Th« Weather THE PONTIAC PRESS Homs Edition yrth YEAE ' ★ ★ ★ ★ POXTIAC. MICHIGAN, THURSDAY. JANUARY 7. 1960—48 PAGES And I Jusf^ad the Suit Cleaned Oakland GOP Officeholders to Unite in Race Blaze Guts Area Home Party Ahead Since '36; Dem, Slate Incamplete, but Ttrmgs'ShapTng Up' MUD IN HIS BYE - Covered from head to toe wiUi a siwpy coaling ol mud. James Hines. 65. Is lucky to be alive He fell off a catwalk at a’ AP waterfront resort near Vallejo. Calif., and plopped into a sea of mire. It took five persons to pull him out to pre\eni him from suffocating Eye Middle-of-Roa(| Bill Before Election Time Dems in Congress Pushing Civil Rights A winning ticket of Re-| piihlirnn pnnpt.y nfficphold-, ers—including the new face of Prosecutor George F. Taylor —will stick together, in seeking re-election this! year, The Pontiac Press was told yesterday. | Democrats have not come! up with a full slate of opponents, according to [CarlDs O. Richardson eoun*! ity chairman. ' “But things are shaping well.” he,said. Not sincp ^936 has the Demvv cratic Party broken the Republican grip on Oakland County offices. WASHINGTON lAPV — Demo- ever, that if the petition appeai-cd | will agree on. a( ini-cratic leaders worked today, [certain to succe^. the Rules, •isainst some hamlicapi!. to ^h^mmUtee would lieai a straiegic' J?’® the party-.spUtting civil nphts is- j , u vn- ■ U'v< ui vifc out of (^igie.>ist early in this •'•’''‘’ft *1'' I™ •'‘^jwould lequiro registnirs to pre- Sparks, the leader oi me local election year by passing H middle-'House under conditions as favor-jsrrve voting documents for in- GpP ticket, will be s*-eking hjs Tlic hill also would facilifate investigation of iximbmgs and A ehecfc «l veteran Treasurer Cliarle* A. Sparks. Sheriff Frank W. Irons, l lerk Register Daniel T. Murphy Jr.. Drain Commissioner Daniel Mi. Barry, Taylor and Surveyor Ralph A. Main decided on seeking the (ifir ncnilnations in August. State of Union Message Looks to End of Need ^President Sees Hape for Better Relations With- rssllsr rnn rh»u CHARRED RITNS-The Independence Town-RariTlsOn J^i-. son of Pontiac Team.stei's Union I..0C8I 614 president, was quick- ly gutted by fire last night No one was injured. State polii-e were probing through the Charred niins today for evidence of aison. r therroad bill. :ablr as possible to the Soutlieiu- spection by federal officials. iHigh-Poyr^red Uith consecutive two-year term He was first elected in 1932 He Is the oldest eleeted county official in length, ttl aarvice. Twem misklno J Missing from the ticket for the first time in the last eight years Probe Cause of Fire Knudsen to Talk of Harrelson Home WASHINGTON President Eisenhower pr^ be the most'prosperous year in America’s history. And he declared the world is entering a vast new techno- ^ logical age which can ' “make poverty and human misery obsolete.” He also expressed guard- I ed (^itimism about better relations with the Soviet Union. "We must strivfe,” he. said, “to break the calam-I itous cycle which, if unchecked, cOuld spiral into ! nuclear disaster; the ult4-i mate imanity.” ; In his annual State of the Uif jion message to Congress, the iPi-esident personally told a ji^t ; session of the House and Senate rthe nation is armed whh enor-'mous defensive military might which must be meticulously maintained until the f5«v4et Union ia^ees to effectively safeguanJed disarmament. •OieiV WHS immediate mapw Aiiinv in the House to the ^pad hint Speaker* Sam RHybUrn (D-Texi| S*mate. meanwmir, - . gave civil rights advocates \Ved-,Cha«'^nian Thomas C. Hennings; iQj/jjj-eaK rJOn nesday to get moving. Within ap'' 'D-Moi said the Rules Com- ^ ^ few hours, another 16 members Ihold hearings w'thin ,/-Oj/eCf 111 UeUOil added their names to a peUtion,* »«onth on legislation to provide to pry a pending measure loosei^or appointment of federal voting; DETROIT tT» - Robert Bar- larouit Court iudise last vear hom the Southeni-liKl House Rules |t08'rirarfl. turnkey at the Wayne i Committee. The petition had been me f'ivll Rights f onimlssion ■ Connly Jail, deiwrtbed today a Replacing him on the ticket hanging over from last years pr„|»sed such legtslation last hlsarre emape plot that guards ...... . „ . , t , vear to prevent diseri..nn.ti»n Self. He IS president of Teamster Local 614. ; PMgjgttng the ydi hy Htate AOtmg offlrials agntusd i ^ dlM'ov- .\1iIh>us'i then .slate is not fiw pne Highlights of Iko's ''i Message-Pagtr2S Eisenh^er predictsd no natioB _ A ft J \Ai*ll kA I » *-***?«M*w"^i pikTUTViBU IIV naiiun Prosecutw Fred- State poUce were investigating for anson today after Area Dociy Will Mark ever wui iisk general war against lerick c. Ziem. who was elected ^ home of the SOU Of Leaun Harrel- Its 50th Anniversary son, Pontiac Teamster head. at A^rch 16 Banquet itacuiar new advances in precision Taylor, ziem’a lormer The investigation was requested by Harrelson him- ... “* ‘ ;use of this country's - AUas i session. S. E knud.s«>n, Genei al Motors I e 4)f Jilt. Corpr vice ^sident x^-feHeratr— Uon said the nnniher of slgiia-lores had reached aboiil 110. They claimed siiffli-ieiil support to get the lull 'ilSI names aeeded. Heveral Southerners said fhev had no reason to doubt this. \egriM-s groups. Soiilheni opponeiils eoiishter the proposal uiu'on-stitiilional. however, ami the admlnistrHlinn r«‘poiiedl.v is mil idaiining lo siip|Mirl its enael- There were hioad Jimls. huw- Slightly WaTmer Next Few Days, but^t Much—- ■41 Idoelc Monday. Under a -Iw,* .v*»Ihi"-Hiuunc.vs were consider-rni-h he found five leef of wire ini; seeking die Demoeratic nomi- « — lal had ta-en piiiled Ironi the nation for proaeeiitor. Weighing IWf '•fi- the decision are George J. Fuiker- ^ * * * son. a Birmingham attorney living n-71 - 7T „ _ _ Inmates said Harry Bordelon, in BliKimfield Township, and WU- JjQ xil 0Q ___________________________ [ Joseph Bellow, US, liani H. .Merrill, a Detroit attorney liennings tqtked of rompletiMg| planned to refasten one end ot (living in Birmingham tsimmiltec action on a regi.strar; the wire to the outlet and the .u whs.iifi.- pi fiv< bill by early Febnim-y. well in ad-' other end to a bar on the out- L ' vance of scheduled mid-February ■ *hle of the cell hloyk. Harbour ' Hoth Richardson and Arthur G. Notices of bisher m^’Othly niort-civil lights debare in the Senate.; »«'<• the prisoners ho|>ed the gage pavments are on the wav for * ★ ♦ ' *^‘-e»rle shm-k vvould kno.-k out an eslim^ied Rayburn .said tl.r lluik^e can get: «•*«««' get hi. Oakland Wayne and Macomb il rights, if it wants high of 28 Democratic Uader Lyndoh B. Try the Marshall Plan whose name has been linkeo ! D.-1101I Mortgage Bankers with arson in the past, apparently • " ® j address, carried ^ ^ - mationwWe.on^ t^^ - of local government. He requested the probe night Earner fs slated to inlroduw the will be from Cliarles Leaf. Pontiac state, main speaker and Gnffin will acljp^gpgrjtv in 1960 and also called police detective. Leaf and Sgt. Or- as master of ceremonies. vigorous new efforU to check amel O'Farrell head of the De- The evening also will feature the.inflation troil aroa State Police Fire Bu, installation of the 1960 officers. ni,»iuii «ir IT- liegan a search of the dam- —------------- Xir'reMiMart *srd home today. Any Christmas Money? -and low of to degreea. tempera-'Johnson publicly recalled lures tonight will hit a low of ogrocmcnt to bring up civil rights | YEOVIL, EnKl.and iUPI) — A about 25 degrees, rising lo a high for debate in that body about mid-1 coiiil ndused veslerdav to lower of 32-38 on Friday. Winds this febiuary, ; the lax -evaluation on' the Earl morning were from the southwest pul ‘both sidi’S appeared ifi‘ of Poulett’s .'jOO-.veai-old, 77-room at-16-18 miles per hour, and are;agreement to this extent. Con-j ance.stral home despite the Earl's ____ ______ „ ____________^_____ expected to diminish slightly to-|gress almost certainly will pass plea that the roof leaks, the heat- iliam night. some kind of civil rights legi.sla-| ing s.vstem i.s broken, the pillars 'inees for clerk-register arid treas- The downtown temperature at 2'tion this year. And the present' air crumbling and the walls are :urer. respectively In 1938 would lai'gest p.m. today registered 38 degrees, bill is probably as much as the' falling down rill were eonsidering ruiihing for (. prosecutor. James t*. l,awsoh. ^,j,| home 19i8\ Deniocraiir nominee, ap- ,f,o notices this month parently has decided In stav out . of the race and keep with his ' g"'ernir.cnl evpeiidl work as FarmhiKfon Township prineipallv in s.|i.Kd c.« ' Jiistiee. slruclioii ami expansion, are siionsihle Richardson said he had beard higher taxes, tin- association 'that John E. Kronenbrt-g and WiJ. (Sis ale iLre sec according 1 report; the in all likelihood run again. High State Tribunal Eyes Nonacademic Barriers UOV.>*ll)KK-VBI.E \ AKIATION .Independence Township fir The increased payments are ex-'parlments and five clones v eref COLORADO .SPRINGg, Cdo. ytPD—Among the Army surplus discovered by Mrs. put on sale Jan T4 by Fort tarson arc an ironing board, five straw table mats and 18,900 olive drab neckties. They have not issued .yCL The fire Harrelson. Neighbors called Waterford and; He expressed graliticatioa aver settlement earlier this week of the nurathon steel (Hspute, ami said both management and labor must make every effort to in-crease productivity and tbuo avoid price locreaset. In his State of the Union 'Continued on Page 2. 0)1. 4) . Court to Rule on Wed Student Bans court on jot .Mrsick in noilhwoslern -Michi- Virtue said, 'is lo pi-oten ■islon by |:^ri said to TJUiqxi?o ,hr state of matrimony I AN.4ING iM— Ivhould iiiai ril'd "II agers 111 high S'tioiil be per-^ ^ iTTcft tO'lakt" part Hr aihletlcs ilrcuii 4uage Howai id uUu.r nonacademic actiYilic&li belL He refused to overrule Tlie Micbignn .Supreme.Court iS| st-hool board which barred two .peeled to give its answer iiv Ig-year-old Iw.vs Iroin playing next few yv'ceks. ; high school tooiball alter the.* got The question was argued be- | married. . s •» » , f'lre the Justices yesterday. The Tlie ^cltiwl Ixiard dt the villagei i#'T4tU^:i3i;s-era-t)Mhetow,'*-h-MT».; peeled to van considerably from, at thfe scene within minutes; but x o tr'j. ci t, i one .oinmunilv to another .ind de- fin'inen weir unable to save fhe.UrCSS tO npOnSOT KltCIlCn oCnOOl pending on tnopej-jy value. . one slory hump from liemg gutted — . ■ . . Mi> llaiirlsoii said she had , liillial pavmeiils are cx|«-c dumpi'd l igarelte butts from se lo cover lav and | insurani n ^ eoiltainer ( creasrs ,n both H..W HUd im i»i ch earlier in the ev Ipu imirigugc...baiikcl'.s .cfganita- JiiniL- Classic Chance for Cooks .Mrs. yiaviiie Virtue, an awdst-anl attorney general, aaid the I sehool board's rule “makes see-•nd cisss eiliiens ol married stj-! denis." the security of legal 1 ■ She said the Mesick Sdiool " Board’s rule could creule prob-- lems In "shotgun wedding situa- ' ★ ★ lions" although this question was 8® "P ipv^lved in the marriage of 'hkd-'fe»:-’^Kiftde'r;' or Iimi No Set Policy on Married Pupils Here Dr. Dana P. Whitmer. superin-. to rontinne them, tendnit (rf Pontiac achoois, today] tiM.|n quit, said there is no Board of Education policy , regarding married Students. ^ “We make these decisions in the best interest of the children in-J ... volved and keep an eye on the' 'It ha^ been our administrative •> practice to attempt to talk to a jituijcnt In a guidance w'ay when the student gets niflrried in high ' Controversy has arisen in other sehool,”^ Bifid Whitmer. "*We t^rirsPhoof systems' when the :admtn1s. this is a guidance problem. tration or Board re.sfricfi-d fl# priviledges of the marrien students prohibited them from partici- a married mtiidenl from extra is treat-student." A Ponhac Northern High School approval of their parents •To pkt It blnnUy,” Mm. Virtue tald, “this rule would peu-fiixe those youngsters who might In that situation deeide to legalixe their union, aceept their KiO.UtKi homes ih Liifer\she lieard crackling com- ,, _ mg fi’om'ihe 'oar of the house and National Live Stock and Meat Board and sptmsorad by V a a went to' investigate .She found The Pontiac Pfcss, Will be held Tuesday, Wednesday, ■iaiion suy.s payments Hanies swepping a^ss the^poich Thursday and Friday, Jan. 26, 27, 28 and 29, at Pontiac ”■ liH'w-aiTs. Hanei^rtoW^irr Ceiltral High School Auditorium. V. -----EaClS^Ston'Willb^ Hhouibig “tire," she ran back aftemoon. There will be 10*----------------------------- the ' living room i orfgagps re- T qulring monthly escrow deposits, fur taxes and Insurance inust i Page 2, Col. '.'i In Today's Press borne for their expected child. ^ "It woliid reward those who were ■ ••If we are convinced'they are -•"f” .r*"*'"* ’•‘•"11"“' pating in extra curricuiar activ- their education, we will continne . ' ^ them. After talking to them. Hi 1:“ we feel that it would no! be wise i Whitmer said: ••We do not iiar .I-'; admitostratbr said there j t'^nnic, about wven married students. | p,aces a premium upon illegitl- foufiy New, .. four girls and three boys ' in „,acy." - Mllorials ■attefldeneeThere. , j jp a brief submitted the court.' Michjgan^s Future ............. ------------—l*l............, [the board'x attowkt»,v Qiafles H,] Food itocHon Central. High School reports Miltner. argued: . ! Markets . . . there are several married young-' "Students today are moi> ready j Obituaries steiw enrolled. ’’ to accept the actiomi of their peers; Sports The schools considered the the thing to da If any rowried Theaters ...... ter ''personal" and acknowledge Ifiudents are in a ppsition of idbtl-i TT' & Radio rrograitis there may be mdre, mairied stu-^zation. the more dMirous is the .Wilson. Earl -deifis Ihaii ate known about., gj'oup to mimic.' ^ Women's Pages her two children from the burn- . Ing bouse. Her husband's visiting i-pusln. Mrs. Sharon Harrelson, I IB. with beir six-montb baby «w- ' raped, also. Voung Harrelson : was not there. | Last night's fire recalled aft-^Ap-1 41 gust, 1958, blaze that swept ,j apartment of a girl friend oU i-g Li'aun HaiTclson Sr., and anothcl\ ; 4g that, destroyed the plush Blooin- «g.jl fiejd Township home .of Detrpit . 4^ 'traTriKters" business agent ;Charies f \ v ,4 O'Brien last Jul.v Both Jires were ;■ \ \ ^ J.VS9 '‘“bed the ruBuIl of arson fol- f . V L ' lowing investigations by state po- ; \ \ • ;, . , . K - \ V. ^ I? Neither of fhese fires have —jm. .. '(jontinued on Page*‘2, Cbl. 2) CONSTANCE W'EISER or 12 different dishes pre- pared and demonstrated daily. F*rlzes from lock! merchauti are to be. given at each demonstration. There is no admiskkm.fee. Cottstanee Wetaer, m" gruduuto ber of the NatioMl live Stoek the school, assioled by Cebele. aloo a grudunto I In coimectimi wtHi the cnokb« school a specifi lectMn ol Thk Press wfll be piiihU*bcd Jaii. JJ. . -t.- ■a. This will iiKlu|de m ______________ of the best reader redpes i._ 3i.xhed In The Pneks in the past kevcD ifam.- ■i. -■ ? ■.. . it ikk FOMIAC PRESS. iHLHSDAV. JAMAHY 7, ItfOO ■I wpeFvisors Put Halt' b Drain Pay Boost ^iy r.EflffOE T. TRIIHBIXL JR. mM Mm WUhcnip. cwmty per- ; Ajv att«'mpt by Draia Gommis-j JirerM. loner Daniel W. B«?Ty to boM* Bmy wns m* nvaiUbte foe cobb-! fs dejm^i's wfth funds framT****® • . je Southeastern Oaldand' Coonty! * * * ewage Di.sposal System bas beta I" * *<> Witberup, Mtkred stopped by a eomnuttee,Ba»*>’ “W he waa tiansleriiig Jl.-f the Board of Supervisor*. from the systerti’s drain funds At the same time, the Salaries! ^ Committee yesterday ashed N6r-|'^‘‘.‘® ^ (mn R. Barnard, corporation eoun-^ ^ it hit *aiii^ itvi "Theridore.” Barry Instructedi L*J1.7K. ^tbe attempt was seee by »omei**ITti$^ar, Donald \V. Rir^ler. l^s evWewee sf Barry’* tbssatis- new deputy DPR’ director, wU re-^tioa that Evans, a county . oeive $12,300, Witherup said. ■ txmplove sbice i*!6, was recelx _ . .. . |a«^slder.Wvieo*thaaac«.. i 1_ n-nsrt I '••®rs •*«* delegated the ai Mlir marks. commissioner at agent la .|m«rt af Publle Rorks. ^ J» The interdep.irtmefit feud, if it; auprrviaiag ail drains la the it one. comes at a time wtaenj aoutbeoat arethm a( the eouaty; | iounty legislators will seek to con- „ —ill-♦„ ClidateX two departments. 1 ■T**? “ annuafly toward Evans' salary PAT MXON Mrs, Pat Nixon to Appear Here Vice President's V^He Accepts Invitation of Repoblicon Women U.S. Prosperity Will Top All Other Years in 1960-l^e 'Continued FYom Page Onei iment ai^ pronouncements "sug- potmtial c^er to tbt nation of ^ such prolonfOd labor-managoinemr*!. ^ disputes m^ he md. Itow^er,*'^* Uhion and the free world.’ be pnipo^ no jvmedy tbitSufb’FEARe FAU ~ legl^tibn. * j £ts«nhow«r cautioned free no- Instead, be said he intends to tjong against being “misled by iqjfMurage regular disoottons be-ipi^gant promises.” but be s»ld tmeen managjement and labor,'tpe united States intends to deal outside the bargainteg table. !wiih the Soviet Dnion with the ut-APPEALS FOR HARMOVF »ost serioumess. ! To the newly convened Congress I ^ , , . sprinkled wW< prasWentiai hope- .*'* fUls. EisenhOteer-ooling he is be- <*«» "«* the Soviet Union ginning his last yeSir ia.4ifficfe«> appealed for harmony in relations Ttetweent the White House and the flemocratic-controlled Congress. “Every mHuite apeot In terel-evaat teterbraaeb wrangling ti prertous lime teken from the In-teIHgent initiatton and adoption ’’It is worldwide knowledge that af eaheirent palicies tor onr as- any nation which might be tempt-ttonal snrvival and pollries.” he led to attack the United Staes, said. . jeven though mir country might The President, who has had to would itself work with a Deroocratic-nm Con-iP"^P^ to touch off an all-out war. “it Is my stuped coavicUoa that na natioa wiH ever risk war agafant ds nates* we should be •o toMlsh ns to negtect the de-feMe tmves we now oo power- Nikita Extends Tour to Burma Lttovtts About fob. 10 for Indio, Indonosio; Other Reck Ako Trip MOSCOW (API -> Isveatia Indi- wUi stop In Burma be well as India during his trip to Indonesia next month. ♦ * b The Soviet government newspaper reported that Khnudichev had invited to via% by both Prime rter Nehru and the government (d Burma. Altiiough the accounts did not say be accepted, tt waa aaaumed that tiie Invitations would not have been extended and pubiicized unless acceptance had terrible iwho has the final authority overt Republican women of Oakland gress the last five of his seven| years st ruction. Several c0mmrtteemembem^;^;^t'^^';^p“7d™iki ^8,'de^ C(«myw^'happy"todayth^ In I^ceT remaiked~that' . fciTlay voiced disapproval of Baiv ^vwd p*y by users ofjcountry’a next iint Jady"^Mrs. nevertheleis “we have weathered of oyer SJlOO mileE At- fy s attempt to over «ir^ the various drains, can be used for Richard M. Nixon—has accepted the ttornik.” And he pledged in,‘“ ^adt' «fter ^ It was the general feeUiig of the an invitation to a Feb. 15 recep- his final vaarm **dfivnt# mv wthin |tes years salaries. Others qu«-„,mmmee yesterday that once amed whether Barry might not ^ ^ they should Mve the authmity -stay put. t “It’s a matter of cenfllrt be- 1 WAA Hwttm the two depailmeaes, ”, "I’m in sympathy with the drain ------------------—-Icommiaskmabut lil - ' : using the ri^t tactics,” said Rob- !ert E. Lilly, secretary of the I year to ’’devote nay I tkm during her husband's visit to'energies to the tasks at hand. Detroit. It is believed this will be the tiie promoting of world under-1' I circle- of total destruction,' oidy public reception tor Mrs. Pat!standing, negotiations to reduce the^AUa^ mi^e. Nixon during the vice president’s I international discord, or constant ......... Man of the Year beadline Near f ; Two Weeks Remain I to Submit Entries for r 1 Area Joycee Award I The deadline is two weeks sway r nomtnattons ih the “OutMand-g Young Man of tiie Year” const annually by the ontiac Area Junior Chamber M Board of Auditors “Ife’ve and it remains at that,” said Clawson Supervisor A. Taylor Men-zies emphatically. A A Meanwhile, however, Barry has been ordered not to adjust Evans* pay until Barnard surveys the law. The winner will be honored at fe annual Bosses Night banquet, in 27»pt Elks Temple. NomliiattonB may be made by Probe Cause of Fire at Harrelson House (Cbntiiiued Frem Page One) been salved, bat aaather Team- This waa the burning of a dry deanars pickup station just outside of Flint on Aug; 3. 1^. that' ) miles of the ta^ iget. 13118'is less than the tengtii- ■ j«t runway—well within the adiether these involve travel tori - he Detroit. The lavttottoB was extended by the R^al Oak RepnMIean WsHMl’f dab. Acceptance waa ' by Mrs. LesHe C. Consterdiae, president, aad Artinir G. Elltott Jr., ceaaty 0 ekalmuui. As yet no time or place has been settled on tor the visit. However, it sdll be an afternoon reception for which invitations wiH be sent out, accordirtig to Mrs. William H. Chapman and Mrs. John H. Austin, gen^ cochairmen tor the affair, r A the county have already begun jilans for what they cal! the visit of the country’s "next first lady.” NIxen leoRiB today as the n- with the Congress and the American people on issues both domestic and foreign.” ^striking power In manned bombers is unmatched. He added that increasing numbers of nuclear The President’s State of the Un- jWbmarines. - amw aimed with White House announcement of the risit by President and Mrs. Eisenhower to South America next iott message tttetehed the admini' istration’s 1960 prognm in only broad outiine. The details wiU be set fprth in his Jan. 18 budget whidi he announced formally today will call tor balanced spending and income in the new fiscal year, starting July i- ^ .u • ' apparent to everyone: S5”S^m'iHousewi/e on about 81 hiUion’doHma. ^ Sr‘Lor ChOCk ChatgO j'ftie Day in Birmingham Will Organize Chapter of Citizens for Michigan BIRMINGHAM — An org&ixa-jchttaos can be oMMaed by phon-tlonal meeting of tiie Blrmlngbamling the Recreation Board office, chapter of the Cltisena for Micb-1 “ p - igan Coounittee wiUHie held Monday at 8,p.m. in the Communhy The atatewkle nonpartisan committee, organized in September by American Motors PiMddent and Moomfieid Hills residem George Romney, will study slate government problems and means for present Ns ehaitar te Me Blr- ' Atsphea K; WMk Service (or Stephen K. Wiith, seven-year-old son of BIr. and Mrs. David Wbth, 988T5 Charles Lane, Franklin, wiB be hdd at 1 p.m. Saturday at Lutheran Church of the Shepard Kim^, Wot Bloomfield Township. ns hod^ wlU be at wnam nan Itaeral Honse, Rtpal Oak. ittt n a.n. r ' ■ - - - Khrushchev is scheduled to leave Moscow about Feb. 10. He ill be preceded Jan. 20 by President lOementi Y. Vcumdifiov, deputy iwnnier Frol Kozlov and Ekaterina Furtseva, onl^ woman member of the Communist Party PrMdDttiti. Ihey will tie maldi« state visit to India, and little of high politic*! significance is expected to trimmire. CodMdrBien of the Knningham chapter, Raymond A. VonDreUe and David F, Breck agld they applied tor the charter immediate , following an Oaldand County organizational meeting in Pontiiic He died yeeterday After a nine-week illiKu in Detroit Oiteopatliic TUe will be Khrushefaev’e eec-ond trip to India and Burma. •Pw President said the rifion’s Hb first wag to when Im and then-premier fnkc^ Bulkin mate a tour of neutralist countries. induding Yugoslavia. The Soviet newt agency Tass to- (teadly titesaw. wia he e»-- com:^^ , ^ , U^taidea Ifjteamm mMeaeassukMAWNAee* jk# tering service. ' In this presidential and congressional election year, with Republicans sure to hammer at peace and prosperity campaign tjiemes, Eisenhower said: Will Arraign The' of EUrmi^- ham has announced it will devoce a portion of its next meeting Jan. 13 to discuss the plans and grams of the (Stizens far Michigan group. The Ruth Shain dass in International Affaire will weekly meeting* at 10 a.m. Jan. 12 at the Community House. The program will renter aroaad A 17-year-old Auburn Heights | » report by Mrs. George L. Hag-housewife accused of passing more i o" the appraisal and posi-than S2.000 in bad checks wifi be Moo of Red Odna. arraigned in Circuit Court Monday. The public is invited free ofi j AAA 'charge. I Mrs. Nancy Harper, 17, of The cochairman welcomed terested persons to attend the Monday meeting, regardless of whether they had attended the Pontiac meetli«. ppileattou Isr the Alls. J. B. BeM«et. Jeanae Ltoyd. WUllam J. Oodiraa, Mra. Joyce VouOrehle, Lebuard A. Kmow-Mk JMtygt Iticrto—. Utter, Johi MoVay. An R. Klete. Cllftord C. Vu Dyke, Cbarico Davtoon and T. L. , Surviving besides hlA parents are a brother-Jeflrey, a sister Paula, grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Stuait Kraihp of Pontiac and great-grandmother Mrs. Loifid Kramp of Pontiac. , Lathrup Woman Only 'Victim' Aboard Plane A Lathrup wnnan was the only casualty among 96 persons aboard a United Air Lines DC8 Jet air-finer forced to make an emergency lanfing east itf Denver gt Buckley Field, Ooh)., yesterday afternoon. Mre. George C. King of 27912 R -California 8t auffered a broken toe when she slid down an emergency "escapa sUte after the Abn*' ' nded. Mra. King. 5E with her toe in a ist, was to resume her trip to Chicago today. The others left earlier after being transferreJ to another aircraft. The jet liner wan en route from San Francisco to CMoago when a failure in its, hydreuMc system developed. this yeor after New York Gov. Ndsesi A. RockefeUer’e wNh-drawal from tiw race. r orgaalsottoos, uid took tte life of h^an ton* vie-j ____,! aid to bolster the free world s Lewis, rooeet chalnnaB. Itmi Frank Kierdorf, a Flint Team- be cosponsored j comminilwn: for Mart. f"VVe are seeking deserving can-'idates, who have contributed their series and talents willingly to ’ our community - — e to live in,” he said. better Kierdorrs fellow business agent, Jack Thonuwon, was sentenced to prison after having been eonvictrd. to setting the fire along with Kierdorf. ‘ I Candidates must be between the tees of 21 and 35 inciuslve, said tewis. If the nominee will have reached his 36th birthday by the |hd of tile year, be stilt is el^ilde I the activities for whteh he is itdged were performed when he fas 35.' I Candidates need not be Jaycees, lud Lewis, nor do they necenarily lAve to be resident! of the Pontiac Area. T A ' ♦ ★ 'But their services *ould have performed here,” he added. Applications can be obtained _ Lewis through the mall,'by —teiting to Dlstlngqished-A«ard. Box 448. Pontiac. Okland County Council of Repub-' I"™* ^ '***“• Mean Women’s Clubs. ' ^ last year, par- | It It It ticularly with respect to protect- : The Council, today consisting of !*** *••• •Mb* to vote: new farm nine member dubs, including the bw^lse rroommemtod prexl-Royal Oak group. wUI take advan-' outnwded jtage of Mra. NUon’i special ap-1 ipearance here as a kickoff fpr al countrywide drive tor membershte' !“ ^ t |in the Council. ; •*'*• *® MMwereSf etete and lo- ; I Nixon is not expected to appear | *** 'bssroom constniotloa. ! other than in Detroit. j Alluding to the threat of the free! _ . ^ j The last time the Nixons were in I world from communism, Eisen-I (ConUnued Prom Page One) [Oakland County was in 1966 when hower said; ”W’ith both sides ot\ pay each month the eqidvalent [the vice president’s campaign train!this divided world in possession of one-twelfth of the doe tnxeo. |whistIestopped in Pontiac during of unbelievably destructive weap-SS.I. .nnii.. presidential campaign that ons, mankind approaches a state This applies whether they ^ Mrs. Nixon was introduced I where mutual annihilation be-gathered at the j comes a possibility.” . West Huron raUroad station. -- - (Federal Holising Administration)' types. TAX PATTERNS Eisenhower said that despite the long steel dispute, marked by « Gof/freV PlonS U&day strike and then a badk-to-work court order, the bw^et Sinfnri’ tor the current fiscal year endingOUlUll, June 30 will *ow a surplus of'C/vrM Hir about 200 mlllloe doUara. OUllJ Oil /IJi ------____________. Avaion M.. waived examination i The sled Municipal Judge Maurice^MTWTranbrook Site is! st^ breause his teet were “• |E. Finwgan Montey. She was available for winter sports when aching and ”it teemed to me toll to India next monte. freteased frem the Oakland County, wrother permits. n that providence had placed the * ■* * Jail under $500 bond. information on heoinnera' ■!£> Sara Leveason, radio and tele- | AAA visiM peroomUlty. dlscli^ IMs i Harper was arrested Dec Looked Good to Him GREAT YARMOUTH, EngUnd (UPI) - Harry Boyle explained yesterday that he had taken the Amoiig other thtags, called for ooattaaaaer of foniga Information on beginners’ sld' cycle there.” He was fined $5.60. local Level Costs Up Mortgage Tab ....... , mg to pass a bogus check at the, casting System asked him to pe^ry street branch of the Cbm-! take over Godfrey’s dally radio ln,unj,y National Bank. ■how la iebroary. ^ §f,p j, phargg^j uttering and AAA I publishing. LeveniMNi, here for a lev*— perfonaance, agrood. RONSON CFl SHAVER jTemperatures Moderating fUl Over Nation 'i ' |ti« Mark elude banks, savings and loans m jr j. IFN ■* TX *1 ra^dical Society President R« n* AuoHated Preaa ' *"‘™**“ bave been k«- .|ticularly rapid” In certain subur-ban neighborhood, to whi* home ^rked lmprove^t today, with attracted partly r«». * - p » jBut rainy w-eather continued in River valley to the irolinas. Snow fluiries flecked a areas in the Tennessee Valley. dude banks, savings and loans ipanles, insurance f mortgage bankers. fanmediato Dr. "Walter J. Z i m m e r m a h. fall, Robert M. Bookmyer. Harry issoclatloB, 32340 Sylvan Lane, Birmingham, jArnkoff and Thomas S. Mclnerney. he railed *aiiglBg |last night officially assumeil office; Delegates are doctors Felix J. la steurbaa aad la- as president of the Oakland C^ounty | Kemp, Harold A. Furlong. Chaun-Medical Society at a dinner meet- cey G. Burke, Walter J. Zimmer-ing held jointly with the County man. Merle A. Haanes, Arthur R. Bar Assn, at the Kingsley Inn. |YoungL_MlchaeI C. KozonisandDc-George A Dondero, former con- Bw^myer. gressman from Oakland County,! Chosen alternates were doctors and Stanton G. Dondero, circuttl*'’- Michael Sheridan. Rockwood Lawrence Seaway.” iVincnet P, Russell. Elmer J. 1- . IMueDer. Norman, F. Gehringer, took eifiee last j i * ’RSnow fell in _________ l^as from the Rockies and east-^ Montana eastward through Minnesota, the northern Great i^es region and in New England. Imounts were light in most l^ces. The Weather ”As tlMM neighbo*oods have developed and grown.” he i ' “more schools and public services hy^heeH 'adiltti Trt- i«*Tapia-riiiF,* resulting in increased taxes.” Barnes said that in a number of communities tax assessments have been reduced on large industrial and commercial properties and home owners have b^ required to pay the difference to maintain public services. ,JIISAL...are As.- Xteuwcey O. Burke, president - elect; Dr. I James A. Read, secretory; and jThot's Adding InSult ^^Keimeth VandeaBerg, treat- | c^MBpiy^ y, (UPD-Burg-I lare who ransacked the Mick or Named to the board of directors Mack Grocery hem Tuesday were doctors Albert E. Quarton night stole a safe containing $100 Jr.. Dale R. Drew, and incumbents and the store’s theft ins'irance Robert R. Wessels, Edwin J. West-1 pmicy. $250,000 Approved for Interceptor Project r»ll C.S. WMikw Bsress af**rt jOTONTMC AND VI( INITT Federal Evergreen Sewer Aid OK'd , A federal grant of S2S0.000 hasi Meanwhile, Hart exprJhsed •“[been approved for the Evergreen! condeni over the tainre of a p h.! Interceptor Sewer project for aew water poHutkm control bill, : eight Pontiac Tsrea communities.! w*lch might provide hind* to The grant was announced .today j aid Pontiac in constnirtion of jby the Department of Health.} Et.eoo.ooa worth of new »ewage lEduchtion and Wellhre in Wash-! treatment faciUtten. Lathnip Vlilage a«ked for 136.-860, Rochester for UT.tOO and Utica IM.MO. The House and Senate passed | different bills last year authorizing | to on^ billion * ! contributions to state projects over S DViiHr, A u>,A I deferring to ’’rumWings from!a 10-year period and permitting M| Sen. Philip A. Hart said he wasl^^e UMe House .................. ’!• ^ • • • ------- 'pleased by the action. veto, ” I larger federal contribytions on in-i IHart said he,'hoped no veto will;dividual projects. An anticipated! be forthcoming when the White white House v^to kept the meas-; li^ijouse gPtif'A comTiromtse -hill, -jijres from going to a conference A A A ' cooimitteo last year. ' Pontiac is oha of 29 Michigan! measures plan, communities that applied for aid to send- them to a House-Senate' thi*year fop sewage disposal proj.'conference committee earty this! e rt!** year, although prospects for White * * * Mouse approval still are not con- The communities asked for a,sidered good. J total $6,100,000 in federal aid. , The project is one of several But the tederaJ contribution tor J federal functions w'hich the ad-the current fiscal year totaled ministration has recommeddrf be ; » A » A o"'y Sl.260.000 enough for only j turned back to the states. ! JJj Federal participation means that' The Present limit on the federal ' aILth^^mSm’S'^LL.^21 «>"‘rthutjon is 30 per cent or jao.-« „ 3^ Tl» Evergrren system is <>e- TT . \i whichever is smaller, .The « i? i! « JI'Bloomfleld Hills. Uthrup Village. M-'rt. maximum to $400.C)00; Kw»nO* a St cite si JjSoutiifieid, Bloomfield Township,; Three other Poottac area com- Ifo the case of the House bill and 2 M B*'^rly Hills ahd parts of Troy mnaltie* also placed too loA on $300,000 in the case of the Senate M M reaioo TI rt’and Poatiac Township. ! the priortty Usi ts get aM. bill. ^ ^ "This sewage treatment con-•truction I* BccMM^ to niM a very real need,’’ he said. “I ) people of Oakland Uonaty are nnt advocating any wastefni spending.’’ TTie grant—the largest- possible at present — was sought by the Oakland County Department Public Works, whi* is directing construction of the $6,919,000 Evergreen system. Bi| Snkctiwi-lOW PUCES NATIONAllY ADVERTISED ELECTRIC RAZORS RORELCO SpMdsiintr SCHICK 3-Spttd Adjmtibln Shaver ffog. $29.9$ 96 N. S«N[maw Main floor TOIACCO DEPT. SPKIALS 4 Strttte^ l.Tt r«Iu*. Umlt Ckoieo of Famous fraad 2 for 28* Cigars • R. «. Dum Famous smokimg cigars at this low price. No limit — stock upl RONSON or ZirPO Lighler Flioto Ksg. 8* -latorchangoabl* fowls Keel-Smoke FIFES HepuhnSIM BrUr bowl, metal •tern. Cooler emoklnl RRn» pleasure. Umlt 1. IS N,. Saginaw —Main Floor FRIDAY A SATURDAY FRICE SLASHES UL Approved—first Quality Csvand ROMEX Wire 3 CCul Any Unftli WhilB You WoH 14-2 Wirt Ptr Foot 114*2 loun ft 6idbb4. It 4c Wire Sirippar aai OiHar 7Q< Iniulated handlee—sulcli. ta«t tool .....t ^ Ite ROHEX Win Oensaelart It-Ipcn Rnoea-outa- Bata a< Vt-ia. fUa WaH GaaMI Full l>-foot len|th« Check this Low price In town ^ Flaad-Spal Bilb aid Haidar ISC-aatt bulb tor Iloed or ipot ll*htin* With holder _ ^09 388 6-Volt Lantern Battery Regular $1.19 Value Oo (Genuine EVEREADY bottery for most any size lontern. 6-volt, 4 size F cells.... h28Fix1ng in Indlono C6unty HAMMOND. Ind. veteran Tenmlteni otficial’ wai convicted ot engineertog a g»ao-Une price-fbdng arrangement bi Lake County ^ was fined |3,000. Michael Sawochka, aecretary' traaaurer of Team|ter» Local H2, alao waa given a nupended ilk-month ifftion tenn. tr.R. IMatriet Jodga farther N. tnji^ violationi, in the arram;^ ment which banned pih;e aigni^t filling itatk^ and the {d^tii« by Uw Union ;«t atations whtdi dl»* Apples Thrive When Crossed by Russians MOSCOW ei Smiet aciea-aay fliey have' eroaaed lar the leeai U^hm and the Oas-flUae Xetallera, Aa«i. of ‘ CoMrty. Winding up a bench trial whidi had continued ainoe Dec. 8, Judge Swygert n»led the Union and re-tailera had eng^ed in a price-fUing conapiracy that had stiflled oompetion “for years, and apdcifi. cally aince 1954.” The judge called Sawochka the "prime mover” in the airangemetit and aald the plot ‘'did a disaervice to unionism.'’ Sevfiiteen major oil companies not codefendanta In the case. Swygert particularly found antl- Ruaaell Bassett of Munater. Ind.. business agent of the local Union. ^ Harry Gold of Whiting, Ind., a director of the association, were acquitted as. individuals but not as ot^-ials. to prodvce a new varied Oiat eaa bo ^^prooorvsd'fresh for 311 days.” nw report did not specify the mode of preoervattoa. ■ ★ # ★ ' The Soviet news agency Tasa sold the, variety, called the Gareev hybrid, resalted from a cross between the American Boperb, which H said can be preserved ns days, and the Rnsiriaa Onudiovka Verneaskaya. It said 4'/i Ncicatlsts at ttie Klrghii Academy of Sciences in the moontain-oos Kirgbia republic, when the Gareev hybrid was developed, said It can Thrive at altitiides np to MM feet. DEHTUU as^fUVORIS ^3, POWDEB ^3 rtMlk-Wiih 03 SEEPHEBT mjY CHEST BVB "Hrntbdlitum dwp hMt rub in r*(- vimis HAIR TONIC 63* BUFFERIN lOU's 87 '■ .S' MAALOX LIQUID ntsular 11.11 botU« — iiupsiulao fsr hsartbura and tadl|c>Uoe . .... .. COUGH 122 CYRUP I ^ f09 22 GOLP 1 TABLETS I l*?t*^U^* — rH»l«r I1.1S vahw. REGIMEN TABLETS Raiviar >29 RUBBER GLOVES 29’ PEPTO BISMOL )t itoraach In adulia 71 EXLAX LAXAtiVE Rarular 7»c pack ot 41 chocolate eoalod laaailve 57‘ HOT WATER e%0€ lOTTLES Vo Ts SI.7S values — grpup Includes tauntalQ eyrlnits. luilM Cieaie 129 SHAHPOO 1 rt*halr LlnUt't ~ *** ' UTLCREEN ACit JABLMOOMil^ SEBITOl 369 jvmc a " -' HftiTbilff nsfulsr Ue vstue - full tT oudeae rubbint skohnl with wlntergreen . . ./ dHi W * s -- CRrt#rt IJttu T.iwww ' H I. Pack ot 3d ...1.... LiVo 31 (.41 MILES M^Uple Vltamlas-SN/tw .... O 2” 2" 2” r VITAMIN SALE 3,11 upjohNs uni-cats. PuU IN count 3J14 PARKE-DAVIS ABDEC DROPS—Bice S.N VITA-rUMS . Vltamint for kida.... «.N UPJ0HN8 Zyma- ^49 caps. Fnll IN connt. . O 5.M PARKE-DAVIS oil ABDEC Kapseais-IN «5 AM PARKE-DAVIS oM PALAOEC—If onneea ^ AN AYgRST Syrup a 33 CLU8IV0L ...... 4 3Jf LEDERLES VLTyke SYRUP 2” rESSl^m Popohr Femnila Milk—Limit 12 BAKERS LIQUID 21’ Fsmm s kdiaM 12 BREMIL LIQUID Can 21* hM Sack af 90 Sticks COTTON Q-TIPS Rag. 59c 44*1 Pack af 2S Infants Site IlyNriM Sippotileries Rag. 59c 34* Far ChlMren—Ideal Lasatisw Fletchers Castoria Rag. 49c 34* Drug Dapi ! —Main ^ 1 Floor ! THE PONTIAC PRESS, THUIsBAY, JANUAHY 7. 1060 TrtREB O P E N NI G'H T S ioTm. Fridays and Saturdays Every Da; Prices Beduced Even Lower! When Simms runs a.'clearonce' sole it's reolly o super-savings event! Our every-doy prices ore usually lower thop many 'sole' prices . . .'now we'vf-uine leathel thots, haMmof steel rustproof blades. 98 N. Soginew St. —We Ceth Fey Checks liter-.; ......--■» youB ttfE mXTIAC PHESS^ THURSDAV. JAXUARV 7„ iDttO ■■■imaaUBBaaBai 'r^ Chases Off Stailingsi Where Do They Go? NOTICE YOUNQSiXIWN. Ohio (AP) -> knr«' binla' habits like I do. yoo'd jotflciejs d a.OOD to help the •ociety get stiurted. I. ' ♦ \’ , . ' , ^. j Aa yet, the society designed td; 3 Lawyers, 6 Dfnen pnvide free legal asaistance to gi--a-J, ntrT«nr. ,j,coMnty residdite unable to afford CivCTBU UlraCTOrS 0»1^ attorney, has «»an«t m« ot.i lceJ»ft*tiac Aid Unit Board Owes Life to Kidney Doctor Made New Haven RR Says Fare Hike or.. . e t County Soetd^ Seven or^nal members of tbej OTY, 0 .. homemade artificial JUdnay coDtructed by a 5?-yw-old doc- tor. is keeping a 41-year-old »pa- NEW YORK (UPI) - The Naw; Havm Rayroi^ warned ita S5A00 New York'idea commuters today that it may rtK|^...timina for them OHIeld Ti gets a massive tax wrlte-ofi or a k Board of Wrectom of the Oaktond Fofd's BfOOch Will Hood '^luna of P,oj«t Hop. X m I FURNITURE CO. ' “ sia -1^ Kansas bird expert, Is chasins Divorced by Ex-Modef of
tained custody of thf^ SH-year-the high The inhabitants wij^ go farther south, but some wai4 to move to - «coad stage Js^ stMI ' open ^The United Arab Republic Pres-Went will be aooompanied by King Mohamed V of Morow, who wty be visiting Eorpt on the first stop of a Middle East tour. After laytag the feaadatioa higher ground dose to their old The high dan project will be ucuted la two stages. The first *iir be tbe oonstrucfion'of the dam itoelf, and the second toe construction of toe power station. for bidding. West Germany, East Germany. Italy. Japan and Mtain have already expressed the desire to bid. by pressing a bottea to Igidte M teas et dynamite i---------- ■P M tens of reek. The hijSi dam will increasf Egypt’s otdtlvated Imd^^ oner third. It ia Naaaer’s main answer to Egy^’t biggest prt*lem-over-pc^ation. WnX TAKE 7 YEARS The whde project, inciuding the dam and the hydroelectric power station, will cost 240,000,000 Egyp-Uan pounds ($672,000,000). It will take at least seven years to complete. -Tlw Income of the dam in one year wai outstrip the whole cost of the project. —^ Mott “Tlte first stage begias T1» second stage will tiJto Mix years, posstUy four. isaer sraato >a beglii the SMsad ttofs la IMS iastead of waittag BBtil the first stage Is Russia has tsken on the first stage. Sie has gtvm Egypt a loan of 400,000,000 rubles ($100,000,000) for the task. if QlXMAinr OFFERS LOAN West Gennany has formally offered a loan of 200,000jOO nmrks ($47,610,^). When toe dam is completed at' w8l ^ fow yeara, pomiUy three, fix’ oI fix firR ata^e. the 2,000,000 acres to be reclaimed wiD be ready to fake water and go Natural gag ia Usually fiwndJrito crude'oil. to underground .vM|lts or ^kets of tflUe, stone and sand. CONN’S CLOTHES 2 for 1 SALE ■ tats .1 panada (trumiOi) lato aallsn-al laeome every year. H}d high dam, Egyptian officials earth—150 meters high. The water backup )irill be the; world’s la^st man-made lake: Itljpineters. Udij reservoir will stretch to toe south lor Iffi ldloroete>a—90 to Egypt and Iwl to tbe $udan. The dam will be bulk of granite rode and compressed sand. Nasser, in one of his poefic fillets on his highest dream, said' the dam will take 37 times as much stone as the great pyramid of Cheo|» at Guizeh. The reservoir will olore ISS.tSS.MS.SM ruble meters of water. That's tS times the capec-ity e( the cxistfaig Aswaa dam, | tour miles to the north. The waster will irrigate 2.000.000; new acres land. Egypt is nowi cultivating 6,000,000 acres. | The hydroelectric power to bej generated from the high dam will | amount to kilowatt: hours annually. That's about 10 i times Egypt’s present electric pow- j Reg. HO Saitf Rag.H0Tapcaats M M *24" NOW,. *^..*24" 2id SiH 14" 2nd PurchoM $14W Sport Coot . ..■■* 2 "*39“ 2-^9- SUIURBIN COATS Fill G Wilier Jecketf 25 te 50% Oii Fomous 100% Wool MEN'S SWEATEES Reg. $8.93 1J95 Crow Nocks S| $12 CmIi 1.. *8" $15 CMlt 11" m*'*** "'***' 120 CmU *.'14" Man's Ivy Lm|u«—SPECIAL Ca ^ Sport SUrts 1;9? INDUSTRIAL BOOST The new supply will boost! Egypt’s industrialization program! by providing factories vrith low-j price energy. In the Sudan, the high dam alone j w ill irrigate twice the size of land | now under cultivation. TUXEDO BHim CHARGE ACCOUNTS INVITED But toe storage waters i cover up towuB uad \1Hagea to j toe nsrth. Egypt Is paylag the ' CONN'S CLOTHES 71 N. Saginaw YOU'LL DO BETTER at WKC 'o« n. Indy's BINRUS •35" tl.MWtoMr •79" MrVKOM •95* Mwi^ IMUS totoWM :oo EASY TERMS A YEAR TO PAY OPEN FRIDAY I MONDAY 'til 9 PiA. 1 WitP 108 NORTH SAGINAW . SHOP FRIDAY and MONDAY NIGIfTS 'til 9 Usn « Woitn't FInxibln CCC Clmifn WorI or Milium Lintd . Famous YOUTHCRAFT COAT SALE Ho*lroH 100% Docroit J Palsle^c Shirtwaist $099 I Whst a vsluel This noy, Iran Dacron paisley print; shirtwaist has an eiasti.^ cized wslit, flowinn full skirt, and self-belt. Tskp. yours in sizas 12 to 2# and 14'/i to 24 V4. “ percRPRn i MINIMI FMENDSHIPSMI!: 49.98 to 59.98 Voluos Dec. U thru Jan. 16 only ★ STYLES Oval SHkeuefto, tutto«-up Full Silhouette, Clutch Fetor Fsu Cellar, tuttou-up Netchad CeNar, Suttou-up ★ SIZES 6 to 18 Wuifa's Coat Craah'oaa . . . Third Floor Hoiigs Hosiery ANNUAL SALE Now is your chance to stock up end sove on fomous Hones seamless stockings! Just once o year does o tremendous opportunity like this come along. Choose from six styles in South Pocific, Bali Rose, Barely There or White. Proportioned for perfect fit in sizes 8Vz to 11. WaUo'i Horiorr . ■ • Sirooi Floor Mon't ond WomenV Yellow or White Gold EXPANSION Watch Bonds 4.95 to OO 6.95 Vohiet Mm»M M Hus Fad. Taa Frolics e 1/20 10-Kt. Geld Filled; All Gvemnteed e Regwiort, Shorts and Longs e Many Lovalv Stylos for Woman ond Hondsemo Stylos for Mon Rat. 150 to 7.M $4.99 Waita's ITotch Bopair . Birooi Floor WmUoVCUUtom’t thoot,.. lacaod Roar . *■ ■ r-tr;; THE PONTIAC PRESS 4B W«il Hurott StTMt ~ THURSDAir, JANtJAltV>lieO Otorwd an€ PvbUshed VoaOtn Iby Th* PmUac Priu Companir |e«u» *. rtTMMtu a. «em W. Ht—iii. JbuT t. . " «ta#». D. T. Moore Of Clarkstohi 90th birthday. But then, ngnin, maybe the New England reader refers to tenpins and not to bowUng on the green. If so. I still say I’d bowl if I were to his place. By this I mean Is a buslnes^ fri^ ofjnine. to assure readers that experience and slallsties show that persons with damaged heart are less likely to have a mishap or an "attack” if they keep moderately active than they are if they walk on eggs or avoid all activity: and that pro-fessional. business or sedentary people, clerical and white collar workers who get little general exercise, such ns walking, are likely to suffer a coronary throm- ......... bosls at an earlier age and of ^Ig reply, greater seveiify than persons wlw After we wert I work hard or regularly walk several miles a day. HIGH I. G. At various times I have told .here, of men who have taken up skiing, 'ineufinwi^^ that up. too, and leaves coj^lc$s germs thereon. PURE ftlOD LAWS "Our -U. S. Pure Pood Laws should extend to ail food handlers, ” food or eating utensils. And please note the innovation at '*’>**V* waitftsses. blades of dinner knives or the prongs ot forks. Yet many restaurant waitresses still hold, the silverware by the end that goes into the patron's mouth! please the Snyder farms. Down la Indiana durbig the strawberry season last sanimer, Mrs. Crane patronised the Snyder Farms because she teamed are aeatod, the girls nse a annll “liet't drop into, this restaurant and have a bite of breakfast,’’ t suggested, as I met him one morning in the Loop. ’’Fine, but I’d rather try the eating" place atorosB the itreet," of iNrttor ao tlie.T never e tonto it txHii UMlr fingers. “And if you wish a sweet roll or doughnut, they first cover it with a piece ot wax paper befewe lifting it out ol the glass case, so their fingers nevn* toudi the food. “It Is these UtUe evidences of cleanliness and scientifie food handling that cause me to dine h«w. comfortably seat- DB. CRANE ed at the table. I asked him why he,had chosen thia restaurant. • “First of all.’’ iw begaa, “there to a foO liiiie epshtor here. Bat “Wliy. ia that other rMtaurant. the waitress will Wow her nose OB i ptooo of Ueenrx, (hea drop that Mr. Nnyder made all ol li pickers first wssh their Jumda thoroughly with soop and hot water. A<*d in each Wix was this thon racing for after Jtevtof recovered from coronary throm-' bosls. A notable cbamcteristic ot theM men Is high I.Q. A notahio eharaetartoHle al of "heart tallara’’ snerward reatrtot tl activity to walkhig oa eggs to ignomnoe — whea It toa’t a moochor’s way of oooaHng an easy living at the expense of “ghe win thus handle the dirty ddlar bills handed to her by every Tbm, Dick or Harry that site at the counter. "Then she will gO right back to "Is it any wonder that colds and the flu spread rapidly through the patrons oJ 'that other nestnurant? ’ , ••H-B’’ IN I^AURANTB* * Tony’s renurks show’ that "H-R’’ or superior “Human Relations" strategy can make or break “Strawberries must be picked by hand. Since many people eat them raw or with a mtaimuti cleansing with cold water, we pick ours with Alosyi nrttt to Dr. 0«ort« W. Cr*M in e»ro ot IlM PooUm Pr»u, Ponuoo. Michltw, ODeioilaf • loot 4« (Umno-. ---ilopo and Mo to con For such renaiks spread around to the discredit of CyptaC sod prtnttnc ec— -------- (or hit ptyeholofieSl sbtrta MS psa-aoon Pklou. (Copyright 199B) serving patrons. And she picks up the unhygienic restaurant and to pats of butter with her fingers, the cradit of the healthful eating thus coating them with proba))|y mmioitt of gtnni. "We’ll we get over the idea that we can elMl ar hire people to stop H.’’ As I try to show, to the booklet eVD (ebout heart and artery, troubles) — tor a copy send me 35c and stamped envelop^ bearing A gaod wbiWm should aqt have to be taught hew to haadle her dnUM tor wnarf gMa nhonld knew hotter (hea to Mtamlnate Furthermore. I havn seen her carry three dean drinking glasses by inserting her thumb and two fingers into the different glasses. She not only leaves h» fliiger-your address — the successful prints on the inside of each glasa treatment ot any kind of heart but miUtens of bacteria, too. tnxtole consists essentially of . (1) "Sbs also pido up the bread to the bowl end tljiereof or touch the E^ntolU; own' homes, tbiy slx^d NEVER pick up spoons Tb* AhocUIMI Prvu to Wltltlsd lolutlyaly to tito um for ropubll-W oil toool nos* ottotod ta uMiiwi^r o» ~inU St nU AP Thr Ponttoe Pr*to to OOltonco bj tbU eorrier ooDIr, I- a«t ovoUobIt by moil tn Ooktoad. Oonewe. UTint-itda. Moebaib Lopcor tad Wtuh-toniw COoaUot it to IlSOSt ytor; oiMvhero ta Hlchltoa ,--------- tho tjaltod etotOi N> « s rr. AU maU tubsorlniloat otfyaaoo. Itoiust hu -------------‘-* UlchlzAB. Utmbti of ABC. •n.X.SIl' ■IH 1 4 : THE PONTIAC PRESS. THURSbAY^ JANUARY .7; 1060 , seven; EverytMng From Defense to Boxing on Congress Agenda WASHINGTON (AP)- — Ptoreign ak witnesses in hearfa\gs that will affairs, defense policy, television, outer space, drug prices and box-tag are„ «nong the subjects fctf congressional tavntlgattan this year. Ibe Senate Forelgif Relattans committee is scheduled to undertake one.of the most e>diaustive •todies of U.S. foreign affairs yoofs. Top govenuneot [fairs, in and outside expe^Jts will be calledWud booctog. begin early in ^ session. The Senate Antitrust and Mo-| nopoiy subccaninittee has. two big! hearings on tap. One will continuation of Its invAtigatlon of drug prices, with , tranquilizers coming under smitiny nnct, pttfo-ably late 4bis montii. The otlwa- will deal wW> alleged undeiworld tafUtrattan of profes- Defense prdlcy, including U.S. missile programs, is due for! hweetang investigation in both; houses. The Soiate Space Oom-i mittee and the House Science and Astropautics Committee have scheduled parallel hearings on all phases of the subject. The House Armed Services Committee will concentrate on the armed forces. Fmeign trade will be the subject of laolonged hearings by the Senate Commerce Committee. These! will explon the basic position ofi toe United States in the competi-' The C^ommerce Committee is al^ ptanntag to take rloofc at the television industry to see whether it has cleaned up the practices uncovered in last session’s investigation of quiz shows. The House Legislative Oversight subcommittee, which hit the headline jaciqrat with those TV quiz hearings, is moving into the field of payola — or undercover pay-ments for fovors -~ tois session. Television, radio, the recording to- i dustry and music publishers will' be the principal fields of the neW inquiry. Foreign aid, with particular em-, phasis on the development loan I fund, will be examined by the House .Government Operations '^bcommittee. ~ The House Veterans’ Affairs littee is grring to look into for investing the multibillion-di^ ustTund. lar veterans’ insurance trust Chairman Olin Teague (D-Texl haa charged that the money is being invested at interest rates well below the market. To Raze Carnegie Hall, Transfer Concert Site NEW YOHK »-The assembly hall of Hunter CoUaga. a municipal institution, will be the main orchestral concert hall in New York City next season. Cpmegie Hall, traditfonal concert center-tor seven decades, is to be. demolished for a building develop-' ment. 1110 new Philharmonic Hall at the projected Lincoln Center will hot be ready before the fall of 1961. The New Yorit Philharmonic announced Tuesday the Hunter auditorium will be its temporary home during the 196b«l season. If seats 2,200 — 500 fewer than Carnegie Hall. 1960 PHILOO Thin as a Brief-Case PORTABLE TV Skiidfr SovontoMitr It's actually tacAes tUm-mer. lkanks to PUtca's «x-clnsiTa new Moii-flat tuba and wrap-around chossia. So Ughl. M oosy t» carry- YcuPayNOTHINCDomi SMALL WEEKLY PAYMENTS! PHILCO 21-INCH FULL CONSOLE TV Special Low Price... NO DOWN PAYMENT • lif Hi-Fi Spookar • To^ Tuning • Hi-Volfag« Chottit • Tronsformtr Pewtrud • 2-Poiition Eltcfronic Rongu Switch • All Deluxe Features OPEN FRIDAY and MONDAY WGMTS Ttt 9 wKe 108 NORTH SAGINAW JANUARY sroa cosW uu 9(011 < i GO ON Lush wool end cethmere tuedietl Wool molten! Fleece! Neveltiet! Mony warm pile-lined styles, -toe! Wool and fur fiber sibe-lines! Newly hued tweeds! Plaids! Deeply piled pure wool plushes! Well worth waiting for! And why not! Penney’s put months of planning, miles of marketing into this great event! Staged with typically Tenney’s cgrel Each and every coat is a fresh, new interpretation of best-seller styles, many have features that will hit their fashion stride next fall! Each and everyone is tailored to our rigid, unrelenting specifications—we even determine lining quality, buttonhole treatment, size proportions! Pick the ' perfect coat lor you from slim or volumflious shapes, chin and scarf coUars, single or double breasted button-doi^’ns, classic wraps, suburbans, revers-ibles arid lots of warm pile-lined coats! Pick the perfect price for you, too! Top News of fhe Year! 100% TURBO ORLON Cordigah Tops Imagine! $6 buys you the biggest fashion idqa around in many a inoon! The bulky sweater to wear on and around everything you own! These, a superb quality Turbo Orion —that means greater softnesri, greater beauty.— hand wash with stay-new freshness, come |n rib, waffle or cable stitch styles in white, black or red-Sizes 34 to 42. $ 5 SHOP PENNEY'S . .. you'll livo bolter , , . you'll luvo! WOMEN'S SUBURBAN COATS Penney’s thought of her when they made this super value buy. They’re women’s suburbui coats in beautiful styles and colors. them. Women’s sizes, 10 to 18. BUY SEVERAL! TAILORED ROLL SLEEVE SHIRTS! Unbelievably low priced! Beautifully fashioned cotton broadcloth shirts with roll sleeves, convertible collar. In smart solids, plaids and stripes. Sizes 32 to 38. 1 50 UDIES, STAY PLEATED IN EASY-CARE PLAIDS! Lush Orion and wool skirts, permanently pleated In pretty pastels, wide variety of plaids. We’ve reversibles ’n’ regulars, too!. Just hand wash. Sizes 10 to ll • . PENNEY'S-MIRACLE MILE Open Weekday Mendoy riirewgh Saturday 10:00 A.M. la 9:00 F.M. PENNEY'S - DOWNTOWN Opan Manday and Friday 9:30 A.'M. to 9 F, M. AU OHitr Wtokdays 9:30 A. M. ta S:30 F. M. KIGHT THE PONTIAC PRESS. THtllSDAY. JANUARY 7, Research Failing! in Brain Study Wereel itf«> to iMUmImm. Iw said tai a toctmv to a Brittob imdleal aatUnarr. Ho tola ctoarga of pi.vrlMloKtoal ntMliriao at Keedea'* famoiM tiajr't HoopHal I- “TIk human brain U an organ I wtghing bet'^een 4ft and 50 ounce*, Oo0S Not Got. Enough I rou^ly «ie-forttoth of b¥‘ total AAamu than 25 per cent Monty, Nor Give Organ o, ^le total Wood supply circulaUng Furniture SalK Set Mark in'59 foltoam on 1 proapecU: “The qrutloolJfbr American baal-^ jness in I960 to indeed good. >tbat the steel strike, ii out of dm . [way, nea' peak* arrln sight for Roceipts Five Pec Gentlmost of the impmtant .liKficators Above Best previous*®* Proportionate Time Doctork Caught Fist-Footed Pes Valgo-Planus Puzzles 9f OEUM SMITH iiri SetaMW Editor NEW YORK - Mfdlca] science arould do people a great favcn* If it deVotpd of its ener^ during 1960 to pes valgo-plamn which is a fancy scientific way pf saying flat fee*. This to the opinion of Drs. Simon Wikler and Thomas Hale, Jr. ,h. b«i,. ..KiTr^ 1954, CPA. Soy: ^ I ' dr, " ♦ w i ^ \ itWit 1960 is going to be the be« NEW YORK (UPD—It’s not a| >.ij compare this distribution! RAPIDS tl» — Indtistryjy^P lor furniture busi- lack of materials or ideas which j with the distribution of money by anatvsls Setdman k Seidman, cer- nets. holds back scientific research into [the community fqr the care aindltified public accountants, today ; "Furntture output will increase tlte wxjTkings of the human braln,jstudy of mental ilUtos* as a Irac-4e{K>rted the natwo's bmiaUwid j over the tong term because of ourv. ---------------------—-------- . but the lack of imerest df official ttam W the total turn spent upon {furniture industry broke all recor* rapidly growing .pt^lation with ! who made a themigh study W and private organizations' wbk'hithe care hf all iUness, the com-jin 1959. its constantly increasing deniands|what science does nW know about allot the funds and select the sub-ipartoon to striking. E>y)enditurel Dollar votyme. the report said, nW onl.v for tno** people to be J^ sub|ect; Their original thought jects. upon the care of bodily ailments, [exceeded that of the best previous, "eiw-ed. but also tor a continuous was to cram themselves with Indirectly Dr. David -Stafford-icrfliier than those affecting the|y««r — 1»6 — by five per cent Increase,in the standing of living." knowledge. ‘It turned out that Oark, a world leader m the held, brain, exceeds 1^ 13 and 30 times ,and tt^iped 1958 volume by K per- - * * * iknowlfdge in this Add is vety was answermg a criticism of psy-that piwided for medical care, cent. ~ ' rnnclnriinfr irith a vwH of can- >to zero. chialiy ofren voiced hy smpnttsts treatmem.'andTeKe^rh Into men-' ■ ..... _wlK) suhiect other parts of thetal illness" ™ sWpmerts ta IM* at Ulm. be said, body to n^iDUsly scientific scru- ; manataeturers*'prtees ameonted | "Nearly all the forecasts are' t - to MMiie,ew romp*red -extFeniel.v ‘bttUiah' and experience im- ^s^^hlatn cr.t.« S ^ In issTasd -tells us that when the experts are reies too muen o case wnes.ygar bum over areas larger than tt,IM,eoo,iDM la record-setting all "prophets of boom,’ It to time 01 tne menially m. Rhode Island and. Delaware com- 19#*. jto keep one’s feet firmly planted The way rew-arch funds and bined. Frank E. Seidman, who pre-;on the ground." like progress. But aahappUy “all these theoriee conflict with each they all confHet “with Many doctors bdieve iho(i^ cause the trouble but none agree on how tomes do iL Wilder and Hale found that some of the "stHfalled healthful features'* which manufaetdrers daim tiiey build into shoes, have been icientifleaUy denounced as actu^y harmful. NAY BE RECENT From their study they got the notion that foot trouii|ie may be fairly rec«it disease, roincltUpg with "the invmttons in toibe mfum-fact^re that made possible a styl-lto», IndfpesMlve’toioe." These tome* came into wide use around 1900. '*nie woman’s pobited shoe at W yean ago to owulng back Into' vogue,’* they eourttnued la Iha teokutoal JanmO. "Military Med. I lea^ 1 se by W p 1 shoes si M to tinknown,'. as diey do witb odiar sss." they siM. “All the hj^t authors proceed .with their Ideas as though they bad the ultim^ tradL Since imist of theni dlflir, na^ assume that mrejl of them are not entirely correcL" Btto la U aay weaderr la sne Grade A medical soheol, (hey ■aid, a stadeat gels 19 mbuitss at iBstractlea m M osadlttoat daring tour yean at schaol werk aad' two yean at intemsUp. TIm^ were disillusioned with the flat-foot theorists, not only because flieir theorlef conflict. All of them “fail to point out that our shoes are not only too small in mo*t s, but are hardly ever tfie JMfSier disturbing tiling to them Iwatke evidence thtt doctors* are not aware of their ignorance cotv lliey got the notion from the cerning the causa of pM valgt^ recmxls of a large New York g«t- eral hospital. In 1890, 2.6 per cent of total admissions related to the 1913, arch complaints the ottra noted phraomeaen that itotaled 29.2 per tyat oi admissions. Hhe usual 'Tht cagse of tiie disease ^hiritoi the decades ot the 50s, 700 milUoo doUan was assigned to findii^ out the eausis ot dmadc "toases, but not one penny of was assigned to the cause of flat feet. May the ddcade,of th« 60s be get mankind :! May mo tkind back c About 25 per cent of U.S. cancer victinu die before ihey are 4s years oW. Chief enemy ot the farm tractor and most (arm machinery is dirt and dust. OPEN EVERY NIGHT TO 9 Monday through Saturday Downtown AND Drnyten floina .iJ: Seeks Punishment in Shaving Incident THK PONTIAC TOESS, THURSDAY, JAyLURY NIXE SEOUL. Kor«i (AP) - South Korea will demuid punlihnent of the Americans responsible for shaving the heads of two ^ fsrael Museum is not ^yarrantcd., But the Army it did. not candone such treatment of trespassers, and the commander of the battalion in* ydved warned his offioers sifiaintt a Kpetition. ‘ tq Get Treasures From Billy Rose U.S. Baptist leader jCorrect-Error DiesinN.Y. Hospitaf°" NEW YORK (AP)-rThe National Mtiaeum of Israel soon-l^tve IWill Ask Extension Propose Bill iGets Jail Sentence NEW YORK l»-The Rev. Dr. Reuben E, Ndson, M. general secretary of the American ^ptist tor Kee Kang-hak indicated today. "The incident is.a matter of great interest to the Korewf people, and we will demand punishment of Owse responsible, d^nd-tng on a study of the investigatian results," he told newsmen. S^in Boyne City Me added that the U.S. Army is being asked to report its findings to Korean police, the Army has BOYNE CITY (li-Tlie «-yaar-old Boyne Citizen, one Northern Michigan's oldest weekly hew^^iar pers, has’ been sold to Mr. and Mrs. Gi-egg SJmIth of Bojme City. Purchaw details were not dls-losed’ in die announcement Wednesday by Mrs. Ag^s B. Ba-owner shd publisher the lyt a five-acre garden filled wit h|Conventlon from 1»0 to 195P. died h^ized statues by some J night af tfae Italian Hospital. Ute great scidptors of modernj .... ... . ^ times — all courtesy cl showman Nelson also held n^bership Billy Rose. ' ! on the central committee of the Samuel Rubin, president of the WoHd Oiuncll ^ C^hes the gen> "“h ............... — r’Asin/vit inKtHlIation of meters soinetinie Walled Lake taxicab riders wnij travel c^aper aflei1all.„ I Yesteroay’s headline stating .that cab fai^ are going up erred inasmuch as new fgres will cosp riders 40 cents lot ihe^first third of a mile arid 10 epnts fw each addition^ one^fiiird. ‘ as syiainst of K cents for the first mile and 45 cents for each additional mile. of Credit, Debt in Flight With Bride ' FLINT (.ft — Rep. Homer AAiett '(R-Kalamazoo) says the State Legislature, when it reconvenes next week, will b<» asked to extend the life of his commiftee which is management. , MIAMf, Fla. (API Mclvfei K^P jCook, 29, who-eloped twice with WASHlWrTON (UP!> --John S. Monagan ID-Conn) prb-jhis 15-yw-oW bride' Janer Wire posed today to save wear and tear] u,„p_the second time in de- presidential candidates by pass-;,of , judge-drew three Amerka-lsrael C-ultural Founda-1 National Council | Uon, announced the rnimon-dollarr^^’**^" Pebniary. ' strategy committee, and the «emi-r After a healing In Flint yesterday, Ainell told a heats' conference: the Merim aLudy-i»niinittet Is at-J and debtjing a law to shorten iheir cam-j m -jaU tm- j court. ' , Monagan said he would pul a * He‘lia.s maintained eonsiltently II In the hop|M>r to rejpiire that' he loves .lanet. H»» caled the caae political noitiiuaiing coiiun a iiavesty on justice and said he iO y gift Wednesday night at the foun-1.. ... , ................. dsiti(Hi’s annual dinner. ' Baptist y ^ Sheepskil Worirt Alliance. - ^ i He reared from t|je Baptist iwsl Will Go tO 1,600 ■„|last year because of illness. | tuPU- Smrly 1.600 students will receive degree^' determine whether] I state laws Md not-more than eu ;doe.sni intend to Lake it sitting before th»- gi-neral election, idown. Rose will finance the construe-1 fion_ot the sculptuce garden mi. JeniMlem, in which' will be dis-j formed the shaving after midnight Jan. 2 on orders of a company commander who was 'cracking down on trespassing thieves and prostitutes. J^ilptoyod more than 50 piecin of] Dr. N^aoit'taught-^belUt Uie Unlverrity of 'MieVigan'i has been employedas editor ofihciaaulpture, Karl Katz, curator andiTheological ^enrtnary-trora 1937 to;midyear commencement exercises publication and also was. active aS|director of the Museum of Israel, |i^, then became seefetary of the , Jan." 16. a free-lance newsman. hasri^dlea Rose's coltertion one pL Dett^t Bajdist Assn. He came to! -S' get ,alonU wiTh considerably:n little regard tor the law or . contTOversv between PluU Local.shuLlLi’ campaign.s than this couii-^be rights of .tam*t s parents. .'itW of the I'niiH Auto Workers i try has, and "if Engl.'md can do it ■; I’nion and .Stale Backing Contis- t don't see why we cant, too.'; Aliout 15 per cent of all I’.S. sioner Altaizo 1. Wilfion o\cf use ■ --------------- [families-with both of the patents of wage assignments', by a loan; The golden eagle has a rangeiwHukim- have children un^r th* company here, \ ifrom the Arctic to southern Mexico i StorkliM 1I.M ktrSwttS crib Ctsmttict, Jewtlry, Lu$m*> fisrmy Fumitun it , 1.29 tots'o'dIISs Suburban 1.99- 59c-1.00 values! longiM, crawlers . - 2.99 turbans Headwear, collars 1.00 1.50 2'M Pastel*, dark* in ror- New. smart Heller Women's long or duro\. Ix>ngies. o'alls. jrr*e\ head-warmera. square scarves, egi crawlers, 1-3, 3-Cx. Sailor, cloche, others. warmer* and rap* $•14 in h«n4b«t 4«pt. Misses’ I.6B-I.99 T-toppers, blouses 2«*3 Cotton, b'cloth. knits o r blend*. Color*, Myles. S M L, 32 38. Beautiful group of newe»l lashion jewel-Tv. all fammt.* makes! Matching set*, manr one of a kind. Hurry! | SKATE SALE NATIONALLY ADVERTISED... 1st QUALITY FigtrM > . . white leather, padded tongues, long counters, precision balanced ('ana-dian blades. Women's 4 to 10. Save now! HNkayi... hard box-toe, black or brown leatketr pzecision balanced Canadian blades. Boys’, 1 to 5; .Men’s, 6 tci 12. Save! 'll Your Choice Boys', {iris' steel Hide deuUeniniier ice skates Tempered twin steel blades. 'RTiiie, brown, black, rein-fi^rced leather uppers. Siiea 9 to 2. , SUPPER SAIF ________ l'>r tfims! All «'«*• Some A ^ ilksas sagaralas fsf spoil )r dross si bw, low prieas ‘CLwgt il* Jveaters: Orkn« andLam-Lon# ,1^ H-40. Blouses: dressy or tailored ht 32 to 3«. wool blends and rayon, sizes 22-30. tUclii and Smarty Panta, iO-tl Sa»s Now! _ 7.. .1 . . ' ;• -'I TEN i M n THE PONTIAC PRESS. THtTRSDAY. JANUARY T, IW ] Starts Friday Morning at ^:30 AM.! Open Friday and Monday Nights 'til 9 P.M'.' Entire Stock Rednc^d with TremeBdons Savlmgs for Every Man and Boy! Unqueitionabfy the greoteU tale ever held ,ot any time in ovr 64 year* in Pontiac . . . and we'll guarantee that you'll find the Biggest Boldest Savings you've seen in many a year. Our stocks ore huge, the selections ore choice. You'll be smort to stock up now for the time to come. NO MAN SHOULD MISS THIS GREAT 1 I NO MAN CUI ArrORD TO MISS THIS SUE OF Savings on SuifsHTopCOOtS-OverCOatS See Hotc You Save! OHE GROUP m> toSSS SUITS . . ONE GROUP up to $60 SUITS .. ONE GROUP up to $6S SUITS . «4|6T *4873 *5475 ONE GROUP up to $70 SUITS . ^58^^ Join the smort buyers here tomorrow or Saturday, sure! Select from this fabulous stock of fine suiH, many with extra pants to match. *. ___ Remember—You Don't \eed the Cash. lusf soy CHARGE IT! Be Sure to See There Before You Buy Yours! *4167 ONE GROUP up to $S5 COATS ONE GROUP up to $60 COATS ONE GROUP up to $65 COATS ONE GROUP up to $70 COATS Now's a good time to buy your new coots! Entire Winter end Spring Wardrobe —at Terrific Savings! 84375 85475 *5375 Remember—You Don't .Seed the Cash! lust soy CHARGE IT! JOIN THE CROWDS! . . . NaHonolly Famous Clothing Now ot Savings You'll Long ftemenifaer!" Hard Finish All W ool Sharkskin Two-Pant SUITS $75.00 Values . ^ mm m 54< One Big Group Fine Wool sorrs and TOPCOATS $50 & $55 Volues e Broken ranges but all sizes. AM brand flew this season AM fine qualify, all new styles. A rare \alue at this low price. 67 Archie Barnett $2.95 & $3.95 Sonforiz«30 SPORT COATS ' One Group up to «35 SPORT COATS ' All this season's best tellers-oll sixes in regular,- longs ond shorts. Get yours now while you con sove so much, ONE BIG GROUP SPORT SLACKS 112?5 All SiztG Choict Colon A Rar« Buy at |FURNISHINGS^<2^| 1 ^4.95 Cordaroy Shirts .. .<3.69 1 1 M.26 Flannel Pajamas . ..<3J9 1 1 <3.95 Thermal Underwear <2.69 I <8.95 Wool Shirts <5.98 <1.60 Wool Sox ..... .<1.19 <3.95 Foil Caps .<1.69 <8.95 Cordaroy Pants . . .^6.98 <615 Jac-Shirts *4.98 <9.95 Sweaters <6.98 BIG BUYS ef Boys CLOTHES.^^ Everrtiwtg -foF Bop Ages 12 to 20 $^13e95 Worm, QuIltedkLfned BOYS' JACKETS *3*9 . Boyt'*$2e50 Worm Eorlop CAPS 9189 Choicb Colon Boys $2.98 Weldon FLANNEL PAJAMAS 9089 VALUES! {BARGAINS Middy or Coot Styles Boys' Wash 'n' Wear Polish Cotton SLACKS 9^<>9 Famous “Rob Roy" $2.98 Knit SPORT SHIRTS 92'I» Famous "Wonder Knil $1e98 Knit SPORT SHIRTS 9J89 SAVINGS! hurry Famous $2.95 ond $3.95 "Rob Roy" SANFORIZED PATTERN SPORT SHIRTS 92«» $5.98 Robert Bruce SWEATERS 9^69 $7.98 Robert Bruce SWEATERS 9089 Boys' $5.98 WASHABLE CORDUROY SUCKS 9^69 We repeat, let nothing keep you away! Don't be sorry you missed out on these GRAND SAVINGS! You Don^t Need The Cash — Charge It! No Money Down! TAKE 12 WEEKS to PAY-SAME as CASH-NO CARRYING CHARGE! We're Opt:': rr.V~;- M-^r.dey Nights 'til 9 WOTOWe, HGK-smop Free Parkinc! Hove Your Ticket Stomped ot OUR OFFICE AT TiAe of PURCHASE! ! . " : ‘V. '■ , 150HIIRTH SAGINAW 4 RH/HT NEXT TO SEARS V V'- V' ,1 THE l*ONTIAC PRBsl. THURSDAY. JAXrARY 1. Idtische dncTDiSalle Crjvea Luncheon for ftim May Push Rivals WASHINGTON Fnnk J. LauKhe (-(%io) hinted atrongly Wednesday he might nm a slate of presidential convention delegates In Ohio against those ple<^ to Sen. John F. Kennedb^ (D-Mass). LaAche, openly disturb^ that Ohio Gov. Michael V. DiSalle has agreed to bead a 4ste o( delegates, sal(!^ a statement: **Tbere is as sense of Oemo-omey eomie^ed with a plan wliere the Democrats of a state Inn'tag le-mlllfam people .have no ehelce et the s«JiseBott «f ^ ^ iMundf Facing fight Soviet Diploma1{Confused^'^^ "If anything, my earlier statement (that Lausche should) not to be counted W of the presidential primary in Ohio becomes stronger by force of the fact that unless I am a candidate the Ohio Demo-crsts will have ho opportunity to express « choice." / EDMONTON. Alta.-This Canada city has grown to 227,(»0 from a evly 1900’s trading post. for safety and seoirity^rid I now ■eeak a greater field ' w By BOB OONSIDINE-NEW YORK -> bright young Russian diplomat aaid, /'No, vodka. Sinae. I am in America I will have an American drink. Scotch." TOs w-as at alunAeon. given by John ^aly. in return for the many favors the R.ussians had ^heaped on American 'reporters who traveled through the O.S.S.R. last summer with Vidh Presidtat Nixon. Times hras fenimett Hughes, au- (thrte per cent of the member's peoide ia. the old oaken room. Joe Dl Maggto Was there. ITie name dida*l qtiUe registGr. We explained who Joe is. “I would like to see hirti play,” the Russian said. It was hard for him to beliete that Di Mag, who looks as he did 20 years agi|, doesn't now play; The(;c. sitting with Qiff Daniel and Emanuel Freedman of the PONTIAC ENGGASS . . . Januory sale! of Nationally fktmous WATCHES • SHOCK-RESISTANT • WATER-RESISTANT f NON-MAGNETIC • SWEEP SECOND HAND • METAL EXPANSION BAND Clearance Price at JEWELRY CO. 25 NORTH SAGINAW STREET Open Monday and Friday Evenings Until 9 Vitil Out Cofflpfolo Optical Oopartmoot Dr. BARNEY SAROKIN, Optometrist thor of “The Vincible American. Our Russian friend re^xmd^ ex cisedly.' He read Hughes' dour book on our-chances (d survival and had found it efitram^. Then he waa puzzled. “This is what ! camgit understand,” be said, his face showing honest bewilderment. "I have read that Mr. Hughes once was very dose to President Eisenhower . . ■. helped with speeches. How is 'It pgpsible that now .he i? .critic^?’’ TO TAIX It was explained that Hnghesl has the right to change his mind. ' "As Mr.^KhrOi^hev changed his mind about Bqlganin, Kaganovich, Molotov. Shepilov-an'd the others,” suggested, trying to simplify the astounding mystery. A ★ ★ He shook his -head. 'That vvas different,” be said, dismissing tlie very thought. "What confuses me is that Mr. Hughes changed his mind. He had with him another book he was readlSg with great interest: Ofen. Maxwell Taylor's "The Uncertain Trumpet.” a pbacp criticism ol the Elsenhower adminis-jtralion’s defense I “Why did h? not say these things many months ago?” The Russian asked. “Why not say them while still on the job?” We tried to explain that our miUtary,^ Uke teiid^ . miuzle the' public hlatemeiitis of ■ men on aetive serdee. So the .general hung up his glo\e and said his^ptece through the ita-lloo’s free press. The Russian shook his head. The talk turned to the political scene, and the young man who come up through the CoifTmunist ranks fixxn chilc^ood again expressed bewilderment. The whole political structure of the U.S. has proved baffling to him: Politics at the ward and district level, the election of slates in state primaries/ the number 6f candidates for the same office, the convention machinery. "Our system is so much . . . simpler,” he said. A8KKD ABOUT CHINA? We wondered what reaction there was in China over Mr. Khru shchev’s impending visit to India. "It is Indonesia he is going to. not India — unless perhaps he stops on th? way home, just for a little bit,” he corrected, '"rhere Is no reaction. We see you write now and then of a day when our countries Will stand together to resist tlie ‘yellow peril.’ • * 'W I “We hope to stand together on many things, but not against tlic Peoples Republic of Chtpa. Our rr lations with the Peoples Republic are stronger now than : “After all," he asid, “our ideo-l logics are the same. We share the; love of peace.” W’e asked about the bombardment of Quenioy and Matsu (‘This is simply a continuation of civil war”), the Chinese at-; tac4t on U-Ni forera Jn Kncjea ("Ah, but U.N. does nlic China”), the border troubles with India (“it Is hardly a border; rather an imaginary Hne drawn by the British”), and the eoniiuest of Tlbi-I ("Tibel was always (Tilnese, so It Is not a conquest”). Our Rus.sian friend estimated that a gi-eat majority.of all graduates of Soviet universities now are accepted into the Communist Party (which numbers about eight per cent of the Soviet people). Tile Party membership stays at about 8,000.000, he said, because |of the deaths of old metfibers and the elimination of such defectives -thgiiig who donT pay theiri dues': sakty) tor three months. We asked hiin wfaat he foresaw >r the next centry, in SwieU American relatimis. He smiled bbyisihly and said, "You will all be Communists in 15 years, not 100.' MITCHELL, Ss D. UB — Rep. George McGovarn ID-SD) an-gpuaeetf today he will be a candidate for tee Senate this year. . He would thus oppose Sen:* Karl Mundt has not vet announced his second term in^e Senate after ‘atut l.-did not go Into politics jme Wand of Formosa, hekd-jaUsts. wag Jat«m«»c territory from quarters of the taiinese Nathw-ll^ until 1945. previous service-in. the House. Mundt has not yeet announced hts candidacy but is regaided as al- jn^t_ .cei1ain to seek re-election. |nas presseu nuroes: lor legi.siuiion /T „ . -McGuvMn said at an appi-ecla-1to utilize farm surpluses to Jecd I"!**®" ^^ends tendered himilhe world s needy. He also/has! IT c! j 11 1 L, L iiipiiiiiir wunii s neeuy. no also/na.s lasV,nigHt that he had been:been autlica- of bUls to atd the: destroyed-by in-j urged "to play it safe and seek ■ handicapped and mentaily rclaid- wite full awareness of the riste involved,” he said. He pointed to the fact there is ik> salary ad-vaMage in the Senate berth, McGovern, S7, a history and government teacher nt Dakota Wesleyan Univerait}’, became tee ftrsf Democrafi to gain high office In South Dakota In W years when he unseated Rep.’r Harold O. liovre (R-8D) Jn 1956./ | He won re-etpction by an e\ea | wider margin in 1»M. I j As a congressman. McGovern has pressed hardest for legi.slft/iotT 2 LOW ' OVSRHtAD LOCATIONS BJG SAVINGS FOR YOU^ IN LAKE ORION—2 LOCATIONS Auihorizod Poatiac-Ranhlat Otolor Russ Johnson Motors Broadwiy Corner ef Shed! sit —, M-24 Corner e( Sbadbolt MY 2.2871 Thu mitk.. .Utite uifftk in ^otut loFot! Money placed in an American Savings Account by the lOto... earns from YoyTl enjoy thece other Anterican Sev-• ingl «dT«Matw, -too—Wmuir on every dollar in your aooount—your Kvinge recorded eMctronieally to mvo you tene—your money availablo immediately when you nM it No notieo of wiUxmwal hM over bem required. 3 2/0 On ANY Amount M Savlng$ htsund to $10,000 by An Agoncy of tbo Unfiod SUtos Qov’t \ IV s Am K K K AN AV INCS Telegraph Rood ot Mople in Bloamfitld Shapping ftasa 0^ Irtf to <:JB-FrM«y (» l;3t ntoB* NA 6-254S TWELVii tHE POXTIAC PRE'SS. THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, lW4 -t- Bdun & Haas JTop Perforlher 52 Slocks Show at Least S20 Rise in '59 f(f SAM DAWSON (or yev for a percentage er Bearing; Union CarUde; and Plough. >r n probes hurt drugs ^ WMe JPlough wttb. a a gam, shara of atock In ifipwater Mlnea,|iaiiued a wanting agalint pardiaae||«^Q||f^ Jackson ExtCUf}va |^° auccecd Emeat F. Gauas whO! ot unknown aacuritiea. Tlte atop order' was liwwd by ::erporation and Securittoa Coni* mlaaioner LanTence Gidtow, wbolaet requiz«a 600 parta. ] 3AXXS0H 5:^‘«^’ ta ,(dd!H«, .h*„ WIM, IT |h«: *■ had risen $20 or more w Wl<* ^-as 23 3 .iKre*»- ! before being replaced on the list 1 In all cases the drug stocks had I by new issues after stock splits. AMC UP l44 made their highs for the year be- e e e ' American Motors had a busy fore the congressional inquiry In-' •Hurt is figuring by the;yr«r. ending at $8130, tor an to. to drdg prices started. Prices t>f In- itollag value jiuring -HWBe dmg etock», -oB’4be other y^af. Many" of the 52, however.: Coming Glass added $43. Amer- hand, ended 1959 lower than they sere high priced stocks, so that:lean Home Products $42.50, and started It. sjule they now,pay their ownenfi^onl Motors, $40,30............- | Other industrial stocks with much more than 12* months ago If! We.stinghouse Electric at $109.30 good gains before splits include he wants to sell, their percentage!was up $36.25. Beech Aircraft ad-Thiokol, Zenith, IBM, A-I^.ti T,, vanced $35.50: Clark Equipment | Litton Industries, Maytag, $33; General Tire a bit better than | Wagner Electric. A32: John Morrell neady $32; Ad- i dollar price,^ nevertheless had ams-Mtllls and American Steel JrH TofOntO BrolcGrage fjimwi* ndhrppntftflrjg vatne fhuM /liH amiinfl tZi M »ci4wh* ' ^ Foundry around $31.60 each; _ ... , . , Beckman Instruments $31.25; and TO otop MjCnigan 5ol6S Piper Aircraft $M^ i (^Pl) _ Flectwoo Advan^big by $20 to ^ weretipi^i^ Ud. Toronti Cars Delivered by Piggyback larger percentage gains than i their gilded cousins. BIGGEST GAINERS i Let's look at some of the big- • .... gest gainers, as measured in dol- was ordered today to stop selling lars. ‘securities‘"Michigan, particularly Briggs & Stratton; Checker Mo-;--------------------1!--- Top ^rformer was Rohm apyite: Continental Steel: I (Adwrtu»»*nu Haas. The chemical company _ . ----------------------- rtock ^dd at $730 I^. M. General Elecfrtc: General Foods, General Telephone & Elec-percent^ gam was 49.8. . i„,prnatkmal Nickel: Second was Motorola. It closed ;jo^ps Laughlin; Mergenthaler Chrysler Trucks and ** *^^'* Midland Enterprises; L.nrysier, l tucks ana-nd a percentage increase of'186.6 «iami Copper; Minneapolis Hon- Trains Coaperating tai*®c the year. Serve f^irlhwest Fast t CHICAGO IB — Trucks, trains' and an automobile company are! cooperating to make daily ship-menta of new autos by pl^back rail service to the Pacific North-; west. " I ' ★ ‘ * I Chrysler Corp., *The Milwaukee: Road and highway carriers arej l>articipating in the project. They ; say it shortens the shippping time! by five days under highway de-l liVery. They raid the system is| economical and avoids damages | to the cars from overhanging trees; and flLving stones on hig:hways. Flfty-sIx cars were loaded oa trailers Mopiday in Detroit and tracked to Chicago where they were attached to tralag yesterday. They will arrive at Spokane. Wash., Friday. Similar khlpments will be made each | ***y- i ’ Our plans call for complete! utilizatloif of this method of trans-' portation from our Detroit assembly plants to the Northwest area." Paul G. Fritzsching Jr., Chrysler spokesman, sdid. Cars also are being shipped piggj’back to the Southwest from Chrysler’s new St. Louis plant. (Nation's Vehicles Log 696 Billion Miles WASHINGTON IfV-The automo-! biles, trucks and buses of the nation traveled an estimated 696 bil-j lion tnilea In 1939, the governm^t Said yesterday. The Bureau of Roads made this: preliminary estimate In announc-l Ing that vehicle travel,.in 1958 totaled 664,700,000,000 miles. Miami Copper; Minneapolis Honeywell; Owens Coming Glass; Tlehance Electric S Er^-A prime favorite of traders was|neering; Simons Saw & Steel: ' Texas Instruments, up better than Spencer Oimical; Timkins Roll- »S0RE THROAT DUETO COLDS TRY TONSiLINE HLE OUTLET-1066 W. HU60N FE8-3T17 >/2 PRICE SALE! PLASTIC WALL TILE . . . BOW 2* . li Reg. 6<...aew3< Reg. 4«.. Reg; .... aew 2V2* Req. 2f ., WAU BOND PAOIT *. 5.95 Now *2” COUNTER TOPS MICA—VINYL OFF '/3 White Paint Intido—O«itoi4o $169 GaL SOLID VINYL TILE 9x9xV» All Firtl CERAMIC FLOOR TILE 2Mi Sq. Ft., to « Shoot Unglotod ^ $159 Rondom Fottorn SEARS HOEmiCK AND CO JANUARY Kenmore Washer! JAMBOREE Kenmore Gao Range with Built-in Griddle 26-In. 120BR unlu. oven a________________ In griddle In the middle. Hurry in today! 8hop Sears ...Saval KENMORE GAS RANGE IS A REAL RIJY EV SPACE-SAVIYG 30-IN. In 1958. tWe repewrt said, ■enger cars accounted for 83 peri cent of all vehicles and did 82 per cent of the traveling. Trucks represented 16 per cent of the hlcular i^mlation and rolled up 17 per cent of the travel. Similar fig-! ures for buses were below 1 per 30-in. Gas Range at Kenmore Savings 169W • Regular 109.95 • Porcelained oven 89 99 15 DOWN 35-ln. oven, anokeless broiler. Super Jet burner, separate tlmmer, all fut-Il|htlng, fastheating unlU. Imagine, at this price! Burner, giant 25-inch oven. Broilers. Porcelained oven has removable rack supports for smoothest cleaning yet. AGA approv^. It’s a smart buy! At Sears. MAKE HEADS TUfil! Whon you orO' Woo ring protty Kindy glasaosl ^C«»IT 13 Cu.Tt. Coldspot RefrigerAtoC" Coldspot CHEST FREEZER 199 88 Regular 249.95 85 DOWN Balance on Sears Easy Payment Plan • Frost’s gone in minutes at touch of a button • Hinge allows door to open within unit’s width • 4 door shelves, space for !^j gal. milk carton.s Appliance Dept., Main Baacment Stores 145 Lbs. of F^ood • Regular 159.95 • Check the features • Compare the price 99 88 ' - fevrboY«wiiol»yV: $5 DOWN Space saving, money saving chest type freezer with pre-set cold control. Top finished with synthetic baked enamel, use as work table. Popular for small kitchens and for numerous commercial applications. “Satisfaction guaranteed or ydur money back” SEARS Regularly Sells at 199.95 21-in. (overall diagonal) screen, 261 sq. in. viewable area. Fine picture and sound with tinted removable safety glass, dual hi-fi speakers. Mahogany finish^ hanlboard cab^ inet. At Sears. ONLY $5 DOWN 154 N« Saginaw SU Phone FE 5-4171 TltE PqyTI^ PRESS, THURSDAY. JAXL AKV r. ,19«0 niUlTKKX FOURTKEN tHE PONTIAC PRESa THimSDAV, JANUARY 1 19^ Gunman Wounds 3, Dies in Police Fight TOLEDO. Ohio ital was patrobnaa Thom* HU SaMi, 41. He was stroek In the Hide by a ahotgun blast. His portaer. Keaneth Bekaett, SI, The naiftie of sroiind^ nu was not available immediate. * V * ^ The two. patrolmen aptxwently were investigating a complaint of a man with a gun when the^ were fired upon. The woundeid man was waiting for a bus near the YMCA .—wr Some 60 poUcemen converged on Jhe area with rifles, submachine ii^ins and tear gas. Bonn Launching Tough Campaign at Anti-SemiHsfn There lie more tlSan ihO.OOO service stations in the U.S.^ .95 per cent of them owned or op«-ated by independent local dealers. AUCTIONLAUCTIOII! OF SLAYBAUGH'S FINEST SPORT GOODS We will ouctiori off some of our finer sporting clothing bnd accessories. Be here eorly! FRIDAY. 7:30 to 9 P. M. SATURDAY at 1 P. M. SALE STILL GOEYG ,01«! Ooes'" !^ or motors. Browning or Colt guns, Red Wing boots. SLAYBAUGH’S Golden Agers to HOldl^^SUO Classes 630 OAKUND FE84M53 paign Wednesday night to stamp out antkSemitic demonstrations by court action and suffer Waterford. Election The Waterford Township Golden Age Qub’s first meeting ol the new year wlU be hdd at 7:30 p.m. fomoitow in the Community Electioa af petmaaei and adoptiea of a owMtltatton Is •clMdajH. with ttw remataid«r si the evening to be devoted to singing, cards and BONN. Germany (AP) — TbejGieesen after four layge swastikas W'est G e r m d n goperriment and symbols of Hitler’s SS Elite launched a double-baiTeled cam-i Corps were found painted outside a V.S. Army barracks there. A U.S. officer said the swastikas' looted '’pretty amateurish but the ileikeQc^e ^jaij« hate-mongers. |SS symbols looked as thou^ they 1__ It it fl. jwere painted by a pro.” Chancelloi- Konrad Adenauer, ♦ * ★ fand hir cabinet called fur speedyt 'The smear canipalp—swastikas enactment of a law to iiKreaseland .slogans abusing Jews —kept foe penalties for "stirring up ha-lup sporadically in scattered sec-|tred against groups because ofltions of foe world for the 15th their natural origin.” The maxi- day. PoUce in aU countries affect-! a T Ctccanc ,mum sentence now is foreejed kept up their hunt for to* Start Tuesday Staff Today for 540 Students Midiigan State Univenity OfeUand today with a Winter term 540. : "'Tfas'ooihparn with 570 atudeiifi in the laU tenn. 1W flgwM eame fron: the East LaaHag olfioe at Mlehlgaa State Umv«^ Regbliar Ker- Temporary chib president. C. S. Baiwr has invited all residents in the Township who are 60 yean oid or more to attend and imloy the evenl^ of 'fUB-wkh mm —•* wemsi theic age._____ ’There 'are now close to 100 m«n-bers in the newly organized dub. ----- ----------- - - kept up --------- ----- ^ 'months in jail; the bill to be sub-1 paintbrush smearen and also' mitted to the Bundestag will set! sought to determine whether fo*e that fu foe minimum. ■'was any underCbver world organi- W W * zation linking them. A special cabinet meeting also under unanimously investigation brought to court as hUleltly^aSTiS#- highV dismissed the anti-Semitic sible and that foe penalties should correspond to foe severity of the misdeeds.” a communique said. * ★ w Two Germans already have been convicted of anti-Semitic acts. Police say tt^ bthors being held have admitted daubing swastikas and anti-Jewish slogans the new synagogue in Cdt^ne on Christmas Eve, the incident which latmchcd fod pre^t wave xjf turth Semitic acts. POUR AKRtlSTEO Four men were arf^sted Wednesday in West Berlin on suspicion ol anti-Semitic activities. Sixteen others are being held there latter a neo-Nazi youth demonstra-ition. I A 35-year-dd German was arrested and questioned today in' outbreaks in England and Scotland a« the work of "a few ir-res|wnsible persons.” The Soviets agreed. A top commentator on Moscow radio said foe anti-Semitic outbursts in foe United States and Britain are about as dangerous as a "slight coU to a healthy person.” ★ W A-But what is Just a slight cold to Britain and foe U.S.A. is a bad case of cancer to West (Germany,” declared Nikolai Andreyev in an Einglish-language broadcast. DINETTE CLEARANCE 12 STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM To Hear Appeal ofROTwp. Men Ousted Police Officers, Firemen Seek Return to Their Former Posts ’Ihe Royal Oak Township Qvilj Service Board win me^ with ousted • policemen, firemen and their attorneys in the Township! Hall at 7:30 p.m. today to consider j their appeal for return to their posts. The eight officials were fired by| foe Township Board following their! arrests Ded! 26 by State Police for pocketing Goodfellow funds. ' Fire Capt. Samiwl MItohell, spokesman for the gnop. mM a pieeting with the Civil Service i Board last night Was postponed | to await the outcome of today’s trial ot ex-Ptre Sgt. James Anderson. Anderson was to appear before Justice ot the I^eace James Ren-jfrew in towTiship Justice Court. He is charged with the theft of marked money from the sale of GoodfeUow , newspapers, i .AAA ! Mitchell, along with Police Sgt. ! James GateVood, has been acquitted of the same charge. Ousted Police Onpt. WnHadi W a r Ot found guilty of thl e’larges, has appealed to Coanty Orcult Court -------- State Police Det.,Sgt. Howard Whaley of the Redford Post and Asst. Oakland County Prosecutor 'James E. Roberts both said this ; morning that they are puzzled and^ disappointed by foe acquittal on Mitchell on Tuesday. AAA Roberts said they thought the icase against Mitchell was stronger; I than any of the others In thatj powder used on the marked bills: was found on a dollar bill in Mitchell’s wallcL^t the time of arrest. Mitchell refused to take » lie detector test, said Roberts. in Waterford An activity has been added to the Waterford Township Recrea-tkMi program. Bridge lessons are scheduled to begin next month, according to Director Tom Belton. An expert bridge tustructor from Clarkstou, Mrs. Helen Kempt will conduct classes from 1 to S pjn. and from 8 to 16 p.m. evNy Tuesday beginning Peb. f. ’The classes, for beginners, will be held for 10 consecutive weeks. ’Thero- wiU ^ a 47 JO fee, with membership limited to 20 in each class. Those interested in registering 7or the course may call the rw reation offices tor further information. Smith said that MSU’s winter enrollment of 19.668 at the East Lansing caihpus sets a new reowd for winter term eWollment, tolling more fiian 1,000 the previous ' set ht 1957. He^ added it was also 6 per qent above the 1958 winter enrollment. _ - Enrollment foe the tall term at MSU whldi ended in mi^pecem-her was 20,360, but a slight drop tor foe winter term is customaiy. Joseph Cotten's Wile Is Dead ol Leukemia ROME (AP)-Lenore Cotjen, 55-year-old wife of American actor Joseph Gotten, died here today of leukemia. She was hospitalized shortly after becomiivE ill Christmas Day. At the time, if was reported that she was suffering from pernicious anemia. Mrs. Gotten was to have- been flown tq the United ^ates Friday with her American dbetor, who arrived, in JBSfflMi Wee^^M from California, Gotten has been here since October working on the film '’Temptation'' with Ava Gardner. He and Mrs. Gotten had befn married jiearly 30 years. They had one child, Judith. OUR BUY «f THE YGAR in WHITE or YELLOW GOLD JEWELERS Ont South Soginow, Comer Piko K 5-57H hiS. Chrysler Adds Shift DETROIT (f» ^ ChryUer COfp. said today it has added a second shift at its Mound Road plant bene, which makes V-8 engines for Ply-mouths and Dodges. The new shift adds more than 700 employes. |87 10087 OlUVIRY INCLUDIO s trom F" U R N I f u R E I AND OTHER FAMOUS MAKES •TT t69»7 TERMS: 90 DAYS SAME AS CASH S-G OOSEO WEONESMY WAREHOUSE FURWTURE SALES FE 5-9279 M FRANKLIN RD. JUST OFF S. SAGINAW ST. OpM Mwi, Tkan., Fri. 'til 9:00—Tw. » Ut. ‘tH 5:J0 079 OrdwH Lk. Rd. (Mr. Tatavrrpk 14., rratls*) M rAtS-lBB BMU«r»al. FI 3-799S Aik for Tour Ftee Window Scropor Robert Hall... once-a-year CLEARANCE . Superb All-Wool Men’s suits and zipcoafs ASPiCIAlGROUP... DRAmAurmifCED PROM on mGLAR STOCK! THE SUITS * Luxurious worsteds I . * Soft, rich flonnotsl * New styles & potternsi * Fin# tailoring |Lflt.l * Wido rang# of sizes! THE ZIPCOATS * All wool zip^yt liners I * Imported English tweeds I * Soxonlesi Covertel Tweeds * Top tailoring throughout I * Newest shodes & patterns i USE OUR CONVENIENT LAY-AWAY PUN... NO EXTRA CHARGEI com|itete expert arteratiens at ne extra charge! SPECIALLY LOW PRICED FOR CLEARANCE! MEN’S QUILT-LINED SUBURBAN COATS 12 88 Alterations at no axtitt charg# Chooie tidc-weaves, stripes, plaids and diedu ... Jb new medium anq dark toDMl Popular i-lmttOD subuit>an models With slanted flap pockets, finest tailoring details, full perspiration-proof satin-finish quilted rayon liningsl 3d to 46 in the group. Boys’ ORLON-PILE LINED PARKAS AND CAR COATS e 88 Mony with hoods I Our year-end clearance priote rives you die greatest huy on winter'coats! like niost-wantM fabrics ... mapy completely washable! Cosdy styles.. . some widi quilted linings! Npt every size and color in every style... but a big selection! Sizes 4-12. . ’ USB OUR CONVENIENT UYiAWAY PUN... NO EXTRA CHAROI 200 North Soginow Stroot—Frot f^oi^ing in the Reor THE POXTIAG PRESS,-THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1960 Answer Charges Monday About Onttiutnce Bkwk * \ Lathrup Will Vote (^ll Farmington Twp, Clerk Into Courts on Sewer Bonds FIKTEI^X Wy tot LANG complete, having ohly a ftlw town- FARIONGIXXi 1X)WNSHIP —;ihip ordinaiiM ki it,” Nelson ^ ‘Townirap Clerk Floyd A. Caimf!t*»rgwl in bw wit. ?wiU ^ad(ed Monday in ISrcaltl -to maBy-instancei. blank Court io ahow «^ »tonn sewer sya-j The sttit alw AOTTihaf date HoMlnance book in the town-1 supervisor and cleric," against Nelsan, granted his at- ship 0^0 *8 required by s state law provides that printed i "Ftiilure to have an ordinance' iom~ aiim, r cooiefl ot Midinanrfiiis ho Wont In thoihnnk a« u’oll ac pnnioG nf tho luiilH.' , ^ t SMay If the bond is ^rproved it will .the suit [^copies of mdinances be kept In the; book as well as copies of the build- poeto^aement ~ cost the average homeowner an f^towhship office for inspection and'ing code makes It impos.s1ble to • ' additional $42 a year over a 30- i “A 1939 state law states that'distribution to the public at all proceed to (rial since my attorney; The postponement will expire iyear period, accordit® to City Ad-to ca^ mit^Within one week after the first times. jlcels it is necessary to inspect the Jan. l6, Ingle said he would seekiministrator Gerald D. Stone, brought/agamst Calms by Far^;publication Of my ordirmnce. the| An attempt to purchase a copy ordinances and amendments to an extension if the ordinance bo(A' _ ^ mingtfB TowpsWp JusOce of thei~ ----------- - ---------- — - — - ----------- * - ------- —wasn’t in order by that time. , eagtneeriiig plans have Pearxf* Apbert H. Nelson, who was: „ -. . - - ssr&i' 'z Control for W,^ BloomfieidBonds rode saptton ooncemlng occupais Cm CoUflty Intersections nrwlit^rt Judge H. Ruweljtp^ will hear the case. low bids totaling o\'er S2H mll- I-11 eontraets, k»4' Approved by State - jcludmg OM for ^fic betterment j WEST. BLOCMWFIELD TCWN- SaiHill dayaf^wlag Nelsoa'a traye meTfsvtkms In Oakland gj^jp _ Approval to borrow $21,- arreat^ M a compUlbt signed by Co««ly. let yesterday by TowmMp Snperviser Curbs H. i^tote Highway Department. Hall, lor ooeupying bis new of- ' Oakland County project cov-flie lU #1547 TWHeen Mile Rd. w—A- aimilaf bend issue was turned charged In the warrant. idown by rotors tiyo years ago charges that since or tor* of Infoi- matioit and a sjtrong last minute campaign against it, -Stone .said. diiuuK^s and. the building code r-were not avntlable. .Nelson has _______ been “deprived of constituttonal rtrti; lor . .p«,d.v Poiiert A. Trott I 'The'legal action is the latest de- q{ AvOIl W©cfS Uelopmcnt in a feud , between 'he , ■township and Nelson that began Jn GtOSSG last month. Nelson, foilowing hisi x vyiiiiV7 arrest, then stated at a press coa^ AVW TGWNSHIP-Mr. and Mrs ferencp, that Township -Suf^rvisor!Nicholas Cantolupo of Ormond Hall was being vindictive, when Beach. Fla . announce the mar- j he signed the complaint. riage of their daughter Ida Rose Nelson charged that Hall signed to Robert A Trott son of Mr and only because Nelson had cited the | Mrs. Orval L Trott ot 3341 Harri-KUpemimrs 18-year-old son . for son Rd. .contempt of court for disregarding: ■*■■*■* an order concerning, a 1 r a f f i c' The wedding was performed in ticket. * . jo,,^ Lady Star of the Sea Church. * * * iGrosse Pointe A reception fol- 'The elder Hall has denied the i lowed at Hawthorne House, Grosse ■ , , „ .accusation explaining that pointe i ,------ ------------- - St,. 'V'ateilm-d Towmshtp, W „ ALNfONT — At the request of 1 win be installed as hohored were coincidental’’ '' I The bride chose a sireet lefcgih \Almont Hospital Restricts Visits (IIKISTLNK MOORK I During rites open to the public, ' Christine .Moore, daughter of Mr. li nx* X t i:**"! Mrs. Clebert Moore, 3538 for Patients Good both the staff and several queen of Clark.ston Bethel 25, | Hall has said that the matter ‘'•'J sUpper saUn with IntematiohM Order of Job's joonceming tbe occupancy permit * fitted bodice and bell-shaped Daughters, at 8 p.m. Saturday in was started before he was aware *''''’*■ Garkston High Schod. Others to be installed include Carolyn Ruggjes, 8142 Reese Rd„ Qarks-ston, as senior princess, and Joan Payne, 4087 Rich St... Watorlord Township, as junior prinees.s. patients, tbe Community Hospital I has decided to limit visiting for ithe patienta' b«iefrt-Effective Monday, only visitors with passes will be allowed to call upon patients. Only two passes will be allowed for each patient. Pusses will be obtained in the lobby of the hospital. Utey will be used only during visiting hours, which are from 1 to 3 p.m. and from 7 to 8 p.m. on the medical-surgical floor and from 3 to 4 p.m. and from 7 to 8 p.m. in the obstet- ROCHESTER—Ally 0. Ensign, rical seetkm. |K, has been named to succeed The medical staff feels It is im-'Donald L. Fillmore as principal perative that patienta receive suf-iof Harrison Central Elementary flclent rest in the hospital. 11)e|School. He formerly was a sixth I limitatioito are designed to assure jgrade teacher fligre. Ensign-took them this. 'over his new duties on Monday' Nam# New Principal of any proceedings against his son. A -beaded crown secured her In an attempt to klep himself fingertip veil. She carried a'boh-fr«B the middle of the feud, Jus-|quet of white itses. tice hawson has disqualified him- *■ * h from hearing testimony in' The bride’s sister M a r g a re I Nelson’s trial. served as maid of honor. When he dlaqualified hlmsHf laa( moath. Lawson said. "As the towBship justice I was required to issue the warrant, but I do not have to hear the case." Her brother-in-law Lawrence Kingery was best man. I'shers were Vlare De Laura and Hert Juengel. The newlyweds are residing in "Where two Justices in a town-Colorado .'tprings, Colo, followi lip are involved I think it would their honeymoon. be best to dn^ out of the hearing -----— — and call in a visiting judge and - »- —» sJ — tbit is exactly ™«aTo7f|y Y0U^^^Td^ do." Lawson e.xplainedL CLAYTON’S JANUARY STORE-WIDE FURNITURE - APPLIANCES - T.V. - STEREO LISTED BELOW ARE JUST A FEW OF OUR SEMSATIOMAL JANIIJARY VALUES REG. NOW *119.50 DANISH WALNUT ROCKER .............. «89.50 *319.50 SOFA, charcoal brown, (foam cushions) . . . *199.50 *269.50 White Naugahyde SOFA, (foam cushions) .Tv *199.95 *469.95 3-Pc. Brown SECTIONAL, (foam cushions) . *319*95 *319.95 GOLD NYLON SOFA, (foam cushions) . . . *249*95 *169.95 Tilt-Back LOUNGER CHAIR, (brown nylon) *109*95 *159.95 LOUNGER CHAIR ................. *109*95 *112.50 MAPLE ROCKER,* (floral tapestry) ...... *84*50 *239.50 COLONIAL SOFA . ............... *179.95 MAPLE END TABLES . . . . ...... Frn... *19.95 +“ 90 DAYS MME AS CASH UP TO 24 MONTHS TO PAY AU SALE ITEMS ARE ON THE FLOOR and ARE TAGGED 1, I 3065 ORCHARD LAKE ROAD K£EG6 HARBOR I TELEPHONJ FE 5-9474 OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS TIL 9 in Savage Holdup A l5-yeajxJd Detroit boy was to go on trial today tn Detroit Recorders Court charged svith armed robbery with intent to»kllI during a holdup Sept 29 In which an Oak Park man and ,his brother were wounded. John Mays Jr. of 8840 Grroley is accused of shooting .Joseph Weinman, 38. in the stomach and cracking his brother Hyman’s skull with a revolver while holding i up their Detroit pawnshop. ■* Ma.v Is being tried with ex-con-\1ft William Floyd, t», of Highland Park who Is aernsed of being an acmmiqice. Mays also is chaiged with stabbing a Detroit policeman a few days previous to the holdup which netted $•; Tlie officer and both Weinman brothers have I'Cbovei-ed. There are about R,000 |r(inurd:iy m. ■possi^ the last'of his 12.,annual] “State of the State'' mepsages tof McDonald Haijs Elder Kennedy! . ^ ... «. I I _ ' SUte Lioubr Control Commission $2\i MiUlQn Choi < report , salee totaled »1.?30- LANSING t» — Mlddgan real-lcaaet Increased sales were wgls-itsiHtg bought nearly 20,000 nwreiteredLicr rtan, brandy ^ - r- ' ■ nl! 'coniei within 10 dajs after cnsis-weary lawmakers convene Wednesday, less than four weeks after adjourn-i ment of the recdi-d-Iong 1959 ae*>-| sion, .. If William, decides not to tor Relatives Amve to Claim Their Dead for a seventh term, the new legislative session will tooeh off Ms last drive to push through a host of proposals which the Republican ■ dominaled I>eglsla tore has repeatedly Junked. Aid,, „id a, ba. s«, L. WKST to settle on a budget figure, a BOLIX'IA, N.C. final legislative program Bnd rowsj>f ,he'fact that some of thei' N^’ YORK lAP) - David J. IcDdnald. head of the United SteelvrorkerB, today credited former ambassador Joseph Kennedy (With anMmportant role in settling i the steel strike. ; The Wayne County chapter i.s In^ W •k' * debt $300,000 because of the 1958 He was interviewed, on. a lele- Detroit polio epidemfc and ovtos vi-inn pmgram NBC •■TQday.’ theliernianKieferHospitalofDe-McDonald said Kennedy, father I trolt'about $200,000. of Sen^' John T. Kennedy fb- on,er hospitals holding unpaid MassT. was one oMJSe “most Jn miversltj Hospital, fluentiaK' men behind the scenfsj Arbor. $150,600; and 5Iary in bringing about ^ contrail' Hospital, tirand Rap- agreement. $45,000. ; ns. IJ - V- « TV—.lii Climax of the fund drive will be; 1 TJe Kennedy. McDonnlf ^ -MotherV March ' on Jaw. “ vl! a ^-S’lo; c.n,rib«tions. Find 32 Air-Crash Bodies settlement. He talked with bankers time and time again, and’- We were in constant touch with! The U.S. earner Saratoga I one another." fs Po^er »* railway ' McDonald said he thinks Vice President Richard M, Nixon de-I serves "some credit" for the whether or not to propose new of i960'! ___, . , tlernenf, addine: "I think Mr. Nix-; — Three ''** *•’ difficulty. A National [.^rapped to their seats with safety !<>n brought both the industry and of Throuded b^ies, vtotims|Airlines spokesman said, ''judgingAn.inflated 25-man life raft ‘^e first airliner emslt, layjimm the t^t ta.xes. Mr:-»--r. "II, c.n propo*- b« 1«„ «bJ:Uon by rplMlv,, pnd .n KBl what he feels is wi adequate pro-,gerprint team. *■ gram of state services, or he can j Thirty-four persons were aboard jtcommend going along for a yearjthe National Airlines^ DC6B which " witii the nuisanew tex^program Legislature pa.ssed," said ow.'and cast wreckage and bodies over * “The Legislature adjourned so late | a 20-acre area early Wednesdaj . last year that he is late in putting None survived, tpgetliur his i960 secommenda- ♦ * * ^ I Searchers found 32 bodies With an election tooming on i nightfall in the plowed fields and I - - ■« I™ • . . .. ictims had on life jackets, it can,' was wrapped around some pine emergency situation and was try- • ing to make an emergency land-" ing.' iflated: London has had as many i dense fogs a year. TRIANGLE Furniture Co. 128 S. Woodward. Rirmingham South el Mapit R6ad TOY and TBAIN SPECIALS $595 $16« 027 TrolH S*H With Tr«ii$form«r Raf $10.95 $29.95 Amarican Flyor Sat WM Trantformtr . . ^ H. O. TRAINS 3 FOOT FLEX TRACK...rSp«cial 50c ALL VARNEY CAR KITS Vi OH READY-TO-RUN CARS Special 98c 0|r POOL TABLES 44iat iitwn N0i. i3tsssmt ia.js 23i42 M6. tool TUIE. I20.« . . *«t |1J.« 2tiS0 no. tool ruu. 227.4$ Row S24.0S 3 JUX DOLLS » STOBE 50% OtT UL navscHOOL totS: . . .. .so% orr MINT PAINT BT NO. PICTURIS 50% OFF MINT OTHER TOTS AS LOW AS 70% SCARLETT’S Bicycle & Hobby Shop 20 I. Lawronco St- Fontiat — FI $-714$ 4524 Ohio Hithway, Drayton — OR 1-0021 FREE PARKING BEHIND STORES Indecency Arrests I Reach 30 at U. of M. ANN ARBOR — The numberj of persons at the University of| Michigan who have been anested ; on charge* of homosexuality has! risen to 30, city police said yesterday. the boriion, WilUamK’ proposal^ 'marshy piney woods where the ■ro certain to carry pimtiral New York-to-Miami flight fell, ov'ertoiiea calculated to b04Ml,| ir It h Democratic strength in lanslng. Darkness and foul weather de. Almost, certain to get the gov-i|ayed the' .search for the remain-emor’s backing are • the oft-de-,ing two victims overnight, feated seal of quality for Michigan! XT. Leslef Trotter, an assistant agriculture products, commissions director of the FBI. came here to regulate automation and atom-irom Washington with a 4-man ic energy, an old age commie-team to help identify the iion and an enlarged state police sengers and five crew members force. Also, a stale parks bond I on the plane. ^ ^ , Fair Employment Practices Com- Another federal official, Dav-id it. 'Thompson of the Civil Aero-®* nautics Board's New York area of-'fice, was di^tched to direct the investigation inlo the cause of tlje .crash. Detective Lt. George Stauch saidj plainclothes officers on special as-( signment arrested four more men^ none of them students — in thej All have been prtgtosed at lea twice before and been beaten. 400 Inmates Riot at Eastern Prison The plane "apparently disinfe-graied in the air Jrom an unknown cause," said John L. Morris, a National Airlines vice presi WETHERSFIELD, Conn, (API I dent, "The plane was in good or-— Prisoners overpowered two.der and was in the hands of a guards and grabbed their keys at i veteran crew. There was nothing the Connecticut State Prison! from the pilot prior to the crash Wednesday night, triggering by more than 400 shouting, stomping inmates. State Police troopers and prison guards quelled the rfot after 2H hours with tear gas and high-pressure water hoses. A fireman and a prisoner suffered minor injuries. Warden Mark S. Richmond said about a dozcq ringleaders over-yfhelmed the tiCb gu«di7”Idcked that would indicate any malfunction." . However, the altimeter in the wreckage of the cockpit showed an elevation of 1,500 feet. And in-strumenta indicated the right wing may have been down as If the plane was banking, j It appeared that the crew and tiniilng crackdown by city police. The men have been char^ with attempting to procure acts of indecency between males ' On Dec. » officers announced thal 2S male adults and one Juvenile bad been arrested in a six-week period by platnclotlies-men working on campus. AH ar- ! rest* have bi'en made In men's restrooms in university build- About of a*a Ocarkara * MX AND SOUTHFIELD * 11330 JOSEPH CAMPAU A eastgate center * ISR N. SAGINAW * 24424 MICHIGAN AVE. WtU at Talctrarh.VnM.kara * 33611 PLYMOUTH RD. W a* raraiinalan aa li.aar* * S330 E. t MILE RD. t aiack% Well *4 Mavaa e WARREN-CONNER Shapaiay Ccaitr * 451* NORTH WOODWARD tcracaa l2 aaa U M.I* |*.a. a.»*l Ock OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 P. M. T^K paWf.\r: TTO jaxuaby SEVENTEEN JHane Mjee 41 N. Sagioiiw St. MinudeMUe'* •’ ■ ' ■ ' ■, ■ / f7" Januafy jg COAT MONICH at Jane Lee • Regalar $ 17 88 Thf official said tlif averafiie’ **“^'** “■"iiworker loft rilghtly toctt tha " S2.000 In wages based oij a $3.10 •“* •" an hour wage and an average off » woridng days duHng the 116-Grand Ropids, Mu$k®gon day walkout. i«. . »- t i Hotl'O S'ot'O™ A™ SoW p»y Tweeds, fleeces, solids in full length, completely interlined winter c»ats. COME EARLY For BEST SELECTIONS '{me 41 North Saginaw Street io Recoup Loss Official of Stool Union Soy* Thoy^ll Do It in Duration M Contract SupeT-Speedy Pwtah Housing Planned by Russ 0HIC4OO (O — tte BuasiaM ntoad to pretabrloate apart- Advertising, Go<^ .Car Salesmen Needed sign director of the Amerteaa Nadoaal la Aloooow lart Washington iupii — a sieei-worttert’ Union official says the average ateelworicer wiU more, than .make up during the life , of the new 2%-year ated oontrart thej movable wane oe they wages he lost during the 116-day | enlarged nlthont teartag strike. . -- hard to ftad. . _ d«or» hi a flling cabinet, nays a New Yortt From: Let's Find Steel! To: Let’s locate Buyers! "W'hat we need mo*t,*’fona pe-i troit dealer said, "Is ta ^ thej p^e back in the tdMwrocmis, toj get them looking at the new can. I tafidng. about them, thipking about | vorrt'’- to grt them] in a new car mo3d." ..... j Most dealers feel the manu-i| tacturecs are .going to hive tof Ry BEN PHI.Ef].%R production for the first three helP with renewed and intenslfledj AP AutorooUve Writer • months of 19«). axWertIrtng oim^lgns. 0^ nPTRmr TI.-in ♦lu. ... .t .. facturer admitted recently "we DETR^ - The problem in the ■♦ ♦ ♦ haven't been spendine much, for aito. todiatry and den ly has Pr«ImJnary estimates cafled for]advertfslng. l^e .didn't ^ much; changed fwMn where to stert' 2,240.800 cars to be built pnd on point when we weren't building! to build cars to where to find the ev/of the strike settlement we have several projects| people who will buy thm. ' were revised upward to ^ ‘ „ J J" I . * ,A W 278.S00 iSims. I Nftv car sales- hegatr wHwwR Now that steel suppHeS are as-, aw ;in cfflEly.Noveffiber^_As.productionis^ended flic sales reu even taster, .problem of altempUng to revive; , ] as the dd year ended the buying Interest ii| the 1960 modef buying trend, with a few eJtcep-* tions, was still headed downward. .aw* Many observera blamed the When the cars w«nr iiTtroduced tots of sales on the shortage of back in October, public interest; cars, which made H impossible Iran high. TTie three new compact' to pick and choose particular I cars were credited with bringing; models, aad oa a general giooni near-record crowds into dealers' which accompanied the apparent- sbowrooms. Sales ixiomed and the ly deadlocked steel negotiatioipi. year ahead looked mi^ty bright. Even while the tJireat of a The poWk-, since the mld-50s, sumption cd the steel strike - • — Wjn Communist Turkey, EDWARD'S^ Dlsannd Bridol Sot* ... $29,f S Motehod Wodding lond* 1^5.9$ Mon'i, ImUm" Rnm* . ■ 9 2-9$ Watchot, 17 lowoli . ... .$ 9,99 ■I^Z PsirinoiitOi ■layaway Plan Hi SACINAW For Orgams Wiegfand Muaic Center GRAND RAPIDS (di-RegfiJoal Broadcasters of Michigan, Inc.. . has contracted to buy radio sta- shottM place an average of S1.S35 ! tiofts WGRD of Grand R^ida and “to toe bMk." according to on- wTRU of Muskegon, according to on cstlmW's- |Glen LePard, general manager of Company payment of insurance! the stations. mfia ^ save the avervgej - ♦ * * ' . mained. domestic manufacturers on new <«r prices. As supplies worker about nine cents, an hour; He announced the purdiaselopOmiatlcally scheduled record shrank siruble discounts were slightly less than $'J00 a year, price ih excess of $500,000. LePard! Huge BARGAINS Now iil^Freezer CLEARANCE! BUY OH EASY TERMS! |estemQttto . _ *-»*« l« N. Bsrlssw Ipm »:iM-S:SS—Mss * rri. sas-»:to .VCLB MILS E SOM ■ l*-M.»:*0 1 official said. ★ ♦ Wage Increases of nearly 10 cents n hout, starting ne.xt December land other “benefits should'more I than make up the rest of the dif-!f««ice between $1,625 and $2,000, he said. said the transactions arc beir^j loompleted toraugh purchase of all stodc al Music Br^casting Co. which currently operates the stajl tkms. Stockholders of the purchasing! firm were identified as Alastair B. I Martin and William H Rlrh nfj payment, a worker tympnaal New York, owners ( the value to the Steelw'oi-kers, he said.'firm added. In additioi You Always Save at Consumers Center ■BiargiWli THIS COUPON IS GOOD FOR ONE BOX of ag A TIDE 19 “ ™ CVBIBCC I , REGULAR SIZE EXPIRES 1^10.60 With This Coupon Only CAMPBELL’S end PORK BEANS WITH TOMATO SAUCE LARUE IShiz. CAN Scores ^of Price Reductions throughout the entire store. Boys' and Children's „Wear. Come in ond browse oround for exceptional values. FRUIT OF. THE LOOM WiuteJyloniat Half Slips Th* brand consumers buy with con-fidenCB'. Ailwav* « symfaoLof pustity,. Evory gamnont gusrantood. Sizos CONSUMERS iCENTER J ' -A ' DISCOUNT DEPARTMENT STORE 178 N Saginaw St. Lovishly lace trimmed, lorge se-lection of styles in white, pink or block. Sizes^ 32 to 44. 1 FRUIT OF THE LOOM ALL NYLON SUPS RBC.MJ8 27 EVERYBODY SAVES AT THIS SWEEPING CLEARANCE! OF MEN'S SUITS Topcoats If You Like Your Savings BIG, Here’s the Opportunity You’ve Bmu Waiting For! "We've pul ted .out oil stops" for : this cteamswseprxlecramet -to ing held bock. Everything goes. All the handsome, top-quality suits ond topcoats thsL«"roLYsiL“r.r cream DmIi mU $1.25 y*ir InmNc SIZE RUNCHARO SPECIAL FORMULA $2.50 $|25 Sin I COTY VITAMIN MOISTURE Boloncer $3.50 $|75 SIZE Household Needs & Helpful Aids! WILTIDCOnON SQUARES 45' Ed«rard' Sleep II I_____m H wvi lu vr n 77 Me U««M RMufii wlreiiie< Astrin9«nl MOUTH WASH HNT lOTTU FREE! 50e SIZE Lanolin Plus LIQUID WHEN YOU lUYA REGULAR $1.00 SIZE. $1.60 VALUE With LoReliii Plus Yon 0«m loNisli Dry Skin Forever. FREE QUIK-GHEK RADIO AND TV TUBE TESTING AVAIUILE AT MOST CuRnliighom's- PENETRAY INFRA-RED BULB SUL-RAY BLEM- STICKS 69< V'/T k'-- TJIR PX>yTIAC PRESSr THURSDAY,^ JAXUARY T, I960 m^ETEEN DAVOL OLYCERINE SippMHoriM lomi OP 24/ Colors A I ymt Oi«wm FsnIIIms mDMft^fOtOINO Foiatais SYRINGE .tSL*2” I pMrt cMitr rwl; a ftraflOM fALirO TABLITf ^POWDIR ««“"««»lips I TABUTf r TIN OF 3* SPECIALS! . ; inuUR te SOI IMPKRIAL *«lir/ SWEETS CIGARS GOX OF M CIOARS I Par 1I« Sin TIF tot Tompci Monarch CIGARS I PACK CIGAIS-ROX OF M SMOOTH MILO SMOlUNO FlRAyiRi $3M «W^/4 juMio sm STYPTIC PfNCIL RIOULAR IN sin 2fo«W S9UARI GLASS ASHTRAY SPECIAL 10* FRICE IT Rif wvml iP Mb liw priw 7N GMlItf PLAYING Mon-ourr Louvtrod 12 Packet sm ^ Tire Lick SHM DOOR BAG MAT Rofolop |«4f ITfS 1 Spoclol me Wco 77 Um ^ mm MoIm* KaaocRiitfrMi traakhif Mta royal plaid stationery ari«r PLASTIC FLOOR Prataelor ^7T rww.rJiNO RILIIP aPACOL ^ ATTENTION ^*m\\ PATIENTS 1 LOW-LOW PRICES Olf PRESCRIPTIONS YOUR PRESCRIPTION WILL BF FILLED EXACTLY AS THE DO . TOR ORDERED AT ALL CUN NINGH AM'S PAST ACTINO FUYOftED BAYER aspirin For Children I^IT«M^.FrMlC«p A«tiM Fm». Omni* RMW 'Vs 39* 59< ANALGESICS BALM IVa Omco Slao 43‘ AatihistamiM ^Sv3n SYtUf C SHOP and SAVE at unningham's DRUG STORES / TWENTY THE POXTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, MNUARY 7, 1960^ Persona! News of Interest t.- John C. Baker of Long Beaoh, dalif., and Edward Reft Jr. of Detroit and Columbia, S.C.. left by plane Sunday after holiday visits with Mr. and Mrs:' George A. Drake of Klingensmith road. . * Dr. and Mrs. Stanley P. Jesson have invited Wayne State University class of ’33 alumnae, ana their husbands, to a dinner party Saturday at their home on Sodon Lake. While most of the idmnnae are Detroiters, Mrs..^ Jessim hopes that her former classmate, Mrs. L. W. Sneads, and Mr. Snead of _ Ixmg Lake road, will return from their winter home at Sea Island, Oa., before Saturday. Suzsmne Jesson returned Sunday to Ihe Univer* Isty.of Michigan where she & a spph heels or replacing lift* all flie time, which would be a major problem with the v«y thin high heels that are in vogue today. But what to do about keeping my inlaid linoleum froip being ruined by guests who come to my house wearing these shoes, Smtte^^aysAW A Picture of Despair She Photographs Badly By ABIGAIL VAX BLBEX Last evening I had my bridge club at my house, and after they left, while I was cleaning up, I noUced that my new inlaid Unrteum had deep wedges in it made by the metal heels of one (rf my guests. I was heartsick over it. Is there anything I can do to prevent further marking of my inlaid. It was very expensive and 1 can’t bear to have it ruined. Most ol my woman friends do not wear very high beds but this one In particular always does. Would it be proper to place a small mat under ^ feet to prevent fete DEAR ABBY: My husband apd I have been married only tnree weeks and we have al-rea^ had a v«y serious lifht Here’s how it possibly cause o Answer Yef. I am afraid It can. The only thing I can suggest is lor you to put a rug und«r the bridge table that win be at least large enough for the feet of all four playefw4e rest upon. Your excuse for the rug can ba that It Is more comfortable, «r warm--er than tlw tard, hAPPen The proofs of our wedding pictures came and unfortunately there were only two pictures that were any good. There was one where I looked good _ but my husband looked terrible. In the other one, my husband looked good Viut I looked terrible. The photographer said if he took them over we would have to pay for another sitting and that is out tf the question. but hold it against her. Should I tell her how I feel and risk her friendship? UNLUCKY DEAR UIJlUCKY: A friendship afflicted by' creeping re-' sentment isn’t worth very what's on your mind and clear the air—avoid her. You've got her number. she is no “foolish”. There Is nothing more unwelcome than advice that is not asked for. If your sister doesn't mind “st^ng home steady’’ («1)lch is arhat she is really doing) the has no problem. And don't nagging fie^ abbuT Jobs Daughters to Install Honored Queen Saturday ' At the insUiUtion af otticera of Benrtae Bethrt Vive, Inter-nrtisnal (Mar of Joba Daugb-fers, I p.m. Saturday at tbe Maa^ Temple on East Law-renca atraat, Carolyn Mills wiD be installed Hancxad Queen. MM Mins is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irwin MUlp of East New Yock avwwe. Queen wiU b«l|gfla QUa who recently copilMli bar term Mri., Qitm,7 warn- PatrktA CaMPmaNhak Janet , ir'kiw s recorder; Mm. ’Bwouta Conley, musician; Mrs. Leo Minriaao, senior custotflan; and Barbara Lecomu, Junior curtodian. The Book irf Gold wm be read by Kay Lee. Diane MUto will act as the Angel. Accompanied by Jerry-Smith,-Tom El^ wOI be guest soloist. Among othcers who will asslp the new Honored Queen for the next rtx months are Kami AntoUcb, Senior Prin-cep; Pat Rahja, Junior Prln-eeu; Susan Hiite, guide; Carol Wilson, marshal; ^ndra Schmidt, chaplain; Kathy Mod-hn, records; and Shanm Burklow, treasurer. CAROLYN MUU Beta Theta Convenes' Others are KoDy Uoyd, first messmger; Ellen ConieD. second messenger; Donna VcJk rafii. ntesaenger; J«n ^raon, fourth messenger; Cindy Hiltz, fiMi messenger; Eleanor Siu- . art. librarian; and Vickie Landsparger, musician. Mao holding office are Gale Hardy, inner guard; Sandra, Landh^>argfr, outer guard; Carol Cole, Junior curtodian; Sally ’ Ide, senior custodian; and Edwinna Skelley, solmst. Beta TTieta Phi swxjrity. Alpha chapter, metTueaday evening with Mra. Harry Kreher at her home m Otsego drive. Mri. Glenn R. Grim, president, named Mrs. Homer C. Tinney chairman of the annual sorority banquet on Feb. U, ■ and annbmKM TO ing to be Jan. 19 at the home of Mrs. Orben D. Wilklna on Waldo street. Mrs. Krd)cr entertained the group with organ selectiqps. it. The classic look and feel of pure silk achieves new smartness in Mr. MorCs bow-tied blouse and eased skirt. Ideal for resort wear now—spring wear later, the subtle wool plaid cardigan coat repeats the gold of the ensemble. Available locally. . ^ Will They Wash? - WheiTyou buj' leather gloves, ask if they are washable. Some are; some anp not. Better to be on the safe side with Tours Outlined at Meeting of Xi Chapter Mrs. William Cheal opened her home on Newberry etrect Tuesday evening for the meeting of XI Alpha iNu Ctwpter of Beta Signia Phi aorority. ugiv^ DEAR AHBY: Can a girl who lives in Huron, S.D, go steady with a boy who Uvea in Duluth, Minn.? My sister is that giri and she is missing out on everything. . She sits home b> Huron wid her "steady" sits home up‘ in Duluth. She says she doesn't mind. How.can I convince her that she is foolish? CONFIDENTIAL TO ROMA; If you label -yourself "Old MAid,” everyone else will. An informed Frenchman once said, "No woman under 45 can possibly have acquired the experience, emotional maturity and compassion to se Intoesting." I believe him! Pushes Recognition Amendment We ARE Equal to Men: Dem Official en by- Mrs. Elwyn Hall. Mrs. Jay Sandow, Mrs. Richard Benham and Mrs. Richard Ferris. “SIS" DEAR SIS: If she is happy. What’s your problem. For a personal reply, write to ABBY, care of The Pontiac Press. Endow g stamped, self-addressed envelope. We dedded to put them aws}’ to think it over. In tbe meantime, my husband called up the idiotographer and ordered a set (rf the ones where HE looked good and I looked terrible. They came yesterday. Havra’t I a right to he mad? BRIDE OF THREE WEEKS Voters Board Sets League Day Entry Women are people, they’re just underdevelop^ in politics, says a woman who should know’. “It’s time to talk' about equality tiwt can't be legislated," said Katie Louchheim, vice chairman of the Democratic National Committee. She - was addressing the National Wwnan's party.' a group dedicated to passage of a constitutional amendment to guarantee women equal ri^ts with Just like men, khe said, women have varying interests: "Western women think like Western men. Businesswomen think like businessmen. Women with a social conscience think like men with a social conscience. Some women do more thinking and some women do less thiiridng. U all depend bn what nature, gave them to think with " TOO many women consider politics "a spectator sport." Mrs. Loudiheim said. They want good people to run for office but will neither aeek it themselves pr qnceurage their husbands to run. “Our worst problem,” she said, speaking as a pditicirt organiser, ”is dealing with the many women iri» aro over-domesticated in their thinking about public affairs.” Details were outlined ftw the Jan. 19 tour of Pontiac Gen-‘ era! Hospital On Feb, 16. a tour of Pontiac Northern High School, conducted by Mrs. Theodore E, Wiersema. faculty member, is jrfanned. Mrs. Harvey Kerr, prertdent. asked for suggestions for Founders Day, to be held in April. The Feb. 5 meeting wHl feature a mystery Chinese auction at the hmna. of Mrs. Edward Maridtam o( Josephine DEAR BRIDE: Where's yi Mrs. John Borsvold of Sylvester drive was hostess to The next meeting of League will be Jan. 27 in the Dear Mrs. Port: Can a wife properly accept-an invitation to a i^y without her husband? My husband la a salesman and is out of town a good deal. Very often I receive an invitation to a wedding, or party, while he is away. Must I decline these m-vitaUons unless he cad go with away. Twenty-five years from now take them out and look at them and you’ll agree that you BOTH looked terrible. DEAR ABBY: My friend and I used to go to blay bingo every Tuesday night. She has League of Women Voters of Pontiac on Tuesday evening. The group voted to participate in League'Tlay at MSUO. A mailing list of key people to receive the League's bulletin, "World Economic Develop-was compiled. Pro- k at 7:45 pm *!1ic dH- Mrs. Louchheim Just couldn’t resist issuing a caU Tuesday night to these women, many of whom pioneered In^ women's-suffrage. “To win pf dur-selve.s tbe acceptance of the fact that women are people” Birmingham Garden Club to Meet cussion topic will be world eco-nopiic-development. "Wp are not a- special interest group with a wagonload of special axes to grind.” * "India in Story, Picture and Dance" will be the program theme for a meeting and tea Altar Society Elects of the Woman's National Farm and Garden Assn, of Birmingham at 1:30 p.m. Monday, in Birmingham Community House. man of International Cooperation for the Birmingham branch of the Assn., is chairman for the dAy. Answer: You can accept any general invitatioh you like. You cannot go to a party where his absence might make a difference to tbe plans of the hostess, such as a dinner or card party without first finding out whether it will A -all right. won many times. 1 have never • cedures for icirculating and won once. - ' filing petitions were reviewed. Towards the end of the game ahe said, “Let's exchange cards and maybe it will change your luck." She took 'my cards and I took hen. You gdessed it. She bingo'd on my cards. Do you think she offered to split the pot with me? Not on your life! I still pal around with her but 1 keep thinking of how cheap she was and I ca.i't help ^Starve Fever?' Pure Nonsense! Install Mizpah, Pythian Officers at Lodge Hall Joint installation of 1960 officers fd Mizpah Temple No. 7, Pythian Siaten, and Fellowrtiip L^e No. 277 was held Tuesday evening in Fellowship Hall on Voorheis road. Mrs. Fred Wheeler was Installed as Moat Excellent Chief, and Lewis Long, as Chancellor Installation officer, %rs. Harry Pattison, was assisted by Harry Pattison. master of ceremonies; Mrs, Lewis Long, asrtrtant planlsf; Mra«Mifton Probcrt, acting grand chief; Mrs. Claude Wiley, act ini’ grand aanior; Mra. Eleray E. Thomas, acting grand man-* nranoea Wheeler, : Mbtst, Martene Beale, was aocompanied by Barbara Griffin. Floweri were presented to Mlqwb Tonple officers by Margaret and Gayle Ziehmer. CHICAGO (UPI) -Don’t starve that fever. Two physicians writing in a recent issue of a publication by the American Medical Association, Indicate that the adage, "Starve a fever,” is nonsense. Drs. Rachmiel * Levine and Sidney Cohen of th& Medical Research Institute of Michael Reese Hospital wrote that fever dehydrates the body and causes the body tissues to break down. The fevered body needs both food and water to replace these cells, they said. Fever is a symptom, not a disease, and is eliminated only when the cause is identified and eliminated. St. Michael Altar Society elected the following officers at the Tuesday evening meeting in the parish hall: Mrs. Omer Deconkick, ’president;- Mrs. Henry Simpson, vice president; Mrs.’Join S. Keesling, second vice presi-duet; Mrs. Earl Adams, secretary; Mra.. John Myers, treasurer. Halfpenny, Mrs. William Linse-mail and Mrs. Jacob Cobb. Mrs. Edward Sornig was welcomed as a new member. Donation by members to Hie Catholic Medical Missims will Mrs. William L. Lowrie will show slides taken when she spent six weeks traveling through various parts of India. On the trip Mrs. Lowrie was . a member of a seminar led by. professors of Asiatic affairs. She says ;she feels dancing Mrs. F. G. Garrison will give highlights on her experiences *in Iran and the International Conference in Edinburg of the ACWW to which she was sent as a MicMgaer delegate. Nickel and Mrs. Dale O. Miller, assisted by Mrs. Fred J. Finkeraeur Jr., Mra. Harry J. Alttck, Mrs. Frank. H. Burns and Mrs. Roy W. Neil. St. Theresa unit served refreshments. Hostesses were Mrs. Gayle Cdulson, Mrs. Leo 'Ibe men and boys of the parish are planning a smorgasbord later h) the month. Proceeds will be tagged for the Athletic Assn. Plans for the revelation party of secret pals were discussed. On the sotial committee are Mrs. Robert A. Taggart, chairman, asaisted by Mrs Ralph Reed Jr.. Mrs. Richard W. Burgis. Mrs. Wdliam J. 'Mir- Arrangements for the pi-esi-' dent's tifole will be made by Mrs. A. E. Ebersole. At 11 a m. Monday the Home Gardeners will meet at the home of chairman Mrs. N. W. Berry on Cbesteffield road-Memhera reoilSwt to / bring sandwiches ami the seed catalogue. geler and Mrs. A. F. Boem Mrs. Alvin H. Knorr of Bed- asked Mme. Sunalini IteJun of Ann Arbor to demonstrate several native dances. Mme. Ra-jam. noted student of the dance in India, teaches dancing in Ann Arbor. Mrs. Norman E. Stiles, chalr- Mrs. George Cutter will carry out an Indian theme in her tea table arrangement. Mrs. Robert S. Pttfritt and Mrs. Herbert G. Wood will pour. Hospitality committee, co-chairmen are Mm. C. E. the Jan. 35 meeting aMO a.m.' The Christmas show slides will be viewed. Mrs. Edward P Sammut will be chairman. Four Pag0s Today in Womon's Sodion Dinner/Cxxrd Plans Q0tailed ’^by Gold Stars Esooi)| for the officers were Mrs. Emery Bee die. Mrs. Glenn Pitlenger. Mrs. Henry Tipolt and .Mrs. Lewis Reed-luig. 1 Mrs. Clare Wanty of Milan, grand cfocf. and Mrs. Ruaacfi MRS. FRED wmXLER Chapter 34; Gold Star Mothers. met at Bemis-Qben Am-vcts Poat 113 Wednesday evening. Mrs. Eva Welch, hoqdtal chairman, reported on tha chapter’s acthdties during tha holiday season. Mrs. Cbcil Briggs wiU be . hostess to the chapter Monday evening for dinner at 6 toDop-ed by a cancer pad sewi^ May Appreciate ONLY 100 Pet in 1960 Whaf's the World's Best Investment? Antiques! By FREDERICK M. WINSHIP NEW YORK (UPI) - The best Investment prospect for 1960 isn't listed by the world’s stock ex-. It's French 18th century 1700’s. Fine examples rose 225 per cent in value in 1968 and 150 per cent in 1959—a record equalled by very few stock Issues. for a piece of furniture paid at an American auction aince the predepression splurge year of 1928. Similar ' large items—especially ing to pay ftaggerlag prices for an aarts of Honn, sack as IStk and ISth eeatary Latte gospels, prayer books sad Flomiah mson- antique furniture. -Take it bom no less an authority than Franz Pick, publiiiier of the authoritative Pick’s World Cui-- , rency Report. Pick declares that all types of top quality ail hems offer well-heeled Investor a............. ■ splendid opportunity for rt least doubling his money, with fine furniture of the LouitJCV and X\a • period leading the list. Even the small tovaetor eaa make the meet e( Me nwd nioaey by baylag sack hamely Amerieaa And there is every bidkaition •that the bullish trend in antiques will 'continue, although the appreciation in the value of F^ch antiques in 1960 may drop to a mere 100 per cent'. ' ‘ “Tliellie cdfiM^i^a'Items, unlisted. with aaregulsted prteca, snd sbox e sll depeadlag en the supply and denumd to free aac- tablea-are bringing prices ranging from 120,000 to 140.000. I, am War belt backlea, me-inloal banks, paperweights Qai-k U Rosev ille, grand press correspondent, wete special guests. A social hour Willi refreshments followed. Plans were made to attend a lunch^ and card party sponsored by Chapter 14 In Royal Oak Jan 31. Hosteia for the evening was Mrs. Briggs. The next meeting will be Feb. 3 at 7 p.m. Statistics from antique dealers and auction houses support these predictions, especially In the case of furnishinpi turned out by the master craftsmen of Paris in the goM, ptatinam, dhuneods, real estate and nmet of fbe world’s btaa chips,” Pick said. "Slipied pieces of French furniture created by such masters as J. Caffieri, B. van Risenbqigh. J. Dubois. P. Garnfer. P. Migeoji and others are tops in the market." A lacquered commode mounted in gilded bronze by Caeffieri brought $48,000 at an auction here last November, the highest pi4ce Sam Salz, art agent for American familiee like the RodKfellers, Lehmans, Fords and WhitneySr^ saij IfiBsiBciii' ifoS Tax focentivel are two rt file main reasons for the big boom in select art trea»’ uret in the United States. A millionaire can buy ckpensivt andtpiet or paintings, afrange tot them to go to a qiuseum or ebari-toUe institution tt his death, and get a genecous income tax de-dudion while enjoying the art works in his home, Salz explained. Aatlqae dealers admR that they need artMcial means to drive ap prices la the IZM’s, bat rellectors’ Mcb Is solely reopM-sIMe today. Ceanetoeearo ama- Motforn sculpture, especially works by Sir Jarob Epstein, Henry Mpore and Jacquea Upchitz. and ;:^the-aaRfc ofdie late abetractiomrt ' Jackson POUodc, tose ibbut IDD per cent The port impressiomst FVench painters, which have led ' the art investment market tor a decade, tapered off to a mere 80 • per cent appreciation in value, sdiOe I*icaiM dropped to 40 per cent. k * * No one knows what the toxItoI-lector’s . cytie will feature, ^ tiiere tn signs that Oriental art, old master paintings and Gothic art may be tbe market leaders within a few years. These care-■pries roee 50 per cent in value lart year. All’’’ -THB PO?griAC PRESS. THURSDAY, JANUARY T, And,^ Can Underwdyht V * Pos^re Adds to Fatigue TWENTY-OKR JOSEPHHI* toWMAN turn onet yoa may not bam thouglit Tbere i contritMita'i arp many facton which ol are~ext»ma tiiderwei^ and a-io Migna. Tw® InyxirMpoor pMture.. pot have enough fitt to give adequate iupport to the organi trja-o-tect the nerve centen.v This ditteR leacjs to prolapeus or atumping o( the dlgeative tract. This exercise will relax you. Let the head drop to the floor and then slowlyt straighten up. Continue until your trunk is erect. Slowly raise your arms toward the ceiling. Reach high. Slowly lower your arms to sides. Continue. tnylBMr Pw^pauf can lend to «S aorts at tomdMe. 1%e toe Seminole avenue home of Carol Op-laild. On Jan. 23 members will gather at the Lotus Lake home of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Fen-eley (or a skating party. Officers will be installed at the February meeting in the home of Marjcrie Ricl^s. If you are very thte, you may Far often prescribe the phystciwis nse of a rapport of Many women find themselvef In % vlciona oirclo. They an tired beopnso of poor postnre. Fntigne often leads to poor poo- If this Is what has happiened to you, it will take a aerioua and maintained effort to pull yourself ‘ of this unhealthful and unlove- exerdaaa, ei^ecially those round, shoulders and for InoKaalng the tone of the abdominal muades. EXKRCffiE RSLAXCro Thin people often are very jUgh strung, tense individuals. .Relaxing exercises are extremely sootMng. Try this ope. Kneel on both knees. Bend forward letting the head drop toward the floor and placing the liands on the floor in a relaxed way. Slowly straighten up. Do this eo gradually that you feel that yoq ate doing it one vertebra at a time. Continue until your trunk is erect. Slowly ralSe |, aawsn ua TTl^V. (9iUniy niiStf tnui about 1800. some map your arms toward the ceUing. makers In the U.& described Kan-;Reach high. Keen vour hnriy "■ ■ ‘i American desert, your head In the Ame position Boys'Club Mothers in Meeting The Mothers’ Club Group of the Pontiac Boys' Ch* met at toe ehib building on' East Pike street. Mrs. Arthur Loi^brake was hamed mother-of-the.4nonth for December. Following the business session, Mary Gallo and Mary ■Hdnkon; halr s^sts. showed the newer trend in coiffures f- j tangerine increased sales of citrus . shades of yellow may connote chcapneos, Irrttato ao, distreaa us. On the pooiUve side, yellow • ole. Uye ‘ ------------ " ‘— i*81; directions for child's sizes 4 to 12 Included. ! •Send thirty-five cents icoins) forj this paUem — add 5 cents for aach pattern (or Ist-class mailing. Send to The Pontiac Press, 124 Neodio^Jiati, P. a. Be* IH 'DW thilKa Station, New Yorii U. N Y. Print plainly pattern Number, Name, Address and Zone. New! New! New! Our La ra Wheeler Nuedlecraft B^ is ready NOW! Crammed with exciting, unusual, popular designs to crochet, knit sew, embroider, quilt, weave — fashions, home furnishings. toys, gifts, bazaar Mts. In the book FREE — 3 quilt patterns. •Hurry, send JB oents for your copy. Look Glamoroas 18.50 PM-maneiits 15.00 LA CHIC Beaiitv Siilon ‘ 1|I FdKen .«, IQgQ Teen-Agers Dream of Happiness and Fame ACCcmDfcr*«CMMi«. i •m M CMM«Ci W DM } Amirkaa M$dfcal /bwcii* CIOONAN’S 72 N. SAGINAW They*d Like It Without kudi Work Younff flisM dream ^ MCCin and happineaa. BotHiey ^ don't feel a great drive to go ' and tight for their goals. - survey of what teen-agers want out re(er happiness, feeling it leads to a richer life. As Jerry Alders,, 15, of Mt. Pleasant, Tex., puts it, "Fame doesn't last very long,'' and a 20-year-old Middletown. N. Y„ girl says, "Individual fulfillment means more to me than achiev-ling public notice.’’ < However, among the 26. per cent-of-the-boys xvho want fane n hapifoess, Harold J, Heynun, 16, of <3dcago comments, "Happiness can come from fame sad power." And Ge MllcheU, 19. of Hartfonf. 'Fame,does not pi-eclude happiness." j FAMILY LIFE A MU9T As for whether they want -a good family life or' intereiling 'e\pe-| riences, 96 per cent ot the girls bhose-li good family life compared wdth 62 per cent of the boys.] Explaining her choice. Kaihy Rubin, 17, of Syracuse. N.Y., says.l ‘1 oijoy children and hope t»| have tour or five." Aileen Barnes, 17,-of Portland, Ore., says. "Family life is the one thing God puts the earth for." A 16-year-old St. Louis boy says, "Family life is the essem% td Ufe and happiness.” . The It per cent of the teenagers ^0 prefer Interesting ex-perienees to faraUy Hfe say they hate roatino aad tmjtv taking chances. Linda Powers. 18. of OarksviUe, Tenn., says, "It’S t big world: 1 want to enjiv all of it.” And a 16-year^ Salt Lake CMy giri want! fun now becatnt life can come later." Mcurity dom either in talent or sporU. Next with 4 per cent came travel and education. Some 30 per cent of the teen-agers have miscellaneous anfoitiona—OT none at alL ★ 4 ★ A 17-year-oh! Chicago girl says the one thing she wahts most out of life is "to marry Frank Sinatra. love htm."^ Anithet IT-yearnld girl in Omaha wants health because "If you are healthy you can goals, obtain the world." Edward Paefaer, 19, 'Yonkert, N.Y., wants jproa-pertty and "a life ot no regrets." WOULD TAKE IT EAST As for how hard they atq willing to west: to make their dreams opne true, 94 per cent ot the teen- cent of the young people feel they will adileve moet (d their goals. Another 36 per cent believe they will realise a moderate amount while 17 per cent «q;iect to heMevf only a small part of their ambi- Virtually all oT the teeiMtgers feel they gqt a good exam(de from adults when it comes to hard work. Some 83 per cent believe that most grownups they know worked very bard to adileve their Bv$ there it loqie deeptidsm. Gerald Bladdnim, 17, of Mount Pleasant, ’Ferns, says, "They’re always tdking about it." Test Heels First OPEN EVEEY NIGHT tu f Monday through Saturday (NEA) — If you are unaccustomed to weadng hi|^ beds, by all means try them out before you wear them in public. Nothing looks more ridiculous than a gat wobbling around on beds she can't man* age. Classic nautical detail in a red, white and navy grosgram collar and tab pocket Vend interest to « ^liherately underrated w>hite ribbed knit sepkyr from Lee Herman. Housekeeping Isn't a Job for Glamor By KUTR MnXEIT /ONua hootewUi. I hope other woov rve Just finished reading a mag- en readers of that aume artfde sine article on how to be a glam- won’t take It aerioody. r-,1 DRBSB i*5-»7-*9- jU^ HUNDREDS OF NEW STYLES \JUHI0RS • MISSY. HALF SIZES JANUARY COAT EVENT GIRLS' COATS Sizes 3 to 14 Were to $45 *15 . *18 - *22 *24 - *29 BAN-LON CAROIOAN SWEATERS........................^.58 Latest luscious colors ... size* 34 to 40 ... reg. $4 99 volue BAN-LON SLIPOVER SWEATERS................... .2 <5 Classic slipons . . all new shades . . . reg. $3.99 value S2.58 each WOMEN’S BLOUSES . .................... ........2>.r«3 Your choice ol hundreds ol beautllul blouses ... reg. 51.99 value TAPERED PANTS..................... ..... .M.38 Corduroy and rayon flannels in solids and jddids ... riies 10 to 18 • ROBES.................. »3.68 Quilted nylon filled and duster styles .. ..prints and solids ... S6 99 value SLIPS I HALF SUPS, Reg. %99 . ..... .2 <5 Reg.H.99....2f.r*3 Petal soil nylon ... lac# trim .. ..while and colors BEHER GOWNS as4 PAJAMAS ....... .^.58 Washable flannels ... lull cut (or comfort . . . reg. $2 99 value 2 for IS WOMENS PANTIES .„^,^.:,....4-i»4l8e. Brief and bond-bottoms . .. tailored and loce trim 39c each FAMOUS MAKE BRASSIERES ... ................. .2 SSe LADIES’ WOOL SKIRTS . ....................*2.58 | Solid colors .. reg. $3.99 value GIRLS’ SLACK SETS ...............................*1.68 Full cut and beauiiluUy tailored... reg. $1.99 value LADIES’ CAR COATS ................................*6J» Sizes 10 to 18 ... reg. 17.99 value GIRL’S SWEATERS, Rag. *1.09................./.! *1.78 Bon-Lons - bMlky knlls, cordigwns ... reg. 1299. value BOYS’ PAJAMAS, sizes 6-16 .. ....................*1.68 Washable... lull cut lor comfort... reg. $1.99 value i' Let Federa/’s expert corsetieres fit you correctly for comfort and figure flattery. Enjoy Hoavonly Comfort All Doy Long For Evory Activity SUBTEEN COATS Were to $45 *24“ - *27“ - *35 GIRLS' TODDLER COATS Sizes 2 to 4 Were to $29.98 *10 - *15 - *18 - *22 BOYS' TODDLER COATS Were to $24 *15 - *18 BOYS;^ COAT SETS ' 'Stes' 4 to 'l 2 WerelJ $29.98 *13“ - *15 - *18 BOYS' SNOW SUITS Were to $25 *13“ - *15 - *18 Girls' Snow Suits and Car Coats *6“ - *10 - *13“ rigM rautlM suppsseg fo M tm pcrfectlM as a keUiesrifo, Omcu Isa'i a ehaaea aha sreMA wto any glamor litlea. ’ She might win the title of "pef> feet housekeeper" or “efficient homemaker,’* but thaw are the fo the first ^ace, thm's nothing glamorous about housework. It can ^ be satisfying. It can be rewarding. Whether er not it is either. It has to be don^ ★ It *• But feeding a hungry family three meals a day. cleening up the kitchen afferwards, scrubbing, waxing, polishing, washing, ironing. marketing, and so on are hardly glamor Jobs. And I’ve yet to see the woman who looks glamorous while doing them ... or who feels glam-‘orous while rite is doing them, eitlwr. 8o let’s qoH kidding the brides. When a giri takes sa the Job sf komemskliig lor a llfe-ttms career, she Is ust takiag a glamer Job. She isn’t going to be able to turn it into one, no matter how early she gets up in tiie morning. So the best thing lor a young wifo to do is to leani to work at her own pace, to do thinga the way that suits her best, to be satisfied with less than perfection, so thaf she is easy, to Hve with and her houso it .a pleasant place for her family to come hcmie to. ★ ★ ★ If tiiat doesn’t sound gUmorom —well, I’ve alreody said housekeeping isn't glamorouB, by any stretch ot tfao Pagination. But for a woman it's the most rewardinc'Job there it. If she does it well and make* a happy home, she can leavt glamor to the girts who need Jt to get what she already has —« Ti^'bqriMnd-.'m-rtnine-'nid a fondyi '^ Playtex Y Liymg Bra Thf oterttB of comfort: •Bias-cut clastic side panel self adjusts to your every motion. •Criss-crou elostic front dips low, dividos perfectly. ^ •Full elbstk bock won't wrinkle-^ matter how active you ore. •Sculptured nylon cups, fine cotton lininp, gentle cup 'n up. Available in snowy white, sizes 32A to 42C 395 D sixtt, 4.9S Just say ... "CHARGE IT" «t fOdtrcl's n8- TODDLER SNOW SUITS Were to $20 *6 - *12 - *13“ ; PRAM SUITS Were to $17.98 *8 - *10 The MARGARET ANN Riker ^Idg. Shop Towel Ironing Alid (NEA)—I r 0 n i n g freshly washed ihirts and blouses it easy if the button band Is laid face down over a teny towel. The buttons will sink in and the iron slide over. Wales was once kpown by tha ancient name Cambria. he has aa open mind when wlu you meaa Is he has a hole la k _«H0P AT KEEBO 6ENTER 294S Orckard Uka Nred , Kef Harher CAR COAT SALE!!! DOR-L SHOP SERVIGE IS OUR POUOY! PrMcriptieiN Pilled and Oelivtrid 24 Hgurs A Bor KIICO DRUG CO. PI 2-1770 PONTIAC PRESS. TkuHSDAY. JANUARY TWENfY.TaRER I I Allout one-fomh ol i« U.%. toxijspoU before U«>y i««ch thtlr m*iw Lori6 rorcnts \jrgQnrz6p to Assist One Another How do you manage a family ahattered by death, divorce or ^paratkm? wix> do you talk to after a hand da^ adtfa ^ Idds? .What does 1 father do; when an “Ask your mother" situ* And. Wherf do 'you find social life when you’re a fifth wheel among both single and married friends? Tww years ago some parents in the New Yodc area faced with these common proUems detaata fe help each oftier. Tliey formed a nonprofit, non-sectartan organization called "Parents without* Partners." Today there are 1,200 members in chapters in five stales. Parents without Partners has developed a lively program of meetings with sp^alists in child care and family relations; discussion groups; outings for parents and childi'en and social events for parents. About two-thirds of PwP’s membership are parents who are divorced or“feeparated; the other third widows and wid- of Munich earns the retvard of the victor. The fair lady on the left wears Profik*s screen print parka with zifhin lining. Her pants are Bogner's black elastiss. Women outnumber men by about three to one, as divorced mothers for the most part receive custody of childrM. However. PwP President Louis HCidclberger wishes more -fathers would join ile says: r'Tberd are emotional prob-tema that, afreet either part- from Mrs. Dorothy Cohen, as-sisUnt professor of human relations at Paterson, N.J., ^ate Teachers College, wl^ has served^ as a 'consultant and speaker for the group. "Single parents," she s^ys, "are so anxious about depriving the child of family life they constantly seek to make it up in some w{ay. •"niey have to recognize that the everyday problems that come up are comntfon in and out of the‘family. An mgani- are not alone helps them relax in dealing with children and gives them ways of meeting difficult-rituations.” Mrs* Cohen feels that children make a much better adjustment to drastic family change than parents realize — provided the problem isn't magnified by bitterness or conflict between husband and wife. Scafferbramed Billy Burke Has Some Wise Observations NEW YORK fUPI) - Hollywool molded Billie Burke into the character of a twitter-pated, bird-wit-1 ted lady. Mist Burke by her own admis- sion is a- little teat _____________^ But talk with her, and her bb-! sorvations on marriage, love, agej and other matters show the actress carries plenty of gray matter beneath that fluttery surface. Mlaa Buffre It oa a aeries of "one night staiids” la various ritlea to autograph copies ef her ten with Cameron Shiw» (Cow-1 Ziegfeld. the late Impresario krho iard-Mri^ann), and gets its title was her ooe and oidy husband), from some of her words to- the I wondered whether anyone would jwiae: "Girls, keep your riiine com-1 be interested in another. But I ing from within, and powder on ithink the subject of holding a hut- Vasa Lodge to Gather fathers come up against touchy situations in risits with their children. Our group offers tdid help both in discussion groups and from expert speak- Pontiac Vbsa Lodge 510 will meet Saturday at 7:30 p.m. at Pythian Hall on Voortteis road. Qa the serving oomittee will be Mr. and Mn. Carl Westness. Mr. and Mrs. John Wenstea and the John Campbells. ! She was a few minutes late for! "in teU you this. Oean linens, our interview because "it takes brushed hafr, soap and water add -longer, my dear, to fix an old considerably to the Miss of mar-j*»ce” irled life. I’m constantly amaaed I The "old face” wore little cos- when I talk to young people . . . jmetics — a touch of rouge, pow-'to learn how much they know ider and eyebrow pencil — and a'about Sex and how little about Two dozen members were ideasantly disqualified from membership by remarriage to partners met through PwP, However, the organization is not in marriage club. "After all,” says one niem-ber, "who would ever think of looking for a wife or husband ready-made family! High praise for PwP comes This feeling ij „reflwted among' PwP members. Said one bacjiplor father of two children; "Being divorced-•doesn’t mean being tranquillized. But in a group like this we can talk out our feelings and get ideas from others.” A young widow says; "Where else, could I find interest things to do where the chll^n are welcome too?’x A father says; "We feel that a happy child means a how to help our kids." ie^cTt wUH a mdmaij o' OMEGA AUTOMATIC calendar WATCH World trari^ert, mIss czeeu-Uve*,"prbhMi«>aJ w»d toA- nkal men.,. this it tha waldi preferred when time smti be meisurtd with Self-winding, water and dntt-lesistant. with sweep second hand ssd antemalic date-indicator register. Shock-resisunt and non-magnetie. REDMOND’S ^ Jewelers — Optometries 81 N. Saginaw Street FE 2-3612 Caldron 70 Sets Fete Iraq Caldron 70, Dau|hters of Mokanna, met Wednesday evening at the Pontiac Federal Savings and Loan Building. Plans were made for a card ^party to be held in April The Caldron win meet with Iraq Grotto for a family night Jap. 16. ta Anderson and Mrs. Ben Richardson were in charge of refreshments. PERMANENTS •5“ l Complete Cut, Styled and Set A Hairstyle Just for You Rudolpli^s Beauty Shop 311 National Bldg. FE 3-6911 ELEVATOR SERVICE “We'll Be Looking for You" foraorly of (ko Pealiae Slato ink fMg. YARNS - PATTERNS - KITS for AFGHANS The OXFORD SHOP 59 W Huron FE 4-7212 Statement of Condition The book is her aecond. called "With Powder on My Nooe,” writ- 4965 SIZES 10-291 lot of women at 74 should look so good. "Young girls don't need mnch makenp," said Miss Burke, "and with too mnch, the old girto look sort of odd. 'I don’t worry about the passing years," she said, "my life has been wonderful. But time, as they say, grabs a woman by the throat. T do think any dder person should find something useful to do, something to give a sense (d accomplishment. Makes it easier to live with yourself. 'After my first book on my life with Mr. Ziegfeld (Florenz Tha bast way to start the newj year is to sew this wonder wardrobe of blouses! All three styles; are smart and easy to make in! crisp, no-iron cottons. | Printed Pattern 4965: Misses’] Sizes 10. 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Size! 16 top style yards 35-lncb;i middle IH; lower IH yards. | Send fifty cents in coins tor thlsj pattfom -x add 10 cents for each! pattern for Ist-class mailing. Sendj to Anne Adams, care of The Poo-i West 17th St.. New York U. N.' Print plainly Name. Address with' Zjne, Size and Style Number. ,Soap. "I see no «xcum to* a wom-aa looUag a mess In the morn-lag. It takes only n few mtamtes to wash your face, brash yonr PONTIAC STATE BANK PONTIAC. MICHIGAN "Men win stick to fat girls, skin- ' ny ones, old ones, fork-tongued ^ ones. But they won’t cling to gals ^ who are messes. g ‘I think it's the little things : which break up a marriage,” said ; the actress. "The drawer always^ left a little open. The wads of J hanky tissues which dot the whole ' Catch'^ 36 N. SAGINAW $tore-Wide Clearance DRESSES I 4.88 6.88 All Jt^ool COATS 1S88 Reduced from 24,99 BLOUSES 1 CfA Cl for So reduced l-aOy m O from 2.99 Better Skirts "IJ”" 2.88 GIRDLES BRAS 88* 1? 2*3 2 '* 1.69 Reduced from 1.99 Reduced from |1 SLIPS 1.59 2 for S3 Reduced from 1.99 December 3I9 1959 RESOURCES ^ Loans and Discounts ... ......................... $V,182,646.54 Real Estate Mortgages................................. 6,449,473.43 Total . ^ ... - ......... 13,632,119.97 Less Reserves ....................................... 308,700.00 United States Govemm^t Securities................ (Due within 1 year................................. 4,063,320.14) (Due 1 to 4 years...... ....................... 7,730,993.75) State County and Municipal Securities............ Cash and Due from Banks.......................... Banking House and Furniture and Equipment........ Other Resources.........v........................ Total Resources .................... ......... $13,323,419.97 13,832392.65 UABIUTIES Capital ....................................... $ 500,000.00 Surplus ................................................. 600,000.00 Undivided Profits and Reserve.......................... 579,20234 Total Capital Account............................ Demand Deposits ....................................... 16,472341.65 U.S. Government Deposits ................................ 692,943.44 Savings Deposits................... .'rrrr. ., .. 12310.47L36 Total Deposits................................... Other Liabilities ................................. Total Liabilities ............................... $ 1,679302.54 $31,619,214.44 t pledged to cecure F OFFICERS Join Grinneii's New PjARa RENTAI. ' Add tha "Magic of Music" to Your Family Ufal ★ Try • now piono of your eboico in your homo for 30 dayi of no ehorgo oieopf eortogo, ^ Affor 30 doyt. poy jutf $10 o monfb. ★ MinSe lonont ineludod fbo firtf day yoo {oia ★ If you docido to buy, you rheoivo ful orodH for ronfol ond corfago fool. Grinneii's, 27 S. Sagindw St. FE 3*7|161 SMITH FALCONEB...............Exec. Vice President EARL W. BARTLETT . ............Vice President STUART E. WHITFIELD................Vice President SAM 8. HALE . .......,..... Asst. Vice President EVERETT K. GARRISON---------- Asst Vice President W'lLUAM A, EUBANK.. ........‘.... .,. .Cashier ALICE M, KERNS........... ......Assistant Cashier AGNES W. MOORE..................Assistant Carfher MARK 8. STEWART.............AssUtant Cashier and .. Branch Manager HAROLD R. KEITH............. .. .Branch Manager kOBEBT D. TERRY......,,......... Branch Manager MERLE V. BENDER...,.............Branch Manager TURRIS MoCULLT...........................Auditor DIRECTORS MILO J. CROSS.. RODGER J. EMMERT---------- Secretary and Treasurer Stamprite Industries Cpipoi’ktlon SMITH FALCONER............ExecuUTe Vice President H. RUSSEL HOLLAND....................Circuit Judge FRANK A. MERCER.........................Phystolad GOODLOE H. ROGERS........................Attorney - WM. O. THOMAS, JR.. ......... ;...v PresIdOWt Thomas Beonomy Furniture Co. 8TUAKT E. WHITFIELD.................Vice President BRANCH OFFICES AUBURN HEIGHTS—MERLE V. BENDER. Manaftr BALDWIN AVENUE—HAROLD H. KEITH, Mantgcr DRAYTON PLAINS—MARK S. STEWART, Manager MIRACLE MILE SHOPPING CENTER-^RO^ERT D. TERRY, Manager 'STTHT Member Federal Depoait Imurance Corporation 'f __1 ; T , TitKXTY.FOlftl r: ,t*v ~~ THE PONTIAC PRESS. THURSDAY, JAKUARY 7, im '■I ; . ■/ Deaths jn Pontiac and Nearby Areas the Winiiun R. Potere. Ml Fourth St., win be held at 1:» Saturday at Voorhees-Siple View Cemetery, Royal Oak. A retired PonHac Motor Division employe, Mr. Cox died yesterday after a long illness.^ Surviving are his wife. Elde.^a.son, Saihuel. daughters, Mrs. Virgil Klaty and Mrs. Desmond Archdale, all of; Pontiac, and Mrs. Edsel ^aCh. Of Detroit. Surviving are three sons. Francis and James, both of Williams- Phrt. Pa.; a daughter, Mrs: Margaret Garti^ of Rodiester; three grand-■hlMnni and nine great-gra^bil-IreiP MR.S. CUVK STIFF HIGHLAND TOW'N^HIP - Serv- MRS. GRACE H, REywlCK IMLAY Ory-Service for Mrs Grace Hagemeister Redwick, 74. formerly of Imlay City, was held ice for Mrs. CUve ^Mildred L.) 5*. of tm Duck takr m. ^ be beld4d 1:10 ;pm. Saturday at Richardaoh-Bird FtiM^ Home, TNinftrA BurlaTwIffTie land Cemetery. Mrs. Stiff died yesterday in Uni- yesterday at Lester Smith and Son Funeral Home. Burial was in Lum Cemetery. Mrs. Renwick died of a heOrt attack Sunday at her home in High-! land Paric. ‘Surviving are three sons, V at home. William of Beloit, and Weldon of_ Troy; two daugh-J l^jrs. Mrs. George Byers of Ro-| Chester and Mrs. James Hamilton' Sunday Store rjBoycott Urged versity Hospital. Ann Arbor, after a three-week illness. Surviving besides husband are a dai^ter, Mrs. Harold Brockman of Haalett._and three childienr A sistAr anrn also Burvlvie. HARVKV A. STREETER SR. ROMEO — Service for Harvey A Streeter, 77. (rf'142 Rawles St., will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday at Roth's Home for Funerals. Burial will be, in Romeo Cemetery. Mr. Streeter died Tuesday at his home after a long illness. He was a horse dealer and ran Streeter's BKtt hereTor 41 years before retiring in 1956. Surviving are two daughters. Mrs. Ira Armstrong of Sandusky, Ohio, and Mrs. Ernest Fofce Jr. of Almont; a son, Harvey Jr. of Romeo; and a grandson. Ex-Rtpresentative Dies State .Church Council: PHILADELPHIA W - Charles Hawics Jr., GO, Republican repic-sentative in Congress from Wisconsin's second district from 1938 M42r die« Wednesday. of Attica: two sisters: 13 grand-! Rops Growing Amount CoqJ Tycoon <5ureumhs children and four great-grand- Sohhoih BusinesS ' ^ SuCCUmbS EDWARD O. ROUGEITC ROCHESTER -BervtcrtwrEd- ward 0. Rougeux, of 539 W. Fourth St. will be held Saturday in Wil- NEW YORK * - Lansing P. t o . • I Shield, 63, president of the Grand LANSING (UP!) — Swking t0| Union Co., one of the biggest su-preserve “the very foim'datiijn ' ★ With both sides of this divided world In possession of . lubellevably destructive weapcms, mankind approaches a state where mutual annihilation becomes a fwsslbillty. No other fact of today^s world equals this in importance —-it colors everything we say, plan, and do. We must strive to break the caiarpltous cycle of frus- tiatlons and crises which,*----------------—-----------— if unchecked, could spiral ' £•, . into nuclear disaster, thei||/A \AA|/f Ain ultimate Insanity. liVv JvviVj HiU W> now stand in the vestibule o( a vast new technological age — one that, despite its capacity for human destruction, has an eiidW”” capacity ■ to" tittiiWT' poverty and human No longer Is the Ualted Slates the oiil.v major Industrial eoun-Ir)' capable of providing substantial atnounlK iK the resources so urgently needed In the newly developing rountrles. To remain selves, wealthy nations tend the kind ol rooperation to the less fortunate members that win Inspire hope, eonfidenre and . . . Just as we drew on Europe for .issistance in our earlier years, so now do those new and emerging nations that have this faith and determination dewrve help in Poverty War Join U.S. in Campaign of Economic Help A Thumbnail Summary of President's Address WASHINGTON l^Here are the I Space—U. S. expenditures will be .missiles, missile submarines; but main points covered in President Eisenhower’s State of the Union message today: Russia—Has expressed interest in reducing peril cop« *nii ■rtioD to th» mOkURr t ' WASHINGTON (UPD-^President; *r wir**hoto j Eisenhower will have another tour, he is shown here as he appearcri at a recent State of the I'nicxi message next press conference. ] January just before he steps out ------------------—.............................. ■ jof the White House. [fact that the government expeci jto end fiscal 1960 in the black after the steel strike had indicated another deficit., year b^ause of 'decreased tax revenues. union message that failure to ac-ibis challenge could bring "world disaster." Ike Tells Plans for Trip But for prwctiral purposes, today’s message was his valedlc-tofy; the message tor which he will want to be iwmembered. I There was a literary nature to jthe message not alwt^s found in I Eisenhower communications Congress and it is not completely I without charity to note that one the White Elsenhower called on the now - prospering nattona of Western | WASHINGTON lAP) -• Presl-.will begin Feb 23. were an- the President's first stop on his, .... Europe and Japan to accept a dent Eisenhower, .striving person-jnounced Wednesday by the While visit to Brazil will be at Brasilia, ?; 7' 'L' bigger share of the foreign aid ally to improve Free World un-House. Mrs. Eisenhower. Secre-the new capital being built in '’as been •’“"I™- dersthnding, eaiTics hi.s "peace'tary of State tChristian A. Herferijungle 600 miles northwest of thej““*^“"!)® and polishii^ the mes- He warned that refu.sal by any "'"’ Ii^edom " campaign to four and the Pre.sldenfs brother. Mil-lpresent capital. Rio's Internatioh-!^® , " on. - n»m. .prosperous nation to accept Its i^'hh American nations late next ton S. Eisenhower.-^will be ampngjal Airport will be closed to all jet!'^*' ™ freedom’s banner. No moro start- ,he burden would bring|nionth. those making the Inp in tlie Pres-,planes at that time for improve- * liiig contrast to a system of sul-down on the nation "enmities,”' Warm receptions — p e r h a p sUdent’s jet airliner. • jment work, len satellitps could be imagined -internal moral ^^lialing those he received { this help we hope to make possible the enthu.siastic enrollment of these nations under Witness some of the eloquence: and physical softness." iDecember tour of Asia and Africa' .. ,, . , .. D Amliassadors of the four coun-' A palace spokesman said Eis- Lntil tangible and mutually en- He did not indicate how big or ~''*^med aiwured for him m visited lauded the trip enhower will stop at the industrial . forceable arms reduction meas- how permanent a cooperative eco-«!, Argentina. Uruguay and Chile. , _ . .. center of Sao Paulo after visiting ures are worked nomic program he has in mind, 'our ardent democracies. i s-ironothenh,e of-th^ weaken Be means of defending our utidM . . but I on« again jj., suggested that the X>rganiza-{ P'mis tor^ ’be IMay trip, which traditional friendly ties brtween ossuro aU pwples aiid all nations for European Economic 0>-’ that the Uji^ ^tetes, except in ^p^^alion .OEECi .start planning defense will never turn hxwe ........... destructive power. Brazil and the United .Statea. now how "to enlist’all available Jlrc^ .miq resouix-ea in the Indus- rUJ/Jfb * * * tiialized free world — especially T - . . Our mIHtary iiilsslle pr«i private investment capital-" in gram, going forward so •uicccns: campaign against poverty in the toll.v, doe* not suffer from our newK emerging nations, preaent Ui-k of very large rorket By extending this help we hope englnea, whh-h are »o necessary to maly; possible the enthusiastic distant spare exxplonition . . . enrollment of these nations under unique as a President in having Predict Skyrocketing Water Requirement the United State* Is pressing freedom's banner." he said, forward In the developfiienl of more startling contrast to a sy.stem large rocket engtnea lo pla<*e -of satelliten cotrid he*1nr- inueh heavier vehicles In space, agined." Once again I urge Congress to mac, wiatta, ,tet .1,1 Democrats Beet "We aro very, very happy, said Ambassador -Walter Muller of rj .-I Chile, adding that the visit "wUll WASHlNGTOt< ifi — Water re- tlOStllG \^On(JTeSS provide an opportunity for him tojiiuirements for municipal water, ,discuss problems common to re-)and for some industrial and irriga-publics of the Americas." Ition purposes will skyrocket from "This tour will permit the Pres- ,1*J billion gallons a day in 1954 . . . . . *es. Jld WIIKa... Ksr a.Rsc.*, OnfM WAJ^HL\OTO\ ( worked with a c o n g r e * a eon- 'ident to establish personal con-419 billion by ^e year 2000, trolled by the oppositioa party.” roceiv’e;*®™'’"''’^ preliminai-y govern- Prewldeat Eiseilhower said gear production moie closely to markets, make costly sutviuses Republican Choirmon more manageable, provide greater froe^mi in farm openitions, and OSWEC.O. Kan. (AP) — The sleadily achieve increased net Democratic majority on the La-: fai-m incomes. bette County Commission Wednes- w a W day le-clected the lone Republican We must figlit inflalKW as xvr member as chairman would a fiie tliat inipenl.v our The two Democrats couldn't home which one of them should it it it haw the chairmanship. So they a . ^ ^ ‘ That s how be got the job last . The right to vote hasriy****’’ . been one of the sti-ongest pillar^! ' ' of a frw W-iety. ^r first duty' For 20 yea«. California and| is to protect this right against all oaklahoma rivaled each other for! The devel-!ment _estii . .. . ____ fopment problems of our people," The estimate* were furnished da.r. except iw other Pr<^- ig*id Ambassador Emilio Donato to the Senate Select romniittee for qnile 'del Cairti «f Argentina on National Water Resource*. dent ever mI long!" He was quite right. 1 headed by Sen. Robert S, Kerr faced threeronrrewM-s conlroUed ' things! (D Okla), The committee has hv the DeiTMwrats Onlv in ISS* "**■ States government: held nationwide hearings on.wa- House and Senate for the Re- Amenca said Ambassador, months. publican*-. ■ Julio Lacarte of l iuguay. The pieliminacy estimates indi- Nn other Pfesldenl has had «o The White House announcement rated the water requirement* for many ho*tile C*ngre*sr« during *">d the President hopes his trip, the same categories in 1980 would his ienn of otTler. "publicly reflect his deep in-|totaI 246 billion guUohs a day. “We now live In a divided world of uneas.V equilibrium . . . we now stand In'the vestibule -f a vast new teehnologieal age . . . a state wbea mutual annihilation becomes a possIMlily . . ■ we must atrive to break the cal-amitouB cycle of frustrations and crises which. If unchecked, could spiral into nuclear disaster; the ultimate imantt.v . . . sullea sat-telite* ... the fissure that ^l-vldea our political planet is deep and wide ... we live, moreover. In n sea of senuntlc disorder . . . slippery slogans make more difficult the problem of rom-nionlcating true faith, fact* nnd There were some other eye-and-ear-catching aspects of the message today: The President's cant Ions ncknowledgement that tiansion between Ru*sla and the United States shows signs of abating somewhat if the Soviet Union wUl fit her artions to her prononaee-ments; alio, the Influenee of Asia on the Chief Exeentive during his recent ^S.OOO-mlle tour. He apparently came home deeply convinced that not only the United States, but all other free nations must rally to help the South Asian area econon .inflation—"No person, city, state or organized group can atloid to evade the i^tgatton to radat talta-. ! shaH present to ^ Congress for 1961 a balanced budget.” Education — The administration has proposed a program to stimulate clasauoni construction by eiH oouraging state and kfal efforts. Congress— Although faced with again, the President said he looks the opposition party in power* Social Security Under Scrutiny TRklNQ EXTRA HARD If the language wasqt enough to prove that Eisenhower wa.x trying extra hard today, there was his technique. WASHINGTON fAP) — A congressional fight was renewed to- gress la this vital etoctloa year, but he did not want to take up the M to SB minotes tint would have been reqnited to read Us 7,tSft-w«rd toxt. So. he sent Congress a printed ■ersion of the full tekt, then dte-Uvered a materially abridged'ver-skn when be went to Copited HBl his personal appearance before joint I to this reporter that Eisenhower was trying to speak more forcefully, more indebilibly than lie has on other oeca.slons because this wa.s his last truly dominant message to the Congiess. WII.L BE LOST Next year's Slate of tlie Union will be lost largely in the a new administration treading into office; the public will be more interested in what the new ihaii offers for the future than what we wmM a. jday .uiUcal and ord possible made before Con- . . ., : . . T" ____JL «... .a... ____nursing home services to sodnl nursing I security old-age benefits. The move was pegged to expected House a^kMi on a bill rcpenl-b)g present requirements that dia-abled workers, covered under social security, must be at least. yean of age to be engible^tor | social tfecurity disability benefits. fy*’ t& j Judy Gives Up, TempoTorHYr^ Finding Jinty in ISM the UeiniN-rats retained teresi in all the countries of the TV geological survey has told fhile new world, and eVourage further the eommiftee that ttulal surface winning re-eleo dev'clopment of the inter-American I water available for development thundering margin. system." !is 1,160 billion gallons a day. DETROIT (AP) - Judy Ferren has given up her search for the time being at least for her lost dog Jinty. Before leaving by train for ... Thomas, Out. Wednesday, the 17-year-old English girl said she will return here if any dogs turn up fitting the description of Jinty. House May Repeal 50 Age Limit on Present Disability Benefits Chances appeared slim, however, that soda] security health and hqspital legislation can be passed this session despite the election-year practice of Congress The bill to repeal the age lim-Hatknr on disability payments was introduced Wednesday by Rep. Burr Harrison (D-Va), chairman of a House Ways and Means subcommittee which handles the subject. It had tbe tentative baddng encroachment. In spite of tutlonal guarsntpp.s. and notwithstanding much pi-ogress of recent years, bias still deprives some persons in this country of equal protection of the laws. Only one other VresidenI failed TWk Pi-esident will vjpit BranI to get majorities in both houses Feb. 23-26, Argentina Feb. J6-29,; In a pn-sidential yenr. iChfle Feb. 29-March 2 and Uru- --------------------------------- He was Zaoha>ry Taylor, guay March 2-.3 top position among the nation’s! elected as a Whig in 184t while ' A ★ ★ oil-producing state*. In 1928, Tex-| the Deniorrals won both houses | The presidential palace at.Rio of rongress. jp Janeiro said Wednesday night as surpassed them both. The educational process, es-sentlatl.v a local and perviiial reiponilMUt.v. cannot be made to leap ahead by eeni rallied gov- I am not unique as a President 1 having worked w ith a Congress eonlitjled by the opposition party - except that no other President ever did it foi quite so lung! Cfld laliels no longer folth- ealled 'peopk's democracies." Armed c(m(|iiest of free people Is called "lllieration." Such slippery slogans make more difficult the problem of communicating tnic facts and bclicf-s. Wc must make dear'our peaceful ' intentions. ‘ our aspirations SUNDAY! 465 L PKE $T. | 700 AUBURN ST. OFiN9A.M.HII9PJA. , ■ OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK OFIM iuN^Yf f • ■ 9 am. till TO P.M. I75tO HIGHLAND HD. ■ M-5f W WilUAMS UKS b. J t COLUMBIA 2135 DIXIE HIGHWAY | 75tO HIGHLAND AD. ■ 1200 BALDWIN AYE. ALL FOOD TOWN MARKETS-OPEN SUNDAY 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. .\v. Tlris PONTIAC PRESS> THURSiPAY. JANUARY 7. 1960 THBim U.S. CHOICE GRAIN FED STEER SAIE! U. S. CHOICE ROUND STEAK • TENDER inner • DELICIOUS U.S. Cboiea SIRLOIN STEAK T.BONE STEAK PORTERHOUSE STEAK Boneless CLUB STEAK ..... .“^97 Armour's Star or Hormtl : • SLICED BACON t,!^ 39^ Bonolost Rolfod • RUMP ROAST Potor's Froth or Smokod » • LIVER SAUSAGE *■ 39 'BtuERIBB^Y5 I wiSwr M I biscuits TUBES OlE^ -------■^mCONH'NG CHKSESMB 25 .....U.49* .......... .......u59< lAEDlUM ........ ^ SHARP I ’ii: "V-‘' ' FRESH, LOHG GREEK orange cucumbers each 10 I raODPCE VALUEsI GRAPEFRUIT Fresh, Firm cabbage Only 10 FRESH CALIFORNIA or TEXAS ■ CARROTS Only 10 PACKAGE PEOPLE’S FOOD MARKETS 1 ' FOOD TOWN SUPER MARKETS 2135 DIXIE HIGHWAY | 7580 HIGHLAND RD. ■ 1200 BALDWIN AYE. «t miORAFN RD. I ML59 «t WIlUAMS UKt RO. ■ ‘ at COIUMMA ALL FOOD TOWN MARKETS-OPEN SUNDAY 9 A.M. to 6 P.M L \, , . w r \ "r THE PONTIAC PRBSS^ 4mm^AY, JAJ^UARY 7. Ifr I960 Is Your Pancake Griddle Ready?f^ . , Bnfor Strength Pancake—Sapjack —or grUkHe-eakeat Webater’a nnabiidKcd dictionary makes Uttle distinction amons the three. Call thfm what jou will, but eerve them frequently if you are pleai^ Utea. Pancakes are at home in any meal, they may be the main course for breakfast or brandi. dessert for luncheon or jhnner, ur evening snack. The gou-met erepe suzette is nothii« mne than a tiny rkh jOUed ftaneska. year owa batter. Bat M’s have aonae variety. I i •» nwr II Uwwpoeii tmr When yw haw a W%feftaver| Bice Pancakes there are t^ecial paaeakes. Tea may aye aay one el the aamer-eas miles er yaa may make ap floe, Jiae Jfr-iir Siaiaai IfiM Pan-] c^tes. They are an entirely different kind of gridAe cake^ You wim*t .have to call the family to more than once if they smell these cooking. •hortcalikf t 6ff6k MRoroM ■« etip l»utt«rinUli M cup muik^ ^ i ens Mok* Sift together dry ingredienta. Ptfi egg yolka untk light and lemon jookred. Ootnblne with but termilk, mashed banana, riurten-ing and vandla. Add to dry ingredients and mix wl^U. Beat egg whites until stiff but not dry. Fold rice and egg whites sidxttffe; Tara aad byowa oa ether, aide. Note; Banana may be omitted if adihtional % etip buttermilk is used instead. 'A ♦ If you don’t lUte to wait while pancakes coc*. try this interesting recipe for pancake stacks. Theae you make before the meal. 1 stack and wrve In your guests a dxdce of top pings. Spicy Ham’ N Bacoa HOT OFF TUK ORIODLE — Stacks Ol perfectly browned griddlecakes are the piece de resistance for breakfast,* dinner or siQtper — or for snacks. Above you see Banana Riw Pan- cakes ‘served for. breakfast with tracon and tomato iuipe. Have a better breakfast with pancakes. Italian Ciabofta Is Different Qabotta, as the Italians say (they specialize in it) is not bad! It’s an example of the Italian ViiDOkery that the late Maine author Kennett Roberta admired as equal to any in the world. Roberts wrote some of his early bocda on the ’Tuscan seacoast. * * * This redpe fills a* two-quart cas-sende dish and will serve balf-am strawberries and add enough milk to make 3 cupa. ■.f#H*ig . - - 3 packages OO ozj inoen staw-berries, thawed and drained, _ 1 jur marshmallow topping. •dd zMt and qieilde to your menu. Hera era'k few for ‘ ' The Greekg and Romans knew wlr ttOam, or ao we are told, and the Egypttana ate thekr ehare, too. In fact, there is a legend that •nk»s and garlic wart fed to the buildera of the Pyramids to keep them fit for the tough job ahead of Toosttj or SovtBBd Nuts :G6 WithWinBa^ fVyit crisp make a doe ae> Inat^d of chopping a wln?a and quantity of ontona,' ybull save fruJt*- Fw Toasting, prebeat too tima by a ooayse shfedder. oven to 3S0 degrees and ^rea^tho ^ *^^otbdtor for each cv^ ol mUrwtsy added if desired. ' When yea want tte flavor to | toasting, use a skillet over saup* ;the automatic top burner heat oqn« «Mk the eaMto In a little , One of the things to know about onions'rtigbt now ia that they're plentiful, which should be good] oaitler. news to you homemakers wIkwc families enj<^ a laviah oat ol this flavoraome vegetaWe. Ihw ai u nw ( t la A good I trot set at 2S0 detrres. Saute tho nutf for about lo minutes. Drain on paper towels and sprinkle witii salt if desired. separate .vegetable or jMr them to season other foods, you^ ftod thgy If your onions have apeouted. [ Whw^you are having a party use the tender greeu sprouts asiand tboernre more vegetablet aiid ymi would a»y«s. ^froit mi mud thiei wnr go into Vinagar at temoa juice ruUiedlyour refr^erator crbmrr, put them on a pAfliig knife udi remove tfaeiin moIsftirwproQt wrapltitii Iregular food compartment. taste and the odor of onimis. e>BMik« MIS (sboui » ntM) . I Dime* (uw dented Mm f * tUsM sTlItod Meca, onunkted Pr^are your favorite pancake mix and cook four large paheakes (6 or 7 inches) on hot griddle. Mix deviled ham With bacon. Spread each pancake with mix^ andLatadc Berve with choice of; 1. Maple Syrup. 2. Sour Cream.' 3. Honey and' orange—t honey to cup orange ji^.. 4. Cheese sauce-^nyi Spared cheese spread .melted over low heat with enough milk for pouring consistency. You can please different members of the family with'one pancake recipe by varying what you kdd to the batter after it is on the griddle. Junior likes canned peaches so you put bits of drained fruit on each cake before it is Do you know these many advantages of Sealtest Fortified Skim Milk? Catchup, Worcestershire sauce and lemon rind are a good trio to add to an oil-and-vinegar dressing fbr salad. When you turn a cake out on a wire radc, use another rack to iturn U right side up. Father and Sosy are blueberry tans; they get berry-dotted oakes. (iruMlpu leveo cheese so hts pancakes have grated cheese hi them. You get the bits leftover ham, ground line. This last recipe is tor a dessert lpa.'.cake that is apt to appeal to your teen-agers. They ai* a dessert treat. Slrewberry .Maltowa Pancakes; -s mips ptocsiM mil I cupt tlrswtorrjr milk* I uftespsoM Bwltod •hortoalnp 1. HIGH IN NUTRITION-I^W IN CALORICS Milk is nature*8 most nearly perfect food—an excellent source of hi(^-quality protein, witamina and minerals everyone needs Id enjoy, glowing good health. Thanks to delicious SEALTEST Skim Milk, you can enjoy-ail these benefits r^fii/or/y, and sUU control your calorie intake. 2. VITAMIN RICH Help build up your daily requirement of vitamins with SEALTEST Fortified Skim Milk. Extra rich with added vitamins A and D in addition to milk’s own natural supply of the B-complex vitamins. Important to the health of skin, nerves, eyes—your entire body. Drink at least three glasses of pure, frgsh SEALTEST Skim Milk every day! 3. HELPS BUILD STRONG BONES, SOUND TEETH Milk is our best source of calcium and a good source of phosphorus —vital to bones, tgelh, vigorous good beallh. Three gUt8S«i of SEALTEST Skim Milk, enjoyed daily, assure an ample supply of ' the calcium and phosphorus we need. ^HE PONfrAC PRESS. THURSQAY: JAXUARY 7. TWEXTT-Xaii^ .1 Meat Counfer Offers Best food Bargains -After irasttc' fluctuations In,rapid drop In price is being le- from the Canadian lakes or from; . aizef. Producers report that tan-- Bnnels uproats rwilMW to h* supidy and pHce, the hog receipts which bad been delayed by^fte hdiday and the weather were tn- . ^ : n , ^ , .■ creased prices-in- round, of the week. t>ork piiOM brolie again tb allow a wide variety of excellent values. Loin roasts and chops, roll and link sausage, badbn and smoked picnics are extremely low In price.: fleeted in retails. Both hind and ^t quarter cuts may be found sirio'in and porterhouse stealn, mid chuck roasts and groimd -beef. Some ^ores are also diq^aying special prices on the wholesate euia for freezer storage. POirLTKY: Perhaps other low- I^EOJEO POBK LOIN - Pork hasn’t been such a gdod ouy for years. Treat your family to a loin roast that has been cut into ^-rib chops. Tie it up. spread with a vicy barbecue sauce and bake In a slow ov«i. It’s a cinch to serve and a pleasure toeat, -4 - , ..... Plan a Winter Dinner Around Barbecued Pork Meal planning marches on fifty-1 chops are easily separated at serv- r ““.r' “ “» daily Tamily meal that sometimes " eliminated, misses a beat. Not so when a bar-| Barheeaed Pork l^a Ro 1>ecned poik loin roast is front and P«rs iota nut ic Woe^Uutr to be a fine valuer The ocean storms last weekend may have some effect on prices by the end of the . week. ' EGOS AND DAIRY: Egg prictS; remain at About the s a m e ievris ‘ as a Week ago. Wbolesaietk report | f»u>‘ u-autira F»iyca w jciuiti that the spijpad between Ihe large; iMta mr >hi« ‘ A1 any rate, and the medium si#es is aomewhati . liood valjuea Jnay be found Jn the:narrawcr and the. lai-ge sizes anei BEEF: More low-cxMt beef tea- whole jyid cuhap_bii^. _ i an increasingly better value. Egg toivm are ava^ Jhis week than , Flifflr Alflnagh ^h perch is'prires in general avera^ about ' in several wefia. Although whole-j several cKnts h^ thm in Oe-t j^ cem, a dozen less tihan “those sales are up reroewfaat. last week*Alcember as most'of It now comes|fnm a comparable hatch in 193®. Itowevi^ m« be- cost comprtithm with red meats Ueve that the mwd low price rs caused fryer prices to return levels of a few weeks ago are Butter and mild cheddey cheese, stmkge, heavier suM>lies of her-alongf with dairy biscuits aimear to be the best buys at the dairy counters . *■ FRtTlTS: Altboagh general np-ply ef appl^ remains about the same as Inst week, tlwre are than expected and those supplies are lighter. This may be partly re^nslUe for the- higher prices jon Florida Temide manges., Eup--Itdie8..mid prices on grapefruit are unchanged. ^TShatow arT priced tower wr some of the freez^anlaged fields in Florida are producing better A variety'of new it«M may ^ found at lower cost on the gpoci^ shelves. Canned a{^e aaitce, tci mato juice -aiid spdi jdneswl® produces as IMldiwdw or cr»^ and the juice are goc^ •hv*. choices. are in the markets f riety to the trait With holiday demand tending tow'ard ti»"ianer "sizBr-T*'Navrt" oranges'IWs ntmki the birtterHbuys-are in the smaller or medium Ddh*f( throw the outside leaveA of head lettuce In the gkrbage isan than expected. Growrs of Ohio Shred them and tomatoes also report that!clear soups (chicken, beef or ,supplies will last Hater than lastj*®"*^*- „ I year due to increased productiiin ■ iand tt later starting date. Green benn n n d cucumber price* are eensMeruMy lower. , f'aulinower I* bring fenlured in S«« Us for A SpecM OccmIm CAKES lERBT'S lAHIT center on ttie table. Plentiful pork is good news in tlw budget department. It combines high quality nOtrition and hearty, satisfj^ eating «t * bargain price. B^&s provldi^ complete mtat protein, perk also is an excellent source of thiamine, which recent studies have shown to be woefully lacking In many : American diets. Today's best values in pork come from lean meat-type .hogs which are specially raised to a high proportion (d meat with a reduced amouMt of waste. To develop flavor aito Inanre , doaenens, frcrii park sbooM bn tare of I tt degreeo a mast meat thermometer. The thermometer Is taaerted near the center of the thkkeat part of the miiocle. CAre shonld he taksw that H doea not toneh flw hann. bartecuing cut into one-rib chops, ■fills will allow the spicy sauce to penetrate into the roast while cooking. It is best to have the cuttii^ done right at the meat counter. Tied together in the oven, the ________S' ! 'SBFi3^ I (*^(paoiii Woronti 1 USlupooB Mtiaa S dr*n T*ta*iee wuci S tiblMaerai vtamr With a itring, tie chi^s back together (In a niast-like fashion). Place roast with rib ends up in roasting pan. If a roast meat thermometer Is used, insert it into the center of the center chop. Beat together the butter, ___ taifl, salt, paprika, garlic, sugar, and lemon jujee. Beat in remaining Ingredients. Spread half of the barbecue mixture over the roast. Cover roast loosely with aluminum foil. Roast in a slow oven *323 degrees) 1 hour. Vacaver after tore on the roast. Canttane roast- OpenaPackade to Start Dinner t more hoars or a tempMatnra to IM degrees as Watdt carefully. If bone tips ?et too brown, cover again w^th aluminum foil. Cut string and remove it before serving. Cheese Sauce, Bacon Top . Cauliflower Spaghetti has become almost as American as Plymirth Rock. This Cauliflower with plenty of cheese is P^^bly due to the extensive; sauce and a bacon topping! popul^ty of canned spaghetti andi Caaliflower With Cheese Sauce tiieat balls and the handy packaged; >___ spaghetti dinners. 1 1 mcdlum-tlMd Iwid eouUno»«r I cup bolUng water I Ml taoapooBf Mit .. —w,-----■“—It or morsartoc You’ll find the spaghetti, a fast-cooking type, the finely seasoned ■auoe and a small can of grated cheese, can be transformed into something delectably different byj adding a dash of imagination. Herel Trioi heavy green leaves from is a Spaghetti and Meat Loaf that'cauliflowers^ separate into small clearly illustrates this fine point, i flowerets; wash. CtkSt rapidly The meat mixture is alternately! 10-lnch skillet with boiling j^atex layered with the spaghetti which *"<1 I teaspoon of the salt until has been combined with beaten; barely tender5 minutes or long-eggs .and the mushroom sauce then the loaf to baked fai the m'cn’ Drain and arrange In heat-reslst-lor about 30 minutes. “ j ant glass pie plate by Ilk inches): keep warm. Make a white sauce of the butter, flour, milk and remaining li teaspoon salt; over ; very low heat stir in cheese f melted; pour over cauliflower. Reheat under broiler; a few minutes before removhig-spriiikle with bacon. Makes 6 servings. Hpaghriti and Meat Ixiaf 1 pks compIfU ip«(hcttl diantr « •lushroom Auw. J *tt>. 2 Ibi. ground ehudk. t-i, Uttpeon* Mit. H (fiipora iMppw. 2 cupi soft bnid erumbl. '« eup chopp»d pnrslajr. I rntdlun onion, mlnood. Start heating .oven to 330 de- package directions. Meanwhile thoroughly mix meal, one beaten egg. salt, pepper, bread crumbs, chopped parsley and onion together. Then add grated cheese from the spaghetti dinner package in with this mixture and blend well. Beat two eggs and blend into mushroom sauce from spaiflietti dinner package. Combine with cooked ^paghetti, mixing well. Pack half ef meat mbrtare into bottom of a greased loaf pan. Cover with spnghetti niixtore. Then paeh remaining meat arrtx-ture m top. Bake leaf in ovm for N minutes or until spaghetti mixture to firm. Fam^ and cut Into Nitre*. Serve wilh extra can of si^aghetti Sauce with muslirooms that ‘ —bev.i heated,—— ------------ * Here’s New Idea for Applesauce Nice way to treat an old standby. Orange Appleonure m poimdi (t wiry Isrrri tart irwn Tr-"- 1 trsimon yrsted orapfr rtud tS t« cup lutar. MeabrsD*-frM M«Heni islcog with if Sites) trou 1 Urg* orant* I Pare and quarter apples; core and slice fliiii; there should be about 6 cups. Boil gently, covered, with water qnd a dash of salt until Mash with a large spoon so^uce is not entirely smooth. Stir in orange rind sugar over low heat until sugar dissolves. Cool. Add orange sections: chill. Makes 8 servings. ttPAtiHETTI MEAT LOAF A delicious Spaghetti and Meat Loaf can be made with a compieie packllged sjiagbetti dinner that contains quick-cooking spagl)etti. sauce and grated cheese. CHECK THESE GIANT SPECIALS Btfttr foods ond mooft of the lowotf possiblo prieos to plooto comport . . quolity ond prict . . . wt quoronftt tvtiyHiing w# ttll! Wt orf dtftrmintd to bring you volutt ouf of this world —-«» or drenfaigt containing thaat will .attack and comde stainkw If da- te it tw long parioda M a Ruftnimr; te( tact^te atateleai ateel ainlts or xrtamfla for periodi longer titan 90 Not Tpo! Much Woftr i|p"' teoittint idranf Ta.ivtate aU the vai^ilble vtla-iflnn nteat , nthnand ihinerala of a ftnah ap|da|inoR water la cooking than Ihoae^ la appicaauce, u« as little water Varieties such as GoldaB Delieteua as poe^ble to keep th^ tnitt fromUnd Delicious witi^ are of a tcS^ stiddng to tile pan, and do notlneat with morn rooisture conttiti. 1 Don. Mfl. Fri«« 2n4 Dos. 10c inirs lum asfc-fc- "Mw» FIOSH, MCATY SPARE RIBS 29 |C Lk PORK LOIN HICKORY CURED SLAB CENTER CUT SLICED TENDERLOIN PORK LEAN SLICED BACOR HAM ROASTS BACOB 29cu| 39'“^ 25" uT PORK UVER 25 c u. SHERRIKD TUBIUCV IN NOODL£ A little leftover hirifey or chicken can make a dull dish or a gay one, depending on the com- pany it keeps. With a sassy sauce and individual noodle nesU, this is glamorous enough to inspire Whipped Dry Milk jtoiedliitkey Fluffs Up Cfieeseco)cei''N®hNesls SUPER MARKET Where Yom DoUais Do Double Duty! I Leftot'ers can be your binest: The idea of making cheesecake i vanilla, egg whites and drained !i,eip. your biggest headache, at home defeats nuiv « tJthw-jfrMen sMwbenies into pudding!^ ^ ^^at you do with wise self-confident coc*. She thtaks mixture. Pour mto pan over cnimb i of tt as a rich anti heavy dessert,, mixture • Chii! until set (about 3 re served in the same and one that needs the myste-! hours i. Gamiah with strawberries, fast^ as the first time around rious skills and ministratimu of a' as desired, master baker. ' .MDCTVRE: Blend H Fret no motw. my Here’a,cup gingersnap .crumbs with ..............tablespoon malted butter. Press a new cheesecake that’s as light as modem taste demands, and easy as can be With its no-t>ake l«cipe. The magic lies in instant crystals of nonfat dry milk .tiiat crumbs over bottom of kihChignj glamorous enough tor your I The fluffy mounds xtilowx>ur cheesecake, and eat H- as often as you like. Try it and see! Ne-Bake Mmwberty Cheesecake Mincemeat Shows Up in Waffles i ettesn ps iraiwpo •(nm-bmlM. tE»**4 V. tup ItmoB JulM 1 psokst* ouacpi) vtDlU* pudilr.j f tsMwpooiip (I tnTpIppta) ItsnttttM t *n yolU. illiMly Wstm . i cup crMHi-ttyl* estiPt* ®***»»^ . W CUP tnitaot noptpt dry mUSwtyMsl* SuPhtpooiu UiBPB julet H cap tuMT l UUPOOD tpdUIp s tts vhltPt. (tiffly but» •trtwSprry btlrM nothing could he more dreary. If they re viewed as a bonanza and « brand new ingredient, they can make a dish thst's delicious, fresh spring-form pan. ; most cherished guest lilt. Novel way with waffles! Take turkey, chicken or capon for instance. Add nwshrooms and fine, discreet iheny sauce,— plus the glamor of indlvual noodle nests. 1^ you’ve transformed a little leftover into a lot of gourmet dining. Skerried Turkey hi Noodle Neets l cup mUk M tup rsady-te-uM aloeemMt 1 tup botttrnilk psncbki mix I Idbltxpoont butUr imelMdl Beat egg until ydk and white are combined; add milk and beat blend. ' Add mincemeat pancake mix; beat until batter is fairly dhobtii. Stir in meltgd butter. Bake in hot waffle icon until steamln stops. Serve ^ with butter. Makes j# servings. Stuffed Chicken for Two FINEST QUALITY LEAN BUTT . Pork Roast ) adbiK boHlas *sur Tcu. ................. t eupi elieed ■••hrooma Ve cop obopppd pbnley y Ubleipoont sUiMirpoie flour I FMapooB prartkb "1 MiteooB an Fherty . dietd cedkbd turtey Add i taUespoon salt to rapidly boding water. Gradually add noodles so that water continues to boil. Cook uncover^, stirring; occasionally, until tender, Drain Two Is company enough, no needi“> colander. Press noodles into Drain strawberries and reserve syrup. Combine strawberry ayrup, H cup lemon )utoe and enough water to make 3 cups liquid. for a crowd, to enjoy a stuffed'6 buttered Individual ring mtdds. Coaabiae pudding mix. griattn. t caps UqnM. rap Mgar aad egg yotts ia saacepaa. Dank WIW3. iiniWIg until thickeaed. Cool tkoroogUy. Beat eottage cheese aatll creamy. Add padding mixture and oontiBiie besting nntil mix-tare Is blended. Combine instant nonfat milk crystals and ice water and nlilp until soft peaks fonh (3-4 minutes). Add 2 tablespoons lemwi juice and continue whipping, while chicken. The secret is: Buy whole frying chicken, and have! Meanwhile, melt butter or mar-H split down the badt. Wash and garlne. Add mushrooms and pars-pat chicken with a touel. Make Icy and cook over low heat until, your favorite celery and onion muahrooms are tender. Add flour, j bread stuffing. Use chicken bouil-| paprika, 1 teaspoon salt and pep-| Ion for moistening. {per, blend. Gcaduallv add b^- sides up. Fill ^he cavity with stall-.^ver low heat stirring constantly, tag, fasten together with skew'ers.L^,, rilghtly thickened. Add tur^ and truss. Brush with melted but-j,jpy heat to serving tempera-ter and ptace breast side up a>^ g,irring frequently. Serve baking pan. Roast levered in a noodle nests, m^erate own (350 degrees) for pgf,j^y ^ desired. 1V4 hours. Make gravy from drip-| pings. *^1 Plenty of Parsley One average serving cream contains almost as mudij Don’t be afraid to add plenty of^ ,, .protein and calcium as H cup of minced parsley when you are; ^dually adding H cup ^ ahould be con- making .a atuf/lng for meat ot| tU stiff peaks form (3-4 «“'"“®»jsidfred a highly nourishing toodipoultry — It takes a fair amount . when planning menus. • 'to give real parsley flavor. Fold whipped instant crystals^-.------------—— -------------„—----------------------------—— RTRAwautRy niiJCSISi AKK - itoa won t have taiw light a cheesecaiw can be ’til you’ve t U. Fluffy inotiDds F way ^ B Pi whipped instant nonfat dry mil^ crystals make the difference—light as air, fine flavored ■nit ahxntiSriy qs taking. Sal* Days Hiurstiay, Jan. 7 -riirough Wadnoeday, Jon. 13 Freen^?'^ on EACH CAN of Wisk LIQUIh DETERGENT QUART CAN ‘ 69 29 ib. M LEAN, TASTY r Pork Steak 39i Armour's ROLL SAUSAGE 25i HICKORY SMOKED LEAN ^ SLAB BACON J by the pitet, Ib. NESCAFE INSTANT COFFEE Jumbo 8 Oz. Jor FROZEN FOODS Frosty ACros, Frosh Froson PIES LARCI FAMILY SIZE AFFLE—CHERRY-^FEACH 29' ' Swift ^romlmn. Freslii froson TV DINNERS Chickon—^Turkey Soliskury Stoak Eack HAMILTON GRADE ''A' LARGE EGGS Dozen in Gorton VALOR DOG FOOD POTATOES 10*’'“*1 *J!f f^REE WAX APPLIER WITH BIG 26 Oz. Con 4>f JOHNSON'S^ QQc MOTT'S APPLE SAUCE Golden Mold All Vegetoble Gionf 35 Oz. Jort Far $ OLEO 4-59' STORE HOURS Mm., Taas.r Wad.. Than, t la'* I. » ta to Sat. I •• 0 Sm. * ta g FE z-sm SUPER MARKET e ^tor # Win# e Liquor to Tako Out Corner BeNwin Avo. end Wolton Blvd. PONTIAC PRESS. fHURSDAY. JA^^UABlY i960 'Vv . . THIRTV^Nip^ /SELF-SERVICE SHOE STORES GRAND OPENING Fn. & SAT. m s s 9 OPED i to 9 lAILY m9 SDIIAYS 125 WEST HURON THIRTY mo. ^HE POyTUO TRESS. THURSDAY, jAXUARY j 1960 Aim for Worry Free Cars Auto'Engineers Peek Into 1960s 1 cent the.mtioo’i mtaieral tici^V. & Preddmt tnvcl \>y na> tt OH«ett,'V«MnMia, tbat n^jis Naw York (3^ was fot|iided -------- Iflom M« dqr.tOt. i lUTO. |farough aaid. *But tba major em- *‘Hw redprocattaic «sine will ratatii tb poaltioB tar Ota Bidnatiy Bjr 4ACK VANDEMUSO tPI AatapHlh e UMar jpbasb 1OO Ita Ok jjjvtag Ota nwtoiv DETROITxpAatonoOve aBfUwen M • oar he doen't have to worry wifi ccncentrtat on makii« cam aboo^ ooe 0*t wwt need ro- ni^! forum foKtoe exchange of ideas among engine^ working in differ-, ent fields, Chesbbi^h said. Often a breakthrough uKpnc field can :iead to new ideas inN^her fields. CLOTHING ^ mots — Ri^SERS HOUSEHOLD NEEDS —ACCESSORIES AT "GIVE-AWAr* PRICES 11 The 6AE makes tiiis pos^e by ! giving, engineers opportune I become familiar with what fellow engineers are doing. tary o( State’s Office reminded today. ■> Secretary of 'State James M. Hare said he had sent out formal to the 227 legislativfl agents regia- j tered in 1959. 1^6 date, new appiitl cations have been received from only 121. ffe rmioded lri)i^ legislative aesskui starts Wednes-i .tojday and that violators of the Lobby < *ict con be ctarged with a felony 'ling for a maximum U.OOO fine ^11 "In the 1960s the auto engineer'oriNyear in jail. CHILDREN'S SHOP MIRACLE MILE SHOPPING CENTER YEAR We ore Cleoring Our Shelvet of Infontt", Boys' ond Girls' Foil and Winter Apporel — Buy NOW ond Sove $$$ — All First Quality Notionolly Advertisod Clothing. GIRLS* 30% ^<>50% OFF T.T 15' DRESSES 3 to 6x, 7 to 14 $2'^ -Vofues to $7.R8 TOPPER SETS. BO\S>- kky lolUt i Nipsl* WINTER JACKETS ^A99 With Zia-Otf Hoad Reg. $12.95 S^M 6 (0 12 WINTER JACKETS Voluot to $19.95 30"" it 40” Flannel RKIIVINC BLANKETS Eich COAT SETS ir-i9" Volues to $29.95 SiMi 2 to 14 Rooular $3 98 CRII BLANKETS 6 Year Contour COLORED and WHITI CRD SHEETS KNIT HATS 99c KNIT GLOVES .:... .88e 'Special Valut SLIlF-ttPLAr terA sets. Each Carter's filRLS’UNDER PANTS i* 59* Siiea 4 to 16—Pottomi WITH DEODORIZER DIAPER PAIL Reg. 4.40 Famous Quality . lIRDSEYI DUPERS fiiris’Tighls.H.29-2.39 SliM.HerMai6tly..®150 WOOD NURSERY SEAT DOTS'-GIRLS' PAJAMAS Famous Makpr tRAININC PANTS $2M 99- $*|66 T SjjOD 299 3'"99* Flonnel Lined Jeons $225 . $2^ Regulor $2.^8 » $3.98 ^ Size* 4 to 12 BOYS' QUALITY POLO SHIRTS k< 99* Voluei to 1.39—4 to 12 LEATHER HATS . .^2.33 SHIRTS . . .M.19th^2c79 CORDUROY SLACKS $225 T. $374 SiiM 4.12 ValuM to 4.98 SWEATSHIRTS. .^1.09 JEANS % 2 for^,99 59e STRETCH SOX TRIMFIT For 1 SORRY— > buster NO PHONE,. J MAIL or > Wart $!T.95 C.OD. I $ ORDERS > ALL SALES ! m fWAi BROWN SHOE CLEARANCE! re Boys' and girls' oxfords, strops ond ! obwh DwIIw ’ $C99 pumps. Sizes 6'/2-8. 8'/z-l2, W/2-3. ■ uiA M to J Broken sizes. i g #.M. Mon. I thru Sot. USE YOUR SECURITY CHARGE I2|,99 CHILDREN'S SHOP OPEN AN ACedUNT NOW! TAKE UP TO 6 MONTHS TO PAY MIRACU MILE SHOPPING CENTER S. TELEGRAPH AT^ SQUARE UKE ROAD 'U"' FRESH BEEF LIVER FRESH FRiSH FROSTY FGESH DRESSED DRESSED ACRES FISH BEEF heart BEEF StBwtrs A RakUU U.39C Fi«UySize PIES p.tcli Herring Wkitefiih TONGUE U.29F 29^ Cod Hoddock Boss • SISTERS MARKET Opan 7 Days a Waft tot W. Hiraii Absotately... EVERYTHING M NKI TO lUE MON FOR JUVEMLE FIRNfilRE MANY ITEMS BELOW COST CONSTRUCTION SETS TRAINS&ACCESSORIES MECHANICAL TOYS MODEL& HOBBY SETS DOLLS & ACCESSORIES STUFFED TOYS CHILDREN'S BOOKS WHEEL GOODS ASSORTED GAMES PULL TOYS MUSICAL TOYS TOYS FOR TOTS EDUCATIONAL TOYS TOYTOtm DISOOUNT WONDERLAND OFF AND MORE 23 N. SAGINAW Aarott froiri Pontioc Statf Bonk OR AU TOYS EXCEPT UOIEL TIAIIR /VV- THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 7> 1960 aaimfnough IIOfromMSU for Rabies Toll thirtytheke ' lights Strength ftCooW Brtak Soolhim I Roadblock if Promises [Are Kept, Backers Say f |Wi k I Firm in Cadillac Gets Prime Tank Controct to Visit Africa WASHINGTON’le Backers of I I llte largest loan was 190,000 to, jthe Kreugv Manufacturing Crf., jlrr.. OwoBso, Dapper-Do Co. of, DETROIT fUWj - The Small isi«inaw received a mOOO*toait; I Business Adminia^tion announced; Gibson Electronics,»Iron River, today Kysor.Heater Co, of CadSlac Kathryn Shoppe. Three Rivers, was awarded a prime contract for ”***''^ *15.000 each; and ______________________ ___________________ Study in;*143.704 by the Ordnance TankAle BottUnfe Co.. 1809 — but 2i7 persons died of the! W»e*ern <*r»iAn Command in Decern-Cjeek, necel^ a *34.000: dis^ to the PhniRdnes In 1958.1 .V*. T Under|b^ loan. r The World Health Organlzatiwi! Wide Sponsorship ! ^ SBA also announced loans ------------------------------------ (WHOl, to reporting these figures, I *204.000 were made to fiVe The 3,000 mile long Sahara I c___businesses to the State last;Deiiert is never less Uiani 1,000 B UrM* ^ UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. Uh Norway has not had a single cksei ... t nf^abies toyman 400,000. , ♦ ★ TTie Union's lawyers the. Contra^ totaling >26.300,000 *300,000 deposit was unrelated to’ were awarded ftM* construction toe Sun Valley loan. They havf of bridges and grade separations, filed suit to compel the bank to! If laid end to end, the bridges' release the Local’s deposit would extend more than 15 miles, O'Donoghue has said he intends, the department estimated. 7or a formal hearing,, h e e and that if the charges ,are sup-1 An even more ambitious pro- ported, to order Hoffa out/as Union! gram it on the drawing boiirds pccsident. j . ' for 1960. the department said, with ' A federal grand jutV here also an estimated 400 bridges to be i •'«» placed under contract. ^have car- ___________________ Hed on a bitter, running feud for many months. O'Donoghue Highway Dept. Builds- The National Ge<«raphlc Society tends Hoffa has failed to he^ esitimates that man has wiped out cleanup orders of the monitors. per cenTof the original'noffi. ortoe otoerlmnd; had-to-wUdlile ^xipiilation of the African jsisted the monitora exceeded their 1 authority. Announcing the Opening OF OUR NEW DYE DEPARTMENT Itg. $2.51 Volut Ws will (uarsntec our wOrk 100% at all times. Our new Dya OiE|Mrtmant will offer you any color ^ ^ o# d\e for your shoes and guarantee if to be per- manent. wa will also match your acceuories INTRODUCTORY OFFER ................ CLIP THIS COUPON AND SAVE 81c SUPER SPECIAL! Lodios' . . . Men's . . . Boys' SHOE REFAIR — SASEMENT DOWNTOWN STORE Cash In on Real Savings! Men's Sweaters Bulky Wool Slipovers Were $10.9S $777 Most popular boat neck style in the rnuch ^ K " * tvanted bulky knit. Sotid colors, olive, gold, K grey, etc. All sizes " All-Wool Cardigans Were $10.95 $777 100'^ all 'Aools in caidigan styles. Your K ^ choice of plain colori and, contrasting color K Shawl-Collar Cardigans $11« Clearance of Clothing! men's suits Luxuriously warm bulky-knit cardigan sweaters vrith +iHxiaf*tot*ywr shawf collar. Newest colors. Group includes Ivy and Continental models. Imported all wools and hopsacking. Solid colors and mixtures Regulars and longs. All Select a fine all wool worsted suit from this grouping and realize a big money savings! 3-button models Tailored perfectly. Shorts, regulars and longs. From our luxury line of clolhing i Famous "Michaels-Stern” tailoring All siiiaa m shorts, regulaxs .arsd tongs. ALL OUR MEN'S $3.98 SPORT SHIRTS Mei’t Sport Hals Snappy new shapes in black, olive, grey and brown. BIG PRICE REDUCTIONS I Choose from our eye-taking array of colorful and distinctive styles. Regular collars and button - downs. All sizes. Grab this savings! SAVINGS roB BOYS Boys' Crtw Neck Lomb's Wool Sweofers 5^77 Get the softneis and warmth of lambs' wool for your boy —end save! Boys' Orion CARDIGANS i77 Special Group- All wool tweeds in the popular raglan sleeve model. Hurry while this group lasts! 2 Fine Groups- All the most wanted wool fabrics, shades and styles are represented in these 2 great groups Either «t-in or raglan sleeve models. Look how you Cashmere Blends Get the added luxury of cashmere blending with all W90I at a fabulous savings! Dressy set - in sleeve styling. Smart colors. Speciol Sole Offer Boys' Cozy PABKA JACKETS and $077 A spat coals ^ Vi * 2 ond 3 Button Models e Some Continentols *22^5 Men's Corduroy JACKETS Ware to $14.95 Men's Jackets Wtre to $16.95 Were to $29.95 PuUbhed ootteni, ' HIM atyla, quUt n e d aM erlon It llnad Boau AlH? H.-te- 10” Youf choice of 2 or 3-button styles and continentals. Newest light and dark torses and mixtures. Fine all wool materiala. All aizes. ‘3’ of colors and color trims. _____ Waft to $14.95 One group of quilted toted Bedford cords at $6.7'7! Other-group are wash artd wear, quilt lined Bedford cords and polished cottons Sizes JOt^'18 ^fSAMD BOYS MIRACLE MILE SHOPPING CENTER 2173 S. Telegraph Rd. p Suburban Coats •16” ’21” Were to $29.95 Were to $24.95 First group are quilted lined all wopi coats at only $16.75! Better group are orfon pile tmed at prtly $2t 75! Big savings #llh#t 1* .[ ' ' -'V'; I - 1' ^ J!HI»TT-FOim THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, im News of Service Personnel UAW H«ips striking Wilsoii Meat Workers Madne IMt Geiiiid Oieiw INiIller left today lor San Diego. CUif. after ^ndteg a^leave wMh his iftid Jm. Gerald Fid-le'r of 1010 Owtrylaait. pvt Fuller will report to San Diego Saturday to attend school to preparatloa for sea doty. He recently comforted infantry combat trainuig at Camp Pendleton, Calif. . . _ A J95S- Ponttoe ' Oentraa fflgiT School graduate, he was employed by the Kroger Co. in Detroit be-fcHr entering the scivice Aug. 27, im_______ . - ......... He te a member of Pilgrim Holi-nes* Church. _. Tiw SiaHng Arbor Junior Conege graduate (a f o r m e .Waterford .Itotosh^ High School stodept) terad Air Force in July M 1959. He com^ted the Data Pro-cesping Machine Opertttor Oourse at Sheppard Air Force Base Dec. IS. . m pacific Barrier Command a^ scannti^ the area for hostte suh- .toaxiaea. and airciroft. An Oi^n State College gradu- i ate. Ena. Eaton is marrM to the I torinw Roberta D. Eyrt .bf Sa^J Tb* Vance la attedted to the DETROIT tiHThe' Unitod Auto union has given I2S.000 donation was’nude recpBtly to At ^ I i» .1 i. Npium Ntw.PrMid*nt to the tod of the Wilson meat packing plant* atrikers at Albert Honat in adcago, eanmaiksd lor |he Wilson strikers. Army 1^. Linda C. Teague, dvualiter to Jack Tbague to North I Astor St. and Mrs. Nola Ctolahan I of 389 E. Beverly Ave., has been I namnd honor graduate at the Worn- I en’s Army Corps School, Fort Mo- I ObBan, Alb.. A student to the clerical pro- V toUreL and Jyping ctaa-se, Teague attained an academic nvee- | age of per cent. SUTTON FISHER Wayne S. Fisher. Radioman 3-C.j USN, son to Mr. and Mrs. Marion R. FIsber of 774 Scottwood Ave., was advanced to third class petty officer recently as a result of servicewide competitive examlna- School. Pil. Teague enlisted I In August to 1959. She has been I assigned to Fort Hauchuca, Ari- I A.l.C. Billy G. Wlnelnger. aon of Mrs. Ge<^ Murphy to 4730 Jamm Rd.. recently was graduated from the refrigeration and air „ „ . conditioning course at the 3750th He enhsted W March, 1958 and|Technical Course at Sheppard Air, underwent recruit training at; porce Base. Tex. Home on leave from Kecsler Air Gieat Lakes, 111., before reporting| Airman Wineinger has served tor radio school at Bninbridgc.;with the armed forces seven years, i Fl-LLER MeCOLUTM Force, Miss., until Wednesday is Airman 2.C. Gary McCollum, son of Mr. and Mrs. James McCollum to 1006 Northfield St. He completed an aircraft electronic narigation equipment repairman course in December with top grades and has been assigned at Keesler as an instructor tor the remainder of his enlistment. Md. He repwled to the Commander Flert Air, Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean staff in January, 1959. Stationed at Great Lakes Naval Training Center, 111., is S. Douglas D. Roland, son to Mr. Um-luding four years overseas in Army Pfc. I-ee E. Gregory, son' of Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Gregory; Greenland and France He is married to the former Nicole Pottier to Buzancais, France, and has an Infant son, John L. of Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Gregory;r a ||i ■ tc.‘“.l'5creens Are Illegal ;as Segregation Aid promoted to specialist Nancy» France, -An automotive mechanic, he en- and Mrs. Gerald Roland to 651**'^ the service Feb. 15. 1957 ^robb St.. Oxford. A 1958 Oxford ««*. rompletH basic Training at Hiidt School graduate, he enlisted Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. ATLANTA Wi - A federal Judge Wednesday ordered the Atlanta He arrived overseas Nov; a.^^rTrestaurant to stop segre- 1957. Before enterh^ the service he was employed at CMC Truck and Coach Division. Eni. David G. - Eaton, «»i of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Eaton, of 2811 Orange Grove St. it serving as 1 gunnery officer aboard ^ radar picket eacort US Vance. He has been on gating Negroes from other patnuis. U.S. District Judge Boyd Sloan held that the separation amounted to rpcial discrimination.’ He overruled contentions by the City of Atlanta and Dobb^ Houses. Inc., openton of the restaurant, that the restaurant la a private operation and not subject to regulation by the dty. ■ ' Stoaa granted H. D. Coke, a Mnnlagharo, Ala., Negro teaur- Ma^ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glen “ • ‘ 2666 WinWemaa St.. Twp., Airman Glen Bar-tie Jr. bas returned for additional Jet and toitsile maintepance in--strurtion at Chanute Air Force Base- in niin^. * He enUstedXa Iter graduation from Waterford Township High School last June.. , ★ ♦x ♦ Recently home do leave was AA.C. L^n G. Sutto^ son of Mr. and Mrs. Glen L. Sutten to 4266 Unda Ct., Drayton Plains. He has repprted to Cheyenne, Wy«(. June. 1958 and isi «t pacing _______ In charge to ord- jfegrero and whMes la the dining 1 associated equip-1 grra. Stationed at Peart Harbor. Ila-Lu? wad. Ens. Eaton wbs at sea on “ “ * ^ an around-tLclodc wrtch segregation_will 2,250 miles of ocean between the Pacific islands of Midway and Kodiak. apply to Negroes in general as well ak, Coke. The suit stemmed from an Incident at the airport In August 1968. Coke contended that he and two friends wero told tl>ey would It win require another SO years to complete the Job to mapping thelhave to sit behind a screen vthen nation at the present rate, accord- they sought to eat in the restau-Ing to the U.S. geological sur\-ey. 'rant. BiglBig! Big! Kl mjtffifwx id We ore Bringing Bargaini^Galoreirom our Worehouse Doify ■— Whotever Furniture you n^d for ony Room in your Home — YouMI find it here for le^. Our Price Togs Will Prove It.- ^ Spoce does not permit detoils of the wond^ful Volues in Bedroom Suites — Sofos — Sectionols — Choirs — Tables—Lamps. Our Advice to Thrifty Folks is—Before You Buy Any Furniture Anywhere—See Our Price Togs, THEY WILL SAVE YOU MONEY OUR JANUARY I MATTRESS SPECIAL Built for comfort. A firte, f Innerspring. Sleep — Look and feel ^ttsr ors a SEALY. iHI-WAY FURNITURE MART /S32 WOODWARD AVe.,B//tM/NGHAM. M/CH. The U.S. has doulded Its rlct CTop the past 15 years. RAEAMAZOO (UPD-Tbe board to dirorton to the reeentty m«fs4 K-V-P ------ ■ . ~ _ panics held its first mee^ here and electod Dwight stocto as (pmtdtfk «t the cQoibiaed fim. Btodier had bees praaident to K-V-R tome) IW. The merged firnr enpktys toant 1,000, (,000 to The state to Missiouri has 6,739 miles to railway track^. C«liriif Surlci RONOMKAL MCm FRiPAIWIT' RUrSBUUT ‘ iinamiK TtMoraftt P.L OKI tu i p.e on ICE FISHING NEEDS U.S. GOVT SNEEP-UNED^ .FLKHT PANTS Cost Goy'f Over $25.00 $•>99 i Zip front ond lag oponing. All looHitr heavy sheep lining. rMfB'i THERMAL UNDERWEAR QaUtrt laMhIrt UNDERWEAR i7T7$133 H.'irr.ULeco? ALL STEEL ICE SPUDS UEFISHINfr RODS nwrtlai ntt «llk Ua. vUiai 66:. ICEFISHING TIP-DPS 69* lOE FISHINS Ice-Creepers 29' ICE ICE FISHING CANNED AUGERS LURES HEAT $AS7 As Low As ^ HI Rog. 15c Size 15‘ 3^25' ICE^ SKIMMERS OPEN DAILY 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. • OPEN SUN. 10 A. M. fo 6 P. M. Men's Hooded SWEAT SHIRTS l&MiTTENSto toh to P\__ ImsIbY' ^ M ^ ff aarketo. M •f« 8-M- ^ t-Xt. ^ SOCKS 19 Msi’iTHERMAl SOCKS .H Pr. SF Men'i Insulated [•®®!$1088 Men's ond Boys' Boys' Chovoren Solo OXFORDS Mon'i....$2.89 sOss Ladies' L Sfl€\r« 5vv! Men's _ Fdt ( FleeeT Lintd PACS Boys' Sturdy COMBAT BOOTS $077 sCoo, Skill Sah! SQ88I I Men's BIfick, Brown I WORK SHOES ■ High ond Low Stylo^ 1*4" Moi'i & Woaoi'f FIGURE SKATES / ' ' Boyg' ond Girls' $ pi I Boys ond Girls ! FIGURE SKATEG $1 S. SAGINAW ST. ‘ , — Next fo Wngley"*. PLENTY OF FREE PARKING 'f., THE P9XTIAC PRRSS. TtiliRSDAY. JANUARY 7« 1960 THIRTY-PIVB ^konetsDraw iliff Penalties p Recruiting #ldced on IncNifinito iProMon# Nd 3owl» |TV Affbwad ^ RamOtUcdcd Saving Cannon Fight for Court lOS ANG?UES (AP)-Genttal M«nagw Pett Rradle of the Loo Ahgelco lUiBio .dwdlnM Wednesday to enter into a detMite with at-toni^ Adrian Buifc in the red-hot SNEWiyORK (AP)-the Unfve^ ity of puahoma, already omart-(W froili its worst football to 13 seasons, now faces a period it indeffadte probation imposed by Ihe powerful Ehcecutive COundl of the' National CoUegiafe Athletic i?»n- - s And the mighty Sooners, three national (tampions under ^ genius of football Coach ai|d Athletic Director Bud Wilkinaon. tte practically powerless to do Kything about the stilt "penalties i&iwscd iesterday. " ' * * * -Under the terms of the proba-&n. Oklahoma cannot partldpirie H any post-seaswn foothkU games and danhot appear on any NCAA-^roUed TV prsgrams. No otitor qport is involved. r-TWs wlB cost the university, ftromial ^ mm footbaB^am^ pton. a po^lr Werth in the^ ^ange Bond and its share of the 809,000 which participating teams to a nationally tetevised fegulai> ffoson game now reoistve. "Although the Sooners finished #th a 7-3 record in 19S9, they 4^ won the Big Eight title and are automatic dioices to defend R successfully and wtai the Big Eight Conference berth in the Orange Bowl. Hiey also have been A fixture on the nationally tele-tosed Gameof-the-Week aeries for years. But all this is gone for an indefinite period unless Oklahoma can dbnvince Arthur L. Wood, an oO- tohletic program, that he sho^ divulge financial records of a re-ouiting fund: ; Here is Oklahoma's dilemma; : Wood, who lives in Oklahoma Qlty, administered an fund used for improper aid to at Imet one atiilete and improper PUcruitlng of football jdayers tiie $CAA said. The fund existed in Oie period 1952-54. The NCAA in-testigated Oklahoma in 1964 . 55 ^ on Oct. 36. 1955, the univei> aty wu placed on probation for a ,fR04^ar perfod. No additional sanctions on bowl games or TV hsme imposed. V. ★ A ★ But the NCAA said it has now discovered it did not have the full ^formation on the recruiting iUnd at that time or the Oklahoma penalty migdit have been different. Now, the NCAA said in effect, if Wood will disclose complete de-taUa Cf the fund, the AMnelatinn w|l rmdew Oklahoma’s case, everything is OK, the universi^ comes off probation. If the fund details are worse than the NCAA bpOevet, Oklahoma could be hi deeper trouhtb. ' Wood, the NCAA said, has consistently refUMd requests to make knpwn the records of the fund on the grounds that be would Jeopardies his own position, ★ few Last night Wood said he consid-en the matter a.dosed issue, that NCAA rules were not violaM and toat “as a certified public accountant I would be ffable to a 80.000 tine for disclosing sudi in-fprmation on a confidential basis.'* ■" - 'This . »Ttaai-»atUff (FWl), (M.3 poinU); mJ iS( Two Contracts Given Tobin Covering '60*61 Seasons TORONTO W — Tobbi Rote, who directed the Detroit Lions to their last world championship after Bobby Layne was hurt, has gone to Canada to finish out his football career. The 10-year National Footbajl League veteran quarterback signed with the Toronto Argonauts yesterday for the highest price ever paid a Canadian professional, 923,000. ----------jl (F). ---- reUj—FlUctrnld I;M.I (Dy- wvtkl. Bclb«n, OrsTu nnd D>tU). aw frcMt/to relay—FMB (CMcaddM. Trtvu. UathlMB, Maalm) l:lsj. fSxhlbltlon relay) — FHH 1:11.7 " ..... wn and Flarioo). Broncos Rally to Beat Bowling Green Cogers KALAMAZOO (IMVedem Mich-ig^ statged a second halt rally hen Wednesday night and defeated Bowling Green, oo* Hie pact, made after to’o days of negotiations, is an unu complicated and seerMive piece of paper about which Lew Hayman, managing director of the Big Four cldb, and Rote felt they should Moore Included Among All-Slar Prevue Winners OMAHA- Neb. — Monroe Moore rolled a 187-216^ series in the prevue aption of the All Star Bowling Tournament here Wednesday night. The Pontiac kegler finished lltfa out of 48 men on the last of five men’s squads to win a squad prize of 917.50. Carmen Salvino iff Chicago paced the entire 240 man field In the warm up session with a fifth round 460 output. His sole reward was a first place squad prize of liqo- Jack Carr) of ijmslBg. Mkfe., Dick Weber, St. LsMs. Baddy Boniar, Chleaga and WaH Miranda of Dos Plaines, Iowa were other moa’s sqaad victors. Oonqticous by thoir feeble performances were the tourney’s defending champions. Big Bill Welu All-Stai Pin Points r HAVING PROBLEMS? § ByJOBWRJMAN ^Tve been getting |lots of mail tern Ixnrien with personal prob-lims, but giving the answers here (Bight help others with similar tooubles. r; fe fe - ★ rl. If you find younelf Oiilfag M ^ side or the other in your ap-' voach, try concentrating on keep-fllg each single step in a straight Ibe. Draw a mental line from yoltr parting position to your finishing ^tions. and concentrate on going #rectly to the foul line. of 5t. Louis had an embarrassing 354 arhile Marion Ladewig of Grand Rapids hit 301. A field of 240 men and iromm began their qurat this mombig f<>r the championships on the 24 lanes that were especially installed in the Civic Auditor<-«r« for tills event. The mea will roll six gaiaes fer the (Mr days et qaaUtytag. After that, the top N ia terms of total pinfall wiU matiicaiate to the iteminiials. The girls roll four games during each of their three days of qualifying. The top 48 in the preliminary action advance to the semis. Don Carter of St. Louis and D<»-na Zimmerman of Akron, Ohio, are the lavoriles. 81. Louis appeared to hold aH tho top attention la the field of tid men. Defendlag the title lo Welu of that city and seen as the top dark koroe Is Weber. Weber has never won an All-Star tourney vtolie Carter has won I ' tour of the 10 previous meets. But' Don’t start out fast. Take ajWeber was the recent Bonier of short, firm step. Increase yourlthe Year choice of the Protessksi-speed and length with eadi step, al Bowlen Assn, sponsors of the The final two Steps are when you All-Star tourney, because of his shift into high gear and get your consisteficy in landing in the money top speed without^actually radng.|in tbdhieys last season. AF inn»k*t* RH NAMESAKE—Jack Dempsey, famed old Manassa Mauler of boxing, gives his namesake, “Manassa Mauler’’ a ^p talk at Saqta Anita where the 4-year-dd colt is beii« groomed for three 9100,000 handicaps. He has lost in a pair of tUneup races. Tailspinning Wings Beaten by Leafs, 3-1 TORONTO t» - Hie Detroit Red Wings are beginning to bang out the same distress signal that waved unflaggingly throughout their 1959 tailRiin. The Wings are mired in a duplicate of the slump in which they fed from second to dead last in the National Hockey League last season. The TotmIs Maple Leafs place.last night with a S-l vle-tory. A tew weeks age the Red Wings had a stranglehold m the rannenip berth. Today Tor-Mto holds second 1^ two points and Detroit is falling fast. Detroit has won only once in I seven games. There’s no telllhg how far this new nosedive will drop the Wings. But with the Chi-cage Black Hawks moving up fa^ Detntit’s playoff hopes could become endangered. The Wings missed out on the playoffs last season for the first time in 21 years. Allen Stanley, a well-traveled defenseman, has become a new nemesis for Detroit. The Leaf veteran fired a blazing screen shot for last night’s winning goal. The same player scored two similar goals at Detroit last weric in a 4-2 Toronto victory. Gordie Howe got tlio Red Wings'dti ahead irith an early tally. Mu 17tb. H came at t:82 of the first period, glancing In oft n poot. Detroit retained its skinny ad- vantage until midaray id the second period. TxKYXito deadlocked Qie count on a power play goal by Frank Ma-hovlich. Stanfe/s goal broke the tie at 6:19 of the final period. Mahov-Hch added an Insurance goal 3t^ minutes later and the Leafs bad second place all to themselves. The Wingr renew their efforti New York. Tho Bangers are a distant last, losliig to the Stock Hawks S-l tost nigkt. The victory, provided by rookie Bill Hay’s second-period goal, boosted Chicago into fourth place. Ihe Hawks climbed over ths idle Boston Bruins by one point. The gapie at New York was featured by a fierce stick fight. Chicago’s Bobby Hull, the NHL’s top *, battled Ranger badman Lou Fontinato. Tb^ fight started at the end of the first period. The combatants fought so viciously officials and other players were helpless to break up the battle tor a full minute. Referee Vern Buffey banished both players from the game. Hie match penalties carried an automatic 9100 fine for each player. sar W I, VFU.OFOA .. It 7 T H Ut tl .. It U • 44 Its 101 .. IT U I 41 Its M .. u It ■ n US iis .. IS to S 31 US 1« .. Ittt • U lU 144 Peanuts' Hits for 30 Points Carl Montross Sparks Rochester's Easy Win in City Basketball Carl (Peanuts) Montross poured 39 points through the hoop Wednesday night as Rochesteit handed (rinlCss Walfeti Lake a 91-35 thrashing in Qass B City League basketball action at Pontiac Central. Larry Hummel added 18 points to Rochestor's high-scoring offense. ■. * , : .. Jl.-:*-dim Poteet tallied U points to matare Booth Romeo’ 79-tl trt-unpli over Griffs QriU la a» rther “R” eratcM- Ken TIthersge letted 18 for the ioeera. In Qass C activity at Pontiac Northern, Town A Country' remained undefeated by crushiiw Smith’s Fuel Oil 59^22, and Jim Dempsey’s 19 points featured East-side Shopping’s 63J8 conquest of the Pontiac Pitiice. ★ fe ★ l^hil Landry bagged 19 points to spairk the Black Hawks to a 50-32 verdict over Eastside Shopping and Lee’s Sales A Service routed the Aces 53-33 in Gass D play at Lincoln Junior Hi^i.. ★ fe fe Gty League standings: CLAU A W L : orr. t i ro*>i« lh»Wi 1 1 ctoMi (Idn's IkiTZt CLASS D W L t 1 Lm-iSaIm 4 3 Kattiido 4 3 PledCM I 4 3 Acm TOP WOMAN ATHLETE - Marla Bueno, 19-yearold BraSiM teitnis star, has been voted the Female Athlete (^ 'tiie Year for 1959 in the annual Associated Press poll. Mias Bueno sraa both tite Wimbledon and U.S. Championshi{i« durti^ the year. No Talk of Pennant at Tigers' Banquet DETROIT Ifl — Without the tomaiy slogans and Hot Stove League enthusiasm, the Detroit Hgers made their 1960 bow last night. The front office and the men Tvho Trill run the club on the field breezed through the annual in the past by high-sounding statements In the irinter time and mediocre perfmnancet on the fidd in the summer. “We’U try to let our ball club do radfo-TV party at a downtown ho- the uUkiiig,” said manager Jimmie td — and no one Triii^ered the word pennant. Dyfcee, •Tvho introduced coaches Luke Appling and Tom Feni^ The get-together follawed a board meeting at Briggs Stadium. Oidy routine matters were dis- Raps Other All-Star Bowls 'Sr.' Founder Sounds Oft MOBILE, Ala. (AP)-“We are not. mad at anybody,” the president of the group Triiich owns fix Senior Bowl wid after the Bowl’s founder criticized other all-star bowls. Jimmy Pearre of NariivUle, Tenn., a contractor who started the game in 1950, said that other all-etar bowls pay their players under the counter to keep fitan harming their amateur standing. Pearre is vice president and general manager of the senior bowl ley McRae, said in a statement yesterday. * * * ^Pearre’i remarks indoded statement tiiat be.had affidavits from about 18 M> the 1954 and 1955 Senior Bowl games saying they received payments after competing in the BlneCray game at Montgomery, East-West at San Frandaco, and North-South at Ml- Offlcials d the East-Wed and Blue-Gray games issued denials. Pearre said be felt the National CoBegiate Athletio Assn, should to-vestigate the matter. ■We have a high regard for Jimmy Pearre as founder of the Senior Bowl game, but desire it understood that comments attributed to him derogatory of other all-star games were not official aiid do ndt repteawrt the views of the trustees and officers of tiie Arts A Sporte Assn., own- ___ „ the Senior Bowl game,’’ the Association -President, J. Fin- group purchased the dub mora than three yean ago.” »Wo actaafly had taa at too nMettaf,” he added, “tt feas goMi to listen to n eennd baseball maa teU aa where we atoei NBA Standings uanniN diviswn S4w'y“ 8 jvisa... rFei I Si Hits to 1 good ston ftor Hger was referring to the appearance of President BUI DeW^ before the board. "He gave us a better dctiire of our overall team operation than «r bad,’-’ said Hansen. “We’re very optlintotlc about having him Trith w. (X oonrse, we ail arera optimistic before, but that Tv«s caused by the excitement of _ ‘ _ the dub, and getting our feet on the ground in basebaU. fe fe fe we've come dowrn- to earth. DeWitt filled us in on what been trying to do on tradea with other dubs, and on the poi-sibilities that exist. He’s the man we’ve been looking for ever since TTO got control of the Tigers.” Like the other owners, Hansen is leaving the provocative statn-ments and predictions to DeWitt -and Dykes. And both of them confined their remarks to a zimpic, and safe heUo. £ S. If itoMtiag sMeways at the Joel Uiie givea yaw tmtiJe. tty }s keep year toll toot ahned dt-Aectiy at year target tfcraaghsat 9our stops and tiBde,. = fe fe fe S3. If niahlng your foDtrrork to iivtng you tn^e. dxnparc your flMwork to tjte accderatlon of an ^toniobOe. ft should start mit idtN^ and graduatty.inctaaae I you release the baU. ^ Afmw Brake Serviee 109 N. Com Avanno 'PMliae's Oidosf Irak# Servlco" VACUUM BRAKE UNITS EXCHANGED HyroVocs Trtodl«vocs Air Pocks Hond VoiviM Rsloy Volvft All Fittings We Guarant§f Our Work/ I BEAR WHEEL ALIGNMENT JOE’SSURPLUS ARMY RAVY___________ 32 SOUTH SAGIHAW STREET FE 2-M22 AIINUAL MID-WINTEB SALE COOL DISCOUNTS on WARM WINTER CLOTHES AH Itama on aeda ora guarcmlaad Morkad doams_ JACKETS AB Other JACKETS and COATS at Speotal MU-Winter Sale Priecs INSULATED _ UNDERWEAR 8Pc. Sait.... O IsynlaM ^ (nsBlated Jacket !S; •4“ SwMtSkirts ...Reg. $1.69 11.39 WUli Ski faiks .. Reg. $1.4S $U9 WsN Skirts. Rm. 15.95 & S6.95 losdsd SwsAt ttirts Reg. $2.98 S2.49 Thtnul Uidsiwaai—isiiili Iscvy Km lisilitsd Mittsu $l.l9-4e|l,29 Pv tiiiR Tiiopsi Cops 12.29 Tksfflui Socks 9Bc — SiHpiag Bogi It Beg. 13.39 ea. ~ $2.98 ea. 2 isr S9.M Oennlne OeVL Ktliil Bssis ia* WMBMil aeWel- SM4 FrtM ,. w **“ GALOSHES 4 Boekle ar I^N pr. Zipper ^ am* PaMW* tlJi Em* Bm4« ....SC.3* Bl» Bm4i SC.M WU«r Bm4« ..flt.tS mSOLATED RUBBER BOOTS SUM 7 to U IQM HtJVV S A 8HEEPSDN LEATHER PANTS I4«»l tor to* FtobiX Pr. $3.49 INSULATED VESTS Re«. 14 JS — S2JS Reg. r.S5 - 8.11 Reg. S2J9 - S2JS MmI tor OaM«»r Witk A iM FMtaif Insulated Leather ROOTS , Kj iivc ms NAVY N.| PANTS M*v SlM M. SOM BUek*l Lleto « Af2\ BDT MOn-m UTEB—IOE wni HONOR wkv TRRI BRmRTIONU CURfil CUBIT CUP Boilg Backwards wHk Reinir BiOt OR Tbat OldGsrI 1960 Chevrolefs M50 Down ^56 Per Month IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Includat An Toxo| ond LicaiMO Ptofos 631 Ooklond ot Cms Pi S4I61 ,l|:. mmnr^stXr THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY. JANUARY 7, i960 y—-if;..; Save! License Hate NEEDS Hi* 'TCMNMir* 2 «>r iWtolydiiltinOOwdChww 00^ ,.Mbk.AA»VMipMW 77V 'ifw mfmv*\ CA> NVf MOIT»Mii;%. .4 Ml ^iiitAaitT, twiiti m .T*IHIT,»^ 4/l5t State Cage Semi-Finals All to Be Night Games,. LANSING wUl gprrad ah owr the Lanaing and East Lanstng ,jnap for the •emi-flnalB of their atate touraap lent thib year. Prevkns)yi aemi-finals e< the state high adnol basketball ,toi»^ OM^ wen held at JM 1«ao oeo. ters~^ Lansing Qirtc Ofiiter Michigan State University. Jenison Gymnasium. Tids jw, the ^tnes ariafi..4.19 195A-54-A>Fwnt - . . or Rear..............A9S awe DE SOTO 19S0-d5-AI Madoli . .. Mntomoar............4.19 195A-5S—Al Mat ■ Roar. Nr 195S.49 Frank ladk 5.95 la*. S.9I Fne OLOSMOtai . I94t.50-Fronk 7A, AA, At 4.79 1943-50—Roar. 7A, AA. At. ,S.9t 1949-59-FitMt. tt A 98.. 4.89 1949-59-Roar. It A 9t.. A19 Hr PONTIAC . _ 1939-51-AR. Roar......3.9* 1943-4i-AR. firoat....A89 1949-54—AR. Front....... 479 1955 51 AAMnt.... ...SM arawWi year OMtbasa. Per AR ORiar Can and Madala Not Uitad Abava Cat At YanrJ ARI|ain^..8nrat MAKE AdjwtiRg TOOL BRAKi SPRMO f Handy tool makot Ino IpgmA -... — ' TERRY CLOTH SEAT COVERS 3" Sip tlrao afi ar an N^^aJR^ warm and camfortnbN for wN* tar drMna. WoR modo. from gomiino hoovy ffrodo torry doth by notionoly lM«n 1^. For gulch start wRh ftft >oabbatlorir— ^ Jompt any car . kattaiy la yotn MaTweir^ rrn\ O.A "SUIURIAFr . \*t\jtU-WUTNER/ HEAIUMF! Orhra tafalyl Raplaca dim. danaareot haad llglittl 144 I EKh J&R AUTO STORES 115 NORTH SAGINAW ST. Vacatiori Is Over, for Pontiac Central Caget Thiefs Collide W« bo finyed at tha tealaw gym at .T p.m, and ,8til p-ai. Two Ckm O gamoa are oehed-oled for tbe CMc Coaler at the came haara. Sbigle Claas B games will be pla^ St Lansing Sexton and Ev- D games at Lansing Qtto Junior High and East Lanring Hiid>> «U at 7 p.m. It was explained there 1 crHidsm of aftemoon games cut-tii^ into school tinie. The fOgh Athletic Assn, also udd file semi-finals dies were changed to make sure no fans would be tumed away and to permit the games to end at an eaHler hour. Here Tomorrow Hungry Wolfpack N«xt Soginow Vottey Hurdlt for PCH Quintet. T Boikotball iMh The Pontiac Cfentral Gladiatari drubbed Rochester HI-Y, 36-14; Waterford HO-Y out First Christian Church,. 3643, .and daricston ifi-Y whipped Lake Or-lon..IQ-Y, 35-28, in YMCA Cenunu-nlty League basketbaP games last night at the Pontiac "Y” gym. CAN YOU AFFORD . . *1895.00 . fir a Am iapirM Mr? PRIDE OF RERMANY-Jitl Arrivtd! £w»^Mt&Di^lS!^wn4iiC See It Today at .. . | ^ OLIVER Motor Soles, Inc. 210 Orahard Uk. At*. K ^910l W L eoflils. (^tral a s Sagli^ 2 0 XOTtheni I I ____ CMtr.1 1 1 Artltttr HIU 0 1 cans" SouUdltld By NLL CORNWELL The vacatioa is over and It's back to the hardwoods tor the undefeated Pontiac Central bndtet-ball team. A victory-starved Bay City C«i-tral squad invaxies the PCH gymnasium Friday evening to meet the Chiefs In a Saginaw Valley Gon-’erence contest. The Wolves, coached by former Walled Lake mentor BUI Ulienbraek, are winlesa la three ClirrBWVtU. Plagued by trwbles with seniors Dd an injury to a key-performer, [Bay City has absorbed convincing defeats at the hands of Midland, FUnt Central and Saginaw High. Saginaw, currently rfiaring the Valley lead with PCH on a record, battles city rival Arthur Hill tomorrow night at the Ifillite Inma in ok-crudal loa«ua game. A vtetory ovsr Bay City and a timrfy assist fitmi the HiUitca would give the Chiefs undisputed poaMasion of lit jlace in the SVC AD bat two of UUcnbnioh’o oeaioro have qbfi oqaad tUo ooasoB and one of thorn. 5. C. Dmm, still has. not fatty re-raawed from a football iajury. Dnaa, flgared^to be a starter la lllMibrarJi'o pre-aeaoon plau. wm pat oa a salt tor the first ttme Friday, bat he It aot expected to play. Bay Ctty's staiting lineup will| consist of the lone active senior, forward Ken Warren, juniors Ladd Irvine. Bob Crampton and MHchcll Sinunons, and ax^ibomore Tim Pete. Simmons is a-6-toot-7 center. The Chiefs of Art Van Rynn STS unbeaten in lour starts. They started slowly, but they've improved each time out and boast SVC triumphs over Arthur Hill and Flint Central and non-league conquests of Edael Ford hnd Pontiac Northern. Prep, Cage Standings j • i 11 \ ii WATHS-OAKLANP Trtf ntis.rkM Uke Orlen Avondal* ssnsra- } \ ImU* c North a New lUfM OSPM Brown OUT n ni tfH± 1i"r 01. at. uuf St. Boocdlet St MMOmI Coantrr Oor . UUen ........ ' UplMtO .... —lui Ltoo .. .ao Btariao .... Unrtott. .... VT ’trt 1- rsrmlncteh OUl . TW-COCNTT Uns^ Sports Calendar * ’tt,“h"ioLUf Use OB.ntrnl »t thwauol ChrUUnn “--otlta-Rw IM eriffs Grill, 49 N. Saglaaw VFW Fm» He. 1170 Ft 5.4201 - 591 S. Sefisaw Netchmeker — fert Xaby I S—Ortffi drill n. Commtreo t em.; canrfcstoa tn. ATonOsIr lU. l:M p.m. ^klorfote BkikktMl , At jsaiw mss iris^.{3rar. ’• "I WkUod ijko k( rDame Morthora H ' - m WalrrforO kt rkrnlaitoD ■ ■ StrkltT kt ao“'»>n.i.. NndJk pt I Professional WRESTLING PONTUC SATIONJLL SOUS UIKin 57 -WATM rrent FRIDAY, JAN. S 8:30 f. M. TITU BOUT irM Hokr BwSi rWy cmM RINOSIOI ADTAKCB 1 ......1.59 2.00BZ.50 a^olm at Ian Ootrolt fart Huron HkVf ANNUAL CLEARAIVCE Everything in This Sale Is From Our Regular Stock of McNally's High Quality and Style Distinction, All Famous Brands by America's Leading Manufacturers Annual Clearance Two'Trouser Suits $5585 _ Reg. $69.95 to $79.95 Annual Clearance WHITE SHIRTS White on Whites and 65% Dacron 35% Cotton M.35 3 for $12.00 Reg. $6.95 & 07.95 Annual Clearance KUPPENHEIMER SUITS *78®' Reg. $95 SUBURBAN COATS Reg. $24.95 ... NOW *19.85 Reg. $22.95 NOW *18.85 Reg. $19.95 . . NOW *1585- )06 N. Soginow M.., A Fri. Till 9 p.m. SPORT COATS $2885 Reg. $35.00 -TROUSERS “Ivy's, Continentals, No belts 20^ OFF SPORT SHIRTS Wqsh 'n' Wear Reg. $5.00 . . NOW *3 99 Reg. $5.95 .... NOW *4 79 Season, TOPCOATS $4885 R«g. $59.50 ' * :■ “Jl T w. vwnfno «t Basil part CTMbroak at noloaibaU milord at RoUt Horthrlllo u Wait Bloomfkld. CUrkitM at clartaciTiiii Bloomfltld Bllli at Brlthtoa AroadaH at Oak Park it OrtcaTllla WirS*Brap& *ai**Ladt^ Onrdta at Almont »s.2r;sii.sss“‘' !■ S-lSb"* “• ■ : aeuth jD^i at Tmw . ■ St. Prra5i,k'y*qrMk>iS5 Kuhn's 4th.Period Rqlly fl |D«fMts Falcons, 59-50 !■ ’■ ov» for another year and that means the prep baaketballers around the Oakland Qpunty aren, can expect a fast and furious pace Bom now throusb die March tour- A scattered list of games usheied in the new ym Tuesday but the tomorrow with several complete non-loop affairs on the cage n»nu. TheK appears to be as dom-IB uiy of Ike races BABON DtlNIOEB ^ Howard Sdwunaman. frfi. is a rare giant at iBloomfield Hills. He win be trying to dunk a few FViday night - at Brighton as the Ba^ and BuHdogs hdp make up toe first bir prep hoop schedule of I960. Lnddng experience, the Ug, guy has 36 points in seven games. Fight Location Pro-Am Event Precedes Start of LA, Open SALT. LAKE CITY (AP)-Bmt-ing promoters started looking for another site today tor a proposed Gene Fullmer - Carmen Basilio nflddleweight championship boot. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormon) fused yesterday to give permission (or the fight to be held at the Brigham Young University Fleld-hq|iw in Provo. ’ Utah, 40 milea south U here. The BYU Field-house seats more than 11,000. Fullmer’s manager, Marv Jen-s 01). expressed disappointment and said the bout would have to staged out of state. The most likely sites, he said, were Denver, San Francisco. Milwatdcee and Miami. . ' Jenson said he hopes the bout ^ can be held In April. FuUm«r won toe National Bmdng Assn, middleweight tide by topping Basilio in the 14to round last August at San Francisco. ing pnrfesslon Joined ft host of celebrities today tor a round of proamateur play on the eve of the start of the rich Los Angeles Open tournament. LOS ANGELES (APl-lhe golf- OPDt EVnT NIGHT UNTIL 9 P.IL i Elsewhere, Cranbrook is g^ e s t Royal Oak Kimball, North .Brandt invades Kinde, Lampbere la at Country Day. Royal Oak Don-dero vs. Wyandotte, South Lyon plays Dexter, South Lake tests Utica and Rtiyal Oak Shrine vs. Holy Redeemer. certain to be the most aapre-dktable of tile M Is the battle for Inter-Lakes honors. Pontiac Nortowm, one of the toree I-L co-leaderi, goes against WaUed Lake at home while the other pair—Waterford and Farm-togton—tan^ at toe Taloon court. Northern has Play^ its best ball in league games and should add another win to reach .500 overaD. A vlctwy a^ Farmington would be a big boost tor Waterford. The same is true for Seahdm. Boicley is at Southfield. Birmingham Seahdm travels to East Detroit, Femdale idsits Port Huron and Mt. Qemens is at Hazel Park in the Eastern Michigan. All have.pla^ only one league game. a home triamph over Improved Milford with a chaaeo of gain-lag a share of the Wayne-Oak-land lead H uMwatlB cawenee-vtUe riunld bow to Oarksten. tor another npoet at Brighton and West Bloomlield, which seems to do bettor agaittt Ctasa A opposition, entoitalns 'North- Pontlne Emmannel, teatnitag llwei, itariej the hig weeBend as hoot to Detroit Boys are fresfi from thdr 2nd upaet ofj an "A” school. Fltzgemkl won a I holiday meet which Included tVoy and has taken seven strplght since bowing at Avondale. Stott, one of the county greats in 195^, worked out during the holidays after missing the early games due to a kidney ailment. His service will depend on .how tel feels in toe heat of battle. Eoctes-ter and Romeo are both tobwlng 1-3 records. Orion is 3-L Holly, MUford, Bloomfield Hfils and Brighton all turned in good toowings in the holiday tourney won by Brighton. Keego boy's Tip Wins for Alma HILLSDALE « - Alma quelled a Hillsdale tally in the second half and went on to win an MIAA basketball game 68-66 last night. Len Wozniak tipped in a rebound In the closing minutes that put Alma in the lead to stay. Alma Is now 2-1 in. league jday and Hillsdale it 1-S. NYLON Competition today was over two] courtet of the Fox Hills G
pros paired with such golfing entertainers as Ray Bolger, Bob Hope, Jack Benny. George Gobel and Ray Mil-land in today’s activity, with the pros cutting up t purse of $5,000. HICHIOSS COLUtOB *AsaiaAix Anchor Bay pots Us ,8outheni Thsmb lead on the Uae st home agslimt Capao. ^Armada vtoito Memphis,' Almoat eatertains Dry-den and New Havm vs Brown I aty. lYWtounty League teams get In their final warmups before the crucial games start. Rochester will take on Roseville at the Falcon court, Romeo meets Lake Orion, whdess Lapeer goes against {Flint Soutowestem. Going Backwards wilk Repair ~ Bilk an Thai Old Car ! 1960 Chevrolets ’150 Down ’56 Per Month IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Inciwdtt AH TaxM oiul LicaiiM PlotM • 631 Ooklond at Colt AH Imd Naw wlHi DnPoal Nyba AH Finis with Faelonr Sarial Na’al AH Fally Bnaraaiaad I Manafaa-farad by Dayton Rabbtr Oa, SNOW TIRES 2 7.S044 (.70-lS FOR *23 90 r*eUrv BetreaCt SAME TERRIFIC SAVINGS ON ALL OTHER SIZES All priett piss fodorol tax gxchoage. 11 so Exebaago odd S3 OriH Evm MI6BT Ta t F.U..rOB TOUR COHVINIQICE SECOND CAR MONEY SAVERS $A.95 NO FEDERAL _ UF NO EXCH. ANY SIZE 14" or 15" FACTORY ADJUSTED TIRES _______ADD ONLY $1 for WHITEWALLS MUFFLER SERVICE mSTALUP FIEE ^795 FmA ChtT. Flya. WHEEL ALIGNMENT WE CORRECT ANY SHIMMY OR TIRE WEARING PRORLEM Cbib ^695 WHEEL BAUNCE wsLu Cesmlato IlictTswIsslly Bela -JUST SAY "CHARGE IT" • 30-Doy Chorga • 30-60-90 Doyt • Budg*! Ttrmt, Ybop to Fay t No Monty Down • Crtdit Applications Token by Phono OPEN DAILY UNTIL 9 P. M. MARKET TIRE CO. Jg ■'=3 ONE MAN TELLS ANOTHER i mdeixtsanSs Sptni.Atiniifll Featuring Hart, SchaHner & Marx ^Varsity Toten—-Hickey Freeman dolored Dress Shirts 25% off Snits and Toncoats Sport Shirts 25% off Pajamas 25% off Reg. *2.50 Neckwear 88 e 3 for $2.50 Dress Shirts Slightls *d V2 off Suburban Coats Values to $80.(X) ‘ •15” io *68” niddhisan^ff SAGINAW Gl UWRENCE Optn Fridoy Nigkit Until 9:00 VI W. MAPU - Birmingliom iiiTHE STYLE CORNER OF PONTIAC ■4/ /■ ■■•'•■"I rrHfRTYEIGHT THE POliTTIAC PRE^S, THURSDAY. JANUARY 7. 1960 S|tm fltebouwfr, m-poia)A «eBlorjdty, hM bm 4nfte« ley Ualwr.|teMoa |y «ti» _____. J#| Vic SoiviMkl, trainer cl ftelWay, wua t ty [iiKcawftil aiyr-aid V«irtlaB|tto lil#>ta to for easy terms ~ just say “Charge it“ Clearance of Atl^Aafoe Applioiiee^Tele«isio», Cor ond HiaiMeitem ALL ITEMS MUST 80! TOUR OLD APPUANOE IS YOUR DOWN PAYMENT! . Terms'to Suit Your Needs! Just Say, "Charge It!" Suit Dty—Fitt DtUrtiy Fim Cv>*o*> FtiUaj MHESr SUEif BE READY FOR COLD MORNING STARTING! *16“fRESH STAR1S Fit Only $1.25 WmUy SERVICE SPECIALS! FRQE miFFiEB. TinriR. SHOCK USORBER RHB WHEEL BRUHCEmSFECnOH! jMt Iriiii Ymf Gif ini* Ow Sorvko Do-pfrtMMrt. RMMMiMrt "Aa Owwco tf Pro* VMrtiM i» Worth ■ PofM of Coro." SAVE WAS ROW $30.00 $229.00 $199.00 50.00 199.00 149.00 50.00 249.00 499.00 30.00 229.00 199.00 50.00 199.00 149.00 50.00 229.00 179.00 50.00 189.00 139.00 2IL00 199 00 179A0 10.00 149.00 139.00 20.00 179.00 159.00 80.00 309.00 229.00 10.00 29.95 19.95 Tikf By to 3 Tmii to Fay — Ttrau u Uw ii $1.25 ptf Wttk Cl RIPRICIRATOR—10 ca. ft. 12 Only i .V........... ..... Gl aiCTWIC HANOI—90" Sa«ce Iwar. (I Only)................ Of AUTOMATIC WASHIR— lO.Ub. CeMdn'................. Ct UPRIGHT PRiCZER—<10 c«. ft.) (I Only) .................... Cl AUTOMATIC ORYIR—Gimt lO-U. Dry Cleriioe CafMcity......... NORGI CAS ORYIR—5-Yeer Warranty. 10-u. ........................ NORCI WRINCIR-WASHIR—WMi ,PMno,. Tfaner, Daleu Wrinfar. HORW «A$ «Alf____ TiMor Cledi............ ...... MOTOROU 14" TV—near Sample. Naw Warranty..... ............ Gl OISIGNIR 17" TV—1 MO Madal. Cl CONSOU 21" TV—1960 Madal. Fleer Dainanatratar............ Cl TAILI RADIOS— <9 Only) ,.................... Black Sidewalls OR low CM ani rMty ytMt Urt White Sidewalls a* low cn THE timurs Fll^ TURNPIKE-PROVED TIRES! Tip# Tire, Prict for Prict, GoofJyeor Now Gives You Up to 25% More Sofe Mileoge goodAear service store 30 S. Cass FE 5-6123 Vilandva, LaSalle Keep RolilPg; Dayton Wins PI>Ua(le^..h«xie of the Ub-crty Bell, a kite-fl^cr named Ben FranklRi and baskeOnU teams. ■ baa anottier ccnple of < raundball dandies this season in Vnianova ioA LaSalle. Repreaenting SO per cent of the raafcm’a ridmnr Uat of four major unbeatem, both *M*«*d^^ streaka last night In'a dogMAaBd* ~ or at the Palettra. — in. the aecond ludf. Gary Roggen-rk scored 16 Points and grabbed rebounds tot Dayton, while Bil' . Muhl«ib«ri H irro n. Falrletfli-IHoEliiiito M Arnv tl. Colcat* M [cori m WMten XMitaeky W. t)*rMd 19 VtrtloUt Tub n. lUelunond «9 Ocorgetown, DC N, Owr(« Wull.U “t* n. VjTftaU VlUtarr Tl Ran a*. OcUyiburc «1 n. handapb Ma MiDiratT r>«7ttO. Itty lo Sao ftoa tn.Way Alwayl good okl conditions. Orig* Inol mow makors In Michigan, for aecurato, lup-toiTtlw-mlnuta ski condlHont .. . ^ rtwM U S<071t or Ml 4.9911 Kandaher Ski Club will Wd itsilO, at Kandahar in the Pontiac onual Ski Jump, ondoraed by thejLii^ Hocroatlpn ;.............. Central United States SM Associa- HlghUghthig the eveot «1D bo tip (C,U.S.&A.). Sunday. Jamiaiy' fany of tko MMwant’a tog aktera Local Skiing Is Good; Snow Base Well Packed BROWER’S SKI SHOP ia hoadguaiton in Oxford for ' HEAD SKI‘5 A large crowd turned out torj In other aki areas: skiing, at GramiHan ML jora^ wi loth sm# " New Year's Day period and witfi:»xo»u*nt. ”** tour slopes in oi^li^LStorentiy. the skiing is n^futed real good. The entire arearOHuId be covered (or the weekend with a baae o( S indwa from the snow making ma- •so, t Mt. Christie there Is an S- SKYriNS-t isehct B*«krd ha: locbM s«w ssMT, OfcUat ooed HOW' w{’.--Tpeg sarwia I issKm powder. Bkilm fsir. lUUCMt MT —1 UirhM psekod bSM, S letMS M* wow. SkUoc good. AO SABLS EANCR AND SKI Ct t laehM bow. • taiehto powdorod i very good.^ AH facilltiea i full operatioa. Dryden has limited skUng and “___________ m awiJUng a 5notslali4o^^ jnto|piM^^^^u^, lull operation. .........“® .* w * Holly has good ^'“tg with snow "--------------- -------- making machines ii\ constant op- ‘'silver vallit^ “^hw * eration pving the area a good •V{?^rAA"N‘\SrKY5l''15c?„ inch base. I bow vltb « Inchm new inow. ------------- — — — 'exctlltpt. WesTEEN MICnOAN BNOWBNAKl Mt;-S-4 locbeii rtth 3 tnebw sow snow. SkUni t« SYLVAN KNOB—(•« Inchoa bow, I Summift Ski Schedule to Run Full Seven Days AVALANC«E-4-mch t—......... .ir «nn»', ikllng CXCCUCbt. I HOUNTATN LODON-IT t« 'l.SiSlf3*»b.w. « BOYKI ifw ^eno“' BUCK 'cABKRPAB—II iBCbtS BOW RROWER’S Department Store t North M'aahliigton SL. OEfori OA 8-2933 ML SumiBit Sht tinh, nwr Fen- i '°suERi^''m^£AMD£4 ton. has suited a 7-day. T-nlghtlJJ^n-'^ » "•* “»*• siding program for the remainder i houdat niLLB-n-ii iBchw hord of the season. Previously, the ski ^‘hictcort Hiffisla incbw*^ * MW mow. akllnt good. ' mill oad HMorv Rlllt cur wUI hoot tha atoi Siding this week at Summit is very good as all but two slopes have 4-6 inches of good base. Saturday night socials and movies will continue at Summit. —. . -----fa Doarder HICKORY RllX^ a Inebea aaw (Holldor m Trorarac Cltr »„ —.......... ....... -----• UtchfiBB Outdoor WiBlor Bkl •—'or r------" - ' ---------‘'S?»lS5yA^^-a iBchos pockad^M. is lacboo saw wow. SkUnf laefadiag t|ie Thigidethlnl | TrophieB win be awarded by I reached by driving west from Pon-Jamgen from MllwaRkeo. tho C.U.S.S.A.—applied fadfea- asitiac on Rt. M-99 past Pontoc Air-Noiie lU tor stjfc aad dlstenee. to WUHaraa LakTlteid,^ then CUcago, Racine 8U Clah frem (ending' championi is Dave Free-turning north to Mace^y Lake' Wtscooxln oad Ina MeaataiB, man of Waterford. iRoad. Sipis are posted at regu Ishpemlag and Briar Hill Jamp- ♦ w * I Intervals. Kandahar ski akei can be| . it * -k -----—---------------------— I Ticketa kre $1.00 and.« can be I obtained at the gate oii arrival. $ iTeen-agera will be admitted for haU-price, children under twelve yearif 4l age, free of charge. ★ * * to the event tlwe -ia no snow in dm durea^ ctob -ihembaa un pack the juipp with a jmow and atraw base so that the Kandahar Ski I Jump an (u sched^ Olympic Skiers in Tournament at Eau Claire EAU CLAmE, Wis. UT - U S. Olympic ski jumping team candi-i 1 dates arrived yesterday for lour jdays of practice prior to the ahnuaFTSu CTaTre ^ Club tour- i'nament Sunday. t * k Lloyd Severud, the coach of the squad, said the group would heave for Ishpcming, Mich., on Monday, k k k The tournament will be on a 136-feet high hill. Gene Kptlarek, of Duluth. Minn., one of the Olympic hopefuls, holds the hill reoird w-ith a Jump of 197 feet with Ted Lahner of Eau aaire. CI.EARAHCI SALE STARTS 9 A.M. FRIDAY, JAR. 9 ^lEEQIIIPMElif BOYS' HARD TOE HOCIEY s/fd ONLY :98 BOYS' FIGURE ’SkT 54’* MEN'S HARD TOE HOCIEY Rag. S9J5 Only $6.98 Rag. SII.95 Only $7.98 Rag. S21.I5 Only $14.98 GIRLS' FIGURE Rag. I#i« ^ LADIES* FIGURE Rag. S9.95 Only $6.98 Rag. 112.95 Only $8.98 M«B*I FigiN SkitM lag. S18A0 |T Oafy I tag. 112.15 $1 Oalr I CLEARANCE PRICES ON EVERTTRIN6 IN STOCK TOIOCCARS t n Raa. S2f.9S Only $19.98 in. Rag. SIAM Only $12.98 m Rag. 911.99 Only $8.98 PADS 9-Pl. Rag. 99.7S Oftly 14.98 in. Rag. S4.7S Only $3.49 HOtKET STICKS Reg. $3.75 ObIt $2.59 1 Re^. 2.95 Only 1.9$ Reg. 2.h Oily 1.59 i Reg. 1.50 Only .97 SKATE GUARDS Rag. 11.29 Only 97c Rag. 97c Only HOCKEY SHIN GUARDS Reg. $6.95 Oily $4.911 Reg. 5.95 Oily 4.41 ] Reg. 4.50 Oily 3.9$ j Reg. 3.50 Oily 2.9t| Iniulofidl sox Rag. 92.25 Pt. Oafy $149 F,. ALL SALES' FINAL! NO REFUNDS! ■ ' EXCHAN8ES! UTAWAVS! BOOTS Rag. 924.95 Only $10.98 CUMmi'i Boots Rtg. S9.S9 ONLY $5.91 Rag. 910.75 ONLY $5.91 CHILDREN'S SKI PANTS lag. 99.99 Only $5.98 SKI SOX Rag. lIM Pr. ORhf M.39 pr. SKIS Rtg. $45.00. .Only $29.91 Reg. $34.95. Only $22.91 Rhg. $29.95 . Only $19.91 Reg. $16.95. Only $10.91 POLES Reg. $12.50 Only $ S.9S Reg. $10.95. Only $ 7.91 Reg. $ 7.95. Only $ 5.91 Reg. $ 6.95. Only $ 4.98 Reg. $ 5.95. .Only $ 3.91 LADIES' PARKAS Reg. $24.95. Only $16.91 Reg. $19.95. Only $13.91 Reg. $11,95 . Only $ 7.91 Reg. $ 7.97 . Only $ S.9I MEN'S PARKAS Reg. $24.y^. Only $16.91 Reg. $19.95 .Only $13.98 Reg. $12.95. .Only $ 8.98 Reg. $ 7.95 . Only $ 5.98 lABiES- $n runs Reg. $29.95. Only $18.9i Reg. $22.95 . Only $14.98 ^ Reg. $15.95. .Only $10.98 Reg. $ 9.95. .Only $ 4.98 MEN'S SKI PANTS Reg. $33.95. Only $21.98 Reg. $24.95. Only $16.98 Reg. $16.95 . Only $11.98 Reg. $10.95. Only $ 7.98 SKI MITTS Reg. $ 6.50 . Only $ 4.98 Reg. $ 4.98. Only $ 8.98 Reg. $ 3.75 Only $ 2.98 Reg. $16.95. Only $10.98 Reg. $ 9.9$. .Only $ 4.98 Reg. $ 6.95. Only $ 4.98 LADIES' SWEATnS Reg. $23.50. Only $1$.98 Reg. $13.95 Only $ 9.98 Reg. $11.95. .Only $ 8.98 MIN'S SWEATIIS Reg. $24.50. Only $15.98 Reg. $14.95. Only $10.98 Reg. $11.95: Only $ 8.98 WOOL SHIRTS ^•9. $088 112.50 O Rfi. $Q48 $11.50 O R#9. $10.95 $J98 S/T98' $8.85 Q Duo Fold Underwear LADIES' lEO Skirt Reg. $4.50 Only $3.29 Ylghte Reg^ $4.50 Only $1.29 LADIES' NED A WHITE STUPE $hirt Reg. $4.95 Only $3A9 Ti|kH Reg. $4.95 Only $3.49 MIN'S BED ' “ Shirt Reg. $5.50 Only $3.98 T^irtB Reg. $5.50 Only $3.98 mrs NATUIAL Shirt Reg $5.25 Only $348 TifhtB Reg. $4.9$ Only $349 Insulated Underwear UDIES' Nag. 114.(5 ONLY . . MEN'S leg. lilts ONLY .*!ag. mis ONLY Nag. 112.15 . onlV ■ Nag. It.tS. ONLY *1098 THE SPORT SHOP ™"™“ 16-18 3 CASS AVE. FOR THE FE 2-7621 SPORTSMAN URD TCK MOBT SUTB. .... SMIh HMO TOI BOCm suns SSSt . HH . CIBLS' WRITE rieDRI SUnS .... S7.4I^ Northland Hockey Sticki—Skis Award” Jackets , WELDEN SPORTING GOODS SI Mt Clamana Ntraat ' . Jg lf8tH For tha VERY BEST in SKI EQUIPMENT It's the SPORTSMAN! All Famoui Brands • Hood Ski$ • Whiff Sfog Parkof • Libo Porkof ond Panf$ • Solor Ski$ • Authentic Alatkon Fur Porko$ Kfnke Boot$ THE SPORTSMAN 116 S. WooAwiid. BinUifAui Ml I-IBII XHANKS TO N4NTA - Janice De Baene (left) and Gail Ludwig (right) both of Rochester try out thefr skis which they received as Chritsmas gifts. Ski patrolman Ed O’Neil joins the pair at Grampian Mt., where skiing was available through the courtesy of the snow making machines last weekend. "OCK RIDUCTION ■SfouiT^''“' lOW PRICES NYLONS... RAYONS... TUBE-TYPE... TUBELESS ... BUCKWAUS... WHITEWAUS... AU SIZES ...ALL TYPES... Com9 m INSPECTED USED TIRES a Tea gaad fa? mcangiat. a Plenty at miles left Got from $5.65 up to $10.1S POT lira TRADE-IN AUOWANa... whwi you buy Firottono "500” NYLON TIRES actual allowancn doponde on tim BRAND NEW FIRESTONE TIRES BLACKWALLS AIISiieieRSate WHITEWALLS AHSieeeenSd* nizH mmon* Mzn MMOa* 6.00nie 11.98 6.70-1S 18.98 6.70-15 19.98 7.10-1B 14.88 7.10-18 17.98 7.60-15 18.28 7.60-15 19.98 All 1 Mounted [ FREE FREE , NO CASH COMPARE FIRBTONimB ' NECESSARY OUR PRICES ARfSPEIOWAY- wbM yav trad* la yao'N Bad w* mII PROVIOPOR tha ba*t far hat TUMPIKISAPITY 1960 JANUARY 1960 TircetON* MUFFLER Pif$enelKed$ervke It only takM a minute to epan an account... than f . all you say u. "Charga 'I it!” Wa extend our own i credit, payioents are > made hare. Pay manta I fitted to your * flrtetont TAIL PIPB where your dollar buys more MILES 140 W. HURON 146 N. SAGINAW FE 2-9251 FE 5-2620 FWfttY THE PONTIAC WlESg. TBUBSDAY. JANUABY 7. IW ^:^KEEGO WNT MISS amm na PAHKwc A Glimpse Inter Fabulous *60s Parly Undesirables’ Michigan Needs More Park Land Tworo (AP) — Red China b [waginc a niate purge of "counter^ irevolutionaties and wdesirable diaracten nb) have- «fonned I their way” into the Communist jPart^ ! An Tzu-wen, onetime ebnfiden'., :tial aecrrtary to Mao Tze-tung, has confim^ widespread specu-i lation that the 27.0W peasant com-Imuiies and party cpmmitteea are being o\'erhauled from top to bot- mediber of the ruling "Party jtee, sounded the call for mass ac I tion against ‘‘right opportunists' V.f—-—------------------ I Iron River Is Seeking a New City Manager ' IRON RI\'ER tUPli-The Iron I River City Commission .te accept-h« applications for the job of city manager, i Robert ZiU has resigned, effec-; tive Feb. H to take over as ci*y| 8t*t» -: manager it Bayside. Wis. Zill‘ infWin r came to Iron River from Cryst-dj OERAU) E. EDHY ' land And bKX«asad. .la^h» wm There'b good reasim to iMUeve _____.. good be of great co^tcern ^ew oMiaerretl^ |reMeina In {MM<^ ^ thTOOghout the decade. To solve them, Michigan ^ need new bws in many cases, an ^ m^edby p^s^ additional strength in oU bwi inj »«**«* i* coming clore to others. , I General industrial' growtb will have an effect on the abde’s resources. Measures to cbn trol pollution will become increasingly significant. The entire subject of water rights will require an lytical revienL -A^bmpinyMI powth^ will be the esmonMoa of urban areas int^? eirr»atinMl IfUKb and here again competltian srre will take on new tignifl-B. I the eve ef the new decade Aa esample of thb to the already wMeapread use al Inaecttcldea, answers to proUema related to better survival of trout, better balance in warm-water ibh popiF lations, increased production and emrying capacities in lakes. and la lake* and streams. Ua-controlled, they may present problems never thought of In tho~ FaUs. made to eoatrel of the taipprey to toe Great Lakes atoi abng I fliV to . . _ wBl importance with increased emphasb on recreational State forest campgrounds will be expanded and increased. There will be continued planting of trees in accordance with best game and forestry management procedures. The muitiide use of roto to toe l>eviAbpineid of new products, MW markets, new production methods; for example, low grade ore benefidation, along with generally increasing needs will present there resources prominently in the the 10-ynr period. _ R is quite posribte tbfkt jeglidattvd^ controls on their use may need strcngtheib inf aa pressmes tocrease; The decade ahead will moat certainly not be static in conservation in.Michigan. One of its most critical needs will be fbr a Constant awaiteness on the part M the public of lb irobteina and a general desire to co(qterate in their solutions. Thb awareness and thb desire PredictsWoe for farmers AgricMitural Economist-at A^U Sms 1960s Prosperous for Others EAST LANSING tfi-'nie 1960s will be a prosperous decade tor Americana fu-mers, agricultural economist at Michigan i State Univendty has predicted. Dr. WtlHmh A. Oomarty said the e«BBtry eaa expect sabatan-Itol tocreases to popaUUon, pn. dnetton el goodp and aervl^. totlanns will dump ftmn 128.000,to about 100,000 white \ the stote’a Ipopulatian b rblng ^ near 10 miUhSn. "But thb optimism, in regard to the total economy b abaait for the total agriculttiral picture,” he told a conference of elevator managers at MSU'a Kellogg Center. Here b'how Ctomarty said the national farm outlook shapes up for the next 10 years: 1. The number of farms, farm- ★ CLOSED TONIGHT ★ OPEN FRIDAY - SAT. - SUNDAY ---— STARTS TOMORROW-^-- iMNwtYNEi. "OPERATION PACIFIC” wicmi wner "THAT NAUGHTY URL” otwFon ‘This Wonas Is Dsagsraas” state foresb for wood products, will in themselves made it a recreation and wildlife will con-'decade of progress. They will' tlnue to guide all forestry practices, constitute reasons enough for con-j ™ rgorenaaiMMi ^ p<^latjonefforts on the piiurf of con-j .. wUl be felVrooirt acutely in date" rervations, professTond S. Farm production co«t* ind I Hunting and'fishing durii« the parks, already bursting at their I get done when there are compelling required tovetonwnf wUI continue Inext lO years will bf course under-]gcams Here the need for more reasons for doing them, , lo srer, forcing low income farm LANSING (ifi — Conservation in go changes, but they wlH not be x i — Michigan during the forthcoming "—‘ *-----*'— decade will revolve around the fact :of an exploding population. At--but their numbers wilt not increase tendant problems will be acute,’ and basically they will be related to unprecedented pressures on the state's natural resources, t Guapetitiaft lor puhlte lapd— some seven million acres of state and federal-owned. land—will increase with each passing year. To drastic. To be sure, there will be r2ri”,^Srn^'SS!Key:State Witnesg Tegtifies in the same i»x)portion that the|_ t t n M • i -I «.». pw»iMi«. incr»*.. ixeanui Maid Describes Dowt 0^ IQ;45 A.M. NOW! thru SAT. SPENCER TRACY ROBERT WAGNER JEAN PETERS lRiCHAROWIDiM!»i Broken Lance Thb became evident in recent months when sales of hunting! veiyMte and fishing I license sri« actually ^declined in Mi I LOS rs. Finch's Violent Death LOS ANGELES (AP) - The Chances are there will be no new witnes* a slim 19- ^serve thlrinm and to add to game spedes Introduced, burtherej^^ ^ SSSh hietoaid! it when and wherever possible;), the noitsibilitv that ouail andi,________ ________witness wherever possible:^ the Ability that quail and present, .a major challenge. Itnourning doues may become Tegd describing Barbwa FISH FHY Every Friday TRY OUR NEW PIZZERIA Carry Out Sonrico SHRIMP 51.50 af Inn Cniyy-Onla FE S-MSS Clover Le ftoo Food —Uqnora —1 im Cnaa Lake K4.. Keegn Harbor Finch’s violent last moments ol life. ♦ ♦ * As Marie Anne Lindholra testified softly in broken English, Dr. R. Bernard Finch leaned forward intently at the counsel table, straining to hear every word. Near the handsome surgeon, hb The look ahred ta not shadowed 'game in Michigan before the end | by pesstanism, however. Lessons lol the decade, of the poflt tadicato qnlto clearly „^ters win find lero and less that couervatloa In Michigan ,v»ilable as private land wUI keep pm«: that the decade tighten restrictions « ‘ win bo progressive. | thrir propertlos. That lee There wUl be game To hunt, fish hunting wlU be on the Increase to catch, land and water to enjoy. ^ ta a foregone conclnsloo. LlmiUtions on the use of thes^l ^hb b another reflection ol the resources may undergo changes population explosion and is an- onetime receptionist and mistress, and the behasnor patterns of those other reason why lands now inj Carole Tregoff. sat erect, her who use them may also be altered.! ,tate ownership must be preserved, brown eyes flashing from witness but the resourciis themselves will ^t all costs. to prosecutor and back, be there, lor reasonable utilization, j 3^^ ^ Y\nO^. 41. and Miss Tregoff. 23. Generally speaking, pressures on „vtsion,, and generally dow-nward.' are charged with murdering his Michigan's resources wlU comei Hunters wUl have to place ritore 136-year-old estranged wife m they from two directions; from industry._ j, ^ , j , on the recreational could marry and retain coramuni-and from outdoor re c re a t ion of their sport and less onity property valued by Mrs. Finch seekers. |(he meat !»» 5750,000. Pressures from Industry will be I oeer hunters can look to reason- Miss Lindholm came to this u,. ably good hunting. The deer man-' country in September. 1^. to agement program of recent j’ears j stud.v English. A girl acquaintanc*^ is a proven success and is ready found her a job with the Finches, to meet the decade’s challmge) She told a six-man, six-woman 4. Agrtcaitural output will rllnib about M per rent by I91S but the country will still be plagued by ourpiuoep. (. The nation’s food bill will be aonie U billion dolten Inrger In 191I. Bat farmers will only get ! ah«ri three bUltew of the in- i nreue with the rest going to mnaufneturers, service todnslries \ and distributors. 1 Turninf to Michigan, Cromarty | estimated that a million acres or farmland will be lost in the next 10 years to housing develm>nients, highways and recreational uses. At the same time, the number F.O.E. No. 12301 319 W. MONTCALM Fri.. Jab. 8—5 P.M. Fiih, Chicken Dinneis Sat., Jab. 9—9 P.M. MEMBERS & GUESTS The 8t. Lawrence SeaWny, expanded port facllitieo. develop-ment of atomic energy pi*"!*, toerensing demamb for oil, gas crop in balance with its range. ONLY ONE LEFT! r*mn Mtkt, CauirIcMT Alt*. WATER e rail-rowl has to pay 10 1-3 days’ pay fpr each engine crew position on the Ch|cago-Denver trip. "AD ri|^t." sayj ttte unions. *'if that’s the way you want to play, .let’s analyze it. Ijet's see who is getting rich on ail this fabulous pay.”' UMdjN'SCASE n« Brotherhood of Loconsotive Engueers says it investigated the following case history: During the ‘ first half of Jtfly 1953, engineer MjE. White drove , the Burlington Zephyr over the 162-mile stretch between. Unootn, Neb., and Creston. Iowa, on the Chicago-Denver run, averaging 2 hours 31 minutes per trip. For this reodved I32.ll a trip niHeage-pay basis.” In IB days. White spent 210% houn on duty or laying over at the far terminal between tr^?s. and Nf received $481.63. of $2.29 per |K>ur for the total elapsed time he spent in service. "Is that too mudj for a highly ' skilled worker? " the union asks. "Let's take another look ai those figures," an industry spokesman replies. ROADS’ REBUTTAI, "What the engineer actually got paid was $481 63 for 15 Wips totalling 42% hours of work, or $11;28 an hour. That means he gets paid lit the rate of $90.06 for an e^t-hour work day or $450.40 for a 40-hour week. No wonder the railroads are taking a licking?” V’nion: "What about his layover time at the far termitlW? And remember, ba doesn't get paid for away-from-home expenses — hotel room and meals — noI^ does he get paid a differential for night, Sunday or holiday work ’* ★ ♦ A flailroad: "Are we supposed to pay for the lime he's sleeping at the lar terminal between runs? What company pays its employes for sleep time?’* Ticidng off other points raised b»' the onions, the Industry says that'in World War II the.five train-operating unions accepted a special awiard of five cents an hour to compensate them for away-from-home expenses, ‘n* award remains in the present pay structure. PRKMn'M PAV DENIED As fbr premium pay for working on holida.Vs, the industry says lhx>^dehtial Eihefgehcy^^B^ denied ecftra htdiday pay to trainmen because their mileage-pay rules put them "In a muCh more 'faVorubte pasition, earnh^wite," than t|Onop«ratlng employes. Yard employes, says the Indus-', try, get either extra pSy or high-| er hourly rates for working on holidays. Commenting on the unions’ observation that few if any railroad employes are "getting rich." the industry says-one reason is the unions’ own spread-the-work rules which Set a limit on the number of miles train crews may work and hence fCstrict their earnings The indhstry sa>% passenger-, train engineers average salary of $10,000 a year in-1Sfi9, with a maximum of $14,000 a .vear, Fironien averaged $8. Gronchi Postpones Jrip to Soviet Union MOSCOW.(fi-President Giovanni Gronchi tof Italy postponed his visit to the .Soviet Union indefinitely. He was to have iurived Friday. .. Gronchi is HI in Rome viith a severe cold. Malian Ambawiador Luca Pi«'tromarchi told Deputy Forclgf) Minister Valerin Zorjn the trip was postponed for health reasons but he hoped it can be But the iDdou, (|Uiding state Oommirce Oommisaion 1^-ures, say raOroad employea-ex-cludipg executivea-«vengiMl only $2.47 per hour in inkl-1959t c«n-pared with $3.10 lor eteel workers, $2.68 for auto industry employes and $3113 for soft-coal miiVers. So It goes. ADlUfi; OVERHAUL NEEDED Some union officials concede privatelythat mileage-pay and some work rules are: obsolete, based on conditigns wtvldi prevailed half a century or so ago, and IHat botfi hci?d a genwal overhauling. boses and Ui^way traffic at even under those circumstances. You forget, ube head-end braloe-inan also tides with the ' on all freight trains." must not result in the firing, of ~ thousands of emfdoyea. It * * The lOOmlle Ibrn^ula for a day's basic pay-or "unit of work," as the unions prefer to call h-nsas born in the days when it took considerable sweat and bustle to drive a pc4cey coal-burning locomotive 100 miles. It wasn't those days, for a brawny fireman to sboyel 10 to 12 tonS of coal in a dsy's run. Today, powerful oil - burning diesels zip over the tracks twice "the old Iron Ite«, and the fireman, with no furnace feed, -serves ddefly as an extra lookout for possible danger. Thus the railroads contend they are being forced to perpetuate jobs as outmoded as the chief whip tester in a buggy whip factory. They say it costs them 230 million dollars a year to provide emt^ firemen hi' and yard service alone, UNIONS DEFEND FIREMEN ' But the unions insist the fireman is just as important to railroad safety as the co-pilot of an airliner. Far from twiddling his thumbs, the unions say, the fireman must keep a constant safety° watdi on the blind side the cab—kreping tabs on wayside signals, speed addidor, 'he acts as standby pHot. in cape, tfaa engineer suffers a heart attack oe stJ^e. Even the , . . , ' famed "deacHnan’a throttle,” theyL^J™ fr***™*"*- say. doesn't alwaya work. ^ ^ ^ . , , Brotherhood of LooHnotiva En- - ^ Iglneers makes a mildly bonie con- Industiy: "Were hot asking forjeession: removal of the fireman as ‘copHot’! "It is true," he says, "that the on passenger trains — only ini fireman has no rugged physical freight and yard service " *-----• ■ - . Unfess; '♦What if^- freiglit w-glneer dies and the dead^nan’s ttirotaa fans? Who wants a 2(». -car Jreigbt train running .wiM?' Industry; “It wouldn’t THE GIRLS NANCY *8 V ** .-mum. IA fskttl Ry Ernie Bushmillcr f _NOW THAT rVE TOLD 1 NANCV—TELL ) VOU ALL ABOUT RADAR, me V^AT ‘ J impresses ^ P QUESTIONS yoU THE MOST \ about RADAR rr SPELLS THE SAME THINO BACKWARDS AND FORWARDS The .Soviet press, radio and television had been whipping up enthusiasm for the visit, but it has run into (giposition in Italy from some political as well aS leligious circlet. FOttTY TWO THEjjPOXTiAC PRESS. tH.URSDA\;, JAXl iEY 7, I960 Newsiii Brief . mt Mkt mk, fM, United Pen- tecoeul Cbundt ttl 0»md 8t. ^ —Ad» ■e» Beid i» Mw iMeted berter-et in OakUtfuL Burft Sutler By KaW oMnw WurtM Fotm# T tn( Shop. . JoM|di Nash, ISTl ButmkIm jSt.. 'flint, wu fined $10 and |5 4^ yeaterday in die Waterford TOwn^p Justice Qourt of Patrick | Daly In' aasauit and hahery com-1 mitted in a restanant on Dec. 20. | Business and Finance iffii t«er. Ford and; eadi (town a poM “ ssit r"ile General Motors droppedf .......;!;» !h[ Ltr0 (Drumi) '27.M>af.av, nn>Nuv (iiuice pieers i.tfuvi . ■ , , in UfkT.........S.I5 ibk down 3C.OO-37 00. Kood to low choice;a Doint in early dealings. . M»y . f io gte^r* 24 00-25.75, lo»rt mosUv cholco. , ------=— >.*»““<>»-•*”•••; J. C, Penne.v jumped about * ! at best OB plans for n 3-for I slock split and a raised dividend, _ then trimmed the gain slightl.v. ..... .... ;UndTrneAVrr?f » *'* ! utiiiiy COB* 18M-17.M- cirmoTti .Yesterday on similar news, lout about half of it on profit taking. ^ ih" Losses of more than a point | -were shown by General Electric, i v.i..r,--sii.b^^^^^^^^ Aireraft. Texaco . _______________________ _____d”E*ff«» Itrong’lo'^SOc'wgher'ia fraction. ; ‘ Tim’ if American Motors kept a frac-j i.osw.irijb. lucrjjtional gain after rising morp than' I Real Store! Rial Office aoiee ........... ’ For Rial MlieelliaMai ,..... ! RJIAL ESTATE FOR SALE • ‘For Sail Like Property .... 1 f^^Ji Riiort^ PropirtT .. I For , ■^For t_.......... ..... Rent RArm Property «... ----Properti AiliTCEMETERY Um. AN BkAU- j . tlful Oiklsnd HIUi Memorial Park I I Cemetory.^^ Noyj^^pwnihlp, (M- 1 !&, *«S j Id may be able to qualify for ilA^ WAt sotthL- aBthle you. --jra WO per Bitk. and itUl reta.u your regular Job. For Information call Mr Allen. OR 3M». 1 p.m. lenatory gradunte. Ontt PE ioMT 8INOINO LESSONS. PRIVATE. reaiooAble rater* Egperteneed. -Aik for Mra Pnul. PE 4^. , _____ Cru&ty. I will lacrlflce l. ... .. ..4Sl JAll ail to nac buynr,. jtood J Mi matmeat. Woodward M4W. [ PERRT MT. PARE OCUETERT i Bfwutliul I gruv# |i' ........... i I'wr Bale LoU hi nt RArm Prom u.le Builaeai Piubw»t .ii Reot-Leate Builnn! Property I7A ROUTE M.\N tut par VMk taaranteid to start for married man with enr to work s boon i day. s% dayi a .... t„ .tpiBct one Award Area Man _ * to low choice heUerfi 33 00.34.75: several r • • II loftds Choice heifers 850-Mp Ibe. 35.00> Engineering Honor ................. NCIAL I Oppnriuq ud Contn M.SO-ai. George J. Huebner. 275 Guilford medium Rd.,. Bloomfield Hills, has been named recipient of the Buckendale Award, one of the top national I ? ttlar meeting of the Commlnlon of thei City of Pontiac. Michigan htld Jan, t.| - ........ IPM by r»»olutlon It wai dMiared to bej “f'ompnter-based Selection ____________ .0 Carllile Street an MtImatRd cost of W.446.00, and tl the plan, profile and estimate of • Improyement is on tlla for public n Is further teteaded --------------- said Improrement m accordance with the plan, profile and ^ estimate, and that the cost thereof sHkll be defrayed by special assessment according to biae-tits upon Lots M thru US both .in-clustre. Vsrlmont SubdiTlsloti. which shad' eoattltnt* the special nasessmeni district to defray SJ.4M47 of the cstl-mated cost and eipenses thereof and that ll.P45.aS of the estimated oor‘ —■ expenses thereof shall be paid the Capital Imprnrement Puad. NdTICS IS RIREBT OITI That the Comr'-------- -t Pontiac. Utchli .. mu... u ’JhmillJnfins-Nianvuie. honors of the Society of Alrt> i or'me vealcr* W,8S-« m““b pr^ 4 * -A -A PuWfched WashingTon reports Huebner is executive engineer: trade comnarrt ibw week sUughtor: forecasting ' bigger spending for (research) for Chrysler Cotp. ihtohVr - most ^ Sd*chiu5*woiiidI missiles produced fractional ris PreaettnUen of the award will fb«nt:'*uumy to’^ftodwooiMi* Smbs'hy Martin Co.. Lockheed and a torJb,'*.”: i'°iid*.T^pe"u iM^b* dow™ P^‘ *’“P Dynamics. 17.00-14.(ID; two loads mostly choice No \ ? nrlt.1 110-110 lb Iambs 17P0-17.60* cull Balaneed-Ufe Automotive Oenm” *■** » »ery tew under Ve\rL Q4ek#-ire on Jui. IS during the 8AE an i Roga-saUbie m Umtted trade on * OTOCKS nual meeting in Detroit. '!ih,hw"not°:iitahfe.4{*%*i?hm *°sm?n '''••* ^uowwon'i lS‘ WelghUI Figures oner doctmal pomis me Agb< S56-5!3“ibs“‘'!J..^^.»or“No' • ixsA i„.j. "".J"!.-"”.: Admiral Allied MortoAfe Loams merchandise Swaps For Sale Cothlaj Sale Household Ooods H1-I^!'*TV * Radios Water Softeners For Sale MlsetUanaeus Christmas Trees ^—I out# The Buckendale Award is giv_n ich VFar for the annual k by automotive management. ’ oiten of the City Michigan will meat In the _ Chamber on Jaa. U. tlM at . -------p.m. to hear eugqeettona and abtecUona that nuy be mede by psrtlei iatereeted. ' W.O. No 7471. ■ Dated Job. S. Ii -TRY Weil, Good for Him! Poultry and Eggs DETROIT POULTBT DETROIT. Jan 7 (API — Prices SANTA BARBARA. Galit "*• (UPI)-^Police who spent three days investigating the disappearance of $3,652 from the Mar Monte Hotel safe are now trying to find out who returned the money. The cash was placed in a large stack of bills on a desk tn the office some time yesterday n _______ , Jan! 7?*^' *vhen nobody was around. ' type roasters e MIKE of mUC HEMIIIG The Pontiac City Commission hos scheduled public hearing for Tuesdoy, January 12, I960 ot 8 P.M, EST in the Commission Chomber, City Hall on Intention to construct o combined sewer on the following street— North Side of Walton Boulovord from Now York to Coriitio For further information scee legol notice. Interested property owners are urged to oppeor. By order-of the City Commission Doted Jonuory 6, 1960. ■■|t . Ado R. Event City Clwk DETROIT, Jan. 7 (APl-Eggs f o.b. * C( Da I roll In easa Ista federal sUte' graded; *»co Corp Whites—Orada A Jumbo 37: extra large 34: Urge 31-33; medium 31: small »: Browns—Grade A large 31; medium " Commercially graded: ^ . - j Whites-Orade A Jumbo 31-33: eglrA ,'?®*’'*“- Urge 30-35; Urge 37-30; «r--- -----' Browns—Grade ' Bond Strs BS"'..: Tells of Embezzling F ' k t k Carrltr Cp from Aufo Agency I A 51-year-old'Detroit piati has !coig*Paj’m confessed embezzling $4,000 from the Scribner-Bohm Oo. auto agency con n ou. „ in Royal Oak where he was em- 51 ployed, police reported today. William W. Murray said he lost nearly all the money betting o horses over a three-year period. Arthur Scribner, j a partner In the firm at HTO N. Woodward Ave., said the shortages first were noticed last fall. He added that j Murray, a ti-usted since 1956. admitted manipulating the J :?! LorllUrd Mwek Trk I ” ; Martin Co i “ * May D Bfr .. ; 2J-2 Merr Ch * 8 . M J Mpls Hon . i: It 5 Minn MAM .. I 42.3 Minn PAL J1 5 Monsan Ch >7 3 Moot Ward 31 5 Mot Prod 37 Motorola .. 1 45.3 MueUrr Br 114 Murray Cp 41.3 Nat BUc 47 7 N«t CAsb R — 37.7 Mat Orps . .. -; 34.4 NAtd-aad . li 25.1 NY Central isItlOl 104 2: HERE IS HELPFULJiMELY INFORMATION FOR INVESTORS INTERESTED IN: 1. Low-Priced Stocks for Capital Gains 2. Common Stocks for Growth 3. Common Stocks for Income ^__ — ■ Alllad Strs 68 4 Kelsey Hay - ' AllU Chat . 33.7 Kennacott .. M \ A / s=.“ i:»“: liAA/ Am Can 4l 7 UJF QUas 88 3 \/ \/ Am CtV n Ub McNAL II V .V >rlcas [wrjAni MAP^ . 531 H'Sh'silJ ' 11 ‘ ^ 1 UUnKylAm Met 6 .. 28.4 ^ 30 4 A A N T A D S FE 2 Bale Muaical ( Sale Ofllce Eu-,—.. Sale Store Equipment > Sale Spdrtlng Ooods Bunting Accommodations Bait. Minnows. Etc. Sand. Orayel A Dirt Wood. Coal A Fuel Plants. Tree, sbraba , For Sale Pels Dogs 'rralDtd. B'rdnd Hualtog Doss » FARM MERCHANDISE Hay. Grain A Feed For Sile Llrestoek Wantbd Ltvestock Sf.'!?i'rm'*^1^3uc# . Bale Farm Equlpgsent . AUTOMOTIVE ; For Sale HousetralUra , Rent Trailer SPnet ' Auto Servlee I Bale Motor Soootors I For Sale Motorcyefe For Salt Bleyclet Boats A Acctsaorlas For Salt Bleyclet . Boats A A--------- I Flberglas For Sale Airplanes Transportation Offtred Wantod Used Cart Used Auto Parts Sale Deed Trucks Ossd Truck PtrU ' ASW Insurance 8.u*’«’s,s • It 3 Pan A W Air 11.4 Panh Sol 47 4 Parsni PIci 40 g Parke Da Pepsi Cola Wiser j; / Phelps D .??? BhIIrn Deafh Notices BOX REIIIES At 10 a.i ere nplir ofrice In I. Totlay there I Bt The RresB the following 4, t. 8, !S. SA. 51. M. <1. «. 57, 68. 78. 75, 7«, 88. 85, K, 181. 116. The PoDtinc PreM POR WANT ADS DIAL FE 2-8181 From 8 n.m. to 5 p.m. ported tmmadUMly. InterUon of I raent whleb b dered yalncles lancplTatlont - , yt adjustments will I Closing time lor adrcrtltb-ments conCtlnlnt type slue Urget- than ragnUr agato NOTICE TO ADVERTISEBI irht dtadllne for caocella-Uoo of Iraoalnnt Wdnt Ada It no* 8 Am. the day of publlettlon after the Aral inaertlon CASH WANT AD RATE! Lines l-Oay 3-Dayt f-Dayi " " "" 13.13 2 50 300 1.87 4.50 1.54 5.78 8.70 TECHNICAL REPORT WRITER. Immediate opening for ptrm|k oent position. Borne eoUeac baek-ground praferrnd. Typiat ri —CheTrolrt EngfoMi slew ap-I 4-1315, Apply Cberix .. _M KwTtnn < ford, Mtehlsaa.l%r polntment phone M WANTED MifibLEAOia) MAN for full time Uy assistant A kennel man tor Gnu* Vttorlnar-tan Hoapttal. 1531 N. Woodward, Bfrmlntham. Apply 1:30 A.m.. CASPBSf^^^BINETi. PAN-eUng. archway a. attics Ilnlshad _Ree.. rma., remodeling; EM 3-4775 CARraNTEh ANb~CABINBrHaI- ) COTTER ORINDER. -iperlenoed. Apply tn ' week days 8 a.m. 1 r.7?i w. Bchnua. WANTED EXP. BUMP B PAINT ------—'r >30 Ttqaaaa Bt YOUNG MAN TO ASSIST .MGR. Dt latemsUoAl orgtnlsa-1 .offices m an principal .ill accept app. this r—*-tor management tralolng In 1 ttne. Must be nent nppeartng between the ogee ca 18-38 _ fumtahed. Phone Hr. Riley. PE 8U183. 8-1 p.m. ; CARPSNTSR W O R I and repair. FE 4-4310. :-l PAINTING AND WAU, FA- CARPENTBt WORE. NEW AND nallng and FE 4-4854. p.m. F> 8-8U8. EXPERIENCED WINfWW _ WASHER PE 5-4383 UARRIXT) MAN WANTS WORE; MAN WI8HE8 WORE OP ANT kind. FE R4H4. 7m.5nf81 tfCAcitoMnw wore Work Wanteii Female 12 ______________ting. FE 3-71 JtOCOUNTANT - OFFICE MAN-aeer, full charge. Ftn. Bto. PAL All taxes. EiMrltaced A-1 Rat Celt FE 8-g7^ ____ LADY EXPERI^CEb IN OIn^ i REPINED WOMAN I n 0 8175 ARE YOU teresMd la bAmloa W week paut UmeT 3 poalUnaa ATaUablc • by toie- r-L’VZ'Z____________ 3 — Bales axtcuUve No naa-Tnatlnt — an party plan — no eolltetfona, oo deUvery. Apply tn peraoD. Bat. Jaa. 8, 18:30 a.m at WaldroB Hotel or eaU PE SU168 hot*. 10:38 a m. and 13 $30 A THEf fTa “ I FAMILY, INCOME an Avon repraaontatlye. 18w »«n you to atari eatniaa at once near your home TV adeer-tued eoemetlcs almost uU ttitm-selves Phone today-FE 4-4888 ot —‘to Drayton Plains, P.O, Box 8' i-i CARPENTER AND CABINET work. Winter rales. Work guar' antoad. OR 3-tI4t. r OT BI WI 3-7 srages I FIRBT - I RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL BABYSITTER t keeping to FE mIto a UOHfHOOaC L 8. 1880 JOHN A . Wanted ^ale 61 cmRB waitress, is or over. Super _CWef DrlTe In. Ttlegrailji AS A OROCP or BVILDEES WE offer low prteei ihrolifh volume purchases oo custom "QuaUty Built” homes - 100 ptaas. We'fl secure mortgage No obllgaUon Builders Exchange FE V7318 or DL 314g3 ATTIC8. OUR 8FBCTALTY, LOW- If your inveetaient objectivee lie m regular income from securitieB, capital or Iow-t»ric^ atockg |,namr repprta Juive been eapecially prp> pared by Wetlii^, Lerchen & Co. to aaaiat you in eelectinf an investmoat program to meet your specific needs. For your free copiee, limply clip the coupon below and mail it to us today. No obligation of courie. \^'atling, 1 jcrchen & Co. 'B Mfmkrt Aew Ytrk W £actwi|fe tf., FI 2-927S sa^stUsw'* s’lBvine MKNieAN unci isia wATUNe, uacHiN a CO. Moin Oeico-Ford lolMlwf, DoWoH M, Mich. Please send me complete information on: §Low-Prieed Storkg for Capital Gaint Common Stockf for Growth Common Stocks for Income El A Mus ■nier Rad Erie RR Kx-Cell-O Firestone ua ; • I Food Mach 48 4 | Ford Mol 81 7 Freec Sul .. 38.8 Fmeh Tea 28.3 |Oen Bak 12 ' . Oen ^nam .. 50.4 ' , Repub BU ____ , Revlon.., . - -. . Rex Drug ' Rayn Mel Rey Tob Royal Dut Safeway Bt Reg Pap , BcovlUe Mg Sears Roeb ' Shell on Simmons Sinclair , Soeony Sou Pac FOurth^S^ age 70 Mrs"* “vtSfl** K?aty.”‘"Mrs'”idui 1 men. ILIO" Travel Beach, kfra. Deamood Arebdalel too. Hollywood and -•..s.'-t i and Samuel Cox: dear brother of J** 4106.50. j Jamea. Oeorge and Leslie Cox. | l£?fforalshed. ,FmiL I IfLOERLT — cart lor 3 Reply Pootlae Press Bipte Funeral Home with William j Jones and Richard Owens otflcH sting Interment In Oak VIewi Cemetorj. *to^l Oak. ”* --------- BIple Funert' “ ACTIVE .^.^LESMEX J HERE’S YOOR BELATED 1 CHRHTM JtS^ PRESENT Curb Waitresses IP. Apply to person on&. TED'S witoBwart at Sq. Lk. : WHITE BA ; I DEPENDABLE _____________ tor and bousekeaper. Prefer Uve : In. MA 5-3150. uniitnltea quick France- EXPERIENCED I on Csl . 4t , uen Mocors I O Tel ft B1 103 S ‘^5 std on ^ 55 3 Bteevns JP . U 1 8tud Pack no Bun on r 77,3 .r ■ "■ «0.« O ® <95 Twent C€0 Underwood Unit Air Lit Unit Alrc ire- Si Weel i Oerber Prod Ollette . I Goodrich ,Goodyear : Grab palgc I at AAP Ot No Ry . Orey hound ouif on ' Holland Homeatk . Hooker Cli Indust Ray Ina Rand Inland Sti im Bus Mch 4U fSf Wfdg Et ?nf White Mot Int Paper 130 Wilson A Co HU enoe ■ 36.1 WboTwurto Int Bllvqr 50.4 Y»ie A To* Int Tel A Tel 37.4 Young SAW I Johns Man ... 4S.7 Youugst BhA' STOCK AVER.40ES ' NEW YORK. Jan. 7—(Compiled b Associated Pressi: “ ,:>» ' latitU. I ■Is' grandchildren. Funeral s e r v I c>: win be held Baturday, Jan. I. at< 1:30 pm. from the Richardson-: Bird Funeral Home. Milford. In-: termrnt to Highland Cemetery, j Mrs. Stiff will fle In state at the I Rlchardioo-Blrd funeral Rome. i MlltoriT_____________________: ^rd of Thanks ____________1 LEONARD WOULD LIKE TO thank Mrs. Helen OTers lor her donation to Record Hop Dqnce, i WE TrtSH TO t H A N E OUR friends and neighbors tor their -‘-i expressions of sympathy We ment assured to men ana women Must be reUable Apply who are wlIHng to work bard , son DeLlaa's BestauraaL to achieve success . A mw and ; • Rochester Rd. Rochester mendous'wcoe's? permanent' dlT EXPERIENCED LADY FOR OEN-SSd!^ar iSSfeisS^ No^^ !»•»] housewoa. Must provide own town traveling Persorud Interviews only, apply 3835 Orchard Lake Rd . Keego Harbor. Room ,, ------J — “ ■"---------dally. CEMENT WORK NOThInO TOO large or small. Special winter price. 30 years experlonoo. Pra estimates. Phone OR 3-6173. trans. 5 days. 3 e' DRY WALL TAPING received during _____ _______ _ reavemenl. They will never be forghtUn The lamUy ot Thomas TO THANK ‘J?* brolher Fl^do. Amtal our minister the Rev. W J Bt. Andrews — [Net i^ange .. Week ago . I Month ago Tear ago — 18Si-10 high . ... . .. -F —1.0 80.8 184.3 N.4 331.1 81.7 114.7 88.7 tU.l 51.8 130.5 M.5 830.f 47.7 130.0 07.1 330.3 11.0 140.0 00.0 - 317.0! 55.0 147.0 303.0 216.0; 111.0 01.4 I M.7 114.3: no 150.8' DOW-IONBR I P.M. AVERAGER 30 Inds. 171.41 off 4.31 3» Ralls 155.M oB fs4 IB miU ' S7 7raft 0.36 Volume to I I. 1.13 .8 1 8 ATTENT’Oi) DRIVERS! WE NEED a limited number of eiperleneed Auto-haul asray drivers for delivery of new cars Into the states of Michigan and Ohio Oquare Deal Cartage Company. 1340l El-don. TWlnhrook 1-MOO. BUMPER AND PAINTeIT. MUST be eeperlenced. Taylor Chevrolet, JYalled Lake, HA 4-lML__________ canteen company 18 CONTXM-ulng to consider aprticants for driving sales men. Age 35 to 10. Must be high school graduata. and I mechtnlrally Inclined, go^ diiv-■.(M tog record. e"d aSSf Physical (towpany. *"m5 ‘ Academy dale _______________ Aulipir Family dETAILER __________________ ______ **l mum 3 years experience to work character rafarenees. Lovely home In Rochester ares. OL ■ —i between 7-0 evenings. HOUSEWIVES ilNO llOTHtRS your handsf 78hy spare hour* to t— Income? Our expanding tws Bpiscopal Chu L. E. Trtin at In Memoriam LOVJNO MIMORT OF OUR PREraRABLT EXPERIENCED _ ----------^ ------------------------------ — 1 year — -.... dear lather, Charles ' January 7. lOU I Nothing can svt , The love a heart__________ • "“1 memories llogst every day f An,-j^.*!??*** DirytOTB Donelson-Johns DRAFTSMAN _ - tODUCT bRAFTING _ IMALL PRECIBKW AIMRAFT DEVICfcS. STEADY WORE AMD OVER TIME. M C MFG. CO. -to Indian wood Rd., LAke Orton ENGINEER. INTEREST AND kX-pertonci In accounting, ooat Work, corrosmdence A gcitoral afflea work. IJeslrable at well as engt-neertng. Write Pontiac Press Bog “ ----- —" A Bay “ A fomU perlenct, eduoaMon, I family. DETROIT RTOCER iC J Nephier Co i I Figures after decimal points are eighths. , „ _ High Low i!oon: , Altai Elec. A tqulp. Co.* ■* * • * Baldwin Rubbtr Co.*... . Roas Oear Cnu* .... . ,0. L. OU A Chem. C8 * . ^Howell Elec. M«. Co.*., ftntosular M. Prod. Oo.*' The Prophet Co* ....... |5.8 18.8: Rudy Ufa. r-• ! ’ MARRIED MAN 6w IFARM. MHS-HOME ' ipg experifinoe 3H5 N. •D9ilgot% balm • --------wc 8-4888. Servlee THE l^pyrTIAC press; THCRSPAY. JANUARY 7. IMO S!£^ yKRwrt Apu. rMfiiiilwt «H Ryt^A|)^ UnfumUhed 3$ I MODEST MAIDENS By Jaty Alan For ! . . MhoTKiSi^ lOTOR KNAPP shoes « jjimiuiM Ml L71 4-atti. _ octt*] ” »-rS? .Jy**” > *“* >■ lyxti- hand iSrftxi*^ DmwMik’t * TaHor** fT|-«^»nr I m9**mwm, vmiwtie 9r>f ifr 3-«tM.____ J .RO^IU. NICCLY rURM. HB*T, ,1 l’jS&re5^2i^|i } ROOia * BATH. RICBI WO toj TWI»I« *« EucUd Atur »» i 1 A*»D aA¥R/"U9HT8. >»»fd. Hew large 3' Oeod tnuiiiMrutton ^as' Storau. icreeiu and wa*rai* etmable Mr. aieTept Mt_ t ROOMB ALTIR ATIONB. ^ LUZIER ' COBfllfctlCB BT SauJT'bBEI and RBNti LAROB |Ct*AN. KEWLY Dl^n t room and bath Prlvite • ~teration>. ii7a TAllt<6RtK6. alterations ^R —« k imea. Orttimak'i k hir ■—. re l-MM. Ednk ^^araer. WORRIED OVWt DEBTS? Then cooultdiu • >coinf^T*x Sfrvke. 19'^ Ho tblldfen EM 3->tW j RM8. PVT ENT. k BATH , Baby welcome. PE , ___ _ It i ♦ I PriritT entra'^i [..***l_jy*-J yW*- Him ronilibed. Bun Ilnr - I 3 RM. At*T. liil PRATaRY sT.. MHA or F» 4-Ull. _____j ' (YVfliRT-n— 3 ROOMS AND BATH. PTT. BN- '■ Ul^UKl.lI I trance. lU Summit I *<•''*»>« <»b>Uw room, kiteb- :* WP' B«Y I ' L’: IB' ft 3-ONO 11 w Huron St i Broadway. Lake Ojlon. FE 2 »(S« ^ . — v-,7--- —• ..... uir • Orer cimnotlYi .tewrtmi "7 "RDOMK PRIYate EHTBanoe ** vaMii^Ati^ -------- kJiimS'i’ AMTR this date 8 Anderson PE t-TMt aKii--,rD^? *B1 art be : rR«r PSlVAraRSWoGOT^J^ OffiM Osin BTintaff k Stiurdaysl EuiMie M*^Balm^ Mom OiJle by apolnlment Pontiac. MIcblian. ’ ”"1. BOLIN TAX Service ioppici a school' ^i>PLiEs 42 B PdM. PE d-ltn IT PE MTI3I ' OItts—Party l^ors— In DiOd^E TAX RETURN PRE j -^liwU^e^CvisJ^Uroerf--InjrswJiim by quaUflidI ^ Meountim Witt} Miier^t Hsfret.; 'BACKERwrnn' -Riant, PE l-TIH. II Bart LgCSS«^."^PE M414 lACT AT LARGE ROOMS. MOD-_-*n: PE MUM or PE 4-30*-1 RM8.. NICELY PURlf. Aur Me Peb 1st. IX V4Ut RENT; 3 BEbROOM SUB-1 “tbiin buuialow. all on one door, ki iHlAt. I EUiAmati#* km*# axel .7_aL_ -------------------- - —- -- .......... I 3’ ROPM plat private .^.JbasstoLSsiil^^ ■^ssrAja?,”' ™ wim o. Bud Xicholie. Realtor 41 Mt. Clemena U. or PE 3-2334 t Houses $100 DOWN TAEE OVER PAYMENTS Owners lost mi- fonelosure .. houses, take ymir choice.1321-Uke Roaj; 3l,»M. |«0 per' h liieludl&i usit and mtur- ^biSroom!*' iMarfy ^mSr* M.'fto! -----,jnth Inelud'* ------ boMProN jm JDQ«8..1 BEDROOM, JiBBtLX ---ted, modern, ‘ Drayton Plat MV 34111. ---------MinbswR' For Sale HywM 4» OLD STORY tb ROUSE AND BHEO to be torn down ar rcmoecd. near. Rochester. 1100, OL 1-1411, _ MCRS(HfALIQiO~R5MBS H.KI. ikiCHiBTBR AJPa, 3 BEOkM., needs some repair. M.WS. II.OM down, PE H321 fat ^8^!°**"*"*■ SMALL ATTRACTTTO,■ ^ VACANT home with larate. large lot, H.3M M^prltfe. 11.300 am bamUe. OR I “ seLl or trade ^uHt in 3 bedreom .EWdewt home' Tor hdusetraller—cash—1 Will tell, small doW'o paymant, lacant, north and. PE 3-4043. ( Suburban Living ! At fts Best - Your futuia boma Is tha (CONVERTIBLE 24) FORTY-THRfiE Fo" Sale Hoay ^ W $7SODO\^N 3 badroam brtcb'k olwRwp ^ badreomt.> PamTiy iwaM. Aptw-matte 1 cone oil W water heat A real buy. at Ml nabeltavjAlo low prtee Foaseadow M aweO! $750 DOWN • ' Large 3 story, t room terwi bdM with 3 bedrooms and parlor. AH eicepttoimlly AlEO roomt. Pwtt basement. Oil net water banl. * itofy and 3 e»r W rxcellent eondltton 3 acrae « beautiful garden tall. Potaaaaiak at once—bn^ yoBr auoay. LADD’S. INC. 43M Dixie Hwy... Oraytmi FMad OB 3-t33l of OR 3-1333 JIM W right. Realtor ■ Ok 3-8021 ___... .. ga* ha« Large lou. ; Hear I-T0tt Mckuna. l‘a-Ton Stakes adding machine or piece of office * ,iA?S5 **^^8. 0PPER_.__NICE Dump T^cka Beml-Trallera' furniture or equipment not In ^ Pontiac Farm and i »'«““» ‘ha** items _____________ roiuiac r^arm ana i qr 3-0101 ___________ 113 k HT^wEEaLY 3 roomb.'< Industrial Tractor Co. raw pub BOYiSJifeiNo them '*»“ hi. eves. 01 weekends Bid Her- k utilities Child welcome. Ap-; rinfton. 7144 34 Mile Rd Dlaoo , Clair street.___ j ir-------------i attract^ 3 RM. k KITCH- | “ “e Pvt, bath k slit. UUl k j " “■ Huron Close 3 BEDROOM. OIL HEAT. OA- 1 BEDRM. DUPLEX POR RENT, Springfield Twp. PE 1-1466. lOt water and laundry faclll-1 2 BEDROOM DUPLEX. NEAR .... tn bttUMoi fumltlied DOWN-1 Webster aeboat —' •-‘- TOWN. One block E. of MlcM-i Ur. lU month Bn Bell. Children welcome. Also Apt building for adults only Over 100 dJ11»renl_ un“- -- 7"; SLATER APTS. !& , ■ fODEHN niSOM ROllBk. OAlbEN OR 3-1010 spot, n 3-1-— MODERN 3__________ Auburn HeIgbM, modern roue. living rsom, kltcos utUtty room flo I UL 3-4010. After O se p m. us. ; - "-t431fr:--------- - -.........-+ MONEY POR MOYINO * RIVUR. j nIshtniT Get up to 0300 - SEA BOARD FINANCE TO.. 1108 N. W.... ww a.aaat ^ ' I bedrooms, located — ------ — across from publtr school. Near Casa Lake. New cat fuiDtca and compleUly !R. 4',U PER cent I _____ J bedroom, fact bile Pull basement tiled Lot 13. X 134. Anebor lencini 313,300. 42,700 down. OR 3-3130 31 N PARSE ST. -PE 4-3540 I Sundays. See Care- BEDROOM MODERN WEST aide home Oat *heet f13 per month. PE 3-41M 0 PER CENT IN- I 0 Oeneral Hospit Wanted to Rent LIGHT AND HEAVY TRUCRINO. Rubbish, nu dirt, gradlnf. la^ gravel and front end loadlag. » W»3.________________________________________________ ...... O’DELL CARTAGE : * Local . Mr. Carrea A1 Arcadia ! , BEDROOM RANQH, LAROE LlV-' Ins room and kitchen, 1 piece 3. 003 month. In Keego Harbor. airport. Basement, dAMU K BLVO learly new 1 bedroom 1 ATTRACTIVELT'PURN. 1 RMSi k bath. Oas heated, carpetea > cliierator, garage. PE 4-7030. ACHELOR apt. 3 RO(M8 bath. Heat furn Union ' ‘ apartment. Steve and tefrlger^r i 3 Bedroom, furnished Bus at door. Near St | garage, oil furnace, glo nfont reSr^V'VtsJi ,1 ca».‘;: 1 ^^^^|^,U«^LUET m- a--MM I REALTOR BEJDROtojHi’« or 1ST CLASa PAINTINO AND DBC- ._____________________________________ S'S!!5t " **™* UL WORElNO OIRL WILL SHARE ' trice apt. PE 4-3J13 or PE 6-1H2 1ST CLAM Uh*. k EET PAINT-'^ "Was ROOMB ON too W. PRIHCBVfK. j. 1 an S!iL »5SI*. 2IS? ; BUvena MI 44M8. COLSrED 1-1 RM APTS.. 1 COU-plet, no children PE S —* bedlam Rptrtnent. _____. ___ w^m* R«f. OL t-OWl. e^EDROOU. LAKE : r unlverattp. off Walton, small home. SO- x 340' lot. I location Low price, easy TRI-IJiVEL’ STARTER MONET DOWN a _____________ . and oven Only 01.300 down Call for apolntinanl. Ranch Type 0 rooms, breeteway and 3 ear atMcbad taragt. 1 tots. Only t0.3«0 with Wrmt. GILES R F AT TV GO nU-LEVEL 3 ^^g ilSDn MULTIPLE UBTINa 8ERVIC* 'JIM" MODERN 3 ^BEDROOM. L___ ____ ' PONTIAC REALTY C. PANGtS, RI JU-TOR ; 7J1 Baldwin PE 34P 3100 M13 OrtonTlUa -------------------------- ____[ 7 ROOM HOME. 173. OR 4 : i rm. apt. 000. Located tat city. PE i 2-0346.__________________________! NEW 3 BEDROOM BRICK RANCH 1 Inquire 700 Reynolds., Eg 0-1017. | BAM WARWICK HAS iW avi.viN 1 Lake. 3 bedrm. bri lake privileges, glf-3100^ Uaae. PE 2-31li0.___________________________. unIon Lake - large 3 bed-room house. Cloae to abepplM area. 078. EM 34306.____________ WALLED ix. m6d. cokV. nr. Vlllagt. a bedroom. 012 Wk. MA 4-2303,__________ . . . 4-MOO k PE FAMILY 3 BOOMS I Near Wltner School. |70 per mo. ■ noor, 1100 per mo ’ Call MA 3-3303._________________________________ waaher k dryer. No 1 j BEDROOM HOME IN DRAYTON ,.‘ta, PE 3-7404. I Plains, has basemOnt. recreation 1 MOVING k REPUR- ™om. 2 car garirge. Uke prlvl- kf4as. «es.«v4. m wsel Qm |J25 D ROMS OR DIXIE For Rent Rooms 42 OZT AND CUTE — 3 ROOMS, located on city’s east tide with fenced lot. altioitnum atoms and sareena. fully Insulated, hardwood floors, feu el closet apace, automatic oil heat, utility room, mqd-rrn kitchen, close to sebools idd shoplng. only 0330 down, 370 per month. j , 4 ACRES - 01 beautiful wooded -land to build yonr dream home ! on. Small down payment will | H. C. NEWIXGHAM , | Comer Auburn and Crooka UL I-»I0 dEbAB '-"IBLAND ' LAltl'" MW- i ■---- Home by owner. 3 or 3 , prIvUegea. New k i All feaaookblr priced wiw wma. i Large eeleotton to ebooee IrwB-i STEELE REALTY. 1140 N. kllli-' "J; * **"- FABULOUS BRICK RAMCH ford. Highland. Mich. MU 4-3043. ’ You must see this cuatom bulH 3-Bedro6ni Ranch . iJr’Tff.‘’‘fJ.Vfi’,** &fi*r*JS Onlv 1500 dn. and t*kc over OI ! vaUt. oak floon, carpaU^ * a equUj. Balaoce at $75 iae). taxfi ' batbs that U outftaodiBt® liJniuraact. Auto. beat. luU batb, j kltcben, t XL cupboandi DlalnM 100 n. lot. paved ttreet. cer-' room. BuUt-in ehtoa cletet. Faif K'l- J'!*' . >oc. nr. Watortord i tor room with flrepuet. BarbMUu High Sehtdl. I pit. BuUt-ln Hl-Pl and Intercom. Giroux - Franks; OENERAL REAL E8TA1 ‘%o. PLEAN 3 RdOM APARTMENT 1 'liig. Ifaiai. Had BeMt’^bL^lui WcaaN' iia-lo ‘To itMARiB "iThuw! between Cottage ‘®.T AE*?» D?CORATlNa^_PAINT- ^.toWrford^Mili-- CLAREffofToliVISBU^ * liDtrhia™pf"g OO’UPLE PRIVATE' B'aTH'' A-1 -^AifeNp k DBCORATIKO ' IM Paper removed. PE 4-0013. PAINTINO. INTERIOR. IX-j Srtrtdgt."'ra ” 4-33n," lOSO' wi 4kMo'."' ..-----«. . ,^1 im„n. V Perry. PE 0-0001, KEAb OENERAL HOBiWilTl rma. k batb. Pvt. ent. Aduha only. Call PE 4-1700 after 3. I month. OR 3-2003. - AT BUB STOP LOl. FRONT RM : Ero^thUtg lor convenience, PE Ing. ft doRn. -I BEI___ —Pull Basement— ••BRICK^ FULL PRICK $7,500 ■ -SALBB OPPICE- 5-W EAST BLVD. «■»,! wiemeiH. Rot uratcr neat. Attacbed 3 6ar plaatered garage. This la not the ordinary home. TUa la an outstanding honu. WW Ultra a I BEDROOM MODERN WRITE ‘Tayl'SV ^‘iraru-r, 5.°?.“ 4-7044. ABILITY E E ORION, HOUBEKP-EPINO cottages. All utilities Winter rates B Broadway. MY 3-0061. AAA PAINTINO k DUCORATINO, ............................. .. U yeefe* tiptrlence Reaeoneblt r® Im oontrect at low- i gyp my —v""nMa" Fre# MtimftUi Phon* rn. a.iiee ‘ W i»**lWe dtfceuol U a »aivtc« d MeCuUoutb bu Kiveti for . n « -----'''■( ^*e caib fer your equity. J^Zi Cash buyers waltlag. No obUft- riNO. WALL WABHlNOg FA- Moos. CaU any " mi^^g.iyrm,. . T. im>-j PB »-H»^ r. PI 4-H 4-0304. Tdeyisloii Sffrvke 24' LMMEDIATE ACTION ----:Ob any good land'eontraets. N»w CROT TY k RADIO. 1 HOUR of seaaontd. Your --------------------- aetvleo. PE 0-0370 > Isfactory Inspecilc- .. DA?" ok NlOHr' TV BIRvici l .t®". "*'* ?»' »•" Templeton PI 3-I3S0 or Pi 5-S300 _________M. P. ETRAKA !; Washing. 313 per wk. PE XOOi: MODERN HOUSETRAILER |13 Wk. Elec. Furn. Vic. of Auburn Height#. AdulU only, UL 3-3404 MOTEL KnCHENETTE APTS, UUmios font. Ill per week. Ml6 Pontiac Lake Rd. 6r 34310. NICE 3 OOM Furnished k Unfbrnlsh - 1 BEDROOM — "Rrnt Oreetly ReducK -AIR CONDITIONED 3 bedroom heat, clean, Cmiuici _k24'/0^_I26L_MU!.kin___________ 3 BEDRM. IN SHELBY VILLAGE. near UUca. PE 3-0063._________ P^llac a moat exclusive modern j 3 BEDROOM HOUSE. AXTACRK3 West Side apartment development laraae. IVi baths, rumpus room, .1----— aa«k yard, Oaa heat. ! Beach prlvlleget. Ideal heat. Elec, stove k hot water ‘ furn Near OMT. PE 3-3364. 2 bedroom' hea’t 'and hot I water. 4 lamtlg. Lincoln Street, i Pontiac. Ml y32«3 i 2 beoroSms, qoo ---------- MONTH CALL after PK 3-1133._________ 2 ROOMS irOVE k REPRIOERA- WEST SIDE IURN AVE AUBURN i room, dinette bedroom kitchenette and bath Prom and : rear- prlyate entrances. Oarage. I Attractive four-family building. ) 174 per month. References re- ' quired. PE 3-7101 or PE S-gP03 ' WEST SIDE i 1 rooms, bath. Waahsr. stovt and ' refrigerator Second floor. All uttl-Itlea turolshed. OR 3-7tl3^___ schools, shopping c PE 0 LAROE ROOMS. SYLVAN LAKE. JRealte clean. PE ___ ROOMS. KftCHEN FURN. PE 3-0027.____ RM k BATH. UTfLlTY RM.. Call OL 1-6110 , 074 Emerson, Pontiac _ _________ __________________________OEN- CUSTOit' BUILT LAKE HOMES. Uemcn, near Elsber Body and: Twin Lakes VUlage. W. ol Pon- --------- 4-3800, ttao Btartlre Big. Co. EM 4-g831. UPLEX POR SALE. 8 ROOMS _ ____ plate k TV. EM j each aide, aarkaton area. PE 3-3617, 3013 Union Lk. Rd. 0-1433._________________________ gupHcato anywhorc. NOTION 8T.-2 FAMILY Excellent rente! location, 10 largo J®??* I®.7 J®®* condition. 3 full tathx PuU baiement. Oaa boat. Muminum sM^. i car Mrago. Favod atreet. Onle g3.000 down. 3 ACRBS-SSW DOWN ThU u what you have boon watt- 7®f k®*®- mtut. 8muU burs. Fuymtatt *nff too monthly. Immodiaio poeceilM, WILLIAMS - - REAL WATE k INSURANCIl Pontiac Motort. n 4- CLEAN,_ COMFORTABLE 1 apt. Everything turn Mf Older man. PE 3-33N. E OP ______ 647 W. Huron- i r etDt OI GENTLEMEN, CLEAN COMPORT- ' lit.' iTakr’ **m PE^ioOTO** * Mtge. FT 4-0011._________ BOTEL ACCOMMObATlOWSrMEN I ^ hSfme'^n'p'addook ’gt Si*?Stte“ Reasonable. 14l-u Oakland. | ,g“SJ;''Jk5 dSii 5il OA “iSl large BLEEPINO ROOl*"------------------------------ “ ■■ Jobm 34300*” 13 N. Joboaoo. PE ^ poR ! ule. 313 Beech ROOM FOR OENTLEMAN CLOSE rtodern home RIehollt. k Barger m. 3f Clalrmont. Co.. PE l-llU. ROOM FOR RENT. NEAR PONTIAC -------------------------------,_________ plant, PI 2-30gi._______________ FOR COLORED 1 FAMILY "SMITH" DRAYTON PLAINS 1 "take'5w"cttt7 3®bLd^Mm*h?Jf sn.s.’.M«,sssi “H.s^-3'sv fttruftt n«ar fthAmtnf cyntW firi nonsaiv. r mootbly F?A \ ] WUT SUBURBAN AttrACUVf 3 b^IlU. liUISIV WIWJ > In MVmM ' ^ raviM 1 kmll large 1 on ton per cent mortgnge. , BWCK SMPRAME - f yapr pM j »»*"*Unloo “L3ke”*(8ora(w ; lot. 3 car garage. Lirlag room I and famUy room. PlreolaS BuUt-•n oven k ram. l^g bathq '“omi. fl.7N dawn •- -- mortgage. Rolfe H. Smith, Realtor |^!E^t?lror«*,ldjl*'[.U.7.*l« 244 g Telegraph PE 3-7ia! Kju.fH’'*!!!.*: abower. PE 34720 down paymi C 5-23W. . FOR COLORED .oom bungalow. 2 tots baaement. new aiding. ROOM POR WORKINO WOMAN.! Near Oeneral and State BoeptttI*. t ----- --- --------------- M^a 11 desired. 74 Thorpe. PE | CORN ER OF BAGl Nebraska. 3 bodroen. 1 ■ ■■ ■ rnact. $7,500 w SLEEPING ROOM sr>j.,T.5'‘SftekrrB*iv?”k —m and fha OrTStIg ^A*e *y„r^ We"?rIdE *°WE BUM ootr»*2“bon iSaltSS OT L/om'VSiJ'.'-J' *«®f 7»3 W Huron________PE 4-1337 IS*, i5o*&k'lSnd* ' **'*' Hickory 0-3301 Whitmore Uke jsfe.’in'.^r byoT^ Paul M.jone.s Real Est. ^ 0-4501. Aftef A PE 3^C SH..* ____FK 4-1330' dyke, 330' a Mo Pe'i-wT 2 BEDBOOM TERRACE — Wiener sebool aren, living room, dining room, kitchen, full daylight basement, lots of closets qnd storage space. Will decorate tor responsible teonnls Paul A. Kern. FE 3 AND 1 ROOM batb. hefct. hot wa- | ind rrfrigerator fur-1 ----- ---r St. Benrdict and ; Donelaon schools. Close to shop- ' ■ Bing and bus service CaU PE -' 3-3303 or PE 4-4333. Rent Houses FurnishC4l 39 ‘ O N AREV SLEEP1n6 ROOMB POR ilEN. I water best- I W, Huron St. After 0 p.m. dlately i p - * Storm. i S306 down or OI mortgagr. Paul M. |ones, RcalEst. ,,, —,_,.,s4ent»Si, aeparaU gas furnsc4S.-4 car garage Paved si. k boa Cm. down. WEST SIDE - Convenient; dote In location near high ^ acbool. clean k well deco- > rated 7 room k bath home, i PuU baaement. gat heat. ■ r Wlllla school. i OI 3 BEDRM. BklCK gOOO »®“"t®“«“-40j«m Jf^r. . BATJL OARAOE, \ »oV*gh''o'!.tele‘ I f-E A V . . _____________ ooL ra ________ 3 LAROB ROOljiTRlClfLOCATIOit. Keego. automatte gas tuniaoe. Inq. $23 W. Huron. PE 4-23N. RiiiB k BA'TH. CLOSE IN. 1 BEDROOM HOUSE PU8NI8HED ! PE M003 PE 3-3117. after I 30 p m -------------------------- 2 BEDRM . NICELY PURNISHED' PuU baaeiftent. ,ol1 heat. I'-t-car garage. Lake privUegea OR'3-SSW r' Sirin. NearsKiiooir Sk. prfr. Fu’r-. 2 SMALL HOUSES PARTLY^lob- I nace hrat 2 children welcome era. Handy to Pontiac k Cab ' OR 3-33M.____________ ■ ' H«»pMtable couples or MchelOrj g rm FaHILT h6uB. NEAR Bteady renters, only. PE_4-10»0 new City HaU, Auto, heat Etc. 1 BEDROOM. bfC SEAT. PUR- 070 sno Rel rtq. REALTOR, niahed. MYt3-2tM. ___________tin-r, »» km,., j ROOMS MODiRN "oiL HEAT 330 Mo. rent tn advance 1723 JLROOMS. AUTOMA'nC OIL HEAT. I^lose in aao Adults 117 Chandler BT. STRAYlCD OR gfbLiN: i FE 44122 'll PUle puDpv, 1 month! old In rkiT'a'V'wu »aCiiWen?. “■* HILTZ, FE 54M1 lion. You can tell absolutely any- ULTRA-NEW STORU, ^8T BIDE __________-FE 2-3144__________ Rent Office Space 47 GI Resale — By Ownjr , Waterford area 1 bedims and car port. Venettao blinds FuUy Insulated Walking dlatonee to, schools IIO.IM, 4fa per cent mort- , gage. ORv UNO._____________ HOUSE and furniture iR)r , tale by owner. 133 B. MarahaU. | HOUSE FOR SALE BT OWNER. I N N E T T John J. Veririett 3 PAMay—lit tic- ------------- cldeupled. Ige. 3nd ' ' fur* ' STOUTS BestBuys Today PARTICULAR? About where you live end wbat you want to call borne D 10. why noi lake a rUo with on* of our helpful aaletmen and look M Uria brickr anoh borne. Approaelh Ing the front entratace to tbit dlattnottve * mtdmee you will place your coat in the entry cloeet Underfoot will be n InnuriDai carpel and you will apprcelpte the , . Topiny living room. Next PAMaT BRICE'-~JWT|-Sfie *^roomi“l a^ lit* £"*s *.‘2 «! d ImV- i :^fTga NEW OFFICES-WEST BIDE, FE APT. PVT. 1 I t-ntf. ________ ________ iOST: Kloitfll BOB PART BpIU deg with tan and white c^. Namtd Jerry. Haa no 11-etnee or collar. 3M N. Cats PE _t-4N8. Reward. yr. OLb MALE BOXER H Ibi., Ilcento No 03». Reward .... ------------------ _. I Ofoh. ■ riB 3-1 3333 Clinton Rlei LAROB ROOM. KITCHENETTE. ! and bate All private. 1 or I i adults. Pretirredi 17 Btewell St. ' eft Oakhlll. __________________ , ■OHM.. PR'IV. ENT.. SHOWER, flr. 3 aptt. Wt apcGlallxt In - Handy - ------ t-lOW PE , 31> 'i' 1 RM. APT,,. KITCHEN. LlVlNO Mjnse iSfi»E t.,„ 't-Kwr- ROOMB IND OARAOE ALL I : newly decorated 4040 Penmore. ' • Lakf^ yrtvllegea. Crescent Lake. i CbUdran welcome, I 30AR INSULATED OARAOE POR I storage or hobby shop. 133 N *-TW»grnpli.-N3 meoth^ Jg-A4M1L. r Pnr Qnim Hnitnma dQ Conklin Road, Lake Orloo.' One 2-bedrooffl at 3Ml Watkini Lake Road Shown by appointment. FE . 111. Wk. Also 3 Rm. 3 Edith lufnlshed except gas ^ll|ht. Oaa beat. PE 3-»5S or nas. An,, aiicxu-n. s**viou --------... i.... . , ..i „ 1 arnnu aSii?—«-i'rr-iir>iui-i-> ' room. bate, bedroom. PE 3-NOl FOR RENT. 3 BEDROOM PUR-— DOW^^SmSt S 3~LARQi-BMs“--NEW7~^^ ^c*??** ’ hro^iTiav’’‘fS'nl-'i Paddock. Adult, TaV:%rirtrgr.*' M?*rontf>.*CMrMEl _______FE 4-7407_________________ ROOMS. S BEDlUXyMil. OIL beat IN W Howard* Call owoer. OA 3-2011. ROOM MODERN ON WEST tide. C^l tnnuiee After I p.m. call PE 0-0623 RMS T AUfb For Sale Houses 3 BEDROOM NEWLY DECORAT- • ment, autoir-*' '------ larage. largi ______ATTAChED ' , gar. Lake privileges. PE 3-3611 0 RMS k BA'SEMENT. AUTOi i ‘ In Ponttac, UL 3-14S7. basement, automatic furnace, i ii.'nt garage, large front Jot 3 k!ih iT Baldwin '............... ““ Just the light location tor furnished place. Always occupied, i Nice 3 room atgi bath for owo- '■ I room furnUbed , , ------- .. ...y with .iltke JiivUcgei. Each apt. has rooms k bate, high dfy ---------- pi, heal. 3 4 FAMILY BRICK—3 rooms k bath each, all oocopled. full baaement. ott beat. 4 —euf wnraget -Eacellont Jtggt aide location close to bus. schools k shopping center. Only I10.0N down. _________ ____n spIc-Dwp eating apaet kitchen w atelrg leading to huge t iieed basement that nM i 300 41N Manitoba PE 3-62M ! I BEDRSr'HOM^'lfrrH ?ARTLY flDltbed upstelra. fireplace, new ; gai furnace near M8UO. by pwn- { I garage. I33M d. VWst Side ; deUghtod t You'll ___________ a nice clean t_________________ bath, oak floora, gas it^gton r f-1003. gut, Olngelvl HobbiM i Aptt. Partly furnlah^ OR 8-0103. ________________ _____ 1 ROOMS. PRIVATE ENTRANCE': 3 ROOM APT. OROUND FLOOR PUUFlQUtPm> PORTmTwiN- SMXllI uumia. Clean glnglo. $U werk- 005 per mo. RThlte Bros. OR tef ChUdrim SticoS? OT^^ HOtfiinTOF BENT AT UlRON ..VSm • aS? “ara’Ji^arTi ' 3-niEDRWM-kEEOO- HARB^ U'iw7r\f Take privllegra 4oat Pnd Sir ^oL wif j-uiii ^ *“*'' U-J-lb M, Pull basemeot. Washer and ft 4-1341 _ . EyenlngtJE 44313 JOSEPH P. RKIS; ----------7 BEDROOM FRAME cd^NER 0440 “ iM We»t iqi fui] bfttrmtnt. unllnlihed itUc. i BREWER property all fenced. Nearly ■ new white ranch. Uvlng rm.. fireplace, picture window. I carpeting, dining L. large : bedrooma with cloatta. tfle bath. modM kltcbem dry; basement. Coleman FA oil j --------_jrage ‘- — a k baatod dog keonols. ___ Vfhlta Bros, UIUC* «WH. AU-l 3L: — -T-________________m______ 3-13N. ______________________^ ■Wee TygoJ^ ChUd'aia ROOMS POR 3 MEN. BATH 3 ROOM APT. AUTO OAS HE»f area. PE 4-Mll. Prlv entr, Reas. 330 N.'Bagtoaw. and hot water Partly furn. 003 - - * Mt. Ctoraa , ^ J RMtt,, RV1 RAfVI "era 4^t^n^‘**Fy? ll^***** ' IM Mr^CleiJw**™ .*-««■ :---------,-------13 J^ME ! * „H,“® . 12 OREEN STREET Large ImmCk with apartment up I PE 2-40N 1660 Pfe- ! w"iSm? ri\S^ * * " * ROOMS. Targe, cuian. mod- ; "mu*"'' MOD- X'hS wheir ht i-leuiqg t iOis Kfn low down payment._ —— ------------1 .. .....^.^andscaged, , _ trioh'Ol not.ilng down; 043 iwr; bedroom home, _______ •‘“i Adjojniy Adults No drlnktra. Relerenc'ea. 34170, ■rooml _________ ________ lont looatlom West sMi, _FE_.3-2n4. M^CEIYaY LAKE 5 RM' S^RN ALL MODERN l' , C^,r-n welcome. M3 mo OR floor in. Komo H< —— I 4~Rdioiis. 1 BEDROOM. MA|N . i«cl~t~AKiaritow'r writew—Jr ' tXCEL-, floor. Noa^OenMuI Hoepital CaU | '^*tSatli beM "vjaT a^w^i *T”»ACnVB OR J402I ___________ ^ j BBbR06MF~HOME. 4 LOTS, small garagr 1 mUe from Lake Orloo I3.0N terms. MY 1-4304 1 BEDROOM,'2 LOTS, k OARAOE 1230 down. Balance 107. a- mo. Inquire 313 Russell. “ ' :rf®‘‘°5BOV ANNETT. INC., REALTORS i Opw SreiPing!f''lr”8iurday I-4' j FE 8-0466' I. Taka this trip now ani see tela and many other features at only glilN. tlM 1DOWR Best runt eaytng home tor you In all Ottkland County. Thlr dandy baa oak floora. tiled kitchen teat haa built-in oven and range and paneled eatlim area There are 3 bedroom. 4 piece dryer. Thla borne aleo haa a storage attic, la loattlatcd and a solid pavod drtre WlUrio a bloek art all twelve grades of acbool. Be your own landloid now; all TM have to do la call us and yon can stop laelag teosa rent receipts. Warrpfi Stout, Realtor 7 H. gAOINAW PK t41« Open 'tU g'W p tl. lake Dining rm.. modem kltch- 1 cn. 3 lart« bedrooms, etteebed I farage Approximately 130 R of: rontage. Plenty of treei. after 3, PE 0-1033 4 Rlls . k BAfaTui . ----- fu.-Tt, Aduitx only, M3 Seufln'olej;! 4R003U AMD BA'hi. OWr' ROOM. 1 BEDRM u oaaement. gas heat. —— on bus line. OB 3-3122 ■ BEAuTiPUL R4NCH ROME 1 c:if' _ _ TAKE TRAH-ER . In trhde on tbte large 7 room I home m Lake ’ Orion. CIoU to acboola. cburebel ar" I'l Priced to sell, Oalf 3 BEDROOMS . bate Baaement. Automatlc^| Priced to sell. Oal{ today. ' V“J'.'“la;! l'RAWFORD AGEN'CY I Ijl W, WALTOW ....... tw, Fi I.A1W. agiawiiiAi. INDEBT? IF SO LET US (live You 1 Place to Pay > Ease Your Mind WE ARE NOT A LOAN (X)MPANy michigAaN credit COUNSELLORS •M 710 PONTIAC BTATB BANK: BLOO. PE 1-0400 MOmbOr toerlean —* —" Ifchigan I In. PE g-1331. ,.te“tefm» ■ ■' ( 33* W. WALTON PE 3-3300 CUCKLER REALTY !«-*LEy*I---------------------MUiilS 230 R Saginaw _____PE 4-4001 Mdve' RIORT IN t mttk: I b'toks 340«. w —■ —NT WELO 3L Howard. PE 1-2300. nwAu ,i>naA w«An i Near Airport Responsible couple H4ftt funxlshsd. FTE ^T833 i 8 iw 3 niM OR 3-$l44 ^ „ ____ . ROOMs^Ara BATH. DOWN. | 1U2alL HOUSES TOR RENTHmi '' trick" ranchi *3 bedrm.. ‘twily ; 4 BJcOBm” BRIOE,'I'b OXRAaV.'] decorated. OuThoatljPwiSid yard! in'®.-‘iiti I 9«'f* »U«7« Taylor Rd. ask for, rm , Ite butee. carugtlng, 1 car i fas heal 013.006. 13.106 down.! 034 Maditon. <066 down. Phone . Auburn Helgbto. UL 3-3110 Lwnte Wearer; nc 4-3011.. - garage, large lot. laR prlVlIqgea. | 301 Dtland gt. Drayton Plains. I OL 1-7311. PRANK SHEPARD. - —--------------— rrr'-l-'-.•VTLT-.-i. »=ri-.- I ----------- ■ ■ ■ . ■ - I,am . *»- ^ rtB mWAf-wuPROte V— ~fw«?^t:c5ar »L‘ o*i/*iATA’«*AR"^if;' wAu^iciy ■o^v." nr OTART VnBUXniB. dOit, Hnepitei. PB 444p|. Vlllagt 3-Mrm. .014 wk MA — I rSotS k BAIVI OolgT BtbE I’raTplRnY I Oaa heat. PE 4-73g0._______ ----I I rooms OPPErTTiETTlY DEC- i orated..... ■“ MA CORNELL. 234 4 LOB BM8._________ I furn. 033 mo. 347 _______ . llTk 3 RMS.. PVE bath. APP1,y| I 7* Clark. __________________1 Awly'fa wianer PE' >40if !«? ‘ ®* * ** ' » ROOMS AMD BXTH LOITBR. ---------------- WtffiAT* (Silld welcome, 3701 Batdwto Rd PB 3-10g7. lower I ■Its. 1003 Boat ,1118, k BATH, heat k I ROOMB R bath. PULL BASB^ '•! JP.oj^ Tetejthone. PE_3-“" 1. , 3 ROOlU AMD bath. ------------ doeorated PE 2-4333 FE 3-0338 Rent Houses Unfurn. 40 WILL DBOOltAfE $75 PER MONTH Fi: 4-7&U. 4-4014 ____ WlS¥ ALMtoBT . 1 bedroom borne with fuN baaement 070. CaU alter 4;30 pE 14101, _______________— ________ RQ6m toOOERN AND' 4 RMS. BA'TII, UnUTY RM. 3 bedroom, newly decorated, oifo ' OT_3-4«qL______________________ i REALTOR._______________________________ BlWROOM RANCH HbUBE. ' MUST SELL. CUTE t BkOROdM Lake Oakland prlrUegea. Ua Norte side BacrUlee 03300 equity baths, go I 140 lot.v Sold bv owner for 11330 Pull price 30700 100 [ OR 34307, Draytoh Plaint. per Mo. PE 0-306E_________________ ' NEAR St. MiCUAELS AND BALD-wtn Schoola. 3 rooma. ntwiy orated, alumloum tUod. oai,.. cd tbroughout. knotty cedar deo In basement, coned heat. 17 Cbar- 1ntt« WW eJtiviu ' . SqiaU down payment. ; 3 BEDROOMS, 347 FT ON M30 i Wew productive Soli. 12.300 dn ,»W ------ MU *4013. ^ . , memuwr J ROOMS FIlfivATE BATH UTIL- toctican Aane. crudlt couuallots funlabod M N Edtte ~~ u..,---- — ct^K ceuaotnort WU 13011 alter I p.m. ROOM. SEMI BUNGALOW t ----- -------- (ireplacf. Pull irtodowR tod AT yAtfXltCIiA ' M m%rrn ' mAi^ir\jtw*i~*r ^ IIOOM, SEMI B ina-DH^ . MdpgR-c^^ ; loca^g.: ' ’ 1 » room - 1 SIDE or DUPLBdi I -F^* PE "G V’' ** ''rSlna^?" m Nfwly d^rat^ . en?lMpd°back*port ' *** **®Uh7Tew. xiaa neat. Cteae to W, Huron FE^lTsEDtitoS ! ■fujE iATli; jdST i Braeaeway k 1 clr garage. 1110 . rage. Extra lot. Ml Court oH OhXtendl__________j g-lTW_________ __________ -A r^ecoratefl. Near Pontiac Trill month. Or 3-2137 after 4 Ave. after 4 , i CLEXn RdbkU. PRIVATE E~N^ It* Adults EM 3-32T1 1 irOR RENT-SMALL LAKE#7ArT . 43& OOW'lf7~NEWlY REOECOR- ^pce main floor and garage, f 3 BEDRM. PULL BSMT OA■ i home with attached garage. OB ated. 4 rooma and income PE West tide. gTeHoorp Oay. I rage. Ok xnddk ». EH 14SH. 1 34IM. , . 4-«Blt. baU Newly ISBELL tOONO ifLim SOh MONEY DOWN Ul bulM a aterter borne on y L Any alxe. Pull basemi.— >ute Wiring. Your ptem or purs OR 3-103$. ____ >RUB^ MOHkB ART METTER 'BUD" Faint of Heart? ^ Juat, what tha doctor terdered OH ONe'p^iS! &U*doUirtV tul i bedroom ranch style bungalow with attached garage. 3 lota, offers tee answer to your problem, excellent location, aep- 8rate dining room, carpeting, rapea, mirror, ampU nttury room. atttomaUe boat and hot water, quiet xtroct. quiok poa-se^ten. Prlcod at OU.M. BUR- 5.-Bedroom Brick I Nr. Washington Jr. Higlf Handy to Tel-Hurqn k Mirada Mtle. foatnrcs wood burning fireplace, separate dlping room, breakfait nook, m hktet. full basement with recroatton room, automatic beat and hot water, attic enbauxt Ian. l ear garag* wtek poctessUm. Offered &. do your temll, a texs ,“Bud” Nichoiie.'Tfefaltor ,.40 Mt./Clemeua K. cull/ Mr Allen I.19A1 ' AP WHITE BROS. WsMrIort Is neat as a pU 3 bodroea tear the Watarlerd Drlve-tn. wement. Urge btteben an4 a large lot. At oiMy tO.MO Watkins Lake Area walls Oak floett. Piropteoa sn4 atteehad garage flia a nloe lot. IU.MM wtte tortna. , ______lOdo Pttoo Hwy. Move into a new home t NtMTiOTey d6wn .to vets. 3 bedrocinN, full Ittuietnent. Wilson Real Estate, FE 2-3953, EM 3^556,: r- f yORTY FOUE WE TRADE THE POXflAC PRESS, THitRSDAY, JAXUARY 7, I960 ClarKn SMITH Wideman SACRIFICE TO SETTLE ESTATE 9 Unit Brick Apt. Oa Orclitnl Ukt i Jiut )l*eoT*t«4. *•« t** (imacN. ( imita R«frla«rsior> a RE.AL ESTATE. LNC. Partridge a,TU -Biilir’ T|>,'nB Brtflc — Eng!ish>- $7500 Bateman * ~ MUU. UB9M
    -«n aflw I GAYLORD h JAMES K BLVD. Brlcfc 'raneb on i eitta-nlc* - laodicapad lou OTerlooktat 8ri- van La£t. o* » PIONEER HIGHLANDS FE: 4-4526 W. HUROW OPEM BVM HVLfmjS LUflWO aXRVICB litple Lumtro axR^ ARI^O Otily $7,675 ekee beat - Hit. MTCly cfctooe fence. Ihe price to »»■»«*■ CbU b GAYLORD OUTSTANDING FOR i9eo ■ Tbie U a eample e( C itandtog valoee r- —' 13$ X fiK»***‘™aFiw xtrra FE 8-9693 MY 22821 CLARK prices I tM.Nd. 1 for quick tale - Immediate Possession Cto tbli neat a clean beae. Lo-y .***•■« jeooded lot. Only wnll*. Bnrble wli______ double glued wlndewt, _________ ba>cnent gu bent, two nnd n Priced at $33 OOP, Self or trade. OltowD hy apotoinent. ^ S«te Bnfai«M Property 57| M<««y to Loan «1 BUCKNER FINANCE COMPANY . WHBRB TOO CAR ^ BORROW UP TO $500 <»ncX8 w FenUM Omytoo Flntoe - Ottoe wnltod U,. Btratogbam. Flyooto Credit Advisors 61A BUDGET YOUR DEBTS »atb_riui-rj^mu*« OOMSOI|^AT ____.Toa i Irootam o^itoldwta : 4$ m BaM^ ra ialdwlB. FX t-WI. CARTAS sxmyicx eicailant looatton. Ball totereet or Mortysgs Loans M BIO BEAR CORBOtlDATlOR Mertgagee are beet by tei »-e the men who hu one. Call sS* lxAR**ScJirratrcno» - ---HOROR $600 TO $2000 Convalescent Home Ten can euiiy ewtrert »ble SS^ueM^e^'^^ U batbs. atoo Caretaker Apeii- srsasb.-isa'Wiaa KTS!“.i ............ giasM down or wlU ace Swaps ■U FLTlfOOTX WAOOR TRAOX •* a g»is^- ■ HAYDEN Of MA e-MM eeet. Sale HouaehoWi Odeda 6$ •mWE AND. SEE’’ Mee»B*AT«Uk^j^wed. Da's fu-'otUrarad. ARoas. Vied. Oea a aieetru. Ills. - Of_Foi FX 4 DONCAR FHYFX SWA, OBOP Isaf tAble And 4 -»*-*— — - .tore, MY a-HHI *AIT TO HBFDRRI XLKCnUO BTOVX WOT nrtBt a griddle. OarMiMri. Un> •tual Suflet. wall braaete. AU eacellent ccndltmi. Ml eaiM. iriCM. MAPI# l-NIl. FOR SAU! XaRD ROCK MAFUE end tablee. lampa. and eeftee table. DL WTO.___________________________ ; LAKSWOOO VI rilXAOB oat borne RXSXAIIRANT a HOKX -- T«i , “ ean't mtoe os tbli money •nelng SasM FOR tJflXD TV i. TAFI, donl. Only year unonTreetaunS to the area doing a nice buel-' Working or not. FX I-OMI. j n large down. Mn porch. FA gu bel her featuree. Vacant nnu tote powetelon If your to good end yeo-*ey«-m are tol Total price Xr i McCULLOUQH. RKALTOR I SMI Caee-ElUebelb Rd - _ 5^1284-------FE 4-2844' QP*° * * “ X> * W P “» gundey l-s ' lUMEblATE FOeSESSKMI: ,c EngUeb CiSontol brick.________ 3.’fem‘.ly borne eoaiUtlng of _ Urto« room wito flreptoee. din- | kKAR PONTIAC NORTHXRR Thle | MD8T ing room, kitchen with break-1 u q good a B R home ***■■ fut nqok. muk room, den and i batement a oU - furnace, bath on the first. floor. Three kitchen 10 a 11 uwl win electric etoye TUe bath. . . buement ftolefaed ^ to | down plu FHA mortgaga cut. guo DOWR. Oi.NO. VACART bedroom modem home. 1 t batn. toundry fuUlUee. ptl ato matte lumace. Wtoner^gebool Oi trlet cdf Oakland. tAROX FOR SMALL. • ^lom I bedroom home near Rorih-ero High, gg.150. Hu oak ^re. pluurtd wane, uparate dining room, full baeement. gu bent, a ou gnmge. Belltr'e equltiuM.-lai WUl accept emalltr bom to trade. COCRTRT HOME. 1th ACRID Jb«t i it Pootiftc, ftuit treee. rupberriee. i ----—-■leraJbf'----------- berriee. Modem 1 bedroom home OOZT a BXDROMI BDROALOW M.IM with low down paymnn. A very nut home. 1 pc. bath on n-et. let M a i» feet, good ulgbbomood near Clto but. FE 4-0528 REALTOR — m g. TXLXORAFM OFXR XVXg “HOYT PIONXXR mOHLANDB - Very -“-uUve 4 bedroom home Cer-ng. Dmpea. Fenced yard. li> garage. AU city e~——— e priTUegea. tU.I fohnsoni L!utT“X^ _ _ !SM*L'**** 1 PORTIAC WATKINB WTATEg XI-tot. Prtoed with gl.M down. eellent 3 B. R. Brtek home IT Shown by apotatment. ' - — ——-------------• ---- John^Kr-Wwitt $f Son* — w . *• T**ee servlee ’"!!i;{*r{’ct*''i'£,‘t , larger famUy. baiement. oil h« Ooovenlent to bi njt^ delay, eaU •me for the ' idroema, txiU • l^c^garaje ! SPECIAL Daniel Wbuineld School dutrlct. 1 home, ooljr 1 jrtur “ enf *“ll With larie waaeu me.V4.MU. fuU bM«- “Jt.AblHb Immediate Only gl.SM down. MMom kitchen, carport oi Ijbt MrnKhA PWli: mo’.X -ZU_____________ tiairway to poeetbto 3rd bedroom Hke Urlng room with flreptoee, aU caroeted. Modem* kitchen With dtoinr ' —... dining L. Plaetlc Sled ____ Mlcnlgan baaement, new oU tumnee. l>h cu ------ - inded PuU price p down and »ia a Including taade i Large bedroome with doable e: . ... _____a oo tboae euyl Priced IroBL gS.W -I a A - -------- ' newly deoornted AU you need to one yura tokea. a Three ItoarPlre Isaurascc Policy and crodR. Taka advantage of ^bed^^^arage. Well laodacapcd , nmm mORLARDS - llodem ! 1 bMroom brick ranch. Pull ; baument with planty of room ' I for recrenUoo^ f'h car garngt. 1 ^auUfully landactped. Laka nriv-Uogea. Juat IM.fM. A real value A. JOHNSON, Realtor 17(M S. Telegraph Rd. FE 4-2533 RAY O NHIL, Realtor agl S Telegraph Open g-l FX I-TUO FE e-dggl txrfo'rd moH NORTH SUBURBAN. 1 B. R, borne. OU fumue. Lot iM I Ml. glSM. Termi. ___ built to vulty. Buement open, at lake level with aUdlng Thennopane doors. RecrcaUon room wlUi flro-pluc. .tool a lav. Storms a scruu. Black top atreet. UI.MO DORRIS J. C. HAYDEN, Realtor |g X Walton Open t to 1 p.m. FX g-seei FX j-Tiss-RXt. px aei:. CLARK REAL ESTATE TO BUT. BELL B TRAD] Usa W. Hums Open xvc.,a Multtple tilting Service NICHOLIEl & HARGER CO. HOYT REALTY . >M a. TIILXORAPB »•*««•________Px a-t#w BROWN BRICK CARAL PRORT-m '• ..... COLORED BeantUul well reetrteted lot. Ilf a in. on Bow Lana, ovoriooklng Otter Lake 1 mUes west o( Poo- PX MTOI after SX^^%l|[o*nNANCE c5.', llB “ Terry PX SAMI. 6r TOORHXia . RqAD IN d6rxl. ’sr*B or**w.Ms. senta U. Everythin la in tape You can buy the real esuia bUatotss and equipment for gM.101 with aproilmately g7MS down. BUnnot only IlM. por monUi. Oieeper than rooUu. "Ag l^atod to _good Wttog and B»-; 4iagstroHt-!,| ^ RX POI^IAC ____< ROROE PRKXBBRS Cheat and Upright. New models aiigtath' tcratehed or em^mured mgdtia at big dii- M da^^same Ba**ca»b WAYNK QABERT REAL GOOD BUYS LoU aadrloU of good rmldei^ tots at prtcel wllEto remum. We help you lo finance Ig biUld-- “ home. Big Be* Con. PX 3-1I3I. UJSJi’ I. PX &-ag34 PE MIW OVAL BHAPEb MAHOOANY DIR- ‘ —. , tag .row table g^ • b~A V k if P O R T AND CHAIR. blf XeSg?.“" *‘'**"“^ I ‘g dmW Freailr AUTof. bRYER Ml. Stnte -Hr. Charles. STATEWIDE Real Estate Service of PosUm B. D. CHARLXS. REALTOR - K U IS_____ - . WXLL DRILUNO MAClUNX WITk tooti. trade for what bav# you. MA MUO,__________________ IWX BUY BELL. TRADE, ICB akatea. Bantu Hargrave Bard- Open’ evea. and gun._____ ! WILL trade small HOME Dearborn for farm In * " Selected Building Sites: HI-HILL VILLAGE sttoa with winding pnvtd atrooto. rt your value to the fntare. u IlMO. with lua dowa. LADD’S. INC. 43gl tXxle Hwy. Drayton Platot OB I-iail pr OR HIM Tou’U Ukc Iheu wood^, nlUsg and direct entry tv v;,..u , Total price lU.tM and Id my honest opinion FORCED SALE i.^7ffu.'*R«“m’“aubJ{JDtoi C*ARL \V. BIRD. Realtor ‘a* Siysro'nt"*^""' : inymmunlWRaUgn^Buk^dy^ i Waterford Hills Estate ■‘LET’S TALK BUSINE.SS” Party Store—SDM ill price only. 10 d(m with Qt. Lei the oar futiire. MICHIGAN BUSINESS SALES CORPORATION JOHN A. LANDMX88XR. BROKER UTJ Taltgraph Rd. PX e-llga PARE AT OOB FRONT DOOR REAL ESTATE OFFICE BuUdtog with npartmont above, tot on paved atreet, WILL ACCicH' SMALL V A R M. { Eut Highland area as pari pay-1----'-------- — —..jj, home at Lai OAS RANOX EXCELLKNI _ch^. Bed^TO 6-5ld3. ___ OAS RANOX WITH ORIODLXl For Sale Clothini 64 1 M0*eaffi’ WolS* umtog’^ uSfe^^;' ---------------------------- ! leatherette clialr. M: oak Ubmry CHILDREN'S CLOTHES SIZES M, very good, MA MMI.___________ DOUBLE BREASTED OENUINE eamelJialr man's overcoat, aiu " “ eond. Ml. MI gmm. GOOD CLOTBINO REAS. BOYS UdO b USED FiRNOTRl FOR sale, m S. Jea-.!.-________ OAS RhNOBS . ...... gag.gS OOOO CONDI-..w. yy. v-j>jv 85 E. FrlDcetOjn. j GENERAL ELECTRIC WASHE^ _____________________________dryer. Brand nc» . IMS model, »- Sale Household Goods 65 c Press Box 110. Wt have a wido atlectloo of tine homes to choose from to many aecUona of S5 Sikh Jr* 3 bedroom ran: Lnko Road.-------------- heat breessway and a car guage. Vacant with Immediate poue^ Sinn. Requires $3,300 down. Bal-asce payable NO per mootb. I BBAUTIPflL a-PIBCB UVINO h bemee w las beat, I mye. »< dera T b ------- . Modem IS - 33 ft. ranch home. Ideal for young oouple OU furnace. Oak floors. Fufl bath So x IM ft I tot. Priced at only $7100 Rea. I sonable terms SIX ROOM BUNgALOW-S7 N. Francis off B?Kke. Vary attmeUve home on comer ■ Completely Insulated. ■ ’— than lias. Years heat ____ ____ Tile baSi. toner than i age rooms. W.7S0 — fiv.vw a»wrvsB|«. ! F.C.WocxICo. I. at M Si IBS bedroom hornet, to and out of town. Sotoe have baaementt- - gevaral to ebooM from Paymotita Uko rent. CaU ua today I I DOWN -ae. FuU b About $37S cluing c E8T BIDE S room bungal------- storms and screens, garage. Only I1.N0 WEST SUBURBAN I bedroom bungalow. Basement. oU heal. 3 tou. Rm-sonably Prteei at H.MO Only II.ISS dowa. WM'T BLOOMFIELD - 1 ACRE of lend, t room colonial home e bedroome. Ou furnace Water eoftner Oas loctoerator' !'■ baths. Fruit trns, nicely land-uaped. I'k onr gnrngc. Barn, tklced at only glAMO. * ’^tIS'a iSk'u’th maker. nlshlS!’ 'Fiiff' baN"^nt, ei- apartment. Partly v..hed. Pun baument, cellest eoodtUon. Priced to ATCE88 -TO » LAKES. Modem g loom colonial homa os canal Full baument. Furnace. Full bath Lnrge^ 1 ear garage A patio Immediate potstsslon School bus at door Priced at only «M.iSi. Reasonable tarSM. Aik for Mr. Alton, Sr. 53/a WEST HURON PE SA1I3 nsiULflFLB LUTINO SERVICE O'NEIL OWKBR TRA1 Wante quick H v*n“£S35.y“Bs: rated throughout WaU-to-waU carpeting to living room and dtnlM L. Ceramic Ulc bath, ful baument. gac beat, water eottener ’ ' Incinerator. Htoely lot. [ 170, A BEAUTY gg.gS0 - USO dowa lor this nest and clean, eye appealing, mod-ern to minute bungalow. L.Okf«l* klfteakAoe - k . . STANDARD OIL ___________________ Modem S-staU sUtlon. Mato at Huron, HUford. Training and ft- _______OR 3-S«gg nanetol autoUaea avaUablc - I BEDROOM SUITE. BRoadway I-aiU. After 7 p.m. ......... «.71if. d-o-.n.V4*W-----------------. CAsa'r PC jfccnoiiAL I kitchen .. —,’eri'd Customer would not accept Musi sell. Buy both for only prr week. OOOD-W—° BplVHt: STORE. 30 8. WILL TRADE I7.S0O LOT IN SERVICE STATIONS POR LEASE. .----.— ---------------- -------- 1 potential. Pleou call be-, twean I oud S. PX MlOl After i . PE 0-1440, Pure <>U Co. ' Far East side; acrou Or-ard Lake. Or to E. Blvd. IghU lat R E. Blvd d Mt. Clemeu etrecls i ter. LIST WITH US — for fast efficient servlet WE BUT SELL A ! 'TRADE — 30 yrs serving Pon- I MA *100$®“*’'- i J H I C K RANCH HOME—Beautiful long, low end mmbltog home with two b^, three fireplaces, gleaming oak floors sere lot. W. Bloomfield lownsblp. Sell or* coaelder trade. 'Please ph'ehe Associate Brokers Inv Co.. Inc. 443 Orchard Lake. Pootlac. FE I STEELE REALTT. U4g N. M ! .—. ... between Highland i —Dd, Mt^aa. I MUford. I e-3044. 0-0M3 - After 4 pm. FE Drive-In -gg-FTs«... 00 foot frontage oo Orchard Lakclf .9P®® .---- Koed at Pontlao'i West BMe.T *1^ "p. Big picture TVs, ga. Sm «5 Sylvan Light nSmyT »«>«•«. emsbers and refrtgs., all drlVe-to. fSTv eqiHPPeTfor liSch- »« »» lOS fcdrooms 0». es and shortorder urvlce Oood •*^^.i•.i•‘^.».“•^'”*• crus business Prouertv Alone *bd tnblei and odd chairs. Bvtry-Krth Xing priee^.o& d!mn I TWnlwVrv » Iv I &AIH‘^HOU«!*BUT-8ell™tra^' K. L. I eriTpieton, Kcaltor t i03 k. cau ai Xaiayene. fK *130 Orehard Lk. Rd. FT ....... ' After 0, FE 3-07M -. SETS FROM OM.iO up. TV antennas. gg.tO. W ALTON TV 4U E. Walton FE »-Mi7 RECONDITIONED Living Room Suite 2 Pieces ask for Mr. Eaton L- H. BROWN. Realtor HO^Usabeth Uke Road Ph re 4-3004 or PE 3-4g!0 ------------ Service v.*.wv — K orauuiui ismil cond^Hior CarpeUng. garaxe Bice lent basement. Modem bat MULTIPLE LUTINO SERVICE d Cootracu bought and uld. 34di FE 0-4041 W M. A. , emtsed kltchoD. Bara, stor-ago bldg. Land sulUblo for 8eneral farming or boot oat-e Ua.000 wlQi $4,000 dn: or tako email bomt ae part paymt. AVBBH _______________ Ounes. Olen Lake. Empire — BNutiful new building—Let us enll an you with tbe pictures, tener 111 - Must seU. $10,000 3 PIBCX BBCTIONAL. FOAM CUBH-lons. frieu covers, 0100. Pay only Jl^wcakly. Pearsons. 43 Orchard $44 18 W'._Pike Street $5 Down REPRIOERATORS, ALL SIZES SELL BUY TRADE! MILLER JUST A DARK GOOD HOME - P*to»» HUls, off Oenesue St. bodrooms Caroeted Uvlng A dining rooms, bsrdirood floors, plastered walls, high dry ■“*”*"1. gas eat. garage. nfcelv lanAoaped ARCHlfBCrrURALLY APPEALING - WeU bum abd beautifully locatod U toU buff brick ranch homo ^ tl ft. ovor-nU length. The huge llvlim room hae a natural brick fireplace. You'll live to tbe beautiful family 7?lnn l»“«e»Ped I f IttOO vUf nova jrou id multiple LUTINO BTOVICe” HAGSTKOM lu'fi > •‘•'■7 IRWIN georGe r. KENNEDY , -jr 3g offices Uireu^out_ ^ J^ET us BEEP YOU Income‘s Property 50 frame‘'buu“to lOOg' nvp l-u...*—, WOT- te^t torge ei «|pmto<^bty~room*. | opti WES] to purchase. P PONTIAC — I root! vcv.vum. 1 (tory frame, n-garage full basement, hard v Boorei lot 130'x37F Only i down Immediate occupancy Id ehopptog < 1 niceu laodi with J ear g 3 FAMILV. SACRIFICE. 13.300 I cash PE 3-7033. __________ I PURNIWED APTS] AND PROl^- I -------------- --------- ANNETT STATEWIDE 11,600, low down, OB 3-I3U Extra large carpeted II I Sells Farms LAPEER-00 ACReOh MIUU Real Estate Servlee of Pontiac B. D. CHARLES. REALTOR 1717 S. Telegraph PE 4-0431 PAIR DRAPES. ONE ROSE BEO-spread, full else. Child's youtb I bed Two 4 drawer birch dreseers and birch bed, PE 0-1404^______ 0 PIE^ SILVER GRAY BEORM. outfit Double dreseer. bookcase bed, large chest. 3 vanity lamps. i All tor MO M. Pay only $3 weekly. Pearson's Furniture. 4a Or- > ___ chard Like Ave. _______________ | RUO.'BUFTfe, ^ij^EwnTd 7 TRANSUTOB RADIO. LEATHER I machine, washer, pUlowi, musi* caee. Amerlosu made N0.04 Now ' cabinet, wheelbarrow and miectl-030.04. R. B. Munro Electric. 1000 _le^us. FE 4A443. Huron. — ..- - Urgest atwk of rebuilt and ruir-anleed refrigerators la oiskland Couuly, Sun Sales MA 4-1341. RBDECORATtNO. RUO. LAMP ■‘•din. sat. itove. ate. OR Iowa Immediate occupancy i *lN dining room, torge Uvtog | i / t ■ f n fn ■ 11 H*=jrTO+rrNr>-t ' S^sfien^ r5!5Sl It S A StGOl j William Miller ! Realtor FE 2-026.1 »70 W. Huron Realtors | ! TO.NTI.AC or 4-03.58 i lakafront home features 4 beat love the oovereu patio with barhocue grill to the sumv mer. Tiled batti, plus t lev. to the 3-car attached garage. Aluminum comblna-tione. eameUng A draperies, wemr sarteUai end awntois are Included in tbe sharply cut price Ton'll emloy the beach and boat.^vUeges ment will buy a neat ■ elsed 3 bedrodm home. . '"'‘i privneges. Indian Village $1,000 Down COLORED LAROE FAMILY OR INC* located oo Paddock gt. 7 A bath, fireplace in living with I Is excellent Only 4e.4« ter burry ------- _ dEOROE ... .. down You should 2g| W WALTON aM a good sandy ____b Oocated on one of Oakland County'e best flsb-tog lakes Better take a look I Only |7,g4g -Terms CaU J. A. tXylOB. Rtal-Mr, OR 4-03W. rood. bora, runolnf »irttmo By owngr—lt#4 Btidwa? iwpo LAPEER county Oft M31. 71 3-10 nerts, complete — .. .— ..J. r.—J .1.. Jjjq, Sale Land Contracts 60 _________________-_ iB06E COTTEN RUOS, It X U. I PIECE LIVING ROOM SUITE. ; • x 13. Runner li' x 37 ". Oood -----— -- enport nod chair) condition. PF. 3-Sgl4 3 modem step , coffee table. 3 _____ w, «U for its. Fay only I Pearson's Furniture. 43 Orchard I LAND CONTRAC7B TO BUY OR I Lake Ave______________ ; KM UAM ®*'""**’ • * IS BLUB WILTON BE6rM. «r KM vioiie _ _ ... _ _ $34^ FE_4jM4, „ EM 3-4dgg__________________________ HAVE SEVERAL SEASONED OWN-or occupied small contracts. Schneider, MA 4-1313 or MA 4-3444 of buildings. Oood clav loam ..... Widow must soil. $340 per acre. gS.oOB down. Paul M. Jones. Real Esf. Money to Loan 61 . ISttotq .Ueensed Lendarxl nc * Hunt aub. Bxtra large home ' 3 Uvfng areas. Main ________,'ooms srltb 4 bedrooms and 3 'batbs. other'* part hae 4 Signature iUlrhes, meats of U.44 or cash'dlscouoiis Pb”s$^*“" *'*‘*^'“* Appliance . - 13 RUOS. WOOL PACX IU.t4. I SPT-CIAI Reveratble. 016.60. 1 m po r t e d. . Hollywood Headbotrd Large Chest .................................... yE i770 ________________ 8 1 N O E R PORT., gll SO. -----Cbrt » *»< 4-40 AL ---; awwe.^mwqM Vkd— ;"ii XNMORX ELECTRIC eriddli M33 G arranged U Very comtoruble borne In hi-hi. desirable location. Webstt district. Largo rooms -7teg room nnd 13x1 a.'botb earpotad. A kitchen. Oil dlnlM ro tractive I------- recreation space it meat. Doable garage. TODATI. Wr have iSc I 400 hUl price. sK.-iti, ** • bedroome Basement. 7 csr gsrage. gas r jrwsr&rsn ffl,‘ ssi .Sir*.'.' I LAKE OAKLAND FRONTAOE. 0 IRWIN. REALTOR i .f5_yH3 ! y^®3.1«te^r°f®- " I WHITE LAKE. 100 FOOT FkONT. ... . ------- Large 4 ---- ‘•'K. [togs. Oxford sebool dtotrtot. | WmrrXR. RBALTOH Val-U-Way FOR OOOD RUYg AND TRADE 3 bed- beach and picnic gi LIST WITH .XEN AUBURN HE10HT8 room ranch with is____________ rijom, large kitchen and Ule bath ima. Owner. Mti 4-3440.__________________ WISNER STREET, RTlLLUtlS LX. 3 bedroom. 03.000. Only $300 dn. Illy Insulated, 3 car garage. | auo and outdoor bar-b-qtie. Lots l ] f shrubs and trees. Only ll.gOO '. ily 0300 dn. ______ _____FrIvUfges. , Selling to settle divorce. Phiil M. Jones. Real Est'. ________ 1-3133; Orion MY 3-33S1 ~ SMALL FARM “ 0 acres. 0 room brtok, 3 bod-rooms. Flrtplaee. storms and screens. Hardwood floors. RsA-Sown paymtnt to resM>-CaU FX 3-7101 OAKLAND Loan Company. t Pontiac Stato Bank B LOANS 0 8IXOLER OIL SPACE HXAT-At pre-season special prices. 1. Thompson. 1006 M40. West. ABOUT ANYTmNO YOU WANT POR THE HOME CAN BE POUND AT L li S SALES. —J^of’^'kinds. NXW~A Visit our -■—* ” bargains. EnrI LOANS $25 TO $5C Partridge , munil nak t ir, refrigerator “J'f TRADE ELEC“rANDE Foil OAS Jjnge R^B^ Munro Electric Co . TRADE Oas RANOE FOR ELEC- co®. ?,a®w’* Used Trade-In Dept. 4-ploce breakfnsl ect .-~.S10.04 studio Couch ...... r. $34 50 pnvenport and chair $33.40 Olntog room table eUampagne fln-Uh. Bevwood Wakefield!. OJg.40 0-plece dining room suite .. Cg.M THOMAS ECON05LY A-OOflbOF FE >4(41 usedTj ANb fv fcoiasiKA- oiar* pSsa • Wid"fu.«» d for JEK* i INNELL’S ■storms | T Y 1 i Mi Humphries TOADE - I^e^ privUegcs. Large llvInV Lake 03 N. Telegraph open Eves FF 2-9236 MULTIFLE U8TINO SERVICE Established to Illi UNUSUAL offer-Here U tost hard to find 4 bedrm. ranch type Lots of closet space, bullt- 3 BEDROOM BRICK - Only M7 month. Oak floors, plastered i$Mn ) gas best. 2 baths. Automatic warii-1 " .Obd carpeting toclUBed Va-cant. Move right In yard. Turn your preset home or oautty u for U do. poym^ Alao will . SCHRAM ven. iMi, ttUd A visviUed bkm't vlUi to locatira ': BRAND HEW LU11NO-A very nttraoUve 3 bedroom home with cedar shakes tog room. Handy kitchen, •aoeled breesewaV and at- tar bus line to the W SelltBg tosJllTqg cash to RAY O'NEIL. Rciiltor % hssr $9,500 BEDROOM Dandy bungalow, large 1 lo. »o. separate dlnl amlc ttto ba SUBURBAN BEAUTY - Here to tbe home ^t Is different M ft ranch home with 4 lara R.J. (Dick) VALUET s « w, 4 Oakland Open i to __FE _>0»3 • VO For Sale Retort Prop. 52, 18 THE "BIRD" TO SEE ones ranen nome WItb 4 large bedrms., 114 batbs, 33g33 family Fan bsm'i with large rec. rm.. Wemr of eloseU Md storage. Located on 3 seres An ex- 3 BEDROOM ImmtdiM potsestdoo on tola fc "vTirta®.;™.®?? ra.?srp.??e‘w,v»?®w?tg FRONTAOE With about IH urea of land. 3-bedrm borne. Possible for borne and busl- RXNT BEATER Brand new 3 bedroom home. sra‘"B'ir,,“5K tos sts^. Otoy gigg moves ■M IMUB A*T lom MULTIFLE U6WNO MrVictc^ 33}B DOWN-For tbU fumlst Ms cotiagt. Part bath. Immi *------------ All furalture, p m boat 3 lou: .corner loca-I. Total price onlijiM.m of land, ^me Umber You can -Floyd Kent Inc,. Realtor AMPLE CUSTOMS PARSIMO bargain' LOANS TO 1400 POR DOWN PAT-ment or purchase of cotugea er , lake lou. SEABOARD FINANCE, 11|4 H, Perry, FE AOOgl. UNION [..VKU ROAD 40 x33' cinder block b1d|. wit twq Tbedroom epertments xbov ‘ .... HOME & AUTO LOAN CO. N. Fofry St. Oonmr E Pike 3 bedroom reach type— iv, bathe _ aut^.lle beet T^iarge "SI w^to tow®doSS*'p.*;SS‘n'iS‘•!“'* JIM WRIGHt' Realtor HI Ooktobd Ave. Pk 4-044I Open TUI 1 30 3-Bedroom Ranch Onlv $400 dn. vni.j ww on. naa Mkt over OI toulty. Betonce at $74 tocl. (axes ■‘“‘i Giroux-Franks OEREV*- estate •r Dixie Hwt OH 3-0701 _______Open til 0:00 LOVELAND Su^rNn Propj^ 53 eO-ACRX ESTATE WOT 40 RODS frootate. level ti" "' SiW iperti--------- —ling. Ideal — , e. etc. helow $10,000 MUST BELLI MAKE Borrow with Confident $25 to $500 Household Finance Oor^raUqa^ol Pon^y ^ trlgeretcr gjg, gae he .... u..ver $30, 0 year crib pleto iu. maple dro» >»' I 030. Pearson Trade chard Lake Ave. ATTENTION 8Pe6uL THIS m s. tiiiab:.___________ ackr Large 1 bed-ime with llvtof,* large double garage. Pro^riy located acroes road from huge rec--reatton area in Oakland munty. miles north at U.8. 10. $38.-400 with $3,000 down. Drive by —i wudwood. Road, then eaU lor .Crest Realty Co.. Inc. Peoton MA 04006 or _____ Holly ME 7-33U________ two-in-oke Rouse m rear, cornmorctol vs: east valuable Dixie Hxry. comer In front. Smart tovastment for only $0,000 dowm ^ Bend for Partridge'! Partridge s AND ASSOCIATES WHEN YOU NEEt) $25 TO $500 We willjia Jihd to failB you. STATE finance CO. 70$ Poottoe State Bank Bldg. FE 4-1574 ■55iSr$iTr$sriS5ii~ Seaboartl Finance Co. IIM N. PEBBT STREET Easy Parking Ttoob! PE S-$$il TEAGUE F^’ANCE CO. ^ " ‘ N\ NICE FURNISHED ROOMS. Kje®fn«rtSl.i“'cSX‘lS«A®“% STORE OR OPTICE BLDO Located on Mt. Clemens st. 40x130 eoraer lot. wood eommerclal The building to 14 X 30 nnd rodm expanxlon. Can for detetto. GLOBE TO MSUa 3 LOTS, 100 X 344' on Brewstor Rd $17M I^ANE* bEScPARO mSaVT^* * at 1010 N. Adams Rd- William Miller Realtor FE 2-0263 m W Huron M Open 0 to 0 Sun. 1 to 4 202 S. MAIN\ 214 E. CLAIR ROCHESTER ROMEO UVESTBCK. \ . .. .. BOOSXaOLD OOOOB" QL , $47H 0£\ 1-«7H FL 3-3SII PL ^-3510 ----------XRVICE"\ LOANS $3$ TO 0400 30 ether eeu to ebooee from. All sets priced over 040 guar- hogany the flnett to cabtoets, pictures and ncrformances at 0^1 TV, 3030 Xltoabeth Lk. Rd.n ..... Ok'^fn * ‘ bedroom OUTFIT, $41. BEDROOM BUTTE, LIVINO ROOM ■ntte. and Mtoe. furniture for sato er oscoango^SmUh Moving On. 9MY Disi* Mmr . MariMr aciitt Uk9 lid. BRAHt) NX# WROUGHT I It O N Furniture. 43 Orchard Lake A BANKRUPT STOCK • and t mSUresi medtatflv. A chance for . ..... buy. Bedroism OaUltttog Cb., 4703 Dixie Hyry. Drayton Plains. Open « $, 'til g. I.ggo ft. north e>.» per wee Service Store. iS B. Unj. PE $4m. TbUR~* ' E 4-ilD. riisKDJmfclrtfe nun appugnees makes dos Y’i B *Ju^(? Dixie Highway. OR 3-3717 ni|nw»y. UR >1711 KND SLASmNO i « rr. uwoLTOM. ^ r 1TO% Vinyl Linoleui 4 ”R dyer's, 141 w. Huron, ra 3111.14 zicizAo__8 eJv I'sr^’Ti; 440 PE 3-4143, ___________ PBEEW, 3150. colored TV set, — ------ $U4. FX 44700. Uke new, with built-b holer. Many decorative Take over pay-------* - month 91 pay < Michigan ge w 1 P3JJ7. - HUFi, TV and Radios 66 For Salt “jiT,.yggi!a SSJ'SStiftSaSaSH^’ I W “ ®” Ra«sr7 _____ . ^i'WiL SiL TANaTnSSn^:^ ?»L» _J«MU isgTK«—-^-==- \ dltiQB. WUl d»llre~W FB 8T1« aIDC DACHaHUMD. STOD SEKV g-CCTSf .....: -------- j STTLsa or arr- SS?ffce, a SPECIALS ;#AT«* wt;- ” * •Ftrebriet IM *q. ft iBlwUtton :~ coiqwjp^ A cu^'rorma. ta anFITo 'oa Hto lAi bMter. ____ 3T-wS~t)NfT8. OT^mS a ebspt. ft^ p|*« AM tw* l-7«trrold ! ImM Boas, Anhun, JteltfU. nEMAN SHEPHERD )ra^EB Kfrrt 'uTriEB. Ill Mr shop. .. yg Complett butlobit mAteriAli priced U ■i m MM jr O< «|* BULL DOfatR WITH dtreeUoAAl lerctie ir CberrolAt cr remp true* bauler complete ^ L a-llM; >litortteB-(ree 'Vie* ell t SPltCIALS W Cbev .a too 14 ft. comb. end cAttle bodr. I4M. 'll Cber. j^psii. (cbool buk. , '4S Tnr jileltifp. ne« pelnt t* > U OMcT mo DIeeel eleeper c A-i. taste , WB BUT - jGQ!.. SCHRAM. r V-*. Economa'e PACK!.... I For.Sfle Cars' 1061, For Sale Cara . ;Kj6 T4 A QI^TKTC! nAoKliNO ' LATE MODEL ' TRADES ' ...------super seden .rieg^Mrrciinr ; ttts Chfvroirt"a"dr. kbrdlep. 1 I owner 43,000 mllei t 1007 Buick 4 (Ir ---— ! Redlo A tickler ; 1007 DMy 3 dr. J**iuSf ' inS TKtXK & KQI IP. '0 2S3$ Dixie Hwy Fontitc W A'*;U « r»D l 1_Eie» _ OR 4031 1054 BinCK SEDAN RADIO . __________ _________ I HE vT'-.H. AUTOMATIC TRANS- 'S3 Ford. '61 Chevy Conv, MI8810*!, POWER STEERING 3—'63 Rambler Sta. Wagone absolutely no MONEY DN 'W Cadillac. Overhauled ---pjjrjjifnty r* — For Sale Housetrailers 89 Wanted Used Cars 101 ATTENTION! '.;.y Fgrd I..600 ..,. 14 ft (take c ,E eperd '56 Ford F-600 ......... 13 n etoke - •iiarn ~ '56 Chev. IF Ford , 5H 4-7500 3l0l Powers t 4M Station wagen I'/i ton ■'Ford Fd^ ,. No. 3 Sborta BENSON rr^-|i|sr^ LUMBER* uai^' FE 4-8831 , Mj "WHY SETTLE POR LESS?" T-\^7A7-Ta CUSTOMER S. CS. «iiS $5 DOWN CONFIDENCE - Our - I '58 Thames Panel kuty 1 raR 1 4’ 4 cylinder - aberp 59 Ford F-600 .........$2595 i _________ 1 E«o««rtM f e m o« • makee. New | WTD: HOME IN COUkffiT FOR i SS’^A-HS!S"Lt«eD"Lak?“^; _ -- ---- -- yo^ male letter retriever. OA i iS, ,5a » M24 - GLENN'S | BOB BUTLER =|==^re3car—MO-rOR ^ALES BE SURE TO C Eddie Steele — l-ORD - ItE 6-3177_ 1 -Tradi4iofl: ‘ FE 68«1 CASH WAY LUMBER PRICES , STANLEY ALUMINUM WINDOWS I Burmeister's f NORTHERN LUMBErJ _ OL I^^ ------;ED ___________ Hay, Grain & Feed 82 King A Huron Homeir~'8poehtl rates lor Florkto vacatloa. jMoh- , FB 3-0t71~ AVERILL'S 3030 Dtkie Hwy i HAROLD ■ TURNER OONttotT. BUICE 1560 SPOT-less, oOglnal owner. Ml 4-0078. OM BWlCit ' RAH. GOOD COND. 6100_«0_Harpe^. StreeL___ _ 'B RL’iLK Sl’ECIAL > 4 door 37.000 iHlles. radio and beater, dynaflow, white trails ‘50 OLDS Fiesta Wagon 0104 Full Power. ’ “OO BUtek^l Door IfrTop r -01704 ■80 OLDS 3 Door H-Too 03808 Full Power. Power Steeiin* A Brakes. '88 FORD 3 Door B-Top 11608 57 PONTIAC 4 Dool H-Top 81308 Automatic trensmtssion 57 BUICK 4 Or. Shat FORD '« FE 4-0585 i 404 S WOODWARD Ml 4-7800 ‘ CARS '*• it TON PICKUP MOTOR BALES ' ;8I ChOVy SMtb OOlIvery »«. b in. ^ * pT ANCHOR R-NCES No money down, P«A oodiwv FREE zimuitM «^47l| 5*2*'"-'•‘•■tP Peg'board. 34x41 80c Ook Floor Shoru. ISO It -57.71 .jrA’-ss"™ ' --------..Tis. a THE SALVATION ARMY ALTrYpS, OF 1ST A 3ND C^- AUBURN HEIGHTS MOBIK VIL- — NEW DFAl I'R — " ” --EJ^EliL»N ^^^-TCt"^need. ^ Nii^o; Sales r. Rubber tired farm ! *“» Oeneml Safety Tires 0 WUlom Rd. Mutual ' wSltawSt’^’’ ” Sale Musical Goods ^ and “wheeL ■horse 1-0 WILLIAMS — ^ F!£toro ‘d®.» blades. 'Also 481 8. Saginaw at Raeburn ACO3RDI0N. 110 BASS. X SEVEN lal tiMe 0Ut”DrlcJ’i'°E:vMi**r.^n ' SNOW TIRES. $0 UP _shlU. EM 3-«3a._______ t»07 Dfal^ OR ' ,955°. H5E° IS55. Orchard Lake at Cass FE 8v(M88 Oi>cn Eves. 1 day HUY NOW NO MONEY DOWN 1064 Buick. ht. A red and black beauty. Taka over peymentg of 537 mo. Call Mr. Bing at FE VIOOO. Lucky Auto Sales, ifl 8. Saginaw. __ __ ___ ~15S8 CHEVROLET BiX-AlRB No Money Down ROCHESTER v OPEN EVES TIL 5 OL H73I SEE OUR SELECTION Of fine hits model need tare Dodge Ptyoiouth-Chryiler Eddie Steele - FORI — FORD — LAKE RD. FE 3-35a LACK COLE, INt. 1000 W Maple At ponuse Trail Walled -Ake________MA 4-4811 ■M CORVETTd’ EXekLLENT *bSiW fiS. -•'■i"' *** «*a_____ «07-bi ■v-ln herd copper **”! ACCORDION SALE - ALL SBES 8-*F'8. •s^tVrWosr ' SeT'Sl^i.'nr 30-ft. lengthi Sharp Black A TVhiU No rust 8008 i birminoham-rambler ■' - woodward mi A3800 .Vl-r B ,, vo-tc V POta with lessoni re 5-8436.__ BABY GR.\ND IMANO ■ coin ijreKIy' - reconafff»••» eie wu. taS-Hlto Auto, kir. B*a mission. 83.380. Call OL 3-7007 4 CHEV, take” 6VEi~RlY: menu of III no Balance on car. •54 CHEV 3 DOOR. REPOSSESSION Blast Off! FARM machinery' used Prouix Oliver lu»t north of Oxford. clutch _ BIHHINQHAITBAHBI JR ~ I - ^ S WOODWARD MI A3t06 CHEVY! _ 0ELRAT. 3 DOpRj j WHY PAY MORE? Prices Cut FE 3-1501 UNDdio tmit. z Hood. PI ^Ef iAW-FlLlNO, LAWN MOW-Baigwhf Ed. ***** •‘'topment. 1301 F'ull line of building and plumbing materials , We taka trodo-loi WOLVERINE LUMBER . 330 S. Paddock PE 3-0704 CHAIN SAWS' ___________________________ NEW AND USED CRANMHAFT GRIND] WE HAVE A NICE SELECnON i ‘'f! USED CHAIN SAWS. PRICES START AT 1A5 ' - *•*»** lilon 838 ^’i " leiegrapn ro. re 1-0867 luon. ggs. Ph. AeroM from Tel-Huron'^ Mi A(rf3»^ FOR CASH TO PURCHASE MU-i KING RHt)S slcal Initrumenta. see SEABOARD ' _ Used Auto PartB 102 For Sale Cars 10 ANOLIA ENGLISH FORD FE “ IBLE Radio, heater, Dynaflow. I power steering S brakes. Gray * I white trim 8l»r__________ ’ fine ! USED CHAIN SAWS. ®“*y! : SJJ Michigan Chain ; Saws Dlstrlbutpr. Lnmbr-' “ ■ a service MY 1-5831. Auction Sales 1064 CUSHMAN SCOOTER IN i condition. 8180 King Bros " FE O-IIll. Are‘WsTl?rrpiTS^^ ®UICK SEDAN, 4 DR RAH ^ 10.05,^talled 73 ,nce due 8183. Assume payments toMton PE_M4M^_________ gn monlh Mr. TTWte. KIik Auto, ll5 8. Saginaw FE 8-0403 SALE: 1087 BUICE CENTURY MO- 115 S. Saginaw FE 8-0403 1000 CUSHMAN EAOLeS NOW ON display Itasy .terms ANDERSON .SALES B SERVICE Stick shift, trl power with tom^S and clutch ataeubly WLNTEb' II CHEV. MOTOR. FE ■40MI or nis HNEST OF CU8j£MAN~eagle, -tl. EXC. CON-dlttoa. Ml 4-0073 afterJ jr«R_ _ For Sale Motorcycles 95 Sale Used tmeki 103 G. G. CARPENTER SALES A 8XRVICE C OMMERCE RD — ‘ ; SIMPLEX MOTOR HIKE. FROM I 1068 BUICK VPECIAL. ' Okh. FYi 8-0041 after 5 p m , 1067 BUICK, i DOOR SPECIAL. R6cR Business IS BOOMING UP TO $300 open from 0 to $ Noon on Saturday! berry DOOR SALE'S HO-TWter heaters. 10 difL *roTed*" ^^MUtners Power ap fco86, Tl?«e*are kUghtly^marr'ed*i Also electric, oil i— ------- heatrfi at Mriifle _______ X*“ *•* Orchard Terms ..... Open Mon A Frl UU I p t (.ALLAGHER'S Huron St. FOR THE HOLIDAYS WATCH THIS SPACE F56 OLDS 98 DR. ■PECIAL ■ 4 door hardtop. Pull power -------- WAS I14H, ,igH 1990 BUICE , „„ os-1,. HARDTOP. Radio, heaterT o) ru_ •e-i.tpne whlte-gr ‘ 955 EM 3-3335 73 W WalloD rt 1^4M.___ J E E 'P with' 4-WHEEL DRIVE and smw plow Oood btw^raller Gas water heat- WANTED' BMALL BAIL' BOAT' 74 $5 DOWN Ap- PISB SMANTT WITH STOVE A r?5toH._lrregultji. Terrlfle ' CL^ntiSr I R S 1 R K A M UdHTWEIORT 51nc* 1532 Ouar-*"'*■“* ■" them * - -53 FORD % Ton Pickup. Eace Sawyer m U i bra'ke'i --- - ....... ......::U '55 CDRY.SLER VV’SOR 2 door berdtop, radio ft heater •085 BUICK SPECIAL 2 DR i " hardtop All black finish flU, yb)t* tires, redlo, heeter Dyne- ! dlsUnclly t drive add buy this i ''4a Suy,-! eeU, trad* airt r*i^. i ■*" toeU 37j 8. Telegraph. . lA- L"i. ----------- Wally Byam-e OtlT' OOH . - ---- LAROi I Vo?’k‘"4!{>"V.S”n.'.J' -^to****^ 4A*Y. «fWrt-‘ «» aaMdgr. Aleo toif* rtort nf SCa-i motors, etc. See : used trailers at ROLLT MARINE to » ! CO" ““I and^^ac^sales, imOHolly I ^ - >"fttoor •'"r ": _¥rr*m:n‘mi. MEDlcfSk tABIlkET, lAltdE **" i^'SfCHjlMTBE 30-M CARBINE. ■iMhr. slightly, marred. MM,'..**’' M*®!!_ tSom! Sand.'dM;;^ a”DirT'76 I* motors. Buy n Ttae M-85 to W. Highland. RIgM on HMory RIdj* Hd.‘ e to Demoo* Rd. Left and follaw sign* to DAWSON'S SALES at TiraCO LAKE Phone Main 5-»7(. Open Eddie Steele 1550 BUICK Super hardtop, power stre , power brekr.i, whitewall Plastic covert never been 53 FORD Hardtop. 8 cylinder, eutomxtic, Power steering Extra sharp 1 . 1555 PONTIAC 5M6' Hardtop with Rydramttlc radio. | , Used TRUCK Ontcr 2rur.nd’».niT J^HU|TON AT ,EL«. ,175.1 -^MC, HYDRAMAITC 3 TON. V-5*^glm"'ro‘'rAm*nV ' heeler ‘53 CHEVROLET Lake Ave.,.- 33. M^iRi7rr ffmps:' 5ki.85. pIo-, neer chain mw*. Bvinrud* motors. PE Auburn Belghte. ft 3-W na'inELLE* «l fuk_________ 1 largo American radiator; Oxford Traile- Saie.s AOABOND. ‘ ZIMMER, r— A HOLLY utel 'urn ------- — .jprth , -------gj------ j Oiford, OA $-37t3. cord lots. 778 Bcott Lake Rd. | ^ n,, SSv FE 4milg or Om 3-0158, MaRin^ iwi? coa^ ? AJi * and ' 15m Holly Rd , Holly UEIiote expenses. Have small trailer, motel expena* Leaving 15th rm RibnB~'lii)iwnm wesl to share drlOag and ex- for hull deter 5178 UL 3^.. CUEN'ROLF-T pickup I960 . LUDES: Foam seat Torsion l.ipew( ~ ■" ■ “ --- ‘ $1688 Ma‘vt,hc\vs-HargrFavps any reason why this o_, ___________ , tobit* i biirt w‘ita ' whit* Urti. I^i of roon i nomleal. 1545.0^ "■ | ySoJJW* SPECTAL. 3 DR, HARorop. Radio, boater, ftaod* Afd traiumtosloo, Whlta with } '54 CHRYSLER i 4 .door sedan, i automatic tr— M.OOO miles One owner Wanfod Usod Cars 101 • NEW '60 Dodgp Pickup 51.506 ■ This price tncludes all standard Factory equipment ft federal tax -Utebigen sales Tax and license extra iujiined time oflerj. SHELTON R6cR MTRS. 60k at the. front line t ^be^iurprlsed. ifs * S thlugr for^you^^Cont? landscapers come m i " '‘53 AUSTIN '53 CHEVROLET 1 door sedah , nu ^53 CHfeVkOLET TROc!k?“° *** ■ ' many-OTHER EXCELLE^fT i Pontiac - Buick kindling wood. OL 1-5057. RAMMLER-DALLAS 1501 N. MAIN. ROCHESTER' OL 3-IUt R6K HLSTER OL l-8LLVt Acrou from new car salts Open to 0 ofj ■ ■ Chrysler Plymouth Imi5^rial OUVER Motor Sales Rammler :i Dallas ! 724 OAKLAND F£ 4-3.S281 BUICK OPEl. .fEEP 1001 N. MAIN ‘ ' ,Dp^ H-Top n«M DdOOK •touoo . WIN 'MCKETROtXT a Door .. ..»7N 'M UMCA 4 0«M«l. ....I IN >N cmcvnoLCT 4 Door ni I m -M DODOa. A Hie* Car , I 3N For Sale Cer* 106 For Sdo C«r« -------SSi > aarafa Tamar >oK. 4 OHST. WAO. MB. ERIIA alaa. 4m BUiftaN U. ig. UN CHXv. »ax-Am Tary eiaan. BE a-TWa. B, Johnson OFFERS For Sate Mb Ci^ 106 SBloPoedi Cy . 106 Solo Uiod Con SSf’-ISSS 4TK. as as fl&.Sirjm*" FACTORY BRANCH YES! n6 money down A UN Ckary. wAtaa. t Ar.. BOR. at__ra Luety Auto ■%sss!^ ww* *W POMTUC BARDTOO 4 OR. ORARP. LOW latOAOB .. lUH POOR. ROLL rowoo . ,|1IN ! ■‘^,S8gWY?Sgft*. '58 FORD R-LARB “IN” HARDTOP a Oaar — Radio h Heater, PordP-Mattc. oamaa Irory ,ar^ OiOAO UltBAOC. HRARD HBW wnN. TSfr**MOTOM « •M rORU ------------- . ■Mra lEaral NN P * O. ealae, W> Auburn. HAUPT PONTIAG UM POBTUC CATAURA BT - ^ap ^alaaB. Ptai.Qrtaa: wS: Hj s^r^csf.' id MiKeUtBP 4 bo. Sole Uoed Con 106 ^rnmEt- R&C Rombler ^al es -I ^awiia&rtnirl,, »*m!*ia^' RSiUrlaed. Ready |a fo. NNl PBQPLB’B AtiTO OALBO Oakland__________. PR »a»l WWBg*S&S&“- A 8TBBRQKI .. 1 JOHN!. : SMITH TODGE YEAR END IMPORT CLX)SEOUT 'W MonR Wnar, law nUoi UMOA. RL Sporu ear. 'M Biiuni AaiUo, clean, Me '47MOi^Bporti Roadator, i Pontiac 1 i Retail * Store 'Russ' Dawson -______LiS; ■ iN7 FORD BEDAR RADfO A I^TCR, PI, ABSOLCTKLY HO MONBT DOWH. Auume paT- ^°ut?*re £ u. o Sadtt Mtr. Mr,* Parte at 1 4-UW Harold Turner Pant, MU Cbawatar atattaa wadM. T4. Paweiwttda. Power ataerfiic. Paw- top. HydrapuUe, Power etoar^, nwer ^rUey, Radio. Boater. 12£!?^ar N^STratoi?^ luTPentlae BupercUof 4 dr. Bard-top. HydramaUe. Radio, boater. Power iteerlni. Power brakei. Wt^waUe. B you’re loekM lot llJ.‘?7ySS‘:t.*SSp-wE^Tlii W1^ act tbit one - DO aoney UM PooUae 1 W. Hardtop. Beautl-tul 3 tone. l^raaaUc. Radio. T«.’«r‘“’*, wui . $5 DOWN iiSsrs R UOHTR - ^ lie Steele ""!*%.^*1«£r UOHfR - , - FORD - i Bmn AT BUB.’ __jS. noMSeeably new““o^ tlOB. Bee It and My .U. lUM. Swd'‘« ea?. fsS ’BAU-RAMBUCR Ml I. WOOD- D WAOOH BLUB * 211 S. Sajfinaw FE 37055 iiM Tw, CBDBVRdLirr^ Ine. poorer brakei. N0tl4 white tidewall dree. Jew aUeMe..Be« Houghteh & Son Tear Prlendly Old PORBION CAH AND 8ERVK FE 3-7117 N MT, CLP------- AArfiND 'TRB P '59 PLYMOUTH 1 poito-:«yJAWL.»'cM’nni ma4 '58 MERCURY I DOOR HARDTOP ' poiSfr cb“* Itocheiter OL 1-tW UN a DOOR VICTORU. PAIR-lane UO. White with red tnte- Johnson Motor Sales No Money Down '59 DeSOTO BPORTBMAH 4 DOOR oTn MM 'Russ' Dawson ma CHBTT. a dr. deujxk. clean, na nut, tood tlrei A nalnt. Heat cooeri. PE 3-1 fender. UtUc nil. Buif^l M4,U per month ... ....... ^ BIRMINORAM-RAMBUn 444 8. WOODWARD Ml >-3tW P6rD CONVER'd. POWER **^pfeoPUP8 Axrro bmjm N OrMenA ra A jilt ’’cotr V*iR olbj^ CAri. new or niSf TeWU ii deal Idr a^CRryelw, Podee Plymoutb that wlB i Boaey. Reacaber DESOTO ’IT PIREPUTB. 4 d6. RT Auto, traae. Power eleertof STOP, LOOK! REPOSSESSION Re Boney dewo. JHl Ward. 4 di nrti blue. 1*81 oyer paya--ofoBly IIT.M mo. »wn price i Cell Mr Bint nt FE 4-lOM. L Auto talwT^-- ■ . D Wh^ wnU Uret, ,....r drills, wheel eoren. S$f‘^n2?'“MY«fa*r.."*ietSS?c- IH M> lodAT for iTiN. 1544 tUnTey Bled., Blrmlmbaa. MI --“---INlPbRb------- REPOSSESSION M full ^ee. He cnih needed. RAK 5 new Uret, escil-or. M.MI allet. Beit of-ler uuee It M* -— nlnti MA 4-3418. ’51 PINID RARCR WAOfW TA. PoD-MnUc, Radio A Beater. Weilern Leather Interior. - tat DOWN OR ’TRADE -- PWAHCE $$n — Eddie Steele — FORD — micrARD laeb rd. Keen PE 3-« No Money Down LAKE ORION MY 2-2871 or MY 2-2381 Radio. Poid-O-Matte. Ri 115 01 per Booth, per month : ’59 DeSOTO FIRBOXIME aPtHfraMAN 8ATE 51.MP MOTOR COHPAin ..... an 8. 8A01MAW____EUyyi lifeRC ’5T,' HARDTOP MSne^ jfsSu.rjujWLr‘”,^:sa actual Bl. Owned by 1 careful dileer. an 4-MU. FREE M OAIXOR8 4( laiMCh for pereon .petttaaJtMk aUai par taUoQ la our jdirlase "iSr Teit Car. Driea tt yourtaU dur-Int lannary. Eddie Steele ford - r PE*T!!.aSrHSe°.o^?»M» BEATTIE am DIXIE HWT. OR 1-lUl At the atoplUhi la Waterford IMl FORD VICTORIA, RADIO A HEATER. ABWOTTELT NO MONET DOWN. Auume pay-aenU of $U.N per Mo. Credit jM*r. Mr, Parti at MI 4-7505. Harold Turnar Ford. flardtop. Radio A beatar. White ildewaui. Auto tranimlulon. 1 twner 17.M0 Ml. OR 3-33IL after IM3 PORD. I dr: ^AN. RAH Very clean. No Bodey down, ba ance due I1U.15. Auume_pa] menta of I7.H month. Mr. Whlt4 Auto., 115 8. tnilnaw. PI sat,________________ SEE AND COMPARE ON YOUR TER5I8 It WMI A Jtr - OUt tllM 3-’55 Fordi OAt pau wagoni 55H ’U Chev. Like new ........... |5N 3-’55 Btudebakert. coupe A wog. M55 '54 Plymouth 3 dr.. wa|on ___ 3405 V54 Buteki, Cent. Buper, Conr. itt5 ’54 PonUac. 1 dr.. A-1 ...... $3W „ Oldi M. Very_______ ^’51 Pontiac 1 and 4 .......................:: m ’53 Pymouth.. ’53 PonUac HT .......... NO MONET DOWN NECESSARY CHOICE OP 10 MORE CARS Superior Auto Sales BIRMINORAIf-RAMBLER CM 8. WOODWARD MI 4-33N ’ , FORD. M. CONVERT. BLACE with whMo top. power braku. | Iteerlni Rad wlMCwi. POM. I BRAID T-l. Itranderblrd enifoe. etandai 'ranimtiilon, Radio A Rer‘-lew ear trade-in. . - CM DOWjf OR TRADE - - rOIAHCB C4M — - $3704 PER MONTH - ipare dctit UMd. Low mlleaie. MOTOR SALEB rr I 4^465. Call MAyh^ C-3754 - H— DMOTO-PLYMOUTH DEALER ' —;---------------^---------- I ^ J^Maratbon Pro^£ti" _ , ;U88 DAWaON ** ■57 FORD ’57 OLDBttOBILE 4 DR. SEDAN. RAM. Bear apeaker. Hydra. UTW 1 «ru. U^t bine. Wlndrtleld w^ mm. iT .mm. mlmmu At lUWI W \ — $1(M5 — IR^ss'Dawson \MOTOR COMPANY MON IT' DOWN. Aiinme pay-menuW ttl^^r Mo. CnM Mti7 Mr'.' Parti at' Ml 4-75W. Harold Turner Ford PONTIAC ACtO BROKERS f *< . 4 M ’55 Ediel 4-Dr. ’57 Pord Clry, ’64 Pontiac Wl,... ......... ,____ ’57 Ford cuitom I Auto...... 51116 ’54 Chery 4-Dr. Bel Air Auto. C11C5 ’5C Oldi 4-Dr. M. 1-ownet___tUM ’54 Bulok Spec. 4-Or....... *ioi.i ’5d Chevy 4-Dr. C BAR ..... ’56 Ford Ctry. Bed. Od . ’54 Bulck Super 3-Dr^ HT ’55 Chevy Bel Air 4-br. ’55 Pord Cuit. 4-Dr. BhArp . ’5l^ord H-too pickup . ’54 Plymouth Wacoo ’53 Pord Wagon 1 OD — ’54 Studebaker Wgn. . . •53 Pontiac 4-Dr........... ynily^ Jnp with cab^ ^ 13C 8. MAIN. MUJOro MU 4-1715 '57 k»RD - -i -i- -- iiii. Cuitom Ranch Wagon with Bad. Leaded .. »l«6 cylinder engine. PordomtUc ) *— »>?!? real aharp. line. WILL ACCEPT imi. cutbcardi. boati, rcfrtfcra-ap^aneec; aCe. Db- cst new ICH RnmUeri or nny gecd uied enr ai part payment. BILL SPENCE OH! JJD MONEY DOWN --------------- Lne^^uto' snluT m's. |toa, hydm., bolA recondiucoed. Pnrtlnlly chnnged over. MT>MC3. BEATTIE "Your PORD Dealer Unee C3C" 5CCC DIXIE HWT. OR 3-tSCl " the Stoplight In Waterford TC55 PORD CUSTOM 3 DOOR cLUl No Money Down C Cyllndef. RAH. White. walli. •potleiily r—“ — blue. Like "RU88 DAWSON” '57 FORD PAIRLANE ”500” Automatic trani.. Radio A Heater. W.Walli. Beautiful 3 tone glau white A surer Mocco BroM. - $1245 - I----WOODWARD ____ ■ ’53 Ford, exceptionally Iharpl 4 dr. T-C RAH. New POM trap* WW tlru. $335 OR 3-5055 list PORD country sedan, i door. eaceUent condition with Cem-~lMly^recottdm(^_enslM._ Otiy WHY WALK? NO MONEY DOWN INS Plymouth, 3 depr. Only M M monthly. Cnll Mr. Blag nt PE 4-lOH. Lnoky Auto Snlea, 103 S. RINE MOTORS. 44M ourou (Ncit to the RoUadI OB 4A301._________________ ’« JEEP STATION WAOOiT cbanieauy OK. eieeh—t nfUr.4 p m. OL 1-1003. 1053 . PE 4-0110. 1050 UNOOLN RARDTOP. RADIO A HEATER. AUTOMA’HC I TRANSMISSION. ABSOLUTELY I NO MONET DOWN. Auume pay- dl price. I fygR'SS- PLYMOif No Money t I4H. PAO Auto SUPERIQR No Money - - Down- No Money Down ■ eyUnder, etaadard tranimlulon. clean .............04tt RminNORAH-RAMSLBB , 000 8. WOODWARD MI 0-3000 AUT<>SALES ■>23 W. Huron FE 4-7500 ion RAMBim CROSS coubrbV ^30 £[^mu ^ CLEARANCE SALE 1135 ’» fORD pickup . '53 PONTIAC udan '54 FORD itatUm Vrngno - eow | '45 PLYMOUTH 3 dr/O ... 1550 •50 CHEYY Y-0 ........ 0050 ROGERS SALES AND SmVlCE ., a, tioaa, >4au ■. J^lal IlMA 3 .____<»r aa dturfN- mleki. Lew oaah do* •55 PONTIAC ‘MJBED PONTIAC OCRlVniTIBlJ No Money Down Oarkston Motor Sales CHRYSLBR-PLTMOUTB DEALER Main Bt.. Clarkiton .... LOOK! REPOSSESSION le monoy down. U04 Pehttoo, otoalloat ruanlBg ear. Taka orox paymento of ealy $10.70 month, ring Mr. Btat atPB 4-lOM. Lnoky Auto SalciTlM - -------------- "MtoAw, '55 PONTIAC CATALINA REPOSSESSION m'fuB a. Pay only VtO me. due Ifob. Rite Auto. Mr. BeU PE L- IM7 PONTIAC 4 DOOR RARDTOP. Chieftain. Private owner. Eace» tionally dean. MechanlcaUv A-i: Low mileage. No ruit. Thli ti the one you never lu on a let. 01.350. 303 Otemaw. PE MMO.__________ PONTIAC lOU NEW A DEMOS. Large reduoUon. BonnevlUa Con- 1017 PONTIAC STARCBIBP CON- , Down 4-7500. Hnro'ld Turner Pord. I cylinder, low mllee. Abiolutely tmmaenlnte. 1 owner. Hurry l 0005 BIRMINOHAM-RAMBLER • I ----. Radio A Heater. '. - IM DOWN OR TRADE -- 530 10 PER MONTH - |0M 8 WOODWARD MI 1 $5 DOWN t $5 down 'kA HMwmnrrmyr bfmoaimaim* ^ ^ Eddie Steele 54 MERCURT Monttrey R-Top ^ -FORD — 3705 ORCHARD .LAKE RI ------ ----- FE I FE 3-3530 Xeego 'Russ' Dawson 333 B SAOINAW '53 FORD CUSTOM 4 tXX>R ”300 ” 0 cyl. engine. Fo-O-Matic. Radio A B*»ter.. W.Walli. A aolld black Eddie Steele 55 PLYMOUTH Convi j Auto, trani., - * rtal beauty. — $37.74 PER MONTH - . Radio A Heater'. 155t PONTIAC bTARCHIEP VISTA. 3 tone blue and Ivory. 10.000 mllei. Excellent condition, cxecu-tlve car. PE 3-7107. Eddie Steele I LET US LOWER TOUR PAY- — FORD — I 3705 ORCHARD LAKE RD E 5-0304 Keego PE 3-3535 I ----- ^Dd give yon tranaportotlon. JOE’S CAR LOT 3355 PooU 15 PonUac Road at Opdyke EddieSteele — FORD — BURON AT BUZ. LAKE RD E 5-3177_________ PE 5-OMl M FLYMOOTTI CUSTOM SUB. StaUon Wgn. T * ---- trana. But offe Call EM 3-0303. RAH. Auto. 07 Font P.Luna iiw it dr. Auto OUM Hardenburg CORNER CAS8 A PIKE PE 5-7301 FOB BALE 1053 PONTIAC CON- —^-jle. WhlU aide------ ----- CAU OR 3-1471. 9ITS No FooUb! FApORY BRANCH . '59 PONTIAC ITA-nOH WAOON 0. Pauauar - Radio h Heator, Awer itoeriog fe Power brakot. Sborettne Odd paint. $2895 Pontiac Retail Store FE 3,-7117 05 MT. CI^MEMS ST BEHIND THE POST OPPICE 1003 NASH SEDAN, RADIO A HEATER, ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY DdWN. Auume pay-mei'U of 110.07 per Mo. CAU Credit Mgr. Mr. Tarki at MI 4-7000 RaroM Turnar Pord. 1004 rambler, I DOOR AMER. No Money Down «RMINOllAM-RAMBLER ON S. WOODWARD MI ASOSO 'OO RENAULT DAUPHINB 4 DOOR Sadan - Solid Whit# flnt$h jadio A Heattr. W.Walli. Low milaagt. Bpaclal Bun root. * $1395 EddieSteele — FORD - 3700 ORCHARD LAKE RD. PE 04304 Ktego PE Ai530 '54 PONTIAC 4 DR. BAR. 4731 EUMbeth U. Rd. NEW ”10” STUDEBAKER LARKS CM down; $40 par month. Cdl Daaltr OR 44301. '54 PONTIAC 3 DR. VaOON. 1 owner. PE 3-74M. 'M PONTUC 3 bk. RAH. OR 3-aOM ■ FACTORY BR.^NCH ’60 VALIANT 4 DOOR Radio A Riatar. Economical itandtrd tranamlailon. , $2295 1M7 POKTIAC. STATION WAOON. HydramnUe heater, radio, power 1 iteerlAg. power brakei, ntw Urea, new battik. Clean. MA 54031 '50 PONTIAC CUSTOM SAFARI •laUoQ wagon. Loaded and iharp Beit offer by toe UUi. 440 Wtnry . Drive, Rocheaicr. '54 PONTIAC. 0 CYL. 434 MONTH. Sharp. Queen Auto Salu. 171 S. Saginaw. 1M3 PON1TAC 3 DOOR SEDAN No Money Down I jirp"**"'‘«3i BIRHINORAM-RAMBLER 444 8 WOODWARD MI A3300 '53 rambler radio. HEATER Overdrivt Tlrti good. Mechon-Ically aound. Briy ruited. but ri--palrabli. 044. PE 04400. 5 to 1 pm 'Pontiac Retail Store FE 3-7117 44 MT CLEMENS ST BEHIND THE POST OPPICE PRICES ARE DOWN \ RUSS JOHNSON ' AT ■ LAKE ORION OFFERS '59 PONTIAC SED. SHARP I POWER STEERING AND BRAKES $2695 ’60 Pontiac ^Dr. LOW MXLEAOB $2495 '60 Rambler \^ai jon AUBA*8ADOR DBMO.-«^W|CR $700 DISCOUNT '58 Pontiac Wagon O-PASS. A-1 $1995 '56 Pontiac Wagon CLEAN. AUTO. ...$995 $1395 '57 Mercury 2-Dr, SRARPII $1395 '56 Pontiac H'top AHARP. I OWNER $895 ’55 Pontiac Sedan BTAaCBlEP 4-Dn. CLEAN $595 $1395 ’55 Opel Sedan LIKE NEW $995 $695 ’56 Plymouth Sedan SAVOY AUTO. : $695 '55 Jord 2-Dr. $395 TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS '54 DODGE .. .. .$395 •54 FORD ... ....$395 :53 CHRYSLER .$295 ' ’53 BUICK .. ....$295 '52 BUICK .... .,.$195 ’52 OLDS ... ,....$195 -RUSS JOHNSON-MOTOR SALES 2 LOW-OVERHEAD LOCATIONS North Broadway at Shadbolt MY 2-2871 M-25 at Shadbolt MY2-2381 Start The Year Out Right "Cy" Owens IS READY JO DO SOME Old-Fashioned Horse Trading -STOP IN- ■ Drive The Car You Like AND ^ MAKE US AN OFFER “We'll Consider Every Deal- '60 CHEVROLET 2-Door ..$2295 '59 FOiRBT-Dr. Station Wagon .....$2395 '59 FORD 2-Door ^.................$1945 '59 CHEVROLET Station Wagon ......$2145 '58 PONTIAC 4’-Dr. Station Wagon..$1795 '58 OLDSMOBILE 2-Door_____________$1895 ’58 FORD 4-Dr. Station Wagon ....... - $l/iQ5 '58 CHEVROLET 2-Door..............$1495 ’57 FORD 4-Door ..................$ 995 ’57 FORD Station Wagon ...........$1295 ’56 FORD Station Waggn............$ 845 ’56 FORD 2-Door ..................$ ^5 ’56 CHEVROLET 2-Door ............. .$ 995 •56 PONTIAC 4-Door Hardtop ......... .$ 995 FORD 2-Door.... .................595 ’55 CHEVROLET Convertible ...'..$ 69^ ’55 BUICK 2-Door Hardtop .......$ 795 ’54 CHEVROLET 2-X)oor ..........$395 ’54 PLYMOUTH 4-Dopr........... . .$ 295 ’53 OLDSMOBILE.2-Door Hardtop '......’$4395 '53 PACKARD 2-Door ......;......$295 "Cy" Owens Your Friendly FORD Dealer 147 S. SAGINAW ST. *• FE 5-4101 Open 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. WHEN YOU. BUY FROM SCHUTZ . . . you buy set only top vnluo BIrmInchnm ooo owner trndei but you nlio Durehue trouble-froo truutiortoUan. penoo of mind, prido of ownorihlp nod ulety-ehecked uud care. ’55 DODGE Custom Royal ...........................$ 695 UuoSSwit’'**** money down. Uke new eondlUon ’54 FORD Wagon............ ..........$13.95. PER MO. .’56 FORD Fairlane ..............................$ 795 ^OB JitoAK. Radio, benUr. PordomnUe. wblU Ur»i, original '58 PLYMOUTH Belvedere ................$91 DOWN r£to*mid®5nter’ otoerlng nod brakei. puib button. '57"iTT^foirmspHTubur^5irrG::T.T:^o?^“ 0 DUicngiri . . . EAST. '55 FORD Convertible .,.........................$ 695 Radio. httUr.. PordomnUe, white Urei. NO MONET DOWN. ’57 MERCURY Hardtop............. ......$1195 Power iteerlni and brakei. 2 YEAR WARRANTY ■57 BUICK Caballero Wagon . ’59 DODGE Convertible .. Power throucheut. Offlclal'i ’58 PLYMOUTH Hardtop .... ' iKiih button wlUi power. Ml DOWN ’58 ENGLISH FORD Wagon , The price li right $1595 .$2395 $1295 .$1095 ^ DOfXiE Cimoin R^^^^ ...........$ 795 LANCER With MtomnUc, Dower iteerlng and brakei. ’57 PLYMOLTH Belvedere .....................$1095 HARDTOP. Puih button, radio, heator. white Urci. ’55 FOl^D Victoria .................................$495 Radio, bea^ and nutomiUe tranimlulon. dhiTapprovnl. Many n LIBERAL FINANCE ARRANGEMENTS SCHUTZ MOTORS, INC. Oakland County’s Quality Award Dealer . 912 S. WOODWARD AVE. MI6-5302 . *. J06-1546 ~Weve, Done It Again" "TI I A k TO THE PEOPLE OF THANKS PONTIAC Another All-Time Record HAS BEEN SET AT * MATTHEWS-HARGREAVES We’ve Outsold. Outdone Any Previous Sale in the History of Our Company 'WE'RE NOT STOPPING HERE' Check These Cars-Check These Prices \ ’59 VOLKSWAGEN ...........$1643 ’S^FORD _ _ «flowW. ...........$1895 ’59 STUDEBAKER LARK ’59 CHEVROLET Trani-bwiio. Beater I. S-Tene $2067 ’.59 RAMBLER CUSTOM 4DOOE SEDAN 4.000 actualmUei S-^1. AutomaUc Trana,, Praih-AIr Heater, IT- Radio and ReaMr, Standard Traniralulon. Puebla Beige Paint. . $1565 '58 CHEVROLET STATION WAOON IMPALA HARDTOP 4-Door - Radio and nibter. Solid Ivory Lu-clte Pli^, with Bed In-terlor. OSltowalli. ...............$2285 ’58 CHEVROLET BISCATNB 3-DOOR f . Radio and. Heater. PowergUde. WhIUwalli. Agean TurquoU Paint. .... ..........$1585 ’58 CHEVROLET Ml^^lga and Acryl- '59 CHEVROLET BISCATNE 4-DOOR Preih-AIr Heator. M>I.. Standard TransmliituK Deluxe equipment and beauUful Silver Qrey LuclU Plnlib. . $1772 ’58 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE^^R .. $1565 ...............$1498 ■ ’57 CHEVROLET BEL AIR SPORT COUPE 0-Cyl . Powergllde. Radio and Heater. Whlte-walli. Duik Pearl and IMPAL^^HAf^I^P^^ Radio ^id Itoaler._ Ivory and $1795 '57 CHEVROLET Bturlng. Power Braku. ’.58 RENAULT “‘^'^.Slo^^SSter A real ■ ga“b,"Vu.*ViI.t ...........$1085 •57 CHEVROLET . $1195 •57 PONTiAC ooid. ■57 EORl^ 1 sierra . $1295 O-Cyl.. fbwergllde. Ba- Sa^!fik% ----------- $1185 ) CHE\/R0LE’I ... $1095 . $1195 Powtrglldt. Radio wn4 Htaitr, Ivor\ and q|«t Black Palot. ...............$1095 MANY MANY MORE TQ CHOOSE FROM MATTHEWS- HARGREAVES OAKLAND COUNTY’S LARGEST CHEVROLET DEALER The BIG-BIG Lot 631 OAKLAND Av£. FE 4-4547 ■ A "A".' ■ -Today's Television Programs-- ywpwM fanilriiM by irtaHou ilcted la began at 5 p.i (4) Jim Bowie. (t) Curtain Time.*' (9) Popeye. •:t» (2) Weather. •;M (2) (4) News, Weather, Sports. .(7) Curtain tcont.) (9) This Is Alice. •:M (2) News Analyst.- m^^drts. - . •:45 (2) (4) m News. Spoiti. .vm Mafr ©awion. (4^ MOdi. Outdoors. . ^4Ii.auBM and AHem (9) Huckleberty Hound. T:M (2) Lockup. (4) Plainsnum. (7) Gale Stprm. (9) Milliqp Dollar . Movie. Comedy: June Allyxyi. Rob----------- "Her Hlgl (7) After Hours Club. Va-I riety: Emcee Vem Ortlett ^ , and regulars, George Scotti at the piano and folk and pith or pssequences. calypso singer, Len Chan-j d|er. Guest personalities andj ■ - ■ ltS:M (2) Search for Tomorrow: I (4) tcofanr) It Could Be You. (7) Love Tha! Bob. ’ ^ ’ Palmer. "Body and Soul,"l CI7) i l2xtt J2) Guidittg light «;S0 {9).News. <2) Our Miss Brooks. PRIDAV .MORNING ,4) Playhouse. •:lf (4) Continental OasarTOm T ^rko«. ’ M» (4) (color) Continental aass-|„M I2) iSttc W^orld Turns. WfefipSi jss^ st^iiEe Report Claims GOP Straightforward, E//ec7ive Claims Mitchell Planned Hatchet Job (9) Starlight Theater. Drama: John Garfield. Lilli "Body and Soul,"! By FRED DANZIG , problem involves compromise de-‘ NEW YORK ;30 (2) Johnny Ringo. (4) Johnny Staccato. (7) Real McCoys.' (2) Cartoon aassroom. |8:00 (2) Captain Kangaroo. »:S0 (7) Johnny Ginger. 7:30 Bdd Journey. ■ i (2) For Better or Worse. • 0:30 t4> Life of Riley. (7) S (2) Movi^. (9) Movie (began at 7:30 <*:«» <4» Dough Re Mi. p\m.) *10:80 (9) Ding Dong School. 1:00 (2) Zane Grey Theater.P (4) Play Your Hunch. Western: Vera Miles guests'17) News, stars in “Miss Jenny.” XH:®# <4' 'color) Price Is Righft ypung frontier woman mai-[ ' (2) I Love’ Lucy, ried to a.ner'er-do-well. sur- '7) Lady of Oiarm. prises himself with her de-l '9* Abbott & Costello: cisions. 11:80 (4) Concentration. (4) JBadielor Father ^ (2) December Bride. . (7) Pat Boone. Musical va-l O' Six Gun Judge, riety: Pat Boone welcomp.'.l'" ^ Mel Tormc. "The Velvet] 1:01 (4) Faye Elizabeth. |3:00 (2) Medic. (4) ()ueen for a Day. (7) Day in Coijrt. IStSI (2) House Party. (4) Thin Man. (7) Gale Storm. (‘9) Home Fair. 18:00 (2) MUlionaire. (4) Young Dr. Malone. I (7) Beat the aock. (9) Movie. 8:30 (2) Verdict Is Yours. (4) From These Roots.. , (7) Who Do You Trust. 4:00 •2* Brighter Day. i4) House on High Slreet,^: I (7) American Bandstand. 4:15 (2) Edge of Night. I (4) Split Personality. I (9) Robin Hood. 5:00 (2) Movie. . I (4) (odor) George Pierrot. I (9) Loon ey Tunes a n I - JingteE:...................... 5:30 (7) Rin Tin Tin. night in an hour-long study called. | ‘"nje Space Lay, Democracy Compete?" i Detroit Paper Reports LANSING up —Mlighway com-;(or road building and puttiiw the Labor Secretarv> Wins Rttssfainer John C. Mackle, a Dem-|profit into the general fund.” ha uwuui ^ jctieiur)r vvms contended that part ,oljsaid Negotiation Promise ,'be nuisance tax law was planned' 'It amounts hi the .state taxing . •*c by Republican Senate leadership itself in a desperate effort to-rob ■'to do a hatchet job on the State Pitpp arid pay Paul." , ^ ... front-page story- todayi^^^'^^ Department." frustrations they often enroiuiter jthat Ulwr .Secretary .Mfidiell "isi was ainu'd at stbwing the depail- In giaphie style. i-onvineed a threatened nationwide I fomraWors almost ,.(,ad.buildlng program, lie rallK,ad strike has b.'en avert«i.’’il'?J^;^‘T."'aPpU MaeWe said the materiid*4(ax applies only to Id simple, stiaightfomard but I liU let Congress and the press deal with Ihe disclosures madcj There was, however, one point_ , v...... Iftd bid leftinu , , ' i' ' during’the piogram and focus onJ titought 'the^ program failed to . .“P-' . imtdenajs p.urehfl.sttd by contractors the hour as a TV presentation touch upon.*' ...timisni^ follows nutntbs of Itehind- “The honker K the nulsaiiee f®*" state highway projects a ■ ~ ' TTi my feeiitylhe p'roiTVm'r’*^"'*”^ wiw^:’ IHd "irTwBed sobjeeted matetiaW «>a'^T®bS fnf Cities or tr could have addres.sed itkeif to the'* Promise by both railway labor immI .. .. ...j. v;t»tnrir.t. management that -their figftt ] th« ft •umnwsi iiD In . aerie, of f»^l iniP^antV whatV the^ ' Bummed up in a teri^ of tMi- ^ferred to committees for study a Dating film clips and questions [ pul to chd^jan, military and government experts by newsman used In stale highway work ( Howard K. Smith. Mackle said. ' • spjp draftwi this section of the ............ "The architects of the new tax part of an <»gan- Anyliow, the ground that was! ' iprc^ram. clearly have sought to " ^®*r:het Job covered was" eowred < well Once I Washington story by J. F. jrob gas and weight ta.x money,!®" **“ State Highway Department more, TV performed an important “** »««'w4*'-y oh- earmarked by* Michigan's Cbnsti-!“ really getting service. ‘•‘I" Pledge after more tuUon for highway purposes only |"®rt is the motorist,” Mackle said. ------ j than 3# private meetings with h,y taxing the use of this monev railway eteoutlves and leaders ;------- ------------------ Id the tax will coot motorists about $3,SM,0M this year — about the price of alx or seven miles of new expressway. ” to Keep Stale Post Mackie has been feuding with .^the GOP Senate since he replaced Highway CommLssioner Charles M. Ztegler. a Repubiicnn. We learned rfuwwi> himinating second-guesses on a fewjIbf'tt*'* ABC-TV show is still sad-, fundamental decisions that wero "'Ih shabby gags, technical The hailroad controversy *n®r CiirsAnilrAr made. boo-boos, slap . dash, undeVre-work rides has threatened to himm nUjpIlQI JUpCiVIjUl e * ★ hearsed sketches, intrusive spon- into a costly and crippling strike. It seems that each miss >pace signboards. ^ * ♦ -------------—---------- The raid now Includes l)a\W R^l offlcial.s have said they Burns, a funny man who pro- ^ <‘Ut down drastically on vide* a fine, hgrd contrast of "hat they tern "featherbedding ” ... :..... - ™..», — -------heads a ArqueMe’a softer e«.i«lv ap- "hich they 'say contributes to supervisor of women p^ch. ‘ wa.ste and inefficiency of operaiion. St«“® Hospital, has been ‘"K tha department ^ Rirt rhAir/-nmhin-d ♦ „.,iThe Union denies that the worit to the Michigan Boai-d ana Nursing by Gov. Williams, it hide the dismal writing and lark-. • I was announced today._______ luster production. ' w » » i ^ ... ! Agreement by the two sides to Mr*- Young. 44 Putnam St . was . refer' the work rules dispute W {Rrst appointed as a psychiatric Last April, when Joey Bishop committees for study and recdm- attendant nurse member of the first suD^ TOT Jack Paar. heimehdiiion is simQar t^ oneiBoard riTl^. 'Rie purpose of the basically Mitchell and Vice President NixonjBoard, site said, is to see that good ' ~ 'exacted from the United Steel-1 standards of nursing practice are 'Bring Detroit Gamblers In' Mrs. Nrllip Young, for 28 years Sen. John H.'Stahliii iR-BcIding) rrently'prob-land-buying to Make U. S. Debut (9) Wrestling. •:3« (2) " -Mrs. O’Hara and teo Genn star ini 9rh Sports Car Show TV version oL the award several autos never shown be-wlnnlng motion picture. l(org in the United States are (4) (color) Ernie Ford. Mu-^^n^^ng the nearly 50 entries at a sical Variety: Ernie's guestj-.sports Cars in Review’’ exhibit is the pow er tohind the opening tomorrow. (Jueen for a Day throne,; xids Is the ninth annual sports Jack Bailey. [car show spon.sored by and held (7) Untouchables. the Heniy Ford Museum Jn (9) Wrestling tcont.) Dearborn. It will be open daily 10:00 (2) Special Tonight* (began from 10 sum.'.to TO p.ra. until its .-----it 9l3(Lp.BlJ________ ppricItiKinn .lap 31. (4) Bet 5'our Life. * ♦ * (7) Untouchables tcont.) .. , (9) Point. o® display are h)gh per- . Shown for the first time in this country are the Alla Romeo*’ Bat-0; the V-1 Ferrari Dine nnd the .Maserntt 01. all I and tte EngU* DB4. ) Aston MnrUh Area residents displaying cars Intpftctori Told to Gut Bus/; Cases Dropping Way Itolow '58 Count DETROIT — Detroit’s police superintendent, Louis J, Berg, has ordered precinct inspectors to tighten enforcement of gambling laws. At a meeting of inspectors yesterday, Borg voiced concern because the numhpr of court cases inviolving gambling handled by the precincts had dropped off betwecni®^ 40 and 45 per cent during the last b™te« "”1* a transoceanic tele-half of 1959 as compared to the Pb®"® ®bat to Dick Qai'K’s Ameri-same period in 1958, . Bandstand sliow on ABC-TV . . ^ ^ ^ ~ Paar’s effort Ra™ »iH AVAn.pii A.mhitn., Rooney to the cast of his tion remaining It the Lme|t^,^’.’^ Bloomfield, Township, a Ferrari i-y.i juled Berllnetta: WilUam J. Mailcley of! 856 Colonial Q.. Birmingham, a; auperlntendent asked in- This w eek Bisl^’s w(Ml{ during j workers Union and the steel in-1 maintained in Michigan. Paar 8 vacation has shown morejdustry In settling the nationwide "--------' " unready for the jcA. strength, sureness and control owr steel strike Monday the show’s meanderings. ' Her recent three-year apptdnt-ment needs ^ate coidirmation. JT^^^£.Z^WiSJSlate Classes to Explain er its Jan. 25 episode. Riverboat Eiecfricai Code 8:30 (EST) time slot the following week . . . Elvis Presley, a quarter century old on Friday, cele- Oakland County electrical con-j That is the date the first’of tractors, journeymen, and other | five classes will be held, spon-interested persons will have a by the Joint Council of Elec-chanAA aai k«mt Contractors and local elec- chance to get first-hand informa-; tribal inspectors, . i BIG CLEARANCE 1959 Portable TV's HAMPTON’S 825 W. Huron FE 4-2525 Open Every Night 'til 9 P, M. 1 the 1960 National Eiectrical j sched-.Code and the local supplementary! The ilmt aeashm o et with I rules beginning next Wednesday at begin at 7:80 p.m. for Tuesday.. Jan. 26. met ________________, ______________ an "unavailable" from'the actor. Pontiac Northern High School. g ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■ Valentine III of 3108 Bradway Boulevard, Bloomfield Township, a 1922 Marmon 34 Roadster. 10:30 (2) Special Tonight (began'®™*"®® vehicles desiped pri- j,-grrHri 410 Super America; and "P'vtors. "U It because .vou are at 9'30 pm ) maruy for competitve driving, ae- -. _ . i , ...u--- 14) Shotgun Slade. j (7) Ernie Kovacs Show. ; n.A III Mr„f Fire s Sole Survivor er, Sports. 11:20 (9) Telescope. 11:25 (2) Nightwatch Drama: William Powell, I Jean Arthur. "Ex-Mrs. Brad-; N'lw-year-old Debra Langlois. ford.” t’36). *®'* survivor of a fire which Tb....r Macomb Court Ward Area firms represented include Falvey Mo|or sides of Ferndale, with nine entries; and Brimingham Imported Cars, Inc. of Birmingham, with two. . (4) Jack Paar Show. Va- ®t***"®‘t *be lives of her'mother riety: Joey Bishop, guest®ve brothers and sisters in a host. Mount Geniens fire lakt July 13. - has been made a temporary ward of the Macomb County Probate ! Court. r !• erarlMt rastit She has been living with her not obtaining BUffleient evidence for your, court case*? Is It because it is more difficult to obtain evldeace? Is it becaose the gamMera are becoming sharp- Rex Harrison Finds Interest in Tammie Acting as instructor at the Pon- ■ |tiac sessions win be Oayton Me- ■ Coy, Pontiac electrical inspector. * TTie inspectors were ordered to instruct their men to gather evidence so gambling cases can be! taken to court. 110-Pound Girl Grabs. Intruder Weighing 240 Other classes will be held at the ■ same, time at Warren, Lincoln!! Park and Plymouth. ”1116 basic F theme is "Knowledge Is Power—J I Know the Code” ■ By BARL WILSON Registration for coarsen may (■ NEW YORK—Sexy Rexy Harrison’s Interests now Include! b® nvade at the Pontiac Dec- ■ talented Tammie Grimes, the forthright, offbeat St. Louls-to- i ‘’’*®** Inspeclloo Office, I Informed of the orders, Mayor Louis Miriani said, "It Is a mat-! ter of record ever since I took office that I have Instructed the po-{lice department, time and time I again, to exert utmost influence at DETROIT (D — A 110-pound 'assuring that Detroit be a clean Broadway blonde recently separated from actor Christopher Electrical Depf. or i ^ the Jolllt C4Mltirll In IWi#*aH ITm Classes run two hours each ! Wednesday night. J father. Robert, a PonUarfactoJv "bo nabbed a burgUr out- tomi and that the strictest en-worker. and other relatives since "®'7b»n5 her b.v 130 pounds hw fon^ment particularly be made her release flora the hospital. | A hearing has been act for Jan,! brunette, grabbed slx-fool, 240- been recommended for a civil- against gambling ancbivice. I hav-e Ian citatlen by police. assumed that the police depart- Aharon WUUams, a 5-foot 2 ment has followed these insfruc- 19 to determine if Debra should pound Thomas Mines, 39, tt be made a permanent ward of I Toronto, after ahe saw him iurk- r r r r r T r r 11 a II It 17 II Ir il ill B 54 351 r A r a u lit u H u IT ing in a Fisher Building office where she Works. * I Sharon, 20, a secretary, said I ahe waited for Alines to leave j the office. He came out Into the was doing inside. ‘Tm just leaving.” she qn Mines as sajing before be « *T yelled lor help, but no one Oamo," said Sharon. "So I grabbed the belt of his coat and Jnst kept on .veiling while he ran down the atalrs.” Other office workers came to I Shoron’s aid and held the bnrly intruder tor poitce. lions and that Detroit is a clean • town." . Meanwhile, Wayne County ' Prosecutor finmuel H. Olsen said the arrest of 22 persons yesterday broke up a record site nufribers gambling ring Jn the eutcounty area. The arrests were made in the village of Inkster and Nankin Township. Paul Slack, chief investigator tor the prosectrtor's racket squad, estimated Wring took in nearly $750,000 a year. Straw Vote Favors Nixon and Mnson Plummer. Margaret Sullavan’s frequent depressions were difficult to understand, in view of her Ulent. How ironic! Less than an hour before her death, her ex-husband. Producer Leland Hayward, had a lengthy phone eonversation with Richard HalH-day—exclaiming about her undoubted acting greatness. Dick Clark'll get star billing at the Harris spector; Robert Lowe, assistant .. subcot^mittee hearings early next month. His inspector in Detroit; wipat Is. I appearance’s expected to lake “several day.s.”' Sai4cuer, Warren Inspector. ■ Victor Borge, celebrating his birthday in ~— " Connecticut, said, “1 can’t tell.ypn which one—but I’m sterUng to count In the opposite dlrffctlon” . . . Broadway hears that the Mafia picture. “Brotherhood of Evil," supposedly dropped because of James Mason’s ill- Other instructors will include: ® I.Stanley Korenkiewicz. Bob Geni- ! usz. Stan Skiba, Joe &ibaratz and ! Joe Plourde, all Detroit inspec- ■ , H. B. Love, Detroit chief in- | WILSON I To Sponsor Dances at Waterford Center 21 Chrlilmii ^InS of 34 Soeeffl* M Kounaei WASHINGTON* (UPIi - Vice President Richard M. Nixon and I Senate Democratic leader Lymdon , The Waterfoid Township ComijB. Johnson are favored by the munlty Center. 5640 Williams Ukein'^JoHty of 91 senators and house 'Rd., has announced tt will sponsor”'^"''**™ t*» respective nomi- j weekly dances on Saturdays, be-! ®7 their political parties for ginning Jan. 9, from 9 p.m. to|P'’'*Went. ^ ^ ^ ' 1 am. was thumbed out by three studios because they were afraid of gangster reprisals. Anne Jeffreys fled all that Hollywood jollity to come here and husband sit (with Bob Sterling who goes into the play “Roman Candle" with Inger Stevens and Julia Meade) . . . ’The ~ Usually sefiehTary” IlfToss Hart discovered figure skating and is practically demoniacally ... A chap- Delaying Choice I for Water Panel ! Oakland Wants Morel* Hunting Before Detroit'} Board Appointment ■ Appointment of rcsentative on the Detroit Bv^d Oakland rep- ■ . ■ iroit Bowd of ■ savings on our * iater Commissioners wm post- f GbodUsed TV Sets to * ANNE poned. today «, that a special ■ gut down On OUF In- " supervisors committee can spend * • pie, eloquent about his fondness for Alaska, was asked by the boss, Harry Tsakas, “But when in Nome, do you do as the Nomans do? ” ... Ed Sullivan’s actually smiling now —about how his Hedda-ache turned out. The Detroit commissioners on Ik # Ik I Hov. 16 invited the county to send Larry Adler, trying to explain George Burns’ contention!"^ representative to attend week- etricer -«b i Lubrteaat lie. The dances are open to the pub-' Yh« congressmen cast a straw that Jack ^nny thought he (Adlen is the 'self ” with”plans and operations of Music will be provided by a *>kll« here at a party on opening man living, recalled this incident: When Benny ap- the board. I day of the new session.' (.-uiiimiiiee can speno ” . i ti time finding an official to * YBIltory StOCk. If yOU J' represent ail water interests in ■ evei Wanted B SBC- ■ fhgb /wNiindti M ^ . ■ ond TV set for your ■ " home, now is the * time to get one at J big savings—30 day ■ exchange. ■ hjly meetings to "familtarire him- I rp 1 ' n 1 - rv Building --lo(days na(d 10 Programs-- onBoWwinRoodfo™ ________________________________________________________________________OXFORD TOV174SH1P - Fire H tucked down In her seat later) evil, . . • -------- JS (W»* catw iR#b> WWJ .SS4> WXTZ-inbi " wesa mis) weoxnisbv-' wjaa aiMi caused an estimated TOO damage *‘Dging star Yves Montand’s studying Engllsli—for a whole d****^^ and member . Mviie wxva, Brbskfbit Club ciav — W Jlu _________ “CAR. Reea Uinra WJlR WCAS WPOS #:SS—WJR. jReS_, Usnu wyj. M*v«f%iit wxya. Neve. Winter —--- — WJBg. Ntst Ry^ WCAR. NfVb CKLW J WJIK, I 1. Chuck Unii ^WJR. Biu Rirne I The blaze was discovered |ly after midnight and was brought * , , ;under control- in sdxmt an hour WISH I’D SAID THAT: "Jayne Mansfield is a-method ac-and a lialf by the Oxford Fire tress—her method Is to wear tight sweaters' —Bill Rosen. 'Bremen believe the fire .larteH' . **'*'*' *'4UCH: Lou Brecker devised an alarm: •>. '(fc.,»tt I ’ (Copyright. 1969) | land communities who have or will have water-purchasing contracts with Detroit. (iOKS TO FULL BOARD Good.speed’s motion, approved by FE 2-2257 515 W. WoHon the only Ujree other commlttoe members at today’s meeting. iJfll earner af Jaalyn ■ CKIW. dbvlH WJBK. Music WCAR. News, BtODstt w roN r • - ■ I l|:to-WJR. Ohnral Bob Urk l:l*-rciaw. NrVi. OcTle* Clip Of^ Raul Castro's Ponytail Chairman Delos Hamlin is «-peeled to make the inteiim ap-pointinent. SONOTONE *:W-WCAR. WotollBf r:Sa-WJH. Du RirbT WWJ. Neai. Robbrti .WJtva M*wt. WoU ^Aw Ntea rob; u« WPUN Nit* a*ui(ls • ;H-WJg, ItMSSOKir >OM Newt Cs««? j Iiaa-WJR. Matie Rbil I WXVZ, New*. Wolf CKLW N*«s David WJRK. Nras. Oeore* WJBK. N*«* RMd WCAR, Now* WPON Cbuek ueu 1 II;3*-WJR. rim* fat Uoilr jj 1:3a.WJR. rim* f* I 4.*e-wjR. Music n*u WWJ, News. Preach wxyz. Music CKLW, N*«l D*rl«i , WJRK. Music WCAR N***, BtoDCll WPON. Carrteie Tred wroN. Carrten Treat t'JS-WJR. Muele Itll raiOAf AITtR.NOON .WJRK. Klecnhorrcr CKLW. Kaewlet life-WJR, l.„„ SKi.-KL.W ' CKLW. r. WJBK. . Mvtd . Oeorg* I2:*a—WJR. Wm BhNhta WWJ. Nesre. a*|t*n CKLW. Joe Van" i'MXYf, Bbermaa wjn. stereo , S;»e-.WJH, N»*e. Muste I WXVZ, Music CKLW. Bpone I WJRi:. k/uNe WCAR. Ttna. irni* From Our News Wirea The brudrast uid the uliear- I HAVANA — Raul Chsfro report- *"5 ceremony to* place in edly has shed his ponytail — the «Meni C^uba’s Orienie Prorince, ' re' rlutlonaiy badge he grew in- wk*** bearded Fidel Caatre stead of. a beard. launched the revolt that over- ^ * A Havana radio statioh said the 'Prime Minister’s younger brothktr ®" >®af* "ay i»5». who is minister of the arm^j In a more setlous vein, the fokces, got a haircut in fulfillment revolutionary government Wednes-^ a promise to trim up called fot Immediate organ-' ^Cuba’s, land reform program be-|iz^n of a military training came a reality; program for scores of thoiiwpds of teen-age high school students iin Cubat Bolstering .the recentl.i' announced and growing "people’s militia. ” organized osKHtsihly to aid the regular army in the event of emergency, the ^ucatiqn m istry announceil that Cuban hi_ school boys and girls henceforth must learn (o bear aims for fatherland. (Ztoinnaa of the spertol com-mHtoe. Fred L. Yockey, Huntiag-ton Woods Bupervlsor. today declined the appointment made by fellow members, belleying Hqm- House of Hearing Free Hearing Tests 5M Ponliec S».i»o Ffdcril Bank Bld« 2122:' I MUNTZ TV l ^ I S'*- Meanwhile, it was announced] I that Oakland and Macomb county official.* draffing a pr9posed con-jtract (or the purchase of Detroif water have scheduled a meeting j for Mtftiht Cfemens next Tueudqy; SERVICE Ef-etkoaics AesocioftiM FE 4-1515 C » V IIKTkO MAIT TV RENTAL ■T DAT 0> WEEK I ■ I' •”1 ‘ FORTY-EIGHT THE PONtfAC PRESS. THURSDAY JANUARY 7. 1960 New Jersey Dems toGoforMeyner todiiy Joined the ranks of favorite son c^idates f«r the Democratic! •ptresldential nomination. : State Democratic leaders agreed , at a meeting Tuesday that New ■ TRENTON, ^ N.J. yj» — New Jersey's 41-vote ^legation to the jferaey's Gov. Robert B. Meyner party's national convention at Los|didate. Angeles next June would suport the governor. Natiotihl Committeeman David T. Wilwntz «-iii. Cbarce It Choice of 8 Harmony House colors. 15x27-ln. Handtosvel 88c. Washcloth 12xl2-ln. 33c. Tablecloth Has 2 Tone Lace Design Charge It |^49 50x30-in. Softly woven solid color raVon has elaborated 2 tone lace edge, trim 3 color.s 50x68-ln....... 1.99 •luring January .Sayings Ja„,h . Jam] 25% to 40% fill _ ' hor M ’Harmony House chenille Itedspread assorlmeiil Fairloom fabrics Rainbow stripes 8S^ reg. 4.98 399 eaeh 36-inch wide l*d. Cbarae It See this selection. 100*^ yarn dyed rayon. Guaranteed washable. Make dresses, blouses. Decorating crease resistant finish. Hurry. shop Friday ‘111 9 ‘ each Charge It Large assortment of completely washable viscose rayon, pre-shrunk, nontangle bullion fringe, and rounded corners. Here is an assortment of spreads you can be ; proud of. Hurry In today ... Save! »Vov.« wde selectioii of decorator fabrics i25 as low as -aree llh?r Fabrics at Sears il'l PI |l 1^4 I ttlii phone VE for oil*’ lovely Milford heirloom "style spread 6 66 Charge It Exquisite washable, no-iron Viscose. ra\on chenille in beirbom pattern. Bleached or natural white or white with frosty pink, Capri blue or Spice beige. Full and twin. save 2.99 tailored bedspread assortment i^values HP to 7.9^ . Take’’your pick from Sears wide as- /i9» ' riiArre It •sortment at this one low price. Have the perfect spread to add beauty to your room. Siave. CUSTOM SHOP a* I Decorating Service I .ries aShp®®'*” ^ Bedroom M m MUl vin. ----- .your room. £>ave. . 1 Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back” SEARS ^ 154 N. Saginaw St. Phone FI >’*• -V:' A. Th§ Weathar V-*. WmUmt IWMa Tarmtl UttiK wmnwr (Brtalto M r«t* » THE PONTIAC ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ PONTIAC, MlCIlltUX: THURSDAV. JANI ARV;?, 1960 -48 PAGERS 1960 Most Prosperous Year Ever-lke Blaze Guts Area Home OdklandGOP lOfficeholders ifo Unite in Race Clip Off Raul Castro's Ponytail n Our -Nfutt Hirpo The hitHuira^t said the wlH-ar- of t«H>n-age htgli school student* HAVANA - Poiul Castro it*port- 'eretiiony took place »u j„ tube, pdly has shed his punylail - the Culw’s Oriente Province, * ♦ ★ re\alufionary Iwdge he rivw in- »>»*«rded Fidel Castro goi^itpriiic the rec?enth' an- Forty ^Aneod Since^ 36; Prinu- Minister s yoimger brother, . **» • j,-j^ jj,p i-pgujap nriny in’ the* event Dem slate Incomolete minister of the armed In a more' seriops vein, the of emergency’, the Question min- /tl- cl • ^ in fulfillnient revolutionary government Wedn^- isfry announced that Cuban high but Things Shaping Up' ,of a Jiromise to trim up once day called for immediate m-gan-school boys and girls hencefortl) ' Cuba's land reform' program be- iiialion of a military training must leam to bear amis fm- the came a dhality pi-ogram for_scones of tbouM. ds fatherland. State of Union Message Gives Rosy Forecast Congress Told Better Relations With Reds -Seem Possible A winning ticket of Republican county officeholders—including the new face of Prosecutor George F. Taylor —will stick togettier in seeking re-election this year. The Pontiac Press was told yesterday. Democrats have not come up with a full slate of opponents, according toj Carlos O. Richardson county chairman. | “Blit things are shaping' up pretty well,” he said. •, i Chilly Visitor From the North Not Sint* 19^ has the Democratic Party broken the Republican grip on Oakland County offices. ■\ rheck «f Incumbeiits And* veteran Treafiurer MiarleH niARKKD Rl’iNK-The Independence Township home of Leaun Harrelson Jr., son'of Pontiac Teamsters Union Local 614 president, was quick- ly gutted by fire last night. No one was injured. Stale police were probing through the clmrred ruins today for evidence of arson. Probe for Arson in Fire Mortgage at Harrelson Jr.'s House WASHINOTONM^ President Eisenhower pre-; dieted today that 1960 will be the most prosperous year ; in America’s history. And ; he declared the world is ^ tering a vast new techno-I logical age which can ! “make poverty and human misery obsolete.” He also repressed guarded optimism about better relations with the Soviet Unlwi. “We must strive,” he said, “to break the calam-is cycle which, If unchecked, could spiral into nuclear disaster; the ultimate insanity." In his annual State of the Union message to Congress, the President tleraonally told a joint se.ssion of the Housie and Senate the nation is armed with enormous defensive military might which must be meticulously maintained until the Soviet Union agrees to ettectivdy safeguarded UIXIK UiLLV -^ven inches of snow draped the Memphis, Tenn.Tarea during the first part of the week. It was washed away by light rains ^ , today after the South's worst winter storm In a r ‘ Replacing Um ea the ticket i decade raged fifufn Texas to the Carolinaf, plung-‘ be Ta^, SM«rt lerincT ' ---------— ing (emp^atHrps below freezing to far Krath u Louisiana. More than 18 deaths were aUributtid to the storm. The snow was the most UempW« had seen since 1S4S. disarmament. Highlights of Ike's Message—Page 25 Eisenhower predicted no nation ever will rtek general war against the Uhited States if this might is maintained. Me announced spec-taoifiar new advances in precisian of this country’s Atlas intercontinental balHsItc missile. ; Sparks, Sheriff Frank W- Irons. (ierk-Reglster Daniel T. .Murphy Jr., Drain Commlssianer Daniel W. Barr.v, Ta.vior and Survevor Ralphs. MalH.^Wed on seek-. Ins the GOP ncmlnations in August. Sparks, the leadei;' oi me local Cop ticket, will be seeking his l-ilh consecutive two-year term. He nil Jo in aI rtaci elected in 1932. He is X^Iaam liX Axi C7CX the oldest elected county official . Y f length of' service. VjrOinQF U P Missrsf; Mis.sing Iron) the ticket for the Notices of hii^ monttily mort- first time in Ifie last eight years Btgte police were investigating for arson toclay after gage payments are on the* way tor »•» la- fonner Prosecutor Ered-a $5,000 fire hit the home of the son of Leaun Harrel- »" 'mated 212.000 home owrimierick C. Zlem. who was elcrted son. Pontiac iWister head. The invesiigation^as laquesM by Harrelson him-: ^ _____ self. He iiS president m Teafnster Local 614. ' The Werrolt .Mortgage Btmkersi cMHTssIsranr' Fire struck the $10,000, flve-room frame home of Mr. Although thetr slate is not finniWith Election Ahead, Eye Middle of Road and Mrs. Uaun Harrelson^ u^ay home ownem wiii be'^X’; ----------------------------------------------------------------- Jr. 4560 canton St . me,- ,™, ™,,h pendence Township, short- ICniinCDn TA I 311/ 1.'""U-I guvemmem expendl- nation for prosecutor. Weighing IXIIUUjViI IU IQIiV ‘“rev. prin in xchool 4-un- the decision are Oeorge J. Fulker-tJnu-iion and expamdon. are re- son, a Birmingham attorney living ' ^1 I ft sponsible with fhelr resultant in Bloomfield Township, and Wil- WA.SHINGTON lAPt - Demo- Hennings talked of cbmpleting agreement to bring up civil rights for the township, said he had no - - h I g h e r taxes, the assoelatlon | Ham H .Merrill, a Detroit attorney cratic leaders worked today, committee action on a registrar for dP*»te in that bo^ about njld-1 rcawn to sus|)ect arson. _ said. living in Birmingham. "gainst .some handicaps, to get j, . 3j,.iFebruary. | He added this country l8jire» Rank Mid he condneted a pre- New sewage costs are the sec- ‘HA-NDK-OFF- PI,EIKiE Party-splilting civU rights is- scheduled mid-k'ebniarv-i ^ of Itmlnar, probe after the fire was AfeO Body Will Morlc ond la.^est Hem, accoixling to the Both Rirhanlson and Arthtm G. extinguished at t:M p.m., but; , ' . association. Dliolt Jr. county GOP chairman ^ , gr^ “rm^wjws j spending tor spacejw found no evideni* of foul play. '** Anniuor.rtrv# Bui the Pontiac Teainstbr leati-ci. whose name, has been linkeo with arson in tlie past, appai'cntly wanted an official investigation He iVquested tlw> pi-obe last night , r, j Iniiui imvnu nt. >re exio.. from Charles Pontiac slate "'anager pf Pont me Motor Divl- Iw.'nMnts are ,x|a., The PmMmt also rejected ly before 6; 30 p.m Frank Ronk, deputy fire .chief Dems Rush Civil Rights I dovetopment of mperiknnt roek-et engines threateiM Amorfen in die mUltaiy missile fieM. The S. program hi that fieM *Moe« •f very large roeket enginM. which are so necessary In distant Its 50th Anniversary variation have declw«'d their tximmitlee at March 16 Banquet ri.. increased payments are " "hands-ofr attitude ,p,-ete(l to van considerably ^“"d'dales until after one eominuniiy to another and de-. ** P"mar>. pending on pi-oiierty value of-the-road bill. , Oup. : Kniidsen. General Mol vit* president and general *' polU* detective. l*af and Sgt. Or-,sioh. will be the main speak*r amel O'Farrell, head of the I)e-jwhen the oOth anniv'ersary of the; tyoit area State Police Fire ^ Pontiac Ai*a Chamber of Com-i The moitgage bankers organi/a-reau, began a»«panh of the damaged home today. some kind of civil rights legisla- Lets will be mwctically douWed-* ♦ » Rayburn siiid the House can get.tion this year. And the present(,o about a billion doHara a year. Tliere was imnifHiiate response action on civil rights, if it wants bill is probably as much as the* * * * in the House u, ih<‘ broad liint it. "> about two wwks. indicating House will agree on. al least ini- lengthy address, carried ^ ^ . a decision bv the party leadership iiallv. ..... nationwide on television *nd ra- Richardson, however. c*»n ,iglits advof ales Wed- to lei the figlti open there. The The bill also would facilitate President spoke of record firmed that Fulkenwai and Mer- moving. Within a niajoi dela.vs, however, were ex- FBI invesligaHon of bombings ««J _ and'also called were considering running for ig members pceted in the .Senate, although would require registrars to !»«■-1,vigorous new efforts to check ---•.......... »» ■-....- 1 I u caxasaizk xp^in« /W*nmAntc fftr irw _ • I..vndon B. serve voting documents for •ailed an speetlon by federal officials. 'miaiioii. TVy have not issued a rpport The fire was discovered by Mm. Harrelson.. ............................... Neighbors ealled Waterford and Mirhigaa Slate linlvemltv. Oak- independence Tow nshlp fire de- |,ml. and Glenn H. Griffta, pres- partments and five engines Wei* ij,.,,, „f ,h, p o n 11 a r S4-hool at the scene within minutes: but ,r,. lo firemen were unable to save the ^p«-ak, Dean said, one-story home from being gutted. ' . . Mi-s. Harrelson said she had Vai-ner is slated to inmKluee the (lumped cigarette butts from sev-: speaker and Griffin proki-rntnr. James P. l.awson. ;,dded their name> to a petition Democratic Leade ISWs Democratic nominee, ap- j.. ^ |x>nding measure loose Johnson publicly , P-i-e"!'.' has decided to slay i pie event were also aniKMinced to-; 4 * * Rieha'rd.son said he had heard ' day by Uijlmm, J. Dean .Sr , Tlie asacKiation says payments fhai John E. Kronenberg and Wil- banquet chairman jw ill go up for alxxji 33 per cent of liani K Benson, Deinocratie nom- -ham-ellor of ' inees for clerk-register and Ireas- Holders of most mortgages re- U'-e' respe< tivel,v, in 1938, would qiiirlng monthl.v escrow deposit* .if «■' likelihood run again for.taxes and Insiimm-e miiBt Hiehard.son said that as |Ni,> each muiilh lh<- eiptlvalcnf heaivi of no prospective cuudi- -m iMie twelfth of the due luxes, dales for sheriff,' drain eomniis- This apirfies whether they are and -suneyor._______ ximenfional mortgages or the \'A Members promoting the petl lion said the niiniber of tdgna lures hud reached about IRI. They claimed siiffleirtif support to get fh«‘ full Jia name* needed. Several Hoiilhemers said they Classic Chance for Cooks eral ashtray* into a i-ontaincr on ^ the hack porch earlier In the t ning. master of ceremonies. (Velerans Adminisirationl or KHA ^eil Good for Him! Tlie evening also will feature Hie (Federal Hoasing Administration) ' installation of the 1960 officers lyfU K PATTKHAS uter ate heard cracklmg com-,Any Christmas Money? MemVrs of the association in-ing from the rear of the house and ^ rn.nuAnn enpivre Iclude Imnks, .savings and loans went to investigate. She found COLORADO .SPRINGS, tolo. flames sweeping aerok* the poRh, lUPIi—Among the Army surplu* make ovary effort to to-cre«*e pfxtdneflvity and tlia* avoid price incraaaM. In hia State of the Union message, the President «aid the ■ Kllchen ClaffilM." a cooking school produced by the National Live Stock and Meat Board and sponsored by di*p,,tes must be met However. The Pontiac Press, will be held Tuesday. Wednesday, te proposed no remedy through ComiTiitlee would heat a .slralegie Central High SchoOl Audltorlum. encourage regular discusslona be- broud hints. SANTA BARBARA. Calit il'PIi—Police who spent three days investigating the disappear-aiice of $3.6.')2 from the Mar SENATE MAI" il Hie bill to the House uiidei' conditions as.favorable as possilile to the .Soulhem-ers. ^ ■AfTION IS and lo- deck .and up wood paneling on Hems to be put on sale Jan. 14 the walls. Mrs, Hari-elson told fire- j by Fort Carson are an ironing men. - . hoard, five straw table mats !ind :• ran hack Shmiliug “Wit. into the living room 10 intner her two children from the burning house. Her hUNband'* viiiitlng rouKln, Aharon Harrelaon. I*, w ith her six month baby eseaped. alno. Young HarrelNon wa* not 18,900 olive drab neckties. companidfe. insurance Hit ea) mortgage Imnkei s James T. Barnes. imiiieiHHle past presMenf of the assoeiation, (C.intinuwl on Page 2, Cql 2> Monte Hotel safe arc now trying in the Senate, meanwhile, Plan to find out who returned the .Chairman Thomas C Hennings money The cash was placed in a j,- ,^HUBlsDAV. JANUAKY 7. I&60 Supervisors Put Halt to Drain Pay Boost r OI>;ORriK T. TMMBl Lt JR.| MM Joha WltMrup. cMMty per- An Mtempt hy Drain Ctomrais-• Daniel W, Barry to boost ■ depoty's salary with funds ' ftoMjmem. ountyj 1" • I Barry was not available for com- _ Dii?»sal System has been said he was tnmsferii* ixlered stopped hv a committee'^ fttmi the system's drain fuhds^ ■ the Board of Super\ iso«-s. j annually toaTU-d Evans’ »lary to ^ ^ ^ jadd to the $9,680 the county was same time, the Salat iesj**^^"^ Wtn. immtMee yesterday asked Nor- ♦ * * tan R. Barnard, corporation coun-, "Therefore.” Barry instructed to study' the law to see lt;Witherup. "the salary of Mr. Rob-rry has ewceeded his authority!ert Evnns should be set hikinK Robert J. Evans' 19G0|annually." ! ’This year. Donald W. Ringler. !new deputy DPW director, will re-fceive $12,500. Witherup said. U. S. Prosperity Will Top All Other Years in 1960-Ike (Continued Prom Page One* fed to attack the United Staes. work with a Democratic-ntn Con-j'ven though our country^ might gross the last five his «,ven !«««»“> ^««at losses. wouU UMt years in office, i^arked thatiP«^P«y ------- nevertheless "we h#ve weathered the storms." And he pledged in his final year to "devote my full energies to the tasks at the promoting of world unto*- - - “In 14 recent' test launchings, at rangaa of over 5,000 mllea, Atlas hat been striking on an aver- Nikita Extends Tour to Burma Lbovm About Ftb. 10 for India, Indonosio; Otbor Rods Abo Trip Wtc^ these invoK-e travel foi^-W -------- —7. ...j„ get. This is less than the length International discord, or constant circle of total destruction,'' be Tlie Pay in Birmingham Will Organize Chapter . of Citizens for Michigan BIRMINGHAM ~ An orgdhiza-tloiial meeting at the BirmlR^m chapter of the Qtizens (or Midi-Igan Conunittee will be held Monday at 8 p.m. In the Community PAT MXON imri imui/uoi UiaWiAi, ur wuaicuii S ^ aaV • il i discussions and cornmunications! ^ ^ missile, with the Congress and the Amer-i * * lean people on issues both domes- The Presidenf said the nation’s tic and toreign.’' ! striking power irf manned bomb- * e * jers is unmatched. He added that ' The President’s Sute of the Un-1 increasing numbers of nuclear ion message Sketched the admin- submarines, some armed with istratlon’s I960 program in only deadly Ptrfaris ffllaslles. wUl be eo-broad outline. The details wiU beltering service, set forth In his Jan. II budget! I" this prasidential and coo-is4» ■ • message which he announced (or-!Kress*®"*! election year, witS Re- ■trsm »/• i» -J */ xAft nially 10day wUl csU fOT bsl-1P«W!c«“ sure to hammer at drate eommtssloiier as agem is VlC« Frefldenfs Wife anced spending and income In the i Peaw' *«! prosperity campaign Acceott Invitation of 1. Elsenhower said: Accept! Invitation Ot sported scheduled spending' "Today our surging strength is The interdepartment feud, if it seenoa or tae eouaty. RepyblicOn Women figure It a peacetime record — apparent to everyone: 1960 ptom- Now the question arises as to about 81 billion dollars. ' Jses to be the most prosperous who has the final authority owl » u, , r. ^ ♦ :year of oar history." wnat the system’s drain funds. thT’S? ^rserihower mid that *sp..e the country’s next first lady’’--'Mrs.!i^ ^ .‘l Richard M. Nixoit-has accepted; l They attempt wa« seen k.v some las evMeac* of Barry’s dissatbi-I faction that Kiaas, a comt.v |eBu>loye store ilti. was eeeelv-I lag coRsiderabl.v less thaa a com-I parable position in the Depart ] meat of Public Works. i one. comes at a time when rnty legislators will seek to c olidate the two departments.. T?Mrs. Pat Nixon to Appear Here MOSCOW tAp) — Izvestia indicated today that Premier Nfidta Khrushchev will stop in Burma as well as India during his trip to Indonesia next month. . «- ♦ ♦ The Soviet government newspaper reported that Khrushchev had be«i invited to visit by both Prime Minister Nehru and the gervom-roait 'of Burma. Although the accounts did hot say he accepted, it j Several (wnmlttee members yesterday voiced disapproval Bar-' I attempt to "go over our beads" after they had already set this year’s salaries. Others ques-whether Sarry might not > the authority I a matter of conflict be-I tween the two departmeata." Republican women of Oakland wuai me- synmi B uiain lunun, nr- „ '' .• . j riv^ born fee. paid by users of!^,^ the various drains, can be used for. ^___________________ ________________________ It was the general feeling of to^sTFeb* ^*1 *”!**■• **** ««<« *10"“™ -I'm in .vmn.ih„ «»i. .1,- a«inionly PU^lc rcceptlon for Mrs. Pat! The mesuge contained ae real Han of the Year )eddlineNear Two Weoks Remain to Submit Entries for Area Joycee Award The deadline is tw-o weeks away n- nominations in the "Outatand-ig Young Man of the Year" con-^ est sponsored annually by the hmtiac'Area Junior Clumber of Commerce , The winner will be honored at he annuaf Bosses Night banquet, Ian. 27 at Elks Temple. Xominaftons nuy be made b.r todivMoalo er erganlMlIons, said f barleo Lewis, eeneat cbaliwuB. "We are seeking deserving can-lidates, who have contributed their nergles and talents willingly (o’ (lake our community a better tooe to live in," he said. Candidates must be between the iges of 21 and T5 todustve, wid ; kwit. II the mminee will have eadied his 36(b birthday by the nd fli the year, he still is lUgflile r the activities tor which be is udged were performed when he ms 36. * Candidates need not be Jayoees. aid Lewis, nor do they neceasarlly igve to be residents of the Pontiac rea. "But their services should have (eeir performed here," he ad^. Applications can be obtained kom Lewis through the mail, fay g to Distinguished SeiMce 1, Box 448, Pontiac. Temperatures moderating fUi Over Nation I By The Aseectoted Prate ! The nation’s weather showed wrked improvement today, with iemperatures moderating iii most W the northern cold belt and Inding in southern areas. I ★ ♦ A I But rainy weather continued in |outheaat sections from the Lower Mississippi River valley to the prolinas. Snow flurries flecked a lew areas in the Tennessee Valley. I ♦ ♦ ♦ I Snow fell in scattered northern |reas from the Rockies and east-fra Montana eastward through ICinnesota. the northern Great lAkes region and in New England. Ewere light in n Weather, luvMl Um^tor«'pn!!£Mlac I -o*- f 5*® ■rauriMy Bt S:|| 1 f f uB Hmi VrldBj Bt 1:01 t.i . ----•« FrldBr Bt Ml B. using the right tactics,” said Robert E. Lilly, secretary Board of i^tors. “We've set Us lEvanii salary and H remains at that." said Clawson Supervisor A. Taylor Men-zies emphatically. * a Meanwhile, however. Barry has been ordered not to adjust Evans’ pay until Barnard aurveys the law. Russians Mark Their Christmas in Churches MOSCOW (AP)—Rus8ian Ortho-! dox worshipers crowded into Moscow churches today to celebrate an event not recognized by their Communist government—the Mrtb of Christ. The Russian Church abaerv/gi Christmas according to the ancient Julian calendar. Christians in the Western world fallow the Geornrian calendar. it, * Moat of the worshipers were elderly. It was just another'day ot work for most Muscovites. it it it The official Soviet attitude toward Christmas was expressed in ' ast by Radio bkoseew Monday: * * ♦ 'The Soviet people do not need the goqwl biiy tale about the nonexisting Jesus Christ," th broadcaat mid, charging tha Christmas was dreamed up as a capitalist plot to keep the working people in chains. The tavltatimi was extended by toe Reyal Oak BepabHcan Wenen’s Gtab. Aoeeptaaoe was aaaenaced by Mra. Lariie C., CoBsterdtoe, presideat, and Artoer G. EllleM 8r„ oeaaty OOP rbairmaa. As yet no time or place has been .settled on for the visit. However, It will be an afternoon reception tor which imitations will be sent out. according to Mrs. William H. Chapman and Mrs. John H. Austin, general cochairmen tor the affair. ♦ ♦ ♦ Women across the county already begun plans for what they can the visit of the country's "next lint lady." I looms today as toe aa- Local Level Costs Up Mortgage Tab (Continued Prom Page One) ax palteras to snburbaa aad to-laotrfal areas. Tax increases have been . ticularly rapid" In certain suburban neighborhoods to which home buyers had been attracted partly by low teal estate taxes, Barnes said. ★ ♦ 'As these neighborhoods have developed and grown,” he said, "more schools and public services have been added at a rapid rate, resulting in increased taxes.” it * it Baines said that in a number of communities tax assessments have been reduced on large industrial and commercial properties and to pay the dltference to maintain public services. The reception will be cosponsored y the Royal jOak club and the Oakland County Council of Republican-Women’s Clubs. * * The Council, today consisting of nine member clubs, including the Royal Oak group, will take advantage of Mrs, Nixon’s special ap-pearaaea hgre as a kickoff for a eosntrywids drive for membership tethe OsuBcU. Nixon is not expected to appear other than ip Oetsoit. ... The last time the Nixons were in Oakland County was in 1956 when the vice president's campaign train whlstlestopped in Pontiac during the presidential campMgn that year. Mrs. Nixon was introduced Godfrey Plans India Safari: Sam on Air PITTSBURGH Lfi-Artour Godfrey reportedly will lead a„ safari la India next month. ★ * * Sam Levemoa. radio and tele- meat of toe ha renammanded Ii^ Jmar. gar-ticalarijr wMh reapeet ta pnS^-tog toe right to vat*: aew (arm law»-alsa racommsadad prevt- toct farm taeame” aad a aehool Alluding to the threat of tha free world from communism, Eisenhower said: "With both sides of divided world in possession of unbriievably destructive weapons, mankind approaches a state where mutual annihilation be-cornea a possiWUty.” a a He said recent Soviet deport-mant and pronouncements “suggest the possible opening ot i somewhat lesaatratawd poriod in the relationshlpB between the Soviet Unto! and the free world." FEARS FALSE LULL Eisenhower cautioned free na-fioos against being "misled by pleasant promises,” but he said the United States intends to deal with the Soviet Union with the utmost seriousness. * ♦ ♦ Etoenhmver made It plain he does not expect toe Soviet Union to touch off an all-out tvar. 'Tt Is my that lie aattoa against ns nnlen we ahonld be M /ooltah as to negleet the de-lenae forcen we new so power-tally onpport,” he said. a huge crowd gathered at the| "It is worldwide knowledge that West Huron raflroad station. 'any nation which •» tempt- Wedneatday. Levenson mM an of-flotol at. toe Columbia Broad-casting System asked him to take over Oodtrey’a daily radio ■how ia February. ♦ ♦ a LevenoM, here tor a lecture performance, agreed. Award Area Man Top Engineering Honqr George J. Huebner, 275 Guilford Rd., Bloomfield Hills, has been named recipient ot the Buckendale Award, one of the top national hODMi of the Society of Automotive Engineers. if it it Huebner is exceutlve engineer (research) for Chrysler Ckirp. PreoeatatloB ef toe award will "Oompater-baaed Mectioa of Balanoed-llfe Antomotive Gears” oa Sam. M durlag toe 8AE aa-anai aseettog ta Detroit. The Buckendale Award is given esiph year lor the by automotive management. Mf MatArnt-Um PRICiS NATKWAUT APYBITISID EUCTRIC BAZOBS The Statewide nonpartisan committee. organized in September by American Motors President and Bloomfield Hills resident George W. Romney,, win study state gov-emment ptoblems and means for would not have been extended and pubUdzed unless acceptance had been indicated. ' * it it Khrushchev is scheduled leave Moscow about Feb. 10. He will be preceded Jan. 2Q by Presi-deig Ktementi Y. Voroshilov, dep-pretnier Frol Kodov'and Eka-na Flirtaeva, oidy woman member of the Oommunist Party Pi^dium. They yritl be making a state visit to India, and little at high political significance is pected to transpire. it it it This will be Khrushchev's second Irip to India and Burma. His first was In 1955, when he and then-premier Nikolai Bulganin made a tour of neutralist countries, including Yugoslavia. The Soviet news agency Tass today reported without comment the White House announcement of the visit by President and Mrs. Eisenhower to South America next Informatton on beginners’ ski daases can be obtained by lihon-ing the Recreation Board office. Service tor (Stephen K. WlRh, seven-yearsdd son of Mr. and Mrs. David Wirto. 26875 Charles Lane, Franklin, will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday at Lutheran Church of the Shepard King. West Bloomfield Cochaiimen at the ffirmingham chapter, Raymond A. Vsnprehle and David F. Breck said th^ ap-|4ied for the charter immediately and Oakland County organizatloaal meeting in Pontiac The cochairman welcomed Interested persons to attend the Monday meeting, regardless of whether they had attended the Pontiac meeting. Will Arraign Housewife on Check Charge 17-year-old Auburn Heights housewife accused of passing more than $2,000 in bad checks will be arraigned in Circuit Court Mcmday. it it a Mrs. Nancy Harper. 17. ot 1639 Avalon St., waived examination' before Municipal Judge Maurice E .Finnegan Monday. She was released from the Oakland (bounty Jail under $500 bond. a A a Mrs. Harper was arrested Dec. 30 by Pontiac Police while attempting to paas a bogus check at the Perry street branch of the Com-mimlty National Bank. She is charged with uttering and publishing. S. B. Braediet, Jeaane Uoyd. WOliam 4. Osehrin, Mrs. loyee VooDrebto, Leonard A. Karow-Ski. Harvey BiereoM, P. F. HUder. Mb MeVay.. Abb R. KMa, Clifford C. Vaa Dyke, Ohariea Davtooa aad T. L. Ofberges. The Junior League ot Birmingham has announced it will devote a portion of Its next meeting Jan. 13 to discuss the plans and programs of the Qtlzens tor Michigan group. The Ruth Shain Gass in International Affairs will resame Its weekly meetings at 10 a.m. Jan. 12 at the Community House. The program will ceater around a report by BM George L. Hag-man oa the appraisal and posl-thM Of Red China. The public is invited free of jeharge. j The sled and ski slope I Lincoln and Cranbrook roads I available for winter sports when I weather permits. He died yesterday after a nine-week Illness in Detroit Osteopathic Hoepttal. * ★ dr Surviving besides hit parents are a brother Jeffrey, a sister Patria. grandparent! Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Kramp of pSntlac and great-grandmother Mrs. Louis Kramp of Pontiac. Would Legislate Safer Automobiles MONTREAL (UPI) - Re|x-Kon-neto A. Roberts (D-Ala) called today for passage of legislation to make automoMles safer add cut le traffic death toll. h -it it' ‘ • Roberts, diairman M the House oemmerce sidiconuntttee on health and safety, said highway deaths eodld be reduced “by. giving the ^Hver and his passengers a safer package In which to ride.” it it it Roberts said In a speech pre-par^ for ddtvery to the R^al Automobile Gub of Canada that Congress should pass a bill setting minimum safety standards (or passenger cars bought for gov- Looked Good to Him GREAT YARMOUTH. England (UPn — Harry Boyle explained yesterday that he had taken the bicycle he was charged with stealing because his feet were { aching and J’it seemed to me that providence had placed the cycle there." He was fined $5.60. TOtACCO KU. maiAi far Friday A Saturday Dr. Zimmerman Becomes Medical Society President Dr. Walter J. Zi m me rm a n.ifall. Robert M. Bookm>er. Harry! RONSON CFl SNAVIR Sl0“ NORELCO 32340 Sylvan Lane, Birmingham, last night officially assumed office aa president of the Oakland County Medical Society at a dinner meeting held Jointly with the County Bar Assn, at the Kingsley Inn. George A. Dondero, former congressman from Oakland County, and Stanton G. Dondero. circuit Judge, were speakers on "The St. Lawrence Sreway." Others who teoh offleo lost night hre Dr. Chonnoey O. B a r k e, prealdent • eleot; Dr. Dr. Kenneth VandenBerg, treasurer. Named to the bbard of directors were doctors Albert E. Quarton Jr., Dale R. Drew, and incumbenu Robert R. Wessels, Edwin J. West- Amkotf and Thomas S. Mclnerney. Delegates are ^tors Felix J. Kemp, Harold A. *FVriong. Chaun-cey G. Burke, Walter J. Zimmer-A. Haanes. Arthur R. Young, Michael C. Kozonis and Dr. Bookmyer. Chosen alternates were doctors . Michael Sheridan. Rockwood W. Bullard Jr.. Thomas G. Grekin, Vinenet P. Russell. Elmer J. MueDer, Norman F. Gehringer, Paul T. Lahti and Janies R. ()ulnn. Thofs Adding Insult CAMBRIA. Va. (UPD-Burg-lars who ransacked the Mick or Mack Grocery here Tuesday night stole a safe containing $100 and the store’s theft insurance policy. $250,000 Approved for Interceptor Project Federal Evergreen Sewer Aid OK'd Box of 25 ^.71 rklur. Umit I $e Dennys Delifht ■ n39 CIGARS. Bos of 84 .. £ Choice of Famooi ttaad 2 far 28s Cigan h • R. G. Duos Roe. 829.85 f2“ SCHICK 13" •f 10 iia • eSMf A federal grant of $250,000 has been approved tor the Evergreen Interceptor .Sewer project for eight Pontiac arep communities. The grant was' announced today by the Department of Health, Education and Welfare in Washington. Sen. Philip A. Hart said he was pleased by the action. ‘"Thto sewage treatnieat ooa-otrurtiM to aeceoeary to meet a verjTreal aecd,” he said. "1 knew toe people of Oaktand Coanty are act advocattag aay wastetal opeadlBg.” The grant—the largest possible at present was sought by the Oakland County Department of Public Works, which to directing construction of the 16.919,000 Evergreen system. - , to M ItomsbM n n to SI Miami Baacb to St to «l lUlvaukaa II M IS W MlanaapoUa 3S » » II UavOrlaaM It i# S 1SS.£^ " ‘ to a taiiiio* a a ptiocBia tt n JJ I niiiMirta 37 iJ w a a uuit - - l> a e rraontee......... . ______________, « U Tlai *c5lr* { JiSoulhfield, BloomlMd Township. I Three ether Poattoc arre com- I in the case of the Ho(ire bill 1 Kre®*' w t? j? «*•!* "Id parts of Troy maailiet alee placed too low ea $500,«0 In the case of the Senate Ttapk ^ w ifland Pontiac Township. ^ the priority Uto - Federal participation means that local cocts will drop. The Evergreen system Mart eonoera over the tatnre of a BOW water poltattoa eoatrol hill, which might provide taado to aM Ponttoe to loantnictloa of IS,4M,9M worth of aew oewago Referring to "rumblings from the White House about a veto.” Hart said he hoped no veto will be forthcoming when the White House gets a compromise bill. * * a PonUsic to one of 29 Michigan Lathrap Village asked for 185. 880, Rochester lor 887.4M am - Utica 884,680. The House and Senate v’passefl different bills last year authorizing up to one billion dollars in federal contributions to state projects over a 10-year period and permitting larger federal contributions on individual projects. An anticipated White House veto kept the meas-j ures from going to a conference committee last year. Backers of the measures plan signed -to serve Birmingham, present-was not on the Bloomfield Hills. Lnthrup VUlagc,'*PP®^*<^ priority list. communities that applied tor aid!to send them to a House-Senate thto year for sewage disposal proj- conference committee eariy thto .vear, although prospects for White House approval still are not considered i^. The ^ject is one of several faderal functions which the administration has recommended be turned back to the states. The present limit on the federal contribution to 30 per cent or $250, 000, whichever to smaller. Hh House and Senate bUto would up' 'The communities asked Ibr a total $6,100,000 in faderal aid. But the federal contribution for the current fiscal year totaled only $1,260,000 enough tor only seven of the communities. Pontiac’s bid ta- $250,000 in federal aid—the maximum amount avail- REMINOTON Rall-A-Matk 19.15 SCHICK 3-Spaa4 AdiattaUa Shaver 17" UMIN6T0N ArIo-Hom Raier ir LADT SUNBEAM Dtlaxt ilactrk 0 V# totorchaagoohlo Mowli Kool-SMoki nPES Rogolm SIM QEC Brtsr bowl, m 1111 ■Un Cooler smektas UrH plMturo. Limit I. to N. Sooiaow -Noia Floft FBIPAY & SATURDAY FBICE SLASHES UL Approved—first Quality Conrad ROMEX Wn 14-2 Borux a Gnud. pti ft. 4c yrWira stripper asd CsHOr 7Q< hiiMltwd h»ndl«*-sulek, t>»t tool .. m ^ 10* ROMEX Wirt OoBNslort .C* S-Inch tlH tor ■V-Inch knock-outt. 8«v« to on nch \w 1/2-I1. This Wan OMdsil 109 rull lO-Ioot l«ngth» Chotk thlt low price In town . _S ^ Flood-^ol Bilb aid iloldar ^88 WkHa You Wow 1 IlghUn, With holder 6-Yolt Lantern Boftery Regular $1.19 Value I Genuine EVEREADY botfery UwC Ifor most qny size lontern. EM EM I 6-volf, 4 size F cells. 20* Toggla SwRehas smile pole toaile twitch In heot retlttohl btkeitu cup 19* 20*.RsMplMlo-Eaeli Fluih'receptacle with narrow enrt. SoYe 7e on each one 13* 38* Rtetpluh Bsxas-Eaeii 7-tnrhai deep—lor twltchea, with Romex damp 28* 30* Odagos Boxsa-Eadi «-meh bor with calvonlied finlah 24* General Electric Brown Single Pole Silent Mercury Switch • Ropulor Sl.Ot Value HMBm^y silent mercury iwitchei nre completely nolMlcM — no loud click when twitched on or off. No Ilmrt nt thU low price. 6t 16* SwiMi Plalaa-Eaeh Choice of togzle or recepUcle plotet Motel or pltitlc 9* 36* CoiHiig Roeoplaalas 4-lnch porcelain receptacle. Keylett etyla for celUnt utt 24* 36* Carrasl Taps 2.1* 70* OclagM Bax wilh Haagsr CO* «-lnch bon with gelvenlied flnltb. 8«ve lie on eech one ^ _ Modern Squore Light Fixture Regular 2.95 Value-^Sow Only 46 For dlnlnt, llvint or bed-. Lnric Kuere ihtdet. pnttemed ilnu. Bnlb extm. (Other tltturei to 1' 1A0 Trosbia Liglil-16 Ft. Rubber covered, iwlni open metol casT Bulb extra ... 88* 60* Biask FricHsa Taps Large roll of eloetrlcal tope. Limit 1 rolla 27* 30* Rsmx Slaplsa-100 far. Full box of lOd Romex lUplee for poolUvx holtUng of wlr .29* 0* TV Laad4a Wira-Par FI. 3B0*«hinA. phutt^ veaUMFT raaUtaDt taavlpUon . AM A A / jrjT 3* rilUUitJM Gm Efoefricol XI -Socoatf lltl 1 I THE PPXTIAC PRESS. THURSDAY. JAXUARV 7. 79(iO Seeks Punishment in Shaving Incident Sl^UL. Kona.(AP) - Soutta Korea will demand puidifamant of the Americans reapmisible for. sharlac^ttaa heads of tw> women prostitutes caught in a Array harracks, National Police Director Kee Kang-hak indicated today. "The inddent is a matter of great interest to the Korean people, and we will demand punishment of those responsible, dep«id-ing on a study of the investigation results,’' he told newsmen. ★ A ★ ^ added that the U.S. Army is being asked to report hs flndi^ to Korean police. The Army has announced )hat two sa-geonts pe^ formed the shaving after midnight Jan. 3 on orders of a cmnpany commander who was , cracking down on trespassing ttpeves iuid prostitutes. ★ ★ w The Army has not yet decided whether to prefer charges, and a rr Museum to Get Treasures From Billy Rose is not warruited. But the Army said it did not condone. su^ treatment of trespassers,' and the commander ef' the battalion vohred warned his officers against Sl’Year-Old Newspaper Sold in Boyne City BOYNE CITY (e-The Sl-year-(dd Boyne Citizen, one of Northern Micfaig^’s oldest weeldy newspapers, has hem sold to Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Smith of Boyne (?lty. Purchase detaUs were not die-closed in the announcement Wednesday by Mrs. Agnes B. Baker. owner and publisher the last U) years. SmiUi, a former naval officer, has been emi^yed as editor of tlfo pubUcatlon and also was active as a free-lance newsman. U.S. Baptist Lealfcr Dies in N.Y, Hospital NEW YORK (ih-Tbe Rev. Dr. Reuben E. Nd|lon, 54, gmieral secretary of the American Baptist a five-acre garden filled witht^vention from 1950 to 1959, died herotfHrized statues by some of ___ _______ . . _ w. * NEW YORK (AP)-The National Museum of Israri will soon have Correct Error on Taxi)Fair Walled Lake taxicab riders will travel cheaper after all. J „ i-, Yesterday's headline stating XIXB the great sculptors of modem times all courtesy of showman BiUy Rods, luel Rubin, president of the America-larael Cultural Founda-tim, announced the .mllUon-dollar gift Wednesday ni^t at the foundation's annual dinner. Rose will finance the construction of the sculpture garden in Jerusalem, in which will be displayed more than 50 pteces of sculpture. Karl Katz, curator and director of the Musekim of Israel, has called Rose's collection one of the finest privately owned collec-About 65,000 gallons of water tions of sculpture in the world, are needed to prod^uce ope ton of I Such greats as Rodin. Maillol, finished , steel, and about 5,000 are | Daumier and Epstein are repre- Dr. Ndson also held membership on the central committee of the World Council of Churches, the general board of the National Council of Churches. and its policy and strategy committee, and the executive committee of the B a p t i s tin AA c«____ World Alliance. U. Ot M. SheepSklllS He retired from the Baptist post;Will Goto 1,600 last year because of Ulness. jWill Ask Extension ^° Propose BUI iof Credit, Debt Probe f tor Campaigns Rep. Homer Arnett WASHINGTON hich is on presidential randidatos b> pass- a judge-drew three ' one-third, as against present rates|®‘“‘’^^ consumer credit and del.i mg a Irm to shorten their cam-’m„n,hs in jail for mnlempt of cab fares are going up erred inas-l.'^Xf much as new fates will cost riders,... ” 40 cents for the first third of a mile ^I cents for the first mile : management 4a cents for each additional mile.' . New rates will go into effect with , y**'**'*'’- the installation of metcre sometime A™**'* ^ Janet. He caled the cafe psty on justice and said he intend to take it sitting paign.s. Monagan said he W4Miid put a lie li bin in the hoppi-r tu require that ■ hr hnr the inteilm study committee is qt- !!"* *«*'>'lnaling .•onve. _____ . y. ______. ttotw ^ h6*ld Bof morf thmi I tempting to deem me whether ^ ,........ ■hnnges are needl'd in state laws. * *• # regulatmg loan firms. That's about h.ilf of the iimi.iI ■ Arneff is chairman of tht- corn- rampaigning period. Monagan His attorney filed a habeas miltee. Other members are Rep.s holds that the long campaigns <'orpus proceeding contending I AN’N ARBOR (UPl) - NVariy Rogei Townsend (D-Flint», William are a waste of time. I'ook is being illegally detained. * * * p.600'students wili receive degrees H-ayward (R-Royal Oak) and Hat- physical em-rgy and ev Juvenile Court .fudge W. R, Dr. Nelson ta^t in Betheljat the University of Michigan's vey J Beadle fD-Detroil'. erythmg else " Culbreath in pronouncing the sen- ^rological Seminaty from 1937 to I midyear commencement exercises ♦ A * j Monagan said the Briu'sh seem W ednesday said Cook had Ipgislsti'p .study followed a to get along with con.siderably ^hown little regard for the law or Sydney C h A p m a n. senior re-controversy between Flint l,.ocar.shoi1or campaigns than this couri-right* of Janet's parents. of the United .Auto Workers'try has,' arid “if England ran do it ,, ^ ' why we can't, too". About 15 per cent of all US. Detroit Baptist Assn. He came New York in l945 as director of the:search scientist at the university's CouncU on Missionary Cooperation insUtute of science and technology Union and State Banking Contis- rdon t the American Baptist Con- former head of the Interna- sioner Alon/o L. Wilson over use .........-_______ vention and served until 1950. when I tional Gecqrhysicai Year Commit-jof wage assignments by a loan T|ie golden eagle has will be the main speaker. 'company here. i fi-om the Arctic to southe familie.s with both of the parents 1 range wor king have children'under ih* .Mexjeo. age of 6. •r frisi si b«, b« pritai J.S 2<**5 Sweaters: OrU« and Lam-Lon# siie. M. Skiris^w'Ml hlent^ and tayon, sijw 22-30. Macks and Swsrfy ftsnh,TD.|g Seva Nswf THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY. JANUARY 7, 1960 MAKE OVER PAGES, lausche and DiSalle May Push Rivals WASWNGTpN msen. Fmnk J. Uudw (43hio) hinted stransly Weihwiday he micht run a ilate of presidential convention delegatet in (%io agaimt tiiOM pledged to Sen. John F. Konedy (D-Maaa). Lausche, openly diaturfoed that Ohio Gov. Michael V. DiSaUe has agreed to bead a elate ot Kennedy ddegatoe, said in a etatement: la aa aeasa of Dein lol^tt Daly Gives Lttncheon for Him Soviet Diplomat Confused «y BOB OONSIDiNE NEW YORK - The bright young uaeian dipknnat said, "No, no vodka. Since I am In^America 1 will have an. American. drink, Scotdi.” ‘ having M mMIkai people, have no choice aa the aelectlen of *T( anything, my eariier statement (that Lausche should) not to be counted out of the presidential primary in Ohio becomes stronger by force of the fact that unless I am a candidate the Ohio Demo-crau will have no opportunity to express a choice.” EDMONTON, Alta.—TTiis Canada city has grown to 2J7,000 from early 1900's trading post. This was at a lunchepn given by John Daly, in return for the many favors the Russians had heaped on American reporters who trav-®*!I!I*"‘*.**.* through the U S.S.R. last sum- mer with Vice l^resident Nixon. Wo pstotod out some of the people la the old oaken room, doe n Mangle was there. Ihe dMhi’t gaite register. We " s h. "I wotfld like to see him play,” the Russian said. It was bard for him to believe that Di Mag, who as he did 20 years ago, doesn't now play. Times was Emmett Hughes, au-thor of "The Vincible Amwican.” Our Russian friend responded es citadly. He had read Hughes' dour book on our chances of survival and had found it entrancing. Thmi he was puzzled. 'This is- what I carax md,” he oohy his face showing honest bewilderment. "I haVe read that Mr. Hughes once was vwy close to President Eisenhower helped with speeches. How is H possible that now be is criticalT” HAS RIGHT TO TALK It was explained that HUgfws has the right to change his mind. 'As Mr. Khrushchev changed his mind about Bulganin. Kaganovich, Molotov, Shepilov and the others,” we suggested, trying to simplify the astounding misery. .* A * He shook his head. "That was differ»it,’’ he said, dismissing tite very thought. "What con' is that Mr. Hughes changed his PONTIAC ENGGAS^ Jonuary fthree per cent of tbe mend>er’a salary) for three months. * * * We adced him what he foresaw for the next cetory. In Soviet* American relations. He smiled boyishly -and said, 'You will ail be Communists ta 15 years, not 109.” One acre' out of 10 planted In the U. S. is anmwlly lost because it is damaged or dutroyed by in* Mulfdt Facing Fight for His Senate Seat MITCHELL. S. D. IB - R*P-George McGovern (D-SDT dh-nounced today he will he a candidate tor tiie Senate this Jwar. He would thus oppose Sen. Karl Muadt has not yet announced his secoiul term in the Senate after previous service in tbe House. Mundt has not yeet announced his Candida^ but is regarded as almost certain tp seek rMjeptiOD. McGovern said at an appeeela-tion dinner friends tendeied hhn here last night that he hid been urged "to ^y it safe and s«ek re-election to my House seat.” But I did not go into poUties Ibr safely and security and | now seek a greater field of service with BiU awuencss nf the risks involved,” he said. He poM^ to the fact tiiere Is no salary advantage in tile Senate bertii. MeCtovem, tT, a hMpqr mat giverwDiiBt teacher at Daketo' Wealeyan Uaivertoty, beeame the Brat Demeerat to gala hh^ ofBee la SmOi Dakota la M The Island of Formosa, head-laUsts, wa» Japanaae tsrrltocy from quarters of the Chlneae Natton-jiMS until 1M5.^ Harold O. Uvre (R40) la 1 Ho won ro-electioo by aa e wider margfai la MS. As a Congressman, McGc las pressed hardsat for legialation to utilize farm st^ioses to feed the world's needy. He also has been author of bilk to aid the handicipped and meoMly retarded. 2 LOW OVERHEAD LOCATIONS BIG SAVINGS FOR YOU IM UKI OMOM—Z LOCATIONS Russ Johnson Motors' Ifosdwor Coraw of SbsdMf ,-. DL44 Como* of ShadhsM MY 2-2171 sole! of Nationally Famous WATCHES • SHOCK-RESISTANT • WATER-RESISTANT • NON-MAGNETIC • SWEEP SECOND HAND • METAL EXPANSION RAND Clearance Price at 12 88 50‘ A WMk JEWELRY €0. 25 NORTH Saginaw street Op«n Monday ond Fridoy Evoningt Until 9 Fisil Oer Complolo Opiico) Doportmont Dr. BARNEY SAROKIN, Optomotrist He had with him another book he was reading with great interest: Gen. Ma.\well Taylor's "The Uncertain Trumpet,” a sharp criticism of the Eisenhower administration's defense posture. "Why did he not say these tilings many months ago?" The Russian ask^. "Why not say them while still on the job?" We tried to explain tiuit our mlHtary, like Russia's, tendo to mnzslr the publle statements of men on active service, g^ the general bung up his glove and said his piece throngk the nation's fn^e' press. The Russian shook his head. The talk turned to the political scene, and the young man who had come Up through the Communist ranks fnMn childhood again expressed bewilderment. | The whole political structure ofi the U.S. has proved baffling to him; Politics at the ward and district level, the election of slates in state primaries, the number of candidates for the same office, the convention machinery. | ‘Our system is so much . . .' simpler,” he said. ASKED ABOUT OHNAr | We wondered what reaction there j was in China over'^Mr. Khrushchev’s impending visit to India. 'It is Indonesia he is going to,| not India — unless perhaps he| stops on the way home, just for a little bit.” he corrected. "There is| reaction. We see you write now and then of a day when our countries wilt stand together to resist the ‘yellow peril.' it it it ‘We hope to stand together on many things, but not against the; Peoples Republic of China. Our re-"! lations with the Peoples Republic, are stronger now than ever. | "Alter all.” he asid, "our ideo-' logics are the same. We share the love of peace.” We asked about the bombard- I ment of Qnemoy and Matsu | ("This Is uimply a ooatiaaatlon | of civil war”), the CUaeoe at- j tack oa U.N. forces In Korea | ("Ah, but U.N. does not recog- | nisc China”), the border troubles , with India ("it It hardly a bor- , der; ratfter an imaginary line | drawn by the BriHsh”)t and tbe ; conquest of TTbel ("Tibet was always Chinese, so it is not a conquest”). Our Russian friend estimated' that a great majority of all grad-, uates of Soviet universities now! I are accepted. into the Communist | I Party (which numbers about eight! I per cent of the Soviet people). • Hie Party membership stays at! 'about 8.000.000, he said, because! I of the deaths of (rid members and ;the elimination of such defectives I as those who don’t pay their dues TliU moiSKi. . .tCiMA ultfilcj (Ki i(o(Ub fa/ofi! Money placed in an American Savings Account by the 10th,.. earns from the 1st of the month! TeuH anjoy tlisw othw Asasrieun Ssv- oousr in your aoooum—yi oordsd riectronically to si —your money avsuabie i when you nM it. No not 3’/2? On ANY Amount M 5t¥/ng$ t/mmi to $10,000 An Agoney of tha United Statea Oo/f /. OAm KHK'AN Savincs Ttltgraph Rood ot Mopio in HeomfidM Shopping Rloxo ^Opoo 9^'"hethe^the new contract’s Ke *Hesi I productivity, inflation and Pricing I u « ■.flalO , . .1 ,u I LSW President David J. Mc- W mUli policies may rage on foraftonths- ' I perhaps years. WASHINGTON (UPI) - Speaker Sam Rayburn was 78 Wednesday and indicated he might try !«-100 or 80, He said he always had felf good, that he still does, and that under the circumstances he i^aw no reason why he should not be around for quite a while yet. "My life has been satisfactory to me entirely," said Rayburn, who achieved in 1940 his boyhood ambition to be the speaker of the House. ‘Tve attaint everything I e%-er hoped I would.’’ Rayburn, replying to birthday greetings of newsmen, seemed inclined. as usual, to take the occasion more casually than some of I his admirers always do. OUR BUY of THE YEAR in WHITE or YELLOW GOLD JC^ JEWEIERS One SduHi Saginow, Comer Pike FI 5-5731 OPEN TOHISHT - PARK RIGHT AT THE DOOR WAREHOUSE BRANCH STEWART-GLENN 00. Donald told the union’s 500,000 members in basic steel mills it is “the greatest contract ever." But he said it was not an infa-tlonary agreement. Roger M. Blough. board chair-liman of U.S. Steel Corp., said I pact "could hardly be regarded as noninfiationary." The differences over inflatkm just about boil down to the question of whether prices of steel should be increas^. And that is a question union and management ; have been disputing for years. Blough said his firm, the world't biggest steel producer, did- nol plan any immediate price in crease. Just abc^t everyone inter liested in stcet drew- a red circle DINETTE CLEARANCE 12 STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM around the worii "immediate." I McDonald and his union long have argued that most of the increases .in steel prices were not necessary because of labor costs. I Blough u,s^ percentage figures {'and .said labor- costs have gone I up an average of 8 per cent an-j nually for the past 20 years while steel prices ha\-p risen about 54 per cent annually over the same ! period. I The union takes the opposite view-. Before the settlement. McDonald u.sed figures taken from survey by Secretary of Labor James P. Mitchell and .said: "In a period of. the last 74 years, all of the hourly wage increases and improvement benefits production and maintenance employes raised the cost of a ton qf steel by only $12. "But in the .same period the price of steel was raised $48 a ton Or four times as much." 'Which set of figures is ronect” Second Atlas Missile Hits Planned Goal CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. iAn Atlas intercontinental range missile streaked 6,325 miles to ar {Atlantic target Wedm-sday night, {marking the 15th straight success I for this nation's most powerful military rtx-ket. The Air Force announetW- the Atlas warhead impacted planned be.vond the South Atlantic {island of Ascension. It was the { second consecutive success for the I missile over its full range. The Atlas soon will be tested with a new model engine designed to boost its range to 7,000 miles. NaS/mlL admSied i-f*. saait s pc. sdast Ov SET -■ -V DaiVIRY mCLUDID daiVls trora AND OTHER FAMOUS MAKES FU RN ITU RE TERMS: 90 DAYS SAME AS CASH S-G WAREHOUSE FURNITURE SALES aOSED VyiDNESDAY FE 5-9279 20 FRANKLIN RD. JUST OFF S. SAGINfW ST. 0pm Mm., ni»«., Fri. -HI 9;00—Tmi. A S«. 'HI 5:J0 'BRAKES RBUNBD 971 Orchard Lk. Rd. «t. T«lccr,aA to , rWatUcI '• ta Park-Inn RnUaranI FE 1.7936 Ask for Tour Fiao Window Scropor ' Robert Hall... once-a-year CLEARANCE Superb All-Wool Men’s suits and zipcoats A SPECIAL myp... DRASTICALLY REDUCiD FROM ODR REGULAR STOCK! THE SUITS * Luxurious wortttdsl * Soft, rich flannwlsl * New styles A paHArnsI * Fine tailoring & fit! * Wid# rongoof tixosl THE ZIPCOATS * All wool xlp*out linorti * Importod English twMdtl * SoxoniosI Coverts I Twoodtl * Top toiloring throughout I * Nowott shades A patterns I USE OUR CONVENIENT LAY-AWAY FLAN ... NO EXTRA CHAROEI complete expert aKemtlons at no extra charge I SPECIALLY LOW PRICED FOR CLEARANCE! MEN'S QUILT-LINED can^HTM. suburban COATS 12 88 Alterations ot no extra charge Choose tick-weaves, stripes, plaids and cheeb ... in new medium ana dark tones! Popular 4-button suburban models with slanted fli^ pockets, tailoring details, full perspiration-proof satin-finish quilted rayon liningsl 34 to 46 in the group. Boys’ ORLON-PILE LINED PARKAS AND CAR COATS 6 88 Many with hoods I Our year-end clearance price gives you the on winter coatslThe greatest buy on v most-want^ fabrics ... many cooipletely washable! Costly styles ... some with quilted liningsl every size and color in every style ... Mt a big selection! Sizes 4.11. UU OUR CONVENIENT UY-AWAY PLAN ... NO EXTRA CHAROi ..V 200 North Saginaw Street—Free Forking in the Rear ^........ . .............................. '/•-L "A' > i W 1 * . THE POXTIAC PRESS. T Mil! SPAY, JANU ARY 7, 1960 Prep Cagers Start' Fast Pace Friday BARON DrNKER — Howard Sehrunaman. 64. Is and that means the prep basketballers around the O^land County area can expect a4ast and fofious pace frcmi now through the March tcair-nament games. A scattered list games usheird in the new year Tuesday but the first big night of I960 comes up tomorrow ' with several complete league slates and some interesting nondoop affairs on the cage menu. There appears to be no dominating team in any of the races Involving local leams but ahnosi certain to be the most, unpredictable of the lot Is the'battle for lnter-l,akes honors. Pontiac Northern, one of the three I-L co-leaders, goes against Walled Lake at home while thd other pair—Waterford and Farmington—tangle at the Falcon court. Berkley is at Southfield. Elsewhere. Cranbrook la g u e s t| of Royal Oak Kimball, North Branch invades Kinde, Lamphere is at Country Day. Royal Oak Doo-dero vs. Wyandotte, South Lyon plays Dexter. South Lake tesU Utica and Royal Oak Shrine vs.' Holy Redeemer. Pontiae Emmanuel, featuring Sonny Green, started the big weekend as host to D«>troit Boys Rbpubl'c this afternoon. Northern has played its best ball in leaguf gamt«! and should add another win to reach .500 overall A victory at Farmington would be a big boost for W.itcrford. The same is true for Soaholm. are fresh from their 2nd upset of an "A” school. Fitxgerald won a hoiiday meet which included Ttoy and hag taken seven straight since bowing at Avtmdale. Stmt, one of the coimty greats in l%8rS9, worked out during the holidays after missing the early ^mes due to a kidney ailment. Hts service will depend on how he feels in the heat of battle. Roches-. ter and Romeo are 'both showing 1-3 rmirds. Orum is 3-1. Holl>. Milford. Bloomfield Hills and Brighton all fumed' in good showitig.s in the holiday tourney won by Brighton. The Keego boys Tip Wins for Alma HILLSDALE - Alma queUed a Hillsdale rally in the second half and .went on to win an MIAA basketball game 68-66 last night. Len Womiak tipped in a rebound in the closing minutes that put Alma in the lead to Stay. Alma is now 2-1 in league play and HiUsdale is 1-3. N SALT LAKE CITY ;(AP (-Boxing promoters started ’ looking for gr^er site today for a proposed Gene Fullmer - Carmen Basilio middleweight championship bout The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormon) refused yesterday to give permission for the fight to be held at the Brigham Young University Field-house In Provo, Utah. 40 miles south of here. The BYU Field-house seats more than 11,000. Fullmer’s manager. Marv Jenson. expressed disappointment and said the bout would have to be staged out of state. The most likely sites, he said, were Denver, San Francisco, Milwaukee and Miami. Jenson said he hopes the bout can be held in April. Fullmer won the National Boxing Assn, middleweight title by stopping Basilio in the 14th round last August at San Francisco. LOS ANGELES tAPt-flie golfing profession joined host of celebrities today for a n>und of pro-amateur play on the eve of the start of the rich Los Angeles Open tournament. Competition today was (A’cr two courses of the Fox Hills Golf Qub. Tomorrow the pros and a select array of amateurs start shooting ■ie Rancho Municipal course— the pros fob a purse of J44.5(X1. Birmingham Seaholm travels to| East Detroit, Ferndale visits Port; Huron and Mt. Clemens is at Hazel ] Park in the Ea.stem Michigan. All have played only one league ganie. Holly will bt> pushing hard for a home triuhipta over Improved .Milford with a chance of gaining a share of the Wayne-Oak- • land It'ud If unbeaten riareiM Birminghom ' t: THE STYLE CORNER OF PONTIAC iY-. 1- FORTY-tWO News in Brief osUl Church, 178 Oreen St. — ^WoMpk NHh, 1871 anmnciis St., Flint, was fined HO and $5 * gwt yesterday to the Waterford iWnshtp Justice Court of IHdridr iDaly for assault and battery com-Injltted in a restaurant on Dec. 20. "Vaaald P. Denby, it, af U8 8. WCaion a., Pontiac, pleaded guilty la assault and battery today in t Patrick Daly. Denby was Ittced on one year probation and ifntenced to four days In Jail. The issHiilt took olace ir a Waterford X)iwnShip home on De-. ?0. firs Damages Building kn Baldwin Road Farm OXFORD TOWNSHIP - FHre aused an estimated S700 damage 0 an apple storage building on he Shibo Hayashi farm, 957 Baldwin Rd., early this morning. The blaze was discovered short-|ly after midnight and was brought ■under control in about an hour land a half by the Oxford Fire t)ept. Firemen believe the fire started ' Business and Finance Groin PricM ir Tells of Embezzling From Auto Agency The Mowing are top pricea covering sales (tf locally grown brought to the Farmer'’s >y growers and sold by them In whcrtesale package lots. Quotations are furnished by the Deholt Bureau of ^larkets. as of Wednesday. A 51-year-old Detroit man has confessed embezzling S4.000 frran the Scribner-Bohm Go. auto agency in Royal Oak where he was employed, polloe reported today. William W. Murray said he lost early all the money betting on horaes over a three-year period. Arthur Scribner, a partner in the firm at 1430 N. Woodward Ave., said the shortages first were noticed last fall. He added that Murray, a trusted employe since in a rubbish pile close to the fur-jl956. admitted manipulating thej'^*'*" uibbM*-liace. I books. MARKETS (Stock Market DownSliglilly Datroit Produce AppM. DcUeloui. feu. Appln. Uctntoth. b NEW YORK (Jt—Hie stock mar-! ket declined caiiUously early today with little selling pressure. Trading was fairly active. * ; j Losses of fractions to about a ]point were taken by most leading, i^j^jlssues. A few bucked the trend iseS'ith gains in about the same ranged VBOnABI,BS bmu topp^, b«.............. is.n Csbbse*, Curir, bn. . '^bb«£ IM, in. . irroU. t(------ Orr^ tpppMl. bu.......... Obkry. Son. .. ...... sssras? *& OBloni. err M-lb. bat . .. PoUtoM, M Ib. bat ....... Rsdtthw. black. H bn. .. Raeitlwt. hothnuM. don. bol Rutabtfat, bn. ........ . Squaib, Aeern,- bn. ..... Sovaoh, Buttoraut, bn.... .......... I .1S, A wider move Was made by. General Time, down about 4 after! its spurt of 6H yesterday on news | a proposal for a 4-for-l-stock; split and raised dividend. . s!S automotive stocks, advaaced ■ ! i!u "sore than a polat while the Big I** Three automakers declined, ‘ . i.Ts| Chrysler dropping about n point. 1221 Rtudebaker • Packard ekanged i!m1 Uttle. IXNBRAL dtrP&e . tdoeallsa. Job anpartaaen * r TY M«IT. U(bt bouMvork and babfomiM. Own traiuponaUoD. Parry Pan. Ph(wa PB S-mi altar 4. WHITE MIDDLXAOEO W6MAN tor ebUI eara, daya. IV OOns attar p.m._________________ WOMAN rOR cLeANINO IVD H«|p Wanted Draaamakiiur 0 TaUortbt Oardoo Plonlnt locoma Tai Sarrlea tAUiulrv Sarrlea DISTRIBUTORS WANTED FOR Vlrlan Woodard Produeta. Full I or part Hma. FE nm. EaTABUanaD—WXTKINS RCUIE arallabla. Full or part tirat. Av-arafa |1.U par hr. 1** " — »:30 to 11:3d aJi. I NoUeaa b Paraonala Raarlalgh Produeta In Pt_ Conaumara wrlta u« tar nrodt r,..,—------uf . t.M Slate Classes to Explain New Electiical Code DBTBOIT LITBSTOCK DETROIT, Jan. I CAP) - Cattle— Salable SOO. Bulk ataara and haitan itandard and (ood fradat, ataara and optnini modarnttly netlra, ova aetlTe. tn& atondy; acat- Oakland County electrical con-1 interested persons will have a tractors. Journeymen, and other chance to get first-hand information on the I960 National Electrical Code and tlie local supplementary hettera ataady; —....... . taring good to lo« eboleo ataara 33.10--■ *• two londa oholet 1100-1300 lb. ono load moatiy ehoieo with good tnd nroond (00 ibi. ateara 30.(0; atandard to low good ataara 30.U V PUBLIC BALE *1M( Buick. - • - — Caotury. Bale lo oa n ijm at 101 Pontiac No. IBK44M4. 3 Dr. >e City b Tuat- oT Pontiac. Michigan. Notice la baraby glran that ddy. Jan It, INO at 0 o- M4tam BUndard Thna • pubUc htar-ikg wlU ba bald by tba City Commlpaton In tba Commlaaloo Chamber. City Hall on the propoaad INO Budget City ot Pontine. •By order o( the City CommI -.Dated Jan. A ION. ADA B. EVANS. .t City Clark rules beginning next Wednesday at Pontiac Northern High School. * * t That is the date the find of five classes will be held, sponsored by the Joint Council of Qec-trlcal C(»itractors and local electrical inspectors. The lint oesslon ot study nlU I begin at 7:38 p.m. Acting as instructor at the Pontiac sessions will be aayton McCoy. Pontiac electrical inspector. uW masting of tba Oommlaalon of OMy ot Pontiac. Mlehlgsa bald Jss «sa4 by raaolutloa it wsa daelarad tc — Intantlon of tba City Commlitlon av construct oombtaod i north aldt ot Wall “ “ Tork Avonuo t tbi 'a^t irovcmsnt la I tlla I I to construct It 1a turtbar sgtd ImproTcmri t^t Tba cos? Ihrraol thsll im da'trny^ tw apacUI asaaaamant according to bans flu upon Lots N thru 113 both In. clusira. Marlraoat Subdlrlalon. whici ansll conitltuta tba spaclal sssaasman' district to datrsy t3.4N 47 e( tba aaU nuktwd coat and azpaaaas tbaraof ant. tmt ll.MS.S3 of tba aatlmatod aoat and alMnsaa tharaet than ba paid from tU Capital Improaamant Fund. T. NOTICE Ul RkREBT GIVEN .That tha Cemmlulon of tba ^ Pontlsc. Michigan will mast Ir CWmmiulon Chambar on Jan. 13, IS_____ I o’clock p m. to henr auiaastlons tnd , otFcllOM that may bo mada by partlasj tha City In tht Livestock Steels continued the reversal of their recent rally. Jones & Laugh-lin and U. S. Steel dropped about a point apiece. Rails b^ked away fractionally on a broad front. The boost in interest rates on brokers’ loans continued to bother Wall Street with fears of other! tight credit moves — possibly an-1 other hike iri the Federal Reserve! discount rgte. Such decisions are| -frequently made on TTnirsdays and | in the past have depressed market Uka.CotUgrt • Dt Rooms ______ . With Bonrd ilwmt Romot llem_______ Rant OOlca apnea . . For Rant Mlsctllnnnous Many Dtnlers anm (SO weekly part time — (IW nod up full Uma. Wrtta Rawlalgb-s. Dtp4. MCA-S(»l, Fraapoiir Uf. Employment Agencies 9 “Studying is a \icioua' circle—the more 1 I forget!” EVELYN EDWARDS TOCA-nONAL COUN8EUNO BERVICB Mta EAST HURON SUITE 4 n 4-0334 — PE 4-143S Funeral Directors 41 Help Want^ . P Inatructions REAL ESTATE FOR gALB 33.S0: uUllty itMrs 1S.00-30.SS; utility •gSi. n«.s.^’ ‘2fSt?= ci;’. when this action was feared. OO-I7.M; eannars and cutters 13.00- Incoma Froparty .......... For anla Lake Froptity . For into Retort Proporty .... „ Suburban Property ............ S3 . _ . 135-330 lbs. 13.3$; _____ No. 1 and 3 35 n». 13.N; ________ mostly No. 1 311 Ibi. 11.15; nothing done 15: cull and utility 14-35. Other ctasnes will be held at the same time at Warren, Lincoln Park and Plymouth. T^e basic theme is “Know-ledge Is Power-Know the Code.’’ ^ Heavy typo hens M-30; U| .10; heavy typa roaatars _______ . ______ 30-31' beayy typa broUtrt and fryort 1-4, Ibt. Whites 31,13: Barrad Rocks 33-34; ducklings »-3t; heavy duck jaesa 24; turkeys heavy type young Registration for courses may be made at the Pontlae Elec-trieal Inspection Offire, the Pontlae niy Ueetrical D^pl. or the Joint Council In Detroit. Fee for the nerics ot courses It 15. Classes run two hours each Wednesday nigdit. f O No 7471 I. f. IN Other Instructors will include; Stanley Korenkiewlcz, Bob Geni-usz. Stan Skiba. Joe Gibaratz and Joe Plourde, aD Detroit Inspectors; H. B. Love, Detroit chief in-jspector; Robert Lowe, assistant I. 1 chief inspector in Detroit; and Pat fgg lSarikuer. Warren inspector. Paultry and Eggs 5-35: heavy typa young toma 3(. DETEOIT EGOS DETROIT. Jan. 5 (API—Egga ------------------- i*".'®** tedaral-atiSo gradod; Wbltaa-Orada A extra largt 34: largt 31. medium 17; tmall 33. grade B I---- n. browna—Grade A aztra large ‘-,rxe 3t. mtdium 3l; ehteka M. Commarclally graded; : n A d-TTI MI- FUNERAL HOME ' PART-TIMr. Drayton Platni_OR 3-7757 ^ you art free 7-W pjn.. Cermtery Lots^ 4 GRAVE STTES-WHITE CHAPEL 44 CEMETERY LO«. IN BIIAO- ^Uul Oakland Rilla Uamorlal .Park Camotery. Novi Townahlp, Oakland County, atm told at IIM, will •acrinco at |5( par lot, wtU aali all to one buyer, good in-voitmant. Woodward MM5. PE^RHT MT. PARE CEMETERT. a Job t£at would'* earn (50 per weak, and (till retab your regular Job. For biformattoi call Mr. AUen. OR 1-N33 3 p m Aak for Mra Paul. FE 4-g4U. Work Wanted Mak 11 ROUTE MAN ?Ss for marriod work ( beuTi . woek to toplaoo OR 3-(Ml. Haro o_, _____________ (1.50 hour. Can UL S-35M. 1^JARPENT1»_W O R K ttt od. Draw guarantood. FI 3-(345. Olin Mathieson fell % to 52** block of 10,000 shares? Prices were mixed at tl ing with a flurry of causing the ticker tape to minutes behind turnover slowed pri( gradually. BOX REIIIE8 ground proforrod. T riNANCUL BuelntM OpportuntHfi Sale Land Ccotraeta Monty to Loan .... Crodlt AdvUora ..... Mortgago Loana At 10 a.m. Today there rt plles at ’The Press office la the folloi boses; ------ Apply a , f%, bmhlsu.'')^r‘^l^rTlew an-■ MlnUnant phona Mutual i-iau. tollegt bi ■i’iatajr ellBS. arehwaya, atUea ietO. P, Jea hnlal g. Ear 3-4 Moderate Oeoeral Texaco, Central, Aircraft. Bay- I I aeppf a Pontiac syiiagogue i has beeu'^ defaced with obscene • > language scrawled in white chalk. |f ;22?dy MTICE of Pinuc HEMIK The Pontioc City Commission hos scheduled pub\}6 hearing for Tuesdoy, January 12, 1960 at 8 EST in the Commission Chomber, City Holl oyi Intention to construct o combined sewer on the/follow-ing street— Noitk Side of Wolton Boulevord from New York to Corlisy For further information scee legol pbtice Interested property owners ore urged to oppdor By order of the City Commis^ibn Doted Jonuory 6, 1960. Ado R. Evoni Cify Clerk n : Motor* N 0*» .. TuiTal incident was reported to iac Police yesterday by Rabbi I ^ fathan Hershfield of Temple , *"■ Beth Jacob, 79 Elizabeth Lake Rd. jAnacond* lit is believed to be the work of AJS5Sr*co pranksters or juveniles. Rabbi | [Hershfield said. ' Boeing Air 13.3 KeUev Hay 5g.g Kennccott 3« 7 Ktmb Clk 34 * kveage. 88 ... t®* FZ2.*5Z, }] 7 LOF Glaa* .. 42 7 Ub McNAL ST tJ«» * Mv ss 1 Lockh Aire .. Ig g Laaw * Inc . 17 4 Lon* 8 Crm aa ; Lon* a Ga* .. S'* Lorlltord Jf ! Mack Trk fJ-J M»rtln Co S ; May D Sir . M*^ A Hay. Oram a Faad , For Sal* Llvadoek I Wanted LIvaatock irS'aYaV^X. 5*uc*u« darad viluelaa* through tb* arror. Whan caneauattou ar* mad* b* aura to gat your "kill numbar." He adJuttmanU will b* g' wlibout H. LADT EXPERIENCED IN OBM-aral ofnc* work, n 3-(lM. -------------------7Wc- TOUNO. EXPERIENCED BOOK-keapar with inparvltor Apply — •------— y Pontlae Praa* Hoi 17 . REFINED WOMAN DX81R child car*, bouaawoik. In real able borne (31.M par waak. i_ refuiar agat* WA8RINOS AND IR0NIN(38. PfCK AUTOMOTIVE N TraUar Space' ' For M**%e" i Auto Sarvle* ....... I For Sal* Bleyele* ; Boala a Ace***oi1e* , FIbargU* For Sale Airplane* I WANT AD RATES Tran*Mrt*UoB Offarad ! T Wanted U**d Car* Uaad Jinto Fart* I Sal* U**d Truck* . ' U**d Truck Part* Auto Iiuurance *su* 3.H 4JS 4.N 7J0 (.08 (.W 13 M a week part tlm*7 BuiMIng Servlc9 13 FLOOR BANDING WITT 3 poalUoo* araUtbl* - work from bom* by taU- 1 — Sala'i Yi*euUvV''No car c^eMioiif, M t^fvary. Apply h t-1 CARPENl^ AND CitorT work. Winter rata*. Work swr- antaad. OR M7U.___________ CARPENTERS. yERT’kit modernliatlon aarvlca. PE S THE PAMar_____________ Be an Avon rapreaantativ*. W* train vou to (tart aarnlna ~* your bom*. TV adi ____ -eras** OBT MT BID nurr -PB 3-73S4 A-1 REsimamAL, ooihtBBdlAL tuad eoameUc* almoat_______ **lve* Phone today PE 445M .. writ* Drayton Plain*, P.O. Bex (1 modaUng. Joba W. Ctplaa. MT 3-1131.________________________ AS^A OB(W?p1 BUIUlElta^ ^ Numerous acts of aati-Scmltism have been reported throughout the world la past weeks. Rabbi Hershfield said police b were notified as a “precautionary J measui-e more than anything else.” 5> J Mont Ward Death Notices' 8!Sit" ‘ . II. Murray Cp Help Wanted Male t aiir * mortgagr Ho ebUinttloo. uihders ^change PL »34(3 ’ITie religious leader discounted * the possibility that the incident J was a deliberate anti-Semitic act. it 41.( Nat Ca*h R (14 47 7 Nat Oyp« .57 . 37 7 Nat Lead .107 ’ . 34.4 TfT Central . 3( 7 . 35.3 No Am Av 37 i . 20 Nor Pac 4< ( 3(1 Nor 8U PW 33 .7 . 13.7 Ohio Oil 3(5 41.5 Owen* III 01 .1(4 3 COX. JAN (. lOiO. JOHN A.. 5111 „ ATTncnON! ATTENTION I Pourth 81.; age 70; beloved hue-«(»c*ni be* opening* for band of El*te Cox; dear f^er of| * "**' - 1 prlca*. fra* plan* and spec. De*mond ArchdtU '®»- Hollywood and return. Arar-and Samutl Cox; daar brother of! *(• weekly earning* Jlt5.50. Jame*. Oaorg* and Ladle Cox, i Traneporutlon fumUhad. Perma-H''*.. **£,**’•"’ Oarin apd Mr* | work. Good lutur*. Immidl- Martln Ranrthan; r’— -----' •*- —-*• —----------- •-----■----- fc? 1 ) eurvived sM os*b advance. Laav* imma. About 23 per cent of the pa-ssen- 'So!um^ oil’s ger cars in use today are 13 or!g®“ more years old, compared wlth|Con*umer p four per cent in 1941. Another 33:cSSt cor* e per cent are 8 to 12 years old. iS^SLr^Rn. HERE IS HELPFUL, TIMELY INFORMATION FOR INVESTORS INTERESTED IN: 1. Low-Priced Stocks for Capital Gains 2. Common Stocis for Growth 3. Common Stocks for Income If your investment objective* lie in regukr income from eecurities, <^ital gains or low-prioed stocke ... 3 new reports have been especially pr«-pared by Watling, Lerchen & Co. to aasiet you in aelecting an investment program to meet your specific needs. For your free copies, aimply dip the coupon below and nuul it to ue today. No obligation of coune. Watling, Lerchen & Co. Mamttn Nt» YoHt Swe* Fontisc St(ts l«nk IMf.. FI 2.927C IISVIN8 MICNieAN fINCI IV1* WATUNe, uKNm a ce, (Ms Om*s-Swr8 ■wIMbif, DaMR 88, MMi. Plsaae and ms completeinfonnationoa: Q IMO-Prietd Stock* for Capital Oaiita n Common Stocks for OrouA □ Common Stocka for Jneomo trandchildrcn Punrral distaly. Baa Mr. NeUI*. Ml^aii ■* ' ---»Thob Oakland Mr. cox atlng. Interment Oenietrry, "—’• • 111 11* In....... Blplr Punrral Home________ STTPP. JAN I. 1((0, MlLORkoT: - t--. Highland, Bart Rod Eaton Mfg El Ac Muf I Bmcr Rad Ex-Crll-O Plreatnnr Pood Mach .... Tok * Roy»I Dut Safeway Bt Reg Pap.. 7,, ScoTlllr Mg ,7 . Srar* Horb . ,7 * Bhcii on 37 Simmon* i3g Sinclair Socomy 91 ^ Son Par 3«.( ?*•» r Oen Dynam Oan Eire Orn Pd* Orn Mill* Cten Motor* O Tel a El Ocn Tiro* 0*n Tlr* Oenraco 0*rb*r Prod 011*11* CModrlrh Ooody**r 13 IS"^r.1 FE ACTIVE SALES.MEN HERE’S TOUR BELATED 7k. CHRISTMAS PRESENT th* Voorh***- oo* of tb* world* mo«t aggr**-*1v« companle* of Itakind d*>lr*> *. mv, iHiuunau i.. th* icrvlce* of a f*w high caliber ■ Duck Lake Rd.. Highland. [ executive type aaleimen who plan 5(; beloved wife of Clive Stlfl; to make -th* proper ebang* in - m - . fc . . Harold I, IMO 8al**mrn now earning (10 - airter of Mr*.( (00 to (I5.CM a year and up-.nA W..I uniimltad quick advance- grandchndren'''F’u’nVrar* * r‘r ‘l r * wbo' ar wllllni "**0” “ork**hard will be held Baturday Jan (. at to acbitv* auccea* A new and 1:30 pm, from th* Rlchardton-, original ld*a. No competition, tr»- Blrd Funeral Home, Milford In- mendou* succea*. permanent, dlg- Urment to Highland Cemetery, nltled. car ’ neceaaary No out of Di”,; *1*^ is tl •®’™ tra^ellB* Perional Intar- Funeral Home.' view* only, apply 3(35 Orchard Ifillerd,__ Rd, ' Harbor. Room __15, iceond floor, 5-13 nooo dally. ATT^Tlbll DRIVERS I WE NZaiD limited number of eiperteneed ----'rtv»r* tor dellv- ... ---- ... ... , ... .. .... ___________Into the rtatu to Record Hop Dane*. of Michigan and Ohio. Square ------- - ------— Co»yi»5r. 134(1 El- Curb Waitresses S’,e‘*'‘oV«,l?‘*Rft*“ffu.’! I. Apply in R*n®» ®nlT- TED'S * Buiyiii| Syvice U 1 BRICK BUH3E AND CBMENT rerk. Alao flrtptoe*. OB 3-(4(E I ALL T T P ^t a of maA6h«t , BULLodZlNO * ’hlOCKiWti . DON TURNER FE (-3((I TkATXhFhOOFBD k guarantaod. Fra* atUmataa. Card of Thankc 97 1 Bid on Ind 103 g Std on NJ 30 5 RW C“’ Btaavn* JP . 2 WE WISH TO THANE SUHI .Si! friends and neighbor* lor their! —° kind expreulont of lympathy — recrived during our recent .. ■ ----- raavement. They wUl never be Wajlyd Lake. MA 4-1551,________________ torgotUn, Th* family of Tboma* CANTEEN COMPANY is CONTIN-H. Booth. uing to consider applicant* for kt. “ “ ------------ Jumpany, don. TWlnbrook l-(3(0__________ BUMPER AND PAINTER MOST be experienced Tiylor CTievroIet, Walltd Lake. MA 4-1551. ____..'7 Tlmk B Bear 1 Grab Paige . 3 f Tran*am*r — - Twent Cen Underwood Un Carbide 1 ^ Air Lin 01 AAP » Ry . l^elghl exprewlw* 'of Empathy 'dui the lost of our beloved eon 1 brother Floyd*. 8^1*1 thanka „ our mlnlater to* Bav. Waldo Hunt of St Andrew* Epiacopal Church, Ur. ft Mra. L E. Wlnt of the WIM’ Funeral Home ' aplrttual conilderation I3.( Hooker Ch IndUrt Ray I Ing Rand Inland 8U , Ini Bu* Uch. Int Harv Int Nick IInt Paper Ttnt-«fo* Int Silver I Int Tel ft T* Unit Prult •o Un Oat CP 33.3 US Line* (3 ®U| Bub^ 44? * US Tob 49 7 Wert Un T*1 . 8 Scout*. DeMolay Brotberi. Fon-ttac Metori, and Michigan Bell employe* The Aulgur Fnmlly, Edgar. Franct*. driving sales men Agi „ .. ... Must be high school gradual*, mechanically tncltaked. — rigid physical czamtoatlon*. Ei-ortlent aarntog* and banaflt* after training period. Intervlawa ba-twean ( nnd 11 am. Cnntern Company, 1315 Arnderay. Ftrn- DETAILER DRAFTSMAN. MDO-mum 3 year* axpcrtenc* to work with design engineer. Futnrmtll Inc, (3(0 Highland Rd. DR.\FTSMAX DEPENDABLE WHITE BABYSIT- { Floor*, basement*. J Fra* aatiraatai. UL !; CEMENT WORK. KOTtilNO TOO son DaLlsa'* Restaurant. Rochester Rd. Rochr*t«r.____ BXPFJUKNCED LADY FOR OEN-(ral housework. Must provide own ------ » day*. 3 avaa, MA K330. amaU. Spaclal winter 3RL itoR GENERAL WORE AT olaanar*. Aply 44(0 TO*. Lk. Rd. OIRL iron LIOKT HOUSEWORK * babysltu^ J.g*''^** * ' " -yr*. Llve-ln and I3 vr. __________________(-8781. EARL’S CONSTRUC Oarase*. FREE B8TIMATES ON WfrUNO. aalary lor unattaohtd an under 46 with character r*frr,enea*. ^excellent ___ I^^eater *rrx. oi 1-0(80 betwaan 7-t avanlng*. ioralWIVES AND MOTHkRS Tim* on vour Our axpsndtof .“3r.= tlm* ppfitlon* avallabl* to (lual-Iflad poqwl*. No travaltai toaelvad — you work to your own community. C3>ar*oter paraonallty aad education ar* eaiantlal Th*** ar* dlpUflad poalttOD* with (uaraa-taad teeom*. For local hitarvlaw l^ont OL 1-I5(( Ihurajay MAJESTIC - onncR Rxperltnced waltres* ( e Mot ¥t P '^ls ’is M l Lear ‘181 Ramambrauc* keep* li ft Mr*. DOW-JONES II A. M. AVERAGES 30 Ind*. (70.(1 OR 3(1 30 Rail* 15(.(0 off 0.30 15 Util* 17 03 Off (.04 (5 Stock* 330 01 off 0 (7 Valumt to 11 a m. (40.000 8 Funeral Directors ■ Donelson-Iohns ■UNBRAL ROME Voorhees-Siple, , THE A N S W E R TO YOUR PROBLEM: Wai^ Ads! To sell, rent, Ihire, it’s FE 2-8181. " --------------- _ ---------- offtc* work. Daatrabt* a* w*U a* angl-Dtartos. Write PontUo Praa* Bex SO, (Ivtog as*, work ft pay *z-....................- *■ family. parlance. Rochaita'r ^RdT_______________ '>FICC WORE JSOR MAN. Knowledge at letter wrlUng. high •cbool mathematic*, bookkeeping, wnrebaatng ft axpedltlng deilra-bit. advlae age, aaperlanca, pay rMclvcd, aduoatlm, ft tamUy to Foptlac Pro** Sm 50._________ PliZA MAKER, U TBS. OR Otb- with exp. wi ww. i,*u If qualified. Muat have execUcat ^*ef..Call EM 3-4(53. 7 to START YEAR WITH PERMAMIiNT poattlon. ^al apportnnily. Bala* and aarrlea. Age 34 to iU No I.. -------TlaSe* not Fravtosi axparlaB . 4M N. Furry. - _____ ‘*hm "io'to'30’ year* o? ag*. Under 140 Ib*. Transporta- MI 0-4510 IN LOVING MI^RT OF OUR PREFERABLY EXPERIENCED ll*'' -L***'*/’ IN PRODUCT DRAFTINO OF Nothing can ever take awav OVER TIME "■'* -an-* Fond memorfe*'^ Unger every dayj M C MFfi. CO. -----w------------------- mo ladlanwood Rd., Lake Orlea ' ENOINEBR. INTEREST AND EX- 5-030S __________________ ifit WORLDS HOST AO-company* of .. _ie aervlce* of -_____ Pontlae Area. Saleawomaa nvir earning (7.0W te 110 — year and upward*. Muat tpaartog, hart a asr. a Ipg to work hard. Farai— _ (arriaw* only, Apply,3S3S Orchard Lak* Rd., Kaago Rarbar. Roam 15, aaeona floor. 0-13 aeon ddly. PART-TIME WATTRESS. MINtT —.... Evtatofa ---------------- an. Can attar I p-ai, Utlaa BD- _]mWlc 3-1000. _______________ WANTED ALTfeltATTONg LAfit. part Urn*. Oamoa’a. 11 N. Sagl- Ug plant affle* ExparimaMl in NOTHINC R«nod.llng ^ B. B.» —iii»Air-'-llA8. plastkrino. Attic* flnlahad. FE 1-4273. fSEir, aandins and ftolahlna. Thwna n ROOF REPAIRS 3HIHO fH>S40( Jit RKkZoraC HBL-' g Ce. FK4Ai(I. ____ BXCATA----------- tonka FUId til*. teoUDfa, andWt wall. UL 8.(014. rapairea mj lariory lyanasn amn at our affiea. oancral PTtottRS ft Offla* SU^ Ce 17 W. IftW-rane* m. Km* FB hftlM. • 1 J / THE PONTIAC PBBSS, THURSDAY. JANUARY 'r. IMO %»twn PrywwA't 4 T«i>r*t 11 M. ^•rTT M. FB M«l. hozoh ootOinar ™~— po8nf «M OK >W*. <>«»»« ttt „ . .^. _____ , bRta8MAKn&. WhJoIUHQ, AL-. UrAtloni, Mr». B»den. I* i TA&iORINO. ALTXRATIOItt FOR- u>8« n’Kioirr sai^t •cononleAllT vltb n*i^ nl__ I>x-A-DIH takMt. N c*Bti I shmr R—t Apti. FarnMi^ 37 aruT*asr jjxnn Mu«. 1 ) Room. KICBLT F!• QMt< «B4 citB FE ilam. ■TBAM BEAT. RO DRINE- I Room k RATB. MICBI WORE-tB( ««aplt. M BeeUdaRirieye, I RoSSi AWP BAT#. Up^A. tM timiWRd. F^ WORRIED tiVn ________..»i DEBTS? «*“» WWW. Tl»»» coBMlIdiU >n Torn kUli “budget"s®vice Anmoa. fee for! ______________ _ b5K B»br W6l«om>. FB »-jWA 1 OR 4 RM. AFT*, omixtia. — - - w>. ' FE 4-3M*. bttttBMn _ ____ »n>«dw>r. L>E« Orton. _______________________ _______ ________ .bmllFi J»Wfl«r« ” ■ I rooms. FRIVAT* EXTRA csr»full» mpATCd. pvu't Bo*t(-joR iiiS Ar»<[Bi txaW TW B Andtrian. FE AT84S. xSSl"* “ ilrrtw.^R januifT I, llST I *ia ^ b» ' J Rm . FRIVATE BATH. CODFl* - - - - responstbit fbr tatf mU oen* i ar 3 worklnt flfls. Orottntf floor bO^RATX - KXraitnBKCfcD troetod bi wy bthor IhMl lorioJf. > F» 54|7b_____________________________ BOHN* TAX SERVICF. |office^;,a jcBogt. j^FPLaa!, K^g , kicelt iroR~N:.~TFgT -------- ---------- ------------ »S:"r . bm % Mt. «rA|..,f*i htAt. •aft vatar. adul^ onlr. AtaUi-bit Feb. l»t. FE 4^tt». 4S X. Fib*. FE 4-HM ar FE M7TJ AN INCOME TiX RCTbRN FRE-parad to yaur baaia by auaUflad aaeobotant with maaUFt daftae. dypolafa BURTON E % STEVENS RSODE II lonotr Ineema tax ... lan W. R. B<%IN. FE ar FE »-irn far appalnt- Latmdry Servlet 20 OOMFLETB FAMILT LAUNIWT MrTlca—tblrt larrlea. Footlae LajimdrT. 140 B Talagrart.^FE OlfU-Pirtv®»RTarL WEDDIKQ NEEDS -Oraatlnr Carda-^tlor.ary-BOOES. OIL Ams ■BAOKENSTOSE' Rent Apte. UptarabM 48 Na* larta - — ... lYyyrrrrjsiaia!,*-. Slow in. wau. njauT AUa tatasa. n MtK _______;gioSr* ^AN. NEWtT DBOORAnb 4 Hast farolahail. Bna 4-im or FE 4-Mli COLORED lArlBa reoB dlnlna raan Utah* MiTt MrUalruU Mb. baat AM Vataa ramiibad. Ctoaa ta iarrotaim. Oil par vaak. TIM, WRIGHT. Realtor Ml Oaklaad Ara. FE M441 Opao ^ liM UFFER' AFARTliENV, in- FOR RENT: ______________ urban buaialo*. all ao ana naar. automaue baat aad bat vatar, Immadlata paaaaialaa. .|M par •antb, a m(«ma in adraaea. Bait Lavranoa. OiIMrMi to Boyd a UOBNiS> BOMB. DAT OR S4 eara. FE 4-MIO.____ ■'’noAf LICENSED ROME. BT waab. FE 4-1341. ________ WiLL CARE FOR CHILDREN — ---------- ^ ^ r wk OR J44I0 1 LOB. RUB. MBRN. CLEAbf. ^J-endfceph^^^^ ACE TREE SERVICE. RE-—' —• ——art —■ I I-II35 Wtd. MisceriB^iiB 30 'cash FOR FURNITURE AND AP-1 •------- Odd placaa or bouaafutl.T 1 badroom uppar DaE toll (Ualni room, axcaUaot vaat alda loaaUoo. •aparata vUUtlaa. IIS par aianth. “Bud” Nicholie, Realtor 41 lA. Clamaiu SI. FE s-taoi ar FE MEM FURN. OR UNI^HRN. ^oyinf HnhXjT: 3 RUB. fe bath. Fvt. ant. Root ond votai ;----------------(urn. Pbona Pootlac OB MIC. I. Flaaaa _____,.lbATE 1--------------- old coedi. althar by ^rota lala t pubtla a—* .. ______ouetlen. Appriuali L. R. Snort Sola Form. Raeboater. Mlehlaan. OL 1-M31._____________ Vanted ANTIQUE DISHES. OH, lanp.i. marbla-tap tiblaa. UT Wtd. Household Goods 29 Dum Trueka Saml-Trallera Pontiac Farm and Industrial Tractor Co. KU S. WOODWARD -T 4-St« “ ' • Opas PallT Includlni sunda\ LIORT BAUjiNb AND MOVInS klndTCheap. FE I-24M. rima. AND HEAVE TRUCKINO. lb. HU dirt, iradtas. aond, " aM (toBt and loadlns. FS uaal I OR a-t....____________ iuw FUR BThTBR, OrINO TdEM In. area, ar vaakandi, ltd Bar--Inttan. TT44 84 Mila Rd. DttaS. ^^oneyj^ni^^ M WANTED SI.MO. it FER CENT IN- O’DELL CARTAGE Xiocol and Ions dlaUaea marli ______Fbena FE 1^01 UNWANTED ARTICLES FlCKI UP frpa of tharsa. FE Mm. ' I BBDRM. BOUSE OR AFT. WITH ----- — *-----a apaea. Frafar Mbaalar R4 * Pid^f lit peconitfa^ < aarata or itaraaa i b aletaiw a( RmI Anbum. OL Biait.__________ r Quertera 33 tarma. UL WOREINO Room ON IIS W. FRXNCETON. vlU abara with sirl ar aldarly lady. FE MHO, altar 4:10 p.m. INO OtRL apt. n 4« ^arSdfa.*^HrB*MIIL* lil* w! ABILITY ^ Ta tea your Uad aontraet al low-'it poaalbla dlacaunt ta a aanlca »d UeCuUanrt baa itraa (ar riT t-im' ” H00MB~FW. EnV; B BiTH ... ____ __________ 4:30 p.SI. AduUi only. II Fine Orora, ____ . RUB. k BATH, UFFBR, UHL. turn. Aduiti. yri mom. AND BATH. tmUTIBS.' 4 jioom AI InQulra M i Root OU. 1ST FLOOR Si‘ibiritb!sf; _______________ Froapact Street. OB 3-1333. i LAROB' Ro6m8, tfrFBR. Nlci looaUon, Kaaao. lB|. 113 W. Huron. FE 4-7US. Hi------------— . _ .. WEBBLT. 3 ROOMS. rrata bath k antranca. baat utUltlai. Child valcomt. Apply. MM St. Clair Street. ATntAcriVE a rm. k ettch- anatu. Frt. bath k ant. UU1 k laundry (urn. W. Haion. flosa a. Holpital. ftaall child 3-tel or FE 1-1413. BACBBLCMt APT. 3 ROOMS ^k ^^art (ura. Onloa Lake. ilRUlli^E. NEAR WOOb- _____,____laria I_______ Oaad traaaporUtlaD. ... -. _____.RION, HOUSBEESFtNO aottataa. AU Ullltlaa WteUr ratea 413 7 B---------------- ____Broadway. MT 34IU. ilBST *tOOB' I Waabm. HI M wE F» FBW. ^oSumAaik' iii w>, u-m. Fum. Tta. M Auburn Halshta. Adulta only, UL M4S4. ildTE L Et Adulta _______ETTCI_____ ^ttaa fum. JU par Pontlao Uka Rd. OR TcE r it66^ X^ARtM^. Adutta oidy. Ml a weak. llTw. Raward. Tal. FE Mill or FB It Watt aide. I larta raama. __ bath, heat furulebA Uaatb to aantb ar laaaa oTallwt. 1131 per month. Call Itaattar Fail-ftdia. -------- Heat Furnished Tbraa raama. plua kltohan k bath. AU hara ana aaparatad badroom. Aa la* aaMI par moMbT Alia I rm. a badrm.. phu kitaban k batli Clean and attraeUraly daeeratad. Coiy tiaam boat. le4a « hat wujy ond Ujj^Jaem- you. a; Raalala. SLATER APTS. ■3 N FAREE FT. tm 4-iMa Aftar I and Bundaya. Sea Ca^ . Ur. CarroU. Al Arcadia Nearly —awm ymsi»wi»paia ________________door. Naar St ^a!to.**FB"^^ ot cmSm; ____ . badroom tarraea apartment. Stare and rafriiarator (umlihad Bue - "— “* k'.tcbanatta, Mrata oath k ant. Util, (urn worktu eauMa ar Mbdar. 431 N. Faddoek U. at -Sill modern 4 FAMILT. 1 BOOMS iiONirr for motino k RsKii- ^Aii^-c«rim“A; Parry. FE l-M». NEAR oeneiul hdsitfZirs il FE AlTII after i. Rent AptB. Unfurnished 38 kk a BEDBU. PARTLY FURN-lake front apta. OB XIM. grS-iF roorae’. Bai rafrlf. k rania. cam-pietaly radecoratad. The moat (or your manay. Off Cernmarea Bd., naar Onlan Uka Road, MU 3-4111 for datoUa, kLE________ FB »W7 tbomas ofbouterino Lest «nd FombI _AOLE HOUltD, BROS Mack B White iiady. a ALL CASH Ol k FRA BQUmBk If Tou Bead money aulckly. _ _ _ aa. temidlata acuou ' turn. Near OUT. FE I-IIM. . nUMtJu^SStSr l-d3l,|^»-P»^yM.^„^T.AN6^^^^ I Fontlac Ml Slilil. * 1~¥eDROOMS. I«0 UONtli. call I after 4:l| FE 3-llM._____ BEADLE HOUlfD, BROWN READ, '■'rek B White iwdy. namalMi: _/ Vlclrli* U Franklin Bird, k teaurd Uka Bd. FE 3-IIU. IM Orchard Lakt Are g^NDjhlWALE BEAdH fC#. ^cimw sathabaw k DUto B«y. iro 7-7014 after 4 ]Q p m. LOST: 3 YEAR OLD MALE BRIT- Uka.___________________________ LOST: SMALL BUl'OVA LilHiEfc watch. Reward, call daya, FB *■«<» Afttr A FE Hickory lUlMl. Whllmofa Lake' i WANTIO LAND CONTRACTS -Farma aad Laka breparty. Don't lota rour homa. Wa tan eeU It L^. AtraTED or STOl______ a* rtatoUr af'talairraph' k VMrbtit arauad Hurae Oardani. Anivart 1 of Ring. Call Judy at oiat. Named'Jerry? «wa ^eollar. aas M. Caia. FB IH TB OLD MALE BOEER !f ’ha-' ft® «», Raward. CUnloa Rlrar i;LTOLD~vmS~iS~fc paptrt. drirari Uctnsa. ^Ndtto^R PerwMls » ATTENTIpN merchants taUraatad U arttlng btsb suallty parfuma. Attrartlra tnal affar parfumo. Attrartlra tRal affar ham maaufactarar. Write Fontla Praia Baa S Ja'Nay Farfuma. PHVATE DETECTIVES _____1. OaafldaBt INDEBT? IF SO LET US Give You 1 Place to Pay Ease Your Mind WE ARE NOT A LOAN COMPANY MICHIGAN CREDIT COUNSELLORS •(tt: fizCTt «a* W cash 48 HOURS HOME —EQUITY WRIGHT-VALUE! Room. STOVE k RBFMIOBRA-tar furalibad Adulta only. 3N N. Faddoek. GI AND FHA iLSW CM FOR TOUR HOME a Me. FE 4-MM. IROOM TERRACE — —! tebool-araA lirtns tm, tUnlbi room, kftebae. :i dayncht baaamant, iota or eiaaata and itoraga apaae. Win dacarata for raiponatbla tananti Foul A. Earn. FE 3-I30S Bafe^^'R^T m5ar*S; ual antranea'a BaautUul kltchaaa. with amtal cab-Inata In decorator eolora with plai-tlo topi. Stare and rafrttaratar nuatabad. Aula baat aad bat water (aoft) for-alihad. Eltchaa (Ba, maitar.TT aerial and many alaar flae 11 BALMBB ST. FE 8-6918 Opaa Deny k Sun. It ajs. -t p.l. PRirAtE 4 ROOm AND BATH. Start, Frlgilairt. best, hat va- 33SI Auburn Are 'UL'Pim -Heated u-HiB ruum, aina«w. oaurwia, kltebanetta and bath. Front and rear prlrata antraneaa. Otrait. AttraeUra (aur-famlly bniidtSi 371 par maelh. Batai aulrad. FE 3-Tiei or I E*tlM5! Itlaa furnlihad. OR I- WEST SIDB. 3 AND J ROOt apartmanta. bath, beat hot vi tar, itora and ratiigarator fni nlihad. Naar St. BeBcdlct an Donalaao aehaela. Claaa to ahm ^g^and but tarrlca. Call Fl Rent Houses Funiished 39 FE 3-5117. after 3:31 BEOkil. NICBLf FURNTSRED. Full baaamaat, ell boat, itu-sar laraga, Laka prlrUasaa. Paul M. Jones, Real Est. » I as w Hi.r.n r*« I Parting., CaU TO P41M. , RatpecUbla aouplai a _________________________________ ________________________________, 8Ua?fy rVnMri'''anIyr^ra*"»iiti: Rent Ants. Furnisheti 37 bedroom apartment kr , i bedbOw.' oil heat, fub- -----------------------------— I Dr^ton . Shopping Cantor. OR ■ ‘ ‘ ' k*ant* FE* * bedroom doflee - Bnck ---------- with lull baiemant, gat beat — Tile bath. Hardwood Mama fcoad. OR 3-5774, I 1 RU. ROUSE, |4< U'O. MODERN. ' FE 4mi FE t-n Craieant Laka. MODEST MAIDENS Ey Jay Aha SXv >b»|.k»ft*- "1{ Just hBnuem that I Hhe people! ” Rent Houses Unturn. 40 I HEDRM. UTILtlT, food Featiae laeatton. U S-1163. ardtoa Raad. Middle SI 3 BEDROOM ROUBB. MSUtR 1^ meatairr achoel. (taa heat. Wal-tea and OpdyU Th^y. tm par month. Fbooa FB 3-1300. a BBSROOM. on. HEAT.. Oi 3 BEDRM. Dgl^ET MONET~»at~Mie1tato k ilWif, a bedroom Ouflbx. near Webstar echeot and abopplag- ■ m month. FH^lja: aublnel Oat up la im - SEA BOARD FINAiTcB OO.. IIM H. Parry. FE aSOSl. m.DEhirDgrtat. fcdOhlgt'iiO 3 BE3>RO0M HtMOB IN DRAYTON dran iraleoma. ntet eondtuen. CbU-a. FB 34I7E After 1 BEDROOM RANCH. LAftOi Llt- 3 Bedroom, aoer oirport. Boaomont, gariga, oil ftUDoca. MO moalh. R. J. (Dick) VALUE! REAL1 i oaiiaad FE l-eiM ~v- er FE NEAB BLUE pCY __________a Mo. FE 4AS3I. . BEDROOM HOME. Noor Wtaaar School. .... Call MA MM3. ___________ a BEDROOM HOME IN DBAl . FloUu, baa baaamaat, rarraotlon room, 3 oor garaso, lake locoa. Ntgo laaldo »nd am a month. OB 3-: 3 BimROOM. I BEDROOM HOUSE -ai 30474 [ UODEBM. , Ml P4r .. A. Ta’TLOR. Realtor. 4-03C4. BEDkOOW m66erW. beet, eloaoL ebUdrea vtleomo. 4-1470. 1307 Muiklofum. 8helb¥ vilLaoe, 3 BEDRM. .. near Utleo.------ 3 Bedroom rouse, attached pff'bVSk^^ISJd^-iJ; ■KS: 1 bedroom Rodu IN i Harbor. Chlldrtn valeoma. . -O^MTI. After 4 p.m. FE HIM. J ROOMS, UTIUTf AND BATH. ......l.n%KJa‘r~SiE*5!r 3-4834.___ . 4 BOOM. IMl^ttECOBATllO 4 LARGE BOOMS. SYLVAN LaIe. ■ Really eleaa. Fk 3-STia.______ 4 Room. ETTCHEN FUBN. I* 4 RM. k BATH. UTIUTt hW., Room AND BATH W AU-bum Halshta. MS month. Ftaoat FE 3-1371.____ I RMS AND BA^ OARAOi, Eoofo, outonmtlo furaaei too. ^ W. Hu^. FB »USk s am. k BATH. CT.o« or I BOOm. AUTOMATIC (HL HEAT. aloit In. MO. AduMiran Cnondlor. I-RM. HOUSE, FURN. OR thl-tum. Naar lehoola. Lk. prlr. >\ir- • ROOM Hodsh FE 4-74W_________ BEDROOMS. Oa ROdUS. - ____________ baat. too W. Howard. Call owner. OA SJIU. T HURON FE Mill i. _ ... - — not. 111. #k. — Bdltb. (ttmlahod aicopt |0i __________ _ ________________ __________________*“•*• ** School St. >bT741^.~ ■ " 13 RU. Ahr.. ErrcREN. uviNO i ----------------\ ------5m' and EITCHENBTO' room, both, badroom. FE 1-3101. FOR RENT: 3 BEDROOM fSr: hot ond cold voter lum- 3 LARGE RMS.. MEW, OTILI-1 •“* “ - ■ ---- ' ties, rilrlgeritor k itora. call I T altar l p.m. UL 3j3W. ________ Rm k BATH, REFRIO. itere luralihed. IM Waihinr 3 libOm. ElTCHENiTTE. FVT. bath k ant. Aduiu, lOp Norton. 1 BOOMS Am> BATH. BABY _woleomo, FE i-mt*. rSMiTlOTOTiM k BATh. CHILD walcoma. 43I N. Ferry FE 1~ Boom AND BATE. EZCEL- laat location West aide, cloit la. IM 3-car s*ibt* braasavay. fanead I yard. Taka prlrUasaa. Boat a^ ^;r—r ' dock Fun baaomant, washer and ----------------------- -loBik, Can Mr- 1,3t56iT~Arr. Mo. FE______________ 3 RMS., FVT. BATH ■tore. ntU. k rotrtg. ROUSE FOR RENT. 41 EAST laEe of ORi6n. 1 BEDBM MOD-110 Helithta Rd. mY 34234. *” ■ ?lo* ' * MODERN 8 R06m AND BAIH. 174 Wolrerina Drlra. CaU TW 3-1571 tOOU M(H>ERN ON vn la. Coal futnaaa. After S f call FE I-4S33. I RMS Abro. 1 RMS , AtJTO. HEAT. ATT*C»®D gar. Lake prtrliagaa. FE 3-8111. t ^Rm k BASSMENT. AUTO. heat, la FonUae. UL >1437. Room AND BATH, latament. aadnrajt, M Mac Motor. TM 3-4IM. 33 ORBEM STkEBT Urge homo, wlOi aportmeat . and 1 down, or uppar apartmant oould bo routed aa rooma. and 3 rooma up with kltcha rooms and kllchaa down.__________ matte boat Cleia to PoattM Qaa-eral Hospital, acnooli and buarA nloa neighborhood. 171 per moalb for whole bouse with prlrtlagoa of ■ab-lotttig upper 0“-*-------- " rooms. Eennotb O. IM E. Huron St. - Irlnktre. Rifireneei. fDRM. . ALL MODERN I oparimoat or 1 BEDROOki. MAIN | 5 Oineril Hosnltal. CaU ' ' 4 Room, . _____________________ floor. Near Oneral Hospital. CaU afur 8, FE H6M;_______________ 4 RMS k BATH, dl>FER. HEA^i 3-MM. tun, AdulU 0^. 133 Seminole, jjgw” month. FE I bqSms I larb^ Ml HalghU. UL 3-3110 ami »9M. . Woat atljr iAd’""KNSIM. WttATM in- AC- ATTRAOTIVl 4 ROOM, un- I beun. full baaemont. gar ^ Baat alda on bua lUta. OB I- ------------■■„■■■--- fEAUTirUL RANCH HOMl _ . BEDROOM. OIL HEAT.. orartaeklng laka. roaaonakla, la Near ^Alr^rt.^aepcMlblt couple. madlata pesiaielon. FE ^■4ell■ tn June : 3 mm, OR 3-0144. MiiorssgmT^arHBTiTsr- brick golrt ot 1171 Toylor ltd., oak for | rm.. 1' Lonnie Waorar. FE 4-IMl. < faroia. dOMWiltCB TWF..' LARO brick ranob, I badrm., (ami iSo a lito.%A VMU * dOiiNBLL, li4 Rent Houpps Unfum. 40 ra e.v. ww after 4:30. dBW T^fe6k"TI6l)iiir'Aift Autom^ Rant ------------- WnX DBOOBATB $75 PER MONTH FE 4-7833 M4 RABT BLYD. it. ATYALBHfU 3'ifcfiRM.; U6t>m*: iMrvr- r^^ N^^ljojbaatar. Baby vel- ’---55E511B-----— radaeoratod. Near Foatlac 111 AdulU. EM 3-3211.___________ ~ iEDBU. FULL BSklT. OA-rofa. Ok DUM Lk. BM>4ltt.l tlNMEY STlUCrr NEAR OAKLAND 2 bedteom frame, ell furnace Mltty r^i^atimni k aeretai aad IM M asoath. A|l..m4dark Imaiod. poos. Fb/FE $500 DOWN Nearty^now I bomat. Fim bstaataat., al-Man. He martgaga eoit. |m- -ss“ia, rsrr».«iujs!: Realtor. OL B223I. I'lo* 66«rtr"TAEE 6Hiii *Tf- mants. Ot morttaga. ua—'«“* Kftaa ALL BRidt tf. large braea , ploatarad. 2 flrepiacaa, alma. (ttU baaemaal painiTB aad tUad. Ootaar tot IM XIM. Yoeaal, llEIM tormo. im Hire on FoalUoTkbo —" “ 1-2771 after I ALL BRICK 10. lib alory, bsmgat. Oy urau."* ss“»!K BV owREE ------ 8-0422._____________ MODEKN I ROOM ROUSE. NEAR “ ■ " Ut »43M. BEDROOM. LAKE COSY AND CUTE - j badrm. brlelL Carport, uNioiTTaar^nLAioF ---- WALLED LK. MOD. COnV. NR. 1 bedroom.’ |12 vk. HA Uko, 14 BU, Bonn m rosnias. StoTo uM rmrlgarator furalabod. Oaroft. I badroom. Uool ter eou-plo, ITS per mo. MA 8^721. For Rent Rooms 42 AT BUS STOP LOX. FRONT RM. Et^UUbs tor oonTOBloaeo, FB Shower, garage. CaU i ____. ___ FUhtr Body Fontlac Motors. FE 4-Slflt. i^fSHTABLE BM. FYrTiAfH 30M7, 3^ uS! TV. EM Lk. Bd. CLEAN^ COMFORTABLE diRU NlCE ROME OF YOtR own at room rote. 547 W. Huron. AEliiLllMANi ROOM.'~iriCB FRl- . Cloaa to. FE >0814, large'SLSHFINO HOOm FOR " " ----------------- “ Imm*' . 33 N. JohntOB. ROOM p6r osaMjouH. cioss la. 31 Clolrmoat. ehewtrT re^Mat _________ BOOM IN CHBltTl^^H^m FOR Mania If daatrad. 75 1 BLCurtNo r6om 73 S. Forke ilElEFiff A rooms FOR MEN. Ill W. Huron SI. Alter I p.m. Rent Stores MUM - ON TBLBaRAPH BOAD oeroao from TeLBuroa shopping cantor. Large paved parking area. Parfaot rotoH or wholatola looa-tlon. Tou ooD aoU obaolntoly ouy-' I borol Boo ftoaltor Fortrldgo, W..Huron. FE 4-3511._________________ ULTBA-liiBwjg^H Rent Office Spuce 47 SHD FLOOR. I BOOm OF OP-Iloo apoea all or port. In boort of dovatown orto. Oomor loca-tlaa, Lawraneo and Perry Stroota. PoBtloc CommunMjr^Ftnaacf For Rent Miscelhiiyiis 48 lABAOH FOR ffia^Tls " lb. ra 4-w 1«AR XHSULAYED Ol storoga or bobby s-Tologroph. Ml moatb. For Sale Houses 49 3 BBDBOOM NEWLY DECOftAT-^aaomtal. aatooMtlo, fumca. r taroga, taria (roiA let. I mJ Bal4«la UM da. M. — HM Moaltoba n My. 3 BSbRkt. HOM* WITH FAhfLT FE 5-3bM. small garaga. I mUa (rota Laka Orion. M.lll tarma. MY 3-4M4. 3 BEOBOOM. 3 LOTS, k OJUUOB- Iniulra 3Ig Busaall. BY owner on oerao' lot aorsss from public sMool. Hoar Casa Laka. New gas fuiaaaa and complotoly todoeorat- WM7I Wm.MI... mwMW -([||^ OOWH BARGAINS lor*MiM*«tth (o*** PONTIAC REALTY • 3U30MB, I olda w«b alor«M_5^ ioMod tot. olumiBum .ttprma teraoBo. fully tnsulotod, bardi floora. M of alotot^-------------- ailoptng. only III Snd5“*® ‘ H. C. NEWINGHAM Corner Aubnn oad Creeko M. bo Ing. fUl-uwea w w down. EM 2M07. btdrooma. 3 — ----- "Custom Built Homes Stf ottr mod«l8. Poa^s Ro«h«s- Itr Ottea arau. Aka------ *nc!C^BniLDOs ' morion. Fontloe FE I 174 Emorson, Ft cimbSTi^ Twin LUu T f«i-ugra5^"5W: (loo Storflrt Bis. Oe, EM 4-W31. DUFi^, fob_ba1a I RTOm oach sldo. Clarkatoa i DON'T LET LACK OF CASH _____________ . bJeorOom homo OB Faddoek St, tn FooUae. HIM; MW doWB. call OA 3-3411. modm^o^ Mcbollf to Rarser fAr ooL6hia>:.....I pA'ifTIf houoo (or salt, la lood —■* as am with to* desra aayi 4 p.m. FE mM FOR COLOREb Kiosalo.v, 1 toto,, full wort.* Only M.H 3RNER 0 and Ntbraska, J bedroom, tun baaamoBl, oUlurwt. |7.tW with MW deva. or OI morttatt. Paul M. Jones, Real Est. 133 W. Ruraa OI 1 BEORII. BRldft I- . ty. Oraadda Dr. MUad l.. borhoed. Many ftaloroa. GI Resale — By Owner Watorford oraa. 2 btdrooma anc ear port, yaustlaa bllads. Fully iniulatod, Walklnf diataaaa to »^j^MW,_4tb par eoat mort- itOU^'^R SALE BY OWNER ^.ildar Jamos Dodd, 21 Dwtobt StrooL FE 4-5421!^) 1-bodreom brick bomat. Oat at and w ot 1421 Rooodolr u TUlaio. >bodroem bami Sbowa by oppMatmonL rtnE Income Just too right leeatlea (or (ur-nlabod place. Alvoya oceuplod. Nine 2 rwm a'.c ■Ai2^^T to. prlvato oatrOnei AV k farago. |2M< room fumuhod “oma and automatic Mo bo^ ook'floorlL SM*baat! I12.M0 ikrmt. WILL1.S M. BREWER JOSEFH F. Rim. SALES MOR. MW B. Ruroo BL FE 441II FE t-0M4 or FE SW2I ITflLY AVAILAI bedroom heikt, rocraatlon room, ll&l down, in monthly. LAKIiFfeONT itvtat room, ovorleoklns r of trees. Ovnor 3 BEDROOMS Full bath Bastmont. Aut WiThast. Oorata. Boto bulldtoit aluminum tidbit- 2 lots. Only C'UCl^EirREALTY FE MMl ■515X017 ■at baat. M2.WI, W,m dmra. M31 Dolaad SL OrwiaS PUtoa. omtAl? ^^%atna.**^ 4 5M?i' itfNOAL«S»;3 badroomt. Notorol ftropUee. PnU baaamaat. Storm wtodowa mto «Va,« mutt MU. CrU 55SJ“ciSr{.aSS; -----«rt.t IU.5W. JIM WEIGHT. Realtor SYLVAN VILLAGE TM-LETn. BllOk. 3 Bedroom TK boko prlvUogot. Urto panoUod ktaral ftroplaeo. 2 oar atUebod Leslie R. Tripp, Realtor TRI-LE\E:L STARTER fiJSi Giroux - Franks PTO,JjSL«-»» 6NLY$60 $7,500 -BALfN OPFICE- 544 EAST BLVD. •ELOEH 0^ Atom Md«MM9 W*. 44VW FE 4-7833 "SMITH" iRATTON FLAINS Cbelea of 2 bodrmt.. Ita. and dia. I <5^ paved n?t^"tsMl3Syitf tmnaporMUoa. paymoata. praclotad. SUBURBAN AttrocUca 3 badrm. bama with Craaaaat Laka prlvUtsaa. Oa Ursa lot. Ftlaad ot anly W.IW. A N N E T T 2 FAMILT-Iit dear o«bor saparato su (ureMsa. 4 ear N N WEST SIDB - Coevaalant eloat to leeatlea near blsB tebooL olaon k waU — rstad 7 roam k Hlh I------ Full boaamont. got baat. worm goraio.. I1I.IW. tormt. St. joo Boopltol. seed h “-n tor amoll titole — 1,^ 2 story Moak S IIO«. I nOTJ ■ IMP Wl8k Mdf.. fUU bMMIMt. 8Vrog\ i: allay. Often s( IlMWi U 2 FAMILT BRICK — Juit outalda of elty vlto Mt rlvUagao. Bach oM. bar rooma k boto.,hItb dr^ botamant, FA laeasis;"*^"*" .j&ig netful titt. PmmmiS SYLVAN LAKE GILES VacBiit UTI «aat wttb Jttw bm far-I. Nteo lat. pavat atiMl. Herrinpton Hills • foam, 2 badroom Mtob homo. iooomooA Morootton room, taa boat BoMbfui A «o«S? CaU (or apeUlmoBt Only' W.iw'vfS'tam* GILES REALTY CO. ’ S«*N . MULTIFtJB LISTTNO SBETtCS ^ "JIM BRin IUR« ioe tkio cuatom brick modal ot 1 li FABULOUS Tou muat IE’S baiha that » o, 5sr*j«S'.bi-.oto (•rr * ^ ---- ** nnam floor. lO n. oUdtet |Um cwei^.’r.s. BiedUaat rautai looaUoa. IS la ivod atroot C 2 ACBBS^WW DOfint ™ U vhM ran have beta won- HS&ZSfes WILLIAMS I4M BALDWIN Mroemt. M.-IW -down to new PHA morttatt. aS^aWu s John J. Vermet tova Jaa S2W Commaraa Ed. STOUTS Best Buys Today TAwnevudif About WT‘ --- — what you 4 FAMILT BIUCE-I rooms fcu‘*f..a*iSv‘"o.,1fa"or4 oor soraga. BseaUant watt lldt looaUon cloaa to bua. isrwwss* 11 ACRES NOWIH OP em - MS fruit traaa k barrita. propel^ all foneod. Noorly oarpatlnt. dlnlaf L. lorao bodrooma vlto cleatta, tfie Sai-.5’%.5!W.'3 BOY ANNBTT. INC.. RBALTOM 2t B. Ruraa St, Open EvoBtota k Sttaaay l-« FE 8-0466 "BUD' vhart irw nva anS yak vial to call homa. n aa. why Bot teha a iMa win oao a( ovr htB^i talatmaa aad took at tola briekr aaeb heme. Approach-tog too front ontranco to tolt diattoottvo raaldtnea fi?a^'‘a*5:ar~M vta ba a hunirloBt oamtl and you wlU appraetota toe roomy Itvtas room. Nait win oomo a tour of tot throe bodrooma a a v 1 ■ | gloomtw oak (leera aas atao tiMd etooeta. Hiaa eomot too otoan oate-a-apon aottot apaao bftahaa vlto atolri laodlas to huso tol alatd boaamaat that boa #0 bet wotoT booL eiootric voter baottr and laaadry tuba. Taa tola trip mv oad feoterM**oT?ily*itf2W. ” ^jni’gsunAJi!^ J atorasa attte, li ---- ----- -*ia if ae- -■ tvalva fiadat yaur ova laa Warren Stout, Resltor 77 N. SAOlNAir FB MIW Opaa ta t:W p.m. Faint of Heart? Juat what the doctor on____ Sf OTE*J?ISoB.'toti’iou\hla ful 3 bodraem ranch style bun-■alev with attaebad faras*- * leU. effem the aniwar to yc problem, aieauant laeatton. room, aatomatle boat and hot valor, oulal atroal, oulob poa-aaittea. l%td at tUJW HUB- WHITE BROS. 3-Bedroom Brick Nr. Washington Jr. High (Iraplaca. taparata..dtotog roam, breakfast aoW. l CM (3) Weather. CM (2) (4) NawWenthtr, teocti. (7) Curtain (cent) (9) Thia la Alice. ■ CM (2) Newa Analyst. (7) Bpqrts. «;« (3) (4) (7) News, Sports. 7:M 13) Ibis Man Dawson. <4) (color) Mich. Outdoors. (7) Bums and Allen. (9) Huddeberty Hound. 7:M (2) Lockup. (4) Plainsman. (7) Qale Storm. (9) MiUion Dollar Movie. Comedy: June AUyson, Robert Walker. "Her Hlghneas and the BeUboy," (’45). CM (2) Betty Hutton Show. (4) Bat Masterson. (7) Donna Reed. (9) Movie (began at 7:39 p.m.) S:M (2) Johnny Ringo. (4) Johnny Staccato. (7) Real MqCoys. (9) Movie (began a^ 7:30 p.m.) CM (2)Zane Grey Theater. Westem^ Vera Miles guests stars in *'Miss Jenny.” A young frontier woman married to a ner’er-do-well, sur-. prises himself with her decisions. - (4) Bachelor Father. (7) Pat Boone. Musical _ Viety: Pat Boone welcomes Mel 'Torme, "The Velvet Fog,” as a guest for songs, dances, and chatter. (9) Wrestling. »:M (2) Sfledal Tonight Drama: "Mrs. Mlidver.” Maureen O'Hara and Leo Genn star in TV version of the award .winning inotion picture. (4) (cdor) Ernie Ford. Musical Variety: Ernie’s guest is the power behind the Queen for a Day throne, * JaokBaUey. (7) Untoudiables. (9) Wrestling (cont) ICM (2) Special Tonight (began at 9:30 p.m.) (4) Bet Your life. (7) Untouchables (cent.) (9) West Point. ICM (2) Special Tonight (began ' at 9:30 p.m.) (4) Shotgun Slade. (7) Emle Kovacs Show. (9) Men of Annapolis. U:M (2) (4) (7) (9) News, Weather, Sports. lt:M (9) Telescope. 11;M (2) KIghtwatch Theater. Drama: Viliam Jean Arthur. "Ex-Mra. Bradford.” (’36). 11:M (4) Jbok Psar Show. Variety: 'Joey BirtK^, guest host. (9) Starlight ’Tbeater. Drama: John qUrflcId, LilU Palmer, "Body and. Soul,” ^ (‘ID. , FBnUX NOKNlNa C9b> (4) Continental Classroom. CM (4) (odor) continental Cla». CM (2) CU (2) 7iM (2) (4) wfon (I4w> wjas (iMs> ?.nvis:a WJBE. HtW$ wdaB; u«M WPON. Nt«a I wcAR r— ' WPOM. ( T ss-wra. OM4t amtt ijsjsnr i: Srm-wJa. t----- ... wwj. r. s^bHb OKLW a ftnsirttt aiSS-WOAK, WortUat WPOM. Nil* eoaSm SiSS-WJIl. N«wr CKLW. KnovlM WWJ. DccUion t;sa«-Wfll. IlMBh4vtr iSiM-wja dmNrt WJBS. ElieBh«ir«r CKLW, Kaowlra wxgg, sunsu tliSa-WflL Mail* PBDAI HOBNlMa ictw. R4«a rasp osvu JJBK. Neva 04STM Iwva eiMmta wptw. nmm Csmp 1:as-wm, uuttf Ban wtTZ. Ktva WeH gaw. Kevt otfis WJM. Niva onris ^JlK, tint, OMtss ma-wra OKLW, ( wrac. I siss-wra. Biva Mia Pa WWJ. Miva Warn wxra, anatsM ass OKLW. Niva Oa*M lliW-Wjlt. Mam WWJ. Neva Mmic WXTS. NtV(, Tmur OKLW Jm Vm WJBK, Niva aiM WOAK. NIVI IS:S^-CKLW,' jM Vu wtTS. LM aairaaa WWJ, N4» itotftn wxrk. wiBtir gun, Jm VM U:tS-WJB, TUSt t»A,Moile ramAx APnaNOON Pi’ -wra. w^ sh4^ ^AR, RiVI, POTM wfOK Niva Uvtl lisa-wja. Tiai tor HsMl IMS>WJR. ObaveiM WWJ, Niva Muilc OKLW. Jm Via WJSK, iM« WPON. ObueS Livli StSa-WJK, Cemponte WWJ, Neva Misviii wars. Muiic CKLW, Mrlit WJBK, Muile WCAK. NIVA IibbiM WPOM. BoStirk aisa-CKLw. Hivi. oiTiM 4im-wjr. Hum Ran WWJ, Nivf, Prweh wItk Mum SrjlK mmTi *’*"** a:ss-f7rja. MuKi bao S:M^WJR. NlVI, Hum WXTt. Muile WOAK Tm. Ii She Weighs Only Wiqiy S3 Pounds June Allyson Finds TV Hectic By JAMES BACON HOLLYVi’OOD (P ~ June Allyam, latest mi^ actress switch to tdevtoion, now weighs only 83 pounds. "And that givet you an idea rt hew hard my husband to working me,” says she. In her yean at MGM, June usually weighed inttnd 97 pounds — a weight at wfaldi you can’t afford to lose even-in ounce. "We didn’t realize how soft a job we had making moviei,” uys June. The weight torn ealy hotheva Jane ea aae soars. Rer ll-yasr- upstate, n was the last stop on subway. You know.” New Tetfc. Al thieagh th» la-tarvlew, thie brtkerad Jopa. 'I know,” Me said. "I’n eaO my mother. She’ll remen^er. This to silly. I grew up there. I Trent to school.” Her inotlier’s line »’ai busy, i "Ctoodneas,” she fumed, *‘l TV News and Reviews TV NEWCOMER — June AUyson, latest movie actreas to switch to television, models one of the gowns designed for her to use in her hostessing Job. Need Time to Campaign By GEORGE WEEKS LANSING (UPI)-Itoep It short. That’s the motto rt electkxi-minded lawmakers for the i960 ‘caretaker” legislative session that starts Wednesday. House Speaker Don R. Pears (R-Buchanan), reqionding to a questionnaire sent to all lawmakers, said many vrant an earUer-than-osual itart on campaigning ' mend fences which feU apart Tveakened during the long session a 1950." . Smsto majority leader Fraak D. Beadle (R-«. Clair) aaid be toe thought the seestsa weald be Bhert, bat amphaalted ”tt’s art sate to make predlcttoae around here>” "Many of us wiU have tough opposition in the primary election (Aug. 2),” said Rep. Andrew W. Cobb (R-Osie). Although the rule pravidinr for '’short” sessiont in even-numbered yean Can be amended, most lawmakers expect the 1960 session to adjourn by late April or early May. land) said he did not think the legtolature should "churn aU the bid Issues.” Joint rules of the House and Senate provide that Feb. 17 wffl he the deadline for introduettoo rt an but money bills. An attempt is expected to limit le session to couideratkm money biUs and those introduced by committees. The 1959 "cash crisis” lasted more than 11 months and produced an 87-miUion-doUar revenue package. The budget, resolutions for a Nov. 8 referendum on taxes, and other major issues should be disposed of earty in the year. "The legtotolon I have talked to have hod their fill rt legto-latiBg tor awlille.” mM Rep. George Moatgoiuery (D-Oetroit). TThto session wUl be a caretaker session, nMrklng time until the issuM are settl^ In the Novem-tlon,” said Sen. Edvl-ard HutoMnson (R-Fennville). "There wUI be no major Issues passed. Reps. E. D. O’Brien (D-Detrolt) and Alexander Petri (D-Ecorse) said the session could run longer than expected because rt holdover issues from the 1M9 session. * * * But Rep. Lloyd Gibbs (R-Port- Jamtt Darren to Marry Danish Beauty Queen HOLLYWOOD (AP) - Actor Jame Damn, 23, and Evy Norland, 21, who was Denmark’s entry in the Mias Universe two years ago, plan to many in about two weeks. They announced thehr ment Wednesday after datii^ for bout a year. They will marry fai the Lltfie dnirdi Around the Corner to New York at>'. They said they wlU then go to Copenhagen, where Darren will meet Miss Norhmd’s family. Rex Harrison Finds Interest in Tammie By EARL WILSON NEW YORK—Sexy Rexy Harrison’s Interests now include talented Tammie Orimes, the forthrl^t, offbeat St. Louto-to-Broadway blonde recently separated Dom actor (%rtotopher 1- , ,•«.» Wununer. Margaret SoUavan’s fraqaeat deprea. sioBa ware dlffleaH ta naisrstaad, fa flaw of bar talent. Raw Iranle! Laas tbaa aa hour befoia bar deatb, bar ex-baabaad, Producar Letoad Hayward, bad a toagtby pbaaa eanTeraatian WHb Rlchari BalU-day—•xeUlmlag abaat ber nadauMad act* Joseph Cotten's Wife Is Dead of leukemia ROME (AP)—Lenore Ctotten, 55-year-old wife rt American actor Joseph Gotten, died here today rt leukemia. She was hospitalized shortly ill (3utotmas Day. At the time, It Tvas reported that she Tvas luftertog from pemidoua anemia. ♦ W ★ Mrs, Gotten wras to have been flown to the United States Friday her American doctor, who arrived to Rome Wednesday from California. Gotten has been here since October working on the film “Temptation” with Ava (tordner. He and Mrs. (jotten had been married nearly 30 yeara. They had child, Judith. Drop Social Security * Age Limits for Disabled? WASHINGTON (ifi-A biU to remove toe age requirement for disability benefits under the Social Security law was introduced today by Rep. Burr P. Harrison (D-Va). Harrison to chairman rt the social Security subcommittee rt the House Ways and Means Oomnjlt-tee. ' - , Hiq bill would repeal extottog requirements that todhriduato covered by aocial seenrity must be at' least 50 years of age before they can qualify for benefits if disabled 'and unable- to work. All but disabled workers now must wait until age 65 to qualify for'b^its. JoNts etotbes — aad tillMS d«M. June got into telerision reluctantly, she says. Dick Powell, her husband, to president of Four Star Productions tnd is tycoon to the industry. One night hx was entertaining a group of sponsors. ♦ dr k "I thought I was just being a charming hostess tor my husband,” June recalls. TV next day the sponsors asked Powell If his wife would be toterestsd in television. Jam says Powrtl sold bar off toto totovtotoa sad tboa earns bsass aad M bar la sa tbe SB-cret "I hadn’t made a movie to a year and a half — and getting son rt contented. I’m not ,^u ambitious as I used to be.' Poirell promised her that she TTOUld only have to work 41 days a year. "I don’t know when hd got toat figure,” says Mrs. Pewefi. "it’s been more like 41 toiys a month.” k ★ dr But being dose to the pradUMr hu its benefits. June to getting a new look tor her anthology series. R started out strictly as a iroia-' w but June thinks it should bs geared Just as much to man. CBS' Space Race Report Straightforward, Effective By FRED DANZIG NEW YORK (UPD-Tbe series, CBS Reports, gave America’s missile and space complexiorf the once - over - lightly treatment tost night in an hour-long study called, "The ^>aee Lag: Can Democracy Compete?” k k k rn let Cbngress and the press deal with the- disclosures made during the program and focus on the hour as a ’TiT presentation. In rtnpie, rtfmlgMforwaid but The new gowns will have Lo-per's sophisticated lortc. No more rt June’s tsmous Peter Pan look. nasurE SB FROM An example rt June’s hertle TV ft came when a reporter ess-nally asked what her hometown "Let's sec. we once Uvad ta toe Bronx and then we moved Dttroit Bank Ntt RIms DEraon* ID — The Moautbotarv-ers Natiooal Bank rt Detroit la-ports 1969 net earnings of 96,400k-9dL aqusl to |Si06 a share. The net for 1968 iras 95,378,646^ $4.33 a share. never had trouble my. hometorm when I aws la movtii. You ad does to you?” k k k Her mother’s line ma stiti biuy. The reporter started nam* tog Wcetcheeter County euburbe, Whit# Plains? Mount Veraea? No. Pelham? "(A. I m glad you Mid that. » would have ruined my whole weekend. I ccune from Prtbam Bay.” wertc... Elvis Presley, a quarter rt a century rtd on lYiday, celebrates Tvlth a transoceanic telephone diat to Di(A Oarte’s American Bandstand show on ABC-TV . Jack Pear’s effort to add Mickey Rooney to file cast rt his NBC-TV Startteie special, scheduled for Tuesday. Jan. 26, met Tvlth an "unavailable” fttxn the actor. We learned rt the pnfclcias that eonfipontod and atin cooflrent the Pentagon and also hsard soaie 0-Ittmtnating ssoond-gueases oa a few rtoa, budgetary factors, come into pixy. BIG CUUMKE on 1959 Portable TV's HAMFTM’S tZSW. Hurwi FE 4-2525 Opan Evaty Nifirt 'M 9 F.M. «b* gRHHHBBRRRRRim^i There was, however, one _ I thought the program failad to Nidi upon. It’s my feeling the program could have addressed itseU to toe questiooK "Why to this apace tact SB important? What’s the bwtyT" k k k Aaodwr, the ground that was eeversd was coverid well. Once !. TV DIALINO AND IHJNR: Oiff Ai^ gaetle’s AR&TV stew is stfll sad- hearsed riretehes, introdve span- p •or signboards. ~ vtdewa ikM, hart OMriinat rt hide the dtosul writing aad lack- Dick Clarkll get sUr Mlllng at the Harris subcommittee hearings early next month. Hto appearance’s expected to take "several days. Victor Borge, celebrating hto birthday In Connecticut, said, "I can’t teU you which one-hut I’m starting to count In the opposite direction ”. . . Broadwray hears that the Mafia picture, "Brotherhood of Evil,” supposedly dropped because of James Mason’s illness, was thumbed out by three studios because they were afraid of gangster reprisals. Anaq Jsffrsys fled all that Hollywood JeUity to Asserts Ford Would Pass On Steel Hike •it (with Bob Sterling who goes Into the play "Boauin Candle” with lager Stevaas and JuUa Meade) ... The usually sedentary Mess Hart discovered figure skating and to praeticany, demoniaeally ... A ehaf- NEW YORK (UPI) - Any to-Is ond TV set for your S crasae to steri prlcas as a reniltlS i,._- i. *1,,. ■ rt file strike setttonient will have ■ flODI®, DOW II tu® ■ ■ tim® to get on® at 2 B big saving®—30 day ■ S exchange. S Mv,: ANNE eloquent about hto foadaeas for Alartu, wae a*e« by the bona, Harry Taakaa, ”But when in Nome, da you do as the Nomaas da?” ... Ed SaUvaa’s aetumlly smiliag new —about how hto Hedda-actae taraod out. ★ ★ ★ Larry Adler, trylnt to explain George Bums’ contention on Jack Paar’s show that Jack Benny thought he (Adler) to the funniest man living, recalled this Incident: When Benny peared as soloist with the Phllhartnonle. Adler sent him a wire before the concert, saying. "In case I don’t see you after the concert, Jack, you were Just great.” ★ ★ ★ June Allyson threw that jet crew into a tiszy when she lost her purse. (Found It tucked dorm In her seat later) ... FteiKh singing star Yves Montand’s studying English—for a whole week—before starting In the Marilyn Monroe picture. . EARL’S PEARLS: Imaginary Phone Call: "Is this the Hu< inane Boclety? Well, there’s a letter carrier sitting out here In a tree teasing my bulldog!” WISH I’D SAID THAT: "Jayne Mansfield to a method ac-trees—her method to to wear tight aweaters.”—Bill Rosen. TODATS best LADOH: Uu Brecker devtoed clock just for actors—it doesn’t ring, it applauds . earl, brother. ^ (Copyright, 19«6) an ^rm . . lut’s Lest April, wrbeu Joey Bishop first subM for Jack Pasr, he seemed ill at ease and basically unready for the job. This wrtek, Bilbos work dnrtog Paar’s vseettou has rirowa more strength, surtneas end eontnl over file show’s TRB OUNNEL SWIM] Lova _ and Marriage leaves NBC-TV aft- ]■ cr its Jsn. 25 episode. Rtvetboat moves into the Monday night 7:39-1:30 (EST) time slot the tollowtog S Big savings on our ! 2 6oi^ Usod TV S®ts to • ■ cut down on our In* 2 ■ vsntory Stock. If you ■ S ®v®r want®d a soc> ■ to be passed on to aotomobtle buyers, believes vies presidcBt James 0. Wright rt Ford. hi New Yoilc for the first public dtoptoy rt file new small Falcon station wagon, Wright, who to general manager rt the Ford Oar Diviaion, aaid the auto industry will hold fiia price Una if the ■M industry does. Bat ha said* the aale mm’s peett BMrgln tsat Mg eaeogh to abesvh even It mere per ear for alert. ”A drttor a ear Is $1-6-mataa Iw iked aad I don’t fWak to giva liMt away,” ha oaM. Wright said aalca rt the Fklean have been so. good, the Ught ear to autaelltog aU far^ cars to fiw U. S. and naming ne<9c and neck with the leading U. S Compact ear (Rambler). As a resuH, Wright said, Ford has lifted its first year sales target for the Falcon from 259,000 ears St toast 500,009 wjth a possibtUty that 600,000. wUl be madit From 14 WALTON RADIO I TV FE 2-2257 515 W. Wohon Cwrutr •! m i j SONOTONE House of Hcoring Free Hf,iring Test') VshicI® TitI® C®rtificat®s Proc®fs®cl at High Rat® LANSING (UP!)-N*ariy 1,626. 400 vehicto title eertifleatas wen prooeased toat year by the Secretary rt States’ Department, nearly 250.000 more than ter the preMous ear. ■ The 1656 iframber was second 1 only to the top year rt 1955 whan I the auto induitiy had record sales. I Tbsra w«re 3,737,037 ceitmeatesl MUNTZ TV S k R V I C E FE 4-1515 C * V niCTM MAIT