OS ee ee eg ee Pe ee ee eee ee ee ee ee yb ae a ‘* ‘ ‘ a ¥ 1 ‘117th YEAR ‘ last night when a letter of resigna The Weather . ' '@. & Weather Buread Forecast Sunny and mild ( salle @n Page 2) r ; it PONTIAC PE PONTIAG MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1 15, 1959--52 P. AGES | " gnrred ty INTERNATIONAL Uy Ailin x &k * x * * “je kh o* ” J x * Kidnaped Girl Found Safe Z Ike Plans to Select Suécessor Shortly AUGUSTA, Ga.{AP) — President Eisenhower to- | day announced the resignation of cancer-stricken Sec- | retary of State John Foster Dulles. | xk &* * | With moisture in his eyes, Eisenhower personally. told newsmen that Dulles is absolutely’ incapacitated” | to carry on the burden of his office and to determine policy. . Eisenhower said he will announce a successor soon, ‘ a] He declined to say that the job will go to Under-' secretary of State Christian A. Herter, who has been ; serving as acting secretary. WILL BE CONSULTANT Eisenhower said he has asked Dulles to continue to serve him as a foreign policy consultant. A reporter told Eisenhower it had been pretty mudh’ taken for granted that Herter would move up to Dulles’: post. Asked whether he had someone other than Herter in mind, Eisenhower said there are ‘all kinds of con- siderations” to take into account. He added there are ———*“a number of people with ‘. Pan talents” who Police Reserve <2"; a dr ifatic announcement r Dal Attempts fo Quit ete upals ha spread to the, Complain That Eastman eck «ra Farber iy apparently . had been contined to the abdom Has ‘Shelved’ Unit; Meeting Scheduled Lisenhower strode into the temporary White House press Pentiac today was threatened pon, near his vacation head. with mass resignation of its 4 quarters this forenoon and an neunced that he wanted to say something regarding Dulles. member reserve police force The latest outburst of trouble within the Police Department came a Newsmen began to suspect a! tion was offered to the City Com- mission unscheduled E:senhower appear , . pee They‘re Weaving Web of Infamy’ Teen located Defiant Expect Mercury * ' . & Bufalino said someone before the -Senate Rackets “weave a web of infamy” Teamster Bufalino: A ge Ny A bd « ; ” t. és i] ee oe ee AP Wirephote $sajement prior to the bear- had been trying to about him. in Fre ds With onvict 10-Hour for Pontiac Blonde Believed Abducted The Sheriff's Depart- ment has identified the man with whom JoAnn Visure was found as Har- old E. Martin, 20, of 735 E. Madison Ave., an ex- convict who was released from lonia State Reforma- tory just last Tuesday alter serving nearlv three years for car theft here. A 10-hour search ended abruptly late this morning} when a 17-year-old Pontiac girl, apparently the victim of a violent abduction, ‘was found unharmed in a /woods in nearby Bloomfield Township. An unidentified man -was ‘found with her. accoysding to sheriff's detectives, who ‘were bringing the pair to Oakland County Jail. It was not known whether the girl had been kidnaped or although evidence since her disap- pearance early this mgrning indi- cated this, The girl is JoAnn M. Visure. a pretty blue-eyed blonde. who was expecting to be married | this week, Her discovers ended a statewide ince when secret service agents search in which the FBI had ten It was signed by John Graham, poached the press roof a * few 7. tatively joined chiet of the Pontiac Police Reo ciinuies in advance of the Presi- to Hit Balmy .. oAnn is the daughter of Mrs. serve, and 56 other reserve MEM- Gent to muke their usual safe- ann Visure, a widow with two bers, guarding -arrahgements fur lus 72 teat Here .. Denies Probers Ch f other a porn ads She | . WRoteetinn was last seen by her fiance, Thom- Mayor Philip FE. Row sta per protection The mercur is experted j S q es as Black. 18. the son of Mr. and suaded the resers ists to hold Of NWT HELPLESS hin 7) dewrees today 1 Mrs. James Black of 739 Young St quitting for two weexs, while the The Presidem’s enotwn record Wt 4s. G&Erees toda) city attempts tasolve their com, the fur ee the “A ise f _ temperature of th Tempera ; FROM OUR NEWS WIRES BOTH QUIT SCHOOL Pisin, <* « # Diilles eondinon became more and Mures Mall @ontinge bith unt WASHINGTON — The Senate Rackets Committee Beth teenagers, attended Pon I : ae Centre fed sehe until fast Chief gripes centgred around 7°" ae an ~ ae i Ae a ae dug in its heels today for another verbal tug-of-war with an . svar thes ae noo! Sani 8 George D. Eastman, public safety ye nie peprted that het : heen 4 a mn William Bufalino, a talkative Detroit teamster. Although. a witness heard the divector for the past seven ments valked to Dulles bs telephone eal ‘foniht’s AGM drop te nea In three grinding hours yesterday. the committee gi! s screams when she was ab- Reservits claimed Eastrys erin the morning. and that in view 46) Thiysdat 4 ae +b ly b ‘i t th | lanned to g ducted) police have no clear-cut “put them oon the shelf and was, tha deters” Jaret tindiies. The ts snes 4 ; oe t “ Jarery egan o cover e ground it planned to go over account of what actually happened luining morale = fecretary had decided definitely te ‘ os Sut a i! ‘dbeun: ie cs ~~ a with Bufalino. the law- Apparently, it went like this: They said they received better subrot his pesamation heceming 14-20 miles poate school-trained head of JoAnn was driving her moth. ‘ treatment under former Police A formal letter will reach him Portwthrer was thy mest ore ~~ Beaver sland Gets Local 985. er’s car home from her boy Chief Herbert W. Straley. whose later the Piesident went o cording preceding & whe Kor 4 mimittee accustomed ti friead's, about two miles away. battle with Eastman ended with Hisenhower said he wanted to to8n Ponnae. The re 4 hea ning ahem . mn chicas a - 7 oh As she turned onto Midway from Straley's ouster as chief April 4. make it clear that Dulles is nof PI sas Be _ “” Emergency Supplies Amendment fo avord anmeering Past bodipverd, Ser car was Graham and about 9@ other mem helpless. but the President questions, Bufalino provided a forced to the curb by the other ' hers of the reserve who appeared added thal the secretary is ‘ab Money Not a Girdle CHARLEVOIX o& — The Coast stunning change a pace. Fle re vehicle. : at last night's meeting indicated a selutely ineapacitated for carry- Guard cutter Acacia carmed 12 sponded with torrents of words. al The unknown assalant gained willingness to meet with Rastmian ing on the administrative load” WASHINGTON it PT: Sen tons of food supplies, plus gasuline though often not di ected to whatentiy to the girls car and 4a vw and other city officials in an at. and the policy-making chores of | Feverett Mo Dirksen «R-HL) ad- and fuel oil from Charlevoix yes--the committee regarded as the Jent battle ensued tempt to iron out thea problems. the’ State Department. dressing a conference of Repum terd iy for ice-bound residents of point at issue JoAnn’s left shoe came off, the * * * It was at that point that the hean Soe On me cal sound: Beaver Island in Lake Michigan Bufalino said someone on the COMents ef her purse were dumped “You've been a part of this cits President said he has asked the NSS and sta Diy explained 19 ‘The island lies about 32. miles committee—he didn't say who— 0" the floorboards, a blanket on) for too long for me to accept Your T-year-old Dulles ta stay on as a {he ladies. “Rubber is good in a porthwest of Charlevoia Was attempting to “weave and '2P funt seat of the car was! summary resignation,’ suid Row- f oreign Polies consultant busine te : ‘ me ror ta the" Coast Guard help in obtaining’ spin a web of infamy” around tossed to the floor, the seat cover stan. ~_ * * ing ss siipplies was asked because severe him, was ripped and the contents of The mayor said he would asks Eisenhower heaped praise oF — ice conditions have prevented the He hotl. erected vies ‘Continued on Page 2, Col. 6) City Manager Walter Ko Willpian Dulles. catling bint one of the inost Rhee will Run Again ferry Emerald Isle fram. starting ees ' clea a . un as next week to obtain a statement able men the country has krowr Hs normal service to ibe istand by Ne Gayl oT; itis RAkebs : 8 from Eastman concerning reser Wearing a tan sports coat and SEOUL, South Korea PA Meanwhile. the cutters Arundel that he take a lie detertor test ion Arctic Mission ists’ charges and arrange a nego. a sports shirt with tie, Eiserhow- President Ssngman Rhee. $4. to- of Chicago and Woodbine of Grand his denial of involvement Mm ine ‘ , fiating meeting vithin two weeks. or spoke before a battery of hastiv day announced he def iniiels will (Haven have been carrying ine bamnbing of @ nonunion Dearhorn Ice Skate Willman is vacationing in Florida |x set up newsreel cameras and: run for a fourth four-sear teraa igency supplies to Mackinaw Island Mien om ~ wash iis PsisBuSie lips this week. flood lights i 1460 lin the Straits of Mackinac. ul : pad pothin i to de- waht Wt. Gets Under Way 5 a 4 Storme: In a long letter of resignation, - ee - —— re / * * * Te a Graham referred to ‘question. ia mare Ieuan... pelliepventl: ALPITA TWO Aretie Ocean able conduct” within the ranks of Bov Admits Stabbing delwered. Butalnia: ° (APr— The Skate a cold weather regular police officers that has —Defended the character and SCientific mission with streng mil _been “detrimental to the morale reputation of alleged underworld Mary overtones, was launched and best interests of the re- fig ures Who were associated with Piesday on this tiny block of ice serve." 1 Ss in O ler O im in a qukebax busimess betore the barren aretic He refused te elaborate later he became head of the jukebox we cu ronnie tobenis ‘i ‘ s ary FLITE s ) probe ne prerred fo work out the FLINT ?—A youth adm ited to The bes went to the Dixon home = Pee he merely fronted for Pduipment. food and shelter to a a ems in he meeting with East- police todayv that he heat and te watch television after the set in riminal elements behind the tusr 5?! Ml eantingent of Air nee men . * * * stabbed to death a prefts. young his ewn house failed nes< ind Noaws SCHEIN ES from ¢ at fit In the letter, Graham referted mother of three whoa had be- O Rourke suid al! the box remem- —Aeccused the committee of 17 “ne al pe tee eae ; to “disparaging remarks and in- friended him. pred wes that Mrs. Dixon walked “branding and stigniatizing™ his ai d ; ee tee ce an nuendo by Eastman personally Genesee County Prosecutursby while he was watching televi children by fisting hinr on ity TEEN ena tis ale mere ts He wouldn't elaborate on this T¢reme F. O'Rourke said he would siop and he battered her with a chart of the Matia crime syudi- The 3-mile hy 2 mile island is ask the probate court? to waive pipe wrench an then stabbed het cate, along the arctic route traveled * gurisdietion on Gerald Carlson, wh a butcher knife dex: ; ‘Continued on Page 2. Col 6) \ho wilt be 15 a week from today. “The bow ve al home and told his —Contended there was ne cen hee nuclear submarine Nau Texas Grandfathers The mutilated body of Patricia father what he had done,” fet of IRVErESE Ya Wis: SENS ul , , Dixon, 24, was found in a utility O'Rourke said.’ The father called labor telatians antant while Soviels have two sintlar sta Have Own Heaven pari of her home on the outskirts a9 ambulance serving as a umon offteral lions and are landing a third with pee oes : . ' . as ge n lf iiles oo li > Sue CLARKSVILLE, Tex. (UPI) — j dint — night. She aS O'Rourke said Gerald, who has COMMITS ke CHARGES me ia Alva One a io i Allen, the five-year-old grandson C30 !7 @ Rightgown. a 19-year-old brother, had never For tts part, the committee nich broke up last) November of P. D. Marable, who tells the O'Rourke said Carlson fre- , been in trouble before. He said charged that Bufalino: and had to be evacuated story, moved to Little Rock. Ark. quently visited Mrs, Dixon and the -boy seemed remorseful and —Received almost $1000 tn te yg, Harrys Mo Brittenhan of recently and got. to discussing her husband, Richard, 27, at their “ “remembers what he did.” gal fees and expenses: from the Houston, Tex. is the Ice Skate grandfathers with a new friend. home. “He didn't break down when 1 union during the bribery and project offices Allen said he had one grand- — Dixorwas at work at the Fisher talked to. him. He was lucid and Wire-tap trials af Peaster Presi Alpha Two is 233 miles north of father in heaven. The friend said body plant at the time of the slay- cooperative.’ O'Rourke said, dent Jam . i Halt S98 worth Point Barrow and about 900 miles he had two in heaven. ing. The couple's children -- Rich. O'Rourke said he would, investi silted fi > peered eat ~ ve ° south of the North Pole “Do you suppose our grand. ard Jr. 4, Terry 2, and Pamela. gate the case further before he de of law pees ves ues *Y Alpha One, which was operated fathers know each other up there?” 10 months were in the house fara whether or ny to petition / divorce atid HOw OE EAN oy conjunction with the Paterna the friend asked Carlshn lived next door to the the Juvenile Cdurt to waiVeeganis sulls ; fional Geophys sical Vr ar, brake "Shoot, no.’ Allen said "My Dixon home just outside the Flint diction and have ‘the hoy tried in * —Obtained a $16.000 hesiness up after being oceupred for grandfather is in a Texas heaven.” city limits with his father Ora. Cirenit Court ra GERALD CARESON (Continued on Page 2. Col 3) manths 4 7 Search Ends ‘hurt. not, ‘darling of the family, soften ' about the % 4 ‘ety g Dulles Resigns as Secretary of State JOANN VISURE ' Girl’s Mother Has Her Share of Trouble By PETE LOCHBILER Mrs. Ann Visure has seen more than he: share of troubles lately, but the abduction of her daughter last night is the worst blow of all. “I just don’t know what could have happened, I don't. know what to think,’ the tearful 55-year-old widow said today. “It's hard to belive JoAnn would have opened her car door for a stranger. She's not that kind of girl. “I hate to think of her being x * * I just pray that she , gets out of this unharmed.” Mrs. Visure held JoAnn’s high school picture in her hand this’ morning at her home, 446 Midwa) Ave. “She is such a pretty girl, such a pretty girl,” she said, touching the portrait gently. JoAnn is the youngest of Mrs Visure's three children, and as a golden-haired tot was always the When Mrs. Visure’s husband, John. died in December of cancer, JoAnn's pending marriage helped the blow for her mother. * * * Visure was in the Materials partment of Pontiac Mofor Divi- sion. and he left enough money so that his widow does not, have to wark The other children are Robert. 31, who hives w ith his mother, and Ernest, 28, de- MKS. ANTHONY PENA Mrs. Visure doesn't like te talk incident in front of her home last August. That was when JoAnn’s long-time boyfriend Thomas Black, attempted sui- cide beeause JoAnn wanted to Gitl s Screams Wake Neighbor break off with him. “They were going to he mariied | i thats what's important... They} Mrs. Anthony Pena Were thinking of having the cere-: Telephones City Police Following Commotion mony perfornted this week. FIGHTS TEARS Thinking suddenly of the ,vio-| lence with which JoAnn appar-| “Suddenly | was awakened by ently was abducted, Mrs. Visure'the sound of screams,” Mrs. -An- fought to keep back the tears, jthony: Pena of 510 Midway Ave., “At least there were no blood told Pontiac patrolmen early this — stains in the -ear, [mourning “It happened so close to home. Dtiertines sina: was still on the phone reporting Cub lenier’ if Holly, has been nominated for} Henry L. Woolfenden was named gervicg for Mrs. Janet E, Chap- - | the to ; uban eader’s Life Michigan Mother of the Year, it;)mayor pro-tem. man, 49, of 1057 N. Woodward Ave. 7 | aw & © ‘ Alarm Officials wee samemseed toay, ieee ” | will be at 10 a.m. Friday at Bell : | Albert Hemstreet, 38, of 4 S. Mrs. Hathaway retired from the] Birmingham Newcomers Club [Chapel of the William R. Hamil- - Saginaw St., was arrested for in- teaching profession last year at! wit! meet for their regular lunch- |ton Co. Burial will be in Woodlawn 2 : fi _ By JOHN SCALI Davisburg Elementary School. She} gon at 12:30 p.m. tomorrow at (Cemetery, Toledo, Ohio, Mrs. 7 minutes after the waitress, , WASHINGTON (AP) — Cuba’s'and her husband have raised three! ge Community House. Chapman died at her home yester- Williford, ‘of 2922: Churchill Ra Prime Minister Fidel Castro will| children, none of them their’s by : . day after a long illness. . ? Auburn Heights, called that 3 arrive tonight for what promises | birth. Mrs. Elinor K. Rose, nationally- She is survived by a daughter 7 she bad been held police to be a stormy ll-day unofficial); gy. win vie with 19 other meth syndicated feature writer, will | inda: a son, Lawrence: and her } up. visit to the United States. | 7 mou |speak on “Sugar and Spice. ‘mother, Mrs. Maude A. Stucken- : ers nominated for the honor. | “virs. Rose has published @ book} “ail of Birmingham She said the man walked into State Department security i i } the White Tower Restaurant |. agents and Washington police ™ eines i Bean and her poetry and prose have ap- : 142 N. Saginaw St., shortly be- | have arranged to give him one Of|stan Cadillac Hotel, April 30 as (PC2vc? i= many magazines. ; t fore 10-p.m. with a silk scarf the tightest protective rings ever part of «Michigan State Mother : P~ - covering his face. given a foreign visitor. Week’ festivities. The Woman's Society of Chris- Our ouse an q wis desctat har bs tsa envi ’*« * tian Service of the First Methodist } | was @ stickup, she told police. | castro, accompanied by a. heavy|__ Te Michigan Mother of 1959 i plod wil} hold its annual spring | . ' compete with mothers similarly rummage sale beginning at 9 a.m. She. turned over $46 from the cash guard of bearded revolutionary | : { 1 : pale honored in the other states for tomorrow at the church. | vegister while he biandished a Protectors, will fly in with a party| the title of American Mother of : i gun. of about 35 persons in a chartered) 1. year in New York City, M ;| Mrs. Carl Jepson said the , Pa . Cuban. government C34 transport. ; MAY °-| snack bar will be open for the Movi C Seat { The two children adopted by Mr. ing County Seat, While ‘the robbery report was A number of threats, warning and Mrs. Hathaway ere a brother convenience of the shoppers. Electi . 3 being flashed to all ‘cars, Patrol- that Castro will never leave the and eisior th Hathaway of! _ ‘ ection on Location |, men Harold Hayden, Ron Peters, pecs _ have ae au | 1647 Weymouth St., Walled Lake,| Mrs. Ruth Shain will speak to Received, Filed > Elmo Burgess and Robert Rood =icerrand are — pe var a and Mrs. Floyd Brian of Ypsilanti. the Senior Men's Club meeting at! . | ‘all spotted Hemstreet running five-day stay in the capital cad a|Tt?, Couple also raised Marlton the Community House Friday. She! 1. iong buried requests that : from the scene, They grabbed)’ y may & te cep 4’ Williams of 303 S. Saginaw St., will illustrate her talk on world!. \\ we red ; A iim at the corner of Perry and shuilar visit in New York. | Holl as @ son affairs with slides Oakland County's government seat x H seit while ane ; x * * y i ae i ‘be shifted to Royal Oak and that still tang further “descriptions «Pat, bis visit apparentty will be| : ey eee , 0! | = - io * Se | "Searched by the patrolmen, Her: Press Club wad the ats seas x ALDGUCted Pontiac Girl —— s.ts.rie sn ety at es | street was found to be carrying , tts luncheon next Monday honor: ‘ : | a : ‘ = es meeting. b-2 Meee te. iin an toe Foun Safe in Woods — “sivervisors took tot matters | : The A ican Society of News- “off the table’’ and received and t mete . led them. ( paper Editors, at whose invitation . ia Mother of 1 Found Castro arranged the visit, pre- | (Continued From Page One) . way heard the screams and ran “All we wanted to do was get s ° pared for a capacity crowd for| the glove compartment strewn over [© the window to see the girl's | tid of tiem,” David Levinson, tabbed 4n Field the Friday meeting he will ad- the front seat. al set a ea i house chairman of a special courthouse dress. | x * * s she he sound “planning committee, said. DETROIT & The of re ~— ‘ 2 = ’ % oe. Castro is hoping his visit will’ There were no blood stains im-' of the other car speeding away, | Fe gaia the only way th ~s hon, B= er ue oe ; e F. Bikes. improve Cuba's relations with the mediately discernable, however. | but didn’t actually see it. wGext “ ld t he coht ce @ young mother nohay to | United States and Canada. He has| The assailant then forced the Mrs. Pena called police immed- ie i ns nots aaa eee, deen wes found -yeoterday fm a | GET BICYCLE SAFETY TIPS — Patrolman Pontise Press Phete (volunteered to answer questions screaming girl into his stolen car iately, at 12:31 pm. oP hee Ama ce tee co thee, field in Romulus Township. She , .; about some of the points on which|and drove off rently headed istrati They're dead as far as I'm con apparently had been stabbed to | Carl Kilmer gives Tommy Hillsey (left) of 1082 pass safety requirements for licensing. Police are Me ferimne bas — ‘tcl ; - we edevard y Beaded) Surngely, the registration cer-\cermed’ Levinson remarked. death. | Argyle St. and Tyfey—Fas 4} Argyle ad- participating in a city-wide drive to have all at cane hea ant Gnatre = on ward East evar. | tificate tat vent bg the stolen * * * | q et * * - | viee on how to make sure their bleycles can bicycles eafety-inspected and licensed. ) are expetted ts ancngee te|__ Mrs. Anthony Pena, 510 Mid- nar Sohtm was peal of the, In October of 1957. the Oakland : | Police identified the victim as Mrs. Mary Johnson, 23, resident — “ef Inkster missing since last Thursday. against him here. Security agents| * * jCounty Faxpayers League asked assigned to guard the Cuban lead-| | The stolen car was a 1956 pink ‘te Board to call @ special elec: tion at which county voters could e e : ® ® jer also have picked up threats, P | R J { Cadillac coupe belonging to a Pon- , For Every Bike, a License 28-2 22 Police Reserve Unit (2°\\ oy smess os i iat eae? Fee * sj . * : 9 : stoned, and shot. | e zyl) Tessak, 328 Main St . Roch- funds for the new courthouse. and Mrs. Johnson’s estranged hus- : Castro will meet with Acting Threatens fo Quit ester , vat the same tme approve a bond band, Joseph Johnson Jr., 28, e e e Ad ‘Secretary of State Christian Her-/ Tessak, an afternoon shift em. ;*% for the rest of the money of Detroit, was sought for ques- — Og Ly? 1t Wi e Yl ve ter Thursdav at a luncheon, and) (coptinued From Page One) | Ploye who works from 4 p.m. to needed to complete the building tioning. | with Vice President Richard M.! — _ midnight, said he couldn't locate | Also the League suggested vot. ‘Nixon Sunday night at Nixon's either, but last week Eastman crit- pis car in the factory parking | ers decide where the new court- This is the time of year again'dressed” bikes April 26 on grounds’ managing editor; Jim Casey of home. He has no plans for formal icized reserve members because jo¢ when he got out of work. He | house should be built — on the ; F lorida Coldest ‘When attention usually centered on of Pontiac Northern High S¢ radio station WPON, and Pontiac ree a top U.S. government Siion woven to ect ina 24 notified police about 12:15 a.m. | present downtown site it favors, ° 7 ivy raffic safety is : | ity C issioner officials. f raley re- ; P State in Nation driver and traffic safety is | The event will begin a p.m. jely Commissioner John Dugan. | : | stored to his position. The car could have been sicken in tne oy oe cour i : ;to the thousands of young bicy The club also will furnish free, ° A group calling itself the Anti- oo, ; : ; | on Telegraph road the supervis . . ‘clists in Pontia , A total ef 15 major prizes do- flect { . 4 Eastman called this participation 4"yUme after 4 p.m., Tessak said. ers taver In Spring Reverse ° i on AC. _ ' mated by the Optimist Club will nt chen for COMeStants bag free'| Communist Movement of the “unethical.” * * | es } : ; The Pontiac Opti.nist Luncheon be awarded te lucky winners, "'TES mens will be served. _ Americas announced here it | Reservists confided after the JoAnn’s mother said she noticed The Roya! Oak Oty Commission | By The Associated P. cu. in cooperation with the Pon-) with th锓Best Dressed Bike” | The coitest will b : { would protest his visit by parad- lmeeting that a small number of Something else strange that was in followed the League in December | Pleasant: spring weather con. ca ~ pcg tee award being. top (prise. ‘and. irts living. in oe BOYS | WG OE pickets NEB snll-Oustre ‘regular police officers had given the car. She found a woman's gray Of 1957, urging a special election 7 ti ™ of the : ., {safety Committee, Pontiac Police . a girl ne i Nac, Or 48. signs in front of the White House ‘them trouble for many years. They Purse in the car, she said that to change the county seat frum nued in most nation’s mid- | pe : , . , _; Judging the decorated bikes will Tuson said, “Anybod ith ! . . : ; ; 7? ? j laa - iG section today but 1 alr’ which’ partment and the Safety Com \ ianry 7 asn , yDOCY with &-two hours before Castro's af | iq these officers were active in belonged to neither her nor JoAyn. Porftiac to Royal Oak. Bf coo r ICN mittee of the Principals Assn., Pon- © airy Re ed. Pontiac Press bike. rival. the Pontiac Police Officers Assn. * * * Both communications have been . lingered’ in eastern. areas chilled ',; ; ; ing i : i'tiac Public. Schools, is engaging in . Land ec : iow ory tabled and have appeared on su- ge : . i , : anti-St. . ith the discovery of JoAnn, r Florida. It also was cool in the |its annual drive to license all bi-| Caso ‘sree reported amines to ere Tank stcaley Hh. Mek syns 'Bloomfield Township police called Pervisors. agendas ever since with- | ‘ ; | sel] his new government to the thies. off a plan to question her boy out action : Minneapolis was just as warm me Detiant Teamster Bufalino *«= People. He also has’ “We're not pro-Straley or ae. friend more thoroughly. | The only voice heard following ~ i > i irm. is e ) ac a ~t . ' chien was 56, deereee’ Marat”) John Tuvon, of 101 Argyle St. . wants American economic aid to] stati, Pre Eastman or smth ack had had troubles with Yesterday's action came trom i : 7 ‘ See | : aa | Eastman,” declared one reserv. cs ubles with Howard K Kelley. Royal Oak high of 72 Tuesday compared to a. * member of the Optimist Lunch. Denies Probers Charges bolster Cuba's sagging economy| ist, “We just. want the proper | his fiancee last fall, attempting mayor aril capervisor, “In the : The tt kn 78 at vba N.D. eon Chub. i and an increased share in the US.| respect for the job we're doing.”’ | suicide once last August in frost ‘suture I'd like the governing bod- legree reading at Ss “his aati ee : arket for his country’s! ve V ouse ; rs . City, in northern Florida — ine a nn teak (Continued From Page One) _|intended to file ‘a petition for re eet ane “not crop. sida t Reservists had these complaints, | the Viure & . les —* gis HH some notice ’ ’ : é yee i oe : . : . hic’ ij re] inc s imself i gto ; advance.”” he sai lower early today than tempera-jowners throughout elementary and) loan from Angelo Meli, described dress of grievances to the Sen-| se aso was expected to ask casinadl” Souk over ie’ Oiclobers oe = 22 caliber rifle "Ponniae ° * « + tures in most of the northern Mid- junior high schools in the city, | by Committee Counsel Robert 2!€. an eer ao “hs << éaid” wed ‘ene. foecs ; a west. Temperatures were in the! * *« « “e F. Kennedy as former Pubii | the United—States to agree to 1. Since the first week in De- Police said. and was hospitalized) The League filed the law -suit, 40s in northern Florida and in the | oe ae | Enemy wed in Detr _ me | He said he already had court + return to Cuba former supporters cember, they have not been used’ several weeks as a result. which until recently prevented the 30s in the southern part of the Each’ year the week-long allair soe mr suits pending against Committee — of Batista who have taken up on night traffic or foot patrol, but! ~_ *& * county from proceeding with con- state ; | takes Place as part of a national —Borrowed $15,000 from a Pitts: Counsel Robert F. Kennedy and | exile in American cities. Castro fave served only as guards at The suicide attempt apparently structing the new building It ap- i . « ¢ .{bicycle safety program, designed ton, Pa., bank with the—heip of a national publication which he | long has complained that they school athletic events or at teen- came after JoAnn had threatened pears the League has given up Southerly winds, with gusts otto oct py — wnerr the late Santo Volpe, described by, did not name. | are conspiring actively to over- |age dances. ‘to break off with Black, said Det. seeking other steps to keep the more’ than 20 ‘m.p.h. in parts 0 lwinte Contin alls! after the Kennedy as “‘one of the most no- Much of the questioning cen- throw his government, an accu- | 2. They have not been allowed Herbert W. Cooley. courthouse downtown, Kansas and Nebraska held tem- | eehstitg is the maioy hitive: gangsters’ in the area. ‘tered about Bufalino’s interest. in| sation denied by American of- ,to practice pistol shooting at the, JoAnn and Black had been at’ The League's latest try. a letter ,police range the past four months. the Visure home earlier in the'to each supérvisor asking them to 3. There have been no arrange- evening, leaving there between ‘scrutinize very carefully’’ the ments to give them training under,9:°9 and 10 p.m.. Mrs. Visure building project, wasn’t. even men- peratures in the 50s from the Police officers: are making sched-| *. *® & the Bilvin Distributing Co...a juke-! ficials. central plains to northern Minne-| . | The committee summoned Buf- box sales firm formed in 1946 and) ¢- ‘ei , ae , ‘ , ‘ oe ; ‘ ill leave Washington uled appearances at the various alino for questioning about testi- later dissolved, Pwcnks - sota. ie. : ; paeae Skies were clear in the eastern|sreos at ~ — ree mony. linking his name with De-; fe * Petcieed t fo SO nec tn the Police Department's new train-' said, to take Black home. tioned at yesterday's meeting - as , & r o > ? bi I, ry : . ; as . half of the country and warmer = wha e nately 4aclors troit mobsters and hoodlums and pUREVEESICy in ew ° ling program. . * wv + | Meanwhile, the county is pre- weather was on tap from the low[o and the advantages of having racketeering in the jukebox indus- Samuel Tocco, a partner in the! arrive in New York Tuesday for! $. Thev have been subject to. Black said JoAnn left his house pared to accept construction bids er Mississippi Valley to southern bicycles licensed. tty. Bufiline, however had asked =ivin firm. testified that Angelo| several television press interviews “disparaging insults” from regular for home between 11:45 and mud- on the new courthouse neat Tues- New England. , ‘STAY WITHIN LAW ‘to be heard, ee described by Kennedy as eyand speaking engagements before orricers 'night. day. The wet weather was confined Naturally, the biggest advantage # i titer, the chy of Detroit.” was 3 ‘s Univer on Ne oo “Conn: One incidert of the latter va- . mostly to the extreme Northwest,,is staying within the law. A city At one point. Bufalino said he — a he tra tied Tinkseaae 1. riety occurred recently at a teen- Shiwers. with snow urries atid. seen * nw Cty - salesman for the firm. ‘and Harvard University, Cam- : x : I d e Defends Lawvers Saker abeaties wall Prortivee ee requires bicycle licens- Bufalino testified that Meli had) bridge. Mass. . | exe dance when regular officers MA yer: F ghout ing. invested $46,000 in the Bilvin com-; He will end his U.S. trip by flying, refused to honor a_ reservist's aad aecthenn Hb. and OFEgON | Another big advantage lies in Most Hospital (Pare. ‘to Montreal to accept a gift from’ eee. tt oes ——« Two Senate Republicans Mild weather continued in the finding stolen bikes. If a bike is : Tocco said the company had the children of Canada to. the, far Southwest with temperatures) licensed, much time is saved in Patients Found , borrowed. money een John children of Cuba. | Another reservist at the same ° locating it if it is lost or stolen. | ‘ ! The revolutionary leader ac-/dance was accused by regular of-, as 1 ot Ig ument raging into the high 70s in parts! (Poppa John) Priziola and Nich. | a ; : of Southern California and Arizona’ Positive identification can be M entally Upset olas Ditta and a third man whose cepted numerous invitations to ficers of being drunk, although he | after Tuesday's top mark of 95. made immediately by means of ; | name he couldn't recall, |speak before American, overseas hadn't been drinking, the resegy-| ; in Blythe, Calif. | @ license plate, CHICAGO (UPI)—Hospitals have, enady identtica _,'and U.N. press groups despite his’ ists claimed. | Senate- Republicans clashed ina drink in violation of the law . | Avplications for license ave iv come to realize that emotional ,; nace @ Peete -_ third trequent attacks on American news, Other regular officers have taunt- a tongue-lashing hassle among most notably to a patron at the ten ta the children’te be tak S'V- problems are not limited to mental [ender as Carlo Deliberti. He said |. oncies and news magazines. ed reservists, branding them with themselves yesterday. ipoint of intoxication or already e eat er. e chi ren to be taken home patients, according to Richard T. the latter two had long criminal | : |such nicknames as “Teenage Com- | x « & 'drunk, and the drunk is involved ie paren’. ee the duty Viouers. administrator of the New Tecords, and that Priziola had: | mandoes"” and ‘Weekend War-| Debate waged so hot between in an accident. pall, U.S. Weather Barcas Report or aera ee et the bieyele England Center Hospital in Boston. been identified before this com-' JS, Plane Left Alone lriors,” it was charged. Sen. L. Harvey Lodge (R-Oakland, x + * milé te@ay, high 72. Winds south te ; al listed safety factors,, “ay patients coming to the hos. Mittee as one of the biggest han-, | The reserves were organized by Counfy) and Sen. Clarence F. Graebner’s bill would limit the southwest, increasing te 15 - 25 miles to- SuCh as brakes. pedals and steer dlers of narcotics in the United) BONN, Germany LP—A U.S. Straley in March 1953 and Graham Graebner (R-Saginaw) that Demo- jiability to cases where an un-. pital are emotionally disturbed to © Direction: Bouth to southwest Topping off the project will be fot know how to act as a patient, him to read. | played curiosity by sending up |athletic games, dances and special tonight an fomorrow. Lew tonight a6, NE. a greater or lesser extent,” he States.” Air Force turbojet transport 15. served as their chief since crat Sen. Patrick J. Doyle (Dear- jawful drink sale has directly Mania Gn sotihitte 1a 86 callet an If the bike checks out 100 per said : . ~ eke we: ‘made a high altitude flight to 0. - : born) intervened, warning his col- caused intoxication. It also would morrew , . cent, or after repairs are made, Bufalino appeared at the hear- Berlin today without interference | The reservists serve without pay, leagues to stand more on their require that suit be instituted with. Today in Pontiac the Parents sign the application | Writing in the current issue of jing with a nine-page typewritten’ from the Soviet Air Force, Amer- ‘each performing regular duties for dignity and “count to 10 before in one year rather than the pres- gglWett temperature prececing @ am and it is returned to school by ‘“The Modern Hospital, Viguers statement which Sen. John L. Me-) jean officials reported. Officials |one eight-hour shift every month|making hot-headed remarks.” lent 446. neate At 8am: Wine velocity 18-20 mpn the pupils. said “the average person does Clellan (D-Ark) refused to permit said the Soviet Air Force dis- |, 44 serving in addition at parades, | The clash erupted when Graeb | ” fe ee t } | ner, an insurance man insinu- Graebner called them ‘‘shyster 8 Wed y 13 : P . Bun rises Thurecay at 5.81 amr |@ parade of decorated and “best What is expected of him as a | The statement denied that he two MIG jet fighters but unlike ‘events. | wted thot ctteeore cuninetates: 1aW suits” wren a lamvercan now Moon sep Tharedey ct 1am. Sr patient, or what he should do or ever had been “either directly or on two previous occasions Psat ic ie extimaled they save the | “ékvater bx we oo biaek and Bet a Than wie served s not do.” lindfrectly connected with any un-| did not harrass the American y save th y w suits. é Downtown Temperatures . ntisitioe ' city at least $8000 a year by | «. eat a bottle of beer 12 hours before , wae he : act : lane. ] : y | F | : ; fem vf am... @ Dental Floss Also Good oe ee ee oe emo. lawful activites P —2| performing pithout pay duties |_,,7 tesent that. wivine ee his the accident and make him a de- Sam......... 48 pm... 6: es . . tional reaction creatin im- ; that regular police officers would War inh: . “|fendant ina law suit. gems for Fishing, Kite Flying —jcccibie” patient—one who most Police Department jobs in| Graebner and six other sen-) — $ iargest, manulacturer of} ae event of emergency jators are sponsoring a bill to limit, . . One Year Age in Pontiae et ae f : . F oe | ° . . | ier ere sedieie ns wa a = Product. says it’s also dandy Charge Pinball Machine | WASHINGTON (AP) — With the resignation of John Reservists buy their own uni-,the amount of liability a tavern | Fells Police His Name Mean temperature ........05...0.-0.. 38 Flv . 7 og eistivel Foster Dulles as secretary of state, there are only two re- forms, get their training at no. cost owner could be held to should an} [LONDON (UPI)—Police { d Ww ving a kite. as a lightweight , . : ; ; oun eether—Sunny fishing ‘line. sewing up turkey or it ‘Assault and Battery’ | maining members of President Eisenhower's original Cabinet. ie ue ay ra serve aie the | Intoxicated pop tid an and a little fellow with a blue and The Date in 81 Fears chicken, or stitching buttons onto! _— a _ | They are Postmaster General Arthur E. Summerfield and |S#me oath and duty conditions as get injured or killed in an auto) yellow complexion wandering a 17 in 185) coats ) b eee: TELD, Ohio mat Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson |regulars. se « ‘accident. lost. and alone today. ‘My | ——— << | . ball machine not only tilted but ex-: : ; ’ | , | a bner) wants to | Mame,” he said, “is Jimm ois toe Tenet "SP Meareceate s - ploded when Ear! Williams dropped: atte other Cabinet’ resignations since Eisenhower took ‘ In the six years that reservists cegramat (Gree . i nts i Poonmiaon.” Se pallce axe eitd , : inp ial H , his nickel in. Fifteen stitches were : " ‘ ‘ ‘have patrolled - Poftiac Central. . ing f j j , Bismarck 69 33 72 §: Dalai Lama to Appear is ni bs ' si nd t ing for someone to claim Jimmy Brownsville 68 58 Milwaukee 63. 4 e ape needed to close his wounds. 1953—Martin P. Durkin, secretary of labor. , ‘High sag ee athletic events, there) teens een toes oan i —a parakeet. | 1955—Mrs. ‘Oveta Culp Hobby, health, education and has never been a major teen-age| qe ‘should have e more protection Betas SOT Minneapolis) $8) MEW DELHI (UPII—The Dalai | * * * £0 oat Cincinnati §=63 38 New York 57 46 Lama will make his first .p ‘incident, such as occur frequently: veland 6 0 ’ :* te | A car battery. being recharged welfare. , ” : in other cities, Graham pointed for widows and orphans,” Lodge Cotton Elects Corn . hecone 33 41’ Potatoes 56 37. appearance in India Satunfiy near the pinball ‘machine filled it 1956—Douglas McKay, interior. shot back Dulute = pe lg polly = od and thereby deny Chinese Com with hydrogen and sulphur fumes, 1957—Charles E Wilson defense: George M. Humphrey ‘out. , . | SAVANN Fort Worth 66 48 8. Franciseo 59 ## munist and Soviet charges he officers explained. When Williams . ae ’ att ‘ 1 "| Upto December of last year. | “Who's a shyster? T say they, > VAI NAH, Ga. 4UPI)—The G. Rapite: e Tregee: 36 43. was “kidnaped” and is being held dropped in his céin and set off the: treasury; Herbert Brownell Jr., attorney general. reservists had put in about 4,000;are shysteys,”’ Lodge roared. | Atlantic Gotton Assn. elected a Houghton @3 42 Traverse C. 62 44 ‘ ? i ' . # . \ yy ' . f - | a | . y ’ eee eee ew ga eee ee ee Pee ee pel ee ae Se ee ee oe é ® js eg ee ae 2 V e fa eG ee Per ag a ee eee or.6Uv6hUf i (% TW . ‘aw ’ : ; \ o pat fer weer mt +4 ; \ “ ---"Fo-keep-your fruit bowl at-peak{ bananas: and avocadoes it ‘they, ‘iin quality, put everything except! refrigerator at night. KOTOR ) ‘THE PONTIAC PRESS, W EDN ESDAY,.A ‘ 8et40 Marks Birthday County Salon 224 Celebrates With Dinner Program The Ameriean Legion Home on Auburn avenue was the son of 5074 Virgie street an- ; nounce the engagement of their | daughter, Rosalie Hall, to Fred | A, Raible, son of Mr. and Mrs. ; Fred P. Raible of Indian Trail. | The wedding will take place 1 July 25 BLOUSES . .-., of distinction in... Styling... detail... Mrs. Hoenstine Entertains : fabric and tailoring. ‘Yours .. . for Mother’s Day. Flot Woe 700 W. Huron IORI: Mrs. Fred Hoenstine was hostess at -her Henry Clay street home Tuesday evening for Yomar Group of First Presbyterian Church. Mrs Ralph Mason gave the study on social education. Her topic was “The Responsibility of the Church in Government.’ Mrs. William Hil derly also took part. Mrs. Hoenstine conducted a money-making project assisted by E Mrs. Ridg®ard Wright. Plans were ‘SPECIAL EVENT made for a social evening with husband« as guests BEAUTY Assisting the hostess were Mr ° BUY! Lester Martindale, Mr. Dorothy . Turner and Mrs. Eldred Mathes The curls. cre soft Mrs. Elizabeth Seeley was guest and Jovely. The hair a is lustrous ond Protect Dishes F beautfully manage Washing “good dishes” can able. The styling 1s be cut hy wrapping them in as modern as tomor transparent household wrap row. Do as other dis- when storing plates, saucers, criminating women sauce dishes, etc do—visit our salon This also acts. as a_ buffer for the dishes against possibil- toe CUSTOM ity of breaking or ehipping . in. ; j Controlled Permanents . $7750 _ $1 Q00 NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED—IMMEDIATE SERVICE Open Monday and Friday ‘til 9 P.M. Andre Beauty Salon |\' The average husband knows) exactly what his wile expects of him—but he can’t afford it. ‘\us ‘a ewr.e 2nd Floor, Pontiac State Bank Bidg. FE 5-9257 | eial program Tuesday evening | 294 of the 8 et 40. 4 KOSALIE HALL Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mathe- <| setting for a dinner and spe- celebrating the 24th birthday of Oakland County Salon No. President Mrs, Eiddon Show- en introduced former depart- ment president of the organi- + zation Mrs. Charles Larson of Birmingham, who acted as toastmistress. * * * Guests included Mrs. I. A. Schulte of Detroit, national & vice president; Mrs. Walter Schramm of Saginaw, depart- ment president; Mrs. Frank J. Lavis of Port Huron, de- partment vice president; Mrs. Gertrude Ekelund of Salon No. 428, Port Huron; Mrs. Robert Barker of Saginaw, depart- ment secretary; Mrs. Joseph Phillips of Rochester, depart- ment sergeant at arms; Mrs Leo Trudell of Detroit and Mrs, Carl Shindorf, past pres- idents: Mrs. Edward Heymoss from Salon No. 10;. and Mrs William Kramer, department child welfare chairman PRESENTS CAKE President of the Past Pres- idents group of the salon, Mrs. Fordon Niles, presented Mrs Showen and members of the group with a birthday cake and extended wishes for a success- ful year. Entertainment was provid- ed by the Jackic Rae Dancers, Helena Showen, Kandy ~ Mc- Larty, Carol and Sue Turner, Group singing was led by Mrs. Norman Wiseman, ac- companied by Joseph Welch Movies of the installation of ay ae UKAa - Mfrs salon’s formal officers held ve OS , i * vs ihe ee ree , PRIL 15, 1959 | Oakland County Salon No. 224 of 8 et 4 céle- brated its 24th birthday with a ditiner and program Tuesday evening at the American Legion Home on Auburn avenue. “Among guests at the affair were, peoUuty F # i a Pontiac Press Photos left to right, Mrs. Walter Schramm. department_presi- dent of Saginaw; Mrs. 1. A. Schulte of Detroit, na- tional vice president, and Mrs. Eldon Showen. presi- dent of the local 8 et 40. Don't press metallic cloth with- out first testing a scrap of the | material. Even a moderate iron |may discolor or melt the mate- rial. oo MSG ed —— ~ Wading Professional Photographie Coverage of Your: Wedding Day COMPLETE Call OR 3-7281 ne Sayles Studio 4431 Dixie Hwy. Drdyton Plains last fall in Roval Oak were i = eee ee shown by Mr Ose Ste ‘ * s ~ 4 i an my is “ph Stout Matched Cold | General chairman for the Mrs. Leo Trudell, left. of Detrout, 8 et 40 dinner. All are former depart. .| Wedding | gathering was Mrs. Eldon rotg . _£ ce . : : anizati ° | Showen. Cottimittae chairmen visits with Mrs. Charle s Larson, cen ment presidents of the organization. Rings ' were Mrs. Ace Cooley, kitch- ter, and. Mrs. Carl Shindorf at the Both for en: Mrs. E. V. Myers, dining ——-—-—_—__-_—"_1.—., 0 00ers eee —_——_—— room; Mrs. L. Gladys Wil- | $42" tam programs: r oor | - ’ ° . } + « ams, programs; Mes. Roger Includes 5 Units of Christ Church : B. Dean, publicity: Mrs. Hugh Easy Terms MeHugh, decorations; and . : ieee 150 in New Augustana Lutheran Group | georges-Newports { ’ UITUEtt t ct all nan - Sex op hole 7 , ; ; i han . ae ve J Jewelry Dept. . ak ¢ vlorfil whole-page pic 4 new women’s group known ganized by 1H women of the Victor Wayrynen, Mrs. Harry 74 ‘N. Saginaw St. tures in ffagavines for making congregation of Christ Luther: Strom, and Mrs. John Goshen. ; as the Augustana Lutheran mngregation ol —~ book jackets to cover and protect worn bindings been or- Church Women has SUPER SIZE “12” *209": No Money Down—Free Delivery—1-Yr. Free Service 5-Yr. Free Warranty ~ EASY! Dial defrosting ~— $0 little trouble — takes such a short time SMART! New Squared Silhouette ’ Na A ee, ae .. Architectural styling - , ee Wash Contgol: co e crisp and modern Built-in Lint Filter ie ital tielusive Suds Miser -RCA WHIRLPOOL Deluxe Automatic WASHER Everything a person could ask for in a washer ... . 2 speeds and 2 cycles... Automatic suds-saver and lint filter... Installed and serviced free. $259”. NO MONEY DOWN 51 W. HURON oe me . Pm > BIG! N EW s , Holds 12 cubic feet of food Magnetic door closing ~ seals cold in, heat out — easier to open and close - yet takes no more fioor space than an old-fashioned ‘‘10” Model F-12 This ‘59 21” MOTOROLA TV Can Be Yours for Only $179? . ‘It's a big 21’, 262 square inch viewable area tube. Super powered ¢hassis . . . Controlled warm-up for _longer parts life. The base is optional. ‘of PONTIAC Open Mon. & Fri. ‘til 9 PLM. FE 4-1555 * an Church TO ATTEND PARLEY local members are tort ¥ Professional The On Thurscay and Friday of lowing a suggested plan of this week, six. representatives PERMANENTS of the local organization will attend the annual convention of the Central Conference Church- women to be held at Joliet, Il. Noted speakers will appear on the program to present the world-wide missionary: work of the Lutheran Church. women's work given to some 1.20 congregations of Lutheran churches. LEADERS NAMED Heading the Pontiac organi- zation are Mrs. John Stephens, president: Mrs. Reno Hermes, ‘Styled as YOU IMPERIAL BEAUTY SALON NTS vice president. Mrs. Paul Wigg secretary: and = Mrs. ; . 219 Auburn Ave. Raxvmoend Jacobson. treasurer, Hints for Cleaning FE 4-2878 Committee chairmen are Mrs t r No Appointment Necessary Lawrence Benscoter, member- Alabas e EDITH STENSON, Owner ship: Mrs) Kingsley Brown ed- To clean decorative alabaster ~~ : w Sa RI UPTO weation and Mrs Milton first sponge the surface with - SCAUIT, Service flannel moistened in spirits of We Buy All Types of x * turpentine WASTEPAPER The chureh women are Next, wash it with warm NEWSPAPERS 50c 100+ divided into five units which ‘soap or detergent suds, and CORRUGATED 70c 1007 wipe dry. Then polish the sur- face with a= soft dry brush Pontiac Waste Material Co. 135 Branch FE 2-0209 dipped in plaster of Paris. meet ynthls. Leaders of the five gr sare: Mrs. Wilham | Kelly, \rs John Meyers, Mrs. STAPP’S ; , «accurately jit . on THE Classmate, Let the youngsters romp and run... Classmates are built to take it! “Classmate shoes are great favorites for play and schoo! have the free-easy fit active feet must have! fs g New Strap tor Girls In RED at our down- town store In BROWN at our W. Huron Street Store Boys’ New Flip-Loc A shart) handsome new oxford with pian toe. At the downtown store el ?>., widths B-D only gies BD $695 wiat? PLEASE- NOTE RED GIRLS’ SHOES G BOYS’ SHOES DOWNTOWN STORE ONLY | JUVENILE BOOTERIE St apps 28 E. Lawrence St. (Open Mon and Fri. te.9) ‘ and . FAMILY SHOE STORE 928 W. Huron at Telegraph (Open Fri. and Sat. to 9) Group to Study _ studying village problems, deter- . diately suggested two major pro} ~ ager Ralph Precious, and then the be pees S528 he . ‘3 \ “ipa a ea sok nie ata rare Elementary Schools Club of take place at 8 p.m. at the Romeo Community Youth and Civic Center. Presentation of the awards will be made by Inspector Francis E. Davey, of the Detroit Police Department Youth Bureau, and Romeo Police Chief Edgar Welsch. Over 800 pupils in grades one through six entered They made posters using safety in the school, at home or on the road as their ' this year’s competition. theme. é The children’s work, done solely at school, was super- vised by Mrs. Roberta Lancy, grade schools art teacher. Every home room teacher poster with the pupil’s name the judges. When the judging was were notified and invited to row night. From this group, grade winners and the two trophy winners will be named. Highpoint of the program will be reached when In- spector Davey presents the trophies to the two first place _ winners. The larger cup, will be awarded to the senior divi- sion champion from grades four through six, and the smaller one to the junior winner from grades one through three. Contest judges were Mrs. Lester W. Poosch, Mrs. Herbert A. Kiner, Mrs. Harvey B. Rankens, Romeo Police Sgt. Charles Meeker and Romeo State Police Sgt. Henry DeLooff. : 4 i sie i dada die « é ,, ROMEO — Winners in the annual grade school Safety Poster Contest will be announced and will receive their awards at tomorrow night’s regular meeting of the THE PONTIAC. PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 1950 Eile gk ge er ~~ , i — ery ea) ” ¥ aa Ry yee ? - SF Oke we } 4 4 SAK 4 Romeo. The ceremony will recorded the number of each before turning them over to sanaylaked, room winners» attend the meeting tomor- Oxford's Needs 6-Man Board Okayed; Will Report to Village Council on Problems ¢ OXFORD—At their regular meet- cil members approved a resolution officially establishing a 6-man Citizens Study Group to ‘‘examine the needs of the village’ and to report its findings to the Council. * + * Four of the six members had previously been named, and last night the list was completed with the appointments of Dr. Donald C. Davidson and Clifford Vennard. The new vounteer group is charged with the responsibility of mining needs and making recom- mendations to- - Come il. * The local governing body imme- ects for the group to investigate. They are the possible location for a fire station, village offices and police department and the feasi- bility of changing from village to city government. x * * The first meeting of the commit- tee will be called by Village Man- six members will name their own chairman and formulate their own rules of procedure. They will serve without pay, but will be reim- bursed for any necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. ; r+ ®& © * The terms of office of members of the study group are indefinte and may be terminated at any time by the Council. \dents pronounce it ‘‘Rooshee.” ing last night, Oxford Village Coun- | Russia, Ohio, Town. With French Accent RUSSIA, Ohio —Not one of the 1,000-or-so inhabitants of this 106- year-old community can claim Rus- sian blood, French immigrants set- tled the area, and a veteran af Napoleon’s army named it Russia because of a resemblance to that country, — Even thé village’s name is spok- en with a French accent. Resi- JANET TAFT Mr, and Mrs, Ralph FE. Taft, of 239 S. Main St., Romeo, an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Janet Vera, to Lowell John Terrill, son of Mr. and Mrs. R, V. Terrill of Grand Haven. The bride-elect is a senior at Michigan State -University. Her fiance was graduated from MSU and is presently attending law | ing “most of the girls to enter MMluned 0 yal Oak To Pick County Dairy Princess Selection Due at Farm Bureau Party, Dance Tomorrow at Davisburg The first annual dairy princess of Oakland County will be selected at a county-wide. Farm Bureau party and square dance tomor- row. * * * The annual festivities will get under way at 8 p.m. in the Davis- Davisburg road, about a quarter of a mile west of town. “Some 25 application blanks have been sent out upon request, and, though only a few have been returned so far, we are expect- competition by tomorrow night,” said Stuart Hutchins, publicity burg ‘Elementary School gym on}. chairman for the event. various community groups com-| posing the Farm Bureau will pre- sent skits, Square dance music will be provided by recordings. Jack Worthington, 4-H Club. agent in the county, will be the caller. Each family is asked to bring sandwiches and cake and their own table service. The social com- mittee wil] fuffish the beverages and ice cream. . . | * * * Prizes will be awarded to the ‘group having the.-largest adult membership present and for the best skits. et ok . Dairy princess contestants will be judged on a point system as fol- lows: Dairy farm backgreund—20 points. Attractiveness, both in ap- pearance and poise—15 points. Personality—15 points. points. Ability fo speak on radio—i0 Ability to address a live audi- ence—15 points. Personal background — 10 points. The winner of the contest will receive a $25 cash award from the Michigan. Milk Producers Assn. and will have all of her ex- penses paid to compete further for the title of month. * * * She also will make personal «p- pearances throughout Oakland County and take part in Dairy Month activities in June. * * * Second and third place: winners at the county level will receive cash prizes of $15 and $10 re- spectively. * + Judges for tomorrow night will include Allen Rush of Romeo, state director of the Farm Bureau; An- drew Jackson of Howell, director of the Michigan Milk Producers Assn.; another member of the as-! school at the University of De- troit- A July wedding is planned. | FRANCES DEE DANLEY Frances Dee Danley and Marvin L. Winegar have set an Aug. 8 wedding date. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Danley of 2891 Ford Rd., Milford Township, and he is the son of | Mr. and Mrs. Jack Felter of Besides the princess contest, the; Rockford. Two Romeo High Seniors Are Honored ROMEO — Two Romeo Commu-: nity High School seniors, Carol, ‘Aflame in Car ear (Man Finds Her | Also Saves Brother! as Fire Breaks © While Mother. in Store| ROYAL OAK — with second and third degree | burns over 50 per cent of her body, little Timberly| Fox has only a precarious hold on life today. That the 242-year-old tot, has any chance to live at: quick action of a Detroit! Edison Co. employe, a. spokesman at William |Beaumont Hospital said | this morning. The father of three children him- self, Chris Christenson was ‘making | | his rounds for the Edison firm yes- | | terday when he saw smoke pouring | all is mainly due to theif — the windows of a parked car. | He ran over and palled 14 | ' month-old Brian Fox from the | front seat of the car, brushing the flames from the tot. Then he spotted Brian’s sister Timberly aflame on the back seat. He | pulled her out as well, wrapping her in his coat to smother the | flames. Streeter, 17, and Raymond Ritter, Local police said the children's Jr., 18, were singled out for special recognition at the Honors Banquet jlast night at the Roméo Com-) munity Youth and Civic Center. * * The affair was sane by the Romeo Rotary Club to pay tribute’ to members of the Junior and Senior National Honor Society. Of the 24 members of the society, 22 were among the some 75 per- sons present, Principa] speaker was Dur- ward B. Varner, chancellor of Michigan State University Oak- land. In his talk Varner ex- plained the criterion upon which education at the new institution will be based and what progress has been made to date in the building program there. * * * The two students, who received engraved pins from Master of Cere- monies James H. Church, were Michigan Dairy Selected by fellow members of the Princess at Michigan State Uni-|Society as being outstanding rep- iversity in East Lansing next Tesentatives based on their high scholarship ratings and general school citizenship. * Ray is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ritter Sr., of 138-S. Fre- mont St. Carl’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. David L. Streeter, of 218 Pleasant St. * * * Both students’ names will be en- graved on a plaque which hangs' in the lobby of the new high school. Modern Evolution WINCHESTER, Va. i — Kathy and Lee Wolff here have at least| one claim to fame. They have a As budget talks continue two more items were added for Council consideration. Village employes | were polled and were uanimous in their decision to be placed on a retirement plan rather than get: pay raises. Requests for pay hikes by the fire chief and his two assist- ants will also be covered in further budget discussions. * * * The Council confirmed the reap- WALLED LAKE—The naming of we new junior high school, the budget* for next year, bus routes, ischool calendar and ways of fi- Inancing the schools for the balance of the year should state aid not be ipaid are all matters being con- sidered by Board of Education members here at this time. * * * they will reach a decision at the! regular May meeting. isible changes is being made by, A study of bus routes and pos-; A budget for the Oakland County | Langerman and Floyd Vickery who! land County board this week. Supt. Smart reported today that: he had had four replies from mem- | | | ing of the school board. a ee es Board Sec. Dwight Wiseman nas bers of the teaching staff on pos- revealed a report from the State, Mrs. Katherine Taylor, spokes-isible economies, and that he will man for the PTA Council has rec-|tally others as they are received School Board Assn. requesting local! support of House Bill 311 which: mother, Mrs. Ronald Fox, 19, of 307 Marlin St. left the tots in the ‘car in front of the G. and P Market, 1801 Main St., while she entered the store to cash a check and make a purchase. She was only in the store about three minutes, according to a clerk, when an unidentified man ran in shouting, “The children | have caught fire!” } When police arrived at the scene.’ | Christenson, who lives at 2427: Columbia Rd. in Berkley, had the mother and two children in his car ready to leave for the hospital. * * * Police transferred the children into their car. Patrolman William ' E, Szoke said “It was all F could do to hold the girl, she was so ‘badly burned.” . Brian was released from Wil- liam Beaumont Hospital after being treated for minor burns. His sister is still there. The children's father was at work when the accident occurred. He runs the Ron Fox Golf School in Detroit and during the summer is assistant pro at the Lochmoor |Golf Club in Grosse Pointe Woods. Police theorized the youngsters were playing with matches found on the front seat of the car. Lakeville Man Hurt; Car Hits Abutment OXFORD — A Lakeville man | sociation as yet unnamed and aigrandma Wolff and a grandma,as injured last night when the fourth judge, also as yet unnamed. Bare. Seek Honor for School Official jcar in which he was riding hit the railroad abutment in the middle of ‘East Burdick street, Oxford Po- “C reported today. Charles W. Krakker, 28, of 1495 Main St., was taken to Pontiac iGenéral Hospital with abrasions lof the right knee and a possible: ‘back injury. He was reported in satisfactory condition “end Krakker tid Oulart Patrolman Alocation Board has been presenteq!iS in charge of school transporia-/Harold Sitzes that someone else and approved by the school board, |tion. It also is expected to be com-| Was driving the car and had dis- It is being submitted to the Oak-|Pleted in time for the May meet-jappeared before the officer arrived. ‘on the scene. Sitzes said he was, going to continue his investigation ‘of the accident today. fl i} ‘Walled Lake PTA Meet pointments of Fire Chief Al Sage and Assistant Fire Chiefs Clyde Throop and Ralph VanWagoner. ommended that the new juniorjand present them at the May 11 high school on Commerce road be meeting. mm ae ee tee named the Clifford H. Smart Junior High School in honor of the super- ln — —, Lesremnits A petition, was a by the|iMtendent of schools. bids on the installation of fire Council trom a meter of prop- | Backing her recommendation | doors in the Walled Lake Junior e owners in northwes are ui district of town iene rod gn i ge eae ante toe sists fun —_— “a board has made application to the; Winning contestants from spring. the alley in that area be dedicated| school dletrict, the “Te Save Our ‘Michigan Municipal Finance Com- speech events will talk and vocal) and a sewer line be installed there.| Schools” Committee, the Warner | Langerman also reported that|mittee for permission to borrow groups will be heard as well as. A letter will be sent to th petition-| Drive Green Lake Area Assn., the fire marshal has recommended $300,000 on May 15 in anticipation drama students who will present ers asking them to name two, the Loon Lake Area Asan, and that metal studs be installed in the of the next tax collection. lexcerpts from stage productions: representatives to appear at the, the Ladies Auxiliary of the Rus- junior high office addition cur-| ‘i jcurrently being rehearsed at each next € menting to discuss the! sell Beach Subdivision Assn. irently being planned. This will in-! The money would fe used for); school. ‘ request. | “The school |volve an additional expense of operating the schools for the bal-| Following the program. an in- e school board announced that'$400, he said. ‘ance of this year. stallation of officers will be held t Farmers Could Realize Up to $300 Per Acre | State Maple Syrup Industry Ripe for Tapping EAST LANSING Michigan farmers provides $210 gross per student,|to Feature Student Show three and a half mills deductible for each student. The local school) WALLED LAKE — Talented stu-, iboard has assured its support of) [dents will provide the program at! the bill. the Junior-Senior High PTA meet- x * * ‘ing. at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the In case state aid is not paid, the Senior High School cafeteria. . (UPI) — Many | Robbins cited the case of | Robbins said northwest Michi-jress in sugar making for 20 years,|bacteria which produce a plug-. are missing a Ohio man who came to Michigan . gan, around Traverse City, is Robbins said. ging action, psd “_ Somer ae ition oy pot ion a visit, saw the many good | starting fo come alive to the sweet! L By ‘“‘innoculating’ some test Pping money —the maple trees going to waste in|prospects of the syrup business) Plastic tubing used in come trees, the flow has been stepped maple trees. areas for running sap t,, from Putnam W. Robbins, an asso- te Grand Traverse County, t | bought|and for the first time, there will the tree to the sugar shack has|UP by as much eg ten times, he, ciate professor of forestry at! Michigan State University says . from $150 to $300 gross income could be realized per acre from. those maple trees in which sap is running this time of year. Most of the sugar bushes are ‘some land and now has’ the big- |gest operation in the state. The man produced more than {4,000 gallons of maple syrup last year, Robbins said. The total Michigan production, while contributing some to the) ‘farmers’ pocketbook, totaled only | be a syrup festival at Charle- | voix. That's next weekend. * * * | Another festival, in the heart, But this is no revolutionary change} is from the old system of carting’ of the maple syrup country, | Vermontville. land there have been improve- jbeen used for about three years | reakth: ‘ments in the materiel, he said. ithe sap in buckets or in the over-| Hints of other beginnings for iall business. ‘concentrated in Eaton County 100,000 gallons last year, or as| the business come from around | x & but some areas of the northiand Robbins says, about three table-- Mio in Oscoda county in north. ‘ are getting in on the ace and there are hints that others are ‘Spoons per person in Michigan. ~ \ Most _ east Michigan where, a coopera- ‘art big steps in the making. syrup {s produced in Ver- tive has been started,, Robbins | It’s been found, he said, that, | soceeteg thers Is ‘mateo 'te these lmont whert it’s really a big busi-| sald. ‘ness, By ra There hasn't been any real prog:|in the flow of sap in the tree is\to the farmer. a However, Robbins hinted there the largest reason for slowdown! a, jis looking up and if enough peo- safd, which represents a major breakthrough and perhaps the first big change in production. There is great potential for ma- ple syrup production in the Upper Peninsula, he said, but almost no, effort is made to tap the resources. | Prospects are ‘bright, however. | The bisiness in Michigan, | probably started by the Indian, ple realize the potential, he said, | it could mean a lot economically. Women’ S NewSpring, 4 SLEEVELESS: WP 60t4 Anniversary Price ry Imported broadcloth Sanforized for fit Build your spring-summer blouse wardrobe at anniversary savings! Smooth textured, fine woven 100x60 broadcloth; Sanforized for lase- ing fit. Choose from different styles in a myriad of solids or prints. Sizes 32-38. EACH WEEK WATCH FOR OUR ANNIVERSARY SAVING! Specially Priced — With Valance! Novelty Glassware YOUR CHOICE JUST... Decorative table pieces; com pote, berry dish, sugar, and mors! 10. WEEK-END CANDY SPECIAL IDEAL FOR THAT TY SNACK DELICIOUS LARGE JELLY GUMDROPS Regular 25c Ib. SPECIAL 17° or 2 lbs. 29¢ WE W Provincial Print ~ CURTAIN and — VALANCE SET Gold Overlay Gives Luxury Look © Turqueise, Teest, or Red « Sterdy Serviceable Saiicieth Srunning spring freshness for your windows—spanking-new in pattern and glowing with gold! Top width per pair, 40” x 36”, Pre-shirred valance is 52x¥”, 3-pe. set f sets '3 DOWNTOWN PONTIAC — TEL-HURON CENTER — DRAYTON PLAINS FOUNTAIN SPECIAL ° Thursday Only All the Spaghetti You Can Eat With Roll and Butter MIRACLE MILE SHOPPING CENTER S. S. KRESGE COMPANY cron St A eI Re pap stead ci te THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESD. LY, ] APRIL 1 15, 1959 f Rose Bowl & a Renewal Anticipal ed Johnny Bratton Back in Hospital former - -welterweight boxing cham- pion who escaped Friday from a mental hospital because he wanted | Evpect Big Ten to Approve New Contract in May + a | i ‘Straw Vote’ Indicates 6-4 in Favor of Further Play at Pasadena- CHICAGO (AP) — The official, sig Ten vote on continuance of the, Bow] football pact is ex pected to stand at 64 in the af- at the conference's May Michigan, it Tuesd&y night, ; Big vote love firmative meeting at Was learned The stray Ten took a so-called? at ifs sessions in Mad- son, Wis.. in Mareh and received a 34 decision for continuance with Northwestern reportedly jabstain- ryer Pore Ir was learned that Northwest facuity athletic committee ymni athletiq advisory ently veted in the .af ern § and al council rec firm tive * * * The action unless averruled by ulty hig edented move Northwestern's fac echelon in an unpre means that poten rnet | é Bratton, 31. was standing on a/Saturday night September 19th or ae ee RANDOLPH ‘South Sidé street corner when a {Sunday afternoon Sept. 20th. It will! , ~ CONFUSED? i Red. Sox Mana¢ ement pouleeman recognized him and took rk the first Washington appear-) { about suit values? a r ion , ance in Detroit since 1954. § See our ready nto custody for return to! PRE-SEASON SCHEDULE 5 suits at $49.75 ‘er ones - \ be ‘ Py Chicago State Hospital. | L August @—Los Angeles Rams at 5 matched values! CUSTOM TAILORS & CLOTHIERS to : eet it at n lanapolis Bratton defeated Charley Fusari | Set Auaust 15—Chicago Cardinals at! or 908 W. Huron | FE 2.2300 5 : in 1951 for the NBA welterweight | Norman, Okla | “lori ; ‘title and lost it to Kid Cavin Sat. August 22—Cteveland Browns at| Complete Tailoring Service — Tuxedo Rentals “er Rt P ' ‘ ‘i ; ; ed Akron, Ohio. BOSTON u—The Massachusetts 'said, ‘“‘Pumpsie was optioned te Memorial Da Classic later in the year for the: world’ Fri August 28—New York Giants a | Commission Against Discrimina-|8've him an opportunity to play, y championship. He has been in, Oars September 3—Philadetphia/ on tion (MCAD) Tuesday invited Bos- regularly and develop his pro-| Lists 41 Cars on Eve mental institutions since May 1956. | Fagles “t Toledo. Obie. _—- : fession. gee r; 1 Sun ptember e¥eian rowns| ‘ ton Red Sox officials to its next, of ‘500’ Deadline “at Detroit Lneting “‘{o: atkewer charges ol Ta- The American Veterans Com- d MICHIGAN COLLEGE SCOREBOARD | Washington Aediking at Delsb. ot 20—| 9 3 « ~ & is leial discrimination” brought by tee told the MCAD it was ‘ Baseball | REGULAR SEASON ON Ithree groups against the net OY “greatly disturbed over the news. INDIANAPOLJS (AP) — Five Bowing Green 3 Detroit Teeb 1 | Sun. Oc 4 Packers at Greea Bay. | 1g, ry 6 i P < . . | - - . . Jf, . € i i 1. — $ + ¥. } i paper stories’’ about Green's trans-:more entries were received for rep 1, Hillsdale 0 (11 innings). | Sun. Oct. t1—Colts at Detroit : 9 ret. |fer ’ sag : Sein: @4Dxs . : - , , Michigan 4. Eastern Michigan 1 Sun. Oct. 18—49ers at Detroit Invited to tife April 21 meet. fer. The AVC said it was ‘‘loath the 43rd annual Indianapolis 300-| Western Michigan 6, Iowa 2 : Sun. Oct 25—Rams at Los Angeles PARTS ing were club President Tom to lay charges against the Boston mile race Tuesday, Boosting the perro tas, Konto 3 | ee ee ee aen | Yawkey and Executive Vice Red Sox management, but it has poe) to 4] ee "STennis | bam Nov. iSchams at Dare SF Mufflers, Tall and President Bucky Harris. ‘aroused. suspicion in our minds.’ Wayne State 5. Kalamazoo 4 | Sun Nov 22Bears at Detroit | we Pay Top $$$$ for Wrecked [= ters. | aoa: ; . ' The deadline. for entries for the Track || Thurs Nov 26—Packers at Detroit. | ore 18 eh ago Erhomt rater — Radiaters, The National Assn. for the Ad While the cutting of Green makes - ; . Albion T3':. Manchester (Ind + 43% * gun. Dec 6—Cardinals at Detroit. and junk Cars and Trucks Rebuilt Ptr el Genie’ Gass. vancement of Colored People sense we are disturbed by the Tace at the Indianapolis Motor OTHER COLLEGE RESULTS | Sun. Dec. 13—Bears at Chicago « * 4 a ~ 1” . ~ " a eba (NAACP). the Ministerial Alliance, PUDLcity on the matter - ‘Speedway May 230 is midnight’ Harvard 4 Tufts 3 Open Sun 10 a. m. to 2 p.m. .a group of 41 greater Boston vieanwhiin . ek red So Wednesday. be 3 Wolke Gee u | ne ERDAS ERE tis ‘i ; 7 = tap.) EOE e&, as e Red SOx Notre’ Dam 3 . NATIONAL LEAG ‘ministers, and the American Vet- sned their home season against: * * * wesainee m Big bccn 1 | Toronto 3. ‘Montreal 2. overtime. Montreal , aan eae Seay Ope neir home season agains The new entries include cars ‘ nster. . Geneva 2 pe eads 2-1 | erans Committee charged the Sox Washington a group of white Slippery Rock 5. Allegheny. Pa. 3. | ; ing la ‘p : ‘ ston a gro 0 a be ative ; + Bettanh: uquesne 25, Thiel 6 nora SPEEA? oie “me " ee Negro in youths picketed “Fenway Park inde Griven by Toay Belt aha: ron Bete § Buckarlt 7, 8 innines ee MERICAN Teacte 170: Bagley St. FE 5.9210-19 ielder Pumpsie Green to the min 7, oe conaranth, eniieee sen of Tinley Park, Ill., national iss. State 4 LOU 3 Hershey a1 Buffalo. first gam ors last week The pickets, apparently college ’ ; Maryland 7, Clemson 3. NTERNATIONAL i EAGL 'E i UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT i ° ; étudents, bare signs reading, ‘We driving champion, and Eddie Gelf ‘Fort wisn at Louisville, Louisville leads/ The Red Sox have denied the “ j , . : Penn 16'2 Swarthmore 1'% 2-1 lallegation asserting the team will want a pennant, not a white Sachs of Center Valley, Pa. am - a _____#_ — ° tea : . 7 \use capable players “regardless of am ot Bettenhausen will handle the + ; : : race, color or creed.” The MCAD met for 90 minutes Ansted Rotary Special, and Sachs Re . with the NAACP, the vet@rans will be at the wheel of a new Green, who would have been group and the ministers. It said Schmidt Special entered by Pete : . : the first Negro to wear a Red it would reserve its decision pend- Schmidt of St. Louis. ’ : ; Sox Me tie hit .327 in spring ing the appearance of Yawkey -* * * . . training, e got off t are — ; : ; start eat vesied wit ae wa am ane Harris Other entyies were received as : ; vais le ide disk. ‘ie’ . ae The commission could vote for from Joe Binter, San Diego, - = wee 4 turned to Seinersiviolin where last or reject a formal investigation Calif; C. O. Prather, Arcadia, . Pi Lia - . : * . season he hit sei , re last’ of the hiring and firing practices. Calf., and Leroy E. Fouch Jr., tatlv the carried 6-4 in — seat. of the Sox, which the NAACP has Orleans, Ind. No drivers were ili’ 1 ote is “ArT ieee af . ‘ore | cediabypilidk the R e Bow] Green has not commented on demanded named for the cars. nro of continuuig YP Rgse £50 : the discrimination charges. - —— ee ene ail —= comtract "he Rex —— . . Wh sue has been put before The Bed sn in a jetter to the © a each school’s { i ulty eouncil OF COMMISSION day offic ally de- miiar group for official vote [lines «Ohio State and Min- nesota have made public they are wranst continuance of the series bevend the 1960 game, when the exsent contract hes come pires enigan out in favor MM ne 1s th ' t although it e has r nounced P e. Indian: gar State ind Iowa are be heved to be behind continuance though their votes also have not been made public In this bracket Michigan State especially is in the pute itil eg though = the we 4 trod \ ' the Nelson turned a - 745? two. led by Bob Zarate’s 16 and 4576 mile. with teammate Larry Now is the time for some "= a ae Frank Adams Wreathing down his neck well-earned Pleasant Moments... ‘° ~* dart y had for Aimeont 3 "erest +6 vault was also a : . ‘ : M hest ume was by Artiia wd pentane ult Was als @ Now is the time for genial PM $368 da’s Golden Sh 15) for the __ _ we Wt half-mije run Cede Na SeO : Tag, oe Johnns Green, Michigan State's MATIONAL OISTICLERS PRODUCTS COMPANY, NEW YORK, New srk —Colurmbs W's 197 foot. Tubber-legged basketball center. gLENDED WHISKEY, 86 PROOF. 65% GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS ball team was the J4: ist penalized “as sel lected as the Big Ten’s Most ¥ of the major teams, the Lions Valuable player in 1959 getting set back a total of 190 7 = sards on 22 penalties & HEY, KIDS! We Will Give FREE A WILSON OFFICIAL League BASEBALL or A BIG LOUISVILLE SLUGGER BAT for every smooth tire you bring toeus which passes inspection for retreading x FOR 2 ‘SUCH TIRES YOU CAN HAVE A GENUINE ALKALINE FIELDER'S GLOVE This Offer Good Until APRIL 30th MacDONALD TIRE CO. P= here Only the Tires Are Inflated, Never the Prices”) 370 S$. SAGINAW ST. FE 5-6136 PONTIAQ Beauty Is Only Skin Deep!: but that’s deep enough. The thin coating of paint and wallpaper which protects the surfaces and surrounds you with attractive colors is not even ‘skin deep.” The excellence of a decorating job depends on good products and the proper combina- tion of colors. Our customers appreciate the expert counsel and advice we provide. We feel that the most important thing of all is perhaps the information needed to avoid costly, disappointing mistakes. You will find it in our store. Check These Quality Specials PLUS HOLDEN RED STAMPS THURS., FRE, SAT. ONLY * WHITE 4-HOUR ENAMEL 5488 PORCH and DECK ENAMEL 8 Hard-Wearing Colors sh'9 ‘Be | FI Coat Interior | Flat Wall PAINT White 98 5 St Qt. | OPEN DAILY 8 - 5:30 SATURDAY 8-NOON * FE 5-6184 19S. Perry St. PONTIAC PAINT Mir. Co. 1. Remove Front Wheels and Inspect Brake Drums and Lining. 2. Check and Adjust Emergency Hand Brake. 3. Inspect Grease Seals. 4..Check and Add Brake Fluid if Needed, 5. Adjust Brake Shoes to Secure full Contact with Drums. . Carefully Test Brakes. . Plus Front Wheels Static and Dynamic Balanced 2 aeell*) FE 5-6136 LL U.S.ROYALS ARE SAFETY-FIRST TIRES “We here Only the Tires The CUSTOM-BILT TIRE : with the ba The ultimate in quality retreadirg. Built to the exact tread specifications of brand new U. S. Royal original equipment tires in our own up-to-the-minute retreading shop. Thé miracle of modern electronic equipment just installed brings you new tire safety at but a fraction of new tire cost. Available from our stock of finished custom-bilts or applied to your own 4, or 15 inch tires at FAR LESS THAN HALF NEW TIRE COST e NEW TIRE APPEARANCE @ NEW TIRE PERFORMANCE @ NEW TIRE TREAD DEPTH @ NEW TIRE MILEAGE U.S.ROYALS ARE SS MONEY-SAVING, TIRE SAVING BRAKES RECONDITIONED and WHEELS ‘BALANCED $fA95 Dual chain-drive tread design for positive traction—quick- stop action. Wide, aeep. mage for high-mile capacity. ‘| lanced tread FN I ee Oo oo RAYON 6.70-15 | TUBE TYPE Plus tax ond jeden ie EASY TERMS SERVICE SPECIALS WERE'S WHAT WE DO... 1. Correct Caster. 2. Correct Camber. 3. Correct Toe-in. 4. Inspect Steering Assembly. 50 MOST CARS *by the area's TOP Front End Man—Al McRath ~ MacDonald Tire Co. Are Inflated — Not the Prices” Saginaw 370 S. 30 years experience and 30.000 satisfied customers Pontice te ap _ SHEERS \ ak qi * ae b ghey arnks 3 oil ‘ , . | | spr in es re A "THE. Pp . es. an mene pth k ’ Pmere re ONTIAC PRESS, wep spay, * ' . Z ‘ ea ee Se he Set . 4 A ~ . 7 | | _Ledge Calendar | PRIL- 15. 1959 | . a | communicatio: Dow R § | be! ve m. — . ‘¢ ‘ . ; i ge iP eae Set Profit coal ales, [ues a 94 ions Ofc | : nat x i Seart ow Re” degr ene Profits on Increase cord three! months ending oeiey Res Loses “jtwoit 9 attorney,’ wa named id = eae mpany reported ny oard Ss iplace. A ' to re- Le | | oo by eat. a ra News in Brief _MDLAND Sales and potion 3 ce ‘Sih, ene a| DETROIT wri 2. Well Aid re e nine cents, fo : sdk Nel | ing Feb. 28 months end- . r the similar , president e Ai i S were reported by the a year earlier. period ager of the nagpiie man- tah 3 Heart Fund | hs placed o se N.Y | of Goebel % the poet of etmek eee Surety. who ‘at bee a 4 0 Uus- yesterday. lhe S eae a disease a es ago, i. ent wishing iF , Dow Chemical Co. yesterda y- The K orean war killed 3 3,417 Anderson re: signed as president| wel) j ‘l) in her res taurant in his eae oO bs We ut Boys s Depa orices| IO) helving rtment.|_ Dow said its as Ir ial tores Close Out their ee te an hae 835, or Pa income, was|Americans during its d - |against $36, re, as {in ng its durati 906,021, or $1.43, for the A the same period abobut 650 On. iof-the brewe mericans died as a reat tinued on as direct year but «Qn- me of. ector, ‘memory. All contribu ire ti rectly to the Heart reat Tair eertedl nts. Here are Famous At the an annual ‘meeti eting of the the well has yield d ed $16,000 for coverin: ° ‘ ecord patch = o Yecally sows —— . ught to the F nam NEW Market b; armer's . ings es at Wonder: saris , YORK Ww — Th them yy grower: and sold’ by Baas! . N. Be McNally:s Men’ ful Sav-|5@me period a y market moved forwai € stock moet wholesale packege Cd nee a year ago. Sales|can proach to its record ard in an &P-| netroi s are furnished ie im Embury Me adv. oer — trading peak in activ it Burea by the : Mile at C thodist Ch i brewer: today. €| Monday. u ot Markets, as of Cc . hold a roft, Birming urch, tail ry Erwin H. Haass, a D Pcs advance was irre onnie . 17. 8 am tot pan’ i the . De , a De-|the ch point bs from a renee Det + Haars aici In. Black, |##- p.m. in em ie Boral tices _ Help Wanted Mal r yarily. \ or mo oa ro ; spssincepcip at e ‘6. Fr re among ke it Produce sa to Jui Rummag adv. ~ BUMIER _'6 Help Wa " y stock or e BAE AN nted F losers B: ia enut Teel- Sl 16, 9 t Sale—Thursdz RWOLF, APRIL ty of w D_ PAINTER. emale 7 peppered pples, Delicto sa ay o s I. ay, A ter A., 2 13, 1959, W ork. FE 8-0 PLEN- | L | Work W The openin: ine Unt a $4.00 g onviction anits Rd., Royal eb 3 E' il : pcloycd nusbena of Sara” Hole wal BODY. FIXTU poe Ste BUSINESS WAN med vanted Female it peppered the list. REGETABLES aa * nusband of M s 2. RE, T e to w T HOUS than usua gs Was more activ Be VEGETAB mer’s Mark across fro: Baerwolf; dear rs. Helen P product des! OOL. L. | DIE a | Oppert ork in her h E-| LADY W 1 with the ve | Becta, Seopped. be. uns IND Ch. et, Bham U m eee eT eed Miss ile Dr | | checkers. gners Detaile _o unity right ome. Good} 4 ITH REFEREN late for ticker ta Carrots, topped _ ehaineae eee NDIANAPOLIs (#—C . nitarian Baerwolf: and Miss Aileen s.| chemic Also, metallurg! & | 31978 after Pam Phone | ay work. FE 8-36 CE WANTS a 13-min pe (Celery on + DU. wee eens +++. $1.50) olas, di 3 s ‘onnie Nich. adv. | Alvin : dear brother of M.' Ass cal engineers. H .! eal “and ( LADIES arr p.m MIMEOGR 625. string of ute period. A Horshradi spike sr reeesee es ressed in black, : -| ee e neral and Charles Baerw Emil, | — "0c Inc 6403. Liy arley Earl) ta ‘IF’ YOU NE | retarts APHING | TYPING exceptional! Leek adish, No. 1 pk...es.-sesccs 125|day as ck, sobbed t Orchafd and Bake | al service will be rwolf Fu- BUMP yernois, Troy. | hell money —~ If ED EX- ai service. EM ;, SEC- opening 8. (bens) DKiee sveanee 2. y the stat 0- Lake Rd. Li sale, 3201 day. April 16 e held Thurs- | AND PAI a product you want t | NEAT Ww 3-2 blocks y large (Onton Sos. 2 e began ing, K . Libr ; Don . at 2pm. tr | tools EM_ NT MAN, and w that {s well ° ALL WA was traded. Onions, dry (bags) S0-1b ss. ese matic appeal t a dra-'1g} eego Harbor ary Build-— Bonsion-2olins ee or ne 30236 or EM WITH | and well Sdverstised. known, ‘a/ns_ stretched. SHING. ~ COR: Selected Magna Roots «be cee cease 6 5OLV o the jury t from 9 a r. April 17 _with interment | re ral Home CEMEN r EM 3-6115. c opportunity off investigate 5-6308 ‘Washings. FE Coo snii hs.) doz. al her 0 con- m. to and rment in White T FINI _. | Cosmeti ered t ae OW : E ‘steels and electronics, chemicals, ebro tetarn ne 2spmce ‘tanenens 186 hee rere first-degree murder of |, ®ummas > Pa adv... HOWARD. AP - Chapel “eect basement HER eo Wigs vite Drayton. Plat FE $4308 WOMAN WANTS 5 DAYS W did electrical equ Radishes, hoth Ibs. ..... . : i ns ny, playboy lo tarv A e Sale. Cla 9482 RIL 14. 1939. MYRT Aylair 6-6250_ nm Com-: > ox 536 lains P. O lana cooking and Ligh WEFK. well. equipments | Rnubaro See ee! vee 1.25] “‘Gentlem ver. nns. Benef rkston Ro | By eee migpieed Ie LE . | CADY VIC OF A ork FE 64318 ght house American Turaips. use wens.) déz. :... 13D en of the jury," children. A it of the crippled beroued ‘moths OF Ms age Apr Bic. OF AVeuny Hele WOMAN TO a Tel topped, bu.. . ZB. seee 1.25 eputy Prose ,” began 18th 9 pril 17th, 9 to Ppled wishon and Che rs. John W works e.fof wife while hb GHTS home C BABY SIT IN YO! to 250%, al wpagee advanced &% P ; ceeeeeecereceees B78) gerty, oF cutor Judson F. Hag- Center.” 12. Clarkston Comantane| j Mrs. peed of Arlee Howard: J O | 7 | LADY aan Cherry land ee oe FE Looe also take in es: ba orrest T unity | % s ohn Se a Rhodes > CARE 4 ; 1B sings 1930 as its a new high si oult “ eel is de y Gedd ymour, M while FOR CHI W 4SHING nce ry and E The defend: ad, —adv. al es and Mrs. G Ta. Bess | tke t . his mother is «WwW LDREN ecu 5 © TRONINGS WATER. for the bi shareholders gathered | . ggs hi ndant is charged Rummage Sale. | also: survived by six oldie “Stiles. | ake to Talk Wotan Fe en ford vicinity JOR 3.3988 WATER: iggest a D is murder. with 17th ce Frida nd eight er grandchildren to Pe ; NURSES AIDES 5-967 5 Wb IRONIN ca all. nnual meeting of, pDERRON Aor HE A termjne her ee are here to d pam.’ 1 ’ aa p.m. Saturda % ee punere) Pecvies el be he Mak People | san etme IDES ME LY IN EES tween 3A G8 FE 51620 BE- ' koe \ecnii’y tye ‘poultcy: sae Hyeen peu ee eee aay ls nin samt one ne elon, Ladies Beveriy. Hous eR * * Nopeat Nice | Woodward ae date bits Ttoeneite iar ~ Mosprrat nited Airc ; PR ret Os nent * ‘the j is upon you ‘aul Lutheran uild of, Howe. sis. Howers © 8 Funeral |) Appearance PERMANENT POSITION — D wiseAN 9 FE S007 raft t hen pe hens 19-21: jury. The tei : you, Church. York Cen rd will be taken — We : | cal-ges T POSITION IN. OMAN WANT - 60% on oppled 2}; s 11-12; hi i: Heht t decision adv. | Cent ter Cemete en; ant to S general tn ON IN. Lé Mo s DAY WORK a block of 5,000 Qy to fryers 3-4 1 eavy type broil ypelalone to make.” is yours Rummagé S. Fe er, Ohio, for b ry, York | ‘ Sell | ber Seng rel Ieeeuce wees ) i Tues. & Wed. op ORK, ; A 2 Rocks 26: bs. whites ers and e. 16th, ale, Thursda | ay. urial on Bat-| New and U . seu erking cond!tic acy Ex reme PE 46839 epen. Ket- - lowing a statem ,000 shares fol- s 26: caponet 19-21; Barr It w 9 to 6. Fi y, April | _ iow anc sed C: i ¢ heipful, ns Expe-) WO : en * over » tes und rred as then rst » April | ° | We need ats ; Write P but not ; M A ae w “Woo 4g? chairman that nation, its poard hens . et eats tisaty os double M eroon'bes the’ 45 year-old hurch, a, Maple Me t nes ist. ' , WTIDRICH. geet, 0 190 y— | chrssiera agarose men to se!l | BEGGY vs Frese. Bore ‘ na an E re 2 Ht L > REN cline this would de-!35°5 inclu y “type toms 23: ¥Pe| televisi an to sob . bar asant, | uburn Ave: age 58. ELLEN, | and let's tal ouths. Come; (27,7 N COSM j tte, mais La- year due ° €- | 96-30 udes Beltevill s 23; small elevision cam , while ing. and free | wife of W @: age 58: beloved s talk it over | Call orders or mak ETICS WALL w - itures f to large ex . e whites b eras whirred park- | sister ‘liam Neidrich: oved | ee Tony Gu . | Call FE 95-3061 akeup partie: 4 ABHIN G & HO lor research pend- ens crowded littl in the - adv citer “pf Mrs Ann rich; dear | 734 R & R MTRS. INC RELIEF : [= Own tr UaEWORK ment. ch and develop- DETROIT | little courtroom nad Rummage 5S ; , Agnes Moyer, Mrs a Hurd, Mrs Oakland Av INC c DESK CLERK ans FE 5-75 TROIT EGG tators peered i and spec-/St. And ale. Fri. 10 | Wa” Gertrede Neuen ‘Mann. /D £: FE 4152 al mote) 1 d “FOR LO- ~_ Buildi ~ Fractional oer. & ees f in through wi Ha ndrew Episcopal ls | pene Wee Gee ane Ee ma | RIVERS WANTED WITH | spe; Weekends = Sc ay week Some Ing Servic lo Detroit, in pril 13, (AP) — rom the w windows | Hatche Church | Ericks sri Gust and red,| model ED WITH | vacation fi jomeone available 1 e 12 \ ee ee —. “Eggs, f 0. | lawn. arm, sunny courthouse ay Ra. ‘Drayton ure. BO Erion A service was held ee mig eneceten LATE | penence laid (sleyic' able for ALi KINDS OF CEMENT i Motor. coppers. Whites— , toon Chapel an ront the Hun- sons, 339 S_ 'Padd pply att) 7 ite Pontiac, Pr a eon im bet ! sain iable Te ENT WORK. i Rai s showed scant ee ee ie Se Ha Rummage Sale, adv SriPbad te te Sohineon Ph un- ELDERLY cater Cte ess. Box 107 MS OC la ee nib CEMENT } Rails were mixed change. |v. 32'4; ave. 34; large 32-34, large ggerty showed i copal Ch . St. Geor Home in C Johnson Pin for d MAN, EXPER aleswome wore | Resident: CAND CEMENT rall , as their t : ; medium 27- ge 32-34, wtd 12 . “i the jury { urch, Milf g’s Epis-| ice to bi Grassflat. Pa { eral door to door 1ENCED Earn 3600 meu . ; identia!. aod cor y faltered r technical pag Si grade B log Boston avg. 284: narried men pictures of - of |Sat. 9 a.m. on. ord. Fri. 12 to 9 | April rg bela today, We or sete | — _3-9702 CANV BosinK Earn son Oe vi “TE 368 BY wes ‘er house tas eee: - . rowns—G 31, wtd. de y in h eels Pa by tt pd f noon A aie esday, EX _— “235 * ne appearing a t sll are “weil equioped 2a fea it la rade av is adv. | y the Huntoon rrancemen PERIE , 7 ‘é i nave a : 28 Joni : ny Cal) M | Bg oe ee ao the Busy a0. showing, od gummage. St. Theresa’ te iitaegaranticns PARR EN pe EP Ean cle sta ns Whites—Gr y graded: on a ooting and * urs. from 8 Thrift. (RIVES. APRIL 1 =< rt Telegraph k Cleaner we tral pe e iu SAND k ; : New York Stock \24; browns 5 adhe large 25-27; med slab in the city ’ set, Orion. 9 to 9. 674 Sun-! | wranees. 1940 i 1959. EVELYN EXP PRESSFRgW1D TO Ct 80 tek ‘ 4 Dr aste ys ec H j s jdium 24. e A large 26 ium) "We dj orgue. ; | ford age 43. b ville Rd, O & block hats. TO CLEAN : BRICK B Fi (Late Mornin, | at, ee We did not introduce _ AA Private aay. 2 Rives selves Hau wite of Far! | gt eee Birmin Sem nis | SALI SEANAD! - work Also sures efler decimal point are tographs to inflame th these pho- Licensed Bonded FES: | of Joan Me Becbing: “cesy mother XT Ee) ENCED ELect Bap uy better sree : at eee ri $ A —_— f i < : 2 ] smar a - 210 wea” Fa) _ csaf & oaport ffs Co Aduriral cece. sex ; € eighths Li the jury,” er . minds of 5-5201 ae Poaete paien John Mt ADLy 1920 er _ goateol ieee Morbinks A & ne & ‘par’ Ug a i ot ee "39° oe. au. o 3! ivestock only for Casatitiee tion * said, ‘but Fase Saturday. ene aul M EPERIENCFD pate a » Pontiac wey, a a or Hot Alum Ltd... 28.4 Kennecott a DET Mrs. Ni n."’ | . with Dr W ursley Puneral “Hon ump setter & seri rR SYSTEM we Made | ) om 4m aint ree a4 Kroger’ ss “apa! oot pn Livestock in ion had turned were! Capel Interment oe of $5082 Company Ine E yen PSSST ele t il | ria ‘ , oes able 800. S 4 (AP yhen th . el] Cemet if in Whit - yen TD PREP : } 410 i . 327 bebn & F 30.6) . Slaught )—Cattle sal. Sh e pictur | Re in ery Mrs e EXPER! wager ies at PARATION i "4g |and cow er steers aT- own to h res were | state at th Rives will ENCE ) REAL 36 to 40 . IGN WOMAN rar Ut - 4m Cyan « 00 oe, Guages one rs ee ame and heifers er on the wit Home e Pursiey Puneral salesman _ RES, EStare suit Aw Pact tag pes or A OPRUCK Am M& Pay .. $3.2 arog MeN&L 12.6 Stee anged; few load r classes scarce After spendi itness stand. ! y ome. _ 1eral Estate, pe nite Bros. Kra tomers FE 807 oS me (NE NE 4 en thekeee m4q bing & My 2. rs 1,000-1.200 Ibs. and lots choice ing her first . RQ cresimcesumaeu’ | Ge Yixle Hwy. OK WOM aol He oH COMPLETE Fi 3 +. 344 Lockh Airc good to jow Ss. 29.50-31.00: m ce; jail in fou night | 8 FE. APRIL FIRST ~ i WOMAN WANTED ~ » Quast BUILDING § ay —_ 7 Loew's ‘ 38.2! loads choice steer -00; most r weeks sh | Pauline. 3097 14, 1959. 2 . ST - “et LAS: = wisn are of 2 rED ! . . BOW) 4a: werk i: ae Am News ..... 3.2 Le .. 3 mostly good 8 26.00-28.50; fe slept a ~e e€ a aie a | Heights 3097 Caroline. MABEL vanien MM LIGHT SERVIC WTD 2gis: Love cept (OWK FP CONSTRUCT! an re & Tel “ae pore ad is jetieingy sm Badges er) choice | But Peete hour, if that ] ” 0 Heney L age 6. beloved anus 00! sete ave, con nce NTD RN Poa PARI Ft: i . ‘ TION 4 3 swe ou & Nash ._ to 00; tw mixed . : i ayne a , dear moth . wnly in person to $ ice. App , ineempioy'm ae ol mee LPE OOF HE! . f Anaconds -. 100 Mack T sn .. prime heifer: © lots high cho “7° | | sist nd Franklin Ro: ther of : 1 , service M pe , la ! A , . . — HOLSk PLAN : Armco St! .... 67 ae oe So bee -50-21.00; prcbdity -50-30.00; utility wee of m relieved. The big C nerai ia Mrs Ella Bishop dear Woodward Siig ver Inc, 464 *s ‘ Lh re t» me leu Et ’ Armour Ss 2.1 Marti hag ce ‘? al and cutters 15. randy the ordeal is over. It gest part! controlling Unit M d a! : mesnice Thursday ane GARDENER & eee BL'TD BASEM chison ..... Str... 4 —Salable 600. rough bei _ It was pretty) | a | United P irom | Aubi: : iseue Light t ce CARE OF ; ASEMENIS UNDE it & Ohio .. Po] ere 4 seedy to 25¢ highe Butchers opening| being four days on e tty in Southfi e | Rev. P eit yrerian Charct <_hour or « ie ia ing Rea O sa a seme % Boel ee 13 Mpls “Hon - 52 Ee 190-240 Tbe, 16.50. mixed 3 mavker nat ess stand.” © wit Bend ield Plant by | sat iutersenn in Whit Part-V oe. vary roan ’ _ ng Air... 403 ™ 196 z s. 16.50- o. 2 and Sh : e . | Mra. Rose ent in art-Time S: Rake! ties r netae L& - Borden sas $8 M&M . 134 bee a No. 1 16.35; few u nd 3; She said she hadn’ ndix C were. Boge wt et E ne Salesman wt Dine a " . veweere onsan . p . re t eu xp és ! 1? Dinse He a a : es , a Ware... 43 piegt Ward “sl nu tots 2 190-230 Ta ot. 00-1713. read dozens an had time to Orp- punerel Home Sparks Poe wien . 21) Dine Has. Despion Hs oe i Brun > Memo - | Veate ; sows not estad- Deen rece etters she has Phursdey. #! wey cin lon Re NAITRESS WANTF tae (UR T-6 DRE ss) Budd Balke ill axs” Nat ce cp a le tee em 125. Stead many of iving from the publi DETROIT 1P — A 3 pal BE WEF foa an Pac 2a xo” a West ibe over Be vn lamba ane 1,500. Bulk | Mornin ss and comb her hair tas Bendix lctig Gun ancien sire tan 0,0F FER OUR SIN Co: cel Pe ei oe ; ALERESS “FSP Mt oo) vee Woe wR Yur? Carrier Ch . 2 o Am Av domi onday, good quality improved . today th orp. disclosed ali who a MeN ue te at BIN BOYS TD MOTOR - _ pana ONLY Ni ‘ a arectee : ip... 444 Nor Pac 72) nating; i and choi Aske |+. at th ‘ ur yeeent sutto® « A any way eaten as J5TOR GSS Ree WAN MY 3-142 ira Cater Tree... 90 Onlo Or Pw. 243 fo"prie lamb In eat Tune of choice, Were scouted, 2 would do if she “cold reaction eran walled 2 ‘| goa Nee not thane p a oie) _F__ REC WAITRESSES WANTED crete 7 Cen Ill Lt Pf. oO o Ot! .... 40.6/ slaugh moderately activ runs; slaughter | 1 she s . used . er,”’ is be Jo ae Walter (Géetvea at © | : “4p 4 ONT Y & . HOME § ue as aid . for the f ‘ ing ehns Lut r Gerker ‘ PART TI 1 é F Pe os - Ches'& Ohio 172. tater uy Pi $8.5 | cnote er cane dads. ment pool’ and I'l] have t irst time in the 1,66 Johns Lutheran Caurch a of St IME Lenn (atl aNDO BUT cues & me a Se can eel S teode chetes.te pal To.15-3200; around on ty hands continue eine satellite. n the 2.600- cer fo the Prkiew Puneral Home. It vou are free 7.10 Wacied Mon ers on jee = Me ae ve. ea ..., $0.5)2 pelt © prime | round six | Mark LaB it thanks Mr & Mr seat appearing 10 pm. ae WHITE 1 Ar ‘ Clark Equip .. 60 rke Da | s 22.00-22 ambs No. a year, months | Bend B arge M Mrs y LADY To Liv . 46) WOO 40; 1 and ar, The or ix? _ Barge anc Mrs. Rady ; bes TO LIVE 1s psi Goce cola an a eeabes. JS ee weesee Sash 2m, oat lees none! until then.” re’s nothing I can dol acneeed ext ne controller was hr Meco ; ph La-. & for bow 2 32 F ang CEMENT TIS TO" Rept . . PS . \ “~ et az * f i. Colum re 1004 PF Pepsi wie aq. ewes 5.00-10.00. cull to choice Souctier She was released { tory in ai “a its labora- er ____ 9 memoriam ' fore WOMAN FOR TF = 10 & PA , ‘Edis .... one 122. Hospi : rom ; Southfield, The . |IN LOVING formation call ae For t: ver GE TES EPHCes I . Con N Gas at Phill et : 22.6 | spital yesterday Genera]) began early in 1958 work i ING MEMORY OF OUR gies jon call ME OALUEM. PE heme op stucte Kei da “a's ) w cone : : a rm . i » SALESMEN WTD ( — a , - Bae i4 8 tK ; . Cc .. $7.3 Proce $1.2 ‘ ; aw « = WTL “ ) OUNG p “ tt 4 Cont ean 2 aoa Pare OU 1 | The controller stee mont ast ireMieN Wi WMO ARE Now TWIN? MOCIRIT re i | . P&s . 14 .. 41 lite and Pr steers the satel- . souk sel Foam eh f sareuine Sree age rk 4 wry 3 > ; eri haice * ence ae iors : cons Meter ita ree sees 5B5 id keeps it steady f we sought that whe pers 10 per ece Matt To; meni werk ee tar ie eae nore f ont Oil Shade j pub Stl wee 4 e sai W ith y, ano fieis | son no you compet per ¢ t-comm pe Must t Tee cee i \ omy, Re é Coy +. 62.6 Rex +++ 69.6 ithout it, t sate a re eve | on Ariassn Inducine: wrt! a ae : Not id | - cseert Bae 74 senile tr 401 tumble over and he satellite, could | ‘ aan aya | 068... (Ainecon Industae M rE: va iti esa t se--00 OS Neral D , “106 ISES ‘not keep a cou over, he said, and We never thought wees oN lp Wanted & t Edis oe yal D . ° rse. . bear nought your death ‘ vt . Dis C Seag . ES seleway ee weal An infra-red We often «it ar OF Beate was nl wa an S RPh Doug Airc ee ++ 383 St. Reg z eads hi eit wi ree WF . F_ 4-92.89 . , . ae n } aiiie and tn Figures after decimal points, schools. and tancatitoa, the county, 6469 new positions. me request. N \ wih advertising pre * wig CHAE! ; ton elp Wanted Female 7 *! P _ ed Male 10 582 « bniscing Pho Alien Sis s are @ighths Thi . have cos which would . oN. Smelinkov, preside ai tal TI wi GRAVE S APPLICAT : A eee ‘ tr — OE BET a! peldeie wea cess ees ea hix $6.47 tax rate for each We ae county $314,981, but is sinturg Trading ou mol on De ant One TAKES FOr dnl CART Fi Gk gS Pare panies FPAITRS oss Gear Co.* Os» i : as ach Salaries Comm vot. uesday ni orp, saul — <_< te AP PD tard cat | CAR PENT Opes SHING 9 FE 408 GL. O.% ... i _ ‘Boa ® ittee of : ay night the car ' | — j ar A . » CARINE | HING , / 4naad Howell” Bie Chem. Co 3. — rd of Supervisors cut this ow etch. will be put oad ne Mosk i Mt pox RE. PLIES i re rife LRT as ie tans Be AVATING pee enin r. Co". 7C] . m. trade fi display ¢ : } acm, , : t A © POER hes Prophet, an Co* 108 Hd a W ‘son Ma « far ie New York in jae, : i} were replies @The ere ! ‘eet 0 iepar 20 udy M . . 2! y : _—— : . ‘sat The Pre q ae Toledo “Edison Co a, 4M oF Today Is T ppitice inthe Lat Bite Ino Etinon col ay at | akes Career ax Deadline . ' ai _ : asked se ® - - STOCK = ' 27 5, 7, 10, Ot, 1 Pe NEW Y AVERAGES of N ° oe eg 6s 1h 19, g | BABY I sociated .aceiielmael nies of the As arrow Wins | ' io a 31, 32, 40, 60, 61, Be ET, 2 CROP OUT : { 3045 ~The > bite 1 86, 87, 89, 104, 108 COLORED. LADY von GENERA b ’ i ot € } » ath day .. ean; Ralls util storks Gren bees mayor atl 8 ee 6, Hl. | Heuy ue 2 » coN a aes AL BOOKKEE FE ) eye ee 2 100 7 uncan | ili - | ton MA. ra : c «8-9408 i) Bul afte: 3 pin “4 is ope t PUBLI rom an audit.” yer can (| adjustmen number,” ILL TRAIN. SALA RED WE WAI interested pen to anyone At 900 a C SALE u it. i brie ments will No GIVING E SALARY W ‘ 4 L WAS SHING pce 4 ¥ ? Buick 2 Dr m. on April 20. Abi * * without it. be piven IFIC/ EXPERIENCE RITE | PO _mess_ FF + BY MACHINE: “LAW ao Serial 1059, a 185 out 2,600 * ( CATIONS 7h & QUAL. | = A429 1INE,, 2S ' sold at No. A10027 4 600,000 ' oci &HOC TO BOX | MARRIFL less 4 se Ferndale. Mien 22800, Woodward audited last year a ae tax returns of all ki | cnet tien Not arene VIEW APPOINTM Rn INTER. ¥ work ' e cena i oe “he Baie & s vere the vehi . that addres suppl . audit me . inds wer ) larger than 1 g type sizes EARN § ENT ‘R- YOUNG i FE : Air cooied engin . Serve linspected uicle is stored and ae being pply more inf ans the tax ; i re | type is 12 n recular agat 100 PER WEF chaiged — : zed Ser i é i may oe Thi ormation or justif > taxpayer is asked t 11 GBF oterious to putt 4 SPARF. TIME 8 KIN-YOUR | emplovment. . ; : Ar . 0! previous t in the LY AL ELLING HIG employment 2 € : Count Clu a April 15, 16. "5 1s work, by 12, 600 y certain items in a i ] s toa publication | _ 6-88.25 IVERTISED ITEMS i on counting ipM a one ax 3487129-14 ee 9 additional 11, billi agents and auditors, b return. ‘| 5 pet ranstent Want Ad EXECUTIVE Ml Have ear wi we akibe MOWER P | 4 4 F : UN “s Nt 8 : ~ ax ‘ PE. | With Championship Co At 9:00 8 Mgr vie SALE on dollars in revenue. , brought in an | me trae oh puwiten oi am Pie po HOUSEKFEPER ae ee ee ae se apdtrsos PLASTPPING : es , 721 jurse Mercury M n April 20th, 195 j * he first inse ication after al ibera! personne! ei tenn) _ wi, AE wate kk atath Mo Work quaranterd au REISE ‘i j 54 ontclat 9. a 1085 Lath * rtion salary opr personnel pobcie 1 il oS Bla cath stars Nyy f FE 639 i has aie at ane will "he vd Number; to ste am recently told a House nN . - CASH WANT porte Wr ite bevel ara ex. w ‘ork W * wavs, Plane Taw eal ; og Mich. dree ‘Woodtars ASE: ie a p up audits to the point committee that IRS w | , ibe aD ececs met ee § Hos ta Gener ~ anted | emale 1p Mani Machsne Fide: mowers ; dress a a] Ane a v , ey starpene Family Membe ; eahicié ie ntdied aiid being, whiece ate) payer with substantial in where they involve e ants foe. . ae 3-Days 6Daye § gan e. Detroit 1, Michi | 1 Rien IRONING $3 SMITTY'S AIR 10 Badley 8! ~ rships ee ay fe jompecten | cycle period.” come at least once “in a very tax- |, | Ls 2 i fon, DEMONSTRATORS. aswTLi we : VOuEN PE 1471 BUSHEL Clinton - Bri ine On FE ED ENGINE: Avai NOTICE nO oo reasonably | >; te 3% ts jeaposted (Rifts, holisen 8 |" seo and oes wi also ethen maken BAe AcuuEL vailable _ Take noti £ OF PUBLIC — oO y | 6 2 5 ~ 5 16 er, No investmen s toys 1g and houserlear L WASII- wood 3 bik wes 585 A i votice | : SALE | nl i I 260 4? delivery vert, collect caning > hike Ike Weert ribet: ce ie OP a piel ee ie tie cael filed sath small fraction of the 9314 + 350 Ste. aon 45802 8 to 530 cent com, FE| Be es WORK. Rouse WGne i “Page OE Bae cngelue, EE Send busines: OL A a! jy ablic calc. ile Home shall. ch year are audi 315 million- . R 400 6 30 9 86 “EXP WAITRESS |. | EXPER FE PREF . FE A in@éss on "3 pril, 1959 on the 16 : fr ted. A returns - 7 20 FOR N | IENCEE TRIMM a tol acess: ond phone noon, at "475 mt 1p a dlock 3 fee fora. om individuals . About 61 million retu . {1 30 7 ST ex i ee ve “PRACTIC. ai Free est, UL ING REMOVA: : numbers to PO ben prone ichigan and ork St. Kalam re.) * rns are : $00 900 u 42 “ “COOK SHaRT ORD _# GIRL DESIRE ork. OR 23-3984 TREE TT RIMM? 1 or UL 2-!8H4. B 294 place nay, be ins 82.00. | Of co So ae: 3 80 ours 412 EM 3-9112 ~ ORDERS babysittin 2Es HOUSEW ie AING AND Birmingh or. #332 are pected at th urst, the a ne 13-9112 bysitting 5 ORK OR Ww oTates Ca REMOV- " am, Mic! wees | Certified No 7 . at to fil ' quickest wa . - oatineetibendinetinentinons EXCELLENT OPP R4374 3 or 6 days wk FE PRE « 0137, s after 6 p wish to be , f you 7; 789980 e a late ret y to get int ge caltured PORTUNITY FOR ORI — wat pm. contac ed OBILE HOM urn. Thi ° rouble with a : 25 ed ambitiots wor ; Ri 14 WISHE ATE WT - of E FINANCE amonth s results i IRS is Help W ‘ Buciness exper nan ove? ' pees (t “8 BABYSIT © Pains NDOW “Wishes. 46 co on sina . p ant essary. F nerience mot nec- hr ft ING : & bec Spit ASHING, y 7 | Y. Meesion Plaine. Mien | ter waldition, EA ten Shatge fe Se eee oiak ie cent “d Mele 6 ihatetesoe no | Ppetienne caren, ay Te a ie’ cane: acbiiailia: ich ’ can | mum of . . A : EXPRRIEN nee HOU: rather tA miner ye kuRY ” PAPTS FO : Apr Wh on tax debts, charge interest of 6 pe a5 Ber Gere | : nN Active M Y gia Mt 7 ep hide 36 AP- ability. EEE wee ni TNC oe ee Ledeve We at f “ Julie s arr rh} vey ote : i id elas her fakes | ; per cent a year | : For an active job : adn a — Clemet i Oi HOUSEWORK wi sae 14194 ; ei APP] oe Hee ) © | nity good Mec a Pay opport XPERTENCFD) WAIT . bf wk | or 2 IRST PAR a $6 Oaki “e BAR VIC. . i og oC. hanical OPP ue be neat a ITRESS MUST r2dass F ‘ RYT 3 akiand FR , ; : | Motel 120 ‘Seiptul "Appts Savon eur Ave. No phone. eal RTS Oe fs al WOR Dressmaking, Tail mage , x ; ‘ bs Thursday AC elegraph 10 a IGHT HOUSEW ry calls _ babysitting FRE 2-242) oreo " al orin 1 ; » Apri 16tR, m chard Lake FWORK 513 OR - NURSES AV DRESS —~ R 6 o P | Back gate. Ave. before 5 pm Aue ire Avenue N ‘ TNE FE - tee MAKING TATE: ORnG ' . , | ay & Nig! L Aleeaned oe ane ° DRES&M Mps Banesi oan t $ FE 2-9102 ents te puke Coane iLORING ‘ # boob my Sen ee odes Ate \ all FR §-8455. °5 . ' i rd TT) ee nan ae a i ! - . , THE PONTIAC PRESS. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 15, 1959 . ; : | & ; ? = Jo. ; grist mill and inn have long since gentury. ago. The flag now is' The average density of popula- . r vanished. - ts displayed at ‘the ‘city hall. tion ranges from—fewer than five TRANS-AUDIO toe At a Sault Ste. Marie military : 7 ‘i ‘e mile in C; sed Me a oe, a ‘ceremony in11932 re eatsiatives ‘ people hd square.mile ik Cong. HEARING AID SALES and SERV ICE [CoRETRORY P *’ Vulcan, which stands atop Red’ Australia, and many colonial’ areas : reas of "United States forces crossed ae “avecibokina * Bisosee’ to 500 my the. United Kina _, Complete. Seleetion , {the river to feturn a flag Ameriacn Mountain over king irming-|to 500 or more in the, rae King- MIDTOWN ‘OP | By JOHN A. CURRAN |St. Mary's River @ quarter-mile |sawmill when they attacked the|forces had ripped from a flagpole ?@™. Ala.,is the largest iron sta-'dom, Belgium, the Netherlands, 19... Saginaw, Above Dhol pee FE 4-0539 Written for the Canadian Press ‘south. The Americans burned the settlement. The wooden - framed lat the old house more than. a tue in the world. iGermany, and Japan. =e , . Z SAULT STE. MARIE, Ont. (CP) | — SNS : nn - Sa a - — The Ermatinger House ~ now |f' called simply the Old Stone House | —put Sault Ste. Marie on the map of upper Canada 150 years'| ago. - i Its history is linked with the! fur trade of the north ‘country, | the capture of Fort Michil- mackinac during the war of 1812 and the sacking of the hamlet of Sault Ste. Marie by the Ameri- cans as a stroke of revenge a year later. It was known to Lerd Elgin, governor- general of British | North America 1847 to 1854, as | “the elegant mansion house” | and t Lord Selkirk as a head- quarters stop-off during his | expedition to Manitoba's Red River Valley. Built by the first agent of the powerful old Northwest Company, |} Charles Oakes Ermatinger, in) 1814, the house still is capable of, “restoration. It is the oldest stone house north of Toronto. ‘| A move is afoot, with the assistance of the Canadian gov-3 ernment, to have the city of Sault Ste. Marie acquire the property, for preservatoon. It may be de- clared a national historic site. * * * Ermatinger, son of a Swiss, merchant who settled in Montreal, came to this settlement in 1808 at the age of 28 to set up a north- ern base for the company’s fur. trade. He early determined that he would build himself a house and live im the elegant style of his distinguished family gathered in recent vears by the Histomcal Society that Ermatinger moved his family of seven into the house in 1816 and remained there until he returned to Montreg!l about 1832. RED SANDSTONE USED Native red saridstone was ob- tained from a quarry less than two miles distant, but the huge cedar timbers were reported to have been brought from Mon- treal Documents indicate The place must have taken on the atmosphere of a fortress for its walls are 2', feet thick in places. At one time it boasted wooden shutters on the small front windows facing the St. Marv's River and the American border. Located almost in the hear of the city’s main business section, the Ermatinger house is expected to eost $90,000 to buy now An other $65,000 wall be restoration and development as a needed for show-place and = museun Lands ef the house at ane time extended “ever WM acres. Now it takes up about four city-sized blocks ® * * Militarv, sacial and business center of the 60-family settlement it was built, the old stone house down through a century and a half has served as everything from a garrison headquarters to a place of worship. It now is a four- apartment block when The original six large rooms gave Ermatinger the oppor- tunity to live in the grand style of a community leader. He and his wife, an Ojibway princess, headed the social life of the settlement and it was recorded that an invitation to their an- nual caribou dinner and dance was a mark of local distinction. ‘i Ermatinger built a= grist) mill attached to one side of the house and an inn on the other side. He also built a large sawmill on the PAYDAY LOANS | : $50 for 2 wks ... only 70¢! other loans to $500 with 24 mos. to repay CASH YOU | REPAY IN | REPAY IN RECEIVE | 2 WEEKS | 4 WEEKS $25.00 | $25.35. | $25.70 $0.00 50.70 $1.40 at 3% per month ca balances per month between $50 ond per meath on ony remainder. ASSOCIATES LOAN COMPANY Taterest « wp te $56, mM $260, eed 4% In DRAYTON PLAINS: 4494 Dixie Hwy. CALL: OR 3-1207 In PONTIAC: 125-127 N. Saginaw CALL: FE 2-0214 2255 $. Telegraph Rd. Michigan Miracle Mile CALL: FE 8-9641 see the te bi a | Bm | : | a i, 58 b £ ~ y o 4 z . *, DR ae 4 i 0 ¢ } | Top he. ma } GO ' stately modern, with big 56-inch triple dresser to solve storage ‘problems @ beauty... sweeping lines, in rich limed oak or sienna wabtnut finishes’ @ size... 50%. more storage space than ordinary bedroom suites @ durability masterfully constructed of finest hardwoods 1é = © } At a _ vo. Reg. 99.95 79° Down Finish Hardwood Bunk Bed Ruddy Maple Ideal for your kitchen or bath! Washable vinyl plastic shade Regularly 1.49 9 j C Big value at a little price! Strong, easy- to-clean 4-gauge plastic with taffeta em- nossed finish. Neutral colors. 6-ft. long by I cut narrower) with roller. — a a “i ae “ . by Bing ‘ Z ee é z Tom. : Ge tigers Fg ; aoe Sg y sae > se Pin tie age 4 q , i & Mh \ 39.95, Innerspring Matching us nightstand od Reg. 29.95 ~ 14.88 "533 ° Mattress or Box Spring..." ten Have a set for real sleaping comicrt at this lew Sears price. Mattress has 4 i] size, tvines ved price. Mattress has co wil size ue at ed with bit Striped ticking. in toan Furniture Dept.. Sears Second Floor Psiis eas.iv cn 11.95 Convertible Aluminum Stroller Reduced to 9.88 arr Big 7-Ft. Garden Umbrella Reduced 24.99 & Reg. 29.95 Light, Easy Folding Aluminum Chair Reg. 6.95 4.99 3 ™ at Sears! Lovely Bronze and Black Family Size 7-Piece Dinettes @ Regularly 109.95 @ Now for this sale only DOWN ’ 2-a-+ Ves spar edey] arn) +. na bh} -} King d. luxury styled beauties in bronze and black tal wath decorator toned rlastic table tocs Te 6 cose your lavorite with 6 mec id Bk 5 a ~, 279 >red chai rs. Tables open to*72 in —--— Reg. 6.98 TV Snack Tables | Now on Sale Set of 4 Save $1.99 Perfect for TV viewing or entertaining. Handsome modern created floral or party motif. Metal trays are alcohol and stain re- } } sistant... clip easpy to sturdy steel legs. -f%4-in. high. You'll want several “sy. Hurry. _ Regular 29.95 Metal Glider Three ) ] 88 Place $5 DOWN ray — ai oy make your home the center of Spring hospitality with Harmony House custom — — decorating custom-made draperies of a selected fabric group “47 150x84-In. includes buckram, hooks, weights Make this a spring to remember by treating your+home to sparkling new draperies. Our gpeorgior will help you select perfect color schemes .'.. offer ~ many decotating tips. All without obligation! Have a home your family will be proud of for many. years.to come <4 } 1 fiurry in today: j completely installed Drapery Dept.. Main Floor 154 N. Saginaw St. Phone FE 5-4171