The Weath U. 8, Weather ‘@ Forecast; Snow or Rain Details Page * THE PONTIAC PRES 114th YEAR i Te is. & rs PONTIAC » MICHIGAN, SATT URDAY, MARCH 10, 1956—32 PAGES a r irMother, Baby as Fire ASSOCIATED UNITED PRESS PHOTOS INTERNATIONAL NEWS SERVICE Rares Home hh ++ dramas On-Way -to-Basketball-Game— I Charred Skeleéton_of House Remains After. Fi ire Burns Cri itical Flexible Wheat | Seven Teenagers Injured& Supports Saved -in Bloomfield Car Crash’ as Flames Gut Seven Bloomfield Hills High School students, en, pone to a basketball game in Farmington Township, | by Nixon's Vote Keego Dwelling were injured. last night in a two-car collision on Lahser: Woman Dashes Through . 46 to 45 Ballot Rejects. Road near Maple Road. Higher and Rigid Prices Four were treated for minor injuries. The. other Blaze to Rescue Child; three were reported in “fairly good”: condition in Wil-| | 2 Families Homeless — _for Milling Product liam Beaumont Hospital this morning. A Keego Harbor woman WASHINGTON (?'—A tie-Harlan Davis, 16,-of Franklin Road, reportedly suf-. breaking vote by Vice Pres-fered a prastured collarbone in a collision with Roy E, and her six-month-old baby, seriously burned when their ident Nixon last night nar-; ——+ Wetzel, 53, of Lahser Road. rowly saved the adminis- Laurie Pinkerton, 15, of Claren-house caught fire yesterday ypriots tr idon drive, suffered possible in-afternoon, still were in tration’s flexible farm price ternal injuries. Mary Ann Ogur,) critical condition this morn- support program on wheat. 15, of Jonathan lane, suffered a’ ing in Pontiac General Hos- The 46-45 vote to reject fractured collarbone and fractured a higher, rigid support pital. OFFOTEST UUSTEL == | Mrs. Betty Polson, 28, ‘ow lane, was treated by her suffered second-degree level contrasted sharply Andree Gallaudet, 14, of Shad-|- with the 54-41 tally the day Rebel Aoawat England physician in St. Joseph Mercy before on supports for cot-. After Deportation — of burns over 30 per cent of Hospitat after being removed ton, corn and peanuts. from William Beaumont. Nancy her body in a heroic dash r In addition to Nixon, 34 Repub-| Greek Archbishop : | Lindbloom, 15, of Ardmore drive; | through the blazing living Gretchen Raeder, 16, of Quarton | licans and 11 Democrats support. iroom of the six-room house NICOSIA,.Cyprus (#—Thousands|_read;. and Frederick Guenther. _ed the administration stand, while’ ‘to rescue her baby, Frank. of Cypriots walked off their jobs dr., 15, of Old Mill road, all were 11 Republicans and 34 Democrats | treated and released. Frank. had second-degree burns voted against it. in a paralyzing general strike to-| | day in protest against Britain's According to Bloomfield Town-| over 20 per cent of his body, hos- — > — ship police, Wetzel said Davis was pital authorities said, |deportation of Archbishop Makar-d State Senators Split riving south on Lahser road with- ios II] as. a dangerous rebel. | MKeege Harbor firemen, who out lights at 7 p.m. WASHINGTON (®—Michigan’'s Tough British paratroopers pa-| fought the blaze for twe hours, senators split again last night ‘trolled the streets of the Nicosia’ sald it started about 3 p.m. Davis’ car hit Wetzel’s “as Wetzel was making. a ‘left turn from the ever flexible farm supports as when one ef the children was northbound lane of Lahser into his) Senate knocked out of the | playing with matches in the liv. driveway, police said farm bill 90 per cent price sup-ing reom. _ No tic kets have been issued. — on milling quality wheat. The six-room, two-family house . Potter (R-Mich) voted in “Jat 2914 Cordell St. was gutted, at oS of the amendment which | Do U. S. Schools killed the rigid support. Sen. | an estimated loss of $2,500, McNamara (D-Mich) voted Take ‘Listening’ Three more Polson children — against the amendment. Ethel, 9; John, 6; and Eugene, 4— for Granted? now are in the care of neighbors. -Pentiac Press Phote The Nixon tally knocked out a! DENVER (®—The art of listen-Their father, John, ig reported SUBDUE KEEGO BLAZE — Keego Harbor firemen work to fire was reported started by children playing with matches. Mrs. special system of rigid price sup- away from home, : ports proposed for ‘‘auality mill-| ing has been taken for granted extinguish the still-smouldering fire which totally destreyed a two-Betty Polson, 28, was critically burned while rescuing her baby, too long in America’s schools, a family, six room house at 2914 Cordell St. yesterday afternoon. The Frank, 6 months, from the fire. ing wheat” and set off an angry parliamentary row that lasted for | convention of elementary school ~ hours. principals of the National -Educa- ‘Wealth of Taxpayers’ tion Assn. was told yesterday Sen. Gore (D-Tenn), whe chal- lenged decisions of Nixon and Dr. Helen K. Mackintosh of the Royal Oak Man Crash Injuries the Senate parliamentarian on U.S. Office of Education said this the vice president's right to is borne out by the fact that most Population Strides Swell | vote, in this particular parlia-| youngsters have difficulty grasp- mentary situation, promised to ~ -— ing Something -presented to them Highway Victim ‘Oakland County Treasury Fatal to Victim:=: continue his battle Monday. orally alone “The average person,” she said, Here’ @ ote Some $10,-' Lapeer Man Dies Auto Rams Brick Walt: Oaktand Countyis richer than éver. ‘The Senate uproar over the: “speaks the equivalent of a book wheat vote came after Senate a week, reads the equivalent of a. After Running Into Side 982,262, more money than at any previous time, was of Effects of Head- 3s clerks made a mistake and an- nounced defeat of the higher sup ARCHBISHOP MAKARIOS book a month; writes the equiva-” on the books at the beginning of the month, according: Collision Thursday lent of a book in a lifetime—but of Halted Vehicle to County Treasurer Charles A. Sparks. . ports by a 46-45 margin listens to the equivale é 0) capital and other centers. They ee he equivalent of a book . . a SEN. GREEN SWITCHES An increased number of taxpayers, attracting more). Eldred Thornton, 45, of Lapeer, care of the already had faced shotgun and ee David L.. Delson, 27, of 715 South Majority Leader Lyndon B bomb attacks in the night. Rembrandt St., Royal Oak, was and more funds for state-financed service, is the reason | who was injured in a headon coll. Johnson (D-Tex) managed to get \Missouri Mule The government said the strike Impossible but Tive; dead on admittance to Beaumont Sen. Green (D-RI), who had voted the record balance, Sparks said. sion on M24 at Brown Road Thurs- hit the island against high wheat supports, to entire Almost all Texan Dislikes Texas Hospital early this morning after! The peak was reached, h e explained, mainly because 44y. died yesterday afternoon in shops and firms in the capital his) car ment) GIP of contro? at 11 switch his vote Twn Being Kicked Out were closed PORTSMOUTH, Va. ®—There’s. US “ ; the county's 57 cities, villages and townships last month Pontiac General Hospital. But a recheck showed only 90 ton suffered a concussion andsw fOr Show Horse In the first stirrings of violent at least one person in Texas pho Mile Rd. and West Street . *delivered the bulk of 1955 votes cast with the actual tally reaction, terrorists, fired shotguns doesn't think it is tops Gloria Manross, 29, of 1418 South sible fractured ankle in the crash +} then a 45-45 tie. Nixon broke it tax coHections. at one patrol and hurled bombs at The Portsmouth Chamber of Main St., a passenger in Delson’s He was a passenger in the-car pas, or ot eae wed Collegian, 21, by voting te kneck out the two others. Three men were Commerce received this letter car, is In serious condition at the Cash-on-hand Tepresents almost higher wheat supports. driven by Arnold F. Bullis, 44, of | S0urt ee y bs wl wounded : from a Woman in Midland nen Bs : oan) ,seet livestock show in its, native a fourth of all monéy the county Youngest to Join The action, if sustained by the wt rane Ww reportedly 108 The British refused to say im “Virginia seems the ideal choice 54M hospital bandied last yeer (Sparks oald The orth inch, who rey y state for 57 years, is being kicked House, would leave the support mediately where Makarios was to me. I am sick of Texas wind Royal Oak police said Delson present sum, plus additional funds control of his car on a down-grade out to make room for more show Stock Exchange price on wheat at the $1.81 a bush-taken dust, rawness and monotony attempted to pass Joseph G. received this year, will be spent at 29d crossed the center line of the horses. el fixed for this year's crop instead The Greek Orthodox primate on Please send me information on Sherman, 33, of 207 South West PHILADELPHIA (INS) —__A. : _The American. Royal. Livestock -@tate..of $600,000. -a—-week -Foad-before-hitting a-car-driven-ayaa will the of raising it-té abot $27.26. (Continued on Page 7, Col 2) your city.” -"St.,.whe had stopped to make a University of Pennsylvania under- Only about 57 per cent of the (23-year-old Clifford E. Morris of jute from competition ‘next fall. left: turn, _graduate—just turned 21 years of. present cash actuatty is ear (518 Orchard Lake Ra. “We had many more requests Delson’s car hit Sherman's. then age—has become the youngest marked for operating the numer Both drivers were treated for for stall space for show horses ran up over a curb into the side member of the 1,300-member New | | ous county offices and serv ices, Tears in His Eyes. but He’s Happy minor injuries. Cecil E. VanHorn, |than we could handle,” E. M. of a brick wall York Stock Exchange he said. Dodds, president of the Royal, ex- 30, of Lapeer, a passenger with, e Sherman and his wife . Janet, who. Stephen M_ Peck a junior in _the-Most—of the rest eomes trem Hulls. was teported In{eatisiactory | ained. “As a result we decided the state in such amounts as : P to eliminate the mule competition was in the car, were unhurt. Wharton School of Finance and $648,778 for the county road com- condition in Pontiac General Hos-\from the show and turn the staff Commerce, was elected to mem- mission and $324,566 for the drain pital yesterday, suffering multiple! space over to the show horses for bership Thursday after buying the \the show this year (Oct. 20-28).” commission. Both agencies carry lacerations Easter Adventure The Missouri mule -tenacious The young financier—who says area, Herman Kreger, 32, of Silverwood, seat for $99,000 out state plans to improve the’) Two more Bullis passengers, hard-working and even considered he owns just a few common stocks Another $111,042 held for school and Orel D. Carson Jr., 20, of -La-a thing of beauty by some of its now plans to engagein business libraries, represents money re peer both were treated and re- Tale Starts Monday. fanciers—owes much of its. reputa- state from leased tion to the “Army. college and military service municipal and justice court fines = A mule named Verdun was the The story of Egghert—another , on the exchange after completing cently returned by the special Easter Feature — will He said the purchase—kept se-Items such most widely known mascot of start Monday in the Pontiac World War I. He belonged to the cret from his fellow students until invested in banks, Sparks said, nus, spares’ oid. SNOW, Mercury Dip, Press, ‘15th U, S. Field Artillery which it was official—was financed part-where the interest rate is one per The Easter adventure that ly on his own and partly with the cent held the tines in the memorable p of his father, Barney Peck. a battle of Verdun, Outlook for Tonight Walt Scott, famous artist, has Also placed in safe -keeping An estimated 68,000 mules were | written and drawn for both with the county is money from member of the New York invest- According to the U S. Weather casualties in the first World War. neither fax-payer or state, but ment firm of Ernst & Co Bureau, it well be colder tonight And in World War II the mule was youngsiers and grevnups ill run for 18 days. To Begin lee Brecking Rgghert is an egg-shaped little HEBOYGAN © — The Coast man carved out of wood, He's Guat cutter Mackinaw will start to be grandfather's Easter gift ifs spring ice-breaking operations to Cissy, a pretty young girl whe ‘around March 15. It wilt operate can't walk. in the Straits of Mackinac in prep The county takes care of them for will be near XII will bless the world tomorrow Watch for this beautifully aration for the opening of the seven years, Sparks explained The lowest temperature preced-in a highlight of. the solemn cele- lustrated and entertainingly writ spring shipping channels. It also then the state takes over ing § am. was 23 degrees, The bration here of his 80th birthday ten feature starting Monday, will move into the we bridge in: Another $59,972 is being held in thermometer registered 34 at-and the 17th anniversary of his March 12, in the Pontiac Press. the Bois Blanc Island area (Continued on Page 7. Col. 2) lpm coronation. Superintendent Reports to ‘Stockholders’ * City Schools Face Challenge of Growth schoola staff. is introducing an ‘civics plus lesser amounts of sci- cern in the future of Pontiac and Pontiac in particular expanded testing program de-ence, physical education, indus- By BURDETT STODDARD a your money, children and con fare of ow societyin general and In maintaining a sound school signed to aid students in select-trial arts, homemaking, music, our country.” program “there is an obligation Toward these objectives, the ing a vocation and pinpointing ‘speech and dramatics, to strive for continuously better Pontiac schools represent a mul any shortcomings in their educa- instruction and learning,’ Pontiac ti-million dollar enterprise with a tion which might be corrected. | The board attempts to secure Superintendent of Schools br. | the best teachers possible by current operating budget ef $5.-In Today’s Press Dana P. Whitmer said’ tdday. A review of the serlior high edu-\ maintaining a salary schedule Building News 17 thru 24 595,020, some 17,835 students, 975 Whitmer summed up the school cational program is under way as which compares favorably with , *h News 1 3 i te: : system's present status and plans employes, 27 school buildings. an . . en > first step in planning a second others in the state and conduct. Poa Neue . ' |plus goals his staff and the Board buildings HIS cur RUNNETH OVER — Editorials ae pense 6 senor high, due for opening in| ing an active recruiting program. Walter Buggs, | # AP Wirephoto of Education hope to achieve ‘‘with “However, the importance of this Sports me soe 25 September of 1958, said Whitmer.! Increased assistance to teachers 11, his eyes overflowing with tears of happiness, myer pet, a young German Shepherd named Rex, the cooperation of local citizens enterprise lies in the contribution Theaters oo 96, 05 The junier high program is also) fromp supervisory persons is _en- _to the intellectual, physical, moral TV & Radio Programs . 33 being revised to assure each pupil) | cour’ and teacher -education cradles his new dog in his arms after the pet whsHS killed by Walter was turned over to him by the Americ social and emotional development) Wilson, Earl vee % three full vears of English, math-/activities carried on including the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals ,of children and thus to the wel-| Women's Pages ............. & 9 ematics, history, geography and, (Continued on Page 2, Col. 7) THE PONTIAC PRES S. SATURDAY, me - * arse Pol in Tunis Riots Officials, Newspapers. Charge French Forces ‘Shirked’ Duties TUNIS (INS)—Tunisian officials and a newspaper accused French police today of “shirking” their du-| ties during yesterday's riots in, which a rampaging French mob) MARCH 10, 1956 The Day in Birmingham Brain Research . Board of Review to Hear Technique Told Owners Monday, Tuesday BIRMINGHAM—The city are lower because board/taxes actually New Experiment Keeps of review meets on Monday and of the higher taxes being paid by Human in Water for, Tuesday of next week in the mu- \businesses, Haack says. Local | Three Hours ——S taxes are $58.20 per $1,000 valua- tions to property owner's tax as- sessments. tion. WASHINGTON \P—A new el Elmer Haack, city assessor who Total valuation last year was* nique in brain research in which will relinquish his post to Wilfred $53,249,460, Haack says, but this ‘ithe subject is totally immersed in Taylor, present deputy assessor‘, on year’s total will not be definite water for as long as three hours April 1, will be sitting with the until after the board of review was described today by a govern-, review board members, Luther) meets. He 2 Smeets. it to be about ment scientist who has undergone ‘Heacock, and Percival. Burnett. five and a half millions. it = stormed and sacked the U. 5S. Con-| Land assessments were raised because lant vated had ~gulaté Genera] ~ and” information gone center in Tunis. _ stitute of Mental Health, is that sate * * * 7. the boredom and-tony The anti-nationalist French set-” create even in normal minds hal-| tlers also wrecked the offices of} lucinations akin to those experi-they feel that their problems cases where additions have been two Nationalist newspapers. : enced by the mentally ill. “have not been fully heard, they. made to buildings or personal One of the rioters was killed by When he tried it, Lilly said, he | talk to the board in its annual properties. a pistol shot before police suc-began to imagine after about 2 two-day session. * * ceeded in clearing the streets, hours that he saw “‘small, strange- | This year the raised land values Tunis today still showed the ef-ly shaped objects with self-lumi- Hn the eity may provoke objections, fects of the outburst of violence. nous borders” and ‘“‘a__ tunnel Haack says._Homehave lots been. whose inside space seemed to be! Downtown streets were littered |~ ‘assessed 30 per cent higher than emitting a blue light.” with debris near the sacked Hast year, while some downtown beaildings and heavily-armed_ pe-| In what he described as pre-values have been raised 100 per lice and army reinforcements liminary experiments, Lilly said icent. It balances out so that the were stationed at strategic points a volunteer was suspended in a ‘homeowners may find that their throughout the city. tank of water, naked and head down—in g kind of “dead man’s Qne of the sacked newspapers, | float.” Rubber supports keep his Le Petit Matin, today published Outline Future Plans feet from going to the bottom. an account of the riots and ac-: He breathes through tubes cen- cused the police of failing to cope. nected with a blacked-out mask. for Pontiac Schools with the mobs. * i Otherwise, he is virtually isolat-| -The other newspaper, A] Amal, | ed from physical and mental stim-| (Continued From Page One) AP Wirephoto did not publish because its presses ulation. Lilly said the technique workshops, conferences and infor- The Allegheny River jumped its shown winding through the towa. Over 500 families in the area are were badly damaged in the rioting. RIVER ON THE LOOSE — |might be useful in producing in imal discussion meetings. banks and flooded the downtown area of Warren, Pa. The riv@® is homeless as the result. inormal persons (a) temporary (In Washington, the State De-| In working with pupils, empha- *-------ee + /mental disturbances which might said it had expressed its “concern” over the riots to ‘sis is placed on developing knowl- provide clues to the causes of men- edge and appreciation of the basic Homel ital illness, and (b) a feeling of precepts of American life and the r) GRACE BUSH jisolation and boredom presumed ‘free enterprise economic system, Li : Flies to be a factor in the Communist- 500 Families ‘Whitmer exptained. - A nationally-known poét, com- | Efforts are made to Instill stu-poser and lecturer will appear in \ devised technique of “‘brain-wash- the American consulate in Tunis to express his ‘deep regrets” about the incident. Back East ing. | Lilly First Bap- The Ohio River was #bove flood cane told about the experiments dents with a sense of personal self-4 Jecture recital at the By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Church Sunday evening, 7:30. discipline and responsibility plus tist /in a report prepared for a regional ‘She is Grace Bush, presently of ‘conferenceof the American Psy--the-attitudes—and abilities needed : a a Optimistic After Confabs Bronchial Illness Cuts to work wel: with other people. ‘Los Angeles, Calif. She has pub- The mob of Frenchmen, who chiatric Assn. being held at gen- erate: however, was reported today from the Pacific Northwest West Coast Tour With Georgetown University School of Turning to the school systems’ lished four books of poems and erally regard Americans as being anti-colonialist and pro-nationalist, With Nehru Concerning light. The Weather Bureau at into sections of New England. He amplified on it in) ‘has written over 175 songs, several physical plant, Whitmer sald, “A | Medicine Huntington, W. Va., estimated the) * * * Italian President was aroused by the murder of two Ajid to Pakistan ‘of which will be featured by so- loists of the church on Sunday. |response to a reporter's questions. | continual program of plant re- French brothers by Tunisian guer- lrain threatened: additional flooding feet above flood stage at any point Her presentation is entitled ‘‘Great (INS)—Near ¢? person have so far undergone| rillas. where flooding occurs. SAN FRANCISCO NEW DELHI «®—®ecretary of in some of the flood stricken sec- the water test, Lilly described his) shape and .. . serve adequately Hymns and Hymn Writers.” State Dulles said today after dis-tions in New York State. Sala-The Ohio was three feet above'exhaustion. and severe laryngitis ‘experience thus: | an up-to-date educational Military Suggestions pro-Miss Bush will recount hew the 32-foot flood stage yesterday | cusions with Prime Minister, Manca, N. Y., hit by the worst following a virtuoso diplomatic per. . “The water temperature Is | gram, some of the great songs of the at East Liverpool, Ohio, and 2.2 flood in history by the overflows formance forced Mrs. Olare Boothe Nehru of India, that he saw ‘“‘no. : ead apts feet above the 38.2 flood such that the subject feels neith-| “while every effort has been world were born. Her poems m the Allegheny River, re- stage t z LJ Being Kept Secret Wheeling last night. ‘Luce today to leave for New York! er hot nor cold , . . the sound ‘made in the past to maintain the have appeared in numerous an- rries ahead of the official party of level is low .. . one hears only school plant with available funds, thologies and she is a member Gers es Da gy our'mained under the state-of-emer- 6 66 gency orders issued by the mayor Light snow and snow flu = the city of 9,000 population. -' one's own breathing and some ‘we have not been able to keep of the National League of Amer- fell during the night and early itatian president Giovanni Gron WASHINGTON (INS) — Military} Dulles told a news conference|! | faint water sounds from the pip- morning in central New York and/°™-pace, | ican Pen Women. Her songs and ing. It is one of the most even ‘in scattered sections of New Eng-| Mrs. Luce, U.S, ambassador to “To achieve structural soundness | musical compositions have won recommendations drafted by the’ he considered those policies basic-| High water along the Allegheny Joint Chiefs of Staff in Puerto, ally friendly. He sought to assure|8"d_ tributaries in northwestern and monotonous envirmonents I land. Similar precipitation was re-| Rome and this country’s only jand educational adequacy, a4 her numerous prizes and wide Rico this week will be kept secret Indians that U. §. military aid to/Pennsylvania and southern and have experienced .. -| stepped-up program is necessary— recognition, She has appeared ported across the northern Rock-woman plenipotentiary, left San | al until after they have been sub-| Pakistan would not be used Western New -York State kept jsome 500 evacuated families from jfor we believe the people want a under the sponsorship of jes, parts of the Northern Plains: Francisco aboard a United Air-| mitted to President Eisenhower. | He added: against India. “India should land the extreme northern Great lines plane nearly five hours | first-class school plant in both re- churches, musical organizations and literary groups all over the be confident that|"eturning to their homes. * * “Apparently even healthy minds Lakes region. A high Defense Department of-/ Pakistan will not -wse arms for plane carrying the president and (this means to psychiatric research; United States. Her local appear- fell in the Pacific, Financed by a special tax, ap- ficial said today that before they aggression against India,” Dulles Rain or snow Group fo Study ‘ance is in connection with his party. lis obvious—we have yet to obtain, proved by schoo] district voters, a cur- are made public the President will|said. «If Pakistan-did, its Northwest, with falls generally) govern- te attend @ full, documented picture of the rent eastern tour. Her extensive building, repair and | be given an opportunity to accept! ment knows it would light. Heaviest falls, from 2 to 5 meané quick program a She had been scheduled given by University an s of Tange available to the healthy hu- : reject the ending of good relations between recommendations, | huncheon | is sponsored locally by the Sanc- inches, were reported in eastern, is underway, or * adult mind; some of the tcau-Gime fe which are designed to adapt the the United States and Pakistan. Choir of the Baptist . tuary . yordon a!an ‘Montana, Wyoming and the west-California president Robert Goi factors in mental illness Armed Forces to the. requirements “And the United States would) R ‘ern Dakotas. Sproul and to remain with the | Church. Save) | of the guided missile age. jbe on India’s side if the matter | | Most of the southern two-thirds party on its return journey to the | | Coffees for new members of of the country reported rising jwas brought before the United! East Coast. eae Newcomers, which meets usually * * Nations.” | eh temperatures. Biggest advance, Advisory Council Seeks Defense Secretary Charlies E. at the Community House, have * * » | ifrom 8 to 15 degrees, occurred in LJ An American member cf the Wilson, on his return from visit- for 1955-56, said Whitmer. }eon begun, with the first held last Data on Leisure Time ithe Southern Plains. party said that Mrs. Luce yester-Pair Confesses ing with the chiefs of Ramey Dulles’ support earlier this week! way ‘which will see 8 milti-purpose ,.o4 at Mrs. Walter Riley's homeActivities in Area ‘rooms, 12 classrooms, a library., Westchester. Ten January new- Air Force Base in Puerto Rico, |"! the SEATO meeting in Karachi, |day was offered the use of an Air was waesually reticent in dis. (! Pakistan's demand for an im-Force hospital plane to return her high-|mediate plebiscite in the disputed | Blood Bank to Seek least for treatment. She declined and an office area added to €X-\omers attended the informal get- cussing the subject of the jisting buildings. of the together, along with four officers. ‘Himalayan state of Kashmir pro-| The executive committee the offer, however, and insisted on * * ® \voked angry outbursts in India. Greater Pontiac Community Advis-| going through with two grueling level meeting. fo Theft Series 200 Pints at Temple An elementary school will be Wilson, greeted by newamen at) Washingtonday afternooNationaln, would Airportsay only Fri-,that CYDTIOLS Striking“some changes” in the Armed! jory Council met yesterday for its. Chief Tankers Seek jengagements last night. built this year plus 8 all-weather monthly meeting and authorized Recover Stolen Articles play areas and the obsolete Bailey | While Pontiac did not get a div- the appointment of a recreation: reminded that the Red Cross Blood- testimonial dinner for Gronchi. After 2 Admit Robbing aca CHD EO es Gotan Cnt Te ing qualifier in last night's open- study committee. Forces will be made as a result ot p { t 0 mobile will make its monthly visit Mrs. Luce “completely lost het a ; . ing MHSAA swimming title tests The proposed committee, yet un-at AG Arboc, otiier ine -of The multi-purpose rooms, con- named, will consist of 35 members . taining a gym floor and cafetiera, the Puerto Rico session, | 0 r0 es uster . | to the Elks Temple, 114 Orchard voice and appeared near collapse” Five Places * * | Lake Ave., Monday from 2 to 8 as she went to her room at the the PHS team this afternoon were and will be an exploratory group by two city men yes-\il) greatly increase school activi- Asked whether the meeting in-| (Continued From Page One) Confessions to study needs and facilities of p.m Sheraton-Palace hotel temiay cleared up five burglaries ties plus providing space for adult seeking places for tonight's finals. volved an adaptation ot combat this British colony in the eastern leisure-time activities for all age Mrs. A. H. Magnus, Red Cross __ here over a year ago and brought ¢ nctions Bulk of the qualifying comes to- forces to the use of guided mis-Meriterranean was the leader of blood chairman for the Pontiac day. In the 400-yard free style Roy- groups in the Pontiac area. Meter Revenue Gain about the recovery of several hun-" come 24.691 students are expect- siles, Wilson said that the meeting the Greek Cypriot drive for inde-area, said 200 pints are needed to dred dollars worth of loot. Pontiac ¢g to be enrolled in Pontiae schools al Oak's Andy Morrow last night has provided “a realistic reap-| pendence and eventual union with bolster the supply of the Commu MUSKEGON i® — The city’ 8 broke his own 1954 record with a The executive group also an- police said by 1956, said Whitmer, meaning praisal of al] our long-range prob-| Greece. nounced that some 200 members 'nity Bloed Bank automobile parking system Aa mu-4:26.6 effort. Old mark was 4:39.5. Arrests of Chester. J. Knicker-that space for 8.192 pupils must lems. ” | The capital of Nicosia seemed Some 40 employes of Wrigley mcipal utihty operating 1.418 me-packer 39, and Robert L.. Merril. be added in the next ten-years of the Advisory Council will jueons in the first hours at word Grocery Stores in the county. plus ters on streets and lots, reported 19 i gather at the City Hall March 15 aa a, ¥, i st ] ots, g a} e after ¢ -week rest}. “It looks now as if it will beKavanagh Gives Ruling gation by Waterford Township de-possible to finance this needed con-Life of Virginia's that the British had whisked their for a business mecting and to 30 Baldwin Rubber Co. personnel, its 1955 revenue at $123.596—a 10 1S) came ater & sow cen lever ; spiritual leader _and_three of his, hear a preliminary report on the are expected to donate.a i men 2. on m on on tntand take Bridges pec! i Porlien-per -eent—paimn—over the pre VIOUS -teetives Don Gravin and Millerd-ceryction anc-operate-schonts-with] newly created committee. lieutenants in a giant Royal Air of the much-needed blood Monday year Operating costs were listed ponder Associate Manager current voted taxes if allocated LANSING «P—Atty. Gen. Thom-. Force Hastings transport. Church. ‘TRe epuneil is compesed of 278. Mrs. Magnus said there will be at $23,169, They said Knickerbacker WaS milage remains at the 1954-35 lev- | of the Month members from church, as Shopkeepers rolled M. Kavanagh held today coun-| bells tolled. suspected after his arrest for in-e].” civic. government, social welfare, that the monthly campaign will vestigation in another case. x ties do not have authority to build. down their seatere . and business groups from the Pon-"esume on May 14 at the same oldest’ of the women's military At Knickerbacker’s home at 1000 Feel Earthquake Shock | TS bridges on navigable inland lakes. | The opinion was issued in an-' Reaction abroad was. swift. iiac area, location. jservices, was established in 1901. ‘Myrtle Ave. police said they ree Greece reeated its ambassador: Fred V. Haggard, president of covered everything except a cam-. EUREKA, Calif. W—A_ rolling swer to. a question from Jerry to London and complained to the’ the Oakland County CIO Council, era taken in breakins during No-earthquake was! felt over a large J. O'Connor, Cass County 2Can Head-On Crash Kills prose- | United ‘Nations. Political leaders vember 1954 and February, 1955. area of Humboldt County in ex- Articles included an electric treme northern California last is head of the organization. -cuting attorney. in Greece called: the action ‘as- @ LJ = tounding . . . brutal’ In Athens driil, pistol, adding machine, radio-‘night. No damage was reported. students stormed through the O'Connor asked whether the phonograph, whiskey, radio, type-A second shock was reported at streets. Riot squads were rushed Pontiac Deaths 6 People, 4 From Family county road commission could le- writer, archery equipment, fishing Ferndale, about 40 miles south. to guard the British Embassy. gally construct a bridge from the | mainland to an island in Diamond | COOPERSVILLE «w — A tire-Rapids purchasing agent driving rod and photography equipment, ‘In London, opponents of Prime Lake. . Mrs. Grace O'Hara screaming automobile crash with his family and a 48-year-police said, \Oks Library Expansion Minister Eden denounced the de- Kavanagh said the state is com-smashed the life out of six persons old paroled robber, traveling portation as ‘an act of folly .. The Rosary will’ be said at & DETROIT uw — Mayor Albert E. mitted by the constitution to the madness.” —four from a single family—and alone, Only seconds before the Bulganin Backs Plan pm. Sunday in the Brace -Smith | Cobo has approved a start on De- legal La ition that any dele ——————— Funeral Heme for Mrs. Grace legi ropositi t any le-left a seventh critically injured on erash the latter, according to MOSCOW i — Soviet Premier troit's $9,500,000 Public Library ex-' gation by the state of the power to . O'Hara of &? Murphy St US. 16 last night. authorities, had been careening Bulganin says he thinks France's pansion project. He asked that | The scene was a Curve four down the wrong. side of the high- Si tate ce Population Swells ies. a fee ah ae must ne Opu a ion we 5 | The funeral will be from St suggestion to combine President $2,500,000 be incladed in the 1956-57 miles west of this Ottawa County . ; 0 k| ] Benedict's Catholic Church at 10 way, | Eisenhower's “open sky” inspec-'city budget to finance the first community, about midway between MAX E. WILSON pm. Mayday with burial in Mt The dead are: tion proposal with other arms stages of construction. Two wings Grand Rapids and Muskegon. Mr. Max E. Wilson has been The Weather —-akland Treasury — s,s". Maitner, his plans serve the for be to present Donald 34; 33-year-could as basis would added the The crash was between cars old wife, Alberta: their daughters, named Associate Manager of nda eed ane Masel = pecree sing morning after a six-week illness. | driven by a 34-year-old Grand Sharon Lynn, 10 and Donal, U.S. Weather Bereau Forecast: (Continued From Page One) Mrs, O'Hara died yesterday big power disarmament talks. main building. . the Month as announced today cloudiness and somewhat celder today, ‘ etna ‘our’ 7 by Louis Pohl, District Mati- high 81-35, Snow beginning tonight and trust for ‘circuit court. It is money Theodore J Voet, ane A Grand ad ager of the Pontiac office. dea aoa man. ’ THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, MARCH 10,1956 Birmingham’s Village Players Will Present ‘Ladies BIRMINGHAM — Nine ladies, ham -Vassar Club Tuesday in Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Latham until their respective schools close seven gentlemen (used only to Grosse Pointe. Jr., who have been living in Pitts-for summer vacation. Charles is a | few weeks in Florida, point up the ladies’ problems) and Ld burgh for several years, will soen student at The Citadel in Virginia * * * Birmingham. | and Barbara is a senier at high Mr, and Mrs. E. A. Schirmer cast of “Ladies of the Corridor” school in Mount Lebanon, Pa. are expected home early in the by Dorothy Parker and Arnaud) |just returned from a visit with |C. B. Stiffler home in Poppleton FAMILY VISITORS Mrs. Robert Phelan, Mr. and Mrs. give a lune ’ Mr. and Mrs. William H. Breech week from a fortnight in Cal- d'Usseau which the Village Play-the senior Cavanaughs at their |avenue. Ralph Taylor and the William PASTOR LEAVING | Will entertain a group of friends! ifornia. ers will present as an invitational winter home in Fort Lauderdale, | Their children, Charles III and| Mr. and Mrs. William T. Gush-Henschels. ‘at dinner this evening in their * ° production Friday and Saturday Fla. Barbara, will not be coming back|iné of Glen Lake, who formerly) yea) perROTHAL Farewell parties are being given home on Franklin road Oakland Hills Country Club fs evening, March 23 and 24. = = a. en off =, a Cua Ra Neel ae Fred gre Perry R.| * 8 8 [eseing detailed plans for a dinner- The ladies are Mrs. Warten : a recently son . . . : is 7 : ck’ ; and and Mrs.| ards of Pierce street announce the); ————---——_. -— S oat oe * _ ew = emcee Fates Day, Merch I Sumner, Mrs. C. E. Asper, Mrs. engagement of their daughter, Douglas Brown, Mrs. John Gilray, Alice Mae, to Pvt. Thomas Charles-| L h Mrs. Albert. Reibling, Mrs., Robert _{worth Corin. His parents are the| Sally Otis_ | uncneon Wyatt, Mrs. John Hall, Mrs. Hor- late Mrs. Phyllis Gabel! Stanford McDonald _-.,. © : _,.fon_Allenand Mrs. Raymond .F. and the late ThomasC. Corin. aS CONS En O ed b Giffels. t| Alice Mae is a sophomore at the! became the y y Gentlemen tnelude Leroy Universtiy of Michigan and Pvt. . Braisted, Charlies N. Blunt, Rob-Corin is stationed in Augsburg, Oride of Dea Members ert Miller, Earl Wilson, John "Germany, in the Medical Corps of Vincent Firth Gilray and Raymond F. Giffels. the U.S. Army, : | Mrs. F. G. VanHorn of Me- ee @. Friday evenin, i\chanic street was hostess to the Mrs. Madeline H. Tilloston, di- /Standish Group of the First Con- Mr. Mrs. W. oo rector of the show, entertained the and Stewart Nun-: naif ois! laaaing < teem) | Christ ‘gregational Church at a dessert cast at a baked bean supper at the luncheon Friday. ail the last of this month, Church playhouse recently. While the cast * * , George “An Easter Message’ was the resumed rehearsals, F. Mr..and Mrs. William J. Scripps) ©7@"brook. Green of the technical staff, took were hosts at a cocktail and sup-| The bride is over the dishwashing assignment. per party Wednesday evening in| : : Mrs. Stanley R. Hood designed their home on Bennington drive.| the daughter sponsored by the the set, one of the most difficult Close friends were invited to meet ae ever attempted by the players. their houseguest, Greta Keller of of Clif f ord d. Mrs. Hood is commuting between _|New York and Switzerland, who is) McDonald of Logansport, Ind., where the Hoods _|a family friend of long standing. re will move shortly, and Birming- Miss. Keller, owner of a night Bloomf ield ham to oversee details. club, ‘‘Shez Greta,” in Switzerland| Hills and the Mrs. Tilloston is being assisted is also a pianist and singer and late M by Mrs. George F. Green as as- has just released a record album, i sistant director; Harry E. Manley is building the set and Richard W. “Twelve O'Clock and All's Well,”| McDonald. Millan will come from Columbus. in New York. She is en route from! 57 3 Brown is in charge of lighting. MR. and MRS. J. H. CHAPMAN _ Following the business ~meeting Ind.,-to—_spend Easter with Mrs | Cleveland, where she appeared|2@ 45 the son a White Elephant sale comprised VISITING RANCH _ An open house on Sunday will mark the golden MacMillan’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Monday evening, to-St. Louis. of Mr. and social of meeting. the portion the Mr. and Mrs. William A Turunen PercyK. Loud. Mr. and Mrs. Loud wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. J. WEDDING DATE SET Mrs Dear and their small daughters, Lisa H. Chapman of are at present traveling in Cali- Mary Barton, daughter of Mr. ine and Cindy, are spending a fort-Hill road. The affair will be held at the home of their fornia. land Mrs. Carl O. Barton of East| Stanley Firth night at Sundown Ranch near son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Riddle of TO TRAVEL SOUTH Long Lake road, has chosen April --Scottsdale; -Ariz. of Franklin. * Edgefield drive, from 2 until 5 p.m. Another son-in-law Dr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Deer Tt tor -her-marriage-to Paul -K:; will leave soon to meet their: chil-are Mr. Geiger. His parents and Mrs. Henry H. Villard of New and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Al Sutton, will be present, Mrs. William S. Geiger of Hono- MRS: DEAN VINCENT FIRTH dren in Pompano Beach, Fila. York is the houseguest of Mr. as will their daughter, Mrs. Roy Pearson of Luck, Wis., lulu. Their son and daughter will fly and Mrs. Leonard Lewis of "| The ceremony will be read in grim road. Mrs. Villard came to and sons, Clarence of Lewis, Wis., and Harold of San-down from their schools. attend a meeting of the Birming-! ford, N.C. Mrs. William R. James will give Onrist Church Cranbrook and « re SQ] CO. McDonald Speaks , the spinster dinner for bride-elect Lake Country Club. Nancy Holmes Thursday evening at Red Run Golf Club. Mrs. Philip Matter (Margaret Vows With Dean V. Firth Barton) ef Bridgeten, N.J., will _ Join Forces to Solve Job Problem be her sister’s matron of honor. BIRMINGHAM — Sally Otis Me. For her wedding trip to Alta, Bridesmaidsbe Carl Donald, daughter of Clifford James the wore grey will Mrs. Utah, bride a suit, By ANNIE HEYWOOD reasonably to the business-| part-time job, see if you can't BrunstingBosten, Ellen Ann McDonald of Cranbrook road, and jand of accented in red, with black acces- Most of us have much better,man, in terms of what he will join forces with other women — A ek Monat Le) ge re-| adams, Donna Hagerman and the late Mrs. , Wore) sories. sense than to knock our heads gain and what the community will! who are in the same dilemma. Gables. Sue Riley of Columbus, Ohio. white Italian silk taffeta for her) afer a few weeks of skiing, the against a stone wal] and weep and 84in. Many groups are doing that | marriage Friday evening to Dean Together, you may work a way Mrs. Brunsting, the former Kath-; new Mr. and Mrs, Firth will live wail because our eyes are brown Now, with good success. Vincent Firth. He is the son of hen of it. Mr. and Mrs. David B. Mott erine Raisch, will give a dinner in Birmingham ~ ; instead of blue Mr. and Mrs. Dean Stanley Firth . If your problem is finding a G 1956 (Barbara Welch) of Pleasant ave-| for Mary at the home of her par- ns ( jepyright 1986) And yet, in other departments) —— 7 nue announce the birth of a daugh-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Raisch, of Franklin, oi’ life, we do something very sim-| ter, Anne Bradley, on March 6. |soon after April 1 and Ellen Ann The Rev. Robert L. DeWi aC : * * ® planning the rehearsal the service in Christ Camch Gran amp Fj re aHere is letter from a | ametican designer palletn _ The Suburban Dance Club rae . brook at eight o'clock, and a recep-° a woman in Obie which shows what I eae se Will Gather Hunt Club. . | | -h 2 2 mean, f Tuesday Musicale to Hear) sae o tates tormea ie “There is mot a single part-time job in our city,’ she writes angri-| 7 \fell in a chapel train. A cluster of The slate of the board of di- ly, “‘except for-shorthand and type-| Program ‘Words in MuSic' tren viscosa held * ve o rectors of the Pontiac Camp Fire writing. I think that is perfectly! Tuesday Musicale members will|Niles and Horton, “I'm So Glad|'S!0n and freesia and Eucharist cmed ; Girls Coynci) will be presented at disgraceful! Who wants to learn hear a program by their Chorus|Troubles Don't Last Always.” piites fo the bridal bouquet. stenography and typing? aan Mrs. Harry Albrey Toulmin Jr. the council's annua] dinner meet- and guest artist, Mrs. G. Freeman “There are many things I could Williams, when they meet Tues-| chosen words from fa was her sister's matron of honor\ing. The held Gaston do, working just afterhoons, but day at 2 p.m. in Fellowship Hall of) mous sathars: “remes Gong” with snether sister, Merten DMe-use polthe-t 22 at no employer will hear of ft. | Grace Lutheran Church. Gren: | Welter’ Gs ial Mares Decal revtiai — :o FPen-om Church 7 : = pes . Under the direction of Mrs. Fer-| “Poems fer Children,”. “Pre. |"€Y T-= se _ GOES ON AND ON ‘| dinand Gaensbauer, the chorus will| tude” which was taken from All the attendants wore ice mist] The program will consist of a “Why are they so terribly close- ifiguratively paint musical pictures peau de sole frocks, ankle length, pageant centered on this year's minded?I think it's terrible...” of everyday living. with matching silk head bands and birthday project, which is ‘Plant and she goes on and on, knocking First on this program of ‘Words one of Christina Rossetti's works, tiny veils. Their flowers were pale Seeds, Reap Friendship.” The an-SMORGASBORD her head against a stone wall. pink camelias. nual report for 1955 will be read. * * -in Music’ will be words for fun— “My Heart is Like a Singing suf ; \ |"Which is the Properest Day to) Bird.” John -Sanders McDonald was! The meeting wilt include board SERVED EVERY DAY Obviously, there only are two Sing?” written by Arne and ar-) 4: gig point in the program best man and seating the guests; members, council members, ' things which this woman can do. _A ranged by Percy Fletcher. Words ysr5 Williams will A her se. Were Edward O. Penney Jr., Har-| jeaders and assistants, Camp eeeen OF...Either she can learn shorthand / from folklore will be portrayed by |lections “One Tae be ” from |tY A-Toulmin Jr., Herbert A.) Fire Girts, Blue Birds and their COURMETS OUEST CLUB and typing and get the part-time a Waring arrangement of ‘‘Sour-Madame Butterfly, by Y wae: Beyer Jr. and Robert A. Cole. parents, as well as others inter-p+ my d aaaead = job. she wants, or she can try to wood Mountain” and a spiritual by Mrs. Firth wore dusty rose lace ested in Camp Fire work, get a group of other women, who over taffeta with a matching tulle also want part-time jobs, and -do Admission to the annual dinner by Winter Watts. jhat. Girl Scout Wee will be an item of clothing or lin- something about educating the em- Now soloist at the First Churth | en. These will be contributed to the Camp Fire Girls’ project of supplying garments for the flood ployers in her town. Plans Announced Those are the only courses open to her unless, of course she | (Continued from Page 8) victims of Yuba City, Calif, prefers to go on knocking her | 2 to 4 p.m., with 10 troops taking zel of Detroit. She has been the . head against a stone wall. ! Bride-to-Be part. featured soloist of several of De- troit’s leading churches and has WHITFIELD FESTIVAL bee There is much that women can) ‘appearedin~ concert and oratorio}\-Mrs-—Robert —Masste of -Piddieti'® do, in groups, to open up the - Danie] Whitfield School will bold work throughout this area and Can-street was hostess at a miscel-|ifl market for part-time jobs. | its festival on March 16, with eight ada. F jlaneous shower honoring Dolores:if FROM LEWIS CARROLL |McKinstry. Mrs. Grace Jennings! But they can’t do it by railing) troops joining in songs, games and) and ranting and accusing the em-| the famous “Girl Scout Week’ ployer of stupidity and close-mind-play at 7 p.m, The second part performed by “®* ccpoet ore ee edness. i “Know Your Neighborhood” and|the chorus will include ‘‘The Lob-| I] lall the scouting Saar ies of neigh-| ster Quadrille’ and ‘Father Wil-| Dolores, daughter of Mrs. Hazel SURVEY SITUATION boring troops will head the list of|liam” from Lewis Carroll's “Alice McKinstry of Fiddle street,is thei They have to survey the avail- activities on March 19 at the Lee|in Wonderland” and arranged by bride-elect of Charles McWethey, |} able women who would like part-/ ‘Brooks School, Duck Lake, where|I. G. Fine, as words from child. $0 of Mr. and Mrs. Kyle MeWeth-| time work, find out what skills) 4 i ' { Jackson. The couple will bef | ifive troops will invite the PTA/hood. eS -meal ‘to their birthday program. é they have and figure a way that /married March 24 at Sunnyvale) Words of love are described in | Chapel i these skills could be used in avail- |Brownies will play a special part! «ay ; Leved You” and words of . i) able business organizations to the| ‘ jin the program. faith by a Waring arrangement | Guest, at the recent shower | profit of the business man. ’ min Six troops from Dublin School | of “Onward Christian Soldiers.” Were Mrs. McKinstry, Mrs. ; They also have to talk calmly. mo | \ | _,| Verta Underwood, Mrs, Eugene | will get together in celebration Gary Miller, Janice Pletsch, and) of the 44th Girt Scout Birthday | ry | Fraley, Mrs. Roy Johnson, Mrs. . © 1956 Spadee Fashions Jerry Cunningham, cornetists {rom ; ygijep Gavette, Mrs. Ray Scar-| Inc) \_ aa | Week on Tuesday, by inviting | Presbyterian Group, 7 Fred Wiest's Washington Junior borough, Mrs. Lou Howell and | friends and parents to an eve High School band, will be fen- Mrs, Norman Badton. i] ning of entertainment, itured in this final number. Mrs Each troop has chosen its field A. K. Oakley is the accompanist Mrs. Paul | Has Noon Luncheon Shirtwaist Dress Styled | Mrs. Fritz Beith, lan renue was hostess tothe ‘ Norris, Mrs. Hec-| +of interest, ineluding-tin-ean-eook-lfor the program, Beith, Mrs. Ben Norris, i February-December group of the a With Unique Stripe Effect M ery, skits, folk dancing, roller skat-During the business session, Mrs. tor Chambers, Mrs. Neil Mu First Presbyterian Church for ay Max ; ing and first aid, plus a circus VéTmon L. Venman, corresponding and Sandra Muma luncheon Friday noort. Mrs. Grace Pili wa a ys Pid pieces . “a ROS 2%) conte tot nicmel: sideshow. é jsecretary of the Michigan Federa-Completing the guest list were Shulz, Mrs. R. E. Spurgeon and that makes a Sint of sible [ont * 2 « ition of Music Clubs and the Michi-Faye Bodiford, Mary Jane Massie, : Mrs. George Killing served as co-ppj. new chitwaiot nore ba meant! New 144-page Pattern Booklet (Cass Lake Youth Center will be £2" representative of the national Mrs. Clayton Ellis, Mrs Ed Pre- hostesses, (> be rare re striped ne ribbed XII—50 cents. Add 4 cents if paid the scene of busy activities by Organization, will give a Federation LL paler McKinstry om : | : : . * * * * : De Mrs. R y. Saas ifabrics to highlight the detail of PY a -een ee Scout Meas 107 oe ek ey ret fom —~ irs. deel obenBible study on the Book of the the yoke cut in one with the sleeves _ ‘look for a famous American when members invite parents and! | Ephesians was given by Mrs. Wil-4nd the collar. [Designer Pattern next week by ee 2 ee ey J mibetie tem liam Marbach. Mrs. Leslie Ellis, | _— pth Lieut [eeez Milestones hee ottMrs. Dave Gilpin and Mrs. Edward In effect, that’s all there jis to (Copyright, 1966) pote in the pccerem) (he) girts will Apa ; : : — | prese Flag ceremony and re: Mann gave a talk and exposition this dress but it is this handling iprweent a : . i on the Navajo Indian. that makes it so outstanding. WCTU Federation wna Cet soon petge: | _ Grdupsto-Observe Open Tonight ‘Til 9 Camp Fire Sunday In observance of national Camp) Fire Sunday, Camp Fire Girls will attend the church of their choice Sunday in uniform. Some will at- FAST — DEPENDABLE — ECONOMICAL tend in Camp Fire or Blue Bird) urements, not standard | er , groups and others will attend with! measurements, |Mary Carls. Mrs. Paul Kenworthy |B@ker school in Milford on Friday pattern I — - ( their families | LengthOf the 17¢ hDistrict, Detroit, spoke. | When five troops will have their NsPeot!She stressed need alcohol F!¥-up investiture : A oo 6 | the for 95 ceremony at the , Only. house from 9 12 Ru f os Domestic g Wool beliefs is | Bust Waist Hips Sizes Neck to/education for the youth, especially | birthday open 7 Respect for religious to; or . part of the Camp Fire Law and) 34 2 O55" tp | Yau’ [in the schools. — 9 pm. Pies Small Additional teaching and honor beads may be! 33:, aaic Sa he Intermediate Girl Scouts, sen-COATS earned by the girls by religious) 38 28 39 16 17% . .| lor Girl Scouts and Brownies and : ; @ .m@ 4 161MM Coming Events their leaders of Union Lake " the First Presbyterian will celebrate the 44th NEW WAY Review . study or service. an as fy ee | Size 12 requires 6% yards of 36-Ee neighborhood, southwest district, ‘inch material for dress and one-|, The United Church Women will meet Girl | half of a yard of 35-inch Tmaterial| Chureh at 1:30 Book Given o: ( ay -a THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 1958 THIRTEEN ' AV PARK FREE AT OUR BACK DOOR These are Happy People who are Saving the Pontiac Federal way . . . ___make up your mind to be a part of this thrifty group. Just check the Federal Savings Office most convenient to you and start a consistent savings plan ... enjoy the liberal dividends paid semi- annually. Your Savings are Insured to $10,000. | = ecg 5 _ + | S ! oe HISTORY of OUR CUSTOMER SERVICE FEATURES: GROWTH Free Parking Lot June 1, 1934 -.......$ 20,000.00 Modern Drive-in Window | . . | Dec. 31, 1946........ $1,086,429.00 “Save by Mail Service | | Ff Three Offices to Serve You 0 Dec. 31, 1949........ $2,092,878.00 ‘ Private Consultation Rooms Dec. 31, 1951........ $3,122,852.00 — ) ° CURRENT Rrewnin§Heony toute Elan: ? RATE June 30, 1953 ....... $4,121,564.00 Community Activities Room | | June 30, 1954 $5,306,269.00 Savings Insured to $10,000.00 . _ Sn omen neeyyyr Dee, 31, 1954........$6,054,277.00 if, 3 SS U. S. Government June 30, 1955 ....... $7,500,000.00 = Sa oe skeet ea Dec. 31, 1955...... ..$8,594,636.39 i fae ONTIAC FEDERAL SAVINGS | SON TINE Hb) SAVINGS cane 2 -. ociation. | : oe : | 761 W. HURON ST. , 16 E. Lawrence St—Pontiae -407 Main—Rochester } ate A . is ‘ on i] a é be wif ra f bs ¥ F ae | ' hoe a ues Aik ‘eeekaa cated lame ai eld ok ¥ . - eam ak talk De — : a Ge ney ETS faa Pe a en cen «cul ibe aiaaelnes se ele aie 4Shes J ¥ _)_>__-THE PONTIAC PRESS. SATURD AY, MARCH 10, 1956 _NINETEEN ‘Extra’ Bedroom Comes With House as Kitchens . . Counter Tops,[eaeBaths, Floor and ders be “You build a get a frée room properly planned when you,en with a spit level informal kitchen dining fireplaceo cheer| door at the Kitchen) step to the garage, which is o down. This permits guests t HeDB fe bale A) lan. | ‘ i | " house,” says a leading merchant table puilder. And what a room it can 3A separate pantry oa: a laun-| dry, both next to the service! This is shown by the glam- 4. Three bedrooms, two bath- ee and an extra lavatory. 5. A study aleove for your writ- ing desk. 6. A built-in two-car garage. t ‘And a big family activities room with sliding glass doors open- ing on a garden terrace, where a third fireplace—a barbecue — is enter the front of the house directly from the garage in bad Architect York suggests y, ex- weather, terior of brick beneer around the} The foyer is five steps down \garage and recreation room with) from the living room, Indoor the superstructure sided with V-) planting boxes flank this short jointed vertical boards. The roof flight creating a pretty entrance is pitched for 210-pound asphalt] and continuing the theme estab-shingles laid on 55-pound roofing lished by outdoor planting boxes paper. Oak floors and plywood sub- on each side of the covered por-flooring for the kitchen aye among, tico in front. specifications. : ee —Home Improvements— 95. Dixie Hwy. Plains sess Srepes OR 3-5043 OPEN DAILY 8 TO 6 ready for family fun, The architect suggests leaving) The recreation room ‘is a high the brickwork of the big fireplace ‘}point in this. plan, It makes the chimney exposed both in the Dutch, living room virtually a split-level kitchen and in the living room.) It is just six steps—half a Selecting room. a good builder is an Weand maintenance. durability to ing above a planting box gives a the garden, A two-way fireplace Ask owners of recently built. gallery effect. You can drop your in this room is also visible from houses in your community who pet SPLIT-LEVEL PLAN -Vertical siding with smart ap-the dining room, plan, a book in your living room chair; the split-level housé,-built on their builder was and how they’ and walk to the railing and ask: It includes a built-in two car garage. 2. An oversize Dutch style kitch- ‘like his work. Ask a builder to) pearance. V joints surmounts brick veneer to give this “Hey Kids, how's the TV show down there?” give you the names and addresses of people for whom he built a) 14x20 Size This place the basement, for fun It is on is the not in grade, house and talk to them. Your bank that makesyour mort-| Complete where you can walk out to an gage loan is interested in your get-| e ne ae he OOD OS r ee OD me ED t ape pale Goat ie REATION roan! os open terrace and have a picnic hamburger broil. It is flush with the lawn and its planting box be- low the living room railing is con- tinued beyond the glass wall on ting a good builder, Ask your’ banker. i You can build this house with or without a basement. As shown here, there is a large open cellar’ Completely finished pattern 106 siding, dows. Compare our be convinced! with overhead stee! door, concrete, 210# shingles, 2 casement win- work, compare our price. . . you'll #5HA nantosBT I the terrace to blend indoors and outdoors. The recreation room has a di- under the living room level. This! is down six steps from the rec-’ reation room and garage.-How. | D&M BUILDING SERVICE OPTIONAL, OPEN CELLAR sees aa — tte [- rect large tory, entrance to the garage, a ever, this area could be left as a’ storage closet and a lava-|half-story crawl space with plenty: which is directly under the of reroom for a horizontal type heat- 9 S. JESSIE Phones: FE 2-7004 FE 2-8245 i :. (SVOGR cAI ROOM, Qing #004 avo ksTor) ® = > 1 Two ca. GARAGE bathrooms for economy in plumb- ing, | MAXIMUM FEATURES Herman H. York, the architect who designed this house, has Plaster Box cm: b (vnoee seonoows) packed a maximum of conven- jences and attractive features, in the plan: The front door is shel-' tered from the weather by the Gypsum Leth Available -eG "9 Pl Wo ONIAIT overhanging bedroom overhang also provides floor. for a This’ deep ATTENTION PLASTERERS — Our plaster supply is fresh at all | eo , S11 | : 0,95 =n | storage closet off the small bed-| room. Ail bedroom closets shave sliding doors to save room space.’ times price due will to our high please you. volume .. =~ turnover. Our. service and LOWE2 LEVEL PLAN | ames | FIRST FLOOR PLAN — A Dutch kitchen with a fireplace is a + The front entrance foyer has a {Michigan's Largest Gold Bond Dealer _ _ feature of this plan. The living room is five steps up from the foyer Today s Homes ! DRY WALL APPLICATORS WELCOME and seven steps down from the bedroom area. The entire plan bines economy with glamorous living. = = com- LOWER. LEVEL PLAN — The lower level has room for a recre- ation room, an open cellar (optional) and the two-car garage. Sliding glass doors from the recreation room open onto the terrace. H Don't believe the old complaint Building Editor: 4 that_houses today aren't as good -is-35-ceents.send me «a copy of the Please study plan for The House of the Week, Design T-601. Neo stamps Was they used to be. . accented. Please do not use sticky tape on coins. ; ~ In. _most es oe t they're much better. : One example of the emteriy| NAME THESE ARE CGC SPECIALS! (Please Print) Gof the modern house is the wide- §\spread use of preservative-treatec § millwork—windows, panel doors, ” LUMBER ---Buy Now! —STREET and cabinets. No. 1 and Better Douglas Fir Chemically treated. milwork, | CITY STATE I 2x4 -—2x6—2x8-2xl0-8tol6..... fees. $129.50 senccsnsesbosseseososnen: saasnanank five times as long as the wood 4x8x5 Fir Plyscore............. ote, e " eP re ] ARTIST’S CONCEPTION — A gallery railing separates the recre-used in the so-called “golden 4x8xV4 Fir Plyscore. reerrrert cere a Minnesota and Wisconsin are| Basketball is watched by more ation room from the living room. In this drawing you can see the age” of home building, ithe only two states still prohibit-/fans than any other sport, even 1x6 Fir Boards, 1000 $4, TH ; 89.00 == doors to the terrace. jing colored margarine. _{baseball, in the United States. Basically, preservatives do two ——| things. They poison the fungus 1x8 White Pine, 1000 Sq. Ft. .....0000.. .... 89.00 |that causes decay. They also re- 1x12 White Pine, 1000 Sq. Ft. ........0.., ... 95.00 \duce the absorption of moisture ‘in wood. No, 2 Oak Flooring—Nice Stock ......... ... 149.00 : The ability to keep out moisture Order at today’s prices for spring delivery and SAVE. A small deposit will means that ponderosa pine win- hold your material and we'll store it until you are ready . \dows and panel doors are free VETS:'795 Moves You Right In! | from sticking in any kind of | weather. 50,000 Sq. Ft. Gold Bond ¢ 95 Sticking is caused when wood swells after absorbing moisture. ROCHESTER PARKLAND RANCH HOMES! ‘ Later, during dry weather, the ' wood shrinks, Preservative- Asbestos Siding "ow 1 1: | treated wood, fer all practical 7 Beautiful Colors purposes, does not swell or shrink. Both Dark Colors and Pastels Applied to the Average House Preservatives improve wood's Regular $14.95 $199.50 natural affinity for paint. They prevent paint failures such as bubbling,. cracking, and peeling, which are caused by the presence Gold Bond Plasterboard of moisture beneath the painted surface. NEW LOW PRICE-1 WEEK ONLY 4x8xV4"’ Plasterboard. sbaacodocaucuese $1.20 = -4x8x34" Plasterboard entire rce eres 1M9 : | SensationalNew 4x8x V2" Plasterboard . Seen eee eee ee e G1.65 KALAMAZOO 4x7x5e"' Plasterboard . eee eee $1.98 4x10 and 4x12 also in stock OlLF FIRED WARM AIR 16x48 Loth—32Ft-.> $1.05 I’ pa coirionee All Metal Products at a New Low Price ' THESE ARE CGC SPECIALS! With Gas Heat and Full Basement OPEN SUNDAY 8-3 WEEK DAYS 8-8 337” FULL MONTHLY PAYMENT $15,395 LOW FHA DOWN PAYMENTS |i GOLD BOND INSULATIONKote Shingles’ [Flint Large Roll 2”, Reg. $2.50 16° Center $1.95 $6.50 Sa an 30 Year Mortgages at low, low monthly payments! 50 Sq. 4", 210% Thick Butt Large Roll 2”, Reg. $4.50 24° Center $3.29 90+ Green Roofing $3.45 Sq. HAS ALL THE BIG CITY CONVENIENCES Zonolite... Reg. $1.45 $1.30 ; (Taxes Are Lower In Rochester) Loose Rock Wool... Reg. $1.30 $1.00 ae ay Seseeae “2 Gold Bond Twinsulation.. Reg. $89 $80 30% roe Senet “s095 sole Loaded With Custom Features Found in Homes Selling to $30,000! Aluminum Foil, 50 Sq. Ft. Reg. $9.95 $8.50 800 Squares at Above Prices! Gold Bond Batts 8'—100 Sq. Ft. Delivers maximum heat from Don't Wait — This Is a REAL SPECIAL! every ounce of fuell : Reg. $4.95 ee . $4.25 HOUSE AREA Se ec) © 70-foot wide lots ® Public schools, elementary and high, Completely cutomatic, effort- © Storms and screens included Parochial schools, Catholic and Lutheran, less operation! © Kitchen fan and hood all within 2 blocks. Burmeister’s Filtered, humidified healthfyl © Garbage disposer ® Township park. with swimming, picnick- circulating warm air throughout © Vanity in tite bath ing. playground across the street. Michigan's Largest Gold Bond Dealer your homme! © State-stocked trout stream right im the ® Colored bath fixtures @ Converts to gas anytime, simply development, ® Rough-in lavatory in basement by changing burners! © 5 minutes to Bloomer State Park ® Spacious birch cupboards Call For FREE © 50 lakes within 10 minute drive ® Picture windows in living room and Furnace Inspection kitchen © Shopping centers © Glass bathtub enclosure © City water and sewers N LUMBER CO. & HARDWARE N ® Jalousie in kitchen ® Police and fire protection. William Lechner Wholesale or Retail * Exclusive Sales Agents. FE 2-182] 3 CONVENIENT YARDS. TO SERVE YOU BETTER! 27.N. CASS: AVE. 8197 Cooley Lake Rd. . Corner and Union Lake 9 Mile at Telegraph Williams Lake Rds, } GORDON-BEGIN 2: Shopping Center Phone Elgin 6-4184 Phone EM 3-3714 Phone EM 3-4171 Southtield a Pontiac 18450 James Couzens, Detroit UN 4-4810 ‘ALAMAZOO a Pontiac = SUALITT Ltaeees simee seen MODELS OPEN DAILY 1 TO 8 P. M. MODEL PHONE—OL 6-939! . = se ae ‘ be : e i i : Sgbe e flnl fee 1. That portion of the} 15 and and Hine on the east by @ line nd bundred and oe feet beady the center line St. Mary's Beminary property unded Commerce Lake to the ': A public or private] separatii 4 used only as o service than thirty (20) lot road feet construction, nance from Ordinance. the application of this Seo. 0.05 NAVIGABLE WATERWAYS: by or ca noes, rowboats, motor : shall palin a boats or satl- e subjectto td is & lot the dimensions , of the shall become further that not Western Railway right of way. 3.04 ZONE 4: ‘ All of the area of red|Orchard Lake. Village not included in Zones 1, 2, 3 and 05 ZONE "i 6: = ae eo by Pontiac Trail, beginning at & polnt on said trail 360 feet true west of the center line of Orchard Lake Road shd A lot t Trailto Orchard curved street = lane shall be O line of Orehard Lake to the quarter line of Section 14 thence east rt Mine to the west line of the Grand Trunk Western fight of way, thence southwest along said right 360 feet west of the rth to the point of beginning. ART : v feerekt eS AND BUILDING AL ZONE T Sec. 4.01 In Residential Zone 1, no buildings, structures or premises except . 2 LIN) otherwise provided in this Ordinance ease of a lot abutting upon all be erected or used, except for one street or lane, the front lot line or more of the following uses and in aceerdance with the following building lot, | requirements: e Rec, 4.02 USES: (1) Private dwellings d “lat "i to swamps and low weter srons heavily covered Tl. Permanent obstructions to navi- gation t shall not apply to-floating boats, swim- eats or landing docks érected -}at the water line of sixteen or more and @ clearance above normal high water level of eight (8) feet or more. Sec. 9.06 PRIVATE PARKS: The use of waters shall be restricted to that right of user enjoyed by virtue— hts and shall be confined ~ ol or occu- occupants; and provided such @ recreational park fs dedicated occupants for the use of owners and days" notice of the time and place of such public hearing shall first be nub- Mshed in ® paper of genera re notice of the time and place of oubiic hearing shall first be given by reetstered United States mail to each public utility company and to each rall- road company owning er overatine any nubMe utility or railroad within the dis- out-further notice other tha t ef such adj d meeting at the originel cr any adjourned meet- ing whenever the owners : of fifty per cent or more of the frontage in anv district shall present to the leeis-- Jative body a vetition ta writing dulv signed and acknowledged by said peti. iene ——— an — SuID- niement, chance repea tl regu- lation crmnrioed: for such aaa as nert thereof, it shall be the dutv of the legistative body t aoprint a time for mub'e bearing not ‘ess than fifteen (15) devs after the filing of said petition with them by petitioners. Provided, fur- ther, that in esse a protest acainst a r roposed t or 3 ‘ oe a . * thanee be nresented duly signed bv the of the lots contained 1n “sich # réecorded of the twenty per cent (20%) or of the fe@ntace nronesed to be A y die tneident owners at-least two (2) limea! feet of y uses ) water frontage and one hundred fifty more _|to private dwetiings including not more altered. or by the owners of twenty (150) feet in depth shall be reserved ver than one private ane for each ‘lot. eent (20%) or more of the frontege im- therein for the rights of each lot of -| provided net more than one commercial vehicle is housed therein. One” sign the size required by this Ordinance, mediately In the rear thereef. or by the owners of twenty per cent (20%) of the and which is intended shall enjoy water right: and provided further that in no however, six (6) square event shall any plat not im conformity feet in area, Dwellings for the use of with the provisions of this section domestic employees of the owners, create any riparian right. in parcels of of the private land so platted. and such a noen-con- oe aad forming plat will not be approved for | cessory .s recording. Ny San Bis Bian all the height and yard requirements for Sec. 9.01 STREET OR LANE INTER- private dwellings. in this district. SECTIONS: Lots located at street orth! Sec, 4.03 BUILD! i R R | lane intersections shall be free of (1) FRONT YARDS: In this district obstructions to clear-vision, from street there shall be on every lot one front to street,.lane to lane, for a distance front lot line and unoccupied ‘lot 25 feet back from the intersection yard, the minimum depth of which shal! ground upward except as here-be thirty-five (35) feet. except that on corner and within a triangle formed by a of record at the time of the a line connecting the ends of the 1 REAR YARDS: A passage of this Ordinance having e@ extendin depth of less than one hundred twenty (120) feet, the dewth of the frent yard frontage directly onvosite the frontace vroposed to be altered, such emend- ment shell not be passed excent by the ag ella vote of such legislative ¥. Changes or additions in Distriet Boun- ‘dary Lines shallbe made tn ; the man-~— ner nerscribed above for other emend- ments. and the emending ordinance shell he secomoanted hy the mep elear- lw indicating the nosition of the new or ‘altered District Boundary. A notation shalt be nlaced on euch man referring ts the amending ordinance and «trting that the Ruildine Zone Man has Been amended in aeccordence therewith and such map and notation shell be dated and executed in the manner prescribed reequired shall be reduced to* one- Lt plediquarter (%) of such lot depth but this occupied by a church, by thé law for the slening ef ordinances, building in which persons congregate. and ell notices reaquired by the State or which is designed, arrangéd, re-shall be given before the final adontion modeled or normally used for the con-of #nv amending ordinance or amend- dist riet!| any buliding eregation of persons in excess of twenty-ment to the Fui'dine Zone Map. five (2%) the width of the side yard anrTr 3 ured building exceed thirty-five (35) feet in with ao» lake or navigable stream or shall be not less than fifty (50) feet ADMINTETRATTON. UNTAWPTIT, THE, to the side lot line and | channel, the principal and accessory and the depth of the rear yard shall jon every lot one front yafd the minimum) (5) LOT AREA: In this district ne/puildings shall be not less than fifty be also not less than fifty (50). feet Upon the peasare of thie Ordinenr= shall not be less — the eat | depth of which shall be forty (40) feet,’ On said lot there shal] be provided the legislative hodw ef the Village shal! dwelling shall be erected, or used On anyi+sg, feet in distance from the high lot having an area of less than twenty| water jine of said lake or navigable off street or lane parking spaces for annoint an administrative officer charred ing lot fronting upon such side streetitime of the passage of this Ordinance front yard depth required on aa bat qi except that on a lot of record at the thousand (20,000) square feet and a teat stream or channel vehicles not less in number than one (1) with the duty of enforcing this Or- Jess than one mundsed ur a buildable width ud ef ey lot of record having. a i space for rach ten (10) seating spaces dinance in *l' resnects. Srch officer so depth of less than one hun =| feet, but this shall not prevent the use!. dred twenty (120) feet, the depth of 801 In Zone 5. rare in the auditorium and/or such meeting apnointed the'l have the t'tle mf Com- at-the’ time of the passage of thisiine front yard required shall be re-. of any lot premises except as othe room or rooms which have a seating missioner of Buil¢ines and for the pur- of reeord at the time of the) Bee. of this Ordinance having an) structure or aoe eperre edema peat twenty-five (25) sees te bees sions then one-fourth (%)| twenty thousand) wise provided in this : eapacity of twenty-five (25) or more nose of this Ord'nance shall heve the , of suc! t depth, but this shall not any event erected or used except for One or mere persons : newers of @ volice officer, and she"! area less than : trict | © (20,000+ square feet, following us¢s and in accordance’ Sec 009 LOT WIDTHS ON. CURVED Hold office durire the sleaswre of the hese prcang a reeey "ot v7 rect tard eite ‘nay boob ood than’ twenty no dwelling shall be erected on any lot/of the STREETS OR LANES: In all Zones the following building require- be : of containing less than seventy-|with twenty (20) pom In the case where| (2) SIDE YARDS: In Zone 2, there five hundred (7,500) square feet in area) ments. the minimum depth of which shall recerd which require a stated minimum ist letive be (1) Any use permitted width variances may be made as fol-eligible for apnointment as Comm'ssioner shall be between any building and each and with a front of less than, See. 862 USES: the rear yard abuts on any street or width jin Zones 1, 2 fe one Se can chebe lows: of Prr'dines during his tenute of office side of every ie a side yard, the mint-fifty (50) feet. jane, the minimum depth of the rear —— of which shall be ten (10) feet | (2) Community bu qs .an In the case of a lot located adioin-as Village Commissioner. Tt shel! be yard shall conform to front yard re-ARE. : the curve % ed ahs are conducted primarily for at icine ing and facing the outside of the unlawful to rermit the use ef anv bulld not shall lane @or side street of a curved street or Inne line, wherein Ine or premises er part thereof here- a f ' on [ ie - eT RIGHT In this distriet no butld of which ts a serv lee the lot Mnes diverge toward the —the minimum front activity the dent after erected cr altered or created, the chief rear. ‘of floor yar feet or 1 ‘square transients the measurement of lot width may be to change or enlarge the use of on with customariiyeerried lot exclusive| required on an adtoining anv use| in height, but In no event shall any level, oor taken at the —tHine— fon tting or vremtses or part such side street, or la thereof | butiding exceed thirty-five (25) feet in — o urposes, and area (3) Public butfdings and properties the principal building parallel to the until a building permit with the pro- REA: In this district be erected or used of less than, for the sale of tangent of the curve at the center of visions of this Ord'nance pronerly no og|Pessage twenty-five 44) Establishments en- ng. of this Ordinance to less |the fromt fot line or im such a direc- goods at retail or for connmeers? dorsed shall heve heen issved hy the oo (1) SIZE OF BUILDING: No dwelling, twenty-five (25) feet at the ground) tion as to intersect the side Int Wnesic i] r of Buildings. In ell | fees ; conducte professional cases . altered, or serv shall be erected, or i Zone 3 Jat angles eoual on both sides, vrovided : locality which. where a building permit ts required, a the ar of ~\residents an I occupied, which less than seventy-Y dilerected in this district shall | | t noxious of REAR ARDS: All | jhowever. that tm no case shall the offensive by reason and a fron five (75) eopttestion for such butlding pverm't, or scat (18,000)TE feetee content, pomaproon shall have rear| O4 fieussna cubic feet, ALL HE THE MAT, MY SHOES CAME THAT MUCH}/ DIDNT DO LOOSE AND I SLIPPED! IN ONE <( WAS DISSECT wu HE DOWNED ME MINUTE, Yous A ZA BY SHEER SEVENTEEN ‘} LUCK / SECONDS 2 { FASTER, | SPIKEIS SORE _ (COME ON. BECAUSE [LooKx---spike ) SLUGGO]} “SLUGGO IS AFTER A OH WINKED AT HIS GIRL . nin * ~ Sh rm A r" da. —ERNIE BUSHMIALERSO 3-10 © 1986 wy nea Service, tne. TM. Rog. US. Pet. OFF. OUT OUR WAY IS DATED 19403 I DIDN'T LOOK AT IT BUT I'M READIN’ ) | (T BY FEELIN’ IT WITH AND IT AMALES j ie TOES AN’ IF I'M ME THAT YOU RIGHT I'LL TRY A AREN'T OUT _,. DIME! Wy aim it TT sty i | WHY MOTHERS GET GRAY © 9990 Oy GEA Serves, tne. VA Reg. U.S. Put OFF GRANDMA WELL, EVERY SUMMER TH’)}| |...GIVIN’ ME ADVICE ON HOW L THOUGHT THESE NICE, SHARP DIXIE DUGAN By McEvoy and Strieber KIDS SIT ALONG HERE IN T’ PLANT AN’ HOE POINTS WOULD SORTA HELP ‘Ow... GARDE Nf a WANE BEE ENTER OF SHIP jae AZTEC INDIANS — I JUST GAVE HER A BATH AND GEE. YOU KNOW HOW OUT, HEIDI_..GO ON OuT 2 ANDO I HAVEN'T PUT BACK GUILTY YOU FEEL IF YOU GO AND RUN A DRIVING WITHOUT YOUR by 4a | " | i DONALD DUCK By Walt Disney || | (OKAY -OUCK, | VL TAKE PROJECTION | OVE Re ‘d ~ : sy 7% \ “My mother won't say her age. She just tells me she's old enough If people ask me what you make, Crosscut — what should I teil to be my mother!” F them? l *< THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATU RDAY, MARCH 10, 1956 TWENTY-FIGHT YT... Grass Snakes News in Brief Pleadingto drunk driv-Out Too Soon; guilty ~ Personne l Shift Heralds New Erain GM-Dealer Ties ing, Charles Patten, 32, of Walled Lake was fined $60 with $20 costs in Deep Freeze yesterdayWalled Lake Justice Logan Sparks . ly got a couple dozen ambitious i Signals~ by Edward Davis, 26, of Wixom, pleaded guilty to two traffic counts yesterday before Sylvan Lake Jus-| Thor,Donley St 3238 tice Joseph J. Leavy. For reckless Closer Harmony driving, he was fined $75 with $25 costs and sentenced to. 15 days inLaud Curtice for Lead Oakland County Jail, For driving without a license, he was fined in Overhauling Firm's $20 with $15 costs, Davis was ar- Field Program rested by Wolverine Lake police | , Richard Dozbush, 19, of Detroit, | fC By DAVID 3. WILKIE » examination be-~“Water in the pool, covering ‘waived yesterday : AP Automotive Editor") ~--tfore-Hazel -Park-Justice “Robert-C. about40 square feet of the yardto DETROIT # — Major develop-| Baldwin on charges of larceny or 6 in had about5 inches depth, frozen,” said, from _a building. He was bound Thor “and the over: to circuit court under bond S ment in the auto industry this week | snakes, apparently lured out of a : was a top flight personnel shift! nest by recent rails, got caught, of $2,000, which was not furnished. rather than production planning | \We could see some of them mov- and sales reports. Maurice D. Mason, 23, of Clark | | ing. psoas) , they’ ll survive the aon L,. Wiles, for nearly eight | ston, charged with reckless driv-| | deep tree: ars general manager of General ing, pleaded guilty today before | Mates Buick, Division, was shifted Pontiac Municipal Judge Maurice ote overnight to the post of executive “iE. Finhegan. He was jailed for Mi rist ts Fined $100 vice president in charge of dealer 10 days after failing to pay a $7 on Drunk Driving Count relations. Succeeding him as head A driver, 24, slightiy injured in a of the big Buick Division is. Ed- ward T, Ragsdale, who has been A $100 fine was paid today by | two-car accident early this morn- Ira Clements, 43, of Milford, | ing, pleaded guilty to a charge of manufacturing manager of the di- |pleaded guilty before Pontiac Mu-| driving under the influence of vision, jnicipal Judge Maurice E. Finne-liquor. The moves were of major sig-| gan, ‘Clements was charged with| Robert Ruiz, 387 N. Saginaw St. nificance because of their bear-driving under the influence of li-)paid a $100 fine levied by Pontiac Pontiae Press Photo “oe GM relations with its ST. PAUL LUTHERAN CHOIR — ‘‘The Passion of Our Lord in Word and Seng;”’ Wounded,” "Open the Gates of the Temple” and after the Benediction, “‘Sevenfold quor. |Municipal Judge Maurice E. Fit- dealer body and the fact Buick The Junior Choir will be heard in “Glory Be to Jesus,’ and the combined hegan, will be presented by the Junior and Senior Choirs of St. Paul Lutheran Church, Joslyn Amen," Failing to pay a $100 fine, Ed-("* has become the industry's third at Fourth St. at 7 p. m. Sunday. The service will have the pastor, the Rev. George choips will sing “Look Up to Calvary.”’ For her prelude, Mrs. Hagen wiil play ‘Come L. 44, 92 Police claimed Ruiz rammed ward Pace, of Irene = largest car producer. Sweet Death,”’ by Bach; for the offertory, “Andante Religioso,’’ by Hailing and ‘‘Hos- Mahder, as liturgist. Paul L. McMichael will direct the Senior Choir and Mrs. Emil St. today was jailed 15 days by the car of Eugene N. Cross, 30, of Buiek-took the third place posi-Hagen will be organist and Junior Choir director. The Senior Choir will sing “Jesus, I annah" by Hartman for the postlude, Following the service, the Ladies’ Guild will Pontiac Municipal Judge Maurice |355‘ Mt. Clemens St., who was pull- jing away from the curb on §, tion from Chrysler's Plymouth Di-Wi ill Ponder N ow,” “ "Twas on That Dark and Doleful Night,” “‘O Bleeding Head Now serve refreshments in the church parlors. , E. Finnegan, Pace had pleaded Saginaw St. near Whittemore St. vision under Wiles’ administration. | guilty to charge of driving under at 4:30 a.m. In his new position, Wiles will¢— the influence of liquor. in matters directly affecting the bile Dealers Assn. Youth experjence, for County Oaki: have the task of providing GM's commenting on STATE ¢OF MICHIGAN—In the Pro- ‘Second Jailed ACCOUNTANT, wide bate Court the of 18,5300 passenger car and truck the industry efforts at advancing lllegal Liquor Count City Man Wounded Aa hreey Division. 2 = retailers. all phases accounting, desires part dealers with a direct line of con-in Grocery Store Theft a the matter of the petition concern- factory-dealer relations, said: time assignments; monthly clos-/ Ronald tact to the corporation's top man-With numerous other features, ings and tax work. FE 4-9295. ing road alias Wilhite, minor. “This recent series of actions en A second youth was arrested yes-sgl tal 136 agement. the program represents a virtual part of Detroit has Jails Eight Minors by Rifle Explosion ‘© Herman eDeatas — of said chil ‘the assumed erday in the theft of a gase of If your friend's in jail and needs Petition having tiled in” thi“4 a closer contact overhauling of the GM factory-‘the proportions of a beneficial Court alleging that preg present Alea ight minors were arresied last peer last week from a gfocery A 22-year-old man is in satis-ail. Ph. FE 5-9424 or MA pers, ‘abouts of the father of the said minorfor the dealer bedy with top _ dealer relations program. One av alanche." Directing his remarks -{child is unknown and the said child has illegal pos-at Orchard Lake Ave. factory condition in Pontiac Gen-a law of the State that store 888 violated anderal Hospital today after w ound-) Do You Have a Carpet Prob-jeaid child should be placed under the ‘managementis only one of sev-of these many features is the re-to the car makers, he said: night and charged with “It's taken a long time, but ‘Held on a charge of simple lar-Court. eral recent steps taken by GM examination of “‘the-sales poten-| session of beer. of 73,'n8. himself in an alleged attempt lem? Call Tuson Carpet Service. a of this vl the _. Harlow H. Curtice ‘tial of every dealer in relation to right now it appears to me that 317, ceny is Joe E. Hayward, 19, In the name of the people slieeae relafions area.” —is ab-— forward be Donald C. Fletcher, 17, of . at suicide ary this ee | FE 5-8103. —Adv: lof Michigan, you, areS herets fied z -toward better with the.|-his “Another ‘the Tyou have moved progres-; er that the hearing on saili petition "wil Third Ave. and James B. Naylor. | | E.. Chicago. held at the Juventle Court, Oakla: sively, dramatically, effectively to Police claimed he and. Redvers J. ‘s retailers. sorption by the factory of costs 18, of 80 Parkhurst, were arrested Williams Jr According to sare oe Wilson, County Service Center, Court House An- restore balance to the industry and 19, of 149 W. Brook-nex, 1260-B West Blvd., in the City of direct-by-mail Couple From Ohio Hurt Included in the program are a new car pro-on E. Tennyson St. where police ty St aay mule her husband, Rufus, shot himself Pontiac in said County, on the 20th day public in’ Wednesday , new form of agreement between grams previously charged to the confidence you and in claimed they found beer in the yo > arrested in the stomach with a .22 caliber ‘in Intersection Crash of March A.D. 1956, at nine os = dealer, Us. the beer March 2 while the grocer home. forenoon; and you are hereby col rifle in the bedroom of their the M and its dealers, a new low-| youths’ car, bd manded to appear personally, at said was in another part of the store. at 435 Branc h St. An Ohio man and his wife were hearing. cost life insurance program under Arrested in a car at the corner | being make personal The new GM program with re-(slightly injured yesterday in an’ It impractical to which dealers under age 65 may to its retailing organization | of Paddock street and Mchinley WHEEL service hereof, this summons and notice 1-14 ‘accident on Road shall served publication copy Lodge Calendar She said e — been drinkin fa Telegraph at) be by of a obtain policies ranging up to $100,-was engineered by President Cur-' drive were: one week previous to said hearmmg in the »|Square Lake Road. 000 without medical examination, tice, He acted with characteristic Regular meeting Pontiac Chap-Gerald L. Spencer 17 of 310 Wheel Stolén From Car earlier and seemed ‘‘depressed. |Pontiac Press a pte! printed and 37, Coun _and practical elimination of the speed and suddenness while some ter No. 228 O.E.8. Mon. Mar. 12, Rosewood Pl.; Donald E Kleindl, Mrs. Addison Keiser, of Walled Wilscn had threatened suicide be-| Guy E. Babinger, aft Lucille ‘!rculatedWitness, in_thesaid Noneee le Arthur £. so-called “phantom” freight dealers were complaining to a at 8:00 pm. 18%) E. Lawrence 18, of 98 E. Howard St. Richard Lake, told Pontiac post State Po-fore, she told Pontiac police. |, Babinger, 36, both of Defiance, Moore, Judge of said Court, in the City Edith M. Coons, Sec Ohio, were treated for minor in. jof Pontiac in said Count » this 8th charges. Senate investigating committee in D. Spencer, 17, of 40 Clarence St.; lice yesterday someone had stolen lof March A.D, 1936. a sn aay Clarence R. Morgan, 18, of 2655 a tire and wheel valued at $50 About -89 per cent’ of all U.S..juries at Pontiac General Hospital, Seal opti E. MOORE. Also announced was the decision Washington about GM_ policies |A copy udge of true Probate. car to name an impartial umpire to toward jts retailers. There are 75 species of North(Glenrose St.; Frederick, Bridson, from her car while it was parked family heads who are professio n-after their collided with one | ELSIE J VASCAASSENNO, i adjudicate dealer appeals from de-| Frederick J. Bell, executive vice! American violets found in the 17, of 161 Oliver: St. and Frederick in front of her house at 435 Leon al people own one or more life driven by Owen D. Ciphers, 46, vod Deputy Probate Register a Register, ~ ¢isions of General Motors divisions; president of the National Automo-| United States. J. Drake, 17, of 689 N, Perry St. Road. insurance policies. ‘Bloomfield Township. Mar. 10, 1956 | ] { j ws t ' + { r , j ; ices Funeral 4 4 Wanted 6 Wanted 6 Wanted 7 Wanted Female 7) Work Wanted 10 | Service 12 | ARADOServices a . 0 : Directors ereHelp Male | ee Help ee eee Male , Help Female eB Help CEE OEE || IPE PE POPE MaleIPT ___Building PS PRDBusiness 13 ly Ae | mae : ~~ sine ; nn ele RAE “121 sar SALESMAN poe ready for team “om es ASSISTANT i PE INTER,| large. Aso jen B Se ROR OPNRPNOR Re Nee Pursiey Funera) Home ore... | PAINT NR | homes beadaldal workinglead pte of De GARE FoR wi covie | RECERND Hiive ample -telerences0314 | werk: Residentialchim.eys Mophe Noaese | 4‘cotings.& waterTRENCHINGline field. tile. new houre salesman, general real | after 5:30 and Sat j Sa EXP WRITER EDITOR, INTER-| MILLE, MARCH sone. ERNEST | bide SOME | tate leads and clos-| USEWORK. SECUR IN CTOR'S OFFICE viewer, speaker, sales clerk cial. Guaranteed work. Ph. FE _F' _5-006}. niall oceolan rage salesman, G weekend | _¢-0006. | BLOOMPIELD WALL ANERS fae: Two. Ce canberra . ee oa Rti, on Romieoven wages, North. | STATE | QUALIFICATIONSPress IF ANY Wouldwork like 8 vrs im orpresent job. BLOCK CEMENT WORK | Walls and windows Reascnabie “he ieee “issier et Keumeth aed ‘Drayton ree -_ Waterford | ee ee | Send amd) Netw, Write Pentinc (Bort Over evening BRICK._CEMENT Magne Mills and Mre._ Betty NIFIED SERVICES ee heeect uae vilie_318R11 = MOTHERS SALESLADY FOR FOUNTAIN AED Inn ocltese one oe & fireplaces. PF 2-2468 _Free est, No obligation, FE 2-163i SEWING. OR IRKBY Are You interested in a permanent ; GIRLet FOR HOM OR 3-344 4 retail selling Between ages of 20. enjoy losing creditors ecquired in’ CARPENTGap RY && GENERAL LRE-CAR = LAYING. Livein. the R. FE vole and age. days. Eve-No | ose For (Ge CarpetSoM Cnfrom raeWilliamhia ‘Ry Pobere Fr . Puneral Ho: 41882 _—«-_—-_—séosition with high earning to start ches a medals 40 years of Must be leaner ConscientiousFE 6-685, sober. aaair. job tooPE little! free| bindincleaning caAnylecationpairs. chaos: Home th Rev, Seger ms caoes tus an excellent future? I you HOUSEKEEPER LIVE IN OR-' reliable, Phone FE 4-3348 family man. Call . paint y chard Home other PART zertimate —y ee employed any- Reset = ave experience with r or : van Lake s Have i ‘ STENOGRAPHERj PART TIMETIME | ings = s = — call Fe = loy exp men Cal Olsen officta atl | | help now. 38 and not over 5) © 'pew hrs. daily. typing claims and JANITOR Kk WANTED BY CEMENT & BLOCK _ | _time. Tyter $0137 or FE 37365. Lapeer, Mich. Ms. Mille willie oneiscon-jo ins the probiems of con- loasaer | reports. Call man and ae Dependable. FE FE 5-0782. 7 CHIMNEY ° W ‘ORK Home FUNERA | feet ity lumbermen Looe Shes Sect oe underwriting Mrs e. work. state at the William j r dit us € eeepreferred i Realty } Gate : ie | 5-948 be Ra a ei | We specialize in chimney cleap- OwaRa, ; ———BOKED FOR POMenats replying. pie (om (seccerecy © | os Orchard 1s PE sous scxideteE PER NOTHERLERS SRROLALPRIEN POR REAL Es PLASTERING.AND PATCHING | “EMENTiT 18 OUR SPECIALTY. aise ting (or bu IF PL talle and experience LOTa1 INO Vice 18) 9. 10-17; 62217. tale in Wrst.8 ——= CUSTOM PIEA PT | @ repairine. rebuilding or TIE UR Sin heme. boys MI plete | office Birminahem —— canres BUILDING. sce climasys. build oreiii 'n, og > ig Seet | mrowstdul tereice as ie pe 1| SUE Ebbs. Mrs. George Reid and tie | ] openings for men to whoearn positionerect forGabi:lady under 35 Ability(Avot _ ; SPRING sh . UP RUBBISH E arn WIRING GL LICENSED8 cleanedreplaces and Also ails SALESMEN WE HAVE A FEW INTERESTING & DEVERSIFIND ward, Birm. Apply in_person. Reasonable. FE_6-1016 ‘nancing ModernizingWE 45470 | Stall wire baskets on chimneys. For men_ bore ‘important rYyPIS'1 CLEAN ICAL repaired. Paul Riemenschneider. ayunerel | V oormees-ip e r P Ed Murray, FE 2-8657. kinds of furnace work. Local ree- oorviesi be held j | -PAINT CO experience selling. roofing siding tn own handwriting to Pontiac . ; \ and ashes hauled anytime. eee 8 Dm trom at | FUNERAL HOME | FOY PAINT ¢ storm windows. or any part of | {.0"™ var Yet Kemer e ericacs (pesterrea: ore / 7 _| FLOOR” SANDING. TAYING AAND | _Istered company interment in Mount Hope Ceme. Ambulance er parrPiane or Motor preteried bar ote ferqnfear ies INTERVIEWERS nt / “ Write [Pontiac Press Ben "oNet © : MRL ie4 ae Ted pagent | conranices pele free ypc’ DRY WALL BY MACHINE | FREE } : . hs yo office will train TOP EXPERIENCE, PL moi eel time OR 3-9491 eat Leo = Jack, a | PE 35-4628. will be held pundey iC ied eee _____ Cinemnati, Ohio Ce Le Dente EE | Small downtown -i R SANDING OLD FLOORS | & RE. from 6m FE , neh’ 70: yey 9 le8 Jessie) 3), a te he Se Fennel worklic kad Youan Fat her and ic Cleaners, 941 Jos-WAL L SERVICE aaaWALL eoaee @ Cart L. Bill's. PE EXPERT TREE TRIMMINGMMING& 4 : A ares if Son specialty. Home Dia seeh cisemeumee | ____ Cemetery Lots peiet 2-8245 the Brace-Smith Funeral Home| ~~“~~~ SN ™ 5 | iar = FE eiert_mind Call FF. 5-5012 WAETRERS POR] NIGHT 1 GHIPT Ready for paint or paper. Very _ 29789, _3-2000. ¢ Love, WHITE CHAPEL. re Att: D. M. Harrington THREE MEN | LADY TO HEIP WITH HOUSE. Meee Joes Coney Island, p2fticular Free estimates. MY FLOOR LAYING SANDING AND | EAVESTROUGHING. INSTALLED “411. 5-031 = national disiribyting orgenizati on i TO 4 g REN : ; > wr YOUNG MAN WISHES WORK OF | eet. etal. Card PPPof Thanks 1 ciaPare HILL§. ~ es sonst ane Es T eniierin||saath) 1 is to ear Ref ( 4 2-4871D EN Biss) and TOHuron WITHReferences eee type, ? ai Davers. 7 Pree aaaJohn iar. work 57; ECTRICSheet M i etSone THE LLL FAMILY LLLP OF HAROLD aan F.| sonable, Ty MYOAKLAND23572 $ ta Foatiag ares. Soaie mechanical| and, houseworkJade with MY Ht Gren iW housework”HELP CHI anv 4960 : Drayton leneerensotimates. Taylor OR Tam 3 PE REA WOMAN ae : , ' | nes : e . tf ain = 318 PikeWright > —— = , PES NEY'S Hl TIRING sie. immediately. see employ- & | LOOK! | eoeai : omeFOR CLE wT ANina IRON. YOU fea UNUSUALLY | FLOOR ber SANDING & FIN-3030 | ‘ ry "Pre -¢ } pe manage to TO’ poy he Prove ae ©. ineP Oe FURNACES 4SDURE formed for ped) oe hon Help == sido . PRAINEES NOW Toes Wo Huron SC A b of int fverait ing, no cooking Live in MAytair oP WORK PE roa ie , LACES SOARED CLEANED ester FE Lit _— agiTURRET-LATHEes ; awaitsfob theof interest woman =n Gis ee etK s' 6-62.40Ls 2 1 2 ’ | FE_2-7608. _pa a nnd Nelson é 5-1788 relatives during their recent) 2 ; 5 look =, bereavement A special thanks | 0 BARBER, STEADY, 75 PER CENT Expanding blue chip retail con d > Te WOMAN FOR LIGHT HOUBE-——— SS | AN HEATING | SERV ICE Glens Barber ¢orner rn golden to PONTIAC rk Care chile Live in , FLOOR DING. LAYING.FIN. J Shop, Mopt-offers oppertunity : of PE ea corhees-Bipie Funeral Home. | aim,_ Sentra operwer == mea 3038 who can fearn fast Gneraioe tar close igiarance iwork sa SCS ‘ Work Wanted Female MW ardner, 491 Central FE | Gas. oil burners and furnaces VE move ahead fast Good starting on aluminum and steiniess steel Emplovinent Servic i POR < ENER al Live 21st cleaned and ‘serviced. All makes BRICK | FS In Memoriam 2 BRICK LAYERSLAYERS WAR TED. | Salary while you learn interesting | Paid holidays & vacation 18 W Huron re ¢zss1 WOMAN fave 828 eines) OAT, Seek ence 2 ORNERAL BUILDING MMPArn Dar ot et +tom Dee ot IN LOVING MEMORY OF BLL DRAPTEMAN, WANTED 73FOR fives learned eas manane% MOC. MEG. CO nour eee et erfor cau,WonderWonder g WOMAN, mee ‘OF svt enVAN Ww WALL fering and tile work. 3290. p. PLASTERING NEW AND-RE- | . \ C4 Here mvenient vou \ NICINITY ‘ a #2316 “WANT WASH-PE 4220. _' sha E. Harrington, who was taken time office work. MA 91382 eee centr canMe ‘rast 118 Ind \ Re Lake Orme | ft opportunity, Ouiimited earn. * ties uier’ scheell Bat ui’ FE ? ne and cleaning. FE ios GUARANTEED ROOFS pair Buxton, 40028, —!wil ALL Cari PE from ws 3 years ago March 10, ATTENTION igs noel oe po tase — a ton ings. Demonstrate fine line of foe § eine arine =e an Cee kinds ak 1918 bee pre pean PLUUMBING | AND HEATING. HS . 5 A " Li Ppp er , : | WANTED SALESMAN AT ONCE st. tics & h ware No de-— TED rs Crescent Area. : FE | Sees, a = | ons * FE 43767 or ante ce be thine ‘ “ ATTENTION pointment | PW Dinnan, 66 W. Huron | tt cack care Call FE 50081 WAN AN EI DERLY i ADY “days Y misse id wife children) we have jobs for 5 single men, y ) WANTED”WANTE F CLASS | mights f or Sunday for interview bed patient to care fer Eatecences 2-1344 aaeoney cL = | IRST METAI Lk : a in | ia need apply “\ OEEICH AN AUGER REA S47eF uma felesencs? BABYSITTING BY ore cele os FY Lise: uA. vounz| “= eee : | 18-28, to travel to. Miami!m New) PONT senyic = [pplebumper No other NEA? ! 4 . i E 4 A. LAYING. ewe 3 Orleans and Southern padaggacsieehae 7)1@ W Huron E 4.2551 | eres = EXPERIENCED ALL| Bullger would like bright cane: YOUNG LADY UNDER 35 GEN-ee eei een sees | | 308 LFLEAING || FLOOR EW ER. CL 'EANING ee a WANT-| Edison. — Service. . | oo pee | paid, New care fur-| | around man for cleaners Mat rane and ant sbilit er pouiie esentat EXPERIENCED “WOMAN Sanding, finishing. 155 SinksSunday FE 42012 DUNSTAN’S PLOWERS nl Perm. work, good future IONT . To work on wages ee percent: | ate) iroing (snd book keen ins bdehiehd ahh Seba saty in per. @d: Housework Friday and Sat-| FE 2-4405. TREE TRIMMING AND REMOV- : Week End Cash & Carry. Potted | Immediate advance. Must be wi | ; : : ) i eA age Must be able to take com-| Cart BETTYAT MIDWEST.608 son pam we Siest Automowtle urday. EM 3-36¥2, after 4 OUR SPECIALTY elle Free estta ates: Fens | =7 and fin-| Sovlac gate Bank Bide FE Giub of Michican HOUSECLEANING DONE FROM -Bathrooms modernized. Pree esti | —7-%2°4 a Z —ysenthe nt Deitediie, Stench.) inalen, to.Michiganwerk, SesState Employmentee | = JOBS FOR MEN | pleteishing chargeSteady, of no cleaningdrinkers. dived | 3 g997 a m = a tap! te, bottom) br expert. FE mates. FE 2-0309 o. FE 5-2804 | TREE TRIMING AND REMOV- ow Service, 142 Wavne St. Pontiac, | MANAGER TRAINEE $200 | future for the right person. Ref-re ee : -| 9-0842 ; ‘ — al. Free estimates FE 2-6019. FE 2:30-4:30 p.m, Don't phone hte $340 | @fences. Pontiac Press Box 59. | OFFICE GIRL TYPING. FILING. | ; 30642 _ PLASTERING, ALL KINDS. H.| (5394 ms : EXPERIENCED MEN POR LAY. | SALES TRAINER, hardvere -00 | WANTED YOUNG MAN BRTWEEN | ftheral office Experienced pre-| Hetp Wanted 8 LADY WOULD LIKE DAY WORK _ Meyers. ORiando }1M§ | 2 The Pontiac Press out and plate fitter. Must be abie | | RERVICE MGR, auto sce, $700, AOES OF 16.22 TO SING LEAD, | —c'red. Phone MUtual_ 41355 ~ : on tare References. VE ATIO. PLASTERING Repains ~~~ ~~& Taxes 14 Neve rences. : _. | All work guaranteedAND Reasonable || Bookkeeping~~~ ~~ : to tack his own work | OFFICE BOY, lumber co $200, OR 18ST TENOR WITH GOSPEL. | . AD MATCHES SELL AMAZING ete & TAX WANT ADS SUNDEEN MFG [SALES TRAINEE, elect app $490 AIRES QUARTET. MUST BE A PONTLAC GIRL TO | DESIGNS! 10. 20 30, 40 and 240. BABYSITTING WASHINGS AND | _ rates. 6864 | ACCOUNTING SERVICE FOR aod accede etal |SALES MANAGER , $800' CONSECRATED CHRISTIAN PE : | leht book matches BIGGER” _ironings done $3 a bu. FE 26966 PRIVATE BR@ILDER WOULD LIKE | INCOME TA. DIAL FE 28181 WERT ! pie < ABLE OR. EAD NOTES &OSING LEARN | ET Caeprospect corea tg IRONINOS. A PICK. opportunity‘il bid availableyour | _Bewier < S . A « coe tepeats Birt $3 BUSHEL 4 | to, in on Wer eae a women: delivery Me 1Tailoring ST EeT ates fac as todeeeees | GRAEBNER S—Vontiac INTERVIEWING iit Aan full, _ue and FE 5-8732 Pe eh | | Dressmaking, 16 Ra ts) 3 Pontiac State ie) Bldg 3 E 7-894) part time BUY NOTHING Salr= |RONING A SITTING IR | wane WASTER a See oF : my come os fate aa : gang Guarantend cen rae et DRESSES, SUITS, COATS & Al- From § sat. to5 p.m: EXPERIENCED WABHING MA-Phane FE 6-027 AFTER 6 00 PM Michiana lavgect employment Kit. furn MATCH $300 A BU. 1 DAY mates FE 2 | _terations,191 E.Huron FE 4-7074 All errors should be re-chine repairman. Must have expe Wajectront Sunen agency has an opening In their AMERTCS Eee a a chi IRONING. On E Watton Bivd FE ROOFING. ro AND'ALL MOD-_ Income. Taxax Service 17 ried. immediately. The rience on automatic washers and = peRMANENT __ POSITION FOR aterifa Uy upervisar TeoreIne mite "" an Boas nil Fe he id Meteor Seated service yess) Geeumee) tere | wit erees?, w work recatiee age 23-35, who tits initiative; CrardneAND : persona bhirl internssales or We os & Mi ‘opp= for right Bonaelbne!7 -PER y FE oes aie c Aalecourltax cevice . person stall --_ Alterations a bes Se teDe) arc: | Meiores lcten a tg teabere Athi S& tor man, salesmanship abilityhas _ with{ nr with : business ex- fer 4 pportsanity $3 BUSHEL 1 deal CERi ICE ER Line?porti the Rov's exper Mr with sales-type 8 to daily MIMEOGRAPHING. Now, Pay without Manager FE perience but will train someone eon on avsuex HEIGHTS 3053, D&M BLI a Why Walt in for that 4 first mation confidential Re-actus me Sapa, Allen real personalits rea am am. | TYPING. SEC. FE Bring W2's Pick-up Day Parts Service fmsertionef theben boca fen placementOakla and Co, A [com the life insurance tstiian 5-812 LAKE COUNTRY CIUR who has no previous experience, annly P.O Be 2° iss Auburn retarial Service EM 3-2842 Eves. OR 2276 FE 2-8245 vayne Garret! eer rekien edvertice 96 Chet ptete coatee ef business ORCHART : 3 = ~~ —— vanced life t erwrit-| Interviews by 1 oin Be = = AVAILABLE.P zs G. 5 FLOOR FE 381SAGINAW fOr".hy ts. rdala PRACTICAL fi SNYDER. LAYING. 5-6839 8. " Gered veluciess through the § EXPERIENCED ENGINE LATHE So Sbtitude test pro-Mn ease eae ne Height NURSE SE ends error. When cancellations operator, for semi-production air vided Belery and commic