“Po , TIAN MICHIGAN, TU BSpaY. "DECENT hea PAGES 4 Moroccans Hail in US. Chief in Finale oflrek = — Trip Conclusion Finds President, Welling With Confidence of Success Donner Sees Good Business, 1960 Car Spurt Claims _ Availability of - Steel Will Be Limiting Factor for Awhile * CASABLANCA, ‘Morocep (4) — President Eisenhower heads for’ home tonight, | winding up the crusade-for_———— ~ friendship and. peace in freedom “ew he carried ‘to 11 fration | A thunderous acclaim by : 'about 500,000 jubilant Mo- _ "| roccans and a generous - send-off . capped the Presi dent’s history-making tour, > the most extended foreign _ DETROIT (?'—The board > {chairman of General _}Motors predicts that 1960! will be a good year for busi-' jness generally with auto de- mand becoming brisk when. steel supplies become more’ plentiful. | Frederic-G. Donner, esti mated yesterday that’ auto sales next year will reach about seven million units. *: In a formal -year-end statement, = : Pontiac Press Photo . and Krystal. Now ‘eight years old, the” quads_are- looking-forward fo two special occasions in the NEARING orn BIRTHDAY — The Rosebush quadruplets of Oakwied, near Oxford, have made their own fireplace of cardboard and brick paper Cys trip ever undertaken by a in preparation for Santa's arrival Christmas Eve. near future, Christmas Day, and their ninth “Denner said .the “potential car, Atmerinnn President yan Hanging*their stockings are (from left) Keith ‘birthday Jan. 10. (See story _and other pictures jbuyer has hes unusually wide » Fesident, and Kenny: and decorating the mantel, Kristine on page 13.) ~ choice of makes. including a ova - * * e a ee ee _ . riety of imports.™, The 19-day journey, on which Donner added, however, that ‘ i the President was cheered by per- -Christrias 8 Shopping Spurts - . “while it is “still too, early to . x AP Wirephotg | aps nine million weleomers, en- | determine the extent of the de- WELCOMING DISH — President Eisenhower — town hall in Casablanca,- Moroceo, Ike rod@ | compassed visits to ltaly, Turkey, mand for jimalter care, we vil hoids a bowl of milk and dates, a traditional sign through the city standing ‘in an open.car with. | Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Iran, confident that larger cars wi of weleome, which he received on his arrival at King Mohammed V, vat right here: 7 Greece, Tunisia, Spain and Mo- erchants Like Finale 2s: en ee a majority." mit meeting in Paris. , — (GM's Chevrolet Division pro- "The conclusion of the Presi--. es - Only two more days remain in, steres are doing “excellent” manager said this Christmas \duees the compact Gorvair.! .Woman Guilt aor in ye CO! ) le dent’ far-ranging venture in per- 4 a Christmas shopping season that. business. was the best yet “Donner estimated imports woutld* _ Sonat diplomacy stilt found him cg most retailers say is finishing with. One. store manager was cau! e es yet, drop pou Ao0.00 0 0.000 nex 4 grinning and radiatiig confidence "4 -a grand finale. ‘tious, saying that the recent’ spurt! George Richman, president of rie e meet Sales a ore that he had managed to spread: - -— i a es in retai] sales at his establishment the Downtown Merchants Assn. motive Nacht ot about eight ore @! a ing C / -repare Or (~ to millions a feeling of trust in ~ Hurt earlier this month by: lay-|was tirning ‘ ‘a poor season into believed most stores would come lion vehicles. If, that total is oe vend ped a ‘ony tm will . ; by the steel strike,’ la fair one." . lose t ; ‘ . ves and policies. Only time ; offs caused ae wN tiesat e-« <¥ close to the sales record achieved reached in 1960, it would be high: Convict Baby Sitter, 30, , ; disclose the long-term effects: —” Pontiac retail sales have ; during the Christmas season last than’ for any year except, 1955 t y t WASHINGTON (UPI)~-Hundreds of dignitaries and, sharp upturn at most stores dur-’ But the manager of a downtown “It is my belief that 1960 will of Kidnaping Youngster thousands of other Americans will give President Eisen- et eae’ were sasy: signs, of . 3 : . - ~ at least temporary * | ing the past two or three weeks, ‘department: store said sales this * ’ * be a good year for business gen-| . a temporary boost to " Christmas were better than Jast) ,<~ This was gener ally consisidered erally.’ a highly successful .sales period. ‘TY ©an look forward to a record oe 4 ; f | A a a | ‘ ‘ it was reporte year "said Donner. “The coun. -Of Pontiac Woman “hower a cheering, torchlight welcome home tonight Ye eee asa result John W, ‘Mirtinger, manager of from his Christmas season quest for peace on’ earth. : a the Pontiac Area Chamber of | At the three-year-old Miracle 7 i ‘Output ‘of goods and services pro. A 30-year-old woman who Wook Vice President Richard M. Nixon will head the esti-| The President's orange-nosed ‘jet- Commerce, reported that most Mile Shopping Center a store ost stores will close at 5:38. vided unnecessarily prolonged and the infant son of a Pontiac mother . R to Sa emion affieis \. ..., liner headed westward and was , ot : ! p.m. Thursday, Christmas Eve. widespread strikes are avoided, ftom Chicago to Gary, Ind., while “mated 500 to 600 US. and foreign offic ials who will due at Andrews Air Force Base me Closed on Christmas Day, most she Was acting as baby sitter, yes- greet Eisenhower at nearby Andrews Air. Force Base, outside Washington at 11 p.m. EST ++ will open again for r regula? hours “In the automobile industry, terday was found guil ty of a fed- Md Ni h d An . : : his point of departure Dec. 3. A 7 i el will be the yo” d. Nixon has urge ler- , a Bloomtield Saturday. ee of steel vil be the eral charge of kidnaping oe - - the chief . os refueling stop is planned at Gan- . All. cover _ onmpime am. miting factor on production for Federal prosecutors said the de Icans to Rive t 1 .CHIEL proved their use for a public cere- der Nfld. governmental agencies and some time to come. Later in the , iastic Mony T po Youth Hurt offices .in Pontiac will be closed year, the rat will ‘a nd on fendant, Diane Varner. was the executive an enthusiastic Mens The President was recetved with | . year, e e depend ox a ; : sates apie ; . ~ Demet no ; . : for the three-day weekend. _ market demand. } first woman to be convicted unde 1 reception when_he returns They were purc hase dat Havre wild enthusiasm and one of the ~~ , | Banks will close at-3 p.m. Thuis” * the Lindbergh law : iro “this te rib] > hard de” Grace, Md., inasmuch as most colorful. welcomes of -his lIT ar ase |day and won't open again until we Donne the femand will be Miss Varner was found guilty shed te uS oh, y ice . ” ew in jp ehington “re al tBree-continent our when he a ™ | |Monday morning. risk,” Donner addec of taking the child, Lioyd, then SChedule in the service Of lowed to sell sparklers Jonger rived in “this whiterwalled North A Bloomfield Hills youth was | Oakland County Sheriff Frank ——— 18 weeks old, from the Loop ho- the cause of peace than 20 inches, African city. ‘ * orits inj ing. | a ‘Ll reom where his mother, Mrs. safety —precattionsfot the cere He was tas b critically injured this.morning _{-W.—Irons—appealed—tp «motorists I f A t G tel_r : : + -—%-_+ Safety—precantions fot the cere= e was” fascinated by dash- “when his car crashed on the, John “to make it a safe holiday. * OSS 0 if owens ' Marilyn Vickers, 19, had left him The President's luxurious. four- mony. have been taken. The! ing horsemen, 5,000 strong, who in Miss Warner's care on Nov. : sparklers will be distributed” by) raised thet ‘ient C. Lodge expressway. in Detroit | ry * * 1x .. ~¢ngine jetliner was scheduled to.*? so et YY | -Fatsec elr ancient jong guns hil bei urst ‘by lice | “If Maj OF Blow to MSU * Jand at 10:50 p.m. EST, bringing 150 Boy Scouts who have been’ in. salute as he rede by in an w we | wee ue * Po! : { ‘ ee Plap ~— pars J J } The next day Miss Varner was, him home. from “his ‘exhausting | SPecially trained to dernonstrate, open car with King Mohammed ; ‘or do any drinking, do it as a ; : found at a Gary. hotel with the aan their safe use Police. fire and V t rds ‘vais Cyrus W. Osborn, 18, son of | passenger ‘not a-driver,’ he said.” past L ANSING ® — The Mich- baby , Li-nation, 23,000-mile mission in Ried Cross unite will be on-hand. tke! thoes Nee wane yaish . General Motors Corp. Vice Presi- Irons pointed out that this is one igamr State basketball’ team suf-. She has previously served three time to spend Christtnas with his) Despite these precautions Percs . . . > dent Cyrus R, Osborn of 125 Mar-| jot the most dangerous times of fered. another major loss today— years in prison for a kidnaping in family “Bugbee, general manager of the rhe President was pregented tell Dr. was admitted to Mt. Car- jthe year for drivers, citing weath- ino scholastic ineligibility of start- Texas. After simple ceremonies at the National Fire Protection Assn. with the tFaditional Arab greeting wel _ Mercy annie! wah head jer conditions and drinking drivers. ing center Art Gowens. Mrs- Vickers has returned toe ‘airport, 15 miles from the capi- wired. district. commissioners pro. Bit of dates and G08 uit, . | injuries, cuts on his legs. and) “Our men will net hesitate to jail)’ Just last night. the touring Pontiac with the boy, and is stay- tal, Eisenhower will ride to She testing the use of the giant spark-| Fens of theusands packing” Unit- | chest nd possible internal injuries. 'drunk driv ” he -added, em. ae 5 RIAN Sf ed Nations Square cheered as the | Bo, “ee WETS, € adde Spartans lost their first game in’ing with her mother, Mrs. Martha White House along the same Hers. in the. cgremony reed r Square as | | ) [ k & * five” starts, 7975 to Brigham ‘Dietrich, 85 Henry Clay Ave, routé taken by Soviet Premier — Bugbee said in. Boston that the, Tesident grinned and waved> in a.m., five hours after the acci- | | He was. still anconscious at 10 | | _ dent, Detroit policeman Paul Shinsky HAROLD EK. HOWLETT . said he spotted young Osborn's car speeding and gare after it, ‘tots coon, Pontiac Lawyer- With his speedafneter reading 65, . Mercury Dives to Herald Arrival of Winter Today _ Winter is here: : It arrived promptly with the sun ashining at 9:35 this ‘morning, m.p.h.; Shinsky | said. the other’ $ car was puking ‘away when it} suddenly went out of contiol, ca- Dies at Home reened up an embankment, rolled) down, struck a utility pole and) overturned several times, Harold Howlett Noted. <——“pollies said the youth, driving f for fany Community | a 1960 Corvair, apparéntly was | ~ A i 7 et route home from a party, A | “¢ ivities student-at Brown University, he — ~ ‘ was home for the holidays. - | Pontiac attorney Harold E: - His father is in charge of engine /lett ‘of the law firm. of Howlett- -divisions--and-overseas Optratiqne tt artman & Beier, a former presi- at GM, ' ident of the Oakland County Bar [Assn., died. yesterday afternoon at his horhe, 104 E. Iroquois Rd) He/® ‘had been ill for several’ weeks. A ‘native of Howell, he was grad- tiated from the University of Mich- iigan law school in 1924. He prac- iticed law with his father in Howell Pontiac State Bank Building. . While at the university Mr. Howlett, 59, was one of 10 mem- _ bers of the law school chosen to the second coldest day in Pontiac - sinee. either pave pb ia, fall on - Sem, HS high ‘Ot "26 vartertiay afternoon to — “ha iastonentn Spies ae ; for intensive study of the prac- tical’ side of law, later taking charge. of one of these -groups. -A member of First Presbyterian omg lig _ he served as director o eng Commiunity: National-~ Bank, reach | Baldwin - Rubber: Co. and Pontiac nis Varnish Co. - Vee es = Ae ee : * see 7 z ok past eccbiaa ‘ol Ponting Cont munity Chest and Oakland County Agsn.; Mr. Howlett was 2 "|member of the American Bar How- before coming to Pontiac Jan. 13, 1925 and opening an office in the froups ofthe —last—couple—of dayss We : Collared’ in. Store Theft Téxos Holiday Wish (UP. | Acting Postmaster Robert C. Mil-'Young here they come,"’ said | I like to play, “i anid a noble look- | Dubious Ancestry Dog to. Mr. Tomeat. The message,spread and a great clamor went up, Thé canines were, ‘in good voice and the felines licked. n readiness for the d the strange man They knew a picture in the is worth 1,000 barks and meows, “IT could just Z# into a little boy’s ‘king at Christmas,” puppy implored. “And I'd be great fun to a cocker ‘demanded a’ Pontiac Press Phote Fs ing apricot poodle. Ard from. all over they tried to get into the act, homeless puppies, ‘dogs, kittens and sleek cats. Theré are more than 60 puppies ahd dogs and a few. cats at the Oakland County Animal Welfare Shelter at 1260 W. Boulevard, And, according to Dr. Frank Bates, di- tector, there is even a beautiful white duck. The animals. cost $2 plus vaccination and license fees | for adult pets. -Mrs. Martin officer Davis, and perfect Christmas gifts. ” The Rescue League animals range in price from $2 to $35, with plentyt of the exception of a standard size | “I'm sure there's a nice home for me. [I'm pretty and Pm fun. Examination on Holdup Accused of shooting and holding A & P supermarket Eugene J. Thouin, yesterday waived examination on a charge of armed robbery and of was bound over to Circuit Court Thouin will be arraigned on the He_was unable to furnish bond) forbid traceptives for three patients for of $5,000 set by Municipal Judge! | k- physicians from advising their use Twhorm pregnancy coukt mean a-Crcit McCallum and was returned joss of life or abnormal children. to Oakland County Jail 1 pending_ar- St., and a woman cashier were robbed of $9,000 in the store’s parking lot Friday afternoon. Kramp was shot in thé hand by Connecticut's highest com was person of life, liberty or property, ‘the bandit after he laughed at the ‘order to drop money bags con- taining $9,000 in the holdup mat s | “contracéptives is indicated as the RETU ‘RNING FROM BANK best ~The store employes we .| had ind. ure which medical sciertee can of- ploy te return from the Community National) had gone to extra money for cashin ; ‘Christmas checks. . 'solutely necessary for the Legisla-, suits were Dr “ Birxton, .a Boa ‘ian and)ture to accept such a solution . in chairman of YY aleMedical Sc hool’ I's all cases, where. there is, as’ point- ed other alternative, abstinence from sexual Witnesses gave police “the i- -cense number. of Thouin’s car ‘and he was subsequently ar- rested in the basement of an | apartment building at All but $600 of the loot has been recovered. to eo |. He moved from Pontiac to Flor-| ida three years ago, he said, re. (turning -here last Wednesday. a4, police at he’s “spent 28 years in pri- “son.” has refused to admit the! ‘holdup-shooting. x * & plaintiffs. * Begin Testimony | in Suit Opposing _ Royal Oak Mall. whirlwind visit to Madrid where his welcome was similarly enthu- +siastie;-rode=through -the -city—in; an open car beside King Moham- med V.. Both were. standing. First testimony was. taken yes- terday before Circuit Judge Wil- liam J. Beer in the nonjury law- en: suits of five parties. opposing the city of Royal Oak's inténtiong ‘of converting its downtown area into a modern shopping mall. Leslie R. Tripp, Pontiac realtor, was first witness called by one of He testified that merchants would not receive equal ;benefits for the. er ments. to ver levied. were original- which mer- Fextiryony wag expected to. re- 2 ““because the chipmunks bel to - . ~ - i again! Christmas—bills, the whole “I conned him into giving me a the kids now. 4 got kids, s jy) Shortages of structural steel tig ° : 6.98 | $3 89 Misses” plaid or solid wool slacks thing.’ Then I realized that if my Pewee a erent der. Me {nouaH believe in in them, and I won't sell abs in the slowdown. which was 8. 98 to 12. 98 Values e apered legs, zip closing Sizes am son was impatient for Christmas,; _ them out.’ ré pronounces ana purely oe an a other kids must feel the same ‘What do you want to sing?’ I said, - we & ‘seasonal dip. Values” Waite'’s Sportswear ... Third Floor . ” 5 way? When Irish Eyes Are Smiling.’ For the first Hi menths of 159 ea ' ia way. , : ~ Bnet rode Cabinets Reg. 10.98 to 12.98 © 3 reakfast Bar : : 7 @ Scalloped Border ; ve M RE LIN _ Yl |S Sestleped Border . $17:70 Per Month $ ORE GERIE SPECIALS 2nd Floor Cub Pack 53 Donates Jf if you order now. : . Famous Make Nylon Gowns, Reg. 10.95. 5.99 ‘to Salvation Army . ¥y —— ; ~ ‘ so . Famous Make SHift Gowns, Reg. 5.95). 2.99 a me i Our Representatives will ce : - Dacron Blend Shorty Gawns Reg., 7 00 4.88 Toys and * canned food were! ¥ A) your home fer e FREE Call Any time— w at special pre-Christmas savings N , Ww I G R 10 98 & 1 turned over. to the Slavation Army Fhese pretty sohd color or print roi yfon alts. Gowns, Keg. , 4.98 8.99 e A Estimate ... 7 Days a Week Operators on Duty ® e pretty sold color or print robes ) ' for distribution to needy families) } from 8 A. M. to 10 P.M. i .- and dusters amaké lovely gifts Qurited Lace Trim Nylon Briefs, Reg. 1.50 1.00 nt: Christmas time by Cub Scout 24 Hours a Day mi. vi / “nylon er cotton in sizes 19 to 18 ‘| Nylon Satin or Knit Pajamas, Reg. 9.00 5.00 Pe os) . ~ Charrung, wanted t saving : : Mark Twain School. ¥ ~ Dare at sawing Quilted Bed Jackets, Reg. 7.00 - 4.99 Christmas. puppets. were dis-| TION a ‘ Quilted Robes & Dusters, Reg. 17.98-19.98. 12.99 played by den 5. Three boys re- : by) “ Waite’s Robes . .. Second Floor Quilted Cotton Dusters, Reg. 6.98 to 8.98 _. 5.99 eived awards. . - COMPANY 8 7 3 ] Cotton Dusters, Reg. 3.98 to 5.98. ss s—«si«s«i 2.59 First to Trim Tre h | a : = enn 92 W. | Huron St. ; Pontiac q@| MISSES’ “SISSY” COTTON BLOUSES The custom of decorating trees) # 5 ontiac : , : at Christmas came originally. from a _ : ia - Reg. Rall sleeve, lac#itrim gift blouses |. ; Germany. = S S = Ss S = = S < = SS = = ES = SS = = = = 298 $1.99 inv white red or blue. Sizes 32 Many lovely styles mn : — — —e I ; a, } € F, ; ; Waite’s ‘Néckwear ... StreetFloor FASHION + Waite’ s Still Has the © 2 SLOO mn fA NDBAGS to 2.00 ° - lovely colors Sizes SMLL . $2 98 - ; Waite's Gloves .. . Street. Floor ‘ ; . . é Cowhides, imported simulated leathers ‘MO =D I OYS Famous Make “Matchless Hosiery” In sport, casual or dressy styles. Large 1.35 to ¢ Full fashi oned or feamtess on and smail sizes. several colors 1.95 Quality mauve or suntan Proportibned » | } ~ he Waite's Hosiery .. . Street Floor Imported Italian Cowhide Handbags 6.99 - 10.99 5° Several styles in all leather or Ma ny at tapestry trim. Light or dark Hrown . Values” - *~ bs ght of dark Hro — — a of ; , Waite's Handbags ... Street Floor + | Owemadinge se ~ Waite's Hepdbages . . . Shest Fleer : SPORTSWEAR SPECIALS — 3rd Floor. MENS SPECIALS - Street: Floor ~ Ss . Knit Tops and Popovers, Reg. 3.98-7.98........ 2,99 * : - |, Misses Wool Plaid'Skirts, Reg. 10.98-14.98.... .. 6,99 Boxed Jewelry Sets, 3.50-5.00 Values. lke y Beas <1 59: | 0- TD’ Misses Knit Slacks and Skirts, Reg. 5.98.4... ... 3,99 Hig and.Hers Weldon Pajama Sets, Reg. 14,95. 8.88 , -. ' | Raccoon Collared Car Coats, Reg. 29.98... _- . : 19,90 Boxed Leather Belts, Mee 2.50.02 a a. Se: i Wee wf’ eae 4 ee ae 3 Flannel Pajomas, Broker Sizes, Reg. $202.5 ds s) o KOE oes es Li ayes NECKWE R SPECIALS — Street ; Floor Fitted Travel Kits, 5.00 Values Fae ess Hire > 299°. : at — MORE c cE Group of Gay Scarves, 1.98 Values... .. 2 tor 1.00 - Leather Case Mahicure Sets, 1.98 Values 9905) a fi ie Oe (" ee "ff Christmas Bouquet Corsages, Reg. 59c. . yt .39¢. -Wool and Cashmere — wna 2 5.00. . 1 /3.68° 4 oe ee pPeod S pay fe | Christmas Boug et Corsages, Reg. 1.00... ye e ~ Orlon Sleeveless Sweaters es eoea ak os me : a5 ; - ij — " ’ a Ge Ee rt ae. _ 1959 ‘ ie | Sherwood S Dickson, 68, of Dal- ae a stroke, this morning in Dalton following a illness of nearly. two ” years. eI - Mr; Dickson aaned ‘to Dalton where he lived for two ‘years fol- lowing ‘his. retirement-here from General Motors: Truck and’ Coach Division as perimental department in: 1954. Surviving. are two 7~daughters, ie — _ THE PONTIAC PRESS, "TUESDAY, DECEMBER | ‘Areas: eae ahaa ik We held 2 oe. am it Purstey Pesesk Vee: Pontiac, died| cape) Memorial Cemetery. ELMO FLEMING Biva., three-week illness. He was 50. 4 nt. et gee age BOE rere owrier,-te is iidren and two sisters. a {Slednesday “at Donelson-Johns Fu- neral Home with burial in White Elmo Pdnpoon. of 99 Franklin died yesterday in St. Jo- seph Mercy: Hospital following « vived by his mother, Mrs. Ollie T. Bartley of Pontiac, a. daughter, ; Mrs. Charles Hampton of Detroit, Sirs Genevieve Karr of New York|three sons, Adolphus E. and Ken- ak ant Me Roxie Blumlo ofjneth Lee, both of Pontiac, and|E ; ~\James E. of Clarkston and six ‘One sister;14 grandchildren and 14 [Burial will, be in Oak Hill Ceme- tery. es i ~ CURTIS GILLUM Mrs, S Curtis (Susana) Gillam, of 288 N,. Johnson St.,. died- of cere- bral hemorrhage yesterday at Pon- tiac General Hospital following an illness .of two-months. She was 84. sur-}- Mrs. Gillum is survivéd by- ~ son, John Ford of Pontiac, and three daughters, Mrs. “Ruby Keo. nedy of East St. Louis, Ill., Mrs. George VanLuven and hg Effie Lindman, both of Pentiac. great-grandchildren also. ‘survive. Service will be held at 2. p.m. Wednesday at the Pursity Funeral ~— Home. Byrial will be in Perry Mt. |tiac Geheral Hospital, His body is at Donelsoe Johns Funeral Home. R. Township. dent, “HAROLD Y QAKLAND TOWNSHIP. — Serv- ice for Harold M:.Arthur, 60, .of)- 2250. Gunn’ Rd. willbe held at)- 10 a.m. Thursday at the William Potere Funeral Home, Roches- ter. Burial will be in White Chapel Memoria? Cemetery, Troy Mr. Arthur died yesterday at jis home after a long illness. - He was an employe of National Twist: Drill and Tool Co., Surviving besides his- wife, Mae, are two sisters. MRS. JOHN.BATES LEONARD — Word was received |, today of the death of former resi V1. 19 he held at 11 a.m, today: Mrs. cat Muir Brothers..Funeral. Home, Bowie, Ariz. meas etery. M. ARTHUR C ‘orp. &§ p.m. Avon two sons, John — Bates, 9%, of Kraiger, "Madison St., died Monday in Pon- Catholic Church, ‘Orion Township. Oak and cg of Rochester; 40 Burial will follow in Lakeville Cem-| ¥ Oey eg ildren, ‘ Pte Mr. Chartrand died yesterday in) — ‘Harper Hospital, Detroit, ‘al wee CoRR illness of several months. A porn * oetagaed 7920 Easton Rd., will be. held in Ca the-Oxford Liana Club, the Knights Pocahontas, Arkansas ith burial of Columbus, Lake Orion, and the Addison Township Zoning: Board. The Rosary ~swill be recited at| tomorrow at Bossardet & Reid Funeral Home, Oxford: Surviving are his wife, Mildred; ! Neil of East Detroit," Derajand Douglas, at home; and three ‘grandchildren, and two brothers: . PAUL E, KRAIGER DRYDEN — Service for Paul 38, of 4042 S. Mill St, afler 81) CLARKSTON — iChvis (Sarah F) The Rosary §:30 p.m today aor Home, an . illness of five Surviving are Mrs. Plains, and Mrs. Mrs. Gertrude Arkansas; three mond Throesch. Also, will be rec ited Pontiac. Rae Throesch died yesterday in -Joseph Mercy Hospital after | Martha Gerrow of Drayton | Henry, both of Arkamsas and Ray- two brothers and _a sister. and 25 a THRORSCH , Service for Mrs. ' Throesch, 77, of! Just cn | Human... - at : at Huntoon Fun-| > must have treatment of . 4Every family we serv: considerate-and carelul particularly in their Sorrow. months, hour three daughiess, a i y dane aed a _. , You cart be assured of this respect sons, Carl and, and care. We will serve you well, with care, consideration and hu; man dignityYou may call the ~|Park Cemetery. ver Circle Dr., died -Monday eve- ning after an iliness of ‘several menths. , PATRICK J. LIDDLE Patrick J. Liddle, 72, of 2390 Sil- Mrs. Bates died in Arizona Sat- Imlay City with burial im Oak) vive Donelson -Johns Funeral, Ho me urday after a lengthy illness. Grove Cemetery, St. Lonis. . survive. oo with “contidence a Sole urvivor is her son, Earl of Me Kraiger. a World War Il f 5 - , : bowie sco Shuriey A Ohig Congressman, WY Phone , ill be held at th Leon: ” ‘ “ . % : : Sows wil ‘Church at ) om Surviving are his wife, Wilnia, Jenkins Dead at 79 | FEDERAL ~ Parking a hree children’ and ‘his mother, _ : ? _. ; Saturday withy burial to follow in, Mrs. Eva Kraiger of Dryden. COLUMBUS, Ohio WW -- Thomas S351) 4. 4511 On Ou Premises ‘Lakeville Cemetery + @ Beautifully furnished and spacJous chapel ‘@ Seating capacity for 225 — @ Parking for 75 cars: *@ Most reasonable in our charges @ Outstanding in service ~@ Color photos of ‘all flowers ® Air te / Barts Brittin | funeral Home ~~ neeiatniainineaemaenrammemene +inelude Surviving are his wife, Eleanor. a daughter, Mrs. Elmer Lea* of 'Pontiac, and two grandchildren. ‘ The body is at the Sparks-Griffin ‘Funeral Home. - i ROBERT STEPHENSON Word .has -been: received of the death of Re Stephenson, 25, of ‘Toronto, Can ‘husband . of. the former Kay Walker: of 921 Argyle St... Surviving besides his wile is a daughter, Kim; parents, Mr. and Mrs, Robert ‘Stephenson Sr. and a twin sister, Mrs. Mary Burr, all of Toronto. Service was held yesterday Toronto, ’ . ; ‘FRED VAN SYCLE in Fred Van Sycle, 83, of 20 Sctiool| ‘St., died Sunday following an ill- iness of a month and a half, Survivors of the retired farmer) two. half-sisters, Mrs. Grace LaPearl and Mrs. Sylvia, ‘Racine, both of Pontiac, ‘brother, Charles of Fabious, N.Y. and a % . by Muir A. Jenkins, 79, of Irontgn, Ohio, Arrangements ait ae In un MRS. FRANK MARCHEWITZ [Republican representative in Con- Brothers Funeral Home, A mont. | AVON TOWNSHIP — Service for | gress for:34 years, died Monday = 0 re §0 h- 0 Ns MRS. FRANK K F. BOWL, ES ‘Mrs. Frank (Frances) *Marche- | He had been suffering from al ; ROCHESTER-—Service “for Mrs. Witz, 7, of 3875 Grant St., will be heart condition FUNERAL HOME Frank F: (Kate M.) Bowles, 89. ‘held at 10 a.m. tomorrow at Sacred | Jenkins, who was first electéd to: of 126 Ludlow St.. will be held at {Heart Catholic Church. Burial will the House in- 1924, withdrew from if 855 WEST. HURON ST. PONTIAC _ , _,,) follow in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. the 1958 primary because of poor: Asoc b> odio — sot a 9 a.m. Thursday at Pixley Funeral, Mrs. Marchewitz died yesterday jhealth. He was born in Oak Hill, nfs Frog es or" om pospreg H Burial will follow in Oak- jome. Burial w Grand Ra ids. in St, Joseph Mercy Hospital after jOhic, “i cone SNE " F M “Bowles died todé ay apes an, ‘several weeks’ illness. . —— a ———————— CCS LCE 3 PMOCEOOEE rs. Bow ay : . The rosary will be recited at 8 ee extended illness. She was member pm, today at Moore. Chapel of Homemaker on Radio, ¥ of the First Congregational Church, ‘Sparks-Griffin Funeral Home, Au- ‘Mary King,’ Dies at 50 - ¥ _d é 2 here. ‘burn Heights. a ; : Surviving are a daughter, Mrs.’ Surviving besides -her husbané WASHINGTON (AP) — Mary :T.. y . . qd Charles Sibert;.“three sons, Fred/are six“daughters, Mrs. Helen Swickard, 50,°a home economist iy The ‘Ideal Christmas Gift ; : M. of Flint, Mack G, of Bloomfield, 'Schaffron of Detroit? Mrs. Rose with the Department of~Agricul- 1 , ; : W. Va. .and Herbert G. of Los Drouillard of New Boston, Mrs. ture since 1945, died Sunday of 4 . ~ CHRIST TAN ‘ : | Angles; and 14 grandchildren. — Viola. Duilz of Taylor, Mrs. Ruth cancer. pO 4 i a . "Groen of Newark, Ohio, Mrs, Pa-| Known,to tKteners of the Na: é : EDGAR J. CHARTRAND tricia Schwartz, of W ashington and tional Farm and Home Hour radio 4 ‘LITERATURE S AL E Ss Fr 4 LAKEVILLE — Service for Ed- Mrs. Sally Roediger of Auburn program as “Mary hing,” Mrs , 4 ‘gar J. Chartrand, 47, of 1283 Ro- Heights. _ |Swickard presented a. weekly re-G ¢ Ee & Fema Rd., will be held ‘at 11 - Also, three segs, Frank Jr., of port highlighting her agency ’s'¥ 39 Oakland Ave, FE 4-9591 | ‘a.m. Thursday at at St. Joseph's Hechland Park rt of - Royal homemaker newss ; % anon nena aan I2DDDIDE DDI — ADARABRADDAPD! “Thoughtful Service” FE 2-5841 46 Williams The body is.at the Voorhees-Siple Funeral Home. ‘DAVID H. WAGNER David H. _ Wagner, %6, of 644 EL FIRST QUALITY! SAVE WITH PENNEY’S ‘BUDGET-PRICED SHEERS! Fall fashioned, first. quality sdidte. 4 eae ye nylons give you glamour sheer- / — plus an excellent. ‘measure of wear. - Rona tones. with dark « seams ; _ Sizes - to Ms est aif pe een eT ratnmenaeoe aoe : CREAM. WAFERS | Ly Vi iit the Scavdare Department i in your nearest National Food Store , i RGAE SERS christmos BUTTERCREAM LAYER CAKE A fine-textured, yellow-batter cake, filled and frosted with luscious buttercream, Beautifully decorated ~pEWILSFOOD BUTTERCREAM LAYER CAKE Delicious devilsfood filled _and topped wiéh buttercream, then frosted all over with tee for Christmas. creamy chocolate icing. . ln ee “ | $50 weonespay AND SPECIAL $159 re THURSDAY -ONLY. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY ] Regularly $Hz5 % cS : “ and a (000. Things y Fo at r Christmas ALMOND - TEA RING Sanders most popular coffee cake individual CHRISTMAS CAKE "PASTRIES A colorful, glistening. climax to your Christmas* dinner! These individual cakes are made of delicious Sanders yellow batter, richly coated with smooth white fondant icing. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY — Sow fo .and with yood reason! Light, flaky, rich and loaded with _ almonds. Perfect for Christmas . breakfast! ‘ : CENTER DESIGN ICE CREAM Strawberry ice cream bell in vanilla ice cream. Pistachio ice cream tree in vanilla ice cream. sean A AC 4 slices to a pint PINT Dry Ice Charges Additional PLEASE PLACE YOUR ORDERS EARLY ASSORTED . «Creamy, daintily colored Sugar patties in a variety of flavors: peppermint, wintergreen, spearmint, chocolate, lemon, cinnamon. | yO FANCY FRUIT STOLLEN COFFEE CAKE A delicious, old-fashioned fruit-filled coffee cake, topped with s sugar icing and’ selected chopped fFults ‘and nuts. SINCE 1875 WHERE QUALITY COSTS YOU LESS These prices good only ot Sanders Stores-and pope poreet deportments aS We eer Saat RIOT 46 Sanders Stores and 53 National Food Stores came? , B - = 1 ~ . ‘¢ . : : . a my 685 East'Boulevard + 1249 Baldwin near Ypsilanti. mee ane oa 2375 Orchard Lake‘Rd. (Sylvan Lake) +* 4889 Dixie Hwy- (Drayton Plains) at aft 3415 Elizabeth Lake Road (Waterford Township) aa $040 ‘Cooley Lake Road (Union, Lake) / And a prt Store in ed Tel-Huron Shopping Center, Pontiac. ee ee eS a ee Sapiro oes Stic : ee \ “ee a ~ ie ; aad i rere Sap SS ak (aia x Funeral Wednesday Nation Pays Tribute. to Walter Williams — -(AP)—Mourn- tribute to bim tonight with memorial services in the: Houston HOUSTON, - Tex: _[Fisenhower Library’. Contracts Awarded - ‘ABILENE, Kan. an 5 group of contracts for the Eisenhower Presidential Library in Abilene, to- by the ‘State Architect's ‘affice in Topeka. Contracts amounting to $226, 140 ay - $1,067,517, was jet Monday | 4; THE PONTIAC PRESS, TUESDAY; DECEMBER 92, 1950“ . a ss Ge ee ae as oe "EASILY, , QUICKLY “New Class in Night School : _ Now Forming - “THE FAMOUS ABC SYSTEM ers trooped slowly.by the bier of Civil War veteran Walter Williams by the thousands today. The body of the 117 ~ year - old soldier. of the South lay in state in the Civil Courts Building a sec- _lond day—the last survivor of the five million members of ‘the Blue and the Gray who took part in the great conflict. Flags dipped to half staff, _jacross the land. . Texas and "|Georgia observed. memorial days’! ‘in his honor. ‘ESCORT WEDNESDAY A military procession escorts the body . Wednesday -'morning) through downtown streets to the, South Main Baptist church for funeral services, Dr. E. H, We moreland, pastor, will officiate. x. * * Another satisfying rew ard is waiting for you at your own Church or Synagogue. Not a rd measured in terms of ial things — money and .. but one of char- . Tt? s the top- ing your good fortune as a American with the hungry, destitute, homeless people AP Wirepheote HEAD NASA UNIF — Maj. a: Ostrander has been selected chi@Kof a rocket vehicle development group. of the Na- tional Aeronautics anth§pace Ad- ministration, | Ostrander now holds a Defense .Departmeé post. He is ar Air Force officer, Gen everseas. Your. Faith’s Over- | seas Aid will distribute your gifts with the loving friend- ship embodied in the spirit of : God’s greatest gift, Charity. = Why not give right now, and | | | get your reward! . "-At theSehurch will be a group| Bo. Soo Locks Shut Down, —,aressed in Umian_ blue. The Mount) : - . . . ‘Ver hio, Sorrs.of Union Vet- : Ending Rush of Steel . Vernon. Ohio, : c NI : erans Fife-and Drums\Corps. will PROTESTANT wre ore: MARIE ®-—-The yender the one -- time rage ‘CATHOLIC Soo Locks, connecting lakes Huronit master’s favorite -~ melodie> 1 1< and Superior, were closed” last “pixie, “The Yellow Rose _ of JEWISH = night, ending the Great Lakes ship: Texas," and “When Johfiny Overseas Aid \ping season on a record note. ‘Comes Marching Home.” | The last vessel passed through Then U.S. 4th Army and Texds. the MacArthur Lock about 11 P.M. state highway -patrol units will es- EST. It was the ore carrier Rich (oi the body to the country) ard V. Lindabury upbound for win- cemetery at Franklin, Tex, Aor ter berth at Duluth. The Linda- military ‘Yites. bury is owried by the Pittsburgh ; Steamship Division of the United GOVERNMENT TRIBUTE ‘States Steel Corp Williams died-Saturday, His doc- The passage of the ore carrier tor said he apparently had beaten | set a shipping record. Not since back his fourth — attack - of | ‘World War I} have the American.pneumonia since summer, only to) ‘locks been open so late in. the|succumb of otd-age complications. | Governmental agencies pay | World Refugee Year 1959-60 Published as a public service in cooperation with The Advertising Council and the"Newspaper _ Advertising Executives Association: s THE PONTIAC PRESS season TOYS-GAMES-GUNS-C RAFTS -|CLEARANCE! iwith whom Williams lived out ‘his Music Hall. Various service -or-/f0r the service building, sewer| ganizations will take part. changes and reviewing platlorm Hearing ba Jan, 4. ‘s+ & were let early in October. Ka Ris pamtelik Oveiel | The, body’ was clad in a Con- The contracts awarded Mos- | 2200 Coe Ct., Pontiac Township, federate officer’s uniform of gray;| 4#Y cover the erection of Ahe ‘contends he drives 7,000 miles.a |, trimmed with gleaming gold but-| ™#in lbrary building and /eom- month in his job as business | tons, cuffs, collar and. braid. Pietion of the archives section, agent. He said his work ,takes Willie Mae Bowles;a daughter; DUt do not include all the finish him to Oakland, Macomb, Liv- bronze work and equipment: in the office, research and display ingston and Genessee Counties, sections of the byary. ~~ “are not served by public |; €. L. Brainard /secretary of ‘the | —e ” om. ‘Library’ Commissio joh, said-the con. Earlier this month, Judge Hob tracts were lef this way to taeare’ land upheld the 1956 lower court the completign of the archives por- conviction of Orsini. for driving . tion of the uilding before Decem-| While under the influence of liquor. | ber 1960An orderto receive and He was arrested by Waterford) store thé President’s papers by the Township police while arguing on) itime he leaves office. ithe side of the road with a trucker. e For Delve and Civil Servite * Free Placement Service to Graduates final years, sobbed as she touched her father’ s head. The Busineis I nstitute of Pontiac - The trick in dieting (notes Tony) 'Pettito} is to keep your mouth’ ‘shut while other are eating. . ‘There's a youngster in Texas who 'was late for class — he missed a " {School plane. —Earl Wilson. ~7 We Lawrence St. FEderal 2-3551 - 4, a i é L. *< —|¢ SAVE 50% on GAMES: } , be BINGO - HEAD of the CLASS : HE KNOWS fa . .. JR. SCRABBLE . , "> ANNETTE’S SECRET vcoanr soi emer WHAT HE PASSAGE © ony I'VE-GOT A SECRET _ WANTS » Es & - ADVT. of LASSIE / PERRY MASON. SNEAKY MAGIC . . “CIRCUS PARADE ——_-HITCHCOCK—WHY! mOotL CLAY } . | DOLL'S TRAINS || i Bar Bae | Yo PRICE : § Pe Values to $12.50 , § BS | Me $ ee Marx Electric Set . $9.98 $4.99 Be TIFIC \ kK | / y 8 g Tico Set ......... 2.99 1.49 | [ae 1s a ow Kusan .......... 5.95 2.99 : * | | : ~ CRAFTS YW OFF & 7 _ ~and Let Him Select His Own Gift... Anytime Bs SNIPPY SCISSOR SET EMBROIDERY KITS APPLIQUE DOLL | ARMY SETS Early Western Train BOXING GLOVES OUTDOOR. RUBBER ' HORSESHOES ~ * . LINCOLN LOGS / ILE CRAFT BEAD CRAFT. “|. PRESS A TELE |. PEG BOARD TILES | PAINT BY NUMBEa TRANSO MOSAIC PAINT SET GUNS |. “Wanted Dead or Alive” Former Prices 1.98 ‘to 4.98 FIGURE YOUR OWN PRICE! MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Rick-Shay Ab Special ; Fenner 50 patie ier _ Saxaphtone _ Accordians Colt 45 ~— & Shall : Trumpets Tuba. ALL AT '% PRICE | Prisswsssait Hi Filaphone as 6-Ft, ‘TOBOGGANS . . $9, 98. 8-Ft. TOBOGGANS . isc: S188 New and Used ICE SKATES _We Buy, Sell and Trade : RAVE | FE Russe 4 Tt || 48 “YS it’s the perfect idea for that last minute gift thot has you stumped. A Gift Certificate from ti :. Barnett’s lets him do the shessing from, a wide selection of FAMOUS BRANDS et AND for. . any amount you specify. — Look at all these Famous Brands he knows and trusts.: Arrow Shirts ... Wembly Ties... Mallory Hats . . . Hickok Belts and Gift Items ..; Haggar Slacks . . . Weldon Pajamas... Interwoven Socks ... Rabin Robes . . . Dunbrook Suits and Topcoats . . . Sport-Chief Jackets .. . Arrow Handkerchiefs, Ties, Etc. .. . Worsted-Tex Suits, HE KNOWS WHAT HE WANTS. A GIFT CERTIFICATE FROM BARNETT'S wie APASSURE YOu THAT HE — IT... EXACTLY! | evenings < LS. YOU DON’T NEED THE CASH! YOU) | ‘ig CAN CHARGE IT! von aCe RL a NANT NO PAYMENT. ‘til - JANUARY 10th gent , aoe Sy cif so ies PRE PONTIAC ranks TUESDAY, DEC EMBER 22, 1959 7 4 awcoad foun [Recites for the Deaf With His Hands : - Begin Learning in 4th Geode’ ~~ jin Japan Learns ° ties (of Santa Claus le Preaches 5 ory of Jesus | In 5 ence Utah’ s a Bit of Russia ee wis tre Ca ‘Students Talk Like Ivan “By the time they're 18,” Ads! N }forees played Santa Claus today, “jf E tional reli Wants |i more than 5,000 children in| « “SALT LAKE > crry (UPD)— Bonneville Elementary School| Win ye te Teng a $15 to. $20 Million for tb tral Japanese city devas- Twenty-two elementary school etu- | will have The tated by a typhoon last Septem- : y here in the fall of 1958. really be 4 Government ‘Damage’ ber.” . dents here are beating the Rus- ly masters of it. | * “The tiv. Theo DeLaney- of, San Francisco, Lutheran pastor for the deaf in. northern Califor- nia, recites with his hands the ‘story of. the nativity before a congregation of deaf and mute worshippers in Sacramento. This is the story, with the pic- tured word. in capitals: deft) “The only way to teach tan- r sians at their own game. They|/guage is in the elementary speak Russian better than s0ME | schools," he ‘said. “The youngsters youngsters in the Soviet Union. are pertect imitators—they speak One F: a wey eventually be-| Russian like the Russians.” - “ come Unit tates ambassador | He expanded. nis tan | guage class. i bee Moscow if Sotecy in Russian! eg throughout Utah by television NEED 4 a eriterion for the job. classes over KUED, the University Thotsands of other. Utah of-Utah educational television sta. MORE nee A garavan of U.S. Army and] BOSTON (AP)-- The National Navy trucks touted day nurseries { Cranberry Institute will seck fed-)and kindergartens, and American eral government payments of 15/servicemen distributed toys and, to 20 million dollars for damages/other gilts CoMected by US: seyv-| the industry sayS it sustained icemen in a_‘'Toys for Tots" cam-! through @-Food and Drug Ad-|paign throughout Japan. » | At. ei ministration announcement . last/~ Thirty Americans also passed| “Because “there was no room ; . . a oungsters’ are close on their tion. His students now number ’ month, — a a ¢ out ee tockings Sa (PLACE) for them in the inn.” berg in the study of Russian jabout 4,000 in 100 -schools MONEY? The Food and’ Drug: Administra- department wore. store. Si: (right) “She brought forth her through the efforts of Andre K. | Most of the students are ele tion's pre-Thanksgiving announce- fi first’ born son (BABY).” dower | Anastasion, a Russiat-born in. |Mentary school age—from 9 fo 10 ¢ “ a surance man turned educator. ; | years old—and are enthusiastic! left) “And they (the shepherds) were sore AFRAID.” (lower . right “Suddenly THERE was with the angel a multitude of the , le i The Anastasion, who left his native Apout arn 8 eee Ths Odessa before. the Communist _ . F revolution, started with 22 students) “Most of them want to go te... join a Credit Union A ment that some berries. were te 1 nave est, contain Cement Un Union damage in the marketing of, the 1959 crop, and may cause losses in the fourth and fifth grades at} Russia eventually," Anastasion . in the 1960..crop, Institute Presi- heavenly host.” ——| said. “I've told the boys in all | GMTC EMPLOYEES 4 dent Orrin Colley said Monday. . ul djourned f . | seriousriess that-one of them | WF erent werten | ‘<4 » “Cranberry growers are asking). - 8 may one day be our ambassador PONTIAC CO.OP . 8 ° t ja. And it true.” Federa! Create Vat 3 the goverment for iwemniice/ To Give International Algerian Rebels ‘tle orginal clase ot 7 now has yun ais 8 tion,"’ Colley sa cause of the i i . , His original class of 22 now has) CHIEF- PONTIAC 43 ' unprecedented. action by Welfare) Time for Investigating a vocabulary of about 500 Russian’, _ ee 14 Secretary Arthur S, Flemming} _ : : who deviated from accepted: poli- - Terror, Fraud Char ges 7 cies of his Food and Drug division fe and publicly singled out the cran- DETROIT (B,— A suit accusing berry industry at the peak of its/two -officers @{ Cement “Masons ~~ marketing season .without giving|Local $14 of fraud and conduct- the industry opportunity to defegd ing a reigns of terror was ad- itself against the charges.” - [journed for four months in US. _He made the ‘announcement District Court yesterday. after a seven-hour meeting of in- to - involved dustry representatives from Mass- serena an. “ ctponement te achusetts, New Jersey, Wisconsin, ve the local’s international or- Washington .and Oregon. Rive the local’s " Wine ganization time to investigate | ~~: allegations made by the seven | members of the local who filed suit, ; Name New Chief” rx F Tough Military Man Takes Over;. Vowed) to ‘Win Independence | CAIRO (AP) — Algerian rebel’ ‘leaders: were reported .today to ‘have reshuffled their provisional | overnme nt-in-cxile and namgd a | tough military commander as! | premier. | ~ Refable “North African soulces | said the new Cabinet would be’ a) i) eames The agreement was approved| : , _ jby Federal. Judge Thomas « P. | .|five - man military government) | - Celebr ator s Thornton, “/headed by Krim Belkacem, for-| MARGARINE , a i ole lmer vice premier and defense | “ ‘. (AP) The US es ‘Pores ‘today The. suit, filed last menth, | | tmintater . 1 _> SHEDO-BARTUSH FOODS, INC. ‘ eS “charges that Joseph Constantine,"~ : * * * - . DETROIT 38, MICH, *. cial-, Christmas | i ; announced a special. Christma | Belkacem is a shadowy figure ~ ‘ ‘ 1 Local 514 _ financial retary : : 4 & 4 | sorte oo much, changes whe cele: and John J. Lyons, an_interna-» — Os v4. om iwho -has been tnvojved mainly; tional _ representative of; the > a a ‘ ~ iwith the military conduct of the A headquarters announcement: to Union, has seized control of the! - five-year-old rebellion. Last year] R m od m ber esenn Wedn e S da y You Won't Go Amiss’ To Give A loce fraud. Also| 'D troit N 5 y? c } ) huge base invited them to tele..Jocal by terrer and etrol ewspapers ve . Lal . inamed in the suit was James} ‘Las 0 e ins 5 ‘Guardia in 1937. men would not lay down their is af phone the air police for a chauf |'MasSaroni, described as a fring? | ‘Pressmen’s Union 13 YS. . « ow arms unless France recognizes Al- DO UBL E S TA MP DA Y he loce | i , | ndence. . ’ Christmas holidays yu might a a on tee asked ‘hat oe DETROIT #—FTwo Detroit news- Dies j in New York” The Minskys were credited with) geria's te . * . at Drug S last tend a party and -feel you canno sO ‘papers filed damage suits. yester- the discovery of such stars as, Ferhat Abbas, moderate prem- have been drinking: | supervise— the locals’ affairs. An) | pa 5 For Holden Red S tam 4 yt : aper Printing Pressmen’s Union: 'Minsky, 68, one of the Mitsk Abbott and Lou Tostello, Red But-| edly named the new government § The announcement said mana-jinvestigation-«f the local’s af- 1B for a total of $24,650.66. - s sone y Pinky Lee offiria spokesmart cal the cops if: they felt a cele-lofficers’ following filing of the) The Evening News Assn., which |. . wn ape eh as brant fad had too 1uch. cuit me ee ‘publishes the Detroit News, and ‘Coast chain of burlesque houses gOPeeNCHL ELLE ELE POLL LLCO OTL L CLE LET an . _. |Knight Newspapers, publishers cf/ “ed Mohday night. isuits in U.S. District Court: - | Minsky, who had been ill sev-| The suits were filed separately eral months with a heart ailment, | Optometrist wefe initiated to recover salaries |to University Hospital. 3513 Elizabeth Loke Rd ‘paid employees when there was) A graduate of the Columbia Uni- his) all American “personnel ‘at ms by New York Mayor Fiorello Lajhe was quoted as saying that his) feur if ‘‘at any time during the, side monitors be appointed to) |» drive your “vehicle ' because yous . . PP \dday against the Detroit News+;’ NEW YORK (AP)—Herbert Kay Gypsy Rose Lee, Phil Silvers, Bud ier of, the old Cabinet, was report- gers of clubs on the base would fairs was ordered by international | brothers who once owned a coast- Mons and . : _ neneenntl ™~ ee "tithe Detroit Free Press, filed the x ek : ; ¢ Dr. Stanley W. Black. | ike the papers, which said they | died shortly after being admitted no work fot them fo do because versity Law School; Minsky in 1912! Corner of Cass Lake Rd. of walkouts by the union.” joined his brothers Abe, Billy and __. ¢) : Morton in building a nationwide y a) 5 - Evenings by Appointment | Americans ‘spent 484 million/ hain of 14- burlesque houses. Connolly Ss . dollars on baby needs in 1958,) | x ek * Phone FE 2-2362 / Closed Wed. jcompared with. 445 million dollars: The ‘last of the Minsky strip- e pe tun pn ere nner Ne A eee nana. for cosmetics. tease theaters was closed here’ Diamond . For Christmas To the Mrs. or Miss IONE SUR eee DIAMOND DINNER RINGS. or Twin Treasures- perenne. x ae “Nh f ie Nw! } Ss Hb wi nna. Wor - ...hardly anybody misses ~ » Christmas Club payments! Wedding, Rings CHOOSE YOUR 1960 CHRISTMAS CLUB . they: know that a November We have a style to Pe ee ae Christmas Club check means a bill- DEPOSIT EACH WEEK| RECEIVE IN NOVEMBER, 1980 suit any taste. to. free holiday. You’ too can save the $25. | $ 12.50 A price to suit } ; 50 25.00 mas shopping in.1960, Start your. 2.00 - 100.00 “= ‘Christmas 50000 7. 350.00 Club: today at ied Pontiac 10.00 | 500.00 ae , $50 to $5,000 ~ _.. State Bank office. — es Bown . < , Buy on Budget Payments. | : . Only 10% Down and 10%. fe : a Month. ° Veo | Or heey mo , 1 JEWELERS Pontiac's Only Registered Jewelers \s w. Huron ola a ogi 20294 - * American Gem tale Se & 7 : Accepted After Prison Pencia: = > ‘Benefit ofthe Doubt’. ES to U. of M. Robbery Suspect LANSING i®—Michigan auto in- is being. apuestioned. today in De- “Streit in connection with . ether valuable Science and Arts, WENTY- SIX. to 13 vear sentence for his “The net effect, however, has part in a $50,000 Detroit bank HELD WITHOUT CHARGE been a flattening. of the loss! hole Police held Minder, of Dearborn, ‘spiral,’’ the service added, without charge for investigation of GOOD AC ADEMIC Work’ rm robbery. Mi was five . “James H. Robertson, «assoc puianiy hour's Aas ae “tntor New car registrations are €x-| dean of the College of Literature, | lyear pected to top 6,000,000, making: said Minders 1959 the third best sales year in “exceedingly good academic work... . ‘automotive history. In the first in prison (through correspondericé, More than 6,000 species of plants six months of this year, manufac- | and extension courses) and his ex-/ean be found fh New Mexico; in-/turers placed 17.5 per cent more tremely good behavior led us to cluding many trees and shrubs |new car- advertising in daily news- take a calculated’ gamble”’ “on his) which grow in no other state of ipapers than in a comparable reentry io the” ‘university. ‘the nation period of 1958. “unflas | THE, PONTIAC PRESS, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1959 ee ee ee cally ° AP Wirephoto THRONE — Farah Diba, clad in a pearl gray wedding gown, walks down the steps at her mother’s home as she ‘leaves for her wedding Monday in Tehran HEADS FOR WEDDING, bluish, to the Shah of Iran. ‘Thé 2l-year-old Iranian commoner became the new queen in a. Moslem ritual in the marble palace. President Richar spite Rockefeller’s in second place, Rockefeller is considering run- ning for president. Nixon generally is consideréd fo have a command. ing lead for the nomination. Republican leaders have: urge Receeedtier: 40 * *' * A. Rockefeller says he wil have - {no part of any attempt by the 1960 Republican national conven- {tion to draft him as a vice-presi- dential candidate. 7 > He would reject .guch a - draft .}*in any form," he. told a news conference yesterday, . ‘Rockefeller said, in response to| a question, that many people were’ _treluctant to oppose Nixon politi-" at this time because.of the | Consumers, with Snore leisure time available, are currently ispending $2,100,000,000 for photé | igraphic supplies; '$3,500,000,000 for gardening equipment;, $2,100,000,000 for boating and $300,000,000 ‘for hi-fi! ‘and stereo components. leisure. too, these customers turn to daily newspapers for news, fea- tures and ads about their favorite | hobbies, At their possibility that Nixon might be! president by_conventien time. * We Carry a Complete Selection of | _ BEER— adh hae won and-MIXES f liquor in) Christmas decanters — vrapped Special attention. Given - PETERS or HYGRADE SUGAR CURED We sHANK x PORTION 35: ‘Our meats are top U. S. choice quality — cut fresh and displayed in our refrigerated service case — pre- wrapped —— cut just as you like it! U.S. Choice BEEF POT ROAST, Ib. U.S. Choice CLUB STEAK, Ib. Fresh GROUND BEEF Ib. _ 3 Pounds $1.39 ee * en Mon. Tues, Wed. & Thurs. 9.a.m. to 10:30 p.m, Fri. & Sat: Remember, we are open every day and offer lower prices to save you. more - - eo ° : , 706..West Huron Street »| WHOLE aon : HAMS Pertion _ AT’ : Pound ‘al sere 79° - 45 LB. "Slices Ib. Vest Hutch. Street = -Untit Ip, m. — Christmas Day Open 9a. ~ to 2 p.m. | (DORR DOPED At OP ean mim! » MAXWELL “HOUSE INSTANT 23. \ COFFEE 4 Jar DIAMOND WALNUTS - Pound Cello Bag WESSON OIL Full Quart Bottle LIBBY’S PUMPKIN ‘Big 2% Cans ROSEDALE SLICED PINEAPPLE” 1% Flat Cans REYNOLDS WRAP. 25 Foot Roll SNIDER’S CATSUP 14 oz. Bottles Aunt Janes 16 oz. Jars. Saale bend PICKLES DRESSING Shedd’s SALAD ICE BOX JAR MARIO OLIVES 7% on ORANGE JUICE 49° VEGETABLES | Holly Hills Fresh Frozen 6 oz. Cans 8 | “N. CELERY YY Large Stalks RADISHES Cello Pkgs. 2 15° ONIONS ie ee . California Sweet Navel . $ 00. California, Crisp Doz. pascaL | ORANGES an FRESH ture etn’ JUMBO SIZE LEMONS Extra Fancy SWEET POTATOES 3 tm. 25¢ — 19° Fx . i111 pm. Bunches 15° 6‘ = 29" 4 é Extra Fancy Red Grapes: 18s Lb 7 VAN CAMP TAMALES STAR KIST. TUNA _. SES ° Delightfully different. Open Pit brand. Ce reerererenere ~_LIPTON'S TEA BAGS . _ TETLEY TEA BAGS : . ae . — a a lb. can $2.39 ~ MEAT : 2 Sion cans 39 sis tegplg LIBBY'S CHILI... Zesty chill with beans. BEEF STEW . Libby makes © delightful stew. CORNED BEEF HASH -. Famous’ Libby's brand. f LIBBY'S SPAGHETTI | 24-02. can 396 ith meat balls in tomato souce. a eee then ten 49c . 24-02. can 49 (6-02. can 4le Ss ., 24-02. can 49¢ Tasty chili with | VIENNA SAUSAG Libby's brand always mokes o hit. DEVILED HAM . - Underwood maked o tasty spreod. : 2 -A-or- cans 49 * Patra can 3 oN “15i/proz. can 33¢ A spicy ‘n zesty treat. Wjy-07.-¢ can 43 Chunk ‘tye tune in family size con. . CHUNK TUNA. 3 bi/2-07, cans 95¢ Flavorful Star Kist brand. SWIFTN'ING | All purpose vegetable chertening.: - KEYKO- MARGARINE | A smooth spreading margarine. WESSON OIL... gt. btl. 59¢- For trying, cooking or. baking. PEANUT BUTTER Velvet mokes a delicious spread. KRAFT MARSHALLOWS 10!/>-02 pkg. 29¢ Try these miniatures with fresh yams. BEEF CHOP SUEY __..... 303 can 53c One of La Choy’s famous products. CHILI. SAUCE . Try Bennett's for something different. RED STAR YEAST ... Kroger low, low price. ~3- Ib. can 69c¢ l-lb. etn. 29¢ oh eh we 10-02. jar 43¢ 2 8. -O2. btls 39 Cee al 3 2/3-02. okgs. 19 DOLE BLENDED JUICE Frozen pineapple-orange juice. PINEAPPLE JUICE. ..... 4 b-oz: cans 89c Delicious frozen Dole brand. FAMO PANCAKE MIX: Kroger low, low price. FAMO FLOUR All purpose self-rising flour. BARBECUE SAUCE 2 6-0z. cans 47e¢ 5 lb. bag 53¢. 25 |b. bag $1.95 18-oz. btl. 39¢ VERI THIN PRETZELS 8-0z. pkg. 29% Nabisco mokes them fresh_ond -€risp. OCEAN SPRAY RELISH 10\/2-0 oz. pkg. 33¢ % Froréire Tanberry-orange relish. ‘REYNOLDS WRAP FOIL .. Aluminum foil in 12 inch width. SALADATEA.......... The only Deep-Flavor Teo. ‘SALAD DRESSING Dress your salads with Shedd's brand. LIPTON'S TEA Brisk-bulk black tea. 25 ft. roll 33¢ [lb okg. $1.63 qt. btl. 49% eee © eee ... 4-02. pkg. 43¢ ...48-ct. pkg. 65¢ America’s favorite tea. WAX PAPER... -...2 100 ft. rolls 3% Strong Kitchen Charm’ brond. ones 48-ct. pkg. 65¢ A refreshing, flavorful teo. GRAPE JELLY .......e. 10-02. jar 25¢ Famous Smucker’s brand. APPLE BUTTER ....... ... 28-62. jar 29% Try Smucker's fora taste treot. BLUEBERRY PRESERES ... | 2-02. jar 39% Smucker’s brand with the old fashioned flavor. CARMEL TOPPING - Top your ice cream with Senucker's 8 brand. 9 LIVES PET FOOD .. 12-02. jar 29¢ . 3 6-02. cans 43¢ Ss Relished by pets everywhere.’ PEAK DOG FOOD .... 2 15-02. cans 49¢, Red rich 100% pure horse meat, a ei ge Nyt ina oo vient il THE PONTIAC PRESS. ‘TUESDAY, DECEMBER ‘Cha ter. a ‘ ‘Judith Oliver. ot Cordis Wedding Plans , } Announced qt Dinner __ The Frederick M. Olivers of : Birmingham revealed news of es ~ al —o. Gold their daughter's engagement to Star Mothers, was held at | William Robert Wiltshire, at Disabled Veterans Hall Thurs- |“ an open house Sunday honor- day evenity. Mrs. Edna Olm- ing their son, Ronald, on leave sted, “general chairman, was from Fort Gordon, Ga 1959 ‘Here Are Refreshing Ones ‘Relaxing Exercises I * By JOSEPHINE LOWMAN - “Here are a few suggestions aly one of the above catenaries, certain store carries. an on If not, then you .will just have to/want. — to find out. ‘Iwhieh I hops will be helpful for the look in the stores and hope to be All 1. Make a list before you go *. * + your feet and your ¢ shopping. This should include | 4. Make ‘a list of the sfotes you) and nerves a lot’ of wear and assisted by Mrs. Lola .Er6, “ke the names of those for whem you are going to and what you expe:t! tear. _Mrs. Henry C. Hight, Mrs. tid Hann . are going tob uy -gifts and any-|t0 buy in each store. If you are: ya Hilda-LaLonde and Mrs. Sy- oaths nee holds . bach. - ideas you have for each one, going’ to have the presents gift Re Wem ~ bella Stevens. clor of science degree in lib- | yoy may have no idea for some |Wrapped and delivered or mailed It ‘also will be most . helpful: if * * * eral arts from Central Mich- | ‘ef them. straight from the stores, (and. this| YU will be at the first store When - is a great’ ‘help) you will have ta it opens. The counters will not be ; write on ‘the Christmas cards .to89 ‘rowded and you will be able [gores you can think of, such a5 /be enclosed: Put the list of items|t® a¢complish twice as much in Traditional Christmas. carols igan University. He is a mem 9 oN list pi. were blig: by: the “ensemble dake -d list ‘of -all the” cate ber of Phi Sigma Epsilon and accompanied at “the piano iby | Alpha Psi “Ome (dramatics) . . Mrs. Mary Lee Hawkes. Mem- | and has done ee adante work one hansrrscity Prrcuden Mair ses and the cards which belong with/half the ‘time it otherwise would bers exchanged gifts and at. Boston University . them in an envelope, one for each take. Also don’t try to do too much brought presents for hospital- « -* o- delicacies, smoking equipment, | store. ‘This not only will be alm one day. This .is “almost sure ized widows of all war vet- Out. of town guests included octt . y, work equipment’ and a great help, to you but to the nnlte- Pe ‘h ning * at th ysaege | Star a Willjam's. parents and their | Now see if any of these. “hard.|“°™™ ¥ * + * a e Gr apids Tacility. he | . tow? . — : a ee daughter Marsha. greet presents-for folks” fit «into TELEPHONE "Tomorrow: “Tensions High? Ke- _ Those- present included Mrs, ~ Lauretta. Stockwell, Mrs. Eve- lyn Harris, Mr’ and Mrs.-W.C. Pike, Mr. and. Mrs. Lewis A, Young, Mrs. Mae Archambeau, Mrs. George W. Sprague. Mis. 4. It you are not sure t whether a. hax with Exercise.” cimuerecananen he scanty CMCC CONE OEE ‘ “GIVE HIMA 4 Engagement of Judith Kay Oliver to = ‘E, Bray, Mrs. Verdie oN Weatherby, Mrs. Edna Math- | aX liam — tae Pottery . 42 netta of Rome. | i 3xXO ..... - Fees De 4 You'll Find at Pontiac Pottery | |: * * * . rw Ax Qon Al . f | Charlotte. was escorted by a | , 4 xO ...000 0. ee, $ 9,95 a Sy F tori: [eg cousin, Peter Sullivan of Glén- 4 6x9- oo $24.95 & @ Syracuse @ Fostoria 4 .- Heady*L. I. Her father, presi- \w XY... Ce eee He Fe i a : 1 a | = dent of Ford Motor Co., got the § eg i0 831.95 a . @ Flintridge @ Cambridge , first dance—to the strains of |. l§ Xx oe eee ee ee edt. FD 4, iff} “The Most Beautiful Girl in‘ ,. - A & Stangl ® Tiffin \ . j | the World.” ; | ©12...0.0.... Se, $49.95 RE OV aK og tren as is \ ait Music was provided by. the ¥ 9x 12 ¢ * A @ Universal e Imperial %, 20-piece Meyer Davis orches- : = 2 “@ Duncan *tra from New York, flown in iz “Pouff” Fi +v R A @ Rosenthal ad eS | Jor the glittering occasion. ou urry ugs r] © Harker @Heisey 2 2 2 tH é ballroom, huge gallery, i¥ _— - i . | two bar rooms and dining room ie 2x3 ........ 2. ee. $8 7.95 A . F ays @ Seneca . « Were ablaze with crystal, mar- iy I _ & ™ i -_@ Red Wing @ Lotus SCRIPT R } hal ble and gilt. Flowers hung - ‘ - : a ISE ; > we, 4 . su ry Rosentha from the chandeliers. by Coane Whack _ 27x 48....0..0..0 0000.5 $10.95 BLUSH by Rosenthal @ Vernon © Brvce ~ a : 5 as Sa iy « aan ~ 5-Pc. Place 5 , . . 5-Pe. Place CHRISTMAS.SHOP AT THE NEW 1 What woman can have too many 4 36 x o4 U0 Te Be $15.95 aq Setting ........ $189 © Franciscan | “@ Susquehanna Setting cee een 10 aprons? Each of. these three — so j Li ; 2 = a ; @ Metlox . toe _ WIXOM VARIETY | pretty anc. practical — can bey aid Covers.............. $ 2.95 | ; @ West Virginia ; * made of small remnants. age se : sage STORE Pattern 758: directions and’ pat q 1 . H k 1 a @ Noritake @ West Moreland . ; tern pieces for three aprons, trans- . . . SCHNEIDER BLDG.—WIXOM fer of embroidery motifs. Each’ Woo Hand OOKEC Rugs A @ Meito > @ Kasuga takes less than-one yard. : - OQ. os _ ise! send thirty-five cents (coins) for 2x3..0000 0000000000... $ 6.95 3 @ Sango e Taylor, Smith MEET this pattern—add 5 cents for each % _ 4 a . & Taylor for LUNCH pattern for Ist-class mailing. Send , 2x4... 0. ee oe. 8 8.95 3 @ Narumi I is Chi _ RIKER ito The Pontiac Press, 124 Needle- ¥ . & . @ lroquois China. FOUNTAIN © ‘craft Dept, P. O.. Box 164, Old ¥ 3x5 $16. 95 4 @ W.S. George @ Homer Sealtest Ice Cream ‘Chelsea Station, New York 11,'% mh es “ § \ dé. . Popular Prices 'N. Y. Print plainly pattern num- hd ry @ CannonSburg Laughlin Riker Building Lobby ‘Eber, name, addres&’ and zone. .' ' F New! New! New! Our 1960'¥ , . f and ; anv other —— sninaasteensnienteenanhintnsieinaainsh samgLaura Wheeler Needlecraft Book % THROW PILLOWS , DESERT ROSE and many, many others. DELMAR is ready NOW! Crammed with ex:/¥ . s a ~ S - Attain Poise & Grace citing, Gnusual, popular designs to'§ Wide selections ; sorted s , hy Francisean , by Franciscan crochet, knit, - sew, embroider, ¥ lade seiections in assorted sizes F “ “ee Cp py ; didi : ° ‘e foe ° Phd quilt, weave — fashions, home fur. /% 7 f 16-Piece $144.95 Open Every Day Including Sunday 16-Piece Set... $485 room Hnishings, toys, gitts, bazaar hits.| and fabrics a1 Set 16 | 10:00 AM. to 8 PM. In the book FREE — 3 quilt pat-/¥ | . | re eee! aa Coins aoe of Dance Ni Hurry, send 25 cents for Ef your Sey. | From $950 So et a ! 4 “fs ‘saps ebeks ue t 35] 4 . - by: Syracuse 8 16-Pe.Set 25% a. ~ vn _between ‘ Christmas yo Year's. ;, Stake, International * The following are- lomering sales of focally grown, iprodti@e brought to the .Farmer's: op” prices alum & H... 43 Net feed °c ae7 | “the Khrushchev smile and smiling for establishment’ of a special as- in the rich, thickly lated ce | + ‘Sanpec.. 2 NY {Central Hy Asians". Hart said in a report to!sessment district for blacktopping tral islands 150 miles. south ¢ Ma-| q ee oe a No Am Av. s4.tjhis Michigan- constituents, spart of LaSalle street was set for yjj9, —“—* "| “ease dt 19.6 Not Sta Pw 24 | “I have neverhad any doubt Jan 11. Another hearing for Meigs.” authorities—said—it might take Sn Se 4 Pac G&El 63 | that ‘the President's Warmth pro- street will be held Jan. 18. ‘four years for the coconut indus-, Gities Bre. 47.2 Ban Aw Ait ig jects through,” Hart said. * ok try to. recover. | Golg Paim | : 412 Parke | yeict 434° “Certainly, some. people in All property owners involved | — So Carag Cee ti ea Pa ; 15.6, other lands would know Ameri- willse_notified of the hearings’ by) Con N Gas... 46.7 Pepsi ‘Cola 373) oa only as portrayed by Holly- mail andSxil] be given an approx-' + Plizer we. HB Y as f A , ‘ Semmes BF $82 Phetee Do” 52 Wood and thats mot very good imate total DR mess, His Country’ s Restless, Though Sent too Hed Phill Pet’. 43.6! sometimes.” ments noes » 22.8 grect §,° “at “After seeing the President.” * _, ; i BCA $9. Hart added, “they must think that The Board approved transl Sat Norocco ‘S 42.1 Reyn_ Met 664\we are a people of warmth and @ 1955 rome: 2 pote! and dance LF “1003 Belews si’. 3g2 sincerity and a people that genv- perm ae _ tanton Del es- | SS HBA Behe Balney socks pence alo Frans of Devon by SESE noms ca Sears Roeb i. 49.4 “For this reason, among others, Dixie fw. ra Hotel” a RABAT, Moroced i®—King Mo- . WY Sinclair 7 38 I think this trip is’ good for’all of: Clerk -James Seeterlin was au-! inammed V, Of Morocron See te “a7 \Socony 9-6 us." . -|President Eisenhower today Sk Bat 3 2 pati Pac bee 22.4 us. thorized to purchase $1,000 water mild mannered moderate a SS = doe 438.2 Soerry Rd ||. 25.6 ‘revenue bonds which were in-)_ hi : be anit Be Seats Ht curred in, 1852: By retiring the\ceim the passions of extremists ~e. Std Otl Ind ... 42.5 bonds the ‘township will be saved > pas S of. sts. ae it OURY.. - Pee $64 in ‘interest charged it was. He _once_was. shipped off -to 2 1) 4B . f. 32.7) m : é ’ aS poy F ’ $ #33 Stud Pack, * 2 | -pointed out. itwo. year exile wren the oti By Reet Be ; prestige wag so great among his 3 5 Texaco 2... . t ‘ « . { 2. 80. LADS | at + gee a3". P ind I ntant Son people that France finally cailed “By Bak & wer. 3) him back to the throne. and gave 0 eS Frent Cen z lof Tom Tracy ‘Morocco its independence ts “2.1 Un Pac 0.4) Nominally, Mohanmimed “fy the 402 Unit Air Lin. 3.6) : y, : mune ie Fa gHS Unit Aire. By -D ead i in Cri | b -absolute ctyil and religiogs ruler Fo ALS Un Gas Cp °° 324) | of his nation, sfightly larger than ee oe. 2 100" Professional football player Tom California and its 10 million in- aoe || a 23.4 Tracy's séven-week-old son was ; i 4 ft 15 ae : habitants. [ $3 48.7. found dead in his crib yesterday ; . jee OA *. at the family’s home, 709 S. Blair) In practice he never has been rake 4 Bs “lst.. Royal Oak. able to wield this authority fully. ; Me Death has tentatively been at-/For: many years he could only i oe tributed to either virus pneumonia|tubbemstamp decisions by the : << nig or asphyxiation by Oakland County |French. Now he must fight his way en aa | Deputy Coroner Dr. Thomas s./through the political intrigue by - , Drayton Rotary hag Ariel Neilsen has rescind. Grain Prices , re | CHICAGO-GRAIN _ b CHICAGO, *Dite, ~~, Opening , | erain prices: - . ; heel-~ 4, Mag” .. 12% Mar Fatt he 6) May. 1.99% a" duly 1.83% R . 1:854¢ May Corn— 149% auy is iar 1 15% an iain) = : | July L.i7%_ dap. 10BF Caten B—Bid ; Mar ~ Mlness Claims | - George Marble Real Estate. Broker in Waterford Area for 40 Years, Dies at ‘69 F ollowin ing Waterford Township, Monday at ps home. A meraher of St Andrew’ 8 Epis- ——— Drayton Plains, he’ 100. had been a real estate broker in copa} Church, the Waterford area 40 years. He belonged to the Waterford- Club, Pentiac Real Estate Board and was a life member of Mason's 8 + Lodge 21,. Pontiac. | Mr. Marble was also on the ex-). ecutive, board of the Crippled Chil-! and had been a member of the W aterford Board of dren's Society Education. ro Survivors inc lude his wife, R uth: r four daughters, Mrs. George Pet- coms active, fully steady: one lot rel} of Fresno, Calif., Mrs. William Janette and Emmett F. Delaney, ‘West Bloomfield Township resident, news. Dupee of Drayton Plains, and Grace, both at home; three .sons, ville, James W. Also surviving are a -brother | and 14 grandchildren. Service will be Thursday 1:30 p. m. jal in Oakhill Cemetery.. * * * an eight- -week illness, George Me arble, 69, of 4071 Lotus - died, George P. of Orton- * Great Falfs,who ‘sold another company’s: wa-' | at from a building. at Sharpe-Goyette Fu-, oe ie ¥ *- Ca *x« * - |dJudge ‘H.- Russel Holland. yester- day for arraignment. Pleas of innocent were entered mute. . Judge Holland lowered the $25.-| Masons. 000 bonds to’ $5,000 for the young- est members of the trio,- Theodore A, Mendoza. 16, and Carroll. CHARGED BY HUSBAND — wife had committed adultery with Lowther, right. The countess petitioned for a divorce on the grounds. that her busband ais had committed adultery. Gets Jail Tem ‘in Soft tener Theft Judge Beer linposes. Sentence on Former Area Resident . ‘ _ “Circuit Judge William, J. Beer. yesterday imposed a six month to. four year prison sentence upon” 900, Butchers 240 1b. Mont.; and Ralph C.-of Waterford. 'ter softeners to help. his dwindling: ‘softener business. Delaney, 60, now of Lincoln Park, | ‘pleaded guilty Nev. 2 to larceny ‘ran out of the bubble-water mixer jbut the Russians kept right on He was aceused of stealing 4 drinking — in this case the thick: de ioza nor Lay had sted their’: lable 1.000. Sleughtes jambs Neral: Home, Clarkston, with bur-:number of softeners over a six-| syrup. Meer ‘month period which. another firm! jihad stored in its warehoune at. Donations may be made to tie |32385 Northwestern Hwy. - Crippled Children’s Society, Tamily said.” Sewer Plant Operator Hired * _ the: Delaney and his ‘two sons, Ro- bert M., 29, and Edward F., ‘ of Tolede; also were accused in | Getroit: of passing a number of - bad checks to keep their Rite- Way Softener Service in busi- | ness. Also pending against the . three’ are charges, issued out of the Oak-| land County Prosecutor's Office, ‘of obtaining money under false’ Waterford Twp.. Board pretenses. Two civil suits against, Approve F. L. Vermette McInerney. urther chemical tests were ot . the exact cause ‘of death. be conducted today to determine John . Thornas ‘Tracy Jr, was facedown in his crib. : wi ste “The” father plays “Bainack for the genni Lesomgsaee and rat Lio. ‘the trio also are. pending here. Prosecuter George F, Tavlor Shrewsbury and his wife, left, was denied by a London judge on the grounds that both gave false. testimony. The Earl charged his ‘\Bottlers Pop Over {Ike's Trip Nixon's trip to Russia last summer torney, requested Judge might just as well have been spon- lower the minor's bond to $5,000. sored by Pepsi-Cola. . booth at the Ametican exhibition’ a former in | ments with the vice president. fall fashions for-.women-is—that4 : ar Wirepheto Ne. : ‘bay; 47,_both-ef Lake Orion, upon =A divorce “sought by the Earl of request of their attorneys. a HOOD’s NOT LOWERED The $25,000 bond, however, for’ Victor L. Hood, 26, of Pontiac, the accused gunman, remained. Hood, an ex-convict, is accused of being the ringleader of the | threesome which robbed Frankie D. te un in a gas station | Nov, 30... | Newton, at an examination at ‘Pontiac General Hospital .Friday,| ‘picked Hood out as the one who shot him in the back, leaving him | paralyzed em the. “waist down. By BOB CONSIDINE * > * WITH EISENHOWER — Dick, * Mullton R. ane. Mendoza’s at- Holland their children’s tutor, Gerald A. saying the bonds were set in the a ee ‘lower court as high as they were “until it was determined whether The. Pepsi people had a free load |). (Newton) was going to die or not.” “There’s hardly any~ question Khrushchey had a swig there, | °! Him dying now,” Heary. sald. to cut the dust between argu-~ Moscow and it "made. a lot of, | Moore last week waived jurisdic-| ‘tion over Mendoza. ALL STILI. EN JAIL _As of this morning, neither Men- another occasion the joint | smaller $5,000 bonds. Hood, “remained in \jail. tk Following Monday’s arraignment before a standing-room-crowd in the courtroom, Chief Assistant Prosecutor Robert D. Long said the earliest -the three “ould be tried would be February when the) | next jury is impaneled. State Road Projects Dropped*Off in ‘59’. LANSING (®-— The State High- —Oh! I've been accused of being | W8Y. Department let 130 million dol- ars in new contracts this year commercial . (laughter); have a '—eleven millions Tess than in 1958 WORLD CURE The Eisenhower trip is al} Coca-" ‘Cola. At-the. American exhibit at} New Delhi's agriculture fair Tke, walked around sucking on a. bottle jof the vintage Atlanta, Ga. potion. In Paris he came out for the stuff as a kind of palliative for the more serious ills of the | world, ~*~ *« * ; i “The criticisms we. have of an-| other people because they are dif- ferent, in their, hackground “their traditions ‘and- their prejudices, jet’s ignore them and have a good | laugh on it and drink a Ceca-Cola jes station. potas ner who was, | shot im -the ack by one of the) _All three appeared before Circuit] in each instance after attorneys, said their clients would stand retary. + Juveriile Court Judge: Arthur: E.| too, | officers installed were “Calvin aoe, : Clarence Mc- Rill, scribe; Busby, treas- “urery, and wig er: sec- e 4 Touhy Killing = Probe Fades of Town After Slaying back to out of town for {he nglidass, * * Police, with hardly an impor- tant underworld figure to ques- -tlon about one of the most im- _portant gangland slayings in re- _cent years, could only concen: ' trate on the few physical clews to last_Wednesday’s murder, leave ilies said.” a big ‘soft drink — and in this. way every-| , one of us will be doing a job,”’.he ~~ commissioner John C. Mackie itéld several hundred employees of |reported. ‘the American embas’y and their ‘Ma@tie blamed the drop: on a “families. ° Po tem which forced postponement. Coke ‘stocks. jumped dizzily on the Bourse and ether marts. But there were dark. mutter- ings elsewhere in the vortntatt business and maybe thoughts of larger contributions to the Dem- ocratic Party in 1960 than had been anticipated. *- .ing about 40 million dollars. He. said the lettings were: can- year after the controls were an- nounced along with a cut in fed. eral nid, + However, ‘the department, plans to keep its road-building program on schedule in 1960 through more {bond issues and application~for ‘delayed federal aid. The contracts let this year pro- vided more than 170 miles. of in- terstate and. expressway routes, Department officials estimated 275 million dollars in new roads twill-be-put-tunder-contract-in-1960; including 350 miles of interstate and expressway routes. The only way out ofthis dilemma |* is to give. equal time to all the reigning pops of the land. The trouble with always being right is that after awhile there's nobody around to notice it . . The nicest thing about the new after awhile they are bound- to ichange. —Eari Wilson * | eelied in the ‘last quarter of the that seems almost imp®ssible,"’ Touhy, .61, was gunned down on new federal contract control sys- the porch of his sister's horne only, '23 days after being paroled from | of four scheduled lettings involv- a prison-where he had served 25 ‘years on conviction of kidnaping: Faetor. | 99 out ‘John (Jake the Barber) 17 & * OA, ment-in a Chicago hospital. “Rail Fatalities Keep Pace With Last Year e. ill-defined political parties. ® lasty, te: See Ria: aseanty “Te ae is As 18th ruler of the Alaouis dyn- y (been peg Political Vietecd pain q . their stature during. their fight for "independence... from - France. Sod. Chief a Peacemaker there is little way of telling how much popular support they have.” . * *~ & flicts still erupt. . - vr. _ _ | JThe king—he discarded the title This leaves the king the delicaie|of sultan in favor of what he con- wk of entiation fierce political sidered a more up to date title— RS. \has 10 rambling baroque places at his disposal. But he seldom lives *& bodyguard, a fleet of 35 American = tenstis courts, Spain also agreed to. withdraw from its area of occupation and’ the 12-power control over Tan- | aie was dropped. : ~The result has been that’ Moham- med and. Morocco. have = to. Keep. of friendly terms ns wives ailowel by Mash is the father of six child whom. the eldest, Prince France and Spain, although Cont} [ |away from “the sprawling palace) at. Rabat, with its colorful Negro), — at Fowlerville killed eight persons ‘in @ne car. He gave this tabulation of per- t Dec. 21. Charge Chicago. Police Let Hoodlums Slip -Out “ nicaco”’ ‘UPD)—Police turned _“seientifie’ methods” to- day in a search for the killers of|- Roger Touhy, but. an anticrime leader said the hunt faded away as Chicago’s hoodlums faded .out: , Virgil Peterson, head of the Chi- eago Crime Commission, charged that police didn’t act fast enough) to prevent, hoodlums ‘from slipping |. He said this was = oeeel of -gang- | land investigations. Every year well-heeled gangsters jicago to visit their fam- Florida or California for the holidays, but Peterson said they might have left a bit early they’re not here now,” Peterson “The public just decen’t seem te care,” he said. “Sure, there's fuss and large headlines right after a killing, but then it all quiets down. What we need is sustained public opinion and | cHis bodyguard, Walter Mifer, 62, critically wounded in a blast ‘of shotgun fire remintscent of de-' pression days gangland assassina- tions, continued a slow improve- LANSING ‘weFewer “paasen._ ger trains are eperating in- Mich) . gan but the number of fatal | “time. qtr in, write; «or train-car collisions is holding. | et er fairly steady, Secretary of State James ~ — Hare tind the trdbecer crash [Ea {eg i ‘ Friday -which sons killed in such crashes in and G4 in 1958. 1 - “However,” Hare added, “with |f)- luck, — despite the Fowlerville I cn moths es onan 0k erash — we may end up 1969 |] 1p Petes: Michigan with fewer train-car fatalities I Please send me afore information than we had in 1958.” a catasaras Invettments, = ., A Wee eis ei ena cast - ' 1 j iG] if} Serer oy oe —————— ¥| dumped 7.9 inches of snow be- : minh te met — {clean Laundro-Mat at 220 S, Tele. {graph last night as High aiid (eg macnn h eee ober niingham Chapter ; Royal Arch} Pontiac police yesterday. Macc, We. tea “member 6 Durgiars tock "$01¢°te dash nad checks from a safe in.the Trans- American Freight Lines office, 267 Ss. Bivd,.- E.; it wag reported to Pontiac Police yesterday. | James Jones, 18 Lall St. re- ported to Pontiac police Sunday Vee theft of a watch valued -at * Two Area Men *~ | Sent to Prison in Drive-In Thett. Jackson Prison. sentences’ of 3 to 15 years were handed down yes- terday to Lawrence J.. Achten, 17, of 124 Myron St., Ortonville, and Phillip E. Brooks, 19, 4980 Grahge Hall Rd., Holly. They pleaded guilty Dec. 8 to rive-In ‘in Springfield Township. pair, along with another man, were tagged as the burlap. sack robbers. They took $$5 from the cash register during. the Nov, 19 rob: ery siier Sevcing Go watirom , into a back room. tenced by Circuit Judge H. Russel* Holland, The third accused robber, Law- rence P. Scott, 22, of 121 Bird Rd., Ortonville, yesterday stood mute when arraigned before Judge Hol; land on the same charge. A plea of innocent was entered by the judge for him. His arraignment had been de- layed as he was remanded back to justice court for examination. this year. About- one out of every 10 Ca- x~ & * nadians speaks both English and -*At least 10 or 12 were seen French. around after the slaying, but|}——- -—— - | Picked up and Delivered GOLD CREST BONDED BRAKES 978 Orchard Lake Ba. Get YOUR SHARE OF ‘PROSPERITY An __ interesting 20 - page —. "What Every In- or Should Know,” is yours for ‘the asking, Covering fun- _ damentals of investment, it's particularly helpful Jif you aren't a frequent buyer of i WATLING as, | if | | ‘ Fy ee ee ee i, * * + * L- De in oe oe ot oe dm em NEW STATION FOR LEASE the armed robbery of the Hilltop . * a * Achten . and Brooks were sen- ee :