COLOR. Pontiac Press, Sunday, November 30, 1969 SUNDAY R — Fterun C ~ Color SI NDAV MUIt\l\(; 6:05 i2i TV Chapei 6:10 (2) C - News 6:15 (2) C- 4-H Action Series 6:45 12) C Christophers 7:00 (2i C ~ This Is the Life 7:25 (4) C — News 7:30 (2) C — Cathedral of Tomorrou (4) C — Country Living — “Market Basket" 8:00 (4) C — Eternal Light - How can labor play a greater role in meeting growing social economic challenges in the U S ’’ 17) C — Choice — “Jellyfish, Apes and M a n ' ' deals with evolution and whether it is really important. 8:05 (9) News 8:15 (91 Sacred Heart 8:30 (2) C — Day of Discovery (4) C—Church at the Crossroads (7i Understanding Our World — Causes o f Nigeria’s political problems are probed and the U. S. position toward the African nation is reviewed. (9) C — Hymn Sing (50) — Temple Baptist Church 8:55 (4) C---Newsworthy 9:00 (2) C—Mass for Shut-Ins ( 4) C — Oopsy the CJowii (7) K — Bachelor Father (9) C — Audubon-“Lahd of the Sea" explores the primeval forests and (■(jastlines of Nova Scnli i. i50) C — Captain Detroit S:30 (2) C-With This Ring (7) Dudley Do-Kight (9) C ■— Samson (50) C—Skippy 9:45 (2) C-Highlights (4) C - Davey and Goliath 10:00 (2) C—Let’s See (4) C ~ House Detective (7) C — George of t h e Jungle (9) C — Magic Shoppe (50) C — Three Stooges 10:30 (2) C-Faith for Today (7) C—Fantastic Fo"r 19) C — Bozo (50) H—Little Ftascals 11:00 (2) U. of M. Presents — “Entertainment USA" shows touring students en tertaining the military. . (7) C — Bullwinkle (50) R — Superman 11:30 (2) C—Job Opportunity Line (7) C — Discovery — “The Great Salt Lake" focuses on the wonders of Utah’s famous lake. (9) C — Grey Cup Preview — Ex-grid stars Bernie F’aloney and Frank Rigney take a look at past games of this Canadian classic and examine the season this year, (5C'i Ft C — Flintstones SIM)A5 AFIER\00.\ 12:00 (2) C - Face the Nation (4) C — (Special) Hanukkah — “A Light in Darkness," tells the story of Mattathias’ confrontation with King Antiochus when he refused to forsake the Torah and worship the king's stone idol. f7) C 1969 College Football (50) R C — My Favorite Martian 12:30 (2) C — Joe Namath (4) C — Target (9) C—Grey Cup Football; Saskatchewan vs. Ottawa (50) R -- Hazel 1:00 (2) C Sense Dollars and (4i C — Meet the Press— George C. Wallace, former governor of Alabama, is interviewed. (7) C — (Special) Directions — Highlights of the t h r e e-hour Cambridge Union debate in England. (Program runs one hour tod^iy) (50) R — Movie: “The Ghost and Mrs. Muir" (1947) Lonely widow falls in love with the ghost of an old sea captain. Gene Tierney, Rex Harrison. Natalie Wood 1:15 (2) C — Pro Press Box 1:30 (2) C—NFL Today (4) C ~ Pro Football: Oakland at New York -^:00 (2) C - Pro Football: Cleveland at Chicago (7) C — Spotlight 2:30 (7) C - Haney’s People — Representatives of the Women’s Public Affairs Committee of LOGO discuss their activities. 3:00 (56) German Spoken (62) C — News of His Coming 3:30 (7) C — Championship Bowling (9) H C — Movie, “Doomsday Flight" (1966) A bomb is hidden aboard a New York-bound jet liner. Katherine Crawford. Jack Lord, Van Johnson (50) R — Movie: "Copacabana" (1 9 4 7) Complications arise when the same girl applies for two jobs at a nightclub Groucho Marx, Carmen Miranda (56) German Lesson (62) C — Herald of Truth 3:45 (56) C Davey and Goliath 4:00 (4) C — Pro F’ootball; Miami vs. Boston a t Tampa (7) C — Michigan Sportsman (56) Choice — The solution to the population explosion and the essential role of the churches in dealing with contraception are probed. (62) C — Oral Roberts 4:30 (7) T.H.E. Cat (56) Accent — The Paducah (Ky.) Tilghman High School Swing Choir performs. (62) C — Revival Fires 4:45 (2) C — Pro Football: New York at Green Bay (joined in progress) 5:00 (7) R - Movie; “Winchester 73" ( 1 9 5 0) Longtime enemies settle grudge with gunplay James Stewart. Shelley Winters. Dan D u r y e a , Rock Hudson. Tony Curtis (50) R C — The Prisoner (56) R - NET Festival — Britain’s Royal Ballet Company performs “Cop-pelia.” (62) C — Bugs. Cyrus and Friends 5:30 (9) Laredo SLNI)A5 NKiin 6:00 (50) C - Baron - The Baron gets an expensive surprise when he buys a valuable necklace from a French widow. (56) R — Black Journal - -A report on the soul music record industry with artists Smoke y Robinson and the Miracles. Gladys Knight and the Pips and Isaac Hayes. Also a report on black athletes examining their place in professional sports and on college campuses of America. (62) — FF — Ozzie and Harriet 6:30 (9l R C — Movie: “The Chalk Garden’' (British, 1964) Governess tries to provide, the love her charge, a disturbed 16-year-old girl, needs badly. I) e b o r a h Kerr. Hayiev Mills, John Mills ((i2i C — On Guard 6:45 12) C.’ F o s t g a m Show _ 7:00(2) C - News. Weather, Sports (4) C — George Pierrot — “Motoring in Scotland” (7) C — Land of the Giants — Giant has-been actor traps the earthlings and plans to use them in a horror movie. Th« Pontiac Prott, Sunday, Novembor 30 1 9 lnHp4>rtar Erskine (/.imhaliMt Jr.^ arrives at an aisport via hvlivapter while investigatinfs a jewel robbery on ^'The HU'* Samlay at H !*.M. on Channel 7 150) R — Perry Mason (56) R — Your Dollar’s Worth - A report on fishing and the fish-processing itidustr.. (62) R C - Movie: “Eddie Cantor Story” (1954) The comedian’s rise to fame is dramatized. Keefe B r a s s e 1 1 e , Marilyn Erskine 7;30 (2) C — To Rome With Love — Mike looks up a girl he knew in Rome during the war and finds she is a wealthy countess. Geraldine Brooks guest-stars. (4) C — Walt Disney’s World — In part 2 of “Secrets of Pirate’s Inn.” the sea captain and three young friends locate the treasure of Jean Laffite but have it taken from them at gunpoint by a reporter. 8:00 (2) C — Ed Sullivan — Guests include Sergio Franchi, Neil Diamond. the Moppets. Barbara McNair, Bob Lewis and Julie Budd (7) C - FBI - Erskine investigates a robbery, suspecting someone in the diamond industry i s responsible. (50) C ~ David Susskind — 1. Five Jewish mothers defend themselves against attacks that they raise neurotic sons; 2. A group of writers tell why they pay to have their work printed. (561 Speaking Freely — Sen. Eugene McCarthy, D-Minn.. is interviewed. 8:30 (4) C - Bill Cosby -Chet takes over__ h i s nephew’s paper route and finds the job hazardous. (9) C- What’s My Line? 9:00 (2) C — ( Sp e c i a I ) Simon an^ Garfunkel — In their first network special, the singing duo presents many of their most popular hits and in- troduces some of the original songs from a new album. (4) C — (Special) Peggy Fleming — The Olympic skating champion is joined by five Ice Follies acts and singer - guitarist Jose Feliciano at New York City's M a d i s (mi Square Garden. (7) C — Movie: “Circus World” (196.1) Story of a two-fisted boss of a traveling Wild West Show. John Wayne, Rita Hayworth. Lloyd Nolan, Claudia C a r d i n a 1 e . Hichard Conte (9) R- 12 O’clock High (56) Forsyte Saga Helene is fatally injured in a fall; her husband has become trustee of Irene’s inheritance; and Soames, longing for a son, begins thinking of a divorce. (62) R — Movie: “Dance With Me Henry” (1956) Costello finds himself i!i hot water trying to keep two orphans and reform Abbott. Bud Abbott, Lou Costello, Gigi Perreau 10:00 (2) C — Mission: Impossible — The IMF sets up a mind-transfer experiment to convince a syndicate leader he is being double-crossed. (4i C — Bold Ones — The lawyers defend a gubernatorial candidate involved in the slaying ci a campaign worker. Craig Stevens guest-stars. , (9) C —Weekend (9) C — Weekend — An interview with Anurijan writer Norman Mailer and highlights of the Grey Cup festivities. (50) C — Lou Gordon ~ 1. Hank Messick. author and crime reporter, discusses _unknpwn crime fighters responsible for nailing top criminals in business and political empires other agencies find too hot to handle; 2. Stanley Rosenblatt, Florida attorney - author, analyses faults and absurdities of divorce laws. COLOR SUNDAY criminal penalties for the use of marijuana b e abolished'.' 10:30 (62) C - - Upbeat 11:00 (2) (4) (9) C - News. Weather. Sports 11:15 (9) Nation's Business 11:20 (9) R ~ Movie: "Operation Snatch’’ (British, 1962) The British attempt to keep “their flag flying” on Gibraltar during World War II. George Sanders, Terry-Thomas, Lionel Thomas 11:30 (4) C - Barbara M' Nair - - Art IJnkletter, Jackie Vernon, the P'our Teps and Thelma Houston guest. (62) R — Movie: “Bottoms Up” (British. 1960) Students at a boys’ school stag(‘ a rebellion and end up foiling a plot to kidnap a prince. Jimmy Edw-ards. Martita Hunt 11:35 (2) R — Wagon Train 11:45 (7) C — News. V\'eathcr. Sports 12:00 i50i C — Kiplinger’s Changing Times 12:30 (4) C Weather News (7) R -- Movie: “Billy Budd” (1962) Too-good sailor goes to sea and confronts unyielding evil. Robert Ryan, Peter Fsb ov. Meivyn Douglas, Terence Stamp 1:00 (9) C — Escape Route — "Las Vegas” 1:30 (2) R - Movie: “Here Come the Marines” (1952) The Bowery Boys enlist in the Marines. Leo-Gorcey, Huntz Hall 2:15 (7) R — Untouchables 3:00 (2) C - Ne ws , Weather (56) Advocates — Should 3:05 (2) C Ring 3:15 (7) C Weather With This News,