLd *5g textron *0 ThMtol .40 . TIpWRI 1*0 ToddSlin 1.20 TransWAIr 1 Transmr *0b Transltron . TrlCont 2**g onney JC 1 aPwLt 1*0 PonnttM J* ^F?kn ft5S>’ ft PNIoEl 1*4 194 44% «b 44% + % Tfi 27% 27% 27% — % 23%, §8f:'B*k + % 6 22 ) 21% 22 +.% 45 31% |M lift +t„ g vi'Ml. if + % 14 19% B-. fe % 11 _«% 72% W% 22 34% 26% Sfib + % 10 27% Wk 27% + % 164 34% 33% 1***^ % 23 ft 22% »%.— % 4 22% to%s22% 5 24% 24% 24% 134 21% »% M% 27 34% 34 . 34% + % 17 ft-Bft IMb i" . 117. 52 51% 51% — % s a 2* ip* +*» 54 53% 52 53 — % 12 32 8% B + ft 34 MW IL Phiii Pat 2*0 NtnoyB 10m Polaroid *2 PPG ind 1*0 ProctGa 2*0 PubSCol 1JJ6 puWktnd Claidbk ftlMl I JO Quostor *0 RCA r RalstonP *0 Ranco lnc .72 RpylhaonJO 34% „ illb + % 24 47% 44% 14 57% ft B*-% 625 72% 70% 72 +XW 2* m » Jm—a 355 107% 104% W» — % 7 17% 37% 37% 27 707k ».,*!.+% (f r r_. 5 33% *»%—S 53% 5% 53% + % B EK 27% 25 -f ft Jf’1 Sj -A Ml | ft ,;ayn AAot.70 sssFiSI RoyCjCola Mi flm 2 RpyOut 1.030 ‘ 50 zm zm -r ve Thii „ !«► «%,+ 44% 45% 46 + % 87% irA 07% —VS 41% 41% 4t% — % 40 Mfivim—to w W ■* \tjiS 13% 33ft 93% + % 23% 23% to%’..m| 54 53% ;.■?!»%,#( 127 27% »% 27% Jn 34% 34 34 + % . 154 47 4M4 44 -1% 7 44% 44% 44% 221 12% 31% 31ft • ‘ 5 30% 31% 30ft + % 15 *5% OSVk *5% — % 43 120 124% 126 +1% 205 45% 44% 45ft + % 34 32% 32% 32% — % 122 45% 45% 45% + % 44 45% 44% 45% +1% » 72% 72 72% + % 21 44% 44% 44% + % 1 42% 42% 42% . . . 47 41% 41 48% - % 28 37% 37% 37% + % 1.1 78% 78% 71% - % 1277 45% 44% 45% + % 61 35% 35% 35% — % 134 2Mb 28% 28% + % 24 48 48 48 +1% 47 toft 39 ?7% + % ■ .. ■ 55 ; — ft ___■ 46 25 24% » + % 11 47% 48% 3ft + ft 44 23ft 23 2Mb —ft 54 47% 67% 47ft X21S 42% 61% 42ft X140 8Mb 79% 80% 10 71 70% TOft irid 1*0 Olbman I — +i Vorlan Asso Vondo Co *0 VoEIPw l*|_ 1 47% 44% 44% . „ 9* toft 9% 17 + % 1 52ft 52% g% - % 71 50ft 4M4 50% +2% 7 lift 47% 40% + ft 77 7ft 7>A 7% — % 10* 30% 10 10% + ft —T- 4 25 24% 25 - % to 50 , 57% 57% — ft 73 43% 42% 43% +1 41 21% 20% 20% + % 114 04 *4 04 .... 20 27% 27% 29% . 12* »% 20% 29% + 74 lto% 121% 122% +1% 2 21% 21% 21% + " 10 16% toft-lift + 3 11% lift 10% ... 0 34% 36ft 34% ... 4 34% 14% 14% + 25 37% 37% 37%— 111. 34% SM* 34%— • 12 ,11% 12 ... H 9( 92% 39 — " 47 |7ft 97%. 97% — 44 93% 13% 31% + 7 90 90 20 + 155 44% 45% 44% + 21 21% 21% 21% + 31 § 51% Si .. 159 50 47% 47% + 99 ffl* » 27 - n 97% 97% 97% .. ITS fWb 77 77% — % 94 toft 19% 19% .. 7 56% 54% 54% +1% 12 14 03% 03% — % 151 to 20% 20% + % 21 17% 37% 37% — % 4 77% 74% 76% — % 1 « 11 u to »% 51% 52% + % 322 47% 47% 47% + ft 128 33% 32% 33% — % 31 51% 51 51%—.% —V— 215 32% 31% 32 16 24% 23% 30% 24 21% 21% 28% — % Business News DETROIT IaP) — American Motors' Corp, is planning to build six entirely new vehicles within the next three years, some of them with hoods, and decks of plastic instead of traditional sheet steel, Roy D. Chapin, MIC board chainnan, announced the plans to buUd the six “entirely new, products” and company sources ibid some would have hoods and decks made of high* strength plastic currently used maintty in grills and smaller parts. Among, the six cars will be the AMC Hornet, an economy compact th be introduced this coming fall; a high-performance sports car called the AMX 2 which reportedly is slated for production next spring; and a minicar to com pete witjh foreign imports such as Volkswagen, likely to appear in the fall of 1070 TV Hits tighter Ad Curbs WASHINGTON (AP) - The television industry, acting as a congressional hearing into the Aiok^ng and health controversy drew to v close, says tighter voluntary; controls on cigarette advertising are not necessary for the time being. The Television Review Board of .the National Association of Broadcasters Said yesterday it had “decided to keep the matter , of cigarette advertising under cdhthiuing review and ih«t no forther actions are necessary at this time.” The board action was taken Wednesday, a NAB offical said. Drug Warnings Orderec WASHINGTON (AP) - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has ordered two manufacturers of the widely used antibotic novobiocin to that It should be used only when safer and more effective drugs must be ruled out. Within 30 days, the FDA said, the companies must tone down claims for the drug and include inf the label warnings about It's the Explanations —W—X—Y—Z— WorLom i.io Woo Wat 1.21 WorinAIrL l Wp Bane 1.20 ImutST iJm WostgEI 1.80 Wovorhr 1*0 Whirl Cp 1*0 Whit* Mot 2 Wlnnbix 1*4 Woolwth 1.20 XoroxCp 1*0 YngotSn Jig ZoleCorp *4 ZonlthR 1*0 47 49 42% 42% 105 26 25 24 +1% Xl9 59% 99% Oft + % 9 9% toft toft —% 42 toft toft toft + ft 57 43 toft 41 — ft to. toft Sft 05% - % Ttof W 9 — % ii toft toft «ft + % 11 S4Vk 34 34 — % 11 J|% 32% 33% + % toVOftSil 240% 4-1% 20 44% 44% 44% + % 23 51% 51 51ft 4-1 to 12% 51% Sift Copyrighted by fb*. Auoeidtod Frau 1747 Sale* figurat MW unotflelot. Unless otharwlsp noted;' rotas ' of dividends In the foregoing table are annual dlsbursomants based on the loot quarterly or oemKanmtal declaration.'- Special or extra dtvidOMt or poymont*. not designated a* regular era Montttltd ■ in " following footnotos. *—Also oxtra or oxtras. b—Annual rat* plus stock djykMnd. c—Liquidating dividend. d+Doctarad or paid lit 1747 jilus stock dividend, d-FaM loot yogr. (Mniy-atria in onck during 1767, ’esnmotnd cash vatu* bn' ontomdand or’ Ox-olitrlbuHon dot*, g—Dtdarad or paid So Mr mis year. Ji—Oaclarod or paid .attar track dividend origRt VP. k—Declared or paid this year, an accumulative Issue with dividends In arrears, n—New Issue, p— Paid this year, dividend emnraftdetsrrtd ar no atoien.lakan at last dividend meeting. (wDaciara dr paid In 174* plus mekf dMdand. t-Pald In stock during l7to, ootltnptod cash value on *x-dlvld*nd or ox-dlstrlbutlon dot*. i—Sal*t ln full. „ eld—Callod. x—Ex dividend, y—Ex dtvt-done and sates In full. x-dit—Ex distribuv, tWt. xr—Ex .rights, xw—without warrants, ww—With warrants, svd—Whan dls-trlbutod, wl—Whan luuod, nd—Next day doRyaty. •: ^’.sT SaS i. vfcfcln' bankruptcy’’ar rppMvarship or being reorganized undac th* bankruptcy AetftCr securities "assumed by such eom-patriss. fn—Foreign Issue eublect to. Interest squellzatlon .tax. STOCK AVEEAOE5 Carnal tad by The AtoMaMd » jT - Iftt Change . Stan Thurs. •rav. Day .. Weak Ago ... Month Ago .. Year Ago .. 1747 High ... 1747 Low .... 174* High ... 1740 Lew ... _____ 4* ___I Ralls UHL Stacks . +4. —* +* —3 502* 102* 15X0 337.7 m3* in* vst* l.t 4*0.5 177.7 150.1 930.0 ml 105* 140.7 334* 401* 1*7* 140* 328.0 519* 217.7 157.1 940,7 409.0 177* 144* 927* 531.7 217* 140* 341* . 435* 145* 135.1 277 -' BONO AVERAGES Cemplltd by Th# Associated Brass 'to 1G,/ ' IS '. IS IS Rab* lad. util. Ffla. l. Yd. N*( Chang* Day wBaf lh Ago ' r»3r«is? 747 1-ow . MW High 174* .Low ffl* 04.7 78.0 'TO* 71.1 62.7 84.7 79.7 70* 3-1 4SJ 45* 77.0 70.4 74.3 43* 03* 77.7 in 77* 44* (4.7 77* N* *0* 44* B6.L 77.3 70.7 77.6 42.7 83,r 77* (7* 74* -44*/ 71J gi* 70.2 it-. *92, 15* 70* OAO 7M ■ Truck Limits \ to End Monday tArNSING (AP) * TrtKk weight restrictions win be lifted Monday from seasonal "Mate highways in the Upper Peninsula. The State Highway Department said foe restrictions were imposed to protect foe highways faun possible damage during III spring thaw. Wofghfreitric-tions were removed earlier from xItower Peninsula highways. ™ -Ta V x . serious side effects which foe FDA says include, blood disorders such as anemia, skin eruptions, pain at foe injection: point and sometimes death Products directly affected by foe action are Albamycin Mix-O-vial, Albamycin capsules and Albamycin syrup, all merinted by foe Upjohn Co., Kalamazoo, Midi., plus Cafoomycin Sodium capsules, marketed by hferck and Co. Inc., Rahway, N.J. - By JOHN CUNNIFF AP Business Analyst NEW YORK — Once again fop stock- market has \ surged ahead, spinning off digital' records like a razy adding machine; running up new cores in volume and indices and even on blood pressure charts of thoee caught short. Next to baseball, there is CUNNIFF probably no other area of human enterprise with such a fascination for statistics. ★ ★ . The 19-million shares traded Wednesday, for example, made this the busiest four-hour session in history. And foe 16.08-point gain in foe Dow Jones industrial average was the biggest since April 8, 1968. And so i. So what else is new? Aren’t thermometers and Yo-Yos and stock markets supposed to go up and down? Can they do anything else, such as drawing figure eights? Isn’t a n updown motion what makes a market? EXPLANATIONS NEW What IS new in foe market place are the explanations. Like students in foe spring, foe stock market is going to act no matter what foe reason. Explanation to fit can be arranged later. The problem of producing explanations is this: Whereas foe stock market goes in only turn directions, foe logic for' such movements' must sound fresh and pertinent a couple of hundred times a year. # ★ -' Now a good broker would no more be caught without an explanation than a witch doctor would admit losing contact with the spirits. He can never tell his clients foe obvious, that prices rise because customers like him are buying stocks. That isn’t profound enough. / Lately foe explanations have been variations of these • Peace hopes. Around for many months now, this reason is beginning to look shopworn, Peace rumors apparently yeach Wail Street before they get to foe Pentagon, M tor * In fact, some observers claim that shortly before some sudden increases in market prices they have seen peace doves tossed aloft from brokers’ windows, ibe brokers claim foe sightings are illusions a? just plain win- dow-ledge pigeons. But by then the rumor has had its effect. • An easing of fears that foe monetary system might collapse. Ibis, too, is mi old one,' and frequently is usqq by people who have no idea what a Collapse would mean to the market. • Inflation. This can be good news oir bad news, depending on which you choose. Inflation should draw money into foe market. But inflation threatens foe economy. An all-purpose explanation. Another group of analysts, the chartists, refer to the lines and graphs that trace popular emotions—as described by earlier stock market behavior—and decide that when Point A is reached, Result X should ensue SIMPLY EXPLAINED But there might, after all, be some pretty simple explanations of market activity. -They may not be as satisfying and they may t)e too simple to bring .acclaim to their believers, but here they are:' • The American-, economy despite its widely publicized aches, pains and forefttened breakdowns; is really a very vigorous body, and many millions of Americans believe deep in their hearts that great advances are ahead. This isn’t to ignore the defects or to say that more crises won’t be faced. But when blue chip stocks have a way of doubling every five years it promotes- confidence. • When money pours into mutual and pension funds and other institutional accounts it must be invested. Such institutions can hold their qash for only, a limited period; fo despite imperfect market conditions, they must invest. The growth of such institutions has been enormous. And their cash position has grown in recent months. The large size of transaction Wednesday suggests .that their dam of resistance simply burst. Institutions copy each other. When one acts some others usually follow. Since they have such enormous* powef, their impact on trading gives a hefty shove to prices. U.S. Court Orders State Man Released GRAND RAPIDS (AP)-Floyd Bloss, Grand Rapids bookstore ner .and theater operator; was ordered released from jail Thursday by foe U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals. . to ★ R Bloss was sentenced to three nine-month jail terms following his conviction on obscenity charges. The U.S. District Court ordered him released April 21 pending an appeal, but Kent County officials requested A stay of this order and foe Cincinnati court granted it Thursday’s action reverses the court’s decision of Monday. 88.000 Ford T rucks, 69.000 Cars Recalled DETROIT UK - Ford Motor Co. says it is recalling more than 88,000 tracks and nearly Mutual Stock Quotations INVESTING COMFANIEI NEW YORK (AP) —Tit* (Mlewlng quotation*. supplied by, the National Amoci-ation of Securities Dealers, Inc., ara the prices at which these securities . could have bean sold (Md) or bought f to . 2*7 2.74. 8.57 7.37 ■ 7.15 7.78 1,17'til 13.2714.52 Aberdeen Advisers Affiliated All Amer Alpha Amcap Am 4.31 3*4 Am DiVIn 11.7712.77 Am Grth 7.45 8.32 Am Inv 10.2510.25 Am Mut 10.4311.40 Am NGW 3.57 3.70 Am Pec uneven Anchor Grow: „ Cap 16.1511.87 Grwth 14.5215.80 inv *.» io.7o Fd Inv 11.8812.14 Wfo 7.1b Fund B 1M711.14 Dynm 7.15 8.57 ' Indust 5.41 5.72 tncom 8.05 1.(1 Fst InGth 10.7011.73 Fst InStk 7.7210*5 Xst Multi 11*711*7 Fst Nat 5*2 7.07 | 1W5.... 11.5* . (.51 7.35 5.77 6*5 7.27 10.13 13.4014.44 Group; Com Stk 7.37 (.0* DNTC 13.8115,13 Util 7*1 8.12 Incom 2.51 2.83 Fraadm 7*310.42 Ptmd Am 1**411.87 Gin Sic 12.7(12.70 Olbranar 15.7415.74 Group Sac: Atra Sc 7.7710.70 Cam St 14.7S 16.16 Ful Ad 7.7610.67 Flat Cap Flat Fd Fli Gth Fnd Gth Founders Foursq ■ Franklin Nat jnd 12.7012.70 Nat Invest (.27 (.76 Nat Sec Ser: Balan 11.3712.45 5.S3 4.37 4.77 5.45 7.44 717 7*41U*2 10.21 11.16 4.72 7*4 27*5 27.85 Bond DIvU Pf Stk Stock Grwth Nat West Wwmt New Wld Newton Ocngph 15.1016.50 17.0010*8 17.2717*7 7.3310.20 7.11 7.23 17.0411*4 ■■■g 10.72 11.73 6fie WmS 16.7714.77 Stock SCI Cp Babson Bandstk Bost Stk Batten Bread St Bullock CO Fd Canadian CapH Inc Caplt Shr Cant Shr (.01 1.75 6*4 7*4 • 7.14 7.14 7.77 B*7 10.8211*3 0.77 7*3 15*216.67 14.47 10.04 10.7411*3 17*329.22 9*210.21 7B 8*3 l£S 13.14 20*7 22.24 2**1 20*1 15.7117.00 10*411*1 5*3 6.04 f*i 1-43 1**5 11.44 11*2 20.13 14*114*7 1**410*4 6*7 6.76 5.16 5.64 11*912.37 *** 7.65 13*114.55 7.77 1.76 12.77 13.75 Channlng Funds __ Balan 13*114.57 8^hstk S VA ChF^dGf0,Ti*2 Equity Fund Grwth I___T4.7I 13*315.11 1**120*7 5*6 6JM 13.2(14*1 7*1 7.77, Commerc 13.0514.24 Gainst Bd 5*2 4.00 Carnmonwljh Fds: Cap Fd 11*412*9 Incom 11*31X05 invest 1**111*1 Stock 10.7*12.01 Cwlth A&B 1.73 1*7 Cwllh CAD 1*3 2.07 Compat 10.1311.07 .Comp Bd 10*5li.25 Camp Fd 11*41X22 CeMord . tolra 20.10 h Cans Inv. 13^ 13.75 Consm Inv Atol 4.44 Cora Ld 14.8110*1 entry Cap 15*314* Crown W 8.24 7.03 ’• tovaoh M 75.20 75.20 v Decal Inc 15*413.15 Oelawara 15*717.13 Dalta Tr 7*410*3 -Dlvld Shr 4.07 4*4 DowTh In . 7.57 1*0 Drexel 17.7117.78 Dreyfus 14.2015*4 EatanAHoward: Balan 11.7512*4 Grth Ind Gryphon Gyardn H Ac Lev Ham Gh Ham hda Hanover Harbor Hartwell H Mann Hubtmn ISI Gth ISI Inc Imp Cap Imp Gth Inc Fnd Inc Fdb Indepnd (■) Ind Trend 15*816.70 insbk Stk 4*2 7*3 Inv CoAm 14.7514*4 InvGuld 10.410*1 Ubv Indie 17*217.32 - jnves Bos 19*714.74 Invest Group:, ' IDS Itdl 5.40 4.07 Mut 11iUli*4 Stock 21,7023*0 Seise 9M 7.751 Select 90S 7.75 Var Pay 8.(4 7*1 Inv Rash 5.01 5.44 . istel . 25*7 26.07 Ivast 14.7110*4 ivy Jormstn /22*122*1 Keystona Funds: Cus B1 20*421*5 O'Nail Oppehhm Penn $q Pa Mut Phllf Pilgrim Pilot Pin* St Plonaar Plan Inv Prlc# TR Prai Provldnt Puritan 18.48 17*4 7.02 7.04 7*4 7.94 10.47 10.47 15.75 17.24 10*411*4 7.07 7.71 i JIM 12.90 14.(714.25 19.71 15.20 25.35 25*5 . 11.17 . . 5*6 :.77 11*0 1X74 15*714.71 12*413*1 7*910*7 , 7.67 (.91 12.4513.59 4.02 4*1 15.35 16.(1 7.7410*7 17.8717.59 Cus 82 Cus B4 Cus Kl Cus K2 Cus SI Cut si ’ cut S3 CUS S4 Polaris .Polaris Knlckb 21*4 23J 10*211*7 7.03 7*4 6*S 4.77 22.73 25.01 lx»’n*4 7.3210.10 4*7 7*2 5*7 t.p SM 6.23 itol 7.21 Gtorg - Grth Incom Invest Vista Rep Tech Revere Rosanthl Schuster Scudder Funds: Inf Inv 16*816*3 toad 41.72 41.72 Ml 14*416.44 Com St 11*1 11*1 Sac Div 14*115*7 Sec Eqult 4*3 4.75 lii wv* S.74 7*7 Salto Am 11.0712.00 set Specs 18.56 20.27 (Ida 11.311X34 Sigma 12*213*4 Slg Inv 3.1714*7 smith B 10*210*9 Sw Invest Unavall Sovpr Inv 15.7917*4 StFrm Gth Unavail State St *4.17 54.50-Steadman Fds: Am Jnd 13.0014*1 Fiduc (.25 7.02 Scion 6*7 7.07 Stain Rp* Funds: Bal 21.7421.74' Cap Op 16.7316.73 Stock 15.2715*7 Sup InGth 1.11 8*7 Grwth Incom Special Stack Ebsrst Egret Energy Entprls* Equity, 13.77 15.07 6.74 7*1 14*815.70 16*317.74 15.0416*6 14.7116*1 15*415*4 102711*2 10.7111.71 (ftlCk (Mil 12*113*1 Lexlngt 11*012.35 Lax Rach 17.1511.74 Llharty 7*5 7.72 Lift Stk 5*4 5*$ Life Inv TM 8*1 Ling I.&JM Loomis Saylts Fds: Canad 40.75 40.75 Caplt 13*413*4 Mut 13.7115.71 Manhtn (.16 Ml Mass Fnd 122413*1 Mass Gth 12*413*4 Mms Tr 16.4417.77 Mates ' 0*4 S.46 I Mathsrs 13.0413* McDon MldA Mut TaachrS I Tachvst Techncl Tachnol 26.08 27*7 1U* 12*7 -7*7 . 725 7.72 8.74 71*4 10.(711.791 7.24 7.73 full .Gth 17*3 21.40 Hk ii . Everst In W.17 ,0*4 ■ Explor . 20*23023 • Fsirtd ', ■ 142415*4 Frm BMu 12.3512.35 Fed Grth' 15221AM \l FM Cap 13.0714*1 Fid Fund 1(2017*0 Fid frild 20,02 30*2 ' financial Pragrm 4 Merton Funds:! Grwth 12*714.10 Incom e 4.74 5.17 taW S 0*7 921 Mir Fd 7 20*7 2X02 MIF. Gth' 6.38 4.70 Wm QmGfiLyffi MUt ,'Trust 225 1.71 NEA Mut 12201145 Nat WSto 11*012*1 Oftar MR 1*8 7.38 Tran Cto. 7,7210.78 i TwenC Gth 5.27 5.71 TwenC Inc 5*4 5.77 Unit Mut 12,2219*4 unifd . i 11.5012*7 UtltMd Fuhds: .... Atom 8.17 8.75 Incom 15.3716*2 Sclen ' 7J08 7.72 UnFd Cah 8/12 8.87 value LUIa Funds:' Val Lin 7*810.17 Incom 6.18 6.77 Spf Sit 7*110,42 Vances spl 8.83,7.65 Vandrbt 7.6710*7 Vangd 5.73 6.48 Var IndPI 5.87.4*8 Viking 8.16 8*7 . Wall St In 12*814*8 Wash Mu 11*245.10 Wellgton 13.0014.13 'tWesf Up(\ 7*710*7 Whlfehir 15.2616*0 Windsor n 10*111*7 Winfield 7*4 (.04 yficon ‘ ffi 1.43 News in Brief A Ante valued at $790 was reported stolen from Jane SpencEbutters, 14, of 6470 Waldon, Independence Township, at Clarkston Junior high School yesterday, according to foe Oakland County Sheriff’s Department. Rummage Sale, sponsored by the Waterford Chapter of foe ABWA, May 3, at the Knights of Pythias Hall on Voorheis Rd., 9-?; —Adv. St. Hugo of foe Hills Rummage Sale, May 17! -Adv, Rummage Sale, St. George Greek Orthodox Church, 1515 Woodward Ave), Bloomfield, May 1, 2, 3, 9-6. —Adv. Girt Scout Garage Sale-Bake Sale, 2164 Dexter Rd, by O. U., Saturday, 10-5. —Adv. Model Airplanes and Supplies at Reduced Prices. Estes Model Rockets. See our commercial HO road racing track. Stapleton’s Hobby Shop, M59 at Pontiac Lake Rd., next to Rol- 6,900 cars for inspection of possible defects in door latches and accelerator cables. The company said Thursday it was notifying ownrs of about 88,700 1969 Econoline vans and F100 through F7S0 trucks to bring; foe vehicles to dealerships to find an estimated 6,000 units with possibly defective right door latches ¥or Econoline cargo door latches. The firm said some parts may have beat manufactured improperly, failing to secure foe door unless a key or foe lock button was used. *2 4^ ★ Fin’d said it also was recalling 252 F600 and F6000 thicks, also 1969 models, “to locate a maximum of 21 units which may have incorrect front-wlxtel bearings, These incorrect wheel bearings eventually might cause failure of foe spindle.” Owners of 6,886 standard-sized, 1969 Ford cars with 302 to 390 cubic inch engines built At the Wayne assembly plant were bring asked to return foe cars to replace accelerator cables. The firm said a number of foe cables were manufactured With improper wire cores and might bind in cold weather. ladium. -Adv. Los Angeles has foe largest concentration of American Indians of any metropolitan area, an estimated total of 45,000. By ROGER E. SPEAR ;Q — I own shares of California Computer Products. It pays no dividends bat has split three times. What do you think of it as a growth stock? — J. T.. A — CalComp is. a leading supplier of computer graphic plotting equipment and software for programming. Several, acquisitions completed in 1968, or still pending, foould broaden as well as strengthen foe company’s product base; In the first half of the current fisem year — June 30 — revenues rose 27-per cent, while earnings gained 20 per cent/and were equal to 25 cents a share. A small drop in fiscal 1968, earnings resulted from, a larger number of shares out st and in g, increased nonoperating^ dyirgfes and a higher tax base. / Jr ★ / •★ The market totf digital ; com* puters is expected to grow 25 per cent a year, while sales of display devices should increase 40 ner cent annuaily^CalComp’s sales have exceeded this growth rata over the past 5 years. CalComp, how selling about 36x earnings estimate of 05 cents a share forf foe current fiscal year, is. an attractive rebound candidate for long-term growth. Q — Is it true that a trader must first buy for bis long account- the same number of shares of the stock he plans to sell short? — M. W. A — No, this is not necessary, although some traders may already own foe stock they intend to sell short — a procedure generally restricted to professionals. The more usual speculative short sale is handled through a margin account by your broker who will sell short Whatever stock you choose, whether you own it or not He mudt, however, deliver foe shares you sell to whoever buys them. So he borrows them from his Street account or from other available sources known to him. When you’re ready to take your profit, buying baric the stock at a lower price — called covering — foe broker returns these shares to the. lender.-There are so many technicallti'es associated with short selling that in my opinion foe jwerage investor should leave this Mijf of operation to professiona|g Ii is not as simple as it may sound from my necessarily brief 'Otr planation. . .% *• ' (Copyrit^t, 1068)1 ;■ 'x: lown & ounirtf 4664 W. Walton fflvd., Drayton Plaint Phone 474-3161 - Open 9-9 Mon. * Frl.; 8-6 Tues., Wad., Thi YOU CAN BUY THIS POCKET SIZE RCA TRANSISTOR RADIO FOR ONLY *1 WHEN YOU BUY ANY ..RCA TELEVISION SET NO MONEY DOWN AT WKC Regular $329.95 seller-super ' k' If powerful- . .New Vista VHP » 1 m J Tuner, Sail'd State UHF Tuner, J / Vy one-set VHF fine tuning. Color Jr quick tuning, picture sharpness. mKmm f control, dust-proof picture tube, solid state color stabilizer, stay-set volume control, built-in tennas,' 21,500-'volt chassis, space age circuitry make this from WKC. Model EL.4I8W. : PARK TREE in Wl^C'i Lot at Rear of Store or 1 -Hr. vin Downtown Parking Mall Have Ticket Stamped at Cashier's Office , NO MONEY DOWN -90 DAYS ; ^SAME AS CASH Johnson Radio-TV FE 8-4569 knU. 4SE. Walton, Penfiee. Latimer Radio-TV ^ OR 3-2652 353D Sashabaw, Drayton fletnt THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1969 mMT ■Television Programs- Program* furnished by stations listed in this column are subject to change without notice! Channels; 2-WJBK-TV. 4-WWJ-TV. 7-WXYZ-TV. 9-CKLW-TV, 50-WKBD-TV, 56-WTVS-TV, 62-WXON-TV FRIDAY NIGHT New;s, <1:00 (?) (4) (* Wefcther, Sports ?? (»>*K>— LSpy. (50) RC — Flintstones .. (56) What’s New jC (62) R — Sea Hunt •tf:30 (2) C — Baseball — rl Detroit at Boston ’ (4) C — News — Huntley, Brinkley ’. ;(7) C — News — Reynolds Tf (50) R — McHale’s Navy ’ (56) TV High School 41 (62) R — Highway Patrol 7:00 (4) (7) C — News; t* Weather, Sports I * r(9) R — Movie: “I Saw What You Did” (1965) Two teen-agers call a man and say “I saw what you did and I know who you are.” They don’t . PEANUT CELLAR - y Sing-A-Long Beer • Wine • Liquor • "BRING MOM AND DAD. THEY'LL ENJOY THIS!" » Miles West of Pontiac Hi Miles West of Union L»ke M3-9191 STEREO COMPONENTS • FISHER • ELECTRO* VOICE • KENWOOD • MclNTOSH • TANDBERG • REVOX • GARRARD • DUAL • RECIUNE4R SPKRS. • ACCESSORIES CUSTOMADE PRODUCTS 4540 W. HURON 673-9700 — PEANUT CELLAR — —L pB:,.:Slng-A-Long. I; Beer • Wine • Liquor • 1 "EVEN THE JUKE BOX RECORDS ; ARE MOSTLY OLD STANDARDS'*' 9 Miles West of Pontiac IV, Miles West of Union Lake 3*3-9191 QUALITY REPAIRS ON ALL MAKE HEARING AIDS Loaners Available PONTIAC MALL OPTICAL & HEARING AID CENTER Phone 682-1113 V Tim "Living Sound" HEARING AID DEALER PEANUT CELLAR Sirig-A-Long Beer • Wine • Liquor Hear the Singing Bartenders; JIMMIE AND EDDIE know that he has committed a; crinte and knows who \they are. John Crawford, John Ireland, Andi Garrett '' (50) R — I Love Lucy (56) Americans From Africa — “Booker T. Washington and the Atlanta Compromise” (62) R — I Led Three Lives 7:30(4) RC — High Chaparral — Don Sebastian Montoya reneges on his promise to sell a small village on his land, eveh though tenants have raised the purchase mon-' ejy. f . (7) C — Tom Jones Guests include Sonny and Cher, Herman’s Hermits • and- Henry Gibson of “Laugh-In.” | (50) RC — Hazel (56) (Special) Return to Falmouth — Soiling hero Robert Manry is interviewed on Cape Cod coast. It was here where Manry set off from Falmouth, Mass., to sail along across the Atlantic to Falmouth, England. (62) R — Ann Sothern 8:00 (50) C — Pay Cards (62) R — Ozzie and Ham riet 8:30 (A) RC — (Special) Hallmark Hajl of Fame — '■.‘Victoria Regina” Laurence Housman’s play, adapted for television by Robert Hartung, d ram a t i z e s events in the life of the Britisfi monarch from 1837 through her diamond jubilee in 1897. Julie Harris and James Donald star. (7) C — Generation Gap — Guests are Craig Hundley, 15, pianist and leader of Che Craig Hundley Trio, and his father and manager, Richard. .(D) C — Don Messer (50) C -r Password (56) Citieposium — A generation’s c h a n g i n g mores is the subject of experimental film maker Richard Myers’ production of “Coronation:” (62) R — M o/v i e : “Tarnished H era es” (British, 1961) 9:00 (2) . C — Movie:' “Gigot” (196?) — Mute French janitor befriends stray cats and dogs. Jackie Gleason (7) C — Let’s Make a rt. (9) C — Public Eye (50) R — Perry Mason (56) Grandmaster Chess 9:30 (7) RC — Guns of Will Sonnett — Two gunslingers, who claim to have i run James Sonnett out c town, charge tribute to citizens. (9) C — 20 Million Questions (56) R — NET Playhouse — “The Prodigal,” Jack Richardson’s prize - win- IN TROUBLE ABOUT BILLS? Our training, experience and knowledge is at your service. We work with you to meet all obligations on a planned system that will get you out of debt without a loan. Call 338-0333 DEBT Consultants of POHTIAC, INC. 814 PONTIAC STATE BANK BLDG. DEDICATED TO TOP QUALITY IV SEMflCE Blafe Radio & TV 682-6340 ,3148 W. Huron, Pontiac Condon Radio-TV FE 4-9736 730 W. Huron, Pontiac C & V TV FE 2-3781 146 Oakland, Pontiac Dalby Radio ft TV FE 348 Lehigh; Pontiac V Grogan’s Radio,-TV 394-0055 4731 Clarkston Rd., Clarkcton Nod’s Radio-TV FE 5-6112 770 Orchard ■.a.’t Rd., Pontiac Jilh’s Radio s TV 383-1433 1164 Cooley Lake Rd., Uniui.Lake Union L Obel TV1 ,682-8820 3$pl Elizabeth Lk. Rd., Pontiac fiydetf TV ' I |fi|H FE o'. 1350 1188 Beaohmont, Hecgo Harbor Al Hooding TV 1 FE 4-1515 . 1700 W. Clarkston Rd., Lake Orion Stefanski Radio A TV 681-1515 1181W. Huron, Pontiac Sweet’s Radio I, TV FE 4-5677 422 W. Huron,Pontiac Troy TV-Radio TR 0-0060 8185 Lhrernois, Troy Valko’s TV 582-1165 110 H. Main, MIHord Watiod Lk. Electronics 024-2222 1010 E. West Maple Rd., Waited Lake Walton Radio-TV FE 2-2251 \ . 615 W. Walton, Pontiac h WKC, Inc., Strvtot 014-1110 j,. 2818 Dixie Hwy., Drayton Plains ^ TV Features Tonight t , AMERICANS FROM AFRICA, 7 p.m. (56) TOM (7) JONES, 7:30 p.m. RETURN TO FALMOUTH, 7:30 p.m. (56) HALL OF p.m. (4) FAME, 8:30 TESA of OAKLAND COUNTY oS! HERE COME THE STARS, 10 p.m. (4) Tomorrow 1 p.m. ning drama based on the Greek legend of Orestes, as seen from a 20th-century viewpoint. Kim Hunter, Aline-MacMahon, John Heffeman are featured. 9:55K62) Greatest Headlines 10:00 (4) C w- Here Come the Stars — George Bums, Jack Benny and Edward G. Robinson guest. (7) R C — Judd for the defense — Judd becomes emdtionally involved with a female attorney whom he defends on a charge of felonious assault. (9) (50) C—News, Weather, Sports (62) R — Movie: “An Honorable Murder” (British, 1959) 10:30 (9) C — What’s My Line? (50) R — Alfred Hitchcock — N i g h t c 1 u b singer is hounded by an ex-convict Who claims tp be her husband. Polly Bergen stars. 11:00 (2) (4) (7) C — News, Weather, Sports (9) R — Movie: “The Day the Earth Caught Fire” (50) C — Joe Pyne 11:30 (4) C — Johnny Carson (7) C — Joey Bishop 11:35 (2) R — Movie: “The Strangler” (1963) City is in terror and police work frantically to capture a psychotic strangler of women. Victor Buono SATURDAY MORNING the 5:50 (2) TV Chapel 5:55 (2) C — News 6:00 (2) C — Across Fence 6:30 (2) C — Sunrise Semester 6:45 (7) C n- Rural Report 6:55 (4) C — News 7:00 (2) C — Mr. Magoo (4) C — Country Living (7) C — TV College 7:30 (2) C — Bugs Bunny-Roadrunner (4) C — Oopsy (9) A Place of Your Own 8:00 (7) C — New Casper Show (9) Ontario Schools 8:30 (2) C — Wacky Races (7) jo — Gulliver 9:00 (2) C — Archie Show (4) R C — Flintstones (7) C — Spiderman (50) R — Wells Fargo 9:30 (2) C — Batman — Superman • * (4) C — Banana Splits (7) C — Fantastic Voyage (9) French Schools (50) R — Laramie 10:00 (7) C — Journey to the Center of the Earth (9) C — D’Iberville 10:30 (2) C — Herculoids (2) C — Underdog (7) U— Fantastic Voyage - (9) Toby (50) RMovief’ “The Shanghai Cobra” (1945) ; Sidney/ Toler 11:00^2) C/—1 Shazzan (4) C—Storybook Squares (7) C — George of the Jungle (9) C — Cross Canada 11:80 (2) RC —- Jonny Quest .(4) C — Untamed World «'i* (7> C — Americah Bandstand — Guests are the New life group and songstress Linda Ronstadt. , < (9) Country Calendar ■ SATURDAY AFTERNOON of Foxes’” (ISM) Tyrone Power, Orson Welles, \ Wanda Hendrix, ' 12:30 ^(2) C - Navy Film (4) C — Red Jones (7) C — Happening 12:45 (2) C — Tiger Warmup 1:00 (2) C — Baseball: Detroit at Boston (4) C — Baseball: Philadelphia at St. Louis (7) R (J-Jlbvie: “Glory” (1956) Margaret O’Brien, Walter Brennan (9) R -r Movie; ’‘Slaves of the Invisible Monster” (1959-66) Feature version of serial. Richard Webb, Aline ToWne 2:00 (50) R - Movie : “Torpedo Alley” (1053) Mark Stevens, Dorothy Malone, Bill Williams • 3:00 (7) C —.Haney’s Peoplfe (9) Through the Eyes of Tomorrow 3:30 (9) C — Magic Shoppe (50) RC - Movie; “Zon-tar: the Thing From Venus” (1966) John Agar 4:00 (2) C — (Specia 1) ^ Kentucky Derby — Jack Whitaker is host and Heywood Hale Broun and Eddie Arcaro pro y i d e commentary for the first x leg of the Triple Crown of racing. (4) c —. (Special) New Orleans Open Golf Tournament (7) C — (Special) NBA Basketball — Los Angeles vs. Boston in sixth game of playoff finals with Lakers leading 3 games to 2. (9) C — Bozo (56) R C — Davey and Goliath 4:15 (56) R - Time for John 4:30 (0) C — Skippy (56“) R — Muffinland (62) R — M a c K e nzie’s Raiders 4:45 (56) R - Sing Hi — Sing Lo 5:00 (2) R - Mr. Ed (4) C—Huckleberry Finn (9) R C— Monroes — “Ghost Mark Richards . WCAR, News, Wayne Phillips WJR^ News, Music Till Dawn SATURDAY MORNINO 5:00—WJR, Wake-Up wwj. nows. Farm CKLW, Charlie Van Dykn WXYZ, News, Dick Purtan WJBK, News, Merc Avery WPON, News, Arizona Weston „: WCAR, News, Bill Delzell 5:30—WWJ, News, Morrle Carlson 7:00—WJR, News WHFI, MUSIC WPON, News, Chuck War- 7:15—W J Ri'Cavalcade 0:00—WJR, News 3:15—WJR, Sunnyside, Caval-cade ■ 7:00—wwj. News. Monitor JlimPI, Jim ZWaer io:00—wpon. Newt, Gary Purece WCAR, News, .Rod Miller WXYZ, News, Johnny Ran- dall WJBK. News, Conrad Pat- CKLW, Ed Mitchell lltOO—WJR, Newt, Sports 11:1s—WJfi, Cavalcade SATURDAY AFTERNOON 13:00—WWJ, News • WJR, News >p—- 11:15—WWJ, Now, Marty Mo i Neeley -WJR, Farm 13:30—WJR, Cdvalcade 12:45—^WJ R,. Tiger Beat, Baseball 2:DO-WPON, News, Dan Mllham WXYZ, News, Mike Sherman CKLW, Steve Hunter JiOO-WCAR, News, Ron . Rose WHFI, Larry Baker WJBK, Hank O'Neil WWJ, News, Monitor 3i30—'WJR, Scopes 3:45—WJR, Shiwrcase 4100—WJR, News, Dimension 4;1S—WJR, Kentucky Derby S:0O—WJR, News 5:15—WJR, Showcase SiSO-WJR, Dimension Report, Showcase Big enough to enjoy anywhere in the room,Vet small enough to fit anywhere Full Zenith handcrafted quality The BERTRAM • A3710 All new Flepandy stvlpd fompd; t hix-M repn portable. Dark Brown , color and White rulor 'AtTIOJ', I or Dark Beige color and lightBelRP color (A3710U. V* x 1" fwln-cone speaker. >329 World’s finest performance features NEW ZENITH HANDCRAFTED PORf ABIE COLOR TV CHASSIS NEW EXCLUSIVE ZENITH "CHROMATIC BRAIN" SOLID-STATE COLOR DEMODULATOR ADVANCED ZENITH SUPER VIDEO RANGE 82-CHANNEL TUNING SYSTEM tmw SERVICE SPECIALISTS TV • RADIO , SERVICE * FE 5-6112 Open fru Eve. ’til 9 770 Orchard Lake PONTIAC AMERICA'S „ junior d/ktiss Tuesday, May 6-NBC-TV 108 N. Saginaw St., Downtown Pontiac-FE 3-7114 Open Fri. 9:30 a.m. to 9 p^m. — Sat. 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. ' 14" Diagonal 'New Vista Sportabout' RCA PORTABLE COLOR TV SAVE *30 i Total • Stereo Sound with RCA ( . EM-AM-FM Stereo Console WITH 20 RECORDS Natural Walnut grain finish—cabinet is 25x38x17Vd) inches * total sound solid state amplifier/tuner, stereo amplifier, FM-AM-FM stereo radio tuner, studio-matic 4-speed' record .Changer, feather action tone arm. AmpHtier/niner controls,' ( tape input/output jack, terminal connectors. And you get twenty 45 tpm records when you buy this model VLTl 1W. ' ■ ' 12:09, (2) Moby Dick AfflBt * .(4) C - Super 6jji m C — CBC Sports . " i (50) R — Jfcvie: “'Prince Mm" 4 'UMik* 11*