14 CDIO The Pontioc Press Friday, February 2) IL Friendly Giant FRIDAY R — Rerun C — Color FRIDAY MORNING 5:50 i2t TV Chapel 5:55 (2i On the Farm Scene 6:00 (21 C Sunrise Sem-eester 6:3<) i2i C — Woodrow the Woodsman (41 C — Classroom 6:45 (7) C — Bat Fink 7:00 Ml C - Today (71 C - Morning Show 7 : 30 ( 2 I C - News, Weather, Sports 7:55 I 9' Warm-l’p 8:00(2IC ~ Captain Kangaroo i9) Morgan’s Merry Go* * lioiind 8:05 (91 Mr Dressup 8:30 (7) H - Movie: “These Wilder Years’’ (1956) James Cagney. FJarbara Stanwyck. Walter Pidgeon 8:45 i9) Chez Helene 9:00 (2 I R C — The Beverly Hillbillies 14» C — Ste\e Allen i9) C — Bozo the Clown 9:10 1561 American (leogra-phy 9:30 (21 R—Dick Van Dyke 9:35 (561 Sounds to Say 9:50 1 561 Spanish Lesson 10:00 (2) R C-The Lucy Show (4) Snap Judgment 19) Ontario Schools 10:10 (56) Children’s Hour 10:25 (4) C - News (56) Art Lesson 10:30 (2i C — Mike Douglas Minnie Pearl is Cohost. (4) C — Concentration (7) C — Anniversary Game 10:40 ( 56) Interlude 10:55 (561 Spanish Lesson 11:00 (4) C — Personalitv nils 1/ I V H iSM i HAIR D\ HIS ih:h): (A hair of his own that is) A BRAND NKW WAV TO ADI) ON HAIR Shower, Sleep, Work and Play, It Never Connes Off! Price $295 $30 On., $10 Month 623-0267 Independence Commons Shopping Ctr. UMtUO TiMf ONIY 2V2 car garage Abov* pr>c« inctud** oM of tho following: 2 lorgo aluminum windows • 22-foot sh«lf or work bench • 2x6 roftors • 1 6 O C. Studs * siding • Wind brocos * Sto«l overhead door • 6 box comice • Cross-tios • Eloc cond. • 235 shingles • Double heodert e Exponsion e Alum, msulotion • Golv. noils INCLUDES ALL LAIOR AND MATERIAL • SUILT TO ANY CODE, ANY tUIURO W* MeSlerniie AtiUi e ieemi e Addit e Pofitir, Honc^ide FE. 8-9584 6AAA6E'BUIlOEES ... 8UUU WllHIN *4 75 MILES MRS Out ot town ____ < AU couFc r (7) C — Galloping Gourmet i9) Canadian Schools (50) C — Jack La Lanne 11:20 (561 Misterogers' Neighborhood 11:25 (9) C — Morgan's Merry Go Round (4)C — Hollywood Squares (7) R — Bachelor Father (9) Take Thirty (50) C — Kimba 11:50 (56) Memo to Teachers FRIDAY AFTERNOON 12:00 (2) C—News. Weather. Sports (4) C — Jeopardy (7) R — Bewitched i9) Bonnie Prudden (50) C — Alvin 12:20 (56) Friendly Giant 12:25 (2) C — Fashions 12:30 (2) C - Search for Tomorrow (4) C — Eye Guess (7) C — Funny You Should Ask (9) R — Real McCoys (50) R — Movie: “Confidential Agent'' (19451 Charles Boyer, Lauren Bacall. Peter Lorre 12:45 (56) Spanish Lesson 12:55 (4) C - News 1:00 (2) C Love of Life (4) C — Match Game (7) C — Dream House (9) R — Movie: “Hidden Fear” (English. 1957) John Pane. Conradi Nagel 1:05 (56) R — Rhyme Time 1:20 (56) U.S. Geography 1:25 (2) C — News (4) C — Carol Duval! 1:30 (2) C - As the World Turns (4) C — Hidden Faces (7) C — Let’s Make a Deal 1:45 (56) Sounds to Say 2:00 (2) C — Divorce Court (4) C — Days of Our Lives (7) C — Newlywed Game 2:25 (56) Interlude 2:30 (2) C — Guiding Light (4) C — Doctors (7) C — Dating Game (50) R Daddy Make Room for 2:40 (56) Spanish Lesson 3:00 (2) C - Secret Storm (4) C — Another World (7) C — General Hospital (50) R — Topper (56) R — Chicago Roundtable 3:30 (2) C - Edge of Night (4) C - You Don’t Say (7) C — One Life to Live (9) Bozo’s Big Top (50) C — Captain Detroit (56) Pottery 4:00 (2) C—Linkletter Show (4) C — Donald O’Connor (7) C — Dark Shadows (9) C — Tom Shannon (56) Continental Comment 4:25 (2) C — News 4:30 (2) C — Merv Griffin (7) R — Movie: “Rain-tree County” ( 1 9 57 ) Montgomery Clift. Elizabeth Taylor, Eva Marie Saint (Part 2) (50) R — Little Rascals (56) What’s New (62) C — Bugs Bunny 5:00 (9) R C — Batman (50) R ~ Munsters (56) TV Kindergarten (62) R — Robin Hood 5:30 (4) C—George Pierrot — “Bottom of the Sea” (9) R — Gilligan’s Island (50) R C — Superman (56) Misterogers (62) R — Leave It to Beaver FRIDAY NIGHT 6:00 (2) (4) (7) C - News, Weather. Sports (9) R C - Movie; “The Tramplers’’ (1966) Confederate soldier returns home after Civil War and struggles against domineering father. Joseph Gotten, Gordon Scott, James Mitchum (50) R C — Flintstones (56) Friendly Giant (62) R — Sea Hunt 6:15 (56) C Goliath Davey and News — 6:30 (2) C Cronkite (4) c — News - Huntley, Brinkley (7) C — News -Reynolds (50) R_McHale’s Navy The Pontiac Press Friday, February 21 (56) R — What’s New (62) C — Wilburn Brothers 7:00 (2) C — Truth or Consequences (4) (7) C — News , Weather, Sports (50) R — I Love Lucy (56) Americans From Africa: A History — “Africans in Latin America: Explorers and Citizens” (62) R — Movie : “Dangerous Exile” (1958) Aided by English girl, a rogue saves king from guillotine during t h e French Revolution. Louis Jourdan, Belinda Lee 7:30 (2) C — Wild Wild West — Army sergeant’s letter to President Grant brings secret agents to lonely outpost to deal with underground band plotting to take over the territory. (4) C — High Chaparral — Flamboyant Irish cavalry trooper cons Buck I into buying his camel, claiming the animal is great for herding cattle. Frank Gorshin stars. (7) C — Tom Jones — Guests are Lulu, Lynn Redgrave, Sergio Mendes, the Bee Gees and Tim Conway, (50) R C - Hazel (56) R — News i n Perspective 8:00 (9) RC-I Spy-(50) C — Pay Cards 8 :25 (62) Greatest Headlines 8:30 (2) C — Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C. — Sgt. Hacker, Carter’s “enemy” during war games, attempts to use Gomer as his ploy in effort to defeat his rival in the maneuvers. (4) C — Name of the Game — Dan Farrell and Peggy Maxwell go to small town to find out why shy young man kidnaped daughter of town’s sheriff and set out on a crime spree. Guest stars are Julie Harris, Anne Baxter, Brandon D e Wilde, Tisha Sterling and Steve Forrest. (7) C— Generation Gap (50) C — Password (56) Cineposium — “Good Friday,” a film by Ronald Sossi about a psychopath and a little boy who meet in church, is discussed by film maker and moderator Michael Jackson. (62) R C — Movie: “Montana” (1950) Sheep rancher tries to move his herd into cattle country and meets opposition. Errol Flynn. Alexis Smith 9:00 (2) R C — Movie: “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers” (1954) When eldest of seven uncouth brothers brings home a with, the other six become restless and sneak into town and steal six girls Howard Keel, Jane Powell (7) C — Let’s Make a Deal (9) What’s My Line? (50) R — Perry Mason (56) R — Creative Person 9:30 (7) C — Guns of Will Sonnett-A woman named Angela sets James Son-nett in a trap for a man after revenge. (9) C — Don Messer Jubilee (56) R - NET Playhouse —“Talking to a Stranger: No Skill or Special Knowledge Required” 10:00 (4) C - Star Trek -Group of social rebels, led by a diseased doctor, capture Enterprise and threaten to destroy it. (7) C — Judd for the Defense — “The Holy Ground” (Part 2) (9) Public Eye (50) C — News. Weather, Sports 10:30 (9) Twenty Million Questions (50) R - Alfred Hit-(62) R — Star Performance 11:00 (2) (4) (7) (9) C -News, Weather, Sports (50) C — Joe Pyne (62) R — Movie: “You’re Only Young Twice’’ (British, 1954) Disguised ‘ Irish poet romps through comic university situations. Duncan Macrae. Joseph Tomelty 11:30 (2) R ~ Hollywood Through The Years — “The Victors” (1964) Saga of a squad of American soldiers is followed through Europe during FRIDAY World War II. George Hamilton, George Pep^ pard (4) C — Johnny Carson (7) C — Joey Bishop (9) R C — Movie: “Dinosaurus” ( 19 6 0 ) Construction engineer finds dinosaurs after blasting on a tropical island. Ward Ramsey, Paul Lukather 12:30 (50) C — Big-Time Wrestling * 1:00 (4) Beat the Champ (7) R — Movie “Breakout” (English, 1958, Richard Todd (9) C — Perry’s Probe 3:00 (2) R — Movie : “Strike Me Deadly’’ Ranger on his honeymoon witnesses a murder. Gary Garke 3:15 (7) News 4:30 (2) C —News 8 i QUESTION ? 1 WOULD YOU DRIVE 5 MILES FOR A ^200 SAVINGS? ON A / ( iiuh 72 NORTH SAGINAW Old Doc Carpet Says: ''Why Pay $12 per yard for luxury Carpet? " vGMPii ! IHSlAiil-D With Pad - Everything Included Super Fine DuPont ‘50V , t; 225 Sq. Ft. Completely v.3 Installed ■« r 0: ? Jo. ! •. FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL 334-7369 NEW 1969 FORD MANY ARE DOING JUST THIS AT