-_ —- eatin eiiaed 4 TS Wiha anh ss * “ er “Titth YEAR \ fe Fi gael weapg Me ae qu WER emg hia beaiess Se / ; PONE Aly RO ie es oe ‘ . ee Ges —" Cy Se eS ee gy War eM as ‘ , A Lethetath tal PONTIAC, MICHIGAN, ‘THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 195064 PAGES Massachusetts Police Quell Riot i : ey 5 Che ‘ical anks. Bla: Vet Fund Vote. Due Today in State Senate > oe 1 Ballot Adds Provision to Labor Bill Senate Votes Union Curb WASHINGTON w — Their 47-46, licans and Southern Democrats’ victory in adding a major provision) ‘put over ‘the amendment. Voting: to the Kennedy labor bill strength- jfor it were 32 Republicans and| ened today the drive of senators!15 Democrats, 13 of them South- iseeking further restrictions on the erners. Opposed were 44 Demo- tection of union rules, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom from arbitrary dues in- creases, protection of the right to| i, Dead, 5 Hurt in Kansas City’ Area Explosions } sue, safeguards against improper’ Smoke Blankets City Bill Survives Scathing power of union leaders. crats and 2 Republicans. ~ disciplinary action, and inspection’! By the one-vote margin, the Sen-| The victory was clinched with of membership lists. Attacks by Opposition in Yesterday's Session From Our ws Wires — LANSING_A bill to give ate wrote into the bill a require-\the help of Vice President Nixon. ment that union constitutions and'In a parliamentary maneuver to! bylaws must contain a series of nail down the vote, the Senate provisions designed to assure the tied 45-45 on a motion to table rights of individual members. —_—_reconsideration of the 47-4 tally, It sets up criminal penalties |Nixon broke the tie to carry the This would be enforced by crim- inal penalties against any union \officer whe sought to ‘interfere with them. The penalties could run up to a $10,000 fine and two years in prison. | os Stored Weed Killer Blows Up KANSAS CITY, Kan, —A chemical tank contain- the sagging state treasury | a transfusion from the vet-! erans’ trust fund was up for final vote in the Senate to- for any union leader violating those rights. The Senate takes up today an amendment*by Sen. Barry Gold- imotion. | ‘successful amendment are: | The seven rights covered in the iden- j tea voting rights and equal pro-' force them. Also, the secretary of babor would be empowered to. use junctions and other jawaits to _ telephone: RIOT IS OVER—Massachusetts State Trooper Leonard Von Flatern leaves the. block with his face registering Concord Prisoners AP Wirephote he and fellow troopers had in quelling a riot. Five convicts held 13 guards and 2 civilians as hostages for nearly four hours. r™ 1 a Police Escort Concord prison the grim: battle Hold 15 as Hostages Workers to Mil CONCORD, Mass. (P—Five convicts seized 15 hostages, and staged a desperate revolt Wednesday night at Con-. cord Reformatory housing worst criminals. Prison officials said the quintet could not have hoped: to escape, although a leader, Henderson Plant Quiet. sce of Maxeachusetta’ After Clashes, Gunfire | Last Night HENDERSON, N.C. kidnaper Charles Bull Mar- oy sate 4 xe, cui tin, told the prison super-*— intendent on an instttution| “We want out.” For four hours, they held the, hostages—13 guards and two: civil- jans—before surrendering meekly, , their eyes swollen by Pi gas. * * Their chances of vetting out, from the start. were nil. Lt. Col. John C. Blake. executive officer of the state police, heading an as sault force of 125 troopers. said when asked if negotiations were considered: “— never negotiate one; we were here to get them out and restore order." The troopers swarmed in with military precision: many wearing campaign ribbons. They were steel-helmeted, carneg riot guns and wore bandoleers of cartridges and tear gas charges * * * The issue never was in doubt. The troopers drove the malcon- tents from the first. to third ‘oor of a wing of the pris@. |.ke sol- diers assaulting pill boxes They’ opened steel doors with acetylene torches and finally pushed the, rebels into an area from which there could be neither escape nor retreat. Surrenders were accepted only after the prisoners stripped na- ked, Then they were marched to secure quarters. One trooper dis- played a kitchen paring—knife which he took from one of the recalcitrants. A pistol, with which Martin sub- jugated thé hostages and mar ched them to the ‘segregation section, was not immediately found. Guard Frederick Bobola, one of the hostages, said Martin held the gun against him and pulled the trigger. “It looked to me like the end, but the gun failed to go off,” Bobola said, | The reformatory once was used! for youthful offenders, but several} years ago its use was turned over to hardened adult criminals, in-; cluding murderers, It is 18 from Boston. f The revolt came durin a Yecre- | ation period between 4 and 5 Rina while some of the prisoners Were, playing baseball. Yt News Flashes WASHINGTON (PF —President | Eisenhower today formally des- ignated ailing John Foster Dulles — as a special consultant for for- eign policy on the White House | \ staff, ih NEW YORK (AP)—Fidel Cas- tro aides told New York City police today of a possible plot to assassinate Castro, prime | minister of Cuba, while tre is in | the United States, Castro is now | in New York. | The aides said the plot might be put into effect by “five brothers riding in a dirty gray Cadillac with Michigan plates’ © and “a sixth man driving a 1947 black Chevrolet with Florida nites.” with any. © ‘ness economy, watched the 438-foot ‘Ways at Bay City yesterday. amples pt industrial deve pment \Morkers to their jobs at the Har- Mrs. Lawrence Arraigned in Car She Is So Upset That Justice Goes to Auto for Murder Charge —_ — outbreak of violence. quiet scene contrasted | with Wednesday night wariy when second - shift workers met smal] arms fire, homemade flares) and firecracker Ss. About 230 pickets ignored a steady drizzle at the company’s two plants to jeer and shout de- fiance at the departing workers. One picket was struck in the arm - . by a .38 caliber bullet. Officers ° Choked with emotion. and near bY a 38 cali ; ‘ said he received first aid treat- ment at a hospital and was re- cused of murdering the wife of jeased friend, An unidentified woman reported- raigned by Independence Township !¥ suffered a_ slight head wound Justice of the Peace William H.i!rom a shot or a steel pellet) Stamp while she sat in the: front hurled from a slingshot. An officer) seat of a sheriff deputy’s car, (Said she was treated at the Souths , kt ok ok , ‘Henderson plant dispensary. Justice Stamp said court was set, collapse, Mrs. Sue Lawrence. heft former boy was ar: lv ship Hall, but Mrs. Law was them in gutos, were escorted ‘so emotionally upset’'. she could | through the plant gates by 100 not get out of thé™car and come. highway patrolmen. into the hall ' There were a few minor inci- So Justice Stamp went out and dents reported during the night. stood beside the car with its | TWo persons were arrested and doors open to conduct the ses- ‘charged with egal discharge of! ston. ifirearms, and carrying concealed! weapons. She is charged with the fatal | The strikers were angered at ‘shooting of Mrs. Donald Crenshaw. ‘the small number of jobs of 6230 Snow Apple Dr.. Independ-\qyailable to them after the strike ence Township. iapparently was settled last week. * : - ee | When only 30 strikers were taken | EXAMINATION SET back Monday, the striking Textile Mrs. Lawrence, of 2632 Oxford’ Workers Union of America said it) St, Berkley, demanded examina-| had been misled as to the number, tion. It was set for May 14 by’ of jobs available to its members. Justice Stamp. This Ad Adds Up to— * * * Mrs. Lawrence, an attractive Pleasant Ridge beautician, was | LONDON (UPI)}—Personal ad | in the London Times today: “For sale — 12 bore shotgun, released from Si. Joseph Mercy | __ Spade: and ‘wedalig Tine. Hospital at 4:30 p.m. ered (Continued on Page 2 2, Col. | first test today comes when ma- vo Poliee pickets, escorted a full shift oat newsmen yesterday: irieg-Henderson Cotton Mills today Floodlights were beamed at the | up in the basement of the Town-| pickets ax the workers, most of . Inft | |water (R-Ariz) designed to assure| day after surviving an 00» (that such labor groups as Team- \Slaught of opposition YeS- | sters Union conferences are cov | ‘ered by provisions of the bill. terday. Backers of the plan, who | day was sponsored by Sen. John L.| put up a feeble floor fight: sccietian (D-Ark), who called it! | lyesterday, admitted th @y a bill of rights for labor. Among other things it would guarantee |faced an uphill battle £0F | cnion members freedom of speech ‘passage of a bill they view and equal voting rights, and re-| 2 ‘as the last hope of averting quire membership approval of any | ‘fiscal collapse. dues increase. The bill advanced through pre- liminary debate yesterday, The. The vote on the amendment was a setback for Sen. John F. Kennedy (D-Mass), who has ar- gued from the start that any ma. jor floor change in his measure | would endanger its chances of The issue was whether to sell | setting through Congress. | securities in the veterans trust | Kennedy said the amendment | fund with face value ef 50 mil- | wa. poorly drawn and would | dollars for 43 millions to (mean “the federal government's | pump badly needed cash into the | state treasury. | The so-called Beadle plan called State Senators Vote No for restoring’ the body of the fund wasHINGTON w—Michigan’s over seven years, starting in 1965.' two Democratic senators Philip ‘It represents a Republican substi-! g Hart and Pat McNamara, vot- tute for Gov. Williams. trust fund: og with the minority in the 47.46 |mortgaging plan approved March | roll call vote by which the Sen- |24 by the House. ~ x *& * Its author, Sen. Frank D. Beadle of St; Clair, GOP majority leader, | jjority Republicans caucus on the! |measure. amendment by Sen. John L. Me- Clellan (D-Ark) to the labér bill. reaching its hands into the internal affairs of unions in a completely unnecessary way.” But McClellan insisted his amendment would give needed pro- tection to union members against thugs, racketeers and power-hun- gry leaders who, he said, were in- filtrating more and more unions. i5 DEMS ABSENT The amendment say the chances of passage |were about fifty-fifty. I haven't tried to. count votes for it, and {I won't. All Tl try to do is to isell them {majority Republicans) \" caucus.’ |SEEK DELAY Some Republicans Said they would geek to delay the showdown | vote, despite urging by Gov. Wil-| liams that the bill be on his desk for hg Sel tomorrow. t. Gay, John B. Swainson said ‘the Democratic votes had been on; ranized ‘veterans were yielding |hand. Five senators were missing, | in their opposition. | all Democrats. But backers were disappoint- | Of these, three were announced | ° ~~ ! against the amendment—Paul. H. . ed last night when no open en- | . dorsement of the plan came from | Douglas (Ill), -Theodore F. Green H. Humphrey veteran leaders who staged a | (RI) and Hubert ; A. Willis Rob banquet for jawmak | (Minn). Only one, nave + Pewneners. ertson (Va) was announced for “The ‘only comments I héard) it. J. Allen Frear Jr. (Del) did were from those who thanked me! got lista position. for leading a crushing attack! (Continued on Page 2, Col. 6) | A test run to check the political! ‘bert Humphrey (D-Minn) {temperature of the West.tame to Pet Baby Lion iflew to Washington. Mauls Child Who. Humphrey, a potential Demo- ‘cratic presidential nominee Came Too Close 1960, said he was going to see. reconsideration on the Senate floor, MEMPHIS, Tenn. (UPI)—A baby. ‘today of the bill of rights written lion yesterday severely mauled a into the labor bill. ‘two-year-old boy. A laborer pried. However, any hope Humphrey. open the cub's jaws and rescued|™&y have had of reversing ap-, the child. iproval of McClellan’s amendment | The pet six-month-old lion cub, | |appeared to be doomed from the, chained to a fence post in an open; tart. Backers of the amendment, | area, clawed little John Alvin Cox intending to seal the vote, used a when the boy wandered too close. |tabling device which Senate parlia- John Alvin suffered fang and Mentarian Charles L. Watkins said) ‘claw .wounds on the head. right Would require suspension of the! jear, face and stomach. jrules to upset. : He was rescued by George Tem-| A two-thirds votes js necessary | | Pleton, 28.,an employe of a trailer) te suspend the rules, and the | firm that owned the animal. | said he forced open the lion's jaws, indicated that such ai margin | with his hands and kicked the lion) would be impossible to attain. ‘away. | As it was, a coalition of Repub- | as he! The amendment adopted Wednes-, ate appreved ‘the bill-of. rights | ~ apparently+ 'would have been defeated if all of)’ ‘an abrupt end today for Sen. Hu-, He 47-46 vote for the amendment ‘morning in Bloomfield Township. | Forgot to Duck } t a “opt Phote SHINER AMID FRECKLES — ‘Next time I'll duck faster’ says Tommy Marpi¥, of Derham, Mass., as he consults the book on how to win friends. Everyone thinks he lost one in acquiring the shiner, but actually he got hit by a rock, not by a buddy. Mild Weather Hearing Set May 6 Due to Continue on Girl's Kidnaping in Pontiac Area The pre-trial hearing of a 20-} |year-old ex-convict accused of kid-' Partly cloudy and a low of 4 ‘is the forecast for the Pontiac area * naping, rape and auto theft will be} tonight. resumed May 6 in the courtroom’ It also will be partly cloudy to- of Municipal Judge Maurice E.|morrow with temperatures a little ‘Finnegan. cooler and a chance of showers. ee *&£ « Tomorrow's high is expected to be Examination of Harold E. Mar-/Réar 36, the weatherman said. itin of 739 E. Madison Ave. began Today's light variable winds will become southwesterl i ‘ iyesterday. He is being held in the ¥ and: inctesise |Oakland County Jail. to 10-20 miles an hour tonight. Partly cloudy and cooler with Martin is accused of stealing a showers likely is the outlook for car the evening of April 14 and | Saturday. ; kidnaping 17-year-old JoAnne | The lowest temperature in down- Visure, 446 Midway Ave., after jtown Pontiac preceding 8 a.m. was their cars collided. 41 degrees" At 1 p.m. the iii ‘was 65. « * t * Police found the pair the next For Crying Out Loud! LUMBERTON, N. C. (UPD— Moddie Mae Oliver, 50, a blind negro woman, told the court yes- Only a week before his arrest, [Martin had been pardled from the | Jonia State Reformatory: Says Event ‘Shane Michigan Means Business Michigan Industrial ‘dors, a group dedicated to stimu- ties to attract new industry. \ ain and promoting the growth of | “Michigan,"’ Hill said, “is now ‘Michigan industrial and busi-jon the move and the Ambassadors | will help keep it moving in the. right direction.’ missile-carrying destroyer USS + Emphasizing jenry B, Wilson slide down the publie that ap-, sadors already has been clearly’ evidenced, Hill said: “It is ex- tremely important that the Ambas- sadors know they are not a small the AmWassadors’ ex-|band of men hemmed in by ape an of and general athy or downright antagonism. s|TIME FOR FRESH START He declared that the point has "he launching was called ‘‘an ex- cellent reminder to the rest of the United States that Michigan means ss’ by Merritt D. Hill, Hill, \of 965 EF. Glengarry Cir- j been freached in the state’s life cle, Bloomfield Township, spoke jand “‘possibly in its fight for sur- at a civic luncheon arranged by the Greater Bay City Chamber of Commerce and the Bay Coun- ty Industrial Association. Following an explanation of the background -of ‘the Ambassadors Corps, Hill cited several regent ex- ized entity” wheré it is \ime to make a fresh start, ‘“mendiqg our economic fences so that our indus- tria] organizations won't want or need to slip through pastures.” vival as a progressive We “ . ‘. Ambassa-jand action by Michigan communi-, proval and backing of the Ambas-' oy The Ambassadors, Hill “said, |. tate Promotion Group Views Launching “believe that we can be at the | | spearhead of a movement to get all groups within the state re- united for the common purpose | of the state's and its citizenry's good.”’ | He emphasized that the Ambas-| lsadors, as an organization com-| !posed of men from both political. jpatties, will not be engaging in po-. Hitical activity but “will” work to, ipromote the state's advantages as! they exist and as they can be ifurther developed by actions of the Legislature and the other branches of State government.”’ The Ambssadors’ program, Hill said, will focus collective attention on. the need of Michigan indus- tries to be competitive in all re- spects, and it will attempt to get a better understanding and degree of cooperation between govern- ment, business and industry, the labor férce and all the people in the state. : { * * _.."“What:_the Ambassadors must havg as salesmen for this product known-as Michigan is a respon- MERRITT D. HILG: terday during a damage suit hearing that she was expecting to give birth to her 33rd child. She said she has given birth to | 32 children in 35 years of mar- riage. . Scottish Remedy Fails AYR, Scotland (\UPID—A three- year-old champion heifer who charged a crowd here yesterday was given a fine ‘old Scottish remedy for the quieting of fright- ' ened cows — half a bottle of | Scotch Whisky. It didn’t work. A veterinarian administered an- other sedative by needle. * |sivene’s on the part ‘of government | officials to the need for a progres- isive course of action which will in- terest outsiders in locating indus- | try in Michigan and will encourage | the expansion of industry now here,’’ Hill declared. The program also will aim at obtaining greater diversification of industry and at encouraging research activities which will |... ee Lwere late to work, ing a weed killer exploded early today. Two men were n- missing and presumed to be dead. Five others, including a fireman were injured. Great clouds of black smoke rofled from the scene near the Kansas-Missouri state line over downtown Kansas City, Mo., five miles away. ® Intense heat hampered efforts to determine what set off the blasts and whether there were any casualties. The plant is owned by Thomp- son-Haward Cheniical Co. For a time the fire threatened to spread to half a dozen other tanks, but after two and one-half hours firemen reported the fire .was “contained,” but would have to burn itseff out. FOUR BLASTS First reports said there were four blasts. Motorists driving to work heard one deep, thunderous explosion about 6:45 a.m, Firefighting .and- other emer- gency equipment converged on the seene. So did hundreds of spec, tator's. A fire department dispatcher said that “it is a two-alarmer; that means extra equipment is 1 weeded.” One of the first newsmen at the »-|seene said he could not get close because of the heat. The newsmen said it appeared 10 to 12 large aad tanks were ablaze, : FEAR GAS NEXT ~ kerosene had exploded. A propane gas tank had not yet exploded/ but the police said it might. Th biast was felt many blocks aWay, Several residences are about 200 yards distant and had aot caught fire. The explosion occurred just be- fore the change of shifts. - Robert Thompson, president’ of the company, said there were five men at work on the night shift when the blast occurred. He said thrée had been. hospitalized, TWO MISSING Jim Lewis and a man he could identify only as “Evans were missing, Thompson said, and he doubted they could have survived the blast. known immediately, . The fire ‘was raging out of control and firemen were at- tempting to prevent its spread to other facilities of the com: pany. ‘ The blast leveled a_block-long concrete building and toppled a taH smoke stack. At least seven chemical.tanks were destroyed and another half dozen were threatened. WINDOWS SHATTERED ° . Windows were shattered in a nearby ftour mill, but this facility evidently was not in danger from the fire.’ Firemen were concentrating on yet ablaze, and on the’ ruins of the building. They had reports |that large amounts of high explo- sives were stored in ene end of this structure which had not yet ignited, The plant is on top et” a high ‘hill near Southwest boulevard an |Greystone avenue, just across the 29th and Southwest vard, in Kansas City, Mo, A southwest wind picked up the dense cloud of black smoke and blanketed the downtown business district of Kansas City, Missouri-Kansas state i from nearest about 200 yards: trom the chemical plant. There was no im- mediate information _on whether anyone in this area was injured, Police closed off a 10-square- block area as a safety precaution, including: a segment of Southwest from Kansas residential areas to downtown. Kansas City, Hundreds + Taveatory Reduction tale, hétp bring in some of the ‘“‘exot- ; . ic” new growth industries, The I n Today S Press Ambassadors will continue te / sa stress Michigan's advantages ag | 8 oO Soe Bere Tite ae a place to live and bring UP A | Comicg " s0 family. — County News ......... Neveae 1 Saying that there can be no room| Editorials ...... F484 bere 6 for complacency by Michigan's res-| Food Section .......... .. 33-42 idents while Michigan's name is; Markets .................. vw 3 being ‘widely used as a synonyri| Obitwaries .................., 12 for ‘Potter's Field’,” Hill said ““we) Sports ........... vee een ees 53-57 have the liveliest bunch of dead) Theaters ....-.........5., 8 men I've ever met, and the richest} TV & Radio Programs ...... at bunch of papers to be found any-. Witson, Eart ot Perererrr rts at — here.” Women's Paged .....4., 43-48 | : Pi Police reported. several tanks of” Cause of the explosion was not _ pouring water on /the tanks not - Five or six residences are lo- ssicated on Greystone aventie, the— boulevard, a main traffic artery . scheduleq to become official, said * | | To Sp. ‘the seven appointments probably A — 141 aniline the construction of three a 3 F € 5 Py Study Nominees for Trial Board - Expect City . to Disclose ’ Seven Appointments at Tuesday Meeting Candidates for the city’s new Trial Board were reviewed last night informally by the City Com- mission, including two nominees by rank-and-file members of the Police Department. The commission's decision on will be disclosed Tuesday at the commission meeting, at which time the selections are Mayor Philip E, Rowston: At that time, it will be known whether either of the Police De- partment’s candidates have been selected, he said. In a department-wide vote re- quested by the mayor, policemen nominated Theodore Carlson and Philip R. Sauer. Carlson, a member of the fire- Jot Quarton road between pend $2,428 4} on Oakland Roads © symmer road build-Long lake Road east of John R program—jroad. Residents of the ‘Birminghars area will have to wait awhile longer, Felt said, for the ‘paving Lahser and Woodward. ee HELD UP BY SEWER “A sewer project has held us up in the past,” the commissioner said, “and now we're ready at least to do a grading, ditching and an eight-inch gravel: base job on the road.” Felt said he did not know if the. eventual blacktopping of the Borderline road would be on the | Commission's 1960 program. In the same section, the Com- mission has scheduled putting in right hand turning lanes off Long Lake road by the widening of the} Long Lake road-Woodward avenue intersection. * x * Nearly four miles of Indianwood+ road between Baldwin and M24 will be widened to 22 feet and receive‘ a concrete surfacing job under this year’s program, Felt ‘said. He said the Road Commission has been able to proceed with all its scheduled projects after it learned that costs for - repairing county roads after the annual spring breakup ‘‘wasn’t anywhere as bad as we thought it. was going to be.” ‘About $1,175,555 of the program is béing financed through federal aid. Cities where widening projects will be completed will also pay a share of the work, Felt said. City Couple Lose Custody of Their Six Children Six children of a Pontiac couple were made wards of the court! yesterday by Probate Judge Arthur E. Moore after police officers testified they were living in utter filth. * *® * The condition of the home was ealled “terrifying.” The youngsters range from one to seven years of age. Police officers said that the house at 8914 S. Parke St. was “not fit for humans to live in.” * * The names of the parents were, withheld by the court, Judge Moore said, so as not to embarypae the! police policemen’s Civil Service Commis- sion which voters repealed April 6. Sauer is a former Pontiac mayor A mayor’s committee ¢harged "with making the Trial Boargl more attractive to policemen, recom- mend ‘that officers be allowed to submit names of candidates for the board. . The new Trial Board terms of of- fice begin during the first week of May. Winter-Weary Nation Greets Spring's Return By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Pleasant spring weather, dry and fairly mild, was in prospect for nearly all sections of the coun- try today. Skies were clear “during the morning in the major part of the country, - Precipitation was con- fined to two small areas, one in the Virginias and one in the Rockies. * * * Warmer weather was reported in most areas from Texas north- ward to the central Plains states and eastward across the Ohio Valley and the lower Great Lakes region to southern New England. * * * Temperatures were from 8 to children. - ; } irea Man Shoots Self Accidentally — A 35-year-old ‘Bloomfield Town-) ship man, Donald. Sheppard of 3966 Oakland Dr. accidentally shot himself in the Chest at about 6 p.m. yesterday while examining an ported today. x* * * Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak. ruptured Sheppard’s spleen which; was removed by surgery last night. Bloomfield Township Police Chief Norman Dehnke said Shep- | matic pistol. He had removed the elip but had; neglected to eject the cartridge from the firing chamber. Dehnke said the shot was heard Sheppard who -was in another) room. She rushed in to find her| son lying on the, floor and imme- diately called the police. * * * The victim will be questioned ifurther by police today, Dehnke more than 20 degrees higher Cm Wednesday morning from eastern slopes of the Rockies eae ward across most of the Plains to the middle~ Mississippi Valley. Readings were in the 40s and low 50s in most sections. — Thé Weather Full U.S. Weather Bareau Report AC AND VICINITY—Fair and mild teday. High Ay Partly cloudy te- night. Lew 44. Tomorrow partly Loa and cooler with showers likely. High 56 Light variable winds this morning be- coming Loar etgternw=td this afternoon and increasing te 10-20 miles tenight. Today in Pontiac Pr Lowest temperature preceding 8 a.m. At 8 am: Wind weloeity 15 p.h Direction—West. Sun sets Thursday at 1:22 pm. Sun rises Friday af 5:38 a.m. Moon sets Thursday at 8:12 p.m. m., Downtown Temperatures 6 a.m. 42 11 a.m... 6 Tam... .cicoee..46 12 m........ 64 8 a.m..... e000 e BO lpm 65 9 O.m..s. cede 56 $O OM... cccceees 61 Wednesday in Pontiac {As recorded Govntens) Highest temperature .... Lowest temperature Mean temperature Weather—6unny. One Year Age in Pontiac Highest temperature Lowest temperature Mean ture ....065 Weather—Cloudy. es ee er re ee ee Murder Charged fo Mrs. Lawrence (Continued From Page One) where she had been a_ police prisoner since Saturday. ‘i Sea 14, ie a er ea LT. CMDR. WILLIAM C. REMICK New Naval Reserve Head Here Honored Lt. Cmdr. William C. Remick, new commander of the Pontiac Na- val Reserve Training Center, was guest of honor yesterday at a luncheon of the Advisory Council on Naval Affairs in the Wakizon Hotel. Remick, 36, succeeded Lt. Cmdr. Bernard Woessner as head of the center earlier in the year. * * * He is a wearer of the- Korean Presidential Unit and Philippine Presidential Unit citations. Before his assignment here, Cmdr. Rem- ick served as staff navigator of Amphibious Group Three of the Pacific Fleet Amphibious Force. Dag, Herter Lunch WASHINGTON @® —U.N. Sec- retary. General Dag jold had a luncheon appointment today with the new secretary of state, Christian A. Herter. N.Y.‘Official Saves Gold ALBANY, N. Y. (UPI)—Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller said last night that one state office has saved $2,000 in gold this year. The saving was made by the office of the secretary of state by eliminating the gold stamp- ing of names on copies of offi- cial publications sent to legisla- tors and other state officials. BIRMINGHAM — City Manager L. R, Gare's suggested budget for 1959-60 ‘has been presented to tad Ae He Geet, oCicinl aiacmectey increase of $53,547 over the eat ending June 30. Gare points out that this increase includes. a pro- posed 3 per cent salary increase for all ~~ gad except de- ‘jpartment heads. is nasi "tsb a ton crease of two-tenths of a mill be necessary, over the 19.4 now in effect, Gare said. The budget last reer Srepyet few 185° the present rate. According to the city manager, budget increases over the past five years have been approximately $91,000 annually. He explained the salary. increase is not based on any rise in living costs, which have remained near: ly constant here during the year. vote is to acknowledge the excel- lent work being-done in the various city departments and the splendid cooperation received from all em- ployes,”’ he said. Commissioners will have approx- imately five weeks for their study of the budget. During this time they are expected to make their ‘decision as to whether the ’ /‘man- ager’s recommendations will re- main stable, be increased or rel duced. Gare aiso said that to hold to the proposed 19.6 tax rate, it will be necessary to delete a number of worthwhile projects which de- partment heads have recom- mended. Police Lt. Robert Schaule said today that plans are being com- pleted for an automobile safety check in Birmingham. The ten- tative dates selected are early in dune, probably the first two weekends, “We will not have a_ positive schedule until the several service clubs’ which have been invited to participate have been able to-make their plans,” Schaule concluded. Brakes, lights, steering and oth- er mechanical features will be tested. Windshield stickers will be placed on satisfactory vehicles. Because of their popularity, | y We The ‘Pay Hike included in New Budget commissioners and will-be submit-| _ame PONTIAC | iss siumspat. APRIL 99, 1950 classes ong } and floral _, Robin C, Turvey Service for Robin C.”~ Turvey, two-year-old daughter-of Mrs. Nora Turvey of 1604 Henrietta St. and Douglas L. Turvey Jr. of Pontiac, will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow from St. John Armenian Church in Detroit. . x kk &. Burial will be in White Chapel “Cemetery, Troy. The body is at the Manley Bailey Funeral Home. Robin died yesterday at her home after a short illness. Besides her parents, she is sur- vived by her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kachadurian of Birmingham and Mr. Mrs. “Wet Fund Vole Dee (Proms out with oi gfe -o) pond Today in State Senate somes say nests, was pu umotre, amy moe, Carr mld , -lyears for chasing. his girl friend|Humphrey “listen” after they had } (Continued From Page One) against the bill,” Sen. L. Harvey pulsed the state now would be 15 million dollars deeper in the hole, the equivalent of interest earned by the fund. Grand Rapids) asked: “Who's go- ther or we?” About two million volunteer workers are enrolled in Red Cross Douglas L. Turvey Sr. of Pontiac. activities, v Why Pay More? TO IIIL OTITIS LD hhrhbdbadahnhhadikdeaddr YOU Can't Beat SIMMS LOW. PRICES on Summer Whites and Colorsl LADIES’---MISSES'---GIRLS’ with a gun. Recorder's Judg ejhad a spat. ing to run this state, Walter Reu-|@ . Flats-Wedgies 6 & Ballerinas X Values to $3.00 _ YOUR CHOICE -: 97 —Bargain Basement <0) Bal ab) "aw a “empty’’ gun, township police re-/ His condition is reported as only. -|“‘fair’ this morning at William) The bullet angled downward and|m™ pard had gone into. his bedroom | to examine his .32-caliber auto- | by Sheppard's mother, Mrs. Earl, PY § = Ss > | a. ® 3 z ° “ z. a “WORLD'S BEST MOM” ‘GOLD’ TROPHY CUP Exactly as Pictured—3% Inch Tall Compare SIMMS SUPER-SPECIALS | Anywhere for QUALITY and LOW PRICES i | LIMITED | OFFER C | Friday & _ Saturday JE Heavy Gauge ALUMINUM _ New Designs—ALUMINUM | four chumy) mower “Uide—atee cw: HE Qt. Collanders Household Scoops : ] Ser to ‘ae $1.00 Value ' | | i] | Many uses » the kitchen. Heavy aluminum by Limit 2. ‘— Main Floor 48° Use for Lgaceceane coffee. tea, flour, | pede powder, etc. | pute poll mous shaker, NOW REDUCED for Bigger Savings! ent EASY - TO - FOLD ‘Baby Strollers | eT: $3.98 88 Reg. $8.95 Quality | Value * ws Canopy Sunsh | Lightweight, unbreakable, plastic * 7%" Wheel bowls with wide pouring lips. Deep #: Rubber Tires shape makes bowls ideal for use with @} * —_— Steel Frame - rotary or automatic mixers. Hea ecanv EAA ly | foids Tonsil a, Yocks s ihustr | | | At SIMMS! LOWEST PRICES! .NO TRADE-In on 2 -- Famous ELECTRIC SHAVERS | Choice of man y. famous makes at Simms famous LOW PR: TRADE-IN NEEDED—Use Free Layewsy at no extra A ons ~ MAIN FLOOR SPECIALS RONSON Shavers — NORELCO Shavers Plastic Covered—Tie-On Chair Cushions 4 48° Jumbo Pack—Assorted 68° re Krang aE iE 4 '— Regular Regular - $1.00 $1.49 Crenshaw, Lawrence's purse. Mrs. Lawrence claims she had gone to the Crenshaws to pay them money they demanded un- der threat of causing her to lose custody of her son. An envelope containing $500 was found at the Crenshaw home after the slaying, police said. Highest and Lowest Temperatures This te in 96 Years s@ in 1925. 26 in 1875 Weanesday's Te Temperature Chart 67 di more 60. 3 Memphis 4 rek -70 36 Miami Beach 92 wera §) $3 Minneapolis ¢? 43 ; nanea & ’ Charleston 68 565 New Orieans 69 $8 een, 4 #4 New York. "4 43; Eleva 8 29 Peliston 61 lee? oe. oe) | Pitsburg } $1 Detroit Be 40 Pit — 36: ey n| s Het 8. Peace. arn 5 A 35 8 Ste, Marie\ #2 Ay , . of City. #2 # . + a Byer e.2, bid pe 482 62 ehought’ claim that she was being. black- |mailed is only hearsay. «0 Contestant Wins, Loses MANNHEIM, Germany (UPI) 2) —Karl Schumann heard on his automobile radio that he had won a prize In the wéekly national : lottery. He became so excited he | skidddd‘ into -a e, Schumann said the | ize, tine y is os de “Hew car, ‘66! Speed Shaver Bag _ The mother of a‘ 9-year-old son, Model 66 Model cleaning foo. Kutos, dishes, wails, done bismaed tetnn felt “filing with Wayne Jr., Mrs. Lawrence was ad- . G* $24.95 Value bath. windows, ete. Assorted colors. @ easy to clean plastic covering. : mitted to the hospital with a .25, 44 boccvccccccccccccccoccooccceoeccecees | caliber pistol wound in her thigh.) sie : : * * | Model CFL In her story to Assistant Oak- | 50 ! land County’ Prosecutor James E.| With cord and Roberts, Mrs. Lawrence said she| E . : was shot as she grappled with Mrs. | REMINGTON Razors who grabbed for the. 2} 9un when she noticed it in Mrs. Prosecutor Fredrick C. Ziem, however, has said Mrs. Lawrence’s|E SCHICK Shavere Whiskeway Rollectric $22.50 List $32.50 List 1 1 44 99 Powershaver Roll-a-matic 3 $31.50 List iB) $29.95 List 95 Full 10-Ounce Size TUMBLERS Poly Plastic—Reg, $1.39 4-Piece ALUMINUM CANISTERS. 15% Gives, closer, smoother shave SUNBEAM Shavers $34.50 Car 6 or 12 Volt ... $19.95 LADIES’ Shavers Rolimaster ’58’ wonetco | For ¢ meee 99 | $23.50 List 9.49 ‘ Velue ~ 15.95 het tast | s plastic enibian with roll: @ Rustproof aluminum canisters ge rim. Wonderful for serv- oe Y ick full 10-ounce size in unbreakable plastic. “Assort- ed colors. ne " with snug fitting covers that 3 give perfect protection to con- _tents. Embossed identification, § black “‘kriobs, 10.95. : 5 Rolimaster ‘59° $23.50 List 17,95 $17. | $2, 95 Square Light Fixture cay BROTHERS 9 PPESRRLORRS LASS TA SARE ABA LL ALR AEARL ea IMM). ¥ FRIDAY. oa SATURDAY ONLY! Electric-Eye MOVIE CAMERAS Priced So Low We Can‘t Mention Brand AN Ga Smt m MOVIES Ne AU] 8mm Single Lens Model ' hi *taras ¢p, ght wi feel te ilies" “| rte ie Se ee e We can’t eatin 7 ° f —_ am "tl Minow we q 3 . Only $5 yours 4 Md is ayewey ‘ i 3-LENS TURRET MODEL o” : a FS -“parreng lens Pansy ro dines treme for “tua a eae sere : yowsy. 2 300 Watt Blower Cooled 8mm Movie new 4 $129.95 Regular Value eat $99.95 Value flt-tn case. 400 4 — hame— e this ree lay- UL UE First Quality Covered Romex Wire aera a aN 14-2 € Cut Any Per Foot Length 14-2 ROMEX & Ground—per feot...... he 12-2 ROMEX WIRE—per foot.......... 4c 12-2 ROMEX & Ground—per foot... . Se Y” Thin Wall Conduit hai _ Bave gn full ull_10-POOT _LBNOTHS.. L. _. 5 3,” Thin Wall Conduit 17? _Pull_10-POOT LENGTHS at this price Greenfield Flex Conduit %-inch size—you pay PER POOT.. Greenfield Flex Conduit ‘g-inch sise—you pay PER FOOT....: . CLAMP-ON LAMP Regular $2.95 Large reflector with covered metal clamp - ons “14 ~ 35 FOOT Electric Extension Cords 97° Durable vinyl plastie ‘ and 15 foot cord. cord fer hand tools, in .« Bulb | extra. home, factory or farm. 10c Romex Wire Ganiactics %e-inch size—for \4- -inch _knockouts .. 10c Octagon Box and ‘Hanger 4-inch size complete with clamp and bar hanger ..... 25c Toggle Switches Single pole switch in bakelite cup.. $1.95 Value -20c Duplex Receptacle : Plush receptacle with narrow ears. 39c Switch Receptacle Box 2-inch_ deep box with Romex clamp. ... eptacie® “286 GENERAL ELECTRIC Single e Pole Silent Mercury Switch © Regular $1.00 Value Silent mercury switches are complete- - ly noiseless—no loud click. Sey as many as you need. 30c Octagon Box 4-inch box, galvanized finish, less clamp.. 35¢ Porcelain Receptacle 4-inch, keyless style for ceiling, save now. 15c Toggle & Receptacle Plates: _Choice of metal or plastic plates, each. ..... 35c Current Taps Complete with pull chain, only 24 9 39c Romex Wire Staples Box of 100 staples fpr only.... ca. cee cane Modern BRASS or COPPER. Pull-Lite Fixture Regular $24.95 Value Less than half price on this mod- ern fixture —- ideal for dining rooms, breakfast nooks, over desks, . etc. Bulbs extra. Seen eneee eee ecw e teeta Modern style for dining, bed or living rooms $10.98 TV Outdoor Antenna __VHF conical p kit for only.. Gc TV Lead-in Wire—per fl. . 300 ohms, plastic weather resistant insulation .............. 60c Plastic Electrical Tape .. wid full 33-foot rolls, limtt 2 rolls. . $9.95 Pre-Wired Light Fixture About 10x10” recessed fixture, 100-watt JIMMS te io ee ee? 37 See Mere “he, 2 sees 2 eo air ' . a , - pS ii Gomreyt be Hs say oak sil hw othe SR ae ale ag ii, Mitty : ‘ . | 23 Mas eS : : : Fo ft Le ge ae _ TWELVE ‘ ae THF PONTIAC PRESS. THURSDAY, APRIL, 23, 1959 : I, gee os feb : Le ‘MRS. LUTHER L. GARNER a Pontiac hospital after a lengthy MISS MARY C. SHIFFINGTON | Deaths in Pontiac and Nearby Areas-] eeenyaeesarerrin SATURDAY ONLY of her son, the Rev. Robert Gar-|Eva DeConick of West Qloomfield, /4¢ 1729 Randolph St., Detroit, wiil : : ner of 99 Seneca St. She had been ree a son, William, of Birming- be held at 10 a.m. Saturday at St. ' CLE DAG il _nine months. ae Andrew Catholic Church here with | Mrs. Garner was a member of | “+ : i . the Friendly Baptist-Church where | CARL W. METZNER [burial of mend Heart Cemetary: her son is pastor. | ORCHARD LAKE — Service fox The Rossry wal, be siapuinln é , Surviving are a daughter, Mrs, |Carl W. Metzner, 44, of 6955 Colony |4t 8:30 p.m. tOMNCE IS at the Wi- > = : : : Bertha Jones of Pontiac; another |Dr., will be held at 10 a.m. Satur-|liam R. Potere Funeral Home here. me : : son, Fred of Phoenix, Ariz; ajday at William Vasu Funeral) Miss Shiffington died tuday in ; 3 : | § , . “sister and two brothers. Home, Royal Oak, with burial in|Detroit Memorial Hospital after 4 ; % ’ : Service will be held at 2 p.m. |Oakland Hills Memorial Gardens. ja brief illness. , . = . Friday at the Pursley Funeral/He died yesterday at William} Surviving are two brothers, Wal- ; Home. Her body will then be taken|Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak,|lace of Port Huron and Lawrence : = . to the Watkins Funeral Home injafter a short illness. of Colorado; four sisters, Miss Fabulous Allowa nce Given For Your Old Watch or Ring Dexter, Mo. for service Sunday and} yy, Metzner was an industrial Jane Shiffington of Detroit, Mrs. eon i ; : Es rtrude Wagner of Yale, rs. £ maria. « jengineer with Vickers Corp., De- Besele p ihe of Troy and Mrs. @- tere. WALTER BARRETT | |troit, Ruth Stuever of Capac. ; Here is your golden opportunity to get a“famous make watch or a magnifi- sale. Yes, we are offering the most liberal trade-in allowance in our history ROCHESTER — Service for Wal-| Surviving are his wife, Lacy, | _ 8 cent diamond ring or a Bridol-set at great savings during our Trade-in Doys. —come in ond get our offer. Your old ring or watch in most instances is your ter Barrett, 59, of 419 Maple Hin) 24 his mother, Olga. MARVIN SPURLOCK I. = You'll be surprised how much your old watch or ring is worth during this down payment and you pay the balance on the easiest terms in town—Save now! Dr., will be held at 1 p. m. Satur- , | AVON NSHIP—Servie | : day at Pixley Funeral Home here WILLIAM J. MURDOCK avon oa at Ge with burial in White Chapel Cem-. vernal. € cg (RN SPRTIOCK, 0. OF 2081 Don etery, Troy. He died yesterday si _CLARKSTON — Service for Wil- dey Rd., will be held at 2 p.m. St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, Pontiac. | lem J. Murdock, 72, of 9000 Or-|tomorrow at Moore «Chapel of the citer severa} months” iliness ‘|tonville Rd., will be held at 1 Sparks-Griffin Funeral Home in Mr. Barrett had been a em. |P-™- tomorrow at Sharpe-Goyette | Auburn Heights. Burial will be in ploy e of the National Twist D rit Funeral Home with burial in Lake-|White Chapel Memorial Ceme- and Tool Co. for the past 17-years | view Cemetery. He died Wednes- 'tery, Troy. He died unexpectedly He was president of the Rochester 72” at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, Tuesday. . Fraternal Order of Eagles and. Pontiac, aftet an illness of one} Surviving ere his wife, Tollie, past commander of the United | =U two daughters, Mrs. Joyce Tate States-Canadian Veterans Organi-; 5¥viving are his wife, Maude; both of Avon Township; and his zation. ‘a daughter, Mrs. James Engle- mother, Mrs. Virgie Spurlock. Oth- Surviving are his wife, Kather-(™4n of Lake Orion; two sons, er survivors are two sisters, Mrs. ¢ ne, four sisters and one brother, William J. Murdock Jr. of Wis--Nadine Hargraves of Auburn all of Owen Sound. Ontario. « | Consin, and Bernard of Lake An- Heights and Mrs. Evelyn Adams , igelus; three sisters and one of Pontiac; and a brother, Paul of CHARLIE E. CALHOUN | brother. Pontiac . ‘ . ° WALLED LAKE—Service = for | gems Charlie E. Calhoun, 60, of 7375)l f No Trade In Needed Richardson Ral, will be held at 2 CLIP THIS COUPON and SAVE 81c | " ~ To Buy These Fine Quality p.m. Saturday at the William Vasu SUPER SPECIAL . : ? . 17 JEWEL WATCHES Funeral Home, 4375 N. Woodward, |' Ladies’ ... Men’s . . . Boys’ Royal Oak. Burial will be in Rose- ||} LEATHER OR RUBBER land Park Cemetery, Royal Oak. if ‘\ Regular $2.50 Value é ‘ j 2. DIAMOND SOLITAIRE $62°° $1.25 Weekly 5 DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT $99 $2.00 Weekly poenemnermeates ain —_ rere DIAMOND BRIDAL DUO 999° $2 00 Weekly Watch values you con't beat! Your Choe elandsome man's or lady's _ dress watch or man's water $ 88 ond shock resistant watch, You've seen them selling elsewhere for so much more. SOc Weekly Exquisite modern style motching 14K goid rings. Trade and save. ' f MEN’S WHOLE SOLES OUR SPECIALTY ATTASHED WHILE-U WAIT OR SHOP Mrs. Thomas Mandan and Mrs. Donald Austin; one son, Kenneth; jf j- and DeWitt Alcott * ty JOSEPH COONEY WEST BLOOMFIELD TOWN. | SHIP — Service for Joseph Cooney, | $1, of 5745 W.-Maple Ave., will be held at 10-a.m. tomorrow in Our Lady of Refuge Church with burial in Mount Hope Cemetery. | The Rosary will be recited at He died suddenly yesterday of a| ] a heart attack at St. Joseph Mercy | Hospital, Pontiac. | Thers.. Fri. Sat. Only Mr. Calhoun was a plant training Ladies’ Heels Ladies’ New Put on in Heels 3 Minutes Replaced supervisor for Michigan Bell Tele. |jf! | phone Co, for 41 years. He was past |f commander of the American Le. |} “gion Denby Post 124 ee You Must Present Coupon With Shoes | ‘ To Receive Above Price j . fl f , } Trade in your eld C. J, Godhardt Funeral Home, | S S KRESGE S ej watch on a nation- Kego Harbor, at 8 tonight. 1 ° e . P ally famous, Mr. Cooney, a lifelong resident ||} SHOE REPAIR—BASEMENT : DOWNTOWN STORE Bulove. =— new of the township, died Tuesday in TT — = W styles, with occu- | three daughters, Mrs. Robert Farr, I | } 6 DIAMOND BRIDAL SET BULOVA Your Choice 357° $1.00 Weekly Both Rings 139” $2.75 Weekly aan Trade in and save on this charming matching 14K gold bridal ensemble. 3 diamonds in the engage- ment ring and 3 diomonds in the wedding bond. Surviving are his wife. Dorothy. | rote dependcbie Bulova movement, Man's or Lady’s BENRUS IT'S WAGON TIME | R & F 59° ® - $1.25, Weekly : : frade in your old watchonanation- | 7 e . ally advertised Benirus. Man's 25 jewel watch is | SENSATIONAL DEAL! | | = Brand New ‘59 Plymouth Deluxe ~ 4-Door 6-Pass. Wagon : Eo Your Choice $89>°0 $1.75 Weekly 10 DIAMOND BRIDAL SET Both Rings 174° $2.00 Weekly Trade and save on this magnificent matching brido! duette in 14K white or yellow gold. 5 diamond engagement ring and 3 diamond wedding band, “ MAN’S FIERY DIAMOND $99° $3.25 Weekly Trade in your old - watch on a Gruen —the precision made watch. Man's watch winds itself — set ' it, forget it. Lady's watch with expone sion band, Trade and save on this handsome modern style 14K gold “he man" ring, set with fiery diamond at these low prices, Use your credif, \ x : FULL ! Be fashionoble — weor a smart, modern, up-to-date ’ watch, Imagine even if your PRICE @ ‘ wotch does not run, is ; ° : broken, bent and battered, te : we will allow you a liberob IMMEDIATE DELIVERY acy. Mm less of condition, moke or mode! on ony famous moke Be fashionable — wear an up-to-date modern dia- mond ring. Imagine — even if yeur diomond ring is bent, broken or battered or o small side diamond is missing we will allow you @ liberal trade-in allowance regardless of condition on ‘any smart new style dia- sx I @ Tu-Tone Paint @ Undercoct watch in our store. Famous Automatic Lightweight Portable Automatic Electric Automatic 15-Cup | mond ring in our store. Full @ Heater @ Side View Mirror Steam or = $7] 3-Speed SPT Fry Pan $711 Cotte $77 ul y . Dry tron 7 , Mixer 7 with Cover 7 Maker @ Back-Up Lites @ Foam Rubber Seat Reg. 15.95 Reg. 15.95 Reg. 17.95 Reg. 17.95 ‘ @ Arm Rests @ All Taxes o \ Equipped @ Dual Visors @ License & Title Transfer No Trade Necessary on These Low. Low Prices! * @ Washers @ Torsion Aire-Ride ; Floor Polisher AS $777 and Conditioner All Other Plymouth Wagon Models in Stock — q Ws me ail Py Regular $15.95 $3988 @ Turn Indicators @ Safety Rim Wheels Automatic Cacteie Sunbem $ . . ee : , . Pop-Up Toaster ! unbeam AS LOW 519500 Down =|] oR ; Spot Delivers 5 a No Manes Down—Add to Waxes. aceun get | j More and more new car buyers are choosing the big beautiful rive ih agen and no wl : ‘ esr Acceent: ishes, buffs @ cleans : wonder — It's the biggest. brawniest. fun lovingest wagon in its field. For features — : rugs. ; . ec For Fun — It’s number one. Yes — you'll get more wagon-per-dollar in your low-cost New PHILCO ; > New PHILCO ‘59 Plymouth. Small wonder it's America’s favorite family wagon! TODAY'S BEST BUY—TOMORROW'S BEST TRADE . Printed Circuit Cuarantees "Slender Set” styling .. Big | Come in Now — Take the ‘“Two-Mile Try-Out!” Long Life for This Phone - four- inch Speaker with naw . g . Hi-Power Radio NO Duo Sound iystem. Luminous a ie | MONEY FEderal clock hands. | ; 50 : R:.R MOTORS, INC. |} .% 915% 3-704 so $9988 a Week DOWN BBUET Lateral yyy ‘ Predicta: Radio : , Clock Radio | __ CHRYSLER -- PLYMOUTH -- IMPERIAL, foo | 724. OAKLAND AVE. _ PONTIAC FE 4-3528 a e _THE PONTIAG: PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1959 a : hn t 7 : 3 = . — > _ . — ce covers 2,000 square milés of Okla- CHEYENNE, Okla. (@—Le e|he has been delivering The Sunday families by airplane, © A. Gage took two youngsters into|cidentally shot t bimeelt 1 in the foot.jof an i asalins 3 icerhor Is ‘Airborne’ - |homd snd Texas. For seven years onda Negative sichilenes thd tila to show them the proper| A meter has been developed way to handle a rifle. Gage was|that can’ measure electric current cs © 1959 : —, 17 oe Nha Walt Disney Productions + omar Hy | en ell _ Worlg Rights Reserved / & A COWBIRD, : . LAZY SUSAN OF THE BIRD WORLD, SPOTS AN UNGUARDED NEST. SHE QUICKLY LAYS BBR OWN. EGG AND DEPARTS. 7 BUT THIS TIME MRS. COWBIRD HAS PICKED THE _ WRONG. NEST. re’ —— , MorHER YELLOW-BREASTED CHAT. ~ - RETURNS, DETECTS THE FRAUD, AND DESTKOYS THE EGG. SOMETIMES SHE . WiLL DESTROY rier OWN AS WELL. > Distributed by y King Features Syndicate. 4- 23 t Power Firm Soon \Could | E ase Property Levies Can Buy State Plat Local Income Tax Posed LANSING: W — Only Senate) LANSING w — The new local; Geerlings is firmly opposed to al agreement on a minor amendment, income tax bill before the Legis-| state income tax, pointing up the, ‘ stood’ in the way today of final! lature opens the way for city fa-;competitive situation presented by. | ; ; ithers to offer property tax reduc-|proposals for leyies on the same i legislative action on a bill to sell, Ition bait in exchange 1 for authority revenue base at two levels of gov- | a state-owned site on Lake Erie1, exercise excise taxing powers. ernment. | to the Detroit. Edison Co. | It could be one of the most. im-| x * * | ‘The House approved the megsure portant features of the bill intro-/ Under the city tax bill, sums CS Need a Troel Life Aaventores « |Roark has a newspaper route that| Oklahoman to 365 ranch and farm) RUSSELL, Kan. (AP) — Charles|back home in short order. He ac-|of one thousandth of : trillignth J New Roof ? For a new roof or any bome repairs -.-... Those little jobs cared for today cuts costly bills tomorrow... Protect your investment by doing the job NOW. -HEAD-OFF THE PROBLEMS WITH A ‘Modernization é : LOAN: ° Offices at W. Huron... N. Perry... Keego Harbor .. . Walled Lake... Milford ... Union Lake... Lake Orion —- . Waterford and Bloomfield Hills ne a en National | Bank o F PownwttaA ¢ MEMBER FEOTRAL OFPORIT mSURANCE CORPORATION @ wee eva ts * * 98-0 yestérday but amended ft to'duced yesterday ‘by Sens. ide) raised through excises could | require that the $12,000 to be paid/H. Geerlings (R-Holland) and Lew-| not exceed the amount produced — for the property. go into the game jis G. Christman (R-Ann Arbor) as) by property taxation, effectively | and fish protection fund. The Sen-|an answer to city and village. limiting the amount of property | ate approved version would put! rev entie problems. | tax relief that could be offered | ~ “the money in the general fund. The maximum one per cent | Voters. The site, adjacent to the new tax provided On personal, pro- | Cities and villages, with voter Enrico Fermi wuclear power | fessional’ and business incomes (consent, could levy on salaries, plant in Monroe County, is need- | could be levied only after refer- | wages, commissions and other} } ed for @ water intake channel, | endum approval of a charter compensation and income, as well) _— Also. passed. were bills” making amendment. as: Om net profits earned by per-. minor changes in commercial fish-|~ ‘But ingeniously, the bill would sons, firms or corporations from | ing regulations and requiring ajallow incorporation into a single|business, professional and other) minimum two year jail -sentence {proposed amendment, to be voted activities. for persons convicted of cdmmit-|on as one question, the proposition | * ting aggravated assault during anjof reducing the maximum rate! They would be allowed to levy | armed robbery. . junder the general property tax. |the tax on non residents for wonk} ' Often before the Legislature | done or services performed or! First American woman surgeon has rejected bids by cities for ex-|rendered within the city, thus en-| was Clemence Harned Lozier of panded local taxing pewers. The | abling city governments to tap; New York. Born during the War Geerlings-Christman bill was of- fringe’ dwellers butside the corpo-, of 1812, she was 40 when she got | fered in behalf of the Michigan rate limits.and beyond the reach of | her medical degree: > |Munitipal League. ithe city’s property tax. we a ee ye _ Diem’s Big 3-Day Selling of ‘éll Pairs of Better Shoes With All Leather Soles These are broken sizes of better shoes—all famous names—regu- larly priced much higher—choice of brown or black—not all sizes in every style, but all sizes in the group. If the size you wear is in the style you like—Mister you've got a bargain! Your Choice © Jarman = == ® Crosby Square ® Freeman nie ® British Brogues ® Bates © . > ~@ Winthrop © Mansfield _ © Howard Foster ‘PAIR Park Free In Any Lot in om ' Pontiac with ‘ by] ' Purchase of < $2.00 or More F- a 87: North Saginaw Street OPEN MONDAY and’FRIDAY ’til 9 P.M. Py WU 1 2,or 3-INCH CUTTING HEIGHTS j _— NO MIXING OlL AND GAS 3 H.P. CLINTON ENGINE CUTS GRASS EVENLY FULL 24-INCH CUT ment, 1-to-3 inches. HURRY! COME IN...PHONE... WKC, 108 N. Saginaw Please send me the Deluxe 24-Inch Power Mower with 4. Cycle, | Recoil Starter, Hand Throttle Engine with $5.00 Down Payment re- 4 quired. | agree to pay $1.00 weekely on balance. r {] New Account (0 Charge to My Account | 0 Full Amount Enclosed | 3 () Send C.0.D. Nome ......' ' mn Address —..... :' Phone Pas City cece heen iapan sects ZONE oer. State Employed by . faces FAG LONG. secnnrpincesnitssonnaatennnensiin ae or Have Hod Accounts OD irene seats Sam : te RECOIL STARTER AND THROTTLE ON HANDLE CHROME HANDLES Not ‘exaggerated, ‘but full 24” swath cut. Ball bearing, slip-proof wheel, front and rear. 14- gauge heavy ribbed steel deck, safety engi- neering design — Lifetime Guarantee! Jumbo 3 H.P. 4-cycle Clinton engine. Side discharge chute —trims within 3% of an inch. Leof mulcher included. 7-in. chrome handles — easily adjusted with stain-proof grips. Case hardened suction type blade with safety sheor pin — cuts grass evenly. Positive height adjust- OR MAIL THIS COUPON REPEAT OF A SELLOUT! Ainch Swath ROTARY MOWER with ciinton@@-CYCLE Hcol'8-HLP, ENGINE Yaovrsinorrus YO URS for ONL Y.. , 47" ae FE 3.7114 Ask for KITTY KELLY * ” OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT ‘til 9 Phone FEderal 37114 108 NORTH SAGINAW ¢ % ON mec A RM “ ns tg Pt a inthe g aint Pa AR A I — AER NIB — ce ae tae eateries ei ne Church Slates of. the Orion area branch of the 4 La “THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1959. are THE. PON TIAC P RESS_ PONTIAC, ; MICHIGAN | a Sooty Health Program| - St. Joseph Altar Society Plans Cancer Detection Meeting April 29.. LAKE,.ORION—The Rosary Al- tar Society of St. Joseph.Catholic Church will conduct the final pro- gram in its current health series| at 8 p.m. April 29 at. St. Joseph Parochial School. lt will be a cancer detection pro- gram to be presented through the aid of Mrs. Harry Slater, chairman, American Cancer Society. The local church organization has previously sponsored a polio clinic and a TB skin-testing pro- gram. Guest narrator at the April 29 meeting will be Drs John Marra, pathologist at Pontiae General Hos- pital and chairman of the Oakland/ County Branch. of the American Cancer Society. He will answer! questions concerning cancer detec- tion after his talk. * * * There also will be a display of, ' Set for Another Season materials and supplies from the cancer office in the Orion Town ship Hall This office is open every Tues- day and is staffed by voluntee PREPARE CAMPSITE — The installation of Pontiac Press Phote at Romeo Church ROMEO—Charles Webb; mem- ber of the Fred Waring Music. Workshop staff, will. be featured. in an organ concert at 8 p.m. Sun-)of a city-owned water system here, 'day at.the First Methodist Church.,is moving closer to realization. i Webb was minister of music at, x «©. * ‘Oaklawn Methodist Church in The. City Council is sending Dallas Tex., before going to the George Shaw, city manager, and University of Indiana to work on| Robert Zamstein of Civil Engi- his doctorate in performing arts. | neers, Inc. to Chicago in the near 5 | . : , ‘ Cited as one of the,;most out- | future to discuss financing a pre standing young musicians in the Southwest in a recent issue of a | Sern | They will seek answers to. national magazine, Webb is a graduate of Southern Methodist | final questions from the Housing University. After graduation he | 89d Home Finance Agency be- served as assistant dean of music | fore submitting an ae pepe “there in addition to training the te the firm for a grant of $20,000 university choir. | The grant would be used for the; | Force officer, during which time ~~ jhe organized a glee club that, toured the country giving special! concerts and programs Ser Air Force auspices. tliminary survey for a water sys- | system and provide for maps show- {ing the docation of water- mains: | and wells. * * * . After the survey. is completed, the council will place the facts, financing the construction of a} city-owned water system. | If approved at the polls, the ‘grant for $20,000 would have to be) paid, under the stipulations of a’ before the residents to authorize! ao Noted Orsenist Walled Lake Takes. ‘Stabe Leading to Water System — WALLED LAKE—The possibility| termine the actual cost of a water’ Congressional Act governing such | grants. At the present. time, only the | Carole Acres and the Tri-A sub- divisions have water systems in- stalled. All other residents are dependent on private wells.- . “The grant is being asked with ithe exception that as a result of | the survey a water system will be established for the city,’’ City Man- ager Shaw said. ‘ —_——— Agency Forecasts 8 Pct. ‘He served two years as an Air | preliminary survey. bad would de- Decline in Farm Income each in built-in 1. Cleaning up -a new well near Tamarack Lake in the Bald Mountain Recreation Area near Lake Orion is the first step before construction of two frontier cabins in the riorthern section of the park. Work on the cabins which will sleep some 22 persons FF. Parker. Clifford C. Rathbun, Park Manager William N. Rathburg (indicating cabins site) and Bernard bunks is scheduled to begin May around the well are from left, County Civil Defense Welfare Head Named Emergency welfare services of ‘the Civil Defense program have’ \ taken another step forward with! | the appointment of Dr. Leif Hou-| igen, superintendent of West Bloom-, i j The agency now mets this in-| WASHINGTON Ww — A billion- jlower prices would more than off> dollar decline’in net farm income | set this in determining net income, for 1959, amounting to 8 per cent, | is being forecast by the Agricul-| tural Marketing. emu , * * Supper Planned tow expect this for New Group ‘come to tota t 100,000,000 | ‘this year com paned with $13,100,- ‘at Area Church _ 000,000 last year, Such a reduc-) tion..would leave returns still con-- ROCHESTER —.The Senior Hi women in the community. Mrs. Harold Sitzes, service manager, | Will present a resume of the Vol- | unteers’ work. | A business meeting will follow the cancer detection program aft-| er which refreshments will be served by St. Jude Guild ees By LEE WINBORN ORION TOWNSHIP — “We're lready for another season,’ Wil- ilia am N. Rathburg, manager of | |Bald Mountain Recreation Area, isaid today. ~ at Bald Mountain Area There is no established camp | Park are rifle and trap - site, but Rathburg said he will | ranges. Use of ail firearms in find places for campers Upon | other part of the recreation request, {'s prohibited from April 1 to Sept. One of the facilities for roug primitive camping is designed pri-|'© rifles and pistols, shooting} i’ Pontiac Real Estate Board; Right] h.| 130. Last year it was closed only but so much field Schools, as. chairman of ‘the’ |lodging branch committee for Oak-| ‘land County. A committee has been appointed ito assist Dr. Hougen. Included are | Cramer Partridge, president of thet~” we Mh Rev. Renal Eugene Paddeek of Holy Name Church, Birmingham: | Mrs Virginia Warren, coordinator) ANN ELIZABETH BROWN of emergency welfare services for Several things are expected to help bring about such an income cutback, One was listed as a pro- spective increase in farm produc- tion expenses, During the first quarter of this year, costs ran at the rate of about a billion quarter last year. dollars above those in the first | \siderably above the 1957 level of ‘Westminster Feljowship_ of the $10,800,000 ,000. | University Presbyterian Church ‘will sponsor a Kick-Off Supper for \the newly-formed Junior Hi West- minster Fellowship at 6 p.m, Sun \day at the church, * After a meal there will be a iworship service of prayer and sing- jing and a pane! discuss ion of Figure Club Meets, Dines in Rochester ROCHESTER — Thirty-six mem- bers of the Fashion Your Figure! tathburg was directing his re- mark to area sportsmen who are groups who have day-camp pro- looking forward to the fishing sea- grams. which opens at midnight to-| The camp area for these units; morrow. He said that the three js isolated from other conflicting! trout streams and Bald Mountain activities, and troops can carry on |marily for Scout and other youth! damage was done by shotguns, they were added to the list this sea- son Rathburg said that he is antic- Oakland County, acting ex-officio, on the committee; and Peter Tara- pata of Smith-Tarapata-Mc Mahon, 3irmingham architectural firm. are Rev Wedding plans for June 27 are being made by, Ann Elizabeth Brown and Joseph P. Seidel. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Brown of 316 High- ‘teenage problems. Another is a reduction in gov-| The Junior Hi group will then ernment payments under the soil; hold a. business meeting to plan bank land retirement program. their first regular meeting on May The agency expects farmers to'3 and future outings advisors ipating the establishment of bri- die trails for horsemen in the Plans Membership Drive Ae on the committee Paul Durham of Royal Oak, Rabbi land Ave., Rochester and he is the son of Mr. and Mrs. O. Paul sell more products and to take/for the new organization are Mr. in a larger volume of cash re- and Mrs. Bruce Loerch and Mr, : ' 29ond (for flv fishing only) their programs without interfer- ‘ i ' 7 ak Park b attended the annual dimer Trout Pon : > : weir prog ino! as T-| area sometime soon, siton Rosenbaum of Oak Park, : captine anal voor: am last night at ang Wet Mocked. MAS fish and'ence. It is “excellent” Rathburg “Wherf@he money becomes avail- Robert Stevens of Madison meudet of Columbanus, Ohio. _ eee. But the higher costs and | and Mrs. Raymond Johns. — angle : fa. oi in aetna on yer " ac $ ave . : _ Gérda’s Restaurant on Main street ready for eager anglers. said, for hiking. mapping, signal- able.’ he added. “we have a pro- Heights, motel chairman, and Eda- Sexe ee “3 ONE MAN TELLS . ANOTHER # here an 4 Each stream has been stocked ng and me —_— gram of development planned “in Dre yer, amusement building Seki oe oan Corsages were presented to Mrs. with about 250 lega -size--+Faut which als will include a 30 © airmar Walter Stump, president, and to and the fly pond with 1,000 fish | A mew well has just been put, re take on Tut Crock with The committee will study proper e e the four past presidents, Mrs Ray- in preparation for opening day. in near Tamarack © Lake in the beach, camping and additional pic- allocation of space in buildings 9 mond Kizer, Mrs, Edwin Kage. The streams are Trout Creek, northern section of the park. Its: nie facilities.”’ of all types for shelter _ epee. 1¢ inson S Mrs. Helen Towian and Mrs. Rob- gSpring Creek and Paint Creek. installation paves the way for con- - ts * * = a i 3 struction of two frontier cabins on ; - ee in som ved | There are generally two roare ~ "0 ) > frontice 4 ) “We aim ov a oe a. Sets Benefit Card Party 3 “Pi S — k If rs. rem received a s F: : e% athburg . F 1 attractive park,’’ Rathburg sak : 5 conte tae me eo endy chub fi i plantings 2 x F a i The cabins, which will sleep @ ne ae gin during i high' CLARKSTON — A benefit card? icture ult eeps £0! pro saeaber who has copsistently Wolf Lak atche he “Kalen abe, 22 Be Built-in: bunks. wil be 1 fir I riod we need every tperty hse been scheduled for 8 ° : 1 . ’ Ol ane atchery - in MaAMa- on otod i tes ab Fr lazard lire pe , : ¥- ‘tw Ne me sc + « lost weight since joining the elmb. §y00 and are placed in the Bald Ce aie ote papiengienn one’s cooperation to see that thisip.m. tomorrow by the Clarkston Jay Herbert in top form when he travels. Mrs. William Eckert had gnaim: \oumtain waters by personnel rectiohs-censervation program ie natural habitat for all types of Elementary School Library Board a . tained her ideal weight roa from the Drayton Plains Fish year and also received a cor Hatcher. sage, Bald Atountain Recreation Aves Two members received corsages Covers 2.406 acres on MZi, Sout for attaining their ideal weight dur. ¢@8t of Lake Orion. It aes vd ing the past year. They were Mrs. vantage -of natural scenic fe atures! Laura Hollow ay and Mrs. David to offer picnic sites which will ac-! Cation . commodaté, 200 people at most in James Henderson. trainer with any one loc: ati jon Leader Dogs for the Blind of Roch-, The picturesque lakes and. ester, showed the film, ‘Whither streams dense \woods, open groves Thou Goest’? followed by a ques- and hills combine to make the tion and answer period) Games area altractive to all who like to were played before the close of the drive out in the country for a PEDETAM:, picnic or camp-out Will Meet at Avon Park Rochester Music Group ROCHESTEP. — The Rochester to the concerts are by season ticket, Civic Music Assn. will launch plans Ot by membership card in other; in ,the area > Music Assns for a membership drive at a des- Sate. Music Assn i sert and coffeé hour to be held at x * * 1. next’ Thursday at the) .” F a wiine to al Park. Robert B.! An exchange plan is in effect in Farris campaign chairman ai: communities with Civic Music nonce” voday a Assns. which entitles any member ~ re of one association to attend any, ” * : 543 . or all concerts in the other towns— At this meeting a Civie Musie ‘oT a! concerts in the r fown L for the price of one member- representative from New York City, all will speak to the group. He will su ship. pervise the local campaign whitch The Waterford, Lapeer, Wayne will include a house-to-house drive and Trenton Civie Music Assns. designed to see that all Rochester alf welcome Rochester members residents are contacted personally, to their concerts. Harris said. _ Harris said the local association's Frank Irish, association prest- (goal for next vear is to double the dent, said during the past season membership. He added that only. he has received a number of re- artists of national and international | quests for tickets to individual ‘reputation are engaged to appear: performances. x *« * x ke * Mrs. C. Ward Crissman is chair-. He told inquirers that admittance|man of the April 30 affair. conducted. The inmate crew ‘will The ait anager stated th: begin work on the cabins -about Me afca manage sl a Mav 1 SHOOTING OFFERED Or her fac tities offered by _the rural setting. A a0, A 40,000 aE OPEN TONIGHT ‘TIL 9:00 128 NEW CHAIRS! . SWIVEL ROCKERS—LOUNGE CHAIRS—RECLINERS— SE 4 DANISH CHAIRS—OCCASIONAL CHAIRS | Sespedincwahd ee ye eee BEAD. ie BUTER j i Roe HE'S OUT OF HIS ORBIT! ~_— SON HE DEFIES GRAVITY AND IS EASY TO OPERATE, NO WINDING KEY TO FUSS WITH, SIMPLY PULL A STRING $ oeets AND ORBY IS READY TO GO. HE 1.25 SIZE x5) WALKS ON SMOOTH, NON-POR- °° OUS SURFACE REGARDLESS OF Tan ACIN. ANGLE OR ELEVATION. HE'S ALL | YOURS FOR ONLY eedliaeee ewes a) NGHAM' ee e | ee Seen “| SAVE MONEY. is an TABLETS F° | STRAIGHT 3 | : BOTTLE OF 100 Jim u: ff | : | . 4 : OO [ SALE DAYS THRU SUNDAY | 4 KAA i S | GARDEN SUP PLIES B= BOURJOIS BOURJOIS | CHECK YOUR h; Evening tn Paris Evening In Paris | As Deononne PERFUM : 3 al Cn BOX | . % s1.00 EE Oc (9 = A UNING RA ULTIVATOR, a2 ~ commer aan i | EB rk SEED On GRASS SHEARS _—IEEDING FOR cee eens: i GRASS SALE 36s 10 OUNCE BAG i ; gounce rox FI Fi RED LIP i | mice CLAEY'S fH & Hol genres 4 Ve 1m SORDON HOE ZEt 3: A ‘ EK 44 we GS GG oe we a 5, Lo o@ es ‘ ~ LEMON fo fo npaceme |) 1 PISTACHIO : Es E ny aw Se 6 ea ted | AME ja ’ DROPS é es “ewe ~ | HH BG Gy SPIKIE TANGY Ore Fi f iP ger. SLASTIC LEMO! he | - - SPRINKLING ren age FLAVOR bok eg RING SPRINKLER 4 SOJOURN FOLDING | FOUNTAIN | 4 : SYRINGE | SENSATIONAL FREE OFFER! 2 Z, nes WITH ariacummers en ee NUTRI TONIC scaaTic Baan WaaP By DANDRUFF Sommerer ma NNANT JUMBO coLen gk ge P PENNANT PRINTS I a. Di $1.25 SIZE NUTRI TONIC LOTION uivina ccLon” =! i | ‘ bo 2) DRUFF GIT eer 75¢ SIZE DAN . ik 4 ; C oo I REE... 35mm Transparencies 3 x At i Corn Ca - j REGULAR 1 From Kodachrome, BE pe schat e wereeses $2.00 VALUE 25 @ Ektachrome, and Ci i Ema —_—_—e $3 Fac F BOTH FOR Hf 5c SIZE: id Garey {4 = Anscochrome ea. : ngent } se ONLY 7 : be WC in | | FAST AC aie mee | | . SJ JENS £ ie oT ACTING REtigg Ba i TRITOP \ Ff esc Foaming Action! Relieves 7 FULL OUNCES BRO b Pee A pf] f] FOR Heapacues GiASs Y hp aloes Itching Scalp Irritation. D:O. Cc. CIGAR! £LOS anil a BOW DENTURE RUM eon FOR of is . DR WE T'S R FRESHNE! 9: 45. SIZE TOOTHERUSHES CLEANSER |}4§ = ose: | SPECIAL ; 24-PRY ab py fe BM 4) PRICE 3 BOX OF 12.° 3% CHILDS ae 9 HES ; 2 MONTHS SUP ; é £ c: : TFB gcse : Fast wi 6325 Oe SS 2% a NYLo for 59 ; Acting 63' . eee of: : on the pewie preferred to con- | Seger ss et Rie EIN sian sings snanednadiiasmdecmmendaneaeaenennes ss as desi y the Chinese than ° — Drastic Further Markdowns @ COUNTLESS ROLLS @ FAMOUS NAME such stand tortures any longer. “Markets are closed; essential consumer goods have disappeared; Reduced Again! Imported Caved WILTON & Reduced Again! e aa aS oe peary, | Tatts’ TWEED Pee bere’ deathe fase houses trom seme gue $50 FEE voy oes, cour ge oF Fics First. qesality as Mastond, Alden artificial starvatiqn_ caused by the wae ee ee oa tes sae ell tar 008 cw % broadloom. rth, Mogee ond Chinese. Any mektion of devotion most dealers’ cost today. gq, yd. A Stephen Leedom. to the Dalai Lam} was a serious . crime a le were being @ HUNDREDS of @ EVERY TEXTURE, forced to show their entire devo-_ Remnants and rugs of color and pattern tion to the Panchen Lama. . imaginable. Shop “ every sizes and texture. , Large numbers of nuns, who early. locally are called ‘ennis,’ have . been forced to live in army camps at the pleasure of the Chinese. Several nuns reportedly__ committed suicide to escape | Chinese brutalities,” he said. Lithon, anothePrefugee, said : : : Reduced Agein! “Reduced Agoint 20.000 Chinese troops were search. 100°, Acrilan Texture She Wool NYLON Twist As court appointed liquidators for the entire stock of the Mc- Candless store in Pontiac, Beckwith-Evans brings their unlimited experience and integrity to this liquidation. Merchandise will be available at all 5 Beckwith-Evans stores, in addition to the McCandless store in Pontiac. All merchandise will be sold as is, and because of the limited quantities available in many of these items, it will be sold'on a first come, first served basis. gs PA ad ing each house and every person Heavyweight all acrilan ao A heavyweight wool and $950 a, It would be wise to: in search o: offenders along the Curation te ee ec te Retin & paar southwestern border of Tibet and ie be 3 axt COME EARLY FOR THE BEST SELECTION! that most of the people had fled cole cont uriow TEDIACe® og. yd. ss sa.yd. ave SAVE 30 to 60% on Giant REMNANTS and RUGS t® the barren plateaus and now « bate peers e dying of hunger and cold. bee nS. es ee ee Part rolls, roll ends and remnants at unheard of prices. Many large enough x & SS OSS SE * to carpet’a home wall to wall. All remnants sold AS IS. This is a partial we Cunene rave contscted | [ Reduced Again! Reg. $1.49 Arist : —“« # Now rer, ce © é in - i iptio as the area and have scorch-earthed SANDRAN ASPHALT Tl LE: 12'x934" . Nutia Wool Twist ............. $130 $ 54 all the standing crops in the field, bee . Marbleized , ’ ' turning the entire vegetation into 6’x6 Pd Meester ¢ - xis . Nutria Bark Tweed ..... sae ewes $110 $ 29 ashes,"’ he said. Way Below - Light and dark : 15’x9"4 Green Carved Wilton ..........5180 $ 79 ' Ed perees _ beg food Cost ‘ colors Oar nine ee 520 ai ae ww Hew e130 : a3 rom ‘thinese officer at the e Standard Ga., $3.50 lity. x8" utria Wilton ............ . nearest camp, waiting hours in pely BASE SHiGs LAID LINOLEON "= 15’x9°4” Beige Heavy Twist .............5180 $ 65 : V qT. Spatt 12’x10’4" Beige Textured Wilton ..........$140 $ 55 | 8p. er * nee é Woman Buys at Sale, Reduced | $ 49 © Straightline 12’x10°6 Green Loop Texture ...... oo eee 9140 $ 55 Pays Later by Mail Again EA. “sent 15’x17'7" Gold Tweed Bark ..............$280 $129 y Y | ont Rolls Se. a 15’x13'6” Grey Nylon Loop ........... $200 $ 88 McALESTE. Oeta. PA wom bee ieee 3 RR AES ae UP ee OF pees ah 15‘'x16’S” Grey Wool Bark ............... $300 $ 99 ens hat shop here received a : ass satpro lwe , is ihe Pvt reed ’ ’ y) check in the mail with an explana- eI 63 what sig ergy Det. se phtg. Sipae DIRE ee ‘ SR MG es Te 8'x10 - Porch Rug (as is) .............. . ar : 5 tory note. ¢ 12’x9’ Acrilan Beige Tweed ........... $140 $ $9 It iggieoniet et the sender. a 12’x17'9" Martini Heavy Twist .......... $290 $ 99 woman, boug e hat during a ‘ task ; 4 ‘ +. eynreyee m 5 sale and, unable to get. a clerk to Lidia fs IS ue Ee a ce at, FRAMERS, tee he fe SC 12'x23'2" Oyster Loop Wool ee re 210 $ 99 wait on her, merely walked out ts xinte agen? korea a kit Pet Vea Rape Pas 12’x20’9 Grey Finest Twist ....... gueeews $320 $139 with the hat, It was,casier that Fe coerce 2 ae Atha he poke cy A oe eran Yeti at 12'x12’ Beige Heavy Twist ............ $192 $ 79 WAY, ‘tne: Dote seid, ar f es 12’x13’5” . Grey Wool Bark ..............$220 $ 99 | educed Again 2S d Reduced Again! orn bonne Twi $360 $143 - ead Textured Bark WILTON re ie Textured Wool WILTON Se : i“ ; tne tee ang ae€ aes ‘ bi a ine smality au B An abstract effect all Ont *x10°6” eige ag OM «aes teeee- i ‘ $11 TP “Side tn chetee $450 F cee * a3 i : $450 aoe 12’x13’10" Brown Nylon Tweed ..... ..e... $180 $ 79 | : sey Mpnal, inakk -auens ox A iS ene a“ sq. yd. fis 12'x24'5” | Wool Beige Loop .......... . «8340 $149 | “qj Candless’ original cont _ ae EONS Bie: 12’x18’ 3-Ply Heavy Twist ........ .... $300 $ 99 | ’ : ABE Sages eI 9'x12’ Blue Porch Rug (as is) ..... seaes$ 30 $ 7 Rj h y , 2G Fyre ; oe >, Ye. we ol 9’x12’ Natural Porch Rug (as is) ......5 30 $ 7 on IC man S ‘ Ss 8'x10" Natural Porch Rug (as is) .......$ 27 $ 5 : 3s at : . - , » kf x A : 15’x23'4” Beige Nubine Wilton ...... ....$590 |, $299 ___ Wrap up today’s best buys! Richman's fine quality Oa eee Sank = 12’x14’3" Beige Shag Cotton ............. $ 95 $ 39 | clothes are yours at famous Richman savings. : i BET e AS SS ey, 5'7"x15’ Wool Bark ............ 2.00005. $ 90 $ 25 | : ce CE Ga ae ek 4 15’x4'4" Green Thick Bark .........-... $ 80 $ 15 _ Skilled craftsmen take personal family pride ri eR eae eR , 12’x5'4” Beige Heavy Twist ............ $ 84 $ 19 | in the tailoring. You buy direct in Richman stores % Go « 4 q ’ ‘eee ae Rar , 15’x5’3 Green Bark Tweed ............ $100 $ 22 | —no big middleman profit i eel | gy, Reduced Again! Te or ea oe 12'x5'7” Green Acrilan Tweed .......... $80 $19 | 8 PAD POIs 30 Jntinte Sie pile, . Heavy. Plush PILE 2 Nylon Back TWEED. & 12x42” Grey Scroll Wilton. .......... $ 70 $ 12 | Get better clothes, lower prices, everytime, amous make, durable PL Be, ceiwe amous toa, . cotton plush.” 12) wide $9°8 oe Sea. $990 Uy 9’x12’ - Aqua Cotton Loop .............. $ 49 $ 12 | at your nearby Richman store! for $5.00 yd. Below Mc- BUR. or coors. “Helo w Men 3 9’x12" Brown Cotton Loop ............ $ 49 $ 12 Candless’ original cost. * Candiexs’ original cost 1“g! J rad < Candles! sigan! eat, 4, iG x10" Wool Bark Beige .........,....8120 $38 | — FINE SUITS STILL *3995 Sie Nady 9°x12’ Green Cotton Loop .......... ...6 49 $12 . MATCHING $1295 i ee | HASTE RSS ES. ae eS oe ae 9'x12" Aqua Cotton Loop .............8 49 $ 12 fo i ; | 12'x17'10" 3-Ply Heavy Twist .............. $290 $95 Ri i c hh ree ci FB _ $1.00 Weekly | aig , LIQUIDATION MERCHANDISE AcCANDLESS, Inc. BROTHERS Aer NOW AVAILABLE at ALL FIVES: T , BECKWITH-EVANS STORES: AMD : 63 NORTH PERRY STREET J | MIRACLE MILE ovinven., ~s-m "HE9 PL OM. ‘Monday--Thursday--Friday--Saturday ~~ | : "5" CREDIT CAN BE ARRANGED SHOPPING CENTER | . Sagi 2-2400]} = oy Dona 2 _ 45 N. Saginew FE 2-2400 I} = ; _— . tes Fn. “Only 10% Down — Up to 2 Rects Pay . Open Daily 10 A. M. te'9 P.M. e = , . _ - 5 ; i . ‘ ¥ * - i : at > { _THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1959 < Canada Sports. Its Own Flavor Money, Gas, Speech ~ Among items Tourists Find Different, lin the Urtited States. They’lt also toria Day, May 18 this year, is another national holiday. Because Canada, like the’ United of, their frizzy, upstanding hair. once meant certain ‘death among |They still consider it poor taste to To touch another pérson’s head Stes ‘States, is made up of people from many ‘lands, festivities ‘on special: pecasions range from Highland games to Ukrainian folk -festivals: American ‘tourists will find Canada's climate similar to that find, when shopping, «familiar brand names in the stores. - After all, Carfada is a North American “OTTAWA «(UPI — Planning 10, ‘visit Canada this summer? If you travel by car,’ ‘remember that Canada uses the “imperial gallon,” which ig 20 per cent big- ger than the U. S. gallon. Remember, also, that the U.S. dollar is valued at slightly less than the Canadian dollar, based on the Wall Street rate of exchange, which is determined by the law of supply and demand. American travelers will find it convenient to obtain Canadian funds from their bank before en- ‘tering Canada, thereby saving lat St. Michael's country, too. Men to Serve U; p Chicken Dinner A family-style chicken dinner will be served by St. Michael’s' Church Men’s Club Sunday, with iproceeds going to the church building fund. Dinners will be served from noon to 6 p. m. inthe -church hall. The food will be prepared and served by the men. Members in the bother of making calculations when spending money. — In Canada, only the major cities provide night club. Montreal has _ [TRIANGLE | Furniture Co. 128 S$. Woodward, Birmingham age South of Maple Road — é _ - CUBA WAS NEVER LIKE THIS — New York detectives make an unsympathetic audience. for bearded and uniformed Pedro Garcia at Pennsyl- vania railroad station in New York, after he was held for questioning when found carrying a gun. its population (1,700,000) than any other city in North America. * * * AP Wirephote Garcia, 31, is chief of security force for Cuban Premier Fidel Castro. Garcia was in a crowd waiting for Castro’s arrival by train when the gun was spotted. After his identity was estab- lished, he was ‘released. | Speaks English. Residents in most uve. BETTER By Pan lof Quebec province, parts of New a on ae mt Brunswick and Ontario, speak : : Chl TTT eit . ; . French. Elsewhere, English is : wmrz BRAND New CA McCarroll Cub square dancing by 4th and Sth| Let’s Name Him. Gramps spoken, , graders. Prizes for the most orig-; inal costumes went to Mr. and Mrs.'After His Grandfather Oren Clauson of 960 Spence St. - | IOWA CITY: Iowa Ph — A little Charles Kline was awarded 4/girl was telling about the new ar-; wolf badge, two silver arrows and | rival at her house, a gold arrow, and John Horton a| “J think we're going to call him | gold arrow and a silver arrow. Gramps,” she said. Sidney Olson and his son, Paul,} The little girl had heard the baby, received two-year pins, and Dennis,;was to be named after her grand- | Graham a bobcat pin, father. “For the Best Deal in the Long Run” ’ BUY sage bx. NEW FORD age Foy MOTOR Beattie : 586) Dixie eee, | at the Light in Waterford The national holiday in Canada ig Dominion Day, duly L _View ‘Down on Farm’ “Down on the Farm"’ was the theme of Tuesday night’s meeting of Cub Scout Pack 17 of McCarroll School OR 3-1291 OR 3-5444 “A highlight of the meetirig was They'l! fly right off the racks... and no wonder! See the most fabulous selection of shirt dresses ever! Woven acetate- cotton stripes... in soft candy colors on white or beige. Detailed with back yokes, bows, ties... pert collars, sashes, sweeping skirts and their own crinolines! No wonder they'll fly off the racks . . . they're beautifully styled. . . | ridiculously low priced! 2705 Orchard One Mile W. of rae ~ ‘ 200 N. Saginaw St.—Free Parking in the Rear , | | ° 3 > icharge (Harry Killian and Steve Turner. include Harold Martin, Joe Rohr- more nightspots in ‘proportion to) Don’t think everyone in Canada) include Gayle Coulson, Others working on the project back, John Flanigan, James Campbell, John Cleaver and Dan Call. Co-chairmen of the meal are Edwin Backus and W. F. Brown. The national parks of Canada set a new attendance record during |the past summer when 3,311,928 visitors entered the 18 scenic parks across (anada — 253,676 more! than during the Previous st summer. | - House of Discounts ‘ 1 NORTH SAGINAW ST. You Don’t Have to Be a | WEEK-END BUYER| Because You Can Get a | SPECIAL | Eddie Steele DEAL All This Week ig Bargains Come on Out and Take . You Get a a Look FREE CHICKEN Ready to Cook — With Every Used Car, New Car or Truck Bought This Week! Friday and Saturday Open House COFFEE and DONUTS for EVERYONE FRE SAVINGS -- SERVICE -- SATISFACTION At One Location — Don’t Take One Without the Other |. Be Sure You Get a BETTER DEAL — Buy Your Next Gar from EDDIE STEELE | EDDIE STEELE-FORD. .. FE 5-9204 Lake Rd. Telegraph Pontiac’ $ Direct. 2 Keego Harbor Out of the High Overhead Area Factory Dealer Sd WAN WW va FORTY _THE PONTIAC PRESS. THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1959 . as a " 2 - = - = = — = = monroe — % i 4 pik, To serve;-elt in '-inch of the recipes. How’ $ this: tor a fined. Sik ranges enking § for’ sec- — ‘Countr Cookbook’ will Tem t Cit Cooks’ a alae “Hoey Eagnog Does Si oe. Nell Nichols who edited this cook. _ 2 Grape-Cream Sherbet f Sar Heaey Exsneg = : ee "book has spent-a number of years: 1 cup milk me SER D ble D a arena gro eh 3 By JANET ODELL - ("Company Specials’ and incides).One of the most interesting ebap- Cut’ chicken in® pieces. Put: in| ‘touring the country talking - -with| 14 Cape sugar ou uly. 2 =e vag : Pontiac Press Home Editor recipes for all parts of a meal.| ters is the oue dewoted to “Old: |large kettle and add remaining in-!homemakers about food. A farm} },'u2, *ape Juice | For a real Honey-tor-Breakfast ‘Blend thoroughl. az ‘one-half readers who grew up on| ‘Dishes to Tote” will appeal-to the} Fashioned Recipes,”’ . . 4 cup lemon juice y- a y. Those p. devotee of the potluck: dinner. gredients. Bring to boil; simmer girl “herself in her girlhood days, | Combine ali ingredients in bowl. treat for the ‘children there is teaspoon vanilla if desired. This farms will find a nostalgic note|® If you acquired a fondness for! unti} chicken is very‘ tender. she recognizes the fact the both the imakes enough for four cereal whe FARM PRODUCTS \Beat until sugar is dissolved. nothing that provides more lasting. en they leaf through the Farm childhodd when you went to grand-|- Remove chicken from kettle ‘Kitchens and the food in them have | Pour into 2 refrigerator s. on mis. Journal’s Country Cookbook, re- As you might expect from a cook-|mother's house for Sunday night! changed greatly in the past few! & trays energy for their active day, noth- book which originated in part in|supper, this chapter wil] bring’ and strain broth. Return broth years. The Country Cookbook/and freeze nearly firm. Turn mix-ing that is so attractively rich’ cently published by Doubleday and nei we aT to heat and simmer until reduced ‘makes note of this change and/ture into chilled bowl. Beat with). .4 smooth as honey eggnog uae Tri Color Dessert - Company (New York, $4.95). country kitchens, there is an qn back all those saga | to half its measure. move gears its recipes to modern times. chilled rotary or electric beater! This is no ordinary cookbook. tire chapter devoted to good foods |** the recipe for the chicken. | meat from bones; ee ae in A Pi ke Ok” until fluffy smooth, but not melted.|© Pour over their favorite cereal: | Make individual shells from a Instead, it is a gathering together nade with = ~~ cream and) . Pressed Chicken small pieces. But the clddeshioneg favor teas Return to trays and freeze firm.| | Follow this simple recipe for package of meringue mix. Just of the best recipes from farm another to milk and cheese. | 3 set ue eae : Add chicken to cooked-down Mt been lost. If you are like your) |Makes 6 servings. ‘honey eggnog before serving fill with drained kitchens across the nation aad from Not only dees the Country # teaspoons salt 4 bruth: . ; ., reviewer, you- ‘will spend hours| | Prepare a pitcherful in advance canned apricot halves and whipped the Farm Journal's Test Kitchens.) Cookbook have recipes for large | j Cup celesy. chopped said " simmer 5 minutes. Povr. iit reading this cookbook. It'll] Ever add a little tomato sauce|and store it in the refrigerator for cream. Top with a garnish of un- Even the chapter headings are| scale cooking, but it has a chap- | 12 parstey Series into 9xox3 loaf pan, cover and make your mouth water and you’ll|and minced chives to mashed po-iuse at breakfast on a typically sweetened chocolate curls or choco-~ different. The first one is titled,' ter on “Money-Maker Recipes.” | j‘nedioe one ‘weight down to-press. Chill over- lose no time in trying out some!tatoes? busy week-day morning. You will late shot. nn a — - 3 Fu aad Groucho Says: ~~ Groucho Marx Sou BET YOUR LIFE” i NBC-TV WYCYPRESS GARDENS GIANT 1 9 i GRAPEFRUIT JUIGE = | HEINZ EW ERA HEKMAN’S — SENDER LEAT DILL PICKLES | POM Tig. | Honey Grahams Tour coUron ; TEA BAGS Kosher or Processed , Pind a Pound Box DOVE sat siz | HUNT'S Big 48 Ct. Pkg. 25 Gz. 2% 69: 3 3 SOAP 19° Yellow Cling - (10e OFF Deal) Bottle , , With COUPON PEACHES SLICED or HALVES LARGE No. 2’ CAN MICHIGAN BEET SUGAR | SCOTT FAMILY Green Giant NAPKINS PEAS sate Done 25°] 6&5 EXTRA PRIZE f * . HY-GRADE as uaz naive | | | | RERARRR RARER AREA CCAS 225.29 an, || HOT 49: | for OUR Customers Only! | Sassari DOGS MARGARINE | (2. With COUPON “SAYS Den't miss FREE PEARL OFFER! WS ORDER BLANK YOU GEF IN Mad We Reserve the Right » Limit Quantuies | Write our store name on the official EASY -MONEY SWEEPSTAKES entry OFFICIAL ENTRY BLANK OOCSeeeeetpteee '. 00 pee on we ot a aw a ae od REDEEM blank you receive by mail. Then, if = store 5 5 Lbs. 95° W ‘arcane = NAME =" eguie, = WITH THIS COUPON Cc = = TODAY _—_ Limit 1 Coupon Per Family ; z SUCUAGOANRADONAOTOEANEGEDAADEGPSGRSE Nee enAteTEt sana eLe YOUR COUPON SUGAR CURED . . you win Ist, 2nd or 3rd prize — SLICED POUND: WE WILL GIVE YOU THIS B AC O PAC . FABULOUS ADDITIONAL mu. = 29 cROZEN FOOD mae FRESH, LEAN SWANSON AG LL LAE j gts, || GROUND 49 womers HQe |. _ 7 Tash ag. || BEEF rosry acres =| Mercury Park Lane Convertible a 63°° With 7c Coupen =r tr ] Power Brakes—Steering 2-Tone Paint ( 4 © || LEAN, MEATY ; noaiade 9 | POR K Cc ORANGE J U ICE automatic Transmission whee! Cover lb . 6 OZ. $7 oOo Radio and Heater Back-Up Lights CANS STEAK or GARDEN FRESH NOW ON . @ GREEN PEPPERS IMPERIAL @ GREEN ONIONS. \ ® CARROTS @ CUCUMBERS ote 884 W. HURON—OPEN SUNDAY 3390 BALDWIN (GINGELLVILLE) @ RADISHES C Lb a ae Y : 33 | Choice 10: HURON FRIENDLY SHOP RITE MARKET | GINGELLVILLE SHOP RITE MARKET * SN TEP ea Hy gig eggs PP gig ye eS 4A TW | f ; Jere ep Ae ne ee ee ace | : THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL, 23,1959 fe ey (Acs Pa re oc eee “9 . "| What Young People'Think: sat bes ee a ae = ; : ree fe |Woman’s Place lai in Home, Say Teenagers, . * By EUGENE GILBERT * {the outside, she. should work no, Thirty-eight per cent figured either they should each — their} But perhaps the most plausible Get out from behind that bull-;more than three years, -lest her |f her should control the family fi-lown checks or, pool them and solution was offered by 14-year-old sive Joey Tule the family budget: | (Gloria Girard of Hartford, Conn.: dozer, Mother, your place st still| position become subordinate to/n in the home. , her role as wife. And only 8 per| Twenty-nine per cent delegated| Fifteen per cent refused to 5 So say a majority of the teen: cent were willing to let her work'this chore to mother. |drawn into a money argument at it all depends on who is the more ] ‘ agers we contacted in a nation.|‘‘as long as she caréd to.” Eighteen per cent answered that all. icapable.” 3 ee ee the problem of| ¢ the total group interviewed, i working Wives. 28 per cent said they came from fea: soiciaren ee Te OT RI eT ge ee Sicha ici Nearly 6 out of 10 youngsters were opposed to wives taking) _ either full or part time jobs, and| rorked one full z part tine. hr aan veen thee were small vith working mothers did—not Women today may be emanci-, Y""Y ®§ ® group te their opinions ~e@ your old- upright - iS worth $1 5 0 pated to the point where they can| crere. _ feend ttier ‘Seem . . ; become captains of industry, pilot) jet planes,.run banks and aseball| Most were opposed to noters e your old grand a home where theif mother Getting Ready for Wedding? : Wedding stories received more than - As spring arrives, many Pontiac area girls are in a whirl of busy preparation for fast approaching weddings. We of The Pontiac Press Women’s De- partment have several suggestions for prospective brides to assure them of com- plete, accurate and timely wedding three days after a wedding will neces- sarily be cut and will not include such details as reception and bridal costumes. Local photographers have been most cooperative in meeting our deadlines and usually see to it that we have the pic- tures within the specified time. a teams, but as far as most teen-| working where small children were agers are concerned, their main/involved, were inclined to approve career is still piloting a baby car-|if the children were teenaged and |’ riage. saw no objection for a newlywed | “§ feel that a woman's place jto work and help out the family | j|income. ALTE AOE EL TE EE Rie BAS FS NETS OR AOE (Choice of 3 styles!) Significantly, however, most of|part-time job. 3 » and accurate wedding story. ried within two months of the engage- lacallopad, pineapple oiging: those wha. defend working wives TEENS NEED MOTHER 1 The forms, which may be obtained from ment announcement. | Practical for a chair — pretty | do so only if the money they make cae ' _ our office or from many of the local x * * *ion dresser or buffet. Pattern 623 is needed to help the family bud-| But 15-year-old Gail Corbett of ~ ‘| ; = det Dallas. Tex., wished that her Photographers who take the wedding pic- We implore, once again, as we did re- ~~ directions, filet charts for 13x1514- RE". * *« * mother didn’t have to work. ‘‘Teen- tures, should be returned to, the Women’s garding news stories, to write all in- 4% inch chair back; 9!2xl2 armrest Answers to other questions in agers,’ she commented, “need| Department at least two days before the formation as clearly as possible taking ~ in No. 530 cotton. the survey underline the teen-|their mothers even more.” ls wedding. It takes this amount of time to special care to see that names are print- _.| Send thirty-five cents (coins) for | agers’ concern for what happens to) Teenagers whose mothers did | handle such detailed stories. ed and spelled properly. a * ponent i" add 2 cents for children in a home where the) . ' : , ie: ‘ ; » each pattern for Ist-class mailing. not work were similarly divided gre ogpeeer= Re nas tty mrss i mother has to go out to work. en whether of bet wives wih | aE I RLS LE AE SNE: RE I Send to The Pontiac Press, 124 ; | | Needlecraft Dept., P.O. Box 164, - . % wacvisweceeveesec MOM, STAY HOME! teenage children should go out to | . ‘ . . since itat ant raett eee “apie “work Here’s List of Mechanical Danger Points Old Chelees alae paren tam | rin ainly pattern num- Eighty per cent of the young- ‘Yes, she shoul be abies to! e see ber, name, address as mee sters interviewed thought it was work when the children reach t eir C \ d S C h k / Send for a copy of 1959 Laura ‘ all right for brides to work before teens,’”’ insisted 16-year-old Judy ar l ee S SPring ec up, OO Wheeler Needlecraft Book. It has ) the children came along. ‘Chesus of St. Louis. ti ‘She has a : lovely designs to order: embroi-” » * * pie te get oo to lara to be| Your automobile has suffered will do the work on your car. Ask’ exposed to escaping carbon |4¢TY. Crochet, knitting, weaving, 3 Seventy per cent were opposed “Children have to learn through a ] acd ; “og manmhide, «deadly ges. |quilting, toys. In the book, a spe- | to wives working if there were independent sometime,” put in rough a long. hard and cold him to check off each ‘item as rs |cial surprise to make a_ little 7 small children at home. ‘Daniel Schrader, 16, also of St. meni ladies, and it is, figura-| — 5. (Check tires for wear and girf happy — a cut-out doll, cothes - Sitiele per coul maw we oh , Louis. . ‘a es - tive a speaking, Bs Gad at yon) 3 . (Drain and f™sh radiator and wheel alignment. Adjust head-:to color, Send 25 cents for this i : “| But to 16-year-olc arcia Rives ¢ ig ae . ; fs ; ve oe jection to wives working if the jf petroit " mother’s place is its way. So when you're in the @dd rust inhibitor). This is ad- lights). Your vehicle is jolted book. childfen were teenaged or older, ‘definitely in the home when teen-,Process of doing your general |Vised even if you” have permanent around a — bit because of the ; : : Limited time offer! ~~ although an outspoken minority cers are about, “for these are the Spring cleaning and fixing, don't anti-freeze, because rust may de- vu gearia Ps wt ke tamer and Cooking School I mited fime otter: argued that teenagers needed a years when they* “need guidance heglect your automobile. velop and could bara your cooling a ir bene . «A at it me : moe “hot and — aS ‘most of all.”’ Make an®appointment now with, system. shenment. jarred out of (proper Set for April 28 7 much, wot more, than any | _ a reliable automobile mechanic to| 2. (Replace winter- weight oil ~ ; : Get $150 to $350 trade-in for your old other group. Teemers Bre at : net ec, have your car prepared for the with summer-weight oil. Check: oi! &: (Inspect and adjust fan belt). | Plans for a cooking school to be 4 upright, grand or spinet piano on a brand How long aliold # firidle continue| peecsienable, ages "insis ‘ 4 summer driving ahead. Or, if filter) A lightweight ol ie used’ ™ *Check hori, held at 8 p.m. April 28 were com- : ‘new Console in your pe of traditional to work? cals “Mavis there ‘wouldn't, YOU'Te married and your husband for winter driving and must be 8. (Make sure there is water in Pleted at a meeting of Fannie Ee and French Provincial styles: in mahogany, Again, children were the pri- én an jevenlle datiaquency prob. takes care of sueh things, you replaced with a heavier oil for the windshield washer reservoir ae Temple NQ ent | mary concern. The biggest group, cork. Might tactfully remind him that, summer. and check wiper blades). The .>'S'eTs. Monday evening. ihe Class walnut and blonde finishes. Fully quaran- 42 per cent, thought she should’ niga agit also a wor jit's time to take the car in for 3. (General lubrication of ve- blades may not do the job as will yes the Consumers Pow- ) teed. EXTENDED TERMS. Start your child quit when vg first baby came. | t - ie a and x fob 17 spring checkup. hicle, including differential, uni- they should because of the type ° auction + & | If both a wife and a nusban¢ érsal joint and transmission). of “freezing work” they have : in music now! . Following is a spring check ‘ } J : | Atre > NeEvay z ; Eighteen cent thought she work, who should control the purse: ; Mrs. Andrew McEvoy is in a . “ string? list prepared by the driver edu- 4. (Inspect exhaust system). Gone during the winter. charge of tickets for the school. Stiinta ae eee ee is worth *250 ° your old spinet GRINNELL'S is worth °3 50 _ on a new Console Piano 27 S. Saginaw Street is still in the home,” said 15- year-old Claire Valliere of Hart- ford, Conn., in a statement that just about represented the .ma- jority -viewpoint, Minority spokesman Lenore Castro, a 16-year-old Flushing, N. Y., dissenter, feels that wives should be allowed to work because -|‘‘when they stay home they be- come. fat and lazy.” should work only as long as she had to, meaning only as long as' the extra money was needed. Twelve per cent figured that, at are just fine,’ said 16-year-old James McClurg of St. Louis. x * * _ “Hf the wife enjoys working part time and the family can use the Indianapolis, whose mother has a. This question caused the widest division of opinion in the whole! survey: “My mother works and things imoney, I see no objection as long) as it doesn't take her completely | away from her housework,” said i 15-year-old Mary Ann Martin of | stories. 7 ne ee And these suggestions hold true wheth- er it be a wedding in the balmy spring or snowy wintertime. The Press has prepared wedding forms to be filled out with all the. necessary information for a complete . cation staff of the Michigan State | fety Center. When you take ways during the winter months The chemicals used to melt snow | University Highway Traffic | and ice on our streets and high- _” Pictures should be black and white glossy prints, snapshot pictures do not reproduce well. Because of our limited space, we can only use ‘pictures of the bride alone and not of the couple. Also because of space, brides-to-be may ~ submit only one picture (elther engage- — ment or wedding) if they are to be mar- as colored or sepia or 9. (Tune-up motor). 10. (Wash car thoroughly, includ- ing if and around doors and un- How graceful — water-lilies in “1a heart-shaped frame. Accented by The Family Night program, which was to be marked in co- operation with the Knights of the sae * | the car to the garage or service are likely to cause rust and derneath the vehicle). You may Pythias on April 25, has been post- | station, take the list with you. ‘| damage to the exhaust system. want to do this yourself or have poned to May % : - That part of the list in paren- If there are leaks in your ex- it done at the garage or service The district convention will be ie . . . b4 theses | is for the mechanic who! aust ystems, you may be Station. held May 23 at Clawson. 4 for occasional seating < ee ee ee at , eae i -OUTSTANDING VALUES! DON'T MISS OUR _ OE 3 : . # SPRING DRESSES You'll want to see this SAVE. up to ve OFF and MORE new COGCY Furniture $5 s S10 For Family Room, Recreation Room, Den... P , ° for young tesa count’ : - new rica pe le t ' styling features decorator fabrics | ie : , mn ‘as well as. fabrie-backed plastics ... elegant lz FORMERLY $10.98 to $25... Walnut, Ebony or White finish frames;_cushions os A WONDERFUL SELECTION OF DRESSES FOR JUNIORS, . i] fj . f “flo ” on | . : = “Flexible bands of tempered ateel ....n0 extra MISSES AND SOME HALF SIZES! CASUAL AND DRESSY (durable for family. living! COSCO tables with SHEATHS, FULL-SKIRTS, JACKET DRESSES! SOLIDS, PRINTS, a plastic tops in new Walnut or White Marble inis ; IN SPUNS, SHANTUNG, CUPIONI, SILKS, MEN'S WEAR, 2 Passenger Sofa..... , . $6950 i AND MANY OTHERS! ~ EndTable............ $1995 3 Passenger Sofa... ... . $9950 ° | Coffee Table.......... $650 High-Back Chair. ...... $3950 A | | ¥ Corner Table (illus.) . . . $4450 Armless Chair......... $3250 | : | 3 Pass. Armless Sofa. . . . $9450 i — - : Allow 21 Weeks . . I 9 , for Delivery LC 2 | . i . é CONVENIENT Ew - rE , | TERMS . ania SHOPPING nein ie A f | AY OPEN TONIGHT EARLY AMERICAN and CONTEMPORARY FURNITURE - He OPEN MONDAY, THURSDAY, FRID sd ; 1680 South Telegraph Road » - FEderal 2-8348 a SATURDAY TILL 9 P.M. “7 Open Thursday, Friday, Monday Evenings: =~ rr ener VF # PERMANENTS Styling, Set and Cut Incl. As Low As $ 5 RUDOLPH’S BEAUTY SHOP 107 Pontiac State Bank Bidg. FE 5-6911 . MEET for LUNCH RIKER FOUNTAIN Sealtest Ice Cream Populer Prices Riker Building Lobby Don’t Get Married Coil) You See Our Complete. Line of Wedding Lavitations PONTIAC STATIONERS “Formerly Brown Bros.” 4 oN. Saginaw FE #4242 | _ Do this exercise faithfully, along with the others that have been illustrated to insure a successful spring makeover. are getting ready for summer clothes. As those of you know who have/ been reading “Why Grow Old?” this week,. I am printing my 9-Day Reducing Diet as a part lof your SPRING MAKEOVER Here are the menus for tomorrow. Breakfast jack coffee By RUTH MILLETT Some women can't say anythin complimentary about another woman without adding the ‘“‘but"’, that turns the ponaptiment into criticism— Yes, her hair is pretty. but it’s obviously a dye Job. She’s a nice person, but a little Ng "MALING SHOES low did By being two of spring’s most fascinating new shoe colors! And, of course, you can depend on Maling’s to have them, along with patent and white! See them all in this exciting open-air cling, choose your fayorite —today at Maling’s! 99, Lifetime Heels Black patent. Shrimp, Blonde, or White smooth leather. Maling Shoes 50 N. SAGINAW. > Open Monday. and Friday Evenings Do You End Praise With Critical Word ‘too much of a do-gooder for my g taste. I'll’admit she has been a good buf she needn't act as though she’s the only one who president, , could have handled the job. Her house is attractive, but it's, not one I would choose for myself. | She always looks stunning, but, after all, anyone could if they had that kind of money to spend on, | | If you have missed some of the clothes. LUNCHEON Presh fruit salad Two tablespoons cottage cheese One glass skimmed milk One thin dry slice of whole wheat toast o Dinner Baked fish. medium portion One-half cup cabbage, lightiy cooked One-half cup, opneeh or greens One giess skimmed milk e orange | Here is your daily exercise. Sit on the floor with your legs resting on the floor in front of you (knees stiff}. Clasp your hands behind you. yourself some with your hands. | Now roll over onto the left side. | Continue rolling from side to, side as far as you can while still keeping your balance. The legs | remain on the floor throughout this exercise. They seem to be happily married Menus which have been printed in| —but, of course, you never can’ your newspaper, or would like to) tell. have my 9Day Diet in booklet}. . It was a nice party, but she jn-,ferm, send 10 cents and a stamped, | vited too many guests. She's a popular girl, understand she’s kind of wild. She's young-looking, but but I ‘self-addressed envelope with your ‘request for it. This diet gives you, a loss of from five to 10 pounds in ‘nine day's time. * she’ s, * * not as young as she pretends to be. | Tomorrow: ‘‘Here’s How To Get She's a nice person, but she’ s The Most Out of Exercises.” such a poor housekeeper. She's amusing, but don't tell her) anything you don’t want repeated. | but she irritates a lot of people by being. She's a hard worker, so bossy. dust listen next time you are If it's a group of any size there is almost | sure to be one woman who turns ‘Severy compliment into a criti- | cism by adding that unkind little ' “but.” in a group of women. Better yet, you aren't doing it yourself. Pillar Club Meets at Kirby Home | Mrs. Paul Taylor gave a book review at a meeting of the Pillar Club held Tuesday evening at the Cherokee road » home of Mrs. Frank Kirby. Taking part in the pro- gram were Mrs. A. L. Hulet, Mrs. W. H. Knudsen and Mrs. Fred Voelker. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Rob- ert Haskins. listen to your own remarks about others to be sure PCH Students Present Skit Pontiac Central High School's Radio Workshop, di- rected by Vera Mae Adams, presented a skit, “The Story of America,” based on a brother- hood theme, at a meeting of the Sisterhood of Temple Beth | Jacob Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Irving Steinman introduced the program. Luncheonette was served under the chairmanship of Mrs. Barnard Anchor, assisted by Mrs. Charles Gersten, Mrs. Sherwin Birnkrant and Mrs. Irving Schlyfestone. Standing committee chuir- men gave armual reports at the meeting. Mrs. Irving Schlyfestone and Mrs. Harry Ackerman also participated in the afternoon's activities. | A price tag is not always in- dicative of quality. So don't rely on it as a sure guide when you shop for fashion. It's best to develop your own judgment. P| Bhai if tea Satin; at a remarkable savings — the regular 3.50 half price, one month only. - CLOONAN’S 72 N. SAGINAW in your favorite fragrance, Black, White, Pink or Red value for $7.75 Of course figure faults are the! ‘main concern of most women who One egg ] One thin dry — of whole wheat toast ‘Roll onto the right hip and thigh, | keeping knees stiff and supporting | | in the spring. weather. The | dress is of printed raf{ia The cotton. fold-pleats. Tell Dry Cleaners About Fabrics Plastic foam ifs finding its way into quilted coat linings these days. And folks are find- ing thaf it takes special care in cleaning these garments. Plastic foam should not be cleaned in synthetic solvents. Tell your dry cleaner what you have, and he'll use the dry cleaning solution suitable for the material. green ushers | cape and skirt t feature soft. | f i MG i ‘ é a - ; : a ; ’ THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1959 i 4 4 . : Zi tt . —T Follow Beauty Routine a hy Cottee Series. W ill Boost td =. : oS pring Cc alls for a | Lighter Make-Up p Hospital Scholarships~ The first scholarship coffee friends. -to ‘coffee in their By JOSEPHINE LOWMAN ~~ jer shade lipsticks blooming from There- ‘are~several little ‘beauty elkows which winter iste behind. er series on — . ran anes, = which ath ae, every cosmetic counter, As a gen-routines which seem unimportant You are a rare woman if you do eed ° ons l ee al arcing = a will be It is impossible to think of aleral rule makeup also should be but which add much to the charm not now have this difficulty. Pronth vot “May. unds " valaed secon te next week, invit . 7 ‘ a * May. as ses 2 . " aang Pe ie ae cme = Meee Dee hiking of the rough, heels be The use of a body lotion or a will go towards a medical tech- ing four more friends to their comanies Jaen Y calle satch ' cream on the heels every night nology scholarship and a nurs- | homes for coffee. This “chain : ki a aetialans| is essential. Also massage your ing schqarship to be available | reaction’’ will continue for four your erie n idee neve 8 cold cream into your elbows to students in Pontiac area weeks, by. which time more you err y will want ‘a < sie when you lubricate your face and ¢ high schools, than 800 women in the Pontiac some 0! tn psi ad neck. If you have not used an * * * area will have made “contribu- using pig a — ve king’ ais ; eye cream, pat one about your Ten key hostesses from vari- tions to the scholarship fund. a 5 Wi SPF eyes before going to sleep each ous areas served by the hos- Mrs. Forest Wood is chair- Many of the shades which a . Biol _ Javite gl ently fund raising geen matched and enhanced darker win- Another much neglected habit is \ ter garb look too heavy and are the use of a cuticle cream or oil. Joopelex’ * too great a contrast to the whtites You can massage this into the skin MECVELESS, ' and pastels we will be wearing about the nails of your hands with cape-collared M rs from now on, The cosmeticians wonderfully rewarding results. As ~ realize this and you w il find light- part of your SPRING MAKEOVER, dress of : —_ _— adopt these measures even if only for a few weeks. shades of for shopping for golfing for work for play _ “The Shoe that Walks for You" U.S Wo. “prose! s] 305 ONE STEP . . . and you'll know this is no ordinary casual! As you put your foot down, scientifically angled rubber cushions ease you to the ground, gently push- ing your foot forward! Lift your foot . . . and released energy propels you along effortlessly! Tests prove * amazing RIPPLE SOLE® Shoes: ® Absorb walking shock *Licensed by RIPPLE SOLE CORP. eo © Balance the weight heel to toe © Increase the stride; provide traction TODD'S Shoe Store. ‘Shoes for the Entire Family 20 W. Huron St. FE 2-3821 No experience necessary! ...just the desire to save 10¢.0n a package of the best-tasting Graham Crackers ever baked! Hekman Graham Crackers, of course. * COUPON CUP ERS APPLY NOW... Present. this coupon | to your grocer = THIS COUPON WORTH ON THE PURCHASE OF = 1-Ib. Hekman, Graham Crackers OFFER EXPIRES MAY 15, ai 7 Mr. Grocer: For prompt Hekman Biscuit Company, Box 107 presented by July 30, 1959. They wil! pay yout 10¢ vided you and yolr customer have complied: wi Invoices proving you purchased sufficient stock to cover omen n request. Only coupons presented of-our merchandise will be honored. Coupons presen be honored and will become void when so presented, The consumer must pay jany sales tax involved. This offer void wherever taxed, restricted, ‘, prohibited or license required. Cash value 1/20 of 1¢. Hekman Biseuit : must be shown w Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1959 ninth 10¢§ ae, send this coupon to Chinton, lowa. og Laan be us Po ndling, th t aces oe olter, resented retail distributors by others. will not H 0900000090000000000 M-26 » = 3 a, b. , re " Northern, St. Mike. and Skippers Win in Track | Od : U. of i} Wins Again Pumpsie Figites a 6 q lt Spray 44% PCH Nine De fea ts PN | He Just Didn't by Routing Hurons Make thé Club your car.” Protects your car -PSILAN WP ee Gorey (Mette! DALLAS (AP)—Jerry (Pumpsie) from rust-out.’ Quiets your : Green, center of a discririfation controversy involving the Boston ; igave up 10 hits wut his teammates Plus Pontiac Central added. city rival|it wos not all gloom for Husky|the way. Mike Kesseling, Don Aus- “patie as West Bloomfield won a Supported him with power at the, cor-side. : . Tax |. ‘Northern to its list of baseball|rooters yesterday. asthe track’treng and Chuck Steinhelper had, Might triangular. Clarkston had piste es ve amare fa . pert R Red Sox, said last night “I fig. e : as ct : forces of Dick Marsh posted their. 421-6 and Holly 25 as the host Seat Eastern Michigan ina” ser ee . victims gaining an 8-1 verdict in the others. z : ‘baseball game yesterday. ured I just didn’t make the club. ontiac n ercoati ng the 1st eeti Between the 1st triumph 59-50 at Melvindate. « * * | team took nine of 13 events. i € ga - a) ' ‘The National Assn. for the Ad- : Ye De Bill Dando aided the Titan cause vancement of Colored People has ; - @ schools in the diamond sport yes-| St. Michael! and Waterford Seven different boys won for Wa-| In golf, Northern dropped its 2nd h 136 S. Seginew ma e 4-5453 terday afternoon at Wisner Field.| thinclads were also impressive. (terford in a. 63%2 to 4542 romp. ‘match in as many starts bowing to ane poorvad ‘Michigan gitéhers! ‘charged bias by Boston in ‘not Northern also bowed in golf, but} The Shamrocks beat out three (The group included Barry Camp-| Walled Lake 335-390 at Pontiac Mu- keeping him on the major league — | schools fi t at Detroit Inicipal. Bloomfield Hills drubbed ®4%¢ ¥P 13 hits as the Hurons went Ji The Red Sox have denied it ohetie mE et ® bell, Mike Kaines and Mike Ewer. Pe down to their third straight defeat). . *: Cooley while Waterford was wal- - Clarkston, 165-201. st the seasdd. DeWG now has ani Green said ‘‘Naturally I was dis- U | loping Wayne. Jack New fon tated 18% All four Walled Lake bows bet- 8.1 record. . “es J the Red. Sox. thi aidn's oT to log ls triple play. clutch hitting and! itered the PNH quartet paced by Detroit ....... 006 921, 901-19 13 e he x this spring. Bu SALE P Trout Vest . . $5.95 the sande hurling of Dave Till- Bob Young with 80. Jim Miller's "Siccte and’ Jacobs: Gulyas, Jen fae figured I just didn't e the Huskies. Bob (3). Boissoneau 15), Peters (7) and club. I'd rather be playing every lings 40 to make it easy for Bloom- _ : \ ; an jman feature d the Chiefs 4th 33 was low for the ia wn Murray ‘ . da i Minnea Lis than riding 50 % Off Trout Jacket $8.95 | straight: baseball tans Players- Owners. Thompson fired 38 and Bruce Bil- Case Dando the bench in Boston.” = - ; * * asics _m pontqrcine—eermeanenataaneettne opens O Trout Nets ... .97e First sacker Bill Hayward start- « _— baseball box score: | on Reels ed the treeout pay "when he | | CONVERTIBLE TOPS : ‘ , ' speared a line drive in the 5th with’ Rabe fa. 2b sara . Neat 3 arth Lemidicté: lnstaliction Hand Tied Nymphs cae 7 a had five hits but ~ PHILADELPHIA wm — Some. sort ae han ‘3 28 remain ae 19 . anc 1é i y } % i c. m : e of pension plan appears in the [ Jones, rt 2 21 Norton e 36 0 7 ‘ | Central got them when they D. Jones. cf 321 Lamohere, p 301 Dry or Wet Flies | counted scoring all its runs in wood for national football league shaw, ss 210 Chariton. rf 301 ; , ‘ the middle frames after “trailing Players as they opened two days Tilman, . pi 100 Kendal > io i All f tee ¢ | 1-0. Bob Smith batted in the ty- of meetings here today with pro so eee o_o — oO | ! 7 , |owners. a4 8 5 23.1 5 i Dave Jones |PONT. NORTHERN HIGH | 100 900 0-1 CUSTOM WORK 1959 ue with and foose lenaed . * * * ‘PO? ‘T. CENTRAL HIGH . 000 134 x-8 BY EXPERTS _ helped wrap it up as Tillman | A reliable sourcé told the As- _ TORRES SC MEOTLS McGregor Reg. $16.50 #1714 Shakespeare . flipped shutout ball after the sociated Press that the talks | Welertomt at sourntiesd wiki ROW iS THE TIME FOR NEW SEAT COVERS | Ist. | among owners and the Players’ yyij:<1 i o: exnipiinen. # Custom Trim — Floor Carpeting — Door Panels — Head NOW , : . oem | THurstes + Wedéten © Liners — Cofvertib Covered — $8.25 7 N | Jan Lawrence won the high hur- Association, should evolve some | Van Dyke at Pareiagton ° Cushions i Sench rel — Bont, Tepe ant Complete Auto im, e a oves . ; ‘ 1 4 took 2nd the | al type of plan. It won’t however, | Imiay City at Millington Reg, $3.50 2308 Miche aes and took nds the lows and PO Bam Mt went ner, voi «| SEAT COVER MART . AW ‘y ia ‘pole vault to head PNH in’ track! °© 8 Proposal "RO 8t. Mary at St Pred yi @ Track Shoes NOW $19.50 GLOVE with 11 points. Mike Fedynik added | presented at the league's saecsl) Oe mies sr ie dees . : '9 topped by his victory in the pole| meeting under which players: Cicment at #t Rita 111 S. Saginaw St. FE 8-4534 e Reg. $9.95 #910 Bronson “Ernie Banks Model” vant. | would receive $100 a month at area at Clarencerilie , = = ) $ ; | age 65, the sogrce asserted. Milford at Holly NOW 0.97 a | * * * _ Northville at West Bloomfield Sets Reg. 316.50 S995 | He and Dennis Vincent shared. * * | Pitgreraig at Lake Orion C If B Reg. $14.95 38.97 NOW 7 the high jump honor. Northern had In addition to pension problems,, Hazper Woede at Lamphére LOW . . he owners were scheduled to take, {# Southern Fhumb games @ oO ags NOW - = four other first places it St. Mike piled up 56'2 points up airplane insurance plans, check, Clawson at Farty"neton OLS OVERHEAD LOCATIONS | to 36 for Redford St. Mary, 194 Ye" television contract | Bt. Michael at OL Bt. Mary » i Cad i — THE SPORT SHOP for Bt Anthooy and Shrinc's 19 tTange for a quick shift of 8FY| puseae at sittin & i aaa erklev at Hezel Park | oparked by 7 winners. ball’s world series, and consider a Tom MORROW S SCHEDULE SAVINGS FOR YOU 16 S. Cass Ave. George Drake took the high piea from Honolulu that the league, pow at Punt Northern jump and low hurdles and Bill sanction the Island's Hula Bow! Oe Ss, Mary A: ceersion IN LAKE ORION—-2 LOCATIONS Ferndale at Cranbrook Flanigan won 1 both dashes to dead i Holly at Bloomfiel . : gar on ae | game. ince end Holly at Bloomfield Authorized Pontiac-Ramble: Decler Local teams in Howe'! Invitational MICHIGAN € : Baseball 3AN COLLEGE SCOREBOARD Waterford at Van Dyke Baseball! | Southfield at Walled Lake uss re) nson re) ors Hillsdale 6-3, Albion 3-4 ‘ | Berkley at Parmington . Z Detroit 10. Eastern Michigan 4. Golf | hits ic Gnas | St. Pred at Walla Lake Broadway Corner of Shadbolt — M-24 Corner of Shadbolt a - Track | Clarkston at Holly ee “heh 4 : Perris Institute 88%. Alma 42% | Southfield at Bentley MY 2-2871 i] - = Western Michigan 74. Bowling Green 53 RO Dondero at Berkley Tennis I Tennis a4 Bowling Green 9, Detroit 0 Birmingham at Cranbrook > ¥ <. ee) ee s reas FOR EVERY BOSE = o~ _— = — HOME N " c x a: | a = N : : : f he vy Pdi > ~ " z , | HEVR( ET : # ar " , , A ms ne of _ car owners! | : | : | Wie WAR HOU! ; te ie = oY : —_ 7 | Mre _. : | fre ‘ | 5 iy Dayton Therobred) CLEARANCE || — ? * é = . . . > $ 609-15 8 § ; @a. in sets . 4 . . of 4 5 . sia ieee lye ‘. ‘ us tax 5 r Recappabie ‘ 670x15 ; ° BISCAYNE 2-DR. SEDAN , $1995 - beh, Plus Tax s Heaier & Defroster—2 speed Elec Wipe: a i LIFETIME WARRANTY xch, : e Winshield Washers .. 0 wseceeeeees verse Plus Tax and Transfer No Limit as to time . 1 , : or mileage Size Tube Type | > Tubeless . , . ‘b 670x15 | $16.95 | $18.49 |i ae fe a ; = ‘ | says ZZ Ti0x15 | $18.95 | $20.65 || ~ BROOKWCOD 4-DR. STA. WAG. $ IMPALA SPORT COUPE 9 495 , _—_ ‘ ee a ee | ORL | NO PAYMENTS ‘ti JUNE 3 | APPLICATIONS PROCESSED PROMPTLY j wd Wheel ..scccescccseccenccsesoesss ». Plus Tax and Transfer , ; meets oeerens : 9 | —=s5m._ out | BONDED BRAKES ~ . end. adjustment _ STEP EG . . ¥ including © Lab d Material - ia caster-camber_ abor and Materia - ; - MeALA Comventit , andtoe-in | © Re-PackFrontWheels § 95 i. ERT a he Ue Eeinne Bite Ghack, Fonte: seat grant 2495 5 95 © Re-Adjust Brakes 2 : and rear . o : waa ee : ee ve ears ec oa “an ; . ‘ ron Plas Tax and Transfer \ : . © Inspect Wheel 7 | : You are invited to bring in the whole family and choose the car of your choice, at the price Lari il . | Cylinders FORD, CHEVROLET, ' \ a most people want to pay. Come in early for the best selection of body styles and colors. s al : 2 PLYMOUTH \ 7 | 34 MILL St. ee m “+ , cia “" alee ws ee . . a oe | * ete om ae aye” y ‘ po f f : atl ‘ a | ’ Poet , : , Pv i y 4 2 4 f , . f ‘ He: S op : GO is ; 3 ~, v - , F . { | ! q THE PONTIAG,PR PRESS. Armunspay, APRIL 29,1950) rt eer ee ‘ Hay ok es ee ae ; v . , : ' : geo oe . i = : “8 sot . : + ‘ od aos = oe b , | 2 A Fe pecs 2 i me x ok ok ok ok * an or are No i Johns.said that if the Big Teni, does vote against the pact which expires in 1960, ‘We will have. to find someone . who will be happy to play. “I’m not the least bit concerned with the future of the Rose Bowl.” In Berkeley, California’s ath- letic, director, Greg Englehard, said he won't believe the Big Ten pact is dead unless the Big Ten Pete Gree, Dr. Corley Beaten in North-South Tourney , Prep Shooters a Golfers. Bow: Out Buck Tradition . PINEHURST, N.C. (@—Michigan|upper bracket match, Jack Nick-|into tomorrow's 18-hole semifinals May 5 at p CC. was without a single representa-|jaus, a long-hitting muscular. 19-|against ‘the victor of a duel be- tive today as the North and South year-old trom Columbus, tween two veterans whose total football contract after 1960 does i not have Rose Bowl officials push- ing fonts panic button, Leishman, chairman | of the gg le of Roses’ foot- ball committee, said Northwest- ern’s position has not killed the contract, -“It’may or may not be é % | | when he beat Cochran Lup in the semifinals. ! salesman, and John Guenther, 26, terribly vital. We will just have) itself votes against renewal May Ohio _ 10.75 Amateur Golf Champio m- |" - ’ : = $ 4 ito wait and see. 23. swt Go: coated - pre po faced 20-year-old Don Essig of In- age span covers, 84 years. of Reading Pa., who is in the Many Past ~ Standouts Gol Hom “But I think the Western Big dianapolis and Baton Rouge, La. hosiery business with his father} Attain More Stardom With the break-up of the Pa-:/pinehurst Country Club. cific Coast Conference, the Tour- nament of Roses-is- now discus- Mal Galletta, 38-year-old limou- sine rental service operator from Old Westbury, N.Y. and 46-year- * e017 Np OR ag eg ne Four ,js .well enough and respected in intercollegiate Nicklaug will represent the and brother, met in the first match | j “ U, 8. on the Walker Cup team | _ on Higher Level The state’s last two hopefuls, whe e lower half. 18-year-old: Pete Green of Bir- - 9 $10.00 Dick 75, circles to go out and get a suit- | sing—~and probably. will sign—a, facing the British ig three weeks [old Bob Cochran of . - Mayer Irons..... $5 + || able opponent to make the game jnew contract with the charter pion goatend pa pope dod at Muirfleld, Scotland, Essig, a jto determine the spponealt far the al tare Pipliecer get the Ontstanding high school golfers | wow _ $g50 a high grade affair. members of its successor—the) Weinesday in the 2nd round ot student at LSU, won the National |Essig-Nicklaus_winner. met former champion Bill Camp- and the Pontiac Press Invitational 1 Woods... ; | “We're very optimistic that the Athletic “Assn. of Western Univer-| teh play. Public Links title two years ago. Galletta won here 15 years‘a bell, 35-year-old insurance man golf tournament have always gone $375 Big Ten will choose to continue sities—UCLA, USC,-California and mat y pe and former legislator from } hand in hand sinte the inception of * | the University of Washington. Green, an unheralded youngster The winner of their mateh goes! and was runnerup six years ago ington, W. Va. gislator from Hunt- the event in 1952. va contract “with us,’ said Jess . oe ee se .7 SECOND ROUND Many schoolboy golfers have ne | BASEBALL SHOES | $3.95 » Hill, athletic director at. the Uni- ee versity of Southern. California. ’owe've had a pleasant relation- ‘ship so far, but we will just have ‘to wait the outcome of the Big i T. Leroy Martin, chairthan of Northwestern’s faculty commit- tee, Tuesday night feaffirmed Northwestern’s “long standing opy in Monday's qualifiers to share imedal honors, ran into a real Favor Littler: at Las Vegas “toughie” .-yesterday after winning his first head-to-head battle on Tuesday, “morning line’’ on their 40s made up” the ficld for 5-1, while the today’s or haal round, iArt Wall Jr., * | champion and Arnold Palmer, Desert jhas par 36-36—72. “Golf Champs Start Firing : Inn Country Club, which c: 2 recent Masters can stretch out to 7,073 yards and ‘feat Ceipbe, Huntington res den eet ots. tnd. de-| made glittering contributions to the tested Nn John Schubeck, Ft, Knox, one-day 18-hole medal play tourney a Galleta, Old Westbury, N. ¥. and a few have attained additional eg agg sn defented up| stardom on the collegiate level as Bb fred Sams, Macon, P : seonen. (90. | oad 5. well as in other competitive en- | talented teenagers. — ; ern Conference.” — Ten participation. specialist and a seasoned tourney |72-hole, seventh annual event. ,_ Littier’s victories at the Phoenix Dale Storey. Ing lis, defeated Jake! performer, completed: Michi- | The betting favorite in this bet-'and Tucson opens this winter) Bul H ~ aban S, deteatea) Among the several skilled shot- gan’s exit from this event when ting capital was Gene Littler of qualified him for this event, while “ty Guenter, Reading oe 7 makers who have graced the Press he lost a 6-5 match to Jack Pen- |San Diego, who capured the $10,- Wall, the hottest golfer in the game, | | Pete Indiana’ holes. jtourney are Lloyd Syron of- Pon- rose..of Miami, Fit, (000: top-meney on sucessive years ee five tournaments over the w” ck Penrose. Mla aie ‘tiac: Jack Reynolds and John An intriguing age mixture rang- rater h ee — . c - months. saved at 8 loner © Fulton. Ro ache, Ver sag Rett : of waterford: Pate 2 wt L yo we | is 3 a Mike ing from a teenager to mevt in a igures Un rwere 1e tournament is played at the ,CP, rented eiatde wid. ae 5 reen, Tim dwin and Mik | Cont ‘oy from Birmingham, and Bud | Badger of Bloomfield Hills. Syron, who played his high school TEAM PRICES ON BASEBALL 'Ten meeting - next month before) position to. all postseason games, « * Howard Eve 3. de! cand SOFTBALL UNIFORMS | making — a, hns, UCLA ‘including the Rose Bowl.” ; A eiveeet golfing whiz at-Bir- eychn “MeCenn Sr, “Charlot i. G| caayece, . ee chee: . The decision apparently created mingham High School and. last . |deteated Arneld Blum, Macon, Ga. 5 When prep~teams from the WELDEN jathle pee a 55 stalemate among cohferencejyear’s state Jaycee champion,!” |.as VEGAS, Nev. (AP)—Las|per Jr. the latter runner-up here pr. John 0 alexces: Oriande, Fla. 4ands. Oakinnd Cousty area gather at “J don’t think the Northwestern | mémbers over whether they will Green dropped a 3-2> decision to Vegas’ most respected sports last ye ar, were listed at 8-1, while |, Carl Lohren. Birer Spring, Md., de-| Pontiac Country Club on Monday, SPORTING GOODS decision is necessarily the final |yote to continue or end the con-/Gene Andrews, the veteran ama-ievent, the $40,000 Tournament of the surprise champion of the N'Y. Tangs tne’ Rochesters| May 25, to compete in the sth 51 Mt. Clemens | action of the Big Ten. It is cer- |tract with the Pacific Coast uni-|teur campaigner from Pacific Pal-|Champions, gets underway today championship field, Stan Leonard | 0s bate. “Sonia, oh, joey, Mines) Frets Seermament, they FE 4-6211 tainly our hope that a contract | versities. A 6-4 majority must be isades, Calif. with a crack field of 26 golfers on of Canda, was no better than 10-1 ¥ Gene andrew eer tall seaes, € | will buck a par-shooting tradi- will be continued with the West- | obtained to assure-continued Big) pr, Corley, the Jackson heart deck for.the first 18-holes of the to repeat. idetenied Siler Green. Fraskin. Sich. | ton established by numerous ; The two pale among the the 1958 Masters ruler, quoted at. Paul Harney, the long hitter big > ta » jigolf at Shrine in Royal Oak, : survivors of yesterday's double- 6-1, 7 ifrom Worcester, Mass., had the Gillette defeated Aldrich. ‘a F starred for three years, on the | , round shelling will ‘appear in an! Cary. Middlecoff and Billy Cas-'lowest practice ‘round, a 66, |seag begged ed Latre a, : SF | Notre Dame squad and hit the | : : / ai ‘4 é |Andrews defeated Morey, 2 and 1! | high pout at ms ou eet im ins gtd : , ba A Shemees eet ow ‘ee a3 | winning ‘the Michigan: Amateur : Guenther defeated Hyndman 3 and 1 title at Charlevoix. He was Press | ; Class B medalist in 1953 aa me | Green, Conroy and Baldwin ire i 2 ‘three big reasons why Birmingham e ‘ | ya |High has “won five of the seven j , if ; ; | Press tourneys to date. ; Jf | Reynolds and Wettlaufer paced | i . ‘ : | Waterford to the Press crown in ; i AUTO STORES / 1956 with the latter taking medal 4 | i A, honors, Reynolds and Baldwin, , : {joer | both juniors at Michigan State, : are teammates on the Spartan ; , , . golf squad. ° : { . | Green, a treshman at the Uni- ' 3 2 | cory | versity of North Carolina, wun ihe a — FULL 2 n e \ State Jaycee crown last summer z ; | Badger captured medal honors = -built to sell — | ‘ ‘four straight years in the Press 3 at 69 95 tourney. He now attends MSU on a : ‘ ° scholarship. Wettiaufer played one = , - Z /season of varsity golf ar Western = .Machigan in Kalamazoo before 4 leaving the sport to crack the &F books a little harder We aon vice? ALL RUBBER BOOT FOOT WADERS Value 1 49> HIP BOOTS — ° Qe MOMENT lust give you in @ carton Reg. ith ! 1655 A GOOD TRADE-IN FOR i ' u i! \ Ut e é Regulates engine speed sofely ct the handie! Specie © 8 In. Recessed WHEELS— _ STAGGERED DESIGN —prevents lawn scalping 222 In. CUT—adjustable cutting heights @ SIDE DISCHARGE at the FRONT Se SAVE on GARDEN and LAWN NEEDS 54 5 Lb. GRASS SEED coc neseonenverennupmonanns seneneeat HOLTON ETE $11.95 _- GLADDING LEVEL DOUBLE TAPER FLY LINE {a ADD nt BS oe ! Room eae SPECIALS av. Ye h | >. itn O18 A good formula Reg. : \s , S ‘\E Wail x of hardy seed— | hae i J 95 TROUT NETS Ve | e > ay) J&R pois | rcmtan [48 S z E , | : ) By mY SP |““Wwoop PICKET FENCING PLASTIC | CLADDING ~! | TOT'S ws) Value romted OSE We-apéciilise ta ideasaed cme | sist C re Manion 33¢ Bi ied: for A TA STE OF teriale, including a complete H DH $1.50 “Telephone Repair” TRIKE 36 Inch 3 years! Tough eke at Wasi Cons lunsbee | Double owe 3 With @ TOOL BELT and TOOLS! 20 Ft. ROLL ou aeeity a EXC ITEMENT See us today! Wire bound if wood pickets. 299 5 ° 14 ; ; : } Hi Makointed white. ee Taper ¢ ¢ ith thi trike! ; - H C H GLADDING LEVEL ih Sage bck iaearry ia “a QUA L ! T Y | FLY LINE thn et looks official SPREADER He lives —right to the hilt. : FLY LINE + ecoak Webel LEVER NOZZLE 77 Cetecity Nothing will do for him but PA 1 | buy now ‘ Luenente Bar and Reg: 9i< Volvs ¢ : the’real, the true, the honest. Reg. $ 95 at this C Seat—7 pc. Tool Kit © ‘ 40 Ft. LAWN EDGING ped - Naturally, he drinks Kessler PROTECT: BEAUTIFY 11.00 I Il for Aluminum! Full 4 inches 99 clue j} . . YOUR HOME $11. low price Made to s¢ deep. Makes nect trim. Controlled 599 whiskey. Likesitsdeep, flavor- ' Keeps gross in check! 16° Width! ful goodness. Likes the | - gmooth-as-silkness that lets Trout Flies TOP QUALITY Replace Your Faulty Dangerous him drink it straight. Values 2 5 ¢ 34 R A 4 E S And he finds that Kessler’s to 40c prices make sense. . BONDED—4 SHOES for 2. WHE i Finest quality, full molded *r 19 i Luxury taste . .. honest yalue ASSORTED bonded shoes—prices in- 3 H $ 80 : FLY REEL 7 clade ane old brake shoes. Z esi . , Reg. $10.00 tn QUART Full Body exeh ha Perse TF | cote no. we SW P For - ¢ > Value Oil Prices are Top Grade a 55-57 Fr. Ex... . 5.95 "S]. 56 Frt. Ex... 4. 29 a $ 39 - Plus Fed. Tox. Motor Oit pour 3.98 | '51-56 Rear Ex..3.98 3 vr. or = oe 7 . BOAT You can save up to 20c a quart 1946-56. Exch ..., 3° z GODE NO 441 Sherwin Williams a CANVAS from regular.filling station prices, For BUICK = OUTSIDE PAINTS . 4q| fe For = TROUT CREELS Se CUSHIONS |e a gpl FILTER. CARTRIDGE GUARANT ag ait gal 3.98 : 7 AND USE WE Fectoct repose: . For OLDSMOBILE z * SUPER KEM-TONE : RR ccpuor ners” GSS (77 aRaKe | ras arse” 4.39 erior ~~ ¥, Dey aan) Adjusting For PONTIAC for the interior Sr i : ; i é 42-58—All Rear... .3. > aA pots J & R AUTO STORES TOOL 1943-48—al foe —— t WEAPOUARTERS ; UL CASyca "115 North Pade | Wsssecan fons: as [eam 4° | a rkh ears Ico RWIN - bad 3 - nn soins? . . ’ - ey ront.. «. ) ‘ G Se ~ | Saginaw St chrome | Forother CARS ; | =A-E- Approved ” ‘ BM ° finish. | coy 7OR1 Quality! | for fi 5 Aer nen . Spiegel orig a in This Sore Sete Mixes with ‘ie LUMBER Co. } tore for all cars other approved J} & R CREDIT—UP TO brake fluid WLIUS KESSLER C,, LAWRENCEBURG, IND. - BLENDED 117 S. Cass at es sf 2 YEARS TO PAY __j WHISKEY - 66 PROOF «72% GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS. FE 2-8385 tee — é S si inasscinieataas > matty tsa da a ey ten Op eee Pepe ee tae oe : 4 i . é + THE PONTIAC PRESS; THURSDAY, APRIL 23 . 1959 FIPTY.SEVEY_ ; : ' ke Braves Tae 1s as Dodgers Lisee: Pir fp Vv ellar rs ; a? or * 4 - ata A ; | Coming into this, year Michigan’ oxiniing damplomiien ak 2 ‘ ates Lea ec “a A . . :* 7 had won 2 baseball titles, 17 igang lero eae, s @. r, | . hn . : oe urdette Wins . rd With ‘At Em’ Balll{ ces Aveaue grate service | , | , - 7 Paty 109 N. Cass Avenue . : , _---. “Pontiac's Oldest Brake Service” 3 By The Associated Press World Series,- twice taking his! It was Burdette’s, third vicky, Robin’s leg, broke the shatoull hall, tied it in a seven-run seventh ; ;Phillips (0-2), who hasn't com-: Lew B rd has found his “ ,//umps while the Yankees staged/— and his seventh in a row, all duel. Billy Bruton’ added his first, capped by Bill Virdon's three-run ‘pleted any of his [ast 16 statts,, FORDS BR ARE Mess sy : my fact peel yas - laced i a startling comeback by winning ‘complete games, since last Sep-| jhomer in the eighth. | homer. Then, after Gus Beil gave, lost it. —~ BRAKES RELINED $ 95 e misp * , the last three games. itember 7. i ” ae « Ithe Reds a new lead with a ‘solo! ee ——“<“—~itstésSRAAINE = RNELEEINED ee when he was unfrocked as a Yan- ; , kee killer last October. This season, Burdette has|, Los Angeles fel! out of a virtual] ‘The Giants, who had lost two\homer in the elghth, the Bucs ut Wrong Date Listed os he eres 2g St Other Cars in Propértion — femal ked up where he left off last)/tie for Urst as ancisco end-, d d the Dod ay ag 5 re ular ining. , It was the “at ‘em’ pitch — the |PiC in, a. row, dropped the 8€TS! Orlando Pena in the nintt cerns . _ ; have the Braves,/ed. the Dodgers’ winrting. string) ; 1 ena in the ninth on a) | ANSING \“—The printed Michi- sf te’ de it easy on the %C@". and so iwith a five-run fifth against los-|) Relders because phere hit it vane . B _— me atonal ie oe ride and beat Cineinnen UM starter Carl Erskine (0-1). [bases ey aed a np Net ‘gan fish law digest erred in the We Guar antee Our Work! right at 'em—that the big right- nage ‘vont ‘ie a giving * 98, That sprung the Bucs from. walk, four singles and Oetanda it’in relief, listing of the opening date of the BEAR WHEEL ALIGNMENT hander credited when ‘he won ag sty but out-dueling Rebla ‘the cellar and the St, Louis Car- Cepeda’ double ae iad a k ok trout) season for Michigar-Wiscon- ‘ ~ . Jack Sanford (2-1) won tj : : =e, : peat atin Ee Fa Roberts, who allowed only. four, | 'dinals dropped in, despite an 8-2 needed a clutch ‘relief job from] Wilmer (Vinegar Bend) Muzell Sin boundary waters® the™ state DO-IT YOURSELF Series. He still had it last season aay 20 victory__over Philadel-/victory over the ee eee Sam Jones, who struck out Don gave up five hits and won his|conservation de partment admitted | = when ‘ i in. | e€ braves were itless by Demeter and pinch- hitting Carl second for the Cards. Alex Gram- today. G 40 20-game win- ‘ hcg ta grr} ti » , i |Roberts until the seventh Furillo with two on in the ninth. mas, Gino Cimoli and Curt Flood) The correct date is Saturday, ALL BRAKE LININ % OFF , e * an ~ \SAN FRANCISCO iwhen eonsecutive singles by Wes, x & hit homers for St. Louis. Gram-/ April 25—the same as for the gen- AIR Peet rd Lik waGhan aie Cone” ‘ The it in 1 fall’ loaven'p 3b ioe Gilliam 3b aye Covington, Frank Torre and Del. The Pirates, blanked on two mas, who hadn't homered since eral season—not April 26, as listed wis ' aHOUSS 4 . bel é aba n he lost it in last fa ‘Be Mo $258 Moon it 3810 Crandall, who lined one offshits for six innings by Joe Nux- 1955, drove in four runs, Taylog in the digest, _ We Fare Track cad Pomenges Cov Beahe Ovum \ rt lb. 51113 Demeter ef 5612) SENT SReNuannt SBA nains awe Be ere a ee - aa a rr )AUKEE 3 : —e€ | obra ie oat 1031 ePurilo” toe Bruton cf 4111 Assbure ef 301 1 Spence 88 30600 Hodges lb 46000 e e Mathews 3b 4000 GA‘d's'n 2% 301 9/8chmidt c 2066-Zimmer se 462 6 Aaron rf 4000 eHamner ss 1 0 0 0 #Wagner 1606060 Neal 2b 4131 . Covington M 4110 Bouchee Ib 402 6\Landrith ¢ 101060 Erskine p 2606 Torre ib 3010 H a’d's'n If 400 6 Santord 36600 K'pstein p/ 0006 = « J'Brien 6000 Post rf 40208. Jones p 606060 Labine p 66006 om. Mantilia % 1000 Jones 3b 2010 : bLarker 1.000 Crandall c 3011 Fern’dez ss 20060 01.0 6) : Lowen ss 3008 ¢ iley 1600) McDevitt p 0900 ¢- . Cottier 2b 1600 Koppe ss, 2b 006.6 a, G8nider 1006 bVernon ib 1066 Hegan ec 206 |. Williams p 60006 ‘ Burdette p 3606 dHanebr 10 6 0). Totals 376125 «Totals 2123 9 omas ¢ 0006, A—Hit into —_— play for Schmidt in, _- . _ Reberts p 364 9/5th; b=R ase on error for ‘La-) N 7 r 04 Totals 31242. Totals 30686 bine tn 7th: e—Ran for Larker .m. 7th: ; 7 ' a—-Ran for Torre in 7th: b—Popped out |¢—Fouled - out for MeDeviit in gth; e— eighbors calling Have more fu n . for Cottier in 7th, e—Fouled out for Fer- Struck out for Fairly in 9th handez in 7th, d—Flied out for Hegan Sen erence 186 656 006—6 e a = in &th; e—Grounded out for G. Anderson |Les Angele 008 100 200—3 . ; &th E—Spencer PO-A—San Francisco 27-7 . ' i Philadetphia 100 000 000-—O oneal tae Angeles 274. DP—Hodges (unassisted) E—Hegan,. G Anderson POA Milwau-, Spencer, cranes nd Cepeda, LOB—San kee 27-14. PsMadelpiia 27-7 DP—Lowan, | Francisco eles 11 . . Cottier and Terre, Fernandez G. Ander-; 2B—Alou. conse. Fairiy. Demeter. JB— son and Bouchee. Torre. Logah and Bur- Neal, Mays. 8B—Moon. §—Sanford e dette co bad oe LOB—Miwau- ip BR ER BB SO kee 3. Philad Sanford (W, 2-1 81312 3°12 7 * 7B— Roberts. HR Burton Jones 23° @ @ 6 6 2 iP HM RERBBSO Erskine (LOL 4 6 443 7 Burdette «W. 3-0) 9 : : 2 2 Labine- 3 1 6 6 Roberts «(L, }-L 9 ? 3. 4. Williams 1 1 10 6 O61 U—Coniin. Donate.ii. Burkhart sas Ver-| PB—Roseboro U—Gormeén Boggess ene Te ee oe, Te Es KUPPENHEI MER—on investment in good oppecrence x5. \ esiniiad | en a . every man has a birthday suit... and for natural comfort nothing ; matches it like our... + 6S ig iy wag on al . ‘ Pa Le PY KUPPENHEIMER Fo} $ Good neighbor policy for fun and friendship...serve Big D... DREWRYS...the quality beer with the One Big Difference... more flavor, less filling! And here's why DREWRYS has the one big difference. DREWRYS is brewed by an exclusive process that keeps all the flavor in, the sweetness out—so you can enjoy glass after refreshing glade of Big D with no full feel- e ‘ . . . . . +4 ing after. So be sure to ask for Big D, the beer with the One Big Difference. And remember...only DREWRYS has it! Simply Magnificent! . . . richly peti Y but subtly patterned, lightweight fabrics, cut in the new, Continental influenced slimline style that has made Kuppenheimer Clothes the outstanding investment in good appearance. Give yourself the \ 7" ; canta and. conidence a's \— The Quality beer with the Kuppenheimer. From $90.00 ; oo ~ . e : * Ih I . SWEETNESS ne Big Ditrerence : | C ! OUT "4 Use the Downtown ‘Shop, Park, Bus” i . te Program from McNally’s e , ’ : Open Friday Nights ‘til 9 P. M. 106 N. Saginay Street | . . ‘ eginay ©1959, Drawrys Utd. U.S.A. lnc, South Sand, Indiens ss er i 2 *s - ‘ | : a . \ - > fi f | x . 7“ vee , ad i . CS ee APRIL 23, 1959 Dedicate School Tonight * cao ebiialibee: Hudson OK . a, Pou New Contract ‘in Detroit in Md 9:30) Ik Name, ‘DETROIT w — Teamsters Unioh eas AAS Local 299 and the J. L, Hudson Co. signed a three-year’ contract yesterday covering some 600 ware- house, service and inside delivery employes. The company estimated the new contract will bring wage increases In naming new schools in Water; ford Township, the Board of. Edu- cation continued its policy of hon- oring famous early Michigan set- tlers when it named the John: D. sionary, his interest in ie systems grew and his influence in educational ideals gradually he- came more pronounced than his church ve ’ oe MARKETS |Market Eases News in Brief Thieves broke inte the Mansfield service station, 1076 Baldwin Ave.,|Pierce Junior High School ae : i : . eraging 32 cents an hour over The following are top prices 5 and took an undetermined amount) Dedication ceremonies for the| Free chois did not come all at/the three-year period. covering sales of locally grown fer Record of change from vending machines, |$2%4 million school will get under] one time, nor for many’ years. oy prodtice brought to the Farmer's it was reported to Pontiac Police|way at 8 tonight. However, history reports that ‘Twertag concrete. pavement on Pensa- — Market by growers and sold by ‘Pesiensey: ihe, tte bes an enrollment Pleres's plan was Shelly reechedl Wyre Risse, Ine Loti, 0. “lof 4, upils. and s . : ult. ‘Cbe of anes them in wholesale package lots. NEW, YORK ® — The stock; Roy D. Olmstead, 44, of 794 - . es urpassed » tiette te Hid, Salva, Mary Ee Nelom Lehoy : Holdina Its Conventi : «anni market continued to back ‘away,Parkwood St., pleaded guilty to} —— Through Crary’s e' Mac 8. ‘M. Jones, . di 9 5 ENTION Quotations are furnished by -the|+om record‘ highs in moderately|reckless driving yesterday before When Michigan was just be- | Washington, Congress gave the |Mr* \enart pMoR0ts”” pred ibvse. in Washington Detroit Bureau of Markets, as of active trading early today. Select-|Municipal Judge Cecil McCallum ginning to develop in 1836, the | 16th section of each township |Trevino. Pr Ww. , Ben Keuff- An Orchard Lake Fred J.|* . : Rev. John D. Pierce was ap- | to the state, rather than to the | inc Leland 4 Jennte Roach, Arthur man, Wednesday. ed issues gained. and was fined $35 and $10 costs.| Dointed the first state cin. , Miller, | George Wo Echalbar, W. | H | Wells, vice president, Research:and| ‘Twenty-two Pontiac area busi- Pivotal issues dropped fractions He was ordered to attend the Oak-| Pent of ‘public. per etn oh Sent . ae eohe 1 for the |youngs.” Ollie ‘Garwold, Jerome Bids. a Development, Engineering Cast-/ness and professional leaders will Detroit. Produce to a point or more. Jand County Drivers Safety School.| yecommendiation of his friend, S Tews 4 codemun,- Jam James. & w le Superintendents were authorized ings, Inc., in Marshall, was one of|fly Sunday to Washington, D. C. ’ American Telephone continued | | State Rep. Isaac Crary. Water- arier. om gene de Rummage 8 Friday, April ry. hese small secti Stelle ‘Arnett, Prederiek Joel Quick Pred 1$1 _, three _men honored with Gold/for the three-day convention of the Shisiame Ce excoeoce tux to decline on profit taking. It |24th, 9 to 4 =e Our Lady seen ford Township's first junior high |°° sell these small sections and all) Suier, Louis: A. Lenartawics, Richard ! U.S. Chamber of C Apples, Delicious, sco ee 4.00 460. proceeds were put into a perma- W. Johnson. to all persons feeer- g M Medals.y S. mber of Commerce. lost more than 2 while AT&T (of Mart hurch, 32 eri school was named after Crary. é ested, take notice: That the roll of the 1 et y tel The members of the Pontiac VEGETABLES viewed date. teed Ga Birmingham. 3 blocks South of It opened in 1954 nent primary school fund. Interest! special Assessment, heretofore made by : a American Foun- Area Chamber of Commerce will’ seets, toppea, bu. — vena = stock, on the (Mile — between Southfield sina . money from this fund was dis-|the City Assessor tor time purpose, of Ge- - drymen's Society.| 1.4 meet with Oakland County and/°#t°ts. topped, er IIS | Stock split, was off fractionally. |Greenfield. adv.| Although Pierce came to Mich-|tributed to the districts for school Oana ssion decided should be paid and e 7 Walls received Michigan lawmakers to discuss Horshradish, Nov? pk. 2222s... 478| Colgate-Palmolive lost 3 points) Rummage Sale, Sat., April 25, 11 igan as a Congregational . mis-joperation. eantraction"el tue inch hopheliie ean i the John A. Pen- mutnal. problems. Leeks, (Bebs.+ doa -sssseseeeee 3.00 of yesterday's 10-point leap. __ a.m. to 3 p.m. Parish Hall of Our The Rev. Pierce, who graduated|crete pavement on Pensacola Avenue Re. ion Gold Medal Signed up for the annual trip Persiey: Beste “hehe ace $30, Thiokol added about 3 in a con-Lady of the Lakes Church on e . from Brown University, was fa-|{7o™ Fyrom file in'may ins ter puntic | Fe for outstanding >" rae Parsnips, % bu. ......-. w.02202.1'25 tinued adv. the Dixie Hwy. Sruored by St. : . miliar -with the most advanced) inspection. ; : are: Potatoes (bag) 50 Ib 1.39; Unue = basis of its \Bernadette's Guild. adv fotice is also hereby given that the : os 4 to ‘Radishes, hetheues gered 1.68 Stock - split. . i] if e | S principals of study and his thorough Gsmatiuaion “endl the » seoceaet of the ‘ the Society and Marvin -Barnett, Stanley; Roubarb. oothouse (pchs.) dos, ....125, _ i Rummage Sale. Fri & Satur- program of supervision welded the|City of Pontiac, will meet in the Com- . * « * ae day : Turpips. topped, DU. .....seeeeeeeers 1,75 day 9 ‘til 1. Re-organized Church ee 2. ober sn City, on the existing district: schools, into one effective system. : 1 uni wn pang ral = rary an win "be given a pectees witeodet’ te erce, written ay ilson for the Isaac Crary dedication five wo, nite ‘ +, sett. Brown, H. Wayne Gabert, Glenn H, Griffin, Russell A, Gustafson, Dr. Milton Hathaway, Albert W. Holcomb, Glen Miller, Robert B. American Motors was up a point! fo 38% on an opening block of 15,- 000 shares then erased the gain iand showed a slight net loss. Earn-’ of Jesus Christ of Latter Day |Saints. 19 Front St. Back of Elks Temple. adv. o'c! m. to review sald assessment, Downtown Houghton Poultry and Eggs HOUGHTON W—A spectacular DETROIT POULTRY foundry practice.” ‘White elephant and rummage " Oliver Jr., Howard O, Powers, lin ix fire, fanned by strong westerl . * gs and dividend action are an- , y s erly : WALLS —The Gold Medais| John A. Ritey, Philip, R. Sauer, | DETROIT, April 22 (AP) Prices paid icipated in Wall Street. sale, 490 Bloomfield &. Macedonis| winds, tast night destroyed these [veers 2€0.. will be presented to- ADA R oher | are the highest awards bestowed) C. M. Shelton, James F. Spence, jquality live poultry: Zenith lost another -2 points. p.m. adv.| downtown buildings: housing sev- night by ¢ Claudia Wagner. ee by AFS, the international tech:| Mrs. H, Anne Stapp, L. Clare | Heavy type hens 18-20: light type bens po ma mn a : en business establishments ‘and p dbec OTICE, OF IN 10 con- € Mrs. H. ‘tapp, De ‘Eastman Kodak gained w : ‘ “NOTICE OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT.| NOTICE TENTION TO nical society of the metal castings) Utley, J, L. VanWagoner, Stuart sa tos. white 1b'a0: “warted rocks 26-21, more. . . Point oF toe tas oats sei tine 10 second story apartments. ge «0 igaedadl cilia allel oe eae ee he. E. Whitfield, Thomas J. Whit- So? ncavy ducks 5 me 35-27, auewing® rene ‘Bloomfield ‘Hills. FE 8-4169. ‘| Preliminary estimates placed to" Roy Halbritler, Andrew Donellan,| ‘You sre hereby notified that at a regu- x * * field and Harry J. Woodman. | * |. Most other changes were quite adv.| the total damage in excess of |J0hn T. Puckett, August Johnson, Margie Wis at pending Micnigan ogee 4 : ; * Mayrared B. Terry, president of, Accompanying the Chamber Getetie Apel | = iar) Rati FOB! are F irst quarter earnings |’ Rummage Sale. Fri. Apr. 24, 7 “ne , a Hi carte tases vernon ki pall Dion: be the’ intention of ‘the City Commis. pam the American members will be John JV. Hirling-| Detroit. in case lots, federal. state grades: | reports continued favorable but |PM. All Saints Church. Exchange) No one was injured in the [aig trisn city of Pontiac, Muriel A./siom to construct sanitary sewer and Brakeblok _ Divi- a re Whites—Grade A extra large 32,| the market's recent sustained St. entrance. adv.) fire which attracted more than |Murphy, Melvin H. Ostes, Anna Netzel,|related work on Court Drive from Mt. . er, chamber manager, and William) jarge 31; medium 25 small 23; grade a : Dennis Hunt, Bert P Farnsworth, John| Clemens Street to the existing sewer 225 sion of American L. Belaney, assistant. manager Barge 28. Browns—Grade A extra upsurge was due for further ¢or- : Rummage sale, 5 p.m. April 24th. 6,000 spectators to this Upper Howenezuk, Webb Mattingly. Mrs. Ed-| i, Gath of MS Cees tet ee " * 9 m4 ’ t Brake Shoe Co., The group. with headquarters at large 32; large 31; medium 25. Checks rection, brokers said. First Presbyterian Church, Huron, Peninsula community of 3,289. Pesudir’ mnceen een bg ed ee iis ani eclaiss of acid Troy, has an-g@ will attend tel CiniiereMlly gradient! i at Wayne. adv.| Firemen evacuated 10 families (Dennis Hunt. Ervin A. Ashbaugh, Rich-|!mprovement is op file for public in- the Willard Hotel, opening session of the convention Monday in Constitution Hall and U. S. Steel was a 1-point loser. | Whites—Grade A jumbo 30; extra large Fractional large 27-29; medium 24- 25, browns— ard H. Rodgers, Z. Lucas, Morris C. Me; | Sesceee: said ‘the plan, profile and estimate. and that from the upstairs apartments. nounced the a p- One 80-year-old invalid woman pointment of Rob- intended to consiruc' in accordance with is further sale, St. Vincent's improvement Rummage Pherson. Emil N. Hove, Clyde H_ iHall, Park St., Saturday 8-11: am Spurgeon, Lesite Sugden. Harry Ogg. Opie, PP. losses were taken by! 29; \ General Motors, Chrysler, Mont-| Grade A jumbo 28-30; extra large 28-29; ert B. Pogue Jr. b i ny large’ 27-28; medium 23-24, Grade B , ‘ns * was carried out of a window. Good la G he cost thereof ahall be defrayed by ‘ ' reakfast Tuesday with Rep Wil- 8 gomery Ward, General Dynamics ood, Luel arrison. and ‘to_ all per- of ‘ ”~ . large 24-25. ’ « yl 8, rr rap sessment sccording: to front- as his assistant. 6 ‘ | s ~AA Private Detectives sons interested, take hotice’ Thet the as Soke aiva is liam §S. Broomfield (R-Oakland' ‘Sperry Rand, Anaconda, General ither side of Licensed—Bonded—FE 5-5201 < istant County) at the Capitol Building. ti fd k Electric,” Southern Pacific, Texas 1. Continental to Make pose of defraving that part of the cost Court Drive from Mt Clemens Street 4 - S wenneer Tuesday night, conventioneers ivestoc Co; and Stanadard Oil of Indiana | ‘ f N k lel een decided should id be existing sewer Ris font aacth ot , ea | - sat. paid and borne by special assessment: emens Street s s! = is: . belone from Michigan will meet with’ DETROIT LIVESTOCK : | * * * ApH 355 ae hae & te Sat. Engines yor ew Tan for the construction of twe-inen asphaltic, |sDectal aogee district to eer | . - t J wns ‘ woe § nes * concrete pavement on Stanley Avenue) o e estimated cost @ Lg being named as- POGUE many “Michigan Congressmen at| DETROIT, April 22 :AP)—Cattle—sa!-- U. S. Gypsum’ was around a | WASHINGTON .up— The Army ftom Kinney Road to Kennett Road is|Penses thereof and that $1211 60 of the | ; the Statler-Hilton Hotel and able 600. Bulk early supply utility, stand- point to the good. Small gains) : ° . now on file in my office for public In- estimated cost and expenses thereof — sistant to the president. Wednesday morning the Pontiac are pe nd good steers, choice in sma ummage Sale, Fri.. and Sat. yesterday awarded a conttact for, spection. shall be paid from the Capital Improve supply, few sales slaughter steers and WeEWre posted for Ford, U. S. Rub-. ‘Youth Center Lake Orion. adv. Notice 1s alio hereby given that the ment Pund the first production of diese] en- ‘ ‘heiters steady but market not fully her , ;Commission and the Assess { the Cit NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN ! : : group will breakfast with Sen. Phil- |established. bulk unsold; cows fully :ber, International Harvester, Ray- gines to power a new line of tanks. oo anting “ail meet in the Commis.| That the Commission of the City of Hubbard Wants Reward ip A. Hart at the Willard. ‘steady: bulls fully steady: load choice theon, Union Carbide, Baltimore & ‘ ; : a sion Chamber tn said City, om the 2@th Pontiac, Michigan will meet In the Com- Ponti le will be thereund 1150 Ib. steers 30.50: few. lots hig Royal : | One-half of the schools in the| Continental Motors Corp.,. De- day of April AD 1959 at #00 o'clock mission Chamber on April 28 1669 a" F = oe gin good steers 26.00-28.50; few sales utility 10, oya Dutch and Pfizer. bey i troit won a contract for $2,297,900. P ™ to review said assessment at which |@ o'clock pm to hear sugeestions and 5 DEARBORN \.F — Maygr Orville flight back Wednesday afternoon. /and standard mixed offerings 21.00-25.50:; The ticker tape was late for a U.S. in 1950 had only one room | . fase and place opportunity wit! be given/objections that may be made by parties 3 > . |few small lots chotce heifers 28.00-29 90: fi _.|for 180 engines for the pew M6).al_ persons interested to be heard ‘interested > j utility cows 19.80-21.00; canners an e openin: ated ~ 22, 185: wo Tal! i a gare ee on ean 4 i utility cows 19.50-21.00: canners nd, Pe sel ag at the opening. and they educated only about five tank. This work will be done at) Baird, A2 WOT asso - : will ask the roorn Council for Oxtord Rotar 25.06, strong weight commercial bulls) © PEMN& DIOCKS inc uded: ‘per cent of the total school popu- the Company's plant in Muskegon, ADA R EVANS, | ADA R EVANS | an ordinance offering $50 rewards up to 25.50 | Studebaker-Packard up 14 at Jation in the nation as of that year. | “Mich. ; City Clerk City Clerk | for information leadi to the ar- ; Hogs—Salablé 500. Few sales butchers 19215 on 7,700 sh rry “ April 23. "39 April 23. "$8 i. - ad ar to Hold A ] steady: few small lots and loads mixed : SHATES; Spe Rand rest and conviction of anyone who nnua No. 2 and 3 180-240 Ibs. 16.00-16%0; Off *s .at 22% on 5,000; General’ ' , ; | clutters up Dearborn streets. . mixed No. 1 and 2 185-215 Ibs. 16 60- Motors off 14 at 49% on 4,000: and! Cemetery L Lots 5| Help Wanted Male 6; Help Wanted Male 6 instre Ow 16.25 load No. 1 220 Ibs. 17.00; nothing-'— thlek ; . ; | Dea 0 ices e ip Ww Vial 6 Hey Wastes mee © n Vonllors cSinialil 15. Choice and down “ethtenem aff Ss at SL-om 6,300. | 4 pnd 0 FE 4s os CEM a ek “rr ya Bt | 3 By . | f ’— | RR OPP or t ‘ig- 5 OXFORD The Oxford R a=, @bout steady; prime absent due to non- i 2 o ' ee ———— Davein pee Boe aus . | ZZ TERVI — The Oxford Rotary Kosher holidays: good and choice 31 00- N York | COONEY, APRIL 21, 1989, JOSH, BEAUTIFUL +oR. AVE Ot PER Pte ees : ; F : ; al Mj tility 7 r ark Cemet i) Dt BOY, (RS R | - . f Club will stage its annual Min-|cull and utility 16.00-27 : * . . ew or Stocks | Township, age 81, beloved broth- tide Rees rE 4oaa) wee truck =e fob: ee | . . t 00 7.00-3 4 & ite : _ (38.00, standard and & ed 27.00-31 00 - c k and Wil | jobs | f P Retail = : strel Show at 8 tonight and tomor-): Sheep—Salable 200. Nothing gone ‘Late Morning Quotations) . er of Mrs. Eva DcConiek and Wile = — GaR.| —Pontiac Press, Bor 00 or Paint Reta: h Figures ‘atter a liam Cooney. Punera] service will CHA 4 LOTS | row nig t in the junior high school ° , Pig er decimal point are eighths | . . be held Priday, April 24, at 10 @Ptm of Love $205 OR_3-4845 CAB DRIVEXS., EXPERIENCED. “IN PAINT & WALLPAPER STORE auditorium. . bee 19.4 Kemnecott ,...112 i Pe ol Lady of oe | WHITE CHAPEL. 6 LOTS CHOICE ee ee night shifts. ; ~ ? z | ° ir Reduc 813 K ; urch Ww v ro. Pench chris , is i . | . Show chairman Ralph Curtis Mrs. Gray. Appointed Allied ch. 112.3 Kroger... 294 Cee nen Interment in Mt, | —W0ts $1,200 valde. $500 FE 28061.) — =o a drtg Smmerionce in uss line pre yf A S TUL th : said there will be the traditional | pAlied Strs be PF Glass 119-6) Hope Cemetery. Recitation of the | union. See Chuck at Mt Clemens | d ervice 0 ve Allis Chal 28.6 2 Rosary will be tonight at 8 at | prom UIs , Rochester Treasurer Liby McN&L . 126 x : _& East Blvd Pontiac Knol's | INTERVIEWS FRIDA black-faced chorus, end men and) sium Lid 99 Ligg & My oT 4 ec + Godbarat Funsrel Bone. % BOX RICPLIES Cold Header NTER UWS R PDAS “Mr. Interlocutor’” to be portrayed) RocHESTER—Village Manag: km airtin . 308 [Oren AME = 303 _wiil ‘he tn. state, ° At 10 a.m, Today there) | yi), cane Operator 158 N. Sagin r jim Cao = ; st_be experienced Apply Em- 58 N. Saginaw . by Harold Pickford. er Paul York today announced { ‘yan ....511 Lone 8 Gas 443) CUELLAR, APRIL 19, 1959, RALPH, were replies .t The Press ployment Office. The Electric gna" é : M&Fdy 79 Lorillard 82 | 236. W, Wilson St: age 62; gear | {fi in the followin Auto-Lite Co. Bay City, Michigan. : Singers and dancers will per- | the appointment of Mrs. Ta Mae Am Motors a7 Mack Trk 407 brothéf of Rutus cvelier- mon ne ce in hed 8! | GCANVASSERS MODERNIZATION | MECHANIC WITH AN ALL OVER . ; “ é 4 < ». fo neral service W e pri. $ Xperience in art ) i Quiet Carpeted Room form to the music of Fred Gil- | Gray as village treasurer. Mrs. am News ...42.7 May D Strs .. 476 Sa at 18 am. from Bt. Vipcent xes field PRAshtor Mr Panis xt. anperweoce fn, repel tng Several With Teleph lam and his seven-piece orches-.| Gray has been acting as deputy 27 7; Tere ioe ee Le an gle coms ae ere caton | _2017 W. Montes!m_ 70 S Saginaw 8t e€ + so] t ope metery ation | r ~ PS ie . | a etephone tra. treasurer since her appointment | “Anaconda 666 Merr Ch&S . 20.1) at the Rosary was held last sight 2, 5, 6. 7, 10, 14, 21, 2%, NEEDED AT ONCE SEVERAL : {fice in J 1953. co St Og ag Mpls Hon 1a ac the Melvin A. Schutt Puneral | § 28, 31, 32, 37, 57, 75, 98, O men to install home maintenance fe t bd 2. (*) * } ® S Fa e@ A special added attraction will] that office in June . (Armour & Co 264 Minn M&M ..145 Home, where Mr..Cveliar will be' Yigg a7 414 Ou con share al tues Tesentieh a ‘ ‘be the appearance of ‘‘Elvis. Pel- ~~ e& [Balt & Ohio. 46 ek. aS “in state. _.- | micas * like #0 Talk’ Rd. % mile soutn of Orchend Receptionist Servic ivis” in a pantomime act. The “‘Ox-| Mrs. Gray and her husband, [Boeing “Ait ot Mont Ward |) 44.4+- GARNER, APRIL 22, 1959, FLOR. | “e _Lake Deo eceptionist ervice Ak : goa Boh: Sea 98° Motoraa 8a! | ence, 92 Seneca St., age 81. Gear | to People NEW OFFER ford Original Ten Rockettes” will) Irvin, five at 111 W. Fourth St. Bota 420m - 33 Mueller Bras . 29 | | mother of Rev. Robert Garner, | Z “Make a Nice i wil’ wd fle ay mace, wh been 3B. 4 : 276: Mrs. Bertha vones ana Prea Gar- i Will select five (3) men, wh 8 also be featured. ; She succeeds York who has Borg, Ware ace br il 4 - el ner; aear sister of Mrs. Maggie : ] An want an opportunity Im the by “Deacon Jones” is returning) serving in that capacity in addi- | prist. my 103 Nat Dairy 52 | uous. pone ana vel! Guuey. The Pontiac Press ‘ Seal paving pretension a gur expense ° . “ | atie F ' 5B 2 | rvice will be heid Fri- 5 Se e you each you anc *h-| tio is managerial duties Brun Balke 916 Nat Gyps .... 682 uneral se ant to se : at - rvati this year to perform a “much tion to h Budd Co 31 8 28 day, April 24, at 2 pm. from the | . pay you a salary while learning or Reservation needed” wedding, Curtis said. for several years. | Burroughs $13 Nort k West, 398 Pursley Puneral Home. Foliowing | FOR WANT ADS New and Used Cars pg shade |Cal Pack 56.6 No Am Av 46 1 the service, Mrs. Garner will be | W~ neea aggressive men to seti| [1 28%t,,% salee, Jed for sverage one F 9 4 Calum & H . 232 Nor Pac 51 taken to the Watkins Funeral | : . Chryslers” pa Piymouths. Coane | men willing to “o an honest cays ; " iat if 3 o2 Nor Sta Pw .. 25.2! Home in Dexter, Mo.. for service | DIAL FE 2-8181 | in and let's talk it over. | by ees Tht rections” 3 3 Sunday, April 2 Interment | | : i hag Capital Air] 211 Ohid Oil 40.2) on ; e.Tony Guyer $50 weekly guaranteed, plus bo- 6 ; ° Case. JI 221 Owens Cng 67 4 = Bethe: Cemetery, Dexter. From 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. R & R MTRS. INC nus. Our men sverage sho “week. . O: \Eon Trac 94 6 Ouens Ml oI : 8 _ ae - ae eee | 124 Oakiand Ave FE 43528) ty Contact Mr K. G Smith at on Ti Lt pf 844 PacG&eé 65 2 i|MURDOCK, APRIL 22, 1959, WIL- 7 I D Wiliam Kennedy Rea} Estate Reasonable Room ~Ches & Qhio 414 Pan A W Air 32.1, P ham J, U9 Urton “. R All errors nein w. hig j DR IV F R -S AL E SME N Bidg. 3101 West Huron. ‘bear af - . ; he . " Chrys alee 633 Panh Epl oi? Ciarkston; age 72. beloved cae deny dunes an reper | REQUIRED FOR FOLLOWING: fice. 8 am only, Wednesday thru —_: Rat s 1n usiIc Cc. O ars 1ps Clark Bou ao 6 Param Pict .3 . band of Mrs Mauae Murdock; sibility for errors other i ~ Satufdey Ne connection with ‘ » e ; Coig Palm 1186 Beret Ot eon aear father of Mrs. Jdémes Bagie- than to cancel the charges — | Pontiac (4) Walled Lk. rt: Bir- real estate or insurance aa . Colum Gas | 225 Penney Je 4 man, Bernard Murdock ang. Wile for that portion of the first thet ey EEE slengende Herts °2)) DERVANENT SALARY ameining Single $7 Double $9 : oe eal a3 Peps ola 30.1 , ved ‘b vehres, sistei kad one ment os nae fe ee a Rochester 13) i aes Position with national che a 1 ROMEO —..Three Romeo Com-! band; and Norman Davis, 17, Consum Pw 35.5 pe oe 90-1) vive y three sisters ang one ment which has been ren , ' . 8 ¥ onal character Cont Bak 487 1BCE 130 brotner. Funeral service will be ~ aered valueless through the and insurance investigating firm. Gi F Twins $11 9 Imunity High Schoo! juniors and chorus. The senior class winner, Con Pe pre 16 94.5 eu peck . ips heia Friday, April 24, at 1 p.m. error When gcancellations gpa mo. plus bonuses. com-| Openings in Pontiac & Mt. Clem- \ Kitchenettes $12 one senior have been named win-|was_ Raymond Ritter Jr., 18, a Cont & cokS he Proct & G 1.. 825 re, ci ber’ Weeks Bat ae ary mote be a succor. B ecrencemen ee Rect be Sisk eeu pattie “ ~ cal ome W ¥. aido unt of- your “ql number.” ° . at y Low MONTHLY RATES for |[/ners of Summer scholarships to, band member. ‘Cont Meter + ‘2 Pee ON amex Tht lictating. Interment in Lakeview adjustments will be piven efits. Company profit sharing ben- | college he!pful. Age 22 to 28 Paid , | ont Oil 63 RCA - $7.2 Cemetery. Mr. Murdock will lie without it efits during first steps of ad- vacations and expenses. Al] replies Semi-Permanent Guests the National Music Camp at Inter- The announcement was made popner Rng ...26.3 Repub ‘StL, wee, TL3 * in state at the Sharpe-Goyette \ vancement. No investment or} confidential. Write ful] qualifice- Co Pad .... 63.6 Rex Drug’.... 42.6 yunerai Home, Clarxston Closing time for advertise exp. required) These are per- tions & exnerience to Mr. Haller, 120 S. Telegraph Rd. lochen, , during intermission of the Mth | |Curtis Pub... 125 Reyn _ Mot . a 5 SPURLOCK, el em mente containing had eines meee rar ae Apply Tieeretey. _Pontiae Post Office Box 5 j, 7 , i-| 2 8 ¥ o si SK, A 2i, Li , MAR- arger an regular agate is m. SHAR. The ane essere Golan TE | nat tact eer ee BE eee 8 at me at btney aan tonzage: | | pera aioe peonine || GSlniat Hom Tyaiden ace! | Peumars wart, Mun. tae ser . ; +} Concert a e schoo e AG ray St... 38. age 50; belovea husband of Mrs. ‘ay previous publica ontiae mar ring wife 5 J ’ , A : 1B) Y Doug Arc 15 Bt Reg Pap .. 497 nye Gouriock: Beloved gon of wiih vou 8 portation and references. Apply. M Robert A. Hutt Vice. (Dow Cheme 85 ¢ P y at Avon Grill, 3961 Auburn Rd. DPPPPPAPOPRAPPPRRDAPD PAID PDPPDPAINL APD EM rs. . Hutton, vice. Gow seme 482 , Scoville Mf 26.3 Mrs. Virgie Spurlock; dear father | Transient Want Ads may DRIVERS WANTED WITH LATF| or Phone UL 2-4640 Thursday $- ' >| president of the Romeo Monday | | East Air L 41.4 Sears Roeb .. 437 of Mrs. Joyce Tate and Mrs. be canceled up to 0:30 a.m model Tandem trucks to haul| evenings 7-6 pm_ only $ ; ° > Club, which h sat as on She}l OW . 852 Pauline DgPappas, dear brother the day of publication after ready-mix concrete Apply aft- $ FF C T IVE MON DAY April 27 2 ub, which sponsored the event. Eato + Miz 70 4 aie seaee oe of Mrs. Nadine Hargraves; Mrs. the first insertion ernoons. 339 8 Paddock. _ — > ' 2 Four alternates include two jun- Fi 2 "Mul 27 Socony 46 suo’ survived wy fear wrendenil | CASH WANT AD RATES EXPERIENCRD UtAWN MOWFR/ REAI FSTATE SALESMAN. EX- +4 : 2 Fmer se at Bou Padé a3 also ee by tha eendend sharpener & repair man. Part perienced oreferred, scheduled > All P ° . | S k E h q 10rs, Linda Brown, 17, and Ron- PR 116 Sou Ry 362, * gree. wanere sie nd Be pee Lines Lay s-Days 6Dars Hime oni ns aa. Brand new! floor-time. no Broker competition 2 rincipa toc XCHANGES ¢ ald Waschull, 16, both band mem. Fe Coll -0 $12 Sperry. Rd... 225 | the Moore Chapel of the Sparks. | $150 #208 83.13 ee ates NL FE) Bar sppeinisent £0) a. Peter : Meee : : : @ ;Pairb or 34.2 8 : al 49 2 ir - F ‘ 5 — kK > 3 bers; and seniors Nanty*Stenvig. | Firestone lia4 Std OU Ind 9 513 tient io Wate Chapel Cemetery 4 300384 8.76 EXPERIENCED BAKERY BENCH) oi aS : . P 4 Will Oo en at i) A. M. $ 17, chorus: and Gary Shovan, 18. Pore Met i---0a0 SM ound peo Mr. Spurlock will lie in state at 3 #50 ° 450 6.70 band for ereds war: eiiscce, Bud" Nichole. Realtor 2 $b J reepot. Bul 10% Bievens: JP 28 8 the Moore Chapel of the Sparks- | 4 3.00 5.40 8.20 at least 3 71s. bakery experience 49 Mt Clemens St. 2 <, pane: iPrueh Tra 236 Stud-Pack 12.3) Griftin Puneral Home, Auburao. 7 3300 «6309.66 tw. " Bersee. Thomas Bakery: FE $12 ; 3 and Close at 2: 30 P.M. 3 * * * een, i ee a Heights yh tee Ep hee Paar waren > en Bak 137 Suther Pap .. 431, -- a 9. 450° BI 242 EXPERIENCED BUMPER &) p35 $ 3 Ful] scholarships were given by |Gen Dvnam .. 0 | swift & Co 37.3) TURVEY, ROBIN CAROL, 1604: 10 500 900 13.80 getster, eicaty of work, Pontiac Tet spleens Oe eetensins c 2 exas Co . \ fetta, Bi ham: u y Servic 245 Sout ] 3 rg ure Ronee Ca re Romeo ae Fes * 804 Tex G Sul 22.2) ; Henrie Seon Turcey and Ooneits Blvd. ervice. 245 South service, me, “Apps tote 4 . 2, Manufacturing Co., and the tomeo ven Mills 102.2. Textron 22.5) * L. Turvey Jr.; granddaughter, of EXPERIENCED RFA, ESTATE . ‘ > OUR OFFICE HOURS WILL BE 8:30 TO 4:30 P.M. 2 Savings Bank in B Boer . 492 ek aa mene aot ae ond gad —_ Bacusdurian salesman. Apply Smith-Wideman aon ae FORD SAY od : . s : . cot : < an r, an rs. 1 ' v ii 3 3 Partial scholarships w do \Oitetre™® : nt 1 Twent Cen a1 Turvey. At Manley Bailey Pu Help Wanted Male 6, oe So Ta SaERC eT Bins He BigBer “‘Driyests. al > zz ae ships were Gore i . Underwd 27 neral Home, 183 Oakland, Bir- | “70 6 —Dixie Rwy 4 > z . \Goodrich ,. nderwe 2 hi . for door to door canvassing. . . 4 5 80 4 37 ngham. Funeral service will be | 4 NEAT MEN WITH CARS TO DE- * $ C. J. NEPHLER CO. 2 nated by the Restes Lions Clap: | use apie "38 2 Un Gu" a3 Friday at 2 p.m. from Bt. John's liver advertising gifts. $38.50 per. Selary = fommisnion_ OF 2-202. Real E state Salesmen | $ > , $ and the Romeo Book Club. The gil Paize aig Unit Air Lin 393 Aquinas Church. Oakman boule-| 2:30-5:30 p’m, FE. 5-6168. EXPERIENCED ELECTRICAL Have opening tor fall time silen { - . i sf Ini ire 0.4 4 vard, troi : raftsmer for cortrol circuits people xp. preferre ut af you 3818 C ity Nat'l Bank Bld FE 2-9119 3 proceeds from the concert are Greyhound "203 Unit piu, 49 : _ Chapel Tot, Tnterment in White | 19 MEN TO COVER PONTIAC] Apply 1929 Opdyke. Pontiac. FE) can sell, will train New and used wank $ ommuni yY a an g. > added to the total which will Hee on.” tenes aoe Un Gas CP ...466 and surrounding areas. Our men | _ 8-9063. homes. Member of Multiple List- Sn aeeamaaanh, provide the four and possibly 1 Cont 900475 Us Rub’ 315 In Memoriam 2 make big movey, No layolls. ho | EXPERIENCED “Guat CESTATE| WS Schram, Realtor FE 3.0411, AAA AAA AAA AAA PPPS an : Y lIndust Ray "224 US steel 91 RES IETS a AR: McDonald, FE sesii| Ggues. Apoly White Bros. Reel five scholarships. [Interlak Tr... .27 Tob 24 IN LOVING MEMORY OF MR.| or FE 5-953) for appointment for| jis (88? Dixle Hwy. OR ‘ \ t Bus Men 578 Walgreen ..53.4 Cornelius Jewe, who passed personal’ ikerticw Tuesday, mee SALESMAN | The concert featured the high Int Marv. .: 49.7 West Un Tel . 366 away I] yrs. ago, April 23, 1948.| Wednesda. and Thursday be-|XPERIENCED FARMER. MOD.) ‘This Job requires no previous ! aan Nic Yes a . , Vv NOTICE f Pp BLIC HEARIN school concert band led by FE. C. int eaper 1187 West E} : a3 Fie Jannlly of Mr. Cornelius! tween 1 pm. and 6 p.m. only. home. ee wages ‘on Phises- pein saley eaperience. at yee os corer ‘ Ojala and Mixed Chorus under the, vat Shoe 363 Wilson & Co .. 37.6 : ADD $40 TO WEEKLY PAY County 235 South Glengarry, Bir- ; 0 a : rt [Int Tel & Tel . 38° Woolworth 55.7 IN LOVING MEMORY OF MYj_ Sell Air Cushion shoes, spare time.; _™ingham. MT 6-5834. train ve eres iterative ic |direction of C. Lynn Brown. iI icrk Coal "1. . ye 5 oe “a cast Lgl wlan . ?_o) New leather soles with twice the) FIRST - CLASS LIGHT SERVICE| Career. Appiv 4713 Dixie Hwy. )Johns Man , b e . WwW ssed awa r a 7 t The Pontiac City Commission has scheduled public jJones BL... 693 Zenith Rad . 290 —_— 1957 yap Seid wpmiien. Coscien Ecce | agonnhs, Met Bere complete! Seay. Plains, #30 to 1% p.m. on +4 ’ Kelsey Hay «.. 46.4 1 No one knows the silent heartache Shoes. Dept. N 1026 Brockton, Lod A earings for Tuesday, April 28, 1959 at 8 p.m. EST in timatum ssue | Upjohn, Kala, 45.2 Only thore whe ‘lowe: can tell or only in person to Service Manag-| SALESMAN WANTED. FOR | Di. tani : - : The grief we bear in silence, : € —c ham” rect ales rr ore etween a Commissio on Chamber, a ity Hall on Intention to Por te tee we ee ean ALL-AROUND Woodward _Birmineham & 12 a.m 8-0018 Fol : ~ te + y onstruct the fol lo owing pub! ic improvements — Tape Recordin Firm ee sometime our eyes shall MPAC HIN IST ; T LI. ADMIT SAT; HEMAN WANTED ‘ g . T "AY We can't do business without you.| “ar modernization sales. Wil] train , lat Charl tt R ees Gai will line tbe fo: Sremiaey, TO RUN This Service Station is crying for} g worker & M Yuflding £ Sanitary Sewer | one Keopens si one ncn we meet age | SMALL PARTS DEPT. | future “Pets tak, Special ‘deal. | oerucey nn 200 oF PE | _ = sse y_his wife Mary. ~ 4 TS - e ; , a ake ‘ ae ,. >} WALLED LAKE—The City Coun- | CHARLOTTE w — Some 250 per: . - FOR PRECISION OR 3471 tine of THC trucks. Also Oliver - Court Drive from Mt. Clemens to existing sewer 325 [cil announced that it has given ; IN | LOVING MEMORY OF OUR >< 1 NEED 20 NEW MEN AT ONCE| whee] & crawler tractors with ail ‘ : a a ns ~ ‘sons will go back to work here dear mother, Grace L. Ozbun, JOB SHOP. who” are aggressive and ambi-| types of dozers, loaders: back —_—— ft. N. of Mt. Clemens Street. Mark Chessler, owner of the Wil- a who passed away April 23rd, 1950. EPLY: tious enough to work for financial] hoes, etc, This is a good deai for . Cam l Monday when the newly organized Peaceful be thy rest, dear mother REPLY: independence. Don’t call if vou; the ‘right man Reply Pontiac Jow Camp, until May 9 to clean UP | Recordio Corp.,"begins operations Ht ie sweet te Breathe thy Dame: PONTIAC PRESS SE ee vey oe bone | ee ee . ‘ ‘ ‘his property in compliance with) ‘ in Iie, ‘we: loved you dearly. Senne “ month to start. Phone FE 2-3613. op 7 TR Curb, Gutter, Grade, Gravel, Drainage, city and ‘county health ordinances. \4 at 186 old WileaxsGay’ plant Badly mi co re hen’ ‘nil BOX 59 ee ee SERVICE MA’ AGER . 8 ° : 7 Wilcox Gay, a pioneer in the tape! yimissed by her children & | 3—p eau RuaaP AND PAIN’ ~~ Immediat . een ee Gis randchildren. ALL AROUND BUMP AND PAINT imediate ening . ; Related Work | Lif it is not done by then, the” ‘recording field, closéd down about ‘ . : . ; man. Steady work, Economy Used| For men who want steady em- Sas Doe tad“ tommlanos: mn I colincil proposes to take legal ac- | tour rionties. den because at fk Funeral Directors 4 Cars, 22 Auburn. ploy ment. Mechanical ability help- Write Box $7 Portiac Press. . Dellwood Avehue from Earlmoor to Howland tion and have this sanitary nui-| a3) giticulti g RES AR AERA Rens [AWNING AND INSULATION| {Ul Apply Pri. lm. April 200. | ty BERVICEMAN, EXP. APPLY $ Court Drive from Mt. Clemens to Grandview, sance abated,” City Manager|", eons ‘ t th COATS taedieap’ Werk. prices’ ia sown, | Smee: nasties Breer 2e 92, Myra Avenue from Voorheis to Sylvan Street George Shaw said today. n Helnisch, Organizer of the - FUNERAL HOME For appointment ‘call Lake Orion ~ TEST ENGINEER : | Chessler has been under fire by new firm, said it would manufac- Orayton Plains OR. 3-757 branes office, MY 3-1601. Thrifty MALE COOK TECHNICIAN | . ‘the cit Council for some time to Ure tape recorders, phonographs Do ] J h TE aE TWEEN I. neni eghts. Apply immedi | TO, sesemble prototypes, devise 4 * . * * p ( : ‘ is - o * :e For Further Information See Legal Notices. (take tho-nevemlery actin and radios, neison-JOnNs 26 Years of Ae Would You Like ately. Paridy's Restaurant. Dray-| ‘ett set-ups and "perform devel- f ‘ ; . ts r oe 5 e ; ape UNERAL HOME ° our a- ton Plains. Interested Property Owners Are Urged to Appear He has’ stated his intention to bot SISTA include aboat es for Funerals” Hon By raking 6 Months “Gat| MAN TO WORK 8 HOURS PER Revues toc erisatie nad reraly clean up the property several times Including abou PARKS-ORTF FIN CHAPEL | ance Of The Obligation Here At; day, to Lem ge choy M.-C. MFG. C Dated April 22, 1959 o ais raised by former employes of Wil- : Thoughttut Service PE 2-847} Home? Contact The National; $92.50 per we f mare anteed to wk. das ‘ . in the past, but the City C ouncil & = \. start Call PE yo uller Brush | 118 Indianwood Rd., Lake Orio : h the tied. with his CO°G2Y. V Saad ate Or Can FE eign | Co. S YOUNG MAN W - ¢ "om ag not en satisfied wi MS: h -Si le ir Call : AN WHO HAS GRAD Ada R. Evare 4. tl . OorMMees-vplple BUMPE [R&P PAINTER MAN EXPERIENCED IN MUF-| ated from high school can qualt- City Clerk ‘efforts and iS now intent upon pu ; ; FUNERAL HOME « é flers, brakes or wheel alignment or steadv salaried job a* . ty Cler ting an ¢nd to the undesirable sit. There are 1,100,000 Italians in) ‘Experienced body man, Steady em-| for saga, — Must be| tax clerk, Give references and . 3 uation, Shaw eoncluded. New York City. | | + jAmutance series Plane of Motor. | “plorment for rpuaby. man. Write] Tn Ny Garon Bondoc ON Brews Boreiias PO" "1 t f > > ie i * ¢ ¢ * * a { . ‘ z ++ \, : { 4 n * ‘ ‘ : fan ‘ . & ; ® - a 8g os ye . gs ,* £2? ; f° 5 . tf f ! = . iy a a , ae F 2 | ‘(THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1959 i. : py : i ? a ak ee Ae Aa ; Cy SARI 9 Bosssr. _ROEBUCK AND CO. / | gag WHEN AMERICA SHOPS AND SAVES e aumaneeapeyrencenans CAE WHA eee ie mall WHEELBARROWS EVER BUILT | WS =< se Sp ‘DUNLAP LIGHTWEIGHT MODEL DESIGNED FOR THE HOMEOWNER Regularly Sells at 7.50 65° @ Pressed steel tray with rolled edge e@ Rugged, perfectly balanced design — é ia » All First | ality, 73-Pe. + Rega 30 Craftsman Socket St 39 Sale priced to save you 24.62. Unconditionally guaran- teed against defects in materiala or workmanship. No second rate tools here. Chrome-plated alloy steel. Hurry in today during this gigantic sale, .--- +” ES ee ee ee ee @ Tray has 3 cubic foot capacity SAW | COMBINATION @ 10x wv; rubber-tired wheel - _ — as Md | if . y/ / , J | Six Pieces $) 3 9 oe AE i, iy, 5 | / & ; A : 100-Wott Soldering Save 1.00 on This Reg. 282.62 DOWN Reg. 5.69 4.77 | Reg. 2.50 1.50 Accrea-Arm Book and Hold Down NATIONAL Gun Is Lightweight Assortment of Knives YOU GET: Accro-Arm Sow, Stand, Sanding Disc. T amazing power tool performs a dozen difllerent jobs f 1 HARDWARE ‘ 7G nn Py y - I: sasy.to harale ewen ic High'carben steel blades extra to speed up difficult provects. Hurry in to Sgars today! A * ~ y ae. we C j : . , , . ‘ . A ~~; ee Vp. “3 youngsters Removable mng- tough Bonite handles. Assort ‘ - t ment inciudes Mull - purpos ee. : , ile ‘ Reg. 2.29 and 2.59 Blades 61/2, 7, 8-In. . 1.99 ea. Reg. 17.90 Hold Down... ....... 12.88 hie tip, Buiif-in spouignt Come Hundreds of . Items Sale BIG CRAFTSMAN 5 CU.FT.CAPACITY 3 CU. FT. CAPACITY nl Priced! FOR HOMEOWNERS FOR CONTRACTORS GARDEN CART Hurry! nae a JY, ry . onty g444 only 22*" only 499 Rugged Craftsman First Time Ever! : Shop Sears Reg. 1295 Reg. 29.95 Reg. 6.98 Mechanic’s Tool Box Brazes, Solders, Too TOMORROW © 4 cubic ft. capacity e Seamless steel tray ¢ Rugged construction | Reg. 6.29 4.66 Reg. 1085 7.88 ~_ i e 12 x 3.00 rubber tire e Pneumatic tire, heavy- © Heavy-duty tires are , ; ; ‘ Made ef heavy 22-gauge stee hat { ; Night ‘til 9 does not cut into lawn duty roller bearings puncture-proof Save on Craftsman 8-Inch Bench Saw... Hurry In Today! - @ Regularly Sells 99 $5 « sn al i i ac il Dado Set Polisher Reg. 11.95 8.88 ie 4 7 ~ cet = aii at 74.50 High Quality Low Save 17¢ on Four Shop Vacuum Craftsman Sabre DOWN Priced Grass Shears Handy Garden Tools Dust Collector _ Saw Edge Guide on 5 | . ‘ou save 14.62... Fine quality Craftsman 8in. bench Reg. 2.49 1:99 pee, 4 for 59¢ Reg. 39.95 29.99 Reg. 48.95 39.88 saw has long-lasting Kromedge blade. Craftsman %-HP Ha j hollow ground t ingluce 3 l Lm. fork F tw has trigger | Six-Inch som Sander } | sleeve bearing capacitor motor operates in any position. heat treated hoil ind Assortmer Reg: 112.50 Drilt Press 92.88 Pa ibme im nlirdae or 1 } - . k Hand] Reg. 49.95 Jointer coce 4288 switch with lock button, cuts COffer includes saw only. | é able plas- © ¢ Reg. 67.50 Lathe w/Teol Set wee 2x4s easily Cuts its own start . $ { zea n t Reg. 69.50 Acetylene Outfit .. 3950 ing nele. Case included, Saw w/motor, stand and extension, Reg. 126.35 .99.99 i} is i r roenare ” ‘ i WN a ato r , 4 is ~\ s 3 e ~_ : _ N $ “h = 7 ? { = ty Smooth Cutting All . Dunlap Oscillating - Steel Lawn Edger— Steel Hand Mower Dunlap Garden Hose Lawn Sprinkler Has Saw-Tooth Blade Reg. 26.95 23,88 fag. 9.9 4.88 i, Reg. $98 4.99 Reg. 3.98 2.99 Lightweight. guaranteed ait Stronger, yeu: Full ‘5-inch imside a Sorinkies G8x45-{t area in ore Rotanng wheel presses down rhite on Adu ome Hurry ¥ C ng 1 rf ie 1 whil h knife | e c ga - x r f I ol gra 4-tt. polrshed hard a Pola RAE ting herght Rubber ar gigantic Hardware We Spray tube ard runners i the ar 4. simshbed hard- foo i wood roller Sale @uminum tubing. wood handle ' | CRAFTSMAN : a ea — ae er a £4 , , a Becca nt RABIN IANS , a Bias Bie core A attaenS. cine , ~ te, / cP 2 ; , | / Save 496 on Craftsm 7 1 > s s . 6'/2-Inch Electric Hand Saw “4 . Ps} Regularly Sells at . ; Coe 99 @ Guaranteed : "1 One Year ©@ Kromedye Blade The 24 HP 4-cycle Craftsman engine starts with a turn SAVE 3.96 on CRAFTSMAN CRAFTSMAN HEAVY DUTY TWO-SPEED SANDER Regular bie awas 44.95. Saw ‘cul 2x4's — * a . and downward handle push ... and you're ready to MEDIUM DUTY SANDER SANDER CUT 9.96 POLISHER CUT 7.51 Has heavy-duty universal motor that develops 1% HP, cut a big 20-in. wide path. Rugged, lightweight aluminum ‘+. and needle bearings. Enclosed trigger switch. One guide line for all angles of cut. Craftsman Rotary Mower @ Cuts 20 Inches, . 88 er $5 men SIRE NE RATT OCIS a © 9 Cutting Heights DOWN One year guartnire Reg 15.95 Aluminum alloy heusing Reg. 29.95 High speed ¢for sand- Reg. 27.50 housing can't rust. New ‘Soft-Tone” muffler, too, "Dackare’ wohen sand Rubber-cushioned handie r thor across ait , 1% Overlapping pad 199% ing, low, for polishing. 199% | with or a@egross grain | Reg. 84.50 Reel Mower 18-Inch. . 74.88 16.95 with cose.12.99 31.95 With Case 22.99 Ole dey BP oe | jun rel peerialeed 01 owe money back : SEARS ~~ 154 North Saginaw St. Phone FE 5-41 enti dimeeieeen et i ee Less Case Hardware Dept.. 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