complex on the Michigan State Fairgrounds just across the Wayne-Oakland county line on Woodward Avenue is Alfred Glancy Jr. He feels that 1967 is the year of decision. COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN School Breakfast Hundreds of city children in new program—PAG® jj A-tt. • SLAP AT JOHNSON At one point, Kennedy took a slap at President Johnson’s Great Society. Go If Lesson Glancy, a real estate develop- Waterford’s “four fit’s” seek prep tournament title;—PAGE B-l. U.S.-Greece Washington to go* along with military regime—PAGE A-4. Astrology ............W Bridge ......... ......... .D4 Church News ........,..D-5—D-7 Crossword Puzzle_____.....D-1S Comics ................... 04 Editorials Home Section....... ....B, C Markets ..... Obituaries .....v.,!........04 Road Series ............. A-13 Sports ................. 01-03 Theaters ........ . .....A-lt TV-Radio Programs Oil Wilson, Earl ..............015 Women’s Pages .... A-14-A-15 er and financier with offices in Detroit, tS" chairman of the , Michigan S t a t* Fairgrounds stadium committee, one of sev-eral groups studying the feasibility of a new stadium for the Detroit area. Another supporter of a sports complex at the fairgrounds is Democratic Hep. Arthur J. Law of Pontiac, who has worked with several legislative committees studying the matter for the past two years. Both men agree that more than a new stadium is involved. mothers and children — but we have ra* fused to create fobs for hukbatiifo and fathers, and thus have forced families to break up in order to receive foe bounty.” Public housing units have beentmfltby the .thousands, Kennedy wmtinnfl^ but nothing has been done to help year, pis* pie own their own honms “free of bureaucratic management, and over their locations.” ^ TRENCH MOUTH? —:ApoUce dog rips away at i amottwnw coat worn by a youth during a riot in downtown Boston early Movie promoters had offered free admission to all who today during the showing of a Janes Bond movie. Over 20 showed up in James Bond-style trench coats. (See story, were qrrested, and 75 police were called out to quell rioters, page A-2.) WASHINGTON (AP) - Michigan Gov. George Romney says it will take election of a Republican {Resident to guarantee that Americans will be,told the tnjjtM, about the Vietnam war. ’ 'V15 “7* The Republican governor said the Johnson administration is feeding the people “manipulated, inflated and distorted reports” about the war. “The people don’t want a government that squanders American prestige, raising false fears and hopes by acting as a global policeman and global financier,” In a speech yesterday to the conven- Romney generally has backed President tion of the National .Federation of Re- Johnson’s war policies, publican Women, Romney — considered ^ likely bidder for the 1941 GOP presi-dential nomination — predicted his party will win tile presidency and control of the House in November 1M8. He did not document his charges about government distortion of war reports. Romney later was guest of honor at top office, that Democrats are adept a federation-sponsored reception, where at putting down intraparty disputes in convention delegates lined up by the time to assure unity at the polls. hundreds Voshake his hand. . ____★ ★ * * ', * ’ But Republicans, Love said, have » Republican Gov. John Love of Colo- tendency to magnify small conflicts — rado told the convention, involved in a a failing he warned could cost the GOP bitter floor battle for the federation’s the presidency in 1968. Kit hopM^atolfostrafijar poHeies on foreign aid, saying, “The people don’t want a government that stumbles into international commitments that grow. likeTopsy. , - Another House Vote Possible T ax Fight May Shift to Senate LANSING (B — Tito next round in the legislative tax fight apparently will! be in the Senate, although Republican toners said yesterday they may try another vote in the House next week. - • * * '■ . The House defeated the income tax section of their package 48-57 Thursday but yesterday reconsidered the vote and left the measure in positionfor another test of strength. House Speaker Robert Waldron, R- mm* LI’L ONES Grasse Pointe, said he may ask for a vote next week on the income tax proposal — which ip its present form would be even less attractive to Democrats than the version defeated Thursday. Meanwhilev Gov. George Romney said he , was disappointed, but not discouraged, by the bill's defeat, and State AFL-CIO President August Scholle said he was pleased. ★ ★ ★ “There appears to ito a genuine desire on the part of a majority of the members of the House for tax reform,” Romney said yesterday. “I remain optimistic that a majority of our lawmakers share this goal and intend making it a reality.” ‘DESERVED SETBACK’ Scholle told the state AFL-CIO executive boardthe lax plan voted down in the House was unfair to individual tax-payers and deserved to be beaten._______ $1,000 and outlawed city non-resident income taxes. The bill, in its present form, is a Republican-drafted package. Thursday’s version, which Democrats sa id they liked better, drew only two Democratic votes; —The Senate went through a Similar process in March, defeating an income tax MU,, then reconsidering the vote and sending the entire tax package back to committee, Thosebilis could be returned to the Senate floor at any time. View of Eclipse for N. Americans NEW YORK a b 0 u t 24 to 30 months,” he replied. “It would require about 12 months To develop plans, drawingvetc,, and another six months to prepare for bids. Then, it would take approximately a year to build the stadium.” ★ ★ ★ All the talking and planning is ever result in action?. ★ ★ “I don’t know,” tell me. my