| \ eosin mesctapeder ee Oia lade Yuta * y ee , DECEMBER 26, 1050—24 : PAGES ee. Can't Date, but Likes . - Summit. ‘Make Lineup. PARISMP—Nikita 8. Khrushchev's one reservation. in his cordial acceptance of the West’s proposal for, p Paris-in-the-springtime summit meeting left the start-| ing date up in the air today. That means yulefide work for diplomats of the} tain and France.on the question: If/he lost control of. his‘car! ‘United States, Bri not April 27, when? ' April 27 was proposed _* | by - Président Eisenhower, Prime Minister Harold Macmillan and President. Charles, de-Gaulle at their. meeting here last weekend for a| Berkley. man the day before Roseville Man Goes Berserk ‘Paris session» ~. uhe Soviet Premier, perhaps the fore- runner of a series of summit meetings on “world prob lems. ; mean the Paris conference — ex- Stands Off 20 Officers With Shotgun for Half | an Hour at Home DETROIT w — A Roseville man ran amok with a shotgun and stood " off more than 20 policemen for half an hour before he was ‘wounded and captured last night. . Henry H. Ainsworth, 35, ‘was treated for a minor leg wound and held a police prisoner without charge at a mental clinic after the battle. around his home. _” Ewnest Thomas, Roseville. po- lice dispatcher, said a man who identified himself as Ainsworth telephoned at 11:(4 p.m., appar-- ently while a Christmas party ‘was in progress at his home, and said: “Pm going to shoot the whole bunch.” Roseville policemen’ Robert a ters and Robert MacPhearson said when they arrived at eur at Ainsworth was driveway’ aden » aie shot- . gun and that he fired at them. They radioed for reinforcements. : * * The man stood in the driveway cursing and firing widly at irregu- Jar intervals. He was wounded by one_of_four! police. shots fired as he ran to cut off police attempting to con- verge on the back of his house: He drove them back and managed to run into the house. . But 15 minutes later, Ainsworth walked out with his hands in the air and surrendered. Police, at . the time, were preparing to make a tear gas attack. ; He Legged the Loot DENVER (UPI) — Police said | Paul C. ‘Stone admitted taking money from a robbery when they discovered he was hiding doe pected to last at least a aveek — would run through the May Day PPP PLP LONDON, (UPT)—Consultations on an alterfiate date for an East- West summit conference will be- gin on. Monday, ‘official sources said today. The consultations will ‘be “erengh normal diplomatic channels, * ARADO labor celebration; one of the big- Moscew on May 1. to review Red Square paraders. Phe Soviet Premier agrepd’ to ‘the other proposals in replies te _Eisenhower, Macmillan and De Gaulle Christmas Day, but said date | Rowtet government.” +___He urged April 71 or May 4 as| two sisters, Susan and Patricia. | alternative dates, at the same time! inot create any complications. * kk Though Western sources voiced: pleasure at ‘Khrushehev's’ accept- ance of Paris as the site, com- plications - were immediately evi- dent. For one. thing Macmitlan is .due ito be host at a meeting -of Com- monwealth-prime ministers in Lon-| don May 3. DE GAULLE,: TOO For another, might” conflict with De Gaulle's| and Canada about April 17 or 19. Then the. Western Big Three leaders propose to crowd Jin an- other short Western summit meet- ing in Paris just before the top East-West talks. * * * The British . anticipate that, view of the Commonwealth prime ministers meeting, the summit date may beset for April 21. The $424 in cash in his artificial leg. (Continyed | on’ Page 2, Cal. 1) But that almost certainly. would: among the Western governments | “Bimingham Youth Killed — in Auto Crash “Berkley ‘Man Fatally ~ Injured by Bulldozer in Southfield’ A Birmingham: High ‘School student was killed Christmas morning when on Woodward avenué just! north of Bloomfield court, The accidental death of a Christmas was listed as an o¢cupgtional fatality, He accident in Southfield. Timothy N. Bearden, 17. of 2169, Tottenham Rd. was dead on ar-| rival at William Beaumont Hos- pital at 4:50 a.m. Friday, “* * * Police said the boy must have been...going,, at a high rate of speed when the car swerved to | the right, jumped _ a curb and struck two trees’ and a fire hydrant, |— The teen-ager-is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Judge W. Bearden. His. ifather. is president of Judge W. Bearden Diversified Manufacturing’ gest holidays in the Communist. world. Khrushchev ordinarily is in) that-unfortunately the April 27. “is inconvenient for. the | the April 21 date! plans to visit the United States'- pt in{ Co, Detroit. ot * * Service will be held at 11:30 a.m. Burial wil] take place in “Sepulchre Cemetery. - Fhe body is at the William Vasu Funeral Home, 4375 N. Woodward. Ave., Royal Oak. at * * Surviving also are three broth- | ers, Wesley, Ned and Daniel; and | Southfield police said a father of; {Robina Rd:, “Berkley. was killed) instantly” “shortly after 2 ‘Thursday when the bulldozer he, was driving hit a ditch in a field) on Webster read at Southfield and) Evergreen -roads.. INSTALLING SEW DE Sawyer and a crew oi men were) installing sewer lines in “the fieid. | A fellow worker, Cecil Hewle, | | 35, of 807 Vermont St., Royal Oak, told potice he was working | in another part of the field when | he saw ‘thfe bulldozer hit a ditch. Pfam Dre bale He said Sawyer’ was tossed from | his seat int: thre machinery of the! front. part. tof the wehicle. Service will be held at 1 p.m. Monday at the Sawyer Funeral) Home. Burial will be in Roseland) / Park Cemetery. * * Surviving are Sawyer's Befty; -three daughters, Cynthia,| Deborah and Linda; ard his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Sawyer! of Algonac.” . | * wife, | They Don’t Give a 1 Hoot About Anyone’ By HARVE UCKERBERG When the 14-year showed up a-meet thejofficer in a Il room '» Pontiac's City Hall, it wa ‘o distinguish him from arty, at voungster his age. except” “maybe w_the pointed shoes. Neat and well groomed, the thin sungster in faded blue jeans and) * ‘ight red jersey has been branded juvenile delinquent.” He wasn’t facing a policertan, vit Geerge -Caronis, Pontinc’s Youth Assistance officer. Caronis’ job as a Photkctive ervices ‘Division caseworker is to}. 1elp the boy before he winds up ‘4 jail, to nip: his delinquency in ‘ye bud before it. becomes an topted pattern. *- * the Police | he Ave, I went "Ted (as we will-call this boy) is 4 bunch of bow there and her moth- er wouldn't let us in. This boy had a zip gun. It was in the garage and 1 fired it once. As snes’ E ook ee ras we ek Sen panies = George Assistance officer, may: “jtevenile delinquent _— be- en = © ae Ye a i 2. Who made the zip gun? | A . He did. Q. Are there a lot of zip guns in| town? . I ~ the city. nilpee 5 wren we 5 Ona. 8 f wiliyribseniaspthy aan } was Xilled in a bulldozer! ‘Monday at the Holy Narhe Church.” Holy * YULE TRAGEDY—As Christ spetted this wreckage on the fa north of Lowell. A young, couple, EXizabeth and Robert Hagstrom of Denver, Blast Clobbers Kentucky Town 190 Homes Shatteréd _ as Warehouse Explodes in Warsaw Ky. WARSAW, ‘of this town of -1,000 persons on, Christmas, causing damage esti- mated at two million. dollars. x * warehouse owner, ‘The Jack! that this would) jthree, Carl -E. Sawyet, 27, of 3072 Smith, 32, was. burned from “head; Hear Ionia. ito ankles. Three others were taken! . Police said the couple's » phe ane| B.M.- to hospitals and at least 12 others: jabparently ert Trashed Christmas. Ev: @ the crash, said he heard ‘a swish- isuffered injuries. Twerity houses were destroyed | ' and about 190 of this town's 250 houses were damaged. Some | were jarred off their foundations and the reofs of some were wrenched Jloose:- Fire Chief Delmar . ‘Alexander ‘said damages to the ruined plant, on busy -U.S. 42,. amounted to, |$400, 000. | Howard Yandeéll, chief, liquid “propane gas inspector for the State’ Department of Public Safety, said ‘the blast may have come from ay 'gas-and-oil furnace in the ware- house, : An ambulance attendant: said | Smith told him en route to a. hospital that the explosien came | as he lighted a cigarette in his | | office. State Police sent 50 troopers into the wrecked town to prevent loot- ing and keep back the curious “A. That’s the only one I've ever! seen. _ Q. Would anybody use if against | a " person? ‘Pontiac Press Photo coming an. sahil | craittphL-chrdiagh prescriptive” counseling and fother Juvenile Gourt services tn ' After an investigation, a tragic story unfolded. i®—An explosion) in a soft drink and beer distribut-| . ing house ripped through the heart - | said. 1, Q. Do you respect your ifriends. 4 lax, you wouldn't bé doing some _|justment here, Ted, and~yet you How do -you size yourself up? jit will turn colder again ‘|Would you say that being in a ae BON oy = Bale Moscow | |rain will change to snow. |@roup you do things , you ‘wouldn't North Auseaton an English: Southerly winds at ‘5-10 he oe . do by. yourself? “ine langdage | tran mn today, 3 45 hour this morning will += A. Definitely.” Whew You get three “Radio M all @ you , 115-25 miles by tonight, “lor ‘four’ together and i hevie all =] (Continued on Page 2 2; Coh 2) Michigan Adds 15 to Tragic Yule Statler 7 Fatalities Every Hour & Predicted 530 By The Associated Press NATIONAL TOLL grim contribution of 15 dives toa a mounting national traffic death Yl which has. led authorities to plead for redoubled safety efforts: As the halfway point of ithe three-day h oli @iy. neared, more than seven persons lost their-lives each ‘hour in accidents involving cars, buses and trains. A spokesman for the National Safety Council urged motorists te ‘use extreme caution during the ~' coming hours. He blamed the high- way death toll on bad weather’ ‘and heavy traffic. 4 \ AP Wirephote died in the crash-en their-way to Massachusetts for the holiday. . Although the plane cracked up on Christmas Eve, no ante noticed it until the next morning. mas morning dawned a neighbor rm of Sam Dethmers five miles _Colo., . ee Denver Couple Dies Steelworkers in State Air Crash — Bombarded FROM OUR NEWS -WIRES Union, Firms Mount _ IONIA—Christmas presents scattered in the wreck-| Campaigns to Garner | age of a smashed plane told a tragic story yesterday, A/otes on Contract of a holiday trip which ended in death for 4 young Den- ver, Colo., couple. Robert Hagstrom, 28, and¢———— ence tells in wearin non! hours. before an anticipated visit “his wife, Elizabeth Jane, 26, but no one. knew about the cr sea 84 i homes Christmas Day. iby Santa Claus in Allegan County. ‘died ‘Christmas Eve when ae the next morning when Mrs.| ate An 11-year-old Detroiter was killed The_rat-a-tat-tat was not rolled when hit by a car Christmas Eve. ‘their private plane plunged | G- Roth spotted the Wreckage lou ‘hy the tumbling fingers of| ‘A &month-old Alma baby and a the farm of a neighbor, Sam into the earth on a farm pethmers,-on M91 five miles nortii sgictularen, but by professional drum-|Birmingham iT-year-old died in _ Seven deaths an hour could ' raise the eount for the -holiday - | span—which actually covers 78 | hours—above the 590 estimate of | the National Safety Council. The Michigan toll “included four ‘children and{a 17-year-old youth. . * * * Two of the children, a brother jand sister aged 7 and 8, died only PITTSBURGH (UPI)—A beat of) lof Lowell. beaters—press agent variety. \Christmas Day smashups, D th They were wielding thelr sticks - * * * ochmers, in an all-out effort te grab votes | The Associated Press weekend in an election in’ the nation’ s history. unique jtabulation™of traffic fatalities be- igan at 6 p.m, Thursday.” It ends In the 20 days following Jan. .6,| lat_midnight Sunday. Over the | Police said the plane apparently! the National Labor Relations Board|© hristmas weekend a year ago ‘ran out of gas and cracked UD | will poll the country's steel work-|'Taffic claimed 21 lives. while trying to make an emet-jerg to gel their verdict @g. a man- * * * . gency sanains on the highway. agement proposal for settlement During the first 30-hour period: + ‘of avbitter wage dispute with: the: lof the Christmas holiday last year, The” oman crashed with such! | United . Steelworkers Union. fatalities rene nt whe wl forcé that: its engine partially| With a government injunction, | ane, ee a The 188 hol. buried itself in the frozen ground. | ‘which ended a record- smashing 116- bday ran te “hours - ue Wreckage was scattered over a/day nationwide steel strike, due to| rar . - jhalf- mile ar Christmas gifts,;expire in 30 days, the workers had’ * * area. ris Zuts, | : inveap _ Tineluding a teddy bear, were found their choice at their holiday tables: ‘hoaiy’ taal the—1959- Christmas fatality average had.-not age of reading, listening t we iin the wreckage. ' B ning to or watching| +e 2Pproached that of the -most re-. | ing sound Christmas Eve’ but did not investigate. | after learning of | | | Four Who Plotted Against Castro Held HAVANA (P—Officials said to- | ” day four terrorists who planned | acts of sabotage against Prime | Minister Fidel Castro were ar- rested,-Christmas Day. i kot . Those detained were described * died near Haverstraw, N.Y, wher itheir auto tore. into a steel and . -concrete blockhousé.- Police’ said — = the vehicle was speeding. ‘TRAIN RAMS CAR ~~ Near Tchula, Miss., Old Snowman? PHTLA DELPHIA (UPI) - Thievery hit a new low Christ- mas Day. Irwin Arch and his two young ing rifles and submachine guns, but police have not been able. to locate the weapons, officials | eraft plant at Denver. ot & Police said no. search had been | ‘launched for the couple because they had not filed a flight plan.| - Officials at the Denven Airport said! six persons ‘Hagstrom was an experie need sons spent four hours building perished in a two-car erash, Seven pilot. ' a plump five-foot snowman from | were injured’ Five died in a simi- _—— what snow there was left, topped lar collisjon near DeQuincy, La, it with Arch's felt hat and placed black checkers for eyes. : . 70. The builders had just begun | pan near Joliet, Hl. Three admire their creation when - to > ' : eccupants in the car were killed. , Mrs: Arch called them to turkey t dinner. After dinner A passenger train traveling at Husband Runs Car Into Helpful Wife ‘A. Sure. A car-bus crash near Weslaco, they looked out |Tex., killed three persons in the “Q: Would they think of using | TR — Leslie St i ne] ; | it in a violent way? haw, oe Otnue sand Mely injured a window and the snowman had jauto and injured three bus pas- A. Yes. - | his wife in a freak accident as he! disappeared along with Arch's |SCnBers. “ felt. hat. Only a are patch on | * * * r ‘parked his car.in a garage here, | yesterday. ne regotd traffic toll for any (Continued wn Page’ 2 Col. 3 my | the lawn showed where had Stood. Q. What about your father? You father. did have a drinking prob- tem didn't he? . Yes, he drank quite a bit ° Is this still true today? - A. Uh, not as much as it used! to be. IT mean, he doesn’t come) home really loaded. Uh, in a sit- uation where it’s right in front He shove ‘ thee car into revérse.| of him all the time . I mean, ‘backed into a utility pole, then’ . guys ‘are all the time buying him: lunged forward again, striking his Boys and girls hoping\to try out their new ice drinks. He could say no, but he \i¢s and roaring through the réar Skates and sleds and those planning to go "skiing will doesn't. wall of the garage, police said. have to wait until next week. A warming trend is moving across the state and “frosty” eg Police said Mrs. Shillinglaw: opened the garage doors for her 4 husband. As he drove in, the auto! ‘brushed Mrs. Shillinglaw and: Shil- 'lingl Aw apparently panicked, * * Rough Sledding Ahead . kik tk father? -A. I do. He's always been good Christmas Emergency to me. Dad and I are real good - ' JOHNSTON CITY, Il. (UPD— Mayor K, Neil Thurmond had-the the state during the week-* end, the weatherman said. best of intentions when. he gave | In some places the rain will ce- his two-man police force Christ- ‘move all trace of snow already on) Low ‘temperatures in a . or oan’ | mas Day off and set about doing (in. ground, making -it difficult! tige area will be near 45 tonig Q. Do you feel if he wasn't 89 | Hoi work himself. But Thur- at , & 7 geies wp to As Beasay. mond had to call the policemen Q. Would -you say that dad's dis cipline has been a little lax?’ _.A. Yes, I would say so. , slopes. _ ot : things that are getting back dn.the job when his wite i | This .morning’s heavy fog you trouble? > gave birth unexpectedly to a ’ occasional drizzle was expects A.. Yes. ee “~~ baby boy. " [turn to rain late tonight, and day: soye| “The warming trend will ¢ “juntil Tuesday or: Wednesday -Q. You have shown. some ad- 5 continue your-delinquent behavior. ‘Greetings From Moscow | _— ‘a very very merry. “Christmas | ing. Simday._ The lowest tempr ati carga oR someting’ Wrong | ‘and a happy New Year,” it sald. The pls i ‘May the coming year see a | TV\& Radio eee Ms ~ Pontiac prece.ing’ § | Q. How do: you think you fit into, | ecaltahsiien of our pian get- | Wilson, Earl ....-- eae es bs | hae At 1 *% | was togethers, af Women's: -_ Leite eee a, a § o* _ May Push Figures Above Traffic .........., 257 = | Fires 2.00.00... 22 ' Miscellaneous 27 Total «0... 306 Michigan has made a_ in Warming, Wet Weather - may be accompanied by showers in most sections of even to keep aftificial snow om as, “key figures in a group’ of ~ Denver police @aid the couple |unton and ae thes men! arguments: cent comparable three-day Christ- mere than. 25, collecting arms for was en route to Massachusetts” —or shunning them altogether mas period — 1959. ’ attacks on Castro's military | t@ spend Christmas with their 7. | fareec at shige aang : at year 609 persons died on | forces ahd police in Havana families. They sald the couple | Now Who Would, the highways, Last year’s four- | . x * | had been married little more | t day ‘span took 599 lives. The prisoners said they had | than a year and had no children. ‘Steal a Jolly | 7a a large cache of arms, includ- | Beth worked in the Martin Air- Five children and three adults ,/ miles-an-hour and an atto _— Te of wae i of Gas Warily Eyed 4 mee THE PONTIAC C PRESS, SATURDAY DRC CEMBER : 26, 1959 “Trooper to Rescue _ hee 2 § Garb, “LELAND ® — ‘Site “troaper Merits. Tubbs, who started: out ‘to play Santa. Claus, ended up * wresting a shotgun from a.man to end a.tense, - hour in a residential district bere 7 we * A shotgun- toting | fisherman bar- ricadeg himself his home. Police Bullets and teafsas shells, - punctuated by t blast from the fisherman's ‘gun, routed | “#Christmas Eve drama, ‘get heavy fire-fighting equipment the man. Tubbs vaulted onto th® porch as the man came out and wrest- led him to the ground to end the 4 Marvin William Cook, 45, was lodged in Leelanau County Jail _ pending further investigation. Someone complained of a fam- ily quarrel a the Cook home Sheriff Bob. White. who said there had been several such-inci- dents in recent months, answered | the call along | with Deputy Gerald Smith. When White entered the home. Cook pointed a doyble-barreled shotgun at him and ordered him | to leave. W hite sald he couldn't cod a Burning Freight Cars bullet-spattered | shine it's a Grabs Man ome Cook and called for hélp * * Five troopers and another en a Christmas mission, were. sent from Traverse City post _ Cook fired a shotgun’ shell prove * including “Tubbs ‘the “to | fo. you that I am not { kidding 7 Tubbs and Allison went back, ence Cook was jailed and de livered the presents to a needy family. for whom they'd been | gathered. Delinquency Story (Continued From Page One! these boys you run ‘Do they look up to you” A. No. I don't think they ave a hoot About anybody, really. I don’ ithink they really care whether they get into trouble or not. They wea that. Q. Do you think this kind of dress | is a fad? : A. No, -I wouldn't say that. good sign of trouble, Q. How many of these kids are | in school? Are they a small per- centage, or more? A.A smal] percentage. TUSCALOOSA, Ala, 4—Firemen and train crews are keeping. watch) today on 28 burning freight’ cars| “A; following~-a Christmas night de-| railment. Five of the cars varried | ~prandfactured gas. : . i * * * At least one of the cars carrying |” gas exploded. during the night,..ag- | cording to Southern Railway of-| ficials in‘ Birmingham. They sai no injuries were reported: . . . \- The derailment occurred in am isolated rural section 15 miles egst of here. Firemen were unable to [into trouble?’ I would say so. * * * Q..You sajd-they don't care and | midnight yesterday, 33 accidents'the woman as she “<* |i so he went toe the car | gut - Pontiac Youth fells. | arot und with? | motorcycle jac kets and things like | Q. Are these~the kids who get 4 AP. Wirepheio 4, also § survives, The crash occurred when their -'ear, carrying 11, smashed inte a concrete build- ing at Haverstraw, N. Y., Christmas Day. The three Cruz children were being: returned to-an orphan- SURVIVE -XULE TRAGEDY — Maria Cruz, 9, and her brother-Luis, 7, comfort each other in | a hospital where they are being treated for “in- juries suffered in an aute. crash that killed t r. eight, including - their grandmother’ and — |< other Cruz childrén, Another brother, Eugenio, Local Mishaps Injure 9 33. Accidents Mar Yale age after visiting their father in prison. nw « 1| | : Traffic accidenf$—marred Pon-)G. Buliga, 45, of 3670 Washabaw) Pontiac’ s Christmas celebrations. | Rd. Waterford Township. | Between 3 p.m, Thursday and | Buliga told police his truck hit/horn’ Sf., Albert L. Reading, 41, of 265 Buck- Lake Orion. Both Me Huron street.) for a traffic signal. idon’t have’ any feelings. Would) 'were reported to the Pontiac Police! Williams street at W. . they go cut of there way. 10 uUse.a. Dept. - * * * | Posey was treated for euts a Pp gun? . - There were no deaths, ‘put nine | The victim, , Jean’ Marteney, of Pontiac Ge nerat- Hospital and re-! rN Iidon't think they'd go out ji6 Palmer St. is in fair condition! leased. don’ t lof their way, but’ | ‘they'd be scared, either, ithe home situation is bad Q. Would you say these boys have been delinquent because of poor home envirenment? ~ A: That's right. * think ~becausey persons suffered injuries in eight | of the accidents. Most seriously | injured was Thom-! | as C. McMurray, ford St. MceMurray'’s ear smashed |p. m. at Pontiac General Hospital: She is: wt Ok Ok ‘being treated for a head injury.) Janice E, Shipp, 15, N, Perry street south of "Giddings! Raymond, 18. The accident oc- and'an electric pole before grind |road. He is in Pontiac General Hos-| curred at the intersection of Brad- ing to a halt against a large rock. = we Public ‘Library property to -the i a McC ur Pyls car into one drivén by was crossing|Curry and Rooding. had stopped A Royal Oak man was injured of 210 S. {at 6:45 p.m. yesterday as his car 30, of 169 Clif- Anderson St. was injured at 11:55' went up the island on Woodward Thursday when she fell out)avenue near Earlemoor boulevard | into a railroad viaduct abutment on) ‘of a car driven by her husband, | |knocking over an evergreen tree The’ ‘Day in Ficsileghiaie . (Commission io eens : ; pe reny: Parking Sketch* | Es ‘BIRMINGHAM — City Engineer City. Commission at its” Monday night-meeting. The one basic design. consists ‘of 45 degree angle parking * ‘on the ‘southerly portion of library prop- saved _Lerty with the entrance at Bates and the exit at ee. ‘The plan); - jealls for 19 parking eta’ ' Serenbetz said the total esti- mated cost ots praject is $12,- 300, aie Included in the catimate is the | construction of a'27-inch high brick wall extending along the ‘north, line-of Merrill Street from Bates |) to Chester -at-a-cost~ot $37846-— Also. includéd in the estimated Serenbetz said the basic design. icould’'be expanded to accommo-: date an additional eight spaces -by placing a second row of angle parking at the westerly end of the library property extending - east from Chester, The addition would cost approximately $1,600. * A -year-old "Siringhani boy suffered first, degree burns.about the face Thurs- day when .a. trash container “ex- ploded while he was throwing in -iwaste papers. ~ Donald Gardner of 6348, Tiltoury Lane, was listed. in satisfactory condition in St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital, Pontiac, today. The cause of the explosion has not yet been determined. Leland M. Hogan Sr. | Service will be hetd-9:15- a.m. t ‘Monday at the- Sullivan Funeral) Hoffie and: the Holy Name Church) vice | president in charge of ‘sales for, for Leland M. Hogan Sr., the Standard Tube Co. He died Friday in his home, 263. Puritan St:,.at the age of 60. . Mr. Hogan hag been employed cost is the $1,645 for, the trstalla- |: "| tiorr of 19° parking. meters. ~ second and third. by the Standard Tube Co. for the) to the ‘wreckage. | I ‘Nikita Wants Date cof Summit Changed | (Continued From Page One) Foreign. Office said “No doubt | something. can be worked out." A French spokesman said prior| commitments almost rule out the, possibility of a surpmit meeting in April. A ‘1t should bé possible to find | Q. What do they think about? \Sex? : ‘ A. T would say. so. They just think abouf now. They don't think about yesterday or tomorrow. They ture and faci ut ‘ acial cuts. | nAD BACK INJURIES. Police have not been able to Sh df question him about the accident), >" was treated for which occurred at 11:25 p.m. Thur, a back in-| and released. jjust think about what. they’re go- day. His condition is fair, | t«“t | k * “Surviving are his wife, Aileen; jing to’do now. * * * Carl L. Brozowski, 29, of 378 Ralph H. Slankard, 27, of 2384/two sons, Paul B. and Leland M. ok * * . Two girls. were injured when) Rockhaven St, Avon Township, | Anders St., Waterford Township, }Jr.; and a daughter, Patricia. .|their car went out of control on Kennett road east of the Dixie * until maybe | do something wrang. | highway at 1:45 a.m. Friday. “The Ite my fauit the majority of the driver, Joan L. Deter, 19, of 364 the time: I'd say. Teachers. . .|E. Blvd. S. told pglice the car hit if one gets ypu for something an icy patch on the ‘street, went out wrong then he'll tell the next one’ -of control and overturned. Jand all of a sudden every teacher) "She is.in Pontiac Generalos- @Q Are you still defiant? A. I’m good to teachers at se hool was injured at 3:30 p.m.*Thursday | \whert his car hit a telephone gole. | Another car road, Brozowski told police. ation at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital and released, Nelan C. Posey, 44, of 2810 . , if you're walking down the . pital after suffering a skull frac-) ford street and Irwin avenue. | Floyd Bigger, ‘jury at Pontiac General Hospital) itold police forced him off the car collided with one driven by He was treated for.a head lacer-| 58, was treated ‘for minor injuries at St. Joseph 'Merey Hospital] and released. He that headlights from | oncoming cars blinded him, last 12 years. He was a member of the Oakland Hilts Country Club, Recess Club,: Engineers Club of| New York and thé Form Steer ‘Tube Institute. was treated and released from. | Mrs. Ray Bethards | Pontése-Gemeral Hospital after his’ Service for Mrs. Ray (Eva) Bethards, 64, of 148 Wallace St., |Beulah Black, 52, of 2¢ N. Ander- son St. The accident occured at ‘10:50 p.m. last night at the inter- |section of Mt. Clemens and Pad- | dock streets. Funeral Home Monday at 1 a.m., ‘with burial in White Chapel Mem. jorial Cemetery. orShe died Friday at her home. | Surviving beside her husband | Was a _ graduate of ‘tena Re. : jon: Mr. Whitlatch. @iso_was @ member of the board of direc. a tors ofthe Sister Kenny Founda- on, thé-Senior “Activities Birmingham and of Christ Chureh, Cranbrook, He wes~active in ‘the. Commun- ity Chest and Boy Scout fund_rais- : ing drives. Surviving are his wife, Dr. Ethel P.. Calhoun, a son, Robert C. “of: > 4-Day, After- id Cpriatmnas 13 J ust 4 diya for save I wall Por nitiosiriiitae. ' dollars on our _ 7 7 lovely salon perma- ; » nent. Phone or } ; hurry in. yo s 4 > Creme *n Oil aaa i Bike cut 95 | ; pe- -§ 7 © Hair Styling $ ‘ } ; } ee . : Q- Beauty Salon J :. 2nd Floor 8 : 42 N. Saginaw St FE 8-1343 ¢ " Appointment Not Always Necessary , ie Open Mon. & Fri. 9:3@ A. M.-9 P.M. | { In. the selection of merchandise intended for gifts where size and color are important factors, it is normal_practice for Pontiac area merchants to grant the privilege ¥ } | "/Khrushchev’s message to Eisen- hower and got it quickly into the, . / ne date in May which would be ‘ ! acceptable to all of the four _ powers,* he said, Iv ‘Washington, State Department translators did a speed-up job on Presidept's hands. There was no immediate White House. reaction. build a positive relationship? x *k& * A. First, at rome I th in aye Resident of Ortonville One point sure to be in the back-|the kid should get. more respon-| H oliday Tr attic Toll Headed Pontiac Office; ground of Western consultations is|sibility. And maybe the parents | the fact the United States, Britainjshould look into the kid's school Formerly Was~ Banker hall they'll stick their heads out) just’ to see if they- can catch you. | pital with possible head injuries. Her condition is fair, Donna Bar- den, 17, of 109 E, Strathmore St., Loon Lake Rd., Commerce Town- accident at 4 p.m. Thursday, The ship, was injured in a three-car | | nen are two sons, Raymond F. of Birm-| ‘of excha ng e. In order that |ingham and Ralph-T. of Pontiac, | =~ ‘And you're not doing more wrong than the next kid, bu anything! @ passenger, was treated for mi- you're down to the office. down to the office, down to the office. * * * Q. What."do you need to do tol. George Linton, Broker, Dies accident occurred on Baldwin th . avenue at St. Louis avenue. nor injuries and released, | A 37-year-old Pontiac woman was; Posey’s car hit the rear of a car injured at 5:25 p.m. Thursday when driven by Gene A. McCurry, 30, of struck by a truck driven by John'818 Orlanda’St. The collision drove | tn sister, Mrs. Edward La’Tour of| |Detroit, and two brothers, John Kuchta of Detroit .Garden City. Robert H. Whitlatch Service for, Robert H. Whitlatch, 61, of 18 Lakeview. St.,Avill be held at 3 p.m. Monday at Christ Church, .Cranbrook with burial in| Greenwood Cemetery, Birming-| ham. and Arthur of exchanges may. be made within ‘a reasonable time, the: Business Ethics Board recommends that all Christmas gift exchanges be made. | and France still have some dif-land go to PTA meetings and : Mounts Steadily Up He died Thursday after a long | over witb Khrushchev. resolve them in the intérests-.of common front. ferences on: issues to be talked) Diplomatic experts could use extra time to to the teachers and tal to tei! ds a ee what kind gf pev-) ms . frien nd see ; P (Continued From Page One) Snow, Rain, Freezing Drizzle Iple they “hang around wit iy bat! , | fatally injured Thursday night as) ajI think a lot A the parents now holiday period came during Christ- ran off the highway in Idon't do things -like that mas, 1956. Seven hundred and six) Windsor Township. ; —— ~ |persons lost thei lives at that Leslie la Porte, li, Detroit, - time injured fatally Thursday night -| The over-all toll for any holi--| when struck by an auto near his home, day also was set at Christmas George W. J. Linton, 71, resident |manager of the Pontiac brokerage tive of the S. S. Kresge Co., serv- loffice of Watling and Lerchen andjing with the, firm 40, years. He, Co., died Thursday in St...Joseph, | Mercy Hospital after a ‘Prolonged ; lillness, R | 0 k W Mr. Linton, of 3773 Davison Lake oya qa oman ‘Rd., Ortonville, formerly was vice president of the American State illness. He was a retired execu-| Before CLOSING TIME ‘MONDAY, JANUARY 4, 1960 ’ Since each store is. ‘entitled to its own policy. in the matter of exchanges, the abdve is offered | i i _ Nation’ Somber and Wet By The Associated Press Somber and wet weather ranged over the nation Saturday. There was snow, rain and freez-| ing drizzle. Fair skies peeked | through cloud covers in areas: ~ the central Florida and the Carolinas” and California-Nev ada. * * * Rain that turned to snow fell The Weather | Pui C3; eather Bureau Report PONTIAC AND VICINITY — Clondy, | warmer throvigh Sunday. Occastona! drizzle this metning, rain late ton ight aad Sunday. High today i. Loew tonight b Sunday Southerly winds) a 10 te 15 miles, increasing. te 15 to %, miles tonight, continuing Sunday. oday. in. Pentiae towwk temperature preeedirfg $8 a.m. tJ at 8" a.m. Wind velocity 5 m. p. h. Direction—Southerly. Sun sets Saturday at 5:05 pm. Sun rises Sunday at 8 a.m Moon sets Saturday at 2°42 >™ _ Moon rises Synday at 5:13 am Dewntewn Temperatures 40 am:. an 42) i2 m seeeneenenese 44 2: Seer re 46 *. Thursday in Pogtiac ; ths recorded wo own) Highest jemporacart” aw UTE aedee Baw ee ees lot dsetescesesss wou ‘ + “ that year — 834, a. Charles Heintz, 27, Ann Arbor, at, Bank and the Commonwealth Com-|.. Killed in Accident | Gulf Coast, \s "night from Arizona and New Mex ico northward into Monti ana |Lake City got an inch of new snov and several areas in central | zona reported about 25 only three| | Two roads were blocked in south-| Friday of injuries received Christ- east Colorado Seattered patches of ;or_ drizzle - fornia northward to the Canadia lbordé® from Texas into the light) rai Salt Ari Cen-) at higher elevations during the |tral Plains and-from the Gulf of Michigan victims included: | Billy Dhiel, 2,. injured fatally when the auto driven by his father William Dhiel of Jackson, mercial Bank of Detroit. He also was assistant receiver of the Detroit Bankers Co. and was a member of the Pontiac died of injuries sustained Thursday night when his car_swerved out). ‘of control in Plymouth Township ‘and hit another head-on. idge abutment Thursday night. tr | Mexico northward through — the! Robert Skees Jr., 7, Otsego, kilo Thevate 85. Allen. was grandson. |Ohio River region j and his sister Christine, 8. | ed Thareday night when hit | Drizzle ~ and “freezing. drizzle fatally hurt Thursday night in by an auto in Hiltsdate County. ee | made roads slick and hazardou from North Dakota eastward int the icially Wisconsin A * * * | Scattered, light falls of snow fil ‘ly early Friday. when his car| ‘Thursday night when his car went the deceased as Mrs. Walter itered..d down on \ - Enoland. “| swerved-off Route 23 in Greenbush ‘out of control south of Lexington. | Thompson in the place of ‘Mts. | Temperat t _— t | Township. : two-car collision, just south Mary MacSkulin of Clifford. see ne in the cash ‘of Tthaea” killed a G-monttvol The corrected obituary of Mrs. 4 oy Py . nf 7 , imore than,.20 degrees in the, east RUNS OFF HIGHWAY * jbaby, Lauri, Ann Hall of . Alma 'MacSkulin is being published to- lern two-thirds of the nation during! Edward _English, 21, Lansing. | Friday. day on page 19. ‘ithe past 24 hours) Mercury near zero to the |during the night 30-degree mar! | ee te WEDDING ? | Admiration from the maids. compli- a ed just come in or phone for your eppointment - FOR YOUR WEDDING .. QUALITY & QUANTITY | “@ 12 PHOTOS IN 5x7, ALBUM * FREE COUNSELING @ A WEDDING GUEST BOOK oa & MIATURE MARRIAGE @ A EARGE. “JUS A ad * SIGN JUST MARRIED All for $39. 95: . R HASKILL sTuDio | _. | FE 4-0553 ’.1 MT. CLEMENS S&T. upper Great Lakes area, espe:t- Wayne Wymer, 21, an Air Foree read- ings in New England soared from PLANNING A -~ itifermal photographs we. Will @% take of every detail of your Wed- & | 2 @ing. Yes, it will be beautiful . 2 * Thimothy M. Bearden, 17, Bir. Press Today Corrects mingham, killed when his car Error in Death Item struck a tree Thursday night in) Oakland County Jess Pace, 67, a two-car’ smashup in Otsego Township. $| 0 ‘enlisted man at Wurtsmith Air Force Base, Oscoda, injured fatal- - injured fatally ary Betty Linton of Lansing; and- one The Pontiac Press in an obitu- Thursday erroneously listed ranma See A Royal Oak woman was killed instantly’ Thursday when her car struck a tree a half mile west of Grand Blanc. ,| hit a tree Friday near Jackson. | Mrs. Janet Gilmore, 75, Wayne, Area Chamber of © ree. Dead is Mrs: Bertha Mae - toe - \ ie “4 iy y ake i Thomas Rahalla. 58. Harper inured fatally _ Thursday night} Service will be held 11 a.m. Mon- Re 66, of 1992Van Cortland} inches.’ Woods, died in a Detroit hospital WT @ Car eniven by her son day at the Bell Chapel of the Wit) “7. : : : pe’ William Lalufke, 48, of Wayne, jiam R. Hamilton Co. in Birming- Caan oo State Police said Mrs. 1 ith a coc Santen | a >"|Carnes lost control on an icy curve! mas Eve when hit by: an auto. condee with a second in Nankin ham. Burial service will be pri- of the Brand Blanc Read, ctossed | n Paul Sievak, 39, Oakley, killed *OWMSTIP- - vate. the highway and struck a tree fell from northern Cali-/ when his auto swerved in Chesan-, Myles Campbell, 35, Port Huron. Surviving Mr. Linton are tWOir 6 were no passen ers in her| n/ ing Township and crashed into, a hit a tree and died west of Port daughters, Mrs. Anne Linton car. passeng! Huron Friday. morning. ‘Hitchcock of Birmingham and __. as a recommendation -only. . | ae Business Ethics Board — . Division of | Pontiac Area Chamber of Commerce . | | | k Pontiac’s Bridal and After 5 Shop Year End” CLEARANCE SALE Bridals. and. Cocktail Dresses. Now in season ecibcstiieee and early spring Bridal Gowns.and Veils. Brides. Maid Dresses. Reduced to clear. One of a kind designer dresses includ-- ing New Years Eve Party fashioris and floor length formals. Clearance! ~ Kingsley Inn Woodward South of Long Lake Road, Bloomfield Hills Gala New Gearmet inene wil te served commesicin PM. = Early Reservations Appreciated—MI 41400" CELEBRATION Introduect.. * ; MARY ROY, Vv Personality - ni i ‘through 70 PM. Guia ee % So a eet ¥ + eehe . aaa. ace! Ay — It's Inventory Time .. PORTABLE Ty Sale and In Some ~ Cases Save: More SLIM- CINE Table Model. ff S Sale! BABY NEEDS Brookpa rk. 16-Piece STARTER SET i 1VIDAdS ¢¢ ;1WIDadS ji 1WiDadSs| A3 % oy ¢ SPECIAL! SPECIAL! 2, TAYLOR TOT MAGIC LUX - PAINT Vinyl Satin Finish - or Lustre ‘Enamel Folds .Fiat Reg. 22, 95 °° \ + W ‘ \ \ - \ \ : \ . ‘, . 70 le \\ a ha — an a We my , ipa <— ~ to $9.95 2 373-mile’, hike .oni/still blistered but Christmas Eve. was suffering to's feeling quite fit more se rious * are “physically she ” Pretty Party Clothes Look Better _-1When Cleaned | By Gresham HOUR: SERVICE ON REQUEST ~| Orthodox 1:30 p.m. at. Christ Lutheran and the Ahepa Church, Waterford, with~ burial in ARTHUR A. WILSON. . Club, ® Roselawn Park Gemetery, The} TROY—Service will be held 11) Surviving _ be- body is at, Sharp-Goyette Funeral|a.m. Monday at the Price Funeral! | L ; “William H. Schultz, 77, of 6939! There will be an Eastern Star a ‘os CJ EEE NEES pp N YE ENEXEETEXINENOIESITTE - . x eet Operators» on Duty 24, Hours a Day of = Se Se and Nearby ae gineer,: -he was a member of istion the nursing stiff of the Helene - laitheran Church .in' Wat Ammity Lodgé of the.Odd Fellows 38. in Detroit, Candon City of the Straits. Uniformed Rank. ~ Surviving are -a daughter, “Mrs, James C. Reed,.a- sister, Mrs. Minnie Kees, a ‘brother; Edward, all of Detroit, four grandchildren’! uke G.: Annas, owner and op- or of the Ritz Cale, died yes- at his home, 219 E. Iroquois , after an ill- : a ‘Home for Arthus Aranda Wilson, | sides his wile, Eu- '78, of 2165 E. Maple Rd., who died) -genia, are @ son, ve Home, Clarkston. Steve’ J. of De- ANNAS © | MRS, PETER MacSKULIN SR. , [Suddenly Thursday in William) . troit; five daughters, Mrs. James’) ( 1e FORD — Service for Mrs. Beaumont Hospital. Burial will be! -(Xenia) Patten of Moline, ll., Mrs. ‘Peter (Maty) -MacSkulin, 80, of in White Chapel Memorial ‘Ceme-) me held at We . itery. - ford was held at 10° a.m. today | A retired foreman of the Briggs! George (Bessie) Psihas of Livonia, Clif Georgia, Chrisanthy and Victoria at St. Patrick's Catholic Chureh | Annas, all of Pontiac; two broth-) . . _ . \Manfacturing Co., Mr. Wilson is ers -and two sisters. ~~» ee . pu ial was in St. Patrick’ 5 | surv ivéd by his wife, Jettie; three Service will be held at 2 pm. Semetery. . daughters, Mrs. Harold Hartsuff of Monday at the. St. George Greek Mrs. MaeSkulin died ~ Tuesday \Southfield, Mrs, Alfred Avery -of| Orthodox Church with burial in after a long. illness. Ferndale and Mrs. Conrad Bock of Oak Hill Cemetery. His body is at. Surviving besides her husband /petroit; two sons, Arthur. L. of the Donelson-Johns Funera] Home. 2fe two daughters, Mrs. ElginiClawson and Richard G. with the The family suggests memorials | Brown of Mio and Mrs Glendell/y, s.. Army in France; seven be made to the Michivan Cancer Rawlins of Pontiac:. six sons fe Bares -and one e brother. Foundation ‘MacSkulin of Carteret, N.F., Pet 2 Ohioans Injured . M. MacSkulin of Clifford, Joseph | NANCY LEE CORDELL MaeSkulin of Mayville, and! Prayers will be offered at 10:20; Michael, Andrew and Geor ree ‘Mac- | ‘a.m, Monday at the Donelson-|Skulin, all of Pontiac; 23 grand.) G | d C h: Jobns Funeral Home for Nancy children and 18 great-grandchil-| An rove an ras ‘Lee Cordell, infant daughter of-Mr. dren. ane and Mrs. Cecil R. Cordell of i8 Funeral arrangements were by, Raymond Fraley, 58,* and his Green St. Burial will be in Oak’ Marsh Funeral Home at Marlette. iwite, Mildred, 55; both. of Cinti, Hill Cemetery. ~ ‘Ohio, were taken to St. Joseph Born prematurely, the five-dav- LEONARD A. HJELTE ‘Mercy Hospital yeserday after eld child died yesterday in St. ROCHESTER—Service for Leon-|their car smashed into the rear Joseph Mercy Hospital. ard A. Hijelte, 48, of 197 Frazer of another auto on U.S. 10 north Surviving besides’ her parents Rd., will be held at 11 a.m. Mon- lof Grange Hall road, Groveland are three sisters, Virginia, Sharron day. at the William R. Potere, Township. and Mary. all at home. * .* * Sheriff's deputies, said a car driv- en by Lonzie L. Waugh, 39, of 381 | ‘Funeral Home. Burial will follow} ; in Cadillac Pmorial Gardens: PETER A. NTEMI Cemetery, East, near Mount Clem-| Peter -A, Niemi, 69. of 491 S./ens. Brahch St., had stalled in the high- | Telegraph Rd., was dead on ar- An employe of Martin Electr icieew Fraley told deputies he saw | rival yesterday at Holy Cross Hos- Co., Detroit, Mr. Hjelte leaves his lit too Tate ‘and skidded. into it. pital. in Detroit. He had been illjwife, Frances; his father, Axel of tok * three months. Etk Rapids; a daughter, Mrs. Sally | A member of Oakland Avenue|Price of Ypsilanti; a son, James) He was treated and relased. His United Presbyterian Church, he of Washington; two grandchildren: wife was admitted and is in satis- was a retired employe of Grand a byother and a sister. factory condition today. Trunk Railroad. He was'a mem-| Mr. Hijelte died unexpectedly! ber of the BR.C ~ ‘Thursday evening of a cerebral Surviving besides his wife, Myr- "hemorrhage at St. Joseph Mercy tle are two sons, Carl of Pontiac ‘Hospital. and Peter Jr. serving with the . Navy " California; seven daugh- = MRS, BERTHA CARNES tra Ms Bute Oise on srgy— serice wil be el Sailee, Mrs. Thomas (Viola) Bone,'2:30 p.m. Monday at the Big Mrs.: Wiliam (Betty) Trudgen, Beaver Methodist Church. for Mrs. Mrs. Edna Wilson. ali of Pontiac, Bertha Harris Carnes, “65, of 1992 Mrs. Witjiam (Ruth) Muirhead of Van Cortland. St., who was fa- Center Lime and Mrs. Richard tally injured Thursday in a traf. (Mary). LaFlamme of Detroit, and fic accident near Grand Blanc. 23. grandchildren. | Burial will begin White Chapel _ Service wif! be held Monday at Memorial Cemetery. “The body is 1:30 p.m, at the Huntoon Funeral. ‘at the Price Funeral Home. ‘Coach Employes Union, said Mil- Home. Burial will, bein White’ Mrs. Carnes was a member of i rete there would be progress it Chapel. Memorial Cemetery. |Eastern Star Lodge 46 in Hazel the Saginaw, Pontiac and Kalama- ‘Park, Rebeccas and the Women’s 200 locals hel d separate talks with WILLIAM H. SCHULTZ. |Society of the Big Beaver Metho- Natt Ci Line ; Following a six-week ational City SE. illness, ‘dist .Church. : Maurice Biddle, company op- erations manager, sald he would consider ‘negotiating with only one union local at a time. Guymer said’ the ‘union wants a, united’ front so that the 110 mem-| bers in all three communities get’ the same settlement. ee see -The unidh wants a 22-cent ;hour wage boost and 9 cents more rT ‘an hour.in Saginaw and § cents‘in. , Kalamazoo in wage differentials | pg for mechanics. Bus Union Nixes Bid to Bargain SAGINAW The 20-day, three- | city bus strike remained stalemat-. ed today’. after union officials snubbed a, suggestion by City Man- ager C. A. Miller. *® * * Gordon Guymer, president of the ‘Street, Electric Railway & Motor Desmond St..-Waterford Township, Memorial Service at 8 p.m. Sun died at his home yesterday. ‘day. Last employed as a steam en-! For_16 years Mrs. Carnes was RIKI IIIA III I AIDA IA III VE *16" Guaranteed 1 Full Inch Thick . ALUMINUM STORM. DOOR BIGGEST SAVINGS OF THE SEASON OF HH, m3 of Pontiac Man Injured ody Skidding . Accident Pe. A Pontiac man‘ was injured | Thursday afternoon when his ‘car’ Maskidded into the. rear of a slower'| yaimoving vehicle on M24 north of | Opdyke road, Pontiac Township, | jaccording to sheriff's ceputies. * * a * Robert Sedwick, 21, of 1919 Op- + dyke, was treated at Pontiac Gen- eral ‘Hospital and released. The driver of the other car, James F. Edgerton, 23, ef Yale, was not hurt. Ny Waterppoot Bris Cap 4% i COMPARE THESE FEATURES FOUND ONLY } IN $39.95 Massing: Against India? NEW DELHI (UPI) — Official | sources declined today to con- | firm one report of an impending | Communist Chinese invasion from Tibet and another that the Chinese were massing troops all | along India’s borders, The gov- + pecoocccocs © WATERPROOF DRIP CAP he had no information concerning @ FULL LENGTH PIANO HINGES | rs either report. sinke Hospital in Hazel Park. | : Within Each City ‘Ste, Waterford Township, reported ‘te Pontiac Police Thursday that ¢ . }Daniel L, “McGeachy, This Monkey Off M y Back ™~ in Waterford oeg Three persons were injuied in a two-car collision _" ~aiiers, noon on Cooley Lake road near Hiller ‘road, Waterford ‘Township, according to. sheriff's deputies. Injured were the po drivers, of 380: Saline Dr. Waterford Bada : TAMPA, Fla. (AP) William golf pon joer died = er more years, =-n-monkey Friday” “after an extended illness just walked into “my my hous¢, sat/He developed a special golf iron down. in the ‘kitchen and ate my and ‘wrote ee articles on housewife told police. “Now he’s locked in_ the bed- room, For ‘heaven's sake, come a ee * candcin acaba 4APi>Sar- dar Shah Mahmoud, - T3,former 10 i. APPAREL 100 AN —— —- ; ‘ 2 ad “ . ! 90 pitsititas Preny’ Fave Nvere ents bet 1956: 957° 19SB TN 1959 of 25 per cent more for everything ‘they bought than 10 years be- fore. The Labor Department cost of living index shows that. all items s finished the year at higher levels than they began. —e It Was. Christmas Eve} but... 4 Ofticer Loses Patrolman Ronald Councilor was filled with the spirit of the yule- tide season on Christmas Eveé. | When he saw a car speeding at! 45 m.p.h. in a 25 m.p,h. zone. the officer took off after the_mo-| torist. - As the motorist traveled down ‘Franklin road, Councilor said he shined his spotlight inte the car's rear window, and turned on his -red blinker signal, It was 1 a.m. It was Christmas Eve. All he wanted to do was to Citation. itel) the driver to ease up on the gas pedal, he said. + « & But the driver -didn't stop. Councilor turned on his siren wit the car finally came to a halt. | | | ‘Before the officer could issue | any warning, he anid, he 1 re- ® , . F. News in Briel | Lighting fixtures, imported frem | Denmark, unusually different. See: our large display. Michigan Fluor- escent, 393-Orchard Lk, Ave. Adv, Sherman Tarpening, 4131 Kempf someone stole a purse, pajamas, and set of drinking glasses from his -ear. The articles were valued at $25. | Ann Williams, 2800 Voorheis Rd Waterford . Township, reported to| Pontiac Police Thursday that someone stole a pair of slippers and a bottle of whisky from her| car, parked. in the tks Temple| ot, j\lowed the officer’ “back His Spirit ceived a dressing down. The | ‘Christmas spirit was still there, | but... jbeen lost to the West squad for, | the Shrine game ‘Jan. The patrolman asked the driver, | Edwin Beauddin, .39, of 64 Mark. tion. After protests, , Beauddin handed them to the officer. - ‘ ~ & o* The officer by this time decided to write a ticket. He told Beauddin to stay in his ear while he went ‘to the patrel car to make, out a vb, Beauddin didn't, he sdid. He fo! to his car, arguing vigorously. The protests were to no avail. Councilor handed the motorist his ticket and jumped into his | ear, As the officer backed up, Beaud-, St “for histicense— and registra-"— — \ditr yelled that the police car had - ‘hit his wife. Councilor jumped ou: -He hadn't hit anyone, he said. Finally, Councilor radioed 'another car. Beauddin was for ‘are! ‘rested arid brought to the police This morning Beaudgin: retur ned for an appearance in Pontiac .Mu-: nicipal Court—as he'd beer or- dered by police. . He didn't get to court “Moday,: ‘however. Municipal Court is closed , for the holidays. .f Grandr pa: I ke Makes Yule > A tire, believed: to have wt T ip Home \from a lighted cigarette dropped on a wicker chair, caused an On| ‘mated $600 damage to the home of! Lloyd Vickery, at 588 Heights Rd.,/ ‘Orion Pownship, Friday evening.! Orion Township. firemen. An empty ‘cash register valued! “at $50 was ‘stolen by thieves who into Chuck's Shack, 23} © Ba., Pontiac Townehip, | according to sheriff's ibroke Opdyke ast night, ‘deputi les. Business Notes E. R. Hopkins, Jr., 2631: McClin- tock Rd., has been elected assis- tant secretary for Indemnity Insur- ance Co. of North America. Hop- kins joined INA as a special agent in 1947. In 1953 he was appointed an agen¢y superintendent and the _ jMext year, becarhe manager of the ‘| Detroit Service Office, his Prese ont | position. national sales contest * the Easy Laundry: Appliances Repre- sentative of Frayer Relhigeretion erriment of India spokesman said | Sales, his winning performance was based on sales of the Easy’ s|« Combomatic washer-dryer. © 1 SCREEN, 2 GLASS PANELS |: © PNEUMATIC DOOR CLOSER | 7 © KNOB LOCK Bs pg Romney Groups. to Gather in County f © STORM CHAIN © FULLY WEATHER STRIPPED *| Free Measuring Service and Phone af Orders Accepted 6&3 on Installation Sel “Six Oakland County meetings of! Orders Only % |p Citizens. for Michigan will be held , jin the first two business days of _* Installation can be * the New Year. CASH AND CARRY radtional ou Pa) . Edward L, ‘Cushman. vice chair- ° man, will address a citizen group : - ‘in Kimball High School, Crooks . DAY or le@iroad at 13%s-Mile road, on Jan. 4 \ NIGHT Paiat 8 p.m. The meeting will in- clude members and guests from Berkley, Huntington -Woods, - + Park, Pleasant Ridge, Perndste ‘PegiHazel Park, Madison Heights, ee Royal Oak, Troy and Clawson. % Robert . Browning of Royal Oak heads the arrangements commit- ea tce for the meeting. The. Bloomfield Hills chapter, under the leadership of John “Graham and Mrs, T, Hollister” Mabiey, will hold its \organiza- tional meeting at the Bloomfield, ~ S| Hills High School at ag pm, a Jan. rn + ‘The second meeting of the Jewly 3 North a Telegrii Rd organized Northeastern Oakland nes chapter will be held in the MEREELELELEEEEEESEEN esis » Oxted” on Jan. 5 fog FEDERAL | sachin co Citizens Meetings jto-an 8& p.m. session in the South-| —— at 8 p.m. Chairman is Commander: Melvin F, Lanphar and the secre- tary-treasurer is Mrs. John Lessi-, fer. The group includes residents. of Oxford, Orion, Leonard, Lake ville and Goodison. “ + * * On the same night. members| from Rochester will meet at. the St. Phillip Episcopal Church, Roch- akjester. Chris Boyle, chairman, and Mrs. Rita Cameron, — secretary- {reasurer, will conduct the meet- ng. - Also. meeting. on Jan, 5 is the Southfield chapter, Eugene Swem, chairman, and Mrs, Elizabeth Mol- of Southfield, Southfield Center, Lathrop and Franklin are invited field High School. A third meeting that be at the new Farmington’ ‘City! Hall, 33312 Grand. River, and will include meémbers -from Farming-| tori, Walled Lake, Novi and South, Lyon, : according ‘e E. .B. Tyler, | chairman. - nye / p ‘dent happened about 6:30 p.m. iar, secretary-treasurer. Residents| WASHIN GTON (AP )—President Eisenhower drove to Gettysburg: ‘today for a short Christmas visit -|according: to sheriff's deputies and, with his grandchildren He = left . by automobile about 8:15 a; m: and avas expected to returti to the White Houge within a few hours. : White “ Houge sources. said the President had hoped to make his Christmas visit to the ‘children Friday but was unable to do so -For Shrine Contest SAN FRANCISCO ‘back } out today; | _ West coach Bill Meek ‘of. Southern) | Methodist will. give his West’ squad shoveling snow - but coach Duffyhome. “‘He°was vice president and Flint workout |oifice-manageér of the Detroit: and: Northern Savings and Loan Assn. ta rest tomorrow, Daugherty ischeduled an for his East team. (AP)—Full- Smith of UCLA has.. Ray. 2 because ea, oe * * x of Michigan State! afternoon iments The East planned a single #ork- ‘Chester J. Sibiisky, the West planned two.inent Flint buginessman and civic; worker who died Thursday while! front of- monkey, bought Christmas will in Savings Executive. ‘of a pulled ‘leg Thuscle. Jim Weich Dies Shoveling Snow NO SUMMIT IN SIGHT — Americans in _1959 - an average ‘fot Southern Methodist will re- | Place kim. ELINT we — Funeral arrange- be made today 66, a) promi-| Eve, fled Europe and came I. * kok for ‘Power, Bette Davis and. ‘stage career, died Thursday his | ‘Lebanon Hospital. Amazon -river system ‘largest in the world. at confidence. Every Family facilities are available to you. of the la : i . e |: station where he: was . charged. : of Our Community . iE rwith disturbing the peace. He was : e ne . - if ‘released on $25 bond. eae is @ntitted to our services — our very best. There i no other : * * & requirement» only that your family needs us — and our entire : Ours is a most human and personal service, We assure you of our best efforts, and care that should be a part can cal! the Donelson-Johns Funeral Home with confidence, .as- sured of our personal service, our personal interest, and the very~ finest funeral service available — anywhere’ st rit eesaee Ps and worthy of your and of the dignity es for a loved one. You Parki ng {isis EE EEEESY yeene Phone 4-4511 Erwin, and Jack ©. Collier; 35, of 52 > * Danforth St., White Lake Township,|3e0 reed she pleaded y “'!premier. of Afghanistan, ~died ‘land Collier's wife, Rose, 34° | -. © © €. Thursday night in Kabul, Radio All were treated at St. Joseph) ‘Kabul_reported. | Merey Hospital and released, “The monk had strolled over ete oe from. a. neighbor's house after: + SL : legeaping from its cage. | NEW YORK (AP) — West Loses Fullback. Patrolman Ted.Therington was,Lessner, 61, ‘soldier, ‘diplomat, isent to the rescue, although he /néwspaper publisher and author in was off duty. It’ was his .iother's Europe for 25 years, died Thurs- day after a short ilness, Lessner to the “United States during Wor ld War noutrwooo (UPI) — Edmund Goulding, 68, a director who worked -with such stars as Tyrone Greta iGarbo during a 40-year movie and while ‘undergoing surgery at Cedars of, * a ‘is. the Because of ice-coated highways. Anne’ Wheaton, associate press secretary, said that in view of Eisenhower's plan to leave Sun- day for a vacation in Augusta,, Ga,, “it seemed the logical thing | to do.” i She said the President planned! to spend only about an hour with| his grandchildren—whom he has not séen since he left. Dec., 3 on his long good wil] tour. He prob-| jably will be ~back at the White ‘House for lunch, she added. . * * The four. grandchildren—David, | , 19; Barbara Anne,.9; Susan,. 8) —- Robert C. Frayer, 2530. Middlé and Mary Jean, 4—are with their ‘Belt Rd., wona five-day vacation parents, Maj. and Mrs. John Ei- ‘at the Fountainebleau Hotel in senhower at the younger Eisen- |Miami Beachy in: a recently held hower's Gettysburg home near’ the President's’ farm, . 2 Drivers Hurt in Waterford | Christmas Eve | Two .drivers were seriously in- jured in Waterford Township: traf-' ‘fic mishaps Christmas Eve. i In critical condition at Pontiac |General Hospital is Stuart Lager-: /gren, 36, of Kalamazoo. He suffered a fractured skull, , multiple. face cuts and possible | internal. injuriés when his car | went out of control on Hatchery | réad and smashed into a tree. | Township police said the acci- | Shortly after 9 p.m. a Waterford Township woman was injured when her car. collided with another auto on Williams Lake road near | M59 and then struck-a tree, police” said, * o* *. Beatrice B. Longbrake, 29, .of 237F Jones Rd., is in fair condition today, with head and facial injuries: Driver of the other car, Donald J. Gollinger, -37, ‘of Néwcroft St., Milford, was uninjured, # BRAKES RELINED = marie AND PANELS Picked up and oo GOLD CREST. BONDED /BRAKES : 78 omen * — Ra. - We woutd like to extend "at this time our best wishes to you and your loved ones. May your. Holiday be a eae Ra on ae eh merry one and filled witty aa - gogdwill! | “Pontiac Area Chamber of Commerce rs #) ee ry mee YT ee na Te The newest idea in built-in _ design*® ovens. TTT er Tee ee CARL SHELL ebaon Bulls Sabin’ 5 ‘Vaccine 2 Playground Bid Gate World Use , BEIRUT, Lebanon i?— A new our million dollar casino is part of Red ; ; art of s Adopt It Widely; a Lebanese pffort. to make this) * »P yi Still Isn‘t - Approved for General Use in U.S. Can be in- _ Stalled. at any height to fit your kitchen . Has twin power venting to remove all Odors. 4 - burrier> elernent can. be ‘easily lifted out for cleaning right in your dish- pan. Automatically timed outlets. oon ts tittle Arab country an inte rnational playground. . “WASHINGTON: (AP) — The country is well “endowed. evith natural-atiractions. CINCINNATI, Ohio (UPL). . wuntai (Dr. Albert, Sabin received a let-) | “erieturene “stue. Madife nemees | ter from a Russian medic al of. Lebanon, has the best hétels and {cial today. telling him nearly ,60. night life in the Middle East, |™illion Russians will be vaccinated! } And the climate any time of | lin the next five years. with the! ~ BUILT-IN ROTISSERIE Chrome lined banquet size with built-in rotisserie. Available in either 30” or the year compares taverably with (° al, live Virus polio vaccine the. 40", Width 212", Height Europe at its best: a. ‘Cincinnati researcher developed. we : 4a ee “ons ~ - . V2", Depth 15%2' 4 The Casino du Liban, one of; _ The letter from Professor A. 8. Lebanese have in their! Ex perimental Medicine in Lenin- country's. economy: ~~ Barely 15! grad also said Hungary has or- months ago this country was in dered compulsory vaccination of virtual civil war; business, was! all children ap to two years of - Jbrought to a standstill for five, age With the Sabin vaccine. months, Today all that is forgotten,’ pr sabin. 33, who has spent the. and Lebanon is ridjng on a WAVE Jast M~years working on his vac- of prosperity. cine, said he will go to Moscow. * * * Marth 15 to attend a meeting of) Lebanese businessmen who built ithe - Poliomyelitis Research ‘histi- he casing are spending Javishly.| tute of «the Soviet! Academy of ean Beauchet of Paris trained yiagical Sciences. Hé will stay four! a-special ballet for three MONS jays, ‘ . in the Moulin Rouge before bring- ing the girls to _Lebanon. OR 3-5043 a and SONS |. 4994 Dixie Hwy. Open Friday ‘til 9 P.M. * * * The meeting is part of a pro- The GOOD HOUSEKEEPING |°.... ‘gram of US-USSR conferences in several medic al fields. Under the joint program, re- search will be conducted at the | “Seviet Polio Institute, the Cin- SEAN SWEEP! has his Jaboratery, and the Na- -tional Institute of Health’s Di- Vision of Biologics Standards. More. thar 1] million persons in. Russie,Brilain. _ South’ Amertea and parts of Asia ‘and other Euro- pean countries have received the vaccine, whieh has riot yet been: approved for general use in’ the United States - y {Mackinac Bridge a Traffic Decreases | Savings on all Ranges, | ST. IGNACE ‘fic crossed the (UPI) — Less traf- ° 100-million-dollar Refrigerators, Mackinac Bridge in 1959 than in 1958,- Bridge Authority Chairman WwW h D ee Prentiss M. Brown reperts.~ as ers, i ryers, : en 2 a ‘ Fi Traffic dropped 10.5 per cent-and revenue 7.2 per cent, Brown said in his year-end summary ‘of bridge facts and statistics * *” “Month after month we reported reductions in traffic and revenues compared with 1958."" Brown said. “The traffic attracted to the | bridge by .its newness and dedi- cation publicity’ made 1958 a banner year. Experts teit us that 1959 was a more normal. - year, and that we can antici- pate steady growth in both traffic and revenues from here Freezers, Radios, T.Y.'s Etc. DON’T MISS OUT! Every Item Reduced days of- the year, the ‘gress revenue will SHOP . come to $4,761,700 and 1,244,627 ) . vehicles will have crossed the 51 W. Huron — FE 4-1555 Write Gompared with” $5,132,958 . . and 1.396.390 vehicles fort 1958 Woman’ s International League tor Peace ve and Freedom Reports to You _ THE BAN ON H-BOMB TESTING ENDS ON DEC. 31! | | i You Behter In - Oo EACE ON EARTH ACT NOW! Individuals and Organizations Urge a ~ Permanent End to H-Bomb Testing “of its curfew. the world’s largest, shows the opti- Smorodintsey of the Institate of - +-Call Today ~ fs tect ‘bands 'wanting to do pitched battle.” cinnati Children’s Hospital Re- | search Foundation, where Sabin | _ THE PONTIAC PRE ss. § SATU RDAY, Suburb Is Proud of Youth Curfew By STANLEY MEISLER = shouting “Down with curfew!” the Washington suburb of ‘Pleasant which has grown proud Since “Nov. 1, tt bey or under 18 may wander. me the, istreets . past. 10° p.m through Thurgday and past mid: ‘night Friday and Saturday. Neith- jer’ may. youngsters loiter with ifriends” in any establishment: be- yond those *hours " H they do, police them to Juvenile Court may take And thei The threat has been enough, Police say not one young hood- ‘tum has disturbed the: peace of tal nurse are-his mother, ; * Young Tony had been found un. cur conscious in his crib by his father who stayed home Christmas night to baby sit while his wife called an sped the child “to the hospital \ Physicians, would be Goodwin has.of death, ‘the community during this period. The nights of Seat Pleasant~ quiet now ] They were not always. The few -was installed, community officials said at the time, to pro- Seat Pleasant from and juveniles from communitiés who have other come “in. Mayor, Edward’ J. ho misgivings it's not just good, it’s excellent,” has received once blossomed on some walls in) more than 59 letters praising the Seat law and none against it “It represents ah awakening, on the. part of the paregts,” girl Goodwin” Says: oe Parents appear to be enthusius: The enthusiasm may be Signs, ‘‘ the says, about the law. ‘from teen-agers, ‘less sure -—Sunday tic Was “raiding He adding he. rae Dead Son ‘Rushed out and che: #9 Mother-Nurse parents and the establishment may be fined. In seven weeks of curfew, however,, ALTUS,”. Okla. (AP) ‘no one has been arrested or fined. Shepherd, Christmas said an ~ mi ide _DECE ALB: R 26, about the curfew Mayor however a seven-month-old boy, ‘was dead when examined by nurse on duty at*Memorial Hospi night The week Mrs. Clifton Shepherd. t worke a ambulante Tutopsy mevement, ta seck the cause coats “* 130 Yuletide Sales ~ Up Over 1958 Linens, ‘ Holiday Foods dnd Fashion. Accessories Lead Boosters NEM minute YORK CPi ~ A last- Christmas... shopping erately (ager a year ago, Dun & 3radstyeet, Inc reports Although warm weather im sone areas held downy winter apparel sales, marked gains did occur in women's tashion accessories, sportswear, clectyic housewares linens and holiday food specialties, New car sales renained sluggish result of lumnited ventorios, the statistical as a agency sad the DAB reported the total dollar retail trade in the ended this Wednesday at to 5 per cent) highdr volume of ranging fren $ fo & per cent higher in the Middle Atlantic State\_to 4 per cent lower to 3 per cent higher in the West South h Central,” , In contrast to the irsua} seasonal men's suits and top a better showing. than did furnishings. Over? men's ap Ay ° mate tush. Uhis week boosted retail trade mode -— dealer in- than a - sear age with regional estimates | parel volume was modergtely bet: wo Rae 7 American interests oie’, ot: eZ ter than the 1958- week. Furs, lin- rights itr Iran in 1937. children: ‘S~ goods _ re- D&B gerie and mained well over last yen, said, . While promotions helped vulume in ‘television sets and hi-fi rise over’ a year ago, interest-in other ma-: jor appliances remained closé to 1968 ke vels Pe “Tho Glenn HW. Griffin \——ams: | FUNERAL “HOME. 46 Williams st. 24-Hour Ambulance Service , é vale ¢ & “EDWARD'S ‘ GOING OUT OF CLOTHING . BUSINESS. Entire stock of wool suits, overcoats ond jackets. Wool slacks, 50% | off, 500 all wool suits at $10 Ae SAGINA aw arks Griffin ughtful Service” Phone FE 2-584] ~ “WARDROBE “1038 Baldwin -: " REGULAR PICK-UP - ie DELIVERY CLEANERS FE 2-9289 ri + SEARS piels-lild @ 1 lek@e) SHOP SEARS SPECIALS MONDAY NIGHT ‘TIL 9 “ No Phone Orders C.0.D.'s or Deliveries! - Be Smart, Be Thrifty—Monday and Every Day, You Can Be Sure of Extra Savings at Sears! Open Mon. & Fri. Nights Until 9 Shop Tues., Wed., Thurs. & Sat. from 9:30 to 5:30 Save on “D” Handle Snow Shovel J 99° Reg. ; ? QS this, ex wings on our D } » shovel. ,Hard woc Steel blade Sdve 99? 1.29 Ice Chipper Pretty Patterned Pillowcase Tubing “Reg. 1.59 99¢ pr. Charge lt, with our custor sale priced!” Fi ch ‘ ston seamles: ih - ing Her stitch: or lace edge Notions Dept. Mata Fleor “WRITE President Eisenhower Senator Pat McNamara - Senator Philip Hart — Representative William Broomfield ie Reig ite — URES é ™ - ~ Naw : : exe C Foll- out harms you and your children. Millions of dollars spent: for bombs should be millions of | dollars for schools; hospitals and better living. . THE BAN ON tt BOMB: TESTS MUST BE EXTENDED PERMANENTLY NOW! | For Further Information Call SEO I FE 4 4.0164 | - Folding Chair With _Fesy-tore Features “Reg. 3. 9 2. 22 Charge tt. Sturdy consitudion ay gauge channel steel with tolled edgés Form fit-back. Vinyl plastic seat cover. Bronze & eggshell finish. Furniture Dept., Second. Floor CHARGE IT Hardware Dept.. ~ You. still. “blue sapphire“ _ Hinged mounting beck’: plate. Reg. j 98 Charge .It: have: VTS Main Basement 1 two years to go on license plates. Protect ther with this gleaming rusf proof chrome plated license” a Si OW, rugged complete 8-piece Bunk Outfit ‘77 Reg. $5 Down : nO} if rec ern styling big iray Vago! a And ION dogs, EN dure v~iae # - } 4 Cc ao * uday Top! fi op©r 15 attrresses, guardrail a . 4-Drawer Matching Chest or 4-Drawer Desk -— $33 $$ Dewn - Your Choice MONDAY ONLY! | Allstate License Frame Fits All. 6x12-in. Plates ... You Save 65° $433 So your present frame. Plastic . win ee inte Aceessetios Dept. Main Bosement ‘y *. - MONDAY ONLY! | Drapery Depi a oe oe i Se a . 3 * e Reg. 4.98 Seamless Twin Size 99 Mattress Pads On Sale : , ~ - Charge It Bleached s fitted, easy-on easy-off ces fine y muslin. Double: stitched for extra ‘wear ~Comr y sanforizad (less th hgink kage). Full Fitted | eg. $98.00 ee 4.99 Domestic Dept. EOLLDY Vanes 2 wash cotton \\' ‘Care-free Knit Rayon Boucle 40x81-in: Panels Reg. 14g Charge I! Main Floor pn ce . & pee ee oe -~. pa By ee ae oe Af a ee a ae Rib enAs SEN ec hi GARE DEE + “Main Floor as, J seat were er | include coltons ' } lengths. -Fairloom FABRICS regularly 39¢ to 59c 2 8, Just Say Charge It Big assortment crease-resistarttpercales ever-glazes and embossed section’ They're in wonderful colgrs. convenient 1-to 10 | yard 154 North Sopinew- St. Rees FE bebe 7 ? of lovely cottons. br oadc] loth 1s, . Prettiest prints and 96-in. wide. F 7 ee ‘Yard.Gopds Dept. - tr mee Pine) oe : eee Sen