. % 16 ONE COLO V Pontiac Pro** Friday, April 18,1969 8745 (9) Chez Helene 9:00 (2) R C - The Beverly FRIDAY R — Rerun C — Color FRIDAY MORNING 5:50 (2) TV Chapel 5:55 (2) On the Farm Scene 6:00 (2)C — Sunrise Semester 6:30 (2) C — Woodrow the Woodsman (4) C — Classroom 6:45 (7) C - Batfink 7:00 (4) C- Today (7) C — Morning Show 7 : 3 0 ( 2 ) C — News, Weather, Sports 7:50 (9) Warm-Up 8:00 (2) C — Captain Kangaroo (9) Morgan’s Merry-Go-Round (56) Americans From Africa 8:05 (9) Mr. Dressup 8:30 (7) R C - Movie: i Wonder Who’s Kissing Her Now” (1947) June Haver, Mark Stevens (9) R C—Friendly Giant Hillbillies (4) C — Donald O’Connor — Poet - guitarist Ma'son Williams guests. (9) C — Bozo the Clown < 56) Rhyme Time 9:10 (56) Geography 9:30 (2) R—Dick Van Dyke 9:35 ( 56) Sounds to Say 9:50 ( 56) Spanish II 10:00 (2) R C—Lucille Ball Show (4) C—It Takes Two (9) Ontario Schot Is 10:10 (56) R - Children’s Hour 10:25 (4) C-News (56) R — Art Lesson 10:30 (2) C — Merv Griffin (4) C — Concentration (7) C—Anniversary Game (9) C — Wizard of Oz (50) C—Herald of Truth 10:40 ( 56) Interlude 10:55 (56) Spanish Lesson 11:00 (4) C — Personality (7) C — Gallo p i n g Gourmet (9) Ontario Schools (50) C—Jack La Lanne 11:20 (56) Misterogers 11:25 (9) C — Morgan’s Merry-Go-Round 11:30 (4) C* — Hollywood Squares (7) R,.— Bachelor Father (9) Take Thirty (50) C — Kimba 11:50 (56) R — Memo to Teachers FRIDAY AFTERNOON 12:00 (2) C—News, Weather, Sports (4) C — Jeopardy (7) R — Bewitched (9) C — Bonnie Prudden (50) C.«**Alvin 12:20 (56) Friendly Giant 12:25 (2) C — Fashions 12:30 (2) C - Search for Tomorrow (4) C — News. Weather, Sports (7) C—Funny You Should Ask (9) R — Real McCoys (50) R — Movie: “Million Dollar Baby” (19 4 1) Ronald Reagan, Priscilla Lane. Jeffrey Lynn 12:45 (5§) R — Spanish Lesson 12:55 (4) C-News 1:00 (2) C — Love of Life ( 4) C — Match Game (7) C — Dream House (9) R — M o v i e: “The Sainted Sisters” (1948)^ Joan Caulfield, Veronica Lake. Barry Fitzgerald 1:05 ( 56) R — Rhyme Time 1:20 ( 56) R — Geography 1:25 (2) C — News (4) C — Carol Duvall 1:30 m C — As the World Turns (4) C — Hidden Faces (7) C — Let’s Make a Deal 1:45 ( 56) R — Sounds to Say 2:00 (2) C — Divorce Court (4) C — Days of Our Lives (7) C — Newb wed Game 2:25 (56) R - Interlude 2:30 (2) C — Guiding Light (4) C Doctors (7) C — Dating Game (50) R — Make Room for Daddy 2:40 (56) R — Spanish II 3:00 (2) C — Secret Storm (4) C — Another World (7) C — General Hospital (50) R — Topper (56) R — Chicago Roundtable 3:30 (2) C- Edge of Night (4) C - You Don’t Say (7) C —*One Life to Live (9) C — Bozo (50) C — Captain Detroit (56) Exploring the Crafts Carpel Clinic 72 NORTH SAGINAW Old Doc Carpet Says: ’’See the Carpet Installers, the men who install your carpet and SAVE!" THIS WEEK ONLY Your Choice tUinproof & JSftC Waterproof Carpel of *3' Kitchen Poly o rest || f0* Carpet Complete with padding and installation BIG CHOICE OF COLORS FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL 334-1361) Shoi Wo ft D0LLAF |y«iywk*i* First, Than So* U*. lonoitly Foal Wo Con toot Your Bo*t Tiro Doal 99 Tima* Owl of 10OI » firestonc » GOODYEAR • DELTA • MAOS B. F. GOODRICH o GENERAL • 000FCR • SLIDES » UNIROYAL IMRVMD ^ • DUNLOP • CHROMES FOREIGN and SPORTS CAR TIRES — 6 Sarvica Boy* for Poa» InMollotlon o*d MJfH Spaad Whaal Bolonclna f No Monay Down - Inatont Cradlf 30 Doy» Soma o« Co«h or Up to 12 Mo. to Roy n— anil. THRU FRI. M SATURDAY 1-6 UNITED TIRE SERVICE 1001 BALDWIN AVE. J Min from Downtown PomImC 4:00 (2) C—Linkletter Show (4) 'C — Steve Allen (7) C — Dark Shadows (9) C — Tom Shannon (56) Continental Comment 4:30 (2) C — Mike Douglas (7) R — Movie: “Invasion USA.” (1953) Dan O’Herlihy, Peggy Castle. Gerald Mohr (50) R — Littlie Rascals (56) TV Kindergarten (62) R — Star Performance 5:00 (4) C—George Pierrot — “England Today” (9) R C — Batman (50) R — Munster# (56) Misterogers (62) C — Bugs Bunny and Friends 5:30 (9) R - F Troop (50) R — Superman (56) Friendly Giant (62) R — Leave \It to Beaver 5:45 (56) C — Davey and Goliath FRIDAY NIGHT 6:00 (2) (4) (7) C - News. Weather, Sports (9) R C —*■ Movie: “Reap -the Wild Wind” (1942) Exciting adventures and romance take place in the Florida Keys in the 1860s. John Wayne, Ray Milland, Susan Hayward (50) R C — Flintstones (56) What’s New (62) R — Sea Hunt 6:30 (SVC - News — Cronkite (4) C — News — Huntley, Brinkley (7) C — News — Reynolds (50) R — McHale’s Navy (56) TV High School (62) R — Highway Patrol 7:00 (2) C - Truth o r Consequences (4) (7) C - News . Weather, Sports (50) R — I Love Lucy * (56) A mericans from Africa (62) R—I Led Three Lives 7:30 (2) R C - Wild Wild * West — West and Artemus Gordon, along with their prisoner, must escape a frontier town whose population is hunt-ing them. (4) R C — High Chaparral — To avenge his daughter's death, ranch foreman Sam Butler sets out to kill the son of the man who raised him. (7) C — This Is Tom Jones — Guests are Mireille Mathieu, P a t Paulsen and M a n i t a s DePlata. (50) R C — Hazel (56) R — News i n Perspective (62) R — Ann Sothern 8:00 (9) C — I Spy — Boris Karloff plays a fun loving old man with a formula for a missile device. (50) C — Pay Cards (62) R — Keyhole 8:30 (2) C — Gomer Pyle — Carol Burnett guest-stars as a lady Marine who clashes with Sgt. Carter when she attempts to recruit Gomer for camp show. (4) R C — Name of the Game — Jeff Dillon and Peggy Maxwell attempt to clear a friend of a murder charge, though they are not quite certain he is innocent. (7) C — Generation Gap (50) C — Password (56) Cineposium (62) R — Movie: “Part-Time Wife” (1961) Loyal young wife gets awfully involved trying to help her husband. Anton Rodgers, Nyree Dawn Porter 9:00 (2) R C - Movie: “Escape From Ft. Bravo*' (1953) A Union Army officer in the Civil War is feared more by his own troops than by the prisoners at Ft. Bravo. William Holden, Eleanor Parker, John Forsythe (7) C — Let’s Make a Deal (9) c - What's My Line? (50) R — Perry Mason — The Pontiac Press “The Case of the Drowsy Mosquito" (56, Grandmaster Chess 9:30 (7) R C — Guns of Will Sonnett — A bar swamper creates trouble for the Sonnetts because of his love of watching gun-fights. (9) C — Don Messer (56) R - NET Playhouse — “Next Time I’ll Sing to You" 9:55 ( 62) Greatest Headlines 10:00 (4; C — Here Come the Stars — Guests include Bob Hope, Phyllis Diller, Mickey Rooney, Bob, Crane, Gary Crosby, Morey Amsterdam. (7) R C — Judd for the Defense — Judd uses the belief and effects o f witchcraft to defend a client. (9) Public Eye (50) C — News, Weather. Sports (62) R C — Movie: “Our Man i n Casablanca" (1966) CIA agent becomes romantically involved with general's daughter. Lang Jeffries 10:30 (9) Twenty Million Questions (50) R — Alfred Hitchcock — A minister discovers generous contributions of a new member come from winnings at the track. w 11:00 (2) (4) (7) (9) C -News, Weather, Sports (50) C — Joe Pyne 11:30 (4) C — Johnny Carson (7) C — Joey Bishop (9) R C — Movie: “Village of the Giants" (1965) Teen-agers eat “goo" and grow into giants. Tommy Kirk, Johnny Crawford LIMITED TIME ONLY J'/j CAR GARAGE Abov# prk* include oil of the following' 2 largo alumlrfum windows • 22-foot eholf or worll bone It O 2*6 raftors • 16 O.C. studs • %" siding • Wind bfOCOB • Stool ovorfioad door O 6" bo* comic* • CrosMios • Hoc. cond. • 239 shingles • DoubU headers • Expansion • Alum. Insulation • Oolv. nods. INOLUBflSALLLAttS ANOMATISIAL o BUILTTO ANY 0001, ANVIUBURB__________ W • Mad, mill1 IH|| ISonafide FE. 8-9584 ° CUISI'lUllOKt . H0UI Otmi « Arfrfil C SSMhr, QA “LL *vr miles" FIVE YEAR HOURS GUARANTEE Friday, April 18, 1 11:35 (2) R - “Postmark for Danger" (British/ 1956) Scotland < Yard steps in when a woman is found alive after her car plunged over a cliff. Terry Moore 12:30 ( 50) CT Big-Time Wrestling 1:00 (4) Beat the Champ (7) “Cartouche" (French, 1964) Lighthearted rogue defies sadistic criminal leader in 18