Mth YEAR The Weather : 5 UB, Weether Bareau Forecast ‘Geld, Snew Flurries Details Page 2. my. Sl athe aieg Z 2 LESSON IN SUSPENSION—Bobby Alford, 11, of New York City shows Philip J. Monaghan, GM vice president and GMC Truck & Coach Division general manager, his interpretation of an air suspension system for trucks. In the background ™ VAda Wyatt Gets 3Y%-4-Year Term| for Child Cruelty) Judge George Hartrick Calls Crime ‘Heinous’ in Passing Sentence go Harbor mother of 12, was sentenced today to a 3%4-4 year term in Detroit House of Correction for burning the hand of her seven - year-old daughter, Sherry Wilkinson. Mrs. Wyatt listened im- passively as Oakland Coun- ty Circuit Judge George B. Mrs. Ada Wyatt, 33, Kee-| Dorothy E. Bjornsson. IAC, MICHIGAN “MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1956-42 PAGES ' Aboard Missing Plane FEARED LOST — Crew-members of a missing Air Lines’ plane, presumed to have crashed today in the wilds east - of Vancouver, are Capt. Allan J. Clark (left), pilot; and Stewardess i Collegians Get Priest's Order on Steady Dating Believe Airliner Down inStorm Over Mountains Vancouver-to - Montreal © Flight Late at 11 °-P.M; _ Massive Search On ap Wiephote| er, events, meetings and so forth.| Was believed to have. Trans-Canada Hartrick called her crime “the most heinous I have “I was found guilty by a jury, on Page 23.) Auto Show Draws Record Crowd 50,000 to 60,000 Personsplles Meeting See Cars on Second Day NEW YORK \—An estimated 50,000 to 60,000 per- sons ¥iewed the three-floor exhibit-of the National Auto- mobile Show at the Coliseum yesterday, the second day No turn count is kept but police said it was the largest crowd to visit the Coliseum ffi @ single day since’: the 35-milliondollar exhibitiqn hall opened last Apri 28. ‘ A drenching rain caused Coliseum officials to open 3,000 persons an hour and a quarter before the sched- uled start of the exhibition Car Rolls Over, jst Woman Killed. cai ea er Resident of Lake Orion eee Suffers Fatal Injuries,| o meas : ester i ea Five Riders Hurt hibit eg tribute te the worth A Lake Orion woman suffered prying A —doors to a crowd of some,**™ ‘bassador C. Douglas Dillon's offi- who said he had heard Sherry ad- cial residence, where the U.S See mais she was lying ig her testimony . retary is staying, and later at- (Continued on . itended the session of the Council of| ‘not enter the courtroom with her. ferred for 35. minutes this morn- with British Foreign Secretary) ® Tequest for stay ef execution > he Lloyd, by defense attorney Milton RB. He planned to meet with French Foreign Minister Chris- tian Pineau this afternoon. Lloyd called on Dulles ‘at Am- to examine ah additional witness, 2, Col. 3) the Western Exiropesn Union, * East Detroit man was critically show is greater than car sales, im- ish and French fo di i 7 hurt in weekend accidents in Oak-|portant as they vp eran Romney, |were a ores to pte. sO Huge as Prize also president of Ay He added: \ “The show. now f ican Motors, : all chan-; land County. Mrs. Florence Hampton, 49, of | 584 Carkins Rd., died at Pontiac nels of communication the auto- | General Hospital after the car she| motive industry, not was riding in went off the road“and| ucts, but. its policies, On the critical list at the same {nies and leaders.” \ yi Dulles’s meeting ane the at P ot-O-Gold ing session of the North Atentc/C limbs to $1,000 Council. It also appeared likely that Dul-' Now is the time to get in on its prod- les would confer with French Pre-| the Pot-0-Gold contest, if YOu that “all was art h ms,|mier Guy Mollet before the NATO}haven’t done so already, Prize rolled over in Pontiac Township.|contriblutions, importants, ‘eompe- {Counc meetings ended sometime’ money thr Puzzle No. 28 has reach- Friday or. possibly Saturday. hospital is Jack Waltch Jr., 28, who crashed into « tree in West dents occurred Sunday. Five other persons, including her} . son-in-law, and three grandchildren received minor cuts and bruises in the accident which took Mrs. Hampton's life. All were released after treatment at the hospital. Sealed tomate ton = DEN Press \Office Today, i. tp mc. Increased news coverage in The Pontiac Press for growing Waterford Township with the opening of the Pr Highway, Drayton Plains. stories throughout The Reporter Reba Heintzelman will be covering the happenings of this busy area, and ‘you will find her ea reality today office at 4540 Dixie \ 7 i a Pontiac office is 0 i each day. do 3-5911. immenin ca uatee=*='Tighter Controls the top features of the division's National Auto- cor vareahest hit Placed on Rebels Try fo Recover 5 Bodies From Plane . One Western diplomatic mission in Vierma said its only word from K ; pear fee wets cone ie , a plane that crashed Saturday| “eet, arcuate wom ties child cruelty at four years. VIENNA (#—Police and troops imposed rigid NEWinight in Lake Erie near Port| massive search for the missing waa thsehd hate teen mega steer oer pag bt ov rh ok hee sy Maittend. Out ‘ecie fe ee ee Paden gp serious |18W proclaimed by Premier Janos Kadar’s despeta' | Killed crash were would exhausted whan? total, “the ieiger of |ernaibent ~ : B°V"\ wv. Hopp, 320 W. Sunnybrook Dr.,| supply at 1 «, ma, PST. British F re ck eae Pemmive- | It seemed apparent the regime had embarked on a ; iil ' TeNC: Pointing out he was required by| “@™paign to wipe out the last vestiges of resistance. ee cepa law to set @ minimum term, Judge| ‘The unhappy nation, torn by revolt, strikes and Com- Talks With Diplomots Hartrick sentenced her to 3% ~ 4! munist for near-— . in Attempt to Close Rift/""* =. . « Am pe eee Probate Judge Arthur E. Moore ong Big dj. sald today he wil try to set - PARIS (INS)—Se of Statels¢ the 12 children for ta it } Foster Dulles to get|They have been in County tig Three alliance back on the|Children’s ‘Home since they were track today in private talks. with|found by officers slone in thelr British and French foreign min-|80™s* AUS: Ae Cte who accompanied his wite tt, Dulles, hoping to “bury past dis-'to Pontias for the sentence, did iff's deputies his car went out, of on some: ice ise Sports da dewey ete res ®, Editorials wena ghee bees ewes & Pages and Pages of * Knowle¢ ge # a mf 3 by = 35 y, 3 sai pig isi : i 3 re ny | a li. Lea (ng iz f Zh ie Saar | Pe oe g g 3 : FE CON _* as © ve take 3 ts 9 aE 5 i! , oe ig fd’ Pern i baa Paecule ST a uc ial! $s hck iBE: rage: ee Ras SRE # emake. ll 44 Velty == 33 as oA Pat i! ATE i TH od tee sar 3h | iz fe itd = ine ie ut Pepe: j ©), z AEE: =! ll . ; aie ; nil = i Be ; Pe = ' ia le iF ull ig | |7R Wig ites Hilt 9 is seceaaaa riE aay! ine ial | ate i 3 {pall pes a abhi 4 jae : pape File Eft maieee r oes Pe Lees pie to a i ts a. q qi wire a Ti Hay i yt i | He . ay id = |fte TT Pye i THe ii - Her tt 3 Wid ras P| a alien “is pelt 26, ie Z ifs = gg by Bs 38 ee] E : alas Ys : er 2 fig =. pS f i if if 3 eH pl & "Tos sit a fii J aled rau Hi et if eet eledie ig eS te in flap il tty oH. TEE (i if vali tits ii @ iat 2B st, U pia! ha iy file i ta Teeth rill r 3 HU entilil 25; PRG arn ltt itil ill Bin vig + Bere ‘id Le lea E = :° ue ae il et eae e ae af fiat inj iH “iy BE ; & $35 ae fe Suee = ayes Sie | <33y § a% : . is el f i a Hi aly Mild | dell it HH rif Py A HA a ull Cie ite ea AH eit tat hy he if (is a a avin citer a lily | lity i Hy sail Ent at ti aids a dee Halk fat ig Stir | (3 i fait g Ra ate Hi eS Li “al Tie ii cart ha stir ii ia Mot) et ily A i iid 4 i ae i ci sa = Ee ie eit af Uh “ ie Tigh in ih il it HBR a Z| aris Th il ai] i ait ens Hy ith a ao § ie ae a vy z 2" gdes BAL iif nfl aL Pha 22 tetas ads i te aia HH Went a re Hal? a —|3 = a it yf etn is ee ie ff: ain 3 a51) TE aay ae fu a. Ai ly Heda ot) ar 6 vgye 2 3 Hin ea Te By iB : a ah itis cs ify ail us iil Ff Hie atte [ie it vil th ttle 4 dal i: file Eaay eee ec paces 7 nee . Juice. Beats Pal as sere sae and tadera swe as | oo literate ——— Detroit's Wel? 156 ~More Victims. Than/ Polio in 1956. _DETROMT Five ew camel “he een ae rath ~The Result of Meniy Pioneering Years in Organ Research / the year’s total to 156. arid Development. WE Diphtheria now has stricken No other imatrument can. give true, yok modern, erga, a i Say nee 5 a hoa polio in =. have|Has anybody oid gianna ee the ae ee the ae da. bets fra yy, ag been reported. ight enjoy om com- WREY. We'll show you how Se tw atv ll Seal ris gut a abd pote selection zow'l ind th the onaustee “solon” for aaah were reported in, Bettas lowatligce toatn san euabeeed Meriiguidank ty « et. Whether manual add versatilityhow the. ee side, where an outbreak Of|nearing. : Seiaa a eae beginner,come —choice.of pedal attack” ~ ; sease developed a.month ago.| ‘That 26 jet planes, warming up, n and try it yourself! Play a “sustain” make it ‘= Wa PAY AS Lr * "90 maces imO.UOKED: tom fren Comers: Sas Prepac pe or Part respaterecdon ae sae +t } cs U. of M. Increases year, compared with last, while 15 of 38 accredited schools reported losses, today. In a letter submitted to Commission Friday, the Employe's ‘Council day : . “This was denied because it would mean the city offices would be closed from Friday evening until] Wednesday morning,” Will- man explained. For those workers having to work the full day before Christmas and New Year’s, compensatory time will be granted, he said. The Oakland County Board of Supervisors last week granted county workers holidays for Dec. 24 and 31. The U. S. Department of Agri- culture was established as a separate federal government agency in 1862. he-nicest thing about giving G% 1s the pride you feel WheEN you GIVE IT. ‘the City THE PONTIAC PRESS; MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1956 TODAY'S ASSIGNMENT FOR: EDITOR he JUNIOR J rags. thing. home-made. yourself or as gifts for friends. in Sweden. Color the picture and Tomorrow: TOYS - 1 A Red Horse All over the world in many lands and through many ages, children have played with toys made by themselves or their elders. Those playthings were whittled from wood, modeled in mud and sun-baked, woven from straw or corn husks, fashioned from bits of} Children today still like to make their own toys or play with som This week we are bringing you a set of toys you can make for If you use care and skill, you can produce some very attractive playthings. Here is the Little Red Horse of Sweden. He is a legendary animal paste it on cardboard. Make the) horse a bright red. Color his saddle and bridle in many bright colors. The background over which he rides is bright green grass. Cut out the figure and fold the top section along the dotted line at the top of the saddle. Then it can stand up, as shown in the small sketch and the horse will rock. (Phyllis Benben, Amherst, Mass., wins $10 for sending in this | idea first. Perhaps you have an idea for Junior Editors. If so send | it in care of this newspaper. Violet Moore Higgins; AP Newsfeatures). A Swan Boat i } Auctioneer Too Good; Almost Loses Coat LOS ANGELES ® — Auctio- neer Leo Proctor was going so strong that he almost sold his own coat. , the annual | sale of burglary loot for the Po-| lice Department, had the bid on| the coat up to $3.50 before he) recognized his fountain pen in a pocket, A wage among the po licemen had handed the coat to! the auctioneer. Rural free delivery service was | started about 55 years ago on five experimental routes, each about 17 miles long and located in West Virginia. to GAS CLOTHES DRYER SWEET MUSIC TO A MODERN THE HUM OF AN AUTOMATIC éy : ca " METRO-HOME OF FAMOUS NAME BRANDS. ot ~ # ae The fam ous automatic 3- slice pop-up toaster, in styles by of best known mfgs. End tables, step tables and cocktail | THROW RUGS $) 95 sgn * 3 Large 77x30 to 4" heavy rugs made from loom ends of high grade $12.95 yard broadiooms. The best buy you ever saw! 25 SOUTH SAGINA THE HUB—Pontiac’s Christmas Shopping Center for Men lucky men get what all men want... ARROW "DART" and "DALE" FOR CHRISTMAS } PONTIAC PRESS: MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1956 4 lorRAINE 98 each In a Beautiful Gift Box! She'll love this classically beautiful gown with nylon asmocking at the neck and midriff, Small, medium and large in Pink) Coral, Mint "Fr rantic Fear of Old- Age Causes Mature H No Appointment Necessary at vane Lee's §= OU biggest AND best |: Cold Wave Permanent Buy in the City , 2 ; ii eg Fak } att . ffi ¢ ret Regular Full Head of Curls $"57° Gentile, Individually Bottled Letions and Blue. a. P Complete with Shampoo and DN : si Styled Set E A Sensational Value! \ ‘\ cawtuy nae oe [ANA !] 31 JANE LEE blouse with colors straight AVA OG ‘ fom in arate = LWA 6) BEAUTY SHOP Buttercup, Blue, Coral, fs ig ie 4 TS | Mint, Lilac or Turquoise... iLeg wag | Mezzanine in small, medium or large. ff | \ A A\S, Ril 41 N. SAGINAW ST. FE 2-053) Straps and front bodice detailing are of ruffled nylon sheer ‘twixt twin rows of nylon lace, Pink, blue, lilac or mint in small, o& medium and™~ large. have the Arrow Whites you want, in the soft collar styles men love heninine Super-Suave acetate’ Mu sorority will mes Oa Sl ot Ths 30 p.m. arg) ar) ar) ar) ar} a ar) ard REFLECTS MODERN LIVING : ned any occasion. Lustrous finish needs no special core m normal use. See it now! bi crn & Bi y | See Bed Jacke ‘S) aS : SS oe ] THE INTERMATIONAL SILVER COMPANY 93 Ot , Oe ; | Pe. STARTER SET 2 2|8 \ aA : PLACE SETTING $24.50 = = \ ” $8.95 16-pe. Service for 4 Complete Gitt Package So oe re Te ws -B4,-40-44 44 -S4--G4 fe Only A fashion ey . the neckline is har) aP 6 ar Men are pretty much of one mind when it comes to Christ- mas gifts... they all want Arrow Whites. Particularly those good-looking soft collar Arrows that bring real comfort, real smartness to their daily dressing. We have a wonderful selection of all the favorites in a wide range of aeesh Pak ~ Age Sint, batter. ; sizes and fabrics. All are Mitoga contour tailored for a cup and Lilac in small, medium or 3 | perfect fit, have the “Sanforized” label. Be a a far-sighted large. ie |e Santa and stop in for yours today \ Charge Them at the Lion Store : at Osmun’s have White Arrow Shirts in sizes 1344 to 19, sleeve or cen 3 Swirl-skirted gown ... a ribbon e fy (9 fe fF ff fs fF? lengths 30” to 37,” priced from only ..sceseteoed “Two Fine Stores to Serve You Better’’ B16 W. Huron St. OPEN bebdes races “51N, Saginaw St. Tel-Huron Center Fr PAYS to GIFT SHOP st osMUN's Where VALUES ‘and SELECTIONS Are GREATE - re pips vet CST te sees) = ony gfe" % Ht i rt at it 55 A Wave for $5.50 Shampoo & Set, $1.50 Christmas Shop at Arthur's ‘til 9 P.M. 't Lie About Child’s Tardiness ====== juice abruptly. “What are you going to say in the note?” he | EXTRA SLEEP “That Daddy and I thought you needed some extra sleep this morn- “Miss Lyons will be awful sore,” Bill told her gloomily. ‘She'll ask *'me what I think I am—a baby?” Bill stopped swallowing orange|said, “no lies by mothers and me mad at you? I could not. \ | REASSURING TO HIM Leal Eames Group | This refusal to shield Bill from ‘Has Yuletide Party |to her was deeply reassuring to! Sei shige a : od an, his fear of its bad consequences. hostesses, Parents who falsify reasons for *. * children’s school tardiness and Mrs, Clarence Norton gave de-| absence make serious problems ‘votions. Entertainment, exchange for themselves, They imagine joyed during the evening. agree to a youngster’s demand— {]L Machine and Machineless Permanents — and Cold Waves Specialists in Haircutting The Jan. 2 meeting will be held and ile for him. at the home of Joyce Rienke on) — Nichols drive, Auburn Heights. .™e fact Me ne nee — = Mrs. Abram Campbell will assist|'* Telly a “¢ t Ot truth. When they fail it by lying ti for him, he is deeply disappointed. ' x So plentiful are the hardwoods | fei in white, red, navy or char- in Nigeria, Affica, that it is not'/7 the hostess. Bethel Guild Meets for Gift Exchange uncommon to find solid mahogany /at the recent meeting of the Wom-|to cover ‘mudholes. ‘en's Guild of Bethel Evangelical jand Reformed Church held in the church parlors. ANNALIESE BEAUTY SHOP OVER TASTY BAKERY FE 2-5600 Following the Christmas program presented by Elizabeth Gordon, members enjoyed a gift exchange. |= Refreshments were served by the hostess. 4 ‘Your Fashion Store 80% N. Saginaw. Open Fri. Eve. \fathers in this house. It I lied to| “So don't ask me to lie to Miss save you from Miss Lyons’ being} Lyons. ofompared with our telling “A mad at you, how could I expect| ‘Me truth to each other, her « ee you to tell me the truth when of your — late isn’t tm-) 7 | you've done something that’s made! portant at ail. ie ' Give Her the |his teacher's displeasure by lying! — | “Ivy League Look” him. He still didn’t relish the! © > Florence and June Schlesser prospect of Miss Lyons’ criticism—| opened their home on Steinbaugh| byt he felt much less anxious’ ee His mother’s trust in the good-| 7 | party of the Leal Eames group of| His mother's | had allayed| § of gifts and refreshments were en-| they are being “kind” when they | oa SELLING! GENUINE ALLIGATOR. and ALLIGATOR LIZARD Lae? Shoes or Handbags* For Christmas Gifting regular 24.95 : 90 NOW eee By a famous maker , . . slim hi- heel operas of exquisite skins, all with perfect grain, beautifully matched. Deep, rich brown to wear year-round, All sizes. Polished Sissy Shirt coe 095 tn polished cotton with a ruffled front, an edging of gold! In white. Sizes 10 Your Fashion Store Jacket 14.98 100% all wool flannel jacket with Crest pocket. Strictdy . man - tailored coal. Sizes 10 to 16. . Sportswear—Main Floor _at home for the holidays Corduroy Pants 14.98 Slim jims in quilted cordurey on the standard all over with Sa with gold. Weduuble. tn Jewel Box Fantasia . . . a jewel of 2 jewel box with @ separate pull-out drawer, earrings compartments, s necklace bar to keep all her Christmas loot in order. Simulated leather in antique ivory, twilight blue or shell pink “and lined with velvet. 5 8 59 ARES gene apne ny i New 3-Speed Automatic Phonograph ff Wes $49.95 50c 5*)q?5 we Famous name. Plays 33s, 45 and | Save *g0! Brand New renee NDIX 1” TW WHIZIER 3-SPEED Ct ks “se | LIGHTWEIGHT BIKE : tte No Money Down! Automatic Washer has o jad Warranty on With Trede ...... $168 joys’ or Girls’ Styles ; SWANK HOLLYWOOD B i Girl sit : Now § $1. 50 ho : 3B vin O a Week! er a Besides Bike you get all a this: All-purpose wrench, air pump, leather saddle # bag and kick stand. : > ™ ~- Distnictive cabinet of mahogany graining. A "AD ta ¢ mattress, box a be colorful. Hollywood head board. completely new 21” TV thot provides top POLAROID § quality eer a ee We oe ODERN a very Special purc or Christmas selling M AM B nd full $80.95. Base extra. : Da _ intron ser SOFA BEDS fe 9. Home Trial Wes $69.95 $G9°5 rom SREB Weckty No Money Down Floor gamole Penton priced to Actematic Glowing Maple anf Comper Plated BUNK BEDS Wes $15.95 « 50¢ $977 = 17 Week » Week can be de te oon bros Westinghouse Thermostat 122" Nationally Advertised BIG SCREEN TV, RADIO | and 3-Speed PHONOGRAPH Combination A magnificent TV, radio and phonograph combination ' oe available nd va eee) yee oy pay Was or alone! Low boy styling and Juxurious, this cab- $299 95 Round Bobbin Portable a. ee Electric Sewing Machine FREE Metal Table with Your New Portable Typewriter inet is an impressive piece of furniture to add proudly MMT i is lt as ROYAL * 95 to the loveliest living room! Besides the big, beautiful Make this the happiest Christ- , UNDERWOOD TV, included in the cabinetry is a powerful radio and Now... mas Mother hos ever known. $ 308 3-speed automatic phonograph that plays with beau- Buy her a sewing machine thaf . Week up REMINGTON $1.00 Weekly ‘sews forward and bockward. ti briliones ‘ond tonal Coty. PAY $2.00 WEEKLY! HURRY! EARLY SHOPPERS GET BEST CHOICE! “Leather ather Billfolds Ronson Lighters Electric Kitchen Clock Character Watches Cuff Links & Tie Bar for 1957 gee! ae 2 = Scvsmn $EB95 “an $495 ee 8gte Ma SEBS ees SepOS em oe “lk” ae ‘hoe $9.95" Engraving Engraving ee Genuine Imported Black Forest Cuckoo Clocks Were sqpee $19.95 A delightful clock for any room Completely enclosed bird. Rune entirely on weight and pend- -u 7 Automatic Pop-up Toaster $1595 | ha OPEN EVERY WIGHT "til 9 PONTIAC PRESS — MAKE OVER PAPE PONTIAC, MICHIGAN _ : | ‘TWENTY-THREE leek Auto Show Displays | CAR OF TOMORROW — Planning for the future even while James E. Goodman, Fisher Body. Standing, left to right: Don E. they produce the 1957 General Motors models on display at the Ahrens, Cadillac; Semon E. Knudsen, Pontiac; Edward N. Cole, National Automobile show are these seven GM vice presidents, Chevrolet; and Edward T. Ragsdale, Buick. The 13-year-old boy all general managers of the corporation's passenger car, truck in the foreground studies a model of one of GM's experimental and body producing divisions. Seated, left to right: Philip J. Mon- thrusts into transportation tomorrow — the Firebird Il gas tur oghan, GMC Truck & Coach; Jack F. Wolfram, Qidsmobile; and bine passenger car. GMC OFFICIALS AT EXHIBIT — Executives of the GMC week. From left to right: E. A. Maxw@j, personnel director; J. P, ri & Coach Division pause in front of the rescue truck that McManus, director of purchasing; V. P. Blair, divisional comp- PI d in the eight-truck exhibit at the National Auto Show this troller; and T. E. Wilson, general manufacturing manager. JOB WELL DONE — The Pontiac exhibit at the show is the | Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Osborn. Osborn is vice president in charge of center of attention as Semon E. Knudsen (left), GM vice president the General Motors Engineering-Group., . and Pontiac general manager, discusses what's new in 1957 with eeeeeeeee CY YX XXXXNRN 7. L. Wernlg and Mr Wernig. Moore ts field director tn the GM SPECIAL ATTRACTION — A diamond public relations organization, and Wernig is chief engineer of the Josephine by Napoleon in 1805, is displayed along with i Earl =k Aioeys Wil Mee! |e Overall diagonal viewable grea 26] square inches ipa Trade In Your Old Set as FULL DOWN PAYMENT! 90 Days Same as Cash 2 Years to Pay YOUR ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE SPECIALIST Every Night Until Sean ae P.M. 121 N. Saginaw St. m ithe city of Montgomery, * * A U.N. Needs Police, fm |Says Labor Leader LOS ANGELES @ — The Unit-| 3 ed Nations should have a stand-| | FE 5-6189 to Talk Race Laws Amendment such segregation laws in the state of Alabama and * “upon measures most appropriate to secure observance of the Con- stitution and laws by carriers and all others who may hereafter re- quire segregation of white and carriers, Rewards Given Boys Who Found $44,000 LEIGHTON, Ala. three Leighton youths who found a missing mail pouch filled with $44,000 in $1 bills have received saw the pouch, was given $500, ions, William | each. before. ing international police force to help it meet world crises, says labor leader Walter Reuther, The president of the United Auto Workers and vice president of. the AFL-CIO urges U. N. charter revision to create such a force. “If a U. N. police force of 25,000 men could have been Burlesque Returning NEW YORK @ — Burlesque, ‘158 - For work saving washdays. Buy with no money down. Hamilton Dryers “128 Hamilton Automatic Washer With “Suds Saver’ after the Supreme Court. struck! | me |down as a violation of the 14th ence would consider and decide) — rewards from the Post Office De-| 3 partment. E Ingram Mitchell, 18, who first) | while his rabbit-hunting compan-) = Mitchell, 15, and| © Eddie Chamblee 13, received $250) = The pouch had disappeared) @ from a railway shipment 85 days have men present at th eopening of the show “Welcome Exile” to no strip-teases and Across plenty of shelf space with KELVINATOR REFRIGERATOR Big Family Size Reg. $269.95 a i With Trade the top freezer, space on the door. DOWN. : added NO MONEY No Finer Gift... Bar None IRONRITE Ironer World’s Only troner with Two fully open ends. LOW PRICED EASY TERMS GUARANTEED SERVICE @® — The gg Sven ep Gia Sa cE Pr GRAND OPENING FEATURE VALUE! Sliced Bacon a) ‘Angel F Baked by the Kroger master backers, Regular 59¢ value. Save 20 4370 DIXIE ae at Sashabaw Road, in Drayton Plains Take advantage of these sensational Kroger. values at any of these Kroger stores: 715 Perry Streets 178 N. ae 65 Telegraph $ eveniie Lake Rds. and the New Kroger store in Drayton Plains, BL tN Sterling brand lean sugar cured. Compare this special. low price. Your choice round, sirloin or club. Stock up the freezer and save. Lb. BET tata Saat aseipal TERRE RRA aur rlaeagl tb GRAND OPENING FEATURE VALUE! © Soda Crackers 19° | ER RM AE SSE ORACLE EOI cS ” KROGER GRADE"A" LARGE “Frosh Eggs Big, golden yolks, thick creamy whites! Kroger fresh crisp Just compare this special low price! 1 Ib. Pkg. Doz. ~ | oe eae GRAND OPENING FEATURE VALUE! Head Lettuce 9 Vag sola di GRAND OPENING FEATURE VALUE! | 22-29: Farm fresh, all firm solid héads. Special price, sKeosrstel GRAND OPENING FEATURE Peas VLASIC FRESH Sauerkraut Try some ribs and saver kraut. . Extra lean and meaty, Pint 29° wonderful with eat kraut. Save, GRAND OPENING FEATURE VALUE! “Thrifty” Steaks | Tp EAL ST GRAND OPENING FEATURE VALUE! Fig Bars 19° GRAND OPENING FEATURE VALUE! Ee amiestairiae GRAND OPENING FEATURE VALUE! Tomatoes Garden fresh, red ripe. Fresh tasty and delici- ous. By the Kroger master bakers. 1 ib. Pig Why pay more when mn yee can get the Kroger’s low Be aporated 14-Oz. GRAND OPENING FEATURE VALUE! Navel Oran California Sunkist! Large 100-110 size! Doz. | Get Top Value Stamps Plus Low, Low, a Pric : We reserve the right to limis quantitiés, Prices effective tromgh Sanday 2 TER ULI CARD — This Spring- ing season's first big storm, which blew in from f., home is blanketed with snow follow- Lake Erie, leaving high snow drifts. include instal- many groups have held staffs. Masons and Stars Elect, Plan Events Winter meetings planned by Ma-;and both F&AM and OES units Ihave told extensive program plans. 125 to Enact Yule Tale by Keego Music Teacher .jmade by two sixth grade classes, and the director has been assistd by Jeanne Rydhalm, the school's speech teacher, Gingellville May Ask Issue at Royal Oak Recreation Is Studied; Architects Working on Master Plans for Area ROYAL OAK — Approval of a bond. issue for recreational pur- poses may be asked of residents| here next spring. Money for the sale of Memorial Park, turned down by voters last August was to marked for recreational purposes. An overall program of Royal Oak’s recreational needs has been under way for some time, | said Arthur P. Boynton, chair- man ef the recreation board. have been ear- ter; Harold Glover, senior warden; Dr, Charles Avery, jun- jor warden; Jay LaMar, treas- urer; Herbert Ross, secretary; Clarence .Herr, senior deacon; George Yoshihara, junior dea- con; James Rollo, chaplain; stewards; Frank Rider, tyler. head of the Metamora lodge. . licly Friday at 8 p.m. at the George Farley, marshal; Myron Friedenstab, Eugene Lane, Wil- lard Bishop and Jerry Anderson, Cassius Clark is newly elected F&AM His staff, to be installed pub- {BER 10, 1956 Two Villages Seeking Plants Almont Slating Vote While Marlette Federal Aid Almont and Mariette officials are looking to wavy providing for new age ment plants. -The Almont voters will decide on bonding for $100,000 on Jan. 14, Balance would come from special ; |assesaments on water bills during the past few years, officials say. The bending issue will require a majority vote of 60 per cent for approval. Mariette Village President Emer- concerning obtaming federal moneys for such causes. Marlette, said to be either first or second on the state’s list, might come under a bill authroizing up to 30 per cent of a sewage disposal plant cost being born by federal funds. The town’s citizens will vote in January on a $165,000 general obligation bend issue. The law firm on Atkins and Drillock has indicated that most of the plant and operation cost will be borne by the bonds. Eyes: son Kiteley, village attorney Wart) Atkins, and farmer George Heuss-| ner, visited Lansing last week) Police, Public Concerned to partly finance a $155,000 plant.). Skin Diver in Rescuing NEW BALTIMORE, Mich. (INS) —State troopers from St. Clair and Ira Township firemen rushed to Birch Point in Anchor Bay yester- day to “rescue” two ice fishermen who “were struggling for their lives.” On arrival, authorities found two skin divers ‘swimming around chunks of ice “having a good time in the sub freezing temperatures.’ An officer asked, “Don't you know you are efeating a lot of trouble being out there?” Divers Arthur W. Romska and Clifford L. Villemen, both of Wash- s Dodge Ice Equipment ington, (Mich.), were suprised at the commotion. They told “res- cuers” they were diving for equip- ment lost when their ice fishing shanty fell through, A reporter asked one of the troop- ers if he knew the .ages of the men and he. replied “No, but I'd say they were old enough to know better." Holly Planners Elect Officers for New Year +. * HOLLY—Newly elected officers of the Holly Planning Commission are: President, Phil Henry; vice- chairman, William Bylsma; secre- tary, Ival Paulson, with V. K. An- derson and Jack Johnson compris- ing the other members of the board of directors. . * * ,On their program agenda is the development ‘of community facili- ties, land use, planning and zon- ing, street systems, with other projects, Village Manager Norman Tufford is working with them. Visit Health Clinic KEEGO HARBOR — Boys and Birmingham architects O'Dell, Hewlett and Luckenbach have been hired by the board to draw up a master plan showing estimated cost, area needs, and the best use The Proper School PTA will to- night have its Christmas program and regular business meeting at 18 p.m. at the school. girls of Florence Kane's fifth grade ‘lat Roosevelt School were guests of the Oakland County Health de- partment this morning, visiting the clinic on Telegraph road, in con- jodge’s hall In Metamora, in- cludes Harrison Morse, senior warden; Floyd Walker, junior warden; Donald Travis, treasur- er; Lawrence Freeman, secre- The bonds will be extended over a 30-year period. A program planned to start an evening of getting acquainted will! be given by the 233 boys. of the| local cub pack formed under spon-| sorship of association last month.| Refreshments will be served, lof recreational lands of city and school-owned properties. Billy Schinzings Live on Opdyke deacon; Edward Brecht, junior and James Masson, chaplain. tary; William Tompkins, senior | Glenn Walker is new tyler, Guy Henry, Gene Freeman, James Dol- sen and Wray Groves, stewards, Seek Building Funds NORTH BRANCH — A fifty-cent donation to the Masonic Temple building association by each mem- ber, instead of a gift exchange is planned by the North Branch OES for its holiday party on Dec. 17 at 8 p.m, A cooperative lunch will YOUTHFUL EDUCATOR — Robert F. Goheen, 37-year-old as- sistant professor at Princeton, will become the university’ youngest president since 1759 when he succeeds Dr. Harold W. Dodds, 67, who will retire in nection with their health studies. Set Pilgrim Party NORTH BRANCH — Pupils of the Pilgrim Holiness Sunday School will hold their Christmas party in American Legion hall at Following Rites MARLETTE — The Billy F. Schinzings, who were married re- cently at the home of the bride's Sunday School Teachers Meet siiaiss wiz ma First of 4 Conferences ae cid, toctnarty Atbarte, Wet i , formerly z, Planned for Thursday jis daughter of Mrs, Beatrice Volz, at Commerce while the bridegroom’s parents are Mr. and Mrs, Frank Schinzing of Rochester. a Wearing white Chantilly lace | and nylon net in ballerina-length, the bride was attended by Mari- lyn Appel of Marlette. Harold Krueger of Snover was best man. After the rites, a wedding dinner was served at the Volz home, and a reception was held that evening in Plans for a “Showboat” program, sometime during the winter, are being talked of by the Metamora OES. Also slated by the chapter is a penny supper and an April bazaar. At a special meeting on Jan. 15, degrees will be con- ferred on Floyd Olds. The chapter has changed its ini- tiation date from Jan. 15 to Dee.} . ES's date, be served after a program, June. 8p. m, on December 17, i * 4 18. A special session of the O Grand Chapter on the Jan, 15 and several of the local chapfer’s officers plan attending A potluck lunch is planned COMMERCE TOWNSHIP — Sun- day school teachers from this area, Detroit and Ann Arbor will attend the first of four Curriculum Con- erences to be held from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m, Thursday in the Commerce Methodist Church and Parish House.’ Although Commerce church of- ficials will act as hosts, the con- ference is being sponsored by the Two gifts for the price of one! Marvelous new-style combination Hassock and Storage Chest finished in beautiful Bolta-Flex, Stores your . new Eureka and all its cleaning tools, ought Near Farmington FARMINGTON TOWNSHIP — Pi to seek a league of sub- by a committee of residents several subdivisions in Farm- + | The residents committee for the | formation of a league announced that it bas acted as a study group since last July. * \dealing with problems as compli- Chalk Talk’ stated that the committee secks a fact-finding league which en- gages tn long-range planning for a geod community rather than one existing solely on a diet | of crisis action and projects. | Nelson, an attorney and CPA \from Kendallwood, added that the jcommittee feels that good organi- jzation is probably one of the se- crets of success in township-wide Flint District Board of Education of the Methodist church. John Rosebloom, director of religtous education for the district, will supervise the event. . Mrs. Mike Kimport, superinten- dent of the Commerce Sunday School, said that a vivd outline of school lessons for the next three months will be covered. She issued an invitation to all in- terested adults, parents and Sun- day School instructors. cated ag those of a growing com- munity. The following list 4f committee members was released by Rogers: Edgar H. Carlson, William L. Cogsdill, Kenneth J. Fuoco, Rich- ard C, Habbicht, Stanley Kouris, William McNeilf, Robert H. Nel- son, John R, Nyland, Elliott S. Rogers, George L. Squires, Jack D. Tucker, Ray B. Wilcox. | Each is experienced in the ad- ministration and affairs of non- profit organizations, Rogers stated. on Christmas at Commerce COMMERCE TOWNSHIP—Rev. Perry A, Thomas will present a chalk talk.on “Christ in Christ- mas” when the Isabella Thoburn Circle of the Commerce Methodist Church meets at 8 p.m. this eve- ning in the home of Mrs. Carleton Hastings, 8340 Golfside Dr, Other WSCS units will meet this week as follows: Tuesday—Barbara Heck Circle at 12:30 p.m. for luncheon in the home of Mrs, 8. E, Hotchkiss, of 1960 Paris. Wednesday — Fanny Crosby Cir- cle at 12:30 p.m. for luncheon in ~ \the home of Mrs. James Cameron, of Oakley Park road; Hannah Moore Circle at 8 p.m. in the home of Mrs, Edward Bergman, 4005 Burnet. Seeking Third Win ALMONT—The High School de- _ {Slate Turkey Dinner _ Plans call for the use of the sanctuary, the basement and the parish house of the Commerce church during the conference. will lead a discussion group on the coordination of music with religious education; Mrs. George Fissler, of the Central Methodist Church, Pon- tiac, and Evelyn Andre, director of religious education of Court Street Methodist Church, Flint. \State Troops See ‘Area Staff Changes Promotion and transfer of 14 Michigan State Police officers has been announced by Commissioner Joseph A,. Childs. a“ Effective Jan. 6 is the change of Sgt. Claude H. Cook, Center. line post commander, to licu- tenant and commander of the op- erations office at the East Lan- sing headquarters, Troopers being transferred as of Jan. 2 are David L. Corey, going from the Erie post to the one at Romeo, Leo Drumm, from West Branch to Romeo, John K. Cos- grove, from: Romeo to.Alpena, and Zane E, Gray, from Romeo to West Branch, Bible Study to Begin at Temple in Clawson CLAWSON—A series of Bible study courses will start Wednesday at 7:45 p.m, at the Zion Evangel- istic Temple, 665 Hendrickson, four coae north of 14 Mile and Rochester roads. The public is invited to the free sjcourses based on Bible, without church doctrines or man’s creed. Each session will have a question and answer * NORTH BRANCH — The Bur. Farm Bureau will hold a Members of the conference staff include Mrs, Ann Thomas, who the Huhl Hall for about 150 guests. The bride is a September gradu- ate of St, Mary’s School of Nurs- ing, Saginaw, while the groom is a Lawrence Institute of Technology student. Leonard Man Loses Fingers to Cornpicker LEONARD—A Leonard man lost two fingers and a thumb yesterday afternoon after his right hand got caught in a corn picking machine on his farm. The hand of Nelson Ruggen- After the rescue units pried the machine apart, Ruggenstein was taken to Bishop Hospital, Almont, for the amputation, County Deaths | Mrs. Glen Purtell ROCHESTER — Service for Mrs, Glen (Emily) Purtell, 44, T15 Hill- dale Dr., will be held today at 3 p.m. at the Sullivan Funeral Home in Royal Oak. She died at St. Jo- seph Mercy Hospital, Pontiac,, Fri- day after a long illness. A former Rochester resident, she had gradu- _ated from Rochester High School in 1931 and from Oakland County Normal in 1932. She had been liv- ing in Royal Oak. Born in Al- mont, she was the daughter of the late James J. Thomson and Mrs. Hugh Upton of Rochester. She leaves her husband, Glen, a daughter, Rafbara Ann, and a son, Ricky, her mother, Mrs. Up- ton, three sisters, Mrs, Agatha Hurley, Mrs. Katie Tobin, and Mrs. ‘Joan LaFave, all of “Rochester, and one brother, Thomson, of Pon- tiac. Interment will be in White Chay Cemetery. Futures in Nursing ‘Seen in Girls’ Club NORTH BRANCH—Trips to vari- ous area hospitals are planned by the members who form the nucleus 2 Rochester Men Injured in Falls Third St. wag taken ter Hospital at 3:30 a.m. Sunday at the hospital today. Orion Extensionists Slate Holiday Events FE 5-8151 FOR IO NEW EUREKA SUPER } ROTO-MATIC moon 10 GIVEN FREE WITH EACH 10 DAYS a CLS Sees store | gree eee Rex Harrison Rel uctant to Leave Broadway Ait By LOUELLA 0, PARSONS HOLLYWOOD (INS) — Here's Rex Harrison My starting in Van i : n aye E a [ i i rel E However, I can't see Mr. iL being upset about coming to Holly- considered for the co-star role in Those luncheons Cary Grant has been having on the Paramount Sit teeta to sven “Bashers: the Jack Rose-Mel Shavelson_ pic- ture which will be made next spring with Cary as the star. : : r i i : the grueling, long location in Spain for “Pride and the Passion."’ So Jack and Mel are now negotiating with Sophia to play opposite Cary, and are very hopeful of getting her before she goes into “Desire Under the Elm’ fof Don Hatman. dnin, whose iit fag waa removed te the knee during an operation Friday morning. Coming out of the anesthesia, she looked up at her doctor, Sam Hoffman, and said, “Well, Sam, I'm stil] here— how lucky can I be?’ And then Margaret started sing- (Advertisement) (Advertisement) Announce New Way To Shrink Painful Piles Science Finds Healing Substance That Does Both— Relieves Pain—Shrinks Hemorrhoids How. York, i, F- For the first vatne scence ‘has another, “very striking improve- ment” was reported and verified by doctors’ observations. erate tee gt | he ’ relieving 5 actual reduction retraction (shrinking) took face. And most ng of allthis improvement was maintained in cases where doctors’ choorvetions were continued over a period of many months! In fact, results were so thor- that sufferers were able to such astonishing statements as “Piles have conned to be a without the use of na anesthetics or astrin- —_— of any kind. The secret is substance (Bio- Dyne*)—the of a world- famous research institution. Al- ready, Bio-Dyne is in wide use for healing mre tissue on all | e parts of This new ng substance is offered eo suppository or ointment form called H.* As for Peto sealed convenient ration suppositories or brvereton H ointment with CC cial applicator. Preparation H is sold at all drugstores. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Res. U. 8. Pat. Oct, PS. The mabues of Properstion Hi sleo mabe Fete Syiign®, 2 bed by doctors laxati Led ary oe and assures easy DOCTORS PRESCRIBE SPECIAL LAXATIVE TO EASE PAINFUL ELIMINATION WHILE SHRINKING PILES * Softens for elimination without pain. Ask for fz g 38 r ie fells | e see 2 “lt Fs sf r 5 yay BE i Hh : RE iE 4 £ et F 25 P | ia gee a” stork for July. She whispered this just before she took off for Mexico for the Hilton Hote] opening. * & s Mrs. Clark Gable has been in bed for severa] days. Nothing se- rious, just too much social ac- tivity. The Bill Tomberlins (she’s the former Dixie Bowers) welcomed a baby girl in Denver, and papa im- mediately named his oil well the Tracy Tomberlin after the new- comer. Taine Elg told me at the MGM party that she is singing for the first time, and Johnny Green a ea ny ot I met Richard Travers for the first time. What a good looking hunk of man he is! With him was \his best girl, Virginia MacKenzie, a cute little blonde . Marisa Pavan, its Jean Pierre Aumont, said that Pier Angeli, who lost her baby, is feeling fine now. Just as I walked in, Joe Vogel, |the new president of MGM, whom {I've known for 20 years, introduced |me to a group of New York execu- tives, who are out here for the ul He HL Will Back Emergency British Postponement of Interest Payments WASHINGTON « — Sen. Byrd (D-Va) said today he will support emergency postponement — but 'inot outright cancellation — of in- terest payments Great Britain owes to the United States, Byrd, who heads the Senate Fi- nance Committee, said he is will- ing -to help the British in the financial ‘crisis brought about by the Suez Canal military venture. * * “But I am opposed to cancella- tion of interest payments or’ any waiving of principal payments on money the British owe us,” he said in an interview. “We have poured billions of dol- jars in gifts into Europe. We have given billions to Britain. They GOLDEN DRUMSTICK Bex Dinners Delivered Free Coll FE 8-0483 ’ Ts a good night’s sleep worth 2°? That's all it costs—2¢—to give you cozy warmth all night long. With an automatic blanket you can have all-over warmth—as much or-as little as you like. Te eer |S Game tom the rest to keep you comfortable. Automatic blankets really save you money because you need only one blanket for each bed. No need to have that extra blanket handy. Just one blanket to launder, one blanket to store. Saves on heating, too. Set the house thermostat lower during the night. Under your automatic blanket you're always cozy warm, , Ro matter how cool the room. : get an automatic blanket See-your dealer or Detroit Edison * ought to stand by their agree-| “ifriends as ;| Acapulco in January for a de- wl Gina's Vital Statistics &2| Given in Conners ay MARE WO ee NEW YORK~It was nice of Gina to ee me small cocktail party—but why did she invite those 20 other press people? Flinging myself on the divan beside her in the Waldorf Presidential Suite, where she slept in the bed once slept in by Mamie Eisenhower, I asked Europe’s greatest movie attraction about' having a baby. * x * : sans ee pe em my bole es er “No,” I apologized, “but I read that you hoped .. .” “No, not now!” She phil winced. “I should have a whole college of babies for the times they have said I was having one.” Gina's here for the opening of “Beautiful But Dangerous,” in Boston—then appears with GINA Groucho Marx on Perry Como’s TV show in Miami. When somebody brings a girl in to Groucho and says, “This is Gina Lollobrigida,” Groucno’s sup- posed to say, “That's a likely story.” Anyway, Gina now looks better than ever and when I asked her measurements she ‘said: “Ninety-two bust, 50 waist, 90 hips—centimeters.” And nobody could break it down inte inches, That'll teach me to leave my tape measure home. THE MIDNIGHT EARL... My B. W. demands I praise guys, too—so how about the Handsome Hackie, Joe Good- man, of Brooklyn, known to Ask GOP Council to Sponsor TAR add TARs to the GOP’s symbols. This fall, Teen-Age Republi- cans, were otganized in the 10th California Dist. to campaign for President Elsenhower and the party ticket. Party elders credit! TAR’s with helping re-elect| Rep. Charles S. Gubser and oth-| ers. | So yesterday the California Re-| publican Assembly voted to ask| the national committee to spon-| sor TARs nationwide. President Taft brought the first: automobile to the White House. | It was.a model propelled by steam. |} % “Cyranose?” He answers jibes about his big schnozz: “Yeah, but every- body else has to breathe every minute, I only have to breathe once a week.” Jimmy Durante or Phil Silvers should give Joé an audition! Dana Wynter and Greg Bautzer take a house in layed honeymoon . . . George Gobel will likely work the Wal- dorf after Lena Horne... : Lilo was feasting at the Colony JOE GOODMAN before heading fot Havana to sing it up at the Nacional. Elvis Presley named his new music firm “Gladys Records”; now everybody's asking, “Who's Gladys?” .. . A previewer who saw Jayne Mansfield's new film, “The Girl Can't Help It,” said “They invented the wide screen just in time”... Count Baste's ~|band will tour England; Ted Heath's British crew will come. ~|here in exchange, Earl's Pearis ... If it wasn’t for running up bills, some women wouldn't get any exetecise at all —Quote. WISH I'D SAID THAT: The average guy who looks under a car's hood doesn’t know any more about it than the average guy who used to look in a horse’s mouth. TODAY'S BEST LAUGH: Charlotte Rae complains that her| home’s so full of time-saving devices it takes her an hour to That's earl, brother. (Copyright 1986, The Hall Syndicate, Ine.) Tatty Tuttle says she'll never go to the ballet again..When| 2 gets Dome sie had troeble falling beck to sleep again.| =~ | , lL InCELLB! Be heed ‘omic Christmas Cards Piper's Magnsine Outlet INTRODUCING. pay nouns te Pans Nie Non © Delicious Chicken Dinners = Eat Like King, Pay Like Pauper in Paris Bar Salvation Army to Help Needy Volunteers Needed to Aid Destitute at City Headquarters The Pontiac Salvation Army will be the clearing house for Christ- mas baskets from all of Oakland It’s Holiday Showtime 2 Exclusive First-Run Showings! Ps PP EE MS a eae + Pears ero ds west ee a ae he Pa ghia pte be eS at mink jacket, a cerulean mink stole % DELICATESSEN and 4 cerulean mink jacket. Saltz 67 W. Huron &t. boys stationed in this éotntry and abroad 100 Gye SEe Businessmen’ statio ‘country and . Lett ‘ us men to right:. Mrs. John Bowerman, Mrs. Clair Hazen, Old People’s Home LUNCHEON Mrs. Andrew Bolog, Mrs. Harold Bunker, Mrs. 100 guests visited Approximately A.C, Keller and Mrs, MelVin Flower, the Danish Old People’s Home for Set hee Beeeek Your Home Town” and will go this year to tte Chelate party ‘yesterday ot Dessert, Drink ' @BRVED DAILY ‘ 11,00 A.M. te 8:00 P.M. Our Specialty lodge Calendar MSU Athletes Predict 1957 i ShTemacrscocll (KOSHER Regular meeting and Chrismas : Business Year ‘and refreshments, Ph. FE 5-061 for Teke-Onlp .|party and exchange of 0c gi * t B B t t The home holds 26 residents. gained a major fraction.|of Pontise White Shrine No. 92 10 Be Arraigned Oo be better re py Te —iy te bes American Aviation was off; Will be held Dec. 12, 8 p. m. at ‘hate Court for the : Temple. 22 State Bt. WASHINGTON (® — Cautious aarenine ore of the petition concern. | A B 0 VE Al | Bernice Cover, Scribe. —Adv. 2 Grid Pla Admit | ?tetictions of a “moderately” bet- tn Robert Elder Carr, Minor, Cause No. "| To all Officers and Members of ) . . \ter 1957 business year — and fur-| To Marion H. Carr. father of child. Pontiae, Rete No 1280 FP O.e| 6 Holdups, According ivr price increases — emerged crmiian,,naving Deen filed tn Please be notified that @ vacancy) $4 Jack Pol et pice increases —. eme©rged) cours “er tne father of , oe ackson i fro yeekend ing of Na-|enid is woke r violated | ae Genre Neonat nt Se] sccacneey oy tow ceusupseitiel Trade, Aum, ecacutves ot %o'tueiaist A piu ae ae Kon ny ee tL JA N we Michigan |* rade Assn. execut VES /aboald be placed under the ju n | at the Aerie: Home, 289 W. Mont-|State University athletes, arrested| here. In name of the people of the ete calm. Saturday after two rapid-fire hold-| But a summarizing statement . ws notified | ups, were scheduled to be ar-\Said, ‘Serious inflation is wholly held st fics ‘ir 8 *.10 MONTHS TERMS . : raigned today on armed robbery|improbable — unless the inter-/pivd. ‘in the : | WITH NO INTEREST New in Brief . national situation _deteriorates|Qeynly, om the idth gay of December, i I & FHA PAYMENTS " materially.” Jon, and ‘You are ‘hereby comm FOR EXTENDED TERMS * * Fort Better Quality te A $150 fire at 84 Norton St. early The appraisals were made at fi notice Sunday was caused by an electric ‘la business outlook forum held by small be saree Oy Rooting and Siding heater igniting a mattress, Pontiac, the U. S, Chamber of Commerce. |Pontise Press, a | # firemen said. No one was injured. . . he Ceeahar's chlel ccanomnist witness «the, Bewogghie en B. SHERRIFF-G x |combined viewpoint is one of| cr Poacine fs SS Saat oe OP: ROOFING CO, © at , —_— Ave., Pontiac “mild, cautious optimism.” yg pe Ft. Thomas. mgr. * * QBORG' 902 Riker Bidg. FE 2-523! Almost all the speakers predict- ed further ‘price increases and ; some foresaw . softness in. their Y fps " ' ' own economic picture. ~S New York Stocks nue, P . The| Schmidt said it is possible that/f}} (Late Morning Quotations) “certain stresses and strains may his 7 cr NE +3 He said the American business! S boom which began in 1954 is ‘‘get-/] ing older but not necessarily S tired.” f :| Whisky Kills Boy, 3 l “we Stop Any Leah No Roel Teo «FE 5-7387 U Sheldon Roof Spraying Co. + ’ 4] i : d i ay ie ie <-ckk chen et pbtece * * * e-e. * . . f > : * f E 4 ESIDENTIAL—APARTMENT | \S Yj if if 7 if if I / J i 4 a r+ : whi rion fee ge Ff SASUTESRASRSLSISSe: é a bret ok tee PA ing * atk 5 eget ¥f? 92, ueepsitaat oe eR ae 2 EnsE cs Tr saekefe' sapeseste; - e2ece pe nent ors pS ee pate gan” : 4 beth wuss2sis 2ees% styek You JUST. BEAT | Cuts Red Tape | ener | ‘an 5 J : . of by Eliminating 7 : , | rip on the proposed : ‘i Records Tape me Oa eee ae DETROIT (INS)\—A Detroit for Automatic Heat pA ain easier way to do things,” has\*¥¢ % controversial statements in Now, Mobilheat gives more heat than ever . . . has more heat units to ‘}ihelped eliminate an estimated nad peittians, Sey wae ae keep your fuel bills low. - It’s pre-tested for your furnace to give efficient, clean-burning combustion. “And it’s dependable,'re always sure of steady, comfortable heat regardless of weather. You just can’t beat ‘Mobilheat! org gs r i eo 23. iaia sucseSusaguessezy: Oe ee ee ee ee oe Fecal we ti ER = 4u°3° eg? 2? saz 957 ? ree -onesssoensoss..s3s8age3 sSdas3 3 #3 L Township youths ar-| Hollanc rested forthe breakin of a Lake| soon “ 3 g a : You Can Rely on — 2 TD Motithect Suppiy— Pontiac Coca-Cola Plant § * Friendly “Mobil” Service to Produce ‘Giant’ Bottle 4 begin producing When you. sign a Mobilheat contract | a _ Prev . - with. us, you ‘can forget your winter ODice (sre Weak, See, sss: pet 4 117. _o li heating worries. “ Mobilheat service SOCONY-V ' is automatic — you're always sure. Piel. etn 4 lj ut i it Ht bar is ae ACUUM HEATING OI! f 3 : 4O 1262 eae ites DETROIT sTOCKs , : if fect your lawn, shrubbery and drives iak i aT sk Sea Sia in tik : 3 is = si er : _THE PONTIAC PRESS, MONDAY, - DECEMBER 1 i¢ For Sale Houses 43) CARNIVAL nee bes tar sera i * yard {451 Ft, on M-24 Lt LARGE HOME—GI | located on ; disert hte be i Sey st coos t ea home, ts 2 ree en f eaabe , ts rooms if’ peeded, and heated rss Station Site - ; c rage. very pag di need sMALL eS Sra Douro on tet * Bane See dining Zar a room, 3"bed- Wisner School District ae High: “ot aw Toad) tura “Tange, ctunte 4 js an quire 2 70 Ft. Business Front on Shepard Real Estate | fea. "you canes, the, meas Seiad ites igre rat Uicien “tuk ae of cus Maga 2 nye pare Ett) tad Sunday: Call for more deta, Or, sp pow ae large | dedrm down. 2 nice Vaadie ; new, "Order now and hove full base és heat. 2 car “ANNETT) anchor EE] Ee adds, Inc. OFFERS es LE 608 MUST SELL in move ye| JOON K. Irwin (206 Dinis, Mwy ,, Drayton ! fato this 2 bedroom home with REALTOR w_ x 120. $200, P.O. BOX 535, $-Bedrms.—$2,000 Dn. STO | ' S Home Large kitchen wih plenty a Won se Pegs oe eee ne, + Degrees i . Large lot. ONLY | Phone FE 56-0447 Eve $-4846 3 Pontiac cludes carpet, and dripe | _ NOTHING DOWN ime Beetee| Best Buys | Russell Young |?sel tat asa" atiae property for nothing down further details bi N. cure REALTOR + BUILDER of FI bee Stabe Today oe Set 75 +08) RED HORSE CORP. caer PT izabet e Estates . $019 Cass-Eliz. NEAR CRESCENT LK. teers Hie iat] ne SAMO DOWN | Mites gr dec | ES a , Kitchen, ‘glassed in porch, downtowa ie full pase. zerecns, automatic ol heat, s| Buy Thru Partridge WARD E. PARTRIDGE ried Aisin i] gus'vatrheterenat maar: | fee tenes, evr anrneegend| List Thru Partridge eeltiREALTOR FE 43581 terms. ‘ ona dll Fy 4 expensive extras that will make ; REAL ESTATE ® BUSINESSES rami qjpnmotiate pring, the flowers and’ shrubs t210 N ST. 2-Family—Marshall St. | tens hams, willbe your pride. tn, tbe etre LAKE FRONT poen cate Gibson 1050 W. HURON ST. floor, 4 and bath up, all in $6,500 You'd beter hurry and dial OR| On Pontiac Lake, Masonry con-| by MOA Servos, m ——SFER_EYE rie? __ exc condition. Separ- Total price for this § rm for appointment! structed 2 bedroom, with possi- REAL ESTATE INC. og ge ~ eg RR nd bath ome located en OFF JOSLYN titchen, “olf furnace taxis ‘tiny | “DON’t be so old-fashioned, mother! The way to a man's 8. Main, . BUSINESS” Bebaene ) Meolatam bees | Raceecmscteertan | Set Param sayeos | Deer lant troigh Ne monesh ny more—it's throudh WATKINS LAKE RD. | Family Home dows, “Vee. tnd at enter LE FARM — * “od, oz, vores. , Wine- Watkins Lake Front $495 DOWN enetian binds ihroughout snd| 3"vedrooms, full basement so | For Sale Houses 43, For Sale Houses 43| OFF ‘COOLEY Lie LK. RD. atracirs< teazem toms] Bayt bea ooeonn,t | enka deinen eis Por| HO ie my emt cag | oreo |S sak be sree] Rect arr cane ta, | See Mel Sopente Rautg,| gate eee Gran aay Meee | ren wa. a0 9m rac | T" let candy ‘betch, Living’ ieom| farve tiving ‘room, ‘wisp sere | $10,200. Call now for an appolnt-| DON'T "BE DISAPPOINTED | New amen oe subdivision,” 3) empieton 14x21, rm.| inet kitches, ‘part’ bath ‘and tine. yments only $79 DE carpeting, tile weth| aitminum 's orms and - BRICK a tonth including taxes and in- NORTH SI : ' joke Large wility Tm. wah] fren” and ‘clees ot os per “WHITE Ferrie fo Ge cee | sees 6 ee modem, 2 pereons, amt veer er lavatory, O11] tial payment, ome. herent fo Se Steam en, basement, gas OWD | rot sox heat, 2 car earege, BROS rick, full basement, ceramic tie | Gl — No Down Payment er ansterred. must sell this a cminem “ torme ni NORTH SIDE beth, | marvle sills, storms @ 2 x wes, es 500 Priesten, gi Focseusten Lot 9x door $31. is Modern to the minute 3 the rest, $14,950. Don't delay, we Kennett, 2 blocks L. empleton, Realtor tnd are basement, of far pi nAzOne will be happy to show you through | W. of Baldwin, PE 30083. rd Lak MICHIGAN BUSINESS Roy Annett Inc.| Seas Seas St [one men °G “sent w we »|- Baioiaitéey. a Aer oe sat ‘or| SALES CORPORATION minum storms and sc . RC. Cc. COPPENS 1 RLT . "S.Pren af fS'"| Sy eared eee | NEAR commute | umphries| = NICHOLIE |** stat me Only $750 Down on die. cated "la Birmingham, Fea. | Realtor FE 2-064 Open “Evenings | Sel meomiy : ents, | Phons 3 BEDROOMS 3 cenit? B- HURON st. Sierentence arog srttgtta| Evens (Prieta E S| BERR | eee tee [aot ee Ex — am . Eves, tii 8: ¥ : nice hom: : seh ELIDABETH [AREPROWT. (ew | Window livingroom, extra | wore b.ceree Be Orareen sigs best x Ss terms, pee, Mr. Veteran home. bas everything. Dos't fail| ene Eitghes,& cinine area. ‘ Ame ste, 00 Fmd Jord. Seo “mortgage” charges —ne buy’ thie’? ROOM BRICK HOUSE RENT WITH OPTION. This charm- House Sesde iittle inside nent cou SS. Jed tape, tmimedicne pececeston. J. A. Ta lor} } ‘BATHS, NATURAL PIRE- ing Elisabeta lakefront home has finishing. Early possession & am oe Giroux-Franks YOOT) Piece tang ae] meinen naan sag: | tac eo |e ere ge : . REALTOR wn, ion $5 s DOWN = Sale Farms 48 as’ Dixie ivy: eee we aa and bath, unfin- ve cae ave, Pree open Er. Your payment was be less than THELMA M. ELWOOD REALTOR -, bedroom y ay close to Fer bined (pte, vesred wa IN Ee Paar eee | re tase Nt Greene oan | Sesh Pere oe | TOT ey Acres with , Better Brick Ranch ges beet, Dishmaster includ: 7 Ss DOW Ne | eetpts. more tain $14,950 ; 1¢Redeas. Foe brick and ledgerock ex-| ed, Perfect condition Own- ons ote aon ga Will build 23 bedroom full base- | *°,DOWN. VACANT Uther. ft living er moving out of state. all large . GIVE A_ CALL TO SEB & Move right into this 6 rm. 35 carpeted liv i cated west suburban, close in. a “‘AIN ment brick ranch with 16x22} home. It's close to school. room, 3 La wie gn | Zumed & GAD ~ ae Mow, vacem and priced at only THM BANG Sttached garage, Plastered walle little inside Be | 0) RILEY, Brok WM. A. four tot elt bettaen's time ea | sab: Ful pice te tered Walls, tastefully decoreted OT"oaty 6 ears old, this hand $09 Elizabeth Lake Rd. Oe etast PO Be at bn Bulag, Butts HANDY TO 8ST MIKES, Sees eee femea ain ete! YEN cei ERE SR [MELE AE ny San, Fults GSA | a, living room,’ dining LAKEFRONT a rtanding Tm. bome. «3 bed- Builder’s Own He Home | eh — Ey With nefural brick fireplace’ mes | soon we wurtEATTOR we oases $550 Down Foom. Featured aie nestiy tate Exe Hata’ spacious newer a) voom Carpeted. Vase — rma Lad beth Sp. Basement wih Open Evenings “Til 9 new SS aan. water Seca titer iae| Reacateatres | Etaktpieetom er ¥ c.rvony atin |G aay ca, “uae ea Bese! Portridge| mite | BEuSe | Builders— 80. SEMINOLE HILLS ; et yard. The price is right with toon Spacious, ‘49 built. modern CRAWFO ORD AGENCY 18 THE TO SEE eaiek peaionion *. very liberal terms. Shown Look! Pioneer Highlands Brie® heme. Two extre-ige. 53% W. BIRD" most anytime, Sei et! ta] eae eee ee ee a LOOMFIELD BRICK REAL ESTATE NICHOLIE |i ast Seirus “S “ae ss tected earaee, |S K - duane, iat | FE $0676 FE 55783 Fite" Yar steals. 8'rm- Sedrocmns Gp. Rorteation vere Leslie R. Lipp, Realtor Reia Highlands, 3 nice sized. bed- SanoaiN; G60D woURE =. LARGE 3 mh. ae = Rew gas @. Many tail Established in 1016 rooms, full ceramic tile oom, living room, wines Open Evenings A tr i ald sever of tin] See Sheath | fom, crpee” east - aap aan “patie. tat cist oh seasons | estes, Meni race ai ee ESS cre ee | —lacemne Prsperty "$54 bull ‘with per m - . GI Resale HTD: Te ee de | AYDEN Mod in Tagen Evin’ ang et oo Wer teat 19% banding in good shape OLE HILLS | sranren nowe, | SpMtnciudiog goo furniture. Pt eae Reet efa. Rewen sit = , Sea Ea iawn, Me comple, 'Osy | stamens, Nom gat furece Ae full eocement vege — ; F oer ‘piso. per month i0- 4 ooneee sasee Sal aietriet ot of a —fetaas._ Ene. cond. FR O08. cS ‘Templeton with $1,200 down ‘3 per Beats ats Paying Rent siuded. Also oar e rooms. for| Pontiac. 7 = inet, Ses S a ea ons ello | Ty ae full base- us * location, win full Basement Les owner of edditegal income Let | oa mo basement and large 15° floors, “bath.” storms & scteens. | Tment. gus heat ‘hot ‘water, ve = ao rele JOHN gas — $4,000 down.| * . Spacious 154)'x2s" car- furnace. $11,700 with $2,500) - car co tins room, separate ord Mis, Cle ted Ii room has netural| down or owner will trade for | / K IN / | ER Sining room and kitchen “down-| Bal, $100 per Mo. Rreplace. Kastor bedroom hes | farm Stairs’ séreened front pores Ocky | WMS. LAKE AREA ~ New 2 bed-| private bath. 3 bedroome on ist. REALTOR ae Thru Parindge Ww aie" 2 List Thru Partri om 1 lot, * "Fol screened r and 2 bed e REALTOR He 00000 Gown, balance Ike rent. yoom Denese Rdg yy $99,500 on terms. 670 W. Huron 8t. . jot, all amount of Phone FE 43525 or PE 200 | West Side inside finishing which anyone can} ROCHESTER RANCH ——__Mitiple Listing Service | sighly attractive, ” do, A rare buy. at 9, — $1- i , 2 room home, full basement, Eye-catching 6 room ranch e¢| $495 DOWN A new room. MULTIPLE LISTING sERVICE recreation space, attached garage. . breezeway and 2-car attached | home on your let. Call for infor- Located in desirable Seminole FLOYD KENT, Realtor wih br In a beautiful Rochester tion toa wad Hills Subdivision, brick at a =i ay os : , K. L. Templeton, Realtor ; GATEWAYS to fare contraction, carpeting, ‘i | 2 Dizi Ber ang eee 3 | Peepnce, i, ing tom. Siicce | nSKE SALTO LT oe Watkins = arty Wie. net eee fireplace. aluminum storms and both room ’ floors. Bath, é eae HAPPINESS | S°82r2 S25Er&| sous sumo mance | Siew wm sat] Sea ee te BET Lo Pront| cco. al a BAR pert NR. ST. Bl BENEDICT’S NICHOLIE a a and #0 WARD E. PARTRIDGE Duck Late ? ha. Turn north, Wateh | Located on Watkins Lake, mabasivg They Meek Suee, ee bul REALTOR —~ FE 43581! for open sign. Low down payment. perth shore. Tele © yt. sid, full py hg et AE AAS 1050 W. ‘HURON | ST. OFF WILLIAMS LAKE RD. ¢| 88 fireplace — stenuine 2 bedroom, one floor edeco- 3 room home, Bath, Elec. wate _& © ft. of Set Oy oie Gea cer Seow pete | Gade: ewtatam tit | OTE Ee efi ines an S| Boe Baa aM | HEBD RENT Rectooe Space for recreation, $0 f\. front: |e indivicual look, One J.C HAYDEN, Realtor HOLMES-BARTRAM FLOYD ki NT, bre Meee “Otte as op Shade and £8] MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE acre parcel, attached 2 car- on 86 E. Walton PE 8-044! is Buckner Customers garage. Has been new dec- eS Le ts te tard bedroom with Hischep ‘aad’ vats femeg- | food, condition and could be Used HOMES ree TY Foor: ) appy Fo = Z : P. 0 ~ ia ties aes eam wit | i ERan'G alle SS | FEATURING: Plastered| tuitsy tl ene aa | | Walls, Oak Floors, Ceram-| £2,788 8 thls. Call us es CUE NORTH END 4 9ED-|i° “Tile Baths, Full Base |" % Da 2 = ad Don’t Pay... $B Rome has 2 bedrooms up sod | ents with Gasinators, PAS ry REALTY CO. The te tn Ge- | Sewer and Water. , ere | cere oo ae ‘Kampsen) soe /], A, Taylor soar + (ATT S, Telegraph ves. & game Waar ES iat re , List Thru Partridge Ey sibieatban Snes tenes ae Storms & Screens, Wide|" “" "“Sbuw oo 7" °"™ = : coal atn- Beat. with. nasemn sce, tubs and | Lots, Paved Streets, City| For Sale Lots 46 ce eo a St MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1956, :SLICE OF HAM a Soetite store furnished. $8 ROOMS, COMMERCE LAKE front. Available at $80 until July 1, 1857. See at 28 E. Huron St OMS COMMERCE LAKE T ROOMS at We LAKE tL re es from Pontiac, ot ot two-fa oF ‘Dixie Hwy. Shown eve- weekent. PE 3 a, BA’ ee Sars. ‘axbara Rd, aubura ine) 5 nga HOUSE 1 PURK, LK. PRIV- | => fleges, Lk. 70 @ Mo. Ref. _oL “hogs y anyrime s RO ROOM» HOUSE. COMPLETELY *S minutes drive to Meg Division. BM 3-40) FT. MODERN i" ALUMINGM housetrailer, PE 4-1219 North Star FOR SALE BY OWNER: 7 ROOM, 3 zoom ,goertment up. East side. DOWN LAKE ORION 6 ROOMS & oil peat. electric stove. al after | 4.00 p.m. MY 23811, iF white LAKE. 1 BEDROOM Rent Houses Unfurn. 36 0 et | modem cottage. OR 32878. aT . 36000. BEAUTIFUL _ LAKEFRONT. * | round, Lake Orion, Mot water. 2 bedrooms, $80. 3-7206 LEAN, 7 ROOMS "AN YEAR | HOUSE FOR RENT. Clemens peat YMCA_ oR MODERN HOUSE. LARGE ROOMS a] BATH. inauire at Auburn, 2 AND BATH, NEWLY Pees pew gf amin ’ ‘us. iad "i te &: KDAMS CO, |_abie . vag ee oule only, TH, GA Clean, Adults only. 3747 Au- 1-0621. > D pata ON PINE OR NEW 2 BEDROOM HOME, JUST __. Rent Of Office p Space 41 IRMINGHAM Suitable for engineering., Sales of Bee, Ba ot-rarragr ete ste. 2 Parking = BROOCK| 300 8, Woodward, B'ham., MI 46700 Here’ 8a real as ghenee to own mat = just $500 This attractive home has brick front, cedar sh . a miles from one. Youre for $500 durry this off Cass-Elisabeth Pa Otl fur- Bace, washing . frig- _*rator, $8 a Mo. FE + OFPICE SPACE FOR RENT, ’ cau . SEE - BUY floor, 4540 Dixie Hwy. H. J. Van Welt, OR 3-1355. 4 ROOM MODERN HOUSE of i shelby Rd. OL 1-4038. ON CASS-ELIZABETH RD. OFFICE SPACE AUBURN HEIGHTS Chirk kston REAL ESTATE INC, 20 S. Main, Clarkston, Mich. MAple 5-5821 || For Rent Miscellaneous 42 CEMENT BLOCK storage. FE 2-075). MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE rs Just 4 left at 4% per cent. 9650 e rooms, 3 bedrooms, be shaded MODERN te poo Sar ceteme WATERFORD. furnace. reened porch. * Pire- NEWLY DeceATED” = TT pine. any furn. Insulated. TV utilit: . set? 7 3-7586, For Sale Houses Houses 43 HOUSE FOR SALE. #630 COM. merce Rd. EM 3-806). SEMINOLE HILLS INCOME Lovely 4 bedroom apartment for cuger plus very nice 3-room and SMALL 2 RM. MODERN COTTAGE high’ school. Shower utilities included, 160 PE 5-Tl4l, eves, PE 54714. For Rent Rooms 37 15-DAY POSSESSION Nearly new 5 rooms & bath. Gas furnace, Lot 60x210. Only $9750. . "WEST SIDE | & rooms watiached 6 warege. ant noses CUCKLER R Ua weeteree jocation. $3,509 do ‘ill handle own ‘ER Lage! fh pier tarace Lake privileges on See this today ~HOME Rent Houses Unfurn, rm. 36| Huron. i a ua taam, PARTIALLY 7 ogre AKESID: mia. tise. _ GE _Rtween 6 and 10 am poterves. quiet sur- Lx NEW STONE “aR B bedrm, with leges. P. location, $10,950. $3,000 down. By _ FE 38-2300. MART wanes A 6 ROOM HOME, cated meng eConnel can eome come property, I ae pow NEAR AIRPORT “For Colored Families ~ |? ingreew kite ent, hot ‘ar furnace, l-car roe down. 5-8963. RUSSELL A NOTT, REALTOR W. Pik rE UNION LAKE RD, 3 bungalow with plum Laychogee owt rock bg 5 ACRES — $500 DN. z,dedrm. Clarkston District, #,- C. PANGUS, Realtor After 7:00 OR 3-4449 Corner Williams Lake Road & MS® BROWN LADY — PRIVATE “ENTRANCE. 7 BEDHMS. WALLED Lx LED LE. MOD. 42847 . ROOM TO RENT, NO DRINKERS. trance. No drinkers. 165 8 Parke. SLEEPING days. Huron Bus. FE 3-9504 coln C. PANGUS, Realtor Ortonville: NAtional 17-2815 or ‘1-3050 e d Lees 5 ROOM, MODERN Heights. FE 4-4317. ry ROOMS AND BATH, AND GA- Mabie 38 DOWN—Modern housing sec- tion. 8 lovely large ~“ooms. New ern ene. almost new garage. Full ent with Janitrol ¢g: $14,950 MODERN RANCH BUNGA- LOW — MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Spacious Rooms Basement Bite Bee repltce in Egea See Lake front A nine room colonial type ent € . beautiful home to One Sto Brick West suburban hom large lo attractively Sande living room with piace: $10,000 price with rms. iis car garage. Brick Home home with Pour bedreema full basem 26 ft. ving reom, sacellient well yennne kitchen, aute. gas heat. Ce- ramic tile bath. Three car garage Large lot. Total rice $10,500. Many odce pie i features in this lovely me West Side Home ent. . in china cabinet, garage 500 ~~ payment wili ie GAYLORD i 5, Bresewey Este Srion ves. FOR THE HANDYMAN Su7¢ oom ane eh tee Has in- i.e trim & some plumbing con- nections. A os ‘EMBREE & : GREGG 1565 Union Lake Rd. Euclid. PE 6-3194, BY OWNER Nr. OW and W wchools, b: 5 er ~ down, fire- place, carpeting, rapes, large ere par partly “‘falshed Upstars. 6 and shrubs. Large ree. rm. in in basement, oll beet, extra lot avail- able terms, .s613 Murphy, FE Templeton DRAYTON PLAINS vated teseghent, FY garage. Large pore, en- with new hee um com- storm windows. Back yard fenced tp. eee pos- session. $9,500 with $1.000 dn. BS L. Templeton, Realtor 2339 Orchard desea 100 ft. frontage on M59, with cozy ern e ment. Lot be $09 DOWN New mode D custom-bullt home. orm, sasien eak floors, auto- matic heat. Basement, lot 150x150. Ready for t % Many other modern homes Sonu: from. Please call us before Dorothy Sn Sayder | Lavender 340 W. Huron FE 2-4411 MU ¢6417 EVES. EDROOM HOME IN MILFORD ; crea. with with 3 acres of lake front- age OR 341M. 3 OE a EA IY wee bungalow ot . storms pe] Pg Joslyn. $1, SOLD Prevent waste of time by . listing your property exclusively with CHAPIN REAL ESTATE #701 Dixie Hwy. Drayton Plains, $005 pl ad pretin, , base m: e and of Pontiac. ROSE McLARTY, Bkr. FE 2.2162 OR FE 5-3578 oy i. ,BROWN, Realtor Phone FE 2-461 “Saultiple' Listing Service 0|fm pate Peneieel CHRISTMAS VASBINDER FE 5-887 Canal Lot — Cass Lake Land location, A steal at jiM WRIGHT REALTOR weer ‘ROCHESTER AREA Rent Houses ses Furnished 35 1 BEDROOM, LIVING ROO kitchenette, nicely furn. Ground fm, y th. 2062 Commonwealth. a aC IND 2-400 GLose IN 4 ROOMS & BATHE privet. gas heat, =m furn. Ne rinkers, $76 @ HOTEL AUBURIN Room Basement. uitities, Bert Monroe, ; ties, e onroe, ROOM. HOT WATER. SHOW. Lak Farnsworth. 7 BEORM. HOME. YEAR ROUND, _modern, oil heat, call MY 3-285. SouPLETaE e+." welcome. 0. ao wk, em COUPLE rome i — 4 ae APT., 2 OOM LAKE PRON bished | a Modern, ti mouth, DesTRAB: BASEMENT TPT. Cons uty ig Bin. Wosted, adults, white, Pate, bat batt a 3 POOME PHT. inf PE 2-5339. . i B FAIRMONT, 1 ROOM :| Clarkston REAL ESTATE INC, Mich, LK., MOD. Reaso ety nable Ma 3 ROOM Rous = MODERN, BATH. BATH. . Purn , howe, 2, Row ONVER. itlac Lk. OR 3-0326, GUIDE TO GOLD: Sell -|things you're not using through Classified Ads! Buy Thru Partridge a List Thru Partridge Reason- -ooms and bath, i . NEW, PRACTICALL sais. YOUR LIFE’S MADE] come. 4 EASIER through Classi- ood Ads. To solve every- oa em quickly, dial J.B. Hiltz 70. Ww. a ; a _¥E ie Lage flee, potas, 2 lets, 3 Hi ae - WHY PAY RENT ONLY $350 DOWN $33.70 MONTHLY Plus Taxes & insurance ONLY A FEW LEFT eT Ea: OPEN. 7PM. CHAS, MAROTTA Building Co, REALTORS OR 3-123 Eves. MAple 5- VACANT yment and $60 per mo. to ified er of this 2 e full bath living room. dinette & ¥. Pr Near State je0sd Bee this now! — “LOVELAND “MOVE IN 3. bedroom house near Pontiac ent, gas & hot water. garage, vacant for jm mediate possession. $9,500, ir SMALL HOME ted" Rint compa, i a gp! Aa ee, Oe 8 WILL sj va BREWER MIDDLE LK. 3 lots. $1400 down, EM 3-4236. near ticle Rice rn = are of chart rey. Fe note perso FT. FRONTA Mitzabeth te Ya zrornage mate a few steps from haa rocms, i 0$ DOWN | PHY PAY RENT? 3BEBROOM HOMES. Many Features ._.. All Improvements In MODEL OPEN DAILY 1:30 P.M. - 7:30 P.M, ac art ey a MOORE & BONDALE. ; WESTOWN REALTY COMPANY : PE 8-004! FOR COLORED 2,3 4 bedroom homes fu basements ‘Driced for atick sales, Easy C. HOUSTON’ REALTY KNUDSEN Ottawa F Hills 6 and ath home with Tull basement. One and bedrm bath 7 first floor, Excellent ty and. garage. easona diy priced, too. Elizabeth Lake Built in "50, home has eve 6-——-go0d appearance room "t- rangement, 3 8. ab bath and & Denis Shah WM. H. KNUDSEN Prdraom braze ,2%et, aston Down” payment $1. $1,100: including mortgage costs JOSLYN GARDENS SUB. Nicely decorated 2 bedroom bup- gulew with expansion attic, reezeway and 1! Full basement, ot! corner lot. Pull price only $18 with terms. , COMMERCIA $6 ft Troutage ta downtown Orton ~_ 8 room home. Terms can be ed or will trade for North- pon ‘ichigan Lake property, SCHRAM ealtor re eam R TIPLE LISTING SERVICE _ SYLVAN GLEN Call immediately. LOW DOWN PAYM’T 2 bedroom. 2 story home on Going tn Pon . clean throughout. Colored welcome Can bought for the full SYLVAN COMPAN > 2383 orchard, ‘Loxe Ave. ve Seate LINCOLN HEIGHTS 68UB. gage WILLIAMS LAKE ’ 3BEDROOM RANCH This home is in @ very neat neltanothess. is tew months and has Taeny cus- tom features, 3 bedrooms. Large living tiled nei Ale lar dining area and handy kitche-, com plete wat bul tric range Large ae C~. Home is. lo- eated on with blac street. It hes” lake privileges on both and y . Possession before Christmas, Pull Tice only $12,950 with $2.450 dn. jurry—be first te see this real bargain! _ CALL—SEE—BUY ‘ Clarkston REAL ESTATE ING’ 208. Main, Clarkston, Mich, s $500 DOWN _ - 2 BEDROOM FULL LLY MOD - N OFF OAKI-AND AVE. OIL HEAT NEw: " ORATED TMEDIATS POSSESSION. R. J. VALUET, Realtor ! a MS OAKLAND AVE. FE 5-0603 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE > or, ods cannot describe erty, all the outs! ments, inc! large. fami i Bead ey Sh ae oil : 5 i 3 and walking distance | F ave. = | ROOMING tem | Bs tnb eat ocatin Sea are ot with full and half beth, | tise, third floor apt., dandy ga | BRICK TERRACE =~ ot ; + € ‘* i sa, iodide alma, siaeaiie saint eR RR ae