Th• Weather _ f' • , , • , it- ■ • ■ [ : ■ - ■ - ■ ____ THE PONTIAC PRESS £= VQL. , KO. iro f |r % ★ PONTIAC, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1^, l»ag -60 PAGES u»r«a»^T&T.o^' joe Land-^^ely in Atlantic ;-::; SAFE LANDING — The Gemini 11 spacecraft, hanging from its main parachute, drifts'to a landing in the Atlantic Ocean today bringing astronauts Charles (Pete) Conrad and Richard Gordon down to earth from their three-day flight in space. The astronauts set record after record as they circled the globe 44 times, traveling nearly 1.2 million miles hi 71 hours 17 minutes. Among their many feats, they flew higher and faster than anyone else, scored man’s fastest rendezvous and docking with a target satellite, and demonstrated that two space vehicles can fly formation in space while tied together by a line., Plan for Tax Credit Repeal Opposed by Gov. Romney CAPE KENNEDY, Ffe/fAP) — Bringing home a bundle of seven space records, the Gemini n astronauts rode to a safe pinpoint fending in the Atlantic today to climax a sensational three-day mission. ★ *' * America’s newest heroes, Charles Conrad Jr. and space-walker Richard F. Gordon Jr., ended one of man’s most signifi-cant space adventures when they splashed into die sea with- Osteopathic Hospital to Hike Wages in view of crewmen aboard the aircraft carrier USS Guam. “This old world leeks pretty good front the deck of this carrier,” Conrad told the cheering crew of the carrier. “But I’ll tell you something else, it looks great from 850 miles up.” * * a The smiling, heavily bearded astronaut was talking about Gemini It’s record-breaking trip yesterday to the “top- of the world.” “We had a very good flight,” Conrad said, “and after a couple nights rest we’ll be ready to go again.” An electronic chauffeur^ an automatic system being tried far the first time, steered them through a blazing reentry through the atmosphere and parked them just about two miles off the Guam. This was closer than any other American manned spaceship has come to its main recovery ship. Gemini 8 held the previous mark, 3W miles. ■ it a 1 Gemini 9, however, still holds the record for closest to the aiming point — an area in (hie center'd the landing zone. It missed by ody 300 yards, while Gemini 11 whs more than a mile off that mark. However, officials considered this good shooting for a first try at the automatic reentry system, which relied on the spacecraft computer and gnid-ance system. Gemini li dropped into the sea at 9 a.m, EST while sailors packed the deck of the carrier to cheer two fellow Navy men. Conrad is a commander and Gordon a lieutenant commander.. Helicopters were overhead swiftly and dropped frogmen into the water to attach a flotation collar. HOISTED ABOARD Twenty minutes later a helicopter hoisted the astronauts out of the floating spacecraft and deposited them on the carrier. Dressed in their space suits and flashing broad smiles, Conrad and Gordon stepped onto tbe Guam's deck.. They were welcomed by space agency and Defense Department officials and then stepped to a microphone to make brief statements. * * ★ the ship’s band had a field day. While the helicopter approached the spacecraft, the band played “The Eyes of Texas Are Upon You” and. “Somewhere Over the Rainbow.” GET PHYSICAL As ' the astronauts stepped onto the flight deck, it struck up “Hi Neighbor” and “Anchors Aweigh.” In Today's Press, % fee ted. The wage boosts, which vary from 25 to 60 per cent for nursing personnel, result from a salary review begun in January by the finance committee, according to Derbabian. He said the wage review' is not complete and would continue. NEW RATES The new minimum salary for supervisory nurses will be 9670 per month with a maximum of $804. Staff (registered) nurses will receive $603 a month to start with* a maximum of $723. New wage scales for other nursing personnel include $450 to $54$ per month for licensed practical nurses and $354 to $399 for nurses’ aides and orderlies. Supervisory nurses at Pontiac General Hospital are now paid $583 to $699 per month, while staff nurses receive $525 to $630. At St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, the wage range for tfie same two categories is $630 to $766 and $520 to $663 respectively. ★ ★ ★ “We’ve tried to keep costs down,” said Derbabian, “but found it affected service. We now are striving for the best qualified personnel inall areas." Pontiac Osteopathic Hospital officials said the employe wage hikes, while designed to be competitive with other hospitals and area industry were aimed at adding personnel to expand the hospital from its present 176 beds to its rated capacity of 400 beds. . SMILING SPA ard Gordon (left) and they are greeted by sail ......wirwMto owing the splash-down from their space School Equality to Be Studied Citizens1 Panel Will Eye Pontiac District A citizens committee Study will be conducted to determine and comment on the equality of educational opportunity in the Pontiac School District. The board of education last night formally resolved to spon-sor the study, expected to take 12 to 18 months. John F. P e r d u e, who became the district’s school-community and human relations director in July, was named to coordinate the study. He cited last nigit’s action as “a very important step in the right direction to improve our school system.” a a a While the Btudy will disclose weaknesses within the district, it also will indicate where there are areas of strength, Perdue said. a a a Outlining the first steps in the program, Perdue said he will meet Tuesday with representatives of the State Board of Education and the Michigan Civil Rights Commission who will serve as consultants for the study. City Synagogues Fete New Year Hundreds of Jews in the Pontiac area gathered in synagogues last night to observe Rosh Hashanah, opening services of the Jewish New Year. . ..According to the Hebrew calendar, the year 1966 is *^he Hebrew year 5727. Rabbi Israel Goodman chanted the liturgy in Hebrew and David U. Utley assisted in the Erev service at Congregation -B’nai Israel by * readin&theliturgy in feng-lish and leading responsive readings. Rabbi Philip Berkowjtz presided at Temple Beth Jacob. Soloists were June Benton, Duncan Sells, and James Rosenthal: Charles A. Wilson, director of music, was at the organ. Jacob Meyers sounded the < shofar at the Temple last night, and Rabbi Goodman at Congregation B’nai Israel this morning. Rabbi Ernst Conrad, conducted the Rosh Hashanah Observance for the New Temple of Bloomfield Hills with a service in the Unitarian Church. The Jewish New Year is markedly different in character from Letters are to be seat out immediately seeking the names of potential members 111 ONES , Wage h i k e s have bee n approved to make Pontiac Osteopathic Hospital employes among the highest paid in Michigan, it was disclosed today. • Edward Derbabian, chairman of the finance committee of the hospital board of trustees, announced the wage hikes, which are to be implemented over a three-month period beginning Oct. 2. After the brief statements, Conrad and Gordon went below deck for physical examinations. they are to stay on the Guam overnight, flying to Cape Kennedy tomorrow to begin several days of debriefings with ex-, perts. ( They were scheduled to arrive at the Cape about 8:30 a.m. MANY RECORDS The carrier hoisted the Gemini 11 spacecraft aboard exactly one hour after touchdown. It will be examined carefully by Red Guards Chinese Communist leaders' clamp down on youths — PAGE E-14. School Affairs Pontiac enrollment is nearing projected fall figure — PAGE Aren News ...........D-i “Daddy’s so cute when he’s mad. You’d think he’d be happy when I tell him.” Cracks, Sinks; 20 Missing LANSING MP)—Gov. George. Romney toklan audience of businessmen yesterday he opposed repeal of the 7 per cent investment credit allowed business firms under federal income tax laws. “Discouragement of plant expansion at this time is exactly the opposite of what we should be doing ” Romney told a public affairs -------fe—— conference of the Michi- t ^gan Cham her of Com- GermCM^Silb merce. He also said he is recommending “commitment of $20 to $30 million over the next six months in owner-occupied FHA insured mortgages in Michigan” to spur the lagging home-building industry. Romney, frequently mentioned as a possible Republican presidential candidate, said President Johnson “could have taken fiscal action last * winter” to head off “the inflation and uncertainty we are currently going through.” He did not elaborate. He said a major cause of inflation was “an excess concentration of economic power on the part of both employers and unions.” Romney cited as an example the rfecent airline strike settle-(Continued on Page 2, Col. 3) . Electric Blankets in Style Tonight Morning .northerly winds riding in at $ to 18 mules per hour brought temperatures tumbling from a high of 78 yesterday to a low of 46 at 6 The weatherman predicts fair and. cool tonight with lows in A to 7# is ■ t, and showers Rainfall for the period will total one-tenth to one-quarter Inch over the weekend. Rain falling late yesterday was too litfit to measure. At 2 p.m. the thermometer in . downtown Pontiac registered tl. HAMBURG, Germany (UP!) —The West German submarine Hai (shark), once a scuttled , Nazi y-boat, cracked open and sank in a sudden North Sea storm between England and Denmark, the West German Defense Ministry said today. Twenty-one max were aboard. There was only one known survivor, the chief petty officer, who said the Ha! “sank jn seconds like a stone” after a storm ruptured her hull just south of the Shetland Islands, about 200 miles east of Tynemouth, England. The chief petty officer, Hans Silbernagel, was picked up by the British trawler St. Martin early today, 12 hours after the sub sank at C p.m. yesterday (noon EST). Silbernagel was quoted as saying water burst into the engine room. The captain ordered crew men to don lifejackets and aban- : He said most of the crew had po chance to escape because water pouring in through the cracked hill caused the U-boat to sink-in seconds, f A defense ministry statement said tbe Hai normally carried a 17-man crew, but this time was on a training cruise and car* ried 21 men. v The Hai, built in 1945, was scuttled in tbe Baltic after World War H. The 118-foot-long mb was raised, add rebuilt in HIT. A former csg$atn of the Bid described the U-boat as a “moet seaworthy” craft * * ifetf THE PONTIAC PRESS. THUBSDAY. SEPIEMBEa. », iw M tTl OLDS COUPE — Oklsmobfle Motor Division’s “Petto Custom” coupe shows styling introduced by the division last year in the Toronado model. Division officials cited the Toronado as Influencing engineering in each of the five model lines introduced today. The cars may be seen at Pontiac area dealer showrooms Sept. 29. Birmingham Area Mews Citizen Group Tells Why Bondlssue OK Needed Toolboxes Stolen, Hold Rat Poison Two mining toolboxes con. taining packets of highly lethal rat poison are the object of an alert issue# foday by Pontiac police. The packets — filled with various powders including arsenic and strydfaitfatis — were apparently .taken yesterday afternoon from a station wagon belonging to Patrick Dischinger, a serviceman for ArweU Inc., pest exterminators, r Dischinger said covered loss of the black, heavy fiber containers after returning Aram a personal call to Pontiac General Hospital. In the toolboxes, told police, were a score o powder-filled envelopes, each marked, withthe word “Poison” and the symbolic skull-and-cross bones. ' it • Police said even small quantifies of some of the chemicals could be fatal if swallowed. Anyone having information as to the whereabouts of the tod-boxes ik urged to contact Pontiac pobca at 110 E. Pike im- 'Nq Need hr Gloom' 3 /''teM Airs Dept. IssueI * An all-day bearing yesterday timed at clarifying who employs Oakland County Sheriff’s Department personnel was ad-Jwn-ned and will resume next Sheriff Prank Irons, county officials and representatives o f the sheriffs department union, The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employes (AFSCME), testified before the Stato Labor Mediation Board in Detroit. w. a a • . The sheriff had been designated die employer in the union petition but the county contends that ihe board of supervisors bis the budgetary control. Olds Chief Is Optimistic LANSING (AP) - Oldsmo-bile General Manager Harold N. Metzel said today he sees no reason for any pessimism over auto industry sales. He told-Oldsmobile’s national press preview that 1966 would finish up close to Olds’ record year of 1965 and that the sales picture looked bright for 1967. : * a * am convinced that safety will sell cars, and Oldsmobile is stressing safety along with other engineering and styling features,” he said. Oldsmobile Motor Division, citing the “highly successful” Toronado introduced last year, today unveiled its 1967 automobiles, “strongly reflecting” the style and engineering of the Toronado. The new models will go into the following Pontiac area dealer* showrooms Sept. 29: Taylor Chevrolet Sales, 142 E. Walled Lake, Walled Lake; Haskins Chevrolet Olds, Inc., 6751 Dixie, Independence Township; Houghten & Son, toe., 528 N. Main, Rochester; Suburban OMs, Inc., 565 S. Downey Olds, Inc., 550 Oakland. The new styling, according to Metzel, is “particularly apparent” in the “88” and “98” series. f- ■ - A , A A „ ■ ‘These cars, with a five-inch reduction in, rear deck length and a corresponding increase in the hood and front fenders, clearly suggest the profile of the front-wheel drive Oldsmobile.” cubic-inch or a 425 cubic-inch engine, each with its own drive line and rear axle. Metzel added that the 425-inch Supcr Rocket engine con-tinues standard on the Delta 88, With a more luxurious interior and exterior identification specific to this series, the Delta 88 is offered in four.' body styles. j - “Taking its place in our price range just a step above the Delta 88, is the Delta Custom,” he! continued. “The Delta Custom is designed with sporty flair and is available as a hardtop coupe or a hardtop sedan. The Star-fire will no longer be offered.” “The Toronado has been improved in many ways for 1967,’1 Metzel continued. “We’ve engineered a smoother, quieter ride without sacrificing any of the i par’s handling characteristics. In Oldsmobile’s low - price market, the division is producing the F-85 in three body styles, and the Cutlass in five including a new convertible. 'Because of its sales populari-ty in 1966, the Cutlass Supreme, representing the top of Oldsmo-bile’s low-price line, has also been Expanded to five different body styles.... | BIRMINGHAM - A “Yes” vote on the 89-8-million bond issue Oct. 6 wifi mean schools will be able to “offer each studenttoe best curriculum and teachers available in classes of a reasonable size,”, according to the Citizens for Birmingham ISchoola."' f-,T The committee, which is promoting the bond issue, points out that because of a rapid increase in student enrollment, j the physical facilities of some ' of the schools are not adequate. Crowded classrooms hinder the efforts of the classroom teacher to reach and teach each student, the committee states. Enrollment figures cited by the committee show that an-! rollment has grown by an aver--ago ofl ,060 peryear since 1961 When the 1966-97 figures are final, it is expected that this year’s student increase will be even greater, about 1,300 students. y ★ ■* Passage of the bond issue will allow the schools to construct a new elementary and junior high school, add classrooms to i several elementary schools, Derby Junior High School and Groves High School, expand and improve facilities and purchase ADMINISTRATION BUILDING A new administration building is also planned. Completion date for most of the projects is September, 1968. If the bond issue passes, debt retirement taxes will be increased about six-tenths of a The district presently lev* ies 5 mills fbr debt retirement. ' * A -A Only property owners in the district may vote on fhe proposition. Plan to Curtail Tax Credit Hit by Romney School Equality Study Planned (Continued From Page One) lems of intergroup relations which relate to public education,” Whitmer said. Senate Passes Base-Pay Bill $1.60-Per-Hoyr Plan Awaits LBJ Signing WASHINGTON (AP) - Legislation sending the minimum hourly wage to $1.60 in 1968 above the government-recognized poverty ipcome level — and eltradi^'tcdverhgb'to eight] million more workers await! President Johnson’s signature. The Senate approved the compromise bill 55 to 38 yesterday in alihost exactly the form the President requested after rejecting Republican efforts to send it back to House-Senate conference for watering down, j Major provisions would: j Increase the present $1.251 minimum wage to $1.40 next Feb. 1 and to $1.60 a year later for nearly 30 -million wot now covered. Bring under the act for the first time nondvil service federal government workers, some farm workers, nonteaching employes of grade and high schools, and employes of hotels, motels, restaurants, laundries, transit systems, colleges and universities. Broaden coverage to milium-size retail stores^ bringing 1.5 millfon additional workers under the wage and hour law. The $1.60 minimum would bring to $3,328 the gross income of a covered employe working 40 hours a week for a fun year. KEY CHANGES Metzel revealed important changes aimed at consolidating realigning Oldsmobile’s | product lineup. ‘Council of Economic Advisers. “In the medium-price class,” he said, “we are introducing the new Delmont 88. To be offered (Continued From Page One) ment, which allowed the machinists union considerably more than the 3.2 per cent Annual wage Increase recommended by the President’s pillar sedan, a hardtop sedan, a hardtop coupe, and a convertible, the Delmont 88 may be ordered with either a 330 The Weather Full U.S. Weather Bureau Report PONTIAC AND VICINITY — Mostly sunny with some cloudiness at times and cool today, highs 62 to 68. Fair and continued cool tonight, lows in the 40s. Friday partly cloudy . and continued cool, highs 64 to fir Winds northerly 8 to 18 miles today dimfatlifctag tonight. Saturday’s outlook — considerable cloudiness 9kd cool with chance of showers. Precipitation probabilities in per cent: today 5; tonight less than 5; Friday 10. Lovrast tempertturt preceding I • 41 At I a.m.: Wind Velocity to m ' Direction: North Sun tote Thursday of 4:40 p.m. Sun rioee Friday at 4:14 a.m. Moon sets Thursday at 7:31 p.m. Moon rises Friday at 1:21 OJn. Lowest temperature . One Year Ago In Pontiac Weather: Mostly s 40 I loudy, I Gr. Rapids HOughton Lensing Marquette Muskegon Albuquerque Bismarck a Chari t Fort Worth 72 47 I Jacksonville 70 71 I Kansas City 74 St I Lot AngOlet SI 43 I Miami Beach 70 75 I Milwaukee I New Orleent I New York I Phoenix- II 73 I Pittsburgh 72 54 I St. Louli U ~ t Tampa . S7 75 “The national policy of giving one group toll advantage of the national productivity increase will put ns eventually in the same position as ‘great Britain, which is fighting for its economic life,” Romney said. ___About his mortgage investment proposal, the governor said: y. * # “For many years our various state retirement funds have been invested in FHA insured mortgages on large multiple units or high-rise apartments, many of them putslde of Michigan and not all of them goo# investments. “At my instruction the state treasurer has investigated the possibility of investing these funds in $l-millibn blocks of owner-occupied FHA insured home mortgages. . A a A “Upon his recommendations and based upon certain criteria which-will insure the best possible investments, I am recommending such a pew policy. “I am speaking of the Investment or commitment of $20 million to $30 million over the next six months .. The public affairs conference continues today, with 14 other candidates for statewide office scheduled to speak. NATIONAL WEATHER — Showers are expected to continue in the Northeast, jonight with scattered showers forecast for toft Carolina coast and eastern Gulf states, southern Rockies and central Plains. Cooler temperatures are predicted for the eastern half of toe country. PERDUE WHITMER City's Synagogues Observe New Year (Continued From Page One) far (a hollow yarn’s horn) is blown. The sound is pierring ‘and powerful. Over the centuries it has symbolized many things to Jews, ancient and modern — a call to battle, the tearing away of the old year and the past through repentance and forgiveness, a plea to God that He remember man, and an ’alarm to rouse man from his moral indolence to an awareness of his responsibilities to God and his fellow man. W h i I e it is believed that much progress has been made in the provision for equality in educational opportunity for all, continuous progress must be made ill the years ahead.” it A ■ A | He noted that bothihe Michigan Civil Rights Commission and 'the State Department of Education concur that such a study Would be valuable. NATURAL RESULT Whitmer said th^ study is a natural result of the board’s integration policy statement adopted in 1964. He referred to progress that has been made in the last decade in the areas of pnpil and staff placement, educational programs and school facilities. This year, he said, all but one or two of the district’s 36 schools have both Negro and w h i t e faculties. A A A “Negro and white administrators and Specialists serve in leadership positions within schools and the central administration,” he said. 28 SCHOOLS Whitmer also noted that during the 1965-66 school year, 28 of the .schools had both Negro and white pupils. It is recognized that a number of the integrated schools have a predominately white dr Negro pupU population,” he' said. Besides staff and pupil integration, the study also is expected to deal extensively wifi the quality of educational opportunities in the district and with school curriculum. School Confab EAST LANSING (AP)-More than 650 school superintendents are expected to attend the 37th annual conference of the Michigan Association of School Administrators at Mackinac Sunday through Tuesday. New E to Rescue Rights Bill WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen-late Democratic leader Mike1 Mansfield launched today a new 'effort to rescue the civil rights bill, but friends and foes of the open housing measure agreed the move will probably fail. Republican leader Everett M. Dirksen of Illinois, who has opposed efforts to force consideration of the bill, said the newest effort is ba&d on last minute hopes that “will be dashed.” . For fiie second time, Mansfield filed a petition to limit debate on the bill. His first effort fell 10 votes short of the two-thirds majority it needed with a 54-42 vote yesterday. I The new petition was signed by 27 senators — 21 Democrats and six Republicans. More names may be added later. ★ A A Under Senate rules, the vote would come at_J p.m. Monday. But the Senate agreed unanimously to put it off for an hour, so that members who go out of town during the weekend will have more time to return. ‘CHANCES SUM’ That set the roll call at 2 p.m. Mansfield and Sen. Philip A. Hart, D-Mich., the bill’s floor manager, both acknowledged there was scant chance of success in file renewed cloture move, nnd Dirksen agreed. "J think we have a hard cola vote that can be counted on,” Dirksen said in forecasting rejection of the new petition. Asked whether defeat in that vote would mean doom for the bill this year, Mansfield replied: I “I’m afraid so.” SEES UTILE CHANGE Dirksen told a news conference he doubts that any of file 21 Republicans who joined a like number of Democrats in oppo£ ing a halt to debate are going to change their minds on the Mon-Jay tally. Mansfield said he thtota the new cloture move will win the backing of three Democrats absent on fife first roft can, and added he hopes to pick up more Republican backing. ' The measure’s open bousing section has hen the focus of a week of off and on filibuster iven taking it up formally. Simms new annex store is just a year old... so we’re having our very binmurMB ... and instead of a cake, we're cutting our low prices more— so come in for a slice of the savings. Look inside for many. 15fherM FREE - portable all-channel TV SET - no purchase necessary ... Come in and ask for your free TV prize ticket — no purchase required. Drawing to be held on Sept. 26fh. |v- Winner will be notified.-, ■ ._.. open tonite 'til 9 p.m.—Fri. and Sat. 9 a.m. to 9 fern. snack teay tables — 5 for • king-size 22xl6VG-ineh frays • brass finish tubular legs fit over lap • tray with casters also serves as storage rack * 011 metal • floral deco- rated • limit 2. „ '______________ ‘Mirro’ pressure cookers / , * popular 4-quart size • exclusive pressure regulator *-cooks all foods ‘Playskool’ tyke-bike • $5.95 value • sturdy ty ke bikdror kids 1 to 3 years of age • for indoor and) outdoor play • inches * seat 8"- from floor * non-toxic eoloj2il_^ 20-pcf‘MELMAC’ dinner sets A 'MELMAC is practical pnd carefree • won't break, chip or crack under normal use •' set has 4 each of dinner plates • cups • saucers • Soup bowls • broad and butter plates * assorted colors to choose from. 281 jei 491 11 Wdst Bend' TEFLON coated covered saucepans 1 -quart size super-durable 2-coat DuPont Teflon finish • extra.heavy aluminum ware • cook without sticking • clean without scouring • $3.6? value. $5.39 value 3-qt. *41 coverall saucepan ......... I 141 decorative metal wastebasket • 1.39 value * beautiful brass finish • antique embossing • 13 inches high .* handsome accents for any room in your home * limit 3 per person. earlyAmerican hassocks • covered in heavy gauge vinyl • provincial print • padded for comfort • maple finished legs • 24x16’/2x14Mi inches • green/gold print • regu-. lor $10.98 value. . ____■ ~ ________________ sponge rubber floor mats • famous brand • 15x27 inches • sponge rubber floor mats reduce fatigue • use in kitchen, laundry room • wherever you stand for periods of time'•assorted colors. . _______ electric hair dryers •$19.88 value* genuine 'DOMINION' brand • lighter • quieter • portable electric hair dryer goes where you go • (fiat temperatures from cool to hot • plus a free manicure set. 51C 01 e : t s, THE PONTIAC PRESS. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER IS, IMS THURSDAY latiHTOV SATURDAY 3 BIG SALE DAYS Calibrating tire middle of the month with a spectacular 3-day sale for your benefit. There dr* bargains galore all over tho store* Hf re are just a few of them. You w|l find new items all \ ovt the store especially in clothing for cool fall days. So come in and browze around and look for the hundreds of un-advertised bargains in the store. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Simms Money-Back Guarantee Sale .of Hill’s Sweatshirts i American Made t*t Quality Sleeve \mFleece Lined • Raglan Sleeve Simms Price 50% Kodel 50% Cotton Sweat Shirts Heavyweight with ragian long sleeves. Block, A 39 burgundy, hunter green or royal. mt 50% Kodel 50% Cotton Zipper Jacket Raglan- sleeves 2 patch pockets. In hunter green or fh99 burgundy. Sizes S-M-L-XL > —Basement mt Zipper Front Doubts thickness hood, draw string, 2 patch pockets. Gun-metal color In sixes M-l-XL Thermal Lined Throughout 3»» Zipper Front II Over tharmo lined. Ribbwd cuffe A First Quality—American Beys’ Sweatshirts Wintorwtight Keep them snugly warm in fleece lined, winter weight sweatshirt. Choice of black, winter blue dr burgundy. Sizes S-M-L — Basement - . Slave Mora On ^9 BLANKETS e 1st Quality e Famous Brands ♦ American Made e 72x90-lnch e Values to $6.95 Get in on this big blanket sole. All frit qualify, Tib full or Kvin size beds, includes thermal and rayon nylon blends. £bofc»-'of solid colerK stripes, I plaids 'end tame reversible*. :1 Famous Brands On Sale! PEPTO BISMOL $1.39 value, 12-oz. Norwich. 93' REEF Mouthwash $1.09 value. New refreshing antiseptic. 77* SB* DRISTAH Decongestant 193 ■ $2.98 value. 100 sinus congestion tablets. ■ , IS ' $2.98 value, IQQ sinus congestion tablets New GILLETTE Razor ■ $2.95 volue.' Techmotlc razor with cutting bond. i GERITQL Tablets I $9.98 volue 180 vitamln-inpn food supplement. 2 139 You Get It For Left At Simms INGRAHAM ‘Vogue’ Cordless Wall Clock go# 259 operated wall dock < ,om. Choice pf *•**!«••• Go’d colored rc Sundries—Main Floor Ingraham North Star Wall Clock a«» COMPOZ Tablets $2.00 value 30'i for extreme nervous tension.. 29 9‘ BAYER Aspirin Tablets -\ 39 -- iaffvolue, Botigot3WkTertreli*l^^ MAALOX Liquid or Tabs' TAMPAX Tampons IngrahamWind Up Alarm Clook -m<•«. $2.98 value, ‘Meteor! model No. 15-403. Ivory cose. I Foctory guarantee. $ JH- Spartus Wind Up Alarm Clock -■ -- $2.98 value, Spartus' wind up alarm clock glows iit the I * ® dork. M. Ingraham Travel Warm Clock $5.98 vejue, travel alarm clock with luminous dial and leatherette cose. Sundries—Main Floor or reg.eonitory prolecltoii. I & Shoulders Shampooa $9 First Quality-AmeHcan Made Hooded Sweatshirts Thermal Lined Hood Pull-Over Style tovywelght, pullover wfth draw. A gg tng. Muff pocket, choice of "■ ^ |y vy, rod or gunmetal. Sties UW-XU Double Thickness Hood J89 f 1.85 value, jar of dandruff shampoo. . ^SCOTTS Emulsion $1.79 volue, 1216-ox. Ionic food uupptwmwnt... MAC LEAN’S Tooth Paste | 99c volue, family eize. for whiter teeth. METAMUCIL Laxative $3JO volue. 16-oz. noturol food loxatlve. \DERMA FOAM Skin Balm QTc $1.25 volue, for summer eczema, by Sergeants.. DOC Uenture Cleanser . 65c value, DOC powder sooksdentures dean. Prescriptions Filled , exactly as your Doctor orders, efficiently, quickly. Vb. * c Drugs — Main Floor ______________366 Famous Ingraham ‘Sebring’ Stop Watch 333 " Accurate stop watch for liming sporting events etc. Will time any event up to a full hours —duration withone-second accuracy. - Biltmore Pocket Watch *■ 99 1st.' dependable pocket watch with plain dial, second hand ' fl i-breokobl# crystal. Sundries-Main Fleer Jg. ^ WESTCLOX ‘Baby Ben’ Wind Up ,£ > Alarm Clock First Quality - American Girls’ Ski Jacket or Childs’ Snow Suit Girls' ski joekets, voriety of styles, some with fur trim, reversibles, zip fronts. Sizes 7 to 14. Children's snow suits with hood. 100% nylon with heovy quilt lining. Water repellent,- spot resistant. Sizes 6 to 6x. —Main Floor American Made-First Quality Boys’-Giris’ Boxer Longret Flannel Lined Reg. $1.49 Setters twr Choice of cords or flannels. 100% cotton hi plaids and assorted colors, with elastic waist. Sizes 2to & —Main Floor First Quality-American Yard Goods 1 • Cotton Percale • Cotton Flannels •daql for moving school clothes. All fast color yqrtigoods in gay stripe pertain Of, solid eater*. Stock up af this towprlce.," -Main Floor 4»5 $$.95 Luminous dial Baby Bgn . Sundries — Main Floor 14-inch Reinforced Vinyl School Case Studei^ cany — oil cate, sturdy and scuff resistant vinyl finish With 2 leeks and key, UxtJVixiVt", ton finish. Sundries — Main Floor Nylon Zipper Bmp Kit 77c LOS list, amply drop kH, 100% nylon, brown, bigs or ploid. W W Ingraham Waterproof Calendar Wrist Watch $11.95 List grr s wrist wotch with sweep hand, shock resistant, rproeT and anti magnetic. Metal stretch band. ■ Sundries — Main Floor Fresh Popular Brand Cigarettes m sales tax All. popular brands—regulars, filters and Icing size cigarettes. This Iqw price plus sales tax.-Limit 2 Mrtons. Tobacco-Main Floor IS ft. 6. Dun Bouquet Cigars S&2S volue. Mdvdei Seles lex. SIMMS Big Cigar Sale 4»» 3" 199 l11 2*9 &** M Palmas Throw Out Cigars S5 00 v4lue bfendod wttk imported tobocco , Tobocco-Mo in Floor Pontiac’s Bargain-King Store Piston Hi-Power Air Rifle Regulor SI4.95 sellers. Model 77 is o .177 caliber air rifle and is piston. powered •—ihoCO-2cart-ridges needed. Genuine rifled barrel for greater accuracy, fine wood stock. Easy to operate, perfect for target practice and, teaching youngsters to shoot. Accessory kit included in this package, (box of .ljtf pellets only 48c) -2nd Floor Powerful WESTINGHOUSE Electric Vacuum Cleaner Appliances - 2nd Fleer Now Is The Tima To Install Permanent Furnace Filter 10-Pc. Freeze-Bake-Serve 02? f? Comingware Set Young modem set Includes 9" covered dtilleS 1 qt. and 1% qt. covered sauce-pan, ,1 qt. souce maker, handle and two petti* pans. 1 Qt. Coming Covered Sauce Pan 207 leg. $3.95 value, super ce Housewares — 2nd Floor DURANEL Stainless Clad Aluminum 3Vi-Qt. Dutch Oven Enjoy carefree low heat cooking with this 31/2 qt. Duranel stainless steel dad aluminum dutch oven with anodized cover. » Housewares — 2nd FJoor Woven Fibre Clothes Hamper 54* Simms Price Woven fibre clothes hamper with dotnty design, peg board back for ventilation, vinyl covered IkL Housewares — 2nd Floor I” Auto Leisure Blanket in Zipper Carry Case - f OrisM pWd fringed blank* of 20% wad. 40% OuAmt erioa ecryOfc 40% rsyea. AwartW coma. For me inborn*, auto or .port. mafe. ' -2ndFlssr A-4 TI1K JHIX'UAC 1*HKS.S, TilU USD AY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1966 Dem Liberal Leads Georgia Dixie, Runoff Looms f ATLANTA, Ga. (ft-Uberei EUii G. Ar-nall, in a poittlcal comeback after 30 years, held the top spot today in Georgia's six-way battle for the Democratic nomination for Coventor. But be waited to fold oat who would be bis runoff foe Sept. 20. “K really doesn’t matter whether there to a runoff,” said Amali, 59, who pulled a UtaJar upset in 1942 by defeating Eugene Talmadge for governor. “I can assure you I’ll win if there is one.” Running neck and neck for second place — end a chance to meet ArnaD— wore darkkerse contender Jimmy Carter, a state sesator wife moderate racial views, and strong conservative Lester G; Maddox, who shat down a restaurant rather than accept integration. ■ i&J* X - - With 1,360 of 1,903 precincts reporting: Amali 175,942, Carter 132,061, Maddox 129,091, James H. Gfey 101,821, Garland T. Byrd 28,112, Hoke O’Kelley 10,270. ★ ★ ★ A runoff is necessary unless a candidate wins more than 50 per cent of the votes cast. ‘ALL DEMOCRAT’ Amali, who classifies himself as “progressive,” said during the campaign: “I am a local Democrat, a Georgia Democrat and a national Democrat.” During his term as governor, he overhauled state government and had the voting age towered to II. Republican Howard H. Callaway, who won office two years age as Georgia’s first GOP congressman since recon-will face the Democratic Carter, 41; making his first statewide race, shattered predictions. Polls had relegated him to a distant position in the crowded primary race. Ifce heavy vote garnered by Amali and Carter in the battle fith three staunch conservatives indicated possibly that the strong conservative surge of the 1964 presidential election was waning. Barry Goldwater carried the state into toe GOP column in that election for the first time. GOP FEELING ArnaU’s strong showing in conservative Republican strongholds, however, recalled preprimary remarks by some GOP leaders who said they hoped AraaU would win toe nomination — because they considered him easier to beat than some of the other Democrats. 1: One of the five congressmen who had primary opposition apparently was defeated^ Rep. Russel] TUten, running for a third-term nomination, lost to challenger William S. Stuckey Jr., on the basis of nearly complete but unofficial returns. Dem Choice for Governor Dies in Idaho STANLEY, Idaho JAP) -Idaho’s Demoocatic nominee for governor, Charles Herndon of ;Salmon, was__ ;* •4• killed on a cam-1 paign flight!* over the wilderness area of central Idaho Wednesday. He was One of; four men aboard a twin-engine light plane that crashed into Elk Mountain about HERNDON 13 miles northwest of Stanley during cold, foggy weather. Three of toe four were killed. The pitot, William Bir, 45, Twin FaUs, Idaho, was critically hurt. Killed besides Herndon, 55, were Robert L. Baldwin, 35, and Lloyd 0. Crutchfield, 44, businessmen from Oklahoma 'City, Okla., who were flying to Bonners Ferry in north Idaho on business. They took Herndon with them to drop him. off at Coeur D’Alene where he was to , speak. Democrats now will have to choose another candidate. The State Democratic Central Committee has legal authority to do that. Fall Festival of Fur Value with a Foreign Flair TRUNK SHOWING Friday and Saturday, Sept. 16th and 17th, 9:30 'Til 9:00 Whatever Your Preference of Price, You Can Afford a Fur. . . $229°° *5000°° Fun Furs, '$149 to $199 Mr. Robert Briner, New York kir Consultant1 will be at Waite's Friday and Saturday, 9:30 'til 9 P.M. to help you with your selection. > THIRD FLOOR OF FASHION *AII Imported Furs Labeled to Show Country of Origin Umtf* SEP?. SAVIN® SPREE SB SHOP TONIGHT, FRI. and SAT. NITES&NTIL 9 PM. LINED ANTIQUE SATIN DRAPERIES SWx84-inch $ Q SS ■ Reg. 12.99 Q 1 '/2x84-inch Rag. 21.99 DWx84-inch Rag. 29.99 , 2Vi2x84-inch $0 Q 88 Rag. 35.99 JL JL *22 m 88 TWx84-inch Rag. 39.99 Reg. 3.99 Valances $2288 .$2 88 These heavyweight antique satin traverse draperies are available at this' tow price because we made q timely special purchase. Choose from White or Gold Colored Flax. All are fully lined and first quality. Choose yours from this wide assortment o| size. Charge Yours . . at Waite's. Draperies . . . Fifth Floor Nopped Acrylic THERMAL BLANKETS $/88 $^88 Famous make slight irregular 100% Acryltc napped thermal blankets. Keep cold air out and warm air in for sleeping comfort, Choose from a wide assortment of colorj^Charu* It. Blanket,... Fourth Floor. 50% Kodel Polyester 50% Cotton Famous moke slight irregular bath towels. Choose from 5 lovely colors. 100% cotton, terry ' Is soft ond absorbent. rowels... Fourth Floor FABRICS ’"97S 50% Kodel* polyester ond '50% cotton In assorted solids and prints. Completely machine washable end dryable. Several colors. 45" wide. m " If R9: ^7' iHHb 1 ^ - LIMITED QUANTITIES ' wil— i ■SPECIALS FROM OUR LOWER LEVEL . _ SPECIALS FROM OUR FIFTH FLOOR 30“ Coppertone Range Hood, Reg. 64,95 . .40.00 20-10-5 Fertilizer, 5,000 sq. ft., Reg. 1.99 . . .1.79 36" White Nautilus Range Hood, Reg. 49.87. .30.00 3-Speed Lightweight Bike, Reg. 39.95..,... .32.00 Ambassador Polisher and Waxer, Reg. 29.95 14.00 Boys' or Girls' 24" or Boys' 26“ Bike, 24x36-'mch Mirror, Reg. 7.99 ............ .4.88 ’ ** 29,95 * .......'.......* * ,27,9° ,, B ««« x 00 6x9*Ft* 0val Braid Wool ^g., Reg. 32.95 .. .26.00 16x68 Mkror, Reg. 9.99................6.88 13xl5-Ft. Nylon Carpeting,! Reg. 7.95 . . .yd. 5.44 28x42-inch Mirror, Reg. 12.99..........8.88 i.PLiWZ® , ■ * S - - . . ,102x138 Wool Biend Braid Rug Green.24.88. 2- Speed 20" Electric Fan, Reg. 19.95..16.88 - BlendBraid Rug Gredn..,.. .16.88 Service for; 8 Dishes, Reg. 19.95. .16.00 | 24„ RotJy Riding Lown Mower> Reg 229.95 16400 Service for 8 Dishes, Reg. 29.95. ••••••••• -2^-00 21_„ Rotary Law„ Reg 49>95..............42.OO Artificial Plants, Reg. 10.98 ........7.00 Trave|ing L 6. Judges’ decisions on all questions relating to contest will be final. * V * Sept. 24 □ Notre Dame vs. Sept. 28 □ Pont. Arrows vs. Oct. 1 Q Mississippi vs. Alabama Q Oct. 8 f □ Mich. State vs. Michigan Q Oct. IS -■ □ Texps " vs. Arkansas □ Oct. 22 " □ Washington vs. Oregon Q Oct. 29 □ Nebraska vs.. Missouri □ Oct. 31 □ Chicago Bears vs. St. L. Cards □ Nov. 5 □ Lock Haven vs. Slippery Rock Q ‘ T.. i,; ■ i Nov. ii □ Waterford vs. Kettering □ Nov. 12 □ Yale vs. Princeton Q Nj>v.^8 □ Pont. Central vs. Pont North. Q Nov. II □ UCLA „ vs. Southern Cal. □ Nov. 24 □ Detroit Lions vs. S. Fran, 49ers Q Nov. 26 Q Army - vs. . Navy □ Flint □ 'Down, Boy1/ David Lawrence Says: Visit by Marcos Is Meaningful WASHINGTONj«w Sometimes what seems to be a routine ceremonial has more significance than appears on the surface. ★ ★ * The presence at the White House of President Ferdinand E. Marcos of the Philippines is in many respects like other official visits to Washington by foreign edge of all the nations in toe area. welcome news Certainly the visit of President Marcos to the United States at this time will be widely publicized inside the Philippines. .The people there will welcome toe news that the two countries are being drami closer and closer together. This friendship may play a significant part in future events in Asia, where the Communists have been deliberately misrepresenting toe American purpose and trying to give toe impression that the United States is determined to impose an imperialistic yoke on toe peoples of Asia. * * * That’s why the two-week trip throughout America by the Philippine president means a good deal not only to his own cSi!ffifyr1sut~to~aiH>f-A^a“as-well as to toe United States. (CepyrlgM, 1»M, Publisher! Newspaper Syndicate) NAME dramatic- re- LAWRENCE minder not only of how the United States fulfilled its pledge to grant independence to a country occupied during two wars but of what has been done by the American people to assist a nation 6,000 miles away in improving its standard of living, ★ * ★ The course followed by the United States fa toe Philippines might well have been taken to heart by some of the European governments which had colonies in Africa. Although for a whilethere was an Impatience over toe fact that independence was not granted immediately, the United States v government foresaw the possibility of a disordered country and insisted on taking time to help train the Filipinosto govern themselves. ★ ★ ★ The people of the Philippine Islands now have established themselves as an important nation in the Far East. ECONOMIC POTENTIAL Their economic potential is extensive. They have agricultural and mineral resources and are developing light industries. They have a substantial export trade and will in future years contribute a good deal to the welfare of other* Asi^n countries. Many people throughout Asia appreciate toe unselfish attitude of toe United States. , * ★ * *" They will come to learn that, just as toe Philippine people were given independence and have been assisted in maintaining it, A united Viet Nam under a free government can get similar protection and economic aid from America. ★ * ★ There is a likelihood, moreover, that the Philippines will be an important factor in the* development of an association of Asian Peoples. For toe Filipinos have an intimate knowl- Verbal Orchids Mrs. Gertrude Warded of 63 S. Johnson; 88th birthday. Mrs. Mary J. Bradford of 6 S. Tasmania; 92nd birthday. Decision for Viet Election Is Yielding Many Pluses SAIGON - Our top people here feel they did what was best for toe country when they brought sufficient pressure to bear on Premier Ky and the nine other ruling generals to hold an election to the thick of a war f*he*PbMn paid • date rata at Pontiac. Member at ABC. • i sible State Department analysts who feel they might. But tiie experience of the past few- years does not indicate that Chinese entry will depend on U S. "escalation” or "provocation.” It will depend, instead, (to Whether entry will serve the Mao-Lin Piao purposes at this time. ★ * Would full-scale entry help awaken the youth to sacrifice and hind them to Uh Piao’s leadership? Would ft aid to getting rid of Lto’S opponents within Red China? Would it be possible to lure U.S. troops into fighting *6n Lin's terms? In this sense, the more successful the current purges in Red China and the more the youth are aroused on lines carefully laid out by the regime, the less necessity for a war. - V The problem of war could come to the forefront if tin Mao-Lin leadership decides , tiie youth are not with fitom and that a war la necessary to "purify” the youth by making them go through fimJdnd of struggles needed to make them “true revolutionaries.” believers hi tie I of struggle. Both have made it clear they eoasidor thpt without fighting there caa be no growth. If Mao and Lin can develop to the Red Guard, the purges and other organized violence to China, a substitute for military clashes there will be less of a domestic political reason for a head-on dealt with . United States. „ » .. . -j THE PONTIAC PRESS* THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15. 1966 Fiberglas® glass In floral, modem or scanic prints hi favorite, pinch-pleated, traverse style. Wash, dry and rehang. DWx90",*12 pr. TWx90", $18 pr. Hi-lo loop cotton washable area rugs 24x36" Size Cotton pile on non-skid latex bad. Efisy-care. 10 decorator colors. Versatile. 27x48" ...2.69 3'x3#.......4.69 24x70" . 3.69 4'x6' i.,;...6.99 Reg. 4.M thermal weave blanket, now 3” CHARGE IT Brushed, napped finish thermal that's cool in summer, warmer in winter. Mfl-chine washable. 72x90" size. Pink, blue, green, white, beige, and yellow colors. Nerer-iron printed Fiberglas® draperies 500 SWx90" pr. SLIPCOVER SALE Special on print kitchen terry towels ^ Big savings ^ on Virtron® pillows, now Vivid, washable Colonial-print cotton Charming and economical way to protect new furniture or make the old look like new! Authentic Colonial prints on ivory or nutmeg field. Box-pleated skirt, welt seams, reversible-cushions,, Colpnial-print slipcovers will lend a new warmth to your home. Sofa cover, 12.88 Hide-a-bed cover, 12.88 Sofa-bed cover, 9.88 21x27", oil puro white feathers; blue/ white cotton covert Beautiful cotton tarries are lint-froe,' quick-dry, save now! Resilient fiber-fill will not mat or lump. 22x 28". Cotton cover. Chair cover Foam-back -furniture throws, only Save! Cone coin-dotted towels, only No-ironing s-t-r-e-t-c-h silpcayirs gCozy-warm 50x60" plaid car robes - 2 and 3-pc. washable bath sets Washable cotton/ rayon. Choose gold, brown, rust, green. 5.99 72x126" ... 6,99 Wondasoft finish cotton ferry. 22x44". j.Guett tow.l ....59c rWesh cloth ......29c 50x60" wool/ecrylic Ved or bluo plaid; plus case. Save nowl Decor colors, pot* terns in washable cotton rayon pile. Visit our "Sports Shop” for all your fall hunting needs Water-proof field epat Plied yard cotton duck coat,’ cotton corduroy collar, lapel. Many pockets. Rugged Jield-jitutta-im- plied yarn water repellent eOTOR cotton army dud; rubber. Ized seat. Long-wearing. " Jones-etyle hunting cep ..49 Cotton duck field coat Sturdy weight water-re pel- m lent cotton duck coat, cot-ton corduroy collar, lapel. Cotton duck field (pants Full cut and roomy; slash M go pockets, stainproof seams, zipper fly. Rugged. HUnting cep .....,.9Sc Deerfield 12-gauge shotgun 45-pc. Melmac dinnerware in three patterns Slide action shotgun with 28" selected stool barrel, 6- Clear Ponderosa Pine furniture, ready to paint, stain or varnish ....~.f-,.v>isr.. sst, < Mossberg 410 ga. shotgun Reg. 2.19 lined gun case 3-sho- repeater. 24" blued V88 Soft material lined gun cose 4[00 steel barrel. Walnut finish M protects your guns when not stock. A terrific valuel MM M , In use. lay now and savel “ p HEADQUARTERS ROR ALL YOJJR HUWTING NEEDS * •v-Tf,** \ •*; * IgMINg *-.:■? ■ - * 03 w * IP FEDERAL'S OPEN EVERY NI6HT TO 9 P,M. Drayton open Sundays neon to 6 It's fuh to be your own decorator ... and it saves you money. Our char Ponderosa Pine is ready for your personal touch. Smoothly sanded; wood sot in bocks and drawer bottoms. At Aig savings! Complete service for 8 In your choice of 3 beautiful patterns! Sherwood, Amori- Juit toy Xhoigc, M* DOWNTOWN AND DRAYTON PLAINS THE PONTIAC PRESS* THURSDAY, SO BR 15, 196C Dr. Wayne G. Brandstodt Soys; Hiatus Hernia Victim Should Weight weight down to or slightly below the normal level. Q—What causes hiatus hernia and what is the treatment for It? A —A hiatus hernia, also called diaphrag-matie hernia, is an upward protrusion et the s t o m a c h through thedte> phragm. It may be caused by Pro*lH| gressive weak-BRANDSTADT ness of the diaphragm due to age or by obesity. In about half ef the victims there are ho symptoms and the condition is discovered only when the stomach is X-rayed for some unrelated complaint. In the rest of the victims the acids of the stomach in the herniated portion gain easy access to die esophogus and irritate the latter organ. An important part of the treatment is to bring the body . Q - Last December { had a STOMACH SLIDES This permits the herniated stomach to slide down to its normal positionmore readily. A bland diet, supplemented by antacids and otter drugs commonly used hi the treatment of peptic ulcers, is helpful. When these measures fail to give complete relief, cutting the phrenic nerve, which controls the diaphragm, usually helps. Some surgeons also cut the vagus nerve because this reduces the production of add in 'he stomach. LAST RESORT As a last resort, operative! closure of the hernia itself may be necessary. bad attack of gout My doctor gave me CdBleoemid and it hasn’t bothered me since. Bfy’tioctor told me to take two of the ,pills daily from now on. Would the gout return if stopped taking the pills? ... . A — Since gout is caused by at* error in your metaboliam, it can be controlled but not cured. The best treatment is a combination of colchicine and probenecid and that is what you are now taking. If">ou discontinue the drug your attacks will surely return. Q — Is it harmful for a man with gout to drink beer? A — Alcohol will not affect yoUr gout but it does damage ‘your liver unless used to moderation — not hide than two of three bottles of beer a dajr and preferably not every day. Is I. have H aad what is the treatoMbt? A — This disease, also known as Slogren’s syndrome to, characterized by dryness of the eyes and mouth and chronic arthritis. The cause Eye drops of metfaylceliulose and a throat spray of the same drug help to relieve tbe dryness. The arthritis is treated to the same way as rheumatoid arthritis. SPECIAL PURCHASE! ef mm CEUBBAl SPECIAL SAVINGS ON OUR FINEST NAME BRAND NEW W RADIO HAS BOTH AM & FM! You'll hear and enjoy ALL the sounds of music as you listen to good music of all kinds on this all new 6E FM-AM radio. Music sounds so lifeljke on FM radfak-rari added dimension in listening pleasure. Complete with Automatic Frequency Con-trol and built-in antennas. Beautiful beige finish. 19 QQ Phone Orders Promptly Pilled, WO 5*3600 Pontiac Mall, 682-0422—Downtown Pontiac, 27 S. Saginaw St., Ff 3-7168. Convenient Accounts Available. This results in complete cure in about 85 per cent of cases. Von Can Count cm Is... Quality Costs No Mo Both Superior, Marginal Pupils Can Benefit from Persistence SPaint SALE By LESLIE J. NASON, Ed.D. It is no great secret that students who keep trying succeed better than less industrious classmates. But it often is difficult to c o n-vince some students of this truth. Exp erience at the Oak Glen1 L Youth Camp | near Riverside, Calif., demon-1 strated once again that even! . - the boy with a DR- NASON lower-than-average I.Q. s u c-ceeds better than someone with mcre lnnate ability if he ha*j persistence. Also, the more! schooling, the more success. Even witt a lower level of achievement in terms of reading aad mathematics at the time of entry into the Youth Camp, the boy who showed his ■tick-to-it-iveuesi by staying to school longer, had better success. He was more likely to graduate from the program, become employed, return to school or enter military service. It was not how fast he learned or how much’he learned, but that he was willing to keep trying that became important. If he persisted and stayed on in school, he persisted and stayed on in the camp — and persisted to succeed after leaving the camp. I have found this characteristic to be just as important for the student with above-average ability as for toe marginal dent. It is a habit that can, and should, be developed. The fourth-grade student who gives up on his homework problems after only a quick try and waits for them to be explained in class the next day may learn to do the problems, but he is not developing persistence. Regardless of how high his LQ., this student will probably have difficulty should he attempt the study of pjhysics, chemistry ori law, all of which requires a persistent type of study. The parent who insists that his child reread material or restudy a problem rather than doing it for him is providing the right kind of training. The teacher who encourages her students to struggle with the translation of a paragraph of a foreign language for several minutes before looking up words1 in the dictionary is helping them develop the habit of persistence. SAVE *2.02 Self-Priming Acrylic Latex House Paint Regular $6.99 Gallon V* Our finest exterior latex in your choice of white and 46 colors - 8 Color-Scape families. / All acrylic latex colors cover damp or dry surfaces, applies easily, dries in Vt hour. / Tested op all outside areas, resists piling blistering; soapy water cleans hands, tools Sears 80th Anniversary Ends Saturday! Shop Now and Save! 2*In. Nylon Brash Reg. $1.59 l22 Ideal for latex or water base paints. .Bristle* set in epoxy will not fail out. 2-inch size. „ ? - l j . s nuniei'inixeu satin finish and save time-^Brushes or rolls on easily with Master-Mixed, Smooth, Jet-Black Driveway Coating 5# Regular $7.39 -----—« »» muo, inuauw w mug on easuy wiin one coat coverage. Washable. Rainbow of colors, plus white. i Paipa Department, Maim Bmtement Stops graying, softening and breaking up ofblaekton. tVotecto from gasoline, oilgreaie, deterioration.’ Simply apply with broom. DHei hard in 4 hours. Applicator j.jg' at: SEARS !)o\\ ittywn Pontiac Plionr I I .*>-11 71 TlUtt lDMTlAC FlIMSS- THURSDAY, SEPTEMBEJ Khn Loader Pfans Appeal 'All the Way Supreme WASHINGTON ™ * Ktax Khn leader «dd be would appeal to the U.S. District Court of Appeals, Shelton, of Tuscaloosa, Ala., refused Oct. 20 to furnish the House committee with records ef £ United Klans of America, Six other Han leaders indicted on similar charges face trial jOct. 3. Shelton’s was considered the test cue. Saturday — Last Day! FLOODED VIRGINIA FREEWAY-Autos are stranded on the southbound lane of Shirley Highway near Shirlington, Va., rsuburb of Washington, D. C., during a heavy downpour yesterday. Many roads in northern Virginia were closed as a result of the rainfall, which measured up to six inches. Heavy Vinyl Bonding Bags Ref. 197 S.99 A Sears “Custom” Bowling Ball Reg. $19.99 Balanced to perfection, true-round and mn> -a M on face aealed. Top quality hard rubber in 12-, I /I OO 14-, or 16-lb. size*. Save now! . _ . . _ I 829.99 Bowlin* Ball....24,88 S4.99 Bowline B»*...2.97 59.99 Deluxe Bap.......6.97 S9.99 Men’s Shoe*......7.88 Spirting Good*, Parry St, SUMRMt Protect your home and your possessionswith Sears 3-in-l asphalt roofing. The heavy long fiber rag content is stronger, more flexible, and holds more life-giving asphalt than ordinary asphalt shingles. Of 100% pure asphalt.... no fillers.. are added. Color-fast mineral granules for lasting beauty. Choice of eolors. 24x30 (H pitch) installed as low as........ $219 INTRODUCING -Zenith's elhnew ^Vest-Rocket'' miniature Dolly Extra NO MONEY DOWN on SearrEdey Payment Plan 12-gallon fiber drum holds 1% bushels of dust. Rugged single stage ^universal motor. Swivels 360°, uses all standard home-n-shop accessories. 6-ftot2Vi-inch hose and efficient triangular pick-up nozzle. 6-ft. cord. Top handle for easy carrying. Hardware Dept., Main Baiement Craftsman 20-inch Rotary Lawn Mower NO MONEY DOWN Sears Easy Payment Plan Craftsman 30” Sweepers 7Vi . bushel capacity Rcg.3S.99 with lift-out basket. AQA Sweep, mimu 9,0 cubic-inch engine. Enjoy easier handling with lightweight magnesium housing. Engine has Uew exclusive no-idjustmerdr fuel system, pull-up starter. Grass catcher. 7 heights from %- to 3Vi-inch high. Shop at Sears and Save! Hardware, Main Basement THE ROYAL 20-0 •» Herr it is!-Zenith’s all-new, powerful miniature portable radio. Operates on 2 mercury cell batteries ... has a maximum output of 375 milliwatts. Slips into vest-pocket, hand-bag or shirt-pocket. Measures 2%" x 2%n" x lVi". Comes with vinyl loop strap, batteries, and earphone attachment in gift box. Craftsman 30” Sweephr Self-propelled. 3-HP Reg. S99 4-cvcle enjdne, re- Ofh99 coil Mirier. Swaapt Qy NEW ZENITH ROYAL 41-G DELUXE World's finest performing persona radio. 8 Transistors (5 ars "Powir-sonic”) and 1 Germanium Diode.-■Broadband RF siege for up to.300% more sensitivity te receive distant stations. Rugged Cycolac cabinet in Whit, or Charcoal $29.9! te with 5-Ptece Deluxe Gift Set Ensemble 8HIRT POCKET RADIO Just press side of cabinet—dial lights yp — release and light goes Oit 8 Transistors (4 tie “Powersonlc”). 1 Germanium Diode. Cycolac Cabinet In choice of 3 color combinations, SHIRT POCKET RADIO S'Transistors (4 are “Power-sonic"), 1 Germanium Diode. 134 Mflliwatts maximum audio output.' Rugged Cycolac Cabinet in choice of e color combinations. Complete with 5-Pi«ct OeUwt_, Save on Sears “600” Gas-Fired Boilers Power Home Humidifiers Add Moisture to Dry Heat Regular *69.95 kllOO Humidifies Entire Home 0_W'’ “_W‘ NO MONEY DOWN on Seam Easy Payment Plan • NO MONEY DOWN on SearsEiiy Payment Plijf^ Buy the Sears “600” boiler with built-in wet base Artache»*to your warm-air heating gye»j%|>! Tui^sdry, paf^htd design. Boiler retains all heat possible, hardly any furn.ce-heeted air i* l.#t! Remit, your family ,-tsa 72,000-BTlJ blanket f-rri..-. c,rpel.. *y"»- pU...r, p.k». of gmstandymdVilfih Mmfort^ing warm air .every* Heatine/PInmUpe Depi.t.Pern&, Bmmetm v itMfirii iTtt 'iiiij' 'L.jui I' 'n'" ' *, :;g ■ *>?■ ••••> 1 Low Priced Sears “400” Gas Space-Saver Furnaces Rugular $139 I Factory-assembled, pro-wired IV W *~W 5-piece deluxe gift box eneimbte with purchase of any Zenith transistor portable shown—handsomely gift- ftegular $199 Installation Extra gift-giving. includes; • Zenith Transistor Radio / e Earphone Attachment SEE YOUR LOCAL ZENITH DEALER Quality Costs No More at Sears You Can Count on Us SEARS 01-2 8 9 ■moda im. u Downtown I’onliar SEARS ww A-ao THE PONTIAC PRESS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER, is, 1966 Casualties Viet Announced by U.S, WASHINGTON (AP)- The Department of Defense announced the following casualties today in connection with the Viet Nam war. KiDed in action: ARMY Alabama - P*c. Robert L. Awry, °C«lSornl« — Ale. Tommy Morales. A,|?!nSi - Spec. 4 Earl E. Irving Jr„ MImNpaI - Sgt. James Trexler Jr. Cristal tarings. ' . / Mew Jersey — Spec. 4 Anthony Do «!'Riggi, Orange. Ate. Stanley D. Atrom- mNew York — Ate. James A. Brown son. Rowland. Ate. Dennis Virginia Beach. MARINE CORAS artyl* Mobile; Pfc* Haroid ArnoW,' Arielv *’California -j- Lance. cgt_Hiijjjp _______WL San Francisco; Ale. Charles t. Hartland. Waavervllle; Ate. Alexander v. Hernandez, Compton; Ate. Michael Tandy, Novato. . ;' , ■ ij Idaho — Ale. Bruce R. Bennett, BOI Illinois — Ate. William E. Reel, tali - Ale. Gary G. Blount, Minnesota — Ate. Gerald B. Bacaason, Clear Brook. Missouri — Ate. Wilson J. Maize, SI. DIJIBOUTI, French Somaliland (AP) — Several hundred - V i rgtnia - Lancs. Col. Norfolk. Died of bounds: E.- Alley, eph*JS4»tU. Blast Destroys Restaurant in Harper Woods HARPER WOODS (AP) - A Harper Woods restaurant was destroyed Wednesday by an explosion which was heard for blocks and which huried Woken glass and debris into die street. Police said there was no one in Tiffany’* Restaurant at the time of the blast and that no Officers > said two dynamite charges had been placed inside the building or dropped down a grease chute from the roof. The owner, Carl Ingrao, 54, told officers he could think of no reason why anyone would want to dynamite-the restaurant. I _______ Ale. Jam** W. Bryant. ... Died, not as a result of hoe-tile action: ARMY Californio—AM. Wolfgang W. Karasch, Gilroy. Connocttcut — A Washington - Staff 'Sgt. California — Gunnery Sgt. Emmitt J. finny Jr., Banning. ' Maryland «- Lance dpi. Michael T. eflbaugh, Maltlmore. * From missing to dead— non-hostile: vllle. - Pfc. Roy J Hundreds Arrested in Somaliland Riots by French authorities today following new independence rioting Tuesday night. More trouble broke out as police searched through areas where the worst rioting occurred, There was no indication of how many persons had been injured. hr/;5, '"'"tw ‘'W; « The disturbances in French colony began in late August during President Charles de Gaulle’s official visit. Age No Barrier SUPERIOR, Arts. (AP)” Alex Arnett, at 86, has wonan-other term as town constable. , Arnett, who has been either 9 deputy sheriff or constable shice 1906, defeated his opponent in Tuesday’s Democratic primary, M has no opposition in the! general election. . The salt content of the Baltic S^a is one of the lowest in the world, due to the fact that it receives the drainage of a land area more than four times as great as its own, including river basins such as the Vistula and the Oder. For month* we triad to find the Ideal way to say “good luck" to students. Now, bore’s our salute to you: DON’T MSS OUR BIG VALUES-SEPTEMMONEY SAVERS Save At Oar Low Prices WitkOorSemces locloded.. .No Extra Charge SPEEBl CAREFUL DELIVERY, No ExtraCharee! FINEST ONE-YEAR SERVICE, JVo Extra Charge/ FULL PROTECTIVE WARRANTY. Extra Charset MORE PEOPLE BEY COLOR TV AT THE GOOD HOUSEKEEPING SHOP! Became Good Houiekeeping hat more sen; jut about every >iie in color you can Imagine ... and al l wide range in pricing Because yon can choose Irani many different convenient payment plane — because Good Housekeeping give* you full delivery with ntf charge for nprmal installation, free 90 day service, and no charge for 1 year parts warranty. ' And because Good Housekeeping has all the, major color TV brands to select front, RCA Victor, Sylvania, General Electric, Zenith, etc. Come and see us before your buy. hovSTwitk Automatic Oven mOmM $ 187 2-SPEED HEAVY DUTY GaRvinlt Ssrvlssdl Warrastsdl NO MONEY DOWN 98AO MONTHLY 30” electric with illuminated Work Surface — Fully Automatic Oven — Porcelain Oven Liner — White or coppertone. Special! *48 >50 DsHveredl Serviced!-Guaranteed! NO MONEY DOWN! EASY TEEMS! America's No. 1 sweeper. It beats—as it sweeps—as it cleans. Has throw bag Come in today!— f - FRIGID AIRE 2 Cycle-1966 Model Automatic Washer Mb *168 Automatic Washer 2 Speed—3 Cycle Delivered - Installed -Warranted NO MONEY DOWN 97.00 MONTHLY Includes new jet action agitator plus alt -porcelain,- tub—wash with hnt or warm—rinse with warm or cold—this series has sold 1000’s at the regular price— 168 Delivered — Installed — Guaranteed _ NO MONEY DOWN 97.21 MONTHLY Here it is — rated No. 1 and the most flexible automatic ore the market today — All deluxe feature* — A *575 value for just *2** Take the words of Bennett Cerf. This comprehensive dictionary, published by Random House, is a definitive work of great value. It has J 32,000 entries, 60,000 technical and scientific definitions abd aver 1,500 illustrations. “ In grammar school, high school or college, you'll find a recognized, authoritative dictionary invaluable. You'll get better grades, you'll learn faster, you'll enjoy learning with this quality reference work. No home should be Without one. No student, either. And it makes a marvelous gift. MAYTAG Deluxe Wringer Washer Buy Big Spinner Washer, Now How to Mt your dictionary: It's a special seryied foV our customers. Just deposit $50 or more ‘ present or new checking or passbook savings account and you're eligible to buy the Anferican College Dictionary for )jqst $2.95., It's a gepqine $5-75 value. Ifs the kind of special service And extra value you expect from Bank of the-Commonwealth. This offer is being made .for a limited time only. Available at any of our convenient offices. 118 $187 Deliverd! Guaranteed! Serviced! NO MONEY DOWN 95.80 MONTHLY Oversixe deluxe washer with adjustable wringer has the famous Maytag exclusive Gyratator washing action. Buy now and save! DellverMlI fleareeteell Sarviudi NO MONEY DOWN S6A0 MONTHLY Also bag porcelain tub — SUDS SAVER feature — Power Flush Rinse* ft|t~ action drain pump. World’s fastest washer! FREEZER SALE! bwb 3t2-lk. Freezer Has loor Lott with Key! Another of our Big freeser, Mw price sensations! Ha* 3 fast-freeze surfaces — big, Rooqiy Shelves — lots of room for juice cans in the ~door —--fall family Capaeity with space-saving design. *163 - 4W> MONEY DOWN Long, Easy Terms! Admiral* Huge 15 on. ft. Freezer -------------- jbi|,1slrw»jd~ A mammoth size freezer has self- Freese and save ir drain feature that helps i frosting! Handy storage basket. Fast Freese, and counter-balanced lid. - *178 NO MONEY DOWN Pay As You Use EHILCQ COMPLETE , HOME FREEZER Top Deluxe Model! Save celain Interior — Door Lock with Key — 5 big, roomy door shelves — 1 Magnetic .Door Closure — loads IwXtw’ • *pien,M nomoneydown Special LowTerms! GENERAL ELECTRIC PORTA-COLOR Jl” Television Easy to carry wherever !you go ur only 23 pounds! f249»* sayI TODAY Including Delivery, Adjustment and 90-Day Finer Serv-fee . , ; No Extra Charge! Receives Brighter, clearer color . . . better black and white. B WOODWARD-SQUARE VUK* RQ. BUY and SAVE ■MIK OF THE COMMONWEALTH MmM Mart DwMhwm CnmW . for Appliance SpeciallRta 71 OPEN FRIDAY and MONDAY EVENINGS til 9 P.M. GOOD HQIKBHfi BE SURE! 51 Waal Harm* 4»f PONTIAC FE 4-1555 in 19’’ ALL-CHANNEL COLOR TV #3999* Free Delivery, Hook-Up and 90-Day Service! 90 DAYS SAME AS CASH ..or EASY TERMS ! Don’t forget this — SYLVANIA was rated America's No, 1 : : Choke for better viewing and listening in a nationwide survey • ! amonzownera. And, this set boasts Sylvania”* most wanted fee- : • tores: Advanced Color Bonne Chlsrii-Tinch^pericer-Lighfetf: ; Channel Indicators, Etc. Stand and Clock opL extra. | SYLVANIA 21-inch “Bay” J Color! Swivel Base ! | Delivered, Adjusted and Serviced . . . FREE! | 90 Day To Pay... without finance ehargot i Reilly, you’d expect to pay more-but this is a real value » | achievement by SYLVANIA. It swivels to right or left y tor comfortable viewing from anywhere in a room. Alb | j features “Colorbright 85” Picture Tube—Color Bontb f t Chassis - All Channel Reception yoth Lighted UHF A ■ j VftF Channel Indicators- Variable Tone Control, Etc. :-K- u-jHEPOftTIAC yWoNTGOMERY WARD THtTkSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1966 Fashion’s beloved NIWIST DEEP-TEXTURED ACETATE DOUBLE-KNITS "SUMI^BWANI You’ll live in 'and love gyery minute! of these wonderfully wearable knits! ^ Perfect weight for now, worn solo ... vibrant touch under your coat later. 0 2-piece suit-dress, cloquet knit jacket, plain knit skirt and edging. Bristol blue, brown, moss or cherry. Misses' sizes 12-20...........14.99 © Ribbed-texture shift, detachable contrasting chiffon scarf, banded in fabric of dress. Bristol with powder blue, moss green with celery, black with pink. Juniors' 7-15........ 12.99 Rain-shine chic in a coat you’ll love LITTLE OR NO IRONING Versatile 3-piece weol fashion knits SAW MOW 0M SPECIAL PRICE Read fast—then get here fast for these super all weather coats. 7-button styling with details galore... in BortreP or Dacron® polyester with Avril® rpyon tbjst never needs ironina. Fashion colors. Misses' sizes 9-18. The double-knit suits you want at the price you want to pay. Beautifully styled in rich intarsia designs, contrast trims, contrasting shells for costume wearability. Grey, olivs, cranberry. Misses’ sizes from 8 to 18. SO EXCITINGLY YOUNG, NEW, AND MARVELOUSLY DIFFERENT Coordinates for the indiYideallst Brand new change-of-pace coordinates team bold new-look sweater imports 0nd fitream-: lined stretch pants. Really sup^'l Try ’em. IMPORTED WOOL SWEATEES IN FABULOUS NEW-LOdK DESIGNS Sensational-looking rib-knits, mock fisherman types, multicolor and yoke effects. Also two-tones. Misses’ small, medium and large. © Two-color ombre-panel accent stripe on raglan-sleeve pullover. Navy-brown. 12.99 ID Wide-ribbed pullover; checkered yoke; berry-navy combinations; crew neck. 10.99 © Full-fashioned turtle-neck pullover; rib-knit "waif" look. Navy, berry, black. . 9.99 © Mock-fisherman V-neck pullover; "turtle" insert; long sleeves. Berry, camel.. .. 14.99 SLIM-FIT PANTS IN 2 STYLES Navy, cranberry and brown in long-legged styles. I IRONING; detachable footstraps; ela waist. Nylon-bonded homespun of wool-nylon. Both misses' sizes 8-18. zed 8" 14" CTflRF OPEN M(WDAY THRU SATURDAY OlUlil- 9:30 A.M. to 9:00 P.M, HOURS: SUNDAYS 12 NOON to 6 P.M. PHONE 682-4940 Telegraph at Elizabeth Lake Rd, 1 A—IS TI1E PONTIAC PRESS, EMBER 15, 19M ONE COLOR Is New Math Quickie Quiz Is Designed for Determining the Extent of Your Balminess Puzzling You? Sometimes Students Can Teach Parents By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK (AP) — How’s your sanity index? In a wacky world that aeons to be getting wackier, it is only common sense for a fellow to pause now and then! and count , the bats in his own By DAVID NYDICK UPI Education Specialist Are you concerned about helping your child with the newljj'jjfj' matin? Many parents continue] wTr^L . . , to find jt confusing. It is par- . ticularly frustrating wh^ra:*”* .of batarf- to a problem cannot Jhelp his child because the method is different. Children do. need assistance ' but this may be given in a variety of ways. A parent need not be an expert in math to provide help. Much depends upon the relationship which the parent has established with his child. As Mark Twain pointed put, when you realise that everyone is a little bit dfaxy, the mystery of the world stands explained. Rat one doesn’t want to overdo being balmy, does one? To be top balmy may make even your best friends suspect you are a showoff or a social climber—a person, willing to sacrifice even his sanity to gain attention or approval. _ . ABNORMALLY NORMAL On .the other hand one doesn’t want to jet the reputation of being abnormally normal. If word of that gets around, people ape likely to rata you as subnormal, or even start a whispering campaign that you don’t have a For the benefit of the perplexed, here’s a handy home guide to help you figure our your SQ—Sanity Quotient. Ask yourself the following questions: Do you repeit yourself like a parrot after the third martini at a cocktail party? When your neighbor buys new car; longer and more ex- pensive than the one you own, do you have to settle an impulse to creep Into Ms garage in the dead of night and chisel •cratch in his car’s shiny fender and let the ahr put of its tires?' TIP WAITER II a restaurant waiter treats you with condescension, do you thea/cravenly overtip Mm ip order to win his good will? Are you afraid to feaveaa office party without dancing at least once with the boss’ wife, even though you know she fox-trots like a lame walrus? When your wife isn’t looking, do you sometime? succumb to fee temptation to look through few prat or read the tottotaahe gets from her lady friends? While playing poker far keeps, do you have to lean over J>sck* ward ih> keep from feeding over sideways and sneaking a feok at the cards in the adjoining player’s hand? tfel&ATS MORE ' felt your firm opinion that fee guy next door cheats a lot more on his income tax returns than ‘yee.dp?----------------—— When the gals at tbeofftniet! thei# beads together, do you t sometimes feel that they AT* gossiping about yen? i ii Fir; Art you convinced that it neper rains except when you have on at freshly pressed eulL Mid 'that the only time you spill grfvy on a necktie to'when' the necktie to brand new? „ If you hand a bus driver a dollar Mil, do you feel he invariably will take out his .own grudge against the world by spitefully giving you 2ft nldms? If you |»a» aitowasd all the feregoing questions hi the affirfeative, yqu’fe as healthily negative MfePKilirKfc|fob!> .. lems as 95 per cent of fee pop- -ilation. . To put it hfertly, you’re nor- The rank of a bridge Mayer to determined by the number of toaster points Won in organtoed competition. Those accumulating over 300 prists are accorded «ho rank nf TJf* Master One approach which to extremely helpful with most students is to have the student teach the parent This most profitable to both parent and student if it is started now, at the beginning of the school year. , The parent who is really interested can actually participate in the course through the student. Of course, this should not become a burden to the student. Rather, the parent should take Rentage ofthe fact that most chil dr ens enjoy being the teacher. ; ★ * ' * The idea of learning from the student does not have to be quite so complete and direct as a full course. When the seeks help the parent can assist by haying the child explain as much as he knows, fey asking questions, the parent can often help the child to understand. KELP EACH OTHER It to sometimes profitable for children to help each other. If it is not overdone, two students working together can often explain problems to each other. ★ ★ ★ Naturally this should not be presented to the teacher as totally independent work. It might even be a good idea to discuss this procedure with the teacher and work out some appropriate plan. Another important thing to remember is that in too many cases, parents provide too mnch help with homework. In most cases, homework assignments have been reviewed in class by the teacher. The student has had an opportunity to ask questions and should understand the assignment. If the child does not understand what he is to do, he should be encouraged to seek help from the teacher. It is harmful for parents to do homework for children and mislead the teacher into thinking that the child knows the work, New Insulator Developed for Rocket Motor —By Science Service REDLANDS, Calif. - A new cold-weather “overcoat” for the rocket motors of airborne missiles reportedly works well at temperatures down to 120 degrees below zero Fahrenheit, 60 to 80 degrees colder than previous materials. Actually the overcoat is more of an bper coat — an internal insulation for solid rocket motors that must berused over a wide range of temperatures. Until about . 18 months ago the best available materials called Buna N and Buna S, which became brittle and lost their strength at about minus 40 degrees and minus 60 degrees respectively. - - To keep the insulation flexible, a low temperature material was added containing a large quantity of "plasticizers.” ★ ★ ★ Unfortunately, in high-temperature uses the plasticiziers boil out, leaving the insulation al-* most as badly off as before. NEW POLYMER To make the insulation behave at both Mgh and low temperature^, scientists at Lockheed Propulsion Co., here developed a new polymer with which to replace the material containing the plasticizers. Thus, there were no piasti- -'V; ■■ *#s &£-(; \ f The mark of excellence This is the General Motors mark of excellence. Within a short time, it will appear on all General Motors products—from auto- mobiles to refrigerators, frpm trucks to aircraft engines. / • We will use it in the same spirit with which craftsmen, through the centuries, have used a personal mark to identify the products of their skills: We are proud of the things we make, and we want our customers to be able to identify them easily and to know that we stand behind them. Whenever you see this mark of. excellence, you can be certain that it represents our very finest in design' and engineering ...that it has been built with care and dedicatiorr;..and that it offers all the'quality, reliability, safety and value that you have come to expect from General Motors. We hope you will get to know this mark—that you will learn to look for it—and that you will come to recognize it as a symbol you can trust. it is the mark of General Motors, arid it is our way of promising you our very best Chevrolet • Pontiac • Oldsmobila • Buick • Cadillac • GMC Truck & Coach • Fisher Body • Frigidaira • A.C. • Allison • Detroit Dieasl • Electro-Motive • Euclid • Unitad Dales THE PONTIAC PRESS TOJtTIAC, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, Flowers Join the Arts By MADELEINE DOEREN Topiary trees of lemon leaves and roses marked the Birmingham Masonic Tempi? entrance on Wednesday for the “Arts and Flowers’’ show staged by Bloomfield Hills branch, Woman’s National Farm ajpid Garden ASsoeiadon. Minoru Yamasaki’s miniature of the U.S. exhibit at the 1960 World’s Fair in New Delhi was among the invitational entries placed in the foyer. Am(ong seasonal table settings' Were Mrs. Lester Colbert’s formal dinner. usTng gold china on a brocaded gold and white cloth brought ‘from Syria. bert, George C. Booth and Leslie H. Green; Luke M. little, Leter A. Cobban, WlUiaHTBT Downey; Ernst F. Kern, Thomas B. Adams and Russell Strickland. Others were Mesdames Edward McCaui; Carl E. Larson, James F. Pedder; Joseph C. Quay, Horace P. Shaw and Charles L. Wilson Jr.; Vernon E. Genn, W. Lloyd Kemp and Maroon dahlias, purple petunias, and snapdragons spilled from twin Italian pottery treasure-chests, White ironstone and a low bowl of white carnation^ on Mrs. John Hammond’s ski table set off a blue - and - red cheeked felt cloth. Red napkins and small red skis accentuated the theme. * Josephine-CoBinsv Delphinium in shades of purple arid blue arranged by Mrs. Gdorge I. Goodwin, complemented sculptor Marshall Fredericks’ entry “Wings of the Morning.” * A textile print woven by Pip-san S w a n s o n. was a perfect backdrop for an arrangement of echiveria, rust sedum and palm leaves. The Award of Distinction for tiie highest scoring blue ribbon winner from a combination of all classes went to Mrs. Har- An early 13th century framed Gregorian chant front Italy and figurine brought from Jerusalem “Say ItWith Aftiwe” in jjlrt arrangement o| chrysanthemums, small buffr 'cranberries' and greerft entered by Mrs. W. Lloyd Kemp. . ?-/„ Recipients of Sweepstakes Awards to the exhibitor having the greatest number of points from blue ribbon awards went to Mrs. Morris Liles, in the Design division, and to Mrs. Ed- gar Flint in the Horticultural division. There were some 300 entries in the show, the first major exhibit for the branch in 10 years. NEW FLOWERS i^New varieties of asters, petunias, dahlias and annuals were shown in the horticultural division which also stressed new varieties of chrysanthemums, roses, perennials, berried shrubs and fruited trees. Specimen apples, pears, fruit displays, tomatoes, pumpkins and vegetables were artfully displayed, also foliage plants, flowering plants and “Bielieve It or Not” (for fun, not a specimen). Educational exhibits included conservation, civic improvement, scholarships, slide p r ogram of members’ gardens and horticultural therapy. Cochairmen were Mrs. Dean Draper and Mrs. Charles Neeley. Hostesses iri alternating shifts were Mesdamesr Lester L. Colbert, Carl J. Snyder, Frederick G. Weed; Howard B. Barker, Lester LocKwood f John R. Hu- White gladioli and camellia foliage in a Japanese bronze container complement artist John Coppin’s oil portrait of Mrs. Coppin in the invitational class at the “Arts and Flowers” show by Bloomfield Hills branch, Woman’s National fFarm and Garden Association, Wednesday in Birmingham Masonic Temple. ; Pontiac YWCA Offers Various Fall Classes , Below a wood carving of “Jacoti Wrestling With the Angel” by Walter Miderier, Mrs. Theodore Yntema places an arrangement of,r$d,antfaurium, pan-damus leaves, thistle and grasses. The Pontiac YWCA will offer fall class demonstrations Monday through Thursday at 7:30 pm. Monday, the “Do’s and Don’t of Hairstyling” will preview as, “Coiffures for Fall.” Wigs and wiglets will be on display and their versatility demonstrated. * * Tuesday, the emphasis Will change to the communication Skills and will highlight three courses offered diving the fall term. “Techniques of Writing for Fun and Profit” will be previewed by instructor, Noel Loveland. An exciting new course, “Modem Memory Methods" will be introduced. Trainees iri this course qre promised the ability to remember what they want for as long as they Want to. Wednesday, Maxine Sheldon, charm expert, will demonstrate a class session of “Speak to Us of Charm.” Classes will be geared to the teen-ager, and to career girls or mature women. The eighth week course will cover poise, grooming, exercise and diet to mention only a few facets. For her football buffet table, Mrs. National Football League figurines on a Edwin J: Anderson uses bronze chrysan- chartreuse cloth. -themums in a.gilded football helmet and--------——l— ----------------+——— Reservations for the preview may be made bj* calling the _YWCA_ on West Huron Street/ Admission, is free. ( % COLLECTION From *150.001» 51500.00 Finally Thursday, Margaret Sitteriet will demonstrate "Yogi for Health and Relaxation.” This should appeal to. any woman in quest of relaxation and beauty. Additional classes offered on the fall roster are furniture refinishing, bridge, book reviews, swimming, arts for adults, china painting, cake decorating, floral arrangements, upholstery 1; Pendant Loveliness... For Her From Rose \ " *1 /V* 'ft fottseywi to , \ . | J Black Star Sapphires, * » $ \ 'S\ Set Luncheon Tuesday for Sorority Unit A cooperative luncheon at noon Tuesday will start the season for members of Group 1; North Woodward Alpha Chi Omega sorority. vi^ *v „ Mrs. Clarence Grockett of Kirkland Court wfll be hostess at the event where hfrs. Charles Andrews will report on the national convention held recently iri Portsmouth, ./■hue ■ :j Mrs. Edward T. Burrows who attended the convention along with Mrs. Andrews, conducted workshops for deleaves. Luncheon chairman, Mrs. Reed Dewey, will be assisted by Mrs. Hasty Jackson, Mrs. George L. Staudt and Mrs. Robert J. Stuart. Mrs. Dewey arid Mrs. Robert Rouse may be contacted for reservations. , ■H n |#||j 90 DAYS SAME AS CASH ■ IS MONTHS TO FAY itSftu Jwittvsf btb**»n the »|« W Oft* 21, you cm ytw am the pontiac press, Thursday, September id, hhm A Beauty Hint Margaret Merril advises that it is quite simple for every woman to promote an English countoyMde complexion.*1 Her hint to gain a peaches-and-cream loveliness is to damp a cloth with cold water from your refrigerator and press it over your face for a few minutes once or twice a day. Then, to hold the good of the cpmplex-ion-beautifying cold water smooth on a little tropical ail of Olay. This oil is rather scarce and expensive but your drug store should be able to get you a small supply. Back to School FASHIONS RICHARDS Boys' and Girls' Wear THE PONTIAC MALL •By ABIGAIL VANBUREN DEAR ABBY: I am 15 and every boy I have ever liked has has a bad reputation. My fam-says, “Stay | away from him! He is no| good and every-' body knows It!** Abby, no one| is perfect, and just r these guys make a mistake two and get1 in trouble with the look you love Is Pontiac Mall Teen Cfiooses'Poor Risk' , Not Giving Future a Chance ABBY take the professional training required to become a clinical psychologist or a social worker. Then you will be qualified to (to the type of missionary work you have yoUr heart set on. But don’t, at age IS, attempt to rescue one from troubled waters, unless you yourself are an expert swimmer. You could both go under. DEAR ABBY: I am engaged to this fellow who can’t keep his eyes off other girls. What he does when he isn’t with me can’' hurt me because I don’t see it, for 19 years and I still don’t have an engagement ring. When we were Quarried a ring was out of the . my husband is a very .shrewd business man who has done extremely well over the years and he could easily afford to buy me the law, no matter how hard they try no one lets them forget ^«t when we are together and he stares at other girls, it hurts me. He says blondes are his weakness. offered to dye my hair their You may ask, “Why don’t you forget, them and find a decent kid? Well, 1*11 tell you why. I don’t want a decent kid. He’s got it made. His nose Is clean and he has all the friends he because he’s a “good” kid. I want a NO GOOD kid who needs me and will appreciate: my sticking by him and helping! him go straight. “Bad” kids need friends- hriore than “good'1 kids. Please print this. If my parents see it, it may soak in. WANTS TO HELP DEAR WANTS: A kid in trouble is usually a “troubled” kid. And in order for him to “go' DEAR ABBY: I just want to straight" he needs more than^n^ if j am as ••childish” as friendship. If you are truly mo-|,ny husband makes me feel tivated to help “bad" kids, do: whenever I have brought up this it right. 'subject: I have been married Finish high school and then--------------------------\------------ He knows how much I’ve wanted a diamond because I have told him, but he' cays it’s too late for an “engagement” ring now. I would still tove to have one. Thanks for lettoig me tell this to someone, Abby. Do you think I'm "childish?” BARE FINGERS DEAR BARE: No. It may be too late for an “engagement’ ring, but it’s never too late to give a woman something she’s blonde, but he says he likes me always yearned for. Doesn’t the way I am. Abby.fio you think he will change after we are married? He says he will, but I don't know whether I can believe him. Any suggestions' HURT your “shrewd” husband know I that diamonds have been man’s best investment as well as a girl’s best friend for years! * * ★ CONFIDENTIAL TO "MUST KNOW NOW”: In the eyes of DEAR HURT: Take a g o o d the law, the common law mar- hard second look at this man. Don’t expect him to change after marriage. Blonde-watchers [usually get worse after marriage — not better.- riage, under certain circumstances can be as legal as a formal wedding! If the relationship is given full legal recognition, the parties have full legal rights and obligations toward each other, and the common law marriage must be dissolved like any other marriage. Laws differ from state to state. Ask your lawyer to advise you. If8 Time to you are a young mitft, alive with youthful radiance. Tonight you make your debut... Ah! There, your gown... rarely the! most lovely creation in all of the world... and the shoes... truly Cinderella must- live again. Softly you brush your hair... a halo for your' lovely young face. Would'you like way toward youthful look. It makes your facial skin drink small but sufficient quan-tities of water... facial lines temporarily smooth out, as the water beneath the akin’s surface pushes BUY, SELL, TRADE! USE PONTIAC PRESS WANT ADS! them upward out of sight. 2nd Debut-formulated with C-E-F IDO for normal skin-with C-E-F 1200 for double potency. Get It at your drug or department store today/ ARRIVALS LTD, CHICAGO, U.3JU tMM,e*M*Me*(M****'**********„*(t***e : r «. haskill studio : • Has Photographed Over 2,000 Weddings, • • May we Make Your Pictures? • Price Includes: J 9 Picture for Pres* • • Just Married Sign a I, Wedding Guest Book a 9 Miniature Marriage Cer- • ; tificate . , 9 Rice to Throw e e . - - . ----1 “Everything but 9 e Mr*. Donald Mu**en „ wiunc. MATE!” J • 1 Ml. Clemen* St. FE 4-0553 « j Ill-Advised Better Word Than Rude By ELIZABETH L.P08T Dear Mrs. Post: The other, night my husband and 1 invited my girlfriend to go to a movie. I He bought the tickets and refused to accept her money, when she offered to pay for hers. J When we arrived home, he found she had slipped the money into his pocket. Wasn’t this a! rude, ungrateful thing to do? — Bertha M. - 1 ♦ * *, * 1 Dear Bertha: It was ill-advised, not rude and] ungrateful. Your friend showed) a -lack of graciousness in not accepting your husband’s gener-l osity, but what she did was done with file best of intentions. Next time make it dear in advance that you wish her to be your guest. ENGRAVED SPOONS Dear Mrs. Post: I am to be beet man at a wedding shortly, and the attendants have agreed to each give a certain amount toward a gift to be given the couple from the whole bridal party. I have been asked to choose the gift and would like your, assistance. Thank you for any suggestions you might have. — Harold King. Dear Mr. King: Last week I went to a wedding at which toe attendants gave one of the nicest presents I have seen. It was a set of silver after-dinner coffee spoons each engraved with the name of one of the attendants. cannot Imagine anything! lovelier or of more sentimental' value. Mrs. James Howe, president of Waterford branch, American Association of University Women, (left) and Diane Adams, a nett) teacher at Grayson Elementary School^ share a plate of goodies. New teachers and wives'of new teachers in Waterford and Clarkston schools were guests at the annual AAUW tea Wednesday at John D. Pierce Junior High School. North Oakland Association for Retarded Children is now conducting its annual Christmas card sale. Proceeds will go to help support three day-care center programs for retarded mdivid-. uals. Cards are priced at 10 cents each. Orders will be taken by Hugh Graham of Rochester and Edwin Barnhart of Riviera Terrace'. One-day service is available. Both Groups to Get News of Confab Duplicate meetings tor both afternoon and evening groups, of North Woodward Alumnae Asso-ciation Of Kappa Gamma will beheld Tuesday..gjgg | * A luncheon is planned for toe afternoon unit at 12:90 p.m. in toe Pine Hill Drive home of Mrs. Donald L, Richardson. Mrs. Thomas C. King will be' chairman assisted bv Mrs.. R, M. rfalsted, Mrs. F. A. Temple and Hazel Potts. AFTERNOON GROUP Thfe' later group will gather for dessert at 8 p.m. in the Of-[chard Lake home of .Mrs. H. Howard Herbert Chairman will be Mrs. S. W. Stumpf assisted by Mrs. David Beatty. Kappa president, Mrs. William W. Decker will report dn toe' national convention held in Bretton Woods, N. H. DEAR POLLY — If you arel er have to remind and nag troubled with sparrows nesting them. I figured toe practice "was . In your garage, air conditioner, worth in dollars and cents what[ eaves, and so on, try hanging the lessons cost. from the rafters an old piece! -----------*— * * oTEtfT about toe size of a eaU- fe-otherLjtords it takes six so it will gently sway with the hours of practice a week to be Polly's Pointers Fur Scares Them Bath Cushion A hot water bottle, filled half full of warm water, makes a good underwater cushion for baby to sit on while taking his bath, as it prevents him from slipping in his tub. A raccoon tail will work, too. The sparrows will eye and scold but will not come near it. - MRS. V. M.....—----------~j DEAR POLLY — To provide a swing seat for our 1-year-old, my clever husband took one of my small round plastic laundry baskets, cut holes in the web-hing fnr the baby’s lees, leaving a strip of webbing in the center between the holes for support. He drilled holes on either side of the handles for threading the rope which was attached to our gym set, installed a discarded foam cushion (which is removable when rain threatens) and this made a safe and comfortable swing for a very happy aby.-GLORIA DEAR POLLY — Our two The informal morning groupboystake piano lessons and like will meet for coffee on Wednes-most children they have never day at 9:30 a m. in toe Royal liked to practice. I have now Oak home of Mrs. Donald HurstJ solved the problem and no long- 1966 Is a Jewelry Christmas! Read This Important Notice! Our jewelry Buyers, In Anticipation of your Christmas gift buying, placed early orders with our various manufacturers to insure ample ' quantities in fine Jewelry items. As usual — we have a large selection of Famous Brand watches, diamond rings, pearls and fashion jewelry for your Christmas Gift Buying. > You Can Make Your Purchase Now at Considerable Savings! Our volume buying at lower prices-our policy for the last 40 years-will give ybu the benefit of considerable savings. So-please come early, make your gift selections leisurely and enjoy the convenience of. our layaway plan—No need for money now. Your credit is tops with WKC Just t>e sure to visit us. » A gift, occasion, especially Christmas, Is made I cojmpleW with a selection from ouf wide collection of 1 imperial ! cultured pearls. The sating iqpl of pearls, their deep and subtle glow, do wonderous 'things to the. female psych* . . . and they are amazingly i af WKC person-to-perSon credit e Convenient Terms • 90 Days Same as Cash * Up to 36 Months to Pay You must see our selection In depth of UCoullrw watches, the most exceptional watches arid clocks ififall. Hje world. Our inventory is complex and awaiting your Krutinizalton. leCoubre is exclusively carried by WKC Our fine names in ladles’ timepieces will excite your imagination. We have sufficient supply in these famous namesr leCoubre, Longines, Whit-tanuer, Butova ond Elgin. Layaway yours now. Good Taste Costs No More at WKC! We have an ample supply of the finest diamonds in a- breathtaking ) collection of new '67 styling tailored to suit your personality. Our values are matchless. Select yours now from our diamond department! PARK FREE IN WKC't PRIVATE PARKING LOT at Rear of Our Store. Open Monday, Thursday and Friday Nights 'til 9. ready for a $3 lesson. So any week that one of them does not practice six hours he pays SO cents for each hour missed which goes toward paying for toe next lesson. This comes out of their allowances. This works wonders. — MRS. D. D. DEAR POLLY — How can _J_*et a sleeve in a dress to eliminate that unsightly fold that falls in toe upper arm, usually from toe front bust seam portion ? — Mrs. E. C. v. [ DEAR POLLY - I am answering Mrs. E. R. who has a white velvet wedding dress and does not know what to do with it I say sell it or save it until the new family member is on toe way and them make a carriage coverlet, bonnet and coat for a little girl or pants, jacket and bonnet for a little) boy, * * * Try making a “skirt” for the bassinet or. even making elegant short curtains for baby’s room. — MARY Anyone submitting a Polly’s Problem, a solution to a problem or a favorite homemaking idea will receive a dollar it Polly uses the item in Polly’s Pointers. Won't Fall When using a wire hanger to hold a garment on the outdoors clothesline, wrap a rubber band around toe line a few times, then knot it. Slip the hook of the hanger through the band and it will stay In place. . CHARLES CUSTOM PAINTER DECORATOR 332-8971 Be creative! Make a fashionable area rug — use rug cotton or scraps of fabric. Easy! Crochet a bright rug to liven up den, child’s room, hall. Slipper stitch strips form checkerboard. Pa ttern 748: crochet directions. Thirty-five cents in coins for ,ach pattern — add 15 cents for each pattern for lst-class mailing and special handling Send to Xaura Wheeler, The Pontiac Press, 124 Needlecraft Dept., Box 161, Old Chelsea Station, New York N.Y. 100IL Print Pattern number, Name, Address, Zip. Needlecraft Spectacular — 200 designs, 3 free patterns in new 1966 Needlecraft catalog. Knit, crochet, garments, slippers; hats; toys; linens. Send 25 cents. NEW! 12 remarkable American quilts — duplicate them exactly from complete patterns in color in new Museum Quilt Book 2 Mainly 2, 3 patches. Quilting motifs. 50 cents. Send also for Quilt Book 1 —16 complete patterns. 50 cents. Neincttf Iniv COCKTAILS rBUSINESSMEirS HOOK special* Lfr St«ak • French Frias • Salad $p5 4 SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER Featuring Lobster Tails Regular Menu Also Available 75 Dixie Hwy. THE l*OtmAC PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1966 Life aftmpasse? TheHelp W ‘ fi/Wt niSWlPOR * V » ' By MURIEL LAWRENCE tjBAR MRS. LAWRENCE: Atari! jwart of marriage my, husband it so changed toward 3ww^S*t0>nu,nehOTrI,d-------------—_______-raw— riled tom but near he gets mad why i am telling you to take if I iak fray. ,thia terror and misery of yours M®M waitress and first he to v a professional counselor, aaid no. was sore because I'm Otherwise, you’re going to la the. point where' I cannot reach’ my patient, I have learned to reach for mate of myself.” That's the answer for yon and Whether we're I psychiatrist wtt fidence of Ik patient, a parent concerned with the trust of his child or you concerned with your husband's, there is just no way to fifee “ always tired at night to have people in. Then he said: “For* get It.” He won’t touch me. Laat night when he blamed me for thijp, I told him to got another Roman if that’s what he thrash yourself to pieces against your husband's attitude. For aH of us there comes * . >int where some kweil person suddenly becomes unreachable. Bat as that great daefar sail, we don't have to just sit around waiting, “Rh, how dare this happen to me?” We can try to find out why. Have you taken in the depth S? . of humility to that doctor's statement? Healer of souls that he was, wise and experienced as he was, he could still say, “I sometimes fail. I sometimes lose the Confidence I have worked for. ■’ V * '* * . Then, instead of asking the other fellow to tell me why, I let him go—and search for the why in myself ” Recent Vows Unite This Area Pair I shenktn't have said this. Did jfiln ever ache for yoor husband's Males? ANSWER: Are you asking me what's the matter with him? Because I don’t know. I think he ckwsn't know himself what’s the matter with him. So, because pone of us bows what’s the matter with him, let’s settle for what we do know—that you are terribly frightened and unhappy: I want yon to make an ap-4 pointment for yourself'with a . professional counselor at your local Family Service Association, Now, listen. People who write td me have to put up with me and my notions of what is important. So I'm going to tell you one of the most important truths I ever heard expressed. It was expressed by one of tips country’s greatest psychiatrist to an audience of his colleagues. He said, "Whenever I come You Can Count on U Plans Made for Bazaar A bazaar, featuring various authentic Greek .articles, was the main topic of discussion at a recent meeting of the Daughters of Penelope, Doris chapter No. 157. ’ * * * , Mrs. David Weinberg of Jeffwood Drive was hostess. Mrs. George Pratt, president, will appoint committees for toe bazaar at the October meeting. ★ * * ,! i The first of a series of card partiestobeheldin member’s homes, will take place Oct. 17. Stop Rattle Stretch a rubber. band across the edge of an inside door that is rattling and lopp the ends of the band over the knob. This will often stop the rattling in an emergency. Airman 1C. and Mrs, Den- , % nis Watson Stringer (Rather- :£ toe Marie Siekas) are at home | 8 in Sault Ste. Marie after a brief honeymoon in Upper i* Michigan. He is stationed at | Kincheloe AFB. A reception in the $reen pi Lake Community House fOi- ji; lowed their recent nuptials hi | the Orchard Lake Community ;!: Church Presbyterian. * * * As 1 Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | 8 Martin M. Siekas of Shankin : 8 j Drive, Commerce Township, 8 | the bride chose an Empire l| I sheath gown and train of im- ■;!: | ported white silk mist taffeta j | and an illusion veil. She carried white carnations J:| and pompons. ' |i | Mrs. David M. Pierce was 8 ner sister’s honor- attendant 8 with Pamela Saari of Detroit : 8 and Joella Purtzenski as 8 bridesmaids. - ★ * * Lxj Thomas Stringer was his \% brother’s best mail. They are I? the sons of the Watson A. I; j Stringers of Warner' Drive, § • West Bloomfield Township. 8 Ushers were David M. Pierce, Brian Melzian and LeRoy fS Welch. A small, inexpensive flashlight kept in the sewing machine J drawer comes in handy when; threading a needle on a dark; {day os in the evening. .Qualify Costs No More? at Sears Sleep Like a Baby on Fortrel 7* Fiberfill Pillows 3 Days Only...Buy Now and Save! Regular $698 Each CHARGE IT on Sears Revolving Charge Phone Sears and Save on fine Quality Pillows 557 t Enjoy a new experience in sleeping luxury! Fortrel 7® polyester fiberfill, a Celanese® continuous filament fiber, gives this pillow superior resilience, shape retention and durability.».it retains its airy softness through many machine washings and dryings without matting or bunching. Non* allergenic, nrildew and mothproof. Covered with fine quality cotton in White print-on white. Buy now and save! Regalsr $8.98, Queen Size 7.51 . Regular $11.98, king Size 9^57 ZRt,. T.M. Fiber hharili, !■> Domestic Department, Main Floor IbumA Iumii- q'uth (ay... \ Gay and lively in ^foetdunL S-U-H-H CtmlMei B. Turtle neck in strelc nylon and Dacron" polyester comes in white striped. Sizes 3-6x 2.98 7-14 3,98 A. Stretch pants of smooth nylon, A. elasticized waist, self stirrups. Perm-crease down front. Sizes a 7 to 15 ...... 3.98 Why should they, .when Stretchini Ac* tion-wear gives with every move. Easy machine wash and dry ^without ironing, plum, navy, burgundy and loden. Young folks shop - lower level FRIDAY ONLY SEPTEMBER 16th H P . V - A SPECIAL SHOWING OF OUR FALL '66 COLLECTION Mi I li no Alb the millinery news for fall 1966 1* here; suitors, sailors, toques, turbans,, bretons, berets, pill boxes, etpehes and a dozen other great new ideas. They're all divine. So come in, browse and try onl Millinefy Salon — Second Floor F/tmtfcfcj Fab FUN FUR Looks Ijke lamb, costs a mere ... Toasty warm and cuddly. Long on wear, short on weight. Select yours in white or martini. Sizes 8 to 16. Downtown Pontiac Phone Ft; ,v CwAwdjj wrides the wrange ! in WRANGLERS® 88- Durable, sturdy cotton pants with 8:8: accent on /flattering fit. in green, brown or bone. Sizes 8 to 16. |‘ 5’« THE PONTIACFItgSg. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER MM Art Institute Select^ for CulturaI Pilot PJon Bride-Elect Is Honored With Shower Their Help Appreciated tuned efforts of the various ' sororities in the cMy who presented a style show to raise money for the purchase of playground equipment for the village. - ,, v- A $500,009, three-year pilot project to establish a model regional art education pre-gram was recently announced by Lee Hills, president of the Detroit Arts Commission. oiled and tension ^ _ odjustid. Only . • • In home$5.00 ALL WORK GUARANTIED! New 1-Ft. Vacuum Claanar Hose All Cloth, No Plastic Exchange With Your Re-usable Hose Ends RICKMAN BROS. SEWING CENTER £eta CM Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Alpha Sorority met Monday evening for the first time this year. Kart’ Wheelock, speaker for the evening, presented a program on “Modern Memory Methods.” Preparations for p benefit sale to be held at the VFW Hall on WaHon Boulevard, Sept. 30 were made. A “TreasureHunt” for husband and wife will be Held at file home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Williams of Briggs Street Saturday night. The occasion is being planned to introduce the new rushees to the sorority. A letter of appreciation was received from Maxine -Smith of the Oakland • County Children’s Village for the com- Club Election Takes Place WOMEN'S WEAR HEW LOCATION 12S W. MAPLE, BIRMINGHAM An election of officers highlighted Tuesday’s meeting of the Dirt Gardeners Club. K-Palls Lounge was the setting for the annual dinner meeting. Assuming new duties .are Mrs. George Quine, president; Mrs. Robert Playter, vice president; Mrs. Chester Dhi-goszewski and Mrs. James Weaver, secretaries; Mrs. Clifford Lampson, treasurer. Mrs. Percy Rose and Mrs. Everett Labadie acted as hostesses for the dinner meeting. Mrs. Viola Furier of Florida was a pest. _ The District I annual meeting will be held in October at Reid Run Golf Club. Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Berdan of Sarasota Avenue observed their golden wedding anniversary Wednesday. Thel couple will be entertained in Lansing, Saturday, with a family dinner in honor of the event. The Berdaus have two children, Duane of Country Club Hills, 111., and Chauncey Jr. of Lansingr They also have two grandchildren. rrmrinrrmTnrrnrrmT^ 4 COMPLETE FLOORS 17-19 S. SAGINAW ST. Downtown Pontiac OPEN TONIGHT TIL 9 P.M. • PROVINCIAL • COLONIAL • TRADITIONAL •• MODERN All By America's Leading Manufacturers! OPEN STOCK MAPI F Lamplighter Grouping $44 Your Choice : E $44 free delivery , With Westinghouse "MicartcT Plastic Tops /C. $44 NO MONEY DOWN-MONTHS TO PAY 90 Days SAME AS CASH Authentically styled, quality crafted Early American bedroom pieces in the warmth and charm of Salem Maple. Heavy Colonial hardware. All pieces have center drawer guides and are dust proofed throughout. Simulated pegged bases. Adjustable tilting mirrors. Choose the pieces to fit your room ... your budget. • ALSO AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY IN DECORATED WHITE AT THE SAME LOW PRICE! Av Roomy Dresser Base (Ft’amed Mirror $12) B. Bookcase Bed in , Twin or full size C 4-Drawer Chest I i win or iuii si JUUUUtlM tU D Twin or Full Size Panel Bed and Nite Table , E. Bunk Bedjadder and guard rail F. 44-inch Rancher Desk i (Chair $12) • tttitniitttinniimnttiniiiiiiamannif iiimffuiittitmttinmttiit J A recent bridal shower In the home of Mrs. Raymond J. Spanski on Onawa Court honored Diane B. Mutrynow-ski of Sherwell Street. Mrs. Edmund Mutryhowski was • She will wed Larry Date Beckett, son of the William Becketts of Amberwood Street, PontiaOTownship, Friday evening In Our Lady of RtfugeChflkh. Mrs. William Hay and Mrs; Earl Shook gave a shower for the daughter of the Edmund J. Mutrynowskis in the Hay Hay residence on Amberwood Street. - Its purpose is to develop a plan to spread the knowledge and enjoyment of art which may be emulated by large and • alt the United States. The initial federal grant of $00,000 to seed .the project in its first year will be matched by city lands already commissioned for museum activities and by other contributions. Book Reviewers Slate Luncheon “The D e t r o i t Institute of Arts was chosen,’’ according to Roger Stevens, chairman of A cooperative luncheon at noon Monday will start the fall season for the Waterford Township Book Review Chib. Mrs. Karl Kreitz of Watkins Lake Road will open her home for the eveat^ Mrs. Arthur Selden will review the book, “Two Udder the Indian Sun” by JOn and Rumer Godden. Assisting the hostess will be Mrs. Gels ton Poole and Mrs. Tull Lasswell. Slates Auction The first fall meeting of the Xi Beta Beta chapter of Beta Sigma Phi took place Tuesday evening at the YWCA building. Plans were discussed for a Chinese Travel Auction J and for the annual state convention at Traverse City, Oct. 15, IS and 17. I Mrs. Thomas Ofeden gave a book review on “Those Who 1 Love” by Irving Stone. WHITCR0FT. easy credit terms FE 8-4391 7 N. SAGINAW 3 DAY SALE! TOURS., FRI.. SAT. tlMy-P***1 D**,n“* V,K“! IMPORTED Ml MMERE COATS LUXURIOUSLY MINK-TRIMMED! with coots selling at 89.98 SOFT, jGENUINE SUEDE LAVISHED WITH NATURE Fathionablo % length. Compare with cogta soiling at 79.98 Three Lights on Coke Make Five Have Fun J TllE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER U, 1969 The lamed Fischer quintuplets observed their third birthday Wednesday but their parents, Mary Ann and Andy Fischer were unsure, about bow “quiet” the day was. w * ★ Like aD youngsters their age.* the four girls and one boy are into everything around their Aberdeen, Sduth Dakota house, Mrs. Fischer, now aided by full-time help, observed: “You look away for a minute and one of foe quints is gone.” i ★ The children spend most of their time near home and this seclusion sometimes Worries Mrs. Fischer but she feels uncomfortable when people stare at her and the quints on tripe away from home. WEAR GLASSES _ Margie, Mary Ann and Jimmy now wear glasses to correct weak eye muscles but they adjusted to glasses comfortably. Otherwise, these three and sisters Cathy and Maggie have enjoyed robust health since their rare, premature births. . * \ *f The quintuplets have bee# alow in learning to talk and toilet training was a problem. “I went downtown and bought two dozen fairs of training pants,” paid Mrs. Fischer recalling, the first lesson, and “before the day was over I might just as well not have had any.” —All five children still look and think much alike, but Jimmy spends less and less, time with his four sisters who sometimes bar him from their games. Jimmy is the biggest, weigh-> ing H pounds, and Cathy and Mary Ann are the smallest, about the same size as their two-year-old sister, Cindy. * ★ ★ After a usual day that begins at .6 a.m., includes an after-hutch nap that is getting shorter, and the quints are put to bed at S p.m., Mrs. Fiscb* er says, “Patience. That’s the big word,” Ralph Justin* Will Celebrate Celebrating their g o 1 den wedding amdvirsary Sunday at a reception to be given in the home of their daughter, Mrs. Robert Creger of Howland iRoad, Aimont Township Ore Mr. and Mra Ralph Justin. ■ * 1 * , * Wed, Sept. 20, IMS, they have seven children. Their Children are: Mrs. J. E. Brown of John R Road, Troy Township, Mrs, Gordon Green-man of f Floralwood Street, Mrs. Bitty Ostrander and Mrs. Dudley Alexander of Al-month, Elwood of Phoenix, Ariz. and Elmer of Pearl Beach. # I Shines Pans To remove the dark film from an aluminum pan, fill it with hot water to one inch above the ring of discoloration, add 1 or 2 tablespoons of cream of tartar, and boil 10 minutes. Then scour with soap or detergentsuds, wash hi clean sudsy water, rinse with hot water, and wipe dry. ELLEN LEE SEIBER The William Seibers ■ of Grudale Street announce the engagement ' ’ of .their , daughter, Ellen Lee, to James L. Siegmann, son of the L. L. Siegmanns of (toshen, Ind. Miss Seiber and her fiance bothxaitend % y/ekem Michigan University. Deputy Sheriff Is Guest John Hastings, deputy sher; iff of Oakland County spoke Tuesday before members and guests of the Oakland County Women’s Christian Temperance Union. Mrs. Joe E. Green opened her Gale Road home for the event where Mrs. Alfred Eber-le, Mrs. Helen Carson and Mrs. Lu -Verne Paulson provided musical selections. * St ■k New officers for the season are Mrs. Nellie Munroe, president; Mrs. Leroy Shafer, first vice president; Mrs. Frank Deaver, second vice president, Mrs. Joseph Dziuban and Mrs. Credit Due Mount Vernon, the home of George Washington in Virginia, was restore! and is still maintained by the Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association, not the government. Roderick Hoover, secretaries and Mrs. Eberle„treasurer. mM >A .DOES YOUR SjGfg CHILD HAVE ®J§g>WIDE FEET? mm mfd HACK SHOES A TO EEEE Are in stock 235 PIERCE ST. BIRMINGHAM - VitUHf At *!u Sat! - e PRIME BEEF • STEAKS • CHOPS • SEA FOOD Known For Our Famous Smorgasbord The new look in headboards is up! This one is reminiscent of the Victorian ceiling-high bedsteads but has a more graceful appearance. Straight lines are combined With curved ones. From Stanley’s new contemporary collection, called Theme II; available in pecan or maltese finish. Line available tocally. r PIANO IM FRIDAY AND SATURDAY H OptnSmndayt fUrtuttim Country Stitt 3290 Pins Lake Read Phene 682-0600 BUNKLAND Complete Open Stock Grouping in All Items Solid** Oak TRUNDLE BED $7995 Teen Favorites § (AU Solid Oak) Bachelor Chest... $38.00 Stack Bookcase.. $38.00 Utility Cabinet... $38.00 Comer Table...».. $38.00 Desk............ $59.00 /Chair.......e^..$15.^ FREE DELIVERY NO Serving: Bloomfield Hill*- Birmingham - Pontiac -Walled Lake EASY MONEY Ordhaid Ldke-Roeheeter-^Troy end Metropolitan Detroit BUDGET DOWN 1112 S. TELEGRAPH, BLOOMFIELD HILLS - SIMMS TERMS V m m JUMPER FASHIONS in full lined wool Take the jump on Foil fashion with Jw* versatile wool flannel shiftsl Wear with -different blouses, like having several out-fitsl All are fully lined and have self belt. Misses' sizes g to 18. *11 SPECIAL! ' A. 1001 wool flannel jumper with deep V-neck. Block, joden or camel. B. V-neck herringbone shift. Wool and nylon. Grey, brown or green. C. Jewel neck, heather toned -wool and nylon. Blue, green,or plum. PONTIAC MALL - Shop Every Nite 'til 9 BIRMINGHAM - Shop Thur*., Fri. 'til 9 1 vr, ■ ^ the 1$, THE NEW FALL FABRICS^ EBII ARE REALLY WBB SOMETHING SPECIAL ! OUR LOW PRICES Mi SPECIAL TOO! flat knit nylon SWEATERS by Whitman Perfect Match ^fM’fasfcUmei stretch nylon RANTS NEW - PRECISION MADE STRATO-PLUS High velocity distance golf balls - full compression, life time white cover, Powermatic center. Meets USGA specifications. 3 DAYS ONLY — THURS. IFRI. - SAT. SPECIAL rain-or-shine fashion coats, savings price $I29® Valuesto $2 and $5 60% Wool-80% Rayon FELT • Dairy Profit • Farm Products • Mathematics' niy^iimier J TEL-HURONfe^wss childrens Use YeurSeeurity Chares ... / Ik*,- So much newsl The fabrics—Avrii® rayon/cotton or tackle twill; colors like navy, beige, orange, olive. Here; Peacoat style in cotton tackle twill, navy, green, orangt, 8 to. 16. Diner's Club Michigan Bankard Security Charge OPEN &30 to 9 DAILY Choose from dozens of colors. Regular 39c value reduced to 25c, for big savings. Ideal for so many, many uses. PONTIAC “That’s My Town” TEL-HURON “That’s My Shopping Center FABRICS FIT TO SEW • Cunningham’s • Winkelman’s • Osmund________« - - • Kresge’s • Sander’s • 1 Hour Valet • Jayson Jewelers • Children’s Shop • Griswold Sporting Goods • R. B. Shops There is a wide variety of value-priced *P*tchan-dise in every store. The merchants and clerks are friendly and courteous and will mqk9 your shopping a real pleasure. TEL-HURON SHOPPING CENTER _________Phone 335-5471 ____ __ • Beckwith-Evans e Shoe Box • Wrigiey’s • Camera Shop • Petrusha & Sons • Golden Thimble P On Telegraph at West Huron. Osmun 's is the place to go Mod! Molt Sfom are openrevery night. on Telegraph at W* Hcrta Street SUPER SPECIALS AT THE CAMERA MART KODAK Daal-8 Projootor HamBtt-MMEM 3-toes fluted 6%-inch dish. 6 inch ladle ef elegant design You Get Both At This Low Pried While They Lost UP TO 36 MONTHS TOPAY | TTu- Comma Moat JAYSON JEWELERS JPREE PAR KINO at ALL STORES ■ Downtown Pontiac M Tet-Huron Center in Pontiac Open Fri. 'til 9 Open Every Night'til C" ■ Tech Plaza Center In Warren Open Every Night ’til 9 Open Man., Thun., Fri. & Sat *Tll 9 FABRICS Bedtime BonBons Spalding Kroflite................S”<- Spalding Airflite ............ . .9**- Dunlop Geld Cup....... ...........9”- Electra (Super Charged) . ., 19”... .ScWJr 72” Width NYLON NET •w-. c MacGregor Toumarfient Rail FRIDAY, (apt. 11th - 7P.M. TKL4UR0N Stele Only0 -SEN 2 Exciting Filmst “American *5, 'Sportsman” and "Kodiak Coun-try,” Court../ at Fred liar ssstsssa^ *13 dn< FI 5*2282 Ph B. Long leg pajama. In brn.hed sL“s2io38?* 70 shop monday thru Saturday to 9 p.m. TEUfURON SHOPPING CENTER Telegraph at Huron Roads Sitt 32-40. eor*L °*^ W‘lwu 100% HARDWIRED FOR GREATER DEPENDABILITY NO PRINTED CIRCUITS FOR FEWER SERVICE PROBLEMS NEW COLOR TV T£H£TH ENJOY GREATER PICTURE BRIGHTNESS WITH LET’S ALL SHOP AT TEL-HURON SHOPPING CENTER EVERYDAY ZENITH'S SUNSHINE* COLOR PICTURE TUBE ______with brighter reds, brighter greens, and brighter blues! Come and see our collection of Broljy Male by McGregor® with the authentic Carnaby Street look. For example: Logger Cue Sportcoat Side-vented big wale corduroy with a now shape. *33 Fleur du Jour Flowered shirt with epaulets. Darby Scotset® Permanently pressed slim-line slacks with striped belt Longer TV life, greater picture stability from Zenith's Super Gold Video Guard 82 channel tuning system with 125 gold contacts. ~ ” 100N HARDWIRED ■ CHASSIS FOR ■ NO PRODUCTION GREATER "CAPACmNPLUS" SHORTCUTS! DEPENDABILITY QUALITY COMPONENTS Patanted Color Demodulator clrcuitty develops the finest hues In color TV. Available at all Osmun’s stores. ACC-Automatic Color Clarifier degausses, demagnetizes to remove color impurities. No knobs, no controls. It's built in. Choose From Our Large Selection and LOW PRICES pad of Pontiac sines M31 SMUN’S IH THE PONTIAC PRESS. TkuHSDAY. SEPTEMBER id. 1968 Enrollment figures in the Pon-1 there were 8,117 students fiac District are rising steadily tending Pontiac schools, toward the* 8,313 figure pro- According to a report projected for this fall. s seated to the board of edoca- Tabulations Monday indicated! thm last night, there wen; 14,- at- 111 elementary pnpils, MM in junior highs and 3,997 to high •choota. Administrators ware confident the projected figure will be ' in another three weeks, when official fpurtb-Frhlqr counts are made. CLOSED ALL DAY THURSDAY SEPT. 15th JEWISH HOLIDAY MAT _ CREfllT STORE 18 ft 20 N. Saginaw Enrollment on the fourth Friday of 1965 was 8,81 HALF-DAY SESSIONS Assistant SupL WiHiam J. Lacy noted that delays in construction of additions ha. caused inconvenience at Franklin and Twain elementary schools and the necessity ‘ half • day sessions for three grades at Herrington. Fourth, fifth and sixth graders at Herrington are attending half-day sessions until the addition to the school is completed. At Bailey Primary School, rollment is 1146 and that staff-jelement&ry, 71 secondary, 161 port also indicates that 136 are tag there was done on the basislspedal education and 19 special- women and that IN are grad-Of a 2,654-student projection. |ized teachers. I aates of Michigan colleges aad Tito majority, IN, are 21 universities. ^ ears old or younger. The re-1 The board of education last first- and second-grade classes#! are overcrowded, with 41 and 37 pupils respectively. Lacy said parents of the 22 iiley third yaders will be asked to send their youngsters to Crofoot or Wisner schools a year early in order to free a room for a combination first-second-grade class at Bailey. SHORT-STAFFED He also commented that Pontiac Central High School’s en- Central principal Francis W. (Staley has requested an additional three teachers, Lacy ' said. * I Administrators were authorized by the board to. take appropriate action to solve overcrowding in fifth- and sixth-ade classrooms at McConnell elementary school, where class range from 35 to 40 and one teacher is unassigned because of lack of a classroom- night was informed by James F. Nye, president of Nye Dairy, that the firm had canceled fit current contract to snppty tagf of the dairy needs of tbs i trict for foe 1966-67 school year. Another report received hyihe board covered the 18 teachers hired for the 1966-67 school year. Of the total, 163 are new the district and 29 are returning. REPORT ON HHUNG Lewis A. Crew, director of instructional personnel services, reported that he had hired 86 AFL-CIO Council Plan to Move Sochi Die Oakland County AFL-CIO Council will move into new quarters at Huron and Perry in the immediate futqre^ according to council president Andrew Montgomery. The relocation is necessary because the building in which the council and several locals ire housed «t 21« E. Lawrence is to be demolished, Montgomery sap.* , Thenew offices will be located above Annett Realtors. The dairy, which has dealt with the district for 8 yews, cannot fulfill its contract “due to serious and unpredictable events in' raw milk pricing,” Nye said. Assistant Schools Supt. Rich-ant C. ‘Fell said all of the district’s needs could be met by the other supplier, the Maple (Leaf Dairy. PARENTS! Is Your Child Taking BAND Next Term? Most Start Next Week CAI Courses Begin Saturday | PARK JEWELERS amf OPTICIANS I N. SAGINAW (CornerFife* St,) n fh,r(1.u fl 4-1899 W About 35 courses are being offered this fall by Community Activities, Inc..Most classes are slated to begin next week. How-some classes will start this Saturday. All classes will be held at the CAI building, 5640 Williams Lake, Waterford Township. Classes will meet once a week and most will last 10 weeks. Fees range from $5 to $13 per class. Interested persons can register at the CAI office. ★ ★ - * Offered Monday are primitive weaving from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., ballroom dancing from 7;30 to 9:30 p.m., driver education from 7 to 9 p.m., knitting from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. and 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. and ladies exercise from 1:30'to 3:30 p.m. NEW CLASSES 1 Also scheduled Mondays are photography from 7 to 9 p.m., ceramics from 7 to 9 p.m., sculpturing from 7 to 10 p.m., square dancing (more advanced) from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., self defense for women from 7 to 8 p.m. 'and judo from 8 to 9 p.m. for beginners and from 9 - [to 10 p.m. for the tnorTTf vanced. Otto Chanko of Detroit will instruct the judo classes and women’s self defense. He is regarded as a judo expert, according to CAI officials. Tuesday classes include adult art from 9 ami. to noon and 1 to 4 p.m., art-oil from 7 to 10 p.m., baton (ages 7-18) from 4:36 to 5:30 p.m. and 5:30 to 6:30, driver education from 7 to 9 p.m., favors and centerpieces from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. and fencing from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Also ofered Tuesday are kpit-ting from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m., ladies exercise from 7 to 9 p.m., and rhg honking from 9:M to 11:30 a.m. ★ £' ★ Wednesday classes include leather toolifig from 7 to 9 p.m., photography from 7 to 9 p.m., preschool rhythms from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. and 10:30 to 11:30 a.m., square dancing (ages 9-15) from 7 to 9:15 p.m. Also Wednesday, a widows and widowers chib will meet from 8 to 11 p.m., beginning Oct. 5, and a tap dancing class will be held from 4 to 5 p.m. Featured Thursday will be adult art from 7 to 10 p.m., driver education from 7 to 9 p.m., a gem and mineral club from 7:30 to 10 p,m. and modern jazz from 4 to 5 p,m. for beginners and from 5 to 6 p.m, for more advanced students. Other classes Thursday are stitchery from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., square dancing (beginners) from 7:30 to »:30 p.m. and photography club at 7:30 p.m. , Planned for Friday nights are youth dances from 8 to 11 p.m. ★ ★ ' ★ - Saturday classes include air rifle club (8 and older) from 9:30 to 10:30 p.m., art for children from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m,, ballet (ages 5-18) at 9 a.m., baton (semi-private) at 9 and 11 a.m. for beginners and 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. for more advanced' students.. % Other Saturday classes are guitar at 10 a.m., noon and lj p.m., piano at 9 a.m., fl a.m. and 2 p.m. and family lapidairy at 9:30 a.m. j The lapidary class is scheduled to meet the first and thffcT Wednesdays as well as the first and third Saturdays. nil A Trumpet, Comet, Clarinet, Flute, Trombone, .Violin or Snare Drum KH • Rent for as long as you wish! / • Unlimited return privileges! •' If you buy, all rental payments will apply! • Conn and other fine makes! ONLY A. MONTH . (Minimum 3 Month*) GRINNELL'S, Pontiac MatT/x682-0422 Downtown Pontiac, 27 S. Saginaw>^FE 3-7168 sincer CLEARANCE SALE OPEN STOCK SAVE:’50 The only machine that does all 3 S Touch & Sew (Q Zig -Zag SEWING MACHINES SS| by SINGER SAVE! SAVE! Vacuum Cleaners, Floor Polishers, Stereo-Phono Equipment What's new far tomorrow is at SI N C E R today' ‘ SINCER OPtH Thur*.,f"‘>Sa** Ta9yt SPECTACULAR CARPET BUYS at BECKWiTH-EVANS.. L Pontiac Store Only! ~'te' SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE YOU GET CARPET, RUBBER CRAFT PAD AND INSTALLATION COMPLETELY INSTALLED PIPING RIDGE HEAVY WOOL PILE TWEED Heavy wool pile twead. Now discontinued by Guiliitqn. 3 choice, color*. YOU GET CARPET, RUB-} BERCRAFT PAD AND INSTALIA-TION. FREE RUBBERCRAFT PADDING WITH EACH REMNANT ! Sandal Grandeur... .140 Bin* Tarek.........96 Baiga Olivia........256 ' Baiga Chapol Hilt 375 Melon Damian...,. .108 I Baiga Saxton..... .365 l BrontaPoint....... 135 I Baiga Colorado.... .160 SIZE 15x9.6 13x9 15x13.3 13x9.1 15x11.3 12x9 ,12x10.6 12x11 12x14.6 12x9 12x13 12x9 12x9 12x11.2 12x9 12x14.10 12x12.2 Gold Intimacy...160 Blua Paloma.....120 Oranga Noctumo ... 320 Oranga Roof Point ...108 Groan Fortune.......210 Baiga Barbixon.....132 Gold Concert.......182 Panguin Glandale... 135 Gold Sea Cove....200 Gold Cove.........140 Blk, Pink Fialdllona 170 Avocado Barbixon ..132 Groan Lymie.........108 Baiga Blouom..... 150 Raspberry TOmpa... 12,0 Roc Cypreti 1 i .180 iHtowto' «a . , .180 IMS IMS II MS 4M5 11 MS BMI *9.5* SMS 11I.IS SMS 11.51 IMS SMS IMS •9.11 •MS 12x8.1 Martini Lamp .... .M 4*41 12x9 Baiga Riverviaw.... 108 5I.IS 12x14.7 Chntnwt Comae..., 175 M4B 12x9.5 Gold Andavar.........120 (Ml 12x9 Baiga Roulatta........144 BBJ6 12x9 BluaCamaa..............112 BMI 12x9 Groan Flatal. jb.,. .14b 59,95 12x10.1 Gold Gfadiation ... 70 41,11 12x13.4 Geld Baban...........126 1441 12x8.3 Gold Andavar...... 132 SMI 15x11.1 Groan Olivia...‘..V. 255 1M.H 12x15 Baiga GMala.... 180 IMI 12x9 Blue Modern.............96 4141 12x10.4 Blue Green Tweed... 110 SS4S 12x9.7 Avocodo Shag.........130 IMI 12x13.6 Baiga'Patoaya.......ISO 12x12.10 Groan AitraV.......102’ 4MS COMPLETELY INSTALLED RANDOM SHEAR ACRYLIC PILE Handsome, long wearing acrylic Vaftdom shear. Rainbow of decorator colon to chooso from. YOU GET CARPET- RUB-BERCRAFT PAD AND INSTALLATION. F *q.yd. INSTALLED FINE FLOOR .vans COVERINGS Open 9:30 to 9 Daily Except Tues. TiH 6 TEL-HURON SHOPPING CENTER WEST HURON AT TELEGRAPH-334-9544 FREE HUME SERVICE A telephone coll is all It takas to - ■ « « bring a trained homo talesman to sHltt Call your homo with aomplas from Pen-Mac's largest stock. Shop at homo from' yew easy choir. no change of scene or season can change the comfort and composure of THERMOSTAT: | DuPont!s new temperature-tested, travel-tested Dacront tailored by BOTANY 500 Thermostat is on extroOrdihory new suiting—because 4t has the remarkable faculty— *— of keeping you as comfortable in warm weather as in cool; and stays as smoothly composed at thi end of the day as when you put it on. At the end of the trip as the day you packed it. Botany 500 blends it Of Dacron®-worsted-and-mohair, in a weight that virtually knows no season. Arid Daroff adds its knowledgeable brand of tailoring:* in two- ond three-button styles, in one* and two-trouser models. • The shades are equally inviting: rich solid iridescent sharkskin effects and trim muted hairline stripings. One trouser suits at, $85. Two trouser suits at, $105. , >..V'-i ■ y.~ ■ &j,-.': ■ s ■; ; j *« ^ r ... pf? y?’. : ■t*—-' —'ia* . — il.____mg-----m.____5 uw rvivvHK^ iWQii mvi upm every svening w v #■ Mt N. Ttitgraph Rd., Partite Mall (M'tMqfM Stan Open Thar*., Frl to 9; Sot. to 5:M < s v 'MS Mom Strati i- 7 :' 1 1. r rl THE PONTIAC PftKSS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, jm ROUNDUP IN MIAMI—Pursuing officers stage a Miami-. style rodeo this week after 20 steers escaped from a pasture lot and roamed through a residential neighborhood. Af the top, a garbage can barricade is hurdled. At center, a motorcycle officer joins the roundup and, at bottom, a steer charges past a club-swinging policeman and two rope-swinging roundup men. O/eo Foe Loses Buffer Bastion Melting MADISON, Wis. JAP) - Butter’s last bastion was melting today after the election defeat of Wisconsin’s 74-year-okl archfoe of:colored oleomargarine. Age, reapportionment and fellow Republicans retired dairy farmer Earl Leverich, crusty chairman of the State ..Senate’s Agriculture Committee, in Tuesday’s primary election. A legislator predicted today repeal of the nation’s sole surviving ban on the sale of the colored butter substitute might come quickly “I know that they would have quite a job to pass it if I were there,” said Leverich, who launched his political career by leading a farmers’ march on the state capitol during the depression to back taxes on uncolored oleomargarine. * ★ ★ Wisconsin's butter-margarine battle, which erupted ip the 19th century and never has abated, economic ancestry. Farmers contend they can’t Afford to compete with the colored spread. For the consumer, there is another side to the coin. PRICE SPREAD Butter sold at 87 cents: pound Wednesday night at a supermarket in a Madison shopping center. At another supermarket 70 miles away , in Rockford, 111., colored oleomargarine was priced at 26 cents a pound. The RADCUFFE • S316 Trim Contemporary to-boy styling is. I_ Walnut color (5316W) or in grained Mahogany ZENITH PIONEERED COLOR TV ADVANCES IN ZENITH PERFECTED COLOR TV the finest in BLACK and WHITE TV dim styledl The TOURNEY • N2000C 6 THE St-IM LINE SERIES Distinctive two-tone color cabinet In Chercoal color end Off-White color. Beautifully molded-cabinet with matching UHF/VHF controls. Top Carry Handle. Monopole Antenna. $129** ALWAYS DISCOUNT NICCS SWEETS 30 DAYS SAME AS CASH RADIO A APPLIANCE 422 West Huron FE 4-5677 Open Monday and Friday Evening! 'til 9 PM. Griffin Cites LB fs'inactivity' on Righfs Bill WASHINGTON (AP) — President Johnson was criticized yesterday by Sen.. Robert P. Griffin, R-Mich., for trying blame Sen. Everett Dirksen, R-Ill., for what may be defeat of the civil rights bin. Griffin said at a news conference the President has “really played a very passive role” in the^effort to obtain passage of the civil rights' bill. Johnsoa on Monday said at a news conference Chat whether the biO* poises or fails win depend hi large measure on what Dirksen, Senate Republican leader, does. Dirkgen is oposing the bill’s open-housing provision, w W :* * : * It is noteworthy, Griffin said, that Johnson and others are concentrating on trying to make Dirksen appear as the obstructionist. ‘NO LEADERSHIP . Griffin said Johnson has not provided any leadership in trying to get the bi|l passed, has not asked Senate Democratic .leader Mike Mansfield for round-the-dock sessions, has not made any radio or television speeches im support of the bill and he “hasn’t been up here twisting any arms.” W - ★ , ymp;' r. jtf-.'lL' Griffin supports the bill, including Hie open-housing provision, and has said he would vote to cot off debate and force a vote. WSL,- 3Y PRINCE’ MATCHABELLI Brisk, crisp, refreshing fragrance especially designed forFall. Delivery Service 140 North Saginaw Huron Street 4895 Dixie Highway NO PARKING PROBLEMS - Students returning to Wayne State University this fall will find commuting to college a lot easier with the completion of a newly opened 2,000-car parking structure at Cass and Palmer, one block from the Administrative Service Building'Parking fees will be waived during the registration period, Sept. 22 through Sept 27, but, a 50-cent fee will be charged after classes begin Sept. !& The six-levf 1 structure is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, with five entrances on Palmer and two off Cass. The |3.S-million structure was designed by O’Dell, Hewlett, Luckenbach and Associates, Birmingham.. It was financed by a self-liquidating bond issue. QUANTITIES LIMITED • ON SALE WHILE THEY LAST! A/V ONTGOMERY WARD "’Rea. $99 — Save Now . 24-Pint Dehumidifier. Rag. $119'- Save now! Womtn'i FUR TRIM COOTS.......... Rog, $39.99 to $45—Save nowl Women's UNTRIMMED COATS...... Reg. $39.99 Women's CARMMTS............ R.,. SI 9.99 Wom.n', ALL-WEATHER COATS........ Reg. $3.99 vinyl lined cotton PRINT TOTE BAGS....... Reg. $5.99 Misses', Women's, Half sires BUSSES.............. Rdo, $10.99, Women's _ 1 SUMMER Reg. $54.99, Fully automatic 30 MM CAMERA.. MESSES. Reg. $5.99, SavaNow! UNIFORMS/SMOCKS..... Reg. $10.99 Smodcs and UNIFORMS............. Reg. $2.99, variety of colors SHELLS/;................. Reg. $89.99, With Range Finder CELIIXE SUM CAMERA. . . Fun Saver * ECONOMY MOVIE CAMERA.. Reg, $9.69 Storage File SPACE SAVER................ Reg. $1.99, Orange or Apple Design PATIO LIGHTS.......... . Reg. $28.98 Combination POST/LANTERN......... Pulldowns, pendants, wall lights CNANBELIERS..... < Reg. $84, Sava now! Reg. $4.99, Sixes 10 to 14, Women's KNEENOCKERS....... Reg. $5.99, Sixes 8 to 16, Women's— SKIRTS................. Reg. $5.99 Jr. Petite and JR. MESSES........ Itog. 917.99 Jr. P.tit* and JR. DRESSES........ R.,. $3.29, 51,9“ mflatabl. WADING POOL............ m *50 $15 $15 $14 50* e m Pulldowns, pendants, wall lights mm/ *4 CHANDELIERS........ 30% off *10 17-PINT DEHUMIOIFIER... *74 $4 ROOM AIR CONDITIONERS 25%off $8 $2 M — --Reg. $9.99, up to 32"xB0* 7 & FOLDING DOORS $4 $10 Reg. $4.98 Roll up 3'xT PLASTIC SHADE________ Values ta $5.99 upholstery fabric. Values to. $32.99, Chair or Sofa SLIPCOVERS..;.... ’*80" plastic Reg. $5.88,6-ft.xl2* SPLASHER POOL........ Save nowl Gordon Shop BAMBOO RAKE.......... Rog. $1.47, 20-lb. Kingfoid CHARCOAL BRIQUETS.... Rog, $5.99 Pre-Emergenco , CRAB GRASS PREVENTOR.. R4g. $129.99, 21* Heavy Duty REEL MOWER . .......... Rog. 6c asst, colors TULIP BOLDS . ......... Rog. $6.99,Nylon reinforced W 50’ PLASTIC HOSE...... Rag. 159.99,18x48 SWIMMING POOL... Rog. $79.99.26001 Lons S CMM MOVIE CAMERA... .. 'Rog. $109.99 Automatic Throod MOVIE CAMERA......... Rog. $120.99 Power Zoom Motion Movie Camera 288 $1 $100 3e Reg. 88c, 50 esst. Hooks 26’4"x39" PEG BOARD........ 3»* 189 Mr $294 3“ gas $344 Reg. $4.49 Prefiniohed - * WALL PANELING..... «.«». Reg. $3.45 for 32" door SMEEN DOOR DRILLS Take With Reg. $4.50 - 5*, 10-f>. lengths- ALUMINUM GUTTER Rag. $389 motor 2B H.P. OUTBOARD. Rog. $6.99 Folding aluminum DECKCHAIR..... Rag. $12,99 — 3-lb. coladoud SLEEPING BAG .. Rog. $555,14‘ fiborglas TRIHEDRON BOAT Rog. $929 Fiborglao Deluxe PLATINUM STAR % BURST onlyA 4-PIECE PLACE SETTING with fill-up of 8 or more gallons of Gulf Gasoline! See your nearest participating Gulf dealer now for a magnificent 4-piece setting of Platinum STAR BURST Fine China, at a fraction of the price you would expect to pay. Here is trans* Hucentj white ^poreelainH^tfnar enhanced-by-4t-delicate design in subtle silver gray, setoff with a platinum-colored rim... a distinguished new pattern that blends with any decor. You can build a complete service of 6,8 or more place settings. Each setting will 1st only 99F—A bill to.con-isigiifed into law by Gov. George troi billboards and protect an; Romney Wednesday, estimated $12 million in federal The bin, intended to meet fed-highway grants to Michigan was eral requirements of the High- | way Beautification Act of IMS,[right-of-way. It would be al-prohibits billboards within WQ towed to post signs for three-feet of the right-of-way of any [quarters of a mile to each direc-highway that is in any part fi- tion. nonnorl K«r Hia Vmmmm 4 - * X "That involves virtually every ate highway to MfchigHr” a Highway Department spokesman said. * ★ * Any state that does not have such legislation on its books by Jan. 1 will be in danger of toeing 10 per cent of the federal funds available for highways. In Michigan that means about $12 million, the department said.-----»—— MAJOR EXCEPTIONS There are several major ex-, ceptions to toe billboard restrictions. These include commercially and industrially zoned areas and signs on toe property of the business being advertized, if that falls within the 660-foot limit. Another exception would be a [way Department, business that abuts the highway I spokesmen paid. In signing the- bill, Romney said: “Some uncertainty exists over whether this bill meets the federal [specification. However, it is at least a temporary instrument for determining compliance. H it is deemed unacceptable, the Legislature can make necessary revfefons in the future. KEEP FUNDS ft is vital that our state not lose federal highway funds as a result of nonconformity to the beautification act,” he added. Fugitive Fights ExtraditiohBid Wanted in California on, Morals Charges DETROIT (UPI) - Rob. Melvin AJpecta, Los Angeles “most wanted fugitive,” will fight a court attempt to bring him home to California to face The federal act, empowers the U.S. Department of Commerce to spell out specific requirements — meaning tom will have to be negotiations between the Commerce Department and the State High-~ I highway Sterling Plant Picket Is Fired by Chrysler Aluminum SIDING and TRIM 2M00 W. S Mil* ltd. 1H Mtot West of Telegraph "Your products are only os good as the company behind them” ACROSS 1 You and me 3 Homonym for “wood" 5 The best-tasting cigarette you can smoke 7 Wage battle 8 Change (coll.) DOWN 2 Those who enjoy 5 Across 4 More readily 5 If you changed the “a” to an “e,M it would be “then” —Join the Unswitchabtes.1 Get the filter cigarette with the taste worth fighting for. Tareyton has a white outer tip and an inner section of charcoal.' Together, they actually improve the flavor of Tareyton’s fine tobaccosJ local prosecutor said yssterdsy. Sfeven G. Danielson, Wayne County prosecutor, said Alperin faces a court hearing today on California's bid to have him extradited there. ★ * •W Police to- neighboring Windsor, Ont., put an end to.a nationwide search for Alperin when they arrested him Aug. 2$ os a suspect to a knife fight. He was then turned over to U.S. authorities. ★ ★ * Alperin, 2S, is on the suspect fist in the kidnap-rdpe-stoying 'of Janice Sorem, 17, Nortoridge, Her bocty was found in her car at -a Granada Hills, Calif., shopping center. Union Head Dies DETROIT (AP) - Howard P. (Hud) Greene, 61, president of the Detroit Federation of Musicians since 1962 and a well known musician, died Wednesday in Ford Hospital. He was a member of the International executive board of toe union and served the Detroit Local S in a number of capacities since 1946. DETROIT (AP) - Leo Wall, 21, of Warren, who, along with Us family, has been picketing Chrysler Corp.’s Sterling Sta * “ ‘ test of Us c Us family, Chrysler Oo». _ tag Plant to protest of h pany suspe Wednesday. A Chrysler spokesman said be had an “appalling work record” since being employed 18 month* ago. The spokesman said Wall had two disciplinary layoffs add verbal warnings on record and had falsified his job application, stating he'had 18 months -experience as a crane operator. The spokesman said Wan actually had three days experience. . W ★ fr Wall, who with hii wife, Janice, and six children picketed the plant, contends toe company was unfair to suspending him. He said he and Us wife would continue to picket. ★ * ★ Tbm Antkowiac, president of I United Auto Winters Local 1264: UTSS’ pfiSBrSfiO^lBiflBas] would be filed. shop at Robert Hail forexciting clothing values § for the entire family! Until the invention of the Ioco-; motive, the horse was man’s fastest means of transportation. AMERICA'S LARGEST FAMILY CLOTHING CHAIN Peatfec, 200 N. Saginaw - Clarkston-Wcterford tn Dixie Hwy„ Jtsf North sf Watsrferd MH BOTH STORES OPEN SUNDAY 12 NOON TIL 6 PM For the Big and Tall Man in tha Family, Please Refer to Our Big Men’s Shop at 16051 Grand River and 8800 Van Dyke B DALE SHAFFER President The DRC Story Eisenhower in Hqspital for Checkup WASHINGTON (AP) -Former President Dwight D. Eisenhower is in Walter Reed Army hospital today for wbat was described as a routine § checkup. I Spoke kesmen said he would return to his Get-IS tysburg, Pa., office this morning. Eisenhower traveled by j- automobile from Ills Get- bis that ef any other race offered i tysburg, Pa., home enter the hospital last night. Spokesmen said he would return home today. Eisenhower finished a week of tests at toe hospital Aug. 3. THE MICHIGAN MILE IS A ROAD LEADING TO RACING GLORY THREE ELEGANT SOFAS IN DECORATOR FABRICS WITH FOAM CUSHIONS HOME OF FINEST BRAND NAMES 108 N. SAGINAW-FE 3-7114 QjounCk) $180 ELEGANT TRADITIONAL, GRACEFUL FRENCH PROVINCIAL OR STATELY MEDITTERANEAN Expertly crafted anddetailed to a variety ef fabrics. We selected these because they offer you fashion, quality and Value. They feature foam cushioning, zipper covers and a top / line of fabrics including quilteds, matalesses apd brocatefles. Wood areas are fruitwood finished. f ■ t. BHMH *■» % ^JPERSON-TO-PERSON CREDIT • No Down Payment • 90 Days Same as Cash A Up to 3 ~ FRIDAY anil MOMMY T1L9PJL THE MICHIGAN MILE AND MEMORIES! We take a long and proud step Saturday with the 18th running of The Michigan Mile at the Detroit Race Course. The purse has been increased to $100,000-aaded, which puts it among the Nations top classics. ITong have looked uponThe Mile as The {Showcase of Michigan racing. Its place as the States premier Thoroughbred event is unchallenged. Its value is more than dou- Michigan track. I regard The Mile as more than a great race. I regard it as a means of expressing my sincere thanks to Racing Fame tor their loyal support. It is my way of demonstrating our constant effort to offer the finest possible racing at the Detroit Rage Course. The caliber of horses The Mile attracts attests to its high standing among the Nations leading owners and trainers. A year ago, the horses which finished first and second to The Mile, Old Hat and Roman Brother, subsequently were voted “Mare-of-the-Year” and “The Horse-of-the-Year” in nationwide polls. Old Hat and Roman Brother joined such other outstanding stars as Crimson Satan, Decidedly, Greek Money, Going ’Abroad, Tibaldo, Beau# Prince, American Cqmet, Total Traffic, Neartic, Spur On, Second Avenue*, Bully Boy and CHI Capitol as Michigan Mile competitors. Again* Saturday, wewill have a field of the finest Handicap performers in The Mile. The probable field will include Bold Bidder, the winner of three $100,000 stakes already this season at Santa Anita, Monmouth and Arlington Park; Tom Rolfe, winner of the 1965 Preakness, second in the Belmont Stakes and third in the Kentucky Derby; Old Hat, bidding for an unprecedented second victory in The Mile; Victorian Era, the finest Handicap performer in Canada; jolly Jet, Selari, Brave and Bold, Amberoid, Tronado, Swift Ruler and Royal Gunner. I mentioned Memories to connection with The; Mile. I wonder how many Fans recall that the first running of The Mile to 1949 at the bid State Fairgrounds trade was raced on the was a grass course at the Fairgrounds, and Sir Sprite, from th* «tnKI» «F SportirWan O. F. Woodward was the winner. The Mile purse then was $7,500. I have special memories, too, to connection with the 1952 Mile. It was won by Bully Boy, a great colt I bred at the Coldstream Stud and which raced in my colors. H. H. (Pete) Battle, who how is one dour Stewards, trained Bully Boy. ; The Michigan Mile was just that,... an event raced at a flat mile . . .through the 1958 renewal. Then, at the request of horsemen, the distance was changed to a *>lW and one-sixteenth and we raced it that Way through 1964. Again, conditions warranted a revision, and The Mile became a mile and one-dfghth race.. That will be the distance Saturday. We are prolUl of The, Mile. We believe it is a symbol of Racing at its Best. To offer the finest in Racing in a setting which provides the Fans beauty, convenience ,and comfort is our constant aim. ~*The Mile, with its $100,000-added purse, will make ’Michigan racing history Saturday. I hope you will plan to see it. I think, it will Be an experience in Racing pleasure you will cherish. Ibai. President msnmimm SCHOOLCRAFT AT MIDDLEBELT ROAD RACING DAILY THRU NOV. 5 Post Parade 3:20 Weekdays 2 p.m. Saturdays! Holidays General Admission—$1.25 Clubhouse—$2X10 - THE $100,000 _M6HI|AN MILE Satur&y.'SeptMfiber 17 FABULOUS TWIN DOUBLE TtomMDNMai YOUR Fun and Thrills rag PONTIAC PftKSS. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1966 Commonwealth Averts Split Sends Ultimatum to Rhodesia LONDON (AP) — The British wealth conference agreed to]end Sir Humphrey Gibbe, Queen Elizabeth’s H’s representative In Rhodesia, Is to transmit die Commonwealth message to tte white minority regime in Suubury." Although die African, Asian Ultimatum to Rhodesian Prime Minister Ian Smith to end his 10-month rebellion by Dec. Si or face new sanctions. Delegates to the Common- send the ultimatum Wednesday night'after nine days of wrangling, thus averting an open Spilt in die 23-nation organfaa-ttan. Officials said Gwernor Gdn- and Caribbean dfotomatsj delegates said the measures did] But they recognised, as C agreed to Prime Minister Ha*j«* go far enough. -' - {ana. Prime Minister old Wilson’s formula for endb*j newsmen i .__u., . u. .. . . . Iiaifl these dissenters believed,., . . Smith’s rebellion and bringing j„force wu the only sure means!11* roeetin«- «»** “to the f majority rule to the colony’s 4 ^ bringing down the m»g»i re-analysis it is Britain’s r DECIDES COURSE - British Prime Minister Harold Wilson walks past a saluting guard as he leaves Marlborough House in London yesterday after a meeting of the 22-nation Commonwealth conference. After the meeting, Britain announced it will caD on Rhodesia to end its rebellion and warned that otherwise it will impose new sanctions against Prime Minister Ian. Smith’s all-white regime. Trustees to Seek State OK on a Law School for MSU if EAST LANSING (AP)-Citing an unmet need for lawyers, Michigan State University trustees decided Wednesday to ask the State Board of Education to approve establishment of a degree-granting law school at MSU. The university already has begun preliminary planning for a law school. The idea came up for serious study when the Legislature , considered appropriating funds to start an MSU law school. That proposal failed to the House spring. MSU trustees authorized John Hannah, MSU president, make a formal application to, the state coordinating agency higher education. CITES NEED One trustee, Clair White, said there is a particular need for lawyers skilled to specialized areas of public service, such as lawyers to handle school problems. In other action/the board of trustees raised the minimum wage for student workers Dr. Swisher, ^ former chairman of the National Research Council Committee on Blood mid Related Problems, now is1 a professor of medicine at the University of Rochester. The board accepted gifts and grants totaling 13,282,183, including $118,448' for research by Dr. Bertram Karon, who reports, his new psychotherapy techniques for treating schizophrenia have enabled some patients to leave the hospital within a month. The grant was from the National Institutes of Health. It also approved appointment of Dr. Scott Swisher Jr., noted specialist on blood, as chairman of the new department of medicine, starting April 1. MSU’s College of Human Medicine is enrolling its first students this fall. Construction will begin immediately on MSU’s second multistory parking ramp following award of contracts totaling about $1.28 million. Miller-Dav-is Co. of Kalamazoo will be general contractor for the five-level structure for 576 cars. FAT OVERWEIGHT Available to you without a doctor’s prescription, our product called Odrtoex. You must lose wage ror muuau worsen on ^ fat oryour money back. campto-1ronrtl.« to $1.40 anjo^g tiny fly swallowed. Get rid of fat and live longer. Odrtoex costs $3.00 and is sold on this guarantee: If not, satisfied tor any reason, just return the pack-1 age to your druggist and get your full money back. No questions asked. Odrtoex is sold with this guarantee by: for money’til payday Got 050 for 14 days for only 680 • Many other tom plane available. Phone or v Associates for personal lending service, . A ’MMaetof Mi Mr Iwry MeMf ASSOCIATES CONSUMER FINANCE CO. m PONTIAC #•4 Wdtol Avenue...........PI 2-0214 40* Nerth Telegraph lee4.......... .602-2000 Pontfoe Mall Shopping Center 44T4 DMe Highway... ' kM W ladder..32.95 32' bdder...;....:..;..56.95 24' teddw:..^59.955 36' ladder...;,.......,66.95 28' ladder............48.95 4ff ladder................76.95 STORE 0PEN M0NDAY THRU SATURDAY , 9:30 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. HOURS: SUNDAYS 12 NOON to 6 P.M. Pontiac Mall PHONE 682-4940 Telegraph at Elizabeth Lake Rd. A ■ ■ : We Invite we cow ' SEPT. 16 and 17 ANNIVERSARY n HARVEST FESTIVAL” COME AND SUPPORT YOUR FAVORITE CHARITY! BAZAAR - GAMES \WHITE ELEPHANT SALES BAKED GOODS - NOTIONS - KNICK KNACKS - ETC. MEEM GREET MEMBERS OF POLITICAL PARTIES! Sat., Sept. 17,1 P.M. William Merrill, 18th Diet. Congressional Candidate, Dem. mm Fanram,IMh Met. DMpeeemaa, Dem. John CMaa, Circuit Judge Candidate, Dem. Aithar Law, ttate Representative, Dem. Call O’Brien, Senator, Dem. ' Judge Cecil Macallum RICKY THE CLOWN FROMWXYZ SAT. 3 P.M. NOSE ARK (Fun House) - TRAIN RIDES FREE CANDY FOR THE KIDDIES \ MAGIC SHOW - PUPPET SHOWy LAND O'LAKES MAJORETTES - CALLIOPE Courtesy of Edison Co. FASHION SHOW - SAT. 3:30 P.M. deLORIS DEMI, Modeling Agency, Birmingham LADIES' FASHIONS FROM STEIN'S-MEN'S FROM COUNTRY SQUIRE SHOP WELCOME TO NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS March Of Dimee St. George Greek Orthodox Church St. Paul Methodist Church Pilot Club of Pontiac Novi Rebekeh Lodge ? Carroll Lake Civic Association . First United Pentacostical Church Four Towns Methodist Church North Oakland Christian Church Solvation Army Colonial Hills Improvement Organization ' lakes Mdtoratteo Land O'Lakes Majorettes Azteca Athletic Club DouWe-b-Ranch St. Lukes Methodist Church . Our Lady of Guadalupe CedarCrost Lutheran Church RepdtiioinRarty > Lutheran ( C—2 THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1««* ^MHNB WBAf^A MIRACLE MILE'S 9th f minima , EXTRAORDINARY VALUE'. MEN’S SPORT SHIRTS $2 59 2for $5 Former Price Up To $7 SIZES S-M-L Mentfkck MEN’S WEAR USE SECURITY CHARGE ORMICHIGAN BANKARD Bloomfield Miracle Milo S. Telegraph at Square Lake Rd. Open Evenings 'til 9 SPECIALS AGFACHROME FILM-35MM , 12 exposure trial roil > including processing 44AAI nrnnnniup rinr ... 1.19 1200 RECORDING TAPE Splice-FreeMylar .99 LONG-PLAY RECORDS' y Hi-Fi and stereo ....ip. 1.99 t SHEET MUSIC AM) MUSIC BOOKS... .29 Everything Photographic 24-Hour Film Service 2205S. Telegraph FE 4-5892 a, SIBLEY'S Miracle Mil* M.m Brass Bruohed Suede New autumn treasure. our swashbuckling little Cobbfe! $14 Soft qnd supple in sporty seeded leather. A square-cut flap flipping up front . . . outlined in bold stitching. New as the next wave with Its rounder Me, rough-and-ready stacked heel And Cobbies' “Michigan', Large* famous feeling of ease in every step I Flora he ini Dealer” m •» shoes BLOOMFIELD MIRACLE MILE SHOPPING CENTER OPEN EVENINGS TIL 9 \ PE 8-9700 JHE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1966 C—8 £L HARVEST For the girl who knows Clothes i*#S TV TFV''- in RABBIT CHECKS BK ORIGINALS A toft blend of nylon, wool and rabbit fur . . . R & K*a way of taming high fashion into a working gal’s pet dress. Comfortable elastieised waistline. Contrast neck and sleeve band.,In olive or black. Sises 12 to 20. Fairfield Takes a Good Ribbing with perfect ease «L Softly flattering nylon slipon. Machine washable. Mock turtle seek. White, flaater, brown, earn* flower, grape, chamois, or blue. 3440. 6. a. Fashion’a strong point, long sleeve tartleaeek dip* on. White, brown, blaeberry, oregano, plans, tabaseo, whiakey. 3640. b: Ribbed Shell has no sleeves at all and ‘ a jewel-neck . . . offers anlimited possibilities. White, brown, blae* berry, pink, oregano, plum or ‘ whiskey. 3640. 5. e. It’s the top to everything! Eased shortnileeve, relaxed necklipe. -White, black, blue* berry, geld, plum, tabasco or Whiskey.* 1640. THE 3PONTIAQ PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1ft, 196g «««!«#« ITS TOUR. B! reduced every pair or our Gaymode® nylons! Regularly [ling at 3 pairs for 2.95 now ^1^11: Scoop up a wardrobe of our own first qua|ly Gaymode® at exciting sayings! ^full-fashioned or seamless... df§|rSheers and service weights.., I micro,-mesh ojr plain, demi-toe styles and more. We’ve even got a full selection of miracle Cantrece® and Agilon* stretch nylons, too. Lots of beautiful fashion shades. Proportioned sizes to fityouperfeetly. PENNEY'S MIRACLE MILE STORE HOURS fy i AUseyour 1 Icmneifi Charge A^AAI IAf 1311 Today! THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1066 C—5 thru Saturday only! - hk ' 1. ^ Our Penncrest® for cleaner floors and carpets uniiifT triple-action VACUUM w/AnACHMENTS Powerful 2-tpeed motor beat*, sweeps, clean* ,, .adjusts fe long or short pile. Wrap-around vinyl- bumper protects furnk hire. 3-pasition handle. Vinyl sip-bag holds disposable dust bag. Plus complete sat of attachments. Hurry--offer ends Saturday. Regularly 58.95 No down payment, $5 a month 49.88 CUSTOM SUMLHE CANISTER CIIMER Lightweight, stool streamlined body, follows you wharever you' go. 144-HP motor. Wrap-around furniture guard, on-off tpe switch. 7-pc. accessary hit included. RegularlyJM5* 34*88 * ¥■■■ I W e ■ CUSTOM J SHAMPOO POLISHER A comptefa shampoolitg and polishing hit! 200-watt motor hums on only with handle In operating position. Vinyl bupipaMiplosh guard. 48-08. dispensing unit 12, accessories. K*- •% !*•. :**? - Regularly 29.99 No down payment, 85 a month 26.88 mitm PENNEY'S MIRACLE MILE STORE HOURS: 9:3d AM. to 9 P.M. C—A THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 15, 1956 ORLY PRICES ARE FOR THURS., FRI. AND SAT. DURING 9th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONI SHOP WITHOUT CASH - "CHARGE IT" AT KRESGE’S BLOOMFIELD MIRACLE MILE STORE ONLY THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1906 * C~r-7 Takes Great Pride in PONTIAC-BLOOMFIELD RETAILER FOR TWO MORE FINE LINES OF MEN’S CLOTHING Ausrin Leens h by ,H H O S N A "P _« o____> > ".y,.1 t I . r$l l ■ %L_i from $110 'hand -shaped* and MICHAEL STERN CLOTHING $90 These, two fine old clothing firms now take their places alongside our other great Brands: Gricketeer Clothes, Palm Beach, John Roberts, McGregor Sportswear, Excello Shirts, Jaymar Slacks, Sarsini Imports and a host of other fine lines. / 0 you have not visited our store recently, please do so. You will be pleasantly greeted and pleased With -our exciting array of fine men's and* boys' clothing and accessories with price ranges to satisfy everyone- USE YOUR SECURITY CHARGE or MICHIGAN BANKARD OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 / t Bloomfield Miracle Mile Shopping Center / 335-1137 8CHIPF3 SHOES AND SPECTATORS TOO! thi In dost or at play worn*? and girl* will lave tfmsd good looking, comfortable canvas axfaids. With trim tapf red too and cushion insoles. In blacky white. Wain- ngg on's and chil- ta T?...— dron's sizes. 398 Chosen by Oscar Robertson, NBA all pro tg ! carry his. signature. Featuring new cast court suction soles, full cushion insole with arch feature, long wearing duck uppers -and they're washable, In black or white, high shoes or low cuts. Men's and <9gg boys' sizes. BLOOMFIELD MIRACLE MILE SHOPPING CENTER FE 8 2992 When the U.S. sends a man into space,an Accutron timepiece usually goes with him. Make Your Vbfttftthe “HARVEST FESTIVAL” Really Complete ENJOY CHAR BROILING AT ITS BEST BLOOMFIELD MIRACLE MILE SMEWS CENTER ACCUTRON "223" Stainless-steel ease, luminous dots and hands, applied markers on dial, alligator strap. $125.00 taf thf same reason he does ' So y&T cart tell what time II is. Precisely „ The Accutron" . movement Is used- 4th- fxplorer.Telstpr, -IEQS. and* Pegasus sale Hites, as well Gemini. The vibrations of o tiny tuning fork divide, each second into 360 equal parts. And moke Accutron time so precise, we guarantee B within 60 seconds o month.* About two seconds o day WfcotV more. thi* It the oc 1 curacy this timepiece con be ex pected to keep long after mon bos conquered space. _Byl then, eorth may not be jthe * only place you'll need One Bloomfield Miracle Mile near Cunningham’s 338-9381 C~8 THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1066 tO/\ Use A Convenient -Lien Charge - Miracle Mile 8th —g— -Ladies’ Fur Trimmed Coats Regular to $110 *68‘*88 A three day event — the values are just great. Take advantage of -this special offering. Men’s 2-Pant Suits Regular 89.95 and $100 *78 and All wool worsteds and silk and WSol sharkskins. Regulars—Longs—Shorts. 'f~- Girls’ Winter Coats Boys’ Corduroy Western Jacket Regular $30 and $36 Regular $15 ■ A* ■ 1 - *26antf *32 1299 Our regular 3 to 6X and 7 to 14 stock in a three day Sherpa lined and sherpa collar, leather buttons on a special savings. western style jacket. Social fibe Sate Men’s-Boys’ U.S. Keds Men’s Famous Make Shoes BROWN or BLACK OXFORDS Sizes 7 to 13, B to E Widths Regular 13.95 Boy* sizes 11 to 6. Men’s sizes 6V4 to . 11. . 6" 6" TENNIS SHOES Heavy Soles - Cushioned Arch. White or Black. THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, IMd MICHIGAN Biff SUGAR Red Tokay Grapes Home Grown Tomatoes Michigan Bartlett Pears SALE DATES Thurs., Sept. 15 thru Wed. Sepf. 21, Ind/dtng Sunday, Sept. 18 • rm off WMMW wm * : PLASTIC STA-FLO SMUCKER'S STRAWBERRY PRESERVES SPARTAN 1 SALAD' DRESSING * ALL POPULAR FLAVORS MARGARINE * 39° w« *?*'' baa1 ORANGE JUICES'59c BOWEN-SEALTEST ' d)Oc WHIWNGCREW ^ZSr REDEEM COUPON . on New i Color f Code LFreshrap I Waxed r Paper at Food Land ft Ameiiean or Pimento . NMiKMlM DOLE'S PINEAPPLE' Spartan White SLICED SREID 1-lb., 4-oz. loaves PINEAPPLE PINK-GRAPEFRUIT DELSEY TOILET . Tissue Fresh Fruits &■ Vegetables Tasty, Thrifty Dairy Selections BOSTON PORK MAST SWIFT'S PMWuW ORANGE JUICE CHEF CHOICE Frozen PORK STEAKS - ’ ARAAOUR5TAR Canadian BaC HYGRAOES *£.4 BACON I AU VARIETIES [ WJRTOFK I CREAM PIES CALORIES LIMITED oiuimr Breakfast Drink HEKT LOAF MIX HYGRAOtt ICED BOIOGJA Ihfornio No. t Fancy TUB, PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, lOflg Barnett Pears Make Good Partners for Sfreutfl Pie Pear Sauce Indienne 1 fresh Bartlett pear 1 tablespoon lemon juice % cup sugar . 2 Vi tablespoons cornstarch Few dashes ground cloves Mi cop dark seedless raisins 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind Halve and core pear; slice crosswide into crescents. Coat with lemon juice. Combine sugar, cornstarch, salt, cloves, raisins am} lemon rind in saucepan; stir in ginger ale and cook, stirring over medium heat until mixture comes to boil and is thickened. Stir in pear crescents and food color. FELICE .QUALITY MARKET 1116 W. HURON ST. "Nationally Advertised Brands at Money Saving Prices” RIGHTS RESERVED TO LIMIT QUANTITIES FELICE QUALITY MARKET FELICE QUALITY MARKET QjvhJWf rmMmrt > lTj. rmMmtf > CIDER | §1 ™e Mb Size 24 5! 39° L CARROTS Swaat, Crisp wncs BUMS 85 ONIONS J HP Comer of Clorkston and Saihabaw Roods '/« Mile North of tashabaw Exit JQlUliaaMayi - Open IMOto R«JR Taos* Tfcure* t» FELICE QUALITY MARKET h— in oat < £ > —i < D o LU u FELICE QUALITY MARKET FELICE QUALITY MARKET SWIFTS WAGNER'S 2-Ply CAMELLIA HEINZ TOMATO [ EMPRESS Solid White Meat TUNA Orange or Grapefruit LUNCH MEAT FACIAL TISSUES SOUP PREM DRINK S1 23 ZOO-ct Pkg. 12-Oz. Can 10Vz- Oz. Can canter Sherbet Ambrosial . 6 fresh Bartlett pears 1 can (134-ox.) apricot halves % cup tmttermilk 1can (IS-qx.) sweetened condensed milk 2 tablespoons lemon juice ^ ..Dash salt Whole maraschino cherries Pare, halve and ewe 2 pears; chop coarsely. Drain apricots. "V Whir fruit in blender wjth buttermilk, condensed milk, lemon juice and salt until smooth and fluffy (or beat at high speed on mixer.) Chill to shuhy consistency, stir or beat smooth; chill until firm. Pare, halve and core remaining pears. Serve each half ____cup-side up with scoop of sherbet. Garnish with whole maraschino cherries. Golden Poached Barfletts 6 fresh Bartlett pears 2 cups apricot nectar 1 teaspoon grated lemon peel % cup lemon juice *• . % cup sherry wine * Peal pears, leaving them .Whole with stems and cores. Place Aft bowl of salted water to prevent discoloring while preparing syrup for poaching. Combine apricot nectar, sugar, lemon peel and lemon jutes In. deep saucepan. Bring to boil; then simmer 5 minutes. Add sherry. Drain pears and place in simmering apricot syrup. Continue to code gently over low heat until pears are just tender, basting and turning pears occasionally to cook evenly. Will take 20 to J5 minutes depending on sin and firmness of pears. Chill pears in apricot syrup. To serve, place a spoonful of soft ice cream or whipped cream in the bottom of each individual dessert dish. Place ■R. Serve with additional apri-6 servings. HENRI’S TftSfEE PRESSING .... ’Iff- 39* HENMAN’S SALTINES 3 or 6 Bartlett pears ;Ita cup sugar ’’ 1 tablespoon lonita' |jdee * , £, 1 tablespoon butter % teaspoon salt ,*• * 2 tablespoons flour , / * Unbaked 9-lnch pastry shell with high fluted rim Coconut Streuael ... Pare, halve and core the pears; cut each pear half into 4 lengthwise slices-there should lie 6 cups. Into a large skiflet (about 10 inches) turn the pears, sugar, lemon juice, butter and salt. r'-'UJover and cook over moderate heat for 9 minutes. Remove from heat. With a slotted or perforated spoon, remove the pear slices allowing the lyrap to drain back into the ikgfct; reserve pears. Stir a little of the pear syrup from the skillet into the flour; return to remaining pear syrup in skillet; over low heat cook and stir constantly until thickened and bubbly. Place reserved pears in unbaked pastry shell; pour the thickened pear syrup over the pearl. Bake in a hot (425 degrees) oven for 15 minutes. Sprinkle the top with the Coconut Streusel. Continue baking in the 425-degrees oven for 10 minutes. Place on wire rack to cool somewhat, but serve warm. . COCONUT STREUSEL V4 ,cup sugar % cup unsifted Regular flour 3-teblespoonsbutter % cUp flaked coconut In a small bbwl, stfr together the sugar and flour; with a fork, cut in the butter. Serve hot or chilled with sliced canned ham, pot roast or sauerbraten. If you double the recipe, use a large (1 pint 12 oz.) bottle of ginger ale. Makes 2 .cups-. Suzy Bartlett's Salad .. 2 fresh Bartlett pears _ 1 ban (8% oz.) pineapple tidbits >6 can slivered green pepper 3 tablespoons sliced green onion bulbs & cup low-calorie Italian dressing 2 tablespoons seseame seeds (optional) 5 cups torn spinach greens • * Halve, core and cube peers. Drain pineapple. Saving 2 tablespoons syrup. Combine pears, pineapple, reserved syrup, green pepper, onion and dressing, tossing well to coat. Cover and chiU. Toast sesame seeds at 375 degrees ll&minutes or un-‘ til golden brown. Toss chilled mixture with spinach and t divide into salad bowls. Spoon toasted seeds over. Makes f G servings. a Sauce for Spinach Here’s an easy way to “sauce” spinach and give jt mellow flavor.' Creamy Spinach 1 package (10 ounces) trimmed and washed spinach Yi cup boiling water ' 1 teaspoon salt ft cup commercial sour cream Uses Sour Cream White pepper and paprika Wash spinach in cbld water; drain. Code rapidly, covered, with the boiling water and salt just until tender; drain well; chop fine. Mix with sour cream and pepper to taste; add salt if necessary; reheat gently without boiling. Sprinkle with paprika. Makes 3 servings. FANTASTIK SPRAY CLEANER DOVE LIQUID DETERRENT. LOR CABIN STROP ...... it 00* Hunts CO Pre Season SALE of SALES • Low, Low Prloes! Big Savings on GAS DRYERS 108 If. Saginaw-FE 3-7114 gentle, even heat surrounds■ }r crothes THE PONTIAC I’HKSS. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1966 Spud Talk J Gives Ideas ok Values Tlw b# pptatoes wear their, jackets to dtoner! These protective wrappings keep the print minerals iron, niacin, and thiamin as,well as vitamins B and C from escaping during 'prep-varatkm. i However, if you must “undress” them* be sore to keep the peeling thin, for these nutrients are stored just below the surface. i Although you never evaluate >your company by the clothes |they wear, that’s just how you should judge potatoes. Choose ! spuds that are firm, reasonably 'clean, fairly well-shaped and relatively, ffee from blemishes. The green color on potatoes, caused by exposure to sim or light, usually Indicates Utter flavor. Also avoid potatoes with thin, feathery coats. They are imma-! ture and won’t keep well. Thick* dry skips, according to USDA’s Consumer and Marketing Service, are best for storage. : Pick your peck of potatoes to „ , _ suit the way you plan to serve Canned California ripe olives for fall buffets too! Have plenty them. Some potatoes now on the are very .much in the barbecue of whole ripe olives for the | plentiful list are waxy; others picture. Here the dark elusive nibblers. are mealy. fruit takes a bow in a hand-; ' A_ *hi__ _____ .. j. . . _ some gelatin salad savory with t i J£fL£!1 * ‘^l5’ ”sua“y chili mce and mellow ^ *** *■>»». *** mayonnaise. For crispness and! when cooked T de- texture we’ve added celery and JSf licio«ly P*£**J» ^"l.’ • «! to their size. mashing, and French frying! B1PE OLIVE BARBECUE SALAD—This different gelatin salad contains all sorts of interesting ingredients, including pitted ripe olives, Its spicy taste makes it excellent, to serve as a supper salad. Go With Outdoor Eating * Ripe Olives in dill pickle. Mold the thousand island salad in a gay fluted pan and show it largest and most glamorous, for off on a pretty pkestal plate, [fancy occasions and the smaller Am u.. a '■ k 4a* ftflAu fm* canHurioK fiff in no iwcl Use super-colossal ^Ottves, the Waxy potatoes, on the other An ideal accompaniment for tantalizing skewered chicken in a basket or other barbecued foods. Or an excellent choice hand, lend themselves beautifully to salads, creaming, or ones far sandwich fillings, cas- hash browning because they arej seroles, soups, stews and the Touch of Spice in This Cream Remember the homemade peach ice cream you labored over long and lovingly as a child — creamy smooth and thick with slices of juicy fresh peaches? Ripe, sunkissed Michigan peaches are at your local store now* ready to., recreate that splendid summertime dessert, easily and quickly. Just cook, cool and pop into your freezer. The touch of cinnamon heightens the naturally good flavor. Fresh Michigan Peach Ice Cream like. You’ll even find them! An all ’round vegetable that _ chopped and sliced. [aims to please, potatoes will cer-1‘ California ripe olives are a tainly be a most welcome guest1 great boon to ail your cooking at your next meal. — so be sure to keep plenty vm not likely to break apart. MAYTAG GAS DRYERS Low As. *142 Model DG 102 • FREE DELIVERY • FREE VYR SERVICE • NO MONEY DOWN - 24 MONTHS TO PAY! •OPEN TONITE 1»it9B- BUY, SELL, TRADE hand. Ripe Olive Barbecue Salad 2 envelopes unflavored getotih 1 cup cold water 1 Clip chill sauce Mt cup catsup 1 tablespoon cider vinegar 1 cup mayonnaise 1 cup canned -California pitted ripe olives. 5 chopped hard cooked eggs Vs cup sliced celery V* cup chopped dill pickle Sprinkle gelatin on water to 1 tablespoon sugar soften. Place over low heat,1 1 container (8 ounces) heavy cream Vi cup sugar Vk teaspoon (alt 2 egg yolks, beaten Vt teaspoon cinnamon 1 cup heavy cream, whipped 114-2 cups cut-up fresh peaches 2 teaspoons vaniUk Stir together in a saucepan the half and half or light cream, sugar, salt, egg yolks and cin-namon. Bring mixture to a boil, stirring eonstantly over medium heat. Cool, Fold in' peaches, ' whipped cream and vanilla. Freeze in ice cube trays or an ice cream freezer. Makes l%-2 quarts. Creato Biscuits Are Baked in j Muffin Pans j This rich, easy-to-make drop biscuit reheats well. Best Cream Biscuits 2 cups sifted cake flour 4 teaspoons baking powder j 14 teaspoon salt r^us. MICHIGAN ^ ALLPURPOSE POTATOES stirring constantly until gelatin is dissolved. Cool; stir Ik chili sauced catsup and vinegar. Coo] until slightly thickened. Blend int nmyroBafre. Fold ogives cut into quarters, eggs, celery and pickle into gelatin mixture. Tqrn into 2-quart -2 cups half and half or light moldanrl chill until firm. Makes ™.m 18 servings. Celery> Potatoes for Hof Dish , cream Into a mixing bowl, sift together the cake flour, baking powder, salt and sugar. With a fork, g r a d u ally stir in the jam. Drop into small muffin-pan cups filling % full. Bake hi a for 12 to IS minutes. Remove from pans at once and serve hot • . If muffin cups each hold 21 (tablespoons and are 2 inches! across top and 1 inch deep, I Combine diced white potatoes:recipe wjjl make two dozen! with finely diced celery. Alter-biscuits, nate layers of. potato and cel-l , —■—"" ery with medium thick white Why Coke Foils sauce to a well-buttered casse-j ' ■ , role. Sprinkle each layer with' Too much fat% sugar, baking salt and pepper. Pour remain-! powder or other leavening will . . USE PONTIAC PRESS WANT ADS. *■ f. [apples4 Lm 39* 1 HD A DEC California Qraan | UnRlEO Seadlast or Red Tfc BANANAS 101 1 ORANGES •ffiP 4ft. | ONIONS §jS« 3ft29* ing sauce over all. % Cover with cornflakes. Dot with butter. Bake in moderate oven until potatoes are tender. cause a butter-type cake to fall in‘the center, as will baking i| to a too-siow oven or not baking it enough. T. III RAW PEANUTS 3nwm*1n FRESH OKRA I rofAfoes20 59 6120 5 * FANCY GREEN j Peppers and Cukes 3 • STANLEY .... jPrunePlums ■ • NET WEIGHT 1 IS. 12 Qt « Sorghum 79 NICE . Bartlett PEACHES 4-59‘ PEARS! m ff PRODUCE nat ROAST FRESH LEAN PORK 43 I BOROSF OPEN DAILY Ahw aummi 9 mum iw s rm, |, m I Dixit Highway - Just NtrtM TsJtgrifli § UUINHiMRUHIHIIHnilMMmiuV Stop In And Cheek Our Lem Prices OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAY UK. to I P.M. Hickory Smoked BACON !4 or WHOLE FRESH DRESSED ROCK HENS U.S. taioice II.S. Chelcs SIRLOIN Bo** Mh»l HAMBURGER BOLOGNA it. 39* | BAG( IN PETERS Q SLICED V lb*, I'M FRYERS ~f DRESSED CUN Frosty Acrws FISH STICKS Tajfi jWllAC FKKSS, THURSDAY, SKPTRMJBEE 15, 1966 Film Writer Used Idle Time Advantage Romney Claims State WW Get Atom Sm ashe r Stages urged him to incapo-rate the experiences in a novel, and Mrs. Clavell continued the raynpaign. The strike period produced MM pages in 12weeks, and this was followed by extensive rewriting. “King Rat" was mita wuu «4T pears to have' THOMAS done it is Janies Clavell, who used the idle time to begin a novel baaed onhis experiences as a prisoner of the Japanese during World War n. It was published in 1962 as “King Rat" •‘Tri-Pan.’ Sorry— No Dealers .. . We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities. SKINLESS Fresh Ground O RIVE : r N First Run! ***** SLICED HAM Waterford mm m 293$ DIXIE HIGHWAY (U. S. 10) FIRST RUN kmje mmut tow * t HERE COMES-— * i j&tCMCOltt* «£§PS1 fii E WPPR . R WE Qualify Meats Hi II 3ince 1931 4348 Dixie Hlftiway-Drayton Op*n Wednesdays 9 AM. to 6:30 P.M. Thursdoy thru Saturday 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Sundays 9 AM. to 6 P.M. 78 NorthSggiaiaw-Pontiac Opwn triday Evwnings "til 9 P.M. This Ad in Effect Both Stores Frideyemd Smtmrdmr ■ ■; ^ iwRHiKnir jpcZj jlGw^lHMUTOW- SiNwOllVf R x LANSING (AP)—Gov. George fiowmegr arid Wednesday lie was confident that “barring considerations other than those directly related to the project itself," Michigan will get a proposed f 1 billion atom smasher currently sought by six points around the nation. A site near Ann Arbor tatooe of six selected by the Atomic Energy Commission as finalists in the competition for die National Accelerator Laboratory. Romney told a "public affairs conference" of the State Chamber of Commerce, "We’ve put flie full force of our state behind Ibe effort to grin approval of Michigan as the site" for the AEC facility. YJZZk KEEGO teajjMdeewepeaimpw SUCCESSOR AND FAMILY — The Rt. Rev. C., Kilmer Myers, suffragan Episcopal bishop of Michigan, is shown with members of his family after his election as bishop of California. They are his wife, Katie Lea, and adopted children, Jonathan, 14, Laura, 8, both Koreanorphans, A native of Schuylerville, N. Y., Bishop Myers now lives in Detroit. Choice lor Bishop Not in the Pike Style DETROIT (AP)—The newly elected Episcopal bishop of California said Wednesday he did not expect to be as flamboyant as his predecessor, the RL Rev. Janies A. Pike, and added: ‘Nobody could be.” ^ .tst NOW! “GUNS OF AUGUST” “DARK INTRUDER” Friday and Saturday 3:30 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. TEENAGERS Ip to 21 EflC With Thi lira Old ijU Coupon EAGLE Start. FRIDAY TOtUTE et TtOO * flips IlllliElM 7 W Id 4 law: “FHm \ NUking atiUMOTebut Bw ** Genuinely Entertaining!” INNER CITY Hip district within the Michi- mgmmm MARABESQUEM HN1COLOR*/ PANAVISI TECHNICOLOR*/ PANAVISION* ' a uanvotsM. reueasc SEE the AMAZING NEWSCOPITONE! IN FULL COLOR... th* most remarkable innovation since SEE IT at THE OHALET INN A shpwcoM for musical, productions of tho mo*t profotiionol calibre, ho- of entertainment... mo your favorite rocording star* in full dimensional ■color ... accompaniod by America's it oxhiforoting 60-G0 GIRLS! Tiy Our Delicious NIDf CORNED BEEF SANDWICHES I FOOD SERVED UNTIL 2 AM. m for a Refreshing Treat _________Atkfor ' The Chalet Cooler J PAVED PARKING y In Rear of Building-Closed Sunday cuBhtr inn IS N. SAQINAW—DOWNTOWN PONTIAC-138-SMS At the same time, however, the Rt. Rev. C. Kilmer Myers said he and the Rev. Mr. Pike hap been classmates, were close personal friends and he "would consider our positions on'social issues relatively the same." Bishop Myers, 50, ijs suffragan (assistant) bishop of .the Episcopal Diocese of Michigan.'The son of a postman, be once was a priest in New York’s slums, and came to Michigan in 1964. Immediately before his election by Michigan Episcopalians he had been executive director of the interdenominational Urban Training Center for Christian Mission in Chicago; an ecumenical institute created train clergy and lay workers for crowded and neglected city 2 Meat Firms Lose License? 3rd Reopens GRAND RAPIDS (AP) “* Tfiomism^^ *eUo* suffragan; ids meat processing Arm shut down Monday after a police raid on allegedly illegal meat processing operations, returned to partial operation today while two Hollan^ firms had their licenses suspended. Grand Juror Stuart Hbffiui and Circuit Judge Fred Searl agreed to aBoto Thomasma’s to do business in unprocessed meat only, forbidding the company from engaging in sales or man-facture of such items as sausage, luncheon 'meat or any other processed goods. gan diocese has been Wayne ■ f Detroit! Countv and much of Ms ministerial work has been in the inner dty and in "convincing suburban people by contributions of money and talent to help people of the city organize themselves and become a part of the democratic processes." Asked if he were a liberal, the Rev. Mr. Myers replied it was opinion he was,.and added: "If you take the most liberal Catholic bishops you can And, I’d say I tend to be a lot like them.” Bishop Mydrs said he expected to reach a decision “certainly within the next week or two" on whether to accept his election as California bishop. He said there was a possibility he, might go there beforehand. He conceded he had agreed to stand for election at the request of the California Episcopal convention’s nominating committee. ClaveFs second novel, “Tri-Pan,” lingers close to the top of the best-seller lists with 350,000 copies in print. The screen rights sold to Martin Ransahoff for M00,000 phis 5 per cent of the gross receipts. Does this mean he has put film work behind him? OWN SCREEN PLAY Quite the contrary. He has just retained from England1 Gold Is Seized BOMBAY, Indft (API -Bombay customs officials said) Wednesday they seized smug gled gold worth nearly $1 mil-1 lion in a series of raids, many in] fashionable apartments. Somei arrests were made. Import of] grid is banned in India, where# brings double the Middle East1 price. r 1 WE DON’T I CLAIM OUR HIM 'ww I * BUT OUR CUSTOMERS DO! | || FISH and CHIPS | SPAGHETTI 1 Colo Slow . t I Frond! Fries j 1 Roll and I ' Butter I (Anytime) >|10 I With Moat f Jt 9fl| Sauce, Cole fl*l l —Slaw, Roll and N Suitor ■ DINE < RICKY’S m IN Call 335-7114 or 338-7762 OUT Acroetftrpm St. Joseph Hospital But before he reaches .final, decision, Bishop Myers said he wished to discuss Ms election tilth the Rt. Rev. Richard M. Emrich, bishop of Michigan, due back from a New Hampshire vacation tomorrow. He said he also would discuss it Bishop Archie Crowley. 'Big 4' Asked for Safety Plan J. L. Littlefield, director of the State Agriculture Department’s’~ T" Pood Inspection Division, said licenses of Holland Meat Co. and Ottawa Sausage Go. were lifted Wednesday. No charges were filed against the two firms. They are in business at the same address in Holland but operate under separate licenses. WASHINGTON (UPlj - Tire government wants the nation’s auto makers to submit as soon as possible their proposed safety standards for implementing the rigwly enacted traffic safety Tire actions followed a raid Monday by Agriculture Department agents, Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley, and state and local police. Five men were charged With conspiracy to violate state agriculture laws. Kelley said illegally slaughtered cattle had been sold as food for human consumption. •Representatives of the industry's “Bfcffcf’ -Frig, General Motors, Chrysler and lean Motors — told the merce Department. y they would try to have posals ready by Nov, 1. . y * * Commerce Undersecre- tary Alan S. Boyd said existing safety standards used by the government in buying it* cals would form the basis of interim standards for all new vehicles. The Commerce Department is charged by the new law with devising final standards in time for the, 1968 model year. AAAAAAAAAAFREE PLAYGROUNDS • EXCITING CIRCUS TRAIN RISES AMtAAAAAAA ATTENTION,BUDGETEERS! doolitii Foods at low Prices! YOU CANT BUY BETTER QUALITY. BAZLEY Famous Fresh Lean, fender CoiitFed STEER BEEF! SLICED BACON Platter JIA c style I lb. ThICK HYLOH rugged Nylon TWIST **lon CARPET CENTER EXCLUSIVE., "IMSTAHT INS TOR frfrftTlAfr PRESS, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 15, I960 fr-S Deaths in Pontiac, Neighbor Areas Edgar E. Landis iSacramehto, Calif.; ftBoiv JacUtbe result of an automobile acsrat Price Funeral Home. Burial r i.;, - T f<*f Pontiac; five granachiidttw^-jclfcBt. i will be in White Chapel Memar- « ell Wi.r f*1 deters, Mrs. Roul Site- Surviving are his parent*. Mr.'tel Cemetery. T1’”.I51S!T n_ H Mrs. Chan KJoeand Mrs. C. L. Foster;:a sister,! Mr^fobn* HitbyOWCG tomorrow at the Puraley Funeral Home. Mr. Landis, a carpenter, died Tuesday after a long illness. Surviving are a son and two Mr*. William Newton Requiem Mass for Mrs. William (Elizabeth M.) Newton, 75, of SOg L^eron will be 10:35 a.m. Saturday at St.Michael Catholic Church with burial in Oak-wood Cemetery, Farmington. The Gold Star Mothers Chapter Eo. *9 will conduct g memorial service at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Voorhees-Siple Funeral Hotne. Mrs. NewtOn, a retired Salesclerk tor J. C. Penney Co., Inc., died yesterday after a long illness. She was a member of St Michael Church, Daughters of Isabella, Golden Agers, Blue Star Mothers and Pythian Sis-lera. r;' 1 Other organizations in which she was active include Altar Society of her church, Afneri-can Legion Auxiliary, Groves-' Walker No. 346, Senior Citizens and Gold Star Mothers. Survivingare two daughters, Mrs. Rapul Tremblay of tans-ing add Mrs. Russell Williams of Pontiac; 15 grandchildren; a brother; and two sisters. Donald C. Parker Service for Donald C. Parker, 51, of 1120 Oregon, Waterford Township, will be 11 a.m. Saturday at Donelson-Johns Funeral Home with burial in Perry Mount Park Cemetery. Mr. Parker, ft former employe of Pontiac Motor Division. died, this morning after a long illness. Surviving are a son, Edward with the U. S. Navy; a daughter, Olive of Boulder Junction, Wis.; and a brother, Jack of Waterford Township. Lynn W. Pelton of KelseyviUe, Calif Mrs. Walter Scruggs Service for Mrs. Walter (Carrie) Scruggs, 71, Of 204 Prospect fill be 1 p.m., Saturday in gw Church of Christ, 168 Prospect, With burial Monday in Oak Hill Cemetery by the Frank Car-ruthers Funeral Home; Mrs. Scruggs, a member of the Church of Christ, died Tuesday after a long illness. Surviving are two sons, George and Frank, both of Pontiac; two' sisters, Mrs. iJUfo Hfllle of Pontiac and Mrs. Pur-lie Woods of Huntsville, Ala4 nine grandchildren;. and ft brother. Mrs. Anna G. Cooke MILFORD—Service far Mrs. Anna Grace Cooke, (7, of 507 Summit will be 11 a.m. Saturday atSt. Mary’s Church. Burial will be ta St. Mary’s Cemetery. The Rosary will be said at 8 p.m. Friday at the Richardson-Bird Funeral Home. Mrs. Cooke, a member of St. Mftry’s Altar Society and organist of StMary’s for 60 year#,' . Johnson died yesterday Catherine, and a brother, David, after a long illness. He was I all of Stamford. employe of Qpkvtew Cemetery, Royal Oak. SurVlvmg are his wife, Venus; two. daughters, Mrs. Patricia Jdteon of Avon Township and Bin. Richard Kitson of Claw-sod; two sons, Lloyd G. of Madison Heights and Norman. R, of Troy; a sister; a brother; 21 grandchildren; and Six greatgrandchildren. Mrs. Charlas Pate TRCRT a- SandOe for former resident Mrs. Charles (Della) Pate, 85, of Detroit will be 1 p.m. Monday in Arkansas with burial in Walters Chapel Cemetery there. Arrangements here are by Price Funeral Home. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs, Marvin Fortune of West-gate, Iowa, Mrs. Glen Hollis of Patmos, Ark., and Mrs. Ray-mond Zeller of Detroit; five sons, Lonnie of Madison Heights, William R. of Trojr wad Charles L., Garland and Vernon, all of Arkansas; 21 grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren; and three sisters. Mrs. George Smith is. a sister, Mrs. Ruggles Sbncock of Milford. May Derragon WEST BLOOMFIELD TOWN-, SHIP —May Derragon, 2850 Feterboro, died today alter a short Alness, Her body is at the C. J. Godhardt Funeral Home, Keego Harbor. A retired Pontiac teacher, Miss Derragon was a member pf the Order of tee Eastern Star, No. 228, and the White Shrine. She is survived by a sister, Grace V. Derragon of West Bkxxtjlleld Township, and brother, Ralph O. of Waterford Township.— Charles C Foster Wind has been received of the BIRMINGHAM — Service fqr death of former Pontiac resident former resident Charles C. Foster, 10, of Stamford, Conn., will be it a.m. tomorrow -to Staifr Lynn W. Pelton of Gallup, N. Max. Service was Sept. 8 from the Rollie Mortuary in Galluptort- Gravesideservicewill wite burial there* ^ . ^ > M Mr. Pelton,bump and paint man; was fatally tajured in an automobile accident Sept. 3 in Arizona. Surviving are his wife, Irene; . his mother, Mrs. Ellen Sweet of I COUNTY OF OAKLAND “ L _ City, or pontiac TOWtJSHIP OF BLOOMFIELD NOTICE. OF HEARING RE: PETITION TO LOCATE, ESTABLISH 1 and construct a drain in f KENSINGTON ROAD AND THE 1 fRAND TRUNK WESTERN RAIL- ROAD RIGHT Of WAV. t “ 11 ... Notice Is Hereby Given, Mat' to % provisions if Chepter 20 of Act j No. M of the Fobllc Acts of ltM. a emended, a petition was filed with th. . County Drain Commissioner «f Oakland I County. Michigan petitioning Mr 1*13 9 lowing prolect, to wit: f Beginning at a point at KtMtagtori Road distant approximately MO feet southeasterly at the Intersection of Kensington Rend and Oodyka Road; tnonce northwesterly in Kensington Read to Oodyka Road; thence northwesterly along the Grand Trunk Western RgRrMl R.O.W. to Square Lake Raadt thence continuing - along the— Grand Trunk Western Railroad R. O.W.Tbrd. Point of termlnus at the 2 p.m. Saturday in .Glenwood Cemetery, Flint . Mr. Foster teed yesterday Tracy Lynn Hepner WATERFORD TOWNSHIP k Graveside aerv lee for Tracy Lynn Hepner, Way old daughter of Mr. and Mrt. Daniel B. Hepner, 4787 Dixie, were lit be 11 p.m. today at Lakeview Cem-etery.. Arrangements wore by Chats Funeral Home. The infant died Tuesday. . Surviving besides her parents are grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Bemud; Smith and Bin. Marce-Geogeon, all of Waterford Township, and one sister, Michelle, and : Full payment required STATE OF MICHIGAN IN THE CIRCUIT COURT aAPCTXsSrtei PLAINTIFF, VS BARBARA JOAN MENDOZA, DEFENDANT. Order Far SubeHluted Service By jour .and V ei^Lde- fendem does not (He art answer wtftt in deemed served with ttte eummqM. end ComplaM In this causP and mayle da- WILLIAM JOHN BEER —- ttrroOi?— . * . A trua ' Circuit Jt in Am land Comny Clerk-Reglster of Deeds RONALD a HILL Allan G. Greenberg . Attorney tar Plaintiff US Elizabeth Lake Rd. Pontiac, Michigan NOTICE OF HEARING ON SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT the Bloomfield Township Board (Alice Aye, Sanitary Sewer District No, 1M) To TtaF Owners of the Following De-Id Property: 1 thru it Inclusive of Bloomfle High-Point Subdivision, Sections 3 and ^ Bloomfield Township, Oakland Conuty, hat determined to make the “ Improvement............... - the__above-described . — .eat of I" . Alice Avenue, Bloom-Subdl vision, beglnni Road Toll Is 1^08 £ ob lections EAST LANSING (UPI—State net%t medt without petttloiis theretar Police provisional traffic Platt* and estimates have been prepared and efe on file with th* T----t " Cterk for public examination. TAKE FURTHER NOTICE 1 Township Board wilt meet on St U. 1M* at 1:00 o'clock PJIW Bloomfield t*-—a 4iw felegr. I . ■ Bloomfield, hearing any objections to1 Of Hie BEST Reasons To Buy at The FLOOR SHOP! TOPQUALITY1 Sale Priced MORE SELECTION! The Largest Tile Selection In The Pontiac Area GUARANTEED SATISFACTION! VINYL ASBESTOS TILE n m 9»x9 m 9”x9” e 1st Quality • Greas* Proof • Light Colors • Marble ChlR Designs Solid VINYL TILE f-xV - First Quality. Llaht Color*. Great#proof MICA Enough TILE fsruVsIV $1121 Reset I lit. 29'it Plastic WALL TILE V—2*—4* MOSAIC TILE I2*xtr EE . Sheet. 09 U. RUGS r *3" We Buy Giant Lampt and Leaded Gloat Shades FRONT DOOR PARKING________' niH I ACROSS from ThoMALL »H ILIUSETH LK. RD. FE 4-5216 Op*n AAenv,^hwt*., Frl. 9 to 9 Taee., Wed., Sat. 9 to NOW AT CIRFIT CENTER! THOUSANDS OF BOLLS AT A FRACTION OF THEM VALUE! practical: hat given th* name “He... Drain" as tha name of ecu drain aw the MRiR"Hamlin Dralnaga District" a the name dfthe drainage dlitrlct there for: ani Iwi Jnad* a lentatlva deter minatlon that .the tallowing public car- . poratlon. thou Id bd.ataaeaad tar the calf of uld prelect, to wit: State of Michigan Notice It Further GhMB, that See Drain- I age Board tar said cMa prelect hna dt- j termlned that, project as set ft ----.... -w ifcf ----- Road dUNKpaL^ BBH ■ . southeasterly pf fha IntaiSKlMB of , KaPtlngMr UHnii <—■ In BkwmWeM IBe.. _______________ County, Michigan: thence ixxltwidllif1-ly In Kensington ‘Road to OpdyM . Ro#d: thence ttariMststerly adlacenf to and In the Grand Trunk V Railroad HJMt. to a point a„. JWi mately 1400 ft. northwesterly of square Lake Rosd: thence westerly Ip the intersection of Rutherford and Somerset Roads: Hwnct northwesterly in Somerset Rd. tp Lancaster Rd.: thence ixulheesteriy in Lancaster to Tfey-mor* Drive: thence northwesterly In Traymer* Drive and Reltmad Street to a point eooroxlmataty 2S feet west of the southeast comer of Lot 4 of Attestors Plat N*. ft, City . ef Pm tiec Oektend -Xemt< -■ “ thence mrltiwnttariy SU N Met; thence MUl«AMriy JU feefl. ' thence westerly 33 taeri ttweie* norltot f westerly MM*# ttenco eouthwesf,. day of September, INA et 10:00 o’clock a.m. Mint ammnm.x’W 1 Oakland County Drain OfHce, HO South Telegraph RaML ffUffiGr eftbUsh. tar ] the puroosa of haarfiT any obfecltam j to taw Protect jnctdteg Me revised route fqr. Rw>Crilo" of_ eeld .dram, to I the petition therefor wHh Mid myjeed J ALL7 BIGXARPET CENTERS" OPEN MILY 9A.M.-9P.M. SUNDAY 11 AjM. TO 7 P.M. TIP-SHEARED ACHYLIC wrteee evt aed-uesiif acrydc ade m.lwa a Fed* Wchweta* with any dedbr. An H N veto*. 5d44» 10 COLORS! ACRYLIC MULTI-TOM A .fuming naw Myl* that itahwet a Z level lteaed~ •wfec* eamhined wHh a muM-tanad talar eltoct. 100% eoybe p*e hbeae He gfaet; BEST QUAUTTI 7.39 s LUXURY QUALITY NYLON mAMH S* thick and deep, ynuechmHyilnk right Into the*. 5.38% s* route sot tarth In sato 0*HHon, eno ,o »e matter ef ssimlns ttw coet of I said prolect with SM JgUdI nwda to I fa Tils notice is given by order mwmmjpwm CARPET CENTER mat- BhMW MWItf •“ nfr ■tifftgtn lilt S. IRATlOT Berth ef Nth* Fkvy, Watt THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1966 cjmOMSOCKS I INFANT'S SLEEPERS I BIRDSEYE DIAPERS SJtewSSi H fi a f Om44*h*™nM ^ I :S3£? I &*&**■ FAMILY DEPARTMENT STORES • Knit dicker collarl t Knit raffs and pockotl • Quilt lined throughout! BOYS'HEAVY DUTY LONG WEARING OXFORDS SHOP SPARTAN 9:30 A M. TO 10 P. M. DAILY... SUNDAY IT NOON TO A P. M. ORNER OF DIXIE HIGHWAY AND TELEGRAPH ROAD — IR POITIAC 4 BIG DAYS! TODAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY LOOK AT THESE SAVINGS! ! b<|by ort°d sntlro family! ga 4hbz. ttial Nat waightl FAMILY DEPARTMENT STORES oURCS***] LADIES' ANTROr NYLON SIZES FOR MISSIS! JUNIORS! PITITIS! Roll-up. alaavat, Wtod and larmuda collnnl Dacron* * poly#»t»r «"■ coMon, AvrH® rayon" and cotton, 100% long « short sloavas! • Cottons, Dacron* paly aster blonds, Avril* rayon blsndsl • All In tha lavallsst autumn shadasl UDIES'PERMANENT PRESS PROPORTIONED SLACKS fahotouu toy of... . . ia QUILTED DUSTERS Fabulous Buy at... Ml Fabulous Buy at.. 0 Lot tr ilwl tlMval M*cfc Mtamkl • i#4% a«ry#c. , a WM«.,Mai. Square dancing, round dancing, ballroom dancing, beginning land intermediate bridge, slimnasties and ybga tifll form the predominate recreational ac- art courses including painting, ceramics, oil, painting and silk screening are on the schedule. In the home skills area, Bidiop sewing courses I, II and HI will be Offered along with the BASIC COURSES Cooper says basic education courses will be available tor men and women who need help with their reading, path and language skills. The courses are free since the program Is financially support- art of antiquing, hpme repairs led by federal, state and local funds and intended primarily for persons wishing to continue their education by completing their high school requirements. Students seeking high school credit may select general math, modern algebra, U.S. h i i t o r y, communications (English), shorthand and typing. Special classes to be offered are private pilot ground school, course for expectant parents, and another for parents of pre-school children. ★ 'it . ★ Further information may be obtained by calling the Rochester CommunityEducation office. Street Work Is Planned FARMINGTON TOWNSHIP, Estimates on two street paving projects will be obtained by the township hoard. For Its 1967 street improve- to enter a matching funds program with the Oakland County Road Commission to the paving of Eleven Mile between Powers and Orchard Lake Road and Powers between Ten and Eleven Mile roads. In other action this week, ie board removed its time restrictions on garbage pick-pit adopted an ordinance rescinding an old ordinance which restricted garbage pickup to the hours between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. I ' ★ ★ ★ Township Supervisor Curtis H. Hall said many residents/eemed to prefer night-time collections. Coming down a tree*a squirrel travels head first and is more careful as it moves, setting each foot individually. and Mayor Wesley McAfee's vote was required to break the tie. Denial & the request was turned down. The commission then moved to grant a public hearing which again resulted in a tie and required the mayor’s vote, to break the tie and grant the public hearing. Mrs. Thorsberg said the controversy centered around t h e advisibility of allowing a public hearing after the request has been recommended for disapproval. \ ' ★ ★ ★ Usually when it’s denied by the planning commission, that’s as far-as it goes,” she said. HEARING SLATED It was finally decided that Hurns shoiild be given an opportunity to plead his case. The public hearing will be held at 8 p.m. Oct. 11. t The commission also set Sept. 22 as a special meeting in addition to a “g r 1 p e session” to be held that night. 'At the 8 p.m. “gripe session” at Wixom Elementary School, residents- will have an opportunity to air their gripes to a gathering of city officials. \A{ .-jUr ( Disgruntled citizensmust first file a request with the city clerk ' > get on the agenda. During the “gripe they can complain about everything from stray dogs to sewage problems and hopefully get an answer from the proper authority.' ' Hfflrojecti Future of Wixonl WIXOM — A new look is in store to the city if two projects now in the planning stage come to fruition. The one nearest realization end on which a good deal of future growth hinges to a 64-million sanitary sewer project. The dty council has applied for a 50 per cent federal grant for the project and hopes to receive word on it la 36 to 60 days. ■ Once the sewer problem is settled dty officials can turn their attention to a proposed urban renewal project. ’______ ★_____★ Planning consultants Vtlican-Leman and Associates, Inc., Southfield, presented the results Of ihdr feasibility study to the dty council Tuesday night but the matter was tabled. PRELIMINARY STEP However, as a preliminary step, Mayor Wesley E. McAtee was directed to obtain engineering posts on a survey of a ring road around the Wixom Road-Pontiac Trail intersection. As Viliean-Leman pointed oat in to report, a ring road system is essential for proper traffic movement The business district, as presently laid out, is bisected fey Wixom Road and Pontiac Trail, the main line of the C & O Railroad and a branch of the Grand Trunk Railroad. ★ it The planners state that while these routes are essential to the economy of the city, the conflict “cannot be tolerated” if new growth is to take place. CltE CONGESTION They cite tile caused at certain peak periods and the bottlenecks caused during shift changes at the Ford Motor Co, and other industries in the area. \ The ring road around the main business area would help Oxford to Open Bids on Bonds OXFORD — The Village Council will meet at 7:30 tonight to open bids on the $70,000 in bonds being sold to meet the village’s share of the new Civic Center cost. - - -.-i -■ - The council has voted to take up the problems of arHmproved water supply, Urban Renewal and off-street parking. ..| . The lone bid ef Hemer Right Motors for a police car was he* cepted by the council. The village will , pay $1,541 plus in. 1 'M' to the planners say. City Ctertc Mrs. Donna Thors-berg pointed out that several rezoning requests, have been turned down until it has been dedded exactly where foe road mil be located. ★ ★ a In its feasibility report, -VU1-can-Leman foresees the future business district around the present city hall mi Pontiac Trail, slightly to foe east Of the present business area. CIVIC CENTER A dvic center would be developed tin foe present dtyr hall site. A shopping, center would be located across the street, with industrial development to - -the west and south and a multiple-housing section to fob north. They point-oat that foe existing central business area “is a somewhat typical small town area of mixed activities” and that 4ess than 20 per cent of the land area is actually used for business purposes, Under the plan, foe area in question would probably qualify Wolverine Lake Names Assessor WOLVERINE LAKE - Road Commissioner Chris Cottrell has been appointed temporary assessor to serve until the end Of foe fiscal year. * ★ ★ He was named to fill foe v a-cancy created last month when Mrs. Jessie Johnson, village clerk and assessor, resigned for health reasons.. ★ ★ ★ Mrs. Carol Chiesp, village treasurer, replaced Mrs. Johnson as clerk. as an urban renewal project, Recording to foe planners. ' Urban renewal Is stifi mrty far hi the future, Mrs. Thorsberg explained, because titer foe commission takes actitp$n foe feasibility study, it wiR ttan have to apply for a grant to eon- -duct a survey end planning study. $Pff! MUST COME FlftST jjj|j| 1 All of this must come before they can apply to actual urban renewal funds..—*«,, .. J ' ft Viliean-Leman concludes that foe. “building of a renewed cen-1 tral business area is one pf the most important phases of Wix-om’s plan for the future." Residents Will Winkler Miff Bridge Battle AVON TOWNSHIP—Residents of the northeastern section of foe township felt today as Jf they’d sewed one against7 organized progress. For 13 months foe one-lane Winkler Mill bridge has h-e e n closed. The Oakland County Road Commission wouldn’t touch it unless foey could make It into a two-lane bridge. The residents fought for the rustic old span, believing history more important hi this instance than progress. Besides, two of the nearby home owners, George C. Dill-man, 6400 Winkler Mill, and Thomas W. Cole, 6425 Winkler Mill, didn’t want to lose any of their scenic property to steel and concrete abutments. Little traffic flows dong foe road and everyona considered the one-lane passage adequate. REPAIR SPAN Wednesday night Paul Van Roekel, highway engineer, conceded the Commission would repair foe existing structure — but only for a year. Negotiations would have to take place in that time, he said, or else foere’d be condemnation proceedings. t TROY t— The City Commission met for the lest time this week in the old City Hall. The next meeting wifi take place In foe brand-new City Hall located] on 16 Mile between Livemois and Crooks. During foe windup session In foe old building,'foe commission! confirmed a special assessment estimated at $143,006 which will] for bringing dty water into Charnwood Hills No. 3 subdivision. Subdivision owners have protested that their wells ore drying up. The city has promised to have water available within a year. According to foe each individual homeowner will be charged $1,667.02 to foe service. Those who benefit indirectly will pay at the rate of $59.33 per acre. m YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR... k PORTABLE STEREOS MA6NAV0X SOUD STATE DELUXE PORTABLE STEREO This tin* Mognavox give* you true stereo anywhere you go. Ha* 2 speakers, solid stale stereo amplifier. : Record player with Diamond Stylus i 10 years . . . Solid State g SOLID STATE STEREO PHONO This TUBELESS Stpreo brings you the rhost beautiful music anywhere you got Solid State Components replace tubes and ore guaranteed 5 years, two 5Vi" speakers, (one in removable lid) may be separated for true stereo tone. Micromatic record player with diamond stylus guaranteed 10 yeqra, $999c PERSON-TO-PERSON CREDIT Down Payment Days Same at Cash 36 AAonths to Pay OPEN THURSDAY, FRIDAY and MONDAY NIGHTS UNTR9 PiC/br YouT7^ Shopping Convenience ' You can wiar these Levi’s® Ste-Prin® hop tacks at breakfast, at classes, at the library, at dinner, on a date, to a movie, out far coffee . . . and the next day you can wear them again ... and they’ll • be just as neat, and crisp, and wrinkle-free as they were twenty-four hours before. It’s Wattling, but it’s truet they’re permanently pressed and never need ironing washing after washing. The Dacron® blend is tailorad in a traditional plains front modal with belt' loops and pra-cuffad bottoms. Charbrown, chargrey, or rust; waist 29-38 . . .$•. . . V >, '/ THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, IQM '*'/.■ AP Wiraphoto FIVE-STORY PICASSO - Famed artist Pablo Picasso donated to Chicago the design for this model of a 50-foot abstract sculpture that will be erected at the city's Civic Center Plaza, Several private foundations will pay 0300,000 to erect the statue. Thfe fives-tory figure will be made of steel. Puzzled city officials say the design could he that of a perched bird or a woman’s head. The model shown is 42 inches high. 'Even Without Romney' Ferency;I Will Debate DETROIT (AP) — Democratic gubernatorial candidate Zolton A. Ferency said yesterday he intends to debate Gov. George Romney this fall “whether Romney wants to participate or not." ..____________•____★ • ★_____★ __ ’ ; Without stating exactly how he would arrange it—Romney had turned down offers for radio and television debates— Ferency declared he intends to meet the Republican governor in “open, free and public debate." The only joint appearances scheduled for Romney and Ferency are Sept 37 before the AFL-CIO’s Committee on Political Education and Oct. 3 before die Economic Club of Detroit. Ferency said he knows Romney’s “record, his standsfcm all major issues, even his philosophy of life. * ★ ★ “If he continues in his refusal to debate me in public, I am going to tell the people where he stands in my public appearances and contrast his position t5 mine,” the Democratic state chairman said. HELP VOTERS He said “dud will help voters make the veil-informed, reasonable choice that Romney is denying them.” COMPARE VALUE! RCAVlCTOR 25" COLOR Color so real yon'U think you are there o Sopor-powerful Now VbU 2S,000-volt chassis • Ultra-MMitm N«w Vista VHF apd Solid State UHF tuners • RCA solid copper circuits for Space Age dependability RCAVKJTOR 25**COLOR TV e Glare-proof rectangular RCA Hi-Lita I OUR PRICE m Color Tube e New Vista 25,000-volt chassis I |QCA()0 e RCA solid integrated circuit I DwU e RCA Aromatic Color Purifier I A THE most trusted name in electronics ELECTRONICS INC. (EDITOR’SNOTB — Press tutorial and feature writer Howard Heldehbrand is current-lg tearing the For East gathering facts and impressions.) By HOWARDHELDENBRAND TOKYO A twist of fate saved Fred Okuma from die holocaust that enveloped Hiroshima 2l years ago when a UJ3 .| B29 bomber: loosed Mim'd . ir at atom! bomb, killing or fetidly injuring] no, «| city’s 400,000 habitants a m destroying per cent of its1 structures. Okuma, born of Japanese parents in, California, was trapped in Japan when the family entered the country for a visit a feV months before the attack on Pearl Harbor. Unable to leave because of his Japanese parentage, the Okumas settled in Fukawa-, six miles from Hiroshima, to wait out die war. Forty-five miles out of Hiroshima on a train Mp to Kyushu on th$ morning of Aug. 1, 1945, Okuma saw and heart the atomic Mast Oat exploded at 3:15. .“Even at that distance,” he recalls, "the train was so rocked that derailment seemed 'certain.” ♦ ★* ★ On reaching his destination) by that time terror- and rumor-ridden, Okuma was warned not to return to Hiroshima because Hiroshima Man's Life it that nothing could live in the area for 7S year*. DISREGARDS WARNING Disregarding the warning, he it out on a nine-day return tick. No , transportation was moving toward Hiroshima, and at one stage be walked 50 miles in two days. Okuma found Ms home in ruins but his wife and 14-year-old son visibly unharmed. But the joy of reunion was shortlived. Radiation from the bomb blast had gotten in its deadly vork, and within two weeks, both died from its effects. ★ ★ it ' After tiie war, Okuma, now 33, served as interpreter and translator for the United States n forces in Japan. Since then, he has made a career acting as a special tour guide of the city he saw devas- Court Crier Dies LANSING (AP)-George Pickett, longtime assistant crier of the Michigan Supremo Court, died in a Lansing hospital Wednesday after surgery.' He was 70. ' Pickett went to work for the court in 1938 and retired last year. ATHLETE'S FOOT HOW TO TREAT IT— Agly taiitant-dryln* T-4-L Ymi MM taka DaM to chaefc Itching, burning, mlnutaa. Than |t I k I On, aik . ‘-“Was (kin dough aft. Watch haalthy i raulaca a. If not ntaaaM in ONI JR, your ate back at any drug at V 1* Bart-i Htcy., simma Brat. ortN daily LOrto, run. i2-7 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY “Nature’s Way:?*■ To Feed Your Baby SPECIAL! PLAYTEX* BABY NURSER KIT Our Reg- 7.77 5 Days Only §97 Charge it Pliable “inner bottle" contracts as baby feeds, as in natural breast feeding. Natural action nipple cannot collapse . . . baby takes in more, noarkhins formula, less air. Conteine 6 nipples, 6 ceps, 6 bottle holders, expander, 65 pre-sterilized disposable bottles. einfamaffonarf Lofnx Corp. -SPECIAL-12* OFF OFFER cJbeegiifel 0KuV B REC K sffittipoeii Bloomfield Miracle Mile FE 8-960T| NORTH PERRY STREET, CORNER OLENWOOD "CHARGE IT” at Kmart! IN GRAND BLANC! ASPHALT SHINGLES Certain-Teed TUF-TABS $036 Protect and beautify your horde with genuine Certain-Teed super Tuf-Tab roofing shingles. 3 bundles per sq. Certain-Teed SEALDONS Defy the wind with Certain-Teed Sealdon shingles. A \ f Jli, special adhesive welds your T # vtf roof into a solid weather- m per sq. proof shield. 3 bundles per. ■ square. PAINTSRRAYER The perfect unit for home and light shop-work. Complete with motor-compressor, gun, 6 foot electric cord, and 8 fool air hose. Our regular lOw price $27.84 Each .*25*5 OWENS-CORNING FIBERGLAS INSULATION CEILING BATTS 6* thickwss, It* A 24* Centers. Mg. Price $«B75 M.sq. ft S& $7950 r^tNCfcness, with v«por tarrier../ _ 18* A 24* centers. Mg. Pries $5040 M. Sq. Ft snu r ALUMINUM COMBINATION WINDOWS Self-storing. Inserts lift out from Inside for ease of cleaning. Rugged heavy frame, Reg. Price $9.25 Each $J 98 HIGHLANDER INSULATED PATIO DOOR Enjoy outdoor beauty in comfort with a patio door. 6' x 6'8". Insulating glass door slides freely, quietly on delrin ball bearing * rollers. Heavy extruded aluminum frame. ‘ .'I ' i dastiny *ay. Realize Intelligent concessions gain beneficial results. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 ■ Jan. 19): You ; You n ARIES (Mai. _. ,.r..... not get exactly whot you want lust . but long-range .results are favor bun.. Know this and bt OPTIMISTIC: Emphasis turns to partnership, legal , contracts, marriage. TAURUS (Apr.? 29 - May 29); Check details. You could find something have overlooked. Take special AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 - Peb. IS): Ob-: tin hint from CAPRICORN message.'' ou break through barriers. You are capable of new. significant contacts. Not mmmm ....................... > concerned. persistant, you can cot through red tape. GEMINI (May 21 - June 20): Accent continues ocv creativity - on your ability to make meaningful decisions. Chango |____s beneficial. Person- —at magnetism rating is high. ___ CANCER (June 21 - Jwy H)T~©ood time to tlx things around tho house, tis up loose ends. Get affairs In order. Clean • . . ‘ 1* - emotional and otherwise, mfl decisions .mllu harmnnv Avoid nMdlfSS ' DU WOUIO OC _________________ past mistakes. LOOK TO FUTURE. PISCES (Feb. 19 • Mar. 20): Yourl interest In unusual hobbles, sublects comes to fore. Don't be satisfied with; superficial Information. Get the facts from authoritative sources . . . then diy| is productive. „ .: - * * *___________________ IF FRIDAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY 1 Spotlight family harmony. Avoid m LEO ( ALLEY OOP i'll um HOUND TH£ p#,' Y0U3A1P—“WHV CM b iWMffryw JAlP-’lMNT p wtft HfAPP OFtkirNbmf?" pshp— ij By V. T. Hamlin ...all you wwe J TO DO IS RE-/^ ^ EQUIP THE / THAT'S --•Y/ MB ghm CAPTAIN EASY _ I ■ JENERAL TENDENCIES: Cycle high scattering forces. You can reach agree- ,oc LIBRA, SCORPIO, SAGITTARIUS, ment based on facts . .. . If you avoid Special word to LEO: Fine day fbr, wishful thinking. Base actions on logic,' putting thoughts. Ideas on paper. PyuSo"(Aiig. 23 , Sept,22): Be aware (Copyright 1914, General Features Cor*. 1, ipii iP BUyiMS the sg-ac. RAILWWd V J.Ri W) NILU'ASSUimTTlC^c^OPOUR J KJdOW ft,,, MERGER, GEMTLEMEMm.WHAT ARE J OWMD THAT r- WE WAITIkle FOR? -mam RAILROAD ? By Leslie Turner YOU could obtain genuina bartiafh. But don't give In to frivolous j S. Attend to “basic REQUIRE-: MENTS. Then day takes on glow of. accomplishment. LIBRA (Sept. S “You know, Laverne, it’s nice to finally find somebody who’s unwilling to worry about the major issues!” BOARDING HP» BE 1 - Oct. : Wldenj standing, communication. Finish pi READY. i i iT in i m Ti in i i MB MY WO(^D, MARTHA,YOU PONl'T ’SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 21): Frlandshlp Is emphasized. Hermonlous contacts today l*la In •eWuving it receptlvt ... ckwvt Intlsf on [ OUT FA^rfcR THAN A CAT HSARtN*, THE ,R6H WA&ON 8&LL ! I WAblT THOSE SCREENS TAKEM DdWM AND PL1T AWAY/LAST YEAR YOU LEFT THEM! ON SO LONG THE SNOW HOSTED THEM, I FORGOTTEN TO PUT THEM ON r^'LisTc^^DTraTirs^r ' HAPPENS THAT THE I ENTOMOLOGISTS ABE WARNING VOF AN UNGEASONAL INVASION OF INSECTS Births The following is a list of recent Pontiac area births as j recorded at the Oakland County i Clerk’s Office (by Name of | father): SMv I. Singh, 73 Bloomfield Terrace James S. Pass, Rochester Matthew L. Koclk, Utica Larry H. Ely, Uttea Leslie Cox Jr., Walled Lake Donald A. Boyce, Novi William M. Lang. Trov Richard Luttman, V HHRir 6. Krukowskl, Farmington David R. Schwfar, Birmingham Philip W. Patten, Farmington , i.cvuv.-e G. Safiutt, David G. Miller, Welled Lake Thomas J. Garland, 202M Wac Roland -D. Bernard, 37B7 Covert leego Harbor ifry W. Sheldon, 71 Mary Day Arnold R. Armstrong, 71 Homt -Chester R. Donn, Mmord Scotty J. Johneon, soi« Thernepple Cert D, Peterson, 1003 Mount Clemens Jay E. Puvogel, Lake Orion Dennis C. Ledford, Walled Lake Mitchel Holton, Walled Lake pater R. Anderson, taka Orion Harry Dovlattan Jr., 164 Glendsle Dallas W. Goff, 405 Boyd Lester C. C. Kempt, 1964 Oak Kno Randall Davis, 33 South Anderson Alan w. Klein, Bksomtteb' Rupert W. O'Brien, 3900 1 David E. Black, Drayton Beniamin, . .. Chancey Sr., US Omar -Henderson, 602 Valencia c. Molander, Bloomfield Hills H. Barwlg. Waterford S. Beck, Milford • EEK & MEfeK By Howie Schneider By Ernie Bushmiller tU’T 4)1 'ingham Michael W. Murphy, Milford Richard W. Rosenbaum, Birml....... John R. Leltch, Rochester Ray E. Sneed, Walled Lake . Gilbert R. Bemford, Birmingham CeRoy A. Boboltz. 2S37 Mueller John -P: Jones, Birmingham James J. Young Jr., Birmingham Richard E. Cook, Bloomfield Hills Charles R. Weeks, 621 Hamlet Jtlcherd E. Hasselman, Tray , Lyonrel T. Bright Jr., 3046 Ridgetop Adrian M. Campbell, Milford Seorge H. Carley, 295 Florawood IsrealB. C *----------------I--I Ronald F. Cook, SarhuelF.Trou Trautwbie, 1239 N Postmaster Okayed Washington t WirnPIc .50* —W— a 35% 3*% 35% I Mb »% a% E 4Mb 43% 44% n 1 Sgd » «% 88 fet1 12 42*4 42%. fi% 3 M% 31% JFk: -X—Y—Z— Zenith Rod 1 41 44.. __ - Copyright**! by Tta Aoopclolod Pro$51944 >b + % A +IVb 1,200 Yanks Hit Beach Near Neutral Zone in Viet SAIGON, South Vi«t Nam (AP) — Ships and helicopters landed a reinforced battalion of Little more than an hour before the swearing - in ceremonies, McCree was hearing an antitrust suit as a U.S.. district judge—a position he had held for the past five .years. ^^Under—a- special—dispensation, IT1 be hearing some other cases remaining on my district court docket for a while yet,” McCree explained. ‘!Ii wouldn’t want to dump the whole load on my successor.’’ - * * * * When he assumes his n< post, McCree will sit on the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals bench in Cincinnati, serving Michigan, Ohio, Tennessee and Kentucky. He' will remain a Resident of Detroit. U.S. Marines three miles south of the demilitarized zone between the two Viet Nams today to help choke off infiltration by Hanoi’s regular! A barrage of shells and rockets churned beach areas to advance.. The Communists offered no resistance. More than 1,206 American Leathernecks moved in to give a hand to two battalions of Viet-namese government troops already in the area. Briefing offi- cers said the sweep is aimec against North Viet Nam’s 324B Division, apparently resupplied regrouped and moving again after losing nearly 1,000 killed to Operation Hastings in July. The action developed as the U,S. Command disclosed American combat deaths over five yernrs to Viet Nam have passed the 5,000 mark. Seventy-one week pushed the total to 5,034. Over-all. 238 of the allies were tilled and 42 missing or cap-" tured during the week, while enemy losses were put at 1 ernment’s . medical care program, and by deferring * other spending programs. ★ * : ★ One of Sharp’s measures gives a good picture of how government can* lift or lessen de-I. For each house built dur-ng Canada’s severe winters, the government had, been paying a $500 bonus. Because this was * a spur to spending, Sharp said it will be discontinued. Harold Wilson, British prime minister, also felt obliged to shock Britons into the realization that they can’t live high lthout working hard to earn it. TAX INCREASE Wilson’s steps included increased taxes, an increase in bank, lending rates, a cutback in government spending..., “Our measures,” he said, ‘have administered i shock, as they were meant to, to the economy and the whole British people.” Latins Nominate Pontiac Leader Thomas Chavez, president trf the Pontiac chapter of Latin Americano United on Political Action, has been noznlnatad for the office of state chairman of the group. Chavez of 122 W. Fairijddt^t as nominated by the LaMbi, Adrian, Jackson, Capac, Grand River and Pontiac chapters. The election will be bald Jan. 0. - fr * Treasury Position El (API—Tta cast *ry comparpd wR "%». ■* 4,204,42*332.76 t 4J41 J95.945. 1,125FMSj74.^J5JMlV20jTj,94O,*42.15 :ww,d,,®M]ru2*i»M9jMJ3 X-TO,,K*4nji9,711.52 318.510,165,033.31 1M5MHJ92J4 1X154.955,272.54 uv&imr*( a News in Brief Charles Ball of 2823 Island Park, Waterford Township, told police that a figurine displayed near his driveway was stolen last night. Value is undetermined. The Ladies Auxiliary of Old Mill Post 9422, Veterans of Foreign Wars will have a rummage sale at the Post Home, 1400 E. Commerce Rd., Milford, on Friday and Saturday, Sept. 16 and 17. -AdV. Rummage Sale. Clarks too Community Center, Sept. 16. t-9, Sept. 17, 9-12. Clarkston Farm and Garden Club. Rummage Sale, Four Towns [ethodist Church. Fri., Sat Sept. 16-17. Cooley Lk. Rd. Loch-aven. 9-12. Ti —Adv. Neighborhood Rummage Sale - Quality items Toys, clothing, household goods, misc. Friday, Sept. 16, Saturday, Sept. 17, 9 a m. to 3 p.m. 1101 Dudley Off Featherstone. (Herrington Hills). ^-*Adv. Rummage: Friday, Slkirday, 9 a.m.-12 on lawn. Christian Temple, 505 Auburn. - —Adv. Rummage Sale—C.A.I. Building, Waterford Sepl. 16. ^AdVt: Stocks oi Local Interest Figure* *ft*r decimal point* ar* eighth* ^JKrflta. U jl towing » AMR extra or rato mm stoefc div4 dfvhtonP. diSuelirad or paid pqto,GUy q|w|M5X_»>-'ppctorad GW— ... . data oripllt up. k-6actorad nr gft ttita ye»r, an accumulaHva tosue wl«i dhrt-data* In arrears, a Haw itaua. p-P«id thl* year, dividend omitted, deferred dr igsinssf .......... ajkgSSBttffi panto*. Hi Jaraign toau» NPlact to %- tarejf iSHB lax. Business Notes Sidney C. Skarr of 801 W. Long Lake, Bloomfield HHlsf has been elected "vice president | to the Metropolitan Division of the Bank of Commonwealth; Skarr wa formerly with the 1 r v injj killed and 218 captured. South Viet Nam’s armed forces lost men killed and 34 450 WOUNDED In addition to the 71 Americans killed, 450 were wounded and eight are missing. That compared with 74 killed, 570 wounded and 10 missing in the week of Aug. 28-Sept. 3. U.S. squadrons pressed the air war on both sides of the border. U.S. headquarters announced two planes — an Air Force F105 Thunderchief and a Navy A1E Skyraider — were shot down to raids on North Viet Nam Wednesday. A helicopter rescued the Thunderchief pilot. The Skyraideris pilot is missing. These brought to 370 planes the announced losses over the north. WASHINGTON (UPI) - The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) today fired one of its cloak and dagger experts for carrying classified documents h|homri~from the office. ~ Hans V. Tofte, 55, was notified that his employment contract would be terminated in 30 days, the CIA said. He was fired on toe recommendation of a board of inquiry which investigated a bizarre Case of sleuthing and robbery. . An expert in clandestine operations, Tofte was suspended from bis job Aug. 4 bat continued to draw his salaty, said to be about mm » year. The CIA daid the board of in-quiry "ji [recommendation followed review of Tofte’s record with the agency mid the latest incident, which Tofte claimed was a “silly cloak and dagger raid” by two other CIA agents who discovered the documents. JOSEPH L. FOURN Waterford Mari Elected Head of Traffic Club A Waterfprd Township man “ CIA Agent Fired; Took Work Home After the two agents retrieved the document’s from Tofte’s $85,000, home to Georgetown, he complained to police that $19,000 in his wife’s jewelry was missing. STILL WORKING Washington police are still working on the reported jewel theft. Tofte maintained that CIA officials of his rank frequently took documental home. because they .could not complete their work during offiee hours. . Camp Pontiac IpBteta Orawfl! Hi IP- »jn »J»ii. 2f 'W% «% «% -*•% (Urn 1J»- It 24 *4% *5*4 tool ch«ng* JBpI r- 17 9% 9% «% - % Neon TM* (WPQb j 25% {lit a% . jKta. oSr ___l^P Ml rafi tfi? m r 36 m* 27 + H -X „ ^ M t » 4 74% 74% toto + ii,; Monttt Age Hi « 8:! *0J J»J 9BJ IM fj ,03 m3 M-l •9J EJ fr« l»ra*^ 1 CampBta L+,t Mel ctang* 85 91.9 fUiWtah tap . 92.2 (SJi Month Ago 914 gj yopr Ago 91.1 *83 EG High . 91J U.7 IP44 turn .1 IM 94J W45 High . 914 9*1 i ms low .. A pair of walkaway escapees from Camp Pontiac were recaptured last night by State, Police and Oakland County Sheriffs deputies working with a small plane and two tracking dogs. Held at the Oakland County Jail and facing escape charges are Ralph E. Cronk, 21, and Robert D. Moncado, 22, both of Saginaw...„........ Trust Co., New , ", X Cronk, sentenced to 3-15 S “j ®A|W York, -in ^.qJSwv&Ss been elected 7*** to PrisoB for mianned •4.1 i5J loan administration department. m£«7 pesident^f thTPoStoc Mbb€ry’ ,eft ** honop ““P Traffic Chib. Joseph L. Fourn, 56, of 2751 Marttogton has bera iritii1 toe traffic department a^GMC for Tfyem. Other newly include Warner J. Canto of Mo-trocar Transport Co., vice prpri-dent; Gus J. Couretas of F. J. . „ . . . ^____ = , BouteQ Driveway Co., Inc., sec- w w, . * ‘ ■ and Frederick S. Strong HI ^ Gene Jonas, Pon- The two surrendered peace- Bloomfield Hills. < tiac Motor Division, treasurer, fully, deputies said, when found walking near M59 and Hkrvey ...14J6 14.90 ... *46 M3 ... 4.34 Ml ..10.05 19.91 . 1X13 1445 10.90 12J0 ...12.94 14L11 .. 17.31 MJ2 National Bank of Detroit has announced the’ establishment of a Trust Department staff at its ■ft " Cranbrook office for the convenience of area customers. The staff will Include Thomas W. Payne of Birmingham, Ar-J. Menlove of Southfield at Pontiac Lake about 4 p.m. yesterday, the same day he arrived from the Ionia Reformatory. ^ Moncado had been at Camp Pontiac since Aug. 1 and would have been eligible next year for parole from a 2-10 year si___ for breaking and entering. 551 m Donald E. Miller of +3j 484 *+4*$?? Iroquois, is attending a man- SiS! os imp ffij « *ger’s seminar at the Waffling-» Shuh mS IS m j Si^ton iMuranc® Co’s. " **-“ 5«i j 149 j 174.9 34ijj home office to Evanston, HL :::.aS3 Vm* 1S5 8S5| Miller is the Pontiac district " :«ij.i4pj mj Si1 manager for tost company. 45 Stocks 49 Bond, Lake Road in Waterford Town-h -WJ5+7J2 shipv - .S^wJim+o.'tI Deputies were joined by State ''' ' troopers, an off-duty ZZ ...Waterford Township patrolman, »o.3»+oj5and two camp oflldali to THE PONTIAC PHESg, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, IBM Moto?1 M ONTGOMERY WARD PHOHE 682-4940 Telegraph at Elizabeth Lake Rd, Pontiac Mall OPEN MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 9:30 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. SUNDAYS 12 NOON to 6 P.M. THE PONTIAC PRESS. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1906 : ■ E—1 Kettering Site Changed Inter-Lakes League members will begin the 1966 .grid cense, paign with one afteraoBh and' four evening nonleague games: Friday. A11 five teams, may lejirto] valuable lessons in theft ^>pen: ers though at least, two are solid, favorites, and the pther three are expected to have respectable chances for victories"' ■, Pontiac Northern will open its, campaign against always tougb Troy of the Oakland A League in an 8 p.m. Wisner Stadium encounter. Waterford - will, Visit well-coached West Bloomfield of the. Wayne - 0 a k 1 a n ft con- skiippers aBd J Vying FOR POSITION - When No, 1 prospect and co-nvn are iavoreo. captain Tony DeLaRosa suffered an ankle Injury that re- Walled Lake, the perennial I- strftted his ability to maneuver, Pontiac Northern coach If title pick, should jhave its Dave Sch(nidt had robegin a search for the Huskies’ quat-handsfullagainst visitingRoyal, ?. ' ~ , Oak Kimball in what could be V - a top game in the state. . Bob Mistele’s debut as coach at Farmington should be a challenge. The Falcons will travel to Livonia Bentley and. could have problems with the Butt-dogs. AFTERNOON All the games will begin at 6 p.m. The one afternoon contest involves the new member of the FL grid picture, Livonia Stevenson, tt will entertain New Bostonafllrp.m. “ “Thtrwltt^teotirfirst varsity football game for Steyaospu whe began Inter-Lakes competition in other sports last spring. PNH enters its under Coacb Dave Schmidt with uncertainties in the offers sive line and at quarterbadt; p hoping to continue last set! strong dosing push. “DAZZLING DENNY”—Detroit’s Denny McLain flashes his hM kicking forrrf en route to his 19th win last night, a The state's prep football' inaw Valley Conference, will schedule will pick up a full head open their campaign Saturday of steam tomorrow night. 1 at 8 p.m. at Wisner Stadium, Traditional contests dot the1 entertaining Saginaw Arthur heavy Friday, night slate and Hill. Lake Orion 1st Captains' Foe Game Is Scheduled for WTHS Field more games are on tap for Sat-urdav and Sunday. ■ Pontiac Central’s Chiefs, second last season in the Sag- i A neighborhood battle on the, Fettering s Captains open Friday card wttl find Birming-jtheir gridiron camfralgn tomQr-ham Seaholm taking on Bir-row at a home field which is mingham Groves on the Groves I sway from home. ^ field. Pontiac Praia Mato terback this month: The three leading hopefuls are Steve Renda (12), a senior, and juniors Mike Clancy (19) and Craig Deaton.The solution may be known tomorrow night at Wisner Stadium. - ■ • AMERICAN LOAOUC *»IMtOek Kimball at WalM Laka WatorJwO at waat Bloomfield New Bolton at Livonia Stevenson Richmond at Romeo Brighton ot Sotrth Lyon Clareneevllto ot Whitmore Lake Flint Bandla at Holly Milford of* AVpwdoto NorOwflto ot Plymouth Madtaon Lamphara at Clawson Worftot Cousino «t Warren Warrm Fitzgerald at Haul Park Warren Woods at Madison Rochester at l/ttca It at BlrTtam Grove oemiay at wait uafroit Royal Oak Oamtoro at Famdato Norm Fanwwitoit at Grand Rapids Wayne MM Glenn at Gar dsn city Watt Hartland at Almont * Armada at of. Clair Imtoy CVy at Capac Pack at Brown City Drydtn at Mayvttto MIHktotott al Viiiat ■—,—*—* Lakavtow at Mount Clemons Undan at Bmmanuat Christian Howell op Ponton Holy Reoanr at ortsnvma Utica St. Lawnnc# at Nativity Twin Homers Not Enough In five meetings between the two Birmingham squads, Sea-holm has prevailed each time. Seaholm won, 15-13, in 1961, and 'wao uit'pet. Behind then followed with triumphs of oitroit" T u .us * 31-0,21-0,20-14 and 6-0. Minnesota ... 80 87 .544 lOVi chtow;,. ft 1? -g< >* SEAHOLM FAVORED Coach Carl Lemle is high on the Seaholm unit this fail and' he and the Maples rate a slight edge as they try for their sixth 1 win in the series. . DETROIT (AP) -After giving up 37 home runs Denny McLain isn’t going to be both-wedaboutthefact that thenext one he gives up will tie a Tiger record. ‘^What’s the record, 38?” Mc-asked Wednesday night Cash, a wild pitch and a single by WHiie Horton. winning run . They added their eventual winning marker in the fourth when Dick McAuliffe singled PerryVglove, went to second pitching the Tigers to a 3-2 tri- when Cash walked and scored tumph over the Minnesota ™ Al Kaline’s single to center. Twins. “I’U get that.” j “I think Denny pitched the * * ft i best game since the All-Star The only runs off McLain, break/L Manager Frank Skaff a . a . ft • * aAll ..l JcL__fifll/f “THaTO WOC 9 iflWlff OHM flan mark at quarterback but expects touted* some baek-field speed it didn’t have last year When John Moffat made Us ceaebteg debut, Kimball and Walled Lake had AP wirepkate * 7-4 opener last September that was one of the season’s top bat- avenge tfaBThtoT^S. *° 3-2 anwueti of the Minnesota Twins at Tiger Stadium Me-- Jre“[~‘eaQU,8 TroFilAAIurnfog^k^l that fiHUlW iqther PNH. West BiootMlj&Mbcking against a large^|: WTHS line could be a factor* and ROK may have foe good a ^fefense for Whjta' Lake’f sj|ja*. | ; j11 Sports Calendar FR«P FOOTBALL FRIDAY SSL1toLfiSUf-^ who posted his 19th victory to go with a dozen defeats, were pair of solo homers by Jimmie Hall. FIRST ONE Hall hit his first in the fourth inning, after McLain had retired the first 13 men he faced, dhd his second—the 20th this year—leading off the ninth. is not to give up thy walks ahead of the home said. “There was a strong wind out there but I think it hurt us more than it did $ig 10 Briefsi GophersSet With QB4 'it ■■■• • .?**•:*5 ' ■ •?- j --A-- . CHICAGO (AP) — Midwest Christian next week, the Buck-footbatt briefs: eyes stepped through an inten- MINNESOTA — Curt Wilson sive two hour scrimmage Wednesday. The, offense scored eight times against a reserve unit as quarterbacks Gerry Ehr-sam and Bill Long divided the time about equally. appears to have clinched the starting quarterback job for the Gophers in their opener against Missouri in Columbia Saturday. The Gophers planned a last foil practice today and only a l light Umbertos WISCONSIN - Couch Milt mw Wore flying to Jefferson, ^ had hjs Mtax workJng t-ny, “O- ... ion passes that Iowa Stale’s Tim * * * Van Galder might toss Saturday OHIO STATE—Looking ahead in the opening season game in to the opening game win Texas | Madison, Wfo Jrqhn grid after ..J... ^ -aquad’s two-hour workout ' \ ' j Wednesday, he Mans no imme- x UXk ito.J , diate changes in persomeL 6-/0 Prospect I Indiana H The Hooutem ' * stressed individual techniques r\. ,1 to « Hght cotoact session. Head YVOrKing \JUT Coach John Pont noted that Indiana's opponent Saturday — Miami of Ohio — is two weeks .........................Ahad of the Hooaiqrs in practice time.. Pont said the squad DETROIT (API — Pete Pe- j3 * **wrt 0,1 1,1 cer* runs,” McLain said, emphasizing the fact that 25 of the circuit clouts have come with no “As long as you can keep the runners off the bases ahead of the homers you can stay out of trouble,” he Added. Jim Bunning holds the Detroit record,, set in 1963 when he posted a 12-13 record. It was Bunning’s last season with the Tigers. > Hall also figured in one of the Tiger runs. His error on Don Wert’ batt down the' left field line in1 the third inning enabled Al Saline to score the second run. The Tigers got to starter Jim Perry for a run in the first inning on a single by Nor With Phtens Anckar toy M CMpptwa VaBar (1 pjn.) Detroit Satoalan M Blrmtoftow BraNwr Cotambut (O.) at Detroit C (to o.«n.) Now Bottlmoro St. Mary at Out Lody (l:Sa> .■ . *t. Fradorlek at Richmond to. Augua-ttoa AtmT ' to. Roaa at to Miehaal , st, Gartnida at Pawairty. to.' Jamta W. a trou, a 6-10 center from Tyler, Tex., checked into the Detroit Pistons training camp at nearby St Gfoir Wednesday for a foybut with the Nattohal Basketball Association. Petrou, a free agent, who w» voted die outstanding ju-niof 'college player is foe country wime at Tyter JC, averaged Canadian Trifo in Fold MONTREAL U»-Defensemin tain spots. NORTHWESTERN - The offensive and defensive units went through 16 live Mays in Wednesday’s workout. Halfback Woody Campbell, safety Tom Garret-son and fullback Bob McKelvey, who had been out with faijuries, retpraedte the squad. The Wildcats wiB fly to Gainesville, FIs., 16 points and 13 rebounds for **aoa’* °PeBer Boston 7. Chicago 1 Detroit 3, Minnesota 2 Kansas City 3, Cleveland t , twin-night. ..taoota (Grant (Wilson 11-10) Kansas City (Nash (Slebart 14-7), night. Washington (Rlehert lick 10-12) at Now Yo ' and Bahnsen 0-0), 3. (Chicago (Lamab* , 7-0). (Brandon 40)»: Elsewhere on the Friday night slate, Ferndale entertains Roy Si i3> at Detroit Oak Dondero, Fitzgerald has a i) at ciovoiand|date at Hazel Park .and East ,,4 snd mcco7- Detroit plays host to Berkley, (Sto lernyre 12 ) AveudMefo Yellow Jackets qae| at home tomercote with Milford providing ffte imposition, and tiie Jackefo, with a biflt-- of speedy backs, aye picked to knock off the visitors. The team was originally scheduled to play Lake Orion in the afternoon tomorrow. With lights slated for Kettering's field hope was that the,bulbs would be in place soon enough to have the game at night. The Captains’ field is still unlighted. Work hasn’t started on the lighting', so the team will move over to neighborhood rival Waterford Township’s field for their game against Lake Orion tomorrow night, Kickoff is 6 o’clock. They’re still putting some bleachers in place at the Water-lord field, but officials said that wouldn't interfere with the game. Won Loot Pet. SoR|MI k Atlanta 3, Chicago 1, tO Imtings Kettering’s had a lot of success in the series with the Dragons of Lake Orion. Another key contest finds WINS Rochester’s Falcons traveling to! Ih three season openers Utjca to take on the Chieftains,Against Orion, Kettering has wtio had one of the top teamsicome away with IMS (1963), foLthe area last year. (32-0 (1964) and 12-0 (1965) vic- r Oxford opens at Clarkston, tories. (^^,/Ky) •* '-»• Angotoo c I a w s o o entertains Madison -------- (snow imd A s#n Fr*nfiwjLatnphere, Brighton journeys to! And the Kettering crew Is a i' at chtoaggi$9Uth Lyon and Hartland visits ■ 14-point favorite to make it four l Almhnt in other games. lin arow. \ ■ HASKINS CLOSEOUT IjtoB Nb, Ftoto a . DETROIT i’f MAuWto M 3>|1 ““ 1 ** *' MINNESOTA ab t#hbl JTfl viSaf*j? 10 0 2 0 Of Kalina ct 2 1 || 10 0 0 StMtoy cf 0 0 0 0 BOOS WHorton H 40 11 3 0-0 0 Northrup rf 3 0 0 0 Wart IB 4 0(0 PrtHM» e 2ofo HI*53*’ ,#M foot H I 4 2 -Mai to 3 i ...... Ill 101 Ml-. ........ill no a#*-a •“-a “t.. itoiC 2B—Caah, - Ml mH • ■ arry a 1 0 0 0 Prwto* e aWspino phi 0 0 0 MCLMt p S ‘L sS?pJ 2 (S»). S—McLl . N,t»lt BB m a Defensive Honor for Oifer ^Stor NEW YORK (AF) - Jim fNorton played ao neetaculariy) for the Houston Oilers last week NEWCAW-DEMONSTRATORS andtOURIESY GARS T0R0NAD0S (Air ConditiMed) and 88’s CHEVROLETS BISCAYNES, BEL AIRS, IMPALAS, SUPER SPORTS SEE YOUR FAVORITE HASKINS SALESMAN NOW ,pMnt in tfae gante he had . crowd on Ifo feet and a good portion of Rice StoMuM at his. Free agent Carlos Grfoado, a PURDUE — Coach Jack MM-6-6 guard from Tulsa and Allen teotopf had high prafopfor two Park, Mich., left camp Wednes-'chkagoans alter Wednesday’s day after nterteftrmL pnwtice. They were tackle Mike ft Seamd yetr forward Ron Barnes and guard Chuck Erien-Ted Harris and forwards Claudei Reed from Notre Dame is foe,b«|gh. who will he pla^ng side-; He bad to give back Rice Said John Ferfi»on have'only holdover not in camp.; by-side in the IteitegawMr»’i«toitom ted neonerctn tali thefr 196647 contracts!Coach Dave DeBusschere saidiaenkon opener against Ohio Uni- away his latest honor, Don Graham Tommy Tuclcor Mac MtiDowall w i t h the Montreal CanadBensJReed tiM wport after*-the NatfohalHockey LeagUejbatt season- Reed is n*jStcher * Wednes- with Richmond in the totenm-^[tfoMlLeafue. >' ^ versity in Lafayette Saturday. nairaf Defensive Flayer of tiM Babws.ittdt like I,Mm. to see :bfeMp|mr MoUenkopf said Erlenbaugh and Week in the AmericaB Football .1 mat by The AfaedMed Press THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1060 Hockey Club Seeking Hew Players„Sponsors Any boyj li-ll- yeir ofcl Hy-ing in Oakland County are The Oakland County JuniorIbe'tn the Detroit Red Wings’ Hockey Chib will begin tryouts Saturday night at Detroit’s Win-tar Wonderland rinkwith a big qtiestion dominating its pro? spects for 1966-67. Who’s going to pay the bills for the team that was last year’s state junior champion? Arrow-smith has dropped its sponsor-alp of the squad fallowing a change in the hierarchy of the firm. Coaefaes Claude McLaughlin and Jim Garrison are as anxious to’Find an ice hockey conscious businessman as they are a high scoring ; w i n g e r to replace Walled Lake’s Bud Williams, whose playing this season may eligible for the tryouts that will run the next three Saturday nights at Whiter Wonderland on SchoolerMt east of Southfield. Playing experience is not a prerequisite. “The dub is a member of the Detroit Metropolitan Junior’Hockey League and the season will likely begin late next month. Additional information regarding the tryouts or the sponsorship is available from Garrison at LI 3-8976. TIGER PAW HEADQUARTERS Kim TIRE CENTER 31W. Montcalm FE3-7068 "““LThe $75* Tire IF IT SAVES YOUR LIFE ONCE IT’S A BARGAIN! 8.28x14 The new U.S. ROYAL MASTER with trad*. In. other elm priced accordingly. ind *2* Seethe Popular •——-COUPON----!'---— While They Lest! Brand New TAKE-OFFS 6.95-14 Whitewalls King fire Center Backfield Problems Plague Oregon Statejs Mentor Wolfpack Looks Tough Challenge for MSU all-star honors are such as linebacker Chuck Amato, 250-pound defensive tackle Dennis Byrd, wingback Gary Rowe, defensive end Pete Sokalsky, offensive guard John Stec, . offensive tackle Steve Warren, veteran quarterback Charlie Noggle and fullback Bill Wyland. The Spartans are concluding what was generally a good preseason practice period. Team conditioning appears fine, serious injuries to key players were avoided and some replacements for departed veterans seem to be developing nicely. -The^rebuilt offensive and defensive lines, where nine of 14 , IPP *, ««.--- *Ptaced’ usually difficult one for an open-) ^ 9^ “f8t tcsL er. Tlw Wbllpack is defeudlugr -l$tr regular quaflctbaclr co-champion of,' the Atlantic jimmy Raya's hbuld be Coast Conference and the pre- cleared for play following a dieted winner this fall. It has niinor foot injury in last Sat-retuming 31 of 40 lettermen. urday’i final scrimmage. It is on a five-game winning ^ ^ fourth game ^ streak. iTfip been building carefully for.this season because a newj stadium is . to be dedicated in f Raleigh. Earle Edwards, its ex- j cellent head coach, is a former j Spartan assistant coach who would Jike, ip beat Michigan ] State so badly he can taste it| | NC State is loaded with top players. Being ballyhooed for From Our Wire Service A Michigan State football team which Head Coach Duffy Daugherty says can be anything from excellen t to mediocre opens its 1966 campaign against tough nut North Carolina State ip Spartan Stadium Saturday. A crowd of about 50,000 is anticipated for the intersectional staged before Michigan State students return to school for fall quarter. If the full student body and faculty were on campus, the game would be a near sell-out at perhaps 70,000 or more. Game time is 1:30 p.m. " 7^—I The North Carolina State challenge is expected to be an un- the two land grant schools. The. last previous one was in 1929. Michigan State leads 2rL The game is the annual Band Day. Some 36 Michigan high school hands numbering 3,000 pieces will perform with the 175-piece Michigan State Marching Wo/verines Taper j Off Nearing De ANN ARBOR (APi-Michigan, junior Ernie Sharpe have been Beavers Have CoacfaiBump Elliott put his Wolverines through a “light but exacting” workout Wednesday in preparation for the season opener against Oregon State Saturday. Elliott said he still has not made up his mind about the starting left haljfiack job, Where veteran senior Jim Detwiler and Crystal Ball Gazer Sees NEW YORK XAPl r- The ac-[18; The Cornhuskers have back j Irish Waving | Grid Banners | Early at MSU [ EAST LANSING (AP) - | I Only 10 games early, a I 1 light plpne circled around | I Michigan State’s football 1 IP J Stadium Wednesday, pull- 1 i ihg a Notre Dame banner: 1 ROCKVILLE, Md. UP)- Amer-1 “Go Irish; Beat State.” f ica’s Dennis Ralston and Charlie 1 MSU doesn’t meet Notre || Passarell won opening ! Dame until Nov. 19, ih the matches Wednesday in a tour-1 g Spartans’last game of the ing Davis Cup preview series'; against Australia. U. S. Net Stars Edge Aussies cent is oh accents thls'-week as college football opens up full-scale with intersectional forays, | new coaches and untried hep-hep boys aj quarterback. The accent remains the same — a bit of Tennessee molasses drawl stirred with Brooklynese dese and dose — but better days are ahead oh die old crystal ball. The opening fling: I Michigan State 28, North Carolina State 14: Grab a look at the Spartans’' new pineapple, sophomore Charley Wedemeyer of Honolulu. Nebraska 23, Texas Christian 42 of the 57 behemoths that it' most beat Alabama in the Orange Bowl. j Arkansas 27, Oklahoma State ( 6: fRrrry Jones runs over youj and John Brittenum bombs you from the air. The Porker? are' good again. UCLA 28, Pittsburgh 14: Gary B e b a n, UCAL’s fine quarterback, will make Dave Hart’s debut as Pitt coach-a nigitmare. alternating. W yr w Detwiler, who suffered severeknee injury which idled Mm most of last season after a sparkling sophomore year in 1964, underwent surgery during the winter. He has survived contact work so far, but has yet to be thoroughly tested under full game conditions. “I probably won’t make up my mind who will start untU just before game time,” said Elliott, “but both boys will play” ★ • ★ ★ Meanwhile, Elliott announced that Ray Philjips and Jim Hri-bal had won starting offensive tackle jobs. Injured Player Still in Coma PRINCETON, N.J. (AP> Princeton University sophomore tailback Douglas Boe was listed in critical condition Wednesday, four days after suffering ahead for Opener Senior Quarterback, Secondary Will Have Tests at Anri-Arbor CORVALLIS, Ore. (AP)-Ore-gon State opens its football season against Michigan Saturday with the defensive secondary and the quarterback spot fins ing question marks. *• 1 Paid Brothers was a standout signal-caller in his sophomore year, but last year aa a junior completed only 36 per cent of his passes. Coach Dee Andros has been trying to-find out in practice if Brothers can keep his old job or if it will go to. Steve Preece, a sophomore. ★ ft * OSU was completely wiped out by graduation in the defensive „ secondary. Newcomers Charlie Olds, Jim Scheele, Don Welch and Major Lincoln have been battling for halfback positions. Scott Eaton and Scoo Davis are tire prime safety candidates. LETTERMEN ON LINE Hie Beavers have 23 letter- Ralston, Amcerica’s No. 1 player, from Bakersfield, Calif., defeated Tony Roche 13,11, 6-4' after Pdssarell, from Santurce.j P. R., outlasted John Newcombe 7-5, 2-6, 7-5 before a sellout | Busy preparing for Saturday’s season openei against North Carolina State, MSU Coach Duffy l| Daughter commented, “I could care less” about the Notre Dame message. Browns' Veteran Defensive Back I Given Release f CLEVELAND, Ohio (AP) -Defensive back Bemie Parrish, in his eighth year with the Cleveland Browns, was released on waivers by the National Football League club Wednesday. The Browns said Parrish, 40, id asked for his release and left th| club. This was the second time the former Florida star parted with the Browns. He announced his retirement prior to the 1965 season but changed his mind a few days later. His departure cut the Browns’ roster to 39 land reduced the number of defensive backs to I five.. The club normally carries a minimum of six defensive backs, and another player will be added promptly but has not yet been named by the club. Favorite Plays FORT WORTH, Tex. (AP) Spanish court whiz Manuel Santana faced young Mike Estep of Dallas, Tex., today in his opening bid for the Colonial National Invitational tennis championship. Santana, the reigning Wimbledon champion, is top-seeded and thus tavored to capture the crown that brealy, eluded him here two years ago. Illinois 19, Southern Methodist “*"7 in a footba11 scrimmage, men,raost of them on the line. . —. session. | Andros said his most consis- ★ ft W | tent lineman in practice has Boe, 19, had collapsed into aibeen Jim Wilkin, offensive left coma but a spokesman at tackle The only new offensive line starter is split end Harry Gunner, who is a 6-6 basketball player trying football for the first time. In a scrimmage for touring footbaH writers, Gunner played only half the game but __________g ____|___|____ caught six passes and scored Wk far frp«h vianr linjured^enhe' landed on his the only touchdown. -- ^ Sg ■ - — Tread afier a tackle, according ^ w 15; The Illini romped 42-0 last year but remember they had a man named Jim Grabowski. Penn State 181 Maryland 14: - . Joe Paterno and Lou Saban take ™“ceton Hospital said he was over new reins but the man to showing some signs of Training watch is P-State’s quarterback consciousness. The spokesman Jack White. .sate he faces more surgery. + + + Boe, a graduate of Lane Tech- r Oklahoma 14, Oregon 8: The ^ High SchooL to CMcago ISooners’ Gomer Jones has re- considered^*iTigers shuffled his coaching s t a f f.!^atrinj? tailback He was . . ' - . inniroH wnon iia lonnn/l nti hie1 Army 30, Kansas State 7: The Cadets will hit a little harder for Tom Cahill, the former plebe coach who had to organize quickly; Georgia Tech 20, Texas A&M I, Kim King and Lenny Snow are now poised juniors for Tech, but the Aggies are always tough. j( e ft a ____________________?__ Florida 17, Northwestern 14: Steve Spurrier is dose to Frank Sinkwich’s all-time rushing record in the Southeast. Duke 25, Vdst Virginia A: A1 "Woodall, the towering Devil quarterback, makes Tom Harp’? debut a pleasant one. Texas 20, Southern California 14: The Longhorns unveil their (-formation with Bill Bradleyrat quarterback. Th» others,- EAST; Navy 20, Boston Coltcgo If VMt 14, VlllanovO 7; Colgato 23, Boston to athletic officials. Iowa 28, Arizona 13< Indiana .Ohio, It Michigan It, Oregon State 13; Wisconsin 2S. Iowa State 20; Colorado T7, Miami, Fla. 15; Wichita State 14,i Southern Illinois I; Dayton 13, Richmond 7; Buffalo 20, Kent Stott 13; Tulsa 24, Tampa 10; Xavier, Ohio 20, ToMo 14,..... ,.................... SOUTH; Kentucky 15.' North Carolina 10; Georgia TO, Mississippi State 7; Van-derbilt 25, The Citadel 0; Louisiana State It, South Carolina 7; Mississippi 20. Memphis State 7; Virginia tech 20, Tu-lane 13; Auburn 25, Chattanooga 7i Houston 10, Florida State 7; Virginia 20, Wake Forest 14; William A Mary 15, Cast Carolina 7; George Washington 20, Davidson 7. SOUTHWEST: North Texas State 14, New Mexico Stele 13. FAR WEST; Washington State 16, < fornia 7; Air Force It, Wyoming Washington 20, Idaho 13; Stanford 20, San Jose State 7; Utah State 23, Now Mexico 113; Arizona State 14t Texas A TREMENDOUS BUY FOR YEAR-ROUND DftIVINO BETTER-STRONGER 100% Guarantee 6.00- 13 - 6.50-13 7.00- 13 6i45—14 6.95-14 6.00- 14 6JO—14 700-14 7.50-14 xgn 7.35— 14 7.75- 14 500-15 6.85-15 6.00-15 600-15 6.70-15 7.35- 15 7.75- ia a. Blended WNskey. 86 Proof. 72M% Grain Neutral Spirits. Kessler the Smooth as SilkWhiskey. Full 86 Proof, ^gj* 8.25—14 I 8.50-14 I 740-13 I 8.45-13 IJI-14 9.00-14 I 8.00—13 I MI-11 845-14 I 940*14 I 040*10 1940-18 8.00-14 I 7.10-15 | 0.10-10 I 9.1S-1S 1. GUARANTEE that ting at* to b« FREE frgm all gMkH In warimiaiulilp, material and toad hatord for tha Ms of Dm original tread. If tiwM Him ohould broak or blowaut, w* will npiaco at NO COST TO Rum X GUARANTEE that If you gat • puncture, wa wtt impair t» vies rfoportoiiflt at no chary#* Wt Hotwr AO Major C rod it Cards CUSTOM RETREAD 471 at. to Vet Setae Taxaa Ml Ml. OleewM St* Cor. loot llvd* Nutt epgg 10 AJL4PJI. Ooly Mono M4MT6 UaS. ROYAL TIRES logtoasrod la hoim jtiar rpntm In riba trnnfc . Richmond Happy in Home Park; but Leafs Win By The Associated Press 'A return to their home park was all that was needed to perk up the Richmond Braves’ hitters in the International L-e-a g u e playoffs. Unfortunately for the Braves} the sight of the Cozy confines of Richmond’s Parker Field was even more inviting to the Toron-3 Maple Leafs. Toronto outhit Richmond 12-10 aqd outscored the Braves 7-6 Wednesday night to take 3-0 lead in their best-of-seven final series, and the second of two homers by Jim ~ deciding blow. Oregon State is counting heavily bn its running backfield, led by fullback Pete Piter, who amassed more than 1,000 yards last year. Wingback Bobby Grim, also returns, but graduating half-hack Fred Schweer has Mien replaced by a sophomore, Jerry Belcher. w ft' ★ . The Beavers compiled a 5-5 record last year despite a difficult schedule. They are rated e dark horse to the Pacific Athletic Conference this yisr. Andros said he expects to find out how well his team really is doing Oct. 1 when Oregon Skate plays Southern California at Portland. Hie Beavers’ only other conference games are Against Washington State Oct. 29, Washington Nov. 12 and Oregon Nov. 19. Besides Michigan, a Big Ten opponent will be was the | Northwestern Oct. 8 at Corvallis. Pitt in Timely PITTSBURGH (AP) — Pitt’s football players will stay but late tonight, two days before the start , of the season — with permission from Coach Dave Hart. The Panthers, who play UCLA Saturday night at Los Angeles, will begin* living on Pacific Time today. They will practice tonight at 10 p. m., go to bed at 1 a m., and have breakfast Friday at 12:30 p. m.1 I’ve spoken to several doctors about this and also read several articles on it, and it juqt makes good common sense,” Hart said Wedneed&y. “If we wait until Friday evening to go on Coast time, the boys’ Indies will not have time to adjO*” ★ ft ft . Hart said the adjustment won't be so great once the squad gets to Los Angeles Friday night. f HA NIC NIWMAITS SPkkTAU"Dodge HURRY!! ONLY A FEW LEFT THEY'RE GOING FASTI FULL-SIZE POLARA1 ' *2,250 Alt Colors to Choose From Financing No Problem These Prices Good Only At... MUjM*K MIWBBAMfS V SPARTAN Hodge a, a. Tl m m OAKLAND AVEi TgE PONTIAC PRESS. THtTtSDAV, SEPTEMBER 15, 1966 Arrows inFIjnt Saturday Lansing Tops MFL Offense The Lansing All-Stars are ^pU-ing up personal statistics in M}d-western Football. League competition, but the squad has had a little trouble winning • •> ;# .fv It’s still' early and the All- fense has pushed across 44 day schedule finds Daj ton’s points, but the team’s been, a Colts visiting Ypsilanti. little porous on defense in.yield- ♦ . * Tlfel ing 48 points. P-ontiac Arrows’ fullback Wit STARS HOME I® £ See this beauty now on display, the 1967 Fiat "850" Fastback Coupe. For the first time in America, Four-on-the-floor, independent wheel suspension, bucket seats and disc brakes. OAKLAND COUNTY’S SPORTS CAR CENTER Criiiuidt JinportooL Cm C&. 900 Oakland Ave. (U.S. 10) FE 5-9421 . JSk 6. U *... > Jl! Why pay more-put a Riverside stereo tape player in your car Drive to music of your own choice with Wards fully transistorized Riverside stereo tape player. Dual hi-fi amplifiers and 4 separate speakers give "in-studio" realism from tapes of up to 2% hours playing time. Stereo tapes—over 2500 to choose from Riverside* Supreme shock absorbers Riverside' ■ OAUON Ethylene glycol base. Additives to prevent rust, corrosion, foam. Won't boil oway. For iron or aluminum blocks. Specifically designed for outboards and all other 2-cyc|s engines! Gives complete lubrication protection. Ridp safer, smoother with the best shocks you can buy! 44% more working capacity, than original equipment shocks. Buy now and save I e Big savings now on the ideal tire for the average driver! Rugged R1Y-SYN tread gives extra mileage, e Strong, full 4-ply nylon cord gives maximum blowout protection, guards against moisture impact damage, e 3,3QO "Swiri-Sipe" tread edges improve broking traction. Rolled shoulders give smoother control, e Backed by Wards lifetime quality guarantee . and a 24-mo. tread wear and road hazard guarantee. *2 off 8 RhrenMu Standard shocks If your shocks are 20,000 miles or 2 years old, replace "J99 them today at Words tar £ price. Standard dtacfci "Iff „ •aual oriainal car soecs. n£H. (.19 Save on Riverside’ Super rear levalen Stop rear-end sag, bottom- i _ _ ing! Combines shade absor- ; "999 ber action with steel coil to mUk level-out any lead, let „ Wards install a pair today! RED* E1*M M ONTGOMERY WARD #VlONTGOMERY WARD on second tire when you buy a pair TELEGRAPH ROAD COR ELIZABETH LAKE R0, TELEPHONE 682-45J OPEN MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 9:30 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. SUNDAYS 12 NOON to 6 P.M. wiww*in r ib.iUilim' THE PONTIAC PRESS. THUBSPAY, SEPTEMBER iff 1066 OLD HICKORY! AMERICA S MOST MAGNIFICENT STRAIGHT BOURBOK WHISKY II PROOF 010 HICKORY OISTlUiRS CO.. PHIU. A's Odom Extends i , ' .y,/ fl *5 fftt% ! C/u6fs W • By (be Associated Press Another of Alvin Dark’s pitching prodigies has done it again. John (Blue Moon) Odom, a 175,000 bonus baby who celebrated Ms 20th birthday four days ago, attained his find pan-ior league shutout as Kansas City, defeated Cleveland 34 Wednesday night. * * Odom, youngest of Ahe young pitcMng staff assembled by Atb- TWO GIANTS FALL — Willie Mays struck-out and the PMladelpMa Phillies nailed the Giants’ Frank, Johnson as he tried to slide into second in the sixth inning of their game yesterday in San Franpisco. Completing the AP Wir.pheta double play is second baseman Cookie Rojas (16). Shortstop Dick Groat (background) backs up the play. Umpire Bob Engel is ready to make the call. Phillies won, 2-0. Football Yes, Politics No, MSU Advises CHILDREN OUTGROWN THE WAGON? - - - SELL IT WITH AI LOW COST PONTIAC PRESS CLASSIFIED AD. - - - EASY TO USE. - - - JUST PHONE 332-8181. ----—-------------------_JL—______M____i__ar.gjjg__Z1 CHANNEL 50 Enjoy Your Favorite SPORTS On Our Big COLOR IT Air Conditioned SIMMS DISCOUNT ANNEX 144 N. Saginaw St. SIMMS annex store is Charmed Circle Slows forGa,Go»er Giants'Gaylord Perry I Mrs. Midge Cova of Novi sank1 I a 22-foot cMp shot for a par on the final hole yesterday at Pon- j tiac Country Club to nip Phyllis [Chandler of Hamtramck by a I stroke in the weekly Women’s i District Golf Association outing. It was the third weekly win of the season for Mrs. Cova, who toured the 6,305-yard PCC course in 41-40-81. Miss Chandler; firing a 38-44-82, held a three-shot lead oven Mrs. Cova after nine holes, But she faltered in the early part of the back nice and Mrs. Cova pulled even at the 13th hole. By the Associated Press Gaylord Perry, the first pitcher to join this year’s 20-victory club, must have forgotten to pay his dues. The San Francisco right-hander, who reached the charmed cinele on Aug. 20, failed for the sixth straight time to record his 21st Wednesday when he was in the second, walloped Perry’s second pitch Over the right field fence for his 38th home run of the season. 4TH TIME Burning, 17-11, took over after that., The veteran right-hander, who was beating the Giants for the fourth tipie this season, struck %out eight, walked wily outduelled by Jim Bunning as tw0 an—8V; Mrs. Robert Thoms, 47-44-93. and left them two beMnd the Pirates. ^ Richie Allen was the man who did the offensive job for the PMUies. He mis at bat with two out to the first toning when Johnny Callteon was thrown out in the majors. I In the only other National! League games played Wednesday, streaking Atlanta topped the CMcago Cubs 3-1 And St. Louis downed Cinctonati 6-2. Hie Braves won their eighth . Don Rtnno, Royal C stealing. Then Allen, leading off; straight, scoring two runs on a . .... ‘ ■...."~*j-one Mt to toe 10th toning to beat , , Dick Ellsworth. Felipe Alou and E,L. wm Pa* | y Wfrs D*|», A-Lounfry Win runs, Mou m a sacrifice fly and * ' ' Cline on a fielder’s choice. for Waned Lake > 961 fans paw to watch( ! the game played to a light rain at Wrigley Field. It was the smallest crowd to the majors this year. Tim McCarver walloped two home rims and Curt Flood and Lou Brock added one apiece as the Cardinals ripped the Reds. Ray -Washburn got the victory wito a six-Mtter. trait 47-47-94; born 48-34-102. Allultfwlcz, Dearborn 103-24—77. Opens Fall Practice j Called Lake opened its 1966 EAST LANSING UP) - Mich- cross-country season yesterday igan State’s soccer team, na- with a 23-36 triumph over Wa-tronal runner-up for two straight terford Township. years, opens fall practice today Jim Lindler led the winners with nine returning letter-men, ’ with a first-place finish of 10:34. tocludtog All - American Guy Dave Galloway placed Second Busch'. 'for Waterford. Amateur Net Status Dying, Official &WM POWER MOWERS tm ELECTRIC 1088 BLANKET I* PUNCH BOWL SET 14.96 Rtf. 13" ARTIFICIAL FRUIT 20% off LAWN CHAIR ALUNINUM and WEB LOOK FOR OUR UN-ADVERTISED RED TAG SPECIALS FLASHLIGHT BATTCRIKt , 2*-29" NEW YORK (AP) - A committeeman for toe U.S. Lawn Tennis Association charged today that the American Davis Cup team to being subsidized as an experiment toward getting rid of amateur tennis. ¥ Joseph P. McLaren of City, a member of ‘ ‘ nominating committee. “A fantastic sum — nobody knows exactly how much is being spent cm the Davis Cup team. •k ★ ★ "The players are being kept on a per diem allowance of $28 the year around. This amounts to something like $7,500 to $9,000 a man, not counting transportation. ★ k k — “This doesn’t bother me so! much — bad as if is. What I am really concerned about is that we have men ip the association working toward elimination of toe term ‘amateur’ to tennis. NO AMATEURS They want to make the tournament player simply a ‘player,’ dot bound by amateur rules: “The idea wifi be submitted to | the International Lawn Tennis > Federation to July, 1967, with the U.S. Davis Cup experiment serving as the gutoeii pig.” ★ * .# Martin Tressel of Pittsburg, president of the USLTA, denied the allegation although he admitted open payments to the U.S. Davis Cup players, a fact that hasn’t been covered up, and said the USLTA was peak-, a broad survey into all fa-j Cup squad on a more or less permanent basis a year ago Captain (George MacCall and sent them to Australia on a very profitaMe campaign,’’ Tressel said. - 1 ‘We give the boys a $28 per diem in the United States and $20 when out of the country.” { Barber Returns | BALTIMORE (AP) - Steve; Barber has been returned fb toe active roster by the Baltimore Orioles. The left-handed pitcher had been on the disabled list for almost three weeks because of a sore arm and has hurled only five inningii since being named to tiie American League All-Star team to July. UNITED TIRE SERVICE BELESS WHITEWALLS 4 F0R $37h» Tax p 6:68-13.............fsM.14 t TiH-14..........,, .8:50-14 I 7:50-14 .#. .8:10-11 FULL ROAD HAZARD GUARANTEE FREE MOtiNtlNfl V. Fed. Tax .37 to .48 « RETREADS E DISCOUNTS ON |0AT TRAILER TIRES end WHEELS COUPON SPECIAL - NO TRADE NEEDED DRAND NEW NYLON 8:25-14 nja, TUBELESS WHITEWALLS Fe^Tax Sa.19 ^14” You Pay Ohly Advertised Prices at United Tire t -Jr.6»!.4w |nm«6 ph» Moral Tax and oidtfra YwUf cor. Aavwrtiowd pricas orw ms maximum you pay for naw tirat otUnitad. Z* ' , ALL CREDIT CARDS HONORED VISIT UNITED TIRE TODAY . . . AND SAVEI OWN MOIL TWRB TRI. t to I - SAT< I I - 0L0SED SUNDAY UNITED TIRE SERVICE "WHIRf PRICES ARE DtSCOUISTTlD—NOT QUAUTY” 1007 Baldwin Ave. 3 MINUTES FROM DOWNTOWN PONTIAC Newton Motors lie. ANNOUNCING p the Addition of FOSBlST 0LK, DUANE 0LK and lames CHATFSLO To Ow Stall—Fanwly ai Fnto 31020 NORTHWESTERN HIGHWAY St at MIDDLE BELT • m l: W&t* 1705 AUSTIN NORTH,OF 15-MILE MMetoR SPECIALIZING IN VOLKSWAGEN VEHICLES YUft ’PRKS& THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1966 B—S: IP Major League Boxes , ; KANSAS CIT¥f Hwshbgr " 40. . Charln 3b 4 0 10 Texan leading in International Yacht Racing Trade Gives 'Skins Offense a Boost cs-r jTTfSK Hj DGraen 2b 4 t il Catwir rf 4 o » m1 CHICAGO ttsw. iiu ssssv asr»‘ Torra lb Carty If MRV c Davit pi Tow {ass* 1 3 4 3 Total '30 ->r.. BIB 1 0 0 00 iti Hiii_____ . iWWUltlt—Vr-tfti Itaxil fils A CtavalarxlI. 2B—Nossak. HR—D.Graan (•). SB—Charles, Repot. __ ^ M IP H R ER BB SO McbawsR (L, M) . Tlant ........... T—1:37. A—4,037. CHICAGO BOSTON " Z abrhbl ■ abrhb Stroud ft 3 11 0 Tartabull cf 4 i i Aaoo cf _ 4 0 0 0 Conlolaro rf 1 Skowron lb 4 110 Scott lb 3 0 0 •Janwrlby 3b 4.0 0 p Patroclll at 3 0 0 Barry If 412,1 Ryaac 300 . Maine 3 0 2 O GSmltti 3b 3 0® Adair as 4 0 0 0 FiacMr p 2 0 0 BHMMrf P 2 0 0 0 LGreen ph i 0 0 Buford pb 1 0 0 0 McMahon p 0 0 0 Wilhelm p 0 00 A Burgess ph 1 0 0 0 iti e j i Bwmama If 4 ■ 0 0 0 Santo 3b 4 I 010 Banks lb 4® 010 Baocbotla If 30 too Al tman r 0 0 Hundley WASHINGTON (AR) — Wash- fullback, replacing A; D. Whit-f Thurlow was New York's No.ler .but last Sunday’s 34-34 tie ; STAMFORD Conn in _ in ln06n Redskins Coach Otto field who fumbled twice Sunday 12 draft choice in 1964 from Stan-lwith Pittsburgh apparently j a race marbJt bv the fillnc rf .Graham said he wanted exun- the Redskins draped a 38-14'ford and is expected to give themade . . _ _ . . nincr KaaIt wIia muiU kotn 4Imi dfioisinn in the PIpvpIatiH PAHclrine fKii niinnh Lhoir enittrht /lonirlo ____ _______________________________________________, .. ^ _______ ______________ coach AlUe .. o nrotest Ernest B Fav irf the Ilin8 w*10 ^ki help the decision to the Cleveland Redskins the punch they sought'decide he needed more strength! i f Te x a s Corinthian Yadit Club Red*kins’ offense. |Browns. for their running attack. up front and could sacrifice1 0 Altman ph . , .rtP”*—“ * 4 10 0 P,.....„ ... . 0 0 0 Eltsworlh p 3 0 0 0 H33- S 1 took first place Wednesday in1 So Graham was enthusiastic the international 5.5-meter yacht ^ay over Washington’s trade kaifiy p — a 5 o 5 iiSjT.7 w a n f !'competition for the United States with file New York Giants which j Srtjffaiph oooo LThomw'ph ioi olchampionship. - *i brought halfback Steve Thurlow Ciihacf JIOM stiUMrt pr pool . ^ # jand linebacker Jim Carroll to; «% ” velw“ Reinstatement made by Ferdinand Schoettle oft * wou|d have made the trade ,vvn WlUlwIllvl II the Mantoloking Yacht Club in|i£ Ihbriow and Dess were Reggie Seeks Total 34 t o o i» a o ftirm JE—eiltworlh, DP—Atlanta 1. LOB— Atlanta 5, Chicago 4. S-Woodward. SF— New Jersey. Schoettle finished involved,” he said after the Groat S' Dairmpla c I. 2B—Stroud, Barry. HR—Foy (1 Fischer (W, 4-11) . 1 12 May s cf 0 0 0 McCovay 0 1 0 Hart 3b . » V 0 I 0 JAlou H 3 0 0 0 00 Haller e 2 0 1 1 0 0 DaVenprt a ill Perry p 2 0 0 Burde ph >10 0 Mason pr 0 00 MDanlel p 0 0 0 ill ' Toil ------iiriii i (an Franc lace . 0 0 0 0 0 0 I E—Rojas, Fuenles, McCovay. CINCItfNATI ST. LOUIS ' ah rn hi .h Ruiz 3b San Francisco S. 3B-Callison. HR—Allan (31). SF-Allan. R ER BB SO 4 0 11 Flood cf Pinson cf 4 0 0 0 MCaryer < DJohnson ,1b 4 0 0 0 C«i|Mda 1b m Shamsky If 3 0 0 0 Shannon rf 3 0 0 am—I - * • o SpSr- “ Notfabart p 001 LMa» Hi 11' Zannl p 0 0 Colamon ph l.o Nuxhall p, 0 0 0 0 0 Javltr 2b . 00 0 Maxvlll ss 10 10 Washbrn p 31 2 0 2 Total St.LatHs ..................... OP—Cincinnati a, St.Louls 1. LOB-Cinclnnatl 2, SI.Louls 4. 2B-Cepeda, SB—Brock. SF—Brock. _ _ ___ IP H R ER BB SO Wills (L, 14-17):..... JM 7 4 4—— Nettabart ........ 2 1-3 2 I I , lEBBirr..........:. t ■ i o o Nuxhall Wnmurn T-1-J7. y.iVT) 1 — 9,941. Ex-Ring Champ Dies SPRINGFIELD, 111. (AP) Johnny Connors, who won the world flyweight boxing title in 1894, died Tuesday at the age of 98. —' PHILADELPHIA SAN FRANCISCO 0 0 0 Fuantea si 4 0 10 F Jhnsn ,rf 3 01 3 1 10 Q fl ph 1 00 Total 30 0 5 He was beset by minor inju- Thurlow to get it. ries Iasi year but still carried: Dess, 31, came to Washington,' the ball 108 times for 440 yards where he began his pro career! and one touchdown. _ j in 1958, last year in a three-way Thurlow, along with Tucker deal among the Redskins, New! Frederickson and Ernie Koy, York and. Detroit. ' gave the 1965 Giants one of the1 Carroll was,New York’s regu-j best balanced running attacks lar left side linebacker I ninth in the race. Piston Center Makes Plea to Commissioner , Mercury Outboard* and Stora Drives • STARCRAFT • SHELL LAKE ■ ■ • hrF\. *.| BOATS fijbomlba \^To!ra»» "Boating's On* Port of CalK IMS S. Woodwtfd it Mom* Rood JO Mill Ml 1-0113 Mob., tlHH*,>Fri, B > 8 ' in the NFL’s Eastern Division. J 1965. He had been replaced by nim citt t TRAriwi * * * • 'rookie Jeff Smith of Southern1 pniurTar* dptc? win 1 NEW YORK 1*1—Reggie Hard- trade was announced Tuesday. £ * - (“But they offered Carroll and Fay’s win vaulted him f r o m ™ were happy to get him.” | third place to first in the point SAGGING UNE standings. He had a one-quarter The trade is expected to help trig, the suspended 7-foot center! point lead over Robert E. Turn-both dubs, strengthening the 9f the Detroit Pistons, made er n of . Atlanta, who placed Redskins offense and defense,janother plea for reinstatement third Wednesday. and shoring up the Giants’ sag-(Wednesday in a hearing beforej ■ ......i ging front line, Commisskmer Walter Kennedy. ! “It hurt to let hhn go,” Gra-of the National Basketball As-Heads Soccer Team • ham said of Dess, a nine-yearly^1, , ....... 1 veteran of the National Football „ Kennedy, after hstemng to League who- returns to New HardinS f°r nearly three hours,. York where he played for dx***1™*1 decision. He said he All three have speed and pow- California this season. PONTIAC PRESS WANT ADS! boy in Gelsenkirchen, is th, manager of the new^f fsi Chicago Spurs of ,the National Professional Soccer League (NPSL). CHICAGO (AP) B German-1 born Alvis Kaczmarek, 37, who Y__ once played soccer as a school-, years. “But we needed help in,woul<1 make a statement on the - • ■ * - • our offensive backfield: ^ve ma^er a £ew t^ldiff^^-whde-seasc«kQ^ with only four running backs.” j jested the Pistons’ request for, Thurlow, one of the Giants’ Harding’s ' reinstatement. He “Baby Bulls,” will be nibved tofsaid then he would review Hard- -—--------5S5------ V; ;ing’s case at the close of the 1966-67 season. Harding, now 24, was suspended by the Pistons ahd later jby the league last year after he had been involved in a series of Eight Headed lor Grid Hall of Fame PAmvvu _.. . •; ’ ... . , imfior incidents with Detroit po- CANTON, Ohio W — Eight viser and officiating supervisor, skins, and George McAfee, who |iCe new members will be indiicted and Walt Kiesling, who played j played half back for the Bears. ‘ ■ / into the National Professional! with several professional teams * * * i Fwnmt rac* a» a aianc* Football Hall of Fame here jand served as coach of the Pitts- Five members inducted into ,y Saturday, boosting the member- burgh Steelers. ship to 39. Induction ceremonies will follow a parade to the million- I the Hall of Fame previously will I in 1963 with a charter membership of 17 grid immortals. dollar shrine that was opened Canton Bulldogs and the New participate in the ceremonies Others to be enshrined are Saturday. They are Ed Healey, Mel Hein, Bob Waterfield, Jim Conzelman and Clarke Hinkle. Joe Guyon, who played for the York Giants; Amie Herber, former halfback with the Giants Three of the new enshrinees,and the Green Bay Packers; will be inducted* posthumously.'Clyde (Bulldog).Turner, who They are Steve Owen, famed; was a center with the Chicago coach of the New York Giants; Bears; Bill Dudley, former half-Hugh (Shorty) Ray, National back with the Steelers, the De-Football League technical ad- troit Lions and Washington Red- San Francisco 13 Won Lost Fct. BohM Ploy it n sag — h; , sn____m -17 4 J4I 314 ] (7), Pittsburgh (3) , 3«pt. 15. 14, 17; PhlMolphla (4), Sept, ll, 19, 20, 2L Away (ll), at Chicago (4) , Sept. 23 (2), 24, 25; at St. Louis (4), Other participants will include Ml ... 24, 29; at Philadelphia C Sept. 30, Set. 1, 2. , Pittsburgh—At Home (3), San Francis-! U. S. Supreme Court JusticejM^& V/Wi?'-Byron White, Dick Gallagher,j general manager of the Buffalo Hom, (7), New Y_ Bills of the American Football <«, sept, is, w, tr; p»t»iwrgh uj. League, and Dan Tehan, a re-!(2K Wt. 24,25; at Atlantal* sepLS2*! tired NFL official. it Pittsburgh (3 ALL SIZES Super Traction XST On Sears Finest Snow Tires! Guaranteed 36 Months No Trade-In Required FREE MOUNTING s.. Your Regular Tire* Will Be Remounted Next Spring at No Extra Charge TuIh-Ii-m BlarLwall XST Tire. Oar I'HSMt Snow Tire» Full Range of Tire Sixes SALE PRM'.K EACH Plu» FrHrraT Kxris* Tax 6.50x13 * 12.75 r 1.83 7.00x13 14.35 1.90 6.50/6.95x14 13.55 J- 1-92 7.00/7.35x14 14.35 2.11 7.50/7.75x14 15.95 2JO 8.00(3.25x14 17.55 2/36 8.50/8.55x14 19.15 " 6.00/6.85x15 15.55 1.91 6-50/7.35x15 14.35 205 6.70/6.75x15 15.95 2.21 7.10/8.15x15 17.55 2.55 7.60/8.45x15 ■ ' 19.15 r' 2v55 ' m at Shelton’s on ’66 models! at the Tremendous £ on Pontiacs and Buicks Before Prices on new 66’s and Demos! HltHBHBl P0NTIAC-BUICK Inc. 651-9911 855 $. Rochester Rd., Richcehr Vi Mile South of DbwrIonii RBelwBtBr : J \ fx THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, i960 Death Notices Mrt. Ruggles (Mary) Slmcock; - dear stebsistor-to-law of Mrs. Wil-Item Abbott; dear itepaunt of •Mary Margaret Abbott. Recitation Of tba Rosary will bo Friday at 8 p.m. lot the Rlchardson-Blrd Funeral Home, Milford. Funeral jar-; d• vice will b* hold Saturday/ Seotem-| Ser 17, at ii a.m. of St. Mary's - Catholic Church. Intarmant ln,«t.i - Mary's Cemetery. *»■ " “*■ “ ttate at wit. of Ralph 6. and Grace V. Der-ragoh. Funeral arrangements are, pending at the Ct -J. Godhardt 4 Funaraf Home. Keego Harbor, 4 when Miss Oerragon will lie in HaskelU -dear grandson of..... .... Mrs. Foster Haskell; dear brother of Athea, Frank, and Pfc. Ronnie! Haskell. Funeral service will be . held Saturday. September it. at l — -* toy Elton Black Funeral bt m ' i p ___________a officiating. ........ ............ merce Cemetery. Harvey will . He In state .at the funeral home. HEFNER. SEPTEMBER 13, IMfc! TRACY LYNN, 47*7 Dixie High-1 way. Drayton .Plains; beloved ln-1 fant daughter I EUla Hepner; RokE, SEPTEMBER 14, 1M4, i R. SR., 1947 Oakfield Street, I ■ vide; age S7; dear husband of Georgennp Hoke; dear father of . Paul Hoke Jr. and Mrs. Phyl' — eSok7 dear brother-oF Joseph Hok Mrs. Dorothy Badger and Mr Gladys Fox; also survived by tv» grandchildren. Funeral servlca wl be held Saturday, September -17, i ment in Ortonvllle C (Not 332-81SI Pontiac Prat Want Ad* ' FOR fast action NOTICE TO ; • AOVERTHERS ,1 ADS RECBIVID BY S PM. wiu: ii wluE'— — FOLLOWING DAY. 4 ML wr— ESTm no responsibility far ___ other than to cancel t charges^ for that portion Mm Insertion of ttw which has been ::MITH, SEPTEMBER 13, ™4. GEORGINA, 371 West Webster, Fdmdale; age 91) dsbr mother of Mrs. William (Jean) Wright; * survived by one grandchild. - t neral service will ba held Frldj Curtain Funeral Heme, >emdale. Interment In hose land Park Cemetery, Berkley. ■- FOR RENT, PARTIES OR receptions. OR 3-j— _______ LOSE WEIGHT SAFELV WITH Dex-A-Diet Tablets. Only 93 at Simms Brea. Drugs. ,ywax uuvrxiium mmm CONSIDERED MOM AT-« aTRACTtwS .-ti MNN St ;X OTHER, ADVERTISE-X-vMINTI ARE FIACRE & iv UNDER THE MALE 'OR w ii FEMALE.. ’ COLUMNS FOR YOUNG MAN OVER II FOR DE-livery and sates, Pontiac Plywood 14*0 Baldwin - . SUCH LI5TINOS ARI X put INTENOSO TO EX- v *• CLUM P E RIE MS OP v EITHER SEX. | WELL DRESSED MEN FOR EVE- %1 OPENING. FOR EXPERIENCED salesman, extra t ms ror riant person. All Inqu________ confidential. Contact Warren Stout, 1450 N. Opdyke Rd„ Pontiac, Mich-igan. Member Multiple Lilting Advancement Unlimited HOW PROGRESSIVE ARE YOU. fa- offer top-notch training program ir the fight man. Good starting alary with liberal benefits — to eluding educational assistants, Italizatlon and Incentive bonus, i be High Mwol graduate, ontlct Mr. Randoton for (ntervlfw ■ Equal Opportunity Employer ALDENS MANAGER Experience Ip catalog, or rat field preferred, age 31 and ov Excellent starting salary, end r uler salary review. Superior < hours 5 day week. Pleasant work Surroundings, financial Incentive, holiday'and vacation pay For in Interview appointment, Plot 'ell ‘ MR. R. M. YARSHEN District Manager 335-9401 , AMBULANCE PERSONNEL, II TO 35 years of age, must clean, good driving 3-7033. ANYONE W l T H HOBBY OR ----fledge of photography, Interest- n full-time or part-time lob, sales person, call Kmart, 338- hours jier i $200 PER MONTH ATTENTION Start Immediately Mechanically Inclined Man NEW CAR FURN*SttED i experience necessary as II train you. Must be abb I along on $410 per montf jrt. lob Is permanent. Call 4-3331 from 4 o.mjtoj p.m PART OR PULL TIME,TRUCK mechanic. Own tools, good wages, FrankHn Rd.- AUTO MECHANIC TOR SUBURBAN dealer, GM experienced, Ber-*“-Taytor Chevrolet L Olds, V DRAYTON PuilNS OONELSON-JOHNS Funeral Home "Designed for Funerals" Huntoon -SPARKS-GRiFPlN FUNERAL HOME Service" FE Voorhees-Siple FUNERAL HOME, FE 3 Established Over 40 Yei Cemetery lots CEMETERY LOTS. CHRISTIAN Memorial In Rochester. FE 3-3420. GRAVE CEMETERY LOT. OAK land Hills Memorial Garden. Ti Close estate. 034-37*3. ELECTRICIAN , MAINTENANCE M- t MEG. CO. Orton MY 2-3711 Engineering Aide South Eastern Oakland Co. Water Authority. Salary .range *5,— $4,552. High ettwot graduate .... experience In drafting, surveying or fnapeetton. Apply 3910 w. web. ESTIMATOR Experienced In autotnoftlve t eatery, liberal beMHIa. ARTCO, INC. 3taa ineHenwood Rd. “ — Lake Orton------; EXPERIENCED 'NUUKRii^ “ dairy firm, wea home, as. 39S5 N. Rochester Rd. EXPERIENCED, OR WILL TRAIN, tor machine shew work “ willing tp work; Jay Bh Itlon Inc., 45330 a West EXPERIENCED MECHANIC A to Include paid vocal nt, and ‘many other tot Wankal, Shelton I EXPERIENCED LABORER, F FiSf EXPANDING THEATER ft ft >untry. Is looking man to join the m need you locally of atata. Positions pr training, tod night miracle mile drive In tt______ FE MOW or FE 2-0700 Pontiac, .drive in theatre, FE 5-35M. ■ FE 5-13M.____________f__________ Foreman PAINT LINE Production Spray of die cast parts. Must be familiar will Chrysler, Ford, and GM specs, es well as various painting processes. Permanent salaried position and excellent fringe, benefit program with oration employing m Please call < I Mr. Klhn t. Elliott, Detroit 40312 FULL TIME, APPLY IN PERSON. Ross’ Fine Candles. 4442 Elizabeth Lake Rd., Pontiac. FULL TIME. GAS STATION AT- GAS STATION ATTENDANT. Experienced, mechanically Inclined, local references, full or pr-4 — Gulf, Telegraph and Maple. . _ . TION. EXPERIENCE driveway and lubrication men. $2.00-32.50 per hour. Also trainees $95 per week. Shell Service, Maple mad Lehser, Blrm|ngham.^^M GAS STATION ATTENDANTS. >art time. Local ref. ____ Sunoco Station Telegraph et GRILL MEN WANTED Elion Big" Boy Restaurant Dixie Hwy. et siivtr Lk. Rd. GRINDER HANDS ISIS Golf Or.- itonttoe hi chird Lk. a INSURANCE jMwSrS^ttb County- 1 nbarftL tto t Norttern^Oetrelt 1 resume to Fenftac nit* Box mT Laborers Steady shift, premium, and fringe «Hs- Southeastern OakpiTl____ Incinerator Authority, Wl* W. Web- MACHINE AND BULLA »S. also, nmchiNeremir AND HYDRAULIC MAN ‘ iWK TOOL A ENGINEERING CLAR KSTQff.MICHtGAN — MACHINE OPERATORS . COMMON LABORERS PRESS BRAKE OPERATORS iploy you queHtfed. WELDER TRAINEES Free Instruction; we r -In other capacity unt OVERTIME Fully paid vacettons, Blue Cress-Blue Shield. 9 paid holidays, per APPLY BETWEEN l-S P.M. ^ SAT. I UNTIL 3 P.M. . PARAGON BRIDGE t STEEL CO. 440W GRAND RIVER. NOVI MAN AGE 10-35 FOR DELIVERY m reference. OR 3-2834. MAN WANTED FOR CEMETERY WE'4- Steady year round. Apply It. Hope Catholic Cemetery. : FOR OFFICE WORK. SEND fry. Including work, age. edk xt, .pay, and family to Pentla Management Trainee Some restaurant background .. qulred. Excellent opportunity. Company benefits-hospltallzation, pal" vacation and pension program. A| ply In person to Mr. Mlchneli Ellas Bros. Big Boy, Telegraph l Huron bet. 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. or MANAGER TRAINEE, OVER ... tor IS Cent hamburger Drlve-ln Restaurant, paid 'on ability. Call 474-3953 for appointment. Machine Operator! Boring mil! /LIEG VERTICAL- — HORIZON- ilah Ml—*-J M 1 nwp itanrao maw FiRMAWHT OPENING^ AVAiy ^HtEIDflCE PrtiMB *2.50 per BTy be ever 31. tor intorvtow. or siaiis. PONTIAC MOTOR DIVISION Has Immsdlete openings tor CLEftKS' SALARIED PERSONNEL OEFT. Glenwood Ave. at' Kanneft Rd. Pontiac,’Michigan , (Ah equal opportunity employer) PORTER WANTED FOR USED CAR . SUBURBAN OLDS, Utad Cars. 433 ~s!; Woo£ ward Avenue, Bkrmlngham. See ___or call Don Wltson, 447-Slt).- PORTER-HOLIDAY INN OF PON-— S. Telegraph - See PORTER FOR ACTIVE USED CAR lot ih Pontiac area. Good worker conditions, vacettons, top pay, uni forms finished. Must bave -valk drivers license. Apply In persof to AUTORAMA Motor Sales; 2431 Orchard Lake Rd. tl mtfa west of Telegraph, Pontiac). PARTS MANAGER, SUBURBAN vh WERSsm SALESCLERKS TM StoMt ....... ill,,.,.—1* IftowwG qmET —~ —- ____ statiom attenqants. respon- - —- ---^------- ployee benefit. Include'»LP»r_eent SHOE. SALESMAN Evenings and Bitorday. salerv piu SrrMKtra money. EeSurtoStoei, Pontiac MeH, Ffa. 4IKS1L , tOOL MAKER MACHINE BUILDER JIG AND FIXTURE BENCH HAND Stoadjr job, top wagee, at p JEROO INDUSTRIES 139* Axteli Troy, Mich. . TOOL DESIGNERS DETAILERS sepclai machines . flders. SB-hour week, enlngs. 1 IITE-WAY DESIGN SI TRUCK DRIVERS FOR INSTALLAl tton work, aim Concrete Step Co. O IN 6 MACHINE SERVICE men. Excellent pay. Good Benefits. For interview cad FE 3-744*. MAKING A CHANGE ____ teletype to 4 other offices Detroit area. Thousands of lob - M Mr. Moreen, INTER-IONAL PERSONNEL, ---------- openings. Call NATlOf" Woodwi OVER 1$ TO DELIVER PIZ-zaa. Must have own car. Apply Little Ceesers. 41 Glenwood Plaze. ir Exc. futurqJ*r- 1 re MEN FOR WORK department, no ~ sary. Apply to 540 S. Telegraph. LAUNDftV ...___nee neces- PontlaC Laundry. Manufacturer h _ _ salary open. FE 3-7371, _ '__________ OY, 14, STOCK AND DELIVERY. Russ's Country Store, 4SW Eliza-bath Lake Rd._________________ BUMP SHOP MANAGER AND ONE HELPER ____Drendall Lloyd Motors 12S* Oakland BUS BOY WANTED, city and suburban Mt. Clemens, Utica M I....... ham included. Bonded Guard Services 441 East Grand Boulevard Detroit. LO 4-4152,1>n p.m. HOUSEKEEPING AND DIETARY. FULL ... mem. Apply In lestourant, Keego BUS BOYS. DAY AND EVENING —% Good, wages. Apply Ir — Orchard Laks Country Cli BUS BOYS Young mew nor Ii perlenco preferred, I HOLD IT! OTHER FOLKS DO... ‘ Other folks moke money from Pontiac Press WANT ADS ^ If you haven't . . - try one. Hundreds of others do . . . daily I . It pays. j" It's quick, simple and^ productive. Just look around Your home, garage and basement and list the many items that you no longer use; Hundreds af readers art searching The Press's classified columns daily for just such articles. Perhaps the piggy bank itself) would bring more than tjjie change, thdt it holds! Try HI YOU'LL BE GLAD YOU DID! ;? ,JusfDial - :|332-818| An Experienced Advisor Gladly Help Ypu Word Your Want 'Ad i Personals . CARPENTERS WANTED. R O U G I A FARM VISIT TO UPLAND HILLS FARM • e delight tor the whole fen Everybody gets to milk Molly Cow and hold II ARPENTERS, JOURNEYMEN, end crews. Rough only. Coughlin Construction Co. 474-238* after 4. CARPENTERS AND APPRENTICES rou will want to take a- hayrto through .beautiful wooded fleU with a view that extends 35 mile to downtown Detroit. Pbny ride available. >pen' SUNDAYS ONLY, 11 a.m. 1 4 p.m until Nov 1, Woodward or 1-75 north to Adam Rd,, Adame Rd. N. to farm signs. COLLEGE OR Y dent Interested spare Time her cell FE 2-4734. Confidential. WITNESS TO ALTERCATION et Waterford Hill's race track, Sunday, Aug. 2$ at Tipper level —-------- ---------call FE $4,774. High school graduate w experience In water or sewer < - structlon. Apply 391* W. Websi Royal Oak. Phone LI *-34». CAR WASHERS. FULL OR PART 1 experiments. FE COOK Opening lor short order cook, 11:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. shift', 5Vi days, palft hospitalization, vacation, holidays and meals. Apply at: ENCORE RESTAURANT , Miracle Mite Shopping, Center CIVIL ENGINEER South Eastern Oakland Co. Water Authority for design and field work. Salary range S7.424 to S9.B2S. Apply 3910 W. Webster, Royal Oak. Phene LI 9-2411. have pash buyers,,welt CUSTODIAL WORKERS $4,000 - $4,400 XJ°r ( SURANCE, PAID $fCK LEAV* ■BH ... . thinking of paid HOLIDAYS, 3 WEEKS-------------- 11 'll*,*! VACATION, RETIREMENT PLAN, 35 ii2P..0L,,y 4'JI£jnd ^ FREE EMPLOYES' BLOOD BANK how PLAN, ETC. APPLY IN PERSON, (Tothfe **** ** '^1 C|5“?N CbURDTAoUS«,°A«i*ANND Dorothy Bette. I TELEGRAPH ROAO, ^ PONTIAC, Roy O'Neil, Realtor 3520 Pontiac Lake Rd. 4-2333 or OR 3-3B3»i Birmlnjgei ULL AND P nssusr*.' j»S{o).HI A4AN TO WORK AS CLERK auto parts store. Must be expo anced. - Hollerback Auto Par Phene 33E4851. _____________ Ii Your Job Monotonous? Do You Have Layoffs? Then come^work ell year t estlng job. No lay-offs, go health, life insurant* M handy with taels, n 1 Intense ttoslre"tf JANITOR. SOBER AND RELIABLE. ' ill time tor apartment building Bloomfield Hills. 334-3438: JANITORS OAKLAND UNIVERSITY The continuous building program on the campus Is creating a number of excellent Janitorial opening* of working v These positions provide steady yOai portunltuesP )or advancenwnt °?o supervision, steady, Wage —... —. - ---------------u$ fj.|, t program Including .The starting ri plus' night si night work. Oakland University I DELIVERY AND s^openlng^fw^ experience. Silery . Ineentlv* p Bonus. Fnstif sharing. " Insurer Vacation and retirement' pie Phone for appointment. Ml 4-C MEN WANTED Insurance. Apply 12$ M """ffirUBOR ’ swer to your future. Cell FE *4115 or write “ “ Pontiac, Michigan, Needed Immediately* MEN TO WORK WITH NEWSBOYS AS DISTRICTMANAGER Must be a high school graduate and have a late model car. 40-H0UR WORK WEEK CAR ALLOWANCE USUAL EMPLOYE BENEFITS ARLO McCULLY CIRCULATION MANAGER* THE PONTIAC PRESS , NEEDED AT ONCE NEW CAR PORTER, M4 must have driver's llceni Maynard. Ml 4-7500. NIGHT AUDITOR. OVER H _ parlance net necessery bul tialp-ful. 444-7300. --------------------- PAINTERS, EXPERIENCED, NEAT end dependable, steady work. Please celt after t p.m., tl 4-4370. POLICE PATROLMEN CITY OF PONTIAC Salary, $4084-37059 Aged 31-30. Height ST, school gradaute or GED eq-----... Liberal fringe benefits. Apply City Hell; 450 wide Track Drive E. Lost and Found FOUND: DEPENDABLE MAN FOR MAINTE- LOST—VICINITY OF UNION U black and tan puppy, 3 mas. with reft harness, reward. Cooley-Lk. M. LOST OR PICKED- tl male miniature ft trig rhinestone c_.._. rabies teg. Child's -I 334-9074. ' L 6 NG cat, de-Estates. CHRISTOPHER, itack-grey striped met | eWftod. In Chapel NH_ (Adams-South Blvd. tree) Reward. UL *3371. , -________■ l^osr, 2 GRAY AND WHITE MALE I Siberian huskies, Rochester mm : Children's pets, reward. 451. ... .! LOST, BLACK MINIATURE POO-1 ™ LOST! GENTLE CHESTNUT QUAR-tor Horse Oeldlng. Area of Deri. I mouth Rd., I Ctofketan. 420-3940. \6tir BLACK. KITTEN, CHILD! !u.'.lj*"oIi Dr*v,on' LOTT MALE, BLACK AN6 BROWN dTsh MACHHM ' dpegATOft -nlghls, $1.4* en hour, Frldey —' Saturday oN. Meels, uniforms, tHMlir* •*W DESIGNERS Growing company, recognized — er In the ItoH Of Hading devices for spectel automatic aeaembty Chinee, afters oeportunlty tor end leadership abilities desirable, i. Top ralea and benefits. Clyde Corp., ItoO W. Maple. Trey, 4M4333. DIRECT SALES, H I O H COMMIS- pay, phis benefits. 4734044. SEWER LABORER t^OOD EXPERIENCED MEN ONLY ■ No dthers'need apply GOOD PA V GOOD JOB ALLARD CONSTRUCTION Company New Hudson, l3lich. 437-2370 ____ Star Drive In, corner of Pontiac end ' LUM HOLLOW GOLF CLUB needs golf course workers, jjgjj time, good pay for Interested $ PROGRAMMER Must have minimum of 1 exp. programming, -'"■ta grams, comput detailed tesfliq Imptomehtlnq HPRI — defslllng systems analysis studies, operating computer end peripheral equipment. Salary commensurate with exp. and background. The County of Oakland offers daily liberal fringe benefits ... — d it ton to salary. Apply In person pr send complete resume Including ref. and salary requirement to tha Fersannel 6Ntotont_4$$-*,“* Administrative ' wing, 0 a k I County Courthouse, 1200 N. . graph Rd.. Pont tot, Michigan. RETIRED—15 HOURS WEEKLY Our -retired men average $1200 to $1300 per year. Cell 332-3053, * REAL ESTATE *SALESMEN! * Are you getting the advertising .support you need? Why not sell tor Pontiac's fastest growing reel estate company? -Supportin'- “--to salesmen with bill boards papers, TV, etc, increase your earnings immediately. Telephone Mr. Corby, OR 4-0343. Confidential interviews. York Reel Relate Com- WANT TO MAKE A business Is Insurai We have comple... — gram with bey. Must Ii Real Estate Salesmen Guaranteed training salary. If y are between 2S and 45. Have si cessful sales experience and a n In excess .. tor a confidential 9 Davis gr “'toi al-U-Way Realty at I ? PM, FE444I7. Listing ftom 24 off Ices ' STATEWIDE-REAL ESTATE- S. Lapeer Rd-. Lake Orto 338-0000 REAL iSTAYl SAMPMEN , experience. Excellent 4MSM — dlttons, Multiple Lifting Service, building program, and progressive pay schedule. - Let Brown, Realtors S Bulk FE 24310 or FE 4-3544 experience we w are the nations offices coast toe___ ■——Call Don McLean, 334- FAMILIAR WITH lies and wales, strlp- letal work. Cal? Joe ____________414-1415. Skuttle Mtg. Co., Milford, Mich. StdONG' BOY WANTEt* ROCHES- r Scrap, 2540 Frankson St. $53- W11. SHOP MAN FOR METAL SHOP maktoa^plenums and^JlaM^ woriL 3-9124. W " WANTED AT ONCE MACHINE DESIGNERS r DETAIL DRAFTSMEN PERAAANENT POSITION Fringe Benefits ' SALARY OPEN Send resume to DETROIT BROACH S MACHINE CO. Lathe Division 950 S. Rochester Rd. Rochester, Mich. or tell 451-92)1, Ext. 22S er 339. WELDERS FITTERS ARC WELDERS ARTCO, INC. 3020 Indianwood Rd. _________• Lake Orion WANTED - EXPERIENCED rodnd furnace man, this .. I year round position. LlfeJnsurince, hospital end pension benefit' Income, apply -In person Kai Ing and Cooling Co. 50* Telegraph Rd., Pontiac. ALDENS -or m Interview appointment, Please calf MRS. N. LONG ■■ - ' 335-9411 Attention Housewives Sell toys. Aug. to Dec. for TOY GUIDANCE 38 per cent commlsston, no q$... Investment, ell gifts end supplies furnished. Company delivers collect. Monthly demonstrator prizes. Guaranteed delivery. 43SC133. Alert Housewives ■■■■114 W. H Mile, Birmingham. Ml 4-7114. _____ BABY SITTER WANTED TO LIVfc I Room and board plus wage. . . ■■, r - baby sitter, start immedi- ‘ ' must be dependable end 444-7775 after S B.m. BABY SITTER NEEDED, FROM * WAITRESS, i r,t ... _____ Avon- Bar, J Auburn Rd„ near Adams R BEAUTY OPERATOR, NO NIGHTS, BEAUTY OPERATOR. PARLOR OF Beauty. 49 S. Soulrrel. Auburn Heights. UL 33518- BEAUTY OPERATOR. Full and pert time. Albert's Sub-urban Half Fashtons.,'474-II5B1., BEAUTY OPERATOR,. WITH Without clientele, Auburn Heights Beeuty Shop. UL 3301*. BAftMAIO. .:BXPEMENCED-£E- Ig?,!!? ,r««n"Xs: BOOKKEEPER, TYPIST, DOUBLE entry through trial balance. Excellent opportunities with Rochester CPA firm. Permanent position. OL BABY SITTER. Lit mi -sxizzzi' portatlon. preferred, needed i (toys curt sap COCKTAIL WAITRESSES. EXPERT: ence helpful, but not essential. Call or. atop I" Sundays. Ctork'a I ■ iaw N.1 Parry.. •' \ ,■ Children off to School? Work. 2 hours, during Bay. or. oarly evening qnd earn 340-sao. wkly. 93 year old company, car necessary, no canvassing, no Mr-ty plan. Call. Bthwb 13 hm. 444- $333 a month, worn., oh" ' holtaays. CLERK-TYPIST , — "Me to fypa Saturdays i Desk Chirks $333 a month. Able to rotate shifts, work weekends and holidays, and night duty. Applicant Interested in above position must be i over » end have a minimum, of 2 years working axparlenca. Apply In person, Personal'Department, Pontiac Oararal Hospital Seminole at Waft Huron. Clerk-Stenographers CITY OF PONTIAC Salary $4441 par year At toast 2 years secretarial experience Including shorthand. High school graduate. Work at Pontile Airport. Apply City Hell 45* Wide Trade Dr. COCKTAIL WAITRESS. HOLIDAY Inn of Pontiac. 1M1 S. Telegraph See Mr. Bronson. - COOK, WAITRESS AnP bittMsH-wanted. 939 W. Huron. Eat Help Wanted Male 6 Help Wanted I l. Good WANTED - ESTIMATORS, MUST be experienced In Thdustrllt, merclel end Institutional. —. James Inc. P.O. Box 140, Royal Oak. LI 1-33*0. Rd., Rochester. C WANTED: JOURNEYMAN, MAII tenance man. Call Joe Bade I mento, 484-1415. Shuttle MfgS Cc MWorG-MIch. _____________ WANTED COOKS. UNCLE JOHN'S Itontl Mac Press Bex 34. WANTED ■MRMjlPMMSRI. ■ challenging lob; a sincere Interest in people; good personal habits opportunity te establish a securi future with a well known tocall) owned consumer finance company. hi open -1147 tor ap Salary call Mr. Rot pototmjnE” WANTED: SERVICE PORTEft ! 1* years old or ,dvor, 5V4 day weak, with steady work. Extra benefits, see Del Wankal, Service Manager, Shelton Pontlac-Bulck,i JSaLS^BachcftaLBi!„ Rochester. | WELDERS 13.34 to .Start. Plus lfr' p night premium. yVELDERS. MUSr BE STEADY. EX-| ceilent opportunity. Apply Concrete) Step Co~4497 M59. WORK TOMORROW Warehouse, landscaping, shop, loading end handyman fobs v Ing — Apply ready to Work i MANPOWER —r 1338 Wide Track, * YOUNG MEN 13-30, MECHANlCAL-ly Inclined to be trained as a Brunswick Auto. Plrv-sattar me-; 'dtanlc. Calf Orchard-Lanas today,! 335-9293 or 33SM94 or coma to, 445 Opdyko. _________i Help Wanted Female WOMAN^-PART. TIME.-SMALL grocery, Drayton area. Over ** FE 523*4. lOLAblES DOZER OPERATOR Good Experienced Men Only No others need apply GOOD JOB -.GOOD PAY ALLARD . CONSTRUCTION Company New Hudson, Mich. 437-2370 Join the Leader in the Medium Priced Field of the Auto Industry APPLY NOW FOR* Production Work (No Experience Necessary) ' ALSO) QUALIFIED JOURNEYMEN _1________FOR TOOL & DIE WORK OR__ MAINTENANCE JOBS IN PLANT « ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS AII-of the^zMeffiployft benefit programs will accrue as you enjoy top earnings with a winning team. MAKE APPLICATION AT OUR EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Pontiac Motor Division . GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION Pontiac, Michigan GENERAL MOTORS IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY4EMPLOVER Pontiac J^ofor Division Has Immediate Openings for: DETAJLERS— . CHASSIS DRAFTING . Must be high school graduate with ,V 4. courses in Math and Drafting and have a high mechanical aptitude. Experience desired. L A'pply br send resyfne along with salary requirements to: Pontiac Motor Division / Salaried Personnel Dept. Glenwood Ave. at Montcalm ? Pontioc, Michigan ^ " ' ; ■ or -= 4 ' CALL: 332-8111, ext. 585 or 844 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER NURSE'S AIDES or ORDERLIES Permanent ’ ; Full-Time Employment Excellent job opportunity in suburlmn Detroit area for reliable male nurses aides or orderlies. Must have.awn transportation to place of ent;. ployment. Must have good driving recodL Exceh lent pay. Ideal working conditions to private residence located in Birmingham. References tg» quired. ’ ■" MEN NEEDED FGR DAYS and AFTERNOONS Call Htr. Alper for appointnwrit WKKDAYS ONLY 8CFWKN N00M ■ & R* THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, im must feLOiRLY WOMAN WANTED' „„ k|f«fn helper. Top wages. Good WOfjtoa conditions. Apply it Har-Xf>» * yplontail Howe. 9M Dixie Experienced Housekeeper Maturewoman to take complete clwrpt-X housekeeping. Muit Ilka children. Prater to Imvo own tram-portetlen. but would conoldar llve- rmrn. oral housework, Mondays, Wednes-• days and Fridays, Own trensporta-tion.kef. Call MI40711 aventnos. EXPERIENCED' HAIR DRESSER, with growing shop, LaVema Hair Fashions, 31MBI7. Experienced ________ FOR COOKING general, references, live In. room. Other help employed. Jh* - ma^m£ 9HnE -a- ~wr „ —Light housework. S chlF MATURE WOMAN Fok CLERICAL office wort. raaulrod, write giving ape, education and family stir- AUpptJtAWD LADY FOE QEH-oral hpuiawartc and soma cooking. HOUSEKEEPER TO tlvi 'ltl. xjfUiy tjSa iNSTRUCIRESSTo^fOlMtBHl live in laOV Or coUNlI Yd LO^AL eUSINEM ElilTTa. CjLg^yrasa •"»}. Shorthand ■ not required. Good eatary, Insurances, fringe benefits, ale. Write qualifications, «*• *?2L«B £»■*«’ CLEANING Sell toys-Pariy plan September to December • FREE: Hostess gifts Oermo Supplies Trafti« ?0%V*cle.r commission Green Stamps for Demos PLAYHOUSE TOY COMPANY FE 3-7377 — UL 2-5170 MANAGER Capable at operating food a soda department, paperlome p PART TIME HELP 1 HOUR A MY. • «»i. nig "produce •ART TIME HELP PI market. Ok 34427. PHOTO STUDIO WISHES MATURE Sgffc* at No. .Ill ho are highly rat I apply. Pontiac P 130-bed i MODERN NURSING HOME WITH I ““ Supervl —.... tMSWtmm. NEED WOMAN FOR MOTHERLESS Night ^uptrvisor Mature woman* with experience for complete dining roam jmrgo. Excellent banafm. Apply in parson Ear f a.m« and ox p.m. to 4 p.m. Ellas Boy, .Telegraph t “i o Mr Michaels b NOW REPLACING SUMMER HELP openings on night shift for waitresses no experience necessary, will train. Excellent benefits. Paid mewls, hoe pitellzatlon, pension plan and paid Apply In person Elias Big Boy Restaurant _ Telegraph at Huron DlXte Hwy. of Silver Lake Rd. NIGHT BARMAID MfANTED FOR NURSES AIDES HOUSEKEEPING ihltts. EM Mill “-*: M owner’! heuoo 3 dam * weak! “ 1 TO 50 HOMES, LOTS. ' ACREAGE PAH> CBLS, FARMS, EuSINEIS PROP-ERTIES, AND LAND CONTRACTS WARRENSTOUT, Realtor 1450 N. Opdyke Rd. FE 5414 Urgently need for Immediate Silt! Pobtlac Dally 'til 8 MULTIPLBLISTING service temate. Ciitt Ft Ml44. RESTAURANT HELP ALL TYPES: DISHWASHERS BUS BOYS ASSISTANT COOK EL 6-9222 OR APPLY 29501 Northwestern Hwy. SOUTHFIELD retired MAN OW ynAMW, t * ~ *“ Ml laundry. OR 3:1181 Any Condition ' _ ' ’CASH Any Area CASH * t Any Price \, CASH * Immediate Closing Bnb Davit — Broker 588-5*00 or 426-4064 ABSOLUTELY felHHIli 'or fM — MM contracts. Buy-evaifinQ, Call now. . J. J. JOLL REALTY FE 2-3408 ___________ 482-0382 aIT tor i , Broker. pros- teter- 48 hours , LAND CONTRACTS - HOMES EQUITIES WRIGHT 382 Oakland A vs. FE 2-*1< —______ Pontiac. __ Gerald Rose, 448 Fourth, Pontiac HMMiMWHMifWHr MCI-4fO- INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINT- Work Wanted Female 12 BeihUng Sarrlces-Sefnilias 13 - CARPETS ■ E cleaned In horn Hyder. 8*3-1440. DEBT AIO, INC., 7)1 RIKB* BLOG. PE Mill, See announctmtnts. Dressmaking & Tailoring 17 1^-MERIOU .GLUC-IOOr-OEUY-•red and laid, fail Tlmbare Nur eary. SafsaiTMA 4-42T*. CeawlesaeMMlyrtiy^ ^21 Metfag and Tracking AA MOVING Cartful, inclosed vane, Ir low rates, free astimatei 2-3*** or 428-3518. BOB'S VAN SERVICE MOVING AND STORAGE FREE ESTIMATES ROBERT TOMPKINS Printing and Decorating 23 PAINTING — 38 YEARS EXPERI- QUALITY WORK ASSURED PAINT- 2872. Wanted Children to Beard 21 child Care, in pleasant li- Waattd leasehold Seeds 29 I PIECE OR HOUSE IIOLD. PIANOS. ALL HOUSEHOLDS - CASH FOR GOOD CLEAN USED temltoo. Call Hall's Auction,-- MV 3-18710T MY JA14). ... H auction n or buy It. B & b Auction I* Plxla COPPER, BRASS RADIATORS, BAT-terles, radiators, batteries, starters, --------- * Olxson, OR 3-584*. WANTED, VENIER BUYERS, LOOK* teg ter walnut and maple, in Pentlac Area, also ^lop^dolter, WaatedfeBeat 32 1 BEDROOM YEAR ROUND Single dwelling home,in Pontiac area, wear of Telegraph Rd. Ons child. ELDERLY 'wibOW WANTSS__________ unfurnished dpertment. Rees. FE SMALL FARMS/ 2-car garage In AUMm H Skaro Uriag Qoarten 33 erte ridmJaftip * 3351 after 4 pjw. iatErforO. a rtflH raise working oim. wui ‘share i w6*ki ho^ UdyJjyMTir, OXFORD. UPPER FLAT.- 4H-1HQ 2 BEDROOMS, FULLY FURNISHED *—"Xfteg utllltlie. In Lake Orion, week. Deposit required. 4*3- FAMILY JUST SOLD HOME AND NEWS 3 BEDROOM RANCH OR BUNGALOW IN WATERFOED CALL LAKE FRONT/ HOUSE rooms, no pets. Wot Sept. 4 to June 4. securlly Dep, Hegstrom. OR V-0358 or 482-0435: > MODERN YEAR AROUND LAKE CASH BUYERS For equities, homos or far ■WOOD REALTY vary few slept. Wlte has Multiple Sclerosis. Pay up to 813X100. DORRIS 4, SON, REALTORS. 2534 Dixie Hwy. OR 4-8324. Gl LOOKING FOR 2 OR 3 BEDROOM HOME IN WATERFORD AREA. CALL HIS AGENT, ROD CAMPBELL AT York Realty, OR 4-0363. i O'Neil, Realtor 10 Pontiac Lake Road l 4-2222 or EM 3-7*61 - CHILDLESS COUPLE garage home. It must be fmmac-— ; prater Bloomfield area i quiet refined neighborhood. Apartaeofc, Untarnished 31 nation. Purchaear ci and fhtara r*-"-avallobla. C SCHUFTT *363-7188 seoo Commerce Rd. Open dally -ttfl dark GfAMlLY inCom^On LXgit "pft- 11 LO R E N WELCOME, 3 REP: OWnar, 335-3183. 2 BEDROOMS, FULL BASEMENT, i^offr&sr0,1 **ra* 2 BEDROOM. FULL BASEMENT, Oak *teor», furnished. Ctooa in. ness 21500 dwn. II O'Riley St. DMrlct, 4fXl> month, security deposit, 852-3M7 between item “■* ~.m. Possession 3-BEDROOM HOME. ‘ 100X25* lot l northeast oi it. Ret. 887-4035. AGT. BEDROOM RAtKH. FENCED tord In Clarfciten -473*806. SBEOROOM SNICK RANCH, LAKE Oakland Heights. 473-82*5. bedroom. Well fumlahed, __________ kins Lake until June 30, 1*47. 2-car jiartge. Lease only- Security depos- Sislocic & Kent, Inc. a 140* Pontiac State Bank Bldg. Rent Houses, Untarnished 40 i BEDROOM; RECREATION ROOM, library, 2 baths, Sugdett- IA-frentaga, 8150 mo. 363-4261. &fi 0 R 00 AA, CHtLOREN come. 8125 mo. Pop. FE HOI BEDROOM, NICE LOCATION, near city limit! on Baldwin Rd. 2 children welcome. 8130 mo. Call FE 4,7842, 1 to 4 t>rm. Clemons. 334*187. WILL ■noli west of 1-75. Hotly 437-1021. BEDROOM bRKK WfePWIII by owner Immediate possession, ■■■•■■■ct, Ffaooir 3 BEDROOM HOUSE. BY OWNER * ’its. Lake privileges. Clarkston iga. «fr7174 or W-ttU. Flu* Mortgage Costs on . or Down to 01 Wall to wall carpeting, full basement with FB 5-36*8 Of 482-5483. i mortgage. 8754 me VILLA HOMES Model phono 428-1845 3-Bedroom Lake Front ON CEDAR ISLAND, HARDTOP ROAD, FINE BEACH, LOT ~~ SHAPE, 819,540 TERMS. FLATTLEY REALTY COMMERCE RP. — 4-BEDROOM HOME, -8740 DOWN and toko over payments. 8T '|M after 7 p.m.____ . REAL VALUERBALTY For Immediate Action Call FE 5-3676 626-9575 DRAYTON AREA 3 bedroom. Formal dining’room. Modern kitchen. Large HyM* room. Gas heat. Full btaemanf. Over V4 acre lot. Near shopping and banking. Only $14,500 terms. C. SCHUETT 363-7188 8800 Commerce Rd. Open dally mi Dark east side Madraom ranch-style home at IS* nd*hall *1 im? *" balance. Kitchen has ample cabinet wace; full bath alio with shower. Entire basement Is tiled. Fairly new home on a quiet street with other similar wail k Owner Is making ca Armed Forces. $14,501 down on FHA mortgage with Gl morgage. Kenneth G. Hempstead, Ri_ FE 4-0284 105 Elizabeth Lake Rd. 4-H REAL ESTATE .WHEEL BY THIS ONEI 3*21 Percy King DrlM, off Wll-URi Lake Rd. Elegant Hv-it phi -• Ing In 3 bl-level c; Jl colonial. 2 baths, --1080. * AH6 3 BEDROOM NEW, NEAR Mall. Immadlate occupancy. Ate and aound conditlonM. disposal, fully chrpatoG Mnra, mtrtearoter. Adults, .no pate. *135-81*0 Mr mo. FE 50505 or 682-2610. AND 2 BEDROOM AFAKYm Adutts 2 BEDROOM ‘tlRlGwa.'dJUlia-; Adults, "no pote *135. Call ... and evO. MA 42574. 2 beprOom, CHARMING COLO- M lldlng In Clarkston. newly decorated. 2nd floor, carpeting, drapes, stove, refrigerator, adults, Qllfc ttMHf 7 j 2-BEDRt^M APARTMENT. WHITE D-FLOOR STUDIO AF lice, f SiOpMS, BALCONY OVERLOOK/ tea Sylvan'Lake. Security dip. said re*, required, 825 per wk..tedudlng utilities. 40207*2. Cell after J. I ROOMS DOWN. I1£ A MONTH. On Spoken* Street. FE flat. AMERICAN HERITAGE bedroom, *144 o moi All"1 Mttttlae tumtetraQ, ateo ^c«i|rarL ^Itraem by NEW APARTMENTS - PONTIAC LAKE—$125-8140 on year tease, •tea modem .1 bedroom, no or children. EM 3-7374, $1,600 DOWN NORTHERN HIGH - Now ranch with full baawnant_ _ IJv sized kitchen. Fully InsulatM. Storms end screens. Large lot. Only $15,400. WE BUILD ON YOUR LOT Y0UNG-BILT HOMES d«y« 810. Weekly 812. FE 2 SAGAMORE MOTEL, SINGLE OC-incy, *40 per week. Maid serv-TV, telephone. 789 South WoM- pancy 850 par week. Carpeted, WESTSIOE, LARGl PLEA sleeping room, nice and Sultoble tor 2 man. rot. X or 887-5734, WEST ilOfe, SHOWER. BUSINESS- PI Only. FE 2-2517. ReomsWlHiBGard ONLY, *■ Excellent meals. FE 4740 laeaw FALL WEEKLY RATES -and TV. Sherwood Motel. |e Hwy., Pontiac, 335-9417- 45 PHONE .aka Bldo., Long La nit at Tetagrapn. W utt, tlrcondWianad. Large carpeted executive Office ter rant, flood «|d side location. Phono Jack Ralph at leaTBaeiaeet Freairty 47-A AVAILABLE FOR LEASE, 2 48 ! FOR RENT .NEAR TEL-rr uoTto J r ANNETT lit from tontt I— lent to Tet-Hwoft shop- 811,500, Metamora Area r. 2-car att, garaga. Downtown Brick Near Central Hit HttteU OfTjS* pint amr aacuno floors all largo rooms. Cantor and side Mtrencae. front and roar ‘ ‘ al layout ter re-4 lavatories and • basement, new < bolter. Adtetnteh -ee has njm m- modeling, bath. Hu gas staar r?!su: a , WILL TRADE Realtors 2BL Huron St. Office Open Ewnlngi end Sundays 1-4 338-0466 5V4 Por Cenf Mortgage *77 per mo. ted. taxes and liJ Lovely neat.and clean bungalow, exc. location. Prlvltogtt ft Er-Loko. Full basement. Shown agjotetment. Coll FE 47314, ovi ~^^Bio^olloy."1tiBlTy Russell Yi NT 5314 w. Huron LAND CONTRACT Ray O'Neil, Realtor 35M Pontole Lk. Rd. OR 42222 dr 4823074 4821 KEMPf Drtyton Plate* t, m baths, (ui DON E. MCDONALD UcOnsM Builder OR3W____________ „ AS LOW AS . ... *K-*50 FULL PRICE Bl-level oM ranches. 3 bedroom*, full bottmtnf, lake prIvltoMr as large as W acre. Modal A-A-A BETTER BUY REPOSSESSED FHA AND VA HOMES $50 down and monthly payments low as $40. Call us for locations. .AT ROCHESTER Enloy country living on _ that goes r appointment. > Of 855J0O. i, Mt—135 X ITU wn by oppotetmer... . . Realty, Emmett, Mich. BARGAIN :nh for oil kinds of property. WRIGHT REALTY CO. BY OWNER. HERRINGTON HILLSf 3 bedroom brick, carpeting, roc -----fenced yard; 314.350. Cash BY OWNER: 2 BEDROOM RANCH, 810J00. 4401 Croat, Drayton —tea Laka privileges. Altar 3:3 ife R -.4 BEDROOM and aluminum trMekel, lai„ 2 car garage- Let* Orion. My. BY OWNER. 3 BEDROOM TRl-rimak't ttR bathe. Large Inlv mom. Extra large living room. Fireplace. 2 car garaga. Jayno HeW^*2*,*30rOR Torn. Buy On Land Contract to and ibidroam hornet, vacant lots and many lake-front homes In the suburban arse. Can early tor union place. Ml 1,, kitchen, gas heat, ettachod 2 Warden Realty 3434 W. Huron, - tetegi Event l. Porttlm 333-7157 RENTING $78 Mo. Excluding toxoo end Insurance ' JOHLY $10 Deposit WITH APPLICATION 3-BEDROOM HOME SEgJO (GEDll LARGE DINING ARI ACCEPT ALL ’ IWS OR DIVORCEE3. ^RKER* FIRST IN VALUE O# FINE HOMEI WEST0WN REALTY FE 0-2743 oftenwen* Evenings after 7:30 LI 2-7327 MY 2-2021 or FE 8-96*3. FE 0*6*3 Office Open Sunday 125 :=GOPKIAt— 7 MONEY DOWN, epotlesi 6 room asbestos ranch. Interior completely redecorated, new well to wall carpeting, oonolotf living room, located In Drayton Plaint, does to convenience!, otters IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Full price only *10,200, for appointment coll: YORK E BUY Wl TRAD! OR 40383 OR 4043 4713 Dixie Hwy.. Drayton Plolne :=77=v: NOUuSI ALLNEW BEDROOM RANCHES TRI-LBVELS_ 3 4 BEDROOM RANCHES COLONIALS SUBURBAN LIVING 100 FOOT LOTS VILLA HOMES, INC. —D BARN VtLLAGI NO. 1 HIITER HOME AND BUSINESS near High, land. >room modern home. Bala. ment, automatic or steam hoot. Also store building wtth bow and *00 FOR THIS neat 5 ith. Sun porch,------ ■rsge with blacl , go* hoot, *11,500 an your •vf.1 ro sea the modol CALL B. C. HI ITER, REALTOR, 37*2 ELIZABETH LAKE RO. FB 3-017*. AFT- ' 'SaSsK I I HOLLY AREA - BUSH LAKE. EL-egant serenity ana Mwdy ara large well landscaped lake NRvrtm lots of eld ihiide ttm. WeH 3 bodrooms ere fully carpeted, ceramic tile tell andl V4 both, largo family room wllb natural fireplace, overlooking a, lovely eendy beach, 3-car garage. Carnlan Qualtty -Hornet Ing. at CE 34145 or MA t-5773. ^ IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 3 bedrm. ranch, tell twoteri TERMS OR TRADE OR 24472 D. Hampshire Pfuehour A Slruhte IMMEDIATE colonial, located In Sub. near Twin Lake: Home features panel* wtth fireplace, IV* b CALL TODAYI GIROUX MO. Terms. P ___________ JUSTLY PROUD You'll be owning this non HAGSTROM, Realtor MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE 00 W. Huron OR 40350 LAND CONTRACT Terms on a king sized coder ranch wtth 3 oedrac™* Ml mint, r-----kite churches. Tromondogi value ft $15,400. For oppolntmint call: YORK dmoixte Hwy, OraytenFlitea i-MOSLsS omy kitchen wtth h LOOK NO F Brick tat clous Hvt Ins, tamiiy 'room to lirapteea as&rfru 2W-car garaga. Oft over VVacra fenced let. Ckraa la aEteal am* “^"MSoxwrd Baautltel ibadraam ranch. X ft places. Uriiwreimjmatoai ptefety carpeted, tell basement, car gang* Lot “ taka pririteQia. M Humphrio* I or n. Tetynrah wSglfj THE PdNtlAC THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER U, 1966 ' IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 9 bedroom bunMtow. Near Wad and Sashabaw Rd., Drayton P._ t Full Maareant, Baa halt. Dining •- room. Large shady lot With IV5 Krage. Priced at 5)4,500. Mo a. Land contract terms av< :all lor dot alia. MAX A/HARTWIG, INC. REALTORS OL 1-8144 JMHP3 AREA LINDA VISTA 3 bedroom brlel rancher. Wall to y>J. carpet In %S? furnac? 815*000 on Fh . easT side. fortabie rod Wall carpet hr decorated 5 « . Wall to .........■ jnd dining Sr includes beautiful stainless steel alnk r. Jalousie windows, iv, t«r hoi ow^, Nice lawn with outside electric phi* tor built-in BaY-B-Q with retlssarft\ Full price only f $10,264. Easy terms. EVA HOWARD FE 2-6412 rfoom** i badro heme an * klng-slied let In Lincoln Haights subdivision, ull basement, l tar garage, atui num siding, price llncludet can -big, stove, refrigerator, wash '"Irewer* I rochestter y<* i««al Home tor the. very best In family Hying. 3 bedrm brick trl-level, 214 bathe,, family room with fireplace and patio entrance, GE kitchen with large breakfast area, large dining and living room with view of rolling hills, and trees, fully carpeted, wired for stereo, gas heat, attached 214 car garage^rjandscaped tot 110'xSfS', This lOCriilPtL excels In itoarntss to educational, cultural, recreational facilities; excellent schools,. Oakland University, Oakland Community College, Meadowbrgok Musk Festival, swim dub, golf courses. This home provktes the ftnrist in suburban living. Owner transferred, October occupancy. Price 132,500, can assume 5W per cent mortgage. By owner, cell <5t-1t41.________ ROCHESTER AREA - OLDER I bedroom ranch. Garage. Large shaded I"* w------* rfu. - on land 1-0221, UL 2-5375, U ROCKCROFT 4710 " OPEN 2-5 SUN. (On Townsend Lake three-tenths ml. , north of Andersonvllle Rd. off Dixie Hwy. Waterford), trllavel. 2.bedrooms, 2 nafl fireplaces, fam-FA gas yjjr.fM 12,500 down*~Seiier'gaalty, 0538245. SHINN 303-71 El "Win V i Shinn" <74-2004 REALTOR SALE HOUSES 49 DRAYTON PLAINS 5 room bungalow, 2 bad bath up, full basement, aluminum siding IV) car garage. Summer house with paneled Interior and stone barbecue. Situated on 2 ' ' cyclone fenced, beautiful I scaped. $15,500. Land Contract. AL PAULY 4515 Dixie, rear OR 3-3100 .. Eves. OR 3-1701 SMALL HOUSE, MODERN, NEAR Pontiac Northerr —*- is 2-55SS. HM -----_-JUWB Bb- rage. Lake privileges. Saa It today. 3-BEDR00M RANCH LAKE OAKLAND PRIVILEGES 22' living ream. Kitchen with < Ing area and ample cupbo space. * Attached 2-car garage Large 100'x2<4' lot with plenty of shade. Pull price. ficir* '*■ ■ TODAYI SMITH & 0 WIDEMAN REALTORS FE 44526 412 W. HURON STREET EVENINGS CALL 402-1574 Brown Realtors A Builders Since 1939 e kitchen with eating M8 lly room, gas haat, large and attractive carpeting and Mt. Full price 515,500. roomy bedrooms, spacious living room, formal dbilng room, 114 baths with colored fixtures, ‘ " basement, garage and m other features. Cell tor rr Information nowll Las Brown, Realtor 509 Elizabeth Lk. Rd. (Across from the Mall) FE 2-4010 or FE 4-3554 KINZLER LAKE FRONT HOME • spacious r_______ _ ________ . walk-out recreation room, all c trel alr-conditloned. Plus < • ------ draperies Hi—|mn SYLVAN VILLAGE -OPEN 1 to 5 Sunday, Sept. 18 , ‘ 2 to^Choose From S year old brick and atymlnym 2 car garage, family rqoi fireplace, exceptional qu---- 120,750, location: M-24 to atop-Hghf In Oxford, turn west, 1 mile to Spanla Drive to Open Signs. Both on Same Street. . C. A. WEBSTER, REALTOR |932291 OFF OPDYKE ROAD 1 A room ranch. *3 large bedrooms, carpeted living room, dining room and hall, living roam has Thermo-pane sliding double doors, In stova and oven, utility gas furnace, attached 2n c_. rage, lot 100x232' located In good neighborhood. Futflrlce 512450 Terms. —cssh to mortgage. MWtiptoLtstihg service rancher. Brick and ■■II * oil basement, bullt-lns, 114 baths, painting . and decorating, gutters and down spouts, 2 car attached jarage. TssSje.sJt _,i 1J JUST $16,200 Want to build? See our modal today. Will taka your Ipme In ,r*4-H REAL ESTATE 9544 Dixie Highway OR 4-2295 TUCKERREALTYCO. 903 Pontiac State Bank Bldg. 335-154S th|ee bedroom dutch colo- In axcellant condition. Two garage, large lot. In Seminole OPEN Parade ~af Homes COLONIAL-BI-LIVEL . QUAD-LEVEL-RANCH TRI-LEVEL Some Ready for IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 4 Bedroom 4 COLONIAL VACANT. FOR THE HANDY A Kecgo Harbor. 2-bedroom h Needs decorating, minor, rep $5,950. Excellent terms. Bo> Pontiac Press. and full length fireplace, for WBgflvIHo*. This high- 2-8'jj.ih. Every day but Monday OTHER' COLONIALS FROM $28,900 3-Bedroom Ranch $25,900 Including Base Lot tabllshed ___ loom with fireplace, 114 b car garage. Thermopane w,„ww„ built-in oven Tlnd range, beautiful ytewl nl^Loon^Lake, Waterford ad- Will Be Open Sunday . * From 2 TO 6 P.M. Model Home OR 3-8021 "A One butldar with an excellent reputation" TRADES ACCEPTED' Close to sjhbols shopping and tiiurches LAKELAND ESTATES_________ <»/a mile north of Walton Blvd. off Dixie Highway) *E 4-0591 OR 3-8021 OPEN MODEL SAT. A SUN. 2-5 TUES. WED. AND THURS. 3-5 CLOSED MONDAY AND FRIDAY Anytime by appointment WEST WIND MANOR 1340 S. WILLIAMS LK. RD. NEAR UNION LAKE VILLAGE BRICK WITH ALUM. ' FAMILY ROOM -I BEDROOMS 114 BATHS 2-CAR ATTACHED GARAGE - $17,400 ' * Plus tel ; SEE PLANS FOR OTHER MODELS STARTING AT 512-900 ,-JWlLL BUILD ON YOUR LOT ' . J. C HAYdTn* Realtor , MUm 18735 Highland Rd. M59 »QNTNbC ARBA - 5 BEDROOMS. d. 511,900. Terms. H basement. J 754. Term*. ♦BEDROOM - On Btod)TBrM. OR 3-1295 or FE 4-4509 t basement, elaborate s. 524.500. 582-3201. —STOP LOOK And. BUY! _____ Now too large for present owner and priced way below reproduction. ■ NEWER SUBURBAN All white- aluminum exterior Hi colorful Interior. Has 20* family kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 114 baths and walk-out basement recreation room — Custom-built In 1945. Thermopane windows and extras. Gas haat. Clarkston School bus by door. Low-fexw. Priced below present costs at 514,500. 1 JOHN KINZLER, Realtor 111 Dixie Hwy. ' 474-2235 Across frpm Packer's Store Multiple Listing Service Open 9-5 MILLER AARON BAUGHEY REALTOR $9,000 ON LAND CONTRACT. 3 bed mjm home with toll bsmt., gas 2 car garage. $1,750 down and tot. attar 5 p. I FE 4-1007 TUCKER 4-FAMILY, INCOME - Loca South Side. Corner fat, well ke Each unit — 3 rooms and bath bringing In over 5300 gar mo. taxei, tenant* pay utlllttas, axo water. Your payments on llbai land contract forms. Only $140 f mo. Maying $140 per mo. profit. 4 LARGE BEDROOMS - tor qu( Had veterans. 2-story framr-Fisher St. Full basement, gas he 2-car garage, neat and clean. Zt down: 114 bath*. Low payments. TAKE OVER - payments on this land contract with balance of about 59,000 at 175 per mo. No rad tap Almost Immediate . possession, bedrooms and den, 114-story tram full basement, comer lot, gas h*> well-kept tomlly horn*. Located i Going and Elm, East Sid*. TUCKER REALTY CO. 903 Pontiac State Bank Bldg. BRICK COLONIAL 3 bedrooms, 114 family room, pork—'—| .... -ismt., 2 car attach Blacktop drive, • large wllh term*. NEW BRICK RANCH. 3 JR spacious . living room, family kitchen with bulH-lns. Large family room with 4' glass doors and fireplace, 114 ceramic bams. Full bsmt., gas heat. Attached 2 ear garwie. Lots more and ready for IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. VACANT 2. bedroom home. Newly decor Oood Koego- toeeHon . 38930, I d°Wn JACK LOVELAND VON SHOP AT THE MALL Ted's Resfeuran ■ _____ of FHA and Gl homes available. IN HOLLY Lovely 7-room 3-bedroom family homes with paneled dining room and kitchen. Oil steam heat. Basement. 2 garages. Newly painted exterior' with a nice front porch. Beautiful maple trees shade this 50'xl50' lot. City water and'sewtr. Pull price, *10,500. VON REALTY GEORGE VONDERHARR, Realtor 7 the Mall MlTS Room 110 52-5808 If busy. 502,5000 GILES Val-U-Way LAND CONTRACT Sharp. 2 bedroom bungalow wl full basement. Oak floors, oil P haat. Tiled bate, fenced tot. Lea *d In Northern High area. Fi price 812m 01700 MIXED NEIGHBORHOOD Spacious 3 bedroom brick r*n_.. In the Longfellow School District — kim* kitchen and dining tiled pain, pin* 14 bam I bedroom bungalow. Gas I Tiled bam, hardwood floors, ventenffy arranged kitchen < screens. Full price $300 down on FHA M List With Us-We Sell a Home Every 24 Hours R. J. (DICK) VAIUET REALTOR FE 4-3531 345 Oakland Av*. • Open 9-7 ‘Bar hours FE 0-1904 or FEi>76< ARRO OF PLEASUREmiPH yours. A rare opportunity to own a lake front hpme on beautiful Elizabeth Lake. BrlcK ranch, b • In living. Join me lucky. 2 lx roomS'PossIbla third one. By i VICTORY DRIVE. Lovely 3 . lx room frl-l*v*l, new carpeting ... living room, hall and .stairs, large kitchen with beautiful cupboards, 114 bams, family room, gas heat, t6»as dt storage mace. Cyclone fenced yard. All this for only 514,500 on land contract, HIGH ON A HILL -r In exclusive area overlooking Deer Like. We have a tew choice building sites with lakh privileges — call fdr Ted McCullough Sr., Realtor PHONE 682-2211 CLARK NEAR DODGE PARK ~ Comfortable i bedroom horn*, basement, oil haat, plastered walls, n|c* agrage. 'siLtST*54500'for'se equity or will consider trad*. docking your I street. $3,000, 541 or will apltt. >. YOU LIKI WE? - N 6 toryio quickly and easily? CLARK REAL ESTATE 1352 W. HURON ST. FE 3-7505 FE 5-3490 or 552-54T _______Multiple Listing Sarvl LAZENBY $500 DOWN garden* space*gatoriMM *thte ISt 153' lot. 4 room bungalow featuring a lovely 15x14' temlly ra— extra large 25x12' living room; tached 114 car garage, spotl* clean .Inside and out. Only '_ 350^ with $500 down plus doting ' $350 DOWN ON FHA TERMS 2 bedrooms, large living room, full tile ham, family styl* kitchen, tVa car garage, fenced In yard with lots of shade trees. Immediate possession. Only 518,258. R0YJ.AZENBYrR#oltor- TOfTTBfxl* Hwy. OR 4-8381 Multiple Listing Service SPOTLESS S^bedroom aluminum^ ranch—1'4 new carpeting—dlnlrig room—2 quality garage. Large lot on q_._ Hum *“ Cooley Lk. Rd. immedl--‘-X 114,900, 54700 down. SMALL TOWN Cozy 2 bedroom ranch In Fenton— gas heat—city water—fenced yard 58,950, substantial down pay men' CLARKSTON Shady large lot oh Mill Pond-quiet street—large family hoir with modernized kitchen and ne LAKE FRONT Move right In mis ft fireplace for year ment. Excellent baa trees. 15 Milas N.V 512,500, substantial dt partments with All furnished, ____ i - Beauty 5 rooms, completely mod-——lad. Inventory at ■SBrrSe $12,500. WEST OP CITY story homd. Cov Ing, plastered ring room c , bath, ha ■■PMPVHHRlMNi, 214 i attached garage. 140 ft. frontage lot, wall landscaped with a variety of treat: Price 514,800. Terms. 'BUD' Clarkston 'Highly attractive. Immaculately dean 3 bedroom brick ranch horn* In axcellant neighborhood; wim carpeting and drapts, family roam, fireplace, sliding glass — door to patted gas heat, attached 2 car garage, beautifully landscaped grounds, fast pot—■— owner transferred. Priced SCHRAM ROCHESTER AREA round this 3. bedroom home.' Fea-l; lures tiled bath, and 3 car garage. Land contract terms with 55,00 down. | NO CLOSING COSTS Just $1*500 down on ttl 3 bedroom- home. Cart IRWIN WATERFORD TWP. Mr. Gl man to no down payment. — ~-rTkrd«aL'. ivy-car gnu— I. Near school. Let Large t LAKE FRONT Lira* paneled Htvng rad _______ and breakfast ream. ,Nl bath. Large lot. Good beach Priced at 511988., 58,008 down i land contract. IMmadlate posm NORTH SIDE 3-badraom bungalow. Mtwly de. orated therughout, Nice large living room, carpeted. Aute— laundry sat up. Large closets, cupboard t Gas heat. I i* ottered. Lat us si W. LONGFELLOW GEORGE IRWIN, REALTOR MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE » W. walton . FE 17183 FE 5-8183 HARRINGTON HILLS -» bedroom bungalow. Living I ig area. Kitchen. Full base t. Das HA heat. Vacant. A boo WEST SIDE Three bedroom two story he Carpeted living A- dining roc Kitchen ? dining area. Baaem , Gas HA heat. Aluminum sld i storm* A, irrstm flarngr -f SOUTH SIDE Three bedroom bungalow, llvln dining area. Kitchen. Full b NORTH SIDE ! Two bedroom bungalow. Living A . dining area. Kitchen. Basement. * Oil HA heat. Vacant. About SHOO required. RHODES HOP, SKIT AND A JUMP 5b th* Supermarket dr town, t k"*“““** baseniaSt, gas haat, | MarlvarSt.. Nice tocdfta LOVE1* THy"' NEIGHBOR your houses ware writ——_ Try thte J badraom, baaamant, gas haiit, 2 lots and kM prtvttoglb Sr 3 lakes far akmanal*. Only 18 years old: 811888) Gl MkMte. THROW A LOO ON THE FIRE 512,000. Gl zaro down. BEDROOM aluminum skiing, basement, gat haat, ppastbte fourth bedroom, m baths, tovaly '— hem* near Mall. Prlte of 53580 down, may consider option to right party. Immadtete' posses- PLEASE DON'T BE SHY about lets<*4kteMe I00'X225' ON SklARK LAKE, smMI tot, wBter, jna, tawar, tel prlyllagts. I3ASI4L _________ APPROXIMATELY Com© to Marlborough Country ALBERT J RHODES, BROKER FE 8-2305 2SB W. Walton FE 5-4712 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE INCOME HOME. F ment, I gas fumacai property. SIS,508 with 257 Baldwin Ay*. P Auctlan. MY ItPI o KENT Establlslted In 1914 Floyd Kent inc., Realtor 2280 Dlxte Hwy. at Telegraph FE 24883 onJ-E 2-7342 BALD. EAGLE LAKE. NEW COT- 28 ACRES m 20 ACRES * all awryayad. TVi ACRES an bid "" frontage, n 54,250, 1758 (fc Said Farms uw, q5dd* dwd y »■ ^ groans, sandy aall. ctea* bWS Expressway. Ltefamten .Oldpte 52S.OOO with to ear «*nt down WatALt-siwimr - 14 ACRES, 170x590', good soil nlpk>l*w. 52,995, 5180 down. FARM — 5 ACRES Large solid 3 bedroom t 7 pleasant a prlvltegei for..swlrr many nice tr -ariettas at f . house. 1500 u. frontage. You also have !»_to Rammlngway Lake , ALTON FE 4-5234; _ COMMERCE - WOLVERINE LAKES NICHOLIE & HARGER CO. - lak* living, 5995. 510 month r ......... *■ FE 5-1183! tot. Private beach, tlsh, swim ---------- ------- '•RW295. 53*4 W. Huron St. , ^arage,^ r NEAR FISHER'S Clean 3 bedroom home on fljMi corner lot, lots ‘of closets, easy List With SCHRAM and Call the Van 1 JOSLYN AVE. FE 3-9471 DORRIS HOUSE OF PLENTY. Lara* an beautiful will help describe thL fabulou* 3 bedroom brick ranch home In the Watkins Lake err The show place of this hem* th* outstanding kitchen with co... plete bullt-lns including dishwasher EQUITY TRADE ) eligible Ith 414 t to save you rr LET THE KIDS PLAY Ip this BO'xllO' fenced-ln yard. In Orion Township. 3-bedroom ranch home, gas heat, aluminum storms, tcraans dnAw***— d—te living kltchei . contract w DOW RIDGE LAKE FRONT- — 'Superb 1>4 acre sIM with 145 ! feet on Call Lake. In Village of ■ Orchard Lak*. Ideal location for 575,0M to 3100,000 home. LESLIE R. TRIPP, REALTOR -• FE 94141 - HAROLD R. FRANKS, Realty 80 FOOT LAKE FRONT On Lower Straits Lake, pretty ranch styi* frame home, 20 loot llvmg room, fireplace, large family room with dining area, 2 bedrooms and den, part basement,, garage. .In fin* area of North Share Sub. $21,580, 53500 down on land contract. Everett Cummings, Realtor 2583 UNION LAKE ROAD .343-7181 FARM-57 ACRES Rolling land complete with 2 room home and excellent 30x50 barn, propertv^moatly fenced an' on hardtop road.**523?350?°*erm! Near Goodrich,. C. PANGUS INC,, REALTOR , OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 1 438 M-I5 Ortdnvill* CALL COLLECT NA 7-2ST5 was! of Clarkston. Parents to 4 acres In slz* and he minimum of 300* road frontage. Beautiful countryside views. Priced from <3500 up. 5 ACRE WOODED PARCEL .......... view of Dear Lak* and Dear Lake DRAHNER ROAD, CORNER RED Barn Dr., Oxford Twp., 70 ft. frontage. 83500. Villa Homes, 425- GOOD INVESTMENT, VACANT LOT mile* from^cHy'^lmlls! wnT3 flee for cash. Writ* p o. Bn* Fullerton, California. 574-2239. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 5995 down, land contract. Coz home located west side of Pontiai Gas heat, 114-car garage. Can t bought on land contract with pa) manta of $74 par month. 474-2239. McCullough realty Highland Rd. „jEM 3-3208 574 ter kiteiian. Can be 'Tiought 'on"land'HOME8ITBS . - SUNNY. BEACH ------ ™ payments of $7 I. Owner, MY 2 MLS KcATINGTON Beautiful lake-front and lake-privilege lota available., Plan to live In this beautiful new town In Orion Township. Modal* open 34 dally, ”-4 Sat. and f— ----ARD 13 ___ . U 4.1234 !HAYDEN Woodruff LaK*. 14 lots: 1995 ead Wolverine Lake Village. 2 tots. $1450 each. Oakley Park. 4 tots. $350 each. Cedar Island Lak* area. 1 lot. DRAYtON AREA BUILDING JOB. * M|.........package, alumt- KAMPSEN MIDDLE STRAITS LAKE PRIVILEGES edroom modern year arou old home. Only 89950, JiAt Right for the Growing Family Close-In suburban, 114 story,' 3 bedroom family horn* wir ‘ 1 tached 2 car. garage, 3 IRWIN NORTH HAMMOND LAKE AREA ^ autlfol large ranch horn* wl :e privilege*- 8 rooms, 114 possession on dosing- Price SI Waterford SWIMMING POOL - WATERFORD REALTY 4546 Dixie Hwy. 473-1273 If no an*. 335-5511 r*« YORK WEAVER AT ROCHESTER 4 BEDROOM CAPE COO: 114 baths. Formal dining room. Family room. Walk-out basement. 2 far garage. 520,900 term*. MILTON WEAVER Inc., Realtors in the Village at Rochester — <514141 YOUR MOVE rod owner^ desperately jieeds YORK, WE BUY we TRADE OR 48843 OR 48351 4713 Dixie Hwy., Drayton Plain provides, plenty of parklngi 14 rooms allow for potential office space. Personal service zoning. Call tor more ' ' John K. Irwin 1 SONS, REALTORS 313 West Huron - Sines 1925 Buying er Selling Call FE S-9444 "Buzz" Bateman No. 30-INC0ME IN THE CITY. Good convenient cation, close to Pontiac General Hi pltal and wltMn easy walking d.. lance to schools and shopping: Llv* one-half free and let the other f make the payments for you. . .iced at $14,580. BETTER CALL TODAYI ' STOUTS Best Buys Today Quick Possession— On this small farm near Oat land University and Community College, spacious 25 ft. carpeted and paneled living r- - try kitchen, king size ment with oil force* sliding glass door to tached 214 car gari one acre parcel Inclu at only 817,508 with to living room with fireplace, bass ment, new furnace, ether extras Only $15,900 and Immediate po* session. Northern High— home wl*h* carpatocUMng room 10k14 kitchen and dining space electric haat, storms and screen 114 car garage, dose to bu line. Only *9250 with FHA terms. 5 lots- I Deluded with this sharp 4 bed •—« «* story horn* Mar Lotu a aluminum aiding, sap ring room, utllltv wltl hot water haatt Lake, n Hi. mm •ce and lake prlylteges Only 814,588 rifjj||M Warren Stout Realtor Multiple Listing iorvka bedrooms up, full basement tented rear yard. Priced a 817,900, make a data today. NICHOLIE-HUDSON ASSOCIATES, INC. , FEM5-1C20T 7 AFTER 6 P.WI. FE 2-3370 17 kitchen with For i and cupboards, ce HEEIf* oath with vanity am front, and side porches with wrough Iron railings. S14,DS0 complete. HEAT RETREAT - Entoy centra conditioning with indlvldua. • control tor the remaining davs and summers to coma beautiful aluminum sided om ranch huroe. Tender sre want into the finishing outstanding home with gleaming oak floors, marble sills, merbla plantar box and marble hearth below th* Franklin fireplace In basement recreation room. Fourth bedroom In basement. Family styted kitchen with abundance of birch cupboards and built-in china cabinet. A very wall landscaped tot, 75 x 159. $19,950. ruom, °iv D°R,?,S * SON, REALTORS i room, onei2534 Dlxte Hwy. 4740324 - MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE mica counters a 3~ laadroorn ranch f loving care want Into outstanding home ; TIMES ARE YOU Handy with a saw and hammer? Can you do a little something around th* house? Wall, we have an opportunity of offering you the chance with this 4-room ranch on approximately 4 acres of land. You're afforded a chance to build up an equity with your Initiative — don't hesitate to No. 68-NEED 4 BEDROOMS WE HAVE THEM In this desirable 2-story In Washington Park. Close to shopping canters and most convenient area In city. Nicely landscaped lot, plus 1'4-ear garage. First time d priced to sell at 514,508 mortgage. Better be early with your call an this oMI No. 48-COTTAGE OF THE MONTH YEAR-ROUND with lake privilege telte west of Pontiac. Real shari partially furnished. Alumlnun ___is and screens and priced a only 57,958 with 51,000 down «. —- j) with payments of lust No. 49-SWIMMING AND FISHING ON BIG LAKE: Summei ■—s that your entire family wll 5 rooms, 2 bedrooms wilt enclosed front porch. Price In is furniture so you can |usi ■ In and enloy living. Full prlci 59,700 with 52,500 down or contract with payments of only No. 75—INVESTOR'S DELIGHT colonial. Located off — to GM Proving Grounds. On* Aroom unit, an* 3room unit plus owr**'-baauttteHy finished 4-ro«m aperti with fireplace, aluminum siding, furnace and water softener, plus Owner transferred -521,500 'far quick i i be arranged. NEW HOMES UNDER CONSTRUCTION In Lak* Oakland Shores. All types and sizes; your cholc* of * priced as low ss $24,958 Including tot. Lake prlvttegn,1 close to all schools and a wonderful new subdivision. Bettor not wait) 3 NEW MODELS: Beautifully fturnlihed and tendacapad tor •0 Silver Lake Rd.. right to ion, left to Bateman sign, to modal*. YOU CAN TRADE BATEMAN OL 14918 n this oi sf only 57,950; 52,000 this dandy home. The outside features a well-kept yard, - 7 “ concrete drive, two-car aarai yard all fancad; Inside Is tn* r* carpet, three bedrooms, tarn room, screened-ln patio. Th* n you will have to saa. Priced •15,850 with terms, or we w trade. Off Baldwin. SCHOOL PROBLEM? ___________ the probtem but It will make you trial a lot batter . hteri In an area of fine horn* features a livii fireplace, dining NRRPmRVV large bedrooms, smartly finished recreation room with fireplace, two-car attached garage, with automatic door-opener. All this and more, situated on a beautlf | well shaded lot. Priced «M24: trade. Oteelson Park. A GOOD.EDUCATION Is hard tr'ItnO”. . . we do • C. SCHUETT Open dally 'till dark- 0N ROUND LAKE 4-bedroom lak* front with SO* i the lak* and good location no: Union Lake Village. Living. roo has fireplace, basement with ne gas furnace, fenced front yard, e cellent beach. 512,900, 54,000 down ON-SUGDEN LAKE HIGHLAND-MILFORD ___________ minutes Pontiac, lOO'xlSO' lot, _ ——- iriw -— payments. Swlm- become vary Smart by ,ui your Gl ellgwHlty with nott down or small down on 9 terms when you buy this th bedroom home. Full basem dosed-ln front porch, plus m Priced at 511,990. East SW*. OVER older %rm home! condition, ^fronting land, *a * nice * Wg O'NEIL In pretty fair TRADE TAKE A LOOK dows, two ceramic room and family rdMPVP attached two-car garage. 1 lake. Close to everything a 18'x24', room for tour Horn* has V4 baths, brick fireplace, oak flooring, fully tnsulkt-*d, aluminum siding, also r" thermo-windows. This Is a til rifle layout folks, so pack tl i with fireplace.' Full basament two-car garage. All new carpet-. . and drapes. Lawn Is In. Tate over th* present mortgage with 54,- Times Realty 5590 OIXtB HIGHWAY (South of Waterford Hill) OR 40394 REALTOR Open rite Dally Fh lUSHOUR ..&.' ■ )TRUBLE own and large old-fashioned dining room. Fult basement, gat heat and 114-car garage* clow to shopping and downtown. Full price, SltJCO. Terms can be arranged — cr“ today! WATKINS LAKE FRONT LAKE FRONT 8 room aplit-lavi featuring 5 bad rooms, 2 toil bat phi* t Mtf Mbs, Sauna bath, JACK FRUSH0W MILO STRUBLE Realtors £ 3881 Highland .Rd. (t MLS 99) 2-0473 Manila Lake. Custom-wav. ThermopaM win-tej|u baths, living NEW COTTAGE AND WOODED tot — full price. 52,595, with 5259 down. Private sand bead) on large Sefarbwi Property S3 LINDEN AREA. NEW 3 BEDROOM brlck-ano. atummum ranch f Carpeted and paneled family with flrapteca. 114 baths, * as rage, poured basement. REDUCED $1,000 is this fine custom-built brick hoi 3 lovely bedrooms on om floor. I Ing room and dining ell richly < pend. Natural fireplace, Full t lament. Oak floors, plastered w - marble sllla, gas ‘“ j*. Owner would A REAL CROWD PLEASER tor every member of your < Thera It, a big carpeted living and vary sharp kitchen with colored, gas bullt-int tor N—..... I full basement and 3car garage Father. A fenced back yard f— the children. Beautiful Maptet, lx mar ' tldared. No. 1-38. BE FIRST ON THIS 0NP J 3-bedroom ranch with full basem and Scar garage. Built-In alee.... and range, separata dining — Beautiful carpeted living room. Nawly decorated. Located In fam-lent Waterford Mlgnbtehocd. 514,500. Why not trade? N*. 423- MUST SELL QUICKLY Cute aluminum bungalow near Oxbow. Large living room and hath -------*.W waff-to-wall carpeted i. 1V4-car garage. Asl 52,500 down and (ly. Call now. Ne. 1-28 MODELS OUR CHOICE -•COLONIAL—Tl ,150, PLUS M59 (Huron 9 tad. turn right, _____ilt. ! - 4 OPEN DAILY >4 OPEN SUN. 24 RAY O'NEIL, REALTOR 3528 PONTIAC LAKE RD. OPEN . . OR 42222 MU PE 98419 iver&oklnt basement, workshop, prim, central vacuum cleaning system, good beach. Immediate possession. $22,- EMBREE & GREGG 15 Union Lake Rd. EM 34393 4 33314 _______Ppm " Northern Property S1*A obligation. Inspact'MIchlgan' ast resort area. Swim, hunt. ______ Cottage, trailer, camp sites. $18 month, v* acre*. Writ* Blech Brds., 45, -Waterford, Michigan or Call Retort Property *2 large 2-car garage, I othe on M25, l mil* from Bay, south of Bay Port. No. 172 ........ box. $13:588. Terms. Contact Fred C. Stanley, Bay Port, Utah LOT ON STERLING ST. 50 BY 150. 51,758. 482-5070 or 482-1273, _ LOT, MANUFACTURING, 45x150x50. FE 2-4189 after 938 p.m._ MOBILE LOTS F Offlc* 1 _________ _______ across from Wilson State ________ Open 7 days a week (Member Chamber of Commerce). .# Lots—Acreage TOM REAGAN REAL ESTATE 225) N Opdyke t ■ 150' let - Maceday Lak* lieges — large shade trees. Underwood Real Estate „ 8545 Dlxte Hwy, Clarkston &-24H If ne tns. <258 ■ Or, 49S-T49S ■ LOT* OVERLOOKING WALTERS Rtf. Ratete approved. 1 ClerkstorK flrabto subdivision. 53500. Terms. JOHN KINZLER; Realtor „T9 Dixie Hwy. 4742115 • Across tram Packers Store MutHpte UsHiw stevfel oiwft 98 5 LOTB 9tee iALB. LAKE ptflVI-teges, ssage*. ____________ 98 ACRES Located nornwilt *t Oxford. : homes, i RvriM*. 38>sr bare Land scentc and rolling, small laki - trout pond, croak. (8mI tor roe yaaieStsrur*^ C. Al WEBSTER, REALTOR 921291 [ «r <38-251 n listings. Buyers vi I Highland Rd. (M59) tias.^B^h Bros., OR 3 HI-HILL The and of th* saa ret looked at flat lots, all you say "How can than look at HIGH-HI alike. Thar* will be < j^jiy. Winding paved to the too of the plnr with trees. From as Ic and $300 down. Buy mr when you can. Watt Ladd's signs, 2 mite LADD'S WATERFORD REALTY 0 Dixie Hwy. ‘ 473-1273 S. 335-851' Suh Nihin Prtperty 57 INCOME par yerir WHh teases. Priced at only 522,088, $5,008 d8WIL UNIVERSAL BROKERS, INC. 14 S. TateBTOph' FE 43551 INVESTMENTS CHOICE COMMERCIAL .CORNER "-' !**• Orton and. Oxford, flf lag* on M34 adjacent to GTR I for shopping cantor, auto sr or many other uses. CaB tetottar- ' "'if: 58 ACRES Near 1-75 and Baldwin, perfect for larger motol complex, subdivision or retention tor future commercial Irontaga us*. Railing partially wooded, tenant house on prepriiy. 549,000. Tarim. ROLFE H. SMITH, Realtor. FE 3-784< ^ ^ FE 37382 TRADE • COMMERCIAL 50 feet of commercial trentage, located on Orchard Lake Av*. 5 room modem bungalo etc. Will trade tor land contract, (quitlas, etc. Sole er Exchoige CASH PLUS 75 ACRES FREE AND CLEAR WANT INCOME PROPERTY COMMERCIAL BUILDING LUCRATIVE BUSINESS c* In. a llfa-tlr 525,000 down a local long *i that will not yi HEAVY MANUFACTURING Waterford Township, Dlxte Highway. 325' frontage. Soma bulldlngi on preparty. 539,700. Terms. BATEMAN • COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT FE 8-9641 \ C0AST-T0-C0AST TRADES Business OppertmtHee 59 FORCED TO SELL AT LESS THAN cost - 2 MhchOII 29c car wash cabinet machines, each unit Inda- 3498474,1 GROCERY, MEAT MARKET, GAS pumps, bear and wim. Mil* from Black Lake, good corner on M-211. Living quarters aftichad. Year around business. Must sail tacausa of poor haalth. Phone Onaway, 7338489. Warden Realty SUM per me. For details call <85- Highlander National Corp. . PARTRIDGE "IS THE BIRD TO SEE” TORRID CANINES mth-waterliig- hot dogs. World's bast Coney Islands, |«lcy hamburgers. This newly equipped restaurant grosses 887,000 a year in these high profit short enters. Your blue ribbon winner ter 510,-000 down. Multiple Dwelling Site Choice TVt acres, sfx^ acres tor multiple dwelling, already approved for 72 units, plus 114 acres zoned commercial with 359' of frontage on Elizabeth Lake Road. Also 400' of take frontage. Excellent opportunity and location. Call Tad McOilleugh Jr- ---------- write McCullough RH .. Highland Rorid, Pontiac, Michigan. PINE LAKE. SEVERAL 100'XISO' ■tohr-te**- ------- 423 KM. THE N^W Hubbard Estates _________________ to 320' front- ages ter 53975. Property sensibly restricted. • f C. PANGUS INC.; REALTOR OPEN 7 OAY9 A WEEK WALTERS LAKE Privileges, several scenic homeslto* — hilt* — *■■*“ -Owner. <231584 oi W 500 WELL ESTABLISHED BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY;. ourlst Lodge and resort, wrfthin 1J8 mites of Sault St*. Maria, Ontario, -xcellent fishing and hunting area. Audit books show that net Incam* lustlfia* price. Asking price, MO,000 with <4 down. "' terested write: .0. Bax 892 I ----- Ontario YEAR AROUND VACATION LIVING Waterford Hill Manor tMtung — Fishing — Boating— WELL-KNOWN NAME — GROCERY store — In Thumb town. Modern equipment, excellent business, up- TAYLOR Will Trade. For house In Dreyton area Mai Lulhtren Church, Includes 1: price 821980. OR 48304. Handymans Dream In"rittterent rtages^eom--pbwteti,. * <» the homes kav* __red^HwS^iei . ISSTSr^ J. A. TAYLOR AGENCY Real Estate Inauranca Building 7733 Highland Rtf. (MJ9) OR 48884 Evenings can EM 39917 PARTRIDGE REAL ESTATE . 050 W. HURON / FE 430, SEND FOR FREE CATALOG ’ SPARE TIME INCOME Rafilling rind- cellactino from NEW TYPE hf"" riMafl operated dispensers ... No selling. To qualify you mute have car, rafarancas, *488 to 9194* -cash. Sevan to twalva hours weskly _ can net excellent monthly tncpm*. More full time. For personal i*. tervlew write WINDSOR DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, < N. BALFH AVE- PITTSBURGH, PA. 152GL Information writ* Robert ■ Krautti, P.O. Bex No. 3$. Shaver, Mich., or can Snovar <728145 after 7:39 Sale Land Centrects____A® 1 TO 50 LAND CONTRACTS WARREN STOUT, Realtor M fl. Qpdyk* Rd. PE *8149 ACTION , irohir.m ERzabaih Lata Read. Jwnfl.tA'Ss Lee broom, cor- Want Ads ARE -FAMOUS FOR "ACTION” i . BWmM . E—10 THE J»dN*flAlg 1‘HKSS. TH#ft81>AYt SEPTEMBEE 13, 1W September •Clearance SALE BSA Mark It. mm tuts BSA LIGHTNING, now M3J5 NORTON 75B SCRAMBLER. N nut NORTON 750 ATLAS, now Slit TRIUMPH, Stt comp., new $115 FALL CLEARANCE SALE ON THE) .following Items. M‘ Evlnrude-j Sportsman Inboard — It* Glasspar with IN h«. Evlnrvde — sitml Craft aluminum HsMng L 17' Grumman square sti — several used motors, through 90 h.p. Three u 1 alas runabouts In avrel* . Take t Tony's Marino- Service FE 4-0914IW5 Orchard Lake ltd. Sylvan 1 “ University Exit) | *42-3660. WINTER STORAGE SERVICE ; HARRINGTON BOAT WORKS “Your Evlnrudo Dealer" 1009, S, Telegraph . 333-0033 r TERMS - HURRY * Now aml Used Truths 103 1959 VW PANEL, excellent 'con* ..Tow,. fmi \1«tl FORO CBN WITH 1ST* WHI ■ Mia and 477 engine, MBM-jiL_ mission and-tsasart arlr MBB& duly front and rear axle. Low mileage factory truck., JEROME FORO; Rochester's Ford Dealer, PC 1-tni. ________ 1961 FORD F-900 DEMPSEY OUMP-ster VO, 5-toeed transmission and 2-speed «axle, heavy duty throughout: Factory •truck. JEROME FORD, Rochester's r ■ ol mm . ; 1 ________________ 1902 INTERNATIONAL TRACTOfc "345" VS engine with 4-speed transmission and 1-speed axle. BIB over hydraulic brakes. ♦OO'xJO' I ply tires. Like new. JEROME FORD, Rochester's For? Dealer. By Dick Turner forolfN Cm FE 3-7101; 3-1400. Q Beechcraft Musketeers el Suzuki cycles, socc-hocc.__________ Minibikes os low os *139.95. Toko, M50 to W. Highland. Right on MFGL Hickory Ridge Rd, Demode Rd. EM — follow signs to DAW-; joj mu SON'S SALES AT TIP$ICO LAKE. 752 2703 - SUZUKI DEMOS A USED CYCLES S100 AND UP I TUKO SALES INC. 071. E. AUBURN - ROCHESTER I Ik, . UL 2-5363 MICHIGAN TURBOCRAFT SALES, INC. 2523 Dixie Hwy. - Pont Bicydei OWENS . ALL NEW 1967 Models on Display TRADE NOW FALL DISCOUNT Wanted Cars - Tracks 10 EXTRA EXTRA Dollars Paid FOR THAT EXTRA Sharp Car "Chock the rest, then gel the beet" st AverilL AUTO SALES 943 FORD F-350 l-TON 4-CYLIN-der with 4-speed transmission, r ow-wr like new. JEROME FORO. Rochester'a Ford Dealer. OL-MJ1L 943 FORD ECONOLINE VAN. SS50. —......... Eye. 402-1041. Autobahn BOYS', GIRLS' 20", 24'.' AND 26"I . . , •__ so up. 3-speed S20 up. 335475S i Lake & Sea Marina I Woodward A South Blvd. frE 4-1 Beats — Acctiserki 97 14', WAGE MAKER, 25 H 3e£ aoSEoa, oT' family, complete sleeping, eating and toilet facilities. Many extras Including custom made trailer. Fast enough tar water skiing and very seaworthy. Excellent condition — FE 5-5900 Offered at Vi of original qosf, or will trade tar equity bt all types HELP! We need BOO sharp Cadillacs. Fon tlacs. Olds and Buicks tor otrtqf state market. Tap dollar paid.' MANSFIELD AUTO SALES < FIBERGLAS RUNABOUT. ... I h.p. electric start A|ox tilt trailer. We h Conv. top. Extra.gas tank, skis,.etc' *' - S400.33B4807._____________■ i0n|V 14' .SEA RAY 700 DELUXE, CAN-j v I motors Price Only $295-0795. \ ■ TH See All the New 1967s TRIUMPH-MGs-SUNBEAMS AUSTIN HEALEYS—FIATS— v .• EjTO Mfittlai ’ Imported Cars _______ VW, 1904. - RADIO AND HEATER, tm-mmST , ■■ ■ New -dHwd Cm 11 Cash Law, Wont to Go? If you hove o |eb end ISO w old car. I can put you bt i new or Iota model cor. Past err forgiven. Approval by phena. C Mr. Vaughn, Pealar 505-4000. CREDIT PROBLEMS? THEN SEE USE We Finance _ No Monty Down 50 Cars Rom 1195 to VOS STAR AUTO SALES 962 OAKLAND AVE. 338-9661 ,WE HAVE A VERY LARGE SE-lection of good cheap tranaporta-tton. All makes end mode'- ** choose from. Shop our lot I Pm air Owl Cm.' *I9> jw, wi BMI it»» ' 'tf* sgOTgBHJf 1965 Buick Electro Hardtop Sdoor, 13,000 octttal miles. No “'$2595 HOMER HIGHT WE WILL TAKE ANYtftlNG of value — boots, motors, 9 and 7 as part payment — ta Call :: . MARVEL MOTORS Ml Oakland Fi Vis eSfAt IIMMMT Motors Inc." On M24 In Oxford , 0A . 8-2528 >rond new. Priced to still ROSE RAMBLER-JEEP EM 34155 "Fifty cents! You and Mom seem to forget there are * lot of LITTLE Joneses to keep up with, too!” 20" DELUXE KAYOT PONTOON, II hors* Johnson, exc. condition. 1050. FE 4-0470 Or OR 3-5453. iv' itN i ukt wnn oray ivianne 160 outboard. Save SS. CUFF DREYERS (Marina Division) 15210 Holly Rd; Holly ME 4-6771 * Open Daily and Sundays i tl' ' LIGHTNING SAILBOAT, BAR-giln, with trailer, 0350. 673-1000. 21- STAR SAILBOAT, 2 SETS OF sail* and trailer. Best offer takes. 424-2415. SEA KING FISHING BOAT PLUS 7*/i h.p. motor* Ilka ntw* SISOr 612- i 6936. 70' HORSElPOWER MERCURY, *325. —IP wood boat and traitor, best of-faf. 330-3104. Sell Out -1966 Models ' PONTIAC'S -ONLY" - —1 MERCURY-MERCRUISER DEALER Cruise-Out, Inc. Daily » . 6 p.m. 1 43 E. Walton , FE 0-4402. 00 EVINRUDE. LIKE NEW. ALSO shotgun. FE 2-1041. 1*43 DURATECH 10' CABIN CRUIS-*?, sleeps 2, head, loaded with extras, 75 h.p. Scott, tilt trailer. This all aluminum beauty Is priced to sail. Sea It at Bob's Market-WOodward ond Earlmoor. FE 3-7740. STORAGE1 Inside boot and motor storage. Close-outs Ini all '44 boats ahd motors. PAUL A. YOUNG, INC. | Dixie Hwy. at Loon Lake - ' 1*44 AERO-CRAFT ALUMINUM 16' boat. 1*42 45 HP olectric Mercury. Sharp! $1100 firm. 343-3444 ALUMINUM GUARANTEED BOATS, SS4.60; also flat bottoms, V's, ca- MONEY Paid For Sharp Cars need hundreds of sharp cars to fill out-state orders, and to stock, my lot,' that Is a full city block' "gale McANNALLY'S I Auto Sates 104 Baldwin FE 0-4525, Across tram Pontiac State Bans STOP shewm pay more for sharp, lata mod* cars. Corvettes needed. M&M MOTOR SALES Now at our now location 1150 Ooklond at Viaduct 330-9241 GMC Factory Branch | Oakland at Cass FE 5-94851 tar Michigan car antique llcens After 6 p.rp- cell OL MB. »\ 1959 BUICK, STATION W A GO ■ heater, rum a* I, excellent tires. 1966 OLDS Cutlass convertible* Radio, heel with b $2495 Downey Oldsmobile, Inc. 1084 OAKLAND 338-0331, 338-0332 ' 4-DOOR CADILLAC,» SEDAN •New and Used Tracks 103 Foreign Cars looks reel good, excellent tiros. '"m > $295 full price. BILL SMITH 442-57*4. USED CARS, 442 N. Perry St., LATE M008L CADILLACS 0 FE 4-4241.________' . NANO AT ALl TIMES ' hardtop hobo adtaot ml. ON y .. 1959 CHEVY WAGON, GOOD TRANS-portatlon, 114S. Mawrsk Motor Salas. FE 4-9507. 145 S. Blvd. East. 194B tH*W, 4. BUCAYHd. V1EV ! nlco, colt after? pjn. OL 4.P72. IMS CHEVY 2 DOOR BISCAYNE, t owner, VD-'jUK transmission. ArOmetar, $295. Attar , iT pjta Olt I960 CHEVY, 4 CYLINDER, 03SA OEHfij_________________ woe cwivY S^^ ! 2-OOOR, V-0 U. >275. 404-4172 clean: 1940 CHEVY, __™ Ml Murphy, opt. 1 (off Huron). 1940 coiWErrt WIw' iTSFs, red, $1,700. 674-2910. REPOSSESSION — 1901 CHEVY 9 passenger Wegen, must dtaposa of . today T^tt-miwn, Payments Of 1961 CHEVY CONVERTIBLE. FULL 1941 CHEVY 4 DOORV AUTOMATIC transmission 5400. 402-4407. 1941 CHEVROLET, 4-OOOR STA-tlon wagon, solid white finish, V-0 engine, automatic transmission, radio and heater, power steering, ZERO —SBjj- price. ' mldnigl Now and Usad Cars 106Now and Used Cars 106 QUALITY CARS 1963 Pontiac Star Chief 4-Door Hardtop. Vista with automatic, power steering ond power brakes, whltowills. The unit has o beautiful fpf black finish. Only— $1395 right metlc transmission! radio, heat* or, power titering ond brakes. Only— $1895 1964 Pontiac Bonneville —-$1895 1964 Pontiac Bonneville Ing and brtkts, automatic, r die, heater, whitewall tires, root sharp, 1-owner cor. $1895 1965 VW 2-Door Like Economy? Try‘this $1495 1966 Pontiac Bonneville Convt t?»m, and steering, whitewall ble. Finish is meyfajr vith white top, (father ¥ mileage, has automat- $3195 1965 Catalina With moyfolr maize finish, block too, black trim, 12,000 miles, randier heater; power steering end broket, whitewalls. Only— $2395 1965 Pontiac Convertible Catalina with Ivory finish, blue 1961 Ford Golaxte 2-Door, guaranteed one oi 1966 Pontiac Hardtop 4-Door. Loaded with automatic, trot, black cordovan top, red finish and whlfpwtllt. Many, many mors extras, $1500 Discount 1963 Rambler American Station Wagon. A real economy Good transportation! $595 1962 Pontiac Star Chief 4-Door. Sedan with o beautiful gold finish, matching trim, automatic, power steering and power brakes, radlo. fwater, whitewalls. Locklly owned, one owner. $995 1965 Ford Fairlane 1966 Pontiac Catalina Wagon, 9-Passenger. Bronze fln-i ish, bronze trim, power steering ond brakes, radio. Heater, automatic, whitewalls. Low mileage: $1395 . 1959 Buick LeSobre $f695 $195 1959 Pontiac Hardtop 3-DoeP-.—Transportation Special 1957 Olds-Clean I Transportation Special Only— $95 1964 Pontiac Catalina PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? We buy or will odlust t ments to loss expensive *! rVN V,LCNN U3CU GLENN'S WANTED GOOD USED CLEAN CARS—CASH Opdyko Hardware . FE 0-4400 Junk Can-tracks 101-A K CARS - TRUCKS ■and_____________ :ree tow. OR 3-2930. ALWAYS BUYING JUNK CARS JUNK CARS AND TRUCKS. FREE Used Auto-Track Parts 102 FOR 1945 PONTIAC. TRI-CARBS TRUCKS' 1 All Series In Stock ”• JEROME FORD Rochester Ford Dealer QL 1-9711 GMC ’ Truck^ Are Our Business "Not a Sideline" 1966 GMC Suburban Inline 6 engine, automatic, white-wall tires. 1965 GMC Suburban V6 engine, automatic transmis- Heavy Duty One-Ton Pickups 4 speed, V6 ond VI, heavy dut springs,,tires, • 1960-1964 GMCs and FORDS $695 up Easy Terms. ASK FOR TRUCK DEPT. FE 5-4101 John McAuliffe Ford 177 West Montcalm Ave. (1 block E. of Oakland A— | BOB BORST LINCOLN-MERCURY Birmingham oaf OWNER DRAFT- iii prooierm. KING 1942 CORVAIR I DOOR MONZA WITH RADIO AND HEATER AND WHITEWALL TIRES, ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY DOWN, Assume weekly . payments of SS.00, CALL CREDIT MGR. Mr. Parka at HAROLD TURNER FORD, Ml 4-7500. 065 GREEN ed. $1450. Fc me. AUTO SALES America's Largest Used Car Dealer M59 at Elizabeth Lake Rd. 1965 OPEL KADET MtfcSh weekly poyment* LLOYD 0. Full price CHEVY 2 DOOR HARDTOP II _____________________________• polo 4. Radio, heater, power ste« BUICK LaSABRE. CLEAN AND Ing 4 automatic, S1400. 424-7535. $887 i Lloyd Motors ! 1250 OAKLAND 333-7863 I condition. Call afttr 4 JEEP, 4-WHEEL DRIVE, Vi-TON I '545 KARMANN GHIA, WHITE. EX-pickup. Needs rings, 2250. EMI cellont Cond. 674-1030. 34079.______________ , 1945 VW, EXCELLENT CONDITION, LARGE SELECTION OF PICKUPS, S1.200. After 4 pjlt, 40H4I2. vans, stake, tractors, tandems In stock. New and used at JEROME, FORD Rochester's Ford Dealer,! OL 1-971L- 1942 BUICK ELECTRA 225. 4 DOOR hardtop. Full power. Just like new. St 197 full price. Can be purchased with no money down. LUCKY AUTO 1940 W. Wide Track FE 4-T006 or FE 3-7054 Aoto Financing GOOD CONDITION. 1957 VW RECENTLY REBUILT, OR 1959 atjst in roadster WITH WIRE WHEELS, 4' SPEED TRANSMISSION, 42 CORVAIR 4 DOOR, AUTpMAt-Ic transmission. Just Ilka new. $497 full price. Can bo purchased aiiTrt caicc i T TuckyTuto hard- v AUTO SALES 1940 W. Wide Track Ameflea's Lemkst Used Car Dealer 1 FE 4-1004 pr FE 37*54 M59 at Elizabeth Lake Rd. Itwa corvair.,mon^a,||or swap FE 8-4088 . Call Collect Berwick after 1 P.M 1957 CHEVY 4 1957 Ct^ROLET 2 DOOk HARD-top, VO. radio, heater and only *195 full price with SS down and low weekly payments of *2.48. KING Financing 'available to all regardless (of post credit problems. It 7-4477. !E 4-1004 OI* FE 3-7054 -T rT* T /^N GlEKN'S KING t. FE MOM. HAROLD TURNER KING AUTO SALES BIRMINGHAM IMF John McAuliffe For ‘ 1966 OPEL Kadet with a baby blue .. matching Interior, sti warranty. Only (49 d 1957 CHiyY..,.._M. TON PICKUP. I FORD V-0 PICKUP, *150. OL 1959 Vt TON FORD PICKUP, t 1959 CHEVROLET pickup. Real rough. 1962 FORD Utility box. Poor engine. GMC Factory Branch n/~YD DADCT PONTIAC'S DUD DUnol ONLY EXCLUSIVE LINCOLN-MERCURY J TRUCK DEALER woodward^ Birmingham, Oakland at Cass FE 5-9485 8K r • SEDAN. RECONDI-I . New tires. Top lug-1 loH otter i.p.m. 444-' $1199 "It only takes a minute to ' Got a 'BETTER DEAL' at" John McAuliffe Ford YES BUT, AT SPARTAN DODGE, you can buy o Karmann-Ghla for 097, full-price. Spartan Oodge, 055 Oakland Ave FE 0-4520. THE NEW _ 1 '. Is Now Open Serving Troy - Pontiac - Birmingham Area 1966 PONTIAC Catalina Sport Coupe, White finish with red trim. Plenty of Now‘Car Warranty. Automatic, power steering, power brakes, whltowall, tires, radio and heater. A real Sharp One. SAVE 1966 PONTIAC Catalina Sport Coupe. Bronze finish With matching Interior. New Car Warranty, automatic, power steering, power brakes, decor group, tinted windows, whitewall tires. A root, beauty and you mutt sec to appreciate. Save Plenty. .. 1965 CHEVROLET Impale Super 'Sport Coupe, Blue with matching' trim and black vinyl tod. Automatic, "40f" angina, ,-ipowar steering, power brakes, power windows, new tires,. Priced to toll, $2295. 1966 PONTIAC Bonneville Wagon, 9-Passenger. Special point with black vinyl roof. It's fully loaded' and plenty of New Car Warranty. Must see this one to jopL predate. Save. 1965 PONTIAC Catalina Sport Coupe. White finish with rod trim. A Sharp one. Automatic;; power steering, power brakes, whitewall tires, radio, heater. Priced to- 1963 OLDS / Holiday Sport Sedan with blue finish, matching Interior, automatic, power steering, liower brake*, radio, heater, whitewall tffas.. An opening Special AUDETTE PONTIAC 1850 Maple, acrossfrom Berz Airport-642-8600 1964 TRIUMPH R-4 Roadster wilh 4 speed tram t mission, radio and heater an whitewall tiros, only 149 dow ,and payments $11.00 per weex. HAROLD TURNER " T0RD; INC.'. 444 S. WOODWARD AVE. - BIRMINGHAM— |U dio, $1500. 673*0653. $1695 Ask for P6t Jarvis - Ken Johnson - Bob Hill Pontiac - Rambler * bn M24 in Lake Orion * MY 3-6266 1966 DEMOS AND FACTORY CARS WE MUST SELL THESE CARS BEFORE: THE ARRIVAL OF THE 1967 MODELS 1966 RIVIERA . . . . With, pir conditioning '■ $2788 Onvertible. Power steering and brakes, V-0, . . Automatic transmission. See this one! 1966 SPECIAL .................$2588 1966 SKYLARK ......... . . .$2788 1966 LeSABRE ... .. . $2788 4-Ddor hardtop. ‘Burgundy or You'll bo aorry If you .mis* this one! * -DOUBLE CHECK-— USED CARS — 554 S- Woodward What? Another Great Deal? . . : Yep ... That's My Boy ^OAKLAND CQUNTY'B-NEW CHEVROLET DEALER - ; 1964 FORD Station Wagon, 6-passeri- ger, automatic transmission, radio, heater. Looks ond runs good. Full Price Only .... .. . ......... 1965 CHEVROLET Impala Convertible. V-8 engine, 3-speed transmission, power steering and windows. Red finish With matching interior........ 1965 CHEVROLET 9-passenger wagon. 0 Bel-Air 4-door, V8, automatic, power ______ steering, radio, whitewall tires. Aqua QJOOQR with matching interior. Like new .. . *¥*-*£-* $795 $1995 1964 MONZA 2-door with automatic, radio, .heater, whitewall tires, solid white with black bucket seats. Low mileage trade-in .. Remember . . Mike Savoie takes in Many, Many cars in trade . . . but only the Premium ones are Sold to Michigan Buyers. The rest are wholesaled to other parts of the nation. $1095 1961 CHEVROLET Greenbrier. The perfect Hunter's Roustabout, a 3-speed with radio and heater ................ 1964 INTERNATIONAL Scout Station wagon, 4-speed, radio, new tires. Drives like new ............... 1963 FORD Convertible Galaxie 500 with V8, automatic, power steering, chestnut finish with matching interior 1964 FORD Falcon Futura Convertible. V8, 4-speed, radio, whitewall tires. White with rod stripo and rod interior $295 $995 $1295 $1295 Over 400 Car Selections at Bank Rates Open Mon. - Thurs. Evenings! 9 P.M. MI 4-2735 New Md *«r and factory air conditioning. Full price, 03,417. Spartan o^e inc., os5 6n<: ytetW Ave. FE 0-4520. isu” 1 ' ir 4Pp.m "CHlV AAALIBU SUPER White «.-— 595. OA 0-1257. fl45 1965 CORVAIR Corse convertible. Radio,_ I speeds. 4-shlft. Rad with matching Interior. $1495 Downey Oldsmobile, Inc. 1084 OAKLAND ____338-0331, 338-0332 VMS' CHEVY IMPALA Black with black leather Interior! 01.095. Las Brown, FE 2-4010. 1945 CHEVY II NOVA SUPER 4-speed, power 3R engine 0,17,000 ml MIKE.SAVOIE Birmingham's New CHEVROLET DEALER 1104 S. Woodward Ml 4-2735 NS4 CHEVELLE J94.-J40 HORSE-power. 4 Speedy ROdlo. Heater, Tinted Blase. 10A00 ml., UL 2-4579. 1966 CA^RfCE Hordtop DEMO, f door, V0, automatic, full aowdr, a I r conditioning, radio, .Jtoater, whitewalls. - Only $3795 1966 CHEVY Bal-Air DEMO, 4. door, with. VO, automatic, $2495 Crissmon Chevrolet (On Top of South HIM) ROCHESTER__________OL 2-9721 MOOR , automatic tranamls' mtias. 13 SS dc.... ------------. mants of S5.04. king FInanang availabla to all regardless of paid a KING AUTO SALES America's Largssf Used Car Daalsr M59 at Elizabeth Lake Rd. FE 8-4088 1960 CHRYSLER > door with a light blus finish, - sharp. Full Pries Only - 1497. ESTATE STORAGE JTHKt PONTIAC J>RE$S, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER IS, 1966 air conditioned UBStg£ $3595 BIRMINGHAM | - SiffiER-FLYMOUTH ■“ CHRYSLER SPARKLING MID: SUus newport hardtop, a true luxury car at 1 f*lSt JwywaWRa vt, power ?«h,,nBi.;nd braketend fuir**?- 5r5-aa Kessler-Hahn On Dixie In Clerkston MA 5-2635 1944 CHRYSLER NEWPORT~COh ^ Torduemte, po— brakes,- turquoise m BEEN BANKRUPT? NEED A CAR MARMADUKE SEPTEMBER Transportation Specials BUY HERE-PAY HIRE No Application Rafustd IMG FORD wag. .. 0197 .... iw 1940 PoRD Bcyt!” ..... $2*7 MERCURY H-top 0497 1940 VALIANT, stick ., $147 TEA«*T «eor 0497 ’MB T-BIRD $447 SMALLWEl „ IMMEDIA1 MANY MORE " 'MENTS ---V :ROM CALL MR. DAN AT FE 84071 Capitol Auto 312 W. MONTCALM »t east of Oakland F°RD .1940, Vj AUTOMATIC, ~ ...... ' Tiilt „ „, SoSft wwse outuiiiaiic, TUII priCM } ESTATE '"STORAGE By Anderson and Lc«miiif rURN I TURK “Every piece of furniture I buy h; to pass our durability test!,r Now and UseuCars IMF in McAullffo Ford 1954* CHRYSLER, ALL SYSTEMS fl°- Make Offer. Evenings, FE I 1966 CHRYSLER 300 convertible, power steer power brakes, power wlndc Transferable SO,000* mile new warranty. Luxury sliver with M top. This Is an extra sharp 1 Only $3295 BIRMINGHAM . CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 1953 DESOTO, IMMACULATE, NOT * speck of rust, tear Jet stereo " 7-5584 or FE 5-2253. JOIN THE DODGE REBELLION Prices slashed all 44‘s now 1 Hunter Dodge, 499 S. Hunter net 15 Ml.. Birmingham. 447-0955. ES, BUT AT SPARTAN DODGE you can buy a INI Dodge hardtop tor S97. Full price. Spartan Dodge Inc. 155 Oakland Ava. FE 2 b00R 1945 DOME -Enjoy yourvacation orfalLhunting trip In etyto.,Thla complete Camper hoe absolutely every extra to make .traveling the pleasure It should be. Complete dining, cooking, and iiaaplng accommodation for the whole family, Including stand up top, with full headroom. Lovely aquar and smite finish, with contrasting cinnamon drapes and trim, Chrysler s Warranty. For your protection. Original Cost, over S4,ooo—This one priced to sill today. SPARTAMJMOGE INC. 155 and payments $12.72 par week. HAROLD TURNER FORD, INC. 444 S. WOODWARD BIRMINGHAM Ml 4-7500 DODGE CHARGER 1941, NO DOWN 1944 DODGE POLARA 2 DOOR ----lap. Mack, white vinyl top, all r, $2^95. 430-2017 attar 4:30. KESSLER'S 1954 F O R-O 2*DOOR HA R 6TOP. Good liras. Make after, runs good. turns. 1960 Ford 4-dooT Sedan With VI, standard transmission. Real nice car with a brown finish. Only — $495 BEATTIE "Yeur FORD DEI On Dixie if st the dot" OR 2 "33r; vi, cruise-o-Metk. and brakes, Tuxedo black finish, with red and white vinyl JfJm. Full price, $497. SPARTAN 6O0OE INC., 155 Oakland Av. John McAuliffe Ford • 1961 Ford - Country Sedan Wagon, ebony black finish, ret vinyl Interior. This 4-passe beauty has VI, CrutoPOJM power steering, in llke-new a tlon. only - 179 down. Flh balance of only — $>■: $691 "It only takes ■ minute to 7 Get a 'BETTER DEAL' at" John M£AuJiffe Ford 430 Oakland Ave. FE 5-4101 1941 FALCON. BODY AND EN-glna In good shape. Perfect " «conomy and dependability: I - 420-3744 -------------- "‘. l-OIKU, rULL ruw&K, condition, $1300. FE *-7741 01 FORD, GALAX1E 4 ...1^-.------M ^ ■TSTOSTmith uSed' CARS, 442 N. Parr- | j| 1942 FORD GALAXIE Hardtop, VI, automatic or, hill price S4»S iM ...... KING AUTO SALES America's Largest Used Car Dealer M59 at Elizabeth Lake Rd. FE 84088 S127S. 474-13417 INI FORD, GAUUcIi 500 CON-vertlbte with white finish, with bjue Interior, only $95 dawn end $39 monthly payments, r '' SMITH USED CARS, 4 Perry St., FE 4-041. 1943 FORD GACMtlE 500 2-DOOR hardtopfVI engine, automatic, act'ua^mTlet. 'now'^ epare^liE ROME FORD, Rochaator's Ford Dealer, OL 1-9711. _____________ 3 ECONO-LINE BUS, PINS FOR 1943 % FALCON FUTURA. LOTS M “trail. Has new 1944 Mustang pertormanca motor. 474-2404 Cash, call 33t-t5M 5dai 944 FALCON FUTURA CONVERTI-ile. New tires,. VI engine, let Mack Inlsh, excellent condition, 100 per ant warranty ......... ..... $1,195 Autobahn MOTORS, INC.- 1944 THUNttlAilRO. LANDAU. Exc. condition. .3 way pawer. AM-FM New battery. Exc. tires. 511- SPECIALS 1964 CADILLAC ........ 2-Door Hardtop with 27,3TB m ............................................ $329 DOWN and "white finish. Fewer steering, brakes, windows and seat. 9,001 actual miles. 1 year of warranty left, 1-owner special! • ........... ....................... ......... $AVE‘ i*mi hiu. finish, mar staartng and brakes, 10,000 milts. 1 year stake It easy on yourself! ... $269 DOWN Equipped ...........................'... $AVE y power, 20,941 actual mites. This It your FROM ~ mmm . OF BIRMINGHAM • .(Aik forltop* 1 1350 NORTH WOODWARD 4-1930 1964 Ford Convertibla We hava two to select from, b are Vl, automatic, power steerli Either cart be bought tor $59 dov Finance balance of ionly — $1497, "It only takes s minute to . Get 4 ‘»ETTER> DEAL' at" John McAuliffjt Ford *0 Oakland A 1944 T-BIRD LANDAU, WHITE~TOP, blue body, full power Including windows; air condition, new tires and battery, an*'owner, very clean tew ml. Mr 4-9447. Call Sun. or 1944 FORD FAJILANE 4 PASSENr gar station wagon, power steering and power brakin. Vary dean $1395 at JEROME IFORD Rochssters Ford Dealer OL 1-9711. ECONOLINE VAN. , real clean unit In excellent cond Autorama MOTOR SALES 2435 Orchard Lake Rd. 492-441 1 Mile West of Telegraph Pretty Ponies 1965 MUSTANGS 7 USED MUSTANGS TO CHOOSE FROM " CONVERTIBLES HARDT0PS 2 PLUS 2's - FULL EQUIPMENT As Low. As $49- Down and $49 Par Month HAROLD TURNER FORD, JNC 444 5, WOODWARD AVE. BIRMINGHAM Ml 4-751 1964 Ford Gataxia 500 2-door hardtop, with 352 VI • Bine, Crulta-O-Matlc, power stea Tng, black vinyl interior, beautlt red finish. Only - $1595; BEATTIE 945 FORD LTD 4 DOOR HARDTOP VI, Crulat-OMatlc, full power. Executive car. 10395. at, JEROME FORD Rochester* Ford Dealer OL 1-1711. MUSTANG HARDTOP, V-l ■uio., radio, new brakes, 34 — E-Z Z-way ml. I17SS. 332-5405 1945 FALCON FUTURA VI, 2-DOOR hardtop, racing metallic green f‘ ish, like new. Grimaldi Imparted Cars 1965 Mustang 2-door Hardtop With- e gold finish, radto, heater, whitewalls. Now only — $1795 BEATTIE heater, white bucket seats. Full Price, $1,497. SPARTAN'DODGE INC.. 155 Oakland Ava. FE 4-4524. New and U»id CW» 186 LLOYD 1965 FQRD ' "XL" coupe. Bucket seats, console, 4, automatic, power steering and brakes. One year warranty. , $4, down,,u„ price Lloyd Motors 1250 OAKLAND 333-7863 !lhE«d|M^^ 106 pm «id (bed Cm f|| UK MERCURY. GOOD CONDITION. i9*iC MdRSiiy peerer atmirlqBi brdliiiSi aute. excellent gondtftonAOft 3-3053, ah 194rN^RCUJ|Y 2,POO|t, WtfN VS heater, Mareeh finish ■ matching Inter ter. Putt pries 1 end Mte I» down and tew * payments of $344. KING F.___R tr- —^ -1t regardless of KING AUTO SALES America's Largest Used Car Dealer M59 at Elizabeth-Lake Rd. FE 8-4088 Celt Collect ’’{‘Jt0* P-»5 DELUXE 2 DOOR hardtop, > Autuum bronze, black vinyl top, double power, oversized tires, 258 h.p., regular gat, $3,2" ml™ 3 mot. old, $2J50. tr 9-0231. 1942 MERCURY, VERY CLEAN - Auto., power steering $4X5 Opdyks Hardware, FE 8-4444 1943 MERCURY. WIFE'i CAR, DOU-bte power, all, new tires, excel-lent, asking S15d0. FE 40447. 1941 COMET S-22 CONVERTIBLE. WITH- AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION, R A Q I O AND HEATER, WHITEWALL TIRES, ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY DOWN, Assume weekly payments ot $S.99, CALL CREDIT MGR. Mr. Parks at HAROLD TURNER FORD, Ml 4-7500. Power steering end brakes, soft blue finish, fuU price, $047. SPARTAN DODGE INC., S55 Oakland Ave. FE 0-4521._______________ 1 1944 COMET WAGON, CLQSE-Oll -"-pricer--------!___ KEEGO Pontiac—GMC-Tertlipest "Seme location 50 Years" ____KEEGO HARBOR ,1*42 OLDS, wEpoSjr; DYNAMIC 01. 4 DOOR, FINE SELKT10N 1962-'63-'64-'65 Mercurys Priced to Sell BOBBORST UNCOLN-MERCUSY M S. Woodward BIRMINOHAM Now and VsW Can ____________ 106 New mti Utod Cm M* W04 0L8E Adaar. Radto, h power. Dark * I ----$i 4§5 Downey Oldsmobils, Inc. T084 OAKLAND 338-0331, 338-0332 iVcohymtmm; £%». vSmMOw - wheelcovers, autoi . tSre%»P^ GLENN'S" PE 4-7371 FE 4-1797 Many More to Choeea From £YNAMIC __ 4.0P0R 1965: Fords 17 TO. CHOOSE FROM ALL models; FULLY EQUIPPED NEW-CAR WARRANTIES AS LOW AS $49 DOWN Payments as low as $ri.95 Wkly. HAROLD TURNER 1945 T-BIRD HARDTOP, AUTOMAT-redlo, heater, full power IN dlnpnlng, vinyl top, tow . $3195. Oakland -4LQYD- 1966 MUSTANG two door hardtop. Chestnut finish. New car warranty. $49 down, no payments until NovemB4r. ~Firtt $1987 Lloyd Motors 1250 OAKLAND 333-7863 REPOSSESSION-1942 OLOS HARD- wheels. OL 2-7497, dltlon, $2,475. 644-3528. MUSTANG 1944. EXCELLENT CdN- LLOYD The Fabulous Continentals $49 Down 1t62 Sedan. Midnight blue, sitwr-blue leather interior, four way $79 Down 944 Sedan. Arctic whits, honey-beige Interior. Factory -air-eon-ditloning, four way power. $129 Down 945 Sedan. Grosse Pqinte gold, vinyl top. Four way t factory alr-conditloning. I new whitewall tires. $199 Down ALL THE ABOVE CARS CARRY J0NE YEAR. WARRANTIES Lloyd "Motors 1250 OAKLAND 333-7863 i. 335-2404 Ol (Corner of E 1945 MERCUNV PARKLANE door. I cylinder automatic, power, Breezeway window. A tory Executives car. Fanta • Savings on this____H . FORD, Rochasters Ford usaier. OL 1-97IU 1944 MERCURY 2k)OOR HARDTOP, t JEROME $2,495. 444-3524. SPECIAL ’ Olds $44 Each sc 2-door hardtop $1595 md Chevy .... $41 Each 1941 OLOS 2 DOOR HARDTOP, foH- power and a beautiful ... finish. Full price $595 with only SS down and weakly payments of $1.11 king Financing available to all regardless of pest -credit prob- “king AUTO SALES America's Largest Used Car Dealer M59 at Elizabeth Lake Rd. FE 8-4088 Call Collect er. Full price, *947. SPARTAN DODGE INC™ 155 Oakland Ave. FE j-4BI. . GLENN'S 1944 CutlaM FIS 2-door seder Real sharp- L. C. Williams, Salesman 9S2 W. Huron St. FE 4-7371 FE 4-1797 Aany More to Chepse From TODAY'S SPECIAL 1944 BUICK ELECTRA power, auf • white top $2095 1944 fONTIAC I KNEVILLE 2-eautlful blue ide-ln $1895 economical -------------- -- $1495 1945 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2-Door Hardtop, - White--finish with red trim. 17,009 miles with new 1941 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2-D Hardtop, Super Sport. Power sta tng. automatic,- V-0. GO-first cte 1943 BUICK LeSABRE Hardtop, Ppwer steering and brakes, automatic, red finish, with custom 1944 PONTIAC CATALINA Convertible. Power steering and brakes, Mydramatlc, dark blus 5 BUICK SPECIAL 2-door sari. Automatic, 4-dyllnder engine, goo guaranteed > actual miles. .. 11795 1945 HONDA, slon, model "i beautiful let bli C BONNEVILLE Steering and 22.000 guar-.........$1995 1943 PONTIAC CATALINA C vertlble: Power steering and p er brake*, automatic, r ' $2795 1944 BUICK SPECIAL Custppl 2-Door. Bucket teats, V-t engine, automatic transmission. Look no morel. ..... ..... $1495 1943 CHEVROLET IMPAl!a Nerd- bucket seats, : 1943 BUICK LeSABRE Station Wagon. Power steering and brakes, Dynaflow. No others around, bet- 1944 FORD XL I steering and bra . _____________ bucket scats. All whit* beauty. ......... ................ SI 495 1945 TEMPEST LeMANS 2-Door Hardtop. Power steering and brakes, V-l engine, automatic. Almost like new . $2095 3944 CHEVY Station Wagon, Bel Air. Power steering and brakes, V-8, automatic, beautiful aqua finish .. ............:. 11495 1941 RAMBLER Station Wagon. Nice Inside and out and runs almost Ilka new. The price Is 1944 PONTIAC 2 + 2. Yes folks, In addition to saving a bundle, you can go first class In this ontl OOP guaranteed miles'. Almost m 1945 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2-Door Hardtop. Power steering, V-l, automatic, new car factory 1945 PONTIAC CAtALINA 4-D Sedan. Power steering and brat automatic tranamlstlon. You Cl age. Factory warranty .... 12295 1941 PONTIAC CATALINA Sidan. Factory air conditioning, power steering and brakae, Hydramatlc, 2-ton* paint ............ 11495 Ask fori John Donloy—Win Hopp-Lyslo Basinger-Duans Brown-Carl Matheny Ed Broadway-Gory Cecora-Dewey Petiprin—Joe Galardi—Tommy Thompson PONTIAC-BUICK 651-9911 8$5 S. Rochester Rd„ Vt Mil* South of Downtown Rochester 1942 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL Autorama MOTOR SALES 5 Orchard Lake Rd. 492™ 1 Mila West of Telegraph Buy With Confidence YES - YES- YES ’ Year End Savings 0 For the Beat Buys of the Year, See For Yourself the YEAR END SAVINGS We Offer) 1966 OLDS Toronado . *V ..... .. $3804 1916 OLDS 98 4-door Hardtop ... . $3776 1966 OLDS 88 4-door Hordtpo .... $3070 1966 OLDS 88 Sport Coupe -... .$2941 1966 OLDS F-85 Sport Coupe - - ...$2601 1966 OLDS F-85 Club Coupe ....... $2044 Ask for Leon (Goose) Robertson, Bob Mathews or Vern Sheffield, Sales Manager at HOUGHTEN OLDS OL 1-9761 Rochester 100^ FINANCING On Lradlt AppTgvel With 1$ Lew it S5 Dawn NO DELAY—EVEN IF YOU HAVE: Good Credit» Bad Credit - No Credit - Refused Credit ALL YOU NEED IS A JOB AND THE ABILITY TO PAY Some of the Nicest Cars in Town • 50, Priced Under $995, to Choose From WOWl LOOK AT THESE- 1963 FORD Gelexl* "500" Hardtop. Beautiful let black flAleh. set it todgyl $1095 9T1.39 Weekly ” 1962 CORVAIR Menzt. 4-ipeed transmission, radio, heater, black finish. $295 13.33 Weekly 1960 FORD Convertible, (cylinder engine, automatic, bright red finish. $195 1962 CHEVY Impqla 2-Door Hardtop, (cylinder, automatic transmission. $995 1962 BUICK Skylark Convertible. S-cyllnd*r,. automatic, radio, heater, power. $895 09.32 weekly 1961. T-BIRD t-cyllnder engine, automatic transmission, power. Real Sharp! $695 $7.32 Weekly ' 1963 TEMPEST LeMons. (cylinder engine, automatic transmission, radio, heater. $795 $0.32 Weakly 1957 CHEVY Hardtop, (cylinder engine and automatic transmission. Set this " $95 51.» Weekly ' 1960 PONTIAC Convertible, (cylinder engine, automatic, radio, heater and ameer. $195 $2.32 weekly , 1962 CORVAIR Monza Spydor Convertible. +ep**d transmission, big angina, ' , $795 1 $0.32 Weekly 1962 PONTIAC 2-Door. Equipped with radio and heater. Sharp all the wayl $595 v $4.32 Weakly < > 1960 vw Alt white sunroof. See toll eco- ~ nomlcal "bug"ytoday 1 $695 SfM weekly CREDIT AUTO SALES . • 125 Oakland Ave, (at Wide Trapk Dr.) JE 2-92i4 E—12 THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY; SEPTEMBER 15, 1966 New mi miCm 1M New UM Died Cars 1M SI DON'S USED CARS SMAILAD-BIG tOT » CARS TO CHOOSE FROM ■ WilWWUTW-"-I dr. hardtop, auto, 8, double pow-- ar. bronze with Tan tap. nwcHCVT 1 dr., auto. . 8, radio, heater, whitewalls. Bronze, white top. .HOCNCVY Wagon,euto. i double power, r»-‘ dlo, heeler, turquoise. 677 S. LAPEER RD. Lake Orton MY 2-2041 1*46 OLDS DELTA 84 4-DOOR hardtop, many extras Including 1966 OLDS 442 - I doer Hardtop, trl-power 4 speed power steering and .. . brakes, only 3000 miles. BUrgundy flhllh with black vinyl top. *3105 " SUBURBAN OLDS <85 S. Woodward * . 447-5111 1*57 PONTIAC. ROOD ENGINE. Beat offer. 146 Briscoe, Waterford - ggjf < RAa, — MusT SELL MTATaujRA am-vertlble. Power, good condition, ■ looks sharp. 8SS44B. 1*5» PONTlAt CATALINA 2 bOOR Hardtop. VI, automatic, MR* • heater. Runs txeaOenf. FUR prlc* 5295 with only >5 Down and weekly payments ok hist SMC KING .Financing!available to all regardless of past credit problems. KING .. - AUTO SALES America's Largest Used Car Dealer M59 at Elizabeth Lake Rd. FE 8-4088 Cell Collect 59 PONTIAC, BONNEVILLE . door hardlqp with solid white finish, beautiful tan Interior, power brakes and power steering, radio, ‘— ■E“—111 ••— NORTHWOOD Suburban , Olds USED CAR CLEAN UP 1962-'63-'64-'65-'66 New Car Trade-Ins MUST BE SOLD . To Make Room for 1967 Trade-Ins 2 Year Warranty 635 S. Woodward Ave/ Birmingham 647-51T1 1*61 VALIANT 682-2684 after 5 p.i 1962 VALANT SHARP AUTOMATIC - 1964 CHEVROLET 9 passenger wag on, automatic, power steering. 1959 PONTIAC 2 door hardtop, Real 1965 CHEVROLET Beautiful 514*5. - 1965 DOOGE Sportsmen for the Hu ar. Camper or Family Car ROCHESTER DODGE Drive Away—Save Mora Pay 6514108 : I Rochas.. lt>62 PLYMOUTH FURY HARDTOP, tlful white finish. Full price! 8595 with only $5 down and weekly payments of 88,18. KING Financing available to all regardk M pest Credit problems. KING FE 6-4088 Cell Collect M62 PLYMOUTH WAGON, V-8 t i with references. 1960 Pontiac Hardtop 1961 Pontiac Bonnie Coov. 1959 Pontiac Starchlef 1960 Chevy Impels Hardtop 1961 Chevy 2-door 1963 Chevy Bel Air 1959 Chevy 2-door VS COMPACT 1962 Corvalr 4-apd. ‘ Fairlane . tfaT'rPcjwer al Oakland Chrysler-Plymouth "m ocBew aVj- ~ * 1963 PLYMOUTH i Sport Fury convertible, V8, automatic, power steering, p o w * -brakes, beautiful red finish \ white topi only $1195 BIRMINGHAM CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 1964 Plymouth Fury 2-door Hardtop With' vi, automatic, power steer $1495 BEATTIE * OR >1291 f*64 PLYMOUTH SPORT FURY door hardtop, .automatic, powi steering, brakes, whitewalls. Fa tory warranty, V8 engine. Glear ing^hlte finish, black vinyl to Oakland 1964 Plymouth 2 door, 6 cylinder, stick shl Ermine white with red Interior, reel sharp car. BHvtf"and you w buy. 8100 down and 839.50 p month. Full price $995 BIRMINGHAM CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 1985 BARRACUDA 2-DOOR HARD-top, Vi engine, automatic, radio, heater, whitewalls, sparkling red . .finish, black Interior. 81,795. Oakland Chrysler-Plymouth 724 Oakland Ave. FE 2-9150 1965 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE 1960 PONTIAC 4-door . 1961 FORD convertible . 1960 FORD Wagon 1962 PONTIAC 2-door . 1959 FORD 2-door 1959 CADILLAC Coupe. 1956 PONTIAC ‘ ■M New and Used Con 1#6 GM (Owner's Initials) Gala McAmeHy's Auto! 1962 FjMtNAc Bohnevilk night ...b See Bt U'TGntiac. crtAURA moor hardtop, has turquojse finish, “ dlo,. heater, $58 down and 825 monthly. BILL SMITH USED CARS, 462 N. Parry St., FE «-4B4t. 1962 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE CONVERTIBLE WITH FULL POWER, AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION, RADIO AND HEATER, WHITE-WALL WitS, ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY DOWN, As- Hsw aitdlhedCqrs 106 GLENN'S 1964 CaWBha frdaor hardtjp. Foe ar staprkiQ.aiid brahii.. aais: ' M tual miles. T-cwnar car. LNnmw. L C. Williams, Salesman wmpp mm. »m n*. equlpmant. Aluminum wheals. 675. Sherpl-54*-*1*. ' ____ 1964 GTO CALL flMSIl AFTtR 1964 TEMPEST LEMANS COUPE, Autobahn MOTORS, INC. AUTHORIZED VW DEALER ‘la north of Miracle Mila 1966 Pontiac cAtAlina 4-6q6r WtUT" M 1H4 GRAND PRIX. PQMR sWi* condition. 674-2943 after 5:30, •Hh, GLENN'S 1963 Catalina 4-door sed«h. Pow« steering and brakbs. Real Sharp. L. C. Williams, Salesman 933 W. Huron Sts FE 4-7371 FE 4-171 Many r CREDIT NO PROBLEM WALK IN-PRlVE out 1963 PONTIAC CATALINA, 3 power. 3-Sneed. Aluminum tech., | TRI- S OF GO POW-i ~ power stoorlng, v glass. Best oner, iWs PONTIAC TEMPEST, STAN-dard shift, bucket seats, good tires FE 5-4333. ___________ GM WOULD YOU BELIEVE It's You We Want THE WISE BUYER WHO WANTS TO SAVE MONEY lo Seles to choose 1964 PONTIAC l,rra3to'*and healer an?*viMtewiiii •tires, only S49 down and pev manta of S10.94. par week. HAROLD TURNER ford; Inc. 464 S. WOODWARD AVE. BIRMINGHAM__Ml 4-7S00 965 TEMPEST 2 DOOR i Inder with automatic, powe ^omt NMvHH 1945 TEMPEST LEMANS 2-DOOR hardtop, power steering and power brakes, bucket stats; hydra-malic transmission, S1995. FE 4-1294, 124 Ottawa Dr., Pontiac. 1965 TEMPEST LEMANS. MUST Um mi W*i CW» 146 GM i . (Owner's Initials) _ Gala McAimafhft Auto Sc W6S Tampael_ LeMans 2Joo warranty. Sea Bob Burke, Jli___ Step crCMt Todayl 1304 Baldwin FE 8-4525 $1195 PEpO I miles, d COME TO THE PONTIAC RETAIL STORE 10.0 Top Quality, one-owner new car trades to chooseUrom WHERE YOU EXPECT more - • • AND G|T IT 65 Mt. Clemens At Wide Track FE 3-7954 BY OWNER. 1966 BONNEVILLE, ^^^L^CONVERTIBLE, ^MILES,^ POWER. 1966 CATALINA '4-DOOR HARDTOP, power. - extra*, a» actual ml. ■\Llbe;aaeb:*fff ■ f f Mlft 1966 BONNEVILLE, 4-DOOR HARD-topJpMMr ottering, bralwa, 82,700. FE 2-9600. 1936 TEMPEST 4 SPORTS COUPE. ; 1939 RAMBLER, RUNS GOOD.' -: - ' ... Sava Auto. FE 5-S2N., KING AUTO SALES America's Lafgeat U$ad Car Dealer M59 gt Elizobeth Loke Rd. FI 8-4088 an Collect ATTENTION. If you have fried te buy a ear and your credit has been turhod aBgainBg c or, you am from out gfTown— < ' DON'T GIVE UPI VILLAGE RAMBLER 666 S. Woodward ftlmmlweik.Ga AIK i MAA. GLENN'S Power steering. Radio and healer. Whitewalls. Elec, clack. Daeer trim eMwr OKtraa. Low mileage. FB 44078. Birmingham Ml W™ 1964 RAMBLER CMc .Mur. .6-cyHnd*t engine, ** ro^Trambler-jeip EM B4155 1964 PdNtfAC CATALINA, EXC. condition. Aula. Power staerlng, and bralwa. Radio and wMhnfaln. 1962 RAMBLER AMERICAN. S- HM PenHec wagon. Fgner ateerlng and brokea, tinted glass, carrier L. C. Williams, Salesman FE 4-73711”'*" HW#" *ft 4-1797 Many Mere bt Choose From S-1743. - ■■ ' '■ 1964 PONTIAC CATALINA, AUTO-matlc tranamlatlon, power steering, 421 engine, n|5PiltJM> other extras. immaculate, JjM miles. 12,-008. 625-2648 after 4 p.m. 1966 JWriAC 4 bdoR." "i>6uBti power. Hydramatlc. Headrests. Low mileage. OR 3-1819. 1966 LEMANS V-8, BURGUNDY, Mack vinyl top, 2 dr. 474-3725. ; 1962 RAMBLER 2 DOOR. A REAL clean 1 owner car. 8595. BOB BORST THE MOST BEAUTIFUL RAMBLER 990H custom 2-door hardtop. 1964 full power, AM radio with vlbre-»onlc buckets with poarlaacent leather Interior, thdad glass, wlre-whaols, like now — Reasonable! GRIMALDI 900 Oakland Ava. Ft 5-9421 1966 PONTIAC CATALINA 4-OR. • sedan, full ppwer. Jpgs Will con-^■^trdd* ef Chevy 4 atick. LINCOLN-MERCURY 520 S. Woodward BIRMINGHAM 6464538 $1695 . ____jb Burke, Jim Barnowsky iredlt Stop or Call Today ‘•>"1304 Baldwin FE 84525 Across *rom Pontiac State Bank l $ 0PDYKE MOTORS GET SMART-BUY FOR LESS -------- it Opdyke FE 6-9237 GLENN'S 1963 Bonneville convertible, power steering and brakes, tinted glass, 27,000 actual miles. Real sharp. L. C. Williams, Salesman 952 W. Huron St. FE 4-7371 , FE 4-1797 ‘deny More to Choose From whitewall' tiros, 1595 full price. BILL SMITH USED CARS, 462 N. Parry St- FE 4-4241. JMF John McAuliffe Ford 1954 Tempest LeMans Convertible real deluxe auto-1 1961 PONTIAC Convertible, Bonneville, yellow with a black top. 8997 Full Price. ESTATE STORAGE!. red Interk bile af only lance of only . pis" Get T'BETTER* DBAL^ar John McAuliffe Ford 630 Oakland Ave. , FE 5-42011 TEMPEST 2 DOOR. AUTOMAT-ic transmission. Power steering i and brakat. $1197 full price. Can’ be' purchased with no money down. LUCKY AUTQ I960 W. Wide Track . 1 E 4-1006 or Ft 3-7854 'CHEVY- OLDS MODEL (fifr CLOSEOUT W SPECIALS iPLANl 1963 CHEVY 2-door, 6 cyl., standard transmission. One-owner. Real sharp. Rea finish ... $895 1963 OLDS Dynamic 88 4-door hardtop, power steering, brakes, automatic. Maroon and white - $1495 1964 CHEVY Impala 2-door hardtop, V8, automatic, radio. One-owner, new car trade ........ .$1595 1963 VW 2-door sedan, radio, gas heater, very low mileage. Now only .......................... .$795 1966 MUSTANG Convertible, with power steering, automatic, radio, heater, black top.............$2095 1965 CHEVY Impala 2-door hardtop, V8, automatic, steering, radio, heater. One-owner $2095 ON DIXIE HWY. AT Ml 5 f "Your Crossroads to Greater Savings" . CLARKSTON MA 5-2604 1961 PONTIAC, 4-DOOR CAfALINA, radio, heater, autr—------------ lop, Cordovan body. GO!! i HAUPT 1 PONTIAC 961 TEMPESt Wagon, with auto, radio, heater, whitewalls, 8695 Full 12 BEL AIR Chevy Wagon, i matlc, V8, power steering, price only 51,095. 1966 BONNEVILLE 4 Door power steering, brake*, a 12995 full price. On Main Street CLARKSTON OLIVER BUICK 1^ DOUBLE CHECKED USED CARS 1963 BUICK LeSobre Hardtop 4-door with power steering, power brakes, and is Only $1095 1964 BUICK Skylark with automatic, radio, heater, and is yours for Only $1395 1962 CADILLAC Convertible Red with a white top, power steering, brakes, windows $1595 1964 OLDS Dynamic 88, power steering, brakes. This is a real beauty! $1595 1962 FORD Fairlane 4-door, automatic, V8, a real nice second carl Only $795 OLIVER BUICK 196-210 Orchard Lk. FE 2-9165 1963 Rambler 4-Door Station Wagon. Standard transmission, radio, heater. Red finish with red aka black leather Inferior 8595 1959. Cadillac Coupe DeVllle. Radio, heater, power, automatic transmission. Ermina white finish 1960 Mercury 2-Door. Automatic 1963 Ford XL Convertible. 4-e the-floor, big angina, all the a tree. White finish with whlta ti Hardtop. Radio, heater, steering and ■ bri 1962 Pontiac Bonneville 2-Door Hardtop. Power, radio, haatar, automatic transmission, white finish with rad leather Interior. 8995 1962 Chevy II Convertible. Automatic transmission, radio, heater, red finish with while top and .tied leather Interior 8695 1962 Fori XL Convertible. 8- 2-Door Hardtop. Power steering and brakes, radio, heater, automatic, air condition. • leather Interior. 1958 Ford Fairlane "506" Automatic, ^cylinder, radl ar, beautiful whlta flnlah w leather Interior. WOW 1964 Volkswagen 2-Door. Beautiful dove gray flnlah with gray leather Interior,' deluxe. Almost Ilka new inside and out 8995 1960 Dodge 2-Door Hardtop. Automatic transmission, economical 6-cylindor angina. Black with gray Interior 5295 1943 Olds Super "51" Convertible. Automatic, -radio, hooter, power steering and- brakes, mint groan finith with green interior 51375 1961 Falcon . 4-Door Station Wagon. Radio, heater, automatic transmission, metallic blue finish with blue leather interior 5395 1962 Bulck LeSebre 2-Door Herd-top. 'Automatic transmission, power steering and brakes, radio, heater, ermine whlta finish. 589S 1959 Buick 4-Door. Automatic transmission, power steering and brakes, radio, hosier. Bronze finish with white top 595 1962 Chevrolet Bel Air 4-Deor. Automatic transmission, radio, hooter. Beautiful mint green finish with 2-tone green |nterler S 5695 1960 Rambler American 2-Door. Stick trabsnBsslon. radio, heater, eye-appealing blue finith with gray Interior, Sot this one! $95 1963. Ford Gaiaxlo "500" Convertible. Standard (transmission, 1-cylinder engine. Beautiful rad finish with whits top and rad Interior 5095 1962 Chrysler Newport Convertible. Power ateerlng dnd brakes, radio, hooter, automatic tranamla-tlbn. White finish, whit* top. 5795 1960 Cadillac Sedan DeVllle.'Bower. radio, heater, automatic transmission. Jot black finish, black end white Interior 5898 1961 Ford 6-Door Station Wagon. Automatic transmission, radio, blue leather Interior , 8195 FE 4-5967 3400 ELIZABETH LAKE.RD, 1 Block W. of M-59 (Huron) WE MUST CLEAR THE DECK FOR OUR NEW MODEL TRADE-INS Help Us Make a Clean Sweep Of Our "OK" Used Car Lot Now During Our CHECK THE RED TAG SPECIALS ON ALL '66 CHEVR0LETS AND "OK" USED CARS. Here is the sole you've been waiting" for. Row upon row of excellent "OK" used cars, priced to fit your budget. Now is the time for used car buyers to really save big and MATTHEWS-HARGREAVES CHEVYLAND is the place to do it. ' HURRY FOR THE BEST SELECTION - IT'LL NEVER BE BETTER IMMEDIATE DELIVERY - FINANCING On the New or Used Car of Your Choice 1964 1964 1966 .1966 CHEVY OLDS ' CHEVY . PONTIAC Impale Super Sport Coup* with * Jetstar "88" 4-Door Sedan with automatic transmission, radio and / caprice Sport Coupe. Automatic < transmission, radio and heater. Bonnavilla Sport Sedan with power brakes and power steering, steering. Mock vinyl lap, allvor finith, really a tint car. haatar, power brakes and power steering. Nice nocturne mitt / power steering, whitewall tires, f FACTORY WARRANTY, A real radio and heater, automatic Irani-mission, FACTORY WARRANTY. Siorra gold fliiwL-'1. < WAS $1999 NOW $1699 WAS $1599 NOW $1299 WAS $2799 NOW $2499 WAS $2999 NOW $2799' ' 1964 •1965 ' 1965 1964 CHEVY II CHEVY 1 CHEVY CHEVY Nova Station Wagon with power steering, radio and haatar, Power- Impale Sport Coupe Convertible with V-8 engine, 4-apeed trans- Bal Air 6-Paasengar Station Wagon with V* engine, Powtrglide trena-* mission, radio, haatar# whltiwill Impala Saort Coup* with V-8 angina. economical standard shift glide transmission, 4-cyl Inder engine, Tennessee red finish. well tl'ret. Nice ebony black flnlah. * tires and FACTORY WARRANTY. Cypress green finish. wall' that.' 'Nice andic white WAS $1499 NOW $1299 WAS $2299 NOW $2099 WAS $2199 NOW $1999 WAS $1699 NOW $1399 1964 1963 1962 1965 CHEVY ■ CHEVY T-BIRD chevy Impala Super Sport Convertible with V-8 angina, PowarglMa, power ateerlng, radio, heater, white-wall^ fires, artesian turquoise Blocaym 4-Door Sedan with 4-cytinder angina, radio and haatar, ilirri gold finish. 'Has powtr brakes 'and power altering, radio, heater, power windows, automatic, whHawaii tires, and nick ms Italic black finish, .Impale Super Sport Coup*. V-l engine, 4 - speed transmission, while bucket seats, baauttful matador red flnlah. wowi , WAS $1899 NOW $1599 WAS $1099 NOW $ 899 .. WAS $1499 • NOW $1299 WAS $2399 NOW $2199 1963 1964 1963 1965 CHEVY CHEVY FORD PLYMOUTH Bel Air Station Wogon with V-8 engine, Powtrglide, radio, heetar, whitewall liras and tropical tur- WAS $1499 NOW $1299 Blaceyne 4-Door Sedan. Equipped with 6-cylinder engine. -»«o end heater. This one It } right. ' .. ' WAS $139r | ■' • -NOW $1249 Falcon 2-Door, ^cylinder engine# stfck transmission# sparkling fawn beige finish. Oo^'t miss this one# come out today! WiS $1099 NOW S899 Valiant 4-Door Sedan. 4-cyl Inder engine, beautiful eye appealing fawn beige finish. Bring the family out and taka a look at this WAS $T599 , NOW$1399 Oakland County's Largest Volume Chevrolet Dealer USED dAR '«■! 0i| HEADQUARTERS 631 OAKLAND AT CASS WOODWARD and 10 MILE RD. PONTIAC ROYAL OAK FE 4-4547 V'; NEW CHEVYS - DEM6S AND OVER $300,000 IN "OK" USED CARS L W& TffUKSDAY, QKBTEMBER U, 196G 'M&k9% —Television Programs—* Programs furnished hf stations llstad in this cehmrn aro subject to change without notlco ' Chwwist arW.HK.TV, 4-WWJ-TV, 7-Wxfe-iv. U-ckLW.TV^olwKBCKTV; jfe-AlrlHf^* «:« (2) (4) News, Weather, Sports <, ■ - (7) Mairie: "The Enforcer!’ (1951) Humphrey Bogart,'Zero Mostel (50) Superman (56) Just Imagine «:H (56) Merlin the Magician 6:39 (2) (4) Network News (9) Twilight (50) Uttle Rascals (50) Navy Log 7:00 (2) Divorce Court (4) Michigan Outdoors (50) Soupy Sales (50)^ Death ht the Morning 7:90 (2) Jericho (4) Daniel Boone (?) Batman (50) American West (56) Marketing on the Move * 0:10 (?) F Troop (9) The Saint (50) Islands in the Sun (56) Campus 9:90 (2) My Three Sons (4) Star Trek . (7) Tammy Griines 9:00 (2) Movie: “The Music Man” (1912) Robert Preston, Shirley Jones, Buddy Hackett, Paul Ford, Her-mione Gingold (7) Bewitched (9) Buckley (50) Wrestling * 9:20 (4) Hero (7) That Girl 10:00 (4) Bean Martin (7) Hawk (9) Telescope (50) Movie: “Doomed to Die” (1940) Boris Karloff, Marjorie Reynolds -19:99 (9) Centennial 11:09 (2) (4) (7) (») News, Weather, Sports 11:99 (2) Movie: “Mantish” (1959) Fred MacMurray. (9) Sentimental Agent 12:99 (9) Window of the World 1:09 (4) Beat the Champ 1:15 (7) News 1:99 (2) (4) News, Weather • (7) Have Gun-Will Travel FRIDAY MORNING, 1:15 (2) on the Farm Scene 6:26(2) News 0:99 (2) Sunrise Semester (4) Classroom (7) Three Stooges 7:99 (2) Bowery Boys (4) Today , 7:99 (7) Morning Show 8:99 (2) Captain Kangaroo INSULATE Your Homo With OWENS-CORNING MENUS TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR LOW SUMMER PRICES Check Our .Prices on 6NNRTS STORM WINDOWS 94MMC Aluminum Storms White *132 Minimum of 4 Plus Installation If Way Builders S101 Reymont Dr. SS4-M91 TV Features 'The Music Man' JERICHO, 7:90 p.m. (2) Setting for this new series is Europe during World War H. “Jericho” is tiw code name fw three Allied agents who work behind enemy lines. , MOVIE, 9:00 p m. (2) Robert Preston, Shirley Jones, Buddy Hackett and Paul Ford star in this two-part showing of “The Music Man,” a 1962 first-run film. I®AN MARTIN, 10:00 p.m. (4) Dean opens new season with guests Peggy Lee, Buddy Hackett and Rowan and Martin. . Features Doubted . ANN ARBOR (AP) - Except for collapsible steering wheels, new safety features on ; 1907 model cars will save few lives in traffic accidents, a University of Michigan auto safety expert said Wednesday. Dr. Donald F. Huelke of the U. of M. Anatomy Department d, however, that “ail of the ling, recessed knobs and similar safety equipment installed in the 1967 cars will help to minimize nonfatal accidents. lough Choice Extradition Awaits if He Leaves Jail Cell riifadtniK 12 Pertaining to a 47Turkiihuti. 4mZ££? 8:30 (7) Movie: “On an Island - With You” (1948) Esther Williams, Peter Lawford 8:56 (9) Morgan’s Merry-GO-Round 9:06 (2) Merv Griffin (4) living (9) Romper Room (56) Rhyme lime 9:10 (56) All Aboard for Reading 0:90 (56) Numerically So 9:55 (4) News (56) Let’s Talk Spanish 16:66 (4) Eye Guess (9) Hercules (50) Yoga for Health 16:16 (56) Numbers and Numerals 16:95 (4) News 16:36 (2) McCoys j (4) Concentration (7) Girl Talk (9) Take 30 (50) Love That Bob 10:50 (59) Let’s Talk Spanish 11:00 (2) Andy Griffith (4) Chain Letter (7) Supermarket Sweep (9) Canada’s Story (50) Dietary Doc 11:95 (56) Art Lesson 11:30 (2) Dick Van Dyke (4) Slowdown (7) Dating Game 11:50 (56) Memo to Teachers AFTERNOON 12:66 (2) News, Weather, Sports (4) Jeopardy (7) Donna Reed (9) Trice 30 12:30 (2) Search for Tomorrow (4) Swingin’ Country (7) "Father Knows Best (9) People in Conflict (50) Movie 12:35 (56) Let’s Talk Spanish 12:45 (2) Guiding Light 12:51 (56) All Aboard for Reading 12:55 (4) News ' 1:66 (2) Love of Life (4) Match Game (7) Bra Casey (9) Movje: “The Big Sleep” (1966) Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall 1:11 (56) Science Is Every* where 1:25 (2) News (4) Doctor’s House Call (56) Adventures in Science 1:31(2) As the World Turns (4) Let’s Make a Deal 1:55 (4) News (56) American History 2:00 (2) Password (4) Days of Our Lives , (7) Newlywed Game 2:26 (56) Numbers and Numerals 2:26 (2) House Party (4) Doctors (?) A Time far Us (50) Peter Gunn 2:45 (56) Let’s Talk Spanish 2:55 (7) News 2:66 (2) To Tell the Truth (4) Another World (7) General Hospital (56) Topper 3:25 (2) (6) News 3:96(2) Edge of Night , (4) You Don’t Say (7) Nurses (9) Swingin’ Time (50) Johnny Ginger 4:66 (2) Secret Storm (4) Bozo file Clown (?) Dark Shadows (9) Fun House (50) Jungle Jim 4:90 (2) Mike Douglas (7) Where the Action 1 (50) Cartoon Carnival. 4:55 (4) Eliot’s Almanac 5:00 (4) George Pierrot (7) News, Weather, Sports (50) Serial Theater (56) Discovering America 5:91 (9) Cheyenne (56) What’s New 5:45 (7) Network News 5:55 (4) Here’s Carol Puvali SARASOTA, Fla. (AP) -Three choices confronted Dr. Cart Coppolino today as Florida offered him freedom on a $15,-600 bund from (me murder charge and New Jersey asked for his extradition to face trial for another murder there. Attorneys for the frail-looking doctor-author said Coppolino could leave jail if he posts bond, but then must decide whether to waive extradition to New Jer- 14 Drink* to the 49 Roof Antal health of 50 Docton tab.) I 16 Mountain paa. 51Atonefor 17 Night before M Barter* 19 Bind 57 Verb form SO Chemical *uffin 58 Bridal path 21 Tranacreasion 5# Concluded J2K**t(Pr.) 60 Demolished 23 Pithy DOWN 26 City in the llntenUce '« NetheHanda 2Tradeaman _________ MRi*ht* (ab.) 3 Small tteto (at.) 24 Pronoun 29 Hasten 4Hail! 25 Ireland 31 Sea flyer DShemfrom 27 Age* S3 Bitter vetch Spado 30 Venerated 34 Period of time *vKn J“ ‘ * ---------- 15 Atlantic fab.) Two GIs Killed ■ SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican RepubHc (Jfi — Police were ers today in the fatal shooting of two U.S. soldiers. -The soldiers, shot yesterday, were members of the 8,600-man inter - American peace force, whose last units are to leave the country next Tuesday: waa present, at 32 American sey, fight it or stand mute. ‘But in the fatal accidents, ★ ★ ★ we afe dealing with tremendous impact which cannot be avoided by simply moving back the instrument panel.” Huelke and an associate, Dr. Paul Gikas, a U. of M. pathologist, studied all 177 traffic fatalities in Washtenaw County from . _.v WAPP November 1961 to November ,, 1965 .; They said bail money would SAVED TWO probably not be forthcomtog tor With the exception of the collapaible steering column. He would, be torped over to! New Jersey authorities if he| fails to answer, the attorneys indicated. Coppolfoo’s lawyers offered no indication of what his decision would be. at least 24 hours in case Florida [• Gov. Haydon Burns changed his mind about a warrant Be haisj signed to extradite Coppolino to New Jersey. The doctor faces a murder charge in New Jersey in the death of retired Army Lt.j Col. Wiiliam Farber. Florida has accused Coppoli-!v no, 34, of murdering his 'Wife; Carmela, 32, also a doctor, in!' August 1965 with a mysterious drug. ★ * ★ Judge Lynn Sttvertooth set bail at $15,000 Wednesday night “with the understanding that the defendant is to be taken to New Jersey.” Coppolino, however, has said several times he wants to answer the Florida charge. The doctor spent 15 minifies in Judge Silvertoo th’s court By EARL WILSON t' l||pnesday night after leaving a NEW YORK t- There’s always one more sad twist to the Marilyn Monroe story. Four years after her death, Marilyn’s ice to ke®p a hean”g date. , new safety equipment on 1967 cars would have saved only two of (those) 177 traffic victims, he told an anatomy seminar. ★ * ★ ' Of the 177, 29 died because of striking the steering column. Huelke, however did i say how many of the 29 he thought would have lived if they had struck collapsible steering columns instead of the rigid columns. r" 3 4 5 r- r* 8 0 10 11 If 13 14 15 16 17 18 ■ 13 20 21 . ■ 23 23 26 r 29. r 33 r 35 36 3 7 38 41 42 43 r 48 49 50 5i 53 56 b/ 58 59 60 j 3-Piece MTH SET! I White,. SCQ95 I 11 Colorad °nlr uD | T§ I TOILETS *16” FIREPLACE Gas Logs Still Another Sad Twist to Marilyn Monroe Saga Mine Mishaps jstolen Loot Take 6 Lives Nesoliable He had been rushed to Sarasota Memorial Hospital Tuesday afternoon after collapsing in court and complaining of chest pains. It was Coppoltao’s third hip to the hospital, for the same symptoms, since ids arrest July 27. He has said he has a heart condition. WILSON Judgeship Candidates Endorsed estate, increasingly valuable due to TV interest in her movies, will probably be able to play creditors’ claims of. $173,288—with something for beneficiaries, including Marilyn’s mother, 66-year-old Gladys] EJey. ' 1 But Mrs. Eley doesn't need financial helpl now. T After two suicide attempts in April and May] (she had tried to stifle herself with bedsheets),* Mrs. Eley waa adjudged by a jury to be danger-1 ous to herself amt others and sent from a private to a California state mental institution as aj public charge. . “My soul has gone to God, my body might as well go also,” Mrs. Eley raid. She had been in and out of mental homes since Marilyn was born li 1926—40 years ago. Marilyn had hoped to create a trust fund providing her mother $5,000 a year. Aaron R. Frosch, executor of the estate, said, claims of creditors (such as Paula Strasberg’s estate’s bib for $22,209 for coaching rad Joe DiMaggio’s for a $5,000 fora)! could probably be met now, “because Marilyn Monroe Produc-! is continuing to increase in rd*-" ..........J The Oakland Comity AFLCIO T"8 Ttt, *y. °*°dy "”w.n»meil but sight endorsed can-* bostaesstwmsn. U. — r one Probate Court positions to THE MIDNIGHT EARL . . . • filled in the Nov. 8 general Francbot Tone left the hospital - after a tong siege - „UDDOrt o{ ^ Eddie Fisher, back in town, talked with long-time manager Mil-! ^ nSInit rJIrt ton Blackstan* ... George Jesse! was the only one of 700 guests labor groupwere Circuit Court in khaki at die Robert Kriendlers’ wedding reception for their daughter, Karen Gale Kriendler, rad Stanley Irwin Nelson at 21. George claimed his new tove, Audrie Magee, got a Paramount contract due to her publicity ... Warners’ lias already clocked $45 miffion on “My Fair Lady”-and Jack keeps winning at gambling besides . . . Tony Randall found an unlisted phone’d cost 50 cents extra a month, but by using the naira Irvine .W. Tishman and giving it in just a few friends, he could save, oh, $600 in M0 years. | “A gal approached a man on 5th Ave.,” as Alan Gale tells it, ...J uT)sm IsmIfima a biiWas* iImUu 8* Dai>IiafI 4km man - Three Die in Cave-In; Fire Traps 3 Ohioans By the Associated Press Money orders stolen early yesterday in a break-in at a Pontiac market are negotiable and may be circulating in the city, -according to Pontiac po-! I lice- ! ’•fl I I I 6 I I S EXTRA SPECIALS! ■ loundry Tray and Trim.... .$19.9! ■ ttn.nU.o Stmml Sink*..100 Q! 24” All Formica VANITY Complete With Trim only »49» : 39Itl. 19Veer __ | G»« HotWater Neater $49.95 ALL KINDS HK AND j StU/E PLUMBING ! 841 Baldwin FE 4-1516 or FE 5-2106 u . i ... The orders, taken from Law’s *8 Market at 200 Earlemoor, are issued through the Security National Bank and Trust Co. of Fairbault, Minn., and may be made out for amounts up to $100, bodies of three men killed in a coal mine cave-in neat Potts-ville, Pa., early today, while jn Ohio efforts to rescue three miners trapped in a burning mine were abandoned. Police said the certificates are beige and carry “11-1274” as the first six digits of a nine-digit serial number. Marilyn in death ever admit she was when she was living ★ ★ ★ Entrances to the Stoppe mine, located near St. Clairsville, Ohio, were ordered sealed this morning after rescue of the, miners was called “hopeless” and they were officially pronounced dead. I The trio was trapped yes-i terday morning when a mapped power cable touched off the fire. j . [While friends and relatives MOScow (AP) - U.S. Am-huddW in the r^. crews|bassador Foy D Kohler Ieft ^ toned through the tagh in Penn-L, on a to the sylvania to reach the three vie- United states where he is extern buried «mder tons of rock> ted to participate ta u s>. Envoy Heads Heme for U.S.-Soviet Talk j USED *t| 1 rv ll MjrsJ earth and coal. Audio rind Sales $M Our Salaction of Naw RCA and ZENITH COLOR TVs Chtck OtirLtw Salt Prices on PORTABLE TVs OualHy Color TV Service! n YEARS EXPERIENCE . . . WE SERVICE WHAT W1 SELLI LicWHM ONter by Miditao T.E4JL Ltemi M. 11(9 MwnMr « NATESA CONDON'S RADIOS TV TSS Wait Huron - FE 4-6736 candidates S. Jerome Bronson, county prosecutor; Cecil McCal-lum, Pontiac municipal judge; and William R. Beasley, a Fern-dale attorney. Oak Park Mnaieipal Judge Barton R. Shifman ■ won tee enidorsenieat in the Court race. I Soviet talks. The trio was trapped yester-j Kohler is due to meet U.S. day when the roof of a mine .Secretary of State Dean Rusk in. operated by Lengel Coal CoTiNew YorkT gave way suddenly. | * * * • Rusk is expected to meet with The Caribbean island "of Martinique has some soil so fertile that a signpost in it may take root and sprout leaves. Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko in connection with the opening of the U.N. General Assembly session Sept. 20. . *• .... . .. „ „ „ . . All are Democrats except and said, “I’m looking for a sugar daddy.” Replied tee man: Beasley, who is a Republican. “You’ve come to the right guy. I’ve got diabetes.” . . . Warrpf. + * * Beatty-having terminated it With Leslie Caron and Russian] additlon to flu, judicial en-ballerina PIi«etokaya - is around town looking for “younger ^ backed birds” ... A weD known 5th Ave doctor: now is making men of 65 look, and act, 35, and their wives say he’s the answer to goat glands . . . Tuesday Weld tried to have her daughter born Friday (her own birthday, Aug. 26) but couldn’t bold out rad yielded to Thursday (Aug. 25). Not that Tuesday wanted to name the ‘ ‘ “ ----- ... .... TODAY’S BEST LAUQH: Bill Strickler of Baytown, Tex. described a prominent politico : “He’s more agile now than wh« he was a baby. At least, he’s putting bis foot in his mouth more now." _ * , *•( ’ WISH I’D SAID THAT: Pic Larinour suggests a simile: “The work progressed as slowly as a nudist in a thorn thicket.”) REMEMBERED QUOTE: “You should have two aims make a little money first, then to maka it last.” EARL’S PEARLS: The trouble with most fixed incomes is that they need fixig.-T. Harry Thompson. I Victor Borge learned English by watching dozens of . oM Western movies. “I was the only Dane in the world” he recalls, ' Gabby Hayes.” That’s earl, brother. the full slate of Democratic candidates for state and national offices. Among these were State Sen. Carl W. O’Brien of Pontiac who dorsement of th^cqundl before the Aug. 2 primary election. DISCUSS PRESS RELEASE The council withheld the en-lent at the time until representatives met* with O’Brien to disucss a press release in which he stated that he would run for reelection as an independent without party support or endorsement of any major labor group. A He has since asked for., the endorsement from the council. Radio Programs— ALUMINUM WJW70Q) WXVZQ 278) daWWOSI WWW950) WCAMfl 130) WPOWQ 400) WJMCQ 500) WH)=l-fM(94.7) i:99—WJR. WMi- mm OU.W. WXYZs SftiW*** WHFI.’uncte J«V ' iiw mri 7MM h rmu* WJR. »•*. IMMhr 1:49—WWJ. |BH Mr1 I:**—WWJ, item. Sport* WHS). Britain jin WJR—NOWS, Musk t:99—WHFl, Jock Pullor . WPON, Mom. Johnny iron 19)19—WJR, KowMmoopo if (it IWK WWW. Sport* wjR.Nom, Sport*. Muoie llitHKM, Modleat Jouro , FII06T BMW .^below, left). The Greeks called the Semitic -letter koppa, making it look much like our G. Taking this from the Greeks, the Romans closed it, and gave it a flowing tail, giving us Q in its modern capital fori%v - Y The Romans were, foe ones whd*sttMHiufQ. They originated foe habit of often following this letter wifo . a,/and giving it foe pronunciation kw, which is the way • we usually pronounce it when we follow it wifo n. The small q began to appear in th€ A.D. 500’s. The vertical stroke was made On the right side pf foe round pdrt fo distinguish it from the small p. >. -• FOR YOU TO DO: When reading school and ether books which have footnotes or citations, looMqr qjy. this is quod vida in Latin and means “which seat or look it c it up. NEW YORK (AP) - Gertrude Berg, whose gentle portrayal of “Molly Goldberg” on and television made her one of Atneri-ca’s best known Jewish mothers, died Wednesday at 66. . ! She succumbed to a heart aib Jg|W merft at Doc-aHi tor’s Hospital after coming off a summer tour MISS BERG of “Dear Me, the Sky Is Fall-fog” five days ago. Born in New York’s Harlem, Miss Berg began her show business career. With a failure. Her [first radio show “Effie and Laura”- was'canceled without a second performance. , j But in 1929 she returned as “Molly . Goldberg” and her heart^waHping’appreaefr~40j| TifiTs daSy pfifiJgms — a 'burnt H roast, a surly grocer, an infatuated teen-age daughter — won her quick and enormous popularity. 1 When the lS-mjnute, five-times-a-week radio series was at its height* it ranked second only in number of listeners to ;“Amos pud Andy.” And once I when Miss Berg missed a performance and a substitute took 'her place, foe National Broadcasting Cp. received 11,000 protesting Jotters. The show also was a hit during the early days of K* Her trademark lines (ike “Enter, whoever" and “H-it’s.nobody, I’ll cqjjf back,” became laugh-getting' standards. So Closely was .Miss Berg identified withber role that fans would greet hgrt on the street as “Molly,” tev«f hfter foe/ *ihow had been'discontinued for’years. TOKYO (f) — Communist China’s leaders today told the Red Guards to end their revolutionary drive Which has brought turmoil to the country and criticism from abroad. * The instructions, in an editorial in the official Peking People’s Daily, apparently was the climax to a slew effort to bring the youthful guards under control after they got put of hand. The move reflected* concern that foe Red Guard activities might be disrupting agricultural and industrial production. There also were indications that Communist officials decided on foe full crackdown because of foreign reaction. to foe guards and because of difficult natural conditions, including drought, at home. The editorial warned that “under no circumstances must production be allowed to slow down.” - “During the busy'fall harvesting season,” it told foe Red Guards* “you may cease your revolutionary activities/’ NOT CERTAIN Whether the Red Guards wjil be allowed to resume their activities after the -harvest lit not certain. . The editorial could be a diplomatic way of damping down on foe ] guards once and for all. Japanese correspondents reported from Peking that more than half a million Red Guards are Scheduled to hold a mass rally fo the Communist Chinese capital. They said Communist party chairman Mat Tie-tong and Defense Minister Lin Pin* are scheduled to speak to foe meet-fog. After the Red Guards first erupted on the Chinese scene in August, they ware given repeated' official warnings to tnove with caution and without force. Despite these warnings there continued to be reports of clashes between Red Guards and groups of workers and farmers. the editorial said the* revolutionary students and youths of the Red Guard'should learn from the peasants and laborers of China and that foere was no need for the Red Guards to try to “instill their revolutionary zeal in factories” or to bother farm-ms. It added that workers and farmers “are magnificently carrying out revolutionary activities of their own.” • ^ ___ The New.China News Agency today reported peasants had started harvesting their crops and hinted that Pricing might also be worried about natural calamities. '« The rtport said peasants wen? “working With revolutionary determination to fight against drought and other natural troubles that have occurred in some areas " |^| in State Wilt Join Project LANSING (AP) - The State Department of Education said Wednesday it will work with seven* Michigan Universities this year to a new “Technical AssistanceProjOct” for disadvantaged schoolchildren. Sponsored by a $150,000 federal grant, foe project also will involve a panel representing various state departments and specialists in language development, mathematics, .#ocial studies, science, intergroup relations^ nutrition, recreation, culture, vocational education and instructional maetriils* The department aaid Michigan school districts conducted 772 projects valued at IM.7 million under the federal elementary and secondary education act “ last yepr.. “Through foe TAH project," it srid, “we are tapping foe resources of foe state universities to do an even better job this year.” Iron Can Count on Us . . .Quality Costs No More at Seai> $139-200 Worth of Gems in Bags of Stewardess ROME (AP) — Italian customs police say they found $1,19,200 worth of emeralds aad rabies hidden in foe baggage of an air hostess after she stented off her East Africa Airlines plane from Nairobi. The hostess was identified as Annamarla Kreiger, 37, a native of Dresden, Germany. The magistracy folio decide whether she will be prosecuted on contraband Charges. Customs police quoted her yesterday as saying she did not know how foe stones got into her bap. you •'can Dicjiaq j-9° Ollt [©MOBILE MAID* DISHWASHER nw Lift-Tip Rack! I • No rinsinf w scraping with Thoro-Wtsti* | • Beautiful Conolite* countertop i *lla»«HkiMMwnmawlml 1 MNni MUM m«M uSh Phwh.w.y dntk SP380B yTff| *H 1 $1 Tf ftOO Terms | I l / 4F Available I HAMPTON ELECTRIC 825 W. HURON FE 4-2525 - Wirtz to Be in U. P. SAULT STE. MAWE (AP)-, . Secretary of Lahor W. Willard Wirtz is- scheduled to make' two speeches here Sept. 2^ He; will address the opening session: of Lake Superior State College in the afternoon and will speak that night at a rally for Rep. Raymond J. CIevenger, D-Mich. THE WORLD FAMOUS QUALITY BIKE! Schwinn bikes art bostl Best because there is extra quality built into every one ... extra quality ' that means longer, more trouble free life. A LOW PRICE! AN OUTSTANDING BICYCLE VAIIIEI A095 easy Terns SCARLETT’S &fdo tart Hobby Shop NEW LOCATION lit JL Perry to Wide Truck 1-7141 • 1st To Sears for an eye exam and then to school! -Style c a-gtris r at Sears. Maturdlly, Janie’s glasses were a priority item in her neW school wardrobe — both to Janie and her parents. Janie wanted to look her very best — and her wish came true when she saw the countless frames she could choose from. Her parents — well, they want Janie to do well in .school, and1 they knew Sears glasses would assure greater classroom participation. Bring your youngster in — for better schoohyork and more fun throughout the school year! Dr. Bronson— Optometrist in Pontiac SEARS SERVICE—, • Eyes examined and glasses fitted by staff optometrists Optometrists Optical Depts. '• Lenses duplicated Or. H, Gould Dr. W. lenders .. . Grtnd Rlvor-Ookmon e Flames replaced Or. W. linlojohn Or. J. fockmon Grotiot-Von Dyko while you wait Or. E. Stopkowicz Dr. V. Pelletier Highland Park • Optical aepair. Dr. J. Oropose Dr. A. Sokol Lincoln Pork while you wait Or. K. Strthsrisnd Dr. J. Woffo fivonio Moll e Prescription sunglasses available Dr. 0. Manlovo Dr. F. Young Mocomb Mali Or. L Ondro Dr. H. Bronsoni Pontiac • Satisfaction* Dr. J. Morof , guaranteed Ends JiaTnrdj^ * * 80th Ai^ayer s^o^^ale! Sale pf Boys’ Rain Coats J87 . %a*slriwl JAP* say, “CHARGE IT” at Seam Our lowest priced rubber raincoat set. Waterproof rubber covering. Snap-front, double stitehed seams, and comfortable ventilated back yoke. 2 open through splash pockets. Sizes 6 to 14. All-Weather Coat.. T..... 16.99 Hooded Raincoat.............2.97 Boy’ Wear, Main Floor shop ’til 9 Tonite, I Friday & Saturday sale! girls’ Sweaters, skirts 5H Regular $6.98 each Charge It Tattersall-plaid hipstitch skirt . . . worsted wool in a wide selection of* Colors. Swingy all-around box-pleats. Classic Cardigan sweaters in choice of colors, Mix and match them. idsral ftr school wear. (Jlrll’ 7-J4 Dept., Second Floor • close-on t of women’s dresses 299 399 544 Right and ready -for the change of seasons are these smooth, easy-going dresses. One-two and three piece styles irt all the new fall colors. Hurry in and stock up now! Misses, Junior arid Half sizes. Shop early forJ>sjii selection! ***“ **** ——^---r+-- .. Urfifi' Ready-to-Wear, Second FI Save Over <$3! Hand-Sewn Front Slip-ons for Men The swank look of hand-sewn front styles that^raean go! TTs in UiniB ft ritiy acene you make. Hand-eewn frpnts hug your feet like a glove while cushioned insoles keep you conifortaible from heel to W/peadaer uppers and lining, composition soles. Choose from a wide range of sizes, 7 Vi to 11. V ’ Shoe Department, Main Floor Regular! 15.99 ws Cfcforgelt ; vj SEARS lionc Wr—2 THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15. 1MB.. 5 BIG I Ladies Cotton I Flannel Waltz Length Gowns to. R All c«Hm flannelette S shift fowns in solids or ossortod s prints. Full cut. Guaranteed S washable. S-M-L Ladies Tailored 100% Nylon FUft SUPS Toi lored, . 100% ny lon full slip*. Amazing value. While they loot! " GMs2-Pc.Cotton Flannel Pajamas Girls Cotton Knit Dickies Ladies Combed Cotton Zip-Back Knit Tops ladies Lace Trimmed Rayon Panties Regular JO* a pair. Loads Jr. Beys lined Corduroy Longies Assarted colors full elastic we«»- ' C band. Warmly Mat* 7 ad. Sicas 3 Ladies | Infants Triple Crotch ___Training Pants Childrens Strqie Knit Polo Shirts Ladies, GirisPVtSsle J Girls Boys Wum Ladies, Oris Soft Tennis OxMfc? /^ Tkeiina-lined Beets Poodle Slayers ^ * 100% waterproof * Double* thick--nose, triple . crotch, cotton training panties. Tdfhitd only. gs—'—1 Made in UJ.A. PAr Shn 1.4.1, , W H i Leap sleeve striped knit M cotton polo's. Mm M I Assorted colors. 2$ Sim 3 to B. fcr Washablo canvas twill uppers. Foam cushioned back lining. Long wear PVC side. White or black. Ladies' sizes 5-10. Girls sixes 12Vb-3. 1 100% waterproof ' molded plastic. Treaded soles and hoofs. Warm thor- d ntb-hrsolotod. Easy ? ' M, easy-off gusset loop. In white, sizes 5-3. *1 Fashion right poodle cloth uppers. Soft padded sate. W«p £ kkatfeum lining. In m pioiglt. blue. Ladies; sizes 5-10. Gbit sizes M. 1 WO YANKEE STORES IN THE PONTIAC AREA MIRACLE MILE SHOPPING CENTER CORNER OF PERRY MONTCALM STREETS m THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBBfR 15, 1W6 F—3 MENS INSULATED THERMAL KNIT UNDERWEAR BOTTOMS •1 IA. 100% cotton circular thermal knit K; drawers — insulates in body hoot, ——— ■ •> S insulates out tho cold. mtss___________ S_ - '_. — BOYS LONG SLEEVE ® SPORT SHIRTS AND DRESS SHIRTS 1 Plaid* — Check* — Strip.,. Solid white dress shirt* in the same group. Long sleeve,. Sixer 6 to 16 Boys Western Style Cotton Sport Skirts BMfft Nmvm ovfj ptoidb •AMfMiiwf Boys Cotton Briefs AND T-SHIRTS Lilfc Boys Wita-Pmof Mens Fmmhis Make WESTERN BOOTS REG. 1.00 T-SHIRTS "* MENS SHORT SLEEVE CREW NECK SWEATSHIRTS 1 SIZES S-M-L Crew.neck, region sleeve style. ' 8«ffU»dv • nevy • kettle - It. v Use • white - gen motel. Sixes S-M-L-XL. YANKEE ★ YSL* STORES 5 BIG DOLLAR DAYS ' Boys Double Knee WESTERN JEANS Double knee fee double wear. Dot-ten Hue denim, single-knee (eons In same group. Sixes 6 te 12. Mees Cotton Flannel PLAID SPORT SHIRTS 100% vulcanised. ml her, warm net lining. Heavy treaded sole. K Novelty western T decal. Slack & Mem Wool BM ATHLETIC HOSE Boys White Cotton CREW TOP HOSE 39c valise, solid A white, aid stripe . “ top. Durable 84. needle' knih Sixes 7 to 11. Mens Tnrtk Neck Moos No-lmi BOXER SNORTS 'St ■ Boys Soft Cotton SWEATSHIRTS, Crow nock, fleece lined, long tlMves. New fell shades: C Grey - blue - gold - ? red. Full cut, sixes 6 to U. Mens Vinyl Poncho RAM COATS fleet seeled heavy gauge vieyl — nt- Boys FolCottoe KNIT SPORT SHIRIS F-^i 5 BIG Dollar DAYS Washable Vinyl Window Shades Washable, reversible, heavy gauge emboss-a# all white shades. \ Camplete with roller. " 23" thru 37" wide. AM 4ft. long. ISVi' wide x 30 ft. long Vinyl Shelving You get a big 30 , ft. long by 13 Vi" *2 * ’ wide roll. ■ '* Ass'td Novelty Toss Pillows Assarted dse-arator fabrics la solid" and prints. 12" x 12" and 14" x 14". 2$ For 1 THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 190« Fitted Muslin Sheets 100% fine cotten^mus-lin. Stretch corners for eosa in bad' malting. Twin or full size. Printed Vinyl Table Cloths i Heavy 6 gauge — printed wipe clean vinyl 4b # cloths. Assoftod V f colors and pot-toms. 52“ x ■!_ _ 52“ size. ror 2-piece Cotton Bath Mat Set Assorted cottons. Viscose rayon in . hi-lo and loop-n- j cut designs. Washable—^ long wear- >»g. 1 Jumbo Sized Bed Pillows, Softly shredded flohe foam filling. Odorless, wash-able. Stays bouy- ^ ant longer. Sturdy printad cotton tick- log- 1 Picture Print Place Mats Molti-coler — photo - print jm ^ with foam eh t backs, end wipe _ clean vinyl face nOT t CannonPrinted Kitchen Towels 100% .cotton fringed ends. 'Jf C Many patterns "S’ * and colors' to choose tram. pQf Cannon 20"x40" Bath Towels 100% cotton terry. Thick end t h i rs|y. Stripes, solid _ rclo's end Har- Iwl' els. '' 3$ 1 NO IRON TAILORED KNIT CURTAM PANELS 40"x«l Pre-shrunk — permanent finish no stretching — no stnrshhsg — no ironing, duct wash and hang. 40" X »t". ’ 8%, Eft ffi) 4 ZIPPERED MATTRESS COVERS Dust-proof, wetorprenf, allergy-free. Wipes clean with a damp cloth. Seams electronically sealed for lasting strength. Twin and fult sites. Permanently blended with Hygient, the hospital tested sanitary safeguard. jeestsssuKiisei-iK-MMOiaix Rubber Backed Utility Mats Long .wearing ^ easy to clean. 10 x ; 30" Sixe, non- • n skid hack — long ^ j wearing ^ nylon •wood in assorted colors. Waffle Weave Dish Cloths E * t r a heavy weight woven plaid design. Buy several at tkio'lgw Delfnr ■ Dor price. - FOf 8$ 1 Assorted rancy Pillow Cases Choaaa from all Over prints, o’ stripes, o o I Id dCs t color color bar- _ don, polka dots POT . etc. ._ _.1, ■ Ladies 12*pr. i TWO YANKEE STORES IN THE PONTIAC AREA * MIRACLE MILE SHOPPING CENTER * CORNER Of PERRY AND MONTCALM STREETS \ TOE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 190$ F—5 All Purpose Push Broom Am M sturdy push broom for §•»«•• — «**•- c walks — baa*- ▼ rmM. Long hard* weed hondla. Chrome Plated ■; ./ ■ Kitchen Tools Sws ladle 4$ gat fork -. mother* sgaaa - wall tack. rwr Colonial Style Letter Holder Calonial Hra cm-part meet 11|(as t' holdar and' Hla. * fill baxad. 3-pc. Matching Bathroom Set WLn t f c basket. ***•»•*« tumbler, # •* b» Beautiful ▼ •natal plastic is • faatcMnp to*." 1 j Allpurpose |iltllity Stool tifra sturdy i" brass tubular laps. # Haight 1IV4" * Plastic caatcd seat Colonial Knife Holder Colonial knife balder. Holds Uva ^ knives. Gift baxad. Colonial Style Recipe Box GaNfial re c I p a box. Swivel cover, * keeps all your | recipes handy. — Gifs baxad. CI>p-On Bed Lamp Attractive J a as p for night reading ff m: ■ bad ’ patients. ' * Sturdy v.sfamp. 48-qt. Plastic Waste Bosket Heavy gauge durable plasHc. Large sited basket far any roam of the hemp. E^pando Hat & Coa t Rack AM hardwood cen-strifctien in w*l- a nut finish with ^ plenty pf .pags far hanging roam. Squeeze Type t Sponge Mop Palishad non-rust sgaaaxe mechanism with Mary ab- t sorbent sponge for ▼ quicker, a a Star cleaning. Wall Mount Can Opener Sturdy coir opener, complete with' well bracket and screws. Magnetic lid-lifter. 5 Qt. Me I mac Serving Bowl Melmet'' Serving kowi. Purebla. ait- m tractive, multi-«al- f or —- dishwasher safe. S qt. gist. 1 3-pc. Plastic Cake ensemble Crystal plate with large coke caver K and stand. Use ▼ for | calies a n d ■ fruit serving. 1 6-Gal. Plastic Trash Can Complete with lid *■4 secure broc-kets. Heavy gouge ^ polyethelene plastic. DuPont Teflon Coated fry pan Teflon inside and out-far easy dean- £ iag and nan-stick cooking. Colonial Style Memo Board Attractive .board for kitchen remits- (t dan, ' -or fatally * ■ notas.- 8-Pc. Hickok Glass Set 2-pc. Childrens Dinnerware set Decorated sport glass sat. Heavy « Tot'em, favorite * A s p a r t chomp ion design. 1 "Melamine" sets, dinncrplafe a a d a tumbler in Mary ^ Poppies or Mickay Meuse pattern*. 1 Chrome&Glass Lazy Susan Cram* and Cat Chroma and cut a glass. Ideal far oil # informal serving occ-sons. 1 YOUR CHOICE 1 LAUNDRY WASH , BASKET BASKET Open-weave * Use hs both-laundry basket mom, kitchen, for moximem . Heavy gouge air circulatlan. durable plastic. DISH PAN PITCHER Squore-sheped plastic diahpaM fits late your siak bettor. Sis*. Durable plastic, medarn design with large handle, safety pouring spout. JUST SAY CHARGE-IT TAKE MONTHS TO PAY WITH MICHIGAN BANKARD F—« THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1M« YANKEE ★ STORES 15 BIG AUTO AN D HARDWARE 5 BIG DAYS TO SAVE 100 Foot Roll TV Lead-in Wire Replace your old lead-in 'wire for a second TV set in your home. $ Big 9fxl2 Ft. Heavy Duty Plastic Tarp Bit * * 12 ft. sice. Heavy duty constriction — ideal far bant coverage this time of year. Sturdy Galvanized Metal Clothes Props Galvanized to prevent rust end wear. Support your heavy wash leads. — Eliminate dragging in mud and dirt. mmmffim'timimmmmsaty 7-lnch Paint Pan And Roller Set The easy and fun way to point . . . takes the work Out of What was once P in-considered drudgery. PAP 2$ Grade W Quality ^Transmission Keeps your outodsatic P transmission function- j -ing smoothly and of-ficiently because it A. affords mazimum* 1J¥C 25-ft. Heavy Duty Extension Light Complete with wire bird cage . ■ to protect bulb — for home C and auto repair Jobs or T an extra light whenever needed. Fresh Stock 9-Yolt Transistor Batteries Perk up yah# transistor radio or transistor-driven pliances or toys you •nay have. op.- your transit- radio or ethor , # EL ■ (ister-driven op- d| ■ ----------------for I 30-inch Long Handle Auto Wash Brush Long 30" handle at- . m a i laches to . garden M ff 1 hose. Wash your car * 9 'in half the ■ time. ■ — Shut, off valve, ia -handle. 3/4"xf50 Ft. Roll Masking Tape Used for masking off A windows or ether J areas whan painting, - ^ or decorating. Sticks p *5 tenaciously, but lifts- |Af easily. Plastic Lantern and Trouble Light Powarful boom lantern it weatherproof, compact and handy. Operates on 4 "D" call batteries (not included)1. Famous "Standard' Quality Motor Oil Quality refined meter ^ oil free* the World's . ■ TWO YANKEE STORES IN THE PONTIAC AREA * MIRACLE MILE SHOPPING CENTER * CORNER OF PERRY ANO MONTCALM STREETS THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER S, 1966 F—7 YOUR CHOICE ANY 2 ITEMS MIX or MATCH 18-pc. Hex Key Wrench Set CiMnifM* ri tmtlm. Toft' Mm hirt^ao#*- _. . •**»«*"* For flitch Long Nose ^Pliers XniWIm-in r$1 l» heavy plastic — to kelp da all Hiosa household cleaning eke res — or ate «fc gardening. [MEAT TENDERIZES 2«»*1 Handy item, nsktt out meat tender and edible. WELCOME NUHS FOR*l With plenty df amall mb* bar'tips la scrape mud dad maw. KITCHEN TONGS JELLO MOLDS 16-«i. Cm DRANO 2m* *1 2 FOR *1 2 FOR ^ *1 Heady, nsalH parpese tongs Alike fancy fruit er JaMi - Par clear, tmahlefrm far handling all these hot er maids far family serving er drains, ata • RMto Pm an .' herd to handle feeds. a gay dessert fat hsHdays. *,"taaah-h.'. MEAT CLEAVER 2por$‘| Stanly cleaver far all year titeben catting and chapping fake. • 22-ox. Spray Stardi CLEANER BACS 2-Pc. SALAD SET Ironing PAD-COVER 2««*1 2«.*1 2,for$1 2m«*1 Witt not search. Pete ee D to C bat* per package. Tess seladb with ease. Past Ironing heard sat — scarab invincible acarcb guard ha* Mwovoe mWowbddnni s* *. Eur«k« mss GE tTc. Seine* and themegh. Makes • J greet with heavy libra glam tw**" Won and fabrics. HfR uf m#it wwwfdotwffcf. nnln^ KmR ctni^l EduO^ Endlno pad. KITCHEN SPADE 2for^1 Spade is deafal far serving patataas, lea cream, vega table*. HEAT-PROOF BAKEWARE Your Choice Iron Cord Holdor 2*»*1 KITCHEN SHEARS 2?or*1 TURNER SPATULA • 2 Qp. Covered Comnrola • Loaf Pith • 8" If. Coke Disk • 2 Qr. Utility Digit • I feO*. Utility DMi FOR High quality steel! Lid pry*', removes battle sips. Cats ap feed and pealtry. Handy card balder, balds year .card —Toly away la "—he-.year ironing safer aad easier. , . Handy kitchen teal far aN year frying at ceekieg jobs. Paper Bag Holder 2 FOR ^*| Makes bag -storage easier aad aaatar.. Immersion Heater Mixing Bowl Sot Heavy Duty Pad Rayon Mop Hondo 2 FOR ^*1 2fOR^1| 2 FOR *| 2f6R^1 Ideal far travel or far gnisk Heavy da—hla bawls la a With spout and handle, la Interchangeable, fits atoll heating af water far iattaat ceftea, tot " Wen. 3 p«. gat. Graduated aims far on mixing chare*. — mssldsd easy to grip. aR beadles. Durable and heavy. Folding lap Trays 2 roR With brail Washable aad aaay la held JUST SAY CHARGE-IT TAKE MONTHS TO PAY WITH MICHIGAN BANKARD | THRU | MICRO PHOTO DIVISION BELL 6c HOWELL COMPANY