; oly | Been Ldsteyah “David Levinson | Ways Means a I t Isn’ n't Raining Rain, You Know —Still Pelts ‘Em ee SAN- MARINO, Calif. UPI) — DAY. DECEMBER 23, 195026 PAGES He’ I Discuss ‘Trek in Wee Y ule ‘Buy rers? | | The eltizens had heard of It rain- | ee ee ant ae, Nek tee U iting q alk ead leq they've seen everything — rained P lamb and Russian | By HAL BOYLE 26 Y sable in San Marino President. Brings tok NEw YORK 4AP)—Ohristmas shopper remarks that - * Supervisor ears, and San Gabriel. on _ salespeople get tired of heating—or overhearing: | He Takes New Pést : ee ee es ae Message of Good wil > li shoes, Mabel, while ve sacks of large, coat- | oS Sa : we sl tine uakens war a - ‘ in. Maior ‘Reshuffle ** | length pelts of northern’ dyed . Fron’ Abroad = “Have you got something like that—for about $20 muskrat, Persian lamb, Russian ; less?” | By GEORGE T. TRUMBULL JR. | *#bl¢ and pastel mink pelts were WASHINGTON (UPI) — : } “Why can’t I exchange it now? My husband bought #| David Levinson — a vet- prs rnp Sen rome oy ted President Eisenhower, back 4 it here last. Christmas. " * S\eran. of 26 years on thé’ ‘sixth felt ‘on San Gabriel. = home with his country- k ok ‘oakland County Boardgot|’. Pelies in wet men’s cheers echoing ova- “TE bet you just hate last- minute “shoppers, don't : ls, pandte . been ae Southern California. airports to- | > tions he received overseas, ~” youre be ; stub cates .| = ba suede pene will give his:first report to “Hiya, baby! I sure wish Santa Claus would leave =| pointed chairman pf the in-) where the plane took off and | gi } Tepor at you in my little ole Christmas. stocking.” =|\fluential Ways and Means’ where it. rondo janded. ‘the. nation today on his [ | ~~ “Willie, put down that ah You've -broken three ale. || Committee. ‘ sede — of the furs) © . 23,000-mile “peace and : “ready.” ©| Levinson's “appointment! a wholesale furrier and may be | _ friendship” misston: ‘= “Yeah, the size is right and the price is okay, ', E/came during one of the big- stolen goods. ; me Eisénhower, planned to i . . but I don’t like the color. Don’t you have it in pur- = | gest. committee personnel! ea arate : discuss his 19-day trip, at-' 7 "” % ‘Sj Y > ‘ . z ee So ee agg ene P o r : ' ple? 2 ; hus «|changes in. the Board's his- Williams i es WELOOME HOME — “Mamie ‘Piesahower . > Wate least briefly, in his annual : 4 “Oh, I almost forgot to get somet ing me my Dus- : . They were announced : turns and smiles a welcome to’ the President as ~ returned from his “19-day, 1l-nation journey in message at the. lighting of x x band. Where is the necktie counter? : |b Delos Hamlin, chairman. | they entered the White House late last night:: “the interests of world, peace. The first ay the national Christmas tree” “ t rments. But I'd || >Y Delos f {No.1 don't know her exact measu . : | She met the: plane. from Morocco at Andrews. stayed behind while tke traveled over 22,007 on grounds south of the say she was about halfway between Marilyn Monroe and - 4 Biepesee. aipervinor Wings even Ar m Air Force Base jin “Maryland as the President: rimiles , w B 9 . Kate Smith. Can’t you figure it out from that?” || September 1933, Levinson, 63, re- - . ‘White House. The broad- * OH, WILLIE! i |places Fred’ W. Smith, former Sounds Ou i; | | a ‘cagt.-will- be carried by ra- @\Royal Oak ‘supervisor, as Ways unds t To ‘ _ ‘= “Willie, did yOu have to put your sticky lollipop on I Means chairihan. ‘Smith w2s) On Posibifi p Dems We ] ] Have M-MMighty C-C- Cold a" | dlo-televisien networks at. 5. 1». the nice cashmere sweater the lady.was showing Mom- *|not reappointed to the Board after ossibilities Linked pm. EST. . € my?”: G {| serving 28 years. to Candidacy ‘Our W hi te | The chief executive, bearing a ~ § “Be sure and take the price tag off.” =|. Eevinses; ao real estate ap- DIU dl vers, lu ch Far jmessage of “Merry Christmas and * xk * * * been ber of | LANS | good will” to all Americans from , a Preiser, has s, moe ING — Gov. Williams | Ch tm ihimself, and the people he visited - “Gimme something for my wife. It don’t make any =| the Ways and Means committee, jis pressing. hard toward a deci-_ I is as ion his three-continent tour, land- - - difference what it is. She'll bring it back next week any- considered one of the more im- jsion on whether to seek a seventh | BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ed at nearby Andrews Air Force 7 way.” a|t CO eee eae as, (term. & course viewed by political! Santa Claus can come to town) 4 numbing arctic blast hit the Northeast today-in the |Base, Md.,’at 11:25 p.m. EST last | “I can tell you I was next. I been standing here for ing committees. t works ‘BY |friends as .very unlikely until re-|with reindeer and sleigh, the | In A | eg ake of ah torm which marked winter's of- "8" > “45 minutes trying to get your attention.” 5| side with auditors in-\cent weeks. weatherman promises. iwake of a heavy snowstorm which marked winter's 0 % - §| drafting the, ye arty county | Strong new evidence that he is! ficial arrival Tuesday. . After receiving ¢ kiss trem g “The Christmas help gets worse every year. They budgets, ~~ | dvdying- the question intensively Three to five inches of heavy LOM bei dines é~Tisted ti h t Mrs, Eisenhower and a rousing - ; must be scraping the bottom of the Bowery this sea- The new flead of the committee|“2Me to light yesterday. snow, possibly mixed with light any, below-zero recordings were Tis 1rOUghOUt | -wetcome trom ‘some 200 greeters freezing rain, is predicted for the extreme southern part of the state today and tonight: Snow flurries are also forecast for Thursday. Tonight’s low will be about 2% degrees. Thursday’s high is ex- pected to reach 30. The outlook for Christmas is mostly cloudy, with fittle tempera- ture change and a féw snow flur- | headed by Vice President Rich. . ard M. Nixon, Cabinet members and members of Congress, the President drove to the White. House for further applause from several thousand nual waving admirers. . : The welcome home late at night in sub-freedzing ‘weather, fell‘ short of the plans .of capital officials. But Eisenhwér, chipper after a the region during the early mofning hours. The temperature dropped to a minus 34 at Wanakena| in northern New York and 29 below at Saranac Lake in New York State's wat irondack Mountains. re | son. Gilwas chairman of the Board in 940-41 -42 bei ic “Can you recommend a good book for an 80-year-old otras. Leviaew athe metas the ‘spinster who likes crocheting and sports cars?” special county building committee . “1 like a toy for ian exceptionally bright amr: d i n speerhoetnd : construction of sure breska ’ new courth Tae be eo *~. =} Hamlin also named two new “What're you getting for Christmas yourself, doll— § @ package of corn plasters?” Clese associates disclosed that in the last two weeks the gov- ernor quietly called Democratic chairmen and vice chairmen in all 83 counties to Lansing in a systematic political “stock tak- ing. ” . | The series of evening huddles at | ihis home was devoted to soundings x & * ae cade, in western New York, registered 13 below. It was 9.8 above zero in New York ‘REST ROOMS, PLEASE?” j vidow tee ta Pa i the situation of the Michigan ri ns vice Democratic Party generally as|"©°*- | City. ‘ 10%-hour fligh - are the rest 2 - ; ; , ight ¥ Morocco, stare oom rhe ie 0 700 me » — t Om well as-on next yeap’s candidacy. * rae aed fell a she much - _ Monigelier Vt. Feporied.a read iu waved with aoaiaen Jand was : a, 4. “What do you.mean you: don’t siitiwrey, ‘anything 5 | HULET SUCCEEDS THATCHER prea wld: reporteghy idcused were kept “busy through the ng pew Boston’s..mwark was. 12) ° -. art the alcport, the “ Prddent aa r a dollar? Fhavé a ‘ind to transfer my charge” in individual with Ween? Friday and Saturday are ex- . : = unde 1 g008 7 y Hulet, by reason of his ‘hew vice party lenders oh two questions: y turday saathie laoread. wan oad inliww | he had arrived too ldte at night plate to another store.” “He couldn't be-buying it for his wife, I happen to know she’s allergic to silk—and he’s allergic to spending that kind of money on her.” “Willie, you’re being very naughty. Hand Santa Claus back his beard—or Mommy will spank you right here in elfland.” = IERIE ek NI Bie RC will 5 Tots Tos | | Send: Mom to Jail? By HARVEY ZUCKERBERG A Genter Line woman’s five children, ranging in age from six months. to five years, had their Christmas toys and new clothes taken away from them early yesterday. The presents will be used as evidence against their mother,.Mrs. Betty Lou Zograph, 26, of 7270 Weigand St. charged with writing 7 bad checks. “T guess I just wanted one Christ- mas when I could spend lots of money,” she sobbed when-arrested at 2:30 a.m, cal motel at Eight Mile and Deq Japan Auto Maker Ponders Ford Tieup TOKYO wW—Japan'’s giant Toy- ota Motor Co. today was reported considering a multimillion-dollar tieup with the Ford Motor Co. of America. The reports, published by the newspapers Yomiuri and Nihon Keizai, said that under the pro- posal Ford automobiles might be __ |preduced in the Toyota Plant ar and — for four months, claims to be. four | months pregnant. Hi il Hefty Lody Luck MADRID, Spain (UPI) — oe lencia Plumber Francisco “Orte- | ga, run over by a truck bearing the license number 36600 last September, bought a Christmas lottery ticket with the same pure ber. The vig winner in results announced last = ey site: 1 | 2 z Ey RF i 3 : ei ts ain Today's Press 4 = \thairmanship, *|Thatcher, foi *|Township supervisor who resigned ~|from the Board to win a new job 4 |as county road commissioner Dec. 3\14. : Ways and Means and M.)- est Bloomfield Horten replaces Smith on the seven-member committee. ..~. With Horton's shift to this committee, his place on the | Buitdings and Grounds’ Commit- | tee will be taken by Robert J. | Mater, vey mperviper Replacing Thatcher and Smith as two of Oakland's representa- tives on the ‘six-county rs Inter-County Committee will be Southfield Supervisor and Mayor Donald L, Swanson and Maurice J. Croteau,: Pontiac supervisor. Other changes announced by Hamlin weré: “Virgil: C. Knowles, Oak Park supervisor and city aes re- _ (Continued: on Page 2, 6) More Cards for Carolyn : | aah 1. Hew would a seventh term could command strongest grass roots level support? The governor pretty much has kept his.own cotinsel on his find- ings. Presumably, some disclo- sures will come when he huddies with his ‘cabinet and other close political allies” bext Tuesday.” Churches Begin Worship p, Christians around the world to- night will begin celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ with tradi- tional services of song and medi- tation. Protestant. and Roman‘ Catholic churches - in the Pontiac area are! , dition, in St. Joieyh Mercy FiSepial sich ‘Moa. ay cad her Solatty ‘di abd Wy “Ge of ts es fatal blood disease before Christmas. Carolyn’s ldesire for Christmas cards was Ppbiiciath Mom. * day in The Ponitiac Preset. pected to be a littie warmer fol- ‘fewed. by a slight cooling Sunday and Monday, Precipitation wilt “Wtal one to three-tenths of an inch in snow tonight and pos- sibly again about Monday. Morning winds easterly al ‘five to eight miles an hour will become east to southeast ‘at 15-25 miles. Seventeen was the lowest tem-| perature in downtgyn Pontiac pre- ceding 8 am. A 1 p.m. the bead-} ing was 24, | opserving His birthday with pa- geants’ Sunday School programs, music, Holy Communion and Mass | tonight, Christmas Eve arid Christ- |mas’ morning, : |. A festival celebration \of Holy Communion is scheduled for . i te ; li a : Hdldii Keen Pore serge 7 of the rector’s sermon. \ ~ The primary, }AME Church will worship with ‘Trinity members at a sunrise serv- ’ Thursday. : Special music deveetde’ by ret: at Caribou, but the Weather | Bureau warned that the temper. | ature was expected to fall as | jew -as minus. 20 in northern | Maine tonight. The below-zero temperatures | reached as far south as New Jer-| sey where Flemington reported a minus f. * + . Tuesday's snowfall, ranging up; (Continued on Page 2, Col. 6 and 11 p.m. Thursday at the ‘Episcopal Church of the Advent on Middle Belt road. The second \service will be pre-| ceded by 15 minutes of congre-' gation car6l singing. COMMUNION AT\1i0. A.M. Holy Communion\ will be cele- brated at 10 a.m.. Christmas Day. “The Story of Christmas, Old and | Yet Ever New” will be the theme \ A children’s service wil be held at 7 Christmas "Eve \at St. Stephen Lutheran Church, §ash- abaw and Kenipf, Dra\ton Plains. A second service is for 11:15 p.m, A Christmas Day Festival servy| ice will be celebrated ‘at 10: 30) |a,m. on Christmas. — * * * The Rev. Amos G. Johnson, pas-| tor, will speak on.."First Christ-| mas Morning” at the 7 a.m. bap-/ '|tismal service Christmas Day. | The apnual. Sunday School pro- ‘gram will be at 7 p.m. Thars- day at &t, Paul Lutheran Chorch, dosiyn at. Third. The evening will ‘consist of the Ohristmas story ip song, rechntions and pageantry, intermediate and| EDWARD C€. ntiac Names New Assessor BLOKE . Bloe Will of W. R. Ransom Who | Retires Jan. 1 . Edward assessor | Commission. Deputy Pontiac C. Bloe was named cit last night by the assessor sinc '1944, Bloe will succeed retiring As- sessor W. Ray-Ransom Jan. | "His salary -has not been set? Bioe, 60,"has been a city em- ploye 26 years. A native of Pon- \ tiae, : inicipal Assessors of Michiga Assn.\.and the Oakland ‘€ount | Assn. of Assessing - Officers. Bloe and his wife reside af 137 \She’ll Have Noisy Yule DALLAS, Tex. (UPI) -— Esau Lewis believes\ his wife should City | “he. was employed in the | treasurer's office from 1933-1944, | ; ; . loe is a member of the Na-| role as housewife and mother with itional Assn. of Assessgrs, the Mu- her four..children in their home ' “for an erudite and informative |speech,”’ | “I do wait’ te say one thing.” | he said. “‘Eyerywhere we went, ‘Continued on" Page 2, Col. 4) x + aE irst Lady Greets Her ‘Family WASHINGTON (AP)—It was a thappy family reunion at Andrews |Air Force Base. Tuesday night 'when Mamie. Eisenhower, gaily dressed in Christmas red, warmly ;greeted her returning husband, san and daughter-in-law. She hugged them all and held ionto the President's arm in the Take: Place crush of high ranking well-wish- ers It was obvious Mrs. Eisen- hower was pleased at her hus- band’s jovial, ruddy appearance. She had expressed worry over y, | his arduous trip. For 33-year-old Barbara. Eisen- e 'hower, imile mission, it was the end of ‘the most fabulous journey of her life. Her husband, Maj. John Ei- senhower, served as his father's aide on the tour. ‘PARTY'S OVER Barbara returns today to her njnear Gettysburg, Pa. y’ She brought home a collection of exotic gifts and memories of ; elephant rides, snake charmers, W » J 7 - oa hittemoke St. They have two cheering millions. and strange sons. Le ; : o\ lands, es Back home, she jokingly told | Vice President and Mrs. Richard iM. Nixon she was having trouble remembering to, say hello after senior departments of Trinity Bap-| 8¢t & bang out of her Christmas |her efforts at greeting in the lan- tist: Sunday School will give a| Christmas program “at 7 7 SUNRISE SERVICE Thé congregation ‘of Newman | ice at 6 a.m, Friday with the Rev. J. Allen Parker of the visiting group wncin the morning’ iiés- sage, _ Christmas, services: at .. St, ’s-in-the-Hills on Joslyn road include festival celebration of Holy Communion at aay 1:30 p.m. Glora Luck wil, precede the. serv- ice: Mr. art Mrs, Charles Warman (Cchitinued. on Page 2, Col. 2) j Lothion, presents, The-couple’s Derringer, Harrisen’s , mn Voorhets a. s three sons tonight,| Went shopping for \their mother’s | presents and each. bought her al =4\|veteran of motorcades, \ ery huge crowds. ~' . tor he plane.” iguages of the 11 countries. she | visited. * * Sidi | Barbara had eased. out of the ‘limelight in Washington and had never ridden on a jet plane be- fore -this journey. She‘ returned a fanfare \, Looking happy, she said. she 7 Wasn't a bit ‘tired because “I slept * * 2 ® AY who accompanied her fax /mous” father-in-law on the 22.000- o were: ° POR ee : Oakland County’s jet age- designs for future ‘airport | planning will be coordinated by-a_special nine-member county committee to be headed by Philip E. Rowston, Pontiac mayor and newest member of the Board of, Supervisors. by Delos Hamlin, chairman Rowston yesterday was namied to lead the committee | of the Board of Supervisors. Other members appointed to the important . group, which-will carry out a valu----——~ able $30,000 study of. air- _ port needs in sowtheastern " Michigan through- “1975, re a ee “Elmer R.° Johnson, Waterford ‘Township supervisior, in whose township Pontiac's mushrooming municipal airport is located. ‘ , john L. Carry, Springfield Township supervisor in charge of _ the Board's special committee studying county it re- form, an Air Ferce pificer dur- - ing World War kL John C. Rehard, newly appointed| “ member"tr the Board replacing _Hiland \M. Thatcher of Bloomfi¢id Township. : : John G. Osgood, attorney and | out . new supervisor from Royal Oak. Roy L. Duncan, Troy supervisor whose city has two airports which, aceording to a master plan, will have a‘direct bearing on future sas gel plans. eeudasterscoroe! ~~ * * Ray- W. Lahti, supervisor of Wixom, . Where another airport is situated. - Hamlin also named J, Robert chairman of the Commissioners, as ex -officio, members of the special alrport committee. Feit’s appointment, Hamlin gaid, -> ,..Was, deemed essential because of how roads—old and new—will have a direct bearing on the proposed lo¢ations of the “T think we havé a real good committee which ‘will be an asset to the county on future airport planning," Hathlin said. CAN GO RIGHT TO WORK ~ He said he selected the inembers who represent areas in the county . Which will probably: share most inf the future plans. ’. The master plan, released re- cently to the six-county Supervi- sors; Inter-County Committee sug- gested creation of a jet airfield} neaf Pontiac by 1970 - 75. to help “Boy, 7, Requires 100 Stitches After ~Mangling by Dog A seven-year-old boy, who re- quired 100 stitches in the head_atter police reported he-was attacked by a dog, was in satisfactory condition ‘today Waterford Township: police sought a woman who witneSséd the attack, Police said that Robert Vande- water, son of Mr. and Mrs. ‘Rex Vandewater of 5517 Rowley St., apparently Was attacked by the dering away from his parents’ ‘car parked in a’ Drayton Plains business section Saturday. The dog was chained and housed in a pen, =~ ; “Owners of the dog, the Donald L. | Hortons of 4414 Monroe St., who were not at home, said they weren't aware of the incident until police called to say the dog had been taken to the county animal shelter. The __ woman being sought}. " watched the attack, and called po- lite and an ambulance. The young boy escaped when another person smashed a bottle over the dog’s h®ad, police said. The Weather U.S. Weather Bareau Report NTIAC AND VICINITY — Heavy warning. Hazardeus driving. Snow aiakt, ‘ ino! snew mg om ol — snow sew Nene \ature ot Si 1 oe - Peday “tn Ponti \Lewest temperature preceding 8 a.m. ‘at 8 a.m. ber velocity 5-10 m. p. h. ction—Easterly. seta Wednesday at 5:04 Pde tises Thursday at 7:59 @ Wednesday at 1348 &.m. ursday at ah 44.p.m, - Moon tes threday in Pontiac Rte err neerateee eee eee eee eee) thee eee eeeenens West year meet thé growing air needs pres- ently handled by Detroit's Metro- politan Airport. Hamlin said Rowston’s com-} , - | mittee could go right to werk)/ charting the county's needs for the mext 15 years based on the master plan. | These ideas ‘then will be co. ordinated with those of a six- county group made up of repre- sentatives of committees, like Oakiand’s, already established or seon to be set up in Wayne, St. Clair and Macomb counties. Hamlin, chairman of the SHC, after the first of the and steps taken to carry he study-made -by the Land- Rowston’s committee will con- cern itself with airport. develop- ments in Oakland County, Hamlin said. ‘ One of the committee's first : jobs, Hamlin suggested, would be to sit down with Pontiac city of- ficlals who are moving , ahead apidly on building up the city’s airport, and see how these plans tie into: over-all county designs. (Continued From Page One) will sing ‘‘O Little Town of Beth- lehem,”’ arranged by Holton, and Mrs. James Currie will sing ‘“The Paling of the Stars,’’ by Kramer. Holy Communion will be cele- brated at St, Mary’s at 10 o’clock Church, 316 Baldwin Ave., will pre- sent the play, “‘And There Were Shepherds” at 7:30 tonight. Edward H. Higbee, organist at St. Vincent de Paul (etholic Qhurch, will present an organ recital at 11 p.m. Thursday. The high school choral group wilt sing carols at 11:30 p.m. Midnight Mass will follow. On Christmas Day, Masses will be celebrated at 6, 7:30, 8:45, 10, and 11:15.a.m. and 12:30 p.m. The children of St, Trinity Luth- eran School will present a program eiititled ‘God So Loved the World” at 7:30 Christmas, Festival worship will follow at 11:15 p.m., with the Rev. Ralph C. Claus speaking. Christmas ~ Day worship service will be held at 11 a.m, . - x * * The boys’ choir will sing carols at 11:30 Christmas Eve at St. Hugo in the Hills Catholic Church. The men and children's choir wil] lead the singing at Midnight Mass. On Christmas. Day, Mass will be said at 7, 8:15, 9:30 and 11:30 a.m., and again at 12:45 p.m. * Dr. William H. Marbach and the Rev. Galen EF. . Hershey will be in charge of ‘the Christmas 4 Eve ‘service at. 11 p.m.*at the First Presbyterian Church. ‘The Sacrament of Holy Commv- nion will- be-celebrafed at 11 0 ‘clock on Christmas Eve at the Orchard Lake Community Church, Presby- terian. . On Christmas Day, the Rev. Eds ward D. Auchard, pastor, will preach on ‘‘Wise Men Came” at the 10 a.m. service. * * * _ The Unity Church of Oakland County will hold the . traditional Candlelight Service at 8 tonight. Speaking on ‘You Are Christmas” will be the Rev. David Williamson of Flint. The é traditional andlelight w| service will be held at 8 o’ clock -| at Grace Lutheran Cherch. on |. Christmas Eve. Special music will be furnished by the Chil- dren’s and Senior Choirs. The Rev. Richard C. Stuckmeyer will speak at the 10 a.m. service'on Christmas Day. The junior and chancel choirs will present the cantata, “A Star in the Sky,” at the 11 o'clock can- a3 |Glelight service Christmas Eve at Oakland Park Methodist Church, Montcalm’ at Glenwood. Emerson Brown will be soloist and Donald Schultz will play the trumpet. Pic- tures depicting the Christmas story will be shown. The annual Sunday school pre- gram of the Stringham United will be held at 7:30 tonight with the theme, “Around the Werte -at Ohrist- mas,” ow Washtenaw, Livingston, Monroe, | rum & Brown consultant firm of Cincinnati. 1 7, tries to sneak a look at what Brethren Jnext Tuesday in Ionia when attor- :|neys will argue an order which rcould reinstate Herbert W. Straley A Children’s Festival service and| be 23\Holy Baptism is eee nate —_o — services wil] be held at 8 and 11 p.m. Thursday at Christ Lutheran roads. Services will include the candlelight processional by the four choirs and the traditional can- dlelighting by worshipers. | * * * Assisting in the service wilh be Martin Wager, a seminary stu- dent and a member of the on gregation. The senior high young people shopping parents picked out for her in a Tel- Haren store. Dr. and Mrs. i H. Kimmins say, Church, Airport and Williams Lake| of First Methodist Church are pre-| NO PEEKING!—Young Elizabeth Kimmins, her Christmas-_ shoppers ir in the from 11 until midnight. The choir will lead in carol singing at the 8 o'clock service on Christmas Eve at the Li- theran Church of the Ascension. Services are currently being held in the Leggett Elementary School, Waterford Township. A Children’s Hour is scheduled at 4 o'clock Christmas Eve at Christ Church Cranbrook. Holy Baptism will follow at 5 p.m. Straley Order Hearing Is Set Appreval Would - Put Former Chief Back Charge of Police + A court hearing has been set for as Pontiac police chief. x * * Tonia County Circuit Judge Mor- ris K. Davis set 1 p.m. as. the time attorneys for and against Straley's reinstatement will appear before him. William A, Ewart, Pontiac city attorney, will oppose the order mailed to the judge yasterday by Clarence L. Smith and Philip: Pratt, Straley’s attorneys. The order was forwarded after Ewart refused to agree on its con tents. , Ewart’s major objection is that the order does not include sections of Judge Davis’ opinion upholdihg Straley’s appeal which explain the * * * Judge Davis two wéeks ago re- versed Straley’s firing by the Civil Service. Commission last April on the grounds that Straley had committed no acts. of mis- feasance or nonfeasance within a 90-day period before the filing of charges with the Commission. wk ok Approval of the order by the judge would put Straley back in of Judge Hughes Funeral servite for Oakland County Circuit Judge Theodore F. Hughes’ father, William 0. Hughes, 77, of Trenton, will be held at 1 p.m. tomorrow at the Sawyer Funeral Home, Berkley. - Burial. will follow in ‘Roseland Park Cemetery, Berkley. The elder Mr. Hughes died of # heart attack Monday at his. home. t ~ |After Crash: in) Bloomfield Hills, remained uncon- reasons behind the court’s ruling.). _He- was _ a’ retired salesman with These include his state of t The Red afd Blue Choirs will ‘Gm VP's Son. Unconscious Injured yesterday when his auto crashed on the Lodge Expressway in Detroit, Cyrus W. Osborn, 18, of scious today at Mount Carmel Mer- cy Hospital. His condition is “serious.” - According to Detroit peliee;-—-the youth, son of General Motors Corp. Vice President Cyrus R. Osborn. of 125 Martell Dr., was fleéing police when his ear, traveling abdut- 70+ m.p.h., went out of control, crashed into a ‘utility pole and flipped over several times. Young Osborn was rushed to the hospital with head injuries, cuts on both legs. and chést and possible internal injuries, . His father is in charge. of engine divisions and overseas‘ 's* operations at GM. Ike Will Give Report on His Peace Trip (Continued From Page One) people sent this back —‘a mes- sage of Merry Christmas and good will to all the people of the. United States. And in that mes- Sage I: join myself.’’. . ; Eisenhower's return was marked listed as Democrats, however, said that the’ trip in itself, without further U.S.} action, would not solve the interna- HLL; 30 dict Church. Masses on Christmas tional problems facing. this coun-|. ¢; command. of the police department. try. Death Claims Father hs | Pontine Press Photo “Not until Christmas!" > The Kimmins family, — 300 Dick St.; joined a big throng of Jast-minute Rentile.s areas — x Area Churches Begin Christmas Worship senting the Christmas Eve service|sing at “the Family Carol Service from 7 to 7:45 p.m. ‘The parish festal Holy Communién’ service with sermon will be celebrated at 9 and 11 p.m. The Boys’ Choir will sing carols at 11:40 Christmas Eve at St. Michael’s Catholic Church. Mass. will follow at midnight, Masses on Christmas Day will be celebrated at 6, 7:30, 8:45, 10 and 11:30 a.m. and 12:45 p.m. Midnight Mass will follow the 8 of Christmas carols at .m. Thursday at St. Bene- will follow the Sunday schedule, “Children bave been asked to bring clothing, white, to the 4 -p.m. Children’s ‘|White Gift Service at St.. Andrew Episcopal Church, Waterford Township, on ‘Thursday. Packages should be marked for boy or girl. Gifts will~be sent to refugee chil- dren in West Germany -under the care of Peter Kalinke. . - The new memorial organ will be dedicated at the Festival Christmas Eve service at 10:30. Playing will be St. Andrew's or- ganist, Ivan Rouse. Holy Corhmunion will be cele-|- brated—at—10—a-m. on-—-Christmas Day. A service of ‘Holy Baptism will be observed at 4:30 p.m. Saturday. A Candlelight Communion serv- ice will, be held at 10:45 on Christ- mas Eve in Central Methodist Church. . The quartet will sing “Some Children See Him” by Burt. Baptism of a child will follow. - The Senior Choir will sing with Freeman Williams, soloist. Dr. Milton H. Bank will.give the medi- tation, ‘‘The Christmas Story.” The primary, junior and junior high girls’ choirs: will sing -at the 7:15 Christmas Eve service at Bethany Baptist Church. An- drea Allen will give the Christ- mas reading and. Jerry Ryan, the trumpet call. Presenting the Christmas medi- tation will be Dr. Joseph 1. ae. man, pastor. At the 11 p.m, service the Senior cholr will present “The Story of Christmas” in Scripture ‘and song. Following the services, The annual Christmas Eve serv- ice of the Oakland Avenue United|~y by te two million, people cut. off —. had accompanied weary than many. of the aides d,William nigel Seavey ‘a’ film ¢ "said. * : hitting him, | ther way home, from work. [Levinson Will Head gift-wrapped in| Past . 4 juries suffered Swiwey when. he . was Toll in oo | Prue by last night. — 75 1». The -victim was} . ; John A, Justewicz Last Year entteet home from-. work at 11:40 p.m. he was walking across Fast South at ‘Texas street against a red light, “Tt witnesses told Pontiac lice, Driver of the car, ° Virginia G. Batzloff, 20, of 3345 Coolidge Rd., Avon Township, was Boing east at about .25 miles an hour,. police * * * She told them that Justewicz walked directly in front, of. her ear and she applied the brakes but could not stop in time to avoid ~He suffered fractures of the right knee,left leg, and pelvis, plus head injuries. He was pronounted dead at 7:20 ac. * ae 2 ‘The. driver, a nurse at St. Jo- seph Mercy Hospital, was also_ on Ways, Means 5 Group (Continued From Page One), places H. Lloyd Clawson on the Salaries. Committee, Ifke Smith, Clawson was not reappointed to the Board this month as Royal Oak supervisor. Hugh Charteris, Ferndale super- visor, replaces ex-Pontiac - super- visor Robert R. Bayer: on the Mis cellaneous Committee. - New Royal Oak Supervisor i. Curtis Potter replaces Hulet ot the Roads Committee, Replacing Clawson on th cial county building eommi spe- will, pervisor’. Cyril E. Miller, von Township supervisor, will take Hulet’s place) -+ria) on the Legislative Committee. Into Hulet’s old position on the Boundaries Township su- pervisor, will take over .Hulet’s Appéinted to fill Croteau’s for-| mer position on the Juvenile Com- mittee will be Bruce W. Love, new Royal Oak supervisor and that city’s assistant city manager. ° x. *® * The different committees of the 83-member Board—-which has seen 20 new members since Jan. 1— on the many questions be- fore recommendations are passed onto the full Board. “We've never had such a shakc- up like this before,”” Hamlin said: Sub-Zero Weather caz| fal High School drama group, Will 5 Tots’ Toys : , mote complaints as the bad .checks be Duncan J. Gillis, Clawson su-|° shortly thereafter they had decid. ; Students. in the Pottise Cen under the direction of Garth E. brate its third Jan, [8 at a meeting in the Rarich Room of the Community‘ ++ + * Z Henry O, Wagner, president, a_ past. Send Mom fo Jail? ~qcontinued From Page Oney work for two years and I've been on welfare," sobbed Mrs. Zograph. “We broke up about a year ago... over money, I guess.” “We moved into the mofel be- cause-it was closer to the stores.” OTHER SHOPPING CENTERS The original ‘complaint came from the J. L. Hudson Co. in the Northland Shopping Center. . ~ also at the, Eastland, Eastgate, Southgaté - and . Highiagd Park shopping centers. “T only had $10,"’ said the once happy housewife, “I openéd an ac- count atone -bank and bought 20 checks ‘for $2.50. “Each time I bought something I would pay for it with a check written for $5 to $15 more than it cost and get some cash that way. “Nobody ever questioned my -checks.- The banks never asked me elther, Wher’ used up the: first batch of checks I just opened accounts at two other banks with a smal deposit. “TY thought.I could get away with it through Christmas, But J knew I would be caught.” EXPECT MORE COMPLAINTS . Police say they expect to- receive go through the banks’ clearing |processes, — If Monday’ s hearing determines there is suffictent evidence, Mrs. ‘Zograph will be bound over for in Oakland County Circuit: ton < The charge: constitutes a felony. If found guilty, she eould be sen- tenced to two years in jail. Detroit Bids Farewell © to Kerns Store Tonight DETROIT w-—Kerns Department Store, a landmark for downtown Detroit shoppers 77 years, closes its doors for good at midnight to- night, just 24 hours before Christ- mas. Samuel R. Greenbaum, attorney for the store, said several people are considering the 10-story build- ing.on bustling Woodward avenue for a store site. . “ Kerns was purchased in Sep- tember by a group of Ohioans. One of the new qwners, Henry Krause of Cleveland, announced ed to inruidate the store. (Colasen in the fifth grades. in airn public’ and’ paroitdal” be given tuberculin tests Jan. 4. If’ money. becomes available, all school ‘children im these be tuberculin-tésted each - ~year: for five years. - ett : No child will be tested, however, to the school, parents. | The Women's Fellowship of the Congregational Church of Birming- ham will electcind install officers for 1960 Jan. S-at 12:30 p.m, at a luncheon in fhe church. social hall. New members and friends are invited to attend, dances at the YMCA Friday eve-: nings from 8 p.m. to midnight; will’ not operate Christmas or New ~|¥ear's Day, the Recreation Board atmounced, The center will resume its dances Jan, 8. MRS. FRANK OLSEN Service for Mrs, Frank. Olsen, 79, of 284 W. Brown St., will be at 1. p.m. Saturday in the ‘Manley. Bailey- Funeral Home. Burial will be-at the Southfield Cemetery. Mrs, Olsen died yesterday. at Bloomfield -Hospital’ following a long illness, Baptist Church of Birmingham. daughter, Evelyn McClelland asd son, Drayton McClelland, both of Birmingham. geveocccccoeccocccccces e It's SIMMS for Savings + ‘SKATES : 4 RUNES Adjusiable—Sied Style tes BBE Nickel ~ plated vine | buckle - on straps. inch adjustment, _ pevsesesecesesesesecneseeseeee seeeeee . Frosts Eastern U.S. “(Continued From Page One) to 10 inches and setting records for the date in some spots, snarled highway, rail and air traffic. At least 19 deaths were blamed on the storm and. highway. ‘ac- cidents caused by slippery roads. Up to 10 inches of. snow fell lin areas just north of New York City. New England had 2 to 7 or Tdle- CORRECTION | In Tom‘s Super Market ad iBwhich appeared in Mon- day’s Press through error, prices and quantities-were incorrect. They should have read: 69°. a ge Cercccccoccocen: je Code cece erence cs eceesecesnsecceeneseneeeee WILSON’S _ EGG NOG All F SEALTEST 1cE . CREAM Ba age ‘CHATEAU Tee] Me. Ce Te SE LE The Yard The F. J. and Offices | of POOLE co. _ 151 Ookland Avenue Will Be Closed All Day. DECEMBER. 26th . » JANUARY 2nd rryyiriiiiii irr) - - a5) PITT Stewasecasses Double Runners —Siizes Small 10 to Large 2 White or’ black leath- 3" 883 er shoes. Styled as pictured. ; Edececscccoechcoscenes ts Mee: : DEPT. ts fines _ ; The Senior Men's en's Ciub wilt cole? anniversary ‘House. sg of Ses ty Eat Soe aw. ' president, wil] briefly Te view the yom activities. ~ grades in Oakland County will ~ unless he returns a consent card . signed by his’ The Teen Center, which’ has , She was a member of the First Surviving are her husband, a eeaseecseseseneeeccseccescscasosrnensasoeseesasenseonecossooosenesees Service will be held at 4 p.m. ‘Thursday at. Sparks-Griffin Chap- el, Mr, Lacy’s body will then be ‘sent { Earlington, “Ky., = ‘serv: tees and burial. PATRICK J LIDDLE Service for Patrick J, Liddle, 72; of 2390 Silver Circle, will be held at 2:30 pm. Thor Sparks-Griffin Chapel with burial _in Ottawa Park Cemetery. He .was # retired superintendent at Fisher Body Division. © Surviving are his wife; Eleanor; a daughter, Mrs: Elmer —_— < of Pontiac; two Srandchildren; and two sisters, Mr. Liddle died Monday after. an iMness of several months. FRER-¥AN-SICKLE “Service for -Fred Van Sickle, 83, of 20 School St. was. held ‘this aft- ernoon at— the . Voorhees-Siple Chapel.. Burial was in the Oxford: Cemetery. Mr. Van Sickle died Sunday after, an illness of several weeks, ~ CARL H. SIMPSON Carl H, Simpson, a farmer, of! 323 Scott Lake Rd., died unex- » pectedly at his home yesterday. He was 69. He attended the. Chueh of the petarene. seen ard | _A WORLD OF INFORMATION A beautiful, useful, long- lasting gift. A CRAM ‘QUALITY GLOBE. Decorative and educa- tional. Includes 64-page book . “Our Earth © and Outer Space.” No. 203 1042-inch $7.95 No. 216 12-inch $9.95 t ) COMPLETE LINE ‘BRIEF BAGS and ZIPPER. CASES. © Guaranteed for 5 Fails ‘$70 to $30 Billfolds _ Bodget Books Card Files Te ee ee fo "7 w. _ tana i FE ees ee » at the) jan illness of 1% months. Mro Theakston troit Edison ‘Co. three nephews’ * Service will be held-ate: 3:30 p.m. ‘Thursday at Donelsoh-Johiis Fu neral Home~with burial in. Perry Mt. Park Cemetery, DAVID H. WAGNER | Service for David H. Wagner, rt Cemetery. ‘United Presbyterian —Church:; Survivers include his wife, Jes- sie; six children, Hayes A. and ‘Louise S., both at home; Mrs: Julia was a’ retired maintenance employe of the De- ‘Surviving “are ane ‘brother and of 644 E. Madison St. will be held} at 11 a.m. Thursday at the Donel- son-Johns Funeral Home. ‘Burial '|will follow in Perry Mount Payk An inspector — at Pontiac Motor Division, he was a member of the h Moet eta een ea ss i evening at St. several weeks.” as sn Mercy Hospital following : ir MRS, MARY A. ALBER HOLLY — Service for Mrs, Mary A. Alber, 78, of 18012 Fish Lake! road, will beheld at 2 p.m. to- morrow at Craff<.Funeral Home,|~ 'Fenton, Burial will follow in’ Lake- sidé* Cemetery, Holly. Mrs. Alber died Monday after-a! | brief illness, - Surviving... are two Mrs... Elen Noe and Mrs. Frade Seber of Holly; . six sons, ton; 34 grandchildren: grandchildren; eee. There are 4363, 700 ibe firms in” “the United States: OF these, 3,550 employ 1.000 persons. daughters, Mary Chancey Senter and Oran Alber, all of Holly; Ted Sen- of Osedda, William Senter of Commins and Joseph Alber ef Fen-). 62 ‘great- and five’. great: ‘GEORGE MARBLE Service. for “George Marble, real estate broker in Waterford ‘ownship for 40 years, will be the Sharpe - Goyette Funeral Homé in Qlarkston. Burial will ‘follow in Oak Hill Cemetery. Mr. Marble ‘died.at his home Monday e after ae llos sof feveraliwecks. uel suilthed several Italan states. contract ld at 1:30 p.m. Thursday at | tomes Italy ‘heslite a Heality more than in 1860 when King Victor. Emman- ‘in Grand Rapids -2-Year. Contract Ends. 8-Day Strike, Provides 4 ww GRAND RAPIDS & &- The buses Rapids, - Ending an eight-day strike, driv-| ers and mechanics employed by. Grand Rapids City Inc, ventory accepted a two-year, provides a six cent, rly wage increase ifamediately and another six cent increase in 1961. been paid a maximum of §1.94 an hour for a 48-héur week. The $2.81 an hour. for'a 40-hour week. 28,000 .persons daily. strike, motorists ‘picked up people | sstranded by lack of bus services, }Some bus ridersformeéd car pools. ‘A strike of bus drivers and me- chanics is ‘continuing “at Saginaw, | ‘Kalamazoo and Pontiac. The-cit- sinc e Dec. a Cetra atari "2 Six Cent Wage Hikes ~ Coach Lines). | The company's-445 Urivers had | The buses carry an estimated | During the| ies have been without bus service! 23, 1959 * \ , + Bus Ses Deli (Ut Star Glows, ar rood - ree aa I 9 -\You'Have Been |_—— Lit U p Already HALTIMORE im—Chiet ‘Male: trate. Joseph Kolodny began us > ~ ing his Christmas star today to separate the fukers from the “straight talkers iy police court, * We Since Monday, been ‘fore him on a drunk charge. Wf the man abke to be with | because . of Christ. | his | PAS, The family his request in granted, — star, which (can't be washed off, is. inVisible except under ultraviolet light. x * * From now until Christmas, ev- | @ry defendant holds his hand under Magistrate lays, ee es «8 ENCINO, Calif ‘UPL A gunman who robbed William W. | | Straka's jewelry -store’ of $268 | eash passed up the jewelry re marking: “T’d take some of the jewelry, but all I could do with ii is give it to some | and they're no good."' woman— ' Kolodny ie’! stamping a. star. om the) stant rolling again today -in Grand) hand of every man coming be- | Kolodny's: | lamp, If-w-star is there. he gets _ 35 mechanics earneq a top of | ap rene ee Gems, Women No: “Good y “ST. MARY’S-IN-THE-HILLS 3 2512 Joslyn Road (North of Wa : : “Qhrisunas Bei : ~-Spectal Music iI is Pp of. Holy Conguichal 11-30 gm -. Christmas Day Holy Zommunion 10:00 a.m. : The Rev Wilbur FR Schutze, Rector | “GIFT PEN IDE From Gsterbrook —just press to fill! @ Just press-—releaseand press again, it's filled } : The fast, clean way to fill a pen. @ 32 instantly Feplaceable. points to choose*from. @ Sleek, slim styling! Handsome metal ‘cap. Rich gleaming colors. Csterbrook’ MUNGER FILL FOUNTAIN PEN Complete $ 95 Only GIFT. PEN & PENCIL SET—Phinger | Fill Fountain Pen and matching pen cil, gift boxed~-only $6.95 GENERAL PRINTING & OFFICE SUPPLY 17 W. Lawrence #E 2.0135 es" OT AS M+ sae see ater | | om [ pantnashrnetatianen * stir + tah. cea PRESS, RELEASE, AND PRESS AGAIN, S FILLED F | BRIDE and GROOM 14K. GOLD BANDS 349° POLAROID CAMERA Complete With Kit 50° aetna . EWRITER $ mo Weekly his ips: | ae i Famous-Make -- Automatic Percolator , $qpas ‘SETH THOMAS “CHIME CLOCK | syoo wey ‘TRAVEL me J ALARM CLOCK * Special $ 36” > ! - f with attachments ES NO MON EY DOWN . iC Radio Now Only sy ul cowerndl AC- me a with built-in loop antenna; ~~ Perfect gift for bedroom or ' in Pp } IN HATA | a al | HAA wl GENERAL ELECTRIC “ALARM CLOCK/ $G°°/ DAINTY. CROSS and CHAIN $SB95 MAN'S or LADIES* WALLETS bec | 53° _ LADIES’ LINED JEWEL BOX Spec ial SCHICK 3%SPEED ELECTRIC RAZOR i) en aa SMART 3-PIECE ‘LUGGAGE SET 16" ssercresercct THREE PIECE DRESSER SET SO: ine STUNNING COMPACTS Specit $EB50 - } FAMOUS-MAKE AUTOMATIC. TOASTER > | tia be 4 Hb it ok P FAMOUS-MAKE HAND MIXER: SUNBEAM FRY PAN | Sqpss sqpas “Imperial Cultured PEARL PENDANT ‘ ead Special so” REMINGTON ROLLAMATIC SHAVER $9 00 Weekly FAMOUS-MAKE STEAM-DRY IRON sqpss PARKER. “51” PEN G PENCIL SET Superb stereo -tono- graf is sel f -con- tained, or separate _speaker cabinet by 8" cord _fer- even finer stereo. ‘repro- «duction Speaker , sound contact ~ hinges, separate vol- ume controls, outo- < matic 4- speed stereo changes Say - New Eval Vacuum | -WEBCOR “Holiday” STEREO Phonograph with A-speed automatic changer! "ss Emerson New 21-Inch Modern TV Set -f | Has deluxe hide- Modern TV Es away antefna to $ with Simpli- $ | bring in excellent ” Wiatic ner: 4 pictures. Limited control. ‘ 3 quantitie were oom 3 Olympic Lightweight Portable TV Set DELIVERY GUARANTEED IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS! bags BALL and BAG — We Fit and Drill Our ting Balls “While You Wait.-.. F aT — _ REAR OF ¥ ee ® ee ee cs ‘i FS ag OME A Be Fs i i i i Pe a. ee ‘e $ ie “ : oe gee pee eee ee, a es Fe ae FE Se ‘THE PONTIAC PRESS. e = ie ae ee a db. Lighting the lives y Pandas area «families throughout the ‘year, as well as the bulbs on our Christmas tree are: top, Sandra Cox, wer of Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Cox of Fourth avenue; second . row, bs 7, Kthiy' Fitegerald, daughter of Mr, and Mrs... “Howard Fitzgerald II of Birmingham; and Janet — . Marie Burris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon C. Burris of Drayton Plains; third row, l-r, Mary Hub- bard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Hubbard Mr. Mrs, James Jenkins of Wenonah drive; and Se rnee Ceokas ad t i eae Fonte wc oy ae ‘ter of Dr. and Mrs. Donald D. Bergeron of B of gry road; Kathy Ann Jenkins, ‘daughter of \ - Suzanne Allen, daughter ‘of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. ' Allen of Pioneer drive; fourth row, lr, James Con- nolly, son of Dr-and Mrs: Paul LE, Connolly of Bir- mingham; Joey Kosik, son: of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Kosik of Mohawk road; Mary Beth Bergeron, daugh- omfield Hillss-and Patrick Armstrong, son of Mr. and Mrs. William 0. Armstrong Jr..of: Chippewa road; fifth row, 1+; Julie Jett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Brent’ Jett of £uclid street; Cathy Irwin, daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. _ K. Irvin of St. doseph street; ohn, ss Touscany, son’ of Mr. and Mrs. John Touscany of - ‘Birmingham; John Millis, son tof Mr. and Mrs. Fred _H. Millis of Niagara road; and Paul Petroff, son of ‘Dr. and Mrs. George N.. Petroff of Cherokee road; — sixth row, Lr, Judy Anderson, daughter. of Mrs. Warida Anderson of Boyd street and Donald Anderson oy Detroit; Richard Nye, son of MF. and Mrs. ‘James F;: Nye of Sylvan Shores; Dale Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dixon Davis of Front street; “Gail Merko- putz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Merkovits of spesteininee road ; and Margaret W oe song f 7 a Pentiac Press Photos fd cand ‘Mrs. C. George W iddijield ok ter of the Rew. Below Judy, left, is Erik Lindquist, Ottawa drive. ‘son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Lindquist of Chippewa road. Seventh row; l-r, are Wendy Hartman, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs, Bill Hartman of Almé; street; Patty-Ann McKay, daughter of Dr:-qnd Mrs. James McKay of Rochester; Julie Jones; daughter of M. and Mrs. Stanley Jones Jr. of Crescent drive; Joy W daughter-of Mr. and Mr3-Eéwis Wint of Clarkston and Kevin Marple son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel ri poate eae of Music senior, arrived Sun- day te-spend the holidays with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. Maurice Thome of James K boulevard, Returning with Joel were é@xchange students Ash- jnafi Kebeba of Ethiopia and Bernal Flores of Costa Rica, Invited to an evening of mu- sic with the students, Tuesday, at the ne residence were Mr. and Mrs. Dale Harris and Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Wiest. Buffet supper was served. At: the Webster School Tues- day, Joel's guests spoke -on mu- sic in Ethiopia in contrast to the American concept of the: | art, They will remain here un-~ til after Christmas. * * * Mr. and Mrs, James Powers inee Joy McKevitz) of Gate- way drive announce the. birth ofa daughter, Holly Ann, Dec. - 9 at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital. The\grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. ‘Barney. McKevitz of La- nette ‘drive, and Mrs. - Boris Christoff and Archie Powers of Detroit. . : bd *® ‘* Barbara, Wiersema of Tue- arrived by plane son, Ariz, Joel Thome, Eastman School ; over the weekend to spend Christmas at home, Her par- ents Mr. and- Mrs. Theodore E. Wiersema were hosts. at open house Tuesday for rela- tives and- friends. Before returning to her feaching position in Tucson, Barbara will spend the holidays in New York City with her former college ._ roommate, | Dorothy Schottke., j | - SALE - e Stock OFF UNFOR MS. comin 90). | * * * Pati Govenis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Spires Govenis | Pair of Foreign Students Visit Here of East Pike street, recently - completed a fiveeweek training course with an air line at Miami Springs Villas, - Springs, Fla, She will be bowed | @t-Atlanta, Ga. x & * Sally Waddell of Cherokee road has been chosen as the representative of her dormi- tory of the service organiza- tion of Wellesley College, Wel- lesley, Mass., where she is a freshman, The. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Waddell, re Bernice | p.m, | Church, The Rev. O. P. Eastman’ of ciated. * * Daughter * Mr. istreet, Bernice appeared in balle- | rina- length white lace. Bernice Mercado Weds — Man From Gary, Ind. Emma. Mercado ex- | changed vows and rings with Paul, | Samuel McKamey.-Saturday at 6 in First United Missionary fi- and Mrs. Faus-| | tino C. Mercado of South Anderson Sequins ontlined the scalloped | neckline of the fitted. bodiee, El- | bow-length gauntlets of the lace brided in points over the hands. Tiers of. the| \lace cascaded -into ia sweep train\\Red roses centered the bridal boutuet of white car. Special Sale Rack at Even Lower SALE PRICES | The Oxford Shop — 59 W. Huron Street ” 1060 W, Huron LSUORREREEGSRONERREReReeeneneeenel ‘nations. =| PINK va | ic omplimented attendants’ DRESSES White: carnati lof pink taffeta. ms and red roses dresses: Maria Del-riso Rosario Maltoes Bridesmaids were Mrs, | of Saginaw, was honor maid. Fred Hernandez .of Chicago. and Yo | son of Mr. and Mrs. ‘of Gary, “4 i “Attention Late SHOPPERS _landa Hefnandes of Pontiac. Fred Hernandez was best maj for the bridegroom, * Ind. ee. * who is the Ben King Guests were seated by. Alfonso GRANCO e UZ FM RADIO ‘29° © Electrie- Co, FE 5-843), ‘Chopin Music Club Features — ‘Nutcracker The Chopin Music Club held its Christmas program and party at the home of Mariann - Sally is a graduate of Kings- wood School, Cranbrook, fare agencies in the Boston area and sponsors a Christmas project in which students dress ‘dolls for needy children. charge of the program, y The seven members of the | senior. group playing Techaie kowski's “‘Nyteracker’ Suite’ x * * ‘were Marilyn Wagner, Joan The birth. of a son, Bruce Whims, Carol Wargelin, Judy Henry, Dec: 16, is announced Hillman, Judy McLane, Nancy by Mr.' and Mrs, Bruce Boyd inee Doris Curd) of Locke Parsons and Mariann Engel- hard, Cxpole Cole narrated the wtreet. 4 te of the bab story. Grandparentg of the baby are 0 +icipating in the Mr, and Mrs, Andy Curd of olsne calcead duet program East Walton boulevard. included Alice and Phillip a i os Schurrer tricta Mrs, Alfred Britton of North | Kerry Goult, Sandra Yuille, - Tasmania avenue and, her brother, Henry Rowley of Uti. Cynthia Howlett, Jane Priest- ea, left Monday for a three- / week vacation in Florida. Ac’ | Keefer, Linda Blelse, Carol companying them .were Mrs. Gray, Sandra Andonian. and Britton's sisters and brothé.s- . Penny Pepper, in-law, the Clyde Grififths and | . _— the L. J. Furneys of Dear- Is, Honored at Yule Tea — Say IE Se TSR of East Iroquois road entertained With her parents, Mr, and Mrs, - Ronald L, Doig, Deedie~ will leave soon after Christmas for Plantation Isles, Fis; where her | parents have built a new home. jand. Isabel Hawn. - -|-Others. were Pat Huntwork, Cathie Honter,~Pat Kline, Mrs, iCharieé Lowe, Jo Morris, Nancy “Donaldson, Marilyn MeLintock; Barbara Patterson, Gloria Guen- ‘|ther, Mrs. James Corntorth, Sally ‘ Warren and Joan Wood. CJ \Hold Holiday Dinner Party - at Herrington MRS, PAUL 8, McKAMEY Castillo of Pohtiae and Lee Gon: vhles of Saginaw, Debra Ann Hernandes was flower girl and Allen Munis of Pontiac, ring-bearer, [At the church reception, Mrs. Mercado appeared in a blue dress with white feather hat, plastic shoes and handbag. RED ROSES FOR BOTH Mrs, King also wore blue, with) m matching hat, Both mothers wore red roses, For traveling to Chicago on a honeymoon, the bride changed | to a brown tweed suit with white sweater, brown hat and the cor- sage from her bouquet. The couple will live in Andiana. faculty of Herrington School was followed by a gift exchange. Present were principal, Mrs, -Et- fie Mitchell; secretary, Mrs, War- ren Reaume; and cafeteria staff Mrs. Joseph Napier, Teachers attending the affair were Mrs, Lucile Tenny, Mrs. George Beaver, Mrs, Howard Wide. man, Mrs. W. Rex Moore, Clinton: Lefler, Mrs, Emma Mrs, James Maxwell, Mrs. Don- ald Friebe,. Mrs, William Sturgeon, Mrs, Isa Vogel and Mrs,, _ Hazen Reynolds, Attending from the vocal and in- strumenta] department were Mrs. William Cheal and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Buono, Directs Detroit Choirs _ Organist Plays Here Bertha Hagarty, organist and di-; rector of choirs at Fort Street/rich finale of “Divinum Myster- ~ PARAMOUNT BEAUTY SCHOOL 11% S. Saginaw, Eagle Theater Bidg., Pontiac, Mich. Enrollments Available in Day or Evenin + _ Write, phone or call in person for Free _PHONE FEDERAL 4-2352 Classes mphietl Presbyterian Church in Detroitiium.”. - presented an organ recital Sunday evening at All Saints Episcopal |Church, | Bach’ cata 8 Win at Bridge The Pontiac Duplicate. Bridge Club met Monday eye- technicatly difficult “T d Fugue in D Mjandr fed the program, follewed" by her Bach selections; ‘'Pastorale TA <7 ae Sak > MINK ‘on. | CASHMERE Chase the chills with. - ¥ o sweater of soft cashmere, . , lined with lace ,,, adda _collor of mink — for H the finest gift of the season. Belge with ESO HOM } Royal Poste! or / h White. with Homo .@ ‘Mink... Black Cash- mere with White Mink, Conadian - Fox . or Ceruleen Mink with. Cashmep#, vane Gift Certificates \in any amount if vou ly | think she/ would like aa \make her own: selection! Closed Saturday December 26th- ll ning at the Eiks Temple ‘with eight tables in-play, Winners included Mrs. Jo- seph MeNerney and Ernest Guy, Dr. Robert’ Segula and Donald Bowen, Zarl Waterman and Don Stephenson and Mr. and Mrs. Ericson Lewis. in F Major’ two “Choral Pre- ludes,"’ |, and “Sonata No, 2 in C The. subdued Gerrian melody, 4S°Now Thank We All Our God” by Kartz-Elert preceded the old Eng- lish Christmas carol, ‘'Green- sleeves." ‘ Bones The service organization at and» Eugene Engelhard on Wit- | 7 Wellesley arranges for students temore street “Sui y, ‘aftey«/f a to do volunteer work at wel- | noon. Mrs, Carl was in’ | Home for the holidays from Mich-| igan State University, Judy Castell at a, Christmas tea Tuesday for Deedie Doig of Mary Day avenue,’ Besides. Deedie guests included} Charlotte un, Susie Van Tas sel, Sue Clark, Linda Cousens, Callely,- “Donna; Gravely. A Christmas dinner party for the members Mrs, Russell Stuart-and) The program cencluded with the), English Earthenware \ by Johnson Bros, Hand Secor ted-Underttasad . for Everlasting Beauty: Choice of 12 Patterns, ww Service of 850-5 per Set. ine Use Your International. CREDIT GARD CHARGE HERE-A oa 6281 Dixie Highway i "Shelley Garrison of Davisburg mounts 4% tri- cycle steed while Mike Schneider of Kennett road impatiently waits his turn. . Kenneth Miller, et, of. L incoln avenue and Mrs. er — aneegee tence + Announce ~ | Betratna [ ‘Mr; and Mrs, William Ray- ~ mond Johnson of Meyers road, ‘Drayton. Plains, announce the- engagement of their daughter Gail Katherine “to Joen F. Devlin, son of Mr. and Mrs. John aby of mie * ‘A Feb. ‘ wedding is ‘being planned. s of Beta Sigma Phi. Looking on are Mrs, a ‘Tea Reveals Engagement > Mrs: Richard Osborn, at a Tues-, Ronald K. Evans, Mrs. George | day tea in her home on Martel]; Russell, Mrs. Raymond T. Per- drive, Bloomfield Hills, .revealed| ring, Mrs. Edward W. McCaul, | the engagement of her. daughter! Mrs. Vernon C. Genn and Mrs. . Ann, ‘ Paul V, Osborn, She will wed Air Force Lieu-| ‘The bride-elect is a. member: of. tenant Richard T. Hartrell Of ny Beta Phi and a provisional Anderson, Ind. Lyle member of the Junior League jot The bride-elect's coustt, McGeach, passed to each guest a a | Birmingham. She is teaching in, Bloomfield Hills, © a, * t gilded shell designated “In a Nut-, . * * Lt, Hartzell holds his master’s degree in business administra ar ter a shell.”’ ; Alternating at the tea table tion — during the afternoon were Mrs. from. the-University of Michigan, i where he-affiliated with Phi Gam- -.Mr. and Mrs.\ma Delta--traternity, He is sta- Cyrus Richard |tioned at Scott Air Force Base, ~” Osborn. of | Bloomfield” Hills Yule Sing t | Pontiac Press Photo Dv "pizent Schneider, members of Alpha Omega Chapter The sorority has furnished sup- . plementary play equipment to the preschool hard- of hearing room at W ashington- Arring School. - Rebekahs- ‘Attend ~ Yule Gathering ~~ Sixty members of Pontiac * Rebekah Lodge No. 450 attend--~- ed a Christmas cooperative supper Friday at} Masta _Temuple. Gifts were exchariged. ~— rn ont Start the New Year With a Relaxing Cruise te the Sunny Caribbean “Let Us Help You Plan Your Trip” BIRMINGHAM on Ave SERVICE eo . eamvenend REILLY 3 & Birmingham ” wn 4-571 | ee “announce the | engagement -of their daughter at Webster ' Ann to Lt. Pupils of the Webster’ School ' ‘| presented a-Christmas program Richard ‘T. for their parents at the Decem- Hartzell, ber PTA meeting Friday after- son of the | noon in the gymnastum, Herman . Mrs. George Watters,, PTA "president opened the program and Dr. Edith Roach Snyder). principal, weleomed .the.. par ~Hartzells of Anderson, Ind, a ene eign (2945 ‘Orchard Lake Read - SHOP AT “KEECO HARBOR _ bert Dempsey. Te WW Immediately following the program, the board of execu-— Keego Harbor, tivés of the PTA entertained Lost Minute Gifts for the Whole Family DOR-L SHOP’ “ FE 4.1440- the teaching staff at a cookie. Stop in for Your _and puneh tea in the berg, Matehed Gold. 3 Georges-Newports lewelry Dept, ~ 74 MN, Saginaw St Ann is a . ents, ¥ * + * graduate of ~-A_mass chorus of 700 voices Kingswood accompanied by Mrs, William and the | the dircchon ot Mon, Harold e : _University of | Laudenslager, sang the. all mu- - Michigan, Her| . sical program, iahated a ete a ‘fiance is a Seer band onto coca and Purdue .the Junior Girls. Ensemble’ — ‘alumnus. from. Pontiac Central High School, accompanied by Carol Wargelin and directed by Al-— HARWOOD TUXEDO RENTALS Last ‘Minute Gift Items ... Prescriptions | Filled and Delivered 24 Hours a-Day Keego Drug Co. FE 2-3778 © . aoe ‘WEDN ESDAY e ‘ten 249° DIAMOND SALE eines °F JEWELRY Ks a Dy and THURSDAY | Up . af bi i : a ." x . ts HON, e FE 4-9838 | LE ‘ — Go tf fo CHRISTMAS | = \) Permanents | SPECIAL ~ Regular $10.50~ ~ a : ay eke Shop. ‘sh W. Huron re one, / \ pee eM ange eg PO ge NPG I i oe a _______ THE PONTIAC PREsS. tee Turns 86, ‘Honored — family were- ; x. * : Congratulations were received from Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Lyons of Albuquerque,. N. M., Mr,.and Mrs.-Joseph Schepper- ly of Boynton Beach, Fia., and the Samuel Careys of Los An geles. They were unable, to be present. Meeting ’ Thirty-three members were | ~ present for the business meet- | ing of Women of the Moose | Pontiac Chaptér 360 Monday | everting at the Moase Hall on MR. and MRS. ERWIN *Mt, Clemens -street: ; | ee ee ee Mr. and Mrs. A Christmas party and gift exchange followed the meeting. -° : - a "Mrs. Low Stans, chairman’ wedding anniversary today. ‘of child care for the month of Jannat) ee be —— for a Fenton S. Weaver of ‘spaghetti® supper a p.m. - “ Jan, 10, An enrollment meet- grandchildren. 2 Mr, _ niadiieeel Dee . ing is, scheduled for scoke 4. * contr actor, : : oe. ie Ries a ain eae vaca - MR, and MRS. CLAUDE ARNETT |: An open house given by their children on Christ- Ca role Ann Beh rend : mas Day will mark the golden wedding anniversary | M of Mr. and Mrs, Claude Arnett of East Lake Angelus Ma ries arine: | Jere road, Three of their. four children reside in the Pon- tiac area, Claude Arnett Jr., Morton J. Arnett, and Following Saturday vows in Our| Mrs, William Zanoni, Another daughter, Mrs. Jack. |1#y-0f Refuge Church,” Orchard —_ Korte lives in Center Line. The couple has 18, grand- a ect at ee cana ead ert Michael Mu arole-Ann children and 18 _great-grandehildren. Behrend) left for their future home = _—\— = ee cacti crane — in.San Diego, Calif. — | “* * * The Rev. Paul Zelaff officiated) Der Y 1 “Wom Y len Wi | | Give ‘at the 10:30 a.m. ceremony, |. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Herbert | | Behrend of Willow. road, Unio Members of the “Oakland ;. Dearborn and Pontiac, are be- | Lake are. sarents. a tat belde, County Federation of Demo- | 198 received from Democratic The bridegroom’ s mother, Mrs. cratic Women collected gifts "| clubs throughout the county. | Harriet Muth, is from Pompano at their monthly meeting’and | x * * | Beach, Fla. Christmas party at the Hotel | ‘Candy bars, playing cards, | Preceding the bride down the Roosevelt for their second an- | books and fountain pens are | aicte wére honor maid Beverly nual Christmas program. ; | among the 4,500 Christmas- | Chruscz and bridesmaids Sue kt *« * | wrapped articles already being | Thompson and Mrs. Robert Slais The gifts, to be distributed | distributed, ‘ef Orchard Lake. They wore to the veterans hospitalized inj} - light. blue silk-organza with ice-; ' ‘ ae Straw Coat Fabric blue cummerbunds, | Brand-New. With her bouffant gown of em- _ LEWIT YaCuum CLEANER Panama straw. formerly seen. | broidered \white silk organza the wish only in hats, has.been used as bride carried a cascade of white; S: AL E $59. 95" Trade . coat “fabrics in ark: ae | roses and carnations. + MRS. ROBERT MICHAEL MUTH ; Y crisp yet, supple, doesn't | THYLE ELECTRIC crease; and can be washed | .Dennis Michael Behrend per- held in VFW hail in Kéego Harbor. = a eaaneentin” ot ~~ telenenaaiie off with a brush dipBed into formed the duties of’ best man. Guests were seated by Frank Kru- — soap or detergent suds, . Ree eption fellowing- the-r rites was ger af Walled Lake : ae ; : 2 —- pe - ; — 1958; DWG Cigar ‘Corn. NSS a ec ene = we pt ethene Se oar aie MORE R. G. DUN CIGARS ARE GOING wpe ~UNDER CHRISTMAS TREES THAN ANY OTHER BRAND! >» Mildness is the big reason. R G. Den is the one cigar that : | gives full tobacco -flavor in tie mildest possible way. It’s - made with ail-imported tobacco filler. R. G. Dun trates No. 1 ‘with Michigan men . . . ahd with women who know ‘heir... men. Be sure e there are R. G. Dun Cigars under your tree. R. G. DUN Perfecto Fino. “ire es “ Pwin- Pack : R.G, DUN Cigarillo « Gay Christmas gift car 1 e! - handy 5-packs) eet ear ee es {Speake ilibioen -4DR8 ee $5 : $135 oA, 4 ee 5 M ce : : j Rap eg Also sit boxes of R. G. DUN Blunts, Hanetelas, ‘Coronas and Bankers ' ; i N i es : * 3 7 wee Nee Wee re aD . : 4 ny ss ‘ uf 4 « : ; + ee #. . rae j ge i eo . : j. * rs ay | : Meee Ley 4 Mey ; at ey ' Ae be oe ‘ee peer Ao 2 x ‘ " : 5 _ WEAVER Erwin S. Weaver of Woodland avenue, Sylvan Village, are observing their golden The couple. has two children, Mrs. Dorcas W alls of Kenmore, N. Y., and Clarkston. - There are five Weaver is a retired building Go African Southwest’ African persian lamb is the newest. thing in colored furs. The lamb -is in’a muted taupe, smoky charcoal, blue-grey, brown, green and deep blue. Look for it in jack- ets, walking coats. and full- | length coats and capes. ARTHUR'S Is Your BEST BET for | LAST MINUTE GIFTS... Forget anyone? Don’t worry... Arthur's still have gifts for all the women and children on your list -. was the sfortest center at MSU in. révent history, is the team’s lead- AP Wirephote TRADED — Ronnie Kline of the Pittsburgh Pirates will be NBA AT A GLANCE TUESDAY'S RESULTS . _ ‘ ‘. | Bosion 136, Detroit 104 playing for the St. Louis Cards (xew york’ 127,, Cincinnati 119 next season, Kline was traded | WEDNESDAY'S . SCHEDULE by the Bucs for Gino Cimoli and |Ne sames’ scheduled. THURSDAY'S SCHEDULE pitcher Tom- Cheney. “No eames scheduled — Ps Emmanuel Ace Tops County Green First in Sorin “A senior playing on Pontiac's onder despite the fact he has yet newest high school base ‘ketball | to play a full game, team heads Oakland County in, scoring as most of the teams pre-| pare to break classes for the holi-| days | not have the standout much long: ays. | er, Sonny will be ineligible soon because of too many semesters. ler has kept Green out~of ¢6n- * * * though two have been defeats. He! mark, Troy's Bud Acton has 23.3) [has tallied 26, 29 and 25 in that stan Gracki of Royal Oak Shrine. * * * ,21 and. Doug Christie 19.7 for St. | James completing the top group. faces-the remainder of the tough | . N USED CAR? oH | *s ‘ ‘ two-inches | ing scorer. Starting forward Horace Crusader coach Gerald Spang- |. siderable action because he will | Sonny Green has rung up 80, points in Emmanuel Christian's! Jeff Brady of Oxford follows, first three games in varsity ball al- Green's- 26.7 average with a 24 | ° a rs Beattie Motor Sales Eddie Steele, - Inc. warranted in writing! we « . * . a eee * . Se ee eeesen, * * * eee ee eer eee e® FDAF, Cy Owens, Inc. 4 } ‘ ; | CHEER leaders are. F. yee ep Sampson up at Louisville: » > ‘OAKLAND COUNTY OTe AVG. Unbeaten Ortonville and Hazel 5806 Dixie Hwy, "2705 Orchard Lake Rds 147 $. Saginaw St. on = aaa His pro life was more of the oreen, Emmanuel ..........3° WO ‘Park dominate the ‘top’ 25 in the) Waterford Mich. * Keego Harbor, Mich Pontiac, Mich . ot Ferndale fired a 689 for season Pi . Brady, Oxford ........ O48 a ‘| county with three representatives ane 9 ’ . mitiac, Mich, to all our friends = [high at Vester Lanes same, ittsburgh drafted him and Brady. Oxford ......-+-- 3H H/coun — ; we | | Gracki, RO Shrine... -.. 4 4 . . IL rutips st top tient Dixie |g deaf ear to his iene. Then. when crest. et games sevice $M ITI Neen een ee annIE III In nnIInIEIEUnnDnE EER Housewives race... Ken Clark, jhe was playing sandlot ball for $6 Meadows, Oo Dondero .i.. ‘- a 18 2) : a 2]| an Elks League bewler at Man- ja game. and a cold shower, the [Alien “Walled Lake |). s..4 71 178! , istee, has become the second {Colts picked him up as a backstop MiWsraon Ortonville Visa 68 11 NOT ICE b4 _man in ABC history-to pick up for the wondrous George Shaw of Reed, Lake Orion... 66 168] a massive 6-10-47 split twice in Oregon: Four games later Shaw |S, Women flag 0.4 a 16:3| i: a three-game series, Detroiter was hurt, Unitas stepped in. and) Obrenovich. 5. Lyon 3 48 (16 | Hutch Or ile eee. 63 15.9) WE WILL BE Don Dibrosh did it in 1951, Dale Shaw never got back. Because [Hass OL st. Mary SOS 3°46 15 3) Seovoy got his 3rd 306 — 2nd im Johnny has been phenomenal, his Thorpe, Avondale *... +... 1 8 18} CLOSED practice — this week at Norwest latest mark being a record 32 Mason, Rochester ......... 4 37 143) L Y 5 DAY Lanes. He is a ——— ee touchdowns in one season and 37| Hirzel ne ; 43 14.3) , sic star an ves at Walnut (straight games in which he has Chapman. Farmington...) 3 kins, Lamphere ....:.. 2 28 14 AL DA ; ATUR Lake. pitched at least one touchdown. Gallup. Seahoim we 30 4D DECEMBER 26 The opening of the Third Annual| On the other side is Conerly, the COUNTY AREA SCORING ; { tks’ Ladies National Bowling|quiet man who:never alibis in de- |, picion, Brighten -...+- _§ La NS, Tournament will be preceded by/feat nor orates in victory_and who, Black, [Romeo sees eeneeenes ‘ a 23 3, - i a kickoff luncheon Jan. 15 at Ledge |at 38, is the league's oldest player. itis. arms imont..cecee.4 62.15.34 ; DONALDSON . 810 * * ot eer. x. Bresch ce needene s 7%. 15.2 : - ‘ : . ; rau rmada >... ..06 a. 50187] a -- * * * There are some who still reject ae Ngee Armada wees } ss ie | . LUMBER A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO Chuckin' Charley as one of the Brave Imiay ‘otis... Dla 87 1483, EVERYONE IN BOWLING. great quarterbacks in pro football Cousens, gee treet ss 135) 27 ORCHARD LAKE AVE. annals. It has, in his 12 years with _ “ . the Giants, become a habit to be- ) FE 2-8381 McChesney Gets Job little him. Because back in 1521 CORRECTION | when the Giants had po ends to catch the ball and no guards to | - keep out ‘the onrushing tacklers, ‘Charley ate the ball often and took ‘the brunt of the disdain heaped upon the team, ABILENE, Tex. (AP)—Howard ‘MeChesney, 36, last night was) name@_head football coach of Har- Win-Simmons University to suc-| ceed Sammy Baugh. j In our advertisement in} Monday’s Pontiac Press, the following item was in- correctly listed and should OUTFIT Big & Tall Men Jackets te 82, Pants t se. a irt elise s s te - ir a Sleeves to 36%) fF _SHIFMAN’S Men’s Wear ; McChesney hasbeen Baugh’s| “Conerly nust go,” huge ban- have read: 5636 Dikie Hwy. OR 3-0731 |/assistant for two years. His new! ners shouted at every game. seer iains Shopping Center contract is for one year. The ° ; BRUNSWICK weer mingham’s & Kresge’s salary was not divulged. a “It. was so bad that several times) a pn __1_ thought of quitting,”’ he admits. BOWLING BALL ee and BAG erly hung on and, when the guards were ob- Winter Traction a‘ its very best starts with GOOD*YEAR “TRACTIONIZING Complete ; $7588 4 - PHILLIPS LUGGAGE 79 -N. Saginaw Shaw displaced by Unitas at B more. ~ “After 12 years, we finally have a@ quarterback,’’ Charley said, BOYS’ and GIRLS’ DOUBLE RUNNER ‘MEN’S HARD TOE HQCKEY SKATES $ 5 xe fans bo Bo SHOE SKATES play extra safe ; on™ dh it done’) 5 ~ THRU «12... .cccceeoc chee cece see eee ee 7 . an ave one . MEN'S HARD TOE HOCKEY SKATES $ ‘9* & UP TENDON GUARDS .1..0.60-..0e0ce cee eee i oa all 4 wheels MEN'S. FIGURE — $ Qis & UP SKATES ... Sues sseesesesdessadoecs 9g e@ Gives tires extra grip on wet, LADIES’ WHITE FIGURE SKATES S myo icv, slippery roads PLAID LINING ..........0.0.0002 ee rere 7 @ Puts any make of tire in INSULATED Spt hon in gear aga vcekuceece *10" shape for safer Winter SANDLER MEN’S AND LADIES’ $995 driving SS BOOTS 0.0.06 cise c ete et eee cee eee wer ssese 7 @ Tractionizing is done with: out removing the tires e@ Let us tractionize your tires right now HOCKEY SHIN. GUARDS — GLOVES — HEAD GUARDS = ELBOW GUARDS man penne sick ..and.-to best friends give MMleran si _ the world's most wantes 00s SPALDING THOMS.........:$ 4.5 a Pe - Q pervert -Canadian Club..:The Best In The House” 0.00 SPALDING GOLF BAGS. Ac U No Extras to Bi ’ $371 yi $19.50 ‘in 87 lands ...in beautiful embossed. Pins | 1 SPALDING | GOLF BAGS. vee 415 | + foil wrapping with ribbons: and, bows i ‘ A ) pecs "BOWLING SHOES and BAGS rn eee \ Sf Fee er: 5.90” WELDEN SPORTING: Goops | - oes 2 , in oe te - 51 MT. CLEMENS STREET FE 4-6211 ! Sharply in ‘60 aoe eee Pag vees eae a co. eee rop to Fall ® fF in wholesale package lots.| NEW YORK i — Highly se Sunedane are furnished by theTlective buying continued as the} *! Detroit Bureau of Markets,’ as of|stock market pursued an irregular ~ to ot ~ pg a. — |} Among iead stocks changes were Detroit Produce mostly small, seldom. going to as . cur much asa point Apples, ‘saat walls le a ‘Page| A few chosen stocks were Se: Apples Metotost Pe cI. Mee] was General Time, ap abeat 6 Formers -Irked Since} a any Cop ieiertay’s most Prices Took Extreme “1 258l active, stock,” continued heavily oo This Year i : ¥traded and rose A rection. Oe st hase oa W@—-F armers|Parsiey Root ~ Tgaithe company. * °. We a ee , __ [dit and six $1 bills, all marked me a eae sharp reduction of 11 per|Zersiey. curly, doa. bebe, al a nerican Tobe sparied well _ Nation's Auto Makers|and none any sig be oer snbohr cent in the 1960 crop of pigs, in-/Parsnipg M Du. -.r-.sereserec 3+ Las over-a point in fesponse to over- , petrels for tee helifny |. See Exports Holding tr Mae ‘fluenced apparently by a big drop| Reaches. a rete ; night news of plans for a 2-for-1 ee goo "AP Wirephete—+. eae 05 Units | The bills were given him for “jn ‘prices this year. SCT Ts Oi agen en 6 : ed dividend: | . i by Sir Charles |~State Police said ‘all uniformed! Up at 305,000 Units | The bills a him. fo in prices this ye 6 mes eee 100] Stock split- and raised . PARTY BUSS — Charlotte Ford, 18, is greeted by Sohowr okie ! yicisd aah papers -by plainclothesmen, police The Agriculture Department re-|Squesh. sor. by... ...++-----20-+ 1:08 A lackluster performance was 1, youngest. son of the Duke of, Marlborough, in the re-. |men. would be on , 7 said, oe pores sever ake “ore spect Squash. oe ee EE 133 pat_on by cock Bowe ss, sels porsche db at her debut into society at the Detroit Country Club —_— : hoon tomorrow until midnight) ) rnore oa oe eee - They also ‘Stated’ that there at anee fee Osueed eee Falla, meters, nicals. An| it. Charlotte is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, [""™™" 4 4 ay ie. value| Were no bills higher than §5 in compared with 58,607,000 produced) tap cueens —— _|aireratts, oils atdf chémicals. An| Monday night. Leaders of’ society, business and industry at- will be to ens token enoaiea| Sedinlaetiod "tes tle. eee last spring. Celery Cabbage, doz... ...+, $1.18] exception in the group was} Henry Ford I. Delos , oe _ —.__| , Detectives N te of billion-dollars, compared ) of a The reduction will be reflected; = = Bg Rie Lor perder hg tended the pary, a pena «didn yonder officials SAAD ones. wert AAN-| SOeOEe Set be eee bee in martatings -for ~ ayy Livestock ote ~~ -— I des Claim Victor sid lt 7 ae cue ae change. * - Tae fall and early winter DETROIT LIVESTOCK Fractional were made Both Si es m —— y a . As « further precaution, more is estimate was ‘made yester-| Ware's trial lasted throughout . of 1960. ROIT, Dee. 23 (AP) — Cattle —| by 1.8. Steel, Chrysler, Good- . Z{ . | than 5 national em are’ iday by the Automobile Manufac-ithe day Tuesday. Cash is expected sloughter steers and heifers, mataty Gti iar, United Air. t Press IN SOLANCOTLT .-| seing assigned to ride as the veo: turers’ Assn. to hand down a verdict this after- - Shorter supplies normally bring/seuguter, steer 7 oe only few lends yan, Coleen, nw (-OUTT, ras ond man in patrol cars, to spread | egies of qwacks end |R00n, rk > firmer and lots good and choice stetts in run;| craft, American Telephone, K * . ° ' the’ force, ar aples of (ue 1. es ee Titers moderately active,| macott, American In- . S i2) | buses this year will total 1,120,000 ot * * wguar: sows ‘re need: ten| ternational Paper, ‘Pfizer ad |ON uppression ‘Eru tion Other guardsmen were also ex- atte SUA 5 whalenshe ie of | The dozen arrested and charged The report has political impl-[mihr noice 1140, To steers, 2058: few) Schering. . , : ; pected to assist in sheriff's depart- } compared with | included five policemen, three fire- ‘cations because about 75 per cemt|cood steers 23.00:38.00; bene ger . elted |ment patrols. “ ea 877,294 units last year worth $1,- men, a constable and three cit- * of the nation's hogs-are produced)oré ing, sfiscina it vcrone: weignt| Alleghany Corp. gained a bit on) perrorr (UPI)—The first! dent sources without being ols. . Seen ee at Zour wae OL jm, -s cn “e - dm the traditionally Republican|gunty (a ied0; comners and cutters news of settlement of a long-| ong in the battle between four for contempt of court, Ws 3 7 estimated. been reports of widespread farmer|jcucs: “some 'eales “ase lower: sews} Down. slightly were Jones &\ three daily newspapers in the SUP-|na-kout one week ago today on fee : argain automotive. exports oe Be — in marked currency for the pa- ' dissatisfaction in that area. — ; nee einis; 3 loses| Laughlin, General Dynamics, Ra-|pression of a civil suit was over! 4 suit involving the nationally-\uJ4 UY | will hold about steady pers and got only $6 of the bills = Tt the prospective reduction inlnuted sumter,i 3 ranging, ‘si-i38ldio Corp., International Tele-/today and both sides could claim/* wi Gitte. “ts. Rossetti, Ind.| my; {ith & total of ‘some 350,000 cars, | beck im receipts. production comes about, prices of] 18.09-13.18; omer eS, -300 Ibs phone, Anaconda, Allied Chemical, at’ least partial victory, architectural and engineering. firm, trucks and buses. Last year’s fig- When the men were arraigned Tiogs could be expected to rebound)" 2424 iiss Shite Siete Electric, Chesapeake &/ syaces Theodore Levin, Thomas|and Victory E. Vallet, retired pres. ODES VATKEN «os. sams owning |Defdre Cash Dec. 15, all but one from | present levels) veaiers — salable 36; steady. choles! Ohio and Liggett. & Myers P. Thornton, Clifford O’Sullivan|ident of the company. if indices by about 600,000|Citizen pleaded not guilty, . by next year’s election time. /2n¢ A pbe34.0e: cull and utility 14,00-|> * * © and Ralph M. Freeman were win-| 4) audit has uncovered a, short- , . to 38,200,000 aurin 1959. Total reg-| The man who pleaded guilty was tok ot "peep = baiadle 200, Not encugn| Opening blocks included: HUPP|ners because the suit in question) -."o¢ more than $800,000 in com-| Mediators Slate Joint the eames wis be fined and placed on probation. Tee nt] also . reported), Sheep = salable 200. Not, Corp., up-% at 8% on 6,000 shares; |i, sti) suppressed. pany funds prior to the retirement | ome ee department early sales to set up 4 | Session After Parley two million to a total of 70,446,000 that this year’s fall crop totaled). Universal Oil Products, up % “| and the papers were winners |of Vallet andhe is ‘being asked . |fnrbuding su.tei.000 passaneer care. os pes . 43,029,000, an increase of 2 per) Poultry and Eggs =| 27% on 3,500; General ott| pecamse they details of |for an accounting.“ = Canceled Yesterday |ry0c. vehicles were estimated to Detroit Living Cost

Maiitary policy of the Atiantic Al-) But the judges yerterday mediation director said’ "Charlene Whipple, 11, of 088 Ar “ . Beaired, 59, of 12 Clarence St.,|tailers because daily newspapers |<3Pirte Cp... ye {j|ance itself. that the papers ‘were not in con-ihe ‘saw no. point in going ahead Us was a grade 6 honorable : and Willmonte Wood, 28, 120 N.|reach practically ‘every person in ese a an ’ * * tempt of court for printing de-|without McDonald and Arthur J.) ’ winner for her drawing of ® « { Jessie St,, driver of the truck. 'every market. ches a ~~ {O81 Phe Western Big Four set a pat-|tails of the suppressed suit. Goldberg, the union's chief COU Se roal cheep on hillside, with the ews | rie sie St, : Chrysler "! B4leern for ation with the So-| The judges said they were sat-|sel. Finnegan added-““This is not Star of ghining down on ee. -. ; ; ‘ —_ P Boss a|viets that might go on for years, |isfied that details made public by|my strike. I don't have people Bethlehem t™ Mrs, Ann Giles, of 281 High ‘Bt., - ‘ » 8 ( ii|But thelr decision ta clearly ony|the papers didnot come from thejon strike.” a Charlene’s accompanying noteltoid Pontiac police Tuesday tha 2 : | the heginning of a beginning. files and records of the court. - MeDon:| explained her drawing: “The sheep|someone broke into her home and . UC anan ATT ont i.e) -President Ei , French} However, the fight is‘far from} A union spokesman said Mc this tte ae thel spel no Shen hedhe euntainiiy f - aoe . _ | Geat «| President ere ag cwer * Harvey Patton, managing editor eteg tue bey aicoaien shepherd left to go see the Baby| about $50 plus 10 silver dollars. Dantchad £ ri pian sett German. Cat ew, ide apr wert are Semen fee Be, i ote Seer ‘ - . + llor Konrad Adenauer continue its ch e : ‘le reported to Pontiac. police tha’ : and Banis ~ TOM U d= - ie. failed-—or did not even try—to re-|blackout “every day,°24 hours aland the reaumaption Monday of the - no agar d msi re pode — Semacie eck Gin tems hoo eabek : —- 7 Aire $¥isolve their own differences on ba-jday.” hearing before warm." ~ + | while she was shopping yesterday i” yoas sae. (bu Pont Stisic issues they intend to discuss| He said, “We're going to keep|hower's fact-finding panel. |warm.” = owes HAVANA (AP) — ° Americanjof 14 years and ordered him ‘de-/past air t - %3iwith Nikita Khrushchev. - {printing everything we can legally ° Violet Snyder, of 96 N. Perry newsman James Buchanan today|ported within 24 hours. El Auto L...... ats a er | get our hands on. We will print) _- Wi k ed St., had a $12 coat stolen from her was. under orders to get out of] ee oe EN ag ; 418] Instead they ordered their ex-|what we believe the public is en-| Kidney Transplant Wor - {home.Tuesday, she reported to city Guba after -being convicted of] That's: good," said Bitchinnan|Bx-ceft0 $3|perts to go to work on building/titled to know.” . ¥ree Piews " eg police, woes helping an American esc apejand left Pinar del Rio for Havana Ford Mot 33 ,|a common front for the proposed; The Times ont mal Twin Ha py to Be Alive — ' - from a Castro prison. to catch a plane for Miami. Prat, ee " {s$|April 27 encounter with the So-|said they, too, he contir obeaia s Pp . oe A fiveman military court in| puchanan was charged with|9ea $ 3-2iviet Premter, Leading diplomats|print all the news ey can oe. . | ; \ * Pinar del Rio convicted the 43 concealing facta about the escape] Gea i Siconfidently explain the experts Se eee watt ae NOP ai agoiidentical twin brother Ronald, Sitar Herald tuesday. nigh *atler thls month of Frank Austin ae seginave, four mente fo evaem ‘islthete “inherwut right” order to S|Richora. Howeice’ wee “aying. ediMow, Richerd te the picture ~ t, = 82. cor me t = 4 eres ’ coe As oa os Seas as a we seem taunt, Runt gs ete oy SC Noyes Ted tn, ote . 388613335 — {being ‘sentenced te. * Pry 1D oitierte + 8 eaten nmit. meeting. ‘Thomas Hennings Jr, (D-Mo). | planted a healthy kidney from his — Bp unusually tired, ~ = At 9:00 &.m, on December 20th, 1959, «| Prison enc . Goodye » 182.4 a : — night, “Since 1955 ,, Serial sum-/Castro band. . Groh Paige - at Fe oss operation > ge CAESAR aenememen Gee ne Hy = ered gad may se SS and 23, 1980 atari brs orsPand be lnomeste. “a “ oP Bagged of - : {approa: oung 8 foes Ray ..| 23.4 : works Application having oem ade to thelhideout with bandages for the ing Rang” : a 332 store Be | 5 ~_— . een ea fugitive’s injured leg. sf Interlak Ir .., 28.6 ee “Tam lucky, so e 7. - area in In Miami, Lee Hills, executive Int Bus Mi a4 4 : cal gon ‘ ete wel * poate Ordinances Nes fi and 32/ editor of the Herald and thejint Nice) toe jeatworth «oe 3 net dat the wreck of | ' sei ge began KOM, newmpenere, wd Me Oe ay Ferme Qa [ita also (0 be the will of . thet sald reaues a ganization. is - ow ween Int Tel & Tei i Zenith | 1 ee the kidney donor, also Sagbuintign'boScre"Sne|‘gutty’ ot nothing except covering 7 ee ee aan __Oor long gh SoS eens "nee “oar em ROCKY Urges Jailin jespaine Mine emnia Ae) @RpORORCO meses | ne WH ay of De-! "pHs said the Herald “will con-/MOCKY UIQ Q oe a aula tinue to cover all legitimate news Ni money ; hip Clerk members at Northboro : i. Bee. “lin Cuba in the, future as it has inlaf Teen-A e Hoods } wage} Ed teaches a il ed oe ‘ } 3 MThe kidney transplant at, Peter , The five-man military court was| ALBANY, N. ¥. (AP) vitegs- Bent Brigham vo grea zt pastil moned ‘Tuesday yearold hoodlums involved resented a medical "ikilthough other tetbunala were in|crimes of violence could be sen- Eleven other kidney bene tenced. to. regular . done at recess for the Cliristmnas terms of a program Gov, Nelson Earlier in the day the U.S, State). " pocketeller recommended to- rtment sent a note to thel sy to combat juvenile delih- Bosrd|Cuban -Ministry of State presum-}°°) '° cag quency, LOVABLE STOCKING FILLERS — A novel” 5 ean Frm Pete ‘idea bas been institute by Avon Center Hospital ings and bring them out each Christmas for their ue Building, eral of sending. -Buchan in giant-size Christmas stockings before they Nancy Radford, Grace Wheeler Mrs, |mother sooner ® Merete Bia iCuba. to help Young ti leave the hospital. ‘The parents keep the. siock- oS 3 ee Ae Rigo ea \ eis. ~ ‘ ie F : | OU ce ae = wn ee Phe 2 fe ts 4 . . e e <4 : > 5 ale ae ot meer oe : a eae his . 2 : ; J ; af N , } | : a = A ¥ j Ms ie