sthe'Wediibr x US, Weather Buren Forecast = (Details Page 29° 2 - : i EAs ¥ é , : % e a - — i7th YEAR: ea ie ee eS ah ae yn 3 AR ae ee xx ..» PONTIAC, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRA 17, 1959 4 PAGES ‘ @ ie 5 Be ‘ * 2 7 | ; R . . : eC £ roa! . > | . $120 Million April Showers | Fails to End Uprising Captive Calls Forecast Today | " , Lj i Income bai pattomonow | Things ‘Touchy | Scattered showers and thunder-: | showers beginning late this after- . . Bil n f uce a or evening have been fore- nsi @ rison ‘cast for _ Pontiac area. The low . : . . . tonight Will be a mild 52. : Bipartisan Plan Close Scattered showers are predicted Deputy Warden Slain to Williams’ Proposals; oe" for omeenany wee tne fem and Guard Is Stabbed one . perature cooling off to a high o . . Legislature Adjourns near 60 degrees. Today's winds in Montana Rebellic southwest to south at 14-22 miles : LANSING (AP)—A state 2” hour will become northerly to- DEER - LODGE, Mont. morrow = eed income tax bill designed to; Temperatures ‘will change little ‘ (AP) — A hostage freed for ‘net 120 million dollars a through Wednesday. Rain will to- eight minutes by rioting year came into the Legisla- '@! near one-half inch Saturday convicts at Montana prison ‘ture today, the first of the rial SEAR: SPOME. SMES de Tee said today 17 other hos- '1959 session. The mercury dropped from a tages are “all set up to be The legislature adjourned for the high of 74 yesterday. afternoon in killed.” ‘weekend at noon today. ee a te an mst te vai of 34 Walter Jones, a prison | e reading ? The income levy was the main'> pm. was 73. atieliail psychologist, was released ‘foundation of a 141-million-dollar for an eight-minute talk | tax pragram sponsored jointly by, ‘ +}, ° ' Reps. George W. Sallade (R- Ann AGS ’ cas t _ saan H-~ in there.” \Arbor) and Walter H. Nill \D- Ixon 0 SI ae ag apn ce al i | Muskegon) Jones = © poorly — Breaking the ice on long- awaited is touchy.” He sai guards bas " are among the hostages ‘are all lincgme tax measures, the two | re , 'members of the House Taxation, OSCOW in U y i set up to be killed, some will be ‘Committee offered the bil] as an 1 hanged. ‘answer: to the state's long-range cae “I am ng back-in. I don't |need for new revenues. To Open U.S. Exhibit; know for ong Set The inmates | Basically, it follows the lines Talks May Set Stage as pee: Oat Ee Sey ee | 7 * ae se . | cemaed hs camer an coon | for Summit Session | AP Wirephote Jones said he and other hostages | important differences. It may \ | NO SUOCESS — From the main turret gate, Montana Prison'’s were sent coffee and ‘sandwiches. " a: , | have obviated the mecessity for WASHINGTON w—Vice Pres. Warden Floyd E. Powell emerges after an early unsuccessful at- He said all are being treated well. HUDDLE WITH NEW CHAIRMAN — With served as Commission chairman in 1955 and ‘6 | Williams to introduce his bills. ident Nixon will’ visit Moscow in, tempt to negotiate with the rioting prisoners for the release of 18 peputy SLAIN . the election yesterday of Eldon C. Rosegart and continues as commissioner, and Southfield = Te governor sent word from late Ju. His eXpected talks with hostages. The rioters have threatened to burn their captives if ns : : (center), of Drayton Plains, as chairman of the Mayor Donald L. Swanson immediately went into Washington D.C. where he had! thigh Soviet officials may heip to! authorities storm the prison. | Earlier, the chaplain at the State Fair Commission, the Pontiac area was huddle with Rosegart following Tis election. testified before a Congressional | *** the stage for a summit CON | prison said an agreement appar- assured of being better represented than ever in Rosegart. is director of the Pontiac Northern (Committee, that he would consider | rence: : : ; rently had been reached to end the the top management of the Michigan State Fair. High School Band it carefully. His designation by President B. s * peer rit. Harry Garling fright}, of Orion Township, who senhower to make the trip also | Eighteen guard hostages have eines GOP LEADERS COOL ‘could promote Nixon's chances for} IC Ins 0) ire q jbeen -held by the rebel convicts | House Republican leaders were the Repblican presidential nom- who killed a deputy warden and jless receptive, seeing in the hand-|ination next year \s stabbed a guard. 7 . e ‘ling of the bill and its timing a A White House announcement Until the prisoners shouted jpolitical coup by the Democratic at Augusta, Ga., late veal. | | threats to burn their hostages, . |governor engineered to dilute his said Nixon will make the trip — | authorities had planned to send ‘ lresponsibility for the program. _| to open an American exhibition | | 159 officers storming the 99- e | Essentially, the bill proposed in Mescew July 25. year-old turreted, castle-like . | a graduated income tax. but the | No other details were given but With the hiring of a faculty dean and three | other | prison. X: first ene after diplomatic officials were sure he faculty members, Michigan State University Oakland! There. are 435 prisoners inside. ; ae £ , Soe “nv tae nd ate ee with Premier Nikita has begun to reeruit-a staff of instructors for its opening | ey Ly ran to, food and | thons would Khrushchev could hold out for many days, of- flat two per cent. The six-week exhibition is ein September. ficials said. - oS Pontiac property assessments; man had pcsliaies that if the and County Tax equalization Com-| The next $10,000 would be taxed/signed to show Soviet citizens peed | “We've reached the point where we have begun to| The riot erupted about 4:30 p.m. were fixed today at more than @ssessed valuation went up only (mitte for use in arriving at the tax at three per cent and amounts Americans live. The Soviets will hire,” Durward. B. Varner -- 7 | yesterday. $1 million over the $5 million in-| $5 milion this year, the 1959 base upon which the county tax|over $25,000 at four per cent. stage a similar exhibition in New Ward | budget could be financed through will be spread in Pontiac. : York City. chancellor of the new uni-| ear. Gov. Wi * Floyd Powell was crease estimated as necessary to! the low, 13.27 mill ¢ te | The ore Starting point in calculations . : age eel ss ——— shaver seized and held at knife point keep the 1959 tax rate down at the gchieved by the city task You, |use S. arnivi na at th = oe red lars be the sdiusied gross incume| Mi Missa demumsctraten =. se. vray aa Soe aoe ree viction vat $81,000" fox the, 20F nearly three heurs before a low figure established last year. . . . ee ae chet feseee, ax base for|computed on federal income tax) pacity to deal effectively with | Varner said he would have to |appropriation of $84,000 for the burglar helped him escape. The total 1959 assessed valuation That the increase in assessed | This iP \forms. | Soviet leaders it could give him obtain around 20 faculty members’ jcurrent fiscal year also was asked. ' : has been se! at $277,213.00, or Valuation went over the $5 million! | Ax year's total Fortine prop) ihe ipo would allow an) a boost in his unannounced quest tg operate MSUO the first year |MUST GO AHEAD . peg A pie Theodore apo $6.269.800 ore than last year, Mark opens the door to the pos- erty tax won't be deter rmined unti! $809 exemption for the taxpayer for the presidency in 1960, At a _ _ “We'll just have to go ahead and|° St-year-oll former Wisconsin pris- according to final figures of ‘the Sibity that the tax rate might ao City Commission decides: the and each dependent and the option’ minimum it will fecus attention | The hirings yesterday were ap- (accume that we'll get the appropei- ion officer, was shot through the Board of (tax) Review even be dropped slightly lower than cHy ix Tale = the | Oakland of an itemized or $1,000 deductign. on him in the months leading proved by the MSU Board of ation. said Dr. John A. Hannah, |chest and killed. Guard Bill Cox, City Manager Walter K. wilt, S$)? 27 for each $1,000 of assessed penile Tax Alloc — are de- whicherte was higher _ | up to selection of the Repabli- | Trustees. MSU president. fis ee oa arm. He is st da valuation - re county and school tax (Cont med on Pag — ra can nominee. Dr. Robert G. Hoopes, vice pres-| Varner said he did not think| a em This is what happened last year. a eae mm on Eee e 2, oh | Internationally. the trip means ident of the American Coxncil of lawmakers would réfuse to appro- | CONVICTS ARMED ‘ when the city was hoping to keep a new round of high-level contacts Learned Societies, New York. was! pr iate the money. He noted the | The convicts armed themselves ospita {0 Us the tax: rate ; the wi figure of following up the January visit here! ee hale ean of faculty effec-/Legislature allowed $50,000 in plan-| | with weapons stolen from a ‘store- 13.70 mills, When the assessed ( ( of Soviet Deputy Premier Anastas, "*® “US ining money and adopted a resolu- Oune. : valuation went up $16,824,739, the astro Visits a itol. Mikoyan Also appointed effective Sept. 1)tion thanking Mr. and Mrs. Alfred| » * tax rate was cut Presumably one of Nixon's pur- *C'e Dr. James H. McKay, asso-/G. Wilson for the gift of their; Powell, 46, said, “A few of the e are ss Last year, the city was also pre ‘poses. will be to demonstrate to ciate professor of mathematics: ‘1. 400 acre Meadow Brook Farms/Convicts got out on top of the cat- dicating its budget on only an nom- ithe Soviet peoples a frendly Amer- Dr. Peter H. Amann, assistant pro-lestate and $2,000,000 for the first|walk and took a few rifles. How inal $5 million increase in asessed Or 1a i O Ons ican interest in them, He is ex-,f€sSor of history; and Richard J.|building. ithey did it I don't know. It is not May Take Fight to Hike valuations. pected to emphasize a United Burke Jr., philosphy instructor. “I think we'd be acting in good 8" organized thing. Most of the ‘States desire for better relations. FUNDS LACKING faith if, we go ahead with our|Convicts want no part of it.” Count Case Payments The totals on both real and. DON . ; | Th e be st high-rank-, e€ prisoners dem: mihi y personal property went up sig- WASHINGTON (AP) — Fidel Castro paid an un-|, »'h00 “il De the Bist hh gh-rank-, Support money. for the fedgling| Panne: Namer sald, ith G see. homemn: Direct to Supervisors nificantly, according to figures . ing US. official to visit the Soviet 5 citation has not vet been voted; he hiring season is nearly jence with Gov. J. Hugo Aronson, ‘rece’ the sffice of City Ausemer | heralded visit to the Capitol today for an informal Union in many years by the Stele Legisiarre Ca! over,” he said. “Also, a tot of /OUt the governor flatly rejected” rtbannsaiing } ste : Z | ‘ i he request and ‘instead called W. Ray R huddle with key U.S. Legislators. | our prospects are being ‘seared [26 Ted i called out Pontiac General Hospital is way Ransom. 8 Planes to Spot Fi | “It's not possible to wait for | away by the talk of Michigan |the State troops. thinking of taking its fight over The total assessments on real! The _Capitol swarmed with uniformed police and po ires . |‘ positive legislative action before | | being broke * “Everything is ‘gol welfare patients direc uy te! ore ihe property were set at $142.707.S50, plainclothes security officers as the bearded Cuban LANSING (P—Two new planes | Starting to hire faculty and ac: | +4 Jot of educators in other right Father "Gerald uymeen, e a z i . i | Cn i " : , ” * j * Srevigces and County Board o or $2,041 650 more than last year. Premier arrived at 10:45 a.m. ! a been assigned by the State | cepting students, Varner said. istates actually think that Michi- | Catholic chaplin, told newsmen ~ How and when a plea might be huge inventories in Pontiac indus-, There were cheers for the Cuban Prime Minister. Pmeeeting Daporiment A 500 000 fo State . Iniversity ast) gan cme aren't = their| after he left a conference of made before the whole 83-mem’ r trial plants agd businesses, was fr ec rs W managed to crowd into - . er ae - a | ae ee P effictals and -spekeomes body has ot heen. determined assessed) at $124,305,850, or $3,227. om spectators ‘who ged to crowd i the pas-; | the start of the danger season. i*‘sister university,” dufing the next) Varner reported that 432 enroll-! for the rioting prisoners. Outside requests usually are tak- 650 more than last year. sageway leadin £ to the = jment applications have been re- The negotiations acted after the en up by the county board's nu-) The assessor's office had origi- Senate Foreign Relations Harfer Hosts Fidel reed fo date for the er convicts threatened to burn the 18 merous commimees AS hich ‘report nally placed a $278.235,300 price Committee office. ‘accepted. fis ania be artic me hostages with gasoline. eee enftaable (o yanieadaboes.. tag on Pontiac, but the Board off Castro met there with Senators an enrollment of between 400 and Feiber Lomen hed partictpated 2 « e eCt é s. Tea tant . th) Topp . . it i Galy xarely i an olteide group Re view trimmed hs figure by and Representatives invited “by 500 the first year. ad a 2-hour, 45-minute meetifig' at ¢ secaniation at Pos $1,021,500: In reaching today’s Committee Chairman J. William H 4% ‘a prison gate between convict of organization able to appear be- final totals, the Board cut $958,950 Fulbright (D-Ark) e said 7 per cent of the appli-| spokesman, and prison officials. fore the board in person. from the assessor's estimate on| The cheers came mostly from arco soar have speen from| The priest said formal an- The next meeting of the board real property and $62,550 on Per-| teenage girls. This is the height panied oar and 23 per cent | nouncement of an agreement would is April 27, but the beard’s Wel. sonal property. | of the tourist season in Wash. ‘ing two per a Tee ree made shortly. . s scatter fare Committee and administra: |'new FORMULA ' ington and the city is crowded lamong other counties in Michicun leone eres ves ot Maniona tors of the Social Welfare De. | | es i ; & | Prison guards walked into the Last year, Ransom’s office’, With school children from all Va partment are scheduled to meet | a i a parts of the country rner reported 36 per cent (prison office at 4 a.m. today, ‘on the Pontiac General problem adopted a new formula under) so a . planned to major in teacher edu- | seeking word of their hostage hus« before then. wW hich personal property was more | Fullbright arranged the informal, cation, 2% per cent in liberal | bands. ‘closely assessed at its true valua- ‘closed- door meeting to permit arts, 22 per cent in engineering | * * te ‘ Fearing that the mecting will tien — thus the big increase in’ ‘members of his committee and and 14 per cent in business ad- | They were Mrs. Robert Wyant produce _ ee. GA recom the 1958 personal assessments. lother legislators to talk with Castro ministration. loo ihe mother of ee aon mendation arolc uwler, hos-, ~ ‘first hand. - 1 * eye , pital administrator, broached the | The 1959 assessment shows that The American Society of News: cent of egei made me - bet ate Mrs. Vernon Kelpin, 41, the possibility of appearing in person ns oo" is UN) sing fet paper Editors will hear Castro this istudents 44 oF cee, —— goth omen ho ob ly had “1 9 eee _| lowed, i : | oth women, who obviously ha at the April 27 session of the su afternoon. . | “We seem to be attracting a! been ctying. ‘seid their host : pervisors. Most of the industrial assess-) The bearded, 32-year old Prime lvery high type of student scho-. e band “I believe that St. Joseph Mercy ments were ironed out in coopera- Minister is cine his first ad- lastically,”” he said, ‘We find 44) oe worked — inthe sat Hospital would like to join us iM\tion with the State Tax Commis- dress in. the United States since per cent rank in the first quarter | ee at Ankcoods, BRAe 2 Oe ey taking our problem befere the en-'cion Before they were finally, ‘he gained power in Cuba. A ques- of their class and 33 per cent in| | became guards six weeks ago, tire board in person,” he told the settled. : ne. and-answer period follows. the second quarter.’ oe s Board of Trustees last; The totals were sent to the Oak- a — orene in me Varner said he Amdieven that Pontiac Press Ad . . jexecutions of more than 500 mili- The two Pontiac hospitals want) ooo, _— tary And police officials of Cuba's adc pled get Ry eet , the county to pay for treatment of ~~” —_ i. ~"lousted Batista government, the first classes when MSUO i ! | Be waasses when sds ooomes Has Scent of Spri welfare patients on an actual cost In Toda s Press |suspension of some civil rights and this fall . basis, not a flat rate, as in the Y jreports that Castro is exposed to : ‘ past. Wieck MR Communist influence inside and "| | The air of spring is bursting Because the 1958 county .ate | Comics . 496 outside his government. News FI ash ' through the news columns of The _ ral oat ats art phi County News ...... 14, 16, 18 | ow ectety ge Apa most ot |Pontiac Press today, It's the first ac Gener st $75.07 as Editorials 6 | of its disputes with gadio anc ‘ , ‘ti in P year, Euler has said. Sister. Mary |. farm and Garden ........ og | television broadcasters who com: MEXICO CITY «p — A Tigres aad in several years that one of William, administrator of St. Jo- | High School - 13 | Plained ASNE was trying to re- Ziladores airliner crashed nehr OU advertisers has. used scented seph, put her hospital's loss on | ygarkets ......... 1 gz «Strict coverage .of the’ Castro Puerto Kino on the Gulf of Cal- ink to give The Press a refreshing county patients at $62,556. Obituaries ................ 4 | Bb Pearance, | Wfornia today. First reports said | springtime aroma. Euler voiced fears that the Wel- Sports ;. 30-33 ' Officers of ASNE vielded to cook . j lly et wae s a were | The WKC ad of page 12 took 4 fare Department would ignore, Theaters... 21-22 'protests that the society—lonhg an hiammasescassoemranes ; os ; AP Wirephote O \ | pounds ot ink and one’ pint of pleas for actual cost payments, | TV and Radio Progranis 43. ‘ardent champion of press freedom | LUNCHEON GUEST — Cuban Prime Minister — tian Herter in a Washington hotel. It was the | taveneare tceeomen eaxe ‘highly concentrated lilac’ blosso and recommend to the Welfare; Wilson, Earl ....,......-- . & |—was in this case ‘denying free- Fidel Castro, left,{is shown with his luncheon first meeting between the two since the bearded | All Books ‘Off ° coat te roduce th sesame pwnd (Contimied on Page 2, Col. 7) Wemen's Pages ...2..... 73-25 ‘dom of access to the news.” host yesterday, Acting Secretary of State Chris- | Cuban leader arrived on an unofficial visit. | Old Prot’s Book Shop a P = : : . ‘ 9 W. Lawrence St. grance, | \ , r “ f ; “¢ \ A A 4 at 4 € . ' i shale Loman Si Se ee a ae ae eo ee ee eee ae | ‘ zi eck: =a = City Hospital fo Push Welfare Case Issue Gu wach rte cet wh ne coe re =. | ing seven area Optimist Clubs. Norman will now: compete in Lad-. ington May 22-23 in the state finals. ie Se | meio, “at Mas sian Income Tax Plan Area Merchants | reset hin. mae woe [ne stece wears tet tHE Adorn SESE Regrement Ree Se cee Goes ta Legisiatune (7Ded Agent | mes see oe cer a Ptr Toyour maracas ; ° k 4 ae Prince eens 1 gone owe Cooney a Spee Phony Ad Offers sh betel st ty Sour members in) Ps figures. for a new amma, Omeaare toeer! Pic .- Dairy ‘rincess.. bubgled arsom. job outside Flint be bint er year Pontiac area merchants have tary by Mrs. Jack Carr were Plevna covering treatment of wel} PG one- will (i ~~ a cont canadien gether tax.:cabtn ee eM fer tele { E , . : ’ phone offers of advertisements in’ dance, It will be held 9 at for about a month, A pretty Milford area farm girl present to spe the dairy princess) syage adams sentenced the ne Serene weer dol- publication which the caller says|the Hillcrest Country Cub 3 weletpe Teamster President |!@"™s annually, S hevke Peis. the “official” voice of the decorations honoring the newest|which the Pontiac hospital has| . 10. hss ial i This| sUchigan Council of State Em- state of the nation. been losing money are also under|—E™ the bbeal was made tm-| .tter would yield about 11 million| "3° came from the week dollars, the sponsors said. Gikennin Shin Weare 0 The City of Birmingham This area is the emergency incoming. y -- + = Noe cts, wanes, (tiae Area Chamber of Commerce: | noir sonengg igieae ts. | Bes: “taxes, together ylelding | “All they're. doing ts wing an jp.m. Monday. ~ ee. = Se million would | Official sounding name new h Agsignates het.the'county 'K-h-r-v-$-h-e-h-e-v' am 3 geese oe the - Mrs, Charles weltare ald. ae Popular With Eggheads governmor’s plan. | Belaney, spokesman for the Mintling, vice président; re pi sggene sn conteangy tag 2 and| PHILADELPHIA, Pa. (AP) ~|. 4 personal property tax credit) aoaseer, E|Th ; ; Rese ,.,enues by another dol-} He said some 10 reports have) C are adventa ore liek ceccined e heee rocnthe any |lars, producing a net revenue ae filed with the Chamber from|™#" suard. Se ro of 141 millions, ‘merchants who, said the caller ; * i g Fy 5 f : ba ee vegete i H 3 F fa I z : i i : i gi i fl Th [ ; E : i A : : ; 2 i F i Fl Williams proposed a $1,000 ex-lattempts to sell space in publica-| _ Roland W. Reese and Thomas : SA te emption for the’ taxpayer only |tions, often with different names,|.7- Monahan, co-chairmen of the of taking care of them themaeives. | e Stack coupled with a $35 tax credit eactsuch as the Michigan State Em-| 22#8al Chamber of Commerce Euler reperted that the Aes. Grange Hall Rd. Wolly; eet ate tan iio, Persons wholfor the taxpayer, his wife anc|playe, Michigan State News, or! dimeer. are asking mombere to | oi" “Otiand County, Hospital wen Vantine, 17, daughter of/K-h-r-u-s-h-e-h-e-v_ correctly.” Seeah’s deck wis alee State — How. ‘- not later than Monday. Directors has agreed to look into . James -Vantine of} The note writer is expected to tion and graduated rates r nging! “There’s no doubt that there is| The dinnner will be at 6:30 ped eae yard an aim of dis- Hadley Rd., Ortonville. send another check, for $1, shoftly.| tom two to.six per cent. th @ publication, whatever they | p.m. Wednesday at Devon: Ga- ributing the igent emergency trbuting the indie Baseball Glove . _|load more tably, if it is out Sallade, frequently at odds with call it, but it in no way represents | bles. Bud Guest will be the speak-|\ 97) ince official publication for the state er, and newly-elected officers will « *£.% Es 5 5 , alue = a . Republican leadership in the House an i t , : ; said his program would hit about’of Michigan,” Belaney said. ibe announced. b are core r two-thirds of the 2,750,000 families) “We'd like to warn our mer-| ae See Dies Ae. TS ae mail sei Taos : figs. - 4 | Gling income tax returns in Mich-,chants to resist being deceived) The Birmingham Rotary Ann in charge of a special com- and ‘sasp sqiion. Buy at Pocket oa Pa : < : W ; ld\that they wilh get preferential | chapter will meet for a 1 p.m. mittee. covering thé. problem, said this low price. . , 4 ; Pere Oe os ae § tax"only* about “35 or 40 per cent, ;treatment by advertising with this luncheon Monday at, the home of the Oak land | ; + £8 geri Led! + “pieces 4c er rec e | n n Iac with higher income groups paying'so-called official publication,” he! Mrs, Walter Andersot, 1388 Ches-|ciety’s attention "had drawn i ga aa e i : i : g Famous Al Kaline Autograph oO eF2 a i said., iterfield Rd, Co-hostegses will be to the situation. Northern White Ash . . a bigger share ot the bill. i , . : Pontiac General has threatened Baseball Bats Pontiac has a new traffic safety jyear’s and that tecord 4m-| hj to tumn away empngency patients — scoreboard today and its message| pressive. also is"! Waterford Budget Approved : who are brought fo it from outside Bl © Professional fish of what it' considers its territory. | So far this year, Pontiac has my.) ber of “Commerce erecied the) nat. 98 personal Injury accidents. P Hik D T h Gives ‘Day Christ Died’ rae: scoreboard yesterday and it spells, peer pr hy oly page ese a 1 es ue eac e rs ves . ay shes we ! : out for all to “see that Pontiac has to University Journalists | ~ Snow and Rain __|ou tor at to see that Pontiac had, iniuries, there were eight tatall- | 4 | With the approval of a $3,842,- anticipated increased enroliment ‘ 1 wi traffic | Patterned after Ss er Spots rare gg — es This year, the number of fatali- 320, record-high Waterford Town- | will be approximately $142,000, | for four new school buses to the OLEAN, N.Y. (UPI)—Author-re models used by patt ae ties is indicated by an impressive|ship school budget, all degreed|Shunck said. ; __ |low bidder, the General Motors! porter Jim Bishop has presented famous Major League The scoreboard is located on zero teachers are slated to receive pay| The budget increase will provide Truck and Coach Retail Store of|the manuscript of his best seller, hitters. Finest selec- the grounds of the Oakland Coun- ‘ a ae ‘}raises of from $300, to $400 next for 34 additional teachers, 24 of | Pontiac. | “The Day Christ Died,” to the. tion of second growth ty Courthouse at Hurop and Sag- | 1), ast fatality in: Pontiac was\year, according to William Shunck,|Whom will be required to handle! There will be three new 60-pas-| journalism department of St. Ber northern white ash new stress, Dec. 29, meaning that Pontiac has|superintendent of schools. an anticipated pupi] increase of senger and one 48-passenger aventure University. wong. “Just about everybody who'surpassed the long. deathiess | The budget, which shows an in-|760, according to Shunck. school bug added to the transpor-|' The 440-page manuscript is val- — drives into Pontiac will be able to) + cord achieved In 1957 when the Crease of $456,985 over last year’s, & 8 f tation program. ued at $10,000. see the wonderful record the city! city went 108 deathless days was approved at a meeting of Additional teachers will be need-| has achieved,” said Clyde R. Has- . @ o®% @&..: the Board of Education last night.\¢d for two. more elementary ill, Jaycee president. ; . schools scheduled to open in the} mm, di Ag *x* .* ? Serling cm ine day in is An additional $-mill voted tax fall, and 19 more teachers will be! “The scoreboard also will serve wet 7 aike for school. operation’ was \hired to reduce the present pupil- as a constant reminder that only The scoreboard was prepared by; appreved at a special election. |; ..chor ratio, alert. cautious and- courteous driv-|the Jaycee safety committee, head-| March 3, along*with » $5,006,000 | There are now 11,396 pupils en-, ing can keep our streets free from|@d by Richard Jorgenson. It is; School bond tssne. rolled in the school system, Shunck SAVE UP to 1 or MORE: on Famous Brand ! Cosmetics and Hair Preparations sonnet scocismsinttate ae peoen — FRIDAY and SATURDAY SUPER-SPECIALS — SHOP — SAVE Pocket violent death.” considered as one of the most im-| “This millage will net the school | said. Genie hers’ i The scoreboard compares. this | portant Jaycee public service proj-| district $375,000. State aid from the putin SCHOOL Catchers itts |years traffic acciden its with Leashes this yeer. ; i ° . — One of . the new elementary Priced 88 to ie schools, the Laura Smith Haviland «From School, is in the process of con-; ‘struction on Cass-Elizabeth Lake\— road near Cooley Lake road, ‘| * * -«® Another new building will be con-| structed on~Walton boulevard in the Jayno Adarhs area and is & Deep pit pocket for firm grip en ball. Autograph by famous Major League catchers. Whip action e. ique, ‘oy ee “Sturge, ase scheduled to open in November. — $3.00 PONDS Regulation Also approved in the budget i COLD CREME oa 8 ewe is SSS oo Ow ss enti was an $133,000 increase in teach: ( S5° LADY ESTHER 89s Sistas: hes! 4 PURPOSE LIQUID--............... . te been raised from $4,200 to $4,300, 98¢ FAMOUS BRAND DEODORANTS 4 4 ¢ for a teacher holding a bachelor’s\ Cream, Roll-Ons, Spray—Ayers, Etiquet. . master’s degree. IE $2.00 SCHRATZ SUN VALLEY $ BUBBLE BATH OIL ie ' re ee Minimum salary for ‘teachers’ with four or five years expérience, | Today in Pontiac © ow temperature preceding 8 a.m. At 8 am.: Wind velocity. 10 m.p. hb. Direetion~ west. : Downtown Froeporabesee master’s degree will now be $6,700 E bids ipes OMG ss cae Bd feelin ak 64/12 Mess envonenee 71 maximum slaary. 8 O.Mi ass oes vee 1 P.M.ves 72 : of eehene ol ¥ Clerical maximum salary, pie ansrnde : ee levels, E $2.00 HELENE CURTIS ena (te mented domniorn) peor wnat they | CREME RINSE (16-02.).............. wy Lowest temperature <)-crccteceessc 88 réceive a raise but-merely what E $1.75 HUDNUT “Wateemay ey gt carn,” Shunck ex EF EGG SHAMPOO (16-0z.)............. Moan’ empgrature Sscs.-aseayocs AB {fa bus driving persqnal received | CREME RINSE (4-os,)............. : a. we ‘ncreases salaries totaling M Bo fs Highest and Lowest Temperatures Thil| ' 1 The hiring of two additional $1.75 NUTRI TONIC —— ¢ 3 ; wh ts ane, TM ane painters, one’ carpenter, and one PIN“CURL (Super or Gentle Only)... . 87 | ae on ie / : — 3 ren : = ‘ p a : , . ai. : . bik 4 ~ heruseyy Feeperatere by the: Board. __.|— $2.00 ROYAL CASTILE | all Shoes. , S tie £8 In _other business the Board B oy EGG SHAMPOO (32-0%.)........... 89+ aE Softball Shoes 3 3 we Miweutte” tao! i eae: Sizes 98 eM Mlmnesnolis oT) Hee ta $3.00 NUTRI TONIC - 1.4346?" Py a i New Orieans 35 a Contract for Chrysler |B CREME SHAMPOO ................. le Le gue nto shee sion 2G RSE. oS) ioe pearmzss DANS — Otcnls Ssh wp Army as anoounged 418 a(@ | kee Sy am & St hous. iy ‘| Pontiac's new traffic record scoreboard, setup contract award to Chrysler | Sas \ ae J w # Bs: Marie $4 $3) at Oaktatid County Courthouse , by, the Pontiac — Cotp., Detroit. The contract calls BROTHERS BAe (1 4 P Pee: ~" a i Wachingion ce 47| Area Junior Chamber of Commerct. From teft for minufactre ot Sadat | Tt) ie temps st 39) (Standing) are Clyle R. Haskill, Jaycee presi- dsddd uk ae get a change of venue for his ‘Mrs. Elizabeth Dincan, the dead royal yacht Britannia on July 6. In August, the Pan - American’ == ! games especially sought by the : woman's mother-in-law, and Au- city because this is “seaway year.” ‘sentences, Mrs. Duncan. hired| ‘Telede—A “Salute to the Free == ‘aR ine wes ii the men to kill her pregnant! World’? April 27-29 for military == =» é or inlaw, the prosecution =. = oA. ae © Adjustable Handle ie a of the touring Naval vessels. ee LOWEST PRICE in Years! _ 1 Year GUARANTEE TONITE and SATURDAY ONLY, ‘ for big savings "= Main ONLY 1000 LEFT! - Get | eceoesesecoeseseoeeseeseteseoes PCOHESHSHHSOSHHSESSOSHHOHSOHSOHSHHDSSOCHSOEOOSE Everblooming TEA ond Hardy climpzrs ROSE BUSHES PACK 2 Bushes =9f° _ Over 20 varieties! Choice of new hybrids and old favorites. Ail colors and 2-iones: Coccececccocesoesooooooseosocoocoooeseosooce Yours Now — Hurry! || *wocccecesesoocooososeosooonpe® mn tit simms “? VV A YY ii iy bushel capacity. Assorted colors. SIMMS SENSATIONAL SUPER-SAVINGS Men’ s Summer PE Knit Gaucho Styles and Short Sleeve Cottons —ALL 31.79 to $1.98 VALUES— Large Capacity — Steel Tray — 29x33 Inch ALL STEEL WHEELBARROW tray. Rubber wheel and $13.95 Value-—10-Inch Rubber Tire [gm | teal, Bie gare wera we Ganga Pps 5 | easy re Reund Point Shovel $2.95 ’ Velue” ] 88 handle, hard blade, Limit 1 font eer person. 3-Foot Sections—WOOD Picket Fences 16” High 25-FOOT ROLL e Flower Bed Border - : 50 Val Painted pared pared fences. pines re ee be q . 3” Protect auty to flower beds and shcubbery. hier mais DANDELION DIGGER \ ‘Fox Howard’ 16-Inch Lawa Spreader $1.09 Value § 8* :$735 | Value © ’ ‘ame 36" handle. Ne Ail satel with 38 3 Gere t tile pi + Preumatic tires, per. HEDGE SHEARS Hundreds of Tiny Holes | 8 7 Sprinkler Hose. , $1.00 Value Sturdy hedge shears with sharp |. Por ‘Soaking or sprink. {imi t'per perm. nM |. Basar of dn ne . : age Lawn Seeds and Fertilizer 4 White Clover Seeds. . At. 59 Kentucky Blue Seeds.... 1b. 75¢ Perennial Rye Seeds.... 2 tbs. 69c-3 Merion Blue Formula.... 1 1b. | 65¢3 “Highland Bent Grass.... 1b. 65¢ 9 "Emerald Green Mixture. 2 Ibs. 1.19 9 White Clover Seed... .. 1b. 1.19 ‘. Perennial Rye Seeds.... 5 lbs. 1.59 : Mierganite —— & IMM BROTHERS Fiesr Emerald Green Mixtare. . 5S lbs. 2.79 3 Fertilizer... 80 Ibs. 3.80 ue Gertnig SRRAREAAAASASASARSEAARAMRARDOSE SD LAAR AAAS! ‘ALL SIZES—Smali to Large Casual sport shirts. for all summer wear. All first quality, all guaranteed under- a) priced. “Perry Como” Style MEN’S CARDIGANS 4 Button Front—Butten Cuffs Famous Brand 95 Former . 35 Sellers | Heather brown and charcoal black. Biasgic inset waist. All sizes to large. “WESTERN DUNGAREES 5 Famous. brand, heaviest denim, longest wearing quality. Sizes‘ 27 to 38. bad ward WEAR SPECIALS @ . Boys’ Faded Blue Denim Pants Regular $2.98 Quality 59 2 Pair $3.00 Washable denim in sizes 8, 10, 14 and 16 only. Zipper fly. Sanforized, non-shrink. Long Sleeve Regular and Ivy League - ° Boys’ Sport Shirts "$1.98 Quality {* 29 2 for _ Size 6 to 16 $2.50 ideal for school or play wear. ° Stripes and patterns in color-fast cottons. Sanforized. to $12.95 F y 8 8 Sizes 9 to 18 With HATS New Spring and Summer styles. Rainproof fabrics nforized — broad- in chotce of colors. eloth and cottons. Al sizes but noi in Colorfast. F eyery style. Priv iiiilivisiiiiiitiiiiiis iii iii i sys) ‘Brand New Selection — Many New Arrivals Ladies’ Dresses Mede to Sell. to $4.95. ut / All Sizes dag Aaa 12 to 20 Meet 1414 to 2415 & Pet ; $6.95 Dressés .......". 3.88 i Drip-dry, everglaze, cotton ete. Casual, dressy and everyday” sty Si matiipd colors, | Sry ifala.e) $8 North Saginaw St. —Open Tonite irr’s of Men's °3.85 Jeans | Ke shown-—cushion soft plastic: won't snag or tear clothes. Water- proof bottom, sturdy saresing handles. 26 x 18 8 inches —'| 2 : Co rereesecccoccsoeccceccccccscccecocosceee Repeat: Sale of FAMOUS “HAMPDEN” Card Tables and rome. Chairs f Seeseseseseooeoeosses Usual $2.98 : Value—Now 1.44 scree omer rpms mem ee $2.90 be Each 199. All steel folding chairs with, upholstered seats. Folds com- pactly for carrying or storage. Limit 4 per person. ~ TABLES 35 #88 Value Rigidly braced with { Sart Lae locke wlaaaiy fold compactly for storage. Padded top in full 29 x 29 inch size. 19x24! ox11”- Upright Hampers im 588 @ Woven Fibre Body — @ Pearlized Tops Large capacity upright ham- / pers in assorted colors. Pear!-/ ized cover won't warp, shrink or split. Large family size ee this low price. —ii PINTS For BARN, GARAGE, FENCES, etc. EZ-FLO WHITE Outside Paint 3s 177 | Reg. $5. PAINT ROLLER and - SET $7.29 Value Both the metal pan and 7- inch roller at this low price, Limit 1. MPPPTTTITITTTTTt ttt Ty = Complete Line WHITE and COLORS SUPER KEM-TONE Simms is Pontiac’s Healquarters for America’s most famous paint. Easy to apply—fully washable paint.’ Seseveeeoeooes eeseceessseeesegeeeese ~~ White or Grey Compound iE CAULKING £ CARTRDIGES $1.69 Fer 00 Value Throw-away casings for drop- in style guns. Plastic n Limit 8. : i TIO Solt DYNEL Covering Paint Roller . SLEEV E “Ay ‘voles : Fits all 7-tneh roll- ‘ers. Soft dynel cov- ering refi wuere. GALLON Tested formula paint compares to $3.95 | sellers. Ideal for f ee barns, garages, | Poececccccccccevocccecoeoccccese! | BUNGALOW ‘Vinyl Lotex’ | Interior Wall Paint “in | BoP Choice of white and colots—fully washable latex base paint fir interior walls. Easy to apply with roller or brush. ST Rd hdd tdadded deta tdeded Aedededaddaces seeeesseoooecoseeeeee ce SIMI). docks, etc. Limit 4 gallons. ~ PAINT THINNER Regular $1.00 Vaiue' Full Gallon Best “for thinning paints, | sonming brushes. Limit 2 sal ons. se ndiat deh adr ithe tata od 9 socccccccesososssossoes . Drop-In All Metal CAULKING a. $1.95 Value &@d 7 ¢. with | All metal e€ ratchet f action. t 1) per person. Seeeseseseeooseoeesoece 9xi2 Ft. Drop Cloth Reguigr $1 Value 59° ‘ea tecssseseoeeoe ROTALRS 69° =. Watt model — fully auto- a sees enema se aaa " ae cat sue aie tree eee foe meee eee eS ee me one e sentence === “ e:, : ; Regular . 9” } Regular wy oF igs $79.50 1 $90.50 émm Brownie movie camera! sir et 9 coated lens and built-in sith built-in Meter to give you | soe eal filter: taier Oat WE Built-in filters. autamaticaly:4 ading. Deluxe viewfinder. Newest 35mm Slide Camera Kodak Pony 11 © Regular $55.00 Regular $29.50 ery re ! 3mm slide camera color snaps with 19.8 coated B&W “pictures toot ns - lens, brite view- - P39 coated Tens, : finder, double ex- ° brite viewfinder, : - posure prevention, double. exposure ’ prevention. enue nee aes eeeaekawena saan eee ee Rapid Film Winder—3Smm Kodak Signet 30 Slide Tray Ghosts Genuine SYLVANIA M-2 et BANTAM 8 FLASH BULBS ~-Regular $1.56 Carton ‘for Ac $15.40 CHEST With 2 TDC Trays and Covers Your choice fits any camer u- _ As shown—chest makes it easy to 5 ++ ~ © carry slide and pro- ine ba vania Biue-Dote for ur: = 2 a — ‘ p Shot para Slide Trays 3 29° Holds 30 slides: Pits TDC. Bell & Howell a. Geysene. project~ ' ‘Lirgnipt ARGUS Slide ae ica uehasinante A re, ‘ = ‘ee Covers 5... .t00 ! LIFETIME GUARANTEED BAUSCH & LOMB Automatic Projectors Simms _ a oe Price No dials to ne, “ale cotati y thou matic pop, voce | out of focus, no re-focusing. .. ane te $99.50 Value 500 Watts 74.87 ¥ Sides. or B&W. 2 = . Mr. Sherley-was ey (at Poutiae Gewa SATURDAY, APRIL 18th, 7 P.M, * Located 2616 enti in 7 hg chi : FURNITURE se ae “senugs* GOODS iG BOON mem | 3 publican from Royal Oak. ~ “anue saad fai ; sie relate * Me 4 these were likely to : The ben would Wm aaply in comp: ae relies : os tele ee, it home. _INDEPENDENCE TOWNSHIP— ties with less than 125,000 popula-| INDISE MUST BE SOLD , | ash is page Ge enn or od ORS ‘ 5 _@ 3 POSITION ; See OT 3 r9 5 ADJUSTMENT. pe mee eo @ SALE $ @. WALNUT FINISH... § - PRICED | @ FULL 3” POLY = -@ FOAM CUSHIONS $1.00 DELIVERS ” CHECK THESE FEATURES! © Full 1 Aluminum Frome - @ Firestone Velon Webbing © 4 Adjustable Positions © Completely Folding ©-FOR BODY * COMFORT ' , ° @ POSITION OF YOUR CHOICE | ! - . “\) $200 DELIVERS e LUXURIOUS GOOD LOOKS — vie It’s king size and adjusts to 5 positions for read- Abiexticahy designed, Danish Modern at an astounding low price! ares ing, lounging, sun bathing! Innerspring construc- walnut finished frame with contour bck! Truly comfortable, functional . tion in both seat and back. Cushions are covered a Adjusts to your particular sit rosition. Choice of smart tweed covers. in Vinyl—floral pattern! 1” thick polished alu- : Crash, Bang! Leather-like plastic at addition. cost! _- J minum tubulor frame. ‘ Oldster’s Car | : | Runs Wild ; SALT LAKE. CITY, Utah (AP) — Here's what police said hap | pened to. Thomas Jacomella when he started to igh his car out the : Griveway at-his home: He backed the car 2 feet until) _ | he saw he was going to hit his house. Then he shifted into for- ward, hit a tree and clothes pole,| . started backing again, scraped the). side of the house and struck two more trees. * * * The car continued backing until it ran into a car across the street, then the driver shifted into for- ward, traveled 54 feet, smashed a small wall, drove into a field, tore down a bush, traveled through a wooden fence, over a pine tree and ‘ steel wire ferice: and then hit a “8 Oe ; Then Jacomelia put the car into i reverse, backed pesig. 7 pedi ed , Pee fences and a , hit another : ; “Dent St Cu Gunn ail] OUR own 2-STAR OUR OWN 3-STAR “OUR own 4-STAR - ~ ron] "39.50 4950 7 | 59.50 | * ce tee i ° J 3 re | , A GOOD Satis. - A BETTER MATTRESS ‘AN EVEN BETTER ONE— , ‘ Here is an excellent value in well-made bedding- 252-coil Made especially for us by a nationally known manufacturer, This “Extra Good” mattress carries a 10-year unconditional | spring. mattress scientifically padded with sisal and cotton. \ This mattress. "has all the features of mattresses selling from guarantee and so does the box spring. It'd a very firm mat- Multiple needled sag-proof edge. Box springs mies at’ ee 10 to 20 doflars higher than our special Introductory price. In tress with just the right firmness for most eee In hand- Se the same price. : fain « Seidaceet tun Bex pein te enitch. some ticking. as - rer $4 DELIVERS $5.DELIVERS ony $6 DELIVERS . + Offa et =o. 3 3 . ph war ae ee : yy fi ome iad brand ied and engineered for our exclusive use, now reduced for special ee + Sales 3 at substa s nd box springs fully * ronteed”’ by the ae and Lewis! ; OPEN” ‘FRIDAY. and | f PARK’ BEHIND ‘STORE . qs ‘FREE. i + a. = . 3]° inte - LENG — 7 - v { : i i i { ‘ : b, ej A : 4, ‘ > \ ae : | . ae oe F \ 7 d \ 2S ee | . : es 0 SE ES. ¥ oa oe ees, . j i eed rae ~ ees a ie ed : is Tees Li 59 dren identia] mansion. gEPiee a : f z | sia establish the kingdom” of God erusalem. Senate membership of 98. Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz) told the Senate Thursday AFL-| “arrogant | About 200 homeless chil-/ fashion’ what sort of labor bill) were given refuge in the pres-|is passed. i Meany has said his organization gy, MD SPO yore P29 2. aire FR ey , Ray . ae ag *Sean saan erde Rr” ‘raat e) | Naa 5 ananse” Imported \\ hisk CS | endatey | $e s0 1 oh aes fe pt 04 4/5 Qt. + Most Amiable... Saat Code 50 Smooth And Satisfying GANADIAN WHISKY © B BLEND © 86.8 PROOF © SCHEMLEY IMPORT. (0, NEW vous | _ Northern 4 different package assortments 3 lovely colors in each package! Use our fertilizers and insecticides to start your plants right protect them! and Western Grown! & Special Purchase Low Price! * Will Bloom This Year! WAITE’S GARDEN SHOP . . . DOWNSTAIRS SPRING DENIM PLAY Your little boys and girls will look cuter thar _ever in these toughy cotton denirn playclothes. Bib overalls, boxer style slacks and snap-crotch crawlers . . . all in gay, washable plaids. Sizes 1 to 6x; red, blue or green plaids. Waite’s Children's World soe Second Floor SALE! . Repeat of a Sellout! ye" wee aegey| Sates ole ” £ Gay woven | plaid | CLOTHES | Reg. $1.50 3! STOREWIDE SAVINGS! Shop Fridey Night (and Monday Nights) ‘til 9 Women’s Frilly “SISSY” SHIRTS 1.99 Two styles of Dacron and cotton sissy shirts at half-price savings! White, sizes 30-38. Waite’s Blouses . . . Third Floor Reg. 3.98 Gayly Printed ' $ILK SCARVES ae 2 For $] Full 36” square silk scarves in many colorful patterns. Buy now and save! Waite's ... Street Floor Two Flattering Styles SEAMLESS HOSE ~ 19° Regular or mesh knit‘seamiess in sizes 812-11, medium length, Spring shades. Waite's ... Street Floor , 1,25 New Fashions in SPRING JEWELRY 1.00 ond 2.00 values Necklaces, bracelets and earrings whites. Waite's .. . Street Floor For $] - in stone sets, enamels, frosty’ Set in Gold Mountings CULTURED PEARLS Special $ 2 Price Matched sets “of pendants, brace- lets, earrings or pins, many styles. , Cool summer white. Waite's ... Street Floor Women’s Embroidered SWISS HANKIES 3] Sheer embroidered Swiss hankies, also Hong Kong linens and large size prints. , Reg. 39c to 59c Waite's ... Street Floor Children’s All Wool DRESS COATS $499 Sizes 3-6x Orig. 10.98 _3-6x Dresses sweet eee ee $2.99" Waite’s ... Second Floor Girls’ and Subteens’ SPRING SUITS $4.99 Wool Suits ve eeceeerces $799 Waite’s ... Street Floor Orig. 8.98 100% WOOL SPRING COATS Special Purchose @ Button-up casuals, @ Many colors, 5+15,. * 6-16 Welte’s Coat Fashions . . . Third Fleer ‘NOVELTY ORLON | BULKY CARDIGANS $5.98 § 3 : 99 Value e ‘ * @ Bracelet length sleeves @ Sparkling white @ Button or weer open _@ Sizes 34 to 40 Waite's Budget Sportswear... Street Floor > MEN'S 4-BUTTON > ORLON SWEATER VESTS $3.99 . ° @ Becutiful, soft, comfortable @ Tan, bleck, charcoal, grey @ Sizes S-M-L-XL i@ Washable Waite's Men's Shop . . . Street Floor oad BOYS’ and GIRLS’ SPRING JACKETS 1.99. @ Girls’ flannel lined car coats @ Boys’ reversible ickets ‘ @ Sizes 3 to 6x : @ All washable Special Purchase = Children's World Waite's . . . Second Floor DELUXE “BOODLE BUGGY” 16” @ Carriage, cor bed and bassinet all in one Reg. 19.98 > @ Famous brand — @ Collapsible Waile’s «+. Second Floor Plastic Cover... Full Coil Innerspring Construction! COMBINATION DIVAN and SLEEPER BED Repeat of a Sellout! Feria homeland, their families or. disappointment in _ their hopes for resettlement in. the — United States. mA In a report to the Secretary General of the United Nations, -League for the Rights of Man, tells what has happened to many of them. Complete with affidavits and other documents Mr. Batpwin de-~ clares that some 6,000 of those who and returned to Hungary have been - murdered, jailed or exiled to Soviet PRR For a time they were used for | propaganda purposes and were induced to tell lies about their 4reatment in the free world. When their usefulness to the Commu- nist cause ended, they were pun- ished for their escape to freedom. A few were fortunate enough to get out for a second time and from these comes the true picture of Communist betrayal. Fans Outside Detroit Also Show Their Loyalty: We read a lot about. Detroit’s loyalty to its baseball team, regard- less of its standing in the ‘ eS ie : No matter if the Tigers are proudly leading or reposing in the cellar, the attendance figures show it to be the best baseball town in the nation, assisted by thousands from its environs. : “That is true sportsmanship, for which they are to be highly com- _ mended. We're sure the real fans had no part in that opening day dis- grace when a few nitwits couldn’t resist the temptations of John Barleycorn who seemed to have Jack Frost in his corner. eR kh But a boundless host of other good sports, outside of its limits, are help- ing Detroit to maintain and aug- ment its reputation for loyalty to its team. As conclusive proof,-we submit the | figures from this paper’s annual baseball contest. ! * ok® & : Although our readers had the players from all‘ eight teams to choose from, they gave four of their 7 five top places to Tigers, Kuzwn, Katine, Brivczs and Boitina, plac- ing MANTte in third position. Spring Cheek-up Will — Add Life to Your Car - “Automobiles like people get _ Spring fever,” pointed out W, J. Bux- TON, Oldsmobie’s , general ‘service manager. After the long hard win- ter with more.slush and ice. to con- tend with than usual most cars have _ taken a beating. ‘ ~ *. ®- ® Your car should be thoroughly SS eee ok ROR Pore: list, Like spring house cleaning, our cars fall in the same category. A tor of people believe the end justifies the means, particularly if the end assists in making ends meet. . eee The Man About Town Speaking of Lakes Other State Makes Feeble _ Claim to Its Great Number | ‘Tiger: A Detroit animal that belies its name. A Minnesota tourist bureau announces that state has so many lakes that there are not enough names to go round, so it ts necessary to repeat some of them. Michigan also has quite a.number of lakes, In fact, it’s the Water Wonderiand, and one of its 83 counties, our own Oak- land, has 423 of them. We ran out of names a century or more ago, and now have 17 Longs, 12 Rounds, nine Dollars, seven Crystals and five Muds. We for- merly had seven Muds, but changed t@o of them to one of which is with- in the Pontiac city’ limits. - ee c is an important date with the Bilbeys, as of 52 Colgate Ave., was born on April 11, and has a son, Stephen, born on April 11, who has a son; Stephen, born on April ,11. Last Saturday the elder Stephen's son, Charles, became the father of a son on April 11 — named Stephen. The first twins born in the new Almont- Romeo Community Hospital were those of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Socia of Utica, who arrived the other evening. “T’m willing to have the deer graze in our pasture,” writes of Lake Orion, “but it makes me mad to have them eat our strawberry plants.” “Next year no Detroit player gets a vote in our family,” phones Mrs. Berkley Daricen of Waterford, in commenting on our base- ball contest. - ‘The always very much forehanded Mrs. Elmer Hanscomb of Williams Lake urges me to remind my winter bird feeding readers that now's the time to plant sunflower seeds. That rugged individualist in the flower family, a forsythia bush in the yard of ' Mr. and Mrs. Randall Leeson of Drayton Plains, again forsakes the traditional yellow, and has pink blos- soms. Here’s the secret — they irrigate it with cherry juice. “lve done it for 50 years,” is the con- fession of : Raymond Robertson of Keego Harbor, in telling how he again has fallen for the pretty pictures in the seed catalogs. Fertilizing the parsnips in his garden with a little sugar, Jeffery Alliman of Rochester finds that they're even sweeter than usual after going through the winter. Verbal Orchids to- « My, and Mrs. Bartlet Wager of 2772 Chadwick Drive; 55th wedding of business. ae Holly; celebrating their centennial in David Lawrence Says: : Appeasers . WASHINGTON — No 78 a LAWRENCE : HE i $ ‘ The eleventh day of the fourth month , abroad, even in allied quarters their intermittent attacks on the secre- tary. * * * Today all is praise. The a ties and courtesies to the sick be to move American policy “‘offt dead center.” This is the school of .thought- “bold and imaginative ideas” and | ang g snc; Aspirin ~ oe tejoice as 5 » Fee i i f $ r g g i ‘Dulles Quits bitter “enemies and is loved for the way he fought ‘his opposition; who will Dr. William Brady Says: “Quite a few years ago my hus- band, then in his fifties, started to have pains in his arms and hands ° ment- which finally got so bad that he envelope bearing your address, for could hardly grasp the tools which he had to work with in his job. “Following your advice, he finally got around to not less high calcium foods, plus a daily DR. BRADY pain entirely, and now, in his six- ties, he feels and looks ten years his trade. negotiations” and “summit con- © § _ (Signed, ) ferences.” a TA a~ e& * * * ‘ ; This guy sounds like a milion Even when, again and again, it others who have rheamatiz is demonstrated that the men in and a childish notion that what the Kremlin are unscrupulous, the they need is (1) a change of answer blandly given is that “at climate, (2) the right medicine or least after a summit perhaps some “shots” ef the we shall know where we stand.” latest miracle medicine, Today the secret, diabolical di- plomacy of the Soviets that has weakened the Allies in the past is causing a strain among Western powers,, Strong men like Dulles and Adenauer were too experienced to fall for the Communist tricks. So it is a question now what the i. The Country Parson specialist told ’em so, And they’re gullible enough to believe. that distinguish from ordinary joint dis- . ability of insidious .dévelopment and long standing. TITLE GIVE-AWAY That no honest doctor can do so is manifest, I should say; in the . official title of the? Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation. The Arthritis. and Rheumatism Foundation frankly stated in a bulletin released to the news- papers; , “Of all the -diverse ‘treatments prescribed for arthritis, aspirin and other salicylates. are still re- ‘garded by the majority of arthritis specialists as producing the most - Yelief on any sustained basis.” The concept of “arthritis spe- cialists” ta silly, in view of the fact that ‘no one knows anything vg than aspirin for “arth- The. trouble with the advice I offer people who have chronic joint disability—physical degenera- tion of joint tissues, which I call rheumatiz (not “rheumatism”)— is that it is so simple,. It is as simple as the cause of the. dis- . ability—nutritional de ficiency * ?® a See. i Rs Proves” t as limber as they should be were a year or two ago, gamble 35 cents and a my booklet “Chronic Joint Dis- ability?” * * * Signed letters, not more than one page or 100 oe ee porteining to ease, or wetkerent will be stamped r eante he ie : te The Pontiac Press, Pontiac, Michigan (Copyright 1959) we can have faith in the youth of today. . Another ‘Resident Seconds Complaint Last to Hear News’ 1 see Britain fs cutting her in- i! this news ever reach Washington? wt Can ae Reh ee By gh sof ‘It’s So They: Say I Told You, So’ When a young man is so kind fo « strange old woman in trouble, EREe Mrs, Fred Upthegrove situation? coupons -(such as used concerning Sunday work conditions at Christ- mas) could be used. People could _By JAMES J, METCALFE Frienilg can be so helpful and wonderful to know .. . they take the time and say hello. . Just that they care . * i 1 pir 2 HL 5; a s P% fis make your life a song . . .Friends are angels who give faith . . .And hope and strength to you... To carry on from day to day... And make your dreams come . . « Only. God can help you . « « Than all your friends Case Records of a Psychologist: to with marriage and then their parents pay-the price for such mistakes. Is it fair? By DR. GEORGE W. CRANE CASE B-411: Clara C., aged 32, he g “At our insistence, she wai till, he returned. They lived to- gether at the base for a year and had a baby boy. + ke REA oe “But she then decided life was too ‘dull with her husband, so got her first. divorce and left the baby boy with us, “Two years later she married 2 de 4 4 s Eee 5 el on 2° i i 7 + i if a! i ag t% : E j i: FE. 1-968 F He | z x 3 Sy &3 § gr zze% 3 ‘are not obligated. to rear the various children she-has by her numerous husbands.” TEENAGERS BEWARE - High school and college youhg people, note well. Here is-a case that is ‘all too typical today. For happy marringe is a dif. ficult Job; And it includes tar payday for rent and grocery bills. Some of you think that a down payment ‘on a jaloppy is all you need to get married. Millions of young folks are now z i z finance company owns of those same cars. companies will — down and take back the cars if the youthful egotists at the wheel fail to meet their payments regularly, ‘ * Be smart and rate before you date. Look far ahead if you want to avoid the messy life that Clara has. caused for herself and * So send for my! “Tests * for Sweethearts,”’ enclosing a stamped, _ return envelope, plus 20 cents (non- profit). _ Rate before you marry. And let your friends rate your sweetheart thereon, too. Get outside advice. , + | t; and prin i when you send fern pavehetagionl charts and pam- | (Copyright 1969) de ‘Luxury Sleeping Comfort and Allows Inside Storage of Satie | “Made- an Bed. 3 Always Ready for Sipot 4 = * Designed i in Paris by DUCAL Crafted in America a Comfort ig d Conticlensh Feotures ee Never Before Found in One-Piece ©} of Dual-Purpose Sleep. Furniture! ! ° FOAM RUBBER SEATING —Resilient Firestone Foamex cushioning on seat, back and arm surfaces. * REGULAR BED SLEEPING COMFORT— Equipped with | thick, luxury mattresses of Firestone — © EASIEST, FASTEST OPENING AND CLOSING—Even a smal! girl can open and close them with ease. The mechanism does the work, once started. ° ELIMINATES DAILY BEDDING STORAGE—Now you do not have to remove the bedding every morning and store it during . the day. Just make it up like a regular bed, and close it up inside. © MAKES FLOOR CARE EASIER— You'll need no help in mov- } ing it for floor cleaning. It moves easily on smooth rolling casters. © SAVES CLOSET SPACE—No need of closet space for extra sleeping equipment, bedding, and pillows. mn bhbh nn & & ~~ VreeeTey Just 21 Seconds to Convert from Sofa fo Luxury Comfort Foam Rubber Bed! ... fully made up ready for sleeping, because the _ \ roomy interior allows closing with your sheets, | blankets, comforter and pillows all inside! eiik-aied Dolnyai cine Saves Work! Saves Time! No Bedding Storage Problems! (Upper if) usual value 62>wide wo tran Smartly tailored decorator fabric cover. Equipped with standard double size Firestone Foamex mattress. $23950 ° ™& STYLE-RIGHT SECTIONAL COUCHETTES (Opposite left). 44" wide. Each opens into a single bed with Foamex mattress. Buy a pair and use as twin beds at night . .. in a handsome corner group- ing during the day. Handsome upholstery fabric. $169%2° LUXURY LOUNGE CHAIR COUCHETTE (Opposite right). 33” of foam rubber seating comfort. ns into a single bed with Firestone Foamex mat- tress. Smartly tailored ih trim, armless style that will blend with any room decor. A real value! a straight and T-cushion $13950 =>: slightly higher prices = te he te te te te he te te te te te he he te te te te Also available in left or right eke, Wee me a eal i a mt Sa Distributed hy King Features Syndicate 417 $1 Billion Yearly Waste Is Claim i ; Daily Paper Consumption’ iby. Business Very: Costly | mite copter hx 4 he ~ mega pc ie tones a In SEE eng: ete ol Big 10 cu. ft. GE. With Top Freezer tte 3199 tan | 7ae GOOD 51 W. HURON erea—new only 40 pounds, of PONTIAC ors Pe 2 ~~ ; ig ' , ‘4 "GE Designer TV Big 17-inch 155-squere-inch viewable w_ultra slim styling. . Weighs HOUSEKEEPI FE 4-1555 23-inch master oven... "- ptr oven door -* 4 Hi-Speed Calrod units, M49 wr —~ , / 3 ‘ Poe a / ars ; . > i + J\ a , « f 4 ir i af \ : os & es ver ie * ee j j \ : x el Oe eae ‘ » = Fie | oe behind closed doors. same from Sen. Elmer R. Porter (R-Blissfield). _the decision is taken; only feur days will re- a een capreneant as to ‘what will happen” in the state's e did ot come to grips yesterday with the the bills should be, the big test in | ag or in the form approved by the House. The House epproved mortgaging the 50 million dollar | fund, with transfer of the bulkr of securities to the University. of Michigan and Michigan State University for use as col- ~— in omens bank borrowings. What Next? fateh fe Cucumber Ts, 2 eum si Not Cool! Sim is"teny moving yg More than other colors except! : werk, LaNwermons ore Both had been in the same’ , lly. cool? “Does. any- iPlace for the same time. i Picci on warm as. toast? _All efforts-to test a cool million | Are. me hyd lips as hot as, alled. The bankers were too con-| song and fable tell us aocwatne: Td find the answers to such; i cugstions a tsteninering team Hayden Children | clone Knowhow to many alin Good Shape, | | familiar saying and analogy. s D ‘ ** *- a tt bet done with devices for ys octor taking temperatures in all soris@f SAN RAFAEL, Calif, (AP) —| —_ . st as” perpen, @e eng re a Hayden's four chil-' tester’ la # boon to business and Papeete, Tahiti re oe indystry. It was developed by|James i Garvey, “sh “Teteal cen] gs and probed Co., makers cer of the Hayden schooner, Wan- | j * r. ' * * * Garvey: 2 i Tests showed a cucumber = Superior Court aon ‘ anything but cool as the old saW'to answer charges of child-steal- | suggests. Inside it tested at 68.9 ing which Hayden's ex-wife Betty | degrees, oe sean ta pol gee ven et against the Nobody entire crew 4@ yden sailed | toast is at first — 167 degrees. (the Wanderer to Tahiti in defiance} Within a few minutes, the fem- of a court order. perature drops to 7% or 79, but) Dr Garvey told Dist. Atty. Wil-| veut + sag ge dr isn’t|tiam O. Weissich he was no Ww $ meant toast. {aware of the court order when the’ Ever wonder just how hot that/wanderer sailed from nearby Sau- to 10 degrees above room tem- | Pe a Korean Army Private As for a redbead’s lips. a sam-ils Studying Medicine pling taken outdoors on a mild day; fhuttered to only 92 degrees. The MUNSAN-NI, Korea (UPI)~A coid shoulder that a model gave! South Korean Army rifleman serv- | - only lightly hot under the collar.) he can to read its scientific and His. gone to 9.9. [medical journals. He reads Eng- The hottest jazz that.a radio sta-| lish. Chinese and Japanese as well) tion could play was somewhat less as Korean. - than a scorching 85. A cold chisel tested in an unheated hardware’ 24 cents out of every dollar store was 74.3. a bit less. than a payed for a new automobile went degree warmer than straight vod- for taxes. SATURDAY i LANGING. AP) — votaane ‘rn find eptin tr to wees eee en ae ot Geme taed the ; THIS IS IT! THE PRICE C EVENT IN PENNEY’S HISTORY ING CLIMAX te: THE BIGGEST BARGAIN. HURRY! HuRRY! DON'T Miss Th ae Capt. Jolly of the Popeye Television Program will _be at Ted’s Saturday from 2 to 4 P.M. as part of our 25th Year, Cele- . bration. Bring the chil- dren for lots of fun and frolic and autographed pictures of Capt. Jolly, too ° 25th YEAR ‘Woodward just south of Pontiac Seah i Ui Ma Ss Penney’s Knit Shirts ‘Are Light ‘n Bright! 29 Smooth jersey knit Orlons with the new- est style touch... Towncraft’s new fashion collar! Neat hemmed cuffs and bottom, too! Red, blue, white, turquoise, others! Smart Combed Cotton -Dancord® Cardigans These Penney light- weight jackets have low - button cardigan styling with knit trim wrists and waist, 4 metal buttons, con- trast piping. Machine 7 washable’. *in lukewarm water Our Combed Cotton Bedford Cords 498 soy ba a 30 to 36 De Vi uxe » University- Grad slacks with plain ’ front, tapered leg, flap back pockets and side straps. Machine wash! Little ironing needed. Choice of 2 smart. colors. DOWNTOWN ONLY * Fresh in the Mesh of Penney’s .. Crested Polo 298 Sizes small, medium, large Yes, Penney’s Town- eraft® fine combed cotton polo has thou- sands of tiny windows to keep you cool. Embroidered design, fashion collar, ribbed vufts, slit sides. Step right this way gentlemen .. . pick the shirt you want from a fantastic collection ... rayon mesh pullovers with emblem, rayon and’ open weave challis with contrast trims. And wash 'n wears that need little or no ironing _».. foulard cotton and Dacron® prints, solid color broadcloth shirts trimmed in checks. All in fresh spring colors, all at a price so low you'll scoop them up by the armfull. Hurry! fi tropicals machine dryer .. touchup Dacron®- — Rayons:..So |. Easy on Care!: } B95 men's sizes 30 te 42 Yes, Penney’s trim | wash in the ... dry in the , Wear with a oF no ironing at all! Dress tailored in'a neat dobby shad- ' OW weave! - Brown, grey, '- eharcoal and blue 2 Penney’s drops the - Sabric's Wrinkl - Summer- | Light Cords © So. University- Grad 3% ‘men’s sizes 30 to 38 puts. neat flaps on the hip pock- ets, tapers the legs, the. belt. gone ; combed River gO with : ; really holds a 8 press! ~ PENNEY'S yer mug ekdey-—N su 0:0 A. M. to 9:00 P.M,” -M ndoy Through Saturday whe x PENNEY'S-DOWNTOWN: | Open. Monday, and Friday 9:30°A.: M. to 9:00 P. Ma a All staid Weekdays 9:30 A. M. to sowed P.M. # hamburgers were more/gency traffie stops. aoe programs the attack warning syst aLTKS Thie Me didfbatilas 100-Pc. STAINLESS ENSEMBLE © With any Diamond Purchase of 99.50 or Over 100 Piece Stainless Seal * Brussels, World's Fair New York City: — All but emer- comes clearly offensive, but’ t fore. their muclear bombs are launched and headed our way . The best. the safest place to de- stroy: enemy atomic bomb carriers | is on enemy bases before they are launched.” ai Morse Code Pays Off HAMDEN, Cons. ‘@—A 16-year- "fot Yous has too tan Pee -ito know. the Morse code. David Camp was locked inside; a building that had no door to the outside or a telephone. _He began blinking the overbead 80V- and notified the owner who let|> a out. [The various were to) be ee Se Ee Sent over | missing; he'd just hopped a Naval Odorless © Quick Drying RUBBERIZED PAINT . KEM-GLO SUPER KEM-TONE HOUSE ‘ ; _w~vrwrrrrerevrereerererereerereerereerrererrerererrerrrrT eee eT ee ef _ @ 12 Dinner Forks @ 12 Dinner Knives” : to Alaska and back, _ TABLEWARE SET SiiteGaes!s”) 6s: onan eee et Aan ck 2 é 12 Soup Spopns : e 12 Sealed Forks | Rebbe bea bhaaead ee S Service for 12 ja % @ 12 Iced Drink Spoots © 12 Butter Spreaders plus Cold Meat Fork. Gravy Ladle, Serving Spoon, Pisknife ¢ | ae 6 DIAMOND BRIDAL Ser : : Distinctive: hae obits aa 399% gold rings ot this lew price. $2.00 weex.y vvewevreeereeeeeereeeeerrre we SPREADERS. . GRASS SEED > 1.10 PERENNIAL - ED , rT rrr wrwvwyve V4" Size—Geared Chuck POWER. DRIL ‘10.88 Regular $19.95 PES eee STC aver TT eC Cree TT eT ‘wwrrrrreT Tere Tree "9 Giemond tagegonent ting. 4 die- li i ain i hi tie hin Mn th i hi he he hn he) GALVANIZED oa ee re, 0 ES 4 CEMERAL More ohous 108 NORTH SAGINAW (aatg 298 ume Highway. °° Oni ¢’ ar Too! Special » Ha dware » Paint i i i _reeeeerrrrrvrvrrrrrrevrvrrvrveewvrvrreweerwereTTTeTeeTe ...;:$5.95 ond $8.95 : Sa LAWN ROLLERS... + $13.89 FERTILIZER 219 50 Lb. Bag PPPPPPPPPPPPPP APPEL A Nationally Advertised POWER saw rvYvwrvevvvVVTeWTeVvevuWVvrVvG«TT|'TTTeTwrrTTTTeTerrTe Teer i i i i i i a i i a i AA i hh hh i i i ai a han nei phi nahh bab hh weerrereveeeerrrrrerwrwverwrrwrvrVerrerrrVvTVrerrerVvrVTVreVreVvevevuvevVvUTVrYT =e fy eee CELEBRATING 24 YEARS OF GROWTH THRU BETTER SERVICE, | INEST QUALITY “OPENS BIG NEW STORE at UNION LAKE fame ae a a a .. sb eres + acne Bi 2265 UNION LAKE RD. co ABIEE & eX a'St mee eae re NOW! 3 COMPLETE = phew 4 -World’s Largest ON ET Dealer SPORTS OUTFITTING STORES ft WORLD'S FINEST BOA] | TO SERVE YOU BETTER THAN EVER | ON LONG EASY TERMS | @ LONE-STAR WOLVERINE @ GLASTRON @ OWENS z 2 y 3 o 7 z & ¢ 3 . { 1 a ) ‘ $37.99 Sensation Johnson Century Shakespeare Zebco “33" I Trea ? ees and alsin wie \) SPIN REEL | WONDEREEL | SPIN REEL : $50 Down . $595 “2 $1045 | “uz? $795 | "Uz? $1T99 a eee as 3 utr pw | “ f For sean quanity, tue } : . ke jar giass i ; | —> P ss CADILEAC 12-FT. FIBERGLAS “FLAMINGO {| ALUMINUM BOAT | | Deluxe model complete with upholstered | Sate ana with a Se 0: era Sera 18-Fr. 4 er Pa , $75 DOWN $7 20 DOWN | eS See oy Tee 795 ° $1189 $128 9 Basy — CELEBRATION SPECIALS IN ae E- © eed LONE-STAR i New 1959 SLEEPING BAGS le “3 ‘BOAT TRAILERS ' EVINRUDE. _ ae Most popular because they're considered ! EV ; ron. Set Peanet Maine's cost $99 eam oe ee Loop cwmee fl bag for junior’s camping trip. oo 6 re 6 , | | 3 to 50 HP ; i None Finer! ‘ie. Tinea" rasberised Sottom ent tat Low aes ng trees’ pocket." ipper. $995 oA 1 ALUMA-CRAFT CANOES |‘ yess 4 dope" Sosie at patres packs $YOOS Over 15 § : eae” 2 1 een mane I tone Nylon cover. $66.00 list. = $39 ) of oA Ay Pot oc 7 \ si Easy Terms | ONLY $25 DOWN 1 EASY TERMS uP gi an , ' ALUMINUM I, © | “Nel : * n ree mitchell 300 spi hollow glass BOAT LADDERS I gg I Be){ NOC of : Montague —— — » Ve 2 and famous é ad $ “a9 - T. ¥i a a ging THIS COUPOE hy aA yy ? 2 Step a"! . cals. 1, We ion pul- = , ; NNER ees isa strep: P Yen- 3 Step 41" 1 “ n PR) BOPS is). Ye jae on Oe a 4 Step age 2 BAMBOO FL AP thd 3 i ; ( ACKLE i Tr tous make x in and 2-p¢ ° ee = | 1 a Com . CHA - ° : = oe eee ee ee. ee ee ee ee. ATTER’ Airguide i Compess : $995 =Oz| $249 Ea. | ies Meters $3.56 Each, List | vp te 10 uP. . P : : -BATTERY gists IR iy BOX :, | ; $895 ‘or 12 or 6 Volt -_ ae ee me Gee Geer ones Nylon Tiller "y ie TWO PULLEYS | ta buttons g ,°u8Pender i } ; | STATION WAGON MATTRESS eer $84 tad ge Si AB * 95 SPiN Reet Sleeps two. Soft and ,com- $ 95 eZ $695 x f 89¢ Ea. $27 $5500 fortable. Pits most station ‘ : i : or aiscrimmntiDg gartest. po geaet - be used for * — ee ee ce ee p Boar. CANVAS ta ene c anically _ in- cot or sleeping bag mattress. | oe Er Y> OFF! | Bow OAT COVERS ° . $2.8 _ REVERSIBLE OUTBOARD $398 ¥ _RAIN PARKA PEEDOMETER i ‘ree SIZ G8 $695. Shoot now $349 | HRY wen Reg. $6.95 _, ‘COVER Calibrated in knots and miles per hour. Big and : Pain $349 Copuise aa . Red te Brown Reversible easy to read, Prec Waterproof, ratnproof. Com- , | onl “Bebter und teak. J stock lasts! 2 a ts ay yn 2265 UNION LAKE RD. === EM 3-41 ‘\ OPEN EVEN _ OPEN SUN, se YS Hg "BOAT MOORING ©, BOATS FOR RENT ¢ PHONE NOW FOR RESERVATIONS — bi; 4 Fs @. saniesnl vial of Sorted "aia. perfume Ger all the Tie visiting our store ci our 5-Day Maytag “Selling Spree! No obligation sag buy! > Mi deluxe “Washer with square aluminum tub... won't rust, rot, chip or dent. Hinged fid—per- manently attach- ed, makes handy work table. ae FREE bottle. of £ Chives bleach ¢ to toch Person SS ee saa = - i ER Hp ELLING SPREE { ce We're out to outdo even our most successful sales of the past in Maytag deluxe Washer with square white por- celain tub, Max- imum capacity. Famous Gyratotor akon Iulia den © : this ereal selling marathon ... and you know what that means! er has 3-button tem- : . perature selectors, revolving disc lint filter, automatic de- Savings and trade-in deals that are bevond the extraordinary! eo ead oe DOWN An opportunity that adds up to phenomenal deals on genuine DOWN washing action. i fluff setting. . ; ' $1.75 Weekly . | i | $2.50 Weekly Maytags---the most desired name in washers and dryers! }} ‘Or ) FOR YOUR OLD WASHER BU iF IT’S WORTH ‘40... IN TRADE FOR A SPARKLING NEW ‘59 MAYTAG! Free 4 Free This dependable Maytag has white enamel finish that’s beautiful and easy to clean. Famous Gyrafoam washing action. WEEKLY Sediment trop. . Free Bottle Special All Models Foct of Chlorox and actory Are Brand yi vo Specialists with Every " mh 7 OFtastelskidachatels NEW on Hand a of T.B.1. } This fabulous auto- matic has water- level _control that permits selection of correct water: level for any: size load. it washes, rinses, damp dries and DOWN ee shuts off automati- $2.25 Weekly ee. cally. FULL 5-YEAR WARRANTY Maytag Perfume Full-Year's Credit Terms to All the Service and Lodies for Jf and Free Just Full-Year’s Coming In / Worranty Delivery! ae ° : : ° _—@2 Timed Bleach Injection The greatest innovation for whiter washes since the. invention of automatic washers . Ask About WKC’s Meter Bank Plan! C A Day - « « is olf you pay on WKC’s Exclusive Meter Bank Plan, It's the Simplest, Thriftiest Way to Buy Your New There's a free bottle of bleach to each person watching a.demonstration of Maytag's new bleach dispenser. Bleach poured into Maytag’s dispenser is automatically diluted to proper strength, then released into wash water at exactly the right time, after detergent has done its best work. et @ No bleach damage to clothes @.No waiting or _ diluting @ No half-hearted detergents This full-capacity Maytag has 22- gallon porcelain. enameled tub! The low, low price includes delivery, guarantee, | - “year . WEEKLY | service, FREE PARKING In whey Behind hea is high F Of... ~ hard - on’ - clothes | dryer... this is the ' « finer Mgytag with _ gentle Halo-of-Heat that safely, gently hein oll fabrics! | $2.00 Weekly 4 i ‘ % , © i feny 3 ; + oe te eh Pe f * ; : ese fs : OE is a a da nS es ee, at, is Oe ME Re hea tai Toa ‘ Today at Waterford High About 80 per cent of the wooden’ cigar store Indians of another persons including Perry Como, at 2 p.m. at the post hall, 4680 Princess. Brandon’ S Senior Class generation were squaws. ,auction off gifts sent by famous The dual installation will begin’ [Herbert Hoover, Louis Miriani,| Walton Bivd., Drayton Plains. GLENN GROMMET _——— ' JESSECA WYCOFF Co-Salutatorian CARL SCHWARTZ Co- Salutatorian "Select 3 Holly High Scholars By JUDITH woop The scholars of the Holly Area High School June 1959 graduating class are Glenn Grommet, Jesseca Wycoff aa Carl aos Glenn, whe will lead a graduat-|- ing class of 75 in the June com- ‘mencement exercises, has been - named valedictorian. # He is a ’ member of the varsity basketball team, the golt team, copy — of r {the Tell Tale,’ secretary of the Varsity Club and a member of the Pep and Science clubs. He.‘ plans te enter Oberlin College in Oberlin, Ohio, this fall te study chemsoa) engthoering. *.k -# Jesseca, who is co-salutatorian with Carl, is a member of the Girls Athletic Association, junior play cast, Future Teachers of America - . and Pep Club, She is treasurer of the senior class, art editor of the Tell_Tale. and. senior representa- itive of the Student Council. Carl is a member of the varsity football team and served as the 1958 captain; band member for two years, Pep Club, president of the Varsity Club, sports editor and editor of the Round-Up,-the: year- book, and business manager ‘of the Tell Pega King and Queen and Prince and Contestants for the King are John. Tisch, Bob Porritt, Gil Hellman, The president of the 1959 June! Ronald, who has an average of ‘and Ron Zumbrunnum. Vying for’ graduating class of Brandon High|3-41, has beem a member of the Queen will be Beverly Jennings,'School in Ortonville has been 89d for four years, was presi- Carol Lumn, Ruth McNeil and. grades 10 ae 12, ® The entire ‘esdiead boy voted! this week to select the winners of! the contest. * * * The Prince and Princess will be: selected. frém the seventh and eighth grades. Prince contestants’ lare Dan Regatz and Gary Mc-| Clanahand. Nacy Stanquites and’ Darlene Borst are Princess caridi- | dates. | HAS SPOOK HOUSE I The carnival will include a booth | or game set up by each class and! organization in the school. A. spook house and strength testers. are among the features of the’ show. ; * * * “Committee chairmen of the car nival include Rocky, Bullard,. vari- ety show; Jackie Brown and Bailey Terry, cake walk; Jerilym Minton, dancing; Tom Syler, golf driving contest, .Ron Applegate, sponge) throw game; “Ruth Jackson, balloon! wedding ceremony. 5 Cea * . : Admission for elementary stu- dents will be 10 cents. Secondary gon and adults will be charged \ a | of 3.85 out of a possible 4. \Complete First Aid - shave; and Alicia Lawrence, mock card famed valedictorian. He is Kurt _|Kathy Taylor. All are students in Metzger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kurt 'terlochen Music Camp for his Metzger of 880 Granger Rd. Salutatorian is Ronald Swanson | who lives wtih Mr, and Mrs. David Bussell, 4071 Oakwood Rd. Kurt has a scholastic average In | the ninth grade he was a mem- ber of the baseball team. He | also has participated in speech contests, the junior play and was vice president of the junior class and editor of the annual. He has also presided over stu- ident court and worked on the school newspaper, Student Council and announced football games. _ Course at St. Fred's By MARY SUE RITTER Biology students at St. .Fred-| erick’s . High -School -have com- pleted a first aid course and are now awaiting to receive the American Red Cross identification | tions; Jo Ann Wilhelmzrefresh- [pions of of the first 10 weeks, “and ree. dent of it in his junior year and was awarded a scholarship to In- ‘musical “ay: * * He has been drum major for the! | ‘past two years. In his junior and ‘senior years, he was active in| _ jtrack and basketball and the Varsty Club. St. Mike's Pupils to Hold Hawkins of the rarest prod- ucts of our ad- vanced age is an separate factors, jn themselves superb, being molded «into a “oneness” that emerges as a flaw- less product, as a superb painting is the product of an artist's many talents. This has been accomplished in a new. World Pacific LP, “Annie | Ross Sings a Song With™Mulli- gan” (WP-1253). The greatness ot this album lies in hew well Miss Ross and A Sadie Hawkins hop will be held tonight at St. Michael's High School from 8:30 to 11:30. The junior class project will in- clude Chuck Lewis, dise jockey, who will spin the records. Committee chairmen of the event are Paul Harding, decora- ments; Pani COhapdelin, coat room; Diana Adams, tickets; Donny Patterson, prizes and Patrick Donahoe, chaperons. 8; Sister Grace Ellen instructed members of the Future Teachets, Club ways of teaching arithmetic. to youngsters as well as the funda-' mentals of teaching at the group's = this week, * fe 5 each other, Tomorrow, the Future Nurses I am of Club will attend a Future Nurses iRally at Royal Oak Kimball High Ross has really made it ‘with this School. ‘LP. Her occasional earlier record ‘Theme of the day is “From performances are dwaifed by this. ‘Disc Data and Chatter: 4 pa ee that is! Dance Tonight + eA By.CAROL BAUER recorded performance lies in Malligad’s quartet (with Chet Baker) complentent ‘ gpinion that Miss 1 "4 ) Dick ‘Saunders World Patitic have given us. the most exciting performance to hit record stores’in several years, — This does: not fall into the pit that so-called “‘all-star” perform< ances do, offering. listeners star Cruise” Special” (The Virtues). spot is taken by “Come. sat to Me” (The Fi Easy On ya ie ie few Columbia. LPs of interest: Candlelight to Satellite.” Mulligan and Baker and Ross and ” > - Rev. Richard Thomas ‘from St. COFFEE WESTERN STYLE — Bloomfield ~ “ Pontiacs Press Phote Benedicts. ; Hills High School juniors will return to the 1880s Lane pours a cup of old-tashioned coffee for Jack ee. 6 ee) a Thursday and Friday when they present Des- Bohr of Charnwood road, who portrays the lead- er > sds dle. Marte to-[Charch in Drayton Plains told the NORTHERN TALENT? — Sherry Gremore for the talent show slated for Thursday, They perate Ambrose,” @ farce-comedy about the wild ing character. Deanne Laughlin (center) of Club day, Proceeds will be used to help|Views of his church. - (right); a Pontiac Northern High School juni are Elsie Volk, @ senior, Be West. From left, Lynn Marshall of Westwood drive seems to have caught Ambrose’s eye. pay. individual ‘expenses for the aut x * at 0 W.) Secs hat i with banjo. in: hand and Ronda. Wigginton, a — . | wget ; Conon wan tea t| as she listens to two of her competitors practice senior, of 44 Lowell St. WTHS winners of the area sec- d a joint banque ' with the student councils from “ia ue |VVO ake Slates sete te sen oe ee at Bloomfield Hills ‘ PSS ieee, Pret Gre cleroel renga ins ls we sou entral’ s Stu ent Council 7 reading and Barbara Harthun,|e@ucation and bis hopes fpr Fi ” a ‘cards anime” + owe] Weekend Fun Fest — sc on” SS Sten ce er ee act farce comedy, is the title of} | |. . | me newly-formed eonstitation jcipal’ of Waterford Township High Sponsors agazine > 52 e- Bloomfi: Chemistry was approved School. sper tn ts pococuted initohee adil By SALLY COLLINS |Terry Sawchuk, the Impalas and) recently by the Student Council. | Members of GAA Letter Club Friday in the school gym. __The second annual Spring Fun Governor Williams. Proceeds from) wp oiocing Our Unseen En-/4id Hi-Y held a volleyball social] 3) paRBaRA GRIFFIN | American Field Service Drive. Head Pins, champions of the sec- Curtain time is 8-15 p. m. Glenn|Fest sponsored by the Walled Lake ‘he auction will be. used for the! coinent” was the title of @|0® Monday in the gym. ss te vq] Thus it won the privilege to hav- ond 10 weeks. p.m. of civie functions in Pontiac Central High School's foreign student in| The Lucky Strikes, with Karert Wooster, drama coach, ix the d-|fiigh School Student “ounci! will ihe Walled Lake area. ‘ speech given by Edward Gallo-|. Final rehearsals for the forth- annual. magazine drive starts to-| is the AFS Xe Packe. Chariot - Tector. be held tonight from 7 to 11, and| There will be games and and shows|”2Y &t @ science meeting. coming inter-class competitive [day The drive was kicked off with its ‘home room next year. Antolich, Joe . The cast includes ‘dim Wolte, [tomorrow trom 10 a. m. to6 p.m.,'tor the whole family as well as}, Fiat Pages of the 189 Water talest assembly will be Reid. lsn assembly this morning whe| Jean Smith’s homeroom came in| iors Ding with Mareey Agree, Jack Dobr, Jett Howard, Jim |followed by a dance sponsored by, rizes and refreshments + eh oe tg Se See ee ee gens ont Fred Zeer Steve Gordon, Nancy Walker and Howarth, Dave Hergott, Nick iby the junior clase, FT FTA, andito the ; - Making plans for the senior|were explained. Garry Barger. Steen, ddim Weltne’ and Sab the Walled Lake Varsity Club from) pp,” ~ {to the students on May 19 and willl sition of the Anchor the news-| Duke Relyea, president of the| re Toni Eley and Marian McDer-| ‘Trophies will be awarded ‘tos : 8 to 11:30, | e..*./% feature color and extra POE°% Ipaper, are Susan Rennie, chair-/Student Council, Do gefmott are the master and.mistrest sorrow aftertioon ata Banquet’ at / Booths sponsored by various| Southfield, Farmington, Water- VISITS CLASS ~ man; Karen Anderson, Linda Bol-|instructor, - T. Forsman, as-',¢ ceremonies for the West: Side Recreation to Diana/ Marshall, Sally, Wilson, ‘Sharon C1095 re & pogo jump, Science ford and Walled Lake competed in| “Three-area clergymen were guest} linger, Jane Devletian, Fran Spen-‘ruadt MCI £6 OY eoba® SiiWater Show, “Music Through the Rigot! as the highest average y Wi ye Club; bean bag: toss, Future|the annual district spring forensic speakers im the Home and Family cer, and Ruth Ann Vaughn. ve Ages,” to be held May 6, 7, 8 and bowler and to Rich Goodwin, high- Newman, Linda Afberteon, Karolyn| |. candid camera and fortune Contest held at Southfield High last /Living Classes last week. Rabbi * *« * ithe “Student Council. It will con-i9 “at the Pontiac Northern High| ost gierage boy bowler, ‘§ Whittlesey, Mary Jocelyn, aes in ty ie i Ac week. . Goodman from the Temple Beth} Anyone who is interested in be-/tinue through April 27. School pool. Tom and Marian were|" ‘Tyeghies will also be awarded to Sanderson, Beverly Chieger, ation; grab bag, French C x * Jacob told the classes the Jewish|‘.g a waitress or a doorman for and po- [chosen Monday night after try-ithe championship team and to Gretchen Kuschwa and Sue Fry. Mexican lottery Spanish | Cub: | Pow 114d Sake sudentalvicws on slim ath marriage. 'the senior prom 16 should con-| outs. They were judged by meM-| Janet Riechert, high series girl S stent show .tnt white te ight to compete in te Presenting the. Catholic point of}tact Edward Mott, WTHS French bers of Dolphins and their sponsors. /howler, Diana Rigotti, high’ game N 27 p | sale. Student Council: “mee Melvindale later this|view towards this subject was thei teacher bard McConnell and Nelma gin bowler, Rich Goodwin, high seven. chamtaat and Dawn , series bowler ollmar, ame roy UpIIS seaintiae Mathews won in the humorous! The PCH Hi-Y inducted eight flew il seems ook tons betel Saas ohh The Skitamard Players will |reading division. Other winners| . members into its club Tuesday} te fo Attend Institute sponsor a beauty and popularity were Dodie ge Donen ceaematen: COUNCI Readies night at a formal initiation. New 2 4 : : . | contest. Contestants were chosen Barbara Lea, interpretive reading. \ members are Joe Parks, Dale lake Orion Singers : Monica Wynne and John Duncan,| ‘em each club within the school. x? a |Greeo, Ron Jeon, bg j Seen a te Sl, oboe) VW Today s Carnival sardine” “Schedule Concert School, have been selected for the Student i bass. < tem Auxiliary dy $ amiva * « h ule i serior demonstration class that c45- Nancy Gray, Political Sci- Set Installations . Plans, for a dance, “Emanon,”| By DIANE DOLECEK wil) run concurrently with the ence; Sandra Greniewicki, GAA; lin Area Sunda Clarkston High Annual to be Reid a bh Raley nents Sag” Oe weil il oO ta ns = them "Marty Le mberson Pircndy Y¥ | Fund- Raising Project: cussed at this meeting. Ito be held at Lake Orion Commu ties at the University e Kanee,| chorus; Sandy LaPiner, Biblio.) David Belisle Post 4102, Veterans Opens at 7:30 P.M. Orders are now being taken |nity High School Thursday. Lawrence, Kansas. This event is Philes; Kathy Lundquist, Biology|of Foreign Wars, and its auxiliary é for senior announcements te he | Groups participating in the @ sored by the National Science/Club; Marcia McKenzie, fourth-jin Drayton Plains, will hold their sold in the ticket booth, The price |p. m,; concert include the Boys Pocetetiie.” ‘hour chorus; Judy Waddell, Span-/2nnual installation of new officers} By JOAN PAYNE is $2.75 for 190 engraved cards Club, Girls Glee Club, Girls E ra lish Club; and Rhele Diver, Na-/next Sunday. The music and atmosphere of a and 90 cenjs for 190 printed Ensemble and a special production, = cae iy Aearmorey each tional Honor Society. v * * carnival will surround Clarkston’ cards. ‘ Cindy,” by the, A Cappella Choir, “gan to be elected for this honor, |, Pach vote- will cost a penny to tee mi See ocitticn | High School tonight when the Stu-| Registrations are Proceeds will be used tor and college teachers of mathema- the form of a contribution to the oeeet..q dent Council presents its annual cepted by George scholarships to Interlochen Na- ' \Skitmard Club. The girl with the| Installing officer will be Fred) the Driver Education tional Music Camp. The Y- om al over Sw ener. ‘most votes will be crowned queen|McDaniels, of Roseville, who is fundraising project, for the two summer classes. of| Teens will usher for the event Classes will start on June 14 and on Saturday. Two attendants will|the state senior vice commander. | * * t driver education. One class will] and Karen Winship, Mark Miller oa ke aaed teeaneauiormghe also be selected. Prizes will be! Mrs. Raymond Jenson wifiee| Larry Powell, president of the begin at 6 a.m. and the other at) and Bounie Bowden will accom- out the six weeks perfod. donated to the Queen by local ot president top onriary.s office council, is in charge of the entire an) 1 p.m.. Priority: will be-given to Ls Special activities such as lec- es * carnival which will open to the . erecta unt METzoER wey 3 nape? old students Committee chairmen for the con- tures, laboratory inspection trips) UNIQUE AUCTION * Acting as Y pretaiting officer for | public beginning at 7:30 p. m. orman ™ = anes : cert are Al Kochanowski, decora- and other special assignments will) Another unique feature will be|the auxiliary will be Mrs. Mary) Highlight of the evening of fun |.4 HONOR BOWLERS tions and posters; Gary Stirch, a ee Ti anak tae ke Mile wllaonee ve eg tt SST tor ihren of at ages wit be | MME@LZG EL, SWANSON Lea _ |somsorcs’y ictaet Amonin|e..Uohing: Peter Dahle. art im e ike er W i ident. ‘ s : we ; * tif "The dual installa “the crowning of the carnival | ’ held the. championship roll-ott be- . artistic effects, and Mrse ‘ i Ae ia ROMP EN yada | cay sda ty lei aa ee ) neon pcre Pas 6 oe, ty | wher a Py 2 ae Fine new carpet in a host of colors. All ¢ 5 rss : : ee cei Sq. Yd. "ition Gos doing room, _. living room and ball, as pictured, with 2 os _ gospel pata tt % s ll ! op snl } A ‘byl { ficlied Wied rode | -) ere TEN, Perry = ope Mee iar FE 2-1026 __Fetall business. ™ + P 4 and. to-mark the family’s centennial in the ‘furniture Apri ‘at the new — 7 * Bh 2 ? . . : Share in Sensational Savings During the Final Week of | tw Oakland County | Ex-Marines Form Unit EARLY AMERICAN with ’ years ahead’ comfort Now bring the warmth of atithentic : Early American styling into your living room... each piece custom crafted in tradition of our - colonial heritage with painstaking insistence on authentic details like high wing backs, déli- cately rolled arms, beautifully: tailored boxed pleats . . . yet, here is comfort unsurpassed -in ' days gone by. We suggest that you come early . see this beautiful furniture for yourself, i select from all the fine fabrics and colors that we have on display. CHAIR $1 7 — |i. pee ey cr a Rahat “Colonial Groupiig | Sofa , ‘Styled to add beauty to ony room | setting! 1 es illustreted re I} ; $1349 | i = $7995 A wonderful opportunity enabling you to sqve on i] _ truly authentic Early American styling: in the | : nation’s finest furniture creations . .:. You may All sofas and chairs have molded foam purchase the entire suite or just the individual pieces reversible, zippered cushions . . , ir’ your you wish . . . Choos from Heywood-Wokefield, Cheice of colors and fobrics.. Every piece Sprague- Carleton , Valentine-Seavers ond . many of this beautiful furniture is equipped other nationally kriown makes. , with arm sleeve and head rest! C ‘ q ( - ) : ome in browse around, see the new arrivals in : — sed-Aibeve $23 9» _ smart colonial furniture groupings, individual pieces and hundreds of pictures and-colonial bric-a-bracs. : : \ . CONVENIENT TERMS 90 Days Same as Cash . . . Up to 24 Months to Pay wkd RAINDROP z Newest in our Sterling Department! Losting Losting perfection in —. gold sliver...inepired by one of nature's mee beouttl fern. Avitble ow, teguter ith : other LUNT potierns, on our convenient "Club Plan”. % vig dagen tah a see sat FURNITURE “ CARPETS ores “THE store WHERE QUALITY. aaron _| Fred N. Pauli Co. Pantiac’s Oldest lewelry Store. ‘ x 2 W. HURON : TE ons ¢ 24 * ek \ Se as ee ae” Red oe, ae bee x} we i Ee NS wee et i - — ee ARES, UC PE BEARS RETR IEEM 0 ILIDOLEERELR BIOOEE E PERLE PE . eee oe ee $6 8 4.8 #8 RID NG Sc LIRR IRE LC NLEL COLE SEE EEA AOE METO = Main Floor | Leok! $1.69 SHORTS, BLOUSES|{ $7.99 MEN'S DRESS PANTS ‘ Sig selection! Sanforized New spring shades: in Se ps 1° |zne oe | aad Fleer 3 Mais Floor SAVE! BOYS’ WEAR—GIRLS’ WEAR 49c BATES FABRICS 1.49 3.99 Boys’ 3.99 | Boys’ 79 te | ame [ron oe || DRS gee | 18 | 2% 149° || ao? "Sreren” Gil Boye Boys’ 4.99 | Teen 1.99 59 “Brenda” Prints 39 | PANTIES -] 29c Socks | Sweaters | Blouses 29 | 19 | 27 7 4 SAVE! INFANTS’ WEAR—TOTS’ WEAR 299 66 f 149 | TRAINING | Receiving pies | CRIB GOWNS 19e-Wash Cloths 10c | 8 - Blankets = — 788 | Fe |. TO® | 32° | ($2.89 cannon Sheets Tarver | oniies | Fucie| mare || 979 PANTIES | DRESSES | Undershirt | SETS -. | V3 OFF 88< 33° 17 * 49 Bryson Pillow Cases 29 $10.99 LADIES" FEW DRESSES i 88 |SShiSS pss | ; RESSES- SU Save 16.99. 10 te 44 - "teas og a LADIES’ TOPPERS | DRESSES DRESSES | $4 HATS Mall Sie 315 | 8 | 51 Sa $25 sane : om FORMALS | DRESSES | STOLES oeeees 410: | 188 388 388 BIG GUTS! COATS—SUITS—FURS Leather - $99 $399 Stroller cee | Yer Goat STOLE “SUITS $39 | ‘sag | 9189.| 25 ‘to | sive $i9. iS smn & | LADIES : $29 | 10 $35 $3 - BUY! NOW |S bil: - and Floor OUT THEY GO! MEN’S FURNISHINGS Warr «| SWEATER | BOXER MEN'S $5.99 Print Drapes SHIRTS . VESTS SHORTS ‘TIES 88 ie | 2% | 44° | 77 || D aie | wom | sor | wars. [I . P § TS ROBES ; Look! — ie 7.88 177 566 8 | 38 | — ' §5¢ Men's Sox. SAVE MEN'S JACKETS, CLOTHING | 29 ¢ 49.99 9.99 34,99 * 7.99 } MEN’S Reversible SPORT Drip-Dry SUITS JAC COATS SLACKS Stretch and regular sizes. 2488 7 8 1988 599 Spring Patterns! : porum | sponr | ratncn | “mans - || 69¢ Men's Underwear| JACKETS | -COATS COATS SUITS 3% | 168 | 168 | 3488 ¢. : EME, | Too Shirt, Siete, Undershios [Main oe $3.99 Men's Pajamas tS Wik Spring patterns. Santorized. Come! Save! - Main Floor Ear ae ar \ a 74 NO. SAGINA { Holden Ree We Giv FREE PARKING ANY / i > Drastic Cuts! LADIES’. SPORTSWEZ "3.99 4.99 3.99 4.99 LADIES’ | POPLIN’ | JAMAICA | LADIES’ ROBES | JACKETS | SETS SKIRTS ~ 7 | 288 | 78s | 288 oe poita | eceuceat tee Cardigans | SETS | SHORTS--|-BLoUSES 388 | 18 | 99¢ | 47 SAVE! Ladies’ Accessories, Lingerie 1.99. Ladies’ 4.00 29 2.99 ""RABY '| Perma Lift | LADIES’ mvLon DOLLS | BRAS | PANTIES . 97* | 88« | 19¢ | 788. | LADIES’ “| Perma-Lint | LADIES’ | LADIES’ SLIPS: | GIRDLES | GLOVES: |. ROBES: 88<¢ | 17 | 77*¢°| 27 , t¢ ree fe] fe) Cc] ee |. NEWPORT’S tf W ST. DOWNTOWN LOT. + | Te 3.99 Plastic Rubbers, 4-14 GIRLS’ RAINCOATS | i A aig ils aS ACA RMR mile nan BS fale a faaren “sia” BY LEADING Eesient= ic INDEPENDENT’ “RESEARCH where you gol \ AND TESTING LABORATORY // e SWEET'S "W257 fn Eos TVSHOP —_—--—*K | 422 w. “Huron a - "> FREE PARKING FE 4-1133 | as OPEN MONDAY AND-FRIDAY ‘TIL 9 . , [s0pays Ss: pared et | "24 MONTHS TO PAY |] Be EVERVTHING MUCTCO! Vs —eoe il ._ -=« ) | : FOR YOUR HOME . | : EVERBLOOMING @ ay te TEA ROSE | naga aee Sah em ‘BUSHES NIGHT and MONDAY 'til 9 pape FREE PARKING FREE DELIVERY - a Pc SECTIONALS | ie Choose From:These _ ~ Leading Manufacturers ¢ HOWARD PARLOR © DIAMOND BROTHERS @KROLAN it” © ARTISTIC 7 © CHARLES SCHNEIDER @ MONARCH i ® HOWARD SKYLINE c Nylon Covers P FOAM. RUBBER Reversible C ushions “as Lowas © 288 | ture and vepor preef. ‘Oderlers, none tonic. Won't chip or wrod. Bery to Sil.and deen. Clearance of Living Room 5-Pc. Set © FORMICA TOP ° EXTENSION TABLE LEAF = 35" or All Dining: aaa & Dinettes Re: a eo 10- Pc. Bedroom Outfit Savewwp te'50% or More |. (Only 34 ‘Down ‘Room Outtit | a _ 7 Parizce Pictured Typifies. Similar Selections! ‘SOFA or S FA BED and ; | occa eppa ——— “MATCHING CHAIR: oa e Pu 4 $ = otc inngrspring : Cotton Taber & ber Spin olf @ 2 Toble Lamps. ook sana Feom Pillows : oan © Smoker cational need of its graduates? * How can MSUO effectively en- _ ist the support of business, indus- - fy and other occupational agen- Gies in the “Alumni University” setup? How can MSUO effectively mar- thal all of its appropriate re- gourees of the university in support i Walter H. Nill snide Sal ase tone Soltptia ign cei nse jak Nay pecan eomneed hy: Rag Canter I Mane aed et ed with Gov, Willams Income tax proposals): | SINGLE MAN A - M-59 SHOPPING CENTER for Big Swing at Dance Tonight PERELEP PL S® Ae FOREE EEO PELE HE BET OO HOF & * eee pea Lat see ge PPRESTRREEN: t Qu ree tbs pees 5 vs js tod reason. Th rue FACTS My Regular 65¢ DRESS SOCKS 3" LOOK AT THIS! vas Wn ATE Pe. CLOSE-OUT! One Group — Odd Sixes “IVY ENOCK ABOUT” AND WORE PANTS SAVE Here are suits for your office wear and young men styles. Hard finished dacron blend and rayon acetate for longer wear in 2 and 3 button styles. | Mostly sizes 24 to 40. Blues, browns, tans and mixtures” re tees Net et ee Plenty of Fee hebiog Seane-tem « - on NEWEST. FASHIONS bees the ENTIRE FAMILY! Gorden ‘Needs and Seeds Spring Hardware for the UP TO 60% All cool sharkskins, worsted flan- nels and Triple Twist Mix & Match Suits for double wear. A complete wardrobe for year round. Sizes 36 to 46. Regular, siege longs, stouts, x-longs. TEMAND | MUST Ri 50,000 AT 0! My: Loss: Is Your Gain! Save Up To 60% | MY $49.50 HARD FINISH Sta Shape SUITS SALE PRICED "24 28 “$33, “My $69.50 Better Quality 2-PANTS SUITS $ 6.95 JACKETS. : : $10.95 JACKETS . . “ ONE GROUP $24.95 te $34.95 | WOOL girls DE-LUX SHARKSKIN $79.50 SUITS. 548 poem NR es My Regular to $39.50 “My ag 5548 At Woot SPORT ‘SPORT COATS _SHIRTS 17-19-23 2. 87. ava: & SPORT. Did SHIRT, z:: Slack! Biuel White! Teal Greeal Brown! Sky ive! ™I LL $4. 95. Bpcce PRICED JACKETS: 4 » Washable! : ewe Secs . $3.99 . Selb wears sg! 12 OVER 1500 PAIR OF CHOICE of the HOUSE TOPCOATS $6.95 — 3-Piece PANTS © AT COST AND Less! MY REGULAR $ 6.95 SUMMER BELTEN PANTS. $3.88 ; 8. 95. -GABARDINE PANTS . eee ees 488 4.88 i 9.95 DRESS PANTS Ka 5 2% eer 5.88 : 10.95 SHARKSKIN PANTS . © de TRUNKS: - Your Choice $459] Complete Closeout RAINCOAT $y. |) seats ]Q)) Be cay My Lowes. Price See Up to $59.50 All3 for Only - MEN! Here’s , My Reg. roa | “Women in White” Figure Flattering $1150 ond $2.50 : bes sor7| NYLON. @ ’ DRESS Now UNIFORMS BELTS “SWIM eas faa dgiaesil ‘Parking Fee! FREE PARKING in any lot in Pontiac .. . I'll pay the ‘FREE BUS RIDE — Bus Tokens given ~ Other Uniform Prices at with purchase of $2.00 or more! ‘Shot $990 . $8.91 to $14.91 14.50 WORSTED and SHARKSIIN, “: of oe +. ee +e © oe peat 8 pe lon 2 Seve Hours Monet Toamdey: eaten Cove Ek | ‘ _ Just OPPOSITE commmary NATIONAL BANE es Have a whiter wash, solter , leoviier com- and even save up to 80° on soap. Why Rent a Softener . - Unit? Have Your Own ~~ for as Low as ‘DETROIT u — Record sales but! in the annual Safety Poster Contest sponsored by the Elementary | f 7 Schools Club of Romeo pose proudly with Mrs. Conrad J. Fried- Including Sales Tax: . ' mann, club president. They are Michael Bartholomew, 6, first : grader at the North School; and Beth Alla” 12, a sixth grader at | NO MONEY DOWN lyesterday its ‘first quarter sales| ‘€ South School, Mike was Junior Division champion and Beth ane | |this year were a record $44,850,000, “8 winner in the Senior Division. ; : = compared with the previous first : 10 YEAR WARRANTY? greeny eco tery etree sean iagl eg Says |. 185, of opinion, there never has . YSIS in 1996. sacar 4 oF vO » ' 4 'y i ; engraved and given to Earnings for the first three uo writ a Mi been the slightest foie thit Out SEMI-AUTOMATIC FREE WATER ANAL ger by the A : months of 1959 were $6,901,988,/U¥ ' Missed : ion Call: recognition of $7,139,647 during the spanginee Apap piees cy says|one man to retain the strength: andj SS ag ee ee oe | CRUMP ELECTRIC, Inc. The firm said it would pay altary of State John Foster Dulles es men’ eat me 9 ° — a at- . : . April 30 to stockholders of record|ence in Geneva May 11. . — {British ambassador to the North 3465 Auburn Road FE 4-3573. April 7. “Despite differences of empha-i Atlantic Treaty Organization. We specialize in the complete | design and instatiation of Kitchens . . . bathrooms a yg or Powtiage e Ss ; € 3 ta : . i. Offices at W. Huron .,. N. Perry... Keego Harbor : ; + «+ Walled Loke ... Milford... . Union Lake... . MN eo a kaka ‘Orion... Waterford and Bloomfield Hills - S| Pow og ie* ae eee Steg 1 Uge eg 8 un ae a age Ae '* : ‘ ce aoe ; : is : . 4 ; ; , 4 ? 2 eo 4 ; te : ae ae . \ i PE ate a see 2 B ie ae of be id i es ™ t Py et iG Se 4 ‘ ; : ; i ‘ - : - . < <4 e PA & \ 2 ré % a < : a ae = eee er po ee op = (ee A new service designed for the longer term investor who prefers-a book record of deposits, withdraw- als, and interest received. CEUTA The popular method for the investor who prefers to receive an interest check each six months: SAVINGS ACCOUNTS We are serving over 35,000 cus- tomers with this traditional type unrestricted savings account at one per cent which we will continue to provide for the regular and consis- _ tent accumulation of your pay doy savings. $ Ask about this service at any one of our 10 conveniently located offices. * ay to revocation. . ’ . - - man of Scripps-Howard . news- papers, told the editors they must find out more about what their readers want if newspapers are to match the progress of news magazines. and the broadcasting Knight Newspapers, said he had a iRome Marks 2 Million PONTIAC’ PR John S. Knight, president of “T suggest that newspapers raise the rate of pay to the men’ they’re trying’ to induce into the’ business.” ROME w — A proud father rushed to the city registry of- fice to report the birth of his child Thursday and brought Rome‘s population to two mil- lion, Most historians agree an- cient Rome had a population of about. two million nearly two thousand years ago. Gress and brush fires on the open range in U. S. burn more than ESS. FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1950 Can Be Put to Use A new target date in the Pontiac General Hospital expansion pro- gram may sight next month. Harold B; Euler: hospital admin- istrator, said that contractors may know by then how soon. the hos- to open up about 90 Remodeling of the east wing into 115 beds was delayed seven months volving the wing’s old heating, lighting and plumbing installations. x * * Repairs finally got under way in March and during the first month, Euler said, the hospital spent only $26,598 since replacements, so far, have been kept down. , pital’s east wing will be remodeled a patient area with a net total of, because of unexpected repairs in-| { # E an average of 250,000 acres an- nually. William P. Babcock, assistant chairman of the Pontiac General Board, stipulated that the ACS be advised that Pontiac General had never passed judgment on the sur- ~ geon's professiona] ifications. Stephenson said that ACS atten- tion had been drawn to the Sullen- berger case by the wide publici- ty it received last year.~ Dr. Sullenberger was ousted by the Board of Trustees follow- ing a long hearing at which he 5 i Py pital.”” The charges were brought by the hospital's medical staff. Eighteen months ago, the Board Genera! director. Dr. Sullenberger promptly brought suit for reinstatement and $250,000 in compensation for dam- halt May 11, 1957 when Circuit Judge Timothy Quinn of Caro tossed the suit out of ‘Circuit CONQUER DEAFNESS Hear Again Eyeglass Hearing Aid © Made for Your Glasses © Normal Appearance @ Natural—Like Hearing Audibel Aid ; 195” | Now Priced Low Enough that Everyone Can Afford to HEAR AGAIN *£rame and Lenses not included. Complete Selection Available Opticel fittings by tieensed specialists COME IN TODAY! Pees impoRmationt Wo CaLIEATION! : i HEARING ‘CENTER 17 WN. Saginaw, Pontiac FE 5-5966 i" on’ berman age seen e renews 1 Dahtberg Fearing Center 2 17 Ni Saginaw, Pontiae ut am interssted in four new Rental Plan: 8 5 Piease send me Free Booklet “Why ‘} ~ Rent » Hearing Ala” " 1 CO Phone me fer appointment My sam ec snseevaweetaae bees 0 Name mrewrrir itt i Lie PAMMORE on ceceeneceecnseresernaseres Bette ees ciaeearrin dias Btate..6...i5- Lol sew own & heating afd. It is Po. years old, 10 BEDROOM VALUE ANYWHERE! see all the features, @ ALL THESE AND MANY MORE featurgs are yours in this wonderful, buy of buys. But don’t wait, supplies are limited, so hurry in today! Ward's Give “| , Red Stamps er fe Open Monday end ‘Friday Evenings: ; media. “It’s not just enough to let the % G drawer double dresser x tilt mirror * bookcase bed. *& matching chest * mahogany drawer interiors... ‘6 DOWN DELIVERS ‘3 A WEEK PAYS THE BALANCE Our buyers have spent weeks, shopping all the markets, to find the BEST Here it is! And you'll agree when you - 7 the exquisite beauty. . . Here are only a few of the many, mdhy outstanding features... . 7 @ TWO POPULAR FINISHES on select oak and @ NEW, “AMREV” FINISH, is stain- scratch- mar-resistont @ HAND-RUBBER FINISH, polished to a glowing, high gloss , @ RECESSED TOP DRAWERS with smart, highly-finished Mosiac pattern @ DETAILED THROUGHOUT by master craftsmen, skilled in finer finishing @ ALL DRAWERS center guided, dustproof, finished with mhg. bottoms i Holden. - walnut | It is the cost of replacements © Make All Our Store! mm, itt a choice of 2 finishes * * WATURAL WALNUT _ * LIME OAK USE The WARD WAY ~ CREDIT PLAN © 90 Days Some os Cosh! @ No Finance Company | to Deal With! Payments At * ate i a mniienined Beye PART ee i. 6c aaa ; F J “7 ce : '2 YEARS TO PAY! | 7 oN et : — —_ | : i i : ; | In the past the Navy and Air ; | Force have wratigled over strate-| | i ‘iigic warfare, as distinguished from [ ee eens Nee is) ant queedl chaizge Mrs, Raagell Greham library books ai i | Mi planes or troops of an enemy. check of the signs that will direct fair-goers for the school. - | Mm carriers and B36 heavy bombers. i Pecee Seeeze With Flint Slayer [arises resent cert) sow nam curse Doctors to Talk _[Gmism cr searoy"Mount Sieea|Firm Does Business report a to TT ~ SPECIAL SALE ON NORGE FREEZERS ne ee Chest or Models et Discount Prices! -See.Us You Buy Any Freezer! | CHEBOYGAN, Mich. (AP)—The | feet spectators hear the Cheboygan High School |Wayne Gabert Sieh ee . Your Electrical ‘Appliance Specialist Sas pa acts “FE 5.6189 Tr ile § One of the smartest new pat- terns to arrive on the scene in a long time. It combines the. ¥ e Special --- This fine carpet did not arrive in time for our first week’s selling! Absolutely new pattern! All Wool Wilton Tweeded Scroll A s@p25) . practicability of a tweed with 2 the charm of a colonial. You'll love the grace and elegance this carpet will add to your home. Sq.. Yd. And the price! Wow! Loop Twist or q All Wool Pile | Wilton Scroll | or Acrilan Tweed cies sot wool 4 low pile carpet or woven in a choice amous Acrilan of two delightful $ "9 : tweed design are $ 95 ee patterns... and F ours for @ new * in thirteen differ- . ry price. Color | ent shades. The se ections are raf Si | en ion gn ag ee oa s ‘ UE TE : Be 9 Bete Ese. £ pie. so > 22 s Dee I is a a ES i la I BS LE Seal oe RANDOM : hie Seen | TEXTURED — | An Used pS eS Pe te ONS an all wool Wwil- . &§ en et ce pos 4 aoe too’ & ton ina random | : ‘ Fe mee. Sa ee NEES 4 textured design “®@ that will give of +. wo2 Sis ie ean with coordinated $ 9) 4 of aes Ber so tg Stes color accents. be rs ane +: ro mets Pee Oe ad ee Ealing in popular 8 Aa 5, Sq. | eS "Tks at er 1 co ese” any , | Acrilan Scroll |b ; Ps _ = nishing at Spen- ec ‘3 Bs 3 ho 4 ee cers with "no & WILTON 2 A truly mig a a | a ’ tufted = deep p that z | 3 hp. Berard § gi g cr ona @ ! 05 , B.itih to Decorator Fabrics | w= 3 vi Spee Tn a: a -— | DN PE} ie : ape: Be © will bring — ’ ey tps na The Spring -season is here and we are 7 now from three rg :, | & fully stocked with the newest in prints, § colors in stock. . guests. Yd. | weaves, colors and ideas for something § wea 4 aaa memes Pt ~~ new. We suggest that you visit our —= Once again, we have not in- 7 Acrilan Tweed | Drapery department soon. Custom work § cee eet = Wonderful high- set . ioe is.a specialty with Spencer’ 8. . ' 4 you should see the carpets so : fer a op edition < FUTURESQ » . you can compare them with — a pny ; , Savings- =_ oo ervice- —om tis ac ion the “sale” prices offered else- — — an Pa ang $ 94 i = where. Quality and satisfac- © . FORMICA = tion are Spencer's first con- 7 peggy beta 2 Sq At One Location — Don't Take One Without the Office § WALL and FLOOR TILE | Witter memeves ‘ me =P Yd. Be Sure You Get a Beiter Deal — Buy Your Next Car from Eddie Steele | STEELE - FO 'y Inc. | or FLOOR COVERINGS ) 5 & 5-9204 Keego Harbor 3811 '1 Elizabeth Lake Road 4994 Dixie Hwy. Drayton ‘Mile Wa. of Tolegroph : * Out of the High ‘Overhead Area” ‘i FEAT OR 340411 © Pontiac's Direct Pacey I Dopler ata 3 _ Ope n Monday, Friday and Soieti Evenings I a ' 7 \ ¢ j \ ~ ¥ ‘ / Met ie ee Apr ea WELT Ea ila wee pened Ue of ONS as ‘ean bay Rae 3¥ 5 Pe Dearborn arrived 45 yninutes late that state troopers bad stopped him all endear i oS. J ote i oe me eae wey ie 2 \ a th oe ee THE PONTIAC: PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 1 1% 1959 | ard | Count exten . ; = jits kind in. he ‘cage ; |A \ Sofety Achievement seg Sh gee y es Crop Controls There Too s: % ~\Weodwind Quintet to Bo! ta, | nae _ BLISSFIELD UBRobert Stine ot! National Safety Counc prt at Johni Pierce Schéol ) horn, = Farmer Sours on Canada A- woodwind quintet composed ‘of Michigan State” State University music music{ instructors will be featured in a! .T & WALDO Comedy M.C. FRIDAY and SATURDAY JAM SESSION: EVERY TUESDAY and THURSDAY with Frank Perry ond His Swingmesters Dell's Inn =: tate ond Ga Late 3 Shon Bede est - Resersitions $6°2-2007 ¥ tl f ontinuing lis Traditional Sapore rk Kingsley Ann » Dining at Its Very Best in an " Atmeahapheets of Elegance and Charm * Jain KINGSLEY INN GYPSIES in the EMPIRE ROOM / a Af “SK te the Music of the KINGSLEY INN COACHMEN FRIDAY and SATURDAY at 10-— COTILLION ROOM ROADCASTS — STATION WIBK, 12 NOON MONDAY THRU FRI DAY Open Sunday — 12 Specially Priced Menu ‘ i Midwest noon to 10 p.m. for Children 1-1 £00 skELLys Club 39 Now Open Under New Management D ancing Joe Gordon's Orchestra LIQUOR — BEER — W INE 8 Miles West of Pontiac on M-59 Adjacent to Pontiac Speedway at the Piane and Organ. ' Formerly at C Lown Miami, Fie rida * Friday and Saturdey @ Atmosphere @ Business — ¢.. "~ Men’‘s For Your Ustentsig Pleapure "., Luncheons . 4 Go to Slonaker’s Miracle Lounge | ‘Minacla Mite Shopping Contr, sts ‘NEW LONDON, Ohio (UPD —! “4 changed my mind after re Namosett on at the Pierce Junior 5 Fe rs, ue said | cctving s conple of leflere trea | ship tonight. }!that he was cooling off toward the’ Ontario farmers which indicated | The quiniet, cue of tha fret el'ue the i idea of mioving to Canada because that controls there are i ee ‘ FRI. & SAT. } he “‘didn’t wart to jump from the as bad as those here,” } | frying pan into the fire.” i 1 Donal 49, went to Ontario. last week to look over the situa- ii tion with a view to exiling himself | Donaldson. He said he would consider mov-| ing to Australia or New Zealand. rather than stay on at his 389. -ACKe | "RAEL'S DRIVE-IN Open 9 A.M. ‘til 1 A.M. eTTi Lecated Across from Pontiac Airport —OR 3-7173 INSIDE—OUTSIDE & CARRY-OUT SERVICE CHICKEN—SEA FOODS—SPAGH ‘| Relaxing in Evening FEATURING 9°P. M. to 2 A. M. il 6 N. Cess Cor. of West Huron a a a a a , YS * John Tipton and * Noble Lee SPADAFORE BAR Shows Friday and Saturday SS SS Se a a a a a a a SV, YOUR WEEK-END ENTERTAINME BOB BAILEY “Mayor of the Hillbillies” mile: ee “Today we work more and leon four years have passed | since “<= and Lower Aus-| F ‘to Canada rather than surrender- if farm near. here, ing to federal crop controls in this, “I'l talk to Stanley Yankus, — when he returns from Australia,” i | Donaldson said. “I was in New. i Zealand during World War U and, ust il Sreseerst ‘project with me and I'd coneiene I} ‘going into the same thing there.” Yankus, ef Dowagiac, Mich., 0Za y I | carried on @ six-year feud with the: government over wheat controls) before he paid up $5068.92 in fines. When, lchicken farm and announced he Hustle Forgotten ‘would settle in Australia. He is (on a tour of Australia how, | x« «*« * WASHINGTON — Eastern Aus Donaldson announced his exile | ‘trie bears scars of the war and plans after a federal court turned ‘ *—--} the lighthearted Jand of Mozart|ty for exceeding his 1957 wheat wh toward | quota. He had insisted that ‘his, eens Stress while swinging id measured 14 acres rather than. by acres as charged. Under the) wheat marketing act, penalties can be levied for exceeding quotas in) ae neighbors have urged me te stay on and fight the con- trols,” said Donaldson. “But | there is no way to fight. There : erley M. Bowie reported that is mo recourse in law. j his family since shortly after the | Revolutionary War. It was granted ' to his great-great-grandfather on ‘ an original firelands deed for Rev- | iz Federal Chancellor Julius olutionary War service. | Raab, “and enthusiasm | “Only one thing is certain to- | | captured our youth. But we still ‘going to stay on this farm.” | fe have the same Jove for music, } a good book, for leisurely | | coral All in al. ra aay Photomap of Sky we have become & ‘Tennis-Court Size canized by day. But im the eve- . ue oo % Sie o Beautiful New Sylvan Glen Inn MUSIC and DANCING To _. George Corsi and His Gee Cee Trio Soft. Romantic Music for Dining end Dencing THURS., FRI AND SAT. NITES Fine Food and Cocktails, Exquisite Cuisine SYLVAN GLEN INN 5725 Rochester Rd., Troy (Between 18 and 19 Mile Reads) TR 9-0660 ©) lett by war; it has built more than)" The map is in atlas on sail “4 30,000 apartments since 1949. One ir 41) the separate pieces were put | a ‘fifth of the municipal. budget goes | together they would be big ital 7 \into housing. In- addition to sky-|to cover a tennis court. GREEN PARROT SPECIAL THIS SUNDAY °eeeeeeseceeosoens PIZZUTYS (Formerly Manay’s)” Cocktail Lounge end Restourent W. Huron and Elizabeth Lake Rd. OPEN SUNDAYS Featuring Friday and Saturday FE 3-9528 FRED STEINBAUGH and his JAZZ TRIO With Kurt Dempster on Base and Dick Underwood on Piane $1.25 Smorgasbord Luncheons 11:30 to 3:00 P.M. Smorgasbord Dinners 5:30 te 10:00 $1.95 Wed. & Fri.—Family Nights $1.50 Sundays 2 to 9 p.m. $1.95 IOWA CITY, Iowa (UPID—A pho- | jen-, to™map of the sky which took the it | Palomar Observatory in California derful. Sheep have been a major Americanized * Daytime |and penalties, auctioned off his’ ‘postwar occupation, but it remains down his appeal from a $322 penal- i than 15 acres are harvested. | Donaldson's farm has been in things technical has certainly gay" said Donaldson. “I'm not | ning we are Austrians still!” “| You will see and hear it al...the wid ging parties... the wail of the jazz homs...the parade of men...the saddened nights... the jails? PLUS - thes toothless gaps- in her profile| -+ twwa astronomers. In 1957, 87 per cent of the house- | holds in the-suburbs owned a car. Spottt SPUDNUT & TWISTS NEXT WEEK ahd chee., icings. Glased piaal end sugared. Reg. 35c. % DOZ. F mt Soudan SHOP 420 Orchard Lake FE 8-872! NEAR GREEN. 87. ‘express highways, | street crossings, a large airport, 1 Historic Vienna is a city of grandeur, of vast palaces, of mag- inificent churches, of princely res- | idents. “But is also,” Mr. insta weak, | | “the home of old shops in the | Your cheice ef maple SATURDAY MATINEE — EXTRA! CARTOONS and COMEDY . =| | |High ‘School in Waterford Town-|western United States, Was Ome a's grent denetsne ot Retegie: | a cradle of musical and medical | / genius, Vienna provides an em-, WANTED barassment of riches for resident. i. ,000 COMIC BOOKS and visitors alike. For example, | 00 True Love Story Mags ‘Mozart houses are many—perhaps, | We este. Tit _ f Pony and ev |as someone suggested, because: he | ‘couldn't pay the rent and had to’ keep moving. Byte ded MAGAZINE cere’ | Auburn +_ FE 4-8240 f | | Coffee. =. $1.95 ere for a pleasure 6 & ‘wee — Out Cail FE 3.9377 Special Sunda Wednesday « Thursdéy Smergasberé Smorgasbord sig dagger He Served 12:30 P.M. $] 95 LUNCHEON Friday - Sat. - Sunday Heat see | wg EL -FRANKIE MEADOWS Biman; tan eed ose $1.25 and the Hi-Fi’s “SULLY” — playing for your pleasure ¢ | fsciea Pontes | “PIZZA” ee Kitchen ts Open For | z ; SATURDAY NIGHT Specializing in Good Food —Musie By— ’ BILL LAWSON AND HIS BAND Sandwiches ‘til 1:00 A. M. TR ILA “Cocktail Lounge and Restaurant’ 1727 S. Telegraph Rd. ae BOB LAWSON TRIO . @ Friday and Saturday Evenings | °@ - Noonday Lancheons Are Our Specialty y ¢ Famous Style Dinners Nights and Sundays iv Auburn at Churchill Rd, , Tidten HILLBILLY and WESTERN SWING. by SINGING PAUL BARBER and His Nuburs Heights $ Sirloin Steak Strips... ] 50 $ GLENN EASTMAN Calling : 7 : $ P Vv tabl , bd * NOW OPEN - ° @ 6 Ste sted’ not roll G Butter. : ak k & Tastee Freez Visit the Area’s Newest Night Club — Foccccccccvccsoooscoocoooasoooooooooeseee ROCK and ROLL © Buildin NOW OPEN | DANCING sed ET ie N e@ oe i F hi. 7 DAYS A ‘WEEK Parties, inc ne 8 ie a bereona Visit OUR Sunday Afternoon Open Daily 11 to 10:30 'Z W urnishings Banquets pene tre pr | | OOUNGE Se’ DELICIOUS | DEE NOTES ne REAL FRUIT h : a Open Daily 9 em. to 2 a.m.—Sunday 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. Sc AEROS. 1% 10 - FLAVORS ° 10 The NEW CLUB TAHOE PLENTY OF FREE PARKING 9451 Eliabeth Lake Rd. Now Available 4769 Dixie Hwy 7 1650 N. Perry at Pontiac Rd. FE 3-9732 ‘Choice Liquors FRESH FROM FREEZER Just South of Williams Lake Read i ig ares if jar eegaisis wks Nig Gee Rey { SOUARE ‘ead ROUND | onhets Se ; . a 2 4 \ i * —s Bf a ‘fs / /Y/ 8 DINE OUT TONIGHT @@. | & "DANCING THURS. FRI, SAT. < fy *e and ‘G 9 P.M, ‘TIL 2 A.M. ‘ GARDEN CENTER Gy -% * DANCE to the MUSIC of the 4 + FON 8 ET tA. q ve a . ®. NEW DRAYTON INN MID-WESTERNERS 3 K ® LARRY HEATH Lead—DOUG on Stell BA (Formerly Commodore Hotel) J 0 4195 Dixie Highway on'3-1161 ’ 4, : LEE BRADFORD on Bass : ; a oe a’ * fats .” ake > 4 ect, +e v joe ee x = ie ca ree MA. Byer ee Sh, ce re ; with Joe at the Orgen. _ LADIES’ NIGHT EVERY WEDNESDAY ee Come in and Renew Your Acquaintance! ' PARKING A-PLENTY! CHOICE LIQUORS—BEER— WINES SERVED. IN MODERN SURROUNDINGS ! "COMING FH FRIDAY, APRIL. 24TH V4 0a OD.) Ge | OO. 8 =: Features At 1:00-3:05 5:13-7:20 9:25 Sere goes for “WEY GANG, 1. JUST SAW. A MOVIE THATS TWE GREATEST! IT'S ALL ABOUT A CUTE TEEN AND HER FABULOUS SUMMER WITH THE SURF- BOARDERS AT MALIBU BEACH. (18 THE FinsT MOVIE I'VE EVER ENDORSED. PM SURE YOU'LL. : “ SADR OFE- CaF CTAMES DARREN: ARTHUR. O}COMNELL wn Wyo ene - JomONROW = IE FOUR PREPS Sevenplay ty GABRIELLE UPTON asad on the nenet by FREDERICK ROHNER. Pretveed ty LEWIS J. RAGHAAL. Doct by PAL WENOKOS CINEMASCOPE ADDED ENTERTAINMENT 7 WRock ‘Em "Tragedy “Magoo Saves USA.” ~- the Bank’ Cowboy” Open 10:45 “UNE THOUS VND ae SOE me ere ae ee Ba 25¢ to 1 P.M. LT [Phener, bur tere he eomperson|vien be was exeting her ft a pighen Mage buys veg ered a smaller e with na a a oe later came the Turner-Preminger | iminger over “An-|tiff and Lee was handed the star- i of 8 mic ped she Ting. part. “I couldn't believe it," a says, ‘I still can’t.” f her replacement They'll bei3 Days of Hammering provoca-(0n. Wall Is for Naught ie } NORMAN, Okla. @—Park Supt. | tm Clary proudly told the park | it: t hoard how he wielded a ie sledge hammer three days knock-/| - ling a hole in a wall to make a gate. | Then he was informed that the | proposed gateway would have to be moved because children using rau |it would be endangered by suas aE i rp Won't 8 Boe § owt Ta tnt So 2. — a5 Pafect * Fu rlow ih coLor| ! , RIG MONEY. WOMEN saga either; | a department store in !Quincy, Mass. She got started in jsummer stock at an early age, | = THE LATEST MIN-A-CAR Se 9 ce SP SS SS Sl sesesentn sess esses STARRING “ADDED LATE SHOW SATURDAY SAT. — KIDDIE MATINEE —1 P. M. - HEATERS | @ TARTOONS ond COMEDY = S aemmnel STARTS _ TODAY Bex Office Opens 6:45 | Show Starts 7:25 RIVE IN xf | DRI LE * Ie EXCLUSIVE! EXCLUS FIRST OAKLAND COUNTY SHOWING FREE! PHOTO OF-BRIGITTE TO FIRST 500. PATRONS! Dini Hwy. (US-10) 1 Bik. N. of T Rd. FE 5-4500 The PIXIE of PARIS and the NIFTY of NAPLES in the Pounding Program that'll Pop the Pulse of Every Red-Blooded American! BRING THE GIRLS Make ’em take notes! Essonjay Films, Inc. PRESENTS , A Positive Plethora _ of Pulchritude! — In this corner at 110 pounds and 39-24-39... - Brigitte | BARDOT, (Just the wey you LIKE Her...) . AMERICAN LANGUAGE VERSION ADMISSION - For This Engagement only | . Not Recommended for Children - 4 3 JR A perenne Rs SEGA TENS ~e find computer reports from night’s work. Maybe it’s 9 o'clock, maybe 10, : expected or‘ Not that you You know what makes | a com- puter compute and what can be electronic equipment of all kinds. Library. Progress. Outlined Phyllis Pope Is Speaker at Zonta’. Luncheon Phyllis Pope, head librarian A newsletter is issued perl- odically, informing the public of various phases of the proj- ect. It is hoped the state li- brary will continue its back- ing by entering into a con- tract with the main library and financing. the undertaking for another year she said Oakland County was found to be the ‘poorest served in the state ogtside of Pontiac city in libr@py service, Miss Pppe stated, Since this is Na- tional Library Week, attention is focused on the needs for the development of libraries. * & * Plans have been completed for the. annual* breakfast on April 26 to welcome few mem- bers and install officers af- Pontiac Zonta-Club. Helen Travis, program chaitman, in- troduced the — Sorority Meets a Fifteen mo ‘attended the meeting of Zeta ‘Phi Zeta Sorority held Wednesday at the home of Mrs: Carole Arn- old of Dixie Highway, Guests were Mrs. Marlene Hall, Mrs. Janet Colbert and ‘Mrs. Cleo Tetlock. : Guest artist . for the Pontiac Symphony Orchestra. concert Tuesday evening will be Thaddeus Markiewicz, cellist. The concert will begin at 8:30 p.m, at Pontiac Northern ©: High School. Chase took part “ THADDEUS: M. not expected from plicitly and never-loses his temper. Who is he? An electronic com- have a screwdriver puter, of . course. Are you @ working girl? ‘If so, umer hay | - do your feet hurt?: How would you. t you da know like to have a job where you lone, 1 of programmin; worked with your brain one to four you. put ry storage. hours a day, three days a week, rhap a las a ial . » ; : a sa en a with a two-month vacation? ha re. You have's (ypkudine ul-oleiae, human hand and when it needs 5 eet dhs toe , cnceet 100 wat Gee oO well rese: _eye a | models. Quiet as a ee : in : When seribble . with | and painted plctre of a guid gg YOU Nay 2 SE ake wher, it electromie eyboard is Deney"an s'apetal ped i will | At Job te yet x wed, you will not run into any conmacted: with eae be for a mammoth @ A.D., just-41 years hence. If you. aifie rash in branch office: ement that has been trained % can stand the thought of such an. ote te * this way is so much faster than by to “hunfan writing, code it & ecay LAS, Sohn ofl youn shee Bt As @ secretary in the office of = ™ and follow instructions. : api we tell you about it. 2000 A.D., your duties are largely ~ *& * 4" x + ® 4 © giviog your streamlined j e. When the boss calls You are a very important per- - Most. important, you afe relaxed e little twe-passenger scooter ear you he ‘an so by signa) lights son because of your many Skills,” “and so is the boss. Vacations pro to the automatic parking ¢le- which also tell what he wants, and says the article. “You are, of vide a change of scene, but they e vator, you walk to your private” it's seldom you take along a note- course, an expert in the field of |. are no longer a lifesaver thrown x office (all secretaries have pri- book. He does most of his dictating human and public relations, “ia to a girl drowriing in work. vate offices to shut out machine toa machine. In fact he can dictate sensesyou-help counteract a ma- And there is one boss who never Ps noise arid vibration) and you take from any telephone, just by dialing chine-like atmosphere in the Pegg dl — but never — makes a mistake : a, Sean the deep carpeting, a special number. 6 fice. You are trained Bes tech- . .. . is always prompt . . . means P gay golors, the purified, you telephone, you dial nology. he says . + would never & The Altar Guild of St. Hugo of the Hills Charch is sponsoring its first covered-dish supper April 18. Dancing and card playing will follow. Supper will — be from 6 to 8 p.m. and dancing and cards Lele Mrs. Chase Hosts gram. Plan Bosses Night Committees . for the annua! Bosses Night, -to be ved ° May 20, were appointed ‘when the Pontiac ioe ce b of In- surance Women met: = day: at Hotel eta, ARWICT 7 Cellist to Star at Season's. Final Event Symphony Concert’ Set Pontiac Symphony’ Orchestra will hold its fina} concert of - the 1958-59 season at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in Pontiae Northern. High Schoo] auditorium, Guest artist for -the’ perfo 4s. 4 ‘Thadiiens Markie: " Deere ‘for. ae a wag cme Cag mance is. wicz, cellist. A member of the Detroit Symphony. for 17 years, > he has beers ‘solo celle » ist for 12 years,” * we sg ies ay He also is sole’ Detroit | Little Symi Summer Sym mony.” years he has.s id. exclusive- ly with Georges. Miggelle. Mr. 7, Markiewiez © has also, * heen solo dellist with thé New * * * he orchestra, under the di- rection of Francesco DiBlasi, will present: ‘Overture to La- Gazza Ladra,” by Rossini, ‘On the Trail,” from ‘‘“Grand Can- “yon Suite’ by Grofe, and “Ro- “meq and Juliet'’ by Tschaikov- ae " ae es ‘ Bae 200 Coun 8:30 to 11:30 p.m. Pontiac Prees Photes Left to right are Mrs, Charles Schafer, Mrs, Kenneth Duerr, chairman, and Mrs. , yen Offer. er ry We =: Democratic Event in Some 200 women from the Oakland County area are ex- pected to participate in the Democratic Women’s Day pro- gram in Lansing on Saturday, “April 3%, Mrs. Robert P. Scott of Drayton Plains is local co- chairman for the event. The program will begin at 9 a.m. with registrati ign in the Lansing Civic Center/where all activities will be conducted. Gambling Gal Pays Own Losses By EMILY POST “Dear Mrs. Post: man takes ; his . ‘date’ and they play gis ft up; to him to reimburse her. for any losses she .may, sustain? A friend of mine insists that he should do this since if’ he had taken her. anywhere’ else,“ the! ; expense of the evening would” have been his and therfore he” should assume this™ expense, Your opinion on this matter * would be appreciated.” months Answer: If’ girl. ciate she keeps her 2 ands ; must pay “het losses + Mts When a to ’a. 4 friend’s house for the evening: “Because of the great in- terest in Michigan's financial problems, our morning discus- . sion program will concentrate on this subject,’ reports Mrs. Scott. Several state officials, includiag. James Miller, state co “will, be present to expla the Michigan Aipenctat and ‘tax. ‘status. From heon gicekee E . Edith Green, Dem- County Democratic Williams also will speak on the topic, “Michigan: The State With a Future.” + * ~« * women interested in the event may contact Mrs. Bernard Gottfried of West Sunnybrook . street, Royal Oak, who is in charge ~ of registration and transporta- tion for this area. * * * Reservations must be. made - by April 22. fomen to: Attend Lansing Members of the committee making plans for the covered-dish supper and dance at St. Hugo this Saturday are,- Mrs. Alton Gray, Mrs. left to right, Brooks. : Shanley Bilicki and Mrs, John C. Others are Mrs. Johnson, Mrs.‘ Robert Williams, Mrs. F rank Pawlus and Mrs..Edward W irth. Theodore. Talk, Film - Adult- Education Experts Hi ghlight — PTA Meet. Children’s Growth Topic at Crofoot — Session “Understanding Your Grow- ing Children," was Wallace Watt's topic when he spoke to Crefoot School PTA Thursday evening. Consultant with Mich- igan Mental Health Depart- ment, he discussed the stages of development of the child from pre-school through ele- mentary age groups. A group discussion followed the film, “Tens to- Tweive.”’ Horton Southworth. principal. presented gifts to Mrs. Fred Steinbaugh and Maude Spears for their years of service to the Crofoot community, Each passe: anos music students, under Fred Weist, played selec- _ tions. Taking part were Caro- ‘Jym Spanburg, Beth Rotsel, Frank VanHusen, Richard Rob- inson, Jon Stepleton, Carolyn Wait, Diame Lubahn, Gary For- * rest, Judy Nott and Russell Underwood. Ethelyn Ashley accompanied. Mrs. Gerald Blaylock. was program chairman and Mrs. Walter Godsell presided. Mrs. David - Cowan. -is-—gen- eral chairman of the Fair to be, held May 1. Bringing Ideas to MSUO = MRS. WILLIAM T. GOSSETT Meets for Dessert Mrs. Robert Haskins showed slides of her trip to Italy when Mary Lyon Group of First Con- gregational Church met at the home of Mrs. Carl Bolfen on - Winkleman street. Guests at the gathering were Mys. Clifford Berry, Mrs. Don- ald McIntosh, Mrs. C. A. Mc- Intosh, Mrs, D. W. Edwards, . Mrs. Harold Schram and Mrs. Edsel Malkim. fy 3a Ss x * * They are Paul A.. McGhee, dean of the Division of Gen- eral Education, New York Uni- versity; Robert Blakely, vice president, Fund for Adult Ed- ucation; Mrs, Bonaro Over- street, author and ‘lecturer; Dr. Harry Overstreet, authot .and lecturer; and Dr. Cyril O. Houle, professor of adult edu- cation, University of Chicago. . * * * Mrs. Gossett will moderate a day-long panel at Meadow Brook Hall on the MSUO cam- pus Saturday, in which the éx- perts will participate. Attending the event -will be mémbers of the Continuing Ed- ucation Committee of the MSUO Foundation and MSUO staff members. Mrs, Overstreet will speak to the gathering on the sub- ject, “Thé Importance of Adult Education in Our Dynamic So- ciety.” an | If she is not. willing todo so i e must say: before the game. that she> does, not ae er for'money. ay ™ . — ;: rik a “Dear Mrs. Post: Will: “you please tell me whether, or. not it is proper to slice a Nerina, on cereal with, a spoon? My ©: husband always does this ane : - our two sons @re follow his exemple,” - dg think it is proper byt would © like your opinion before putting } on my foot down on ome prac: « tice.’’ | Answer: It is perfectly all | right to use & spoon, > S ameaas ee os me Dear Mrs,: Post: 1. would’ hike to know if it i¢ in good: taste to carry & handbag té a ° wedding. IT have been told that 94 this just isn't done.” Answer: Certainly it gi | proper fér a woman guest tore: y Pn rer BY HOMI HA -FIVE PIECE PLACE Di er Pinte, Pie Plate, Cop, Swucee, Brett Ditto... 4, oY ’ Tle eee. erednon. combine, nthe ‘laguoy of Gevaiet with t, new motif vf white leaves Gn @ beautiful turquoise rim , Accents of light. pink, and silver: fi i carry a handbag to a oy: eae. It should not, however, be large utility bag but rene, a? _ small eventay es purve,”-. q SETTING . | PARK-SH | CONNOLLY'S The April birthstone HER MOST PRECIOUS wudby Will Come From is diamond, and we are fea- turing special diamond values for the entire month. If you are planning a apring engagement buy » now and use our convenient layaway. ht ~ anweuens *y 6 W.: Huron St. mere *FE. 20294 o f Pay Only 10% Down and - % a Month ? 2 We Feature "Full Carat tenesagf 1 From $37 500” In & Solitaire Mounting Fed. Tar Bet ; 3 - 3 _Q.’My hair has been falling out with aloverweight and what my measure-/for several years now and is get- wean light OF) ments should be.” [ting worse. Please tell me what to Av It depends a Jot on your |do.” The should | build, bet even allowing for a| 4° First, see your physician for skin tone, There is | large frame you should weigh | 9 physical check-up. If he finds ariety in colors that | jess, I suggest that you shoot for | no systemic or orgatiic reason come from mixing weight gradually by eating smal < % pagan o Tomorrow: “Should Wife Help fresh fruit, Take bip-siimming [Hubby Shop? Yes, No... Ho exercises, Hum.” . : v v sa v v oe Te e a very unpleasant|| gt LEONARD‘S ! a bad h | & ns BRIDE and GROOM Ensenbl i F i fF iD if ya as i ge iy ib if Fy ii i 5 E if i fi FE iF Ez E ? - i “" t P be) : He Mrs. Diets L. Winston Jr. of Bir- ; Sh cat ccantacoms pried ay mingham serves coffee to Mrs. John son's home. The event is sponsored § . Getting some modeling tips ie the scholarship disease | Taylor, also of Birmingham. The two by the Women’s Auxiliary of the benefit are two of the models le the fashion show, | sometimes to qe cochairmen of the third annual Michigan State University Club of From left are Mrs. R. C. Awrey and Mrs. D. R.- | ™# | scholarship benefit to be held at Oakland County. The tea, fashion Borgeson, both of Birmingham, Beau Rex, narrator Bas “Tam 16 years old, five a i" i fin $34'97 Meadow Hall on the new cam- show and tour of the home begins at of the fashion show, is béhind Mrs. Lawrence Shepard a ye glen od ; pus of MSUO a Mrs. Alfred G. Wil- _ 1:30 p.m. April 29, .: of Rochester, who is in charge of the models, - inches, waist 27 and hips * Four. Donations Approved Ac @onation to the VFW Memo- the Easter Seal Foundation, Amer- = x ria} Building at. Washington, D.C.,|ican Cancer Society and the Fogus- ODERNE’ nes, oa hen members met Monday in the appointed to serve post rooms on East Pike street.| this year include: Mrs, Paul The name of the auxiliary will be) Boe!ter, membership; Mrs. LEONARD'S | adie Herace, hospital; Mra, ‘Charles i Assured Satistaction tc Guaranteed Quality <. = ntewn | MERLE NORMAN | ate. tecy weight tegistaton. 20M. Perry St. rons” FE 4-4503 COSMETIC STUDIO | ars. Florence McCrae is chair- “ ” “ —— Q ~ Come in for a Free Community chairman is Mrs. : Demonstration! Archie Tryon, Mrs. Loren Bush is 12 W.-Huron FE 2-4010 |/in charge of cancer and civil de- Wind Vane COORDINATES Fun Clothes by Lorch of Dallas Stripe with colorful embroid- 55 West Huron FE 5-3675 _ pearl and sequin tiara. and_she ower | YOUR CHOICE ‘Parents of the couple are Mr. by one of the eldest and most reputable manafscturers tn: Ametics | a é ered Weathervane. : a Committee chairmen of the benefit were “busy Shirt .......-. 5.98 : BALDwI | this week making final plans. All proceeds will go | . : : N . toward scholarships for Oakland Comey students sk Mary Ellen Lukes Wed Jamaican Shorts 3.98 4 wish to attend Michigan State University or Michigan | s | im Ji 9 State University Oakland. From left are Mrs. Karl to Frederick C. Br own Slim Jims. ..... 5.98 ‘ Zint Jr. of Birmingham, patrons; Mrs. Charles Mac- . Jacket .......7.98 ~~ Gregor of Birmingham, tickets; Mrs. Robert Hall-and | Wearing a floorlength gown of where the bedeatonns is sationed eb: ™ | «Mrs. Ivan Fowns of ‘Farmington, prizes; Mrs. Thomas ee sbeo wi sioger sail, afary | with the U.S. Navy. Flare Skirt..... 7.98 : | E, Munson and Mrs. Roger Vogel of Lathrup Village, erick Chartes Brown Stains ove eve-| i (or Dress ........ 12.98 | program, and Mrs. James H. Cole of Milford, pub- ning at St. Andrew Church. ‘The! Paris shows the roller brim hat ae licity. Rev. Waldo Hunt officiated at the for spring. It's worn well on the! 61 W. Huron St. i | & ; ceremony before 115 guests. back of the head, as in “Gigi.” | saeco ee : ik * ——— | Brand New ‘The bride’s gown featured a lace a at . |jacket with long sleeves. Her bal-|- i | TAYLORTON -- Casual China © SS "| SOLID MAPLE-MATES and Mrs, Thomas A. . terford townahp ard samuei| © corner desk Brown of Waterford Township. i : Judith Ann Cumberworth was | , bachelor chest maid of honor, Bridesmaids were] hookease Terms to Fit Your Budget George W. Cumberworth was ‘ . : best man. Ushers: were James | i/Swain of Waterford and Boyd Fer-’ . “i . [ray , guson. OS sm en a ; * & & | rem 1. Tm 6 +++tn the most complete organ ever hives eoonbe nasheed : ee > L 7 a built for the home... New Model 45H! _ =} i! ee Se ak — Permanents = — wie Orgen Festures!—2 tadependeatly veiotd stops a . - | ; ; ot with coup © 2 sta 6 Ie © 95. ! . ; pedal hoard * Baldwin-Leslie 4 aban? dis deep : SPECIAL SALE AT A LOW, | tremolo heard only on largest theatre organs * Baldwin ) LOW PRICE! Pereussion Ensemble.* 45-Piece Service $ QS - © Nationals ° Easy t0 Play!—Centrally located, color-coded controls. | fer, Bight 44° at $71.98 KR week dane by sevice

ae: sence of this PARAMOUNT BEAUTY SoHOOL 1% S. Seginew, Eagle Theater Bidg., Pontiac, Mich. Earoliments Available in Day or Evening Classes Write. phone o: call in person for Free Pamphlet PHONE FEDERAL 4-2352 | entertain for ‘a friend of mine | RAGLAN SHOULDER STRIPED or PLAID LIN MATCHING HAT , | %5 N. Saginaw ; Values to $15.00 # ‘10° : _ Just. my. oe I 0” 9, SMART LADIES’ APPAREL Open Mon., Fri, ’til 9°P.M. whe is getting married. There - NOTHING DOWN 36 MONTHS TO -PAY All Wool-Bark Pattern Tweed and Plains Reg. $8.95 Yd. Sale *6.95 Yd. FULL Wool Wilton Arrow Point by Downs 1 Roll Only Reg. $11.95 Sale °7.95 Yd. Heavy Wool Loop Large Selection of Color — Reg. $9.95 Sale 7.95 Yd. SAVINGS OF 30%-4 Carpet by Mohawk - - Artloom - = Firth Oxford - - Beattie - - Roxbury Magee - - Forrest -- Coronet Downs * KAREN’S een SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES No Obligation - Home Service Tweeds—Only Reg. $9.95 Sale *6.95° Yd. Eden Glen by Downs Only 2 Rolls Left | Reg. $9.95 Sale *6.95 Yd. ‘Harbor View . 100% Acrilan by Magee All Wool Texture Tradewinds by Mohawk ‘Drop Color Only” _ Reg. $11.93 ‘Sale 58.95 Yd. Reg. $12.95 Sale *9.95 ¥d.\ © ~ Heavy Wool Scroll 30% Nylon Added for Lasting ° Wear Reg. $13.95 Sale °9. 40 Yd. Viscose Tweed Reg. $4.95 Sale *, 99 Yd. FLOOR COVERING % 4528 Dixie Highway—Drayton Plains end and Friday 9: 200 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.—Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9:00 to 6 p.m. — Saturday 9 ath. to 5:30 p.m. ‘FREE PARKING in Rear and Front of. Store — ‘oh 3 3-4109 . a OR - 3.2100 Fd 100% Wool Wilton %-80% and MORE! HURRY, SHOP TODAY! mee es ahee NOTHING DOWN 36 MONTHS TO PAY | All Wool Loop Pebble Point by Mohawk ‘Reg. $11.95 mained _ Heavy Wool Wilton ° Palm Crest by Downs 2 Rolls Only Reg. $12.95. Sale *8.95 Yd. \ \ All Wool Loop 1 Roll Only’ * Reg: $6.95 “S Sale *3.95 va | tgaia and again they have submarine equipment or ing for oil below the Baltic’s floor: Bath ruled out te pesaibility of earthquakes. Sermons Humiliating, Wife Given Divorce LONDON _ (AP)—A judge grant- divorce The judge gave no details of the sermons. AUBURN 5 and 10 SPECIALS Plastic Laundry Baskets 9 _ Bu. Size? Reg. $1.98. . ree "Sponge Mope qf | astic Dish Pans Reg. $1.19 alate Tadd oF eee ed = KLEENEX: ee SPACIOUS PREE PARKING 5 and 10 1 Block East of Eest Sivd. “4/$1.00 Sige foie FREL I “Magikane” ims 9400 4 WESTERN RIDERs JEANS. Z ‘Of 13% 02. Sahforized coarse-weave $7 ‘Lien Store, Pontiac Karbel’s, Utice Jacobson’s, Birmingham Extra Special 2422628 House Including All Siding . . Choice of a NO MONEY DOWN > FH. K. 60 Months to Pay FIRST PAYMENT JULY At your seorest dealer listed here: _ Doylight Dept. Store, Holly Polewach Store, Marlette, | Bad Axe, Sandusky, ' Richmond, Harbor Beach ere Mt. Clemens Lee’s, Romeo automatic electric water heater __ Keeps hotter water always on tap error eDison’s sure suerty Paws ‘ makes a Lochinvar electric. water heater even - more efficient. You'lt have alf the hot water you want for all the family’s needs—24 hours a day, for an operating cost as low as $3.88 a month. Ask Edison how this water heating service, combined with a new-Lochinvar electric water heater, can mean hot water aplenty round the clock. SEIT NT SETAE Paka = aoe “Z. FAST HOT WATER DELIVERY —Powerfu! heating units, plus ample storage, provide @ ready reservoir of hot « baal times. Plenty for baths, imaoery, dishes and ds. 2. WRAP-AROUND HEATING UNITS—Spread heat eventy around tank wall for fast, efficient absorption by the” water, High wattage heating units assure fast recovery. 3. SHAP-ACTION THERMOSTATS—Extremely sensitive | Ted" hot! changes. ome action control holds water at t! 4. EXTRA-HEAVY STEEL TANK—High-quality copper- ~ bearing steel, galvanized inside and out with an extra thick coating of virgin zinc. 6. ang JACKET—With a gleaming peecilaiing white 6. wears Gk Gcatiies © Fiberglas insula- ton Bibahath Wo nti Tank. ots heat infor top of oo se economy. Outside casing always cool te 7. INSTALL ANYWHERE—No five or nearby chimney required. Place the hentes where, YOU want it. s (OF WOT...6ET ALOT.s.6ET A fochinoar our OPERATORS - ON DUTY (24 HOURS A DAY CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES CONSTRUCTION CO me ie - . i Be f by DAN VALENTUE ) SALT LAKE CITY (NEA)—Take * gue @t Netied pipes, add an Bssortment of wires, - wheels, Walves and pedals, wrap them to- ; aft Lalo Grecaeve bene i had ‘seen its for LAWRENCE BRAY; He’s mas. ———— mess of wood, leather, | a i. Many of the pipes” ‘were bent and broken, wires,' poherls and valves had been ripped OMA little dhecouraged, but stil! con-| ‘fident, Lawrence stored the mess fm an abandoned chicken coop) owned by his uncle, and began) resurrecting the instrument. It took Lawrence two years but the instrument finally gave forth | its first tune. o It sounded all right,’’ Lawrence | admits, “but I wanted more vol-: ume, more intensity.” ‘ §S8@ he started organ-hunting again. Lack was with him. He eame across a battered organ in * am abandoned theater. ft, too, went to the chicken coop. Later, he added another old organ and an assortment of parts. Lawrence started to fit all the new parts into the giant musical jig-saw puzzle. Some didn't match. They had to be hand-shaped, prac. | tically made over again. And he discovered he didn’t have | a place for the new enlarged in-| strument. He bought the chicken | coop and built a second story on it. Finally, the organ, was com- pleted, without -a doubt the largest home-made organ in the world. Experts claim it is one of the most complete musica! instruments ever built. The Bray organ has an audio) { Ancient Crete Ahead of Times Kept Written Records, | Paid in Coin, Bathtubs Had Running Water | ' _ WASHINGTON — Crete’sNpag- historic inhabitants were Minoans. Advanced beyond their time, 4,500 years ago, they kept written rec- ords, paid in coin, had running water for plumbing, and built multistoried ‘structures. Mammoth pillars supported overhead beams designed to sway with earthquakes. | | Their ae? ao the ne. | the eis ‘eas was a legend in Homer's time. It was lon Crete, the Greeks said, that ithe sea king Minos sacrificed con ealie bat Sc uae ren man-eating bull in a maze, Then | the hostage Theseus killed the bull and escaped by following a | Smead sven 0 any esate ' * Minoans were “vipea out by an jearthquake, but their place at range span from 30 cycles to 16.000| Knossos has been partly recon-| cycles. The press of a single key | structed so the present-day layman | can unleash 60 tones, and with both lean understand their way of life. hands, an organist can strike a) The palace shows a vast network | chord combining 500 notes at one |¢ state apartments, bedrooms and time. courty. Storerooms, To date, the organ has cost oa were well tached witht Gawrence $1,200. It is val $10,000. s . valued Mstx-toot’ jars of Crete’ best olive He holds occasional recitals, fea-|° turing leading organists in the po Le enone Lanrenee vever First Three Ships You see, his repertoire is some- “THES u am, tte PASS Through Soo only tune he can play is “Chop sticks’’—and that with one finger. | SAULT STE. MARIE — Three s ships, the first to make their way | through the Lake Superior ice- fields, arrived yesterday at the Soo Locks. The ships, all of the Pittsburgh | Malaya to Charge Duty on Monkeys Exported WASHINGTON (UPI) — The Ma- layan government has imposed an export tax of 65 cents on monkeys, according to the Malayan Embas- sy here. " iieos exports about 100,000 live monkeys each year to Britain, the U. S., Japan, Australia and other countries for medical research. The anthropoids bring about $5 to $6. sad Steamship - Division, were the. Phillip R. Clarke, Cason Callaway, and Arthur Anderson. The first of the vessels to enter. the locks was the Clarke. Its cap- tain, E. C. Bagane, said ice ex- tends some 60 miles into the lake and is between two and three feet | thick. The ships were escorted by the! each. Coast Guard icebreaker ‘Mackinaw ON FAMOUS SPRED SATIN LIMITED TIME ONLY ~ APRIL 13-25 REGULAR *64* — NOW $ Hag Save on quarts, too! Reg. #2'!° — now *1”* (in any standard ready-mixed eolor) : GAl,. _@ Dries in 20 minutes © No thinners or extras to buy ‘e Wash brush or roller in water» No brush or lap marks be e@ Most colors cover in 1 coat © Goes on twice as fast as ordinary paint © Touch-ups won't show @ Use in kitchens, baths; basement e You can wash or SCOUR it ._wallls, too - » No unpleasant odor “© 202 decorator colors’ W. N. McCANDLESS Quality Floorcoverings . 10N. Perry” FE 2-1026 Open Monday and Fridey Nights. ‘til 9 HEIN PRIC CES) CLOBBERED) F @ Nylon and Plastic OCCASIONAL CHAIR: ~ For Use in Any Room ® — of 2 "Ns CLEARANCE Reg. $34.50 SWIVEL CHAIR Covered in long wearing, durable nylon fabric. Out they go at... 2... ee eee. Reg. $69.00 LADIES’ LOUNCE CHAIR. Boltofiex. A small chair covered in white Reg. $69.00 OCCASIONAL CHAIR Decorator styling by Valentine Seaver. Walnut legs, button back ........ abC0NE Cie Die cts Reg. $69.95 SWIVEL ROCKER. Just the chair for TV viewing. Beige and brown combination. One only at ....... Reg. $59.95 DANISH MODERN lounge chair. Solid walnut frame. Choice of black ‘or white Naugahyde ............ Rez. $79.95 MODERN Hi! BACK LOUNGE. Button tufted foam rubber seat and back. Choice of colors ........... veee Reg. $109.95 SWIVEL ROCKER. Solid foam rubber, Nylon fabric. Never before at such a low price .... loose cushion, pillow back, foam rubber. 73.00 me $119.95 LOUNGE CHAIR. styling, qripie sist mee "Tansee Ph 1% s-Fepencl Bt ee ae) ee i Ce ee ee ee ae | ey ABOVE LISTING JUST A SAMPLE OF THE MANY FINE CHAIRS ON DISPLAY. COME ON IN—SHOP AND SAVE $$$ ee ee ee ee) t past 99.00 aE 4 vat Slashing price ieatens are olways oc tredition ot iedern ‘pee but cl sale you'll find even greater dollar saving values. The variety is wide, a purchase es gee known products at incredible savings. Shop early sad save! 5 i eae our Be. presents a A wondrous — ° Der, a seiccionst SMDGS | | xiv Styles, Colors, and up e Compare : and Designs. at $89.00 ODDS AND ENDS Reg. $18 to $24 Mahogany Dining Room, Cha Limited Stock . 2.0.2. .cscciviveses NOW 00 $109.00 Drexel Dining Room Teble. 7" Wheat Finish—New ....6...5.. .. .NOW $10.00 Reg. $300.00 Used Tuxedo Style Sofe. __ A Trade-In. Cash and Carry. .......NOW $15.00 Reg. $59.50 Limed Oak Desk. Formica Top, No-Mar Sides and. Front........... NOW $30.00 Reg. $119.00 Sleep Lounge. Foam Rubber. . -Cushions—Soiled _. ness eaineeee .NOW $48.00 Reg. $89.95 Sleep iedige in Breathable es Fabric. All Washable NOW $49.00° Reg. $189.00 Drexel China Cabinet. Discontinued Piece. Today's Living Group. .:..... NOW $70.00 Reg. $219.00 Hide-A-Bed by Nationally Known Manufacturer. Choice of Colors, Full Size Innerspring Mattress ...... «+2++.. NOW $149.00 POLYETHYLENE . WASTE BASKET ee eo eee ee ee EARLY AMERICAN SBALKROANS oy" eal e is o- ; 15” H c ok ‘cs. C Preteweed Hag C474 © Reg. stone Sameera hc ane be a? UNITS fs s ® CAEN TIOk DIFFERENT COVE! - OPEN FRIDAY o ond MONDAY " EVENINGS “TIL 9 P.M. ‘ ate <<” anteed! ww > reduced price, _ BEDDING SPECIALS! Choose from the most famous pa Names in the bedding industry. All 4 Nationally advertised, all fully guor- too Innerspring Mattress $26.00 ieso Innerspring Mattress $34.00 Es‘io Innerspring. Mattress $39.00 , Bet, Innerspring Mattress, $46.00 | | ¢ ¥ Durerent ie £¢;, Innerspring Mattress $54.00 “Most units full or twin ’sizes. Most have matching box springs a at the same INNERSPRING MATTRESS a2 949M Twin Sixe @ Cash and FLOWER SEEDS 4 2.75 Vatee ais Fall iA USE OUR BUDGET ‘PLAN—2 YEARS TO PAY! BREAKFAST and DINING ROOM SUITES A wide variety of fine metal and wood dining furniture to fit all your needs at FANTASTIC SAVINGS! Fg $69.50 5-Pc. DINETTE—Plastic top, head sreet table $ La Res. with 4 matching, washable plastic chairs 38 Reg. $119.00 7-Pc. BREAKFAST Aha org formica topped ef 4" table with 6 companion chairs. Must be seen Reg. $189.00 5-Pc. DECORATOR DESIGN—Round table, ‘- and four chairs by Virtue, You save more than % seus mere roe mine or eee 190 24" : Reg. $429.00 7-Pe. DINING ROOM SUITE-—Modern design includes china, buffet, table; and 4 matching se and hundreds of similar savings in forniture and accessories for every room in your home. Limited queniities ... . many one of ¢ ns x First come, fifat served. WE SELL BRAND NAMES ° eee eee tet enee eee eeeeenee ‘* hha l atta imal ie it ie as Lt eg fi Me FOR LESS! BUDGET TERMS! ! - jac | With eoch Saeieas Mowe we = wie en Tiger gome ee JACOESE uber Tired Lawn Wheelbarrow er Steel Bow Rake Garden Hoe ound Point Shovel 1.79 Use Our Spreader FREE! We Rent. Lawn Rollers and Other - Garden Equipment AY-SHELL Hardware 650 Auburn Ave. FE 2-6506 Hours: Mon., Thure., Set. 9 to §; Fri. 8 to 9; Tues., Wed. 8 te 6 apelin gee i i rather than. squirts, a And eacy time paymerite nai dk tom wee Gy cade wee ' for grass seed in the shape of a roll. Just unroll ‘B75 | 1.98] 1 $2191} oy Your Fertilizer Here— | ——— LANDSCAPE CONSTRUETIC ION a (TREES, SHRUBS and EVERCEDN PLANTINGS ee, SA ot GAO HARCOURT phandeceping | GARDEN fun ; ' = INDOORS FIRST — This spring enjoy gomething of growing your own flower and vegetable trans- 4 eaed hard. but how about blossoms it onto a properly prepared seed bed and water it down. Uniform seed distribution and holding the Once-a- Year Violets Avoided With Lighting By WAYNE B. SIEFERT ‘Are you one of those people whe have once-a-year violets? This makes them look great in March EQUIPMENT 6507 Dixie Highway, Clarkston MA 5-7878 OR 3-7924 all year?. Light Intensity seems to regulate whether they bloom, just produce leaves, or both. When they bloom in the summer bat not in the winter, it means the winter spot is too dark. There- fore, during the winter, experiment with brighter spots in the home. ' Uprooted Weeds: Make Perfect light, they get cal no = ICompost Pile Michigan State University to drive) | home the point that elm tree|'° America's - Leading RIDING MOWER YARDS-MAN RIDING MOWER Without a doubt, this amazing mower is the most talked- about mower now being made! In fact; we sold out . and we are sorry we had none for you tosee when you were in. A new shipment arrives today so we will have them on display for you to see and demonstrate! Has 5 speeds, elec- tric starter. so many more fine features. that you'll be amazed when you see it!” * BE SURE TO SEE THEM $37950 THIS WEEK-END! SPECIAL PURCHASE! 25” 4-CYCLE — Power Mower one boy ont § 4p We Can Finance Bb Cinton aie bicjete; sal Gade wigs. vlhiaiering “9 wheels, recoil remote starter, chrome handles, finger .tip con- 4 trols, adjustable cutting height, full l«year guaranteé on Pontiac’s Oldest Lawn and Garden 40 Dealer in Pontiac! Wond Yer Boy id ' r ce * of these ki hich be purchased locally. " ter kits fit on a whit aii Thie mieciet Serttined pestiniads yoda ong pew ae But you can, double your sate rk tak rot agin a eo on ‘6 Invite Spring Into Homes Meee has nest ine pat teas chy yon ot oly Ve by Forcing Branch Buds met, such' tah garden bt you lo ge some as. sett: caaiial gore ale 3 As soon = ———— Scott's Turf Builder —5000 Sq. Ft. -- Bag $4.75 month with an arrangement of|the buds are plump and begin | site Two Bags . ..... $8.95 Ten Bass —— $39.90 branches bloom. 8 . Move 2 warmer Spchtess taste ae Gares, a couse oiecar’ hit’ Ep hag § Scolt’s Seed for New Lawn Beauty ie “an seed Family Seed _—~Picture Seed . rod goals to take « commandin se ee a a cme he ee aet a a dONES Favored olan saris ea Eo —. #2 &. - faece May 1, bees came the announcement|in second wis wasn't even a 7. oe Rates ‘by Bill Harri aon eet wa haven't been faring too|#fter weeks of mystery. Ry. ted been ot Cfanford,|to Jo Ann Prentice of B went : : period before the Canadiens pu I since leaving Detroit with The challenger is here and work- en a one eT a Frenghtny- + he Prenhage4 co: on their winning spurt. | three straight victories. ‘They lost| out in Municipal Gardens alapolis. and Farb of Indian-| In Mies he LUMBUS, Ohio (UPI)—Mich-jGlenn Davis | _ Rookies Ab McDonald at or ee eliy recreation site on. the west|Club ilte cree San Boxingltiag raked’ in $5,8252 and Mist| an, coretions Sind Eastern ner oa dintwarte ox tadlenn Warne Dacetay’ ienad Por Backstrom scored the first two | : i ee ee [Club taking over. Assisting wil Suges, 18 second place, as won| iy champions and. Eastern|Barnwell of Pittsburgh, "zal nt wae Sern sa Purim ee ng | : Salemi cok ais tenjitucte ualtoe ochalaa mR ee ‘aie at yas mae ony ee Michigan star Hayes Jones are — . wr ot Fe eet des first start tomorrow. The left-|oliseum. in the|son fight in Yankee Stadium ati AJ(‘ A favored to grab many of the lau- . Davis, who holds world rec: |beat om Henri Richard and "hander, otto a goed eart sat Officials said final New York, June 3. NCAA Reaches _ |rels in the 17th annual Ohio State ad ords in the 400 meter hurdles tt ee Johnny Bower for spring training, had to begin -all| inctuding a ret contracts, | ‘The promotion evidently T selgys Venseerew St Obio Siatiuns.| EVISION So h and the 440-yard dash, docs his : , over when a sore arm and knee eta Gn wil be sigma the angle that kept a cloud of op Membership ene enn ores te ts — ew otet mike Gate an See 2s Mp. Jemiee Al shortly. after Patt secrecy surrounding the fight. Dickeve an squad for ; He ak ore mele Covey ott Gp bee pe ah named Billy Pierce to! The bout o . | After the switch, Cas D’Amato EW YORK (AP) — Member- ; "ag 4TH meet ts conducted on an in-| is Leafs had piled within owe pitch for the Sox tomorrow. uled was sched-| Patterson’s manager ato, ship in the National Collegiate! . Tom Robinson, Michigan OF [ : s with no team cham- had pulled within one 23 for Las Vegas, Nev., then | “fight in Indiana said the (Athletic Assn. has par ygers star from the rt ag BEANS pionship. But potent Michigan is goal of Canadiens on a : ee Oe ALT will take place ak an all-time high, the srpentation Jones are the top choices — ; ' = — to take most of the hon- pore Frank Mahovlich, they 4 ee A! D'Atnato’s positive alte, =. wot Big Tes yori —t. sey creas ead t * treal defense, — Mee : . ee BS + en . < 1 Doctor | crea at tl wae a rel Skee | Rong Pl Jobs et Bo cust tty ot el iin | ONG YOUr of (== =e Pees S| eee erent ne eal Cogs thw ie a ia Cte he , : and the sponsor that the fight will 2! the rolls now . He : tpl va at in the) next game Saturda, include 498.col- : {pole vault, Gutowski. night. y, By DR. CARY MID i be shown on home: television. leges. and universities ogee The spring classic, which has* LANSING (UPI)— A proposed|15 feet, 9 inches, ig ih awe Imlach was not : PATIENT'S sated er aoe cc ue Cem ee “eas wy aihantan ke leek "ST. coc, etares a, 77 revision of the state's racing code American record, The rari was| 22s shocting Chat drew the sooet PA COMPLAINT: ' champion, who lost his ti-|S°citions. s, features a 27-|was before the Senate ruled out as a world record S| wrath of the the vocal ‘Jeft!” e "My shots spray right and tle to Henry Cooper last Jan The association event program. p today after cause Gutowski’ be- earl 13,329 fans in the . denied trying to dodge Uarys with 13 mem began in 1905) The top attraction appears. gaing aproval of the State Af ski’s pole passed un- y periods. However, he refused 2 Treatment; One ob ths ; 3 || “I was registered at the Hotel en House approved bill would) In a dual ; been reall first. time we've ig essentials of good golf — or 9 |Ne™ Yorket under my” take away some of the powe meet at Ohio Univer-| gj ly close to elimination j even decent golt — is that the grip be firm and correct, besa. x ay owt Same ee iste’ acta: Coumaimirar. [lms ts 89 or olor wen ae naan since ve made. fe piavottt, This major point to remember here is that the grip with ~ The 6-foot, 210 pound London the House « lawmaker the ‘ated, world ee en ae. troubles be al ge agar i Son Americans to be cautious for an: investigation of equalled the Sher Ton unidnr took haunting =" before and it's still thinking df the bout as only | complaints that Florida residents |! 6.1 in the 60: record] Blake had high praise for e a warmup for Patterson, Give getting Yaqe track cledastonib yard dash on three | hody praise for every- “He (Patterson) might be Stones - event job pref. ey Conf during the recent West-| had ae McDonald who tle over-cautious, He's taxing ths ee Seite ‘ste a ary scored since mid-Febru- as a tuneup, but . s the choice to take the oy it . be might get NO Abinto ous Riis FE. D. O'Brien (D-Detroit)|1207ard high hurdles but might Pi was Mepoealt's gett tit When asked how he expected to |Cleven _ Wen Lost Pet. Behind NATIONAL LEAGUE ~{said_“Michigan residents are_dis- get stiff competition from Willie|he said, “ h a terrific 4ift.’* fight Patterson, fondon’ said to\New vers ad of Te, OO nmedieg: ee Chee criinaied aginet in ecaplayment oe ee © BE Tym champ. ee . “the whole gang came a i - Met: pete 3 i Muwaites .. "4" “G tog, ees jopportunities” at some Michigan ower dRcacre 3 ie tk. '" fight, the “Atnerionn wears Og 8 San Francisco .. 3‘ 2 7; 2 ltracks,.- : + 4 | hand.” ae either |Kaness city. <-...2° 3 ios Rages 3 eg O'rien ‘said ‘some Florida Fas «ge “igh : 1 Philade pont so 14 - peo- " Baltimore... 1% oe woe ae Se ple, coming to Michigan to work Tiger Woes Follo 413 U. of M. Ath ie Pittsburgh"... 0 5008. aM > Seam te months, drew ; Ww und 3 HiNomed Allamerie se easSTRRIEL ONG fenton ater be tack see P oly ut Boe ag en gers of the Lowry ee 4 om : All-Americas | Guitare ie, 1 bedeiphia, 3 ee Pee 8S ONii6 rar from Sowers Teen n baseball coach Don Lund @ practice exercise — and a valuable one — fix the | ANN ARBOR (UPD—Three "Scheduled, _ troubles as his former boss, Tiger aes BES DOCH Ges pide in your right hand as shown, — fix the §j|/Michigan athletes have been Fa bs Bag Solly Hemus Fined $5 » Tiger manager Bill Norman teas Capit. own, and then fold the [||named to All-America squads ch Rg ga ng ig ined $50 | But Land’s. Wolverines hope th | ae ) @isen by coaches, Def ae 00)’ vs. Rush 60). "| LOS ANGELES : combination in Eastern Michigan ey’ve found the right : AG Gail nak torverd-detadeamian. Bab ae at ve iran eae ee » (AP) = St| as Michi : . Lond, in his rookie year \ @ Bob St. on @ (0-0), s manager Solly Hemus was gan. coach, his initial ; year St, Louis of fan Francisos, 11:15, p.m. fined was! several weeks ye % ial game against OD Vs. (9), $50 Thursday for his dispute ago but then went i Deke . i pam, — Droti| Wednesday night with ‘umpire straight defeats. into a tailspin with seven : pan at ; ; at ; a ul oe broken by a 4-1 victo; a gan Tuesday and th ry over Eastern Michi. ee tal ainda. je Wotwarines were sét to meet the Hurons -” uxpars scueptry te OE igan opens its Big Ti 2 . | eae eats, 20 bm a wl lttrree-game teries pot faudlenn’ tare. weekend with a « Chicago Me, Hi er) 0 ae “pin. _& wire from National. League single game on«Friday in Ann Apbor opening with a . | ‘(President Warren Giles, [Saturday at & Pi on gaa | Abor and @ doubleheader F 4 * 9 6; | ee ; 23 ‘ ‘ £ a : i if - x = ‘ : i sy ! \ s : 7 LD Oe gee eke MN, Fe eo oh ait i ‘s Ue at Feo FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1950 first “Army-Air Force foothall ‘Weiss today regarding the Yankee NOW... is the time to fix these ony. ( (AP) ~The | ito see Dan Topping and Gearge i game is up for bids with four cit- Stadium and will go on to Phil-' Hes in the running for the Oct. 31/ adelphia Saturday.”* clash, | Mayor Richard J. Daley of Chi-) ~ kl ‘cago offered yesterday to mateh| i The game originally was sched. | ‘the offer of any other city. fuled for the Michie Stadium at Both Cleveland ics Chicago | West Point, which has a seating have offered to the city! /capacity of 27,500. But interest be- tax and. pay tee velling ex-| ‘Caine so great after both teams penses of each school’s band and} }went through the 1958 season un-'a class of cadets, Roberts said. ‘beaten that the two Acailemy su- He estimated the traveling ex- LEAKS in the ROOF ASBESTO PLASTIC © qt. 61e} LIQUID . qt. 49c} ‘site with a larger stadium. New York's Yankee Stadium. -eago,”’ said Col. perintendents decided to seek a penses at $40,000 with a jump of Mansfield $75,000 if a regiment is changes in | Col. Francis J. Roberts, Army’s'ed to the game. director of athletics, was assigned . Col. ‘to check with officials in Cleve- Chicago's Soldier Field would cut land, Chicago, Philadelphia and the seating capacity to 53,000. or Roberts. said '70,000. Clevelatid’s Municipal Sta- “T already have talked with the dium can haniile around 77,- Pmayors of Cleveland and Chi- 700 and Philadelphia's Municipal Roberts. “I plan Stadium about 100,000. * LIQUID gal. 1.48 DAY SALE HOUSTON, Tex. MON. - TUES. - WED. || APRIL 20 - 21 & 22 ] ROCKETS ARE ZOOMING oor Also holding 67s were Bob G 428-%” Prices 3h Start at Chattenooga, Tenn.: Jay Hebert Sanford, Fla.; Peter Thomson, SHEETROCK 1.29 Melbourne, ‘Australia; Bill Casper 4x10-%” F P Jr., et es ae and Jim i ‘ i Turnesa, msi , N.Y. SHEETROCK 1 79 . . Palmer and Middlecoff began the ® Top trade-in round as strong favérites to win x8-42." ; over the 7, 133-yard, par 72 M Our Used Car (morial Park course. 7 DRYWALL 1.59 rT tee be p arole, “Peles ~ ri ig 3-34-67 is in uncer need Pear "Ra, : pees | DECORATIVE of trade-ins RE Mee oo Bag SHEETROCK Call BS ee oc BS Cherry | a ~~ Goalby je eee - Pere] Rench Pine 2” FE 4-3566 Deri Bleoched 5 "y NOW . Mahoge . . van Prices Cash and Carry! |] : (te Orders of $10 or More || Open 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. | es Sze m8 4 a | . 35-35—70 ‘DELIVERED FREE! e@ | ~ Tepe: Read Al Besselink ; ij Al Besselin 37-33-70 (Subject to Prior Sale) ROT Lumber Co.., 3360 W. HURON _ Open Sat. ‘til 5 P. M. = Se JEROME OLDS-GADILLAC “The Bright Spot— Orchgrd Lake at Cass” | FE 68-0488 3 IS OPEN for BUSINESS | and SO ARE WE! Open Daily 10 to 5 3152 W. Huron St. Palmer Leads at Houston today. Paimer, son of a Latrobe, Pa., pro and the owner of a set of golf | elubs at the age o’ 3, fired a _ sizzling 6- r-par 66 yesterday. Middlecoff and five- others had ‘posted 67s earlier. They were | joined by J. C, Goosie, who shot a hole-in-one on the 183-yard 15th and took five strokes off’ par his . last ‘six holes, =—~Amate: = Junior Mat Event Saturday at PCH Placing contestants in the 12 -weight classes is the main aim of ‘tourney, officials as final arrange- GOLF SEASON ments are being completed for the annual Pontiac Junior High wres- tling meet to be held Saturday at ; Pontiac Central. City prep coaches Steve Szabo of PCH and Bill Wilson of North- ern will direct and handle the officiating for the event. All five junior high schools will ‘have teams entered with Madison ‘defending champion and current possessor of the coveted traveling trophy. The weight classes run from 85 through “heavyweight. 1 p.m. crowned. %~—7o National mark is 18.5 p—7| Farmington sends 13 to the meet. Medals will’ ‘be awarded the Ist three individual | ifinishers in each weight division. | | The tourfament will begin at and continue through 6: p.m. when the champions will be! | tiac, were witnesses. | Tourney. Field Dwindles “PCH Defending Champion for =: Mansfield Test Delegations field, Ohio, ‘are the only team from outside the’ oF ' Buckeye state to hold that honor. Field includes 133 schools. Coach Dean Wilson named a ent through a round. for Conditioning _|rtir tomorow night. BOSTON (AP) — Ted Williams) Afterward 2% of the 78 men en- Hay gto. Floride. to get_into| SOs guide locking im. | fur has tn geen Caters, per fan hk Be ae aa me ” . per- to in Chiefs, Birmingham and Mission to bern light eneroce ~ S Selene > deuce total Farmington Head Area in his sgt from feces down to its championship round nerve. However, must ae continue to wear a cervical col-| Heaviest ore pee _S ‘lar for another 10 days or two, Tmaee’s gg oer Pontiac Central High's hopeful weeks, pending another examina- ary Gaping 2 cone Ath. | thinclads today headed for Mans- tion. letic Club, New York; Jim Sina- | and the 28th annual’ Jack Faden, Sox trainer, SUg-| Gines Lansing, Mich., Lee Allen | Relays, one of the coun- gested yesterday that Williams go| o¢ oth Army; Linn Long, Tulsa | "| try’s top-rated track events. Chiefs to Florida, saying: | YMCA: and Yoshitaka Nishiwa- | are defending champions. They| in weather — >. The. ki, of Japan, all of whom scored | won their 2nd title last spring, and er would loosen apiece yesterday. : weather here is . uncertain ~e ithe | | squad of 13 for the trip. Only a. _ handful of iast year’s point- makers return, the biggest losses being ace sprinter Bob Manning, miler Larry Beamer, half-miler Rog Coats and high-jumper | Charley Barge. Back again are Jim Pritchett in mp ‘Arnold sary. muscles for a power game middle distances and sprinter- Wants to keep the National League AC; and double pinners Fritz Fi-' Palmer, who developed the neces-| jwhile growing up on a Pennsyl- hurdler-high jumper Fred Brooks. team in Philadelphia. And he add-|vian of Oregon State, Fred Boger,’ __.___. vania golf course, led Cary Middie-| ,coff and six others by one stroke pation that includes boys from Ment with authorities in nearby | and David Nelson of the 7th A as the $30,000 Houston Classic golf! nearly a dozen area schools, Flint Camden, N.J., for a new stadium.'my, - ‘tournament began its second round Centra} and Flint Northern wil|'He said, however, he would be, Defending champions heside Chiefs head a big Michigan dele- ‘renew their Valley rivalry with Chiefs, each sending sizable squads of such potency. * * * Birmingham probably will have a 3man team, led by ace vaulter Bill Alcorn, 1958 runnerup and current Michigan champion. Maples also have entered a 4-mile relay team, that runs this after- noon. Fraser Cocks, ‘Dan Reid, Dave Pew and Jim Reilly com-, prise the quartet. Other top area. athletes ex- pected fo ge include Farming- ton’s brilliant burdier, Warren Cawley, "who has been wiping (certain to draw a large crowd at. out some of Hayes Jones’ records this spring. Walled Lake’s Frank Fink, vaulter and sprinter; Flint Central’s dash star Ken Wat- kins: millers Jerry Bashaw of Lincoin Park and Grosse Pte. Rem Purdy; high jumper Jerry Gerich of the Pointe and others. Cawley yesterday led Far- mington to a 611, to 4023 win over Southfield. He came within. 7/10ths of the world schoolboy mark for-the 120-yard high sticks, hitting 14.1. Warren also clipped, ithe 180-yard low hurdles for a 18.9 = ee \time, bettering his * birecord by a tenth of a second. own = state! seconds. | * * * Preliminaries start at 10 a.m.) Saturday, finals at 1:30 p.m. Pontiac Central's traveling team includes: Andy Terry, Leon Prentis, Alan Howze and Brooks in thé shuttle-hurdle relay: Bod Richards. Howze, Jim Pritchett and Brooks, im the half-mile relay; Jefferson (880'. Richards (440), LaCore (220) and Joe Anderson (mile) | in distance medley relay Open 100-rvard dash. Pred Brooks: open! nye yard run, (sophomore) - high hurdles, Terry and Prentis; shot put. Charley Brown, Bill Pritchett (both have been tossing the -pound bal! better than $0 feet): pole vault, Bob Robey: high fump, Brooks sand Arro Carson: iow hurdles. Howze and Prentis: Jim Pritchett: Watkins will ac- 440-yard run Len Gracey and a company the s Maples’ soubd. includes, besides the ile relay: medley relas, Cocks” Bill Green: Reilly. and either Les Danielson or Dick Zaino. Steve Jacobson mar be another change im the quartet Per in the open mile’ Reid in open 880 and Zsino in the century City Golfer Shoots Ace Bald Mountain Golf Club had its first hole-in-one of the vear : Wednesday when James Free- bury of Pontiac aced the 170- yard 17th hole with his 7-iron. It was the first ace in 10 years for Freebury, who lives at 1389 Giddings, and he shot 41 for nine holes. Harry Coin and Babe O'Connell, both from Pon- ba Will Not Be Moved | A rolloff for the final of a series |jast { John } Van Managersa+ WHERE'S THE BEST PLACE TO BUY A USED CAR? YOUR FORD DEALER'S, OF COURSE! See your FORD DEALER'S USED CAR VALUES _| Easy financing terms , . to sult your budget a avi mb ee A x. be ae a EDDIE STEELE, Inc. CY OWENS —_ BEATTIE FORD Keego Harbor, Mich. Pontiec, Mich. - Waterford, Mich. o. | i “f i é, ' y, . : é ; | : Williams May iGo to Florida jam f for AAU Mat Titles | x ‘these days.” . Owner Says Phillies ‘pion + Neb., bad two pins to his credit, ‘and was joined by Bud Bell of the Camp Pendleton Marines. and ' PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Own- James Burke, unattached from’ ‘er Bob Carpenter says he has no|Boulder, Colo. Several others plans for moving his Philadelphia: were close behind. .Phillies baseball team to New The 160.5, pound division boast York. ed suth as Phil Kinyon, a Carpenter insisted yesterday he sailor wrestling for the Cowboy ed he has made no agree-|of Chicago’s Irving Park YMCA,| glad to have his Phils play there. Copple who showed up well yer; ‘Lakewood Rolloff, 3 Tourneys Big Bowling Weekend. Lakewood Lanes and Codley' tourney is tonight. Bowling | Lanes join two other area alleys in’ starts Saturday at 2 p. m. combining for one’ of the biggest, oth \bowling weekends in this sector ares phar y aleve wil be this season starting tomorrow. ‘Each will be staging the next to ae wenn’ of . 3 Accessories ‘ 4 - you can actually use the redecorated room qibiegett 9898 Hodees wm, cicoilate last year, but was beaten in o~ . > Irons, Reg. 6.60....+..$3.95 2 bee the same day with no armoying “painty” odor. | ice 1010 Barer a 3 11318 15round title match in Houston BEER $ Weeds, Reg. 9.90 ..... $5.95 $ . : (Ptate'ts 1000 Bower p “Soenrem I 2% Golf Carts, Reg. 10.50. $8.95 ¢ b ‘Green “c 1001 E'pstein p 1000 4 ‘ ts: ; fore'mes 9 2000 Labin p 0000 . ry . . _, $ Available at Both Stores ee ab ests $000 Henning oF AGviet: famous for Quality $ CORWIN LUMBER CO. |=: ia serss ; s Guun'p pees ‘University of Detroit fullback last Once 1875 4 Clark p 0000 fall, will coach football, basketball | 3 117 S. CASS FE 2-8385 Blayleck p bees 'and baseball at St. Francis Xavier | 2 ress 4 -, ‘Bromes"p ta . |High School of Ecorse starting this 3 - apa ——___ —— z A—Announced for P , FOE iT AIEEE LE AIS SOC AMEE ECR 00, Ue for B , 4 ol i walked “for Nunn in beh: jlante who went to St. Mary's of 2 H IDAY SHOP ~S | "Bob Mineweaser’ s fb Om: Pan’ for Crowe me ‘Redford replacing Danny Boisture. $ 696 W. HURON sT. © 3 “| Struck’ eut for Grammes fq > = - Walked for Blaylock in 8th: t—Walkea Doisture now is an assistant at) > ‘ i North Side Sporting Goods 2 tn wes Memes Sute_Unversiy. 4 0 e po g | Les Angeles. ||| 300 310 O@2—7| —— — ee i angeles 2112" DP—Orammeas. Bissngnse | oe ; Angeles 27-12. DP—Grammas., a . 7 . | i eee LOB—&. Louis 11, 4 , i Al Kaline—Harvey Kuenn Gloves | BR—Pairty, Demeter. Borer axes. | "fe Team and School Equipment = | re aon. BS Gt 12 . j 2-3 : * PONTIAC CATALINA.2-DR. SEDAN | Factory List Price .......$3014.98 Sales Tax .............. 90.46 License and Title Transfer __ 2.00 Total scene acess SOIOTAT Average ’66 Pontiac . Tradela .............$128000 | You Pay 1857") Includes: Hydramatic, Heater, Windshield Washer, Outside Mirror, Turn’ Signals, Magic Mirror Paint, Safety Plate ¥ ‘Glass all around, Sun Visors, Arm Rests and the Tempest 420-€ Economy Engine (if desired.) e SETTER By - QQ A tus WITH a BRAND New CAF Liv ceeceeeee 92,88 igs “a BANK RATE on-the-Spot. Financing ROCHESTER ciaen, ~}zone’ — the Emperor's palace : | _ grounds. And lately, men of politi-| No one seems to have asked the cal importance in the city have|Emperor how he feels about this, to the people. ae Emperor would be just as well |Sdualid quarters. . palace at quaint old | But. this is their Emperor, for! { + ‘The taxpayers are’torn apart ‘The palace grounds, says|emotionally ». They [Hina aki s § Kiem, aristoorsticlrentioe 2 6 hey who are suppore| Helps You Overcome _ [president of:the' Government Public] ing the magnificent pastoral palace Housing Corporation, form a “giant hich they are permitted to visit FALSE TEETH hw in the heart of the city’s only twice a year, on New Year's : Day and Hirohito’s birthday—while| , No longer be annoyed or tee! ill-at= _. He and followers suggest the |they " themselves live in tight, injbeen making. public suggestions|very serious matter which, if the’ HARTFORD, i 7 i = 211 S. Saginew St. FE 8-454] \ments to chew ‘properly.”’ ££. * more fattening — foods. {Advertisement} Looseness and Worry teeth, FABTRITH, an improved aikae Mies x orromernist=— Open Monday & Friday Evenings FE.2-0291 = Is Now Located at 103 N SAGINAW sf. Across from SIMMS—Next to” (AGCACOBSEN'S Flowers? “PONTIAC OPTICAL CENTER Ca wes 4. BUY DIRECT FROM — FACTORY |... TRUCK a EST i C all | ~ TRUCK TO BE PARKED in Center of ~~ S a 5 # 2 * out - rea ee ‘a b 4 f a es aes vie TRUCKLOAD ~» GROUP 1 TUFTED: 10-Year GUARANTE Prebuilt borders, taped edges. Handles for turning. Selection of high class dis- continued covers. : - Box spring to match—same low sale price! * Rain or Shine THE SALE GOES ON! DEEP TUFTED 15-Year GUARANTEE Air vents, handles. . Covered with long-. wearing, heavyweight fabrics. in: attrac- tive patterns. Box spring to match—same low sale price! Cash and Carry PRICES Budget Terms IN FACTORY _ CARTONS L-GATE SPECIALS! REG. GROUP 3 SMOOTH TOP — 20-Year GUARANTEE Styled damask or handsome long-wearing stripes. Prebuilt borders, taped seams, air vents, plastic handles. Box spring to match—same low sale price! NO ‘CHARGE for ROPE or ASSISTANCE Small Charge | If Delivered Pe ee SE ee ee ee ee ee a ee Na ae a a meee a eats ses nan aia coeadiil i id Se ay ot Bt dc re Fr Sein og glen » # \ i] ‘ = : ‘ee A %. 1 t ‘i agit ' te ee : ey : ; : ret : I ; f Weeene , ’ 4 ; j= « . > : “ aT : ; j : f, i ; a : ; ' s \ : te yee t aS : $ % , ns coe! PONTIAC = ae FRIDAY, APRIL i 1959 BA 3 > SUNDAYS 10 A. M. to AMERICA BUILDS BETTER and: ves BETTER with STANLEY NOTICE eng NOTICE ° PLASTER Ses eee es ° AXBVe occ SLIDE land and es at ree with Purchase of 80 Lb. Bag of 4x83 ail $1.29 in = . * ‘ e@eeete#e#e@eoe @eeee 7 * : : = eer bie sora er Vv E RTAG R E E N tal poe Lath . . . . . : Ye | 4 OPEN DAILY 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. — > Armour's Reg. 80 Lb Ba ‘9 88 10 Bags o pare _ _ Abave in Quantities of 10 or more z : $5.00 List - bag ° ‘ gg Medium With = gaageg ee | : $2.75 Aluminum 63 < oa j ‘| 3 Pc. BATHROOM GROUP endian Foil a —) - i Enclosed. Spun Mineral Wool Center : ' | 5 Lb. GRASS ~— f ~ SEED ) INSULATION Ya . ve FIRST QUALITY 5 D3 1 Reg. Re sss $] 49 Blanket type full encased with ~ « ? if Bn acce t peste bo mien thick, 1000 Sq. Ft.) i fsa) ge . ° LAWN urchase e r y : < : : SAVE2 se) i SPREADER CHAISE LOUNGE i LATEX S$ : F s Buy Now for Spring Jobs — Pay Later ~~ CAST IRON RAKE $6.95 and CHAIRS PA. L. re [3 Ry 4 SMALL berosiT A | New All Aluminum ——— 5-Ft. TUB Now 98 +g PAINT GALLON 4 m Plus All Chrome , Buy Name Brand Paint : STANLEY SLIDING WINDOW | Fittings, Seat | sane a , With Integrol Fin Trim s LONG HANDLE By 6 SCLARGE s’ PICTURE WINDOW ape id St 3! 9” HOE $2.49 a” READY TO INSTALL.... 94 0 rs : NS L $66 ag a ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES GRASS SNIPS | T Switch ............. 17 is 2 Desles Receptacles anew ants i mess 5125 CHAISE only $7.88 Switch Plate Govery oe 9e hed Power Mower Chairs 2 for $6.88 z nareaniiidaniniiiats 90 $ 95 BY PASS MASTER *$., fda p z 0. 4’ By Pass, All Hardwere, $6.95 Now $3.49 fe GLEAR WHITE PINE MOLDINGS | _*” 39” POWER MOWER | «'2y Pos. all Herdvare, $6.95 _ Now $3.49. £ 200 Ft. Special - : ae <. z 11/16 « 2¥6 O¥ELD CASING «o.oo cccecce ki Pes Ihe JACK , Large Stock ee - hk Va x 3% T. D. BASE BOARD «60.000. -e-seeees Lin. Ft. 9 POSTS of Modern Maid Bi increase Living Area Bis i Monte ROUND alee 38 Tee ecsd, ns Ovens and =F with folding stairs * 1 5/16 x 2 ANDERSON BRICK MOLD.......... Lin. Fr. -13¢ ment. Adjustable ~ Range Tops cast ane | x yn ae aane sees gas 8 eee ee menses ue i “p Reg. $9.95 4 Cycle 25” $45. 95 arity Q = (ie ee! Pee) rr ee . \ € POWER DRIVE 25" am : x is *. > srr 45 Me wn a ho iG RES Ba ui 0 Fey 3 ie $6 . re Me x %4 COVE MOULD sess sss sss tim Fes 3¥5e $ Bg ROYAL fold. E | Ea bbrnplonr-— pease um me} LES 79.95 eee % 11/16 «28 COVEMOED |. 0s. Jccssclssees Aim 1 ARCHITECT 33 oF rettees ae - : ights or pu s ‘OUTSIDE HOUSE PAINT Eo oy ne : ii O | OUTSIDE FLAT — SEMIGLOSS - GLOSS ite 5 Cessadiast ———_f id d i speurel joined and tie. Ss — ——_—_# UO FLUSH DOORS Approximately 200 ostlons, odd lot red oe . " = SS blac gp 0 [ recutas “Reg. os il * eg. ! ——— uly | 4° p) 0 Yo Off PRICES. sasss 2D = =a: Guaranteed which are posted in our store MIRROR—CHROME> Be — ! —s FLUORESCENT LIGHT [es —"f | SUPERIOR QUALITY Door Lock Sets | s "ae GALVANIZED GUTTER , | ere = .. HOUSE PAINT | #:. sv9s 4° | our < — a e ] _89 Truck-Loed Sale | ef 2 JALOUSIE WINDOWS Weather wie SOQ ca: ALUMINUM 29” | Protection and Summer Convert Selection | THRESHOLD | i a hee ass sliding doors seal like . 1 $ 3’-342’ 9 a Clas siding doors sel ihe POUT IPSSY, 4x8x'4 a fir 1 side ....43.79 Nor pisconrinuen coors | 3-3/2) $2 5 ane Z aes 4x8x'4 V-Grooved Mahogany "7645 CAR TOP CARRIERS |—31,, 31, i > 4x8x34 One-Side Fir Plywood . 57.95 BRASS BUTTS : | | 4x8x5,- i $ ; . 4x6x5¢-Inch Fir Plyscore ...... 6.45 name 39°" . ; TT :" . . 4x8x34 Birch Plywood, 2 sided *14.95 mee Acoustemetic | SO A B - 1x12 White Fir. 26x68 and 3'0'x6'8" CEILING |—S== ; SA E ATH | NG Complete Hardware ° Tl ie STEEL AREA WALLS For Basement Windows - ; L- | . Clearance 95 - wisth Hieh thine 3 Ideal for picture windows, porch enclosures, ete. for you new 37” 30° 8.95. 0 0 000 00 M home. Reg. 39.95 Saeed All Types in Stock 37" 36" 10. 45 “WHOLESALE—RETAIL YOU MAY "BUY BUILDING MATERIALS at NO MONEY DOWN and LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS “AS-wav BARGAINS | BURMEISTER’S i ry cd FO WY BURMEISTER’S—OPEN DAILY 8A. M. to 8 P. M. — SUNDAYS 10 A. M. to 3 P.M. It’s purMY’s 7940 COOLEY LAKE ROAD Open Daily 8 10 8—Sundey 10 0 3 “PHONE EMpire 3-417! for Better Buys! ALL PRICES.IN’ QUANTITIES QUOTED. Boma "DELIVERY fl AVAILABLE” & “It's ‘a ’ BURMEISTER'S--OPEN DAILY 8 A.M. to 8PM. SUNDAYS 10 A.M. to 3 P.M " BURMEISTER’S---OPEN DAILY 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. — SUNDAYS 10 A. M. to 3 P.M. I i j roar being is being used currently at cer-. It’s "$0 effective, company eéh- | by propeliors of many when the J-75 engines” are : tested HEY, LAUGHING BO a WHERE'S YOUR PET . ‘GRAPPLER Z WAS . HE PICKED UP.BY encepas oF DI YW Swee DID oRURE BEY A STRAY CAT “TORTURES I MIGHT ENDURE BEFORE p “AHOSE DEATTED INDIANS ABANDON GET HIMZ MY CARCASS TOTHE BUZZARDS/ ie UMPF ALOYSIUS MUST GO ~ ~ DOWN’ SAT \ | | henge Hl He off Ht i one d 3 Ik if : i man P. Hagen, U. S. Weather Bu-) Birgaigea oe e 7 . ‘ en. HEROES ARE MADE-NOT BORN Sisashusete By Walt Disney - Soy Youll Find Sh ay PROFITABLE | . OPPORTUNITIES Every Day in the Pontiac Press Want Ad Section Take advantage of this easy way | to solve all your buying and selling problems. To Place Your | WANT AD DIAL FE 2-8181° : | tia, sae / : " "I think Ralph’s getting serious. Last hight he asked me how much \ AS ai . ; _ ~ _ boots AND is ‘THE BERRYS { Metta nd Strieber % By Leslie Furner HOW CAM WE ATTACH “THiS iSwr NES TO WcKEES | THE RIGHT By Ernie Bushmiller MORTS MEEK IH te i PLEASE, . || 1 CAN ONLY AUNT DO ONE. FRITZI--- THING AT NANCY---) | TAKE IT A TIME RAKE THE EASY--- LAWN, , — SWEEP. canst THE WALK = AND WATER an THE PLANTS =| Se ad = | | | | | | peg oe tent aang ~ BRN ra — mA DON'T YOU THINK I'VE BEEN PUNIGHED . NO/ VOU , GEE WHIZ... I STAY GAID I WAS SORRY ENOUGH? © ~—: THERE T QROKE IT, | | ANT WAIT A MINUTES 1] LPLEASE/ -— . GEE, THANKS FOR TH’ NICE SIT DOWN By Charles Kuhn | O.K., SAM... YOU PLAY, LEAD AN’ PLL. FOLLOW Jo RIGHT ALONG / Apples, Delicious, Dil sernereereres AA.00 ’ ; American Tele- ed veoerasure .|phone spurted to a new record GSrreta to Mag sriesteeneceee it high since 1590, opening at 251% un renesessseee 1.48'@ block of 8,000 shares, DE Remarc, Mea h meS ns: Hing ta net gain about 4 125 The AT&T “when-issued” stock 65| based on the 3-for-1 stock split Turmipe topped. bu. a: 09% 2": |93, Fose 1 te 8744 om an opener of 25,000 shares and improved its Poultry and Eggs rise fractionally, The ‘‘when- aa issued” stock was still sellipg at DETROEE, April 11 (AP)—Prices, paid © prensiont ver gree Sa war ne ge Se OE capensis , Pas meee, Se America Cyne ued Chew. “ee jeal. Thiokol leaped around 9 ogreper hone points DETROIT, 11 {AP)—~Eggs, f. 0. b. Dears, cases jnctuled, Wetecal- cate estes: Grade A extra large 33: ose large 32; medium 27; grade B large 29. \TOS8€ Browns: Grade A extra large 33, large 32,. medium 27. Checks 22. | Total weekly of ae ewes "en 11-17, were 10.155! . "Denennilety graded: Whites: Grade A jumbo 28%2-30, extra large 26%; large 25-28; medium 24-25; browns: Grade A Jumbo 20%; extra large 27%-28: large 27-28: medium 25; grade B large 24-25. Livestock DETROIT LIVESTOCK DETROIT. April 16 (AP)—Cattie—Ssl- able 200. Trade om limited supply siaughter steers ‘ond heifers @ cleanup New York Stocks affeir; not enough ‘ (Late Morning Quotations) ; canners and cutters 15.00- picures after decimal point are eighths - 3. Gulf Oil rose about 2. Rails continued to. rally. South- ern Pacific was up about a point. Lorillard rose more tharr a point. Jersey}, U.S. Steel, Westinghouse Electric, Radio Carp. and United Aircraft. 7? 1950; compered last week slaughter) steers and heifers strong to mostly | .. M4 32) higher, some 1.00 higher; cows steady ‘© air Red 915 (mt Giver 45 Ste : bulls steady: most tolaiiied Ch . .1074 tnt TelaTel .. 96 low ¢ steers 26.00-28.50; mixediained Stre .. 60 ones & LL... 685) good and Steers 1,000-1,100 alis Cha} .. 285 Selsey Hay 46.25 ib. weights 28.50-29.60 cholee|Alum Lid ... 29.7 & jf rire f) steers 050-1200 ibs, 29.50-31.50: few Alcoa ..... ete Kim’ Clik 62.2 joads mostly to prime 1930- am Airiur .. 316 . » 335: 1.260 tb steers 32.00-33.00; 16 head prime Can... #4 er - 303 1.080 to steers 34.00. with @ head out/Am Cyen ... 536 LetD& PP. . 48 | et 12.00; 34.00 price highest De-'4m M&Pdy 145 LOP Glass . 1002. cember, low, good/Am Motors 38 ob My. el rteers 20 90-36.09. utility steers "21.50-\4m WN Gas 716 ie SI 23.30: most good to iow choice heifers Am Tel& Te) .2614 5 * 324 730-900 ibs 25.50-28.06: most choice Am Tob ....1005 @ Gas .. 43.7) hetfers 28.00-29.50; around 3 loads highiAmeconds . 68 ore 0 4A® -- Go) chotee and prime 880-010 Ib. heifers'Armour & Co 274 [Toy & Wasn .. 85.6) 20.00: standard to low good hetfers Galt & Ohio © 474 viecx Tri " 39:7 73.00-25.50- utility heifers 21.00-23.00; Beth Steel .. 521 srr co |... €4 wiility cows 19.00-21.00: euntrs ant t-\Goeing Air... 40.3 ity D Sur 48 ters 15.00-19.50: utility bulls 23 00; Bohm Alum... 2764 werck ....... 82.4 cutter pulls 21.90-23.00: load oho are - 438 Vergen Line $33 choice 491 Ib stock steer-calyes 34.50: few My .... 94 «Mest Ch&3 .. 19.7, sete good o00-100 i. yearling feeder ae = oy M ae 1084. 8 Ch... 2.9! cal we a s Mont Ward -@,! « Calum * a . Fi ; Can Dry .... 212 Motorola ..... & | Lodge Calendar Gam Pee 2. 107 Nat ee) |Capitel Airl... 22. NY Central ... 29.7) Sarrier CP .. 464 Worf & West 97.2 of 2 a eS vs BT No am Av ... 47.2) - Lodge No 21, F&AM, Friday c Tree .. Nor Pac ..... 51.4) ‘7th, 7:30 P.M. Work in PC. Be- (Sem Bt te pt 44 Ohio On... 413) ree, Leslie L. Hotchkiss, W.M. Cities Svc |. 898 ton i wt Clark Equip .. 66 RR. 177) . B ° f uett oe 8 ree aw ae. 5) Fs + DO4 penn Epi ... 52 | - NewsinBrief esis iss Reg ‘Sen Edie | g3.g@ Cemmey. JC ...108.4) Miguel Castro, 23, of 467 Cole- Son x Gas 2 Pepsi Colm... 30.6) rado St., waived examiriation On. Zont Bek . Si bg oe a breaking and entering charge con Can 46 «Phill Pet. 512 before Municipal Judge Maurice Cont Cop & 8 ae ee ed ¥. Finnegan and will be arraigned | Cont Of... 46 Repub &! ... 18 in Oaktapd County Circuit Court |2ppey, Boe - 287 Rex ere °° gt . Bond $500. sertis Pub ‘2 Jaa Rey Tod |\..1604! April 27 was set at ub». 134 Rea eft ny George’s Market, 1022 Baldwin 3° 245,,, ° $22 Stfomey 0.383) Ave., was broken into, it was re |2ou8. a. tee = corre Mt ag ported te Pontiac Police yesterday. bo rent 74 STES 11, 12, Be Thieves took 15 cartons of cigar- id 4 simmons East Kod Nw 75.6 Ginclair .... oe ettes, Ais trom a.bis in the tore. (22 ae 4, Boceny sg aiden 4) UB 4... . ub r and $34.75 from in the store. r Rad... 215 Sou Ry... 567, cello ... 412 @perry Ra . 36 Juanita Swift, 28, of 392 Howard eaird Mor .. 43 Std Oil el McNeil St., was sentenced to 30 Sivestone | 1442 Qtd Ol Ind. days in jail yesterday for soliciting Ferd get ears Seren, 7 . 4 an act of prostitution. She was ru Je lore * Bun om lee zt . Jardner Den . 52.6 Swift & : found guilty in a trial before Mu Sen wee ee eee OE Freed nicipal Judge Cecil McCallum. Jen Elec .... 824 Tex G Sul 233, ae te Fe ees | Harry Phillips; 39, of 76%; Branch 22° Us", trans WAIT. 218. St., received a 30-day jail sentence Gen Taz ... 71 Tremeamer 20.4 from Municipal Judge Cecil Mc- cen ne wren On Carbide 137 2| Callum yesterday after being found Gspeseo 7S pie air Lin | 384 guilty of aiding and abetting an Joebel_ Br ‘“" "¢ Unit Aire. . 612 illegal liquor sale. . noo aioe ae — elle eh Sam Oe rah Paige... 3.1°Uvjohn of Kal 45.2, Eugene English, 48, of 30 Deland 3: No By... 94 Ds Lines 24.3) Ct., pleaded guilty to drunk driving $37"On* "sia US Stee a this morning before Municipal tome Stk . . 1946 » To : Van Real |... 265 Judge Cecil McCallum and wasintenc a Walgreen ss. fined $100 or 20 days in jail. (ie Pana ou aa West ne a1 wees 441 eaig . Closing Out Boys Department., interlak ‘ss ae 263 White Mot . 486 We are helving our Northern. ‘Int Bus Mch .§97. Wilson & Co 392 Stores Out their Boys’ De- iB! Bary .... &4 Woolworth |... 38 Int Nick ... ** 92 Yale & Toe 33.2; partments. Here are Famousint Paper ....1204 Zenith Rad 2684 Brand names at Wonderful Sav-. gieceess McNally’s Men's Wear, 106 | aginaw. "adv STOCK AVERAGES NEW YORK— (Compiled by the As-) Ro. ‘sociated Press.) i Clarkston 308 so | retito! the crippled! Indust. Rails uel. Stocks| | Gilaren ape 17th, 9 to 9. April net change “1 +1.4} 18th 9 to 12. Clarkston Community Nogn today ....330.5 133° sage 227.4; cae ee ere aay et iad ee ee t m m : . ummage Sale. Saturday, Month .o. 324.8 140.2 101.6 223.8) wee K. of c. Hall on S Sagan feat ago... 2618 90.5 791 165.0; From 8 until 1:00, Waterford a Met- | | ase high ....3288 1442 102.1 226.0 low ..++--306.1 1338 96.0 211.5) ropolitan Club. adv. | Ite high .~ 312.0 1365 957 214.3! OR Sal 132 Aub 1968 low ...... 234.7 809 729 156.6) - Rd, Auburn ™ “Baturday April 2 18th, 8-3 P.M. “Spoisored by united Sexporr erocke Presbyterian Ch GV. igures after decimal points are eighths Rummage Sale, 4 to 8 P.M. Elec. : 8 at and Sat. 12-6 PM. West Seldwin fiubber "Co. ce. 164 174 Club House, Commerce Rd., across | Ross Gear Co.*.......... 31.33 rome: Sirsa Tame, bed eng ee TE ; owe! ec. rr. ‘*., i! 2) Rummage Sale. rd ge A April |Peninsular M. Prod. Co.* 12.4 13.2! 17%, ie pm. Saturday a.m.-2|The Prophet Co. a8, 006 Joslyn ©. ‘peveriy, Toledo Edison Co. 7017 ae welcome. i dias Guild of |T? bid and er ia eo Lutheran Church. adv. He sox; * PUBLIC SALE 1958 Pontiac. sedan, P855H7403. Sale wet erry nN sins IXpeit ies to be held April 20, 1959 at 10:30 a.m. 1 ir pe #5 ae ae | 601 Pontiac State Bank Bidg.. Pontiac.| Rummage sale, 363 Auburn Ave. | Mich. &., in gas station, Saturday 8 a.m./ Boa a will hold a public meeting in the! to 5 p.m. adv, oom corner 3 of Page ti init Brandon Township Hall, Ortonville.; oa day 9 §. Saturday |Michigan on April 20, 195@ at 8:00 p.m adv,|. This pertains to -the rezoning from vi garicenare: © to Residential of the West; April 16, 17, 39 BRANDON TOWNSHIP ZONING Rumm age Sale, April 18, 8 am? W. % Section 30, TSN-ROE. Pirst Congregations Church, Brandon Townshio re =" ° adv. ek ote Secretary Detee ives Ortonville, Mich. Licensed Bonded PE 5 5-5201 March 30, April 1 sg sale, ae 18 at ome, N. Saginaw Local Country Club _omoge Sle at. 9114 Win Cl With the two new states in the]. - union, the next presidential can- Fan Mantes didates’ll not only. have to kiss babies, but also rub noses and do Available — the hula . . . One be- ; tween a bachelor and a married Send business and residen- man is that the bac ’s busy | tial addresses and phone painting the town while the hus-) 22 16. PO Box #532, ‘Birnioghes, Mich., ik you back “wish to be contacted. band’s. out painting the porch. vat Wilson. - ° son at Oy oe Bow nace Zee 4 e All errore should be a Govette : iY SOD, AND yd for one wee pond ' | work Residential and commer- CADIOS OVER 30. PART TIME | ‘ial also under house basements. _ Reraj Home, ¢ ea Lik Talk telephone sales, work 4 hrs. We are well equipoes. Cal) MY . APRIL 16. 1958. GEORGE ike to 1a daily. Good pay. exp. not neces- +1128 John W. Caples Guaran- Fina St teal to People © | fit rg Sree We Sa | crane ; ai Aas __ ween @ & 11 am. PE 43476. _ A+ SAND & PINSH. PE F372. Iu rot Hotts, ap Make a_Nice ae en FOR DRY,| Pontise Hardwood Ploor Service. 8. Lottie M ‘serv A rance counter, & minor siters | 4-1 BRICK BLOCK AND CEMENT = tie Meare. Went t uw Sell days, W: Lake. work. Also fireplace. 3-9402. 18, at 1:30 p.m, trom the Farmer- ant to d¢€ p=. Renan Tas BULLDOZING & TRU Snover Puneral Home, with Rev. New and Used Car BSR BY OF bt no DON TURNER 5-2853 Willard Stalicun officiating In- : * camp. with £x- | ai- COMPLETE ve = Nagy rill ein. sate Wo wed ‘agereasive man to sell pees pe ae ve at camp. tee. Quality work, Heese. tery a Joyce Me state . Chry le Com 5 the Parmer Puneral “(pe and let's talk it over, REEDED — 3 WOMEN TO HELP rey oe aaa ty co, : Pe tain qroape of women. Age 38 0 | iy" 'rypE OF HOUSE. PLANS, ut S a ew, "1 R&R over. or part time. rhe ‘EM Merviand : 124 Oakland Ave FE 4-3528 EM 3-040 or ; — drawn, OL 16200. | hed aan sister 4 W. ese At Scie AES OWE EE WBE Beier Gert of ry paw My pg BS aft-. egy 10 & Oo phone Deseee. gang AE eement work. 7, Puneral Home. if SN” eaPEn Gill pete ee ae ee Aten FAOOPED. Bailey Puneral . 183 Oak~ ‘EEDERLY May. Woodward. BASEMENTS WATER - ‘and, serv- for to door can’ . OR {TER GIRL. ALTERA- Work : Beonet. Free estimates. ice Monday morning from the | 3-9702. tions to your advantage. Clly | _FE : mais Prank Home. | GARNINGS UNLIMITED WITH $30} _ Cleaners. Apply 358 Oakland, BLOCK. BRICK. CEMENT WORK e minay hoe 15, 1959, CANT: ores nk TcAtN FOR Penuan ins sEHION = ¢ saice tore coees WORE. * | SX” SALESMAN TO T cal gene urance agency, Ex-. mer L., 8135 Lakeview Dr. Inde- branch mgr. ‘Must have org celtent = a. Expe- Piste. est Cell after 5 pm. OL a om d *é. on”. ace le «1 and of Mrs. Grace M. Sher- es, marri tious, Write Press Bor 75. | BUILDING REPAIR. PLASTER- a # hori — fa mage nee worker, iste “mode! car. We RELIABLE MIDDLE*- AGED ing, masonry. ce Ty, Base- Sherley wit! ein sate at the = saniibie rs hale a “s —s, 4 ee for nel _ments waterproof ioe See wis &. eral Home, bonus, pay” “checks a ir. If * necessary. MIL ;* CEMENT P WORK. FREE EST OR Clarkston. -amatst 1 p.m., this even- vou can live on less n $8,000 a “SEERK } FOR LO- ma a ork. guar ing. He will * ta. @ year. do not not apply for ‘a | 1 day week. Some =. Brown Funeral . Martins- this position you are the oS ee os evailable fer - ‘ Bare Vivcnin. for aegviony on | caliper of'man we want, Zor | . Taceion hn Sale eee les? yt oe bs - € iT - sand Cemetery, Mastic sburé, \ Vir- tween 10 & 12 6.0. = mg telephone umber, ORLANDO BUILDERS : y CED aap: ON RESPONSIBLE WOMAN FO! + Puneral Home, men's ee apply Walker's “bpysitting mown ying sore home. OR BA- On BA _ 10a. AL'S ‘OLS a FE 48707 RUGS niture sa end colors revived. bg it dey. = UL Tita UPHOLSTERING 19? NORTH PERRY S&T. FE 5-8888 Lost & Found 24 Ont: wate 81 ene ‘Rd. Reward, FE 65-2827 : GOLD ACED WaT “Broken bands Reward. FE 28411. ycle. ‘a Puirment & Baldwins Reward, FE 806. terrier, brown, Fey aeuare LE. & Coolidge. Reward. UL 2-4507. Hobbies & Supplies 24A PAINT BY NUMBER PICTURES. Scrabble games. Backenstose Book Store. 15 E. Lawrence St. _ Notices & Personals 25 AA PRIVATE DETECTIVES Don't worry. Know the facts. Confidential consultation. FE xe ¢ A COMPLETE COLD WAVE $6.50 M & B Style Rite. OR 3-3471. Wil- liames Lake Fd. and M58. ae. KNAPP SHOES Fred_Hermat OR 3-1562 4 COMPLETE COLD WAVE $5.00 Dorothy's. FE 2-1244. m ANY GIRL OR WO! WOMAN WEEDING a friendiv advisor phone ‘atmng. Confidential. The Sarvation All April” Yeth : es fete ais =a 7 NO MIDDEN es v: Ny s ; Nicholie & Harger Co. eS a for ee He hanger at Hota beenties REALTY | Wanted Real Estate 32A ALL CASH 4 ms se at pete i sccatiaeis -aaialimiatialieih i idatatabi ORCHARD COURT . APARTMENTS —BRAND NEW— —AIR CNDITIONED— FURNISHED & UNFURNISHED 1 & 2 BEDROOMS : “RENT DRASTICALLY REDUCED— Pontiac’s most exclusive, modern West side apartment development. Beautiful kitchers with meta! cant nets in decorator a. with Stor Frigetater | * ed. Automatic, hea. and hot water (soft) | furnished. Kitchen fan master TV. — and many other fine fea-' res. 4 y Por a pontios — - ev waa or sec deporte required. dr LTS onLy— -|MANAGER 19 SALMER ST. APT. 6 FE 8-69 : , DAILY & SUNDAT 10 AM~* PM. Air- sone only. FE conditioning RMS _— BATH AND EN- e., ge OPEN Newly decorated — On avenue — Private bath and en- = SLATER APTS. angen coidiamiate AN eae blocks Courthouse. Hotere severe’ A, ; te pa seng nm one ca whic. Al, "hare one MAYNARD SLATER ERWIN SLATER, | §3-55 ‘orth Parke St, |) 1am terpnoene OOM BUNG Lar : = ee om Lk.- Priv, Will sell or ig 67086. ——— y ue wre with indtvid- | CLARKSTON, 3 3 ee EXTRA CLEAN, HOME ST YLE meals, 5-0377. 34 Mat thews. ; . ROOM AND BOARD “s, Fe 46020 _Convalescent Homes 38A wAVE VA Me RCT eo MAN OR _ potty Page rates art Nursing | = Houses — 7 * @iso 1 or 2 rtmeots and refrigera’ units. 46 Auburn — Rent Stores . 40 : ten ae here is'thp 9 ~ $25,000, or fp nd on ae site main with | tad f ‘Floyd Kent Inc, Realtor es ce gh ge TF open’ is re ‘Spscimeal tr Si and best end = owner. Leaving state. UL * 4 BEDROOMS... in Indian hig hand sized dining rm lg den, A. 8... ne Gas hea, atarcar arage. Onl Shae ~ am “~ a « BAST SIDE ~ $1,450 DOWN . D3 BEDROOM B a ar 5 room bengaiaw. gas. heat, tile basement, wu full basement, fire- rent, lease or sell, ber 3 small Biace. and glassed-in front . Peyment. = hic ¥ hi he r ig 4 which has been ren or FHA Terms 12 years. Only, 49,900— Why Lo eammaael ie? tare ROME. CALL \; Oax — . FE | MUL LISTING SERVICE — . HOUSE. Basement, furnace, dcar garage 2 fe Le. M attached. ‘ 2 +. car re sereened he Oat" floors, LAKE OAKLAND... walis. Lan rivileges. Price at only $16, * No $$$ D. Poe Say en oat for- sO own charm’ home with 138 ft AS LOW AS 8178 CLos. eee ING to beat. Pull t, fire You A ace, 2-car garage. Cyclone enced for v i R. a id (DICK) VALU Et ALTOR Bateman & Kampsen . BY OWNER iis BATHS” CAR- ao Ra. MU RMS. BA orsted, lake af Lake. 360 mo. Ne drinkers. FE CRES 4 room nearly mpaoes house shes vdbr's tones: ee = Deroy Snyder Lavender : 20 Years. or MU 4-6417 $40: . 4 RMS., 7 B ae? Lk: Ave . Al op } Dogs. 32-4200 a 3-4209 or “rome Building oo } SM. houses. $35 mo 22312. 500 & €. Col desired. Cal eves” th aed ; Millity.” Wiseayard: Ne cchoc! a | .. Nices ® - 6C i sh yi center, OR 3-3057. OOM RANCH lot 110 x 140, children welcome. si tal Dr. $100 month, MA ARKSTON, Fz BEDROOM bDU- a> garden space, FE 8-455. 30Z¥Y § RMS MODER & GA rage. In Keego Harbor. 84 Pop- lar. Pontiac. FOR RENT: ~~ §EMI - BASEME NT | nouse Modern po gy ogg Lk. 2. mi, east of Clyde, Mich. | — et Oe epee rge home, 1859 White NEAR SASHASAW, 6 RM. BRICK | ranch. old. Oil ‘furnace. Ve ane "Ses. mo. FE 8-6819. Y DECORATED 5 RM. DU- ex, West side. 68. > FE est § Tie can . Me are r West Side cone Duplex $90 MONTH - VASBINDER, eas LAKE: ORION ; feat -sttracive ema}! store in pee 4 fo 2 a a feraiture, For sintormetion.call_ My “pani eee ORES WEST Ve Pe ou eh ee 41 Rent Lease Bus. Prop. 41A LARGE BUILDING, sy omg for beter owt or any ‘ype. of Pike. Rent Farm Property 41B 3} ACRES — ON US. 10 HIGHWAY. se Nothing Down FIRST OFFERING on this j-year-old charmer. 3 bed- roome, all on one fieor. 21 ft. living room has dining ell : good kitchen with hoor: red Ww - iy. painted. Modern tweed - atngntouss combi- : atd screens. prod a ety at $11.500 — per sae in- diutes everything thi sement, breeze fie e and only $11,000. b= ot 110x200. Need we say more? ONLY $6,900 buys a clean, a on % acre of ; 14; eer - rage yments less waa rent. ‘ex about $250 to handle. Let's look! oo ration. Dp on Crescent Lake. Vacant and may oe oeen any time. RAY O’NEIL, Realtor 262 Lae Telegraph Rd ot 10sts PE , TRANSFERRED @ S. ARD E ras = t von er by May re. garage, ‘ a beet, 1 eearen & bath down. + street, ‘2° bik. to school & +. bus. . PE 4.0608 after p.m. AS GROUP OF BUILDERS WE offer low prices through volume urchases on custom “qualit: homes-800 plans. We'll secure mortgage. No obligation. juilders Exchange rE 3-7210 or UL, 2-3463.| ROCHESTER — 19% ANN MARIA, Orion Rd. 3 bedrm. alum- oan fanch, 1' ceramic baths, natural fireplace @, paneled living rm. & dining L, lie Ss: ae fenced, landscaped, i” a aiflaighea ter poacibla ord Large 8 * e a Too! eg 3 c! ; heat. ¢ e, - 90 160 ft. with berry h, Walled Lk. area, by owner. 4-2618. ‘ 4B -ment, 54,28 so geg? ra atncar gavane sane, 100, PE S473 or PE ok. fy 165. ‘Storms tt ian a ays Pay ES ae ade are ai : REALTORS | FE 4-0528) oce- 377 §. Telegraph Eves. & Sun. i. ” —— — La i DER nished. * $8.300 ash. Must “4 a Fri-Lerel starter home 1 acre. c to illness PE 4-7057. Ma me _Immediate possession EM 30483 ¥ i pan : | $1,000 DOWN | SRE a8 PM, WHITE cd | iat. nee Oak) | On e Ige. city lot. ee ~¥ water ot, farmished i ga-, $6,750. ou minke terms. 447 Immediate posses | fiworth Ave. Holly MEirose 7-1382, sion. : | BY OWN. OR | Leases 3, bedicem, fen, disement, Wit “consider ash ter wr | bath i piracy walk-out | 3/95 a asemem” 6's actes. Finish i vee A %, =" Near Indian- i a 4 rm i Ss PONTIAC REALTY i is Yan es ONES | 37 Baldwin FE 5-8275 | 516.500 — 4 bedroom brick — Ell EDRM. 2 BATHS. WEBSTER |. abdeth Lake Estates pone 8 ong te rm. drapes, | s ms take bedroom brick ~ wa carpe % i | sollenes evaek” FE mm | $16,600 — 2-bedroom brick.— In- 7 BEDR NICE i solthe Vinge, — a a A gg a , ist one er peas ~ _bol refused, PE Carnes Ae | at. saa 73 bearoom rach, eens BY OWNER: sYLV AN Late | } beautifully landscaped’ CALL NOW FOR DETAILS | lot. et, Bronkwatee, dock. rm. baths—tiled.’ plus recrea- tes sien geen eae J. R. Hiltz screened F cam overlooking lane | | rm. fireplace. 2car City waiter & oe, Rare ail PE $-6181 ae, | 30 0% a* Our barg salesmen wit gladly show you any time. £ three bedrooms, ful] basement, ! t, gas very attractive kitchen with loads ve aM art aed sna of ‘cupboards. large fenced lot. giassed in front porch, pano- Down payment only $1900. ramic view, picket fenced eames yp Es a good, family ie? ot Lt . a enon oe. base ‘ brick er information. ranch home. | Fertile garden soll Opportunity | _ sents “LEAV ING ING CITY. | ul e per mpn 2 SIX-R Bayes. LAKE PROP- | ‘dios. x t is a HOUSE IN erty, Lt it is 8166. * ry — 3 BEDROOM FARM4 y on 1 acre of good ground. 37} Mis $850 DOWN | aa SY b ” 2 bedrooms. 4. rooms in knotty 7 BEDRM a my cial consideration jo middle-aged Oi furnace. Elec. het water | ~~ oan piSER BODY couple who were reared : eater. 1% car garage. Part base-| 2? BEDRM. NEAR : $60 per month. ‘Write q a-| ment, Lots of trees. 86.900. $600 $200 down. FE 28-2214. tons to Pontiac Press Box 06. i 4-281. ; . TF, | For Rent Miscellaneous 42 : to mnt Peete . : ‘ a, MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE | $400 DOWN. 2? BEDRMS. FULL | ent, automatic oft heat, FACTORY ~ 11,000 FT. STEEL | , storms, installation, 234 _ Pair- enry as os G A Y ORD ount, +1150 or FE $-0568. montir.- details N i Br oeae” te 8. ¢ 3 oo --alle gas peat, cheap, 772 Rd. FE 5-2063. Couns RY ATMOSPHERE DEM. GARAGE FOR CAR OR STORAGE | Wants ecnenee Pet * your pS i nee j ri someee SS. FE 5-706 or FE; ste slorely yard of future ter, sewer. Bus service. $16.500 . me bd ROOM HOME 4 BEDROOM EXTRA LOT. For Sale Houses’ 43) fj), 'xs..° Van ee At Duck mee Late, $1200 down OR attractive. Peer ag Ae ag = home ; and exceptionaly Ww price at | $16,005 w: terms. | Is Three bedri —_— with a fall | Stic Rome file is Peay Nees | peat a ' > yard 4 fenced with garden | ana SYLVAN a space. hs - you wine agree A wonderful famfly home, of six exceptions! nice livable rooms. Home in excellent condition inside and out. Numerous spits OUTSTANDING RANCH HOME BEAUTIFUL RU | BY OWNER 1 ROOMs & BATH, bedroom bungalow with on acre of land. down, $60. giassed in porch, full base- Balance Saag 46816 ment, forced air ail heat, Vineyard: RE 2-9439 You must see this home today. One of the best built and Call at once. anned 3 be drooms raped LAWRENCE ©. SAYLORD Count” week eek Geek 136 E. PIKE OP: work just about perfect. You FE 4-9584 admire the numerous oo : Bu in features for conven- COUNTRY ESTATE , ence and. livability, Pull Speomient fire: e, thermo $ miles Nort of Pontiac. Ranch oven and evil breezeway — = wih Mae woe’ and 2 car Priced + amall barn w 8 Priced (7 Call FE. 20458 for immediagn an $17,950, C. SCH CETT, Realtor or VACANT BUNGALOW $9050 RMS OR gicaming oak floors, alumi- torm = yay. Cal) after 3:30 GAs 8 A screens 3 — ae a HOME re nnay cares ved port, Utility rm. aan lace, la? 710. Excellent went remap Ra ‘on’331 é arte ai smal! home or trailer. , NEW SriSvEL: 13x18% CARPET- Soe, titted tiene un pinare 8750 ZERO DOW Ww x nm with pictur $ N window.. 2 bedrms., 1% baths. A large modern and attrac- Petition plastered and tiled “Nase: tive two bedroom bungalow, ment. 8 .. Lot. beautiful oak Ts, wet 853x200. Full price, $15;000. $6. plastering, living room 15'» dwn., $80 a mo. 7687, after 4. Xis¥, kitchen 10x13, master MIXED NEI 3 8B room x13, minum room, Fail" besees ent. ioe sown storms and screens, nice lot, GI SPECTAL privileges on Crescent Lake. », iM BATHS. spate} DORRIS & SON REALTORS pee ol Yeacre lot Carpeting 752 W Huron PHONE PE +1357 wan old aig eA = | wT ae eter Lake. MArket $3578. __) _ Ar a WORKING MAN'S PRICE South & east of Pantiac, °. acre. k € 3 bedrooms, Basement. Automatic | oi] furnace. $7,950. Terms to suit | O t or will consider small housetrail- | er as down ment. J IN CITY i 2 bedroom Large living room and dining room carpet Base- | id ment.. Gag heat 1 block from Tt Nn) school and bus. $9,500 with terms. WI Will consider & small house as ‘ men’ : B Woop REALTY. PE ? IMMA ATE 2 BEDROOM : & SONS home. 4 yrs. old in city. : Pent haat, Tn a ee eer eerae eet Or. NO Pere ne AYMENT: purn | BY OWNER. 3 BDRM. siete awe Btreet consisting of living reom, | .celence 990 month. MA : os Sacnng pears Oars tar e lot. Recr, rm. tree "bed "bedroom basement. Distnie tm, Aluminum the second Secenten Bos storme and screens, $14,000. rage, and iarlt a er. FE a0 DOWN MIL BRICK AP Bann: $200 "poling ig in ar | 3 bedroom starfer house with base- tion clean as a pin, central ment, rough wi luded. Rtenatia be sv geraaee po on ; LY $2,900 vate baie ana entrances, Pays with 3 cud, tiany cher tomer good dividends for your inveést- , Lauingert : Pr t $20; with | 7° trom. ger Real | ane _Enate, OR 38138, | | a race room homes | bath large nhecnee-dining ates, | in thig area. Large llving room| No . My and hen. + apace, |, 3-1906. three. ms and bath, ali! jp 7 2 atiwched ‘garage: Fe sade 1% bethe. Apledtied ga. | garage, + 3 } oeothon ow Sones "Sie “ate Gui r 0 xeS. ‘ . ic John K. jr & Sons _} ‘ocoupanc Asking rt 713. We at Prose Ph | Md ~ REALTOR PARTRIDGE HAS : $100 DOWN Moves You In so WHY PAY RENT? BUILT IN RANGE & OVENS LOADS OF MODERN FEATURES MODEL OPEN WEEKDAYS & SORDAY 1 TO 7 eth dt WESTOWN i Py ry - PE 23-2763 or Eves. LI 2-4677 2-Fantily Income § rooms ‘and bath do and bath up, Full basement ken heat, own, 4 rons | ™- , Black: -t couple. kep' p ate ah smel) heme in Drayton | ar Waterford in trade Dandy Little Farm Fertile bright living rooms, poy 3 bedroom: wing room, full b Pr erty ‘it i fenced. "Garage sma) tyre are and ance’ with ay oo. "hows Giroux. Franks oSale hey REAL mere 4306 Dixie °K OR 39701 Johnson 2% YEARS OF SERVICE tent to Gownhoon Pontiac. Large | lot, 2 car sarees Owner moved — and will fice equity for. quick sale. Prieg reduced. RENT with option to = on ber ey 3 bedroom bric a gg close to Walled Tae wi + ; { 4 Kitchen with built-ins. Carpeting and drapes Let us show you this house today. | | Bvenings after ¢ call FE $-2935 or | PE 23-3381 or FE 54-6447 A. JOHNSON, Realtor 1704S. Telegraph Rd. FE 4-2533 “THIMK!" vane ELSE 3 = gor A HOME $82 DOWN —TOTAL— AND $69 PER MONTH —VA TERMS— 3 | BEDROOM COLONIAL | In JUDAH E Estates Lifetime Aluminum ROOF & SIDING FHA $390 MOVES YOU IN $74 PER MONTH DLonan, BUILDING LO Buildor of National Homes = 2. 122 6 RMS. 3 BEDRM ALUMINUM siding. rms e- aoe! Walled “ue “ares. $2.000 down. $48 | _mo. MA 42951. _ FURNISHED MODEL ‘OPEN DAILY 10-8 MELR OSE Between North Perry and) Montcalm $8,250 COMPLETE Down PAYMENT 71 . gv TOTAL MONTHLY PAYMENT | DLORAH BLDG. CO FE 8-6455 4 MILE ROAD AND DECKER 2. bedrm. home on lot. 80x165. 1's car garage. Fenced yard, storms | and ycreens. All for $8,900. FE 400 R ANCH STY LI E 3-BEDROOM BRICK LAKE PRIVILEGES BY ORIGINAL OWNER ~ Located in an exclusive neighborhood of | brick home: acre lots just! seven minutes from. downtown | Pontiac in Waterford Township. but ¢ school | eavur Rd. (M59) at Highiand, Mich. 16x19 and separate dining L ith wall wall carpet and MUtual 4-2045. large French doors overlooking ge a patio and landscaped lot; huge BY OWNER MODERN 2 BED- kitchen; ceramic tile bath; 3/| room. Finisbed attic, full base. big bedrooms: full basement ment with recreation area. Close finished with beautifully tiled to school, on bus line. $700 down, floor and ceiling. including a _ Call FE 2-3833 | or MU ,4-686 large recreation room: 2 c@r, 2? BEDROOMS. PAVED STREET. garage, with 16 ft. cement drive \, Fenced back yard, good. neigh- to read; alumifium ‘storms and ° porhood. O!) heat, $500 for my oe a —_— oboe equity, MI 6-469. o ner on lt enue sks. sy OWNE, So MoD- ty Price $22.10 _ ern, On § ‘acres. MY 3276. For additional information and) appointments call FE 8-1784. | BY OWNER. ? BEDROOM FRAME tiled kitchen bath and basement, fenced yard 2 car eerage. fea. ocation, reasonable. OR 3-15 BY OWNER, SMALL HOUSE, large lot, FE $-6973 or FE, 2-3482. Partridge. 18 THE “BIRD” TO SEE LIKE NEW, $950 DN. aved street. i nace. An outstand just $10,500. with | WATERFORD RANC ‘cH ne You'll faij in Lote with this charming 5-room aluminum sid- | ed — ty ae with 1%-car y rr D —e aie 1 paseuient , tered walls. fireplec ti derail ya ne 2 ise tet. Wel Putian with fruit trees, ond ee en, Back rd Anc nced. Priced at 63 aa So0, Terms arranged. t- | FE + LH 30) open ” 1980, W. THe, screens ¥ reet. Fenced year yard, Terms to sult 3.300 - Lee fp * eer "aersine eas neice Wes minutes ne streets. saree “ote Osk ; s beat down plus moraiee, costs | emase PULL PR ~ Easy terms. a fan wee 7hx180 ft all re. . feaced at ‘can have immediate possess. he: a. iy repossessed, iY a s +e. oid. O1} fw oe jocne. Large 75%224 ff. i baths. Chik and redeco- | Olde bere. aa pe need — costs. 1 SPECIAL ~ Nothing Down Just | or eng casts. West side | wee tion of the older E seaeee | new roof deg street. Pull basement. oil fure. LIST WITH Us — For ae and ef- | ficient service. WE BUY, SELL & | TRA ~'We need meee of bof types. 3 ae serving P i and vicin €i L. H. prowl Realtor mabeth Late Rosd ve Sone} COMPARE Thie beautiful Cai with any home large rooms. Extra stool. New , screens. Attached ra po om 3 jote on small ieke. $1 ce PANGUS, Realtor 3160 MIS. Ortonrilie. NA 1988 | Nothing Down )’ x Will build starter Bog A on ei ir MULTIPLE LISTING = ‘WILLIAMS. LAKE AREA acedéy lakes oh nicely decorated Recre- hobby room. Price GREEN | iL AKE FRONT | All brick custom bulls 3 bed- —_ home. Spacious 1627 ie room with fire- sess Wice aded iot with entice « beach ow owner seil, Kinzle Realto: | on W. Huron &t. __If no answer Ph PE 41796 SYLVAN LAKE = Warwick hes new 3-bedroom | rick tri-leve] rafich bome. Fire- pisce, ‘al baflt-ins. 2car garage 145) ity ood Salers ved wreets, | lake privileges. $34,400 pen Sut | FE ane \Sherwood FE + 238. | ory. “$450 ) MOV FS YOU IN | bypenion. bat in "t. dates bedroom. \tri-level, gas heat, ement. of! Thace ieee lot, lake privile on ‘scar garage. v= price only Teo-3 edroem by ck sane $9,800 E-Z term ; m lake privile bo ent aes D FISHING & BATHING Nice Frame. 3 oms. full tase-| home 65 feet of take frontage. theut, gas heat, large lot. est suburben. It's vacant and WILLIAM G. $2,000 will move you in REALTOR UL 2-2930 ; i ee & CLARKSTON ares OTHING DOWN tr“ aitached garage "&, Vieece. OWN YOUR RICK | way. Ol] FA furnace. Lake privi- FRONT 3 bedrm Storms a leges, Only $2,000 down. en- * terior, ror, Towa wiring. matt basm't. | — tgs Soma i room 2. overioox - P&Z Starter | ing @ private lake. 2 baths, me- y paneled |i room, ledge TUNITY | rock ee. 2-car arage, $1806 Low Pgh payment Moves you | - forms. . . into big rane Poco 2 car attached i Semte. ae R. ivin 2 fire yar DoT AtTe secs, Eaccaiemt lot Sd ‘CLARK REAL ESTATE me finishing necessary. Exeel- | 1362 W. Huron Eves & Sun. ARTZ REAL | Multiple Listing Service lent neighborh ESTA LI 8-7880 or Li 7-30488. 5 ROOM HOME. TWO CAR GA- good condition. full base- . FA oil furnace. youngs- town kitchen. hardwood and_tile | flooors. Beautiful corner lot, Priv- | fleges on very good lake. .Com- merce township. Only $10.000 with good terms. Beautiful three bedroom home, | attached aga family room, en- closed porch, x 300 “in West Bloom fie Eatates.| Priced right. Terms. Shown by appointment only. STEELE REALTY 135 Highland MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICH L AKEFRONT nt rick Srepieces, 1% “paths TRADE This sharp 1% stony home located | west of town, gor | landscaped , shrubs an pe ee ae _. $60. Will and a dake with trade mg Gis a f. aenten eondition, ger ae ne pupae Next . Ra. level a r home of large 75x97" lot, wn or will iu lot for ing ice lots ol down able. —-We piel annie tri-| TKD MCULLOUGH. Rt REALTOR $143 Cass-Elizabeth Rd. FE 5-1284 PE 4-3844 30 p.m., Sunday 1-5 ee = 28 Open 9 a.m. to &: 2 = gy B= int adeion 2 NOHAM Wt Ma ra a attac Owner... ‘ > DRAYTON... ,4% PER CENT MORTGAOB (412 W. EE 4286 Dixie Hwy. OR }- 3685 | r’ Ra, rE “Bloomfield — Owner PONTIAC NOR N ts only 1 block from this 1% stery home with basement 2 on ist, ~ $16, NO bows PAYMENT ‘tor qualh home in , Terms. ted to ronan ed re on ¥ 13,900. se , oe '. eled den which could be +p BR. Select ocak floors. additiona! Landscaped yard, poi as drive, Cali for eppointm pee.» & fall 3 Be e Se 8 ‘nee on te 2 | Only Je Cc. rts Realtor a6 E. Walton FE £-0441 Open Eves. . pir, Needs some EME rE ” wear heals tar gare imt F eed i. er. bedroom. Union Lake PH der 1949 Ranch gas heat, foe. cash — baidhce $2300. ™ 3.6400 { 'NEAT STREET... § | ALL NICE LAWNS.. aitcnen . y basement—with large unobstructed area Automatir het water. ofl heet ¢ A o IN SPRING AND FAL Blacktop street Cemert Grive. Priced to sel! YOU CAL!, NOW! Approx. 61.650 down wi.l handle. 0—we wil ar range terme “to suit. Humphries , 8 ON, re. ym Eves. MULTIPLE LISTING —_ Vics SMITH PABSLOUS BAKE FRON toom héme with pl at ccucoanrs all its own which baths, sie s, 3 car garage, nicely ilend- aca fene yard, — boat bat a ige fe features. cal TION. RIVER FRONT . Bi-ieve rooms, recres- tion room, sleepin 1% car attached Le re large weil boat Included. eg AE dome. EXCEPTIONAL VAL- BLOOMFPTELD HIGHLANDS Attractive brick, famitty room with fireplace, fire- proof furnace — breere- Way, 1)9 car ga Large, beautifully idadseaped lot. CALL ¥O POI NT- 2 bedroom ranch -_ priv- fiages on Huntoon Lake. | Wideman EVES. FE 4-4526 ’ BUILD NOW 1 icra 5 HOME Gall today, Financing available. Pg plot or custom building On or yours. Your plans or i? G HAYDEN, Realtor 86 E Walton FE 68-0441 LOOK At 3 bedrm. home with car ated in a well restricte ghborhood, Newly ae Ready for amp, Ber fart occ gies. @ ey further t HERBERT. c DAVIS. 16 Irwindale Drive eee RAS Os Pree iain cae Aaa des - ee —_ t ¥ fief _ Fe Se Howes 43} " . fs i be va ; . ASSOCIATE — moma eae J-Bedroom Brick 3 bedrms.. 1% Sear’ Northern High’ $19 FE own. » SOUTH SHORE DRIVE third of srigieel cost Tele Watkins Lake front, very attrac- a brick home, Double tive 5 rooms, 2 a narooms. new, Say: lot. 4 ready to move in. $14,500. $1,000 bedrooms, @rge rooms (ie GREEN Lake rv. | *24, son Ss Nice swall home, Rew’ te fatisea Goring’ ie ‘ ois 100 jo. down. Full believing. . AR LOTUS EAST SIDE ; New, not com rooms, About 4 oid, wonde: @ work yourself & save home. Nice some money, §400 down. org 4 3% oni e bedroom Also several ‘ heat. Ga on Shaker Drive, off Williams Lx. rage, fenced yard. FHA Rd. We will on your lot or comeestennent. eet terms ours. possible to qualified pur- FOR SALE OR LEASE chaser, : Very nice home on ea Lake, 2 large OTTAWA DRIVE ord... walk-out. Sosement, “ Wonderful condition, brick recreation room, garage, $100 per . vi * month, references. center hall, fi int liv- LAKE FRONT APARTMENTS ing room. ream, Foy fomh 3te Dixie, Hwy., adults Se. Eeeetions hen and ‘A.C. Compton & Sons | Sid,, tapes, ‘included: 4 rooms and up. Gas = W.. Huron St. OR 3-414 —, heat. pate OR 3-632, On FE 32-7058 gsrage” Bent erase lawn Terms. Why Look? \NOTHING DOWN Don't! ey Diese, you're realy 3 & 3 bedrooms. Some with very quickly. Neat, mod- ar Ng — ern brick alow, good, west 5 per side location, built about & or 6; CSil for details NOW!! Sg. garage, » 3 bedrooms, of extra features, lake WE BUY LAND CONTRACTS beeen. venient to St. ine NICHOLIE es eC: ter Some. but well taken care... marvelous we e HARGER Co. of condition. . 7) . FE §-6183 ly nice al big family | or use for roomers or convert) bod Fag § sited "heat garege : WANT A GOOD PRICE St. Fred’s C = * nat > $1500 down on solidiy butlt ustom Built Home 6 room nea ¢e, tmmacu- ition throughout, auto. E. |. DUNLAP garage. £.... sTOM ER PE @-1lise WILLIS M. BREW ER JOSEPH F. REISZ, SALES MGR. +06 E. Huron 8t Eves. FE Contemporary fet bat PE +6181 68-0823 Butt 1956, marue lot 3 or bedroom starter home Walled Lake with baserent and rough wir- Only §7,960 renee 50 per ing. On your lot or will build on month including es and insur-| our jot. With down - ence. Newiy inside. Bet-| ment. F. C. Wood OR 3-1235. ter burry, Corner Williams Lake Rd. & M59. ANCHOR open Down 4 Includes costs. 2 bed- < Nios BARGAIN he room, plastered, wood floors. receiver. Built to sei] im the rh Baa : we. 1% ear garage. Lake privileges. rack will il now for $14.00: 4500 Gown FHA terme( For the Handyman. or GI nothing down, 3 bedroom! With large family, 4 bedroom brick Sy ee aliding = older home. Needs a fixing toom. Solid 10 concrete side ont : ” Laxebite nec’ Chee tc onomn $3,150 Full Price good piace for children. Older village home in Ortonville, ANCHOR needs new septic tank. 6500 down. LI_7-3800 JO_ 3877 C. PANGUS, Realtor DRAYTON wooDs, BY OWNER. 2160 M15, Ortonville. NA 17-2815 ranch. 29 ie pA ag rm. Lee. rm... kitchen, oven & range. 1% bats. Family full basement VEIS Nothing Down Kons _ frags. Om 3ai06. INCLUDES rakes 6 is & sete ee WEST TROQUOIS RD. coma. 3 mote, bedroom, ha 1 yms. 1% bathe i Drapes.| Weed floors sewer. replace. mt Ene? ecea. FE boanc” ON OPEN 2 BEDROOM, MODERN, AT 9496 FE cohretaay TO te tx. priv-| pany 26 SUNDAY 113 6-2904 MODEL at LADD’S 388 Cameron off Peatherrtone — * ane 4 FAMILY MODERN, LARGE DRAYTON WOODS lot. trees, oll «heat, near high An ares of enjoyable and carefree; School. barn ted, consider living. This spacious brick ranch pga all — & some home which requires Littie atten-|_c#s 22162 tion, with a full basement, mean- ing ample storage forever. This $9500 the most living area I have ever seen for ® home in this Wit bulld 3 bedroom house, com- Win’ pleet ot weet arcerens| Ettye’s Sate al Takei mic tue bath. A modern kite on wi family room wi | oor 4 of —_— space. A beauti- matic heat. Don McDonald. OR VAT at VING STATE. MUST sell ence. Convenient terms. Call FE 5-513 after 5:30 or all cial features. Bardwood floors and; day Sat. & sun tered walls. A 2 car brick ga-|——-_ e. ated on a hill with ex- LAKEFRONT HOME Saree: Ce 2 BDRM. PULL .BSMT. OPEN SUN. $11,900 =e ss ‘ LADD'S SEEECARIS RRALEY TRANSFERRED 4286 Dixie Hwy. OR 3-1231 30S Lape-r Rd ve sens] $0 occk, > pred, 2 berms. 260 YEARS OF SERVICE possible )_bedrm . large living LEAVING CITY. 3 BEDRM., SPA-| & Kong, Table space in eious living area, 2 baths. Bloom-| kitchen joonis0 ft. lot. Well land- field Highlands, 2223 ‘Sum merset ace) Full price. Rd. FE 5-3570. $14,750, hee BRICK RANCH, 3 BEDROOM, full tile basement. Storms -and screens. Venetian blinds. = other extras. Large corner 3060 8 Commerce Rd. MA 1578 3204 ay plage ng ROAD Of " ee sae ne es. oe ing rooms and bath. Lerge — — ag Ragged down. yore and imme- i . By owner. Fe uy _ for $l.008 | HAROER CO., 33 W. Huron Bt OCHESTER AREA — MODERN .- * 3 bedroom brick oane in desiree oo N XK SSE EEE once memee tc A 1 New 3 bedrm. bungalow with full BARGAIN! ! basement. ry COPPER PLUMBING. LUMI- BARGAIN! —_— NUM SIDING, TILE BATH. OAK BUNGALOW. LARGE ORMICA COUNTERS, FORCED PPOINTMENT JIM WRIGHT, Realtor M46 Oakland Ave. Call evenings MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE HOYT FE 5-0441) F AIR OIL HEAT. cated on your lot, come out and let us show you this new mode! at $8,050 on your lot. F.C. Wood Co. Williams Lake Rd. at M59 R 3-1235 Office Open 9 a.m.-8 p.m. $25 Moves You in MILFORD J BEDRM: GA heat. ved street, Ciiy sewer ater Ful) basement Gar- = bage disposal 70 ft. lot ree 2h a fr inn cr Migr ca . stove and refrigerator phe t 86 x 1 Cyclone} Many ler extras. $24 M per mon! fenced, 2 car garage. Priced low) VE WO 2-3874, MU for quick sale’ Call now and be|_2Ve. si ara BY OWNER MA ACEDAY LAKE rooms & bath. Lot 100 x 180. Fruit trees. Grape arbor. Fenced rage Almost 2 acres. force’ b 7a ra Attach ed arage. shade trees. House has 3 - asemen utomatic of] hea' rooms. 1% baths. Large family|_»ot water. $7995. 68 N. lyn. kitchen with built-in oven range. Large recreation room and Patio at All this and more exposed basement. ground level. plus 22 x -28 garage with 3 room apt above for easy and informal ue tamily—thie s éannot is could be ft—call ‘see porely ‘ee “ large top 4 BEDROOMS Plastered walls Hardwood floors, Basement. Gas heat. Fruit trees. pool La — i Priced ‘right. Rea- CUCKLER REALTY 296 N. Seginaw WEST’ SUBURBAN HOYT REALTY Gracious room brfek fs yours in this = “ 8, Telegraph Ra. 2-9966 mec nae. na pin tte. This more in fairs hae ith 7 reasonable term OP J. JACK LOVELAND ' Sat. 2 to § P.M. North Side 3-Bedroom 96 W. Hopkin? St. ONLY $1,000 DOWN op this epic and span 3 bedroom family home. with separate dining room, large vestibule full b ith automatic gas heat and hot blinds, OPEN” sigh (96). Sale Man on premises. “Bud” Nicholie, Realtor 2188 Cass Lake Rd. ROCHESTER-TROY ae, aooe ee 3 f car & betty pe setae jo tee sis. © FRANK. M. PP an 1010 Adams Rd., Rochester ” OL 1-7611 ann: we OR COLORED | tote 8, car e. Fey. WALDIE "re a6 GI Bede down on this 3 yea a ranch home Gt ze large “JOHN |. VERMETT . lem 9-6008 © ~ 9203. Commerce, RA. If you would like this home dupli- | CLARKSTON Pianied on 8 let 30 5 18 w seam, Dining 1. slo-cites Sonoplele whi siorms For only, 12/0. wit a vita “iow FHA Dt to- IN CLARKSTON Call for ceuembneek song Clarkston REAL ESTATE, INC, a er _mé._ Owner. WHITE BROS. 314-ACRE RANCH DRAYTON PLAINS A modern 3 bedroom Roman brick ranch home. Situated just across the street from the lake The living room is 15 x 21 with oak floors and plastered walls. pe aca built-in ov: = & refri . Each Sonne bas a dow lighted closet. 2 baths. Breeteway attached 2 car brick ierree. Eira pag 2 with . eeds ie finishing touches. B deposit. Bisel att OS 1 ACRE’ COMMERCIAL 140 e op M5. 6 mm ao rkstan. Neat “price is $6750 with $750 down and $60 per month. Discount for cash. WHITE BROS. 2000, ‘Dis xe —_ “til 8; Bunday 10 ‘ti $ with eanal frontage near Sylvan Lake, batn 2 oer arage, sik yard 4 made into a conitertakte year sround for some lucky couple. Of- fered Boos only $550 down. Full price IMMEDIATE OCCUP To this horned log — 5 fy "oe be lake —— shady location. Lb Toom and fi reo 2 bed- rooms and ray : be = $500 down. Balance EMBREE & CREGG 1565 U UNION LAKE ¥ VILLAGE EM 3-4393 or EM 3-23314 IRWIN GEORGE R. GI This § bedroom home ts for that large family. sot condition. din North East section of town. Priced to sell at $7900. 3 bedroo! condition. Has floors and automatic heat. This ‘¢ priced | Be first to see alow in very good ll Basement, oak NEW ; ' 3 bedroom brick’, rancher built for the most exacting buyer with 28 ft. Hving ier) wi large corner fireplacé. ALSO car attached garage. and Ma pole GEORGE R. 269 BALDWIN MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE SCHRAM, 7 AIRPORT ROAD bedroom bungalow. IRWIN, REALTOR 5-0101 14 4 18 living room; 9 x 9 kitchen, F ul basement — recreation room_ oll eat its car “price ‘On lot $11,500 on FHA iwm COUNTRY LIVING odeled farm home with 18 x 18 Hving room, 15 x 18 dining room ard 9 x 18 family kitcheh. 4 becroonts. Full basement. oi] FA heat. 2 acres of tand. 2 car ga- rage. Stable for horses, large brooder house Sev- eral fruit trees. Oniy 14 ard from Pontisc. Priced $ — Terms can os arrang 2d EAST SIDE A large 3 bedroom home with separate dining area Full basement with recrea‘ tion room and oil heat. On corner lot 60 x 125 Lo- cated close to Longfellow ae Priced at only $11,- 00 — Terms can be ar- ranged. IVAN W: SCHRAM 1} REALTOR FE 5-9471 | OPEN EVENINGS & SUNDAY 942 Joslyn, Cor. Mansfield MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE YOUR LUCKY DAY Mr. and Mrs, Home Looker. If you are contemplating on mov- ing within the next days, you must see this home. Owner he: for one weekend to sell, rent or lease. Brick ranch, 2 yrs. old, 3 bedrm., Lil ths, pd.) cat garage, family car- et and drapes, many o' per fea- Tes. Any reasonable offer will be accepted and at ie terms. At ed house; Sat. 1.5 . Sun., Rochester *punte Matheson Real Estate 2 bedroom tyme large lot, 80x162", are 000 dn., Sa paren eat, Enel betes, $11,000, New vanen ‘on - ae! pine finish, fine location, balance, easy terms, $2500 down, 3 hed . $800 down, —_ - * 4 bedrooms, {009 fc = 3 a Sa Don't aoe . Just at . SCHUETT, Realtor 24 DON LAKE ONT HOME ||: oot eat time to. your | Fees KENNEDY asoag }2091, W, Mure TOP Open Eves. FE: 43560 eine eee nen O'NEIL It livin —_ . nen y cupboards ay ME. g one down on FHA INDIAN hag ra This truly a merges pry a, yt full ortte buys this, love- bedroom ae situated on heat id” leet "and: fas * bets. Sage [ af uals’ lovély home $560 DOWN No other cost moves you into this lovely 2 bedroom ranch. red walls oak floors, a, = heat. N bus and {WILLIAMS REAL =e & —<—yr 1483 BALD’ MILLER iy oor | near Square Lake Beautiful custom-built ranch ing, ae and kitchen gt KR stove & oven. Th me many fine features to help you live graciously and com- fi y—such as 19 « , indi- rect lighting. win- dows, pull- ... brick , basement. . ~ acre " home only one oid and P Apo see $22. terms to Beautiful shade trees & I= own berets picnic! Good bedroom completely Rirolaned~farge Sewing room has 2 pictur indows, —— dining room, 10x13 kitch- oil jaun- ary trays, garage—close in west —< location. Owner is Ariz- and says oven —. thing ie for ' $8, for fate model trailer. car or sta- location among other fine homes opportuni home for $14,400. William Miller. E In- | Realtor FE 2.0263 1013 W. HURON OPEN 9 TO 9 OP SATURDAY & SUNDAY 2-5 P.M. Lakefront Brick 2655 Silverhill Rd. BEAUTIFUL BI-LEVEL lakefront hems overlook: living room. rm. with fireplace. Screened esha on =e level. Attach ly landscaped. Breakwate wand sandy beac New carpeting and Srantace i tures. Draperies and many other desirable features included at low ce of $27,500—T ire — Y. TO SILVER 'L RD RIGHT TO WALTON iBLYD. _ LEFT TO SILVERHILL RD. ROLFE H. SMITH —REALTOR— 244 8. Telegraph Rad. FE 3-7848 area. tently ited for schools. xricot for quick sale at $14,- WEST aoe. oo in. mi bedrooms. cy fenced yard with fish pond. Needs . but « solid value at $12,700. Ae proximately $2,600 down $800 _ leading into besutiful Cass Leake, w v' $ on both: Gon’ 5 Maton Lakes. You'll be glad you looked. RAY O’NEIL, Realtor 262 8. gutetenh Be. * Open 9-8 FE 3-7103 . OL 1-0875 TEMPLETON West Suburban $ room and bath, full basement, oi] heat, 2 extra lots. Only $7,300 easy terms. . North Side Neat and bath, rye 7 locatio $750" K. I. T ‘empleton, Realtor 2339 Orchard Lake Rd. PE 44663 After 6 FE 2-9503 WE INVITE YOU —_— Re real RAWFORD AGENCY MY_ 3-1143 Pitnt ZON ote COM MERCIAL f somenee on "DRAYTON PLAINS 7 room rancher with 3 aoe agg Oak floors, vUl- tra-modern in ev saapeet. * Pull with furnace. 50 Siro a real bargain at 314/500 eo — a COZY BU ING ALOW ry PE _¢4821 CPE, «S€-1187 BIRMINGHAM-PEMBROKE AREA story 2 bedroom brick. Up- stairs has heat & lights, Fenced $2 = 150 ft. ‘ot near schools & commuters. $16,900. MI 4: 42057. “BUD” Now Is the Time to see this delightful 3. bed. room brick bungalow with car peted and ving room area, tile bath for lasting beau- ty, full basement, with suto- ner, recreation space. mortgage. Your family will love poner NOW. 3-Bedroom Brick Lake Privileges Immediate Possession Get set for a ‘mmmertine - svimmi and fishing in desirable 3 bedroom Senuner with lake privileges on beau- tiful Lake Oakland. Like new GILES Huron Gardens Vacant—Move right in with nothing down to GI for this 3 bedroom frame with full basement, auto. ot! heat. Glassed-in front porch, also ‘. 1 car garage, Call for fur- , ther ormation. _Trwin Street 2 Houses on a large tot near Baldwin Rubber, First has two 5 room apart- ments; second house has 5 rooms, Only $10,500 with $1,- 000 down. GILES REALTY CO. FE 5-6178 221 BALDWIN AVE. 0 9 AM.9 P.M. MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Orion Twp.—I Acre Carpenter Lake privileges, § ri modern ranch, built 1958. S10” 750; Terms. Oakland Ave.—Vacant Zoned commercial, have business and home, lot 82x27). 7 rooms and bath. Bene ment, oil heat ,$10,600; $2600 d 5-Family’ Income West Huron Street, brick. Net turp over 15 per cent ments furnished, 2 inside stairways. nace 2 car garage. re- Parochial and 4 apart | Separate baths, | ew gas fur-- | ! [ W. Bloomfield Schools i Exclusive Harbour Hills, Cass Lake , pect dock, Brick ranch x00, ‘ooms, 2 baths, Rropbeees. living o ond family yr Attac hed 2 car wanes, Let 1 ws Lakefront Ranch “2 acres near Indianwood CC, 315 ft. ke custom built Lag ray ba! 9 oar gar on end yrs, are other features. $55,- 000: Terms, includes carpeting | and drapes. , Roy Annett, Inc. Beaters since 1923 26. mur PEderal 8-0466 Evenings & Sunday oe | large family kitchen with dining area, basement, water, “Bud” Nicholie, Realtor 49 Mt. Clemens St. Call Mrs. Kelchner 5-1201 or FE 4-8773 BLA ee ee ELAINS - aved street “scaped lot: GEORGE BLAIR ALTOR 4536 Dine Hw OR 3-1251 0 BE PLAINS os OR 3-8842 RMS. RE WINDOW. Breezeway and gereqe. $6800 — With $1,000 dow: arkston Rd, Nr, Baldwin, PE i088 or MY _ 23-6008, . ROCHESTER 4 IN THE VILLAGE, 327 William Rd. Oak Bluff. Cus- tom bul't 3 bedroom Co- jonia! ranch. 13x24 Sunken Living room with fire- place, screened terrace off dining room. Full gigs with fireplace. 2 car rage landseaped lot A'uminum storms and ecreenrs, carpeting. Oil forced air beat. By owner, OL 1-6515. i! ___Income , Property “43A 2 ) FAMILY DUPLE.X 3 Roos ddwn; 2 bedrooms & bath Saar ree: Owner leaving state Schue Broker, FE 8-040. Fr 4-3613. 3 INCOME PROPERTIES SOLD | last month. by our office: If you have income property for sale—cal] now for quick results. WE BUY — SELL — TRADE | WHITE BROS. OR 3-1206 3660 Dixie Hwy. Open Eves, ‘til 9; Sunda 10 "th 5 COMPLETELY 2 APT. HOME IN val Ges heat, biy priced bya terms. Ree 48073. rat 7 owne: of Auburn, Aw owner come Ria ele clue Sir by fre : : a H J t i i E nit, a F F tts & Re: 8 rg mg gs a BH with Thermopane window, ant- heat, sand beach with boat house, also 3 car with modern 4 room spartm above. LAKEFRONTS 64.808 down will buy this ‘round Bi-Level! home. beach. Full price only $11,500. WATKINS LAKE $4,000 —_ = wil) handle this 3 — ee mode! . beach. Only hace WILLIAMS LAKE 3 bedroom Bi-Level. In- cludes large living room with fireplace, i car ga- Lovely wooded lot. , $18, 1s0--Terms. MACEDAY LAKE Ideal Estate for executive. of wood- YS 0-0 . A..TAYLOR - REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Highland Rd. (M58) OR 4-0306 ALLED LAKE . ee, nicely furnished, Brick — new eee Ei 2 beach gaso0 full ‘pric * ae... ar farm hotse rooms, . } acre, across street from Jake. Ranch style ms, 4 Jots, Too! rena 4 28 es garage. Ov ¥_F doors, oe ond car- ‘ boat, Outside fireplace. ks from Pleasant Ease. off mon Snele os ond Be Halstead Rds. Only Paul M. "Tones, Real Est. FE 4-8550. PE 8-1275 LAKEWOOD VILLAGE. LAKE Cedar Shores Sites valiabie COLE & EASLICK EM_3-0085 MU_ 48825 Lake Lots and Lake Priv. acai Ww. Ross, ; Homes, Inc. Lake. $ ay mag oy 110 foot Ne water, Mace- F.C. Wood Co. Rd. at mutans ty wt Moe ice Open 8 8 pm. Pian Nov Now ae CHE. EROKEE E HILLS! best selection See the best of 100-ft. pate, the Select NOW to eu YOUR exact le ‘ Carl Ww. Bird, Realtor on tan Community nt Fixe PERRY ACRES TIFU CONVENIENTLY located on Resid: 490 newts Ponts PRICED sromy sane wi 38 10 per. cent down 1@ per cent Worth $500 acre, Gee ye core, Cay Cte. Come er, DI 1-5060, COMMERCE. RD. : acres or will ae. It’s cheap $700 sper easy 20 . building site, | furnished. 2 acres, wooded, 300 ft. tront- ane i sere, lake privilege lot. 950| % Bt pany. ¢ . tween 10 a.m. and 5 p.m te aACPES, ween aub-| GRRSERTET urban, $1250 down handie. Also. 36 acres. Partly wooded. on good road. A wonder- Ha’ homesite’ Priced attractively. nay 6-8521. Dorothy Snyder Lavender Phone EM 93-3908 Be aoe ent] « unit 38 ACRES . ly furnished . Located northeast of Oxford. In- frontage {news 1050 te of good toed trent: with : subdi . Ri ness. $5,009 down priced a be vided. — RILEY REAL ESTATE Eliza’ Lake . Tl N. Saginaw FE cot sa PE 41157 Open eran peren| SEER | Investigate tihis norm parce : ary. 1 mile from Holly. Priced “owners retiring. Delow market st $13,600 with ex- Bonde. cel terms, din ag commercial. 90 ft. front- 20 ACRES 2 Secetet Ree sts er Ge| anaes or Choice parce! for little fre, $1,000 down. Onay $4,900 Warren Stout, Realtor Ra. (sey vtN w st. . ee eerneoewe.| GETS TALK parcel of land anywhere, on BUSINESS” a ge = for Li Ba me or an investment. Big —o r Neighbors can buy, side by side. Ba sy pret, Mg Derk: Very cheap at oe, One Seve. ber man's ber, Sybetsi Yaa op veetsen ae] fare Ho Pome Se h to site. Di 24-Hour Coin Laund right % mile to site Ovoer: PHY 6 a oie ry ACRES 43, HIGH, ROLLING. SALES CORPORATION JOHN A ec a 8. rank foun NT DOOR west For Sale Lots 46 POPP PIEP LAO LA SP PLL LP Lt 2 BUILDING LOTS IN CITY, 40X- 120 each, on cane City sewer, pay 1 a and electricity, $1,- 200.00. Real Estate, 3-7888. — Res. FE, 44813, Ask for Mr, Clark. GE LOTS. WIDE PAVE- Bloomfield Township. 10 acres. Auburm Ave, Sacrifice easy terms. MI 4-1504, 2 LOTS, CHEAP, axe ON ROCK- _well oe 3 LOTS. 8906. Serre R94 gg oe Twp. FE tate ford TN ) § ADJOINING | LOTS ON | 3. 8B Near Crooks, er, Al Chrysler site. Peat on lots, 45x1 other adjoining lots in mame "vicinity, Bon 6s. Sch. Apply Pontiac Press Ox * TAX LO FT a field 1380 do sel iow WEST BLOOM Subdivision, near, n, In Detroit call Best “Offer Tri-Level ¢, 2 barns 30 = 110 & 50 Mepe Rochester, 300 Bi Se Spt mice mort of ‘Potiae thing — Want Ads give Pate *SstOr Ress, Owner Roy Annett, Inc. | you ACTION, Dial FE EXTRA L. PONTIAC. Realtors since 1923 2-8181. ae a te See £5|" Bal Reaom «Pas ggn|*SI8L : . ; . © \ ; \ A : : - te acre. Clarkston. schools, charenes, shopping at Cc "SCHULTE, Realtor “s ved street. $1, 298 full eat w. HURON so Phone Linec a,” (Across from Pontiac General) PONTIAC LAKE LOT, STONE SEA For Sale Farms 48 Milian fact n. = 20 ACRES — 5 B: M COM- PONTIAC LAKE. 8963 TACKLES, _ Temodeled farm home, Lake front. 2 bedrm. ie utility —_ chicken house, garage, 1 and garage. OR 3-081. est house, beautifull = SALE OR NT, FURN. 2 iss) scaped, will sacrifice, "$32,500. MA bouse on e, near Pontiac. 80 ACRES » Sylvan Lake Model Good setup for beef cattle, large 318 000” or “duplicate’ $14 b00 co | Seas, Same eae weds. . or cate , e m sad Garland Sesaae 15] small tenants house. Sm TRA PLINT.| Stream. land — wooded. §24,- Must sell, 3 tod lakes, be ach rm {WESSTER REALTOR Cal eaieepeth Leke. atteched | Oxford, OR 8-3223, Cone, MY 2-2291 arage with cement drive. Lge. | 80 ACRE FARM Beene living rm. with fireplace, ful] tile| 24 stanchions, & cio and mil& house, and shower, $13,760. Reas.| garage and cri atl, own- bral Seen poy monk, 325 Hickory Nutt, er $5,000 dows. °34 Sherwood Rd. NA _1-3280. ? W VATERFRONT HOME, 80-ACRE FARM NEAR SS ee SCHOOL HOU —just off MI5 on Groene Off Walton Boulevard, 1 Mi. rge e—Dairy ba Fh and oth oth- _ West Silver Lake + er pena Scenic gentiy, gol BUILT I ‘ a A Pik l acre paca ase oods, Excel- r 8, 3PeN DAILY POW, INSPECTION pace then investment for — gover | - FROM & UP ing subdivided. Brice $27,600 Bloomfield Real E MI 6-650; Cai: F. W. Heltman—ORlando TE L. yea (Waterford) or—Leslie R. 2 bedroom home, modern. In- Realtor—Pontiac—FEderal quire at 2367 Duck Lake Rd. Need nae quick phy $3000 full price. waren LAKE. 3 WATERFRO: : ‘larence * Ridgeway. 80) 6ACRE) «6FARMER'S FARM. a lar barn, fair outbuild- ? po igheow ve gene 3° room mod- For Sale Resort Prop. 44A | finctionOn'y, $300 per acre |” MICHIGAN ~ anting Vacant 25 acrés, live stream. baer ke = Only $4,500. / — lands — Farms. Henens, es Corp. East Jo an. STEELE REALTY, 135 Highland eon {= at Highland. Utual 160 ACRES A farmer's farm with gy fitz loam soil. Complete se buildings, modern mney Frobel in picturesque setting, fo wire line fences. village. le here, Act fast on this one. Only per acre — terms, | ‘aet'D Kent Inc.; Realtor —? Hn at ‘Telegra AMPLE 50 = PARKING Pri vate Lake Estate 165 acres, eee private lake. & bedroom, 2% tile bath ced “year oe Kitaee, sek pan e vin roo le heat, 2 “screened in io swimming ° B. D_ CHAR 1717_8. Telegraph Partridge 18 THE “BIRD” TO sz HARDWARE— MARINE’ SUPPLIES Best, location on U.S. highway in town on of the Great es. o Plenty of rking. 3200 sq. ft. Approximately $50,- . Only dn. Hi TEL — LIQUOR | outstanding one of the Sa tee. -_ Call for more ils, REALTOR PARTRIDGE SELF SERVE Mot Pontiec. “ahcw ing excellent gross, os hee “ale & fake “TAVERN Posttan. Goss Ph aly hag ee Se te STATEWIDE Real. Evjote Service of Pontiac CHARLES, REALTOR i178. ‘Telegra’ rE SERVICE STATIONS Major oi! pan ie eoplicadong for 2"ooriet area, Both these ve an estab- ished business present time and ce wv, 83 with a, 173, RENT IT FAST pan: through Rent Rds! Room, | tthouse, apartment, any- BUCKNER — FINANCE COMPANY BORROW UP TO $500, Drarton Plat 202 N. MAIN MICHIGAN BUSINESS 123%" pees eee eee tree ‘ “ eee ee P "model seenee Oe eeee eee ee en eee Ae $OPee getters ee eee eee ene eee s ant 4. Barts, whe Se ear YOUR LAKE COTTAGE| Bo abn es tesa re ee eae teens hetsveenaneueeee | ee eeene geek a « $124.95 4 3 hha eeanneeer oeveeeeees Fie Ww. Hur 0 wieetric Perea te Le ween Center, 102 8. Seginaw. 2-061i. rade- in ‘Dept " WASHING MACHINES, WRINGER bigpre abamee Riese teva mghurch s Inc. ‘TM, fog. US. Pat, OF, 2180 een “I want a et wel! that tale results!” For § Sale Miscellaneous 60 SINGLE C= Ey, LAUNDRY 103 price ‘op, linge koctey_ pine, 940. $10. Beott i $8. PE 8-440. oe blades, serrated ‘ =. WALTON ab | _%. FE &e4l2. 2 Goren bps aY CULVERT, COLORS = 12 Sk ingles i Pe Ber z tere heeeeteereere | Ber obite pea cael Macy of ~ es Bees ands 9 ¥ Se PHA Terms OPEN 8 to $:30 MON, thru, SAT. 1, Comme Free Estimates SURPLUS LUMBER & all new Rd. ree eae sts ahd Canty ic.0:. O14 seeeeeeet doce cotewe eceteee BS Geb ee -« pee eee re sak int Sek CASH WAY LUMBER PRICES | STANLEY AL Burmeister's Ss NORTHERN L LUMBER ‘7040 ers, cievirio and Com: Sue cheerios m. to 3.) on ai 2 p.m. ‘. GE B iow sions ede set, $250 for Se, NaS as cata al. 1 wood lathe with Cherry BENSON LUBE Co. frompson, ae oS eves winpows | POWER Wh MOWER, 15. ‘and meer #4. Gar top dost . OR out fear of Blister oF peel de to Warwicks, 2678 Orchard Lake. eee ic per ft. Mowtan, CoLORs > Brick Mortar: oon... ‘Duteh Ov OF ESSION- al, 2B. rand new Norelco tape ae Archery set and pu: , shotgun for sale. MY > 31487 after in bai ‘6 p.m. My Biagio OES values from. SU. Gightty marred. Bint extraordinary ere bathtubs and le cent, 393 hard Lake Ave. — 62. an Fiuores- T- TALBOTT LUMBER lass in Thoroseal or wate ~_ oe trical Hes a. lumber, 1035 ve ‘ales. . lengths OF ap tassat toot 0 foot thru 20 foot ‘Used 8 and 12 inch Poder Pisces 60A in Keego or call EM 3-31 _ Machinery CaT. ROAD oi EA bag ig Jon wrdaresi, "et RICH |! WA i88 Hora potcline lew used ol REBUILT KEYSTON WELL with pend 0862, - « drilling machine, tools. 6 cs Bile, gt. sopiieations A "51.400. TRojan 8 Do It Yourself DO If THE EASY WAY! item. NFORD FOR RENT | Hg papers % hand sande fur- nace vacuum c and Pac? a Paint. 436 Orchard Lake Ave. FE 56-6150 PPAPP i age) MACHINE. Bil "tte aRithng 6 aa ee Bet et & el days week 700. Sundays to 4: 00. Mentenin B 158 W. Montcalm $4712. Cameras, Equipment 61A are AO ToT ae aay projec’ e new e ed. 4 i Rochester CAM- era, with a. & ent bar. MA 53-4541. _ Sale Musical Goods 62 ACCORDION ‘FOR BALE, USED 6 mos, FE 8-0754. Cail ae 4. SPINeT | o : veut srovanh incial. Cherr: rgan, prov finish: Window Large discount. monk Balsnce "CALBI MUSIC. co. 119. sagnaw PE te eo pecs dy & Son ‘4 ¥- 1-139. Se teri by ND OR WAL- ‘EXLLAGHER’S 18%, Huron CLARIN ET naa PE 46i83 NN R_ COR’ . NEW CO etioon. t Pr 47981, MAPLE SPINET T PIANO, G Steck, like new, $400. FZ PIANO RE ~ PER MONTH Ppercbated agents HS Daw. FE 3-7168 Mc HAM- na ork. fer home, coerah ¢ pA lub, foot manual. ie e ember Evens. NTAL. = Ah Bhan se . » GRINNEL t 27 8. Sa FE 3-7168 SPECIAL | Brand | nes new gente m: Fa i *ia down,” alance Eat MUSIC £0. Medium small Upright piano, 13 pedal organ $405, sed Lo organ maho; bee i wrey org Jn gany Up’ to 36 mos. to pay. : SOALLAGHESS iy ferry ‘TA 4 WURLTIZER ORGAN 16} ginal down per: FE 40566 | STATE PLL “ee. own. ert Used small spinet in waln ghia ai , rune, _ GALLAGHER’ Ss Musi eg _62A i compressor Completa, td WENT OUT OF BUSINESS. WILL "Ze ies ipoiahelecteie ga ger tod cank register. MU Sele. ‘Sporting Goods 65 5-8T73. fy A aad cay vy 8. A-l SAND, GRAVEL. fl and black dirt. Jerry's Truck- . OR, 3-0638. 1 i 7 & black dirt ; §-5261 A-l. TOP paivewa =. mreret. es De ises. or ita Top SOIL sow manure, Fie 17-0001. . LOADING 51880 A. .™ PEAT, SAN D.., FE mere Cc Tiee 5 SUP- | ply. Gand, gravel & dirt." Cement, & tile. 32-1534. . TOP rave: ‘lynne DRIVEWAY GRADING, on aa pore fill, etc. FE 5. REG TOY FOX TERRIER PuP- &. Also t14 Yr. old temaise. S35 OY FOX TERRIERS FE 2-Ti5t er. oher 6. AEE, Siete a eae MA) |. FE §-3175. = o. § mrs. G Pela re, ve. Lake Orion, A __ Henn “9A R OLD > saad REOIS- ey ‘Mich. M ~~~ | er spaniel. FE $2147. Hay, Grain & Feed +71 ST & HAY, STRAW, §-0668. AM Bag Me g Ph, MA Mari a Tow ig hg cart OM . OA 8-304 0c ¥_AxD “ETRAW, GARY re HA bale ales Sosiey Lake Ra. Satfiees “oe 44-2821, For Sale Livestock 72 3 PUREBRED BRED FOLAND Bg a4 cligile = | a tad 8 PE ‘easel. OLD GairED MARE. GEN- tle. 13 hands. 1-0284, Pore aon - SHOEING done at yor! home or adie. Rene Chariebols. MI — SER ALL [e] = Roan walker, nesses =e. Ree. “and Ucensed " 2 afoal reg “oe waik- mar, ip ey are alos], Sarrow mare, HORSES BOARDED. EXC. CARE. gett wee Leke M4, EM > YORKSHIRES. 7 & 9 WKS. \ ag. am 12 Mile Near Lahser SORREL MARE 7 YRS. OLD, able FF . 7 years. “qt hy a 1928. "eqguare Leke Rd. Trey. al Force’ Wanted Livestock 73 __Weod, Coal & Fuel 67 EPLA re sizes OF. FURNACE & § OF GOAL RINDIIRG & Fe NACE OAEEAND ORCHARD LAKE FP cedar 3 for $10 delivered, FE 46588 regan rs, | CANNEL COAL—ALL| FE STORER | & BREEDING RABBITS. NEW_ZEA- 6 of Flemish Giants. Wa Jones. ‘Siap ¥ For Sale Poultry ~ 74 FOR SALE: FRESH EGGS. PE .2-1454 2 FOR SALE 7 MUSCOBA DUCES. FE Sale Farm Produce 75 ores Fakir a somes APPLES - N. SPY, JONATHAN, rr Beene vest fies utllt Tete. 1.00 e' J Plants, Tron Shrubs 68 and $1.50 bu Sveat cider. ag land 3, East Com- 200 PYRAMIDAL ARBORVITAE. nites Rd, between oe Lake MA 8-31.08, 8701 Holcomb Rd. SCAGRMORE FARMS APPLES, AK, ETC. CEM! nine t Evergreens i , Fir, soting ais so Biverbel Yews,. Mugho, Juniper & Arbor- Ra. ieee viate, own. Br tools | OA ath at KET. & burlap, 29°92 Sieeth . 3 Pontiac — every miles west of Commerce Village. Cg ee 7 to 1: Ps Petes plants 1% miles east of int ere toes _— Rider, $ to Sco open honey Mandira. ait. Pree DIG R OW LUE & Spruce & save. Hardy trees, from Soto , 1 to ¢ ft. your choice for §2| Several varieties. i Cochran. . Deve Je a ont | FOE Lk, Orion. MY at Groveland. drive eae "oan Beid +) Mountain” Pape, Hall. pp Rd.,| giiverbe Saturday & Sunde - The) BARLY ‘OR SALE: A L . jac evergreens 3-4 foot Juniper pti wae st rs \- Bere bod, coders, al, Watts Tat | to, coder Baris Wass be em. ela: 8 Groveland on the Dixie haif way s84. ‘11490 Davisburg between ‘Pontiac and ones, ME 1 or ME T-1761. sah raged ge g SPRUCE & i wn ft. 10 or more, 1.50 en., = than 10, ea. You dig. We speci: in sales to es & country homes for $ Brernrees Farm 8970 Dixie B wy. U.B. 10 Clar Keston, MApie 5-192 GAKLAND TREE SER TRIM- ming & removal. SEES RAS PRERRY plants, MAple 5-3601. STATE INSPECTED ROBINSO cwawberer 7 plants & Latham rasp- berry plants OF 6-1882. _MaAple STRA RY Long, Milford Stark Bros. Nursery Representstive Landscaping ‘Ornswenthls t Nut Trees EM 3-3125 after 4 v. =. ‘Por Evening Appointment 69) For Sate Pets 1 BOXER. 2 YRS, OLD. FE 5-7036 Ps Mal ih ag ¢ en bri ers. ige, Cheap, FE 42 170, 3-YR-OLD ALE ~ bi pape: . OL 1-1310, ry ) . AK pee. Blond & blacks. OR 3-2602. ane R B amp — stock, B12. | MA oo eee stock, 9 eae Lo siced Ch. WBER PLANTS. ORDER now, earliest planting best. Royce | 2° MU 4-4482 . OU a er Sale Farm Earp 2S 76 . BI BSS) had Baoritice for huiek a 5-2165 after 6 rts No rs. ALLIS CHAL we oiew cadre: aA Fe planter A n jeakis 5-2358. Aten ats FRAREN_ ROTC service, L, W. Avis, 1880 Soatke. FE 44380. BUY EARLY & SAVE Jacobsen lawn mowers. mower used equipm: it & SON J. I, Case & New. Idea Desiet Rochester OL 1-0761 ~ BY QUALITY ONLY 4 hp, Wheel open Bole: a*, az: : 3 ie ij Eins lOWERS, Also we have several borane ig tillers eee Rd. at Opdyke 41119. and mowers at i : i: TEE “ 1d ert ii All merchandise Geturday. H & L Distributors, B&B Auction Sales 5089 Dixie Highway Drayton Plains Every Friday .....7 p.m. Every Saturday ae 9 Every Sunday ....3 p.m. and Seti Daily ORlando 3-2717 akfast chrome & Wood. Many chests. Cute child's aNTigtes 2 wheel lowered trailer. fr. tabie _show case, counter & chairs gs Mi dishes & mist. het Gan Gane on Ma ek were Sve BA AY, | . AT 1 p.m. Farm auction, 6 miles of on M24, to 3314 8. Le Mein i whicit $ trech ie wh es Holetelp heifers with calves by side: 4 Holstein h : 4 in heifers, 7 to 12 m ® oid vac . 66 In 300 utility tractor, A-l | or dad & rear k T-4 36 FT. $100. » Take over gu -R--, FE AL DB bedrm., full beth, rm. and kitchen, Feasonable, ¢ ina (3% Tt) HOUSETR for vaca- tions only, Like new. 9500 Gown. new. Jaiousie win- ms & ° screens. rst crReTR BAM LIGHTW EIGHT traye] Ce Since 1932, Guar- Huron, (Pian of wally Byatn’s ex- caravans). Authorized Sales Pontiac Chief & Detroiter late m ail on trade-in allowan Bob Hutchinson Mobile Homes Sales 4301 ge Highway mn 7,deays @ week G "ST: .28 Oy 37 ft.. $2,200 cash, FE +5640 NEW TRAILER SALES MA-STA: CHAMPIONGREAT LAKES Large Trade-In Allowance Gibson | a railer Sales aus VAN DERE RE 2-7043 TRAILERS Liberal Terms Parts — Bottle Gas TRAILER EXCHANGE 0 8, Te TRAILER co a a ios aa, ° fer tom, some bg Mg wr ene. ea . See ay. south of Lak "ee im" Rosd, Call PE 2-2240 after a = 1956 PT. SING a ocnarel Sat er cent off. ED WILLIAMS w at Raebure HEADQUARTERS Your Headquarters FOR FOREIGN CARS TIRES GOODYEAR & SERVICE STORE | ww 8B. ‘Cass Auto rm is -— penis = ag GRINDING ™ kind servies. are * - Cry Peek Ma oe tn a rs “Sale. Motor Scooters 82 ‘1981 PONY CYCLE. NEW PAINT. Tene “Geed condition. FB iné. ALLSTATE, LIKE NEW, Make sife er. ‘on 36008 é& ers, 70 E. 2. 44246, For Sale Bicycles 84 CHILDRENS BICYCLE. 26 IM. Like new. $25. MI 17-0190 after noons. PE 86-1908 WANTED BOY'S 26” Goed condition, Must able. Call OR 3-481. _Boats & Accessories 85 % HORSE SCOTT ATWATER. Like new, $110. 000 8. Cass Lake BICYCLE, reasom $200. MA 4-1478. wheel, 3 Se te a motor & cal 4 Fr. FTwOGB RONABO UT, | $93. Bow ball and bag. Bruns- -wick, 915. 3-0250. 15 HP JOHNSON, ELbcTRIC | starter, battery & controls. OR 3-697: i¢-FT. FIBERGLAS BOAT, COM- i 7 Mercury, trailer & cov- tei Bow Lane, Otter Lake. “16” LAPSTRAKE + SORG Comrete, ig AA nt Windshie} eyes, ° Evinrude Hiec; Like new. $1295. . 26117 ~ a 18 65 horse: trailer. . CH. “od tigboera motor, with TRic Ev- | +5808. 5 HORS: inrude, like new, ree | Lané, Keego Harbor, 1665 Rustic 'S?. JOHNSON iat ELEC. ot 38 BP, lik _ ¢ new, UL 2 | nec ise tw ae e new ‘ 5-877, after 6. P.M. | 1958 GENEVA 16 4 FT. RUNABOUT. | 35 John: _ i “equi ea. Gate top OR 3: et ent condition. $960. 1957 CrnLe CRAFT 16 FT. ity, 185 H.P, Interceptor, boi io | pr whit ition. A frailer -* cover. A $3,000 finance, 8-3719 atte 1968, 16° ERGL. CROSB isa 16 FIBERGLASS CROSBY | hardtop. Many porregd MI 4-4340, -ALUMINUM BOAT & TR. iLER. FEB 2 92-0640 | “~~ ALUMA CRAFT America’s finest ont suminum Eee ate one buck ese Lo ae. ed a. A, at Buy DUNHAM’S 2266. Union kare Rd, EM }- 34164 12 ft. west in $ ie coe ao MOTORS. BOAT DOCKAGE po of ce Lake, Reserve your ” DUNHAM’S | 2265 iis ¢ EM_3-4164 .| BOAT om P TO | ia\ f, inboard. 27715. : Wanted Used Care. 8 _For Sele Care oy See M & Mu — Sales Fiys Hag Bes Oi 4 # rd x : ITS TRUE Haupt Pontiac 3 Is the Place to Buy! BIRMINGHAM: "$4 Ford 2 dr. Fordomatic. Bade: 666 S. Woodward No money down ‘* We Will Pay» ‘ad Carpi 4. sedan. Aiomstie MI 63900 bargain—no money dees! TOP DOLLAR eae f Dr. Estate nat & \\ ‘ 3 ie. . Eten real y car. : me" CASS-OAKLAND ‘sh Ford 2 Dr A Little Jewel. A fine om! ; > es ines Gu ; USED CARS al & g df. Jow mileage, Exc. cond, Ml 5 322_W._Montealm FE_2-s200 | 1955 atts ante, See) Ae 4 Wemted Used Tracks 9 |. Mar. oe Ran he ¢ REPOSSESSION CASH PAiD Boch “2 “tine oat AS ¢ é | #538, ful price, No cash needed. . » ASH 19 Std. v8. Mr. 55 5 Boatisc 2 sedan, 4\ Be . & FE for all models fet eee. Suis WAWA, ute. . Used Trucks Soa ee. gaias wall tires,| * . We isse HoT FLOOR SCHRAM'’s AUTO & TRUCE Full price $606. shift trans. 197 8. sen. Lots coat a Specials. ce WASP. $150 48 W. iter coe na lop saa Piste BOR 3-0311 | MA: 5 os = awh le oe Ypsilanti s any ~~ | $r °wites car Exe. cond. 145. ¢-(7 age Apply Pontiac Press TRUCE Pent EM _ 3-0066. ed eae ne p : : 5 CHEVROLET, DEL RAY, Vi, . as ay = |) HIEGHTS Oren SALES "9605. ‘ FORCED TO SEL Gf nas “auburn tive, “PE tecsa| BIG sick Hed & whe | ae “Bright Spot" ghts, windal wun For Sale Trucks 90| CHEV “is Be OGEWOOD BTE- ” id her "extras. 1966-30 = a ee ij 53 Chevy, 12’ Platform |; one 24 H — “ras RAH W-Wals. excel. com cond’ : cunem -mour ( 3M ; STATION WAGON Sal 1oap Perfect oe ne + yg $1675. “T'm going to put this one up myself:”” This Lal e 8 tbe Factor y Branch - 4. 6. a Geteee 500 ad a sold crouse we ee aoe * A . 4 SS AT CASS MC rary tage 3 For Sale Cars =—s 911 For Sale Cars 9h) _moler_& Mires. s900 EM 34388 | its VERY ‘'S7 M rs a pig 4 } CHEVY, FICKUP GoOoD ree 1 owner. Above sverage. Wiop Dyaafiew. B&H White ROME erc ry Palit “bos! aba "teaser Pull matey tt tO PR NEL. A, rae eaarino, Be hg Se - + $3195 $1395 sauipeed eaas.| O86 cane $0003. transmis sci Rardtop. Push. : i966 EST OFFER. intent onaiton. FE transmission. & " ‘ " y point M coed com | 212 Russell. FE 61100 Rardion heal 3 too ‘ime new. Whitewalle Bolla ‘whit.....$1605 Br ight Spot . $775. bi Senate Beter. y &... ay Ee otter gi oueee. _7F 5-1204. 1991 Pontise ar Hardtop. rt ire: . $145 DOWN ; SPECIAT bas + i 1 TON STAKE. PVT. New tres. a. Saree. —- OWDET. ~sseecesseeeses: ieoedee 24-Hour Piret Poymeat wy ca best cottons, How i Ea TON STAKE TRUCE. | igs CHEV BTATIONWAG. | 1955 Ponting Star Chiet. 2 er. — OwENs MARINE 7 : on. 4 dr. good mechanical cond. Cateline, Ros, eae _ Orchard Lake at Cass 396 Orchard Lake Ave. PE 2-8000 3 brine, | Oe . ; ale FE 8-0488 en Eves. & T. TOP SIZE, best offer, MY 33003. _ CHEV IE ee. 4 One niue Real | 1955 Chevrolet 318. ¢Dr. sedan. V8 iat LINCOLN 67 PREMIERE wart-tnrough upholstered trent) to 9 yard beds, New Sires. Ou. een ve S oe Several “30, "$1 & "32 Chevrolsts SEDAN HT Pull power. 14.000 miles. Mt fal 1 : | * CREE EHR EOE H ES ” > rifle buy pote er A ler = PORD TON 5-91.20. = we ae bee gr ed MTRS. Used wooden rowboats im good —— - lide Al by ginal HOMER HIGHT 58 MERCURY anes. oe ee Ee so | ppertect, Funcing | MI 6-200, Byham “19 Minutes Bee our se of moided ‘61 Ford Panel, Like new. owner. § — | Oxterd “Michigan OA ese PARKLANE HARDTOP & aluminum posts. 25 models|"3 Chevy panel. 695 CHEVROLET. SOME Be 3 ; he Power steerin & f whieh to choose, Also a Finance arranged Lo wd clean. re abst. $165 DOWN wer r brakes. Radio; 19, tone Dawson, Sales at. ipeico, 22 AUBURN 3 ve Sie Ford 2-De,. cas “$895 a sen ta MSO to W. i° TANDEM DUMP. 9 YDS.| sedan. Demonsirs A be MLINE SEDAN about 7) miles to De Ra.| 4 Ve ass. PES: topaes ina sretot, & beauty panic, HEATER, PORDOMATIC| First Payment June 3r¢. mou i Caen TOE Len oF |e ae nOLETS ail JACK COLE, INC. Orchard Lake at Cass BE AID FORD P-s) DUMP, § YDS. 83 adr CleOR ....-.-+-- - - Chrysler | FE 80488 non Ev . end : ee ae 708 ei Open ves. moore, Gator trailers. Mote cash FE S401 __ | 3B at TS rom) 7. gas | at Powe sail MOTOR SALES % Yi WALLED LA 7 FORD 4 DR. VICTORIA. HARD KELLY'’S HARDWARE GMC, “3 AND &4. § YARD DUMP pase Toe pis. tule or wade mms atte ot A PR amie ve ones | er ates | Seat eae ee | Beer eee | EEE TRADF-INS ins G AMATIC. DUMP. 466 So wonawes ard MI 6-3900 less expensive model. et cs OY We have several very good used) 32 speed. 1958 John Deere bull | $2 CHEV. HT 3,000 MILES ON Lake Orion Motor Sales Well case My jue MERCURY HT. LIKE NEW. in stock. Some with Evin-| doser with trailer. Complete * new overhaul. AL new tires. Take M34 AT CLARKSTON RD. . Tange. MER 4 — motors, trade now. $5,000, C & H Lumber. UL 2-1330.| over MU ¢T167. 17) RARCH WAGON ee aan ane take or ever mente or old car ‘ TIONAL 1 TON, | « Oe CLEAN TRANS: — |B FORD V CYLINDER CUSTOM Bey Harrington Boat Works | “‘taxe, Good cond. $225. PE 8 eee She Pe cas FRAns- PE 5662) line. Drive it, you'll buy it 9646 “YOUR EVINRUDE DEALER” | _40i_W_ ures. ue CHEVY. i 20 Ww. amK| Remodeling Specials Very low down payment or old i a a ye ee), eS) TEROME os ee + Good motor ...... Teanin motors, posts. | ior. tase Air ove © @ H Lum) Sp ,cMcondition 1 owner, cheap. | 34 Feeney Good motor. tire Gi FORD 4 DR. BEST OFFER ie Try our expert repair) ber Co. UL 2-1390. _PE +73 3 Pontiae Good motor, aie Ser ‘After 3. PE 86701. ad ts. experience Tony's re 4 Cadillac a3 PORD 8 STATION WAGON. Scr Bapia pms “Ornare| _ Auto Insurance _90A)— "58 CHEVROLET 3 cxauee,cogy at mover. |", Frm x ‘ram Rigen “Bright Spot” — Bel-Air 4-Door tt * ’ . We CaN YOUR, USED PL & PD FoR MOST CARS. $900 / matic transmission. Power brakes a didinggar oly cig 4 FORD V-8 COUPE OPE LiKE NEW. . motor —— = £ * cone” os. Puts, ese on & shearing. Air-eige suspension. po qihes bog arraceed. On ya. P. steering. Orig. tires. 94-Hour caw, FE ba Eves. 379 8. 88: Foreign & Sports Cars 90B | ‘ess interior. Mott eee mice 22 AUBURN ‘ss owe DRY HERE $ a a STOCK stop} , ECONOMY SPECIAL | 38 Pite.te?Staenie!cataiina at ae, ae. i es00. “tm porte prs ae 8, "4 Rambler, 2Dr- auto trans. |, | 133 Cadillac sedan, shasp. a e " g SSA je? proble rket o . . cto. trans, Fiberglas ———-SSA| car owner problems, Me Frost 4 gest Wert mm cada | y HOUGHTEN & SON This automobile m us tbe or bodies. al! types, Pibergins For Sale Cars 91 nc. wie = a a Radi is , erty ° FOREION Cap BA coro day evening at 6 p.m. PEP PP LPP LLP LALLA AP AA ALA AAA . iE f work, Rin'ss Lake Orion MY ape.| 280 HUNTER BLVD. Mazur: otor Sales | 528 w. Main, Rochester OL 1-0761/ / rpctcns—recotonnies| tie ee MM) ___ MI 6-0834 sions ot aur —_ |S rose seh feeme| OA Miuervice & repair, OR 38183. '|t"“Soice-—ae call FE P0207 | CHEVROLET. 1980 BISCAYNE. V4 PONTIAC AUTO $300._33_Chureh_§t.._ Ortonville. “gg” Transportation Offered 87)|_ ster 5 p.m. : Eveeretiee H, White wail BROKERS NO > OmEE DOWN —— “ ’64 Buick H’top Coupe pretreat “aah bn SiS] 1952 Pord 2 Dr., $11.46 month. CARS FOR PHILADELPHIA AKD aD red bod 5gaae | 2, oat Buver Hawk Lueky Auto Sales. 163 8. Saginaw. Pittsbu Gea allowance. to| We, neve (3). (2) with ¥ | CHEVY. 2 DR. STICK, VERY | °s7 Ford 8 anes gisme ; Hartford. Conn. PE 2-3215 & light top. Radio & Heater Aute.| good, om, by owner. OR 31764. | ‘57 Chev. 8 7 dr. Bel Air PO $1505 | FE £2214 of FP ¢ FLY +ENG ALDER TO He er. Bandara ‘eaitt run lest IMPERIA | oS $5. oes “ eo es 2008 | xO DOWN PAYMENT REQUIRED Calitornia, $60, “Hawalt 990.10 tery good. Glad to demonstrate. black. 4 - frum, Bampton. ag Ford & Coqvers Power --- fies inet FORD COUNTRY SEDAN ; ° Perry Service, Inc. OR 3-1254. we wg s016 & po — ie po low | ‘56 Ford 8 Wgn. Power ...... ase with R&H, auto. trans. MI 63561. NO PAYMENT ‘TILL JUNE 3rd. FROCK cans BONS, LET CS ee a Ea PF ou for tat motoring vacation. Only 18 Pomonih ear, an. 2 Be] i050 FORD i TON PICK-UP. FE/ Orchard Lake at Cass “s1 BUICK, AL_2@ DR. DY- "35 Chev. 4. yee : Wanted Used Cars 88 “uafiow, ful power. R & H. Very HODGES, INC. 19 Ford 8 3 dr POM ...-... § Oe 7 FORD sEba FORD Nee ro FE 8-0488 Open Eves. _ clean. ‘Original eu 636) = HODGES, INC. _ | 53 olds 4 dr. Power ......-.. TER ABSOLUTE : 83 OR "HM FORD. CLEAN. RADIO ‘54 BUICK R. WHITE | 360 8. Woodward 53 Plymouth’ ............025. § 38 MONEY DOWN. Assume pay- SL MERCURY CLUB COUPE. Ra. Gh TRAP ER| ay ie Penge ne, Pony |S ¢ Om GUATSTER, RAIS | AMP cig Aa | Meee i Si | po donee gown Seame pe 7 - ing ; Don: ; 260 Try Mad! FE 4-0100 : Po: ment of be mo. St. Pontiac ‘Ue ie $3 DESOTO GOOD SHAPE POW. ist FORD Oe TON rans On| RD 4 DR. _h. 8 E. Mier uf. Bares at =“ After All! tee Bos AL 4 DR: DY-| er R&H OR 30617. San woes pa _ Huron “#23 W- fee. See, Gauss | 4 MERCURY @ DR. R&H. $100. . : Rens. owner. FE 8-160. 53 DeSOTO Hi Pond Faas = OWN: | ins¢ FORD FAIRLANE, rom, 4 Boe Roel : MONEY TALKS! 5g Re TAC CONV. sect ae eDaN. Perfect cond. Low mileage, Dr, R&H, W walls, FE 3-75 80 shop the rest then drive White with white Pull power transportation, rr. ‘4798 or =: vee cE out for the test 22g prove inciuding window vents. $40 50 go 30 IT TAKES is “abr “© Bob erste io S pri “Horse Sense” ~ R "OK" - No cash ed. a ce. _L, LIBE 2 Se RE | ros BRAID > wae) Cosme | MOTORS ne. . ‘ : Dixie “OK” Lot) 200 HusTeR BLVD. | ,..MOTOR Sales ‘57 FORD 8 Car-Cents’ | wit more vaturs Disie Hwy. near Seshabs MI 6-6934 35 FAIR DEALING One owner — Ve ean and everybody knows OLIVER| WILL FIND EVE CAR ed ue, DRAYTON PLAINS, MICH, ios) CHEVROLET BEL AIR +DR cape A PIKE STS. $30 DOWN 3 PER MO| M LEB fs the piace| PRICED BELOW HERS. Good Ca FE 2.8906 FE _2-0186 were esmart Shoppers ad to HIS I8 THE REASON WE ARE AS MUCH AS $50 FOR JUNK AND) Good se SODOR make weir “Ce oars BELLING USED CARS IN. VOL- E omg cars. 2-2666 days oF *53 } CHEVY on WADON. ox GOdp COND. 2dr. 6 cylinder. Automatt: BR AID ‘¥ ee T gx? oat : T-Huron. -| dio & Heater. Very clean. ( na ‘ rice ; For Sale Cars 91 | S645; 98 monthiy payments. '56 Ford P'lane ... $1445 Warring FOR TODAY. renoneD ch NEW CAR TRADEJNS| Buithaintan Ws S"woss.| | MOTOR SALES | |,2° GMC Suburban $2645) ne ey err and Community Motor Sales | ; - howe RD. MI_ 6-300. DESOTO-PLYMOUTH DEALER |’56 Buick aor . $1375 | jow mileage. AUBURN AT EAST BLVD. | (36, FORD VICIORIA wy vires. ime DODD. € DOOA Wi POWER: 38 YEARS pike ste | 54 Pontiac ‘ ed... $425} $1595 FE £4630 Solid black A- om owner, Only— flite, many “extras. 1 month old, FE i a 'S7 FORD “5 1645 'sS7 FORD $1 700 miles. $3.200 car for $2. F : ..$ 5 46 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER! Owner wants cash to buy home. | 52 FORD WAGON, EXCELLENT ' Gustom Fordomatic. White tires. : DELUXE. Power steerin FE 84370 Condition, FE __2-0367. SS Ponti Conv $ 950. Besutifu) red & white. Really brakes. Two =e 1 owner. | 1933 DODGH, R&H. GOOD CON- H d b iz on ac Onv. «. - nice ws DoDaE DR: VE, sit. Trem. st pong" DR GOOD CORD’ | aren rs O88 Buick Spl 192083, 36 PLYMOUTH ANY MAKE OR MODEL ee: oe EM 34 . lst Anniversar ale 3 nN Sp ‘ie w w oe JYMOUTLSE FOR 20 YEARS WE HAVE ‘36 PLYMOUTH CLUB CPE 6. ‘54 SObE Ve « DR. WAGON. GUARANTEED DsED cara, |’57 Buick Spl. .+« «$1745 | Belvedere Comvectinis, text riett PAID cu ie. TOP DOLLAR cylinder. No rust. Good gas) __ $550, OR 3-8556 "58 Chey 4 Dr. HT. B-Ain + $210 85 B . k <6R $1145 for spring 298 SEE LMALEN BL ELLSWORTH ae. ae ‘38 FORD 2 DRL 2-TONE GRAY & 6 Ford Paiviene ceca toe BIER SUES enh 36 fer Y WINDSOR 4 Dr. ha - . ai 5 4, CHRYSLER r Clarkston M otor S ales CORNER CASS & PIKE FE &7308 = pense a I Cpe. seed Powertite. Radio & Heater Love: RH J, VANWELT Plenty more cars. A few cheap fan ees ca eres pe or shes 734 vy maroon, z OR 3-1355 4540 Dizi Hws.| Fgnafortation specials "6, FORD. RADIO “HEATER N RTH 56. V olkswagen ....$ 905. 3a DODGE ATTENTION! Rammler-Dallas' seorsts'on roar sro SS Chevy 2:Dr.----§ 8951 ru aan na . . fe le P! th | miles. Origine] cond A-1. $175. ax IPVSICT wc eeae * . “WHY SETTLE FOR LESS" mi Main Tbk.” ‘ot Walton | OR. 3-0445. CHEVROLET CO. A 5025 . Ee Rochester, ae 5g F d "390" . $164 t ne “CTT ’ WE'RE PAYING L 2-6ill 1, 58 For 3 55 CHRYSLER, TOP $$$ DOLLAR _ 1985 _BUICK aoe SPECIAL. A-1, . Has The ; "85 Chevy B/ Air . s $1045 Windsor de luxe tu-tone. /Priced ‘in BUICK SUPER eee INTERNATIONAL *§5 Buick Cent. ....$ 945 $795 ; GLENN'S 3 Settee 138 Pontiac S/C ..--81098| +55 DODGE MOTOR SALES 82 Ace Cores BARDTON TE SALE 1-YEAR 55 Buick Cent. ....$ 845: Coronet. Let's trade. This car 5-510 , is j: : ‘4 BUICK SUPER H-T. DYN, ies $695 rent WHAT BURCR cine: RAH, W.Walls, 8105, T-Huron 923 DISCOUNT 56 Buick sb ae i on ~ s4 Pl Y MOUTH CASH FOR CARS 1987 CHEVROLET BEL AIR V-8. 2 Buick Spl. . a ; 5 Pink & white Beivedere One RARDENEURO MOTOR SALES “Club Standard transmis- urs ay WARRANTY 55 Buick Sup. .....$1045) owner car. Cass at Pike PE 56-7308 a, Mist "bra blue. a ag apein ccm "57 Olds “98” $1995 $473 ~ NOW READ tilts mo very dow deen pay: Frida GIVEN FREE '36 Buick Spl. .... $1295 31 PLYMOUTH HAM ME RAMBLER, 06 5 woop. WITH EVERY CAR Working mob's special Eicellent WARD ’S3 Chevrolet ......$ 345] Sewing machine ONDA THIS CHEV oa TRANS. $125. & ° 57 cies Cane eas vee warste BRING YOUR CAR HERE FOR | PE 8-0513, Dealer. 100 % 2 aL Sa & BOs 5) DODGE TOP DOLLAR ies? BEL AIR CHEVROLET + 10 E 34 Buick Spl. .....$ 695 3 aE Scio hte .Auiomatic, #1 a ur ay Coverage; No Exclusions |*53 Pontiac Sed. ...$ 295 ce aes om St se oF F STATE. Oe abe hes, mo. Very ow dan a nent oF | Me Siar ane Impala, longed... $2598 ’55 Buick Conv. ....$ 895° — BF os ~ AVERILL S SLER 066 9 WOODWARD. MI RUSS ‘Bora Ss ret. et Sate fis jd Buick Spl. .... twit Rambler cee Coupe. Just the - ev. 2-dr . 4 Ford ..... sees 445 ‘one for that 508" 34 65 Stude, hardtop , ......... $493) 0 ~ | > re sie Bie camel TRUE SP IR gfe cm ‘Be Chey. tar, wagon «$155 Buick ..... vee 8 895) : S08. | "85 Chev Conve’ V8. ‘PG... $1086 | 57 Chevy B/A ....$1595 | LANGIST SELECTION a SHOW TUNES—POLKAS ' VOCAL GROUPS ORCHESTRAS—ETC. HEAR THEM AT > EPPERT’S CAMERA SHOP 57 W. Huron’ FE 5-6615 9: RCA COLOR TV Sales and Service SWEET’S RADIO-TV Open Mon. G Fri 422 W. Huron Night FE 4.1133 was Ns. eee Color—Black and White ALL WORK GUARANTEED We Feature ZENITH, RCA SYLVANIA 10: 00 10: 38 (4) News, - Weather. (7) Curtain Time. {4 Life of Riley. (2) Weather. (2) News, Weather. (9) Wild Bill Hickok. (2) News. Analyst. (2) News, Sports. (2) Medic. Drama: . Mother: 10: 45 21:60 11:20 a Ruth, widow - great base- ball player, and then to Man- hattan’s East Side to talk with author Cleveland Am- ory. i (4) Jackpot bowling. Buzz Fazio vs. Andy Varipapa. (7} News, Weather. (2) (4) (9) News, Weather. (7) Soupy’s On. (2) (4) Sports. (9) Dance Lesson. blames baby-sitting daughter'11:25 (2) Nightwatch Theater. when baby is found dead in erib. 44) S.A. 7. Adventure: Agent investigates disappearance of works lawyer to foster water pro}- ect. (2) Hit Parade. Music: Louis Jordan and his tympany five are guests. (4) (color’ Northwest Pas- sage. Adventure: Man ar-' ranges for Rogers and two) rangers to be shanghaied in| “The Vulture.” Re-run. (7) Rin-Tin-Tin., Adventure: | the post according to offi. | cer’s manual. . i (9) Million Dollar Movie.| War drama: Rescue work’ behind the Korean war lines, in “Battle Taxi.”” ('55). Ster-' ling Hayden, Arthur Franz, * Marshall Thompson. (2) Rawhide. Western: Trail boss Gil (Eric Fleming) faces roughest test of al! when he takes .herd across the bone-dry staked plains. Battles spring up among his crew and a bloodthirsty out- law. . (4) (color) - Ellery Queen. Mystery: Ex-fighter (Wayne Morris) asks Ellery .to find, out why boy was so quick to make voluntary confession to robbery and shooting. (7) Walt Disney Presents— Western: ‘“Elfego Bacca— Lawman or Gunman.” Elfego: gets chance to test his law 4 ability when he learns of scheme to deprive rancher of § ; his land. (2) Phil Silvers. Comedy: Bilko-walks into the Colonel's well laid trap and becomes; | the fort's prime guinea pig) #4 when they test a new type! & of tranquilizer. i (4) M. Squad. Police drama: | A trap is set for arsonist’s| ruthless. son. (7) Tombstone Terri tory. Western: There's a_ show- down when Sheriff Clay tracks down crooks and con men who've been fleecing the silver-mining rich (9) Favorite Story. Drama: Ruthless killer ambushes sheriff on way home with his, bride in ‘“‘The Empty Hol- ster.”" (2) Playhouse. Murder tale; | Beautiful but bored woman, (Zsa Zsa Gabor) kills her) elderly husband after he re- lates to her a famous Case| in which_a woman was ac- quitted of similar crime. She’ then lures a friend (Richard! Hayden) into helping: escape punishment in ‘This: Will Do Nicely.” (4) Thin Man. Mystery: Dance-hall giris think black-; mail will break up friend’s| marriage. (7) T? Sunset Strip. Adven- ture: Jeff Spencer (Roger Smith), posing as confidence man, breaks up double-in-| demnity insurance racket and gets involved with its com- ely operator (Fay Spain). (9) Country Hoedown. (2) Lineup. Police adven- ture: When aging dancer at- tempts suicide, police suspect attempted murder. (4) Boxing. Lightweight chal-| lenger Kenny Lane fights: Johnny Busso in 10-round bout. (9) Boots and Saddle. Adven- ture: Rebellious soldier, as- signed to cook, goes AWOL. (2) New York Confidential. Drama: Man released from. hospital comes home to find his wife gone. (7) News. (9) Person to Person. Ed Murrow goes to West side Manhattan to visit Mrs. Babe Drama: Man and bride set- tle in frontier land in “‘Rache] Betty (0:00 (4) Howdy Doody. 10:30 (2) Mighty Mouse. 11:00 (2: Heckle & Jeckle. 11:30 (2) Rebin Hood. mM - (1) Jungle Jim. (4) Raff and Reddy. (1) 3 Musketeers. Nuremberg Trial Drama | . By WILLIAM EWALD NEW YORK (UPI) — CBS-TV's Playhouse 90 bit off quite a chunk) ® his community. last night, perhaps too big a! The stuff of the play was pretty chunk for a 90-minute drama. But) uncompromising. Most of us would i nag or ne Nuremberg” [Prefer to forget Buchenwald and men; the responsibility the in- dividual must bear for the crimes 44) Fury (7) To Be. Announced. (4) Cireus Boy. (7) Sheena. 11:55 «9) Billboards. SATURDAY AFTERNOON ‘its full span, the German war trials should power, There was also much tall, Strike me as courageous only 14/tough and unsettling, bady needed. years after World War I, but this on ‘thay faucet of ce ay minded ; dating Jake Ehrlich Jr., son of the San maternity department wearing flat heels and no makeup!” | succeeded in clutching me hard for Dachau, but. last night their hor- 2 sdiiare oe re f)(iC3 (2 ee fee PT PE OSL ATT | Alo! PAM S14 ‘rors were retched out on some It's strange that_a play about Army Signal Corps film of haunting | ig a pretty topsy turvey world) sie "Whole V? FAMILY at | Miracle Mile Shopping Center S. Telegraph at Square Lake’ Rd. Saturday 3:45 P.M. DELUXE RIDES = |oHANNEL 9 CKLW 1 1Q¢ reese cass | “sonaaitmn : April 16th th 26th unday Music Hour = All steres ae ae ae WLDM—FM { ‘tt 9 p.m. dally, 12:00 to 1:00P.M. ~ ” ge * J * * i and the ae c™). Lo-'12:00 (2) Sagebrush Shorty. ~~ the ball has taken some pe-| 5, its 04 “4 t! a Young. Drama: Woman (4) True Story. ar bounces. As “Judgment at/ : co RE icin) Uneaten 6 a | pad a Bad.” (0), Joan om: (9) Country Calendar Farben is now on our side and jem of German rearmament, the (8) Movie. Drama: Diamond|##:3# (7) Bowling Tournament. history, indeed, does run @ curious! probiem of the unpopularity of robbers are traced in “The (3). Movie. , . . the trials, the guilt the world must Diamond Wizard” (°54). Den- (4) Detective’s Diary. Abby Mann’s script dealt with |bear for Hitler, the tricky issue of nis O'Keefe. (2) Little Lulu. the triab of four German jurists (unwitting guilt. As a result, it 11:30 (4) Jack Paar. Variety. Vin- 1:00 (2) Air Force Story. and within its frame, it touched | eseemed Patchy and not quite cent Price, Hans Conried,| (4) Quiz "Em. _| &pon @ question that must con , Mike Nichols and Elaine|!:% ae oa ese | tinue to haunt all contemporary The performances were four | (7) Ramar. ACROSS ~— ——— (7) Shock Theater.. Melo-| (9) Movie. ’ ry ped seek f rp nf . ie Tt B i] drama: “Doctor " tynetaeat og (4) Indust Parad ¢ —— the human blood into animal ‘in|* (2) armas On PaERGE. : climax {2 H) | “6 sa tt ” . 12 Sacr image Captive Wild Woman, 2:00 (4) Willy. , ib “as © was 5 rf | (43). f i 8 to (7) Movie. | gain —" 4 ' * SATURDAY MORNING (2) Baseball. jie — : + > j 8:20 (2) Meditations |2;30 (4) Movie. 115 Calm Bu 3 c “ 117 Bo 825 (2) On the Farm Front. 33% (7) Dance Party. 18 Pestene , $:45 (9) Search for Health. |19 Russian plsins Li, 8:30 (2) Michigan Conservation. 4:00 (4) Milky’s Movie Party. 3! Let it stand 55 | (1) Your Child’s First Years. (9) Gabby Hayes. Se Tack Tem 8:45 (2) Electricity at Work. 4:30 (9) Six Gun Judge. | and Little | (8:55 (4) tcolor). News. (7) Realm of the Wild. la1 Bucharistie ATT 00 (2) 4H TV Science Club. (2) Scoreboard. ne Yi / (4) Cartoon Express. 4:40 (2) Wrestling. izoT pag = (7) Crusade for Christ. 5:00 (7) All-Star Golf. Ee Urge on 9:30 (2) Capt. Kangaroo. (9) Movie. it austrian tip 0 Pt pe (4) (color) Bozo the Clown (5:30 (2) Lone Ranger. 38 Without Pe 39 Expletive 41 Pish 42 Hearing organ Lj ° in ; re taal Nothing Is Unnoticed | a Ta . 54 Haters 4 Pixies 20 Tranquility 43 Portification h 56 Number 5 Sesame 22 Improve 4 —— works When Ingrid S OPS 57 War god 6 Parsee sacred 24 Ages 46 Roman consul 58 Seth's son writings 25 Very (Scot) ‘1 -—— and ( Bib.) 7 Por fear that 26 Straightness 30 Table scrap 8 German city 28 Jewish month 48 Piddling By EARL WILSON st Out's $s name 10 tout the 31 ve and f So sand. bh: i NEW YORK — We exciting phone call from a party, i* oere sheltered side 33 Indian “ale 81 Wash ro) who said, “Ingrid Bergman was just now looking around in a ; Noon prio gy 40 Deberted. $2 Bones 3 Village property islang) 65 Worm Breathless, we phoned the store; asked for Maternity. Head of Maternity Kitty Wing said: “We'd like to confirm that our depart. ment had such an illustrious customer. But Miss Bergman was looking for the ladies’ room and got off on our floor by COMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING SERVICE Authorized Motorola 2-Way Radio Service ot MOTOROLAR 3.2129 TV, Home and Cer Radio Service—All Mokes 5939 Andresonville Road at Steftens, Watertord mistake.” “| Our party, when phoned back, snarled: “Don’t let ’em kid ‘you! I followed her. She’ went straight to maternity and left when all the crowd recognized her.” We phoned Miss Bergman who laughed, WILSON TUNER gore HI-FI KITS ‘CUSTOMADE PRODUCTS CO. OR 3-9700 uproariously.. £4540 W. HURON Open Mon. & Fri. ‘til 9 “I was in the children’s department buying some suits for| my boys,” she sdid. “Do they have a _mat ternity department there?” We're afraid we didn’t settle the great question which | Ingrid doesn’t want to discuss.! Jackie Gleason’s suffering from “Diverticulosis” which ‘he explains is “little pockets on the colon” but which the dictionary says is*“a pouch-like offshoot of the lower part of the ileum due to the non-obliteration of the omphalo- mesenteric duct.” When this latter definition was read to him, Gleason exclaimed, “I better lay down, I don’t feel good.” Suzy Parker and her husband Parisian Pierre De La Salle, are still in love and much married. She only goes out with) ‘their mutual friends while waiting for him to join her here. | ‘Close friends pooh-pooh the split rumors. THE MIDNIGHT EARL... Monique Van Vooren snared second female lead in the |movie “Anniversary Waltz” (with David Niven and Mitzi Gay-' nor) and s leaving the Las Vegas show i .. Young Sandra Church was as great in hér way as Ethel Merman was in hers in the “Gypsy” opening in Philly (at tended by Sir Laurence Olivier, who was applauded} ..: Farley Granger is getting together a cafe act. Ricky Nelson says he’s buying fan ‘magazines for the first time “so I can _see who I’m supposed to be dating”. Walter Chiari, who just busted up with Ava Gardner, is dating Lucia Bose, estranged wife of bullfighter Domin- guin...That box office cashier at the theater in N.Y. who looked like Sophia Loren — was oe Loren, pulling a ‘publicity stunt...Roy Campanella’s son David, now on "probation, may re- cord a rock ’n’ roll album. Nora Eddington Haymes Flynn is MONIQU Francisco att’y. ONIQUE (Copyright, 1959) CONDON’S RADIO G TV SALES & SERVICE A -- Today's Radio Programs -- Call FE 4-9736 New and Used TV Sets Factory Authorized ZENITH ’-MOTOROLA | ADMIRAL TV SERVICE i Open Friday Nites ° Ti 9 P, M. 770 Orchard Lake Ave. | FE, 4-5841 an | ¥:00—WJR Answer Please CKLW Bible WXYZ, Night Train Factory Authorized Service WIR (760) CKLW (800) Www (950) WCAR (1130) WXYZ 7 WPON (1460) WJBK (1300) 36 S. TELEGRAPH ( TUNIGHT WIBK, Jack, Bellboy WIBK News Georce WCAR, News Purse t Tel-Hy 6:00-—WJR, gews 9:00-WJK News, Pace WPON, Chuck Lewis Kerem eae Sey eree wwu, News 11:08. WIR News. Sports WWJ, Faye Elizabeth 12:50-—-WJie Time tor Music WJBK, News; McLeod fl Bandstand wxY2 Shorr ethic o. | WPON Rowe, Sports WPON News. Muste WJBK. News, George ‘wa’ ae i Orch CKLW , WIBK 11:30—WJR. Musie 4:90 WJR, Music fall WCAR News. Woodling *eRLw Jack ww Music WIBK "watmee bum 1:80-—-WJR, Defense Stars ww), | Ware. J. Daly SATURDAY MORNING = a Am | WPON Sandielight & Silver 10:00—WJR, News, Jamboree | 2:90—WJR, Orchestra 6:00—WJR, News, Melody WWJ, Melody Parade CKLW, Ne 18 Wse, Quest House WWJ, News, Roberts WXYZ, News, Shorr WJBK, Baseball Wxyz. . ©. Morgan WXYZ. Pred Wolf CKLW. News, Album Time| WXYZ, Mertin CKLW. wis Jr. Music CKL Good morning WJBK. News. C ~WIBK, Jack, Bellboy WJBK. News WPON, Bob Lark 2:30-—CKLW. News. Davies WCAR. Woodling WCAR News, S eri an . WPON, Early Bird 10:30— WJR, Around House 3:00—WJR, Eddie Layton 1 se— Ww, 3 a A Pa WWJ, News. Melody WWJ, News, Monitor | WEY2. ight #30 WJR, Agriculture CKLW News. M. Morgan WXYZ, Fred Weiss | OKLW Davies LW ons of Saddle WCAR News. Woodline WAR. News, Bennett =; WPON, Sean Z: Wipe News. George ‘ win. ne 3 WPON, Bob Lark 1:00— tou're the Jury ; TE MET mies | TaN Magh Rober” | We News short | “Wh tea « 5 A . News, Shor wi onitor 1959 bey Auto CEL, Knowles ce News oo pat dada a oF weak. Rows manett “ ews. Wo! , ans « . New nowles aes '$:36—WJR, Patterns WJBK. News, George WPON, Chuck Lewis XYZ Pred Weiss $39. 95 WCAR, Woodling WCAR News WIBK. News McLeod ° WPON, Nite Sounds - WPON, News, Casey 11:30 WJR, Time, Music WPON, Carriage Trade CKLW News. Davies WCAR. News. Woodling 4:30—WJR, Music Hall WCAR. 0—WIR, News, Music News Q’Morning News, Bennett News, George 8: #:30—WJR, Lead Question 8:90 WIR, News, Guest ww News, Monitor _CKLW World T ~ ites. olf , X¥Z. Fun-a-Rama WJBK, Jack, Belibo: caw News, Good Morning} SATURDAY AFTERNOON OKLW. Sone Knowles weer News — WCAR News, Bennett O:00 - WIR, Symphony JBK. News. Geor i2i00—-War. News, ecm WRYZ J Surrel) : WPON, News, Lark WWJ News, Must _ | 6:30 WIR Music Hall CKLW . Kriowles WXYZ, ‘Martin WAYZ, Fun-a-Rama WPON- Nite Spunds $:30- WIR, Musie Hall: CKLW. News, Bud Davies CKLW. hewn, Knowles A _ Boxing CKLW.. News. food d Morning! WJBK, News, Reid JWCAR, News, Page | HIGH FIDELITY | HEADQUARTERS | , Wide Selection of Components 4 Catalogue “Net” Prices Attractive Demonstration Room Expert Guidance — Complete Installation McCALLUM & DEAN — 409 E. Maple, Birmingham Mi 4-5230 PLASTIC WALL TILE | Beautiful, Completely waterproof. Cc Enough tile and mastic a eq. ft.) te do a 5’x7’ — 15” THE FLOOR SHOP WE LOAN YOU TILE CUTTERS PARK FREE REAR OF STORE - 99 South Saginaw Street permanent p lastic wall tile. Buy all you FE 4-5216 ———— 3 Laake =FOR You SEE the Model Homes . 3 Miles North of Pontiac on Joslyn Road | Available Also in the V V.A. $82.00 DOWN $69 PER MONTH MODEL OPEN 11 A. M. to. 8 P. DAILY and SUNDAY Judah Lake Estates No. 4 Dlorah Building Co. You'll Be EVEN MORE SURPRISED When MODEL OPEN 11 A. M. to 8 P. M. Daily and Sunday Lifetime Aluminum Siding and Roofing FHA $390 DOWN $74 PER MONTH PER -FAIRLANE 3 NATIONAL HOMES FAIRLANE @ 37 FT. BY 25 FT. HOME : .@ 3 BEDROOMS { : M @ WOOD CLOSET DooRS fe . @ 80 FT. BY 125 FT, LOTS | x @ PLANNED SUBDIVISION @ COMMUNITY WATER @ PAVED STREETS - @ CLOSE TO SCHOOLS AND SHOPPING iking\, “FE 2-9122 ey - nsist ONAN. = ELECTROVECTOR | aq BASEBOARD RADIATION and CABINET HEATERS He would like to travel more in or never visited by} Sepals largely on the domestic, demands of the Presidency during, fi requatning. 2) ramets fe often, | | The biggest customers on US. farm exports last year were, in| order, the United Kingdom, Japan, | Canada,. West Germany, the Neth- erlands, India, Haly, Cuba, Meéxi- a de EM 36254 i. co Here they are, the one and two piece summer dresses Residential é ser tet nrc Electric bic Heating you’ve been dreaming about! Come pick yours in cotton wi and Cupioni®, checked cottons, sheer or broadcloth stripes, solids, herringbones, checks... fact is, in so many wonderful styles we can’t even list them all, You'll want two or three! Sizes 10 fo 20, . 7 to 15, 14% to 24%. Just Say, “Charge It’ on , Seors Revolving Charge Take Months to Pay or Use Like o Regular Charge Account 7 + can be buitt into walls— or floor, ceiling or baseboards! * “~~ | diniheeeeca NR 6 ara nay , ’ > t soi sp Women "s-Ready-to-Weet Depta Sears Second Floor - Choice of 2 Fabrics! Sale. rit ff Oe x dF FABRICS in wonderful wash n’ wear mix ‘n match cottons a, Buying, ‘building or cil you'll want to leach more about built-in ‘electric heat. It’s so comfortable, so fast and so clean it makes other heating _ methods downright old fashioned. Electric heat makes it practical—for the first 4 | time—to control the temperature in each room separately. Comfort? Here’s a such comfort it's a brand-new experience. _ Electric heat completely eliminates the need for a furnace: for boiler or ee ere © bal fate. silat, “Orch ar a rhea 3. girls’ or boys’ jeckets sateen, reversible tabs is he [i 1. girls’ sleeveless blouse in blue . print plain color color 9 facing 2. boys’ cotton a , regular 98c yard reg. 79¢ a yard © no-iron cotton china sport cottons 58° Ya 58* va. , sateen shorts Now/s the time to ‘eae foe Most ‘popular cottons, most trout, eteatte cotton sateen front Summer and save 40c a yard, popaler colors, textures, prints J. beck walat 1 19 eg atth pint collar _ Wondertul‘few colors of sum- . Save now at Sears! ei i sives: 3-6x * facing, stsen § ut 19 me ee a a \ Be mS Infants’ Depi. ~ Main hen ae 02 oun ec nl SEARS “se 7. ©, ! 5 Ka 4, girls’ short sleeve blouse: NS «5.. girls’ capri pants elastic back wast r