' ' ■ ■•■ -., ■■ -,/: ■ , ■■ ■■■ . ■ ,. ' / ?., ^ ^ ■■■•■■'-■ : .' ■■ '. ■ ■ ' ■ , ‘-| '' . ■ , ■■ ) .-. ■ ............................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ■ .', . ; . . . „ , . "I, : . GENE SCHROEDER , LANIMNG (AP) — Legislative battle lines are forming today over tax reform — an issue Gov. Romney says should be-given top priority in the next few weeks. Romney made it clear ih his State of the State message yesterday that he wants to see lawmakers overhaul Michigan’s tax structure. More money soon will be The Weather U.S. WNthcr Burtw Farteiit Chance of Showers (Dttalls on Pago 2) needed, he said, |o keep state from slli!|iii^ into the ? ^ red. 4 Although he didn’t mentjOR it, the governor obviously had a state income tax in m^ Tis specific proposals are expected to accompany his 1967-68 budget message, now being ix-epared^ alte^auve mentioned As a political realist aware of i ; X I the fierce opposition in smas^ i. quarters to an incmne tax, Romney mentioned an alternative: % higher rates on present tiucesr^-plus a variety of new nuisance taxes. 'WUhh ove burned veiudes, including a fire engine, in tids scoie of Jtooaaica, (}ueens, durhig a 13-alarm ps fire today destroyed 20 homes in an ei^t-block area, are no reported injuries. (See story, page 2.)/ up while carpeting should come next week.” next week.” Then the street level, site of the current budget store, will be remodeled in a decor in keeping with u[»tairs operations, according to Greening. A company spokesman said the total store may be open by late July. “Store operations will continue as usual during budget store relocation and buUding so as not to inconvenience customers.” Construction areas have been blocked off from the selling areas. The full-line store stretches (Continued on Page A-2, Col. 4) Ct A touch of spring is in the air today with temperatures heading for the 40s. The official U.S. Weather Rureau report lodes like thisi TODAY — Variable cloudiness and mild todqy and tonight with a chance of an occaskmal rain shower and a chance of showers or snow flurries tonight. Low 21 to 34. TOMORROW-Mostiy cloudy with a dianoe o[ showers but with possible snow Hurries. SUNDAY-A little coldsr with possHile snow flurries. r ■ . x; iSfc"" '''' ' > V THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY^ jrANUARY 13, 1967 •S;'Sii|Spil^ Fotte, Is Set Up in Delta SAIGON, South Vi^am (AP) — A detadiment of Americaii support troops — enginews, sig nal and security forces — has set up shop in the Melrong River delta in a movement expected to commit at least a 15,000-man U.S. infantry division to the war in that waterlogged rice bowl. The U.S. Command announced today the detachment moved to an area on the My Tho River at Doug Tan — about five miles southwest nf the town of My Tho and 40 miles southwest of Saigon — and “is continuing preparation of the base site.” ★ ★ ★ The long-heralded shift of Americans to the toickly populated delta, which could contribute to making 1967 the bloodiest year of the Vietnam war, developed as shells from supporting artillery killed eight American soldiers and wounded 34 in a company of the 1st Infantry Division in the Iron Triangle north of Saigon. “Preliminary invesUgation indicates error in plotting the firing data,” a spokesman said. A report from the fjeld, where about 30,000 Anoerican and South Vietnamese trtwps are pressing the biggest offensive of the war, said 16 of the 155mra shells fell among the company. Though the announcement concerning the ddta covered only the support troops, it was obvious they vrere paving the way for long-range operations by An^rican ground combat forces. Government battalions and the Vietcong have waged desultory war to a stalemate in its mud, muck and water. A short-range operation by 4,-000 U.S. Marines and Vietnamese was in its eighth day on the coastal Thanh Phu peninsula, 55 miles south of Saigon and 40 miles fmm My Tho. A detachment of 12 to 20 U.S. Leathernecks reported moderate casualties in a clash with a Viet Urge Business S to Cooperate NEW YORK (AP) - Henry Fend II urged the nation’s businessmen Thursday ni^t to “support rather than oppose well - considered government programs to accomplish what government can do and business cannot do.” Referring to what he termedH»n. who was replaced by “the explosive growth of government,” the board chairman of the F(«d l^tor Co. declared: “The real question for businessmen is not how to stop the growth of government. To meet our nation’s growing problems and aspirations, both govern ment and business must expand their responsibiUties and activ ities. Ck>ng force of undetermined size in the first solid engagement of this campaign. Enemy casualties were hot known. MUST BE WON U.S. commanders have said the delta, laced V miles of navigable waterways and countless miles of swamps and paddy fields, must be wrested from Vietcong control if the war is to be won by the allied side. More than a third of South Vietnam’s 15 million people live in the delta, and it is estimated 109,900 guerriUas are based among them. Fear that the massive firepower of modern American wejqwns might daim heavy toll among civilians was one facl’^x delaying the decision that the government forces must have help. ★ ★ ★ The American presence in the delta has been sh^t, limited to advisers to Vietnamese units, river patrol boat crews and some helicopter units. Sports Saga in LA: Grid, Diamond, Ring (Continued From Page One) emissary Heldenbrand was visiting with the American League’s 1966 triple threat — oops, there I go with football-Triple Crown winner. THREE DEPARTMENTS Triple Crown, as if you didn’t know, signifies batting supremacy in three departments — batting average, home runs, and runs batted in. And just to make it a dia- Legislative Job to Carl O'Brien Defeated in his bid for re-election to the state Senate last November, Carl W. O’Brien of Pontiac was returned to the public payroll yesterday by his former colleagues as a legislative aide. Minbrity Democrats hired O’Brien, 513 Moore, to a $12,-757-a-year administrative post which vdU havolve press rda-tims; research and develofUng party positions. Earlier this week, O’foien, Si, accepted a Job widi the American Federations of State, Connty and Municipal blmployes as a Idibyist, but tten rejected the position. Eugene Famum, son of former Congressman Billie Far- publicans as secretary of the Senate, was named administrative assistant to Democratic Senate leader Raymond Dxend-zel of Detroit. * * * Farnum took a pay cut from his $19,000-a-year post to $14,344. ’Ilie new Senate secretary is Beryl Kenyon, who held the job once bdore. The Weather • Full U.S. Weather Bureau Report PONTIAC AND VICINITY—Variable cloudiness and mild today and tonight witt chance of an occasional rainsbower today and a chance (d showers or snow flurries tonight. High today 36 to 42. Low tonight 28 to 34. Saturday; Mostly cloudy with chance of showers but with possible snow flurries late Saturday. West to southwest winds 12 to 20 miles today, becoming variable 7 to 12 miles tonight. Outlook for Sunday: A little colder with possible snow flurries. Today in Pontiac Lowest temperature preceding 8 a.m.; 30 At 8 a.m.; Wind Veiocity 12 m.p.h. Direction: West Sun sets Friday at 5:24 p.m. Sun rises Saturday at 8 a.m. Moon sets Friday at 8:22 p.m. Moon rises Saturday at 10:34 a m. 6 a.m 7 a.m 8 a.m 9 a.m 10 a.m Downtown Tamparatures 11 a.m. Highest and Lowest Temperatures This Date in fs Years in 1950 —3 in 1918 Thursday in Pontiac (as recorded downtown) Highest temperature ............... 35 Lowest temperature ................ 25 Mean temperature ...................30 Weather; Mostly sunny Thursday's Tamperaluro Chart mond grand slam, Frank was named the American League’s most valuable player for 1966. Since he had also won that honor while with Cincinnati, it makes him the only player to win MVP acclaim in both leagues. ★ ★ ★ At this point, you might well ask why Cincinnati traded him to Baltimore last year. HEARTY GUFFAW Get ready to join Frank in a hearty guffaw. The Reds’ brass said he was washed up (exclamation mark) . . . yeah — washed up like Niagara falls. Reports have it that the Cincinnati front office is still gnashing its dentures over what was probably the worst off-diamond boner the national pasttime has ever known. ’Trading Robinson was the most disastrous business deal since the Indians sold Manhat tan to the Dutch for $24. * it ★ , With the orioles last year Frank caused opposing pit^ers more sleepless nights than over eating. His /only discoverable weakness at the plates was an overfondness for chili. WHO TO BEAT? Since the Baltimore blaster modestly ccmcedes the 1967 league pennant to his club, what team does he think the (h'ioles will have to beat out to finish on WeU, he sees the Minnesota Twins as the runner-up and Detroit’s Tigers not far behind. Shifting from horsehide to pigskin, I asked Frank which league would count on a win in the Super Bowl Sunday, and the score of the showdown. “Well,” he answered, “if I were a betting man — which I’m not, unless the odds are right — I’d pick the Packers to win by a 35-21 score.” So, with mission accomplished, your conscientious correspondent said goodbye to Frank Robinson and his charming wife and, groping his way through the smog, speculated on the curious case of the roving ring. along one side of a newly built enclosed mall on the southwest side of the Six new fashion stores adjoin the other side of the new area. Birminghairii ^rea^ News ii'iuli.. ‘........ ..... iwM.ii.ii 7/—“■—.... ■ ^ ' i, !’ " * ‘ Construction Value Rise Sedn AP WIruglwW CHECKS TERRAIN—An American infantiymoan keeps his eyes peeled for snipers who were approaching his battalion’s position in a clearing in the Thanh Dien forest north of the Iron Triangle area of South Vietnam. The Vietcong snipers zero in on helicopters delivering troops to the forward positions. Hudson's Progress Told (Continued From Page One) Reports Say Workers Pour Into Peking (Continued From Page One) struggle against the faction headed by President Liu Shao-chi. POUCE POWERS The Peking correspondent for the Kyodo news agency said one poster announced that the central committee of tiie Chinese Communist party , had decided to strengthen the powers of the security police. This report said pew measures included arrest for anyone hindering Mao's continuing purge <«• hampering Iffoduction and the arrest of_ anyone ridiculing Mao or Defense Minister Lin Piao, Mao’s heir apparent and chief associate in the purge. A correspondent for the newspaper Asahi said he saw angry workers demonstrating in front of the security ministry and calling for the ouster of Security Minister Hsieh Fu-chih. Obviously Liu’s followers were arousing the labor movement, which had been his stronghold. An editorial in Thursday’s People’s Daily and the party theoretical journal “Red Flag” denounced “economism” — tiie Search for higher wages and better working conditions — as a new aspect of tiie big counterattack launched by the bourgeois reactionary line on the proletarian revolutionary line.” The entrance wiU be ^ wide as the MaU. There will aho be an entrance facing EUabeth Lake Road. The full-line store will (dfer such services as custodier repair, package pickup, a beauty shop, a garden center and a restaurant, in addition to fashion and utility departments. ★ ★ ★ Hie budget store will continue to carry the present lines of merchaixlise. The type of checkout counters now in use will be replaced by service registers, according to Greening. Work on the addition was begun in 1965. Its cost was originally put at $2.4 million. A Hudson’s spokesman said, “Growth in the 30 key ;com-mnnities in and around Pontiac has been amazing, and Hudson’s expansion reflects our iwide and confidence in these cemmonities and :^ir continued growth. “Hudson’s has always had an interest in Pontiac and its environs, and since 1962 we have been a part of this community. With the opening of the new store, we are assuming a greater responsibility in one of Michigan’s important cities,” he added. ★ w Greening will continue as manager of the budget store while Joseph L. Middleton Jr., formerly assistant manager at Hudson’s Northland,' has charge of the full-line store. Battle Lines on Taxes Form in State Legislature (Continued From Page One) 32 One Year Ago in Pontiac Highest temperature . . Lowest temperature Mean temperature Weather; Snow, 1 InCh 12 m............35|Escanaba 1 p.m......... 36;Gr. Rapids i Houghton Lansing I Marquette , iPeilston [Traverse C. 32IAlbuquerque 22' Atlanta 27 Chicago Cincinnati Detroit 36 25 Dututh 36 30 41 31 Kansas City 50 31 38 33 LOS Angeles 74 51 34 24 Miami Beach 73 69 35 32 New Orleans 58 43 39 33 New York 33 31 36’ 32 Phoenix 67 35 37 31 Pittsburgh 39 27 45 29 Salt Lake C. 32 18 48 30 S: Francisco 64 54 40 36 S. S. Marie 33 8 46 30 Washington 46 31 36 30 ^Dato From U.S. WfATHIR 1 FORECAST Ngviei Shew Uw TavnfMratMm EipKied iintil Sotwiday Monrinf________ ts*iat«4 Pf»ci|ii*AH4»fi N«l Indicwltd-Cwntult le<«l AP WirtplWtt NATIONAL WEATHER — Rain is expected tonight in the central and western Gulf Coast and the Ohio Valley, chMigfng to snow in the northern Appalachians. Rain is also . forecast kr the Pacific Northwest, changing to snow in the / Pli^ and Plateau. It will be cooler in the Rockies and ..warmer m the eastern third of the nation. t i i ‘ ■ 'v V' , ^ ' ■ , 'V have been added to the state payroll.” HIGHER TAXES He also said the state is paying higher rates than it should for leased office space, and he hinted at a major scandal. Whereas somo Democrats voiced immediate opposition to an income tax, some Republicans favored tiie idea of a fiscal overhaul. “I campaigned on a platfonn of equitable tax reform coupled with fiscal spending,” said Sen. John Toepp of Cadillac. “1 have not changed my views, and I agree with the governor on his ideas along these lines.” ★ ★ * Sen. Frank Beadle of St. Clair, long considered the top (TOP fiscal expert in the Senate, said: “We will have to take a good, hard look at any new programs before we instibite them. CONCURS ON NEED “I concur wholeheartedly, however, with Gov. Romney on the need for tax reform if we are to finance existing and new pro-, grams without deficit spending.” House Speaker Robert Wit '"a , , , & BIRMINGHAM - A continuing rise in the value of con struction is antic^mted by Richard B. Schlosser, Birntingham building official. i In a report. siAmitted to tiie City Commisskm, building officials showed that $6,294,935 in building permits had be«pi apfdied tof in 1966. This omn-pares to $4,729,190 the previous year, an approximate $1.5 million rise. “I expect tiiis year’s figure to be alwat $9 million,” Scblos-sersidd. ^ During/1966, permits for SO-new single - family dw^tags were issued for a total value of $855,200. The new parking g»-rage accounted fur over $1 mil ihm and 36 improvements to tnisinesses amounted to over $1.2 miUicHi. Permits for two new apart^ 9AOO Pontiac Voters • May Lose Registrpfion More than 9,500 Pontiac voters-onc every five in the dty—face suspension <4 their registrations Mowing actiim yesterday by the city clerk’s office. The voters, 9,530 ot them, have not exercised their right to ballot in city, state or national elections for the last two years, accor^g to City Clm^ Mrs. Olga Barkeley. i( it -k Mrs. Barkeley said each (4 the delinquent voters has been soit a notificatioi card, half of which may be removed, filled out and returned to City Hall to insure reg-istratkm. Voters who do not send back the warning cards within 30 days will have their registrations automatically suspended, Mrs.' Barkeley said. ment dwellings added $250,000 to the total and 12 new Iwsi-nesses added 4970,000. LARGE PROJECTS Schlosser expects dthe* construction toeontimiie at tbesame rate, but expectii bis office' to issue permits this year fer some large projects ihat will boost the figure. These are: a six-story store-office -^apartipeDt building at Woodwa^ and Merrill; a 40-anif apartment cempl ex at Southfield ad Brown; and three or fom* smaller apartment dwellings. on Vocational Plans Plans for a system of area vocati(Hial high schools—and an outline of hurdles yet to be cleared — were presented to members of Oakland County school boards last night. The final report of the Committee of 29, which studied vocational educational needs in the county and recommended establishment of four area high schools, was presented to the Oakland County School Boards Associatibn. A committee of school district superintendents will con-tipue to worii OB the project Southfield Schools Supt. Dr. John W. English told the 125 persons at last night’s meeting that they could expect further reports from the superintendents late in February. * ★ * Four subcommittees will delve into special areas and report on transportation; the legal and f i n a n c i a 1 limitations of local and intermediate school districts; curriculum and pupil personnel procedures; and loca- Posifion Sought City Sewer Pullout Questioned dron, R-Grosse Pointe, said the governor’s speech was a call for survival of state and local governments. “I certainly am in complete agreement with his call for immediate consideration of a sound, equitable fiscal refrain program,” Waldron said. “I am looking for a bipartisan effort to find the solution to this most pressing problem facing Michigan.” w * ★ With the House divided 55-55, it appeared to newsmen that Waldron was stating the obvious. TRADITIONAL RULES If the chamber opo'ates under its traditional rules, at least one Democrat would have to vote for an income tax before such a measure could pass. it it it Some lawmakers — Republicans and Democrats alike — are hinting that they favor ducking a legislative showdown on the controversial income tax issue. They are suggesting that the voters decide it through a referendum ballot. Puzzled that Pontiac has indicated it Will forego a $209,000 saving in a sewer project by ‘going it alone,” R. J. Alexander, director of thfe Oakland County Department of Public Works, wiU ask for the city’s formal position. Pontiac was one of eight communities included in the DPW’s proposed Clinton Oakland Interceptor System that will deliver county sewage to Detroit for treatment. City officials last summer decided to go it atone rai construction of the Galloway Creek trunk system but they were asked to reconsider. Alexander said today that it appears the city will not join the others in the Clinton Oakland project despite the concession of city officials that it would mean an approximate $200,000 saving. T am preparing a letter today to the city asking for aior-mal decision on the sewer project, Alexander said. AMEND AtIRREMENTS “We are also beginning the task of amending our present agreements which fire based otj Pontiac’s participation,” Alex ander said. “The amended agreements excluding Pontiac, probably will be ready in about 10 days tob resubmi^rai to the other com- “I am hopeful that construction will begin in about a year,” he added. PARTTCIPA’nNG Participating communities are the townships of Avon, Pontiac, Waterfrati, Independence, Orion and West Bloranfield. The City of Orchard Lake was included in the original plan but withdrew. tirais and detailed plans I
it it it Randolph, president of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, said Thursday he believed the congressional action against the Harlem Negro congressman “reflected the great-^t fcrisB in Negro-white rela- The over-all aim of the conference, Randolph said, would be to reexamine and revise Negro strategy against, what be termed “the white power structure.” CONFERENCE ’TOPICS A spokesman for the veteran leader said Randolph’s proposals for conference topics would include: Blacklisting of Republican and Democratic congressmen from nrathern industrial centers with large Negro populations who were “diratly or indirectly” responsible for Powell’s House defeat. it it it Designation of congressmen to be defeated by Negro voters at the polls and intensification of voter-registration drives in the northern urban areas to accomplish this aim. One close associte of Randolph said Rep. Emanuel Celler, a veteran Brooklyn Democrat, would be named as one of the targets because he did not “actively” work to save Powell. FLOOR MANAGER Celler responded by noting that he had been the author and floor manager of all the House civil rights bills since 1960. Burns 20 Homes; No Injuries Gas-Fed Fire Hits 8-Block Area of NY NEW YORK (AP) -A fire punctuated by gas explosions roared through an eight-block area of Jamaica, Queens, today, destroying or damaging 20 homes and limiting the pr^tii sky with brilliant yellow and orange flames visible fev miles around. There were no reports of injuries. it it it Men and women rushed out of their homes in nightclothes, carrying children in their arms. Some carried suitcases filled with valuables. Quick precautionary action by fireiiKn and policemen, who ... u 1 j u responded to reports of a gas muniheswhi(* already have ^ evacuated residents proved participati(m in the project,” he said. Alexander expects no delay in securing approval of the amended agreements. “As soon as these agreements are in, we will begin obtailting the necessary easements for the project,” Alexandw said. before tiie fire roared out of control, apparently saved many lives. bright MJtne At times, the flames ranched hundreds of feet into tha air to a great mushroom of orange aid visiUe at Kennedy Intemtokmal Airport, about two miles distant. “One man was screaming, It’s the end of the world!” said John CoBminski, 25, of Brooklyn, to describing the scene when he and two companions drove into the Jamaica section. it it it It seemed to us that the flames were shooting 300 to '400 feet high,” said Pejer Aocai, 22, of Bry law, religion and morality, but it means absolutely no^g to his personality structure. In his world, he was God and what he did was entirely right,” Brussel said. Brussel and Bailey described DeSalvo as a man warped from early cMldhood by exposure to deviate conduct and who was driven to the stranglings when his wife rejected his affection. Asst. Dist. Atty. Donald Conn, the chief prosecutor, challenged Brussel’s diagnosis of schizophrenia and questi(Hied whether the amount of time Brussel had sjpent with DeSalvo was sufficient to support his conclusions. Event for Unit on Retarded Glen Smith, director of New Horizcms, Will speak at the Wednesday night meeting of the North Oakland Association for Retarded Qiildren. The 8 p.m. program is to be held at the Family Service Center in the Community Services Building, 132 Franklin Blvd. New Horizons is a sheltered workshop located in Farming ton. MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) — Alabama Gov. George C. Wallace says he’ll call the “bluff” of federal ofFicials who have threatened the state with the loss of about |96 ntiilkm in welfare funds, Wsdiace responded angrily at a- news conference Thursday after learning that ihe Dqmrt-ment of Health, Education and Welfare had requested the cutoff by Feb. 29 because of allied discrimination in Alabama’s welfare programs. ★ . ★ “ ★ He assured Alabamians that the state’s elderly citizens And needy children won’t “lose a single dime,” and added the federal officials are “going to get their bluff called.” Wallace charged HEW is “using senior citizens and little children as pawns in a game of governmental red tape and bureaucratic abuse.” ‘OPPRESSION’ The outgoing governor, whose wife, Lurleen, will be sworn in Tuesday to succeed him, promised, “The boot of oppression is going to be remov^ from the necks of our senior citizens and of our children.” the federal funds for the fiscal y^ar which ends next June 30 are believed to total about $95.8 mililon. However, HEW Secretary John W. Gardner said in Washihi^n that state and local funds\cover about 25 per cent of the pnblic assistance and 56 per cent of the child welfare program in Alabama. Ruben King, director of the State Department of Pensions and Securities, said the federal nxmeY oong>rises about 8Q .hoc cent of his department’s budget Both Wallace and Khig ssid Alabama has digned a statement tiiat the dqmrtment will comply with the law. imveZr Hgatast by third par- The governor charged jHpvide services p^ for by the state, such as nursing “Secretary Gardner’s order states that Alabama must agree to do more than conq>ly with the law. It is unbelievable that a political subdivision or an individual would be required to do any more than simply say, ‘We will dxy the law. Wallace said, “We are going to continue to follow the law and the Constitution, but we are not going to be bullied by these social planners who are interested more in politics than aid to our elderly.” Tbe state contends HEW’S regulations go beyond the law and the intent of Congres as ex- Ford Scholarship Grants Offered DETROIT (AP)-Children of the more than 170,000 employes of Ford Motor Co. dealerships throughout the nation get a chance again this year at the firm’s technical scholarship program. The scholarships, about 100 of them, pay full tuition, $300 living expenses for students living at home and $750 for those away from home for two years of study at community junior colleges end technical institutes. The program is in its second year. $545 225 $225 S445 APPLES Extra Fine Selection FIREPLACE WOOP RIHER'S Farm Market 3225 W. Huron - F£ 8-3911 6684 Dixio Hwy., Clarktion Huron St. Store Open ’Til Midnight Purina Dog Chow 50 lb. 100-Lb. $10.00 Morton’s Saf-t-Salt 100 lb. $ 00-1b. $1.20 Wild Oird Feed 25 lb. 00-1 b. $3.90 Sun Flower Seeds 25 lb. iu:eased in the 1965 Civil Rights Act. ' One point of disagreement is the state’s refusal to give assurances tile needy won’t be dis- homes. Gardner said the state could save 80 per cent of the funds by complying in the parts of its welfare programs-which do not involve third parties. At stake in the dispute are about $75 million in old age assistance and medical aid programs, nearly $10.5 millUm for aid to depmident children, $7.7 miili(Hi for the totally and permanently disabled,, and more than $1 millimi each for the bliiHi and a child welfare pror gram. Apiilications Now Being Taken Grand Prix Apartmairis * Electric Kitchens * Continuous-Feed Quiet Disposal * Huge Wallc-in and Wardrobe Closets * Air Conditioning * Insulated, Sound-Proof Walls * Ceramic tile Baths * RCA Master Antenna * Aluminum Sliding Windows * Private Pool and Recreation Area * Private Parking 315 S. Telegraph Rd.-Pontiac See Manager Apt. No. 1 J 19 Viet Deaths Are Reported WASHINGTON (AP) - The Defense Department has announced the names of 11 men killed in action in Vietnam and of eight others who died but not as result of hostile action Killed as a result of hostile action: ARMY ILLINOIS - Sptc. S Evertn L. Tabor, Pekin. MINNESOTA — Sptc. 4 RonaW L. Arrlgonl, Sf. Paul; P«c. Douglai J. Fan-nay, South MInnaapoils. NORTH CAROLINA — Staff Sgt. Edward E. Graana, Ltnolr. NORTH DAKOTA — Spec. 4 Ervind C. Strandbtrg, Grand Forkt. PENNSYLVANIA — Spec. 4 Elmer F. Spina, Phlladal^ia. i TENNESSEE - lat LfJ Larry D, ,Sarls, qiarktvilla. TEXAS - Sptc, San DIago. 4 Fradartco Perez, MARINE CbRPS . CALIFORNIA — Lance CpI. Dana G. Rost, Suliun City; Pfc. James T, Rani, Palm Springs. NEW JERSEY — Pfc. Donald W. Drake, Newton. Died not as a result of hostile action: ARMY ALABAMA - Ma|. fiWlcy son, Flortncs; Pfc. Timothy Jr.y Tvscskwss ARIZONA - Spec. S OiaMmo J. CIn ly b. y/. Thomp- Abrtms ' tinab, PhMlx. NEW YORK Jamaica. NORTH CAROLINA Pfc. Vincent R. Torres, Staff Sgt. Jo-taph R. Ratehart, Fayetfavilla. TEXAS — SpK. 4 Rebarl Dauphint Jr., El Paae.. MARINE CORPS CALIFORNIA — Sgt. Ma|. Robart W. Barnett, Endnllaa. WYOMING - Pfc. Curtis T. Ando, Would You Believe a Christmas Shipment Just Arrived at SIMMS? 800 Pairs INSULATED Ice Skates /ill First Quality Priced well below normal Selling prices because they arrived so late Boys’ and Girls’ Size 1 to 4 Ladies’ Skates Sizes 5 to 10 Men’s Skates $izes5tOv12 Girls' cind ladies' skates in white leather uppers, men's and boys' in black . . . foam insulation for extra warmth, plaid flannel lining, tempered steel blades, hi-heels and hi-cut styles. Genuine leather uppers —buy and save on this better quality now. 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WESTINGHOUSE Instant JET-SET 19” portable television • turned-off it's a new kind of TV —it doesn't stare back at you •tuned on — o new kind of picture — clearer, easier to watch • top front controls with illuminated pop-up VHF and slide rule UHF channel numbers • instant-on TV, no wait, no warm up, no walk-back • special duty chassis for weak signal oreas • memory tine tuning • twin telescoping VHF/UHF antennas • cobalt blue or granada brown WESTINGHOUSE all transistor solid-state -no tubes FM-AM Radio & Phoho stereo console with free $50 record packs • all solid state — no tubes • 60 watt peak music power • FM stereo-multiplex — with indicator light • 4 speaker sound system • 4-speed automatic record changer with diamond stylus and retractable cartridge • total automatic shut-off for changer and set • tuned R.F. stage on FM with AFC • contemporary styling in walnut hardwood veneers ond solids. • set is 44x26x17V5z inches. i9r Charge It! Major Credit Cards Honored you may purchase these famous , WESTINGHOUSE Items on the ' SIMAAS instant credit piqn ^ . ..ask us about it! OPEN TONITE ’til 9 P.M. SATURDAY 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. iscoiinfs AH Over the Store-Simms, 98 N. Saginaw St OtONITI Until IW P.M. SATgRMY HOURS: 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. still Going On-SIMMS Great 0nee>A-Year January CAMERA DEPT. CLEARAMCE ‘It's true thqt you a*t lovver Dric«8 •vary day of th« y«ar at Simms ... but one* a y«ar Simms has a claarance sal«r-you know, 1 and 2 of a kind, d«mo. modalt, display items, etc. All are fully guaranteed like new. Compare Simms models and low prices before you buy. These specials fOr today and Saturday only. CAMERA DEPARTMENT DISCOUNTS First Time Every These Lower Prices on Famous ODAK Kodachrome Color Films .KX 126 Instamatic Color Slides |34 35nini Kodachrome Slides 36-EXP. ROLL $2.75 valus—take 35mm color slides W M 0 M with genuine KODAK Kodachrome film. 36 pictures per roll. Limit 6 rolls. ' Super 8 Color Movie Film 195 20-EXP. LOADS KX126 Instamatic Color slide film in the Kodo-pok drop-in load . . . take color slides with ony Instamatic camera. Limit 6. The new Super 8 film for the new Super 8 cameras—no fu,mbling, full 50 feet of larger, brighter movies. Limit 4 rolls. 'ARGUS’ Instamatic Flashcube Camera Set Automatic Electric-Eye Camera 39»« Regular $52.98 value—instant loading camera with automatic electric-eye for perfect exposures everytime. Complete set has color film, flashcube and batteries. Use your credit card or $1 holds. 196T Model «BELL & HOWELL’ No. 346 Super 8 Movie Projector 66®* Automatic -•Threading Feature Regular $84.95 value—this projector takes the new Super 8 film to project larger, brighter movies. No threading—It's done automcrticdly and you get reverse, and still projections. Use your cord or $1 holds. Clearance of 1 and 2 oNa-Kind in Movie and Slide Projectors If you've ever wanted to buy a movie or slide projector for your own use, now is the time. We can't mention the famous names and makes involved but they all carry a full year guarantee by the famous manufacturers. 12-Transistor FM-AM Portable Radio With FREE Battery and Earphone Personal portable size FM-AMy radio with AFC, telescopic antenna and hand carry strap. Model TFM-122 with earphone and battery. $1 holds. 1098 fienuine ‘TOKAI ST. M0RHZ’ Hi-Fower 2-Way Walkie-Talkie 1 to 3 Mile Range First Time at This Price $39.95 val.-'67 model TC walkie-talkie units permits you to listen and talk without wires ... use on channel No. 7 with plug-in crystals for long range use over land and water. Complete with case, batteries and earphone. $1 holds. 201" Priced So Low We Can’t Mention Name SoRd-State AM Clock-Radio Regular $39.95 Seller—Now at Only Smartly styled solid state cto^k-radio with advanced push-pull circifitry for big, crisp sound. Telechron clock with slide rule precision tuning dial. Only $1 holds. 2398 Portable Radio and Phono Player AC Operation and Battei^es ^ , $39.95 Value —Now 2598 As shown—Alaron model B6RP—a 6-transistor AM radio combined with a 3-speed record player—oil built into this one unit. Operates on AC house current or batteries which ipokes it completely portobio in tiie home and away from the home. Flip-over needle and tpne cqntrol. OnJy$l holds. SIMMS 0AMIRA8 ^1. THE POyXIAC PRESS. FEIDAY, JAWPAST 18^1W7 ' -V -• / , * c ^ T ............. Widoy/s Role %i, „t, in Coppolino Case Is Eyed FRESHOLDi N. J. (UPD -A grttad jury hear evidence fhesday to decide whettier to indict Mrs. Marjorie Farber, who testified at Dr. Carl Coppo-lino’s murder trial that she tried to kill her husband while in a hypnotic trance induced by Coppolino. ★ ★ ★ C(^polino was acquitted Dec 15 of murdering Mrs. Farber’< husband, William, a retired Ar my lieutenant. Mrs. Farber had testified that she saw the doctor commit the murder by pressing a lilow over the victim’s face and neck. Monmouth County Prosecutor Vincent P. Keuper said yesterday he has completed a review of the transcript of the trial and is prepared to discuss the case with the jurors and “let them decide what action, if any, they want to take.” ★ ★ ★ Keuper declined to mention any specific charges that might be brought against her. Diving to Begin at Morrell Site Underwater Photos of Wreckage Slated DETROIT (AP) - The Coast Guard cutter Bramble is expected to leave late today or early Saturday for the Harbor Beach area to begin diving operations at the site of wreckage from the sunken ore carrier Daniel J. Morrell. ★ ★ ★ The Morrell sank in a Lake Huron storm Nov. 29, killing 28 of its 29 crewmen. The Bramble had been scheduled to leave Detroit Thursday, but had to wait fw the necessary diving equipment. Divers and equipment are from Oc^n Systems, Inc., the Coast Guard said. UNDERWATER PHOTOS A Coast Guard spokesman at 9th District Headquarters in Cleveland said divers will operate from the Bramble to take underwater photographs of the Morreel wreckage. “Television pictures taken of the wreckage last week were note too good,” the spokesman said. “The cameras' were operated by remote control from above. ★ ★ ★ “When the Bramble operations begin, divers will have the cameras in their hands. They will be able to swim around wherever they want to get good pictures.” Operations will begin later to retrieve parts of the Morrell wreckage, the Coast Guard f A Junior Editon Quiz PRAYING MANTIS i\S. q1!JESTION: Is the praying mantis just an ugly bug or does it have some value? ★ ★ ★ ANSWER: First, the praying mantis, or mantid, isn’t a bug. This word refers to one special kind of insect (example: the water bug). The mantid belongs in another group, the Mantidae. Mandds, of course, are not praying when they hold up their front legs in the queer position Joe is imitating. Ihe mantid uses tiiis position to hold the insects he eats for food close to his jaws. He is an extremely hungry creature. It is this that makes him of value to mapkind, for mantids consume great quantities of insects which are harmful to us. So useful is the mantid that the European species of this insect has been introduced into the United States, since it specially likes to dine on certain insects which we don’t want. Mantids are also interesting for the way they can swivel their heads around, unusual for an insect. The other insect in our picture, which might be confused with a mantid, is a walking-stick. This creature has a thinner body and the three pairs of legs all look alike. The | walkingstick eats leaves, rather than insects. ★ ★ ★ FOR YOU TO DO: Study insects a bit. You’ll find a lot of interest in what you thought were just “ugly bugs.” PIANOS and ORGANS RENTED Widi (Private Lessons $9(95 Includes Cortag* , I ALL MUSIC I FURNISHED we also RENT: Guitars — Banjos Combo Organs Complete Set of Drums Music Lessons Available On AH Inalrnments VENICE MUSIC CENTER 2287 S. Telcaraiih, Miraele Mile - FE 4-6000 - Open Eves. Til 9 Steps to Curb Crime DETROIT (AP) - Detroit grocers Thursday urged higher police pay and 1,000 mwe policemen to cut down crime in the natitpi’s fifth largest city The action came a wedc after “Grocers Spotlight,” a publication distributed to many Detroit grocers, said it would set up self-defense clashes for food retailers because many of them were buying pistols for protec tipn. ★ ★ ★ Thursday’s announcement came from the Associated Food Dealers (AFD) of Grater Detroit, representing about 1,900 grocery and party store owners. ★ ★ A While AFD did not mention the article in “Grocers Spotlight,” it did say that it was ‘most disheartening and discouraging to learn that increasing crime and murder rates are forcing many retailers to purchase weapons and begin taking lessons in the art of self-defense.” Arming retailers is not ttte answer, AFD said. Besides urging expansicm of the city’s 4,300-man police force, it called for stricter law enforcement with courts imposing penalties “to match the scope and gravity of the crimes being committed.” (AdvartlMnMiil) If You Are Under 80 . you can still apply for the same kind (rf life insurance policy available when you were younger. Once your application' is approved, the policy can bfe carried- the rest of your life. No one will call on you. You handle the entire transaction direct by mail with the company which helped piraieer insurance for senior Americans. Tear out this ad and mail it today with your name, address and year of birth to Old American Ins. Co., 4900 Oak, Dept. L121A, Kansas City, Mo. 64141. WANTED Highest Priees Paid] < JANUARY 18, 1967 Alaska Senator Puts '6B Viet Aid toss of $91 Million LETTER FROM COMPOSER - Lonny Gorban, 10, and his sister Arlene, 12, of Baltimore, Md., happily look at a letter from Russian composer Dimitri Kabalevsky. Lonny, studying music, had written to Kabalevsky AP Wircphoto to tell him how much he liked playing the Russian’s compositions on the piano. Lonny asked for a reply, and he got one writteil in Russian. WASHINGTWJ (AP) -Ernest Gruening says 20 per cent or $91 million r- of U.S. economic aid to Viebiam was lost through theft and diversion last year. ? And the Alaska Democrat, chairman of a Senate subcommittee on foreign aid, added that his 20 per cent estimate probably was low. He noted that some other sources had estimated losses as high as 40 to 50 per cent. ' Another member of Congress joined Gruening today in doubting that the loss in Vietnaip aid through theft and diversion is as low as the government’s official 5 to 6 per cent estimate. Rep. John E. Moss, D-Calif., chairman of the House Foreign Operations subcommittee, said, “No one reaily knows what the figure is.’’ He added that if the 5 to 6 per cent estimate made by the Agency for International Development is correct, “they have indeed achieved a miracle.’’ series of Associated Press articles in November following a twt^month investigatiew« asksdy leidewell. Fnttw's. Me mewy dawn. 3 yeen le eey. *399 QIANT SCREEN Aufhantic mapl* • EaHy Amarican 23" Diagonal •craan, 82-channal, UHF/-VHF tunar. Automatic color purifier. GET FRETTER’S DEAL SAVE *100 FULL SATISFACTION GUARANTEE M INSTANT CREOIT-3 YEARS TO PAY FRETTER FRETTER’S PORTIAC Tiuain n. H au 1 a Hcsae u. IS. 1 Mila Rortli Of Miraelt Mila Opon Daily 9:30-9 - Opoh Sunday 10-7 - FE 3-7051 NO MONEY DOWN - UP TO S6 MONTHS TO PAY Out of sight... out of mind SATISFACTION GUARANTEED BY DEIROir EDISON (Electric water heaters install anywhere—carry a money-back guarantee) Install it and forget it. That’s about the nicest thing you could say about a water heater. And you can— if it’s electric. An electric water heater has no flame. No pilot light. So there’s no worry about flues or venting. You can install it an3rwhere: in a closet, under the basement stairs or, with our lower models, even under a kitchen counter. Put the heater closer to where you use hot water. That way you eMminate long pipe runs. We’re so sure you’ll like an electric water heater, we give you a one-year guarantee of satisfaction. (If you don't get all the hot water you need, you get your money back—including installation cost.) The guarantee applies no matter where you buy your heater, just so long as you’re an Edison customer, - i * So remember, see your Qualified Retailer or your Edison office about an electric water heater. Then forget it. EDISOli HY-RW-----r- -111 'V V :■/ \/y. . ' ' ‘ ,^, ' ? ’ * ■ . ^^ i •i- OaklmMI CemiMinity CaUaga Canfratl lariat Praaanta > GODFREY With Tuesday, Januaty 24 at 8:00 P.M. SOUTHFIELD HIGH SCHOOL AUDITOmUM 10 Mile and Lahsar Road-Adm. $2J0-M14200; * Send stamped, self-addressed envelope and check payable to Oakland Comniunity College to: Community Services Oivision, 2460 Opdyke Road, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 48013. . iy sMd we invest in .a new piano Poll/s Pointers Fast Pillow Covers DEAR POLLY-rt make cush- sizes). Single crocbft over until waVa st/ra our child will keep on teking hssgns f Tha best way to Insure your youngster's continuing Interest In music Is to start him on a new, easy-to-play Kimball that makes practicing more fun—there's nothing more discouraging to the beginner than learning to play on an old, stiff-action piano. Your Investment In a new Kimball at the start, Is the most Important contribution you can make to your child's musical education. Priced From ^533 In No Money Down Walnut Free Delivery ■AMilrS. orOrrii ■ke Avr. Lots of Free Parking FE 4.0566 km pow8 out trfold lined drap-ertn titot are too good to Orow avray.' ^ is quick and easy, because the cuadikm can be inserted between the drapery and tbe lining. Sew up the ottier sides snd have cudiions that are very good for large swing covers. — MRS. M. R. DEAR POLLY - Recently >I carried onioas, in my plastic bowl, to a diurch ;^eaer roast. Now, after several weeks, the onion smell is still there/1 have tried soda and cream of tartar but widi no good rosolts. I paid too muck for bowl to throw it away so I do hope someone has a sriathm for me. '— MRS. J. Cl D. DEAR POLLY - To make matddng yam-covered buttons for knitted or crocheted sweaters, t use metal cafe curtain rin^ (they come in different m, pushing the single ero> chets* together firndy so ttiat tbe ring will not show through. Fasten, leaving a length cd yam attached. Thread this yara through a large needle. Push die oater edges of the single crochet to the center opening hi the ring. Using die threaded needle, weave evenly spaced cross-stitches across the i^ening. This closes the center of bntton without nnl the needle. Fasten bnttoa to the garmmit with a smaller cross^titch in center of die button. — MRS. J. D. W. DEAR GIRLS — I use Ixme rings that can be bought at any dime store. After sewing on tlm button, it is well to twist the yam around the fastening threads a few times so it will not be too flat against the sweater and pull when buttoned, - POLLY RCA VICTOR COLOR TV as much in vogue now as it was seventy-five years ago. A classic in good taste and simplicity • all of the value lies in the large center diamond.' The Store Where Quality Counts EPED }^!pau£i CO. Pontiac's Oldest Jewelry Store 28 West Huron Street FE 2-7257 WAREHOUSE IF THE CARPET YOU’VE WANTED WAS TOO EXPEKSIVE, GET THE VERY SAME QUALITY FOR lESSI 501 NYLON Reg. *5’® Yd.-Now ^3’^ Yd. Save Now on Roll Ends and Remnants George Tucson Htgi*. Carpet Dept. 5390 DIXIE HWY,-WATERFORD OPIN MONDAY and FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. ' FE 44)981 OR 3-1225 The Kenneth R. Birmingham of Sylvan Lake announce the cn* gagement of their daughter, Sandra Kay, to Peter A. Faraci. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Faraci of Detroit. Italy Fears for Health of Actress ROME (J) — Italian newspapers said fears that Si^hia Loren had suffered a mi^-riage proved unwarranted. * it -k The newspapers said, however, the condition of the actress still caused concern. ★ ★ ★ The newspaper published reports Wedne^ay that Miss Lorien, 31, had lost the baby she expects in May or might be about to lose it. ★ ★ ★ The reports came after her doctor spent the night at the clinic where she is under treatment. ★ ★ ★ Her husband, movie producer Carlo Ppnti, spent most of Wednesday afternoon at her bedside and said afterward she was “tolerably well.” He said there had been no change in her conditiem.” ★ ★ ★ Her doctor. Prof. Pietro Marziale, refused to comment. When she entered the clinic from her viUa outside Rome four days ago, Marziale said h«- condition was good and that she was in the.,(^c only for routine tests. ★ ★ ★ The actress has suffered three miscarriages before her present pregnancy. This time she canceled ail movie-making and public appearances and remained at her villa, reportedly spending most of her time in bed. The Japies B. Barbers of Eapt Grand Traverse, Commerce Township, announce the engagement of their daughter, Carolyn A., to Spec. 4 Dennis C. Collins of Fort Carson, Colo. He is the son of Mrs. Gilbert Collins of Brockway Street, Commerce Township, and the late Mr. Collins. •NwViitfts,000-voKeiiinit •Nmr VisU VHF, Solid SUtt UHF tunon • KA Automatic Color Puriliir THE MOST TRUSTED NAME IN EUCTRONIC8 We Service What We Sell STEFANSKI ELEaRONICS n 57 W. HURON FE 2-6967 FLOOR COVERING 3330 DIXIE HWY. • 7^2-.^ 0R3-I209 Chmm Reg. *7.95 INYLONS Tweeds and Solids Only ______ uq[.3d. Reg. ♦8.95 ACRHJCS In Stock Patterns Only ^6®® »q. yd. I Open Monday and Friday ’til 9 PJML FIRST TIME EVER! SEAMLESS STOCKINGS PRICED AT ONLY Sheer, beautiftilly* fitting ueomleiu nylons in firing shades el Dveoi^ Miet end Spice. Sizes to II. MIB/ICIE MILE SHOPPING CENTER * CORNER OF PERRT «ND M0NTCSII.1 STREETS r :■ •'.V- • V,, Tllli IK)JmAG iPBffiSS, FRlDAVr^l^OTAHY 18, 1967 Kditor’t noUs: Signe KarU~^ from, our Blomfifld HUlt c(^rr»ip|mdrof, , is ntmAiag from hkr .na^ Svoeden tMs toeefc. Vfo ookeiher do aa or-, ficle about the ehxtue of worn-en in Sweden. ^ Our Services S Include • H«|wUm KiwitiUwlly • Haaring bittnimanta INMcripHM IWad • All makat af haoring iaatcamaiifa laivicad and lagalrarf aiaa^^aaaa ftlAA^aJ i«r III9IVIC VinNII TIITM • haali tiiWariai evaHabla farfnattgUa' •in IM. la Ml M. MILT Nt-IIIS TOWN & COUNTRY GARDEN CENTER 5812 Highlond Rd. Pontiac OR 3-7147 Drayton Wig Diitributon MMiun UM^Vaar Midiiaaa 4M6 Waal Wahaa IM.. Draylaa naim. Mick. 4S020 473-340$ <71-0712 iMHMtWMMWMMWMMIMialHiijilHW KINNEYS I SHOES Far thf Whole Family PONTIAC MALL MIRACLE MILE AlCOHOLISM A FAMILY DISEASE a vou warn TO MaNK THAra UP io YOU-tf YOU WAHTTOSTOP DMNKING THIS MAY ai YOUR ANSWIR AND HOPE r XAMOOHilfR I It AM.M0N.MiraUT. SPJI.SOII.HiniMT. Spatial AA waaWiiga S PJA Sol. epan AL-iSiiSi, or lalalaa Baiihlwricalialltm. MiWMIi a PJAIUsa. aiMllliars. OAKUUID COUNTY AUNO CENTER ins' Mpa, aaiiiat n Min CySIGNEKARLSTROM For many years, Swoden has been short of maiqiower — professional people, en^neers and shilled wori^ In vartous fields, and today one finds the female Swede in almost every category as a leisder. (X-ten there seems to be a rival betweed the nude and female alto strive for the principal postion. ★ ★ ★ Young women are urged to continiie their education in order m aNumO responsibility for w(»t ddiether in the field of medicine, law, education, science industrial work. It is difficult to find domestic help or regular labor workers. This has led ^ considerable immigration cd people from Greece, Austria, Finland, Yugoslavia and Italy etc. They find it more profitable to work in Sweden than in their native land. It has also created problems f(w Sweden, but it has been necessary to interest workers from foreim lands in order to continue the prosperity which Sweden has enjoyed for so many years. FIRST WOMAN In 1922, the first Swedish woman, Kerstin Hesseigren was elected to the parliament. Today 49 women serve the parliament among its 384 members. A conversation with Cecilia Nettelbrandt who is a member of the second chamber reveals that she is a lawyer, serves her community as an “ombudsman” and among other civic positions she was last year elected a vice president of the international Business and Professiohal Women’s or- T h i 8 organization works somewhat differently from ours in America. Although its interest is to provide scholarships for young people, its key mission however, is to obtain better “service homes” for the many young mothers who must leave thdr children in a home while they are at work, BETTER HOUSING Because of a great housing shortage in Sweden, the Business and Professional Women continously work for a better planning of living quarters. Another important iton on their agenda is to help find better text and information books for the yoUng people. A woman of great prestige is Countess Marg von Schwerin who in 1W7 founded Mar-thaskolan in Sweden’s ciqiital, Stockholm. The school was named after the late Queen Martha of Norway who formerly was Sweden’s princess and who, together witii Countess vim Schwerin shared an interest that young girls should have a practical education. ★ ★ ★ Today, about 300 students receh^ their diplomas year-from tiie school. Some are lor shinier courses where learn to sew for their persoQid use and others who study E|EHdlCni|l: dearanee A 9*9B Uititm l^oes fioir 50% or more off original pricasl Ritil smart loeb, gat ifmI values on America's No. 1*^^ion shoes." cmmK a| Amozing young-shoe Imysl All from our regular slock. THE PONTIAC MALL in Politics, Skills longer in order to eiter the fashion professiem. UNIQUE The Martha school is now file only fashhm bouse in Sweden which continues its op-eratiim similar to the design houses in Paris with a boutique, design and ^er^ si^ool. ★ ★ ■fr- it is located in the center of the city. The clientele is tiie well dressed women in Sweden, members of the Royal House, wives of Sweden’s ambassadors and Mrs. Sixten Ehrling—just to name a few. ★ "fr ★ Luncheons and tea are served daily and q u i t e regularly there is a fashion show where many of the city’s fashionable younger set assist. Today, Countess von Schwerin and her three dau^ters who I A spring wedding is planried by (^ynfhia Jane Gibniewski, daughter of Mr. and Mrs." Frank Gibniewski of Lake Orion and Robert Clayton Shuler, son of the Clayton Shulers also of Lake Orion. Detroit Naturalist Is Guest Speaker Wolfgang. Mattes of Detroit, naturalist, spoke recently at the meeting of the Dirt Gardeners Club in the Tubbs Road home of Mrsi Vivian Tubbs. ★ it -k A question and answer period followed the talk centered a r 0 u n d the conservation of natural resources. Hostesses were Mrs. George Lasley and Mrs. E. A. Thomas. Mrs. Frank Datsko was a guest. Reshape Hats Wash and iron the feh of old, discarded hats. Cut hoi pads or pot holders from them. Bind edges with bright colored tape. work vtith hw in one capacity or another have recognition not only in her bomela^ but tbrou^out ihany countries. ZONTA MEMBER Countess von Schwerin is a member of tite Zonta Club International. Once a year the membership meets at her es-tabUshmenf for dinner and a fashion show. The ^nta Club in Sweden meets every mimth for luncheons or dinners and has its own members lecture in their special fields. ★t-fr ■fr A young working woman, Katarina Larsson, daughter of one of Sweden’s leading members of the first chamber in the parliament. Nils Larsson and Mrs. Larssoii is active in radio work. In the summer of 1965, Larsson, together with fellow members visited the United States and alsh came to Detroit. / Katarina has spent a year in France and a year in England to prepare herself for a position with the Swedish radio. Shq is now looking for-ward to the time when she can visit the U.S.A. for'further study and experience. 4‘I A, Toda^ so many young people in Sweden fM tirnt it is quite qecessary to" see “the big country in the West” and gain experience df American methods in the various occu- Enroll NOW! Enrollmonts Token Doily at Your Convenience PONTIAC BEAUTY COLLEGE 16Mi E. Huron Phone FE 4-1854 Study the latest /techniques arid hair fashions. Call Mitt Wilton for fuithor information ' 'ft ■ f 'w. » Michigan* Fine Jeweler* The hew slim, trim BULOVA $399s Built rugged for action . . . smartly styled for dress. 17 jewels, woterproof, telf-winding onti-mognefic, luminous hands and dial. - Uue! internationally styled couriet DMNOND SET *aso An exquisitely carved diamond engogement ring with perfectly metched band. Charge It! Up to 2 Years to Pay 24 IN DOWNTOWN PONTIAC North Saginaw Street LAST WEEK! DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT 25% to 50% SAVINGS On Fine Living Room, Bedroom, Dining Room dnd. Occasional Furniture! Now buy your favorite brand names such as Dunbar,prexel, Baker, Herman Miller, Knoll and others at huge savings. All floor samples and one-of-a-kinds. Savings in Every Department! DECORATORS AT YOUR SERVIQE BUDGET TERMS OF COURSE PLENTY Of FREE PARKING I OPEN. FRIDAY EVENING ; . NI-IIT4. fOHTMc' Ofaien TonigfitA)ntil 9, - vi film' "m f.i ! V Designer Knit Suits, Dresses and Costumes Regular ^65 to ^200 *39 .*149 Dressy Dresses Regular ^30 to ^110 1/3 OFF The long or short styles of our dressy dresses in this i^ualsale Januaiy 14 ^ Januay 21-One Week Only Regular to *3“ pr. Shoe Clearance UP TO 50% OFF Andrew Geller DeLiso Debs Cqressa i Town & Country Dress Town & Country Casuals Capezios California Cobblers reg. to $34.00 ]8?o reg. to $29.00 1390 reg. to $18.00 1|90 reg. to $16.00 890 590, -6*? HURON at TELEGRAPH ?'W ^r7 ~‘ ^ THB PONTIAC PBJBgS, EBIDAY, JAKUAEY 18, 1067 DiAMONO BRIDAL DUO Matching 14k white or yellow gold rings. $2.00 Wet My WEEKLY OR MONTHLY PAYMENTS ON ENGGASS' EASY TERMS! DIAMOND BRIDAL Matching 14k white or yellow ■ gold rings. v^oj^\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\^^^ $1.00 Weekly oiamonoi cnlamco re »mow I FREE PARKING IN ANY PARKING LOT DOWNTOWN PONTIAC ^njojaxjMi (/(/JEWELERS 25 N. SAGINAW ST. IN DOWNTWON PONTIAC ' ""-i The Charles W. Brock-ways of Lakeville Road, Oxford Toumship, announce the engagement of their daughter, Sandra Lea, to Thomas L. Hinsperger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hinsperger of Putnam Street. March vows are being planned by Maxine Kay Patterson, daughter of the Edward A. Pattersons of Attica, and Pfc. Terry Bruce Anderson, son of Mrs. Marshall Pritchard of Imlay City and Robert Anderson of Lapeer. Saunaless Sauna If you would like to approximate the effect of a Finnish sauna, take a spanking hot sudsy bath and rub your skin vigorously with a well-lathered firm brush until your whole skin has a rosy glow. Tlien turn on the cold shower -and let it pelt down fast and sharp. .uklllUJUHlIIIIIII GIANT ^ ^ STOCK ^ = REMOVAL I % We Must Make Room For New Merchandise 501 NYLON • Blie • Beige $ • Gull • Avocado $ 1HGH1HK ACBILAA Uitlll Gold Peacock Extra Value Sculptured Wool Bride-Elecf Is Honored Chris Renee Miller, Saturday bride-elect, opened trousseau gifts at a recent shower given by Patricia Horner (rf St. Lawrence Street, Pontiac Township. Miss Mller’s parents are the Louie C. Millers of Oakland Avenue. Her fiance, Ronald Edwin Mastovich, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Mastovich of St. Clair Shores. ★ ★ ★ Linda and Kimberly Mitchell, with Susan Hill as ci^t-ess, gave a recent shower at the Mitchell home in Roches-t?r. The junior Gust Headblooms .of Livemois Road, Oaldand Township, will host the rehearsal dinner for her brother and his fiance on Friday. . Dr. Svagr Gives Creativity Talk “The Nurture of Creativity in the School” was the subject of a talk Wednesday evening by Dr. Virginia Svagr, director of the Oakland ^bool’s reading clinic. ★ ★ ★ Members of Xi c h a p t e r. Delta Kappa.-Gamina Society met in the 'Oakland County Board of EMucation offices to hear Dr. SvSgr. WWW Following the business meeting, dessert was served by Jane Fox, Mrs. Donald Burk-lund, Mrs. J. E. DeCou and Mrs. Orville Gauthier. J^eumade 'WHITE COLLAR GIRL NYLONS Regular knit or Fiberlock Run-less the 'wear' nylon! I Reinforced toes & »’oels. $100 'Buy a better nylon and see what a cf/ffarence U makes.' 82 N. Saginaw St. By MURIEL LAWRENCE DEAR MRS. LAWRENCE; My husband has to threaten our IZ-year-M Ik^ with punishmeat to get him to do his Saturday morning dm. This is cleaniQg up the garage white his father is wadii^ the car. But the boy either dei^s getting at the job as long as he can (W finds excuses to tiy and itet out it-I think we slx^d offer to pay him to do it After all, the Bible says tiiat the “laborer is worthy of his hire.” Do you not agree with me? ANSWER: No, I don’t. One’s child is not one’s hired handy man. He is a person who lives with ns, shares our Uves and OUT bOIIBty. And he is also entitledl to share turn by turn, interesting elms wito us as well as the dull ones. Easy for Us to Curb Chilcts In^ frf:- f4 A May wedding is being planned by Gail Marie Wennsten whose engagement to Terry W. Mills is announced by her parents, the John G. Wennstens of LaSalle Street. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Irtoin W. Mills of East New York Avenue. Newlyweds Honeymoon in Florida Hwieymooning in St. Petersburg, Fla. are PhilUp Robert Rabaja of Highland Road and his bride, the frnmer Arlene Kay Manning of Alto, who were wed recently in the Caledonia Methodist Church. Attending the evening rite foUowed by a reception in Gaines Hall, Dutton,' were their parents, the Glen Mannings of Alto and Mr. and Mrs. Felipe B. Rabaja of Victory Drive. WWW White taffeta, trimmed wldi Chantilly lace, fashioned the bride’s gown and chapel train worn with shoulder-length veil of silk illusion. Her bouquet held red and vriiite carnations. Carol McElroy was honor attendant with bridesmaids ‘Lois and Sandra Martin. Theodore J. Rabaja stood as best man for his brother. Charles Johnson and Michael McElroy seated the guests. WWW The bride was graduated from Western Michigan University and her husband from Hillsdale College. Coming from Roanoke, Va. for her brother’s wedding were Mrs. Ronnie Shaw and daughter Teresa Lynn. Thus my suggestion la Eiat your husband undertake to clean the garage next Satur^y vrtiile his son washes the car. Indeed, I urge him to continue to nate these too jobs wiRi the boy. ' He’s not going to do ef coarse. V«y few ^ ns ^ accept the nottoa that chUdrea are as entitled as we are to Interesting chores. kost of us are absolutely cim-vinced that we’re the onty people competent enough to perform the interesting chores ~ the washing of cars, the ordn'-ing and codling of meals. It’s a very cmivenient conviction inasmuch as these are the chms, which, by displaying our com-pettoice, gain us admiration. So, of course, we assign the mmiial, unimi»'essive jobs to the chQ-dr«i. In our minds, they are the inferior creatures fit only to prepare the garage for our beautiful, washed, pdished car, the scullions fit only to scrub the pots in which we have codied our deUdons, ad-mired acalltqieJ potatoes and roast lamb. So, O.K. Hiat’s how it is with IS. ( Neverthdess, it is my obli-gatfon to say tiiat children’s tednriqaci for inching meaia], meani^less, scullion chores are techaiqnes for saying “Yon blind, Mg, selfwlghteoas creatures, I am growing up. I am almost as competent as you are at making can shine and at nuking roast Iamb.” It’s iny^ obUgathm to say it, not because I love children so much but because of our sdf-centeretbess loses them to us. It loses tiwm to us by fort^ us to become dictatorial, threat- ‘ -'ft ”ReD€nifi< by Ftwliudqe/ Silhouette of unow-white flowers against solid-pastel color of light blue or green. Coupe Shape Only Platinum lYim 5-Pc. Place Setting ...... ^21 Flintridge Has Never Discontinued a Pattern DIXIE POTTERY 5281 Dixie Hwy. OR 3.1«94 enera of punishment at refusals to 'dean garages and hcrape cooking jiots. so forces jus to destroy the very incentives toward co-o of Wollpoptr and Point 6th Wook: Wall Anongomonts and Accotiorist 7th Wook: Fumituro Rofinithing Sth Wosk; Window Trootmont. and Individual Comultatieil At graduation you will rocoivo o gift cortificoto worth $15 which con bo uiod toward ths purehoio ef $150 or mort on fumituro, carpeting or droporin (oxcopt solo priced item.). Compiate $ 8-Weck ^ Coune Clouot limited to 20 Mombois PONTIAC CLASS SCHEDULE' ■ .... .......... 15 ondyweae odditle yourWatd Wed., Jan. 18-10:00 to 11:30 AM. Wed., Jan. 18-1:30 to 3:00 P.M, Wed., Jan. 18-7:00 te 8:30 P.M. Fri., Jan. 20-10:00 to 11:30 P.M. Fri., Jan. 20-1:30 to 3:00 P.M. 9:00 A.M. TO 12 NOON A delightful way to enjoy Sunday Breakfast! Bloomfield HUk, WOODWARD AT SQUARE LAKE RD. THE PONTIAC PRESS. FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1967 No Letup for Fife in Points Clarkston scoring ace Dan Fife has shown no signs of a letup in fiis bid to capture the Oakland County basketball scoring tiUe. ★ ★ ★ The 6-2 senior is tossing the ball in the bucket at a 31.1 pace and his scoring has powered Clarkston to a 5-0 record in the Wayne-Oakland Leape ra^. In seven games, Fife has poured in 218 points — 68 at the free throw hne — for his huilc of 31.1. Not far behind Fife is Tim Doyle of Farmington Our Lady of Sorrows, who owns a 27.7 average built on 250 points collected in nine gmnes. ★ ★ ★ Holding down the No. 3 position is Milford’s Don Hill with an average of 26.1. LEADING SVC In the Saginaw Valley Conference race, Tom Thon of Saginaw Arthur Hill cmtinues to set the pace with a mark of 23.5. He has tossed in 141 points in six games. ★ ★ ★ Pontiac Central’s Prentice Hill (18.0) and Alton Wilson (15.8) rank fourth and fifth in the SVC scoring. In the area column, George O’Hara of East Detroit maintains a slight edge over Lee Thompson of Armada. •k -k -k In six games, O’Hara is averaging 23.8, while Thompson owns a 21.3 mark in six outings. OAKLAND COUNTY SCOKING G FG FT TF AVG Fife, Clarkston .. 7 75 48 218 31.1 Doyla, Farm'ton OLS 9 98 54 250 27.7 HIM, Milford ..... 4 54 45 157 24.1 M. Ctiaratte, RO St. Mary .... 11 113 44 272 24.7 Sherman, RO Sf. Mary . .. . 11 114 33 241 23.7 Carrico, FOLS .... 9 74 53 205 22.7 Millar, Oxford ... 7 40 34 154 22.0 Palmar, St. jamas . 10 92 27 211 2l.l Fogla, Walled Lake 8 70 28 148 21.0 French, St. Michael 8 45 35 145 20.4 Hall, Bloomfield Hills Goldina, Rocfwster . Lanhoff, Southfield .. Burton, Rochester . Sirbaugh, WOLL Burt, Avondale — Puckett, Ferndale .. Davidson, Southfield Dorow, Farmington . Popovich, Troy ... 9 52 51 155 17.2 Simmons, Southfield 9 42 29 154 17.1 Army"s Cahill Reaches Top TOM tlAHILL Finishes Unpacking Job 3 Ivy Schools on Sidelines 123 20.5 74 32 180 20.0 75 23 173 19.2 42 38 144 18.2 40 22 142 17.7 57 27 141 17.4 37 13 87 17.4 58 41 157 17.4 58 23 139 17.3 HOUSTON (UPI) - The Na tional Collegiate Athletic Association council’s adamant stand left three Ivy League members — Harvard, Yale and Penn ineligible for NCAA diampion-ship competition today. ★ ★ ★ The three schools refused to conform to the NCAA’s 1.6 aca demic rule and an appeal to the council Thursday for a change in the ruling failed. The five other Ivy League schools, who have agreed provisionally to the rule, also were not expected to compete because of the NCAA barred the three league member^. The council meeting ended the week-long 61st annual NCAA convention. •k k k The council did, however, give the Ivy League another chance to conform. Although the deadline has passed, the council said any school which shows it is in conformity and has been for two years will be eligible for the playoffs. HOUSTON,' Tex. (AP)‘- At the age 47 when the world has passed many men by, Tom Cahill of Army unexpect^ly found himself on top of that work! today. Cahill, quiet and with few extrovert qualities, was picked by his colleagues in Uie American Football Coaches Association as University Coach of the Year Thursday night. k k k He achieved the honor after being a head Coach less tt^n a year and at a time in life when few assistant coaches feel that such a coaching opportunity will ever come their way. In a notable contrast, Uk doaches named Dan Jessee, 65, who retired after 35 years at Trinity, in Hartford, Conn., as College Coach of 1966. EASTERN SWEEP To complete a sweep of honors for Eastern coaches, Ben Schwartzwalder of Syracuse was elected president of the association Thursday. Cahill was little knovm outside his area when shortly before the start of spring practice last year when Coach Paul Dietzel decided the Universiiy of South Carolina was more attractive than the U.S. Military Academy. While the Army job went practically begging, Cahill, the Cadets’’ freshman coach for seven years, conducted spring drills. Three days before -spring practice ended Col. Ray Murphy, director of athletics, told Cahill, “The job is yours, if you want it.’’ Cahill moved his family into the big house provided the head coach at West Point, but they did not immediately unpack everything. ‘^“At 47, well, that’s a little late to suddenly find yourself in a head coaching job,” Cahill said. “I was fortunate in that I had been there seven years and had a good understanding of the operation. “At (Hie time or another I had coached every kid on the varsity. So I wasn’t stepping into something sight unseen.” BEAT NAVY Cahill took a demoralized, losing team that had enjoyed few successes under Dietzel and produced eight victories in 10 games, including a 20-7 triumph over Navy. It was after the third game 11-0 over Penn State for victory No. 3 — that Cahill said he re turned home and told his wife, “You can unpack the dishes now.” The defeats were to national champion Notre Dame and to Tennessee. •AOINAW VALLEY CONFERENCE O FG FT TP AVG. Then, Arthur Hill . 4 J4 » *3.5 MicOonaid, Midland 4 48 25 121 20.1 Morriaon, Midland . 4.44 19 111 18.5 Hill, Pontiac Cantral 4 41 24 108 18.0 Wilson, Pont. Cantral 4 39 17 95 15.8 MMdlaton, Flint SW 5 22 32 74 15.2 AREA LEADERS G FG FT TP AVG. O'Hara, East Detroit 4 54 35 143 23.8 Thompson, Armada . 4 53 22 128 21.3 Jilak, Utica ........ 5 42 17 101 20.2 Lane, Utica ......... 5 42 14 100 20.0 P. Papak, Cousino . . 10 80 38 198 19.8 McEwan, Almont .. 4 43 28 114 19.0 Jones, Port Huron .. 4 41 24 108 18.0 Toplek, Imlay City 4 45 13 103 17.1 Leltz, Capac ........ 4 45 13 103 17.1 Needham, Brighton . 5 33 19 85 17.0 Race in PTTA Getting Closer The close race continues in the Pontiac Table Tennis Association with only 13 points separating first and 8th places. Elliott Engineering held a one point edge for the lead ahead of Pine Knob by defeating Beau ttner’s last night, 5-1. China City and Club 99 both moved up with victories. PTTA STANDINGS Elliott Eng. 49 Pepsi Pine Knob 48 China City Francis Fuel 45 Dorris 8. Son Club 99 42 Child Guidance Buettner's 40 Richardson's LAST NIGHT'S RESULTS Club 99 det. Richardson's Dairy, 4-0 Elliott Engineering def. Buettner's. 5-1 Pine Knob def. Child Guidance, 5-1 China City def. Dorris Realty, 4-2 Pepsi Cola tied Francis Fuel, 3-3" The Only Way to in Winter! Tiredp Sore and Feel Like You’re on Your Last Leg ... Come AIIyo! Take a SAUNA WATERFORD HILL SAUNA •111 Dixte Hwy., Daily 1-1, Closad Manday 623-0390 for Work, Sport, Play— Scorpion!—the quality machine with years-ahead engineering features ... for unparalleled durability, reliability and performance! phq|| j-jgg Nothing gets you away from the hum-drum of stay-at-home winter life better than the Scorpion Snow-Sled! Act now so you can enjoy the invigorating action outdoors ... take your family and friends anywhere and everywhere there's snow... find a thousand and one new fun things to dol COISDENSKD FEATVRES: a Induslry-laading pedoftnonca • FaPtures o superior new Vind of axclueive potenlod track ol molded rubber and labric • Goes anywhere-lhrough eroods, up staepest hills, across slickest ica • 10 or 16 HP engin* options - speeds to 40 mph. • Choice ol 15' and 18" track models • Outstanding new torque converter • Ports ouoilability-our deoicri SDrvic* what they sell. SEE YOUR SCORPION SNOW-SLED DEALER NOW FOR DEMONSTRATION! STACHLER TRAILER SALES, INC. 3771 Highland Rd. (M-59) - Pontiac Phone 332-4928 HOURS: Mon. and Tnit. 8 «.p. to I g.m. Wod. thru Fri. 8 d.m. to 8 F-m. Sat. 8 *.m. I4 8 p.m., Qloidd Sunday WATCH HHHKfS BEST BUYS New Way to Create a Smart-tookmg Ceiling Armstrong suspended ceilings 12"xl2" CEILING TILES (FIRST QUALITY) PUIN WHITE Ceiling Til......... ^ PllfflOLE Aeomtieal Tile.... W/i Ft. ' S; INSULATION 1'/2”..3t*n. 2" . . . 4'ran. 3" . . . SVn. 5” . . . 9Vft. 6" . . lOVsn. Build Your Own Fish House FOiHOIRr Md COMMHlCIAL ICEFISHINa COMPLETE MATERIALS and instructions $1095 PRE-FINISHED PANELINC This Is Our Premium Pcuteling, The Most You Could Pay For A 4x8 Panel at Burke Is m 98 Other genuine hardwoods now in stock ore birch, butternut, cherry, pecan, hickory, elm, oak and mahogany. Lumber 4495 Dixis Hwy. HOURS—^OR 3-1211— OPEN WEEKDAYS MON. Thru FRI. IJLM.foBtNP.il.’ UTURDAYS fiDM IJLM. ft 4 P.^ ■ \ ENGINEERING IBM SAN JOSE CALIFORNIA DETROIT INTERVIEWS FOR APPOINTMENT CALL TR 5-7900 Your place in the sun may be in Son Jose. That's where IBM's Systems Development and Systems Manufacturing Divisions ore located. Where IBM needs more Engineers and Programmers who want an opportunity to shine. Why? Because Son Jose is a major IBM facility—representing oil divisions of the company—-and there are unique opportunities for y()u to be exposed to a broad range of programming and engineering applications. You could pursue the area of programming or engineering which interests you most. You'd enjoy working and playing in Son Jose, too. You'd be near Son Francisco, and only minutes away from four colleges and universities. Continue your education, if you wish, with company paid tuition benefits. There ore immediate openings for: MANUFACTURING PRECISION TOOL ENGINEERING Engineers experienced in miniature precision production tooling with o degree in Mechanical Engineering or Tool Engineering ore required to work in manufacturing special process development area. Must hove the olibity to develop tooling and methods for assembling magnetic heads and other precision components for computers and peripheral equipment. PROCESS ENGINEERING To support the electro-plating organic finishing and anodizing areas. Pertinent degree and/or equivalent experience in process support or vendor assistance activities in the electronic manufacturing inciustry. MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING BS or MS in Mechanical or Tool Engineering or equivalent training and experience through completion of o tool and die apprenticeship. Experience is necessary in either of the following areas: (1) A minimum of 3 years' experience in assembly methods and MTM standards. (2) At least 5 years' experience in methods planning. Estimating component processing of close tolerance precision ports. COST ENGINEERING^ Strong background in machine shop practice, rote setting, mochinobility of materials, and speeds and feeds is required for this position. Involves estimating machine ports and assemblies ond advising engineers on op; timizing cost of product. A BSME/IE or equivalent professior|al experience is required. PROGRAMMING SYSTEMS Must hove experience in the design and/or maintenance of operating systems, input-output routines, sorting routines, assemblers or compilers. Degree preferred. Port of experience must be in symbolic machine language level programming. DIAGNOSTIC Two to three years' experience in the design and development of sophisticated diagnostic and/or corrective techniques. Engineering background highly desirable. Must hove experience with assemblers, compilers, monitors and machine language. ENGINEERING HARDWARE Two to three years' experience in scientific control or real-time programming. Should hove machine language coding experience in addition to assembler lanauage. Must have definite interest in hardware. BSEE highly desirable. PROGRAMMING PUBLICATIONS Must be able to work from design objectives and functional specifications to write lucid descriptive and accurate manuscripts. Some knowledge of IBM systems, programming and systems hardware background highly desirable. APPLICATIONS DEVELOPMENT At least four years' experience in the design, development, and implementation of advanced data pnxessing concepts. BS-level degree highly desirable. COMMERCIAL Bachelor's degree with at lea# two years' experience in programming support of engineering development or manufacturing projects. Should have experience in installation of complex computer programs and related systems planning utilizing disc file and/or tape storage. ENGINEERING ELECTRICAL BSEE degree and at least two years' experience performing component and product evaluation. Must have experience in preparing test procedures, collecting and analyzing data and preparing concluding reports. Must also have knowledge of solid state electronics and laboratory test equipment. QUALITY ASSURANCE Quality Engineers to function in all phases of Quality, from pre-release thru product performance in the field. Responsibilities include quality planning, problem definition, and solution as related to: systems, processes, electronic components, s u p p I i e r support, or failure reliability analysis. Minimum requirements ore a BS in one of the engineering disciplines. DETROIT INTERVIEWS For Appoinmenf Call TR 5-7900 For personal interviews on Soturdoy, January 14, 1967 9:00 A. M. to 5:30 P.M. If you ore unable to come for interview, writf outlining your oxperionce and interests to: Engineering & Scientific Employment Office, Dept. YS-A2M, IBM Corporation, Monterey fir Cottle Roods, Son Jose, Coll#. IBM AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMFI^YIR THE PONTIAC P1ES3. FEIDAY. JANUARY 18, 1987 1HE WORIO FAMOUS QUALIIY BIKE! Schwinn bikes are bed! Besi b^ cause there it extra quality built into every one . ,, extra quality that means longer, more trouble free life. Liffle Operators Upset A LOW PRICE! AN OUTSTANDING BICYCLE VALUE! ‘42“ SCARLETT'S BICYCLE and HOBBY SHOP NEW LOCATION 203 N. Perry at Wide Track FE 3-7843 LANSING (UPI) - A plan to limit Michigan Great Lakes commercial fishing licenses to the highest bidders ran afoul Thursday when a delegation of fishermen said the system would drive them out of business. The Michigan Conservation ! Commission indicated it would remove the competitive bidding provision from a new set of commercial fishing regulations after hearing the protests at a ' meeting. ' , Rep. Russell Heilman, D-Dol-„lar Bay, said competitive bidding would “hurt the small-time! operators who would not be able ■*ito compete with fat cat outside operators.” Heilman also questioned whether the commission had the authority to put commercial fishing licenses on the auction block. j A delegation from the White iFish Bay Fishermen’s Association said their members would ;not be able to compete with ! larger operators, i State Fisheries Supervisor Wayne Tbdy said the plan to issue contracts for commercial fishing was designed to limit the number of commercial fisherman in waters where fish are scarce. ALL ALIKE Present regulations, he said, cover all operators alike and do Clay Making Appeal Again as 'Minister' not allow for flexibility whereas the contract system would allow the department to tailor regulations to suit individual operators. 151 OAKLAND AVENUE LUMBER and HARDWARE PARK FREE NEW YORK (jP) — Cassius Clay’s attorney sent telegrams to high selective service offi dais today asking them to di rect a local Kentucky draft board to reopen the heavyweight boxing champion’s appeal for exemption on grounds he is a Black Muslim minister. Local Board No. 47 of Louisville voted Thursday not to reopen Clay’s appeal on the ministerial plea. ★ ★ Attorney Hayden Covington said he sent the telegrams to Lt. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, national director of the Selective Service, in Washington, and to Col. Everett S. Stephenson, Kentucky state director, in Frankfort. * ★ ★ Covington said he felt certain that either Hershey or Stephenson would order the local board to reopen the case “because they know I can go into court and demand that it be reopened.” MEXICO CITY IF» - Mexico’s Olympic 'boxing team will meet' U.S. hopOfuls in matches in California in February and March, the president of Mexico’s Amateur Boxing Commission said TTiursday. Dinner in Boston M M ¥ M FIVE STAR (kish and C BOSTON (^ - Joe Torre of the Atlanta Braves and Sam McDowell of the Cleveland Indians will be among those honored Jan. 26 at the annual dinner of the Boston Baseball The team’s only finish out of Writers Association. 1 the top spot came early in the The department has said the contract system wonld guarantee operators “safe bid profitable, harvest quotas.” Roy Jensen, executive secretary of the Michigan Fish Producers Association, said if the state wants to limit the number of commercial fishermen it would be better to put a freeze on the number of licenses. His proposal would limit licenses to about 700, the number now issued. Boxers Are Scheduled Kettering ..... Romeo ......... Lapeer ........ Oxford . ...... L'Anse Creuse Clarkston .............. 5 Northville ......... 4 Holly ................. 3 Bloomfield Hills ........2 Clarenceville .......... 2 Milford ................ 2 Brighton ............... I West Bloomfield ....... t Pontiac Press Photo PNH LEADER — Tom Kell, cocaptain of Pontiac Northern’s unbeaten wrestling squad, will be in action tomorrow when the Huskies entertain Pontiac Central, Ypsilanti and Hazel Park in a quadrangular meeting. Kell posted a 4-0 decision over Tod Karpinski in a 103-pound duel last night as PNH downed Warren Fitzgerald, 29-9. Top Matmen in Northern Meet Some of the top high school wrestler^ in the area will be on display tomcxTow in the quadrangular meet at Pontiac Northern. ★ ★ ★ , . Along wth host PNH will be Pontiac Central, Hazel Park and Ypsilanti, secoiid in state competition last year. The Huskies of PNH, who captured the Oakland County Invitational mat title in December, have piled up a 6-0 record in dual competition season in a ruimer-up ending in the Owosso Invitational. •nie HusMes and Pontiac Central tuned*1for tomorrow’s battle with easy victories last night. PNH trimmed Warren Fitzgerald, 29-9, while the Chiefs of PCH ran their Saginaw Valley Conference record to 4-1 by handing Saginaw a 40-14 setback. ALL PINS Central’s triumph was accomplished in unusual style — jail pins. PCH posted eight pins land Saginaw recorded one. arry SPECIALS 18-lneh STEEL SNOW PUSHER FumiACE filters 16"x20” I6"x25” 20’’x20” Ea. LUMBER DEPT. SPECIAL AROMATIC CLOSET LINING PANELS $A60 4’x8’-’/4” Each. FURNACE CONTROLLED HUMIDITY quadu(:i power humidifier f or Forced Warm Air I'urnaces! ' SRII95 for Prevents desert dryness . . . Mointains 9pring*like oir all winter long . . . C^uts fuel bills . . . protects furni-_ture Pre-Hung White Enamel COMBINATION DOOR 3/0X6/8-1” $3295 LUMBER and HARDWARE IV 151 OAKLAND AVE. - Phone FE 4-1594 Cash! CHURCH’S Carry! Re-Mate Tonr Attic NOW with ZONOLITE Northern captured the first seven matches in the dual with Fitzgerald, dropped the next three and then won the final two. Ted Threlkeld posted the only pin of the match with a 2:35 time on the 95-pound class. The quadrangular opens tomorrow at noon with the first session running until 3 p.m. The wrestlers will return for more preliminaries in the second session — 5 until 7 p.m. The finalis start at 7 p.m. Pontiic Nortlitrn 29, warren Fitzgerald 9 95 - Threlkeld (PN) pinned Foss, 2:35; 103 — Kell (PN) dec Karpinski, 4-0; 112 — Green (PN) dec Sisson, 4-1; 120 — Moon (PN) dec Jump, 7-0; 127 — Knibbs (PN) dec McAlister, 7-2; 133 — Washington (PN) dec Martinez, 4-1; 138 — Will-son (PN) dec Charles, 5-1; 145 — Odil-ana (WF) dec Harris, 5-1; 154 — Hlnz (WF) dec McPhall, 6-2; 165 — Barnett (WF) dec Corr, 19-0; 180—Latferty (PN) dec Herzig, 12-1; heavyweight — J. Corr (PN) dec Squires, 3-0. ATTIC FILL 10 , A B.AG Zonolite Attic Insulation will give you greater comfort in summer and in winter, too. You’ll save on the cost of heating and cooling your home—up to 40% in many cases. SAVE ^EAT-SAVE FUEL-SAVE f. Prep C^e S&ngs w SAUINAW VALLIY CONFKHNCa uygee oimpAii Saginaiy ..... 4 o Saginaw ArltMW Hilli . 3 1 Pontiac Central .....3 l Flint Central .......2 1 Flint NM^n . 1 2 Flint Scxmwiaitarn .... l 2 Bay CHy Central ..... 1 4 Bay GIty Handy ...>. . 0 4 Farmington ............3 Pontiac Northern ..... 2 Walled Lakt ......... 1 Waterford .............0 Livonia Stevenson .... 0 INTER-LAKES League Ovar-AII W L W t 5 3 W L NORTHWEST parochial La«|ga Ovap-AII W L Farmington Our Lady . 7 I Orchard Lake St. Mary 6 1 Ferndale St. James ... 6 2 Royal Oak St. Mary . 6 3 HIgh'd Pk. St. Benedict 2 7 St. Francis de Sales .. I 7 Detroit St. Rita ... 1 8 TRI-COUNTY Laagua Over-All V L WAYNE-OAKLAND League Over-i OAKLAND A League Over-) Warren Fitzgerald .... 7 Warren Cousino ....... 5 Clawson .............. 4 Troy ................. 4 Rochester ............ 3 Avondale ............. 2 Madison .............. 2 Lake Orion ........... 1 SOUTHEASTERN MICHIGAN League Over-i Birmingham Seaholtn . 3 Ferndale ............. 2 Berkley .............. 2 Southfield ........... 2 Royal Oak Kimball..... I Hazel Park ........... 0 NORTHWEST SUBURBAN League Ovar-i Birmingham Groves .. 3 Livonia Franklin .... 3 North Farmington ____ 2 Detroit Thurston ... 1 Wayne John Glenn .... 0 Oak Park ............ 0 SOUTHERN THUMB League W L Cepac ............. 5 0 Armada..............4 1 Almont ............ 4 1 New Haven ......... 3 2 Brown City ........ 2 3 Memphis ........... 1 4 Anchor Bay ........ 1 4 Oryden ............ 0 5 SOUTH CENTRAL League Over-i W Imlay City ........ 3 North Branch ......... 3 Millington ........... 1 Deckervllle i........ o Harbor Beach ........, 0 EASTERN MICHIGAN League ; » ZONOLITE ROLL BVSULA'nON Foil Face Standard IVa” $^30 1415 15” wide, 100 sq. ft. roll 23” wide, 125 sq. ft. roil Foil Face Medium 2Va $^26 15” wide, 75 sq. ft. roll 23” wide, $4^ For Warmth and Beauty, in Your Home! 100 sq. ft. roll BRUCE PANELING LOVELY. .. Laguna Mahogany $495 Full Vi—4x8 Sheet RICH. . . Rustic Walnut »ii®> Full iA”-4x8 Sheet VALUE Fir/F.L. (Construction, Max. 25% Std.) SAVE 16 20 Each 2x4 -.54 .68 .90 1.05 1.19 1.40 1.56 Each 2x6 .82 1-02 1.28 1.57 1.79 2.11 2.34 Each 2x8 1.23 1.53 1.84 2.15 2.45 . 2.88 3.20 Each 2x10 1.63 2.03 2.44 2.85 3.^5 3.81 4.23 Each .2x12 1.98 2.48 2.98 3.47 3.97 4.64 5.16 FIR PLYWOOD 4x8, per sheet PLYWOOD SHEATHING 4x8 y«" AD Intoiior, good 1 side..................2.45 %" AB Interior, good 2 sides .................6.45 1/4" AC Exterior, good 1 side...............2.65 %" AC Exterior, good 1 side............ .3.70 Vi" AC Exterior, good 1 side...............4.80 H" AC Exterior, good 1 side...............5.85 %" AB Exterior, good 2 sides........... .7.00 Per Sheet %CD........................ .:$2.10 V2 CD....................... $2.73 Vs CD ...................... .$3.50 %CD. ; Plugged 1 Side (touch sanded) ;$4.03 CHURCH’S Auburn Heights 107 SQUIRREL ROAD-Phone UL 2-4000 SIX BIG LUMBER CENTERS TO SERVE YOU ROMEO-PL 2-3511 404 E. St. CUir ALLEN PARK-928-3300 17111 Champaign lJTlCA-731-2000 44865 Utica Road WASHINGTON-ST 1-2811 58415 Van Dyke LAPEER-664-8581-276 N. Saginaw Mount Clemens ........ East Detroit ......... Port- Huron .......... Roseville ............ Port Huron Northern Pontiac Central 40, Saginaw 14 95 — Austin (S) dec Johnson, 3-0; 103 — DelBosque (S) dec Thomas, 5-0; 112 — :. Bryant (PC) pinned Kirby, 1:27; 120 — Edwards (S) pinned Alexander, 127 — Craft (PC) pinned Baty, 133 — PolK (PC) pinned Trlpplet, ____ 138 — R. Rodriguez (PC) pinned Aitchenhead, 2:49; 145 — Hannah (PC) pinned Thompson, 3:30; 154 — Ramsey (PC) pinned Scott, 4:48; 165 — B. Rodriguez (PC) pinned Settle, 3:53; 180 — Gotfschall (PC) pinned Liddell, :58; heavyweight — Orange (S) dec Mason, OTHERS Royal Oak Shrine .............. 7 Birmingham Brother Rice ......... 6 Detroit Country Day ............. 4 Utica ........................... 4 Flint Northwestern ............. 4 South LyOn .................... 2 Cranbrook ....................... 2 Emmanuel Christian .............. 2 Madison Lamphere ................ 2 Ortonville ...................... 1 Utica Stevenson ................. 1 Royal Oak Dondero ............. 1 St. Lawrence (Utica) ............ 1 Novi A4ACOMB PAROCHIAL tv St. Michael ........ Waterford Our Lady St. Frederick ...... Marine City Holy Cross 5 Detroit St. Rose Over-All W L Anchor Bay Catholic .. 1 Richmond St. Auguitina l Top Pro Job for Local Golf Club Assistant Another liwal club assistant has taken a head pro’s position yesterday when Mel Mzhickteno was named head pro at Glengarry Country Club In Toledo, Ohio. Mzhickteno, a native of Arkansas City, Ark., has been in Michigan for the past .seven years after club assistant positions at Shreveport, La. and Cleveland, Ohio. ★ A ★ He has held caddy superintendent and assistant pro positions locally at Tam O’Shanter and Orchard Lake Country Clubs. Mzhickteno won the Michigan caddy superintendent’s division of the club assistant’s tournament for the past two years. He set a front nine record at Lakepointe CC in 1963 when he fired a 29. He will assume his duties at Glengarry CC, March 1 at which time he will also add an assistant to the club staff. Ski Jumping Aces to Compete Sunday CARY, 111. (AP) - Four ski-jumping aces of the 1966 world tournament at Holmekollen, Norway, are listed for competition Sunday in the 62nd annual meet of the Norge Ski Club. ■T ★ ★ The main attractions are Bjorn Wirkola of Norway, world champion: Takashi Fujisawa, Japan: Paavi Lukkariniemi, Finland, and Chris Selbekk, Norway. They will compete on the Norge Hill where the record distance leap is 212 feet set by Gene Kotlarek of Duluth in 1962. V Brighten Up Your Car With a New Vinyl Roof..... LOOKS EXAaLY LIKE ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT Regular INTRDDUCTDRY Value OFFER 49 95 INSl’ANT CREDIT! Regardless of the make or model of your car, this new vinyl top refinish will add new beouty to your automobile. Convertible rear ’ window and zippers replaced as well as complete auto trim, door panels, arm rests, kick pads, carpeting, headliners and original upholstering repaired at a truly moderate cost. FREE INSURANCE ESTIMATES. QUALIH WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS. BILL KELLEYS SidCm TtlMhone FE 2-5335 1S6 HAW AfC. CORNER KINNEY STREET Juit^Dne Block North of Oakland Ghrysler Salas T THE PONTIAC PRESS. FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1967 is Fwnd Guilty OEO MULLEN Two in 'A^v#-lh' Are From BloomfieidI Hilk DETROIT (UPI) - Twelve ministers and three women face sentencing Jan. 26 on a criminal trespassing conviction for their part In a “move-ln” protest against city urban renewal policies. , The group was arrested Sept. S; di^g the “takeover” id a city-owned home wUch hdd hem boarded ap and condemned by mder of die Detroit Housing Commission. Ilie arrests climaxed a week which began when more than 150 persons, most of them min istem, moved one of the 15 de fenilente, Mrs. Priscdlla Johnsrai of Detroit, from her run-down city-ovmed home into the board-ed-up house. After two hours and 20 minutes of deliberation, the jury rejected the defense plea that I Criticism of the war on pover-those arrested WOTe dramatiz- ly, conducted nationally tlmough ing a moral issue ^ that the | the Office of Economic Oppor- By JOE MULLEN “Help the poor.” To children on a Halloween night candy accumulating mission, this is a trite phrase that accompanies a door opening. To Jam e s M. McNeely, these words represent a serious challenge. . McNeely heads up the county war on poverty as executive director of the Oakland County Commissiim on Eomom-Ic Opportunity (OCCEO). ★ -k it As far as he i^ concerned, the job of serving the poor is a comivehensive project because the' number of Oakland County families below the $3,140 mcome level that determines poverty is 16,000 —- about 64,000 people. county status Has Oakland County’s antipoverty effort that started nearly two years ago been a success or failure? “It has been successful,” McNeely asserted. “Fw the fhrst time, the poor have people direcfly con- » ■ , cerned with their problems and making effwts to solve them.” The local war on poverty has been costly, but McNeely is convinced that services to foe poiff, made available by the program have justified the expense. 0 . k k k A total of $2,337,576 in federal grants has b^n pumped into the local program since mid-1965. CURRENT BUDGET The OCCEO is operating on a current year budget oi $1,843,3^ and is awaiting an announcement from Washington approv ing the local unit’s application Local Director Admits Program Has Had Its Share of Criticism Housing Commission had an ob ligation to treat dislocated residents of urban renewal districts humanely. ATTEMPT PROOF Ernest Goodman, a veteran civil liberties attorney, said the group was trying to prove the house cbuld be used for occupancy, even on a temporary basis. He said the defendants had legal right to enter the house because of apparent “acquiescence” by foe Housing Commission to foe take-over four days j before the arrests were made. The prosecuting attorneys agreed that the demonstration was “well-intentioned” but wt» the jury With foe argument that those atrested “consciously chose to violate foe law to dramatize a good end.” “That home stands, unfortunately, as a symbol that . . . the def^ants do not believe in civil constituted authority,” Assistant Prosecutor James E Lacey said. Conviction of foe .charge, a misdemeanor, carries a penalty of 30 days in jail or a $50 fine. Among the 15 persons convicted by a 12-member Recorder’s Qjurt jury yesterday were Bloo^ield Hills residents Mrs Gerald Q’Grady, wife of the rec tor of Christ Church Cran-brook, and Mrs. Robert Hatt wife of foe director of the Cran brook Institute of Science. Mrs. O’Grady lives at 415 Church, and Mrs. Hatt at 28 Academy. Area Man Head o? Electrical Contractors Unit Joseph Giordano of 539 N Pontiac Trail, Walled Lake, has been elected president of the Oakland County Electrical Contractors Association. Named vice president of the association was Robert E. Martin of 120 Biscoe, Waterford Township. Other newly elected officers are Benjamin Auger, 10431 W. 11 Mile, Berkley, treasurer; Barry D. Hart, 2480 Woodcroft, Highland Township, secretary; and Ernest 3nUth, 2536 Tyler, Berkley, sergeant-at-arms. The officers were elected to one-year terms at a recent dinner meeting at the Stephenson Club in Hazel Park. tunity (OEO), has been abundant and is a constant discussion topic in some national publications. k k it Oakland County’s poverty crusade had its share of criticism also, but Rprhaps not in proportion to that absorbed by OEO. James M. McNeely, executive director of the Oakland County Commission on Economic Opportunity (OCCEO) which administers the local poverty pirogram, acknowledges botii national and regional attacks on the program. “We know of the criticism in national publications,” he said. “It is aimed mainly at foe Job Cwps program and Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act.” k k k McNeely added that the OCCEO aids in recruiting youths for the Job Corps locally and that the commission has a cooperative relationship in the Title I program. DON’T ADMINISTER “But we do not administer either.” Public criticism of the local war on poverty has come at intervals and at a stepped-up pace in recent weeks. A yqar ago Clarence Barnes, executive director of the Pontiac Area Urban League, resigned from the OCCEO, stating that he objected to the program’s duplication of many services offered by other public agencies. Barnes reiterated this criticism two wepks ago as the Urban League spokesman and called for a revised approach to the poverty war by wider use of, ' contractual arrangements with existing agencies. k k,^ k Pontiac City Commissioner Leslie H. Hudson also levied a recent attack at the war on poverty. He charged that the federal spending program is fostering generations (rf welfare recipients. CRITICIZED Last week Charlie J. Harrison Jr., a member of foe OC(3EO Education Committee, criticized McNeely for painting a rosy picture of hte Head Start program that was later stalled because federal grains were withheld. Absence of a parents’ advisory committee for the Head Start program-for preschoolers JAMES M. McNEELY and lack of a pupil integration plan were foe stumbling blocks. Several months ago, Tomas Chavez, an OCCEO member and a leader of the local Mexican community, charged that foe Latin Americans were foe “forgotten minority” in the poverty war. McNeely makes it a point to answer all critics. k k k ^ In reply to Barnes, he denied a duplication of services by agencies and asked for documentation of the allegation. WELFARE DROP He cited a past year drop of 800 welfare cases in the county in answering Hudson. His reply to Harrison took issue with a reference to a letter from McNeely to the Pontiac CLARENCE BARNES School Board and claimed that this was a memo, not a letter, to the OCCEO, not the school board. McNeely answered Chavez by saying that all poor people are receiving equal service regardless of race, religion or national origin. Tbe-OCCEO, in a daring move last August, actually invited public criticism and rolled out foe red carpet to welcome opponents of the program. A total of 106 persons crowded into the County Board of Supervisors auditorium \yhere a public hearing was staged and all who spoke were in concurrence that the war on poverty was a good program being well waged locally. If any opponents were in foe crowd, they remained silent. for a $1.5-million spending pro-, gram for foe year beginning Feb. 1. Due to the Vietnam federal funding commitment, the commission trimmed its new budget request from the current one and will omit School Community Action Programs (SCAP). Whether foe $1.5 million will be granted for foe coming year is still indefinite. McNeely feels that foe budget request will be met and may be exceeded instead of being cut by approximately $137,000 as was rumored a month ago. k k k The two opportunity centers of the OCCEO, one in Pontiac and the other in Royal Oak Township, are the core of the local war on poverty function. JOB PLACEMENT These centers provide counseling in employment, with a Michigan Employment Security Commission team at each location. A total of 678 persons were placed in jobs during the past year. Neighborhood organizers, seeking to identify and serve the poor, work from the centers where counseling in family service matters and financial procedure such as debt management is alsd provided. Referrals for dental services, offered to foe poor under an agreement with the County Health Department, also are made through the centers. Headquarters for the antipoverty program is in the old county building at 1 Lafayette k k k The commission employs a total of 112 persons with hiring done on merit consideration only, according to McNeely. He rates the staff as well qualified and loyal with little absenteeism and little turnover. STAFF RATIO At the present time, the staff is half white and half Negro. Coupty population figures indicate a ratio of 97 per cent white to 3 per cent Negro. “Both political parties are well represented in the 50-mem ber commission and staff,” McNeely said, “although no records are kept on party affilia tion.” meeting local funding requirements. ★ ★ ★ Compensation, that would have been paid had volunteers not contributed their time, and free occupancy of buildings both are computed as local funding in lieu of cash. FIRST GRANT The OCCEO received its initial federal grant in mid-1965. It amounted to $77,331 and was earmarked for program devel opment. Subsequent grants in the total $2,337,576 federal funding to date were $117,206 in 1965 for the Head Start program for pre schoolers, $192,357 in 1965 for School Community Action programs hnd $730,5M in 1965 and 1966 for the two community action centers. Three SCAP grants came last year. The first was for $55,375 for January and February, then $255,613 for March through August and $154,138 for September through December. Also last year were a $107,983 program development grant, $38,050 for Medicare Alert, $81,-019 for Project Upward Bound at Oakland University and $39,-330 for the same education program at Cranbrook. ★ ★ ★ Other grants were $137,398 for Summer Head Start last year, $243,832 for year round Head Start and $107,350 for the Neighborhood Youth Corps serving out-of-school youth. Enjoy an Evening of European Atmosphere Found Only in Our "WINE ROOM" Entertainment Friday and Saturday Nights . . . Serying Complete Dinners . . . Spcciul Luncheon Sandtcich ‘ Hot i.tfrned Heef* 3315 AUBURN RD. at the Light in Auburn Heights "French Cellar'- Every Wed., Fri. and $&.. The Skee Bros.rand Two Others HOWFSUNES 6697 Dixie Hwy.62l"5011 Rate and Zone Changes on Parcel Post Are Near New rates and a new system for identifying parcel post zones will become effective Monday, a postal authority reminded today. 'The rate increases will average about 10 cents a parcel. Starting July 1, the law provides for a series of size and weight increases on packages mailed between first-class offices. Pontiac is a first-class office. hTe size and weight increases will be in five annual steps, the last coming July 1, 1971. k ★ ★ Use of ZIP cod6 will enable foe mail clerk to quickly determine the proper zone, and thus foe rate, for the package. Zones are based on foe distance a parcel travels between the 552 sectional centsr in the country. RATES New rates will range from 40 cents for a three-pound parcel destined for local delivery, to 60 cents, fw a parcel going from 150 to 300 miles, to $1.05 for a parcel going more than 1,800 miles. The new zoning method will also apply to air parcel post, catalogs and to publishers who pay zone rates on the advertising portion of their periodicals. The new rates are expected to provide an additional $74 million a year for the Post Office Department. ★ ★ ★ The later size and weight increases will add another $32 million a year, postal officials say. The additional revenue is to help keep the department within 4 per cent of costs on parcel post as the law requires. McNeely, former deputy chairman of the County Democratic party, was named by the OCCEO in April 1965 to head foe local poverty war. Speculation that last November’s success at the polls by Republicans may curtail the scope of the war on poverty is a common discussion topic in all levels of society. k k k “It’s hard to tell just what effect the stronger legislative representation of Republicans will have,” McNeely said. FORMULA When foe OCCEO began operating, a formula of 90 per cent federal funding and 10 per cent local was prescribed, by the OEO. The federal share will be lowered to 80 per cent beginning this summer and eventually drop further. k k k “We’ll be able to handle the 20 per cent local requirement without any trouble,” McNeely said. “Actually, our local funding last year was about 18.5 per cent,” he added. He pointed out that voluntary work such as that done by 1;884 people in the Medicare Alert program is the main element in AIRWAY LOUNGE al Airway Lanes The "New Sounds" of Gary Rae on Ihe Hammond Organ Mon. - Sat. "The Best People Come to Airway" 4825 Highland Rd. (M59) 674-0424 Guard Group Hits Claim by Ted Kennedy WASHINGTON (UPI) - The National Guard Association was| up in arms today over Sen. Ed-| ward M. Kennedy’s charge that; some Guard units “neither train nor guard.” k k k The 34-year-old Massachusetts Democrat made the remark yesterday in calling for major revisions in foe nation’s draft laws. He told a National Press Club luncheon that Congress should change “a system which allows professional athletes to join National Guard units which neither train nor guard.” Maj. Gen. James F. Cantwell, president of the National Guard Association, labeled Kennedy’s charge “inaccurate, uninformed and insulting.” k k k “National Guardsmen across the nation are damn mad,” Cantwell said. Kennedy said the present Selective Service Iqw, which Congress must extend or revise by June 30, is “very uneven” in its impact. SUNDAY SPECIAL! V*;;SSPARERIBS .Chef's Salad — Potatoes $4 75 Vegetables — Rolls & Butter | PARTIES-BANQUETS Privet* Dining Room S*oting Up to 70 P 1 CLOSED MONDAYS 1650 North Perry At Pontiac Road PHONE FE 4-4775 , ( ull h or Perzon, tn/ormutUm 4ANNEL50TV ^ ^ PINE KNOB DINING At It’s Best . . • Combine the elegance of dinner at Pine Knob with skiers performing on the snowy slopes. CocUUiil Louiiffe DaneinfE Saturday,Night —Closed Monday ^^777 Pine Knob Rd., Clarkston Phone 625-2641^ '“fioiuttoA. Featuring The CONTINENTALS SYLVIA SOMMERS ANNUAL MARCH OF DIMES DINNER Thursday, Feb, 2nd - Call for Reservations M-59 and Elizabeth Lake Rd. 338 7879 Shopper's Pie Was Real Jewel NEW ORLEANS (UPI) - A shopper at foe Venice Gardens supermarket got more than apples in his pie yesterday. k k k When he lifted the pie, a cache of jewels was found underneath. Police said the jewels were stolen Jan; 5. How they got into the store was a mystery. Clover Leaf Inn DANCING Ev*iy Friday and Saturday Night to THE NOTE-ABLES FEATVRim , 6ili Soomon on th* drumt, Chit* Piotils playing the organ. Cacti Qglae on th# Clorinat ond Vibao. Fine Dining Every Ni^ht FRIDAY NIGHT FISH FRY CSitM $1.25 5 UNTIL? 1961 CASS LAKE ROAD Keego Harbor 682-3620 peoa DeM Iiui \l hf^re The ieti(ni Is! ! Corner Elizabeth Lake --no. And Cass Lake Roads ^^ Z-Ztiui Ijli ) block WEST OF HURON SiRLOII PIT* 'fVorld’s Fastest Growing Steak House i.hain" IS NOW OPEN AT KMART SHOPPING PLAZA Glenwood at Perry Call 338-9433 WITH THE WORLD'S BIGGEST STEAK BUYS DAHCE TO The Swingin' ELDORADOES Every Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday Saturday, Sunday r>; JAM SESSION Every Tuesday Night All Musicians Welcome! FLOOR SHOWS Every Saturday Night! it BOB BARRETT Corned^ M.C. it NokDRUS GREEN Singing tounde of the Swinging Sixties ^ GENE MAYER 4ml His Accordion Conal all hands and shoot straight for our Bonanza Sirloin Pit to see and taste the rich sizzle of a Bonanza Steak Dinner for yourself. .The entire family will enjoy the exciting western atmosphere -r and a real Bonanza in eating-out savings! ■ONANZA ■ ONANZA 4 gn smz:$1 IQ steak: sanCwich NM COMPLETE $1 IQ SIRLOIN ‘IteaI'"* QQc dinner PLATTER WW EVERY BONANZA STEAK IS TASTILY CHARBROILED TO YOUR ORDER NO TIPPING-COME AS YOU ARE! Open 7 Days a Week—11 A.M. te 9 PaM. CHILDREN OUTGROWN SKIS, SLEDS, TOBOGGANS? SELL THEM WITH A LOW COST PONTIAC PRESS CLASSIFIED AD. TO PLACE YOURS, CALL 332-8181. THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1967 THE WILLETS NORTH (D) 13 *9 VA8654 4 A 8 6 5 3 4bK9 WEST EAST 4653 4AJ10842 4KJ10 9 HQ732 4 K J 10 9 4 7 452 474 SOUTH 4KQ7 4 Void 4Q42 4AQJ10863 North-South vulnerable West North East South 14 24 34 3 4 4 4 Pass 6 4 Pass Pass Pass Opening lead—4 6 By OSWALD & JAMES JACOBY continues when W i n k m a n points out that declarer proceeded to rattl6 off six club tricks. On the third club lead it was up to Winkmah to discard. By this time he had counted declarer for seven clubs, three spades and three red cards. It was also apparent that West was holding both red kinp —otherwise South would claim his contract. Winkman had to tell his partner which king to keep guarded and he did this by chucking his one diamond on the the third trump. This play should have alerted West but unfortunately for Wink-man that one diamond was the seven spot. Somehow or other West thought that Winkman was discard followed by all those spades showed one diamond and only one d 1 a m o n d but West was not an expert and Winkman could and should have protected his partner by leading the seven of diamonds at trick two. This could not have done him any harm because it should have been apparent to an expert East that South would hold a seven-card suit in clubs and have 12 tricks if he also held either red king. T4>CnRDJV/>^<’44 Jason Winkman, the hero of i unguarded the king of diamonds Don von Elsi^r^ We a g r e e with Winkman IS a great bridge player, but that West should have realized ' * ® i the early seven of diamonds bridge players he goes wrong on occasion. His two spade overcall as East was a typical weak jump 0 Ver cal 1. He might have saved at six spades but decided to hope that he could beat the club slam. He describes how he took his ace of spades and returned the jack to advise his pupil partner sitting West that declarer held the king and queen of s p a d e s. The description ■ Q—The bidding has been: West North East South 14 Pass 14 Pass 2 4 Pass ? You, South, hold: showing diamond strength andj 4AJ98 4K10 6 5 43 2 4J7 6 Wliat do you do now? A—Jump to four spades. You have good spades and a satisfactory hand. If your partner wants to £0 on you are ready. TODAY’S QUESTION You jump to four spades and your partner continues to five spades. What do you do now? Answer Tomorrow Legion Posts Plan Meeting GLADSTONE {AP>-The midwinter conference of ttie Upper Peninsula Association of American Legion Posts and Units will be held here Jan. 20-22. As a prelude, Edwin J. Schui-tema, state commander, and Mrs. Jtrfin Penning, president of the state’s American Legion Auxiliary, will begin an Upper Peninsula tour Saturday. ★ ★ ★ Their itinerary: Newberry, Saturday; Munising and Marquette, Sunday ; Lake Linden, Monday; Ironwood, Tuesday; Stambaugh, Wednesday; Iron Mountain and Menominee, Thursday; Gladstone, Friday. By Walt WattarUis THE BERRYS POOR , timing! By Carl Gnibcrt JACOBY Three-Year Term for Burning Wife JOHANNESBURG (UPI) - A three-year prison term was ordered yesterday for a man convicted of pouring gasoline over his wife and setting her afire. The defendant, Daniel Oosthui-zen, was convicted of attempted murder. His wife, Hendrina, suffered severe burns and spent three months in a South African hospital. Marine Dies ! JACKSONVILLE, N. C. (AP) —George C. Siegwald II, 21, a Marine from Dearborn, Mich., died Thursday of injuries suffered Wednesday when his car crashed into the rear of another car ne^ Jacksonville. He was stationed at nearby New River Marine Base. THE BORN LOSER By Art Sansom BERRY’S WORLI>-By Jim Berry »' >• O' By SYDNEY OMARR For SiturdlY wiM mon control, hi, dostiny . . . Astrology poiiih the woy." ARIES (Mar. 21 - Apr. 19); Special group or club activity is accented. You may need more time to be analytical. Social demands may prove irritating. Maintain wnM ol balance. Look behind the scenes. TAURUS (Apr. 20 - May 20): Live up to obligations. One close to you has become Involved in scheme which seriously dents budget. ... . GEMINI (May 21 - Juh* Mil Accent on change, travel, variety. Members of opposite sex are attracted. You tend to be restless. Don't become involved m clandestine affair. |f practical, then happiness results. CANCER (June 21 - July 22): If you are persistent . . . daydreams can be transformed into realities. Especially applies to love, home, family. You can advance — and achieve success. Know this . . . make II sol LEO (July 23 - Aug. 22): What others claim may not be factual. Best course to adharo to own counsel. Applies mainly whoko money is concerned. Stress prac-ficBl approach. Your ego Is recovering from bruise, _ VIRGO (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22); Publicity could now attend your actions, efforts. Some pressure due to added responsibility. Marriage, partnerships, , legal agreements are "news of the day." LIBRA (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22): You have feeling of satisfaction. Some recent efforts pay off. Sense of appreciation Is evident. One you admire pays meaningful compliiTwnt. Be charming — and grateful. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21): Romance Is accented, your willingness to give and receive is highlighted. Abundant creative activity evident. You are the opposite of lethargic . . . taka new steps in new directions. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21): Best to wait for developments. Not wise to force issues. Be aware without being aggressive. Older Individual deserves respect. Give it! CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19): Intellectual curiosity stimulated. You want to know reasons . . . you probe, examine. Emphasis on WHY. Satisfy yearning tor added knowledge. Avoid superficial conclusions. Marriage Licenses AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 ■ Feb. 18): Possessions, ability to collect what is needed — these accented today. Be specific. Check details. Don't trust assignments to others. If there in person, you win ma|or goal. PISCES (Feb. 19 - Mar. 20): Attend I personal affairs. Others may pay false compliments. Up to you to take care of essentials. Satisfy yourself first . . . then you can be assured of real progress. IF SATURDAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY . . . you have special knack tor making friends. You could succeed in advertising. or as sales representative. it it -k GENERAL TENDENCIES: Cycle high for PISCES, ARIES, TAURUS. Special word to SAGITTARIUS: Home, property require attention. (Copyright 19<7, General Features Corp.) ALLEY OOP ...AN' VOU'RE ABOL TSO rwORK WITH OUK BAND.' By V. T. Hamlin IDUNNO/40UT HIS LYRICS..Birr ATCOSTUME DES(SN.HEi5 @ 1967 by NEA, Inc. “Why, no, dear! I don’t think anyone would blame you for spending FRIDAY THE 13TH IN BED!’’ BOARDING HOUSE CAPTAIN EASY THIS BAS rTHEN SOMEONE SWAPPED JOOK6 UK& I BASS TO GET VOUR FIRM'5 WreiSO DOV SECRET BOLIVIAN REPORT? M05T OF tr& CONTEMTSiBU' I SEE WOW IT ISN’T) By Leslie Turner IT'6 DIFFICULT TO PUT A PRICE ON THIS RIN6,BUT1'D6AX IT'6 WORTH AT LEAST *1,000 THE R16HT PER-' 60NM1C3HT6OA LITTLE HI6HER/ THIS APPRAlSAlJ REMINDS OP ) WAS A (EREAT^COLiSlN NOAH,ON S IDEA OF NDURS, MOTHER'5 SIDE.' MA30R—I HAD NOj HEMADEA FORTUNE INDICATION IT WAS < I WITH A SREAT MED-REALLY VALUABLE/ ^ICAL DISCOVERY.' UNCLE SILAS WAS VERv\ SOME SAV X ECCENTRIC—A RETIRED/(tAKE AFTER HIM/ SEA CAPTAIN WHO LIVED ON A RlVEK-^ gOAT/ Wagner, 3787 Lincolnshire VI. Willingham, Bloomfield Richard and Linda Hills John D. Barrett, Royal Oak and Mary G. Eastwood, Birmingham Danny C. Larson, Clarkston and Diane J. Koskela, Clarkston Thomas S. Hill, Rochester and Sandra L. Latountain, Rochester Dieter L. Balzst, 224 East Boulevard South and Marilyn L. Hopkins, Rochester Robert S. Hurlburt, 58 West Yale and Geraldine E. Warden, 82 East Hopkins William E. Stocks, Detroit and Darlene C. Reed, Farmington Herman Alien, 536 Bloomfield and: Joyce A. Peaks, 383 California i Louis H. Zahn, Auburn Heights and •lane J. Zahn, Clarkston. \ Leon F. Hines, 126 Washington and k'ancy J. Ziarnik, Rochester { Donald A. Plumb, 9474 Thames and Sywerly J. Plumb, 9474 Thames j Edward J. Theriot, Clarkston and Karen D. Norberg, 164 West Brooklyn Robert C. Lesh, Drayton Plains and Karen L. Perry, Highland Jerald A. Rathka, Union Lake and Paulette R. Hardy, Miltord Cecil Woodman, 65 Orton and Mamie R. will, 276 South Marshall Thomas D. Lobb, Bloomfield Hills and Mary J. Kelly, Bloomfield Hills Keith E. Moe, Staint Paul Minnesota and Jane F. Goodell, Bloomfield Hills Gordon M. Armstrong, Farmington and iudilh L. Maki, Farmington Robert T. Alexander, Milford and ma J. Fleming, Troy Phillip R. Rabala. 5349 Highland and[ Arlene K. Manning, Alio, Michigan Jerry F. Sidock, 1153 Baldwin and Sybil 6. O'Neil, 3569 Brookdale Herman L. Wilson, 125 North Perry and Marilyn M. Schumacher, Rochester LeRoy S. Patterson, Auburn Heights and Judith G. Bishop, Auburn Heights Kenneth J. Koroloen, 720 East Columbia and Constance A. Reilly, 69 Mariva Erich Nasti, Royal Oak and Beverley M. McGregor, Ortonville Ronald H. Allen, Ortonville and Sherry D. Moore, Ortonville Clifford G. Banks, Wixom and Linda S. Reynolds, Drayton Plains Horace H. Dalton, Auburn Heights and Joyce H. Rouse, Clawson Joseph V. Jerema, Marquette, Michigan and Janet K. Wood, Birmingham Kenneth J. Coon, Detroit and Rosemary S. Bovae, 9 Center John J. Lomas, Detroit and Mary McMillan, 37 North Sanford Robert O. Cain, Union Lake and Carla A. Vander Veer, Waterford Roger P. Shockley, Albuquerque New Akexico and Jana R. Lytle, Birmingham Michael D. Mengyan, Walled Lake and Linda S. Bland, Louisville, Kentucky Richard T. Fu|ioka, Oxford and Mary F. Kosai, Boltimore, Maryland David A. Orndort, Daly City, Calitornla and Heidi A. Hatner, Walled Lake Robert A. Wiederhold, Lake Orion and Nicola S. Kurmas, Warren Thomas M. Stewart, Ontario, Canada and Elixabeth M. Irvine, Rochester James R. Brennan, North Miami, Florida and Martha E. Fischer, North Bloomfield Hills , LeRoy A. Lloyd, Toledo, Ohio and Ra-entl M. Tormohlen, 2231 Liverpool Norman J. Stavens, Troy and Catherine C. O^Laary, Detroit AAart F. Swift, 360 Auburn and Carrie 18. Brennan, 368 Auburn INOAH'6 .*^7 BALDNE66^^ircg CURE ALSO REMOVED CORNS - (Ty mr b, MtA, I.,. TX «i OUT 01IR WAY EEK & MEEK MAVBE I'LL BECOME A } SrbUaxiLO VetJTIST! J hJBMSR BE A DEWTlSTi WU A/eep sEAismvE, DELICATE HAUDS AWD A OeWTLE, FAIWLESS TOUCH! CA/w,LerMe IK] HtXJR mouth! By Howie Schneider, Ml —--- « Hit by NU. Ik. TJ4. lU. IW on. NANCY '<5LAD TO SEE VOLi TAKINC3 AM IWTER-E5T IM YOUR WORK yOUMO MAN--WHEN YOU BRIMS THAT BACK I’LL SIVE YOU A LITTLE QUIZ TO SEE HOW YOU'RE PROORE5S1MS/ THAT yOUMS FELLA really WAMT5 TO LEARM, BUT MOW THAT TH’ bulls mailed HIM DOWMyTH’ JOy'5 (SOME OUT OF IT/ VEAH--LIKEPIGSIM' FDR FISHIM' WORMS IS A PLEASURE, BUT IF YOUR WIFE WAMT5 you TO I SPADE TH'SARDEM TH' DIOSIM'SUPDEM Ly BECOMES .WORK LET'S DRIVE DOWN AND TALK TO THE ROOFING COMPANY THE GARAGE ROOF IS LEAKING, TOO, By Ernie Bushmilier TTPa 50 IS THE 'y/M 1% TIGER By Bud Blake LOOK, JULIAN*. MV SLEDS A R2ETEMP Surfboard ^ THg SNOW^ A PRetTEMP OC0AM! DONALD DUCK By Walt Disney YOU'RE OVER TRAINED, DUCK CL THE SPOSLER. © mi W UIK Inc. T-M. >«|. U.I. P#. Off. THE FONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, JANUARY JL3, 1967 ■Hie fidknring are priebit covoiog sales of ioci% groM produce bjr growers and aokf pg th-na in adiaieaale paAage |ots Quotat’^ dh furnidied by tiie Detroit Bureau 1,325 tb slaughter sMlr| U.2^JG; IM choie# -and priina lASdWO Ip 2$.» n».6mb. . 24.25; choice 80-110 lbs 22.75-23.50. Barnes khg BrazHLIPw 1 Brit Pet .55e Campbl Chib Can So Pet Cdn Javelin Cinerama Ctrywide RIt Creole 2.60a Date Cent EqurtyCp .16f Fargo Oils Felmont Oil Flying Tiger Gen Plywd If Giant Yel .60 GokHIcId Gt Bas Pet Gulf Am Cp Hycon Mfg Imper Oil 2d Kaher Ind MeadJohn AAlchSug .lOe Molybden NawPark Mn Pancoast Pet RIC Group Scurry Rain Sbd W Atrlln Signal OIIA l Sperry R wt statham Inst Syntex Cp .40 Technicol .40 UnControl .20 American Stock Exch. NOON AMERICAN NEW YORK (API - American Stock Exchange select^ noon prices: Salts Net (Ms.) Higli Low Last CM. AarolelG .50a 10 31 30% 10% - % AidxMag .lOe 7 23% 23% 23% + % AmPetro .40e 3 9% 9% 9% -t- Vk ArkLGaa 1.50 40 40% 39% 40 .... Asemera Oil 25 3% 3% 3% — % AssdOII & G II 2<% 2% 2% ■ - 15 1% 1% 1% 15 30% 29% 29% -t- % 214 10% 10% 10% -f % 6 9 9 9 -1-1-16 55 6 13-16 6% 6 13-16-H-16 32 2 3-16 2 3-162 3-16-H-I4 33 7% 7% 7% 2 3% 3% 3% 16 1% 1% 1% -F % 10 35% 35% 35% 13 9% 9% 9% —% 33 3% 3% 3% 19 2 13-14 2% 2 13-16-1-1-14 1 9% 9% 9% + % 197 56% 54% 54% -1% 52 8% 8% 8% + •% 78% — %,Gt West FInl AmAirUn 1.50 20 77 76 76 —1% Greyhnd .ta Am Bosch .60 26 21% 21% 21% — % GrumAIre 1b AmBdest 1.60 15 89 09 89 —JMJt4,0f7XI 322,41+424,555.68 WwjfAfi/et X-Total Debt- 329>966J14,127.Sf Gold Assets— , 13,151,311,614.76 13,732,912,139.17 (XI -i- liicluies IM4J8tl77.78 deM not fuk|i • - • ■ ■ ----- Rtct la staMorr BmM. 123 DOW-^OHEt AVERACES STOCKS M Indus ......... 20 Ralls ...... IS mils ...... 65\stodU ................ _ BONM J. iy 40 Bonds ..... M 33 33 + %I18 HIghtr grads rails «% 58% 11% + %|JI se^ gr^ rails . ., 17% 16% 16% — % 18 Public utilities i I' B nesota Mining & Mfg., du-Pont, Eastman Kodak, General Electric, San Diego Gag & Electric. I could use a little more income and would welcome any suggestion.” N. S. A) You have one of the finest stock lists I have ever seen — without a single second-rate or I 12% 12% 12% + % 10 Industrials » 41% Am 43% — % 44 f1 10% SI -% M li% M 16% + % 30 «% 58% 55 - % 62 36% 36% 36% - % 3 - 25 25 25 ' 17 1% 1% lU...... M 21% 28% 14%.% 19 24 23% 24 John Nanoe Garner airved as vice president during Franklin D. Roosevelt’s first AOd secood terms as U. S. president. CIS has been appointed vice president and general manager f(dh>wing a four - month manager train- FRANCIS ing program at national headquarters in Detroit. it ★ IPS provides professional per-K.J1+0.81 sonnel counseling, individual SL95+0J5 programming and refeirels or interviews for placement with customer accounts, accordii^ to Francis. nj4 “Presently IPS recruits for over 3(101o^ and nathmal employers,” he added. should I do with this?” R.H. doubtful security. I don’t know A) I think you have enough!how badly you require more in-National Biscuit, which is a oome. If your need is not ur- is a very conservative stock with rather moderate growth prospects. I would give up nothing in the way of quality, but suggest that a few shares of GiL gent, I would hate to break up this list. If you really must have k higher retuirn, I will make two suggestions. By switching 3M into Norfolk & Western and News in Brief Rummage Sale, St. Benedicts, Lynn off Huron, Sat. 14, 9-2. —Adv. Clarkston Women’s Club rummage sale—Sat., Jan. 14, 9 to 4. Clarkston Community Center. —Adv. Notice to all home owners affected by proposed M-59. Regardless of claims or rumors you may have heard the Rochester Golf Club has not made any agreements or contracts to sell any of its land to the highway dept. Mrs. Eleanor Sadowski, owner. —Adv. A $150 portable television was stolen from the home of Ulysses Adams, 3'3, of 295 Prospect, it was reported to city police yes-t e r d a y. Entry was made through the front door with a key that had been left under a doormat, investigators said. lette would diversify your hold- Eastman Kodak into standard ings and supply a stronger growth factor. As to your Pennsylvania Railroad, I believe that I would hold pt current levels in expectation that the merger with N. Y. Central will be consummated. ★ ★ ★ Q) “I am a widow of 76 and over many years have accumulated a list of stocks. These are American Telephone, Bank of America, Min- Oil of New Jersey, you could substantially increase your income in these two instances. And most importantly, the quality of your list would not be greatly impaired. To order Roger Spear’s 48-page Investment Guide send $1.00 to Roger E. Spear, care of The Pontiac Press, Box 1618, Grand Central Station, N. York, N. Y. (Copyright, 1967) Lodge Calendar ^ Annual Meeting and Election of Offiders of the Quadrant Low 12 Club will be heM Feb. 15th at 8 p.m. at Roosevelt Masonic Temple, 22 State St. Signed, Lloyd W. Bumes, Secy. —Adv. BOND AVERAGES Compiltd by Tha Astociatod PrtM M 10 19 II H Rail* Ind. UNI. Fgn. L. Yd + .A , +.2 92.7 83.2 90.6 17.4 Prev. Day 71.3 92.7 82.6 90.6 17.2 Week Ago 70.4 91.8 82.0 90.6 16.5 Month Ago 70.5 90.9 81.2 90.6 U.2 Year Ago 79J 101.0 16.0 91.7 90.6 1966-67 High 79.5 101.4 16.1 93.1 987 1966+7 ,LOW 7IL1 88.9 79.2 9M 13 7 1965 High, 83.7 102.5 N.9 94.3 1965 Lbw 79.3 99.9 86.4 91.1 90.1 , V THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1967 Mrttai mi OMMHat nUaihi iMi IdMi F A I N T I N and' MPCRINC, Voj'r* n«ir. Orvtl QNIcumb. sn- QIMUlW WORK ASMReb. iRutTf' ^ IMWlUlB. wall WMtHS. 10% TroMiPMrHrtiM II ELDERLY LADY FOR COMPANION for own* In FlorWo. MA <-3144. . WANTED: COMPANIONS OR RID-er* to FtorMo within « mo. Rof. ' Pfbwq w-ott Bmt ImwrwKE U NON-DRINKERS CAN GET LOW-eotf Mito and hwna InMiranca. Hannataad Asnclato*. FE 4«M. las Elliaboth Laka Rd. WpaM 1 PIECE OR HOUSEFUL; PIANOS. M. C. UPpatd. FE 5-7»M. ALL HOUSEHOLDS - SPOT CASH AucMonlana ________OR 435ST CASH FOR FURNITURE AND AP-pllanoti. 1 PtoM or hooiaful. Poar^ ion*«. FE 4-7IH. HEAR OUR PRICE BEFORE YOU taka ao INtto tor ^your fwmtturt or appllmcas and what have you. . We'll auction It or buy It. B & b Auction sow DIxto ,__________ OR 3-S717 SOLID MAPLE DINETTE SET. Good condition. 6W-7S7I. IVmfEB MilcailEEBEW 30 COPPER, 35C AND UP; BRASS; radlatort; atarters and generators, 75c ea. C. OlKaon, OR 3-5B40. OFFICE FILES, DESKS, MA-chines, drafting egulpment, etc. OR »»747. _________________ wanted,'antiques and OUAL-Ity furniture. Call Holly 4?7-5193. M. H. sallow. WfliitEd to Rtirt 32 YOUNG EXECUTIVE NEEDS 3 bedroom unfurnished house tor Immediate occupancy. Guaranteed references. FE 4-W-M or after 5:00 335a»4, Room 31.___________________ ShEra Livil^ Quorttrs 33 WILL SHARE AAODERN with lady. 674-1007 I after HOME i p.m. WoiitEd Retl Estate 36 1 TO 50 HOMES, LOTS, ACREAGE PAR-CELS, FARMS, BUSINESS PROP-ERTIES, AND LAND CONTRACTS WARREN STOUT, Realtor 1450 N. Opdyke Rd. FE SS165 Urgently head tor Immediate Salel Pontiac Dally 'til 8 CASH Any Area CASH Any Condition CASH Any Price Small Investor Is desperate for property. Will pay $150 hightr than any one else for your property or land contract. Even If you are behind In your payments. Mr. Davis. 647-72n or after 5 P.M. 626-40M. CASH 48 HOURS LAND CONTRACTS—HOMES WRIGHT 382 Oakland Ave.___FE 2-9141 HAVE CASH BUYER WHO NEEDS A 3 BEDROOM HOME. CALL AGENT AT <74-1491. I WANTED TO BUY, 2 OR 3 BED-room. 338-2346. . hind la paymanta or un-dar teractoaura. Aoant. 527^Mbo. H«LPII WE'VE ta.D OUR HOME, young raaponsible couple naada a Medroom home ertHnt the next 48 daya. Inleraatad In p suburban area wHh a large tot. Can pay 824m down, 8100 a month and will pay o«m taxes and inaurance. Call DORRIS A SON, REALTORS. OR 44024._______________ 2'rooms And private baith. child - FE 84W4.________ • rooms, BATH, 8180 O^iraSIT, 838 per wk. FE 5-7932. ^ S ROOM A)>ARTfWNT AND BATH, child welcome. 75 Clark. I NEED A 3 BEDROOM HOME WITH EASEMENT, IN THE WATERFORO-KiET-TERIN6 AREA. I HAVE SOLO purchasers t«3Mi AND THEY WANT TO RELOCATE. WILL PAY UP TO 819,000 CASH. CALL YORK REALTY AT OR 44043. -u ‘ IS YOUR PRESENT HOME TOO small? Too large? Too okl? CALL Gilbert Long at O'Neil Realty and he will show you how easily you can trade for a home that will fit your needs and packet book. OR 4-2232 or FE 2-6239. J. C. Hoydsn Realtor We need listhtot, equities bought and sold. 3434404 10735 Highland Rd. (M591 LISTINGS NEEDED BUYERS GAIORE Equities bought end sold WARDEN REALTY 3434 W. Huron, Pontlec 333-7157 If no answer call 335^1190 LOTS-WANTEO in PONTIAC Immediate closing. REAL VALUE REALTY, 426-9575. QUICK CASH FOR YOUR HOME, equity or land contract, Call Clark Real Estate, FE 3-7888. SPOT CASH FOR YOUR EQUITY, VA, FHA, OR OTHER. FOR QUICK ACTION CALL NOW. HAGSTROM REALTOR, OR 441358 OR EVENINGS 482-0435. We r^eed Listings Buyers Galore J. A. TAYLOR AGENCY Reol Estate-Insurance—Building 7732 Highland Rd. (M59) OR 4-0304 Evenings Call EM 3-9937 Aportmeflts, Furnished 37 AfNrlinenfB, Fumbhed 17 2 ROOAU, SHARE BATH, FRtVATE entrance, itiMeaBed lady. <2 " It Ajwrtnwnts, UnhriWwd 31 3 ROOMS AND BATH, NICIeLY furnished, baby welcome. FE 3 R06m APARTMENf! 241 STATE after 5:30. 3 ROOMS AND BATH, $50 DEP, W a w^ utiiitin Included. Clean. '3a4)453. . - . 3 ROOMS AND BATH. NICELY furnished. West side loeation. 850 dap. $140 per mo., Includes garage. Ref. Couple only. For deteils, phone 402-2^. _________________________ 3 ROOMS'AND BATH, CHILD WEL-come, $30 per week, S75 dap. Inquire at 273 Baldwin Ave. Call 3384054. ROOMS AND BATH, ADULTS only, no pets, $3750 per week. 8100 dep. Inquire at Hollarbecks Auto Parts, 273 Baldwin Ave.________ 4 ROOMS AND BATH NEAR TEL Huron, fully carpeted, fireplace, adults only, no pets, 1130 a mo., 8100 dep. 474-1113 or FE 2-4744 tor appt. CLEAN 3 ROOMS, MAIN FLOOR, private entrance, garage. $100 sec dep., 8130 per mo. OR 4-2498. aft. 5:30 p.m. COUPLE, 3 ROOMS AND BATH. 192 Whittemore. FE 5-9800 after 3. LARGE COZY ALL PRIVATE FOR 4 young men, $15 ea. weekly. Cleaning done tor you. 63 S. T 2011 ' 3-BEDROOM BRICK HOME Just complelad. Large rooms including family reOm with fireplact. Modem kitchen, 2 baths, laundry room up, full basement. 2-car attached garage, select oak floors, plastered walls, other fine features. Located I mile west of Oxford. $20,750. C. A. WEBSTER, REALTOR 492-2291______or <20-2515 In Red Barn Village Subdivision $14,400 mortgege. 8950 moves in VILLA HOMES Atodel phone 428-1438______ NOW LEASING FOR APPROXI metely March 1 occupancy, new spacious luxury 1 and 2-bedroom apartments. Convenient West Side location — Voorhies Rd. near Telegraph. Includes carport, patio, carpeting arxl many other modern features. FE 8-2444. NEAT 4 - ROOM APARTMENT, partly furnished, near Square Lake, adults only. FE 4-8188.___ NEW I- AND 2-BEDROOM ON PON-tlac Lake, 8125, $140. Carpet, air, laundry. EM 3-7376. _____ UPPER 3 LARGE ROOMS AND bath In country, $80 monthly, $80 dep. Utilities not' furnished. Call 425-2615, Eves. 425-3125. Rent Houses, Furnished 39 3-ROOM HOUSE IN EXCHANGE for baby sitting. Middle-aged couple. Day work. Call after 4 p.m., <25-1553. Rent Htouses, Unfurnished 40 ROOM AND BATH (2 BEO-rooms) with full basement and oas heat and hot water. Located m Washington Park, ideal for small family. $125 per mo. pSus security deposit. Only applicatnts with highest recqmmendatlons will be considered Pontiac Press Box SO. 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT. $115;FREE RENTAL SERVICE TO per month. $100. Sec. Dep. FE 2-7401 between 3 and 5 p.m. BEDROOM APARTMENT, CAR-petlng, stove, refUgerator, adults only. No pels, please. 473-7184 aft. 7 p.m. landlords. Art Daniels, GA 1-7880, HU 3-2000, 244-1080. Rent Rooms 42 ROOMS, COUPLE ONLY, deposit. 474-1581. 3 ROOMS, BATH, PRIVATE. NEAR downtown. Inquire 2335 Dixie Hwy ,2 SLEEPING ROOMS WITH KITCH $50 enette, pvt. entrance, walking distance to Rontlac Motor, $15 ea FE 5-5486. BEDROOM LARGE, OVER store. Dep. 338-2438 after 4. AMERICAN HERITAGE 1-bedroom apt., available now, $145 mo. 2-b^room apt., $145. All utilities and carport Included In the rent, except phone. No children 473-4927 ELIZABETH LAKESHORE APART ments, all new. Beautiful private beach. Boat dock. No children, no pets. 5375 Cooley Lake Rd. Aluminum Bldg. Items ALUMINUM SIDING INSTALLED by "Superior" — your authorized Kaiaor gealer. FE 4-3177. Architictural Drawing^ ANY KIND OF DESIGN A drafting work. 34S4508.______ Auto Rtpuir JIM AND RUSS Auto Repair Automatic Transmission \ Specialist Any 6-cyl. engine ... $150 icyl. rebuilt ... $249 Jim amf Russ Auto Repair 2521 Elliaboth Lake Rd. 3344)184 Brich A Bleck ^nHte BRICK, BLOCK, STONE. CEMENT work/ flrtplacts specialty. 335-4470.__________________________ BulW^ Mmlenito 2-CAR GARAGES, 20'X20', $875. WE are local builders and build any size. Camant work. Free estimates Pady-Bullt Garaiga Co. OR 3-5419, ATTENTION Which will you have? An old bath and kitchen or a sparkling new bath and kitchen. Call LaPratt and see. Also remodel ing land general. LaPratt Construction Co. FE 2-2500 CARPENTRY AND REMODELING OL 1-8255_______________ COMPLETE MODERNIZATION. AD-dltlons, etc. Earl Kline, Bldr. OR 3-1924 Days, OR 3-3182 Eves. COMPLETE REMODELING Service Quality work since 1945 Now is the best tima to plan or remodel—prices are lowest l Additions—recreation rooms attic rooms—aluminum storm wlnd^s—siding and trim. 84 N. Saginaw g£m FE 2-1211 Free astimates ____________T^ms DO YOURSELF A FAVOR. GET our estimate on any home Improvement at Big Bear Construction. Winter prices now In effect FE 3-7133. ______ CurpMrtry (-1 INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR, attic, basamant, recreation room, kitchen and bathrooms my speclaF ty. State licansad. Reas. 4KMI44I. Please call after 5 p.m CARPENTRY, REC ROOAAS, KITCH ens, free estimates. Phil Kile, B5^ 1337. CARPENTRY, NEW AND REPAIR Free asflmafat. _____________ INTERlbR FINISH, KITCHENS, paneling, FE 2-105, years experlenea MASTER CRAFTSMAN. BEAUTI-ful carpentry. Rac rooms, cabinets, custom framing, finishing. Price, work can't be beat. 330-9430. Cumnit Work ALL TYPES OF CEMENT WORK, block work, OR 44247, CEMENT FLOORS FOR PARTICU lar pa^ Bart Commlns FE 1-0245 Cement and Block Work CEMENT WORK, ALL KINDS, SPE-clal wintaf priw, OR 3-4172. . DnstmuKhig, Tuilerhig ALTERATIONS ALL TYPES, KNIT dresses, leathar coats OR 3-7193. Driver's School FREE HOME PICKUP FE 8-9444. Dual confrollad cars. Approved Auto Driving School Dry Well Service DRY WALL SPEaALIST, HANG, tape, finish. Free estimates. 427-3238. Restaurants BIG BOY DRIVE-IN, DIXIE AT Silver Lake—Telegraph at Huron, DRY WALL iuvestroughing^ AAA ALUMINUM GUTTERS M8.S GUTTER CO. COMPLETE eavestrowhing service, free astl-mates. 4W-4844. ilectrkai Service BOYER ELECTRIC CO. Residential S, Commercial 332-4334 Fencing PONTIAC FENCE CO. 5932 Dixie Hwy._____OR 3-4595 Hour Sanding CARL L. BILLS SR., NEW AND Old floor sanding. FE 2-5789, R.G. SNYDER, FLOOR LAYING ssnding and :inlshlng. FE S-0S92, JOHN TAYLOR, FLOOR LAYING. Sanding and finishing. 332-4975. Flour'Tiling CUSTOM FLOOR COVERING. Linoleum, formica, tile. 741 N. Perry. PE 2-4090. HenHng Service FURNACE REPAIR Day or night, all makes, space heaters. Including mobile homes. Walters Heating. 482-7222._____ Janitorial Service Lumber TALBOTT LUMBER Glass service, wood or aluminum. Building and Hardware supplies. 1025 Oakland FE 4-4595 Meving and Storage AA MOVI^ CO. - 0S2G999 Hourly or Haf rates—piano experts SMITH MOVING CO. FE 4-4M4 Pointing and Decmrtiiy A-1 PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING THOMPSON PP 48344 A-1 PAINTING, PLASTER REPAIR. 10 per cent discount to Mar 1. Free estimates. 402-0420. ______ A-1 QUALITY PAINTING. REASON-able. 42B-U70. Piano Tuning Plnstwf^ Servira A-l PLASTERING, NEW AND RE-palr, FE 8-2702.______ PLASTERING. FREE ESTIMATES D. AAayars, 343-9595._______ , Rental Equipment BROWNIES HARDWARE FLOOR SANDERS — POLISHERS WALLPAPER STEAMERS RUG CLEANER - POWER SAWS 952 Joslyn Open Sun. FE 4-4105 Roofer A-1 NEW, REROOF — REPAIRS -Call Jack. Save the lack. 338-4115. OR 3-9590. CLEAN SLEEPING ROOM. PRI vale entrance. No drinkers. 34 Norton. GENTLEMAN ONLY, NO DRINK ers, north end, pvt. home, FE 4-0112- . I G H T HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, sleeping rooms. Lake Orion. 492-5751. , 3 HOUSES To Be Sold 31 Carter Living room, dining room, kitchen, bath, bedroom, first floor, 4 bedrooms and 3 closets, second floor. 35 Carter Living room, dining room, kitchen, first floor. 3 bedrooms and bath, second floor. 41 Carter Living room, dining room, kitchen, first floor. Two bedrooms end bath, second floor. These houses will be sold individually or as a group and must moved within 30 days of sale. SACRIFICE Prices for QUICK SALE For Inspection ol properly contact MR. LEDFORD PONTIAC PRESS 48 W. HURON 332-8181, EXT. 280 Sob Houses 49 AUBURN RD. Near John R,. Rd. 9 room brick, plastered walli, hardwood floors, fireplace, full baiamant, 2 car brick garage with 3 room apt., above. 5 tots $17,500 — with two down and $125 par mo. on land contract. CLARENCE C. RIDGEWAY REALTOR 2» W. Walton 330-4084 Multiple Listing Service BLOOMFIELD ORCHARDS bedrooms, IW baths, tri-level. $25,200, $3000 down. FHA 335-9373. BY OWNER, 3-BEORQOM TRI-level, baths, fireplace, covered patio, 2V3 car garage, extra large ................4,Sm. 2444 Pinto Dr., Beauty Rite Homes The Finest Custom Homes 673-1717 BLOOMFIELD ORCHARDS - 4-bedroom, court tot, many extras. Can vacate any time. 331-8192. BARGAIN! West side location — 5 rooms and bath bungalow — automatic gas heat — carpeted living and bed-raoms, paneled family room. $30o down plus closing costs. WRIGHT REALTY CO. 382 Oakland Ave. FE 2-9141 Sob Housos 'tytSobltuusin HAROLD R. FRANKS, Realty SNOW WHITE ALUMINUM Good area, excallenl private beach privileges on Union Lake. Corner 94'x140' all chain link’ fencing. Very attractive 22'x22' newly car- and dryer btcludOd. $15,750, cash to Present land Contract balance at $80 a month. Everett Cummings, Realtor 2583 UNION LAKE ROAD EM 3-3208 343-7181 HIITER, NORTH SIDE INCOME — with < apartments and 1 sleeping room. 3 full baths, 2 extra stools, full basemenr, gas hot water heat. $18,500, land Contract terms. HURON GARDENS — new 3-bedroom, full basement, alum, siding and gas heat. Call today. WE BUILD — 3-bedroom ranchers with oak floors, vanity in bath, lull basements, gas heat. $11,550 on your lot. To see the model cell B. C. HIITER, REALTOR, 3792 Ellz. Lk. Rd. FE 2-0179, after 8 p.m. 682-4453.____ CASS LAKE FRONT-4' bedrooms, fireplace, gas heat, 2 story, furnished. Call 343-4703. UNION LAKE FRONT — Cute and different, scads of storage, tire place In walk-out family room 343-7700. I LAKE FRONT — cute, paneled and carpeted, attached garage, fenced yard. $13,500, land contract. Terms. 343-5477. NEW 3 BEDROOMS - built-ins,! carpeted, full basement, attached garage. Will accept good car or pick-up truck as part of down payment. Call 343-4703. GOLF MANOR - tri-level, extra fine condition, 3 bedrooms, family room, fireplace, bullt-lns, large fenced lot. EM 3-7700. CLARKSTON SCHOOL Bus pick-up from this 3 bedroom brick ranch near Sashabaw Rd. Easy clean tile floors — spills mop up fast, kiddles play safe In fenced yard. Paved streets, community water, storm sewers. $13,900 total - $1000 and costs moves in — $77.35 mo. plus tax and ins. HAGSTROM REALTOR -MLS — 4900 W. HURON — OR 4-0358. OR 3-4229. IRWIN LAKE ANGELUS AREA Brick rancher with attached 2 car garage. Located in an area of fine homes. Carpeted living room and dining ell. 3 roomy bedrooms. IVj ceramic tile baths. Farm size kitchen with eating space. Base ment divided with partially fin ished recreation room. Nicely land scaped lot with outdoor grill Priced for quick sale at $20,500. LAND CONTRACT Cozy 2 bedroom bungalow with expansion attic. Nice living room and dining room carpeted. En closed rear porch. Full basement Gas heat. IV2 car garage. Fenced back yard. Priced at $10,250. GEORGE IRWIN, REALTOR MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE 298 W. Walton FE 3-7883 immeSiate possession On this 2-bedroom home on 2 lots near Watkins Lake. Full basement, gas heat, small barn and fruit trees on property. Lake privileges, near schools. Land contract terms at 4 per cent. Down payment lust reduced. ROLFE H. smith, Realtor 244 S. Telegraph Rd. FE 3-7848 Eves. 333-7302 TIME to buy acreage . . . TIME to buy homes . . . TIME to buy farm property . . . TIME to loin TIMES, for any of your real estata problems. Stay with the TIMES, most people do. "The company that makej you happy, before it makes a profit" Times Reqlty 5890 DIXIE HIGHWAY (South of Waterford Hill) OR 4-0394 REALTOR Open 9-9 Daily WEAVER Rochester-Utico Area WOODED IV2 Acres with nearly new 3-bedroom brick home. Family room with cozy fireplace. Kitchen built-ins, 2 ceramic baths. Full basement, attached 2-car garage Located in the hills of Rochester. Terms. MILTON WEAVER Inc., Realtor In the Village of Rochester 118 W. University 451-814) YOUR LOT OR $1,450 DOWN Gets you a 3-bedroom home, wood flooring, aluminum siding, ONLY $12,990. You save $$$. Do your own painting, etc. if you wish MR* C. SCHUETT FE 3-7088 5280 Dixie Hwy. N. of Walton. _________Open 9-9 Daiiy Struble CLOSING COST ONLY Excellent North Side location this family home, close to schools and stores. 6-room and 3 bedrooms full size dining room, full base ment, over-size IVa-car garage. We have an FHA commitment. Full price: $11,500 — $95 per mo. In eluding taxes and ins. Call on this one. MILO STRUBLE Realtor MLS 3881 Highland (M59) FE 8-4025 FE 2-0473 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, GOOD neighborhood, corner commercial, good possibilities, $2,500 down. OR 3-4142. Crestbrook MODEL OPEN DAILY 1-6 3 bedroom, family room and 2 car garage priced at only $15,490 plus lot. Located in new sub with paved streets, curb, gutter, sidewalks and city water. Drive out M59 to Crescent Lake Road turn right to Crestbrook street and model. DON GIROUX REAL ESTATE 4511 Highland Road (M59 ) 473-7837 LET'S TALK TURKEY The owner wants to talk business. He wants to sell a sharp 3-bedroom home with full basement, natural fireplace, garage, located in Seminole Hills with shop, ping and school conveniences. Excellent bank terms thru: YORK MATURE BACHELOR WISHES TO I share home with same. Mornings, 332-4712 or 332-8449 ; 3-16 p.m. 335-4788. PROFESSIONAL OR BUSINESSMAN — West Side, private bath. 335-1797. (Private entrance, parking space, twin bed sleeping room, near Pontiac Motors. FE 2-4739. ROOM WITH BREAKFAST FOR 1 girl, S15 per wk. 23 Florence. FE 2-2847. 4-H REAL ESTATE INDEPENDENCE TWP. - Clarks ton Schools — SHARP 3-badroom brick ranch, paved street, large lot. Cyclone fenced, exc., neigh borhood, newly decorated. VACANI -- Price: $13,988 approx. $1,275 down, paymanti, $78 mo. plus taxes and Ins. (cheaper than rant.) 5844 Dixie Hwy. After 5 p.m. OR 3-8455 OR 4-2294 OR 3-2391 SLEEPING ROOM FOR CLEAN quiet young man. FE 8-2884. SAGAMORE MOTEL, SINGLE OC cupancy, $35 per week. Maid service, TV, telephone. 789 South Woodward. SLEEPING ROOM FOR 1 ON FLOR ence St., lust off Oakland Ave FE 5-5443. Rooms With Boani 43 beautiful ROOMS. EXCELLENT meals. Lunches packed. FE 5-7959, SPECIALIZE IN HOT TAR ROOF-Ing. L. J. Price. FE 2-1836. Snow Plowing FOR MAN, PRIVATE HOME. AF ternoon shift preferred. FE 6-1814. cooked meals, 335-V Rent Office Space 47 "DALBY & SONS" Lakes Tree Co., Trimming stump and Tree Removals Fireplace Wood — Plantings <73-2138 4&380 Traddng HAULING AND RUBBISH. NAME your price. Any time. FE 8-8695. LIGHT HAULING, BASEMENTS, garages cleaned. <74-1242. FE 5-3884 LIGHT MOVING AND HAULING. Dellie, reasonable. FE 5-7443. LIGHT AND HEAVY TRUCKING, rubbish, fill dirt, grading and grav-el and front-end loading. FE 2-8483. Track Rental Truoks to Rent Vb-Ton Pickups IVti-Ton Staka TRUCKS - TRACTORS AND EQUIPMENT Dump Trucks — Semi-Trailers Pontiac Farm anii Industrial Tractor Co. 825 S. WOODWARD FE 44441 FE 4-1442 Open Dally Including Sunday Water Seftenert SALES AND RENTALS Culllgan Water Condt. 334-9944 BLOOMFIELD WALL CLEANERS. Walls cleaned. Reas. Satisfaction guaranteed. Insured. FE 2-1431. Wedding fanritatiene Well Prilling OKCsitfR WELL DRILLimx, ezi--pert repairing, 2" to 14". W-5434. 800 SQ. FT. OF AIR CONDITIONED building in the Fontainbleau Plaza. Ideal for office or small business. OR 4-2222. Ray O'Neil, Realtor 3520 Pontiac Lk. Rd._______ OFFICE SPACE WITH ANSWER Ing service, 2485 Woodward, Bloomfield Hills. 444-3308 or 334-5500. THREE BUSINESS OFFICES FOR rent or lease. Starting at $45 eer month. Located In active usiness area. Call Jack Ralph at FE 8-7141 Rent dnsinest Pi’O^rty ^*A 16,800 Sq. Ft. Downtown Pontiac 2-story masonry bldg., 8400 sq. ft. on each floor, freight elevator, will rent "as Is" or remodel and lease. Ideal for all retail or warehouse purposes. Contact Bruce An-netf personally (or further Information., Annett Inc. Realtors, 28 E. Huron. 338-0444. LIGHT MANUFACTURlItG OR warehouse facilities. 3,000 and 4,, 080 sq. ft. areas with loading dock; also 1300 sq. ft. office building. Reply P. 0. Box 624, Keego Harbor, Mich. 4-BEDROOM COLONIAL Watkins Hills, new, 2Vi baths, 23 paneled family room with fireplace, large living room and formpi din Ing room. New carpeting and draperies In living room, dining rodm, and family room, carpeted stairs and hallway, kitchen with built-in oven, range and dishwasher, breakfast area, laundry room on 1st floor. Paneled partitioning in basement, thermo pane windows throughout, auto, water softener, fenced back yard with 480 sq. ft brick pati# professionally landscaped. Shown by appointment only. $37,500 By Owner 474-1318 5 ROOMS AND BATH, CLOSE IN, land contract. FE 24333. Aft. 5 205 ONEIDA, SEMINOLE HILLS. 3 bedrooms, vacant. Don NIcholle, 332-9194. $300 DOWN 3 bedroom, alum, siding, 2 car garage, Immediate occupancy. 303 S. Edith. Ovmer. LI >5443, UN 4-0298. 385 AIRPORT OPEN 12-4 DAILY Quite new 3 bedroom with full basement, IVb baths, attached 2 car garage, on large tot. Near Pontiac Lk. Rd., St. Perpetua Church and M59 shopping. Terms or trade your home. C. SCHUETT FE 3-7088 451 KENILWORTH. 3 BEDROOMS, aluminum siding, large lot. Immediate possession. $1500 down Information, 332-2449. CUSTOM BUILT BRICK HOME Watkins Lk., 2 fireplaces, ful basement, attached 2V2 car garage, many extras, $24,500. 673-0450. WE BUY WE TRADE OR 4-0343 OR 4-0343 4713 Dixie Hwy., Drayton Plains LAKE FRONT HOME Recreation at your door year around. This lovely 5-bedroom bilevel brick with den and family room, 48 ft. recreation room, 3 full tile baths. A wonderful home lor large family. All this under $40,000. Call us for appointment GREATER BLOOMFIELD REAL estate 4190 Telegraph Rd.___Ml 4-4500 JOHNSON 4-bedroom colonial now under con struction. Paneled family room with fireplace, large family-style kitchen with built-lns. Basement, gas heat. 2-car attached garage Large wooded lot with canal front age to Williams Lake. Also lake privilege lot. Full price: $23,495 In eluding lot. Sonnee Johnson, A. Johnson & Son, Realtors 704 S. Telegraph Rd. FE 4-2533 Sate Hoatn 49 BRICK RANCH-VACANT In area ol all newer brick homes. 6 elegant cooms and all niwiy decorated. Anchor fenced lot lOO-x-170\ A good value at $13,900 with $1,006 down on land contract to qualified buyer. SUBURBAN RANCH Here Is a beauty In a ranch colonial with, attached 2-car garage — new house area. 4 cptorful rooms, IVi baths arid basement for recreation. Kitchen with built-in oven, range and hood. Only 15 per cent down plus costs. Gl OR FHA SPECIAL Solid older home with 7 spacious rooms. Oft W. Huron and near General Hospital. Gas heat. Lot 40x150 and 2 car garage. $11,950, FHA $400 down plus costs or northing down on Gi loan. Closing costs only. JOHN KINZLER, Realtor 5219 Dixie Hwy. 674-2235 Across from Packers Store Multiple Listing Service Open 9-8 VON Call Abaut Our New Building Pragram We'll build Gl nothing down, FHA terms, or financing to suit you. Prices start at $11,750. Handyman's Special This new home needs some finishing touches to be complete. Present owner is unemployed and wishes to be relieved of monthly payments. This 3 bedroom home ,has aluminum siding, IV2 baths, family room. 15x28 basement garage. Built-In oven and range. New carpeting and on an 80x180 lot. Call today! VON REALTY GEORGE VONDERHARR, Realtor In the Mall MLS Room 110 482-5802 if busy 682-5800 CITY EAST 3 bedroom home, FA heat, basement, garage, good lot. WILL CONSIDER HOUSE, TRAILER IN TRADE OR $2,500 DOWN ON LAND CONTRACT. WORTH YOUR INVESTIGATION This attractive large bungalow has 3 bedrooms, large kitchen, carpeted living room, walk-in cedar closet. I5'x25* family room. 4 rooms carpeted. Basement with 3 paneled rooms set up for BEAUTY SHOP. Carport PLUS 3-car heated garage. Large well landscaped corner lot. A GOOD buy - CALL TODAY! SMITH & WIDEMAN REALTORS 334-4526 412 W. HURON ST. DRAYTON WOODS -r 3 BEDROOM ranch, family room, walk-out base ment. OR 4-3711. DELUXE LAKE RANCH This 3-bedroom brick ranch is deluxe In every respect from the beautiful Interior to the breathtaking lake view from the rear covered patio. Built In 1942 this custom home offers 2 baths, oven and range, full basement with recreation room and fireplace, wet plaster and many other features. Swim and boat from your back yard on School House Lake, an Ideal family home with year-around recreation built in. Only $38,900. LADD'S INC. 4940 Rochester Rd. Troy LI 1-1140 - MU 9-1116 DRIVE BY! 11 Mechanic St„ Oxford. 2 story colonial, aluminum sided income. 2 apartments could be residence and office, or dandy 4 bedroom home. 21 ft. living room with fireplace, family room, full basement, gas heat, iVi baths, 2 car garage. Only $24,900. Call LI 7-250C CHAMBERLAIN EXECUTIVE HOME FOR GRACIOUS LIVING Spacious living tor the fun loving family who enjoys betion. 4-bedroom brick ranch with 3 full baths, living room with split-rock fireplace, family room, attached 2V,-car sealed garage, full basement, gas heat. West Suburban Lake area. 134,900. HAGSTROM, Realtor MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE 4900 W. Huron OR 4-0358 OR 3-4229 FIRST IN VALUE OF FINE HOMES Evenings after 7:30 LI 2-7327 WESTOWN REALTY FE 8-2743 afternoons LET'S TRADE | A sharp custom built contemporary home with almost IV, acres on a beautifully wooded lot with wall-to-wall carpeting and many more extras. So be sure to call today as this is a new listing. YORK OPEN SUNDAY NOON TO 4 P.M. OR 4-0363 OR 4-0363 4713 Dixie Hwy.. Drayton Plains LAZENBY 4 BEDROOMS Lake privileges with this beautiful quad-level, large carpeted and draped living room, separate dining area and there is a built-in oven and range in this modern kitchen, 20 x 14Mamily room, full basement includes a water softener, 2-car attached garage. Nicely landscaped yard, lots of shade trees. Priced to sell at only $22,-900. Terms. ROY LAZENBY, REALTOR 4426 W. WALTON — OR 4-0301 (1 block E. of Dixie Hwy.) LAKE FRONT. BEAUTIFUL 4 BED-rooms, 2 baths, aluminum siding home, on Lake Orion. Sacrifice by ownar. 493-1049 for appointment MIAMI FLORIDA, 3 BEDROOM, 2 baths, fireplace, .2 lots, additional rental unit. To trade tor local acreage, house. Income, or what have you OR 3-7711._____________ GILES NEW 1967 MODEL HOME YOU ARE INVITED To see this 3 bedrooms, family room with paneling, fireplace with raised hearth, IV, tile baths with vanity and large mirror, wrought Iron room divider, select oak tIoorinB, 2 compartment sink, factory bunt (with furniture finish) kitchen cabinets, open walk-out basement with 4 windows and 4' door wall. Brick and aluminum. MODEL OPEN DAILY 2-5'P.M. (ON YOUR LOT OR OURS) CARL KOEHLER, BUILDER OR 3-1349. FE 4-0857 $7950 ON YOUR LOT. 3 bedroom ranch, full basement, alum, siding, plumbing complete. You do the finishing, no money dn. 3 BEDROOMS BRAND NEW with full basement, close to Union Lake and College. Only $14,9M, terms. We trade. YOUNG-BILT HOMES REALLY MEANS BETTER-BUILT Russell Young 334-3830 S3W W. Huron 2300 SQ. FT. NEW STORE BUILD Ings — Utica area —■ 731-7575. SOUTH PONTIAC - 5400 SQUARE feet, factory or warehouse, load-Ing docks, qtficet. 474-2111. Sale hoaiM __________^49 -BEDROOM HOUSE VACANT. Near Mail and bus. By owner for cash. 974 LaSalle. FE 2-3417. BED R O DM S, furniture, 1 acre lot, Drayton Plains. OR 3-4585. 3 Lovely—Brand New Water Front 3- and 4-Bedroom Homes as low as $3,195 Down New 90 per cent Financing To those who qualify LOT INCLUDED Quality Homes by ROSS LaReland Estates On Dixie Hwy., lust pest Walton Blvd.-Wllltams Lake Rd. Intoraac-tion. Will Build Your Lot — or Ours Open Daily 1-7 p.m. ExotoN Friday Ross Homes, Inc. OR 3-8021- FE 4-0591 GILFORD REALTY FE 0-0114 AT ROCHESTER Live like a king In this deluxe rancher with full basement. Has 4 large bedrooms. 2 fireplaces. Finished basement. 2Vb-car garage. On lot too X 250. Cell Olive 1-8588 for Inspection. $28,500. Shepard's Real Estate ALL BRICK 2-bedroom bungalow, full basement, exceptionally clean, natural fireplace, country kitchen. WEST BLOOMFIELD $14,900 $2,500 down. Immediate possession Appointment only EARL A. GILFORD, Realty FE 0-8114 FORD WIXOM Houses at $15,450, FHA down VA no down. DLGRAH BUILDING CO. 437-1500 adDison twp; 3V, acres with 3-bedroom brick ranch, 2-cer garage, box stalls for 2 horses, Oxford schools, several flowing springs. $24,000. L-338. LAKE ORION On Indianwood Lake. 4-bedroom brick ranch, 2-car garage, family room, fireplace, many other extras plus 245 ft. of IiIm frontage. $42. m L-347. Prudential In Romeo 752-9391 In Utica 739-0050 A SITUATION Where toe owner mu$t move and Itave this 3-bedroom aluminum sided home with garage, and full basement. Formal dining rtxxm, den, all carpetad, shopping convanlancat at the mall. Easy FHA terms toni; WE BOY we TRADE OR 4-0343 OR 44343 4713 Dixie Hwy., Drayton Ptalni RENTING $78 Mo, Excluding taxes and Insurance ONLY $10 Deposit WITH APPLICATION 3-BEDROOM HOME OAS HEAT LARGE DINING AREA WILL ACCEPT ALL APPLICA. TIjJNS FROM ANY WORKERS, WIDOWS OR DIVORCEES. PEOPLE WITH CREDIT PROBLEMS AND RETIREES ARE OKAY WITH US. OPEN DAILY AND SAT. AND SUN OR COME TO 390 KENNETT NEAR BALDWIN REAL VALUE REALTY For Immediate Action Cali FE 5-3676 626-9575 NEW HOU^E CLARKSTON GARDENS Immediate Occupancy BRICK, 3 BEDROOMS, IVz baths, Family room with fireplace, basement, gas heat, attached 2 Multiple Listing SerVica Daily til I ■» / D—4 THE PONTIAC PBE83. FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1067 Sd« Hmms 49 RHODES ALUMINUM RANCHER. hlllsMe. lo-• c*ri«n, nio* nelshbofhood, only 3 < yeor* old, l»n>e llvino roonn, 3 . bedroomi, w»M to wolf eorpet In ' living room, moiter bedroom and halL extra nice kitchen, sliding am to patio, full basement, recreation room, gas heat, 2-car attached garage, large corner lot. A real tint beater. Only t21.»00 Gl or FHA terms. Cell today tor appointment. . ^ . -HEW'S ANOTHER good rent beater, Clarkston, walking distance to , Khools, nice S^tedroom home with gat hot water heater, I'/i baths, only ST3,V» with S2750 down, balance land contract. See this home today. LAKE ORION. Commercial garage with sales room, service area, parking lot and bump shop, tront-age on 3 streets. Only $47,000. Terms. ORTONVILLE AREA, 10 acres, good location. Only $8500, 20 per cent Salt Nenttt 49 Brown Realtor and Builders Since It3$ Large with UNION LAKE VILLAGE — Lari 3-bedrooffl Brkk Ranch wf l'/5 baths. Family Room with tlreplace and 1-car attached' garage. Situated on large lovely landscaped terms. lot. FHA LUXURIOUS LIVING It what YOU will enjoy in this Custom Brick Ranch Home. Large carpeted living room, farm style kitchen, 3 nice bedrooms, 2 full baths, family room with ceramic tile floor and gorgeous fireplace, 2-car attached garage, swimming pool with complete filtering system, nicely landtcapad fenced lot located in one of the better subdivisions. $32,900. down.'balance land contract. 3-BEDROOM RANCH located In Wa- ------------- ----------- i, with 10 «. INOIANWOOD SHORES, large home-sites, reatonebly priced. Only 20 per cent down, balance land contract. ALBERT J. RHODES, BROKER FE 8-2308 258 W. Walton FE 5-6712 multiple listing SERVICE TIMES terford. Large rooms, tamily room, country style kitchen with bullt-ln range. This home Is newly decorated, carpeted and draped. $16,500 with NO MONEY DOWN TO Gl's. Les Brown, Realtor 509 Eliiabelh Lk. Rd. (Across from the Mall) FE 2-4810 FE 4-3564 COLONIAL range: On almost 5 acres of the most beautiful landscaped property anywhere with live stream running through it, georgeous home with fireplace, family room, large enclosed silting room, looking over a picture site only nature could paint, full basement, 2iaa to rai*x In nlihfid. homa on canal. FE ma. Lstf^Acna^c ACRES - city of Troy, building sites. DORRIS Si son, REALTORS 2536 Dixie Hwy. MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE "Buzz" BATEMAN NO. 39 NOTHING DOWN TO VETERAN If you qualify. Real sharp 3-bedroom» all on one fwr. Almost new* built In 1957* excellent location close to, school and lust Inside city limits. Vours for only $10*-950 and' lust closing costs to move you In. TRADE your equity In your present home* lot. acreage, trailer, business or what have you on one of our many fine homes. We give a GUARANTEED price for your home towards the purchase of an- NO. 42 START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT In this comfortable, well-located 4-bedroom Cape Cod. Aluminum siding, basement, garage. Silver Lake privileges and Pontiac School District. Bargain-priced at $14,500 with $3,000 down and NO MORTGAGE COSTS and Immediate possession. Better not wait! CALL NOWI 5'A ACRES, hilly, over 1,000 feet of road frontage, $3,950, $400 down. NO. 96 UPPER LONG LAKE immediate possession on this spacious eight-room rancher with at- 8V9531, OR 3-0929. 10-30 ACRES NEAR OXFORD-$450 acre, nice—42>301S. 10 ACRES f^OR PRIVACY, PLEA 14 vacant LOTS Near Longefettew School. Will trade for tend contract, houat or what have you. BREWER REAL ESTATE 724 RIkar Bldg. A NEW YEAR A NEW LIFE ACRES, north of Clarkston, roll Ing wih hilltop view, $4950. 10 ACRES, breathtaking view, scattering of hardwood trees — $ome Pine, prime land, $7,950, 10 per cent down. C. PANGUS INC., REALTOR 70'xl40'. $2200. 300' on water. Dixie Lake Front $5500. M-15 N. of Clerkston — commercial lot — 100' frontage. $3500. Big Lake — Clarkston schools 40'x295' lake front. $5500. Clarkston - lots 70'xt49' large oak trees. $3700 cash. Interested In acreage? We have i a good selection — large or smell. Underwood Real Estate 425-2415 8445 Dixie Hwy., Clarkston If no answer, 625-5015 or 425-3125 Drayton Woods No. 2 Extra large 200' frontage, high corner lot. $1800. Terms available. TOWNSEND LAKE 100' lots with lake privileges. $2500. Terms available. Sislock & Kent, Inc 1309 Pontiac State Bank Bldg. 1294 338-9295 t to WL Iw. TJA-iia IB. to. o». “False eyelashes? They’re for people with bald eyes!” Sole Forms 56 HIGHLAND AREA 5-acre horse farm with a >bad-room house, on M59. House could be the remodeling challenge you have been tooklng for. Call today. $14,000. HOWELL Town & Country, Inc. Highland Branch Office PHONE: 313-685-1585 WANTED-ACREAGE Have several clients for good forms or acreage, also smaR acreage with good homes. K. L. TEMPLETON, Realtor 2339 Orchard Lakt Rd. 48>0900 Sole Business Property 57 OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS. GOOD laundry, east side of Pontiac. Doing a good business. Equipment and business only. Rent on building vary reasonable. Full prfee $8*000. Takes $3,000 to handle. Ask for Earl Howard for details. O'Neil, Realtor 3520 Pontiac Lake Rd. OR 4-2222 or EM 3-0531 COMMERICAL BRICK BUILDING on Dixie Highway In Drayton Plains, 3,000 sq. ft., excellent condition, now renting and showing excellent return. Only $27,-900, $5,000 down. 2 Commercial building In Oxford, rented. Will sell both or divide. Good location, only $13,900 each with $3,000 down, land contract. HUMPHRIES REALTY KENT Established In 1914 U.S. 10 FRONTAGE - 150' at $50 per foot, 425' deep. Hes road at back of tot for an entrance also, Call tor Information. IT WILL BE YOUR LUCKY DAY If you select a lof In Hl-Hlll Village. Beautiful wooded hills, winding blacktop roads, large lots. LADD'S OF PONTIAC FE 5-7291 FE 5-9W KEEGO HARBOR 2 good building lots, 100x89. $1000. JACK LOVELAND 2100 Cats Lake Rd. 482-1255 ROCHESTER AREA — NICE ACRE, soma fruit trees, $2,700. Nix Realty, OL 1-0221. UL 2-5375. LOTS Lake lots — wooded Idts — golf course lots. We have lots of all kinds priced from $3000. Terms available. Dan Mattingly CALL 'TIL 7 P.M. FE 5-9497 or FE 2-2444 NORTH OF CLARKSTON - WELL restricted 7 and 10 acre home sites - $5,900 to $9,500 — 10 per cent down. FE 4-5472.______________________ HOME AND INCOME — In Waterford Twp. Lake privileges on Williams and Maceday lakes. Large fenced lof with fruit trees. 6 rooms up and 6 rooms down. Rents at $100 ea. on lond contract terms. DUPLEX— 2 family In a good ki-catlon. With lake privileges, 3 lots all fenced. Each side rents $100 per mo. Separate furnace and utilities. This too can be bought on land contract terms. WATERFORD REALTY 4540 Dixie Hwy. 473-1273 Multiple Listing Service ON JOSLYN ROAD NW corner of Joslyn and Upland, city water, over 2 acres, 300'x300'. Terms. STEPHEN WROBEL REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 3129 Ceniff, Detroit TW >3493 Suburban Acreage 2-, 4- end B-acre parcels — good location, mile east of Pina Knob Shopping cenfar on Oak Park Road — Pine Knob Country Club nearby Walking distance to grade school $3,900 up. 20 per cent down. AL PAULY Floyd Kent Inc., Realtor ANTIQUES 4SA WANTED TO BUY Leaded glass lamps or leaded glass lamp shades. FE 4-90M. M-59 NEAR AIRPORT 190 ft. Of frontage, 310 ft, deep, zoned 0-2, includes good 4-room ranch house and garage — ideal for outalde display. COOLEY LAKE ROAD Near Hospital Road — 248 acres, over 500 ft. of frontage and zoned C-2, low down payment. Business Opportunities 59 LOCAL TAVERN. THIS NICE, clean tavern is doing over $30,000 gross, can be handled for less than M,000 cash. We will take land contract or your house as down payment. Total price for this money-maker Is $40,000. This Includes building with nice, clean living quarters upstairs and all equipment which Is In llke-naw condition. Phone NA 7-2535 or conw see tor yourself In Ortonviile. Ray PARTY STORE Well equip^. The bt$t of clientele -< Good gross. Ideal family store. Exc. business opportunity In * Call us today. growing location. Good naighbarhoad business, eludes all modern equipment nnonth. Call for an apFoInt- GEORGE IRWIN, REALTOR MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE 290 W. Walton_______FE >7183 PARTRIDGE "IS THE BIRD TO SEE" DELICATESSEN OR? Beautiful free standing building il ixisy Intersection operetlrn non-elcohollc party store. Dynam- ic spot for a delicatessen food specialty. Building, business, and fixtures only 827,300. WOODWARD AVE. Terrific resfauranf In Dynamic location doing axcallant business Furnishings, fixtures end equipment like new. Needs owner operator not absentee management. $35,000 down Includes real estate. «a MATBRNITY CUOTHi^te 10 10 ufoM- Mf FE um. St. Jamta Churdi, BIrmhHtom W off on ell winter merchsndlea eterttng TUee. Jen. 17, — IS epnataliig spring cleHita In OMidlHon on 'Rwe. end Thun, :»4 p.m SUE 10 Weeping veil, SM, m-mit. ORIU A9i6 Side Wwefii^ Bee* tS Vt WHAT YOU'D EXPBCT TO PAY Brand New Furniture 3 Full Rdohis $276 IlSO PER WEEK Or, buy ancii room loperttaly e-Z TERMS LITTLE JOE'S BARGAIN HOUSE 1441 Baldwin at WiHgn PE MK2 Acres of Free Parklnfl Open Eves, 'tllti Sat, 'nl < STdvB, APARTMENT SIZE STOW' £*' refrigerator, $30; dinette, snt bedroom sat, complete, ISO to »9S; lIvInB room set, $50; end feble set, $20; chest; dntoier; desk; Plano. M.C. Llnpard, !» N. Perry. 1 APARTMINT (SROUPING tables, .2 lamps. bedroom groupie . - ■■■ Call Mr. .Adams, FE Apiece Awwl' ^id' wide 'INext to Mart) Your 1 MORE TIME BRAND NEW FURNITURE $278 (Good) $2.50 Weekly $378 (Better) $3.00 Weekly $478 (Best) $4.00 Weekly NEW LIVING ROOM BARGAINS Tiving I I, TWO _____ - . table. . decorator lamps, ell for <109. Only (brand new) living ro "e. Two tee ■ ■ ■ foi ______jkly. NEW BfDROOM BARGAINS 2-pjece living room suite, tables,, matating cotfaO teble, two >pleca (brand ntw) bedraomt! Doubla draater, beokeasa bad and chaet, box oprIng and Innai mattrass, t)wo vanity for $129. $1 jo wMKiy. sriai PEARSON'S FURNITURE 210 E. Pike FE 4-7NI Between Paddock and City Hall Doan Mon, and Frl. 'til 9 p.m. PIECE LIVING ROOM SUITE. Clean $55. PE 2-5332. COMPLETE SINGLE dresser. FE 0-900$. 9x12 Linoleum Rugs . .$3.89 Solid Vinyl Tile ........7c ea, Vinyl Atbasto* tile ..... 7c an. Inlaid tlla 9x9' . ...... 7c ea. Floor Shop-22S5 Ell»bath Lake "Across From the Mall" RANGE 20" APT. GAS RANOrTTT. . .TIOMS Used TV'a ............... $19.95 Sweet's Radio aid Appliance, Inc. 422 W. Huron _____________334-54n 30" ELECTRIC RANGE, 8 MONTHS eld. 33>7394 batora 1:00 p.m, 32 cubic FOOT RYAN FREEZER 34", 2 DRAWER GAS RANGE IN good condition — Ml A4494 after 4:30 p.m._______________________ 34" 6E ELECTRIC RANGE WITH oven timer, very good condition $40..33>0B12. ___________ Fir Sab NECCHI PREOWIP cr^ mana^ at MS-BM CIRTIFTId SIWIN©^ k6A6i' WASHER An6' O.B. SO" itanga, 11' rStrl <7<-M2927i. ___________ RCA COLOR CONSOLE, < SkhlAK-I old. Sl» SEWING CENTER Slightly used GE Electric Ranges (2) $2.25 par week. Goodyear Service Store 1378 Wide Track Dr., Wait Pontiac portable or caMnat. ' mates button holes. SEW AND SAVE SINGER Your choice, ZIg-Zagger hems, designs patterns, etc. No extras to buy. 4>mooth guarantee. New payments S4.44 monthly or $35J2 cash. Call 34>2422. CERTIFIED SEWING SAVS MONEY SPRED-SATIN PAINTS. WARWICK Supply. 2471 Orchard Lake. 40 Hava your eld fumtftira custom reuohelstared. Hundradi of fabrlci Free eit. FE XI74. BPS house paint No. 211, M.9S gal. BPS ranch Iwuia while No. 74E, Frayar's. SOFA-EXCELLENT CONDITION SINGER AND CABINET Dial ilg-zagger and wood ceniole, hems, button holas, monograms. gal. G Misc latex pabit, 58 cento a c.___ 1825 Oakland ____________Ft d-JItS THE SALVATION ARmV .... pay new balance . cash or $4.10 monthly, call 335-9213. RICHMAN BROS. TUB ENCLOSURES, GI^.,ONLir $25. 0. A. Ttiempton. 7085 M<9 W. SEWING CENTER WALNUT DOUBLE BED, COAA-plete, $30; new cHb mattrest, $5; size 10 lady's slacks, $1; mIsc. end tables, $2J0; rnlic. baby Items. 48>7289, after 4. ________ UPRIGHT PIANO, $50. ITALIAN Provincial buffet, $Tl Ironrite Iron-er and chair, Rechastar, <51- W ANT ED: OLD WEDGEWOOD China, clever paltorn. 8S>352$. WASiIeR AND DRYER SET, SSS; refrigerator with top freezer, $49, Maytag wringer washer, $45; G. Harris, FE >27<4._________________ USED COIN LAUNDRY EQUIP-mant for lata, financing avallabla. 47XI583. ____________ WASHED WIPING RAGS, 19 CENT WYMAN'S USED BARGAIN STORE • IS W. PIk# Store Onh APARTMENT ELECTRIC RANGE, dropleaf table and chairs. 21" GE TV, drumtable, dishes and misc. 332-0347.___________________ APARTMENT SIZES RANGES, 128 up. Also other good used appliances. Reasonable. Michigan AppII- Af our IS W. Pika Store Only Odd Chain ....................14.9$ Mangle iron ..................S1A95 Walnut drasaar with mirror ...S24.9S bc. living room aulta ......tUM .j'* alec, range . ..^..... ...S».« Guar. alec, rafrlgaralor ....<59.95 Guar. elac. wainer ..........SS9.95 Your Credit Is good at Wyman'a EASY TERMS FE 2-2150 LUMBER YARD Has rail siding and 13400 sq. ft. covered storage. Sews, tools,, trucks and other equipment. APARTMENT SUE REPRIOERA-tor, excellent condition, $29, 30" electric range, $45, G. Harris, FE >2744. tremendous opportunity tor building your future for <10480 plus Inventory- down PARTRIDGE REAL ESTATE 1050 W. Huron FE 4-3581 Open NItely 'til 9:00 SEND FOR NEW FREE CATALOG DRAYTON PLAINS 1.4 acres In the heart of Drayton Plains — Ideal spot for apartments or convalescent home. SEALTEST MILK ROUTE AND truck tor sale. FE >8394.__ BATEMAN COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT 377 S. Telegraph Rd. Weekdays 9-5 33>944I Sat. after 13 and Sun. FE 44109 BEtiiiESf OpportnnHitf 59 1 TO so LAND CONTRACTS Urgently needed. See us before you deal. WARREN STOUT, Rsaltor 1450 N. Opdyke Rd. FE S4145 Open Eves. *tll 8 p.m. 10 UNIT MOTEL, WEST BRANCH area, $21,000 or will consider fair offer. Call Drayton Plains, 67> 0343 after 4 p.m. for further Information. _______» A BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN A TURN KEY OPERATION FRANCHISE Edie Adams Cut 'n' Curl LAND CONTRACT BUYERS WANTED. PLEASE CALL FE $4114 FOR INFORA4ATION. GILFORD REALTY. _____ SECURED BY >BEDROOM RESI dence In Union Lake Area — Now has a principal balance of tS,477. Discount 83,117. EARL GARRELS 2410 S. Commerce Rd. MA 4-5400 _____________EM >4004 WantEd Coirtracts-Mtg. 60-A 4514 Dixie, Rear OR 3-3800 EVES. OR 3-1708 area; close to schools, bus at door to Northland and Downtown; with carpeting and drapes, fireplace, dlnltw room, “ bed- rooms down, 2 up, I'/i baths, full basement, rec. room, gas heat and hot water, IVj car garage. Priced at $19,900, call us today. Haitie or Income Five (5) room east side terrace with full basement, gas heat and hot water, close to school and bus. Whether you live In If or rent it. It's a good deal at only $5,950 cash. Shown by appont-ment only. NICHOLIE-HUDSON Associates, Inc. 49 Mt. Clemens St. FE 5-1201, After 6 P. M. FE 2-3370 ANNETT THIS STATELY BI-LEVEL Is in the circle of better homes overlooking beautiful Lotus Lake. 3 larger-than-average size bedrooms, kitchen with bullt-lns spacious living room and full bath on the upper level. The lower level is also nicely arranged with tamily room, snack bar, Vz-bath and walkout doorwall to fenced rear lawn with taxes and shrubs. See this home today. It's attractively priced below $24,000. COMMERCE-WOLVERINE LAKES. Private beaches, fish, swim. Lots $995, $10 per mo. Bloch Bros. 423-1333, FE 4-4509. Open Eve. and Sun No. 7-2 JUST LISTED Lovely five-room brick in Sylvan Village. Owners have retired end are moving to Florida. Large living room with fireplace, recre-living room with fireplace, recreation room In basement, completely fenced backyard, floored attic with stairs. Just one block from school. Three nice beaches. $19,900 on land contract. This is a choice listing. Call tor an appointment today. No. 15-6 3-Bedroams-East Side Only S350 down on this 2 story homf, full basement, gas heat. Convenient to bus line* school and GM Truck. $7950 to qualified buyer WOLVERINE LAKE This nice rancher nestled on a one-acre lot Is lust a short block from Wolverine Lake. The carpeted living room and paneled family room Is t)ound to please. Seller says new owner can have the outdoor grill and picnic table It's worth your time to take « look. No. 15-5 ANNETT, INC. REALTORS 28 E. Huron St. ' 338-0466 Office Open Evenings 8. Sundays 1-4 ■ Cut Stane Ranch Beautiful retirement spot and home with minimum of main-tenance, privileges on Cass Lake. 3 well landscaped lots, well fenced. Carpeted living room, large bedroom and modern kitchen. 2-car att. garage and paved drive. Terms. A REAL BEAUTY 3-bedroom ranch home with like new carpeting in large fanrlly room and living. One of our best buys today. Located on a huge corner lot near Waterford High School. Big 2Vj.car garage with floor drain and storage space add to the value of this very complete home. Only $U,500 and no financing problem here. Can be shown at your convenience. Calj now. We Trade, No. Brick Tri-Level Ottawa Hills 2-bedroom home built in 1959. Living room ,-r| i yDIIR 9Nin TAR with ledgerock fireplace, din 3tU TUUK ZINU L«K kitchen with ap- ing room, pliances, ceramic me pain.i Basement, gas heat, bathi and washer. Att. plastered garage. Reduced to S2I.000,| Terms. Sylvon Lk. Privileges >bedroom brick and cedar Shake, modern ranch home. Studio ceiling living room with fireplace, famiry room with built-in grill, modern kitchen has built-in dishwash-' er and disposal, birch, cabinets, ■ Ihermopene twindows thruout, central air conditioning, gas haat. 2-car att. garage, nicety landscaped lol. Meed way below reproduction cost at $34,500, temts. AND move Into this close-to down-town location. This is the first offering ol this 3-bedroom brick terrace. Economical living, is the benefit you receive. $10,750 Is the price and we will take your present home In trade. Let' take a look today. No. 8- WE WILL TRADE REALTORS 28 E. HURON ST. Offtet Open Evanings 8, Sundays 1-4 338^)466 JUST LISTED-G. I. This 4-bedroom home with base ment. North East location, ideal for home or Income. In mo* condition end the price Is right Closing costs only Bi Gl pur chaser. Onl'* f,*00 or only $2,150 down to .listing lend contract with monthly - payments of $65 per month. Owner will take late model pickup for part down pay ment. Should sell today. Cell how. No. RAY O'NEIL REALTOR, INC. 3520 PONTIAC LAKE RD-.OPEN 9 OR 4-2222 MLS EM 3-4049 f Lake Property 51 CITY OF FENTON Neighborhood family market, busy corner. Beer, wine end liquor licenses. Tax receipts show an excellent return on investment. Inventory as down payment. Option to buy property and buildings included In lease. Call Mr. Shields 70 ACRES with private lake 0 ml. northwest of Clarkston off US 10. Partly wooded. Priced below market at $575 per acre. ^ ^ ACRES — 1 ml. northwest of Clarkston. 170 ft. road frontage. Priced for quick sale at $3700. Terms. Clarkstan Real Estate 5845 S. Main ____________ MA 5-5821 (collect) in care of Carriqan Quel Ity Homes, Inc. at Flint, CE 3-3165 KtATINGTON BeauIHul lake-front end lake-privi lege lots available. Plan to live In this beautiful naw town In Orion Tov/nst)lp. Modals open 3-6 dally. ______RD T. KEATING CO. 22046 W. 13 Mila Rd. Blmrilngham Ml 4-1234 _________________ LAKE FRONT 3'/3 acre, highly restricted, building site. Surrounded by 3 lakes, paved road, city police and fire protection. $22,500, terms. LAKE FRONT HOMES - NEW AND used — J. L. Dally Co. EM 3-7114, ON PINE LAKE NEAR COUNTRY club. Superb 2 acre site with 187 feet of lake frontage. ZonI--------- mlfs two building sites. $30, Leslie R. Tripp, Realtor FE 5-8161 WALTER'S LAKE PRIVILEGES New 2000 Sq. ft split (oyer brick home — 2'A baths — large oak paneled family room — natural fireplaces — gas heat-fabulous kitchen - 1 acre lof -Everything you ever wanted quality and extras In this 1947 dramatic modal home. 425-1884—SYLVAN-334-8222 WHITE LAKE FRONT BILEVEL, 5 rooms plus double bath, rec room with fireplace, and porch with aluminum storms and screens 887-4890, _________________________ 51 A Northerii 2-BEDROOM LAKE FRONT Only 120 miles from Pontiac, all new. Includes walk-out basement, Vh baths, 40' laka-front. Pictures el our office. Only 812,500, terms. Also 40' lake-front lots only $1,995. Winter prices. STATEWIDE Rl 441 S. Laptar Rd., REAL ESTATE Lake Orion 330-0000 TODAY'S BUYS VACANT Six large residential lofs over hall acre on paved road. Ideal building site, only $1,995, easy farms. HUMPHRIES REALTY 83 N. Telegraph Rd. FE 2-9284 Eves. Ml 7-4371 WALTERS LAKE Privileges, several scenic larg homeslles — hills — trees — $150 Owner. 42>1884 er 334-8222. Sale Farmi 56 80 ACRE FARM In Lapeer county. 35 mi. N. ol Pontiac. Has 5 room ranch style home with full basement, and only 13 yrs. old. Has 30'x50' barn with basement and loft, tool shed, chicken house and silo. 18 stanchions and water cups. Will include all machinery except tractor. Priced at $40,000 with $12,000 down. GEORGE IRWIN, REALTOR MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE 298 W. Walton ________FE 3-7883 Beauty Salons Mary's Drive-Thru Dairy Stores. Minimum Investment $10,000 Franchise Marketers, Inc. INVESTORS BLDG. 21990 Greanfiald, Detroit 4-0237 543-2430 COMPLETE RESTAURANT EQUIP ment or will sell separately. Easy paymanta. FE 4-1044, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. for appt. ECONOWASH COIN OPERATED laundry. Located shopping canter, Fenton, Mich. Reas, terms. MA 4-4483. FINEST SERVICE STATION LOCATION PONTIAC AREA-AVAILABLE FOR LEASE. Looking for an txparlancad dealer who would Ilka to make some money. High gallonaga volume. Contact Larry Trapto* or Gu Campbell - 47>12|5,______ 250 ACRES-BYRON AREA Dairy* beef or for davtlop-ment. Owner's 9*room home has 5 bedrooms, modem kitchen, also 2-bedroom tenant house. Cow bam 50x120 with 40 stanchions and milk house, barn 30xM, 2 sHot, targe machinery shed and other outbldgs. Sandy loam soil with 190 acres tillable, ex-[Located '/a hour drive from Pontiac. HOT DOGS-ROOT BEER Local franchise builnau on main highway. Shows a real good net profit. Takes SIIMIOO cash to handle. No phone Information. BAR-RESTAURANT Sale laRd Contracti 60 AUTOMATIC WASHER, DRY ar, S4S; 21" TV, $45; gas stove, 83S; all Items good condition. G. Harris, FE 5-2744. 210 E. Pika ACTION On your land contract, large, or small, call Mr. Hlittr, FE 24179. Broker, 3792 Elizabeth Lake Road. 1 TO 50 LAND CONTRACTS Urgently ntadad. See us bate you deal. WARREN STOUT, Realtor 1450 N. Opdykt Rd. FE X145 Opan Evas, 'til < p.m. CASH FOR UND CONTRACTS. H. J. Van Walt. 4S40 Dixie Hwy. OR >1355. CASH For your equity Or land contracts. Don't lose that homa, smallest possible discounts. Call 4I>1M NEED LAND CONTRACTS. SMALL discounts. Earl Garrals. MA 4-S400 EAApIre X004.______________ OUR OFFICE SI^ECIAUZES IN land contract oollactlonf. FLOYD KENT, REALTOR 0210 N. Saginaw_________FE X105 ly to loon (Lk 61 Icanigd NkHlOy. Lender) _ LOANS to $1,000 10 consolidate bills Into one monthly payment. Quick service with courteous experlancad counselon. Credit life Insurance svsliabla — Stop In or phone FE M121. HOME & AUTO LOAN CO 7 N. Perry St. FE Hill 9 to 5 dally, Sat. 9 to 12 Antiquot ance Co.. 3282 Dixie Hwy., 47>B011 AUTOMATIC ZIGZAG Sewing machine. Rapoiscssad. 1945 "Fashion Dior model — In walnut cabinet. Take over payments of S5.S0 PER MO. for < mM. Or $44 cash bal. Still under guarantoa. UNIVERSAL CO. FE 44)905 Bs; ANTIQUE CRaSlE, OVER. 180 years oM, bad knd other place*. FE >4920. NOW OPEN THE JUNKE SHOPPE. Salactlon of . antihiw BRONZE OR CHROME DINETTE sale, BRAND NEW. Large and small size (reutKl, drop-laaf, rectangular) tablet In S, S. and 7 pc. •at*. $24.95 up. PEARSON'S FURNITVRE PE 4-7MI 21" USED TV ................-AL ***;** Walton TV, FE >2257 , *n 9-4 E. Walton, comer of Joslyn BRAND NEW BARGAINS tangaa (chlp^) SI7 RCA Whirlpool auto. washar MSI. RCA Whirlpool auto, dryer $144. Electric ranga $124. Name brand TV's $134. Color TV's low-low-low. LITTLE JOE'S BARGAIN HOUSE 1441 Baldwin FE H842 21" RCA TV. FRENCH I^ROVMir clal eaWnaf, exc. condmon, — picture tub*. $75. Ml 70S1 GAS RANGE AND 4 CUBIC freezer. Exc. condition. FE 2-8431. RANGE. ASSOkT- GE AMERICANA _______________ ad Itams,' furniture, appliances, 473-9317. HEYWOOD WAKEFIELD COUCH Plain — no buttons. 2 cushions. Rose balge. Goo* condition. FE 4-17SS after 5. __________ OP LOANS TO $1,000 Usually on first visit. Quick, friendly, helpful. FE 2-9026 Is the number to call. OAKLAND LOAN CO. 202 Pontiac State Bank Bldg. “ 9-7 Sto. HOUSEHOLD SPECIAL ISO A MONTH BUYS 3 ROOMS FURNITURE - Consist* of: l-place living room outfit wtth 2-plao* living roam suite, 2 step tablas, 1 co^all fabto, 2 tebt* lafnps and (1) 9'xl2'rug Included. ^ ^ ^ 7-pl*c* bedroom suite with douWa dresser, chest, full sin badwtth iMtcning tensive paved road frontage and 2000 ft. frontaoe Shlawaisee RIvar. $320 acre. OTHER FARMS & ESTATES ANNETT, iNC. REALTORS 28E. Huron St. 338-0444 Opan Evenings 8. Sudays 1-4 Office 1 HORSE FARM 50 ACRES Rolling land 5 miles west of Oxford, modern 12 stall hip roof barn, 15 mile of track, 9 paddocks, modern 2-bedroom home surrounded Pines, 115 baths and garage. S40.000. Terms. C. PANGUS INC., REALTOR OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 430 M-15 Ortonviile CALL COLLECT NA 7-2815 an Ad-Visor will help you and your Want Ad will do the rest — Fasti T Top reputation for fine foods and choice liquors. Doing $13,-000 month gross. Call for details. Warcien Realty 3434 W. Huron, Pontiac ' 333-7157 If no answer call 33>1190 LARGE NEW COIN OPERATED laundry for sale, to relocate, big savings to buyer, financing available. 473-8503. UKE FRONT MOTEL HORSESHOE LAKE 12 units plus llting quarters. Good skiing resort nearby. All units have showers and gas haat. Owner relocating In Pdntlac area and will trade or sell outright. Price: $44,-000. Terms. GILES REALTY CO. 221 Baldwin Av*. FE 5-4175 SfcLL DUB MUST SELL DUB TO ILLNESS 4 unit motel with living quartan on Houghton Lake. Small equity plus take over payments. OR >1747 after 2 p.m. Friday LOANS $25 TO $1J)00 COMMUNITY LOAN CO. 30 E. LAWRENCE____FE >0421 plat*._______ ______________ KENMOR^ ELEC. DRYER $45. WteT-tag wrlnbar washer 440. FS >3222. LOANS 425 to$1J)00 Insured Payment Plan-BAXTER <1 LIVINGSTONE FInanc* Co. 401 Pontiac State Bank Building FE 4-1538-9 LINOLEUM RUGS. MOST SIZEfL AAA6IC CHEF DOUBLE (Wen QaIs S25. Phan* 42F2944. Swaps 63 1943 STUDEBAKER. LARK. 4 CYL-indar, 4 door with overdrive. $400. Or will take 7 In trade. <52-3415. 1944 ECONOLINE DELUXE CLUB wagon, trad* tor lata modal car. Must be In good shape. Call UL >2073 after 4 p.m._________ CASH FOR USED FURNITURE, eld ' cwd(s, dithas, leaded glass lampty Shades, 332047, SIOUX VALVE SEAT GRINDER nearly new, fall or trad* for gat ----- and cutting OUT" "— lavas. FE >3B4- waldlhg and cutting tailflt. From ito9:» --------------------------- Innangrtng mattress and n box iprlng and 2 vanity iam place dlnaft* sat with 4 5-plsct ..... ...... , diranw ^Irs and tabta. All tor S2»9. Your credit Is goad at Wyman'r WYMAN FURNITURE £0. FE >1S01 FE MIS* WINDOWS, 2 zontal slldli pan* glass. 65-A LOVE SEATS, ONE PLATFORM rocker, and miK. artklas. FE $-4072. 373 Elloan Dr. off Square Lk. Rd furnilura, and oiasswar*. 4135 Dixie Drayteirttlaln*. Hwy., urayion n””"-___ TIFFANY SHADE, STS; PITCHER bad and bowl sal, douM* Iron (painted white), Qu*.k*r L. (prlmltlva), «nal|i»l»''H"* ,**ti pine and cherry hiwd taW* (34" diamater) hand-painty sawIM stand, singte ^horse taggy. OR 4-1710, 5955 AhdarsonvIHe Rd. (aft-5). Hi-Fi, TV & Radios 66 TV, BLONb ZENITH 21" COLOR TV In beautiful walnut cabinet_ a repo, but In exc working condition .jy b* had for unpaid bal. of S3SI Easy terms may b* arrangtd. FRETTER'S WAREHOVISE OUTLET 150 S. Talagraph Watar Saftsmrs 66-A UNIVERSAL AUTOMATIC WATER softener, l year oW, best offer, 887-5M4,_______________ Far Salt Miscanonaoas 67 2 KIRBY'S REBUILT - 1 REPO sassed - 474-2234. 3 GOOD USED FURNACES 24 HOUR SERVICE BENSON HEATING 33>7171 f'xU LINOLEUM RUGS H95 EA» Plastic wall til* 1c *a. Ceiling til* — wall panaiing, diaap. BBG Tile. FE 4d9ST. 107S W. Huron 40 SEATS FOR SALE, 006d^CON ditlon. Belhloham Tempi* Church, 533 Franklin Rd. FE >3353. N^EDS 1932 FORD VICTORIA, work. Llltl* Indian mlnibik*. FE 5-4917 attar 5 P.m. 1004)00 BTU GAS FIRED BOILSR nm, only G Thomwon. 7005 Mt W. ANCHOR FENCES NO MONEY DOWN FE 57*01 ATTRACTIVE .DININf?. . RQO■■ light fixlur*. 12 star lights; Hamilton gas dryer; flrapiace grate; swing sat with slid*, unassamblad, baby swing-car seat; drapes. FE HM4. '________ BUILDINGS TO MOVE, >BED-room house, small cottage, bam, also furniture, beat offer. 354-2999. BABY CARRIAGE 120, PLAY PEN $10, fydliM. fable »-lump rtair, Infant seat. <07170. BUZZ SAW, CONDITION, rE CAFET*RIA" T«LtS,; FORMI fop, 4 stools Ihaf^iy In. Uiad, good condition. prl» M9.9S. Bim SUPPLY W S. Bhrd. FE >7001 COAL HiAtiRS, OIL burneI^ ! >5341 f66mica Fumact. <02 Mt. gas heater. Clemens. _______ DRAFTING BOARDS AND. JABLES, r ™ 7'i Fort^ 4500 Drayton. OR >97<7. .DKHMASTER^WE^ at O. Thompaon*. TOM MS9 W._ iNltYCLOFEDIAS, 1944, uma, coat S2r flea, 435. S3» um*,.C9rt.^^n*var used, sacrl KELVINATOR REFRIGERATOR — KItchan cabinets, doubte sinks com-OA >3397. sslw'up." Pasrson's Furniture, 210 E. Pika St., FE 4-nSt range, ...■ ■—-------------- MODERN DUO SLEEPER LOui^ as and swlval rockar witn matefu Ing Formica eomar tab!* and round tabi* pal* lamp combe. S3> 1907 IWATTRESS, BOX SPRING, SW End tabtes, S5. Swadlsh modem Chair, S20. Wall ovan, 110. Priwte, 4934434; _________^ Tiri MODERN DININq. ROOM hutch, buttot. faMa, S27S. «H*<<. iRYEI^ GOOD natural cendltlon, <lrt,»"y*?»r^ Pumps. Cone's. FE >4443. FOR SALE BXERCYCLJ, awdltlon. 4125. PE 4-9149. For The Finest In Top-(2uality Merchandise Shop At Montgomery Word Pontiac Moll 47 NlW hot waVeIi r langlli, S1.S par fat*. O. A. Thowpaen. TOOiAMSW. OkS^AiNGBlTw^iR WifH . lB«illgn line loilti, SI4M.. Law^ SK'Vlfit fbraadad. SAVE FUIMI <41 SaHwIn. FB 4-1j^ ■ WbNT" tlT A good rug snampegar, < ars, 2 years take ov tralter . ^ 34>«n batora 3:30. over law balance. 7W1 WEDDING A.NNOU^I|MEim discount and OtflM'^PPlIa^ ' "(TT Hwy. OR 34747. AT Printing 4SW Dixi* ALUMINUM HORI-4 fixad, all tharmo-1-10(10 aft. 4 Am. WRINGER WASHER AND CRIB. Guitar and amp. 473-9532. YOkfR WELDWOOD HEADQUARTERS DMYrOM PLYWOOD W. Wbllgn_____OR HWI Hand Tods-4IRadriMry 6t HOMELITE 2T CHAIjl^^SAW* iX- caUant eonditlen. Ml ----- POWER CRAFT m ARC WELDER -----------. Caiis:,'- CaaNru’Senki n DEVELOPER AND ENjAROER *qulpment--«l*ck and wMI* Md color. Must sell — S120. Call 33<- 4238._________ • __________^ LATEST DESIGN.MAMIYA — C-33 Profasslonal 2 14" twin tens, raflyi camara. Naw eonditlen, * me. eld, 18S mm Ians, 45 mm ssid* angle Ians, laathar carrying cas* and pistol grip. Makt effar, piien* 49> 3411 *ner 5. REVERE MOVIE CAMERA. AND prolactor. Ilka new, FE 5-W24. Musical Goods 71 GIBSON 6A-98, 13$ W, AMP, 1 Kant i>stflng guitar. 4il-«<2. 1>STRING OOl+AR, S45. LIKE NEW — 328 Shafflald, Pent. SSHMI. B FLAT CLARINET. $46 BABY GRAND PIANO WITH SOLO box-<38e. FE $4171. BaAiTONE UKES. $21 AND $34. All Mahogany. ^ STORY Ii.CLARK ORGANS $515 MNI UD MORRiS MUSIC ^ ~^aaJ!?Val4fu.Sg USED, WALNUT, CONN ORGAN, ------ , ™ 25 pedal. Ilk* naiM Sava. LEW BE-fi^LY, Ml 440<«. EXPERT PIANO MWIN6 PIANOS WANTED Bob's Van SarvIC*__________34H432 FOR RENT BAND INSTRUMENTS SELMAR AND CONN AS LOW AS SI PER MONTH Smiley Bros Music Co. (Pro GIBSON BASS AMP, IWNCH speakers, axe, condition. EM >2*11. MOLLBR PIPE ORGAN, S rAnK, 2 ntenu*L.2l t«s stops, pxc. cendltlon, $3,«00i St. Jetm . Lutharan . Rachastor, 451-S44* day*, 451 1805 aftor S p.m. _______ OLD UPRIGHT PIANO - $25. CALL PRACTICALLY NEW Spinat piano In beautiful limed save 1300 Used iPlnet Plano ..............SWf Used Spinat ....................S449 Utad Calm Organ was Site* now $495 Open Dally 9 P.m., Sat. 5:30 p.m. 1 Dally 9 P.m., Sat. 5:30 i GALLAGHER'S MUSIC 1710 $. Tatogroph South Of Orchard Lake Rd. FE 44)566 "<5uQtK pIanBI SALE PianosOrgam and Guitars NEW CONSOLE PI ' lANO wWi b*^ FLCiOR MODEL -I' BMdwiin' uIed** 2~fXANuKL*f^Sfian*. chord argon, ell sralnut, ad bench bidiM .......... 1275 USED BALDWIN, Medal 71, nx^ any, 44 note manual, I2_p*4alt, percussion and ravarb — Ilk* nmr candllion .................... $175 USED UPRIGHT a* It {10 dtllvwad COMPLETE DRUM SET - Mu* pearl was ....SI49JD new —MlO Smiley Bros. Music Co. (Pray.. CalM MutIO -119 N. SA||NM^^NTIAC Used Organs Chaos* from Lewrty, WurlRnr; Hammend, snvarfend. die. from. man Rd., Clarkston. HOT WATdR heatIir,so aiAiAHSi- madibNA rbat. Si nmvTr Prtettf $450 GRINNEU'S Downtown 27 S. Saginaw Hem* of Ih* Pahnac Hammond _________Otionloclofy STOREY 4 ^ jMmo^^..nk*. nmr, i-FE 4»IWI OUNS. MyrSf LU TRADI. iUrR-«>atl,Pl8.Talaariiih. idt^S^iT a5M644. MARLIN LCVIR ACTION NJO VS. imtca U «tugt pwfm actlonr $75. RUOtIt ILACK HAWK-357 MAG. $7«, ft »«0DI.____________ SfUU RUV OR TRADE MNS OpjylM Hardwara FPJMI SKI POO'S OUNSCAMRERt CRUISEOUT, INC. 03 Walteii Dally f.f p.tn. FE I44IB Ski-poo Polaris Sno-Trovolor as low as ^5 LARGE SELECTION OF GUNS AND .EQUIPMENT ALL Ice pishing BAIT li EQUIPMENT Cliff Drayar Gun and Sports Canter 15210 Holly Rd. Holly, ME 4«71 Opan Pally and Sundays SEEd-OrmMHrt 74 200,000 YARDS OF PEAT ON acres. Sell outright or by yard with lease. Between Pontiac and 1-75 on Baldwin. PE 5-7105. PILL SOIL PIT FOR LEASE ON Baldwin at 1-75. FE 2-2100.____ GOOD RICH TOPSOIL AND BUCK dirt. Dot. FE 00500._________ PONTIAC LAKE BUILDERS SUP Sand, graval, fW dirt. OR ply. ! 3-1534. WoBd-CoEiCektl^Etl 77 A-l OAK WOOD, 2 CORD 020 DE. ilverad. Macaunt on larger ardors. FE 0.0110. FE f-2003. FIREPLACE w60D DELIVERED . FE 0-2205 WHITE BIRCH FIREPUOCE W^D. 025 cord, 030 dallverad. 30S4307 Pit»-4lEEtiil9 D«fl 79 1-AKC DACHSHUND PUPS. HEIM*S Kawials. PE SdgQ. VAEt ttAtttSHUNO PUPS, s+ubi Estalhelm's — FE 2-11009._____ l-A ^^611 CLIPPING, OSHip. 060 Sereaola. FE 0450>. ________ I-YEAR-OLD *AAALE BEAGLE Good hunting st^. tt5. OR 3-2037 end FB S-IOit.' ' WR^Np POPPIES, FE' 2 AKC DACHSH male. MY ‘ 2 GERMAN SHORT H^A I R E pointers, mOle and female, re tstered, 0 nw. old had shots, 0 each. a»«522 aft, o. ipp 3 PUPPIES, FREE good homes. 4f3 Cameron. WEEK OLD BOSTON BULL male, also stud service. 223 Russell St. FE KI430. 55 GALLON AQUARIUM AND ALL access. FE 5d337. AKC POODLE PUPPIES, APRICOT miniatures. Best offer. 332-0034. AKC MINITOY POODLE PUPS -A reel ^y — Milford, 005-1071. AKC BEAGLE, FEMALE, 20 months, will trade. 051-03Sf. AKC REGISTERED ST. BERNARD PUPS. OL 1-IOfO. ALL PET SHOP, 55 WILLIAMS FE 40033. Parakeets and finches. bassEtt puppies, months old. 021^2210. AKC BEAUTIFUL BLACK Vi FRENCH poodle — 'A Cocker spanW, 1 year At stud, everyone's pet. 33A D A c‘h s'hTI i b EuiPiEs, pure bred, no papofl. 303^170. Dachshund Stud Service A-1 registered. Miniatures and small standards, Beebes. 002-2255. DACHSHUND PUP, 7 WEEKS OLD, Not raelstefad. SIS. 025-2305. FREE WPPIES - PART LMRA dor retriever, English pointer, :a oM. 012-0331. ceEamn shepherd and col-He pup. 0 mo. old female. $10. 1 before 0 p.m. 6ERAUN SHEPHERD AND COLLIE PUPS, FE 50300. GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS, AKC. All white, $50, 330-3075. CEEmAN SHEPHERD PUPS, AKC Hally, 0304573. MINIATURE DACHSHUND PUPS, adts. oM rees. $$7-5303. POODU BEAUTY SALON Cllppln^-AKC Pup^tudSers wSuppUaa-^-Swar 082^27 POODLES, AKC, BLACK, MINI-TOY puppies. OA »33f7. _______ POODLE CLIPPING A>

33?*3.^ We MIDDLE OF THE MONTH AUCTIONS FRI. JAN. 13 7:00 P. M. SAT. JAN. 14 7:00 P,M. SUN. JAN. 15 2:00 P.M. NEW AND USED FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES Such As: Storage Repossessions Unclaimed freight Floor Coverings Groceries Antiques Hundreds of other articles too numerous la mention. B&B AUaiON SOff Dixie Hwy. OR 3-2717 Livestock S3 2 WHITE FACED FEEDER STEERS approx. 400 lb. each. Can be seen at 5355 Brewster Rd. near Silver Bell Rd. $51-4152 after 5:30 p.m. ^ ARABIAN, WELSH, SHETLAND, POA Stud service. KenLo. $27-OT2. MODERN NEW STABLES. BOARD-ers. Reas. $20-2271. PROFESSIONALLY TRAINED. Baa utiful 4 yr. old. Gelding. Quarter and Arabian breeding. Before 3 p.m. FE 54K)e7.___________ Hoy—Grain—Food 84 COW AND HORSE HAY. WE DE-llver. Al's Landscaping. $01 Scott Lk Rd. FE 44)358 or FE 4-3663. EXTRA GOOD HORSE AND COW hay, will deliver. 427-3227. FIRST QUALITY ALFALFA BROME —hay. Straw. No rain. $28-2056. HAY AND STRAW. HILLSON LAWN end Garden. 7$17 Highland. WHEAT STRAW-TRUCK LOTS. 685-1788, Milford. ___ farm Produca 86 Apples - dIlicious mcin tosh, Jonathan, Bose pears, sweet elder. 231 N. Scmirrel.__ APPLES-PEARS Cortland, McIntosh, Jonathan, llclous. Spy, Steele Red. Finest quality. Utllily grades from 81J0 bu. Swdet Cider. Oakland Orchards. 2205 E. Commerce Rd. 1 ml. E. of Milford. 8 to 6 dally._ DELICIOUS APPLES FOR SALE. $2 .tohel. N. Of Rochester, out Rochester Rd. $25 E. Buell Rd. Farm bpil|niMiit 87 1965 10 HORSEPOWER SIMPLICITY with attechments, $575. 644-4561, CLEARANCE SALE Polaris snow mobiles. Brand new 1965 nwdel No. H-12H, 12'/k h.p., price: C767. 1765 Demo, model No. J-8-H, 8 h.p. (with wheel kit), price: $489. KING BROS. FE 4-1662 FE 4-0734 Pontiac Rd., lust east of Opdyke. HOMELITE CHAIN SAWS, KNIPCO heaters. Insulated Coveralls and lackets. DAVIS MACHINERY CO.. Ortonvllle. NA 7-3272,______ AHASSEY-FEkifUSON Snow blowers, bladw, tire chains, and garden tractors. Pony carts, *iflirson uJivn B Garden 7617 Highland 67341330 ^IMIIB 2 months free Rent in our Modem Parks January Only Complete Jtoblie .Home Service RkHARDSON-WINDSOR LIBERTY-I^I^ON-HOMETTE Colonial Mobile Homes 54f8 DIxM. Hwy- . ' r-, $744010 (Vk mile South of Waferford) »<,OMyke ' - „ 312-1657 (Comer of MJ7 at Opdyke) 10X50 2-BEOROOM, LOCATED IN Perk. 33S-51M. 1^ OEHEitAL, i ' bIdEoOm, reeioneble. FE 44724. ----- 4^1 TRAVB„ eenditlon. On Ini &move 1760 NEW moon, 10 BY 50. CAR-petlng, shed. Steps, oil drum, ex-tre Mrs. TV entwine. $2500. 673- 1764 MARLETTE 12' BY W CAR-exc. condition, 1765 LIBERTY W X 50'. 3347501. 1766 PARKWOOD, ir WIDE, bedrooms, IVk baths, alr-condi-tioned. Phone Mllford,r4a5-2750. ' AcCBflMllBS MUST SELL — 14' BOAT, IS H.P. motor; new trailer. Best offer. OR 3,7240 offer atlopjii. ____ SAI^ THE BIG SALE 1$ at "PINTERS" JAN. 16th I, iiru' JAN. 21st BOATS PONTOONS ACCESSORIES Our COME IN AND SEE “NEW SHOWROOM" 1370 N. OPDYKE (I-7S et Oaklcnd university Exit) TONY'S nUriHe f6r J()HNS0N motors, boMs, and canoes, 602-2660. Before you buy a Mobile Home, call Michigan's larg est chain mobile home dealership. TOWN & COUNTRY MOBILE HOMES 334-4694 New and Used Bargains in all models and in all sizes available to fit your budget. For Information as to the location nearest, you call 334-6694 DETROITER-KROFF 17 wide, 2 or 3 bedroom, as low as $42a$. Also many used at Iwrgain prices. BOB HUTCtffNSON, INC.' ^ 4301 Dixie Hwy. (US)O) Drayton Plains, Mich. OR 3 Open Dally till 7 p.m. * Sat, and Sun. 5 p.m. January Clearonce Sale 60x12 AS LOW AS $4,175 SEE OUR COMPLETE LINE OF 12' WIDE IN 5 DECORS. WE HAVE 4 ONLY. DEMO'S AT A GIANT SAVINGS. WE WILL NOT BE KNOWINGLY UNDERSOLD. FREE DEUVERY UP TO 300 MILES. FREE SET UP WITH available PARKING. PARKWOOD — HOLLYPARK Open 7 to 9 — 7 days a week MIDLAND TRAILER SALES 2257 Dixie Hwy. — 338-0772 HOME FOR SALE. UL MARLETTES S0'-63' long, 12' to 20' wide. Early Amtrican, Traditional or modern decor. Space available in 4’ Star Park; no extra charge. Also see the famoui light weight Winnebago Trailer. OXFORD TRAILER SALES OPEH 74, CLOSED SUNDAYS mllo south of Lake Orion on M24 _________MY 2-0721________ Must SELL 12x60 1966 673-6232 _______0?____________ ROOMY AND BEAUTIFULLY FINISHED 1966 iParkwDod House Trailer completely furnished ready for immediate occupancy. Size 12x$g now located In beautiful park near Oakland University. Let us show you this beauty. Only 8750 down. Warren Stout, Realtor 1450 N. Opdyke Rd. FE 5-8165 Dally Yll 8 Travel Trailers 88 17' TOUR-B-HOME, FULLY SELF-contained, exc. FE M048 1968 13' TROTWOOD TRAILER, sleeps 5. $525. 627-3909. 1964 MARLETTE, 10 BY 55, FULLY irpeted with guivtype furnace, Kferd Mobil Manor. 628-1016. 1967 APACHES WILL BE ON DIS-play Jan. 13. Come out and see the new Remade.'8 sleeper. The Rameda is ag* long when ojmnrt up. Also coihe In and seo and ride the new and different Dieblo Snowmobile. EVAN'S EQUIPMENT 6507 Dixie Hwy., Clarkston 625-1711 _______ AIRSTREAM LIGHTWEIGHT TRAVEL TRAILERS Since 1932. Ouarantaad for life. ... .. ________ raller Seles, 3098 W. Huron (plan to loin one of Wally Byam'v exciting caravans). BOOTH CAMPER ALUM/ COVERS CAMPERS, 7330 HIGHLAND RD.-PONTIAC OR 3-S526 SPECIAL $389.84 down—walk into 50 x 10, 2-bedroom Marlette, set-up, warm and ready to live in. Four Star Park. OXFORD TRAILER SALES, MY 2-0721 for details. YOUR SUMMER COTTAGE Buy now. Pay as you play in your ACTIVE mobile home, exclusive with TOWN B COUNTRY, MiChl-gen's largest chain mobile home dealership. Telegraph at D I x la Hwy, 334-6694, WANTED: GOOD USED TRAILERS Pontiac Mobile Park. FE 5-9902 Rent Trailer Space 90 AirptaoM ■ET OUR you to' fly: ADI li Poalor. OR ^4M41. 99 Waatyi Cot ■ Tra EXTRA EXTRA Dollars Paid _ TOR THAT EXTRA Sharp Car "Check the rest, then get the beef' et Averill AUTO SALES PB 24178 2020 Dixie_FE 448M By Kate Oaam New aaJ Used Tracks 103 1964 CHEVY M TON PICK-UP FOR sale, OR 3-5040. MORE MONEY Paid For Sharp Cars I need hundreds of sharp cars to fill out-etate orders, and to stock my lot, that li a full city block In alzt. GALE McANNALLY'S Auto Sales 1304 Baldwin FE 8-4525 AcroM from Pontiac Stale Bank HELP! We need 300 them Cadillacs, Pom flics. Olds and Buicks for out-of-stato market. Top dollar paid. MANSFIELD AUTO SALES 1104 Baldwin Ave. FE S-590B_________FE S4S25 STOP HERE LAST el cars. Corvettes i M&M MOTOR SALES Now at our new locetlon 1150 Oakland at Viaduct 33S426I TOP S FOR CLEAN' CARS OR trucks. Economy Cars. 2335 Dixie. "Top Dollar: That's what we pay for I960 thru 1965 Immaculate CarsI Stop In—Sat Mr. Gilmer Spartan Dodge “TOP DOLLAR PAID" GLENN'S FOR "CLEAN" USED CARS 952 West Huron SI. FE 4-7371_ FE 4-1777 VILLAGE GRBEN MOBIL ESTATE, new and different, 2285 Brown Rd. Near 1-75 and M-24. FE 2-5295, Auto Accessorits NEW VW GAS HEATER, price. FE 54)626. 91 1966-1967 TRUCK CAMPERS AND travel trailers, on display — some will be heated every Saturday and Sunday during December I We carry: STREAMLINES, FRANKLINS, CREES, FANS, and MONITORS In travel trallert, also carry: Crees, Franklins, and Mackinaws Truck Campers. Come on out this week to Hwly Travel Coach, 15310 Holly Rd., Holly, ME 4-6771. JANUARY CLEARANCE All travel trailers reduced, buy now and save CeHtury-sage-aaallard TAG-A-LONG LIFETIME MOTOR HOME 16' TO 26' IWOdelt AH Self Contained STACHLER' TRAILER SALES, INC. 3771 Highland (AAS9) FE 2-4928 Mon. end Tues. 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Wed. thru FrI. 7 e.m. to 6 p.m. Set. 7 e.m. to 5 p.m. closed Sunday HOWLAND SALES AND RENTALS, Pickup campers and covers. Reese end Drawtite hitches. 3255 Dixie Hwy. OR 3-1456, PICK-UP covBr ____ _____ SPORTS 8100. After 6. 33MS74.__ PICKUP TRUCK CAMPERS Over 30 Different models On display at aH times BILL COLLER Camping Supplies On M-m, Lapeer, Mich. PICKUP COVERS, 8245 UP. lira" cabcavers, 81,275 and up. TBR CAMPER MPO. CO. 1180 Auburn Rd.___________8524334 PIONEER CAMPER SALES BARTH TRAILERS B CAMPERS TRAVEL QUEEN CAMPERS MERIT FIBERGLASS COVERS (8"-27"-35'* covers) ALSO OVERLAND B COU|MAN 3091 Weft Huron PE 2-3989 SALE Year End Closeout, New Driftwood Camper Bee Line s< ...............81895 Frolic S-C ................81895 Looking tor a oood used trallerT , Our entire rental fleet It new on aale. Jocobson Trailer Sales 5690 wnitomt Lk. Rd. OR 3-S9BI SPORTCRAPT PICKUP SLEEPERS. 1160 Foley, , Wqtai^rd___W7843 SOUTH BOUND? . Now In alack — 2-24' rounded comer Leyton's Also Holly's and Corsair's. All self-contelnad. Ellsworth Trailer Sales $577 Dixie Hwy.__________$254400 WOLVERINE truck" CAkpilRS end sleepers. Npw and uaa«, $395 up. Alio runtaff. Jacks, Intercoms, tolsscoping, bumpars, laddtrs, racks. Lowry Camper Sales, 1325 Ihim' ^ pearSS!: Motarcyclee 95 20 Per Cent Off on all Bridgestone cycles From 50 cc to 175 cc PAUL A. YOUNG, INC. Drayton Plains OR 4-0411 Dixie Hwy.'at Loon Lake Open Dally 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. 1766 HONDA 305 CC. DREAM, white. Mack bags, evenings, 334-6170. 1766 SUZUKI 120, EXCELLENT CON ditlon, 8375. Call 673-7268._ 1766 HONDA miles. 8625, 4-4442. 1767 HONOAS TRIUMPH, BSA, NORTON Matchless, DucattI, Moto-GuzzI All models and colors Special Winter prices Easy terms — Buy now and save ANDERSON SALES B SERVICE 1645 S. Telegraph FE 2-7102 SUZUKI CYCLES SOCC-250CC. ROpP Mlnibikes as low as 8137.75. Taka M57 to W. Highland. Right on Hickory Ridge Rd. to Demode Rd, Left and follow aignt to DAW-SON'S SALES AT tTpSICO LAKE, Phone MAIn 7-2177. HARLEY DAVISION SPORTSTER, 700 show bike. UL 2-1732 after ; p.m._________________________ CAN MAKE^ YOUR, CYCLE A YEAR ROUND VEHICLE. TUKO SALES, INC. . 173 E. AUBURN — ROCHESTER • UL 2-5363 Bicyctet 96 CHROME FENDERS 626-9140 Boots — Acaas.soriBS 97 10' STEVENS eliminator, 6$ 64687. SKI-BOAT, TOP open drag. MA Boat Show NOW AT Lake & Sea Marino CHRIS-CRAFT — OWENS SLICKCRAFT — EVINRUDE MANY MODELS ON DISPLAY Woodward at S. B^. FE 44587 - BOAT STORAGE Sell Out —1966 Models PONTIAC'S ONLY MERCURY-MERCRUISER DEALER Cruisa-Out, Inc. FOR WINTER FUN WE HAVE THE new T-BIrd mow-mobllt Kar'i Boats and Metora, Lake Orion. MY S-t$00. Open wMk-e^ only. Ice MOffiLB WITH AlhRANE EN-glno. Very faat, 8300. OR S75I4. URSON BOAtS- Inboards — outboardsl Evinrude SnowmoMles, NortMand Skis. Use our layaway plan. HARRINGTON BOAT WORKS ''Your Gvinrude Dealer" 1877 S. Teleeraph ___FE 24033 $CX>NI SOONI THE SCATMOBILE the new qnd different lend end take to W. Highland. Right an HicNery .Rldge Rd. to Demode Rd. left and follm sl^s to DAWSON'S SALES AT TIPSICO LAKE. Phone asMiTf. We would like to buy late model GM Cars or will accept trade-downs. Stop by today. FISCHER BUICK 544 S. WOODWARD 647-56W New wid 11^ 1763 CADI Cl, AC SEDAN. TUR-quolaa. IMn aciwi mi. 81100. 1980 Kemper aff Tatsgraph aouth et Orchard Lake Rd.________ 1964 CADILLAC, 62 SERIES, COUPE —Take over payments of $90 per mo. $1800 owing. FE 3-7438. 1964 CADILLAC 4 DOOR HARDTOP exc. condition, 22JIOO ml. To settle estate, must sacrifice for $2250, 626-6602.______________________________ 196$ CADILLAC DtVILLE CON-vertlble. 12,500 ml. Air conditioned. GM executiva, $^ or Best offer. S4S.55S3.____ late model CADILLACS ON HAND AT ALL TIMES JEROME MOTOR SALES >10 Wide Track Dr PE 3-7(121 1955 CHEVY, VI, NEW TRANSMIS- slen. FE 2-6915.__________________ 1954 CHEVY 2-D(X>R. GOOD iranspertatlen. $75. FE 2-8937. • 19SF Sr NCA IK. m tw. VEL lUS OR ‘I think Debbie is out, of her mind. She wants to go to an aii-girl college!” with Flaetside body, $1095 at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET, Birmlng-ham. Ml 4-2735. 1964 JEEP, 4 WHEEL DRIVE, plow', deluxe model. FE 4-0696. 1965 FORD V8. FIBERGLASS sleeper, 94-ton. New car warranty S1650. Call after 3 P.M. FE 5-4233. 1959 GMC 94 TON STAKE, DUAL Wheels, overload springs. 651-4107 attar 6 p.m.,_____________________ 1967 GMC i-Ton Pickup Heater, defrosters, backup lights, seat belts, 2-speed wipers, washers, padded dash and visor, traffic hazard lights, directional signals, inside reor-view mirror. $1828 including all taxes PONTIAC'S ONLY EXCLUSIVE TRUCK DEALER GMC Factory Branch Oakland at Cass FE 5-9485 CHEVY ',i-TON FLEETSIDE 1944, 1961 CHEVY WAGON, to. 674-1372 attar 6. NewjMUi^^ BEFORE YOU BUY ANY >4EW OR USED CAR -CHECK THE ALL-NEW EXCLUSIVE, FINANCE PLAN at SPARTAN DODGE. CALL 3304230 or 338-4320 for details. 2ND CAR HEADQUARTERS 75 cars in stock — all times $50to$800 MARVEL MOTORS 251 Oakland (N. of Baldwin) FE S-4077 BANKRUPT? CREDIT PROBLEMS? We Con Findmce You— FE 5-4101 McAullffe______________ BEEN BANKRUPT? NEED A CAR w th as k)w_ Of U down? Try King Plan_ Financing. Call Mr King Stark# 33^4088. DON'S USED CARS Small Ad-Big Lot 50 CARS TO CHOOSE PROM We buy or will adlust your pay ments to less oxpontlve cor. 677, M-24, Lk. Orion MY 2-2041 Transportation Specials BUY HERE-PAY HERE No Application Refused BANKRUPTCIES, REPOSSESSIONS Full Wkly, CARS Price Pymt. 1961 CORVAIR Aufo.$297 $3.05 1940 FALCON 2-dOor. $29J «.J5 1959 PLYMOUTH V$ stick $197 $2.25 1962 RAMBLER Wagon ...$297 $3.05 1962 MERCURY Auto.$397 $4.10 1961 VALIANT Hardtop .. $297 $3.05 1960 MERCURY Auto .$297 $3.05 1961 FORD 2-door ..$397 $4.10 1960 CHEVY Impale ..... $597 $5.95 1960 PONTIAC Hardtop .. $497 $4.75 NO DOWN PAYMENT IMMEDIATE DELIVERY MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM WE HANDLE AND ARRANGE ALL FINANCING CALL MR. DAN AT FE 8-4071 Capitol Auto 312 W. MONTCALM Just eost of Oakland HAVE JUST TAKEN DELIVERY on my now automobile and must sell Immedlelety 1761 Falcon 2-door, standard tranamlislon, and good tires. Excellent transportation. Call 622-0516. PONTIAC$ AUTHORIZED JEEP DEALER Invitos yew to stop by to sot and drive the new fun csrs. The Jeepsters and Commandos are New Models and are in. SPECIAL SAVINGS on all JEEPS now In stock. Complete parts, serv ice, and equipment. Will not be undersold! GRIMALDI CARS 900 Oakland FE 5-9421 $1500^oftor 6. 33»1590.___ Rochester dodge Always a fine selection of New and Used Trucks ... NEW '67 DODGE PICKUP $1750. Taxes Included 651-6100 SPECIAL $1875 FULL PRICE New 1967 Jeep Universal ROSE RAMBLER-JEEP EM 34155 or EM 3-4156 faiik Cur»Tw^ 101-A 1, 2 AND 3 JUNK CARS-TRUCKS, free tow anytime. FE 2-2666. ALWAYS BUYING JUNK CAR end scrap, we tew, FE 37748. COPPER, 35c AND UP; BRASS; radiators; starters and generators, 75c ea. C. Plxson, OR 3-5$47. WE MOVE JUNK CARS (FREE tow). Call us — H & H Sales. OR 3-5200. AutchTrack Porh 102 4 AMERICAN AAAG WHEELS S135. Cad affor 4 p.m. 693-5222. 1960 CORVAIR - 1 AND ALL parts — Save Auto. FE 5-3278. 1943 VALIANT FOR PARTS, TIRES, battery, plugs. 651-6292. $4Vl._ , . ______ ... can Install. Terms. Other makes low prlc^. S3MI17. ENGINES ^ TRANSMISSIONS — rear axles, etc. Also buying — radiators, batteries, generators, starters. Don't fuss — call us.*' H 8,H Auto Silas. OR 35200- MOTORS: '5^'61 CHEVY 6 AND V-8, '5$-'61 Ford $ and V-8, '41 Plymouth, 6 cyl„ Chevy, 6 end 8 hole wheels and tires. Lee ____________TO 32466. New qmI Used Tracks 4-WHEEL DRIVE - UNITS- 103 19$S FORD M-TON, 4-SPEED, V-8. 1763 JEEP pickup. Blue. 1764 JEEP M-ton pickup, red with camper cover. 1761 FORD V^-ton pickup. Red. From $695 up Ready For Delivery John McAullffe Ford TRUCK DEPT. 277 W. Montcalm FE >4101 4-WHEEL DRIVE JEEP PICKUP, good condition, with snow plow. $600. Seven Harbors Garage. 3542 Duck Lk. Rd., Highland. 1750 CHEVY Vi TON PICKUP. Excellent condition. $200. 1-634-3923. 1953 FORD 1-TON WRECKER, 4-ton Tulsa winch, dependable, 673 9929. 1954 JEEP WAGON. 4 WHEEL drive. Hydraulic plow, $950. 673 1080. PICKUP. Vs TON. 1953 4 WHEEL DRIVE <,1i TON jeep, needs motor repair. $215. 363 6079. 1955 FORD F-600 CABOVER STAKE, good running condition. $450. 5496 White Lake Rd. Clarkston. 6232300 or 574-1005. 1954 FORD 'A TON PICKUP, HAS ’59 Pontiac engine. 6232916.___________ m 2 TON GMC, 14' STEEL FLAt bed with twin hoist, good condl-tlen, Sno. Waterford Lumber Co. 6732662. 1960 INTERNATIONAI; TANDEM dump truck, Rees., good condition, new motor. 6232974 Eves. only.______ 1961 DODGE M-TON, $465. _________ 6732659. 1961 JEEP 4 WHEEL DRIVE, SNOW plow and trencher, call FE 38141 1762 FORD V4-TON PICKUP TRUCk. Wreckers Heavy Duty One Ton 1961-1762 GMCs Complete — Ready to go I From $1650 John McAuliffe Ford TRUCK DEPT. 277 west Montcalm FE S4I01 WINTER truck: SPECIALS tires. Now Only _ 1965 CHEVY Vt ton, fleetside pickup, radio, custom trim. $1475 19U FORD M ton lloetsido pickup, 4 speed camper special, showroom condition. Only 81M. 1964 CHEVY 1966 CHEVY IMPAU 2 DOOR 1944 CHEVROLET IMPAU 3DOOR hardtop. Burgundy finish with black top, automatic transmission, power steering still In new car warranty. $2,195 at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET, Birmingham, Ml 32735. ■ ■ ■ , - ■ ■ 1944 CHEVROLET IMPAU 3D00R hardtop, automatic, power steering — $2,095 at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET, Birmingham, Ml 32735. 1942 CORVETTE 327-250 1942 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON WITH AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION, RADIO AND HEATER, WHITE-WALL TIRES, FULL PRICE ONLY $795, ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY DOWN, Weekly payments S6.72. CALL CREDIT MGR. Mr. Parks at HAROLD TURNER FORD, Ml 37500. June In Janlioiv' Sale Days naw an at MATTHEWS HARGREAVES. See the 1967 Chevrolet on dispioy at the'Pontiac Mall Auto Show thru January 21. 1946 CHEVY IMPALA, 2-OOOR hardtop, low Ml. 394 with Hydro-matlc transmission. Power steering, brakes. 363-6l?1., 335-6533. 963 CHEVROLET mingham. Ml 327^ 1943 CHEVY, 4 top, $2,09S at MIKE SAVOI CHEVROLET, Birmingham, Ml 2735. _______________ 1943 CHEVROLET STATIONJWAG-on. I cylinder. MIKE MVOIE ^ -mingham, Ml 32735. 1961 CHEW BISCAYNl 4 DOC 6 cylinder, auto., 47,MD miles, owner, good coition. 6232010. coupe, new tires, exc. condition. 3634)4$l._____________________ SAVOIE CHEVROLET, horn. Ml 32735.___ 19M CHEVILLE HARDTOP WITH AIR CONDITIONING, AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION, RADIO AND HEATER AND ^ITEWALL TIRES, FULL PRICE $895, ABSOLUTELY HO MONEY DOWN Weekly peymonfs only S7.92, CALL CREDIT MGR. Mr. Perks at HAROLD TURNER FORD, Ml 37500. 1964 CHEVROLET IMPAU CON vertible with automatic and power steering, $1,295 at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET, Birmingham, Ml 3 2735. _____ ____________________ Call after 6 p.m. 3333093. CADILLAC 1961 SEDAN DeVILLE, full power 8795. Call Ml 31840. 1962 CADILUC 2-DOOR HARDTOP. Power, $1,295 at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET, Birmingham, Ml 4-2735. 1963 CADILUC 4 DOOR SEDAN, all power, elr, AM-FM radio, by owner. 602-3291. 1964 CHEVY Impele Sport Coupe with air con ditloning, automatic transmission, full power, radio and heater, whitewall tires, full price $1495, only $49 down end weekly payments of $12.92. HAROLD TURNER FORD, INC. 464 $. WOODWARD AVE. BIRMINGHAM__Ml 4-7500 1944 CHEVY V-8 BISCAYNE, 3 door, auto. Exc. shape, 3400 miles. OR 3-3520, after 3 p.m. VW 1964 SEDAN, RADIO, WHITE-walls, clean, 30jl0e ml- Ml 7-3722 1944 TRIUMPH CONVERTIBLE. Nice ms at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET, Birmingham Ml 4-tm. 1964 VW SEDAN, $650. 651-4074 AFT-er 5 p.m._______________________________ VW > CENTER 60 To Choose From —All Models— —All Colors-—All Reconditioned— Autobahn /Motara Inc. Authorized VW Dealer Vk mile North of Miracle Mile I7« S. Tetagraph FE 1-4111 Buy With Confidence Get the Big Car Feel NEW 1967 OLDSMOBILE ”88'^ 4^D00R SEDAN $2,437.00 SALE PRICE 50,000 MILE OR 5 YEAR FACTORY WARRANTY. FULL FACTORY EQUIPMENT. Ask for Leon (Goose) Robertson or Bob Mathews HOUGHTEN Olds OL 1-9761 Rochester "OUTSTANE SPECIAL )ING S" "OK" USED CARS ' # ; 1962 BONNEVILLE 4-Door Hardtop. Power steering, power brakes, power windows, silver grey with a white topi $995 - 1960 FALCON 2-Door With radio, heater, automatic, and is raadY to gel $295 T963^0NTIAC Convertible $895 Bonneville. Automatic, power steering, and brakes, solid Whitt with a black top. Sptcial at Only— 1965 CHEVY Impala 2-Door Hardtop. 3cyllnder, radio, heater. Like new throughout! Only— $1595 1966 BUICK Riviera With full power, factory air conditioning, and only 6,880 miles, tool Only— $3795 1964 GMC Vz-Ton Pickup with radio, heater. The unit for that special job you have to do this yearl Only— $995 1964 FALCON 2-Door This unit has radio, haatsr, and will make a beautiful car for your family to use — even the wife for shopping 1 $695 HOMER HC Motor Inc. 5HT ON M24 IN OXFORD OA 8-2528 BEATTIE - Quality A-1 Units - 1964 Forci . $ 995 Falrlane 2-Doer. 6-cyllnder, automatic, white with matching interior. 1965 Ford • . $1595 4-Ooor Sedan. Custom, "289" V-8, automatic, radio, heater. 1966 LTD Ford . . . . . $2395 3Door Hardtop. Automatic, peWar stoerlng and brakes. Now Yours —Just stop In and drive It home. 1961 Buick..........................$ 895 Electra "225" 4-Door Hardtop. Full power, extra sharp, 1965 Jeep............................$1695 Universal with 1-ton package. Extended vyheel base, metal cab, radio and heater. 1964 Ford...........................$1595 Country Sedan 6-Pessenger. V-8, automatic, power steering, brakes. 1966 FordF-100..................$1895 Pickup with V-8, stick shift, radio, heater, blue finish, end It reedy to goll DT? A TTTT 1 1 llli "Your FOI^ DEALER Since 1930" On Dixie Hwy. in Waterford , OR 3-1291 "T V,./ THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY. JANUARY 18, 1967 iMtpiEV«uji n In, oUa m- rnmSSc, Quality ' Speaks «COitVAtlt Mona CMP*. Aute-RWMg, N«w Car MrFMity ... SUM M aMVAIK Mona Coup* ... t M MRMMLER AintMaador tM r*3a t ciawe. F«n :L air. V-l. #iiM**n-Radio, Hator $ m 41 CHEVY gar Wagan, _________ v-t ........ nat 44 COMET Moor Hardtop. V4, Hurst Ftoer SMft .... tllM 43 RAMBLER Cldnte. V4, Automat- te. Good Tramportatlon . $ 718 Bank Financing and say farms Grimaldi Imported Cars 900 Oakland FE 5-9421 KESSLER'S DODGE CARS AND TRUCKS aift and Servica Oxterd OA g-1480 1*44 DODGE CORONET SOO, LOAD-ed Witt) extras, low Interest, low yments, take over payments. 33^ KT 1966 DODGE 4400T sedan. V4 automatic. Bat ance of new car warranty avail' able. $1695 BIRMINGHAM CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH MIKE SAVOIE Binningham's New CHEVROLET DEALER 1104 S. tVoodward Ml 4-2735 i*53 FORD 3-DOOR, STICK, FULL price, M9. RELIABLE MOTORS. 350 OAKLAND, FE S-*?42^___ OAKUND Chrysler-Plymouth Valiant-Imperial 1*42 CHRYSLER 4 DOOR WITH full power $5*5 and only $5 down af lONG AUTO SALES Elizabeth Lake Rd. at Huron (M59) FE 1-40M._________________ t*M DODGE, RUNS GOOD. SAVE Auto-FE 5-1278. ____________ H63 DODGE 4-DOOR, RADIO, heater, new tlrea. MA 4-2720._____ 1943 DODGE 440 SERIES 2-DR. hardtop, auto., power. Very clean. Take over peyments. FE 5-0140. 1954 FORD, VO, 34PEED HURST. Clean, $150. 4744I1S. _______ 1954 FORD FOR )tALE, S7S Call 9 to 5, 482-448* 1959 FORD PICKUP. 6 CYLINDER, 1959 FORD 2 DOOR, AUTOMATIC, radio, heater, $95 with $5 down at KING AUTO SALES Elizabeth Lake Rd at Huron (M5*) FE 8-4088. __________ By Andersoo ud Ltemlng 1*44 THUNOERBtRO, 3-WAY ROW-er, cxaaitivw h»r. near PtifKl oMHltlM priced tow la aaliTfSo Buck Them, West Acre* Sub^ Or. ctiard Uke. EM 3^. WINTER SPECIAL 3 Fords 1941-47 $45 up 1*41 International truck $4*5 4 Chevy 1957.42 $35 up 1957-1959 Buick S35-SH7 3 Ramblers 1943-44 $597 up Pontlecs 1957-44 $55 up Others and trucks (ECONOMY CARS. 2335 DIXIE HWYJ_________ 1942 FORD V-8 STATION WAGON very nice, bargain. $495. 333-7542, Riggins, dealer. Special Purchase 20 MUSTANGS V8-AUT0MATICS Hordtops Convertibles 2-2's AU COLORS i Most have power Steering- Some hove Air Conditioning $79 DOWN Weekly PAYMENTS $11.34 Bonk Rotes Credit No Problem 1st Come 1st Served Out They Goll HAROLD TURNER FORD, INC. 444 $. WOODWARD AVE. BIRMINGHAM Ml 4-75 1942 FORD CONVERTIBLE V8, All tomatic, radio, heater *4*5 with $5 down at KING AUTO SALES Elizabeth Lake Rd. at Huron (IM59) FE 8-4088.______________ 1*42 FAIRLANE ”500", 4, STICK, 2-door, radio, $450. FE 2-5332. 1943 FORD SQUIRE STATION WAG-on, good condition, reas. 424-0739 1943 FORD FAIRLANE 500, condition, $895. 852-1140. EXC 1*43Vz FORD GALAXIE 500 2-DOOR hardtop, white with red Interior, excellent, low ml., $900. FE 24244 after 5 P.M. _______________________ BEFORE YOU BUY ANY NEW OR USED CAR — CHECK THE ALL-NEW EXCLUSIVE, FINANCE PLAN at SPARTAN DODGE. CALL 338-0238 or 338-4528 for details. 1945 GALAXIE 500 4 DR. HARD-top power steering, brakes. Low mileage. 425-5842. 1945 FORD COUNTRY SQUIRE 9 Passenger Wagon e Automatic, Power Steering, Power Brakes, Like new! $2050 Jerome Ford, Rochester's Ford Dealer. OL 1-9711. LLOYD 1963 FOliD Custom sedan. Full factory equipment. Spot delivery. Full price: $699 No Money Down LLOYD MOTORS 1250 Oakland 333-7863 1945 MUSTANG 2 DOOR HARDTOP. 4 Stick, Radio, Sharp; Jerome Ford. Rochesters Ford Dealer OL 1-9711. 1945 MUSTANG. 4 SPEED TRANS-misskm. Radio and heater. Real sharp. FE 4-*271. BEFORE YOU BUY ANY NEW OR USED CAR -CHECK THE ALL-NEW EXCLUSIVE, FINANCE PLAN at SPARTAN DODGE. CALL 3384238 or 33M528 for details. 1943 FORD STATION WAGON WITH V-8 ENGINE, POWER STEERING, AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION, RADIO AND HEATER, WHITEWALL TIRES, FULL PRICE $895, ABSOLUTELY N 0 MONEY DOWN, Weekly payments only $8.92. CALL CREDIT MGR. Mr. Parks at HAROLD TURNER FORD, Ml *■'>100. WOULD YOU BELIEVE? NO CASH NEEDED-BANK RATES '4! FORD 2-door ...........S19* '44 Ch^ 2-door ............S799 '60 Corvalr coupe .........$19? '41 Chevy Impale hardtop .....$5*9 '42 Plymouth Fury convert. ...S49? '42 Old* F85 Cutlass ......$59* '43 T-BIrd convertible....$1299 '44 Tempest Custom Made Wagon ................. SI0*» OPDYKE MOTORS 2230 Pontiac Rd. St Opdyke FE I-9237 FE 8-9238 LLOYD 1963 FOSD Convertible, eutomatic, power — Spot delivery. Full price: $695 No Money Down LLOYD MOTORS 12S0 Oakland 333-7863 1*43 FORD FAIRLANE 2-DOOR, 4 cylinder, standard t r a n s m I s-slon, needs e little work, Fantastic buy at Only $4*5 full Price. "It only takes a minute" to Get "A BETTER DEAL" at: John McAuliffe Ford 430 Oakland Ave. FE 5-1101 1*43 FORD FAIRLANE. ARIZONA car, no rust. EM 348*3.__ 1943 FORD FAIRLANE 2-DOOR WITH V8 ENGINE, AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION, RADIO AND HEATER WHITEWALL TIRES, FULL PRICE S495, ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY DOWN, Weekly payments $4.88, CALL CREDIT MGR. Mr. Parks at HAROLD TURNER FORD, Ml 4-7500. AUTO We Finance 1959 FORD $75 1960 CHEVY Hardtop $99 1961 FORD $197 1961 TEMPEST $297 1962 CHEVY $397 1963 RAMBLER American $397 ALL APPLICATIONS EXCEPTED - LOW WEEKLY PAYMENTS - STAR AUTO 1944 ECONOLINE DELUXE CLUB wagon. Blue. Extra seat, radio, healer, UL 2-2073 after 4 p.m. 1964 FORD - XL CONVERTIBLE, has V8 engine, automatic transmission, power brakes, power steering, power windows, radio and heater, whitewall tires, full price $1295. Only $49 down and weekly payrnents of *10.92. HAROLD TURNER FORD, INC. BEFORE YOU BUY ANY NEW OR USED CAR -CHECK THE ALL-NEW EXCLUSIVE, FINANCE PLAN at SPARTAN DODGE. CALL 338-0238 or 33^4528 for details. 1944 FORD GALAXIE SOO 2 DOOR hardtop, sharp as a tack, and loaded witif factory installed equipment. Beautiful twi-light turquoise with matching Interior, this car carries Ford Motors, 50,000 mile of 5 year new car warranty. How can you go wrong tor only $2188. Full price. Just $49.83 per month with only $88 down. "It only takes a minute" to Get "A BETTER DEAL" at John McAuliffe Ford 430 Oakland Ave. FE 5-4101 1965 FORD LTD HARDTOP, THE very bbst Ford Motors builds, beautiful deep metallc burgundy finish, with Plush carpets, and rich silk Interior, full power of course — It you are looking tor the tine-est at a fraction at Its original price, then this Is your best buy tor only $1488 full price. Payments of S53.94 per month with 177 down. This cer carries Ford Motors, 50,000 mile or 5 year new car warranty. "It only takes a minute" to Get "A BETTER DEAL" at: John McAuliffe Ford 430 Oakland Ave. FE 5-4101 1945 FORD, 4-DOOR HARDTOP, AIR power, auto. $1,750. 444-8127. 1945 Af\USTANG, 28* HIGH PER tormance, Hurst 4-speed, positrac' tion. 343-0513. MWTANG—MUSTANG-MUSTANG BOY — have we got Mustangs we have 12 to choose from HARDTOPS — CONVERTIBLES 2 plus 2 fastbacks 4 cyls end V8s as low as $1,095 Full Price 'It only takes a minute" to Get "A BETTER DEAL" at: John McAuliffe Ford ^ Oakland FE 5-4101 1*65 FORD GALAXIE 500 2-DOOR Hardtop, automatic transmission and power, SUJS af MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET, Birming ham. Ml 4-2735. 1*45 FORD CUSTOM 2 DOOR, RA dio, heater, power steering, standard transmission, exc. condition, $1250. MA 4-4443. 1965 MUSTANG, 2-DOOR HARDTOP, VS, power steering and brakes. Just like new. Can be purchased with no money down. LUCKY AUTO 1940 w. Wide Track or FE 3-7854 ford, 1*65 GALAXIE, 4-DOOR hardtop. Power steering and brakes - Original owner. 24,0M ml., *1,555 ^or,lwst offer. Ml 4-7251. 1965 FORD SQIHRE STATION WAG 1*44 FORD 2-DOOR, RADIO, AUTO-maflc transmission. Power steering. Good condition. 335-7448 after 4:30 p.m.______________________________ 1*44 THUNDERBIRD LANDEAU. Full power and only $1795 at Village Rambler 444 S. Woodard Ml 4-3900. 1945 MUSTANG BURGUNDY, STICK Y;*' condition. *1300, FE 5-7871 aft. 4 p.m. FE 5-0033. 1965W MUSTANG, LOADED WITH ►ilk*?,'.- Rambler American, both like new. 424-5290. ‘I’ve told you never to play follow-the-leader with Daddy Long-Legs!” __^106 1965 FORD station wagon with VS engine, automatic transmission, radio, heater and whitewall tires. Full price S139S, only $49 down and $10.40 weekly payments. HAROLD TURNER FORD, INC. 444 S. WOODWARD AVE. BIRMINGHAM Ml 4-7500 BEFORE YOU BUY ANY NEW OR USED CAR -CHECK THE ALL-NEW EXCLUSIVE, FINANCE PLAN at SPARTAN DODGE. CALL 33S-023S or 338-4528 for details. 1964 FALCON FUTURA 4 DOOR. 4 Cylinder, Automatic, Radio, 1 owner. *1450. Jerome Ford Rochester Ford Dealer. OL 1-9711. 1944 FORD GALAXIE, POWER steering, brakes, 28* motor, 473-0453. 1944 MERCURY 2-DOOR HARD-top Montclair. Power steering, power brakes, air conditioning. Red with black vinyl top. Only $2495. BOB BORST LINCOLNteERCURt 520 S. WOODWARD BIRMINGHAM 444-4538 _____ LLOYD 1964 CONTINENTAL Full power, factory air condl tioning, 24-month or 50,000.mlle warranty. Asking: $2389 $189 Down LLOYD MOTORS 1250 Ooklond 333-7863 19M MERCURY CONVERTIBLE $150 or 338-7211 ext. 2722. 1942 COMET. 2 DOOR. V4 RADIO, heater, standard transmission. Only $495. VILLAGE RAMBLER. 444 S. Woodward Ave. MI 6-3900. LLOYD 1962 MERCURY MONTEREY Custom 2-door hardtop. ImmaCu. late condition. Power. Power Payments of less than $30 monthly. Asking: $795 No Money Down LLOYD MOTORS 1250 Oakland 333-7863 HILLSIDE Lincoln-Mercury (Formerly Lloyd AAolorsl 1250 Oakland 333-7863 1945 MERCURY MONTCLAIR S door hardtop, V8, automatic, ra-dIo, heater, full power, striking deep metallic turquoise, with matching rich silk Interior, all this luxury tor the price of a Ford, so how can you go wrong. Yes only $1588 full price payments of *49.44 per month with $88 down. This car carries Ford Motors 50,000 miles, or 5 year new car warranty. "It only takes a minute" to Get "A BETTER DEAL" at: John McAuliffe Ford 430 Oakland Ave. FE 5-4101 Mfw qiidl Ueed Care 106 1965 COMET CALIENTE, 4 DOOR, 4 auto. Power steering. 13,500 ml 81,300. 451-84*2.______________ 1*45 MERCURY COLONY PARK *-passenger waiRMi. Power windows, power stegring, luggage rack. Ideal family cot/for only i&>5. BOB BORST LINCOLN-MERCURY Birmingham LLOYD 1965 MERCURY MONTCLAIR Breezeway sedan. Baautttui Ha- 1940 2-DOOR PONTIAC, CLEAN, S3*5. OR 3-7W*. wallan bronze with matching vinyl Interior. Power. 24-monin o( SO.OOO-mlle warranty. Full price: 1*40 PONTIAC CATALINA 4 DOOR VI, automatic and full power. 1*5 with IS down at KING AUTO SALES Elizabeth Lake Rd. at Huron (M5» FE 8-4088. $1699 1*40 PONTIAC STARCHIEF, Excellent running conditloh, reas. 424-*140. $99 Down LLOYD MOTORS 1250 Oakland 333-7863 1944 COMET CYCLONE GT, 4-spead, posl-tractlon, power windows headers, 427 camisky lifters, wire wheel cavers, traction masters, 15,000 miles, *2,000. 343-3230. BEFORE YOU BUY ANY NEW OR USED CAR -CHECK THE ALL-NEW EXCLUSIVE, FINANCE PLAN at SPARTAN DODGE. CALL 338-0231 or 33B4528 for details. 1959 OLDS 4-DOOR HARDTOP auto., SI SO or best offer. MY 2-1981 1941 OLDS *8. CONVERTIBLE. Motor and Interior In good condition, EM B-ssao.__________________ 1941 OLDS, 2-DOOR HARDTOP, power steering and brakes, like new Inside and out. Can be purchased with no money down. LUCKY AUTO "There's A Rocket for Every Pocket" SEE THE all new 1967 Oldsmobile on display at the Pontiac Moll Auto Show thru January 21 Oidsmobiles on display by DOWNEY OLDSMOBILE, Inc. 550 Oakland Ave. FE 2-8101 1942 OLDS HOLIDAY AUTOMATIC, and full power, 20,000 actual miles, and Is lust like newl Only S8W full price. No money doYvn, only — $34.83 per month. "It only takes a minute' 'to Get "A BETTER DEAL" at: John McAuliffe Ford 630 Oakland Ave._______FE 5-4101 1944 OLDSMOBILE, 442. SINCRO -4 speed. $2350. 334-4485. 1959 PLYMOUTH 9 PASSENGER station wagon, VI, automatic transmission 8*5 with 85 down at KING AUTO SALES Elizabeth Lake Rd. at Huron (M5*> FE 8-4061. New «i Usetf Cm 1M 1*5* PLYMOUTH 2«qait STICK. Piril prlc*, S«. RiLlMLr NT iRS, 258 OAKLAMp, W at Huron (MS*) FE 8-4088. 1*43 VALIANT BOOOR, RADIO, Automatic, ana owner, low mltoage, DM condltlun, no rust. 1*40 \^l-lant 44oor. radio, flick, runs well. Phone 335-SI41. _________________ 1*43 PLYMOUTH SPORT FURY hardtop, VI, automatic, power stoarbig, brakei. Mckat seats, all vinyl totorior. Cbryalar Coro, finest effort. Only Mf full price. No Monty Down, 834,43 par month. "It onto takaa a minute" to Gat '^A BETTER DEAL" at: John McAuliffe Ford 430 Oakland Ava.___________FE »4101 1*44 pLYMOUYH 4-OOOR, AVfiK, radio, htater. whIlaWOlls, axtraa, 0*25. OL 1-1500. ____________ 1*44 VALIANt, 2«OOR SEDAN, RA-dio, haattr, whttowaH llrts, 4oiiTiAt ^XUna hIard-top coupe, power ftosring, bralws, burgumto wHh Mack.. yimrf top. Black Intortor. SharpI sa». 412-4472._________ 1*44 CAtALINA '44>00i, POWER brake* and itoattoB, hydra. S2J0O. NA 7-2151, Ottonvllle. SHELTON PONTIAC-BUICK 1965 RAMBLER Clauic atatlon wagan. Blue with white tap. Real aharp and prlctd to sell. ROSE RAMBLER-.IEEP EM 34155 qr EM 34154 BY OWNER 1*44 RAMBLfeR 770 at 245 Nalaen. FE 44378. BEFORE YOU BUY ANY NEW OR USED CAR --CHECK THE ALL-NEW EXCLUSIVE. FINANCE PLAN at SPARTAN DODGE. CALL 33S423I or 331-4521 tor details. 1*57 STUDEBAKER. ENGINE IN good condttlcn. Body nteds a«en-tlon $40. 4474*n. OLIVER BUICK $995 1963 PONTIAC Sport Coupe.. 1966 ELfeTRA HARDTOP 1965 LeSABRE HARDTOP $2995 $1895 1964 ELECTRA Hordtop-Air 1965 LeSABRE 4-Door $1495 $1995 1965 WILDCAT 4-Door 1965 LeSABRE Convertible - Red $1495 $1895 1964 LeSABRE 4-Door 1966 SKYLARK Hardtop $1395 $2475 1963 LeSABRE 4-Door 1964 CADILLAC HARDTOP $1495 $2195 t Ask for Honk Schlaefer and Vern Sheffield (Sales Mgr.) 196-210 Orchard Lake Ave. FE 2-9165 BEFORE YOU BUY ANY NEW OR USED CAR -CHECK THE ALL-NEW EXCLUSIVE, FINANCE PLAN at SPARTAN DODGE. CALL 3384231 or 338-4528 tor details. 1944 FALCON 4-DOOR WITH AIR CONDITIONING, AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION, RADIO AND HEATER AND WHITEWALL TIRES, FULL PRICE 51045, ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY DOWN, Weekly payments only $8.92. CALL CREDIT MGR. Mr Parks at HAROLD TURNER FORD, Ml 4-7500. T-BIROS-T-BIR DS—T-BIR DS BOY - Have we got T-BIrdi 1944s 1945s 1964s HARDTOPS - CONVERTIBLES — 9 to choose from— As Low As $1,695 Full Price "It only takes a minute" to Get "A BETTER DEAL" at: John McAuliffe Ford 430 Oakland Ava. FE 5-4101 smauEMM mM ONE-STOP TRANSPORTATION CENTER VALU-RATED USED CARS 2-YEAR WARRANTY 1965 PLYMOUTH Belvedere 2-door hardtop .. $1495 1962 CHRYSLER Newport, 4-door .$ 745 1965 OLDS 98 Luxury Sedan .$2395 1964 OLDS 88 Convertible. Like new .$1495 1964 OLDS 98 4-door. Air conditioning .$1695 1965 OLDS Storfire 2-Door Hardtop .$2495 1965 OLDS Dynamic 88 4-door .$1895 1966 OLDS 98 Luxury Sedan $3295 mmmmmBs 635 S. Wocxlward Ave. Birmingham 647-5111 LOOKING - FOR A BRAND NEW CAR - You May Be Sorry .. IF YOU DON'T CHECK OUR PRICES ON ALL 1967 PONTIACS and RAMBLERS Tempest-Tempest Custom-Le Mans-GTO Special Discount Prices... On All These 1967 Automobiles '67 Tempest Sport Coupe ,'67 Tempest Safari Wagon (3) '67 Tempest Custom Hordtops '67 Custom 4-door Sedan (3) '67 LeMons Hardtop-Coupes '67 LeMons Convertible (4) '67 GTO Hardtop Coupes '67 GTO Convertible RUSS IC PONTIAC -On M24 in Orion )HNSON RAMBLER MA 3-6266 change of Ownership SALE NOW IN FULL SWING ALL Z CARS MUST GO NOW ! ! HUGE SAVINGS 1967 CHEVY IMPALA Includes: Electric clock, padded dash, bedi-up lights, 3-speed wipers, washers, trunk ligbl, deluxe heater, padded visors, outside mirror, front and rear seat belts. Inside day-night mirror. SPORTS COUPE Plus Tax and Transfer QUALITY @ USED CARS -- 1961 thru 1966 MODELS — Large Savings-On All Units Left CHEVROLET (On Top of South Hill) Rochester OL 1-