‘| the Invisible Goa.” rome arses ae ‘and acted in a THE TRINITY From ages past, Judaism, that Con't. on Page 4, Col. 3 4& Stedy by Guy Rowe Father of Four ‘Huron father of four was Beaten, Killed at Willow Run eet tes & nie Gane of \tew waned Hite know, beyond. gil Robbery-Slaying Turns doubt, that their deepest aspiration! meng dh is A Way, the was inherent in this Man—that they’ Yule Reunion at Sai ge jwere seeing God. * to Tragedy YPSILANTI (?—A Port beaten to death in a rob- bery at Willow Run Airport minutes after his -wife’s, parents arrived from Min- nesota last night for a Christmas reunion. The robbery-slaying vic- tim was 41-year-old Lavern Wegener, assistant St. Clair County agricultural agent. Two men were grabbed quickly, but State Police said preliminary questioning failed to establish any connnection with the bludgeoning Wegener. Both were Negroes. Mrs. Wegener found her hus- band dying in a pool of blood in the airport parking lot. She said he told her en route te an Ann Arbor Hospital at least two per- 6oms attacked him with what he thought was a piece of pipe. Wegener was pronounced dead upon arrival at University Hos- pital. Wegener had gone with his wife to the airport to meet her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Len Miller of Minne-; apolis. He left the three talking. over Christmas plans in the air- port terminal while he went to get his automobile from the nearby parking lot. ‘WIFE GREW ANXIOUS Mrs. Wegener tecame* anxious Southfield Man Won’t Pay ~s\Dad Sticks to a matter of principle.” Fifty-one-year-old Harold ‘Principle, sas| Will Spend Holiday in Jail A Southfield Township father of five will spend Christmas in jail because he refused to pay a debt “as, The Wegeners had left their Murphy, of 19757 Jeanette, ali _ |St., plans to spend his holi+ day giving his children jhaircuts tomororw at the)... Oakland County Jail, where’ he has been since Dec. 4. The DBA Finance System of Pontiac purchased a $1,250 court: swept damage judgment against Murphy’ from a Ferndale shoe store owner. last month. The storekeeper first won the civil suit, which resulted from a fist fight over a pair of shoes, in 1952. Biarplcy' (a the first peram te 2@ years to be imprisened in the Oakland County Jail for nonpay- i Bernard McCabe, owner of the ifinance company, said that Mur- iphy’s keep has already — paid for up until Jan. § Said McCabe: “This is the first! judgment I've bought that I had, to put a man in jail in order to col-. lect. He owes a legal debt and is’ lable to pay it. Actually, I didn’t) and said their ‘clothing probably jput the man in jail. The court did.” * Aceording to Murphy: “I'm in- nocent! I don’t care what the court said. I expect to win an appeal that is still pending on the case’ and I'll stick by what | think is right.” * * = Mrs. Murphy will bring their ehildren Michael, 15; Rose Ann, ll; Timothy, 7; and Cynthia, 5, to visit their father on Christmas day. Another son. Francis, 21, is a Sail- ior at Norfolk, Va. Said Murphy: “When the officers first came to take me fo jail I cut the kids’ hair before I left because I didn’t know how long I'd be. My ‘Dxear-old son called last night and said they all needed another ihaireut. I told him to bring the ease on Page 4, Col. 2 when her husband failed to return. | ‘She went to the parking lot to) | investigate. State Police said Wegener died ate blow on the head. appar- ently inflicted. by a pipe or some similar object. \taining an undetermined amount af cash and two checks totaling $118, ‘was missing. | four children home in Port Huron a they drove to the airport get her parents, The plane f serie frem Minnapolis askin ' before 10 p.m. State Police broadcast an alert for two men wanted in the slaying. They identified both as Negroes | was blood-stained. The first two men seized for questioning were picked up a half mile from the airport shortly after ithe fatally beaten Wegener: was found. ‘The Press Takes Holiday, No Newspaper Tomorrow Tomorrow is Christmas Day, a holiday observed throughout the Christian world as the anniver- sary of Christ's birth. In order that its employes may have « part In the observance of the day, the Press. will publish no editions temorrow, Regular edi- tions will be resiimed Wednes- day. KUNA, "Idaho — Some chil-| a Christinas pageant in church) week, It was disconcerting, j of them were to walk the stage, each carrying a) spell: \ ‘star’ “bearers got amd went in back- In Today's Press NEW YORK (INS) — About 39) it was feared the decorative object dren, all in their early school) imillion more Christmas trees have |might be mistaken for a Commu- . got out of line while putting been sold in the U.S. this year ‘nist insignia. The red star was re- ithan in any previous year, a sur-! ivey of tree dealers said. 000 more than last year. ST. CATHERINES, Ont. (INS)—| @ The city council of St, Catherines "ordered a red Christmas star re- awa: by a blue one. os \ JACKSON a— deckusi’s can- | didate for the world’s. meanest J ring placard. All togeth-- COPENHAGEN (INS) — Danes) man: . "re in correct order and sent more Christmas packages this) B-E-T-H-L-E-H-E-M' year than ever before. A tabulation) ‘in Copenhagen alone showed the! ‘total last week was 452,000, or 127,- His wallet, con-| - 4 DIAMOND ANNIVERSARY—Nine children, 11 grandchildren and five great grandchildren will join in a celébration honoring the 60th (diamond) | wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey T, Moore, of 193 Michigan Ave., today. Not to be Royal Oak Hunt Goes On ings. Admitting he of the incidents. But he said he has was, shot in the back woman Was narrowly Lietzan, who will It’s Christmas All Over! zz: fiseated a gun used in the) Dec. 15 shootings, Lietzau, refused to disclose details| The Christmas rush fat Pontiac’s to believe” the earlier shootings were linked with Friday. night's sniping, in which a 14-year-old girl other city police officials teday to make plans for netting the un- Last Friday night, Cindy Detective Denies Link in Shootings Royal Oak Chief of Detectives Edward Lietzau today angrily denied the “mad sniper” who shot at two women'm in Rayal Oak streets Friday night had been concerned in two shooting incidents Dec. 15. Published reports had linked the two series of shoot- outdone, the son and daughter-inlaw of the/ couple, Mr. and Mrs. Earl. Moore, of 325 Dick Ave., will also celebrate their 25th (silver) wéd-_| ding anniversary today. Either Possible AChristmas, ‘Slippery Glaze May Coat Roads Late Tonight Drivers Told to Stay In as Temperature Skids, Conditions Worsen Snow today threatened Michigan highways which {have claimed at least 21 jlives thus far in the long Christmas weekend. Despite a drop in tem- peratures that should end a week of fog and rain, highways were expected to remain dangerous when 4 slick coat of light snow falls tonight as thousands head home on Christmas Eve. Oakland County so Aar has es ecaped the highway slaughter, which finds Michigan's two-day toll the filth highest’ in the nation. In the Pontidc area, there have ibeen at leasy/50 reported accidents ‘with 22 persons injured, none criti- jeally. ./ State police says reads are clear today in this area. In the | Upper Peninsula and the upper of the Lower Peninsula, r, highways were report- ed slippery and in some places dangerously covered by snow. Nationally, the holiddy death toil soared to 400 and experts warned motorists a new. record in fatall- ties would be set. if they do not slow down. Pentiac Press Pheto a ee _— ener White Christiaas, Wet Christmas— | a * A possible ca 660 fatalities for the holiday period ending to- ‘}morrow night was seen by the Na- Old St. Nick, /probably won't have tional Safety Council. The all time tough sleddifig after all, as the |high in_ holiday deaths of 609 was Weather Bureau said some snow'set during last year's three-day might be on hand for the jolly. Christmas holiday. man’s Annual visit tonight, | Seat” getlaalilins warned iebae tar bureau said snow flurries torists of the dangerous weather, t develop from an expected) which is bad for driving, but not d tale. The mercury is expected| bad enough to keep people at 0. dip to around 30 tonight. For) home, the thermometer will) read between 30 and 34, the bureau predicted. - * © * Sheriff Frank W. Iroris and Pon- ~ ‘Post Office Caught Up on Christmas Mail/ had con-) ‘post office is definigély over, Act- “no reason '"& Postmaster [slie H.. Dean: said today. : “The mail is phoving out of the ahd another miséed. meet with “We're cleanéd up,” Dean said. as it's coming in. ra post tiae Police Chief Herbert W. Stra- ley urged drivers to proceed slow- ly and with caution, : : * 2 * “The Pontiac and county rec- lord can easily be marred tonight and Christmas Day,” they said, The unseasohable week of fog and rain is expected to be pushed aside by a cold front sweeping across from Lake Sapetrier, That should bring snow to the state, the bureau said, but chances are there won't be too much to aid Santa's sleigh. © so ggemnchy roads become icy or Preceding 8 a.m.. the lowest tem- ‘ ssid Grinities Iperature ak te Reeilan Ba mt evinjen whi ae and \Pontiae was 35 degrees. At 1 pam. ihe ‘registered 38 a happy holiday into a period of "jmourning, they said. 2 > = ike Greets Se ‘They pointed to the death pace in Michigan thig Christmas weekend, COLDWATER (AP) — — William ‘which so far is running far ahead Reynolds of Coldwater received of the com: period last week, birthday congratulations Sunday|in which 20 lost their. lives in traf. from President . Reyn-|fic from 6 p.m. Friday to midnight olds was 100 years. old. the following Tuesday. moved from the city hall because Saeed eee eeen eee Ce ee el eeeeees iE teed ded oo ae ene ee PELs Tees Dy f Street Loses 9s Its Name me : _ BUDAPEST @ + A street be-|s Rig see ATLAS @ CLAUSING © DELTA SHOPSMITH © DeWALT PORTER-CABLE © SKIL BROWNIE-SHARPE © MILWAUKEE ‘TERMS AVAILABLE GLENN WING POWER TOOLS | 1437 SOUTH WOODWARD AVE. Five Blocks North of 14-Mile Road BIRMINGHAM MI 4-0444 DAILY 8 to 6:00 — SATURDAY $ te 5:00 | and 2 Other Stations | Tentatively Purchased Bes NEW YORK # —- Time, Inc., oer a tentative agreement to buy ttt van AN OLD FASHION WISH to our many fine friends for a holidey season that is bright ‘n cheerful— css rte cm eae OS § BUN AL. cece enc enee ani | Grand Rapids’ WOOD |" bd = sergeant returned “home| © "Shop Around”: for a —— 3 in 3 BLAKE RADIO and TV c : s perspreed dirwctine Spgeeeal v149 w. Howe rea-s7o SFerries at Mackinac | Ne? olla aes ct! ito Sail at New Hours 2} wee i Be 0 Jali al New Mours . | ]| [iiers nab the Foal Con ee e munications Commission, . ice at the straits of Mackinac wil she ulations limit, ownership fvell PRESCRIPTIONS winter schedule Jan, 2, the ' = rae di] Filled as Matveny Dapartenent hes 00- s in Denver, Sale Lake City and i ka nounced, Tee CeERS i gana = At present, the ferries are pro- — bd 8 s ividing one hour service between 3 DELIG 7 |Mackinaw City and St. ex- 4 TALWZ ae ene eee ee sronmtoxr 39 * Eee | q _* * * fore os So Starting Jan. the ice-breaker GANTO Paar Soe gaat leave Mackinaw 8 SARUM. City at 5 a.m, and every two hours ! ‘afterwards up until midnight Homage ischedule from St. Ignace will start © 1956 Where My Line, Ine. hat 6 a.m. with similar two-hour de- )partures, — ‘THE BERRYS eR Peg ae a i. o “~ ‘ a * 4 wor . : Workmen TV Deaths from diphtheria and ty-| z t4) have decreased by about 92) Detroit Drill Corps ae ren of M,_|Phold have by about 82 _ENGLISH POINTER per cent in the United States since | 1900. e : - GENTLE Gets Ike's Invitation DETROIT # — The Precision Drill Corps of Detroit Commandery |No. 1, Knights Templar, will march }in the Inaugural Parade in Wash- | £%ie . 106 NORTH SAGINAW ST.. 4 Again, We Ask You to Visit Us... Ou WE As glowing hearthfires add cheer to this holidenp season So visit the Donelson-Johns Fu- neral Home at your leisure. We will welcome * for the loyalty and good will : most desirable. ‘is a most f " {tis pleasant to pause and necessary service — and your hour of need may be closer than express sincere appreciation you think. : : you, will guide you : pf the finest people ’in'the through our complete facilities, : | . ‘ and will supply you with full in- MERRY —_ “page so. OF enn and pinks wr gy aad profession he to you and a happy, ; prosperous New Year. ahve 2 = é j ‘ Fred ; W.. FOR THE CONSIDERATION OF CHRISTMAS DAY | : 22 ORCHARD LAKE "AND THE POINT IS. — R 38 EMPLOYEES WILL BE.CLOSED - ae CHRISTMAS. TO Ab inssin soak ree ii ‘pe Fe A TEED line of the new. music hox she received at a | Tampa, Fla., Christmas party for blind tots. | | Award | Winners \iluminated with Christmas lights. “| house, winning third place honors. Three Families Take Prizes in Ist Contest by Merchants ROMEO—Top winner in the first The winning lawn scene fea- tared a gnome “playing an organ,” a miniature church and creche, all * * * Honorable mentions were Dr. Da- vid J. Collon, Bernard Seifert, Rob- ert Hutton, gordon Redditk, Jo. seph Caringi and Ronald Gee. Judges included Mr. and Mrs William Creed, Superintendent of Schools T. C. Filppula and Village President Ray Mellen. Rochester Fire Chief County Births : Utiea Mr. and Mrs. Clement J. Schoenherr 14750 Twenty-One Mile Rd. announce the birt h | of a Gaught ter, Joyce Marte. omen: - ‘ c crowded theiparty. given’ by the Avon ‘ares fin So! cera Cones jail her Jife, Mrs, Porter is sur. ye Mrs. dames Drumm ~ \James (Viola) Drumm, 87, of 241 4| Howard St. here, was to be held at 2 p.m, today from Muir Brothers iF Home, with burial in Mt. Lakeview Cemetery, Lapeer. Mrs. /not service will be|Drumm died Friday in Lapeer Hf a daughter, Mrs. Evie Stier of La- peer: a son, John Cypher of Flor- ~ hejida; four grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren, Mrs. Clara M. Newby § ‘ 5 Mrs. Clara May Newby, 2366 ; ¥ Ping Howday from the Dudley H. Moore Funeral Home. with burial in White Chapel Cenietery.: She died at her home Saturday. of 1401 Bamford St., died soon aft-\and 16 great-grandchildren. Donald McMurchy Porter SOUTHFIELD TOWNSHIP — ery. ~ Service for Donald McMurchy Por- _ Besides her parents, she is sur-'ter, 57, of 18440 Westiand St., will ‘by a sister, Lori Ann,.at/be held at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Fisher Funeral Home, Troy, Ohio, with burial ther. Mr. Porter UTICA — Service for Mrs. May ter in Troy, Ohio. ri " | Genefal service manager for the ter, Mrs. Hanmah Sivers, 12520/ General Exchange insurance Corp., ' Plumbrook Rd. and who died there Mr. Porter is survived by his wife, Friday, will be held.at 1 p.m. Marjory Warfield, a son, Donald, * Wednesday from the Farmer-Sno-jand a sister, Mrs. Susan Pauly of thacofhinn.: ses asonnad with terial in| Troy. 4s ar oe ey FRIENDS In the days shead may you come to know the joys of the New Year. May health, peace and prosperity be yours. May we take this oppor: tunity to express.our thanks for your favors during the past year, here Saturday for a Christmas, ae AUBURN HEIGHTS—Service for Leach Rd., was to be at 19:30 a.m. Mrs. Newby is survived by a! Zambrumen, infant daughter of daughter, Mrs. -Alfonse Goforth of ‘Paul and Betty Marr Zambrumnen|Auburn Heights, six grandchildren’ died Saturday while visiting a sis- The event included a turkey dinner, with all the trimmings, jand & program afterward in the von Township Children Romp at Yule Party used-teo help needy familics throughoat the year. Explorer Scouts of Avondale! Post 60 aided with the Saturday) Goodfellows |Brooklands and Avondale were) party sponsors. | on Value of Lew Lavoy, manager y - safety department of Citizens’ Mutual Automobile In- ‘LAPEER —" Servite for eMrs./surance Co., of Howell, a veteran authority on traffic safety, will how seat belts, now offered by all manufacturers, only can seve lives but also actually make riding more com- fortable. He is scheduled to speak at their’ Wednesday meeting. Lavoy, who has beew testing | seat belts for nearly four years | on the “Citizens’ Man” fleet of show the Southwest Kiwanis Club’ Kiwanis Guest.to Speak Safety Belts iC lis is endlens campaign te evercome an ap- perent public apathy toward the use of safety beits, Citing numerous top heavy sta- tistics in favor of approved seat- Pose Rezoning: |: party and Harold Dawe was pro-| Proposition has been presented to! gram chairman. i from Rochester, 7e#0ne an area in ‘belts, in his talks, Lavoy also) CHRISTMAS PARTY — Douglas Parker with George Ross, Harold Graves, Brooklands Fire chief, with Micke May- Pentiac Press Phete } Avon* Township Goodfellow drive with Ruth Waller, are pictured:at the annual party for kids Saturday at Rochester. About 340 children at- tended the Yule event at Rochester Junior High. | bee and J. C. Davis, Avondale chairman of the in Marlette i] Council Hears Proposal | to Change Restrictions | for Industrial Use SN QS Ma NS TS MARLETTE — Another rezoning’ the Council here. it was asked to; 8 the Carpenter | | street section from residential to) industrial. This would make room| for a bedding manufacturing con-. cern which will supply to trailer — ‘plants. ‘ A new accounting system teil ‘being set up for the Village by = jrepresentatives of Yoe and - Yoe, |} CPA firm of Saginaw. i The Council moved to participate | points to concrete evidence of|with the Michigan State Highway’ & Citizens’ faith in the safety de-| \vices in the form of premium re- ductions for users. The Michigan firm is the first offer such safety inducements. 2 Businesses Looted i i Sentence Marlette Man MARLETTE—Patrick Hayes who Hotel, was sentenced to spend ten days in the Sanilac County Jail ‘and pay $12.80 costs or spend an additional five days in jail. Hayes pleaded guilty to taking $25 over a period of time from the catéring ‘service for which he worked, . at | the hotel, gave his address as the Mariette |in METAMORA — Two businesses here located at the intersection af highways M-181 and M-24 were re- cently looted for a total of $165.00 ih and merchandise. Af the Hillside Tavern, owned by Leander Dughay, thieves took $145, two bottles of liquor and cigars. Twenty dollars in cash, cigars and five cartons of cigar- ettes were taken from the Hillside Department in building of curbs @ and gutters on M58 and study the — | possibility of widening. A letter . will be sent-to Ralpk Dibble of the j Highway Department. 1 The plat of the Storey Subdivi-|~ sion was approved providing the , subdivider supply water, sewer arid/ © streets to the Village specifica- = tions. = eee has been| # Relief Drive Over Top ANN ARBOR (® — Washtenaw ~ county has gone over the top in © its quota for the Hungarian Relief, © Drive. Lawrence Ouimet, chair- @ man of the local Red Cross chap-) ter, said collections were 4.430, '6 Gas Station, operated by Don Cas- caddan. or $230 over the goal. oe NIGHT... * Ov nignt’” s pas oe, Pe i bs Ee ke * About one-fifth of all the food|wasted, according to federal esti- | Produced in the U. S. each year is: mates, \ 1,000 Smoked Pigeons NEW YORK @® — A smoky fire yesterday in a Bronx pet shop killed 1,000 pigeons. Only survi- vors were one pigeon, a canary, an Italian finch and a cat. [P enney ’s Knows 2¢ That Santa Sometimes — Makes Mistakes... SO WE WILL BE GLAD TO MAKE EXCHANGES ANYTIME. If it comes from Penney’s — any Penney Store in the 48 states, we'll gladly make exchanges at any time! Another Reason Why IT PAYS TO. SHOP. AT PENNEY’S aa 2 oe et & a 4 Pha a i te dy Se call ke oh Sa