R — Rerun C — Color nU IiSI>A^ MOKNIN(. Regular programming may be preempted for progress reports of ^e Apollo 11 moonlanding mission. 5:50 (2) TV Chapel 5:55 (2) C — On the Farm Scene — Black agitator Marcus Garvey is topic. (Part I). 6:30 (2) C—Woodrow t h e Woodsman (4) Classroom — ‘ ‘ C a n t e rbury Tales: “Prioress’s Tale” 6:45 (7) C —Batfink 7:00 (4) C—Today (7) C — Morning Show 7 : 3 0 ( 2 ) C - News, Weather, Sports 8:00 (2) C Kangaroo Captain 8:15 (9) Warm-Up 8:25 (9) C — Morgan’s Mer-ry-Go-Around Pontiac Prots, Thursday, July 1 7, 1969 Movie: “It 11:30(4) C — Concentration Should Happen to You” (1953) Jack Lemmon, Judiy Holliday (9) C — Bozo 9:00 (2)^C Lucy Show (4) C — Ludden’s Gallery — Guests® include James Brown, Marty Allen, Helen Gurley Brown and Marva Whitney. 9:30 (2) C billies Beverly Hill- (9) Friendly Giant 9:45 (9) Chez Helene 10:00 (2) R C-Andy Griffith (4) C— Personality (9) Mr. Dressup 10:25 (9) Pick of the Week 10:30 (2) C-Merv Griffin (4)C ~ Hollywood Squares (7) C — Galloping Gourmet 10:55 (9) C-News 11:00 (4) C — It Takes Two (7) R —Bewitched (9) C — Luncheon Date (Part 1) (50) C — Jack LaLanne 11:25 (4) C-Carol Duvall CAN YOU QUALIFY? AUTO INSURANCE GUARANTEED RENEWABLE FOR 5 FULL YEARS The HOME'S GOLD KEY AUTO POLICY rewards safe drivers with • L«wttf Initial Oatt-Savings up to • DIteaunts tar safo driving! • Maar Oantinuatian Agraamant! • Tap-iuallty aavaraga tram Tha HOMI INtUMUlM OOUrANV, a laadar in praparty prataatian tinaa INI. taa ar oall n NOW far all Hia faots! 1044 JOSLYN AVENUE FE 4-3535 (7) C - That Girl (9) Take Thirty (50) C — Kimba nil HSnw Al TFHNUO\ 12:00 ( 2 ) C^ News, Weather, Sporx!^ (4) C — Jeopardy (7) C — Dream House (9) C — Luncheon Date (Part 2) (50) C — Underdog 12:25 (2) C 12:30 (2) C Turns Fashions As the World (4) C — News, Weather, Sports (7) C Deal Let’s Make . a (9) R — Real McCoys (50) R C — Movie: “Les Miserables” (French, 1958) Jean Gabin, Daniele Delorme (Part 2) 1:00 (2) C — Divorce Court (4) C — Days of Our Lives (7) C — Newlywed Game (9) R — Movie: “Mad Dog Coll” (1961) Kay Doublcday, Brooke Hayward 1:30 (2) C “ Guiding Light (4) C — Doctors (7) C — Dating Game 2:00 (2) C — Secret Storm (4) C ~ Another World (7) C — General Hospital 2:30 (2) C - Edge of Night (4) C — You Don’t Say (7) C — One Life to Live (50) R — Make Room tor y-< Daddy 3:00 (2) C—Linkletter Show (4) C — Match Game (7) C — Dark Shadows (9) R — Dennis t h e Menace (50) R ~ Topper 3:25 (4) C-News 3:30 (2) C Tomorrow (4) C . Me On Search for YouYe Putting (7) C — Anniversary Game (9) C — Magic Shoppe (50) C — Captain Detroit 4:00 (2) C - Love of Life (4) C — Steve Allen -Guests include Don Knotts, Jackie (Moms) Mabley, Sunni Walton and Georgie Kaye. (7) R — Movie: ‘ ‘ D i plomatic Courier" (1952) Tyrone Power, Pat ricia Neal (9) C —Bozo '' 4:30 (2) C — Mike Douglas (50) R — Little Rascals (62) R — Star Perforra-ance 5:00 (4) C—George Pierrot — “Honolulu and Oahu” (9) R C — Batman (50) R — Munsters (62) C — Bugs Bunny and Friends 5:15 (56) Friendly Giant 5:30 (9) RC-F Troop (50) R — Superman (56) Misterogers (62) R — Leave It to Beaver THUHSDAv nk;h r 6:00 (2) (4) (7) C — News, Weather, Sports (9) R C - I Spy - Sole" survivor of plane crash tries to help Kelly and Scott recover the loss of U S gold bullion. (50) R C — Flintstones (56) What’s New — “Stories Coins Tell’’ shows how designs, words, and phrases on coins can give clues to history. (62) R — Sea Hunt 6:30 (2) C — News — Cronkite (4) C — News — Huntley, Brinkley (7) C — News — Reynolds, Smith (50) R — McHale’s Navy (56) Cancion de la Raza — Spanish soap opera (62) R — Highway Patrol > 7:00 (2) R C - Truth or Consequences Th« Pontiac Prmtt, Thur»doy, July 1 7, 1969 (62) R — Ann Spthem opportunities » them. News, (4) (7) C Weather, Sports (9) R — Movie: “Big House USA” (1955) Broderick Crawford, Ralph Meeker (50) R — I Love Lucy (56) NET Playhouse -“The Seekers: The Heretics” — A group of 12th century Flemish heretics flees persecution in France to seek refuge in England (First of three dramas by Ken Taylor on the theme of man and belief). (62) C — Swingintime 7:30 (2) C ~ Animal World •— Focus is on the killer cats of the world — the jaguar, lion, cheetah, cougar anl tiger. (4) R C — Daniel Boone — Indians capture Israel and offer to spare his life in return for rifles, (7) R C —Flying Nun — Sister Berttille turns the convent into a bread bakery in an ^ attempt to help^e orphans. (50) R - Hazel 8:00 (2) R C - Prisoner -A woman puts the Prisoner on trial for an escape attempt. (7) R C - That Girl Don’s Valentine gift to Ann is a set of diamond earrings and, as she fears, she loses one. (50) C — Pay Cards — Keir Dullea guests. (62) R riet Ozzie and Har- 8:30 (4) R C — Ironside — Widow hears mysterious voices threatening her life. (7) R C — Bewitched — Samantha gets experience in animal tracking, after cousin Serena turns the Stephens’ dinner guest into a monkey (Part 2). (9) C — Telescope — A1 Oeming, former professional wrestler and present owner of a Canadian game farm, is profiled. (50) C — Password (56) New Voices in Africa — The impact of radio on Africa is explored. (62) R — Movie: “Timber Fury” (1950) A young girl and her father fight a timber gang. Laura Lee. David Bruce 9:00 (2) R C—Movie: “East of Sudan” (British, 1964) Britain moves to abolish slave trading^ in the Sudan. Anthony Quayle.' Sylvia Syms. (7) R C — Tom Jones — Guests include Judy Came. Joanne Worley, Millicent Martin and Anita Harris. (9) Canada at War — “Days of Infamy” shows Canada in the days after Pearl Harbor. (50) R — Perry Mason (56) That’s Life — “So You Live by Yourself” depicts how people who live alone can enrich their lives by creative uses of their own resources and 9:30 (4) R C - Dragnet -Friday and Gannon search for two dogs, one of which has bitten a child allergic t o antirabies serum. (9) Nature of Things (56) More Room For Living — Different types of siding and its uses are illustrated. 10:00 (4) C—(Return) Gold-diggers — Paul Lynde, Lou Rawls, Gail Martin and Stanley Myron Handelman are regulars. (7) R — Untouchables (9) (50) C — News, Weather, Sports (56) R C—NET Journal-Re-creation of Charles Darwin’s 1835 voyage to the Galapagos Islands. (62) R — Movie: “A Tale of Two Cities” (1958) Charles Dickens* story in which, amid the fury of France’s reign of terror, a gallant Englishman risks his life for the girl he loves. Dirk Bogarde, Cecil Parker 10:30 (9) C — What’s My Line? (50) R~Alfred Hitchcock 11:00 (2) (4) (7) C — News. Weather, Sports (9) R _ Movie: “Dream GirP’ (1948) A fanciful girl lives in a world of her own. MacDonald Carey, Betty Hutton (50) R — One Step Beyond 11:30 (4) C — Johnny Carson (7) C — Joey Bishop 11:35 (2) R C — Movies: 1. “The Tall T” (1957) Randolph Scott, Richard Boone: 2. “Revenge of Ivanhoe” (Italian, 1965) Knight returns from the Crusades to free the Saxons. Clyde Rogers, Gilda Lousak 12:24 (9) Viewpoint 12:30 (9) C — Perry’s Probe — “Birthright Line” and “Unwed Father” 1:00 (4) Beat the Champ (7) R —Texan :30 (4) (7) Weather 3:30(2) C Weather News, News 3:35 (2) TV Chapel For . . *80 7:35114 plot F.E.T. THESE ARE GENUINE DUNLOP TIRES! FULL 4-Ply Firat-Lin* W.W. ■n4 FREt installation too! DYNAMIC TIRE SALES Itic ROCHESTER - 22S Main St. - 651-22S0