RSet a Ae an eam me omens i ! igi 2a is 5 alien AR leis ll. me ge oll j e ' The Wea » &. Weather Berean Forecast; Snow or Rain : . : _ Detaile Page 2 i : x* M4th YEAR x* PONTIAC, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 1966—8 PAGES © C PRESS _ ASSOCIATED PRESS ee a are GRACE PRESS PHOTOS 7 \ Flexible Wheat 2 Way to Basketball Game, ven Teenagers Injured in Bloomfield Car Crash Sev Supports Saved Seven Bloomfield Hills k * ' by Nixon § Vote. ‘route to a basketball game in Farmington Township, iw ere injured last night in a two-car collision on Lahser| - 46 to 45 Ballot Rejects Road near Maple Road. Higher and Rigid Prices|) Four were treated for for Milling Product ithree were reported in “fai WASHINGTON (?'—A tie-. ‘Ham Beaumont Hospital this morning. Harlan Davis, 16, of Franklin Road, reportedly suf- breaking vote by Vice Pres- fered a fractured collarbone in a collision with Roy E. High School students, en minor injuries. The other rly good” condition in Wil- ident Nixon last night nar-| rowly Saved the adminis- tration’s flexible farm eee YD lots Strike support program on w The 46-45 vote to reject a higher, level contrasted with the 54-41 tally ae hed Rebel Against England before on supports for cot- After Deportation of ton, corn and peanuts. Greek Archbishop In addition to Nixon, 34 Repub-| licans and 11 Democrats support-| ,, ed the ‘administration stand, while| NICOSIA, Cyprus Thousands 11 Republicans and 34 Democrats % Cypriots walked off their jobs, - voted against it. \in a paralyzing general strike to-| ‘day in protest against Britain's deportation of Archbishop Makar-' jos III as a rebel. WASHINGTON (#—Michigan’s | Tough British paratroopers pa- senators split again last night watiee the ‘streets of the Nicosia supports as - a Sone farm bill 90 per cent price ports on milling quality wheat. Sen. Potter (R-Mich) veted in State Senators Split *&* ighianie 53, of Lahser Road, “et sper to Protest Ouster -,jnorthbound lane of Lahser into his Laurie Pinkerton, 15, of Claren- \don drive, suffered possible in- |ternal injuries. Mary Ann Ogur, 115, of Jonathan lane, suffered a fractured collarbone and fractured arm. Andree Gallaudet, 14, of Shad- ow lane, was treated by her | physician in St. Joseph Mercy Hospital after being removed | | from William Beaumont. Nancy Lindbioom, 15, of Ardmore drive; Gretchen Raeder, 16, of Quarton: read; and Frederick (Guenther dr., 15, of Old Mill read, all were treated and released. — According to Bloomfield Town- ship police, Wetzel said Davis was driving south on Lahser road with- out lights at 7 p.m. Davis’ car hit Wetzel’s as Wetzel was making a left turn from the driveway, police said. No tickets have been issued. * faver of the amendment which killed the rigid support. Sen. McNamara (D - Mich) voted | against the amendment. | ~—— The Nixon tally knocked out 7 ‘special system of rigid price sup- ports proposed for ‘‘quality mill-' ing wheat” and set off an angry. parliamentary row that lasted for| hours. | Sen. Gore (D-Tenn), who chal- | lenged decisions of Nixon and | the Sepate parliamentarian. on the vice president's right to | vote, in this particular pariia- mentary, situation, promised to continue his battle Monday. The Senate uproar over the wheat vote came after Senate | clerks made a mistake and an- nounced defeat of the higher sup. ports by a 46-45 margin. ARCHBISHOP MAKARIOS SEN. GREEN SWITCHES jcapital and other centers. They Majority’ Leader Lyndon B. already had faced shotgun and’ Johnson (D-Tex) managed to get| bomb attacks in the night. Sen. Green (D-RI), who had voted) The government said the strike against high wheat supports, to hit the entire island. Almost all switch his vote. shops and firms in the capital But a recheck showed only 90S" (oro votes cast with the actual tally reaction, terroris then a 45-45 tie. Nixon broke it by voting to knock out the higher wheat supports. The action, if sustained by the The British refused to say im- House, would leave the support| mediately where Makarios was price on wheat at the $1.81 a bush-| {aken. el fixed for this year’s crop instead! The Greek Orthodox primate on of raising ‘it to = $2.26. ; ' (Continued on Page 2, Col. 2) rings of violent . fired shotguns at one patrol and hurled bombs at (two others. Three men were wounded. Tears in His Eyes... but HIS CUP RYNNETH OVER — Walter Buggs, 11, his eyes overflowing with tears of happiness, cradles his new dog in his arms after the pet was was killed by a turned him by the American Society for « Muickly named. the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Walt’s tor" ~ veiled ancestry, \ 4 ‘Do U.S. Schools too long in America's schools, a ijconvention of elementary | youngsters have difficulty grasp-| ‘book a month; writes the equiva-, lent of a book in a lifetime—but mer pet, a young German Shepherd named Rex, /the cooperation of local citizens, Take ‘Listening’ ‘for Granted? DENVER (#—The art of listen- ing has been taken for granted school principals of the National Educa- tion Assn. was told yesterday. Dr. Helen K. 7 wate = now U.S. Office of Education is borne out by the fact eet” Sha Royal Oak Man. Highway Victim: Auto Rams Brick Wall ing something presented to them) orally alone. “The average person,"’ she said, “speaks the equivalent of a book a week; reads the equivalent of a of Halted Vehicle listens to the equivalent of a book every day.” Impossible but True; Texan Dislikes Texas PORTSMOUTH, Va. #—There's at least one' person in Texas who doesn't think it is’ tops. The Portsmouth Chamber of Commerce received this letter \from a woman in Midland: “Virginia seems the ideal choice to me. I am sick of Texas wind, dust, rawness and monotony. David L, Rembrandt St., dead on admittance to Beaumont, Hospital early this morning after | his car went out of control at 11 Mile Rd. and West Street. Delson, 27, of 715 South Main St., a passenger in Delson's car, is in serious condition at the same hospital. Royal Oak police said Delson attempted to pass Joseph G. Please oem me information on Sherman, of 207 South West ‘your city.’ St., whe had stopped to make a —— — left turn, ran up over a curb into the side of a brick wall. Sherman and his wife Janet, who was in es ear, were eo Easter Adventure Tale Starts Monday The story of Eggbert—another | special Easter Feature — will in The He's Happy ets: start Monday Pontiae | Press, The Easter that Walt Scott, famous artist, has and drawn for both ' youngsters and grownups will run for 18 days, adventure | written | man carved out of wooed. He's | te be grandfather's Easter gift | to Cissy, a pretty young girl who ean’t walk. Watch for this beautifully il- lustrated and entertainingly writ- ten feature starting Monday, March 12, in The Pontiac Press. SUBDUE KEEGO BLAZE — Kenge Harbor firemen work to extinguish the still-smouldering fire which totally destroyell a two- oy six ™— — at ane Conte St. yesterday afternoan. The Frank, 6 months, from the five. _ Gloria Manross, 29, of 1418 South — Delson’s car hit Sherntan’s, then, _ it was official—was financed part- ‘help of his father, Barney Peck, a Eggbert is an egg-shaped little | jwill move into the ice bridge in| Betty Polson, 28, was critically ‘Wealth of Taxpayers’ Population’ Strides Swell! Oakland County Treasury Some $10,-' Oakland County is richer than ever. ‘on the books at the beginning of the month, according to County Treasurer Charles A. Sparks. An increased number of taxpayers, attracting more, ithe record balance; Sparks said. The peak was reached, he explained, mainly because ithe comes $ 57 cities, villages and townships last month. ——‘*delivered the bulk of 1955. tax collections. Collegian, 21, Youngest to Join ‘Stock Exchange PHILADELPHIA (INS) — A @ Fate of $600,000 a week. ‘University of Pennsylvania under- Quty about 57 per cent of the graduate—just turned 21° years of /Ptesent cash actually is ear- ‘age—has become the youngest ™#rked for operating the numer- ‘member of the 1,300-member New| = brig offices and services, York Stock Exchange, : = , ‘ Most of the rest Stephen M. “k, ’ in the ephen M. Peck, a junior in th the tate in Wharton School of "Finance and $648,778 for the county road com- a fourth of all money the county) handled last year, Sparks said. The. present sum, plus additional funds | comes from Commerce, was elected to mem- mission and $324,566 for the drain- bership Thursday after buying the commission seat for $99 000, out state The young financier—who says area, he owns just a few common stocks Another $111,042, held for school now—plans fo engage in business libraries, represents money “Be- Both agencies carry plans to improve the ion the exchange after completing cently returned by the state from college and military service municipal and justice court fines He said the purchase—kept se- Items such as these are mostly cret from his fellow students until.invested in banks, Sparks said, where the interest rate is one per ly on his own and partly with the cent Also placed in safe - keeping With the county is money from neither taxpayer nor state, but which the treasurer is obliged to hold by virtue of his office. member of the New York invest- ment a of ae & Co. To Begin ice Breaking CHEBOYGAN ® — The Coast) This includes, for example, $25, Guard cutter Mackinaw will start,720 in escheated estates—~inherit- its spring ice-breaking operations ances which around March 15. It will operate another heirs -have not claimed. jin the Straits of Mackinac in prep-, The county takes care of them for ‘aration for the opening of the seven years, Sparks explained: spring shipping channels It also then the state takes over Another $59,972 is being held in the Bois Blanc Island area. | {Continued on Page 2, Col. 2) Superintendent Reports to ‘Stockholders’ By BURDETT STODDARD In maintaining a sound school |program “there is an obligation) “ jto strive for continuously better! instruction and learning,’ Pontiac: Superintendent of Schools Dana P. Whitmer said today. ) Whitmer summed up the school © 1 |system’s present status and plans| “ |plus goals his staff and the Board. A, Wirephoto ot Education hopé to achieve “with Dr. | hit-run driver on Feb. 21. Whiter. his new pet, a semi-beagle of “Bruce.” “This is a report to the stock- | holders,” said Whitmer, ‘‘he- | cause schools are an investment ‘current operating budget of $5.- | of your money, children and con- |fare of our society in general and) cern in the future of Pontiac and Pontiac in particular.” ” = Toward these objectives, Pontiac schools represent a mul: ti-million dollar enterprise with a In Today's Press 595,020, some 17.835 students, 975’ Building News "07 there 24 employes, 27 school buildings, an| Church News .......... 10, 11 athletic stadium and two office County. News: 3 ..0.0........05 1? buildings j Medlteriale . .....ccgeceisceccss 6 “‘HoWever, the importance of this! Sports... 2... cece eee *5 lenterprise ties in the contribution) Theaters .,.... vee 16 18 | to the intellectual, physical, moral,| TV & Radio Programs veseves 33 social and emotional development! Wilson, Earl ...................3 jof children and thus to the wel-) Women’s Pages ............. 8,9 H 4 te fire was reported started by children playing with ‘matches. Mrs. Cash-on-hand represents almost) received this year, will be spent at) such amounts as) for one reason or! the | ‘Poation Press Photo burned while rescuing her baby, { | | } Crash Injuries. Bums Citic as Flames Gut Keego riley Woman Dashes Through ~ Blaze to Rescue Child; 2 Families Homeless and her six-month-old baby, seriously burned when their house caught fire yesterday afternoon, still. were in critical condition this morn- ing in Pontiac General ‘Hos- pital. Mrs, Betty Polson, 28, jsuffered second-degree Fatal-to Victim ec Lapeer Man Dies Here After Running Into Side 982, 262, more money than at any previous time, was of Effects of Head-on Collision Thursday Eldred Thornton, 45, of Lapeer, Royal Oak, was and more funds for state-financed service, is the reason who was injured in a headon colli- ision on M24 at Brown Road Thurs- day, died yesterday afternoon in Pontiac General Hospital. Thorn ‘ton suffered a concussion and pos-| isible fractured ankle in the crash. He was a passenger in the car idriven by Arnold F. Bullis, 44, of ‘North Branch, who reportedly lost! control of his car on a down-grade and crossed the center line of the |road before hitting a car driven by 23 year-old Clifford E. Morris of (518 Orchard Lake Rd, ’ | Both minor injuries. Cecil E. VanHorn, 30, of Lapeer, a passenger with Bullis, was reported | in satisfactory condition in Pentiae General Hos- pital yesterday, suffering multiple lacerations 6 Two more Bullis passengers,’ Herman Kreger, 52, of Silverwood, and Orel D. Carson Jr., 20, of La- peer, both were treated and re~ Jeased, Snow, Mercury Dip, Outlook for Tonight According to the U. Bureau, it will be colder tonight with snow beginning tonight and continuing tomorrow. ably be row Tonight’s low will range from 26 to 30 degrees, The high tomorrow! wilt be near 32. ; The lowest temperature eee ing & a.m. was 23 degrees. thermometer registered’ 34 ™ 2pm . schools staff is introducing an expanded testing program de- signed to aid students in—setect- ing a vecation and pinpointing | any shortcomings in their educa- | tion which might be corrected, A review 6f the senior high edu- cational program is under way as the first stép in planning a second senior high; due for opening: in September of 1958, said Whitmer. The junior high program is also ‘being revised to assure each pupil ‘three full years of English, math- drivers were treated for S. Weather, It will prob-| mixed with rain tomor-| i 3 le a ot | He EE Leis ‘Missouri Mule | Being Kicked Out tor Show Horse KANSAS CITY @-— The ‘Mis- sourt mule, a standby of the big- \gest livestock show in its native state for 57 years, is being kicked | “We had many more requests to eliminate the miule from the show and turn the space over to the show horses for the show this year (Oct. 20-28)." The Missouri mule - tenacious hard-working and even considered a: thing of beauty by some of its !/fanciers—owes much of its reputa- \tion to the Army, A mule named Verdun was the most widely known mascot of \World War I. He belonged to the 15th U, S, Field Artillery which held the lines in the memorable ‘battle of Verdun. An estimated 68,000 mules were casualties in the first World War. ‘And in World War II the mule was ‘used extensively by both the United States and its allies, Pope to Bless World VATICAN CITY #—Pope Pius | XII will bless the world tomorrow jin a highlight of the solemn cele- e bration here of his 80th birthday land the 17th anniversary of his |coronation. City Schools Face Challenge of Growth \civics plus lesser amounts of sci- ence, physical education, indus- trial arts, homemaking, music, speech and dramatics, The board attempts to secure the best teachers possible by maintaining a salary schedule which compares favorably - with others In the state and conduct. ing an active recruiting program, Increased assistance to a? from supervisory persons en- couraged and teacher + education activities carried on iematics, history, geography and including (Continued on Page 2, Col. 7) A Keego Harbor woman | ‘Brain Research Technique Told New Experiment Keeps ' 17, The checks were made out on wah. : i TARCH 10, 1956 Hyman. in Water for “ WASHINGTON:@—A new: tech- nique in brain research in the subject is totally immersed in was described today by a govern- pi scientist who has undergone i. ‘ 1 The idea, as explained by Dr. John -C. Lifly-of- the National In- stitate of Mental Health, is that the boredom and monotony ma: create_even in normal minds hak. lucinations. akin to those. experi-} enced by the mentally ill. When he tried it, Lilly! said, he began to imagine. after about 2 hours that he saw “small, strange- ly shaped objects with self-lumi- -nous borders” and “a tunnel whose inside space emitting a blue light.” In what he described as pre- liminary experiments, Lilly said a Volunteer was suspended in a ‘tank of water, naked and head a kind of “dead man’s through nected with a blacked-out mask. Otherwise, he is virtually isolat- ed from-physical and mental stim- ulation. Lilly said the technique might be useful in producing in normal persons (a) temporary mental disturbances which might provide clues to the causes of men- fal illness, and (b) a feeling of Safsies Dulles Hine ie etl | <1; BH : Arrest Detroit Man for Passing Checks confessed partner in a series) Charged with uttering and pub- lishing is Bernard Green, 19, of Detroit. 2 * « Det, Allen Noble-said Green con- fessed passing three checks for $78.30 in downtown Pontiac Feb. blanks reportedly stolen from a) which), - water for as long as three hours seemed to be} in}ment knows it would mean a quick — "THE PONTIAC. Policy of India Optimistic After Confab With Nehru Concerning Aid to Pakistan ending of good relations between the United States and Pakistan. “And the United States would be on India's .side if the matter before the United * * e Dulles’ support earlier this week at the SEATO meeting in Karachi of Pakistan's demand for an im- mediate plebiscite in the disputed Himalayan state of Kashmir pro-| voked angry outbursts in India. Cypriots Striking fo Protest Ouster Group mi Recreation Plan High Flood 500 Families tions in : manca, N. Y., -hit by the to Study Advisory Council Seeks Data on Leisure Time Activities in Area The executive committee of the Greater Pontiac Community Advis- ory Council met yesterday for its, monthly meeting and authorized, the appointment of a recreation study committee. The proposed committee, yet un- named, will consist of 35 members and will be an exploratory group to study needs and facilities of leisure-time activities for all age groups in the Pontiac area. The executive group also an- nounced that some 200 nrembers of the Advisory Council will gather at the City Hall March 15 hear a preliminary report on the newly created committee. The council is composed of 278 (Continued From Page One). this British colony in the eastern the Greek Cypriot drive for inde- pendence and eventual union with Greece. | The le ae RIVER ON THE LOOSE — The Allegheny River jumped its shown winding through the town. Over 500 families in banks and flooded the downtown area of Warren, Pa. The river is homeless as the result. PRESS, SATURDAY, - a AP Wirephote the area are Waters Keep Homeless flood in history by the overflows from the ‘Allegheny River, re- under the state-of-emer- icy orders issued by the mayor of the city of 9,000 population. Warmer weather, thawing and| High water along the Allegheny flooding and tributaries in northwestern Pennsylvania and southern and western New York State kept some 500 evacuated families from returning to their homes. The Ohio River was above flood stage at all river locks between Pittsburgh and Wheeling, W. Va. feet above flood stage at any point where flooding occurs. The Ohio was three feet above the 32-feot flood stage yesterday at East Liverpool, Ohio, and 2.2 feet above the 38.2 flood stage at Wheeling last night. Light snow and snow flurries fell during the night and early morning in central New York and in scattered sections of New Eng- land. Similar precipitation was re- ported across the northern Rock- ies, parts of the Northern Plains’ Rain or snow fell in the Pacific Northwest, with falls generally) light. Heaviest falls, from 2 to 5 inches, were reported in eastern Montana, Wyoming and the west- ern Dakotas. of the eountry reported rising temperatures. Biggest advance, from 8 to 15 degrees, occurred in the Southern Plains. members from church, civic, government, social welfare, | Meriterranean was the leader # and business groups from the Pon- itiac area. | Fred V. Haggard, president of labor, Pontiac Deaths Mrs. Grace O’Hara y oe Most of the southern ona Pair Confesses fo Theft Series Recover Stolen Articles After 2 Admit Robbing | Five Places : and a newspaper accused French ;stormed and sacked the U. S. Con- sulate General and information| — tlers also wrecked the offices of The Day in Birmingham = Accuse Police in Tunis Riots | Officials, Newspapers TUNIS. (INS)—Tunisian officials today of “shirking” their du- which a rampaging French mob center in Tunis, eh e The anti-nationalist French set- two Nationalist newspapers, One of the rioters was killed by a pistol shot before police suc- ceeded in clearing the streets, Tunis today still showed the ef- fects of the outburst of violence Downtown streets were littered with debris near the sacked buildings and heavily-armed po- Hee and army reinforcements One of the sacked newspapers, Le Petit Matin, today published an account of the riots and ac-| cused the police of failing to cope with the mobs. | * * “* | The other newspaper, Al Amal, did not publish because its presses were badly damaged in the rioting. (In Washington, the State De- partment said it had expressed its “concern” over-the riots to the French government.) The French High Governor in Tunis, Roger Seydoux, telephoned the American consulate in Tunis to express his ‘‘deep regrets” about the incident. * * The mob of Frenchmen, who gen- erally regard Americans as being anti-colonialist and pro-nationalist, was aroused by the murder of two |. Confessions by twe city men yes- terday cleared up. Sve- burglaries here over a year ago and brought about the recovery of several hun- dred dollars worth of loot, Pontiac police said. . . Arrests of Chester J. Knicker- backer, 39, and Robert L. Merril, 18, came after a two-week investi- gation by Waterford Township de- Pender. They said Knickerbacker was suspected after hig arrest for in- vestigation in another case. At Knickerbacker’s home at 1000 Myrtle Ave. police said they re- covered everything except a cam- ‘era taken in breaking during No- vember 1954 and February, 1955. | Articles included an_ electric drill, pistol, adding machine, radio- , radio, type- and the extreme northern Great writer, archery equipment, fishing Lakes region. |rod and photography equipment, police said. Air Force Officer Tells of Jet Noise’s Effects Speaking on “sound’’ in jet air- 'eraft and the effect of jet noise in jcommunities near air bases, Capt. |Robert E. Nash Jr. addressed the weekly meeting of 9613th Air Re- serve Squadron at 37 W. Law- rence St. Thursday night. Stationed at Selfridge Air Force |Base, Captain Nash is Assistant |Operations Officer with Headqua- 'ters, Ist Fighter Group. capital of Nicosia seemed|the Oakland County CIO Council,| stunned in the first hours at word | s head of the organization. that the British had whisked their) Detroit manufacturing company, Noble said. *«e The Rosary will be said at 8 : p.m. Sunday in the Brace - smith Meter Revenue Gain uneral Home for Mrs. Grace) MUSKEGON uP + An alleged partner, Polk Stew- _ art, 24, of Ferndale, arrested Feb. spiritual leader and three. of his BI d B k Seek lieutenants in a giant Royal Air, 00 an to F O'Hara of 82 Murphy St. The funeral will be from St. Benedict's Catholic Church at 10)ters on streets and lots, reported, The city’s jautomobile parking system,'a mu- ‘nicipal utility operating 1,418 me- ‘4 ‘28, waived examination on the big —_ cent. “rolled : { T | | . same charge and was bound s . Shopkeepers ro 00 P for appearance in Oakland Cony : In S af emp e |Hope Cemetery. down their shutters. - * * * Circui : cone Nitec Reaction abroad was swift. Oakland County blood donors are) Greece recalled its ambassador Téminded that the Red Cross Blood-| | Charge Factory Worker Be: in Theft From Building A factory-worker, 25, who admit- tedl to London and complained to the Mobile will make its monthly visit! United Nations. Political leaders ‘0 the Elks Temple, 114 Orchard tounding . . . brutal.’ In Athens, P-m. | stole and cashed a fellow-| students stormed through the Mrs. A. H. Magnus, Red Cross "s pay check, was arrested streets. Riot squads were rushed blood chairman for .the- Pontiac : = yesterday by Pontiac police. ito guard the British Embassy. jaree. said 200 pints are needed to & So far, John C, Gordon, 320 Wes-| In London, opponents of Prime bolster the supply of the Commu-| sen St., is charged with larceny|Minister Eden denounced the de- nity Blood Bank. from a building, but a warrant for) portation as ‘‘an act of folly . . .| : forgery may be sought, according) madness." : screaming Grocery Stores in the county, plus Gordon was arrested through in- are expected to donate a portion U.S. 16 last night. 5 Ld formation at the bar where ve Population Swells lof the much-needed blood Monday. | cashed the $52 ¢heck, Noble said. | : Oakland Treasur The Weather (Continued From Page Y ‘that the monthly campaign will resume on May 14 at the same! location. | ,PONTIAC AND NITY — Inereasing| driven by a 34-year-old Grand high 31-35. — Regianin ¢ tonight and (trust for circuit court. It is money contin w, prebably mixed with rain temerrew. Lew tenight 26-20, on wis meine © tee ook eren: 15 m.p.b. this afterneen and tonight. Today in Pentiae Lowest temperature preceding & a.m collected and ordered held while. damage suits are in progress. Some $8,667, presently invest- ed, is ‘listed by the office under cemetery trusts, Interest Is used Beef Council Leader Beefs p.m. Moon rises Sunday at 6:01 a.m. 4 23. | Dire 8 r "Bouth, soo tenet 12 mph | Georges-Newports Jewelry Dept. Girl Scout Lead- Phone FE 2-8378 Lf —~ For many ‘years, most people—especially male pie sae LC s were written) “pxtra—Jane Russell Has Legs!” headlined the Manchester| ~ Katharine. And it was strange’ “her face because the two Hep-| Columbus. The first use of longi-| , jolts, making for a smoother ride, designers claim. Edith Cox is shown above forming a spring bellows, She works at a Firestone plant at Noblesville, Ind., which makes the spring that resembles /several small tires placed on top ‘of each other. Hints Tightening of Trade Policy Senator Says Congress to Clamp Down to Cut East-West Commerce trade with Russia by writing some | “mandatory controls’” into foreign aid legislation, The Eisenhower administration to continue the foreign ‘aid pro- July 1. Jackson serves on the Senate Investigations subcommit- itee which is exploring this coun- curbs on East-West trade. Chairman McClellan (D-Ark) __jannounced the subcommittee will jinvite Secretary of State Dulles to appear before it in a further ‘trols, The administration so far jhas refused to disclose this infor- mation publicly, Dulles; now in the Far East, is not expected iback until late in the month. Harold FE, Stassen, Eisenhower's special] assistant on! |disarmament problems, testified | | yeste rday it would “serve the en-| lemy’’ to disclose publicly the iscope of the Western allies’ agree-| ment to relax controls. Stassen was foreign aid chief at the time. He directed the U. S. negotiating team. Secretary of Commerce| |Weeks also declined to give such| information publicly, ‘Skeleton Safety Scare Mo. #—Jaywalkers | | COLUMBIA, lin Columbia have been’ startled iby a macabre apparition banding them printed admonitions on traffic. safety. The skeleton costume, usu- ‘ally confined to Halloween pa- rades, was part of the Building arive™ fof McClellan WASHINGTON 4 —. Sen. Jack-| gram in the fiscal year starting ltry's role in the 1954 easing of] effort to “get ‘details and docu-| ments relating to the relaxed con- | President | Trades Council's city wide ind 2) Begin Draft’ ‘Want Senator tarHead Special. Group Probing Lobbying Practices WASHINGTON W—A strong. ef- McClellan, who hes'e, sebiteiten in the Senate for being tough but fair in an inquiry, now heads the) _ Senate Investigations subcommit- ‘ltee. He told reporters he does not want the new post and is “‘loaded| to the gills’ with other work. But he did not say he would not ac- cept it. The eight member committee, jof Janis Estate RCH 10,1956 < ee: 2 Servants Get ‘ Major Portion LOS ANGELES The late E!- | Affirmed by Court Bey law. , Gold filed with the National Labor | Conviction ofRed WASHINGTON =) By a tie’ vote, the U.S, Court of Appeals § | yesterday affirmed the conviction) of Russian-born Ben Gold, 57, for- Tope att P= hr rime ao EXTRA VALUE | ‘charges of filing a false non-Com-| munist oath, — the Taft-Hart-| j SO | Joseph Forer, one of Gold's at- torneys, promptly announcéd the | wat ’ | * 8 @ Gold, a New Yorker, was con. victed by a district court jury in ‘April, 1954, on charges of falsely denying Communist ties. The de-| nial was contained in an affidavit Relations Board: He drew a prison sentence of one to three years. He has beer free pending outcome’ of his appeal, lican members would not accept him for the chairmanship, Highly placed sources who de- clined to. be quoted by name dis- closed the movement to draft Mc- Clellan for the job. The special committee was cre- ated to investigate any improper or illegal efforts. to influence sena- An In You Are Reiph J, Austin al ivited fo Make AUSTIN-NORVELL AGENCY, 70 West Lewrence at Coss — Your Insurance Headquarters All Types of Insurance Free Customer Parking Austin-Norvell aN itation | ie ‘| : | Monday Evening | ONLY Insurance | ven Agency, Ine. 6 P.M. "til 9 P.M. 10 W, Lawrence at our | FE 2-9221 Downtown Store ) ; i “ ¢ | 1! | j the Easter Parade! Be sparkling lean . « « Now is the time to have your suits... coats... dresses . . . curtains and draperies dry cleaned! . | Your Choice I} of Any Topcoat (Our Entire Stock) From $55 to $85 Cash and Carry ‘39 NO COAT HELD BACK! Regularly Priced - DRIVE-IN 2” GRESHAM YOU MUST | SAVE at LEAST $16 CLEANERS | Advertisement) EMERGENCY 605 OAKLAND—Just North of Wisner Stedium SERVICE Coll FE 4-2579 for Free Pickup and Delivery | ON REQUEST Branches: 328 N. PERRY — 97 OAKLAND Advertisemen . o ——_ Advertisemen yertisem it) Advertisemen it) Choose from: — | + Imported Tweeds Gabordines we Fleeces % Shetlands % Many With Zip-Out Linings As Usual, ot Osmun’s, You Mey CHARGE or LAYAWAY Your Purchese! Open Each Monday and Friday Evening Until 9 o'Clock Hemet se LENSE TEIN WATCH ... This Spoce : _ EVERY SATURDAY for ,. OSMUN’S MONDAY EVENING " EXTRA VALUE! - suing a In’ Cairo, at an Arab summit conference,..the king of oil-rich ‘Saudi Arabia, the dictator. premier | of 's President * * * istry since their nation was born in 1948. Also involved in the Middle ‘East crisis ‘are -two 20-year-old reyal cousins, Kings of neighbor- Jordan and Iraq. Here are the personalities at a quick glance: DAVID BEN-GURIN Balding, white - fringed Prime “Minister of Israel; born in Poland @9 years ago. An early. Zionist, he fought for.40 years for a Jewish state. Given honor as prime min- ister in the spring of 1948 of is- proclamation establishing thé state of Israel, Doubled as de- fense minister in the war with the ~ Israel's birth, Retired to'a com- munal settlement in 1953 but came back in Febfuary 195% to take over Defense Ministry again in the Moshe Sharett government. Resumed prime ministry last August. : MOSHE SHARETT Foreign minister of Israel. Born Moshe Shertok in Russia 61 years ago; Palestine at age of 10, A Holy "Lead shepherd boy, was raised among Arabs, Zionist, he became Israel's first foreign minister in 1948.- Prime minister from 1953 to 1955. GAMAL ABDEL NASSER ABDUL HAKIM AMER Commander in chief of Egypt's army; by treaties boss of com- § bined. armies of Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Syria. Born in upper Three-time President of Syria, Arab world in the ct current Middle East crisis. From the deft are Egypt's army born in Damascus 61 years oat 2 Tots ‘Critical’ After Fire Kills Brothers DETROIT ® -— Two children whose brothers. died in an apart- ment fire yesterday fought for their/: livés today in a hospital. Both suf- fered critica) burns. Police said. the children ap- parently started the fire while playing with matches. Dead were Preston Tillman, 8. and his brother, Leroy Jr., 7. Their sister, Shirley, 3, and 11-month-old brother, Harry, were reported near death. The mother, Virginia Tillman, 25, was away shopping when the fire broke out. With her was the Tillman's fifth child, Diane, 4. The father, Leroy Sr., 27, was working a few blocks away at an automobile factory, Cannibals Arrive in Hawaii to Eat © Farm Scourge HONOLULU wW-—A. shipment of some 200 hungry “cannibals” ar: rived yesterday—six less than left) Leesburg, Fla., Wednesday, The camnibals, carniverous eug- landina rosea snails, were import- ed to gobble up snails which have been plaguing local farmers. “They just got a little hungry on the plane,” a territoria] official said. : : What happens after they eat all the African snails? “The ideal situation,” the offi- cial said, “is for them to then eat each other. The last one would die of starvation.” At least, thats the theory. Industry Injuries Up LANSING # — The State De- \ partment of Labor and Industry reported that the number of all compensable ‘injuries in Michigan] (D- Va) did the next best. thing. during 1955 was 11.3 per cent more|He placed a supply of roasted pea- than the previous year. There we nuts in the House cloakrooms fot ; . 15 per cert more injuries in man- members to munch. _ Mecturing and 15 per cent more California claims it more citrus fruit than any other | ~* giant African’ _|accumulated $5 bills have bought > {heard from a fellow member that: in the current Middle East crisis. a Five area State parks are on| $40,000; Holly, $‘0,000; Brighton, | The proposal is now in a program Gov. G. Meén- Pinckne nen Williams has recommended. La sonata 7. tslend) Lake ana'"* Governor Williams said the Governor Williams said today ex- Pointing out that Michigan’ s| penditures at 10 parks would total \ \parks are in ciritical conéition, the $1,177,500. Governor asked that $3,000,000 be! new land and enlargement of Are parks are Metamota, with |appropriated for a stepped-up pro-| Preset parks. 905,000 recommended; Ortenvilie gram throughout the system, . "Journey of Death’ Ever Try Boiling Nuts? Jeep Race Planned — Congressman Tells All |" vrs on coxseournces WASHINGTON #—Did you ever] oa older people in employ- N. M. @—Jeeps next month will eat a boiled peanut? race over 120 miles of land so . ee Men and women,” he said, rugged that many of the Spanish’ Can you name the American pgp bade dna ain oe town that charges people $5 tor wo burst into the recruiting of-¢! it centuries ago. making an after-dinner speech? [fice the day after Pear! Harbor | It's the Jornado del Muerto— pe you know tar = aguat and said he wanted to enlist. ‘How Journey of Death—and the jeep said to the ’ = : No? Cie | Comrem | then (orcs won cet ecu ae over wie ber Patio iae) You'll learn all sorts of no-doubt ‘applicant. ‘Tin sorry, 1 cont use annual rut or Consequences fascinating facts — maybe even you,’ said the sergeant, ‘we can’t| 'fiesta April 68. The race will be qualify for the $64,000 Question— jaye people who are over 38.’ = 4th and Sth. ; ; without so much as leaving your “Next day the Irishman was. Race planners say they expect seat. contestants to average about 10 * * * a mistake yesterday. My age is i $1,000 fi In one session this week, as the| \the competition” for a irst Congressional Record dutifully’. | ™Y M4 mother what’s' prize. Only standard equipment is reports, a House member who | Pe kept his ears open could have Replica Room of 1912 Capitol Gets Painting tosses an| LANSING (#—A new room in the “for Michigan Historical Museum at LANSING # — A large painting is a replica of an automo- of the c ity of Jerusalem, to hang i he comes to eat, to sing, to dance, bile factory office in the 1912 the state capitol, was presented to 'to cook. to wash dishes, or if he year, complete to calendars, roll Gov. Williams. The painting was is the honored speaker.” top desks, Mue prints and mane- | prese snted by sponsors of an ex- Rep. Burnside (D-WVa) is the quins wearing the clothing of the | hibition of art from Israel recent- authority for this one, He says the day. lly held in Detroit. Ravenswood, W. Va., annual fund-raising dinner which everyone pays $5 whether Laning the town all manner of things, | from baseball uniforms to football) bleachers. Sen, Barkley (D-Ky) is in Ravenswood's corner too. He) commands upwards of $1,000 a speech on the lecture platform but he happily forked over $5 for the privilege of addressing Ravens- 'wood. | This kind of money is not pea- inuts—a fact that may or may not! have reminded Rep. Grant (D-! Ala) that this is National Peanut Week. Grant observed the occa-| sion by asking his fellow law-) makers: SPECIAL PURCHASE! PLASTIC COATED FIBRE SEAT COVERS ° . * “Have you ever eaten boiled, peanuts? If not, you have really missed something. ‘- Grant didn’t boil any peanuts) Just arrived! All coqted fibre, full fashioned, tul- ly guaranteed. Brand produces ; ithe Irishman. to prove his point but another) friend of the peanut, Rep. Abbitt new seat covers. Excit- ing new patterns and colors. 10° Installation Extra *Late model styles $2 more MARKET TIRE CO. It took Rep. Yates (D-III), sever, to unshuck the story ee Yates, though he's only 4, isp 77 W. Huron St. Open 9 to 9 FE 8-0424 concerned about discrimination | 2, P . \, \ ey / é ' . 4 ‘ ; ! , 7 fo at a ee ae | To Improve Area State Parks the said, are needed to improve Mich-| the priority list for improvements| $25,000; and Proud Lake, $17,500. tourist popularity, behind Florida. | igen’ s fourth-place this fiscal year, if the legislature Others named were Sterling, Al-; — Ways and Means Commit: | )California and New York. funds would be earmarked for | \that California spends 74.3 cents on improved facilities, purchase of parks for each visitor, New York Improvements in the parks, be 13.3 cents per visitor on parks. | | Conquistadores died trying to tray-'" back. ‘Sergeant,’ he said, ‘I made! miles an hour over the course in| fully that the whole central part of AP Wirephote KEY MIDDLE EAST FIGURES—Here are four of the top personalities involved Abdul Aziz, 53; Syria's President Shukri Kuwatly, 61; Israel's Prime Minister David From the left are Saudi Arabia's King Saud Ibn Ben-Gurion, 69; and Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe Sharett, 61. AP W Sapecte | KEY ARAB ACCENT ON YOUTH—These young men are among key figures of the chieftain Abdul Hakim Amer, 36, and Premier Abdel Nasser, 38; King Hussein I of Jerten and his ¢ cousin, » King Faisal II of = — 20. ‘| November's _| Nixon. would be president. “| hower could give him a high gov- 'to .say whether he wants Nixon Associated Press vews Analyst WASHINGTON (—Vice~ Presi- dent Nixon probably never had any doubt about what he wanted to do — just keep on being vice president another four years — until President. Eisenhower asked him to think it over.. Why should he have to think it over? He is a politician, and he'd be on a golden political road- if he was on Eisenhower's ticket and it won again this year. In 1960 he would be a major contender for the Republican pres- idential nomination, And if Eisen- The Republican party would then be almost certain ro tun him for president four years from now. What’s his alternative, since he is both a politician and ambitious? If Nixon stepped aside and the Republicans won this year, Eisen- ernment job, perhaps in the Cabinet. But from a political view Nixon would then have less claim on the Republican nomination for presi- dent in 1960 than if he had served) another four years as vice presi-| “The only thing I have asked him: to do,”” Eisenhower told his news conference yesterday, “‘is to, chart out his own course and tell, me what he would like to do. I, have nevergone beyond that.” | Eisenhower himself has declined again although this by itself can't. be taken as evidence Eisenhower doesn’t want him. But while Nixon! ent term of office. has § strong Republican ‘Support he, I gratefully acknowl. edge the vote of confi- dence you, the voters of District 4, gave me at last Monday’s primary. If re-elected at the Gen- eral Election Monday, April 2nd, I will follow through with the pro- gram which has been started during the pres- Sincerely, Floyd Mikes , LS . ; THE PON TIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 1956 _ ‘ a : ; aiNixon Wants eatzsta's'm" Jere ’s “aps e ‘eport on li le as a rong i en VYGIS |e thing tx sure: It Niion 2 ‘ doesn't run\again, the Democrats “py THE ASSOCIATED PRESS |Led fight agaist the French forlmiddle - of - the - road, wnt ign is SESS tk He et lin Ro Job: Oy chtigtin WO ak coe ©" Surong men’ of the Middle ‘East|Syrian independence and was. one iy pro-Western parties but since)third reigning monarch. Succeed-|as commander of Jordan's 20,000)1853, his 18th birthday. A ¢ p .}some Republicans may feel that are meeting and , exchanging ur-(of the original signers of the Araly/nas lined up with Saud and Nasseried his father King Talal, who was|™man Arab Legion, of Jordan's King —- | Nixon off the ticket is more-of. “gent views in the crisis enveloping|League Pact in 1948. Unsested in opposition to the Wester™irernoved by Parliament because) FAISAL Ii Hashemite dynasty. Studied | Vice President ' Seesjan asset than Nixon on it. that Tegion. campelit 198, went Into exile in Egypt | Pomres bachdad of a nervous ailment, Educated! Proclaimed King of Iraq injter sports fan and has spent) Political Advantages as oan “ome, Returned_and wo nelection last| HUSSEIN I in England, Center of worldwide |April 1999 at age of 3 after father many holidays on European conti-/ 1147. Bunning Mate : be August with the backing of Syria's Enthroned May 2, 1953, a month/attention when he fired British Lt.|King Ghazi I was killed in auto-\nent. e's Running “Reliable INSURANCE Protection” . ale W. Donaldson Agency Phone FE 4-4565 147 W. Lawrence St. Williams St. FUNERAL HOME “Thoughtful Service” Phone FE 2-5841 24-Hour Ambulance Service Sf standing in Governor Williams pointed out 44 cents and Florida 42 cents. Michigan, he said, spends. only) “We are beginning to realize! America is going’ to depend, i future years, upon these two pen- insulas of ours for a place to en- joy the outdoors," the Governor added. a Lignite is found in North Dako- ta, California, Arkansas, Montana, 'Texas and some parts of Wash- jington state. a Gallagher’s Free Accordion | Aptitude Test Give your child a challenge! Don't miss this wonderful free offer! Your boy or girl is en- titled to our free accordion ap- titudé test and introductory les- son. This does not obligate you in any way. Right now the ac- cordion can open the door to lifelong happiness for your girl or boy. The child who plays the accordion makes friends easily, benefits from wholesome com- panionship and learns self con- fidence. As your child grows older he'll become a better all- around student. Perhaps earn extra money. Remember! The accordion goes everywhere and is easy to play. Free accordion while learning. One full hour band practice weekly, no charge. GALLAGHER | MUSIC COMPANY | 18 East Huron Street Pontiac, Michigan | FE 4-0566 Open Monday and Friday Night ’til 9 P. M. ‘ | 3a 3H On > Co} Bf e UP! As Soon as Present Stocks Are Exhausted CASH or TERMS Delivery & Installation $ie deral h- COE INE et Call Today for a Home Demonstration Insist on Factory Authorized , Muntz TV Service: Call FE 5-9457 945 IN6 Ww. HURON Open — ond Sunday ‘til 10 P.M. In the Huron Bow! v4 7 2 | —ar--ae CO] 9 LO] —2 PLENTY oF F FREE. PARKING Ve Blocks West of Teepeph Inc. Fill a‘ nt ie, ig bad , _THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATU DAY, MARCH 10, 1956 - : _) FIVE Ike Aide, Gov. Craig Ping, Charges Spying Norway's Kin Starts Sst Year Haakon Is One of Five Monarchs to Have Ruled ‘Half a Century tals X10 of Feusce tax 'to U.S. With Ball Backing Nixon for 56 = TOKYO (#--Red China's Peo- ples Daily said today photographic CHICAGO - A presidential|fiim taken from “captured U.S. aide and the governor of Indiana} balloons” prove the United States, praised Vice President Nixon yes-) jg - out military — _— wees naissance of China. yle, deputy assistant) In an editorial broadca: |to President Eisenhower said in a| dio Peiping, ra emg ed speech there is no effort “around. f the White House to dump” Nixon) the 4.wanho River area in Hopei. Province, 3 4 in the 1956 campaign. G v.George Craig of Indiana, mentioned as a possible Republi-if can vice presidential nominee, en- Doctor States Booze dosed Nixon and said he would|Helps Palsy Victims not run against him. ETRO B an D — As long as he is under consid-; than deggie ear eran record holder with a reign of_72) years; Louis XV of France ruled: | 69 years, Franz Josef oj Treg ] udge Awar ds England 63 years, says the Na- Ato to-Son The king's “long and popular fOr Wedding Trip reign reached a_ historic - peint when the Natis sda DETROIT —Maynard A. Arm- strong Jr. will ride to his wedding in -style today—thanks to Circuit Judge Thomas J. Murphy. The 26-year-old suburban Dear-| g born butcher and his stepmother, Mrs. Rose Armstrong, went to ‘court yesterday to fight for own-| Forced with his government into/ership of a 1955 Cadillac. exile in England, King Haakon con-) * e¢ + tinued to direct activities against} Armstrong said he bought the the invaders. In the five years of car and placed his stepmother’s — he tool the symbol of/name. on the title only because “she always wanted to own a -| Cadillac.” | He said he needed the car to ceived in a fall last June, but he is give to Columbus, Ohio, to be! expected to take up his full of- married today. ficial duties soon. * * @ : = Judge Murphy approved a set- tlement giving Armstrong and his stepmother use of the car during alternate months, The prospective prigeectene was given possession of the auto for the remainder of March. i +JOrder on pened {Induction Rescinded | LANSING (#-State Selective Service headquarters has‘ rescind- | eration, I am not a candidate,” Craig said in a statement in In- ee “i Siang ola | | Street Receiving Hospital in & birthday. i | dianapolis. cal Society last night. | * * * | Eisenhower said recently Nixon “We have found that alcohol is. Lenten Guideposts ‘Brod Crawtord is on his own regarding renomi- nation the safest and best of tranquili-_ vers,” to reduce the —* An 8-Year-Old Girl Teaches of Sports Car) mat er SANTA MONICA, Calif. —Ac-\United States own or lease 6.1 said Dr. Meyer A. Porliteia, eo Dri | tor Broderick Crawford has been|per cent of the nation’s commer-/ fessor of pediatrics at Cook County | rded custody of a sleek, for-\cial f : river Who Hit Her fo Pray sissies eric es oats RLES F. ep estranged wife gets to keep the { | 4 4 “He heard me,” says Joe in : = Sex Aneel wor family — = Municipal Receiving Hospital | “Yeah,” says the photographer.! yire Katherine Crawford yester- The people who came to Georgia'“He gave you a present on His day asked for a restraining order. Bent you forget it.’ to prevent the actor from reclaim. |”. | ed an order issued. last September "+ | postponing induction of fathers ‘and registrants over 25 years of . age. The state action followed closely ‘a new order of selection for in- duction signed by President Eisen- hower. Col. Arthur A. Holmes, state se- lective service director, said class A-1 registrants would be selected, in the following sequence: Draft delinquents 19 and ever; volunteers age 17 to 26; non- fathers 19 to 26, the oldest first; DR. ROY V. COOLEY screaming ambulance are often mile felons, battered drunks, victims of joe aan forget. We see hi shootings, and would-be suicides, now and then oe he gies as well as accident cases. They do tg wonder if he thanked the doctor not appear a reverent lot. Many of : them have forgot- ‘enough for roel he “aid for the, ten how to pray.'child that night. Joe’s washed up Some never knew.'as a tough customer. Yet, in my 27 Has been ever since the night years at Georgia. a little girl taught him to pray. Street, I am con-| Tom vinced our walls °™* man tells the story of her have heard more’ (From Gude - Copy —— earnest empl : = yrigh than many. arched catecdri al. | Blue Gladiolus Sought It is Christmas) EAST LANSING —There is a) .R. SEBASTIAN Eve, and I wish I were home. trim- fortune waiting for the first per- ming the tree for my children. ‘son to develop a blue gladiolus, Somehow I have never gotten used florists were told at the annual| to the fact that Christmas Eve} ‘Michigan Gladiolus Conference at! is always the busiest night in our’ Michigan State University. W. G.| year, more accidents, more drunks, ‘Heaton of Bellevue, Neb., said more fights, busier even than New| growers have been able to develop! Year's. | gladioli of every hue except blue. | Hopper, fam- ing the $5,000 roadster. She said thelr two children, Kim, 8, and Kelly, 4, particularly like riding in it, But Superior Judge Edward dispute: “T know the cusiren might ais jenjoy going to the market on al horse or playing with a .45 caliber machine gun, but it won't be logi- cal.” * * * | separate maintenance pending. The actor, who filed a cross com- ~ |plaint for divorce, said he loaned the car to his wife last December but needs it now for transporta- ‘tion. | Judge Brand gave it to him and awarded her possession of the sta- tion wagon, ‘ Unpaid Traffic Tickets ‘Charged to Bank Bandit R. Brand observed, in settling “ Mrs. Crawford has a suit for Then there is a cullen: guy stand-| iThe search for a blue gladiolus| | NEW YORK —Arthur L. Pais-| 2 eee Enjoy Charming ec WHITE BRICK Add Charm and Distinction et Low Cost with BONDEX Improve the appearance of your Bondex bonds with the brick. First | | brickhome.Paintitwithsnow-white coat Bondex Primer, Finish coat | Bondex.Stays onwithout @s Bondex. Apply with brush or spray. | The Cost is Low! serena Try colle for only... spre ° | | thar FREE Bondex Coler ane OAKLAND FUEL & PAINT 60.) ‘gently, all wrapped up in his coat. | ‘ing in the corner twisting a bat- tered hat. We've had him here before, vic- tim of a barroom stabbing. But tonight ue isr’t = victim. * * Fifteen minutes ago he brought; _ in an 8-year-old girl. The poor ‘scrawny little thing looked about four. He’c knocked her down with! his car. For such a rough charac- ter Joe hac handled her pretty should be of particular interest ner, held in the $188,000 holdup of 436 Orcherd Loke Ave. FE 5-61 50) ‘to Michigan as the nation’s lead-|a Port Chester, N.Y., bank, now | ing producer of — bulbs, has a little worry to go with his| » ® he said. big one. olla news eon wor BONDEX HYDRAULIC CEMENT! — Police discovered yesterday Many lizards have tails that can they also have 10 unpaid traffic The Reardon C 9. Lowla; Les A 5 N. Jy Mente! rrr be regrown if they are removed. tickets’ against him. | ee aa __ 1) thers 19 to26, the oldest first; .)) i. waits Geetgessaers 26 and ever, and = bes weet non-volunteers 18! to 19. Col. Holmes said local boards have been directed to review the cases of all registrants whose in- ‘ductions were temporarily post- and sweat- He walks over to a ““Mis- any longer. newspaper photographer. ter, de you pray?” poned. “T been known to," drawis the Most of these registrants will photographer be kept in a class available for; ‘Will you pray for that kid?” service. Some TRY, be deferred “You hit her,’ says the photo under certain circumstances, Col grapher deliberately. “You pray.” Holmes said. It sounds cold, but he has a little a — girl of his own Counselors Meeting “It wouldn't do any good. He ANN ARBOR W—A professional eee ae | aes aaa clinic on guidance and counseling ©... 2. ; : is being held at the University Try.” says the Photographer. of Michigan, with representatives from 25 schools throughout the state attending. A joint meeting with the Southeastern Michigan Guidance conference is scheduled today. VOTERS OF DISTRICT | I wish to thank you for your expression of con- fidence. | shall always endeavor to carry out my duties to the ut- An hour later, Joe still sits, his head in his hands, talking ander most of my ability. that the litte girl will be all rie The Bait and Switch Racket Every housewife likes a bargain! So when she sees.a famous brand vacuum cleaner or sewing machine or television set advertised at ridic- ulously low prices, “guaranteed factory rebuilt,” she becomes an easy mark for the “bait and ; switch” salesman. : = The operation is simple. Mrs. Housewife sees an ae advertisement for an appliance, “completely ag equipped with all attachments,” “absolutely ~ guaranteed” which is promised to her at a most = attractive price. She answers the adverjisement, and shortly afterwards 4 admits a salesman into her home with a dilapidated machine under = his arm. \% ‘The lady of the house expresses doubt,’ he says: uae . be “T wouldn't want to sell you this one, either. But since vou were too late to get a good rebuilt machine, I can offer you a $50 discount on this brand new machine.” It still sounds good, for she is getting a ‘‘new machine at a tremendous bargain.” The fast- talking pitchman gets the housewife’s signature — “Just a receipt, Madam” —and she finds herself committed to pay $8 or $10 a month for the next 18 months. She finds, all too soon, that she has bought a very expensive “bargain.” t/ You can avoid becoming a “bait and switch sucker” a by following a few simple rules: 1. When you have an impulse te get something for nothing, don't: 2. If a standard article is advertised, and a salesman offers you something else, take warning. He is probably a “bait and switch” man. | 3. 5 selena Stee to cum om Sete enint = peper, obey and rest rs 4. Above all, be as smart as you are, and don’t believe any salesman who | ae wants to make you a present just because of the beauty of your jue eyes. | BUSINESS ETHICS BOARD 2 of the Pontiac Chamber of Commerce Phone FE 5-6148 Waldron Hotel Bldg. Sp peti rt A eas ae we aie te he ESTs Finally he can’t stand himself his breath. The child’s mother | arrives. Only then does Joe learn For the price of a pound of Bermuda onions you can cook three complete meals for a family of four on your electric range — the only range that is “white-glove” clean. That’s ANOTHER HUB Monday Night Special ! HOUR SALE Monday Evening ONLY from. . 16 P.M. til 9 P.M. ok 100% WOOL NEW SPRING SPORT |COATS Values to $39.50 ‘FOR MONDAY NIGHT ONLY! ‘19. -@ ALL WOOL @ TWEEDS @ FLANNELS @ SHETLANDS * THIS WILL BE THE ONLY TIME THESE SPORT COATS. MAY BE PURCHASED ot this low price! Immediately following this special selling event they will revert to their regular selling price. why smart homemakers say: , , “You can Live Better... Electrically” 4 SEE YOUR DEALER OR DETROIT EDISON And You May CHARGE or LAYAWAY Your Purchase! HUB CLOTHIERS 18-20 N. Saginaw St. Open Every Mendey endl Gilley Evening Until 9 o’Cleck eS SS SE SS ARS SEEN TSS SS Sn a er tg Oa SS » 2 i =f THE PONTIAG PRESS. SATURDAY, MARCH 10,1956 ‘ ¢ RHE PONTIAC PRESS. eet om ard which wealth is almost within reach, is political as well as economic. Prime ‘Minister Szani’s government wants the oil law liberalized so private com- "WE SEE FROM BENEATH THE TAPESTRY “Voice of: the. People «/ “Would Resolution 6376 - Mt % qin panies could operate on an equal / > Ertan ae footing with the goverment, Be ‘Siberia’ in Alaska: a x. Peemeenas <4 fexms, ment has only a slender majority Raibe, sadrens and telephone’ Dumber ret ulse of pane and tobtlonael ‘of Romer B. Tae Coe See. and has to fight a powerful lobby st sens be punished At the writer rae as be = nature, a oS 4 aaa eT aa ban coast es ae created by its own fuel monopoly. Sa om Siberia U. oA ee my rai MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS we ° . adopted without criticism and by nme wllicn 5 teh . ezcgurey (oth use North American Parley a voice vote in the House of the size of Rhode Island, of U. S. peat a ‘ong bripted ripted in this newer §=€§6» ss Tt, seems logical to expect good Representatives on Jan. 18 territory in Alaska for a hospital é in places eS ries Beaten ease : MEMBER OF AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 1956 Bricker Amendment dent E1sennower at White Sulphur Springs, W. Va. Besides: our own Chief of State, Canada’s Prime Minister Louis Sr. _ Laurent and Mexico's President Don” ApoLPHO Ruiz Cortines will attend. This meeting, March 26-28, will be BF Affairs, chairmanned by Senator dames E. Murray. The. resolution appears, to those who have studied it, to make it legal for the federal administra- tion in power to transport anyone ports | a Pe wen results from a North American con- pital for the mentally il) of asylum. : » eae mee ce ie Hol aval een aad ference to be presided over by Presi- states. as well-as. Alaska. : Helen Nord It ls now in the Senate Com- & b in a Elmer G. Wilson Praises Press ‘Lenten Guideposts’ In 1956, as in other years, a number of slogans are used, such as “Best Yet’ and others, with which I can ° =a: unique for two reasons —not only ttle Press. Draws Fire of Critics will it be informal but there will be attention except on the West And now so timely, it is present- As might be expected,-a new no agenda. : Coast, where the Santa Ana ing Lenten Guideposts daily mes- 4 ; in an editorial entitled sages. Though each day’s article -Brcxex amendment reported to the x * * “Now-Siberia U. §. A.” asked has its message, I command the Senate by its Judiciary Committee, Happily, there are no impor- a question which should be.asked message of Sino cag tie already is drawing the fire of critics. tant differences to divert the of oy em and. cones —_ a bod ge Now co-sponsored by Illinois’ Sen- _— three Jeaders from discussing the OS it the purpose ‘of H.R. 6376 to should miss this one ator Dinxsex, it has been called @ mutual need of aligning their “WE KNOW ALLTHINGS WORK TOSETHER. —— i = oe vest pocket edition of the original jolicies on hemispheric problems. FOR GOOD TO THEM THAT LOVE GOD, TO wholeheartedly en- dorse the p6licy of-'The Pontiac proposed amendment to the Consti- . yniixe the United States and tution, and this newspaper believes, Mexico, Canada is not a member of no more necessary. It reads: the 21 nation Organization of Ameri- THEM WHO ARE THE CALLED ACCORDING TOHIS PURPOSE.” —_ 20628, Deportation of Makarios . eee a Le ie “A provision of a treaty or other international agreement which con- flicts:with any provision of this Con- stitution shall not be of any force or effect.” — x *& * “If,” as the New York Times says, “it is merely a restatement of what is already implicit in the Constitution and explicit in sev- eral Supreme Court decisions, namely, that the Constitution is supreme —it is unnecessary.” In discussing the amendment, Pres- ident Ersswnower several times has said he has no objection to an amend- ment which would simply state that no treaty or Executive agreement in ‘conflict with the Constitution is valid. *x.* But an amendment which forbids a conflict with “any provision” of the Constitution would hamper the conduct of foreign policy. Moreover, the words “other international agree- ment” would cause endless litigation because of the Executive's uncertainty _ as to their effect. In view of its past attitude toward the various versions of the Bricker amendment, the oppo- sition of the Eisenhower Admin- istration to this one can be taken for granted. Not only is the amendment needless and unde- sirable, it threatens the Execu- tive’s constitutional rights to conduct foreign policy. hed Italy’s Oil Boom Experts say that only one thing is preventing Italy from enjoying enough of an oil boom to solve much of its unemployment and poverty. That one thing is a law which has created the government’s oil monop- oly. In turn, the monopoly has brought on a political fight as to who will extract the oil. The result is that private enterprise has been prevented from developing apparently rich re- sources and the monopoly hasn’t even tried. * * * There is ample evidence that considerable oil exists in the country. The largest strike so far, 9,000 barrels of high grade oil daily, was made at Abruzzi on the east central coast by an Ameri- can-Italian company. But the monopoly, backed by Commu- nists and fellow travelers, is try- ing to block any liberalization of the law. A hint of the high price Italy is paying for the monopoly, is given by U. S. News & World Report. That magazine quotes Italian economists as saying that the country could be producing enough petroleum in a short time to meet all domestic needs and have a substantial surplus for export. — x * * ‘ For one thing, Italy could save about $200,000,000 a year it now _ spends for petroleum and other fuel imports. At the same time its oil refineries could earn _ another $108, 900,000 annually in '. exports. | The sragrty, of the situation in can States. But Ottawa always has co-operated with OAS in facing mutual problems. x *« * For the same reasons that the bor- ders between these three nations can remain friendly and unguarded, the talks ‘should be cordial and produc- tive. They should reinforce the very factors which have made North Amer- ica an ever stronger fortress of polit- ical liberty and economic progress. “ANOTHER reason I like the hitch- ingpost days better than I do these .days of parking meters,” said the Old _Sorehead; “is you didn’t have to feed money to the hitchingposts.” The. People’ s Business: Who's for Public Interest Groups May Be Citizens’ Unwitting Allies By ROGER LANE : LANSING — A State Legislature is a crossroads, in Michigan and elsewhere. :- & hw 2 Viewed one way, it is a crossroads where collisions are nearly continuous, colli- sions of opposing or divergent interests. Legislative fireworks usually occur. when high-powered interests collide head-on. What are interests? In a word, organ- . izations. - There are the organized farmers, for example. Within this broad group are subdivisions like the farmers who pri- marily are dairymen or fruit growers. * ° * There are organizations of schoo! folk, veterans, manufacturers, workingmen, re- tallers, railroads and truckers. There are others made up of bankers, insurers, sportsmen, lenders, teachers, liquor sell- ers, printers, librarians, ollmen, members of various trades and professional men. LOCAL OFFICIALS TOO And don’t overlook the organization of township, ome and Sy Officials. * Urilike collisions at a real crossroads, bumping of cars where highways inter- sect, the ones in the Legislature fre- quently result in a fusion of forces mov- ing in a new direction. That is, the impact produces a compromise amendment to a bill whlch oontiness its progress in al- tered form. * ° * i Where do the people come tn, they want to know—the average TOROS, housewife or taxpayer? GOOD OR BAD? Well, there's an answer. Whether it’s a good one or bad is something to be decided by students of government, or perhaps political moralists. s ° * * Before going on to the answer, con- sider what happened recently when a bill was before the Senate dealing with the legal limit for length of trucks. Supporters said certain organized truckers wanted it passed. A senator who opposed the bill said the rail- roads were against it. There was talk back and forth, confined almost ex- clusively to how the truckers and railroads felt. Highway safety arguments could have figured in the issue. They went unspoken. For instance, the argument that the longer the truck the more time it takes a motorist to pass it and the greater his: hazard. | SEVERAL VIEWS And on the second point, a farmer al- lied with a farm group also may be a veteran allied with a veterans’ group-and a school board member allied with a school group. Thi’ is likely to have some - Teflection in an interest group's fixing of goals. - A lot of a time it works out pretty well. ef Days of All Faiths ‘Mothering Sunday,’ as English Call It, Evolved From Pre-Christian Times By DR. HOWARD V. HARPER The fourth Sunday in Lent is known by several names, the most widely used of which is ‘‘Mid-Lent Sunday.” In medieval times it was the occasion for a good deal of mild hilarity, as a break in the strenuous Lenten discipline. In England this Sunday came to be known as Mothering Sunday, because it was the day on which young men and women who were living away from home went to visit their parents, taking small gifts with them. This pleasant custom was called ‘going a- mothering.” . Everyone went to the temples, with gifts for Hilaria. Christianity adopted this custom into a visit to “Mother Church,"’ by which was meant one's own parish church, with gifts to be placed on the altar. Naturally,. the homecoming __pil- grims took advantage of the op-— portunity to visit their families, and in time this aspect of the day overshadowed the visit to the chufth. SOLDIER WITH SPEAR From as early as the fourth century it has been believed that St. Longinus was the ‘soldier with a spear’ in John, chapter 19, verse 34, who pierced the side of Jesus as He hung on the Cross. It is not for this act, of course, that Longinus is a Saint. The tra- dition, however, is that as the . Water and blood came from ‘the spear wound some fell on Long- inus himself, with a double re- ‘ sult: he was -both cured of an eye ailment and converted to the Faith of the One he had plerced. ST. PATRICK In most cases, if there is un- certainty about a saint “it is be- cause. we have so little informa- tion to go on, but with the great Patrick of Ireland it is just the other way, There is a vast amount of material about him — but it doesn't jibe. * * * Where was he born? Was March 17 the date of his birth, or his death, or both? There are so many conflicting stories about such de- tails that many scholars now think there must have been at least two Patricks, and probably more, and the stories about them have be- come terribly mixed up. Nevertheless, it must also be true that there was once in Lre- land oné great commanding figure, so magnificent that all myths and legends gravitated toward him even though they were really about other men. And the best tradition fs that this one personage Was a man hamed Magnus Sucatus Patri- clus, son of Calpur, born in Glastonbury, England, about 386. His father was a Christian and a high-ranking official of the town. Young Patrick had little interest ~ in religion and certainly none at all in Ireland until, at the age of 16, he was captured by pirates and sold as a slave in Northern Ireland. There for six years he lived the quiet contemplative life of a shepherd and the great truths of God began to be clear to him. When, at 22, he escaped his only thought was to be ordained and go back to Ireland a freeman and a missionary. ; ‘And this he did, in 432. Ireland by then was partly Christian, but the Druids were there and they opposed Patrick with all their magic and their cunning. One time, for example, they poisoned his wine, but he was too smart for ‘them. By a miracle he froze the wine, poured off the poison, thaw- ed the wine and drank it—to the Druids’ frustrated astonishment. It is thought that Patrick died either in 461 or in 493. If it was the- latter year he would have been over 100, which is, of course, entirely possible. His bones have | not been preserved. The only relic of him that is left today is his handbell, which may be seen in the National Museum in Dublin. His staff was kept in the church at Armagh until the 16th century, when the Protestants burned it as an object of superstition. (Copyright 1956) by Brit tish to Erupt Cyprus By WILLIAM L. RYAN AP Foreign News Analyst Britain’s deportation from Cy- prus of Archbishop Makariog spells bigger trouble for the island crown colony, which already has had more than its share of strife. The Greek orthodox prelate is a symbol of the passionate Greek feeling on the island for prognosis —union with Greece. Archbishop Makarios, a hand- some black-bearded and intense “man, wielded a er among the 400,000 people of the island who are ethnical Greeks and consider themselves bond to Greece. The remaining 100,000 of the native population of the island are of Turkish extraction, Makarios had the power either to whip up pro-Greek and anti-Brit- ‘ih feeling to a high pitch, or to Case Records ‘of a Psychologist: Small Amount of Time Well Used May Produce More Than Unlimited Leisure Joe’s I. Q. is no higher than that of his pal and he has less time to study. So why does Joes make much better grades? Well, he uses the “agenda plan” outlined below. And he compiles true-false erams over each day's assignments. Some- times he varies his self-testing by use of the four-answer or “multiple choice” exam. By DR. GEORGE W. CRANE Case Q-396: Joe L., aged 15, is a brilliant student though he works part time every day to éarn mor. ey for college. “Dr. Crane, Joe seems to have twice as good a memory as mine,” one of his Boy Scout pals informed me, =— . « “I don't work after school like Joe so I should have far more time to study, Despite this fact, Joe make much better grades. “So what is wrong with me? Are some people just naturally stupid and unable to learn? Can you tell me how to improve my memory? MEMORY IMPROVEMENT “Genius is one per cent inspira- tion and 99 per cent perspiration,” tersely stated Thomas A. Edison, and that is not too great an exag- geration “People who are busy are the ones to pick when you want some church job accomplished,” is a familiar adage. For the busy people have. learned a great secret of suc- cess, which Is to badget their time, They often work from a check list of daily duties, We call this the “agenda plan’. I employ it to get out my Hfavy schedule. “But I have more time by far than Joe does,’’ his pal protest- ed. Oddly enough, this extra time. often is a handicap to good study! For such a person doesn't feel the great urgency to bear down hard . and fast. * * Ld "T have plenty of time.” he tends to kid himself along, so he squan- ders too many hours and then suns short at the finish. MY CO..LEGE PROGRAM When I went fo Northwestern University, ate than or carrying the state for} In short, voters tend to be in- Joseph Krzys, Thompsonville their presidential candidate. dependent, though-mindéd. They way, businessmen here were cer- tainly pleased with his announce- ment,” : * * i As for the Democratic presiden- tial candidate, the situation in dedies pull,et New England, It is one ofjhad in 1952, maybe bigger. They to tet Riscshener Seige his Sup(ievemnes a. Ce. on warkshops, yet} don't believe his illness will be a] ety tikes pO @VeES:/ TWO IMPORTANT FACTORS — [politicians say it is basically Re-|drawback. prosperity. But these factors look signifi- Said John F. Sweeney, a Rock-| As Joseph Pane, a Danbury cant now: . -| But it has a Democratic. gov-'ville advertising man: machine designer, put it: + 1, Democrats talk more aboutjernor, personable Abraham Ribi-; “I think he'll live longer than “We've had four good years, I'shrinking Eisenhower's 1952 Conn- coff, who seems more Popular to! ‘if he hadn't had that attack. Any- Say Grade meg San el Teach Too Much : Neighbors in DENVER «®—A group of edu District Number 7: eators haye expressed belief here. : that elementary schools are at-/f Please accept my grateful - jtempting to teach too many sub-f appreciation for the splen- The topic is being discussed at] 4 Support you gave me Be age tee Ray tion of in last Monday's election. the Department of Elementary ‘f Successful in becoming School Principals of: the National! YOUr Commissioner at the : terests of our district and : ocetemenemanemsines i =6our city as a whole. accredited engineering Prices for choice steers. may] ap : (will be enrolled in a 12 to 18-\average around $24 at Chicago in Sincerel ys month training program sponsored|September, according to MSU Gilbert ¥. Pca ‘hy the department. farm. economists. aera ee) Latest Model Famous 7) JEWELS. 7 E Full-Size Range : 4 While they Last NO MONEY DOWN | Not Exactly ab Pictured NORGE ‘DRYERS [J SLASHED TO: , No Money Down! | siasHep To: _ Wringer Model WESTINGHOUSE ‘2 A WEEK 2239 ELIZABETH LAKE Base Optional on All Sets RIGHT at Our WAREHOUSE. A [ r 2239 ELIZABETH LAKE ROAD, Near Telegraph 5 , =| | i Big 6 cu. ft. Family Size - =i) | |Westinghouse * t= Ee | REFRIGERATOR Wot frat Pe Norge Washer s $ 7 8 DOORS OPEN 1 P.M. > NEAR TELEGRAPH RD. SUNDAY RIOT! Jto5p.m. Sunday! Genuine Reg. $19 Reg. SWI Rayth RD. Y% Off General Electric : VACUUM | Reg. "24.50 Norelco Electric Shaver. 10.88, ‘100,000 WORTH OF TV and APPLIANCES MUST BE MOVED - - - IN 4 HOURS!! Big 17” Screen 1956 Table Models 2-INCH TV 54905 TELEVISION! ALL ONE BE HERE EARLY! SLAS ELIE Delivery, Warranty, Service, Instollation, Ltc., Optional $90 eon or Emerson HED PRICE oe ‘ Sa aa bia z bd r too lias So ee ee ea = eS ri ' f 7 ' ‘ ® of : aie \ { eS Weal Ny ‘ 4 he i THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, MARCH 10,1956 p Z sh ¢ , .) r __BIGHT Everyone likes to celebrate a birthday and this one is special! Pictured (left to right) are Brownie Scout Ruth Alice Neville of Cadillac avenue, Girl-Scouts Shir- Vath ofan fu sip Carol Wooley of Westacres proves that it is fun to earn in outdoor cook- ing. An intermediate Girl Scout, Carol: ' \ : ay Frances Hoopingaren of Seward street welcomes you aboard the Mariners’ ship, Escanaba, With her Mariner Troop 72 she today. \ 5 % , \ ; ( ley Ann Jefferies of Going street, Nancy Sharon Kervin will participate in the Southwest District Birthday Rally at Westacres Clubhouse Sunday from:1 to 3 p.m. will take part in the Girl Scout birthday celebration at Lincoln Junior High School ? of Blaine street, Margaret White of West Princeton ave- nue and Joan Davis of Edison street. They are gathered around the birthday cake in celebration of Girl Scout Week, March 11 to 17. . : Festivities Are Slated by Troops Northern Oakland Council Numbers 4,391 Members In observing their 44th birthday, Northern Oakland County Girl Scouts will pay tribute to their communities in a series of “This Is Our Town" events scheduled for Girl Scout Week, March, 11 to 17, Mrs. Edwin J. Lally Jr., presi- dent of the council, announced to- day. . 4 Ld * The anniversary’ celebrations, which mean extra fun and activi- ties for 4,391 Girl Scouts in Pon- tiac and throughout the county, are held every year to commemo- rate the founding of the Girl Scout movement on March 12, 1912, in Savannah, Ga. Today, there are more than 2,- 500,000 Girl Scouts in the United States learning to enjoy their own skills and talents and to be ready to meet big and little problems ahead, Their trim green uniforms are a familiar part of any American scene, and not to be overlooked old Birthday Week It’s official . . . Mayor William Donaldson smiles — his approval after putting his signature-to the Proclama- ‘Carol Lynn Rapaport, represent one of many families : tion of Girl Scout Week, March 11 to 17, Girl Scout in scouting. Their mother, Mrs. R. N. Rapaport of East Marjorie Sue Rapaport (left) and her sister, Brownie The fruit of these young ladies’ labors will be an afghan. Pictured are Cheryl Buniak of Gothe street (left) and Judy Eriksen of Waterford who have been busy for months knitting square blocks for an birthday of Personal News of Interest are the 600,000 men and women doing a volunteer job in Girl Scout- ing. * * * | Two big rallies will be held in| Pontiac today, one in Webster School gymnasium and the other in the Lincoln Junior High School auditorium, ‘ The two teams of senior Girl Scouts who will represent “the council at the National Roundup will pack to specification all the needs of a two-week stay on the There — Se acinar cakes, 5: Navy for two years. His family singing and square dancing to an| Will join him to make their home honest-to-goodness orchestra, andjthere during his assignment. other amusements arranged for all the girls and their guests at the’ who attends the Convent of the rallies. CAMPING PROGRAM are leaving on Tuesday for a imonth’s stay at Bellair, Fla. En route they will visit their son-in-law and daughter, Lt. and |Norfolk, Va. Lt. Lynch is being transferred to Naples, Italy, where | will fly to Florida to be with her parent, during the spring re- At the Webster School rally,| (oc. camping will be highlighted with . % ich start 230 a program which started at 10 Mrs. Evereli E.. Fisher of Pon this morning and will last until 4 p.m. As the pages of a living book turn, guests will see the events in a day at camp unfold. The Juliette Low Birthday March will conclude the day's activities Valley road and Mrs. John J. Ell wood Jr. of Stonycroft, Bloomfield Hills, are leaving today to motor ‘to Warrenton, Va., where they will be guests of Mrs. John T. Maloney, | e * »*® the former Betty Couzens. The seven Avon neighborhoods) On Wednesday the trio will fly, ‘will gather at Harrison Central | ‘9 Paris, France, where they will School. Rochester. for an all-day Meet members of the United Hunts’ International Festival on March| Association, and then travel on to) 24, starting at 10:30 a.m. ‘London to attend the Grand Na-| ltional Horse Show. Troops have selected countries te represent and will carry out their choice in diversified ways: ter part of April they will also Through arte ang crafts, cos: | visit in Ireland and Scotland. tumes and folk dancing, The | = > | 3:30 p.m, songfest and refresh. | Leaving on Sunday for a late ments that follow wil) contain winter vacation in Florida are Mr.! still other marks of faraway and Mrs. Raymond Tubbs of Onei- lands where Girl Scouts work da road, Lee Matheson of Glen- and play, wood avenue and Mr. and Mrs.) ; : .. Harry Windiate of Otter drive.) Waterford will stage two big: —_ = birthday celebrations in order ee will return for the Easter cover its large area of Girl, aU Scouting activities. Each will take| A the theme “ 1 Fields in Scout. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Lytell of ing.” — won LOGE \Lytell drive and Mrs. Raymond| One will take place on March Grundy and daughter, Cheryl Ann, | 17 at 1 p.m, in the CAI Building of Airport road are visiting in| where the special guest will be Colorado Springs, Colo., Where Mr. ! baby Brownie Redmond, who was Lytell is attending a four-day busi- the first baby born on -the Girl D¢8s conference. Scout birthday at Pentiae General) Mrs. Lytell and Mrs. Grundy will Hospital in 1952 and who was visit friends in Denver before re- ‘adopted by the council as its mas-|turning home. cot. * 68 # The other will take place at Lam-| A family dinner on Sunday at bert School on the same date from! the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. (Continued on Page 9) Harsen of Dwight avenue will Before returning home the lat- * * . |he will be stationed with the U. | Sacred Heart in Grosse Pointe, | | the mext few weeks and will re- Ray Lawlors to Vacation in Florida Mr. and Mrs. Ray E. Lawlor of mark the 9ist birth anniversary , turn to his family in Orange, Martell drive, Bloomfield Hi 11s,| of Mrs, Sarah 1. Bayes of Mount Clemens street, Mrs. R. G. Schurr of Port Hu- and Mrs. Stanley M.'Street, accompanied her daughter. 1? Bayes of Imlay City and Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Cook and children, Mrs. R. J. Lynch, and family in ye. Roger Owen of Dearborn will) Mark and Kaycee, to San Fran-| ron, Mr be among the guests present. # o . e ] Douglas Boney, son of Mr. and J Mrs. Marvin Boney of West Huron| Mai- parents after student flight from The Lawlers’ daughter, Sally, [Kansas City to Willow Run Airport street, visited his making a recently. fe will complete his pilot train. ing for a _ national transport company in Kansas City within Oscar Winners Stories Told Here are the great untold stor- ies of the oscar winners! Real-life drama .. . heart- break. .. triumph and tragedy —you'll find them all-in the fas- cinating new series by Louella 0. Parsons, “First Lady of Hollywood,” starting Monday March 12. With the 1955 winners of the coveted movie “Oscars” sched. uled to be announced March 21, Miss Parsons reveals great stor- jes of human drama that accom. panied previous Oscar awards . how an oscar ted Luise Rainer straight to oblivion, pro- pelled Frank Sinatra out of ob- scurity to new fame .. . how Rosalind Russell failed to win an oscar, and gave her greatest per- formance in the privacy of her home... Louella 0. Parsons has been. the friend and confidante of the greats of the film world for more than a quarter ef a century. Only she could tell, with full, intimate details, this story of the | great, human moments in Holly- wood's life. _ Don't miss “Untold Stories of | ‘Oscar Winners” starting exclus- ively Monday (March 12) in the ee te afghan that will be on display at the Lam- bert School rally Wednesday. Waterford girls will gather to celebrate the 44th 1 Celebrations Iroquois road, has been a troop leader four years. aid - | Fruit Jars ‘Are Needed by Canner She May Request That Friends Give Them Back By EMILY POST A woman writes me as follows: “I do quite a lot of preserving and from time -to time I give my friends and neighbors jars of vege- tables or fruits which I have put up. “However, they never return the jars to me. I really need these jars jand can't afford to go out and |buy new ones every year. Would it be proper to ask them to please jreturn the jars when they have om finished the contents? Answer: To make a very posi- tive request such as, “Will you please remember to give these _ Jars back to me, as I really need them,” would be entirely proper. “Dear Mrs. Post: Every time I invite friends or acquaintances to ‘lunch, dinner or just for an eve- ning of cards, each guest invari- ably arrives with a cake, candy or other edible gift for the hostess, I find this custom both distaste- |ful and embarrassing. ° | “I am not a native of this fair \city and would deeply appreciate jit if you would let me know through your daily column if this is, or is not, considered good man- -_ Girl Scouting. Answer: While not an accept- ed custom, it is a gesture of a "A 6 | kindness and you can do nothing ] 7 g about it except learn to appreci- | Mrs. Leland S. Reese of Littletell ais ik A eewcammme wil enaie herself very unpopular by trying t» change the customs of a com- munity. 3 Calif, icisco. From there Mrs, Cook and) ichildren will sail to Yokohama, ——— apan to make their home with) “Dear Mrs. Post: I am going to Cook during his two-year) be maid of honor at a friend's iassignment there. | wedding and I would like to know * @ jif it is proper for the bride to Mr. and Mrs. William: Franken. (Choose the dress I am to wear, or field of St, deseph street have |d0 I pick out my own dress since | as their houseguests their I am the one paying for it. The | nephew and niece, Scott and bride-to-be and I do not have the | Susan Arnoldy, children of Mr, |Same taste.” and Mrs. R. F. Arnoldy of | Hotiston, Tex. A * * Answer: It is the:bride’s right to jchoose the dresses of her atten- of Mr, ants. = a ve —— ac- and Mrs. Russell Bassett of East|C€Pts this honor she also accepts Iroquois road has been pledged to| the wearing of whatever the bride Delta Psi Kappa, national honorary Chooses that she wear. sorority, at Kansas City Teachers College, Initiation will be held on Sunday. ! Judy Bassett, daughter * * * Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Collins of Elsinore drive entertained at ‘dinner in their home Friday honoring Mr. and Mrs. Ellis A. Green of Rosedale Park who are leaving to make their home in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. : Church Group Holds Meeting The July-August Group of the First Presbyterian Church met Friday afternoon at the home of Vera and Ethel Bassett on Chero- ‘kee road. Assisting were Mrs. Earl) \Bartlett, Mrs. Theodore Koella and| ‘Mrs. Carroll Osmun. | The Bible study was led by Mrs.| Hugh Little. A report on American Indians was given by Mrs. Harold, Howlett with Mrs, Koella report- ing on the national missions. JANICE L. MORIARITY The engagement of their daugh- | Mrs. Charles Merz of Jackson,|ter, Janice, to Sgt. Adolph L. Mré: Plin Morse and Mrs. James Ayotte is announced by Mr. and ‘RJ Bryant were guests of the|Mrs.° Timothy Moriarity of Au- group, gusta avenue. He is the son of Mrs. D.B. Eames of Cherokee) Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ayotte at road will entertain at the April Robinwood avenue. The couple |13 meeting. plans a June wedding.« i i ‘mai cere iat 4 THE. PONTIAC PRESS, _SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 1056 2 of ad oN INE ~ Birmingham’ S Village Players Will Present ‘Ladies of the Corridor’ snl thelr veapestive schouks clos are a ‘Club in Tuesday *-¢ * Pe Mina Se Prenat rend be Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Latham sistant directof, Harry E. Manley is building-the set and Richard W. Brown is in charge of lighting. VISITING RANCH Mr. and Mrs. William A Turunen and their small daughters, Lisa “and Cindy, are spending a fort- night at Sundown Ranch near es @ & Mrs. Henry H. Villard of New York is the houseguest of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lewis of Pil- grim road. Mrs. Vill&rd came to attend a meeting of the Birming- wedding anniversary of Mr. as will their daughter, Mrs. ford, N.C. MR. and MRS. J. H. CHAPMAN - An open house on Sunday will mark the golden Hill road. The affair will be held at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Riddle of ‘Edgefield drive, from 2 ‘until 5 p.m. Another son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. and sons, Clarence-of Lewis, Wis., and Harold of San- and Mrs. J. H. Chapman of Al Sutton, will ‘be present, Roy Pearson of Luck, Wis., Join Forces to Solve Job Problem By ANNIE HEYWOOD — reasonably to the business- Most of us have much better man, in terms of what he will) sense than to knock our heads ain and what the community will - against a stone wall and weep and £ain. Many groups are doing that! wail because our eyes are brown "OW, with good success. instead of blue. a And yet, in other departments, — . yew ¥ problem ‘ ae . of life, we do something very sim- ilar. Here is ‘a letter from a woman | in Ohie which shows what I | mean. “There is not a single part-time - . job in our city,” she writes angri- ly, “except for shorthand and type-| writing. I think that is perfectly, disgraceful! Who wants to learn. stenography and typing? “There are many things I could do, working just afternoons, but! no employer will hear of it. GOES ON AND ON | “Why are they so terribly close- minded? I think it’s terrible...” and she goes on and on, knocking her head against a stone wall. *- * Obviously, there are only two things which this woman can do. Either she can learn shorthand * ameucan desegne pate | part-time job, see if you can't join forces with other women | who are in the same dilemma. Together, you may work a way jout of it. IE Copyright 1956) are at present traveling in Cali- TO TRAVEL SOUTH . Dr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Deer will leave soon to meét their chil-. dren in- Pompano Beach, Fia. Their son and daughter will fly down from their schools. Mrs. William R. James will give Gables, Mr. and Mrs, David B. Mott (Barbara Welch) of Pleasant ave-| t ter, Anne Bradley. on March 6. nae The Suburban Dance Club = “| Universtiy of Michigan and Pvt. ‘Corin is stationed in Augsburg, ‘Germany. in the Medical Corps of sive enaties diamec tuned Gla ove: ning at Indianwood Golf Club. Members of the committee plan- ning the affgir.include Mr, and: Mrs. Frank’ Hohman, Mr. and Nenechols. Alice Mae is a sophomore at. the the US. Army. A L 3 * Mr. and Mra. Stewart W. Nan- nely are planning a trip to Ha- ali the last og tts —— and Mrs. William J. Scripps hosts at a cocktail and sup- per party Wednesday evening in| their home dn Bennington drive.) Close friends were invited to meet their houseguest, Greta Keller of New York and Switzerland, who is Mr. were _| a family friend of long standing. Miss Keller, owner of a night club, “Shez Greta,” in Switzerland is also a pianist and sivver ond has just released a record album, “Twelve O'Clock and All's Well,” .|in New York. She is en route from _|Cleveland, where she appeared .|Monday evening, to St. Louis. WEDDING DATE SET Mary Barton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Carl 0. Barton*of East) Long Lake road, has chosen April 7 for her marriage to Paul K. Geiger. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. ewittiam S. Geiger of Hono- julu. The ceremony will be read in Christ Church Cranbrook and a re- ception will be given at Orchard Lake Country- Club. Mrs. Philin Matter (Margaret ) of Bridgeton, N.J., will Mrs. Brunsting, the former Kath- erine Raisch, wilt-give a dinner) for Mary at the home of her nue announce the birth of a daugh- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Relech, h, | soon after April 1 and Ellen Ann| Adams is planning the rehearsal dinner. iand guest artist, Mrs, G. Freeman) |figuratively paint musical pictures and typing and get the part-time Tuesday Musicale members will hear a program by their Chorus| Williams, when they meet. Tues-| day at 2 p.m. in Fellowship Hall of Grace Lutheran Church. Under the direction of Mrs. Fer- dinand Gaensbaver, the chorus will of everyday living. First on this program of “Words | in Music” will be words for fun— “Which is the Properest Day to, Sing?" written by -Arne and ranged by Percy Fletcher. W: from folklore will be portrayed by | Tuesday Musicale to Hear Program ‘Words in M usiC’ r Niles and Horton, “I'm So Gi Troubles Don't Last Always.” Three numbers have been chosen as words from our fa- mous authors, “Dream Seng” from Walter de ta Mare's “Poems for Children,” “Pre- inde” which wes taken from the prologue of Thomas Wolfe's | “Look Homeward Angel,” and one of Christina Rossetti’s works, “My Heart is Like a Singing Bird.” At this point in the program, Mrs. Williams will present her se ections—‘‘One Fine Day,” from | Mrs. Curtis C. Later and Mrs. |brook who will leave in May to} Leland Anderson gave a shower move to Orange, N. J. The Rev. for_Mary recently, and on March Mr. Williams will be rector of 1? Mrs. Thomas J. Peterson and Grate Episcopal Church there. brmagyeien dhe Bumgardener will - Mr. and Mrs. William H. Breech bio hows eoleennd Senne otter & ——— Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Schirmer are expected home early in the | - week from nS ifornia. * « * Oakland Hills Country Club ‘ts . | making detailed plans for a dinner- Sally Otis McDonald became the ‘bride of Dea Vincent Firt’ 'Friday even! in’ Christ |white Italian silk taffeta for her! afer a few weeks of skiing, the marriage Friday evening to Dean!new Mr. and Mrs. Firth will live| Vincent Firth. He is the son of j, Birmingham. peta ee Dean Stanley Firth ° tga 1 Robert L. DeWitt read Camp Fi 1 re Will Gather March the service in Christ Church Cran! The slate of the 2 of di. | brook at eight o'clock, and a recep- tion followed at Bloomfield Open' ‘Hunt Club. Disa goo of taffeta formed the ine ‘and the full skirt Rage in a chapel train. A chister of loragne blossoms held a: veil. of il- ‘lusion and freesia and Eucharist a@ lilies formed. the brida) bouquet. Mrs. Harry Albrey Toulmin Jr. was her sister's matron of honor lwith another sister,” Marthe Me- |Donald, and Mrs. Edward O. Pen- jney Jr. acting as bridesmaids. Girls Council will be presented at the council's annual dinner meet- ing, The cooperative dinner and poet Bag Be By Sly oe Methodist. Church March. 23 6pm * » rectors of the Pontiag Camp Fire) | . dance St. Patrick's Day, March #1. Luncheon Enjoyed by Members a ame at a dessert oa | “An Easter Message” was the Cranbrook. subject of the devotionals given The bride is ~ was made of the Good Fri- the daughter ey eeees epeenenen. the of Clifford’ J. et | weanahen oe wank McDonald of at the breakfast. Bloomfield of Temple ulgr~etng attend Hills and the an “Institute on Judaism” March late Mrs . | 20 was received and plans were : | made for 9 number of members McDonald. of the group to attend, He is the son « wate Rectan etpaanonend of Mr. and the social portion of the meeting. | Mrs. Dean © ' Stanley Firth Church Unit Attends of Franklin, Lunc St MRS. DEAN VINCENT FIRTH _ |Sarye vat ot $t. Benedict Courch E s ee 8 eee erat Thursday Sally O. McDonald Speaks}=i0= 2 , Biya h | |tor : Vows With Dean V. Firth |r : BIRMINGHAM — Sally Otis Me-| For her wedding trip to Alfa,|the rf |Donald, daughter of Clifford James| Utah, the bride wore a grey suit,/Murphy street _}MeDonald of Cranbrook road, and| accented in red, with black acces: ithe late Mrs, MeDonald, wore! sories. | Al the attendants wore ice mist |peau de sole frocks, ankle length, |with matching silk head bands and tiny veils. Their flowers were pale | pink camelias. | Jobn Sanders McDonald was best man and seating the guests; were Edward O, Penney Jr., Har- lry A. Toulmin Jr., Herbert A, pageant centered on this bi project, which jis “Plant Seade, Reap Friendship.” The an- nual report for 1955 will be read, The meeting will include board members, council! members, leaders and assistants, Camp Fire Girts, Blue Birds and their The program will consist mr | SHORGASBORD , FET SERVED EVERY DAY Beyer Jr. and Robert A. Cole. parents, as well as others inter: a Waring arrangement of “Sour-\Madame Butterfly, by Puccini; wood Mountain” and a spiritual by “Bird Sones’ bv Pearl — ~~ land “The Little Shepherd's by Winter Watts. Now soloist at the First Church - Christ, Scientist, Pontine, Mrs. Miscellaneous aa McLean and Florence Wen- Shower Fetes zel of Detroit. She has been the featured soloist of several of De- Bride- to-Be troit's leading churches and has yi appeared in concert and oratorio) Mrs. Robert Massie of ‘ Fiddl iwork throughout this area and Can-' street was hostess at a miscel-|| iada. |laneous shower honoring Dolores) Mrs. Firth wore dusty rose lace ested in Camp Fire work. e” lover taffeta with a matching tulle hat. Admission to the annual dinner will be an item of clothing or lin- en, These will be contributed to the Camp Fire he project of supplying garments for the flood | victims of ot “Tune City, Calif. ‘ aaa job she wants, or she can try to get a group of other women, who also want part-time jobs, and do something about educating the em) ployers in her town. , Those are the only courses | open to her unless, of course she prefers to go on knocking her | head against a stone wall. | There is much that women can) do, in groups, to open up the, market for part-time jobs. But they can’t do it by railing Girl Scout Week | Plans Announced (Continued from Page 8) 2 to 4 p.m., with 10 troops taking part. WHITFIELD FESTIVAL Danie} Whitfield School will hold its festival on March 16, with eight | troops joining in songs, games and een asa CIRM said, ty ‘a 7 eat ?t Kinstry, Mrs. Grace Jennings i . - the famous “‘Girl Scout Week| FROM LEWIS CARROL, {Mc | a dypatgard eos ator aa tt play at 7 p.m. The second part performed by wee copeate eae ployer of stupidity and close-mind- edness. SURVEY SITUATION They have to survey the avail-| able women who would like part- time work, find out what skills | they |have and figure a way that) these skills could be used in avail-| able business organizations to the profit of the business man. They also have to talk calmly “Know Neighborhood” and the chorus will include ‘“The Lob-| all es oe activities of neigh- ster Quadrille” and ‘Father Wil- Dolores. cn of Mrs. Hazel | boring troops will head the list of liam” from Lewis Carroll's “Alice McKinstry of Fiddle neg is the | activities on March 19 at the Leelin Wonderland” and arranged by bride-elect of Charles Mc letney, © Brooks School, Duck Lake, where I. G. Fine, as words from child- son of Mr. and Mrs. Kvle McWeth- five troops will invite the PTA hood. pelled ic sorta ie aes to their birthday program.| wWerds of love are described in | Chapel. Brownies will = a special part “1 | Loved You” and words of in the program. _- | faith by a Waring arrangement | Six troops from Dublin School | of ‘ Onward Christian Soldiers.” | | will get together in celebration | (;ary Miller, Janice Pletsch. and of the 44th Girt Scout Birthday Jerry Cunningham, cornetists from Week on Tuesday, by Inviting (Freq Wiest's Washington Junior friends and parents te an eVe- High School band, wilf be fea- Guest, at the recent shower were Mrs, McKinstry, Mrs. |] Verta Underwood, Mrs, Kugene |] Fraley, Mrs. Rey Johnson, Mrs. | Miller Gavette, Mrs. Ray Sear if borough, Mrs. Low Howell and- Mrs. Norman Budton. Fox fe Hamds Jun Bwecivers Avenue in Bloomfield Hills LUNCHEON and DINNERS “Tih Shirtwaist Dress Styled © 1956 Spadea Fashions Inc. Presbyterian Group | February-December group of the ery, skits, folk dancing, roller skat- Vernon L. Venman, corresponding and Sandra Muma 2:30 : a G a y 4 '‘OHMBANG: @ . . \ . | (ite Staats ies we Vera Maxvell tops her class N. Y. Add % cents for airmail eee Seat etd. plus =) circus secretary of the Michigan Federa-; Completing the guest list were | LUNCHEONS: Served Daily 12 Noon to i when it comes to designing a dress handling, " aS tion of Music Clubs and the Michi- Faye Bodiford, Mary Jane Massie, | Phone MI 4- 4800 Jil Reservations Has Noon Luncheon | ning of entertainment, tured in this final number. Mrs . “ Mrs. Clarence Senger of More- | Each troop has chosen its field A. K. Oakley is the accompanist Mrs. Fritz Beith, Mrs. Paul | DINNERS: Monday thru Saturday 5:50 to i P.M. | | land avennie was hostess to the P ’ s ‘of interest, including tin can cook- for the program Reith, Mrs. Ben Norris, Mrs. Hee- ff oP 9 P.M. : ae it nique tri pe ec During the business session, Mrs. tor Chambers, Mrs. Neil Mima | SUNDAY DINNERS: from 1:3 - mm. *0 ar: Shulz, Mrs. R. E. Spurgeon and that makes a point of simplicity. Mrs. George Killing served as CO This new shirtwaist model is meant. hostesses, ito be made in striped or ribbed ‘fabrics to highlight the detail of Bible study on the Book of the the yoke cut in one with the sleev es. n representative of the national Mrs. Clayton Ellis, Mrs. Ed Pre- anization, will give a Federation vette, Mrs. Ralph McKinstry and | 'Mrs. Ray Wadley. * * * * Open Tonight ‘Til 9 Sunday 2 to 5 Groups to Observe Camp Fire Sunday In observance of national Camp Fire Sunday, Camp Fire Girls will attend the church of their choice The ‘cross directions of the stripes present no difficulty since the pattern is cut by hand and is carefully notched. This New 144- page Pattern Booklet Cass Lake Youth Center will be. ea XII—50 cents. Add 4 cents if paid the scene of busy activities by /org iby check, |Girl Scout Troop 107 on Tuesday, Day report. (Look for a famous eat rt I view thelr Jllete bree 6 e ri w their ette Low seperti poe = Sear ee nes Neto” Fora pros am Ma rs. slie is. . | | Mrs. Dave Gilpin and Mrs. Edward) In effect, that's ll there isto ad ble coeelnciar ae Geel ee Mann gave a talk and exposition this dress but it is this handling . on the ‘Navajo Indian. = jthat makes it so outstanding. WCTU Federation view thetz, Girt) Scot peter: | : ‘Choose striped shirtings in silk or Gather at Ch h | ANOTHER PARTY cotton, chambray, seersucker, pi- Ss urc Five troops of Brownies and ique or one of the new cords. WCTU Federation meeting was Girl Scouts from Mid-Lakes Neigh- held at Central Methodist Church. borhood will gather for a Girl Scout Mrs. Paul Havens gave the devo- birthday party of games, songs and jtions at the recent meeting. Her dancing at the Scotch School on ‘topic was “Let's Go a Little Far- Tuesday at 7 p.m. The Rev. Robert Worgess will be Sunday in uniform, Some will at- pattern is cut to designer meas. ther With Our Lord.” a special guest at the Bertha SINE a: FAST — DEPENDABLE — ECONOMICAL tend in Camp Fire or Blue Bird urements, not standard pattern Music was furnished by Mrs.|B SPeCia! Bue hilford on Feidee Seep eeeeeeeeeeeee groups-and others will attend with) measurements, Mary Caris. Mrs. Paul Kenworthy . er school in Milford on ay | | their famili | engtn (of the 17t hDistrict, Detroit, spoke.|When five troops will have their | S 95 9x12 9x12 Rug ° * A 6 Nave of She stressed the need for alcohol Fly-up investiture ceremony at the | Only beliefs | | Bust Wa Ripe izes. Neck to|education for the youth, especially birthday open house from 7 to! | Respect for religious beliefs is | (laches) Waist |b the 9 pm. | | Devs Dene Yes part of the Camp Fire Law and 33 = 38 te lets n schools. | | | teaching and honor beads may bel 3, 3s Hy || are Oy a COATS = i , igi 3 2 3 cee 1% « - : eerned by ee religious 40 30 “1 18 ita Coming Events | tet leaders of Union Lake | study or service. ‘Size 12 requires 6% yards of 36- inch material for dress and one- Book Review Given half of a yard of 35-inch material | pm, Monde “i wer vm Scout birthday with a rally at) PARKING : fi interfacing. ra B hitney Grow ¥ H The book review at the Round for MST saern 1252, stuve (Sim sh Meee set aliens Sere ee eee | RUG and CARPET CLEANERS ee Vv J | size; send $1; address Spadea [meet ‘Mon ann o ; mith airs, Twelve troops numbering about of STORE given by Mrs. Kenneth B. Vale | Davis, 27 Palm Lod id 42 Wisner St. FE 2-7132 tine. The book was written by Eliz- Feshipes, Inc., P.. 0. Box 535, win PTA ative | Be a6 wit 175 girls will gather to cee Eyer abeth Borton DeTrevino. | G.P.0, Dept, P-4, New York 1, The United Church Women in the First Presbyterian Church at 1:30 will meet, meet Monday at 7:30 of Mrs. George Gaches, Peo Meorciand - | heighborhood, southwest district, | will celebrate the 4th Girl ltheir Juliette Low gifts. _ Huron at Telegraph™ NEW WAY eS ea ee — a 7 = * + we a eS eee ee, ra THE PON TIAC' PRESS, Energy Is the Product of ‘Mind mat = eS ae | ae Ae es aS ae 4 N + 1 \ + If SATU RDAY, MARCH 10, 1956 R. 2 ai ad sib § r Side Church of God | 9Pring Clothes Drive Protestant Group Starts "MOTOR sné NEBRASKA sts. || NEW YORK (RNS)~—The annual/Project to Aid Indians emia sad clothing = prs ot Lutheran) CHICAGO (RNS) — Protestant Mocaing Woodie, of ites, fwertd Relief will be held April ae , Wed Prayer, Manting at 1:34 15-22, it was announced here by| Women here have unched a pro- Rev. Bervert ©. es, Pastor TH Rernard A. Confer, executive sec-/gram to. aid the estimated 5,000 retary of the agency. to 6,000 American Indians who) neve meves = ecm Zers Some “ZION CHURCH OF NAZARENE ouaey Sebeol, 10:00 _ ” ~ ak $05 Auburn. Ave. Full Gospel — Nondenominational 9:45 A. M. Morning Worship Chaplain Martin Speaking at All Services - 9:45 A. M. to 12:15 — Children’s Church and School 7:45 P. M. — Soul Stirring Service See and Hear “Crusade for Christ” on Television Evecy Saturday 8:30 A. M—WXYZ-TV Channel 7 em $1700 4. M. Service, 6:45 Service, 1: P.M REV. W. E. VARIAN, Pastor LAVERN SHEFFIELD, Music Director =) for CHURCH or HOME CHRISTIAN TEMPLE ea a An 11-member fbn formed | by by the Chicago Council of Church! (Women and the social welfare de-| ) partment of the Church Federation, ‘of Greater Chicago will tackle the’ relocation problem. IN TIME FOR EASTER Pastor Prepares, Presents Series of Messages The Rev. George D. Murphy, ipastor. of the First United Mis- sionary Church, 135 Prosptct St. is preparing a series of messages in keeping with the Lenten season to be presented in worship serv- ices on the following Sundays: Mareh 1 11:00 a.m.. . “Calvary's Qeustiens™ 7:30 p.m...°The Word of Intercersion” Mareh 18 11:00 a.m “Tne Word of Authority” 7:30 pm. “The Word of- Remembrance” Mareh TS Palm Sunday 11:60 a.m “The Word of Submission” 7.30 p.m “The Word of Buffering, April 1, Easter 11:00 am... “The Word of Victory" 7: pm..,..“The Word of Confidence” day School is conducting a “Rally Month.’ The theme of the rally is “Light the Cross.” ‘ * 8 A display board, showing the list of the classes, lights with various colored lights to, indicate the at- DR. ALLAN MacLACHLAN FREW tainment of each class. The public jis sotchnone Parsonage: 145 Owege Drive + Rev. Cont Ww. Nelson, rm D.. Pastor ee ee) WATERFORD COMMUNITY CHURCH Andersonville Read Near Disie Hwy. 8. 8, 0:45 Worship, 11:00 A.M. Evening Service, 7:30 P. M. Family Bible Hour, Wed., 7:30 P.M. Lf Rev. W. Van Plew; Pastor, “WHOSOEV FIRST CONGREGATIONAL. CHURCH & Corner East Huron and Mt. Clemens at Mili St, Pentine Haig gpewlig i &. Burton, M: Sundey Reake "Service, 10:30 A.M, ER WILL BE GREAT” Preaching The Rev. Mr. Burton, Yes, it's here! Baldwin's new Orga-sonic ... the sen- i AVONDALE BAPTIST CHURCH 2155 Aebern Rd,, wear Crooks 1@ A.M, Sunday School 1) .A.M. Worship Hour Rev. Richard DeGrow, Pastor sational home organ every- one is talking about. Sunday Services and aie Hy i Wedn nscy, Evenin Service, 8 P.M. J Lawrence SUBJECT FOR SUNDAY “SUBSTANCE” Reading Room 2 raat 4 a Street Dail ll rv to 5 PM. - Friday to 9 P.M. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST and Williams Streets “HOW SPIRITUAL —— af Hit Station CKLW—800 Ke Piso 9: 4s AM. a 11:00 REV. Wm. A. HUTCHINSON Minister “Pontiac's Singing Church” ARTHUR HUBBS Minister of Meste A.M. Worship McGUIRE, D. D. b° Guest Speaker ‘ 7:30 P.M. « “DOING Sanday Schoot 9:45 A. M. Evangelistic Service THE TRUTH” Youth Group .6:30 P. M. The Orga-sonic is as mod- est in cost as it is in the space it requires .. . and everyone, young and old - alike, can play and enjoy the Orga-sonic Come in today for your free demonstration . . . and be sure to bring the family. $1,595.00 PERRY PARK | BAPTIST CHURCH Beltimore and Cameron Opp. Emerson School SUNDAY SERVICES Senday Seheol, 16:00 A.M. Morning Wership, 11:00 A. M. Youth & Children’s Church, 11 A. M. Young People, 6:15 P.M Evening Service, 7:30 P.M. Prayer Meeting, Wed. at 13:30 - Rev. Hilding Bihl, Paster FE 2-3225 Bible Centered Message CALBI MUSIC CO. 119 North Saginaw St. FE 5-8222 CHURCH of the GOOD ITAN D. A. V. Hall, 199 Auburn Ave. Healing Service 7:00 P.M. Service 7:30 P.M. Rev. Lillian Winters, Detroit, Speaker Silver Tea, Tuesday, March 13 CHURCH of 1198 Joslyn Ave. SERVICES: | Saturday ............... 7:30 P. M. Sunday ......... ceectece- Rh te Sunday Evening Bes adc 7 P. Mz. ‘Homer A. Gay, Evangelist FE 8-1897 CHRIST -— 87 Lafayette St. (2 Edna Lohr, Chi L. M. Hewtson, Pastor Free Methodist Church Church of the Light and Life Hour Closing Day of the CHILDREN’S REVIVAL SUNDAY A. M. SUNDAY P. M. 7:00 to 8:00 PARENTS BRING THE FAMILY Blocks W. of Sears) — | troit, will meet at 5 p.m. Sunday in the; Detroit Minister \Confident Living oul in . Unison s You Can ‘Think’ Yourself Into Disease, Tiredness Authorities tell us that the heart is the toughest muscle in the body. We are told that average lifetime it produces enough energy to lift a battleship fourteen feet out of the water! - wee, . e e PY attack when he was forty-six, and here L am, forty-two already — my turn is coming,” or if you read in the newspapers about people who have suffered heart attacks and dwell on such stories — presently you are likely to begin feel- ing twinges yourself. Your mind will become filled with apprehensive thoughts, and soon you may find your bloodpressure up and your heart action too fast. In his book, ‘“‘Freedom From Fear,” Dr. Lester L. Coléman, an authority on psychosomatic medicine, calls this kind of thinking one of the greatest health threats of our time. And, just as you can think yourself into tired- ness and disease, so can you think yourself into energy and health. At the urging of his. father, and not without resistance, the son of a friend of mine once took a job for the summer. Each night he came dragging home complaining that he was so tired he couldn’t possibly do his usual, DR. PEALE family car. Guest Speaker Presbyterian Pastor Will Bring Message to Central Methodists The School of Christian Living Wednesday at Central Methodist| Church, will begin with a = at 6:30 p.m. Speaker for the evening will be! Dr. Allan MacLachlan, minister of First Presbyterian Church of De- His message will be ‘‘The ‘God We Know to Be.” Dr. Frew was born in Glasgow, Scotland becoming a citizen of the United States in 1938. He was edu-| cated at Davidson College in North: ‘Carolina, at Princeton University Theological Seminary. Waynesburg and Davidson Col-| \leges have conferred the Doctor of; | run, then fly. But the Bible is wiser than that, for it tells us that the great upthrust of inspiration eventuates in the ability to keep going | when the going is bard. To walk and not faint it is necessary to rise | Divinity Degree upon him. He has traveled widely in, this, country and abroad in the inter-. ‘ests of the Presbyterian Church.| ‘Dr. Frew serves as a membef of the Board of Trustees of Princeton. ‘Theological Seminary and Beaver ‘College, Philadelphia. | The Aldergate Fellowship will) Think of this truth as you study men or read history, or as you evalu- ‘meet at the church at 2 p.m. Sun- |day to go to visit the 18 plus. group of First Methodist Church jin Wyandotte, The Church Membership Class pastor’s office. The group is receiv-| ‘ing instruction for uniting with! the church at the Easter Sunrise ‘Service. PUSH HIMSELF “All right, Dad,’’ the boy reluctantly agreed, “but I can hardly push myself to it, I'm so tired,” But a few minutes later a teen-age vision of loveliness walked into the driveway, carrying a golf bag. ‘How about a game of golf?” a ‘asked the supposedly overworked and weary boy. - He washed that car in nothing flat. Then he played golf till ‘on: | missing his dinner, and went dancing until past midnight. Obviously his tiredness had not been in his muscles; it had been in his thoughts. We consume too much power telling ourselves how tired we are. Of course there is such a thing as healthy ‘tiredness, when you’ have worked or played hard all day and can fall into bed with a delicious sense of repose. That's normal tiredness from physical effort. But ‘what really saps the energy is a deep mental fatigue — and there is a’ tested Way to prevers it. The Bible says, ‘They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.” Then it goes on to describe the new access of energy, “They, |shall mount up with wings as eagles,"" but even that isn't the climax. jof the dynamic passage, For it adds, “They shall run and not be ‘weary; and they shall walk and not faint.” You might think that the text should be inverted: first walk, then up with wings as eagles. Energy for the long hard pull comes from the uplift of mind and soul in spiritual inspiration. Is this subject of constant energy an insignificant one? I think not. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, ‘‘The world belongs to the energetic.” ate yourself. You will find that victory, achievement and ordinary usefulness come most frequently to those who have kept up their en- ergy, often over many long years. Life with power belongs to those 'who wait upon the Lord, who rise up with wings as eagles, who run and are not weary, who walk and do not faint. . (Copyright 1956) Grace Lutheran Pastor | 4% Block Off M-19 on Milford Rd. | Rev. T. B. Davis, Ministér 10:00 a. m. Sunday School 11:15a.m. Morning Worship. Sermon by Pastor. |_—— | 10:00 to 11:30 Idren's Worker Bertella Green, 6. 8. Supt. ST. PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH |. Joslyn at Fourth 10:45 a. m. Morning Worship 9:30 a. m. Sunday School George Mahder, Pastor FE 54-0404 9:45—First Sunday of RALLY MONTH 11:00—Sermon: “Calvary’s Questions” Holy Communion 135 PROSPECT ST. FIRST UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH — GEO. D. MURPHY, PASTOR EVANGEL TEMPLE Y. M. C. A, Side Entrance Neon -Deneminational — save Sunday School, 0:45 A Worship, 11:00 A. M. Evangelistie Service Sunday * vwening, 7:45 P.M. Geofirey Day. B.A.B.TH. Pastor 7:30—Evangelistic Hour Sermon series: “The Word of Intercession” UNITED. LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Williams and Lerraine The Common Service 11:00 2. m. Sunday School ..... 10:00 a. m. . Garver, Paster FE 2-7418 Ff Emmanuel Telegraph Road at Orchard Lake Ave. Baptist Church e Departmentalized W 7 SPEC BAPTISMAL SERVICE Evangelist Bob Eaton Speaking at All Services be Sundey School Attendance Lest Sundey—1097 DR. TOM MALONE Sunday School for All Ages | Auditorium Bible Class 10:00 A. M. “THE TRIUMPHAL ENTRY” Broadcast Over WCAR 10:15 - 10:45 700 A. M. “THE HALF-WAY HOUSE” :30 P. M. “WHAT IS GOD LIKE?” IAL MUSIC Pastor 9:45 a. m. Sunday School First Church of God 25 East Boulevard — South of Lookout Drive 10:45a.m. Morning Services Loke St. Church of God | Cherch School, 9:43 4. M Morning Service, 14:00 A. M. ¥. P. Service, 6:30 P.M. Evening Service, 7:30 P.M, cere Sefvice and Bible Study, “Tuesday, 7:30 P.M 88 Orten ‘ot Grace Lutheran Church, has jaccepted a call to Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, Cleveland. jenter the fhinistry. Attending prep- ‘aratory college in Fort Wayne, Ind. is Wallace Turner. | Jenks, = | Accepts Wisconsin Call The Rev. Otto G. Schultz, pastor Lutheran Church, Wauwatosa, Wis. a suburb of Milwaukee, Wis. i Ld * He will preach his farewell ser- men April 8th. He attended Concordia College in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, and was graduated from Concor. dia College, St. Louis, Mo., in dune 1941. He did post-graduate work at Western Reserve Univer- sity, Cleveland, Ohio. - His first pastorate was at Zion ‘3 § } On Nov. 7, 1943, the Rev. Mr. |Schultz came to Grace Lutheran. At that time, the congregation ‘numbered 300 members. The pres- ‘ent registration is nme than 1200. Grace Lutheran Cart has eight young men now studying to” _REV. OTTO G. SCHULTZ par But if you think and say, as one man did, “My father had a heart. household chores. One night, the father insisted that the son wash the |} se ‘attack crops in Young People. Wed. 7:30 = Bible Study Sat. 7: pet Whole World"-ONENESS - UNITY 11% N. Saginaw St., F§,2-4609 Morning Service, 11:00. A. M. HE JOKL, ee Sunday sates, 11:00 A.M. th Class Men., if Lessons in Tre’ ‘7:80 - ——— se a FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH WILLIAM H MaRBscn EDWARD D AUCHARD GALEN E HERSHEY. Pastors | ‘ 9:45 A.M. Church School ‘ 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship. SERMON TOPIC: “CHRIST'S SCALE OF VALUES” : Dr, William H Marbach, Preaching =f United $ Presbyterian Churches The Truth of God— Forbearance in Love OAKLAND AVENUE Oakland at Cadillac Theodore ®. Alledach, Paster Bible School 11:20 AM. Worship 10:00 A.M “YOU CANNOT BUY HAPPINESS” Youth Fellowship 6:30 Evening Service 730 Wed. Prayer Meeting a PM. PM. PM JOSLYN AVENUE Joslyn at Third Edmond 1. Watkins, Paster Bible 9 30 Weeshic 0:45 . 63 73 73 School Youth Fellowship Evening Service Wed. Night Prayer Meeting . AUBURN HEIGHTS 3456 First Street 3. Marvey McCann, Paster Bible School ‘9 ie A ‘v Worship “THE GREAT INVITATION” Youth Fellowship .. 6.30PM. Thursday Night . Bible Class .~.... 7:00PM DRAYTON PLAINS Pastor 0 0 0 Walter J. Teeuwissen, Jr., 45 A.M. Bible School 00 AM. Worship Service 30 P.M. Youth Fellowship 30 PM = inday Evening Hoi Wed. 7 30 PM Prayer and Study Hour 9 ll 6: 7 ba The other boys, David Schroe- der, Michael Schultz, Daniel Par- shall, Tyrus Menzel, Dennis dack Nicholas Jr. and Richard Grebetar, are enrolled at Concordia College, Milwaukee. Next year, Gary Collom is plan- 311 Bagley Street Rev. T. Walter films on events in Providence Missionary Baptist Sunday School, 9:30 A.M—Morming Worshhip, 1] A.M. Evening Service 7:30 P.M—Special Lenten series feature. “The Life of Christ.” Hear R. W. Wright on Sunday, March 18, 8 P. M. FE 4-3262 Harris, Paster | ning to attend Concordia. The church, organized in 1928, | Special Sunday For Transportation Cail! FE 4-1782 HM. Eagene Ramsey. Minister -— Gen, Offices: Anderson, Ind. ivening Service—7 :30- Pp, M. Joey Bochenek, Master of 9 in a program of “MUSIC and GOSPEL MAGIC” It's Unusual and Outstanding — Be Sure to Hear Him Musical” Instruments, _Réy. Paul Cooley, Paster ‘11 a. m. Mr. Voorhees of Flin speaker, Saturday Night Busine: | was formerly located. at 8 .N. Gen-| esee Ave. :-The present pastor was. instrumental in the building of the. Church of the Brethren 4a NN RESET AWS 10 a. m. Sunday School Meeting 7:30 p. m. Sunday Evangelistic ‘Serviee . 7:30 p. m. . BEULAH HOLINESS CHURCH Osmun and Going Streets ‘church now located at S. Genesee Sunday School ........ 9:45 at Glendale Ave.: Worship Service .- . 11:00 Wed. 7:30 ——— B.Y.P.S.. .6:30 p. m. Mid-week Prayer Service Rev. |. W. Burgess Pastor P.M. 50,000 Write Pope Evangelistic Meeting 7 p. m. REV. LEROY SHAFER. Paster | VATICAN CITY (RNS)—Vatican ‘Post Office officials reported that MARCH 12- 3:00 P. M. | EVANGELISTIC SERVICES| 18, 8:30 P.M. Evangelist JIMMY MERCER One of America’s Leading Evangelists SPECIAL MUSIC EACH NIGHT NEW CHURCH. DEDICATION Refreshments Will Be Served Five Points Community Church 3411 E. Walton Blvd. more than 50,000 letters had been, received from Roman Catholic schoo! children in Holland wishing Pope Pius XII ‘happy returns’’ on his birthday. CHURCH OF CHRIST “THE HERALD OF TRUTH” WXY7—Each Sun. 1:00 te 7:30 P.M. Sunday Evening Service FE 5.7849 1180 N. Perry — Phone FE 2-6269 MILTON E. TRUER, Minister P.M. 1:30 P.M, Ee Wednesday Hey A.M. Sunday Bible Schoo} 10:59 A.M Sunday Wership S71 Rohinweed Are, Eve. Service | Red Ban Annulment — BERLIN (RNS)—Leaders of the Evangelical Church of Berlin- Brandenburg issued a‘ declaration demanding immediate annulment) of a Communist decree banning | religious instruction in East Berlin’ ‘high schools and colleges. Services at 9 A. M. and 11 A. M. Sunday School—9 A. M. and 11 A. M. GRACE LUTHERAN ‘CHURCH Corner of Genesee and Glendale Rev. Otte G. Schultz—Speaker PARKDALE CHURCH | of the NAZARENE | ’ Parkdale and Hollywood 1 Block W. of Baldwin Sunday School 9:45 A. M. March 18th , THE SALVATION ARMY — ae 45 4.M. » CITADEL) 29 W. Lawrence Street —Sunday Services— Worship eting 10:45 A. M. Thursday Prayer and Praise Meeting—7 :30 P.M. vening Service 7 P. $/Captain and Mrs. Magnus A. Michalsen : TP commanding officers-in-charge | WAYNE E. WELTON, Minister ] , FE 2-6928 You Are Cordially Invited! Young People’s Legion—6 P. M. 11:00 A.M. Salvation Meeting—7:30 P.M. &,{ ; i \ fs \ | ; ‘ 5 { ¥ ae 4 es f i - fp i \ ie THE PONTIAG PRESS, SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 1956 4 a a | 1s lEvane elist Will Speak | an Tint Growl Baptist Caan [GFOUP Will Join Presbyterians Schedule® sibiee let Ur Ron’ | FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH eet Doe : _ @ar » Williams Lake Road Set Brenag Savon... FAO. Me Ch h E ; Volunteer Pledge Sunday} Drengu Bienes A Gar cf Lb" "sorend Bestest Gréviog Chaseh. Sunday School ............. y | reo = ast The Annual Volunteer Pledge! operating budget to avold a spe- |with the Joslyn avenue Church of Morning Worship soeeoeceeett Dae ur e Sunday et First Presbyterian aa ate On —_ wer Devt. Bill Campbell, Evening Service een eee bonnet * ; 2 : Charch announced March A del tion of Church School ‘He will be con- i y School ....., grrr ewree eneuee 10:00 A. M, . Pegtlenal Service Bethany Baptist to Hear: by Robert C. Anderson, president ricory’ end Nencher®. will attend! @ucting vocal ms- [in Morning Worship Sree Crete Seneese iL 100 A.M. A ; President J. D. Phillips of the Board of Trustees. ‘The fiscal ine Church School acta . vening eke ue pecoseennorte . Sage _ _._ Broadcast on of Hillsdale College "0%", *t Fist Presbyterian begins! netroit Presbytery, qe ce op bog : WATERFORD-DRAYTON AREA MA sue 249 Baldwin Ave, ‘FEG7I72 ) Gee's Highland Park Presbyterian! 7. 59 oad scanek A Ls teebetan nae istelneer : 2) Welock Dr. William H. Marbach, pas- Church on March 12. : ‘ At the close of the Wieck tor, will preach on the subject, aac Sunday morning ind he ty wal om «| “rere tet Wah” WG eal Selections | cw mo THE PILGRIM HOLINESS Baptismal service those p The budget proposed by the Ses- All Sai ints Episcopal Church aaa gee a Alber ea PR and Trustees for 185657 in USICal JEleCTIONS find to have any. CHURCH | Williams Street at West Pike Toe croup, Preparing ‘0 0| involving a decided increase over Slated for Sunday FE 8-1897. He has Invites You to the First Services “| The. Rev, C. George Widditield, Rector A last year’s budget. written several MR. GAY in Its New Church Buildin The Rev. Lewis W. Towler, Curate Kaper dase. e¢ 8 be The Rev, Eugene Ramsey, pas-| booklets and tracts and been editor & SUNDA’ vices: . President J. Donald Phillips, ot} 3. B. Kimball church treasur-|tor, announces the appearance of|0f ‘The Old Paths’ Advocate.” Baldwin and Fairmount irae Hilisdale College, will address er, points out that the current Joey Bochenek, sometimes called) At 11 a.m. Sunday, he will speak . : 8:00 AM.—Holy Communion “ at nts |exPense budget includes extensive| Banjo Wizard” in musical num-jon “Let Us Run.” TOMORROW a losteve umn, — prrent rjitems for redecorating the sanc-\bers at 7:30 p.m, Sunday in the|— = Worship ~.....-- 014-2: «e+ ---11:00 A. M. 11:00 AM.—Moming. Prayer, Church sen ot Poation and the eurround-|‘nt?, renairing. le pide adage ad oa oe St. Trinity. |] Pilgrim Y. P.S.0..0.00. 00005 vo «6.45 P. M. 2 ee in ~ | Evening Servi ee rs) School and Sermon by the ing area at @ — —— price of the new manse occu-| Born in Chicago of Polish par- ‘Lutheran Church vening Service ............065 :30 P. M. Rector. adesogead Autitortans Seevomd pled by Rev. Galen Hershey. one, sooner plays sine ae PSE EL SPR Sunday School for All : 10:00 A. M. ; . |will be served at 6:30. Siene teem ove Cee member of the Eddie “Peabody Missouri Synod Come. Bring Your Family to Our Sunday School ST. GEORGE'S CHAPEL § ST. ANDREW'S CHAPEL Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Brown; of _ |Banjo Club in Chicago and has ap- Rev. Ralph C. Claus @uertel Siac - : MILFORD, MICH. Dixie Highway Near Gashabew 101 OsceolasDrive, are co-chair. peared on rally and campaign pro- SUNDAY SCHOOL sis nging — Special Preaching = eS jmen for the a grams with the Palermo Brothers ||| 9:45 A.M. “THE LITTLE CHURCH WITH THE BIG HEART” 8:00 A. M.—Hely Communion 9:30 A.M.—Holy Communica | Serving ee aes ai of Youth for Christ International Jet SERVICE 8:30 A, M. E. C. Swanson, Minister. Roy Overbaugh, 5. 8. Supt. * oe Me loki yy-pelenl porared acta al La npeens x: combines object lessons with|"i| 2ed SERVICE 11:00 A. M. | Gorman by the Rov 11:00 A. M.—Morning Mrs. R. A. Tubbs, the Rev. Wen- Gonpel Music, Robert J. Bickley, Vicar ee ee in ee dall A. Maloch and Mr. and Mrs t F Frank’ Houston. APOSTOLIC CHURCH OF CHRIST ~~ 458 Central “Services Sunday 10 a.m. & 7:30 p.m. Tues., Thurs., Sat. 7:30 p.m. We cre Apostolic in doctrine, Baptism in Jesus Name, Holy Ghost as New Birth, Jesus as the One True God! Always Pray for the EAST HURON at PERRY y several faculty members expect Central Methodist |=2=== Rev. Milten H, Bank, D. D., Miniter Rev. John W. Mulder, Asse. Minister : Sunday Morning 10:45 A. M. a my ‘i irr “CAN YOU MAKE THE GRADE?” oncert at irinity 7] — N\Aa rtin uther Bapua Church Sick. SUNDAY, MARCH 11 | 7:00 P. M. - (Broadcast Over WPON 11:00 A. M.) apu u THE Dr Bok, Pracing rms at ces] WESLEYAN METHODIST Si lrented oe 4 ee eee ee ity Baptist Church,| REV. FRANKLIN HOLBROOK | ~ @1 NORTH LYNN STREET a= , A | ii 10.00 wy , jit vs sian Fos Junir Talent Time’ | ==" esln ,_, Breemttr 7a "RECOVERY, INC. _ FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH j{§ ) re Sponsored by Youth The Rev. Franklin Holbrook, af 516 Baléwin Ave. Paster, Rev. Tommy Guest graduate of Trevecca College, REGULAR SERVICES :|Nashville, Tenn., will speak at 7, Taree ay ceamane canta reeerees o'clock Simday evening in ce suunay Scns. anne ees ; : Parkdale Church of the Nazarene.| SUNpar EVENING SERVICE 27102” purchase choir robes. He is paster of the Church of | Public Invited — Oakland and Saginaw ~ Pontiac, Michigan Rev. H. H. Savage, Pastor Rev. W. E. Hakes, Asst Pastor Our responsibility—the World; Our resources— Tuesdey, 10:00 A. M. WOMEN Thursday, 7:00 P, M. MEN end WOMEN 5 > the Word. Te Semmens os ne are _™ e | . SUNDAY SCHOOL—9:45 A. M. Oakland Fellowship as Geen pene (wae Gel | _S. Saginaw at Judson St. : . SURI. leadership of Wesley Hendley.) CENTRAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH | pt ican mpcoanged MORNING WORSHIP—10:45 A. M. ‘fo Meet at Marimont jpresscens | | 10. A." UNDER THE SHADOW" EVENING SERVICE—7 :00 P. M. When the Oakland Youth Fellow- “Junior Talent Time.” CHAS. D. RACE, Paster FE 46-0239 2 “ALL THINGS NEW" |ship meets at 9:15 p.m. Sunday at}, 7 Sunday Services: Bible School 10:00 A.M. ” 11:15 to 12:15 A.M. Chesch School = Rev. W. E. Hakes. Ass't Pastor speaking ithe Mariomont Baptist Church, a Unity Church Group Pe 6:15 P. M. Y. FELLOWSHIP at Both Services |] ff film will be shown, entitled “Chris-|4. study “Affirmations Worship Service, 11 A.M. Vesper Service 5:30 P.M. * : = : tian Business Men's Chorus.” This y ~~" Youth Meeting Monday, 7:00 P.M 7:30 P.M. The Aurora Class in Charge {wil be the mcuthiy Simgapiration) irs. Blanche Jok! will peak on} . ‘tstian Leadership Sound Film: “THE VOICE of the DEEP” a SS ee meeting. “Season of Refreshment” Sunday Wed. Prayer Meeting and Christian Leadership . | ‘The picture, comprised of busi-| morning at 11 o'clock. The service Training Class, 7:30 P.M. 6:30 Pa WEDNESDAY LENTEN Ness men singing raises . ‘nit ‘ * CHRISTIAN & , MISSIONARY will run 30 mites. iy ervthery temep Ty N. hal Loyalty to Christ 2 Feb. 5th to April Ist and Program. Sound , ard ALLIANCE CHURCH Jateco” Wrenbal, "Cal" Merteoers| hed atthe sans tise Am — and David Lunden will give several The chapter on “Affirmations” 'selections. They boys, members of fro the book ‘‘Lessons in Truth’) 178 Gree Neer Orherd Lake I Svtcet Baptat, wil be eccom-|eii be’ senied Atontay” at 1:38 ” Calvary Missionary Church - panied by Eleanor Hassenzahl at pm. Mrs, Joki will be present at Ee ea REVIVAL /[*,. 6 p.m. for consultation. | ri NET LE | Baptiot Charch val eis sl — = wr erening Worship... veces ee030P.M. Closes | Ann Fulcher of Silvercrest Baptist | MOUNT OLIVE GENERAL | Mee Ree Devia | nua ‘s d Ni ht 7:30 | 'Church, accompanist. The boys BAPTIST CHURCH ai z undoay g ‘are Doug Brown of Going St., 98 West Howard St. Glenn and. Eugene Stone of S&. ! = aoe =—=WELCOMEs - SATURDAY NIGHT =| Santora st sentar sineet fl SERVICE, 7:30 Leading the community singing ; sete | The Bethany Baptist Church will be Rowland Polley. Every one Morning Service —With— is welcome. 1100 aM. West Huron at Mark Avenue _ REV. W. G. WESTON, : zi Eventing Service | Fred Robert Tiffany, Pastor ; | 7:80 P.M. i Evangelist ond MRS. DALE Revival Meetings ) visor ternce || Morning Sunday Evening HOWARD, Musicians Will Close Sunday | “7S Satan a Book, Paster 8. 8. Supt. - Sunday will be the closing day = ot the revival meetings being held) 9:45—Worship, Study 5:00—Youth Center | 9:45—Sunday School 6:00—Youth Choirs hi; 11:00—Worship Service 7:00—Programs for All } Sunday's Theme: “STOP TRYING TO BE GOOD” in the Christian and Missionary, LISTEN TO WEDNESDAY EVENING— | defined principles of her Catholic Catholics gladly choose this Alliance Church, 178 Green St. _(Reserved for the ray at the Church deseo || Faith. Some will say that this is way because they bali that the | Tonight at 7:30, the Rev. W. G.| “THE TRUTH (Geren == . = ='/form of “thought control” to which Church... from to the pres- REV. W. G. WESTON harper hid oe aie ‘they would not erga door as = SE mee the — Setele # Sooty see Peewee ABOUT COLUMBIA AVENUE oss |cmmoinenapnghamebe belting ti, dy wae a n i . 5 as * 9:45-Sunday School 11 A. M. Wership | subject. ' S havior might also be called a form oe ee 6:15 P. M.—Youth Groups Tomorrow, Sunday School will, WOMEN f of thought control. wal values...never at « loss 7:30 P. M.—Evangelical Service be at 9:45 am. The Rev. Mr. 2 Women generally, of Course, are *Pititual assurance and help for | Weston will preach on “The Pow-) P SMOKERS” -° $65 East Wilson Ave, — — — ok eae ee at Sunday School ........ 9:45 A.M. & regard it as @ grave social evil, _ Whether you tingle. ie will so . __p» ||. The Youth group will meet at (SiR PACTS) Morning Worship......11:00 A. M. Catholic women not only share this ™*" married or single... “Visit the Church of the Old Fashioned Gospel” {6-15 p.m. and the guest speaker ON RADIO TU...W«#t«#t« 6:30 PLM. view, but know that according t0- FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD [eee °" ~=CKLW Evening Worship... 7:30 P.M. * othe Goa eee . —_—————_ Wed. Prayer Meeting .. 7:30 P.M. Catholic women may be tempt- 210-216 N. Perry St. Wants Religious Spirit san 996 4 M Young People's Bible Stu. 8:00 P.M. ° ed, at times, unlawfully to limit REV. W. WIBLEY, Min Anstilled in Business 2 aver REV. A. H. MULLINS. Pastor Phone FE 4-8574 | the number of their children to fit NEW YORK —Moorhend rich, WINDSOR Alfiliated With Southern Baptist Convention | remind them this ica violation of inewly-elected president of the Lay- , ern : | /teminds them this is a violation \men’s ore for a pega - World, urged group to “affect to religious training the spiritual climate of the large| their children is not a matter of American corporations so a man| a rT | choice, It is 2 clear duty. ime openly stand up and proclaim | : : rhe nella OLD FASHIONED” REVIVAL 80: ---<:%:. | “Tt is in this area that the Lay-| "S (true, are regular in their church ‘men's Movement can do most,’ he t th attendance and conscious of their said, “because any effect on the a e God's law. Likewise, the obligation need to worship God. But for all KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS American business , particu: i a Say he real coms oor First Open Bible Church = Cs. sierworntc | istarsctaraat tne viass 7 Nerica.* wil saved | a , 4 ; 1517 Joslyn can never shirk. Attendance at | Pleese send me your Pree Pamphlet om largest impact on the world—larger One Block North ef Walton Bivd. Mass on Sundays and Holy Days, a it! © Woumn Monts te Comet then that of any other single im CONTINUOUS THROUGH ; Til ico cove a vee, ocd fering ood | eum r— Bea SUNDAY, MARCH 18th “abstinence, are not merely religious pee oe ee || sonrruaut cruren a Each Night at 7:30 P. M. Except Monday [rental lh specie _— SUNDAY Y SCHOOL—9:45 A.M. | vreonm ete nie tern, 19 Special Music | a ee wan MORNING WORSHIP—11:00 A. M. - nee eee , SOUTHERN GOSPELAIRES EY MSGR AXM. SHARP 7 | = . followed by Seclal Evening Evangelists Rey. C. James Spellman 3 SUPREME COUNCIL ' EVENING WORSHIP—7:45 P..M. ———————— : OF COLUMBUS, OHIO , i KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS ) 00 to 8:30 A " CRMSTIAN PSYCHIC Senne eee Pulte, sperms a RELIGIOUS INFORMATION BURE WPON—SUNDAY—8:00 to 8:30 A.M. || SCIENCE CHURCH = OUTSTANDING MUSIC OLD TIME PREACHING Feceg | AU . pant! pease - @ PRAYERS 4422 CIMDELL sive. _ $7. LOUIS 8, missouRt TUESDAY and THURSDAY—7:45 P.M. |) teaser soma om 7 <~ REV, T, H, STATON, Postor FE 2-8497 | ) . | miawees (ervice, Wed, 190 P.M. ; sity vied Seger 7 / bee THE PONTIAC PRESS. SATURDAY; MARCH 10, 1956 ‘ LT. GOV. PHILIP HART Guest speaker at the 31st annual will be Lt. Gov. sien A. Hart. Society who will be assisted by other wom- en of the church. Set April 5 to Accept Bids Your PTA is Planning: ‘ Fruit Growers to Meet Monday An analysis of fruit spraying methods and schedules will be giv- en for all fruit growers in Oakland| County at 8 p.m. Monday, at a! meeting in the Oakland County Market, Pontiac Lake -road just west of Telegraph. Dr. Arthur Mitchell of the Michi- gan State University’s horticultural department who is also co-author of the spray calendar, will conduct) the meeting. According fo John K. Bray, as- sistant county agricultural agent, spraying is the most critical program in the orchard, More ‘| apples could be saved by the proper spraying program than | pra officers will be elected and by any other corrective measure. | otreshments are to be served. Five or six new sprays come. Rochester ae ery eee eect ta tne ewery|. The Woodward PTA will meet one. At this meeting the grower Monday, at 8 p.m. at the Wood- will be able to find out the results|“#"¢ School. of these sprays on the University’s} Following a short business experimental plots. meeting the program will feature ‘Phillips, Independence Township \Civil Defense Director, will show ‘a color film on fire fighting and other CD procedure, Monday at’ 7:30 p.m., at.the Sashabaw School on Maybee road, , is the first of its shown in this varea, ington, D. C., ‘kind to be ‘officials said. ~ Phillips will give new CD in- | formation, presenting a police sehool, which will teach polic- ing during an emergency. Teaches Youth Both Figures and Skating ‘Sashabaw Slates CD Film, Police School on Monday Construction SASHABAW PLAINS — Robert! The film, just arrived from Wash- | For High School Milford School Board Lets Contract for Road to Site MILFORD — Contract for a road leading to the new $1,250,000 Mil- a panel dlecussion of elemen- ae ae | Refreshments will be served by the first grade room mothers. The executive board will meet ‘at 7 p.m. at the school preceding ithe regular meeting.. ft Mark 44th Scout. a ow bi by a ee Birthday Tonight |"™*""", . , Two bids were submitted for the at Romeo High double-boulevard type road lead- ROMEO—In. observance of the ing trom North Milford road to the 44th birthday of their organiza- site. tion, Girl Scouts and Brownies| Lyman-Girst’s bid was $6,131.10. will present a program of skits, dances and songs at 7:30 tonight START PARENT ROUND-UP — A movement to better understand teenagers and their problems is the purpose of a parent round-up at. Milford (standing) the in the Romeo ‘High School audi- torium. Mrs. James E. Curnute of Rochester, director of the Rolling Glen Day Camp near Utica, will be the speaker, _ Local Girl Scout leaders’ presi- dent, Mrs. Rex Emmons, will | act as master of ceremonies, Of | | particular interest to local scouts | and their parents will be the at Hunters Creek ll Taipalus- of Flint will be guest Prosteyterten Church. Abdve, setting organized to Flint Pastor to Speak Sunday ‘ METAMORA—Rev. G. Douglas speaker at Hunters Creek Commu- nity Church on Sunday, at both MILFORD — ““Head’in for a Highland Teacher Excels in Two Fields school | a When enrolied at Michigan State College in 1951, he Two-Car Crash Injure Driver, 5-Year-Old 8 Women of the community - are invited to join with them, and bring clean white moterial and a sack Junch. Utica Couple to Wed UTICA — Mr. and Mrs, William C. Manske of 33045 Edgewater Dr., Fraser, are announcing the en- gagement of their daughter, Elaine, to Albert A. Behm Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Behm of 47393 Romeo Plank Rd., Utica. Date for the wedding has not’ ‘been set. Troy meet at one p.m. Monday at the home of Mrs. Aaron Oliver, 5115 Somerton St. Dance Tonight at Thomas THOMAS — Thomas Community Assn. will hold a dance tonight at, Thomas Community Hall. All area’ residents are invited to attend. County Births Uties Mr..and Mrs. Robert La Londe 47405) Greenview 8t., rival of a son, Mart Mrs Marian oman, 2406, Dercley St., are parents of a new son. neth — . ssel] J. France, 6069 are sonoeens the birth of s Roxanne Fay, Willie TWwise, 6610 Hearst, | ere pe the ar- Ra 4 Mrs parents of a new daughter, Prances , and Mrs. Willard M. Barnes, 47759 + ate parents of a new daughter, Galen ase brs. Galen C. “Ne id Mre gatirer Bt, are parents of a new son, Alment 2 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Krebs of Dryden are perents of a daughter, Lymn Marie A lie Cauleen, Was | - to Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Pridemore | . and Mrs. Elmore Stern t Imija City bare a new daughter, Gail Lo me | ¢ and Mrs. Howard Hillman itt daughter, time was to roller skate at the) Learning to roller skate could be near-by rolladium. | compared to ballet dancing, ac- In his very first professional! cording to Lampkin. “A person skating meet in 1947, Paul took | must have perfect coordination and first place in the Michigan State timing along with a natura] sense) competition and first in the Great |of rhythm, to complete the split | ‘Lakes Regional. From there, he, jjumps, camel spins, Arabesques, ‘has traveled—and competed . in and other forms of fancy shat meets in every state in the union, jing. except Maine. The rolladium on M-59 is owned Besides having toured the | by Lampkin’s brother-in-law, United States, Lampkin has been | Anselmy. In the West Indies, Jamaica, | With most of his time taken up Bermada and has traveled ex- | with his teaching activities, Lamp- tensively in Northern Canada. [kin has not participated in pro-| “His interests do not end with/fessional competition recently, pots presentation of oe col- |: ae and ‘badge work will be Members Appointed hes display and refreshments will : eager” OMe by the scouts and their to Holly Commission Walled Lake Ch Lake Chu rch HOLLY — Members appointed jon the new. Holly Township Parks and Recreation Commission are: fo Hear Rev. Sain Si Srna neds WALLED LAKE — A_ guest ce Morris Fein, James Wheeler, Rob- preacher, The Rev. R. E. Sain,| A special election will be held in ert Warden, Maurice Hadley, Har- Owen. |planning commission member of 4 few weeks when the voters will| ‘the Detroit Council of Churches,'be given a chance to levy a tax of |will give the sermon at 10 a.m. bed cents per $1,000 assessed valu- iworship service Sunday at Walled ation to provide ‘for the functioning the morning and evening services. ee Round-Up,” is the purpose “help organize” Mrs, Wilbur Johnson and Wilbur Johnson, and other groups are (left to right) Rev. Charles Richey, Clarence Reading Jr. and Mrs. Reading. Organize ‘Family Life’ Movement at Milford The Rev. Mr. Taipalus, who is [of a new group being established the second of four candidates for iby the Milford Presbyterian the pastorate at Hunters Creek, |Church. received his A.B. and M.A. de- | Although the movement to better grees from Bob Jones University. understand teen-agers and their A get-acquainted potluck dinner |problems, is on a national basis, will be held at noon in the base. |this is the first time that a group ment of the church. é of this type has been organized The annual church business|/ the Milford area. meeting will be held at the cure Headed by the Family Life on Thursday at 8 p.m. Committee of the church, various teaching and roller skating. Paul belongs to two bowling leagues, is . |a fine golfer, loves to fish and however, he has been contracted to) go to California to act as judge|-Sue Methodist Civarch. His topic | will be ‘‘Concern for the City.”’| ‘of the annual South West Pacific DUS TE Coast Regional meet, to be held lof the new commission. hunt, and during the summer ts) an enthusiastic water skier. ‘in July. FOR DUET SKATING—Paul Lampkin, Highiand’s roller-skating skating. Photo was taken at a recent party held for eighth graders at the Pontiac Rolladium. =Bywood St., mathematics teacher, shows Judy Burton the first position of duet | ‘\four are in desperate straits today Plans for either an addition t ,To Institute DeMolay the present church or a new build at Lake Orion Tonight ing are in the “talking stages’’| jthe Rev. C. F. Oliver, pastor of the church, said. ‘Stiles Garden Group to Pick Officers Monday AVON TOWNSHIP Branch of the National Women's ¢irs¢ officers. Farm and Garden Assr- will meet at one p.m. Monday at the home| Pee banquet will be held at the of Mrs. Joseph Wesley, 1173 North | Max Obermeyer, state master | councilor, will. be present to of. ficiate at the institution of the es will be ‘Mrs. Clarence Russell and Mrs. Eari Kinnee, Officers will be elected for the coming fiscal year. 30 Meet in Gingellville GINGELLVILLE — Thirty peo-, ple attended the regular meeting and potluck dinner of the Gingell- | ville Community Club ee County inty Calendar Reche The Heart of the “mils Pilani ii | counci hor Pigs anand be weaned in the imorning so the sows and pigs will ‘have all day to get over the’ a County Deaths Ernest B. Mills ROCHESTER — Service for Er- nest B. Mills, 76, 326 Linwood, will! be held at 1 p.m.. Monday trom ithe Willlam R. Potere Funeral om with burial in ee . Mills, a grocer here and an Ra County resident. for | 35 years, died today in Pontiac | General Hospital, — He is survived by six grandchil- dren; two sons, Kenneth of Roch- ester and Wayne of Birmingham, Wash., and one daughter, Mrs. "|Betty ‘Clerk of Rochester. | There will be « m bone | communication of the Imiay Cit ears Mil, FeAM, —— Work will be the & A. inlay City Chapter 263, O£8, will have @ speclas meett erp f Group of the First Baptist Church will meet Monday, at the home of Mrs. Barl Secord at 8 p.m. | Lightning Strikes Cruel | Blow --- 6 Are Homeless | DAVISBURG A Davisburg man, his wife and their family of Gilbert is presently unemployed. He tormerly worked for the 0’- Brien Heating Co, in Pontiac, but was laid off two weeks ago. Mrs. Donald Cowell] of 3585 West, Tienken Rd., Avon Township, as the result of a fire which lev- rer their rented home Tusday| The house was struck by light- LAKE ORION — A Lake Orion chapter of the Order of DeMolay jwill be instituted at 7:30 p.m. to-| inight in Lake Orion High School. | Stiles) chapter and installation of its asonic Temple to honor the new candidates, Robert Watson of Lake ‘Clawson. Co-hostess- Orion will be installed as master jg /cascade arrangement “e MR. & MRS, R. L. MATLOCK Yvonne Osterkamp Weds in Candlelight Ceremony CLARKSTON—Parkdale Church was Shirley Cushing. Martha oe | lof the Nazarene was the scene terkamp an and Betty Reed were the of Yvonne Osterkamp and Robert | Leland Matlock. | The bride is the daughter of | and Mrs. Henry Osterkamp Mr. ot Clarkston. The bridegroom's. ‘parents are Mr. and Mrs, William|!¢™Ple was held immediately fol- . Matlock of Kentucky. . is the ceremtony. Some 150 guests were present the double-ring candlelight | ceremony. Yvonne wore a gown of lace Carl Hinkle served as best man for the bridegroom, and Ronald | Sutton was ring bearer. Hold Pancake Supper OAKWOOD — Oakwood F&AM per from 5:30-7:30 p.m. today at = ate with eee eet their ball, with the general sleeves. Her gown swept into a public invited. A reception at the Roosevelt’ No. 100 will serve a pancake sup-, well ag that ot their teen-ager. Late hours, eating and sleeping habits, schoo] problems and or- ganizea Christian living for the youngsters will be topics most discussed, The Rev, Charles Richey, pastor of the church, will conduct a one- evening training session for lead- ers, March 19, These leaders of the various groups will be instruct- ed on how to organize and plan programs which will benefit teen- age parents, | The Christian Family Living movement began on a_ national basis last year, and was so suc- [cessful that every member in the church is.urged to cooperate with "this unusual project. 'Utiea Girl to Marry UTICA — Mrs. Blaze Jurek of 13675 22-Mile Rd. has announced the engagement of her daughter, ‘Sophie, to George Cesiel. George ‘is the son of Joseph Cesiel of |Romeo. The couple plans to be married in St. Lawrence Catholic Church here next May 5. ~ (Politics! Advertisement) SAMUEL J. WHITERS To the Voters of District 1. * I wish to thank you for the | vote of confidence given me in the March 5th Election and ask your sup- port in the Generel Election, April 2nd. Sam Whiters full train and her bouquet was a_- _ of whit === roses. Her veil, of French illusioh, ning during a storm and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gilbert and Dorothy; | 18; Charles, 15; May, 8; and Billy, |. helping get contributions to the family. Her phone number is FE 4-6548 and Gilbert's parents phone | was of finger-tip length. Matron of honor was Sally Join- ede was born to Mr. | Johnson, 8595 Good- Edward D. Macy, 47335 $a? lay | MATH PROBLEM—Sue Hannah Bragg gets a few extra pointers 16 were left homeless. is MElrose 7-291, _ Holly, er of Clarkston, and bridesmaid | | e Though the family had saved a few possessions, a sudden gust of wind blew parts of the flam SUN.-MON. TUES. on) LAKE T MATINEE SUN. 1:45 HEATRE | ing structure down into the boxes | of clothing and paraphernalia | they had shine burning them | too, Today the family is crowded into the tiny home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gilbert, 6355 Perryville Rd., Holly, where seven other persons, relatives of the Gilberts are living. This totals 13 in the small dwelling. To date, the Holly Kiwanis | on a difficult problem from mathematics instructor Paul Lampkin. | | Club has donated some clothing for the two smaller children. For Information Midwest 4-6602 4062 W. | @G@ | HOSPITALIZATION Mutual of_ OAKLAND COUNTY OFFICE, MAPLE, BIRMINGHAM Concerning Omaha FAITH THAT BECAME CALIFORNIA! —_—— om Pe remciny, Nellie 4500°ELIZABETH LAKE ROAD | Open Weekdays 10 A.M. te 10 P.M. i Sundays 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. Our bright Spring lines | are nearly complete. | Come in and see these | colorful separates... Cotton — Skirts Sizes - to 20 $398 _ $538 Blouses .. plain and fancy in a galaxy of smart colors, pat- terns and prints .. Sizes 30 to 40 $198 _ $338 in Russ’ Country Store a 4 i : seo: i ba 3 Ay, * ; 4 : 4 oe Ss ; | 4 : : os : ‘ \ FSi re \ ae . -'THE PONTIAC PRESS. SATURDAY, MARCH 10] 1056 _ — , | THIRTERN 1 by - . . fe. ' = = ' \ F, Sa eS é ne PARK FREE AT OUR BACK DOOR tt e These. are Happy People who are Saving the Pontiac Federal way . : . make up your mind to be a part of this thrifty group. Just check the Federal Savings Office most convenient to you and start a consistent savings plan ... enjoy the liberal dividends paid semi- ‘annually. Your Savings are Insured to $10,000. HISTORY of OUR CUSTOMER SERVICE FEATURES: OO | _ GROWTH > Free Parking tot i: | June 1, 1984.........$ 20,000.00 . CURRENT Planning Room—House Plans RATE Tune 30, 1953 .......$4,121,564.00 Community Activities Room , Modern Drive-in Window | _¢ : - : = Save by Mail Service | , | Dec. 31, 1946....... -$1,086,429.00 | Three Offices to Serve You — | | 0 : Dec. 31, 1949....... -$2,092,878.00 : Private Consultation Rooms / Dec. 31, 1951........ $3,122,852.00 - a June 30, 1954 ........ $5,306,269.00 ‘Savings Insur 5000, by a Permanent Agency of the Dec. 31, 1954 seoceese $6,054,277.00 U. S. Government June 30, 1955 ....... $7,500,000.00 Dec. 31, 1955....... .$8,594,636.39 761 W. HURON ST. _ 16 E. Lawrence St.—Pontiae , 407 Main—Rochester ip en al oe a les Nal, in iat ee le ila ihe es a? 7 7 Sys eS ere fe.’ f eo © % 1 { ' il ~~ ka iin . er ‘ : = / i : es tas ; ae ht FOURTEEN . eS j THE PONTIAC PRESS: SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 056 ee “- ' , : : ‘ sy : + Seope, Kirk Dougias; Thi ternal Ses,” else and \we finally decided Washington Blossoms | Pontiac Theaters [Hollywood Headlines:. Communi Theaters Sapo pon. Movie Nokers Troubled [3 Teach Sane ld. Expected il 6 to 10 | | le powers Bore TN ena ™* Over Building Shack They are copying their version ee Ore cay bie Irene Dunne Goes Back). — cucssmes, —.. |ettxte SEM 'Rs cme! nosouiu o-Vating movie érevings in fel mioeuns ‘som experts said today they are OAKLAND Phas grfel Piran. Joanne Dia "Gren: That Uranium,” ‘The Bowery Boyt, Let) naiers are making their own ‘standing by an early prediction) Sat. thru Fri: “Helen of Troy.” |f. W k b t O ] t TV ture With the Atom Brain,” ‘Richerd) Bin’ wed: “How to Be Very. Vervitiawaiian grass shack—seems Diploma Cost U SE ee eee cenicisemetcope, Warne ; O Or ’ u n Y Or un a Taig of the Hunter,” Ee eit Sinaia abespn cane here hs how to bl ne Sieg are aim Riaecs- ‘ ~ a ” . : ‘o ¥; ant oF maScope,. | , : . ~~ April. 6-10. ~~ “Stcret Venture,” Kent Taylor. By BOB ‘THOMAS |the crew as well. You could get up| "avert Mischum. Sheliey Wintete sels,” » eet Miitord | Needed is an authentic grass hutition note: The cost of college di- "The annual Cherry Blossom Fes-| Starts Sat. March 17: “There's HOLLYWOOD w —Irene Dunne at a decent hour and work while, ee Dean Martin, Jerry cag As, Sat.: “Lady Godiva,” Maureen O'Hare, |1824 style, for the movie “’Tongues/piomas is up from 32 cents to 36 A tival ig set-for_April 38 and the Always Tomorrow,” Fred Mac- was back before the eee this) you still feel refreshed. “ | Rooney “eeew OS ght ig = Nae Coat a whee Jobe ie of Fire.” cents. University of Wisconsin re- 6 Washington’ Board of “Trade ex-) iweek after too long an absence, Hills—Rocheste | Tues: “Anchors Aweigh.” Tech-| Orville H. Ham and Johni gents have approved a contract ; pects about 700,000 visitors-for the Muray: “The Second GreAlsSt put it was for TV, not the movies.| It is doubitul if the studios wit! poe nig tg TAG “Shliey’ Wis. -| nial, Pras Sinaice, Reibeyw Ores-lp Cre ar Cathedral Films found|Sews ‘p00 ooeepking”™ at a, unit . hoe G8 wockand. Sex,” CinemaScope, Jeanne Crain. lsoon be convinced. They feel the ters, “Wakam Marg ns ion? £ oe Pass.” 'no one knows how to build that| price of 36 cents, reversing a down- STRAND | Miss Dunne wae portraying the|factory hours are more efficient, | cist wnete ‘Dean, Natalie; Wan; | troit,” Denals O'Keefe, Pat o'brien. kind any more, ward trend which had been in force Profitless Nickname Sat, Tues.: “Forever Darling,” |headmistress of a siris’ ater = pronaiad pcg at ee) eas ee beee tee : “Everyone sent us to someone'since 1949. HAYS, Kan. #—Sunflowers dojcolor, Lucille Ball, Desi Arnaz: ‘Theater. Before she dashed off —___—_—_— vr tp “Crashout,” William Ben- Williams Will Speak 4 themselves to comme ration Manhunt,” Harry + : 'te. which are presently in OPet~|, second 50 years on the James Mason co-star in “Forever Darling,” continue their rollicking love-making in this comedy of domestic bliss and blisters. The color "| film will be shown at the Strand Theater here through Tuesday. : f vate Congratulations DAYS CALL FE 5-4521 NIGHTS. CALL FE 5-4485 TO OUR Good Luck | — | | | The NEW MOVIES | DARRELL DRUG Butterfield _— | FRIENDLY ae etic or dont | | IM OAKLAND THEATER BUILDING LOU-MOR | | BES Cae | me Jewelers NEIGH BOR a “HELEN OF TROY" | We Welcome This Opportunity _ yk - é : ae es | _ te Congratulate the © ger eay el| | | copa tese" tattoo” | Congratulations Ocklend Theater | kk * z= ‘OAKLAND Theatre and om «650 ears | . witiem PICNIC’ | BUTTERFIELD Theatres. of Fine : x*t | | on Their - in Michigan Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz | 50th ANNIVERSARY nal 4 Ae ‘a xk * | “FOREVER, DARLING” LOU MOR ee aia | : Solves Your ILT.A.S.E. | evn ery TOMORROW” : CONGRATULATIONS PARKING PONTIAC LOCAL 620 kk BUTTERFIELD PROBLEMS of Motion Picture Operators’ Union | EASE | | , THEATERS Se aoctarea| | _ CONGRATULATES | kkk, | on Your Golden Jubilee | De. Harold esse joey aealalal Bing Crosby—Mitzi Gaynor nniversory q cont. Butterfield Theaters “ANYTHING GOES” | | pa tema $m ‘ane $4.50 ‘vo aoustine Sat sit oe in rom . AN Wott Oomeniod Golden Jubilee “THE MAN WITH is la haa ta | CALL FE 5-7421 * | THE GOLDEN ARM” ONLY DAY AND . | NIGHT STATION jE, Congratulations: mae 5 ae ere Ne BEST WISHES: BUTTERFIELD ceuemearion | || Uormicncan , ae sal TAKE IN A MOVIE | _ | Be hac - | , BUTTERFIELD THEATERS TODAY ees ee PONTIAC, MICHIGAN THEATERS on Your | Perfect Projection 1460 om Your Rapio on Their on the : ‘Oth A GERITY BROADCASTING h BIG SCREEN COMPANY STATION 56th ANNIVERSARY , ING FORWARD) JL, ToDav’s P a Anniversary ; Butterfield Theatres ir Sie mone ff j Buttertield Theatres Bio GOLDEN JUBILEE #iieomser WAT GOLDEN JUBILEE giorno to the BUTTERFIELD Theaters ee it on your in providing 50 years of fine GOLDEN JUBILEE entertainment from in PONTIAC | to PONTIAC’S ORIGINAL and MICHIGAN HOWARD SIGNS FACTORY PAINT STORE - ' The Downtown Sign Shop . | | . nt | _ 11 AUBURN AVE., | 7 I | Community Arnold. Electric Sign Co. PONTIAC Pontiac Paint Mfg. Co. | SEALTEST | 4 | ... Neon Signs—Sales & aD 3 17-19 S. Perry St. Phone FE 5-6184 National Bank 321 AUBURN AVE. PHONE FE 2-6950 : 3 : Established 1912. 9 * DAIRY PRODUCTS ef PONTIAC | Mitk Division FE 3-7121 , BIG SCREEN! THE PEOPLES CHOICE! NEW MOVIES’ BIGSCREEN! — THE PEOPLE'S CHOICE’ NEW MOVIES! BIGSCREEN! THE PEOPLE S CHOICE lee Cream Division FE $-8167 "sox 4 q FOR THIS Milford’ Ss EASY T0 OWN! G. ony 290 FHA 1450 DOWN PAYMENTS PLUS COSTS COMPLETELY “BRICK 3 BEDROOMS igs YOU! HAVE WAITED 2 COAT. BASEMENT .- r 2.002 “ENTIRELY FREE PLASTERED &® FOR WALLS | CERAMIC TILING RECREATIONAL wellagg HARDWOOD FLOORS — OFFICES EARLY ‘AND OCCUPAN MODEL pany pay ~ SELECT pas DAILY - YOURS NOW TIL 9 P.M. FOR SALE Exclusively by C. SCHUETT “The Northwest Realtor” BUILT by DANIEL BUILDERS FURNISHED by HURON VALLEY CARPETED by MILFORD FLOOR COVERING DRAPERIES by DRAYTON FLOOR FASHIONS PRIGI Dem °13,9 SATU RDAY, _ MARCH 17th ° INCLUDING 60 FT. and WIDER LOTS : COMPLET GET INTO YOUR CAR! FROM DETROIT — drive west on Grond River (US-16) to New Hudson, then go north 6 miles on Milford Road and follow signs to Summit Street and First Street. OR go north on Telegraph Road or Woodward Ave. west of Commerce Road directly to Milford. FROM PONTIAC—drive out West Huron Street Es . +f Continuing on Highland Road (M-59) to Milford 7 Road. at Highland, Michigan — turn left and go ee south 3 miles:to Milford. Or drive west from Pontiac: on Orchard Lake Rood through Keego Harbor, then take Commerce Road directly west to Milford. rchard Lake Road or Haggerty Road, then BONNIE HIGHLANDS FEATURES: © PAVED STREETS © SIDEWALKS © CITY SEWER © CITY WATER © WIDE LOTS © ROLLING SCENIC AREA © FULL SIZE BASEMENT © CEMENT DRIVES AND WALKS © CERAMIC TILE BATHS © ALL BRICK EXTERIORS © PLASTERED WALLS ~~ © HARDWOOD FLOORS © DINING AREA © BREAKFAST ROOM © VESTIBULE WITH CLOSET © CERAMIC TILE KITCHEN SINKS © 5 DIFFERENT ELEVATIONS IMAGINE ! A SPACIOUS 3- SEPARATE BREAKFAST ROOM DINING AREA. IMAGINE ! HAVING JUST AS MUCH ROOM IN YOUR BASEMENT FOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES AS YOU HAVE ON YOUR FIRST FLOOR. IMAGINE ! | BEDROOM HOME WITH AS WELL AS PAYMENTS NO HIGHER THAN AVERAGE fT]. RENTS — IN YOUR OWN HOME IMAGINE ! LIVING IN THE LAND OF LAKES., WITHIN 2 BLOCKS OF CHURCHES AND SCHOOLS. EASY DRIVE TO DETROIT, NORTHLAND, PON- TIAC FOR WORK. AND BUSINESS, AND SHOP- PING ConTeRs conse BY. SERVING ENINsE NORTHWEST DETROIT SUBURBAN AND chee AREAS 120-0NE ACRE MOMESITES ete 5 Convenient Offices to Serve You 8081 COMMERCE ROAD East of Union Lake Road EMpire 3-4197 7400 HIGHLAND RD. (M-59) _MUtuel 4-6863 19228 W. MeNICHOLS at Outer Drive KEnwood 2-2400 | 14718 FENKELL | near Hubbel VErmont 8-300! 12077 GRAND RIVER neor Wyoming TExes 4-0100 EMpire 3-4236 WATERFORD ? ? af ROAD 4 TELECR APH RO4an ORCHARD LAKE fs a e ® * ® en ee oe ee ee ee, ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee e a> 2 \> NEW and RESALE HOMES SUBURBAN PROPERTIES YEAR ROUND LAKE HOMES — BEES & ACREAGE ——— é eo : : Pe ; 4 . « eae cS ee _ SATURDAY, MARCH 10,1950 . = HOUSE OF MANY WINDOWS — The Richard Valuet home on Sylvan Lake is nearly all windows on the lake side, The strips be- tween the windows are cedar. Trim is turquoise. The large double : > i i ' round Fentise Press Photes by Eddie Vanderworp PONTIAC, MICHIGAN, # deors on the ground level open into the recreation room. The stair- way to the right leads up to the kitchen door. E. P. Eroh, the archi- tect, designed this 32-foot house to fit the 50-foot Jot. Be - for LIVING — DAVID AND HIS DAD — Bright-eyed David,.21-months old son of the Valuets, watches’ the photographer ‘from the safety-of his father’s lap. This end.of the recreation room has a table for snacks. cane with one of brown. There's plenty of room in this. kitchen for the yellow. and chrome breakfast *~ . Mrs, Valuet made the attrae- > ‘tive. brown curtains, i ne man brick wall has been car- ermee!) It is possible (o step outside from this room to a brick terrace. Walls are painted in three shades. Draperies are matchstick bamboo. al canopy and ventilating fan over the stove and a deep stor- age cupboard over the wall oven, '. Bonnie's bedroom is feminine and pretty with lavender wails. She has a white quilted spread over a butterfly print dust ruf- ~ Mr, and Mrs. Valuet's room is gray and white with touches of sine , ee wean shades of orchid and light and pered in a yellow, blue and gray | . tains. Except for‘a scatter TUS; "rae tie floor and fixtures : : 5 ° the floors are bare. Bonnie's fury bine: the walle and coun- Your Neighbor's House . . ae ! niture is_modern, ter on the vanity are gray, The | | : . *- ~~ nie Pha Ten tne bps Sere a larger - bathroom wallpaper has been : | . ' room, Here, walls are tan, used also on the inside of the | 1 Long Narrow Lake Lof Calls for Careful Planning of Bi-Level Home Sa Se | . : ° : - ‘ | | mM aes | “sy practical: looking spread’ of in the house. The large oné on | : By JANET ODELL street side he put the two-car ered porch, you s{xp into a Floor to ceiling draperies bands of beige and yellow rub- dark blue desim, — , the first floor is peach and tan. | | Pontiac Press Home Editor garage for easy access, The good-sized hallway with a large are made of a sheer material po. tile. The pattern in the wall Since we took pictures of the bw Fhcry a i | Bonnie‘and Michael Valuet had living’ reoms are concentrated — coat closet, The exterior Ro- that combines threads of off- paper has two shades of yellow Valuet -home, a new daughter (Continued 6 Page if, 3) , come home from school early. to ready to wake up from his nap. Mr, and . Richard Valuet greeted, us cordially, The iets have a new home on one of the few lakefront lots ‘ left in Sylvan Lake City. It is a leng, narrow lot, 50x300 feet, with frontage on Garland ave- nue. Their architect, Eldon P. Froh, desig their house well for this dif it lot, On the ACROSS THE COUNTER — Mrs. Richard Valuet sets up a snack in her basement kitchen. Separated from the recreation room by a high counter, ‘the kitehen has a sink and a full size LAVING ROOM AREA — The eastern end of the front room is the living room tnd. The wall opposite the bank of windows is occupied by a ledgé- rock fireplace. The rock was sandblasted to bring out the interesting colors. Sandalwood walls are an excellent at the front, or lake side of Thére ate only a few small windows on the sides of the struCture. But the front of. the house is almost a solid wall of glass. The rest is buff Roman brick with turquoise trim. On the ground level there are two large windows on-either side of a huge double door. The sec- ond -level has windows complete- ly across, separated only by narrow strips of cedar, ried into, the house and forms one side of the hay, The floor is slate, An interesting feature of this area is the tweive-light, star tip ceiling fixture. One long window beside the door lets in natural light. The thirty-two foot room at the front of the house is both living and dining room. In addition to the front windows, there is a smaller - corner window at each side, 2 stove. At the back of the room there is a dumb ° waiter leading to the kitchen. It makes sending food downstairs an easy task. Linoleum on the counter top is simulated birch. white, beige, gold and silver. The walls are. painted a light’ ‘sandalwood, With the exception of a white armehair with a deep turquoise pad, the furniture (Profile by Drexel) is all a light walnut. The sofa and gigantic ottoman are. covered in turquoise. Twin arm- chairs and matching footstool have a checked upholstery of beige, brown and black, Over the dining room table there is a traveling brass fix- ture, It can be moved from one end of the table to the other on a track, also up and down. A second brass hanging lamp lights up the ottoman, Floor and table lamps are brass with white shades. match the colors in the rest of the reom, The dining room chairs have white naugahide seats and backs. Sandblasting of the ledge rock fireplace wall has brought out 3 dozen different shades and col- ors in the stones, The raised hearth has a slab rock top. Plan- ters are set on the projecting rock shelves. In the corner leading to the hall bookshelves are built in, Below, theré is a cupboard where young David keeps toys, His mother says it's useless to try keeping anything else there. The kitchen has an outside entrance with a coat clovet be. side it, There’s no excuse for Bonnie and Michael to track muddy beots across the kitch- en fileor, The floor is laid in alternating background for the turquoise upholstery of the furniture. Braés and turquoise acces- sories are well chosen. The armchair at the left has a deep tufquoise cushion. DINING SPACE — At the western end of this 32-foot room there’ is ample space for a dining room table and a buffet, both in light walnut. The wallpaper on the far-wall has an Oriental design in WELCOMING COMMITTEE—Eleven-year-old Bonnie and seven-year-old Michael Valuet stand at the door of their new home on Garland Avenue. shades of aqua, tan, turquoise and white. The chairs in gypund are checked in brown, black and white. The whole. a magnificent view of Sylvan Lake. The small covered porch protecting the “front” ‘ = entrance is at the side of the house. The exterior of the house is buff colored Roman bfick. Visible in the background is the star-tipped light fixture, * a Ces i é Qe 2 7 Zee 4 are cream color; counter tops tan. The curtains over the sink are a rich brown with yellow fringe trimming. Note the little windows un- der the cupboards; they provide additional light for working areas. Choosing Roof Color Requires Planning “Choosing the color of a new root THE PONTIAC PRESS. SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 1956. » ibs Valuet’s Build on Sylvan Lakefront. '” (Continued from Page 11) Hl 4 : 1 i 5 4 il 7 stk £ 3 z ‘ giz si gt bee i" court has been inlaid with the linoleum. The base- ment also contains two dressing rooms for swim- as it went up. It took Charles W, Brown of Keego Har- the builder, just six months Applied fo Heaters. Fine Lines on Cement Cleaned With Powder When a family moves into an older home there's often the prob- lem of how to clean old, .well-used ter heaters for the home. . sounds. In bridge- encased with concrete, Bridge Building Rule A principle long used in building bridges hag proved itself just as valuable in the construction of wa- This isn’t so far-fetched as it building, when a steel ghaft-is sunk in. water, it is The steel, alone would rust, but the concrete. jmaterials covering floors and seals the corrosive water out. bottoms are lined with vitreous enamel for rapid transfer of heat. The name “‘vit-rock” has been given to the process. A temporary replaceme: nt for a window sash is a piece of Tem- pered Presdwood. Artists use Tempered P for paintings and palettes. It lasts indefinitely. T or Sell Real Estate one en ad “All-Weman Realty” THELMA M. ELWOOD Realtor — "PE Catt or teeint walls. In the bathroom the prob- j\lem is somewhat simplified be- cause just a soapless detergent) Institute points out, are lined with and water will bring neglected & similar rock-like material that, ceramic tile ‘surfaces apeasiing | beee the tanks from rusting. Tank, “But PONTIAC’S HEADQUARTERS FOR NEW HOMES Ray O'Neil Real Estate The sides and tops of some wa- ter heaters, the Coleman Heating colors are replaced. | is flexible pps to harmonize with a second overall color scheme that you might choose some time fn the future. +} were living at White Lake, A year before they began to. build they moved to Pontiac. ‘|tiles? Your best bet is to use a mild scouring powder and a damp could become embedded in the} 2628.T FE 3-7103 ‘grout and cause rust stains. . : = See HY HAVEN’S Waterland Wonder! they |1 as grout—between enh Cementbase Paint 8 hein ee geet om be oe rose and butt with a gallon cov-| ering 100 square fest. ie regular beick. Comfortable furniture for loung- ing is the feature of this part of the room. STEEL 1 SCAFFOLDING | Red Cedar Lifeboats for every requirement. | ene ae ¢T Survived Titanic Havoc soar baeagrch poh special NEW, LOW-COST IDEA srosgstryhwetpe amen te stores, churches end benk f) lobbies. FOR WINDOW BEAUTY of the costliest woods the| ' forests and mills of the world} Syntron Electric Ham- could supply. Ironic that the 13§ mers. Tools for every ; . ) : “Biles ourvivers to catety core bape SOE MODEL ADDRESS = wees yet one: Mall Concrete 4845 SASHABAW ROAD Light, strong and maieuver- | able, the boats were so tasted tn Surfacers and Grinders Th + Y H f\ V FE N S P ECI Ll tet “God Himeet coukin't_ sin Sanders—Belt, e A ” just before the luxury sideswiped an iceberg on her Vibrating and Disc | A 45-Foot Wide Ranch Home at bar GON teen of Mcuevedl Tarpaulins Ee LOOK AT THESE SENSATIONAL FEATURES third of the Titanie’s survivors to’ oo takteer | Sewer Pipe FULL PRICE @REAL LOW TAXES. , drawer bo vit ataontePreateoot te [Mixer Park, Inc.|} ON¢Y 311,100 ¢ 10 MINUTES FROM ALL PONTIAC GM PLANTS meee Sere ee oe Pertore by @ HUGE 1,035 SQ. FT: OF LIVING AREA W) Saesees ed Late Reed STANDARD BUILDERS A Coreen ecuueiea | For a smooth chute—laundry, FREE PARKING H Y Ph. FE 5-8780 @ NATURAL GAS HEAT (NOT BOTTLED) @ ALL WINDING PAVED STREETS—NOT GRAVEL (PAID FOR BY BUILDER) @ SOLID SIDE DRIVES @ KITCHEN BIRCH CABINETS, ALL CUSTOM MADE @ FULLY TILED BATHS package or other—use masonite, CHOOSE -WINDOWALLS OF NEW Northwes? Co. Management ANDERSEN FLEXIVENTS y @ FULL WARDROBE CLOSETS WITH SLIDING DOORS @ FORMICA COUNTER TOPS Amazing new Andersen Flexivent Window Units can be eombined in hundreds of ways. Build Your Home Fi @ CHOICE OF INTERIOR COLORS Build up spectacular winDowALLs with groups of Flexi with | O86 @ ALUMINUM SCREENS outward in position or inward ia hopper lity-Tested fae @ SLIDING ALUMINUM WINDOWS Use Andersen rap ape Quality-Teste Cas or ie combiemion wuk ° Block @ AUTOMATIC HOT WATER TANK Factory y assembled. Completely rt _ Optional 10CKS @ MAMMOTH LOTS, $IZE—100x150 FT. & LARGER —- glazing. —— = “None Better” @ OUARTER-MILLION ROLLAR COMMUNITY WATER For complete information, comtect . . . SYSTEM (NOT INDIVIDUAL WELLS) TRU-BILT SAM SAYS: @ TRANSPORTATION NEARBY @ CHURCHES @ SCHOOLS @ SHOPPING CENTERS @ 5 ELEVATIONS TO CHOOSE FROM @ ARTISTICALLY PLANNED COMMUNITY VWeteranhs SEE US FOR BUILDING ESTIMATES CORWIN LUMBER & COAL CO. Serving Your Community Since 1890 117 S. Cass FE 2-8385 “True-Bilt Blocks are tested to meet the rigid requirements of all standard specifications. They are made with the very latest equipment to assure you of quality, strength, durability, weather- resistance, and fire safety. Use them for your HOME or your BUSINESS.” BUY THE BEST—BUY TRU-BILT BLOCKS Model Open Daily, Noon to 9 P. M. ‘Model Phone No.—ORlando 3-2980 AVAILABLE! BEFORE YOU BUY ANY HOME ... AT ANY PRICE SEE THIS HY HAVEN - COMMUNITY - SEE It Now!- STRUCTURAL STEEL 30-YEAR MORTGAGE RESIDENTIAL—-COMMERCIAL—INDUSTRIAL TRU-BILT- BLOCK CO. MASONRY BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES 1992 renee’ Drive FE 4-9531 % 20. adil ow rm — Telegraph and Orchard Lake Roads 4 4 URS _THE PONTIAC PRESS. dertfapay: MARCH 10, 1956 | ‘Extra’ Bedroom ComesWith House of the Week [few coruee Toe “You get.a free room chen i en with a kitchen fireplace to cheer|door to the garage, which is melng plant where the B for boiler] Gorages, Storm Sash ond bo 0, Oty fieened setae ee OE a ee ee re nee ce|t seers an the sian : aes Meta 1. A 24-foot living room with | Its upper half is open to the living) new house. ___ NINETEEN: Call for Free Estimates terior of brick beneer around the) garage and recreation room with! Carl Shell & Sons the —Home Improvements— 4995. Dixie Hwy. Drayton: Plains OR 3-5043 OPEN DAILY 8 TO 6 Pee living room virtually a room. It. is just six ait a flight~down from the living room, important CUSTOM BUILT GARAGES a wall of windows overlooking =a a pe grater rail-/to durability . Ss i ~—séthe garden, A two-way fireplace jing above a planting ves @| Ask owners of rece: sh O - — . in this room is also visible trom (gallery effect. You can drop YOUr) houses in your ay pire |e SPLIT-LEVEL, PLAN — Vertical siding with house, oe on’ the split-level as a smart ap- the dining room book in your living room chait\their builder was and 1 —— V joints surmounts brick veneer to give this pearance. It includes a built-in two car garage, 2. An oversize Dutch style kitch-|and walk to the railing and, ask: |iike: his es Hey Kids, how's the TV show) sive you lk. wee down there?” of people 14x20 Size “ v a This place for fun is not in | house Co te . the basement. It is on the grade, | Your bank that r mple fe} ‘pe “LIVING RM. t here you b psig ee Sie = a ee is interested in your get ’ | POS onemadginnaen Fa Se a kaon, ek ee. Completely finished with overhéad steel door, concrete, - . Pe hamburger tern | iding, 210# shingles, 2 : a 2 the lawn aod its planting box be- | You can build th pattern siding, ingles, 2 casement win- f . : low the living room railing is con- jor without a basement. dows. Compare our work, compare our price . . . you'll near tinued beyond the giass wall on (here, there be convinced! ; wan. the terrace to blend indoors and |under the living Ses eee et / Tae ta aay tealin oe D&M BUILDING SERVICE Ba ilies The recreation room has a di-/Teation room : ' ER C 4 ad rect entrance to the garage, a/¢Ver, this area could ve yet Ce eo large storage closet and a. lava- half-story crawl space 958. JESSIE. Phones: FE 2-7004 FE 2-8245 ; OPEN CELLAR tory, which is directly under the| f Teom for a horizontal type heat } (wage une fom, bathrooms for economy in plumb- a — Oinjng MOOK . an KiTewen) 7 _ ing. ; ; ' » * i . : ' MAXIMUM FEATURES | ; ee er com to Plaster Board and , onions anoasssrs) who designed this house, has a é 3 packed a maximum of conven- jences and attractive features in the plan. The front. door is shel-' toate dnteenteaedinn’ ate! v-001 | FIRST FLOOR PLAN — A Dutch kitchen with a fireplace is a feature of this plan. The living room is five steps up from the foyer and seven steps down from the bedroom area. —— bines economy with glamorous living. LOWER LEVEL PLAN | LOWER LEVEL PLAN — The lower level has room for a recre- ation room, an open cellar (optional) and the two-car garage. Sliding _. glass doors from the recreation room open onto the terrace. Building Editor: . Enclosed is 35 cents. Please send me a copy of the study plan for The House of the Week, Design T-601. No stamps accepted. Please do not use sticky tape on coins, NAME (Please Print) STATE ARTIST'S CONCEPTION — A gallery railing separates the recre- | yi nnesota and Wisconsin are | ation room from the living room. In'this drawing io can see the he only two states. still ae eee doors to the terrace. ing colored margarine. “baseball in the United States. {THE PONTIAG PRESS | Built Better See eee ee See SB eBeeeseeaanauneanmr eeeeenen sl a ethereal Sscthocth smears svomataneme a Basketball is watched by more fans than any other sport, even tered from the weather ‘by the, overhanging bedroom floor, This overhang also provides for a deep storage closet off the small bed-| room. All bedroom clésets have) sliding doors to save room space. The front entrance foyer has i Gypsum Lath Available ATTENTION PLASTERERS -—— Our plaster supply is fresh at all . times due té our high voume and turnover, ur service and © price will please. you . Michigan's Largest Gold Bond Dealer _DRY WALL APPLICATORS WELCOME cS Today’ 5 Homes | H Don't believe the old complaint | @ that houses today aren't as ood : ‘as they used = be. . . a In most "hepartaat respects, g they're much better. H One example of the superiority, fof the modern house is the wide- "spread use of preservative-treatec A millwork—windows, panel doors, gj2nd cabinets. 8} - Chemically treated millwork, | . ‘gp FEATURE THESE PAMOUS PRODUCTS QO THESE ARE CGC SPECIALS! LUMBER --- Buy Now! ue ; No. 1 and Better Douglas Fir VETS:'795 Moves You Right In! ROCHESTER PARKLAND RANCH HOMES! se With Gas Heat and Full Basement 337% FULL MONTHLY PAYMENT $15,395 LOW FHA DOWN PAYMENTS 30 Year Mortgages at low, low monthly payments! HAS ALL THE BIG CITY CONVENIENCES (Taxes Are Lower In Rochester) Loaded With Custom Features Found in Homes Selling to $30,000! HOUSE AREA © 70-foot wide lots © Public schools, eb tary and high, ® Storms and screens included Parochial schools, Catholic and Lutheran, ® Kitchen fan and hood sy ae 2 blocks. © Garba: i ® Township park, with swimming, pienick- e vane kalo ing, playground across. the street. ® Colored bath fixtures © State-stocked trout stream right in the development. ® Rough-in lavatory in ieceenone | . © Specious birch cupbosrds © 5 minutes to Bloomer State Park © Picture windows in living and © 50 lakes within 10 minute drive kitchen © Shopping centers © Class bathtub enclosure © City water and sewers ® Jalousie in kitchen © Police and fire Lemanaceoen ~ Exclusive Sales Agents REAL = GORDON-BEGIN :%*: 18450 James Couzens, Detroit UN 4-4810 8) generally made of ponderosa 2x4 — 2x6 — 2x8 - 2x10- 8tol6...........$129.50 mas’ eae! aa ng ante a 4x8x 5 Fir Plyscore . oe SS Eo. 5.49 nsed tn the so-calied “police 4x8x 4 Fir Plyscore . ae’ _ ..Ea. 3.95 pai ever Papo 1x6 Fir Boards, 1000 Sq. Ft. ........... weeae » 89,00 — | things. They poison the fungus 1x8 White Pine, 1000 Sa. 2 re eee a ene 89.00 on eee Cen vot maitre 1x12 White Pine, 1000 Sq. Ft............ ++ 95.00 lin wood. No, 2 Oak Flooring—Nice Stock ......... ... 149,00 The ability to keep out scletere sasin'( Wad’ peaderess| wis ate: Order at today’s prices for spring delivery and SAVE. A pen deposit will hold your material and we'll store it until you are ready Ashestos Siding "om 1 1 7 Beautiful Colors Both Derk Colors and Pastels Applied to the Average House Regular $14.95 $199.50 Gold Bond Plasterboard ‘NEW LOW PRICE—1 WEEK ONLY — Sticking is caused when wood | swells after absorbing moisture, | Later, during dry weather, the wood shrinks, Preservative- treated wood, for all practical, | purposes, does. not swell or shrink. | Preservatives improve ors natural affinity for paint. They ‘prevent paint failures such as | bubbling, cracking, and peeling, jwhich are caused by the presence. |of moisture beneath the painted surface. 4x8x V4" Plasterboard .............. aincees $1.20 ; 4x8x3" Plasterboard «.............. 0000005 $1.49 RIUM E 4x8x'/9" Plasterboard |... $1.65 LON 7-V. 1. V4ele@) 4x7x5e" Plasterboord ....0......... 0.00 en. $1.98 4x10 and 4x12 also in oe 16x48 Lath—32 Ft. ps FIRED WARM AIR | | gg) coNorTionsny ** 6 * 8 & oe 6 © © © © ee eee | . THESE ARE C&C SPECIALS! B|OPEN SUNDAY 8-3 WEEK DAYS 8-8] Zi a © | ny \ & ‘ S 1 GOLD BOND INSULATION [Fiint Kote Shincles| . Large Roll 2”, Reg. $2.50 16" Center $1.95 Flt : 0 eS hingles 225 J Latve Roll 2” Reg, $4.50 24” Centr $3.29 [9p Grcon” Neolity $3.45 54, HE tonclite Be SONATE | ete bere ae : Bl Loose Rock Wool. eg. $1.30 $1.00 | 433¢ Rooting - ....$1.85 o ~~ | Cola Bond Twinsulaiion Rey. $63,” $80 abde Font Pones $298 30 IG | Masizam roi, 50 54, 1 og. $5.95 $8.50 | 30% Tel Paver 52.85 5 +See rae i eR EES cere. S425 [Ort Wan tee eA Sit | © Completely cutomatic, effort- less operation! @ Filtered, humidified healthful circulating worm air throughout your home! ® Converts to gas anytime, simply by changing burners! Call For FREE Furnace Inspection Burmeister’ Michigan's Largest Gold Bond Dealer N LUMBER CO. & HARDWARE N _3 CONVENIENT YARDS TO SERVE YOU BETTER! Wholesale or Retail 8197 Cooley Lake Rd. - Corner Cooley and William Lechner FE 2-¥821 27 N. CASS AVE. Union Lake _ 9 Mile at Telegraph Willionss, Lake Rds. A hf, ee pe "Phone Elgin 6-4184 Phone EM 3-3714 g AL AZ00 Phone EM 3-417! . @UALITT tenetes somes res Pontiac || : eld a Pontise MODELS OPEN DAILY 1 TO 8 P. M. MODEL PHONE—OL 6-939! 4 f & Pia oe. ee ee gt eee Se, ae ee ae | e + i : iat ot Ld ‘ = Z oe a aie Bk - : ee pe ; 7 t ee ‘ = . \ 3 Ne ge ’ ee as ° ita ee Se as ee eS eae ae ee ee ee ee ee ee Se eee a et ae ae 1 Do You Own Land Suitable ~ for Development? — We are — for property, either undeveloped or developed that can be used for commercial, rg ware or industrial, We'tt buy on a foe bai competing all of the enginering and plat work, as well as the roads. corporation with all of the skills ‘Beal Estate Service H ‘what he would do if he knew he never So. Atlts Best! would be found out. Fn eens ese Toman. Moseley # POON ANNAN “The Bird to See ; = realtor Ward e. EN & « Real Estate on Businesses Throughout Michigen — ce “: 1050 W. Huron St. Ph. FE 4.3581 oo PARKLAND SUBDIVISION — Located in the northern section of three bedrooms, full nts, knotty pine kitchens-and aluminum | Rochester, these homes are open for daily from 11-8. They storm windows and § . Prices start at $15,395, with both VA are built on lots no less than 70 feet wide. brick houses have eS ee ss ~ # ee Sie, a all = | Mtn ico, win ne somtety MW Center F irst Sign of Springtime}, 2s ei ear sake wrt tot pene modern home design, fewer of A BEMECN complicated tile trim pieces ‘Heralds Paint-Up Period § SYLVAN REALTY, FE 5-9418 mite: re being used on, bathroom and fry R hester | . walls and floors. The Or OC Spring is just around the corner there is a putty now packaged in| 2383 Orcherd Leke Road, Rt. No. 5 use the same size and and for the home-owner this sig-/a metal tube having a triangular. .. ; fae ae tile trim = that * Parkland Store Area ale the gurus of the freshen- | io = soem the a oye aseeeee = 3 > . a Aa pp : eld. Another importan with-paint peri ' | por convenient shape to fit ag y ke ; pase 9_t Pat le Once seraiey to Be Put Up Near Site"; Painting ranks next to lawn”arid (oe ee ut and = es Complete Basement Waterproofing , Why? The curved trim pieces! of Brick Ranch Homes ‘S Prete gan ee thal uation | drying out and hardening. | . All Work Guaranteed — Free Estimates! The 1953 eruption of the Ha-jFecently that early April will see) eae een: wallan volcano, Kiaues, tasted 136 the art of Rew ShOPPING CEE eg, very pa poo wg days, in Rochester. house, regardless national park. catch dust and nothing shows up) me owners do their own interior | dust like black. Richard S. Riteman, president of partes 30 per cent even do the| Fifty-two species of ary in- Reliable Waterproofing = Comamuction) Detter’, Sueeeeeet axtariars, leat Great Smoky Muontains | 24 Whitfield Phone FE 4-077 third longest eruption inj!D age, is heir to a wide variety of) ALUMINUM recorded history. - . eee To cracks owe at every con-, -. Be? Beis ¥ lerore winnowsc Ian ss company rs ion . To these on) FREE! STORM. WINDOWS | warner Gace ear unas et ono soa me tts sty > @\the area. The houses are on Tien- ble sooner or later. : ALUMINUM 3 Zlken road, while Parkland, the! sere’ what can happen—and | STORM DOORS $ $|shopping center, will be at the) cten does — unless remedial | * > ¢corner of Tienken and North Main. measures are taken: rotting : ALUMINUM $ - >| Am August opening is planned | caused by moisture penetration; | > %| for the eleven stores. Three — ® | heat-robbing drafts; troublesome ) AWNINGS | $1 BEAMS—CHANNEL §| {te even sors, Tare — 0 | beat robbing dats; trouble $ ANGLE—TEE | cror tiore and large super | $ $| market — have already signed | Some of the problems you may, | for All Type Homes! 1% REINFORCING BARS 3) tar Parking space will be |bave, all of which require the, 2 Lai b 3 $}| provided tor 2,500 cars. proper sealer, are: cracks in ma- J % $ 2 saa h the S00ry: ends of siding; wood or, a Call 3 HOT ROLLED AND |property on which the houses are| tor trames where, wood, meets : $COLD FINISHED BARS? built. Buyers have a choice of ten masonry; outside water faucets; $ ROUND—SQUARE > different elevations of these ranch flashings. pipes passing through 2 / ¢ homes. mn. | walls, lap joints of siding, cracks Free Door Hood with $ FLAT ;| in concrete step risers, corner ; 9 A. M. to 9 P M, 2 3 City water and sewers are pro’ | joints, foundation joints and win- Every Order of . $ $ | vided. Storm sewers, gas nee nd dow pane glazing. HOT ROLLED SHEETS3 solid drives are put in “od ‘ Caulking compounds are the an- Aluminum Awnings |. $ AND PLATES 2 poral = = _— swer for many of these trouble - , —Porch : Patie W. 4 Zjunits. There are jal spots. Usually, the repairs will be 4 or a 2 in the Icitchen and at roe diing| ™minor—unless the house is the vie- $ Pontiac Welding & $\ix0 property. Mm tim of neglect—and the coat will Window Sales |; ; All Awning & Storm Window $ Machine Works 3 _. aS ae, $. South of V; $ 2 Hol keane Pa wih 8) metal tubes (large tubes are 233 Telegraph — One Block ‘oorheis > iS @| maximum we pounds, with.a key winder) an- ege | ~ 1304 NW. Perke FE 2-41213 the heaviest flying brid in North] See'he purpose and aepeme The Magnificent “1956 TWIN LAKE CUSTOM” : % t America. with the need for investing in a PPAADPAAPAA AAA? ee WESTRIDGE - of - WATERFORD Where Your Purchase Is Protected — 4 caulking gun, The tubes have an Pontiac’s Greatest Housing Value - OA ‘STORY BOOK’ LOCATION These lovely homes, gent- ly nestled between two beautiful lakes, are avail- ‘ able at unbelievably low prices. At your front door is nearly every recreation- al facility available in Michigan — boating, bath- ing, skiing, skating, fish- ing, hunting. In addition, there is unlimited, clean’ fresh air and wide open spaces where kids can romp with never a fear of Aad furs Only passing cars. Don’t fail to , 5% see these homes this week- 7 per mo. end. And veterans — im- Includes Everything agine—NO MONEY DOWN. Nestied Between Two Beautiful Lakes INCLUDED IN SALE Display Home Is Located at CUSTOM FEATURES Specializing in PRICE se a @ Natura] Fireplace* 3403 Carmen CONCRETE WORK Waterford Township, Mich. - 4192 Ledgestone Drive - PORCH ENCLOSURES @ 30 Day Occupancy 7 ; c B ‘ “An Address of Distinction” ROOFING © Ges Heat Only 12 Minutes from Pontiac California Contemporary SIDING s © Approximately 1,000 19 Open From 1 to 9 P. M. Daily 2 ° ; BATH ROOMS . o iving Area . Model Homes in Westridge of Waterford [ff Gaticrs aia hase tee soieeees . OPEN SATURDAYS and SUNDAYS BREEZEWAYS @ Full Tile Both 2:00 to 6:00 P. M. or by Appointment © ADDITIONS @ Carport : ; : , @ ATTIC REMODELING ; : ‘ The winding roads, rolling terrain of Westridge of Waterford all lend a @ Large Picture Windows New handsome background for these California Contemporary ranch homes with RECREATION ROOMS in Living & Dining Area Designing Service . its redwood and stone exterior. Thermopane windows throughout, exclusive KITCHEN @ Bus Service to Pontiec YOUR a —— and superior heating system assure relaxed family living. REMODELING ativan Deee ear schools, highways, churches, shopping and transportation, Westridge . . ; sional cos DREAM | of Waterford tis only ten minutes from downtown Pontiac. Open Daily 9 to 5:30 Somnast ot Ment edentenel ces: HOME : rei tea Disie Highway near Watertord stoplight . Sundey 12 te 4 PAPER a ° — — bs SALES: BY: Out ‘designer, Mr. = _ meant! ~~ HELTMAN & TRIPP |] BEIEBING || D. E. MUNRO ranging apy UL : SERVICE Realtor GENERAL CONTRACTORS . 207 W. Montcelm 6690 M P ; , At the flashing amber light ason Drive, - Exclusive Builders and Developers of Westridge-of-W ‘'aterford” _ Yast east of Oakland Avenvé Waterford T. hi We Custom Build on Your Site or Ours! FE 4-9544 i Ownsnip, 22 West Lawrence Street =F 5-8161—OR 3-9411 SOGLS Tare miner < ee ve THE PONTIAC PRESS; SATURDAY, MARCH 10.1956 ie edaate ’ Wiring Specialists BALLARD ELECTRIC CO. S48 8, Paddock St. FE 64-4208 “ -c Bi al acic Si A ia i ah lt da lt lata tn be tte he ht te wvryvvwevey. + *, sn bn a te i i bn hn in i iy tin i ttn tin tie tn in fn i i tin th i Di Bi i i ti i it a i li i i i a aa tin Dl Dia tO Dl she te tn hn fin fin fin fon hon hn hn tin hn fin Ain Ain Ai Sin, Min i Ai Ai Ain tins Mi hn in i iti Ni i in hn Mi Ni Ni Ni i i Ni Ni Ni Nin Min i i i Nia i i Ni i i Mi i in i i i i ii ii hin iach nla « ] Awnings for... . ihe Average House as Low as $150 per Week yr vewrrruvrwveY.e. sn ct n-th nt ln tn Ai att > lila tn nn tn intl nc li ln tn tn cite etn i ttt the new FLEXALUM . ALUMINUM DOOR CANOPY OPEN DAILY 9 A. M. TO 7 P. M., SUNDAY 12 TO 4 P. M. ROY LAZENBY, MANAGER thelters your doorway, beautifies your home! — Taow’s © Flnstan Ausing for ovory ntsicten: Wstows! Cones! Patent | S , : ; (iow Dry Wott tent = = wc = if scene Free Estimates! Neo Money Down! i Serve Tape Siig ta L NV AWNING [OS &V company} FE 5-2102 163 W. Montcalm 3 se ee Re Mee Ee FUCC CC CEC CCCCCC EC CCCOCCCCCCOCCCCCCCCCTCCCTCCCCCCCCCCCCCO OE SSS SS SOS DREAMING OF A house will withstand weather as Use Red Cedar to Build Foe Minimize Care of fone by Using Plastic Laminates = TWENTY-ONE ape appa somata : fa See the Famous and cups. HOME. OF YOUR OWN? Bungalow | $3 6~ Monthly | Plus texes and insurance $59 cowr Immediate ae . Featuring @ City Woter & Sewers @ Fully Insulated @ Tile Bath and Shower @ Automatic Ges Heat ducted into eoch room Medels open daily and Sunday 1 te 6. Take Sagi- naw to Oakland. West on Oakland past Mentcaim te Inglewood. Right on Ingle- HEATING EQUIPMENT @ Wood Kitchen wood te meee. : ‘ aan Ht Wot FE 5.7923 | le lex TRZ08 = | KEEGO HARBOR PEARL BUILDING C0. FE 2-0278 855 INGLEWOOD Eves G Sun. CALL MA 6-6247 Fire Extinguishers Should Be in Home spicuous but handy place. * * * Galvanized steel fire pails are ONLY 5LEFT at These Terms Come Out Today "Choose Your New Home for Early Spring Delivery! - : he 4 $B gee we ee pide of " ea eie <<] Total price $7095. Only $495 Total price $7310. Only. $660 Pe , down plus small mortgage costs. down, plus small mortgage costs. - Sls Monthly payment $47, including (Monthly payment $47, including Snyen BEL taxes and insurance. taxes and insurance. JUOAH RD. © Carpenter School on property— r= | * tow heating costs—natural gas sabe os ebthiven e © 23 acre park with lake 3 3 § e Quick sovmpeney—ee worry or privileges ° te buy—no extras MODEL OPEN 1-6 DAILY WALTON = * ; Avon Investment Co. 3812 Geinesborough Rd. (JUDAH LAKE ESTATES) Re. 1, Pontiec , FE 4-8013 Rose-Hill Realty Co. from being used for anything else. Filled with sand or water and, = in an easily accessible place, these pails can put out- a small fire or help control a larger one until the fire department arrives. | Glue used on U. S. postage |stamps is made of a hybrid-corn p= casava minture. It is not only |” 4 WINTER AIR-CONDITIONER ';. OIL-FIRED FURNACE it’s Completely AUTOMATIC! [> Here is @ completely automatic | furnace that. will end your fumace tending worries. .Merely set the | thermostat and the Armstrong Fur- |; nace will furnish the warm, com- fortable heat you desire. ~. See ltat Your Heating Super Market GOODWILL AUTOMATIC HEATING 3401 West Huron (Corner of Elizabeth J@fte Rd) FE 2-7849 Stete & City Licensed Over 25 Years in Pontiac siete ie 645 West Huron Set, FE 2-3924 & FE 2-4008 ful lustrous finish. Since laminates |. are non-porous, there are no ugly |{. white ring marks left by glasses|© Not only are popular laminates = WHY ONE-WAY nalls hold, x Every home should be equipped © relegate rel og age : brackets to fasten them to the wall or the back of a door in an incon-|- especially designed with conical or lreurid bottoms to prevent them! ~ iy NOAA 26 cE ‘palatable but slight nutritious. OAKLAND LAKE Choice Lake Lots Entrance to Lots off Walton Rd. Between Sashabaw and Silver Lake Roads Information Available from Salesmen at Rose-Hill Project SEE THEM THIS WEEK END 19470 GRAND RIVER KE 2-9060 t * i* * @ Churches Close By _@ City Sewage | WHITE BROS. PROUDLY PRESENTS THE “Continental” AN ADVENTURE IN MODERN LIVING AT A PRICE YOU CAN AFFORD Ean so te TA gi RR ee rae ie? gs AA: ee ees cat ES ce ek ee ee MODEL OPEN 1-8 p. m. DAILY and SUNDAY VA and FHA APPROVED Priced from 132000 AVAILABLE WITH OR WITHOUT BASEMENTS Medel with Full Basement Available at $15,050.00 @ All Brick Construction @ Public Water System — (Paid by Builder) © Paved Streets @ Public Sewage System (Paid by Builder) © Alwindtite Self-Storing Storms and Screens . @ Full Tile Bath (Paid by Builder) THE “CONTINENTAL” OFFERS THE CHARM OF SUBURBAN LIVING IN THE HEART OF MICHIGAN’S PLAYGROUNDS @ School Bus Service @ Banking Facilities @ Local Fire and Police Protection @ City Water @ 1 Mile to Tel-Huron Shopping @ Regulor Bus Service to Pontiac DRIVE OUT TODAY TO SEE THIS OUTSTANDING VALUE! © Stone Sills on All Windows @ Large 9x6 Picture Window © 3 Large Bedrooms ©@ Cement Ribbon Driveway © Large Kitchen @ Gas Heat @ Large Wardrobe Closets WHITE BROS. REAL ESTATE Oftice-at 5660 Dixie Highway — Waterford OR 3-1872 or OR 3-1769 Llp GA IER AA A ALLE A ALLL SAE Dee rel ne 0 mone tna ea age ee GRR et De ie Gave Use ai Pe S ae 3 cy Vee. aa ee : ‘ a i a aes 5 "% TWENTY-TWO ot THE fBxriat pnnsssAfoRDAY. MARCH 1 10,1956” 2 BATEMAN-KAMPSEN REALTY CO. y . WE BUY OR SELL — - Announcing “LAND CONTRACTS The OPENING of OUR. he FE 40528 & NEW OFFICE | Ask for Tom Bateman IT PLEASES US-TO PLEASE YOU | REAL ESTATE—INSURANCE “1062 West Huron FE 5.9407 || HOMEMART REALTY . », Coe _f Residentiol—Business Home—Contents Faerme—Investments Burglery—Liability—Auto 4 | aed ree, teal gehaP iner cad oryorgl ay nang Are We ya Poe tig, 4 al eo salaries |. | | t | PEiVREN ON ORCHARD LAKE—One of several homes being constructed twe rooms. The kitchen features a counter stove and wall oven. on Orchard Pointe drive at Orchard Lake, this brick home is well Provision has been made for music to be piped to every room in the | ?. ( ° : on its way to completion. It has three bedrooms, large kitchen, house. The lot is-125x130 feet. R. F. McKinney who is in charge | hE A ili ppreiltt R | > a ae on ©) R | living room and activities room. The replace has openings iste of this model quotes the price of $43,500. The model is open daily. Orn HEAT . Wood Siding Durable ID u a ] P u rp O se Furniture Only Vie in Business «Wood siding, when properly Pro-| RICHMOND, Va. —Three com-| laced ul und we cere ver Really Blessing in Disguise =," = ~s ee, om | helped when Bill Davis was .in-/% }} persecuted My [Yi Seacdard ly about ch in 100° SAN FRANCISCO (INS) —Cur-| inte = hench-height ption ing to the bank. C. P. Sch . | ‘ contra 4 ie bank. C. P. Schutte made} fn tee) . aor oe oacts wanda, poumpy] iosity killed the cat and it can! ef one linen-covered and one (the bank deposit for Davis. Fred) tc - iy) /! spec s e red he downright embarrassing for the| cane-covered panel, each 20 by |Lord took care of the damaged car.) ; ONE MOVING PART cedar, when used as home siding jouse guest — in these days of 20 inches square, with a walnut, Bob Patterson ran Davis’ station lounge-type chajr you relaxed in quired. ) WALL-FLAME OIL HEATH ee cace acca aie | disguised furnishings. teak or smoked oak framework, for him while he was in the hos-| = Fj — Dads for Dependable \ for T bi For instance, you're a guest in} Lift up the cushion ls, and pital. r . Hi the Tops out appreciable wear. —=—SS—_a_nicely furnished home — you pull the tranteusrt ae on have : i t , Long-Lived Service in Comfort, Convenience opel sista rid a Out) a lounge chair complete with foam|| Besutiful Chestweod Farms | _ < nd. ! = : rubber padding. (In the highest Available to all i In this one moving ‘part is found the principal reason for Timken's S and Economy : ven baw yell tas Ae _ grade fabric it is $150 retail.) 10 Miles North of Pontiac on Bj money - saving dependability . » for durability 2 ws e open “8 Lake Road 1 that tens of thousands of Tim en owners are unable to reca Fer Survey and Call _ F/single bed; complete with covers) , ‘ese wat nor cigaretie ad batty o-8 Fu. when their burners were installed. Here, too, is a big reason for \ AUTOMATIC: HEATING CO. piers See aes| “oem pean j NOW Or perhaps yoa have postcards | the satiny grain of open wood. poo MESTRUCTION —< HAVE YOUR OIL BURNER INSTALLED NOW! 5.000 Successfel Installations in Pontiac Area Heale d olpplons shapil rece ie ieoe CALLED ADDABED Ist Payment Due JUNE | . 17 Orchard Lake Ave. FE 2-9124 of the desk. She expresses sincere waet sopere ve pes verses - Bower Mp A SAAAAAAAARARAAAALY | regret, but the desk, once the | Unit, complete witl awers of | $ Lesscecewscercrres’ rues unt In pulled’ out, opens [various sara, tums oot be whet] List Your 36 MONTHS 3 | into her dining room table and eae ot = ata Property TO P AY! $] 442 si $ $$} —_}—— SS | she was just about to set it for | © an abed, rou | ( per Month > a a a a a Se a . | dinner. , = top drawer knob and a complete . | 2 BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP. rs swan. | 22, cue, aso, tl Saal tad mide at your te] = With Us| ee ecilished 1910 whereabouts of that comfortable] rae " . Establis oe twa wnt] won. If A. ELBLING & SONS TO BUILD , last night and your hostess says, with “Oh, that’s it over there — that It can either be had ag what . Wm. A. Kennedy |4-Bedroom Face Brick ” appears to be a wall storage unit, Ranch Homes CONCRETE ert ct enough to send the|oF mith a finished back as a room Re ae 7 Or CINDER | rouse guest home; but for the| divider. It also can be had with) _ Realtor 73 as a . ~, * 2 41504 : : ,| a Plastic top to serve as a bar. | . Parke St. one. - BLOCKS =| Or "apartment is small, such dual It is 14 inches deep, 80 inches long | 3097 W. Huron FE 4-3569 | | | WINTER PRICE j “18,900 wir $3900 oon if i ee ‘purpose furnishings are fiterally| 29d complete with spring and in- FE 4-4570 ‘blessings in disguise. 7 ner spring mattress (for $195 re- FE 8-0332 =f} The desk is ideal in a small- ‘ail), in maple, marino brown or spaced home. Two top leaves fold! hutmeg. ee out to make a table that extends to either 68 by 31 inches or 86) It is ideal for children’s rooms| by 31 inches from the. closed area|as the beds fold out of the play’ of 50 by 31 inches. = during the day. “WH MEAT TE 57682 UU ad SONS | sewer : TT AT OT A a the desk to stand against the wal Willis M. 199 Mechanic St. cwn right when the desk converts 4 FoR WORK MEASURING UP ju TO YOUR REQUIREMENTS a dining table GET YOUR— % COPING OPEN DAILY Neturel Fireplace, 144 Baths, Gas Heat, Wet Plaster, wane eae Lets 75 x 190. Two drawers under the top ither fine desk drawers or places to store silver or place mats. The piece is in either natural teak or walnut. (It retails for FIRST for Best Price and $160.) A companion piece, a Quick Service Lend Real Estate Insurance ar 5 N. Parke St. vi low buffet or sideboard, has slid- ing panels and five drawers ar-|2 - | Fe4-sist ranged in a louvred look. PRPPPPPPPPPPPPPPEPAEAS It can be used either as a file Trust Service cabinet or a storage place for Investments Just a Few Left! FOOD SF SSCS SSSCCF CEC TCC TT dishes and other dining room equipment. It comés with a plas- tic top that can be fitted over) it to turn it into a bar top that! Dawson & Watson is resistant to alcohol and heat. | POCC CTT An ry PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPP PPPP EPP P APPA ALS PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PP PPP PAP AAAS > PONTIAC PRECAST & 3. Meween, Ragh 4 Wateen Mae, ig 54 W. Sheffield off Beldwin 11% Nasi Se I — Te Penchlomess os IMMEDIATE Telephones: FE <5193_OR 3-9741 -5420, Pentioe WB British Research Unit $ OCCUPANCY! — a ‘Develops Moth Killer ‘ —— P HK KKK KRHA KHKRKKKKKKKKH The British Agriculture Re- Lerge, New : : « ESisearch Council says its plant virus |? 3-BEDROOM research umit has developed a4 ANOTHER GENERAL MOTORS ast fees ace et] HOME clothes — ae oe ert sick '§ and die before t ave a chance of to chew apgouiaosicas! ‘ FOR ONLY urnace wi IPOS pss Soc Tose, of] $3 375 | ‘council says there are some , disad- i ester o th It will a The New Delco Ductless Counterflow Oi or Gas Furnace! a es si coat 4 RE ee cd es tae : 4 4 ting it back in fabrics. It also is “Not a Wall Furnace” +] mighty expensive to produce in 4 a small lots. However, the council pa says, the virus could be made L Krone rome deen on ig awa What nitment theit TO" the ceiling through the return Bagimoth gets from the virus wasn't grille. This filtered air passes B gi disclosed. Let's ” let — oe down over the heat exchanger Bs PG tiighters get any ideas a where W picks up heet end ls + ‘caotag a vaccine for themselves. discharged across the floor, Bl Glass Is Multistate + | CHARLESTON; W Va.—A Char- leston safety-glass plant gets its silica sand from Illinois, soda ash from Michigan, ground limestone’, from Ohio and Missouri, and salt cake — a by-prodduct of rayon 9 manufacttre — from Ohio and } West Virginia. > A Beautiful New Modern 900 sq. ft. of living space, and constructed with many quality features. faa : $7400 rs 7m Pay Only $750 Down! DIRECTIONS TO MODEL SAS a MODEL OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAYS Built By BVG Investment Co. Phone FE 4-4138 WITH «= Agile Fae FEATURED IN.. AASYIATE, the original translucent fibergias panel gives the “Home for all America” a distinctively modern design feature. You ‘Ideal for installation in Limited Craw! Space of Concrete Floor te be tte te te ee i et i i Homes. -, $998 eerre We will give you 100 Free | een ee or out. Alsynite can be sawed and nai Holdens Red Se; if ; eae VA 2 fy > aa — CAN BE YOU RS just like wood. 20 decorator colors. - és a insist on genuine Alysnite pi donee bbe . FE 2-2919 built birch kitchen including formica tops and built- a ; For a Free fa in thermador’ range and Medel CBC 70 sna 70,000 BTU oes Air =r Home Estimate ay oven installed in your home for as little as $25 per month with no down our model kitchen. Esti- poyment! Stop in. See mates are free! March 15th — Last Day for DOUBLE RED STAMPS With Any Purchase THE COMPLETELY AUTOMATIC WATER SOFTENER RAIN SOFT '2°se Murs $3.4950 % + * Ea e » Ds of You, too, can have a wonderful new deluxe custom a % » + ba % * a RMARPERREEEE SEPALS SLERAREREASASEAAARA ES SS SORA AL, i ‘TIL MARCH ISTM.......... . | | Terms Available — See Our Dispiay at bd PRT Lu inl B E R co. O'BRIEN | HEATING & SUPPLY CO. “| The CABINET SHOP ‘|| HARDWARE ¢ COAL ¢ BUILDING SUPPLIES (37 Voorheis. Rd. ~ FE 2-2919 Pe Open Monday and Thursday Eves, ‘til 9 151 OAKLAND Ff _ CRRRRRRSEEREESCLCCUSISLLSSSUSL SSIES 3088 West Huron “iste Bost a te | = . cal die ~ i 1 ig ae American garden enthusiast has DONALDSON LUMBER BER CO. FE 2.8381 27 Orchard Leke Ave. signers have finally accepted the fact that eventually the carport and garage takes on the aspect of a storehouse for eyérything from bicycles to” gerdening equipment. PAINTS for. EVERY PURPOSE REMODELING REBUILDING “With this thought in mind, more architects are designing the ga- commodate all the gear the aver- age family likes to chuck in the garage at.point of use without hav- ing to lug it up and down base- ment stairs. For a carport and storehouse REFRIGERATION | SERVICE Tiee-, al Trpee—Al aed DAY OR NIGHT~ SERVICE Authorized - Kelvinator Sales & Service MASON REFRIGERATION % MULTI-PURPOSE CARPORT -- The ingenious diest possible storage space for his gardening tools, gear, fertilizer, seeds and pots inthe car- Modern Carport, Garage Serves as Storage Space Modern home builders and de-| rage with ample storage to ac-| is = port wall. There found the han- for the kids’ bikes < b THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, sac 10,1956 Sand Sehere Finishing and other hardwood floors | call for.a three-cut sanding job/pe cleaned off with a new chemi- soneybarg ori ag ot be = cal product, The stains on brick) s 8, No. 2 or No. 2%2| come from self-cleaning wood paint sandpaper. is used. k : calls for No, 1 sandpaper, The third cut is made with No, 0 or _.|No. 00 sandpaper. - {should be done ‘with the grain, - { — ‘ . “ay yn _TWENTY- THREE Paint Stain Cleaner y Paint staing on houses now can AUGUST JOHNSON |, Realtor 1704 TELEGRAPH RO, _ FEderal 4-2533 A second cut’ chalking off the running down in a ‘All sanding On Fuel Bills If you ore losing heet 4 due to inadequate in- sulation in your home hE nm a special compartment er resistant, western red cedar Gee and ceiling will do the job, is sided with the same beautifully textured western softwood, car-| port integrates with the entire} scheme. Cedar blends well with all other natural nang materials as well. < | it the carport ts attached to the house, usually the opposite | wall is the prime sterage wall, | with enough clearance allowed | so that open doors and equip- | | meat going in and out of stor- age cupboards de not bang the automobile, : Types of cabinets and their sit- uatior® in the wall depend largely | upon the interests and individual tastes of the family. For a household full of young: | sters at the bicycle or tricycle | age, small recessed open niches | FE 2-6400 461 Blizabeth Lake Road 7 [| slightly larger than the length and héight of a bike each kiddie his’ own separate “garage” for his vehicle. This will probably encour- ALSIDE BAKED ENAMEL ALUMINUM No-matter what style of house or remodeling you are planning — all plans call for the best in build- ing materials. Come in, let us give you free esti- | f motes ... use any of our I} extensive collection of plans. CHURCH'S Inc.| 107 Squirrel, Auburn Heights FE 2-0233 @ Eliminetes Painting @ Insuletes Home @ Factory Application @ Lowest Cost @ Free Estimate @ No Money Down ‘LEADERS and PIONEERS In ALUMINUM SIDING ALCO ALUMINUM PRODUCTS CORP. Pontiac FE 5-3412 Detroit DI 1-8833 S. Depki. General Mgr. Moery's s Oil Burner 1 Sales Service GAS AND O1L—EXCEL — MUELLER FHA Licensed Contractor—Free Estimates 2212 Maddy Lane FE 2-4970 HEATED CONCRETE ... AT NO EXTRA CHARGE! i 1 | i for FASTER DELIVERY! You Can Depend On Us For QUALITY ... SERVICE... SATISFACTION CALL FE 2-0283 ATSMAN. TRANSIT-MIX CONCRETE 399 $. PADDOCK ST. * Ready Mixed Concrete * Machine Pipe P Made * Sand & Gravel * Quality Building Supplies manner as the attached « one, and 2-WAY RADIOS in Our Trucks ngs tho sana iy fo get euey OS a may be shut away behind flush doors in storage cupboards above the bikeports, Even golf clubs, ten-| nis rackets and fishing equipment find a weather-tight, out of the way home in the carport wall. The weekend woodworker might | want to install a bench along one. side of the carport for a work | table, and other cabinets for his! tools, The gardener will want a potting table and storage for bulbs | and plant containers. Other adaptations may be easily | “| made, for cedar is easy to cut and ‘fit to any size or shape. If your carport is fairly open, a roof overhang is practical, for it = carry away moisture and keep; some wind and rain from the fee tie and wall cabinets. An’ joverhang also gives the Carport, | the same flowing look of elegance. as it does the home itself. * |: The free adie garage or car- port can be handled in the same 4 i i | ' i | | : | the homeowner will find that with wall storage, it will serve the pur- pose of car shelter as well as re- place the basement in many cases. that is beautiful as well as weath- Lqtex Paint Popular Latex paint now accounts for 27|--— per cent of all Sone a and retain its clean, rich appear-|When this water-thinned ut wt | ance even with the hard use that apart pe goon pe cand — i - a ‘ re it will inevitably get. If the house Last year more than 50 million igallons were used. Puerto Rico's capital, San John Bautista, Was named for St. John the Baptist. : © ESTIMATES © PLANS Call FE 4-2575 For Free Estimetes end Plens © Attics © Recreation Rooms comin CIAL c auurur . ) eat eat : Sapp fotani Cees Sek SAVE UP TO 40% ON YOUR FUEL BILLS! HUGUS. MARSH Live in comfort . . . knowing that the money you ROOFING & INSULATION CO. |] save on fuel is paying for the insulation job! | ) ag nes SOFTENER kes in this well-planned | 7 wall of western red cedar. The cedar-lined car port roof needs to be only two or three feet longer. H. Hi. STANTON | | 103 State BLOWN IN MINERAL WOOL - CALL FE 5.8405 "yoteze, Cites, teenies ‘Ca NO DOWN PAYMENT FHA TERMS AMBASSADOR INSULATION | 483 Elixebeth Loke Rd, FE 5-8405 | ay Albert B. LOWRIE LUMBER Company _A One-Stop Yard: for PLASTER CONTRACTORS and LATHERS f @ “Po TOAMALE Interior Flush BIRCH DOORS . eee eee FE 5-1683) GET OUR ESTIMATE BEFORE YOU BUILD ) ” ar : ) acsent 8. LOWRIE LUMBER: co. MIDWEST SUPPLY © fff mnie seu ne. © Wiliam Moers, Baten, 9N. Telegraph FE 4.2575 1441 Baldwin (at Walton) _FE 2-9104 aoe rata eeannaanentaaseenaetie bikes more ush | ee withthe oor of the Earage POp-| Be er.” BEHIND FLUSH DOORS’ ly Light weight gardening equip-| ment, fertilizer and garden ‘tools 3ATH RANCHES ' “z*||IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY == T , * ssa «Your choice of any one 1956 Frigidaire Stove — Refrigerator —- Washer or Dryer now on display at the Model if papers are in within 30 days! | Payments Approx. |69 Per Month FULL PRICE ONLY $12,300 & $12,400 § See the home that gives you. more for every dollar invested. A home designed with you in mind. | MARK ABEND Bldg. Co. PHONE OR 3-4007 FOR DETAILS ? © ae Se ee ee ery Ee oe En Mme My serminremag ed igi Ma amen Loetey HE Combination Screen and STORM DOORS ** * © © © © © oe ese ee ® USE OUR MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN! role ee. psec Fg A owe build » recreation room », or insulate, in BOWN. Pub te Mn J “Always Service — All W ays” Choose Your FAMILY HOME CAREFULLY SEE THESE OUTSTANDING - _ FEATURES TODAY! & @ Lake Privileges © Convenient Oil Heat me t © Pastel Colored Bath Fixtures @ Double Vanity—Full Length Mirror |. Recessed Lighting © Kitchen Cabinets with Knotty Pine Paneling in Breakfast Space © Second Bath Has Built-in Vanity @ Sliding Birch Door Walk-In Closets @ Large Lots—75x225 @ Large Utility Room PONTIAC Drjve out West Huron iM- 59) one- tenth mile beyond Williams. = Lake Road to Tull. Turn left on Tull to Pontiac Loke Road. Left on Pontiac Lake Road: to Model, lee Model Open 12 8:30 — Sunday 11 18:30 a * Gc ee } : x A en : / ; = . \ _¢ , i bid /. se 1 eet Rg ee / js ; aS THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 1966 ees gy ST the public at, the Freight cars must be given spe-/tenance costs. Se - i Se ee xX Heed These Handy. Hints gt 2 experienced real estate salesmen wanted to work Hot Water Heater Tip 2 a ei Abstract Now from our office et 8681 Commerce Rd, (nr. Union Many houseliolders could save) end He veyed io ap wet Seoweetee See et sa sean a PEE OY Loke Rd,) ‘Commission. rates are high, plus bonus pt| themselves needless expense with 4), cusinted with the charac-|cabinet work, y small jobs| CHICAGO (INS) — If four re- er gg et gon plan, liberal advertising, and | {ask which takes only s\teristios of plywood. But here are|where tight clamping or-gopd fit| rigerator is still an maf 2 Of the largest projects in Oakland County which 2 gem: 7 | a eat aap ao Be Serpe in to a mel As o's lene ll Phas, Shp 6 Blin 9-4197 or. oe - 5 ‘ : j | of wa- : ae . , j ae > ; bd . - = or ) When a Job Calls for § lege Se MM al ts ae oly ag Mt. Show ef EMpire 34236 te i: ras i } or power That is what manufacturer Ge on sg ‘ | sage Wtee (sawing, place plywood with its Screwa or nals should be coulis doing to new, bat basally all al ~ " | a eeeee ter wunk & \ models 3 CONCRE I E tas | [Rony titer i i lightly higher Tasteed of ming puts to give : Ste Aske 1g ‘|than the plywood, then sand it/the interiors an attractive, mod- : ee. | jlevel when dry. lh wor Lig Mon cen Bane — | —CALL BOICE!f nr =<= = alg OS ee 2 nepal “a oat Bro owes Build Cabinet imac“ | -< ite eh F \for Assortment on Tie festaigee 1 borrows 4 with ‘ “7 | | 16 Garden. Tools | Duca peiner tnewn tor is ta) y phe anced areas of clear colors and 1 : " l For age pp mrp! dominantly white canvasees. i | . 305 Si ate aist ! | tte aa ou snp |_ Biever, lw he “attra VELVET ‘= Be Oe or [sta et Oe . | ” a Stake Ge sasenale at Y's" the colors | should | be spaced The Alkyd Flat Wender Saame! | ! careful. work where nals must | trming the ‘ack se, that a | jammed together to avoid « hodge YOU PAINT. =| ; : be placed very close to an edge. | Masonite “Peg-Beard” panel | podge look. ; i | 7 ane aa seer | tnertion of hooks,” Then Faster! ; i r a eeeecrs 149 wp |} than the mak fo be seed, pred: scripted mt el For Your . 7; Lx sees 8 BBQ wp | 204 Hace wv. and use « shar} keep out rain. Conte a's. Electrical Work Easier! Better! | —- Similarly make a front door for | Call . ae Average Site House rele won't sag. ; the cabinet, wing 1 ty inch! Ca Free Estimates Pigg earl pein betrpeara tollumber for a framework covered BRILL _ ree plane from both ends of the edge|% the outside with the Presdwood ECTRIC CO Easy FHA Terms toward the center to avoid tearing| ®nd _— with the perforated: EL Cc ° Mo Down Payment [take very ‘shallow cuts. "| Then both trent and back, when iy — Sommeretah laguna 2 UST CALL You won't often have to plane a iy = ears uence fs aD 9 FE 2-267) [ee ces ieee } ; f or : sawing, hold the saw at a low rater ager canbe ysren gone med to the emoothest Sat VALSPAR SEMI-OLOSS | ) ; : . ne | ve ever seen, ENAMEL a Fae gk ELLIS, INC. | Fe nes pennies wena erate | DEWEY | . catia | iteviisatine | ae Let Us Give You Prices Aap d rtbabe babeareagiry a ee int and h | the a Refrigeration $529 0 $165 o. ond wendwork ue! ™ : ; RG oe ' ime, palin ang ar : ‘ ‘ On DOUBLE HUNG, SLIDING, ee Le Gael Se Commercial Sal a } i ROLLING, CASEMENT or AWNING a ne ee | or JALOUSEY WINDOWS FUEL SAVINGS Trach Can identity Domestic ROLLING GLASS DOORS UP TO 50” Heese peel | 0. cures pepopt It'll prevent either item from being) 5-6247 3041 Orchard Lake. Rd. : QUALITY STORM DOORS Fall 1-nch Storm | nF Sa te | Wit AU Martware ..... 30° 1% Aalousey Doors 2-Track Storm 17 IF IT’S ALUMINUM WE HAVE IT ALWINDO CO. . 1702 S, TELEGRAPH . : "FE 5-3728 i RR ee SRE IRE RR ee Re I coe A 2 ly REMODEL ADD A GAME ROOM ~ You don’t have to dig into your capital to have a new bedroom, den, game room, bath, kitchen or powder room—not when GGM builds it! . Let us furnish FREE estimates for your new room. We'll do it now at low winter rotes. You can take years to pay! . IN YOUR BASEMENT THIS 1S THE TIME P, [ } TO . . . - esnenar@® erectaic HEATING—SHEET METAL CONTRACTOR FE 5-6973 351 North Peddock St. oT same, = ee eee | : ) . ‘ IN YOUR ATTIC | d ATTICS df RECREATION - ROOMS ~— d ADDITIONS. df GARACES dv GARAGE REMODELING v BREEZEWAYS d ROOFING df SIDING df CEMENT WORK. 7 INSULATION ¢ ALUMINUM Combination DOORS and WINDOWS Phone §EE US FOR YOUR Phone FE. COMPLETE BUILDING SERVICE FE | 2-1211| No Money Down, FHA Terms, Free Estimates | 2-121 1 | @&M CONSTRUCTION CO. 2260 Dixie Hwy. — North of Telegraph Rd., Pontiac . 4 more holding power than wood screws are but have the disad- ' vantage of coming in short lengths and without flat heads. plied. after sealing, sand in di- rection of grain only. | Glue on plywood joints makes them extra strong. There are four types of glue for fir plywood use: Hide glue is excellent for furni- tire and cabinet work; urea resin | the filler be applied so that it is slightly higher than the plywood, for their building needs . . > > > > » 4 > > > > 4 wk sa ® L) >» itul -* > a Beaut ° é > » » > » » » > > » > > > > sane Natural > > Working With Plywood? |cehoyesGo NEED HELP! mistakenly returned to the wrong) home by the garbage collectors, igs and will discourage thievery. a FE 23766 \ Eve TURAL ' aca : , Ee We Carry a Complete Stock of $tone—Marble—Slate “Sunday Open House 11:30 A.M CKLW-TV9 | BUY NOW! — AT BURKE LUMBER | SSS : Vy : Sg On GK, BUILDING MATERIALS OAK PANELS | CALIFORNIA REDWOOD HOMES Priced Within Your Easy Reach! LARGE LOTS In Beautfiul | Waterford Hills Estates 7,500" 9 4 Miles West of Pontiec Herbert 6. Davis Real Estate—Builder 4925 Pontise Lake Road FE 5-4311 © | then sanded level when dry. "SSR RUSRSRBR88R88 LEARN WHY... More and more people ore switching to natural stone . produced by nature to give you beauty plus everlasting economy. Building PONTIAC CUT STONE} | 4 M-59 (Ye Mi. West of Airport) | Ph. OR 3-1594 Prefinished. Dark oak and ~ blond. Superior covering for any Cc. af wall. Clips and strippings in- $Q. FT. cluded in the price, i PANEL ONE WALL FOR SMART DECOR NO REFINISHING ... LASTS LIFETIME OF HOUSE! Old English | Knotty Pine Tavern-Graded p 9 neli n g Oak Molded Pattern Paneling with V Groove Back $ V Edge Back | 1x12 M 1x4 to 10” One (0-ft. Wall. . only $4500 With California Redwood } Clear 1” by 12” Boards Only 39! 2° ie | A00..... a Redwood | jae Paneling 21D es i; i | i Beautiful Clear Lanai Y é Redwood Beams 4x4 - 4x6 - 4x8 - 4x10 - 4x12 With @ few simple modern tools end with your time and ability plus any .in- | struction you may need from us...and YOU YOURSELF CAN DO WONDERS IN sagas ia YOUR HOME. Plan te modernize NOW and see us for your supplies. Terms Easily Atranged BURKE LUMBER CO. 4495 DIXIE HIGHWAY AT DRAYTON PLAINS “Where the Home Begins” Telephone ORlando 3-1211 fh A sy 4 “THE ae PRESS, SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 1956 ° . TWENTY-VIVE ~ Legislators Hit ~ Ban on Bands at Tournaments: | ~ MHSAA’ Action Brings Attack in State Body ‘to Rescind: Move School Athetic Association’ came’ under fire from the legislature to~ day for barring bands ffm high school basketball tournaments. _ Reps. Louis Mezzano (D-Wake- filtd) ‘and Einar Erlandsen (D Escanaba) attacked the action in a resolution draft for introduction, Monday. The resolution urged the Associ- ation to rescind the ban. ~ “The high school athletic pro- gram was created for the ben- efit of the students and to en- courage the participation of as many of the students as possi- ble,” the resolution said. “The presence of the bands adds much color and excitement to the tournaments and indeed are as much a part of the tournaments as the teams themselves.” The resolution went on to say that ban is not in “keeping with the general purpose and policies; BoxcacoLa, Fla. uw — Youth’ of the inerscholastic athletic pro- gram. Charles E. Forsythe, state di- rector of athletics, was not avail- able for comment. David C. Arnold, assistant di- rector, said the decision to keep the bands out of the tournament was made by the association's 13-, member representive council com-| posed of school I administrators) from throughout the state. “We had many requests from) the schools themselves to keep the) bands out of the tournaments and we have received no objections,” he said. Some schools objected that the tournaments are difficult to offici- ate because of the noise of the bands, Arnold said. Arnold said bands have been barred from the tournament finals for the last four years. This is the first year they have been kept away from regional and district, tournaments. Pontiac Quintet : Stays in Race Boys’ Club Tourney, Plays 4 Tilts Friday, Three Today Pontiac Boys’ Club entry in the Boys’ Club of America sectional basketball tournament last night got by its Ist round and today was set for a 1:30 p.m. 2nd round game. Andy Ramsey paced the Pon- tiae five (24 points) to a 70-40 win over Dearborn in the event at Boys’ Club gymnasium, Dean | Perkio had 18. Ramsey's re- bounding was a big factor in the | Pontiac play. Other ist round winners were: Philadelphia Branch Boys’ Club, | Detroit over Ypsilanti 47-44; Sar-| ver Boys’. Club, Detroit, 61-30 over | Eddie Guest Club, Detroit and Highland Park over Bloomer | Branch Boys’ Club, Detroit 62-40.' Second round games today: at tiac vs Philadelphia Club, 1: p.m.; Highland Park vs Saver 3 p.m. and final wl GS at 7 Cage > Results ' com A.PREP SCORES (Nen-Tesrnament) Muskegon Hts. 85, G. R. Christian Dearborn Pordsen 72, Ow ones bl Plint Centra] 66, Midland Lansing Sexton 67, Battie Creed 55 Highland Park 68, Hamtramck 51 | Michigan Tech the basis of intrasquad games, ——<—.CUe CLEARWATER, Fla. W—Richie Ashburn opined. today he can re- peat as National League batting ‘champion. and the Philadelphia | Phillies. outfielder figures he'll do lit with power smashes and well- = meee. Youth Ahead at Pensacola Two Young Pro Golfers Under Pars was in the forefront today in the ithird round of the $12,500 Pensa- cola Open Got! Tournament. Two eomparative youngsters on the pro circuit, Bo Wininger of ;Oklahoma City, Okla., and George Bigham of Kansas City, Mo., held. ,the lead with five-under-par 139s. Both are 28. Wininger put togeth- er rounds of 72-67 and Bigham | |70-69 for the 36-hole lead. Another youngster, Joe Black of} Abilene, Tex., followed with. 71-69 —140. Eight pros, including Ed Furgol, the 1954 US. Open win- jner, were tied at 14ls. | The 64 pros with 150 or better competed in today's third round, together with nine amateurs who scored 154 or lower. The original field totaled 153. Low amateur at the end of the second round was 22-year-old Rod Funseth of Spokane, Wash., with 147. Bill Williamson of Charlotte, \N.C.,. and Jack Colter’ of Pensa- | cola, tied for second low amateur hem 148s. aan Masterson of Oakm : anaser Chuck Dressen gave| i : — hin assignment for today’ LANSING (#—The State High. exhinition’ with Detroit. And, fs Lead Field With Five ST. PETERSBURG, Joe DiMaggio hasn't played in a major league since 1951 but the former New York Yankees’ out- fielder still is one of baseball's more popular figures. DiMag showed up in the Yankee camp yesterday and was mo! by autograph seekers. He is here for a short ‘‘acation and hopes to “get in some fishing.” VERO BEACH, Fla. ® — Bill Nishita, a Japanese righthander from Honolulu, worked out with ithe Brooklyn Dodgers yesterday and showed excellent control while pitching batting practice. He will work out with the Dodg- ers’ Fort Worth and Montreal farm clubs, and if he continues to be impressive, will be placed in the Brooklyn organization, PHOENIX, Ariz. #—It’s only an exhibition: game the New York iGiants .are- scheduled to play against the Cleveland Inrians,. but rookie Manager Bill Rigney couldn't be more excited. “I'll be making my debut,” he isaid. “And I know it’s not a reg- ular-season game but to me it is a big day in my life.” Fla. wh =! | * i Pontiac Press Photo BALANCING ‘nor — Clarksten's LeRoy Parks - ie oad ee action Friday night in PHS gym- | (4) rather amazed Rochester's hefty Alfred Hill - nasium. In background at left is Rochester's with his balancing act. with the ball, during a Jim Van Nocker (24). Rochester won 61-49%. Jim Bunning to Pitch and Arnold Palmer of Tl itroit Tigers get their’ 1956 show alaaeg chores, , Buddy Hicks and, leks. Pa, had‘ the best rounds, the road today, but the cast of lof the day—six under par 665—|characters will be something less jand both needed them badly to stay in C coomeciooa it | han all-star. | * The a open the exhibition Lightburn Outguns right ef way. with vegetation. that not less than fifteen (18) days’ ee oe in| 2M ZONE 4 All of the area of i. P bstructh to nari-| notion of the time and plese of such one ownership they may be considered Qrehard uiiage net included po TI ve gi paw ween erm Alina Brwcaeboe hh tigen a & single lot of record for the) “068 4 Sod ane area bounded ming floats, or landing 4| public utility company and to each rail- 2! ‘ hart 2.08 CORNER LOT: A corner tot| Pontiac Trail, ing at & point oh on piles’ or timber erfbbin Toad comoany owning or overating ens aq City Clerk./is « lot of which at least two adjacent|*eid trail 360. } vehicular or footway bridges with spen| public utility or railroad within a . pear. 30; 1996| siden abue for their full te ‘| center line of Orchard and at the water line xteen (16) feet} tricts , and s hearing be granted Le : Street or lane. A lot abutting unon «|2l0ng the said Pontise Trail to or more and a clearance above normal) ®ny person interested a¢ the time and ae * NOTICE: THE BOARD OF Ri urved street or jane 4 | tae eee Temas omag Se wat Ine of high water level of eight @) feet or| place specified. The original hearing may sceday "hares 12 Re Townseinl Ta oe “j Quarter: line of Section. 1 “Bec: 9.06 PRIVATE PARKS: The out “further agitee Ctney than the on oorner Penh Arey, bir "esa = i : ans a ae i fall, $6 Male St Ch from | a aon} Pe pe we om within the fg Key he CI fine of waters shall be restricted to that|nouncement of such adjourned meeting &.m. to 12 noon om 1 p.m. te 4 p.m.jor at the points of intersection of the|° Grend Trunk W ot right of user enjoyed by virtue of|at the original or any adjourned meet- lor the purpose of review Tose with the street or lene|¥A7, Shense aguthwest slong ie riparian rights and shall be confined|ing. Whenever the owners of fifty per Sasgndes fol’ es wld teesehh aot t f way to @ point 360 feet west of to reasonable use by the owner or occy-| cent (50%) or more of the fron in : DREWS, |135*, "In the case of a tcorner lot with| (enter of Orchard Lake Road, pant of the riparian : provided|eny district shall t to the legis- rvisot./9 curved street or lane line, corner| ‘benes north to the point of begtnning, that, where » plat is pocoot pe tive body a peti writing duly “Mar. 10, 1956) chall be considered to be at that point sors Iv ia tig to a body of|signed and acknowledged cant tt PUBLIC oct a tatetion at Go uageel foe ieee CN spon anid bady ef walet tiny be aeatc]puement,, Geamen ar sonal ef TOS ce t upon sa water ma -| plement, chan - Notice is hereby given by the under-/ herein pe * eated, the potvienes of whieh and fon, Peoos " . sp + ribed. ZONE t —_ 11,| ec. 2.06 INTERIOR LOT: A lot other; See. 4.01 In bayer n Zone & no it ® corner lot is anginterior jot, - buildings, struct’ premises except thereto are to be jpeasonably enjo: slative body to appoint i . Pontiac kland County, . 347 FRONT LINE: ise by the owners and’ occupants of lots nee “meart ory fesus cae in said piat, and only such owners and|days after ie filing of said petition , bes: street or Jane, the occupants; and provided that where| with them by petitioners, Provided, fur- ee Poets pce park - —— ther, that in case a protest against a . : : 5 L ir © use of owners ani oceupan ment, nawWione sh elected to be Hy " rf i s of the lots contained in such @ recorded | change be sveotated 7p ~ ee *jfront lot line for the pur of t ol ; ” : coord 3 Teast pal (2) Mines! feet of) owners of twenty per cent (20%) or i : ' water frontage and one ty; more of the bingy 1160) — ag Ng vo Maer) arte altered, or by the po od oa twenty per ac it ¢ )-or more of the fron in- lot Hine is that boundary which is op- ef the sise ‘hts Gedinanen | eaueee os » ! iy in the amaecoe nee oe ee ee 29 ime t| vehicle is ae therein, Mod = and which is intended shail enjoy waget| owners of twenty cont (30%) F te 5G at the rear, the rear lot line shail be aig = AE may placed ——— pase -_ ae a LB -o phenome —— o at fron : 0 altered, b that line opigrel Wet to axe bt pao te ater” r pod (6) « on — Se provisions | of this section|/ment shall not be passed srcept oy te .jfarthest from the front lot line snd domestic employees of ‘the laaa ¥ ‘iparian right tn parcels of| three-fourths vote of such legislative wholly with : lessees, oF of the private fand 0 platted, and such @ non-con-|body. -| - Bee, 2.00 LOT LINE: A side lot) dwelling on & lot shall be considered sc- ermine ,piat will not be approved for) Changes or additions tp District Boun- ne is any lot boundary line not a|cessory buildings and shall conform to Bec ry’ dary Lines shall be in the man- Mar, 10, 12, 1996) front iot. line nor a rear j 1 the height and yard requirements for ret STREET OR LANE INTER-|ner perscribed above for other amend. 1 NT YA front: yard| private dwellings tn this n TIONS: Lots located at street or|ments, and the amending is an open space extending the full width| -Gee. 4 R lane intersections shall be free of/ shall be accompanied by the map clear. of a of a orm dept hy ARDS: In jobstructions to clear vision from street ly indicating ¢ ition of the new iy ght angies| there very ‘one trent to street, lane to lane, for a distanc®| altered District dary. A ti to the front lot line and tnoccupied| yard, the minimum depth of w of 2d feet back from the intersection | shall be placed on such map referring from the ground upward ex as here-|be thirty-five (76) feet, thet} by | inatler spectieg, ee a tet a penerd 0h the time the |, See. 2.11 REAR YARDS: A rear yard|passage of this Ordinance having: « fs an ie ree extending the full! de of less than one hundred twenty width of ond. ot 2 jorm depth ih ) feet, oo - the [ered yard ¥ right reequired uced one- a (%) of such lot but this H not permit a devth corner and within « triangle formed by|to the a nding ordinan: id sta! a cannecting the en | sere sae eens aforesaid set back 6. ds of the | thet the — Zone Map has — TARD RETA, SCHOOL, ETC. |such map and notation shall be dated ced bys) @uaseh oon. On & lot/and executed in the manner prescribed + [fem aed hed . School or other] by the law for the signing of ordinances, from the ground upward execept as here- mit 6 ‘of than or Tite ip is designed. arranged. se. shalt ‘be peace srg rms fies tpeooa inaft ‘ ; [twenty (20) feet tn cane. my or normally used for the econ-/of any amendin ina , 2.12 BIDE YARDS; A «ide yard| (2) SIDE YARDS: In this district fresstion of persons in ¢: of twenty- any en per Hoping sone or amend- is an 5 extendin, there shall b ny buildt ‘ive ir oH ment to the s Zone Map. front oa. — rear roe | con ee and each side of every lets elas ard family owegs a fin Residential Zone alin height but in no event stall any; WAYS: On a lot or property contiguous|shall be not less then fifty (80) ‘f =f ARTICLE XII uniform wieth measured Ny atithe minimum width of which shal] be Shall be as follows: : [building exceed thirty-five (38) feet in|with a lake or navigable stream orjand the depth of the rear yard shall ADMINISTRATION UNCAWTUL CER, right angles to the side lot line andjsix (@) feet. The width of a side yard) (1) FRONT YARDS: There shall beheight. ; channel, the principal and accessory|be also not less than fifty (50) feet CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY unoce the ground upward)ebutting upon a side street or lanejon every jot one front yard the minimum), (>) LOT AREA: In this district no/ buildings shall be not less.than fifty} On the said lot there shall be 4 Upon the passage of this Ordinance except aa hereinafter ified, Shall not be Jess than the minimumjdepth of which shali be forty (40) feet, @Welling shall be erected, or used_on Bny| (50) feet in distance from the highloff street or lane parking paliged tot the legisiative body of the village shal) 4 3.13 BUILDING: Any sttestare with front b yerd depth required a of on adjoin: except that on a let of record at the: brailicosi ps Pog openly le pr Nias! Water line et said lake or navigable/vehicies not less in number than one (1)|®?>0int an administrative officer cha nat > ol naka . t ° or protection of persona, goods = pag om ‘ite “abeatt “pet. resene the Sones a ate 0 — insel oo be ®/width of lesg, than one hundred 190) | "7° ARTOCLE. VII: ZONE & . 7s geese Sees ee coeeee dinance ta all’ seapects, Sack officer 0 ig. - buildable width of any lot of record dred twenty (190) feet, the depth of {et but this shall not prevent the use 6 #01 In Zon 7 bullies ea uditorium and/er such meeting appoin hall have the title of Com Sec. 2.16 PRINCIPAL BUILDING: Alst the time of the passage of this the front yard required shall be re-\°! Sny lot of record at the time of the| Sec. $01 In Zone 5. no bullding, FO teenie ne nee) “ocr ssisctoner WE Dalidings and fmt the pur. structure’ with walls, floots, roof and|Ordinance to less than twenty-five (25) duced to not less than one-fourth (4) (passage Of this Ordinance having an Structure oF premises exctpt as orherjcapasity of twenty-five (28) or more tas Grdimanes aa bate eas foundation’ intended’ for sheitér and/teet at the ground level . of such lot depth, but this shalt not @fea of less than twenty thousand) wise provided in this Ordinance shall be| persons. "IDTHS : VED oa : ts ice. oft pry ts " pe er chattels} (2) REAR YARDS: In this district/permit a depth of less than twenty] (39-000), square feet, but in any event erected of used except for obe or more) See 909 LOT WI aise hold ottice during ‘the pleasure of the and for the carrying on of such primary there shall be on every lot @ rear yard|(20) feet in any case. s | H# dwelling shall be erected on any lot/of the following uses and in accordance/STREETS OR LANES: In all Zones|HOld office during the pleasure of the are provided for and per-|the minimum depth of which shall be = lott on : of reeord containing less than seventy-,with the following building require-|which require « stated minimum jot|!¢sislative body. No member of the legis- : c : twenty (20) feet. In the case where|,‘2) SIDE YARDS: In Zone 2, there five hundred (7,800) square feet in area) ments. = variances may be made as fol-|!tive - body _ the Village shall be — a" BUILDING: Althe rear yerd abuts on any street. or shall be between any building and each/and with « front width of less than| See. 8.02 USES: (1) Any use permitted | lows: eligible for appointment as Commissioner building intended for carrying on such|lane, the minimum depth of the rear "@¢ Of every lot @ side yard, the mint-titty (56) feet. in Zones 1, 2, 3, and 4. Jo the cose of & lot leceted adiotn-| 0! Buildings during Bis tenure sf affice sctivitise BB pte secendary te'cr scome-lyard shall conform te front yard so. Re™ of which shal} be ten (10) feet (6) AREA OF BUILDING: No dwelling} (2) Community buildings and clubs|ing and facing the outside of the eurve|** Village Com shall be sory to activities within the| quirements. ace — te a oe yore —— ; tered 7 which are conducted primertty aoe 5s be & curved street or lane line, wherein =a to permit the use of any bufld- (a) : In this district no butld- thane dhe a ll — all not occupied which provides less than fifteen Tésidents of the locality, and not tho ¢ lot lines diverge toward the rea: 1 th um front yard depth hundred (1,800) ware feet of floor|the chief activity of which ia a service/the measurement of lot width may z g 2 g Bec, 2.16 MFORARY BUILDING: Aj| ing shall exceed two and one-half stories shelte ‘hal! quired on an g lot fronting |, exclusive|customarily carried on with transients/taken at the front- butld to change or enlarge the use of any Re rmarestten canine oan ~ gE Re upon auch side street or lane, but this ee ee cer: arenwey, spon poren|en_6 buibere the principal building pareie’ in 12! |bullding or premises or storage pu! which shall be limited ¢. I} not reduce the buildable width of area Used for garage purposes, and ares| (3) Public buildings and properties. |tangent of the curve at the center of |U"til ® bullding permit with the pro- to such of time ther pre-| (LOT + Im this district ne/*hY lot of record at the time of the) ate Weed for gatmes pst (4) Bstablishments for the sale of/the front lot line or im such @ direc-|Visions of this Ordinance proverly en- vided in “= ee or vas ing eveliong aed erected of saan 8 ae ~~ Nt — er | ‘~e Lew (1) SIZE OF BUILDING? No dwelling) #0048 at réftail Lo tor ————— a Lea aaa to aye the side lot inex bees rea eri — — by the ~|code or by special permission eany an area an = roan d professional services d angles eoun! on both: sides, ommissioner 0’ ng. In ell cases village comm thousand. (18.000) square feet |#OrY level. in Sone 2 nal ae ereetes ee ctahe,|fedidente of the locality whieh arelhowever that in pa cect’ cer nc| where 6 building permit is required oc iasion a! n@ §. re feet ; fh ‘he 4 A a) | ed " occupied, which provides less than eight-| © . pada lell / ne|, Ste. 2.17 HEIGHT oF Bgrupeno: Ty end @ front width ae seventy- qrestet th thin Pome shal aarereeee ten thousand (16,000) cuble feet content, sy —— one bf gered ed path ae dog — yard fos te street et en — oe ee mire sl lthis Ordinance is the vertical distance) not preven tute 08 Guy teh: of resora| [o°ce ie etnlnem éonth of welsh cheil exciton apace Wena hoc dareqe, omd| smoke, (Wasle, ibrattGn ot Geiss, Bre-|of th- reavi-nd tt victim e | Gaga prio to tha btms Whee a any on ured from the lowest grade level atist the time of the vassare this] eet Te ee eee oe ia rany woceeeory SuILEINg: vided there is not in connection there-| In the case of a lot facing the insidejeniarged nse of @ building er premtces to the highest point of root./Ordinance having en area of less than = ie ae abuts on @ street) space. ON THE GAME LOT:;"!® SRY manufacturing. repsiring, con-|curve of the street or lane so that the|‘T "art thereof Je intended to beein " ¥: A story is that portion fifteen thousand (15.000) square feet) oo inie. & jum tear yard depth) (8) lected : »|Yerting. altering, finishing of assembling | side lines converge toward the rear {Such anolieation shall he accompanied 9 liding between one floor andiand less than 1 feet in front ih: rm to front yard requirements! Accessory shall be not more) except that which is incidential to such|the measure of joi <1 : floor Jevel next shove it. half ; of : abutting on said street, or ane buildings si¢th shall be trken|by @ plat drawn to seale showing the the preveeea. . he ing jan than two in sumber and retail business or service at the rear building lin. Ps latory . ing under any record contain. . : ] portions sha’ no case A énetdent - line of the prin-|*xact dimensions of the oremtises and s eleping rect’ the usable. floor area of|ing inan “tive ‘thousand (8,000) son) FRIGHT: Ro Cpelting erected tn encecd ceventy-five pet cet (13%) of of ths anore pacumaed eras cad Socted. [ee bo tose, Sera” cnn Srection |e location of she, busiainge ohieh shall exceed o and one and . os amt reo = ee not exceed daly es ei in anes, and ae wom stories in height, _ Buildin ‘cihar than no. heigtt boghen = | editor We’ hail pogo Bar ee ae ee homes bose ad sce ex = 7 0 oo = other pocbalgay woe = fe may be . welll uch ehur » sehools ? : ain: 5 lsecting _| deemed necessary — @ proper en- A story lying more than 80°.’ by volume * : OF BUILDING: No dwelling) O07" eraries wh te ‘pecmmintea| Tare © total greené fleer free Eryeiey|the premises on which located or to| Sec 0.10. Any butlding erected ‘upon |forcement of this Ordinance A record Eas 2 . Z = 8 3 gf Z 2 z of a Zz us 0.10. below the a line shall not! in be erected, or than seventy-five per joods sold ivities conducted there-|any lot é be counted asa sory in interpreting any which provides ios than eight |snall not exceed forty (40) feet in height! ine ground floor area of the private / fp" —— ° fe Ms front ane rene a ease rene ee tes ee een oe eas p-ovision ‘of this Ordinance s may exceed| dwelling to which such building is @®) (4, Churches; public, parochial andjor lane and anv waterway usen Ke ings. Whinerer Kogerr=d er 5 ! except any suc 9 ee aaa ie eny/at the first floor level, exclusive of any foot im encase’ of feet preys: ron ca OR WATER-| Private schools, parish houses and i-|front and rear shal! be so designed a»|and uses thereof as set forth on the ; each LoTs KES TER soba — to present the appearance of a front |®pplication are in conformity with the A number of persons , ereaway, open porch, area). arriage ine ad hildren| used fof garage purposes, and area in|‘®8t such building sets back from the| ways. On ail lots or properties con- EMENTS: — pen the domestic, employees| any hon, Mla) LOT AREA. No building shalt be/tiguous with lakes or other navigable) 1) gingie this Zone shall| strecr, jane tart ete or, thet or auch Glesree aes oe thereof) comprising a single mM or ; Mo dweiling| | cted er used on any lot Loving an| Waterways the principal and rear a confogm to the building and yard re-|b= dosiened with re a E., shal! Behe duty of the Commissioner of . unit. i} be F area han twenty th fa | Building shall not be nearer than fifty) surements of Zone 3, elevations. © exterior front| Bulldings to issue within ten (10) days width| (00) feet to the high water margin of FRONT YARDS: In this district| after the receipt of such applications, oe ATE DWELLING: Al oc n ay ect prirate dwellitg is a dwelling occupied! nine ar pix Hundred (9,600) eudte Ghgee) ,cquare Sect and © front width) 214 lake or waterway the building Mne shall be not less than ARTICUR + ® building permit, and when such per- ERR cs A a PR, 2 g - one family slone. eet of content, exclusive of any breese- than one hundred (100) fret, but R VII—ZONE 4 anAeN ne ‘mit 1s refused, to state such refusal tn - = ul this provision shell not prevent ¢ fifty (50) feet from theft ront street line. . sade APPrAL A | hb such refusal h an nts, rn gay willl way, arvaway, ¢ven gar eee of any lot of record et ihe time 2 the|, See. 7.01 In residential Seioat-t Belor jane, provided, that motor fuel/ °°) °°" ITP*erIerinn OF ROAD. writing for cause. Within five (8) days athached, is a building on one lot with building " passage of thie Ordinance having an| ste pereiee provided in thie Oras.|PUMP! accessory to motor supply Ce eka a a ene pipes pres penser le “h keeping facilits | UILDIN THE LOT: | eres i ‘ ‘ , install t a distance o ~~ > Fon'ns egt- hres mh eady for te fot two, (8) Bi 8 ON SAME Mare feat fore ene he tend | nance shall be erected or used, except] {10m Mens Gael tecaty (bn boon Grom cala( Pros <5 Ad oer ene sia Commi of Bofld- be no combined overall re i aia ; nat] (20,000) equare feet for a single family f Tah mane for the "ie ‘amilies. : Accessory bulldings and portions ther : for one or more of the following uses| ‘ Michiwan 1977 ere ings shal) meke @ final insnection there- with bee eceopted notioaee TAMILY DWELLING-| shall not exceed one story of fifteen (18) shalt ts exceot that no such dwelling! in, in accordance with the following| "tet or lane line. puta. |°9 the meners! gutinn nia coy eaten of and f found te be in ecafermit: 6EM ‘ACHED: A two family dwelling, feet im height and shall “not occupy) erected on any lot of record : (3) REAR YARDS: The area of bu A ties and powers eon. y on t A and Project Bisemidetaches, is 0 ated on|more than bye than five | thousand eine UBE. (1) Private dwelling|!es ot the reed Neral ie Ae ee ecclesia any cay tht Beedle] am coastes oma ted an le ae. ‘. ~ ’ ry : . hall not exceed forty per cent (40%)| " Ss sha ave the nower to 4 ee - 2 Board of Education desires to bey : an Te it width of less than f only. 5 the erart} rerm't | cate of in @ stat t senate ae center line of which runs the lot/approach nearer to a side or rear lot Fada OF BO EIe eee ds " .|of the lot area and the sixty per cent om and use f a building, or Migned and” prop- tet B to. the same Conteactor, @uch|POUNGATY. and intended for two (2)/line than six (6) feet and no family dwelling shall be erected. altered |dent ta private dweliings tmcluding not | (0%) of the lot se peed, ‘ches|8 PORE carvice sorce ame wha. of ony Mane’ ARTICLE XII however, be at the com-| *Rer', oe MULTIPLE, DWELLING: | \ntycre™ oF Occupied in Zone 2 which provides|more than one private garage for each|Pe divided peiween | from yAth, Ste) i Miter ourmasce ttn, oF for pub-| INTERPRETATION AND PURPOSE gencretion of of bawee-| a Ege ne i 8 da qnel beans teen ce oe coe ae Jess than twelve hundred (1,200) square|lot provided, that not more than one trer, that Be rear yard shall have a|* freater height or of a laraer uate |. The provisions of this Ordinance shan Sssumed oF inter-|iot containing separate dwellings for|of the minimum required side apace pone th Bl ot — eo Se an pestatame Mo tha tale lease|depth of less than twenty 120) feet seannene, Miettiet requirements herein | seam vorene sine, bead te be py mente binds the Board| ‘see ‘S's¢ PRIVATE GARAGE: A. pri-\sh unite pect Ol the ate euting nz|open porch, area used for garage pur.|or ute of « lot or a building may be| (4) MEIONT: In this district no bulid-| Hiablisned. anc Promotion of the public peace, ‘health, award such construc-| vet. g is 0 hea theahorage of'e ne — Ya to the|Poses And ares in anv accessory building | Placed thereon, not exceeding, however, |ing shall exc Toma “building |tUre oF use reasonable ety, serwe-| satety, comfort, convenience and generai tien. contracts to the same Contracter.| Sater vehicles of a family, having 0] cent ee ieee tan aae Beare to oe testy ean OF SURGING: No singic|sit 1) square fost im ares. Dveiiings Det 1 BS erent hall Any NING eae” cone reanenebly necescary tor thal eelfsre af tho: peoeie ot tha tee : | mily dwelling shall be erected, altered|for the use of domestic employees : 2 Pt dill "le eho ne ee Se ee side yard. reseired om peek let, ware: (of cocupled tm Bone 2 which provides less|owners, lessees, or occupants. of the| 'S) [rediding chat be creceed oa feugece building. structure, or use is] ENFORCEMENT AND PENTALTIES Milford. Michigan Sec. 2.25 PUBLIC GARAGE: A struc-/On all lots or properties contiuous with |then ‘fourteen thousand four hundred private dwelling ona lot shall be ¢on.|mercta ald building ‘contains lese|form harmontoustr, tithe shes ocoRs| Any person, firm or corporation whe : ture intended for service to the public|iakes or other navigable waterways the| (14.400) cubic foot content, exclusive of|sidered accessory buildings and shall/sny lot | wircai déee necasren fect rot |Atchilectara taza ene ne) Aenerel leiciates, any let cine provisions. of this WRENCE J. BRANDETERRY. |in the storage. servicing and repairing! princtoal and accessory buildings sholl/"0Y breeseway, areaway, open péreh,|conform to all the hetght and yard re-jthan six pendtee Sa 7 7 Carat |iBecleia @ co nlen of such district. ‘ordinance shall he fined mot jess then ttareh) 3. 101808 the Renee ne an Including|he not nearer than fifty (90) feet to sesecnry Seating Oe ce vane een eee BUILDING REQUIREMENTS provided that this shall. get) eppis|ROARD OP ROPRALS The ton tating) Teenty-Pive 1923.00) D lers not m-re reh 3, 10, : . ! , . . ec. 7,03 DT} es * Y he V im é oe we tleg, MAnufecture of Parte oF accesse-|ihe hich water margin Of sald lake or ee DINGS ON THE AAME 1OT:| “1, FRONT YARDS: In this Gistriet|(@ motor supply stations containin= | body of the Village may act ese Sesrd|-cch_cttaam cor’ shell ka guatons tc - ries ' ORDINANCE NO. 9? See 2.28 MOTOR SUPPLY station |“ **rFey, ard, | more. then 400 squere feet of finor space /of Appeals non rN ouestions arising ® V—ZONE 2 Accessory bulldines end portions there-|there shall be on every lot a front i r : 'G ORDINANCE A meter supply sition te bullcing er| See. Ghd ie fens fone buildings, of shall net oreuor more then ton ‘perjthe minimum depth of which shall be cit, SUI DINGS) ON TH SAME 7 | poner fis Ordinance ana in such event face wit rreel Gare ooeene armas = ae THE structare designed or or t retell | t as other- © area, and moitifty (30) feet except that on 0 2 : r fix rules and 5 ———— VILLAGE ‘OP “ee LAKE sale or supply of fuels, lubricants, air, wise provided in. this: Ordinance. shall egier F ype Oe hee aes pare Maced at the Hine” of peeeere el eis ples we ee ce uciames us oes rhechaertecose ace ros Procedure sit- beth fined ea frosty : Any bath. ae water and other op e dities erec’ or exce for one or) ie oF fr lot ine than ten (10)/Ordinance, having a.depth of jess than , ° ppeals. In the|,, . . : to reg and réstrict for motor vehicles, including space for; more ef the followin se td end in ac-|feet @nd no nearer the front lot Mne|one hundred twenty (190) feet the depth ow ree —= s = le atiagar ve that the legtatative body of the eed aon bo —. ipsa ils A at _” the tocation of trades and. the installing thereof but not including) cordance with the following building re-|than the front of the principal bullding.|of the front yard may be reduced tof the Housing Law o Nigeatt Board of Ant, t May appoint ali. beg, i and the ©! gs designed! space or facilities for the storage, repair,| qui nte: Of & corn an aecessory building) one-quarter (4) of such lot depth, but|bulldings on the same lot with dwe a reed poh Appeals consisting of not less] time of non changed subsequent to the IRE ppeeitie uses, te regulate and limit) refinishing or cher servicing thereot. || Bec. 4:02, USES: Serle an ere eee cee RiRNEEM|thia chal net pErEstt © Capt ee ee ee eee ee iting cones |petntaa font, MEMBETE. cach to be Bp-|te escent cages Ordinance and : heighth and buildings Nere-| Bec. 2.27 RETAIL SALES STORE: A| (1) Any use permitted in Residential|"equited side yard space abutting upon |than twenty (20) feet in any case. ING: Off Btreet or lane parking space/ pointed for a term of three (3) years. |in Violation of any of the provisions ; after erected, to regulate and determine building or o; area intended or weed) Zo: i ® street or lane or any of that portion| (2, SIDE YARDS: In this distriet|/for vehicles shall be provided accessory/provided that appointments for the ereot is hereby declared a nuisance i ey of yards and other open spaces, i} ticles, .| (2) Churches, public, perocial and|of. the rear abutting on such street|tnere shall be between any building and/to commercial] buildings, equal to ed Hotes year shall be for a period of 1, pe se. The owner of any bullding, struc. pl oe Se gped the maximum num-| materials or = services including) private schools, parish houses and li- he lane lying nearer to. the street orjeach side of every lot a side yard the|lese than two times the actively uses :. and 3 years. respectively’ so as near.| UT? Of premises or part thereof where which may be housed! light repairs to, serving of, and assemb-|braries. lane than the width of the side yard minimum width of which shall be ten|floor space of saiq commercial bullding.|!y es may be to provide for the ap-[ 2"? condition in violation of this Or- in dwellings hereafter erected or altered,|ling or preparation of articles but em-| (4) A Hy incident|Tequired on such lot. (10: feet. The width of a side yard] (8) ADING SPACE FOR TRUCKS :/pointment of an equal number each|“!msnce shall exist or shall be created, to lessen conges (9) LAKE FRONT PROPERTIES: Prin-|aputting upon a side street or e|If the rear or side yard of a lot is to| year depending on the n {or @ny architect, builder, contractor. umber of mem- uses cust i tion on the lakes, water-|ploying not more than four (4) persons to any of the above permitted uses, in- more than one private|¢ipal and accessory buildings on lots chal! be not lest than the minimum|be usd for loading or unloading at a|bers, thereafter each member to holg|*#*"t. corporation of person employed ways end Fame sivests, to regulate;in sach light repairs, servicing, and cluding not ire : oe cently © pop 7 tes an bling or preparation, on any one garage for each family occupying | 0t properties contiguous to or adjoining/front yard depth required on an adioin-|building entrance or cock ot yard, thejoffice for the full three-year term |{2_ connection with any building, struc- tmit the percentage of lot occupanct,! working shift. welling on each lot, provided not more|!akes or navigable streams or channels|ing jot fronting upon such side etreet.|rear yard must be of sach depth or the|Such Board of Appeals shalt hear and|(UTe: OF premises, or vart thereof, where to promote public health, safety and| TICLE It = than one commercial vehicle ts housed|shall be located mt a distance of not! or tane, but this shal) not reduce the|aide yard of such width as to allow|decide appeals from and review any| 40’ condition in vielation of this Or- emacs, vel are, with reasonable con-|- DISTRICTS—BOUNDARL in each such garage. One sign pertain-|'ess than fifty (80) feet from the highinutdabte width of any lot of record at any truck or semi-trailer to stand clearjorder, requirements, dec'sion or Pred dinance shall exist or be created and secretion tc the character of the) Por the purpose of this Ordinance, the ing to the sale, lease or use of a lot) Water margin of said lake, stream orline time of the passage of this Ordt-lof the rear or side street, Jane or alley |mination made by the Commissioner of | TO has assisted knowingly in the com- their peculiar suitability for! Village of Orchard Lake ts divid-/or building may be. placed thereon, not/ channel. inance to lesa than twenty-five (25) feet) (9) GREENBELT: No commercial/Buildings pursuant to the erovinons mission of any such violation, shall uses, to conse! i ARTICLE VI—ZONE 3 : Seopa rues, nde eeveral renal 2.01 ZOREs1." Tat perton, of, the in area" Dwellings, for the ‘uw of aa: #01 intone 2 no gulatngs wrrc.|*" 1° ERE ane autre seuciar tale, rected tired roy tls Qrdinance The concurring ne nen eof feparae otena, and character ot building and population Village located in the east half of the mestic employees of the owners, lessees. fete evens except as otherwise inere eek es ca cence walle coer pare coment cele sett ace ae reared li rail the members of the ta” finan (aad | taipeincnenent ee pty ; such purposes to northwest quarter of Section 16, the or oecupanta of the dwelting on a lot! i" ® 6Ordinance sha th int depth of which shall be re’ wary vided. Bach day that 7 divide the Village into districts and, northeast quarter of the southwegt quar-ishall be considered accessory building erected ot used, except for one or more|'he minimum depth o e dential Zone 1, 2, 3 or 4, unless there/Teverse any order, requirement, deci.| ‘'4*4- By Shat a viclstion ts per- establish the boundaries thereof, tojter of Section 16, and the southwest hall conform to all the height and|Of the following uses and in accordance|histy (30) feet. In the case where thelig provided @ green belt which shail/sion of determination of the Commis.| mitted to exist shall constitute = separ- ® method of administration, quarter of the southwest cane ro pelcondade for private dweltings with the following building requirements:(Te#? yard abuts on another acest ©f/consist of @ strip of land not. less than| sioner of Buildings or to decide in favor| *** hgea he ene ities for the Seccten 16, and 831.97 feet of the west- E this district. Sec. 602 USES: lane the minimum depth of the rearifitteen (15) feet in width between said/of the applicant any matter upon which | Pe" ded herein are cumulative and in violation of ite provisions. erly end of the southeast quarter of the: Sec §.03 BUILDING REQUIREMENTS! (1) Private dwellings only. yard shall conform to the front yerd/commercial use property and said lot/they are required to pass under this) *’ttion to any other remedies provided southwest quarter of Section 18, —SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS. Single) (2) Churches, schools or libraries requirements of the said rear street or/or jots in Zones 1, 2, 3 or 4. On said| Ordinance or to effect any variation of|°” '®¥ °F equity. | _ (3) Accessory uses customarily, incident] ®Me- meIrr ae tale eeiie os tant — eons shall ope memeeinet a| this Ordinance. a rRovisions REPEALED to private dwellings Including not more! (4) GHT: In this district no butld-/plantation of trees and/or shrubs, mot! Sec. 10.03 APPRALS. : CONPLICTIN! ® @e e eo @ ® °e ® e | a) e e ® ® [ @ = @ ithan one private garage for each lot,/ing shall exceed two and one half (2%) /less than ten (10) feet in width and/appeal may be Aoseomg apy Benen po All Zoning Ordinances heretofore . provided not more than one commercial! stories nor more than thirty-five (35)/not less than seven (7) feet in height grieved or by any officer, department, Pp ie oe No. 18, and @ vehicle is housed therein. One: sign/feet in height. and so maintained as to provide an ef-| board or bureau of the Village. Such ap-|*l! Ordinances or parte of ordinances in pertaining to the sale, lease or use of) (5) LOT AREA: In this district nd/fective screen between said properties. |peal shall be taken within such time conflict with any provision of this Or- a, lot oF building may, be placed there-| uilding shall be erected or used on any /ARTICLE IX GENERAL PROVISIONS |as shall be prescribed by the Board. of {Unane® AFe hereby. expressly repealed. co jon, not exceeding, however, six (@}/lot having an area of less than twenty-| Sec 901 NON-CONFORMING USE‘! Appe : h ; ® square feet in area. Dwellings for the! five thousand (25,000) square feet and|/The lawful use of « building existing ipcrreny accent enna 7, Loree Wd SEVERING CLAUSE — of domestic employees of the owners,/a front width of less than ene hundred!on the effective date of this Ordinance|er of Buildings and with the Board of]. °°°™'4 a ol eee clause or provi- ganic ot occupants of the privatejand twenty-five (125) feet. but thisimay be continued, although such does Appeals specifying the grounds thereof Gen ot tae inance be declared: by 8 @ cwelling on a lot shall be considered) shall not prevent the use of any lotinot conform with the provisions of this! The Commissioner of Buildings — shrli Court to be invalid, the same shall not : Accessory, buildings and shall conform)of record at the time of the passage|Ordinance. However, no such non-con-| forthwith Boa affect the validity of the Ordinance as | ie transmit ito all the height and yard requiremenjs!of this Ordinance having an area of oomit te” sme Td of|q whole, or any part thereof, other . jfor private dwellings in this district.’ | jess than twenty-five thousand (MOO ec wtectttatpr at ke et Appeels all the papers constituting the) than the part oo declared to be invalid. : . | Sec. 603 BUILDING REQUIREMENTS: square fee, but in any event. no dwell-\forming ure Which ts of hes been dial fee wentarneh the action appealed “ARTICLE XVII $ P W e | pe Magill Mu etaatad Jn thts distriet| ing shall be erected on any lot *l continued! (or morsel (han ine (8) mcethe| 0 bie Sans gerry An appeal stays ati| TOPIC HEADINGS POR CONVENIENCE n ev a mt yar i than seven| : nee pee. 4 ft 100 er eek Sta rtin Sa lar ithe minimum depth of Zdich shail not iroieed aiver banereas (7,500) square |inell be drgehings and no non-conform-| proceedings in furtherance of the actiom| Topic Sestenge ane for convenience : @ |v lees {nen fifty 100: feet except that/test tn aren and with e freat width ofluse permitted in the district small blot Betekre ct, the Board of/ only ,ond afe, fet intended te consti: “ on a lot of record at the time of the/jess than fifty (80) feet haar =e : L ee te oar tute a part of this Ordinance and shall [passage of this Ordinance having a|“\¢) AREA OP BUILDING: No dwell |° Aged back to a non-conforming. use.| Appeals, after the notice of appeal shall r o b 7 ; in no manner affect the interpretation N uilding which has been damaged|have been filed with him. that >¥/of the provisions of sections by any Q ? lus e wher feet the denier ke feet sara ing in Zone 4 shall be erected, altered. by fire or other causes te the extent of| re Gf the fuets steted te tne d onuses required shall be reduced to one-quarter =. Teen shins woes ate ae more than fifty per cent (30% of Its|plication, a stay would in his opinion — = ARTICUR “vin : core: (4) of such lot depth. but this shall/ square feet of floor area at the first vileos Belen as Getermined by the/cause imminent peril to life or prop- EPFECTIVE DATE @ not permit a depth of less than twent 1 breesewa: Mspector, shall be re-jerty, in which case proceedings shall i ’ (20) feet in any case.” eee OF any trereeway:|paired or rebuilt except in conformity |not be stayed otherwise than by @ re- Peliares (an anne tress tee Peover — there thal be kato les elt cane, and area in any accessory bulla. ped, ors aa moienaans this Ordinance efgrrog)tolnar! which may be granted/ se» thereof and after compliance with bd ts eee Oe Te cate Cone ot atten tin yn tte|thé State Law end Village Charter as eee ©. @°@¢ 680 0@ © eo 86 @ each side of every lot a side yard, the|'™®; SAME LOT: N Circuit . (1) SIZE OP BUILDING: No dwelling! 1 : No portion of @ lot used ‘Court on @ ation, on notice MUST HAVE C AR "ek —— i aaa shall ‘be ten in Zone 4 shall be erected, altered, or fOT yards in complying with the pro-|/°f same to the Commissioner of build- a. Plo ea tr eas saan , @ |sdutting upon a side street or lane|occupied which | provides less than ireead - = Se or for per-|!ngs. Coe a ae pect.|of the Village of Orchard Lake, Mico- shal twenty-one thousa! 421, ) eubie Pp y in 4 = fi \° te : vara poalt sy requires: ‘on. a jetaiag er content, exclusive of any breeseway.|with an existing building or structure,|S!ON UPON APPEAL: The Board of Ap-|'S8, om March Sth, A.D., 1956 . | 4 € lot sreaway, 0) bh. si fi hi in b peals shall fix @ reasonable time for) APPROVED: March 58, 1956. os fronting upon such side street or lane, y., opeh porch, space used for shall again be wsed as part iof the lot the hi EPFECTIVE DATE: March 25, 193¢ ¥ : @ [but this shall not reduce the buildable SSTMRe, and space in any accessory required for yards in connection with) 4%, — of the appeal, and give ws be width of any lot of record at the time; o¥ilding any other butlding or structure, provided | ‘Ue Notice thereof to bored pests oe includ- FRED J. W a : of the passage of this. Ordinance to|. ‘8! BUTLDINGS ON THE SAME LOT: |inat accessory buildings. may occupy ing all owners of record of property J, WALLS, . e leas than twenty-five (25) feet at the Hreostpent ee cogs _ — rear yard areas in residential districts ibeee br — —_ Ler Lediarios Aicast Village President . ground story level two in number and se!d buildings an Nm question, such notice 6 : : ; : < ; i) REAR YARD®: In this distriet|portions thereof shall ta no case exceed persed ra pregyp ono erage ened Pro-! delivered personally or by mail addressed een Poul T ‘Williams : there shall be on every log « rear yard.|feventy-five per cent (78%) of the) a0” 903 PERMISSIBLE ENCROACH-|(>, ,{eepertive owners at the addréss cd ag ‘ ° @ the minimum depth of which alls be| height of the private dwelling and said MENT ON YARDS: Outsid ‘-igiven in the last assessment roll and J M 1 A initty (30) feet. In the case where|accessory buildings shall have a total : le stairways./ shall decide the same within @ reason-| This is to certify that Ordinance Me. utud of Omaha the rear yird abuts on any strect or|ground floor ‘rea not greater than |fire escapes, fire towers, porches, plai-/apie time. Upon the hearing, any party was published in the Pontine Press lane, the minimum depth of the |rear|seventy-five per cent (75°) of the/forms, baiconies, roof overhang and)may appear in person or by agent or by|on the Gay of » tee. : (. a : @ yard shall conform to front yard re- ground area of the private dweil-/other poe shall be considered as/attorney. The Board of Appeals may ———___— @®eee#2ceeeeee@eeeee STU MEOGNT: te (tts Mcriet wo tet letieot Galea ne ie ee junds orl euseuupiid pues on” a nie coe ee LUCHAS M. OMITH, e- = : tl strict no -jcessory but \ : ie is . may ify the order, juirement, de- Vil | eo ® e @ | ing shalt exceed two and one-half stories) (9) LOTS ON LAKES OR WATER-| Sec. #04 ESSENTIAL SERVICES, REQ-|cinonn ce”, etermination “ss in theif Mar 10, 1958 ; ‘ 4 = * ies Aes eae | \ i : : Sy as | __THR PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY\ MARCH 19, 1956 a Hollywood Would Do It. ted ty te that [NICK HALIDAY [a hen ; U.S. Marines at Dunkirk fier nr eone® — British Expect It Next BGihon et LONDON (INS) — Hollywood's; After “The Dam, Busters’ was | “ eT E Fre i al a> Hy 4 : : 2 rs ib i ¢i f i Fs ff it Tih 8 c47 ul Hl 7 i | F has to drop their bombs. they also had their morale up- atta. > ss ™ ‘ : my . Q N a +10 © 906 vy na Service. ne TM. Reg. US. Pat, OF. BOARDING HOUSE NANCY BROTHER! LOOK--- SPIKE IS AFTER * THE R WEES WwW SPIKE 1S SORE - HIS GIRL BECAUSE SLUGGO INKED AT ES aa a eae ati MUST Be VERY NY Rees LucKyY= “YP oe OUT OUR WAY =F MOM, WILL YOU LOOK 171] AN’ SEE IF THAT QUARTER ft { iS DATED 19402 1 DION’T = Hl LOOK AT IT BUT I'M READIN’ =tat IT BY FEELIN’ IT WITH 4 14°34) my TOES AN’ IF I'M = ates RIGHT I'LL TRY A | DIME ! = el AN Ht "eee siti bles i Wil ENN ah wD ace i WHY MOTHERS GET GRAY © 1956 by MBA Geren, tee. Tw few OS Px OF $10 OC RWILLAMS DIXIE DUGAN ! WELL, EVERY sume TH’)] [...GiviN’ Me ON How II [t THOUGHT THESE KIDS SIT ALONG HERE t* PLANT AN’ MY A ROW... 6 — ARDS * or w ie VONALD DUCK OUT, HEIDI..GO ON OuT & . ANDO RUN A 1 JUST GAVE HER A BATH | PANO GEE. YOU KNOW HOW AND L HAVEN'T PUT BACK] [GUILTY YOU PEEL IF YOU GO | “My mother won't say her age. She just tells me to be my mother!” ' eee me oe oa she’s old enough If people ask me what you make, Crasscut — what should I teil | pROJECTION 00m | @1J0u THEATRE | ssf | (OKAY DUCK, | ULL TAKE {- ié lwit | 2 | 8 CHARLIE... @’ NIGHT! TT Walt Disney Ff them? a4 fs * * Establishing a closer contact in matters directly affecting ‘the retailers. With numerous other features, the program represents a virtual overhauling of the GM factory- ST. PAUL LUTHERAN CHOIR — will-be presented by the Junior and Senior Choirs of St. Paul Lutheran Church, Joslyn at Fourth St. at 7 p. m. Sunday. The service will have the pastor, the Rev. George. Mahder, as liturgist. Paul L. McMichael will direct the Senior Choir and Mrs. Emil Hagen will -be organist and Junior Choir director. The Senior Choir will sing ‘Jesus, I Will Ponder Now," “ "Twas on That Dark and Doleful Night,"’ “‘O Bleeding Head Now “The Passion of Our Lord in ‘bile Dealers Assn., Commmseetion on the industry efforts at ae factory-dealer relations, sa “This recent series of aes on. the part of Detroit has assumed | the proportions of a_ beneficial javalanche.”’ Directing his remarks| Word and Song,” serve refreshme: illegal Liquor Count Jails Eight Minors Eight minors were arrested last Wounded,” “Open the Gates of the Temple’. and after the Benediction, * Amen.” The Junior Choir will be heard in “Glory Be to Jesus,” and the combined choirs will sing ‘‘Look Up to Calvary.” For her prelude, Mrs. Hagen wiil play ‘‘Come Sweet Death,’’ by Bach; for the offertory, ‘‘Andarite Religioso,"’' by Hailing and ‘‘Hos- annah” by Hartman for the postlude. Following the service, the Ladies’ Guild will nts in the church — \Second Youth Jailed . | in Grocery Store Theft A second youth was arrested yes- | terday in the theft of a case of beer last week from a groce " Pontiae Press Photo ‘Sevenfold City M Man Wounded by Rifle Explosion A 22-year-old man is in satis- driving under the influence of li- quor. * Failing to pay a $100 fine, Ed- ward L. Pace, 44, 92 Irene St. today was jailed 15 days by)... Pontiac Municipal Judge Maurice E. Finnegan, Pace had pleaded guilty to charge of driving under the influence of liquor. ACCOUNTANT, wide e: all accoun , des: part e@ assignments; monthly clos- ings and tax work. FE 4-9295. If your friend’s in jail and needs bail. Ph: FE 5-9424 or MA 5§-4031. Motorist Is Fined $100 on Drunk Driving Count A driver, 24, slightiy injured in a two-car accident early this morn- pie pleaded guilty to a charge of driving under, the influence of liquor. Robert Ruiz, 387 N. Saginaw St. paid a $100 fine levied by Pontiac Municipal Judge Maurice E, Fin- negan, Police claimed Ruiz rammed the car of Eugene N., Cross, 30, of 355 Mt. Clemens St., who was pull- ing away from the curb on S. Saginaw St. near Whittemore St. at 4:30 a.m, STATE OF MICHIGAN—In the Pro- | Teel Dit” Comey o Skate the matter of the petition concern- ing a Donis ali jas’ Wilhite, minor. 13662. To Herinen Fires father of sald child Petition been filed _* this se Court allegin teat th = abouts lain father “of yee : = ; 1 ~_, is unknown management is only one of sev- | of these many features is the re- to the car makers, he said: inight and charged with illegal pos-istore at 888 Orchard Lake Ave. potas f earn a eee ee Violated ‘a law of the State and’ thet eral recent steps taken by GM | examination of “‘the sales poten- | “It's taken a long time, but session of beer. Held on a charge of simple lar- pola sari ay ter wound-| poe You Have a Carpet Prob-|%!4 a ae be placed under the - President Harlow H. Curtice | tial of every dealer in relation to right now it appears to me that tt Donald C. Fletcher, 17, of - 317) ceny is Joe E. Hayward, 19, of 73, roy imself in an alleged attempt; lem? Call Tuson Carpet Service. Pes ot ie Cum. Gata toward better relations with the | his area.” Another is the ab- you have moved forward ‘Third A r B. Naylor, | E-_ Chicago. suicide casty this ee _| PE 5-8103. —Adv. p grog oa talag by Dotified corporation's retailers. sorption by the factory of costs sively, dramatically, effectively to rd Ave. and James aylor,| Police claimed he and Redvers J. | held at the py Ee art, Oaklan aa store bal: to the ind and|18, of 80 Parkhurst, were arrested According to Mrs. Ellen Wilson, . County Service House An- of new car “mail restore balance to industry Williams Jr., 19, of 149 W. Brook-' i nex, 1260-B inched in the program are: 9 grams previously charged to the /Public confidence in you and inj" E. Tennyson St. where police Wednesd. je her husband, Rufus, shot himself,’ Pontiee in said County.” on the Soak ase js : e un a oe agreement between = us.” {elaimed they found beer in the the Hou ar para Bethea; stow in the stomach with a .22 caliber in Intersection Crash ef, March AD. 1906. st nine e'slock i in and its dealers, a new low-| @esler. = lyouths’ car, grocer rifle in the bedroom of their home| a appease spessen : ———- : ; ; =p to appear personally, at “paid cost life insurance program under) ‘The new GM program with re-, Arrested in a car at the corner|“@S in another part of the store.) ga. Branch St, | An Ohio man and his wife were we teins immeesiiees which dealers under age 65 may spect to its retailing organization, Lodge Calendar — lof Paddock street and Mc Kinley | WHEEL 1-4 | bd slightly injured yesterday i OR sevice bereel thie snmmane nnn tte obtain policies ranging up to $100,-|was engineered by President Cur-| |drive were: a | She said ee had been drinking) sccident on Telegraph Road al/shal! ve serves 1 by publication of & copy 000 without medical examination, |tice, He acted with characteristic Jar meeting Pontiac Chap-| Gerald L. Spencer, 17, of 540 Wheel Stolen From Car (earlier and seemed “depressed. amas Lake Road Soutéae Press c: ussepaner prttlot Gon and practical elimination of the) speed and suddenness while some ter No. 228 O.ES. Mon. Mar. 12, Rosewood Pl.; Donald E. Kleindl, Mrs, Addison Keiser, of Walled Wilson had threatened suicide baie Guy E. Babinger, 37, and Lucille *iiguisted im said County, so-called “phantom freight dealers were complaining to a joe E00, p.m. 18% E. Lawrence. 18, of 98 E, Howard St.; Richard |Lake, told Pontiac post State Po-| ‘fore, she told Pontiac police. Babinger, 36, both of Defiance, Moore. Judge of said Court, in the = charges. - - Senate committee -in. Coons, Sec. D. Spencer, 17, of 40 Clarence St.: ilice yesterday someone had stolen | \Ohio, were treated. for minor in | of March” Artige Mie? S Also announced was the decision Washington about GM policies! ————— rene \Clarence R. Morgan, 18, of 2655/a tire and wheel valued at $50! About 89 per cent of all U.S. | Juries at Pontiac General Hospital | se Seal fo mame an impartial umpire to/toward its retailers. There are 75 species of North |Glenrose St.; Frederick Bridson,|from her car while it was parked family heads who are profession- after their car collided with one|* ‘T¥® °°PY 3 vate adjudicate dealer appeals trom de-| Frederick J. Bell, execittive vice| American violets found in the 17, of 161 Oliver St. and Frederick! in front of her house at 435 Leon al people own one or more life driven by Owen D. Ciphers, 46, of Deputy Probate Register, cisions of General Motors divisions) president of the National Automo-|United States. \J.’ Drake, 17, of 689 N. Perry St.|Road. ‘insurance policies. ‘Bloomfield Township. “Mar. 10, 1956 Help Wanted Male 6 Help Wanted Male 6| __Help Wanted Female 7) _Help Help Wanted Female le_7| ‘Work Wanted Male 10), Buildin e 612 Business Services en tlolens Me fered tere || he st Building Service 12 AL ESTATE. 1956 MODEL | GIRL TO ‘ARE FOR 2 CHILDREN | RECEPTIONIST EXP. HARDWARD MAN Wit BRICK, BLOCK AND CEMENT . PAINT SALESMAN gees ready for working team of | and do housewort “eo in, ! AND | give ample references. FE 4-031: work. A'so chim .eys. No job too A&B TRENCHING OT Os a wat em a new house salesman, general | a her $: PE bot. ] DOCTOR'S OFFI | RXP. "WR t EDITOR. INTER. mares. skoee) mmer Pr eae , Water line field tile. estate salesman, leads oo c GIRL Poa sotenwonK SECUR- IP ANY | viewer, speaker, sales clerk | . Guaranteed 5 soe, ing assistance, Once a lite good home and wages. North- stare. UaLIPICATIONS | Would like evening or weekend BLOOMFIELD WALL CLEANERS time opportunity if you oe how! vile ’Si8Ril. a : te ‘Pontiac Press, Box 54 | work. Over 8 yrs. in present job. | BLOCK BRICK” CEMENT Work | Walls and windows Reasonable: : ; to sell farms pd acreage. GIRL FoR #0 ~~ MOTHERS aay FOR FOUNTAIN AND Adequatety paid now would | & fireplaces, FF Free est. No obligation. FE 2-163 - Are you interested in a permanent be Live in. OR 33442 — i paoe Between ages of 20) enjoy losing creditors acquired airy CARPENTRY & aE ORAL RE- CA RPET 1 “LAYING. 3, SEWING. with high start iper. Live in. — ears of one, Must ‘be| leaner days. ctentious. A y binding. Any repairs 4 ' perl : lus an exeelient future? If you Sylvan HOUSEKEEPER, LIVE IN” OR: reliable. Phone PE a family man. Call FE Eve: _Bhimete con ‘Pegdaes. TT?! cleaning on location oF shop. Belt BR ar, Mills will in Donelson-Johns the proble me ef remborten oer helps now. 38 and. ay ‘over 8. STENOGHAPHER, rant tnt, TE WORK WANTED BY “CEMENT & BI OCK tim ras $0137. ro rE 1385, A , q ‘ : w brs, da I Ui me i a 2 Se apes 5. eave FUNERAL HOME Holy ol ehy peeletred. When Realty ore ees eee ee | eee as Ot Saan pe emer een work. PE 5-0782. CHIMNEY WORK Home. _ Davia, | = = RANA, MARCH 6 ima Uh ee SS PUNEEALS_ | /repiying. give oll necessary de-| :_FE = | aoe PaER POR AST | 3EMENT 18 OUR SPECIALTY. * Grace a arpa, eae sister im CEAP Te Lay gh os cchamaneed PNULTIPLE-LISTING SERVICE HOUSEREEFER. tur oan dena wo ety a rose 2 Ae |" Floors, basement. EM -4870. ine. repairing, rewuitding erhena | - Reid and ‘Mrs, ; SALESMEN WE HAVE A PEW Gireni & DEVERSIPIED | Jempe and Waseey GIS Mon PLUMBING WORK WANTED. Custom Selanne te sate | eee Cate aS Peat enemctonen. runerei] VOOTHEeS-oiple ber week. Por men who have | position for lady = Genre) eae |gPRING CLEAN ~-UP.RUBBIRN | ELECTRICAL WIRING LICENSED | Tin@a"*tng ‘ehsired "iter ont Siren af at 10 pm. trom St] FUNERAL HOME FOY PAINE CO. sore windows, "or ante pan at | 0°, Ranaw Pontiac | wor general office work, General | Sn, ashes hauled anytime. OR 1OOR 8K sparrey FE ye kind furnace "work, Local rea- LJ Cainetic : . 2 fem 6 construction "Depertanesa _Press_Bo insurance experience preferred. ee | SANDING. LA TAYING_AND stered company. PE 5-3701. in - | Ambulance Service, Plane oy Motor preferred but will trai few INT ERVI [EWERS | _Write Pontiac Press Box VETERAN. 24 HIGH SCHOOL rm. ¢@ DRY WALL BY MACHINE. PREE . tation of FE 2-378 ee . : i rienced can A 1 TEN COUN. Grad. wants work. Full or part. guaran work, free estimates. estimates. No job too big or cmall. wil be Reid Sunday of 8 p.m Cincinnati, Ohio iaad Gen i oe So Amal] downtown office will train TOP EXPERIENCE. PI PLANT civ at | _ time. OR 3-941 | wu meee aa 5-7683. 54628. rom Smith ie ; o personnel wor j | Home, Funeral arrangements by Cemetery Lots _ og Ele ed Lan) ‘aaley personality and an | Father and Soo Cleaners B4l. Jos: WALL SERVICE WALL BOARD FLOOR, SANDING. OLD 1 00es EXPERT TREE TRIMMING & RE- Puneral PPD ELD LEA ets . 3 eee | _alert min all PE 5-5012. 2-789. 3-2000. $0003 f . =x - , R NIGHT SHIFT. Ready for paint or paper. Very | Card of Thanks 1 * sane. cuare. ve) Att: D. M. Harrington THREE MEN (Bee eee hee horns | WAITRESS FOR | Coney ‘stand, | pagiuler Pree ‘estimates. MY | FLOOR LAYING. SANDING AND | EavESTROUGHING INSTALLED no: @ Love th OAKLAND MILLA REA Por erp, pion hire LADY TO HELP WITH CHILDREN | EE oa | Founo” MAN “Wises WORE OF Moderns ALE quar won| nt, eee thie resend. ARO : | WOMAN TO HELP WITH CHIL- i THE PAMILY OF HAROLD P.|\sousble MY $007, |g tn, Frontias area. Gome mechanical _and housework, Ref MY 24871. _ | W2Pin and bousework. References.| ny type. 4960 Devers, Drayton| ret, estimates, John Taylor ORs ecraic MOTOR SERVICE RE- Reatttels "teaphe “tor thes mene “PENNE Y'S HIRING © pepe mcemeroosag Yo weer | LOOK!: | raha aa “CLEANING TRON: | YOU ING BOY]? UNUSUALLY | FLOOR LAYING, BANDING & FIN-| PRTE,®, "Syinding 218 © Pike meni ei i 4 A = f acle of Kindness pep-|_ Help Wanted Male 6) = TRAINEES NOW 1066 W. Murea St | “ng. no Cooking Live in MAyfair| STRONG WISHES ANY KIND | ishing ¢. Bud Bills. PE 6208. | sonwaces CLEANED AND RE- formed fer them by their — TURRET.LATHE A_ job of interest & diversity the F WORK +2889. AN HE GUARANTEED. | “ paired. Chester Nelson, PE $1788. relatt during their recent) awa e woman ! 2-7608. bereavement. A special to BARBER, STEADY, 15 PER CENT. Expanding blue chip retail] con- > pean . WOMAN FOR LIGHT [ HOUSE- | ——— HEATING SERVI Glens Barber Shop, corner Mont-| cern offers golden opportunity to PONTIA of child. Live in. FE FLOOR SANDING, LAYING, FIN i CE the = Puneral Hor "| calm, Joslyn, VE.| move "need fast, Cl icrm fas pepetie! peer] presen] pty Employment Service ta ome ot eer Week debe: = some des panty aaa cI GOSGES TC qoanel sab carvl are In emoriam 2 eal: hile learn interesting WOMAN F FOR g GENERAL, Ja! 1 DAY SERVICE. IRONINGS. $3! ==> eee we es Da . +3001. ary while you leary Paid holidays & vacation. 18.W. Huron” FE 42551. | Wit days. $2 PE 4 GENERAL BUILDING REPAIR. y oF ment. FE 41063 ee tennepntnt work the way Penney's top execu- in. 5% days. $2 bushel, Pick-up and delivery. FE | “prick stone nt work. 20161. WAYNE HEATING on ray ot learned manage. NEED EXTRA CASH? WORK THE etry co avivan | _ Sine ceirent wo _ 24161 aay eten, whe as Sime office work. MA $732.| ‘rent ‘positions “to "your future M. C. MFG. CO. gure convenient for you. Wonder -| MoMA. to stay, with children 2/7 WOMEN WANT WALL “Was | rns Sod te work ‘Roehe PLASTERING, NEW AND = from us 3 years age, March i / ATTENTION M you qualify, Call Mr. Kast-| 119 Indianwood Rd. Lake Orion |: ing, °” jwensirate "fine "line ef | hrs. after school, Sat. till 4 and. clean natne. PE 17-0223. Oxoaa Rr lott mura “ heats pair. Cat! Buxton, FE 40028. l / amas N ridge, at FE 56164 for an ep WANTED SALESMAN AT ONCE.| plasiic house wares. No de- | | sanver?eies OWN HOME| 353 W. Be xe, PLUMBING AND | HEATING. HS. be thine. ATTENTIO?! P P_ W. Dinnan, 66 W. Huron St.| posit necessary. Call FE 5-868 wars AN ELDERLY LADY | Saye, Crescent Li Ares FE _ 3-048. Compton | & FE ¢3761 or and granéchilérea. © TP) We have jobs for § single men, PONTIAC WANTED: FIRST CLASS METAT Bighte "or Sunday tor interview. | pee cea) tania relsrenses: oo HOUSE MOVING.) FULL OR eer8. / 18-25 Mia “ ‘ need cd Fad — om TTT EPE < Orleans EMPLOYMENT SERVICE : A i _ ~ ~~ | _equt 48450 ourig. , ELECTR: . Flowers / 3) sore and. Sout iter Huron re 258i ee . mene oe pot MANAGE x | gees LADY UNDER 35 GEN | hazy chile vou seo Also sewing ae eo At =u SEW ER CLEANING . ‘ | wits than e ‘ 2 ‘| and alterations. FE 2-740. | JO8. FLEMING. FLOOR LAYING. PCRS: Seven Teewwy eee q a fur- WANTED: EXPERIENCED ALL ble woman to manage his office.| eral office position. Typing Sinks — Sunday Service, FE 42012 a PUEES CSTE ee! Erg ieee et Oe PONTIAC Beare Oe wifes in Sree | Hey Gao ad ting | Uhlig osu EAPERMENCER “Won SaRy|"Praygmenne i edn Se ee eo enon Aid - ve own BJ OT ite - ng wor pi = | | _ Hyacinthe Gach & Carry. ina Bee ee hina Key” Mul JOBS ‘KOR MEN eae Must ee | CALL BETTY AT MIDWEST. 406| son am. to 4 p.m Automobile Urday, EM 33692, after 4 OUR SPECIALTY Eh GL FE ae en oe jen, ‘idichigan State Rmployment ’ ° a Foning Steady. no drinkers. Good | peor Mate) Bank) Bide Fe Club ‘ot Mich‘gan. HOUSFCLEANING DONE FROM | bee eee Lai ting | fuex TRIMING AWD —REMOV / Service, 142 Warne St. t | 2 : 7 i— — > = ——— | ton to tom by expert FE | mates Ou 2804 va 4 = = Va 2:30-4:30 p.m. Don't “MANAGER, TRAINEE $908 | Srences. “Pontlac’ Prec pox 60 OPPICE GIRL TYPING. FILING. i Wanted A i ee PLASTERING, | ALL pies K | on ee eee ee vl = general office txperienced pre- wouL IKE DAY ORK er nm The Pontiac Press EEE pater ea be ae cero Ae ni aan ge | AER ON ee MLN VRAD | —lorred. Phete MUvee! 41356 ag ee He Galen IG CS PLASTERING AWD. nEPains | Bookkeeping & Taxes 14 | ’ ZING | teed a FOR WANT ADS st NDE 1 N ME G. [SALES TRAINER, elect app ss00 AIRES QUARTET MUST BE A PONTIAC GIRL TO AMEAIONS' 10, 20-20. «oar 40 | BARYSITTING WASHINGS AND | rates Fi “Sosea heAtonable (eee & TAX SERVICE SALES MANAGER , 800 CONSECRATED CHRISTIAN FE = 2 peste licht book matches BIGGER ronings done $3 a bu. FE _2-6866 | PRIVATE. BUIL DER WOULD LIKE INCOME TAX DIAL, FE 28181 EXPERIENCED TOOL i OL MAKERS | RAEBNER ] | PARTS. & WILLING TO WORK ES Seen a prospect, Reveals” Bert | IRONINGS 63 A BUSHEL. PICK-| gopertmity to bid on your mee | Edw. Hawley a . > "ERS op . D i een = we ness a prospe | home. mancing available cS Appiy Artco 210 Indienwood | @RAEB? S—! ontiac FO N . INTERVIEWING | with Men, women; full, ; “ and delivery PE §-8732 : Dr ssmakin ing, Tailorin, 16 From & a.m. to 5 p.m. Ra: Lake tion Sneh | M3 Pontiac State Bank Bide GtEN PARNYAM re Fae | parttime BUY Leet Satoh or monies, 6 BABy StTTING IN oor aaaTE 5 wew AND Re SW « SEpRRIENCEA WAEHING 1a. | Phone FE 5-0277 AFTER 6:00 PM Michigan's largest employment| kit furn . MAT —- P oF | my home. OR |” pair, Guaranteed work. Free on DRESSES, SUITS, COATS & Al- ported "aienty. Ths Sense to cubgmanic wedners ood | = Pos. Waterfront Supervisor Seseac etticevtcccannoledt ent | potur uae Bert SS aR ORIN: “0 pg Ay | __mates trations, 19) E. Ruree 53 Sw ig r al ma’ washers : ; mtiac office for an ale girl, = | woe Queues ap ceapen- aryers. werk, vecnMien | mece ces Geog ote ves badtieciee AND between 21 and 28 to train as © — store with excellent working cond | fS‘jg¢° OP © Waites Blvd. PE ROOFING. SIDING erat tgpeetl | Income Tax Service 17 y for errors other with par, selere and commission.| 4 ee ability. With or Gardner personnel interviewer We prefer | & opportunity for right person. | ip oi — 93 | = — ss | rina for Ped ee aa | el the charges — ~ 4 ee ferences. All infor. ‘t p 1 lenecult saraner a girl with sales or business ex- MI 45060 $3 PER BUSHEL. 4s eel for rae a aa INCOME TAX SERVIC ok conn, ot txe toca Roy's Re | Without actual experience, to) contact Mr. allen Manager FE, perience but will train someone JANITOR IN AUBURN HEIGHTS | 5§-3962, iID& M Bi Gs, SERV TCE | Whe Wait tw Line? Jeserison "ot the advertise: placement Parte eS | ir esesslene| ceerie of waking (is | ORCHARD LAKE COUNTRY CLUB with roel “saves (ipa eecoenemy | ares) 8 6m 19 a.m. daily | ee gia SEC. | 2-7004 | Bring W2's Now. Pick-up Pay Day . — | Apply P. O 195 Auburn! etaria) Service EM 3-2842 | Eves. OR PT arte PE 2-845 gered pov ave gg lao ps the ) |EXPERIENCED ENGINE LATHE | abla ool ~ ee sare ve | Mis Bawards —— Call Heights PRACTICAL 1 NURSB AVAILABLE. R. G. SNYDER. FLOOR LAYING. FE 5-68 a —_ Ser. SAGINAW e cancellations et ee ens alr) vided. Salary and commissions | ' WAREHOUSE | MEN. WOMEN. . YEAR ROUND OP- | _OR_ 3-581 Sanding and finishing. Phone FE AIS AND BOOKKEEP- are be sure to Sree work renee tt Midwest | under a liberal contract with ex- GRAEBNER'S agen toh be para viletadey aeavonstacE UA LADY WILL CARE _ 5-056. ing. Income tax specialist your’ “kill gumber.” No pate teed Mig. Corp. went | cctlent possibilities for advance. | Us Se route. Earn $2 $3 per hour for child in home. FE 2-8706 Nt >, Var FE 8-1226, Keego John Zurbrick Sithout Veg Neel Se \FORNITURE SALESMAN. #xpe- | _™ent._Call Mr Bond. WO 20171, MAN BE §-0277 ery “apoty "is | RESPONSIBLE LADY WANT EA mer pat Nor \ | “ACCOUNTING & TAX SERVICE sneed y Merchandise Sur-/ ROUTE MAN. MARRIED. AGES oyening in Retail Warehouse ———— ene | _ babysitting, FE 42135 itecton / emode me FE 2-2602 : ORGANIST & CHOIR DIRECTOR = Closing time for advertise- plus, atx Pike. Pontiac _| Gananele oes hase Sl hoes Work. Experience preferred PONTIAC | wanted. Call Midwest 48890, or REGEN RSE DESIRES JOB IN | Garages Home calls bv appt ‘ ' office or dey work. FE Combination orm Sash ments pe sizes OB FOR | MEN | e250 per wk tt vou ‘quality; Young man between ages LOE | MI 44107 peril fi ‘ra _Hawiey fice: 104i Atarie : grapes eelinees mi S $550 Call_Putler_ Brun’ itd ch we nee P comet Orfice ret a Je BS FOR GIRLS RAWLEION DEALER || WANTED ierecacuanpe edn ERICAL WORK “siding | AN INCOME TAX RETURN PRE: type i# 12 o’clock noon the Grad’ Ancoumians seo | : ——— __Watte's Personne: a zs |- at once. Good opportunity, in West te\ do tn owe hor 4 4 | Additions | pared in vour home by qualified Gay previous to publication, } | asies trainee, some college Real E state Help Wanted Female 7 RECEPTIONIST beauty salon $175 Central Oekland Co. of Cy of aa ntedacanaes Mt secensety. FE | Attics Fintshed | | = = masters degree. lied mech. ref. required... $350 | : ECEPTIONIST, mature, for bulld- 1 8-2687 after 6:30. a rehes close ppts Transient Want Ads m AR 70 Salesman ng office 200 Dept. MCC-696-105, Freeport, Tl. | — | Kitchen Remodeling INCOME TAX SERVICE. YOUR pcg erg ppt tnd am. EER CENTE W { Beauty Operators—2 | RECEPTIONIST TYPIST. Ins —~—Teurtions Q/| SRING DONE IN MY HOME. | No Down Payment | FE 48703. the day of publication after EER CENTER antec é pers = Cs Instructions 9 FE 8-2768. Terms home or mine. | first insertion. B-1 ae Bldg. FE 8-0436 | H. W. Bi ] Frprreocea os w start. Steady | FIOURE CLERK, for real estate —~~~~~~~—~~~"~~—~_| WILL_ DO BOOKKEEPING & TYP- @ & M Construction Co. | | BOOKKEEPING AND TAX SERV. MAN WANTED-—FOR RAWLEION 1gGelow Andte Benaty Balen $200 DRIVING LESSONS PONTIAC! ing in my home, FE 2-3810. 2260 Dixie Hwy. FE 21211) a Shand mere CASH WANT AD RATES business in Avon Township FE 5-9257_ YPIst for Ins. Co $200 Drivers’ Training Days, Eves..’ wouLp LIKE IRONING TO DO| ene li 124. FE 2-213 wor dl -Da Da: experience needed to start, Bales Set Ww. Huron Mm —— a \VARIETY. GIRL, typing for and Sunday 24887, Building Suppl es 124 98 Wo Huron Lines 1-Day 3 Days 6 Days pe _PE 5-540 FE 58845 ; ae IN OWN HOME. BY THE PIECE. | _ ~~~ SERVICE 2 «81.80 «$1.88 «(82.76 ary (0 make end profits good apr Fe tes BIRMINGHAM BOOKKEEPING MACH. OPR ci, PIANO INSTRUCTIONS. JERRY | 3654's AUBURN AVE. FE 44140. | INCOME. ee nec 3 1500 2.70 3.08 Part Mmedistely Wrie Kae- . . IMMEDIATE OPENINGS A he Libby. FE 2-2303 WANTED WASHINGS AND T se AVE COMPLETE STOCK OF + 1800348 304 leigh u Peost €-696-190. Free} Real Estate Specialist General office secretaries, book- omer TRAINEE slop PIANO INSTRUCTIONS MAJORS nes FE 5-0988. A of sheet rock, sash ie doors - SRE JAMIN = BACKUS " al Estate Speci ; 6 ; ediate 5 HE 405 600 rt, | ee Co Oe re ce, CASPTER-CLERK, home fur. $200 IN GOSPLE AND BEGINNERS wart WASHINGS. NEAT WORK delves Phone ‘AfEIros ° 46708 FE 41892 Eves. FE 80317 + 3s Se kee MECHANIC aw etek A here beens | Service. 130 We Maple Birming: SECRETARY to executive na INFORMATION CALL FE Book now. Avoid rush, FE $698. TupeR & BUILDING SUPPLIES INCOME TAX SERVICE 1 IN YOUR 8 60 Buick dd Pontiac experience | *8CP & specialls ard hitting. ham. MI 4-4254 : ee : . ——- WASHING AND TRONINO. PICK- t te 8-10-12" in stock home. OA 8-3321 + tts 53 te8e Clean shop, good setae ents: | Sen Ma profile ef to myer CAREERIGIRES © | GRABBNER’S—Pontiae Ww Wanted ‘Male 10 up and delivery. FE 6-165 | Birch Flush “soors, $7.95 | COME TAX RFASONABLE OR S| tions. See Bob Miscel, Anderson! ers’ A ‘better plan of operation Is aa 313 Pontiac ciate Bank Blig at WASHINGS AND TRONINOS- Rg i & be, cla tile 64° carton ‘en 3-5306 week days OR 3-0364 after Tl tac Buick Utica. REpublic| we jike it Each has option to oer eget oats) | car ee Phone FE 5-277 A-) WALL WASHING AND ANY _byritting Day work. FE 60001 AB PS apt yecort ee gras 0.18. Home appointments. | an | | participate in all future invest- a36 tee . eee odd jobs. FE 2-155 ‘ ? INCOME TAX SERVICES _ | MIDWEST | ments | RAPID TYPIST. $250 | Sen SRCRETARY Geel eth ACCOUNTANT GENERAL LEDG- | ~~ nbaidieg Service! wk Me a ee plaet red ea. 6:20 ___ PHONE: “EMPIRE. 33 3128 | ‘Young Cred, Accountant $450 ey are] eetng to yinsie | STENO. Dewmernieres $240, Should be fairly good typist, able {n’ eae wate Ce “wil be avail | A s Sif dato PLANS DRAWN |? * eeeciueeds a “yath. a6 ah al | BOX REPLIES Parts Clerk $323, One Commercial and OEM. CLERICAL, with car : $290 | eertned secu ccue kaeuleane ol oa | Ist. Reply Pontiac | for Any, type building. EM 3-931. 33 "tor reatn $33 | “NEED HELP? , ice xperienced $275 | 8 TRE: | 7 0! | . roll roofing ......- ! } ie aus é ‘eet of bookkeeping, Salary not large, bat Marino AN me to 719.00 | At 10 a. m. Today [Mecneet ste hee ngs $300 One Industrial M HDW EST cxeeptional, opportunity to get BLOCK LAYING AND BASEMENT. | Pontiac teacawese Pict —— . MORE Fon vouR 8 Wits Dicome tax Sretarn 08) per there were replies at Tdochon aoe Without tools > 5 Specialist | §06 Pontiac State Bank Bidg. real and valuable experience and | _ Arthur _ Davis, ORlando 3-4204 “Where Quality Comes First” Paul st. Cyr Lumber Co average return | 406 Pontiac State Bank Bidg | to join firm. No investment re- = FE 5-0227 for advancement, Answer—giving CARPENTER AND CABINET! Licensed Contractors. FE 3-7647 6120 “Rosie Lake Rd, Commerce SAVE MONEY > oo Eeonansy ost al oo FE 50227 | quired. “Must be tops. the kind) ——“(CACHIER-TYPIST | shierytemended. 1 ee eet and_revelr Or ey | AIR COMPRESSORS. BREAKERS, | We Dettv EMpire 32731) 1 ot us file your return for you. following boxes: = at never answers an ad like 44s Spiel ae CARPENT a OLDER | aa® FOR Eee | this. Just hed hunch he might Meet the public Must be high | Box 07 < mun eaniees Pe ey 174 | __Mt Clemens _ oe 2. DELUXE APTS. 8 ., 1 Dim, Rest of Sky 3 ROOM DELUXE. PVT. 2-902 ater 6:30 ence — FE }- jaturday and Sund i? re 4 ROOM PunwaateD aT Fy) eal meena 37_ Mechanic. 2? ROOMS OFF N. PERRY. UTIL tles furnished. 890 Robinwood 2 ROOM * FURN. APT. 103 ME chi S noo GPs CLOGE IN, FE 4-7338, ‘9 ROOMS, PVT. ENT. BABY WEL- a 53-5668. (a ROOM 2 “BATH. PRI. ENT. Men. 100 Norton. it bet re Rooms ar Bus. STOP, CLOSE IR aoe Sao cae ion tas si AU- Pao oe _aauire me 30h atiena, a 7 ROOMS. ADULTS ONLY. 1 _Florence. Delo E ROOM APT. Pvt. BATH & EX- _trance. 12 Schoo! 8t 12 fan"t sold yet! entrance ber | - WOMEN, MODEST MAIDENS © -1o 4 (Ye ‘_y , Day ALAN <- 2 “Beauty and brains are responsible for her success — — her beauty and the director's brains!" Rent aes Furnished 33 ATED. PVT. oT NH. Saginaw. Apply 20M,_of IP PARTLY i. es CouPLaTRLY FURNISHED 2 RM and kitehenette, private bath near = Small child welcome. COUPLE — Le mes BABY, OW bus line . FE 4 4-2047, iENETTE. 37700. CLEAY. MODERN If KIT T CLEAN 1035 Oak GROUN couple. HOUSETRATLER FOR RENT. BA- __by_weledbme 4-328), LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING Se with garage. For emp) or couple. No ‘érinkers. Rates. none required, 258 Orchard Lake e. a furn m eve thing private Union Lake. eh | NEWLY __ 24285. DECORATED 3 ROOMS and path. Lake ear 3-170 NICE 3 ROOMS VATR: aE: trance. heat, vend Mate. ee seleome. drinkers. oo No drinkers. a | N. Perry SMALL “APT. Enivate BATH AND ance ake Orton. ] rile 37152, or FE 2-33 “MODERN APT. VERY 2 per week plus utilities, sT! TRICTLY MODERN Loree Hachem | be ao Ol ve Murphr ye —— riv., garden space, UIT weekly FE 5-1284 STUDIO APT FOR 2 BUDDIES “hs an: home. Mornings, FE. UNION CT, Set pron and beth. Adults only. month. *K. Te "HEMPSTEAD 192 _F. Huron , CHILDREN WELCOME. and ADC accepted. FE Rent. Apts. . Unfurnished 34 Weitere $6340 iM KIT NETTE AND PRI- ROO! ‘CHEN bl ais bath, heat | 4 Co-operative Real “prtate, Bxchane, i ROOM | APT. 169 = HURON 8T | hot and cold Onen Evenings and Sundays _FE +6 | water, stove and refrie. furn. | 1078 W. Huron Ph. FE ‘PcLEAN Sous HEAT, LIGHTS, | 3 seune only. 290 N. Paddock, a oe gas. Inlaid tile New washer Alberta Apt. | WE NEED _Cail before 3. 75 8. Jessie, | iBT = eLAon “GLEAN, WAHKM H ss ieee ROOMS, PARTLY FURN. FE ‘ms. Pri. bath hot water and | LAND CONTRACTS $4226. Inquire 87 Mechanic _marage a FE 6-144 2 RM. FURN. APT. ADULTS § ROOM A We will give you a quick cash only. FE 4-1122. side, adults, FE 22198, effer with no additional hidden 9 ROOM APT. ADULTS ONLY. "9 RM. KITCHENETTE & BATH costs. Early settlement. Give us 100 Pine Grove Pvt. Close to bus & shopping a phone call today. mates. Nicholie & Harger Co. 33_W. Huron &t For your land contracts — you'l — our service — ask for Mr. | nkel. WHITE BROS. 3600” Dine ay. __Phone OR 21205 ~~ CASH: FOR YOUR HOME OR EQUITY If you wish to —_ your prop- erty and want fast action, call us, In_m: casts We can get pons ‘or equity.” We ncie tare be : : uty, a e for | con! , Clark ‘Resi Estate, W. Ho &,, FE 46402 oF 44813, “Bve- hings, i] FE 6-6183 ae AKD aE ae: QUICK CASH | 3 (7 BM. KITCHENETTE, CLOSE IN | FURNISHED FE Wanted ed Real Estate 32A Free esti: 3 AND 3 ROOM CABINS. KITCH- Utilities included. Tru- Rust Cabins, ke Orion. en facilities, MY pat _ 465 8, B iM th, -_ accepted, Appiy 1 Clark st 3 LARGE ROOM FUR HED | Apt, Share eT aes a week, 43 Orpen pate Be ENTRANCE. O: Gas heats Mwies tn 66 N. Jessie. |2 RMS. 2 MEN. BUS LINE. 1 Orchard Lk. Ave. ROOM APT8. $12 00. 3 ROOM | $15.00 week, 75 Clark. ploy. couple onl Must be _elean, No drink&zs "rE 4-2397 j} ROOM FURN. APT” ON FIRST fioor, No drinking, no children no peta, Working couple Apply 1139 Myrtle, Huron Garden ROOMS, EVERYTHING Pa. | __vate, Couple only, FE 47061 2 ROOMS & SHOWER, HEAT AND __ util, 294 Fe 3 RM. he aT OSMUN. COUPLE area. 429 N Paddock ia ROOM, BATH & KITCHENETTE. | _ Private. 420 N Paddock ? LARGE ROOMS, |. PRIVATE | BATH | —_ entrance. Inquire 645 Au- burn Ate ja! RAMs. TILE BATH “PVT. ENT. _Utilities hn FE 44006. 3. ala RGE ROOMS AND BATH, ag. oad stove, 21. “elgg lake, OR TR aoa i & BATH CLEAN. NEAR sector y, Children. welcome. 36 ‘wis | 3 ROOM 4 Apr. NEAR "YMCA, 3 ROOMS. L caata SaaRIE BATH _Priv. ent. FE 40296 3 ROOMS, _ HEATED. ~ REPRIG. | Stove, Clean. 655 Markle. : (a AND BATH, “UTILITIES, FRIGI- | daire, stove. Firet floor. 34 School | Bt Y ROOM AND D BATH ON WEST | side, ge me tian couple. | |¥ Room APT. entranee. “MODERN 5 ROOMS, Wiest Sara he side Adulte ) HEATED. WEST '4 ROOMS & BATH. 2 BEDROOMS | | Baty | MO mae 6 ome eMALL heat ghigens R 9 FOR RE Rent Apts. Unfurnished 34 > comms 4EP, Bere apcize ; 3 TH & ENT. e, Near 20714. Ro Same rea DEL-RIO APTS. OAKLAND : rooms Rave ong winl bath 3-7832. Ww. Law. WEST Lovely lo bath. Wie . var f sme. © be MBs, om. to ey Reasonabie. 7 ROOM, MODERN. LAKE Priv- _ieges, ‘PED 44002 7 ROOMS MODERN 8 EXCEPT * TUB. iren. Fe re BATH. | ART pot. ARTLY PURN Ow Lake privileges. _per wk, MA 6-b008 . S ROOM HOUSE COMPLETELY | i fyrnished, Inquire 22 Auburn, of- Pn le. n.d aE € R D HOUSE ON CASS emg inquire 29 Auburn, of- CABINS BY WEEK KAMPinn.|™ COR sheet ee INN | Pet _ FURNISHED “Win- by on wel- come. * 3010. jixie way. HOUSE WITH canan COUPLE and teenager or three adults. $100 +8760 are | 5:30 EEOO. REA- Children welcome. FE NEW HOME TO RENT FURN sonabie, 8-1016 or 3 gentlemen, or couple rooms & bath FE 2 VicINtry ae UNION LAKE 6 $78. EM 3-4 WEST aba § ROOMS. WITH GA- Glendale Nr. Tel-Huron. Adults. #64 apts. private ee vette = mo. Adults. Nichotie Ha W. Huron, 65-8183 Rent ‘easel Unturn, 36 2 BEDRMS WALLED LE. MOD ith to e¢fty. Reasonable. MA BEDROOM HOME IN CLARK- ties furnt: Baie | oe MED . Marne FLOOR LOCATION ot Rent Rooms _ coe esey Wee 3° 6 Convalescent Homes _ 38A CARE “at Bt Hotel Rooms HOTEL AUBURIN de OPP Ll te r - 109 8. SADINAW #. a reas | kind ir any business, FE per m BROOCK 300 8, Woodward, B'ham. MI 4.6700 pa | ee pert ects : ae ROOSEVELT | = rat $8 Se he tered age hiease ay, i 9 ved drive, patio & walks, Week ; ts om _— irra. _ HONE wullt E. Me" at wow, de vty depen ahaa. were Closet for po L) ACRES, Sa ot caueeue LISTING SERVICE LADD'S _ Signs Are Everywhere 2 BEDROOM Thie lovely, home is Eevee ‘ ery Kitchen, fll basom eo ore. neat & clean. Eee moves you Do IT YOURSELF j pees eae ee tory home on oir jorge a : rhood , some OTK, can be had. for only down, . ' SPRING SPECIAL wih ene a bedroom ranch LAKEFRONT poteh. Nic: . wn, ' LADD'S. OPEN SUNDAYS 4206 Dixie Hwy. Drayton Piains OR +121 4Qe7 No Lapeer Rd. or M26 rE 5-070) Co-operative Rea} Estate Exchange ON ro ard Ww. yea or eae ONE WAY amo AST TO ¢ COAST ~ r. 7. Stet eof Bis her, BOAT AND pee a POL- ishers.” scrubbers, cement grind- ers, steamers, etc. ne. 240 _Baldwit Ave | ~~ For or Sale Hot Houses YR. OLD RANCH w with cup- with wlility room. race. Nice eee: pate “Ssca terme. FE -2008 BUILD NOW JES os well restricted Wal Estates ag mega Geerrer © C DAVIS. (925 Pontiac Late Rd FE 5-431) This Desirable Property SOLD » White Bros. By HUNTOON LAKE New in 1985.°¢ rooms. bath & utility room, All insulated with with lake privileges. Owner trans- ferred. Must seil Y6U? opportu- nity for » like-new home for only t ston, Full basement Furnace heat | 4 ROOMS AND BATH. rH PULL BASE. 1930 Lake privileges. $50 a month Va- eet ar % bx | er! - 4 ROOM UPPER. INCOME EAST | FE 2-6304 eves Located at 875 Scott Lake Fc 5 uire 966 Scott Lake Rd. FE $ ROOMS AND BATH “MODERN CFE 44-4308. .. ¢ ROOM MODERN. LARGE “GAR. den space Full basement, garage. | Must have A-1 references. A _5-T197, @ ROOMS, MODERN. - O48 8 HEAT. $85 a moo Paddoc at store. _rooms, AUTOMATIC GAS HEAT, 4 BED-| _FB 40 +6700. PE 407 7 ROOM HOME. ms, oF CLOGE-IN GUIT- able for two small families. 3 car | garage Special consideration giv- en to man handy at papeting and decorating. $75 per ee Write ox 23, Por ese. giving ’ c phone number and qualifications | FOR LEASE: 6 ROOM MODERN bouse in Pontiac. Close to bus nd school. Large Petgaes spot, 80 per month OA ® MODERN 6 ROOM ab aS attic Ol] heat, Full basement. Double garage. On % = fenced, weet Lake. MA 4191 ¢ ROOM M adults 00 ly, Phone Fi a S SSORE 8-082 ool. tor and 3 NEW £E ar pike come. 3401 furn. 3 minutes walk from town. Kenaiiworth at ylor Rd or children, 1) Fair- No drinkers rove couple. West side, ‘Bees & Beat ‘tin | we room: 3 abearoam:$ "Hn Scosmenn hb : $900 dn one Ortonvili¢ ay, Saien ¢ Retake 3 BDRMa. | All modern. full basement with oil hese, venetian blinds, 2-car ga- ra Cement drive-way 207 F. Wilson Price $9009 terms, FE _2-7240 Your A HOME “OF OWN | LOWELL hs ie BEDROOM: ce 6 s & bath. Brick & eee with tile roof. belt good furnace, nice shady lew "toe neighbo’s. $10,500, Call tor “furth- er deta. s. AUBURN HEIOHTS—VACANT An excellent nearly new 3} roo e. 97,000. _ ame 2 FAMILY 8 PADDOCK A fine investment Canstets of U1 rooma, full bemt, of] heat, insulta- tion, storms, screens, 2 ¢ garaue $16,500, $5,000 dn Better see it STATE &T. 4 BEDROOMS - _ ives eed older 7 rica) home. ms, rao dod & lev dn. Arrang 2 families or reomere Base ofl he: ar Screened sti vi resent 1,500, #2: dn., 875 m NICHOLIE AND HARGER CO. 33: W, Huron &t. 1 “tor ent, Open Evenings Riker. . Large ¢ar- | a do month, w 4% per cent interest Full price only $8,200. pos. session to this nice home Shown by appointment only. Cali now | WHITE BROS. REALTOR Phone OF 3-1206 | Open Eves. ‘ti! 9 — Sun. 1 to % sd | ome Eves, yess 3 NOTHING | DOWN butld ‘Charles OFFERING. New! Beautt- | rt 3 bedroom brick ranch, 3 | lot, Call oe a CUSTOM BUILT pce p pane ® car Full base- Lake ™ “A and # pedi firey ae ‘ vileges on ven be ef ob a for immediate onto ‘all today! 4 BEDROOM — with carport and 2 car garage, on landscaped jot. $87 per month includes taxes and insurance B. D. CHARLES, Realtor FE 40521 ih 4 at TI? 8. Telegraph . MULTIPLE _LISTING BERVICE | py OWNER. 64 RMS. KNOTTY 2. Automatic washer, dryer, A TV, comfortably furn Located ‘in Walled Lk. be block _from Lake. MA 42249. : FREE! | GI HOMES IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY LAKE PRIVILEGES iva bathe Extra large utilitv, double vanity \ | sinks in bath colored fixtures, 73 x 225 lots, paved street, and for bedrooms, ~eet “FRANK Ss gene es te Mmm ie Keat Botate Bae i Fee Sale Houses - For Salé Houses’ a. EPARD R oL > $700 DO CANAL FRONT house ‘a bed w & po aa tut bat ray faith me at, ot Cane yore R. D. RILEY, BROKER 500 Kilzabeth Lake Rd. FE ¢1157 MULTIPLE Listixa SERVICE SYLVAN VILLAGE ae as Sylvan Village is + tar So tae on Sylvan Lake, s down, 350 Ft. Lake © Frontage Take front rete i SYLV. VAN REALTY CO. re _ CHAPIN | eR na Ra. Immediate Possession 8 near 0} Lake Ave, Fenced rear yard, fruit fear cove. lS THE “BIRD” TO SER. hs ARD E. PARTRIDGE. MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE FHA RESALE NORTH END | 3 bedroom, full Secomant saute gaa Beg "5 pe ee ance. OFF sal ol fal basemen ay yoy We sriery ecutive West AUBURN MANOR Brick ranch. 3 bath, end “% with sae oe floors, fu basement, off heat, On l-ecre SCHRAM FE 5-5091 or FE 5-9471 If no spencer. ak bu rE S200 Event fee 7K hi Jos! rile core Estate iexehange ce ListiNo 6 BARGAIN! BARGAIN! Here's That. Country Home That will offer hap fea Toe, Fi oe ad te ‘4 bedroo: living tetheand bert toda over 6 a aL COMING. any GI whose papers sre pro- cessed in 45 days, the choice of 1 1966 Frigidaite stove, retrigege- | sees washer, or dryer, Absolutely For Detalls phone OR\ando Drive out M59 ‘Huron Bt.) to Rd near Williams Lake Rd. on Tull ‘» mile to Mode ~~ "A BARGAIN _ is ver 1 acre Good soll § room bungalow. Full basement oy Hepapat ds Also 3 room house $73 age can be obtained PONTL AC REAT) TY FE_5-8275 |T7 Balgwin on Wooded Lots $12,400—$700 Down Pp fal rate among the tow- zrine, oak These Fy bedroom ranch homes were, built for com- feat@res, rooms, fort over 1 Cog clongthy these re Morgen Fd. off Baldwin, 2402730 | Laree | 3 Bedrm. Ranch SOON! “COLORADO” | HOME g This home offers | Pall basement be bas heat ports Goremis tlie baths B ity cated in bea Rito Clarkston Gar- heme Ths $14,050 home may be or Watch for Section for Opening iat l'g bathe, fuse tiled. s cing inna “ Large picture window choice of colors Many other fea- | tures’ SEE THESE TODAY Drive out Dixie Hwy to cosne-| baw Ri. Turn right & follow to Letart St & model. te mile north | of Walton WHITE BROS. ra Res . tot & Further Details! ~ Sylvan Lake Village fam Warwick has several new ranch eee pode 3 bedroom se Bath With or without csomenis. S. Massive fire- ceiling. Really ‘o) living room The all-Crosiey kite with table top ytove built-in oven dishwash- er and metal cabinets. Makes a kitchen to admi struction features ere oS rade fir lum ber, a uminum windows ey were: eal he a ral \ at ap gas air a einfore to 2 car garage, City sewer 1-7811 | © xcellent bo es Li Pike, view,” Collie? | & Dr, a he city. Mul Lake Ke KR. nae | : Ww os ST SIDE oaere EX | A eg Pe $500 DOWN Modern 2 bedroom home i] bath with shower, gilas a | Sake 60 gal. trie hot ate? GI HOMES LAKE PRIVILEGES Village room with eating space pares , to Water, hal, “THE “ELDORADO” Fe REALTOR | FE 43581 ‘i008 i% B : PH | DAILY & SUN. 18 416 OSMUN ST. "s best onth including taxes fis mont see them today. # ACR! sion Si diane, Ey eis tee it now Russell Young ee ee MODEL | OPEN SUN. 2 TO 5 P.M. 164 Ascot St. — to —_ this ba wf Then | this built” 3 bed- | rooms Crist wi the features ma re sure Tuding : | jorful ceramic tile beth. | Shermica counter: | Eh eon ond exhaust fan - Genut . -Oak hardwood ors -Pull basement ’ — = amano —_ y workm i” | ong sean ev other ing features ‘it duplicate on = es of your choice. Financing . Se inspect, drive bebo on beth . inepeet, drive west ~] Elizabeth ake Estates), turn le 4 middle = __- block, Salesman on prem- "BUD" Nicholie it AER ie ae . CLARK REAL ESTATE “Thi s Desi rable Property SOLD. By White Bros. mee at Plains many” features nea “ TRADE. New 3 OPEN DAIL 2 TO 6 P.M. $1250 DOW model ‘ "EE Sied fia SCHOOLHOUSE ee Sted pect om Serie GAYLORD FE 4.9584 & SUN. MULTIPLE LISTING } SERVICE OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO06 ‘Eity And suburban. home, home, that rel La 16, cupboards. Auto o>, wos Bee = pis home Au. Total Se ee C t NEW FHA APPROVED Have more than rent re- | ceipts at the end of the 85 Oakland Ave. race, ease. ‘e150 iown, 800s on lee ™ a WM. H. i. KNUDSEN Bank Bidg. +4518 . ee near Waterford owner. J BEDROOM, FULL BASEMENT. a well and some interior down and $58 » month _S147_ Clarkston Orion SALE HOUSES - 43 ar DESIGNE D F. C. Wood Co. - REALTOR poe! Williams same Rd .|O'N “OPEN SUN, (26 i N 882 CAMERON ouT to 53 ah $255" Fai, Fs 2 geEee ey i 2Ee ; 5 # wRAY, O'NEIL, Realtor | Renting? © THEN THIS IS FOR YOU 9 RM. HOME $33.72 Pius tases and insurance year. Especially when payments are less than rent. - ONLY $090 DOWN ; MOV ES You IN MODEL OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAY 20 =. i mA pw gh jel pene eon Cahiond Castell Realty: m ; 525 HARPER ST. SUNDAY 25 FOR COLORED ~ FAMILIES Large 7 room and food condition. Could be used as ¢, Also several newer 3 room hom of ranch cm ie a Bs decorated and in ned at $16,- with reasonable terms. Balls 95:30 2603, ay OR 93-1235 After 5:30 call OR ’ FORGET we aeerer Ra. Open & ne FE 33-7103 or OR Cooperative Real Estate Exchange ; WHITE BROS. “Hom jeny and the P4 iy me offered vale. ron eres trie, “Plastered ‘painted ‘wails, full oe Delco sescenee Be . New _. = e. fica. ae out. Located on with 1 fruit trees. Also out- Si" ea Nesta, ae fonurches, Quiet good. telghivor to ip village of Davis- burg. Offered for vale at $16,000. Mellowed With Age carpi pen CEL fort & werman wn cems to | fries. “This ene “te ‘echarmina |. | Pratt eat, the extra adv. a 3 pgngepe modern home. Pood Hardwood” dining jardwood floors. oil beat, Vene- C IXFORD ‘ Near M2, 2 room modern home, living room finished knotly pt furnace. ope | room. Venetian blinds. $8,050 fu price LAKE ORION Drive. cap furnace. Hot wenn ater. Terms. - GENERAL’ STORE BDM ‘license located community near Lapeer —. and “CHRIS HORNBECK Roane Marve wines one. BARGAIN’ BARGAIN! Sharp bedroom brick. New, lavas. jot, near Fisher, Sacrifice al 7,050 500 down. jim ye Realtor, 245 Oakland A J] MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE PINE LAKE AREA, Seldom ° do we offer such an out- please. vest!- walls. 3 nice bedrooms. at- tached garage lore? jems- ant lot and only A THING OF BEAUTY ts a joy to behold You'll be so pleased when you see this charming home. Center hal, custom designed, cus- tom built. face brick. Tow- ering trees abow even growing inside! We feel that this, home ts underpriced al $10,075. By appointment only. RAY O'NEIL., Realtgr r 3.1648 SPACE/ pee ones livipg space this | room home bas both Large | ecu for kiddies included 2) car garage. heat. natura! fireplace, ma: extras Syivan | Village. $17,900 with reasonabic | rms f PRACTICAL HOME Older 3 story economy priced 9 rooms sement, gas convetsion heat, close to school ateres and bus line. Handy to rooms large. practical ane, ‘no frills, just good housing. $8,100 with flexible terms. WELL DESIGNED Describes thie 2 bedroom home with full basement, plastered walls, step saver kitchen, sepa- rate dining reom itfield School, No tawes, will consider trade for older, larger home. Priced at under $13,000 HOME MART Located just Just completed. 3 room brick : ranch, Puil basement, 2 car at PE i — Act eee tached garage, built-in Tange and Brice on any lot! Home the year oven, bes J - Tele-! aro fetimée construction gram Road Square Lake na pcbonyeity name ms and uy west 1 block to Hickory! screens, plastered walls. Large rove Rd. Look for Johnson open} jiying room, fireplace bed- signe. Price right at $27,500. rome. ty car garage. Oh! — he use, we just cannot wel, MACINTOSH LANE | each ,000 down will move Tn the | ve Forest Lake 2 mor BE vine chard. pl fe 4 bedroom, ful! feaiures. Ready’ for imme.| HANDY MAN u Price 4 NEVER BEFORE have we been rednoed. Toke | either Telegravh, « ree to sell a bargain Gch or to Hickory Grove ré.| a+ this! 2 bedroom ranch type [ind to Macintosh Lane. Lok. 1CK, Owner is in the hospital, open signs, at ail the necessary Eoterel ¥ ‘sy | lemseodi anal meervel ter neta ie ie Drive owt Sunday to this jovely vers te furighed. $800 will maee 1 ® were area, between Teleg? ad with payments of $60 and Franklin. just south of Square ? month on the $6100 balance. | Lake . Brand new 3 bedrow T BE SORRY! birek hb %, Bome with Sten vem ures, See} Humohri poets Sie re 2 2 ne tal oF | ~ der.” Pontiac's finest suburb in. REALTOR» | Misomfieldé Township. FE 20474 FE 4-7114 OFFICE OPEN 64 \* N_ Telegra ae O's Evenings | _MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE | A. JOHNSON, Realtor I 1704 S. Telegraph Rd. FE 4-2533 ao / Bg: CLOSE 1N = ; Located just 4 blocks east of r downtown Pontiac 2 bed- room, 6 room house. Ful! ie basem Thace and GI's @ large lot with like-new you mom | So Wenn: Im- " . tn Ont 3 Ber ent | _ possession. dow us G. | rae Mortgage costs: We offer | w $1000 DOWN “Fou selection of homes, | eget 3 bedroom home. a! i 1. West Suburban — 5 rooms vy modern, acre $8000, Fes: a 6 “Lake -- 2 bed- eto,” $500 9a a: UBAY ONEIL, Realtor oS ailn © floor west Cot the city near school, and transportation Gan for further Information. HOME OR INCOME Loéated inside the hol os a reet..8 room ‘“spotuirn, Terme can rr. erma can ; a Don's miss seeing one, wr oan SELL YOUR HOME GILES REALTY CO. 8 te we ‘GATEWAYS to REALTY | 1062 W. Huron PE 55-9407 | MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE HAPPINESS RANCH HOME FOR RELAXED LIVING Mere is a home that will fit well ‘garage. ft. at $18.960, ‘ferma, YOU'LL, LIKE HURON GARDENS FULLY FURNISHED Attractive 4 room and enclosed | Soe) 2 bedrooms one floor plan | H } 8 Parish. Land- ft. Priced to’ ie down. OWN. . "MAHAN =a ne Approximately 1) room home. Ba equipment. $14,000, $6,- | NO DOWN PAYMENT NO MORTGAGE COST | rare ais FURNISHED “TO LAST eee Seana FE 45181; EM 3-4508 an Aaa — Full —_ vant basement. y $8,500 term 3 bdrm. 1% bath, Kitchen, dining room and ety ed ioe room. 2) car garage, ment, West. of Pontiac, $11, 100 Why not come out and select your future home now ore the alee rush, and avoid higher prices. T. G. Trocke Realtor 1648 Union Lake Rd. EM 3-467? Located ft property at peey #4, 969 with term dandy 2 bedroom home. Large fiecven Utility room. Oil hot air furnace, Attached garage. Als o large works’ . Lew 150 ft. wide en spot. Near shop- very good buy Rochester Established in 1016 AUBURN HEJOHTS — See this 5 ms N $1,450 down, Now $7.960 FLOYD KENT, Realtor 24 W, Lawrence ice FE 54-6105 o Next to the Eossumers Power “BEAT THE SPRING” RUSH! Fo ' these better bulit homes — TWIN BEAC . Ol Full price $32.760 2 down soon On paved road just off M5® with *, acres land, cute 1 solid masonry home Has 15x10 living room 20x10 kitchen. hiea! for couple! Onjy $6.500, $2.500 down, CEDAR ISLAND New 24532 ent & schools, $750 down, Bal mo EMBREE & GREGG 1565 Union Lake Rd. Union Lake Village EM }- $46 per 3-3705 or Ls Ti9T Eves STOUT S ‘Best Buys Today VERY ROOMY contains full bath, - floors, elec tT. storm win- dows, frame structure, eine very low down pay- en CASS LAKE ROAD For inexpen#ve livin pletely fenced with new .An- chor fencing. Bue service nearby exert hour, taxes are a yr. Low sown Day newt with $55 per SOUTIE JOHNSON Older home in good cond- tion with 6 rooms and full th, — peers os umes ne FOR you This swell home is tn Ind. Twp. hi H bedrooms, 6 and full bath in all) Has a full basement and 1 oil fur- has a nice breakfast nook, fenced yard Reasonable amount down and $65 a - month UCBURBAN . This oldef home is in good condition: would make a nice summer cottage or be Sa for someone & jauaceneed eszies bd ucere short une. = Edw. M., Stout, Realtor Open Eves, Till 8:30 ee or 43044 PURNISHED roo! ; , : . there are 5 bedrooms of generous | f TOOms. Ce hg oy mg, pete, see iy ry den, 3| ment. 602 E. Tennyson. FE 4-0243. of catetatnion: and te i! | GNPINIsHED HOUSE, GOOD LO- tion —m room . © large cation, ee ik 4 ement, 2 car ga So ft. . Everything is -m %@ DOWN excellent and Will build « 2 or 3 bedroom peers js immensely a! ve. ranch type starter home on your bes AY . iteelf exe ily lot, . uirem ° x adult * famis in-law respon- ADAMS BUILDERS sibilities e sellers are pre- ADAMS REALTY CO : par ch ce ad very favor- | 382 Auburn Ave FE 4-3393 able rchase ice a" g Bich g'teesonanie down payment. | BY OWNEE, 2,75 <0lm, Maree wa only by app" carpeted a, Tom. Picture window & drapes. Kitchen, with . dining space. Plenty of ca Loon Lake Shores space, with utility room. Auto- ma Right smack - ae 80 x 215 ft. lot dewers & shrubs, Car & ra garage bath. large liv- enc ie eee tienen, with "eating | ppace-,Good voll, Priced at a¥ite space afd an abundance of aa oak is. FE 5-206 anyt nets. peong" large utility room, | MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE And. there ‘Is more—a back $1450 DOWN yard wi I 2 fi “Rever”’ and -“the 3 bedroom. Gas heat. Pull: base- Hides" to lay iD § ae see this) ment, veers, East side. Fuil ream —eall OR vies and your rice on! Be wish hes come true-only $2,500 Rey VA Ur i Realtor $ k) FE 5-060) se ia i Real Estate ee “ACRES, COZY ion WHITE BROS. LF oo cozy ce REALTORS — and large kitchen. a) es ba OR 31295 basement. West of Pontia Open Eves. “tl 9 Sun. to $| “Gaty g1,000 terms INDIAN VILLAGE Bee this all furnished 2 bdrm. | | | { only $70 per mo | bedroom, | = Saginaw Ot. = Ph. PE 68-8168 | cailile ‘he “Your honor, I object!” © * ” ___For ‘Sale Houses RANCH STYLE BEAUTIFUL LAKE HOME WITH 43 NEW 2 Bedrm. Den for-Uess Than Rent! AS LOW AS $36.97 per Mo. | PLUS TAXES AND INSURANCE FEATURES GALORE $750 Dn. Plus casts . MOVES YOU_IN MODEL OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAY 664 ROBINWOOD Drive out N. Perry to Robinwood | Tura right 3 blocks to model Castell Realty - 95 Oakland Ave. PE_5-9450 PRIVATE BUILOER ‘HAS 3 BED-, ¥ for occupancy. Lane abriviieges Plastered Full base: Cedar shakes. $12,200. _Terms, "Call PE 40081 1 for appt. For Better Homes SEE Pearl Building Co. FE 5-7923 Also SEE Our Display ad . In_the Builders Section —— j | ALG. PE 8-134 FORCED SALE Settiement causes Immediate. sale of 3 reom ranch with all im- rovements for — omm, posse, _ terms. Call our r agent at PE ‘eran Square Lake ( res Club ‘Bloomfield ©PEN 1 TO 6 SUN, yaqé ling! These modern 4 bedroom brick ranch homes are equip . with Boma? tt to new proposed * ef ce os of approx. in aot for restful ving: Nestled in tely oak trees in the heart of this for e aut to- Lk. .Rd. w Model ielephone number TBOO — Realty Co. . UNtversity 3-8282 INCOME — Excellent investment value = Sali Seatern MA 62503 TEMPLETON HOSP’ MOVE Suburban Office Hwy, at ITAL RD els IN! sacriee work to finish complet Osoer says:- “Bell Quickly" 83 ‘OY @ = month. 8 Prvilesss to Round MADDY LANE ORCHARD LK. RD. NEAR MIDDLEBELT Very attractive older ty bungalow. Lovely frame garage Nice shade. spacious livable home, for i Plas family of growing chii- $75 a roy f nila i | DOWN — Large 6 room mod rch. “‘Immedia! ere is Lake Living with re po feamvacsncee! un ‘de Mrs Poets wilh be in Drive out and see it. Lo- at 1617 evavacas! | cutee cated L. H. BROWN, Realtor 1362, W Huron Ph. FE aaae | Johnson | ..FOR BETTER HOMES | THE WIFE YOU SAVE May be your awn. Easy to care | for Luxurious living is yours | ‘n this sparkling 1 areas old brick | rayicher, 3 bedrooms, 1's baths all-on-! floor paki Large gorg- esly jandscaped lot in new «ub- urban area Owner transferred. quick possession. FMHERMAN'S DREAM j Lake front home on 2 large lots | on one of the finest lakes near Pontiac Spacious living reom with | lovely fireplace comajetely mod- ern, close in. better investigate sNOW 18 NEARLY GONE “But don't let this ‘opportunity melt away from you Nine big rooms 2 full baths, full base- ment close in for schoals cm stores, jarge new block building | on rear of lot a low, low price for big. big living Evenings after 6 cal] Mr. Heth- _erington FE 5-4362 on OFFICE OPEN JOHINSON, Realtor 1704S. Telegraph Rd. KE 4-25.33 - ranklin South — Blvd. i Area’ 2 BEDROOM—GAS HEAT CIVILIANS AS LOW As o49 DN. PLUS COSTS MODEL LOCATED AT 5@1 ARTHUR, CORNER OF BAGLEY, Open 12. hoon “til Rpm Dai Model phone tes west From & Sunday. Waltham i ‘Realty ape Oe ‘pointment only. k. T.. Templeton, Realtor (2339 Orchare Lake Rd FE 44563 After 5-s089 2. BEDROOM MODERN HOUSE, PE 4-0630, 845 Stanley OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO 5S P.M. 106 Barrington Rd. A choice loca- | tion in friefdly South Bloomfield Highlands Charming brick 3 bed- For Sale Houses 43 oe W ashi at- to w Shae cage Eg i nde meat =< J. R. Hiltz ton Park fen REALTOR 1611 W. Huron St. FE 5-618! ad Lk MB coin go ON Mei, some ne. SMALL BUNGALO’ Nice Soon. kay young or =—— —. get as 6 ae eS Penge sheet. About down, payments. WALTON & SASHABAW AREA Jean, tastefully decorated, — lovely Issa ri . €as heat, Have us show you. Joseph F. Reisz Huron 8t. PE 20259 Eve. or ‘oan, Ph. MI 4-4419 _MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE _ OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 1-7 garage. “to Vets ELLIOTT & ‘SONS | adequate | = on a quiet non-traf- | In Clarkston Ridge Modern Ranch Homes 3 Bedrooms, 14 Baths Immediate possession upon | approval Across From Clarkston Grade and High Schools 10) to Clarkstori road + M15) turn right to Waldron road. watch for our homes back of elementary | .Go north on Dixie Highway (U 5 | school, | WM. | KENN EDY | 2 Bod ewrnoe TES ! STOUT ST. | .Modern home pear General Hos- | 4 rooms down and 3 up foot $1750 dow |CARROLL | 26%, West jhe | __Eve FE_ & on 3. PORRITT FE 2-7124 26194 room ranch home. with attached | @arage, Screened terrace and MUL 7ieLE LISTING SERVICE x t4 workshop at rear of garace | Rich carpeting in 2: rooms, furnace, Jandscaped lot Sewer and water, Low Bioom- suburban . living very best ask for Mrs FE 32-5662 Heller, Eves cail -3914 Clintonville Rd jast one these new brick ranch homes, with nice view of Owk land Lake 4 extra larg> rooms and attached 2 car garage High. | only new Jano Adams School One of the best new home values ever offered Ask for Mr Flynn. Eves call FE 2-7363 light basement. ', biock to FAST SIDE 6 room: 2 story frame home with full basement, gas Weat Carpei- ing in 2 rooms Nicely landscaped yard. Really a buy at 81.495 down | JOHN REALT 679 W Huron St Phone FE 4-3525 _ MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE _ ANNETT OPEERS ce Side Terrace In good residential «close to zel Huron Shopping Center oom terrace in excelient loeaiion! Gas heat, electric stove. Imme- diate possession, $8,500, rea- | sonable terms North Side—Paved Street 5 rooms and full excelent condition wit stair to second floor, built i 1950 Full basement, Drive out Sunday and | This ts the area | | bath < Are | gas heat, aluminum storms | . Stores and En- gineering building Only $12,000, terms lairgrove Avenue . recreation r peting, Venetian bli eon Ga- Tage. $15.7 term. -Ottawa Hills Brick Ranch - Attractive all brick 3 bed- gas heat, aluminum storms and screens way with cement siab for 2 car garage, $18.000, terms Bloomfield Highlands New 3 bedroom brick ranch with 2 tile baths, iarge Iiv- other outstanding 500, cash ta features. ~mortgage. | Roy Annett, Inc. EALTORS * Open Bvenings and Sunay i-a™ Cement drive- - | 3 mice high and dry lots totaling i | |CLARK REAL | | gas) 7 ft | field taxes Owner has been transe4 CITY, BUILT ‘$40 ~RANCH TYPE 24 x 30 vest This home has 2 bedrooms. living reoem modern kitchen, shower, location, and screens, priced at $7735 with easy terms Owner MUST sell. CITY $1500 DOWN 3 ROOMS on second floor, living ing room dining room very modern kitchen, plus a breakfast room, bath plastered walls full basement, gas aut to Baldwin Rubber Plant. Price $9750 SAVE MONEY ON THESE TWO SHELLS One shell has 2 bed- reoms living reom, kitchen. bath, and utility room The dry is already storms BED- Full $5200 down North Suburban The other is located West Sub- urban, Lake Privs om Elizabeth Lake also with 2 bedrooms. liv- ing room, kitchen. batir, and wtil- ity, the studdings are up, and the spetic tank will be installed with $730 120 foot frontage. Only $500 down Priced at $5500, LSiATE ike ile or FE 44813 1362 W. Huro Open FE-venings | Co-operative 1 Real Estate Exchange MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE FOUR BEDROO HOME OTTAWA HILL TRADE Will sell this ee family home | or trade on five room bunga- low. Living room, 13 x 24, nice entry hall, built-in china cup- board, fireplace, carpeting, tile bath, beautiful kitchen. two bed- rooms down, 2 tae oe ae: ment ot] ac 3 ga- Tage, near Washington 3 wan, large lot ROSSHIRF, COURT TERRACE $1500 down One of the best Gas heat 30x80 arden spot. end terrace, lots of ight. a good warm comfortable - reasonable place to live with ex- | ceptionally large rooms. TWO FAMILY — 8 ROOM cL TO DO rooms art basement heat, 2 eae lot. with automatic oi @arage, nice fen owes $6,07 ene clear bungalow for his equl- | y. t RAMBLING RANCH HOME COTETANDING BUY $12.000 ave home, but for the above price. I dety you to find a comparable home. Spacious living room with picture window, beautiful kitch- en, lovely bath select oak floors, plastered walls, 3 dandy bed- rooms. a basement par excellént. ol a. oc. Cheat, ge lot and many other outstanding eosin: ments, Investors price TRADES TRADES List vour pheperty for trade We are specialists in trading, call us | don’; feel obligated. OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 SELL — WE TRADR | "DORRIS & SONS re 4 cocnerettt eae ea Meeaht Exchange Ps ce ewe a ten for Bad mid and | and 2 car garage | ced Owner | 15 cad will take ore y tmspected many a new | TAKE YOUR PICK TAKE © m, 3 acres. wil Tana galt ear EM 34230. be- ‘iveen Ton and 5 al B HOME in SET SALLE aa CONTEMPOR ARY HOUSE on large lot, oi] furnace. $1000 will handle. EM 3-031. es 4 BEDR OOM 2 sidry frame. new- ly Tn “Ottawa Hilis on Miinols. y : enjoyment pexi 8u L pie R- Tripp. ake Lawrence ae Eves. FE 54-8161 or FE $750 DOWN 4 Room plus atte, modern bun- ony situated op a half acre of land, plastered walls wood floors. ated east of Pontiac near Auburn and ams Rad, R. D. RILEY, BROKER $09 Elizabeth Lake Rd. PE 4-1157 * TRADE We represent a builder who will of your cheice, For formation call : RUSSELL A. NOTT, R'TOR, PE 45005 ‘170 W. Pike OWNER Unga gaia nee WILL sell log ove lake. with orivileass. Two 15 ft, . 6 rooms. Work shop and garage All in wood, Wonderful Sslesial fireplace in dining room. Built in and other features. $12,400 noe and 5% mortgage. SOLD is the news we want to hear . mos = with = improvements. inelud- age. bersain rate. Por _our agent at FE 4-72 2 BE DROOMS AND DEN $750 Down PAYMENTS $37.97 PLUS TAXES & INSURANCE el daily 11-6 p.m. at Walton Blvd. and W Road. 2 blocks east of yke. Gas Low = lots, low taxes. For addit: formation call: | | | | i | i North side 2 bedroom bungalow | with full basement, gas beat and | hot water, storms screens. enclosed rear yard, home for the orking couple Priced at, $9.960 vith only $2.400 dows Dé yourself a favor, look today. . Woodward Estates 3 Bedroom Near St. Joseph Hospital handy | to GMC rooms 1 bedroom up full basememt automatic gas heat and hot water storms and screens, gasinator, enclosed rear vard Paved street Offered at $9,000 By appointment only. BUD" Nicholie real estate and insurance 40 Mit Clemens 8 PE 5-1201 Eve Mr Allen _ FE_ 2-800 3} BEDROOM MODERN Home Indian villexe: Own Can be bought right 2 BEDROOM HOME East side 6 large rooms Very new. Modern Tots of cupboard space Large iot Paved «street Wery favor- able price & terms. J. A. Taylor eal. - INSURANCE | 100 Gakicna a FE 4-2544 | Open Eves _ _¥ree Parking wn ur cr! MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE LADD'S Signs Are Everywhere $450 DOWN 3 bedrooms laree living 1222. Nice floot plan Full ment, On a large 110x150 ft. lot WAGNER HOMES 1960 N. Opdyke Rd. FE 47197 SUNDAY Waterfront [Luxury 1638 Beverly For charm. conv en bility Zto S comfort and ce. and rea! live- ou can't beat this bedrm. ranch with attached 2 car garage. 2 fireplaces 2 complete tiled baths, car- peting. draperies and a host of other quality features It's ane of the most dis- tinguished presentations of the vear and we're waiting to prove it. Orchard Lake Rd 1 mile west of Tele-- graph to Beverly Right 2 biocks to property, Watch for open signs = , 304 Ottawa Drive | | | . Trade Waiting for the right home to be offered before vou put yours on the market? Then this is for you Sem- inole Hills with ¢ bedrooms 2 ths. ultra kitchen with built - in overhand range The best of construction and ita new— $26, unde the wife and kiddies and let a itypect this home to- av Your home, might be the. down paymént, & : Se 3 Bedroom Brick—S$7 150 Immaculate 3 bedrooms ter- race. Easy to heat. easy to maintain, easy to bur Why pay rent, only $1,200 down. € | Small oN 2 caynent | Clean Coa? Just off pprttee: heen baxe- ment, garage, haved eseeet Quick possession. | Why Not Retire Well & septic tank in. This is a) brand new shell house Only $50 per month LADDS OPEN SUNDAYS 42786 Disie Hwy. | OR ¥1231 | } 4267 N. Lapeer Rd. or M24 FE 5-0291 Co-operative Real Estate Exchange OPEN 72 RIVIER* ST. LIZABETH LAKE ESTATES [nmexiste possession completely for this and a finished recreation To this 2 bedroom bungalow the country? east of Pontiac. And priced at $600. | Indian Village Drayton Plains | room in basement. Auto. gas nee ‘ lots of closets and storage » I‘ -car garage with ri Come and see this enceptionals nice home that ts. vacant, SUNDAY LTO 5 P.M. fae neo ed - Riviera. Turn La Z GAYLORD 1” KE. Pike #t, Immaculate 1% story bunga- low. 6& large rooms down. large expansion attie for future use. New Delco ftur- $10,000 with epproximateiy $2.900 down Over an Acre Excellent § room ranch home with atteched breeze- way and car g@arag Best of construction, oil pee and best of all oniy $10,500. Where can you beat GI Resale Off Joslyn A most convenient location Close to schoola and shop ping and a 5 room Mr tool with ceramic tile bet! $3,950 down. Balance 654 per. month including tazes om insurance. Bateman & Kampsen | Realtors FE 40528 MT Sa Teleg - Co-operative mae askin eh ee pera PRESS, SATURDAY, MARCH 10,1956 te ele Sale Land Contracts 52 - Swaps join ee Eee DEMING SHALLOW ton p mount on » Good - RAW TITE CURE, re gegtr a. Misiee. “duke cont “Sek St ereh Tank neal |p MULTIELE LISTING GERVICE | Benioel™ 2 "becuse a | a AY aR i home — on 9 acres ~ trade Sta ae . +4813. * Mr.’ gmaller home not mmodera_scre- as Or PEE. $1300 DISCOUNT fir WRIGHT, Realtor tain any ents r $8,000 tn A Oak! Ave. te soe rete | Recees SS,meae Tte | “+TORD'S SPECIALS SPECIALS, ate P eine 43573 cel i pur AUBU 1ONTE 3871 RB. Etaaa BROKER ae WANTED ) LOT S pas Ppience, 443. 8 hak trade acreage on izabeth Lake PE 41187 —Dirayling ares, Would like 2. 3, or eee ORD S mes i PIECE WV | MAUOGANY PINT NG “ ww dental lots. Will: consider water} Furniture and Appliances | son a Call OL 25857 gg 2 7m tape * sche har #4718. __ Where Wrigley's Used to Be’ U ed MAHOGANY | LARGE BUFFET, s Trades ‘in n Dept. . f : ; 5 Sloure ladous’ Wall sesletesed BROWN #2 a om, omaamee were! C. OChuett Lj teat BARNES HARDWARE Large Lot 50 : . eo MAIN . base- 8081 on Of ment, PP goa $8,950. EM 34107 Com ree Ae = ER. MICH. :-% #1500, DOWN—Little farm, Located) Just Look A “uv ow j HERO LIVESTOCK MARCH RARGAINS Ss from eity. 2% scree of very good KEE HILLS Ph. a a id gee} Py land live stream that the . Rochester OL 60711, Ol. 1-191 Tuole inenee, | oe cae Was be used for - e + $33.00 | Fi Sores Serene | Seer sia 35,000 Families Sicesr bewigg Maus B88 |W. iron ett a new Delco oi] furnace. . oneeee ty eee 4 — Small Oak a 138 Fa aa goeh. $7000 PULL PRICE — Only three, '#ft~select . Recommend Ona Wresunehouse Riscinies areas sia i oath eeiey Sp. ears old, Large two bedroom : . : Range , Diet i BLOND — S. mesh screen partitions. ‘no ene farms two weer CART W. BIRD, Realtor a t = wv Cotton Mattresses P52 | eiiees steve, sazome fable wah ft. storms & screens. A well bulit|503 Community : ; 3-0488, Wood an offices partitions, home. A little finishing to do on PE ‘azit National Bank Bid Ts Ul & exchange trery Wayne Gabert’ 00 per ia. tia one, Liberal terms. Call Mrs. 35) a = ; cg, i 2 wety yne Gabert’s Steel 4 drawer filing cabinets, $20 Burks, 120, for informe!) ead ene Patna - a He eb akland Furniture tm 2 pliance Specials Feit and Tarrant 19 bank comp CHETOLAH SHORES AP Newstewtures Four (4) Buckner Conven- 104 8, Saginaw PE 2-853 pe eee eer ° gad $10,500—Only . : hh cree i] bi i es isso | ite four years old. Mod-| Homesites with sm fent offices in Pontiac area. pe —_ MOVING MUST SELL ANTIOUES, | 6528 tv ; ea bungaiow ‘with stall Basement, * aot privileges. | on where you ean quickly. bor: wit ADE Equity on cy ang, modera ing Cah MY ica a hea’ s230.95 SAVILSON shied gone i le ss i r ear, Pee sonst Th ad 7) faa . screens, -oak floors & plastered = . once-a-month payments. _ 44429, MODERN 3 Pi “TEDROOM . eT walls. "Beautiful kitchen, . tiled Red H You get full amount, no SWAP Gs GHEY BEE | —* ee a Norge auto. washer sig as | a : i a & : WILL sw. _ Suite, Rocker. 61580. bath ‘with colored fiztures. “Only OTSE | -Foer Sale Farms 48) Business Opportunities 51) ¢stve [air for" Chace? model cer NE TV ba ite Ciaed “as TIPLE LISTING SERVICE ———— — W ¥ RS TO ¢ OPEN SUNDAY 10 TO 4 Se em SM ALL FARM? : Buctoers 18 LESS THAN © | “tee TER 100 fh lots on the : aa ) YOU THINK. ‘f Backwater at we. Titabewassee Lf r Samples sas eee BEOWN. amealtce _ WATKINS 6 acres. and 7 room 4 bedroom artrid eC}. : Fur das ee oe te Bihcd. | smog. cial Be Ser *nc” i won FE 2-4810 bome—Very a Pl ae ma nice- Get needed cash auickly Waterford Mich. w i el nto e ae RCA 238 Real Estate Exchange se mcetg IS THE “BIRD” TO sEE | from Buckner'ss friendly Preokin, Alger, M re Pe 1 ies. $390.95 26° Phitee | For Sale IM WRIGHT, at Sete toe bah or Lake Prop. 44) J , i, Reaktor : loan company. WILL SWAP | *R FARM OF On ELL. 1 Bwivetet Po -. 6288 SPP OL LLANE i nme © 24 es - si A number of excellent’ building | 245 Oskland Ave. Fe 501) TODAY'S SPECIALS Biacros. 3 bedroom ranch ont 5240.05 24° Philco | : BEAUTIFUL 8 Pr. LAKEFRONT) sites have recent tly become aval Co-operative Real Rstate Exchange “ 2 8 orn. © rien. someedem. a] 1 one theo 98 28” Raytheon Table with eh pee ring Lake. $4,950| able in this bea and exclu- POR PARMS AND ACREAGE OLD DISTRIBUTORSHIP ond B k car eoree, Small barn, Chicken |" 4, nt tae ows, Hannan. LI ave Pe euneivisten- josmes coll Rue _ OR rane 1, FE <0} station in the of i : uC. ner ‘Adams Rd. m Pontiac. | 4 — Ree. $170.98 21° ‘Ambassador : north tins i AREA. an's ex opel Snare “ Con sam a # and open sites. home. Storms & screens. Sl Gee evans tanks, pail Fi . Co ‘WILL 8¥ LL SWAP 1960 CLEAN CHEVRO. |1-Reg. 3360.99 21° Phileo mately an acre in mm 30°x40’ Good fences| estate and all for $29,500 plus inance . boat and motor or Ls voll oe. re ei aia Bettas | ot Retin Benmormmo re | ot Tm | - REE a aad power . Bvacious | reom modern Offices are located: WANTED: a NT “J $200.05 21° Phiico Bea fae RGt]| OUST MAR Sette a eee noes ie | OE Be ee trilevel 3 bedroom home. : feat toring wily many oer Trem rentals. sup- “ suonal Bits: | For Sale Clothing 56 WAITE S TELEVISION living rom with double sto Loree acer pe peat “tor club, . re- pliments : the ‘big bar profits, R >| prayton Plains. 4512 Hey. 4 Reossoogapiastil er odora fuichen 2 compicte . BARTRAM “deat factory Se arte are aan o_o Welted Lake. 230 Barnston Agi orfer_ tak ys T. Si 12. as oem REFAIGERA oR. if 'e enclosed por 4392 Dixie Hwy. - M, ealtor mex! Bank) takes. | ee. = +1 with builtin “barbecue Atthcnes cont 86 _E Walton PE #001! MOVIE THEATER equipped with BOY'S TOP COAT. SPORT | ; SHOE Hs 1P GARE, Wie Bear garage. Many other fea- Eves MAS 100 POR RENT: 300 ACRE ceetg | cinemascope and Bound Utica. 45462 Van Dyke __jackets. Size 10 to 13. 7 "ym 42018, = 2 payin = | te sell. Cail today) Modern house. Good buildings and| 8¥stem. Located on oo street | One block North across from Bank | goy’g SIZE 12, LIKE VO For Sale A cao creage 47 suceputana| good tillable ‘ena in booming Oekland Co. commu- _bew, FE 56-6312 oti "CRAWFORD AANA | Near Saline Call Saline G00R nity. Comfortable owner's apt. in) ___ eee ce wi eae 5 6% W nee FE 41540 “uae. Weir a sewer Lal eat Ce Ome ee ME Ee) terms, Ooteding Peal estate. | GET CASH. QUICKLY oe LIKE NEW. $20. PHONE OR | re Anazet : MY 31143 lent terms * ndustrial possibilities. : . : - : METNINGER LI 4-180. WARD E. PARTRIDGE to TRKRAT AT BACK Coat aia 16. ie For Sale Re Realor "Woodward Nr. 12 Mie | Sale Business rty 49 ee Like ne sopire. desks, eee «Property 42) REALTOR FE 43581 | 39a tg, sss, care, Bring, vous Sima CLOTRNG -BIREST regen, gividers, seeord : Loa 6 INDUSTRIAIL SITE NEW LOCATION AT ithe - e ec m factors. Northwestern Wool- 28 Sa Ene SOT ae Ce TECHN aA eM | ft Tat oe rand Trane RS Ly yg WE op ationare| Ra, sete ata,oo tre] _en Co. FEU AINT: STORE or terms. EM 3-3843, LLENT DEER COVER. CALL | ‘28 at 2240 rg—formerty | a Binks © x00 curities. Sale Household Goods — ——————ooe——_ occupied by Giver Lak s. 1 to 9. ou 57 console Fer Sale Lots 46) MA Some. Teak Ob. cet proving eo ten | BEAL eat, RATE 5, BUSINESSES nee = | IT RCA USED Med RE ah ee nn na her Randle Moa e5 OUT MICHIGAN ANTIQU ACOBIAN ING 2 LOTS, 60 x 123 STOP—LOOK — suitable for office and living ques, | RUBBER STAMP AND PRINTING | a an Spulte, OR Gn sass a ee Vv . i Pt — : ving quar- ee eres . 7 FE For ‘ters, modern facilities, seales | business, including 2 presses, pa- AwriQte PLA PE 2.2257 DRAVT Komeand "Gas pecor'pas | Bil ates SG nat | Fe ce Mentnale bee Be Fee ee eh mee a! | PERE, PEE te ) urge De * ' “ r, le r ON nears mies Fl Pont tise. " State Police Station Tilson, | tae Press Loan Co. cooker, eat FE 3.2000 "Aimoat ‘ne “Sionde mabog.” Hollt- mile E. of Baldwin Rd. just off | EE S63) or OR Fei) (CAPT. BLDG. fiz. 2.100 1 Owe. 202 PONTIAC STATE BANK BLDG.|_or PE 40004, — with bookcase . : WOODS | -Clarkston-Orion Rd. Needs just a) STORE BLDG. 923 MT CLEMENS 1% Apts. $27,908 down a eee. © Dapers A , , little fintshing o@ Inside. Bargain’ = Pontiac, $60 per month, Call SMALL RESTAURANT ON aur a ant hel _ REED OF OROAN B 000R Irwin mabog. oval dining table. 6) Open 10: to 2:30 & le desgpeneing stairwey,. A Mmited number of exceljent #! $5.800 $1800 dow _FE 41515 Low rent, fully equipped. Buy condition. ™ chairs, pr. 28:98 02:20 wep | ae lots are still available in this | HP. SUTTON | 0x00 FT. LOT ON AUBURN RD | eqtomans and take over. Write ————— Early American bi “ rend beautiful subdivision, Protective | MY_2-6432 Zoned | Commorcet. Terms owner P.O Box 95, New Hudson. AUTO. W: NOHOUSE WASHER,| lounge 2 choirs. lee, tit restriction," FH A a 2 sw. G. WHITCOMB. REALTOR ~~ LOANS 500. | Erigidatre dryer. ‘box spring and nested tables Lamps. ANCHOR FENCES Convenient’ terms can be ar: as oe — a: tigen FE 5-0522 STANDARD OIL CO. 7 > $20 to $ | . malirens, excellent condition. iu pid Pictures, = #30 Colonial Ct, tampad tn moos en heeds.| porth of Highland MU 46125. | BUSINESS FRONTAGE ON WOOD-| ,, WOUSEHOLD Z . Sirmaghom._ i 6004 _PF ATE | d R. Jones, 330 First a. | ward Ave. 20x120 near 13 Mile how taking dealer applications 2 PIECE SOLID ep | Pl: tic V = |_ Mitford, Mi rd Call MT 6.0024 for a modern 2-stall service sta- U ' PLE astic a ri +06 oo ‘: S 6. Col wt Geese | a” Peteted in Oreaviie, 6 | FINANCE CORP. OF | [eee sot commiote. Steve, sultabie, Unelaimed Linoleum ATI ENTION miles north of Clarkston. cottage oF fee room. | gy Paint ...... DE * ‘ This station PONT Chester, Birm- > BARTRAM. onae . Sf Soetted on, Mas. IAC see gig ene. Brw-| Rare ste PRE-SPRING < 5 4392 Di | Par tridge saginee 2ircen roslage ay Particularly during te tod high | 1¥p 6. Seqinew Ot. PE COT ‘BOY, 8 SMALL RADIO“. @ TO Harold's. Paint & “iS CLEARANCE ; : aie Hwy. : a a “ ‘ OR _ 3-1950 27 frontage on Saginaw Street — ms could “be rtunit bgt) Coca Cees ——_lt_8 _Beginas It oa ete a = : your oppo v to N. ed 500 5-8788, : SG ae 500B ee ion Gee “Sine sore; - THE “BIRD” TO SEE docking anh teadiag teas tacreee qutablah oo tocliities aliable e TARTON : Twick | PRE-SPRING, sajbOnts— 18 Hi. Mare. BO aor. 4 ° tat Lake Ra with a Rirneyes ob Union WHITE I AKE TWP Priced right for quick sale. Terms | Small a requir nS br sper e or eis gunere xs = . en netrigerator ioe” x HA ~ oe hum ‘i 4 0 is es | BE he iS nancial assistance available. = ee 3 ENDIX 17-! TV, MAHOGANY 10 years = hoes O00 Bi - oy te Lore avo, wons wore, som. Seeepeee see mae) ERE Rot | SAE WITH QUICK, | gars tn SSnds.| ROWS: Sigg SES) Rataee tnebeete Riad ¢ Ez Lora. JOHN- 22 Lawrence Street SERVICE? ML . ¥ 2 . a “ine gon has them Some lovely bulld- home Fery'veasonably priced. #! pe OPeR Evenings cal Woodward a POT, ext 286, ERNE iD DRYER Cc LAYTON’S “ > new. ali. lengths, « in Bloomfield Township, oair 411000 om tetine or PE 6-839 30 Mon. thru Prior Lip-| then Home & New full ranteed. Delivery Fure t li “iE. | in Cojonial Hills, Hickory Knolls egg | as) ioe after 6 pm_ t cee —— ee pines * and down a rni hens App. ances wi $14.00 x Sty fed ee Minette Ae’ WARD E. PARTRIDGE yap ———) Sour*hfae ett Soctomerin or| Sener week, Martag Waser late | 2 Bree harvet ws gg toe ; ted get erent, Give oa a ring REALTOR FE 43581 Rent-Lease Bus Po 49 | ie D. ee a a & a poof esti! . $90. rE rast or PE 6-s074 " rted on that od L Ss ~ = heh Soc olf eer | BOA CONSOLE kav” OG ; home you have dreamed. about NEW LOCATION AT RESTAUR. [Maroce ry — Daystar g gg oe pe ioe wate eel coy ry oe caged ar ape trl a ga al oft .s — : : 1050 URANT FOR RENT OR | ood grocery and meat bus- | needs nt depron fogooss ¢ jeaf table and six. chairs 2004 .,_ $50. iP th ; A. JOHNSON 4 etae until 8T lease. Modern fully equipped ess “SDM Heense, grossed | ice Swelie: 368 Fleisher. rn grey davenport, two | REBUILT a TIC ERS, sui ais tt RIDER & : A. J NSON, Realtor |}? z OF, TELEORAPH Two large adjoining rooms ail | $75.000. Includes all equip-| Manager. Berkiey on President.| matching mahogany end tables Ww % ral 1704 S. Telegraph Rd. | R®At, PSTATE & BUSINESSES 20 miles trom Pootiae, ar Oot loreal wuprae tebe | 7 <= bing Ther enon | Sa I mee | MATERIAL so CO. FR 4.2533 : THRUOUT MICHIGAN course and Open. kirece | Sifting base, Extie. store | Ph. FE 58121 Gack. chaien begun, large veorer.| ROY'S R LACEMENT S ; Z _ #3164. and @ mea show in- gocher. : : : | MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE orn tor OM FOR RENT. SUIT. come ot yodton| month nee H & A t Sissy wher ena, moras PARTS ap, rehome . Sa eee ce Me peem gen Pa Atiars) | Eue? =) Home & Auto | -cit sete $i," — 08 Onkiend AP WISER BR ; All toghether | n a : BOTTLE GAS BUY DIREC SAVE... $8300 wi with "term : Rae lu C ' A. ABY TE! a ‘corr Business O; unities 51 Restaurant & Drive-in oan PROS lew low price Complete tnstal- 1 P ‘ Maarice “Wat tson, GResitor| rr a ge on, aeet | _ Mowre 0 te tol Pole on then =e - ‘ aw - os fres- ae FELL THE EAR Ss / Fe eATAA A-l) FLOWER AND GIFT SHOP t t drive in f | or 1 Community Natl Be Book Bide. Bide. | Gasii FOR 8M A mw. Ain Rochester [sh i2 GAC Stun) cacriics | $3.00 ine. tnven- Bhowing good income.” iod- Cpleyers PE Sa1s6, | tory a entire business. Days | ern building 30240, bullt in : . LI 17513, After 739 pm. MU | 1948 Oil heat 2 lavatories, | Casu FOR YOuk 34 ACRES a = 154 ee | edequate black top parking pe fee yan —- U : : _ | MODERN : space is corner wow Lif HAKPAST SET: MA- MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICH | just waiting to be subdivided— | MOORE) WELL FQUIPPED 2 | be suitable for gas station | °% ‘o Soe $25 10 $500 | hogany tables, chairs, lamps. | a ground thet lays ajo for lease. ar | ether a ont tal ITY LOAN £9 7 well, oa Approximately 12, eacres| Located on a Pontiac main | eae’ eah ones inci pur- | 39 B Lawrence PE 27131 | _cishes, MA 66843 DD C ls ected bh spores. 000 flake | Street. FE 5-6631. — = reateurant couipment: = VRIERDLY SRAYE Mops «me anette f. sete, As ot ee Or han mm ~— . sem hie ene yourse a save. Lary eee Priced at "$25,500 JSINESS & HOME | ores: | LO: ANS $25 TO $500 oa and table, vhacatng val- . oe ee . mae oa ry ie ue These are brand new Signs Are Ev eryw here oe re sore Beer | Roy Annett, Inc. BENEF ICIAL ness models, famous = For- | ge Ww 5) ose . oe Main highway in thriving com- | FINANCE CO. Come beg cupere att Hy re SFies “ : BARN LUMBER Watking Pont! 22) ACRES unity. Grossing $100.00 s year | REALTORS (Provident Loan} convinced of these extrecrainary | REPRIGERATORS LAST YEARS ise. elitoa’ wits eins scan’? Rat, lot ime backs to ormt| besement Nome Ws meterns pt: | ’Onen ees U gente pire) “Lw, tawrence St "" Pe 24am! Sotyamse’ Shchigan “Flucroscent | "rege Cease, A amerces| DOR GALE, LUMBED AE RE: | private lake with exeetient fish- n Evenings and Sunday WHEN YOU NEED _ 383 Orchard Lake ak Ave. best is — wv, @ “Wy 1 4 fre. Located in Brandon Two. = 10.000 down pias | | Lh z : . new, guar-| MOVED FROM ; i) le building COLDSPOT REFRIGERATOR. 6 an’ 5 years. Buy new . Dunn Farms, 100 x 170 #825. with Only 99.000 with $2.00 down. cat business 9 — | eee $25 t $500 _EM_ 3-231 after = refrigerator Mh a ‘ide more pan HOUSEMAN own. tT a used machine. an Fivo- : mm {CPE GUS 4s 19 MIS! RESTAURANT. | O ae neg Brice “Wala |_Teoteal Bes" Oromare tate ‘ave SPITZLE¥ Perry Acres No 1 Large corner LADD S fo BUY TO SELL REALTOR | oosa Sisre Weill he jas at 1 ee You can get it quickly on your pos lta aint 320 9s nt oe! ign hae oe Fagek kde MI 7422 | bese tee et Cee orth) ocss cows To see SS THB BIRDY ee eT eae \crmae, i ceereert bat meee teen) ant | Moet Drier. 24095 «173.89. __Tinge evele 638. ORIando 31248 OPEN“ SUNDAYS | — ——— ‘ - _ budget We will be giad to helo ELECTRO MART SEARS WASHER AND NORGE |? igen tered TYPE - 3 bai Onnier cinta 160 =) 384 oye) pinie Muy Drayton Plein | “on ee ee ene Gaon AND 8 AD “12 12. L INOLFU M_ Py “SINGER, ‘console ROUND’ now. aT: : with $190 down = Ds | on west side, perfect for man & CABINS 4 two-room units ‘total A x ‘OLEU $7 ) io" “Me ~ LOGAN FLOOR” MODEL j + GT 1 | | on im ee ee oa eerie TAT Pare ae Seah a sci attytate, Aik achmen. Em bait AR Cen ae Ae Z |” Saree © sewtp fers an piss |) Srownd | there err one ve stad GUAR HOUSE. PAINT GAL “ © | for 6 months oe eo of BEE MIVES, (30. ALL mQUIP- LAKEFRONT LOTS 4267 N lapeer Rd or M24 ‘pee -— wine ceacre sent cheered far $8408 down EINANGE GO [ROBBEN BASE PAINT _ cg) $54 48 Dealer psa 61564 ; Sie hese at By) eacrt- ad i A : : - “e787 ‘ aps 5 year Z , SINGLE BED, MAPLE, ee. Make ‘3002 Of all kind ‘ several FE 54-0291 after 8 00 p.m | A good deal to consider separate- 992 Pontiac State Bank Bide LOOHOI-AN TIPREEZE: Of all Kinds & sizes on severe! cee jy of as @ combination _. PE 418% | RYERS 141 W HURON FF 43006 | coinlee, reasonable, te Geatee ot et ae WITH RACK.. z information. Co-operative Real Estate Exchange NORTH WOODS IC. S __ Mortgage Loans + ELECTROL OX) LATE ies al Sener BY RER A vacuum i, Cana? “DIAMOND. 9225, - i FE 176 mi from Pontiac—a mod a | | tt : : $44.08 or payments of $1122 f | o | a en am LADD'S i | resturant “aie euxtooed, 3 eae C etl) LOANS $600 00 | | Dealer a | ee B RORE HALP ABD . ae. 3 om | | Attention Builders! wement. $ acres. Near Mio | REALTOR | | ): to $1,5 | -—-—~"ecRCTRIC STOVE. sib changed. &, Fovent on ht. Clea. To41 | | Heart’ of muntine & taning area 5, 5 foe Commerce Roe sass) homes modern or not tn FE 419% Ee agree ee A % ¥ | i 4 OPEN SUNDAYS | us asa eres = fares | sale Fer Tiness torces | yi Evepings | Oakland Coanty ate — om WESTINGHOUSE” 1 DECOXE ir wy, ops! a $0 50 L Ya sso0 colors, Warwick's, HEL = SS “ 01 s or ‘* aire ri Fou BeBe —— (06 Disie Hwy. Drarton Plains ted. Still acreage priced . “ st ie REALTOR | MICHIGAN SUMMER | improvements mahogany denx & Scns. 3 rose | 8 paAwee e MABOOANY DESK. ot ae ® re 2 © Oba t | Lake property 300 acres. | : meee =\ LORIDA WINTER | dates “Soir ccencenes” misclusatuase heme An ia ats rANE WATERFALL CEDAR Reiiect) “cncteis, Gah” semeaer, GOT Wi. Lapeer 4. or M24 (ia aan pees | spp Le in ENSE | Like © gold mine. this must be ¢ To bulld @ erage or on | Sees omy sent Seraver, | chest, Ike Sunbeam | & fay anger b ters. tat- worker lake front 2 acres at e ge ho | ver Sot fee ate mirror on Co-operative Real Estate Exchang hea Srl crenen’ prices | a 2 BE MOW I Y | renee a boats, snack ee io fk Se accond morte pia an | ban Elect rie Riese tinens: oa naar Ca oe ‘see= Bs e | room ome 2. cottages inom i Ls 17° RCA LAMP TABLES. Vac- end tab) T ‘ Een peeoery eons ee | Must stay in the city of Pon. 8nd fishing teckie business Lots ___ Pontiac _or_phone PE oe ‘uum. sweeper 9x17 ey pad | resture eacker robewe sliy CLEARA NCE — POWER M a | Sromtage. Street. in. Ready tiac. For further details call palpi agal ealdtios Spiral | ea = Protos rears cooker All Like. Sine Will sell reasone re) ues vad Ne Mow 1866 Models at : : to go’ This ts a dandy. — | a us for the price and terms” You! * Swaps ~ §§. _"e* : 3 Cost, These are aged a] LAND SUITABLE FOR, SUBDIVI- R.D.RILEY. BROKER | mus 'seeume “™ i corraraace nan~n~n-" | FOR BALE: GUARANTEED RE. |) ROOMS OF FURNITORE SAO | erg, tin eae ing sites, for multiple commer- $09 Elizabeth ‘Lake Rd. FE 1157 A gooD are amud, OF nde Ue | Wringer washers . * $3095 yp area. ake | South Woodward iNorth of 14 cial and industrial use. ay. Or 2 rat [SUPER SERVICE STA. HOME: M ART oe Be ree ames” anees. es washers Ss 9 wp La taclawaly SONBOLE SEWING MA- ara ones Birmingnam. Phone tion Very good n. i n- 4 é ine, $40. 30702 = +0524, S 1 Se kitGn = INSURANCE 0 ee eal ee SID ow in REALE TDW Rane OUTLE t | Ro Y's. 96 Oakiend so F_sC#2-40721 \ 6PIE CE EDI i GABINET BINKS FROM $59.65. yivan 100 Oakland Ave, | FE, #2546 DRIVERS, | EXPERIENCED 1062 W Huron FE 5-407 a6 Seaman! Ot Se Ns ROSLEY CONSOLE TV. OL | “SE T ROOM — Boab “rinks from mb OA. | ; Pree Parking | y trucks You ean pur- ~ — a be} ol a0 8 Perry — = chase ready mix trucks with ‘30 FORD “2-DR, 4 CHEVROLET |} NEW COFFEE TABLES. TWO f ea ty . small down payment Excellent | | 'y-ton pickup '2 Ft. ply wooed boat. birch, one mahogany, OR 3-5526 pe ‘ul dresser, large mirror ve D . - ; z CS | : ull size inte R see ee cape 92 ACRES | Siporanity tor trekers, Pinna; SUPER MARKIT | SUR (Ei gS moto" Te beech | FOR SALE. WHIRLPOOL WasM:| drawers 2 ods amps, “' Closet Doors Co-operative Real Estate Exchange | tion, See Mr Schlager between | goiea exceeded $200000 Inst year | trade for buliding material. OR front belo aia Ui | a ce: ALL FOR" $99. DAY | A dream come true Be modern FLORIDA LOT. ORLANDO AREA. In exceptionally attractive setting) 20nd. 4 pm. at 1116 Ann Arbor f'scared'on main. road in Oakland | —2-2339 sure cooker, jig saw, zenith Trans) ONLY $2 WEEK | Se tee new Merry steed) Hoshe- = 36 wooded. Full sige, $250 among huge ae and maples. , St. Flint. Michigan . County Village %-car parking 3 Oceante Radio, Doodlebug tractor Pp Se k Me LY | rats ates poy a cee office. in, $19 mo. No interest. Write is sturdy farmhouse is out- extra rental units with monthly | ‘Souza, FOR SALE equipped for landscape, miscel-| Pearson’s Bank Furniture Y DOO: LES. Garapic, Inc, Winter Park, Fla standing in location also—on piece FIRST TIME ON THE MARKET. Y of $184 Livi uarters | laneous household @ a. tool } a RBA aries ie ner = -| top hwy , only “» mile off M5 grocery store on main road west | for 3 fami ilies Price tneledes land Leaving os Calltorvia. Will take nings ‘and Surday : 200 Wixom | Coaniy Take Ave fm «708 pt ae eensc le rl Lin |2 PC. GRAY WOOL FRIEZE LAW: MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE trunkline Level fertile at fats | ef Pontiac, Doine wonderful bus i- building: and fixtures Owner ree, a ‘$4 or ‘55 m odel car and some Road—Nortbville 17232" | gon pr Te San fe | CAM ACTION PUNCH PRESS | spring in pasture Dairy and | “Best Includes beer wine take-out tiring, $42,500 with $17500 down | cash for equity on @ 6 room house (PREEZER, TAKE OVER PAY- | strolier, Large stiepese a Pet ose tare ie | 4° 4x8 PLYSCORE rain arn. silo. poultry Ouse rmi ‘om pile ixture 4 . Lig-car a t ity. | - ne, aE i | rs Cl RK deal for executive seeking beaut | cellent apt over the store. | aX: FLOYD KENT. Realtor eee etree uy serene ys tee <4r | iene elec. dryer. | _3 nea avine Mon thru Bat. FE 2-0132. 600 e pnt ereere. | a9 ea. A | and productivity in a farm. Call t e dea is apt. has 4 ‘ é < 7) eCK IN ee ee tonight for details bedrooms, huge kitchen living , 24 W Lawrence FE 5€105 Will take a two or three bedroom | 55 (17 ADMIRAL TV TABLE sae pec a | ~ = a ~ 4615 Dixie Tey. Drayton Plates — room, bath, ete Completely mod | ng2, (CPST SES? power | Pome, tn trade om te, Basins ee eran oad HANG 1 ROOM GROUP suerte ae, fenents PENNY PAINT SALE ye aut decorate } © Cons s Fo 8 co a | I “ 120 ACRES Owner planning to take kings < plus a home to live in Reason: | Midwest 43048 =e Bap cobee yomasoniy coaea ie eyecord © 05.00 cask corry| Mouse paint, 3 gellen ....-... 00.08 Vcarnesicom se ~~ “ait All ulllabie. In dd r Thumb di $45 000 total with ter to sell for{ able terms Wil] show anytime. |7 PIECE RED AND GRAY RROEH- ! bie a decorator “amps ea par ge c us bald foes Epos alingh boy St : Y x 20 w e 8. 5 600 to’ t $ 5 re fireplace a many we < ee cies i — house with | to buy business Seeatate! | sues OPPORTU ee Feta Money 'R 1] Y onset enuch ~ ee ALL FOR $97. PAY ler OCHETED | wad Foe oil Lat sag tet pote at uilt-in features. 19° kitchen with u ath. Large barn, grainary, ¥ appointment only BACK GUARANTEE . uSsSe Oung | XTRA | ONLY $2 WE Dotlies & bab robbed will | Roller or pan le .. . new cupbeards. 9 closets. Base-. corn crib and work shop All | KEEP YOUR PREENT JOB jeaf. 4 chairs. $50 Kalemasco | MS Gy eEKLY _take “orders. F 7262 [1 gal. paint & r Bae Poche at teay Milan geet aout A. JOLNSON, Realtor | ARMA GEEMEM CS yw naalEA TO pe wun git TEE weg | won Late Tray | scomnt Smishcount LOOR SHOP — patio Attached 2 car ga- echool, All for the low price of 1/04 S. Tel egraph Rd, | te handle business in this area | Eves ‘til 9. Bun FF ¢-2962 ce STOVE, 918 TABLE With a © Orchard Lake Ave FE 4-7881 | gat Tw WHAT YoU LIKE i &. Saginaw St. benaas Wi Resewehel Ge|| Malham ib Ff 5 | immediately May start part time chairs, $16. s roller skates, SEF THE NEW GIBSON 10% FT. NT BE BEAT | PU a oo fenced, jot — 1 Js | FLOYD KEN FE 4-2533 | bel mod ass $1.765 Key big | ee “So. 2) oe 6, thee Bt Ld $4755. ot eo Bora se estan we ‘have ‘fame completed bot lta Reg, $% 1-3 HP jet pum now erences and car, 8 ir ya ‘ pt sr grants ai Siquick gasp. $17 306 vith ae tacem T, Realton it ae ee ON be detiniteiy interested in nai | . or oad or jee! vaED | _Ave FE 2-402, ood salvage imateriais: Buy now | | Ce im wis 5000 eens ‘ eas . ou or r use ye je we KLAND LAKE Next to hae, Power erry REPAIR MACHINERY FOR Vending » Machine Business me | R EN i ] qf F A S aE | OLARs akc a fo lh lo ut ADE IN DE PT. Bas ALL ENOTES, ioe tt PE: | forms.” ‘to _— . ale will start you with 16 machin | uar recon. el . ! ‘8, » LENG loe LI 5 Fear around mer consisting of LEAVING CIT¥. COMPLETE ‘‘illed_ with merchandise. ‘Diaced | ij hR Ads Ros, eet ae mele. "20 AND 6 inch gas ‘a-2588. shes Lie PUPS. Meer ca, AS. Ido Pedersen Walled Lake. MA 4-2166 , TOILET SEAT. si toe gah VALUE, Hm Pa (POk TERRIER AND sTUD \_marviag. per 24 TON qricxur papel & Mor. on tires very HOWARD ) LARE, “INC. l; 22705. _Orchard Lake_ _Rd. Keego_ WIL ILSON 35-0485 54 ‘GMC panel "50 Chev. cab & chas. $295 48 Chev. panel ......$145 | 46 Chev. cab & chas. $95), GoopD, Fi TRACTORS iMC F450 COEF GMC F350 COF | IMC HF622 COE nee Conventional NTIAC’S ONLY ; VE XCLUSIVE TRUCK DEALER Oakland at Cass __ SOa56 ~ Classified Ads! To swap what you don’t need for what you do, call FE | | | 28181. iy 110 BAGLEY ST. | : _ For Sale Trucks 90 __-For Sale Cars 9 1a FO PORD FICK oe eee ee enn Best ae fauteRp LARE, pk Orchard Lake i TRACTOR. e ibe ng ‘cverhimaled. heater. Besoin or fe .Auto Insurance i ano ed ll AUTO neynsee by Sears Roebuc tires are very ee ‘a ECONOMY USED Co.) Call Jim Boushell, PE 22 Aubi +231 Sa sa Ofgreet, 4.000 ectual’ miles.” Take Are ¥ “|. over vazmenta. OR eve- eee Ont 1052 AND 33. CHEV é TOO. HIGH? Section dari asaing oe ‘0 CHEV. CPE VERY : . We Need -~ way Wacky vee wikea JOIN 'S4 —'S5 —'56 Models of All Makes for Our USED CAR LOT on S..WOODWARD AVE, Trade Us Your Equity - and We Will Pay Off Your Car and Give Youa "30 — "51 or '52 CHEVY—FORD—STUD. NASH—PLYMOUTII FREE 6 eas with extremely low payments—depending on) your equity. SEE US NOW! We have 34 such models in stock at present. NORTH CHEVROLET 1000 S. Woodward Ave. Birmingham — MI 4-2735 1963 —- SPECIAL ¢ DR. RA. nd heater, turn oe back- oad lights. Dyna. trans. New WW tires. Extra clean $1,005. Call _ after 6 pm i966 BUT 54 BUICK extras, OR ‘93 BUICK DR, AUTO TRANS. | mission and all the other acces- | sories: A real bu sot ORI OADMASTER 91 DR. Sto. Loaded with 1956 Chrysler 4 dr. 250 h . such as steering, power peck 8, radio, near speak- er Premium nylon WW tires. beautiful two-tone and special col- or sweep, plus equipment too numerous to mention. Demo. Skee 1955 Plymouth Plaza Club Sedan | —— This week's economy specia). | | 1952 Pontiac 8 cy! Mir Fully_ equipped. Beautiful condition throughout 196, ca Piymouth Club Sedan New 1952 Dodge Cornet Club ?-door Gyromatic drive. R & H A real performer 1951 Plymouth Station wagon Just the all purpose car for you Business, pleasure, -camping and 101 uses. 1950 Piymouth deluxe Club 2 dr scalp @ tube push button radio Heater. Beautiful sea spray green. CLARKSTON MOTOR SALES 32 ce — Lae : LARKS’ . CHRYSLER = PLYMOUTH Open 6 am. to & ie Daily _MA 5-514 __ ATTENT ties wait YES SPRCIAL MBISCOU NT On all new 1956 Pontiacs Also we have for sale 50 used cars. som — money down. Open every nigh iRecpoS sales & Service MUST SELL CaF once boar CADIL- lac. 1952 Willys. 1950 Dodge Hard- | op. Make offer Will cane rm | £ thing of value tor down payment Terms Hohm’‘s, 884 Mt. Clemens. | FE 5-358} or, FE 24407 NIC La “48 OC ADILLAC 4 QR 62 R } hvdramatic ¢t ien alae cae new seat covers ¢ perfect motor Can be hb andled i r $2290 down end smal y shal vubl y payments Call FE 2-9555 ask for _ Huev. “Bright Spot” lf It’s in Town We Have It Come in and Inspect Our Splendid Ately of All Makes & Models JEROME OLDS CADILLAC Cass at Orchard Lake Ie 8-QH88 To Sell, To Trade, Ta aay SEI SCHUTZ MOTORS 912 S. Woodward, Boham Mi + 7B LITTLE | HOT *S5 Dodge 2 dr......S1595 mao Pe ontae Cat. ....$1743) "55 Ford 2 dr.. $1445, *S4 Pontiac Wa agon. .$1425 34 Plymouth i dr... .$895 54 Pontiac 2 « “$095 Two °53'F aoe So g43 "53 Chevie 2 dr.. . $795 33 Plymouth C1. Cpe. $695 52 Pontiac 4 dr......$595 52 Plymouth 4 dr... .$495 32 De Soto Cl. Cpe. $545) Two ’51 Buicks $594, $495 | ‘51 Dodge Hardtop. . .$495' "30 Chrysler 4 dr... $195) MANY MORE | TO CHOOSE FROM | $35 to $100 REIMENSCHNEIDER DODGE-PLYMOUTH Linge wo 1, easy to deal with ra 8 Segnae PE 20131 | | $0 condition. A treat to the eyes a | 1968 i —* tempat Free Gold Beil LAKE: 0! 10N MOTOR a rkston Rd M24 at Cla: Db — ‘MERCURY MY_ 2-261}. 1965 EVIE SPORTS CO 4 beautiful 2 tone, P.G. 16-008 3 miles $1. © over paym CHRYSLER 1954 “HARDTOP. REA. sonably priced. Radio & heater. White sidewalls, *private owner. a Haskins Chev, 6751 i ase Highway et M15 MA Oo nites 980 FORD V8 TUDOR, $175 | carl” "Manning. 4360 Eliz. ‘lake Rd. Rd. 1955 FORD MAINLINE 2 DR. $1195 LARRY. JEROME ROCHESTER Aa DEALER — MORE HAN yo YEARS A 1D PLACE TO BUY.” “ol SL PORD, COnTGal V-é, R AND H tires, visor, hew paint 1 owner, $378 takes it. Ma FORD | 1952 4 DOOR. RADIO, HEAT. fordam. Arthur’ aut Round Take nee Sales Rd. EM 3-0117 1953 poe custom + DR. va, R M, $750 MA 4-2365. reel SELL 54 FORD CUSTOM- line Club coupe R. & T. Turn signals, Windshield washers. Real sharp. MA 42342 FORD CONV Cheap. FE 5-2706 1042 OED ied ce COUPE E SHARP. JEFFREY FORD SALES OA #3011 FORD 1955 STATION WAGON Country Sedan. Very clean. Low _mileage. Must sell FE 4-5860. FORD ‘53 V-8. 2 DR. 25,000 MILES oro condition. Midwest DEMONSTRATOR — 1956 Ford Crown Victoria Black ~ Al and white Fully equipped Can. accept | arrange ffhancing Will trade Must sacrifice Call Frosty MI 4-750. YOUR CREDIT (00D HERE 50 USED CARS WE CARRY YOUR NOTE BRAID Motor Sales D mouth Dealer Years of Fair gees be 70 8. Cass CFE 8 188 | WOMAN WILL SELL 1951 Ford black custom 6, In ex- cellent condition, 41,000 actual miles. Very reasonable. Phone Wilma Greenway, FE 2-8181, ext. _52 days or OR 3-1186 nights. o FORD $40 ae Coliter_ Rd . ‘8S FORD Seicroeia FAIRLANE feb condition. Must sell OR IS 36 FORD 2 DR. CUSTOMLINE. _ FE 44316, FORD 1937, DR. NEW TIRES & lieense. Carl Manping, 4560 Elis- abeth | Lake Rd. 51 FORD 4 DR. e aeqinder. 4dr igre ester. good rubber. Looks ood, Priced for quick, sale will Ciae. Auto Sales 68 Oakland _FE 23-2351 Jack W. Haupt Pontiac Sales 1956 Pontiac 870 Catalina Cpe 285 HP demo The most astound- ing performer you have driven—bar none!' Pontiac 860 2 dr Radio and heater Whitewalls 2 tone Sharp! 1983 PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN. DEL 82drsR & H Hydra. 2 tone. Very nice condition 1952 Pontiac 1952 Chevrolet deluxe 4dr. R. & Hf. jomerelide. “2 tone, Nice condi- 1888 "Chevrolet eh reece: 9,000 ew car co 1854 Ford custom 8 ry “ar RaH Clean. Can be bought right. Low down payment 1950 Buick super hardtop R & H Dyna Fair eoenidios Name your own price & term 1947 Buick. Tired ‘put willing le per ib Needless to say this 18 | real doll! N Clarkston MAple 55566 Main St Open nights _ 2) OLIVER BUICK says WANT TO BUY A BUICK? 35 Good Used Buicks at All Times and Low, Low Prices Buy Your Used Buick From a ®ew Buick Dealer | Prices Range From $95 to $2,900 Liberal Trade-in Allowance OLIVER BUICK | 210 Orchard Lake FE 2-9101 a "tu 8 ~ SHAPE. ever “. § RAMBLER ®ARDTOP, ‘Jacobson’s Motor Sales Your Dealer a ARD LA og eS New . Credit Plan MOTOR SALES 7) 8 SAGINAW ‘ti @ WHEEL DR. JEEP STATION wagon, Good condition. OR 32-4547. KAISER, 1951, IN GOOD CONDI- 2 tion. New tires, OR su ‘$4 LINCOLN CAPRI +DR. Fow- er steering, Power —_ 6, Pow- er windows, Power oon aute. a R&H, ote. Low mile- and sharp “Tame ORION MOTOR SALES at Clarkston Rd. FORD - MERCURY MY_ 32-2611 1985 MERCURY 2 DOOR CUSTOM sedan.' Excellent condition, Low mileage. Must sell car, am leav- ing. for California immediately ten Inquire @ Shirley @1., after 1962 MERCURY FULLY qeaeet $75 FE 2-7157 after ‘1 MERCUR DR. EXCEL. cond. R&H. Sood buy. PE 4-3482. ‘83 MERC. CONV. CUSTOM an, — . with waite Orion ton Sl oN FOUR DOOR, | BED, snow tires, Melrose, 4-5795. 1951 NASH SEDAN, VERY GOOD. $245. . FE 3-7542, SEE “cy FOR YOUR A-1 USED CAR BUY “CY OWENS” 147 8. w St. - FE 5-4101 =< PE 56-3588 __Open 8 a.m, to 9 pm. ‘$2. NASH RAMBLER HARDTOP. Feel 3 . A‘nice second car for the ‘ami LAKE ORION MOTOR SALES sol iy Clarkston Rd. - MERCURY 23-2611 1993 OLDS. VERY GOOD CONDI- Must sell immediately. $75 fie over payments. 382 Oakland Ave SHARP CARS! Always a good selection. I ayioe’ Chet rolet Sales | CO's OLDEST CHEVROLET eit | MArket 4-156) ed Lake | | 9t ee i. seo Y COUPE | | JERE PREY "FORD S ALES | 1053 paces a ER DE- luxe. Club coupe. Radio. ee HOWARD LARE, Say ta 2708: Orchard Lake Rd. Keego NEW. BiG Dis- | wall tires. Very clean Toca! ost, $ Low fully equipped $2,395. Will trade | Mazurek Motor Sales Souths Blvd. at Woodward PE +0587. 1940 PLYMOUTH 2 DR. sedan, 1950 motor, radio and heater, new plates, good running condition, $85. OR 3-1186, call aft- er 6 p.m. 1962 PLYMOUTH 4 DR. SEDAN 1 owner, low mileage, no rust Pain and chrome like new. MA 6-6568 after 6 p.m. All day Sun. 1952 PLYM DELUXE 2 DR VERY cicer 1 owner. New tires. FE SPECIAL THIS WEEK 1952 Plymouth 4 door sedan 1953 Plymouth 4 oa secan H. | 1952 Chevie 4 door NO MONEY DOWN $395 FULL PRICF. 60 other cars to choose from COMMUNITY MOTORS" 23-9481 OCHESTER _Open | ti 1 10 eee OL | CHEVROLET | 1956 Demos. CARS—OFPFICIAL'S CARS COURTESY CARS SIXES AND V-8's 2 Doors—4 Doors Hardtops—Wagons Convertibles | FLOOR NO CREDIT PROBLEMS JUST YOUR CAR DOWN AND UP TO 36 MONTHS IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Highest Trade — Lowest Terms “TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR LOW OVERHEAD LOCATION ALL KING SIZE BARGAINS. BUDGET PRICED FOR EASY OWNIN' i | | i] | SAVE | AS YOU HAVE NEVER SAVED | DON'T DELAY- “en TODAY! HASKINS| CHEVROLET | : Lay's 8 bo 2 ww. | Rated ee | a SEARS Mercury ‘52 Sune. R& H. =| | | | Radio & Heater, ‘3 & | V-#, Hydra, $2 Buick ¢ dr., pm 5 Fy Nash, n & “Overdrive. "32 88,2 @r ‘ Sa and FINA REAL to EBNONY Wy avers o8Oe aes = a4 ee ga ten re PEED grgraeis on" a8) RSS won sae ’ “5, 4 ‘AR . LOW No Co-Signers! A ~ Qecen eas Immediate Delivery! — Mextrus ee Sians, 4468 Me Dea! Direct! Witton’ Louded” Puoos MAY 83408. nae és. Mt PONTIAC ¢-DOOR STAR CHIEF o Finance Co.! piles: eee, go immediately, Buy Here—Pay Here "i, PORTIAC, YDRA.. RADIO.- Y'ALL COM E re ee Cana. NATIONAL -PONTIAC R ETAIL STORE FE 37117 1956 PONTIAC CATALINA SEDAN. New. $2,395. FE 9-2042. ‘SS PONT T, CATALINA. ny fen pe} 4 Barrel & 5-9762. ‘33 saat DEL. HDY. Reason- able if sold this week. 1620 Honey- — Rd., Weet Actes. . eM “Bob Frost OFFERS BIRMINGH AM Pontiac 1 Buick ‘53 i ery a bt Ford ‘53 Custom 8 2 door . Bas Chevrolet "$2 2 door ....... 2 ‘$4 Sport oe || ac ‘$4 Catalina Hardtop $1005 rd "54 m 8 4 door .. $1045 Mercury ‘54 Custom 4 door .. $1145 a ot SE css scene Q1386 Ford "$5 Custom 6 2 door .. $1306 — Ford ‘$5 Victoria, R & H .. $1605 Lincoln | Capri 4 door .... $1305 Lincoln ‘h4 Ca Mercury ‘5$ Monterey Coupe Hoes Lincoln *5§ Cay : : Lincoln "$6 Capri 4 Bob Frost, Inc. LINCOLN MERCURY AND Co WOO DEALER . WOODW ARD MI ¢ | lose PONT. 4 signals, _133_W. FB "33 PONTIAC 4 DR. romeo se full price $:00_p.m__ 331 Sault = 950 PONTIAC 4 oe hydra, runs Truck is ped | aged, 6140. ‘A 42365. FE ¢7333 "33 oat COMMANDER hardtop. Aw trans. Radio. Heater. WW Tires. sports none apn CARKENE. 666 S. W OODWARD , Birmingham MI_¢-3410— 1948 “STUDEBAKER. $93. R & H, overdrive. Ideal for second car. EM 32732 : STUDEBAKER 1962, RADIO. HEAT- er, overdrive. door. $275. Ar- thur's Auto Sales 1274 Reund ~ Lake Rd. EM 3-0117. ~~ OLDSMOBILE Ss NEW AND USED FOR A GOOD DEAL A SQUARE DEAL HOUGHTEN & SON YOUR FRIENDLY OLDSMOBILE GMC_TRUCK se" : “47 OLDS heater. Avis FE 6-10 _ LIKE NEW ph clot sive SPECIALS ONLY REQUIREMENTS ARE GOOD CREDIT AND LOW DOWN PAYMENT 53 Lincoln Capri Hardtop Full Power, two tone paint, WW. tires, Hydramatic. e¢ owner. $45 ty per mo. $4 Mercury 4 Dr. Sed. Merc-O-Matic, Radio and Heater, sharp. $50.49 per mo. /f 84 Mercury 2 Dr. Two tone paint. one owner, low mileage, Merc-O- Matic, $40.28 per mo. 53 Mercury4 Dr. Sedan Radio & Heater. All blue. See ft today. $47.11 per mo. 54 Ford 4 Dr. Sedan Radio, & Heater, All new tires. | $25.17 per mo. 53 Mercury Hardtop Radio & Heater, Merc-O-Matie, | WW. tires. $3979 per. mo. | 54 Mercury 2 Dr. Sedan Radio & Heater. Maroon and @ dandy. $39.28 per mo. ‘ "53 Mercury Hardtop Radio & Heater, Overdrive, $40.04 per ma, | 51 Chevrolet 2 Dr. Radio & Heater, $19.71 per mo. ’52 Chevrolet , two tone paint, real sharp. $27.24 per mo. °31 Dodge 4 Dr. Radio & Heater, =e ‘per mo. CEN TRAL. Hydramatie, |" Oakland County’ s Fastest | | LINCOLN-MERCURY Growing Dealer Dixte Highway ® 58-9071 | | \ t M15 MApie. | | Open fe "ty 8) Cass at Pike Sts. FE 4-3888 é s 4 a oe Fe ae ee THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 1956 ail / ee __ THIRTY-THREE, ~ . — er . : | eo ites ‘ ’ : . : peice! wv, * : Ae | a - (ee + Ty. ye rt LS lf Ee Tod ' Tel ee Be P , aes » [NBC Cancels ‘Medic’s’ --,Today's Radio Programs-- (Consider Post ~- Today's Television Programs -~\ccesareon Birth Fim : : ce Seer aE Jace ro Programs turnished by stations listed in this column are subject to change without notice. HOLLYWOOD W—NBC has de- WIR, (0) OKLW, (000) WW; (0) WAR, (1190) §= WAYS, (1070). WRON, (1600) = WIBE, (1498) : ‘@ - tad , ” cided sage show a Caesarean = “7 or on Channel %-WIBK-TV Channel 4—-WWJ-TV . Channel 1—-WXYZ-TV = Channel 9—CKLW-TV | 1 iri on’ Monday's “Medic” televi- T _ TONIGHT’S TV HIGHLIGHTS - SUNDAY MORNING - =| 6:55-—(2) On the Farm Front. The network said yesterday the Seek Man. to Fill Jobjeee—c) ‘the ‘Explorers. John|7:55—(2) Meditations. 1:00—(2). Good Morning. (4) To-|film is not for family iviewing as of Retiring — Interior} Moyer of Chicago Natural His-|s:00—(2) day. _ [it is now put together, NBC said gl eee Museum and. of|8:30—(2). Facts Forum. 1:25<(2) TV News. it will consider showing the film. Secretary McKay “India’s Big Game.” (4) Satur-|8:50—(4) News. — -~ tug di Cone Marine. after further editing. fal 3 day Edition. News. (2) Gene/9:00—(2) Court of Health, (4) 1155—(2) Weather, — ASHINGTON (—Former Gov.|. Autry. Gene tries to reform a| Crossroads Church. . Dan Themtn ot Cokwade was re-| confirmed criminal in “Ridel@:se—(2) The Is the Lite. (ojneteiay Content Caserecen uy) for TV eee eae eae ie Secretary|¢:15—~(4) Candid Camera. Off-| Science. _—? "| :30—(2) Captain Kangaroo. (|| Free Nome Trial WON, Pontise party lof Interior McKay. | guard films ~_ |45—(7) Popular Science. Bhat Rp pmag nt @ Romper RCA VICTOR 11:00—WIR, Arthur Godtrey| * * &30—(7) Realm of the Wild.|10:00—(2) Detroit Pulpit. (4) U of o _ EMERSON ae Hava, ‘wei User | McKay unexpectedly announced! “Eagle Flies”; “Grebe."*(4) It's| M Hour, (1) Faith for Today. |, Room. (7) Hearttheod Theater: 7 iyo, © | oo eee ee onange |vesterday he will leay ethe Cabl-| A Great Life, "The Voice” on|1#:30—(2) Cartoons for Kids. (1) o'',, Gary thee Sun, (6 SYLVANIA On, ews beng wet kes tok Wot tee ee es oo Dong School. Terms Available Uasowan, Mess Up bina cree, Senate seat''Bow eld by| boys tnd they rust cut to meet|seeb—(2) Sauage Sinete, sis. aa lo) Asthar Goltrey. (0 Trade-ins Accepted WWJ, Weekend \Sen, Morse, Morse, elected as @| the owner of the Red Cross, Wil-/11:00—(2) Porky Pig-Daffy Duck. Sente ttoveen fae . ins dintes Golle ware, News, A. -g Oe Republican, is seeking re-election) liam Bishop, .James Dunn,| (4) (Color) Adventure Ho. tin men od Service WIBK, om George }as a Democrat, : Michael O'Shea, (2) Saturday/11:30—(9) Sunday Open House. mea 4 prrolig Studio. H pr MPTON’S WON, "Pontias Party oa ee eee en ee oe mind| SUNDAY AFTERNOON — |1t:36—(2) Strike It Rich. set i: thes DAY waa said to be only one of several] in “Lucy Changes Her Mind,”|!%00—(2) Buster Crabbe. (4) Mls-i11:18—(7). News Ace, Robin and — 190—-WIR, Jack Wite caateei ig discussed after| starring Lucille Ball, Desi Ar- sion of Michigan: (7) Champion — Ricky. S | ——— —e ) wwe Few | Z, coder hes being Sts have been! ean: : ship Bowling. (9) Captain Z-Re. MONDAY AFTERNOON = | N 19 56 WX¥E, News, Dance WCAR, News, Spinora: oR PO, Liberty, Baptiet. | Otua’ News. Toa tudged into the Oregon|7:00—(7) Dougias Fairbanks Pre-| has & sneezing oa 18;00--(2) Valiant Lady, (4) Ten-| Cw WIBK. News, Mickey Shorr| 12:30—WJR. Quest. | “ WW4J. ‘Catholic Hour WCAR, News, Music race by’ the . sents. “Big Mick,” story of gang-| he’s near him. se nessee Ernie. (7) 12 o'Clock| GENERAL ELECTRIC mm Geode Seeres| Wei emmy ave dieing Thornton has been a strong sup-| ster who returns to Italy and|#%90—(2) Wild Bill Hickock. (4) Comics, ERAL ' 2:00 —WIR. Goody Jeoret) WAYZ, World * CEL, De. 19150 WIM, Time for, Muslel ctor and a frequent com-|, finds he can't escape his past. Filmland’s. Finest. (9 Watch the! 14,199) prayer, Sign On. i Box Sek fees ccnend| spe oni geemert, Mat, | BANE Rewe,aee,” — |panton of the President, and there| Rossano Brazzi stars. (9) Temn-| Birdie. Flicka (| U=@) Love of Life, (®) Furl) DRYERS w. Bi Me Sur) WW. News, eae WIEK, Tom ' were indications he had seme-| ple Baptist Church. Religious.|#0¢—(2) My Friend : tT” & Feather. ey a. rm Top Teo Wa, Weecena Gree aaetty Setemment) Wea, Mons fo “efuate [thing of an inside track for the| (4) spldiers of Fortune. Tim and| World Adventure. (9) Channells.s9_ (2) Search for Tomotrow: REE Y CKLW, — WIBK, News, Wayne-Untv.| 1,09 -wJR, Road of Life ;PO8t. Toubo find themselves facing a ter. = (p| (D Beulah. (4) Feather Your | ' CKLW, Wayne: King WJBK. News, Leniiardt nas ea WWJ, Ross Mulholland However, he has opposition from! firing squad for their efforts to 1:30—(2) Judge Roy Bean. Nest. (9) Audrey & Gus, wen ee ee ee Se | wwe, nl taht Saw ce inter eertngs|Some Republicans who didn’t rel-| protect a gold mine in “The Re-|_ Black Spider. 12:45—(2) Guiding Light. (9) Fea-| 109:30—WIR, Top Ten 1:30—WJR, Woolworth Hour| WXY2, Revival Time WdBK, News, Tom Georgeligh hig refusal to run for the Sen- of the Hawk,” John 2:00—-(2) Famous Playhouse. (4) WWd, Monitor WWI, Weekend Muse’ CKLW, Back to WAR, Careven | 8h his bes = cei Reneet & Common Sense turette, WXYZ, Top of Towa WXYZ, News, ma WJBK, Wayne University | WPON, News, Platter Parlor|ate from his home state in 194.) Chick star, (2) Big) Arthritis men : 1:00—(2) Ladies Day. (4) (Color) ; od ape 6 ha Re te 1:30-—WIR, Young Dr. Malone |Sen, Allott (R-Colo), then liew-| Town. Steve Wilson and his pa-|?*15~(9) The Wérld We Live In.) "Cooriand. (f) Lunch Time : WPON, ec snd Orville WOAR, Spinorama Weekend | WWJ. Proudly We Hail W2iz. News Winter . [tenant governor, made a success-| ’ per in rumors of a high|##3—(4) (Color) Richard III. (7)) 1 (9) News, Shoppers’ | U00-WIR, News sRTON, Spanish Hour | WAY. News, Moos CKLW, Bud Davies ful race after Thornton bowed out| school scandal and save the job| Foreign Intrigue, (9) Meet Mr.). : 40 WXYE, Hotel Statier wwd Weekend Music”, | WaBK, News, Whats New Wea, iews, ‘Cartan |to return to private business, of the principal unjustly accused) Calishan. (9) Fa-|tt6—(@) Fun to Reduce. WIBK, News Shorr a Hider * | MsecwamBiarhent sym, a bad conduct’ in "School|#—(7) Jumbo Theater. 1:90—(4) Jean McBride, 1:38 WIR, CBs “Bance WCAR, Mews, Spinorame ware, Wea, Depend — marcing Mark Ste-|. 57) John Wayne. (2) Victory past anata Youd wil WXYZ, Top of Town 2:30—WIR, N.Y. Phirhrme.| Goan’ Mt Zion Ct 1:30—(7) Jumbo Theater. The| 2 Sea. - : WRK” Mickey Ghote Wwi, Wenend Muse | | WRON, 0D. “Erwin in “The Day the Circus|##0—-(2) The Big Idea. (9) Mil- WPON, ten Melodies| CKLW: Rout of Charm MONDAY ” lion ‘Dollar Movie. 12:00—WJR, News WJBK, Don McLeod Came to Town: (9) Holiday; 5% en ee, Beet ee “Wows. Bob Maxwell Ranch. Rita Randall, guest of|#30—(2) Face the Nation, (7) Star waa oe, Dunver | 80e-WIk, NY.” Phirhrme 3 Cliff McKay on Western musical and Story. f Vien ee Ee R= itor | ghow, (4) Thé Big Surprise,|5:00—(2) Out of Darkness. (DY Se]. 2 oe } ne Clock.| Per Circus. eeeSTNBAT MORNING en Be Caer. s:30—(4) Captain Gallant. (1) Sup- Se te | 8 9e~(7) Ozark Jubilee. Aunt Fan,|* 06 Cro (9) Let's All Sing. Y v ny (Fran Allison) guest of SUND. y HIGHLIGHTS “wea, Weekend. Music” Foley. (9) Inner Sanctum. Old Te napiongaliggihe Yeees. Gov WPON, Church of God . woman and a box of money and Chrlstion A. Herter of Mases- 1:90 WIR. Pavt. Hymns a “Landslide,” make an odd tts is guest. (7). Frontier cKLw, wildwood Church story of greed. (4) Perry Como = “Black Bart.” The no- “Gosp Show. Dinah Shore, Rock Hud- torious gentleman-outlaw 1:38—-WIR, Form. Forum son, Louis Jordan, All-America : ‘WWJ, Weekend Music rode alone on his missions of Presents Basketball players. (2) Jackie robbery and murder. (9) Gilead CKLW, murder. (9) : WJBK, Protestant Hour Gleason Show. The Honeymoon- Baptist Church.: mM, American Gpl. Rr. ers; Ralph refuses to pay (2) You Are There. “Stanley a a ong increases and barricades himself "(ay * ro in his apartment in “Please| 7i0ds Livingston.” (4) Liberace. CKLW, Your Worship Hour Laave the Premises.” a‘ 47) Jungle Jim. “Striped Fury. WCAR, Your Gospel Hour ww to do tt| Junéle Jim to India fo WPON, Assembly of God 8:30—(9) Mr. Fixit. How to it) trap a tiger. (9) the UAW. 8:30—WJR, Rentro Valley (2) Stage Show. The), o9 (2) Lassie. “Lassie's WXY2, Light and Lite ; Crew » Les Cardinals,| Double.” Gramps is arrested for) up of 900 Christians and Pastor Want to Build WIBK: Gilead ‘Baptist ch. | ,WPO igghts,, Serenade CKLW, Toby. Cr a o < Tommy} "dog stealing when Ellen mistakes 4 Seem, “wooa vou Like te huvent th 9 Fost Growing Soar Bett te Set en] WWI These ee | Some nee om ant Sanmny Dosey. &@ valuable dog for Lassie and for the Lord? : segOn ot johe's WEE, “Gresteat tory WAR, Cott 8:45 Popp poe 1 ‘brings him home to the farm : REST: Wit, Sfonrends Cherm | Wise: a We koe Sy —* ss00 — (1) Lawrence Welk Stow:| (4) Badge 714. Police hunt tor ‘WILL PAY INTERES’ 3 CKLW. Bethesda Tem WEAR, Spincrama Weekend Hour of musical and : F i . . ple WXY2, Breakfast eae an armed criminal in case of a For Information WOAR, News; Gpincreme ° a_i WinK: kewe Tem’ Gout vorites. (9) On MOREY:| badly beaten old woman. (7) Weterlord P.O. Bor 21. Wendeed, Wichigen eo senor. ! Bt. Jobn's Lutheran co UNDA a WwCaR. or. he the Cat Burglar,’* comedy You Asked for It. (9) The Visl- : ait 4 : : Mother's Album WIR, News, Autry News, Music about robber who plans to rob a] 4... ; ” on ee ae ; a spinster who lives with a howe]. teeny fines, an Army, Chaplain - y oo full of cats. (4) People ag hh prays for a miracle and finds ; a Vietnamese to Tour ogy this month. They will observe |¢ -*y’ ny. Couple returns from Africa. unexpected results. ' = piaggeroed lo ls olen pred Pay eENG neeeccl Mages Cheyenne Star Walker 2 Two for the Money. Herbls.9512) Jack Benny Jack arives ALWAYS PLENTY of — —— studying at Mich-| ter power —. ‘housing, " Retr Dial 9 Theater. Mickey| "ly ees cola A in his 2 igan State University will make a| agriculture and Civil War history C Repney, Wanda Henly Robert) Sncieat Maxwell. (4) Frontier. + three-state tour to get a closeup|in Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee D eties All owboy Rules Stack ir hm Brother,” “The Hanging At Thunder Butte FREE Pp of American history and tectinol-| starting March 23. oy YB a - ; Texas oe tee ss CD eee : EMILY BELSER got a job as a bouncer in a night- , Rains, Vivien Leigh Next te Lord's Furniture Triple XXX Sandwich Shep qiQULYWOOD . UNS) — Clint|club and my wife worked ass Liberace vis Jimmy Dra aod Stewart Granger star ie se - | : alker, . rangy star waitress to help pay for my $15 @ . Jubilee ¢ , Bing “Caesar : Cleopatra. Pe ' i : ae Do-It-Y¥ ourself series, “Cheyenne,” has broken all apiece lessons. Societta "itis Son?’ saaliaal Biel 9 Thester. “enesteas A Quality Cleaning & Shirt Laundry Service gall on ; “Then,” he went on,” I was version of Maxwell Anderson's show-business into effect. ‘ ; : ee He's uot te tos was produced but that was what | to sell his mountain property) 1. Call : e's . e with his horse,| pended me therole im ‘Chey | along the Hudson River and the 9:00—~(2) GE ‘Theater. Franchot FEderal : ettes, doesn’t play a guitar or sing,| “™"* ag Bit “4 Julie Andrews,| [ome sare in “Steinmetz.” The 5-8116 CLEANERS Haren ee ° jand smooches his ladies, | Warner Brothers Pictures, pro- story of the man who made 4 a | B hen by the Bag Full leading Nancy Olsen, Everett Sloane <3 ring them in by the Bag Fu on wee a |ducers of “Cheyenne,” now have) Nancy Olsen, *| lightning. (4) TV | Playhouse." 5 v0. in Business in Pontiac—You Profit by . | sidekick,” Cait enteomeh “has Walker under contract and are | 19: 00—(7) Hockey. Detroit Red Kim ify stars in “Conspiracy —_ oe ‘ I guess thery’s nothing like being |*0%t '0 hand him the title role in)" Wings vs. Chicago Black Hawks.| pr Hears (7) Original Amateve Our Experience HAMPTON ELECTRIC | ses 'srerec*tces Sore |s.c-,tatrinem gm “Te| (0"Garae cael (Cae) Com| ese arpa , any special silver-plated stx-gun oe 4 edy. George Gobel turns phY-l9,59 (9) alfred Hitchcock. “The OPEN EVENINGS ‘TIL 9 either. I jest shoot any old gus | sag dant|iscre to Hat Parede: ‘Top tanes| Periest Murder.” Two brothers County Electronic Association 825 W. Huron St. FE 4-2525 || “1 hardly ever wear the samelmarine and Texas oll field prot| of the week, with Glacle Mac-| W0t, the Snberitance of & tich , Sher <"sl'Qeea'af tnd, pe sn ao], Reel Ama." lay apponinent in os!’ ATTENTION, TW OWNERS! ~|Arizona after I kill off all the ipa lipal oseges yore Sport’ Headlines. Don)“ venture “Carer” An Ameo ' 9 = uae ‘Houtlaws. * c E GOOD - | girl falls in love a soldier. . : = ai is : : 11:00—(7) . Hollywood Premiere. s Do: you know your TV Is a very complex instrument so when you I guess I'm what you call a “T don't expect to set the world 2 (4) Loretta Y: . “Prisoner at ' |\Western nonconformist,” he con-|on-fire,” he admitted, “But I'd Hike Sommy Tuts in “Run tor the One o’Clock.” (7) All Star The- need service Or ebyaey On W coll ene of the iteping SN TF (cluded. ito be a really good actor." se = — ogy beg Be ater, ‘ Exposure.”. alg Service Firms. Maer who e654 nce) Proucer oy Hagia sale yeatarane. | maine scarry | Sena matt mara» py dae tri em, | Walker, who is 6-feet, 5'z inches; Prod Roy H I fae aE a y. association. tall, with warm blue eyes and Frente ae with a ‘nebethenl 11:10—(9) Weathervane. ul 10:304(2) What's My Line, (4) engaged in the repair of radigcand TV full time and have the Texas drawl, is a former Nevada 11:15—(9) Movie Date. Paul Kelly File. “Alcoholies|2 experience and know how. These qualifications are. to as. =. s rmer Nevada! sense of humor, has been helping! june in “Forged Pass 7 a mae panaty weal pega we ploy W:este, colle ' aS ce as ath to engineer Bigs cmap 88 8 NOM) port.” (4) Home Theater. pono a YB age "I$ of the association and you can be sure that you will get the most of a TV cowpoke. eure show. . — a ee in ‘Fire! 59:45 (4) News. : out of your TV at the lowest price in the long run. OUT TO BE ACTOR ‘teak ue Gok ae ae, | ma fone 11:00—(2) News. (4) News. (1) Powrtao “I never thought much about| cowbey of the fletional variety. |11:3—(2) Les Paul and Mary|,,¥ig(9) Weather, (4) Movie of|% AUBURN RADIO TV...ccccccsccs.cs-a® Fe eae being an actor, but people kept We've made him more real, Ford. Music. the Week. (9) Crown Theater. wad moo BM wen g FE i telling me I ought to be in the! more honest ang more human. [11:28—(2) Nightwatch Theater. 11:20—(2) Les Paul and Mary BUSSARD ee ey eidit’ us Ueechecean Le ro movies. Then one day Van John-| woe instance,” he added,|_ Timmy Davis in “Louisiana” | para CANTO’ RAMS MAINTENANCE Se Miler, FE 5-075 son introduced me to @ talent) ...e-ve got Clint walking in a girl's ' 11:25—(2), Nightwateh Theater, C & V TV GALES & SERVICE, ..150 Oakland Ave. FE ¢-1518 * * « bedroom in an upcoming episode. ; . STRIC CO... ...... . Huron. FE 4-2525 ; ‘ : TION LAI MONDAY MORNING * | HOD’S RADIO & TV.. 770 Orchard Lake Ave., FE 4-5841 “The scout introduced me to SOme People think we'll be kicked) Pet =txivtal LAEAICIel |<. : e feder's| SON'S RADIO & TV...........48 EB. Walton, FE 4-2601 Cecil B. de Mille and I wound of! the air, but I think we'll get a PiAlCL ICIPIMIMIAIT 1 I IcinN sun eeat ( y ‘| OBEL RADIO & FY ay’ Soveaveceeese ps Ee oo La cae | . @ i S| he {af 4 nd 1 4 arm 7 € = Weer neeee anne i (SiO) FO} 5 AY Sunday "up as master of the guards in “The| “We've ben the cowboy out of] EAC aes STEFANSKI RADIO & TV. _......1151 Ww. Haren FE 2.0081 | 1) fax oe re Ca oer amram | USED TV SETS |¢ Warton mapio a orv..00002250....1698 Jostrn, FE 2-2281 : March VS | fisiant have anything to do 20 1 ——— Umma Coe Ie 3 WKC, INC, SERVICE DEPT... 20°." 45, N. Perry, FE 2-071 RESERVATIONS ‘Thug Nabbed Stealing oe tere catep $25.00 to $99.50 oe U ked Police Auto ATC) IMIMECSMIAIMIN] | INO) 5.00 « Week MAC RADIO & TV........... 1515 Union Lk, Rd., EM+3-3072 EVERYWHERE ‘Unmarked Folice Au Blaié (RABICIET TTiAle N ELECTRIC Call | COLUMBUS, Ohio — Police Hevetstat betetated batete HAMPTON ues AVICE S287 Auburn RA. YE 9-100 Admission will be FREE at the new Civic Auditorium Delphine Finn Michoels | vice squadmen William Voorhis) —— EEE) (IE 2 ace Ty 4! RADIO f SERVICE... 3007 ad pore Bé. FE o-3000 at the Pontiac Federal G Savings Bank, 761 West Etkin Trevel Bureew and Ted Hatzo were on hand to ernmmoman : . ‘ 4 6-2170 _ Huron, Pere will be soot (ah | : BIRMINGMAM 4 N. Muater Bird ‘ectea oot ehat tot mest “ ELECTRONICS SERVICE CO. 1287 8. Woodward, MI 6-1022 Tickets will be required, however, because of limited ff PARK HILL ELECTRO , seats avoilable. Honchell's Radio and Write your requests to King Richard the II!, RCA. Service: Color TV Show, care of Hampton Electric, 825 W. sped Work Guaranteed Huron St. ° : OPEN NIGHTS ‘Til 9 Call FE $-2225 After $ 223 E. Blvd. S. “FE 4-4414 | The officers were talking with two other policemen when they saw a car across the street being) driven off. Three gunshots and one ‘collision later Tony R. Payne, 23,; 'Toledo, was in custody. | The stolen car was an unmarked icruiser assigned to Voorhis and }Hatzo, . HAMPTON ELECTRIC CoO. Near Tel-Huron Shopping Center Open Evenings ‘til 9 P.M. 825 W. Huron _ FE 4-2525. \¢ | MUNTZ TV. _ SERVICE — ov FE 4-1515 158 Ocklend Ave. For Your Shopping Convenience OPEN SUNDAY 10-2 Shop with ease in our large, modern, self-servg store with lots of FREE parking at our door. , We Give Holden Trading Stam Open Mon., Fri.. Sat. Nights ‘til 9 P. M. Vern and Esther Abbott—Owners Auburn 5.and 10 1 Block East of East Blvd. 640 Auburn Ave. 2 Leng Lake at Woodward, MI 4-7700 CLARKSTON LAATSCH’S TV SERVICE BELTON RADIO & TV LATIMER’S RADIO & TV.,...3530 Sashabaw PHELPS ELECTRIC Dixie LAKE ORION SOFC RCo eere ee RA, OR 3 16 N. Broadway, MY 2-5211 2652 Hwy. OR 3-1217 OXFORD RADIO & TV SHOP, 40 S, Washington, OA 8-2032 vO OL 2-2141 STER RADIO & TV SHOP... 430 Main St., ROCHE DOBAT TV & RADIO SERVICE. ..104 W. Sth St., OL AVON @ TROY TOWNSHIP | FRANK'S TV SERVICE....,.......2858 Alida St, FE 4-158 TOWNSEND'S TV SERVI 3116 Greenlawn, WILKINSON'S TV SERVICE, 37 3070 6, Commerce, es A 3 j - ; \ . | : Pe : : eli “fh a - t : ; : ' ’ So ae _THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 1956 _ MONDAY and EVERYDAY | The Pontiac Press. : .. a little girl who can’t’ 2 walk but loves to star- ~ dream! Go with her on : an Easter adventure M filled with sur- prises . . . the biggest being | Eggbert. AN EASTER STRIP - +. beautifully illustrated and entertainly written by | Walt Scott, famed for his ; ) 4 Sa fa iT Easter and Christmas story fae 48 me Py Py J . - strips. Adults will enjoy it, too! ws ws pf + | Eggbert is an egg-shaped little man carved , out of wood. He’s to be a grandfather’s Easter gift * to Cissy, a pretty young girl who can’t walk. From the land of The Little People comes the leprechaun, Skitter, who takes Cissy and Eggbert to the Valley of the Small Ones for a visit with the Egg People. STARTS in The Pontiac Press MONDAY, MARCH 12th STARTS in The Pontiac Press MONDAY, MARCH 12th Bivcire Newco sates ol - j Shoe