x * * Arrest in Budapest Sparks New Revolt BUDAPEST @ — Tens of thou- sands of Budapest workers it work again today only a few hours after returning to their fac- tories at the end of a two-day na- tionwide general strike. The new walkout was in protest against the arrest of the ‘chairman of the Budapest Central Workers’ Council and his chief assistant by the Russian-imposed government of Premier Janos Kadar. There was a total] walkout in the industrial lth District .of Buda- pest, which has many textile and tool plants. Informed sources reported the boss of Russia’s secret police, Gen, Ivan Serov, has taken over control of Kadar’s government in a desperate effort te end the con- tinuing -widespread-resistance to Communism and Moscow con- trol, The situation in Hungary now is eo chaotic that the Russians are reported running matters entirely, in effect replacing the government of Kadar. * a LJ The approaches to the Hungar- jan Parliament building, seat of the government since the outbreak | of the rebellion against Commu- | Russian tanks and armored cars. This dispatch was received in Frankfurt during a brief break in the four-day communications| blackout between Budapest and the West. At least six persons were killed tn riots and clasbes with Russian yesterday and fighting in the pro- vincial towns of Eger and Mis- ne, * 6 — : thinking than anything else. There government makes an announce- ments captured during World War Ili showed he signed the order. just before the German attack on Russia in June 1941, under which thousands were exiled to Siberia from the Baltic Republics ‘of Lat- via, Lithuania and.Estonia. Ex-Yugoslav Official _Djilas Gets Sentence LONDON _ (AP) — Yugoslavia’s former vice president Milovan Diilas was sentenced to three years imprisonment at hard labor for spreading hostile bebe rd hn Igrade Radio announced yester- Communist of Yugoslavia, was | tried in secret. Me was areested - Nov. 27. The state: cliarged thet o. state- mate he gave to a forign news an actche br pebtiened The Animals’ Christmas B-11 in a New York magazine, Thé} County News ........... D-ll New Leader, constituted “a slan-| Editorials ..:........... » As der and spread of lies about our Food News ...... D-l to D-10 foreign and. domestic policy.” Sports ......s.s06 E-1 to E-8 Dijilas denounced Yugoslavia for Thealers 2.0.66. cccceevee E-9 not coming out vigorously in sup- port of the anti-Soviets in Hungary. | ‘\him of offering her $90 for six “i % ee ¢ AP Wirephote CITY IN TROUBLE — A Russian soldier carrying an automatic’ nism, were blocked by masses of weapon stands guard along a Budapest street and watches pedes- trians move along. Behind him, a crimes under its new martial law. sidewalk discussion is going on between a man carrying a briefcase and another Budapest citizen. Hungary’s Red government has décreed death for all convicted of —— _| Dulles told the annual min- conference that) America reserves the right) © ~|Heinrich von Brentano warned that ~if- Hungary's revolution -f ¢v-er|-— Aftermath of Ouster Arrest Madison Justice} on Charge of Indecency harles O. Williams, Madison Heights assoctate Jus- tice of the Peace, was arrested on a Kalamazoo County gross indecency complaint yesterday only minutes after he was ousted from office by Lt. Gov. Philip A. Hart. Williams, 48, was arrested by State Police after dodg- a > Dulles’ Warning Chills Harmony of NATO Parley Tells Ministers U.S. Without Consultation lantic Treaty Organization shivered today under cold blasts from the United States and West Germany. U. 8S. Secretary of State isters’ to act alone in certain parts West German Foreign Minister spread to Communist East _|many, nobody could tell how big! — the blowup would be. Reserves Right- to-Act}- | PARIS (#—The harinony session of the North At- lof the world without con-|. | lsulting NATO. Venerable Ships Burn Over Grave Management and union attempt to settle the Fisher Resume Bargaining Talks to End Fisher Body Strike the bargaining tables today ag yesterday's “no indication of settlement,” according to a top union vAttet two hours of bargaining this moming, no fur-|!dians. representatives returned to ‘geven-hour| Body Division strike showed ther Capitol Building at the close of the five-hour re- moval hearing before Hart. Removal proceedings were brought against Williams after an 18-year-old Ferndale girl accused trips to a motel with him. Patricia Dawn Slate said the offer was made when she went to Williams’ house to ask him to reduce the jail sentence he had passed on her boy friend, “Tt is my conclusion that the ~Katantazoo - (Continued on Page A-19, Col. 7) In Today's Press. He criticized Yugoslav domestic and foreign policy. ing through the halls of the>- Ousted 3 ar Wirephote FORCED OUT — Paul Magliore, who served for six years at presi- today. (See account on Page E-9) Ice Halts Lake Ships SAULT STE, MARIE ® — Ice Wileos, Earl ........... ~. Baa Women’s Pages .. C-4 to C-16 Peeeperdeeeeeeave oe. C1 NATO officials emphasized that the declaration is a Western state- ment of policy designed to quiet any fears in Russia that the West is preparing to launch an attack to liberate the peoples of Eastern Sell Plates by Mail? _ lature probably will be asked to license plates by mail on a trial basis in a limited area of the state. SHOPPING DAYS LANSING # — The 1957 legis- authorize sale of Michigan auto TO CHRISTMAS rossi ment. Negotiations were scheduled to resume again’ at 2. Landam Huff, international rep- resentative of the UAW, said, “As A Fisher Body Division official in Detroit said union officials had handed management a settlement proposal yesterday. “‘We have re- ceived the proposal and are study- ing it,” he added. When a five-day bargaining ses- (Cofttinued on Page A-19, Col. 2) Police Vote Yes: on Civil Service to Carry Proposals to Replace Trial Board Pontiac police officers last night Happy Holidays! Mr. Fish Need a Chuckle on This Cold Day? anything you-can,” 9-year-old- Russell Edgar Deloach added ina + satihclsis “Uadik ocr sad Gee tei ANiae tequstond eld MAYSVILLE, Ky. — -— The -ing on — even-on the shady side of the law. Vandals broke into the ’s office at the Allen F, life of-a fish is not-necessarily-an-+- unhappy one. About 15,000 gallons of grain alcohol sank in tlie Ohio River near here when a tug rammed a barge. op agalage day, brewed HOTS ccccesvecscsccveseese And or no 0ees eo és “BROOKINGS, Ore. || ind 2.8 nes ot rain in the pat thre day. 1 teveda sa | ported. PAWTUCKET, R. 1 wn — Seven years-ago, Martin Mancogian’s oil truck rolled unattended down James Street, smashed through a fence and struck a house on Pleasant Street. Yesterday, Martin _ Manoogian’s oil truck rolled unattended down James Street, smashed AKRON, Ohio un — Somebody swiped one that J. $. Hartenstein told police he spent three weeks of spare "time building out of plywood. He said someone took the jolly St. Nick wie se oe ne tell me if you are real. Sign yes . 4 Senta, Claes =~ 0 10doot fluence over the beard, _ ‘The trial board has denied the allegations, go5 nad j a it ai] i i toward the tre’ operon Weather Prohibiting ws Canada Plane Search Want City April Ballot oat Herbert W, Straley’s alleged in- |. s 2 f aE £8 hee VANCOUVER (AP) —One hour of “unlimited visibility” might be enough te permit finding a missing crashed with 62 persons in the mountains of southwestern British Fair and Cold airline? Which 1s feared to have/i¢ 99 IG : The lowest temperature preced-| ing 8 a.m, in Pontiac was 18 de- grees. At 2 p.m. the mercury registered has ? ae Bes mt gunn os led END OF AN ERA — A colorful part of Great ar woeptete| Moscow troops out of Lakes history vanishes in smoke over Lake St. tion lastnight: The ships finally went under after pa Aaya ye Clair as the D & C steamers Greater Detroit and Lt Ce sians to “permit ‘soemna the Eastern States burn during a salvage opera- candie was used. es ment of the politics ence of Morning Session Fails Today's Forecast: Weather to Last Only 55 flights and 166 searching hours- have been possible so far. Epistles fo Santa ~ Confer on Railroad Surety Gate i lof Newspapers Sid Ror SF gh 1 Seat Gee eo he ‘roups to Sing ia ___. 'PHE-PONTIAC PR . = a Mrs. Mrs. Patrick Henry Doyle the daily programs, says Mrs. Charlies. Stark, lean teller, in charge of arrangements for the carol The programs this year will start: will inelude “St. Michael High: School Mixed Glee Club under the | Boys and Girls-Glee Clubs under: ‘the direction of Margaret Snyder ‘| Goodtellow Sale Set for Saturday Ay iE i i i { t ; i f vi iday. School Paper ferson Junior High School's mixed ‘der the direction of Dominic Kline will present the final program a Fourth, Fifth Bodies —— and Leonard Griffin at noon Tues-| ca * * The Washington Junior High direction of Faith Cook will sing carols at 11 a.m. Wednesday and LeBaron Schools Mixed Chorus di- rected by Rosemond Haeberle are scheduled for noon Thursday, On Friday, Dec. 21 at noon, Jef- 3 H Doyle, of 524 Hickory St., Milford died yesterday morning in Pon- tiac General Hospital, She was 69. ~ She was bora in Montreal, Que- Mr. and Mrs. Seymore Abel. Mrs. Doyle was a member of. BIRMINGHAM—Christmas rush is on and with 175 added personnel| ; on the Post Office staff, Asst. next Monday, Mrs. Stark said and bec, Canada on Nov, 14, 1887 to/ Postmaster Eugene Beers» says, “We have reached approximate- Postmaster ‘Roland Reese and Margaret ‘Tewilliager interview phospects at 8:15 a.m. and 3 p.m./ direction of Sister Eulalia at noon; St. Mary's Catholic Church of Mil-| ithe Eastern Junior High School ford and the Altar Society of her church. She leaves six children, Doyle of Central Lake, re, in 0 New Officials fades. = at Conference Doyle of Alpena, Mrs. W. H. Rug- gles of Birmingham, Mrs. Norman W of Milford and Mrs. E. A, Reitmeyer of Pontiac and 12 grandchildren, | A sister, Mrs. Alice Dubay, is living in Minneapolis, Minn. The Recitation of the Rosary will be at $ p.m. Friday in the This Week Oakland County Men Attend MSU Meeting spends about two hours a day at the job. Beers says “Christmas cards daily at the post office. Each ; Snatched Wrong Purse =O si«ic'*&E DALLAS ® — Marcia Ellis, 14, was standing at a corner waiting for her bus, She told police a man Eastover Class Writes Its Own Yule Story BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP~“A ‘Chiistmas Story,” written by sixth presented next 7:45 p.m. ; . One member of the sixth grade, Susan Johnson, and’one trom the ; le; _ChristieSadler, will Tuesday atisp cents, She dropped her books, gave chase, landed the cul- Our "Best Seller” . . » because it offers luxury | are inereasing daily.” | * * * Birmingham High School, co-spon- | sored by the City Recreation Board © and Community House, will hold! = ‘top interest at tonight's meeting |” -ef the Reereation Board. — | The board will discuss the prog- ress report on the Eton Par | Skating Rink. Six Oakland County officials! Final discussion of plans for The New Year’s Dance for,< k, end quality at a very modest price. | Eastover School will be| grabbed her purse containing only = Richardson - Bird Funeral. Home, Milford. The Rev. Richard Haney will officiate at the service at 10 a.m. ‘have attended the Michigan State | University Newly Elected Officers Conference in Lansing this week.’ the heckey league, which will i start games next week will be © FULL LENGTH |Saturda |Mary’s Cemetery, Milford. y in the St. Mary’s \Sistant drain commissioner, Harold Dorman Shay “Monday, Dec. 24, St. Frederick High School Mixed Glee Club un- i 12:30 for broadcast purposes. jan music through the week will be played by Mrs. S. M. Dud- ley, A special program at noon be given by Mrs. Dudley. ing in St, Joseph Mercy Hospital. He had been ill 12 weeks. - | , Born in Watkins Glen, N. Y. on im the three-day conference, spon- New county officers are Daniel * Barry, drain commissioner: |Daniel T. Murphy Jr., register of | ideeds; and Robert >. Allen, as- 62. of 170. Retiring drain couunissioner | Harsh Dorman Shey, 6, Ralph A. Main, Probate Judge | | Arthur E. Moore and Prosecutor | Frederick C, Ziem participated |! Junior basketball, to start after \ the holidays, also will be discussed. | Albert G. and Ellen McKain Shay. . of 8°Ted by the Michigan Institute Feb. 13, 18%, he was the son ot Local Gove: mt and the MSU_ College of Business and Public Service, The conference was held to ac- quaint new county officials with the everyday operation of their! offices. Mr, Shay attended Cornell Uni- versity, majoring in electrical. en- gineering. He came tg Pontiac from South Haven four years ago. A projectionist at the Huron The- ater, he was a member of St. An- shop for fledgling drain commis- | sioners, Judge Moore and Ziem their duties. a eee A. _|floor of the twin-engine craft when private plane crash in Lake Erie Saturday were recovered yester- day. The bodies of Mr. and. Mrs. Richard Kurtz of Grosse Pointe Park. were found pinned to the it was raised from about 12 feet of water near Port Maitland, Ont. The bodies of the other victims were washed ashore Tuesday. They were those of Wesley H. Hopp, 320 W. Sunnybrook Dr., Royal. Oak, and Mr, and Mrs, Mi- chael McFadden, also of Grosse’ The plane, en route from New Auto Racing Crash Takes Third Victim | DETROIT w@— An automobile crash in Lincoln Park claimed its third victim today. Frank Szabo, 23, of Detroit, died -day and return Dec. 23. It jand resettlement . |refugees.”’ The conference Bliss of Grand Rapids and Airman lst Class Rennee Chevallier, U.S.A.F, England, and one grand- child Service will be at 10 a.m. Sat- urday from St. Andrew's Episco- pal Mission with the Rev. Waldo Judge James E. O'Neill of Sagi- 7 naw on “The County Officer as a/N Leader in Citizenship.” Find Battered Body R. Hunt officiating. gremation Pall . . ‘ is Mag. Friends may. call_at abel Downriver Suburb |: COMPARE PRICES _ Pursley Funeral Home from 7 ‘ Anywhere DETROIT w—The body of an. unidentified man, the head crushed’ o'clock this evening until 8:30 Sat-| urday morning when the body will be taken to the church. Ni f Vi if Austria in the downriver suburb of River-. IXON 10 VIS! 1 | view, : . | Police Chief Andrew Davis said’ Study Refugee Plight = ms, ay. tre, teen sun time after an early morning ‘snowfall. Footprints in the snow AUGUSTA, Ga. (AP) — Vice jed to the gangplank of the steam- President Nixon will fly to Austria er Wyandotte, tied up at a dock next week —at President Eisen-| near the garage. hower’s request—for first-hand) pavis said crewmen aboard the study of Hungarian refugee prob- boat would be questioned, The Wy- what further aid the United States! week at the dock just south of the can give. eee | Grosse Tle toll bridge. | The Wyandotte was invotved ina Together with arranging for tragedy at Alpena Nov. 28, Nixon to visit Austria, into which) 4 crew niember, Anthony Santey more than 100,000 Hungarians 22 backed his car off the dock have fled, Eisenhower created 8 nogt to the freighter. He was sa 15member presidential commit- fiance anoth tee on Hungarian refugee reliet.| Out oat and er git The White House statement said’ Nixon will leave Washington Tues- Court Awards $20,000 that the Purpose is consultation jn Divorce Settlement h American, an | Mrs. Mary F. Christian of Bir- ternational Relief Agency officials mingham was awarded a divorce on problems “relating to relief| snd $20,000 cash yesterday by Cir- of Hungarian |-uit Judge George B. Hartrick. Her husband, John D. Christian, <|Busmen Sign Contract ~jvice president of the Acme Foun- dry Co. in Detroit, will keep’ their __|$60,000__home—at-—755—Waddington Breaks In ‘to Wash Up’ ‘Inc. and city bus drivers an- yended 100 days of negotiations and FLINT ®—Flint Coach Lines,/Rd. under terms of a settlement arranged by a Mrs. Christian, who charged | “extreme mental cruelty,” had asked for the home and for alli- mony. Besides the cash, she was awarded the household furniture. | nounced agreement on a new con- tract last night. The settlement averted a threatened bus strike set for Saturday. @eeececeenes Main was chairman of the work-| and Jane Peoosececceseseecece Severs. * * The YMCA Church Basketball | , 8 and 9 o'clock will see First fethodists face PYYTTTTITT TT ? “DENVER «@—Alcario R, Galle- -|gos, 17, wag arrested in a filling, station rest room. ‘I just like) -j¢lean Mands,” he told police. He later admitted he broke into three stations “‘just to wash my, was missing from the stationg. He was held for investigation. at this stage, now that Murray D. Van Wagoner and C. C. McMon- their party’s nominating picture. Van Wagoner, a former goy- ernor and highway commissioner, service -hands,”’ but — police said nothing. at an obviously strong candidate | i pete it ett HE E Sa Wash ‘n’ Wear N * All Sizes 3 to 6x ry ae oF 7 ake fur ot ek rg j Within ae ae ; ; } if » & If Not ‘Specially Purchased’ --- You'd Pay $3.50 to $5.00! Beautiful HOLIDAY Styles Girls’ Dresses BIG SISTER ma SIZES—7 to 14... sp $1.99 * Dan River and Permatit i * Wrinkl-shed Ne-lron All Cearanteed Flew Quality Buy Now for Gifts: _ at Great Savings — Popular pert ‘n’ pretty shirtwaist charmers and At the rink, the first skating) Lutherans; ® e ° ° 34-INCH $1.25 Values—now ..........98¢ 4 1.50 Values—now ........ 1.19 = : “Flexoplane” e175 Values—anow . ae 4 , $2.00 Values—now .5......$1.49 : S$ $3.00 Values—now ........$1.98 4 $ Big selection of shapes and sizes, £4 : Usually Priced $3 to $4 crystal and colored glass. 3 te Meet Sere | a : COSMETICS +Main Floor $ e e. e e : ° ° OF OOOO OSOSOOOOOOEOSOOOOHOHOE OSH OHOOS SOSH SOOSOSOOOH ESOT OOO OOEEOSOHOHOOOHECE Gowns ‘$495 @ Choice of 4 Colors -@ All Sizes—34 to 44 - Shirred lace and shoulder- wide ruffling animates the garland neckline of the ultra - feminine gown = in carefree Celanese Tricot. | Gathered skirt, Empire mid- rif. Also in ‘Shortie’ style. SAVE 20% to 33% on Genuine De Vilbiss Glass Perfume ATOMIZERS E $1.00 Values—now ... oe oe — Perfect Gift for FRESH ORANGE JUICE LOVERS! Below Famous Maker's Cos ‘BIVAL’ JUICE-0-MAT 5 citric sone 5 Juicer Exactly as ’ Shown rt extracts Modern = fuice' quickly, «, Rem Perfect for Your Own Holiday Table Boye? and Glrle’ Styles Washable Twill — = pies. ve ral phages ae j ! Be ts Sp Seat -s Aaa a eae a ree & st 50 — Deluxe Upholssered = Spring Seat TT HH UNNNUTTUUUUNI i} g JUST ARRIVED —Sel Starts om ‘ROCKERS | -. Not $10 . . Not Even $8.95... 7 fumiture. Durable, aoe olan upholstered in choice of colors. TOY DEPT. iad Floor With GENUINE 100% Wool i,coune Loafer Sox —for the Entire. Family! BOYS’ LOAFER Sizes 1 49 7t09 Choice of argyle or western designe in all popular s and combinations. Ma any Styles Men’s Loafer Sox 4 po hw Bla yeroedie 98 REGULAR SIZE—AN! Popular CIGARETTES | =. 1.89 ce Choose your - favorite brand for giving this Christmas. All ema 9” Infants Loafer Sox o~ Mj 4/4, Ue ot —— Famous ey ty sfetest al ae Where Everybody Saves More! 5 . | - PRESH STOCK im time for Gift-) Giving. Choose from our large stock of famous names. Combination Special Ball Point Pen & Lighter $2.00 Value NATIONALLY ADVERTISED | Men’s Famous ‘FRUIT-OF-THE-LOOM’ Fine Count BROADCLOTH Dress Shirts DE 9 ee i HT iil ’ . Ladies’ aa If Purchased Regularly . . . You'd Have to Pay at Least $5! = We dag 9 a close-out so now we can sell ‘ j mas these BELOW the wholesale price we for- & us = merly 33 for them, ‘i BOYS’ and GIRLS’ Matched Sets Matched Flannel Shirts ae | CORDUROY: Pants with = ‘2 Pieces for— Sizes 3 to 6x @ All 1st Quality @ Washable Non-Shrink , @ Blue or: Red SLACKS are pinwale corduroy, fully lined with warm flannel with pockets and cuffs trimmed. SHIRTS are Sanforized flannel in. patterns to match trim and pants lining. Detachable but- ton-on suspenders. Elastic waist “pack for perfect fit, 3 Compare Pico Anywherel Save on Gifts ot Sian... Where You - No bade Me qu COMPLETE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Bi SIMMS HAS A BIG SELECTION OF DRESSER SETS ‘There's One for Your Favorite Girl’ 4-PIECE dons a8 Box 6-PIECE Heart Box DRESSER SET 8-PIECE Deluxe Box Dresser Set —Main Floor 2 Imm. » me Every Gal Can Use ea Regular $3.00 LADIES’ STOCK at SIMM D-4\ AUTOMATIC SAI . > Electric = , $19.95 Value—Now 44" : Perfectly controlled heat by simply setting the dial... no watching. Foods are more delicious—right at the table —~just plug into outlet. (Cover extra.) $15.95 Egg Cooker, now il. 88] $19.95 Jr. Mix- master, now $27.95 8-Cp. Perculator $18.88 $28.50 Toaster, now . . $18.50 -$38.95 Coffeemaster. $25.88 $24.95 Hair Dryer. . . $19.95 $24.50 Deep-Fryer now $16.88 $48.50 Mixmaster, now $29.88 $23.95 Fry‘Pan, 1144” $17.88 $27.95 Sauce Pan... .$18.88 — ge a AUTOMATIC | POP-UP szos 4900 V GENERAL QD ELECTRIC — ff Steam ‘n Dry Electric Irons 1 No ELE ae Shakin RIC With CORN Pe POPPER ua ag tem a tone RR minum, — with gine $17.95 Value BEST VALUES in Our History! FF 528° PHONOCRAPHS \\ Plays All Speeds — 33-45 and 78 RPM ‘ Me \ Regular $24.95 Value get gee = 2in-l Combination : Radio and Phon ogroph: Enjoy radio programs or any speed record —- 33-45 and 78 RPM, Handsome case. USE FREE LAY- AWAY, Hamilton-Beach Electric Food 2 in GLEAMING CHROME Regular $60.95 * With MIX TIMER * With JUICER UNIT BRAND NEW in GLEAMING CHROME, lifetime STAINLESS bow! control gets closer to ; 1 ey va hacer ong emg 3 Sagres ere ee eee ee ae — ' i 4 4 2s ic } | > ul THE . PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER, 15, 1956 - = 4 | ae ats : i . e pee “PONTIAC'S GREATEST | _gift-pertect! only... thread slippers . gifts! Hy isk “si = : 8, . , . Charge Yours at ! a HH een - Waite's .., Street Floor GIFT APPLIANCES | AT THE LOWEST PRICES - IN TOWN! by G.E. yy = Gt tem lon wed dy tm sed moe GE AUTOMATIC ~~ women than any Other make. Li , handy BLANKET - fabric dial, even fio stearn. Reg. 14.95. ..12.95 GE Portable Electric Mixer Warmth without weight. Custom Ep Senet miles oot ee contoured corners. Sleep Guard con- ful enough for most any mi. trol. Washable, mothproof. Turquoi four mix or match colors. nee 1195. 17.95... “15.95 red, po green, pink and blue, One year guarantee/ / Twin sige 2... 6. ne ceee 29.95 : oo _ Double dsingle control) ,.....34.9 Charge yours at - GE Automatic Toaster Double (deal control) ...... “tae Waite’s . . . Fourth Floor Has the _most_simple, most dependable nts ‘over developed. Reg. 17.95. 50.13:50-— _ One year guarentee! -GOLD SLIPPE Hand crocheted stretchable gold ond . made in the “Lady Buxton Convertible.” Remember, the . Virgin Isles by Famous Gus- men in your: life,“too! tave. So comfortable for lounging ond. easy living. Choose sizes S-M-L- XL. Buy now for 2° starting at 3.95 Pontiac’s greatest Buxton selection. Buxton French Purse-— the duo wallet and coin purse . . . convenient and secure, Carry more pictures and credentials in Pag “Con vertible’ by Buxton . 64x82" spun rayon and cotton. 54” x 72" 1. ...... 60” x 108" ...... ‘ Nepkins 17" x17". Waites ... Fourth Street Floor... Leather Goods - dress up the holiday table IRISH-LINEN DAMASK SETS Hemmed and hemstitched. Rose and Chrysanthemum patterns in white. 64” x 100”, 12 naps... 52" x 52", 4 nops H. S..... 6.98 , 52” x 68", 6 naps H. S..... 8.98 ‘ 64” x 84", 6 naps H. S.... . 12.98 64".x 104”, 12 naps H. S.. . 16.98 Waite's .... Fourth Floor “WHITE CHRISTMAS” TABLECLOTHS 98 54x54” “White Christmas’ Holiday print 60” x 80" .......... $5.98 60” x 90" «oc eee $6.98 «. $8.98 -49¢ each your Best gift or < RS | WALLETS. by Buxton © rember, the 23 Karat Gold Initialing ) while you wait! Mr. Lioyd, Buxton representative in the De-- partment ali SS es 9” -ae V498 _. $3.98 Floor All Vinyl “Feel of a Real Baby” TEAR DOLL ‘BIG 14-Inch Marx 57-Pc. TRAIN OUTFIT ~ at HALF PRICE! You would $20.00 if each piece were pur- = Sivardicty! Here's a fabulous buy Reg. $20 to delight the heart of your youngsters! A - total s pieces of playtime fun! Train is a super 41” long, track a big 102” oval! All " the cars ore metal and the locomotive hasa ei light! Among the pieces are a 34-pe. rail- - fread vil set, 1 locomotive with headlight, Gg _ tender, | cor, 2 sections straight track, 8 sections straight track, 1 30-watt trans- former {U.L. app:}, t lock-on connector, 6 telephone poles, 1 gondola car, | caboose. Boys’ and Girls’~ Electric BICYCLE - Portable Record - | oki 39” Player 1 @ Lightweight yet jude frame 9” @ Coaster brake, double ber @ Luggage carrier, headlight se iM @ Boys in bright metallic red | U. &. approved. record @ Girls in attractive blue player operates on stand- . Whiteside butyl tires. end tubes ard AC current, plays all “78 ppm S records up-to @ Spring two-tone color seat 12", yee wood frame carrying case. Included Mey Kids! Join Waite’s 8 Club! * are loud and soft needles, 5.00 Down 1.20 per Week 6 children’s records that i play 12 songs! Weite’s . . . Rownstaits Toyland ; ~ Buy Yours Today. ai Waile's. . . Downstairs Store : — M id dleweight sr SPRING HORSE For the little cowboys and Valued at cowgirls. Four heavy plated 14.98 springs support horse in a nea frame. Natural 98 nae 19” wide, e pee jong. Get a es TRUCK SET “Welle Tofend BUCKING BRONCO Struck ibe | i ee ties ere SEE tears swell right up in her 5 98 Set he her drink and sar her rooted 9 98 hair, can be combed and Reg. ° washed! : COMPLETE WITH LAYETTE ENSEMBLE A doll value so exciting it's hard to believe! The tear. doll does just about everything — she cries real tears right from her eyes (not from out of little Pie. -holes), she drinks, she wets she’s sure to steal any child’s heart away! Along with the carrying Case you oth a dress, bonnet, panties, clothespins, a bottle, pe and diapers! At Christmas or any other time a comparable * doll would cost $5 more! But #* now and save—1!.00 holds’ in Layaway “ae NER ee THE PONTIAC PRESS, ‘HURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1956 Our washable. wonder! JERSEY DRESS — RHINESTONE RIOT values from 1.99 ~-§.00-to-7:50—only A glorious prelude to the holiday season . . . stardusted necklaces, bracelets, pins, and earrings. Each piece is so exquisitely detailed and hand set with fine imported . stones. They moke such wonderful gifts for anyone on your Christmas list! Buy for yourself . , . for gifts! Charge Yours at Waite's ... Street Floor .\ never before such savings on the leading brand of SALE! -MEN’S PAJAMAS Never, no never have you been offered such a low price on these prestige pajamas! We can’t mention names but their famous label is on every pair! This exciting collection is teeming with value, with every wanted style! Choose yours to- morrow and some for gifts—better be early! A, B, C, D. oweeet RED NITEY-NITE; 99 Boy's fine imported woven ging- LEEPE RS sha 3 > hen Sportshirt, long sleeves, wash- Hy 99 S . 4 able. Assorted plaids. By Rob Roy. 8.98 e. e@ Girls’ taffeta skirts . . lovely. @ - : solid col “ with nylon 6 0 2O..cccecsee: 2.98 7 we ° net petticoat. Adjustable waist- All wool interlined B 15 :. “a pion 4 no ‘ girls’ hooded car coats hme 3 All-elk upper with white § “rca! and Peacoc Chino SLACKS : in, weatherproof fab- ¥ 3 stitching. Fully lined, yl to one ve peter Pen ‘slamey Setdacined wlll with od _rics- Popular toggle Red Nitey Nite sleepers in pe roger styles $ leather insole. Choose black $ collar, 4% length sleeves, rhine- dcathd closing, Sizes-7'to.14_ o. z whee: stone buttons, Sizes 7 to 14 in justable beck buckle. Cuffed, 6 - Closing. ze with sturdy plastic sole Completely : white , brown, . Comes “white, pink, and blue. to 18 in khaki and black. in red, beige, charcoal, washable and Sanforized. Buy y now for the _¢ in sizes 8 to 3. ee 2 98 ; 5.98 and navy. little ones ot Christmas! : ch Winn at ; gees: go ; iy Charge Yous at 3 Charge Your at Weide << Second Poe . Weailte's . . « Second Floor Waite’s . . . Second Floor Welte's . .. Second Floor Walte's .. « Second Floor SOHOHOHSSOSHSSHSHSHOSSSSSSHOSHSSSHSHSSSHSESOOHHSSOHOSSOSEES * e * cotton lothe extra protection, wooden toggle closings, ” :) ‘ wool quilt lining. In tan, sizes 36 to 42.- : @ ginghoms : . . * @ shirtings Charge Yours ot Waite's... Street Floor “ } @ solids, prints LEATHER COWBOY ; o rt 5.00 - 6.95 : The smart little dress with the famous . elastic waistband that curves the figure, fits all waistlines, can be worn with - or without the belt! Silky celanese jersey shrugs off wrinkles, packs, washes like fine lingerie! The dress of many lives . . . simple lines that can be accessorized for city or country. Eye- catching, fashion’s new style and colors .., sizes for_all. 1414 to 244 dnd 12 to 20 in melon, blue, beige and aqua. Charge Yours at Waite's .. . Third Floor a truly luxurious gift! Full-Fashioned ‘BAN-LON’ —— by Pandora : starting at | 6°® A gift that is adored by any gal... these truly luxurious full-fashioned Ban-Lon sweaters. 6.98 7.98 @ Cardigan............. 8.98 @ White © Pink ¢ Red ®@Camel © Black ® Blue © Maize ® Teal ® Pine Green ® Navy ® Brown Charge Yours at Waite’s » «+ Third Floor @ Short Sleeve Slip-over. . @ Long Sleeve Slip-over... don’t know his sise? 6ecor hee color preference? then give a WAITE’S GIFT CERTIFICATE! the perfect gift for the man in your life..... Dansheen Cotton 3 TOGGLE COATS ¥ Complete with 19. 9 gy ‘Removable Hoods To win his warmest thanks, give him this. handsome husky coat that’s ready for any weather! So wonderfully warm, yet so light on the shoulders. Removable hood for Reg. fier ene | ae ~y @ piped and trimmed les SPOHSOHSOHHOOOOH OOOOH OSHHOHHOHHOS OOOSOSOHHECOHOESOHSOHOOHHOOOS eet} wed @€00006060060660006680060 0000660600006 000006080000 | * é / ff ¢ Ce Eee a te aie ie 00060 \ dasiehsargeipessensesucssotecccssocodencatebensncsseioneds ; - ; Girl’ Fancy * HOLIDAY - SKIRTS | bal -* * 3 cozy warm 2b s’ cozy Warm CARCOATS: po t : B-9 JACKETS | Boys’ Ivy League SPORTSHIRT ssessensncnsasesecerececeresssssosorusasecasessensosececsoscononesoeees sesetneenesteentnesseneeneaneneeneunggpenrnenenesveaynnesnnten seesenannseecesesnnnendeseunsnenegeeuansengnsmmmresovsteccnnennetgcvonnanegesea * len Ga K f are” A ie the students. — Me % a = OF AUDIT ponsad OF “THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1556 cranes Facilities Are Here; | Let’s Put Them to Use Oakland County appears to final- = “lay be coming into tts own as a win- . ‘fer, resort, for which it prety nat = = his, in our opinion, is decid-- charged to the taxpayers, and even then be provided in a less ~ Jance to control. But we do not feel the game should be condemhed just because of its huge following. Big- ness in itself is not an evil. “Ir Takes 13 months and 6 days to hatch turtle eggs.” — Newspaper filler. ‘Not only that, but after all that time, the only thing that ever comes out of them is turtles. ; ———E——— Ir as said people in the drought areas are deriving a bit of vicarious pleasure out of listening to Jounny Ray sing “Walking in the Rain.” No TsxM of ridicule for those of ex- ceptional intelligence and erudition has ever been used with so much pleasure by jowbrows as reggheads. ” ‘The Man About Town cat reel the mates vation is easier to reach. You can drive your car on a four lane paved highway ‘Tight to the bottom of the slides. ‘Here six regular power tow lines are established, with another slow ee eee * A heated siege Siviaiorent ski | school and toggery shop are also a | part of the development. “But the biggest innovation is the snowmaking equipment, to provide for one of the shortcomings of nature itself. It ts possible to- manufacture | ‘enough artificial snow right at _ the slides to keep them all in se, whether there is natural “gow or not, and if nature -vill + ira cooperate enough to supply off. ee om car + | “ptis-ts-s-teature-not-avallable-in ‘most of the widely known ski resorts in our entire nation, and is expected to provide at least 100 days of good skiing each winter. All that Mount Holly lacks is the publicity that will make it a - ki magnet for an area of several ae toe. 3k Million Fans for Big Ten Teams Attendance records set by Big Ten | football teams during the past year run into fantastic figures. An all- | time high of 3,314,239 fans attended the 57 games, averaging 58,144 per game. The “Michigan-Michigan_ State game at Ann Arbor played to the largest crowd, 101,001 according to | official records. Michigan also had the largest Big Ten attendance for its home season, with 566,093 for {seven games. * x. .* ~ Attendance at other games in the conference undoubtedly was held down by stadium capacity. — tional material to those who charge that football is over- * gcheme ‘of higher education. -+We-think there are other conclu- sions to be made from the same set of figures. The Big Ten is. only a portion of the national football |geene. But in this league alone | three and a third million people ap- osnind spent enjoyable afternoons ga strictly American com- on fhe gate by the - ‘These figures may give addi- in the present-day ‘ ‘Longest on Dixie Business Street in Oakland County to Extend 42 Miles Old fashioned parents: Those who use good switches instead ef poor psychology. The Dixie Highway, through all of the 42 miles that it traverses Oakland Coun- ty, now is zoned exclusively for business purposes practically all of that distance. Most of the so-called rural townships on its route through. the county, like Independence, Springfield, Groveland and Holly, already have forestalled any future trouble in this respect. Hence, our portion of the Dixie seems scheduled to become the longest business street within a single county on its entire route from the upper Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico. Latest among our several townships to plainly mark their borders is Springfield, where roadside signs have been erected on every highway that enters it. They profit by the experiences of the past, and give a plain warning that hit-and-miss — construction is not allowed: “Entering Springfield Township; A Zoned Community.” The sentimens at a meeting of com- munity leaders at the Elks’ Temple Wednesday evening was that some of our state parks are being abused. However, A. J. Bogue, Manager of the Pontiac Division of the Automobile Club of Michigan under whose auspices the meeting was held, tells me there are fewer complaints about those in Oakland County than in other locations, And wée have more such recreational s than any other among the state’s 83 counties. Again I am reminded by Mrs. Herbert Fleetham of Huron Gardens that we should get our bird feeding stations in order. She ‘asserts that our feathered friends think so much of us that some of them are willing to endure a Michigan winter in order to be near us. They will need some _help when the ground is covered with snow. — An advance “Merry Christmas” is issued by the Pontiac army draft beard offices. They will also be closed on Dec. 24, s0 no “Greetings” can be sent out that day either. Compliments on the Christmas features in ‘The Pontiac Press are received from Mrs. Harry Meldrum of Rochester, who also praises us for not _ tryingto shorten the word, a practice which she asserts Is almost sacrilegious. _ ‘Word is received from the Manager of the Holly Recreational Area, Murray Titsworth, that the snow making machines on Mount Holly now are running.on a 24- hour schedule, and the skiing is good. - Now recovering from an operation in. Pontiac General Hospital, Art Scott will soon again be able to tell us about happenings in Pontiac away back in the last century, of which he knows a plenty. Verbal Orchids to- — Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cornell -and_more. Im- of Brown “Citys golden wedding: Harry Hermans ~~ ot Bloomfield Hath, roe -birthday. ¢ and recieationa fale lke — taeem edie worthwhile. Facilities on. — ing Me. = the campus -might-otherwise be He May Net Be on Their Team, but--- David Lawrence Says: Is Tennessee J udge Out of Order? | WASHINGTON — What's hap- pened to the government of the state of Tennessee and its gov- ernor? Is it still a state in the union, or has it abdicated entirely to the federal government? Has it - given up its exclusive right under the Constitution to maintain law and order, to insist on trial by jury, and to punish through its own state courts all criminal cases of assault and battery and threats to the safety of an individual? These questions are startling in themselves, but no less so than the spectacle of a county attorney standing up before an assembly in an American high school and tell- ing the faculty that they must become informers to America's federal police, the FBI, and that there are ‘‘no limits’ to the fed- eral injunction which, he says, the students. andl parents must obey whether it relates to conduct inside or outside the school building. This extraordinary proceeding ean best be understood by quot- ing passages from the speech of Eugene Joyce, prosecuting at- School on Monday morning of this week, He said: “IT am here this morning in my official capacity as county attorney for Anderson County. In that ca- pacity I have been asked and directed by the board of education of this county to come before you and tell you what the board of education and what the faculty of this school expects of you in the future. “It is not my intention to tell you. what to think in the future, nor is it my intention to tell you what to believe in the future; but it is my duty to tell you how to act in the future so long as you remain students at Clinton High School. “The board (of education) has directed the faculty to not enty institute procedures through Mr. Brittain (the principal) to expel any student that is guilty of mis- : conduct, but they have also in- structed the faculty to pass on to the Federal Bureau of Investi- South Carolina last year said that, - complied with the court's require- ment. The conduct of individual citizens thereafter is really a state problem. - _* ¢ #. Mr. Joyce, however, ies to the school children the full text of the federal injunction, which calls for eet oe. integration. “preted the meaning of the federal injunction ag follows: “Questions have been asked of me and other law enforcement officials as to the enforceability of this injunction, I think the that this injunction is enforceable. “The other question so fre- LI'L ONES quently asked Is: Win this in- junction apply to students under 21 or te acts inside the high school building? The answer is that this injunction has no limits. > It applies te everyone, every- “To my knowledge in all of American history it has never been necessary to read an instru- ment such as this, a federal injunction, before an especially called assembly of a student body.” The implications of this history- shattering precedent can be far- reaching. It could mean that the word of a single federal judge becomes law to the school children and their parents. For they are not told it can be appealed and reversed in a higher court. They are not told that anyone violating it will be deprived of his Consti- tutional right to trial by jury. The idea that a federal injunc- tion has “no limits,"’ and that it ean punish anybody, even outside the courtroom, for speaking for urging a course of action that a federal judge may not like, means that the Bill of Rights—which guarantees free speech, free as- sembly and trial by jury—has been storn to bits in Anderson County, Tenn. a‘ os *¢ ®@ Tt means also that the state of Tennessee and the county of Ander- son, which have the primary duty to enforce’law and order, have given way te a superior power— a federal judge’s arbitrary action. It is a tragicday in American history, and one ‘wonders why the so-called “liberals” are silent and tions in the state of T (Copyright, 1956, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) Dr. William Brady Says: Mother of 8 Sees Benefits of Preventive Medicine A Pennsylvania reader sends 35 cents and stamped, self-addressed envelope for Volumette 5 of. .the Pocket Cyclopedia of Health (ti- tled Call it CRI). She is the mother of eight chil- dren, ranging in age from 12 years to 9 months. Since the oldest began to go to school, winters have be- come one long series of illnesses, tory illnesses with respira leading the field. She has read this col- umn for many years. derful life would be. (Mrs. M,N.) All good doctors practice Pre- ventive Medicine more or less, de- pending on the scale of intelligence of their clientele and-or how much unpaid service, * * It is conceivable that a doctor might build a practice in Preven- tive Medicine exclusively if he had the means to support himself for, say, ten years until_he could make a living in practice, He inter. , parents, and children have found health and happiness in this col- umn. __Shmned letters, not more than one pase 100 words to personal health and hygiene, net to is, or treatmen: e opt be envwaree My husband belongs to the because he has to in order By HAL BOYLE NEW: YORK @ — Some day Johnny Marks would like to write a hit song about the 4th of July— or maybe even the 29th of Febru- ary. “Any day but Christmas,"’ he said. IDENTIFIED WITH YULE It is unlikely, however, his pub- lie ° wil kt Shay For -better or ‘has become as Went’ with win Chaatmes songs as tephen Foster is with” sentinel Fe wo B er Porelaren a Putting the Christmas spirit ‘to music isn't exactly a chosen ca- reer with Marks. It's a kind of strange doom he tries to escape but can’t, In 1949 Johnny was a moderate- ly successful song writer (he has published 75, written about 150) when he composed a little ditty entitled ‘‘Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer.” of his songs struggle for two months ‘before Gene Autry agreed to gamble on the novelty number. 25 MILLION RECORDS That recording has now sold more than five million. Some 4 other recordings of Rudolph in 65 “The funny thing is that it was only by accident that the song had the: Christmas song —but I'll guarantee it won't be a Johnny, who is 47 and looks like a Greenwich Village poet, says all his Christmas songs have been ac- cidents. His other hits on this sub- ject were “The Night Before Christmas Song,’’ ‘When Santa Claus Gets Your—Letter,""—~-and- “Everyone's _ a Child at Christ- mas.’ * @ @ & , “Last year I made up my mind definitely I would never write an- other one,” he recalled. He says it fervently—and means it. But along Tin Pan Alley they say it's too late. Johnny can't help himself. Christmas, is no longer just a holiday for Rudolph's tather. It's a life sentence. He's holly jolly. Portraits By JAMES J. METCALFE Don't try to do too much today . It may be to your sorrow . x af once ... In any day or season... Conserve your strength for later on... As common sense would reason. (Copyright, 1956) . ‘ Looking Back 15 Years Ago CHURCH OF England head casti- \ Sates ex-king. Case Records of a Psychologist: *. hy, Explains Way to pee Extrovert Clark is @ shy, introvertive chemist. But he wants ‘to be : time they-can-afford to devote to by the pre Join the “Compliment Club.” By DR. GEORGE W. CRANE then join my “Compliment uate objects dou't get out of place meanwhile. ARE YOU AN INTROVERT? If you have a good job and feel you can’t afford to try sales work, a oo ir th * : z ; h | t ie i i | ar Club,” 2 _ a ls ji Wit ine iy ii} i ke i H i 2 bag ! 2 Ee ; é ! t | Hl ie il & ? apt adie : DS Sg site Pee ee ee eee ' ; = i \ # i : - * y ie ' | ee os : ba : ‘ ' ; ‘ : ines Races So er THE PONTIAC PRESS. -PMURSDAY: DECEMBER NE . a ¥ ; r ; ! Can't Po the Wesse Dr. L 6. Bue, deputy state game romoti jor Howard Fischer said “We had plan was approved in a referen- Musical Counter- oint nuisance. His concert af | With He Sag Shot and fish commissioner who signed = Paying for Pro So ae ‘a lot of inquiries from’ firms about dum, 1,309 to Wt.” P the electronic carillon at | the’ complaint, said one_may_shoot ; a appt ast Coil cating “in Plymouth, “but had | OMAHA (# — Rohert D. Klein: mane shopping: center was inter-| | CARSON, N.D. ®—For popping weasel with a rifle, or trap them, |wisconsin suse tees aarwed nothing to nail down the deals | Durban, South Africa wants ajschmidt of the University’ of But- irupted - ‘ey police. Neighbors — to) the weasel—with a shotgun, that|if he has a license, but that it is|to an additional 50 cents a ménth|Wwith.” The extra 50 cents, $1 et stamp issued to mark the|falo (N.Y.), told newsmen before|p rove Professor panama 2° cot arc man was fined $25|unlawl to shoot the animals with|charge op their electric meters to|eommercial users, will be collected centenary in January 1957 of the’a concert here that cS te a shotgun. | per Neen ee oe ee see ey: ‘The jfirst stamp used in the Natal area.'is either “sacred” or simply alwas aenoyile. regent eee yc = ree oa ; : eo] 3:1 Gl ltee, ATT ull here's a gore he'll love 3. . . Boyville dress shirt and jewelry set complete with french cuffs shirt, ) tie, matching cuff links and tie bar 2? 8. This gift set is a terrific buy! The shirt is Sariforized* cotton broadcloth in white or washfast pastels . «. tan, blue, mint or yellow. Repp style tie. *Maximom shrinkage 1% Boys’ Furnishings. Main Floor sizes 8 to 18 Cowboy Hots Like Ros thogere Wool 7 ' Roy Rogers Wears /¥oot-Ease Socks Western Style 1.98 / Sizes 6-10 2.98 Wool felt with whip - laced Boys love ‘em for winter brim and sliding bead chin lounging. Brown, red or blue tan, with fringe trim. Leather soles, cord. Red, black, gree: sidewalls and toecaps, brown. Small Boyville Cotton Fraternity Prep Flannel Pajamas Flannella Shirts é wears. Solid yoke with contrasting stripes, box with hinged lid. solids or plaids and trimmed with frontier A? fe \ fringe trim. Washable broadcloth in sizes 8, N sid 8a ry rt ' ' aah to 18. brown, Sizes 4 to 12. : = . ome é : a Roy Rogers | uty" Fold Boys’ 2% ‘ges lee 1 | Frontier Pants Gift Handkerchiefs cals Lg ee ob give your cowboy 498 . $1 Many assorted patterns _ A Sears 4-Star Feature! Only ‘ Box of Three- =» _ and colors. Trousers have Dan River pre-shrunk — Roy Rogers Western Shirts Real Western style cavalry Fine cotton lawn th white ond *Breathe-Easy” boxer cotton... max. shr. 1%. : True western style, just like Roy Rogers 98 ee ee Gras af Pa poss Seetieree ie ladies waist. Coat or pullover Many plaids and heather- _ style. Sizes 6-16. tones. 4 thru 18. with, GIFTS rrom SEARS. every little girl wants a every cowboy needs a two-gun holster set Roy Rogers double holster set of genuine cowhide has concha ¢ ° and stud.trimming ... sure to be one of his most treasured pos- & new dress for Christmas sessions. Wide belt tits waists_22 to 28inches..Comesin colorful sm gift box complete with two regulation Roy Rogers repeater #% 4, GJUNB oc cece c cece eee e eee e eee cree heme eee ease eens 98 13 sweet as sugar plums } .-- adorable new Honeysuckle bury! hey! bring the kiddies...our 200 PARADE is here ; cc a Young version of the Empire look with Schiffli embroidered organdy overyo«e. Pink, blue or yellow Dri-S 2>MeQON (R) cotton... needs only a 3% towch of the iron. Dainty adaptation of the new Parisian flying panel fashion. Pink, blue or yellow Dri-Smooth (R) cotton with dyed-to-match Venice 298 lace trimming. Pret ty rose pattern ane- pf ece dress of Everglaze (R) cotton Kas a Caraco jacket effect. Midriff, collar and sleeves f.— Pare plain color. Rose/or 98°. » * psuck] of 3-6x. : AN 4 any one of these pets e , | ] 98 for only for his first Christmas... . darling Cardigan Gift t ie 2-piece knit dress-up suits. on One a2 =e 98 Le ©. They couldn't be sweeter! Washable céiion 2 2 Perfect for his first and rayon: knit boucle with fancy knit-in |\e ~ pattern on polo top, Pants have button-on *~ \ / a suspenders, anap crotch” White, French blue ~ or cocoa, Sizes 6-12 and ae ee 18 months. a eek ce a ey cae a Seas casey a s ‘ f r : as i Z : . .. ‘ : , . e ‘ s ee : ete THE PONTIAC PRESS. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13. 1956 ' Nears ree Em ire Econom jupable. to-malatain_neval. deliver. land there ‘are ether. repercessions |througli the Red scnpive, reeulting and ‘steedhere are héving ak Se. p yo lies. Soviet pig tron also must be|from the anti-Soviet revolt in discontent” inside the Soviet ‘mediate impact on Soviet econom- [delivered to East German Reds . | Hungary, tor example, had been nion itself, ~~” ‘ie policies, = Bilis for the economic chaos in /scheduled to up Roman-| Russia recently has beeri sellir ations are that Russia now Salis ah avein.tn.tgh the Poles} ¢ cannot help. It used to send | Russia also is pte coke Rak probably will be the|ian chéMmical ‘industry. Russia huge quantities of gold 1 Ween Be dy oe dba pave goer nargpgyenceepa grain to East Germany, but now East Germany to keep metallur~jbiggest of all, yo age. age ma \must now assume that task. Europe for transferable sterling.|chases of consumer goods from _ e of these | is a. grain-importing nation. ‘weal industries operating now that/ic observers. The entire i Shortages.and failures in various This suggests. to economists that ‘the Western nations, Ss he k ‘Poland, under Red planning, is |ian economy must be supported, |industrial fields are spréading developments in “Poland. Hungary ROEBUCK AND CO. a — , : Nylon & Dacron* combined in Sew for the o , Ww ash abl e comforter _ Holideys 45-in. Duvetyn | Ta Tee ive ta” eee 3°9 flannels at 15.98 ) a . . Reg. 77 aN Gift Priced to Save 1.99 1.98 T Yd. es a Truly @ beautiful comforter in “Petite Rose’ fs : pattern... made to give your bedroom a look of perfect for: ght “ZA Bo luxury! Patterned nylon cover over soft, warm y © Suite . © Dresses per“! ¢* Dacron® to give you a comforter you can wash in © Skirts © jumpers ‘ Ne ¥ tee? a jiffy, dry quickly. “DuPont polyester fiber. ©@ Slacks © jackets : Cteed 2.1 Wott Output ye? a » ae “fo Linens—Sears Main Floor Rayon and acetate blend- Slight Irregularities in Case Coverings A Just Sey, “Cherge It on Sears Revelving Charge! fli hand. Specially” a 2 Fe 6 Months te Pay .. . Small Service Charge treated for spot and wrinkle resistance, Reg. $99.95 Dry cleanable in late Fall ‘colors. Satin-Back suing adirdr ii Res. 1.189 ¥4. . TTe Harmony House automatic clock controlled electric blankets Regularly 47.90 — full bed 1&8 size 38 DOWN Sold on Easy Payment Pion automatic electric blanket controlled by a Telechron clock control . . . the handy clock timer that con be set to wake you to music or the delightful aroma of fresh coffee... the hand- . some "“comfort-watchitton” that's alert to the business of keeping you warm and cozy the whole night * . throught See this combination today. Gift Priced 10°, Nylon Blanket With 90% Lustrous Rayon 4.98 Golid color blanket or Hudson Bay type bicnket. Full three Harmony House Dress Forms 9-Inch Craftsmen scordinated colors: ] 398 Pinking Shears e Tuscan Rese Only 7.50 e Cherry Red _ It adj plete! Stainless steel. Keen, long, © Dark Mint Green enbredhace mes OTe lasting cutting edge. Bal! SERA PRR mn mieten men” Koppert und weight 72x84-in size. hgure changes. Styled with . J Buy now and save. @ Pacific Blue ' . rts fi becring joint won't ‘work Hime tented thermeutette 100% weel fece, 75% Sears exclusive S-yeor ong hip line for ter Rt. loose, keeps perfect @lign- cofety-contvel system weel end 25% coten body querentes om eech blentett e Sunshine Yellow Sturdy. adjustable base. - ment. ; © Sage Green A “merry christmas” with honeylanes... sparkling holiday styles at tiny prices! La Honeylanes make short work of so many Christmas problems... help that budget too. For Honeylane styles are so popular with the young fry they’ll make a welcome addition under any tree. See them soon... at Sears! Choice Gift Value 3-Pc. Gift Set of Pastel Bordered Printed Towel Set Fingertip Towels Percale Pillowcases 3Picces «=. QB Special Buy | 1.98 se? 2.98 ; Wh nite com. roale Screen printed rose patterned A gift to please homemaker! pin. ombed eh eae fluffy towele. A 20x40-in. bath 12x18in. cotton towels. Screen border in pink, green, yellow towel, hand towel, and wash- printed waiter and waitress, or blue. Hemstitched. Boxed. cloth gayly gilt boxed flower cart or slippers, Perky holiday cottons in « wide selection of colorful styles. Choose from solids, prints, stripes. 7 to 14. 3.44 Rose Printed Sheet and Pillowcase Set Git Boxed 5 AQ Two cases have all over rose print, 81x99-in. sheet has 4-in, printed hem. Pour washfast * colors Send Season’s Greetings with Se ee Lovely Lace Tablecloths “$300 CUCKOO CLOCKS A909 : Mi 2) ae Reg. $12.95 {| ° Harmony House Cotton , eae Cotton and silk blend W ® Regularly 5.98 — —< dresses fof real «Christmas 54x72-in. Decorative Sheet luxuryl Assorted. latest ' Reg. 5.98, Heretire beautiful gift items which-you will and Pillowcase Set a Soe in bright new colors. be proiud to give. Styled after authentic Italian cut-work J-Pe. Set 6. 98 / Lualions ‘patterns. Each is smartly gift boxed/ Pink, yellow, green or blue 6.98 | ‘ pastel mm with 4in. woven : eg ; pastel multicolor percale bom af -70x90-in. size ee 7.99 . der. , 81x108-in. sheet, to 14 Shop—Sears Second Floor ~ ‘Model of Satelite ce ~~ Inflated Like Balloon ins ess.xttas nano BALTIMORE —- Scientists + working on an earth satellite are| 1%¢ Navy satellite is made-by testing emp which can. be ae discs of blown up balloon Balti- hemispheres. mien valine Seaseeaae two hemispheres are then screwed | ae newspaper said contirma-|!°s*ther: It weights 4.55 pounds, _ tom was by : Prof. James A. Van Allen at the i Boiler Output High : Van Allen is chairman of the|States Department of Agriculture ‘ working committee on interna] in-/Started keeping data on broiler ae of the satellites. ——— in 1934, it was a $19,- ’ Se a __{ Seautiat far the National Advisory 7 is , AS OPEN EVERY NIGHT ‘TIL CHRISTMAS | | ‘Langley, Va 0,000 busines, with about 143 Heads Medica inthe postinie Smoking Costly af gre pes pga cacervacedes ES 2 . ; - : MEXICO CITY #—Manuel Sala-~ . me we a ee ih stint Laney tn tn GRAND RAPID in — De _ERICO CH owt Sion, ine oe em] PET UYRON DINETTE | i neigh noe atone um foil] In 1955 Georgia, the nation’s|ard G, Benjamin has been named) Hawaii officially came underjhe didn’t smoke. 36 S. Tel . ae x Viens Beet os 2 a Haid dnetaie cake ae ateninn_meetararedacing _ staid, ieeminat ces St Se Ket Cee jurisdiction of the United States) He was approached by a group| Australia leads the world in the, - Telegrap Across | -Huror : metallic sphere about 20lexceeded that total all by itself. ‘Medical Society and will succeed|in 1898. —_______~jot toughs who asked for cigarettes. prodiietion of wool el : ,and every night ’till Christmas . 2 J ‘ for pleasing beauty . . . see Kerrybrooke’s af ‘ S gx s - . 4 ‘ a if si? 2 Bi 5 Ee : 23 8 — - - “7 4 choose your style, name your price, : : Be. 4 come to Sears and find exactly es . 4 what you want - 4 ave a ae 4 When you're surrounded by ; <— Po glamorous friends (or foes!) a. Misses’ cotton quilt duster. ‘ . 4 Peter Pan style to be worn with : +++ use your wiles, woman, use or without a belt. Several won- ‘< your wiles. Wear lace... pastel derful prints. 10-18. ais ace, the mightiest weapon 3.98 ae known to fashion. You'll be b. Misses’ nylon tricot quilt duster mh : very pleased with the results, with novelty trim. Blue, pink or $ white. 12 te 20. 9 98 7 : : adh E ¢. Misses’ plaid chenille duster with . ti. < ___§ 3-way belt. Choice of multi-color fh. eG” my ids. 10 to 18. - eo plai $ to 18. 4.98- Te See _ a d. Misses’ sheer nylon duster with is = ; ° a flocked design, nylon lining. Pink i a 3 a: or blue. 12 to 20. 5.98 © ‘ ‘ ; P e. Misses’ quilted acetate robe with embroidery and piping trim. Navy, fuchsia or peacock. 12 to 20. 8.98 (also in sizes 40 to 44, 9.98) ing. Pink or blax. 1 6 eat ieee Care? wit 15,98 : : Cotton lace halt. m eee .. fur trim, White or beige. v : 7 00 IS: ae 12.98 eG Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear—Second Floor ; J ; . a : wor your monty back SENRE 154 North Saginaw St. * < _ ea m —— Ee ee a ge ee ee eee ae 3 eter dl = + ~ 2s & Lf TE? ca ig RS Se OPI WN ee TOMER Fy : = i bo Fast oy : : : i i : ae - | Ro i < rie < yee s : as : ee eee * oe = * { 1 ee 3 * * > I : x ‘ ‘ * ae e ae 2 : : = i ‘ stn 4 : fs ° i ; 5 : eae: i | i { q : # ; } : ‘ j | : ; : ; ‘ < re , . THE PONTIAC PRESS. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1956: Gift Priced 9x12-ft. Axminster @ Outstanding Quality for the Price @ 4,032 Tufts in Each Squore Foot 49% ao pe * Saag Se ve Es Ses Se Sears tufted rugs Luxurious,. Durable Viscose Rayon Thick, extra-heavy weight rugs to com- 98 plement your rooms. Sculptured ap- . ®@ Good Wool and Carpet Rayon Pile /@ For Use with Any Dneeneiine . Schemes: $5 Down, Balance on Sears Easy Payment Plan pearance formed by high-low tulting. 100% viscose rayon surface resists soil, crushing. 11 Harmony House colors; many sizes. .24x36-in, peaaey, TS on highly styled carpet rayon and nylon rugs © Rayon ond nylon carpet pile 5 9** | Extra style and extra value when you purchase your Carpeting from Sears. Select gray, or % Dewn beige floral or texture today! Bears Easy Pereent Pian gee eetace ‘«5) samteisits, ae exclusive wool and carpet rayon rugs CC f @ Newest colors and decorator design 88 BUY ON SEARS @ 9x12-ft. size for use in any room 9 ; Select leaf, textur ed or floral EASY PAYMENT PLAN 5 040 tufts in “each see toot Loht) woven Belance en for extra long wear Sears "teor Payment Plas enjoy the complete window treatment of : . . Harmony House stock louvered shutters ake your selection home bordered rugs in 9x12-foot size y lat Sea . . Take them home — save on trim, Check these prices! today—pay afer on rs @ All wool plush pile finish, installation by doing A J-in. 8-in. 9-in Easy Payment Plan! @ 9x12-ft. size rugs 99°» yoursell on 2 we be ai light 20”... 1.99 2.29 2.49 Richly designed patterns in smoke gray, spice and TT he Satched 26” ...2.49 2.59 2.79 prown om nase green Best quality materials, $10 Down, Balance om ~ . ' ee 269 2.79. 2.95 uction for long wear, Sears Easy Payment Pian Shades—Drapeties. Main Floor 32” ...2.79 2.98 3.19 al * * * - - - ig, BT a, a meeeare ee * Wir. ee ha me roe ee he Lee - ~~ rH apgwe a gift she'll appreciate ... Harmony House washable bedypi 98 Beautifully designed in the modern block pattern that is repeated on the border. Heavy vite. 2,50 , Popular tufted cotton multi- level loop pile ry in gray, green, nutric, — gold, green and white. "Buy now! floor lamps . 34.98 3.60 DOWN All sturdily con- table lamps prructed, qracefal- background-of cord-o-wale ly designed. The . perfect lamp for .. founded corners add 29.98 reading. beauty. Large selection of $3 DOWN Harmony House colors” enables you to match any color scheme she might choose, or have. Buy now for Christr~s giving, Washable. Stand 31” high; have 3-way indi- rect lighting. Rich . fabric shades. ‘. Fees Rubber Mats to Relieve Fatigue uxein, =, 19° se a rugs hug the swinging Brighten Your Home for the aoe thats etic. 34.88 ia lid -.@ fa M A hi f feed patient, Save today! 90 sow jolidays wit atching Graceful bridge Table and Floor Lamps lamp with a vers- . atile swinging Made for each other. . ..a@-wonderful assortment of light ~ fo throw traditional. styled floor and table lamps. All in gleam- went it! , ing brass, bronze, elegant silver or flemish finishes. A : wonderful idea for that major Christmas gift for the _ ome Charge It! Shop the convenient way with a Sears Charge! Bedspreeds. Main Floor reversible Heirloom chenille bedspreads tally fatty cbeallle bedspreads with large bullion fringe... reflect beauty on either side... Practical chenille bedspread of luxurious . 98 Lovely sampler design is set off by the- baby chenille on heavy background heavy bullion tog + eg Harmony 12” cloth. Choice of Harmony, House colors. wht dei House Frosty Pink, Blue or White. o dee a ed! = _154 North Saginaw St_ Phone FE aE tii 3 f ¥ THE PONTIAC dean, ‘THURSDAY; DECEMBER 13, 1956. Many Vicinities. ae eee Restless: Appears to Be Result of -Hungary LONDON cINS) = of-increasing.unrest__ among Soviet satellites and even in Rus- Tndictions pathy toe the sastcasiael revolt “Western observers ‘believed the sia itself are now coming from/ma bar sections of Europe. e rumblings -appeared- developing out of Hungary's strug- gle for independence from the Kremlin yoke: In Poland, ‘the Warsaw regime | forestall moved to further anti- Soviet demonstrations by announc- ing the arrest of 83 in eee le sulate would be panished. Communist Party Chief Wiadi-| slaw Gontulka, obviously fearful] ; that additional anti-Russian dem- |; onstrations might lead to Sov iet |" reaction similar to that in Hun- gary, issued a sharp warning to the Polish people. The warning was contained in an annouricement that the United We (Communist) Party and Unit easants Party would cam- paign under a joint banner in next month's eleetions————-- Gomutka, and Peasant ~ Party _ leader Stefan Gnar, said in their joint declaration of principles that trouble-making elements were try- ing to sow chads and anarchy in Poland. can exist and develop as an In- dependent and sovereign state only as a Socialist state. From East Germany came new reports that university student lists|+ are being ‘purged of ‘‘unreliable elements.” A Czechoslovakian Red leader admitted ‘certain elements” | his country had expressed sym. ‘tobe who!” participated in Mogday’ night's riot). Professor Recalls |thaer= gt tain exe. Wants No Permit ae __. |Gettysburg, Pa., during World ‘ Ike's Good Memory (Pe satan’ mame bass Renew for, 21 Driver's License CHEHALIS, Wash, # — Nellie , Roundtree brought. a- 1921 driver's| The. permit - permit to the State Patrol office. she wanted 0 show patrolman: She didnt’ ask to have it re-| About F ity ites oa tour weilthe teplnewet: STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. @ — Professor Willis Hinman of Wag- College here likes to talk about |. Sovie on bg Four ar thre its ora ; Can be held with one hand Scheuer also rejected = con- | The home of the Il-member Fred , antiiever Trays tility Cabin | 89 Better performance, for ant pry Fas Mag sams apni oo le on ae —— meer 2099 Craftsman 6x5 %x8%-in, 215 20x$x1252-inches ee ee sw te operate dangerously as a (ground by the blaze ded = yy ae Fe Handy 17 x 8 x 10-inch size Gray steel cabinet with 21 Regularly 2.45 wine party” and that tt is | Eady King, 4, woke his broth-— meer con ices tik lined gauge steel construc- ‘separate compartments, Fine Preeiyn pon Chane rige amet . = nage hn ant Ta Sets Qeeee Ro | Top vatue._. Gives you extra “hands” to carry your oe at after : shortly b preg me tools in one trip. Heavy gauge sheet woke ow oF | ae ” oo cocaped steel. Small. tray for rule, awl, etc. “That ie not a fact, sir,” Scheuer | ce ee amen” ms Geoy _etkimel finish. A handy home a . ’ , | . for: st replied. The two-year-old received second *eteg “Tt is a fact,” Goldwater te-\degree burns around the head, } torted, arms and legs and was reported in| me | - In a prepared statement filed 4 “fair” condition in a Lansing J me with the committee, Scheuer de- Hospital. LARGE CRAFTSMAD scribed NCEC as “a political com-/ The mother, Mrs. Marion King, — ar ROLLER CABINET mittee” incorporated in New York,|W@s hospitalized for shock. The| aie oading ig nonpartean. and TP incr ‘cldren were ekher at fA Dunlop Mechanic's Dunlop All Stes! nase 3] He said sbout two-thirds of the work or in school Steel Tool ats Steel Tool Box Utility Tool Box "a0 pown Heavy Duty Drill 1956 campaign contributions went) ec , Eaton County 17x7 %x6-inch 1 ot Roll your tools with for Democratic candidates and one|deputy sheriff, sald cause of the whsttechee 3 : Matti, 825 Mxtxt%-inches 2210 you! $ roomy drawers Crattmen 30.95 third for Republicans. ifire was not immediately deter- eae, are welded = Spaces Heavy duty; strong metal han- Has automatic slide tray with and big bottom com- %& DOWN Sen. McClellan (D-Ark), the com- mined. 8 acenvush handle Padlock dies on top and ends. Clips* $ compartments. Sturdy -con- partment. Made of l-inch offset between chuck mittee chairman, at one point) | ‘each hold 4 saws securely in place, struction. Built to last. heavy gauge steel. and top of drill. permits close asked whether Scheuer felt that - work. -inch capacity. Su- preme geared key chuck. tight contribute, pointing to the Floyd Willis always wanted a team | 1 BE : r $5,000 ceiling on individual contri- of oxen. So when his Hereford is butions. jcow gave birth to twin male | | —— _ seems anwwermar Ee Tiel, at Se 8 lcnives, ie teen corey amare Mmm HERE'S A GIFT FOR YOUR MECHANIC— McClellan asked whether an ob- team and they do many chores aes HT i ligation of some sort would revolveion the farm, which is without about a contribution of that size.|truck, tractor, horses or mules. “Tf there’s an obligation — I|Each of the twins weighs about | } See ee See ee ele That's junior size as No special skill required. Professional results assured if you use Easi-Bild full size Patterns. Just trace, saw, assemble and point. It's easy, quick, accurate and fun to make. Paint colors exocily where Pattern ipeci- fies. Place in window. When room lights ore turned on, they shine through providing a stained gloss window effect, Christmas Win- “ dow Point It Yourself b Pottern # 149-35¢, Build this table top Notivity Scene from Pattern #310- 354, Pull size potterns sim- - plify cutting and pointing the miniature replica. 8-Inch. Tilting- Arbor Bench Sew Sratewcorx 48.50 Low, low price for a quality ; tool! Two convenient hand wheels control raising, lower- ing blade, Less motor, nidtmnas Say? - ©1954, farce va, re ~*~. = ~ ag all Pa a = i ia ta a ee eseara Ot | PEALE aa aaageee tt PEOPLES for Wim for Her “SLACKS ....°9 | DRESSES ....17" ROBES .....14" | BLOUSES ....9" L SUPS.......2" HOUSECOATS .9°° aan REID SRE irene meno—entnqasenransn eer Nin = Donde THE CRAFTSMAN 126-PC. SOCKET WRENCH SET INCLUDES: Vain, Square Orive Secketa, Parts 29 12-pt., end woke. 4 =. 9 qwrt: Distinctive 3-Pc. : : ™ Steak Knife Set Steel Carving Set Propane Torch Kit Set o Six Craftaman Knives Only 6.95 @ For Homeowners, Mechanics ~ Only 6. 95 Finest forged blade of stain- ae re j 5.88 less steel hollow ground for Highest quality stainless steel, —gmooth easy_ cutting, Can Complete with instant lighting heat treated hollow ground never rust or stain. Gift boxed. torch, flame spreader, leery blades. Handles are plastic im- duty burner head, soldering DISCOUNTS eee set pregnated wood Others Lteeeeseceess U9S tip and box of solder. Saltifaction guaranteed ‘ond CERO : ; Pa ee . - 4 ; . s “ ' hy hi we * i 4 wide ae THE PONTIAC PRESS, ‘THURSDAY. DECEMBER 13. 1956 me 2ShipGroup sary, at in Suez Zone Fa leaded Home Retina te Weshington to Shape ‘57. F International Talks. AUGUSTA, Ge. m — mati , Eisenhower today ends a 2¥-week| — Soutliland- vacation mixed with) — work and flies back-to Washing- ton for an imminent international conference and further planning 4 wbd hs ~hi Bs SZ s ] ; Children s COATS President's private plane in mid- f the | = ~, ¥ b. ee ee ees | Boys’ trom $199 Aides said the President came to the Augusta National Golf Club By %) o> 4 ’ yy im need .of a rest and relaxation Meee a * Girls’ from $] 2” é after his successful re-election waiddle East ecules rags ; Middle , pro he — to keep 48 eye Joss 4 styles in close touch with the tense in- ey eae ‘ oose ternational ‘situation, but. also got 7 ae . * -e in @ good deal of rest. His visitors} were held to a minimum. Secre-| tary of State Dulles and Secretary , ; of Defense Wilson headed the list. 4G ig os 2 a ig ; be In Washington Sunday, the Pres-| fm nge : PAY NO ident .will start. series of talks ry at ; ‘ - MONEY DOWN with Prime Minister Nehru of! re m3 xP ciae: i . ye India, ue Asian leader will ar-| i ' i¢ Easy Terms! rive t from London and re-| 3 & . . main until Thursday | morning,, | ae . ' & NATIONAL | WELCOME VISITOR — Happy to see their _{Rzmaran css one ty loved Santa Claus were nearly 200 Oakland CLOTHING CO. rae SEARS | 154 North aie hower and the Prime Minister at - vie ee sored by grater: os es | LAL OPTe Phone FE 5-70 the President's country home at} Dian. ane, Wa. Wat Wate. . . N. yO i a Gettysburg, Pa. They will travel! Society for Crippled Children. Eyeing the old ‘athena setincethintincasin catimcathscethncstincetincetinatia a there from the White House Mon-|~ rrr day morning and remain over- | Eisenhower’ s return to Washing-| Thiet Returns ton am pry le og Abid Jewels Stolen message “he~will deliver~to wee |During Funeral gress early next month. That mes-| sage will outline the administra- tion’s 1957 legislative program. 2 et fs fp fe fr fy fe 4 ° Pia Car tae Cae tae tae tae tae ie ee a" > » o> at bet » eae Eee’ from. vee ee = Watch and Jewelry Repair, Main Floor *? Yh dt 6 ae * rere ree - w Ga eae tae 8 ee ae et - aie, ; | SHERMAN OAKS, Calif. | Mrs, Sally Schwartz received her + ° pee * , ‘Christmas present early. It was | Cant Lec Expired: |aicerea in the mail yesterday! so Con’t Lecture Official | The sender didn’t include a return’ Chiet T. R. Berrum and a city cents postage on the package and councilman today shared embar- mailed it. rassment over the lack of a valid) Mrs, Schwartz opened it to find’ driver’s license, $3,700 worth of jewels. They were Berrum discovered his own de-/herg, They were stolen from her fection Tuesday. Traffic officers home Dec. 4 while’ she was at.) discovered it yesterday for Coun-tending the funeral of her hus cilman William Foster after a) band, composer Jean Schwartz, | minor accident. They cited him.jwhkg wrote “Chinatown,” among] Under a new state law, driver’s|other hits. licenses expire every two years! Included “with the jewels was on @ motorist's. bitthday. a newspaper story of the theft. - a ne a a lt ae en SALE: Only the ady coftabati ia I 21” CONSOLE Ae | } HI-FI SOUND has a “ree shape and the exclusive ee Head BB oe aa aE Ra le 2 3 9 ____ $10_DOWN 2 Deluxe Silvertone console with a full FF S $5 DOWN : highe F> © Makes an ideal second set eround the-home.— * Automatic frequency control combats fading and drift. © Clear toned, good sound produced by 3-inch speaker. EA Sy bf CREI DI PAYMENT PLAN CIAL PURCHA r 4 wlelis Only! Choice 45 or With ‘old. 35. ites. $14.95 ~“Wahout —_—" Le ee ~~ } Sed RATS as a j = ® ¢ - ~ . 4 - st e 4 ; aes . . $ ‘ PHS PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECKMBER 13. 1956— night till Christmas : 4 r a see Santa at Sears every day from 10-12,.2-4 and 6:30-8:30 give thrill-filled mechanical Se aE eae ciel eee = . | * os 4 ; : < , x . toys—favorites of children = #1 ene N 3 > ~ who love live action! a a RY Gilis - ‘ ae a \Sears A_- | NM ge —_ ore . es 2.4 ‘ be. Sion es Ba as es oa ae ee 4 : S Bak ASI, nV Me res Soke | Radio Flyer Wagons 17-In. Soft Cuddle , a . Big Rubber Tires and Standing Dolls Little Girls 5-Piece - 929 iia. tag = 9.95 edd 98¢ Happi-Time Sweeper Set | Hell have a coasting good Adorable cotton’ stuffed cud- With this cleaning set, she'll beg to help mommy clean timé in this big wagon with dle and #anding dolls o! house. She'll wear her colortu! plastic apron as she really thick tires. Bearings need no printed percale and vinyl cleans with her carpet sweeper,-mops, sweeps with ciling. Steel chassis plastic. in assorted colors broom - dust pan set. e a 5 fel ~ e 4 Ay 5 at f toe | O'S ec * ® , | at “;7 . ——— ia nappies ! light up toytown with its bright beam! ue Sa : ria | “ . te! ~ Eleatric Angel 4-Unit Vinyl Train Shines Brightly for Tiny Engineers I friction - powered truck 8-in. tall 98¢ 30%-in. ong «= WG J @ Huge super-beam searchlight. battery-operated . ‘ @ Giant size — 17 inches long and 9'-inches high 3 & 8 Shiny silver-plated ange! of Cars brightly cclored, all flex- : “ piastic shines brightly on ible. Washable and durabie Big spotlight sends its beam way out to spot enemy planes or - your tree. Lamp, cord and Engine, tender, gondola, cecal seek out traffic violators. Lights up toy town for special events; plug. Lights from within car, caboose or co es i 1 } I ide i x 3 < ‘ tl eR ale i la RN Naan wie ane a a te tH i dramaticallyiliuminatestoy—trainsites. Heavy gauge steel 4— truck powered by friction drive. Dummy generator. . Insite of Men Sleek Jet-Styled Tricycle “packages contain maln- for Space-Minded Youngsters t patterns as well as col-f - . . ‘ Some firms ‘hyped a ta @ Indian red tirdsh, white _ 45 or rule to the! i ee @ Wheels and handlebars o-ime ; a i * Fe * * — * . — 10-1 x oo >; : : Stallion Pisto -. “Disneyland” , od in these sets are a wide oe ne Sie. a : Is 1012-In. Long Character Blocks ° This Juntor Tike. will-propel! ftself into the heart of your collar styles ranging ° ; at ngster! Jet wing design. Even the handlebar typical button down Mechanical Table Train 98 Steel Trucks That Chrome finish ] 98 146-0. 1,98 Set ie ove youngster! let wi g deston. E me the as bes A spread and round pinned f E b E 1 Deliver the Goods Brave buckaroos need this Deiightiul Walt Disney char- oo ~ ae a . . other proportioned for Em ryo ngineers y hob 98 Es. pistol-with 6 cartridges in cyi- actersembessed on blocks size semmi-pneumatic tires. ful : le’ : et + Ve our choice inder. Flash held within pistol Attractive smooth-+sinish, | A o> 5 noe a ingele _ With signals ot ree Dump truck: 13-long. Delivery an extra safe feature. round edges. Assorted’ colors 12-inch size ....... 10.98 plaids are work ¥ ; = ae truck» 12%-in., 6%-in. high. , . . . ; ties} times with one winding of strong clockspring motor. Lith: Wrecker truck: crank operated . younger set but ographed metal base. hoist, 13%-inches . t " i Ali * oe oan - . _ . _— a oe 3 The finest...Country Inn rich Fruit Cakes oh nue |, sports shirts are of- : Mered in an amazingly wide ar-' Vs fay of fabrics and models.~These} two 212-Ib. 3 99 ; ; | ) ! a Fresh-at Canadian Double-Balsam ay fy a6 es ten ay , te hi as 78 MOTIFS | Bie, A GIANT SELECTION ... ALL SIZES . . . CHOICE CA- Fi . We es. * NADIAN BALSAMS .. . YOU'RE BOUND TO FIND THE ‘ ; -. A | . © £6! WAYS tages TREE THAT'S RIGHT FOR YOUR HOME! fed ad iy J, a include both imported and do cakes for only Mmestic flannels as well as ging- lame in plaids, checks, stripes ‘and Patterns that run the color P . . Bpectrum from deep vivid to pale ¥ Gift Wrapped in Tin * aM ee «/ \" ' ~ t we int : I Very mellow, rich batter brimming with “The new slim cut slacks in] costly fruits and nuts Made wit mnels, gabardines and whip-] the finest country ingredients also will gladden many af in gilt tin. . 4 From the vast Canadian forests come these sweet Hr scented, gracefully tapered balsams in any size that you might desire. All selected to retain their beauty throughout the holidcy weeks ei! graded and ‘price tagged for your inspection. Purchase yours | early while selections are at their peck. At Sears! i, of course, the traditional ae and socks will again among the most f and most. given of prac- Country Inn Ring 3 Pre-Sliced Cakes Delicious Chocolate Famous for Flavor! Country Inn "Trio Covered Cherries $5 cue. 3.99 3 (1th eohos 2.99 - J-lb. box 69¢ t Symbol | oe i) Very mellow rich batter brim- Made oi the finest ingredients. » want to sing when you The use of mistletoe antedates |} ming with nuts, fruits, Made © 3 loaves include a light, a te these luxurious whole inti “Tt-is known that it}. with. only the finest jresh - dark, and an almond. Rum-.. mareschino cherries afloat in sweet yanilla creant. OTHER SIZES AVAILABLE AT SEARS LOWER PRICES! country butter and cream, brandy flavor. a ’ Mei ok P ‘to 4 ft. Size (Orange Tog).............98e i aan Fo REO AT Ea fo 6 to 8 ft. Size (Red Tag) ee 229} 4 po j » _. B to 10 ft. Size (Purple Tag)... .... 2.98 4 a \ [Sgt % iy ‘ Pea , Sears Parking Lot —Peery St. Entrance Just Arrived—Fresh Cut - scotch pine trees Special Shipment From Canada 395 q ee Gift Chocolates in Give Pegay Kellogg Finest Chocolates! i Gala Xmas Gift Box hristmas Chocolates Country Inn Quality ° Christmas Wreaths tien 1,39 tmz’ 189% tHe 2,50 —8e Indoors or Out Their good taste and quality Wonderful treat... every fla- 15-inches 2.19 are \eeavalely. teens | for ex- ‘Tantalizing assortment of dark vor has its own special blend. Gay h bv odd cellence! Pure milk chocolate end milk chocolates—15 de of milk or dark. chocolate: 21 say holiday ring wreat ‘ os low og MESES eT Poe eee a if s , : - that touch of Christmas cheer 4 : . many favorite centers. Nciously different cream, nut, delightful centers. that este off the holidays . Le % S-pound box ..........! 298 and caramel centers. S-pound box = ...45..,... 85 right. Buy now. ; Ce oe ae, j * spe Strauss Outlines Bight Point Plan, SE ge a a, Ae et ee ae eee cS x t THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER. 18, +1956 € Ai AN) Lay ‘To encourage private financing assistance to ‘hl in the; SAE ul settle of the new atomic projects, Strauss suclear field. proposed expansion of government construction] Retriever Bad on Birds, , . « |Excellent on Pots, Pans Strauss said that industry weil have the ee depertuntty te te build} YAKIMA, Wash. a—E. V. Put- the reactors which would be “of/®&m’s dog Pud is giving him’ come’ entirely new type and design,” but) concern. . dations made by Strauss were: 1. No limitation of any kind\Newton ae. of Peay Leo —— ger eine ew eign fine me | catretion (toward. achiev ee ee ee ee cheap, abundant and safe nuclear gp power.’ 2. Priority would be given firms w ‘constructing a heavy water power that the government will move in| The spaniel has been doing some! The chairman's proposal was Te- reactor—a type not now in use, promptly if private industry fails! retrieving without sanction. garded as an answer to a Demo-| 3 The AEC would waive or re to take the initiative. * * * Objects retrieved in a recent pe- |cratic-sponsored bill defeated last| duce charges to industry for leas The AEC chairman, in a speech'Tiod of a few weeks included six summer calling for a 400-million- before the American Nuclear So.\% the neighbors’ aluminum pots) dollar program of government. building heavy-water plants could ciety last night, outlined an eight- poe] pans, one + oh ee Pot uit and operated nuclear plants.|ne point plan for accelerating the |* nd two china di moc arged that the development of the peace-time On an eight-hour hunting trip,/D® rats have ‘ch t gy aN eg atom, The plan pepeenedine has however,’ Pud tailed to flush a|AEC has allowed U.S. atomic de-/ernment ald to private research-| White House approval. _'single pe me 3 hird. velopment to jag. Isn't It About Time You a on Our & cco: a Entire ._ wow 819) 17 Jewels 17 Jewels 17 Jewels 17 Jewels Reg. 24.75 Reg. 24.73 Reg. 47.50 Reg. 49.50 $1488 $1588 $2438 26" ~ Longines Longines Self-Wind 6 Diemends 17 Jewels 17 Jewels ath 87.58 prackee 89.58 ce 125.08 Reg. 99.00 NOW $3938 “428 $5988 $4,988 ing atomic materials, and firms: have free use of heavy water for! { -_lere in the field of atomic pewer: ceerene nea oo 68 6:5 6 8 ee EXTRA BONUS? 175-Piece Titling Set Make Your Own Titles Just Like Professional Movies HERE’S WHAT YOU GET: * Keystone Sum * 2 Phote Flood Lamps * Mansfield Splicer * 2 Extra 200 Ft. Reels * 2 Reel Cans * Titler Set 4) JAY: ae UN ‘ERS BULOVA—2 Diamonds ‘Reg. 65.00 BULOVASelf-Wind now $2688 | ee : POLAROID La nal 2-DIAMOND - CAMEO RING DIAMOND EARRINGS $45 Up $12” $1.00 WEEKLY: $1.00 WEEKLY Open Every Night [i ‘9 P.M. | 456. ae ne eee eee ee re er ee ee ee ee " THE. PONTIAC FRESS, ‘THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1: Set Seas = = on soe tf ee 8 More for No Planting of production saye Lifts if My ler for. City Hall ‘Mailman’ SS a ft Sak w-iieentted tock calvig beltwer But the mail still gets|in making “her appointed rounds” his frost-bitten ‘face? through, carried with a look just as/as any U, S. government employe ‘Hiall, for instance.| Miss Kay Nordon, 21, clerical] And besides; she doesn't have a ina gleam |nid tor the city, Je Jost as dlligent|platoon of Gogs nipping at ber Cardinal Spellman told reporters:| WASHINGTON @ — Agriculture “The entire world is a volcano,|Secretary Ezra Taft Benson said|, Although she considers her Job) 4 and from which crater the flames| yesterday that soil bank payments pi04 said her —t ca ; ____ NEW YORK (INS) — The inter. war_may burst forth is un-| will be hiked sharply to encourage| stand ‘ work been entire situation is deli-/ more farmers to take their land! the functioning of city offices, “> . out . | She prefers to take the elevator | DAVENO that wheat farmers jup on her jaunts; wher ree, ; 5 Pe - l 4 © % 7 d An Fs : E Eg a day, Kay Four l L * . i : ul gee a i 8s: gh F PRE-CHRISTMAS SPECIALS! z e s8 i f i g F & Some 2,000 stenciled products roll off these machines each week in- cluding City Commission agendas, bulletins from the Parks and Rec-| reation Dept., and the yearly budg- et pamphlets each November, HASSOCKS |~PIN- UPS | Table Cloths Your child will appreciate Round, Square hanging garments on} Yuletide or every doy others. ; Kay’s miniature post office has a or Oblong these large wall Pin Ups designs. “regulation postage machine ep complete with pegs. Sad- . which all outgoing city mail is 98 98 dle, Donald Duck, Ele- 00 9 stamped and sent on its way. -Kay| D and ° phont or Bunny. . to tz} . * Chenille Bedspreads . of mail per week Around tax tax! D Lint free viscose, rayon. ummeant tine, thie figure oa D Large Storage Also Lace Cloths and nylon. : prema, with Hassock 10.98 228 2.98 to 7.98 98 to 19.98 4 ‘cotmated she covers abot on KITCHEN 3 NURSERY Kitchen 2, woniles, to have and pick! ENSEMBLE RUGS — D = 7-Piece-7 COVER If you want to my on the good) arvcseite ETS AAMT) sencmrenas | Anna aiow: tie-| » PAD refrain from calling her mailboy D © 2 POT HOLDERS ima eine Ele ; as you pass her in the corridors. | ® | SALAD FORK - phant,. Bunny, Dogs or Y DR A PE 5 Other articles in the room in-| ® 1 SALAD SPOON Cats. . | Solid red, yellow « green: 1°" 7 y00* quite a ‘mess when the mnineo-| graph machine got a little too) much ink on it.’ ’ CHENILLE BATH SETS 3-PIECES TANK COVER 3” @ cut-to-fit LID COVER FLOOR MAT ; jing to her abode. Z “ : Ses a caemet ee tele Sel ee nnd ee emerares | "Stage ‘tho atntrs then to ove Open From 9:30 A. M. to 9 P. M. ‘til Christmas @ _ _. “certain evidence of deterioration” at the Hotel Waldori-| am acre this year. The corn rate | what's going on.” she said. 4 ; in moral values throughout the was liked from G08 to 962.68 an ; world. _ | ore Fix Baskets for Needy * 6 ¢ A, pretty narse in a GI hospital) Under the soil bank program) a The Cardinal served as papalitold Groucho Marx the dangerous|*pproved earlier this year by| IMLAY CITY—The Senior Girl legate to the National Eucharistic|cases are the ones that are almost|Congress, the government is at- Scouts are arranging Christmas 4 Congress for the Philippines atiwell . . . tempting to cut down Price- baskets for needy families. The ‘ Siaiiasat cenosed te dome caliadafs tee eee, Petes Stinas| Gearemsing surive farm conamods contents are being donated by 4 servicemen stationed one a bigger al- paying farmers to take the local Lions, Rotary and New er LEWIS Fine Fupre noe land out of production. | Era Clubs. Elegant. French roel | CHAIR and OTTOMAN Beauty @ Style Comfort Beauty in the warmth of rich acorn woodtones plus your choice of color in styled to enhonce your surroundings with a dra- matic accent always so important in good design. Comfort, you will feel yourself sink into the depths of superb cush- ioning in seat and back, resting your feet on a matching ottoman. This choir is truly. a family chair with you and home in mind. Stop in today and see firsthand. ‘99° ce 00 Down Delivers Remenbir: Visit Our Fine Selection of - Big Durable Toys OPEN. TILL 9300 EVERY NIGHT _ fine matelasse cover, Heirloom beauty in a traditional mahogany breakfront Regular $249.50 now 44.900 $10.00 Down Delivers You Save $100.00 You save $100 on this handsome and impressive breakfront cabinet at Lewis Furniture. Use. it in your living room, dinette, or dining room. Yes, indeed, the splendor of beau- tiful mahogany does portray the charm and value of this piece. While supplying great capacity, it actually _ seems to expand the dimensions of your room. The ideal gift for your home. Terms, of Course Lewis’ Easy Budget Plan Set to Suit Your Budget Tem " which the President received inl Bring In Above Picture Ike to heal Letter Nia iin Soviet: Retreat | WASHINGTON a — Président] Geneva summit. conference in 1985) Eisenhower probably will write to| Officials indicated. Eisenhower's Russian Premier Bulganin shortly|reply to Bulganin on this point Boys and Girli’ | SEE SANTA | in TOYLAND Free Candy Cane . and Comic Book step toward brightening prospécts| without agreeing to the particular, Jy for talks on arms reduction. zone arrangement which the Rus-) § US. officials say the use ofjsians suggested. Russian troops to smash ar ps}. We Give Holden Trading Stamps ign More | on “Your: Gifts Pax: 5: Follow the: Giewds. ed a bad climate for disarma- ment talks expected to begin in the United Nations early next; year, greatly improved if the Soviet gov-} ernment would return to its Octo- ber promise to negotiate with Hungary and other Eastern Euro- pean states as a step toward wl-/ timate withdrawal of the troops. | uled return to the capital late to- % Le cs nt ' ‘NAT MORRISON, Mer. talks beginning Sunday with] ‘ ° Prime Minister Nehru of India.) Hi, Friends! The climate for those talks ap-| peared to have been improved by) the disclosure yesterday that Am-| bassador.V. K. Krishna Menon will not be a member of Nehru’s offi- cial party. Menon, Nehru’s most Diamonds. at Large Savings Ledies’ Jeweled Velvet SCUFFS trusted foreign affairs adviser, is for Christmas widely mistrusted by Woahnaten ial pte op officials, — _ os. Extra Fine Quality J . a " - The propésed Eisenhower letter Sold: for Less to Bulganin hag been under con- sideration for about a month. It Here’s My will be a reply to a lengthy By-l Christmas Deal. One Russian proposal was for a IT SAVES YOU | ee atin attr woh 26%.0ON ALL © cain” on Se of He 2" DIAMOND SALES Leather Soles, Scuffs Get lad 2 that fit; velvet, col- Seat, every 3 pairs: _ Majud Seamless Nylons ae ors in black. Sizes 4 deni as . i) to 9. { cial. quarters here because i Georges-Newports from Bulganin’s rejection: of the] We Give Holden Red Stomps |) “open ’ the United States and Russia Jewelry Dept—Main Floor What She Wants give | i st Gift : ee 3 GIFT PURSES on sole, dress FOR Twal It’s the best , * Wenderful go ee eee [} ¥ eins . BRO me a . me for fetes benasa. ves nished pictures im oe ae im wand s Bieuses ...... a minate, and whet wonder- , ple , All Wool Flannel § #,, na iplier naar ameearenesi | oe Men's SLACKS , Polaroid Land Film — a hi . 10.99 | Boys’ Girls’ Shearling Lined neg a oe icturee oa , Men's Gloves... OPERA have ore San 's the cam- “1g ~ . era you've ready so much : : ~~ : 29.99 about! It’s the camera you've : F .. waited for! Now see how - j : little it costs! Come POLAROID” . . Land CAMERA magnificent pictures in Nag Idi gy ti ip Y Hard soles, all loath. : if ; B Blaes 2% Tiree S Sef SWEATERS” : CET CE OA: 2.99 Weel Shirts ...... just tike Dad's: All leather. Colors in Beige and brown. Sizes 8 to 3 and large boy 314 to 6. eee Men’ s Popular Leother | eqntrots all st enty 13 feet. Room-light @ CAMERA | | SHOP | Ag ee BE B-6615) Oh aceon aecime — . Boys’ SHIRTS & the aii time greet: for dad looks like $6 & LUGGAGE SET ] oo Slippers. All leather uppers, leather sole, rub- e ber heels. . : oheneen’ PHILADELPHIA a — A twojMarian’s mother supported. the|department store offered to outfit F Thal, ‘-year-old Negrojsix Marian started ‘singing “at the|for ao” P Honing, over whom a lot of Union Baptist Church, billed as the 14 ee ER _}people are making quite a fuss|““baby contralto.” When she was Mrs, Thalf summed up for both | |this Christmas season. in high school, members of her! «o@2eeterarererarerera ‘| Harriet at last is ,meeting her church collected nickels and dimes! idol, and ideal, the great and|to make up a fund to help her|® ae contralto, Marian Ander-| future, That led to, her enrollment! # in music schools, and eventually) > es a ie s . 8 to great honors. Harriet sings, too, the quality be eins idee “ her sweet, clear voice. alrea a at the age|# |having won much praise. She lives/of three months, was taken in and Luxite by Holeproof in utter poverty, softened by anjreared by Mys. Emma Thalf, a|® $ atmosphere of love; but want can-|domestic, Enrolled in St. Teresa's, | Hose pr. 1.35 er te bec ot ee ee ee ae : ition to become an artist injsoprano soloist and sometimes) 3 ° music. director of the ‘ensemble. A voice) &% Slips from $3.98 | the two are to t rah ghar oath Arihaall wo are to meet at a) won first at the 24th my luncheon in honor of Miss Ander-|Irish Feis this year at Fordham! ® Gowns from $3.98 son, @ native Philadelphian. University. ‘ P Re f 3 9% ae The script calls for -Harriet to * * 4 , PL AL AT eee present a spray of flowers to Miss) Lt. Francis Carre of the Fire's anties rom ts he Anderson, clasp her hand, and, Department, going over a list of 3% ta oe ® in good time, to sing for her. ./groups chosen to sing Christmas| & <2, , ou *-* ¢ \carols in City Hall courtyard, not-|§ 9 t of the same kind of poverty|ed the omission of St. Teresa's! # : which blighted the early life of|Choir, Thanks to Carre’s remind-|3 MONEY, DOWN ‘Marian Anderson in South Phila-|er, St. Teresa's was asked to join) & Easy Terms! I. ‘delphia, Harriet Thalf has ap-|in. The luncheon invitation fol-|% peared. lowed, with at least a dozen city # NATIONAL . officials and others offering to 3 “¢ be Pentine Frese Paate|, Miss Anderson's father peddled!stand as Harriet’s sponsors. . CLOTH! NG CO. a . ice coal; r mother once *. * *& b * inaw, tae ; * ANN ARBOR @ — Gustav von HONORED LAST NIGHT — Irving Steinman = Auburn Heights. It was presented for the work |taucnt school. Money always was| But Harriet’s one party dress # - Gonechiattn, a | (right), chairman of the Greater Pontiac USO of the chairman and the committee in providing | scarce. When di ee ee re ree cinnati, Ohio. v nig tcheg pr Committee, received a certificate of achievement USO activities for the men stationed at the guided —_ the | aoe wend = tataah Led it, The heed _ : es : . ‘give 9 public lecture on printmak-| !@st night from the 28th AAA Group. The award missile bases in the Pontiac area. The presenta- a ing at the University of Mich| 8s presented by Major Harold E. Strong, com- _ tion was made at last night's ‘‘Military Ball” held igan’s Architecture Auditorium, | manding officer of the Nike antiaircraft base in ~ at the Westacres Country Cub. ¥ ; It’s Malloy’s for Your Christmas bs Fig eet _,Clething and Gift Requirements _LET US HELP YOU TO SELECT A MAN’S SUIT FOR HIS CHRISTMAS GIFT! MEN’S SUITS We have every conceivable fabric and pattern in regulars, shorts and longs . . . flannels, worsteds and gabardines . . . FOUNDED 1865 " FLANNELS *9950 —— to $69.50 ALL WOOL Wi |) xeise, thie, som f 1250 Jn | | Expansion Band Waterproof ie SUBURBAN COATS |} 519% sigs Ee A beautitul gift! 17 jew- Waterproof, shockproof . . foraing at i els, unbreakable § main- with sweep second hand, sl G n |@ spring. With matchnig ex- luminous dial and un- An value! . pansion bracelet. breakable mainspring. Cashmere blends, tweeds, suedes, corduroy and leather... PRICED ee al | 9. MEN’S MEN’S SWEATERS | TIES ¥ by Revere Pullover styles in V by Wembley : or crew meck. ... lambs wel & clin’ | Chetan tr the Priced From most discriminat- - ing taste . °795 | | $450, $7.00 $950 Kate Greenaway LADIES Other Suggestions — LINGERIE tr ord FROCKS {T-Jewel Bulova -—-20-Diamond _ Director Croton Phenix $3250 . $5950 The lovk of 6 leader. 17 Fabulous beauty In a su- jewel, shock - resistant, perb 20-diamond Croton unbreakable mainspring, watch. Stunning, gleaming luxury expansion band. white case. Precision 17- Men’s or Ladies’ Sterling ‘|. $995 5 ae. 5] 95 New shipment F 4 .* always a jiust ated in Silver Photo-ldent Bands ‘ e gift...« ime for rist- \ Handsome silver expansion * mn Leather me Fil--* | gweaters .....from $3.95 | mes , cll woth csc bands wit swcred reed SES 95. | [Desig ean onal eet Lenin waits mo nd, wa. Choose. f rom a able fabrics. | toved ones. on ree ere eae. |e bev tees, A emcenieg ie _ erated by famous “manufacturers. on excellent | Dusters eee tO 6.95. variety of slips Enggass seo ; and gowns. se VI _. Extra , Hosiery .........from_ 1.00 Sizes 21012 77 ‘Spectal Ship ‘n Shore Blouses Priced from 2.5" Your charge ac- count is not only jy Regular Price ...... $29.50 welcome, but appre- Shaver Trade-in ciated here, and re- ou i "hangs ‘member .. . at Mal- : ; loy's there is NO CARRYING | CHARGE of any. | Without Trade si938 kind ttt New. Schick "25m eo closest, Choice Travel ott, as ev, Rej jects Request “ ; ; i THE PONTIAC PRESS, ‘THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13. 1956. New Employe Steals Mail, Awaits Sentence Warren O.. Country Schools| § ma Warm Welcome University will Offer 2 Pre-Journalism Award Second Time --4o-Build-tumber-Outler| from -Russia and other Iron Cur- Sylvan Loke Denies Bid!” on Orchard Lake. The. Sylvan Lake City Council last night rejected for the second time a request from a Detroit lumber company to build a retail outlet on Orchard Lake in the city. The-council also accepted a $2,- 231 bid from the Brooks Stanford Co, for the extension for water fePS SSS SOet More Aid ‘State Heipe Rural Areas! since-he-got! -Knight, unemployed out of the Army last September,| finally landed. a joh sorting Christ- mas mail Monday. Tuesday he was fired. Wednesday he. pleaded guilty to}. mail theft. Today he awaits sen- tence, Postal inspector Carl Wheeler) testified he stopped Knight as he left work Tuesday and found four letters concealed under his jacket, Wheeler said Knight told him he needed money to impress a girl) mains and sanitary sewer on Lake-| view street through to Garland road, . * * ¢& | According to City Manager Er} nest L. Ethier, work will begin im- mediately installing the 417 feet of four-inch water lines and 107 feet. of Sanitary sewer. No decision Was reached by the. council on the request of Sam G. Warwick to build in the- Sherwood Forest Subdivision.” * * *@ Eithier announced that the City po woud be closed on Dec. %4 a . Ask Union to Halt Ban on Moving Red Baggage NEW YORK @§The State De- partment has asked. the Inter- national Longshoremen’s Assn. : to % dipieannes tain countries. - The fequest was made yester- day during a conference between State Department and ILA offi- present the letter to a meeting of the union's Wage Scale Committee | friend. * Parley \s ‘Continuing fo End Fisher Strike (Continued From Page One) sion failed Tuesday evening, a shift of 2,500 workers walked off their jobs at the Baldwin avenue plant, idling all 4,300 hourly workers. Some 50 pickets,“ with 150 more in reserve, braved 20-degree tem-! perature as they circled the plant’s entrances. The strike, called because of al- leged speeded .up production, re-' sulted in the layoff of 2,200 pro- duction line workers at Pontiac Motor Division yesterday morn- ing, The struck plant provides all the auto bodies for the Pontiac plant. More of the Pontiac Motor plant's 12,000 will be sent Bome if the strike continues,. a spokes- {man for the Division said_yester-, Today the spokesman said he did not know when the continued. “We know we can work through today and layott would begin. begin tomorrow,” he commented. Members of Fisher Body Local 506 voted Nov. 14 to strike the plant because of the alleged speed They pulled De Hate from the |yeszend removal of former privi- | battle and restrained him while} scheduled for next. Monday. __ __ to workers. at Expense of — Cities to Be Discussion Topic aid is being directed more and more to rural areag at the ex- pense of urban areas will be dis- cussed tonight at the Pontiac Board of Education meeting. Superintendent of Schools Dr. Dana P. Whitmer will give a pre- liminary report on the situation, which he says is “disadvanta- geous” to Pontiac. p.m. in the board’s offices, Patterson St. : ‘Good Samaritans’ Hold This year, for instance, fer the first time the schoo! district is opera with less than half tts funds provided by the state, Whitmer said, The discussion will be almed at. possible recommendations to the legislature, Whitmer added, Whitmer also wili report on the ‘schools’ program for closer co- operation with industry. He will review a visit of a dozen Pontiac educators to the GMC Truck & Coach plant Nov. 29, ca * Ps be at 7:30 40 The meeting will! Yictim, Let Thief Go WILMINGTON, if, uw—Long- shoreman Paul "De “Hate was s0 angry today he didn’t know thé time -of-day. Suddenly, after a jostled him, De Hate realized his watch was gone, He caught’ up shook a confession from him. Just then two Good Samaritans (?) came along and mistook the! ‘sinner for the sinned against. stranger | with the stranger, -felled-him andl A trend by whieh ‘state echo] FUR WHAT? — Those are not albino caterpillars attacking this model's mink on an unusual hat by Svend of Paris. Rhinestone-dotted brown net drawn tightly about the head with a big bow comprises the rest of it. Order Examination of ITU Mailers Local DETROIT (AP)—An examination of the books of the Detroit Mailers -{bocal No. 40—has been — ordered py, by Circuit Judge Ira W. Jayne. The International Typographical Union asked the examination yesterday. — Local 40, whose members are employed by Detroit Newspapers, voted recently to disaffiliate from local President Max Burns and took over the local. ~The ITU went to” court to get missing. ‘the thief ran off with his watch. Some $80,000°(T) in union funds is involved. “KING B for him * @ Py E SLIPPERS for the whole family... slippers-make a wonderful gift! EE” 4 (| U0 ‘ Pp the little ones _comfy with “HONEYBUGS” for her... “HONEY BUG” ‘SLIPPERS starting at 999 You'll know she’ll love her new pair of slippers . . . they are so soft and cozy... they make her relax all over + +. and they're so lovely. Buy her a pair now! = =, starting at -face but pieces of white| ugee the ITU. The ITU then ousted | books and records it said were) F ‘at Camp Kilmer cues Then Voorhees shook hands with grabbed him by the hand, too, and cried on behalf of the President, “Welcome to America!” These are the first of 9,500 Hun- garians who are being flown here by Military Air Transport Service. voortees Commerce Board. each refugee and patted the ba-|ducing Buys Vote Machines Pleased with results of a voting! ® machine trial this year, the Com-|§ Wayne County highway engineer’s be vacated Det, at tieeaah - NATIONAL - tirement of Leroy C. Smith. For- CLOTHING CO. on These Gift Items Regular $9.95 Heavy These carpets are an excellent value . . . all ' before inventory - so terns and have your Floral Carpet. regular stock .,. we yet pm you really save! See “ carpet installed be- Only a limited quantity remains... . so hart oe are clearing them out the lovely floral pat-- fore Christmas. “First Aid for Spots” Regular $14.95 Se Here is one of the handiest = : fered. “tus dal for" We $ 49 100%, Heavy Nylon Twist < = Lin al ole ; Enough to Cover the Aveenge Room - i the ki an Soe Bedspre 3 ads 2 ae = mG MATCHING DRAPERIES : available for many patterns. Rayon florals and plains. Regular $29.95 — . Cotton Bedspreads IN A RANDOM TWEED $] 995 Brown tweed only. Reg. $22.50 i - Blue and Coral ‘only PLAIN _ Close-out of these Regular $18.95 Bedspreads RAYON Girls Dresses’ | «by Kate Greenaway / ean Youngland 83 a B™ nd ce We've. never seen prettier dresses. Beautiful washable broadeloths, silk and cot- ton, — arvell--or velveteen — @s combinations. Sizes 3 to ig 6x, 7 to 14, Chubettes. GIFT BOXED FREE . . Lovely prints ina practical warm gift. $ 3 GIFT BOXED FREE Ladies’ Seampruf e Slips _ ‘The finest in ladies’ slips and half lips by one of the finest makers. Regular and extra sizes. Short, aver- age, and tall. Sep 98 |, SqB98 | GIFT BOXED FREE Ladies’ ye Ss ys => Dre essy Blouses ~* au N Nylon or Dacron Ae washable blouses. A nT 4 4 wide variety of styles that are sure to make ye’: Gift Boxed Free ¥ Ladies’ ‘Walker’ Skirts All wool flannels and tweeds in walker styles. ‘ 3 Choice of slim skirts or gored flare styles as Park Free Reat of Store While Shopping Men’s Lambswool. Nweaters / Crew neck 100% wool lambswool sweaters by High- lander. Charcoal, grey, charcoal brown, light grey and tan. SH GIFT BOXED FREE § _Men’s Mallory or Adams | Choice of regular or the new flat: top styles. Give him a name “spo 5 sy | Men’s Slippers A Practical Gift Leather operas in tan or burgundy, Kid leather lined, cushioned insole. Leather soles and rubber heels. at GIFT $ D 95 BOXED FREE Special Men’s Framed Argyles vat syed. Sizes 10 Charge All of Your Purchases -- Smart, --wash- able shirts that look just like Dad’s. Includes the Ivy League look for boys. Sop 98 3 A» Boys’ B-9 ackets The greatest value ever for boys. The toughest of fabrics ».. MOUNTAIN CLOTH... quilted lined with detachable hood. Only Ass GIFT BOXED FREE "Men's Swank Jewelry. Tie bars, cuff links and sets. A wonderful gift. > Ladies’ Archer Nylons Give her the finest. Give her Archer Nylon Hose. Regular or dark seams, for every occasion . .. Just think! Now you can get that real _____great taste of Coke, that famous quality of Coca-Cola in two sizes. Keep both sizes . in’your refrigerator. Be ready whenever friends or family get together. sche met rte ito Cee Cnet Bottled under authority of The Coca-Cola Company by oe : THE PONTIAC PRESS. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 13, ‘1958 Dec. “1, most. Japanese. go into feces Geharolan arte ts the aleban: and I've yet to except that it’s the style. Snakebite is a new fad here. cooking in this city of eight million, you haven't lived without a plain " Tmeal of raw tuna or eel or abalone wrapped in seaweed. If you're ‘yserved piping hot bheancurd soup for breakfast, don’t bat an eye- lash. * * ® We have so many earthquakes GEISHAS FADING Tokyo is a great town for enter- tainment, but I’m afraid you'll be disappointed in the geishas. in cuales ‘sith ee ee Rae ON a AL a significance in a land of Shinto. |This—is another legacy of our * > 8 occupation under which most of About the long wunderwear—/the attractive women desert the you'll really not need it unless you/ ranks to become cabaret hostesses. insist on being fashionable. On This is because Americans never were able to figure out the subtle- ties of the geishas and preferred 4 4 cabarets, SCNSC + Atter a long pertoa ot —teep- . . inscrutable suspicion, the Jap- 2 __Applications— —fanese ~~ themselves 0 0k —to—the}+--—~ a pra find mightchube ts oyun tae Se , n . . ee ike ahaha” and expensive as anything in Paris ee —- Johnson. Milford or New York. peeaman conse, (Slate More Refugees a + scored De aa for Detroit by Yule .. a “Eoege DETROIT @ — More Bonns . Main. by Florence ian refugees are scheduled to be a ee e t K. ‘ eras oe ee Fe B som. aivélsccond plane load will reach eS Shape second plane will reach) Ait © oa cenaven Detroit before the Nelms Tort eae Leche holidays. Marforts Le hlatchere, 38 probably wil con directly trom come | Uemmard F. Davison. Davisbure Austria. | seonlind tee Deiat oon Verte é : area. Forty- : Bree Pak, Bebe cy three were on a plane from the ‘ Joseph D. Cadwalader Jr. 171 Well, Camp Kilmer reception camp that SSRSreect mtn a ae mes Hamborsky said that all of the ae ie i ¥, ute single men and heads of families i : rag ry refugee — end PS peste: wtmeen tt tots 7 . ov ¥ J, Simmons, 406 Bagley _jlodgings. Two families have 5 Edison rented homes of their own, he heer ain 241 Clifford said, eee ; B44-Yoorhets winteameseere, (Guided Missile Goes — Sa tal ; ido , po eaeenetin., |, EDWARDS, Cato — A Navy Pitan, ¥,Werten, Birminchem contact with the jet plane that was guiding it on a test shot Tues- day. It streaked wildly across the ‘desert and crashed 120 miles away on the edge of Death Valley. The 33-foot Regulus surface-to- * William R. Ward, 7260 Garvin Wiliam J. Worton, 116 Edison Geraidine Marshall, Oxford Mary F. Bush, Rochester” surface missile was undergoing a Richard G. Gray, Rochester routine test under electronic con- Susanne &. Eiliott, Lake Orion trol from the accompanying plane as Burton, South 1, when it got away. The jet traced ; “Betty'd: Watking, Wallea Late it to its crash site and a crew Manly A. Tyson, Birmingham was sent to pick up the pieces. Dene at Hallock, Birmingham The devices are being tested at as Pees Peston this Mojave desert base under the 4 ve accelerated missile program. 3 ; Audree ¥. (pos 4 |They are built to permit aerial | Sera. te Retietee control by chase planes in order aa Joan Clarkston, Drayton Plains to conserve fest costs, The planes James © Seceuin = Stock wer ordinarily Jand the_missiles on_re- Beasie C. Nurnberger, 2488 Pontiae mote airstrips. trie - 06 ©. Detate Base officials said the guiding Loretta M. 2549 Leach mechanism apparently failed aft- Na Lake Orion er launching. | crash was three Ethel 1 Rich, 708 Citfford miles southwest of the community yheeuee oe og instweod ® of Ryan, Russell D, Brown, Bugene, Ore. ~ . ° Betty A. Staton, S091 Clenes Name President of Firm John 270 Prankiin : Gioria Botello, 270 Frankiin GRAND HAVEN t# — Marion A. Sherwood, 47, has been elected president of Grand Haven Stamped Products Co. by its board of di- rectors, to succeed the late Paul A. jJohnson Sr., who died Nov. 27. -{Sherwood-has been. secretary and|. manager of the firm. = RK. Witlobee, Oxford K. Conner, Oxford Jack &. yw ass ashe Peat at arn Lecter B. Terrill, ate | y, Huron Hasei FP. Crawford, 6881 Mather Robert R. Skinner, Muskegon _ Kay Y¥. Wagner, 644 E. Madison Ths geishas? Well, they’re having tough sledding and many fim: traditional restaurants are | going out of business. They never were what everyone said they were anyway. The money here for some reason is called yen, and a dollar will buy you 360 of them. If you go to the racetrack (winter never stops the-horses here) you start betting cents you're. improving the breed. * * * New York or Los Angeles. You} ean go six miles for a buck. But) every..sensible man carries risk) insurance that runs it higher. FORMER PILOTS — All the World War II Japanese at 100 yen—which means for 23) Taxes are much cheaper than in | xplains Fascination of the Far East “Kamikaze” suicide pilots who survived-now find employment as taxi drivers. They drive little toy cars that are great for sneaking through traffic, but it would take six to carry both you and Toots Shor. * * I--hope -you- won't have any language difficulties You shouldn't because so many people speak English, like my barber who has a sign above his place that says, “Plese come in and have ‘your head cut.” Of course, the famous Tokyo | Press Club still is going strong | } and hasn't changed much. The | | omy life-sized Marilyn Monroe | Cameder In oll Ace en ip ber: George Thomas Folster of NBC' | bast visit in 1950. » will be waiting for you. George|' points out that if you are inclined to take the famous Japanese;: ofura hot baths it will cost you & cent less than it will cost Millie. This is because the bathhouse owners figure a woman by washing her long hair uses a-.penny’s worth more hot water than a man does. I'm sure you and your wife appreciate that I've given you the! offbeat version of Tokyo. It’s a wonderful town, and actually hasn't changed much since your Oil Production Up in Rocky Mountains DENVER (INS) — Oil produc- tionin the Rocky Mountain region is at an all-time peak of some 600,000 barrejs per ‘day as increas- ing demand from Europe - supplies from other“ areas, ite rise in output since the Middle Eastern crisis began. Increased prices being paid for crude oil in many parts of the region also helped the production bost. Only a small portion of the oil ing sent directly to Europe via Gulf Coast ports. However, ship- . Except, of course, that you ll see young Japanese couples walk-| jing hand-in-hand along the streets} It's something reitivety new to the? jmumber~ of pupits- transported—toy- jreserved Japanese, something, and from school buildings at public ment to eastern states has in- creased. During the past 20 years the those crazy emotional Americans |expense has increased by 350 per introduced. jeent. Group to Hibernate on Lonely Fox Island men and two women plan to winter on lonely Fox Island, 45 miles west camp. land’ will be limited to weekly (plane flights by a Harbor Springs) flying service and cargo trips by from the mountain states “is —be- PETOSKY @ — A group of 19 of Petosky-in- Lake Michigan, where they operate a lumber Their contact with the “main- the 65-foot lumber freigher, Temp ; from Charevoix and Stetling Nickerson, whose Stet ling Nickerson & Sons Lumber Co. of Kingsley operates about 900 lacres_on the island, plans to keep the camp and mill in operation through the winter as he did two years ago. Food is prepared for camp lum- berjacks and mill hands by Ster. ling’s daughter-in-law, Eva Nicker- son, —who—is-assisted Wayne Siivouen, TIONED RECOND Loans $25 to $500 on Signature, Furniture or Car _7 WEST tourer Bae STREET PONTIAC Phone: FEderal 2-9249 t 2nd Floor, OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT — PHONE FOR EVENING woues Eo ompaah © eae vd cometog eve shop the COMPLETE ALTERATIONS INCLUDED ON MEN’S & BOYS’ COATS, SLACKS AND SPORTCOATS Boys’ 2 piece sport suit. .. swell gift! < = Robert Hall is a ee | My BA /% (g AN’ € od | ay. °° ¥ ae P opt a, % 2 : Ladies’ holiday-time tashion dresses Rey Patl joer sie tao SON 1ASO - Tew ec 13.95 je: Ladies’ daytime dresses and dusters Boys’ playtime plaid shirt and slack set Raticetoetiase — 2.89u3.89 Snnniicintmincmind — 3.99 ws saith aanapbaae eee nee ad Men’s Ivy-styte corduroy sportcoats anime 1.89 * $-button modell Striped Bemberg linings, 6.08 , | Valve Green, charcoal gray, antelope. 36-46. ; 12.9 Ladies’ all wool check zip-lined coats jeer poe cena Men’s dacron-blend gabardine slacks Srincwinitaeimeis. — -LBLO5 yon, Neroacnedarlind Tandem, 4. QE bs RESO TEN : | : ae ee rae coats ‘Men's gabardine surcoats & suede jackets collars! Charcoal, light or banker's gray. 8-16. 13 viv. Send oa soady nie poe SEA 9. 95 ane 16. 95 Girls’ jeweled orton cardigan sweaters Men’s wool zipcoats. Tweeds! Gabardine rere a 2.89 ie All wool plaid liners! Donegal-types! Fancies! 29.95 ris’ jumper-dress, blouse, tote bag set smieceicaamel “oe eiceansensriate 3.89 “7 blouse! Tote bag! Sizes 8-6, "(tae 200 N. Saginaw — FREE PARKING IN REAR sportcoats 19.95 $27 Valve Natural look! New patterns. wool slacks 8.95 12.95 Value 100% wool flannel! Top shades! 28-42. wool _THE PONTIAC PRESS _rHtunspay, DECEMBER 13, 19565 'e) United Press Phote GLOWING TRAFFIC COP —-In a move to prevent accidents, policemen in West Berlin will soon be equipped with well-spaced bright yellow lights on their belts to make them more easily seen in all kinds of weather. The bulbs, three on the front and three in the rear, will be fed by a dry-cell battery that fits easily into the policeman's white coat. ¢ . . N York P Vaccine Fails son oS wit - to Save Youth - Delay H-Tests NEW YORK (#—The New York . Post said today in a Washington) Foundation Says Death idispatch that “the United. States First on Record After has decided to suspend further major H - bomb tests at least Taking Three Shots through 1957." | The newspaper said the Atomic | NEW YORK w& — The National Energy Commission soon will an-| Foundation of Infantile Paralysis pounce that next year’s nuclear | said today the death of a boy from tests will be restricted to the area polio after he received the full|of Las Vegas, Nev, three doses of Salk vaccine was) ‘This will be a guarded way of| the first known case of its kind. (disclosing that no latge-scale H-| “He was simply one of those | bomb tests are planned,” the Post! rare types that do not respond to! said, . . vaccine,” a foundation spokesman! The story, by Robert G. Spiv- said. lack, said: He said the death of James! “It is also understood that the| | Thomson, 15, of Seattle, Wash., was government intends not to resume) | the first polio fatality know n,|H-bomb tests even after next year, among 43 million youngsters who/if world conditions improve. have received at least one shot,| “The reasons are: Public safety including seven million fully im-jand the.need for some dramatic munized. istep to ease international ten- The boy died Nov. 29, about/sions.” | three months after he got his last’ The Post said its information shot in the series. came from ‘the highest sources.” The foundation spokesman em-| “Ironically,” the article con- Phasized that this time lag made tinued. ‘“‘the administration is fol- it impossible for there to be any lowing—in many particulars—the connection between the vaccine,|course advocated by Adlaj E. Ste- and the boy’s contracting of the|venson, the Democratic candidate disease, for president, and about which top “We've said from the beginning officials, from President Eisen- that the vaccine was not 100 per er down, were scornful during the cent effective,” he said, “Some election campaign." people, a small fraction simply fad not respond to vaccine of an sn aon vita up amon LICENSES for Lighters “Super 30” pushbutton deluxe automatic range 199 LIST 269.95 Automatic electric range has giant super-oven that can cook a complete meal for 24. Auto- matic oven-timing clock lets you cook while away from home. Suver-fast surtace units. Delivered and Serviced The vaccine didn't help this boy, a oe hart tamer jostle DEMME IN Spal | touched by the vaccine.” He said there still are some 530; “MADRID (INS) — Cigarette | million youngsters in the suscep-/jighters must be licensed in Spain - tible age group who have had no Salk shots, and that a massive program is now on to try to reach them. They must get shots soon if they are to be protected against polio during fits peak. season next sum- mer, he said, as eight months is re- quired to establish. protection by, the series of _ shots. according to .a new ruling of the Finance Ministry. Persons not carrying their lighter licenses will be subject to confiscation of their lighters and fines, after April 30, 1957. Lighters made in Spain pay i110 Pesteas (25 eents yearly) and foreign - make lighters pay 30 ppeactns 475e} - OPEN EVERY NIGHT ; Pom w a @ Oe o. New dishwasher is fully automatic in LIST 329.95 Hotpoint automatic dishwasher rolls-on wheels .¢-. designed for use in small kitchens. Use as a portable or have it built right into your counter arrangement. Convenient maple cut- Delivered and Serviced, No Installation Necessary . port their losses." Easy Come, Easy Go! . WAUSAU, Wis. «— Lost or) stolen bicycles laying unclaimed!” at police headquarters for weeks » at a time are a sign of a new! attitude by youth toward such! possessions, sayé-Chief of Police’ Everett Gleason. ‘There was a, time when a youngster ran ail his bicycle was missing,” said, - Gleason. “Today they apparently difficulty they don't bother to re: 13 NO, SAGINAW ST. “Christmas Specials _ er xs “OUTLET” Genuine Diamond . Qe From 17 -Jewel A905 LADIES’ and Fro™ ¥ : Phawds WATCHES Oe —_- Nationally Advertised — oeee. ak sg Radios from . ORCC eo eeeee 95 Suiteases from seeeeenes 2 and ; yee) ENGAGEMENT RING SETS | > Beautifully Mounted ~ Sf oo Fully automatic air-blower dryer - LIST 199.95 Buy this one new at this low, low price. Precision electric timer, world’s largest lint screen, porcelain finish drum. Delivered and Serviced i ‘ ‘Automatic washer _ has Wond-R-Dial Jet spray rinse, spin tub. me "Delivered, Installed, — _ust 239.95 Autaenatic washer with ex- clusive: Wond-R- Dial that 20 dice WO: * * oe i ~ : 5 : . ; : z s Ah. THE PONTIAC PRESS. THURS DAY, DECEMBER 13, 1956 | iin { Si capldaline beeline clea hive ; Buildi \senecel manager of ‘Mises Fabri-| Corp., organized in 1951 ‘to pro-| ‘expected to go on to Budapest by|day’s group was to await the ar- be drilled for the plates. DSR’ Ie; pase Foriconen ‘cators, Inc, said Tuesday he| mote ig“ expansion. in, je Hungarian Athletes . special train, iva of sas second = before — studied by the DSR Commission. . | Marysville with 30 to 35 employes - Misco manufactures staintone! ‘because our families “ate there; >| 7 - | PORT HURON dF A Deuoit within two weeks._-AMiseo's Detroit steel equipment and heat resistant!“ MILAN, Italy. he-A_Freich air: ‘one-member.of the Hungarian wa-| It is estimated that one firm says it will relocate its plant plant was destroyed by. fire. of every Maine enacted its first prohibi-’ a aS y y. / alloys. liner ended here with 45 Hungar- ter polo team told/reporters. |259 working persons in the United tion Iaw in 1846 and made it a in the former Dow Magnesium’ The firm is the fourth to be, ——_-—-- A s plane “carrying g2;States is employed in some phase part of its state constitution in| Co. building at nearby Marysville. brought to the Port Huron area’ First federal tax on gasoline was ‘ians from the Olympic games in! Sicemensteds oat ees hed-lof the: printing or publishing in. ——-— j Garth Thompson, _Dresident_ and, by. the _ Industrial Development, imposed in 192. oe : Melbourne. Most of them were! haat to arrive here 6 tomorrow, To-/dustries. & re: MEN'S “WALDORF” MEN'S “WALDORF” — WALDORF INITIALED -—MEN‘S- IMPORTED LINED — B‘CLOTH PAJAMAS GUARANTEED SOX MEN’S HANDKERCHIEFS CAPESKIN GLOVES Seautifully tailored in stripes, Cottons, rayons, rayon-and- Fine cotton with rolled hems. Black, cork, red, tan or gray prints, solids, Coat, pull-over, cotton blend, In pastels and 18 popular initials; full-size with contrasting trim. Sizes middy types. Sizes A-B-C-D. deep tones. Sizes 10-13. handkerchiefs. Ideal gift. S-M-L-XL. Buy his now! 2.98 3 prs. 1.25 ™ 3 for $1 a 2.98 BOYS’ SHIRT SETS, SPORT SHIRTS AND - “S DRESS SHIRTS 498 < Shirt set includes sow tie, novelty cuff links, white shirt. 4-10. Flannel, cotton or rayon ab sport shirts, Many styles, colors. 6-18. loth dress shirts with wide-spread col- lar, are or button er Neck sizes 11-14. MEN'S 100% WOOL MEN’S NEW WALDORF SHIELDS FIFTH AVENUE PIONEER INITIALED GLOVE, MUFFLER SETS WOOL-LINED THES INITIAL JEWELRY SET MEN’S CO DE BELTS In camel, maize, brown, gray, Cotten and silks, rayons, Cuff links and tte bar. Gold Molded cowhide belts in maroon, navy. Argyle patterns wovls. Solid’ colors, prints, finish initials on simulated black, brown. Choice of 18 and solid coloss. novelties, Many colors, pearl. 18 initials. popylar initials, 2.98 - $1 and 1.50 Pius US. Fax 3.50 : 2.50 ce . pe % : a> ey “ Gifts Cast Less at Federals | s MEN’S WARM FLANNEL BOYS’ V-NECK MEN’S SOFT LEATHER PLAID SPORT SHIRTS ORLON* SWEATERS GIFT-BOXED WALLETS Machine- washable in maize, Sanforized. Many “patterns. Long sleeve pullovers in Tan, brown, black, mahogany charcoal, blue, silver, mint, © 2 pockets. Sizes S-M-L. On powder blue, peacock, red, in many handsome styles. other colors. S-M-L. sale in Work Clothes Dept. maize, toast. 4-12, Beautifully crafted. "DuPont's acrylic fiber 3,98 . 1.98 *DuPons’s acrylic fiber 3.98 . Plus US. Tex 3.50 Give him gifts he'll like to wear 2 gegibariin ese te SO NPE a ATS & e 6 } ‘Seg . ae : MEN’S WOOL WORSTED MEN‘’S BELTED AND RAYON-AND-ACETATE MEN'S COTTON PLISSE TS __AWARD SWEATERS __ PRE-CUFFED SLACKS MEN’S LINED ROBES WASHABLE ROBES WHITE DRESS SHIRTS, . Warm coat sweaters . Smartly detailed winter fab- Blue, silver, maroon, gold ot Maroon, blue, maize, charpoat maroon, navy, gray and royal. _rics. Smart colors. es Pre- bronze. Fully lined, 3 pockets, in ints, stripes, plaids. _Heeal gift. 40-46, cuffed lengths, 29 Sizes S-M-L-XL. | SMCLXL. Gift boxed. . 4.98 . BROADCLOTH PAJAMAS, 5.98 5.98 SPORT SHIRTS 398 Fine broadcloth white dress shirts feature pleated back, sleeves, ocean pearl buttons. 134%-20; 31-36 sleeve. Broadcloth pajamas in 8 wonderful colors with contrasting piping. A-B-C-D, Long sleeve rayon gabardine sport shirts. 20. washable colors. 2-way convertible collar, ocean pearl buttons. S-M-L-XL. a RAYON-AND-ACETATE RAYON-AND-ACETATE BOYS’ FLANNEL-LINED MEN’S FINE ROBES BOYS’ GAB SLACKS CHINO TWILL SLACKS MEN’S BEACON CLOTH WASHABLE ROBES 8 pockets, braided waist tie. Gabe, chromspum, jacquards Feature self belt, pleats, zip- Plaid cotton with extra-warm ea Patterns in blue, maroon, _ in rich colors. Wonderful gift. per, cuffs, 4 pockets, Patterns. flannel lining. Army tan, blue. charcoal. S-M-L-XL. Sizes S-M-L-XL. Sizes 5 to 10. . Boys’ sizes 6-12. ! ore A personal gift fo please him! 18 8 389 3.98 SPORTSM AN 2-PC. SET BOYS’ 100% WOOL ~ BOYS’ PRINTED _ BOYS’ COTTON KNIT . Boys’ WHITE MIDWAYS, - QUILT-LINED CAPS = FLANNEL PAJAMAS 2-PC. SKI PAJAMAS WARM COTTON SHIRTS | Genuine mouton ear flaps. Has Full-cut 2-piece. Print, solid, Pullover shirt, boxer waist, Heavyweight rib knit cotton imitation leather trim, lined fancy patterns. Coat, middy Rib knit crew neck, wristlets, midways, short sleeve shirts. neck band. Sizes 6%%-71%. styles. 6-18 in the group, anklets. Sizes: 6-16. Sizes 6 to 16. Buy now! 4.59. ieee Pita Oa ai eae Merk NT Gane een es Bois oS — —— wn —~ = es eae Seek 5 Ons BEN oe gee es Sap ee tne 7 ee | ges ate ge a ea aa) as Hae ey A ea ic : See ee ee ae 2 t ise : 7 ' Bae ¢ af z < » & : a = ¢ EE ages Geer aoe : eae 2 “ Pig 2 ; pes : 5 ee, aoe Be : ? ; ; | ji i . f 5 = : ; aes rf : iy Z L = ; i 5 Pos i é A ; : J wt = q : . ‘ i ° : } ‘ : ; ‘ * A b ‘ Bo | PH PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13. 1956 _ | >| All-Around Twins. > is. in the Navy. His twin, Dr. jone child. And both e private |Daticing | } Headed by Brig. Gen. William Th nis | ee : ins cto ce ae we » ! , Retiring AF Officers — Peston se Thief Leaves Note, | et S« SOFVICOS © | Army, 2 "jphysicians prior 16 going intofo Live Neor Base Kirtland special weapons center, a| Expected 3rd Time | HUDSONVILLE, Mich. u» — The| Both Were noted: athletes and Service. ne has 40 : : 1 oa Reng eameent alten. haniclaan /Aceeinee: Yo DAE seb. a: leh 5s Zens siteats. 2 eee Kiruand acre on-the northeast sutekizts- of af ae: ~ diverged: slightly now that |lege; they attended medical school 5 consumes more pulp|Air Force Base like where they are|, * : two she is expecting pels hasta joined the armed together and each married his col-/@4 r than the rest of the etalioned ip well thi ate Samtiig hes yet oe ee pen de : s._Dr. Robert D. Visscher jlege sweetheart. They- each have combined, : “|g retirement haven: in the area; — lis “sectioned; + a ! : . NX aS VS GIFT ACE FOR WOMI A ae ‘Cl JGGAGE FOR WOMEN Gift, Footwear for Everyor Py ye : Quality Luggage a : cS 7. We . in Matched Sets / 95 95 9”* to + Plus U.S. Tex Pastel blue, green or tan washable plastic covering 3-ply veneer, 1-pc. bent frame. Padded bottom, polished button lock and rayon-lined with shirred pockets. Gift-perfect! 4 18-21" O'Nite Cose.......... 9.95 ‘3 | = 5 ae y . gee Flatheel "398 Leather «© 9B Doubles «= 498 = White Bk O98 ; vA - Roomy Train Cose............ 9.95 Westerns Sno-Boots ; Runners Figures : Se 4 26" Pullman........-..00..01..-- 16.95 — All-leather with. western Leather with fleece-lining, Brown or white leather in| ~~“ Padded tongue. Reinforce ———S 29”. Pullmany...................... 18.95 motif uppers, pens poles. pect cuff, crepe sizes 10-3. Padded tongue, ed.at strain points. Tem- a1” We 7s Cae 18.95 Sizes 814-12 an 12s . soles, Women’s oun 6. sturdy twin steel blades. pered steel blades, 4-10, Gift-worthy Sets Matched for Her 95 95 6”° to ona ae ei Pad US. Yas _ All-wood frame, plastic coated fabric covering in navy with White, tan tweed with tan or simulated alligator. Rayon-lined, shirred pockets, easy- _ grip handles, Gift-shop now, save! des 18-21" O'Nite Cose......... 6.95 | Hard-Toe oy 2-Tone =) 98 Fleece = 498 Metallic - 949 Roomy Trein Cose............ 7.95 Hockeys Capeskins Lined Operas D’Orsay . 26” Pullmon...................... 11.95 — Blk./brn, leather, tubular Soft capeskin with plat- Black or brown soft leath- Soft blue or coral with — — 29” Pull 13.95 steel blades. Boys’ 1-5. * form sole, wedge heel in er uppers. Fleece-lined, Ss to-match fur trim, SEIBB -corsnsnsserowegevsews : Men 6-12 «......005 9.98 pretty combinations. 4-9. leather soles. Sizes 6-12. Ki ts” sizes 1244 to 3, Ser 21" Wardrobe.................... 14.95 re 5 A o.. > Z ——<—— i = 2S ae — = . — : - 7 : - i - EXPERT ae 4 : CORSETIERES | | ~*~ WiLL: Fit ff, 4 V* YOUR NEW | ¢ \ ee : _ pLayTex § . correctty \@) MISSES’ GIFT SKIRTS ; Pencil-slim sheath styles in wool, full rk | _ ae —— : taffeta or quilted nylon. The latest holidjy [| —~ 6.95 —_ fashions in pastels, dark shades and black. : , Many with self-belts and trims. Sizes 22-30. . a a Oe i Get HOLIDAY BLOUSES | mong cae | ‘erepe, wool jersey or cotton broadcloth. Some ADC Rng herbs ste 5.00 | DuPont s polyester fiber PLAYTEX “LIVING BRA” | + = ; fa cotton, or nylon with. dears mB i : ; ‘ as if it were made vhite or _ORLON* SWEATERS black, 82364, 82408, 395 ie Cardigan aod ill-ons ine 7S ee ee ee . , D-cup sizes white only... 49S | : i-bulk Orilon*. White, p. s ani ; as 8 i’ * : ; “ enon , Exquisitely-detailed in luxury fabrics including 100% wools, chin- / aos, and nove in the group Sines 94 00 06 cil, martiniqus, tweed, pushes cashmere binds and for. blends ae * DuPont's acrylic fiber a Lovely season-wise colors to choose. from. Perfect ae in juniors’, oa vet thd ee fete ae ea misses’ and half-sizes. Take advantage of gigantic holiday savings! protege erga” * Seek ____|mewsmen ‘who toured the naval re-'} night, Dr. Joseph Kaplanjthe earth in an eliptical orbit for 7 ; fold an Ohio University audience about a year. But if it should in Athens he believes the first ofjclimb only to 100 miles, its life the satellites will be launchedjaloft might be only an hour or about Jan. 1, i958, Kaplan, chair-|two, Then it would fall into the “man of the U. 8. National Com-/thick atmosphere and burn up like “mittee for the Geophysical Year,/a meteor. a ae a good percentage” Prototypes of satellites are be-| ‘if six of the satellites turn out/ing made here, but the actual] “successfully. spheres which will be used are : Hagen insisted that “‘we are not|produced by the Detroit firms of ~ many way racing With Russia,”'Brooks and Perkins. pounced plans to launch its own i i = an hour. The sphere will be crammed) into from a height of 200 to| reaches a level of about 300 miles, -gatellites. | Hagen made the ~omments—e isearch laboratory where work on the project is being done. The idea is that three powerful stages of rockets will carry a 20-inch metal sphere high enough to go into an orbit around the earth at 18,000 with instruments and automatic radio transmitters. for sending data back to earth. How long the first satellite will stay aloft depends on how high it can be fired, Hagen said, If it it could continue whizzing around 'Taace-lined SLIPPERS FOR HIM! 2a SSS WARM, FLEECE LINING, | LEATHER SOLE AND 4 RUBBER HEEL, IN a Men’s Sizes. R Fleece Lined Slippers for Her =; _-Red-- Blue — » Warm Fleece Lined Leether Soles Rubber Heels r “ ov Women’s Figure a-twirl in taffetized nylon... CHIC CAMISOLE As advertised in Life! ... A nylon paff slip with nylon tri- cot bodice .. . two layers of tulle , . elasticized back for perfect fit. Hand wash, skip the iron. Sizes 4 to 14. | | st SKATES | Sizes 4 to 10 EES MEEPS POL NE NES ENS Boys’ Sizes 1 to 2 HOCKEY SKATES. Misses! Misses’ Figure matching colors. SLIP Men‘s-Cotton-and_Nylon STRETCHABLE ARGYLES Extra long wearing ... extra smart | x! Hefty Penny Towncraft® knits of soft, ab- sorbent combed cotton and stretchable nylon. mond patterns in wardrobe Skates 2+. °7*. 's Men’s Figure Skates.....°12 4 - Open nes Night | Until Christmas You'll love the ef- fect and the luxury of these towels... . especially at Penny petens. Thick, thirsty . « « they weight in, oo 22-5 es water. Smoke pearl. Others. 79 sizes S-M-L ‘Cannon Towels in Carefree Colors “CARNIVAL STRIPES” Use them alone! Match them with solids. Y 98" Just look oa 7 Ra :‘ SOFT FEMININE ORLON LONG SLEEVE SLIPOVERS at Penneys Thrifty price for such gift + quality sweaters — quickly. Sizes 34 to. 40. Pye of course they wash Never need blocking. 90 Combed Cotton For the most practical gift ever —combed cotton man wants! nylon reinforced crew prevents sagging smarter longer. Blankets replaced if they more than 3% in washing! Ny- Jon Binding Replaced if it fails 90 inches long. Time's a wastin'! Take care of -everyone on your list with « fast one-stop-shopping trip to Ponney’s eee Give Her the Best ... Gaymode Stretchables Se whisper-sheer and clingy... Gaymode Stretchable Nylon mold to every contour of ankie- bone and knee... make wrin- kles a thing of the past... do devastating things for her legs. — mites. 2 norm and long. Blended of wool for warmth, tich hand . . . vicara for nes, easy texture .. . peeretie’ te 98 ‘THEY MACHINE WASH! °8 bes eee we semrire Poy ae y of __ "WHE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 13, 1956 1 RHUSOC 2 POH 3 CANDE 4 CKIK 5S NILE & TYAUBE 7 AGSTE 8 PETS ISGN Yesterday's enewer: shyMber, sAg. coTion, Tult, sping, Est, poSture, Sleep, covEr, Soft. RA @ W996 What's My Line, Ine. Reuther's Aim for 1958: Biggest Hike in History CHICAGO —"The biggest wage| propose changes in ‘the UAW inerease in the history of our| constitution and contracts at the union” is the target that United) April, 1957, Auto Workers President Walter Reuther has set for 1958. ~—Reuther, —in a speech at the|— , UAW’'s annual skilled trades con-| levels. ference, didn’t spell out just how much that would be. “ But the UAW's spokesman at the| Tey ont hota. ern mtonigzn wage hike was 18% cents an hour, belling movements as the organiza-| gained in 1946. The largest gain| tion of the skilled trades council, was 21 to 22 cents and included! p wther said: é was granted in 1955 in the signing you wh = tor of the current auto company con- — = mane tracts, . _| produc aes ae others." Reuther called the target “the The skilled trades council has most ambitious” his 1,500,000 sought bargaining rights for many member union ever set. It comes workers in Michigan plants. Some againet a backdrop of an average skilled trades members say they automobile industry wage which joined the new organization pe- x the UAW says te §2-99 an hear. cause they felt fhe UAW no longer Reuther, speaking to representa-| represented them. tives of tool and die makers,| Reuther listed in connection with machine repair and maintenance|his proposed changes, moves tc men, said the plan would be) organize ‘200,000 office workers” further formulated at a special/and ‘‘tens of thousands of engi- convention early in 1958. neers’ employed by the auto and * 6 @. aircraft industries. | So Faced with some dissatisfaction) Some attempts have been made among the skilled trades, Reuther|t© organize these groups in the said the union would seek a master| Past. * * * agreement covering all union A spokesman for the Union said mémbers ya eet troore the higher wage raise demands aiid aaaters would be aimed at three industries He said that skilled workers eee paaaaive eon if tn Viewer. ae creases their skills justify.” " expire in mid 168, The hore a, Necessary When rs nec (a Clee er In addition, he sald, he would | pirations in 1958 and early in 1959. te wt wines an | ‘aoa Opening © men like MOS? cen: se ) 1 ‘s iliar ‘thin | | Charge Account * : ficate a > Men like familiar things sO bent bvaltchle te 60 Days! are I ight day ae 90 Days! . , here... Right now! = SLIPPERS Whether he's 2 new father, or a great grandfatner, : - all his life he's known about the quality, style and perfect comfort of Evans Slippers. That's why your gift of Evans Slippers will please him so, A. $795 B. $595 \ \ 18 - 20 North Saginaw St. mokes it-ole to solve those puzzling oa pale * - 4 * gt =) = THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1056 | : = a, eb <0 ee = ~— or t 2 = ) a = amen weve) fT y tas ! iad ened = : . baa gp - iced with a mist of lace and pleats Shadow-proof, nylon tricot slips with . wide camisole straps of nylon lace. - Pleated bodice and flounce. White or C¢hoce of pink, sizes 32-40. Deep cocktail slits at sides of nylon 3 styles tricot slip are edged with nylon lace ~ with matching lace on camisole straps. White. 32-40. Lace over nylon tricot forms the bodice of this slip. Deep tiered flounce or pleated skirts. White, pink. 32-40. each 4. Embroidered flora! appliques add the final note of loveliness 95 to this pleated and lace-trimmed slip of 40 denter nylon tricot. Washes beautifully, dries in a whisk. 32-40. Inserts of ats, edged with nylon lace and ex- 98 ~"qitatte th appliqtes,trim- these nylon elastic. leg. — briefs... Small, medium and large. . et ee Nylon flare leg panty is 98 besutifulty tatiored~ with tri= angular lace tnserts. 35-44. . 4 denier nylon tricot petti- coat trimmed with floral appliques. 8-M-L, Lingerie Dept.—Main Floor * PE A ll: gl tial bial a Mlicadl oals dina attain aint Just Sey, “Charge it” on Sears Revolving Charge 6 Months to Pay o «+ Small service charge gifts you're hoping will turn up in your Christmas stockings are to be found in ‘ } the aristocrat of the Royal Purple family el = =~ ~—Ssétruly proportioned-fit nylons Surprise her with the most fabulous gift of all — exquisitely sheer nylons! But be sure they're Royal Purple nylons with the individualized | ae fit that's perfectly proportioned for her leg from ankle to thigh. acess Choose from 4 leg shapes; Petite, shapely, classic and tall. » ~ » a ga ORE mR rw > accessories a ne silk crepe squares fancnpnncermenpsennnnliiie nm mein _ < Winter costume brighteners in silk crepe: 98 Hand-rolied edges; assorted prints. nylon umbrellas Choose from seli-openers and slim-cased wind resistant styles of biack nyion. Hardwood handles. handsome nylon gloves Heavy double-woven nylon with embroid- ery and French knoté on cuffs. 4 colors. imported fur-lined gloves... - [ys ____—- Imported Italian made lambskin gloves , liried with fur. Feature hand sewing. y G asctan << CA4 5 | " eS a mL ee embroidered linen hankies Pure linen hankies with scalloped edges. colorful embroidery or white embroidery on white. Irish linen hankies Pretty prints of pure Irish linen with hand- polled edges: Sa eae See aan nner’ Be araiononen - _ fine leather : 3 7 —"\ | 1.35 6 pair 1.356 pair - 1.35: pair Polished top-grain cowhide billfold. Fun Give her these cobweb stretch - Fdshion-conscious- women She'll wear this to own in red, turquoise or light green. plus tax e = a choere: Wie’ tha paciact cone “ Ble Bo gv j , < - : free” finish if meant -- wearing utility sheers costume, There's on a a 6” ; : : : c “Cat ~ beautiful fit, Dull “Care- een aine without a : , free” finish cuts down wrinkle from top to ‘snags. Full fashioned. -. Dull plus tax, aes ees Se f a oC er es yates aes eae Hig? . . tae * = f j wt _- git Share oe = os : Sa oa si . : \ ete Fae . ‘ contre PA THE PONTIAC. PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1936 : & ce 1 To Construct Plant _BAULT STE. MARIE, Ont. | for Algoma Stee! Corp. Lid. plans to Poke Up CF OU RAMI Fine DatroHeT Dead™ model and color in a parking lo ow: - ind Rapids, NEW YORK w—A man idenified| suicide. An. autopay te to: be pers DETROIT w — President Birt Ne Back! trom personal papers as George] formed today, __{H. Berner, about 33, Detroit, was ~ |terv {found dead in his room at the) Only one-eighth the height of anim Hotel New Yorker’ Tuesday. jiceberg projects above the water Police attributed his death to an|surface, Automatic/Chrome- Coffeemaker Plated Coffeemaker = * Poriect Cotiee Every Time Reg. 16.95 14. 88 Sale Priced 18. 88 Set the “flavor dial for mild, Fully automatic 3-8 cups. Dial medium or strong catlee’ mild, medium or strong! Brews Brews up to 10 cups; shuts off in 12 minutes. Chrome-plated — keeps hot, all automatically solid copper, sitting or penile you'll i iron in ste: on Maid of Honor: Makes. your > eat ae Chromed steel legs adjust from 24 to 36-in. high. Ven- tilated steel for cooler ironing. Safety lock: + tesa % re me Roaster-Oven Cooks oameve Automatic Cooler and Faster! — Quick Corn Popper ; Reg. 34.95 29. 88 4-qt. Size 6 95 ° $3 DOWN : a. kitchen work-saver, on sale! Big 23 quart family size Ken- No stirring, no shaking, pops . more cooks with range e!- corn in a jiffy! Easy to clean ficiency! Automatic heat con- aluminum bowl and lid, fast to ' trol, insulated, Roasts, bakes! electric heating unit. 12-speed mixer | b With Two Bowls and Recipe Book $3 DOWN Save — Was 34.95 + ‘Aaihiatms ‘Cookware Double Griddle Makes Ideal Gift is a Worksover f a oie» 14.95 Maid of Honor 3 .85— 3-qt. saucepan, 1/;-qt. double Housewives need only _hailf Mi S boiler, 6-qt, saucepot, chicken the time with Maid of Honor 12 fryer, 3-pe. range set. Knobs, griddle; s two burners, handles in 2 colors. heats quickly. 10x17-in. Give Mom a Kenmore deluxe 12-speed mixer for Christ- mas! Truly a work-saver ... 12-speeds — “extra-slow” to “siperiont qnd Lferve caper a sve wece to do any Wi | » mixing job. Adjustable turn-table. Head lifts off for use a Super Beaters at the stove or table. Fingertip control. Attractive colors. ie + vy ee . HAYS Steam-Dry bie Sale Was “4, 95... 10-speed Mixer New mixer is portable or stand- 2 88 type; has extra pyrex bowl; tru- speed motor and 4 finger- tip speed control mix-dial A “Fantastic” Buy... Was 10.95 p¥ gies 4 e Delay | Stop ironing the old- deine way. - 8 & Kitchen Tool Set Famous this famous steam an fron tet — Eom ieee : - —— Nsterd nationally Gives on 7 Pieces 10.95 + Only a 4.59 << et flee 3. 98 Electrical Dept. 15.95 proof eluminum tan : . “ir Tttnt range of stings ube top Woe fete cea cst ta ed lal es Ge potato masher end rack. Stur- beari nylon gears. with , : to anyone... anywhere "e * on ards t Y "ogee away from eg Choice of ask any salesman Moderize . Your A reel fixture that adjusts oo at the touch of your finger, Kenmore Automatic Moves down to 53-in. and for Perfect Toast up to 22-in. from the ceil- _ing, or stops. anywhere in Was 15.95 11.88 Rarween.” a 3-Piece Aemiaum tine eer Set for Your Range Maid of Hone 6,98 speciet §=£2,49 Sturdy cart has tubular steel Handy, smart looking set in- frame and large easy rolling cludes 22 fluid oz. grease jar rubber tires. Vinyl liner. Folds “plus* 6-oz. salt, ro ¢ shak- flat tor storage. ers. "Covers in § Fully automatic heat control “af ored, or silver shade, base wed Parledt talk ovary time! spot lens. UL listed. ermostat control. Hinged ia crumb tray. Save now!” Motorized Brazier Nothing Like 1 Anywhere at This Amazing Low Price rates Compactly on 49” $5 DOWN It's easy to have out door meals with this large brazier. A crank raises - a) and lowers the chrome IexI2xi0-in. Accurate _Grill-Woffler_ ‘Corn Popper Has 2% Quart Capacity *¥ Kenmore 3. 98 7i Quick and economical way to ee notice, yes tastes better Pecan ait eh “iH Nath 8. % “y ‘THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY,.DECEMBER 13, 1956 & ~ me 4 Elizabeth lived on a farm near er couldn't get together on 9 -divi- te “et ae er, 16 Elizabeth wir Foe mer sage. “You can tel 8 2% IDidn! dge Long a [Plague Take It, |qirmy rayr oro tat pear y tat she wos ing mr nds COMM-FOD Girls, HOGS|tar ‘ext tom om tars deenlOGNs Tk aA ge ce ig eg Sop ae pe tnnigmed Kids Complained in her diary about 100 years ago. a Diag dishes and cleaning ‘Better’ n City Br d color aa be up on her.” pa GontH, Tex. u—When Re ecteay merry. in 1657, Too ‘Elizabeth was ” peeved on Feb. , 4* — = e Mr. and Mrs, William T. Ohihaus- 10, 1857 because she had to stay) ae ANN ARBOR (INS) — Parents home arid do household chores in- Three Rivers, Michigan. Her diary ‘is part of the University of Michi- .|who say that their teenage off. vn of attending @ school pro- gan's Historical Collection, = 'Pegple who otherwise would never | spring do nothing but gripe better; a iia Ss sends: |nave heard of Turnersville or Hob~rno¢ claim things were different in| ‘Plague take it alj,”’ she wrote, * |in have come by to see the SigM./“the good old days.” “I feel so out of patience I don’t r The complaint “I never can do a| know what to do, Buckle iato the ,| The state of Washington has the|thing, never can have anything”| kitchen all day and stay home at long purest known silica deposits in the;may sound familiar to rnodern fa-| night because we haven't got any United States. thers and mothers. hired giri.” No Apples for Teachers |r couch Be munity property, Sam Baker says there’s something} PHOENIX, Ariz. @—A company|the divorce court —- ordered it about country living that makes|Which wanted to welcome the an- all brought before him, ~ [ORS and women more wholesome, nual convertion of the ~Arizona/ ‘Their worldly goods were spread Firet express shipment by sir Teachers Assn, left a parrel of{before him — ‘otie ironing board, to cross an international border) A hog dai bas sini up in| apples. in the school gymnasium| four. tea glasses, a lamp and a was in 1931 when some ship parts|town and fed on loose and| where the meeting was to be held.| meat ‘grinder. as well as 146 hatching eggs were |stuff,” he explains, will be ‘ “flabby Ohlhauser got the ironing board shipped from. Floridato-.a South and-seft."*--—- +teachers when they~ arrived. ‘The and-meat grinder and his wife got American city. “It's the same with women," the tea glasses and lamp. CHISHOLM, Tex. @ — Farmer Ward’s have one of the largest and most complete stocks of finest quality chairs in Michigan .. . chairs to delight every member of the family, so give a gift of lasting _comfort this Christmas... select the chair of your choice and Ward's will glodly hold your + purchase until wanted with guaranteed Christmas Delivery anywhere in Oakland County. TELE-LOUNGE CHAIRS IN| HANDSOME PAIRS THEY... TWO FOR $59” Mix ‘Em_or_Match ‘Em Smart-contoured-back-arm-chair- with — choice of channel-back or tufted- : back. Resilient rubberized hair filled spring seats, modern decorator covers, crescent legs. Easy-swivel base for T- Viewing. Child's | Sarl ROCKERS MIX ‘EM or MATCH ‘EM in EACH PRICE GROUP! ONLY A FORTUNATE RRRPRIARI 2 Not a toy, but a sturdily built rocker for your son or daugh- ter. Smartly styled Bradford Maple Rocker with g reen plastic padded seat... typical \ Ward Value at $4. 99. Gi-N Yes—they've got EVERYTHING , , . including aia an os ,_ the lowest price you’ re ever seen. for this fine , - ee quality! Big, deep foam rubber reversible z & 4 ! cushions that are thicker than a mattress. Big, BIG chairs that cradle every part of your Turn from TV-viewing to. conversation , ate Tee Vid caentvel oil evand @ Styled. grouping. You SAVE at LEAST $20 on any — SWIVEL FROM SIDE TO SIDE OR ALL AROUND! 8 ‘f( tockine ACTION, TOO!,7 WITH COMFORT GALORE! ‘Gad with modern manners! on smooth ball-bearing swivel. Rock gently for wonderful relaxation! miration and the comfort of foam rubber. ’ woods, variety of covers! Ward’ s Give Holdens. Mahogany, limed: oak or | ~- at -the--sbcthannual safety See PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 13. 1956 for A-Eneray U. of M Engineer Lists izing} Tires With Reactor. WASHINGTON w — A proposal to vulcanize rubber -tires— from t,o tees Fie ins | gan fullback and holds = mas- ee ee moons ugineer- ng. ls now studying hi ing while serving as assistant coach of the Michigan freshman football team. He wrote that a .75-million-watt reactor could provide enough heat ~and radiation for vulcarizing 1T,- 000 tires daily. This compares, he said, withthe 12,500 tire capacity of a plant’ with similar power using heat vulcanization. Balzhiser said radiation would be particularly useful in making large truck and aircraft tires. His plan consists of piping steam and radioactive gases from | a liquid-metal-fuel reactor into nearby chambers while the tires pass by the pipes. County Officers Guests at Detroit Safety Dinner . Two members of the Oakland County: Sheriff Department Safety Division will be guest speakers dinner. |*! of the N. H. Alders meeting: Trucking Co. of Detroit to be held at the Northland Civie Center at 8 pan. today. Officers Stephen Navarre -and Paul Carpenter will talk on ‘‘Pub- lic Opinion ard Truck Driv- ers” and discuss licenses. years old and in the first grade. leader of our country.” the people.” - attend Peiping’s No. (Editor's Note — ‘This is « wath *| Primary. School, where they” aim S*eiachte parts os ne WI make youngsters into model} y DAVID caiomn (#—-Wei- Chu-tu is 7 Already he can tell you “Chair- man Mao Tze-tung is the great He wants to’ be ‘a telegrapher when he grows up “‘so I can serve This black - haired, black - eyed boy is one of 1,451 children who 2 Central oes. CiteNew Use . Chinese Commies Start Early to Win Young Mii nasi workers. Tis educational course clings to the party line like a clothespin. * . No, 2 School is a pleasant group of buildings behind an ivy- covered wall near the north gate of the Tartar City. Trees and ment of the courtyard. Children cultivate the garden with guidance from a cooperative farm outside flowers burst through the pave-| door. The sthea gti are meticu-| lously clean. So: are the children. They are obviously happy, ex- tremely healthy and incredibly well behaved, They burst into applause at the sight of a strange Westerner. The teachers fawn over them like pets. Indoctrination begins at the On a bulletin board in the main hall is an essay on China’s Na- tional Day by a seventh grader, Lwill have-the-happy Sepia seeing— Chairman Mao and: the central government.’’ “But we do not teach politics in the early grades,” said Mrs. Chang Ping Ching, a smiling, middle-aged woman with a Picas- so dove button on the collar of her grey slack suit. At one end of the reception room are portraits. of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin, facing a picture of Mao on the opposite wall. Under the city, _JIt says: “Once again this year we the portraits is the inevitable THE ANIMALS’ CHRISTMAS TY A'RIGHT. A‘ RIGHT.£ IM Come! J ALi ea OH, PLEASE HURRY! 1 WANNA SET OKA ee” By Walt Scott WHY DON'T YOu JUST COME OUT? GMrER war ~ aS T'VE BEEN HERE $CHO Traffic Expert Takes South Viet Nam Post trom “frenton,-N.J., in-1949. City Manager's Task The pair were invited to attend the Detroit firm's function since) 7 per cent of its vehicles operate | on jocal highways. The company) concentrates largely on hauling gravel with plants in Oxford and _New Hudson two of its major | customers. irecent municipal inot settled in the meantime. GRAND RAPIDS w® — City Traf- fic Engineer Jerome D. Franklin, 3, leaves his Grand Rapids post Jan. 14 to take up duties as traffic consultant to the government of South Vietnam at Saigon. Franklin goes to the new job under the auspices of Michigan State Univer- sity. He came to Grand Rapids GRAND RAPIDS: (4 — The mu- nicipal civil service board tokd 13 over gradually. detectives and eight fire alarm| The medical sc ho o! presently operators Tuesday to direct their|has a capacity of 68 new students pay complaints first to the city,a year. The goal of 125 medical manager, The two groups, claim-| Students would represent an 8&5 ling pay discrimination under a'per cent increase, job and: pay classification study, were promised! The bales request hearings Jan. 8 before the civil $84,000 for additional laboratory d service board if the complaints are |equipment and $201,650 for addi-|/ Glaciers cover 800 square miles |tional operating funds. in Switzerland Williams to Request ‘More Aid for Wayne LANSING #® — Gov. Williams will ask the legislatdre to appropri- the Wayne State University medi- cal school to increase its freshman class from 75 to 125 students. x LI = Lt. Gov, Philip A. Hart, acting in ithe absence of the governor, said the request will be in addition to the $6,479,266 state appropriation which Wayne will get under the State’s plan to take the university will include ;ate an additional $285,650 to enables 1,000 Gallons of Oil Lost GRAND RAPIDS # — A tank truck driven by Richard A. Stod- dard, 37, capsized Tuesday while attempting to pass an auto on a southwestern Grand Rapids street and spilled about 1,000 gallons of oil. Police said Stoddard scaped injury. Motorist Siebrant VanderWert, 71, of Holland, was treated at Grandville Clinic for shock and minor injuries. Firemen flushed the oil from the street, Asks More Trunkline GRAND RAPIDS # — The ci commission voted Tuesday to with the chamber of commerce pe SHA as Few air service for Grand which now lists Capital Airlines as its lone major trunk service. .}cent. ‘Wives Handle Bills’; 'No Doubt, and Silver, Too ANN ARBOR i — Husband and wife share the family pants when it comes to making big financial decisions, a University of Michigan survey found. But wives keep track -of money and bills in 40 per cent of -the households investigated, husbands in 26 per cént and both in 34 per Husbands get the biggest say-so in deciding on the family per cent of cases. A School of Architecture will be opened at the Kumasi College of hs at in the African Gold often he. of every public room. in Peiping. of writing essays and poetry - —~ on | ‘Yands other than ‘China,’ Mrs. .|that they cannot serve l, ndled—spittoen;—a~ Galas - “Of course the.model childhoods|E| 7 North Secionn fo even the youngest child” shelf { Phone FE 4.684 said. “And every student learns to te a good student of Chairman Mao,” The first-grade picture books tell about cooperative farms andiT) model factory workers, There is one good old dragon-filled Chinese fantasy. : ao aie * Writing and language study be- renee Serres gin in the first grade. After visit- ing cooperative farms, factories and construction projects “where they are inspired by the workers,” upper grade students are capable “Better Things in Si Open Friday Evenings — —— (Advertasement) ie CONSTIPA new laxative discovery un-locks bowel blocks | without gag, bloat or gripe ~_—si. Constipation is caused stot ad what doctors call a national politics. “Certainly they learn about Chang said. “They learn about all countries, “Russia, for instance. We teach them everything “about Russia. The Soviet is the leader of world peace and socialism. Our coun- tries have the gains -sie. * * | amazing new lavative discov- ery is 7 2 effecti e % it po React Bn Bhs “The ‘tmited States? Yes, that? —eolon, A 0 ver Sol yg is one is taught too, but with limitations.| - that, instead of retaining oar ove raf et = 80 We only take what is useful to us postr as vb noord the zo — their scientific development, for op t To colon of so safe even Sere instance, They do not learn about|, ™mypch eaters that its con- the ahem foc eee the government or the history. Those things are harmful.” A oa room ao fan that they block the bowel ; In books, pamphlets and maga- to so shrunken that the - : excite or stimulate urge zines, Chinese respect for the to purge that propels €X- scholar has been replaced — pels waste from your be spect for the scientist, and “ lectual” usually refers to an engi- py hn ~ pan NORMAL REGU. neer. School is not compulsory,. An official estimate shows 62 million pupils registered in primary schools across this country of 600 millions. & Physical punishment has been abolished. P me * * . m by Pegene JE = the people iste oF Second, bulk -mo ne eco ae to colon “ONLY A BULK LAXA can 2) a re dry, pres And, “We punish the when they grow up, if they mis- behave, of wd bre. Cane. wens a 6 on Burrows POOL [TABLES THE STORE OF QUALITY TOYS!! HUNDREDS OF GAMES AND. TOYS! EASY per section. Mase Pape Desk Light .. TRAINS Many accessories Air Rifles... ais Up aig e a ee “TERMS ' Q" 16 INCH ~ TRICYCLES | 1% Inch 1 Tires $1 3° All Sizes Baskets 52.98 vse from $2.98 Schwinn Built _ BICYCLES assortment in alt colors. BOTH STORES’ - open every night until Christmas Here is. the Coat he wants most a SUBU RBAN coats . ‘ ‘F rom Geminnil Best-looking, most demanded coat~ of the season! ‘And a little wonder. The versatile suburban coat is casual... or dressy. Takes him anywhere . . . anytime. ‘It’s pa er he wants to be. Come in now and make your éelection — while our stocks are. at their fullest ... luxurious, 100% | Bot wool tweeds and fleeces ... many imported fabrics. Full, sweeping models with rugged deta ing, huge distinctive wear-up collars. Sizes 36- 46—-from $29.50. Available at sous — . es N. . Saginaw Street “THE PONTIAC ae. - es. Another Christmas. Tradition | ! ‘aks, N vot Reindeer, C : tect * _ Romance Via Radat - WAVERLY, Towa ( — An Air Bias radar site near Waverly has ved to be a-boon for marriage- “Table. ‘girls in this section. In the | test se sea teeey aeele assignment there, A men were married to girls in the area. That — was in 1952. Since then, an aver- age of 12 airmen per year bavg - married Waverly area ‘girls. —~ ‘Mr. Luke," the ‘display manager, think of St. Nick as zipping inte of the store, “to- the reindeer? ithe chimney area -by supersonic Where is Donder? Who blitzed|jet . .. now that, as every aware eyes and, “extent for an ocala ee bray fromthe pair. of donkeys, = held their peace. | Ss But to see them strolling through,’ the Santa-land department of Gim-| ss\bel's — where traditionally the and. ‘Take this year, for instance. They've abolished the reindeer aid substituted the yak, the llama, the elephant. ‘ lea ving the sentimentalists - jamong us feeling vaguely as if we'd been robbed of our pepper- reindeer has reigned at Yule shop-| Blitzen?” ping time—is distressing. * * * Even the round man in the white beard and red cap who josties little urchins on his knee) is having a hard time getting used to the fact that he's equipped with a 24-beast menagerie this year. No deer included. If you listen very closely, you observe a note pained, Luke adopted the tolerant air that store managers bestow upon kiddies who have just ripped the tail off a $25 bear while mother was buying a $1.95 bingo set. “My dear madame,” he said, “we are spending more money than ever before te im- port these yaks and their friends kid knows, they are establishing airstrips at the North Pole. CAMELS, ZEBRAS Feeling like a fuddy-duddy we left Mr. Luke to-.wander through the Gimbel menagerie, eight cages full of animals, from camel te zebra, which had been rented from @ game farm in upstate New York, ~ * stunted foreigners who bore down. on them screaming “Ooh, Mommy, whassat?"’ NOT ONE INQUIRY There was seid tae yakking | about the yaks, but true to the | traditions of Tibet they remained | mystically aloof from these little, b Edward’s Outlet SIZES PROM 36. TO.46 | u ' In more than an hour of observ- | ‘ing the passing mob, not once did) ‘T hear any child inquire solicitous-| ly after the reindeer set. _ Now, nobody has anything against yaks. As a matter of fact, young yaks are rather cute _ in @ hairy, horned way. frem Catskill, N. Y., te 33rd | street. After many years of fea- | turing reindeer, we felt a change * * This being the first ‘‘zoo" ever) resented to the children by a de- was in order. os Y ° partment store, Luke and his co- a uidren today are sophisticat-'horts had to go to Lloyds of Lon- -Santa-could-.come inte-town-en-don—to- ‘insure~themseives ~ Prodi uces = an aardvark and they'd be fascin- ated. It’s just the old-timers who | of bewilderment in his ho-ho-ho. . WHERE IS DONDER? “What happened,” we asked i or eQi]-Rich Iraq Nor did one aus fry question | : tithe-factthat—Santa’ ‘Claus seems thinner and paler this year (at least the afternoon shift Claus ipersonal injuries. There was no precedent for the exhibit, so Amer- student, Miss Slezak said she was A ] C « Ma D [really eare about technicalitiesican firms wouldn’t give them aiddes), or that his assistants are 2 gmat caine SO TI aln f any ates ‘like wet type of animal is bring-|policy on the baby beasts. joversized for gnomes and wearing! aeons te afte o ne tne toy a se ‘Children were six-deep around iserge suits. << * ~ WASHINGTON—Mobilization offi Near East armies draws close attention“to oil-rich Iraq, the most prosperous of the Arab sfates. A forceful member of the—Arab! League, Iraq adjoins three of its ,allies—Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and “The bright potential contrasts! In_other smarts the toy is the every animal, squatting, squirm- i “Originally Sold tragically with the meager living/thing, Santd Claus is the manu-| '"S ®®¢ bucking parental shins | eked out for centuries by Iraq’s/facturer, and the mode of trans-, @ 9" effort to see more. masses. Not until the era of oillportation is incidental. | The animals, soothed by music tice the size of Santa's paunch_ wealth could the cradle of civiliza-| There may even be some shrewd piped inte their cages, stared until you have one’ yourself. Ah, | That's life; I-guess. You nev er, imiss a reindeer until you're too, old to want toys, and you don't no-. Carve Cathedral LAYAWAY PLAN 18 S. Seginew “OPEN EVERY NICHT TILL CHRISTMAS” EDWARDS OUTLET Upto $100.00" gASY CREDIT FE 2-2108 tion begin—once again—to rock, youngsters: today who prefer to back cat it people with small, amiable to be young and Sensible again. Few ancient cultures have given a wenae ‘Syria. It shares a long eastern arc of frontiers with Turkey, Iran, and the Sheikdom of Kuwait, In contrast te the Near Fast norm, the ancient land of Meso- potamia has a relatively sparse + population amon ® abundant | natural resources wil in Salt Mine a ~ Nearing Completion, | AE Pits ‘Notre Dame Size; ~ Can Contain 5,000 | BOGOTA, Columbia (INS)... + underground cathedral as large as Notre Dame is approach. civilization dawned in Meso- potamia. The first known villages flourished in northern Iraq per- haps 7:000 years ago. GIFTS FROM MESOPOTAMIA ‘reserves, fértiis soll, and waier, Sumerians, in 3000 B, c., dis- ‘covered and passed on a priceless National i Ge Rengeagitea says. legacy: the art of writing. Some Many .of Iraq's 171,599 squarejof their words—chicory, crocus, [miles are flinty scrub desertt!and saffron—are familiar today. similar to the American Southwest.| Among other things, the Sumerians ni Most of its 5,000,000 people live | produced the true_arch,-the earliest. in the long green valleys of the sun-dried bricks, and a fine straight 1./Tigris and Euphrates, The land) razor. From the empires of ‘Sumer, ‘Babylonia, and Assyria came bril- liant and original concepts of philosophy, and mathematics. The Assyrain city of Nineveh came to end of a glorious 4,000-year career | before Rome was founded. At the height of Babylon's Golden Age, ' N All That | Is Needed- OUT OF OM, A NEW EDEN _ Spouting from the mountains of the Government puts 70 percent of oil revenues into a national devel- opment fund. Technical assistance is needed, bat Iraq is its ewn fleod-controt dams, irrigation Mesopotamia remained a part of Turkey until the end of World War 1 when a British mandate was set up with Arab Chieftain | Faisal as king. A treaty ended the systems, reads, bridges, rail-|mandate in 1932, and Iraq be- reads, airports, schools, hospitais, came a constitutional monarchy, public housing, power and indus- Faisal's 1-y ¢ a r-old pronto, trial plants. iFaisal II, rules ttoday. ‘| hate sie ot taste | ! : “A gift of finer-tasting Phifadelphia “Whisky will please your most discriminating friends. Choice of two distinctive gift pengee ir > * The Colorful Holiday Canister 4/5 Qt. Philadelphis Whisky in the smartly designed canister of light blue and gold. A perfect gift . . . ‘inside and oy $967 she -Luxury . Gift -Wrapped _ PINT The grand “litle” gift! Comes already wrapped. Outside label lifts off easily, and it’s all ready _ The Christmas Gift ‘that will. afford hours and miles of holiday hay ~ Pontinc! Make it a Merry Christmas all around ... ntiac Alte: for years et come. Choose from 3 3 Jar- —- the prered ener e- for yaaa the year. ee % at (ee sf . You Can Be Sure BARNE TT's Have the “EX TRA SPECIAL” GIFTS That Get the Heartiest Welcome | OPE EVERY EVENING UNTIL CHRISTMAS} Give Him His Favorite’ ; | He'll Be Thrilled With One of . ~ For That Special ARROW SHIRTS ‘ F\ | These Famous Dunbrook Bas Janey M BE SURE TO, SEE OUR- v oY White Arrows in Dart, Drew, Dale 5 ‘ _ _ , ¥ “Gift Robes oe or Par collars are always welcome , os & A ee | and’ featured Arrow patterns in - 2 se : : Me new collar styles; too. just ; : 3 A. swell selection in wash- i) get his correct size. We have a IM ‘ : able plaids and terry, too \ tion i i splendid selection in sizes 14 to Sizes small to extra large. 18. Many with the new Links Ii , - ‘ : Luxurious All Wool Imported Tweeds, F : e A Homespun-Saxonys or Velours bt bie || aan re Se-Good_Looking — Well_Worth_$55 — : _ to $14.1 foe Men, tell the lodies you wont one of these . for s Christmas or better yet, . buy ene yourself & enjoy : , ; . 2 it now! You can charge What Would Please Just Arrived! More : . | ~ @ 7 Ff It, poy ofter Christos, Him More? Ivy League . . : ¥ ie | 7 Tasca SPORT a ay he: | is ! ' And Look at These, Too! — 4 ARROW and, | >< SHIRTS 4 } : 7 Z eh (GRE a e > Fine Wool Tweed Our Finer Tweed RENTWOOD ron nds ieee 1 es Y Topecoats } Topeoats fj $ eae button - down collars in neat ! ae x F ae a and Tartan stripes for that . — t F <— Should Sell for $50! Well Worth $60! Ivy" look. All washable, San- forized, of course, ‘ f } " e and $8. 95 ie f tg All the popular sellers \ : eds _crew necks and V-necks in. Y ' . ski patterns and solid colors 4 : . brushed wool and bulky :: knits. Be sure to see them. Wa: repeat, bédutiful imported icin coats ot a price thot f . : Ee “3 . defies all competition! Where, else con find such} Gift Wrapped Free! — | Have You Seen way =s values! Be sure to see-these before you pay $60 or $65 Fine Wool Our HICKOK ir ont | f/ _ elsewhere. “See thm Friday of,Saturdgy sure! GIFT BAR? | | | Give Him a Barnett : . Gift Certificate y + Let Him Choose His Own _— = 1 Ot h _ - h e 1 | cor Any Sum jae il Jan. | For Wish bs Say “Merry Christmas _You You'll Be Thrilled W hen You See How ae = | with One of These wre oy ee _ Nice He Looks in One of These! we , . Smart Tweed in Or eins Whee He rea. | f= The finest of fabrics in blue sheen gobardines, eum : SPORT WARM 7 & new silk ‘n’ wools or finer worsted ; . y CoO ATS ‘ 4 tp, ' \ £ . ¥ The new Fall 2 and 3-button Tweeds JACKETS : Z that are so good looking. All sizes, reg- Ra : é eee ay iy 25 ve ulars, tongs, shorts, 35 to 48. You Can't Beat Our Prices! a : That Should Sell for $60 Warm, Wass, Qele Lined Ses ; Be a os Ri 87 7 ea be s0 Cesngd ye wéar — " § | IEEE. I3 F : , ‘ ty im Wools, fina ar ‘ AND $29.87 a : arm, ¢ : ~~ faced sharkskins, gorgeous blue a ee ; 2 = WOOL y fa i> sheen gabardines —— every one a : Peg 5S: SURCOATS .. : 3 $4 5° . Be Sonal bal will head him to CKS po a Me 526" : | Bw ne NAAAAAAAAAAAAS Flannels, Gabardines, Worsteds and mea Imported, Tweed ' | is fe = That Complete the Sports” $ a . SUBURBAN 89907 a =—s&——sCOME IN TONIGHT OR TOMORROW! — ia Kei COATS ........ s See These for Yourself! L' TOGGLE $2G*" ay: Py fay (Look! Smart Tweeds and Our Fine Quolity All Wool COATS ........ + All Wool Flannel SHARKSKIN Warm Wool Melton Sie sspyoz_ Va ; SUITS” SUITS .~ Made to Sell for $50 ao? $ 87 : Bl s«(W¥ee could sell ‘em for $55 Thete ore yd top quality all wool = ee 4 ins it. wear — . ‘16° _ They're tops in style and tremendous sod fwid the Geese. fhe halle : bea : _ seller, A terrific value at our low $ Priced to beat all competition, Warm. Lied | * ‘ * care x are one of our big sellers! 3 JACKETS .. “esas ~ > . Warm Quilted Lined eoirs ss. “age = “OTHERS $8.95 . -—"—{Captaln Of -Russia’s-Eibew-—5 “> French singer Lily Chantal, How Santa's Time Table ar See vi a + destined sa i ietuaiid nets eartenindiaii ers : Lh : i, ¢ THE pontiat. PRESS. ee DECEMBER 13, 1956 a ee ace mee ne ae i ae le ¥ raat ae 2 og Te 4 adwa: y Bests. here they-are-. «-~-our 1956. “Broad- gideburn) ... Harrison, the Oh Boy of the Year, .. ‘only The Hit but The Headache . Mickey Hargitay were the Most Heavenly Bodies. _ *& OF THE YEAR: “Hound Dog” Mesta’s at Chicago, Liz Arden’s at San Francisco . . _ famas . Bob Harrison for his act about being shot . _—ex-Mayor William O'Dwyer’s. LOVER OF THE YEAR: Mike Todd . . Best Comeback: . - Biggest Wolves: Victor Mature, Jack Carter, Dick Cowell . . . Most Forgot- ten Man: Group Capt. Peter Townsend .. . Best Gag: “Joe Smith” . . Best Stunt: In Monaco, when “Miss Kelly” gave a party for the press “at the palace.” It was Mary Kelly of Dave Garroway's show—at the Palace Hotel. BEST MELODY: “Poor People of Paris”... -wood Sex Appéalers: Yul Brynner (m) and Jayne Mansfield (f) . ., Girl Who Made the “Biggest Splash: Diana Dors . , Best Taste: Margaret Truman’s Wedding... . Saddest Flop: The Ziegfeld Follies . ... Best Hollywood Tag: U. 8. A.” x * BEST DRESSED MAN: Manie Sacks, NBC Veep, who has both a new white-tie-and-tails AND a new cutaway... . Big- gest Bustups: Godfrey and Frank Parker, Martin and Lewis, Caesar and Nanette Fabray, George Gobel and Peggy King, Eddie Fisher and Coke. ~>-MOST OVERWORKED GAG: mandments’ and could only say tor five” . Wedding: Terry Moore's . . Bravery: Jack Benny (violin- ing at Carnegie Hall)... Best Athlete: Khrushchev “I went to see ‘The 10 Com- . Sneakiest Bending Team). . . Best New - ‘TV Program: There wasn’t any except Lawrence Welk, $64,000 Challenge and Mike Wailace . . . Best Pictue: Any one that Zahra Norbo (the Sweet Swede) posed for. ZAHRA MOST TALENTED PLAYWRIGHT: Arthur Miller (marryin’ Marilyn took something) . . . Best New Comics: Sue Carson, Rowan and Martin, Ernie Kovacs, Jonathan Winter, Buddy Hackett . . . Top Cafe Stars: Joe E. Lewis, qo Belafonte, Eartha Kitt, Dorothy Lamour, Peari . Greatest Individual Stage Triumph: Sammy sata Ps o * * * T almost forgot Judy Holliday who just seems to be the Best- l-Everything in “Bells Are Ringing.” THE MIDNIGHT EARL... Julius La Rosa bought his missus, who's expecting, a black diamond mink coat with a hood... “Auntie Mame” is such a sellout that Roz Russell, its star, could get only beens . Lionel Mampten's braintrast ruled = out a tour of Israel: too dangerous - . Vie Rendina, a hackie outside + Shor’s, played a bit on the Gleason | TV'er; next night he was back in his hack . . . Rob’t Q. Lewis goes dramatic on “Studie One” Dec. 24 . = now a hit in Canada, makes her local debut in °57. George Raft will join the Jimmy Durante act after it leaves NY... . Sonja Henie's looking for someone to help with her autoblography. . . Mrs, Joe Louis is buying a Manhattan apt. house . , , Tyrone Power's London romance is actress Mai Zetterling . . . Frank Sinatra wants to shoot the rest of his movies at night—when he can’t sleep . .°. Cartoonist Al Capp recalls he flunked arith- metic 11 times: “That’s why I like to earn money in round ‘figures, like a million dollars.” Earl’s Pearls... One doctor has made millions with a simple formula. If his patients play golf, he tells them to stop, if they don’t play golf, be orders them te start. WISH I'D SAID THAT: “Hollywood,” notes Lou Apuzzo, LILY “fs where secret. marriages often don’t Tast much tonger than; the secret.” TODAY'S BEST LAUGH: “Those automatic dishwashers are _ real work-savers,” enthuses Herb Sherry. “Now, alla husband has to do is dry.” Victor Borge, who did a TV show, was asked if he plans another one-man show. “I suppose so,” he said, “—I don’t see how we gpuld do it with less.” That's earl, brother. - = 1956, The Hall Syndicate, Inc.) Spreads to Cover World Santa Ohaus may not be quite as} In Latin America, Dec. ix made a bit easier because he for gift giving. The end of the one- doesn’t have to complete his month feast period — Jan. 6 — is chores in one night. Not every|the time for festivities and giving country practices* the giving of of presents to the children. gifts on Dec. 25. | Santa’s timetable probably looks In Holland, Dalston and Ger- like this: many the time is Dec. 6. In Aus-/ Dec, 5 — Austria, Dec. 6 — _tria many communities celebrate Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Dee. 5 as gift giving ‘time. |Belgium; Dec, 13 — Switzerland, In Switzerland, a tiny nation ot Sweden, Hungary; Dec. 25—Unit- sieeaangio’ and overlapping cul-\ed States and England, Dec. 26 — tures, languages and _ religions,’ England (Boxing Day gifts), Jan. there are two different dates for|] — France and Scotland, Jan. 6 Santa. In Roman Catholic sections|\— Mexico, Central and South ae oly Christmas season begins) America; Jan. 7 — North Pole 1State bok 390 Seats 0 Ike Inauguration DETROIT (® — Michigan today Michigan Republican county chair men, John Feikens, state GOP chair. man, who left for Washington today to confer with the committee handling” inauguration _arrange- ments, said he did not believe) LONDON (INS) — U.S. Won't Hike Aid fo Egypt, Britain Told: The British government states it has been in- United States government has = ' plan for changing the status of its|oPPens Every Year aid to Egypt from the position it occupied before the Israeli inva- sion. It was at that time running upon a very modest basis.”’ Reading refeffed to reports that the U.S. would beest assistance to! di BIRMINGHAM, Ala. w The angry taxpayer stormed in to pro- test an ‘assessment of $4,256 on a rear that only cost $2,300 “and ment. form as 4 2 56—and mis- interpreted by the owner as being the assessment. * Vote School Expansion LAKE ODESSA # - The State President Eisenhower for the Man of the a hair Julie Andrews of England fussell of Connecticut were Broadway’s Gals of the “My . . Tina . Best Parties: New B’way Actresses: Gena Rowlands, Virginia Gibson, : S ice “a, DRL At , Best Actors: Pat Hingle, Sydney Chaplin and Fernando Special Acting Award: ‘emery Publisher Biggest Holly- “Pilltown,| . 25 is | busy as you might think, His job, strictly a religious day and not one; seats for President Eisenhower's |i inauguration Jan. 21, Prices will range from $7.50- \$18.75, with ticket applications to any special train to Washington as pone allocated 390" vantage point|Michigan Republicans would run the ydid on inawguration day, 11953," * Bananas were first imported into ‘be channeled through. the various|the U.S. im 1867. Egypt once the ‘current crisis had formed by the United States the: y ae simmered down, will be no increase in American, aid to Egypt. . Minister of State Lord Reading} About three million adults in told the House of Lords: U.S. ‘never attended any kind “We have been assured that the|school. the of AN ee POLISHED WOOD- With Gravy Wells and Meat Spikes. : Makes carving so easy! Dee. 6, the feast of St. Nicholas. | and much needed rest. . Protestant sectors, main- Ziegler Dedicates Road the celebration IVE HIM HIS CIGARS — TOBACCO Mild, Mellow Smoking! Carving Board bs be by Max Factor JOINS Reg. 45¢ each “SOPHISTI-CAT Partume marie. Beret. Oty °° GIFT SET Saber wines ant beiticte teiwis In Colorful See-through Bor. ; san either.” Tuesday approved a. $460,000 bond Bradley Brown, Jefferson Coun-lissue nse, approved by district voters ty revenue director, says it hap- for construction of a pens every year. The taxpayer new clementary school and, for purchased his car April 2, 1956lremodeling of the present high and this was entered on the assess-|school, bane STOR Ss TEE, FAVORITE sas 2. $1.07 03 Ree $1.07 Si White, Burley Smoking! '23‘Aspirin ‘ Breaths. s sarc MODEL TABLETS €c ts obacc . Hamid 89° = Sette of = 5 grain — Save 17¢ > beseeeees 79S$accharin “= 9Q< 1000's, Ye gram tabs, Seve SOc . eRe ee eee ree Reg. $1.35 16-02. can “MERRY CHRISTMAS” CHOCOLATES stn, $0 50. Assorted Centers DOROTHY GRAY LOTION, COLOGNE, SOAP For Ouly i he 5 tn — or White Uilec Fragrances. 33Feen-A- Mini cv 21 ¢ Ben of 16, Mild Lanative. Seve 12 eR Re Bt ee PRINCE MATCHABELL) COLOGNE DUET W rapped 2 Crowns of Beloved andi Stradivari PRINCESS SET a 7/16x8 Rayon & Crimp. . 496 Yoxl? Curl. ...........' We ... 25¢ power $50 Assorted Cc olors ‘CHRISTMAS COTY FAIRY — a8 He g 4 $ _THE PONTIAC PRESS, ruUnenne. DECEMBER 18, 1956 _ All over Europe in the middle NNN ages children were familiar with representations of strange animals and birds. Big tapestries hung on castle walls picturing weird créatures, and earvings in churches showed dragons and unicorns. Here is a Cookoorookoo, a strange bird somewhat like those found in old pictures and carvings. Mount this page on cardboard or stiff paper and color with crayons. Make the bird’s crest and feet red, his beak yellow and his*body blue with bright stripes on the wings and tail. Color the base yellow with green foliage. Cut out the parts and along the slit indicated in the base. Cut on the dotted line along the wing and it will stand out from the body. Pasten the bird to the background through the indicated holes (A) with a brass fastener or bent pin. bird will stand. Fold back the end panels and the Take hold of the bird’s crest and pull him forward. He will poke his beak into the épening and look for food. If you split his beak as indicated, you can put the green leaf in his mouth. (Mary Ann Koesis, South Norwalk, Conn., wins $10 for sending in. this idea first. Berhaps you have send it in care of this newspaper. features.) an idea for Junior Editors. If so Violet Moore Higgins; AP News- |§ Temorrew: A Rocking Penguin Butler Gets Slow-Down From Democratic Chiefs i l , frei ith 3 iit eet te bel yam which sal mene spoke briey over the nero |Chemicel Seek: to change classes at Plant High/munications systems which links Sales at —|the classrooms, __| NEW YORK — Sales of $1900 bait af 1985, which laa was « Per her than the level pe i} iy He i_iie a th [by a ty congressional with the advisory committee they might be spurred to more liberal programs than they have in the past. I - -AEC-Head-Sees Bright ws ‘Outlook for Peaceful Use of Atom WASHINGTON @ — Chairman sgt z rt te li + i a ZF 28% gE H i year; and Rep. Edith Greem ‘of fi | i a 1 “a agar & i | 8 F s E 3g . } But the way Butler went about/§ for papers. = 5 A fine home te y lad| Stevenson’s running mate thisie © a tie tor $AR9B a & Oe A] Oy as wa es 4 - Oxford Bible 15 page illustrations — colored maps... + ee =a : = $99" Party Ash Tray | For wanderirig smokers. Pert place settings. Set of 2. Reg $2.. "Home File Secret Vault sc & rie § 1 ad = by Cole.. Pics File | For the very finest and unusual gifts for Christmas giving, stop in and browse around _,.. you will be amazed at the ideas our store offers. 3 * ae ar ar ne Ba xi ‘to $70 tenes an 12 tubes enuine oil colors. 2 artists’ pee Tee a nny neg ORCS H ERENERAEYA TEA ea + 98-Piece China Set ‘The famous “Autumn” Pattern in a wonderful 98 piece setting. Regularly $ 69” priced er ae at only ...... ap eee Se Fantasy 45-Pc. Set In delightfully vitrified Earthenware. A_ gilt that will be prized for } __ Reg. $20.00 8-Pc. TEA SET. Delicate china 9 =) 9D. ceeenes ter bowl ..... CRAZE PUZZLE Ill drive you ‘I 00 “Victoria” 57-pe. Set 5 ee —— $90 Exciting .:.... . Buy ond sell 25 fe aap - Market areen et F In Vitrified China. It's delightful pattern @ecentuates. the holi-. day table, Reg. $80.00 57 z Bi Beer 3 Ae f GR eee: ee Re e. ead “ cule guiee aie of PS ee ey eee eR Re a es : re eee fer 8 Se ye ee NGS RS et fe pee Fe Oe PS Oe ae Se ee Ae A Se a a err ge eee ee i, Bie xp = 2 = ae poe i ae > “ r 7 : - i j \ THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1956 i A 3 “American Flyer” FREIGHT TRAIN “(7-4 E ( \ FOLDING DOLL: REG. $29.95 1) fury inane Tit a __ STROLLER Transformer, Extra Cars, plenty of without $797 canopy amous 5 495 JETRAIL EXPRESS Sot ies Complete with 5h” Jetrail and Battery lid = Ww 4 3 All Metal ‘The i Tee s vy ind-Up TRAIN a Po — ELEC. TRAIN ie ‘ 1 “ k . Beautiful alum “a , aa =» CONTROL CI Ao soe 3 S/ ; he ping bag. . Complete ¢ F You stop or make your electric trains go \%,, with Track by voice commands. You control your ; train by the sound of your voice. $4.98 Big, Beoutitu > *19.95 SNOW WHITE DOLLS $™997 DANCING BRIDE DOLL . Complete with the Dwarfs. ¥ $16.95 “AMY THE | hy” = on SCHOOL GIRL” DOLL Complete with school bag and acc. $22.50 Big, Beautiful S 97° = LIFE-LIKE BRIDE DOLL 12 . Only 27 to sell. _ ‘7 BRIDE DOLL Spes8s ; ~~ | Complete with trousseau. _ peer ie Reg. sm BIG STUFFED TOYS $3.98 $19.95 Imperial BABY GRAND PIANO Complete with Piano Bench and Instruction Sheet. 7-LIGHT | 2 0? REMCO Independent # & pean pa: a ROCKET *h* LIGHT SET} Gam jul GANNON : | REG. $3.98 REMCO. me e's ick Tracy Wee Ro WRIST 2" ee » Coffeewell \ Pome os omen RADIO GRY: Me ea Re | Sturdy Metal CHRISTMAS i ies recy sete, < Popular Crystal Footed TRE | SS VANE Laval "¢ MAG Syespe gpa | - CAKE DISH $ 22 hey 208 —— girs f eg > Trim, Gift Boxed , ws FF Comme SKATES FIGURE "SKATES iit uss i the spirit of the times much more heartily if someone has § Ess dh nave a-pair ot (Drayton Scout ae Sells Wreaths eifess gé - F | e d¢ i pay (5S HL) ME ee ne i im Hit a. PONTIAC, youngsters whose; correct) but this wag for three Many of the A Few of Many the letters recetved. be iy TF EE fh is =z. cai it FE “we will not be able to print all * Bs cs ’ —-—s hal 3 em q an fe slid ites koe O*ED sP.v 3M MNF wn e &, m ° gh X é v ~-Frok eC Py Jy < z f - 7 MW L qa? 83 Prag hegae ° aes ; 8 ZS *. re | ¢ | ba Pentiae Press Phote TO THE POLE — Getting the letter off to Santa after it’s is just as important as writing it. Here Mrs, Richard Luce, antes rerty. ott MOCK ree at fer cays Le Phere tea nm tetbey. Emate my bed © Gow Wen tale *£i§ Ehooeer tary day. an we tp ee, be Zz werd say 2 > Sent oy Amelie Dear samaciws, © aeh get med imaginable Y, DECEMBER 18, 1956 THURSDA Bue has Site ee Tree ie i . E cESy * ital lepeesids re teers ree ¢ oy Fe met t Jat epeabae' E ie « ar 8 = ie He | cri i— qe3583, 4+ L Da =X “sss, 23% “ >| fF: $83 i: - . = te - Bw a4) <2. bai $3 r ‘eS gees rie Ane Zz 2 Pipse "rh it OS ie iat ; ais Ful si. & = S2a8 £5 5 s ; jie cel aba? Hab By ft gq 538 §°5F7 = sidaghite 4 is Huu! thee Giga deb 238, 5 i 3 2. eit co Ee be eee ee pais iad GEL ap Ge gD rani PATH ane, ihe jie A ate: HUE agligl beta) behead) steed? atl eid =. a3i fF aabsafs “3 ALT aft even had a finger paint- * ; old make cad wie aiek a Be Pel & a a) Bue Hf a add TUITE. ita ling ; seat a fale Ei ies & et aes | iy gna; ey : bi ae . ‘ : p | SERgEP Hee acetze 2° oe { i ie fifi piiile i PEI Ea a in +e ee es Gi, gag fit ay Deel gah gla cote ia| 5 cide a ql a) Ay aon al =H yu Mtl a : 3 TF yl bd oa hry rer a Tae Abd gah Nts got ehiiedii: . acute rer «i 1 I= ; ar ste BE Rhy bhipeo ori * — re - p-ta. BEING Sf — ayes a ‘See é i a eh = tical: Or + } oe é : (sts __ THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1956_ Ge Bh Spice to His Life! | Add Spite 0 His Life! | A Cth hs Sere Baie | Add Spice to Hie Life! | | | , i “SHULTON S SHULTON'S SHULTONS #% SHULTON’S , SHULION'S | OLD SPICE FRIENDSHIP OLD SPICE OLD SPICE MEN'S GIFT_ SET GARDEN. SET ff MEN'S GIFT SET MEN'S GIFT SET Give him three Old Spice favorites created for the well man. Brisk, tangy after shove lotion, shave tolcum end mens Sturdy, ship decorated bottles in @ new gift he "SPARKLE IN-THESNOW > Ja i nucry jew) .* i > : Set i Hii ey Sed © Ad = = =e ~~ ot For the Moen of the Homme SEAFORTH _ BARBER SHOP > we j32MIN OT 22412U8 RUOY ANAT" Whet Luxury For Your Finger Tibs HouniepRay STAR PERFORMER — REVLON FUTURAMA == MIGH FLIE JEWEL ‘SPRAY | UATOMIZERS, [if .SET.BY REVLON, Lovepat Combination» = HAIR BRUSH Tome lovcty Ott wil be eppretiend srwy doy This tuxurious box of gold ond sliver foil ’ = site rade table. year Conteins 1 bottle noi conteins @ becutiful Futuroma lipstick case. # bor I J @ dazzling orroy of shaped, Comets sae ho ena of ape ed .” . * A Futureme lipstick refill ond in eddition « ver. : alcaimeiecades $4 To $5%,_ Give Dad the Best Sport of All SPORTSMAN — 2 PIECE LOTION & COLOGNE SET en ice a tare at oe Ce ee ee ee eee Ae ote GEN EE Sigs): Gt. ey es b | - Scie ee eae a tee ee THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1956 ar —enncnmenlnanernonenti _ THIS CHRISTMAS Gi VE HER « or nim cee A ‘PERSON. “TAKE YOUR BUSINESS TO KINSEL’S A beautiful: slaiatune four (4) tube ble radio. Battery operated. speaker. Standard bank receiver. Exclusive include printed circuit SF-25 MA tubes which cuts battery consumption to 50% of ordinary portable radios. Each radio individu- ally boxed with lastic bag, padded carton, ideal for mailing. Size 62" x 444" x 2". Weight 154 Ibs., less batteries. 90 day warrantee. Comes complete with custom fitted pe of durable heavy-gauge vinyl plastic. Furnished with detachable shoulder strap and attached a carrier. =e of finest fave plate! N@ BZNOAa Arthur Godfrey says: Give the only pen with the Piggy-Back Refill! OL 3SS3NI‘ S TISNIN “TAKE YOUR BUSINESS TO KINSEL’S” 7 FROM KINSELIS. ou LJ se re Be ee c CRE COLDS REG. 1.00 — SAVE 3Te .........0506+ a” , GROVES SSANISNE BNOA INV. Ot al ie “TAKE YOUR BUSINESS TO KINSEL’S »S. 13S NIM EVERY PEN IN A FREE GIFT BOX! CAPRI CHROME CAPRI Gleaming silver finish cap and Here's luxury at a popular smart Tenite barrel in your price. Sparkling jewelry finish, choice of 4 exciting colors. $195 famous slim line design. $995 “ — had se r = oO 7 i vi wi ‘el z wi a | C t= 4 =] o P aad kal = < = | " ANAHIST REG. 98 ® “TAKE YOUR BUSINESS TO KINSEL'S” : Ty VI HALC DAUR ELE f ite! : “ALKA SELTZER eae peprecto PAMBASSADOR @>>, 2% gp LAUREL ELECT RIC CIGARS | CHOCOLATES 236| =e Rich Milk and Dark 80x10 $435 Chocolate with Nat Tops xs $3 FZ ix FQ EVERY Day SAVINGS | SSUNISNS YNOA ANVIL S.135NIN OL “TAKE YOUR BUSINESS TO KINSEL'S" * y SYLVANIA. WEP anProneen nie MeeRar coor PRESS 25’s WF avy Glets NOW! Bettini TAKE “s UR BUSINESS TO KINSEL'S" pon ee DUN e # FLASH BULBS B= — xc i Z x } GET YOURS TODAY ) St. Jose CALENDAR ALMANAC AND WEATHER CHART WITH VALUABLE HOME - MAKER b= INFORMATION DON’T FORGET ITS FREE . AND YOU CAN & \-GET-IT-AT ANY & BUSINESS TO KINSEL'S” 2 FOR 2S¢ « PLASTIC BOX OF 10. . . $1.20 TAKE YOUR ROYAL CIGARS; $275 | ( Michigus Children’s Aid Society held its annual Christmas 4 protee Te Ce “party for members of the staff Wednesday at Hotel Waldron. (left to right) Betsy Coffin, staff adoption worker; Mrs. Leonard » Specially honored was Oriel Endelman (extreme left), executive Lewis of Birmingham, a board member, and Mrs. Henry S. Booth director of the Oakland County Branch. She is photographed with of Bloomfield Hills, a member of the local board and the state board. Children’s = | latinas aM st =~ is - hs Two board. members attending the Cross of North Hammond Lake road ond Christmas —Christmas_party- Wednesday were- Milo Mrs Walter .Reuther of Rochester, Women’ s Section “THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1956 PAGES C-4—C-16 |Personal News of Interest in Area Robert -Durnbaugh, son of Mrs. | | Audley fa Tiny nnnin. wrelme an wean te aired Secretaries _ Have Yule Seri Gathering | Jack Anderson of Wenonah drive) Dinner Celebration | ,will fly dow he K Pontioak Cha pte rwill ty down, to the Kemedy’s) F1O14 ot Waldron on Meets for Dinneritwo boys will retum Wednesday < to Pontiac) Tuesday Evening tr County ir - ‘ "1 ' : Lodge presented . pee te . a Oakland Cinaiy Rk of the Michigan Children’s ton at the annual’ Christmas di beataipesier toaia) | Aid Society at the party Wednesday. Board mem- 3 | ond Pat Soler: Saeed tees wacker fox: shy bers entertained ‘members of the staff at the affeir. 'Pontioak Chapter of the National| : Secretaries Association, Following dinner the group ex- Josephi See ley eifts panied on ates of Sylvester drive like a)members gathered at he Christmas. They wilt travel Christmas tree for & gift | rth ef sl weather won't disappoint then. by De. McClellan of Birmingham. ste. ton Mi. Richard D, Comp “Hannah bell of Battle Creek, formerly of | by Pontiac, announce the birth of 8, . Dee Dieterie, Mrs. vue a R. David, Dec. 10, Grandparents of the infant are | "| Mr, and Mrs, Eugene ©. Camp- | bell of Auburn read; i i > 1 il i FE>s F wae eReecE, a + E J : oH f Ld ¥ xs F Leland hostess Presiding at the punch bowl for the annual with her are (left) Mrs. William A. Kennedy of Net Laland Banta, ones be held Feb.) Christmas party was Mrs. Bert E, Norton (center) of | Wenonah drive and Mrs. Harry Henderson of Frank evening to 4 members ; Thi Rochester. Two of the board members photographed lin. . ~ com peenenantipen one ——— energetics casetnet i iasanntsnasenanatenateecnemnssnsreotinjonimsntaranninigantintitimtiaien ih = al. | ee lace over satin 7 ) ; Metro Circle Holds P art y Ho nors Members rest Lake Club — : * f ae : cocktail dress Dinner and Meeting iPlans Two Parties Mrs. Ray L. Walter ov her of USO Hostess Corps | Forest Lake Country Club has Stinnett and home on Cherokee roa spoke of, - ‘two holiday affairs on the agenda : Tuesday evening inner meetin ‘A buffet supper and Christmas standing service” to Mrs. Fred this week. The Christmas dinner- x ot Metro Circle of Emmanuel Bap- Ust Church, Twenty-one: members| otr%;_held recently at the YWCA.|tiaushalter, secretary of the Pon- Corps were present. ot the Pontiac USO, was attended| se USO committee and a mem- ining ~In-the-business- meeting conduct-| by more than 40-of-the Junior and/°et°f the National USO ae mittee; Mrs. Clark Kimball, pal ag ingrom llghb plans were|Senior Hostesses. service chairman and represent tive on the committee the Hostess Corps, which began its| - Twelve pages today regular mont visits to the Au- , ‘ burn Heights Nike Base in De- in Women’s Section cember, 1955. Since then, visits to oint Party Held the Commerce Base have been | Federation of Women's Clubs; "9 by Church Circles Mrs. William B. Dean, N.C.C ‘ representative. unl.co-chairwoen 4 Acquaintance Club : work with draftees and enlistees, whe lad tan every ores off oar tons, ule Party: ai f i 5 a8 i i dita vy Eee, }also received & starred pin, 1 A surprise feature was the) A gift exchange followed the pin|for a ‘awarding of starred pins “for out, awarding. Pt - church ee ee oe ee ; £ en } ; Pe SB a eh Ges ge ee Ce ee Pee ee f gk a ae ie ie a Penn we Sag Be a es ee i re a ee ea ae ee ee ee i eae. peer ae pao ieee See Lee cali Bali SN oie) Cae oe ‘THE PONTIAC PRESS, rHunspay, DECEMBER. 13, 1956 A Ne as } Four wives of Pontiae Motor Divi- sion executives who attended the current National Auto Show in New York are . Mrs, Frank (left to right) "Mss. Robert Emerick, Knudsen~and Mrs. E. M. Estes. | New. Members Receive Degree HHtota- Eta Chapter + Holds Yule Party~ Chapter, Yota Hin president. snd Mrs. jRobert Housman, Mrs, Maynardlfl Ranebvhay thn: fem: degeen webs fan Mrs, Robert Scharf Mrs, Raymond Clemens, Mrs.|Donald Steele, Mrs, berg Bie , sche, Kort ‘snd Man. Sore Gemk Tee degree’ wes ulab given tame gree . [bers of the new chapter, Phi Kap- The group exchanged Christmas|! l-.pa Tau. Mrs, Delmar Fields, Mrs. : . Holmes, Mrs, William Johnson, ® Mrs, Richard Maier, Mrs. Thomas cor — Mrs. Robert Young were among those receiving the de- gifts during the social hour, Make This the William Hotham, V. Bridge, Mrs. Semon E. Mrs. Regentin Named to Office by Ladies Guild Mrs. Richard Regentin was elected president of St. Trinity Lu- theran Ladies Guild at the Wednes- day evening meeting held in the parlors, | oe 8 " Others serving with Mrs. Reg. entin are Mrs. Elmer M. Klemm, Following the election of offi- cers, Christmas hymns were sung and gifts exchanged, Luncheon was served from tables decorated in the Christmas motif. Mrs. Lillian Colby and Mrs. Rheah Feldpausch were hostesses for the evening. Glisten After Five For after five wear silk chiffon is combined with matching satin and linen, and presented in pastel colors. Fashioning a soft and pretty look, moulded bodices of satin or linen are underscored by easy skirts of double-layered Bianchini' silk chiffon, . Cottons Go Out ‘kled with brilliants. to Best of Parties NEW YORK (NEA) — Cotton blossoms out for holiday parties in pale colors, brocaded textures For the bouffant party, dresses NANCY LEE WHITE Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. White of Hickory lane announce the en- christmas party Saturday at 7:30 p.m gagement of their daughter, Nancy, at-the Naval Traiging Station. Lee, and Jack Frederick Bohlman, | — son of Mr. and Mrs. Bohiman of Stiering Pontiac Pederal Coleman avenue. A Dec. 22 wed-|'°®2 ding at the bride’s home is matter Home and Garden Club =i Altar Society Holds Annual Christmas Party Mrs. Kenton Plourde served as mistress of ceremonies at the Tuesday evening Christmas party of the Altar Society of St, Michael Church held in the church hall. *.% «& Entertainment was provided by a local dancing school and gifts The Rev. Michael J. O’Rielly 3 : ry F ' There are many camisole tops in velveteen, used in combination with soft shades of kle with pailettes. First appeared in about 1900. Coming Events Navy roe tiae Wemen’s Club will meet Mon-| our at m. Silver quilting and shirring treatments | Iegmms are given to cotton batistes, calicos| #7 skirts cut from misty floral prints! mauve, moss| = green or silver blue. These spar-| i. automobile advertisement F Mothers Club 388 will hold a) for the uliding. t Dee. 20 at YWCA for a Christmas ene “sad exchange of gifts at 1 p.m. vings and i List! Wonderful Gift News eee Sensational | SALE full-fashioned fabulous, | imported ' sweaters F low you can afford several! REGULAR 17. 98 Short Sleeve 5 coass | Pigonep barr in Sweaters .. . kitten soft cashmeres at truly sensational prices. All of these sweaters feature the new fashioned shoulder for better fit. You'll ‘cherish these lovely sweaters as one of your most = prized possessions. So buy several for yourself or for . 3 Christos gifts. In a host of flattering colors, Sizes 34 to 40, aaa ie “| Your Fashion Store Cashmere elegant luxury at prices so “Sweaters—Main Floor 4 REGULAR 2M. 98 ‘Classic Cardigan hurry.down to see the te Fluffy Frothy to delight the littlest lady. q Your Young Folks’ Store Gift Selections Children on Your Nylon Dresses oe @ 5.93 Nylon embroidered dresses Sizes 9 months to 18 months. Delicious, Old Fashioned RAISIN PIE 68 Peaches and Cream Coffee Cake. . .63¢ |” Christmas of Her Dreams .. «. | : Give an * aati Quality = The most fabulous compliment you can” l=) pay... a gift of furs! Choose from | our magnificent collection ‘know |. that you have given the f furs to = be found. Assorted CHRISTMAS COOKIES F Natural Pastel Mink Pow, Full Length.....s.$599 | % Length Natural Pastel Mink Paw ....... $529 - Holland Fruit Bread “toat 290 | + Crown Royal Dyed Let-Out Muskrat Coot... .$489 Apple Strudel § Black Dyed Persian Lamb Coot ...... cee 4 |) Black Dyed Persian Lamb Jacket, Mink Collar. $299 = Thomas Pastry 121 W. Huron St. Open Daily 8 a.m; ‘til 10 p.m—Plenty of Free Parking | Crown Royal Dyed Muskrat Coat ........+.- $269 Shop Dyed Lat-Out Marmot Coot s.++.4++.++90n$229 re NOP | Black Dyed Persian Lamb Jacket .....+5++.$229 Sapphire Dyed Northern Muskrat Coat’ odes $229 Northern Dyed Muskrat Jocket .......+s++- $169 Black Dyed Broadtail Lamb Jacket .........$169 = Dyed Mouton Processed Lamb Coot ......»-$ 56 Imported Furs Labeled with the Country of Origin—Pius Bed. Tax abel ran ane ea Gift Suggestion 58%... | = | i] Stardust Dyed Northern Muskrat Coat ...,.. $229 | Holiday Go-Togthers TOPS ...3.98 Pre-teens metallic strip, solid velvet, holiday blousettes, SKIRTS ‘eee $98. Hs | 3 ond ot Praliryren Sires TA Come, choose from a fanciful, imaginative col- lection of charming gifts that will delight the heart of the most pensar tng woman on your . list! May we suggest the following for your z Christmas gifting. i. * Hand Sewn FABRIC GLOVES ..........00e000+ 350 ‘ Maiching Case 3 3 FOLDING UMBRELLAS .......... .. 5.00 wiss Movemen © COSTUME WATCHES edtuvecsccves 10.95 = Thee 1 ; CHRISTIAN DIOR TIES ........... . 5.00 : qoe-r rece ; Embroidered, Hand Rolled : ; SUITS HANDKERCHIEFS eeuSeceorcccedens, Ve “ : _ BNVLONTSLIPS «2. e eee eee 59S --- 12.98 * | Hand Rolled Edges ‘ PURE SILK “SCARFS- areas eta i-ar . 2.95 The young master will be in the swing of holiday < Velvet Lined, Barri fa tie Tut in washable flannel slacks and) JEWEL BOXES .0......0.00c.000ee 2.95 - the Shirt. Brown with beige, Sizes 3 to 7, w ge Assortmedi RHINESTONE- EARRINGS . ceeeeee LIS a s LEATHER WALLETS with French Purse «. 3.00 - : Hrs |p HATTICARNEGIE 200 SHIRTS sd ete Pa a ee ee ee .ee 2.98 | SACHET SATIN HANGERS ......... 4.00 | be ther Lined tes) cloth with button GENUINE ALLIGATOR BAGS........25.00 , n collar and knit tie i Fine Detailed Kidski ard cuttin. Git boxed. Hid LEATHER GLOVES ..........---+4+ 595 White, maize, blue, or green. Sizes 3 to 12, All Nylon With Velvet Collars 4 . QUILTED ROBES wee = D4 Jewel Studded H) NYLON GOWNS ..........e0cces 10.95 | Fancy Bach 3 | WOOL MITTENS .........cseseeee 200° He a D LACYPETTICOATS .......5sece0ee 395 3 mews Cig. Case re ee eWELED LIGHTER .....3..... - 5.9500, | LEATHER R HANDBAGS 7....++c000 795 a . iam at Yuletide a | rd ; gx increasingly become a nation- like it, and metal ev” she says, “it adds to the cent of the traffic accidents Christmas — compared with WCTU ef-ian average ct of 26 per cent for the “up holidaylyear 1955. a Money spent for given to charity. Mrs. Hays, 61, is a. native of Ransom, in Ness Ccounty, west central Kansas. Mrs, Hays, the former Dubbs, was one of seven children in a pioneer home which became a gathering place for pro- hibition workers. : * LJ * . She married Glenn Hays, the principal of a high school at Wau- komis, Okla., while she was a ‘teacher there. They made their lhome in Ransom to oversee ex- itensive property, including a 4 , M. to $ P. MI. | i | j | , AN A iN 5 Platform Rockers * $39.95 » is, in © om $3.95 FINE SELECTION OF ® Rembrandt Lamps ® Snack Sets ® GE Appliances and TV ® Voice of Music Hi-Fi ‘@ Voice of Music Record Players 4 4. SEE OUR FULL. GREEN. NURSERY GROWN CHRISTMAS TREES Take your pick from Spruce, Balsam, and Scotch Pine | L«& FURNITURE and | © APPLIANCES © | 3526 SASHABAW RD. ' OPEN MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 9:30 TO 9 2 wheat and cattle farm which Hays still eperates. As a housewife with no children, Mrs. Hays undertook church, social] and temperance work. EASY TO LEAD She found it easy to provide leadership in WCTU affairs. She’ Aiwas elected president of the [Fashionette Club ! Selects Officers | Mrs. Eugene Shelton was elected president of the Fashionette Club at the meeting Tuesday evening in Adah Shelly Library. * * * | Elected to serve with her were Mrs. Robert Smith, vice president; |Mrs. Galen Joseph, secretary; Mrs. | Ernest Forker, treasurer and Mrs, Martin Miller, corresponding * * s Mrs. Edna Mertz is program \chairman, Mrs. James Ryan, pub- icityehairman, and Mrs.- Albert;}--f3 'Lovse, historian. Mrs. Daniel) record the weekly weight of mem-| bers. PEO Chapter Holds Christmas Meeting | Chapter CL, PEO Sisterhood, gathered Monday afternoon at the. hts Office Parties Christmas'/Kansas WCTU, became national liquor, she says, would -better berecording secretary, vice presi- THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1956 ) ' . ( | ‘Short Sprigs Are Useful November Unit ? - Gathers With Mrs. Johnson Mrs. Carlos Johnson opened her Moreland avenue home for the Wednesday evening meeting of the November Group of First Presby- terian Church, Mrs. Roger Gunn | war, and Mrs. Hays have lived! pe ee | holiday Make it by | Mr, and Mrs. Hays have Devot Mrs.’ season. jin Evanston much of the time) ester Castes, The retiring offi, following these directions from ‘since then, Her office is here. gers presented candles of service forestry specialists at Michigan Make Ball of EAST LANSING—An dent-at-large, and, in 1953, presi- ' ident, p sprigs of evergreen and is es- specially appropriate during the * * for Christmas Decoration ball is an unusual use for short/as “pomander balls” used to be ‘made by inserting cloves into an orange until the entire surface; was covered. Evergreen This is done much the same way IMPERIAL BEAUTY SHOP * * Now at | 219 | “People have told me & nUM- to the newly elected officers in an| State University. Auburn Ave. Make the evergreen sprays form | ‘ber of times that they are sur-) i First, shape a 4 to 6-inch ball« iprised that I have not been moved| "Preseve oe erent ed to Mrs ot moistened moss to temperance work by some Pets pee eee ae eee e ciation of| (available from your florist) firm-, sonal background of experience )aYmond ck in appreciation © ly, but not too solidly, and tie it! with alcoholics,” Mrs. Hays says. as chairman of * with wire or string. Then fasten “Actually, I don’t know of any, . ot my relatives who drinks al-| The Detroit Presbytery gave & Img pay Rigen Reade Ps * * 6 [membership on the Board of Na- ® doorway, archway or other Ikely| In response to a direct ques. tional Missions. Guest at the meet- place. i tion, she affirmed, “I have never Ng Was Mrs, Gene Crockett. | After you have prepared the | ‘tasted liquor.” —_——_—_—— ' base, cut small sprays of | | But, she insists, “one needs not Dyed-to- match skirts and greenery 5 to 6 inches long and — ibe a victim of disaster — of war SWeaters are to be had now at sharpen the stem end. Then | lor accidents or alcoholism—to as- budget prices and in pretty pastel insert the sprays into the moss | sume a full dedication to eliminat-,colors. These are ideal choices; until the entire surface is | ing them." for the girl who works. * covered. ‘ Diamonds | ae en en | x ‘Silverware : Holiday Hair Care Costume Jewelry | Make Your — Gift Items | Appointment Noto | FE 4-2878 — Edith Stenson, owner FREE PARKING McKim Jewelry ! $41 Orchard Lake, FE 4-5065 | i | t Holi eS : “% ©=©6 For Al FOAM or terry. . grandparents . , $9998 to ;SFOOTWEAR Famous WELLCO Tiny tots’ Wellco Washables in corduroy . the wonderful “Walk that Reloxes” for teens, mom, dad and the . in houseslippers. (priced according te style and size) day Mood | the Family TREADS $ 4° LO MOX yn Leather MOCS Warm lounging slippers in beau- tiful capeskin in gay colorful yel- low, pink, mint green, red or blue, Authentic Indian design beading. Fur collar. Sizes 4 to 10. , $98 Nationally Advertised Watches priced and styled for everyone on your Christmas list! ern or walking h Boots” for back yard WOLVERINE SPORTSMEN WESTERN Boots Authentic Cowboy Boot with west- Rugged tooled leather. Sizes 81/2 to 3. Ranger Boot Flat hee! and roomy toe. 5 to misses’ and youths’ size 3, © Shoe Store eel and last. $ + ae to 87 98 ae | njun Rangers. Sizes 26 W. Huron St. FE 2-7440 ELGIN -~LeCAVLTRE MIDO TISSAT | -LONGINE HAMILTON -BENRUS These are but a few of our constant su ply. We particularly sel fashion pieces for the discriminating giver. - ed Quality ARD’ ve: 20 N, Perry (Corner Lawrence) Assured Savings—Guarante ¢ HELBROS |f Precious jewelry is our spe- claity. Charms for your mem- orable dates. One of a kind earrings, bracelets, pins, and rings. Let us help you select. These individual ____% | Items are mounted in oP o .) merece, € ‘X44 COSTUME JEWELRY Every style and every color is included in our complete selection of costume jewelry. Silverware Our Silver Dept. maintains a daily stock of every item Whatever your needs might be, our complete selection will cer- tainly fill the bill. 1847 Poole Whiting Community ‘Complete Selection — ‘of Stainless Steel, - Dinnerware Bigg nia mere Wrap Your Angel in Luxurious : | Practical Wondérful Gifts from 4 8 16 N. Saginaw St. Luscious Pastel KNITS Beautifully trimmed | in angora or 10 to 20 White Powder Pink Beige ~ Black Bulky Knit | Hooded Slip-on ]295 ate Jeweled S 8% ah — ; \ sure to please A PEGGY'S "Be iT \ ass oy R70 mw ae for any amount you wish... She can make her own selection. ~ -FLURRY_and FRILLS q \ § 7 ee e aa as yep SE . Le : THE PONTIAC PRESS. -THURSDAY. DECEMBER 13, 1956 SHOP EVERY NIGHT till 9 P.M. vA ; + 95 fo 2295 (4 these are the ; weal that make Christmas ‘Holiday Enchanments in our Orlons in Whites and Pastels GLAMOUR ROBES for THE ONE "YOU LOVE” for leisure for entertaining Ce — an) * Quilted Luxury Nylons Sizes 10 to 20 Shop every evening till: 9 p.m] Charge your purchases — = Use our convenient Budget Payment arrangements these are the —_| weaters 149 Pastel Flannels AND | Holiday , Tweeds : 598 19 1498 The One Gift She Really Loves ¥ the gift she loves 598 Every Gift Beautifully Boxed . . = sis ' : ? f f oe Ls ua fe aaa } a : : ; . : a : ? 2 Fi de ~ 4518" Calf Broadcloth Evening or Casual % Types ee: . 4 & om aay 3 ee! wo + oh -@ es sa ; . _ : > On OS ey serene bs *er = | | Smart Selections: in -..|-~ Practical Gifts 4 - Open Every - Night ’til- ee 9 P.M. ae 4 Squares or Ascots = Silk Prints and | - ; ~ golid Colors ~““DAWNELL” Gloves of Fashion , 200 and 3° 16 NORTH SAGINAW STREET iit f 5 . 4 ‘THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 13, 1956 : eho: . & = * . e ay = ' ; hoo. . ’ Yule Tree™ ‘(Change Pace With ‘Fum, Fum, Fun . . New Trend Is Toward Hi-Fi Parties ls Symbolic: a 7 f - Hi-fi parties are expected to be; The lovely thing about Hi-Fi isjterpieces of Haydn, “Mozart and O eason all the rage at Christmas and/that it brings out the joyous tones| Beethoven. __ |New Year's. The idea is that thelot Yuletide carols, The clarity tat Perry Como inoludes the old F irst Appea red ify young group may close themselves|a- good Hi-Fi set and proper acou-|recitative, “The 12 Days of Christ- This Nati Duri joff in a room with their Hi-Fi. Istics affords can put young peoplemas” in his group in which there IS ation uring Mom, Dad and other members|in the mood for pretending they| is lighter music too— ‘Winter Won- Revolution of the family entertain in another 47e really at a concert. iderland and ‘Frosty the Snow- jroom., It'll be fun, say young thod-| Good Christmas records include) ™4”- By JANE EADS lerns, just to sit around and listen.|‘‘Santa Claus Is Coming,” v White George Beverly Seepel inal SRCLIINGTON Phe: young alwa . Christmas,” ‘Jingle Bells” nationally wn singer WASHINGTON — Christmas tains ker ‘= at a party te traditional English carols such as|and tenor Mario Lanza are rep- jtrees probably add more to mark} per own reem.. A couple of |“God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen.” resented also in long-play platters ithe period of ‘peace on earth good-| husky young men arrive early | Carol parties are becoming so of Christmas carels. © will toward men” than any other enough te rearrange the furni- | popular that one of the large re-| _ The envelopes that hold the Yule- iproduct of the soil. | ture so there is plenty of seat- cording companies has included a tide recordings ‘are almost as . s 8 ing space for all, That way, she [group of old Spanish carols this popular with young people these A. M. Sowder, extension fores-| says, the family can entertain |year for a change of pace. days ae recerenes ey are J mmamented in ter of the US Department of too, | “um, Fum, Fum’ is ope, S oeetes YO teceene a oral Agriculture, calls it a symbol of! Corn may be popped in an elec-| “Ya V1 La Vieja” ts an. (stam ao Oo ~ diving Christmas spirit. tric popper and hot dogs can sizzle other, and “Hacia Belen"— a scenes appropriate to Christmas, Sowder, who grows Christmas 0M @ borrowed electric broiler if) Spanish patter song that recounts | . ; trees as a hobby and is an author. need be right in her room if the the arrival in Bethlehem of a Your wardrobe for housework | it the subject. reports that [Kitchen is going to be. in full donkey laden with chocolates and | should include pretty cotton house | ity on ject, repo t | more than 25 million trees were Party use. | &ypsies. |dresses, none costing more than harvested in 1955 in this country | She can cook everything in ad-| France and Germany countriby- $5, an inexpensive orlon cardigan, | alone. vance or serve cold things such ted old corals such as “Here mid a housecoat for breakfast and i ¥j as salad and sandwiches with a the Ass and the Oxen.” The Robert; well - fitted, low -heeled neat | In his interesting pamphlet, hot drink if she . _ Chorale | rded eather shoes. i“Christmas Trees — The Tra-; us prefers. Shaw orale nas. reco) mas a dition and the Trade” (Govern-| jment Printing Office, Washington '25, D.C., 15 cents), he reports Treat your favorite chair or that the first record of trimmed table to a white frosting with these Christmas trees in the United) _ >, States appears in the period of; pretty pineapple motifs. You'll the American Revolution when! find them easy to crochet and sO Hessian soldiers made use of nice to use them. tn RF _—— * * * ‘ ° . = | Pattern Ne ei ; ontains crochet ‘However,’ Sowder points out Ch rist mM as / directions, material requirements, “the practice did not gain much . J | stitch Bustrations. headway in this country until! Morning! | Send 25c in coins, your mame. abour the middle of the 19th ‘ = address and the pattern number to Anne Cabot, The Pontiac Press, 372 W. Quincy Street, Chicago 6, Iinois. Now available—the colorful 1956 Needlework Album containing doz- ens of lovely designs from which to choose more patterns in-crochet;- embroidery and knit — plus three gift patterns;-directions printed in: book. Only 25 cents a copy! i Century when, after a year of controversy and doubt, it became an established custom in Cleve- tand."’ . BACK TO LUTHER Some historians trace the lighted) Christmas tree back to Martin Luther (1483-15467. { _ + * * “The story—is that while stroll-' ing throughout the countryside one | Christmas Eve under a brilliant | Smart, Comfortable, Slippers... from STAPP’S. J Nellie Monroe. Mrs. I. O. Wideman |heaven — the heaven that looked \down over Bethlehem on the first j '-|starlit sky, his thoughts turned to} Holiday Party Held enn iiy ot the eels Child,” | by Philathea Class Sowder relates, | ~~ | Mrs. Mabel Wiser led group sing- rogroune — a, — | Dad’ / ae * \ & é * + ing of Christmas carols at the |° tandmape. He observed the ads . ‘ Ladies’ Fur Boot | Christmas party held by members gnow-flecked evergreen trees Saddle Leather Moc’s / ‘of the Loyal Philathea Class of sparkling in the moontight Open Wonderful slipper in new soft, warm | First Baptist Church Tuesday eve-' . | Handsome, natural saddie with / fur with the casual boot styling she ‘ning. Mre. Arthur Peck accom- “Returning to his home he re-) spongy-soft cushion sole. White to / will love. Gorgeous paste! shades of panied the group. jlated the experience to his family) stitching to accent the casual / rm 4 bt Sizes 3-9 eee land attempted to. reproduce the) moccasin styling. Sizes 7-11 .., 9 P. M. yellow, rose and Diue. So7% Judy Coleman and Jerry Stoner outdoor scene. (boys’, too). Ever presented a duet of Christmas ca-| “To a small evergreen tree he ~very 95 roils on the accordion and piano, attached lighted candles to simulate Night and devotions were given by Mrs. 'the reflections of the starlite presided at the brief business meet- ing. |monne Eve.” FAMILY SHOE STORE we > FLYING DISCS ‘495 SKATE $995 CASES By, Ski Car Top Carriers ¥ SHIRTS Se $749 oe MG bd INSULATED BOOTS 4 sis | 13” COMPLETE LINE OF SKI EQUIPMENT = ——— ee a ~ ~ Children’s Single SHOE — SKATES Boys’ HOCKEY SKATES Boys" FIGURE SKATES sizes 12 te 3. HOCKEY SKATES Sizes 6 te 12 Men's Girls’ FIGURE SKATES Fsiie $9951, $4 695]4 Pseed 4 to 10 HOCKEY SKATES Sizes 11 te 3 sg's.s998 Figur ‘1 1% 4 he This would date the first lighted a) Christmas tree prior to 1346, but \Sowder says the custom did not) (J actually catch on until 1700, when) . atte Leeume tn atecpled past ef| la | the decorations. 44 ~G4.-g4 STAPP'S 928 W. Huron Street at Telegraph | (Open to 9 P. M.) A very special gift for a very special person. A gift that she will treasure for years. and years. A wonderful se- lection of Orange Blossom . styles. a Federal Tax incladed sai by Milhening 4 te 13: Sizes 12 to 3 obs Three beautiful diamond necklace stylings by Milhening. Every one ry _._& lovely gift for Christmas. Then, seas! add-a-Diamond on birthdays or anniversaries ‘til the pattern is Sizes $ 95 i 4to § | Trade-In Your Old Skates! complete. SAE NA ER BOR NOH RE AI A AES RRR. MSA URES ARR eS RM See Our Display of Hamilton, Bulova, Elgin and Longine Watches _eut eet eth runithes ett anita ie tin oma tna. ssn startles an a tae Gere aaa * , FE 2.76214 5 4 Aicec 2 Leics oe CO A Oe | Pe ie pe fe eR ee A a) ne Fy os f , ih. / "THE PONTIAC PRESS, “THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1956. | a s___§ Ladies cultured *, soweveqnse A008 i 2 e Fashion : Priced AaB agg 3 + Os <= at «Pe | Diamond’ dinner rings. Priced from “NX +e . ‘y 4 | , +e Cr ad : 7 | / : an Ses ; ae a j 7 é eee eee OT mw . _s : ¥ | , | / a, if ‘a that’ please the most! Yy Choose a dependable watch from the world’s Finest—Movado, Girard Perregaux, ' Hamilton, Omega, Bulova, Croton - - - priced from... ... . . . 19.50 to 300.00 Man's birth stone rings, solid 4 trom FOF Cee @ 4 Cs . i acorn WAVLAL Ladier 11 jewel white on yel- Men's 17 jewel Automatie gag, SOE SE Sol teas vrm 49.50 89.50 59.50 benssist or ieather strapa, Ladies 14K 22 Jewel, white or Man's 17 Jewel Expansion prea 59.50 89.50 39.50 Men's Waterproof Automatie Wind. Man's 17 jewel waterproof, in Ladies’ 17 jewel 2-diamond Fra 4 2-00 stainless steel case. Watch. Men's Dress models, 11 jewels, 49.50 49.50 yellow er white gold. 59.50 : For Best Selection Layaway Now matthed in design——- matchless in quality! The Ideal Christmas Gift for Her Ladies’ Solitaire Diamond «Sets. White or yellow gold, from 79.50 Baguette and Round Diamond Matched Sets. 14K white or yellow gold, priced rom 250.00 Ladies’ Matched Combination with all full cut flawless diamonds. 350.00 Ladies’ 13-Diamond Sets, white or yellow, from 175.00 Ladies’ Diamond Wedding Rings ~ from . 39.50 to 250.00 Remount her diamonds in new style set- tings for as little as 35.00 Trade in her diamond for a larger stone. We will allow full resale value — estimates . furnished without obligation. ~~ a OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL CHRISTMAS § diamond Ham- 14K gold wrist Weteh ..covccdewe Certified Gemologins . Registered Jewelers— American Gem Society — a | . ou ke , 16 W. Huron : Nv. i 14 Za df ~~ - ~~, ROL Ess a) re “THE PONTIAC Panes: THURSDAY, DECEMBER. 4s, 1956. ‘hristmas: Often Means Sadness —fin- Jonelinens-eind- “despair. — Maybe you have some pheioel that count. disabilities: and can only put in ic people who have glowing, work- I know many badly disabled up your health better than all the! terest of your own may well perk medicine in the world. 0 Oe Ae 8 he pect. If you'd like to start such a Ed] You can do a lot, right now, to make next Corletmas one of the ~ But it's the-will-and determination filled tives; Moreover, @ real x] | Christmas is loaded profect. coal swe 2 stantped, exit with memories of.days when the care of The children were small, life was full pede Boren and Fa ween vee and Mom and Dad were busy and two things for q starter: for. your __First_my pamphlet,PointersTo; . often, ag years go by, it Your Basic Interest, and econd, Christmas a time of poignant lone. a really good list of books on re- 7 If, on top of that, mone: tirement projects, doll eas Warm, snug Balbrig- is no pat answer, of But there are two sugges- "(Onporight 1986) oe that have senate tions Td like to make for easing Sethe at . ia Ma- too common problem. olid color pants, : to the young people: Re- Child Study Gr oup chine - washable and oe : Christmas, that never need ironing. shirts come back Bod aie. more than bed Has Yule Meeting Won't shrink out of fit. are ter. | light In og ll launder . i — SHIRT I REUSABLE _ TRANSPARENT PLASTIC BAG. ‘Your clothes will return clean- er. abe enamine fenid be Sires : to insure cleanliness * * * / Spend as much time with them ‘as you can, even if it means giv- ing up the parties your own set is giving. You'll have your con- ‘temporaries around a long time, but you won't have Mom and Dad _|bers donated wrapped boxes of ‘|tained the group with Christmas Child Study Club Group Three met at the home-of Mrs. Maxwell Doerr on Ottawa drive Tuesday for a luncheon and meeting, Mem- Christmas cookies for patients at the Oakland County Convalescent | Hospital. Mrs. Robert Boggs of the Pon- tiac Story Tellers League enter-| Sizes 4 to 12 - $4 .. + of course! stories. Christmas carols were sung accompanied at the piano by Mrs. George Tallerday and at the organ by Mrs. Doerr. | Hostesses were Mrs. Richard L. McPartlin, Mrs, F. Milton Hatha- way, Mrs. Carroll C. Braid and ' forever. WRITE LETTERS If you're too far away to join 'them, write daily letters through- out the holidays, no matter how SKI - MITTENS Water shedding nylon plaid or plain on the outside and warm quilted liners. Sizes 2-7. $198 Tell them how you miss them, Mrs, Maxwell L, Shadley. The MARGARET ANN -|how grateful you are for the many The January meeting will be held} 37 Wo puron Shop years they devoted to your wel- at the home of Mrs. E. W. McGov-f Rive: Bidg , ern on Alice -avenue. > TBI Women’s Club ‘Has Holiday Party i Twenty members of TBI Wom- open every night til 9 p.m. —— is — they did plenty > bert ~$-~ . : = : : ae oe — - — -f- . r ‘Chub attended the Christmas: ran ae = Sec omnes eee they did tho bast they aa en's held at the Drayton Plains! FEATURING THE LATEST : and you aren't so perfect your ‘party FASHIONS IN EYEWEAR ‘home of Mrs. Lehr Miller. Mrs. ‘Max Clymer presided at the short business meeting. [ | self! 7. ‘spec ia | And second, to the oldsters them- selves The spent the recent after-, — ‘ BS Make a resolution to get a real- ‘noon taking favors and Dr. B. R. Berman 2 thursday, friday, soturday ly interesting hobby, if you haven't ; ; . ‘ ; | | cards for patients’ Christmas Day | sum Optometrist — = ‘ : one already, and try to fun it Christmas morning becomes even more festive and trays at Pontiac General Hospital. Hi 17 Wi. Saginaw St. ot. me 6 ees mor just pennies merry when milady wears her “at home” slippers, done negroes sae epeuts i has FE 4-7071 4) i OM, ge. like a real interest,| here in black illusion cloth’ shot through with glimmer- Whitson and Mary Parker. : Ff g 1 t Ss i p Ss eorshy-oewl for ing, shimmering silver threads. The crystal clear vamp | Gifts were exchanged and cach back- an- member contribut a wrap 5, may not be easy,| #8 embroidered in black twinkles, with rhinestones to add ‘gift to be donated to Pontiac a 4 easier further glamor. \eral Hospital for the children, “69 Exciting savings on lace-dazzled nylon tricot slips and pettislips — wonderful for gift-giving! The Pettislip: nylon tricot, banded with lace and applique flowers: White; small, medium, large Special, $2.69 Bed teem er tricot sheath; the bodice and hem berdered with lace and nylon net. White. 32 to 40. Special, $2.69 beta fies City Aiea whee schalabar vat Your gift to him from Osmun’s will get a very warm reception! (And the warmth will extend to the giver ... be prepared for something nice!) _ Here at Osmun’s you'll find the rare, the unusudl, the very kind of a gift you want to present to the men who are most important to. you! aa tg Mt a PR RN a a A a ac ll BOTH STORES Open Every Night *til Christmas , | your ‘ . fashion- gift wonderland “Two Fine Stores to Serve You Better’”’ oF 51 N. SAGINAW ST. Se ee ee eee eee eRe ee io Ete! ad tie Ats Bi Rie Set ee Bes Me iad see ee ata! tia ics Bl teen £ ne? ie Sd las eee a z ies j eyo Se age: bt } E ee ‘A : % : ve eae | idee : Ws as a jae tre i a Sata aoe see tiny fj Pe : : 7 pre Ig Ne ~ j . | \ é i¢ ; ‘ , . j t. ' - | 4 = . , , THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13: 1956" | os Ma Sleep Is Best Foundation for Beauty |i: itr etrtiMrs. Ethel Rife [Sz ws weed » «Spray Petticoat “I partments of - stockbrokers’ offi- especially designed for your skin Lag ae: — to all beauty is}These are the basic essentials for But whatever, find some way to| (normal, dry or oily and use it Speaks Dec. 19 . ow addition to her onic she is for Stiffness night, The need for alec vase? 8004 looks. Without them, a pretty'get rid of tension. If you need) {aithfully.— - ito Accountants _| vetoes owed a ae i lor sleep varies.| - _. {time alone to yourself,-away from} You'll be amazed at the amount president of” the Detroit North- other people, see that you get it.|of dirt that will show up on those} yrs Ethel Rife will be the/®St Business and Professional beautifully. under the mod- What's relaxing to one woman is|cotton balls. But be sure that the| sneaker at the Dee. . 19 meeting| Women's Club and publicity chair. 2!" ot r de r : not to another sq don’t try. to/¢leansing lotion you choose is notiof the American Society of Wom-|man of the Inter-Group Council for pattern your leisure hours on those) strongly astringent or it will givelen Accountants, following a 6!Women as Public Policy Makers. ee = Oe ee ee en es Oe, Pad ek eee Saar oh es Wemerts Oe =. * @ e@ all. | ing, Club in Detroit. Her sub; In December, the American So-|ment, no matter what kind of City grime is an enemy of clear, {be “The Genera] Market.” ciety of Women Accountants is beautiful skin. It clogs pores and) Norway now permits use of Eng- Wn : honoring ag the “Celebrity of the|lon creates blackheads. Soap is ajjish, German and other foreign] Mrs, Rife started in the brok-/Month” a charter member, Mrs. -. ‘girl’s ally in the fight against! languages on food labels. erage business in 1915 and through/Crystal ‘Kilgour. , OSMUN’S ..- “Where Christmas Gift -Hints Become Realities” Your‘tist of deserving males may be long but, of this you are sure... for them no ordinary gifts. The presents you choose for them must be different and distinguished . . . sumptuous and satisfying . . . chockfull of character and of a quality that beams good will to the masculine heart. Suede Jackets 2 | Handsome styling — way knit collar, cuffs and waist. Complete- ly dry cleanable. A - 4 luxurious ift for Me } mare favori male! : yles also available — with full suede col- 7 lars and sleeves. ; es A At pa DAS SS Ue eM TRO ee, Maen Py ’ i ie 4 oj il : i ; 1 Cn ee # : “sa ee Bg Por tet 2 eis ee PS Imported Silk Button Down — DRESS. ‘SHIRTS So popular this year! Choice of white or colors, 7; in solids or patterns . . . styled by such famous & makers as Arrow and || Manhattan. These shirts are a “must” to every man who is partial to the new Ivy League look. | ‘oo Neckwear eee ts) Beautifully fashioned by Superba and Arrow! Our huge stocks boast every conceivable pattern and color, You can be sure when you select one of these ties . . . they. are the very ones he would choose for himself. SUBURBAN COATS Most demanded coat of the season! The versatile suburban coat is casual ...or dressy. Takes him anywhere ... anytime. Luxurious, 100% wool tweeds and fleeces .. , many imported fabrics. Full, sweeping models with rugged detailing, huge pockets, distinc- tive wear-up collars. Crew Neck “SWEATERS by McGregor GIFT ROBES The most complete selec- tion of robes ever... in _..fabrics ranging from ter- rycloth, lightweight wool blends, and full lined-silk foulards, Also a smart assortment of TV and Smoking ‘Jackets. See -.them all tomorrow... for sure! | $4” $B 500 Fashioned of soft, lux- urious lambswool and orlon...completely washable in a fabulous range of the season’s newest colors. And, this is just one of the many styles in sweaters you'll - have to choose from at Osmun’s. Sizes 36-40 — from | $9Q* Both Stores | Open Every Night { Until Christmas “Two Fine Stores to Serve You — Better”. ” ] THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13,1958 rc ercueearree - ‘this tall.” Good this year, Invest j in Fashion Re cee and tes paar after. oon Lincoln Suniog H igh Phoseniti Yuletide Program! nme‘ | Sa ac your big fashion - invest- $ CURISTMAS In an elaborate holiday setting, “Christmas Island” sung by the| carried a religious theme of “The - A over 180 students of the Vocal De-| Girls Triple Trio with special stag-| First and Lasting Spirit of Christ- ' wey partment of Lincoln Junior High’ ing effects. The blending of voices mas” and was narfated by Linda School presented two performances in this number was particularly, Tabor and Judy Kenney, who ef- of a Christmas program of music| delicate and. effective, tectively created the mood of the - and pageantry for the students and holy scenes of the Nativity. Mari- faculty, Solos, ensembles, choruses! Scene Two was saisiceaiia by ‘lyn Vernon,’ soprano, opened the Tana dramatic tableaux were fea- the Ninth Grade Chorus under the’ musical drama by singing “How ‘tured. direction of Mr. Smith. The four Far Is It to Bethlehem?” by Grit- | * @ ® numbers included “I've Got the! ton, t : The program opened with a med- Spirit of Christmas’ by Brooks. j,i eau STAGED ley of Christmas carols especially “The 12 Days of Christmas” by . | arranged by Jerry Smith, head of Siday in a 12-part arrangement of | The scene of the Wise Men was the Vocal Department of the! ™adrigal-type carol, “Jingle Bells” presented in tableau by Virgil Ischool. Marilyn Vernon, school /harmonized by Charles, with intri-, Apley, Robert McCarroll and Gary ‘president, set the scene by describ- Cate Phrasing and difficult tempo) Sprague in an artistic setting of iin in blank verse the theme of the Chafges which were professionally| Bethlehem in the Judean Hills. The rogram and the significance of! executed; and “The Christmas| Boys Glee Club sang ‘ Silent Night P = ‘Song’ by Ringwald. by Gruber and “The Birthday of | Christmas customs. | a’King” by Neidlinger. The combined choruses pre- Two numbers were sung by the ee sented “Happy Holiday” by Ber- Boys Emseuhio for _ between The scene of the shepherds was * seenes entertainment: ‘Rudolph, portrayed by Ed Almas, lin In an artistic winter wonder- the Red.N rb land setting designed as a full | coed Reinders ¥ Ferrell, Don Shelton and Charles Marks and “Deck the Halls,” an \y-Michael. w enacted the tab- backdrop on sheer cloth separat: | old Welsh air. Julius Middiedort jo. as the Nit "Grate Chorus Ing two country scenes with an ' illusion of distant snow-covered | directed and accompanied this | ‘sang the beautifully descriptive > hills, a group. cnumber, “As Lately We Watched" — The Choralines, directed by Sue by Kirk, and the song that is al- __ The Entr’Acte revealed members| pity, presented Scene Three| most a prayer, “O Holy Night” by of the Girls Ensemble costumed with the singing ot “Sleigh Ride” | Adam. as little children waiting up for , ” Wild West Santa. They sang as they drama- ene and “Silver Bells” by the manger scene revealed UPHOLSTER tized two numbers: “Frosty, the “ne 1 part of the p m Anita Hodge as Mary and Tol- Snowman” by Rollins and ‘Santa e bert Carter as Joseph watching , Claus Is Coming To Town” by the tiny Babe in the manger. The SETS Coots, : Choralines sang two tullabies, ate |The Boys Glee Club of 20 voices Blue Star Group | “tally, ttle re -Ling Kid Gun set fora @¢ junder the direction of Julius Mid- fs = ees $98 eet speaced in a group of Names Officers | sm old tngtsh tune. : ‘three numbers which comprised ; With Linda Tabor giving the po- : ‘Scene One laid in a living room of ed a Florence McCrae was elect-|etic call to worship, a dignified ed president of Blue Star Mothers | processional brought all singers to pa modern home, complete Pas every Chapter Four at the Tuesday eve-lthe stage in “O Come. Ail Ye detail even to a glowing firpiace’ ning meeting held in YMCA. | Faithfuf” by Reading and the cow- eT ay Bend, “White Serving with Mrs, McCrae are| bined choruses sang a thrilling ptereremetnf - Berlin | and “We Mrs John Yungk, first vice presi- finale, “Christmas Day” by Holst. Wish You a Merry Christmas,” an 4"t; Mre. Edward Schram, sec-;The narrators gave a prayer for old English folk song. ond vice-president; Mrs. James peace and goodwill as singers ‘Dando, recording secretary; Mrs.| breathed a hushed amen to close SPECIAL STAGING Herman Dennis, financial secre-| the program. «The betwosn-ecmnes number wee tary, and Mrs. Lettie Hancock,| Mrs. Margarette Burette and the : an expressly arranged version of treasurer. art classes designed and executed —~ | Officers will be installed on Jan. {the elaborate and colorful settings. Mrs, Naomi McVean and the Girls] 2.6 van. dude. SHOREREH TERED ERE TS ee ‘Robert Morse directed the tableaux Service Club provided the ushers. . |“ The group is packing Christmas|and Mrs. T. E. Wiersema wrote’ A complimentary program will These girls @ are re setting the scene ne fort the fre ‘baskets and also {s distributing the continuity. ‘be repeated this Yvening at at 7:30 - side episodd’ in the “Spirit of Christmas,” a festiva gifts to the servicemen in Oakland) George Gary and the print- p.m. in the Lincoln Junior High | to esgnted tonight by students of Lincoln Junior County Tuberculosis Sanatorium. |ing classes supplied the programs; | auditorium as a public service, be pres shied f f | High School. Over 180 students will participate in the performance. Girls above taking part in the skit (seated from left to right) Sharon Nelson of lyn avenue, Marilyn Vernon of Rundell street Diane Swansey of Yale avenue. Standing (left right) are Delores Kasten of Oliver street and Kim ivon of Pingree avenue. They’re singing @ song about Santa Claus coming to town. . Je § gets y [ | : “WHERE HIS CHRISTMAS GIFT-HINTS BECOME REALITIES” fy fe ip ivf * peg @ Make his gift an ¥ ARROW WHITE “fe with the “stay-neat’ collar style that’s right aan we rg erry 72,500 IN GIFTS! NO PURCHASE NECESSARY JING TO WRITE — NOTHING TO GUESS — ABSOLUTELY FREE Just Be Sure to Register — Children Under 17 Must Be With Parent! Lady's Diamond Ring — Gor- £180.88 Man’s Longine Watch — Solid ss set in. exquisite . ee 17 jewels, newest ho $200.00 Cultured Pearl Necklace—Solid ane a eeeming pearls living oysters ......... FREE Here’s the gift that's. got what it takes to make a man happy at Christmas. Handsome Arrow whites, the best-liked Lady’s Longine Watch —Solid $100.00 Man’s Ring ........... FREE |& shirts in the world, with the famous case set with diamonds, $100.00 any Birthstone Ring—Yours non-wilt Arrow collar that keeps appear- ances looking neat and morning-fresh all Jewels voeeeee sees. ....FREE from Sallan’s ............... FREE Set Rings | A lovely gift for day long. They’re beautifully tailored in “Sanforized” broadcloth and Mitoga con- tour-cut for perfect fit, real comfort. See r our selection of collar styles, sizes and sleeve lengths, today. 4 hd hs 4s husband, wife or very good friend. Beautiful Brilliant Cut Solitaire tailored settings with band to match. : ; 191.00. sot seve mires # har) ar) ard art ert Exclusive Sallan Value 4 Fiery Diamond Engagement Ring I Ss — ad Wedding Band to Match Never-Break Mainspring # Guaranteed by Sallan +. $2°71.00 roz BOTH RINGS You'll Look Lovely | in ® * * HOLIDAY DRESSES for Festive Occasions DALE in premium broadcloth, features smart cord edge stitched medium point collar. French cuffs $5 ‘ Others Start at 14.98 Sparkling Gems _.- tn Artistie Setting {=> — With 11 flashing diamonds - © $191.00 rox 20m RINGS Diamonds Enlarged te Show Detail DART (not ifustrated) in long-lasting © ARDEN fashionable shorter point, wide- broadcloth with medium spread, regular = spread collar with a trim executive look. collar. Regular cuffs $3.95 : Regular cuffs $3.95 NOTE—Osmun’s have Arrow White Shirts in neck sizes” 138% to 19, and sleeve lengths from 30” to 37”. BOTH STORES Open Every Night.’til Christmas . & Simply elegant and so flattering for now - BM) and the New Year. Sheath or bouffant styles . .4 so dreamy for the holiday season and-on into spring. Captivating .styles in glamorous fabric in scintilating colors. Petite, Jr., Miss, and Holf Sizes, The Diamond Store of Pontiac e for 2 Over 32 Years! _ JEWELERS 88 N. Saginaw St, . ene 51 N. Saginaw St—————_Tel-Huron Center Dress Salon—Second Floor [a [ re ! i | ABP 42 THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 13, 1956 —_ PES) EAE DOW FHP POR world’s most famous names... A RT or gifts = for yourself : wo eee ee y. a Gest Ce ae Ax Say il 3 “ fs = Exclusive at Waite’s! IN BEAUTIFUL GIFT BOX A 1.65 3 pairs n* 4.95 br e 9, @ Gift boxed with a touch of holly @ Famous Phoenix dress sheer nylons is @ Full fashioned, self seams = @ Proportioned lengths, sixes 812-11 £ | @ Beauty marked welt tells you the ap correct costume color always Exclusive at Waite’s! Exclusive at Waite’s! fe) -/_IN BEAUTIFUL GIFT BOX IN BEAUTIFUL GIFT BOX Van Raalte Doubles HUDSON sf 1.35 pairs 1.25 3 pecas ’ pair 3 4 0 5 pair , ? =) Because you fove nice things @ Inch proportioned, full fashioned , Pe “~~ @ All’ occasion: sheers with double @ Lab tested, lanolin treated for extra “ — softness ond sheerness — < (@ Seams stay straight, slim enkle fit § & @ Double reinforced ot the toe & heel _@ Sizes 812 to 11 | Shades ore. , Highlight, & oe eee eee * | @ Sixes 8¥2 to 11, proportioned Largest Selection in Pontiac! IN BEAUTIFUL GIFT BOX TANS Sones ye pe 3. airs Exclusive at Waite’s! IN BEAUTIFUL GIFT BOX BELLE SHARMEER . @ Proportioned to fit from top to tip ~~ . of toe | @ Fully fashioned leg sized hose @ Pencil thin seoms : @ Sizes 8Y2 to 11, proportioned et 4.50... @ Pontioc’s headquerters for Henes @P chiffon sheer nylons with no seams to worry about ¢ Fits like a second skin » , _ @ Barely there Boli-rose and South * 4 ee ee — ee sats. all SY a i cee A Geo eee ¢ # es ee ee ee ee eee Beds: : eee i | i * YW y Greeding | A preity ‘by bendi ; icirele the body make a larger foil found and around. Decorate sd ball about 3 by 4 wee aiitios, tiny Christmas balis, ribbon the end of a 4inch piece of Sows, artificial flowers, Common -wire inte head and 9p- pins may be used to attach decora- pushipg it tions to foil. A candle holder may be made Ils less by standing a candle upright and a coat hanger into a ball for with beads and glitter. bio b Sih d nbd ind ho dinGd <4 G2 wt 4) 44-44 «hd whe $+ ath may be made covering it with crushed on wire crushing foil around it. Decorate ‘Pair Plans New Year's Open House -Wife Asks Advice on What to Serve | With Eggnog By EMILY PosT | *A letter tells me: “My husbard ‘and I would like ‘to have open house on New Year’s Day for our ‘many friends and neighbors. Will .you please tell me how the ‘invitations should be worded and also what to serve in addition to the traditional eggnog?" 1. Answer: on your double visiting card tor i i ‘in front of the Mrs.) and the mes- ‘sage is. “Eggnog 4 to 6 New , Year's Day.” | Im addition te the panch bow! | filled with eggnog, there should: be either lady cake, or black fruitcake, er both. Also, for those who don't like sweets, a platter oe speed of another. We differ not Stick to Pace That's Best for You great mistake to try to adopt the! which. is best. for him. Otheceiee : cog * Remar ee Neither mental nok physical exertion should result in fatigue if you go at them with the, pate natural to you, Boredom, it seems you are bored, you will be tired Invitations are written: lelse on your card with Mr. put) — only in our physical holes played in a relaxed, leisurely manner. For another, just the op- posite may be true. It is a ques- tion of physical and emotional makeup and personal taste. = = * *. * | Whether it is work in a career, * Vhousehold duties, exercise, or the general organization of your life, it is essential that you discover the pace which is best for you. ‘\If you work best and accomplish more at a fairly slow pace, adhere to this and don’t worry about the no matter what speed you Use. * * * , Most folks never think in terms of personal pace. Without realizing it they try to fit their natural 'speed to that of others. They get pushed into all sorts of activities which do not interest them so that ‘their lives become jammed and they are forced to discard the tempo which is natural to them. We live with others and daily lite must be full of “give and take” so that we cannot achieve this ideal completely, Neverthe- less, once we recognize its im- portance we can come nuch nearer the ideal than most of us usually do, If you would like her leaflet No. 19 “Essential Daily Routine, for Beauty and Health,” send & to me, is the one exception. If- ~ | of thin sandwiches of plain with THE New = «bread «and butter is usually PATT-O-RAMA Proftered. “drifting sands of time.” stamped, self-addressed envelope On. the other hand, ff you'djwith your request for it to rather hurry through your duties! Josephine Lowman in care of The Especially at Christmas... am se | If possible, you should serve hot : lll 1 * every woman deserves a crown 8432 tea (as well as the eggnog) for and activities, don't deviate com | mae Pre ge yi, . Po Created to slim and eam the ‘hose who find eginog too rich. plish much without fatigue have) Tomorrow: “Reader's Fatigue slightly mature figure is this’ “Dear Mrs. Post: In a house learned this secret. _May Be Psychosomatic aan 48 charming all-occasion frock that is without servants. would it be proper ie sure to bring you compliments. to have a smal] table placed near} #8 Ne. 8432 with Patt-O-Rama in- the host on which the food to be fy cluded is in sizes 34, 36, 38, 40, served could be placed, then stack, tm 42, 44, 46, 48. Size 36, 5 yards of the dimer plates in front of him @ 35-inch. and have him put the food on is, For this pattern, send 35¢ in each plate and pass it to the guests coins, your name, address, size atthe table? ¢@< ______ If you work best and accomplish wiore at a fairly , slow pace, adhere to this and don’t worry about the desired and the pattern number) “If this is proper, are all the. “drifting sands of time.” . - to Sue Burnett, The Pontiac Press, women at the table served first| . 372 W. Quincy Street, Chicago 6, and then the men or doesn't it Pre-Christmas Ti vara 28 cant vow to XE MY aterece”™” "Suggest Oriental Touches for Yule Decorations _ your copy of the Fall & Winter 56 -Answer:—It-it-is-a large dinner + issue of our complete pattern book, of eight or more you would J SALE gui every woman Who S€WS one by one, the at the) SAN FRANCISCO (INS) —effect of a v 1. i ‘ 7 person | SA? NC NS very feath ink and . r jor herself and her family. + end of the table taking the first (Orientalinfluences have become white glittering bird ‘cage, Holiday Pa rty © surprise pop-ovt of : 4 a | and then each im turn until all extremely. prevalent in decor of He Maternities radiant. Christmas ornaments. $2 = » are served West Coast homes in recent years, suggests using very small Japanese miniature pine trees as a base a Western Christmas ~ table tion. Set them in | § Bring Out Hair Curl | —- ‘and it is not surprising to find According to one beauty expert, “Dear Mrs. Post: When a man them showing up in Christmas! ae LOON A N 9 \ about 90 per cent of American is divorced and has married some-'decorations as well. ‘women have naturally curly hairjone else, if it proper to invite his) San Francisco interior decorator Uitie tubs and decorate with j and aren't aware of it. % OFF \ex-wife to a social gathering at A. Dudley Kelly who is widely very tiny silver and pink Christ- “_— ana —— _ BR) That is, they podsess enough nat-|which they will be present?” _|known for both his home decora- unas fee ornaments, 1 - For Your Convenience “Where Quality Counts” m ural curl to do without a per-/ jtions and industrial design sug-| The trees should be frosted light-| Use Our Layaway Plan! ‘ manent if their hair is properly Answer: This depends entirely gests two uses of Japanese articles ly with a dash of plastic snow and /se Uur Layaway Ftan. _ 92.N. SAGINAW ST. is cut. Brushing too, aids rather than upon the personal attitudes of in Christmas decorations. set with place cards as the base | ~~~ ~— — ' hinders natural curl. each to the other. For a different Christmas tree, Also @ Complete Line of Uniforms. Yarns and Maternities 2 + ‘start with a spruce and complete- OXFORD SHOP Dd hi bd hd hd bh hd hdr hd Bbw hd GS Bd Bd hd Sd hd wd 49 f ly cover it with white glitter. x M Then fasten dozens of Japanese silver balls with large pink candles, i ibbon, \ a Etpranches and tie the brancheslof the center_of the spheres to] 59 W. Huron St. FE 4-7212 e ° with a pink bow. This gives the create an abstract effect. --. Just right ae for that Special gift The gift with sincere personal appeal — to be used ond cherished daily... a beautiful gift that will live from Christmas to Christmas to Christmas — a constant reminder of the spirit in which it wos given — and received. Who is the favorite person whom you would . especially like to please? “Lotus” pattem — exquisiiely ued grocelul, delicately bolanced. Two-tone color Y achemes of Crystal with Amethyst, Aquomorine. or Topor «ll eppeel te onyone who likes color. ledies’ Brush and Comb Set. cracceccrcesescevene 3.00 anes sn ini Smart, streamlined, sophisticated <— ultra modem “Adagio” design nx aecented by stainless stee! trim on. = wy handles of brush and double-laced mirror. In Crystal or Onyx. = s Sturdy, stomped, =. ~ ’ . * hendsome = @ “he.men's” brush far Lodies’ Dresser Set... ..cccrnccscceveeuaateoenne 10.00 : “he-man's” heir. Populer club style ia colors accepted by fortidious men: Ceysto! or Shell. . Men's Brush and Comb Set.........eseeeres 3.30 eee Deen ena en ncn : Early Shopper? Late Shopper? Which are You? It doesn’t matter! Early or late, you — atill can’t do better than Maling’s “Basket ‘n’ Bow” with three pairs of lovely, filmy Sheerlove 51/15 nylons! Yes, nylons, basket, ribbon, and decorative ornament _ _ Ree are all only $2.30! Whata : Tre Jewelite beauty combined with maximum wonderful “find” for every gal “Ss Simpliety of design, pertect balance end brushing. v wtility —semi-flore brush has easy-to-grip hendle, one side of on your list! ienay make this profemioncl model one of the most ponvier ——=—=_amirtox magnifies. In Crystal, Sapphire or Ruby, ML ; Firet Quality fu _ : _f E — Been} (ell, Zoprhie o Roby. Ladies’ Dresser Set.see.scecseseeesecusensueeses 7.50 - Full-Fashioned adler’ Beysh ond Comb Set.......srerersvereees 2.50 . . Nylon Top to Toe 2 ++. @nd many more styles N Light, Medium, and Dark Shades trom 1.50 = 12.30 for men, women end children. All in glamour gitt peckeging. . Dork or Matching Seame | , ! e : for Famous-Name | SO NORTH SAGINAW 'STREET OPEN EVERY EVEN! Es a ‘THE E PONTIAC PRESS. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1956" Bob Combines Intelligence With: Comedy atta capone * con- agree sauder, “Tae mores, radio By JAMES L. KILGALLEN a INS Staff Writer Bob Hope is convinced that TV is the top medium of entertainment. * + * Looking back at his 25 years in vaudeville, musical comedy, the movies, radio and TV, Hope says there is no better way for an en- tertainer to ‘‘get his message across” than through the medium of television. The famous comedian points out that now nearly everybody in the country has “a motion picture in his home”’—meaning - a TV set, s “Won't it be wonderful for in- ~ ternational understanding,”’ he de- clared, ‘‘when we have a TV world network!" * * * That day is coming, he believes; if a monkey wrench isn't thrown|* into the machinery of peace; SERIOUS SIDE In talking to the genial ski- nose, you realize he’s more than a mere! entertainer. Behind the facade of! a funny man, which he presents. to the public, Hope has his serious side. * * * He's pot only funny—he's smart He is a performer with brains. Nobody will ever have to run al benefit for him. My interview with Hope in his | hotel in Manhattan was inter- rupted while he answered a long distance telephone cali, Louis (Dector) Shurr, a Broadway per- sonality who bas been Hope's agent for more than 2 years, seized the opportunity to re- mark: “Never underestimate that fel- low's brains. Hope is.one of the ‘Hope Calls ih V ‘the Top Entertainment Hedin . he saidehe enjoys all forms of show business, * * * “] guess the stage and vaude-! ‘ville was the most fun,” he ex- plained. “Radio is the most satis- ifying because it is less work and. the results are tremendous. TV iE Jove. but it’s & chore. TV is the}- ‘hardest of the three mediums by) far. “ Live TV ts harder than filmed TV, because of rehearsals and he fell hook, line and sinker for the fact that a live show is like ‘not long and they were married an opening night on the stage. It’s challenging because you've get to be at your beat. You are | Croshy, Jalon and Bem’ were and ook at, her adointy ‘The about the best three male perform-|audience loved it. ers he had jousted with, he said. han oor er “Aik theese were slau ” he| Busy as Hope now is with TV, |; field Alumnae.to Gather The Birmingham Alumnae Chap- ter of Alpha Xi Delta will hold its @: annual Christmas party and meet-| E ing Monday at 8pm. the Bloom y, Hills home of Mrs. Melvin Sterner. Hostesses for the meeting|f are Mrs. W. D. Gallentine, Mrs. .iJ. R. Porritt and Mrs. HO. Emorey. i New Hosiery Colors. er than T am,” says Hope.) LOW, HUSKY VOICE Bob was playing in a musical comedy in New York when he met Dolores Reade, then singing at a little club on Sith street which Bea Lillie had opened. The beau- | tiful Dolores had ‘a low, comad voice, | Discover for yourself why © the exciting new THOMAS . * od * As a seemingly confirmed bach- Electr onic ‘elor he had resisted the attractions of many women on the stage but Organ is EASY TO PLAY... afterward in Erie, Pa. EASY TO OWN OWN! After they were married, the chow “Reberta,” in which Bobi] piss the new Thomas — fist fine keenest men in show business, a fast thinker, a man whose been * * Having played with the best in| lshow business — performers like! “He cooperates with everybody Bing Crosby, the late Fred AHen, —with me, with his sponsors, and the late Al Jolson, Eddie Cantor, around and knows ‘his profession’ * from every angle. * * with any cast he works with. He/Milton Berle, Jack Benny, Edgar). is open-minded and doesn't know it|Bergen, Danny Kaye, Ethel Mer- all. But don't forget this: He isiman and others—he had to. pause the one who makes the big de- for thought before he could answer: cisions." the question: “Which ones were When Hope returned to the room|tops?” |footlights, roll over on his back, coming right inte the living | was playing, closed. He went ‘ yoom.” | back into vaudeville and put De- sae eae ebes te He admitted he likes to get. back) aha a act, which played home. No obligation. Rich, true to making an oecasional vaudeville’ big-time ean tone: < GT exciti ; Bob would do his act. Then he'd | G4 tone. Thousands of exciting appearance at a top theater just. introduce- ee effects. Come in today and ask to retain the ‘feel’’ of how to han- dressed in a lovely gown. about a free home trial, die an audience. * * * ~ ‘Ain't she beautiful,” Sob would say to the audience. He'd walk The Spinet. Complete with 13 note, 16-foot pitch, radial arc, bass pedal clevier and earphone outlet. $695.00 Bench extra). Models as $725 with Beach ‘over and stroke her arm and pre- itend it looked good enough to cat He'd nibble it gently, es me started to sing, he'd say her: GIVE GIFT CERTIFICATES FOR CHRISTMAS “Don't bother. about me—keep singing.” ADORING LOOK | Hope would lié@ down before the Gallag her's 16-18 EAST Hie Music Co. y Christmas x You'll find every soft, is warm style... size and 4 XG color in this ‘complete Z selection. oN White ‘hn on hand” < slipper in heavenly blue alsog” wwhite and red. Sizes 4 to 9. . OTHER STYLES $229 And $198 wees Free Gifts for the Entire Family “Women’s Dress and Casuals in basic blacks, browns and navy . » + plus all ine, heights. % Smart Smooth Styling by Adores — Reg. 1L9S | Special 58. 95 en Brow Sunde Rattan Tan — ;-—~trends. -Pumps,. straps and all Paramount Special Reg. $15.95 Up Foot Flares . Dolce Special Reg. $16.95 AAAA to C4 to ll Rem-i-kins ~ Special $12.95 Reg. Open Every » Night *til _ Christmas Mr. Bucki Manager the latest color .».To Warm Their Toes »-- And Their Hearts! $12.95 ve $11.95 $9.95 aa eae ‘5. 95 “ Otenn 108 — by TREADEASY ¥ $14.95—AAAA to C—5 to 10 5298 sie eat 88 Cidldren’s cushion sole per by “Little Fal.” SL te $2.95. CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS - ‘SOFT SOLE SLIPPERS . by “Litile Falls” for es We're € elebrating et Seventeen Years in the Shoe Business in Pontiac- - Second Year i in our New Location -. Where we can serve your whole family, not only with shoes of Quality and Fashion the year through, but with wonderful Gift Footwear for your Christmas | selections! ... All name brands, of course Fine Solid leather shoes for children. _ Narrow widths. $5.45 te $8.45 ’ ° ME. IRVING SIEM, Owner ee. e@ ee 8 ee WEVENBERG MASSKGIC o} quality Goodyear welt. ‘SUN VALLEY. Snow Boots. $995 x * Fleece Lined ‘Famous: MASSAGIC Shasta $ French Toe Calf for Men. Double Gift ICE. SKATES ~ Girls’ Figure Hockey OID” Roe pees. | a ‘Your Christmas cones Headquarters news eee Mit arch lift. Pavor- tes among men 116%" TRAMPEZE CASUALS for MEN in Flexiable, Casuals for Men. vs Bat +-12-B-C-D RS =e on Your Christmas + List! eee eee Oe HE Lage aeiacceeamenand GCAO, $7.95 & Footwear for Everyone ~ 87 North sin Street : t *% be a Peed 3 ae ee a Oe a Re de, BP eed ee ie a sions? all Fee eee eee sa te oF ee ¢ ‘J z f a fs , ¥. i . i ? 1 \ tf ry THE. PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1056 een ° ¥ ” i : here. Sheath is slim | with satin | = cummerbund. Straight coat has tab |= pockets for iffe accent, no & m ~ buttons. | —— ~~» MASONIC RINGS 30° 8175 Give them sterling to be used during their babyhood days—and passed along, in later years to their own son and heir. — SAE 2 Dad's Christmas Present | - Should Show Imagination | “ ~~" Don't Give Father Some Practical Gift ~-——Chosen-as an Afterthought ™ she tells herself. “And be- sides, Joe never seems very ex- oy om sae e EE i i é 3 s 2 _&— FF = [ 8 8 3s a fe rr i i H* zi Diamond Set . HAMILTON WATCHES “ Hi = d 4 F z a : Sees] Ch Ms histo Nia maw ci amine ay = DIAMOND RINGS ~ *35 " *2500 TRULY, THE GIFT OFAUFETIME... K errsinglon Kensington is the gift of a lifetime be- | cause it keeps its lustre forever! It never inf needs polishing. It’s stain resistant, non- a tarnishing metal that never wears out— GIFT 7 never grows old. You can easily see why from $ 14 an ae ay qetnand 00 give Pres ant aoe te SETS... 4... 18 | p Remember It Always Pays to Buy A NAME BRAND st 3 oo rrith a wide range of items $5.00 | ~ Floor Lamps aes » Table Lamps > oe , Wall Plaques | rae Pee” . serving. Trays a _ -, Knick-Knacks : 2 : fi i 3 i . OD al at a! a dS os a ee OS eS dd bed Eb ndo Fchanabia® ; : 4 = Sterling Breakdown | ~ CANDELABRAS _ z 7 . Pictures 89 0 $75 EXTRA . scones SPECIAL! , End Tables a 27x52" - A Throw Rugs | Drop Pattems. | __-, Cocktail Tables : } Values to $15 . gt $495 =| ~~. Lane Cedar Chests - | 27x27..95¢ | , WestmorelandChina #&] — , Lounge Chairs | Priced | $5 To 10 _, Evans LighterSets & . Dining Room Suites f . Living Room Suites 4 , Bedroom Suites © 4 muinitn : continuous roll, 32- your tree. Non- 9 pretty. Crinkle-Tie. phy. fr, x 20-in.... eetee crock plasti¢.....; = 4) " : ) . : : ‘ 4, jim * € sae PONTIAC yee. "THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1956 s = Saar Treaty OK'd d iby French Assembly PARIS @—The French National Assembly been tied economically to France lsince World War I. as an Steel ewer ‘of almost 1,000 square mileg and @ population of 987,000, The approval of the treaty re- :)meoves an old in French- Klein of Royal Oak,, chapter treas- ee =. Aid for Hungary Donate $14,943 Quota of $5 Million U.S. Fund Oakland County Chapter, Ameri- can Red Cross, is facing an emer- gency deadline to raise $14,943 as its share of the $5,000,000 national fund designated for Hungarian A letter has been sent to Pontiac Area United Fund from Adolph , advising that agency of the pe and asking assistance to avoid SKIRTS From "CLOTHING CO. (S| executive director, says the chap- ie |available from Pontiac Area United ; igcheduled next Wednesday. Mrs. Mildred E, Bennett, chapter ter will not know if aid will be ever she said, Detroit United Foun- ® dation has allocated $8,115 to the 9 So. Saginaw, Pontisc “Urges County Residents: | ,,at Parris Island, Hospital Corpsman Third Class Ruth Esther Tibbetts is stationed at the United States Naval Hospital in Jack- sonville, Fla. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ken -neth R. Tibbetts, reside at 210 Roslyn St. Estherisa graduate of Pon- Second Lieutenant Robert Porter, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Porter of 1223 Clark Rd., has been gradu- ated from the Army’s Finance School at Fort Benjamin Harrison, Ind. Lieutenant Porter was graduated) from the University of Michigan in "11956 and is a member of Kappa’ Sigma frateraly. Marine Pvt. Judith E. Mills, daughter of Mr. » and Mrs. Harold B. Mills, 37T Go- ing St., recently graduated from recruit training S. C. Beivre enter- William E. Welch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charlies L. Welch, 140 Army was employed at the Ford Motor Co. in Dearborn. os * * 4 eRéd Cras Asks ii oa of the Men i in , Service | Mrs. Wayne C. ‘Frink 6f 323 W. Fourth St., ‘Rochester, — recently joined the United States-Air Force Reserve under the Non-Prior Ser- vice m which became et- fective 1, 1956. Upon completion of basic train- ing at Lackland Air Force Base, ‘Texas, he will study in the USAF Technical School Administration: Course. After six months active duty he! will resume civilian life while training as a member of the 439th ‘Fighter Bomber Wing for at least seven years. Japan Gets Council OK for U.N. Seat s Union, UNITED NATIONS; N. Y. @~ iThe Security Council has recom- imended unanimously. that Japan be admitted to the United Nations as its 80th member. | The council's action opened the! way for quick final action in the 73-nation General Assembly where : -- |approval wag only a formality. The approval of Japan camé > jafter more than four years of, - jwaiting. The application, first sub-| mitted July 16, 1952, had been ve-) toed four times by the Soviet The United States had been one bof the strong backers of Japan’s| membership bid, Chief U. S. Dele-' gate Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. said. before today’s vote that the United) States would warmly welcome Ja-' pan's admission, Fire Domanre Train , W. Va. Furs) James W..Frink, son of Mr. antiquing in. the About 1.100 species of plants are) Hungary Relief Goal Lags: U.S. Red Cross} WASHINGTON ( — The Amer- ican Red Cross states it has col- lected about one-third of its five million dollar Hungarian relief goal, * * @ Elisworth Bunker, Red Cross president, urged the organization's \chapters to spur their money rais- |ing efforts, saying in a statement that “red cross responsibilities in the huge relief effort are’ expand- ing daily.” * 7 * “The goal we have set is the absolute minimum to care for these people who have suffered so much in past two weeks compares to Sweden, two million in Norway and one million each in Britain, Den- mark and Switzerland, Find Justice Innocent NEW YORK ® — William Pow- er Maloney, former chief of the Justice Department's Trial Sec- U.S. Girl Scouts Head three million -dollars raised in| to Air’ ‘Bill of Rights’ Mrs, ‘Roy F, Layton; of the’ Girt Scouts of: Uae national organization, and two Girl Scouts. will talk about Girl Scout- ing and the Bill of Rights over the ABC radio network, Friday, De- cember 14, at 8:30 p.m. E.S.T, The program, “Bill of Rights Rights Commemorative Society. Day,” is produced by the Bill of) Decorate for jtion, hag been found innocent of charges that he filed late income tax returns for 1952 and 1953, |Maloney, 52, is now a New York attorney, | | ‘ Where Santa K jersey, crystal 41 NORTH SAGINAW ST. lengths and necklines. misses’ . the Holidays This season make your home The House Becuti- ful. ‘Choose from over 300 patterns... all in stock. A complete redo for the average home costs so little nowl | Ban © a40CC eeps His Budget UP Sheaths, bouffant skirts, wool and crepes, taffetas, velvets, or lame! All purpose sleeve Junior, and women’s to 24'! GIFTS OF LINGERIE CAN CAN PETTICOATS Cotton, | nylon, $199 lace, ribbon trim. SLIPS NYLON OR COTTON Dressy or tai- $] 99 up fored. Sizes to 44, GOWNS AND PAJAMAS or rayon. "One $199 v» and two pleces, a TOP PERS SPECIAL ‘18 Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. § SAVINGS. S$ © Wool Blends” 19.995 woe ring 34.99 ° Trees - © Alpaca , © Quilt 36.99 Linings © Velvets 39.99 Children’s Christmas Suggestions a SKIRTS nae v4 3 9199 — Petticoat $] up| = ; $4 : : . e ‘ 4 and i Up | SWEATERS | fiver Bnd fed ‘Nylon:~ Cotton, : oe a Give dinte hia tsdin In the ioveding “Skyline” Sizes 1 to 3% | PAJAMAS | decanter, and Imported O. F.C. Canadian Schenley * | in its ever-useful “Olympian Cocktail Shaker. eee $] Up - Pre-wrapped in handsome gift boxes with ree movable labels. Open easily to add gift card. ras, Onan ‘<, Night | | 19 PM SLICED PIE APPLES © ROBINHOOD e FLOUR > POUND BAG COUPON on Page D-11 @ Only wae é i a we ey , = oo HOLIDAY 4 S. \& @m, LUX aia B __ CHOCOLATES . o - ‘. E ia oe Le Freshly Made BUDGET BEEF SALE|| | Wrapping : : : pee: ee te | GROU N D Sirloin or Rib BEEF STEAKS....... Butterfield § Small : 1 ek: D | POT | Whole Potatoes LLY 7 lal Sadeteso | Tina, Petals Seist2322* ees with a fluff of whipped cream dec- Holiday Chocolate Pie ee tt 2 squares unsweetened chocolate vorite main dish casserole. It ‘ 3 tablespoons butter bines the solid good eating of tuna, com make the unusual filling, melt-| ** °? *6** the rich flavor and texture of, ed unsweetened chocolate and but- mustirodma. the crunchiness of|tt. 82€ added to a hot syrup! The) 7 7 Pretzels, and the appetitie appeal |° chocolate mixture is then poured) of mushroom soup and tender ver beaten eags and-with the ads) / dition of vanilla and nut meats the) ~ seus filling is ready for the oven. ae a ee. Cool. Top with whipped cream It’s a ple to delight a man— . | pecan halves. after all, chocolate is his favorite ar : ertyecomardocy hase = es 8 Festive Muffins Made 7 respect trom w : * * an present who's bound to rec- With Candied Peel ze a luscious, made-at-home : ‘ . ‘ ee oten aa sates one. i > ' oe ie angel Arie alany otek CHRISTMAS CANDY DRINK — Teenagers will like this com- i Sires thin ple Gin o08 & prob: | i ae ee T Arceomngaansper ye bination of frozen orange juice, lime juice, crushed peppermint |pieces. Sprinkle half of pretzel/ably will become a specialty of the)” os . . aa. S : o ae tablespoons sugar. Combine 1 egg candy and ginger ale, Serve with stirring sticks of candy canes. crumbs in bottom of greased ‘glass a : flay : , . baking dish. Spread over this half! . — : beaten, % cup orange juice, %4 cup % ‘fruit peel. Brush with butter and bake in pre-|crumbs to sprinkle over top. Bake| Fill baked cream puff shells : if Add- egg mixture to flour mix- > Dramatize those little cocktaill req oven at 450 degrees— for in moderate oven (350 degrees), / with cheery Peppermint Stick - === jture, mixing only enough to 4|Wieners when you serve them oP about 15 minutes. 135-45 minutes and serve hot. 6 Cream Filling for a Yuletide des- f , moisten flour. Fill greased 2-inch your cocktail buffet* PRESS, “THURSDAY; DECEMBER 1 13, Pears Supply of Eggs Good for Holiday Eggnog} shoppers are jotting down the items | for this week's marketing. Slightly lower wholesale prices i Carrots and cabbage are ver- dough from two opposite edges of ., triangle toward center. Cut almost to center making cuts about an in early 1956, three trawl-jinch apart | MEATS — An old-fashi ; * S — An old-fashioned pot! neg and be prepared. Pour egg > — of scallops Twiet each cut “slighty Place a|Tast with lots of rich velvety| mog into freeser containers and Take advantage of these sensational Kroger values at any of these Kroger stores: 715 Perry Street.. area. Since ~ut S y. oo cee =| : | , or tender Swi teak rate) e in the freezer, Use large been intensified.small twist of dough at base to/E™\Y: Nocgt, Both these | Centainers, "whee plaasineg’ te 178 N. Saginaw, 65 Telegraph & Elizabeth Lake Rds., and the New Kroger store in ) Drayton Plains. order for 7,200\form “trun.” Cover and let rise/™°re than a thoug planning supply to U, §./until doubled (about 45 minutes),|9%€ best buy items in beef this) serve large amounts, of freeze’) Ga ANA AN Mit, A A TE ARR OS ER ATE. A APT “by another for s ¢* . week says the Consumer Market-) in small containers when plan- | A E! by S| Bake in moderate oven (350 de-|iMg Information Agent, Mrs. Jo- ning to use small portions. : GRAND OPENING FEATURE y LU " |grees) 25 to 35 minutes. If de-|SePhine Lawyer. Success in cook- Eggnog | HYGRADE expected scallops willjsired, frost with confectioners’ |img lies in the magic that moist’ To make eggnog for about 30 itt acs atees Unedele tchepe sugar icing and garnish with col-: ines weaves. Long, whee iat servings, beat six egg yolks until Smoked : ‘with water or some r liquid— | >) are light yellow, gradually | : 5 Ss valuile export industry to U-S.jored fruits, candies or sugar. ') in0 ha on—will gently tender. Siding ene “cup “of sagae’ stir in| 5 ize the meat. ° three cups of milk. Fold in one, PICNICS = i For juicy pork roasts, look to pint of whipping cream whipped) : ; ALL PARTIES AGREE... Boston butts or loin roasts for good stiff, and one and a half quarts| eee eating at little cost, Allow about of eggnog ice cream which has| Lb. € Extra lean and meaty, ¢ se -—"TREESWEET IS. THE : 45 to 50 minutes per pound, and been thawed to the mushy stage. | wonderful with sever : . - jroast in a 25degree F. oven. Some! Whip six egg whites with %| kraut. Save. ‘ stores are offering large boneless teaspoon of salt and fold into the | * & 4. FRESHEST-TASTING on beef are giving retailers a) * * | charice to feature beef at more at-| they are tasty, colorful, and nu- or stretch out to square|octive prices than seen in some tritious, Besides. they are quick thick, Brush one | yeeks. Pork, fryers, veal, and) and easy to prepare. lamb remain at about the same steady price levels, Apples, bana- satile vegetables. Raw or cooked, Notice the more solid heads of .| nothing can top thrifty cabbage, lettuce and the slightly lower price nas, and citrus team up at reason-itags, « able cost for tempting fruit choices. EGGS & DAIRY—More generous In the vegetable department supplies of large eggs is welcome) inews, Christmas baking, and carrots. Lettuce ‘creamy eggnog can be slightly| aaa is improved and most (more economical this week. 48 to! mg been paying. Egg supplies large eggs. are very ample for everyday eat- Planning ahead can eliminate | ing or for eggneg plans. | a) ' last minute rush. Freeze egg: canned hams at about 7 cents a mixture. Pour the eggnog into jpound. Since each pound will serve containers and freeze. 'three or four persons, they may fit the needs of some families. FRUITS — Bright red apples add the Christmas look, Team Thawing time will vary with | the amount frozen in each con- tainer. If you freeze the whole recipe In one container, thaw it and) & are lower than shoppers 53 cents a dozen will buy Grade A . Kroger Stores in Pontiac Join Hands with the Newest Kroger Store 4370 DIXIE HIGHWAY at Sashabaw Road, in Drayton Plains EEG 1 AMS OR GRAND OPENING FEATURE VALUE! Sliced Bacon arejture of mushy consistency with an -|serve with thin slices of fruit cake 3 Just before serving beat the mix- electric beater. Garnish each cup) Sterling brand lean sugar cured. jwith freshly ground nutmeg and & Compare this special -lor Christmas cookies. low price, Your pie crust shrinking? You!| may have added too much water! to the dough or you may have, overstretched it when fitting it into the pan. GRAND OPENING FEATURE VALUE! Angel Food — Baked by the Kroger master backers, Regular 59c value. Save 206 ze VEGETABLES — Whatever the 3 meat choice, a family favorite is J hot fluffy potatoes. Michigan pota- ) PA DA F 0 RI E’ S SAVE'YOU DOLLARS ive Geneive the RiGht 16 Ciaks Quantities! ARMOUR STAR SMOKED PICNICS RL LA Te a eae, - camamer || each GRAND OPENING FEATURE VALUE! “Thrifty” Storie Rie ae ; | 3 ner] c . 4 lb Your choice round, sirloin or club. ¢€ 4 Stock up the freezer ei and save. Columbia Sliced 33: on GRAND OPENING FEATURE VALUE! 1 Ib. Tt 9: Pkg. “GRAND ‘OPENING FEATURE VALUE! Kroger Milk” GRAND OPENING FEATURE VALUE! Soda Crackers 2 19 KROGER GRADE"A” LARGE . eeu * ane ae 3% Kroger fresh crisp Just compare this . special low price! Fresh tasty and delici- ous. By the Kroger master bakers. BISCUITS SWEET, JUICY Tangerines | ; | _ Why pay more whén you ¢ 2 Big, golden yolks, thick Doz. - get the best at = creamy whites! Kroger’ s low price. GLADIOLA Can gr) : aporated! “GRAND | OPENING FEATURE VALUE! Hood i Lota Farm fresh, all firm solid heads. Special low price, —_ __ “GRAND OPENING FEATURE VALUE! sae GRAND OPENING FEATURE LE Tessatane __ PRICES GOOD THURS. THRU SAT. ---YOUNG,-TENDER BEEF” _| ROUND, SIRLOIN or wv. 5 Boneless Rolled RUMP . CLUB STEAK HAMBURGER Center Cut PORK cHops WELCH’S GRAPE JUICE x Large =] 00 Frosty Acres Frozen Strawberries 10 Oz. *] 00 Pkgs. KINGNUT GRAND OPENING FEATURE VALUE! 3:8 Navel Oranges See. ~ SUPER MARKET 4 Tt sak in effect—-December 12th to 18th CLIP These Coupons and. Take Advantage of These LS caubint bs VALUES ~ LAKESIDE—COUPON SUGGESTIONS — LAKESIDE—COUPON SI Lean Center Cut ORK CHO Cut from fancy young porkers. Choice Quality T-Bone or Porterhouse Beech-Nut Junio ——s BABY FOODS es: 4 "~ 59° Gilt » wae Di ace | ’ Gerber's Strained avy-on. Jars 59: 32° 59° LIQUID DETERGENT, r= 39% BABY Foops. © TIDE e 2 Large Pkg. Surf—Save 12¢ DETERGENT ee: Giant Pkg. a wT LL LLL llshetedtletseheae TL LLL Llelelaletahstesstetsieeltelelashstateiesta! 6 ~ LAKESIBE—COUPON SUGGESTIONS = 4 LAKESIDE—COUPON SUGGESTIONS - | = =e Cente Ce : Velvet Brand oe Balment's Special aon ae * : Bes ; : J a Ss. ; . § . ? ICE CREAM :: DANANAD : a eee ee a Sorry — Limit Five Pounds! : . HH am. * i: Big an = : Va — ~ s = . : aie g- : 4 3 =o b.: 2 # egular Price 79¢—Save 20¢ with this coven an Regular Price § ibs. $1.00—Save 50c with this Coupon = PURE GRANULATED SEALTEST | SUGAR co C al 5= 29) = Bag | Carton g Regular Price 27¢ — Save Se with this Coupon s TPTTTITITITTITTiTTiiiir iti LLL LLL ltl alaltatatelhalltatellatetatetetels | __LAKESIDE—COUPON SuqeesTiOns: ss Regular Price 51c—Save 22¢ with this Coupon TTTTTITTITTiTlLrrrirrriittiitt ttt Td BERS RERRERERRR RCE R EERE ESR _LAKESIDE—COUPON SUGGESTIONS Maxwell House COFFEE SERB RRRRAEE RRR TTT Reoslar Pier 3 Sek Bbo--Ene ite wh Wis Paes Sonnuenecneucneeseneasieanneeenine Regular Price $1.07—Save 18c with this Coupon TTTTLIIITiritirrrrititi iit LLL He eee atateteaatatataty 6 SDC RRC elelelalelabaeteteleleletens | LAKESIDE—COUPON SUGGESTIONS ~ LAKESIDE—COUPON SUGGESTIONS Hi Seabrook Farms Frozen Stra 10 Oz. Pkgs. Our Own —Club Style “ere: Regular Price Elsewhere $1.95—Save 9’c wtih this Coupon GSoC OTe ee SRGRREREH RHR Re Pine , s _ F bah Deieltata! seaan " anqalor Pitas B tor Senuteed ote PTriririiirieiiitlht te VEL... wserts 32° Mitt Crackers = =9 33° SO; AP 3 Regulor Size 28° CHEEZATS 2 ~ 3 5 ‘ FAB... Lorge Pkg. 32° pare hep 60 59° * ssttetety of *, ee $33 ee * Po ssetet2t #3 m4 sihts es rt eaeee: shes ss . . *, ete tats aes sete e, 5, fetes gseeseneneccacccccnenaneccceaaucees | alalhahelalctalaeaheleheleterleheleleeebbe tata adele terest . LAKESIDE—COUPON SUGGESTIONS 4 LAKESIDE—COUPON SUGGESTIONS a = Regular. 9% House-Slippera_£8 Only 500 in This Group! — : a ae Se @ r] ae ae ee A ¢ WOMEN'S MOCCASINS”. =? Christmas Trees: @ . . | = / : Chel MEN . FELT SCUFFS ‘ os First Come, First Served! at: = ome W cou ora ree w ene coupon, ae . = : qe Hf i Ria - 723 a : All with Soft Cushion Soles—U Save 90c . . haglor Pree $1.97-rSewe 81 SE eth OF Cee enact fadnonsuacensanennsgganesnsnsnen! GERBER Eaae De ‘etets nunneceecnenseeeseenuases ne * +, * se ststetes * * . “ete ee) ete ate ote ote ete tetete oe ate estate et eet she ete tets pete elete are ae state soe eesss eet e*, + 4 ? ; . * eee H eH Eee e 3 +48 fi eee - boa a e: i es j eos e \ 4 : ? { : : ; = ay . aa oe : i £ : f ; i fs . =a ieee es Roe See : P x oe rae Fe aS : * pee ee | <3 ; - J oy / THE-PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 13. 1958 f ee Chicken in Squash Shells [se Baby Food ha ge ge a Leos Is Tempting Combinations Family Dish oe news oy a aed [erin tue been ones he brow candied, but occasionally one slips chosing the brown ones? The brown|by without the grader spotting it. ‘During December when ‘Chicken grated cheese and bake in a mod- land squash are so abundant, trylerate oven (350 degrees F.) about : ‘and white eggs are the same this agreeable combination of 25. minutes or until piping hot.| Doctors, nurses, nutritionists, re-jneath the shell. One is just —— The longest river in Scotland is them both. |Serves eight. lsearchers, agriculturists~all arejas the other, in quality the Tay. It is 118 miles in length working to improve baby's. diet./food value says the , Consumer Chieken in Acorn Squash Shells and carries more water to the sea Four acorn squash ‘, cup butter or margarine ‘4 eup chopped onion 4, cup canned sliced mushrooms , . on|Marketing agent “Mrs, Josephine sho eaey of Salers, acrence © Lawyer. than any other stream draining the | ois | the road to right eating shows less Bake Traditional terme e222 Se) rece in cer sok clr eit of the Bris nen \ «up fleur | ease, better growth, bigger smiles cent remenunenermnnierpucttenarrancene cp tee | ¥ : = ~~ * brows prepared. mustard noite ‘ _jand appetities. Lb. : < x » Ve FRIED {__SPRING CHICKEN ; BAKERY DEPARTMENT '! fot Your Christmas Office Ce -___',_ Parties — We Prepare Com- plete Meals to Take Out! Leis Assorted Christmas Cookies, Assorted Nuts, Peanut Brit- + He, Coconut Brittle, Glazed | me hue lf Fruit — Everything for Your Ee Holiday Boking!!! oe Here’s a chance to get SURF at a big, = ‘saving! SURF is the one detergent that, gets all your wash immaculate. Cottons, : nylons, rayons —al] come out sunshine white ... sunshine clean. That’s because — SURF, and only SURF, contains this special whitener that puts ultra-violet rays (like those in sunshine) to work for pr }e ben cc een LePeeeee Thea ce - > you. Yet it’s completely safe...and mild! = * a a pabvirdeivbvererrrrdersceren sree ress errr Ss ee ee : : 2 ee $y Sg iz. THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY. DECEMBER B. 1956 ‘Bread Slik — — the Easy Way Bread _ sticks aren't unusual—but bread sticks you make yourself and bake in butter for dinner after a hustling day of Christmas shop- ping are! It's during the busiest times we appreciate the new convenience foods the most—and learn how feally versatile they are, = Tasty crisp butter sticks, for instance, can be made trom re- =trigerated biscuits. Roll indi- vidual unbaked biscuits gently -between fingers, twisting into a ‘long stick. Bake in butter until “lightly brown. (See exact recipe below.) For these new butter sticks, try the new refrigerated biseuits, now . being introduced, with the new zip- opener package. A pull- -string sep- erates the cylindrical package into two sections, the ten. biscuits lift out in a special foil wrapper. - When tt is chili or ravioli from | a@ can for supper, sprinkle poppy or caraway seeds on the biscuits | before baking—the flavorful seeds'| give a professional look as well as | a foreign fair. * Let a crisp green “salad be the, third member of your shopper's | special—and within twenty minutes | from the time you walk into the' house dinner will be on the table Butter Sticks ~ | ean refrigerated biscuits = \% cup but ter = Melt ¥q cup butter, Pour half into! 3 inch square pan. Roll discuits into thin fingers about 8 gnches jong. Place sticks in pan, pour rest of butter oyer them, | Bake in preheated oven 450 de- Meat Macaroni Dish ls Budget Stretcher Take the strain off your food budget with economical creamy meat macaroni Add 4 teaspoons salt and 8 ounces elbow macaroni to I, quarts of boiling water. Boil rapid- ly, stirring constantly, for 2 min- utes. Cover, remove from heat and let stand 10 minutes Meanwhile, melt %& cup fat in BUTTER STICKS — Bread sticks are a good come home late from —— shopping, get Pe Food Worth Knowing out a can of refrigerated biscuits and shape them letable with no starch which can 1 indigenous to the United States, ‘Tin’ the world. Its crisp texture Chameleon of Vegetables Is American A veritable chameleon of the veg- etable kingdom, the American _ar- tichoke deserves to be more widely known, Where élse can you find a veg- be used like a potato? How many other vegetables taste like Brazil pending vegetable fits with equal aplomb into a candy or a relish recipe? The American artichoke, not to be confused with the globe or leafy artichoke which most of us know, grows like a potate, and is though it can be grown anywhere | and intriguing flavor appeal to anyone who tries it. More and more products are be- ing found to benefit from inclu-| sion of one form of this vegetable.) Its 20 per cent levulose sugar con- for diabetics, and the low wae. Cookbook for Diabetics Is Excellent By JANET ODELL Pontiae Press Home Editor Christmas may be the season of) overeating for the majority of e population. But to the many debeiee in this country the holi- and twist | days are no different from any other time. These people must \stay on their diets. | Today, thanks to sugarless that diet need not Brees to 475 degrees for 8 to 10\giiminate desserts and other good minutes. Makes 10 Butter Sticks. foods that are so_much a part “tor this sociatty minded —tand:— |fine cookbook called the Diabetic’s c okbook by Clarice B. Strachan sweeteners, University-of Texas Press, $6.50)| not when Frozen Chocolate Pie can mixture Bake at 300 degrees for 45 minutes ‘be made so easily, Frozen Chocolate Pie \% tablespoon cornstarch 2 tabiespoate cocoa \M cup coated skim anil 1 egg, separated 1 teaspoon sucaryl solution i cup evaporates miik ia yo Saber. rolled in crumbs Mix cornstarch, cocoa and salt] together and blend in scalded milk, Add slightly beaten egg yolk and| A; double~-boileruntil-thick...Coal. Fold in beaten evaporated milk and stiffly beaten egg white. Add vanilla. Place half graham ‘has just come to my desk, In it} éracker crumbs on bottom of re- are hundreds of recipes for dia- betics. The has a diabetic son. This beok was her attempt dur- ing 14 years to assemble recipes fer varied attractive foods dia- betics could eat. In it she first lists the food exchanges as set up by the American Diabetes Association in cooperation with other similar groups. dhe. frigerator tray. Cover with cus- tard and top with remaining crumbs. Freeze firm. a table of weights, measures and equivalents. This is especially use- ful in interchanging sugar, sucaryl and saccharin. table of food values. from skillet. Add %; cup chopped onion. exchange value. With his individ-|Mrs. Strachan’s book. 1; cup sliced mushrooms and *; pound of ground meat. Brown well (about 15 minutes}. Add 2 tea- spoons salt, and 2 tablespoons enriched flour. Mix well. Add 1's cups milk, 1 chopped parsley. Rinse macaroni with 2 teaspoons paprika ual prescription at hand, each dia-! to betic can use this cookbook suit himself and his needs. There are blank outlines at the end of each section for the in- dividual to fill in with new recipes. cup dairy sour cream and \ cup Each recipe printed has the weight! ‘in grams, carbohydrate in grams, warm fat and protein, as well as the! water and drain well. Fold maca- caloric measure at the top of the flour, salt and pepper, Add m roni_ into meat.mixture..Pour-into recipe. greased 2-quart casserole. Bake in) moderate oven (350 degrees) about this holiday time and watch every-) 30 minutes. “Leftover” Souffle | 2 tablespoons butter or margarine 2 tablespoons flour \4 teaspoon salt te ed ground meat Few grains cayenne Onion or garlic optional Melt margarine gradually, stirring constantly. Cool. | sucary! solution. Cook in. top of| In the back of the book there is) There is also a With leftover ham or poultry Christmas dinner you Each recipe is followed by its. might like to use this recipe from into greased casserole. or until firm. Makes 4 servings. One -serving may be anew meat no-starch factors are ideal for all waistline whittlers. MAKES GLUTEN FLOUR Among the most popular prod- ucts made from this vegetable are the bread sticks, rusks and maca- roni foods, made of gluten flour and using a high content of arti- choke flour, The artichoke flour, of course, has to be used in con-| \for 1/3 bread exchange, ‘exchange, 1° fat ee Tricks to Make ‘Molded Salad Molded salads -are around holiday time. They aren't tricky to prepare but a few dos. and don'ts may be helpful. Mary Hixon, home demonstra- | tion agent, says’ to use the sirup ‘from canned fruits as part of the | ‘liquid in the gelatin salad for’ added flavor. Chill gelatin unti the solid ingredients. tables in a definite pattern, | place them In a thin layer of — layer is firm before adding the © next layer. For easy ihas been dipped in hot water. and blend in quickly immerse the mold just to, ik, the top in lukewarm water—hot jwater will melt the gelatin. Place} The diabetic need not sit around|Add beaten egg yolks, meat and|the serving dish-over the top of ‘additional seasonings. Fold in stif-|the mold, invert and carefully lift ‘one else eat a “gooey” dessert; 'fly beaten egg whites and pour)the mold off. = favorites ‘slightly thickened (unbeaten egg-| white’ consistency) before adding To arrange fruits and vege- slightly thickened gelatin. Chill | until firm, then add the balance. of the gelatin. Te make molded » layered salads, be sure each | unmolding, fill the | molds as full as possible, To un- mold, loosen the edge of mold with la spatula or a small knife whieh, junction _ with some _ other flour, since it containg ne starch to hold it together. joven, tent makes it especially rempeating Artichoke _ yet retains {its own individual eharacter. A good casserole dish for unex- pected guests is chicken and noo- dies. Prepare 1 box of artichoke noodles by boiling until almost ten- ‘der, Add 2% cups diced cooked chicken, 1 can condensed mush- room soup, and a generous sprin- kling of garlic powder, Mix togeth- er, sprinkle with parmesan cheese, and bake 20 minutes in 350-degree a arc |Get Extra Touch Fruit, Vegetables From Seasoning Let’s look at a few suggestions. Boiled Beets with Vinaigrette Sauce: Peeled boiled beets, diced or sliced and tossed lightly with vinaigrette sauce. Chops: Pork chops filled with stuf- fing made from mashed cooked sweet potatoes, toasted bread ‘cubes, poultry seasoning, celery, and butter or Hubbard or Butternut Squash, Apple and Sausage Casserole; Al- ANOTHER TASTE TREAT flour is eliminated and the arti tity, is substituted, The artichoke powder changes the consistency so that :t hand- dies more like cookie dough than J like pie crust. This may be rolled choke powder, in the same quan- ternating layers of sliced squash, apples and partly cooked sausage. ‘Bake until done, Garnish with ap- Another taste treat is artichoke! hors d'oeuvres, This is mixed like pie crust, the usual three to one proportion of flour and shortening, except that one quarter of the ple rings. ” or margarine and bake. ‘Sweet Potato Stuffing for Pork| 0s. Mashed Squash, Carrot and Ap- ple Casserole; Mash squash, car- rots and apples together, Season with brown sugar, salt, black pep- per;ginger and nutmeg and butter The name of “spa” for a water- ‘ing resort is derived from Spa, Bel- ‘sort for medicinal waters,’ igium which is a fashionable” re- [3 SISTERS MARKET 608 W. ! Large, Firm Head Lettuce... HURON Dior Fancy, Firm } Let TOMATOES... 8 ib. Basket Solid Red * PP Large, Californie CARROTS.... 2 19° COFFEE Miracle Whip.....° 49° MICHIGAN MADE ~ ASSORTED Case of 24—Plus Deposit 6 Oz. Bottles REMUS Robin Hood With Coupon on Page D-11 FLOUR........5°" 14 WITHOUT COUPON 39¢ Butter 63 SMOKED Orange Juice‘ |Picnics =e i be GROUND BEEF ped weeny: Size Frozen aa See oo A i i U.S. Michigan POTATOES. im TANGELO DOZ. 19 “Sweet, Juicy : TANGERINES.... ae Sea ) ox c Large, Juicy, Florida ORANGES seeeesees Bag — 8 Lb. We are keel orders for your holiday poultry. All birds yo free of nd aN -accepted. * Round or Sirloin STEAKS GROUND) Please order early. killed and epee 5 Ne shone emmy STEAKS .... HOT DOGS 3-Ib. Pg BACON... PORK SAUSAGE Borden's, Glacier Club ICE CREAM... ‘2 6a] 1b. Banquet, Frozen Turk ; tt DIES California, Fancy, Eating } Oranges... Doz. 39° | , | Bananas... 25° iB 5 tb, Bag 09 U. s. Grade A, Medium € “THE PONTIAC PRESS, ‘rHURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, ‘ose . 7 ) Reg ere through a steve. Add two and & ew : Ve si ~ -|Spicy Steamed-Pudding jcvere! pan with » EE a ee ee eats Godes| ke Cranberry Ice 35 me er ons OF. Tuna - ls Traditional Dessert | pian the _—- sme Apher ts prvaliedis tol or waxed paper,| Cranberry ice-is a light Christ- tet ™ “ — - os ci mas-flavored dessert. Drop four cups of cranberries in four..cups A dark, spicy; steamed pudding the pudding on the rack. Cover is one of the nicer traditions in|pan and reduce heat to simmer. berry mixture is still hot. Cool. the - mixture and--freeze--it-in -a- Christmas foods, Steam fortheti meyour Cinnamon stick and whole cloves m hina speciation come into] skewers to resemble. drumsticks To steam a holiday pudding, put! Steam for the time your puddingadd spice to a red cherry sauce to) boiling water: Conk fered. the ved. lee. with limelight to spark gl br po remaining °4 cup crumbs| about 1 quart water into a large'recipe specifies. If your puddinglbe served with cottage pudding./are tender and then, run m'colorful Christmas cookies, un ? dtrce aibrewned on all sides, atiout 45 minutes. Makes 6 servings. Butterscotch Crisps WRIGLEYS — —— ‘Fine for Christmas but festive Christmas cookies. Butterscotch Crisps are simple. Cream 1 cup shortening, using _—_ — os * 4 Naturally Tender “%& ia. eon an Penge |part butter or margarine. Add 1 t cup ~~ aaaed cup light brown sugar and con- y Table Tri mmed . Abe Siiee ge poem nue “creaming unl ight and t . 1 6-ounce can tomato paste fluffy. Blend in % teaspoon! a tributing to the flavor-color-nutri-| },)-pound cen ist eer ‘vanilla extract, 2 eggs, well, 7 tion melody that’s bound to please! Galt and pepper to facte drainea| D&@tEN, and 3 tablespoons milk. Melt butter or .. and Stir in 2 cups sifted enriched flour = Bee Og & * ¢ 6 margarine and mix well until well blended. | tr -| 1 egg, slightly bea add onions and green pepper. Cook over medium heat until on- ions are lightly browned. Add to- matoes, tomato paste, beans and the chili powder, Season to taste with) salt and pepper. 1% hours, stirring occasionally. | Break tuna into large pieces and) add to chili mixture. Heat to serv- _jing temperature. Makes 46 serv- ings. Tuna Drumsticks 3 homes cans chunk-style tuna, 'ground pecans or pistachios before baking, or % cup crushed peanut. brittle immediately after baking. igrees F.) 10 minutes. _ inches. 1 medium-sized —— finely chopped teaspoons B mo ‘mustard 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce Salt and perper to taste Fi cup fine bread crumbs and mix rand \ Vary Fish Sticks | Want to vary those frozen bread- Combine tuna, egg, onion, mus-jed fish sticks? Thaw them and tard, Worcestershire sauce, salt'wrap them in pastry squares; crumbs; brush the pastry with heavy cream . Shape tuna mixture _cnland beke in a hot oven. | Using a Sprinkle with % cup finely Bake in moderate oven (350 de- While still hot, in pieces about 1%x?2 Place on cooling racks. Makes about 12 dozen cookies. cut spatula, spread \ of, dough at a time onto ungreased ‘baking sheets to’ about ‘-inch thickness (about 12x15-inch area). 'Be sure baking sheets cools. before Cook uncovered, over low heat |"-Using- PUMPKIN WESTOWN FOOD CENTER Wilson's Famous CORNED BEEF STARCH Campfire a 1-Lb, “MARSHMALLOWS ** Dole‘s Pineapple JUICE, 46 Oz. Can ROBIN HOOD FLOUR Coupon from Page b-11 SAVE 25° Beer 3 89° Sweet Florida EPANGES McIntosh APPLES _ Doz, 29¢ FKNGARINES”™ 29 48 | Lean End Cut J Pork Chops | Lb. qf). Ready-to-Eat « < PS ° / + ‘ F 1 A wonderful meal at o bargain price! Grade 1 HOT DOGS et - FOOD ‘CENTER — - Formerly Spadafore Open Sunday & Daily FD es 4 A.M.-10:30 P.M. | .gndian River 1 4 | a .) Se . jf | MelIntosh Apples 3 = 49° 8-Or. Pie thine aa 10¢ Fresh Bt li Bunch 99° Limit one per family Expires Dec. 31, 1956 ie | Kongo Imported 7 a ee | Ses & EWU=Treleaaze Pitted Dates 2 vc 59° : oes woes 4 Red Diamond 1-Lb. es 57° ieee, | Cosh velve Vite. ved i tered, Federal, AAAK TAA - i a a tel ae - nent Bow 4 ; U. S. Choice and Prime ¢€ ib ~~ \ ‘+ oe - ee 73 Blade Chuck — Cut Rath Blackhawk Canned ais 3%-Lb. Can 6%-Lb. Can $6259 $589 1%4-Lb. Can 7 9 waa ; o Lean, Freshly Ground Ground Beef For Meat Loaf 4 8 4 i or Hamburger * Ryo J Rath’s Diamond A Wafer Thin 63: Ist 7 33%. Rib Cut e ead For Hamburgers 4S‘. and Meatloaf 433 i. Sliced Bacon Lean, Tender Pork Loin Roast Lean, Fresh Ground Beef Mickleberry Liver Sausage Skinless Wieners Fresh or Smoked Glendale or Peschke Michigan Grade 1 Hygrade Bar-b-cue Pork Loin tee. 62° Fresh Lake Superior Herring “Tae §33h. Stokely’s Frozen | Meat Pies © Chicken © Beef © Turkey © Tuna € win Pkg. re LO Belew Prices effective through Sat., Dec. 15. We reserve the right te limit quantities, Kool Krisp Iceberg New Crop Meet — sire 6 tw 39° ce hee eee eee . This Coupon Good for 14c: on the purchase of one new recipe i STOKELY’S Finest MEAT PIE rui Grapef CHICKEN » TURKEY « ao * TUNA Kool Krisp 242” Min. Size SSE Ge Myo Se ee ge ee eee Saber Sie, oe ee Se eee ye Bie BER 13, 1956 Wins Top Dai Z Yeas Hazel Park Voters _—_- Give 4 Awards aE as 150 Watch 4 County Associations Gather in Commerce Police Break Up op | ee Ne Poth Rol AIO" Schoo! Ee Gang of , Adventure Park's registered voters turned out| figure. ee Seekers in Warsaw yesterday, and a narrow margin| , With children on belt and Part award for the dairy herd of the — won approval of $5,500,000 to build ; for Banquet Cause Another Clash Mon a ean elementary (Program. is to, start immediately, A Waterford Township farm own- school additions. 3 dep received the Pontiac Press WARSAW, Poland # — Warsaw The vote was 1,732 to 1.247, a : clash between Polish and “hooli-|total of 2,979 of the city's 7,000 Heart of Hill merce "e, Szczecin t and Following the dinner and pro- |to block ao ent in order to| iG. “in addition, it will gy gram which was attended by 150 | ')“start. a new adventure.” They| @ BOW classrooms in the dis. persons, the county’s four Dairy added that police wielding clubs| ‘it's elght elementary schools. Herd Improvement Assns, conduct- ~ | broke up the crowd in a few min-| The bond issue approved will ed their annual meetings, utes. not include junior high school pro}- A committee, to be announced * @ @ ects. An earlier bond issue asked, ZA 5 ee: 4 | : the same night demonstrators at- A citizens committee revived the in charge Commit: ANNUAL PRESS DAIRY AWARD — Mrs. Myrtle Hess, center, trophy for outstanding herd of the year. Presentation is by Abbie |local prosecutor's office and tried|590,000 that was trimmed by school|15 at 2 p.m. vee ate tan‘ Lyle Abel, Oekinng of Lone Cedar Dairy Farm, £25 South Williams Lake Ré., and Kucsera, Press Suburban Esditor. ka meats. was Arnold, siniling! The Pontiac Press rer ary oc having County Agricultural Agent. farm manager, N. E. smi y take - ’ | 2 ok ; Guest speaker for the evening -y | nate Gor that Moeident bat JACKIC Robinson pen gw who gave his ‘nationally ‘Tamous File Damage Suif stemmed’ trom statent: demon Bogle be and sido eplitting account of ‘“The q seraiiiie groteating the Russian Traded to Giants : in Bank ‘Monopoly’ |cite’pereons most: youths PORT HURON W—A_ million-| outburst, dollar-plus damage suit was filed * * _|yesterday against the Michigan! The regime headed by anti-|~ National Bank. Stalinist Communist Pontiac ‘ Peoples Savings Bank, which) Wladyslaw Gomulka hurriedly ‘ Mrs, Hess, who was born brought the suit, charged Michigan|apologized to Moscow for the at-|the Giants, and ee en National conspired to gain ajtack on the consulate. er of the success Michigan National announced the papers said, Stettin| 8° es } held the information its manager, last September it had gained con-|residents helped the police and vlayers could be advised. } whe has been trol of Peoples anq planned to! applauded when they dispersed the Gener ' some 18 years, merge the two organizations. rioters last night. Bystanders were) Although the amount o : +. 9. ® accused of encouraging the Mon-|volved was not given, there were ' The winning herd produced Peoples Savings said in its sult|day demonstrators by their “‘neu-|reports it was around $30,000. i ar ere ne imal ond that since the announcement of|tral attitude.” pounds . the ryerger $1,600,000 “has ‘8 Wes ae ee 7 mili and 431 yonnd of Pvatertat. eon __ the seat Antigovernment., demonstrations|Club in Waterford Bae onenel Bess po ue - asked Michig an National were reported yesterday in other a Presented rete Dan Mines of the Detrtt Bat. foo be restrained from “‘monopolizing| "c's, "SPEts 2°" wy vais eg to Enact Scrooge Play mstaghete “ogy ey son Co, presented plaques to the ¥ or attempting to monopolize the|ine stettin riots. These included The Sword of the Spirit Club of/siven Wednesday, . ignated Centenniaj Farms. control of Peoples capital stock. Olecko, a town near Bialystok in|yin have its annual Christmas|, Stringham was the first schoa * Plaque receivers were Mrs, Ha [ie | It also asked that Michigan Na-|no Poland; a demonstra-|‘eeting with a supper for mem-{im, Waterford ‘Township to Initate zel Joyner of Rose Township, Mr tional be. enjoined from trans-ition in which crowds destroyed), .. tomorrow night at 7 p.m. at type a and Mrs. Clare G. Voorhees of oe Wi Dera Se ferring any capital stocks or voting| m: ul offices at Nowy Ciecho-|... church, ; we ot or ee i te Davisb and Mr. and Mrs. on any transfer, in northern : — “Wendell Green for the Arthur R. CENTENNIAL FARMS RECOGNITION — Pontine Frees Photos|” circuit Judge Edward T. Kaneland the beating: of a Communist] “Scrooge’s Niece” will be pre-|have with similar pro- Greens of Walled Lake. Three farms endorsed by the Michigan Historical 14 Mile Rd., Walled Lake. Holding the award is | set Dec. 21 for a show-cause hear-|party secretary sented for the public following the grams, according to Mrs. Martia The Joyner farm, located at 225 Assn. were given plaques by the Detroit Edison Dan Hines, who madé the presentation for the | ing.“ ; same district. dinner hour. : F, Barnhart, -P. president. Munger Rd. was purchased in 1852. Co. at the annual Oakland County Dairymen's Detroit Edison Co. Other plaqyes went to Mrs, Joyner says she still’ enjoys banquet last night. Above, Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Mrs. Hazel Joyner, Rose Township, and the the shade from the row of original Green receive recognition for their farm at 37800 Clare G. Voorhees, of Davisburg. ~ maple trees wet out when the farm), was first settled. Brewdel, trace’ the purchase. of Dock Deaths ___|Your PTA Is Planning: | ” their property back to 1840, Out- . a standing, they telleve, are the . Auburn Heights, Green and mri, planted there bythe {” 5 d le T ° W Ie tratperets MOUSE JUICIGE — Yule Events This Wee iid - farm land, 37800 14 Mile Rd., was : bought back in 1832 from the gov- Sailor Who Drove Car AUBURN HEIGHTS—The PTSA West Bloomfield ernment. Begun with only a half-| Off Alpena Pier Slashes) ot auburn Heights Junior High} Green School PTA will hold its acre of cleared ground, it is now a Wrists Before Trial School, meeting here at the school] Christmas ‘meeting this year at productive 160-acre fruit farm. The tonight for the Christmas Musical) West Bloomfield High School. The present Green family still has in program, will eliminate business|day will be Friday. and time, its possession the original land) DETROIT (—A young seaman’ for the evening. 8 p. m. a ‘ —— by President Andrew jslashed both arms and ‘on °| the Junior High Choir will | Third and fourth grades, under Dinner for last night's event dent over his part in the aceiden,| Present a serics of Christmas | the supervision of Teacher Mrs. ee on Nov. 28 Barbara LeBeau, and Gerald | “When Christ Was Born.” Each He was Anthony Santey, 22, of bdvrengliealirsée pr Annas child will participate. Teacher Wilkes-Barre, Pa. band in a musical medley, x ma Santey was to appear in munic-| The public is invited to attend second graders present , County Deaths ipl court at Alpena tomorrow |the presentation. Se Me : (2.0 >) fg ' Citege Wag for examination on a charge of 2 ATED Elis Remar Sorts ta Baths s**t “On the Purchase of Any 5-tb. or Larger Bag = ; Rosemary Gorski.and Dorothy ’ Two “Care Trees,” at Green yeorge ae 3, of magg me Beaubien, both 18, of Alpena. Vote Won | Cut School again this year are fast froma’ the Demetenn Schue Fimenet The girls were trapped inside filling with name tags. Children Home, Pontiac, with burial in Oak, 8" ®@temobile when Santey | bring money which they put =s Hill Cemetery, Mr. King died sud- backed It off tae, rwend and science their tags which denly of a heart ailment at his ™ ¥®* Alpena. v Or n f own h the trees home Wednesday. en - to me ec to cad they hang on eS, them his ship, the freighter Wy- { A ttetime resi ot Conte|| andotte. Walter Cook Says Local Lakeville County and member of Central oe . A change of date for the PTA Methe@iat Charch, Pontite, ial ie tay was 9 na early today, Formers Less Interested meeting at which the school chil- survi vy e e &.; ‘ound today}. , . brother, Percy King of Drayton|in a riverfront garage at suburban} [Mn Allotments Now fren wu ee ee Plains and one sister, Mrs. May|Riverview, where the Wyandotte on be at "3 a oa Wed even Travis of Poughkeepsie, N. Y, |was docked. Defeat of the corn soil bank base|": tne school. ednesday + - - State-Police Detective Sgt. Karli screage plan on a national scale . Charles E. Witske Lutz said Santey had slashed both! probably won't lower the amount| _ UTICA—Service was at 2 p.m.|wrists with a razor blade. Thelot corn grown in Oakland County, yesterday . Trinity my used blade was found nearby and| walter Cook, director of the Agti- ; Charch here for Charles E. Witzke.|a package of razor blades from cyttyre Stabilization Commission a Spm. and eta 72, of 6641 Auburn Rd., who diediwhich it had been taken was in|oftice here said today. Th beginning at pa. a cart Monday at his home. Burial was his pocket. “But it probably will mean farm- ye in Cadillac Memorial Gardens. The Wayne County prosecutor’s|ers will be less interested in ob- “Mrs, Albert Ruggles » —_- [ffice ruled it suicide. serving corn allotments,” he says.| Vandals Cause Retake First reports to Riverview police . : MARLETTE. — Service for Mr8.|..i4 Santey died of head injuries —— county farmers voted | on Stage for Puppets Carrie Ruggles, 8, who was born), 4 footprints in the snow indicat- » P here and was the widow of Albert) 4 1. may have been slaies; Later ee ee ee ORION TOWNSHIP—Fire ex- en of Commerce OES. bee ‘i : “PAY ‘ NN ns MS aaa ee _ Take the coupon below to your special care and skill to give grocer and he will accept it as you best results with one flour of 26¢ on the pur- for all your baking. chase of any 5-Ib. or larger pack- "So take advantage of this age of Robin Hood Flour. generous offer. Clip the coupon . And when you use Robin and take it to your grocer. He'll Hood, you'll find it’s the one allow you 25¢ on the purchase of | flour you need for best results. any 6-lb. or larger package of NC 250% y: \ ‘ “ will be at 2 p.m, Thurs- : . ag "hn teo-Heoneeny Funeral) nvestigation brought_the suicide! proved the soil bank plan aa-| singe has > caused fifth That's because Robin Hood is Robin Hood — Home, Kingston, with burial inV©Tmer | snaed to climb, “omally: than the older plan, but | graders at' Webber School & made from a variety of choice price. Act quickly. er Kingston Cemetery. She died at ay nee ames not enough to tally the required | double sienery job for their play wheats. They’re combined with lasts a limited time only! her Kingston home Monday. @ per cmt, , at tonight’s PTA meeting. Van- as a eo : = — soi : ___ This coupon ie redeemable ot ony grocer whe salle ROBIN HOOD IC gree Er ft i [i i i 3 é i 3 z i : : ; : my kt PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, 1 ‘DECEMBER 13, 1956 % cup white corn syrup 1 te ~ venilla 1 } \, ‘tap nutmeats Combine sugar, water and syrup! land cook until it forms a soft bail ‘in cold water. Beat egg white stiff’ ‘and ‘slowly add one half of the leooked syrup to it,: beating om has a_ foolproof) 'stantly. recipe for divinity. For our picture] *- * * made two batches, coloring pyt remainder of svrup back on red and the other green. This|stove and cook until it forms a is an excellent Christmas candy. hard ball in cold water. Add slow-| DIVINITY ily to first mixture. Beat urtil stiff. | Mrs. Ivan Knight 'Add vanilla, coloring if desired,| By land nuts. Pour into a greased dan.) -'Cut into squares when cold. quick fudge ant i of Mark street) cuts some more divinity. Debbie is the daughter of the J. Thomas Knights of Ascot | road; and Lynn’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. Rob- | ---ett Knight-of- Frankel Lane. -4 Hd if? : E a buffet supper, suggests Bennett, Oakland County Home Demonstration Agent. {ity z i ne i ¥E Yale Candy Italian Peppers |“, With Spaghetti Italian Christmas Peppers are ‘colorful as well as: flavorful: mixture. Pour remaining spa- a = < “ * . ~ i . flour and salt. Add tomato juice id ‘Bake Colorful deel cock: eit thickened, stir. | Fold in spa- = a Pi rj a Ld jsususuuvaunaeyeayaensacdaneunennexseunannannntnenng “If It’s “Alive—It’ s Fresh” YOUNG HEN TURKEYS 10-18 Lb. Average ORDER NOW FOR CHRISTMAS! FRYERS — DUCKS — GEESE — WILD RABBITS u. Abe FAT butter or margarine and mix light-\™ Sc” ESS Ecors. ag CAPONS te Bound sausage mest Bake in moderate oven (350/— Roe four degrees) about 30 minutes. Makes 4-8 Lb it pone sage Bere juice four servings. : ° Ms cup enriched bread crumbs Average ‘e cup Parmesan cheese “ 2 tablespoons melted butter or margar-| \Gets Insects Out - dd 2 teaspoons salt and the | An old-fashioned technique that’s 'S spaghetti to 3 cupw boiling water. ‘still good to use: Soak cauliflower) 4 Boil rapidly, stirring constantly,|0r broccoli in salted water for 15/8 for 2 minutes. Cover, remove from |™inutes or so before cooking to get heat and let stand 10 minutes. 4 of small insects. Wash peppers, cut in halves nd| remove: seeds, Parboil in | 4 salted water 10 minutes. spaghetti with warm wate. i a! 7 Always loosen a meat loaf trom | the sides of the pan before tumning = F out. drain well. . While peppers are cooking, | Broiled ham steak ts delicious H brown meat in heavy |served with whole cranberry sauce /™ skillet. Drain off excess fat. Add to -which diced orange has been @ enlon and brown lightly. ‘Stir in ‘added. *39* Hens. .. Fresh Buffalo 45° | Wall Lb. = 49" Walleyes ‘FRESH LUTEFISK OYSTERS CHITTLIN’S COON SHRIMP Fresh and Salt Water Fish of All Kinds PEOPLE’S FISH & POULTRY MARKET a 82 S. Saginaw Street Acer eet oop | PSealed Sweet Frozen ORANGE JUICE | |Banquet Complete Dinners... Brach‘s Ville CHOCOLATE COVERED CHERRIES * CHICKEN X*BEEF *x TURKEY each 13-Oz. Box 15 | Cc BIG No. 2% S IZE CAN! _ Hunt's Big Skeet = Mushrooms | i n Tangy Sauce jf Want a delightful, novel taste. [ itreat for party snacks or buffet?) >) =e {Dip fresh: mushrooms into-tengy, fy : c 'spicey sauces. 4 P Mrs. Bennett suggests you help) wash then quarter whole mush-|f/ STOCK U hen gues serve themselves bY |rooms | through stems. Chill in ice AT THIS placing the stack of dishes pe ‘water and arrange in attractive [) Oe ee eee, vee: table Patterns on serving platters. Hold- [9 PRICE! to lift plates f the table ing stem “handles,” dip cap ends | ° to pwn a— ; into popular sour cream-onion soup | [) ; and |x orn barbeque, or cheese use both hands to serve their tossed) “unk and enjoy. These are for TV/[) : ‘shred tresh-mush--++ ____ Downyflake Frozen Guests also find it easier to serve une tt anianis too. themselves if the linen and ated And don’t forget handy canned > Remus Fresh Creamery WAFFLES are already on the tables co aan mushroom caps for*party nibbling. | will not have to be carried to their Spear them on pretzel sticks and| fj 6-o2. Pkg. Places. eat them as they come from the! Pf F ¢€ can or dunk into your favorite| PF or “Creamed ham and chicken ts dip. And always keep a can of/f) delicious served over split squares|mushrooms on hand or use fresh of cornbread. If you need to stretch|ones — sliced, caps, or stems and|f Redeem your FLUFFO COUPONS the kauce, add hard-cooked egg or|pieces — for the crowining glory|/f here! Bring your DUNCAN HINES mushrooms to it. of that next juicy steak. i 1 ° COUPON, TOOT " FLAVOR EM ALL! -_ B+ 9hg Ailey 60.1660: esse hom to Thousand Window Bekerles of Sunshine Biscuits, ine. 1 iia } “= | a 3 Lb. Pkgs. 79° sha Vi Famous Delicious Keyko Margarine Pkg. Sunshine Krispy CRACKERS Lb. Pkg. 27 ¢ Save Money . . . Bring Us the BIG TOP PEANUT BUTTER COUPON from the Pontiac Press beef in 3 | 99: Freshly made from Fag GROUND BEEF Lbs. Choice Beef, Full Flavored, Tender Eating BEEF CHUCK __ROAST — # (Wholesale and Retail ) FE 4-1521 Domino Sugar Choice of 10X, ‘Brown or Dark Brown Your Choice 10 gee nvoeaouveaerw,s ot oe ee ee ee Se ee ee SS SE Bake the recipe that has just won... §25,00020 in Pillsbury’s Best 6th GRAND NATIONAL Recipe and Baking Contest Jo” on we un CALIFORNIA CASSEROLE Mrs. Hildreth H. Hatheway, 228 W. Alamar Ave. : Santa Barbara, Calif. "2 Tbs. Veal or beef round steak ‘s cup Pillsbury’s Best Enriched Flour or shortening cooked onions or 1 1-Ib. can 438°, rve with sauce made by Seat epee. Tam 56 SENS. Serves Butter Crumb Dumplings 2 cups sifted Pilisbury’s Best Enriched Flour 4 teaspoons double acting baking powder powser, sa salt voultey ae Beet Ad geiery. fed Oe flnnge ‘ead Boppy seed: Com i Panag brond srumbe,. Founded tab) ning Os a Pie ¢ Drop e- You bake your BEST with .». your PRIZE-WINNING flour We Reserve * ok ES: aS arn i le NRE ML Sy Se See es oe gass # so net fas NetiWilllike” Battles "Way to Freedom Years items for Desk Wide Range of Style 2 and Price Offered in Accessories _. After 4 “T had almost forgotten what daylight looked lige,” he recalled. Laszlo isn’t particularly fond of cabbage any more. For almost a year, he wag given nothing else. Then he was transferred to various labor camps, where he worked day after day with about four hours sleep a night. One merciful day in 1954, he was HAMILTON, Ont. (® — Three months before the headlines of the world screamed “Hungary revolts” a letter was delivered at a modern apartment building in Hamilton. And two people knew the revolu- tion was on the way... Two people who, day after day, carried with them a seeret which soon would be shared by the world.) Be it the home desk or a man’s! office desk, it's probably due. for some new trappings. Desk acces- sgories make an ideal gift for the man who “has time for nothing but business’ or for, the hard- Fi tg =~ peorytiores he ery | finally polenend. gy worked home desk, ers. tant Laszlo had stil] not “con-| It- could almost make one feel, cheerful when it comes to paying hag suffered its death throes, that the Christmas bills. |the couple has spoken. jobtain work, Tight colors in sueded grain | Last night, the remarkable letter Fortunately for him, his brother, teather in the ivery, sad, cream predicting the revolution, . was Bela, was a star soccer player. As and champagne shades are new | shown to a newsman by 28-year-old a centerforward for one of Hun- this year and add @ decorator’s (Zoltan Peremiczy, a television|S@ry’s crack teams, Bela was a touch te the woman's office desk (serviceman, at his home. | favored person. or to the home desk. Darker col- | Though not in code, its contents! . * ors Please the men, ‘contained clever double meanings; | New two or three-in-one desk ac-| Zoltan had interpreted those mean- cessories such as lamp, clock and'ings—correctly. penholder all in one leather case’ 3.9 improve efficiency arid eliminate! ae -eny Set elimina “Ttents with his attractive Canadian- A clean blotter in a leather frame} ony wite, Aue, and tegen they dresses up the desk top. A holder "#4 awaited Hungary s D-Day, | for receipts,“ statements and \pen-_ In ‘the room last night wag the | cils saves frantic searches writer of the letter—man | who Leather-b ash trays cig. oomed 35, but who was, in reality, aret lighters, hand blotters and|™Y *. memo-pad holders are also avail-| It ig only now, after the uprising) But, because of his black record, * The Communists, noted for the ‘emphasis they place on all sports ifed, clothed and paid Bela hand- | somely, — In one week Bela was paid as much as the average Hungarian arned in a month. But Bela despised the Red re- gime as much as his brother. And when, at last, the revolu- tion began, both Bela and Laszlo were leaders of the freedom tighters in their home city of Miskole, in northeastern Hun- * He had shared the letter's con-| e | | | 5 i His name: Laszlo Peremiczy. | ; able, Extra - convenient is a With his 20-year-old wife Eliz- gary. leather-covered box for filing| #beth, and younger brother, Bela, ; 7 cancelled checks, month by! 26; he had just arrived in Can- | They organized a raid on g mu-) inition factory and in three days distributed 28,000 -rifles. And it wag Bela’s vajce which jwas heard over the radio in Mis- ij kole, telling of the Hungarians’ bid month, Thege are also pocket add-| ada after flying from Vienna at ing machines for toting up the! his brother, Zoltan’s expense. oun. | He arrived in this country wear- A picture frame to match a desk ing a dead commissar’s black set adds &@ personal touch to an leather boots. ito throw off the shackles of tyran- office, | To get them, he thrust a dagger} y which had bound them for so val @ kets through the hated secret police Oval desk baskets can be used | hits neck—and he killed with a|/°"® sae traveling in an assortment of ve- he found it almost impossible to) ; THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13. i)s0 IE se Japan’s Christmas Revelry Is Largely Non-Religious Hungari se ‘, sabotaged the railway tracks and. Bela was among the hundreds of. young men whe escaped, The brothers then obtained a tractor and with 400 other rebels, hicles, set out to fight their way through to the Austrian frontier. Elizabeth, too, was in the group; she helped in the making of home-) made bombs, with which the party knocked out countless Russian tanks, ; , * *s * The small “army” battled its: way westwards, and when the brothers came across a Russian tank crew, alseep, they killed them —and stole their tank, At last the frontier came in sight. They .abandoned the tank—and walked to freedom. - But of the 400 who originally set off, more than 300 lost their lives in the endeavor, And now? “First,"’ said Zoltan, looking. at Laszlo, ‘‘He’s going to have the) best two mopths’ holiday of his) life.” And then... Zoltan is going to make his tele-) vision serving a real family con- cern: He's going to take his broth- ers into partnership with him, Sheriff Is Puzzled Born near Ithaca, he has been a PHOENIX, Ariz. (® — Maricopa |°vDship resident for 20 years, County Sheriff L. C. Boies has a : special interest in finding the} Americans each year eat 570 forger who cashed a check at a million pounds of macaroni, spa- Phoenix supermarket. The $64 ghetti and vermicelli; about 200 check was signed: jmillion pounds of egg noodles; and WILSON G. GARDNER Waterford Assessor to Seek Clerk's Post Seeking the Republican nomina- tion for Waterford Township clerk in the February 18 primary is Wilson G. Gardner, 39, of 3700 W. Walton Blvd., Drayton Plains. Presently one of two Waterford Township assessors, he was pre- viously an Oakland County Sher- iff's deputy, and chief of plant protection at Pontiac Coach Co. in Drayton. : TOKYO wW—Jepan is going sensitaiberdiaeath dillon 2 aiaeiieemabenanatinaad Se eT PE “ @ Mellow as candlelight ... smoo ' holiday whiskey. For cheery toasts by the fire... for gatherings of warm-hearted friends . .. serve Kessler. ee “Raakes every drink taste better ! Spread good cheer... and good taste with KESSLER smooth as silk...here is the perfect Easy to shop for... sure to please... superbly smooth Kessler | The Smooth as Silk whiskey “itequrtontpiw aaa JULIUS HERDER COMPAEY, LAWOEROENURG, INDIANL, BLENDED WHISKEN S5-PROOE. 124% OUAN MEDTAAL SeieiTe, festive Hom NO MONEY DOWNI NO PAYMENTS ' ‘til MARCH 1957! Hotpoint TV Has Hi-Vi Sound with Hi-Vi Picture Call for FREE No Obligation to Buy Electro Mart Sale for the Price of ‘New HOTPOINT Portable TV. Free With the Purchase of the} New Hotpoint TV With rye Both for e Trial Available te thia handsome carton Console Model #218551 and Portable Model *9S101 $339" * FREE Delivery | & FREE 1-Year C.R.T. Worranty *® FREE Service *% FREE 90-Day Small Parts Waranty * BIG Trade-in Allowance Open 9 a. m.to 9 p. m. \ Gey g | | { *camel tI THE PONTIAC PRESS.-T DAY. DECEMBER 18, 12, 1956 za ewe: 3 mas lights, surrounded by candy nate the gardens of Rockefeller Center in New LIGHTS GO ON — A crowd gathers as Christ- canes, illumi- York City’s annual tribute to the Yuletide Seentia In the background is a 64-foot spruce tree with 2,200 seven-watt bulbs and 1,200 plastic globes. = Keep Christmas Merry by Making It Fireproof When you are making plans for, the Christmas celebration why not gut at Op Rent of yous iat. “Make it a Areproot bol iday’’? * * Probably at no other time of the year are there as many extra hazards in the average American home. To list al] such fire hazards would take a considerable amount Here are some of their specific suggestions for a fireproof holiday: First of all, ‘gather the family house explain the additional fire hazards that occur at Christina time, obtaining a promise from each one to do his or her part in the Yuletide safety campaign. oe * + Select Christmas decorations that! are noncombustible. Most stores | sist on them. Get your Christmas tree lights out of storage early and inspect them for loose connections and frayed cords. It they aren't familiar “UL” label of approval of together — both youngsters and adults — and let the head of the the Underwriters’ Laboratories, Be especially wary of celluloid toys. for Campus Heads WACO, Tex. W—A steady in crease in student-owned automo-! biles is giving Baylor University here some headaches, This year, there are only 1,022) parking spaces on the campus and| |2,000 cars are registered for cam- /pus parking. Dean of Men W. C. Perry said Cars Are Headache carry flameproofed decorations. In-'each new parking. space costs the university $500. Four new parking areas have been added since last year and three are being con- structed. This still doesn’t keep up with demand. Ice Duty Calls Cutter GRAND HAVEN (f — The Coast * |Guard cutter Woodbine has sailed - from its Grand Haven base for ice-breaking duties in Green Bay, | Wis., and to complete projects involved with ending the naviga-| tional season in Lake Michigan. HUR: . a In about 3 jer cent of the cok ja ies co se nin been found that the motor trains. I creat Watch bast 17-Jewel . Watches © oon 18" | DISCOUNTS ON ALL WATCHES! Bulova _—_ Longines Elgin Wittnauer Benrus Gruen MAGNIFICENT a DIAMOND BEAUTY 6 Diamond Set Ye Of Rogar 79° eee 8 Gee © Ka Price K/ 53g « i DISCOUNTS on All DIAM df 6 Popular Records dv Record Carrying Case Automatic Percolator Regular Price $12.50 Our Price $788 . Traveler Portable Radio Regular Price $39.95 Man’s Diamond + Rin Reguler Price $99.50 soiate” Eaetng ee As $1 PARK JEW ELERS G-E. “tangy and Dry Iron Regular Price $17.95 Our _ Price Geneva Watch — Price $14.95 Price fad Jeweled, Guorenteed Portable Typewriter outstanding tone fi- 24” TV The “Broadview 24° consolette . . . with 335 sq. in. aluminized picture tube (24” di- agonal). Convenient top tuning controls. Sharp, clear, pictures, delity! Complete with wpeane leg wood bogany finish. Thane a Genel super PLAN to suit yet Magnavox <. Manhattan a, ~ High fidelity sight and sound — _— =. |S in a magnificently styled | = -.-Magnavor_console! Has 265 sq. in. ores dual: 8” speakers. guarantee included. Concealed top con- trols, concealed casters. In ma- 279% a ond Chery, _ Slightly Higher) 199% Jerry Lewis just sings! for your own dramatic Sreeiemacion! $985. $ no waiti vis Il be g rich chords! /Hard. have already done it!. Come it on Decea recoras CHORD ORGAN * without lessons! Christmas Special => GRINNELL Piano at $100 Savings =o What « wonderful Christmas for the family that receives this full 88-note keyboard pienel Excellent tone. and action! Direct actory-to-you Eeuitle lus special Christ- mas savings! + mahogany finish. _ Christmas Special Deluxe 3 _ ~ i “THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 10536 _ Ca -|Find 12 Carriers SL Bar Omer Wal ~ Spc st i Wi a_i — -jof Diphtheria Germ sec cee lous Break In. % jeep-Factory DETROIT w — The @phthahs eae began the mass Prot). wePHIS @ — A Detroit youth | carriers were found yesterday in) was shot today by a bar owner who ; Guardian Ange] home, an orphan- had been tipped a break-in of his / troit Doe Invades Business { * age on Detroit's near East side.’ tavern was planned. Announce Low Bidder Health ‘department eet | ADRIAN — A 60-pound doe . Eldon Phillips, 23, was held a Se te ing diphtheria cases at the school, nd- deer leape@ through a window at! police prisoner in Port Huron Gen-|for Building Culvert |the Gerity-Michigan Corp., was co|eral Hospital, He was wounded in|» biader for tion of alKalser pe clases. ae ey ad a commervaiie a hea = culvert on the U.S. 16 relocation ne Seven other ‘carriers were found policemen and qa conservation of-| 4 posse searched the fields of elsewhere and three new cases ort and lassoed and freed un- this St. Clair County community| Sear Novi was Gerritt Posthumus were reported, | hurt. for his companion. * * | Steve Spelmack, 36, of Memphis,| partment announced today The 12 carriers were the most) Wool is ousting synthetics in lying in wait inthe darkened bar, n found in one day since the diph-| world markets, according to T. G. shot Phillips after the youth and yesterday's 11 million dollar con- theria outbreak began two months |Carter, Australian chairman of the a friend kicked down the door to tract letting = |ago. ‘International Wool Publicity Fund, | he tavern, 572. No completion date was men- : The three new cases brings the in Sydney. Bernard Falter, also of Memphis, | tioned. ‘Gift: Ideas’ for J ~« FOR CHRISTMAS — Byron L.. Fentiae Press Photo! Club / corners from 6:30 to 9 p.m. Friday selling the Army Christmas Funds,“ Salvation Army magazine, “The War Cry” and | collecting money in the kettles. The brass band | of the Salvation Army will be playing Christmas | — Club. Carols during the drive. The money received ~ will be ised for Christmas baskets for the needy. 4 5, “ye . *Op € ° { * + ° » A Chrisimas special for ‘golfers! | “Golf Club Set Western Flyer power Tractor. Pow- * Western Flyer “Champ” Wagon: A popular “medium size” model! es. Tubular erful ballbearing chain drive! Steel steel frame, 144" sem!-pneumatic crnstrastion! i— a miniotare Aajestenie saddle. and blue 95 12""x24" stgel body has safety-rolled tar te us @ simu a . ‘ignition ‘ae Pan 380" Bteer- ii) SP 1t08.-- : : Samant seertags. whee ee re bearings, idea Datnedet, creoe — 12” Model eeeeeeeee 10.95 rubber wee Red . tor Aread tires. wtih white trim. 3T”,/Red. IP 1483. $23.50 16" Model ......000. 12.65 3P1340, $3.1 9 ii Army “Jeep” 89° Mice Mouse 98° WESTERN FLYER we eter ~— Mouskaphone has Mick Select hardwood finish. Folds Frieti . nd us! ickey ect har inish. Fo GUARANTEE bsnl “Heavy” duty rubber Mouse Club insignia. Dial rings for storage. Drop front desk Every Western Flyer bike is guorenteed one yeor against all detects in workmanship and me- terials, including wheels, tires, tubes ond elf equipment. Western Flyer Deluxe shiny bells. E6800 board. Chalk, etc. E6217. tires. E7101. Boy's or Girl’s 26” #45 1° Eosy ; Tank Model “eee @ © @ @ @ Terms ea. Ros = _j Only $5 down and $5 monthly puts this streamlined Pounding Cart Cc Slinky Deg 98 : Western Flyer under the tree for your bike-age son with Mallet Pull Toy i or daughter! It’s loaded with deluxe ‘’extras’’—white : , Cor piel blasts trighaby eo H Sunky wiggle, walle, i ide- i Jet’ ; 1 IR it, ork pis lasts brightly col- la inky w , wa z I side-wall tires, Jet headlight and «luggage corer en Aebaed Can be pulled ored ‘pinning birds! Six bird squirms and ‘acts eSive” when i ' on string. E6700. targets, 6 corks. E7512 pulled along. £6916 i S Rainbow Doll Cradle... , ' Spacious, Musical! @ 5° IRONS — Dual flange @ SMART BAG — Sturdy, ° 59 lightweight. Of rubber- ized sport denim, plastic chrome plated steel heads, rubber grips. Folding Caddi-Boy GOLF CART @ For Men and Women @ Lightweight All-Stee! Construction — @ 10” Free Riding Wheels — Single Action Folding Carries your clubs... makes golfing more fun, Light, compact folding golf cart in. heavy ge, alurmi- nized steel, ck all the tune features! Timely for . 90 hurry in for Just arrived! These matched sets of ‘Bob Martin’ clubs give years _ of pe ea bt Designed for high impact power. Chrome-plated rages J steel shafts; rubber-cork grips. With good-looking bag. carton. A marvelous Christmas gift... a tremendous buy! OPEN EVERY NI “TIL CHRIST HT KRESGE CO. By Wattlelion 14" Reversible grids—one side for waffles, one for frying or sand- wich grilling. J1165 6'2-Quart Deep Fryer Fries 10 pieces of chicken at one time! Doubles as food warmer. Cookbook. }1197 Treslese Radios Perfect ek tery Red, case. Sarsies” 16° Buy Now on Esty Terms! Lighted Tree- | bound, Molded bottom. Plenty of room for ° @ 2 WOODS — Polished Zipper pocket. | vite size” dolls, Stur- Angel Tree 1° , res 1° persimmon hardwood. © 3 BALLS —H-C. Liquid dy hardwood con- Top Ornament Top 9° Star ili j ' oe rie. Liqui struction. Bell rings Attractive Topper for ! Unbreakable pl 7 esilient face inser. center. in cradle *. san aerhae “Ue ‘ap reflector, decorated. muh lamp. Perfect Ps Wee, indo 642" long. pr cor room pes ration @2 MITTS — To protect @ BAG OF TEES—2 dozen, woods. _- Wood. for Years to Come! Wizard Fine Appliances Wizard Food Mixer. 10 Speeds for mix- ing si a Portable if desired! He .. every m . 33.95 liday-inspired saving Pop-Up” Toaster, Gleam. row Krag hay peg 2y* Me Beene d Assennese: ee Ue Teeter. J1130. .13.25 angle! 02562,3 Wizard Steom or Dry fron. Six fabric setti Vorsetile clock - 30" uses ordinary tap water! Color choice, HS 13.95 Ivory D2684,5 Wizard 9-Cup Automatic Percoletor, - shuts off, stays hot! Flavor regulator dal eae 9.60 ‘ i ee ee i ee ae i a a * ¢ 162 N. SAGINAW ST. ed Geek See ee ge FE 2-9253, Open Every Night Until 9:00 P. M, F Five U. NN. Secretaries es pti ‘to. Get-More—V feat as f¥YtiistiCas a aE | CAIRO (INS) = ‘The tare heresies the adventure St thing’ cept imediet, Mlnch-vetiod seen Hollywood, ‘but four Ameti-\moved bag. and baggage into the Sank nos tha toll bath can girls and a “cousin” from) midst of the United - neighboring Canada are about to| from seven mations. | get more wolf whistles than Mari- - lyn Monroe, deosn't Yesterday five U. N. secretaries) now . Bo who volunteered to come to Egypt), ines haven't seen @ woman, eX- mosquitoes that are worrying me./— The | & ee es 2% Be first echelon of 27 U. N. members| ; F - ) Z een bAJeKh "7 ib) °10 em 10) "1: mander Maj, Gen, E.L.M, Burns: in the Canal Zone at the former | British-camp called “El Ballah.”’| Blonde Marjorie Campbell, of| New York, looks on the pioneering adventure ag “exciting but with a lot of work, too.” Dorothy Blackler, of New Ver, | ; ‘and Paule Cote, of Quebec, Can- ada, don't seem to have a worry, | _| “There is nothing to worry about,” said Miss Blackler, ‘‘the front lines seem to be pretty quiet | #148 N. Saginaw *Huson Cor. Telegraph | *4985 Dixie Hwy. Near Sears — We Give Helden Trading Stemps = Next te National Foe now. Since the-Canal Zone is strictly a “man’s world” at present what has worried U, N. officials most is where the secretaries would live and how. In record time some of the for- mer British barracks were convert- ed from male to female quarters though it still {9 nothing’ elegant. N. officials promise one thing the ‘secretaries won't have to worry about social life. _ One administrative aide to Byrns, ained: “There just won't be any : oe Sr Everybody ad ' _ be worki hours a ‘da REAL MIXER — Little cook uses a toy whipping machine pow- Se Seg nS ay ered key § Saaniighy Sattery. Sey Galt i saettommetred. off to 18 hours.” —_- Most Versatile Power Tool Made | | y | fF es 2.50 Hi-Fi Lipstick, plas- tic Compact with and “Evening St Plays a tinkling tune Creme Puff makeup. fragrant sot ba when you lift the lid, | verning Pasion GIFTS GIFT SET GIFT SET ony 2.50 ony 1,50 - oy 5.00 Perfurne, cologne, perfumed Cologne, purse perfume flacon Cologne, toilet water, perfume hand lotion, in glittering biue- and cologne stick. Silver em- flacon, liquid sachet, perfurne silver set. bossed gift boxed. and lipstick. Metal, Non-Tip CHRISTMAS TREE STAND QO8* Does a good job of holding tree fast—aend you can put it away for next year. Millers Falls 888 Power Unit 4 ) Add Spice to His Life pA Se dae Fwy em ea aa aa Ergin Famous Revion Millers Falls 888 Power Unit! nabee FUTURAMA off, three tools in one — L setae Wr stg ah poi Ftc inca mga IPSTICKS pr Paneer for odode cf “dete. ¢ Aue bw wr os that old favorite, “Old Spice.” Gift Case ond a ie youself’ jobs, woo — at for los than you'd pay citer ap sis vo, bate, ermine ell ray é individually powered tools to do the same ATTACHMENTS, Seinicak , ' E pa eo. 388 @ Clreular ch Saw .... 9.45 Any and all of these rd¢ de- : Gann Seomae 59 ongeced ew * side. esnaatons ee per pair 6.36 alee Panitiin’ ! = ee ae ‘= Millers Falls 888 Power Ow inn laah Gon ant Budding Beauty set. ig nit. 6. =} ol Bench Stand, Converts the eeees power = i : aay cperations. Ale required, wih Ti a Bubble ae : FLEE RE ce, a a “bathing 2 MILLERS FALLS €. No. 889 ©” Dise Bench Sander .... aad : jel aot T rooLs . 1. Ko, 982 Orbital Sander for “Tne at : Water and toton A a P ton Complete Set. * -$1 es = 4 ‘ &. No, 88¢ Jig Saw complete with weet : =f ‘ . and metal cutting Dindes ....... 05) 16 ’ sm ga ae te : ®. No. 887 Jig Saw Table converts wo ‘ : from portable te stationary table : oke bn ,, Fig BOW wees eeu bee eeenee es 2.25 ‘ 10. Ne. 8810 Bench Grinder with 4° a wheel, guard, and work “ae ‘ : 4 — Be eet] 6” Porteble Circular Saw j : eupacity of cut to 116" .....+.. 18.95 2%. 8818 Portable Plane ......+sseeeere- 92.05 13, 8614 Drill Press Stand ...s00ede09-> 22.50 SHOP and SAVE | | 22 = 1S. S817: Spade Handle for Heavy Werk 2.95 at POOLE’S : 10. S816 7-1 Speed Reducer .......-.+-:: .s | BENCHES 4 |< =-= IMR ccrious MESSAGE T0 YoU vhernin ard mineral servation of the body. when elt 1 meneeis - ieriteble. Nutritional deficiencies mey caves you noe ta toe such of on effort to | fe tens ees: _ Cologne and aftershav ae, Pay, SD = Plane Crashes = fos eesnesesssesns esseseseeessess AA ey ‘ | : jo Seneceeeeeseeesseesecesesssecesces in Flames; 8 Die fcr cocrox a ssvesonf t zesuron SIM} CLIP COUPON ond SAVE $10.00! Phillips Petroleum Craft cae. Nose. Dives, Explodes in Oklahoma Field * $5.00 Down: $1.25 Weekly ploded in flames five miles south- east of MSartlesville yesterday, ’ |killing all eight passengers on board. (SS Se eS eRe see |§ CLIP COUPON and SAVE 20 i . Sturdy meto!l frame, big 12” front wheel, 8” double disk rear wheels, jumbo tires. Olive green. - Extra bonus of free climbing strap, tool belt, hammer, pliers, screwdriver, tape. : * * « . Bodies ‘of the victims. were re-|g covered from the wreckage. Their’ identity was not immediately/! > known but a company spokesman § 97) “|said all were Phillips personnel. : The plane crashed in an open, level area five miles from Bartlesville City Airport where it had taken off a few minutes earlier Bartlesville Police Chief W. J. OS Oe we oe Oe Oe Oe Oe ee Oe ee ee ee ee ee ee saaweneeenennnsl CLIP COUPON and SAVE $8.07! er double hol- ster set, 2 re- CLIP COUPON and SAVE 20% ! 4 oe a Se oe ee ae i Bea 0 a Reinforced earthmov- er with autos matic dumper, Three . Ace —$2.20 ds, OT " ae a $1.25 @ week . a Completely avtomatic. Mokes 3 te £ Ready for action! Exclusive 2-in-1 4 ing attachments. Entire cleaner rolls easily from. room to room, Swivel-top with 18-ft. hose reach- @s everywhere. No radio dt TV in- w terference. Stre with hose, wands, and cleaning unit set up. ‘ec, ET te ml ah Se St SS ee a ea Food Pellets Beef Up ' , Se re on Ma end keeps them ot the right Calves During Winter '§ CLIP COUPON and SAVE 20% LJ coted poodle halr-do ahi SYMPHONIC HI-Fi CHEM-SET a BSeeSeeeaeaeeaanan le beledededekebebeded Aeceleellebelalebbcetatel i TiTrTtirttrtrtttrtrttftttttttttttt i 1 ff 8 . - Ne, Performs 118 Crash Kills Ithaca Man ITHACA @ — Claude A. Britten, 1, Riverdale, suffered * th one driven by Buhi ! § . 1 Elwell, who! saseegeeeeeaaee Heavy-gauge rl steel, with - )s . spring action : dump lever. | DRAGNET AUTO ter in cn, $998 $1.25 weekly reat Oe als CLIP COUPON — SAVE 20 fe . A Christmas Gift for Lasting Enjoyment by All the Family! Portable Record Players 's w - 7 / Sn Oe Ge Op ee Ge Oe Oe oe ee Oe Oe Oe Oe Ge ee nny UOitil im 46 5 Twinkle-Gle set. tamps flash on and off individually. ONLY *5.00 DOWN DELIVERS! A Weldhe Outy 26 Pounds Only $2.15 a Week! oe } (omnenesenenenas CLIP COUPON «= SAVE 20% © oe t scbereniaeranenitidmaoan SSeeecaeeeanaeasseanqoanes me ae i $5.00 DOWN $1.25 WEEKLY APPLIED TO SOUND TIRE BODIES OR TO $21.50 Value ~ YOUR OWN TIRES “qs 2S Ags “YOU CAN CHARGE THESE : air ‘SERVICE. SPECIALS Special! ar : 5 sta , we ap | NS / BRAKE | FREE: SPECIAL | FRONT inget ne gt] END be, oho | CHECK a5] Jom ree ae on om, ne me Seid SA set ee lk THE PONTIAC } PRESS, ‘THURSDAY, DEC EMBER 18, 1956 LONDON (INS)—Twenty years. ago this week, in a radio broad. cast heard around the world, Sir John Reith, director of the British Broadcasting Bos gi stepped to a and announced in a deep voice — “This is Windsor Castle. His royal highness, Prince Edward,” Then the man who had been King Edward VIII, and had abdi- cated his throne for the love of American - born Wallis Warfield Simpson, read this farewell speech; i ess At long last I am able to say a tew words of my own. I have never wanted to with-/tra hold anything, but until now it has been not constitutionally possible for me to speak, — A few hours ago-I- discharged: my last duty as King and Em- peror, and now that I have been succeded by my brother, the Duke of York, my first words must be to declare my allegiance to him. This I do with all my heart. ° You all know the reasons which have impelled me to re- throne. But I want of my would in the end be best for all. KING WELZ, TRAINED This decision has been made less difficult to me by the sure knowl- that my brother, with his long ng in the public affairs of this country and with his fine qual- ities, will be able to take my place forthwith, without interruption or injury to the life-and-progress-of i: Ld Railroad Improvement Sought by Soviets MOSCOW «» — The Soviet Union of more than half its railroad routes by 1970 in a campaign to eliminate interruptions due to|a@ winter weather conditions. Losses in freight traffic during ‘winter run as high as 20 to 30 million tons annually says a Soviet economic review. Most of this can be eliminated through use of electric locomotives “‘the capacity of which increase rather than drop in low temperatures,” the review | wi added. hopes to complete electrification | Quit Throne many of you and not and children, * * * been comforted by my mother and) by my family. The ministers of the crown, and in particular Mr. always. treated me with full con- tween me and them and between me and Parliament. Bred in the constitutional tradition by my father, I should never have al- lowed any such issue to arise, Evér since I was Prince of Wales, and later on when I occu- pled the throne, I have been treated with the greatest kind- ness by all classes, wherever I have lived or journeyed through- out the empire. For that I am very grateful, I now quit altogether public af: fairs, and I lay down my burden. It may be some time before I re- turn to my native land, but I shall always follow the fortunes of the British race and empire with pro- found interest, and if at any time) ‘in. the future I can be found of! service to His Majesty in a’ private the empire, And he has one! matchless blessing, ensoved by’-00) me—a happy home with his wile During these hard days I have| \Baldwin, the Prime Mininster, have} - life, upon a single thought of what! “WHO, MET?’ — Eleven-month- old Linda Ackles has a somewhat York, from Norway. and her mother flew a United Air- station I shall not fail. And now we all have a new) King. I wish him, and you, his| With all my heart. all, God save the King. |up a new home. Homemakers Party NEW HUDSON — The Home- people, happiness ‘and prosperity | imakers here held their Christmas God bless you, ‘party and luncheon yesterday, at the home of Mrs, William Allen. “11185 Vinewood Ave.;. Orville D. indignant look on her face as. she faces the news camera upon her arrival at Idlewild Airport, New Maybe the photographer asked her to pose for a “cheesecake” shot. Linda liner to Valley City, IL, where 'they joined Mr. Ackles in setting responsibility because of conviction of driving while under the influence of liquor were: , . Dixon W. Davis, 3392 Joslyn Rd.; Warren DeWitt, 169 Mill &t; 418 Howland Ave.; Arthur W, Roe, Wagner, 106 Mt. Clemens St. Others were: Jesse Field, Hazel Park; Myrtle M. Gray and William Hamerslagh, both of Rochester; John B. Johnson, Fern- dale: "Otis Rhodes and Grover C. Stacy Jr., both of Walled Lake; Mary M. Stine, Milford, and James W. Vance, Clarkston. Suspensions or revocations be- eause of habitual negligence were ordered against: Ramson T. Edwards, 1174 Cass Ave.; Frank C. LaFleur, 3300 | Elizabeth Lake Rd.; David L. Stitz, |2226 Rosemary Dr., and Douglas Young, 201 Oliver St. 2S Joseph A. Bommarito, Keego| Harbor; Don J. Doolittle and Noah 24| Frank W. Lockhait, Harold Long-| Michael Wayne ordered Birmingham; Harold L. Gamble, John L. Koss and Francis D. Schultheis, all of Royal Oak; Rd. and Rebert .C. Childers, Milford. Ordered. to furnish financial responsibility because of. unsatis- fied judgments were Ray Scarrott, | 409 S. Jessie St., and Peter Dudek, Royal Oak. A suspension was} liams, Madison Heights, for driving with no operator’s license. | A. Michalski, Huntington M. Nealis, 7044 Desmond against ‘Virginia W. Wil-: George will be W. Hart, both of Berkley; Ralph Waterford Reviewers Plan Yule Event, Tea The Waterford Book Review Club will meet atthe home -of Mrs: Monday at 1 o'clock. Mrs, William 'L. Miller will have. charge of the Christmas program and there program, A. Dean, 4339 .Windiate, a tea hoor following the in Werkmniile and Material ite: “THE BEST FOR LESS_-DIRECT FROM OXFORD" OXFORD MATTRESS CO. 332 Went Huron Street oe ara co. “FE 2-7695 pce eet ch RR ont JOPEN 9to9 = oe HIDE- AWAY - Sofa Sed by Ne Night ‘88. - GENERAL ELECTRIC STEAM IRON e: 10% REMINGTON. teal Sunday Seeas te 359.50 $1999. We Feature Famous Brands CHAIR RIOT SALE Many Fames Makes and Styles Complete with attach- ments at this fow price! 3. ROOM OUTFIT fF ~§247—~ "$1200 DOWN Complete Livi “tional “& Occasional Chair Corner Table * Coffee Table aly * =, 1" Complete Bediaie Outfit Includes: Huge Dresser % Bookcase Headboard * Innerspring Mattress * “ a LOOK WHAT YOU GET!... lr een $5.00 Down Delivers a2 bones ad Oe Beautiful Chrome Dinette Includes: Table with Hest, Acid All and Stain-Resistant top; medern style. 4 matching uphel- Only lotest for ‘oa mg Sepeaemrmedbens: ces Hep Pare a oF Bi THE BiG PAY OFT Fell Twin Sine Reg. $109.95 SPECIAL THE BiG PAY OFF Deluxe (=) NORGE f) WASHER Essie PUMP Ear $99 THE BIG PAY OFF eee ae RS A A Trt is Ce ,;/ ELECTRIC | ROASTER | THE BIG PAY OFF Gay ‘Ist PAYMENT MARCH | ___1957—0 PURCHASES! Pod! iw iK SS, 2) THE PONTIAC PRESS. THURSDAY, ‘DECEMBER 1 13, io56_ am | group. Few know better than Mrs. Luce the urgent meed for the innevation. On assuming her ‘| ambassadorial duties at the ex- quisite Villa Taverna in Rome four years ago, she discovered that not a single picture hung on the walls of that embassy, Because she is wealthy, gremerer works of oxtiCare’s successor, to our overseas émbassies, and have agreed to serve on President Eisenhower's new person-to-person committee to secure private dona-| t tions of suitable U. S. palatngy bassadors’ residences. Lace has also been invited by Chairman Carmichael to join. the she ; could send to America for her own ©™bassies.” oe Furnish | Both men are enthusiastic about) impressive art collection; but) cf supplying Ambassador! museums unearth from base- ‘James D..Zellerbach, will again find bare walls. : The same situation exists well-to-do envoys have no way of Mrs:| coping with the yawning. gaps. Although most other governments use their embassies here and abroad as showcases for national art, penny-wise-pound-poor Uncle Sam provides only mirrors—no art and the skimpy furnishings fre- quently leave much to be desired. NEVER HAVE ART “No wonder,” Mrs, Luce sighed, “that we Americans are sometimes looked upon as barbarians, when we never have any art in our , went a step further' by suggesting to this correspondent that excellent oil copies of portraits, °U" of such outstanding bl 8. Presi- Clare propeses that our top _ |that private foundations might be | | Carmichael emphasized the ficulty of securing the type leaders; American art which could be claimed both by foreign experts and the general run visitors to our embassies. * * ®@ ac- art of; In pointing out that tastes not only vary, but change, he pro- posed that the paintings be rotated every few years among the em: bassies to help meet international “standards of taste.” William P. Hughes, state’s FBO interested in supply the funds for framing, insuring and_ shipping the loaned works of art. They might also, he feels, purchase isome outstanding paintings for our embassies, “Congress has a general rule (director, said he favors Mrs. a peapeed art art project but pont the furniture idea highly “impractical.” He flatly denied that our embassies are sketchily furnished and praised the “gen- erosity”’ of Congress in appropriat- ing $20,000,000 a year for that _| purpose, While approving the loan of valu- able art works, Hughes predicted rivalry between embassies and -pattles about “taste” in the selec- tion of the paintings. — Finley, recently retired director of the National Gallery of Art-who, continues on the Fine Arts Com- mission, said he will be happy to have Mrs. Luce’s cooperation in launching—shortly after Christmas —the person-to-person project for securing permanent, donated works of American art. Sam Benson Says: Come on In, Fellows, We'll Help You Select Her Gitt! How About Giving Her the Gift She Wants Most @ NICE WARM ROBE . flattering. ® BEAUTIFUL GOWNS... heart. A bose of s' ® SMART HOLIDAY DRESSES .. of holiday activities . ® PRETTY HANDBAGS . @ BLOUSES... @ MAN made to wear! Ali STAMPS with Every Pubshe priced much, much ® UNIFORMS , . give her ny SHEER NYLON SEAMLESS HOSIERY | 3 Prs. $2.85 REE PARKING Many lovely styles to choose from Styled to complement her holiday ensemble. Priced low! always a welcome gift under the tree. newest styles and colors. Choose several today TAILORED SLACKS .. @ COATS and TOPPERS .. seen in the country’s leading faahion magazines . ° lons, dacrons and beautifully tailored to fit well and look always a gift to delight the feminine tyles at purse-pleasing prices... Beet teres . styled to take her through the swirl . . beautifully! All at my low price . . every slape, every size... maby colors. eee ee eee ee . tailored to fit, styled to,flatter, sizes, choice of colors and fabrics swede te $10.87 SILI to $29.71 $2.99 ” newest 1957 styles, similar to those . » but lower a useful gift! Tremendous selection in cottons ee eee eee eee Pee oe argus /° ARGUS PORTRAIT 75 10-PIECE KIT a 3" Reg. $23.50 CHARGE ACCOUNTS For Your Convenience! Swing Out Lens Wide Angle Lens 400’ Reel Capacity in carrying case oy RS ra CHRISTMAS SPECIAL "FOR THE CHILDREN! Mickey Mouse CAMERA KIT F2.9 Lens Reg. 99.50 _Free Cease and Flash........ 2 © 30x40 RADIANT 40x40 : Gloss Beaded 6.95 Screen Cases champion SLIDE VIEWERS ARGUS PRE VUE.....55.99 ARCADIA, Reg. 4.95 $2.95 CHROMAT SCOPE .. 79¢ CHARGE IT! Take 30 Days or G6 MONTHS GIFTS With $20 In Merchandise EXA-35 Reflex. so he Shurflash Kit ‘Complete — : % Rey'9.95 4-9 ANSCOPLEX I KIT Camera, Case, Flash - Close-Up Extra. Reg. 30.75 Give a package of family FUN 44: ible ate’ ee eek * The Michigan High School Athletic Association, a necessary and important body in the state’s department of Public Instruction, is toying around with a dangerous weapon—inconsistency. No one denies the good which the MHSAA has done to put high school athletics on a cleanly regulated level intrinsic to Michigan's educational system. However, while so much concern has been placed in __its-administration, the MHSAA has permitted its rules to become antiquated. There is an urgent need for legislation which would modernize the classification of the state’s high school setup. Rules are needed to revise the present ridiculous bas- ketball tournament setup, “and others need be initiated to give coaches and athietic directors their proper place in the state system. tk It’s time the MHSAA, governed by superintendents and principals, took the handcuffs off the coaches and gave the position of athletic director some premium status. . School officials have fears that coaches and athleti sports. Yet open the pressure-packed closet door and the picture of over-emphasis sticks out all over the place. years. A recent bulletin of the MHSAA says a complete study of the present classification plan is to be made prior to the 1957-58 ponool year. Why the continuous postponement? Simply because) there is too much emphasis on making money in the most haphazard tournament in the country. The theory that every school in the state is given a fair chance in the state championship race is really an inadequate compromise. Classification changes have not been made because it would disrupt this ridiculous type of tourney. What is. it, if not over-emphasis, by getting every school in the state all keyed up for the tournament at the expense of their own seasons. : * * —* Any team that puts together a winning season and even wins its own league championship has every right to move into a championship-elimination tourney. By the same token there are teams which have no right to even start tourney play on basis of their records. : An example of how much emphasis is placed on ~ tourney play is noted in what a coach recently said. “We won’t do much this season, why should we, we'll go all out in tournament play.” eek Knowing that he wouldn’t get into the tournament unless this team did have a season which would earn it a berth, this attitude wouldn’t prevail. The long drawn affair of district, regional, quarter- final, semi-final and final meets could be cut by one- fourth. And they ask, who’s to blame for over- emphasis? . In worrying so much over disrupting this long, but money-making, process, the freeze was put on Class “A” rating. ate . x * * Why should a school for instance like Pontiac with 2,600 students be put in the same classification as Wa- terford with 900 students? Split Pontiac High in half and there would be two class A larger than Waterford. This is no slur on either Pontiac or Waterford High Schools, it merely exemplifies the inadequacy of the present setup of classes. Because of the freeze, there are schools playing in class B ranks but of - “Phe need is-for-a new-class-AA;and-the urgency can't be solved by freezing and postponements. How do the coaches and athletic directors stand on |by Teammate ‘Howe of the Detroit Red Wings. schools, eagh still Blocked Punt Is Best Oddity. NEW YORK (#—The football od- dity of the year was a blocked punt. Blocked, that is, by the er's own team. . » * It happened at Seattle. UCLA’s Kirk Wilson had just punted 53 a . * @ McVeigh, a Washington went behind ‘his own goal line GRAND RAPIDS JC STARTERS — This is the starting lineup for Grand Rapids Junior College which will meet Coffeyville Junior College of Kansas in the JC Bowl game Decersber 15th in Los An- Possibility of Detroit Fight — Goal for Howe Would _Make Him. Second. Best. in NHL History ° DETROIT # — This could be a historic hockey night for Gordie| * ¢ * If Howe can bang in one goal against the 4th-place New York Rangers at Detroit's Olympia to- night, he will become the National Hockey League’s 2nd highest scor- er in history. ; At 324 goals entering the New York encounter, Howe is tied |; with Nelg Stewart, whe retired after No. 324 with the old Montreal Maroons 16 years ago. The all-time scoring leader in the NHL is Maurice (The Rocket) a long time,” said .Spieser. ee “Since I was ranked first There was a possibility that Alex Delvecchio might return to action) riy with the Red Wings tonight for_terson.” the first time since he broke a leg 23 games ago. Delvecchio played in a Tuesday exhibition against Michigan State University. _ The Detroit 2nd line, on which Delvecchio was. regular center, hasn’t produced a goal for seven * ¢ *& That a Spieser-Moore fight would be held in Detroit is a @ef- inite possibility. It unquestionably would be a sellout at Detroit's ‘games. Lorne Ferguson got the| Spieser has had 24 fights, win- last one. Metro Prystai hasn’t/ning 19, losing four and fighting scored in 11 games nor Marty/to one draw, Most of his fights Pavelich in 13. TAKES TWO TO HOLD IT — Notre Dame quarterback Paul Hornung (left) and coach Terry Brennan hold the Heisman trophy the MHSAA totem pole? We’ll get on the subject in to- morrow’s Press Box. ; . which was presented to Hornung in New York yesterday. It was given at a Downtown Athletic Club dinner in New York. Dodd Respects. Pant and returned to practice only this iweek, i * * *& . Dodd isn't ‘taking Pitt lightly. .;wouldn’t be surprised if Pitt were made the favorite by game time. The current line among the wag- * Dodd, whose bowl record is a t|He said the other day that he} ering crowd has the Panthers ai Wide Victory Margin LOS ANGELES—The Los Ange- les Angels took the 1956 Pacific Coast league pennant by a mar- gin of 16 games over Seattle, They won 107 for the season. ers Power Some peak its last two games ene with a 35-0 rout of fired-up arch-| NEW YORK—Eddie Arcaro en- rival Georgia, tered 1956 with a record of 3,582 Tech wound up fourth in the na-|winners, His mounts have won tion in the final Associated Préss|more than $1 million in each of the poll, The Yellow Jackets’ 6-0 loss| past 10 . aoe to second-ranked Tennessee was voted the greatest game of the season in an AP poll released ear- “T've watched ‘Archie's style for) i geles. Left to right are: end Fred Sauer, tackle Kevin Hanrahan, 7 B ! 5 By Avon Unimpre ‘Fitzgerald Quintet, 41-33 Biggest Fish Trap - GUAYMAS, Mexico — The ssive Beating i Z t F i i i Li E s glittering seven victories and no Bears Getting Ready ; 4 f Pe the other by a narrow Penn for Lions’ Invasion Sted tamer Caltersn, ihe gu : : 2 ee is @ large inlet of the Pacific, CHICAGO (INS) — Dr. Ed Rozy is the busiest man in the Chicago| _ Om the Mexican ‘coast the chiet Bears training camp these days as the Bears get ready for their game| “hing Impresario is an Ameri- with Detroit Sunday to-decide the Western Division pro football King. | Sas Sams Tum saumaes mie | Fourteen of the Bears are being treated by the team physician fish im the | ~ for injuries suffered in last week's rough tussle with thelr city rivals, ‘ nately no one is seriously hurt and Rozy expects to have the team in thas Gane Bears are the worst team in the league on pass defense. == Sugeest - Detroit, with Bobby Layne in rare form, is expected to take pat- |775 Y elailghit; Sack foad i Boston Gaiden De Felice has been unimpressive at Hershey. - Boston officials declined to com- ment on their next move, bat it wine hellaved ay sitenegt Svewsl We made to purchase esa: icle~end sole tee Gay offs—in pre-season polls.-iIn 26 games, he has allowed 56 goals— an average of slightly more than two per ganie. BOSTON —Boston hopes for the Bruins’ first National Hockey League championship in 15 years | sagged today with the loss of goal- tie ‘ferry Sawchuk for an indef- |inite period because of a ‘blood in- i fection. * @¢ 6 “It’s like getting hit between the Schmidt and Chicago and now is tending uy Preparations to Resume for Middleweights Football Camp Rosy, 8 600 MSU Alums Told 2=se== the disease “‘is progressing or re- mitting, “On the basis of one laboratory test it is jmpossible to determine “Duffy to me,” Munn said, “will|0® how far it has progressed,” Brest always feel like he's my_boy.” team physicign added. ‘annual Spartan football bust last! S STAG ‘SHOP | Near the Osklon@ Theater FE 4-3688 SIDELINED — Terry Sawchuk, former Red Wing goalie, was sidlined indefinitely because of a blood infection, His loss will hurt the Boston Bruins’ hopes for a first National Hockey League Championship in 15 year's. ClO CagersNip DETROIT # — Everything ap- he’d never regretted appointing ‘pears peaches and cream in the) Daugherty te succeed him as for last night at Madison Square: Michigan Saha University - foot-| coach, Robinson, reporting himself \N.Y., yesterday and said he ex- ‘pected to resume boxing-over the: week end. | Fullmer, at the same time, turned from a short visit to his Pa ‘e® A eye NYA, i 2% Gi mre haelati= All Hundreds Ol alilelacia Ages Philco Portable leadership” completely recovered, returned to! night that he is “looking forward! ‘his camp at Greenwood Lake. +. more great seasons under the of Athletic Director’ Clarence (Biggie) Munn and Coach’ re. Hugh (Duffy), Daugherty. Muna said Daugherty and his on at East Lansing. home in West Jordan, Utah and/ pai oleae gen or tell reopened bie. camp st Grossinger,| ond he hoped they would stay . today. He added PHS Tankers Face Tribe Seek First-Win in Valley county ibe in “foreign” waters this week- 'make a trip to Flint if they watch, ‘the Chiefs on Friday. Bob Boyce's' ‘crew is seeking its first Saginaw |Conference victory and is hes 5.00 down delivers — PTT for a non-league event. (EML). SVC standings—Arthur Hili 3-0; Flint 1 1 1-0 P ‘end. PHS followers will have to | Qentral 1-0; Saginaw 1-0 Pontiac, entral 0-1; Flint Wo: Careers of Three =: Hang in Balance RALEIGH (—The future ca- reers at N.C, State of urday. ¥ * e * The Willis . |Casey, asst. athletic director, and Vie Bubas, asst. basketball coach, probably will be determined Sat- State Chancellor Carey H. Bos- telegram, from Atlantic Conference Commissioner) and’s cf 1 , i y converged on various Florida sites | named the two as having knowl-| 7 and participating in alleged { Daugherty “seapended that “Big- gie and I have got along since 1937, when he was my coach, but, cof course. I didn't have much to say then. | | There have been reports of | differences between the MSU athletic director and coach and vensers-- that--they_wesn,-cyping other jobs. In most pre-season polls, Michi- No. 2 in the nation, but the Spertens ended. a inal a 1-2 season. Dr. Hanneh’s memage was read! ™| Two major awards were made) at the banquet. + Quarterback Pat Wilson was, honored as best combinirig scholar-| ship and athletic ability. He is a pre-law major, president of the senior class and a first-string basketball player. End Jim Hinesly, previously chosen MSU's most valuable player, was presented the Gov- ernor’s ward as the outstanding player from the Detroit area. He attended Detroit's Miller High School. Among guests were such former MSU sports stars as boxers Chuck) ‘Spieser and Chuck Davey and end MIAMI — Florida appears to have become a mecca for spring for baseball of 72 teams from organized leagues | to set an all-time record. There are 1,174 legalized book- gan State was picked as No. 1 or clubs. In the spring of 1956 a total | HARDLY GENTLE—Bill Glass Walled Lake 5 Union Team Fights Off Rally, Gets 55-53 Win in City League Play The CIO Local 594 staved off a 2nd half rally to nip Walled Lake Super Market, 55-53, in Wednes- day’s feature City Basketball High School gymnasium. ti other Oakland) SVC; Ferdson st Arthur Hut peeenes | for him.~He currently is on a tour + Booth Homes defeated the my Pe rep owimming teams will ee aver rerndele af Mt Clemens Of the Far East. Clarkston Merchants, 41-31, Im last night's other City League The CIO led all the way, but was hard pressed to preserve the ivictory in the final two quarters. Walled Lake trailed at halftime, 31-23, but reduced the deficit to 45-41 entering the last period, The ““}Union was outscored in the 4th istanza, 12 to 10, but hung on to win. Walled Lake's Jim Poteet took scoring henors with 19 points and teammate Jim Bates made 16, Mel Taylor ahd Gene Georgé were tops for the CIO with 12 and | 19 points respectively. but forgiving. He’s tough in mid- | Clarkston fell behind the Booth tian released a telegram last|Dorne Dibble of the Detroit Lions.| 1. cisss is @ draft choice of team at halftime, 21-13, and could - '|night implicating the two in the the Detroit Lions. He will play never make up the difference. Jerry Soan led the winners with 13 points, followed by Bill The longest winning streak in imajor league history is 26 straight triumphs by the Giants of 1916. All of these games were won at home. But the New Yorkers didn’t’ win ian pennant. - They finistied| 8.|makers in Australia. Dunston’s 11, Ron Schber paced the Merchants with 10 points, In tonight's at PHS, Shaw's Jewelers and the 'Lakeside Royals clash at 7 o'clock while Stadium Inn takes on the Boys Club in the 8:30 nightcap, = fea S , f Men's | HARDTOE Hardtoe | HOCKEY Size 12 r 4 sioeney WHITE See? | RIGURE 98 Size 13 to 3 . 89° Z $79 ba est oe ah A LIFET IME OF PLEASURE FOR ALL! Newest Year ’Round- Pastime -: Family and Guest, Young and Old Will Enjoy this Exciting Gome! AL KALINE : Professional Model : HOME BUMPER POOL : = : Bon in hand- ¢€ a oa Utes so some carrying $11 ‘ ‘$a Potes seein oe - Sleds weseeeeenen SB9S ee $8.95 » ‘THE PONTIAC: PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1950 ‘|Hornung'Back » NEW YORK — Handsome Paul Hornung was on his way back to the Notre Dame campus Heisman Trophy ag one of his talking points in an approaching F tf Rosewall Silent on Pro Report Shrugs Off Question) of Kramer's Offer to Join Paid Troupe MELBOURNE @®—Tennis star Ken Rosewall would not say yes or no today to questions wheth-| er he had. signed to join Jack Kra- mer’s professional troupe. * * * All he would say was “I hope! to play well in the Victorian cham- pionships and in the Davis Cup challenge round—let's leave it at that." s. * ® Asked tf Kramer had made} him a $67,200 offer, Rosewall said “Kramer made me an offer about @ year ago, but it wasn't as high as that.” J. C, Wilson, assistant manag-| - ing director of the milk company Maryland's Racing ~ Opens on.March 1 BALTIMORE (#} —- Maryland's} 1957 thoroughbred racing season of 121 days will open March 1 despite some sentiment for a Feb. 12 open- Monday. He met with operators of BEGINNING TO SLIP — Brooklyn's Carmelo Costa slips to the canvas in the 4th round of last night's feature bout in Madison Square Garden against Paul Jorgensen’ of Port Arthur, ‘Texas. ‘Costa, who lost to Jorgensen in two bouts in Houston, came back to take a unanimous de- ~—~¢ision “in the featherweight encounter, fF E et i Te ti iege fei nua | | outside sharpshooter =f wth Chet could be in an early) CHEROKEE © lwith a victory Friday. Guards OPERA Dave Diehm and Larry i i or u d eerte : : Q AP Wirephote | 5 Wayne Romps Ypsi for 5th Straight DETROIT (#}—Wayne University gave its basketball fans a Sth Christmas last night, Eastern Michigan, 86-71. Thus Wayne interrupted its 1956- "ST season for the holidays with a Central Michigan Jan, 7. With Bob Kendrick scoring 77 straight basketball victory for points, George Brown, 25, and Louie 9 4-32 edge at halftime. to seme eee , John Mcintyre led Eastern with WEDNESDAYS FIC : 5-0 record. The Tartars next play|1g points, while Charles Crick-| saw Yaa | Saginaw at Lawrence. rag hhestbtrendentlioga 4 Serge 3 ope t OPEN for the Hurons, who now have a! "Bisnos Airée—Pascual 100%, Bu- © 1-2 record. reas Seco Mere defeating a ee George Duncan, 17, Wayne ‘ted gar scons trom start to finish, holding a |Becherter «10 Dicl F » _ F / f K “6 EVERY NIGHT "TIL CHRISTMAS ae | es ee 4 _ A Gift from ONE MAN TELLS ANOTHER (iil Dickinsons for ‘the’ man... + “0 SPORT SHIRTS : _DRESS SHIRTS — Washable fabrics tn wonderful we ee Hands thas a00-a0 ott ond Rane. from 5.00 : from 4.95 e Luxurious imports, fleecy Warm. Soft —- ‘TIES | ‘MUFFLER ; Heavy repp silk in a galaxy ; : . J a | fe ART SSMARRIER & RAMI : SWHATEKS . ¥ id il mod cadinere | to Chat yous smay) select the —- 3 Hart Schaffue ¥ Mare clothing from: 8.95 hich pl ron eet ve : Pe. OPEN ; <= : : 4 < EVERY NIGHT *til CHRIS) ee 2 ae THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1956 ee fe ae nics Now Invades High School Basketball Court rather simple but effective|C ‘school these days. as eaenear, enetemer, slat tube Its function, reduced to sim- , with every player on his beach gadget dubbed “the E & R coach-| The device, invented by coach!10 headphones, a hand microphone,| plest terms, is a means where. | simultaneously during a ball ing queen” is stirring up quite a|Everett Queen and his brother,/a few yards of wire-and some| by Queen can conmmiunicate | game. t of interest around this class'F of Niles, consists of anlold-tashioned ingenuity. quickly, quietly and effectively | ‘The entire unit, headp! ond . —s — . - —=—) all, can be transported in a me- A - [i dium-sized suitcase, * s * Its operation is remarkably sim- i a ae seers ple, Since it draws its power from es | F >| | any regular electrical outlet, all oe e + you do is plug in the lead cord, : : : = adjust the amplifier and trans- | F ~ % former dials, flick the ‘on’ but- , ee “7 jjton of the hand mike and you're ea . sg : ; on rea dy to “communicate.” & omen eam —=== => FOR THE | rent rer ems SPORTSMAN | Sur norco -sccie gg ‘“T : : : AP Wirephote lity for coaching comes during a| © CLEAN UP — Jockey Nick Shuk (left) who won five af the eight game,” says Queen, “when your! races at Pimlico yesterday and Dave Gorman the winner of the other Substitutes are on the bench ‘Wit-| three, show the horse blankets they will have beneath them in to- a Pa ret ' ‘ ce nessing ‘We play.’ ee day’s races. Shuk’s mark was a Maryland track record. RSS cade sage _ ° ° | “With this device the coach can — ” Exclusive J.C. Higgins Model. gift priced at. steapliment onsrect play or point : ; : t the mistakes being made ' Sree | gges x,| ESsseessbdend 1957 Racing Card who skeet to standard magnum! Full choke or modified models. . side, but to all team members at once. . Since mental DETROIT w — The 1957 racing, WOLVERINE — Monday, June the came ke most Wapertuat'® |dateg have been assigned to the)3, to Saturday, July 20, total 42 Queen adds, “we find that by |five metropolitan racing associa- |days. = using this mass audio ald we tions and the Jackson Raceway and| JACKSON — Monday, July . 22, . can send in substitutes well- the new schedule extends the \to Saturday, Aug. 17, total 28 days, ; versed on what we want and |thoroughbred schedule six days) pazyy, PARK — Monday, Aug. well-informed on what the oppo- Ver last season. 19, to Saturday, Oct. 5, total 42 sition is to do as| Here are the dates, assigned|days. team—both y and de- jduring a meeting before racing a oo . fensively.” . commissioner James H. Inglis in| One issue was set aside until x : __‘The Napoleon._coach _believes| Detroit: ao a Jan, 16 hearing. The commis- that when each player's attention PARK — Friday, May sioners has insisted that the run- is focused on the game, and he|24, to Saturday, Aug. 3, total 63}ning tracks move their daily start- gets a running commentary on the days. ling time to 3 p.m. The tracks want erd Toe Gals’ Figure Skates moe rg [mistakes that are being made as| MICHIGAN RACING ASSN. — ling post time they have been | Skates las well as the proper that his) Friday, Aug. 9, to Saturday, Oct.|¥5'"8- Ski Sheffield Blades team is performing, exists|19, total 63 days. 9.25 = rc. tosis 9,25 Pai 2.39 jan ideal situation for coaching. | -The satbat wittion with top Full high cut, split cowhide post ride yet! Rubber shock Sees possibilities for the|cut by seven days. The harness pD ody one Jined_tongue.. Hol- absorbers make rolling other sports, t6o,.,such/racing dates: IVES 0 smoother, Ball bearing action saier, sharper 1 ice hockey where| NORTHVILLE DOWNS — Fri- Sizes 4-10, wheels. Form fit toe clamps. i April 19 to Saturday, June 1, 38 days. Be Peters te peck MINERALITE The Bowling Ball with Dynamic Balance * : i s NEW YORK ws a Here’s a Christmas Gift for bowlers that will re ' ARMY ) — Maybe of happiness—the famous Brunswick M * JOE S WAVY SURPLUS ie westhe TY wom or peeve “eee eee eee e © Aveilelte ia oll medion end heovy weight Minerolite Baile, Reg. 9.95 8. Ideal for the young sportsman. Fun for Grandpa to Grand- and Bags. : Fires all three .22 shell sizes, son. Two-tone blue all steel i z with me. I itn’ een got going é 2 Surprisingly lightweight. Safer ravk on rubber wheels. White | Jorgensen who had fought -a “2 ‘ | beaten the flashy Brooklyn Boxer, x Nov, 20 in two Houston matches, - F | didn’t even make it close this ee , a time. Referee Harry Kessler had . Judge Al Singer 7-3 and & ‘ Artie Aidala 6-3-1, all for e # who weighed 129%4 to Jor- i 00 z ‘— on top To. : Sn es | A Drug, Philgas Teams Ee. 7 junior Official Football Sefer! No Flame! Post Easy Decisions . C. igaine, Right, Left Hand J. C. Higgins Junior er -195°F. Hand Warmer | : Packet Golf Balls |= Chromed Shoft Putter Archery Set Regulation Size and Weight — : ba waren ts Welerona Teas pam 5.99 Re. 635° 3.88 srice 3.99 neg. ts 3,66 Lc. Higgins §=.19 jstdp Rect que basketball 5% be Novdiegg 3 Balanced stepped shait and 49-in. hardwood bow. 4 cedar Made of rugged split cowhide Keep hands warm in coldest Crary Junior High gymnasium. = precisely faced head give arrows. Quiver, target face leather! Ball is durable, well weather, Radiates warmth for j * 2? mes Power cushion ; @dded accuracy to every putt and instructions, Teaches the balanced. New. red-brown col- 24 hours or more. Fits into shirt | The Drug team racked up its Ist aa Built for better putting. sport correctly. or ,with white and stripe. pocket. In flannel bag. | victory of the season with a con- ‘ : | vincing 72-54 triumph over the Wa- fence Beers led Drayton with 29 points while Phil Runkel topped | the Faculty squad with 19. | Philgas breezed to a 54-21 deci- sion over Johnson & Anderson for ht win, Tex Klaus for the winners. six points was * —— 5 ¢ S. be " fi al i eee coe J.C. Higgins “100” JC. Higgins Jet SAVE on Grips, " - 4 | ‘ i? 4: SE ec se - Casting Reel Bike Headlight — Guards, Streamers Ae . Reg. 11.95 — 6.44 Reg. 4.95 4.44 - 6%-in. long 2.39 }. C. Higgins 1.55 . Reg. 9Se 75¢ ps ey 1 wri gs gp o--pgmemg Low cost dependability. 3 pree - Aji white with. a@ bright Sounds out for safety with | fumbo vinyl knuckle guards| : thle drag, level wind ‘ision cut gears, =micto~ chromed rim, Two standard = long, loud blare. Makes any fihished chrome bright. Dashing , = 4 "finished bearings, adjustable = flashlight batteries give it bike flashier with its bright ted plastic grips. Red, blue ff ‘TOKYO W—The arrival here of drag, Attractive gift box. power. Batteries not included. chrome. Put on: handlebar. and white streamers. SHIRTS occ S295 up | PANTS .......$1.95 up ie 2 Fielder’s Glove - '. Golf Cart = _ for Indoors or Out. _— Size peulng Gloves |} : "Made to snag hot ones! Hi Makes golf all pleasure. Rolls Rubber cover. leat 3 i Gd RE ‘ 7 simply lower- weight. Fife ow ' ; ket. Ee ‘ bee it now! cm ee now and poe Poet ding. Fer ht A sony gy ~ ' : : * 154 North Saginaw St. | C00 your monty bate SEND, “Phone FE SAT) | sie hse nites area’ (os ue ac le Wa ead 4a} bi ha mAs ie ad kd Ee Bae ee er ee ee ee ee a ee eee eee oe ae Boe i as a) ER PER ee ie Ce oe Sea + een Se Re ate Pag ah ee ee el pe ee Ra en 5, eee ee a yaa a tree ee ee So agi gi fee é ; Y ; . é 5a ‘ : a , . e. ' THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 195 age ¥ 6 ae wees ueaker: a tte i NC} defeat Tuesday night, 96-94 in North gc riny a oeg Bay ali nes Niagara, No. 16, couldn't dodge|Heise scored 31 points for the losers. padi overtime. eee did the big job ° ; with 27 points; North Carolina had he season 82-79. * *¢ ¢ : catey x aun Soceen ak ‘Beet ‘Gree starts i the ACC) Lannie Rooublth, the 68 Theik wreqpes wp at Che ert, ang “Het Vogels cee Weel Keevhes Temple hit more/® thall. Cle dumped State to its first}kee who followed McGuire to|held a 34-13 lead at the half. Mc-|as easy as it looks. A Penn State| than half its shots to bang Prince-|™ Heels have had nothing but _ his bench in the|zone gave the Mountaineers fits/ton 67-58; Yale blew a_20-7 lead the W S M at winless Wesleyan 53-47; Tex ween suing eh ov tre tor | VW QITIOTS OtATt tO MOVE comics ine roars fr hewps at 56% with 8c opened with‘ sone, all being But suddenly it's spring in C ; State, which had been ranked] Seconds left in the first half. Lloyd/32.13 and went into a full court|% . eighth in the nation, never was|Sharrar, a 6-10 center, controlled) press that paid off- : cee By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS|sixth defeat of the season, 103-3|in'the: runing against oncebeaten|the boards and was high scorer|‘ecision over Oklahoma Ie The aten Tar Hee Philadelphia's National Basket-|by Rochester, New York, after) south Carolina. The Gamecocks With ‘20 \ points in wmonte ls, No, 6/ball Assn. champions are moving|winning five in a row, lost its/took » 34-24 lead at the intermis-|taineers, wa tate © ncaa Press at a snail's pace behind Boston, second straight, 121-103, sion, toyed with the Wolfpack in * s lastnight “with an easy-anyou|e bit on ihe Celtics in the Enstors ene the first 10 minutes of the second) Dayton didn’t lead until a spurt| And Coach Ken Loeffler, one-time please 82-55 victory over GeorgelDivision tics astern Johnston pumped in 35 points| half and then ran up an 11-point! of «16 consecutive points over-|kingpin at LaSalle in the Tom Washington. State was chopped re ae and -Arizin 25 tor the Warriors, | edge with five minutes left. hauled Miami in the last four min-/Gola years, saw his Texas Ag- utes. fae gies take-their fourth defeat in down for the second ni “Warriors, raw, this time 7541 by Sant Core lene ane Paul ie eee St. Louis, The Hawks, who| Freddie Lentz, a 6-8 soph cen-| Viennie Cohen broke loose for 22) six games, this time 75-63 by Mis-|® lina. their battle for the scoring title broke a six-game losing spell inter, was high with 19 points for|points in the second half and sissippi Southern. e : ng ‘|a record 265-point two-team total/South Carolinga-which used only) wound up with 30 for the game] * #8 : -|lost 46 in a row, Said Coach Erm) ay. : ‘0 “TAYNO. ff thumped St. Louis 115-99 last night! with New York the night before,|six men — four of them all the|in Syracuse's surprise against Ni-| Western Michigan overcame a 5 MONEY DOWN a Easy Terms! ve NATIONAL # CLOTHING CO. # 9 So: Saginaw, Ponties ALL WOOL — Flannel Slacks: | to move into a second place tl€)i,4ked pooped arriors pal : are 11-11. State, which hit five of 16 foul/the first half, taking over within Mid-American Freshman Rule [sis serscracr | aa ie, ha tang ovina" hie hme : battle dur-| West Virginia, rated No. 13,/0ut om Cohen’s second - half) And Millsaps put an end to a na-|# ear. os ae i , o plurge. Being Studied Students Replace |ing period, when they led 2118 |Penn State, but Deyton, ratked| Purdue outgunned. tional-record all-time streak -(with an 87-81 upset — what else?|§ 16 DePaul Jack Coleman with 25/ 15th, second defeat with|ly, but had + the subs fron’|— of William Carey, Millspas ‘i |Money Stolen while Bob Pettit with « late spurt |a G88 decision over, Miata of|the floor and all back the start |lost ne em RS. Seuthes Loop Hears From Gridders . oe Ohio. : ers to nail an 83-78 victory. Dick Smith: “It’s been a long time." UM B. a” Plan to Bar Ist-Year . | ‘la\e ne ee Varsity Gridders. College prt at ohne al A ———— N TRATION via. SANTA'S B id 1 collection today to reimburse the] .: ~ ; ol > annual fall meeting today, will|>urslarized of $800 yesterday. | consider joining other major col- The Grand Rapids Raiders were} lege athletic groups in barring practicing at Compton's field for| freshmen from varsity competi-/Saturday’s post season game) tion, against Coffeyville, Kan., for the * 8 @ National Junior Son ae The faculty representatives also| Ass. championship. When may act on a proposal that the| opened their lockers their money 19-member-schoois- be required to} ***-2%™*- ‘ ee with conference oppon- F| K . h . en | eee am, Krisninin Closed sessions of the executive committee, athletic directors, coaches and publicity directors get pen up ay the meeting under way this after- noon and evening. Business will ' be transacted tomorrow at open! PERTH, Australia W — The of-| sessions which will continue Satur-/icial draw today paired Herbie } © Chain Guard Chrome Randers TS de Young ELECTRONIC ENGINEE ' ‘ CRYSTAL RADIO SET ~ would be needed to|/zone Davis Cup finals between/} day, if necessary, Flam of Beverly Hills, Calif., with ahaa eee Batata. Saddle ee 8 Ramanathan Krishnin for tomor- WAS sensitive ' $80 Werth oa Sy from seven of the 10|row’s opening match of the inter- of Bicycle > / Sry int w ® 7 scrap the rule which since 1954|the United States and Indian. | peli Mase et has allowed freshmen to play on| But it was a meager develop- Model varsity teams. ment compared to the’ overnight * ¢ 8 recovery of U. S. ace Vic Seixas, |f Virginia Tech has persistently |=: Fis veteran from Philadel- urged that first- thietes be) P*- restricted to freshman competi-| Seixas, who will play the second|j tion, It has lined up substantial Singles match against India’s |] backing among the larger schools, Playing captain, Naresh Kumar, || such as West Virginia and George Washington. Some of the smaller members contende they would be handicapped by limiting their squads to upper classmen. Albion in MIAA Lead ‘reported his ailing shoulder great- the ceremonies at the Royal Kings Park clubhouse. Cup challenger, Seixas said heat ALBION @ — Albion took over! undisputed leadership in the MIAA| basketball race as George Vivla-| more’s desperation shot in the last} three seconds gave the Brittons a 13-72 decision over hope last night.| HARTFORD, Conn. i#—Richard The victory gave Albion a 2-0 MIAA record. Hope now is 1-1 in league play. Overall Albion is 5-0, Hope 2-2, ~% | pain from. his -shoulder. In Dad's Footsteps B, Noble Jr. last night was elect- ed captain of the Trinity College football team—the same honor his father held in 1924, Court Ruli Pro Game Is NEW YORK «— A federalling the tankrupt Baltimore fran-|. judge has declared professional’ basketball a business, not a sport, and has found it subject to “e wrote: trust laws. - * ° bd The ruling was made yesterday| by Federal Judge Sidney Sugar-| man in denying motions by the) National Basketball Assn. and others to dismiss a million-dollar antitrust-suit brought by a Wash- ington; D.C., group which failed ng Declares a Business . chise. | Sugarman, in a brief memoran- * *® s “The business of professional (basketball, as conducted by the) \National Basketball League and) ‘its constituent teams on a multi- state. basis, coupled with the sale of rights to televise and broadcast mission, is trade -or ..commerce among the several states within ly improved when he arrived for! | A doubtful starter amtil then inj] the series to determine Australia's! | treatments administered by a doc-| |) tor last night had removed all// Washable, curl-' rooted hair. the--games for interstate trans-| fh to land an NBA franchise. 7. * * the meaning of the Sherman Sugarman found the Washington) Act.” Professional Basketball Corp. has} In addition to the NBA, the suit legal grounds for the suit, thereby/names Maurice Podoloff, its pres- the NBA’s contentioniident and treasurer; Madison; that it was not a business and not/Square Garden Corp. Inc.; Syra- Hable to antitrust laws. jcuse Professional Basketball Club The suit was; brought in May,|Inc.; Boston Celtics Basketball] 1955,. with the Washington group|Club Inc.; Zoliner Machine Works . alleging the.NBA and its members Inc.; and Minneapolis Basketball OLS conspired to prevent it from buy-'Inc. . _ ; “$-BAR-M” | SINGLE HOLSTERD= “Big Horn” set with ‘ a = 7 ‘ y " : * eee Makes the | (@ama)iies fer: | et ceca GIFT WRAPPING SPECIALS | UTOMATIC “DUO-Fr” 2 “wrest Wee ase (= 988 VD | eke stows ase men e| acres QOS 4 DELUXE 2-QUN TEXAN Jaane \ Sa pach extn. Baer MT | 3 Christmas Present || 2sisx"scret 39% Galag ¢ on" sae SATE 1065, nd 7 SENN a : ON || Tieten banet eR Ses ee 8 | 3 PORTABLE TV ! “THE FONTIAL PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1956 This season, give and serve PM in its bright new carton and matching gift case! 2s $353. “Gets Ne bt Code Ne. O88 THAT’S IT—Bob Scheffing looks at a baseball and hopes -for the best. The old catcher is charged | back in business. FREEHOLD, N. J. — The Free- hold Raceway this season in a 50- | (prep players in the Oakland Coun- with putting the Chicago Cubs’ The basketball season is only two weeks old and already a red hot/© scoring race is under way among ty area. The 19 leading scorers in Oak- lang County and the top 21 marks- men in the outlying area, based on two or more games and a mini- mum of 30 points, have been tab- ulated. ~ lLeading.the county pack by the marrow margin of two-tenthe of a point is Walled Lake High School's Larry Hughes, The Vik- Walled Lake is undefeated in three games, but Hughes did not see action in the season opener. He ‘has aceounted for 20 field goals and tive free throws. Closely pursuing Hughes is soph- omore George McDaniel, Holly’s 6-5 center. McDaniel has been re- sponsible sfor 67 points in three games for an average of 22.3 per contest. ; a Breathing on McDaniel’s heels is center Bill Mountain of St. Frederick, Mountain has chalked up 43 points in two games for a | 1.5 elip. Pontiac's Dave Diehm is next a Ho Serna Race A Holding, a a ot 2 ee me” orth Branch with 41 pies, in two efforts for a 20.5 clip. 10! | John Ribner of North Branch ‘with a 19.5 average and New Ha- \ven's Dick Johnson at an even 19 are next in line. Lapeer's Tom Wil- Mughes, Walled Lake 3 308 48 328 , a a ; 3 S-ao ans Mountain, &t. iW 68 715 Die Pontiac 2b 4.3% bs Parks, Clarkston 3 13:32 66 18.3 1 3, UL St. Mary 2 14 7 38 17.5 isbell, Birmingham 3°1113 3% 1745 Hui Ortonville 2 4213 % 176 Mis Snctte = 3S 8 t 4, i te, Permie 3 1b it 3 iss r riningtiom os 3 dale 211 8 W 16.0 Bradsher, ay 371 3 4 146 ‘anderveide, W. L. 316 6 38 12.6 — fe 3H 8HHG Klein, $ ie » 02 Harzis, 4Hu NH -#2 COUNTY AREA LEADERS OG Fo FT TP AV Dorow, Imlay “| 3 22 22 66 32.0 dim O'Neill, No. Branch 2 16 9 41 20.5 Ribner, North Branch 2 14 8 30 19.5 Johnsoa, New ven. 3 18 2 38 19.0 Wilson, Lapeer 2.44 2 3 144 Kersten, Almon 3 1 2 65 16.3 Sawgle, Deion 2 ; 6 36 140 ae ville 2. 1 3 3 175 Ww Brighton 4 22:16 G8 170 Zink, mew 213 6 16.0 RanalpedCharoceeme 3 42°18 $8 ins Speers ffs tis a 2 {| Bayder, mepeen 4 2210 & 13.5 aiery, Northville 31 4 13.3 1 Alment 3 HY 5 + 12.3 Yahne, Northville 3 1210 34113 Pa . Brighton 413 6M 87 Collins, Brighton 41010 W 15 2 Michigan Players on JC All-America LOS ANGELES (INS) — Four ¥ule-Cash-for_Pros. TIRE YOUR SECOND + Open 4-Day Sanford lest = | Tex. Coffeyville and Grand Rapids eo Saturday in the NJAA'S first SANFORD, Fla. @®—The tour-;is it sponsored by the New York national bowl game at Los An ‘ists of professional golf stopped off here today to try for a little ‘cash to stuff in their Christmas| ‘ peting stockings — $15,000 prize money| Freq Hutchinson, manager of the jin the Santord Open. Giants with President Horace, Stoneham as host, but three well) baseball figures are com- in the amateur section: St. Louis Cardinals: Cart Hubbell, ‘farm director for the Giants, and’ | Tom Sheehan, Giants’ scout. igeles. The selectioris included: Ends — Fred Sauer, Grand Rapids, Mich. \Tackles — Paul Zirrailla, Hibbing, | Mina. Guards — George Manders, ‘Montgomery, Takoma Park, Md. ‘Backs — Bob Coeling, Grand Ra- pids, Mich. == Cubs Offer CHICAGO. # Speculation , jmounted today that the Chicago! Trade-Bait tiorl came yesterday when the Cubs sent catcher Joe Hannah to Al Besselink, former University Cubs might land a much-needed|Los Angeles and brought K. C. fat Havana, Cuba, last week and jis among the favorites. Others tnchade Bob Toekt: Julius | Boros; Porky Oliver, new winter here and veteran of the cross tour; Ed Furgol, former Open champ: Chuck af took first prise ing second baseman Gene Baker. The names of Richie Ashburn of | the Philadelphia Phillies or Lee |Walls of the Pittsburgh Pirates were mentioned. ident, didn’t discount either possi- bility but indicated a deal with) \the Pirates may be closer than with the Phillies, * ¢* “T really can’t say there is any- thing real hot right now,"’ he said. “We are waiting to hear more from Pittsburgh.” Frank Lane, the trade-master) ‘of the St. Louis Cardinals, left Chi- ‘cago last night. | Lane and Holland swung a 10- player deal Monday, the only transaction of the major league meetings, and the Cubs also ac- quired catcher Charlie Silvera from the New York Yankees. Pitchers Sam Jones of the Cubs and Tom Poholsky of the Cardi- nals were the key men in the ex- i¢ , * @ @ Holland said “I don’t think we ican get together with Lane be- cause he doesn't have what we need, but we must might get in- vetoed with 20m hy a Seen ae. wt Indication the veteran Baker John HieBond. Cub vice presi- ‘ot Miami golfer playing out of/centerfielder with their bait be-| Wise, 24, star rookie infielder, in | Grossinger, N.Y. | from the Pacific Coast Longue farm club. The. second sacker hit 287 for the Angels last season and fielded .9%52 to lead the League. : Wise was signed by the Cubs in 1953 out of the University of Tex- as, “I’m certain we'll land a top flight center fielder from some- where before we open spring training,” said Bob Scheffing, Cub | manager. “I believe a good cen- iter fielder is far more important |than a second baseman. A center \fielder who can make that one great catch a game is worth as much as a .300 hitter.” Asbury Resigns Grid Job at East Detroit Alva Asbury, who guided East Detroit High School to an unbeaten season and the Eastern Michigan League title this past season, has resigned as head football coach after nine years at the helm. Announcement of Asbury’s resig- nation was made by Robert Chris- tenson, high school priricipal. Succ ‘ng Asbury at the East Detroit post will be Larry Hart- sig, who has been varsity track mentor and assistant football coach Special! . Ideal for Christmas Gifting! WHEEL ALIGNMENT Includes Caster, Camber and Toe-In Adjustment, $750 TRUCKER ore gone Seat Covers $7756 First Une | i! 40% to 50% Of— While They. Last! Regular $14.95 to $42.85 Sellers Brand New . . . Factory Fresh Black and White © 6.70 x 15 Black. .cacseces 6.70 x 15 White ......000. INSTALLED FREE! . for Fords on ond §6$ Cour ee ? thee "54 2 es * While They Lastl (Ptus Taz, Exchange), eee 3° Poo aR oS if i | TBS: 000x168) we | ONLY [Don Finsterwald, third ‘eee if 5 | S-T0xt6 | $26.40) *31.10| 28.70 £36.20 : ec, chain mary ‘T1Or16 28.10 "AAG “GIAO *ta8e| anne BE | 7.60x16 | $30.76 | $37.70 | $34.50 | $42.25 the indeurlSntrd Ope f (all prices a Federal tax and exchenge) . as Ss og oe | S : - broads big tournament ee ‘Dayton Premium Thorobred 140-Level Tires. P lity, Deeper Tread, vee 8 a - : , Stronger Sidewalls, Latest Tread Design. 2 Pegi Gs — : to this got tooreamen t Not only | , size | “pact” | “Wane | Taek” | Twine” YOUR SECOND a HANOVER, ¥. 1—Dartmout's BE) | 6.40x15 $29. 70 | $36.40 | $33.20 | $40.65 Onl We wos. fn Francis ho tallied. 436 IS | 6:70x15 | $31.20 | $38.20 | $35.20 | $43.10 4 Mud and Snow Tires Brin os 3 rise 5 | 7.10x15 | $34.50 - $42.25 | $38.60 | $47.30 > recor. I | -MIAMI—The 1956 winner of the } | 7-60x15 | $37.75 | $46.25 | $42.25 | $51.75, aig NOT.ECATS canes [pointed to. enter the $000 Ws BE | 800x195 | $41.50 | $50.85 | $47.05 | $57.65 S.i0015 |. $52.56 for BOTH Times IB Somer Handionp event oe os ELD | 8.20x15| $43.25 | $53.00 | $48.75 | $59.70 White they toot! et i . SPECIAL! FIRST LINE “ FREE PARKING. ” Ww. ‘HURON sr. et lire Lo “Pantin s Motorists Headquarters” OPEN 9 to 9 i FE 80424 _@ Full width freezer, ab. good ‘These Name 8 rand, Refrgerotors Wil * Fi ie a debate load Exactly as Pictured NO ee og TIL MARCH _OUR LOWEST PRICE EVER ON A FAMOUS MAKE 10.8 Cu. Ft. Refrigerator ONLY ‘2.50wit Ros. Pico $299.95 — Our Price $168.80 and Saye Mony Dollars i] Preps | for the Shamrocks for. the past may be the pawn in any transac-six years, — AUDI; Hah content ea ‘ sport for the first time, make their, Te Bears ranked seventh in the} Santa, Downle, and Wright were ’ ty of intserest with the Pontiac {fornia Jeague has acquired a new Roy Hernandez (127), Bob Ragland i | yn nisi veel i By — ABAIR | tion of five newcomers since the state ‘and were er cham- individual By te ouandig| 43-16 setback at Bay City Cen-|pions last season in their third sided mune defeats, “the oe pane Ses the: anak: aeme. tling teams of Pontiac High and| Berkley, with eight lettermen,) Back from that team are 120- | Cranbrook make their second at. will be the heavy favorite in its) pound Capt. Lou Drew, Jack Sah- tempts at entering the win col|{T8t appearance of the new sea-| ta, 103, Bob Downle, 145, and son, . “Ts oe ee crs Larry Wright, 127 as the nu: Chiefs, participating in the cleus for a well balanced team. initial appearance before home|’ regional champions last year. ah gd host to strong Berk- ey in a 4 p.m. match at the PHS greatly impressed with his inex- gym. feated Colgate in football 55-46 it perienced team at Bay City with Cranbrook is away again for its marked the highest number of three boys posting triumphs, second of four successive road| Puts. 101 in all, in any of the matches traveling to. Ann Arbor. jeastern college contests. | The trio of Dave Payne (120),| The underdog Cr: bowed, 480 'Mel Nosenchuck (133), and Don; at Ypsilanti last mone ‘Herron (165) will be starting again oe | CINCINNATI-— The Vis alfa, tomorrow. Others ready to go are The lecal action will pack plen-|Calif.. club in the class C Cali- Jack Keller (95), Mel Heffer (112), contingent coming one | fast in working agreement with the Na- (138). Chaley Radcliff (145), Scott) —— addi- ‘tional League Cincinnati Redlegs. |Campbell 54), , Duke. Relyea | (175) | parte _soprted by the eo enone ne mene ne mt | Despite’ Defeats and heavyweight Willie Duncan. Cranbrook will oct only be looking for its first triumph. but also its initial point at Ann Ar- bor. The Cranes got unexpected strong showings from three new- comers at Ypsi but their letter- men failed to aid the cause. Jim Marcus and Bill Barnett Pontiac coach Bill Willson was|each gained ties before bowing out WEST POINT—When Army de- on fiding time, while 154-pounder Ken Tragenza lost out in a. close ‘match. * * * Further improvement by this trio Pete Turner, Gary Grikscheit, and Lou O'Conner would give the Blue lalong with veterans Duncan Black, | and White -a—formidable—aggrega-; tion. 2 : : SRSeEeES Uline Modern Rolidieg tet Callie’ sad Pasting ROCHESTER FORD DEALER — OL 1-971) LARRY JEROM 2 Wirephote terback Pat Wilson and athletic director Biggie i Munn, Hinesley won the award as.one contrib- | i CONGRATULATIONS IN ORDER — A four way handshake served to congratulate Michigan State University gridders honored last night in their annual dinner. Left to right are football uting most to the team, and Wilson for highest | on Dufty ty Daugherty; head Jim | Hinestey, quar. _echalastic ‘marks. Sour Is Tough, DETROIT # — Ed Furgol, one of the nation’s leading money win-, ners among the golf professionals, ‘was kicking aroynd the question of! ‘golfers and their earnings. Strangely, it’s not a touchy sub- SALE PRICES Thursday --- Friday --- Saturday a \ cad \ \ \ \ \ \ . 24.50 mY Xs N \ Ne \ \ . NE Girls’ Figure Skates—Sizes 4 to 10..............$ 8-75 up AN ict at all with the former National Boys’ Hard Toe Hockey Skates. ...-..4..-.0005: 6.75 Open. titlist, —. Men's Hard Toe Hockey Skates ........-.0000:- S875 up “A lot of people think that be- Men's Figure Skates . cee eeccecneceeess UOTE cause a guy is a golf pro, he's| $32.50 Northland Monarch Skis Leet ween eevcea ld rolling ‘in money,”’ says Furgol. ' $25.00 Northland Peerless Skis .... 2... ae eee 19.50 . “$10.95 Sandler Ski Boots... 6... ---- cece nee 8.75 i HOCKEY CLOVES ...... 2... aus. $6.75 —. $7.65 9.75 | All Star Converse Basketball Shoes ........... 645: $7.50 Spalding Rother Secketbol sesecewecsoe S575 $8.45 Rawlings Stan Musial Glove... .. 4.6.6 600.-— 5.45 $130.00 Set 8 Spalding Registéred Irons. seeereees 10,00° $30.00 Spalding Golf Bag ... 0... 0.06. eee 21.50 Collapsible Golf Carts... . .$6.75—$12.50 23.50 Spalding AirFlite and KroFlite Golf Balls WELDEN SPORTING GOODS 51 Mt. Clemens St. FE 4-6211 & A hkdididididihededadededdede edt . $11.75 and 14.75 Me CONVENIENT BUDGET TERMS | Says Ed Furgol Save at Our Low Overhead Location! SERVICE. treadine'co. ABT N. Perry St. St", Ourct FE 5-0649 ED FURGOL “Tt's not that way at all. A lot of! of them, in fact—have, a rough go of it trying to ™ *“ * * Furgol says a pro has to make, $10,000 annually to break even. He “there are a million and one that the average golf fan stop to think about... HARDWARE 1473 Baldwin Ave. The right — to shop for all your hardware needs. “The Friendly Corner Hardware” BILL NEWTON and a very merry that coordinate with your jacket! 49’er in Irish plaids, $79.95; in many more merry gift patterna, from $17.95.-Slim Jim $14.95; sweaters, from $8.95.* Pend eton to you! To you lucky ones who receive a new Pendleton 49'er jacket for Christmas<.. look forward to this merry Irish plaid pattern in luxurious virgin wool. And to every girl _who is about to nudge Santa along: a smart hint is Pendleton’s famous Slim Jim skirt and a full-fashioned sweater in colors 106 NORTH SAGINAW ST. Come In and See ‘Our Stock of All Size Canadian: Flyer Ice Skates Now. You Get 20% Trade-in your old ne B undersized skates for new (_ ones. We give you a liberal trade-in allow- eS ii $1.00 Holds ‘til Christmas _ JLo New, Really New Tucaway _ HOLDS ENS TRAVEL KIT GLOVECRAFT Looking for the right gift? You can't go wrong with A KNOX GIFT CERTIFICATE "Easy to give....grand to get! And there's never any size-color-style mix-up, because he picks out the hat he likes himself. A Knox — one of the finest you could give. He'll be glad you said “Merry Christmas” the way you did! Knox Gift Certificates, $10 to $100. (Pe we re et 0 ee | 106 N. Saginaw, Pontiac : Phase vend a Knox Gilt Certificate i the amount of &. 1 Name | kde ae Y Denclose.........check — -auiM: O. mune Please charge : Your Name. bine 1 Address fe City Ea Bae = ie Za a ae Uf you prefer Certificate mafled to you, check ee x _THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1956 - une ‘ "3 No. 2 Pont. St. Bk. i 26 : Hungarians in |mplanted Hormones chet theal Major | ssue for Paid Hunting” Rights Italy, Refuse ie Steers Weight and % heifers, pay as you hunt” pian in one of| land is to develop a system of | 5, 1955, he sald, more than | 7?* Hungarians were headed by) ing steers 31 per cent. Thirty-six|lege here, says one of the greatest Kercher ‘iid! thé neiab’ Sisley to Tell Plans ven to yearling heifers resulted LANSING (® — A proposal that| Berryman cited the increasing Responsibility for.. the develop- LARAMIE, Wyo ik tesen ln 5 ie cant: what tae landowners should be paid for! demands for hunting space and the/ ment and launching of such a sys- MILAN, Italy (INS)—Forty-five ing Agricultural . Sta- only ven Det : hunting rights wound Up @$ &| nounting hunting licenses sales as|tem™ rests with the wildlife agen-|Hungarian athletes and sports of-|.- Experiment crease. major item for debate among dele- tion researchers find the hormone annem emraabiad ci nes to the Midwest Wildlife Con meting Peo omen 3 Se at mea tabinshet tha wer stilbestrol definitely causes seri Nowe Musical Therapy “Jack H. Berryman, assistant re-| “The solution to the problem | Payment to the landowner, he|most refused to disclose whether|*?, 52" ¥e! w=Dr. Kenneth-A. on supervisor of the federal] of maintaining habl- |sald, would follow an old American|is., would return to their rebel: Implantations of the hormone at’ Bagiedese: on sake pag fish and wildlife service at Min-| tat and harvest opportunities on (tradition—absolute respect for land the base of the ear of each animal) **® neapolis, Minn., advocated the) a major portion of the natién’s ownership. lious homeland. increased the body gains of yearl-| iment at Northwestern State Col- the most controversial papers de-) payment te the landowner, and three billion dollars was spent on minister of sports Gyula Hegy.! milligrams of the hormone were | potential developments in the field prs. livered by wildlife experts from! that such paymen’ will guaram | )uoe fishing and a |Most of the athletes were afraid) implanted.- of mental health maybe the use imine midwestern states who met/ tee both the maintenance of ade- | 1.» oe it this daw fo to talk. Some, asking not to be _Animal nutritionist Conrad Ker-of music in therapeutic treatment, here three days ending Wednes-| quate habitat and harvest oppor =< identified in news stories, said /- . * | landowners. ies, wee ee day. tunity,” Berryman said. : ; ithey would go home to their fam-| S°@Stgtee® + Of 494 million dollars spent by ities, Some said they would go first | e small game. hunters, Berryman'ty Austria and then would decide fe Buck Skein Washable i) one per cen le ° a Club Seeks New Fencers Pefnting is Mg Wisinom,” Ber-| LANSING Wichionn Sate Meal Wool Shirts bs" WL 38 2/fencing coach Richard J. (Dick) | Technology; Wally Gannon Pon-| Convenient 30 38 Perry, meets in Birmingham High|tiac school teacher, former Wayne f 38 28)School each Tuesday and Thurs-| Univ ersity ace; Eldon Gardner Layaway Pian 3B: 33\days from 7 to 10 p.m, and. any- widely known Pontiac fencer; 1956; ' . r 14 4 one interested in the foils game is'Olympic team member, Judyf y sy et ; : Meter Tune-Up % Meter Overhaul ; PAY NO iwelcome, It is under auspices of Goodrich of Lapeer and Perry, the : ~ the Birmingham Recreation de-|club pro. * Broke Relining * Camshatt Grinding ' MONEY DOWN ee | une--Geev.--_:98 4 eeaiine. bee on S| partment. * 6 @ ‘| * Cylinder Block Reboring * Cylinder Head Milling . ' BOWES JETS LADIES BOWLING | Ottmars Dec. 3017 Louies Gif 18 30) * *¢ « Perry coached the Titan foils] * Valve Reseating, Refacing * McCulloch Superchargers i; . Easy Terms! ier’ 1 Mkt. BR Pont. Ree. > # uz Perry: reports that coaching ts team to a 9-4 season this year. *® Mallory Ignitions, Parts and Service . rr: NATIONAL Fy Lge 1033/,M. himonge | ss . 481;| available for anyone from 10 vears His squad placed 19th among 22 * Ts - Hen. Rapper 18 34, 0! Sere. Hk Out Gory, HF [old and up. teams in the 1956 NCAA cham. CALL TODAY FOR AN APPOINTMENT ; CLOTHING CO ‘Lanes 2168. WABREN ALLEY WOMEN'S Among the top fencers in the pionships and Perry was ifnstru- e a , onnecten.. ek ae kiclub, Perry says, are Jim Cam- mental in bringing the 1957 cham-| W ohlf | D 2274 S$. Telegraph . 9 So. Saginaw, Pontiee HOUSE w ite Ty BR Flas 17 0 pole, 1955 Midwest sabre cham-|pionships to U. of D. on March] — el ee FE 2-4 - 2s. ens 2 41 2° | pion; Gerry Fitzsimons former! 23-23. : 33 - _Jeck’s Five _ -2 a ee. seme ‘BE Beers f3 Se ew, 16 37 Mald-A-Mat, 1) Oxford 4 Pry 08 Lounge 11%; marvel |Peaer’s No 3 oo ZHig : Pent. Piumb. 73 33 ee ; Wigimer 616, ier on Don’t let your fuel supply get low ... A phone call to us brings you top quality fuel et pric& you can efford. Whether its lump, egg or stoker, you'll find the finest ot. . a hone Ee i | SS ae ; 1956 FORD Two-Door $1795 _1953 CHRYSLER Sedan. $395. af: 1956 FORD THUNDERBIRD a $2695 1953,FORD TwoDoor ‘795 ¥ 1950 CHEVROLET Sedan $95 1952, PLYMOUTH Club Coupe sage g 1950 BUICK Sedan, $395 951 FORD 2-Door = % V9S1FORD Victoria $495 1954 MERCURY 2-Door % W9S5PLYNOUTH Sta. Wagon 51495 1954 FORD Victio ST eer race non EDO? RERORIAL Cat. Hordtop $995 Baap "1495. WEL UMOUTH Tye Doo. tgge es H said, only $229,000 was spent for i s, Begins Second Season hunting lenses and. privilegee—eix|vrcn’™ °° Seek refuge in the free! ¢ |ryman said, “and the landowner, 'third quarters. At least during the & ‘whose role is all-important, is not '1985 football season the Spartans| 3 Wool An active fencing club, with anationally-ranked foilsman; Dick | roel cinead an equitable share of the’ scared 85 in that period and gave) & oo $ backbone of nearly a dozen of the\Berry, former All-America at bust he sustains ' _) ‘up only 7. ‘a Shirts Metropolitan area’s !eading Michigan State University; Bob % from swordsmen has begun its 2nd sea- Derderian, former Titan swords son at Birmingham. Club, under’ star; Leon Yulkowski, one-time | direction of University of Detroit's star at Lawrence Institute of “Use Our 2 2 Inch or «26 BICYCLES YOU MUST BRING THIS ADVERTISEMENT WITH YOU! [With the Purchase of Any Used Car| from the Lot of pied 3 + HAROLD TURNER snaitatun | y MANY of THESE CARS with NO DOWN PAYMENT—MANY. MORE TO CHOOSE FROM! § j 1953 CHEVROLET Hardtop $995 1955 FORD Station Wagon $1495 Radio, Heater and Powerglide .... «6... 6c ccseeescucnees tere 4-Door, Radio, Heater and Fordomatic....-............05585 1) 4) 4) Radio and Mester so ie en te aeee Radio, Heater and JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS! tr % 1955 MERCURY | ’ shh she 5] 79 5 : oe Hollywood Headlines * £ % By BOB THOMAS 2661 Dixie Highway You Are Cordially Invited to Sophia's GRAND OPENING Friday & Saturday Nights Dec. 14 wm 15 GIFTS For Everyone Music at the Piano for Your Entertainment “Piin hig eye. 's MIDGET BAR ‘Howdy, Partners -- “Montana’s” Back Ready to Serve You BAR Your Favorite Steaks—Chops TURKEY $125 DINNERS... Complete : Half Orders for Children “2661 Dixie Highway | | knee-high carbon dioxide clouds. * * * whether mankind should be de- | Stroyed by the super-H bomb. Mr. Scrateh, played by Vincent Price in a devilish goatee, argued the affirmative. ;mMan, enacted by none other than, | tened to his patrician, slightly Aa- isalized tones, you conclude /that imankind seldom had a more con- | vincing advocate. s * @ / | With the exception of a one-day stint in “Around the World in 80 Days,” this is the’firat film work by Colman in ovér six years. And even this one will Gecupy hirffGhly eight days or’so, I asked him why he didn’t do more, | “Oh, I'm not in the big time more,” he said with a twinkle * ca ¥r ar him that-was false. |His prestige and style of acting) (will always be big tinie. doing the sort of thing I used to do browse sacousd our Open B Nigh Until very "i Christmas HOLLYWOOD — The scene was jouter space, created on a movie stage by -a-backdfop of stars and began amid the fumes were ac- | tors portraying the heroes and vil- jlains of history. They were wit- nesses before the high judge (Sir Cedrie Hardwicke) in the case of Opposing him was the spirit of Ronald Colman. And as you lis- “The studios don't seem to be/ ‘\In Youth Cases, Life in Semi- Retirement Pleases Ronald Coleman in films,” he added, “There been scripts; of course, but yy lad aaaaa cee: ed to do.” Benita Hume/and their daughter Juliet in the’ comfortable town of Santa Baybara, 100 miles north. wood for work. now and then,” he remarked. “I'm going to do a GE Theater and some others. Live TV? No, not for! me. That's for stage actors, It’s the stage. And I wane ereny suc- cessful at it.” NBC Celebrating 30th Anniversary MIAMI, -Fia, @ — About 250 owners and executives of radio and television stations of the Nationali* Broadcasting Company together .|with dozens of stars were here to- day for a four-day convention celebrating NBC’s 30th anniver-' sary. Three NBC television programs will originate from the convention, They are the “Perry Como Show,” two performances of Dave Garro- way’s ‘“Today,”” and Steve Allen's! “Tonight.” __Six stations affiliated with NBC throughout the 30 years will re- ceive awards of merit on Friday's “T ’* program. The stations include Www, Detroit. existence. Most ot the time hel leads a squire’s/life with his wife| Occasionélly he comes to Holly- “1 ike to do a television film) been a long time since I was on’ around and doing fine, thank you. _ REMEMBER THEM? — If you were a movie. fan back in the Roaring Twenties, you'll be glad to know that some of your favorite stars are still THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13. 1956 Pictured above as they gathered recently in New York are, left to right, Patsy Ruth Miller; Lila Lee; Joy; Nita Naldi and Dagmar Godowsky, Leatrice | Nehru and Ike Will Have Four Day Visit AUGUSTA, Ga. @ — Plans for| of talks with India’s Prime Minis- made public yesterday by the chief executive's vacation headquarters here, ; Nehru is scheduled to arrive in Judge Locks Up Parents, Too i thi Charity Replaces Party IONIA &® — Some 400 members of the Ionia Manufacturing Com- BOBS CHICKEN HOUSE | Christmas 497 Biszabeth Lake "Read at Telegraph INTRODUCING JIMMY ROLLINS at the Piano, 7 Nites Weekly Big City Politics |. Losing to Labor? : AFL-CIO Claims Unions Taking Over as Boss as Machines: Lose Grip This is part of an analysis of the litical branch, the Political saree on (COPE). up, labor was able to hold its ground well in the nonpresiden- tial fights, whether state or na- tional, and even inch up a little, Onauntaed labor’s leaders were almost solid in support of Demo-| © 66 gauge, 15 denier—Sheer! © Stretch Top and Toe! ® Smooth Full-Fashioned Fit! @ Exact Proportioned Lengths! % Two pairs Guaranteed cocoa tas hodali bball Gun pe onan against runs for 10 days! Or a new pair free! LANOLIZED - Treated with Lanolin for estta silteonn; vob soy srlahhs thoy tnt Toner end er lily neyo Democrats retained control of the slide re-election, COPE attributed it to his ‘‘personal qualifications”’ as the voters viewed them. It also said the voters decided to back Eisenhower “in a critical inter- national situation.” swept off our feet in Congress hat we not been organized, House and Senate. L *. * Discussing Eisenhower's land- As for the “Our sense night. have- stayed President Eisenhower's four days) ter Nehru. starting Sunday--were}- election results provided to labor newspapers by the AFL-CIO’s po- lhe Committee COPE sajd that “adding it all opin @ landslide for the Presi-| noon, * . * it includes one day, Monday, of complete privacy with the Presi- dent at Eisenhower's country home at Gettysburg, Pa, It also includes several opportunities for aig talks in Washington Sun- jebru At Washington's National Air. port Sunday Noon Nehru will be welcomed by Vice Presitient Nix- on and his wife, other U. S, gov- ernment officials and members of the diplomatic corps. The Prime Minister will arrive from London pena. Washington from London Sunday I The-schedule forthe Nehru-vis- ‘aboard--Eisenhower’s-- private, Strikes Defeat Magliore constitutional authority today in the little Caribbean republic. | Magloire quit last night after) peared days of sitdown strikes vit- tually throttled all normal activity in the nation. As the constitution prescribes, the president of the Supreme Court, Joseph Nemours Pierre- Louis, took office temporarily. He will govern until qa new president is named in a national election, The army, previously backing Magloire, triggered the change. said the decision was taken in a conference yesterday. Levelt said) in a broadcast, “Now we return) to our barracks, awaiting the or- ders of our new chief.” Magloire’s fall set ag - startling precedent in the turbulent political history of the Caribbean. It represents a dramatic victory) for the man on the street in Haiti, old dictatorship in Haiti, restoring Gen. Antoine Levelt, chief of staff, |’ terrorism and violence.” ‘Cold Revolution’ Topples Short Dictatorship in Haiti} PORT AU PRINCE, Haiti @— the first president in Haiti's history] two consecutive terms for a presi- dent, Magloire last May ordered lelection machinery to be set up ‘for choosing his successor. There are no political parties in ment, and “incited the people to Soviets Push Vodka Aside for Pineapple HONOLULU_ INS) — Eighteen the workman, the student, had, a refusal to work. Unarmed and poorly organized, they countered Magloire’s seizure by closing business establishments and paralyzing transportation. Except for the wounding of a soldier last night, no blood was attempt to “demonstrate in the streets, The strikes began Monday. Behind that, however, lay months of feverish political activ- ity, climaxed by Magioire’s coup d'etat. Dec. 6. _ Magloire, a husky professional soldier, trained by the U. §, Ma- rines, was elected in 1950. He was the| R shopkeeper— liberty with the only weapon they | Ange ot power by simply staying home,/ aa spilled. The. people did not even) | THE: PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1956 i 4 ; i ge | z FF Z , IF I GINE YOU gf Ve Iv 4 BAC: ok A WALNUT, , , WILL YOU ~ Bet, Sanicame ND PETES HONG Nor B 2 ON MY SHOULDERS 2 12-13 © 1906 by MEA Borvicn, ine. Ti tag. BA Pot OF By Ernie Bushmiller LRN BUSHMULLE? 5605. By Leslie Turner DOUBT WE'LL HEAD STRAIGHT FOR THAT] | || KITCHEN. o a f f N «Sgr %. (s)76) NC’ 4 voy and Strieber | o LET ME SEE SOME N° AT WILL “| [thts buss a Paweconnc. || BOOKS, A BIT 0” LUNCH fA PACK OF LIES,’ THAT OF PUBLICITY COULD COST ME MY JOB / Steel Prices MightGo Up Nickel - Bearing Alloys to Have Higher Tags as Result of Boost NEW. YORK — Pressure growing for a new round of price increases in the steel industry, the Iron Age, National Metal weekly, said yesterday, Last week's rise in nickel prices will soon be reflected in higher tags on nickel-bearing steel alloys,|!. Iron Age says, adding that a lead-|1's0 ing producer of stainless steel] will announce price boosts of as much/! as three cents a pound, or $60 a ton, this week, eet as (Mixed Pat * * ern : Prices yale oon a . pet Song co Rig Ag . 280 No. i, Ltg-2.25 bu. les enathon, pener ba bu; No. 1, Be phPoles, Me a0} 90 Early, ba Bite A “ River, 00-2.50 bu. Ap ay tiaer 00-2.56 VEORTARLES. MISC.: Beets, fancy, 2.00 bu: Mo, 1, 1.25-1.75 bi Heo bage, e. Curly, No . 1.60-1.50 i abbane sae et, at, ie ¥, Tanc’ 1.60-1.16 60-Ib." bag. ie uash * -* oo The amount ef the prospective Tomatoes, increase for~ stainless steel will! depend on nickel content, it added. (The Iron Age comment was prepared before announcement yesterday ef price increases by Allegheny Ludlum for nickel- bearing stainless steel. The in- creases for most common grades ranged from 1.76 cents to 6 conte a@ pound.) Shortages of steel plate have re- sulted in mounting demand for government allocation of scarce supplies, Iron Age went on, but 1, 1.00-1 bu. Squash, Butternut, “wo. me oth 4 0-Ib. basket. Turn “90-125 O8, pane. Turnips, ape, ie. ne Fras i b 1.25- REENS: Collard, ¥ 1 Kale Not, 100195 bar TOe80 bu. BEGGS: 4. “eo 30-doz. ca: Medium, Todo 00 §0- 830. Small, 7. CHICAGO POTATOES CHICAGO, Dec. 12 (AP)—Potatoes arrivels €5; track 201. Total U. 8. ship- ments 495:+ supplies moderate: demand ae: Rerket dull; nevota-Worth Da ota Red River Valley ‘Pontiacs 2 ot?) to _—_—— CHICAGO BUTTER AND EGGS 12, (AP) — Butter steel mills and some top policy- makers in the Eisenhower admin- istration oppose such action. * * The tug-of-war in plates is an| outgrowth of the Suez Canal shut- down and the choking off of Middle East oil, the publication pointed|“** out. The resulting European oil shortage calls for a stepup in oil tanker construction. + > * Steel mills resent backstage government pressure to force ‘‘vel- untary” channeling of plate and) structural steel to shipbuilders, the weekly said. 2 Burned in Trailer; Oil Stove Blamed PONTIAC TOWNSHIP —A moth- er and one of her four children were burned when their trailer home was ignited from a reported- ly defective oil heating stove at 9:20 this morning. in the Shim-|p,- mons Trailer Park, on Shim- mons. road. for second Geers burns at St.’ Joseph Hospital and later re-! leased. Fire Chief Cark Schingeck said the trailer, worth about $200, vn all its contents were totally de- stroyed. Mrs, Johns and the four chil-| cmcaco, dren were in the trailer-when the, stove blazed up, and their efforts with fire extinguishers failed. They summoned the Pontiac Township fire department from ‘the -trailer park phone. Her husband arrived home while firemen were extin- guishing the blaze. Investigate Records of St. Clair Shores MT. CLEMENS (AP)—The Ma-!” comb County Grand Jury today 464 examined the records of the St. | Clair Shores City Council. City Clerk Donald J. turned the minutes of the council! over to Grand Jury investigators) yesterday when presented with a subpena for their immediate delivery. Circuit Judge Timothy C. Quinn, the one-man grand jury, recessed “4 ~ the taking of testimony last week. /*"4 He said he wanted to collect fresh lead choi evidence before resuming the gh sessions. 00; Judge - Quinn is - investigating 580-878 Ib. feeder charges of misconduct by city mostly officials in St. Clair Shores ond improved ‘Warren Township; Steel Shares Drop Because of Merger NEW YORK uw —Stocks of Beth- jor better A a checks 28: current receipts 31%. Harm rime eutter heifers utility cows 10.00-11. co" to 14.00; a open: steady; teoder oe Be eux higher week's top unsettled; receipts eee: wholesale j}buying prices %% to cent lower; 93 score 60%: 02 A weit: 90 .B se1,: 89 C 57%; cats 90 B 58; 88'C buying prices unchan Eggs steady; receipts 10.200; wholesale wed; ¢ white 36%: mediums penore EGGS 2 (AP, — DETROIT, Eggs. P.O.B. Detiott'c cases included, aces: federal | : Grade A jumbo 48-57 weighted won ye at large 41-43 wtd sve 42% medium 34-37 wid avg 36%; small ? 33 mit are 31%. Grade B large 38-40 wtd Browns. ‘Geode. A _jumbe. 6-4 wid ay. a: are ore wid avg OF medium] 38-40 w 3 aif large ave 36! Commercially graded: aimee Grade A large 1644-44) medtum Browns: Grade A large 3619-38; medium »;|General Motors, American 3; phone, Caterpillar and Westing- 7 I ! + | | Mais rig : NEW YORK W — The stock After a fairly active . opening} with a slightly higher tendency the pur Pattern became mixed as turnover Leading issues showed fluctua- tions of fractions to a point or so for the most part. But Youngstown continued te u:i fell off. -| decline sharply in the wake of news of the with Bethlehem which also lost ground. Youngstown was down around 2 and Bethiehem about 3. Some leading aircrafts eased after their rise of late yesterday. Eastern Air Lines was actively traded and up around a_ point. United Air lines. was another 1- point gainer while American Air- lines improved fractionally. Douglas Aircraft dropped around a point and Boeing a fraction. :|General Dynamics was up a bit. Some leading rails moved up again after their recent reaction from last week’s upward drive. Illinois Central was up about a point and Union Pagific a major fraction. Kennecott Copper was up about a point and Anaconda a fraction. Small gains wére made by Tele- "Gocdrich, Gulf and International Paper lost ground, Opening blocks included Radio Corp. up % at 35% on 1,200) Said *:|shares, General Dynamics up % jat 59% on 2,000 and Bethichem loft 1 at 184 on 1,500. New York Stocks ’ (Late Mortng Quotations) Talk on tife-insurance YS * Michigan te Parks are jail by Pontiac Municipal Fates eae ners Sie Pe cities Farmington Justice Allen C. Ingle|Lodge and was bound over to Circuit Court for arraignment Monday on a charge of violation of orders to furnish financial responsibility for driving. White also was fined $10 for passing on a hill. Christmas Rummage sale, Fri. 9 to 9. 220 E. Iroquois Rd. —Adv. Bazaar, Bake and Rummage sale Sat. 15, 126 W. Pike St. Firat Social Brethren Church. ~—Adv. If your friend's in jail and needs bail, Ph. FE 56-9424 or MA 56-4031, _s Adv. Chenille Festooning, Candles and other Christmas decorations. Cleo’s Handcraft, 300 Nelson. FE 8-3361. —Adv. Gambler Sweats It Out, ibut His Number Isn't Up OMAHA W — When James S. Haynes came before Judge James O’Brien on gambling charges in Municipal Court the judge picked up the dice police had seized and rolled a seven. . “Seven is your number,” Judge . “We'll roll The dice clattered in a silent courtroom and came up ten. wale rere dollars end conta,” the judge. ‘City Underwriters Hear Business life insurance was the yesterday. Some 62 members of the group attended the session at the Waldron Hotel. |Get SOS From Tanker near parks of thousands of dollars in tourist income every year, com- munity leaders were told last night at a dinner meeting in the Elk’s “Spending more money to cor- rect the conditions in our parks improvement and expan- sion can only be accomplished available to the Department of Con- will be an investment that will yield a return in tourist income far beyond Michigan’s present $600 million a year,’ stated Arthur Bogue, manager of Automobile Club of Michigan's Pontiac Divi- sion. Asks Court Order for Building Permit Charging the West Bloomfield Township Zoning Board and Zon- ing Board of Appeals acted “ar-| bitrarily and capriciously” in re- fusing him a permit to build a gag station on commercial-zoned land, a township resident yester- day asked a court order for the issuance of the permit. - to build a gas station at 3722 Board of Appeals denied his re- quest on. the grounds a filling station would be a traffic haz- ard at that place. -He charged that if the state zoning law gives the board power to do this, the law ig unconsti- tutional. Oakland County Circuit Judge Clark J. Adams set Dec. 17 for a show-cause hearing in the man- damus action. TAIPEI, Formosa (®—The 21,- sent an SOS today after develop- ing engine trouble northwest of Formosa. U. S. Navy headquarters Porter 8. Francis, who wants | Orchard Lake Road, claims the | 000-ton_Panamanian tanker Savina! — was prepared to give help if re- Robertson Quits Hazel Park Post Resignation of Building Inspector Comes After ‘Land Deals’ Charge Elmer L, Robertson, Haze] Park building inspector for 13 years, itold officials yesterday he will re- tire Dee. 31-‘‘te decept other em- ployment.” The resignation followed pute | Jone lished charges that Robertson and Hazel Park councilman Oscar S. Beamer participated in unethical|- on Forrnosa said a: 7th Fleet unit/ action. 3 52-33; small 36-27% Admiral , 144 Kelsey Hay ... 47-4) Comment; Market barely steady on Allied Ch 046 mennecott .,.. mediums but steady on baloncs of otter. A Burs $i preeme, & 4 ings. Trade today nt saitterings Chay .... 3 Li 1 3 ample. Mediums easier Alum Lid ... m4 Lig ry ®.: . & spread under large sites. ‘Smalia in" ight ; 5 a Am Airtin 23.2 Lortliard eee 164 supply but demand also light. an Cyan 404 Martin. Gl... 44.6 Am Cyan 77.1 May D Sire ,., 31.6 Am Mares : 3 M ~~ “i m lerck .. ... : Poultry m Motors .. 56 Merr Ch & & . 21.1) : Am Raa - Qe Minn M&M .. 2) DETROIT POULTRY = a ' Se. am Smelt .. $42 Mont Ward .., 364 aa Sao Pag (AP) — vee vate = TelaTei .- otorola Meese ary ual! ve conda . Mueller ro a.. 3h a F.0.B, Detroit fate 10 a = Armco Vy . “ee N at Gash 1: - 8 type hens 18-19, light t hens Php Mat —~ fe eae 12" heavy ty brotiers a ryers 349-3" Aras ce... BT a Se de ven ae ib. whites Crosses 23, Barred At) Cst Line 414 wy Genta 4 Rocks 9-24: capomstter Siee8ts ib. 23.08" Al Retin as NYSE — eavy ducks 23; geese 30; turkeys heavy \veo Mii - 6.7 Nort & west type hens 30-34, mostly 23; heavy typ®/ Balt & Ob |. 455 No Am AV ,,.. [ene S0-Sty- Ctr trae o> 60 -Nor Pac Comment: Market about onendy. Sup- | Bencuet 53 Nor Sta Pw. plies im fair demand with ow) re ot ‘a.m ofterines restricted. Pryera in light| Soeine fir --: 33°} Ohio Oil |gomand 1 to 2 cents higher. Bond Strs .. 145 Qwens ‘bu : ney | caponet i 7. clearing so ~ “* 446 Ge ut ordinary qua’ offer! ve ow" : to clear. Ducks and % ‘geese in light ae- (2 u* 5 Market firm pricewise ond 3 prices sharply” higher. Demand irr peeved prod holding fer the higher CHICAGO POULTRY Dee. 12 (AP) — Live poul- try about steady; recel 478 coops; paving prices o henry 4-4 a aying aes unchanged: 4-15; hens ia old. Jocotors |S tre Pea Sapenstibe under 4% Ib 21-22; mpenetee over 4% Ib 24-36; Barred c Rocks 21-3142, wo scarce; few around 3 oy 5-16.75; . 15.25-16.00; few ‘ sunsted supply Cattio—Salabie 175. 100 Rage By FM. 2 ae a eerie ae ae | : Bust SeRaSsS3i eo 0a “shee ew sure. anew WO VSSeeeuw- pe els tes Bibs: FASSs5y seeee eursteassuyece ee we ter steers and "heifers uneven, § weak; 18,00- eS. and choice 787-044 Ib. cifnes ab. 1.00; most utility and aonee steers and ta 13.00-16.00; SSSSsS2.8S - semis bs =a gunetosessgassyauuss Zoszh teens SSRESe8 ee ee -®ee ee oe* 2a BeBe Ueaay 2*+4ERe——Hee4e04 @ als t3SRS358 Refstesc2s a > eu3: ng unchanged. Thuredeg: sinc sla: — fambe a abo t steady trong to. $0 oem — Oot: be aa leaks 9 0-21.00: ate a 20.00 down: wi lambs 16.00-1§.50; cutie 7 od 3 Brune *e | Prev. Day .ooe. 2609 129.8 Week G80 soss. m7) 134.3 Month a@o .... ow 00; cull to 4 good and choles feeder : bs i a —< t0| Pigures after decimal points are |About $55 in Tools DETROIT STOCKS iC, 3, Mephier Co.) r set! Ha i Allen Blec, & Equip. Co. 2.7 7 37 Baldwin Rubber Co. ....16.1 1 16.1 Ross Gear Co. .......... * 37 4 G. &. Gil & Chem. Co * 15 16) Elec. Mo. Co. .... * 61° &.T Peninsilar Mt. Pd. Co... * 82 98 many he ae aanene . 24 ed ‘anufect. Laas F ; . Bdison Co. ...... 18.3 18.3 isa ber 5 ne cove Pd. Co, * 13 #14 ; bid and asked, Grain Prices veoeenes veeeeeee werreree * cal ee baee * eee ev ewe in-state eS Bea ae Pr te 3 tS OS 1—Cash. 2~-Layeway. 3 WAYS TO BUY: 3—Ho money dew, a ow as $1.25 weekly servation to do the job,” Bogue said. “Praise is due the Depart- ment for the fine job it has done with limited appropriations." Present inadequate park funds are not the fault of the State Leg- islature, he pointed out. a * * “Failure to provide increased ap- known to their legislators,” he stat- ed, “It ig up to everyone in the state interested in having proper and adequate recreation to make sure their representatives in Lan- sing know of state perk needs.”’ F. | —— E Z 3 a iH 5 “Visitors have been turned away Christmas Gift Suggestion STOCKS Make a Lasting and Each Dividend Is a _ Reminder of Your Thoughtfulness . Gift ee eee Special Purchase % BATH SETS REG. $134.50 VALUE Reg. $69.95 “A” Grade, not crate marred. Compare this value! 30-GALLON GAS HOT WATER HEATER *5 4” WHILE THEY 30-Gal. Water a 79" LAST! Heater 52-Gallon Electric HOT WATER Cc. olfice eet ry wat oan ee — outstanding selection for kitchen or bath, slong with formics tops: in end Your Choice of : ops cabinets steel base § ¥4-in. Galvanized %-in, a l-inch Galven LOWEST | PRICES ‘ON STEEL | PIPE. ON %1-FOOT LENGTHS att ap Po Plc la 11%-in, Galvanized $6.52 1¥4-in. Galvonized $7.7 a Gelvenisal si03 “The s ° That Values Built” ‘PLUMBING | SUPPLY co. "Pall Block of Bol ' 2nd Figs — Breryhing in Phambing Boppioe FREE Cast iron 2-COMPARTMENT SENK $28 5 PHONES: FE-41516 and FE 5.2100 “tame ran | |S PS Se HEATER || _ Formica Sink Tops me qq i 58Q% eve os 9” Sy ce eee — FITTINGS Tits = mech —— — Bctade on nn sbON WASH $ *°ozar™ 2 Compertnent || Sonin'ams = $999 }) WASH LAUNDRY MEDICINE SINKS *6* wien svpie putes $ TRAYS’ 1% CABINETS chrome faucets. Coleg or: samt vere || BATH TUBS *29°°1| sp pos } sepepos |$ seme muore ma ; . 95 ines |e cee orate Marre / il ‘23 thal slass i gases ene qo —— : 3 ‘ oe THE PON'TIAG. PRESS. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1986 ae ates departments into units hij a age treatment plant as soon a ‘Romeo Chorus — Romeo Bank gates — te Public Invited = {ixsinie new tellers’ read at to Sing Messiah walt and sttmisemiee we (CO OUTiday Sing | 7s semmenice conc meeting, ae , - . nerth drapery - covered wall, instructions to the Vi- ‘sk sewety: Seteed. Wasaint _ » Sunday Night Cites Expansion See the ne sho me in Commerce aie prepare 0 timetable, ficers’ { partitioned off ‘dates on planning | mart 2 ant com mr party: | “ROMEO — The 36-member Com-| " _" cate fale’ aluminas talieg |_ COMMERCE TOWNSHIP - A TE ee ea cake —— Gifts for the children were ere bre {fay ae ee season pa Asks Public to Inspect py ea of the Rago three choirs of Commerce Method-| pletion of construction work. Pa vided by Birmingham, Clarkston, 3 Results of Remodeli 7 ist Church is planned for 7:30 p.m.| After thoroughly discussing meo by ting Handel's “ esu Le) CMOGEIING | tleor is covered with walnut : council's wil- tary Anns: Iota Eta Chapter, Pi/siah” at 8 p.m, next Sunday eve) at $80,000 Cost vault’s top completes the rear | Choir Director George Scott has|lingness to cooperate with . /Omicron National Sorority; GM ning in the First Congregational) — wall. decor. invited the public to attend. Health Department flee omy Girls Club; Kappa Delta Sorority, church. LEE WINBORN as soon more "South Oakland alumnae; Mont) Vocalists from Washington, Al- tlie Correspondent lobby” has been widened "eer te spociatty vemeubet, rein nddiion aoeurately determine oate rE Pant Seite Methodist Charen - Orton-' mont, Rochester, Imlay City, ‘Ca- ; to 14 feet and now houses the} te performing in a combined be served by vil wos ory Bos oy Wont sto Utica, afd Romee: began re- ROME — — The public will view bookkeeping department. Its stair-| chorus. , 7 group. . cocert ete in October with praet land ‘moderulzation progrars in the “SYS nave gprs nto, the Soloists on the program will be Sweets for Sports . : i ) ni ispace erly ! y a Al Dalton, who will sing “O Holy “= Other donations for the ‘day | tices every Wednesday night. Romeo Savings Bank during an ' . . rote . _ Athletic Conueil WSCS at New Hudson - .... van aa ae eae | Director of this year’s presen. (Pen house from 7 to 10 Pat. Check are lawn . ay, Night,” and Donald McKenzie, who DRYDEN The at ic ene to Lunch, Exchange Gifts| Oak Park Kiwanians and or tation.of the famous oratorio is "¢Xt Monday. ‘cleared in this room Will present "Nazareth. jot the Dryden my anges trom the Ortonville Ro- Worth Mallory of Rochester, Re- , Remodeling, under direction of “at the left of the entrance is! Ty. . is sponsoring a candy sale contest, NEW HUDSON -- WSCS mem-| tarians, ‘local contractor David: E. Petti- , Two duet numbers have been proceeds of which will go to the co ae ft ir the, i Pen —— hearsal accompanist was Miss ‘bone, began in the basement the :the president's new office, which schetiuled., Mrs. Margaret Ridley athletic fund, Merchants of Dryden bers of the Methodist Church here} Centra Methodist Church loaned Joanne West of Remeo, Concert will double as the board room. It| will sing with George Scott, and and Metamora have donated prizes . first of August. By the middle of will exchange gifts today when), stage for the entertainment;| 2¢companist will be Mrs. Floyd — ‘September work was in full swing’ is glass-enclosed on two sides with later with Mrs. Mary Sue Perria. for the winners. pon | Sete cit pe ap te, Birmingham YMCA furnished the) *Wilsen of~Hartland. on the main floor. . matching draperies to insure Organ accompaniment wil! be church nae eed ~ tree. Eldon Olsabeck of Water-' soloists will include Mrs. Fred ‘privacy when needed. provided by Mrs. Marion Colestock. : , , jford took care of Santa Claus and scheuneman of Romeo, soprano; ioe for the sizeable ex. New furniture—the first since Area Yields $800 ‘charge of the sable nates Mrs, Roy A, Borland of Romeo, at this. time is valk tan cnr seal pod ee ae ot eon ! Stat Offi ial WHITE - LAKE TOWNSHIP — ive. ic SYS alto; Wanzie Davis of Detroit, ten- —ma wa : e 1c1lalis ’ aA Give to Servicemen ‘tem. eee lor: ‘and Robert Waterstripe, head) ST°wt® oviien in the increase of work and paneling. Chief of Police Ane bene METAMORA — MOMS Club,| of the voice department at Eastern’ ne activity,” effieints sai “One of the most pleasing Urge Rochester _|ctairman of the Goodfe Yan ve, meeting here this week at the| Members of the Birmingham and/ Michigan College, Ypsilanti, bass. y- laspects of the transition,” . bank last week, reported that re home of Mrs. Anna Cuske, is pro-|Clarkston Rotary Anns and Daugh-| Mrs. Scheuneman is chorus presi-| Another contributing factor was officials say, “was the almost total tO Plan Plant ceipts are not in yet, but he {cing Sratans cite fe cach ofA Sat thevens rama ee det . the need for added security on the use of local firms.” Only materials _ jestimated that over $800 dollars the 13 servicemen: in Metamora/@%4 gym at Stevens Hall, _ es # # party of both tellers and custom- not available in town were pur-/) ROCHESTER — The Village|WaS Collected. Township. Members also ex-| Presiding at the party were L. c| The group will reconvene early ers, they explained. chased from Detroit companies, Council of Rochester has received NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE changed gifts among themselves.|Megee of Clarkston, president of, next year to begin rehearsals for| The new plan, designed by De- they report. word from. The Michigan State | Will be sold at 197 8. Johnson a Ave. Next meeting of the group will be|the Crippled Children Society, and its Spring concert held annually|troit architect Erwin L. Broecker, Special features of Monday Health Department informing fp",'s* Me Ponting 3 MM Ne. ‘inn 9628. Jan. 14, at the home of Mrs. Rob-/Mrs. Elizabeth Kirkby, executive, during Easter season, Mrs. Scheun-|former Romeo resident, makes use night's open house will be refresh-|them that the Village should com-|190 Piymouth M No. P20 202525. Care ert Peretto, secretary. ‘eman said. ‘of all available space and segre-;ments and organ music. mence plans for a secondary sew- “4 *! stove address. Card of Thanks 1 __Help Wanted Male 6 _Help Wanted Female 7 Help Wanted 8| Building Service —_12| Furniture Refinishing | 164) Lost & Found = Share Living Quarters 30 SITTER, LIVE IN, VIC. MAN OR WOMAN FOR “g0oD A-) REMODELING. DRY “WALL, | aap “AIRING | ANTIQUES, A SPE. | LOST: _DACHSHUXD, BLACK, BACHELOR WILL SHARE NEW ais. is. Lk. PE 6-11}1, bo fy a ’ a. oe act you, Seo, tm closets, roofing. ;, Sains. sfalty. Pe eae short tail. “Jigger." home caliber fee bake Pastries, Mr. OE woe EPER TOR average” $2.50 to * ie per hour. Be eae Pie Pree eet. New| Insurance Agencies 17A iost> WeLBROS WRIST WATCH | _er'6. MA eaten. _ ERG 240 preter live ta. nar SER EST Ge dat eau ee aq i REM MODELING, ADDITIONS | “~~ INSURANCE in Krvogre, Rees, gold with medal | YOUNG Wonka” TO p10 SHARE APT. BABYSITT£R NEED"D IN HUv- n? as. Waterie fund Ulics ortinetes, jt ° . LOST: MALE BOXER 9 MOS. Wid, Contracts, _Mtgs. 3: 32 ens. trom Shop- area Exe: welerred. Rese ALL KINDS OF CEMENT WORK, OF ALL KINDS Fawn color, disck mesk, white on; J pine sere Pas? days. to te a | Realty Co. Kitword . 2-0000. Pe ba16, Or PE 40032. INSURE BY PHOND he test, Children's pet. Beward. PE | DONT SELL YOUR LAND com SALESMEN : L _ saat fg oa BE eee ae ~ tact until _you—havesean. _ ‘BILLER, AUTOMOBILE DEALER. SAL] erate {Aaiaghine fsith, semedel PRAT Nichole & Harger Co. 7 *9st round IREAOLE. “MALE: | caPrrot SAVINGS & LOAN CO. T ILKICOCAT A Exp. preferred. Some shorthand| Newly terms. Gordon Fiattiey, EM 3-0482. | 33 W_ HURON ST. —s PE. §-6183 | since. Priday 423 Lake. | 75 W. Huron 8t. »___ FE +0561 our LINGOEN at | | men or You quality, A -1 LAYING. SANDING & FIN. _side, PE 88400. Reward. oh it PARTY WANTS 1 LAND BE ay 7 = ce ME ae me - _| COUNTER HELP, he ce Rave p je plenty of eavertis- Licensed contractor, FE 3-1647. = LOST: MALE ENGLISH POINTER. ract. FE 2-600 set Severe see) = DIVISION | eitiatin® Soe be mars foniee uerisond Per servet | MAHAN REALTY CO. | “tig, t tMiee Sale TASES 7 Fer JERRY & ADAMS CO. |},comuare ape or aon: Ca ae oo ow | Reise at Ae 1 Sey Sees Ceeeet; . oO re ee naw 7s ee. Lost: —For— HIGHT | At our gers) to worehate 20 or 2 Mew Beary Samper fe)| | CURB | GIRLS °F —Mewe_St| "A&B TRENCHING | Laundry Service 18) “eros. Vie of Wateriord HS. ON | Searrucl and sootracts for "oat | Sirs, “wierd Stampers Mir & Ted's has a umber ot | Employment Agencies 8A) footings. water tins. Field tts. cae peal poiefea vic | Me POR DOW Matt oe — LOST: FEMALE POINTER, VIC. ' Petrasky, Faye. Ray openings for CY iris on. the FE 5-061. LACE CURTAINS PLAIN OR RUF- . ; A night shift. Must be 18 apply in led, beautifully finished. Pontiac | Waterford Twp. Hall. OR 3-3897. To Buy—To Sell—To E wist i MOT R person Yep ~ MIDWEST Building o¢ Remodeling ' Laundry. Phome PE 38101. LO8T: ENGLISH POINTER MALE S =te tnemne Ss ac - : or r prices. | FOR FAMIL: LAUNDRY, SERV- White. lemon color PONTIAC’S OLDEST £7 |- Bien O MOODWARD AT SOUARE LR. mD.| PLOTMENE ‘AGENCY ix | singe Pe Seals | fig: Ponte Laundry, FR) tie wait. ‘on sane)" MAHAN "3 CON: DRY WALL BY "FREE LOST: MANS RINGO, YELLOW a O name aad MTN Bere - = ay Eo Bg Lg job too big . Land ing 18A id mounting containing small | REALTY co., ° DEPENDABLE WOMAN. FoR| TIONS. o@ PONTIAC | Small Co handscaping = 18A diamond Reward. FE 2-8083 oiohee Evenings) and ed Sundays housework and -and-child care. STATE BANK BLDG. FE pea HAIN N SAWS LOST—8COTCH TERRIER, BLACK a Mearns ad aged onil-| 5227. ss Rented Biemovala Pur PE eeu6) or OR | Sridie, Male answers to BAMe) a. on ine St your eoutrect b drea ie alter 4:08 Rel 32006. yerest,” Missing ‘since “Sunday | before =: coors rabanaad Di R BIRMINGHAM cement wore. L. Fg GAS SNow PLOWING —— FE ua | Reward on pau "| Edw. M, Stout, Realtor 4, where will nian. 2 PRODUCTION ‘Dining Room OFFERINGS ELECT RIS HEDUOR DUAVICE TE. | —22:20 Der hour, Vie. Keogo Harbor. (Ost YOUR PET? WANT —TO | 17 W. Sacinew St. Fh. FE baie eer ea ga peelimes secure war| TRCRMEND Waitresses | Sati "uaat sat pe Se re ree nape Moving & Trucking 19, tor tat aed Fine} ~ CASH — AWAY, DEC. 10, : = i an A a 2 + 4 neteusanenenaae PP ne : - : BODY ASSEMBLY, | Ted's has a tim Birmingham Emplovm ;| SOORE MOVING. HOUSE RATE | ity of y Lake. OR 24814 prayers, WELDING, 7. ASSEMBLY i £, Hmited umber | of aa Vireingbam ing local and sone, distance. ib Ny Pe MOVING-HAU _Reward. ; : OP CONVEYOR alent ai Must be 18, apply in| —— PONTIAC Qosts ag 5 Com y.|cteasonab'e Rates. PE 5-3458 Lost poo. SHORT AIRED, SION son Linc _ |" Stkes ti Tor . ; 7 “TED'S EMPLOYMENT SERVICE Shick & Block WORE rin BLOCK WORK, FIRE-| We haul enytime, one seeing, 24373 or FE Soli Pour ead, contrast. ae DU _ WOODWARD AT SQUARE LK Rp. | 18 W. Huron FE £2553 | _viac ae pes. MY vitet | _place. Especially stock FE ¢203). SEALEY —INWEREPRING WAT ice We alee nee wcourtecua Pe PRODUCTION : BRICK. BLOCK AND CEMENT | AFTERNOON HAULING AND oe EY oll a NG MAT. "A. JOHNSON. Realtor : PROCESS Exp. Silk Finisher Instructions | work. Also chimneys. No job too anes, PE 5-0675. prewa. Lost be : N, Realtor Part Clean- Residential and Com ALL tween Orion & Clarkston. Call OR 1704 ENGINEERS: ers. Pa. REDE wont * quaranteed work. Ph. PE | © tet S000) FOR LIGHT | 34101. Reward. S. Telegraph Rd. @ EXP. IN ANY OF . 1. AIRLINES NEED YOU | _=s0% ‘Hobbies & Supp! es & Supplies 24A E + FOLLOW EXP. ONLY. om MUST Sock BRIG. CEMENT woax | SA0LING 7 > RUBIA NAME BODY IN WHITE, SOFT a |_Y¢ 2% of over @ N. Saginaw. | WANTED: Several wien | Pisoa fireplaces PE aaa, “One | Jour price FE 8.0005, = . women : : "EW 2 RD PAINT OR CHAS-| EXP. FOUNTAIN MANAGER, AP-| mediately for training for altrac- | GEMENT IS OUR SPECIALTY. | “CINERATORS CLEANED. a8 by umber se, arn ‘drames S18 & FINAL ASSEMBLY) y at once, Purtney Drugs, 2387| tive ried &8| Floors, basements, EM 3-4879. re en fit}, BACKENSTOSE. “1 : el Ze Bt site ae age apie | CHARLES 7009 | Se Cpe eRe DOSE | Lawrence Pa pile oe ; Ame an . : . FINISHER AND COUN- contractor. &, sanding otic am, bg oe Jem be jancole Division |e ter’ ee irl. Apply at Frank's Ciean- ace, ees * econ finishing. 290 Endwell. Walled Lx. “a TRUCKING & RUBBISH N es & Personal s 25 — o ubura ead ween 1 | MA it — AAA PRIVATE DETECTVES Donelson-Johns division when’ it begins EXPERIENGED WA WAITRESS ONLY, | 3. otis perecnailty Special CEMENT ce BLOCK ate peaey saves Ease Zoe? mind of worry. Know agg ea ) : occupancy of its Novi| exp om wintawo 2 TO LEARN | for women tainees. Oct the tacts! re rn Contract LIGHT AND HEAVY TRUCKING. | consultation. S-eae. tec. 1 wee. BA! ice i cashier, 18 yrs or older, Good| Write Universal Airlines Training arpen ntractin = FE 2-0609 ins GTR OR WOMAN NEED. : pct? office in March, 1957. salary. A in person, West; Center, Box §, Pontiac Press, ROUGH OR TRIM, GET OUR BID. HT TRUCKING AND RUBBISN| (2% ® “Shay: r F ; Town Food Center, 106 W. Hu- __OR _3-2276 hauling. FE 17-0766. Mrs. ee uaneiey P Prone FE | so —Tsepauiawenp WAITRESS — BEST WAY / ised workom Samm 7S wants wort. tall anytime, FE army 3 e3 “NOVI TOWN HALL Tyed. pert me, days FE! DRIVING SCHOOL | runnate “REPAIR, CoeeRINO, Aerotred Knapp Shoes | Voorh iple $:3) to § GENERAL orrice curex| Sc.rsf" VF tim "% "PE | roca sasoma—oco-ricom | [TUCKS to Rent |xmser Be "on sm FUNERAL HOME Saturday, Dec. 15 tals of Customer correspondence, | —2ot1_Nereer Cooley cane | 2 en Bll, PE TRUCKS TRACTORS pits Buren FE S381 #9 Mary, ations sedyanend Sonic Pres Bex eee WEMe | ay at J°-ghPE WAY” DRIVER ao BLDG. REPAIR eae } gakars te BF. re Dorothy's, PE sine —_ Cemetery Lots 5 | i0cAt ROUTA OPEN POR wan | BOUSEKEEPER 4 IN FAMILY, Ba PE Lae Res. FE aie | _tr) FE 42200 : | need Trailers and tractors FOUND: A NEW | HILLBILLY Wanted Real Estate 32A pone ried ‘man with car who needs to| jive, it, modern conveniences. GUARANTEED | ROOFS — ALL Pontiac Farm and playing every Thur, Pris sat | * ery, valued gt 00er ilk eel byr appointment tment. No cot, ‘eane ee EEPER WAKTED _Work Wanted Male 10) _353'w.cass_rE 2-02. me 2006.| Industrial Tractor Co, |—S24 Sun_at Serta’ "| for $500. PE 9-4307. and sslesman. Call Puller Brosh, PE 5-632. at work. xewa| _ ROOF REPAIRS Open ‘Baty Gacluding Sunday In Debt? . ; 22018. INSURE YOUR MERRY CHRIST | Tepes FE 42210. — FE $0 PE 401, FE #1442 SOLD OUT ip. overgremm | for | AN W. RR RAWLEIGN | ‘wes! Earn Christmas money sell- | CARPENTER. PHONE EM 3-4080 TOUSE MS TNO FULLY owloin caer Sa tetel.| Sur calesmen yous fe great, decorations, a. p7 business in Pontiac experi- Avon’: nationally advertised ev. Sundays, EM 32418. uipped FE 4-0450. L. A. ¥. REDUCED RATES IGAN rl , COUNSFAL- but we need your listing. if ¥0 ~ Perry, ea qote needed to start. Gales ency sets, PE 44308 Charhie_ Swett ' | 308. FLEMING FLOOR LAYING. Maing en teers Tot Smite Above Oakland Thester-Peposé-|- Save cereal pe eee: we ata -tmemectataty, rae fwieat AE Hyer my Have eer | tere Se” e Pesksertone, PE | Pe stay eS Se Pe v0 DELL CARTAGE | Mitre “tna” Git ‘shop. “Wik Soret | ERTY. We ‘Save’ ata" afm * —- od le * ie 4 HOMPHRIES fs |— MAN WANTED or Soba.» Gat, Bean Aveo Rep~ | SXpiWETR FORMICA AND PIN: |'"or Glan bene S. garacen FE [2% “Od, Lone, Distance Moving. Sundays’ apt evenings ti curiae | for SMALL “Fanits ‘elt a0 |Punne ag LOT ai, | To, train Jo Heating & air eon-| Fo. Box ‘eo 1 Ae ES Tie | gaeetes—a OTLB E Wai | VELRITE 2 TOM Stage TRUCE | Tom's Maree we can ane 's TO, convenience, ea ete | aaa eee | = LINCOLN - | See. Sites Sie Sarge | Sees ces ce aoe | ony iy Baranya sere Sa Help Wanted Male 6 | “3%, WANTED FOR RA erper =f _— ditions and | remodeling. FHA Painting & Decorating 20/ », late Jom Broners ‘tial ence to start Sales @ make CARPENTE WANTED, | S3ag. * = and. sists ane one youl: A Permanent Position | $2, "yy send. Sart tmmear DIVISION aa eniy O36 iG, SvTDER 7ipoR LATING | 4, CorOM, Ierenion, PEC | ZAGAaTse a Humphries _MOk-owia: rreeports Hi." OF work. |New and mi vee = eet Oe ae. Phone FE WORK GUARANTEED. CALL OR Fa eck ne: Call Arby re Police Officer Pin BOYS. & & WEEE : Me nN. N Telegraph Open "E tities Wek sae os, Motor Yen Resrestion. FORD IVTERION CARPENTRY, REFATE TRENCHING AND iri CUSTOM DECORATING. WALL ON AND APTER THIN DATE ANG |“ stultbie Cistin Bere sene + Foutige Police ice Dept. T ] d MeO ere DAB CARPER BULLDOZING papering. steam service. Com-) Githert and his dance alan ior co 6] Cf 00L Gna MOTOR MID. Aine edd joes i PEN’ |. D. Tompson PE dot | oT Se | Thee, a ae ee ever SELLING. YOUR a as Thur, Pri. Set. and Sun. night. > “Requirements |. Product | 4VA\4 ANAT Bata “Building Supplies 12A| _PE cais’ "Nt tnt removed | ow an! ROPERTY? fs p 21-28 ( : e in curyie, may ‘ NG. so00 80. FF ov vlan %" Puy. | eateriee. Paver hanging. wv] | TRICK CK DOG FOR HIRE pects, You save tines wad’ bret. BESS UE) Designer | ae Or peRr| Sead OF MR st ar pane pee er | Se ee Sas | EL SLES sere ‘ATE ENTRANCE, 1 tuk. 100 Rorwn. 3 ‘of [ “, OM gor a a —! ] ROOM & KITCHEN PRIVATE eotrance, washing, close in. FE near bus line tt June. FE VT. _ centr, a WE 2-563. BROKER repen gpveiza-0e— vane ice Johnson Se352 Patera "| SMALL FiRn. APAR vate bath & o6e0 . » AT - bow Lk. 3 rm. apt. Pvt. entr, EM ers, $16 & mo. } ELY FURN. APTS. childre: . ’ .. nee $20 a wk, sags LAROS 3 BOOM & LARGE LOV ay 4 & aATa Pine ee, glass near Watkins Adults, $05. Ph, OR 3-194, aeiy turn, Prt. front god Com: Sone eS pe? WS. MA 42680. . PARTLY PURN. 4 ROOM Cy Heat furn, No children, Ref, es | Se PRIVATE APT. CLOSE IN AND clean, FE +5633, TMENT, . Nice for cow 37153. a No children. A & FP only. Rent Apts. Unfurnished 34 L770. | «Adults only yas Aubare Ra. PE PURN;- | 1-892. : Cider |? = Geteenne. ie Hovey off Got Be Tirisseeeairenee td : furn “RMS GROUND FLOOR, Pri- Sere entranee and bath, close in. OR 31375 ADULTS, ONLY. 164 W. PIKE, AND 3 RAL MODERN CABING 7 AND 3} RM_ MODERN C 8 424 Dixie 7 ROOMS WITH PRIV|, APT. 3015 Auburm Rd, 4, _Stale BW, Jonmson, 98 James Bt. 4 BATH, ALSO room ba come, ir "Park Piace, n?_ Seems |B Sa Will lease for 6 mi Williams Lake Rd. 3 ‘ modern, oil heat, rURNISHED | jp O75. C411 5 / NICHOLIE Se Nr) 42>. om, “Sy Pa — Cegauae , ™ : aa ‘Van, tog W, Put, mn. a U6 oy mk aren, ba 12-13 : s up, Lmthrough with women!” “Tl wait another three days and if she doesn’t show Rent Houses Unfurn.-36 LA AN OP OE PON A A os 4013 24411 days or Sn Dorothy NT.|1 LARGE LIGHT HOUS _Tw . 362 8-20 (¥ ROOMS & BATH, PHONE FE x Roonts 37 eine teem ___For Rent, im beds. 36 Norton. Th “LAKEFRONT in garage. u ou, with terms. shown by &p- CRAWFORD AGENCY Preteen eid Sie & EM 330 AT UNION LAKE OFFICE room a | parva. full Wath” “ull basement, Aluminum screens & storms. A good buy at $7,960. Easy Terms. ‘Union Lake Pav 5 rooms, full bath. eam, oak floor, pias- We have other exc. buys on and off the water to choose from, T. G. TROCKE Realtor 1648 Union Lk. Rd. EM 34e7t Fempleton WILLIAMS LAKE $ room basement, i heat ' 500 ft. of bes yard : $1,000 down. K. L. Templeton, Realtor Pr) Rd. FE 44663 Oreiaher ¢- OR. 31708 teh | Price Reduced this | Elizabeth Lake Estates per HW. Mietont 6 seems nome 6 An Exceptional Farm a ; nee ae. Very tila! 4 u ee of ic tly Live stream on rear of property. Nothing Down ~atg ees Rand eee N “Se sah * home for ‘ady only. #3208 in end on SF" ecnoet re children. PE 4-896. ip- aged Rooms With Board 38 1 OR 2 CLEAN MEN. cON- Convalescent Homes 38A OAKLAND COUNTY CONVALES- CENT REST HOME INC. Hotel Rooms Johnson YOR BETTER HOMES garage, basement. Low and. ror a 6 i m Prevings otter eal! Mr. JOLL, A. JOHNSON, Realtor 1704 S. Telegraph Rd, FE + 3 BEDROOM NO MONEY DOWN = in Union Ihe. “eteed tor wick “tale, EM adisl or EM MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE IT 18 WITH PARDONABLE. PRIDE that, ~ — this ie ing room and e room ts @ full laxtl. The bedroom is 16.8x- USSELL A. NOTT, REALTO! 170 W. Pike — Rie 5608 within, 10 @.m,. to 4 p.m. Indianwood, Lake Orion. FOR RENT OR LEASE New § room T, 5 RMS. dime | ~ HOTEL AUBURIN BIRMINGHAM “yh at Tan Hh ble “ t. Central—% block Parking. BROOCK 300 S. Woodward, OFFICE mela Moor, ‘an Welt. ons 3-1355, ait OFFICE SPACE ~ FOR RENT AUBURN HEIGHTS FE 5-9293 FOR RENT, For Rent Miscellaneous 42 B.S): . Modern style deco- rations, Bright, airy kitchen has birch rds and + oe, say with view of the . A zeor erage. Five ov sds to the ranch style. See it now. IN ELIZABETH LAKE ES- TATES—Is just the home ‘ou are for. A lov a beautiful eae ek ak ebsink te wielew in inator, auto. privileges. Only $15,200. INDIAN elous VILLAGE — Gre home of Bham., MI 46709) RAY O’NEIL, Realtor 102 sone BE 1103 or OR $5028" Pioneer » GI —No Down Payment ‘down payment | Eli concrete | flome- Fy full basement, “nt COPPER REY. Has 6 All very low at $14,500, KINZLER Lares Famay | Home + SUBURBAN RANCH rick, 3 bedroom, 2 fire- large recreation Russell Young} D MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE IN Ouistending 3 bedroom brick home in A-i condition. Larger- rooms Ey room on lot, and with new ter ener, Automatic oil ‘beat, sea "bk 89,200: Payments $65 month, Located 3 miles West a, ! tl i | hae ' i x 3 | Hie ze r] 2 14 B. Eves. rue 49584 TR i oly MnTE ae ri f ¢ if Leslie R. Tripp, Realtor Fe “Sele or PIO baa08 “| Partridge lg THE “BIRD* TO SEE NR. WEBSTER. SCH. SUBURBAN 3BEDRM. ros NORA ssa WARD. E.’ PARTRIDGE REALTOR | FE 43681 1050 W. HURON ST, : ia | MopEL tered ple ook tos full ase: | THE PONTIAC “PRESS, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 13, 1956 For Sale Houses 4“ For Sale Houses 43/SLICE OF HAM C. HAYDEN, Realtor. Walton PE #0441 Open Eves. OP _ EVENINGS 6 TO 9 867 Cass Lake Road wall. GIT for the tools family be this charming bric _ BR toe ot'new modern grade rf idwin =, school, Oak ors, plas-| birch and man very other . features. G corati terms, down mort- DR) gece conte Pontiac rd lot or. road, left to ake road. right te head feet me RAY’ O'NEIL, Realtor ph Open #8 ‘atte Cass Lak 150. Exc. siounen hoor ol rt « $400 DOWN a ~ JEM ‘WRIGHT — REALTOR Oa PE 5.0441 Has RIVI- _, $600 down OR 35-4426. ‘Buy Thru Partridge List Thru Partridge $650 DOWN & soerkiios © peom 2 beth bee galow with picture window. plus reom- hot wae | ter heater, located § miles EB, of ion oft subara. Priced cz $885 DOWN Ss ~ White > clean. Priced at just $3060 $475 DOW N LaSalle Park location, w VAR gant, small home in +4 ot ” Price $3060, Do R. D. RILEY, Broker 500 Elizabeth Lake Rd. PE 41157 INVESTOR'S S SPECIAL Nice 7 rm. frame. 3 yra -. ree tot, $0x140 $5,300 cash ecre wethlocated | 7 rm. remodeled farm on - Hacks jand- top, banesies. seat wed ROC. COPPENS RETY. ! PAS ore DOWN AND WILL CBA C'PANGUS. Realtor LT | os Sees st CNatieoat: ee tage ae A. TO 9:00 P.M. rch subdivenen. Ri bedrooms yaa only wy & month Meceniy per taxes and in- i. surance. ‘ GI — No Down Payment at 0 Model located : of Kennett 13 ioe | OE 2-038). 1 mile WwW of WILL ACCEPT TRADE f jot, or pay #380 Da. build op jot. OR 3-1497 WE TRADE ELIZABETH LAKEFRONT. my to see t $39, RENT WIT OPTION. This charm- ing Elizabeta lakefront home bas | room possibilities ad teplace. Excellent beach, at $4.- MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE 3 ~ Located in Drayton round Plains with Anchor f & entire 80x! jot. Mas tile bath, auto. of] heat, footing in for ga- zege and very neat and clean 1 price $11,000, s2500 WEST SIDE -— 2 bedroome with full basem: “bas auto. heat hot water also good garage. Full price $7,650 with 92,000 ae down, FOUR FAMILY — Located near , 000, me. mane ay “ten ka TH arr M TELWOOD REALTOR | 143 Cass Elizabeth Rd. #78 Baldwin Ave PE 46205 FE Patt or PE 43844 | i $14,950 | Will butld a 3 bedroom full base- ment brick ranch home with 16x22 4 bedrm. home | with | ‘tor $15,950. | = Bor sits ae Prop 44 $550 Down 4 rooms, and bath on %4 finished acre, all d only and two apartments up are | faretsed Full price 5.500 with | verms, George R. Irwin | REALTOR 268 Baldwin Ave or FEL 8-0585 | MIDDLETON SPECIAL | Located om paved street 4 blocks from dewntewn this eozy 2 family home consists of full basement, auto “ water, FE 5-010 ““farge reems aad bath tor owner; $23. pe at ae $17,500 With 87.850 down and $80 per month, nougilie R. Middleton FE 6-400) re - 4 1 EVES. a NEAR NEW BE ate Mint ti Prevent waste of time by listing your ‘property exclusively with CHAPIN: REAL ESTATE 4701 Dixie Hwy., Drayton Pisin, y ‘Amnett Inc. REALTORS OR 3-1223 Eves, MApie $1040 VACANT mo. to qualifies eo of tne living em Kitchen. . ¥, es, location. Near State. ba} | wat Pull “LOVELAND it Saat aed ne Keege, Basher : $495 DOWN 2-487 41861 ‘a reas “dows payment. on netutiog FY ona a: bath thie ute & room home sen ndtge Park Re Ne. ec: =e WILLIS M. BREN Wi ER 53 N. Parke PE ¢-5181 FE 8-0628 MA 5-7581 PE 5-174 “ bad m3 3 & a Ieal eomfortab: ving. HERE'S A & , to- ‘ be ~¥ at cated ard McConnell School that a Fwd bedrooms can easily severses to in-) Tovamneat, good atoker come a ediate pos- eat, 2 tar , PE 5-5068 after 6 bus. located te town on west side just $12,000 oo DIXIE CORNER A wonderful business corner fust 3 APTS a tile from a hey Plains, 125 | f 120 feet deep, ideal r any small business, a TER- RIFIC BUY AT $23,000 with ie. BEST BUY Here is & most unusual parcel, Diste Highway end iake, hea lovely view of small isiand on lake 13 miles from Pontiac ce .| Edw. M. Stout, | Realtor TiN, Saginaw St Open Eves, til) Dre: » _| Gold & Silver {Melt Away This Home -_ re, 2 re <2 Mndncaoed & fenced back yard, and screens pan wes suburban sabe, Ohh terme WM. A. KENNEDY) 3 Dorothy Soden t Lavender west De INCOME — 2-Famity, KEEGO HARBOR motel or restaurant, has 35 feet. on both FE 5-8165 — SELL OR TRADE DE OME 18H IN- $500 NEW § ROOM RANCH TYPE MOST MATERIALS. COMPLETELY Fi CLUDED IN DEAL. DOWN OR TRADE _f-R-4VALUET, Realtor 1. Perce ck LISTING sei SERVICE “WEST SUBURBAN 3 bedroom ranch, attached ga- rege, priced fer quick sale C. HOUSTON, REALTY | ~ FE $6331 ; . - For Colored F milies Neat ap large i" pacement A few new 2 and 3 bedroom | cw, - Mrs. a St., phone FE 2-6412 John Kinzler, Realtor 670 W. Huron St. GROOM BRICK me i Ly fs carpeted and fin- im red cedar paneling with fn drawers and closets. Pro- itp : fee lovee i ffl c s zp E i EB i a8 zk Established in 1916 NEED | 4 saencces ? =— Well lo- rth end modern home. . & ven down. Has 2 nice bed- rooms up 100 f frontage on pores | street, 1\s-car wore, ee: Ay chape, a 950" down ws. Oniy $200 down. plus | Asbo | ood shape $ warm pleasant | tile bath, | 3~bedrom bungalow, yw ft im, WEST SIDE -— -_ down, va cant, move Ontant 7 large | rooms & ‘Ddath, well pa ent | newly decorated, part oll heat vaeetae pl oar ; pn r sell for $7.950 | FLOYD KENT, Realtor | Dixte Hwy, at Telegraph | AMPLE CUSTOMER PARKING _ : Gls $250 DOWN. NEW 3 BED. ROOM HC OM Mes Wire 4 BEDR RO OM éubER H CALL U8 TODAY. EALTOR-BUILDER RUSSELL YOUNG 412 W. Huron 4-4525 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE GATEWAYS to RENT BEATER ny gt00 down, sed HEIGHTS own an 1 year old, Neat, clean and close to school, Bar ar-B-Q pit, fruit. Off Sashabaw Road, quick possession. ARNOLD REAL ESTATE FE 50676 FE $-5783 210 8 Telegraph Ra Houses LARGE AND SMALL IN- anc outside of Pontiac ROSE McLARTY, Bkr. 2-2162 OR FE 5 5-3578_ O'NEIL ' _ J ___ For Sale He Houses; 43 ~ ROCHESTER AREA session of this 2 bed- room rge utility room, 2 lets, 2 car garage near shopping Full price, $7000 $158 down. ALL OLIVE 1 Maurice Watson, Realtor - tL Wo Fifth se Rochester ' WILL SELL OR ‘SWAP 4 ROOMS | & bath, garage, FE ¢- Maal WEST SIDE. 2 BEDROOM POLL | basement. near bus ping center $8,750 a $1350 down or will sacrifice cash to) _mortgage. PE 20681. | MODERN 7 RM HOME AND 3 ooo good soil. 10 miles N. of lo - ‘ MEAG: * REAL ESTATE Oxtord, ol ee HOUSE FC + ae merce Rd. 350 OOM. 'S ee A REAL FAMILY HOME in a fine West Side Area CLARK | == 3} BEDROO! This GI BRICK MENT BASE. e St ranch in °S3, For Sale Houses GILES North of City 43 Butts tp 1052 $2,100 wil! han- dle this neat 2 bedroom home on 2 acres Plastered walls, cove ceilings. rd- wood floors, full basement, suto oi! furnace, and many more features Suburban € room moders home on 16 acres of good land. Can be pom | for $2,000 bo tab call }- Bedroom Ranch heat. Large charm, see it GILES REALTY CO. $3 W. Huron &t. FE 54-6175 For Sale or Exchange 50 50 | LAKE QELAND. MERRIE OAKS 4 { comer lot 100130 im Auburn Hgts, 80466 Open Evenings and Sunday 1 - 4. Ww ‘kin ~~ | -INCOME-FOR SMALL FARM | so _Wath INS Anh geceph— ~ ae 2 oF more = Lake Front — | Bitz Seemp'iuitieg o's Sem Located on wothine La Lake's eaclusive ‘ * - te wold full | eauity $214,000. here you Saromeat Nome bac lek fasts | rig, Gms, deus Haie, 126 ropes & 00 ft. ot | cf \ FE 46-4813. re $20,508 with 93.000 | Business Opportunities 51 HOLM SBARTRAM — rn geeeneeeenneees 4202 WE COVER em ew 5| | THE STATE _ dedrm; ultra. "Owner moving. FE secs. ts the. TAKEFRONT 3 BEDROOM Wop | DAT? ‘fad SDD 84 coated” in $f, carpeted. venetian blinds at-| ce ef town, Thumb section. ed wd an give year's m ¢@ rm ving @ rs. and $1233 summer months. ius Rquor oener we Mh yrs, 34411 days or MU 46417 eves, Takes $15,000 to handie inc. real ‘Dorothy Snyder Lavender | estate BUT WHAT A TERRIF1 | REALTOR pangal Nt 'He W Huron FE 24411 TETY j MU 6417 Eves. aren, now snowmg. het ‘pret ot For Sale Lots 46) tory ait handle. ‘Completely ~~“| stocked and doing good business oe anredy “to wear plue variety STATEWIDE $1200. Cherokee Hills, , $2,000. Drayton Woods. several choice Real Batate force ot eon? | @ lots ner cast Seow. | 1727-8. Telegraph ___F2 _ a “ . STORE FOR RENT M50 and“ OXx- Cofnmercial on Baidwin Ave. six-| DoW Lake. EM 34062 and EM 124, close . 23416. Mima lake. G00 | terae,| Buy Thru Partridge List Thru Partridge. Roy Annett Inc. Ave. 180 ft. troniage. oa Perry % £. Huron HOME SITES 70 BOY 40 Ee WEST SIDE PARTRIDGE IS THE “BIRD” Say eh tees GAR homes Pave tree's appreved| —— on yg, mules from ctine. Low Hardware — Bottled Gas as *NORT TH SIDE 112 ft. on Woncoes Huron and several On busy highway tn Roch- enter area. Excellent salabie You'll like tts close-in Elizabeth Lake Ré. 1 mile west Extra large = roliim ing Riltop ste. } Our new truck with a view for mie ea. One of as yusiness, estab- 4 ® the county Re ja and Sroming eac homes, On 6 fa @ money maker and you can take ad- Ladd’ s, Inc.) = Gas Station and Grocery 4286 DOR |} i831 fhe Mere ts «6 real opportunity ~ = —— to grow with an capeet- ig manity. ‘our’ -. vee FOR SITES room quarters are in- FOR BETTER eluded as well as valuable Cherokee Hills! highway frontage. Perfect the advantages ot | for husband-wife operation. 9 HFC Hous FIC 3% 8. Saginaw St. me Imad. floor. ‘Money to Loan 83 — INVESTORS WANT ED — “4 ‘OnE 4 _W. Lawrence St, FE 41638 ehold tion ts America's made withow is fast. Money usually the same da). Phone or stép tn. , BORROW WITH CONFIDENCE yoneoks, Laas Household Finance Corp. of Pontiac Kay Bidg. im 204 comed, precia 431 MICHIGAN BUSINESS | 290 BARNSTON _ 1808 $25 to » Ee L F WH signatu budget you $5 COMMU NITY LOAN ‘co. NCE endorsers F Buckner C natomers Are Happy Folks Boekner s Employes serve with @ smile in the most friendly manner. Tt ts easy to deal at Buckner's, where courtesy and kindness are shown to everyone and borrowing is a pleasure Provide for your immodiete er future happiness Teta toe for @ cash credit account company where you are wer SS end your patronage ts ap- Leone vo O08 up to 26 months BUCKNER FINANCE COMPANY 23ND FLOOR, RATIONAL BLDG., PONTIAC i. DExie HIGHWAY YTON PLAINS WALL. VAN DYKE LARe LOANS AWRED A, SOs NDLY SER’ EN YOU see £95 to $500 You can get it Rie 1 ct ) a4 Car fuveteute. re Payments We will ° qed suis your money SPATE INANCE CO. ha One of th 1 h . = os E * weraave Sate orioge | Beaubien inbetertcan th CAREW: BIRD, Realtor | SALES CORPORATION | _1™ Footy sai, pane Bite Sepineeee ae Wats; | Sets gente ee o Gomsinty watnal ack ag, |OUR MRD PRBEE® | 3 schoot for your chtidren tiled floors, tubs and drains, gas PE +a Eves, FE +58 1382 Need $500 Price be ind epproxt: furnaeeé, sium. storms _PARK AT OUR FRONT DOOR With test. cow te and ¥ c costs eens bem. te rieous service will move you for 3800 down wien “paymenta ay sa Buy Thru Partridge. WRAT ARE YOUR PLANS on parmencs to Dt your budget? 0 ™m t ne _ rand bal rier 1 em yOu shew ¥ iw RAY ONEIL, Realtor | xe! anf torurance: Loceied eo | home. Wiener tet | List Thru Partridge __| "MERE ARE YOU ONO | inceca niente oe . e Pontiac. basement and } mms Ex- ‘Bi 7 ARE YOU interested in a | Parkin sh new 262 8. Telegraph Open # - » terior ‘all completed. Pull. bath, UILD NOW = potnnsg adi private consultation rooms ewatt Pe siete __OR sae) ane OR RTE | SLU Sasa aes | ea at Tuts | | Hewraed gated ote | Ew Sy ir, Ve oir ea . 7 ’ a f BALDWIN - Lovely 2 bedroom. | terior ls finished Brick end se d inte 4 Ey x) miles frow, ety fit mene ar pres ora your™ J Pome a A billige Soller fe H & A t large ving room win picture living room.” combined kitchen tself & save many collars, | = ERBERT DAVIS petmenent pesition see im- ome uto bath, large tility reem, bi cn fait es jot “50° 300 tect $950 DOWN — Cozy two bedroom 4% oy rt ek Po nok na a eimity. Pu’ training pro iL landscaped ot Oniy 7980 full) Pu, brice only s8700 bungaiow Carpeted ving & diD- “pontiac. oe, PO. BOX OS) rem, sare vhile you wars, | LLOON Company arpete : BEAUTIFUL WOODED LOT IN insurance «nd jan 1 N. Perre Street near ouxiaxo avenve -/ 3.asonoow manens supun| ELC Were ae ke es “Ramer Rygmy maces all] Steeda |” eck pate | e isting of @ large pe particulars . . b r tage, fenced yerd. call = this room separate dining room, __Portiae Datly Press. ene, Ti is @ steal only 9600 down steel Kitehen, bath with | $800 EAST SIDE — Modern bun- For Sale Acreage 47 ~ MOTOR TUNE-UP SHOP _Mortgage Loans 54 WILLIAM LAKE AREA Beau shower weility room cena w with -_ basement Large eae As ow g ~~ 7 Pully equipped tor of cars. Lotest | ~~ ee ~ - walls, 7 reens electron ‘uipm 2 cl. loca. = a bath roe fou? Priced at ey with $080 Cas floors “ sutomatic gas @, ACRES oF PRS Sa nd LAND. | tion. Respons party can buy on LO: DANS 50 to $1, 300 miche lined" th sidive “Geers SUBURBAN INCOME $12,980 west SIDE — Large 3 For Sale Farms 48 :30_p.m. _ . bones yank or pot, ‘= ween aed driven Rout Went| naz, oroome down including 3 a modern home in very ~| Buy Thru Partridge 2 For home additions or im- ‘ . ¥ Lens i" NEA: ewnings. on 1 acre of very best room moderna Eitchen, bath. oak ome or ideal for reomers. 3 vedroom reach home vith lake | List Thru Partridge LA h-in er enclose grace with orehardt beret . plastered waits, fult base-}— ¥ ivileg: turn: hous c 5 Ties. Cash to mortgage. ment. Bute ite ‘neat! while up| Paved St 2 car gar. A - erased floors ie ‘ear i bath. RENT BEAGT® SHOP SPACE. 44 {To build a garage or on ¥ well with new et pump. 7 JIM ith bath, private Extra with, $. Go rigages. Lar Not. Pric Priced at $12.50 with 913.000 WEST SUBURBAN —Brand =e. 2. po ® poply 209 National Buildt é WILLIAMS — | #¥ com. Bi “Yeors a "putefed PLateas Soto. \*” Romeo, ates Partridge eee 4 S wells. fi lot. ; wa 55 1218 Baldwin Aveo CLARK RI REAL | ESTATE Exceitent rice replace Avtomat.| Buy Thru Partridge e eee? Erenings Ty Sandaye en List Thru Partrid 13 THE “BIRD” TO SEE ty ase POR Oyen ypewriter. MA 6-2836 NEAR COMMUTER | Multiple _Listing_Service__!| 1 H. BROWN, Realtor | ¥OR PARies AND a cre oe A FINE 19 UNIT MOTEL plus | TRADE 37° BLOND CABINET TV eB 5 or NOTHING DOWN _ 1962 W. Huron Ph. Pe 2asio | Call OR }11.), PE 4-000), $ room owner's apt. and drive-| for 17” 21" table jel and Moser | 3 podroem home, ic Por 2 month: only, we will build Multiple Listing Service bts es ge OL AND Bens — - er gar cash. FE 23-7720, 313 8. Pad- 4 e house on tT property for = course i . wares plastered walls, oak nothing down For further details! AJ J. ELECTRIC PLUS |," ay ee w _ | of main Beghwar trentege_ Own | # WANTED: JEEP OR A OWHERL rs, . . ‘ INN. ._ Huron drive truck. 31360. Grive-in. Wil trade! Puil et sckonts tremperttien | |RED/HORSE CORP. | 4 nome ait oy o, master sinc: | WF, AGRE R.| price sonSon co terme and stores. Pull price. #10 | 019 Casein. Ra. FES siectri¢ gadgets oars always Bkr TAVERN on busy main street 050, terms. = ; x : wanted. Lik at |8@ ACRES IN LAPEER COUNTY wntown business district of J. A. Taylor $500 =| Series Se ae | Rare St TRADE ie control. A large § ton capacity Must be seen. Total price $17,000; handles, Will accept home air condition wired for sher ° REALTOR INSURANCE end dryer. derp Treese, and elec- Pioneer Highlands : stave, many more features “Rid eway ESTABLISHED RESTAURANT Long. low ranch home with 100 Oakiand Ave, Open Eves. |. e Free Parking yen appreciate. This home is oonretion in. downtown depart- attached garage on 2 lots. FE +2544 w cond. with (915 Baldwin ave. ent store Efficient ter-stool 27 ft. living room with fire. floors, gp tegen owe ceil- system with seating for 42. Teation and ON 1 ACRE ings, 12 dining area. A large ( | ARKSTON Over $70,000 gross om short hot water heat. Just across N NEAR CLARKSTON and picture window iar cersiece ~ 180 da. plus stock ") Gwner will t Gouble drein boards and staintess| REAL ESTATE INC. ek and clear heme in ac! EXCELLENT 3 BDRM, HOME Here's a rea: chance to own that| steel sink, 3 Large bedrms., Ce- WARD FE. P ARTRIDGE sure to see this immac- dream home just $500 down.| ramic tile om floor and walls of - f ‘ss tate t rm. ries oo frame ve has brick| bath. Attached, heated gar sgh UILDERS, LOOK! | REALTOR FE 4-3581/ a home with new - cedar shates siding, 3 bed-| gas Timken furnace. Pi r box , the Lakeville REAL ESTATE & BUSINESSES nace, water heater, incin- rooms, extra large hi room, with all nice lawn and shrubs. “Farms, van ie $560 per acre, erator & s bathroom, ki end Lot 725x278 ft. fenced with a white THR ’ cupboards & closets. Nice It's partially board fence. Located on a paved | 9: Max® soar Clarkston. #300 per| 1050 W. HURON ST. ; floors sy roush wiring. noes, ane = Siecse 8 een Oy oe epnintm ed acre, a pe OPEN EVE, TIL 5 me paved’ > Jeivate ‘ante. miles from Clarkston. Yours for| only, — © sctes, rolling, $200 per | Z a7, SUPER SERVICE sTA Brick Ranch pine centers. Aoki ing 613.008 one! “own ms 40 acres, ail tillable level land.| Seniors call FE 30173 | With all the-“éftrad: 1% . . . home, outbuildings. eT Ss Ba ae baths, 3 bedrooms and den pouession™ Barly Ci ue +o _ HERE IT IS! $20,000 with’ $5,000 down. ee ae hod fr Ne con Rew carpeting ahd" drape 1's acre home on main toad, only a ' City, Write ation to ; , roughout, - - ke 2 Mi. from Pontiac. FE 20635; if no answer, call MA : oven and range. Breeteway CLOSE-IN INCOME es pie 2 ar S on i rin itt eicellen ‘view $5821. Lewis Jenson, 27 8. d attached a garage. 7” j . q * s., + hom re mere as. furnace REAL ESTATE INC. full ath, 8 fing dcar garage. Sale Business Property 49 BAR OWNERS payment, rect Oe Dart auto. a * . . rkston, Prope: . . dear gar, Income $81 Wk MAple 5-581 home is only 5 yrs. old, Bee i Repair Garage and Wie Dow have m ou: files st least Asking $16,500 - terms. 11 b00. Pal . ly pa ge n wards to $20, and $25,000 and f 1 K 7 (965.00 DOWN & 865.00 MO No Do Down Payment ’ —~or Gas Station | __ mere for 8 Seve ees ce. < f/\ | >) sao _ Those are the te this ; . rae, tw wrehucr “at | Sian tat SET eetea WHITE BROS. Maul eyage, oie, sod weck| all" promi verpefeneed spere| + LLL. Outside ia finished, inside starte enna Now a ee ing ¢ deal, Realtor Part- . bal Wo i> * isuidgecet Martee || BS conte vata aa igh hoy 4 een A Open Evenings. co. Sivas LAKE pee Byes “vi? Bun _1 to § for’ many years Owner selling| Sale Land Contracts 52 3 bedroom andi poner bd t : ’ * on. After 6, call OR . City of ¢ of Oxford | JOHN NEW LAND CONTRACT, $1500 DIS- pe distance to Webster that will count, on smal] 4 rm. modern, Builder wil} ac CIVILANS make ¥ your I payment. Private K IN: /; ER built on full acre, $4000 will han- cept smaller & HARGER CO. “ ot. e. JERRY E. ADAMS CO. | 33_W. Huron $-8183 5 with terms REALTOR REAL ESTATE yi " TI . W. Huron 5-4510 3173 W, Huron St. _NEW Pua _ ROOMS Six-Room Home Phone PE 41825 or fe 2-000 | == | J - ad _ anc ar mt . a i A AREAL a oo = , ee de . ce only $7400 with Page at wary WHY PAY RENT ng Large ar ‘ room ity fal, basement, : NS Ea’ mertnee core ONLY $3590 DOWN | ZAM IEE eR | BEM Semen | BewWamcteare: | East Side neck tannace $13,200 with term large developm: Bepee pe bs Fad home In tiacs: best locations $33.70 MONTHLY L pres income sab ease ae 31103 or oamte, the = ce 2 large bedrooms, extelient kitch.| | Plus Taxes & Insurance Tri-Level Home bs) ment, ges eS : ea: A fe pear an oe Basement level a onto PONTIAC REALTY 4 M to 33 ana ery storm | ms ie, speratong eet sory te Lose aa for ees on ane a TOTAL PRICE geome, pareredd toms and YE bens (State Licensed Lenders) ren ie . and house is very neat and “Ust0 0 Business, Home |-~~~ gees a ed LOW DOWN PAYMENT — ONLY A FEW LEFT clean, Total price e0eee with wt feet of valuable 5.8, 10-Dinwe TEAGUE FINANCE CO. ATE : - fo room x21 wn! ee »*Loads of Features edwhitiibets.w Excelient aot a. eat: 202 N. MAIN lake privileged. Full price saso0.| All mprovements In YI . room modern ne could easy ROCHESTER, MICH. ; a 2family. A wonderful inv: LOANS TO $800 4 IVAN W MODEL OPEN DAILY | GA LORD Masta ishemt on acne” com- A ; bination. on terms, LSCHRAM (“Orsi Sha" |etincysime| “seer Sonn ateleine ae Mt ee ar High Stretton ME one OS | 2-BRICK- STORES | Po, nechester ob eo7tr ou. tan | Commercial Realtor FE 59471 | LM & OAK: Here's a prime ent in 2 1 _. masonry at Jerre omnat ard LAND . A brick om 8 my com BY ag om eat LISTING SERVICE Income Prop mh 434 Each ysuepatate for 191 uae 5 | ~=~CHAS. MAROTTA. | me Fy tnd” nesting ot CASH o 8 Full Price $7,950 Buildin Co | ae down. Living rooms ser teres "en® levenianeat i 5 Bedrms. & Gant we snes BS | Wak EXRTRIDGE Py aM ergs | Beak 2606%, Owner transferred—must sell tm- up, — eg s het nee ; BY . cy ALOW,| entrances. Alu. mediately, 3 bedrm., frame. Good al} REALTOR FE 4.3581 Ghat aacar timo ct) Mine a Acgs| Rang, Siem PS | a a BENEFICIAL 23 ft, plastered living rm. ps basement EN cles dining Tar. Full bath ‘end cupboards, new gas furnace, we | § EM 1 ROR ee tor wet | 1050 W. ON ST, 2 rms. down. 1 large bedrm.| jo. rage, BF on gre dg: and live m the and e FINANCE co. up Br A in Dray- gs new. Jt. ‘school, hs $1,200 : UW. . rE nee. fo.050 wit down, 821 Kenti- | _ total uy. $e Dell Beene Norse «=. $3.95 indie suite 14. One size ($5 Artist Bench ... $2.05 12 dress winter|Large selection of other toys One for" oe k 1s Sroms $30 nie 4 ot sauizrel, cheap. MI 6.2400” "" |$35 PopUp ‘Toasters 7227". G ALS. SIZE 13-14 | Alum. ose Aliso 10 better used dresses. Bize (87 — 16. PE 8-6745. $3.05 $3.96, $1.96 BEAUTIFOL, WHITE SATIN AND SEM TY Reads .........-.... = gl as! $9 MUNI on som, Willams” Lake $18 High Back Rockers ...... $a.88 BROWN FUR - C1870 Sota Beds net cos 777 $8888 reasonabie. 66 Kemp. FE 2-6378.\499 7-Pc. Dinettes » $69.95 BLACK RESS, $5; |$110 3-Pc. Bedroom Suites :. $68.95 slacks, $3. Size 14. PE 41006" $e Living Room Suites $139.00 BLACK FUR COAT. SYZE 14 TEAL pene ot lay awa blue overcoat, size 42. Girl's tag “Purniture, 43 Srhasd elothes, 4, Rees. 18 atte gurr. “Case jJewel-trim, like new. things ole ¢ Beg haat ‘ird cage and standard, $5. Bab: al . Setrigerter ee FOR COAT, SIZE 16. 4 W. Pair-| 104 Fons oe pes ee ceknet aye “enet jacket. FE ¢2254. before Pm LapY's MOUTON Coat. os 2 i“ . PE 2-9025, _—— sewing machine. Will 5 ON IN TOWN ALL WOOL SUITS .... $5-410415| ‘hab Per Peek. No parment TS. ATS .. $5-$10-615, Mrs Danton wih > "yest Pants, Jackets. rt coats 2953) home. FE 5-3004. d ‘ foe coats “from zy" Eizcrnours tate MODEL TAYAWAY PLA _ Coronet Co. vr ee OPEN EVERY NIGH MIGHT za N's Ov Sonar is ser with, mirror, io by 12 | r Senceae ZIP IN, ZIP y 12 rugs ar aly size 38-40, camel hair} With pads. @ by 8 wool braided ov sine 42. MI 6-3185, hat edene record MUSERAT FOR cos at. FULL KELVINATOR | REPRIGERA ATOR, 6 é a == mage ‘only $4098. Milks, Mt $1300. ELECTRIC JERATOR, IN MANS TOF COAT, SIZE @, 018.) F ition, PE 33323, RA ge CONDI- sa price: $500; will sacrifice |“, ins 5-008 $208. e'new, FE 8-6745, FUEL OIL HEATER, $12; KITCH- TEENS COATS, #4 EACH. FE _ Seon * with 3 chairs, $7. EM tJ Court. —_—— PULL 828 CRIS, PRESHY ited new inne: Sale Household Goods 37 painted. Nearly Sew , wmnecepeing ;| PURNITURE nin) A pyPancm Ginson ; TOR, | a ued, oo TL Aw urn Ave \G00D-T Fr. EELVINATOR RE frig. 875. OR 3-900. GOOD USED ee ea es Like new. PE. 54355. ‘OU WANT D ® AND 10. FE ony "BERS GMa, CARE bat _ 61667. en ee rry, Willett "Orie Orignal cost, $250, at $190. OL pers teble & c be ay Refrigerator, MY ie 2-2971 iter st 60 or Sunday i __ | ELECTRIC STOVE AND REFRIG- | erator pressure cooker, oer ns | machine, silverware. a amall ta- bie. Std Hatchery Rd ELECTRIC SINGER P PORTABLE | i sacrifice ELECTRIC RANGES ALL NAME BRANDS AND SIZES. SOME LIKE NEW 18; PRE L Ones Pavers Hee as 915. FE ¢2800 YOR THE HOME CAN BE POUND $160.95; now $08. :| Waite’s Downstairs Store emnny SPEED ute r Good 's” RADIO “& Deed 7 and WYMAN’S . FE ¢ BLOW or 21” table model teeeewene THOMAS ECONOMY FURNITURE CO, 361, 5, Saginaw St. “elstom made Maple bunk bess, complete 930 LaSalle, WAYNE GABERT'S FLOOR SAMPLE SALE $250.96, now ‘O-in. elec. ng reg. enh now ge. 96: Hes atic, reg. Mohawk pee Ts — Re- frigerators, . W, Burdick a, “Oatord, Mich, WAITE’S APPLIANCE WAREHOUSE __- CLEARANCE ag 8s $s ‘ + First Come. Flext Served All Sales Final 2 ie So ee 2 » FI « og, VG Pot On, poe Ser rocrae ee EE 46089 oe LE NEW AND USED LUMBER To clean up yard “I never had a chance! My wife showed up wearing the same kind of hat as the woman foreman of the jury!” bike, Hatchery, Soop UsED. DELUXE reman stoker, PE 20032. ROL: SKATES AND Size 8. 40384 ____ Christmas Gifts 59 DABY PARAREETS. Fe 4. 100 New ve. — & gold. $100, FE @-isid. a BAR BELLS, STROLLER, CARPET ‘a. shoes, size M4. Al red pine. | E| es Ee FARDWhie | frees Auburn Heights © FE + CHRISTMAS TREES | Lumber co, EM Sait saaa Getanbe OF. ae Call after 6 p.m. CHRISTMAS TREES BOY'S CHICAGO ROLLER S with case and atter 6 p. ee one orsign, wash sip 10 wks. ig es nl Wbaginew * he G8ths | covoasra 3 PHONO. Se S| See Se WAYNE GABERT BIG DISCOUNTS ON pane HI FIDELITY ; RADIO _& PHONOGRAPHS _ iii & . FE 6-4it0 chair, good, sonata Pe bie |ICE SKA cont side. 16, white ice 42, lady skates, sles 9. costume jewelry. and jackets, Children’s | “else agente ge ner, rae never aa 6, ~ eves. cor, 3 aker, Hi-Fi. " Sone, “seeds eta. ~Dismond nee Power Tools DeWalt and Porter Cable Sox* In A DEMONSTRATED, feet esas a AB Beautiful Ne New Kitchen | Sout Sper sed. Coll PS 6eees - iia On 2e0e ONE | _ oats ong-needied pine a BEAUTIFUL REO. PEKING ee Feet. Gt. Soeten, = Deagtes Paddock FE 28318 pe. BUY HIM A vror| Christmas Tree Dealers eee. 6 Oe. Beautiful pine — nursery BRITTANY | PUPPIES io 8 ft. will wholesale ee spanenel champion dred EL 200 A more. DEALERS aes. or OR 35123, e619 CABINET AND PORTABLE 6EW- Roselawn Clarkston Mich ing Reas. Also ice —_skstes, skils and sled. FE 21048. lots. sie Groene, 5, nigttistmas Special _hatises son? 2 LARGE TION OF SPRUCE BELL Metoerele pee ie vel a = ois, te and 90 . Next , SF aw foe ge SIRED we. our own Dover Kes © ‘o's © | For Sale Miscellaneous 60 PINE TOY CHESTS. so. "| LIONEL & AMERICAN FLYER TRAINS table, thound fanless as | TASKER’ a w.3 a =. : , . arg lege 8 cape 68 FE 36 Gal. Heater, BS. 68-1467, ¥58 eT ett tail LIMITED OFFER a ee 4 INCH cia * Pr., $3.60. controls, $287.50. SAVE ¥ “fe Sle ahd, eet ome ote Fluorescent, 303 Orchard Ave, All thickn terior _| Red Blacketts 8 Bide 8161 sep, eedeensareeseuee teeves fee eee Ree eeeennees IF tserdwereteenssess seuSaseeu sesanees tows oOo Reba ewnee = = SN ebeeeerneane WCOTE so svsecnces see edon OP gy OD Ae aw ul ii TWO BRAND NEW mail 55 $6 each. FE « Two FA LY FRAME BOUSE AT r of & Pike io's wrecked. | RP | aexson Tittoen CO. Bee vet's Sa st) Church's, Inc. 101 8, Squirre! Rd PE 2.0233 Do It Yourself 61 : PLOOR SANDER ona Fr cae grad ers, steamers, otc. CHAIN SAWS sold. FE 2.0071. sae SHEETROCK | 4x8 Sheet $1 3 fim 100 be fe" Bed Ads, Call PE 26i81.\' Chee cee ee ewe hee eR EE ee . Ave: rakeets Gua Guar. to Talk . 50: ath el —— CA tween a Baer ra & se s a & aren. E30 nl Jas THE ‘PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1956 fe Wilson GMC hae Hardtop _— Wes. - - sag, EEE me r LD. | "83 Nash 4-Door a 6 S. Woodward, B’ham ; Pontiac Sales ‘Gt ae wae ona. ‘ eT. SLARESTC ‘BIRMINGHAM NASH Sea ST: MI 63900 till 9 ~ Bud Shelton Cherbsion Motor Sales OUTH _ IMPERIAL BE | oem to mn 20) Makan Ch totem v4, . = 53 Dodge’ New & Used Trucks -| "S$ CHEV: BEL AIR 8. Hatp. pg. mi al | "56 Olds Super 88 Convert. TO GET OUR DEAL BEFORE YOU BUY _ Bring Title sie Crepe Ave. igay Hien, An exoeptonal be Haskins Chev. Maple S307 Open’ nites ~, * "$0 Pontine 8, 9 dr. Hydra. Very sf’Cher, Bel Air 4 dr. This hes ‘R&A. Snow tires. Clean ‘to Pontias 8 sedan. Very sound ‘S82 Chev, sedan. P.G. A good family ‘83 Cher. 8 dr. P.G.. R- & HB. Mice + clean car. to sell. “$1 ys R&B... . 1 Feed SA. oot nin et Dyna., very clean. . MO Chev. 2 dr. deluxe. 1 of those cars, . bg ag gy ‘AUBURN MOTOR | Ss | Christmas CASH “At the Bright Spot” Drive a Better Car and Have Cash for Christmas ’56 Cadillac Sed. DeVille $645 Larry Jerome Rochester Ford Dealer 1951 FORD HURRY! SAVE UP TO $800 © 1956 CHEVROLETS DEMONSTRATORS AND OFFICIALS’ CARS SIXES AND EIGHTS POWER GLIDE | FULLY EQUIPPED | — 100% Guarantee for One Full Year NORTH CHEVROLET _ 1000 S. WOODWARD BIRMINGHAM 1981 FORD V4 RADIO & eS eee . $8.00 down and a week, FE 8-6081, Field a Motors. 5 SEASON'S ‘GREETINGS AN OPEN LETTER TO THE CAR-BUYING PUBLIC | Mr. and Mrs. Car Buyer: Bob | Prost ot om. cola and ‘Mere “Mercury says “You pa) see whens care that some t_Dirming- our YULE TIDE CLEARANCE SALE. “Pive 1088 , Beautiful hal Mereury. Hard- tops to choose ‘S68 Buick Hardtop. Power a ted er, Dynafiow ‘66 Mercury 2 Door, Radio & Heat- er, $1498. ‘4 Ford Victoria, 91880. 1953 FORD $495 V-8 tudor with radio and condition, Stock 1982 CH EVY 95 heater tats Stock No. N- 1956 RAMBLER SO N NORTH CHEVROLET 1000 S. WOODWARD BIRMINGHAM —__ GOOD USED CARS 1954 Olds 98 4 dr, Holiday, Full 4 dr. ‘55 Mercury Monterey "55 Chev. Bel Air Spt. Cpe. "55 Pontiac 2-Door 55 Olds 2-Door "54 Pontiac Catalina "54 Olds 98 Holiday Coupe *54 Chevrolet 2-Door "54 Olds 2-Door . '54 Ford 2-Door "53 Cadillac Convertible *S3 Pontiac 4-Door 53 Olds 984-Door _ *53 Buick 2-Door "52 Lincoln iBoe ; | 'S2 Ford 2-Door "83 Ford 3 door. §426.. ‘83 Mercury Hardtop, 9800. ‘84 Pontiac Catalina Starchief Hard- top $1350. ‘86 Oldsmobile Super se $2108. We eel an ae 4 Door, Line Premet Aga "8 Lincoln Premier Convertible, ‘86 Ford 2 Door, Custom &, 91406. — SNCERELT YOURS Bob Frost, Inc. aa Midwest 66954 sete wew Teen eae heater. No. N-| | 1951 Mercury w motor, Lake Orion Motor Sales _ TeeRCORY MY 32-2611 ‘35 POWER ee & steering and new tires. we, pavient of a good thed oa, BILL. SPENCE | oon eo FE 50297 CENTRAL LINCOLN “MERCURY Safe Buy Used Cars READ THESE PRICES! SEE THESE CARS BEFORE YOU BUY Outboard ances, gums. cameras ANYWHERE. SEDAN. 1954 Belvedere ones $795 fed and = 1954 Ford Cline . .-$ 835 8 qyttntes 4- Radio and heater. |1955 Ford 1 Filane . _ $1045 1954 O54 Ford R. Wen. $ 945 Radio heater. Very nice. wecars| Sa Pont. S’chief . .$1250 power Catalins. Radio, heater, steering, anit power brakes. i Bae oe Buick Riviera. .$1395 Super model, Areal beauty. 1955 955 Mercury Cpe. $1685 «$1685 -| 1953 Mercury 4- 4-Dr. .$ 795 cage, heater, auto- — Saemiocen white all tires 1950 Stude’r 2-Dr. ..$ 115 and heater. 190 Mires 40-.9 100 Soke BC ; 595 " HER ie snc LATE MODELS AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES Bes peiry: Prim. a = Rr 1956 Mercury MERRY CHRISTMAS. “ft (g395 - 52 Nash 2-Door, Radio, » 'S5 Buick 4Door Special, Radio, "Heater, Dynafiow H - $ For Sale Cars 91, MODEST MAIDENS By Jay Alan) For Sale Cars 91, For Sale Cars 91 ————————— pond jeeeee| mom | THE SALE | Sass rE “an or} for Mr, Paulson. : Can Be Pr isrerprawaimer| ===" =| OF THE YEAR! FUN DN | iGRON'MTR SALES Pill : ma ee oat al. 2s = | SS SO , : | were) “CHEVY” | PRICES SHOT . In Any “Be fay 7S. veriive Country sedan. , . WEATHER Ps oan 3 FORD, 2DR. _HAROREAVES : 7 . ee Moret low miege | ©6211 S. SAGINAW: TO BLAZE . When you drive HURON ik Sites. "FE 44546, 7. dependable car AF} 1988 . CATALINA. WELL : Resi : . motor. FE ' LOOK AT THESE! Braz da ct beaten Yo'be ‘ere “ Cars Listed By Stock Numbers ppreciated. Priced to sell, * Puy or GOOD CONDI- Bic meg PORTS ; Sion, 8, Ma bsie RETAIL 5 Le mer ba ee Haskins Chev. | sions Sie on = ota POTS 395 Maple f20T]__Qpen aie?) pee | 86 MERCURY 4+DOOR .......--- $1895 $1795 ‘ tixe vert.. : 1958 MERC, MONTEREY, 2 DR.| . . 3698) Walls, * SOs Erdramaes omarwenb ayia "| “REWARD — |os6 nast CLUB COUPE ......- $1295 $1195 PONTIAC a an iay, cr ot Yourself with que of these fine 3762) $5 Four-Door 870 . .$1595 “christmas ‘songs Pate ewer, srr Sinaia eda Ieee Butch toor Riviera '§5 FORD TUDOR ..........0..5, $1295 $1195 PONTIAC ‘— CURY A “CE eh ; ’ ’ ne . each. | 1955 Olds. 4 door . (3824) 56 Convert. S'chf . .$2695 Bree | BS ae '§$ FORD CLUB COUPE ........- $1595 $1495 : 5 isl Fiymcuts Sation Wagon, | (3826) . 'S5.C Catalina Sch Seehf .. .$1895 CHRISTMAS wHOUGHTEN & SON |'55 PONTIAC 4DOOR .........--: $1595 $1495 OLive 1-076) ( 3846) .* S63 og ‘M@_ PONTIAC @ DR. CATALINA. |° - ; ] Mec s2295 “You should have seen the one that got away!” Suri tates Just your ad | $2580. Hydra’ Ra avetignt | 'SS FORD STATION WAGON ....$1595 $1495 sti edh Ceti aeaae| Ww. Puc a Pour (osm) - an. “@ PONTIAC, 3 DOOR. NEW me ‘S$ Dix. 2Dr. VB -..$1395|_For Sale Cars 91) For Sale Cars 91) sie tires. 4100, "36 parr] 'S4 FORD TUDOR .......0.60-005: $ 998 $ 895 ‘SL CHEVROI ET “Meg. sedan. ie Sunte. Call after Trea EAT eae cat Rene rg neon (3778) esi. gtes] | UHARDTOP. | sites ragga mg," ia, ada Beige St CHEVY STATION WAGON $1195 10 CORAL &| Radio, heater, Powe ac . ; i person after| of $1683 per m edit on $nu. : (3797) zt : rtati lio ail _ a a, meinen = =o = x et 340 bude Fi. S| ’S4 FORD CONVERTIBLE ....... $1145 $1045 ransportation we FORD CUSTOM, 8 TUDOR, a TS | “exe condition, 808 80 'W. End (3680) Specials ba TEE, | Same, bola ot BT ~ SE psstinn ’$3 MERCURY CLUB COUPE ...$1045 $ 945 : CHEVY iat iain tata than jet LOOK LOOK LOOK (3709) | ss yrTon B70 vees$ 995 MAROREAVES 63 FORD CLUB : Army Surplus ‘53 PONTIAC 4DOOR ............ $745 $ GAS 211 S. SAGINAW Fort-O-Matie, GRE VROLETS, ‘ex anu) (3825) *9 Four Bo $20 FE eral coma Sh ron, Bi ss, ~~ §$-BUICK-2:DOOR ss. ...es 000003 $745 $045 { oe ing RYeCER Many FOR 5 treneportetion, bell Tee. . (3799) _sonable. 314 8. Marshall. Good for dy PONTI AC —IONEST VALU 7 " 1 Convertibie | Mews lia 51 FORD TUDOR ...........0005 $445 $ 345 geaned'g! “CHEVY” ates eet.) ate Hers ce RETAIL a Tats a Co AUT) sates i UPT S) cans! Yo down pay'mt required |S! PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE ...$ 295 $ 195 CASS AT "AT OAKLAND $900 (3819) STORE 1954 DESOTO OPE 44546 DISCOUNT w'8 gnaw Sr tim) ‘51 DODGE 4DOOR 0... eoee, $ 345 $ 245 “GOODWILL FIREDOME 4DR. 25 USED CARS 63 Mi. Clemens St. PE 717 et, OM taeter, Reduametie. ry . (3841) USED CARS” ean Down, 609 per meat. ming aoe cen, care EASY ED JONES Field Motors, Se 7™ 1 48 PONTIAC 4DOOR ........00-- $195 $ 95 BRAID MOTOR SALES| , Keego Sales & Service PONTIAC | 166 CHIEFTAIN | SE ot eee SE EST Years at Foe — YOUR eae eet SL) us MERCURY CLUB COUPE ves $ 245 $ 145 “NO N E * “ . FOOT: | weoeeaem| NO SANTA | evprpore Haskins Chev. Bob b Frost, Inc. ~ Call MA i733. CLAUS? {RETROIT MOTOR Sales $7) Dixle Mwy. ot Mis "C OC il be Ae DR. NYDRA.| West Side Used Cars We N S ban os CHEV COUPLE gta 1956 ' | You'll agree there is when — 63 PACKARD Defre t wpeve croton’ 2 bes Y : you see and compare Executive cer, Citramatio Pull) ,.0 "as te choose. OP = N FORD, | ‘these carsand prices.” Ey Stata a woe cies | _ West Side Used Cars| Your Friendly FORD Dealer ad 1955 FORD $795 WH PACKARD “000,” See MILES, "Bago een ee) ' TILL 9 P.M. DAILY CLUB Soarwett. dare you. Very) leas. |S S*CEare Pecan, paint, ures, | ED ERAKER 147 S. Saginaw St. ' we Pestiagunex’ MoTORg “ee, | Mec coupe Bek, tower. etl PE SAI] FE 5-3588 BE SURE | COUPE | 13s ctew $05. |: Bee co hate | Sarto Ga radio end heater. Stock No. H-| some? Let us help you adj "| i STOO TA OTE Open 8 A. M. to9 P. M. DON'T BE “DUPED” WHEN YOU BUY A CARI - OLIVER BUICK 54 Chevrolet ‘Dix. 2-Door,} Radio, Heater, Powerglide $1295 and Heater, Hydramatic $965 132 Ford 2-Dr. V8 Custom- $099 53 Dodge 2-Dr. and 4-Dr.| Your Choice Heater, Good Rubber $095 52 Buick Super 4Door, $695 53 Studebaker 4-Door equipped. | Sedan, Radio and Heater $1595 - 56 Ford 2-Door. low price $1995 A new $1595 55 Pontiac 2-Door, Radio, Heater, 2-Tone Paint $1395 *54 Buick 2-Door Special} Hardtop, Radio, Heater - 1 ay a oer 52 Cadillac 4-Door, Radio} Radio, Heater, Dynaflow . Gitt Idea aitt Ideas ; MAKE THE WHOLE FAMILY HAPPY BY TRADING IN THE OLD “BUS” ON ONE OF THESE RECONDITIONED USED CARS. ‘55 Plymouth Belvedere. $1595 Radio & Heater, Powerfliite, ‘Well Tires, Jet Black Beauty “ww '55 Chrysler Convertible .$1995 Wve rinse Wants Ocha Ten et Steering & Brakes, -S9-Plymouth 4 Dr. Sedan $1295 Ratio & Bester. WiNak Tires, Powerfilte, V-6 em ‘56 Chevrolet Nomad °. .$2395 Radio & Heater, W/Wall Tires, V-8, New spare tire ‘53 Mercury Custom 2 Dr.$ 895 Soden. P & Heater, W/Wall Tires, Mercomatie, ‘56 Plymouth Belvedere $2095 ~ RAR WW H aT Hata aaEa Be Power ‘54 Hudson *eeee ‘55 Pontiac 8702 Dr. ..... $1495 “Radio & Heater, Hydramatic, W/Wall Tires ‘95 Chevrolet Convert. ..$1495 | Radio & Heater, V-4, W/Wall Tires, Yellow & White _ ‘94 Ford Sta. Wagon... .$1195 Radio & Heater, Pordometic, wane Tires, Extra ‘53 Olds 98 ‘Convertible. $1195 ‘S6 MGA Sportster, ‘Priced Right Bee this one with 4000 miles ‘56 Chev. Del Ray Cpe.. $1695 Radio & Reater, W/wall . New Spare Tire ° ‘53 Buick Special 4 Dr... .$ 895 35 party Custom 2 Dr. $1495 i. W/Wall Tires, Mercomatic, Tre $3 Nosh 4 Dr. Sedan ....$ 695 Radio & Heater, Overdrive ‘53 Ford Convertible” $845 Riss SMe Poem, sree teen sasl SCHUTZ Mc otors 4 DevetePhencult Destans: THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1956_ {x -- Today's Radio Programs -- WIR, (768) OKiW, toon : "ies i ie WWJ, (900) = WCAR, (1180) WXY¥E (197) “WPON, (1460) WJBK, (1ése) | TONIGHT WCAR, Bpinorama WCAR, Clem, ‘T. Malone WJBK. News, Tom :00—Wan, ews WPON. 5 WIRE. News, Reid WCAR, News, Bob ‘News 19:30—Wws, Mews by Lewis, | WPON, Gcramble, News WPON, Audio, G. Nunn WXYS, Wattrick. McKenzie} WJIBK, Teen 9:00—WJR, Wm, Sheehan 1:30—WJR, Dr. Malone : saws: Sports 11:06—WIR, . News WW. Minute Parede bud Mavies wiEK News, ww, Ww Hour Breakfast Guy Nunn, Tempe News, Al Crane Wx, Town CKLW. News, Davia 2:06—WJR, News, Happtuess| . Dinner CKLW, News, M ww ee Star Exire FRIDAY MORNING Ane ies 8:00—WJIR, Pat Butram SHiw Funes “Pett ae, | €:90—WIR, sm vine Wane. Rowe Geoces WEY2. Bt MeKens WJBK. News; Kasem | | WWJ, News Wow tanlaly tan hites CELW. Bud Davies WCAR, News. Spincrame WXYZ, Fred Wolt y tor id WJBK. News. Don Mcleod WPON. Call the Tune CKLW, Rooster Club 0:20 WXYE. Gtr) Marries wean. News, Spincrama %:30—WJR, Guest: Law wear Nowa, ‘ative Mergen sign wexva eee welt” x noaniee cs Lg et Eg ay CKLW. Gabriel Heatter :38-—WIR, Voice of Agriclt.|" wxvz, Grand Gent. Fsittlon | WXYZ. News, Melenste WPON, Call Tune, News Bob CKLW, New. CKLW, Eddie Chase 8:06—w. Robert Q, Lewis CKLW Guy Nunn WJBK, News, Reid Tempo, “ ews WWJ, Gtidersieeve oan Haws Reid WCAR, News, B. Ras ss ew, P of Bands 3 ‘AR; News, Coffee WPON, Mainly f ady WWJ, Woman in My Ho WCAR, News, JB amnnening Beste=' Jim Vine mM OXYS caren Time oh Music — Soatte: McKenzie 8:30-—WIR, Amos ‘n’ Andy | ‘Wwwd. Maxwell CKLW. o's a WWJ Conversation WXYZ, News, W Pe Sis, es Oh wron ee CKLW, It's a Crim Toke Ete Tekz, Davie 4:30—WIR, Music Hall Call "Tune News wean, meme S8., FRIDAY AFTERNOON WW3, Jim Deland ” . . | WwW, &i ews "wo, Mews nt Weather | 1:00-WIR Music Man = | OW News: Faye bliss WXYZ, News, McKensie CKLW, DS. Military p85) ews, Wolf WXYZ. News. WPCN, Tempo, News ne CKLW, A. Grant, G, Nauser WER mee Kasem wine. pews, Reid WIBK’ We sg George - a eR Lenhart or * sound WPON, Ciem woes — Martya Ww attrick, Sporte ®: a WIR, wera Tonight | 6:00-—WJR, Jack White 19:30 WIR, Time fof Music| WJBK. | li: ~" CELW, Platter Exp. wriz, ews, CELW any a w prnenne- Ww. Teen Life CELW, News, David WCAR, Bruce Martya : , Soundstage, News Ww News, ‘ WPRON, §:30—WJR, Muste Hall 19:06—WIR, News, nee win We Wendy Warrea WWJ, Jim Deland Gabriel ‘Hestter 6:30—w a wall weve, Around Town wae Wika’ Sows! Kasow WXYZ, Wolf, Osgood CKLW, News, Album Pvts. WPON, pe, News Godtrey Mulholland, on Programs furnished by stations sted in this column are subject fo change without notice Channel }—WJBKE-TV Channel 4—WWJ-TV Channel 1—WXYZ-TV Channel 89—CKLW-TV TONIGHT’S TV HIGHLIGHTS &00—(1) Wild Bill Hickok in “Re | turn of Chief Red Hawk.” (9) | Family Theater. (4) News and Sports. 6:15—(4) Weathercast. 6:20—(4) Box Four. 6:2%5—(2) TV Weatherman, Dr. Ev- (4) You Bet Your Life. (2) Bob Cummings Show. 8:30—(4) Dragnet, Jewelry sales- man says his valuable sample case, is stolen but Sgt. Friday finds out he’s lying. (2) Color, Shower of Stars, Frederic March, Basil Rathbone star in musical Charies (2) News, version of Dickens’ “A ? of Way.” Christmas Carol,” second pre- j= 1:00—(7) Kukla, Fran and Ollie.| sentation. (9) Headline, Twenty-eight PeO-\9:00-—(7) Wire Service, Accidental ple are killed-on-“The that Steve Wilson missed. (4) Michigan Outdoors. Mort Neff. (2) Macdonald garet and Barbara Whiting, guests. (2) Playhouse 90, Peter Lawford, Charles Bickford, Sar- ah Churchill, Jeff Donnell, Jane Darwell, Walter Abel star in “Sincerely, Willis Wayde.”’ 10:00—(7) Hockey, Detroit Red)! » Wings vs. New York Rangers. ™_werererrrrrewrrewTeTeT ee SY, The finest in black and while by Hallicratiers "errererrreerertrYeYrYY “-(4) Color, Video Theater, Unmar-| 1 Fall Year Warranty vied water, whb gectente tw be © Parts ® Service ® Labor making expert, is exposed GIANT TRADE-IN in “Christmas ” OPEN 9 TO 9 Mona Freeman nerve eee Tee ee PPPLAP PLP LD PPP LLP PDL PPS OBEL RADIO & > 2990 Elisabeth Lake Rd. ve oat MUNTZ TV rrr tALAADA AALS DDL ad This Is New York.” (4) Town SERVICE =f and Country. (2) Miss. Fair- mber of Ockland weather, Jeanne Dishong. Semele Gentes =: 11:20—(2) Les Paul and Mary Ford 11:%5—~(2) Nightwatch Theater, Su- san Peters, Alexander Knox in FE 4-1515 ~ Open Eves Til 10 P. M. “The Sign of the Ram.” CéV Tv lit Catiend 11:30—(7) Thirty Minute Theater, Elective. Mart Bank employe embezzies money in stocks then thinks 4|1%:15—(2) Love of Life. (D The Big Show. ist, bareback riders, perch act,|s:99—(2) (| t 8: Captain Kangaroo. *|8:30—(7) Wixie Wonderland. $:65—(2) Cartoon Classroom. 9:00—(4) Romper Room. 9:30—(7) Liberace Show 9:45—(2) News, Weather. 16:00—(2) The Gary Moore Show. (4) Ding Dong School,_(T)- Story Studio. 10:30—(4). Bandstand. (7) Theater Seven. 11:00—(4) Home. 11:30—(2) Strike It Rich, (7) Robin and Rickey. 11:55—(9) Billboard. FRIDAY AFTERNOON 12;00—(2) Valiant Lady. (4) Tic Tac Dough. (7) -12 © o'clock! Comics. (9) Adventures of Pierre Radisson. 12:30—(2) Search for Tomorrow. (4) It Could Be You. (7) The Erwins, (9) Telescope. 12:45—(2) The Guiding Light. 1:00—(2) Ladies Day. (4) Mystery Matinee. (7) My Little Margie. (9) Movie, “Donovan's Brain.” 1:30—(4) Hollywood Story. (7) Stars on Seven. 2:00—(2) Our Miss Brooks. (4) Blenda at Northland, (7) Lady of Charm. 2:30—(2) Linkletter’s House Party. (4) Tennessee Ernie. 2:40—(9) Myrtle Labbitt. 3:06—(2) The Big Payoff. (4) (Color) Matinee Theater. (7). Afternoon Film. (9) Request Playhouse. 3:30—(2) The Bob Crosby Show. (Color). (9) Howdy 4:15—(2) The Secret Storm. 4:30—(2) The Edge of Night. (7) Cartoons. 4:45—(4) Modern Romances. (7) Santa Claus Show. 5:00—-(2) The Early Show. ry I Married Joan. (7) Mickey Mouse Club. (9) Dance Party. Fame Arrives, | at Tender Age Georgia Girl, 10, Sings Doody. 4:00—(2) The Brighter Day. (4/« Queen For a Day. (9) Justice); Colt ° Her Way to Stardom in Less Than a Yeor To her classmates at Spring- field’s Phelps Public School, the dynamic vocalist who celebrated Wher 10th birthday Tuesday is “Just one of the gang.” goes ; + 1 Schoolmates Consider Brenda Lee He Brenda's family mother and stepfather, 14-year-old Linda, 7-year-old Randy, and sister Robyn, just over a year * * * Brenda delights in helping 5:30—(4) Gene Autry. Portable "Television SER SE HAMPTt ‘ON TVi* : Pee Report os pron ee FE 4-2525 180) Good Mer Today. TV, RADIO & auto RADIO SERVICE Look for us near Waterford Township Hell SANDERS RADIO. & TV SHOP (Since 1928) 4900 Mighiand m4. Urges Gift for Austria On 349) bo. 17 soa -UHF Conversion Ki CLEARANCE! m=! 80 Used Sets _ Famous Makes i _ For Him ot “Conn’s Clothes Men’ s and Boys’ Wear - Que ity for Less” “Famous for Quality” _ADAM_HATS_ $500 and $°750 © Gift Certificates . f) : Men’s Robes § “+ Plannets & Bescons % Gabardines 95 Men’s Leather House SLIPPERS Fd Sete fe @ Finest Knit 100% Orion S798 sae | i Free Gift Boxes $1 Holds Y. Gift ! Values to $49.50. Men's = JAMAS | BA wed 9995) ton Wools — Silks | ie oa thee SETS ...-... THE PONTIAC PRESS. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 138, 1956 Raise Didn't Last Long * |OK School in Ludington be carried -by the common somes 71.W; Huren me give him Pilgrim | argyle socks 3° ‘J Assorted Rich Colors He will be pleased with your selection when he sees these. Soft, absorbent 2-ply combed cotton! Neat elastic knit tops. Long wearing nylon retnforces heels, toes. “More for your money than we've been able to offer for years! Pilgrim Thunderbird shirt: Make no compromise! If you like rich color, be sure you have shirts thot keep it past the first washings! Here are plaids, stripes and checks in - nentol collars. Trim Ivy style collars. Smartly stitched regular spread collars. All in a wide selec- tion of colors and patterns. Buy them in your choice Pilgrim shirts 2” _. Extra-strong collars and culls are made to wear as long as the shirt body! Smooth broadcloth is lustrous because it's Mercerized! Sanforized, max. shrink. 1°. White or colored, 14-17. Gift Priced Fw. LODO ee fA Ceryfirt. lle and’ A¢ le have miatle Sese shod... ICLASSICS gift Gold Bond shoes 77> 395 995 The finished touch to that “well-groomed” appearance! He will approve any one of these casual or dress styled shoes because of their neat, masculine lines. Solt, yielding leather cradles his foot, always looks neat, smart. Neolite soles blend with his foot for comfort, Choose his style in either black or brown, sizes 6-12. . | Yule Programs Set . - | | at Christ lutheran | : oe 3 Neat Sleeveless Slipover Sweater 3.98 Fine Australian Zepher wool, closely knit and processed for warmth and sofiness. In 9 colors, sml. to ex. Ige. Pilgrim Clip-on Windsor Tie 1.50 At last! Windsor” ties that clip-on in a jiffy. Always a perfect knot. Choose from assorted colors, patterns. ; Sos Tee Pilgrim Gingham Programs et Lather | Sport Shirts Sree, Met ont Wiel” 398 te Rev. Arvid E. emai Styled of soft, wonderfully durable, yptian cotton in | a wide assortment of plaids and stripes, he niew addition to the church, Which seats over 400 people, will) be used for all of the Christmas, 4 pm. will be Luxury. Leather Wallet Assortment : $3. . : plustox. ‘ Others up te $7 workmanship and a vagy price. Loaded with -features found only in more expensive wallets, Buy now! Men‘s Handkerchiefs 10%"s] - White combed ‘cotton with -neat: corded borders. Strong patna Packed in plastic bag. i7 by 17 inches. fe and every night ’till Christmas Fite: Pilgrim ties Gift Priced: *] Others to 2.80 Choice of rich woven rayon and acetate ties, smart screen prints on lustrous rayon. New fall colors and patterns. Buy several for him today! a < oe —— ee aE ame too tenia ea se 2 HOLLYWOOD BED ENSEMBLE Woe pe | FREE NY SAD". Metal Table with Your New ie sippy Remington, Royal — Type +> &°: 4-Speed Automatic 4- Teade-ln .25.00 YOU PAY “5-STAR” PORTABLE RADIO Brand New Bendix 21” TV J | . *19 FREE Mahogany | cable Was $179.95 = No Money Down cme 2 ged bat mighty! “Five Parking In Lot i SCER ZZ — , wresch. Miles Red. ORE | ee ez : um a lea! B shi { — | ' —— . (¢ )) r = : i Saddle ean re a Store st é. : “=a = —- x 50c a Week xe | _3-Piece ELECTRIC i SE as J d . 4 | Price & a * aa : Base | | $ 20 | melded fF WP ” . TOP FRONT TUNING — no stoop, no stretch, no strain — 4 ° Weekly tune standing up! 90°. deflection ALUMINIZED PICTURE TUBE makes picture twice as bright with twice the contrast! “od OD CUR) OPTIC FILTER SCREEN eliminates harsh glare! Better see ESE aca . 14 . . ADMIRAL TV now for a new TV thrill. Beautiful modern set ~ includes matching base!*Buy now to see the Rose Bowl game on New Year's Day! , | WKC. 108 N. SAGINAW. . .FE | Open Every Night | "til Christmas . a | ’ . : a | } > id piss i re: : | ¢ ot i ioe Al 31 SENTING RARE 20 IRS Rel DMB led ar aie WD i a tinh as Ore: Sau aa ee gi em 3 ’ i ay ANY Miter yd 4, acti SD pL i THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1956 5 ee oe Stent Sensational New DORMEYER ELECTRIC MIXER & JUICER ft beats; it juices, mixes, all with multi-speed : control! This amazing complete mixer outfit | includes targe bowl and juicer as well as grinder. ~ Ea Sunburst Electric's Broil Master All Chrome Finish only $ E95 Ne Money Down—25Sc a Week Use it to broil, grill and toast. Warm coffee cakes and rolls IN it — warm coffee and plates ON TOP. Cooks by infra-red ray. UL 50 bread. it is x “ater AUTOMATIC 3% ime enn 2 AS ; DEEP-FRY jj 8 COOKER —#j : S773 : ‘ a Week is aa Famous. brand. “Extra farge fe 2 : size. Complete with cover * “4 More efficiency! bese og * Drastic reduction! — NY : 50c Weekly! ' oie . No Money Down! ds Fully Automatic WEST BEND Coffee .Maker Sgpee | “50 Weekly! * rs Famous Name Automatic Steam or Dry Iron It’s automatic — completely! $ That's how coffee making can be with the West Bend. You just plug in the cord. ‘ EXCITING! BIGGER GIFT SELECTIONS Thrilling 21 diamond wedding band. LiK 79" $1.25 a Week ti aparkti dia. monds Leal. Fs yea.” $2.50 a Week - i = 7 « . ‘ ‘ . fi a " * 4 * “ . . » 4 28 7 . ‘ te j | % tw e® , m « . / STONE RING IGye-®@ Sensational B= Clearance! << 458\\s; Y #@ Savings! & 7, \AITANIAIC A vYLU UTS a. o 4 + as es vas eS a a a Ae a — ees, F , time to save! 14K gold. — YOUR CHOICE No Down Payment! es Ltd Baie tL ts ate eee: ECE 18, 1956 . SEVEN EXCITING! BIGGER GIFT SELECTIONS! ONARAGTER WATCHES Choose your favorite charac- : tak ee out ade tte ot ea, ee ee he ao Week SENS ATIONA LUE! | i — ae ee : Just Add to Your’ Account Beautiful hand- . : painted set by fa- Fendt $B A495 Be sre 14" \ Perfect for mantel, = 5 abalenn 15" “te uevanss $6B95_ sige KIGHT THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1956 a THE PONTIAC PRESS. TRUBSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1956 ~ “Ke (xen sr MANNOTH CHRICTMAG GIFT CALE WAC 108 NORTH SAGINAW a . a prepa ies e boon Se he ic Sibi > = =e irs bs A : os ads 4 2, 2 108 WORTH SAGINAW La ce oo oe at tyne iy oe eees 3 Pet id Sas the Foor) Mery seer TTB FIRST TIME AT THIS LOW SALE PRICE! Christmas att ee NATIONALLY |, DLUXE ADVERTISED « Tp HAWS NW MATCHED PADDLES * x 10 BALLS Be ' . S \ | \ ; VET * 2 CLAMPS * RULES| Dp ps ig wig et | piEC | a £5 NSS asl : cpa | IE " With a Buuwick. Boll ohenaf? : tt 2 ne, i @ fa » That's C oertelele aD pe P Guaranteed for LIFE of = \ ‘Lo : And a7 ridin Fable : 4 “2 ' Brorevitk bal that conan teed ‘\e eee, * ¢ Life! Easy fo give by gift certificate. gop a / SS P expect = = / Let your bowler pick up his custom- fitted ball after Christmas. Bruns- wick Balls 23° Give a Bag and Shoes, too! Bags from $3.95 Shoes from $5.95 LEATHER CASE TRAVEL CLOCKS Folds into convenient, compact leath- ~ er case for easy carrying. Perfect gift for the traveler. Add te Your » 44 Account Electric Kitchen Clock Choice of colors to fit any kitchen F 2 + ‘ t ladoor or decor. A real savings for Christmas ladeer m | Me = ) 4 f me (Timer Coy 5 A A ~— Gs “ a @ sgh . = "4 Ly e—- YY Ff. arager Reg. $9.95 $9095 "3 OR MAILTHIS COUPON. nel ES oh Og PAY ONLY 50° WEEKLY OPEN EVERYNITE TO (3-2 FREE Parking In Lot Behind Store! Oo SEER ory the ALL. R-plece Fing Table Bae Table and the effitial ei + at special sale peice of $90.95. 1 will ep tee oe WOU Oa ig i sks sas sss: seas when oe (M married, give busband's first same) PRINT AGOreGG .. «occa cvescecsenstecsicencercsve eeeeeeee a Cees eeeneoenes WEC, 100.N. Saginaw sae FE 3-71 Lo “Peenesal, Shopper” i oe re SOS senpessseonses 8 poe ER ME a a —_ (ath At ‘hte lie tie ame Reon ee eS oe nee SE Bhbs eres op wm en on he SB EE EGE DEED GLEE PLL LE AGES I TRE TOO OG BR ABE sem Gn. emagPMrmwroe New 1957 Wringer Weak This is o brand new, latest model es paca tm etieacbir po $7 dial oe eee cocoa - Roto-Matic Model 805 Reg. $79.95 s4g** Seve $30.07 Includes All Attachments - SAVE *31° Sewing Machine! List Price $69.95 ‘33 The Perfect Christmas Gift for Mother With this Royal you cam make mony things you have just wished for, before! Make chil- 2 < dren’s clothes, clothes for yourself, draperies * _ and oa hundred things — electrically. DUO-THERM OIL HEATER , Heats 4 to rooms. nouetal price $139.95. 109 a ag? poet Pree, $1.50 Weekly 7-Pieces! DECORATOR DESIGNED! LOW PRICED! COMPLETE With MATTRESS and BOX SPRING An unbeatable value you've never dreamed of seeing! Dresser, chest and bookcase bed with beauty and quality construction you have to see to appreciate! In addition you get innerspring mattress and box a = oe spring and 2 boudoir lamps. r sie ie : ed . i —— —— AR i gh dee “Fs aliemeneimmemeiaiin ieee. eee ee ME TR wees "the Woke te * Fe . ¥! * ide Aha ay te Be Ra ‘ | { { = x TRF Ey ey > x Hig eg ig Fa Big BE eK: »* fF, . >: ‘ ¥ Moditn 6-Pc. Ensemble 3149 Dress-up your living room for Christmas . . . and save $80.95, too! -get_all 8 stunning pieces which—if bought separately their regulor-prices—would cost $229.95! ‘You'll be proud to MODERN Regular $229.95 * OCCASIONAL Value... Now... Ege e #. K _» Imagine, you F + wal a inated hides de Ker ve. and colors to pBoemny F . ° $495 and cocktail tables . . . Beene 4 Re © in 5 ] ) or = a os aa a PE eT a he me ME AS ee ee ae I ee ae eee Men ee ‘soli iapke IE a Senne a re “ 2WELYE _ THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, acai 13, Sint : | EXCITING! BIGGER GIFT SELECTIONS! WORRY-FREE CREDIT!.. “Reduced 120° Zz GIANT 10 Cu. Ft. Hot Weoter Always! jeg Nationally Advertised Deluxe Model! List Price $179.95, NOW * | ——«$1.50 WEEKLY! This is not a stripped down ; Beiime Aut model,but a New luxe Autocrat 30- in.-wide- "7 \ Tar Leg \3 \ wh A a Sa chnument i © i i PR Ve LLIN Rest A, OO RECENTER P59 _ lieve. Was 179. 95. Open Every Night _ Admiral AUTOMATIC Deluxe Refrigerator $349.95 LIST PRICE ‘229. No Money Down — $3.00 Weekly! We chop $120 off the factory list price of this big, _ featureful 1957 Admiral. Look what it gives you: 10 cu. ft. capacity—separate door freezer that holds 56 lbs. — Easy push-button defrosting — Full width crisper — Roomy door shelves plus ie keeper, egg server, snack _ bar, ete. aE chr ceateaper: fer basil SOD 50c A WEEK! A fabulous gift at fabulous savings! Sturdy red cedar . | 3 wardrobe plus roomy R réd cedar chest to store clothes; blan- kets, furs, safe from moths! An ideal choice for Christ- mos giving. $1.00 9x12 “Beauty Room” RUGS Reg. $69.95 Choice of colors. Re- climes to any ‘nme? BO See — relaxing, NO MONEY DOWN é BARE] e/eeeagre Thickly tufted pile—tlong wearing with the look of $ $1.00 costly carpeting. Deep- Week dyed colors. > Choice of 4 Lovely Colors J Hunter Green reas @ Brown @ Maroon SO Soiree - 2Pe. SOFA BED SUITE! Investigate! Compare!- Reg. $169! A real kmury set at a price that’s hard to believe. Provides modern sofa by day, at night opens into a luxur- ious bed for sleeping! Built for deep, bucyant. comfort! Has innerspring ct ener Ahawey gc i stery in -Choice of colors. . = y “ & B&B WY. _FE 2 aS *S oe oe > in 2 Die i a ee ae Siesta Se ae a - = - f FOURTEEN | THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1956 EXCITING! BIGGER GIFT SELECTIONS! WORRY-FREE CREDIT!.. _ RCA VICTOR y : COLOR Tv! r- and white as well as colorcasts! easy si side tuning with just two simple knobs. $50 Weekly! In Mahogany or Limed Oak The “Eaton” (« ‘t) RCA Victor TV TV viewing ot its best! 261 sq. in. of viewable picture (21 over-all diagonal) — with Silverama aluminized picture tube! “High and Easy” tuning, balanced fidelity sound! in mahogany, ebony or limed. oak finishes. =, "249" elie New RCA Victor Radio... ~~ | we New 1957 model! . Handsome “wireless” featuring —— 7 - the brand-new printed circuit (no maize of wirés ye to pull loose—ever!) Strikingly attractive cabinet —4 Pa, in antique white, spruce green, or black, 50c Weekly! “19” ‘5 Buys You 60 Glenn Miller Hits : aver RCA Victor ’45’ Phono : . ZB 60 all-time hits — like “Maoon- , light Serenade” & ‘’Little Brown . A. om r. Jug” — are packed into this og , Pita “* 24.95 album! Now yours for only wo. , . 5.00 when you purchase a new. — | 4 yy 4) RCA Victor "Aufomotic ‘45’ like the one shown! 50¢ E 1 nity Almost: hours of continuous aR fi , 20 Thy WW... : LE DE 3. rf a desi Mel Gebdilon in Trade for @ el 1957 Famous Nene Waich! -, y eas Plus 2 Rolls of Film FREE S . With Your New ; "| POLAROID CAMERA FREE demonstration. Come in and have your portrait i taken in } —— > You'll receive your picture handsomely mounted | $00 69” 108 N. S AG : 0 N. r\\ a ; FE 3-711 nag he SE Seen ae A. snaee Delmevee aoe ee ee SIXTEEN HONE TODAY — FEderal 3-7114 — ASK FOR RITTY all ERMASTEP 1/ HORSE Sepneihhettdeadae Prone CTRIC VA pOwER 7" Va 4 39%; AERICA’S GREATEST HOME WORKSHOP PY VALUE! ag aS ry = "NO MONEY DOWN Sars : = 50c A WEEK! ’ f SENSATIONAL VALUE ! ri J i DO-IT YTHING Ff ' : : YiNtat POWER “© PRICE SAW 10015! *T0-Pc. Accessory Ue .. 3 $end .veceeneee 200 REGULAR $7375 VALUE FOR #39°2 wcuvd€?! SENSATIONAL, NEW a "portable SABRE SAW 9 SAWS IN ONE! * RIP « CROSSCUT + JIG * SABRE 1910/4 mae) i, cee aaa. le) 8: * BAND + HACK CONVERTS TO /IG-SABRE TABLE SAW. ° Sows any Materical--any Shape METAL PLASTIC. ET¢ eLUvEO BENCH STAND GE nom ie ==" HERE’S POWER! ene M.P. Drill Moter Drives all Everything & Orill Pres Renc 4 FIT ‘ 1.75! Truly 30 Ww EASIEST OF TERMS! HONE! COME IN! or MAIL THIS COUPON PHO| N! OF . IKE, NOEN. Soginew Please send me ag IN.1” Workshop as advertised. { _ to pay 50c a week on the balance until paid in : OMG. bocce csccdeceeeseeseressseseesesseneressseeesesee RONG. .2scesecccserererescceesvee MY oncecersessovece tmployed by. Peerirtiirilicri Tt ittitii iti iti iti tit tk. ee, eee Walkie Phdne. 6. occoccesccnesensscbasoseuseessvevsvesceses : u New Account i baakaponyandn mee reyes 4. mat... Budget Terms : Bes