| ol gag nr . Signs began forming at 4:30 across — | Fisher Body * & & & & PONTIAC, MICHIGAN | aie i ——a pase es re WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER * “e et Halts Pontiac 12, 195682 PAGES | * * * Line 4300 Walk Out as Negotiations Pass Deadline © Pontiac Motor Output Halted at 10 A.M. by Shortage of Bodies A strike of 4,300 workers at the Fisher Body Division plant here has threatened to idle an additional 12,000 Pontiac Motor Division workers if the strike con- tinues. Some 2,500 hourly work- ers on the second shift yes- terday afternoon walked off the job shortly before 5 p. m. after a five-day bar-) gaining session between management and union of- ficials failed to solve union grievances. A union’ spokesman this morn- nue plant. yesterday. Picket Strikers Ring Local Fisher Plant FISHER BODY PICKETS — Part of the 2,000 ing said no workers, other. than} pickets are shown here parading past William 800 salaried employes, have at-| McAulay (right), regional director of Region 1B tempted to enter the Baldwin ave-| UAW, after they walked off their shift at 5 p.m. lines continued ‘to ring which has idled the Fisher Body Divisidn plant this morning. Workers charged speeded-up production sched- ules and other grievances for. the mass walkout Pontiac Press Photo some 4,300 hourly workers. A Pentiaec Motor spokesman said 2,200 were sent home at 10 day when the plant's bile bedy supply was ed, “Other operations will be affect- ed within the next few days, and) if the strike continues eventually all halt,” he said. MAKING 800 DAILY Pontiac Motor was turning out, Division workers a.m, te- automo- exhaust- Charles iM. Ziegler/ures which have been neglected by’ run for re- devotion to my job.” ‘ _ “Ag state highway commission- $00 cars a day; he added, Management and union officials have scheduled a 1:30 meeting to- day in a continued attempt to solve the grievances. Harold A. Grant, president of Fisher Body ‘Local 596 UAW, charged management with speed- ed up production schedules and taking away privileges formerly granted to workers, An Official of the Fisher Bedy Division in Detroit said union requested by management yes- A handful of pickets carrying from the plant. The exit of Grant from the bar- gaining sessions signaled the for-| mation of picket iines which swelled’ when the afternoon shift workers} filed from the plant. ' ' Grievances listed by union offi- cials inclided the alleged elimina-; _ (Continued on Page 2, Col. 2) | top Post Flect President GEORGE K. ZIMMERMAN of Trade Group Association in 1957 At the annual meeting of the iast Varnish Co., was elected president’ of the group for 1957. | - Other officers elected were| Philip J. Monaghan, General Motors vice president and general | manager of GMC Truck and Coach( Division, vice president; Thomas) Mair, office manager of the Jig, Bushing Co., treasurer; and James. F. Spence, .secretary-manager of, * the association. ‘ The’ members elected the fol- Only 13 Paper Precincts Left Pontiac Township to Join Voting Machines Areas With the decision of the Pontiae Township board to rent nine voting machines, the last major paper ballot area in the county has been eliminated. There are now only 13 paper ballot precincts remain- ing in Oakland County, out of 249 precincts. lowing to the Board of Directors to servé 1957-58 terms: Semon E. Knudsen, General Motors vice) president and .general manager’ of the Pontiac Motor Division; L: Karkau, district. manager of Consumers Power Co., and M. D. McLintock, president of Bald- win Rubber Co. The three will serve along: with Zimmerman, Monaghan, and R. K. Dostal, president of the Dostal Foundry and Machine Co., whose directorships expire at the end of . Three Bodies Found Township clerk Greta V.* Block explained that regis- tration in the township’s six. precincts has risen from 3,100 in 1952 to about ' rented for a year with .an jyearold Royal Oak man, have) 3,800: in the Nov. '6 general — to buy at the end eof |been recovered near the scene of election. cea gO oh ee oe a private plane crash in Lake Erie “The rise in registered voters) the primaries, she: sald. |jast Saturday. Paper ballot areas now include| The bodies of Wesley H. Hopp Lyon, Groveland, Brandon and Ad-|320 Sunnybrook Dr., Royal Oak towns villag-|and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Me- I could turn in my results to the at Erie Crash Site ae y Hs} a é In a two-page statement, Ziegler) 4 not keep,”’ the Republican highway commissioner said, Country Club, George K. Zimmer- a man, vice president of the Pontiac | highway system. . tot to the people in all parts of the —-** _“T have never built a political) road, nor made a promise I did Soviet Troops Try fo Isolate service had stopped within Ziegler to Retire Next July LANSING @® — State Highwayjhis family and fishing—‘‘two pleas-! er since April, 1943, [ have ex- Commissioner will come to a|today said he will not in the spring, “he would spend’ said: Hungary Capital Ring Budapest in Effort to Cut Communications Between Strikers FROM OUR WIRE SERVICES VIENNA—A ring of So- viet tanks and troops en- circled Budapest today in an effort to isolate the Hungarian capital from the rest of the strike- paralyzed nation. All communications be- tween Budapest and the rest of Hungary have been cut in an attempt to pre- vent the circulation of strike orders from the out- lawed Central Workers’ Council which now is oper- ating underground. Refugees said all train Hungary. Approximately 90 per cent of the * * 7 Ziegler said he does not warit the people of the state “to be mis- . . led by non-factual utterances of Zimmerman Is Picked the governor and his political to Head Manufacturers highway construction. “DID GOOD JOB’ During the years ‘when highway . 1, funds were “pitifully inadequate,” Pontiac Manufacturers Assn. held ra. night at _ Bloomfield Hilts | the highway department did “an anding job to preserve -our Hi * Ziegler. said Michigan is now rated by the federal government among the top five states in the nation in the progress it is making) under the accelerated national highway program. Noting that he had been se- verely criticized by Gov. Wil- fiams for eight years, Zeigler / called the governor “a power hungry Democrat whe is unsat- isfied with having secured com- plete’ control of nearly every one ef the state’s more than 100 bureaus, commissions and agen- cies, “He now wants to take over con- (Continued on Page 2, Col. 4) - Tke Belts Long One ‘1_Hate People; He Says Fog, Dark Stall Search for Plane Lost Sunday With 62 Aboard fF HF Hit: ee Word. arrived in the West off “snk ek But so tar there was no rep s.° wee 7 ‘ tmountain | etition of the bloodbath with . beat back the armed Hungarian ; a ; revolt Nov, 4. ; moe : Premier Janos Kadar sent his) OAKLAND, Calif. —Alameda County sheriff's offi-| ester securit ce Soviet . ee . wor tape to break up workers (cers today renewed their questioning of ‘toothless rs demonstrations, The puppet Pre-| Stephen Nash, self-styled “rotten, cold-hearted” killer,) region, au mier ‘vowed that, having defeated) Yesterday he told authorities they “hadn't scratched) his foes militarily, “we will also pa . <6 fem defeat them politically.” +the surface” in: in day night. . * * gating — he : Soviet troops were reported mov- ; 7 conf . .. and. na'e wipe'ou stare ot revel Dy Will Wait | \tesad six more lene guerrillas holding out in the hills J"'j]] Next Year He said four of the six killings| radioing cngaian aeurces oud for bor-if N Sli 7 oe a ee = - n j ne in Sacramento, Calif. dom fighters Were encircled put! or Cw Ippers on reday’s search will try — aad ml il opt ee MN, Hol Spat a pc | industry and commerce almost to\wer divers. "| to rob him, ‘a standstifi on its first day. A * * “We don’t know whether to be- Yugoslay correspondent reported! Charles Molnar, Hungarian-born|lieve him or not,” said Sheriff’ from Budapest that at least 80 merchant here, reported that Su-|Capt. Frank Madigan, “but wel Vows per cent of Hungary’s workers sie 8 brought him $4.75 she had know he’s killed five. I don’t know obeyed the cease work order from |saved for her father’s gift. The|why it might not be eleven.” the outlawed Central Workers’ |child wanted the money to go to-|~ Nash said, “I had my sights set} Pontiac Council. Other dispatches said the|ward Hungarian relief, said Mol-jon 16.” Heved work stoppage was nearly 100 per nar. The ex-convict was arrested in| plunge to cent effective in the provinces. Susie's father, who requested|Los Angeles last week after the|11-15 low, Despite martial law and the ar-|that her last name be withheld,| fiendish slaying of two boys there.| Preceding rest of some labor leaders, work-'told Molnar that, after hearing) Monday, in San Francisco, af- ers stayed away from their jobs/about Hungary's plight, Susie|ter leading officers to the place yesterday by the hundreds of asked him: one of his victims was dumped grees. thousands, | “Do you think, Daddy, that your|in the bay, Nash proclaimed: Tonight's Power plants ran but most of (Continued on Page 2, Col. 2) u town Pontiac. Tve Been a Good Boy’ ms Lake Rd. shows no sign of stopping as he recites | of desired presents to Santa Claus in a re, Every day, Santa patiently hears out lyear? I was planning to buy you old slippers might last another la new pair for Christmas with money I've saved in my piggy “IT hate people, I'm as rotten as they make them.” San Francisco Police Lt. Al Nelder said “he’s completely ani- bank.” malistic and callous. Want Mystery and Allure? By JANET ODELL It's time we got around to the ladies, Maybe, like Mr. Baxter of book and TV fame, you and your wife have decided to give each other a piece of household furniture for Christmas. And may- to break your agreement and buy some fancy doodads to put under be like Mr. Baxter, you're going hand Rare Gifts Are Delightful what size his wife wears? You're one in a million, We saw some beautiful black satin evening. bags in one store. will please a woman; handsome copper belts. An extra top grain leather belt to wear with skirts and blouses is a gift that In Today's Press The Animals’ Christmas 1% County News evGbeenuceuns a2 Editorials Steere eesreeetoeaus 4 TV & Radio Programs ... Women's Pages ait 4 z t Ed hy Al it d I 5x BF at Hh 2 5s i E «SFE gehht aves A tO. Pot-0'-Gold i g eREe Canada, amble along the August hower and Louis St. Laurent, prime minister of oa i ¥ A * logy a National Gol: Police to Vote on Trial Board In Case More Satell Canadian inspected an Army honor guard as part of his current U. S. visit. ites Revolt... NATO Defense Planned PARIS w— Political leaders of said to have indicated clearly at/5* the Atlantic Alliance today con- the current NATO meeting here |‘ tinue discussion of the challenge that they now will accept less than : ee ee 8 ee ; ie THE PONTIAC PRESS, AWEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1956 | \New Violence: | Seen in Poland ' Eighty - Eight Persons Jailed: for Rioting on Soviet Consulate WARSAW \if—New antigovern- ment violence was reported ‘in Poland today in the wake of the mob attack on the Soviet consul- ate at Stettin. Eighty-eight per- reported jailed riot. Trybuna Ludu, official organ. of the Polish United Workers (Com- jmunist) party, disclosed a crowd attacked a police building in Olecko, a town near the north- eastern city of Bialystok. for the Stettin 2 * * : The Communist paper reported that crowds demolished municipal offices at Nowy Ciechocinek in the) northern midlands. Other demonstrators beat up a local Communist party secretary at Nieszawa, in the same district. The paper added: “More such repetition of the Soviet military intervention’ in Hungary, sped an ‘apology to the Soviets for the at- tack on the Russian consulate in the outburst at Stettin (Szczecin) Monday night. * * Newspapers which first played down the riots as drupken hooll- ganism reported that the demon- tors attacked police headquar- ers and the local prosecutor's office and tried to break open the sons, many of them youths, were MRS. cute QUACKENBUSH Evangelist Dies. in Car Accident in Local Church Mrs. Clayton (Emma _ Under- wood) Quackenbush, evangelist and pastor in the conference of Assem- bly of God churches, was killed in an automobile accident near Ke- nosha, Wis. Monday, She was 67. For the last. 18 years, Mrs, Quackenbush had been active in| ‘T#Y (The Day in Birmingham |City Starts 3 to Legalize Tree Sales BIRMINGHAM — City commis- sioners have set the wheels In mo- tion to have proper legislation cov- ering Christtnas tree sales within the city. City Manager Harold K. Schone has pointed out that all are in vi- dlation of an ordinance whith pro- hibits outside storage of wares. Others are using land which is in another zone classification. ~ Since commissioners believe ‘the sale of trees to be a worthy cause, used mainly as a fund raising feature by service clubs, they have expressed a desire to cooperate to the fullest, An amendment to the present next Christmas, to make provisions for the legal sale of trees, after the regular vendor's license has been obtained. * * * Recently elected officers of Bir- mingham Temple No. 94, Pythian Sisters, will be installed at the | tor, Hazel Lawlor; guard, Elsie ordinance will be formed before) “Legislation Reservations may be obtained from Mrs, Donald R, DeWin- ter, Royal. Oak, and Mrs, Rob- ert Sisson, Huntington Woods. Mre, Eliza Unsworth Mrs. Eliza Unsworth, 2136 East- man, Walnut Lake, died Monday in Pontiac General hospital after ‘ a brief illness, Born in England on Dee. 7, 1875 Surviving is her husband, Issac, in England; a son, William of Wal nut Lake, and a daughter, Mrs. Herbert W. Hetrick of Detroit, Two grandchildren also survive. Service will be Th at 1 p.m, from Bell Chapel of the Wil- liam -R, Hamilton company, with burial in White Chapel cemetery, _ night Wirepnote incidents can be reported.” Pastor’s Funeral Service |meeting scheduled for Jan. 15, 7 2 6. on the} KE AND GUEST—Golf is unquestionably the AP Wirephote, Poland's nationalist Communist ls Scheduled for Frida 1957. Hazel M, Watts walked over) jain topic of conversation as President Eisen- Club in Ike's special electric cart. Earlier, the | government, seeking to avert any vu wT y Service for Haze] M. Watts, 51, of 160 Auburn, Pontiac, formerly of Birmingham, will be at 2 p.m. Friday from the Manley Bailey Funeral Home; Mrs. Watts died this morning at Pontiac General Hospital after a short illness. She had lived in Birmingham about 15 years where she and her husband operated the Valdo- ra Restaurant from 1942 to 1946, They were later in the Birming- ham Colonial Tearoom from 1960- 54, and in Royal Oak they op- ; ne 153 ide their defense strategy that full international control of the|™!: minister of an Assembly of God|Deld at the Dec. 15 meeting. | erated the Colonial Manor {rom If Disciplinary System would result if more Soviet satel- waterway. Church in Troy. Later she pastored)" pirmtagham families are in- | 1455. Will Be Replaced pee eee Reese sever es ‘Brides Still Sold |* 7 ™ Constantine vited to gather st St. James | Mrs. Watts is survived by her a }. ation, li | W 't Seek I. In reeent years, she did evan- | Episcopal church om Friday (husband, Hector O. of Pontiac; a oe 7 * % ; legier on in Rural Areas . gelistic work in ‘various com- | from 5:30 te 7:50 p.m. for an (son Gerald T, of Lake Orion; her ¥ " ee a eee Minister . . ° . munities. She was ordained te | entertainment based on “Return |mother, Mrs. Thomas Sayers of * Lion will decide tonight whether to seek/Heinrich von Brentano, | leading Re-election if 1957 of Red China the ministry at Riverside Taber. | to the Spirit of Christmas”. |Dresden, Ont.; two grandchildren; . ' off the second day's speeches at The @f the evening will (six sisters and three brothers, all Mo Lease Branch Site sii service to replace the present Noa atanic realy, Cou sect gone ms) — tw com{ eam Fine. 18 sears ago, | The Mug mt six sisters x eS authori’ > . | } — * smorgasbord. i hin New Center eeeys ni cil’s crucial current session, wes! (Continued From Page One) | ; Mrs. Quackenbush was born On! i, stressed that families are in- 3 a Officers will vote at a meeting! expected ' da . _|munist China you can ‘still buy} y 1889, in Woods Hole, Mass. units : at 8 p. m. at the iets < Olean Seal Settlon break out tn Fas, (Ol of the State Highway De'/s wife for cash in the rural areas. nog ba and Martha A, Hudson| ““# attend ss mm Bl fi ld yj ld Officials of the Lion Store, 51) ,myets post 113, President Herbert | Germany thereby generating partment and make of it another) Marriages continue to be &I*/Cook. She had lived in Pontiac The final Saturday story hour oom le le S C. Cooley said. presstite in West Germany for politica) tool,” Zeigler said. “He Tenged by parents, go-betweens and since 1927, coming here trom Iowa. until after the holidays will be held : : : Western aid to the rebels. has never seriously indicated a de-|match-makers, as in the days be-| She leaves six children, Mrs. this week at 10:30 a.m. The half- 30 Acres fo Pontiac The vote will decide whether | The ministers met under the sire to develop a sound highway fore the Communist .regime was Mary Tenn Beaww 6 Williams!}our program, kindergarten officers will seek to place several |tightest security blackout ever program for the benefit of the . Lake with whom made her sixth grade, will feature WNSHTP which would maké the change. | The rift between Britain and * ¢ ® forbids all this. But tredi- |Erie, Pa; James Underwood of| i. Chimes Rang.” The Township board has approved * It is the first downtown store nt ees iment to FTaMce And the United States over) Ziegler added: | eee die heed. And, in areas |Richland, Wash.; Robert . and|"* =e * * annexation of a 30-acre site on to the new the Egyptian invasion appeared “Under my administration the| where ‘there is a et |George Underwood, both of Wil- North Suburban Alumni of|South Boulevard by the city of the City Charter section which sets! be virtually patched as a result politics which permeated the de-| = venesiee Letde liams Lake; and Martha Under-|y,. “chi Omegh have planned|Pontiae. The property is owned I : | i . * . - t e . sues ‘teat 0 etn alet private talks Dulles had with'partment when I took it over after creem bas to pay heavily or re- |Wood, a missionary to the Belgian|tneir annual Christmas dinner for|by a Baptist Church group, and - second Liow |siate civil service laws. British Foreign Secretary Selwyn years of operation by the Demo-| main a bachelor to the end of |©ongo. tomorrow at the home of lies adjacent to a golf course and 4 , per cent larger rs 6 ee Forign Min. crats were cleared out, and I have his days, 1 sack Singer, Mrs. Mary Swift, is liv! Robert 7. Louloe, "944 Yarmouth. the Pontiac schodi Propesly. . es ihe downtown store. The | pontiac firemen have been under jconfidence that the people will Yu-chi ot| s ‘Present store will continue to op- oi.) co Toe: wnat 35 yours, council session got under way./want it kept that way—that they, Feng ng. Service wil] be at 1:30 p.m. Fri-'| g@@ ' _ rvice t conferred a last night % : China Youth, a Peipifig publication, F ? ted it bas for the past 38 | Officers criticism has: been re- 1 oot Gpucete ony Baht won't be hoodwinked by ¥ who recently toured the northwest , an Rated prenggend of ; ANOTHER SHIPMENT ARRIVES in Se tee futed by the trial board. The po-iang France are seeking an earty| Mute fabricated by the r provience of Shensi, reported that Wikley, her pestor efficiating. Bex Time for GIFT CAMERA BUYERS! ‘The new branch. is expected to|licemen have claimed Police Chief) meeting with Egypt to settle the)|IN OFFICE SINCE 183 the marriage law has not been en- ial will be in White Chapel Memor- . a See Be Sos WS cers, wt Rial cory], Beier wu ected fred poi, He mat al Cemetery PHOTOGRAPHERS NEEDS - | ‘The two Western term i reelcted in 1945, : L~ r~ - 2 Te Sar gl PS NN aE S| ane ne ees ume at SB csalsiiiidi er teen ee on He first joined the department n|tion and the youth league: nor the butions. be Sent, as a memorial -Indoor Movies Easy as Outdoor Snaps oS eatomers ty coamaten,”| Board ‘members in a ece=s POMC D@QtNS ¢ . ~ lace: and served in varia engrlosuncl bother mach sbow i" lGervond, Aaseriy of Goat yp «4s > Bar- Lite . ~ neer and served in various engi derwood, Assembly of God Mis- president Irving Steinman said. statement denied both these criti- neering until his appoint-| He added that 90 per cent ot | sions, Betongwe Parpaulis Congo ! ae. .- mages Mare Ms Wrlas ment ag deputy state highway com-|marriages in two districts had been Belge, Africa. ‘{ Complete With 4 BULBS ‘Mrs: Mary Wright Beamer |missioner in 1930. arranged by parents on a “cash| ae and carry basis.” | . $12.95 Mrs, Mary Wright Beamer, &2, a) , Between 1808 and 1968, Rogier Marriageable girls, he said: are Raiders Harass Value = ) resident before moving 20 employed engineer handled like commodities ° i . ae years ago to the Bellcress Apts.,| ullding construction projects at (the highest bidders. _ t att movie camera—aim and shoot. Fits most cameras, —— . R, the | Detroit, died yesterday after a long, Michigan State University. Here are some of his other find- | Seemae soe. Awith 4 Amplex bulbs at this. price, needs. © board chairman. illness. Ziegler was one of the chief op-|ings: N , Merri fritter eT 5 8 RS RN Mo PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1050 Se the ten UR ectoncbiie’ sndtinlelaitet tn 8 100mile| ok Se ee and|round trip course. Estr ‘Shopping’ ites So lt Can Share ‘Extra Values RSVP. | # essence mist ¥ d j » Richard Hudnut | - Just the touch of your finger puts you in an aura of loveliness. Whether you weor bright and merry GEMEY or romantic R. S.V.P., you'll love the lingering traces you leave behind .. . and so will your audience! You'll feel so different...so special...because these fragrances are “misted “ to last and last. 3% oz. only $2.75 plus tox. =.= SSS’ = "SS" GIFT SET 00 plus tom For on electric shave that's clean ie eet as o whistle, give him this handsome new ' r Old Spice set. Before he shaves — he'll splash on Every Gal the new Old Spice Pre-Electric Shave Lotion. Removes excess on Your moisture and sets up his beard for.a closer, smoother shave. Christmas Followed by brisk, tangy Old Spice After Shave Lotion and List... skin-tone Talcum. He'll like the new, boldly masculine, red and white gift box, too! Mothers, the ladies tore uy- lons for Christmas. Solve this quick, easy DRUGS so economically an “Mask wD TaaVaa' » BROTHERS ma cia | ‘ Nationally Advertised Everyone in Your Family Wants Samsonite Lugc age ne a 7. a) FREE INITIALS! Your initials im solid brass on every piece of Samsonite. | FOR MOTHER FOR DAD or SISTER or BROTHER In-Cheice of Colors °+ AL ate Choice of Colors Wardrobe ...... $25.00} Pullman Case. . .$27.50 Personal O’Nite. .$17.50 | Quick Tripper. ..$19.50 4 Train Case ..,..$17.50 | Two Suiter .....$25.00 , USE OUR LAYAWAY The truly personal gift for everyone in the family . . . they'll remember + who gave it every time they use it. ., @ gift that” keeps its new look for year's. All prices plus tax. 98 Nerth Saginaw Street —Bargain Basement ee re ee at a Sy Mirrors for HIS « or HER Gift This Christmas mm, Adjustable Stand — Metal Frame Oblong Mirrors Approximately 3 5 inches oblong o ¢ adjustable stand. Ideal make-up mirror. Metal frarne. Round Mirrors’ Double-sided, | guitable | for boudoir or shaving. € 5-inches, Plast: ie wang, mes mo- tal fra All mirrors suitable for her ii, Me use or for his shaving purposes. Leaves Both Hands Free! ROUND-the-NECK Senta iin tee ti Most —— on Your List Can Use This , “PORTA-FILE Most Men WANT TOOLS — Most TOOL COSTS LESS at SIMMS! Better Quality 51 G& 54/15 Dark Seams 99¢ 51/30 Dark Seams... .99¢ 60/15 Novelty Heels. .99¢ 60/15 Outline Heels. -99e si PAS Non-Run eee eee eee eee 42-PiECE Tool Box and End Wrenches Socket Sets 95 88 te “hee 1 4 $10.00 Here's a gift that any man wants and needs .. . priced so you can afford it!/= Complete with ratchet drive, allen/= wrenches, sockets, etc, 0000000000900000000000 == LANVAUULUGREAUUUERALOUONEALUODUAY ' _ Handy 3-Piece : Chisel ‘Set. 3 $1.19 Value ; © Mitre Saw and 97 Wood Mitre Box $2.50 Value Tempered. stee! | Combination eaten |" blades, 1, 34, | mitre saw and wood and VY inch. | mitre box at this low Plastic case. price. SOOSESHSOS RCE SOOOTOOOSEOEOEEOOOECOCOOSEEOORES The Most Popular Sizes Sturdy Clamp-On Style T-Pe. Allen Wrench sede sore $9c Value 53.00 Vetus (a Sele Starts TONIGHT at 6 P. M. -Men’‘s and Young Men’ s Sern pian HOSIERY SALE of tee : _ Timed for Christmas Gift pide see - , buy’ from -a- leading hosiery‘ rhaker, we pass the savings. on to our cus~- tomers. Don't hesitate hecause of the low price . . , note the features found » only in better hosiery, 2 pres Before Se aa Fine | Shirt: Sanforized FLANNEL Guaranteed $1.00 QUALITY . because we were given a ‘special * Every Pair GUARANTEED PERFECT % Genuine DuPont Nylon Thread * 51 Gauge—15 Denier * Bull Fashioned, Perfect Fit * Reintorced Heel and Toe $-T-R-E-T-C-H _ Nylons 60 Ga, 15 Den.” 711¢ 3 pairs $2.25 ATT THLE PRICED SO LOW! Here’s VALUE plus pir haa SOE « every in GUARANTEED Ist pyle .«. Doz ens of smartest styles... rin oedema and color . . . Full count materials , . . finest tailoring. OVER 2000 of them (170 dozen to be exact) so you can buy os many as you want for gifts and for yourself. _ Note FAMOUS BRAND Names— y 4 e BIG YANK # i hig > se YANKSHIRE - «SAMSON e KING COLE © BLUE BELL ‘sg Seeeesoeeogeseseeeseee ayo se ae Perfect for Home Owners, Mechanics, H 18Inch Steel TOTE THAY Regular $2.95 Value Almost Unlimited Selection’ * Block Plaids % Italian Stripes * Scotch Tartans * New tvy League — % Novelty Prints * Canadian Casuals * Collegistes * Viking Designs % Houndstooth % Many Others Soft, fleecy flannel so easy to lounder. Guaranteed color-fast, Satin and self yokes. 2 way collars, — Size snare for Roe, Mi Man — MEDIUM iacl4ts 15-15% te-i6%s fltYs Guaranteed $2.50 to $3 Values NOW ONLY - # E £3 2 a: é Ps sh Barats. + -THE a « = Sere : : See ees | 3 } :. : 4 J ; { ¢ : ! ‘ - : 3 a . es ‘ @ * é : PONTEAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12. 1956 the little lady loves glamour too! GIRLS’ TV ‘PAJAMA SET or aqua with black. Sizes 4 to 6x. Also, we hove subteen sizes 7 to 14. 7.98 ‘ f : ties, i j ost Wanted Hand- Picked as the Gifts You'd Most Like fo | Receive... at Waite’s, Where Christmas Dreams Come True! he 10° ‘ 4 EASY WAYS TO BUY Continuous Credit © Easy Term Credit © 30-Day Charge ® Layaway The most exciting gift underneath the tree designed for giving SHIRT-TAILS for TWO by Norris Faberge Cologne Quartette Matchin : en's = Clouse 4.98 each VANITY SIZE 500 wrap your Christmas Angel in Luxury... cee SET of 4......... @ OURS ALONE IN PONTIAC! NYLON NEGLIGEE @ Th i hand ift chest f Dersemanaterore cet |] TRAVEL Sn 00 | ; SET of 4....... @ Features one Norris Casual for him and ° a Lady Casuo! for her, perfectly matched! Double sheer nylon .. . so delicate and feminine .. , Four famous fashion colognes: Aphrodisia, ’ @ A large selection of regimental tartans Woodhue, Tigress, and Act iV _ together ns she " love ts Kon one, of tape ethehe her gitts in red, blue, grey, brown, Also stripes. an enchanting gold and white filigree gift box. stones) embossed ond lined with sheer nylon "Push @ His sizes: S-M-L-XL. Delight the female gender this season with this up sleeves and adorned with nylon faces Choose @ Her sizes: 10 to 18. ideal gift to enhance her feminine charms. hers in white, pink, or blue. Sizes S-M-L. We have . other double sheer dusters priced at only. -. 6.98 . Street Floor... Men's Depi. 4 Cherge Yours at Waite's , . . Street Fleor « Second Fieor Charge Yours at Waite's .. Cherge Ypurs at Waites... — Genuine Cowhide Leather ‘CLUTCH BAGS For casual living . . . for luxurious gift giving -, « « this rugged, long-wearing soft pliable clutch bag to go with any costume...a_ wonderful budget gift for yourself or any ducky female on your gift list! Choose black, brown, red, grey, tan, or navy. Also a wide selection of smartly styled bucket bags. Charge Yours at Waite's .. . Stree Floor lint-free viscose tufting MOONBEAM BEDSPREADS 9.98 “Moonbeam” by Morgan-Jones . . . an elegant hobnail spread with lint free viscose tufting, interwoven with sparkling Mylar yarn. Rounded corners. Never, no, never needs ironing. Choose from a beautiful selection in white, pink, aqua, green, or gold. Comes in twin or full sizes. bs | Fourth Floor 2.98 : Cherge Yours at Waite's... truly a luxurious gift with CANNON’S fine woven . “CANDY STRIPE” PERCALE SHEETS Elegantly fashioned woven stripe percale 81’’x108” sheet and two 42"'x381/2" pillow cases. Pink, green, yellow, or blue. Delight- fully gift boxed for Christmas gift-giving by Cannon, , 79 Chatge Yours at Pillow Cases Waite's . , . Fourth Floor = "GARDEN FLOWER” PERCALE SHEETS peeptitnk non-breaking Brookpark DINNERWARE FINE QUALITY MELMAC. Depend on this lovely new dinnerware to bring you compliments from every~ one! And you'll use it—enjoy it-— for every meal, every day, because it sets such a gay, glamorous: table. » Safe with dishwashers — mechanical ot man! 16-pc. ‘starter set, includes 4 plates, 4 fruits, 4 saucers and 4 cups. Choose white, turquoise, tan- gerine, pink, and black, rainbow ors turquoise and white. 16-Pec. Starter Set T 595 Fifth Fleor > Charge Yours at Waite's... SALE! just in time for Christmas! JACKETS MEN‘S SUEDE —Whet a cisious gift for that special man on your list! And such a remarkably low price, too! Made of super-soft, pliable suede with knit wrists and waistband and neck- | line, Zipper. front and fully rayon satin Saddle stitched for added strength - beautifully colored, long lasting ARTIF ICIAL XMAS TREES © Use This Tree From Year to Year! T 6°? ® Treated So It will Not Flare-Up! | © Bend the Branches to Any Desired regularly Position§.: 4) ) « sold for 19.99 eo ee ee 4 j ' 4 4 # = : y « ie Je * PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1956 | | News of the Men in Service completing military Cray of 180 Norton ‘Ave.; Bruce Air Force|a, Crager, son of Mrs. E. Crager of 53 Euclid Ave.; and Charles U. Peace, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. |Peace of 649 DeSota St, Their which prepared them for entrance linto technical training or for an Air Force signment, included a scientific evalu- | ation of apti Recently training at Lackland McCRAY Base, Tex., were Larry * Warren 3 McCry, son of Laorin S&S, Meat dan oe Oe Accept Missile as Basic Need - Air Research Officials Say Tests of ‘Matador’ Prove Efficiency BALTIMORE t#—The Air Force) said today its pilotless bomber, the Matador, is no longer an experi- mental article. It is now as much a part of the armed forces asia tank or a gun, * @¢ *@ training, Air Force duty as- The Air Force's Air Research is and Development Command said missile was made-last Nov. 30 at its missile test center at Patrick Air Force Base, Fila. It passed|) with flying colors. The ARDC called it “‘a reliable missile—the Air Force's first com- pletely tactical migsile,” . The Matador, developed and built by the Glenn L. Martin Co., has been in the testing stage since 1949, when several experimental missiles were tried out at Hollo- man Air Development Center, N.M. His wife is the former Miss Polly J. Hilbun of Goldsboro, N, O. He entered the service in No- vember, 1953, Adams, Driver™ the fina] test flight of the Matador /Third ‘Class, Con- struction Battal- First Fire in 10 Years End War Today Nations Reach Formal After WW Il relations, Japan, Russia |=" Agreement Eleven Years ro TOKYO (#—Japan and ie Le viet Union formally ended War Il today——1l1 years. and 4\Kurile islands north of Japan, months after Russian soldiers marched south into Manchuria in the final week of fighting. The two nations reopened diplomatic|of.war that has existed since Aug. troopsiGen, Paul E. Magloire to step out The agreement, largely on So- viet terms, leaves Russia in possession of Japanese territory occupied after Japan surrendered but gives Japan promise of Soviet ‘Provoked by American Organizations’ . support for admission to the which Soviet troops occupied after But it ended the technical state 8, 194, when Soviet marched. south from Siberia at the urging .of the other allies. who MIAMI, Fla. i — Terror and confusion swept Haiti today as a boiling political crisis — which the present regime says has been “aggravated by American govern- ment organizations” — headed to- ward a showdown, The’country is virtually para- lyzed by a silent but deadly weap- down, the refusal] ot the gleaming white palace in Port-au-Prince, the capital, and permit general elections for a new =" “\Haiti Hits Boiling Point; Crisis Nears Showdown food stores, crippling. transportation by starving gasoline stations. as : tation of the year term ended Haitian It is cutting into the supplies ofjmit a president to from the countryside, closing| self. ; The explosive situation hit alt climax last Under one constitution, Dec. 6. does not per- succeed him- Hours later, however, Magloire resumed office as “chief of state,” The law courts haye suspended,|presumably at the request of the telephone communications ar ejarmy. sketchy when they operate at all,| He then imprisoned the princi- and pistol-packing army officers|pal presidential candidates and are stationed in communications|about 49 others. He also dissolved offices censoring all messages,{the Senate and Legislature, and .|press or personal. in effect suspended constitutional) Soldiers and sailors are patrol-|authority. ling the streets. On the diplomatic level, Mag- No Americans have been arrest-|loire is angling desperately for ed so far as ig known. But Pauljofficial recognition from the Unit- Kennedy, president, mdent of theled States, It hag not been grant- correspo: New York Times, was hustled outied. hig six-| William e HAND TURNED SLIPPERS Choose 2 style to suit him, in 2 color to please him, from our large sssorement of these wonderfully comfortable, te — RY NIGHT * ** * Select your gifts from one of the largest collections of cos- tume jewelry ever shown, Trifari, Pinnino, Winard, Mar cel Boucher, and * ** ** * ** * 4-Pe. Sterling Silver Place Setting Individual Serving Pieces Ideal Gitts—priced from Select Your Silver From the World’s Finest — Towle, Gorham, Wallace, Lunt, Heirloom, International, Reed & Barton sparkle In town... NIGHT UNTIL OPEN EVERY CHRISTMAS a $3.50 Only Sterling Silver, complete serv- Ten ices for 8 priced frorn as lowes oa))\ 2 JEWELERS Z Phone FE 2-0294 $183.50 Silver Serving Pieces for the Dining Room Water Pitchers .....ccccvescssecscveseutene $1200 Sugars and Creamers Medi veceesphusdscuchecas O200 é Bon Bon Dishes 6... ce ccenccsescess Cake Trays Retr se Ceenersececiae Bread Trays Che eer eteers > new// Compotes Pee Cee ee eee eee eee es BPS Fruit Bowls beeen Pearseeereevintcueereeeesen:Qeeee , eevee wee ++ $3.75 | ie ceteesecesSeeae vac eteeees awe seerrescens HOO : ewer * Select a Dependable Yano] From the World's F 9 MOVADO, HAMILTON, GIRARD PERREGAUX, ¢ BULOVA, CROTON AND MANY ¢ ‘a, Dress Models ... OY - Waterproofs and Automatics. : Yiarnond Watches 6b ebee ei 4K Gold Models senpeeees % é * ve 5: ’ eee estas Se <7 wa THE PONTIAC PRESS. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER: 12, 1956 Prisoners Released Florida Girl, 11, to'Reign a Cte ——— Santa Claus Picks Mayor, =(Steel Companies: Its Sa as a city ordinance pro- in Holiday Spirit During the Michigan Elks Bows| LANSING @® — Prison gates will] ing Tournament Jan, 18 through/*¥ié March 30, bowling will be permit- ted on Sx before noon as Te-/Christmas holidays, quested ‘by. local Etks Lodge No-| 4. state Corrections 810. traditionally allows the Dec The request needed commission hibits Sunday bowling before noon. The Pontiac Township Business Mens’ Assn. asked the City Com-|,, mission to study the feasibility of -!from the Santa Claus Chamber of freckle-faced ll-year-old girl from Florida will reign Dec, 23 as hon- orary mayor of Santa Claus, Ind A committee of three judges Commerce selected Betsy Mc- Millan, of Gainesville, Fla., as winner of the famed little town’s honorary mayor contest, The looked at hundreds providing sanitary sewer service the township, The request was referred to City Manager Walter K. Willman, Also turned over to Willman, was a letter from Victor C. Adler gave the estimate of between and 100 holiday releases, Most of the prisoners will be ireleased from the state prison of Southern Michigan at Jackson, aa ="Plan to Merge Bethlehem and_ U.S. Announce Agreement for Stock Exchange seeking approval to construct new homes on on Richton | street. Bad Luck Follows | Brown said. “Tt means a lot of extra work,” Brown said, “but everyone seems to catch the Christmas spirit and pitches in to make it possible.” The Woman’s Touch NEW YORK w — Two of ne Accident Victim of entries from the United States, eyed little girl from a warm ‘southern state se different from thelr own Indiana where snow in winter is a customary sight. For Betsy, the award means a free trip by plane from her home to Evansville, Ind., then on by auto to this little town whose postmark is being stamped on mountains of mail each day, Her mother, father or another relative a parakeet. SANTA CLAUS, Ind. way -A similar to his for the doy line reign, Dec. 23. Betsy wrote that she wanted Ind,| @specially to see the animals in) the children’s zoo and also the|/ doll museum at Santa Claus. She// explained: “I have a pet puppy, a kitten and I also have a small// collection of dolls from different) | lands.” Latin Touch Added MADRID—Among techniques for selling time-saving household ap- pliances in Spain is this one in a!) city where washing machines are being advertised under the line, “Mas tiempo para el Translated, it means: for love." ‘Aluminum Use Heavy LOS ANGELES —Although alum-. amor." “More time A. GIFT The Entire Family WILL ENJOY ‘Full-Length Pittsburgh | Door Mirrors Wide Selection of Venetian Mirrors . LAYAWAY PLAN A Small Deposit Will Hold Any Mirror Until Christmas! WE DELIVER United States’ largest steel com-; panies plan to merge despite no tice by the Justice Department that it will move promptly to block the consolidation. The Bethlehem Steel Corp., sec- Steel, and the Youngstown Sheet Steel, and the Youngstew nSheet and Tube Co., sixth largest, an- CHICAGO — Impressed by _ the effect women drivers are begin- ining to have on sales at. service- istations, some oil companies have hired female advisers. One of their first recommendations: Junk on clashing displays. SPRINGVILLE, Utah w—It just wasn't her day! Mrs, Lizzie Billings was crossing the street and slipped on some ice. She broke her wrist and cut her head. Troop 31 in 1 Gainesville, will serve as Santa's will accompany Betsy. SHE'LL ASSIST ST. NICK Betsy, a member of Girl Scout century and a half, it is now con- sumed in greater volume than any other nonferrous metal. The vol- ume of aluminum used exceeds “assistant and wear a ithat of copper, lead, and zinc com- sot veiret sd wiltn Sur. copuentitined, inum has been known for only a | | PONTIAC GLASS. CO. | . 23 W. Lawrence St. Phone FE 5-6441 { : ae Motorist Edgar Drake picked her up and tried to locate a doc- ae ~* - ‘a nounced yesterday an agreement bbe started to tales het under which Bethlehem .would ac- quire Youngstown in exchange for nee common stock, 8 wi + In Washington, Atty. Gen, Her- bert Brownell immediately said). the Justice Department will take prompt action in the federal courts seeking to bar the proposed merger. Justice officials declined to | in what city the action will brought. The two companies said See United Europe assl'as Test of Democracy PASADENA, Calif. @—A Ger. ' mah diplomat says Democracy in iShop at WYMAN'S for a back injury and Mrs. Brown was bruised. x TRADE NOW G and J, L. Mauthe chair- Karte wil Save pected = race . ’ “iwhen “we voluntarily tear down cp ee man of Youngstown, announced’ the traditional and outmoded bar- a CHRISTMAS SALE “gf ~F ‘ the Justice Department had for- riers and make Europe one unit." oe mally advised them “it intends to) Heing L. Krekeler, West Ger- cope eae iece Living Room Suites } on States, told the institute of world Apia ot Gor’ dees tt [i Era ars "Sl fe tet wn 's makes a wonder- The proposed merger would not ing ground. . fal Chatman git forte oot U.S pend position 85 Democracy’s test in Germany, Regular $189.95 : milkman, police- It es ae a rh biggest in’ |he added, will: have been passed Two big, beautiful comfortable pieces of quality furniture te bs 95 man the folks who with when “we convince our (German) add new hospitality to your home. Full spring construction, ogg lg re history, creating a company brothers and sisters beyond the Choice of coverings and patterns. Trade in your present old With on pik mal assets around 2% billion ‘l\Iron Curtain that ours is qa better ; suite on a new suite for Christmas. it’s a surprise the family Trade "Ol Corby’ y's— The Justice Department for more) way of life.” Here is value! Here is com- will enjoy. vhbee wih pi ghter, smoother than two years has opposed the fort! Here is anv ideal gift everyone likes. |Proposal on the grounds that it) . —_ for anyone on your list. It’s $50 TRADE-IN would tend | to lessen Je soma Hit Rescuing Victim Big, Fully Upholstered in a ment on final terms of the acquisi-; McKEESPORT, Pa. Ww — Aj choice of coverings. Easy ALLOWANCE tion were not “feasible at this|motorist whose car hit a 10-year Spring Construction. . time.” The number of Bethiehemjold boy was hit by another ma- . Allowance regardless of age of condition shares to Regular $44.95 ot your old suite. No Down! _ EASY TERMS! Netural Finished Wood Hi-Chair Baby will be pleased to sit up in this i colorfully decorated chair, Tray removes ; for easy entry and exit and for use at the table later in training, *g88 50c a Week! many, styles at Wyman’s. Priced from $7295 Kneehole Desks Great addition to Jous living in your, home, There are natural fini Walnuts, Mahoganys, ne ae sereral myles, from: witch $990)9° Colonial Style ROCKERS 5-Pc. Wrought fron Dinette ? Wonderful Christmas Gift addition to your home. Five pieces, [0a four upholstered chairs with new v-backs, Table’ top has new! burn-proof, stain-proof top. Choice of top colors. $spown— § © EASY TERMS! The new Forward Control ‘Jeep’ FC-150, 5,000 pounds GVW, powered by the rugged, economical ‘Jeep’ * Now...the completely new Forward Control engine, $1 Down! B a Week! CLOSE-OUT REDUCTIONS Every mirror in the store re- duced just before Christmas. _ sizes. Many styles save up 30% OFF $25 Trade-In Allowance for your old range on a new FULL SIZE FOUR-BURNER TOP gas range with new look-in oven door, & $25.00 Trade-in Makes : the Down Payment! CHRISTMAS DELIVERY! ‘ * New Forward Control design | @ Maximum cargo space on minimum wheelbase | , @ “Go-anywhere" maneuverability = ' | @ Famous'‘Jeep' ruggedness and economy pe @ 4-wheel-drive traction and versatility | Here's the world’ _ diye Teack-the alles Joop" F150, New - Forward Control design is the secret! It's the time @ 4-wheel drive truck has so com such exceptional maneu- _ werability with so much cargo capacity! This ey Sepa 8 led mi an unprecedented — Mother will be pleased as punch with this gift. Finished Early Ame: styles from which to choose. $] 495 $1 DOWN, EASY TERMS versatile, functional features you'd expect to find in performance-proved ‘Jeep’ vehicles, in- cluding “go-anywhere” 4-wheel-drive traction. Tricyeles, all sizes, ben ABE A § [ward Conte 2 “““/FCIS0 ff Pontiac's WILLYs... wont erica api bh PETERSON -K-W Ket SALES & SERVICE PARK FREE 2. FURNIT URE STORES IN. ne it: cn fe Uther Sere as. 7 EH Aa ioe eee Oa 3, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER es 1956 Delhi's Papers Call Chou's Visit Success the oer rebellion. quarter of the homes in this city of 7,000 without power Monday. A group of boys threw strips of tin into an electrica] transformer. The short circuit caused by the tin was quickly repaired. Tax Collector Killed ROGERS CITY (#—Killed when his car collided with an ice cream) truck Monday night was Fred Gil-| pin, about 69, of Cheboygan. He was a state sales tax collector. The accident occurred at the inter- section of US.23 and M68 just out- side Rogers City. y|U.S, Air Force major from his fur- Wasn't much of a paula any- LONDON (® — The ouster of a nished home aroused a mixture of views today on the present state of relations between Britons and the 80,000. Americans living in this|er appeared to be the first of its Lots of Spirits, Lack of Taxes mind.” Trip Téetotaler DERBY, Accglend (~The potent{come,” the Standard said. “They tipple of teetotaler Stanley Toplis| have been cold shouldered in the tripped over tax trouble, and his workmates hereafter will have to get their kicks at the pub, at four Toplis freely admitted it. He said he made the drink in a spirit out of fermented potatoes, Never touches the stuff himself, but the|/by M. C. Holt, a former British fellows down’ at the shop paid $1.19|army officer who is now partner] a bottle — just what it cost to/in a reat estate firm representing pousene — and seemed to like it|overseas, Holt wrote Sabatini: one th ak i ie ee mon with many millions of my fel- , and its nationals, 1 am not newly modernized Franklin D. A customs se service analyst said| prepared to allow an American to| Roosevelt, are due to follow the way. No profits. | ore en a a -| stayed with friends unti] he found another house. “When my British friends heard, ' Egypt, British Landlord Fvicts U.S. Officer jin London, Criticizes American Policy icy in the Middle East. News of it came out yesterday, * * > American diplomatic and mili- tary sources expressed amaze- ment. They said the Sabatini oust- contacts with Britons as very friendly, despite differences be- petting ast . The pro-empire Evening Stand-|can policy.” ard, on the-other hand, said the Sabatini incident ‘‘unfortunately is) typical of a widespread attitude of e . * “Many Americans in this — we're not pleased with the publi- petrol (gasoline) at the pumps.” Sabetin's ouster came’ peor to Missile-Loaded Ship times the price. Britain's decision to withdraw her Toplis, a railway pipe fitter, was|invading troops from Egypt and haled into court by the customs| before the United States moved to and excise people on a charge of|help meet the oil shortage caused distilling spirits without a license.|in this country by blockage of the * © * Suez Canal. missile cruiser has reinforced the * * * powerful U.S. 6th Fleet in the of pure scientifie research by die-|Made no formal protest when told tilling a wine he had cooked up/to move. the Toplis tipple was “equival- occupy any property over which) Boston to the Mediterranean in ent to fairly I have contrat January, They will replace the whisky,” * * Coral Sea and Randolph. Toplis paid a fine of Bo en and! Sabatini wiibes out at once. He) The 6th Fleet evacuated Ameri- I'm not prepared to discuss the Joins U.S. 6th Fleet today armed with Terrier missiles The dispossession was ordered | which: provide atomic antiaircraft (protection against enemy planes for as much as 30 miles, ing program which will see no mu- merical will om * up with newer type can citizens threatened by the re- cent outbreak of hostilities in T received nearly 20 letters apolo- gizing for what had happened,” Sabatini said. “When I moved into ec mew house, I showed Mr. ment today. Another spokesman for the real estate firm said _stitt- Vy: ‘ “Being professional people, city and we don't want any more. matter.” NAPLES, Italy uw — A guided The coulaae Boston left Naples The Boston is part of a reinforr- increase in the fleet but | Giving old is traditional at holiday time |\7 a eee Greatest Christmas savings ever! Up to $30 tatle-in allowente oh any watch regardless of make, condition, wicnel See nee purchased. Trade now — easy credit, too! filled expansion watch bands, Lowest price ever! Speddi NEW KEYMASTER Ss * It's a Key Ring * It's a Photo Locket From $2 ‘The newest gift sensation * for Christmas! Your choice beautiful styles. Perfect gifts for everyone. 2 DIAMOND _ BIRTHSTONE RINGS LOOK HOW YOU SAVE $71.50 BULOVA ..... wsete ‘Only $41.50 ‘Wich ap to $0 trade-in on your old 57.50 ELGIN his ees eect ds en 5; 4 = Guay = don Only $37.50 : $49.50 HAMILTON . iS eee Wich ap ce 615 crede-ie on your old wonck. ee © eee ev ad Wich wp to $24 trade-in on poor wld warch. Wich op to $20 tadeie om gene old. wench, ae _eeee eens Slab Sheena, Lowest Price Ever for a Self-Winding Fine Watch! A Christmas eitt value without equal! Imagine — this ne- tionally sdyertised Timex... A. watch that never needs him... if you want to save money... i = ee ae * a : bs ‘ td THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, i a le Seo A. Some are and seme ate tet, INS Science Writer tent on the job may have difficul-/The association has member agen- deep-seated reason. The only dis- * &--8 Eat grace is allowing this to go un-| Q. What do I: tell them on the) checked. “| phone? Family Service Association of office to discuss their ‘asset Q. How long does an Mike, inte a de- ica. : | son, developing a se Le ar a how many are neces- New York 16, N.Y. e * * Q. Are these agencies sectarian? ee Here are Spree “Add Recipe to Baking {Collection some cna ‘Cowboy Cookies’ trim same Sr'aut | MENTALLY SICK? Name Misleading; For others the session fee may Q. Does that mean the couple but Th Good be as much as a visit to the den- with marriage probiems is mental-/ DU ey're tist for drilling. It is certainly less sick than the high cost of unhappy liy- A. It just isn’t a case of all or By JANET ODELL ihg and a divorce, This , one during 7 sees it. The prob- “ : - : : : a eR Robert M. Critchfield, vice president opening of the 42nd. National Anto- of General Motors and manager of Gen- __ mobile Show in New York's new Colli- eral Motors Technical Training Center, | seum where General Motors wad @ com- and Mrs. Critchfield are pictured at the _ plete exhibit. Program Features Music ae eer oes a st a BPW Marks Christmas ny A’ lighted revolving Christmasjwith an arrangement of red and Marfiage . requires jtree and colorful holiday decora-jwhite carnations and holly. Light- _ adjustments. a large number of tions adorned the Civic Room of) ed tapers in silver candelabra |small sacrifices and much resig-|Pontiac Federal Savings and Loan) ‘completed the Christmas table ap- ‘nation, But it is an art which for Building Tuesday evening i on pointments. ‘the normal, healthy petsqn need| annual Christmas program of Pon-| Guests tor the evening affair ke eke’ kedac tine | Business and Professional) were Mrs, LaVon Ryden and ‘omen’s me. dune May. Tt if i ! a EI i i 4 ? 3 chairman, and Mr. Estes attended. Mrs. Estes showed movies of the * ° FREE if Bre : | & "Sorority Chapter Highlighting the program were sele sung by Mrs. Rebecca uding “Ave Maria,” Mrs. Raymond L. Cole served) services of the MOMS in veterans’ ' as general chairman assisted by Mrs. D. R. Wilson, Mrs. C. Rich- ard McBride, Mary Mitchell, Mrs Margaret Long, Mrs. Gould and hospitals and for families of vet- erans. Mrs, Harry .Laxon, MOMS Unit ‘Has First Meeting Nan Donald Polk i : i 5 i Jack Wignall ac- i 3 fli a it aE j Yule Party Slated The Oakland County Branch of the National Association of Social Workers will hold a Christmas party Thursday at Kingsley Inn be- ginning at noon. Charlene Whar- ton will speak omher trip through E37 Yule Party sore by Proficiency Club g z z © U8 if he likes the IVY look... here’s the: sweater for him AMF LEECE cm } WRGREGOR § the ‘ehebeieb vod 1 that’s favored in fashion- Py that lets your man choose his own SUIT or COAT From OSMUN S Pontiae’s Finest Men's Store sip ‘Smart Santas have found the perfect solution " tothe problem of a gift for that special man— “a gift certificate. Here's the way to get him the é new clothing he needs—and still allow him to | choose his own gift. Gift certificates are available in any denomination, and any unused balance 4 ‘will be refunded in cash upon request. ee ‘ Topcoats from sas Sper Coon fram $29.50 Slacks from dead tiv BOTH STORES OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL CHRISTMAS! 51 Saghasw Bt ———+ Tabliren Center i. pet ee 4 es We eabereepceiae ie yore gr oS One-of-a-Kind BEAVER —FELTS—VELVETS LTK | The season's choice styles | Wh . sf; . tes Gove Ut teen one 2 at an angelic gift... put her in a situation where the Regularly Sold for $25 ; 8 10 =f], Cumustmas just self. A SPECIAL GROUP 3 Beaverettes 43 Glitter ss hed RoBES Regularly Sold $ 3 : a ah epee ep her : She finally settled“into a job as to $10.00 Millinery Salon SPECIAL PURCHASE \Salet variety of easy-to-sew for all ages. Don’t miss it! Reupholstering? | I. oo ae Qa. 71 5 : Consider Plastic } 3 , | 1... i Oo Cir = | i | ae wear—or to wear out? If you're going to reupholster chairs and) Persian Princess ot : , a FP os on ee ee ve , | | | | ting ist # C abies Your favorite two-piece knits | Dyed to Match Sen a i t i | bee touches of ona ag Siar 7 : q rdigans are trim wi s, Free Initialing and | rhinestones or pearls. Colors are ow ti «acpi Pry a 9 Gold Stamping | $ winter white, aqua, powder blue, Rd ats : coral or beige. Buy several at these ©@ Looks ond feels os soft as woven | 4 | : ‘ savings. Wonderful for gifts or for cashmere! | J : yourself. : @ Is oretap essisent for the Moot the Ul Te izes 10 t0 16 ne egy LEATHER GOODS , pe FE 2-2620 : Dress ease q itis fale te . 4 or Mates Fur Blend, Beet .| | > \SWEATER - ' Kitten-Mere lambs woal and nylon blend. tn ; | at * 4 THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1956 / ae ee a, A 3 a's. = | ules U seless “When Not E inforced| 4 hee seis erie «| eae yy E But we in our innocence think|children’s obedience without work-jto her, “You seem too rushed to} a pn Dt ae Es ag eee. AGG PERMANENTS- , who says he's killed a lion be-/Ruth's bedmaking every day, let's|But-on Saturday and Sundays, I'll cause he wishes he had, we want'make her bed ourselves. Let's saylexpect you to do @ terrific job.” at bee = gittering “Cardigans “es with its disadvantages. U.S. WwW oO rks ets aebed — veers rhine- ¥ M tees finally pass bad thas avian f S f oe stones, icate pearls . . + children— eon nm my f in’ everything pretty and ithe Teal Job of checking obedience Worth veonns Yul Tre with "tala and Set feminine. White and pastels, 7° 1. at are this | uie | rees From $]()% | rice much tse aeons. So | handsome what happens ie this)... -.. -| strined shirt Nine-year-old Ruth, who's sup- NONE posed to make her bed every morn-| @Rd matching Fire H d HI , departs for school leaving it in azar | Yuletide Es untidy state, When she gets belt for the : < home, say, “Just wait : JANE EADS ‘ > |. HATS you tix that chocolate milk unti|7OU"6 man in WASHINGTON With more than’ You Get All This: : S lyou’ve gone upstairs and made , ife. two-thirds of tion’ j ‘ : Pastel b r o- Pee bes popety.” your life sionals ppg te peed By ween . : @ Custom Haircut = cades in the * ¢ ®@ Made of d Christmas, trees during, No Appointment ePermanent by an : But two days later we are too the season, government rts. ? aioe newest of busy ironing to note that Ruth has comfortable continue their search for methods! Nece wnery . experienced, licensed shopes ... repeated her carelessness. As We) 043, the to reduggthe fire hazards. Come Any Time! operator — gay clip hats of nosegay | fidon't tell her to correct jt, she} COO" * @ « ; ‘ * flowers. A direct comple- brag our sence a oes te shirt and belt The U, S. Forest Service Pro- © Styled Set. — , Srent to her furs. — bed exactly ag she got out of it./featuxe striped ‘}that after iovelaietinn a tard Phone Guarantee... a a CAUSES BITTERNESS panels set of possible methods for making| FE 8-3560 complete wave for Christmas trees less flammable, || \ $3.75. None higher. The spectacle fills us with bitter ness. We think of how much we do| against a ee Holiday Glamour for Ruth compared with how little . fee "°° Tishe does for us. darker By the time she gets home, we're ‘ so resentful that we not only dock background. water i -about he most "rac| ¥OOD tical, satisfactory, and conven-| \ hazard and preventing the needles BY N. Saginaw -\ - (Over Bazley’s) 4. _|from discoloring or falling. ; a The researchers point out Infuriated by what she regards — me | however; that if you want ad. | eo cur “untalinees,” not be / ditional —_— against fire | comes a problem . f . you can use a fire-retarded coat: | J the mext three days. Choose Shampoo Keep Health Habits ine tn cxnpenetion with the wate Unless we are prepared to super- H H H ; dane chats catnce too naa? Suit Hair Type for Radiant Skin ef the follage ie unimperte cot” ; we shouldn't make it. It your hair is unruty or difficult} Essentials for clear skin, lustrous} The procedure recommerided for, * * * to manage, it may be that you're|hair and a trim figure are: Exet-|the water treatment by the labora-| This knowledge is what trained) using a shampoo ‘that's the wrong) cise, eight glasses of water a day|tory is as follows: child-caring people have got that|type for your hair. and plenty of sleep. Without these./ Qptain a tree that has been cut] we haven't got. Through hard ex-| There are shampoos on the mar-)your cosmetics can’t accomplish) a. recently as possible, Cut off perience they have learned they|ket today for normal, dry and oily, much for you. : the end of the trunk diagonally! cess Shaye afford the hostility/hair types. Investigate these. And), Make a habit of taking a walk! a+ least 1 inch above the original | aye Pag 1 corte eget sntagh gotham ann ramp lly egal Maton Dtreriret ta See _ @}inconsistent demands on low it by a clear or cream rinse|or to the. office. It's tempting to!“ ganq the tree at once in a con-| just don’t make. rules whose purpose is ‘to cut the soap|take the car whenever you've ani tsiner of water and keep the water Gre prepered to make them) and leave your hair soft and easy/errand to do bat it's ruinous to the! ievei above the cut surface during! to manage figure. 1 . ‘ Se andixe Game thet the tree to ft . ‘i Ze use If the tree is not to be set up for several days, it should be kept standing in water meanwhile | in @ cool place. : WRITE FOR FREE VALWABLE COLORFUL BOOKLET MORE SAFETY TIPS | “y Fireplace is. - — High Other safety rules for the han-jj Name dling of Christmas trees in the/] Address . home are: abe wae te te atcoret| ENLAN D LAKES SALE uns diators, TV sets, and other sources | = of sia ~ me ae ees of heat. Also, be sure the tree is/ placed so that it will not block =< an exit in case of fire, Professional Permanent Wave—Gives a Solt Natural Appearance Avoid of bustible dec- ceations and flammable reflects] EE-RMANENTS, from... . $5.00 for the colored lights. Metal foil “Icicles” of tinsel must be kept CALLIE’S BEAUTY SHOP | Iodine the ebptaric Cinsatte. 116 N. ’ re . JSTAPP’S + « » have those wonderful. shoes... et a Christmas Party-time. .. rteg aot 10” x 3” $00 ; of your youngsters! And you couldn't givea =; pine frongs, cones, ribbon, and é 7 Fh $950 DONEGAL SPORT SHIRTS WOOL FLANNEL SLACKS : Holly, inrge bég...........79¢9) i tere lene $475 | oo Sale ie $1595 | | \ _CEDAR—ROPING | | _’ \ For Indoor or Outdoor Use : Oe varv 3 POINSETTIAS Don’t Forget! Order Now— Beautiful Plants with lovely large flowers. Ba ie “cai ti a f * Here are three of the most popular styles the young set want and like & to weor, 5 Se By : Fine Selection of Gloves -- WELDON PAJAMAS a = A PATENT Th oat, of 4 : * * a hp ees Hi NOVELTY CENTERPIECE avs ie pigakin’, . « deerskin ... In First Nighter, Club Doctors heats caics young ‘deb. Se aber ia Arranged with natural greens and styrofoam "wath Pere’ aiving $395 Lounge or Regular. 849s 5 Accurately Filled! ue — Shae fn unique Christmas Designs sortase 3 ne bie ao ae | . woe aay Pos i aay 1% «2. 695 Open pr : ee OPEN EVERY. ee ently We ayy 745 a ts ee “ : aes Borer Y U | ne a ea eee meee Ba RE oe a Ree i 8 te ee eee roucedey ale, WG im sity i Musical Justifies | Faith In an Unknown ® preacher—but there's an element of faith in the new Ethel Merman-Fernando Lamas musical, “Happy Hunting.” 2 ee et Re ee < Sane The sensational new ‘girl tient, Virginia Gibson, almost didn’t get in it because she was In Hollywood making pictures “Nobody here in New York knew who I was, ek the Producers didn’t. feel justified paying baad fase. bere to try out.” ae “I went home te St. Louis,” says this beautiful little agent—phoned me from New Yerk that he had faith enough in me .te pay my. fare in.” She's so great, she might be a Merman herself some day. Then there are Gordon Polk and Gene Wesson, ex-drunks who joined Alcoholics Anonymous, got faith in themselves, and have been working steadily—and walking steadily—since. * * * “Are you still on the wagon?” I asked them backstage. “We wouldn't be here if we weren't!” they sald. (End of sermon). ‘ * * * Kathy Grant's coming in for interviews, but she doesn’t want to be asked about Bing Crosby (Yuh-hear?) . . . Mickey NEW YORK—You can call me a square, a cornball and even 1 1066 by WOK Berries, Inn as ee if Ig : * By PETE LOCHBILER It’s the on ¢. year Joe Pick- pocket is Shoppers are loaded, are harried, purses and in abundance lay unguarded on store counters. Joe finds on lifting someone's roll that it’s larger fhis month than-at any other time. Money that would have gone for presents goes into Joe's pocket instead. pers and He knows, for instance, that ex- Mantle and Yogi Berra are both nail-biters, so Toni the mani- curist and Prank Garzaniti the barber tell me at the Stage Barber Shop. *® * * Marilyn Monroe’s requested that she usher. “upstairs” at the “Baby Doll” premiere for benefit of Actors Studio Dec. 18, | Monday She wants to be among the acting students who'll be sitting up there. , THE MIDNIGHT EARL... Tough Luck; Wolves Kim Novak's not coming to New York. The Jeanne Eagels story's to be filmed in LA. . . Danny Kaye stopped at Mayo's for a ceeeiean and they didn’t find a thing. MMonree and Arthur Miller attended “Long Day's Jour- ney Into Night,” and ushers and firemen had to hold back the rubbernecking baleonyites . . . Kirk Dougias is Herman Wouk's cholee for the male lead in the “Marjorie Morningstar” film . . . Due: Gene Kelly and Judy Holli- day . . . Jow Louis ts looking for a writer te help with te Greta Keller's opening . . . Dorothy Collins and Ray Scott of the “Hit Parade” will become TV film producers. Alistair Cook of “Omnibus,” now « naturalized U. 8. citizen, explained jokingly the difficulties of an Englishman in switch- ing nationalities: “Some British call you a renegade and some Americans refer to you as ‘that British spy’.” Earl's Pearls . . «/ e The accordion was designed a man whe couldn't decide how big the fish was that got away, . WISH I'D SAID THAT: “New York's a town where you can just about get away with murder—uniess you do it in a car parked near a fireplug.”—Frederic Jones. TODAY'S BEST LAUGH: Myron Cohen’s getting weary of waiting for tickets to that show—he now calls it “My Fair Lady-In Waiting.” The late Fred Allen heard @ comic use @ stale joke and said, “I'd Hite to be a drowning man and have someone throw me ® line like that.” That's cari, brother. (Copyright 1956, The Hall Syndicate, Inc.) A a ? : d, : reteset | Dat off Just 0 thag Hin, your dour! ‘Travel in\, | comfort! Convenient schedule gets you to Chicago eo ee eee a ay tea, i 5 PM EST...... 1p PM oore Haat fa toewes AM He Laud ‘mene ates Pm ; For norman a verte; bake ceed +toeee odvee ene anak ee eeewee venees wenn vesave $100,000 Onion Roast {pensive presents are sitting at Carelessness on the part of shop- clerks home, waiting for the enterprising | burglar. The lone woman, walking down the street late at night, is a temp- tation Joe cannot often resist. Her purse ‘swings so easily on her arm -~just right for grabbing. Joe knows inside there'll be isome rules listed by Chief of De- ‘Joe Pickpocket’ Eyes Season Bonus} ‘partment. To thwart Joe, here's tectives Clark M, Wheaton. Don’t carry large sums ‘of money—pay by check. Keep your eye or hand on your © 1956 Wher's My Line, ine. something special for him—a few\purse and packages at all times. e jextre dollars as a sort of Christ-| Don’t keep large sums of cash| this Monkey Shines , 6@ Brief Cases Randing Glesees —_— at bate. : LOS ANGELES i®—For the lasti@, © J Books five weeks a monkey has beer 2 WHAT'S MY LINE? . ,e AT fun, i a e INSTRUCTIONS: tree to tree and danced e seamihip'us fosian' papiibhe es akeee power lines, Mrs, Grant oppeors arrow, food, : 1 TEST. That apparently was a Ss Grant's home, ‘ curtains } upset an ink well. Now she wishes : [tie animal would leave or the|® 2 [2 owner would get her. The monkey 3 is a she—she chatters incessantly.|§ , 4 Driver Made Mistake oe at by Hurrying Home é f 1 LUMBERS > 2 GAS 3 TOCNOT 8 4 FUTT . 5 NIRGPS 9 6 STER jot: 7 TOPSURE 8 PEELS 9 VOCRE 10 FOST reception we've ever selling new Buicks. neighbor, if you want sir today's moderns vickeae aa wanted... \ hour for you. But we sure nen figure this—the most rousing. seen in all our years of We're getting more enthusiastic talk — along with the signed orders—than ever before. And, to know why — listen: This ‘57 Buick has that sleek low-sweep styling want — and it’s here in xtra-long measuré, in the lowest Buick yet. want — for Buick’s new wide-frame chassis permits a sports-car silhou- ette with more interior roominess than even last year's spacious Buicks, — It has newness everywhere, and newness that's A smart new panoramic windshield. The surety of a new “nested” ride. A brilliant new handling and levelized braking that come of an ingenious \. new ball-joint suspension. It even has a new : Xx Safety-Minder* that watches your miles-per- What's it Got that Everyone's After? tered fos woud go othe '57 Buick nahin petateaecne Woe end wT te and that’s the biggest reason for the ated popularity of the newest Buick yet. / For here is pecforniance—smooth ss spun silk unleashed by a totally new V8 engine $64 cubic inches big, and with the highest torque and horsepower in Buick anal. And here, to deliver that might, is the power- pitch action of an advanced_néw Variable .* A Dynaflow 6f such instan- taneous obedience, such smocth and versatile control in “Drive” — need for * Tow: is Pitch Dynaflow virtually ended. Bik ik, yosos surpdbomed « cui eb neal alive, so smooth in motion, so solid in-feel. It’s ahead of its time, ahead of ahead of your great expectations. . ‘ Come check up on all this. Come drive this shoulder-high’ sweetheart—today. - ees es eee ee . It te standard on Roadmaster, Super and et modest exira cost on the Special Softy Mindey stenderd on Beedmene, Regular $10—This y PEN... Regular $17.50—This Week Only y SET..." se the industry—even ia THE PONTIAC press, ritienin ht DECEMBER 12, 1056 ee hitchhiking t0 Brainerd, spotted Seat it peemeneh in height and | pounds, dren tative wen dveeboied the te ten at eet Feeder’ Lines Rise. for ‘ of this element, dks Miaead Meee leeeeed %5-29 years old, is 5.feet-6 inches! weighs about 136 = rwbich ly fn and out of ss “sine cities; In NEW YORK—Local-service to ft even own 00 crease of 31 per cent in 1955. First synthetic. rubber. tire was They -cerried more then:S,eqsoeisaaet. qa US. markets: I Dene poseengere. The 13 local lines,|1940 Biseuits® he Kool Krisp Iceberg New Crop Head Lettuce ‘Blue Ribbon : wacom tr I) =6Large Eggs: ! ‘Good for 14¢! rs ; s of one new, recipe Grade “A” Et Y's Finest MEAT on quan the Season’s Best: Prices effective t.. Dec. “15, the 4 ri ght: to limit tities. Pillsbury’s Best. FLOUR zh $y ss 5-Lb. Bag Be Pillsbury’s Best Cake Mixes White - Yellow - Chocolate Fudge on BO Romeo Orchards Aprle Sauce tad * 5 Ab AW lie ig Aa Gt a ii ae je a onan ¥ : "| : k a « : O88 MSugar se | Aad Done, Kreps low ey 4 2d. 27° Krogo 090 Shortening "= Tes Bee WORLD'S LARGEST TOY-PACKED CHRISTMAS STOCKING Giant 8 Ft. High $50.00 worth of toys ! All Children accompanied by their parents may enter! Register for drawing today-— nothing te buy — no contest to enter. See it now at any of the four Kroger’stores in Pontiac. Get entry blanks at Kroger now! Contest closes Saturday, December 22, 1956, KROGER FRESH ENRICHED SLICED White Bread | = Deg 5 \ ! Angel F ‘e GREEN nll - 29 Nestle’s Morsels rn at Cream Style Cent Sunbétet tein bie. Packer's Label. Kroger low price . . « 2 10: 2 8 39¢ Instant Coffee “nows* 2 Crushed, Tidbits or Chunk . . . « . New Kroger everyday low price .\. « Pineapple Juice 2.10) Ice Cream 10 a Dole. Everyday low price «,. . « « « Country Club assorted flavors . . . « Baked by the Kroger master TE JIFFY WHITE, YELLOW OR CHOCOLATE aed he Kore toch 1) Roll Butter wt 65: Dog Food ake Mixes se ee £3 urine VALUE! Dole Pineapple ‘ft ig fs Save 20¢ %, se No. 1 Country Club, new low price Strongheart, everyday low price « ona | — ee Tuna Sneast ¢ cuicxen 614-00 31° Robin Hood Flour 10 GRAND OPENING FEATURE VALUE! Fancy chunk syle sees cee eee With 26¢ off coupon. 2. . 6s « ase Crackers 2 Swift'ning : Kroger everyday low-price. . « + « & 79 Wesson Oil ee Ve oe TI Gold Medal Flour 58 » 49s Kroger everyday low price . Baker's Coconut st me 29° her ver SR La France Bluing = «= 25° Kroger everyday low ptice . ee ee oe eee ee | Cashmere Bouquet Cashmere Bou quet 3 - . Toilet’ soap, Kroger low price . . . ». Vanilla Wafers Nabisco, fresh Geliciows . . . 6 oe se 6 Old Dutch Cleanser Special 6¢ oft regular price . and Leman of Berkley, is ap Sd 14-Year a a a ee ee ee ee ee a reat tle 3 ” 3% Peete oe eh re = ae = THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1956 ubdivision Rules Set! Superviso | ' : = Walton Heights SOUTHFIELD — A recount of votes in last Monday's city char- iter election and the filing of pe- 'titions for dismissal of the present city charter, commissign and elec- |tion of a new commission Is keep- ‘ing Southfield’s political pot boil- il € “ The city charter lost by 4. Of the 8,253 votes cast, 533 voters least their ballots for candidates jomitting voting for the city char- jter. ‘Groups Set 2nd ‘Yule Contest The second annual Christmas 'Decoration Contest will be held for Southfield Residents Ask | ‘Recount, New Commission In the meantime, the Westwood Village. committee, headed by Ted Shurtleff, has been trying to file three petitions with Southfield’s three supposed de facto mayofs, calling for dismissal of the present commission and the election of a new one. Shurtleff admits his group does! not want another charter, and is/ using “stalling tactics.” Seme confusion appears as to whe is the de facto mayor of Southfield. It could ‘be either Southfield, I¢ could be either Tewnship Supervisor Eugene Swem, Trustee Donald Swansea, or Charter Commissioner Them- as M. Costellc. | Opdyke next week, Sponsored by local merchants in) with the East Walton! Heighrs two boards on controls | nominee 5 > staan Besa | Swanson and Costello. Swem has of the Scotch School of West Bloomfield Town- l. to r.) Susan Walls, Carl Putnam, Gretchen over land use and building eatures decoration among the area homes.| been unavailable since last Thurs-| ship present their Christmas program under the Papenguth and (front row) Nancy Bell and - * * h s Judging, by the Association’s os dots — were seeeie chairmanship of Mrs. Cari Putnam. Singing Danny Urguhart. ontgomery, T beard of directors, willbe on |io- of elections, said that Swan-| qa: Urning O IS ING Thareday, Deo. 2%, with wigners son is mayor de facto, Shurtleff First in 8 Years te be announced the next day. reported. | Program : : First prize is $15.00, while sec- -¥ MILFORD — ‘‘You learn to ex Reid lives with his wile, Sadie,jond and third place awards will] | Fetitions for = mew charter | pect almost anything when you) at 524 Atlantic street and has|e $10 and $5 respectively. coteeieing Senet he Bed. with | hold public office,” says Howard] 144. his home in the Huron Val- Oy sree do inelp by Bunday. Reid, who this week announced his ® The township voted June 7, 1955. forthcoming retirement. from the|#®y @tea for the last 34 years. Commerce Units to become a city, and this is the) WEST BLOOMFIELD — For the;tomorrow in the West Bloomfield gram will be a special treat and post he has held for 14 years as|He formerly owned and operated second time a city charter has first time in eight years, Scotch/High School on the corner of Or-junique in that all of the school’s Milford Supervisor. a hardware store én Main street, 5 p been def i \School of West Bloomfield Town-|chard Lake and Commerce roads. '304 children will take part, Site & Gite” ti tis veh liis hatte tinieetions ao weaneritO fage arty The new city has until June fare pee 6 ee According to program chairman, | A = of “Bibes in son pe for oregon Hp. due to ill health, a wee gg Ane yp glory gram. It will take place at § p.m.'Mrs.: Car! Putnam, this year’s pro-| Toyland” by the kindergartea made announcement e sO r ore revi a od ; In 1941 Reid won the election | COMMERCE TOWNSHIP — ’ ; . room will epen the program. that ee ee against “Duke” Johnson, Mil- |Commerce Chapter 301, OES, and| ‘et, to township status. First grade reoms in a combined filed by’Dec. 31. P pong lawyer, and Was paid a/ ll, mteeet Chettunbs | - . henes WES pontenehas yeenes of salary of $i200-a year, At that |“! stage Coun Deaths roy ly ANACGET | 400—the clerk's: salary. Coming: to Town,” “Up on the Shutter Bugs velopment of Milford Memorial gon who died at the Marlette| Clerk. Conumisaioners voted 5-2 to re- | House Top,” “Jolly Old St. Nich- Cemetery on Wixom road, Situat- Community Hospital early Mon- tain Lockhart, saying that if the jolas,” and “Lullaby.” Meet Thursday ed om top of a bill just outside! day, had been ill two years, | new city manager, after Com | Donned in unusual choir robes, the village limits, the cemetery She is survived by a foster son, h Girl plete investigation decided one third grade room will sing a 7 at Rochester is in the process of being land- Glenn Hutchinson, and two foster! ochester H against Lockhart, the question -roup of songs. The other third i scaped and will be one of the beau- grandsons and a foster grand-|T" ; So th could be brought up again. » graders will narrate “The Tiniest ae Se AVON TOWNSHIP — The Photo-|'Y Spots of Milford when com- daughter, Clare and William Huteh-| 4 OUTING SOU ; The Monday = higtit meeting,! Angel” as some ef the children otal of $820 Given |graphic Club here, has planned its|Pleted. inson and Mrs. Carl Burmeister. With 4-H C] b ‘turning into the familiar squabble,|-pamtomime it, ‘The chorus will ao Wixek : imeeting for Thursday around a|, Reid was instrumental in getting| i u | was" quieted when year-old) sing “There's a im the Air,” tions, Legionnaires |coior session. the now-famous > Dearborn| Matthew D. Bannes — —— ' sectiioales eyo" grade aes : hn as ‘plan iin Wied Domed toe Tolle IMLAY CITY — Rosary for Mat.| ROC HESTER—-Jané Booth, |called his elders to account. Wil- by 8 “Dinher Photogra & D. Hannan, $1, of 21 Dirgo| Rochester 4H Club member who|/iam Halsey, told the commission) plantet. ‘ m. in the library at through legislation in Lansipg. thew $1, rgo ; . tomorrow Dearborn city officials maintained St., will be recited at 8 p.m.|proved she “knew her -onions”)‘'®” WOuld, get nowhere with “this) 4 combined pantomime and chor AUBURN. HEIGHTS ~— Funds 2 e * that the project was a public Wednesday gt the Lester Smiths, sears aco when she won ale 8 8 us will also be given by one fourth totaling $820 were received last) The is invited to attend,|camp and therefore tax exempt. _ ee ged cog eecs gyro state award and. was a delegate! “Wait/until the next election,” ae — kee Fs Fa night by the Boys Club here at a bringing slides for viewing. |Reid proved otherwise and after s aoe aie at teatt Cath| 1 the National Junior. Vegetable he said, “when you will have three|.ua fourth erade fom, will depict = given by the Lions reyes A oct ¢ pad ngs the camp ie Cah with burial in Mt,| CrOWers convention, is at another candidates for re-election.” “Christmas with the Bob Cratchett Boys Club, organized placed rolls. “|NJVGA convention in Atlanta,’ ” June, 1955, can mow look to more rlord Sees Calvary Cemetery. Hé died Mon-|NJVG! Family. extensive activities in the nore Wate / Speenens Be gears, Ewen’ day. Annual Yule P “The Nativity Scene,” backed ment of the Hill Gazette American Reid has been chairyan of many Surviving are his widow, Ma-| Jane received a blue ribbon for Annual Yule Party with an angel choir singing “On a loaned by the post which backed lend County. Hie werk with the Warner, Livgnia; Mrs. Lawrence/ duction and testing last summer|-- 4 o¢ Methodist Church here|by the fifth grade. © County Board of Supervisors and | Brinker. Mrs. William Treadgold,|@nd is one of 22 in the Michigan| "UP 2 Rounding out the will be the group since its start. ride with ity | County Reed Commuisiien bat Ty ' delegation. The left Michi-|'8 holding its annual Christmas a The Legion and the Lions Club grate beniieh omen The | been lauded. : Tesi bis, Loser Drewes: ajhae Mate, University’ lassyifridey| end perty at. the charchis, sung. test st perticigntiog « showed their support last night, Pontine Press has established a ese Nag Aig mer gs So rod ws tte rigpe cof > bee ny parlors at 7 p.m, Friday. with audience participating. —_ with two checks, presented fol- news office at 4540 Dixie High- Levi Aygo wae em role a bebe . Peter; and 13| companied by six extension work-| lowing « dimer, to which Lions, | way, Drayton Piains to give Wa- |5° for Rats nullrement ine grandchildren. ers from the university, wives and their guests were in- | terford Township readers mere |i use’ do trated fish- vited. sows of thete ares. ing and travel to Florida. next 5 alaecadlbr ton galego a asda: Secale A total Sf $700, earned at the} .. taller Rete Helntaciiten wit | winter. ° Rectlving 2 Bachelor of Science) WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP—Re-| (oenelor.. cemmely. SOS we Lions Halloween Flare Sale, has iat aa time trams it | “People have cursed me and|degree in education from Centraljquiem mass for Mrs. Wanda) 1) 1+ me NJVGA head. been turned over to the Boys = geloe you ™ lothers have been awfully nice,” College, Jan. 27, is Myr-|Haase, 96, of 61671 Jewel Rd. who) os 1 a putmore Hotel group. The sale gleaned funds fot 7% "Ye NWM, he said, “but you learn to expect/na Wentworth, daughter of Mr. and/died Saturday was held at 10 a.m. im Aftante