K Can't b Date, but Likes Summit Make Lineup PARIS (@—Nikita S. Khrushchev’s one reservation | in his cordial acceptance of the West’s proposal for | . a Paris-in-the-springtime summit meeting left the start- ing date up in the air today. not April 27, when?. - April 27 was proposed by President Eisenhower, Prime Minister Harold Macmillan and President Charles de Gaulle at their meeting here last weekend for a. Roseville Man Goes Berserk Stands Off 20 Officers With Shotgun for Half an Hour .act Home DETROIT w® — A Roseville man ratv.amok with a shotgun and stood off more than 20 policemen for half an hour before he was -wounded and captured last night. : Henry H. Ainsworth, 25, was treated for a minor leg wound and held a police prisoner without charge at'a mental elinic after the battle around his home. Ernest Thomas, Roseville po- lice dispatcher, said a man who identified himself as Ainsworth telephoned at 11:04 p.m., appar- ently while a Christmas party | was in progrons thio heme, ond said: whole bunch.” ‘Roseville policemen. Robert Pe- te®s and Robert MacPhearson said when they arrived at the home! Ainsworth was standing in his driveway loading a 12-gauge shot- gun and that he fired at them, They radioed for reinforcements. x * * The man stood in the driveway cursing and firing wildly at irregu- lar intervals. _ He was wounded by one of four palice shots fired as he ran to cut ‘off pdlice attempting to. con- verge on.the back of his house. He drove them back and managed to Tun into the house. . But 15 minutes later, Ainsworth, walked out with his hands in the airand surrendered. Police, at the time; were preparing to make a tear gas_ attack. * He Legged the Loot DENVER (UPI) — Police said Paul’ C.. Stone admitted taking money from a robbery .when * they discovered he was hiding $424 in-cash in his artificial 1 Hee. .| Eisenhower “I'm going to shoot the | — Paris session with the Soviet Premier, perhaps the fore- runner of a series of summit meetings on world prob- lems. But that almost certainly would mean the Paris conference — ex- |pected to last at least a week — would run through the May Day WASHINGTON & — President wants tod discuss with Seeretary of State Chris- tian A. Herter a possible new date for an East-West summit conference. ~~ Associate Presidential Press Secretary Anne Wheaton re- ported this today but sald she was unable to say when the Eisenhower . Herter discussion may be held. labor celebration, one of the big- gest holidays in the Communist world. Khrushchev ordinarily is in Moscow on May 1 to review Red Square paraders. The Soviet Premier agreed to theother proposals ip replies to Eisenhower, Macmillan and De Gaulle Christmas Day, but said that unfortunately the April 27 date “is inconvenient fot Seviet government.” —- He urged April 21 or May 4 as alternative dates, at the same time expressing hope that this would not create any Complications. * * * Though Western sources voiced pleasure at Khrushchev's accept- ance of Paris as the site, com- plications were immediately evi- dent. For one thing Macmillan is due! to be host at a meeting of Com- monwealth ee ministers in Lon ? in another part of the field when |don May 3, DE GAULLE, Too For another, the April 21 date might conflict with De Gaulle’s plans to visit the United States and Canada about April 17 or 19. Then the Western Big Three leaders propose to crowd in an- other short Western summit meet- ing in Paris just before the top East-West talks. * *« * The British anticipate that, (Continued on Page 2, Col. 1) in “Birmingham: Youth Killed the | in Auto Crash | | Berkley Man Fatally Injured by Bulldozer ~ in Southfield A ‘Birmingham High -|Sehool. student was : killed |: That means yuletide- work for diplomats of the Christmas morning when United States, Britain and France on the question: If/he lost control of his car ‘on Woodward avenue just ‘north of Bloomfield court. The accidental death of a Berkley man the day before Christmas was listed as an occupational fatality. He was killed in a- bulldozer accident in Southfield. Timothy N. Bearden, 17, of 2169 Tottenham Rd. was dead on ar- rival at William Beaumont Hos- pital at 4:50 a.m. Friday. | * * * Police said. the boy must have | been golig at’a ‘high rate of speed when the car swerved to | | the right, jumped a curb and struck two trees and a fire hydrant, The teen-ager is the son of Mr.’ and Mrs, Judge W. Bearden. His! ° father is president of Judge W.| Bearden Diversified Manutacturing| Co., Detroit. * * * Service will be held at 11:30 a.m.| Monday at the Holy Name Church. Burial will take place in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. The body is} at the William Vasu Funeral Home, 4375 N. Woodward Ave., Royal Oak. * * * Surviving also are three broth- ers, Wesley, Ned and Daniel; and two sisters, Susan gud Patricia. Southfield police daid a father of three, Carl E, Sawyer, 27, of Robina Rd., Berkley, was killed instantly shortly. after 2 p.m. Thursday’ when the bulldozer he was driving hit a ditch in a field on Webster road at Southfield and!’ Evergreen roads. INSTALLING SEWER Sawyer. and a crew of men were installing sewer lines in the field. A fellow worker, Cecil Howle, 35, of 807 Vermont St., Royal Oak, told police he was working | he saw the bulldozer hit a ditch. He saidgSawyer was tossed from! his seat into the machinery of the} front part of the vehicle. Service will be held at 1 p.m. Monday at the Sawyer Funeral Home. Burial will -be in Roseland Park Cemetery. x * * Surviving are Sawyer's wife, Betty; three daughters, Cynthia, Deborah and Linda: and. his par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Virgil Sawyer of Algonac. ‘They Don’t Give a Hoot About Anyone’ Pontiac Youth Tells Story of Delinquency By HARVEY ZUCKERBERG Wherithe 14-year-old showed upjer wouldn’t let us in. This boy had »meet the-officer ina small room/a zip gun. It was in the garage : Pontiac's City Hall, it was hard/and I fired it-once. .9 distinguish himfrom any other , oungster his ace. .excefit. maybe v the pointed shoes. * * * “eat and well groomed. the thm 3 ungeter! in faded blue jeans and ~ight red jersey has been branded ‘uvenile delinquent.” He wasn't facing a policeman, ‘mut George Caronis, Pontiac’ vouth Assistance officer. Caronis' job as a Protective lervices Division caseworker is to ielp the -boy before he winds up ‘4 jail, to nip his delinquency in he bud before it becomes an Aopted pattern, “* * * Ted (as we will call this boy) is “ft/in thecare of his grandparents. lig mothe met a violent death . vhen he was five. His father bas pach ot boys there and her moth- north of Lowell, en After an investigation, a tragic story unfolded. A young couple, Elizabeth and Robert Hagstrom of Denver, Colo., - YULE TRAGEDY—As Christmas ‘morning ‘dawned a neighbor spotted this. wreckage on the farm of Sam Dethmers five miles AP Wirepbote died in the crash on their way to Massachusetts for the holiday. Although the plane cracked up on Christmas Eve, no ene noticed it until the next morning. + in State Air Crash FROM OUR NEWS WIRES IONIA—Christmas presents scattered in the wreck- age of a smashed plane told a tragic story yesterday of a holiday trip which ended in death for a young Den- ver, Colo., couple. Robert Hagstrom, 28, and ‘his wife, Elizabeth Jane, 26,. died Christmas Eve when’ their private plane plunged into the earth on a farm ao7o|near Ionia. Police said the couple’s plane apparently crashed Christmas Fv2 but no one knew about the crash until the next morning when Mrs. Four Who Plotted Against Castro Hel HAVANA (®—Officials said to- | day four terrorists who planned | acts of sabotage against Prime | Minister Fidel Castro were ar- rested Christmas Day. Those detained were described as key figures in a group of more than 25 collecting arms for attacks on Castro's military forces and police in Havana The prisoners said they had | a large cache of arms, includ- - ing rifles and. submachine guns, but police have not been able to locate the weapons, officials said. . ' * | Q. “Who made the zip gun? A. That's the only one I've ever) A. He did. |seen. Q. Are there a tot of zip ahns in| Q. Would anybody use it against! town? ; person? j . meee. rtment? — George Sooking kn heli minal ‘through: pr or tomy sie] ‘vPro stn ie caring nd ter Suvele Gt services bdbwirsettee enc! cma: ahaa aie ¢ t 4 Bo Satin ths al all hes Haass i R. G. Roth spotted the wi'eckage on the farm of a neighbor, Sam Dethmers, ox M91 five miles north of Lowell-~ Dethmers, after learning of | the crash, said he heard a swish- ing sound Christmas Eve but did not investigate. Police said the plane apparently; ran out of gas and cracked uj; while trying. to make an emer- igency landing on the highway. , The craft crashed with such force. that its engine partially; buried itself in the frozen ground. | ‘Wreckage was scattered over a said damages to the ruined plant,4;.., half-mile area. Christmas /gifts,jon busy U.S. 42, amounted to ang vrs John Merrill noaees F teddy bear. were found $400.000. ‘ + +’: Lake Rd., W. Bloomfield Town- in the wreckage H i} Yandel’ chief lic uid’ sbip;.4 boy to Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Denver police said the couple aware an 4 Staley, 663 E, Pike St.: a girl te propane gas inspector for the pine 5 4. ; was en route to Massachusetts | 5 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Quant, 201 Department of Public Safety, said). _ to spend Christmas with their | the blast may have come from a State St.; and a boy to Mr. | families. They sald the ¢ as-and-oil furnace in the ware-| MPs. Robert Thor, 3238 Donley St., had been married little m gas . |Avon Township. than a year and had no childrett.... ~*w* & Officials at the Denver Airport said, pilot. ee ee they had’ not filed a flight plart.| Kentucky Town 190 Homes Shattered’ Denver Couple Dies Blast Clobbers 17 Bundles - ot Joy Liven Yule Here i 5 15 to Tragic a Yule Slaughter — ~ Michigan Adds. 7 Fatalities Every Hour May Push Figures Above — Predicted 530 By The Associ ress NATIONAL TOLL Traffic ........... 266 Fires ....... 24° Miscellaneous ..... 27 Michigan has made a grim contribution. of 415 lives to a mounting national traffic death toll which has- led authorities to plead for redoubled safety efforts. < As the halfway point of the three-day holiday neared, more than seven persons lost their lives each hour in accidents involving cars, buses and trains. A spokesman for the National ‘Safety Council urged motorists to ‘use extreme caution during the coming hours. He blamed the high- way death toll on bad weather and heavy traffic. | | Seven deaths an hour could | raise the count for the holiday span—which actually covers 73 hours—above the 630 estimate of With an assist from Santa Claus the ‘National Safety Council, as Warehouse Explodes "4 Rudolph, the stork rode into! a6 sfichigan toll included four in Warsaw WARSAW, Ky. (P—An explosion in a soft drink and beer distribut-} ‘ing house ripped through the he art of this town of 1,000) persons on Christmas, causing damage esti- mated at two million dollars. The warehouse owner, Jack ‘Smith, 32, ito ankles. Three others were taken ito hospitals and at least 12 others ‘suffered injuries, Twenty houses were destroyed | | and about 190 of this town’s 250 J "| houses were damaged. Some | were jarred off their foundations , and the roofs of some were | wrenched loose. Fire Chief Delmar Alexander i Both worked in the Martin Air- craft plant. at Denver. Police said no search had been) jlaunehed for the couple because| An ambulance attendant said | | Smith told him en route to 4 hospital that the explosion came \Mrs. Manuel W hite, ‘as he lighted a cigarette in his Ave., office. jing and keep back the curious. ‘Husband Runs Car A. Sure. Q. ‘Would they think of using - it'in a violent way? A. Yes. ° “@. What about your father? Your father did have a drinking prob- lem didn't he? A. Yes, he drank quite a bit Q. Is this still true today? A. Uh. not as much as it used to be. I mean, he doesn't come home really loaded. Uh, in a sit- uation. where it's right in front of-him all the time ... I m guys are all the time buying him drinks. He could say no, but he . emn't, * * * Q Do you respect your father? A. 1 do, He's always been good to me. Dad and ; are real good | friends. 'Q. Would you say that-dad’s dis. | cipline -has been a little lax? A. Yes, I would say so, Q. ‘Do you feet if he wasn't so lax, you wouldn’t be doing some | of these things that are getting | you into trouble? . A. Yes. Q. You have shown’ Some ad- justment here, Ted, and yet you continue your delinquent behavior. .How. do you. size yourself up? Would you say that being in a group you do ‘things you wouldn't do by yourself? A. Definitely. When you get three about the same, eens wrong Q. ey 3 pn. yo fit. into “(Continued on ras 2, Col.” 2) Into Helpful Wife was burned from head, Pontiac in- style ‘Day x * * on Christmas children and a- 17-year-old youtR, * * * Two of the children, a brother And -because he didn't have to and sister aged 7 and 8, died only learry his own bundles — what hours: before an anticipated visit iwith Santa's sleigh available — by Santa Claus in Allegan County. jhe brought quite a few along. Seveteen babies were born in Pontine's three hospitals dur- ing the holiday — 16 at Pontiac ey and one at Pontiac Osteo pathic. * * * boy for Mr. and Mrs. Nick Short- ler of 597 Nevada Ave. lborn at 2:3 ‘eral, * * * holiday arrivals at Pon.) General- were a girl to Mr, Other { Holiday babies at Pontiac Gen-| feral included a girl to Mr. 373 Ditmar, Bloomfield Township: a girl ito Mr. and Mrs, George McClellan.) State Police sent 50 troopers into'¢5 Whitfield St., a girl to Mr. and ‘heir Hagstrom. was an experienced ‘the wrecked town to prevent loot- \Mrs. Houston Tinsley, 10 Grant, 'St.: a girl to Mr. and Mrs. Kéa.’ neth Carie, 5460 Brunswick Dr. ‘Waterford Township; and a ‘to Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Reith, (5149 Durham Dr., Waterford Tow. ‘ship. Jone first Christmas baby at St. oseph Mercy was a boy, to Mr. DETROIT (AP)—Leslie Shilling- | ea Mrs. Basil van Gilder, 3341 law, 68, struck and fatally injured) Bathurst St., Avon Township. j his ‘wife in a freak accident as he| The infant was born at 6:48 a.m. | parked his car in a garage here! | yeaterday. Police said Mrs. Other new airivals were a girl 'Tex., Shillinglaw to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Howetl, jauto and injured three bus pas- jopened the garage doors for her 2845 James Rd., Pontiac Town! husband. As he drove in, the auto ship; a boy to Mr. and Mrs. a n- brushed Mrs, Shillinglaw and Shil- cis Stone, linglaw apparently panicked. He shoved the car into reverse. backed into a utility pole, then lunged forward again, striking his wife and roaring through the rear swall of the garage, police said. Kill 3 Arabs in Israel TEL AVIV,. Israel @—An_Is- day across the Gaza Strip border | Friday and were killed in an engagenient with an Israeli pa- | trol. The skirmish occurred north | ' of Gvoluth settlement. BULLETIN From Our News Wires _..Gov. Nelson A. Rocke- feller was expected to announce today. that he | would not seek the Repub- lican presidential nomina- tion. Rockefeller was ‘be- lieved to r rd, the de- cision as fi / The New York governor has ‘sounded out . chances for. the nomination on widespread treks across the country. — 79 we 18 Canfield St.. Col Farm- (Continued on Page 2, 1} General, six at St. Joseph Mer- | The first to arrive was a baby!at 2476 §. Cass! 30th hour and} ‘An 11-year-old Detroiter was killed when hit ‘by a car Christmas Evé. \A 6-month-old Alma baby and a \Birmingham li-year-old died in iChristmas Day smashups, | The Associatect Press ‘weekend tabulation of traffic fatalities be- jgan at 6 p.m, Thursday. It ends midnight Sunday. Over the Christmas weekend a year ago He was'traffic claimed 21 lives. f a.m. at Pontiac Gen-| x * & , During the first 30-hour period of the Christmas holiday last year, ifatalities reached~207;. This year ‘the figure stood at 217 when the passed. The 1958 holi- day ran 102 hours. ~ * * ‘However, _ the 1959 Christmas hourly fatality average had not andjapproached that of the most re- icent comparable three-day Christ- imas period — 1955. That year 609 persons died on | the highways, Last year’s four« day span took 599 lives. — wn Five children and three adulfs died near Haverstraw, N.Y., when auto tore into a steel and ‘concrete’ blockhouse. Police said the vehicle was speeding. .. TRAIN RAMS CAR girl) Near Tchula, Miss., six persons ‘perished in a two-car crash. Seven -'were injured, Five died in a simi- collision near DeQuincy, La. A passenger train traveling at 70 miles-an-hour and an auto collided near Joliet, TH, Three eccupants in the car were killed. ‘lar | | | A-car-bus crash near Weslaco, killed three persons in the i sengers, * * * The record traffic toll for any ‘Continued on Page 2, Gol. %).- Rough Sledding Ahead - in Warming, Wet Weather Boys and girls hoping to try out their new. ice racli atmy spokesman said to- | Skates and sleds and those planning to go skiing will three Arabs infiltrated (have to wait until next week. | A.-warming trend is moving across the state and ‘may be accompanied by showers in most sections of: ‘the state during the week-" ‘end, the weatherman said. | In some places the rain will re- ‘move alk trace of snow already on, ithe ground, making it difficult 2 gegen sgiarnrennny eee te eres ee a Y going up to 56 Sunday, leven to keep artificial snow. on /slopes. Low temperateres in the ‘Pon- fac area will be near 4 tonight,. This. marhing’s. heavy. fog occasional drizzle was: expecte: turn to rain late tonight and calms Cook, so he went to the car andl called for help. * * * Five troopers, including Tubbs } and another on a Christmas gift mission, were sent from the * x ‘| Traverse City post. ritors of the Sister Kenny Founda-|| " eal the Senior~Activities Club of} “oe * Cook fired a shotgun shell ‘'to A shotgun-toting fisherman bar- | Prove to you that 1 am_ not {|\Birmingham and of Christ Church, : ricaded himself in his home. —" san back, | ee ¥ : 4 -Poljce: bullets and teargas shells, | - _and Asuson ‘went back, e was active in t Commun- ; . } ence’ Cook was jailed, and de- ity Chest and Boy Scout fund rails. EN STUDIO by three blasts from Planing drives. calls for 19 parking stalls. Surviving are bis wife, Dr. Ethel] FB. 4.1708 Serenbetz said the total esti-/P. Calhoun, & ‘Son, ‘Robert C. of! gs ne mated cost of the project is $12,- Se a 300: pa : - ’ | construction of a 27-ineh high brick ? ) 4-Day 2 After Wa g Se at le _ | livered the presents to a needy | family, for: whom they'd been gathered. . ; * * Tubbs vaulted onto the porch as the man came out and wrest- | em to the ound o end ee POF Youth Tells. atari YC cauay tan (DElinguency Story pending further investigation. - Someone complained of a fam- ily quarrel a the Cook home. Sheriff Bob White, who said ' Included in the estimate is the wall extending along the north Christmas. line of Merrill Street from Bates'} to Chester at a cost of $3,840. Also included in the estimated! cost is the $1,045 for the installa- tion of 19 parking meters... Serenbetz said the basic” design (Continued From Page One) these boys you run around. with’ Do they look up to you? Just 4.days to save dollars on our lovely salon perma- ‘ad ar Wirephote 7 there had been several such inci- | A. No. I don't think they, give al SURVIVE YULE TRAGEDY — Maria Cruz, . Foreign Office said ‘‘No doubt something can be worked out.” Exchanges In the selection of merchandise intended for gifts where size and color are important factors, it is -.... A&A French spokesman said priofithe time I'd say. Teachers . . E. Blvd. S. told police the car hit He was treated for a head lacer- son St.-The accident occurred at!Funeral Home Monday at 11 a.m | commitments almost rule out their one gets you for something | 8M icy patch on the street, went out ation at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital 10:50 p.m. last night at the inter- | with burial in White Chapel Mem- | . . ; of control and overturned and released, | section of Mt, Cleniens and Pad- orial Cemetery. normal-practice for Pontiac area , pos bility of a summit meeting pril. “yt should be possible to find a date in May which would be acceptable to all of the four powers,” he said. In Washington, State Department trarislators did a speed-up job on Khrushchev’s message to Eisen- hower and got it quickly into the Pregident’s hands. There was no immediate White House reaction. * * * Owe point sure to be in the back- ground of Western consultations is the fact the United States, Britain and France still have some dif- feréhces on issues to be talked over with Khrushchev. Diplomatic experts ‘could “use extra time to resolve them in the interests of a common front. wrong then he'll tell the next one and all of a sudden every teacher . if you're walking -down the hall they'll stick their heads out} just to see if they can catch you. And. you're _not doing anything more wrong than the next kid, but She died Friday at her home. | Surviving beside her husband) ‘are two sons, Raymond F. of Bir- imingham and Ralph T. of Pontiac. ' She is in Pontiac General Hos- pital with possible head injuries. Her condition is fair. Donna Bar- den, 17, of 109 FE. Strathmore St., a@ passenger, was treated for mi- nor injuries and released. Nolan C. Posey, 44, of 2810 | | dock streets Leon Lake Rd., Commerce Town- ns ia sister, Mrs. Edward La'Tour of; ship, was injured in a three-car Ge li tc orge im on, Detroit, and two brothers, John, accident at 4 p.m. Thursday, The ‘ Kuchta of Detroit and Arthur of | accident occurred on Baidwin | ; avenue at St, Louls avenue. you're down to the office. down) , 37 year-old Pontiac woman was) Posey’ y's car hit the rear of a car to the office, down to the office. | injgred at 5:25 p.m. Thursday when|driven by Gene A. McCurry, 30, of | Garden. City. Robert H. Whitlatch Resident of Ortonville * * * struck by a truck driven by John'818 Orlando St. The collision drove | Q. What do you need to do to — Service for Robert H. Whitlatch, 61, of 707 Lakeview St., will be Headed Pontiac Office; Formerly Was Banker merchants to grant the privilege of exchange. In order that. exchanges may be made. within a reasonable time,the Business Ethics Board recommends that all Christmas gift exchanges be made. Before CLOSING TIME MONDAY, JANUARY 4, 1960 Since each store is entitled to its own policy in the matter of exchanges, the above is offered as a recommendation only. . : build a positive relationship? . 7 . at 3 p.m. Monday a ist A. First, at home I think maybe Holiday Trattic Toll wing ee per iat a Mounts Steadily Up the kid should get more respon- Greenwood Cemetery, Birming- (Continued From Page One) {fatally ‘injured Titesday night as sibility. And maybe the parents should look into the kid's school ham. He died Thursday after a long ‘holiday period came during Christ-| jhis car ran off the highway in mas 1956. Seven hundred and six! Windsor Township. and go to PTA meetings and talk to the teachers and talk to their George W. J. Linton, 71, resident illness. He was a,retired execu- manager of the Pontiac brokerage|tive of ‘the S. S. Kresge Co., serv- persons lost their lives at that! Leslie la Porte, 11, Detroit, time imjured fatally Thursday night friends and see what kind of peo- ple they hang around with, but office of Watling and Lerchen andjing with the firm 40 years. He I think a lot of the. parents now Co., died Thursday in St. Joseph i don't do things like that. Mercy Hospital after a prolonged ~ ues Royal Oak Woman The over-all toll for any holi- | when struck by an auto near his ‘ . ‘ - day also was set at Christmas | home. — president of the American State | e in CCl ent that year — 8384, Charles Heintz, 27, Ann Arbor |Bank and the Commonwealth Com- Michigan victims included: died of injuries sustained Thursday Tercial Bank of Detroit. of cortrol in Plymouth Township| ¢f the Detroit Bankers Co. and |struck a tree a half mile west of and hit another head-on. was a member of the Pontiac |Grand Blanc. Mrs. Janet Gilmore, 75, Wayne,| Area Chamber of Commerce. Dead is Mrs. Bertha . Mae . Carnes, 66, of 1992 Van Cortland when a car driven .by her son day at the Bell Chapel of: the Wil- . jWilliam Lalufke, 48, of Wayne, liam R. Hamilton Co. in Birmin Picea Tost control on an ley curvel collided with a second in Nankin ham. Burial service will be pri- of the Brand Blanc Road. cross2d| Myles Campbell. 35, Port Huron,,; Surviving Mr. Linton are two hit a tree and died .west of Port daughters, Mrs. Anne Linton’ Huron Friday morning, Hitchcock of Birmingham and) killed Thursday night when hit grandson. by an auto in Hillsdale County. | | Timothy M. Bearden, 17, Birt struck a tree Thursday night in| Oakland County Jess Pace, 67, Snow, Rain, Freezing Drizzle | Nation Somher and Wet mcs Billy Dhiel, 2, injured fatally ew ; aa when the auto driven by his night from Arizona and New Mex- father William Dhiel of Jackson, ico northward into Montana. Salt Lake City got an inch of new snow hit a tree Friday near Jackson. Rahalla, 58, land several areas in central Ari-|. Thomas Harper: zona reported about .25 inches. Woods, died in a Detroit hospital’ © ‘Two roads were blocked in ebuth- | Friday of injuries received Christ-| east Colorado. imas Eve when hit by an auto. Seattered patches of light rain} Paul Sievak, 39, Oakley, killed or drizzle fell from northern Cali-| when his auto swerved in Chesan- fornia northward to the Canadianjing Township and crashed into a border, from Texas into the Cen bridge abutment Thursday night. | tral Plains. and from the Gulf o F a. sone Robert Skees Jr., 7, Otsego, Mexico norti¥ard through the and his sister. Christine, % Ohio River region. fatally hurt Thursday night in Drizzle and = freezing . drizzle a eo a two-car smashup in Otsego made roads slick and ‘fhazardous) ship. from North Dakota eastward into Wayne Wymer, 21, an Air Force the upper Great Lakes area, espe- cially Wisconsin. enlisted man at Wurtsmith Air Rd., Ortonville, formerly was vice instantly Thursday when her car} By The Associated Press Somber and wet weather ranged over the nation Saturday. There was snow, rain and freez- ing drizzle. Fair skies peeked through cloud covers in only three areas: the central Gulf Coast Florida and the Carolinas and| California-Nevada. * * * Rain that turned to snow fell at higher elevations during the The Weather Full U.S. Weather arene Report VICINITY — Cloudy,' Occasional | 1 Sunda h today 50. Low tonight | ye Wundey 35. Seuthe ds Business Ethics Board ‘|. Division of Pontiac Area Chamber of Commerce the highway and struck a tree. iThere were no passengers in her ear. eae reason es ° baat Press Today Corrects Error in Death Item The Pontiac Press in an obitu- lary Thursday erroneously listed Mr. Linton, of 3773 Davison Lake A Royal Oak woman was xitlea | night when his car swerved out) He also was assistant receiver ‘injured fatally Thursday night) Service will be held 11 a.m. Mon- Rd. ‘Township. vate, ‘Lottie Squires; 85, Allen, wap Betty Linton of Lansing; and one| mingham, killed when his cat} injured fatally High 7 BS. rly win Force Base, Oscoda, injured fatal- increasing to 15 to 25 * * ; , ae sam ; i sed ut 8 ee care RO 7 * ly -early Friday when his~ car Thursday night when his car went |the deceas as Mrs, Walter Scattered. light falls of snow fil- ompson in. the place of Mrs. ary MacSkulin of Clifford.. The corrected obituary of Mrs. put of control south of Lexington. A two-car collision just south of Ithaca killed a 6-month-old| | swerved off Route 23 in Greenbush Teday in “in Pontiac Township. Lawest temperature preceding 8 a.m England. tered down on New Temperatures rose from 5 _Kinasley to a | ‘Wind velocity § m.p.h. . oigeclon Souther ye .8:88 p.m. more than 20 degrees in the east-| RUNS OFF HIGHWAY baby, Lauri Ann Hall of Alma |MacSkulin is being published to- at 8 ern two-thirds of the nation during} Edward English, 21, Lansing,| Friday. day on page 19. ™, at 243 pm. ‘fies Bunday et 6:13 a.m the past 24 hours. Mercury read- ings in New England soared from near zero to the 30< “Dr. Crane,” shesbegan, “do you ~ receive more letters .via your column from my - séx or from the male sex?” sex has more probleme? Horine asked we No, wot necessary, bl de show that women are’ more. Itke- ly to be a, of their family. + Most. husbands and eens ex- ee ae © | “Write to Be. Crane about Jun. minded Golentifiey ET ite a tarinats waaee. mean the female - diately is delegated to be the family secretary. SEX DIFFERENCES This tendency to shun letter writ- ing is thus a basic sex @ifference. That’s why they are far more likely to run off alone to fish or hunt. How many wives desert their children to take a vacation alone? It is a rare woman Who excludes - her children trom her planning. ~Tt“is also because men are so egotistical that they baw! out their — children unmercifully for low school marks. + “For they feel it is a reflection on their own I.Q. or social prom- inence.~_ .. a 2 * * The mothersare worried about the welfare of the-child when it is failing in school. father is, more likely to be sensitive about having his own prestige lowered. 4m much the same fashion, a And the focus of her worry is the good of the youngster, while her husband is more inclined to fear “What will the public think of ME?" TESTS FOR MEN In this column I offer you various Ratitig Scales: for men, but it is oe yee ad lacie “Hant man around ‘Women Handle Family Problems the other * half of the eatinde team? Men are generally more intro- vertive. They are more interested in themselveS and in stuffing their tummies, but forget to pay a word of praise. ° So women must. become better psychologists to maintain happy homes, “A stupid gitl can wind a bril her finger,” runs a truism, “but it takés a smart woman to handle a fool male.” Send f a akgieet ets ; or intends aot Wien” esoiet a stamped oon ay plus 20 cents —— Mey 2 Sf \2 SPECIAL! SPECIAL! S WELCH BABY STROLLER $18.95 $10.00 Jefferson Mantle Clock .* $24" 95: $12.00 <3 eoeee SPECIAL! ¥ FIRST COME... FIRST SERVED ... . HURRY COOKWARE - Deluxe “3 REVERE WARE | TAYLOR TOT KY 10 IN. FRY PAN... s103s "6.00 PRIZER : MAGIC LUX | | Hj 6REVERE WARE. __ Rep 82 BO ; ie “em ton," Adame Few FY 2% QT. TEA KETTLE = $5.25 “ave OD. WARE , PAI NT Chrome vee ins Basket Seay PeGCILATOR \k sii 5s 56.00 . 914-In. ? Cast lron | Vinyl Satin Finish Reg. 22.95 14 OF dunes PAN ...... Seto. $3. abe : SKI LLET or Lustre Enamel REVERE WARE ae : 6 IN. SKILLET... ~ se. $4.00 ¢ FIWIdAdS ©) eS 4 , $6.95 M pe REVERE PATIO WARE _—_—s_siReg. | ) Value 8¥2 IN. SKILLET |... $1085 $3.00 2 ; REVERE PATIO WARE Reg. 3 Qr-sonr rpene gy 10/4 IN. SKILLET |... si3s5 "O.00 3 , FARBER WARE Reg. $2 OG K, . . N. PAN .......... $5.75 ae : TRAVEL IRON |'1 6O¢ 5 BASEL nel mall : AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC HAS FULLSIZE A wonderful 9” - 3 QF. SAUCE PAN ....... s1o%s *@ oD aoe tric Shavers | APPLIANCES - PLATE BUT FOLDS travelling companion . FARBER WARE Reg. i 3 - | FLAT TO Biro a emer encies 100), 4 QT. SAUCE PAN ....... sito *ZedD Lavy’s scHick Mirro-Matic Elec. Reg. 7" =. HIGH Bene ao Anne WARE Res, SQ 95 Model 160r 17........ : $16.95 | a spore ! ‘QT. DOUBLE BOILER..... $14.45 ° “LADY'S NORELCO Reg. $700 PERCOLATOR er } AN 4 _iron for . “ DEBUTANT .......... $1750 | > MAN'S SCHICK > * SPECIAL! com” LB SPEED .. «cin, S280 ** # es @¢ @ © * @ Coronet Auto Sess ib il 7 j “I SUNBEAM ~ ae , TOASTER _ sts 6 ‘rol master, I. BY taby etecance ..... sito ~ 12" aaa All Chrome Finish fay LADY'S SCHICK Reg. $4400 Dormeyer Automatic Reg. 11° Com or a. te fe CROWN JEWEL....... $17.50 I $21.95 : uy MAN’S REMINGTON . Poe MOFFEE WELL . Toaster-Broiler A ROLLECTRIC Home-Auto $345 50 “16” § Sunbeam 111. In. -_ keg. | 5” Sa MAN’S SUNBEAM Res. “fet _ § Large FRYPAN ...... $23.95 : | 97 jg ROLLMASTER ........ $28.50 NS Benes $855 i SUNBEAM ROLL. $47 ff Sunbeam STEAM & keg «, 41" & gy waste CONVERTIBLE saiso TE Bf feeling ¢ quite ae ae Wisin-Cleehied . By Gresham - HOUR SERVICE ON REQUEST 3 ; SHIRTS se 1.13 Holiday From All WE GIVE HOLDEN STAMPS vol Us CLEANERS AND SHIRT LAUNDRY 605 Oakland Ave. FE 4-2579 BRANCH—5—OAKHILL aie but “payiclly she Tay Crackdown Will Get Tough With Firms Allowing Liberal Expense Accounts | WASHINGTON (UPI) ~The In- }ternal Revenue Service (IRS) is ef preparing to get tough with corpo-| . |irations that allow their. officials to * Informed sources said the ‘gov- ernment was likely to change ‘| corporate tax forms so that com- panies will be required to answer detailed questions. about deductions claimed as ‘ordinary and neces- isary” business expenses. ‘But no change will be made in the tax forms filed by some 60 million individual taxpayers. The new questions would go on next year *s corporate forms, not this year’s. An announcement of IRS action may be forthcoming mext week. This would give com- panies a full year's notice of the ‘scrutiny due to come on the re- turns they file in 1961. ~*~ & * Highly placed revenue service sources acknowledged last night that the ‘get tough'’ decision was from congressmen. Several, have told Tax Commis- sioner Dana- Latham they don't know how to answer letters from . [voters who complain about people|' || who live. it up on business expense} ; accounts. Open Monday thru Saturday—7 A.M. to 9 P.M. in large part inspired by pressures evil man God has created, The heckler then listed some of these men—Tite, Stalin, Hitler, Mus solini. A short while later, just after Rathbone’s line, “God kills .", the man shouted, “God saves!” ie * * * At this point Rathbone broke character, confessed he'd for- gotten his next line and asked that the unidentified heckler be removed, The show later con. tinued without incident. He Hopes for Girls, Gets Wish Three-Fold WOODBURY, N.J. (AP)—As he rushed his wife to the hospital Christmas Day Dominic Marinelli hoped it would be a girl. That would have given him three boys and two girls. A few hours later he had three boys and four girls. Mrs.. Marinelli’s . triplets | were the first born at Memorial Hospi- tal since 1912. p just $999 down delivers this 1960 \) GS pennies a day take care of the rest! {\) .) , aa @ Today's most advanced washing action for extra softness @ New automatic Bleaching (pow- der or liquid) @ Special. setting for Wash and Weer fabrics. : @ New lid opens to the side—sup- ‘ports a full load of clothes Clothes so clean you'll feel like o queen! @ Automatic “cool ‘n fluff’ drying @ Faster, safer than sunshine... | fluffier clothes, brighter colors @ “WASH & WEAR” Cycle—many clothes need no ironing at all! @ Lint trop’s inside the door, eosy to reach and empty | Rese disappearance Wwas|Barbara, 33. reported Christmas night by his She was denied a Christmas , Elvira Estherhazy’ of Manhattan. Reds Shell Quemoy TAIPEI, Formosa (AP) — Red China’s gun battieres lobbed 53 shells at the Quemoy’ Islands Christmas Day, Nationalist Chi- authorities reported, The do such shooting on odd-numbered days. Today they stilled their guns for the 207th con- secutive even-numbered day. $ eins Weeps_ jon Birthday Spent ii in Jail her 23rd mother, And the redhaired beauty’ couldn't get Christmas mail be- cause the jail censor had the holi- day off. ‘Hot in Cold Swim McAgue won a swimming trophy yesterday. He stayed, in the: water longer than anyone else in the chilly city’s annual VICTORIA, B.C. (UPI) — Jim | "HAPPY NEW YEAR. ‘We've had aston ag things dur- 1958; man sted air polar leet, ma in edge space, without harm; we have avoided con- fliet bigs Russia; use nuclear power to illu- te cities; one step to con Hg Fy 1e4 we're of these achievements. 1960 has ‘may probabilities —bio-chemists are to secret of cellular construction; M. E. SIPLE VOORHEES-SIPLE FUNERAL HOME 264 North Perry Street Economists freely prophesy that our New Year wil bring the greatest prosperity enjoyed; we can't.peek but with the above as probabilities we are ies to “WHOOP” in greeting our New 960. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OF YOU, rt -Phone FE. 2-8387 ever Christmas Day swim. The Following Kroger Stores Open Sunday IN PONTIAC e265 N. TELEGRAPH e 4370 DIXIE HIGHWAY OPEN SUNDAYS 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. SUNDAY SPECIALS — DEC. 27 ONLY FULL SHANK HALF Big, BIG trade-in allowance for your present washer & dryer! Model WS-60 Washer Model DS-60 Dryer * , \ 90 DAYS SAME AS CASH UP TO 24 MONTHS TO PAY _ OF KEEGO HARBOR | 3065 eck Take Road - , Keego: Harbor Pee FE 5.9474, : Free Parking in Front of Our Store FRESH HAM IMPERIAL BRAND - CRISP N’, FRESH SKINLESS - DEFATTED HEAD LETTUCE .. GRADE A WISCONSIN - "BIG EYE" “KING SIZE - 16-OZ. DOUBLE COLA... 12 « BOTTLES KROGER FRESH BAKED - PLAIN OR __o-— —— Telegraph. ec wees qemes qemss owe ces oases ese que «= gi Gane cas GEE Ge Gee SEE GSE Ge GED 3 BIG stores to serve you! , ‘DOUBLE Top Value _ Stamps every pipereseerie at all cfr co oa 50 EXTRA . WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF EITHER A I OR 3 TOP ALUE 33° LB. € Heads 2 9: LB. c POUND BAG OF FRESH ROASTED 1-LB. BAG c 3-LB. BAG Plus Deposit 19° OZ. STAMPS | SPOTLIGHT COFFEE | $y45 | Coupon Valid Sunday, Dec. 27, 1959 Only At. Kroger. In Pontiac, 4370 Dixie Highway or 265 N. | J © 2341 S. TELEGRAPH ROAD e 265 S. TELEGRAPH ROAD e 4370 DIXIE HIGHWAY Bi, a ee ‘tT PEbhOeereess *e PERE PeEt there » pRERPAETETS teers ** 4 PETIT ‘World Federation has been granted NEW YORK. ih The -—_ 10 AM ‘SUNDAY SCHOOL 1! AM. WORSHIP HOUR 7 PM WORSHIP HOUR aera wane a franchise to erect a 56,000-watt radio transmitter in Ethiopia with- in reach of most of the radios on the African continent and the eid. dle East. . * * * The station, probably at Addis Ababa or Asmara, will be the s e c ond Protestant station in Africa with a full-time Christian program aimed at the continent. The other is ELWA in Monrovia, Liberia, operating since 1954, FIRST OPEN “BIBLE CHURCH 1827 Jasive b Block N. of Walton Bivd Sunday Schoo! . 10.00 AM ) Morning Worship 11:00 AM. |, «a-:P EveBing Service .. ..745P.M Wed. Prayer Meeting 7:45 P.M. The End of Your Search for a Friendly Church Rev. Arthur Magloit FE 2-8497 * * * No date’has been set to begin ‘the project but the National Lu- theran Council has allocated $225,- 000 toward capital needs. It is rexpected the annual operating ‘budget will be $70,000, contributed ‘by member churches and national ‘committees. i Tunisia has an area of 48,300 ‘square miles. Its population is about 3,700,000 which represents a gain of 50 per cent in the last 20 years. Half the population is under age 20. FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH | 5640 Wililamis Lake Rd. nr. Dix'e Highway . ‘Rev. Al Kasten, Sunday School Worship Service . Wednesday Pretyer Service 7: 30 P.M. Evangelistic Service ... . 7:3 “We Preach Christ Crucified, Risen, and Returning” Pastor 0 P.M. The SALVATION ARMY 29 W. Lawrence Street Sunday Schl. 9:45 a.m. Young People’s Legion 6 p.m. Morning Worship 11a.m. Evangelistic Mtg. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Prayer and Praise Meeting 7:00 p.m. CAPTAIN AND MRS. Good Music — Singing — True to the Word Preaching God Meets With Us — You Too, Are Invited Goldman of 941 Canterbury Rd. & parents’ home, in observing the LIGHTING THE MENORAH — Marsha Goldman, daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. Melvin the eight-candle meriorah or candelabrum in her Pontiae Press Phote “Feast of Hanukkah. The celebration which be- gan at sundown yesterday will continue for eight days with a child lighting another candle each night until all are aflame .on the final evening. lit. the first of J ewish holiday, .v *AVER | J. WILLIAM HEAVE He Ip Orga -Little did the Charles C. John- Young People Saturday .... Sunday School & Worship. . Sunday Evening Service .... Services Tues. & Thurs. . UL 2-5142 Apostolic Church of. Christ [2 "nurn when thes moved to 458 CENTRAL 7:30 P -M. were without an English speaking 10:00 P.M. church in San Jose’ where Mr. 7:30 ‘P.M. Johnson, assistant superintendent 7.30 P.M of Pontiac Motor Division's en- ‘Church Phone FE 5-836] Bishop L. A. Parent sons of 2570 Silverside Dr. dream Brazil in May 1958, | Members of First Presbyterian Church, the Johnsons found they gine plant, was transferred to be- come production superintendent of the Chevrolet Truck engine plant jin Brazil. * * | In a letter to her family Mrs. | Bishop L. A. Parent, Pastor Johnson, the former Peggy An- MURON AT WAYNE derson, writes: ‘“‘We were with- | — po aera Mr., Mrs. Charles C. Johnson home. He. said he had been sent} as a missionary by the Methodist | Church in Ohio. out an English speaking church Jordao. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH jin San Jose so the minister who nize Church in Brazil is with the Episcopal Church injand in Compos do Jordao the next San Paulo offered to come out one| go was. willing to have an English Sunday a month and give a ser- speaking service. mon in one of our homes. Te be mine 7 — e have been using a bs In the pagerertoga eae church that was loaned us by a fler met a Methodist minister | pazitian congregation. It will who had just come to San Jose / and he told ber he would be witt- | 20!d about 50 podple. We use chairs nailed t r with a ing, if we were interested, to long board for / The build- preach to the Americans. ing has no celling and the lights just hang from a cord. “The wi sows were broken : but since the Brazilian people have asked rent, we are our “He and his wife had studied donatjéns to repair and bettar Portuguese and were sent to start theiy/ church. The minister is giv- 'a Portugues® speaking Methodist ing/of his time, without pay from ichurch here and also in Compos do} “Mrs. Ferney and I went to his| rom services other than his own “He preaches — here one Sunda church. , ASSIST ORPHANAGE Evangelistic Service — HOW CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALS | RADIO STATION CKLW 800 KC ~~) -—————— SUNDAY 9:45 A. M. “ TV Every Sunday, Channel 7, 9:30 A.M. > REV. LEROY SHAFER, Pastor fo i RST / || “The women have taken af or Pastor REV. WILLIAM H. MARBACH, 0.0. 4 Ps iphanage in the city for our chari-|t Associate Pastor REV. GALEN E. HERSHEY, 8.D. - CHURCH & the NAZARENE if work and thd sed — WORSHIP RVICES . . . 9:30-11: | lonations are ven i3 rng sms pig || a seme Spee f5U-LT: . Imade 29 pair of flannel pajamas Sunday School... 9:45 A. M. tor the children, A committee of . hree women go‘every other week Worship 11:00 A. M sort es . . . to take food to the youngsters. We ceowt CHRISTIAN SCIENCE . Soe ES : ag | | y for a maid to help. p : Youth Groups... 6:30 P. M. “When the “managing director Po ___ SUBJECT FOR SUNDAY _ Evening Service.. 7:30 P. M. Lf Genera Meters Sere wont © “CHRISTIAN SCIENCE” Rev. Hutchinson Farewell Message one porn School papers for : | children. a Sunday Services and Reading Room a _ RICHARD NORTH, Minister of Music “We had our first Communion i are haven 2 ee =| : _ =w="|three weeks ago in what we be- e . a“ lieve is the first English speaking F —_ Wednesday Evening 1 A.M. to § P.M. FIRST CHURCH of the BRETHREN church in San Josen = ee ervice Friday to 9 P. M. 46 NORTH ROSELAWN “After being a small part of FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST EVERYONE CARING MEANS EVERYONE SHARING” starting this little church, we real Lawrence and Williams Streets Sunday School 10 A.M. Morning Message by the Pastor 1! A.M. ize bow ‘much we 8 ahend granted in the states when all we have to do, is walk into any of pur well established churches with Sunday 7:30 P.M. a comfortable accommodations and | a eee | MILTON H. Roosevelt Wells is come to save” fn Matt. 20:28, 1:15,.“Clirist cate to save sinners.” ‘ us mAveOA HAS . f& conception is a misconception, the scriptures teach that today (in the os fact. COMING OF CHRIST. In Matt. 1:21, “he shall save his seovle, " na bake 11, “a savior which is Christ, the Lord,” in Matt 18:11, “The son of man “give his life & ransom for many,” definitely substantiate the purpose for which Christ came. ‘While it is not our intention to minimize.the birth 6f Christ to make it ‘insignificant, yet , we would magnify the PURPOSE of Christ, Christ came ‘to save alli who “ gtand in need of the forgiveness of sin and that includes ALL HUMANITY 0° oh alec leans REV R “SEARCHING THE SCRIPTURES” with © Roosevelt Wells, Minister CHURCH CALENDAR Bible School Sunday 9°45 A.M Dr. Bank (BROADCAST Over Central Methodist BANK, D. D., Minister “DANIEL J. WALLACE, EV. JOHN H. HALL, D:D., Associate Minister MORNING SERVICES _ |Auburn Heights 8:30 A.M. and 10:45 A.M. “WALKING IN THE TRUTH" our ever ready ministers.” Ordination Set for Elders at B'D., Associate Minister A-service of ordination will be. Kheld for elders-elect Fred Reinke ‘and Bruce Sheppard at the Sun- day 14:15 a.m. worship service at ‘the United Presbyterian Church in Preaching WPON, 11:00 A. M.) : Auburn Heights. Sermon and Worsnip 11,00 A.M, eee —=—== Eve. Worship & Sermon- 6.00 P.M. Bible Study Tuesday . 4:00 PLM. “COMMON RELIGIOUS ERRORS times FAIED PICIENTLY in I Tim. | Rev Robert Winne ‘These passages as well as many others Waterford Community Church Welcome to a Friendly Church! Elders Reinke, {Orvin Weaver will then be in- stalled into the session ‘for three NOT ENDORSED BY THE BIBLE” $080 Anderecevific Bd stall terms. At the same sorgee we | 6UWe EET cece. wonele by | . Irusteese fate or Re Lee Aino Be Biatate aoe “etal ee oak 4 Worship Services 8:30. 11 A.M |ye°installed for three year terms ee eat Se ‘ei Suncor Esper. B45 A Me ae cermin of Ole mereng Sere Eartans etac | ronng Sevee 7PM re i nk ‘TO EMPHA SIZE, sur. Hour of Power Wed. 7:30 P.M. || ‘luding message in the series “It's All Part of a Plan.” | At the 6 p.m. youth meetings that evening the post-high youth ;will have a Bible study. Both the glory ‘of God,” CKLW TV 8:30 P.M: CHURCHES of CHRIST see . Listen to the “Herald of Truth” Each Sunday Tt & wnfortumate, however, that many are of the opinion that CHRIST TO SAVE ALL UNCONDITIONALLY. Such jing the Ten Commandments, , as he cannot accept money) Sheppard and Additional activities during the evening will include a fellowship dinner at 7:30 with the quartet of '|the First Social Brethern also present. According. to pastor, Marion F. Boyd Jr., the evening program with a full schedule of activities will close with a worship and |prayer meeting at midnight. Sees Churches “Lose Lay Help Woman Leader Regrets | Programs Don’t Allow Greater Participation ‘The: busy businesswoman as well as the dverworked steno- oc eee [| OAKLAND AVENUE Assembly of God © __ Oakland at Cadiliae ~ 210-N. Perry S| chee tikatinde, youth Director Boe . Worship. .......-.. 10:00 A.M. : Bible School ...... AM. | Youth Fellowship ... 5:45PM. aac 26 School eching Service .... 7:00PM. ? ae A Troyer Meeting a 7:00 P.M. Classes for all ages Everybody Welcome! 2456 Primary Street F, Wm. Palmer. Pastor Morning Worship 7%] sunday ‘School .... 10:00 A.M. 11 AM: Church _ IAI AM. — “The Spirit In Redemption” : Youth Groups 6:00 p.m. |: No Evening Service COMMUNITY UNITED Drayton Plains, Michigan _ W. J. Teeuwissen, Jr., Pastor Sunday Evening ~ Evangelistic Service - 7:00 P.M. Pastor Hashman ministering at both services. Bible+School ....... 945 AM. Morning Worship .. 14:00 A.M. Co Youth Groups \..:. a eM ; . wi Evening Worship.... 7:30 P. Watch Night Service Wed. Prayer ard. ey ’ rt our ....7.. . New Year's Eve 9 P.M. er Singspiration Special Music Season’s Greeting ; . Rev. Roy F. Lambert, Pastot grapher cannow give the same ‘excuses of full schedules and 5". Sunday School ..... 9:30 A.M. Pastor Morning Worship«.. 10:45 A.M. - Amold i @. Hashman 2nd Sunday School . 10:45 A.M. 7” ; | SASHABAW The Voice of Christ” | wm tmewee heat Iam the good shephe: } suee nine ! Se Township La ae Rage bebe ae Bt || Seine Renting” Pastor Ty to hee Sunday School ..... 9:45 A.M me Worship Hour ..... 11:00A.M St, John; 10 Ch. M-16 | Mrs. Theodore 0. Wedel said that she saw. few signs that the churches are planning to do any- thing about adjusting their pro- grams or even-their attitudes to CHURCH OF SPIRITUAL FELLOWSHIP MALTA. HALL, 82 PERKINS STREET™ ’ Evening Service, 7:30 P.M. Church, Airport and Williams Lake roads . Sunday. Mr, Wager is a first. year. thed: Sem- WXYZ 5:30PM THEY OBEY, See Acts 6:7) . Have Savior faith, r epentarice, a is in order during this er Are. you saying “If you love me, ‘ye. | : tart sieve in the neg, * eve im the rks | . A SYLVAN. LAKE | Orchard Lake é& Middlebelt Ras. Martin W. Hastings, Minister . PE 53-7778 Bible School 9:45-A.M. z may Morning 10:45 A. M. “The Beginning of the Edd”: 6:00 P.M. “What Dé Theie Things Mean?” Watch Night Service Thursday F 8:30 P.M, at which is commanded OF rages you. by mye. “tollow. me.” "Dial-a-Devetjon” FE8-0451 ( E ‘verybody 1180 N. Perry St. W. W. Hall, Minister . FE 2-6269 : Gitte Study 9:30 A.M. AL Morning ‘Worship 10:50 A- ™. “The Church; the Fall * and Restoration” Evening bervice 6:00 P.M. “Christ the Conqueror” - 68 WwW. Walton Watch Night Service 7:30 P A is Invit ted! / ff os _, Matimont Baptist Ap peorer School WA. Me permit the laity to take their real Sundey Evening, 7:30 P.M. John Mead, Speaking > places in the church. © xe — andielight Service h x e Jan. 3 Rev. C. B: Cunningham, of Detroit ‘A former president of United Church Women, Mrs.. Wedel ad- ALAA LRT SILA LER EE | dressed members of the General . ) Board of the National Council of FI RST METHODIST g Churches, at their meeting in De-|) j : troit, on the ministry of the laity.| South Saginaw at Judson Paul T. Hart, Pastor | | She is chairman of the Council's |® Harry J. Lord, Assistant Pastor 4 Broadcasting and Film Commis-|7 : sion and cochairman of the Com-|— 10:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP mittee on Cooperation Between)» “ ” Men and Women and Other Con-|— PREPARE FOR TOMORROW’ cerns of the Laity. : . . is =aunaagh $ gor coat of ot 11:30 CHURCH SCHOOL churches ray made up ag Youth Fellowship . ..6:15 P.M. people,”’ said “many see themselves as a kind of Wet. 1:20 PAL Bile Study and Prayer Felwsip sidelines.” ° Church work has been geared too FIRST SPIRITUALIST CHURCH long to the free-time housewife. 576 Orchard Lake Avenué Rev. Harold Marshall, Pastor she continued, adding: “We might Harry Nichols, President life has changed and women are nraiy, Day , 2:30 P.M, end | 30 P not going back to the home.” Dinner, 5:00 sts Tea, 7:30 P.M This means that the churches Service, ‘Thurs., Dee.’si, 6:00 must reappraise their programs — : = and provide ways of using the special talents of lay members in FRIENDLY GENERAL BAPTIST CHURCH the service of the church. Peeves 131 MT. CLEMENS ST.—Y¥M.C.A. BLDG. ers need a great deal of help in ‘ _ many areas of work ideally suited Sunday school ai Am aowene Worship 11 A.M. to trained laymen and women such Evening Service 7:30 P.M. as teachers, personnel interview- Robert Gartier, Pastor’ i ers, financial experts, social work- ors and Uinere, * NE N PTIST CH =| * . DON LSON BAPTI | “Service tag ag shoala Elizabeth Lake Rd. et Tilden 5 Gc URCH OR 3-3206 ‘ haye evolved now beyond . unteering as a Sunday School Sunday School. i ie mca Worship. ..11:00 A.M. teacher, usher or cook for a b< tn Dervice ..... Fabs e wed ee hwKe vou 0% chien vss res e A.M. church supper,” said Mrs. ‘Wedel. ne Church Service ........ Soren PPE P.M. “What we must have is a new Pastor—REV. LEE ee eRe ERE one ‘rg 200 2, AL Wotnesday 4 appraisal of the total’ involment nadinsstiii — of the aity in the life. of ther - church.” 5 ; : Charen u. sUNDay SCHOOL , 4 ; - 100 AM, M . egnties for 1 0 P. . Martin Wager Set @iATCH NIGHT on ual Preach Sunday " HE 80 : | fo Preach Sunday vt wep Martin Wager, a member of the palit. Pia nat : Pe uastes 2% go area local congregation, will be guest PARKING preacher at Christ Lutheran We’ Cordially Invite You: ie reson With Ue FIRST UNITED MISSIONARY. CHURCH ' ‘Residence: + 3 3 kes Py 4 26, 1959 iy: Tent ead aaa Bethany Baptist Church Sunday Council Churches | ASCENSION WATERFORD Meeting at Leggett Schoo! 2621 Pontiac Lake Ra. Wm, LaFountain, Pastor | SERVICES ...9 A.M.,°11 AM, SUNDAY SCHOOL 10:00 A.M. ST. JOHN’S PONTIAC 87 Hill St. at Cherry St. SUNDAY SCHOOL . .9:45 A.M. CHURCH SERVICE 11:00 A.M. SHEPHERD of the LAKES WALLED LAKE Meeting at Walled Lake Elem. Schoo) W. Maple Near Ladd Rd. M, Frederick Foutz, Pastor CHURCH SERVICE ...11 A.M. _ SUNDAY SCHOOL . 39:30 A.M. CHRIST of the LAKES WHITE LAKE TWP. _ Meeting at Beaumont School 6532 Elizabeth Lake Rd. Ivan C. Ross, Pastor. “SUNDAY SCHOOL ..9:15 A.M. CHURCH SERVICE 10:30 A.M. SYLVAN LAKE Meeting at Old Pine Lake School Middlebelt at Long Lake Rd. Pastor Clark McPhail SUNDAY SCHOOL ..9:45 A.M, SERVICE 11 A.M. @#veeeeoenee National Lutheran | Dale Guan and Doulas Wi cox will receive the God and Country Award ‘of scouting at the 11 a.m. service. from college, will assist. “The Roll Call of Baptists’ will be presented by college students at 7 p.m. se: Under the vapervisien of Perey. M. Walley, minister of educa- tion, the service will replace the regular adult forum and the five BYF meetings usually held at the time, . Among those participating are Sharon Wolfe, Roger Anderson, Alice Houk, Janet Kneale, David so Duke Relyea, Robert Wil- Ralph Bergemann, Robert Hunt, Ron Miller, Shirley Hutchi- son, Virginia Sheehan, Ronald Wilton, Diane Garrett, and Jerry Ryan : A New Year's Eve service will be held at 11 p.m, Thursday, The candlelight service, led by the 'pastor, will follow an organ recital by Elda L. Sutter, Sell Farm; Donate Proceeds fo College First Christian Church | Disciples of Christ SPRINGFIELD, Ohio @— A farm couple, Mr. and Mrs. John Worman of Leetonia, Ohio, sold their property recently and gave METHODIST CHURCH | COOLEY LAKE RD. st LOCKHAVEN Rev. W. Cadman Prout. Pastor Church Service .... Sunday School’ ......945 AM. | 1AM. |) Sunday School ...10 A-M. fine proceeds — about $30,000 —to Church Service ...11 A.M. | Wittenberg University . here. 858 W. Hi University officials said the cou- i Rev. D. D. McColl ple had never visited the cam- - pus. . Mr. and. Mrs. Worman ex- THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH | plained: OF THE ADVENT “We have never believed that Middlebelt ‘Ra., siorth of we were placed in this world to W. Long Lake Ra. live lives exclusively devoted to; OMe ES EN ett LM, M. accumulating property . . . (but) ist and to have a part in some wotk done stearne Es to the honor and glory of God .* . ——| This we have chosen to do through boil ~ ” Four Towns — |THE PONTIAC PRESS, oS + : : Book Store in Ferndale. CALLED TO FERNDALE - ~~ The Rev. Ken- neth A. Hutchinson, pastor of the First Church of the Nazarene on State street, has been chosen to become manager of the Dickson. Bible and Pastor of the. local well sermons at The Rev. Mr. BUFFALO, N. ¥. (UPD— The religious. aspect of birth control heads the top 10 religiotis news stories of 1959 compiled by_re- ligion editors aroun dthe country for the Religious Newswriters Assn. ~ Results of the association’s an- nual poll were announced today by Lance Zavitz, religion editor of the Buffalo Evening News and a member of the association's execu-| tive committee. dards of religious journalisti~in the secular press, listed 65 stories as worthy of mention. The religious aspects of birth 136 poirits of a possible 200. Sec- ond, With 126 points, was Pope) John’s announcement: of .Ecumen-, ileal Council. * * * Others rated in order were: 3. Debate over likelihood of a Roman Catholic being nominated for or elected to the _ bresidency — 8 points. CENTRAL CHRISTIAN. CHURCH LUTHERAN CHURCHES MISSOURI SYNOD St.. Paul Josiyn at Third (North Side) | George Mahder, Pastor = Morning Service ..10:45 A.M. . g Sunday School - + 9:00 AM. = Bloomfield TOWNSHIP Square Lake & Telegraph © Wri. C. Grate, Pastor © Church Service ....10:00 A.M. § Sunday School 11:00 AM. ~ St. Mark’. 1910 Commerce, Road = «West Bloomfield Township! © Wm. C, Grate, Pastor © Sunday School . £ y oa Service .. 11:15 AM. eedar, Crést : Howard zB Claycombe, Pastor : | Prayer Meeting Wed. © ©. 045 AM, G. W. Gibson, Minister FE 4-0239 347 N. Saginaw Bible School . . 9:45 A.M. Morning Worship ...11:00 A.M. Youth Service ....... 6:00 P.M. Evening Service .... 7:00 P.M. Prayer Meeting and Bible _ Study Wednesday 7:30 F- 4. Improvement in Catholic-Prot- estant relations — 37, | §. Reaction of: religious leaders to the Khrushchev visit — 33. 6. Denominational mergers (considered purely as merger stories — $2. 7. Existence of a moral crisis, as disclosed by the television show scandals — 28. 8. Dedication of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Con- ception — 27. 9. Retention of the Christian “label” in the terms of the Uni- fist = : _"METHOD! 10:00 A.M. Worship Service 11:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. HAPPY NEW YEAR i TO ALL farian . Universalist merger— 24. 10. (Tie) — Evaluatiofi of eight cardinals, including. two Ameri- wee icans — 22. - Bishop -Dibelius’ successful de- fiance of Communist authorities in East Germany ~ 22. It was noted that five of ‘the top-10 were interfaith stories, deal- ing with cooperation or. contro- versy between different faiths. New Year's Social The regular mid-week service of the Sylvan Lake Church of Christ will be held on Thursday evening, instead of Wednesday, beginning at 8:30. vee eee h Irvine 5 Tt: The regular Bible study will be [rated hy 9: devotional periog in ye auditorium. Later a New|©. Teki'e bee enthits Gah be hee = in Fellowship Hall. The festive affair will continue|7 lpg after midnight. At the 6 p.m. service he will “What Do/ sc oneek Pastor ~ Minister of Edycation 00. A. control was first in the poll, with) fo Follow Bible Study ~ Birth Control Question Top Religious Story | Three were purely Catholic in ori- gin and three originated in the | Protestant faith. ee Several stories were specifically mentioned by some editors as hav-| ing been generally underplayed in| the press, They included the in- volvement of the churches in the) World Refugee Year, and Bishop |Communist authorities. Most editors agreed the sig- | nificance of the birth control story concerned future possibili- ties even more than its present status, One tor rated it in importance with the fundamen- talis - modernist controversy of a previous g ti of--theo- | logians and noted that in the | present situation the “battle lines are being drawn.” The birth control issue unques- ‘tionably was involved in the story | rated third — the debate over the | likelihood of a Roman Catholic be-| ing nominated for, or elected to,| the presidency. Votes which made no mention of | the political consideration were) counted for the story given. first! place; those which mentioned pol-| itical considerations rather than, ithe religious aspect went to the istory listed in third place. Church of Christ Young People Sponsor ‘Sing’ The young people of Pontiac Church’ of Christ on North Perry street are sponsoring a youth sing at 3 p.m, Sunday, Dean Moore, a student at North Central Christian College, will be master of ceremonies. In charge of the rally are Ervin ‘Jones and Carl Boal; refreshments, | Roy Eubank and Jim Boal; and invitations, LaDonna Coe, a stu- dent of David Lipscomb College, Nashville, Tenn. Refreshments will be served fol- lowing the sing. ' Young people from: the Flint and Detroit areas will also attend. All) young people are invited to attend the event. SATURDAY; DECEMBER church for seven years, he 1 will Sines his fare- wife, and daughter, Carol Ann. Dibelius’ defiance of East German noon ‘program, | Mra, Roger M. Copeman will be “Springing Up Into Everlasting WESLEYAN ‘Life’’ will be the subject of the Rev. Malcolm K. Burton at the, METHOD i. ia M eS Collage and wnvabued students will conduct the two morning serv- “iiees at the Central Methodist Church Sunday. Assisting the ministers will be {Sara Barningham and Charlene Gaffney, i Donald Balmer will give thé call to worship and Donald Da. ly, sholz, Brosted, Kenneth Bogard Jr., Rob- ert Howse, James Jolly, Paul Jol- Margaret Bennett. Sharon Daniels, Patricia McAllis- ter, Gail Sedrick, Delores Shea and Judith Wagner will also usher. Jeanne Andrews, Dorma Phillip Rice, John Saum and Baldwin at Paitmoustt : vis will lead the responsive read- | ing. ; Giving the morning prayer will be Larry Flood and William Bank. Lynn Carsoh and Thomas Bank will read the Scripture lesson. Dr, Milton H. Bank, minister, will spéak on ‘Walking in the Truth” at both services. Under the | direction of George Putnam | the | choir wil sing. “Break Forth, 0) Beauteous Heavenly Light,” | The elfertory solo will be sung by Rose Jorgenson. ‘Student ushers for the services Mill, The Rev. Mr, Burton, Preaching | REV. MELVIN STRAIGHT First _ ) Congregational «. |} Sunday School Church ; | Worship Hour E. Huron & Mt, Clemens | 1 Youth Hour - 10 AM, 1] AM. - Malcolm K, Burton, Minister 10:30 A.M. Service “SPRINGING UP INTO EVERLASTING LIFE” tee ee Evening Preaching ....7 P.M. include Paul Powers, Richard E)- Church of God to Give Christmas Program The Church of God oni West South boulevard will present its annual Christmas program at 7:30 to- ST. PAUL METHODIST _ 165 B. Square Lake Rd. FE 68-8233 Church School 10 A. M. Morning Worship 11:15 A, M. Youth Fellowship 6 P. M. to 8 P, M, Rev. James A. McClung, Minister Supervised Nursery —All Services —Ample Parking morrow evening. The program will include retitations and songs by the children amd choir. Mrs. Earcy Christmon, Nancy Milton and Frances Gibson will direct the program. Music will be under the direction of Mrs, Robert ‘Hardiman, The event is open to the public. First Social Brethren Church 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Sunday. Hutchinson is shown with his — ae et tno ! ~ UNITED GOSPEL SINGING CONVENTION Sunday, December 27, 2:30 to 4:30 P.M. FIRST SOCIAL BRETHREN CHURCH :316 Baldwin Ave. Featuring QUARTETS, TRIOS, DUETS.and SOLOS - : lus CONGREGATIONAL SINGING It You Have Talent, Come and Use {i—: 4 You Know Someone With Talent, Inviie Them! EULAS HOUSTON, Pres. ° ELSIE GASKIN, Sec’ y 316 Baldwin. FE 2-0364 Sat,, Eve. Service ... 7:30 P.M. ingspra ion «| Sabres dae Sunday Morring Worship i..\ 24> 11:00 A.M, Adult. Bible St .. 6:15 PLM, Slat un gy ~ i Sunday Evening orship oo. 6.05. 7:30 P.M. ¢ Tues. Young People. 7:30 P.M. | ‘After Christmas, What’ Thursday Prayer eee 7 :30 P. M. to Be Minister's Topic |Tv TOMMY GUEST: Pavitt at Ist Presbyterian Students home from college will ibe entertained ‘at First Presby- iterian Church by the senior high members at 5:30 tomorrow after-’ Lyndon Salathiel and Royce |Everett are in charge of the “‘sing- 'spiration.” Refreshments will be ‘provided by the social committee Looking beck through the poges of 1959, de you see anything you could hove Evening Service . Watch Night Service Thurs. 7: 30 P.M. through Midnight ee 2 Sound Film: ‘Wire Tapper” Billy Graham Rev. M. PF. Boya Ir., Pastor Cooperating with Southern Baptist Convention . — 9,000,000 Members — done better? Are you happy lof the Women’s Association. obout the wey you treated the Lord? Mr. and Mrs. William Olmstead land Tuxis Society will handle the _ Bring All Your Sorrow “After Christmas, t?’’ “is the, hurch Tomorro itopic Dr, William H. Marbach has’ To Chure row ‘chosen for the 9:30 a.m. service Royce Everett will sing Handel's: “The People That Walked In Sunday Services Sunday School 945 AM f) ST. MARY’S-IN-THE-HILLS Episcopal Church 2512 Joslyn Road (North of Wa 11:00 A. M. Mo reine ‘, Pr ng | d Bermoon Church 6 School aN Tne, ra ‘er ami an 00 PM figh Bet Schoo} Gro areery You wa, Pind a Warm Welcome et Bt. Mary's The Rev. Wilbur R. Schutze, Rector Morning Service 9:45AM Darkness.” At the 11 o’clock service, the choir will sing Elmore-Reed’s “Come Now, Ye Shephards.” — “GOD'S COMMAND | 1S FORWARD” 7:00 P.M. Evening “GOD IS FAITHFUL AND JUST TO FORGIVE” B. W. LANPHER, Asst. Pastor the soloist. The Rev. Galen E. Hershey willl preach on “Christ and the World 70 Chamberlain Corner Edison FE 4.9053 _ Sunday 11 A.M. : Mrs, Diane Seaman “At the Edge of the Pool’’ Wednesday 8:00 P. M. David Williamson ” A New Year’’ ‘Ch ” THE Among the events scheduled ‘Tuesday in the 1 p.m. meeting of, ithe Pontiac WCTU. members in the church parlor, That evening. ‘the church school staff ‘of teach- ers and officers will hold their monthly meeting and the junior high and senior high members will have a roller skating party. Christmas Music to Continue Sunday ALLIANCE CHURCH M-59 and Cass Lake Road G. }. Bersche, Pastor | CHRISTIAN PSYCHIC | SCIENCE CHURCH | 3% Whittemore Street Sunday Service 7: JZ) P.M. Julius Cook, _WATCH ag 2 "SERVICE THURS., All Saints Episcopal Church Williams St. at W. Pike The Rev. C. George Widdifield, Rector The Rev. David K. Mills, Curate, TT | | } 8:00 A.M.—Holy Communion ile All : sil : 9:30 and 11:15 A.M.—Morning . Prayer and Sermon by the Rector.-Church School Ive ‘morning sérvice Sunday in - First] Congregational Church. Max Sutton will sing ‘The Birth- na “Bible 30. p.m. ST. GEORGE'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 801 Commerce, Milford 8:00 A.M.—Holy Communion 10:30 A.M.—Morning Prayer and Sermon Church School Event Wed. iday of a King’’ and the Chancel REV. aM eva NAUGH i | if | iChoir will present “Little Child in/’ anger Bare.” | “Pastorale’* by Bach will be the iprelude organ number and Bach's “Andantino”, will ‘be the offertory selection by organist Charles: Wil- ~ CRESCENT H Crescent Lake Road Worship 10 A. M. ‘Large Parking Lot “Waterford Township's American Baptist Church” 7 645 ILLS: BAPTIST near Hatchery Road 11 A, M. Sunday School Nursery During All Services by Mr. Wm. OAKLAND PARK METHODIST CHURCH Rev. J. W. Deeg, Pastor—Montcalm and Glegwood Morning Worship 10:00 am. — The Greatest Journey in Life Student Day Service 10:00 am — Youth Fellowship 6:30 p.m. Hertel, Speaker iL... Emmanuel Baptist Church SUNDAY SERVICES : 10:00 A.M. EVANGELIST PAUL LEVIN Speaking at All Services S. TELEGRAPH ROAD i(itttistisédt! a 11:00 A.M. 7:30 P.M. Baptismal ese | WATCH-NITE SERVICES Wanted $190,000 at 6% Interest payable July Ist. and Jan. Ist. obo hes Principal payable on demand. 8 P.M. ‘til MID-NITE Amounts of $100 or over acceptable. ; KERS ARE . . nev, Biden Madge, Wanestecd BOND PROGRAM _ ed: a. EMMANUEL CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Rev. Walter Eberle, Pontiac BUILDING PROGRAM SINGERS Prof. & Mrs. Wm. Tromble, FE 2- 8328 Call Dr. Tom Malone, Supt. | Director Music Dept. ‘at RS Pwesso Bible College! “© The Trombleg will be with us Niet ] & Sun.,: Jan. 3! Radio Broadcast "SPECIAL MUSIC “10: 15 A. M. ‘Boch Sin ° fp see: School Atendance Last Sunday 1310 WPON | We kr _ RESEARCH MAN FINDS NEW FACTS GENTLEMEN PREFER GIRLS!!! SUNDAY “SHANE” Starts at 1:00—4:50 and 8:40 “ASK ANY GIRL at. 2:57 6:50—10:45 Week Days “Shane” at 8:53 “Ask Any Girl’ at 7:05- 10:50 M-G-M ERESENTS © @s @ @ @ 6 @ ® @ 4 2+ in CINEMASCOPE AND © SHE LEARNED THE SECRETS OF ALL No wonder “ASK ANY GIRL”: got the highest preview rating ever! Funniest onthe Laugh Meter at its Sneak Preview in New York. “Honey of a comedy!” says Louella Parsons. David . Niven, as a research expert, coaches. - Shirley MacLaine in the scientific - approach to husband-hunting. She uses methods never before filmed — and in CinemaScope and Color ! David Niven's business is research— here he’s shown hard at.work! girl should know about the boy-friend, fF the boss § or any male with a roving eye! held as a material witness “for her own safety.’’ She formerly had made change for customers at‘ the casino. METROCOLOR | HER BOSS'S GIRL-FRIENDS! JUME Dixie Hwy. at Telegraph Fri. & Sat, 6:30 A. a 4:00 P.M. BAR-BQ Chicken & Spare Ribs: (The Original Hickory Log) WITH FRENCH FRIES, SALAD, ROLL and BUTTER onvE IN ACK Sun. - Thurs, FE 8-9900 6:30 \.M.- 1:00 A.M. 2130 Dixie Hwy. i ae People Eate -[s Just'a Bit of . gambling By BOB THOMAS AP Movie-TV Writer HOLLYWOOD (AP)—You never would have suspected that the bearing the im- probable name of Sheb Wooley. “It's a con- traction of Shel- by,” he ex- plains. The Westtern half of his well - ‘split personality is one of the stars of the TV show “Rawhide.” The hour drama shoots at MGM and I dropped by to ask Sheb THOMAS _ fjabout his double career. . Which) came first? . * «x * “The TV - series,’ he replied. |“At least I signed up for it before ‘Purple People Eater’: broke. I didn’t know’ whether the show would sell or not. It did, and I |was stuck with it. NO AUSTRALIA | “The result was that I wasn't lable to cash in on the ‘success of ithe record. I-had to pass up a lot O8 ‘TV spots and a tour of Aus- tralia, Still, I’m — not. unhappy ‘about it; The series brings in a ‘steady income and keeps me at ‘home. I have a wife and child, and if I were strictly in the music | business, I'd be traveling most of ithe time.” | kx *« * Even though he alternates with other stars in the series, “Raw- \hide’ keeps him working pretty steadily. He likes the work, but it does interfere with his songwrit- ing career. ~ “Sometimes I'll get an idea for a song and want to work on-it,”’ he remarked. ‘But it keeps rat- tling around in my mind because I don’t have the time to: sit down and develop it. You can't do it between scenes in your dressing room.” Sheb has been acting in films about 80 per cent of it went right to Uncle Sam.” He has a new tune, an oll field number ‘called ‘‘Roughneck,” which is getting some action. But in view of the changing patterns of the music business, he’s just as happy te-be toting a_gun on the TV prairie. Quake Strikes Southern Peru Aid Rushed as Reports List 7 Dead, 37 Hurt, 254 Homes Destroyed LIMA, Peru (AP) — President Mandel Prado's government ordered relief supplies flown to- department of southern Peru, stricken by a yuletide earthquake. Fragmentary reports said seven persons were killed and 37 injured at the village of Pomabamba, and that 254 homes were destroyed ere. ao other villages, Mollebamba and Huantapuquio, were described the most affected. But there was no detail on the toll in those two. Communications between Lima and Cangallo, about 400 miles southeast of this capital, were so poor it was not known exactly it centered. Pontiac Theaters Eagle Now playing: “‘Blue Denim,’’ Ca- rol Lynley, Brandon déWilde, Mac- Donald Carey, Marsha Hunt: ACADEMY AWARD WINNER NIVEN .. . in the Year's Funniest Comedy Hit! Shirley +t Allan Gig MacLAINE * YOUNG The Greatest Story the West Ever Filmed! ANY GIRL” % JEAN MN ARTHUR VAN HEFLIN SCHEDULE Certoons at 1 p. m. & 4:45 SHANE ot 1:20 & 5:00 HEIDI & PETER at 3:15 only SPECIAL KIDDIE - MATINEES MON.-TUES.-WED.—-THURS. ONLY ENBm11 the world loved her first wonderful motion icture.. .and now Heidi ( al ‘an new spectacular adven- 4 Adults 7 teas _. .45¢ HURON THEATER Children . HEIDI IS BAC AUTHENTICALLY, FILMED IN THE SWISS ALPS GtoRIOUS COLOR wr LAZAR WECHSLER * owecreo wy FRANZ SCHNYDER BASED ON THE BOOK BY JOHANNA SPYRI » * RELEASED THRU UNITED ARTISTS _PLUS—Acclaimed the Greatest” 4 | “Born Reckless,”” Mamie Van Do- ren, Jeff Richards Huron . | Sat.: “Don’t Give Up the Ship,” Jerry Lewis; “The Hangman,” | Robert Taylor, Tina Louise, Fess Parker, Jack Lord Oakland Now Playing: “Journey to the Center of the Earth,” Pat Boone, James Mason, Arlene Dahl, Diane Baker Starts Jan. ts “Lit Abner” Strand Now Playing: ‘1001 Arabian Nights,” color; ‘The Flying Fon- | taines,’’ color Community Theaters Civie-Fa mington t.: “But Not for Me," Clark Gable, oft Baker; ‘Tarzan's Greatest Ad- | venture,” Gordon Soent, color. | “Sun.-Mon,: “They Came to Cordura,” color, Gary Soe. Taita Hayworth; “The Cheat Death,’ color, Aston outing, Hazel cout Tues. -Sa “Diary of Anne Frank,” Millie: Perkins, Shelly Winters, Not shown Priday, Sa jaturday matinee. Pri. Matinee: “Porbidden Planet,” color, Walter Pidgeon, Anne Francis; “Master- re “ Nancy Ge color, George Mont- 8. wraat Tuatines: “Gorilla at t Large col- jor, Anhe Bancroft, Came itchell; | apmberieck, ’ David Brian, "Vera Ralston, Hitls-Rechester Sat.: “It Started With a Kiss,” Debbie Re rnoids Gi enn Pord. in.-Wed.: “Beloved Infidel,” Gregory Peck. Deborah K Thurs.-Sat.: ° — ’” Shirley Mac- |taine,, ‘Dean Ma Sat.: “Geisha mor.” "7 Ri Lewis. Sat.-Tues.: “Hound Dog man,” color. Pabian, Carol Lynley Pri.-Tues.: “Yellowstone Kelly,” color, ee Byrnes; ‘Man in the Net,” Alan Oxferd Sat.-Sun.: “Tt @tarted With a Kiss,” Gigan Pord, Debbie. Reynolds. -Thurs.: “The eh Coun= try, - Robert, Mitchum, ie London . Give Up he Ship,” Jerry Lewis, Dina ‘err in. Indonesia in Red JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — A. government. note to Parliament disclosed today the government is winding up the year’s budget 22 billion rupiahs in the red, At the official exchange rate that is $483,400,000. The note said regular expenses totaled 46 billion rupiahs ‘against revenues of 24 billion. ~ ! | * “2 Story ka the West Ever Filmed! _ IT’S A JOY RIDE All THE Way! day to the mountainous Cangallo' with Pomabamba as being among - when the quake occurred or where - Peru is prone to earthquakes, THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, DECEMBER "26, 1959 times a ot — pa Vehicles for 8 Million re, Estranged Husband 1Stamps Bring eS Kills Wife's Visitor jase cxsmas pay.s + DETROIT Richard Smith, 41,/40, PROVO, Utah (UPI) — The St. Francis Catholic School was charged with first degree mur-' Police said Smith admitted shoot: i here is using two brand-new: buses that it got by collecting | ~— stamps—7,708,800 of them. “Scescessse: | STARTSSUN. [NOW FIRST SHOWING! der today in the fatal shooting of @ man he found at his estranged wile's, house while visiting his five ing Chaney st the home of Snaith’s, Palladium ta being wed ome Wile Figen; |types of mew jewelry to replace the. dos” Bleed more |iatioum. It is sald to cost. one- traftie: yoor then the Panama, fourth as much and has the quali. Suez and Kiel canals i WES pen in tannage. : ly-workable, “BLUE DENIM” “al ii “BORN RECKLESS” IN: THE CITY OF PONTIAC. The marathon stamp trate.in was engineered by Father Colman Colloty, O.F.M., principal of the school, after a front wheel fell off one of the school’s old buses. He wrote the trading stamp company asking how many stamps for something that wasn’t in the catalog—the buses. The company wasn't quité sure, but it told Father Colloty to 7 — a : FOWLER’S rine roop STEAKS — CHOPS — FISH — CARRY OUTS — BAR ne We Have Color TY for Yout Enjoyment NOW! | All New... And All In Beautitul Color, Tool 700M INTO FLYING CARPET FUN! NTO FLYING TRAPEZE EXCITEN LEAP i 1EN Ai Alt REED os The Seite - WHE CLARE SITES mn Tren tate eds trom Reneeees KIDS OUT FOR KicKs! YOUTH UNDER THE BIG TOP! GRAND a = mivemabe ietek ten RATIOS GRAIT o Prescess Yasmonde- QRUURE FEOCIRAM Sagsn » aaphow, Alpen ARS COMED o The ached here - MERSCMEL REGO m Tht how of Ree Lacy 205 BRTLER w Gener the flap Saher T! MOM,POP AND ALL THE KIDS WILi ENJOY IT! QUR NEXT ATTRACTION ® STARTING NEW YEAR'S DAY “GARY COOPER e CHARLTON HESTON “THE WRECK OF THE MARY DEARE” ll ll 2531 OPD ROAD ¥ start collecting anyway. Then it decided that 6,424 books was > ATW TON At PE 5-938) just about the right stamp price. : : ase VICE -VIOLENT DRAMA casual ——— aeneeaeean Officials admitted the figure was somewhat arbitrary. Matinee . . 65¢ ‘In a six-month campaign, the parish sent letters to OF TOD AY'S Open 12:5 Sun. Eve . 90¢. | the 8,000 Catholic schools in the nation saying “We don't , want your money—we just parish. The result was a flood of with the others. ; * . the ‘company, as vi eid stamps. The $700 bill for postage stamps was pale by men in the _. “We even received stamps” issued as far back as 1912,” Father Colloty said, “but. the company redeemied ‘them along * x * “We have gotten as much pleasure out pf this inspiring project as you have,” said. Earl N. Keate, Utah manager for as he.presented the buses—and collected his want your trading stamps.” NEW JUNGLE the tiny green stamps. tell the truth about the racketeers who exploit labor! . even Christmas for but she out-santa’d- the old gent himself. “<"* Nina, SSyearoléRasan refi my igee, runs a small grocery and l]uncheonette in a tenement. area ~Russian Orthodox Christmas on Jan. 6. But she has the yuletide spirit in her heart the whole year ‘round. | Take Thursday, for instance: | Two policemen, stationed across ithe street from Nina's shop, dropped in for their daily cup of leoffee. When they placed their coins on the counter, Nina shoved them back, saying: “There's no charge because it's Christmas Eve.” a a * * The patrolmen protested, but the lady was adamant. In they ‘went for lunch. Again, no. pay. The cash register was’ locked up. Things like this get around, whether its Park Aventie or not- | so-fashionable Miller Avenue. |Nina’s store. Reported one of the | policemen: “Some of the grocery The. cash register played no tune, but there was a hum _[iof- happiness.and wonderment in ithe crowded store. Here was the Christmas spirit everybody talks about. but seldom sees. | At the end of the business day, | Red Refugee Fr sicktes Jolly Old Santa Claus N YORK (AP) — It wasn't my for Nina Zozulin, Folks begin lining up in front’ of Nina's stock was depleted but her contentment shone through gentle id tar Sits ig a chewing ‘gratitude for the way the United States treated me and| jgave me such wonderful asylum.” FAY SPAIN MAGGIE HAYES JACKIE COOGAN 7 oa LOUIS ARMSTRONG Prem é fount Sun CATHY CROSBY « RAY ANTHONY - DICK CONTING AN ALBERT ZUGSMITH PRODUCTION pesened wy M-G-M wetten by RICHARD MATHESON and LEWIS MELTZER pvectes ty CHARLES HAAS. iw CINEMASCOPE Veteran Newswomean Succumbs in Home DETROFM (@—Mrs, Mary Hart: Stephens, 84, after a life devoted to! the newspaper business, died to. day in-a Plymouth convalescent | home. | avo DANTON MEL TORME - JIM BACKUS: ax me JACKIE-EOOGAN RAY ANTHONY BEN GAGE BLY DAMEUS ss ROBERT SMT we ALLEN RIVKIN wSTSSST Te meet CHARLES HAAS + nesmaw RED DOFF ; in CinemaScope * * * | Daughter of a pioneer Pennsyi.| vania publisher, Theodore Hart, go her first marriage was to the late William’ J. Peck, who succeeded her: father as editor and publisher of the Pittston, Pa.,Gazette. A son,. Theodore Hart -Peck, is a writer for the Detroit Times. Mrs, Stephens-had lived in Mich- igan 30 years and worked for 25/f years for the Monroe Evening News. | 5. Held in Flint Shooting | FLINT (UPI)—Police held Newt Tipton, 32, Flint, on suspicion of attempted mufder today for the shooting of Wesley West, 49, also of Flint, during a card game. ‘EXCLUSIVE Ist RUN in the Entire Pontiac Area! {SPMTOTEIOTTTITEL TATE E TOO TE TOOTS | PONTIAC 3A IN ~orrFfeeFT TT". ™ rwrewreeveererrrrrvre + Real Thrills— Real Action! ‘Twrmefef;'T'T*T''TT'TT ™“wrwwrerererrrrre _ LATE SHOW TONIGHT ~—wrTrTrTT. rrr eee Twrewvewre YS Theat e* ewwrrer TSS rw wwrrrrreTfttT TTT" BIG Vere Y rrrrrTTeerreerrereerewe. WOMEN VIOLATED 2 Nae i It Started Where Civilization Stopped ee te = Sut x . is Fons Show Starts 6:00 P. M. Open at 5:30 P. M. xe 6 fd Ld as ca ie Mati ors em. } $MILLION DOUBLE BLOCKBUSTER oe SHOW oe All in Color — 2° Action-Filled Epics - See the Hideous One-Eyed Cyclops! REGULAR PRICES Week Day Mat. 65c¢ Eves. & Sunday 90c Children Always 25¢ ‘CINEMAS COPE COLOR by DE LUXE STEREOPHONIC SOUND AMPLE COMMERCIAL _ PARKING IN REAR | OF THEATER STARFING PAT BOONE-JAMES MASON. ARLENE DAHL-DIANE BAKER “Rawures at 1: :39-6: 49-9:24 © ADDED: CARTOON - WORLD NE NV ose PLAN NOW TO ATTEND OUR GALA __ EW YEAR'S EVE SHOW: SPECIAL PRE-RELEASE SHOWING | SMA SUMMER. PL ee : i a ee ae ee Pretty girls get on. the phone to attend to the ‘inyriad arrangements for Keloa Klub’s annual New “Sno-Ball in Abstract” ‘at the Year’s Eve dance, Yule Show at Bethune Theme for the Bethune School's children’s Christmas program Wednesday was “‘Liv- ing Christmas Cards.’’ Robert Stasiuk, .. music - teacher, and ‘other faculty members direct- ed the program. + * * Highlighting the meeting were selections by the Jeffer- son Junior High School band directed by Fred Smith. Dr. Philip J. Proud, assis- tant superintendent of schools, will speak at the Jan. 21 PTA meeting John Calvin, Marcia Loomis Are Engaged Mr. and Mrs. Peter Burr Loomis III of Birmingham, announcé the engagement of their daughter Maria to John Norman Calvin, son of Mrs. Glenn Howard Calvin of Shaker Heights, Ohio, and the late Mr. Calvin. Marcia and her fiance are graduates of Swarthmore Col- lege. John also is a graduate of the: Oak Ridge School of Reactor Technology. After. an early February wedding, the couple will reside ‘n “England for three vears, where John will be a nuclear *hysicist with the English Yectrie Co., ence Brgodement Announced ~Mr, and Mrs. Loren Hick- am. of West Hopkins street mouhee the engagement of ‘“eir davghter Carolyn to William E. McCorkle. son of Mr. and Mrs. Barl McCorkle of Birmingham. A Feb. 6 wedding is planned, Go Ahead, Use That Pretty Gift of Cologne (NEA): — many women 7. a beautiful bottle of cologne is a hoarding ~@ne, It's:too nice to use, they Orie s 86 they'll just save it. . This is § pare waste, of course. _ after . a time, . ee . “Sy ABIGAIL VAN BUREN The. reaction of ° > the house, - a that you love your Wendy Maneck, left, of Middle Belt road and Clyde Eller of McClin- tock street put the finishing touches on Arrange for Substitute, says Abby Pontiac Press Photos YMCA. From left « are Sue Smith of North Johnson avenue, Mary Aughenbaugh, also of North Johnson avenue, and Helen Ramsdell of Draper avenue. , an ahstrert sphere, part of their club’ s dance decor. a2 Somethin’s Gotta Give —Don’t Let It Be You break once in a while? Or am I wrong? BROWN EYES IN TEARS DEAR BROWN EYES: You are NOT wrong, so don't com- DEAR ABBY: I have four children-and two of them are still in diapers. The oldest just ray ei pound your problems by feeling MY Usa guilty, EVERY mother needs works a ‘split “a break” away from her chil- shift and ; @ren occasionally, (It’s good sleeps most of for the children, too.) If your the time when husbagd can’t take over to give he's at home. you this ‘necessity, (not “Tux- Il am -with rcty—aiapeedity) swap .an aft- the children ernoon with ‘a_friend, relative %. hours « a« or Sno et en it day. I would : ama , goin Sap if * * * “Se T am the only DEAR ABBY: I am married mother who is just to.a man, who is 74 years old, and believe it or not he still thinks — the “grass is greener on the other side of the fence.” T am 69. What do do inva a movie or. just get away from case ~ this? — -Hoew-de pores make-a-husband-—. A man his age could never » but you need-a. litte jump- the: fence. t + 2 SONta | ~-DEAR- SONIA-- Dont worry. ¢are -of this paper. Enclose a DEAR ABBY; Will you please settle an argument once and for all? Is it considered okay for a. girl to put her tmhakeup on and comb: her hair at the table? There are four of us who want to know. . DAPHNE, MARGE, NELL AND KATIE , DEAR GIRLS: It is ‘“‘okay”’ to apply a little lipstick (quick- ly) while sitting at the table. But powdering the face and combing the hair—never!. **« * CONFIDENTIAL TO FRAN: “Your husband is overdoing the footloose and fancy free-load routine, It's a. rare -business- _ man who has to be out enter-- taining. customers seven nights a week for five weeks straight. * * * What's your problem? For a’ personal reply, write to ABBY, stamped, self-addrested enve- lope. ec ts oe @'grio-Ball i Abstract” the theme ehosen by ~“Keloa Klub for their annual New Year’s Eve dance at the Pontiac YMCA. The theme will be carried out with free hanging geometric’ figures in bright foil by decorations committee Wendy Maneck and Valerie Vasbinder. . / Barbara’ Shadley and Kay Whitfield who are handling tickets for the- dance -have invited all area high schoo] students and rn college 3;udenis to attend. atti * Kay Jerome, music chairman, has arranged for live music. Dancing will be from 9 p.m. to 12:30. Other chairmen include Sue Sommerville and Pam Noren, programs; Judy Dearing and Mary Jo - Whitfield, refreshments; Mary Aughenbaugh and Cathy...Calhoun, publicity;. Judy. Ward, patrons; Mary Lou McLaughlin, post-dance duties; and Sue Smith, door prizes. Tickets may be ordered from Barbara ‘Strang of Tilden avenue. Checking for snowflakes to enhance the mood of ) Keloa Klub’s Sno-Ball are left, Sharon Young of Hamilton drive and Valerie Vasbinder of Spokane drive; center, Renate Walterskirchen of South Edith street; and Barbara Atwell of Menominee road. Pontiac Area Judge and Mrs. Cecil Me- Callum were hosts at a family dinner on Christmas Day at their home on Cherokee road. Their son-in-law and daughter, the Edward Greens cameé from Taylor with their daughters, Heather and Erin, Others’ were the McCallum’s son and daughter-in-law, the C. Leland -McCallums, with son, Brian of Drayton Plains; Mrs. William McCallum of Birmingham, and the Morris J..Gréens of Lan- sing. x* ww * Mr. and Mrs, A. J. Roy of Kimbal]_ street, are motoring to Florida for a three-week va- cation. While visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Ryon in Miami, the Roys will attend the Orange Bow! football game on New Year's Day. * * * = Among 18 students from Em- manuel Missionary College’ to appear in 1959-60 edition -of - “Who's Who In American Col- leges and: Universities” is Vernon C. Butler, son of Mrs. Viola Butler of Pontiac. Mr. Butler, a biology major. plans to pursue graduate study next year at the College of Medical Evangelists, the Seventh-day Adventist gradu- ate school of medicine in Loma Linda, Calif. *-. * * -Home trom college for the holidays are Benn Jolinson. agriculture sophomore at Michigan State Univers'ty and his sister, Jeanne, pharmacy freshman at Ferris Institute, Big Rapids, Their parents are — Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Johnson of Robinwood' it ~« * A ag air Alison, was News Miss VanTassel, a freshman, is a graduate of Pontiac Cen- tral High School. * * * Herbert G. Snellings Jr., son of-Mr. and Mrs, Herbert G: Snellings of Birmingham is among 179 students enrolled in the Air Force ROTC pro- gram at Denison University. Granville, Ohio. Herbert is a freshman, __ * * Dr. Herbert Albers and Mrs. T. R, Spratt both cf Monroe, Iowa, arrived Thursday to be with Mre, Spratt’s son-in-law and daughter, the Charles Cop- persmiths of Woodland avenue, over. Christmas weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pearce were guests. of the Coppersmiths at Christmas dinner. * * * Included on. the honors list at Centra] Michigan University, is Michael L. Rickard of Drury * * * Arriving for Christmas. Eve festivities at Paul L. Singles of Oliver street were their son and daughter-in-law, the Keith - Singles with daughter. Kelly Am: and sons-in-law and . daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Sam- with daughter Terry of Detroit; and the War- | ue] Piaseczny, ren Cosgroves and children, Mary Beth and Timothy. Mrs, Cosgrove was ac companist and director’ of the 30-voice choir at St. Hugo of- the-Hills at midnight Mass. The Gosgroves wére hosts at family dimer Christmas Day at their home on ee: ave- ys 8 Ledermans of Ferndale, _is« announced by the James H. Skelleys of Birmingham. . Summer rites are planned. Parents Tell of Daughter's. Engagentent At open house today in their Birmingham- home. Mr. and Mrs, James HH. Skelley an- notnced the engagement of their daughter, Catherine, to John Lederman. The bride-elect was - ‘ped: z uated from. University of Detroit. and’ also Wayne State University. She is a member of Delta Omicron ~ sorority. Her fiance, son of the Paul, Ledermans of Ferndale, is an alumnus. of Xavier University, Cincinnati,. He has done ‘gradu-- ate work at the University. of Southern California. Emerson PTA Hears Pupils in Yule Music / Emerson School pupils pre- sented a Christmas program for parents at the PTA meeting Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Betty Walsh, music in- structor, was in charge-of the musical program. Working with her on sketches and directing were Mrs, Lloyd Wait and Mr S. Evelyn Woodworth. Decorations and props were nade by Mrs. Alexander Kirk- patrick and Mrs, Lilly Walters, with “backgrounds by Theodore Breher. ny Choose Wisely (NEA) — Consider: carefully before adopting one color to key your entire wafdrobe. In attempting to be ‘‘different’’ you just might appear eccen- tric, unless the choice is wise- ly. made. Christmas dinner at the South Pemberton road home of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Main. The junior Mains with daughter Valerie arrived from Indiana- polis for a weekend visit.. From Kalamazoo, came Mrs. Main's ‘mother, Mrs. R. J. Cleland; a sister, Mrs. K. C. Bilderback; and Mrs. Main’s niece and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin "CATHERINE SKELLEY. ~ attended You Mast ‘Give Him + * His Ring By EMILY POST Dear Mrs, Post: Doesn't it make a difference whether the man breaks the engagement or whether it is broken by the girl as to whether she is-ob- liged to return hig ring? < ~ : * * 2. If he breaks-it and gives no explanation, why should she give it back to him? She still loves him and this is not-the way she wanted their engage- ment to end. Answer: Not only must l-an- swer that she has no right to keep it, but I find it very hard to.understand why she would want it, except from a purely commercial angle which is hardly admirable. * * * Dear Mrs. Post: The other day while dining ih a restau- rant, I ran out of cigarettes and asked the waiter to bring mea pack. I would like to know if it was necessary: to give him a tip when he brought me the cigarettes? Answer: Not if he was your own waiter who received his tip at the end-of the fieal, But if it had been the cigarette girl or anyone else who brought your cigarettes into the dining reom,- you should..have tipped her, or him, 23 * * * Dear Mrs. Post: Is it not bad manners to- file one's-nails in the presence of visitor$? ’ Answer: To file.a broken nail that is. catching Onto things would be permissible, but to give yourself a manicure in the presence of anyone whom you consider a ‘‘visitor’’ would be discourteous of Personal Interest Burtis,. with Mrs. Burtis’ par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Burtis of Battle Creek. From the Pontiac area were the Laurence Robertsons of Second avenue; son-in-law, and. daughter, and the J..C. Pad- docks of Woobine road, Sylvan Shores, with Mrs. Lola Burrell, Mr. Paddock's . 8- = Ol mother.’ eel o& omes Pictured in By and have reviewed the homes Pontiac Press Home Editor we visited in 1959. We have Once again we have gone over roamed the northern part of of Home Sections Oakland county, from Farming- Ba nacre ning ih eo i é = GOLD AND WHITE — In the David Gee home in Bloomfield Hills dining room and living room are decorated in gold and white. Carpeting, walls and-draperies are white. On two walls of the dining room there is’ a tree mural in gold. Gold and white striped satin ember 21. FLOOR TO CEMLANG — This good looking Philippine mahogany storage. unit not- only holds magazines, buoks ard card tables. (in the lower secfion); ‘put. dt hides the air vent in the furnace room orto At the left of the unit is a small desk, This is the William. Herr- fographer. | several » ling ry kitchen is the most 1 earriin roo in the teu rugs in varyitig shades of bree are used in stfategi¢ spots on ei floor, Walls are paneled in pine, The ceiling is,papered. © ner hn ace of reclaimed brick, has a Talsed he upholsters the vakian * crystal] lights the shining home was featured only mann- home in Sylvan Stures. drew his own work on the house. It Section on Mare a Siamese nahied Peury. Ste ton ow the south to near Romeo on fhe tiorth, We have featured city homes, subdivision homes “and farm homes: Pentiac Press Photes The Czechoslo- and brass chandelier high- mahogany furniture. This OT last month, on No chair | seats. Bill Herrmann plans aml, did much of the appeared ta our Home ‘ho it. The cat, bw the wav, is lowed duc pli ‘ were owner built; ‘Breat PONTIAC, MIC HIGA s Ranch style — bi-level — tri- level — two story Colonial, Many others were done by professionals from start to finish. A number came from Pontiac Press plans. Sore were the dream houses of. the owners. Small, large and in-between; all are loved by their owners, And almost none is really FINISHED * * * That has become an old re- » frain im the ears of your Home Editor. “But our house isn't finished.” We have about con-. ¢luded that fo one's house is ever completely finished. It's a American pastime, this building on, ‘finishing up, refur- nishirig and making things better or bigger or prettier. oe * * ~ Maybe, if we. mare all the pictures about two columns wide and three inches deep, we could show all the hames we, want to at the end ofthe vear. Then we could ‘have included the acozy fireplace in the dining room at the Richard Johnstone house in Birmingham; and the’ hospitable hallway in the Lawrence Shep« ard home in Rocheste: ° ot * * We could .have pictured again the serene dining. room of the Clell. Morse home at Elizaveth Lake: and the aity >%edrooimt in the remodeled ‘Olson home. near Clarkston — with its fifteen-foot ceiling. And, oh 80 many others We have a file full of names to contact in 1960: But we never have too many prospects. We welcome suggestions from our readers. * * * We shall ‘try, as we have in the past, to show a wide variety of homes in many areas of this part of the county. We antici- pate with pleasure our visit: with you. “You like showing us your homes and we like to see them and write about them and your families. OPEN STAIRWAY = This open stairway is in the middie of the modern home owned by the Jerry Fillmores of Oxford. home is in the Grampian Hills Wes afte bback vroucht tron Nonw on Mav rivets are ‘set right inte the — above is 9. M8 of the Bn? gan house Stair treads are wide cak boards On one side oak pancling extends from top to bottom ievel, Ve published: pictures of che Fulrmoré stery one dround, bere ecg ty wept Setar FORMAL LIVING ROOM — Oa West Valley road in Bloomfield Hills the Donald Bergerons have a large house built on a hilltop This is their Jiving rooni In contrast te the family room glimpsed through the fireplace. this is a forma! room intended for adults Carpeting is oyster white. Two walls and draperies are white Two walls are paneled. Both frame and hearth of the small fireplac« Their ‘ lor Pierre's owners, Rochester. where Anyways, ‘Two closed redwood jouvers. the rear & uttie. garden TEEN. AGER'S DREAM — in @ Magazine and asked 16 have it cng for her m the dale ily’s neWw home in Rainbew Lake Raave PIERRE‘S- PATIO — This patio really be- the Fred Hayes of 3ut Pierre loves to pose — any- ihis patio is the only second Sides of it are The building in house for - Kay Greer, who's 18, saw this room — are white marble lounge chair is upholstered in deep’ blue. A second plibto range — is shocking pink bench ts covered with a plaid fabric shocking pink room ‘windows can be seen. egarden furniture are white. ‘Section story about the Hayes’ on October 17. stor- resdinatbies tor. Ninna: Kay was ne big embroidered “K's”. But there is gorgeous color in this room. That chair — out of The cushton on the fireplace combine, blue, This was our featured home-on- March 21. yellow and age. At the right just a portion of the family Trim and the In summer the ‘ patio is gay with red geraniums. The Home apartment ran RM hospital look, Warm, rich colors of wood in lishes which prevent the wood from absorbing moisture in the always moist bathrooms have stepped up 551 Hilltep Drive Pontiac ‘EM 3-4501 er Douglas fir which has beauty when finished naturally and hard- ness for long wear. It also takes enamel or paint very well. Wall boards can be had in several pat- terns in these species of wood. Driver education courses were AUTOMATIC DRIDHEET == TOR ro _—_ i Installations oe “auromaric HEATING =" Fe'oigt),‘"" Tl VICTOR PAINT 158 N. SAGINAW ‘LIVE BETTER FOR LESS! This Exciting New Type Ranch Home Offers Such Tremendous Value That You Can Own Your Own Home for Less Than Rent! yw The Luxurious SPACE QUEEN ONLY Full basement, 3 bedrooms, two-car attached garage, 2!’ farm-style $ kitchen, over 1,000 square feet of living area. DOWN Plus Costs 30-YEAR FHA TERMS Including 75’x150’ Lot MAGNIFICIENT LOCATION Beach privileges on Lotus’ Lake. Near schools, churches, shopping and commuter station. a Models Located ot: 6220 Williams Lake Rd. Va mile West of Airport Road TELEGRAPH 74 ‘Proudly Built by: CARLO —Construction Co. 6220 Williams Lake Rd. realty,ine. 10450 W. Nine Mile Road Osk Park 37, Michigan OR 3-0001 ‘Hiday’s modern kitchen — the ‘“‘nerve ‘pletely sanitary tapered circular SELF-CLEANING SINK — Wrought from the finest stainless steel and polished to a. lustrous finish, the new Swirl-Flo sink features.a com- not chip, ‘crack, bowl that will from these bowls creates a swirling, self-cleans- — ing action that actually whisks crumbs and food particles as well as grease from the bowl Bila’ STORM & SCREEN PANOTHER SLIDING UNIT TO © This Crane | MUU a es equipment is| as 10 8 aon B10), | new in every /f Pee ee os Le cere ee hy stein or rust. Water draining MIDDLETOWN, Ohio — In to center” of the contemporary home — “everything but the kitchen sink’? has been improved. And now, at Jong last, there is some- thing new in kitchen sinks. It’s the, new Swirl-Flo — a revolutionary |ROUND BOWL sink that actually lharnesses the ‘centrifugal force provided by old Mother Nature to help clean itself. But the story doesn’t end here! |The new Swirl-Flo is available in la unique corner design that per- mits the use of wasted kitchen corner areas for the- first time in history. Now entirely new kit- chen layouts can be created. Imagine a sink under the expanse of a corner window ... or set in ji the corner of an island arrange- ‘ment... . or conveniently. located ‘near the snack bar ... or tucked into the corner of a compact, cozy modern kitchen-: . . or uséd ‘in dozens:of other imaginative ways. Thes.new sink costs no more than conventional stainless steel sinks. It can be easily installed in standard kitchen cabinets and ac- commodates standard plumbing fixtures. It also is available with the two round bowls set side by side for remodeling. You can also purchase a convenient stainless steel vegetable tray that is ideal for washing vegetables or defrost- ing frozen foods. -¥urther information about. the new Swirl-Flo Stainless Steel Sink can. be obtained from. local plumb- ers, building contractor® .. . or by writing to Mr: C. Fred Hast- lings, Metal Products Division, | Aeronca Manufacturing Corpora- lation, Middletown, Ohio. Nail Polish Remover SHE LL HOMES «2 202: 20m -) © NO PAYMENTS a ‘TIL SPRING say Cc — om) ( Have Your . Home Finished # for Christmas =a at ee | . Lower ; a ss ‘ Winter Prices! NOTE: * These are installed prices for average 3 Bedroom home with approximately 988 square feet of aree—size 38 x 26. . Amt. Per. Mo | * FINISH ALL DRYWALL. ............0005, $300 $ 6.24 Add Your Own * #1 HARDWOOD FLOOR ................ 2800—s«5.62 % DELUXE KITCHEN CABINETS with BUILT-IN Monthly OVEN and RANGE .....5.0. 0.6. eee eee 910 18.93 _& WINDOW AND DOOR TRIM ............. 170 3.53 * 3-PC. BATHROOM with SHOWER ; Payments for MEDICINE CHEST end WALL TILE ....... 4g0s«é8+=B # OW FURNACE .. 20... .... eee eves 670 —-:13.93 * ALL STORM DOORS & WINDOWS * INSIDE DOORS AND SLIDING CLOSET DOORS eae ioge ig You Need! | modern floor coverings, according Mito technicians af the National In- Not Meant for Rugs Use of nail polish remover to take spilled nail polish from rugs or carpets may be ruinous to some ling supply outlets, kitchen remodel. | Hardwood ANN ARBOR-— Floors you, stand on, chairs yoy sit on, per-| haps even the walls/of your house’ gleam .with. the beauty of finished hardwood grown in Michigan. Michigan supplies a considerable quantity of fine hardwoods to the nation’s ecoriomy, and may supply a great deal more after the con- clusion of a study being conducted by G, Robinson Gregory (Ph.D.),| associate professor of resource eco- nomics at The University of Mich- igan, with graduate student. assis- tance, The U-M researchers are study- ing nationwide demand for hard- wood lumber as a guide to Michi- gan growers. Other studies have been made in the past, but this will be one of the first to utilize modern ecnomic techniques. “We will attempt to determine Professor Gregory explains. “With this information, hitherto lacking; it will be possible to plan to grow those types of trees most in demand and therefore most valuable, “Michigan at present is growing more h than any other single wood, but not nearly as much as some of the southamn ly to be in future demand, Michi- gan growers can concentrate on roueing them.” A study of “this kind is com- | plicated, Prof, Gregory points out. | The demand for forest products such as lumber is a “derived de- mand,” and the research group will study major prodycts made from hardwood to get an idea of the factors affecting demand. How much hardwood, for ex- ample, is needed by the furniture industry? How much for floor- stitute of Rug Cleaning, Inc. A simple / tate, obtainable at any drug store. ‘It should be applied to the stain) Wa few drops at a time, and then! ‘blotted up w ith clean w hite tissues! #\or terry cloth. remedy is amyl ace. | ing? How much for veneers? | Varying conditions of price, cost and income must be considered in arriving at definite conclu- sions regarding over-all hard. wood demand. Researchers Study eling your présent home or buildigg # new one drop in and see us.” Demands the study is William B. Lord, who received his master’s degree in forestry at U-M, and now is an) assistant professor atthe Univer- sity of Wisconsin, Madison. (The pair have traveled widely in’ ob- taining data from furniture and Jumber manufacturers, dealers and other sources. | The U-M study originated two MNeedey years ago, The first part, con- cerned with hardwood flooring, is) ALL SEASON | | CLIMATIZED COMFORT ent US TODAY virtually complete. A second part, | Qer Experience is Your Guarantee ae Saree ple y . as EAMES & BROWN] Seek Sources SSE. Pike FE 3-7195 “NO CASH NEEDED J GAS and OIL ol of Leakage Get -to the bottom of basement 8 RS | F. H. A. TERMS leaks before ‘repair bills go over Sales and Service Up To 5 Years To Pay the top of your budget. Hompeownsts with ceramic tile MOER ¥ Ss : floors and walls don’t have to be concerned about damage froma — La BURNER moisture, but substitute materials) on floors and walls weakened by leaks or seepage can result in some ‘terrifying replacement costs. Ground-water level is one of the fundamental considerations in any question affecting moisture ih basements. In areas where the ground-water leve]. is above the basement floor for most of the year, the waterproofing treatment is so drastic you might just as well forget about the basement and i build an attic, Another important factor is type of soll below the surface. Dense soils absorb moisture in- stead of diffusing it, and this creates a pool around the base- , ment, Sand- or gravel-type soils | provide excellent drainage, If the ground-water leve] is not) too high and the soil drains rapid- ly, then take.a good look next) door. Lest the neighbois think! iyou're too nosey, explain that) you're making sure the land slopes | away from the basement and forms a depression along the lot. line, If not, you’ save dollars in the long run to spend a few cents immediately on grading. NC ) OF Tare FREE ES a" “ae” FEDERAL ATION Factory Authorized PEI and SERVICE $048 Sashabaw, Drayten Pisins tae ny OR 3-1246 WAREHOUSE Sale | Assisting Professor Gregory in FOR ANY MODERNIZATION WORK, CALL @ Additions @ Remodeling AMBASSADOR I 2110 Dixie Hwy. at Telegraph FE 5-840 @ Garages @ Siding NICPATION | CO. ALUMINUM Even when you've taken all these! steps to minimize leakage and ~ WHOLESALE , TO ALL! ff, MONEY DOWN seme —— _ yun FOR AVERAGE 5 Years to Pay! - 6ROOM HOUSE Ist PAYMENT 1960! — nie” Ft. These Famous Brand GENERAL- ELECTRIC COLEMAN MOR-SUN | "ARMSTRONG MONOGRAM 3401 W. Huron St. $s: ee Both GAS and hued = “Your ores 2 Sepmeh” TE 0.0404 pence iol | | rim FREE Home Su : oo cea - Se ‘MIDWEST “is Pee nn TIMATESE 6 8 te: By ¥ ee ee t i oe ea STATE......,- 2 ao on os os a eee om Otto A. Trzos 3101 Orchard Lake Rd. Eves. and Sun. FE 2-0278 | Call MA 66247 you needless expense and time on repair bills and large jobs that! icould have been avoided. * * * The National Paint, Varnish & Lacquer Association has a booklet, KEEPING YOUR HOUSE IN THE . » » PINK, that gives you sugges- tions about hou seholdcsckeh— 'tions about household checks and touch-up jobs that will eliminate costly repairs later. Send your name, address, and request to the . | Association, 1500 Rhode Island Avenue; N. W., Washington 5, D, C., for your free copy. Ornamental Iron Don’t let icy steps cause your. family to take a nasty fall... protect them with Ornamental Iron - Railings. CONCRETE STEPS No Sections to.Be Forced PRESS. é . SAR ee MODERN ALL THE WAY THROUGH — Plank and beam con. - possible savings in both materials and labor. The pjan provides SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1959 —_ #2 struction techniques are used in this three-bedroom house, offering 1,495 square feet of living space and a total of six rooms. | Use Dry Lumber, Protect All Surfaces If you're planning to build a new house of wood siding, a good grade of well dried material should. be used. When the siding is being ap- plied, it’s important that all joints around the window and door frames and that all corner boards’ should be carefully fitted. So) should mitered corners and spliced joints. * * * It's also the greatest wisdom to end-paint the boards before they are applied. If your house is al- ready built; check all joints and the toy industry will plastics . Industry experts « this year. — op Se iene enantio MOOTE, Ine... Electrical Contractor — © INDUSTRIAL © COMMERCIAL Over.25 Years in Pontiac State and City Licensed 845 W. Huron St. FE 2-3924— FE 2-4008 monthly touch-up day will save) 20" oF jas a ood 19! e FLOOR PLAN—Piank and beam construction bathrooms and. most closets. Basement stairway \ ‘ds \ STANDARD CONSTRUCTION Apart by Frost or Settling Softener Today at CONCRETE | , H, STANTON 6497 Highland Road Contractor OR 3-7715 FE 5-1683 ij 103 State See This Amazing - — METHOD S pe shows the framework of the conventional house, WE SOLVE YOUR (CURRENT PROBLEMS Lécated in the Auburn Heights Laundromat 2951 Adams Rood __UL 2.2880 Tipeople building houses, they're By DAVID L. BOWEN Just like everyone else, archi- tects know that prices are going up. ‘They are particularly aware that home construction costs are rising. Since their livelihood depends on more popular ly new. It has in - barns. anxious to do everything possible See Our Breath Taking labor. HILLTOP HOME Architect in the City of Rochester with all city modern lines, Holtzman & Silverman i * fb = # * ® * * LIVING ROOM SYSTEMS COMPARED—Cross-section at left _ with vertical studs, joists aftd rafters 16 inches in engineering a home to keep the Hiornbostel, is steel decking It is becoming more’ widely used in residential home design because of the potential’. saving it offers in materials and Caleb Hornbostel pat the system to work in House of the Week X-90, a three-bed- room, two bath ranch with clean, could save as much as. 1] per cent in total building cost. Generally speaking, plank and 2 az 13'4 n3tar s 98" X-90 Statistics . With. breezeway and ga- rage, the over-all width is 90” 8” and the depth 33° 2". The habitable area is 1,496_ square feet. Room count.comes to six, with three bedrooms and two batlis. There are five large sliding door closets, a huge walk-in closet and additional storage space in basement and garage. provides sloping ceilings in all rooms except the is directly opposite service entrance. hE on PLANK AND BEAM SYSTEM on center. On the right, studs are 249 feet and rafters 5 feet on center, Plank and beam saves both material and much cutting and fitting. \ | possible to realize the potential | | Labor, Materials Saved | =n events With Plank and Beam | The wide spacing between floor joists and roof rafters demands a special material to insure firm- ness.-The answer, says Architect in recent years is “Jight, strong, easy to install and cost down. One method becoming inexpensive.” On the roof the deck- plank and beam construction. This technique is not complete- ling is covered by 1" thick rigid ‘insulations board and then stand- vard roofing shingles. always been used On the floors, steel decking may ibe covered directly by tiles or ‘other flooring material. The ceil- ‘| steel decking serves as ceiling sur- face. Because of the absence of con- He says that it angle in the bedroom section are “ Jooking out to the rear garden. | for those who regard basements — | as an expensixe luxury. If the | ling rafters are exposed from the inside and the underside of the) ventional raftors, all ceilings ex- | cept in the bath and closet rect- | sloping: -The habitable area is | 1,495 square feet. The living room, reached from a covered entrance. porch, is well) proportioned and features a cor-) ner fireplace wall. The dining, room is shielded from the living! room and has double windows GOOD PLANNING Location of closets and bath- rooms serves to protect the bed- rooms against the noises of the living end of the house. Bathrooms | are back-to-back for economy with | the family bathroom placed to) make a powder room for guests! unnecessary. Each bedroom has the sloping ceiling feature which makes every room in X-80 a decorator’s delight. The master bedroom has a walk-in closet plus. its own bath, The U-shaped arrangment of) kitchen counters and appliances puts the housewife right in the middle of her work territory, with/—-_-._._-SES At this season of the ear. it is our sincere” ope that happiness and prosperity find ir way into the - of —all our and remain with them throughout the year. O’Brien Heating- 371 Voorheis Rd. A Ye DOWAGIAC GAS FURNACE The Dowagiac “Arrow” Gas Fur- nace heats, cireulates, humidifies and filters the air—there's nothing finer under the sun! Engineered for economy, built for years.of service! Quiet, always dependable-——no noisy moving ts. A complete, compact, unit, finished in beautiful blue baked-on Hammerloid enamel, it's ideal for your modern basement or recreation room. Heating and Sheet Metal Contractor Serving Pontiac Since 1925 351 N. PADDOCK STREET FE 5.6973 all her tools within handy reach, There’s & pantry closet as an ex- tra surprise — every home needs| one but. few have it. | Service door is under the breeze- way, so that the groceries will Electric Heating FREE ESTIMATES EVANS ELECTRIC CO. 828 N. Main, Rechester OL 1-1380 D awagice never get wet coming in from the garage in wet weather. Vestibule/ keeps dinette and kitchen draft: | caulk any cracks that are found): “7 Se lopen. Cracked or rotten boards ishould be replaced. ) fi | Nails should be countersunk and, after the first coat of paint, the eR NA ‘holes puttied. Diverter strips and drip caps should be flashed so |there is no danger of water finding’ 4 ry its way behind the clapboard. * ee sencipeeerbenaematpianeties OR 3 @ Aluminum Sealed Glass Windows @ Paved Streets @ Full Blanket Insulation @ Over 1,200 Square Feet @ City Water, Gas Heat Model Open 12-8 i DAILY and SUNDAY i Call for Appointment me REALTOR Beautiful Watkins Hills LAN #5906 +802 i “Built With Pride? WARD W. ROSS MASTER BUILDER WATKINS LAKE RD. DIXIE HWY. TELEGRAPH am ie SA et ih: Nas ie ea Ak a * tha period at Yankee Stadium. _ commissioner, has instructed the the year. ‘Beckler ot Kimberly now attend- Interest Dai to Fever Pitch . on Eve of Tilt Sellout Crowd to Fill Baltimore Stadium for Sunday's NFL Battle BALTIMORE, Md. (UPT) — Baltimore .Colts and New York Giants are ready for the game National Football League fans have been waiting for since last, December — a rematch of their unprecedented overtime champion- ship thriller. * * * Baltimore won the 1958 N.F.L. title, 23-17, after eight minutes, 15 seconds of a ‘‘sudden death’ ex- Coach Weeb Ewbank’s Colts, 314 point faverites.to retain the Five College Hoop Events Begin Tonight By The Associated Press College basketball hits the tour- major holiday classics getting un- der way from coast to coast. New York's Madison Square Gar- den will be the scene of the eighth ECAC Holiday festival with Cin- cinnati, the nation’s No.-%. team in the Associated Press rankings, the top attraction, Municipal Auditorium in Kansas City will house the 14th Big Eight Tourney; the Far West Classic will nament trail again today with five) take place in Corvallis, Ore:, the sixth annual~ Queen City tourna- ment will be played in Buffalo, N.Y,, and the West coast athletic conference will hod its festival in San Francisco. ~In addition, Evansville (Ind.) will host the Evansville tournament. No games were played Christ- mas night. Here’s the tournament lineup (all times. EST): ECAC festival in New York — St, Joseph's (Pa.) (5-1) vs, Man- crown, ended preparations te- day with @ light drill at Mem- orial Stadium. The stadium will | be jammed with 57,557 spectators Sunday and hundreds of thou- sands will take in the action via - N.B.C. Radio-TV at 1:45 p.m., EST. Coach Jim Lee Howell's under- dogs, described recently by a Cleveland Browns coach as ‘““Those cocky Giants,”’ will. arrive by train today after a_ brief Yankee Sta- dium workout. * * * The Giants won't.test the Mem- orial Stadium turf until they race on the field Sunday before what they. expect will be the noisiest crowd they have ever faced. The Colts and Giants figure they have to operate while handi- capped by a thunderous volume ef crowd noise. Balitmore fans, probably the most exuberant’ in the N.F.L., worked up a big head of steam when the Colts won their first championship last year in New York and are ex- pected to raise more rumpus on their home ground. Ewbank has drilled quarterback John Unitas to use hand signals; to communicate with his ends and flanker backs if the uproar drowns | out his voice. Howell also has| briefed quarterback Charlie Con-| erly in the use of hand signals. | Both coaches hope the fans will| fod Lynch Ready to ‘Blast’ NEW YORK ® — Lucky Dick Lynch is ready to ‘‘blast’’ Ray Ber- ry, the elusive Baltimore Colt end, in tomorrow’s National Football League championship game in Bal- timore. - * * * The 23-year-old New York Giant defensive specialist has been se- lected by Coach Jim Lee Howell target of Colt quarterback Johnny Unitas, Howell feels Lyneh, in only his first season with the Giants, can do the job, . “He's lucky,’ said Howell to- day while the Giants went through a short workout at Yankee Stadium before taking the train to Baltimore. “Lynch gets beat like everybody does in the league but something always happens to bai] the kid out. 'The receiver is wide open and falls down. Or the passer throws too short or too long.”’ * * * But Howell admits it'll take give the players a chance to hear the signals but both fear the worst. * * * i Austin Gunsel, acting league | officials, headed by referee Ron- ald Gibbs, to stop the game in) case of a fan outburst such as marred the recent Browns-Giants game in New York. Hundreds of fans rushed on the field with two minutes to ge in that contest and it took 20 minutes to restore order, The Browns left the field dur- ing that near-riot and Gunsel has instructed the officials to order both clubs off the field in case of such action by spectators Sunday. Bookmakers say the game has attracted more betting. money than any other single sports event of Several bookmakers claim it may be the biggest single betting event.in sporfs history. * * * Interest, betting and otherwise, began building up as soon as the two teams ended their classic overtime title game last Dec. 28 Steve Myhra’s 20-yard field gual with seven seconds remaining pro- duced a 17-17 tie and set up. the league’s first overtime game. The Giants won the toss for the overtime and received but failed to make a first down in three plays’ and punted. Unitas’ then guided the Colts 80 yards in 13 plays, Alan Ameche smashing one yard off his right tackle for the winning. touchdown. Sunday’s rematch of the teams that played what some football observers called ‘‘the greatest foot- bal] game ‘ever played’’ features virtually the same performers. Senkowski, Hammill Victims of Upsets MIAMI BEACH, Fila. (AP)—A fourth round of the 13-and-under division of the Orange Bowl Jun- jor Tennis Towrnament today Med smashing upsets under their Setkichi Suga, Tokyo, met Fritz Orlando, Fla., and Tim school: in Beaumont, Tex., against Harald Elschen- of West Germany, Both ap- easier game for saa upset more than luck to stop the Berry- ‘Unitas: combo that accounted for 66 completions and 14 touchdowns as the Colts won the Western Con- ference title. Lynch’s built-in enthusiasm is the key. to his defensive play. He dogs his man and has an unusual ability to stick with the receiver. The 6-1, 200-pounder, who played his college ball at Notre Dame, was obtained by the Giants in a trade with Washington, moved into) the right halfback slot — and sud-' ondary jelled, * * * Lynch has been working with second-string quarterback George Shaw during the two-week training) holding Berry within reasonable Colts, “Lynch,” said Howell, “has Ray Berry Will Have ‘Shadow’ Dogging Him to “contain” Berry, the league’s} 1, ” aly. leading ‘pass receiver and No, 1 ray blew then” Lynch denly—the Giants’ defensive sec-| period to perfect his methods for|97. limits. Shaw used to play for the) 1.) onty behind champion Har- earned the admiration of the whole staff by the way. he has dug into the assignment, "They (Lynch and Shaw) went over movies together, Shaw told him all the tricks Unitas and Ber- ry use, the various feints and spins, and how they are worked out of their pass patterns." “The only way to stop hotshots , “is to Glittering Opening Anita opens its 55-day winter meeting gold. Silver for its 25th anniversary. an estimated $3,460,000.during the meeting, which ends March 10. Kaline Wins BOSTON uw — Al Kaline of De- troit, runner-up in the batting race, beat out home run hitters Mickey Mantle, Harmon Killebrew and Rocky Colavito to win the Ameri- can League slugging championship, the official 1959 statistics revealed today, Kaline had 271 total bases in 511 times at bats for 4 slugging mark of .530. Washington’s Killebrew was next with .516 followed by the Yanks’ Mantle .514 and Cleveland’s Colavito, .512. Killebrew and Cola- vito shared the home run crown with 42, Mantle hit 31 and Kaline Kaline, who batted .327 to fin- vey Kuenn of the Tigers, had 167 hits which also included 19 dou- * ; Ba en, 122-09. mala nesses paleo The TRAPPED IN COMBAT — | in a tangle of arms. as he tries to AP Wirephote ree Sid Borgia finds himself se wen sete in te aon Celtie-New York Knick game ‘in “Madison Square Garden last night. Carl Braun (left) and Richie Guerin of the Knicks are on iton State ARCADIA, Calif. (AP) — Santa! today with silver and; Gold.for 31 stakes ‘scheduled for} -hattan (4-1) 2:36 p.m.; Iowa (6-1) vs. St. John's (N.¥.). (6-2) 4:30 p.mg NYU (6-0) vs. Dartmouth (2-0) 7:30 p.m. and Cincinnati (6-0) vs, St. Bonaventure (3-2) 9 pan, Big Eight in Kansas City. — Kansas State (3-4) vs, Iowa State (4-2) 8:30 p.m. and Colorado (4-3) vs. Nebraska (3-5). 10:30 p.m. . * * * Far West Classic in Corvallis, Ore. -— Oregon State (5-1) vs. ‘New Mexico State (6-2) 5 p.m.; Portiand (4-2) vs. Idaho (2-7) 7 p.m.; Hawaii (2-7) vs, Washing- (54) 10:30 p.m. and Oregon (6-1) vs, Denver (2-2) 12:30 ja.m. * * * Queen City in Buffalo, N.Y. — Boston College (2-5) vs. Mdrarernerth | (2-5) 7:30 p.m. and Pittsburgh (43) vs. Canisius (3-2) 9:30, In niOn-tournament games St. Louis, winner of seven games in nine ‘starts and ranked seventh nationally, is host to Creighton. New Mexico visits Xavier of Ohio, which has a 6-1 record. All-America Oscar Robertson of Cincinnati carried a 42.2 average into the ‘garden ECAC festival. The Bearcats have averaged 101 points per game in their six vic- tories. * * * The ECAC*’semifinals will be helg Monday night and the finals Wednesday evening. Kansas State is the defending champion in the Big Eight tour- ney. The first round will be com- pleted with a Monday night dou- bleheader that sends Missouri (6-1) Vs. __ Oklahoma (4-4) and Kansas AL Slugging Honors on .530: Average bles and 2 triples, Slugging av- erages are computed by dividing the number of total bases by the total official at bats, Kaline also drew the most. inten- tional walks, 12. However, team- mate Eddie Yost led in total bases onballs with 135. Only one of Yost’s passes was intentiona]. Man- tle struck out 126 times to lead in that department. Minnie Minoso of Cleveland was hit by pitched balls 17 times and was the top target for the eighth time. The Indians had the highest | club slugging percentage, .408 and left the least number of men on base, 995. Detroit left the most on the sacks, 1,161, Twenty Major League records were set in American League com- petition last season. Nelson Fox of Chicago, the cir- cuit’s most valuable player, broke seveh of them, They were: most years leading league in putouts, seeond base —8; most consecutive games played at second base—699; most years leading league in chances accepted, second base — 8; most years leading league in| games, second base—8; most years leading league in singles—7; most consecutive years leading league in singles—6 and most years lead- ing league in fewest strikeouts—8. Nellie whiffed only 13 times in 1959. Syracuse Coach Frets Over His \4 Ailing Backs HOUSTON, Tex. (AP) — A few of the lights are dim on Syracuse football Coach Ben Schwartzwald- er’s Christmas tree. Four key run- ning backs are ailing. As his players enjoyed a fun- filled Christmas party last night with 40 pert college girls, the gray-haired Schwartzwalder wor- ried about the Cotton Bowl clash| — off, then work for about 90 minutes Monday and Tues- before Wednesday to Dallas, the Cotton Bowl city. AJBC Deadline Monday New Tella Tourneys Ste , (5-3) vs. Oklahoma State 63), The semifinals will be played Tués- day night and the finals wey evening. x * * Oregon is the defending titlist in the Far West Classic and a prime contender this season, The semi- finals will take place Monday night and the championship game the next night. Host Canisius and Pitt are the co-favorifes in the Queen City tour- ny, The Panthers won the Steel Bowl. championship two weeks ago. Dartmouth, winner of the Queen City Classic last season, is not defending its title. The finals are Monday night. COLTS. TROT — Members- of the Baltimore Colt backfield do a trot in the snow of Baltimore Stadium in preparation for their game tomorrow against the New York _Giapts for the NFL championship. 0 AP’ Wirephote . Left to right are Lenny Moore, Alan Ameche, John Unitas and Mike Sommer. The Colts won the title in the game against the Giants a year ago. Marcel Puille sprawls on the ice dise from the stick of Bill McIntyre (15) of the ° after taking the {> AP Wirephote BIG SLIDE — New York ‘Ranger goalie Detroit Red Wings in their game last night at the Olympia. McIntyre is checked by Ranger Jone Haren. a eee oe ee Wrong’ Cullen Stars, Wings Lose Brian Scores 2 Quick Goals for New York Pronovost and Melnyk Tally in 5-2 Setback; Host Canadiens Sunday DETROIT. (UPI)—The Detroit Red Wings were wondering today if they got the wrong brother when they obtained Barry Cullen in a trade before the current National Hockey League campaign began. * * * Barry's brother, Brian, dimmed the Wings’. hopes of gaining ground ‘on the front-running Montreal Ca- nadiens yesterday when he led the New York Rangers to a 5-2 vic- tory over Detroit. The Canadiens play Chicago to- night and a victory will mean the Wings will have to defeat * the Canadiens in their clash Sun- day to even break even for the holiday action, A-win last night, however, would have assured the Wings of at least Brian Cullen triggered two goals just 16 seconds apart in the final erie’ against the Wings last night to put the game out of reach of Detroit. It wag the first victory scored by the Rangers over Detroit this . @eason, Detroit won three and tied two of their five previous contests. Detroit grabbed a quick lead on “a goal by Marcel Pronovost -at "1:31 of the opening period but Bob’ Kabel tied it “at 15:20 when he turned in Andy Bathgate’s pass- 5 : x * & . Jerry oath got a lucky goal Royals Trounce Pistons, 121-103 Detroit Opens 2-Game ‘Stand Agdinst Lakers | Tonight at Home DETROIT (UPI) — The Detroit Pistons, virtually eliminated from the race for first place in the Na- tional Basketball Association's and-home series with the Minne- Eo OS AT ae Grower ae gy ee Western , Division, open a home-|,. > Trip Knicks, Near NBA Neoocd By The Associated fren’, The magic number for the: Bos: ton Celtics is three, Just three more victories and the red-hot Celts will tie the all- time National Basketball Assn. consecutive victory record of 17. It wag set during the 1946-47 sea- son by the Washington Capitols, no longer in existence. + * «*« i astunssta f wR Celts Grab lath aa 6:02 of the middle 13 sietinge this year the Hawks|ien’s two quick goals have beaten the Lakers, Es ng Pet. Behind a 2 ' eee - the tournament. ® Pe ae Cage Tourney Starts Monday Many. Talented Sophs to Face’ Each Other at U-D Fieldhouse DETROIT W#— The Motor City basketball! tournament, which: starts Monday, will be a reunion for some of the most talented soph- omores eyer developes in Michigan. * * * There are -25 players from the state on the four teams entereds in the eighth annual tournament at the University of Detroit Field-| house. The host Titans, a sophomore- dominated crew, are ranked 17th nationally and are odds-on favorites to win the tourney. They have won three of the previous seven. * Detroit plays New Mexico in the feature game Monday night. West- ern Michigan, with a flock of home- “bred sophomores, faces Valparaiso (Ind.) in the opener. The successor to University of Michigan's 1958 tourney champions will be decided Thesday. * * * The Titans have the best known of the sophomores in the holiday event.. Dave Debusschere ‘and Charlie North, a pair of Detroit- - bred youngsters, have sparked the Titans into national prominence. Each has averaged near 25 points! a game. Debusschere already. has wowed skeptical New York fans. They called him the best soph seen in Madison Square Garden since Oscar Robertson. “Big 0” from Cincinnati made All- America as a sophomore, repeat- ed last year and is on his way te doing it again. Westerfi Michigan already has improved upon last season’s record with a sophomore-studded lineup. ’ Bob James of Battle Creek? Ron Robinson of Muskegon Heights, Earl McNeal of Ferndale, Ron Emerick of East Detroit, Bob Bolton of Battle Creek and Tom Woodruff of Grosse Pointe have had much to do with the Broncos’ resurgence, ; James and Robinson have been Western’s best scorers in their first collegiate seasons. Valparaiso brings in two Michi- gan natives—neither a soph—for They are Tom Orton of Detroit and Terry Calla- way of Dearborn. Valpo has been off to a slow start this season. * * * New Mexico has no one from Michigatt on its roster. The Lobos, also with a medipere record, have been paced by Tom King, a 63 jumping jack. Much of New Mexi- co’s team consists of sophomores and junior college transfers. - Many of the Michigan-produced sophomores competed against one another in high school days. Tourneys Start For Prep. Fives Two of four scheduled holiday basketball tournaments involving teams from the Oakland County area will begin tonight at Livonia Bentley and Center Line. The oth- ers follow Monday at Fenton and Chelsea. Farmington helps start things at the Bentley gym meeting Inkster | Roosevelt in the opener of the meet at 7, Berkley plays the host team in the nighteap. The first round resumes Monday with South- “field playing in part of a double- header. Things got rolling at 5 p.m. at Center Line with Clawson battling * Willow. Run. Warren vs, Troy at 6:30, L’Anse Creuse and Fitzgerald collide at 8 and Lutheran East vs CLHS in the final of a busy slate. Holly, -Milford, Bloomfield Hills and Brighton will be carrying the League at Fenton, -South Lyon is the lone area. entry at Chelsea. Missouri Wastes No Time Getting Ready. MIAMI, Fla, (AP) — The Mis- souri. Tigers lost no time today in. starting intensive- preparation for their Orange Bowl clash Jan. 1 with the Georgia Bulldogs. ‘The Missourians, with an 48- player squad, arrived late yester- -day, and were sent through a lim- bering-up workout near their Mi- ami Beach hotel, Georgia was due here tis at . a: DOWNTOWN | | SHOPPERS! Let Us Service Voor Cor” seedca on Ait Makes of BRAID | te | THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1059_ rown. Players TUG AT HEART STRINGS—Members of the East Shrine team coached by Duffy Daugherty (second from left} of Michigan State, make their annual visit to the Shriner's Hospital and find | little Timothy, 2, thrilled at their visit. Kerr, director of the Shrine game is on the left, Andy and players. include Dean Look of MSU, Dick Michael of Ohio State, Ivan Toncic of Pitt and Bob White of Ohio State. The game is Jan. 2 against the West All-Stars at Kezar Stadium in San Francisco. Baseball First Love -|DeBusscherre ‘Dave DeBusscherre is a 6-fo0t-6, 225-pound sophomore who plays basketball for the University of De- troit with amazing efficiency and tremendous enthusiasm. He shoots well, runs fast and rebounds with rugged determination, * * * Many of the fans who watched! him score 22 points against Iona College in Madison Square Garden rated him the finest looking sopho- Hmore to show in the famous sports| arena for quite a spell. Any college _}eoach in the country would be hap- py to have a kid like DeBusscherre on his squad, and Coach Bob Cali- “Ihan is no exception, “This boy is really something,” Gang Tourney Starts Monday Five Basketball Games. Set in Two Divisions at Pontiac YMCA 2 The annual YMCA Gang Basket- ball Tournament gets under way Monday morning with five games in two divisions at the Pontiac YMCA gymnasium. A tota] of 12 teams will com- AP Wirephote ‘ agreed Calihan, “if it weren't for baseball, I'd be in business for three years at least.” wasn't certain just how long he'd! \be able to hang on to DeBusscherre because the youngster more outstanding in baseball — a_ fire-balling right-hander who is be- ing trailed by a flock of big league baseball scouts with fat bonus of- fers in their pockets. +e * INVICTAS x & * | Iowa coach Forest Evashevski) DeBusscherre wouln't commit, reportedly thinking of sending his: himself to basketball beyond the son to Delaware 80 he can play) current season. Baseball is his first/under old teammate and buddy| jlove so it may be only a question) Davey Nelson. of time until the baseball offers. * go high enough to luré him off the | basketball court, Austin Cathbtic High to the Class| A state title and earned all-city, | Aa |He ‘was hailed as the finest basket-_ jball player develope d in Detroit in ulous reputation in his first show-|claims severa] farmer NFL play- ing where highly-touted more often than not fail their best. | New Y when he’s pitching for Detroit in| 8t the Yankee Stadium. Fa Is Flashy Halfback Johnny Robinson, De-| troit's No, 1 draft choice for next. fall, is recovering from a_ slight: fractiire in his left hand suffered recently in a Louisiana State work: ‘out for the Sugar Bowl game. He has not been counted out of the! game yet, | * * { Nebraska's 3rd best scorer has | quit the hoop team because he | didn't think he was doing the | cagers much good, Jim Kowalke, | 6-3, is the departed Husker. | 4 Calihan went on to explain, He. CATALINAS . LeSABRES . BONNEVILLES Was even SEDANS i * * Former Navy ceach Eddie Er- delatz says Mike McKeever, the controversial Southern Catifernia guard, was “the best player I saw all fall.” Erdelatz was serv- ing as an observer all fall for a San Francisco paper. He pre- diets the Trojan wil] make “a | great pro.” * HARD TOPS VISTAS * * ¥ Two years ago, DeBusscherre led | ll-state and All-America honors. | J Years, * * Ralph C. Wilson Jr., owner of 8 tab- | the Buffalo Bills of the new AFL, | ELECTRAS * * * Fle more than lived up to hi in Madison Square Garden |¢rs who want to return to football sophomores | lare among 26 gridders with whom | to show athe has agreements. CONVERTIBLES * * * HOC AMERICAN & GLANSE It could re that the next be | Bat ted 2 cm, Providence o- | Yor uffalo 6. chest i k fans see him it will be INTERNA ATIONAL LEAGUE Paul 6, Louisville ii Minneapolis 4, Omaha ° 2 Indianspolis | 4. ‘Milwaukee 4 j AT pete in the tourney, seven in the MIAMI, Fla, — The South all- star team will stack its defense to stop Army’s lonely end, Bill Car- penter, inthe 12th annual Shrine game against the North in the Orange Bow! tonight. But, coach Wade Walker isn't sure the tactic will be successful. “Particularly with doe Cald- well, also of Army, throwing the ball,”’ says the Mississippi State strategist. ‘‘Ace Parker, the Duke backfield coach, said this guy Caldwell is the best he's seen.” To add to Walker’s concern, Army coach Dale Hail, in charge of the North squad, remarked that Caldwell had started 18 games for the Cadets and had only one bad day — this year against Navy. South Favored Over North Tonight ==: Despite Walker's concern, how- ever, the South is a two-point fa- votite Over the heavjer North isquad. It is figured in some. quar- ters the Dixie athletes have more all-around speed, and will be able if their own classy passers fail to iclick. In addition to Caldwell, the North has an excellent tosser in Pete Hall of Marquette, but the South has three men who can throw the ball expertly. Fran Curci of Miami, a diminu- tive southpaw who will start at) quarterback, shattered every pass- ing record of fis school. Jack ‘Cummings of North Carolina rates right along with Curci, and Joe to make yardage on the ground). | “prep division and five in the | junior division, | Teams drawing byes will enter the 2nd round of competition on. Tuesday in this single elimination | event. ot * eee scorekeepers and itimerg are’ being furnished by the Pontiac Central Hi-Y basketball. team as a service project for the! YMCA, Monday’s first round schedule: © PREP DIVISION . Eastern Globe Trotters vs. Sumlid Hill Five;-#:30 a.m.; LeBaron School vs. St. Frederick, Ramiets, 10:15 a.m.; Roya) Chiefs No. 1 vs. Eastern Preps, 11 am. | Renda Ramblers drew a bye JUNIOR DIVISION | Royal Chiefs No. 2 vs. Eastern In- dians, 1 p.m.; Pontiac Celtics vs. Lins | Tranchnini of Navy also can throw! the ball with anybody. . * * * r The game will be played under pro rules, which will help both) squads materially. The free substitution privilege | will enable Hall and Walker te use their limited squads — each has 24 men — to best advantage. Also, they_can talk to their quarterbacks on the sidelines dur- Cass Avenue Brake Service 109 N. Cass Avenue “Pontiac's Oldest Brake Service” VACUUM BRAKE UNITS. EXCHANGED Hyrovacs Treadlevacs Air Packs Hand Valves Relay Valves All Fittings We Guarantee Our Work! SHELTON PONTIAC-BUICK 223 S. Main St., — * ROCHESTER OL 1-8133 _o coln ‘Junior EH- Y, 45 p.m ing timeouts. And the rule giv-| Eastern Juniors drew a bye | [_ “BEAR WHEEL ALIGNMENT I ing the trailing team the choice of receiving the kickoff will tend to) even up the game if one team! jumps off ta a quick lead. The game is expected to lure a| crowd of around 35,000. The kick- off. is. scheduled’ for 8:15 p.m. | (EST). ° ad * ¢ e a ¢ e id | « Pay Yourself First... The Way Thousands of Pontiac Area Folks Do, and MAKE FASTER PROGRESS ‘Current i % Rate ON ALL SAVINGS / Make it worth your while to save . . . take advantage of our high-rate of divigend paid semiannually! . Pontiac Fed eral “HOME OFFICE: 7 761 Ww. . Hint St. ROCHESTER — 407 Main St. rn PLAINS — 4416 Disie scanned DOWNTOWN ’ ’ ' * ’ ’ ‘ ’ ’ GUT SUMP) § e G OF $2 | = @FREE GOLD BELL | WITH COUPON AND A PURCHASE 50 OR MORE Get Finer Gifts Faster with Gold Bell Gift Stamps ¥. This Coupon Good Only at Wrigleys #|50 Extra Gold Bell Stamps With a $2.50 IFT STAMPS Purchase or More Except Beer, Wine or Cigarettes Coupen tedeemable only at Wrigleys Sunday, Dec. 27. This coupon has no cash value. Please give te cashier before she checks your er HEINZ KETCHUP .2.,35° SPARE RIBS“ ‘Lean Meaty Small a 3 » POTATOES U.S. No. Mich. 24 Ib. bag TEL-HURON SHOPPING CENTER 45 S. TELEGRAPH 398 AUBURN AVE. | 536N. ROCHESTER PLAZA PERRY 39 Ss. SAGINAW | 5060 DIXIE HWY. DRAYTON PLAINS - OPEN ALE. —16E.Lawrence || - Were Pisin wie ie hg “TELEGRAPH & MAPLE __ DAY SUNDAY FROM, : 1M, TO 6. i iia: A ee ae ee, Se ee eee ee 3 __‘THE PONTIAC PRESS. SATU eS qué, bombardment of the Chinese! The United States and western Sir Winston Churchill, reported \Nationalist offshore islands, jitters) Europe, enjoying general pros: teeling fine again after a recent in revolutionary Cuba and diehard! perity, celebrated with traditional] illness that was not publicly Red guerrillas holding out in the|family gatherings after services. nounced, spent the day with his jungles of Malaya. President and Mrs, Eisenhower|family at his country War Ii nag «x * * spent a quiet holiday in the gaily| Kent. : a 7 2 The outpouting of good will on decorated White House after at- ~ oe : pape are "{Christmas 1959 tended to minimize light service at the Nationel keg tn the East-West struggle, was 4 they ated 0 toe Chaat to an[these ‘solated trouble spots, how! presbyterian Church, quiet. Maj. Gen. Rohan Delacomie, | : Drei tt” summit, conference “in{ver, 1, the ,Praverful hopes fOr) Britain's Queen Elizabeth Il. commander of British forces there, 2 Doris this spring though he unged|Peece OY MUNOnS. socal point|*™aiting the birth of her thirdjsaid the situation in the divided : . For Christians ocal point! nid gathered with other mem-|city looked better than last Christ- an alternate date to the West's \o¢ the day’s religious celebrations bers ‘of the royal family at San-(mas. for a start April 27. A/remained in Bethlehem with the “ AES Sat i eh ree hein ee es nee tre et ae Soe ™ a = aw rad ie the cine worl a pressed hope for peace and good gether toward the goal of peace,” munists’ biggest holidays. Pilgrims from c ne and East will in the year ahead. ihe said in a Christmas message. | 4 ‘Peace was far from. universal flocked to the. little town where - . with rebellion in Algeria, troop/crist was born to pay homage) THE GIRLS By Franklin Folge: movements in Iran and Iraq, ten-j n+ 9 manger where lay a sym- a Fs sion along the India-China border, Holic statue of an infant in swad- unrest in French-owned Martini- dling clothes. : a - ‘Thousands attended Roman Catholic and Protestant services and wandered through the Holy s Duss {0 Bargain Land in the biggest demonstration " of faith there in years. In Rome, Pope John — XXIII, ‘from the balcony of St, Peter's on Lend-Lease Basilica, gave his blessing to the ‘world and spoke of peace on earth. as ‘the gift of Heaven’ for sin-' Debate on 15-Year-Old cere men. ~ ee Debt Js Seen as Test of Christian religious services were i ; ip held also behind the Iron Curtain} Desire for Friendship ‘even in the Soviet Union, which THE BERRYS a PR ae Catl Grubert Al teh metres ae officially mocks religion. WASHINGTON w& -—- Russia has; The Soviet news agency Tass, | agreed to start negotiations here jn g rare report on religious events| Jan. 11 on a settlement on its 15- quoted Latvia's Evangelical-Luth-| year-old lend-lease debt. “aleran Archbishop Gustav Turs as. The United States considers the halling Christmas a festival of; negotiations a test of Soviet inter-| e. : ___ est in resolving East-West issues.| For the first time in several, a A State Department announce- years, an American Roman Cath-| ment disclosed that Ambassador |olic priest officiated at.a midnight, Mikhail A, Menshikov will head mass in Moscow for the foreign, the Soviet delegation. This means|eojony. Episcopal services were| : that Menshikov will be returning) pelq in the British embassy in the | to his post here after more than|soviet capital. “Mle ° : two months in Moscow. There had RED GREETINGS | Of 12-26 0 7 been speculation he might be re." a “No play food cut-outs in the dolly kitchen set. I feel . assigned, =... like a fool!” ——— * * * The State Department assigned | ? = ‘ Ambassador Charles Bohlen, a BOARDING HOUSE | a special assistant to Secretary cen — Se Asser sk Tse ee SSS CURL m4 . 7 NY f cated the importance which |” REMINDER THAT L HAVE BUT 410, AND MASOR, AN’ DEY'S _Merter and Frosidest | Else ONLY 18 DAYS IN WHICH TORAISE 4QBa ince By THAT - aithe same settlement. * * The. union wants a 22-cent an|was based on sales of the Easy’s'8:15 a. hour wage boost and 9 cents more) ian hour in Saginaw and 8 cents in| Kalamazoo in wage differentials | for mechanics. Pontiac Man Injured by Skidding Accident A Pontiac man was _ injured and his! Two drivers were seriously in- jured in Waterford Township traf. fic mishaps Christmas Eve. Genera] Hospital is Stuart Lager- gren, 36, of Kalamazoo. multiple face cuts and possible internal injuries when his car went out of control on Hatchery road and smashed into a tree. Township police said the acci- dent happened about 6:50 p.m. Shortly after 9 p.m. a Waterford Township woman was _ injured when her car collided with another auto on Williams Lake road near M59 and then struck a tree, police said. Beatrice B. Longbrake, 2375 Jones Rd., is in fair condition today with head and facia! injuries. Driver of the other car, Donald J. Gollinger, 37, of 4552 Newcroft St., Milford, was uninjured. Business Notes jance Co. of North America. Hop- | kins joined INA-as a special agent jin 1947. In 1953 he was appointed an agency superintendent and the next year became manager of the Detroit Service Office, his present! | position. * Robert C. | Belt Rd., lat the Fountainebleau Hotel im! Miami Beach in a recently held inational sales contest of the Easy Laundry Appliances Co. Repre- isentative of Frayer Refrigeration| ‘Sales, his winning performance! * * Frayer, 2530 Middle; Combomatic washer-dryer RO Man Cleared of Mercy Killing Found Dead Eugene W. Braunsdorf, who was In critical condition at Pontiac He suffered a fractured skull, | 29, of} won a five-day vacation) Union, Firms Mount Northern Savings and Loan Assn. Campaigns to. Garner Votes on Contract — i PITTSBURGH (UPI)—A beat of drums swelled behind the carols and jingle bells in nearly 500,000 American homes Christmas Day. * * * : The rat-a-tat-tat was not rolled out by the fumbling fingers of ichildren, but-by professional drum- beaters—press agent variety. They were wielding their sticks in an all-out effort to grab votes im an election unique in the nation's history. In the 20 days following Jan. 6. the Nationa! Labor Relations Board onnne ~Ueqale "Frciliies » Gino , HOPPE E ETON OOD R ET OR EH oon largest in the world. . HREPOOEPTFDE EP EEDER ODOT OR ERE RED will poll the country's steel work-| ae = ry ree ers to get their verdict on a man- agement proposal for settlement. | of a bitter wage dispute with the} |United Steelworkers Union | x * * With a government injunction, | oof union and management arguments : —or shunning them altogether : Grandpa Ike | Makes Yule’; Trip Home confidence. can finest funeral] serv Every Family Our Community Ours is a most human and personal service, and worthy of your We assure you of our best efforts, and of the dignity and care that'should be a part of the last rites for a loved one. You call the Donelson-Johns Funeral Home with confidence, as- sured of our personal service, our personal interest, and the very ice available anywhere. ceeseseeses er ei iii isiis it ie orig Stet eee reese eee reese WASHINGTON (AP)—President i Eisenhower drove to Gettysburg : i today for a short Christmas visit with his grandchildren | He Parking On Our Promise left by automobile about : : m. and was expected to - : * ireturn to the White House within : a few hours. ; White House sources said the, tee President had hoped to make his, | Christmas visit to the children | Friday but was unable to do so | because of ice-coated highways. | Anne Wheaton, ‘associate press’ secretary,. said that in view of! | Eisenhower's plan to leave Sun-'. _D nelson: 855 WEST HURON ST. PONTIAC SSS SSS eeerer} saeFeeeeewenesarees ING, AT IPPPeeeee Titi i hns ue 4-4511 Vets ee er eeeee Waterprect brig c Thursday afternoon when his car skidded into the rear of a slower moving vehicle on M24 north of Opdyke road, Pontiac Township, according to sheriff's deputies. * * * Robert Sedwick, 21, of 1919 Op- dyke. was treated at Pontiac Gen- eral Hospital and released. The | acquitted in 1950 in Detroit of the) gay for a vacation in Augusta, mercy killing of his hopelessly|Ga., “it seemed the logical thing. crippled daughter, was found dead} to do. ” yesterday in a basement laundry) She said the President planned, tub at his Royal Oak home. He/t» spend only about an hour with was 71. hig grandchildren—whom he _ has Braunsdorf, police said, ap-|not seen ¢ince he left Dec. 3 on parently toppled into the tub and/his long good will tour. He prob- drowned. An autopsy, however, j ably will be back at the White “| OF THE SEASON FI OK kk tk ie COMPARE THESE Bethe dr FOUND ONLY IN $39.95 DOORS fe erigeigi. F ite (lle <2 tes Ee | : | | ! * at AER EERERSREEAESE POSES ESSE IET driver of the other car, James F. Edgerton, 23, of Yale, was not hurt. Massing Against India? | NEW DELHI (UPI) — Official sources declined today to con- firm one report of an impending Communist Chinese invasion from Tibet and another that the Chinese were massing troops all India’s borders. The gov- ane of India spokesman said he had no information concerning 'wag ordered to determine the ex-' act cause of death. Braunsdorf was acquitted in | “ May 1950 of first degree murdet in the death of his spastic- | crippled 29-year-old daughter, | irene. Acquittal came on grounds of temporary insanity. Braunsdorf expressed fear he | . had cancer and said anxiety over who, if anyone, would assume his daughter's $400-a-month medical bill drove him to shoot her five times. Braunsdorf shot himself in an attempt at suicide, but recov-'escen either report. ered. Romney Groups to Gather in County Citizens for Michigan will be held jin the first two business days of oe New Year. j pt aSet 6 Citizens als -Six Oakland County meetings of,at 8 p.m, Chairman is Commander) Melvin F. Lanphar and the secre-| tary-treasurer is Mrs. John Lessi-, ter. The group includes residents of Oxford, Orion, Leonard, Lake- ville and Goodison. * * * On the same night, from Rochester will meet at the St. Phillip Episcopal Church, Roch. ester. Chris Boyle, chairman, and Mrs. Rita eron, secretary- treasurer, will conduct the meet- ing. ‘ Also. meeting on Jan, 5 is the .|Southfield chapter, Eugene Swem, chairman, and Mrs, Elizabeth Mol- nar, secretary-treasurer. Residents of Southfield, Southfield Center, to an 8 p.m. session in the South- field High School. A third meeting that night will! be at the hew Farmington City) {Hall, 33312 Grand River, and will - members Farming-|} ‘members| Lathrop and Frariklin are invited] qi House for lunch, she added. The four grandchildren—David, \10; Barbara Anne, 9: Susan. 8; wand Mary Jean, 4—are with their | parents, Maj. and Mrs. John Ei- senhower at the younger Eisen-. hower’s Gettysburg home near | the President's farm, News in Brief Lighting fixtures, imported from Denmark, unusually different. See, our large display. Michigan Fluor- | t, 383 Orchard Lk. Ave. Adv.' ‘Sherman Tarpening, 4131 Kempf. | St., Waterford Township, reported | to Pontiac Police Thursday that | Someone stole a purse, pajamas, ‘and set of drinking glasses from rhis car’ The articles were valued: jat $25. _ Ann Williams, 2800 Voorheis Rd.. iW aterford Township, reported to. \Pontiac Police Thursday that jsomeone stole a pair of slippers; and a bottle of whisky from her lcar, parked in the Elks Temple { } | A tire, believed to have started’ |from a lighted cigarette dropped. on a wicker chair, caused an esti-'|, mated $600 damage to the home of Lloyd Vickery, at 588 Heights Rd., Orion Township, Friday evening, according to sheriff's deputies and’ Orion Township firemen. An empty cash register valued. at $50 was stolen by thieves who broke « into Chuck's Shack, 2% PICKUPS AND PA’ ins AND 1 «TO 4 curios Picked up and e “CREST. BRAKES We at this time our best wishes goodwill! . “Pontiac Area Chamber of | would like to extend__ i Aue i ed bed san SSeeeeRe i tt Se Sam Cemetery -4abete at ohns Pun wr Contributions may be made! he Michigan Can Poun: da- thon. ew pewrence ‘ot. Pontiac. $, 1059, NANCY men Bi " beloved | infant and Rose 3 fi or if * Gontide CUSTOM H MES Sak te Mr ert cn panier re acim Uh See cuit Sons DRY WALL TAPING AND _ing. Free estimates. OR 3-0888. (Fred Herman | DRY WALL TAPING AND FINISH- _ing. Free estimates, PE 8-6781. Sroomipess Mrs. Wallace. FE 5-7805. ELECTRICAL SERV. V.~FREE pe 214 &) _f;|_PARTNEY Electric , Mrs. j ; yet. © ok as TAI " ‘Viole? Bon Mes “wine: euth) - : "EM 33650 and sewing, OR 3-984, eal Soe wills Sea ar ELECRICAL CONTRACTOR.|if you WEED $500 FOR A lson and - Construction and maintenance. we can help you. Ed Connup Electric, UL. 23-3902, BOARD FINANCE: CO. 1186 are: ‘ Page ceri tes, Op winiag, —H fers eae, ——_ : SBTIMATES | : | a c- ge Dec, 28, at 1: p.m. j : dryers, FE 5-8431. ¥ B Mune r? a : ; untoon Chape. Electric Co., 1066. W. Huron. D : © 0, debe #. Dele Co. anebeck officiating Interment ip EXCAVATING” - TRERONTO aaah eee we in state at Huntoon ‘Pu : BULLDOZING Sr 35-0881 — IF SO apree near town. Be! 2 a H . aa ae eae wilt) _ “jon. “ticened be Sang et tee py got a “ee collar, @ new coat an’ MAeasonable 41% Oakland. H., 6939’ Desmon S Waterford: age , erms 4-6009. , US new doghouse. Daddy got a-new leash!”’ " James HOUSE MOVING: FULLY — -| Rooms with Board 43 __equippe: ped. FE 4 » LA. Gi - nae ive You 1 Place to Pa = ' | 968 by WEA Service, nw /a-2é; KEITH. C. SIEG WAR YY) Rent Apts. Furnished furnished 38| "20%, WITH BOARD FOR 1 OR 2 and six gteat-grandchildren. | PU"), " ao BUILDING CONTRACTOR, I Ease Your Mind — 37 Rent Apts. Unfurnished 38 gentlemen. PE 2-3428. 3 : neral service Will be eld Mon. Notice you don't see any basketball players hanging’ conseg. Residential. Commercial, WF ARE NOTA : = AND. BATE. BEML |§ BOOMS AMD BATE: LOWSR Convalescent Homes 44 , . spel’? ustrial nter emode ‘es! t ‘ + . POPULARITY POLE — Turks | f2st,tutneran Chureh, Water around street corners . CIRANCING AVAILABLE Sol) LOAN COMPANY | _to hlet school sit athingsn | _ iow ‘ret re 4m fernisbed | GAVE ROOM POR UP PATIENTS in Ankara form’ a human totem | officiating. eet Mr schultz | | MONEY. FoR EOERETRS. NEW MICITIGAN CREDIT /? ROOMS Ned ground “floor” pri Lf OA 6-2853 Call between #*. : pole. They were trying for a | will ie in state at the Sharpe Funeral Directors 4 Help, Wanted | Male 6 construction. repairs. See SEA- COUNSELLORS Pate entrance and drive, on Bus . Rent Stores 46 3 better vantage point from which | Sovette Funeral Home. Clarkston.) wen ww nnn werner | ~ Perry ot PPE 8-066 he ©. 1185 N.| RM. 16 PONTIAC STATE BANE | —UDC. © Oem ; Beith full basement, gas heat 4oxeo < stay Ro 4 rv ° : . : : bi ent. gas bea 3 SALESMEN FOR MODERNIZATION; ~~ WA TLT\( —| BLDG. FE _- CLEAN TON. |. = j = OS Teese Roan | he ‘passed: through the city on Donelson- Johns “piss gig tieotone sumamion| “NOTHING DOWN apenas sua ee matin) Pee come women | Meee |The fe ae mre hi i count = ony on | | UNBRAL HOME YOUNG MAN TO LEARN THE AU-| Remodennk on te B. Hall Michigan Assoc. Credi avai? & 3 RMS. PVT. BATH. APPLY reer) ast. OFS er Ferteg song sell absolve’ pa s l-country tour. | “Designee fr Funerals | tomobile business and adopt it PLASTERING. ~wew & Repair |S oe aaPRLY AND Clark E ‘ike You can an el atso Ber ay | SPARKS GRIFFIN CHAPEL | feucn nd/‘¢arm, wih’ one ofthe to|" Wern Keller. UL 2-1740. “gconomically with newly released |2 RMS FOR 1 OR 2 MEN. $10 WK.| Nicholie & Harger Co. a x. aura. FE 60h, . P | Thoughigal Servis FE 2584) nicest dealerships in one ax tne G, SNYDER FLOOR LAYING, SIMMS i WEST BURON FE 56183, OLTR EWE aide ree | COATS best’ localities selling sanding and finishing. Phone FE WORRIED OVER 3 LARGE RMS... 387 OSMUN, ies on inue | FUNERAL _ | America's most Sar ears. | eae — —_ Rent cane Space Ta | oraptan " MER ran | Bee es mere Creme ROOF REPAIRS ~ DEBTS? > neoss: TELHURON, | FINE PRIOR LOWER APART | seem Otenee SOmce AZ, hevrolet_Co.. Roc _____ }EAVESTROUGHING PE 40444 consoligste ail your" bid) Sauite only: ry rs agesecoraied. | _ MENT (West side. 6 large tooms 2D FLOOR, § ROOMS OF OF —- - i ¢ fice space all or part. In ~ YOUNG SINGL E MAN, GOOD. | PLASTERING a;REPAIR — REAS. tave character to train to become gen-)" Pai Lee. PE 21 ROOMS. } PVT. BATH, GAS HBAT.| ‘2,month or } f Realtor Pert: - downtown afea. Corner loca- * i * : | | Voorhees Siple om * ; 7 eral manager of my entire busi-| UbGE 3ET PERV ICE ' ——— ri ge, ? ss. W TO BUILD 0 : rie FE 1. Law sand Perry ets, ; Methods Shift FUNERAL HOME farming "A fave gpportunity for} son ‘Builging Co. FE &-b0i. xe 18 W. Huron st. | vs 5 Pa 10 FE siee MONEY VING pin ai Jonn ‘Lee. FE. 804i. \ ma Service, Plane or Motor the right man. References re-|TRENCHING, EXCAVATING FOR|- "Over Connolly's_Jewslers Baby LJ furnishing, Gek AND 500. site oe a 2-83 : quired. Reply Pontiac Press| septic tanks, Pie OFFICE & i SUPPLIES |} ROOMS AND BATH. WEST f. 3 $500.| NEW —W FE 18 Id tile, footings EABOARD FINANCE CO. ‘Il i Box 77. | ong —Sitte—Part Huron pear high school. Adults. 1165) 32-2144. ; 200-Year-Old Flames . — ditches and boat well. UL |. Veron ukeos _ Call MI 40066 after 4p.m. N. Perry St. FE 8-968). . : a Cemetery Lot: Lots 5, Help Wanted Female 7 : Greeting Sue aie ROOMS FURNISHED. OUTSIDE | For Sale Houses 49 See Modern Farmin , Lan | ens | Building Supplies 14 - OLL PAINTS entrance, First floor. Utilities t Flat—Heated |S ome Os ’ noes g CLASSIFICATIONS PERRY 3 RY MT. PARK CEMETERY | BABY SITTER — GENERAL) (770 ~w oe” STOSE Geraistied. FB C006, 518 Joslyn wiring “abbon N AVE. AUBURN HTS./2 BEDROO! Come to Iréland | INDEX Beautiful € grave lot. Will divide. | housework. $90.00 per mo, Live|NEED CASH FOR RSPAIRS ORi19 wast ees aA. com, dinette, bedroom, pace sTaRTes So. ome to irelan . FE 49882. in or out. OR 3-8833. new construction? See SEA- awrence rE 21414'7°RMS. ERB APTS 1i9 STATE ST. Kitchenette and bath. Front and TP tiocee thon Mandos ftte: . ; CAR HOP. EXPERIENCED. AP- BOARD t + aia 1185 N. Perry) Wtd. Children to Board 28) "=> * FES 5-2203. Ss |e private entrances. Gar-ge. $100 our equity. Take over pay- WASHINGTON—A wisp of smoke} ANNOUNCEMENTS ply tm person, Frost Top Drive In, news | 3 F ROOM” APARTMENT. PRIVATE | Attractive four-tamily | bullding. oi" monthly. Call "EM curling over a cottage is a fami Box 118 W, Huron. oo A.) LICENSED HOME. DAY OR 24|. DAth & entrance Heat, lights &| S78 per month. Metsences re 0332, ; 8 jar 1 REDLIES GRILL GIRL. EXPERIENCED! Business Service 15) —br_care_FE 4-5615." ges furnished. Close to’ town. $1 | _auired. PE 3-101 or PE $-0988.” |-3 “BEDROOM-KEEGO HARBOR sight on the farms of. Northern 3 at 10 Today the siaedy. AP ely tn. Person, Prosi) oeaming’ oar foot penton welts UNFURNISHED APT. POR RENT. is me $300 dn. Price, $6,250. Ire! a.m. Toda re § | _Top_Drive _ Huron. 1,000 EMBOSSED BUSI wall ‘ Heat, gas & hts furnished. 3941 Evenings FE 40312 sland : 3} were replies at The P EXPERIENCED BARMAID MUST) ‘cards, $3.99, postage paid Waite) Wtd, Household Goods 29 Coupe only. FE 0 sso” nights, | FS i-efs. ss Willems 2 BEDROOM HOME IN KEEGO. faintly fragrant smoke Pp ress have ref. Between 21-35. Steady) for free sample and style chart. OR 3-7810, , _ Nothin: $00 $70 ¢, a m ‘tomes from a peat fire on the cot- office in the following; | {17 Work nights. car, See Ties _Street. y Enterprises, 83% Union| “Sianten oad pleces oF AND fil |? LGE, RMS. UPPER. UTIL. FURN.| Rent Houses Furnished 39) Price: te iti” tage hearth. Fires. have burned) SACPLOT MEE | j boxes: oP & Spade fore's Bar, A A PRIVATE DETECTIVES re ei servtee)s “ne PE ETE a ENTR. | SEDEM. MODERW, CLEAN. * room. oa heat wily I landscaped, : "continuously in some kitchens for| iia Wasted Hetug 0 Seen a dodestt WC" Fe Can. seat ROURE HERD NOW, | oe oh Steg ee || Qt tent orm rnin Sa tot stg, Soe 200 years. Help wemed Pen le. siso. part time weekend night ALL MAKEs OF FOUNTAIN PENS BOAIN SoU TVs & appliances. 3 LGE. CLEAN, | ple. Child weicome. Ae ptur no. Tax Taxes & ieocunee i? Bet Peat, or turf as the Irish call it,| Employment Agenc Tg is, 34, 35, 70,75, a2, || _Ritenen heip. 877 “Auburn Ave | Sieur ottice. Genetal Printing “& Top prices. Plense ph. FE 2-603] guts, acto neat, Convenien a ising”? Hatchery a. Prayion)_OR 32021, - Instructions ......-...++ , f99 8+ § | HOUSEKEEPER | VE Ty bad Couple : ce is coal in the making. The decayed |Work Wanted Mal 83, 101, 116, 117, 118. in, Ee of 5 “Tyeag at or. LIVE Pines Bevel, is 274%, be FURNITURE NEEDED = 5-4033 BEDROOM, OIL HEAT, FURN- 3 BEDROOMS . e. matter ‘accumulates in Work Wanted Female _after 5 p.m ‘FAY's APPLIANCE. PARTS Entire home or 06d ete cee eel? am. ike BATH. 31 STOWELL. ? shed. MY 3-2895. Pall, beth, Basement. Automatic One bebenth water. or in: bogs: KITCHEN any FOR PULL TIME 98 CE AABPLIANCE. PARTS on) (2h fuer you. Bab Comeunty |i ROOM FURNISHED APART. |? BEDROOM MODERN. PARTLY slumiguin siding Pots. Only : itis 1 ble when dried. | SERVICES OFFERED Closed “Mo xe Hwy. BLOOMFIELD WALL CLEANERS | Sale. Phone OR 3- amy. < ment. Private bath, garage. | armies. _MA_ 6-000. $10,008 2 arama’ _—— “Reasonad -| | BEDROOM PURN. OR UNFURN. 4 . ied. wth. |Bulding Service 3 ing 5 POSITION AVATE Wall end windows, Reasonable.|WiILL LIQ aga Ma ‘HOUSE. same only. 104 Henderson. _| | ? BEDROOM PORN. OR UNPURN. wp CUCRLER REALTY - Buildine Supplies .-.-. : aaay' able for responsible lady between racer nner , CUTE. MODERN. PRI- : 2 inaw 4-4091 ern agen Aine anging from| Business os iS, The Pontiac Press 19 ‘and 38 _Divernified Work with finse door. walle, aluminum sid-| BE ublie auetion. Kopraisais. | yale: Bad floor. Vicinity ot Pon. | 3 (ROOMS AND BATH, ADULTS); BEDROOM. — FREY ROOM. et ] . ee a ers. cellent . : ari lat 7 . : fel inet _ itis a basic Dressmakit & Tailoring ot if FOR WANT ADS salary. benefilg end working con supervise “EM 3-401¢ or will faints 8 rer a? ete FE 43430. __|@ RM, FURNISHED HOUSE. ALL) vorner iot near ‘Solon Lal Lake. re , arden ow ln oe senses 4 . ROOMS B ear arrow 65 . 900 ith . my these tional Geographic neome Tax Service ......-..--- 19 ican Paper Bottle Co, 850 Ladd ZLECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE RE-| lamps, marble-top. tables. MY) furniture jiurnished Gebers welcome. Cail ‘on 3.08. calieren) PHA “morteuges “we fo bee : ag | Laundry Service 8) DIAL FE 2-8181 Ra, Walid Laks, Mos. Dec. 28) Biger Phone Feveawie "0 ¥) Sa PUT OF niente John J. V tt | Laundry Service oe L FE 2- | om 5p mM Pe BE a ENT | Ware tee tele, popes | JOHN J. Verme ; SYMBOL OF CHANGE Moving & ‘Trucking... 3 | RESPONSIBLE WOMAN. SCHOOL-|PULLMER COMMERCIAL & DO. Wtd. Miscellaneous 30,° fo“Siudren Fe p10, All utilities supplied. FE 4 5368, . Paint & Decorating . From 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. | aged children, 6 hours ‘day Vicin- mestic refrigeration service. OR PILI IAL we § Sup = . REALTY > For centurfes, n have dug Feleviafon’ Service . vo Be p wp. Crescent 1 Lake. Cail after FoR ac CHURCH HAs NEED FOR 1 OR/* ual see VE ENT, & BATH ATL Pivear crescent. Lake, AND, BATE 9203 Commerce Rd. _EM_3-6466 ; turf with &pharroWw ,Spade, slicing | - Ned immediately. “The | WHITE LADY TO LIVE IN” CARE See ee ee Aa Ee stp 2a or PE Bices Shore FE) _only._16 Pine Grove. KEEGO HARBOR, NIeELY FoR: 3 BEDROOM HOMES : itinto long, ‘thin blécks. In County Tess assumes no ree . of house and children. $18 a wk KIR Y VACUU HAVE YOU A TYPEWRITER. «RMS. AVAILABLE TO COUPLE | Tinned oad References ‘required $100 MOVES YOU IN : donderry, ho er, cutting ma-| NOTICES. od * sibility eree errors tiher PE 86-2776. \IRB AC L UM adding machine or piece of office Pais: June Ist. $55 per mo. FE Fe round References required N rt 4 Londonderry, howev: - a | a Tr ISANE ‘eDpVICk : - 5-6998. ‘o mortyage cos: : Hobbies & Supplies net! than to cancel the charges | |WOMAN POR GENERAL orrice ( I.[: ANER SERVICE | WS We et equipment not in Ri w chines have been introduced. Notices & Personals ........... a, for that portion of A (first work. Tyaing teauked’ ferent 3 authorized factory distributors | ont aver buy these items. |* +33 Mocation: FE ¢4i88, Lod KEEGO HARBOR Betown REALTY The tunovation symb oltrce err eae tees |) age. ed Press Dox 161, “giving! 2617 Dixie Highway. |’ °° LATE MODEL \s-TON ‘PICK OF az. WEEKLY 3 ROOMS, PRIVATE tire e rooms. with, fireplsc ech ee Re . changes in farming and manu: | wii“Uulcren to Board as) crror, “When” cancellations age. education, job experience & | pi ASTERING—NEW OR REPAIR. good cond, OL 1-8800 after € p.m: |" pau eni entrance beat and util | zen _® aS Storm windows & doors. Bi facturing in all six of the north. |Wtd. Housenold Goods... 3|{ fe made be sure to get | | WOMAN TO LIVE IN. DO LIGHT Mork _gearemteed__ EE 0%. thes, tie weekly. Apply’ “at 006 LAKE ORION, | BDRM MODERN.| Tat. ‘pull ‘price 8 ae 3 ern tries that k this wid. Miscellaneous eee eeeeee BO; your “kill number.” No housework and care for 2 LIORT | SAWS MACHINE FILED Wtd. Wd. Contracts, Mtgs. . 35'_ St. Clair 160_Heights Rd. MY _3-1284. Lake, Sie ut price 34.150, Mes mo. = - € countries : make up oney, Fonet ceeeeneneevescee BD] adjustments will be given aged children, Must need home. | Manley Leach 10_Bagley _ 8t. BACHELOR'S 3 ROOMS & BATH. moors . BEDROOM. ean m™ 4 province-of the United Kingdom. | 34n\° Rent once 32,9 without it. ; Reply Box 95, Pontiac Press. Dressmak’ & Tailor’g 17 | a -ee SAL, HOUSE, AND | ONFORN. $100 DOWN Share, Living Quarters ......... 33) wom g rg Everytning private. Heat fur | SMALL ONFORN begreces * Agriculture remains the leading| w beter Contracts, Mugs, + Cresing eet for Advertise. flow re aed banyan, more er AL ALTERATIO ~~ |_mished. Uaton_Lake. M_$-c8s mon _Loke. EM 2006.) Ant Adults PE. 40401 after} Si furoee, hot ® sine hoster, . .: 33} f ments-eontaining type sizes home than Wa IONS, FE 46665. BACHELOR, if WE. North acan i industry of Northern Ireland, Wanted Real Estate... - larger than regular | septe Days cal Jack Hodge. rE "Ttisl, | oe events AVS. Pontiac. _| To tmvest ts good land contracts. SeiEE aR Biva 8. FE 6-8 42 IATL HOUSES FOR RENT. IN- prt ee ee price $0950 FE where some 90,000 small, neatly . day previous to publication. Evenings_REpobite Erato Mrs, TAILORING, (AL-| Have, css ONE BOR AAs RMB. LINERS fouate Ww at, 1676 Tevlor Ra. ask for | _ £564). spaced farms fit into 5,459 RENTALS OFFERED mn Help Wenied 8 oe Bodell, Fx 49053.| A. JOHNSON, Realtor turn. “Oul. “Close FE 2-5236, ee weete ai is DOWNS niles of land. SS square rent Apts, Furnished NOTICE TO rrr nen te omen. Dresemak'g & far, 1704 S. Telegraph Rd. FoR GOLORED_2 ROOM Whines Sbdrm. aie we. MA 3 room, bung How at. 9063 Grove : . ‘nf ‘ura! woetacnces 7 . z asmak'g & fu ‘. rm w ‘alow at. rove One of th ee Rent Avis. Tururnished .-....... 3 The Se ERS eile LOOKING FOR A JOB IP 80,|_ repair. PB 5-2538 Edna Warner. -FE 4-.533 Orchard. Lake Avenue. taal Court, Keego Harbor. New roof, q e of the most significant de- tion ‘of transient Want Ad | write Pontiac Press Box 75. L Mos _-+--Ro children. Phone MAple 5- new 105 ft. well, new velopments in the economy has| Rent wom Fe, day ot ERR ee EO UTE Laundry Service 20 T\MMEDIATL ACTION Rent Houses Unfurn 40 es eats BO IN : been the tremendous increase in asertion. r the first Fora of part ime AY! COMPLETE On By | RR ee - ; ge fe per br 150 N, Perry FAMILY LAUNDRY a geod land contract. New eat u hedi~~~~ come. 194 x Mill. FE 4-0219. the use of tractors 8:30 to 11:30 am, service ~ Shirt service. Pontiac seasoned. Your caah, upon sat mis beAcl . _8:30_to_ 13:30 em. und istac inspecti . CASH WANT AD RATES MIDDLEAGED, MARRIED CoupLe| Pein” © & Telexrah. FE yng tits, Ask’ for Ren ‘Templeton,| z, rooms, plus kitchen & beth ss 2-BEDROOM | DUP LEX |80 DOWN — 2 SMALL HOMES Ls without children. Husband | do -K. L. Templ R © o, All have 1 sep | automatic Heat — Pull Basement on 30 x 38 A. tee. Live in ons; New Protestant ge gitar 2baye Gbere fj Leatnent' can sop is sequins | ~~~ A Snescapne 21a Onna tan oe We eae sae tote, es seep Te) income 460 per mont. . . AAR AA RA rr e . 5 f month ew Frotesian 3 150 49297 «© 4.50 job. Wife to assist doctor in $963) [actively furnished and decorat $75 PER MONTH 4 200 3.84 ‘ Inedical clinic, Ref hia-l ACE TREE SERVICE. RE RE- B ed, 723 $500 ooms, T M . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 5 280 4.50 $70 quired rer interview call, MEI- wae eee ee 3h. our To s seul yon Br rT et at low. pa “fot sak bake water, FE 4-7833 ment Oil heat, goraber chicken . een agazl ne § 3.08 5.40 820 rose 281, Holly. a Ai. 3 est possible discount is a service) 55° hae A ann bldg 544 BLVD. N. house, fruit trees. Large lot. For Sale, Houses o.oo. — 7 380 630 0.68 NaME TAKERS TO TAKEINFOR:| Moving and Trucking 22) Te¢,,McCullough has’ given for] Shidren DOWN TOWN ne tle Income Property ........:-:+-+s 50! 4 ‘ o r new ntac y Die | een hee equity, 4 AR’ ar ‘ P 4 7.20 © 11.06 mation for new Pontac City Di ears. Also, cash for your equity,| Sosere" WN TOWN one 1 BED TLY H. C. NEWINGHAM sn't Preachy Boome, Prope ig oo ME gh $88 ISG | rectory. Good and writing and meh buyers. waiting. "No oulige-| gust of Michigan Bell Ope | ror Bale pacers Property ue 82) 5.00 6.00 * 13.80 spellin; epeontial Apply in per- 5 1-A Reduced Rates ons, oa any hour. FE 43844 or difterent units to ro i Corner Lane ; _ | rban Propert: | son, R. L. Polk an ‘0. City cal or long distance moving. : ae ee | WASHINGTON (UPID—A major| Ber gale Lots... 15a) P got yacditional, charge of Directory, Hubbard Building, 18 SMITH MOVING CO. me Sae4| ———-—ARRO_REALTY A HOME TO ENJOY | Protestant denomination is spon-|For Sale farms Pontine Press box numbers. S_Perry san tien oa yout lnm a contract. Cash| SLATER APTS: ‘ Built in 1956, 3 large bedrooms, . soring a new. magazine for high|seie Business” = 4 | Employment Agencies 9 Trucks to Rent Bar ce Na Realtor Part- 53 N. PARKE ST. ° . oe ine es NE gl oe | school boys and girls Rent-Lease Business Property = UCKs TRACTORS or CONTRAGTE | ave’ es wes ay Werte beat x 136, Priced to tell / | ys re. Por Sale or Exchange | AND EQUIPMENT - casa ra asa After § & Buiate’ See Caretaker |” clinfurnece, storm windows, MG / } Calied “Hi Way,” it will be pub-|- Help Wanted Male 6 EV ELYN EDW ARDS |{:Ton Plekuns” — 1MTon Stakes}: 2 Van Wek, aoe) Dine Hwy. |Mr._Corrolt._A-)_ Aronia _Comst | _ +008 = MO! PONTIAC. NORTH SID | lished monthly by the United Pres- paceuegeanannannanne VOCATION Dump, Srucks mi-Trailers | ar _-.~., LARGE FURNISHED APT. PARK-|7 BEDROOM RANCH HOME AUTO-| 4, roms ! q byterian: Chur ch tn the USA. FINANCIAL 96500 TO 98.000 PER YEAR PLUS | 4, COUNSELING SER Tioe « | ‘Pontiac Farm and CAND CONTRACTS 2 rele TO BOY LOR! ing facilities “Inquire 1 104 W. Pike | matic heat. Large yard. PE 2-3006| $2,500. A till Som t be | _ Its credo, voiced in an ‘editorial Busisese Opportunities veces $8 "ears sales experience in. “ield FE 4-058 - FE Industrial Tractor Co. | —% x oR; Living ROOM. KITCHEN, 9 BED-|2 BEDRM., ILITY, CLEA va Bee si mo needs ¥ é i” racts .... | selling vacuums, insuranéé, milk | Oa ———— 825 S.. WOODWARD vate bath and ais 5 in the first issue, is that ‘‘there|Money to Loan . “ss Gl) OF bread route men. | Training « ENGINEER > SE Teel inctuate seit?! wal. buy R ED TAPE cons| Apply 190 N. Perry, PE. 32-3053. Oe. Pontiac Toeation, was she. :LI CRAWFORD AGE. . 4 . : | a = . 1s nothing wrong with being Mortgage Loans veers. O21 for appotntment steer or Prin tools machines and arr : A-l MOVING SERVICE| point or equity. —_ courteous VAT OF cnitics is Lined Ate PARK. |2 BEDROOM. RAMs TERRACE, pe Es young. write 1696 8. Telegraph Rd., Pon-| Excellent future and starting sal | Reasonable rates. PE 5-58, OR x O701 : st or eae ew Pike j ee ee a : wead,® “OWNFR ; te y Aged 25-3 ' - | - ene / “You will see that Hi Way is | MERCHANDISE ‘AU ———— | Bioyment, 406 Poatiac ‘Sate Bank Seat br & EORBIS EZ, NAME |Otroes & Presky Ges Dixie Buy. LAKE ORION, HOUSEKEEPING | __sdle. FE 9-406. pete, Mifinished “not a ‘religious’ magazine as | sw 3) for one of the hottest cats. whe | ees he 80077 your_price, Any time. FE _€00./sHOP “AROUND SEE US its ne hes rales (3 eee NEAR 13 SLE, trol ion? re d bonne ° e stk Sdn eemceiett — . . MY you usually think of ” the For Sale Ciothin soos Gad eueiitty for sales ‘monager, RE CEPFIONIST ‘HAULING AND RUBBISH. §2 A sell your. land contract, | MOTEL KITCHENETTE Greentield. se. school. Maite tar mire peel y Lal one, © | Sale Housebold Foods | @5| State age, qualifications whetber| Aged 22-35 with good typi |_load. Anytime. PE 4-0264. CAPITOL SAVINGS & LOAN ABN. Utilities furn. $13 per seen “76 7 BEDR: CAR GARAGE. furnace and com completely redecorat- . editors promised. “Nor is it. a | f0gves 7 gga) able to work on commission or| ight shorthand © for yping 8nd'Tignr AND HEAVY TRUCKING, | FE 40861 Pontiac Lake Rd. or 3-6389. ado. we, MA $1009 or M -| ed. Will handle with small down HiFi, TV & Radios co - G galary. Pull information. first let- : own “Rubbish. fill dirt, gradi cd a “a payment. FE ¢008i, far-out teen magazine with a (Water Softene gif] ter. Apply Pontiac Press Box 67 office. Some public contact. Mid- ravel at rt, grading, san WIXOM. SMALL APT., ALL UTIL- age’ area. $55 Pen = Call chip on its shoulder for anyone |F°, Sale Miscellaneous, re CALL MOND AY west Emplorment, rior Fravel and front end loading. FE, Wanted Real Estate 36, itss, included. MA 4-192 of MA) yes. “TAYLOR, me. . “GR Custom btult homes ° ristmas Trees BTA NA RPROLRRARPRLR PLR EAA IPR 4-0306. fer a mates: > aver 2. It's a general interest |Chrisimas Gifts 0 (1 to? pm) To find out it you). Work Wanted Male 11 “axwante ARTICLES PICKED Wearme and Leke property. Doo’t| Re nt Apts. Unfurnish 2 BR. HON & Utica ‘or or remogel magazine tor young, intelligent De it ici a ete wies ens Sess can qualify for ° ° PART. re yob PAAAALAALRADRADAARAARALA I charge, : od e . nn ent pts niurn ed 38 ; gg basement, Cres oe per. . ae ea ee that . joo FA home, We can sell it PADARP EPPA LPL DLP r Christians." Cameras 8 bole. 350 ‘per weekvand stl retain carn wd pair FE eae L O'DELL CARTAGE Pa IM. Real 2 ROOMS, STOVE & REFRIGE m1 an 4 ine eet ieee STOP 7 * . The first issue ‘featured an ar- Sale Oftice aed ° regwar job. Phone OR 3-0022. Mr, a PAINTING | AND WALL pa. |tOo™! ond Rg ee) moving. on i'M. Jones, e. Est. | tor furnis sh ed ‘aGuite only. 74 mane a a full basement, see from antes oe orc hee STOP & seer Moy one tthe — oy Bale: Sporting Goods men. Apply Portion Pires Box on SCEREEPING att taxns | Painting & Decorating 23 “ALL CASH ad teooaene 7 BEDROOM ~| Sperry. Pe ence vad ‘ pace” one 0 n U.S.| Bait, Minnows, Ete a pply Pontiac Press Box 92. | - EMpire 33416 eeeeneeesteat DON'T LOSE YOUR HOME ° ‘ . 3 ‘ew Di 18ST CLASS PAINTIN . 2 BEDROOM TERRACE = Astronauts; a text-and-pictures re- pood ood, “Goel ay Fuel coc EXPER tr N tee ELDERS, CABINET Wehes . aie aig orating. Cash bt erase. ONL te. 7 Namedt ate “ae call, Wiener school area eee - port on “New Fall Clothes” for Plants, Trees Shrubs ...:... HEAVY MACHINE ey __4-5000. . __2-2940. R. I. WICKERSH room, dinin ne room, kseben. the senior high set; ‘How to Size| Dogs trained Birded 2000002.. NO OTHERS NEED AP- © CARFENTER (WORK OF ANY | 157 CLASS DECORATING, PAINT: | 1188 WEST MATL MAyiair qe2so) full deyitent heats, ee . ] evens kind R g and wall paperin a + Up A Used Car;” and an article Hunting Dogs . TIAC PRESS. _p.m. a ae Call after 6 5-UADY INTERIO: DOOR ATOR: CASH tenants, Paul A. "Kern, by a psychiatrist warning teen- MEN TOW ae MAN NEEDS WORK DESPERATE. penne FE _8-0343._ 48 HOURS 2-9209, : ; nonth. agers against the pitfalls of “try-' FARM MERCHANDISE ” guards in Pontiac. A te §5-65,| Ww ic Wa d Fema Paper removed. & DECORATING. HOME — EQUITY ROO AND BATH AREAL NORA T 1 TH FULL BASE ing too hard to be popular.” gay, Grain & Feed... 5° 9 Must, be in, g00d physical | Work Vantec eimale | 2a 1 PAINTING “CaN TERI On, EX. WRIGHT-VALUET fine home. Retrig., stove and gas tide. aikytale . tr Sale Lives’ | erior r cen ¢. fot eas! uplicate ‘ ee Wanted ‘Livestock Room, 1908 Kales Bids.” Adams | 2 WOMEN WANT WALL WASH. Guarantees “Free ent, PE 40208, | oot FE 5-441) tates up entire building, Adults ioe atter ae For Sale Pouits .. . day, Dec. 28. on-| tog & house cleaning, FE 3-7581..4AA PAINTING & DECORATING. GI AND FHA only, Reasénable. 1 bloc St Com. 4 4 SEDESTRIANS Sele arm, Bovipment 000... A MECKANIC WANTED 3 AT Mm OTR aye PE oleae CaSiTER |” 3 yearn experance Reneonable.| CASH POR YOUR ROME, | isc “eM -4il5 or “Ml 23 _ bee month “ai on r . §1)MECHANIC WANTED. 3 A-1 ME-| _%¢ rE _Free estimates. Phone UL 21: WE BUILD bs ie uction Sales 8a eet off foreign cats, 1 for | TRONINGS, SUPERIOR QUALITY PAINTING. | PAPERING. WALL DORRIS & SOM REAL 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT. NR. ru pair. ly’ in perven “te nee UR _3-5886. cleaning, paper removed. B, 152. W. Huron 4-157 et ey Shopping Center, OR * est side. berty. FE AUTOMOTIVE Priki’s Garage, 712 Baldwin ave. | MIMEOGRAPHING. TYPING SBC. | Sandusky. PE 6 aay. “eedoa for small’ FLOOR. | hada heen — : - | retarial service EM 3-2843. PAINTING, PAPERING. .REMOV- to $5,000 for sm: a bem. 3 gael APT. GROUND: € ROO For Sale Housetrailers ...... a9 . ; WASHINGS AND TRONINGS. Pick) Washing. PE_ 22312. WOOD REALTY. FE 4-5203 | $65, per mo. White Bros. OR | eat. 200 W Mowery Isis aot roles fpace | =» ROUTE MAN up and deliver. FE 5-0724. PAINTING INT. &_EXT. PAPER| Rent Apts. Furnished 37/3-Rooms ano eaTE a For Bale Ti +) sits per week guaranteed to start Wart I ASHINO. OUSECLEAN- pengne Maso Thompson. PE ~~ ~~~,~~ Ann HR" ‘utilities furnished. ee a - rvice ..... "93 ried man w ith car to , . by the day. $1 br. : 1 ROOM BACHELOR APART- Gale Motor Socoters --./<-..--. 84) Week to replace one who wouldn't and transportation. Experienced. Television Service 24) ment, everything furnishes. FR * ithe toe ae For Sale. Bi weaecace an OR _3-8565, a 7 Guwar ‘ shot seeeeee n|WaNTEDO ag Te Building Service 13 CREST TY &, Ame. 1 HOUR|! LARGE R Mabers, Mill Chender Bhoper | AO nn | erie ES aes x 3 2 99 hands. Visner Tool & Engineer- A-l. FLOOR. SANDING. wrrr —|DAY OR NIG 210 Campbell, Rochester, — the floor sander, FE 5-372. PE —_ or ey 5-8300 ENCED WOOL |4-1 CARPENTER AND CABINET ‘ . -P. STRAKA y Mitchell Ch ‘| work. Winter rates. Work «| JENSEN'S car’ 163 ™ premer Grehura, take Woad ond. carer sntesd, OR 3-6108 nl ee py We 2-0495. my A ENTRY - WALKER & GARY RADIO ® TV. ve meme or eo) Mie i 8, ee investment, no siyitienc bee: -@ 33 > ~ Upholetering ae time. e. Small cities a4 towns best. a4 eee LL. MMERCIAL eaxies ordorwren.| Winona Mon t Co., Winona, ndustris) Mai yf tron Mt 1m, "Contracting Also vere toaut* te: be eve ads sonia ‘Wanted : Voucg man 18to, Sia ue W. Caples. MY NAC UEROURTERING— ~~ 25. for full time hard- “en B Li Eh _— ware: sale work. Call ag A a onday December 28th | before 5 p.m. for inter- | See mortgag x view sppastiesy od Builders’ Eexchar Phone FEB S619 4 eee ee ra] - oe Bar | COMHR TE 24) , W. ROSS ay OR '3-8021 AB SEASON'S GREETINGS Sustomers C. remeee REALTOR NA 7-2615 6 SEL bal io 4 WN ld a home to be proud of, our. tot ave model. LA LAKEFRONT ileges.New & L% . Large select’ to choose from. STEELE. REALTY, 1246 N. MIL- i Migtead Mae ad a WEST SIDE down’ ~ Neat modern 2 bed- room. Basemtent, furnace. Near Voorheis. $6,500, $1.250 down — Large income. 9,—————————————————————————— haere 3 Good north end Bri REALTY 131 Baldwin FE 5-8275 WILLIAMS LAKE + im, Ww room, S Lest taat Thee Sa BROS. OFF AUBURN So 2, sanity. 2 baths, ‘full basement.| , LAKEFRONT sel thee tc newly decorated. | amis 4 year old brick home sits fe.00 on a 15 x 480 ft, lot. 12 miles aul M. Jones, Real Est. | {rom Pontiac on paved road. W. Huron ens Full basement god 2 ae ti e. rE¢ FE & 31d’s00 S00 with smal down payment. Income ght jocation for fur ust the right ‘or aished place. Always occupied.| == \VHITE BROS. oie 32) °°a room furnished “tight OR .3-1295 © ing rooms and bath. p ri-({Open Eves. ay +o jCundey 10 "til 6 vate eatranees . peat 5660 Dixie Hwy. PAYMENTS DIRE FULL PRICE $7,500 * _—-SALES OFFICE— 544 EAST BLVD. “PE Pas" SCHRAM We will be closed until Monday seo Down faree: ment, 3 room home, vee "room, full base- Full pri $5500. 2 bedroom . kitchen, full base- ment, 1% car garage. IVAN 'W. SCHRAM REALTOR. FE 5-9471 wf iden Cone Sukhoi WHITE garage. $2500 down. West ‘Side You'll be delighted to find such a nice clean 6 room bungalow, tile poor oe floors; gas heat, $12.- WiLLis M. BREWER | JOSEPH oi ure Bt SALES. MGR. rs Eves. FE #0823 TACK E “= LOVELAND 2188 Cass Lake Rd. FE 2-4875 HAYDEN rom TKINS ESTATES. Ex- IAG habs te Bedroom Brick home. MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE ON 4 3 wits tie. no ntoe™ ‘ol pau oe beement ~ SEE OUR MANY OTHER ~~ PHOTO- LISTINGS 412 W. HURON OPEN EVES. FE 4-4526 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE “ARRO Ideal Family Home ¥ Only rive $60. Low Down Payment Cozy 2 bedroom home, newly dec- orated. erie path, fence yard with outdoor grill, Only East: Suburban Lovely ranch home, wall to wall ca : Modern kitchen with oven and range. Garage Beautiful lawn. Only $17, “ ARRO REALTY TED yes ent tr REALTOR $143 C tth Rd. FE 5-1284 FE 4-3844 Open 9 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Sunday 1-5 | ‘s INDIAN VILLAG iu Dedroom 4 2 ana. brick. Screened e. garage. Private drive. A real value. Priced low. Be first! PIONEER HIGHLANDS 1% story bungelow. 2 bedrooms yah le large ¢ . Oak “fe full b t . asem ent recreation room 1%e-car garage. An this on $13. foe with lake privileges. HOYT REALTY | 254 8S. Telegra FE 2-9840 eee PEE 2-000 | WILLIAMS, LAKS CANAL room features a burning fireplace. A ohn planned kitchen with scads of moderately, small down payment. Buy on 4- contract with no mortgage cost and possession by the heat, Finished recreation room. 2 car attached garage. Lot 100 X 150. $18,950. Terms. wi SUBURBAN. Close In. 3 Bed- ~ room Brick home. Modern kitch- en © inlaid lineoleum, Bir bs. rds and vent fan. Bath shower. Oak floors. Plas- rr walls, Basement has fin- fereg recreation reom. Of] fur- nace. Gay ine cinerator. Paved street. Excellent neighborhood. $16,500. Terms. TO ‘A Waterford fee aiupinan gue pore alum inum | 8 Plastered walls Tile ba Wail to, wal} ca wR Base- aw AF reation | ont furnace, 1% car garage. ost 900. Terms. LAKEFRONT. Spacious liv with fHirepiece in nats new room Brick ety . Built range "k oven in the kitchen. 2 Cova tile "path * with built-in ms at Pos ith» shat ermo Pane ievel "Recreation room Mil f ire- lace, & av. pereens. Blacktop street. $27,500 erms. as C. Hayden, Realtor . Walton room Bed. MERRY CHRISTMAS And many more even merrier ratmeses to come if you buy yourself a nom cite Partridge SSDCIATES “ SO _W. HURON Williams Lake $1400 DOWN shed béeau- k the Take over pay- ad aie ver month, This one tow! ‘bedroom bi-level ‘at 1314 Wood- on the lake. Includes droom 7 ena ‘arvet, _Tefrigerator and Ay | eli FHA or BInMInGM AM. HT agit Aa Open 9 to 0 WM. A. KENNEDY Noga New Year. You can’ Be first to see this new offer- ., ing. if you call NOW. $300 OR LESS down pay- | ment will buy a neat sized 2 bedroom home. l fine bath. Lake privileges. beach icnic grounds. Pull price fee of $6500 , cludes TV antenna ena te full storms and screens. Young people, here’s your chance. No hid- den costs, Modern housing subdivision, ever ular, very conven- jent bus, schools and shopping, Beautifully kept screenes included in sale _price. May be purchased with $1500 down on a jand contract. Easy monthly pay- ments. Early occupancy. Drayton oe eins a BB. the Ws, has been 6 our eeeirnegs to 8 to @ lovely carpeted Toom with a nattral room mon with. "about $0 00 wn Owne south and will give qu ck possession clea a3, 2 bedroom, | RAY O'NEIL, Pe nog PP Rd. Realtor ove. ons {132 W DORRIS CUTETANERG OPPORTU- e Sacrifice $13,950 | would consider rental option | — Vacant. LINCOLN STREET HOME — A large six room family home, oak floors throughout, one of the homes, but s nel; and nice Terms or trade. $300 DOWN $5950 — 58 E. Hopkins just off ‘Baldwin i Modern smell four room home, basement, laundry tubs, gas heat, vacent, ina at Lotus lake 26x38 on foundation with full base- ment, a massive stone fire- place. nice breenewey and 2 ca eh i ee bright and cheert edroomis, j DORRIS & SON REALTORS aoe Huron’ PHONE FE 4-1557 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE BROWN NOTHING DOWN Large 3 oom nemeher only storms. a. heat? an new. port “Exe: About $475 CRESCENT “LAKE ESTATES Modern 25x32 ft. alow. furnace. ‘Oak rs. ot tise, privileges. Priced moe # it only at only ‘800 Reasonable terms. 4 { ACREAGE | from lake. - shade trees. ay buy. Pric Rea ble terms Nice home across | acres. A rea] | at oaly $7500. | Val-U- Way FOR GOOD BUYS AND TRADE BARGAINS po ase down: $65 month . areal — 2 larg rooms, iiving R. J. (Dick) VALUET REALTO 345 Onkiand - FE “Pens 9 to 9 Sun. call Mr Left 4 Lake Orion 1210 Miller Road accept | vg a K. L. Templeton, : ealtor 2500 Orehner 8. PE 26a NICHOLIE & HARGER CO. ¢ Templeton | $2500 DOWN — Large 9 room mod- ern colonial féerm style home. “Excellent Condition.” Basement. Furnace. full bath, \% block from school. 2 ACR. of Jand. Fienty of shade trees. A good LIST WITH Us — lot, fast oft efficient TRADE — Soe Ry Ts oe] “Pow Bie Cate Fie 2asig, nO SUN: L. H. BROWN, Realtor ane Lake ets or MUL LISTING SERVICE ° _ JOHN K, IRWIN & SONS — 7 Poggi Three Wedroans RICK : Large f Jolin K: Irwin & Sons 7 _ . .Realtors- VACANT. se TT N, Saginaw St, Open ‘til 6 BUY TRADE aa dinae room & bed- rooms es oid You will iG you NEED IN bath suggest SUPER BARGAIN in Elisabeth Grab your toott brush in y $8500 with low down payment “William Miller Realtor— FE 2-0263 eo W. Huron Opein ¥ to.8--Sun. T lto¢ ANNETT | 2 Family First floor gwneroccupled. ler second apart- ment now rented, Full base- ment, separate gas fur- naces, car garage. On bus line. posse street end 2,000 down. West Side Apartment * . 4 family brick. § room * path each, all occupied. Pall 1 heat, car excellent location, schools and . Only $10,- Look Across the Lake View of both Sylvan and step-saving kitchen Breakitast bar ant laundry area. 3 bedrooms, 1% baths. Williamson FA gas heat, 12 | connects to 3,500, terms. x 14 breezews 2-car garage. ROT bg dy Pan Open Evenings “E or gundays 1-4 FE 8- 6466 Bateman Kampsen MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE NORTHERN HIGH All you need is this attractive . new metal awnings and picture win- dow. Reduced for quick sale $3,950. LITTLE COW BOYS’ RANGE WHOA THAR, PODNER! Your boys will say when they see this llig-acre spread, custom 3 bedroom attached 2-car garag perek Just west of town—only 15,850, - Office Closed | SATURDAY & SUND. ay |* and 27th | . FE 4-0528: December 26th » — REALTOR — 377 8. TELEGRAPH: OPEN EVES. STOUTS . Best Buys Today 4 BEDROOM SUBURBAN Located just 3 miles north of Pontiac, and contains 6 rooms and bath, large base- ment with ot] conversion au- tomatic furnace, & fin- ished , net room large enou, 2 rooms. Shastered walls, oak floors. size 200 $8,950. and x GOING UP? $300 DOWN Five room frame house, lo- suburban lot on oppor- is some decorating, Total price only $3,000. ' Warren Stout, Realtor cia FE 5-8165 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE IRWIN ~ GEORGE R. _ VACANT | garage, $28,500, | i 7 Free i ' | | i { | } i | | One | _ @ 1959 by NEA Services, bon Tan, Rog, U.S Pas, | ?-26 “on Dm glad you're wearing the tie I gave you, Father, ' but do you _ think that a is the one to wear with it?” | For Sale Houses — 49° Ree ee GILES ‘Lakefront Only st, 790 full price for - a sharp 6 m home. 2 car garage. well Mm landse aped cn with cut. stone sea wall Terms arranged. Cail for appointment. | | Keego room, 2 bedroo; borhood. Only In the City Nice 6 room family home, on the East side. Large rooms throughout, 12 x 21 living room with natural fireplace, Full basement, ad- tomatic oil furnace,. Shown by appointment, GILES REALTY CO. FE jo at BALDIIN AVE. _ MULTIPLE fistina SERVICE "SMITH" CLARKSTON VILLAGE Superb neighborhood, rivi- leges, executive ty rick | home consisting of large liv. rm with ledgestone fireplace, din. tm. | 3 spacious bedrms,, 2% tile bath, | sun rm with Jalousie windows. | Beam ceiling, family rm., 26 {ft rm with fireplace, modern | kitchen and breakfast rm_ De- signed for unusual beauty and | rage with radio doors. Other out- | convenience. Bulltin oven and range, 3 tone baseboard oi] hot water heat, 2 car attached ¢g standing features, carpeting, cus | tom draperies and w mirror. Beautifully landscaped with 140 fl. paved street frontage extend- | ing to boat channel . leading to several lakes. Priced right. Rolte H. Smith, Realtor | 4 8. Telegraph FE 3-7848 | lake 4 level COLORED 3 BEDROOM RANCH HOMES | Your thoice of red er grey brick. Tiled baths, modern kitchens. Puli | basements. Gas or auto. oll heat. Some with alum. storms-screens. barge back yards, Near schools | and shopping centers. ‘Only $100 down with a good employment and credit record. | ASSOCI: \TE BROKERS | Ine. Ooa6 ine. — After 5; | 443 Qrenece rake | | | "BUD" 3 Bedroom Brick Nr. Washington Jr. High Handy to Tel-Huron and Miracle | Mile "snopp Centers, featur. | ing natu replace dining -room, breakfast nook, | recreation room, automatic 1% baths, full basement with heat and net Water, attic ex- haust fan, car garage with large workshop in reer. uick ssession ered at 500, y appointment only, whe not make yours NOW! ' i S¥ivan Shores Sub. AL On One Floor oreveel. | Bis |p Sopesnne Patel oe Pit Cozy 2 bedroo ranch style bungalow with ¢ attached garage, 2 lots, and featuring carpeted living room and dini drapes, cute | kitchen, be ty reom, 49 Mt, Clemens * Call Mr. PE: 5-1201 or FE" 2.3370 Income Property __ 50 COLORED. B.E, 2 FAMILY. LOW OW me or. Inte model car. FE 5-1400. For Sale Lake Property 51 . | WHITE LAKES. 100 FOOT FRONT- age. Acre plus” Lee: 4 4 bedroom, year-around home. 4-2540. Owner, MU For Sale Resort Prop. 52 LOANS TO $00 FOR DOWN PAY- ment or purchase of cottages or lake lots. SEABOARD ft Rance co... 118 N. Perry. FE For Sale Lots 54 FOR PERRY ACRE LOTS C. H. P, HOLMES, INC. PE $2083 LAKEWOOD VILLAGE. PEW choice lakefront tes" are still available. Bes LAKESHORE DEVELOPMENT EM 3-0085 or a SEF THE NEW SITES ICHE ROKEE ‘HILLS sEroRr2 YOu B You'll ltke toe wesded. rolling rolled close-in cot ition. Drive out Elisabeth e Rd. to Se beke ne. Tw t 3 CARL W. BIRD, Realtor The Best for Less HI-HILL VILLAGE |. 160 ‘on & paved toad Hay peoutiful view. $150 with sas or ADD'S INC. 123) ; OR ae | oe iW. DRIV | ELECTRICAL PONTIAC i a wa § | | __For Sale ; Acreage — 55 % 16 & 2 ACRE PARCKLA on blacklop, Reasonably priced. Small down payment. Call us. STEELE REALTY, 1246 N. MIL- ford Rd., between Highiend and on | Highland, ich. M 1, —~-- ACRE S Beautiful rolling land with loads excellent lake frontage, an ideal location for immediate de- -velopment. Nothing like it in the ares. $15,000 down 22 Jd 4 Warren Stout, Realtor 17 iN. _ Sagi inaw St. FE en ‘till 6 pm For Sale Fe Farms 56) Pry ANA | 60 ACRE FARMS WITH AND | Orchard too 40 & w ithout buildings. Call now | STEELE REALTY, 1246 N wrt. | ford Rd., between Highland and| w Yow” Highland, Michigan. MUL 78 ACRES ON COMMERCE RD. |" west of village $590 per acre. Consider dividing, 100 acres. White Lake Rd, Waterford. $390 per acre. west of | | Also many Wacre, parcels and sev- | 1 ood dea eral lake C_ SCHUETT _ FE 8-0458 | Business Opportunit ies 59 59 | Auto Dealership | A real opportunity for an active. enthusiastic buyer. Includes at- tractive shqwroom, franchise, used car lot, complete service department,- plenty of customer parking All inventory at cost LLIS M. BREWER JOSEPH F REI8Z, SALES 64-06 E Huron St, PE 4-5181 Eves. FE 8-0823 or FE 5-8064) N, 8 STOOL | “COUNTER | IN on Nig Highway. Reasonable UL 30 | | EXCELLENT | ~ LOCATION | FOR, drug stote or other retail bust ness, $90 per mo E. Biv South FE 2-6820. | | et { CONTRACTOR seeks financial parioer. guarantee 1§ percent MA 3-57 HAGST ROM” ;CLAS8S8 B HOTEL — Liquor. 14 { rental rooms, plus 4 rooms ive | in quarters, real sharp, Real | estate business, fixtures and) equipment Down payment of ~ $30, can be in land contracts | and cash. | PIZZERIA — $5.000 down, put you | in this neat, well equipped res- taurant. A-1 location, Seats 52 Lease $110 a month. Plenty of | parking Start the New Year in a business of your own. Hagstrom — REALTORS 4900 Highland Rd (M59) OR 4-0358 “LET'S TALK BUSINESS” Department Store New modern store with large paring lot. Main highway in ake grea. Beautifully equipped and stocked, Very attractive sates and piiced or ideal in- vestment aad operation by hus- bene and wife. See for your- self. . MICHIGAN BUSINESS ! S Al ES CORPORATION JOHN A LANDMESSER, BROKER 1573 “releniaol 4.1582 PARK Al OUR’ FRONT DOOR ‘SERVICE STATIONS FOR LEASE good potential. Please -call be- {een 8 and a ee 2-6101. After | 5 p.m., FE 8-144 _PURE | OlL co. VARIETY STORE AT WIXOM Stock at inventory. Reasonable | Tental. MA 4-1292 or MA 4-2555. ; Suburban Shoe Store Busy hwy. lec. among other stores.. Handling shoes and sun- ery I eee Clean or ~ a popular ds. A-1 bidg., 60 lar a's parking area, Lon: tease i fixtures. riced at $3,000 at us inventory at cost. Smart a yr. $3, rator should net $10,000 ‘dn. will handle. ’ Giroux-Franks GENERAL REAL ESTATE i 4305 Dixie Hwy. OR 3-9701 Open Till 8:00 t STANDARD OIL Has several 2 stall stations for | lease in and around the Pontiac D HATFIELD, ORTON. | For further information- call MI eet or Mr. George Howard IR 3-0875 after 7 p.m. ats FOR FREE NEW ISSUE PA pth A! FALL ““MICHI- COM. . PONT! - Sale Land Contracts ¢ _ LAND CONTRACTS TO BOY ¢ OR to sell Kar! Garrels, EM 3261} EM 340R6. or Money to Loan 61 (State Licensed Lenders) GET $25 TO $500 ON YOUR Signature PH. FE 2-9206 OAKLAND Pcs rg oe ~ PARTRIDG 1050 W HUR 4-3581. BIG Beak G | 209 Nationa) Bidg 53-8165 | \ CASH FOR USED TV'S | BUCKNER | FINANCE COMPANY nornOw CP 3 TO $500 mney - vz Beare ‘yinios_— Bers eT OANS $25 TO $500 | 6 } vows months te or other. 4 Sik it B e ‘THOME « AUT LOAN CO. iN. Perre 8. Corner #. Pike Borrow with Confidence $25 to $500 Household Finance Corporation of Pontiae St. FE 40635 ‘% 8. Sagivaw WHEN YOU NEED: ‘ Money te Loan. 61 Mine iota not Baty hat KITCHEN STOV oad ciesiric combi L RGE cris AND aarrESS brand new; $15. i. Pearson's Pur- _niture, 42 Orchard Lake Ave. LEAVING CTrFY. furniture, 4146 Lotus. $25 TO $500 ‘Ne will be giad to help you. SLATE FINANCE CO. 702 Pontia- one on Bide. FE 4-1574 TEAGUE FINA ANCE CO. 202 .S. MAIN. 214-E. ST. CLAIR 'ROCHESTER ROMEO) LOANS %25 TO 8500 AUTC nouliieeeD oe G00D8 OL 60711 OL 1-0 PL 2-3518 PL y3ito “PRIENDLY SERVICE’ LOANS $26 TO $500 BAXTER & LIVINGSTONE W. Lewrence St. FE 4¢-1638-0 = BE 4.1574 Credit Advisors 61A BUDGET YOUR DEBTS are erty LOANS | o “4 bet 3% 8 SAGINAW FE_ 3.7053 Mortgage Loans _ 62 LPLDPLLLLL AA NOAA AAA LA BIG BEAR CONSOLIDATION M test. Ask Call us, "eRrRUCTION ’ co ‘E 3-1833 we CBL w "S600" TO UN on Catiana County homes. Mod- eie OF Voces *& Buckner, Inc. FE 4-4339 63 o~ TAFE recorders and radio phonographs. Working or not PE 0367. POR SALE OR TRADE—REPRIG- erator, kitchenette, Hollywood . Youth bed and chest, studio couch, equity in 6 room house for car, beat, truck or what have __you? FE 4-0693. WAIER SOF TESERS. TO RENT ‘or seth $360 month. OR 3.2360. E BUY SELL, TRADE ICE skates. Barnes’ Hargrave Hard- ware. 742 W. Huron. FE 6-010). Gpen_eves and Bun, Sale Household Coods 65 65 PRPRPAPRL ALAR ALD LP PLES BEAUTIPUL 2-PIECE LIVING room suite newer used $98. §10 down. PE 2-6 i PAIR- PLAID ruts CHAIRS. | plaid Oc. chair, 1 dark green Swaps LONNIE NG ILL DIE yer chair 1 red swivel rocker, rone oe age ebalr All newly _ Upholstere _ 3} ROLL-AWAY nen a) P. Toys, ‘“e price TV's retrige.. ranges. and washers, all size ‘4 up. Sofa beds, $10 Dinettes. drs. suits, desks, beds, springs, sewing machines, baby cribs, bookcases. end tables and ead chairs a) at barrcain ices. terms. THE BARGA! House Buvy-Sel! or Trade. 103 N. Cass st Lafayette. PE 2-6842 ‘PIECE SECTIONAL, POAM CUSH- ions, frieze covers, $169. Pay only $3 weekly. Pearsons, 42 Orchard | Lake Ave. - ; BILVER GRAY BEDRM outfit Double dresser. bookcase bed large chest, 2 vanty lamns, All for $8950 Pay only 82 week - 15 Pearson's Furniture, 42° Or- chard Lake Ave 7 PIECE ING RE § PIECE AVING ROOM ~ SUITE. Brand new davenport and chair 2 modern step tables coffee table 2 decorator lamps, all for s99 Pay only $2 weekly Pearson's Furniture 42 Orchard ; _price- | MA matching | LINOLEUM & PAINT reat et Jack's, 281 AG WASHER AND , DAYER sales & ‘sey Behick's, Dp” TV $15 8. Welton RE 29287 Oil TANKS, OsED. 28% | Cal / pid “Sun Bales, MA 5-134). ) Qut They Go" ANYTHING ON THE FLOOR SOLD AS FLOOR MODEL ~ STOVES — REFRIGERATORS FREEZERS 8 1-Fls— DRYERS - WRINGER WASHERS - AUTOMATIC WASHERS IRONERS ap | ie GOOD HOUSEKEEPING SHOP | Of Pontiac §l WEST HURON FE 41555 | REFRIOBRATORS, ALL SIZES | and prices. 1 for evéry need. Largest stock of rebuilt and guar- anteed refrigerators in Oakland _County. Sun Sales. MA 5-134], R sas 9’ X10'8"'; oXxae”; tehing green, Blue, . _ Blond dinette, misc, FE 5-7332, SPECIAL 0X12 RUGS. 824.95. MOC- Leod Carpet. 2685 8. Woodward. __ FE 2-770) _ _ SPE CIAL Holly wood headboard Beautit Sine fa beds $49 eau new sola be . B palit near at Co., 4763 Dixie Drayton Piains OR_3-6734 STOVES. BOUGHT, SOLD EX- changed. Turner's. 602 Mi, Clem- ens. FE 2-080). SING. ‘PORT, ZIG-ZAG AT- tach $10.50 Electrolux veesem, $14.86, Wringer . type Ac hers, “Terms. Curt’s Appl. TRADE-IN DEPT. Copper tp washer $24.95 uilt washer ...,.. . a Re is Neather’ reckar ewes 6 95 Meta! love seat mn ee) Red Vel, 2 pe. liv rm. suite . $39.95 Red hide-a-beds . $49 50 Elec, range Leas pee LOTS OF ODD PIECES, TABLES & LAMPS IN OUR -USED D WYMAN’S +> | 18 W Pike _PE 4-1122 TRADE Gas “RANGE “POR ELEC- tric range R.B. Munro Electrie Co. 1060 W. Huron, TRADE ELEC) RANGE FOR GAS | range. R. B “Munro Electric Co., 1060 Ww uron Poo sed Trade-In Dept. i | Bookcase, walnut finish Lounge chair 9 § piece breakfast set. ; Studio couch 4.50 Davenport and chair ........$20.50 Drop leaf table, 4 chairs, ‘ $34.50 aple . Dining room tabie, fin ifn. Haywood vod: waked $30 98 |9 piece dining room su | THOMAS ECONOMY | sai 8s. an ae FE 2-0151 | USED TV COMBINATIONS. | Good ON eetion from $15 to $65. Priced for quick sa GRINNELL’S 27.8 Saginaw PE 3-7168 USED TV $1995 UP. SWEET'S Radic &@ Appl. 422 W. Huron. FE. it GAB elec- WRINGER WASHER 620, stove $15, refrigerator §35, tric steve $25, 2bin, TV. good cond. $30. Jig saw, like new, $35. | | Automatic washer $55. FE 5-2766. Lake Ave 9 X 12 RUGS, 84.69 Paint, tile, lino. , Shover’s 204 EF Pike St 9xi2 Feit Base Rugs $3.95 | RUBBER BASE PAINT GAL. $3 75 ALCOHOL, HI-TEST (444-Ft. Wall Tile ....25¢)— | Syer's| 141 Wo Haron Reversible, $3495. Axminster, pads, $5.05 Pearson Furniture. _ Orchard Lake A 12" table mode] TV ...... $19.95 17" ¢ $24.95 | 21° Raytheon table model ..844 95 ' 24" DeForest. 79 95 30 other sets to choose from. All sete rebuilt & guaranteed for at least 30 days. Parts and labor. Most sets new picture tubes. We fake trades at 3930 Elizabeth Lk . FE 4-4945, _ Opeh 9 am to 9 p.m 7 1958 SIEGLER OIL SPACE HEAT- ers G_A_ Thetrpson APPROX. 40 YARDS GRAY, CAR pet with rubber pad $12 Ad- vance Floors OR 3-8701 A BEAUTIFUL ZIG-ZAG CONSOLE | Necchi sewing machine, Make 10 payments of $840 mo For cash. $74.80. Michigan Sewing Center FE 2-337 APARTMENT” OAS $29, studio couch $10, electric stove $24, round oak table $12, Kelvin- - dtor refrigerator $39, gas hot wa- ter heater $29, 6 year crib com- plete $12, maple drop leaf: table $35. Pearson yrrade In, 37 chard Lake A aBUUT rie) You WANT HE HOM CaN BE “STOVE § h coe ances of « tinds NEW & USED. he att trade dept. for real igains 4 MONTRS-TO PAY We buy, sel! or trade. Come out and look proend, 2 acres of free opEN MC one FE §-0241. MON, 8AT 9 TO 6 TO 8 4 mites gE Ra. BRAND NEW WROUGHT and mattress, $3995. Pearson's Purntture 42 Orchard base Ave. BUY A SMALL RADIO, $5 TO $8. __Also_ transistor tadios. FI Ei 5-8755. BLOND CONSOLE SINGER ZiG- nag sewing machine. Makes but- tonholes, sews on buttons, b aS desi all without at- total balance 83. 0 or 7 assume payments O Pe scent month, Capitol Ap- _ of ee BANKRUPT STOCK . Living rect. Bedroom and break. fast sets. Chatrs and rockers Lamps and tables and mattresses btost sel] im- e A&P CASH POR Ua TVS, PURNT- ture & misc. FE 2-0367. & WOOD” & WOOD BEATING STOVE. nd $15, Sales, DONT WAIT et up $500 8 ENANCE | OO, atts! PE 4.3084 |9 X 12 RUGS, WOOL FACE. 815 *s | 12, At pre-season special prices | 1005 MBO _West | like new | of Pontiac ot ) mile | ot gburs Heights on Auburn | TRON | bunk bed< complete with springs | Box springs | | WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERATOR 7% cu. ft. $456. UL 2-3084. |. WATER MASTERS _ | Bricks Sry solteners now available. YOUR USED ) FURNITURE and appilances makes down pay- Mert on new to 24 months on balance B & B AUCTION, 5089 Dixie Highway O2 3-2717. | __ HiFi, TV WE _& Radios 66 12° TABLE ABLE MODEL a $19.98 17” GE TV 624 95 - Ravtheon table model $44.95 24° DeForest $79.95 30 other sets to from All sets rebuilt é& guaranteed for at least 36 days. Parts and labor. Most sets new picture tubes. We take trades at TV, oo Elizabeth Lk. Rd. PE 4-4945. 9.am. to 8 p.m CASR FOR TSED- TV's PUR- | chased at your home. PE 2-0367. 16 IN. TV. 3 SPEED 3048 | | Sener heeneens te Ky sovona ie aoe ee Fig Sian ea sets with eso! xe & plumbing materia Ww OLVERINE L LUMBER GARAGES. GAS STATIONS. eavy © mi owne: cleaner ing sale. Carnick steam and Auburn Ave. UL ‘GARAGE DOORS Pactory Knotty Pine Paneling WP2, C140 CHURCH'S, INC. . COE ORL On FORE Also 1 we American botler. “MICA” Factory Seconds—J3c Per 8q. Ft. “BuyLo” UNCLAIMED 102_§._ SAGINAW purpose, Get . - BOARD _u N, __Perry St. §-9661. NEW LUX XAIRE OTL POR! RWA _ duets. 1 wie $1501 — OR a Free a G: A. Thom ani ee . __ PING PONG G TO] Chrome leg sets wants all kinds PONTIA Cc PL co. «1488 Baldwin Ave. mi 2-2643 PAINT ren App oried = 4 dre 38 oy as .waxin ir Warwick: se78" Rin hepa aes MA astic Roof Cement Bs Fibered Roof Coat 5 led sm s Rolled slate re 10 B YLock COAL, & BLDG. 81 Orchard Lake Ave. FE 3-7101 Special Paneling Offer | 4x8 pantls, %"’ V-groove, D grade eof, a0 each “ groo' ot ot gregeh Is.20 each 4x8 Is, Ve mahogan ; V- Froove: prefinis bh. 00 — Oak pha Select red Se eee eee No. 1 Commenr-.............. $i Ko. : gomnen aaeeee BEN: SON LUMBER co. Pontiac PE 4-2521 SPECIALS 2x4x8 Pine ........ Alum. Comb. doors, prebung one Pirebrick 2... .ceeesecees le ea. 100 sq. ft. insulation Roll roofing, 90 Ib. .,..... Ceiling tl teseeee record player, _manogany cabinetS§75. FE 2 | PRECISION SWEEP GENEA | MAGNAVOX It Radio comp. ie 28008, ator, Series E-400. New. Original cost $160, sacrifice $100. OR | | 3-7665 Eor Sale Miscellaneous 67 A ALUM SIDING STORMS. _awnings, VALLELY CO. OL 1-6623 | he | '2 WHEEL L TRAILER ine GALLON | fuel of) tank. UL 2. _ ,2 FUEL OIL ee Goon | dition. Will deliver FE 5-0120. | | — ee | Knotty pine paneling, sq. Complete Hne of NEW and building materials priced to | FHA Terms PREE Esti Open 8-5:30 MON. thru SAT. SURPLUS LUMBER & MATERIAL SALES CO. 5340 Highland Rd. (M59) OR 3-7092 SPECIAL mates 5 FT. CAST IRON paiheut ai bench. Beet st quailty. $40.95. G. A. Thompson, 1008 Wear 10-YR. $2GAL. ELBC. id A ty heater, $67.59 cash & carry, Thompson, 7006 M59 West. nes ; _ Eves. | 20X18 cast tron. Best grade, G_ A. Thompson, 7005 M59 V §2-GAL, ELEC. HEATER, $60.95: 30-gal. auto. gas heater, $54.95. Cab. sinks and fittings, $54.95 up. & faw |; VANITY HAND ae West. | Sfudin, space get, 28 wall rince. Must dispose. You or We install. Hur A terms. avaliable. Ace hea’ ng & Co. OR 3-4554, 1954 OLDSMOBILE, ba ta 2 AND sed transmission. And trailer. Neher She FE +0, Pm emens ciecttieale paint and tormica. e |} surance work: on giass, | electric water heater, 300 30. it gas water heat., $67.50, “Open days week ARE YOU COLD? Cal’ m4 Ask for Bill, our expert Poa a ws Beery se Burmeister’ S.. mm 2m "NORTHERN LUMBER } 4-INCH SOIL PIPE. 5 FT., ay 78 Sump Pum ia SAVE PLUMBING SUPPL Bhorts. Ae ne Sagina 5-2100 sonar nee sor, ar PER LEnOTE RN | “Bu Fhe & ie pipe. ber | BU N LUMBE peon, . West, Open Eves. " : OBE S008 : THE SALVATION ARMY " Ever, to meet ing. A ila 5 re. WEST LA enph at NANCE - 1185 N, FE 38-9661. USED WATER SOFTENER, COM- oy automatic. Reasonabig. - pa al Fass ca eo. CONN E LEC ORGAN. finish ark ties WN. perry St n Time for Christmas mall beautiful Bioinwey opasole nsiching Sa y GALLA HER'S - Huron tpl = Wanted Livestock 84 | | matching | wom aL. A FOR SALE: 5 HEAD OF GRADE GUERNSEY COWS AND HEIFERS ) let. 4 year eld, fresh "Nov. 15th. 2 year Vw due March 13th. Priced low as p for quick sale. Great Ooks kk Farm. 106¢—-Walton Bivd., Rochester. OL 1-984]. WA § TO BOAR tod “Poolldge Troy. UL yoate. | \3 HIGH QUALITY GRADE b SHET- land stud colts. @ months old. __Make offer. 1 or all, MA 5-1215. Sale Farm Produce 86 FOR SALE. APPLES, MOST VAR- fety. 625 muelt Rd. north of Rochester out Rochester Just in Ti me" for Christmas! Fewnsasee reer stare wage ages 95 others greatly *sadueed "fee terms—small down peyment hendle any of the a . San wae UPE mon Pr te Se NES : “GALEACHER'S | ‘ano with new tories. Thoroughly | reconditioned. H : GALLAGHER’S S|] HONEY. WHOLESALE. 60 LBS. $9 196 Baidwin Rd., Lake Orion. _ SALE. N. SPY APPLES. AND PO- tatoes. = N. Coats Rd., Oxford.. Sale Farm Equipment 87. BOLENS AND WHEEL HORSE tractors with Snow blades. (Also’ 4 types of snow blowers at spec- tal close out price). Evans Equip. jut ad Hwy. OR 3-7924, MA ha * . CHAIN SAWS NEW AND OU: WE HAVE A NICE SELECTIO NEW A USED CHAIN SAWS. ‘ART AT $65 AND UP. ime payments. a PE 41113 | KING BROS. YOUR McCULLOCH DEALER PONTIAC RD. AT OPDYKE SAWS AND bow wa, We e. Terms, Keliy’s Hardware. Sees Auburn at Adams. PE 2-8811. FARM MA 93 CRANKSHAPT GRINDING IN THE oe SL SRA NESHAF bored. ~ gl Ma ere ~ > chine Shop. 33 Hood. “Phone Phone PE 3568. Sale ete Scooters 94 piBQutNe. Eagles used scooters, Simplex get Gan & racers. "From $159, $19 down, ERSON SALES & & 230 E. Pike PE Gas 4-4246 For Sale Motorcycles 95 SIMPLEX MOTOR BIKE, FROM Pull line # Raoles Gykerts from. $180. Cliff Dreyer's Gun & 19 Holly Rd & Center, 4 MEtrose For Sale Bicycles 96 BOY'S SCHWINN PHANTOM. 26" “$40, Girl's $20, FE 5-1965. Boats & Accessories 97 | LL 16 FT. INBOARD CHRIS - CRAFT and eer mdi FE — VINGS OWENS 36 Orchatd Take Ave. F CHRISTMAS SPECIAL NEW -— 1959 EVINRUDE MOTORS — Now longer priced than ever before 3 1? er $161.50, now $119 50 3s onual) Reg. $528.50, $389.50 et 50 H.P elec. "starting now $550.00 Excellent selection of new and used boats and motors. All available with low down MARINE surrLns WE LOAN MONEY FOR SPORT- goods, boats, motors, SEABOARD FINANCE. Perry. FE 8-9661 “Sand, Gravel & Dirt 76. ‘TOP SOIL, CRUSHED STON “Er gravel, fill. 4 Coos: | 61112 or PE 2-86 | BLACK ANO©O WHITE MALE a | Free to good home. cushen STONE. SAND GRAV- Earl Howard. EM. 30631. - FILL, MOVED TO OR FROM bome, gravel--and broken FE 60-6642. PigL DIRT, SAND AND , GRAVEL. removal. FE 5-4758. GGOD ROAD CRAVE 5 ADS. #7. Delivered.“ be | -Wood, Coal & Fuel 77| = ee hi 188 ! RPS PT PIRER:ACE. FURNACE AND, pd wood. Good price on 5| Scott e Rd. oy 44228" or OR 3-0165 ALL ORGANS, Y — NEW AND “as ‘95, $128.98, $130.96, $150.95, = aproulz Oliver, Sales on ‘Ma peeathe to pay, Take M39 j us ORtOre to W, Highland. Right on - GALLAGHERS | REBUILT TRACTOR SPREADERS Hickory Ridge Rd. to De- ims Huron New & used chain saws, Davis mode Left and follow WANTED ~~ Machinery Co, Ortonville. WAL ai DAWSON’S SALES : USED Fi 34 17-3292, John pert New Idea &}... at TIPSICO LAKE. Phones. ; ‘4 _ D PIANOS Homelite Dedler. __ Main 2179. Open every '*MVie d Music Center WE NEED USED CHAIN SAWS ~ night 8. BAZAAR AREA MIRACLE MIL | . Will buy or trade, Michigan Chain Girts ror THE BOATING Pihno — Crgen Repair) Saws Distributor, Lombard Sales MILIES bd PHONE FE & Service. MY 3-5821. Evinrade | BAM 4 eat horse. 4 Teon an ez ae high ital mahogany fin- Auction Sales 88 Bom omplete line of Marine Pittings. first takes it clean used m * GA L ‘CHER'S SPECIAL PRE - INVENTORY *° ARP RINGTON + reduction auction. Sat. Dec. . , 18° &. Huron PE 4-0566 Sun. 27 at 7:30 p.m BOAT WORKS 2 Belin Fe ane cise ie gt| | YOUR EVINRUDE DEALER _ Sale ‘Sale Sporting Goods 74, selection of new clothing for men, 1000 6. PE BORAP “TRADE | cluded. Mighest bidder buys Free we x UY, SELL . ; INSURE YOUR BOAT AND WO. . oe eley Lene? 16 Bagley, ecolfee, Free door prises, 2 auc- eee om rte ee OS of LAYAWAY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS) [oneers for your bidding pleasure) Vaige, Ine, Agency. verything for the sportsmen./ ood ‘col rvey Parker. Sun| —3-7083 or FE 5-6278. romplete gun shop, scopes mount! Sales. 6508 Dixie. MA 5-1341.| WANTED: USED 12 FT. ALUMI- Quaners. for. ice fishing. Live|_A¢?0ss_from St, Jude Motel. "| num rowboat. Reas. OL 1-1711. ait. t information on best CLOSED FOR THE HOLIDAYS YEAR END fishing spots in this area. Clifi ATCH THIS SPA INVENTOR Dreyer’s Gun Sports Center, sTOR OUR a REC vt tl nO n ALES , gern NOs Moly, MEMOS) EL DISTRIBUTORS ieee TQPs IN INSULATED UNDER- W616 DIXIE HIGHWAY INLAND LAK KES “SAL ES aot ais MRaterete Fh aco SPECI AL 3121 W HURON FE 47121 x y » fee for Transportat'n Offered 100 *B 1008 TING goons 2-DAY Transportat 8 Viteree Ey ? ~ ~ * ~ - EGO HARBOR. MICH. | CLEARANCE CARS DAILY TO PENNSYLVANIA, Open Nights ‘Till Christmas | U CTI N PES Tea. Bonnie's Drive-a-way. “An Thaet ees eet) AUCTION | oot exptragen «axa od Fur Co. ae’ Trail fe. Califo: ‘awall, | extra; Miami, $44; New York. nied take. MA_€4631. | SALE No “fo 420. Ferry ‘Service, OK . STARTING SATURDAY 7 P.M. | SUNDAY 2P.M. | TOYS FURNITURE APPLIANCES ‘DOOR PRIZES EVERY AUCTION , yee MERCHANDISE CAN BE RCHASED WITH NO DOWN PAYMENT. 2 & aN MONTHS TO PAY. OPEN 7 DAYs 8 FOR RETAIL LUNCH ROOM ALWAYS OPEN B&B AUCTION 5089 Dixie Highway | acrece a Drayton Plains | w Shopping Center | NO AUCTION CHRISTMAS DAY, TO 8 4 FIREPLACE, FURNACE AND) Kindling wood. OL 2-484 opp Bs DRY WOOD ron sate | ~~ ‘WOOD, 2 CORDS Also fireplace JP LOADS, CUT WOOD, OR $-6022. ect a For Sale Housetrailers 89 | j|AIRSTREAM LIGHTWEIGHT Travel Trailer Since 1932. Guar- anteed for life. See them and get a demonstration at Warner Trail- er Sales, Huron. to one of Wally. Byam’s exciting caravans.) & SE ASONED FIREPLACE WOOD, bak, hickory, apple. white birch; Plus cedar kindling. Call eve- nings. FE~2-6944: SLAB WOOD OR FIREPLACE TRAILER wood. 3 gerd vit. Del re 8-6131. WHITE BIRCH LACE 815 and $18 delivered. FE A 4 batts 4, | NOW 1960' 3 For Sale Pets 79 Ss : e2eeeegannts |GENERAL, VAGABOND, STEW. +\AKC DACHSHUND FOR STUD| ARD,, ZIMMER. GARWOOD & : Service. Jamor’s. FE 8-2538. HOL IND” STUD SERV: som’ ce, FE 8-29 ie meals. OUT OF FD Gail ‘ stock, some very good on rabbits: ind bit ~ °° ARC REGISTERED SPRINGER Spanieis, mo. old, all shots — Cocker apeniels. FE 4-3397. ARE Fi REG. BRITTANY SPANIEL. akc SocREs Let PUPPIES AKC DACHSHUND. sTUD SERV-, Campers “and used tratlers. used OXFORD on rental plan, We trade or rent. 1 mile south * MY 2-072 7m Lake orton on M24, 409 Tot€heose Fro »IX1E TRAILER SALES AND Rental 1045 North Lapeer Rd., _ Oxford. OA 8-3783. PONTIAC CHIEF & DETROITERS | New & Used | We take ee furniture | BOB HUT ‘CHINSON’ Ss | 4301 Dixie Hwy. Drayton Plains oR in | $1202 | B15 to $20, MY 2-4373. ‘AKC SPRINGER oP) \NIEL, 6 WKS. old, FE 4-0027. ’ hepceds ee POPPIES, €: 32. DARSCATIAN. i MONTHS OLD. DARLI LITTLE FEMALE BOS. pF ee papers. 3 months. im CHRISTMAS, AKC COCKER. : _ OR 3-2602. “er ‘ & GERMAN SHEP- rd. puppies, wks. 8-8551 OF VERY eth gifts: : SEASON ABLE. i DOYS. old. OR un? W . cus CHAMPION 10 PARKHURST TRA!LER SALES 1540 Lapeer Ra. . Lake Orton | MY ‘2-4611 Featu: famous makes, New| Moon. Yentoura, Owosso, Elcar | Tour-A-Home, Between Lake Or- ton and Oxford. On M24. \ ShORr’ Featuring all new Sportsman- | Complete line of parts | itches installed & | . We'll sell your used | DEPER NDABLE USED CARS HARDENBURG MOTOR SALES Cass at Pike FE 54-7308 HOT ROD OR GOOD OLD CAR. TRUCK GOING NORTH.” PART load. Bither way. Wanted Used C Cars 101 _ AVERILL'S “ACTION” TOP $88. DOLLAR———— For All W988 MODEL CARS — Glenn’s Motor Sales AS MUCK AS $50 FOR JUNK AND cheap cars. FE 12-2666 days or eves CARS, TRUCKS AND JUNK wanted. FE §-5135. $100 or under. FE 5-8449. — NEW DEALER — | uality Motor Sales ESPERATELY © NEEDS All Modet Clean Cars 649 ORCHARD LAKE _ FE 3-7041 "PONTIAC AUTO BROKERS ee sell, trade 1260 nN erry and Madison FE 00 JUNK CARS PE 5-6079 See M&M Motor Sales Fur Goller a. later mode cars. 2627 Dixie R 3-1603 TOP CASH see FOR clean CARS or trade up or down. ECONOMY CARS 22 AUBURN TOP BUCK — JUNK CAR, TRUCK PONTIAC WASTE FE 2-0209 TOP $8$§ DOLLAR For All Model Cars 8020 | 1-26 NI “a will look a gift ho "59 JOHNSON MOTORS “We're getting 50% fewer exchanges this year, nobody rse in the mouth!” __ Sale Used Trucks 103 | Turner's Truck Center BIRMINGHAM 53. Chev. 1% ton ,.$ 595 “12. FT) BTAKE ’53 ‘Chev. x4 ton ...$ 495 8 FT. sTAK : 53 Dodge 2 2 ton ... 695 12 FT, STAKE & LIFT GATE 54 Ford F- 100 eee eS 595 Pickup — y cylinder ‘4 Chev. ¥% ton ...$ 595 kup — 6 cylinder ‘54 “International .. $1195 14 ft. van — extra sharp 55 Ford Courier ...$ 495 Nice — 6 cylinder — re|'55 GMC 2 ton ....$1295 Tractor — extra sharp BE SURE TO CALL BOB BUTLER AT HAROLD _ TURNER | FORD j 464 8. WOODWARD JEEP WITH 4WHEEL DRIVE and snow plow. Good cond., $550. PE 5-2566. ones SPECIALS ‘$0 Chev. 2 ton. M ft. comb. grain and cattle body, $495. . 1 Chev ‘sees pass. school bus. good plex, new paint. $550. Sosk Diese! sleeper cabin, ‘8 Gu WE BUY — OR TRADE SCHRAM TRUCK & EQUIP. | 2539 Dixte 4OR 31209 Pontiac 14 FT. VAN ’°55 Dodge % ton ...$ 495 PANEL — Nice. 55 Ford F-100. . .. 8 595 Picku ~ te er 55 Ford F-600 ....$ 995 ft. stake — 2 speed '36 5 Ford F600 . cece $1195 ft. stake — " '36 Chev. 1¥% ton. $1195 ft. van — . 39 Ford F- 600 cee $1195 154” cab & chassis ‘38 ‘Thames Panel - .$1295 linder — shi '50 Ford F-600 . -.. $2595 MI 4-7500 { __For Sale L Used Cars Jsed Cars 106 séiisdddssédssesss = E se Ok’ d Cars TORAYTON PLAiwe B) CHEVROLET” rps a 4 door, V-8, lider and heater, “pamere Larry Jerome D DEALER ie GHEY ABSOLUTELY No MONEY DOWN, RADIO. er, powerglide, white walls, low mileage excellent condition’ OL ‘89 CHEVY BROOKWOOD, 4 DR station we a. Sta. trans. v4 or ue & white. Clean, HAUPT _| factittsfsihs UNBELIEVABLE! Yes, the condition of this 1958 CHEVROLET IMPALA COUPE is simply’ ve emai eetrm | $f f. 4dr. |. smoo -8 enginew power- a Piodtamete nadie eater glide transmission and power power’ xe ower steering el Belge fink wih” iniecor ci mi! Piles Peaken. A oe - in soft, blending beige & cop- 1956 “Pontiac 2 door bateee- Graj’| per. A signal seeker Wonder! Heates &. whitews! ils me? Radio tpeaker” The spare” hes never : : Heater & whitewalls. You mus : . SRnteTaan ata | Sauin Mie eo A | RE Rope eR | a renie op. Blue & ‘while. Hydramatic. | with only 11.600 actual miles. | condition, 335. SOL. t-1008 after Radio. Heate: steering.| most attractive price of 6 p.m. Power brakes, "waitewalls. A New . ‘68 FORD, FAIRLA 13d &pec $2150 HT, LA. Auto. F ymouth ita: wagon. In new wi walls. $ cond. Just the kind for « ; BOHR, INC. . q Pt cond “erat Bardiop. A’ black ( ; man rs > FORD iota. Mu Sus 2 dr. . . > beauty | eailo. estes. frets T 1SS : a ; UL 23-1120. matic. Hower vrakes owner . 1957 “FORD RANCH WAGON. car. ROCHESTER dio.” 21 rm. owe rT siecring. ra- Many More to Choose Fro OPEN EVES. "TIL 9 Of 20731 eais. miles. White, $1325, M Mond 7 and Friday 5 sag | OEE, Cott LESS PLR TOR | a5 pORD a_TM RUSTED BOF ‘Open “hn 7 Brome deal for a chaser” Dodge or; J'1l oat when the rest won't. MAple 5-5566 -or “MiAple 5-1141 ymouth that ! save you} $6. FE ae. ——____ | money, Rememver ee Wout Ma. | 1954 FORD, 2 DR. CUSTOM NE, ‘Stick's Used Care, PE §-0088. ple, Walled Lake MA 44511. New | Y*TZ cleat, R&H. No money dows oe eee Used_— we séll both — ‘Mr. Wale King Auto. lis 'S. ‘88 BUICK CENTURY, 3 DR. HT CHEVROLET 3 R, Vé.| Saginaw. FE ‘Dynaflow, R&H WW ‘tires. Power STANDARD TRAN ON, RA- AL 2 <-_ brakes, Al-cond, $1850, 615 DIO & HEATER . *46 “6 JEEP 4 WHEEL DRIVE, FOR Overlook Dr., Clarkston, . RO MONEY DOWN Assume pay- . FE a 1956 CADILLAC COUPE DEVILLE,| ments of $29.96 per Mo. Call Ps LINCOLN B * COUPE, cream a white, continental} Credit Mgr. Mr. Parks at MI HYDAMATIC, RADIO & 5 & HEAT- wheel, premium tires, air cond. 4-1500. Harold Turner Ford. ER. ABSOL iY MONEY full power. Will id DOWN. Assume payments of car for equity & take over pay-| Operation Econom 06, per Mo. Call t_ Mgr. = UL 2-5485. 2065 Dales-| This is it! A 1958 CHEVRO Yo] Turner Fora) Mt #7800. Harold Fd, pirmingham. TON PICKUP with an er Ford. SOME OF THE FINEST OF cal 6 cylinder engine with Sftort- Used Cars are Found at less automatic drive. dio 1954 FORD heater too. Solid grey finish and Ranch a Vv. Dae not_@ scratch on it. Excellent) joie. We shes “Only -& Radio, CARPENTER snow tires and very low mileage. . arp. $495, SALES & SERVICE This pickup has never been used | aus COMMERCE RD. EM 3-4101| ** ® commercial vehicie. B FA’ | ‘T F 1857 CHEVROLET «4 DR. HARD- ’ r . | top. Automatic transmission and ON LY $1350 i tials il, 1 OF oe mies. beeen seen ee FORD Dealer oinee a A — ' . reciated. ‘RINK M ( At the Stoplight in Waterford TORS. enw W. Huron, (Next to" T1SSI } Ql | "4 t OLDS 88. $495. SHARP! CARL'S _the Rolladium) OR 4-0301. | Motor Sales. 62 Oakland. | 764. CHEVY. rey 2 Boos. ROCHESTER 194 MERCURY. GOOD TIRES beater. Extra clean, 1 owner, | OPEN EVES. ‘TIL 9 OL 2-9721 3375. “Fe ae cond. Real clean. rade an MAZUREK 8 LET US LOWER YOUR PAYMENTS SPECIAL, 1983 RED WHITE DEBAKER SALES South Blvd at Saginaw. FE 4-9587 1958 PONTIAC 4 DR. SEDAN $1605 1007 olds 2 &. Super ne oe a Chevroiet 43,000 $ 1987 Buick. 4 or. sedan. Dynafiow. Radio & hea ter 1957 Dodge 2 Hard uto- | ues tFansmission, Re . White. 6 100 1988" Ford V-8, 4 Dr. sedan. xe $695 1998 Pontiac. 2 dr. Hardtop. Radio Heater, Whitewalls $795 HOMER HIGHT MTRS. “15 Minues from Pontiac” Oxford, Mich. OA -8-2528 34 CHEVROLET | Mei Hale BEST otter takes. MA M1. 104 Auto Insurance PL. P.D. & MED. FOR MOST CARS 8 MO. pyMts. OF OF “oe EA. FE 43536 Eves. FE 2-4353 Foreign & Spts. Cars 105 38 RENAULT DALPHINE 4 door, radio and heater, solid black, Extreme) economical. Look this over $ Clerkston Motor Sales CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER Main 8t., Clarkston MA 5-514 Glenn’s Motor Sales | 952 WEST HURON FE e231 FE 41707 | "| TOP s3s—USED @ JUNK CARS | Smith Motor Sales FE 8-2441 |. TOP ! $$$ pip FOR GOOD USED CARS Russ Dawson ° 232 S. _ Saginaw FE 2-9131 T LIKE T BUT We we hoe YOU" LL GET YOUR CAR AT JEROME “BRIGHT SPOT” Orchard Lake at Cass FE 8-488 — Open Eves. WANTED JUNK CARS TAYLOR Rd. Used parts. FE 5-2000. trailer for you. | WRECKED. hag ag OR CHEAP Huron FE 4-0743 | cars wanted. FE ee , WANTED ene Cx CARS. e140 FT ae 2 yrs 2S old and in excellent condition. Two WE NEED bedrooms. Full bath. Priced at only | your ear, For 20 years we have $2750. Easy terms and awe paid the top doilar. Trade down Call Mrs. Broughton. MA 5-04 or up even: H. «. VAN TRAVEL TRAILERS & RENTALS. rates for Florida vacations. rales Balen. 5686 Williams Lake x 8 PT Chest Liner 41 ft. JR 3-1358 46 Dixie Hwy. Sale Used Trucks. 103 "54 Pontiac, 4-6724, Sale Used Cars ’55 BUICK SPECIAL 4 DR. R&H. Dynafiow, 1 owner, no rust, needs motor work,’ $560. FE 4-9837. | 1951 AUSTIN, R&H, VERY CLEAN. No money down: Antenne y- ments of $5.65 month. ite, King Auto, 118 8. Saginaw, FE "39 =tri-power EPOSSESSION 1954 Buick Super 4 Dy flow, power brakes and steering. White walls, clean and sharp. No ot aay. down, eke. over payments of 24 a - No payment due ‘til next. year..Lucky Auto Saies, 193 6. Saginaw. FE 4-2214. REPOSSESSION 1956 Buick 2 dr. ida BUICK SEDAN. 4 oR 4 very clean. No money down. Bal- ance due #383. Suume ghey ments Sil m song, Auto. ae CITY 38 CHEVROLET $1595 Pontiac’s Truck Center | Cass, aT OA Prive. ony lea ac GMC Eire ode ide for see Factory Branch ics geht Dreleren ROLLY _OAKLAND AT CASS ie OLLY ‘SCHEV. 4 TON, 3.000 “MILES Kenneis, Rent Trailer Space 90 $30 FE 3 eens duty trailer ee niten NEW | @ pots Pickup 688 A See pe aot one Sy he Tax aoe Beeiee RAMMLER-DAGAS 1001 N. MAIN, ROCHESTER Mou baiit CHEVROLET PICKUP T PICKUP | INCLUDES: fon, oh Tor tos ont aa siessttie Matthews-Harg-eaves B-AIR 4 DOOR SEDAN. b 1-Owner, Radio & Heater, if Va Automatic.- 37 CHEVROLET $ 895 4 DOOR 210 SEDAN Radio & snsmisciont Cyl. . os 7 FORD ........ $1395 $1897 3 Door ~ Red. & White, V8i1 ¥ ri t Auto. trans Power sear 1 A sed Service Warranty on These: ad tae Wer Bana’ ‘Bisse 36 DODGE. $1095 | 1008 1986 Cher, Va os: Soa CORONET "HARDTOP 975-8 1947 Ford ee ot 2 adio & Heater, | 1020. 1057 Rambler 4-dr.... $ 947 >| 1095-B 1957 Ford Brig. § 893 Auto, trans t. 987 1956 Olds 88 HT ..... 1013-1985 Buick“ HT ....... H ‘lomo Soev Sere os ev. 6 owe 1027 1956 Chev. adr, Wag, Ht 1034 | 1958 Chev, Qdr. V8 , $1372 je 1035 Stade 4dr. 6.2... § 104 : tout 1908 Rambler ibis; haw m ; 1048 Conv't. .:. $168 | SMITH | DODGE ) S. Saginaw Sian Ve Fe 978s CANDY APYLE COMVERTIBLE. (106 | FACTORY BRANCH . OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY ALTHOUGH ARE CLOSED YOU A TO come ina a. LOOK VER AND Make “Your. Deal AP day WEEKEND SPECIAL. 56 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE Radio & Heater. Hydra- matic, power steering, & Power brakes. $1295 PONTIAC RETAIL STORE 3-7117 . MT. pends STREET BEHIND THE POST OFFICE _North Chev.. New and Used Car Depts. OPEN SATURDAY, DEC. 26 Big End-of-Year Clearance” SAVE $$$_ "New '60 Chevy Biscayne 2-Door, 6-Pass. Sedan q “GREEN, A ~ geri vee A cave * a0 ‘86 FORD - ¥. DOOR, AUTOMATIC’ CLIEAN Ts $008 a .§,. 2 DOOR : WAU T4 2 Bon, and give you transportation. E’S CAR L 2285 Ponting Road at Opdyke PE 3-7931 chown IMPERIAL CONVERTI- 1951, V-8. full power, ex- oetient condition, private. Best offer, FE _5-8871 1955 FORD This is an 8 er 2 rye RE&H. Stick shift. Neari new tires. Winterized, 4° $595. 68 Oakland FE 2-235) ‘56 Super 88, 4 door, standard transmission 58 Super 88, 4 door, al} power, real sharp ‘89 Super 88, Convertible, 5,000 miles. New Car guarantee ‘57 Ford Victoria . ‘86 Ford Victoria. Houghten & Son Your Friendly Olds Dealer FOREIGN CAR SALES AND VICE 628 N. Main, Rochester OL 1-9761 PONTIAC AUTO BROKERS sows 4 arp! $ 33 Bucel ior Full pwr. $1495 "97 Ford Ctry. Sed ed . $1405" ‘86 Pontiac Wagon $1195 | ‘57 Ford Custom $1196 | 66 Chevy 4-Dr. Bel Air Auto. $1195 ‘96 Olds 4-Dr. ro... $1105 56 Buick Spec. bees $1095 ‘96 Chevy. 4-Dr,.6 Pan vo 985 "66 Ford *... Od. ....8 006 5s Buick super 2 2 mg 3 Be ic r ee 3 iy Saha Big Ba s arp . 35 Ford %-ton pick up ...... $ 695 ‘34 Plymouth Wagon ........ $ 495 "54 Ford Custom Cpe ......... 8 405 82 Ford Wagon 6 OD ........ $ 395 "54 | ere Wen. ......05 $ 205 $83 Pontiac 4-Dr. $ +4 Willy's Jeep with cab & plow $ 1260 Perry at Madison 4-100 ‘38 “PONTIAC WGN yew TIRES, 9 PASSENGER .... $1995 *6T PONTIAC pres 4 pe, SHARP, LOW MILEA' » $1395 ‘ PONTIAC 2 nal 4 00k. FULL. . $1095 ‘36 PONTIAC HARDTOP. DOOR, PINK’& GRAY .... $ 995 "89 PONTIAC CATALINA SE- a DAN, POWER BRAKES & STEERING raghansarton ‘$6 PONTIAC HARDTOP. 2 DOOR. GOLD & BLACE .. § 995 56 FORD WAGON, RED & WHITE. A UTOMATIC ...... $ 705 56 PONTIAC agen. § AN ne: SIDE & O “= § 895 85 FORD eae! en G “Jebaen Motor Bice” " LAKE ORION Sales. EM 1965 OLDS. 4-6448 after §:30 p.m AND ete Teacher's car fro Minnesetee R&C Motor SEE THE WONDERFUL New—world of Bi what you BEATTIE — pus HWY. At ! FOR FINE USED CARS AT HUGE SAVINGS SEE Schutz Motors, ine. Pords, Falcon rds and trucks. Now in eet ock, one he PORD Dealer Since 1930" OR 3-129 in Waterford 912 S. Woodward For That Beautifal USED ) CAR Shelton Pontiac Buick ACROSS FROM NEW CAR SALES Rochester OL 1-8133 OVER 200 CARS Will Be “SOLD” - EDDIE STEELE FORD BEFORE MISS © _—MONDAY’S — Gigantic Classified "Color Ad” All Cars WILL GO AT . REDUCED PRICES. Badi Ste¢le . MY 2.287 or My 2.2381 si} gs December 31st. DON'T DRASTICALLY a SEE OUR SELECTION * 2 Se iL ACK COLE, INC. Nt oe, oe Plymouth sok baste NEW pester. Whitewalls. $0467 80 IR&R Mtrs. | - 724 OAKLAND FE 4-3528 | ee in .. nd me ist we nee o's fin ex! car. : 8 USED CARS 677 ~&. epee Rd., Lake Orion . 12-2041 59 >EYMOUTH BELVEDERE 4 DOOR 8 "BRAND NEW _— Fewsritie transmission Pe BRAD . peso? Flog YOU HAVEN'T SEEN | ANYTHING * - YET! SEE MONDAY’S’ USED CAR PAGE For The BIGGEST Used Car dale of $ales EVER BEFORE HELD AT Matthews- Hargreaves The. Big-Big Lot © {631 OAKLAND AVENUE FE 4-4547 1959 Plymouth BRAND NEW 4 door Belvedere. Ra- oe & Heater tone. W. Covers. "$2429.65 R &R Mtrs. 724 OAKLAND. | CHRYSLER. Main St., Clarkston FE 4-3528 ‘55 PONTIAC door, blue and white, "ydra., Ran W/W -tires, Sharp. Look this over. Clarkston Moter gales. -PLYMOUTH are sith a 55 PONTIAC. DOOR, SO car, aon. Payments a ‘911.46 month No pay! ent ‘til Fe’ Sales, 193 8. Begin to0e, rte kg Tee $i Two “$0 Fords, V-8 é 1950 th ‘Club oe i ° smobite 8 s. he + ipnins is} else ie 1053 Chevrolet 952 1952 ro FOE Pet nhs ‘SUPERIOR AUTO SALES 923 W. HURON FE 4-7500. WILSON PONTIAC-CADILLAC ; CLEAN | Birmingham Trades -1350N. ‘WOODWARD Birmingham -M1-4-1930} “OLIVER — ~ MOTOR SALES BUICK OPEL. JEEP] Belvedere Sedan. your STEELE. FORD BEFORE — December 31st DON'T. MISS | — MONDAY’S — Gigantic Classified Drastically All Cars “WILL GO AT ~ REDUCED . PRICES © + Color Ad Eddie Steele — FORD — ots ARD LAKE RD. HURON AT ELIZ. LK. RD. FE 59204. FE 5-3177 i955 PL pba oraz iON WAG- on, Good condition, $650 cash. MA es146. abet Spring sen She wr Li miea. MI_ 4-602) after 6. FOR SALE °54 STARCHIEF PON- tiac, very clean. FE 4-7973. BELIEVE IT = NOT! ee ee ee ee oe $697 runn: cond. $ 65 30 ‘34 Pontiac Hy Hyd. sveedes $197 "62 Pontiac 55... eee eee eens $97 = penry d, Gooa é& Clean + $upa "54 Chrysler NY Ps. & PB. .$497 ‘51 Biymouth it R&H ...... 97 Chev, 2. cece cece eens $ 97 *51-'49 Packards ............. 71 2—’52 Rambler rr ts. $197 "48 Cadillac. overhauled eases: 97 (88 Ord ae ya: $497, — FIN. ARRANGED Econoine Cars 22 Auburn R&C Rambler Sales We're overstocked with real holl- day special) deals. Ambassadors, Americans, Rambler 6':. Metropo- litans. Deal pow | andl save cn a : ‘60 Ramble EM -3-4155 EM 3-4158 HASKINS DEPENDABLE TRADES Station Wagon, V-8 engine, power. agon. glide, radio, heater. 1957 Oldsmobile “88” 2-door se- dan. ane radio, heater. 1987 Chevrolet =. 6 cylinder ansmission, rad 1957 Chevrolet 210 ¢door sedan. ra .enene , Powerglide, radio, 1988 GPevrett 4-door Station Wag- cylinder engine, standard transmission radio, heater. ieee Crtemabtie “ge” Molsdey ay tamatic, power steer- ing, power brakes, radio, - heate ter. 1958 Chevrolet Biscayne dan. V-8 engine Powergiv lide, ie ra. dio and heater.” ence. Te ALSO | 59 DEMONSTRATORS PAREWOOD ¢DOOR WAGON BEL AIR 2DOOR SEDAN IMPALA 2-DOOR HARDTOP OLDs “88" HOLIDAY COUPE Haskins Chev. Mage! § pend Highway ae Mis. ’ ‘86 PONTIAC 860. DR. R A H. before 3: ‘S3 RED Teenie a5. Carl's. Moto Extra sha’ Carl's M Sales. 62 oer R 1953 Pontiac 4 dr. ) pen, Payments of Lucky Auto ic _Balen 193 8. Saginaw, FE 1. 1008. WILL ACCEPT Guns, outboard boats, tors and 5%, ete our hew 1960 mblers oF fe good _‘tsed cBr as part pay: BILL SPENCE ER” “RAMBLE oan CATALINA i Migs ~ ig sk Was ie vg. ean Pete » power- — regetine fhe, Sandard Hydra. yew tires. * stes. OA 82997 | x ee : + _m PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2. 1959 ‘By EARL oday's Television Programs - - +6 i ~ mouth.’ WILSON ~ w Om Gn Bary an vet ct Wie we mt was shot in the back of the head a 19 of the 23 occupants, including] ~ pine news service reported yes-/ terday, jenatned at that post until 1932. Stabs His Brother to Death in Sleep SAGINAW W — Albert Holstrom, 20, told. police he plunged two 10:00 11:20 (2) Movie, ter Grimm," Lionel Barry- marriage, |5: ‘hotel for the past-few months. He/1: ‘service came in 1930 when he was |,. knives into his sleeping brother|5 Gigi Perreau. (7) Prologue, 1960. (2) Jack Benny. George ~ Burns, guest. (4) Loretta Young, “Show- er of Ashes,” Everett Sloane. 10:30 (2) What's My Line? . (4) Not for Hire. (7) “21 Bacon Street,’’ Den- nis Morgan. 11:00 (2) (4) (9) News, Weather: (7) Iee Hockey, 1:18 (2) Sports. (9) Movie. Herb Shriner. 4:26 (4) Pro Football Wrapup. 4:30 (4) To Be Announced. more. (1) Broken ‘Arrow. (4) Movie, “Professional 6:00 (7) Matty's Funday. . Soldier,” Victor McLaglen. _ (4) Sgt. Preston. 11:30 (7) Movie. “Scotland Yard - (2) Conquest. Inspector,” Cesar Romero, * 15:50 (4) I Married Joan.: . Lois Maxwell, MONDAY MORNING 6:50 (2) Meditations. 6:55 7:00 (2) On the Farm Front. (4) Today. (7) Big Show. (2) Cartoon Classroom. (7) Breakfast Time. (2) Captain Kangaroo. (1) Johnny Ginger. (2) TV College. (2) For Better or Worse. (4) Bold Journey. (2) Movie. (4) Life of Riley. (7) Stage 3. ‘|10:00 (4) Dough Re Mi—Quiz. 16:25 (9) Billboard. : 10:30 (4) Play Your Hunch. (9) Ding Dong School. 10:55 (7) News. 11:00 (2) I Love Lucy. (4) Price Is Right. (7) Lady of Charm. (9) Abbott & Costello. 11:30 (4) Conscentration. (2) December Bride. (9) Six Gun Judge. |11:45 (7) Detroit Today. MONDAY AYTERNOON '42:00 (2) Love of Life. (4) Truth or Consequences. (1) Restless Gun. (9) Youth °60. 12:30 (2) Search for Tomorrow. (4) (color) It Could Be You. (7) Love That Bob. (9) Mary Morgan. 12:46 (2) Guiding Light. 12:50 (9) News, 1:00 (4) NBC Playhouse. (2) Our Miss Brooks. (7) Music Bingo. (9) Movie. (7) Topper. (2) As World Turns. (4) Faye Elizabeth. (2) Medic. (4) Queen for a Day, -(7) Day in. Ccurt. (4) Thin Man. (7) Gale Storm. (2) House Party. (2) Millionaire. (4) Young Dr. Malone. (7) Beat the Clock, (9) Movie. (2) Verdict Is Yours. (4) From These Roots. (7) Who Do You Trust? (2) Brighter Day. (4) (7) (2 (2) (4) (9) (2) Secret Storm. Edge of Night. Split Persona’ Robin Hood. Movie. (4), (color) George Pierrot. (9) Looney Tunes. (7) My Friend Flicka. “Main Street ‘ to Broadway,’ Mary Murphy, “Return of Pe- House on Hight Street. American Bandstand. Contestants in the regular quiz can earn as much as $1,200; pone has. The average is. $350, Winners of more than $500 can compete for the grand prize. The maximum of $10,000 was- reached only once. “We raised the ante to $10,000 when the other shows were giv- ing away hundreds of thousands," Groucho says. ‘‘I'm sorry we did. Money isn't important to our show. His nimble wit, his trrever- ence, his ability to cut through sham and pomposity are the meat of the show; the quiz for- mat is the bare bones. “You Bet Your Life’ was a name con- cocted in an era when TV shows needed catchy titles. It should be called the Groucho Marx - Show, How*does he characterize his @wn humor? “It's filthy,"” he says in a typical reply. More seriously, he adds: “IT guess it might be considered rebellious.” Those who wish to analyse this | camdive fl lags tank<=quarane teed for bife pe Aer Tust Or corrosion, erolid brass for valve, parte and fit» new water} SOFTENER Just look at whut Lin Golden Nugget Wanet Sotvenee tings— will mever rust out. @automatic controls < timed eration, timed backwash, you become a softenersitver, - tlow, low cost—siimple bet. Now water li au can iving fora Chiropractic Clinic FE 2.4275 608 Community Bank Bidg. Gel details today on renting or buying Division of Michigan Heating Co., Inc. 88 NEWBERRY ST. FE 8-6621 wonderful time at maximum atonomy, une into leader in the soft water. at amazing low price ae eee mas Production pee , voft Lintie ae $5.19. por mos LINDSAY | Soft Water < Choose from 3 GE-PHILCO-MUNTZ 3 MOTOROLA-RCA-EMERSON LARGE SELECTION PRICES START AT, 158 Ookland Ave. Open Used TV 2: | g°° C & V ELECTRO MART FE 2-3781 ‘Hl 7 PLM. Ask him for advice. William Holstrom, 23, was the victim. Police said the two brothers had scuffled during a Christmas party and that Albert later crept into his brother’s: bedroom with a butcher knife and a steak knife. Detectives held Holstrom for in-), vestigation of murder, Answer te Previous Puzzle puvteienneiteihasimiettinnnnemsem ett A Public Service Ad by INDEPENDENT TV SERVICE DEALERS or OAKLAND COUNTY TOOLS and. TRAINING How often have you seen @ complicated Tool and wondered whet its use wos? A television tube tester is such a tool. borhood TV service man is trained to evaluate the readings he obtains from his instruments. On the other hand . . . so-called do-it-yourself tube checkers use only the most cheaply obtained instru- ments in their cabinets and glorify this instrument with flashy lights and decorations. These cheaply made testers are designed to sell tubes and cannot analyze the true condition of your tubes. no soda clerk or super-market sales person can give you the expert-advice extended to you by the Inde- pendent TV Service Dealer. Your neigh- Besides, He is a professional. 25 West Heron &. LEARANCE | 1959 TV REFRIGERATORS "WASHERS _ Hampton’s Electric Co. OPEN NIGHTLY TIL 9 P. M. FE 42535, SEE US FOR” - ad PROFESSIONAL. TV REPAIRS CALL ft ONE OF THE OCEA MEMBER SHOPS LISTED BELOW Auburn Radio & TV, 39 Auburn, FE 4-1655 Baldwin Rodio & TV, 1218 Baldwin Ave., FE 8-8231 | Condon’s Radio & TV, 36 S. Te , FE 4.9736 Ave., FE 4-1515 Pyle EE ee ee, 2 e sak glean aie O55 : ey Who Would {Steal a Jolly JOld Snowman? » ) - | Thievery. hit a new low ‘Christ: can be easily lifted out for ff mAs Day. right in_your-dish- * * m Spin. Automatically ‘timed iewin Arch and his twa young meoutlets sons spent four -hours building bs bo a-plump five-foot snowman froro what snow there was left, topped f : : BUILT-IN it with Arch’s felt hat and placed. , - — we black cheekers for eyes, - = ROTISSERIE |" — * * * The builders had just begun ri --Qhrome “ry poet nn te admire their creation when - ~ Resi in ‘ether 30" or Mrs Arch called them to turkey = 40", Width 2114", Height dinner: ; wi "Depth 152" * * * After dinner they looked out a window and the snowman had z be Call Today disappeared along with Arch’'s e7 os felt hat. Only a bare patch on = OR: 3-5043 the ldivn showed where “frosty” ~ had stuod . Take $8,400 from Bar “CARL SHELL . DETROIT wo — Thieves brok> "ae an Linto a bar on Detroit's west side a ae ‘Lbetweeft vesterday and teday and z 4994 Dixie Hwy. took $8400 in cash, including five ae, ' $1,000 bils. from oa desk drawer Friday til 9 P.M. tthe owner, Joe Craywa, told po- lice [CLEAN SWEEP! Savings on all Ranges, Refrigerators, Washers, Dryers, Freezers; Radios, T.V.’s Ete. DON’T MISS OUT! Every Item Red uced The GOOD HOUSEKEEPING . ee ey PHILA DERPHIA (UPD — | ‘old ‘former being held in connection with the = her lover for eight months. dren, ‘ten statement she made to Sherif William ‘Police ( Christmas, their Kthe- shooting occurred. i -f some ihad nection with her husband's death Hold Her LoversS , in Mate’s Deatio! Ohio Wife Admits Affair With Suspect in Sniper . Slaying of Husband | PAINESVILLE, Ohio (AP) Mrs, Charles R. Clark, a 30-year- model,~ says the man sniper slaying‘of her husband was. Mrs. Clark, mother of four chil-: told of a love affair with! Floyd F.. Hargrove, 34, in a writ-, fy and Mentor er B. Evans Hargrove was held witheut bond in-the Lake-Coumy jail. guined the Christmas Eve was not charged- shooting. Clark, 35. was shot by a sniper’sslum has ‘disturbed the peace of tal bullet as he helped his wife .pre- the community during this period.;nurse was Mrs. “Clifton Shepherd, in the The nights of Seat Pleasant are “his mother: quiet now . - They were Frank D.) few friend of the Clark) officials said at the.time, 10 | tect driver, bands was di-|communities who have come Christmas dinner kitchen of their home in Mentor. ' Hargrove was deseribed by) Mentor Police Chief Hathy family pare al “us a anda frequent visitor home. The truck father of five children, no boy or girl wander on the Sunday 18 may past. 19° - p.m, may youngsters loiter w ‘ 'friends in any. establishment nd those hours. If they ‘hief Frank D. Hathy on|them to Juvenile Court. And their | parents and establishment He main. Seven weeks of curfew, however, he bad nothing to do with/o one has been arrested or fined. Shepherd, a sevén-month-old boy, He The threat has been enough. Police say ‘not one young hood- nurse on duty at Memorial Hospi- do, police may take) the owners of the may be fined, In’ not always. The cur- installed, community! to “pro Seat Pleasant from “‘raiding) and juveniles from other in} was vorced from his wife last August! wanting to do pitched battle.”’ after a separation of three years.q Mayor Edward J. Goodwin has'of death, * * * : ji) more than 50 letters~ praising “the; — ‘the . Washington suburb of Seat of _ Pleasant which has grown proud “of its curfew. Since Noy, 1, under streets through Thursday and past mid- night Friday and Saturday. Neith- law and none against it. “It represents an awakening .on the part of the parents,” Mayor! Goodwin says. Parents appear to be enthnystad- tic about the law. The enthusiasm from teen-agers, however, may be less sure, “Dead: Son Rushed — to Mother-Nurse ALTUS, Okla... TAP) Tony was dead when examined by the here Christmas night. The linens and ‘holiday food ‘specialties. Bradstreet, Inc. reports. women’s fashion accessories, New car sales remained sluggish as a. result of limited dealer in- ventories, said,’ D&B reported the total dollar — volume of- retail trade in the week ended this Wednesday at Young “Tory fad been: found un-| conscious-in his crib by his father who. stayed home Christmas. night to baby sit while his wife warked. He called an ambulance which year ago with regional estimates | ranging frem 4 te 8 per cent higher in the Middle Atlantic States to 1 per cent lower to 3 per cent higher in the West South 1 Central, sped the child to the hospital. Physicians said an autopsy, ‘would be made to seek the cause In contrast to the usual seasonal | movement, men's suits and top-| ‘coats made a better showing ‘than. ‘did furnishings. Over-all men's ap-' erately. over a year ago, Dun. &|/ Although warm weather ts Sith ce ‘areas held down winter apparel! 7 sales, marked gains did occur in); sportswear, electric housewares, | - FUNERAL HOME “Thoughtful! Service” 46 Williams St. ' Phone FE 2-5845 eHow, Ambalance Setvioe the statistical agency : “1 to 5: per cent higher than a | WAR 1038 Baldwin REGULAR PICK-UP and DELIVERY DROBE CLEANERS | . FE 2.9289 told, had Before that, the Clarks and often double-dated. ; Hargroye Was arrested — three: hours “Writ: the slaying on infor- mation police said was supplied by Mrs. Clark. He was questioned! for,more.than 10 hours, and told | pol fice he had been visiting friends near here but was driving to his, home in nearby Willoughby when | police were Hargroves “The sheriff got an agreement from™Niargrove to put in writing ] ofthe oral statements he! made tea. them and also to, take a polygraph test to verify’ them. Mrs. Clark “also consented to take a similar tests Mrs. Clark, who said her hus- band had no knowledge of her ali- fair ‘With Hargrove, .told, a news- man: “My husband and [| got along very well. There was “no thought ef a separation.” Sheriff William B. Evans de- scribed Mrs, Clark as a coopera- tive witness and said there was no thought of holding her: in con- Dies on Christmas at 108 ST. THOMAS, Ont. (UPh— virs. Hulda Rinkey, who was Lor in Ludwigsdorf, "Germany. 1@8 years ago. died on- Christ mas Day at, the St. Thomas Memorial Hospital. She is be- lieved to have, been Canada’s oldest citizen Lots of "Travel Ahead NEW YORK (UPD Two holdup men who eseaped with $665 from a subway change booth > iH ? vesterday have to do \a lot of $1 W. Huron 5 0 FE 4-1555 foo USS he test an su ; Way tokens 7 Woman's International League for Peace | THE BAN ON H-BOMB Sf Y WRITE President Eisenhower Senator Philip Hart é ipsa batter diving. i and Freedom Reports to You ot} ENDS ON DEC. 31! sf If You Believe In vs -| PEACE ON EARTH : ACT NOW! oa | Individuals and Organizations Urge a _ ij Permanent End to H-Bomb Testing Senator Pat McNamara Representative William Broomfield Foll-but harms you and your childrén. Millions of dollars spent for bombs should be millions of dollars for schools, hospitals BAN ON H- BOMB TESTS MUST BE EXTENDED PERMANENT! Y NOW! — se TESTING §= ii # * A # Sindee Sense tate cs tes . Farniture Dept., Second Flo SHOP SEARS SPECIALS MONDAY NIGHT ‘TIL 9 ROEBUCK ANDCO No Phone todos C.0.D.’s or Deliveries! " Be Smart,.Be Thrifty Monday and Every Day, You Can Be Sure of Extra Sevings at Sears! Open Mon. & Fri: Nights Until 9 Shop Tues., Wed., Thurs. & Sat. from 9:30 to 5:30 Save on “D” Handle Snow 5 ty « 999 298 CHARGE IT Hurry” Monday for this ex- ceptional savings on‘our D.han dle snow shovel. Hard wood Aandle. Steel | blade, Save 99c¢ It's easy to chip up: “Reg. 1.29 Ice Chipper. that ice ties the 996 proper too baci obec aem™ : ** “ae a = #o, + Ws 2 So ra se ” Pretty Patterned Pillowcase Tubing 99¢ P. Charge It h our customers ‘ now sale priced! Finely bleached, cotton seamless tub- ing, -Hemstitch or lace edge. Notions Dept.. Main Floor = 4. ae Reg. 1.59 A favorite wit cece ee - Folding Chair With Easy-care Features . 2.22 Sturdy coristruction—26-- gauge channel steel with rolled age Form fit batk. Viny! plastic seat cover. Bronze & eggshell fin Reg. 3.49 mattresses, rugged complete 8-piece nok Outfit 77 / $5 Down Litfle cowboys love the real western styling he big / sturdy wagon wheels. And mom, it's built to endure in ruddy maple finish. Springs, guardrail and 4-Drawer Matching Chest or 4-Drawer Desk $5 Down Buy this complete outfit matching desk and Your Choice Hardware Dept.. Main Hinement Biche nbod Bs ONLY! ’ “Protect or go on’ your’ ‘present this gleaming rust proof ate frame, _ $ with MONDAY ONLY! eee on &, owe = - .% iy * Ag X¥ ‘ es e: = tt ne ae Seamless Twin Size Mattress Bleathéd cover Completely san Fitted Reg. 5.98 MONDAY ONLY: Bl ot pH ae Core-frée Knit Rayon Boucle 40x81-in. Panels Reg. ¢ 1.49 Simply wash and re-hang, they never need ironing. Lovely large square knit- ted design. In your choice { 3 deep Harmony House colors. Each with deep 4 inch hems. Choice of White Beige or Pink. Pads On Sale Charge Rk is fitted, easy-on . easy-off design in fine quality muslin. Double stitched for extra wear. forized (less than 2% shcinkoae) Full a ee a a ee ee. ere ae he Domestic Dept., Main Floor Fairloom FABRICS : eomihacly 39¢ to 59% 1 Big assortment of lovely cottons include, broadcloths, — Charge lt J tae