Th« Pontiac Prott, Sunday, Novombor 9, 1969 SUNDAY R — Rerun C — Color SI NDAV MOKM.Nt. 6:05 (2) TV'Chapel 6:10 (2) C — News 6:15 (2) C-4-H Action Series 6:45 (2) C — Christophers 7:00 (2) C — This Is the Life 7;25 (4) C — News 7:30 (2) C — Cathedral of Tomorrow (4) C — Country Living 8:00 (4) C — I Believe (7) C —Dialogue 8:05 (9) News 8:15 (9) Sacred Heart 8:30 (2) C — Day of Discovery (4) C—Church at the Crossroads (7) Understanding Our World — Members of the Comm unity Relations Caravan of the American Friends Service Committee visit Michigan communities to alert citizens to the dangers of racism. (9) C— Hymn Sing (50) C — Temple Baptist Church 8:55 (4) C—Newsworthy 9:00 (2) C—Mass for Shut-Ins (4) C — Oopsy the CloWn (7) R — Bachelor Father (9) Audubon — Wild life sanctuary near Toronto is visited. (50) C — Captain Detroit 9:30 (2) C — With This Ring (7) C — Dudley Do-Right (9) C — Samson (50) C — Skippy 9:45 (2) C - Highlights (4) C — Davey and Goliath 10:00 (2) C — Let's See (4) C — House Detective (7) c — George of the Jungle (9) C — Magic Shoppe (50) C — Three Stooges 10:30 (2) C — Faith for Today (7) C — Fantastic Four (9) C— Bozo (50) R—Little Rascals 11:00 (2) U. of M. Presents — The Aging Consumer focuses on the problem of living on a fixed income in an inflated economy (Part 1). (7) C — Bullwinkle (50) R — Superman 11:30 (2) C — Job Oppor- ' tunity Line (7) C — Discovery — “The Thundering Waters of Niagara” deals with ihe history of the famous falls. (9) R — Movie: “Just Around the Corner” (19381 Shirley Temple, Joan Davis. (50) R C — Flintstones Sl’\r)\V AFTKKNOON 12:00 (2) C - Face the Nation — (4) U. of M. Presents — The Greek tragedy “Ion” is discussed. (7) C — College Football 1969 (50) R — My Favorite Martian 12:30 (2) R — Patty Duke (4) C — Target (50) R — Hazel 1:00 (2) R C— News Special — Sex and the 6-Cent Stamp” explores pornography in the mail and the steps that are MODERNIZATION FAMILY ROOMS DORMERS ROOM ADDITIONS-BREEZE-WAYS - ALUMINUM -KITCHENS 5744 Highland Rd.(M-59) OR 4-0371 DIXIE GARAGES Brick • Block • Frame Free Plans, No Con fusing Prices, Buy Direct from Owner ond Save' F.H.A. Terms • Up to 7 tr. Terms FREE ESTIMATES SEE MODELS ON DISPLAY SAME LOCATION IS YEARS Every Job Fully Guaranteed OWNER SUPERVISION ON EVERY JOB being taken to alleviate it. (4) C — Meet the Press— England’s Prince Philip is interviewed. (7) c—Directions—Drama explores a middle - aged woman’s seard|i for identity. (9) R C — Movie: “Man’s Favorite Sport” (19o4l Author of a book on fishing is forced boss to enter a tournament, although he has never fished in his life. Rock Hudson. Paula Prentiss. John McGivpr (50) R — 'Movie: “The Pawnbroker” (1965) A pawnbroker who lost his family to Nazi terrorism isolates himself in his Spanish Harlem pawnshop. Rod Steiger. Geraldine Fitzgerald 1:30 (2) C — Dollars and Sense ''(4) C — Pro Football: Buffalo at New York (7) C — Issues and Answers — Governor Nel-ernor Nelson Rockefeller guests. 1:45 (2) C — Pro Press Box 2:00 (2) C — NFL Today (7) C — Spotlight 2:30 (2) C — Pro Football: Cleveland at Minnesota (7) C — Haney’s People 3:00 (.7) C — Championship Bowling (56) German Spoken (62) C — News of His Coming 3:30 (7) R C - Movie: “Music Man” i 1 9 6 2 ) Traveling salesman brings music to an Iowa town. Shirley Jones . Robert Preston. Buddy H a c k e 11 . H ermione Gingold, Paul Ford (9) R C — Movie: “The Sound of Anger” (1968) Teen-age lovers are accused of murdering the girl’s wealthy father. Burl Ives. James Farentino, Joseph Campanello. Dorothy Provine (50) R — Movie: ‘Rebecca of Sunny brook F'arm" (1938) Rival cereal companies fight to sign a talented child prodigy for radio commercials. Shirley Temple. Bill (Bo-jangles) Robinson (.56) German Lesson (62) C — Herald of Truth 3:45 (56) C — Davey and Goliath 4:00 (4) C - Pro Football: San Diego at Kansas City ('56) Choice - The dilemmas posed by the possibility of spare parts for human bodies which will permit “immortality" and the need to determine how long a person should live. (62) C — Oral Roberts 4:30 (56) Accent — “Tempest in Our Time" shows the six years of musical development of the Mid-America Chorale, a 24-voice professional chorus which parallels the renaissance ferment and the unrest in our own time. (62) C — Revival Fires 5:00 (50) R C ~ The Prisoner (56) R -- The Heart-makers — A film of the world's only artificial heart implantation in a human being and exclusive interviews with heart specialists D r Denton Cooley and Dr Michael DeBakey. (62) C — Bugs Bunny and Friends 5:15 (2) C — P 0 s t g' a m c Show 5:30 (2)^pecial) C — Dean ^^chesoh — A conversation with t h c former secretary of state touches on such topics as McCarthyism, the Hiss case, and Presidents Truman, Eisenhower and Kennedy. (9) R C — Laredo SUNDAY. NKiHT 6:00 (2) C — News . Weather, Sports (50) R C — The Baron — The owner of a cursed cameo becomes its latest victim. (56) R — NET Journal — Conservative William F. Buckley Jr. is profiled through a series of filmed statements on crime, the ghetto, capital punish-ment, patriotism, communism and the arts. (62) R — Ozzie and Harriet 6:30 (2) C - (Special) The Spreen Era — Newsman Joe Weaver narrates a report on Detroit Police Commissioner Johannes Spreen’s first 14 months in office. (9) R C - Movie: “The Appaloosa” (1966) Cowboy Th« Pontiac Prott, Sunday, Novombor 9, 1969 tries to retrieve a rare horse stolen from him and taken into Mexico. Marlon Brando. John Saxon (02) R C - My Mother, the Car 7:00m2) C — Lassie — Careless shooting almost causes a near tragedy (4) c __ George Pierrot — “Denmark to Greenland” (7) C — Land of the Giants ~ Barry’s dog is injured and must b e treated by a giant veterinarian. (50) R — Perry Mason (56) R -- News in Perspective (62) R — Movie: “Dial M for Murder” (1954) Husband plans to murder his wife, but when plans go awry, he arranges it to appear that she killed her attacker deliberately. Rav Milland. Grace Kelly. Bob Cummings 7:3(1 (2) C - To Rome With Love — Mike realizes the girls aie homesick and decides to move back to Iowa. (4) C Walt Disney’s World — In part 2 of “Charlie, the Lonesome Cougar.” Charlie learns he cannot have the best of both worlds — his and man’s. 8:00 (2) C — Ed Sullivan — Guests include Nancy Wilson, Jack Jones, t h e Association. P'rank Gor-shin and Anita Gillette, Norm Crosby and Scoev Mitchlll. (7) C — FBI — Erskine follows the trail of a hijack gang about to rob a drug firm of narcotics. (50) R C — David Susskind — 1, Carroll Righter talks about the use of astrology in choosing a marriage partner; 2. Oldsters discuss their place in a society that worships youth. (56) Speaking Freely — Dr. Robert J a s t r o w . director of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies, discusses recent Apollo missions and future space travel. 8:30 (4) C — Bill Cosby — Parent of a would-be football player takes an interest in Kincaid’s team choices. Nehemiah Persoff guest-stars. (9) C — What's My Line? 9:00 (2) C — Leslie Uggams — Johnny Mathis, David Frye and Bob Denver guest. (4) C — (Special) Julie #ndrews — The Academy Award-winning songstress and guest Harry Belafonto perform music ranging from popular and folk songs to calypso numbers and musical selections from around the world. (7) Movie: “The Spy Who Came In From the Cold” (1966) A gripping espionage thriller created from the best-selling novel by John Le Carre. Richard Burton. Claire Bloom. Oskar Werner (9) C — Fringe Benefits Collection Day — First of a number of one-shot film dramas is a comedy about a young man and his unexpected talent for blackmail as a way of succeeding in the publishing business. (56) P^orsyte Saga — Irene’s affair with Bosin-ney becomes common knowledge. (62) C — Notre Dame Football: Taped highlights of the Pittsburgh game. 10:00 (2) C — Mission: Impossible — The IMF sets out to prevent destruction of a secret formula vital to America’s missile defense system. Anne Francis, James Patterson and Jason Evers guest-star. (4) C — Bold Ones — Dr. Stuart is called upon to save the life of a man who has been his adversary in a malpractice suit. Howard Duff guest-stars. (9) C — Weekend -- Financial experts discuss the White Paper on t a x reform. Former Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson guests. (50) C — Lou Gordon — 1. Conservative William F. Buckley, editor of the National Review, discusses President Nixon, demonstrators, the urban crisis and victory in Vietnam; 2. Author Joe McGinniss discusses his controversial best seller, “The Selling of the President 1968.” (56) Advocates — Automobile insurance reform is debated. 10:30 (62) c - Upbeat -Guests are Joe South, the People Tree, the Classics IV, the Box Tops, Bobby Goldsboro and the Mauroks. 11:00 (2) (4) (9) C - News. Weather, Sports 11:15 (.7) C —News, Weather, Sports (9) Nation's Business 11:21 (9) R — Movie: “The Model Murder Case’’ (British, 1965) When a glamorous model is found murdered, clUes lead to a TV idol, suspected of blackmailing her and a dope addict. Ian Hendry, Ronald Fraser 11:30 (4) C — Barbara McNair — Bobby Sherman, Skiles and Henderson, Big Foot and Virna Lisa guest. (62) R — Movie: “The P'uzzy Pink Nightgown” (1957) Actress is kidnaped on the eve of her latest film premiere. Jane .Russell, Keenan Wynn 11:35 (2) R — Movies: 1. “The Spider Woman’’ (1944) Sherlock Holmes 11:45 (7) R C — Mo v i e : “Satan Never Sleeps’’ (British, 1962) Two priests hold fast when Red China invades their territory. William Holden, Clifton Webb 12:30(4) C - News, Weather 1:00 (9) C ~ Escape Route 1:30 (2) R — Movie: “The Devil to Pay” (1931) 1:45 (7) R — Untouchables 2:45 (7) C Weather 3:00 (2) C Weather 3:05 (2) C Ring News. News. With This 90 DAYS SAMI AS CASH ' UF TO MONTHS TO FAY ROMNSON’S STEREO HI F) COIVIPONENT CENTER "RIMIMOm - wi SfRVICI WHAT Wf SfU' STEREO COMBINATION OFFER tnioy Hilt lt«rM AIVFM RaMo-FlMMirapN plyt thttt tM.N NtMto ltirt« Spyaton ... Now only $2T9.S0 FOR ALL THREE You'll onjey o vott ImpfovomonT In tho ro-crootien of muikl Advoncod ■•lld-tfoto cir> cuifry roplocoi tubot, oliminotoa hoot->aMwr*i looting Magnovex roliobllity. 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