Shattered Jet • Falls to Earth in Driving Snow, Hail Storm Tht Weather -ML THE PONTIAC PRESS Hom« Edition '**★*'* PONTIAC, MICHIG4& SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1961-28 PAGES Dress Right osr Go to M ^BUTTON, BUTTON — Who’* got a button? Theae staunch lawmen will keep score. Anyone caught in town not wearing the official bonnets, top hats and string ties on a Friday' from now on, during Greater Pontiac’s Centen-nial celebration, will ho arrested by Keystone Oops shown above and hailed into Kangaroo Court. Speedy "Justice" is promised. Taking notes oo a "dry run" in front of the Courthouse on Saginaw Street today are, from left: James A. Snyder, 10 Uutnam Court; Louts Levitt, 2M0 .Williams Lake Road, Waterford Township;, Kenneth G. Watts, 1851 Birchcrest St.; and James Converse, 128 Oneida St. Pickings should be good, they agreed. GRANTS, N. M.—Planes, helicopters and ground parties threaded through a lofty New Mexico mesa today in s pinpoint search to find out whether more than three men survived the crash of a B52 1 Centennial Violators Beware! Kangaroo Court on the Prowl from now through the June 17-24 celebration. By PETE LOCHBILER Keystone cops, and wet garbed deputies of the Kangaroo Court made their first appearance of the centennial today. The 21 member corps, complete with two bewigged Judge* invaded centennial regalia, the downtown area shortly after 10 a.m. to begin a four-hour, probe A prime violation, under Kangaroo Court's perculiar code of Justice, is failure to wear proper of “centennial violations.’’ a» merely investigative. No nr- But the action served as notice that the zany antics of the Kangaroo Court may occur at any time ties for men. In addition, sun-bonneted women are fo wear Centennial Belle buttons sad the pen their whisker permits. .These are buttons signifying either permission for the beardless to shave “ Kennedy, and Macmillan on Problems Together WASHINGTON (AP) — President Kennedy and Prime Minister Harold Macmillan announced today ... they have re8^6d.“a very high level of agreement” on their appraisal of the problems faced by the two great English-speaking powers. They asserted their sup- Old-Fashioned Dress Day applies to both men and women, they ain-phaataad. Bonnets and buttons will be the style tor women and centennial hats, ties and buttons the style for men. 'Ladies who may have old-fashioned dresses or other attire of yesterday at* urged to wear this additional apparel as wen,” said Mrs. Hoogerhyde. "Perhaps some of the men will be able to come up with grandfather’s old Prince Albert frock coat, or a fancy vest dating from the “turn ef the century.” On the boats of enthusiasm gea-crated among Pontiac’s womenfolk earlier this week, Mrs. Hoogerhyde Gotham Centenni port for the United Nations and their “determination’ to oppose Soviet attempts “to undermine Its authority.” To megt the problems of the world today “will require from us many sacrifices," Kennedy and Macmillan declared. "We are ent,” they said, gravity and depth of the-dangers in the present world situation for their independence and the priceless right of choice. (Better', Nfte: la nafaanlia wlUi a Mites * rtraMUi n nac ti Ska aaraaaa lalnaia wht Save aaa- The guardian of Pontiac’s history for nearly 31 yeaniMia Adah Shelly, vtoo served as city librarian from 1824 until her retirement in 1165, except for two Mias Shelly was tits city's first librarian, assuming hfor ditties in the cid Pontiac library that had previously aerusd to house “refined entertainments” for 50 years, with one room for library Prior to the city taking over the library fa 1821, the small room had been supervise________, informal fashion far a women's Dm dty »tafy enjeyi* Ms » were sne et .fee low 8 an— Shelly, who now Hves fa retirement at 183 Washington'St rccthrad official tuuagnftfrn ter hrf long aarvfae to fonttap shortly before she left off)ce. A nmr branch library .‘•aa named after her that response to Old-Fashioned Dress Day. .. V • The regalia'Will also be the official costume each day of the June 17-24 observance. 500 Escape In a Joint statement covering their three days at taka, the two to reach agreement with the Soviet trios for a safeguarded ban an anriehr wea- r “While we recognise that the armed aggression continues to be the North Atlantic alliance, “ITe have cansHsrei what msasnrss.Jt might ha advisable to take,together wife ear ahka, to hwnre the eeheatoa, effectiveness and adaptaMBty *( tha Atlantic community In a changing The statement described as urgent the need for further steps toward "The economic end — cal unity of Europe.” But an this as on other points it dealt only far generalities and of- IwIteiHm of .Spfdfle measures, of actions agreed on or of prapoaab which may bt mads to the allies or the Communist powers as a result of the meet- Of the critical probfofaa of Southeast Asia, when Soviet-backed nnd American-backed forces have been gwe fa Viet Nam, Kennedy and Macmillan arid only that they bad given “done attention’’ to fee problems of fee arasL,/ , permission to the bearded to be- fhot down by a sidewinder miisile. A New Mexico Air Na-tional Guard FlOft. piloted - brm LT.'TainesVan Scyoc accidentally launched the deadly sidewinder at the 88-million B52 Friday. Vari Scyoc, squadron safety officer, had made five passes at the bomber Jin sunuiated attack. long to the Brothers of the Brush. The items are all an eale at centennial headquarters in the Pontiac Public Liteary. Centennial regalia will be the eighth of feridon every Friday from now through the celebration. Beginning next week, each FrL-day wffl be Centennial OM-Faah-ioned Draw Day, aceordiag to Henry Getham and Mrs. rotor Hoogerhyde, mchnlnwnn ef the Promenade and Caravans committee ef the celeb ratten- Three men parachuted from 34,000 feet and lived. Tbfere were five others on board. A ground party found some bodies. 50 or More Others on British Liner When It Bursts Into Flames BAHREIN w-A crowded Brit- the Persian Gulf and was The ship’s owners Hid , 500 persons were and a search was under way for About 550 . WWM ed aboard, the ship owners said, but it was not known if this included the 130 have been Indians and Pakis- tanis, be said, though a -tew Americans and European* were •board. Basra. II was att • *.m., some 5* miles nsrth et feuu-Ja on fee Tractal coast of Arabia. Officials laid difficulty'learning lor fee Dari's owners, the British India Steam Navigation Co., said the strip may have been fa a collision fa the darimeto before catchtag Ufa. 8 NAVY SHIPS ARRIVE Three British navy ing the gulf lor amvtvors. A Brit-spokesman said the royal navy and the U. S. Air Force were “coordinating shM 1 providing me dice teams to be flown to ftaarou Missile Downs Bomber Hunt Air Mishap Survivors five Missing, Three Survive PBAPLY MISSILE - A sidewinder missile, one of which "killed” a B52 Jet bomber oifar New Mexico Friday, is shown mounted on the wing of an Air Force F104 jet fighter.. Five of the bomber's eight crewmen were believed deed. The gtent plane ir motet— crashed after a heat-seeking sidewinder, using the BS3Y englner radiation as its target, struck. The missile was fired —ny from a National Guard F100 during a mode aerial drilL Film Ban Furor twice the speed of MR. _ whaaeto and sent It shattered to earth la a driving snow Conflicting reports from the eraah scene indicated two more crew members may have been madia fa confirmation from amrehera fa the area. Van Scyoc wrote many operational procedures for missile training and firing. FROM TEXAS BASE The bomber was from Biggs Air Force Base at H Paso, Tex. Both planes were on what the Ah’ Force calls an “authorized intercept mis. A spokesman for the Air tiuard said all safety devices _ the missile were on. He Implied that the mlartle was launched through a malfunction. Van Scyoc. 27, was due back on duty today with the 188th Interceptor Squadron at JOrtlaiid Air Force Base, Albuquerque, N.M. His com-manding officer, Maj. Francis Williams, old him to “get lost” Friday night. Capt. George D. Jackson, 27, of Rlchwood, W. Va., Capt. Donald D. Blodgett, 38, of Kalamazoo, Mich.; and Staff Sgt Raymond H. Singleton, Havre de Grace, Md„ ejected/from the bomber and survived, though they were injured. On*. Ray C? Obdel, 28, of Logan, Ohio; Capt Stephen Carter, 28, of East Hartford, Conn.; 2nd Lt. Glemi V. Bair, 24, of Kemmerer, Wyo.; Chpt. Peter J. Gineria of Albuquerque, and Staff Sgt. Manuel L. Mieras, 23, of Flagstaff, Ariz., wore missing. Blodgett, the aircraft commander, had a fractured petvfa and severe cuts on his kft arm. American Legion and Legislature Stirred Up by Swainson's Action LANSING <* - The sound and fury touched off by Gov. Swainson’ order barring state police from showing two controversial films on communism has widened to indude the American Legion and the State Legislature. Veteran newsmen recall that not since the days of the late Sen. Ike films whleh am the subject ef a state controversy will be shown at 7;M p.m. Tuesday at the John D. Pierre Junior High School In Waterford Township. Originally slated for the Waterford Township Republican Cfab meeting, the free showing will be open to the public. Jooepii R- McCarthy's anticommunist crusades has such an issue stirred up such strong feelings pro and con. Proponents of the two films — “Communism on the Map” and “Operation Abolition” — contend they portray a true pietare of the dangers of Communist infiltration and strategy. Opponents argue that they are distorted, inaccurfte and slanted. BOLONS TO VIEW ‘ABOLITION’ American Legion State Commander Wilson Morrison says "pome-body pulled the wool over the governor’* eyes" 'fat getting him to bar the state police from showing the films. And Thesday night, the 8tate Legislature will Hew "Operation Abolition” and then deelda whether to establish a policy regarding state police authority tor shewing such film. , Observers say such a step could i develop into a major dispute over executive vs. legislative powers. Open Shipping Season SAULT STE. MARIE (UPI) — The shipping season in Lake perior opened today when the Murrto' Bay and T, R. McLaughlin faltered the Soo Lodes at 8:20 a.m. Varner Fears ‘Disaster’ ior MSUO in Fund Cuts By MAX E. SIMON Chancellor D. B. Varner today declared that passage of higher education budget bills drafted by Michigan lawmaker* would spell “disaster” for Michigan State University Oakland. “Michigan's citizens, I M riot support the legislative proposals which will further injure tiw already-blighted image of their state.” Appropriation bills reported out of the Senate Appropriations and Hotefa Way* and Means tees Friday would grant virtually no increase to Michigan's state universities. Guv. John B. Swainson had trimmed MSUO’s appropriations reqwest of |i,4M,N* to SLUT,IN in submitting his budget to Am legislature. Hie MSUO sum the Michigan State University appropriation. ONLY *11,000 MORE Hie appropriation which MSUO would receive under the legislative budget proposals would be $891,300 —only $12,300 more than the present year’s appropriation of $879, “If the state is trying for thlrd-dass instead of first-class higher education system, then this proposal puts us on the right road," Varner remarked. MSUO’s budget request for next year was based on a total enrollment of 1,400 students, with a freshman class of 700. 000. Next year, however, MSUO plans to accommodate three classes — Irishman, sophomore and Junior. . Only freshman and Sophomore domes are now avaUsble at the university, whleh Is la Its second year of operation. «. And MSUO already, has hired 18 additional faculty members for the next academic year. “A major disaster will have befallen us if these proposals are sd,” Varner said. “In such a case, I don’t know what we’d do.’ Varner said he did not believe the higher education budget would pass in its present form. Would ft be impossible to operate MSUO with jfoch a tynall increase in me appropriation? “Impossible Is a strong word,' Varner said. “But at the mo meat I don’t know how wi could.” Varner said the impact of the proposed higher education budget must be “obvious’’ to'all Michigan citizens. “The people of Michigan won’t go along with something like this,” the chancellor said. “Passage Sf Am current proposals would bo‘ the most destructive act la the history of higher education In Michigan,” “The proposed budget for higher education certainly, will not improve the image of Mh-Mfrm Varner asserted. Srd CLASS OR 1st? Hie university official said that elsewhere throughout the nation higher education budgets are being increased. The university would also incur extra expenses under its plan far year-around classes. COULDN'T PAY ; “We would not be able to pay all of our 18 added faculty mem-ben with the proposed appropriation of the Legislature," Varner said. ’A total review of our operations next year would have to be Under the governor’s proposed appropriation, Varner said, MSUO h Aa a result, of the Legialature’s proposals, the MSU Board of TMa-tees will meet in emergency session Monday evening at MSU. Varner will attend; Meanwhile, a University of Michigan executive also voiced shock today over educational budget recommendations. The committee innomniondul aa increase of only *140,SO# tor the V. of M. Marvin L. Niehuss, vice presi-(Continued on Page 2, Col. 5) Money Ruins 'Romance' for Swainson, Legislature LANSING (AP)—The peaceful coexistence under which Gov. Swainson and the legislature have been operating since he took office New Year’s Day apparently has been shattered under the impact of an. appropriations proposal cutting sharply into the governor’s budget. • 77*' The legislative proposal^ were reported out Friday by -the Senate Appropriations and the House Ways and Means committees. Over-all, they called for expenditures of $472,203,018 during the 1961-82 fiscal year, about $26,000 short of fee Swainson recommendation. - - — •; ' - ' — la ltem-by-ttem spending ree- A $5.45-million appropriation had been requested. In higher etoenttan, the suggested direct legislative appropriation trimmed nearly $s The committee recommended that tuitions and fora be rafahd $150 yearly for out-ofatafe students and-HO a yeiir for Mu-topw h- Survivor’s Family in Kalamazoo called for •spend!ng of 84804 mil-lor various state depart-Is, exeladiag school aid h also was ent nearly $1 It's Wonderful,' Says Airman's Brother Crowd Threatens Attendance Mark tor Masters The legislature only recommended $305.7 million. * * A ............ The difference was mostly made * . up in fee estimates on catffallbUT- *■*" Maa*fo*d-to set a third-round KALAMAZOO (UPI)—“It’s derful, Just wonderful," That was fee reaction of Leo Blodgett, toother of Afr Force Cgff- Donald D. Blodgett, 39, and three sisters in addition to his aged parents living in the area. The captain’s father Dwight is confined to a nursing home here. tif the aurvtvora of a.B52 crew ■hot down near Grants, N.M., Fri-his brother wai alive. dar. porachated (ran the atriekM craft after It wah struck. by a. Slightly Warmer, PlusShowers Is the Forecast find by an naa jet during a The ataman is a native of Fenn-ville and attended Kalamazoo Central High School. In 1843 he Joined the Air Corps and, except for a brief break In 1946-47, has r* mained fa service ever since. Although ha han't made Kala-lazoo his home for an When UPI informed them that there were some survhrara, a short time alter the family had received official notification Donald was missing, one of the airman’s sisters sobbed, "That’s my brother, know ft-fa,"- - — * The weatherman says tonight will be » ***** Insanity. She spent hearty Ml yean **” attention to the YMCA exin Ionia State Hospital after the y*n*kM P"»«tam and the tepor-shooting and was Mvrt triad then. WN? to the immunity of sup-ADM1T8 DATES l«tta« tt. . ^ ^ r^^ddSTdaSS ****• Hr ABebneh said it is Mm THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1961 Named Partner fdr 4-H Worker Troy Man Files mooosuit ‘ Outstanding Rob Cited in Select^ of Hid One of Seven A Bloomfield Township man one of seven permit named “Pa ner»Jg.4-H" lor ontrtsmttoeo tri buttons to 441 Club work America. He ts.MccritiJD. Hill, «I5 Glengarry Circle, vice preanmt Kord ,Motor Co. and gancrsl mi ng«r of its Tractor and lmptenu Division.' <—rrtarr April n ts hi Wad D.C. The “Partner iu 44f will be presented during a cm many on 'Triends of 4H Day* April 31 flmpharis will be placed upon the redptenta’ service to agriculture and 4-H be followed by U luncheon raoogniring the new “Partners to 4-H." Thto is tbs sso ood year tha award has besn mads. Hill baa served as a member of thrf National 4-H Boys amlGirto-QcfrWorir: An active partidpaiit National 4-H Chib Gn«re annually in Chicago, he is a trustee of the Michigan 4-H Foundation. leadership roles with Antique Autos Will Invade Flint HUl I of the Detroit Area 1 Scouts, on the ad-of Junior Achieve-1 closely with of - America By DICH8AUNDERS The best antique* cars to Michi-_ia will rumble Into Flint tomorrow aid the Pontiac ana will he Now Pleads Guilty ini Bad Check Case Joseph E. Hodges, accused of cabling a worthless 355 check, ana of IT stolen from an Oxford Township, gravel company office to ‘January, changed his original plea of mute to guilty before Circuit Judge Frederick C. Bern yesterday. Judge Ztem set sentencing for April 24 and continued Hodges on a 32,500 bend, which he eoUldn'* fuip>sh. tUfeuM A used machinery osiosnun from Troy Im sued tha Mlchigu Bell Ttiophwto Ob. lor <303,000 Maiming its officials aocund hka of tosgtag ha telsphons bills as paid. John G. Garoar, of 1051 D Fair Road, said ht offsrod to ha vs _ .to riww, he said, ibl. B. Schenk, of tl party's Birmingham office, marked two aa paid on Fab. S with a combined balance of &B. he eartroatod J. a, Rich- ', RHINE tomorrow - That's what Leonard 5 Whitney Drive, Waterford Township, and ran. (right) of 130 Barrington Road. Bloom-thinking as they polish up their antique can the Hint Antique Automobile Show tomorrbw. 2 From Pontiac Aren Daria gets some export help on Us SOI Maxwell from No. 1 girt friend Leslie Ana,'.hte 5-year-old daughter. When working on his 1904 Cadillac, Blowers* choice for brass-polishing honors goes to right-hand man Jim, 13, his son. Tomorrow's show Is an "invitational," limited to the "class" at antique cars to Michigan. said Gamer would have to pay a total of MM «n Mr telephone bill or hit service would be cat off. It wan oa March 33, the suit said. Garasr alleged that Ms repute- Varner Fears Worst From Fund Slash Among those entered to the annual' Flint Antique Automobile Show will be a sleek 1106 Cadillac Tulip Roadrter owned by Dr. Charles L. Bowers of Bloomfield Township, and a gleaming 1908 Wwtifrr. awiWd Tip lMM-art Davis of Waterford Township. second grand prise for aU canto the 1900-18 category. BODY TURTLE LAKE* The Cadillac Is authentic to the finest detail. Its body is "purple lake,” the original color (a deep rtth a purple cast). The seats an Mack leather. Both cars have carmine undercarriages._______... Davla, reputedly eae of the beat Then i Hie ahow. sponsored by the-FI tot Chapter of the Veteran Motor Car Club of America, is an exhibit of the highest quality restored autos to Michigan. It will run from 14 " •** ll Industrial Mutual Association (IMA) Auditorium, and Is to can made between 11 1333. It’s a two-cylinder model, white body with black and maid striping, and red leather upholstery. Leslie Atm, who hripe wllh the PwitlscYTwfennUJ parade. - gag 11 "** *-*" “ army to keep Owners aad members at their famines wtU arrive la drees salt Ms to Ike era at their autos. Bowen and Davis have ben getting their dusters darted and giggles cleaned this week wbn boy polishing b Mrs. Lawrence Out of Jail to Await Final Sentencing Both agnw that ones a is restored, aside from mechanical checkups, the biggest job Is keap-tog the brass dean ahd polished. Bowen, for, example, has five brass lamps on his one-cylinder Cadillac. These and ‘ “*"* bya?s trim take; time to keep at their gleaming best. ■ Jtaa, is. Is Jast as Bowers has had the aqto three yean and tost September at Greenfield Village, competing against ' *-* «* Mid- , ha took first prise in the one-cyllpder, 1900-10 class, The Weather $ , Full U. 8. Weather Report PONTIAC AND VKTNlTT-MseUy nanny today. RH* 4S. Inrirsal*; clsadtaess an! net an eatd tonight, law 31. tody rioudv and mild with rata by alteraoea. High to. Winds variable i to U mUee today, becoming southeast 3 to U artlea tonight. name tossrt otto rasa too m romruc * iMHM IM Tlclnlly) .. It Ouwlw ft M « 8 mE5b 8 Is M St Phoenix ft ft r___ 40 » st. uw n si .*ort Worth SS U B. rtliSUI a* “ S. aha 44 H a a. km h Mchteu si is nwua C. st ----,IUs M 41 WMMattSB M city tl 40 ioattlt a _ 3 it naisa n trntu fi is are old stuff to Davis, who lives at 1365 Whitney Drive. He has won many prim in yean and many aotoa ha restored for other enthusiasts have taken top prises. One of his favorite his CUto 5-year-old Antique car shows and contests (Cbodamd From Pag! One) dent told dean of facultias at the university, said in a “All thoae who are concerned with the future of higher education in Michigan rimuM b# ‘ fay this action. For the past throe yean, because of financial shortages. IflcMfitoi unlterrttteo have A feature of tomorrow's show win bo a striping demonstration. The -stripes, ortrbn, on autos waa once a big thing and striping has baooma a tort art. AWAIT CENTENNIAL After tomorrow, win or loot, the (wo man will begin polishing all us out of foot one,” said Bowers. ‘rrimd” by Richard saying in front of other persons, “The writing on the back of the stube is beat slowly taring ground to their ability to compete with institutions to other states for faculty and 'Appropriations posed fay the 8enate committee will be taken as notice throughout tilt nation that the state of Michigan no longer expects to make tha financial effort needed to compete tor the beat to today's educational market. “The seriousness of this sltua- ^ lion cannot be overemphasised. We can only hope that the Senate if- ■elf will adopt a mere respanalbte attitude toward the future of higher education hi the state." The appropriations bills, most of which are in the Senate, will be debated, revised and than adopted. By GEORGE T. TRUMBULL JR. Mrs. lank Sue Lawrence was (roe from behind bars today for the first rims to nearly two yoan while she awaits sentencing for conviction of manslaughter. An all-women fory of 11'completed nearly 5K hours of deliberation rriday afternoon and informed Circuit Court Judge Clark J. Adams that they found Mrs. Lawrence, 35, guilty of manslaughter in the April 11, 1350 shorting of her former boy friend’s wife. A pale art vtatoty shaken Mrs. Lawrence Jail aril l Silt p.m. when It _ _ tot the women Jar-on, short one member when a lady was tajerad I day attar five days at testimony BIRMINGHAM—Service will be held Monday at 1:30 p.m. at Manky - Bailey Funeral Home for Thomas Falrinrrt of 1371 Ruffner Fairhurrt died suddenly Friday at an Avon Township home for retired persons when lto bad bean llvtag for seven yean. Ha was 81. Burial will be at Roseland Park Cemetery. He is survived by a son, Thomas of Btrmifigham; three grandchildren; and three great • grand- Wfiterford Exhibit Io Eye Opener Students Show They're Science Minded Death Notice lip Day In BirmliMtiMun Rotations to Host 300 af District Conference Soys Michigan Ml Officials Accused Him of Forging Phone Bills will be hart to man than 300 feUow members whan the annual oonterenoe of the 638th DWrict of Rotary tetoreotlonal to hold tomor- •tot as saytag: The write* an bask at fifoae roealpts to art my Write*, aal Mr. Osmee mart have pat this oa tea baOk at tea' 3325 million last year compared with 1280 million in 1908. The Increase Is credited to rapid change in science which outmoded some books; the addition of Alaska and Hawaii to the Union, which out- school enrollment. Rotary pnolteit, will preside over guests and Art Btakse* Assisting Pastor Robert W. Boley in the charter ceremony will be Dr. Prfrmfo F. Holme, executive secretary ot tbo Methodist Unioa of Greater Detroit; Dr. EVtrottJL Seymour, Detroit district ouporto-L ' - and Dr. Arnold Xunkofi, nteor. of too Church of Birmingham. nth rtflears aad tnrtsss be abated from tea U» Dr. J. Martin Ktotteho, provost of tho University of WlOOOnoto, will J. Edd McU Dr. Ktoteobr will address toa Rotartana from 43 tetotoaaotarn White the n __________ , maottog otoet Jan. 1 at tot Bavarty School, too ohureta baa purchaaad seven acres of land on Evergreen Road, JuoU north at 13-Mile Read, for a fotura building rill. Rev. Boley aald he hopes to _Ava more defiafia plana tor a church buUdtog by tote time next he gfoea by Mririri art. John MaeTho—m ef RMgetowa, of vtstting Rotariano have •ehadiilad, one of whidi te a luncheon sponsored by thrBtomtogham Rotary Anna at tha Glen ' Oaks CbuatryXbto te Fsrmtogton Town- The oonforence te designed to review Rotary ssrriee activities MdflNMrf_Mans for increasing (he future eRertiveriCffi of the organization. The recently organized Beverly Hills Methodist Church wifi receive its charter at 10:30 aon. services tomorrow at tha Beverly Etomen- MRS. RVANGEUNE L. JO0LYN BIRMINGHAM — Service fir Mrs. Evangeline L. Joslyn, of Ul ill Lam, will ba held Monday at l:30 at Bell Oiaptl of the William R. Hamilton Funeral Homs In Birmingham. Mrs. Joriya died Friday right following a long iltoasa at Henry Fort Hospital, Detrrtt. Burial will ba in Woodlawn Cemetery, Detroit. She had lived to Birmingham 30 Surviving are a daughter Joan Joalyn of Birmingham; a aon Thomas of Hoax Falls, S.D.; 3 grandsons; and 2 sisters, -- Coat to toe U.S. of tha Virgin Jlands was about 335 million, three times the price ,pf Alaska. The cover only 133 square i white Alaska has 586,400 Has 3-1 Toughness Edge Over Detroit Pontiac Water Is a Mighty 'Hard Case' Pontiac’s water Is more than owe times as hard as Detroit’ Joseph W. Gable, Pontiac niter superintendent, said the latest measurement is that Pontiac wat-the avenge, contains 321 parts of hardness per million. agar sf Detroit’s Department of Water Supply, said Detroit water msfmrso between 30 to * parts the other hand, describes water irith 56 parts hardness or less as !teoft^jrtfii 01 to 100 “riightly- hard"; with 101 to 200, parts as “modcntely hard’. srtth 201 or man parts as “very hard.’’ UMter one dassification Detroit water falls In the “modentriy ■oft” category. Under the other, R te; “slightly hart.” The relative hardness and softness of the two water supplies — Pontiac’s from wells .and Detroit’i from Lake St. Clair — tea factor to the present negotiations tract for Detroit water. Detroit’s water has Nften been •scribed as "soft" and Pontiac’s as hart during the course of these negotiations. The two terms have ihadcs of meaning. Aaearttag to tea UJ0-Health Service, f parts ef kartells par l i SO parte varying from “moderately soft” to “msiseatoly kart.” With laero than 180 paris h’s “hart.** The UJ. Geological Survey, on Pontiac’s water, though, to described as “hard” or “very hart" in both cUartfications. Commenting on whether Detroit water needs treatment by home ■oftenejg Remus said: 'I know of no private softening domestic or personal service on the Detroit system, except In the brewery industry. ’Generally ~ speaking, G r e Lakes water — and Detroit wai te Great Lakoa water — la considered as naariy ideal for general know of no other big dty using Groat Lakes water — Chicago, Milwaukee, Buffalo or Clavw-land — that advocates softening." hartaees V desirable because extremely salt water “has aa af- tag systems." ' He ssid there are many -■examples of original piping to Detroit homes of 50 yean or more, still to good condition. -Remus said moat Detroit gas ations ,use regular water to fill auto batteries and that the hard-factor la ouch “that fit all (Detroit heating systems there is nothing done to change it" GREEt ON BENEFIT Gable agreed that the relative boance of iron In Detroit water would be beneficial for Pontiac’s ruri-efoggad water llnaa. Ha predicted that the periodic antirurt treatments to the mains could be halted once Detroit water is used. fog seasonally art from well to Writ, Gable observed. The Baaudette Park, well for instance, on the west aide measures 384 parts ot hardness, at present while at Paddock and "Michigan Streets dty well water measures' 440 puts. The Michigan Munipal League in 1850 ikted'the hardness of Pontiac’s water at 380 parts and Detroit’s at 07 parts. THE PONTIAC PRESS, SAJTODA*; APRIL I THREE CHes Pressures on Car Dealers ^.-a^.H.-la,y0}eMargjnl$Cut in Battle tor Post S-P President Claims Unfair Competition Compact Race TORT WAYNE, Ind. (e-Stude-baker-Packard 'Corp. sayi unfair pressure la betas brought against dealers In competition lor compact car aalet. the statement followed et an antitrust compiatat by the government in U. 8; District Court here Friday against Chrysler Corp. The government accused Chrysler of trying to squeeze Studebaker-Packard out of «be compact field." President Sherwood H. Egbert of Studebaker-Packard did not "Dealsts who wanted to saB dries ee by aulrir pnnamia la fasti j. We're going flgfct these pressures « wrwatMas we've get, and et «Mnrse we wlU continue ts eo-operate with the gswrirnient. "We base called a rmeeting of < our national dealer council South Bend later this month. _ intend to discuss with them what dealers everywhere can do 1o re-H “'U^ itpchny pressures. W ID THEM It should be up to the dealers and die public to decide freely which cars are sold." FLINT —Michigan Bell Telephone Co. and the Communications Workers of America Union will reopen negotihtiona theta* 3-year. contract covering about 16,300 of Bell’s 23,700 employes. It was signed June A. Judge Attempting to Fix Firm's Percentage of Bus Market 'Expert Home" REMODELING Complete Heme MODERNIZING FREE PLANNING • FAMILY AND RUMPUS ROOMS • BASEMENTS • RECREATION ROOMS • ATTIC ROOMS • SIDING • KITCHENS . e BATHROOMS • DSNS • PORCHES INCLOSED LABOR end MATERIALS PROTECTED BY CERTIFIED GUARANTEE NO MONEY DOWN - FHA TERMS -5 YEARS TO PAY" NO PAYMENTS TIL JUNE Call Note! llttliH ROOM ADDITION RECREATION ROOM IIG BEER CONSTRUCTION CO. 92 W. Huron St, ANNUAL SPRING 20% to 30% DISCOUNT on the PURCHASE of YOUR CEMETERY MEMORIAL! Pontiec's Leading Memorial company offers Hi is opportunity until Mny 30th. Fricet include lettering. Floral Carving and Delivery to your cemetery let. Add foundation coot only: SELECT YOUR: MEMORIAL FROM OUR DISPLAY—SEE WHAJ YOU BUY A Wonderful Opportunity to Mark Every Grave 7* MONUMENTS IN STOCK Priced ee Lew ee $105.00 Compuioii Slant M Milkers Ur LONG, TO" WIDE. 16" HIGH REDUCED TO $128.00 ACT NOW Moke your selection while display js complete and Memorial day erection is assured. * All our finest $on$e memorials in Bar re, Wousow Red, Salisbury Pink, Dakota Mahogany, Plus a complete new display of brilliant "Colored Northern Granite. All stock completely sound and flawless. Guaranteed everlasting and weather resistant. UT long, is* wide, 4*’ high SALE FRICK AT.... ’39* 24” fang, vr wide, 6” high BALE PUCK AT.... *49 Buy Your Memorial From a Local, Responsible firm ... A Company that is permanent Hseif. We erect memorials in any cemetery. OFFICE AND PLANT OFEN DAILY 9 A.M. le I F.M.—Sun. 1 to 5 F.M. Pontiac Granite & Marble Co. DETROIT iff — General Motors Carp, rested Us defense late Friday In a pretrial preliminary of the government’# 5-year-old antitrust salt tkirflRf GM with monopolizing sale and manufacture of buses. The Justice Department gave no indication when it might complete rebuttal testimony, but usually reliable court sources forecast would be sometime next week. UJL District Court Judge Theodore Levin eurreutiy Is hearing testimony to determine the “relevant market" far hose, and to fix GSTi percentage of whatever market he elreemecribee. General Motors’ lawyers argue $at a bus is a bus, regardless. The government insist this isn’t necessarily so and that the case should be limited .to so-called ctty and intercity buses, in which It claims GM has 90 per cent of the market. GM insists that buses are inter- changable in different services and afgues that its 3,700 share of a 20,000-a-year market doesn't approximate a monopoly. LOBE SKIRMISHES After Judge Levin fixes the 'relevant market,” the case then can go to trial on its merits.' Before the current bearing started, GM had lost a couple of preliminary skirmishes aimed at MlHng the government's suit, la Ms original government charged GM had tattooed through discounts, loans buying a huge percentage ef their requirements from GM. Additionally, the government accused GM of inducing some municipal systems to favor it, often by drafting specifications only GM buses met. GM has denied the accusations in their entirety and has produced witnesses in the current phase who foettfleri that if r.M> share of the big, heavy bus market amounted to a monopoly it was because of superiority of GM buses, not because of any economic squeeze. Sets Exams for Trio in Theft of Whisky Municipal Court examinations for three men accused of the theft of : bottles ot whisky worth 331 from fu™ Rocket Toy ! 98 NOrHi - Saginaw Stoat THE PONTIAC PRESS ! It Seems to Me <. ;|Tou, Too, Can Play Important irart in Better Education ! m -Bcholarehipa constitute one of the • most significant developments In Mariera education. ! They’ve become "big business.” ★ ★ ★. • Right here in Oakland County In 1 leas than three years, the M8UO ; scholarship program has gone from $ nonexistent to a projected goal of • 910,000 for a single year. 811ghtly • over $45,000 was actually raised in { 1060. f-'Pft ★ J Several heartening and encouraging factors mark the over-all pregyaau - • Primarily, there’s the need. Next, comes the increasing wil- lingneas on the part of firms, 2 civic organizations, and Individ- • nab to mset the challenge. Aid finally there to the dedi-| cated work done by men and 2 women devoting untold hours to f the big question of interesting ★ ★ ★ • Happily for us, we have one of the 1 most unique opportunities In the | whole country. A full scholarship for 2 an Oakland County student at East 2 incising or Ann Arbor approximates I $1,700 a year. This covers room, 2$&*d> some reasonable transporta- • tjtm and the accepted uninrsity I coats. M many Eastern institutions 1 it’s $3,000—and more. : f ★ ★ ★ . C At the moment, we have some- 3 t thing like 800 young men and 2 ""women attending MSUO who live 2 at home. Thus, the major expense | to struck from the books. About • $500 can cover a very comfortable • year at the Oakland County instill tution. And I’ve born told that the $ more determined young people 2 have slipped by for something 2 dose to $$00. BpieiiiiV...; 'jjjrj i# • ★ - Thus, the donors who give to i MSUO are really contributing more 1 education per dollar than any place • they could give. Ant), as a glorious « extra, the recipients will emerge with S a better collegiate education than • they could secure anywhere else. ' ★ ★ ★ • 2 MSUO exists without “previous, 2 commitments.” There are no du- 1 bious traditions and outmoded • customs that hamstring the ad- • ministration. Then are no old- | fashioned inhibitions. 2 Modern sdnention on the high-2 est possible level i| ths result. A 1 young, energetic and' purposeful 2 faculty moots the world of today • an today’s level and handies an In-a spiring curriculum. ] Y MSUO carries no dead weight. 2 Courses are taught in tha new-est aad most approved manner. We an the happy and fortunate • possessors of a great institution 3 ' that wiH rank on the top level 1 nationally with the passage of * 2 sufficient years to lot our worth 2 and programs'become recognized. ★ ★ ★ | ^Currently, Mrs. JUn* Matthews 2 M heading an Oakland County oom-i mittee that undertakes to raila the i $10,000 MSUO is seeking. Donors in I this ana have rallied strongly I through the first two -years. They’ve 1 been anxious and proud to assist. 2 -^Scholarships are tax deductible I and anyone in the area who is willing 1 to* grant the necessity for batter edu- • cation far our own young people can harken to the request!. •5If you aren’t on the list, a post card to the campus will bripg prompt sc-tion. Qua of the most significant features of the whole program lies in ill great acceptance by individuals i and bgr corporations at all sise! and tapes. ,-gtoj | .* Jk | _ The appeal to uniuernal. 9mm' Utarafly, America la vahmteer- ing 'millions and millions for educational scholarships. Do you want to play a part? ‘Min* Osmtm Honored... • A grand local citixen was duly honored Thursday night with a testimonial dinner. Momoi M. Osmun has been a staunch and loyal civic worker and builder all his Ufa. ■ ★ '★ ★ Successful communities a r s founded and developed through tho patient and untiring efforts of moa like Monroe Osmun. Ho alwayr pate bftr ~ shoulder to t$e wheel and poshes. No one glimpses him waving the crying towel and giving vent to gripes and complaints. ^ ^ All Pontiac is proud of him and the splendid task he is performing to better his home community and surrounding areas. And there's still more ahead that he’ll do. 73 And in Conclusion.... ' Jottings from the well-thumbed notebook of your peripatetic reporter: , ’ Each year the Harvard Lampoon selects the' wbiit movie performances. “The Wont Acting of the Tear in a Musical” went to Fnainax Sinatra; the “Poorest Feminine Performance” was Eva Mann Saint's in Exqfhu; and ‘The Year’s; Over-All Lowest Level Performance” went to Roamrr Mitchum...............Automobile bearing license HY-5780 attracted aU kinds of attention this week at -a Lawrence Street curb. It has the niftiest striping job in town ..... _f„ . ., lav Mustsky insists ail Kin-nedy wants from Khrushchev Is “the truce and nothing but the tnkce.” ★ ★ ★ Ray R. Eppert, Burroughs President, and Bloomfield Hills resident, received the National Community Service Award for '1961. He richly deserves it for 'his Commodity Chest work... . . . , With some Arms yelling “Moody murder,” Sears, Roebuck sets snide $70 million for 1961 expansion. Confidence like this in America can’t be misplaced..... ..... Someone suggests tho whole Laos matter could tot settled by sending the eollege students at Fort Lauderdale over there with no inhibitions. Purely personal nomination for an unusually attractive young lady outside the area: Cabolth Kennedy (age three)........ .... I haven't read it anywhere, bat Boa Schxy--HHHHHHI two lists the first Caroline four teams as: New York, Chicago, Baltimore and Cleveland.......... A California Tech professor says Los Angeles is due for the worst earthquake in California history. What utter bosh!.... ...... Non. of Maywood asserts the way the world Is going, the old ladles will soon be helping the Boy Scouts across the street.......... Richard Hook faces an additional 40,000 totters that have arrived recehlfy. All TV networks want him as a news commentator......... Dept of Cheers and Jeers: the Cs—GJI. for that .$250,000 to the Pontiac YMCA; the J’a—th#81 per cent of Oakland County voters whosucked their thumbs on Ifgnday. \ ‘ —Harold A. Fitzgerald Voice of the People? Objects to Wearing Bonnets So Soon Before Centennial V* too* time someone without piake-up ao soon befc We have at least ten mo Omm in my Ufa. . U I have to bey a pti i I to wearing hunts and fl| • the omtennbL > weeke. I have worn a hat about f looklag like the pest, I will Icaaittrt JunslT, Makes Comments on Recent Editorial On your editorial disparagement id the "quitter*" hi Monday * election, the writer eaya, "Amen." However, your observation that Michigan la tailing into tho tana-dee id that monster, Wayne County. hardly' jibes wiA*4htJacts. Wayne haaapproximately 33 per cent of the state’s population hut electa only IS per rant of the members of the House, and only 30 per cent of the state Senate. Oakland likewise suffers tho aunt as Wayne. We have approximately one-twelfth of the state's population but elect only slightly more than one-twentieth of tha state House and one-thirty-third of the state Senate, ft is ho wonder that Wayne, Oakland, Macomb and Washtenaw voted lor con-con. Your admonition to "study U.S. history” is excellent. You might be auiprtaed to loam that equal representation is a cornerstone of American political structure. In MteWgaw we apportion the lower “ bbuie ol top tagnumre Ip a "moiety” provision which otates ‘Yanks Bad Shewing Won’t Last Long* I aae the Yankees are i a very bad showing in the exhibition schedule. Well, when the first .game Is played, they wtH "turn It ee” aad by tee fourth of My they'll he lnMeg back to ese ft tee I do no want it that way, but that is tha way it will be. ‘When Do We Stop Red’s Activities? The Russians have sponsored ravoiutkos in the Congo in Africa. They am taking over Oastro’i staggering Grim and they are makhw big inroads in Bnd. Also, they haw* been working coder the surface in Mextoo aad using tint as a springboard lor infiltrating into UA. Come summer, they'll he very adlHS III IhUlall filliena and when do we cry “halt?" Little lank counties baring one-half a quota is awarded a seat This means that outstate representatives hive roughly twice tea voting power population-wise as da urban rep- “ Tax Tip*. .. Refer Johnson, who has been called "world's greatest living athlete,” and who was elected by his teammates to cany the American flag into the Olympic Games, wham he won the decathlon, manifests faith in fl"*ww w><* fafitigent man have been honored off tee field la well as on: He was elected preaidant of the eighth grade of his’ Kingsbury, Calif., school, president of the high school, end 3 time* president of the U.OOOetuJent* of U. C. L. A. In a recent talk for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, to businessmen and athletes, Rater presented "the importance of tee spiritual dimension in his life,” attributing "bis individual excellence to the tact teat Christ io the Master of bis life and that be tries to attune his lift to God’s wig.” ft is regrettable teat Michigan should be tom between rami and urban interests, but who can deny that people deserve tee same rep- brooks? Soke S. Waterford Township qUBRiONi I am a union member and work in a Detroit, auto plait. During the past year, when the company laid me off due to lack of work, they paid me supplemental unemployment benefits. Am meat payments subject to tax? Yes, supplemental unemployment benefit payments from n Days of All Faiths: Passover Celebrates Jews’ Exodus By DR. HOWARD V. HARPER There to a penalty lor looking backward. Lot’s wife (Genesis, chapter 19, verse 26) looked back and turned into a pillar of salt. Such penalties don’t happen only in the Bible. The Bible is a book about life, and everywhere in life, thoee win set their gem ou things past turn into rigid crystallisations, unable to take part in tee life going on around them. On loshtaghack this week h not really as serious aa al that Last week we had bate Easter and Fessever to write sheet. Became Heater was wily am day aad Fasaever lasts ter right days, wa derided to discuss Raster hud week and Paaaever tMs weak. The Passover festival commemorates the time when God delivered the Jews, under the leadership of Mooes, from their years of slavery in Egypt. This march tofree-dam, celled "the exodus," is considered the real beginning of the Jewish nation. SOME BRIEF ANSWERS Hem are a few questions and spring festivals. The Easter Is reckoned by tee tone of Fasaever, The Lari Supper, (eatea by Seam aad “ Easter) was a Seder. It should perhaps be made e The Almanac By UaHed Pnas International Today is Saturday, April S, tee Mth day of tee year with 267 mom in USL The moon is.In tta lari quarter. The morning atari am Jupiter . and Saturn. The evening star is Man. Utile clearer that the Seder al- ★ > b ways includes a family supper. At On this day in history: flilf tenuity gathering the atorv of In ISIS, Spanish explorer .Ponce the liberates is toid, following a De Lean landed in Florida near ritual which has become estab- tee present alto of St. Augustine, lished over tee centuries. Seeking the Fountain of Youth. (Oapyrigkt lStt) unemployment fund am taxable. as "Guaranteed Annual Wages.” Unemployment compensation paid to. you by a stole or other government agency la tax exempt. Alao exempt are payments made under the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act. , The Country Parson Jtftj Dr. William Brady Says: Onion Juice Cure Cataract? Never!- Surgery Required A friend teUs me you recommend onion Juice in the eye to help re-' move cataract.. . (H.H.) —-— - jasi—1 da not. Optomct la not a growth or btealnh on ten sar- in 1935, Congress approved appropriations of J5 billion to fro- ployment by providing useful projects under the Works Progress Administration. In 1953. President Truman mind tee steel industry to forestall a Signed letter., not ISO w«nl« loos pertnlnln* t ^2j?KVfwiSSMhe7,“«»,S Thought for today: Nathaniel (Oapyrigkt list) of marble and mud. I remove It except Case Records of a Psychologist: of a Jewish Temple, which give a quick, brief explanation of some of the main points about Panover. .... Q) Deaa Passover have sqr-fetog to de with spring? A) Yes, Passover was ortgtnel-ly ten welcoming of spring. Q) I thought it was the Creation of tha deliverance team slavery in Egypt, A) That Is what Passover became. But its earliest form was an agricultural celebration «f spring's arrival. , , Q) What (Urn tee mine ri the holiday mean? . . A) Tho Hebrew mow far tee henday fe Pease*, which literally, mease to frisk abeut like a tomb. Q) But Passover has other meat* ings, doesn't it? A) Yea. the second chapter in the history of Pamdver connects it with the deliveranoe from Egypt And the word (Passover) refers to the fact that the Angel cf Death "passed pver" the Jewish homes. You cun mad about teat tel the Mbit, where the Tenth Plague le described (Exodus, ampler 19). Q) Row did n spring festival get mixed op wife s heUday of generally restores useful vision. - Is exercise a temporary stay to this classroom, or are yeu-wonlripping your new house or your country dub golf score? ft you have yei ties to eerve as Sabbath cultural alii to year children? Remember, you don’t have much Greek stage Of though the < if eetonaa to VOnadmoteare are a bad influence to rural teunfltoR’’ the Gun- i events take tfel enra Q) When did 1 pliM? A) About 3,500 yuan ago. Q) What to tee Mar? A) Ike Seder to 0to heaw eele. brattoa et tea Paaaevir. Q) DM the word Seder mean supper? A) No. The word Seder means "the order of aoavtoa.” . <|> Is there A • toft or —_ particular (sod la a canoe. Our baby was bom at home bg>, causa I didn’t have time to make R to the hospital. Doctor rrtussd to come to the houae, and my husband took care of the baby. Now we have a problem '-we are unable to get a birth certificate .. .(Mm. R.f.) their grandchildren baptized.” H! Mtmons of ovuty (toy ire Having ths Earth's gravltatioml Arid and soaring instantly to distant ptanets which we call haavon. So pay mere hated to the ethical advtoe of grandparents. Then you will not be w preoooupted with making your little bouse a show place. Remember, you’ll leave It to a few years, anyway, and it will probably crumblt or bo rated to SD more. ksriasa. W1 * pvstostty t Here in Amirica, too, when chil- dren vfait their grandparents, tttay usually get to Sunday School each Sunday, even though fee. parents \ are often lax In (Me Chrtstiaa duty. Far grandparent* Vealtoe toot extotoace fe ast the mala par-pone of uer hstog pieced to this bap- vft yea toave to fluHree ef year MetaeNfe uklto here an Mt ^ the smallest goad dead to bettor than tee greatest intention. GRANDMA’S ROTR V steep year ehSd's minds with Grandma’S religious maxbns that a soul tonic to did toddler ia hto dadiaiag years fe this earthly elassroom. due you simply a wdktog tomb-, stow fog your own buried -tab yon have ef tMs world’s goeda you leave hare at death but what )iuu. give away, take with put to teat next daasreoml w tat ____JeKJX feoi .l ifes.OMWS atewsstt ed s waaNBt THR PONTIAC PRESS. SATURDAY, APRIL g, 1961 nm 6 Die as Bus Plunges RAWALPINDI, Pakistan Pontiac Theaters Swainson Avoids Mayoral Hassle Sat.-Mon.: “OwJerFella,” Jerry Lewis; “The Great Sioux Uprising,” Jeff Chandler.. Tue.-Thurs.: "The* Facts of Life,” Bob Hope, LucUe Ball; “Cage of Evil,” Ronald Peter. LANSING (UPI) - Got. John B. Swainson said Friday he would not enter into a controversy involving the campaign practices of ■ Madison Heights mayor candidate. Two of'three Pontiac teen-agers held in custody at Danville,-HI., on charges of driving a stolen car across state lines, have consented to prosecution under federal delin- -quency laws. Fred Smith, 15, of MO Scottwood Aye., who recenU*Uestified in Oakland County Juvenile Court as a witness in the Feb. 25 fatal stabbing of another 15-year-old boy In Pontiac, and Charles R. (Hark, 14, of 65 Summit St. waived Grand Jury action yesterday. Judge Casper Platt set a bear-lag ter Clark and smith ter April IS la t/A. District Court Platt said he will appoint uu attorney for the third youth being held, Charles Delisle, is, of IS Footer St. Charged with stealing a car at Elwood, Ind., and driving it to] Marshall. 111., the three youths are Sat.-Thurs.: “The Great Impost-•er,” Tony Curtis, Edmund O'Brien; “The Savage limocentai,” Anthony Quinn. STRAND _ Sat-WeA; “Swiss Family Robinson,” Dorothy McGuire, James MacArthur, color. Starts Sat.: '‘The Wackiest Ship in the Army,” Ricky Nelson, Jack TON1GHT-SUNDAY ALL IN COLOR== Theodore Krenn, who lost by .a 58-vote margin in Monday’s election to Mayor-Elect Bill S. Huffman, protested to the governor about a piece of campaign literature circulated for tyiffman which bore Swainaon’s picture.' ”1 don’t intend to do anything about It," Swainson said. ‘*TMs was a group picture, one of many The most I desirable woman \ in to wn and the easiest V to find.. /imtm just call. Butterfield being held in lieu of $2,000 bond. They allegedly left Pontiac in another stolen car earlier and abandoned It at Elwood. Smith was playing poker with four other teen-agers in a Pontiac home when one of the youths fatally stabbed another at the table. Robert L. Draker, 16, .of 683 Melrose Ave., has been charged with second-degree murder in the death of Jerry A. Chestnut of 883 Melrose Ave. He was stabbed in the heart. * All of Ihr tinyi nrr trHamrd itr jn«n linen iHFTfilimi nf the same FIRST ROSES OF SPRING? - No, the roses above are only make-believe — but still an appropriate letting for Cynthia Moloney, 19, cochairman of the “Spinster Spin,” a spring dance .being held tonight at Michigan State University Oakland. Cynthia, 824 W. Huron St., a sophomore, and other students 'made the roses from crepe paper. They will be given away at the dance. YUl BrynnerI «MTMSMBU Wallach ; McQueen mtDMS-wnni-^ZSb wuauHP a—(Min • TECNWCOLMP Local Girl to AppearMan Di#s ln B,aze • TW IN r i _i H0LLAND nSBL- Louis Na- iii iv ‘Dance Lontestbwhuu* Tt> **•to death in his snail frame home early A Pontiac girl, Bonnie Marlow, t*ky. fire apparently start-1«, wfll .ppwr mi th* e^—n^ g^i.- eri fmm nna of two electric lgST way program tonight on WXYZ- ers in a back room where Na- COMPANION ATTRACTION "NOT AS A STRANGER” with Fragk Sinatra and Robert Mitchum jjaye Wen iiiPIfiheiT uf lisp teen-age gang, identified by a diamond-shaped tattoo mi their wrists. Bonnie, daughter of Mrs. Philip V. Marlowe of 145 Mohawke Drive, will compete in the tap dancing contest on the show. . A graduate uf Pontiac Central john Ohara's > tag sinew she was 8 years old, !Lj§S won many dance cent rats > and has appeared In many shews. M She has appeared on television - several times and has entertained ! at many USO functions. Teaching |iter the past three years, Bonnie ► now has some 45 students. -| She also excels in interpretative ► dancing and baton twirling. dKTmerriil •"« MILDRED DUNNOCK • BETTY FIELD • JEFFREY LYNN ■ KAY MEDFORD SUSAft OUVU •cku runCHW.ES SCHNEE and JOHN MICHAEL HAYES - mcud r. DANIEL MANN * WHO1IBMM WOWCBB •! ■tRBWMHaoMBBaUR — THESE 13TH The theft of a bag uf groceries from her home was reported to Pontiac police yesterday by Jerry Famer, 291 Central St. taining $200 from his truck Was reported to Pontiac police today by Henry Ovdrley, a driven for Tasty Bakery, 432 Orchard Lake *WT------ ‘Gardens of Kyoto’ Roll Oat FLOWER GARDEN MAT, Pastor Lists Services “Rest for the Weary” will be the theme of Rev.. Thomas H. Holt’s sermon at New Hope Baptist Church at 11 a.m. Sunday. The building fund committee is sponsoring a musical program at 3:30 p.m. The regular evening service will ^ain be held at T o'clock. TONIGHT OWL SHOW Automatically plaatt a beautiful OWL SHOW TONITE STARTS AT 10 P. M. psrfsct balance. Large capacity, zipper top koaps lira contained. Galvanised to pravant rust. FAIRLAWN 10-6-4 FERTILIZER aiii mu an 3-ST00GE COMEDY Rid CARTOON Major Laagua Technicolor* garden RAKE Soiling Elsewhere for $5.98 . Ladies' iii Children's THONGS AN the Savage Fory of His Greet Plaint Indian Wars! —JEFF CHANDLER—TECHNICOLOR— , 51 S. SAGINAW STREET ELLA Ed Wynn‘Judith Anderson Anna Maria Alberghetti 3RD RECORD BREAKING WEEK? STARTS FRIDAYI 'THE WACKIEST SHIP IN THE ARMY' Strand! Diviera ■ m PHONE TE4-IWO lli MON* ABRIL • S WEEKS ONLY • NIGHTS: Monday thru Saturday of 8:30 P.M. Snnday Niafcts at 7:30 PJI. MATINEES: Wat (April 24). A Sots.. 2 P.M. In It Cms Anil! America's Happiest Musical! THI fMCI GRIAT STARS THE SAMI GRlAT RIO EXCITING PRODUCTION returns to DETROIT “SEVENTY-SIX TROMBONES LEAD THE BIO PARADE” io MEREDITH WILLSON'S JKi w tie, forresTtucker Entlra Production Staged by | ■MOIffONgfCDTOl NOW AT NEW POPULAR PRICES!! NO ONE SKATID “ DURING FIRST SCINC MAIL ORDERS NOW! SIX Tfflt PONTIAC PRESS. SATURDAY. APRIL 8, 1961 Showingr of Movies From Abroad Bogins Sunday on Campus Michigan State University Oakland will present a pltblic foreign film festival difhng the spring term, whh first showings scheduled tomorrow and Monday. * ftf.....'# ' The Greet Impostor Is GREAT ENTERTAINMENT! Miil Entriss to **U NUB IT" CONTEST , 4125 HIGHLAND ROAD 2525 ELIZABETH LAD ID. (Him Bowl) Each film will be shown twice — at Sunday and Monday evening performances beginning at 8:13 p.m. First film la the series will be “Private Ivan Brovkin." a Russian comedy an present-day Soviet life. TTieplot centers about the adventures of n Russian version of America’s “Sad Sack" in the Red army. •' On April 23-24, another Russian film,. "Alexander Nevsky.11 will be screened. The story deals with the conflict la 1848 between a Rusal an etty aad a horde of bad-hungry Teutonic kalghto who invade the coaatry. Ingmar Bergman’s “Sawdust and Tinsel" will be the presentation May 14-15. dosing the series will be the French film version of Arthur Miller’s “The Crucible," the the Salem witch trials. Nod* Complete Port MOSCOW ed today to the bedside of hit father at a U.S. airbase near ftere where he - is being treated for probabtyfotal cancer contracted in a. Rifd Chinese prison. mu to The Fabled Tree-House! The Wild Animal Rice! IL The Great Pirate Attack! MONK HURON PRISON WARDEN THEATER DOCTOR-SURGEON THE PONTIAC PRESS. SATURDAY, APJttlU. im Michigan is the 33rd state tot legalise blood tests lor drunken drtvtav, , | to help relieve famine In Kenya Pope described the contribution #> ' after a severe drought. Snypotted by Welfare Funds Corn Gift to Konya NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — The first of two shipments of com to total 100,000 bags — gift of the US. government's International Cooperation Administration — arrived in Mombasa today aboard the U.S. ship African Lightning. The second shipment is due April ‘3). Valued at *504.000. the gift is in the work of the United Nations Children’s Fund." ' -*rv*aH Pope Gives to UNICEF / 1 . ■ 4 Scotland concern has mnft, UNITED NATIONS (AP)-Pope the most bitter chemical known* John XXBI has eent a new contri-to human taste, called Mtrex. It button of $1,000 to the U.N. Chil- can be added .to denatured alco-dren’s Fund (UNICEF). An an- hoi used in toiletries or Industry, nouncement by the U.S. Commtt- so that people win not-drink the tee forJJNlCfcF said today the+produett and go blind or die. '.»• i Fainiiy of9 Left Homeless )as Fire Guts Rented House TONIGHT 5 UNIT PROGRAM A. family of nine, supported ■ mainly by social security and wen I the station. "They Just don’t know .where they will' go now," > 1 COLO* and CINEMASCOPE IEATURES NOW PLAYING ---ALSO--- OWL SNOW flames gutted their rented home at 12990 30-Mile Road, Washington Township.' Earles’ wife GMUtte, «. aad WAR FOR THE BOLD RIFS THE FRONTIER WIDE OFENI RjlMw WARNER BROS. Presents M W RANDOLPH ^ were the only ones at home whew j the lire broke out la the two. Stery frame fSnnheune. * Mrs. Eariegsaid she was talking STARTING TIMES GUY MADISON VIRGINIA MAYO GEORGE RAPT ILONA MASSEY Although the walls and exterior portion of the home was left intact, police said the family could salvage nothing from the charred interior. STARTS SUNDAY EXCLUSIVE FUST SHOWING! Z^EXPLOsiiffi!"....... w*s None of the furniture was insured. There was no estimate of damage available on the home, which is owned by Mrs. Stella George of St. Clair Shores. The family moved into the home from Warren only last Saturday. He was outside the house with Ms two eldest sons, Willis, 22. and Charles, 19, when the fire brake out. The two oldest boys presently are unemployed and unable to find work, Earles said. THE LIFE SHE LEADS, THE MEN SHE MEETS, AND THE KIND OF LOVE SHE LOOKS FOR! Mr. Bid Mrs. Earles other children are John, 16; Diane, 13; Mary, 7;. and twins Daniel add David, 5. The family is helped by funds from Aid for Dependent Chil-dren. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer GINA MONIBOMfflV CUFT'LH REMICK jauwBtEr An EROS FILMS LTD. Production •ELIA KAZAN The family waited for relatives from Waren to pick them up from the Romeo State Police Post after the fire yesterday. "They were all pretty shaken up,” said one of the officers at MOW EXCLUSIVE FIRST RUN ALL IN COLOR EH NEST ELECTRIC In-Car HEATERS TO KEKP YOU WARM NO EXTRA CHARGE LUANA * PATTEN * wum X PHILIP OBER JOHN KELLOGG NANCY R. POLLOCK a TRACEY ROBERTS in M ARC0U Production CINEMASCOPE METRO COLOR \ onnm IT'S POWERFUL - IT'S EXHILARATING - FASCINATING! SEE IT-AS IT SHOULD BE SEEN-ON THE WORLD’S LAREE^T SCREEN *'*ST tim 5HOWhl IN *>NTIAC! 'Vividly Imagined —Sheer Romance! The Image of Hong Kong Is Brilliantly and Sensuously Convoyod! —N. Y. TIMES SHE’S FREED—Judy Wiser, 16, leaves Juvenile Court in Shelbyville, Tenn., after she was freed of charges in the fatal ■shooting of her father Winston Wiser, a prominent horseman. She. pleaded self-defense. TWO ENTERTAINING ADULT FEATURES STARTS IMeM/orld Shown A** i.ii T- * Susie Wong's World Is Wondorful— It. Mokes You Lough ond It Mokes You Cry. The Best Movie in Ages!" —Dorothy KILGALLEN In CinemoScope ond Color SOME WOMEN Nsvsr Give a NAME Just a PHONE NUMBER 'SurefirA! Heart Humor—A Colorful# Bright World of Lovo ond Tender Feelings! Who Could/Ask for Mora?4 "Exuberant, Realistic and Touching! A Hit! —LOOK MAGAZINE INTRIGUE ‘ENEMY SECRETS ARE YOUR PR HE... A FIRING SQUAD CAN BE YOUR REWARD!" CURT DAWN FOLCO THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, APRIL S, Itei Mon Who Scmk Kennedy Gets Inauguration Medal TOKYO 3.995 this week, but cantinuihe j claims dropped. The bulk of continuing claims are filed every,two weeks. This week there were 1,413 tiled as compared to 15,601 last week. Plans Alcoholism Study WASHINGTON (UPD-Tbe Ns- iZSNnihSighiiwSt "I could dance on this carpet aH night FtHeut Raring Hs texture i v“ i#r ■ It’s amazingly tough... Cannot fuzz-Kmot scuff. And ft's still an artistic delight" T could dance on this carpet till dawn, It's as springy and soft as i PERFECT QUALITY There hove been thousonds of Yards of continuous FllomanT Nylon at $9.95 a sq. yd. Now sove $3 a yard! Get oil you wont—Cut from fult rods—* 12' ond 15' wide — oil perfect quolity. i G/zehA CARPETS u/zefv^ CARPETS A*V > NOTHING DOWN 36 MONTHS to PAY A 22-year-old mother of two will be sentenced in Municipal Court April 14 tor obtaining J500 th aid; to^dependent children (ADC) |uadsJ under false pretense*. Switaaonhed proposed that be Hattie Lee Flanagan. 503 Awt members of the franklin Road, pleaded guilty to preparatory commission and that fraudulent receipt of welfare funds the legislature name tour mem- ----- two Republicans and two judge Qeri1 McCallum. The governor had offend If name at least two Rep&Ucans . ..--j ADC between February sad No- Trial ni Yrmfh »"• •» "»•«* »• *»• iXiai Ui I OUin rkUdren, sk im actually be- ing eared hr by their grand-mother at the time. The complaint against Mrs. Flanagan whs signed by Mrs. Adelaide Chief Assistant Prosecutor Robert !**»“*; ***** TP*^ent*U!! D. Lorig said Robert L. Draker Oj^and CWprty Bureau of So-«i Pontiac will not stand trial far d“ m 1 the murder of Ms school companion DIDN’T TELL. Al’lWHUIUU during this term of Circuit Court | she said Mrs. Flanagan failed to | Lang Mid this would be !m- ,inform welfare authorities that the-pewMe becaeae M was db- two children were with their grand-eevemd that Draker, accused of mother. the total Feb. *7 stabbing at I Because the children wore not deny «. Meat, u, •( aas , living with her, Mrs. Layman said, Melrose Ay*-, wwild have to mother was not entitled ts have a preliminary examination ;*uch *"■ hi Pont]ar Municipal Court. ' _§ tirs»a*JUfflffJwJp £ SLTJSZ £^,TSHit 2 Establishments term of Circuit Court since he stood mute to the second-degree j —ribii rlistil Nsmli T1 " Tmwnts have been fined following! in Fatal Stabbing | Still in Future ~Afinirneyi believed at first tbatjf^^i M^-big*" Liquor Control tha hearing in Juvenile Court had I Qxmqiggioi, hearings in Lincoln taken the place of the preliminary examination. He was bound over ^ Memorial Home Association to stand trial as an adult from L, (he veterans of Foreign Wars, court Pontiac Port 1310. 396-301 S. Sagf-! ---------- ' ". ' naw St., was fined JT5 lor selling Equal Job Unit to Meet >tD a nonmember. WASHINGTON w — The first | Fox and Hounds Inn, Inc., 15001 meeting of President Kennedy’s N. Woodward Ave., Bloomfield, committee on equal employment‘Hills, received a $50 fine on • opportunity will be held Tuesday charge that person* consumed at the White House. The Chief [liquor on the premises after the Ksecutive win address the group.] curfew hojir. SAVE --IQIkAqc EARN --1st Established in 1190 — Never misted paying • dividend— | 71 peers of sound manapetiw^, your assurance ef security. AsMs over 56 million dollars. * Capitol Savings & Loir Asm. Established!890 . 75 W. Hina St. Nati*c FE 4-0561 CUSTOMa PARKING IN REAR OF RUILDlNG • No fire hazardfrlylon will not support combustion. • A wire btush will not mor-it,. Cornet Tn—See the torture test. * • Furniture marks disappear. >The Nylon is textured— K returns to origindl shape. • Most durable, carpet in the world. Finest thing that ever happened to carpets. ■ * \ , \; Kovto Open This Sunday Only for Tbit Special Safa 12 Noon fo 6 F.k EaSr EIGHT Con-Con Unit Is Turned Down 'Axis Sally' to Leave Prison After 12 Years WASHINGTON (ft—Prison gates _ - * . , |wffl open soon tor. “Axis Sally.” Gov. Swain son Plan TOTthe American girl who broadcast 1. Nazi Germany'* propaganda to TTTS: triiopa iSiriiig WorkT War M .' China Blamed for Delay 1 LONDON (UPl)-Red China appears to be to blame for Russia’* delay in answering Anglo-American proposals tor peace hi Laos, observers here said today. i Btoortison Group and If1**1. —~——— TfriT ffnoot duri $100,000 Refused LANSING M—The House Ways ad a proposal by Gov. Swalnson tor creation of a bipartisan com-pave the way tor a Rep. Arndl Engstrom. R-Tra- HQirrtl ago by George Romney, chairman of Citizens tor Michigan. Such a commission bad been created in several other states that Md recent constitutional conventions: Awaiting Fate in ADC Fraud Mother of Two Will Be Sentenced for Getting $500 Wrongly OPEN SUNDAY 12 toti^-. DUPONT 501 _ OR 3-21N Free Parking 4528 Dixie Hwy., Drayton Plaint .. ^ " ; v■ { •#' •' $ "" i - 1 l. THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, APRIL 8. 1961 ^itpur" NINE * - WBWm ^ mjmmwmMW SHOPPER STOPPERS TFor Monday Onlv! Outstanding Values Especially Selected to Save You Plenty! Shop Monday and Save! TRADE FAIR LAWN and GARDEN SPECIALS 1961 CROP GRASS SEED KENTUCKYBLUE GRASS SEED *55* CREEPING RED FESCUE *39* RYE GRASS SEED -10‘ 20 Gallon Galvanized GARBAGE CANS WHEELBARROW 10" Tiro *557 RAKE $|29 FERTILIZER — FOR LAWNS—TURFS—CARDINS rower •) nuurs m EMERALD GREEN 104-* 50 $■# 79 Ith* 5?I W InN Point SHOVEL M44 < BAMBOO RAKE 88* ARMOUR'S VERTAGREEN » $489 loin. ir* SPREADS SEEDS, PERT1LIZIR EVENLY te-lwfc WUMi FERTILIZER SPREADER TRADEvAl 932 WEST HURON STREET HOURS: H Doily 9:30 to 9:00 Tuow. and Sat. 9:30 Id 6:00 PE 8*3370 lOta 3 Come Rain or Shine Hoffman's Have the Prices! "prices MONDAY THROUGH WEDNESDAY Skinless HOT DOGS 3».,100 CALVES LIVER 49 lb. Sticwl SUB BANK 29 lb. InM Noi Arerage BEEF LIVER 29 A Bargain Treat ' FRESH VEGETABLE Poscol CELERY w No. 1 BANANAS 10* Michigan POTATOES 25 Ik. 79 HOFFMAN’S PONTIAC FREEZER FOODS S» % FERRY IT. (Career <1 FtUect) Daily S to I—FrUay UI J RM1M THE PONTlAC frog#. SATURDAY. APRIL The Carl W. Shear locks of Orchard Lake announce the 'engagement of their daughter " Janice Darlene Hudson, daughter of the James M. Hudsons of * North field Avenue, and EvanE, Swanson Jr., son of . the Evan E. Swansons of— Ferndalr. The Richard E. Greens of Utica I Mr. and Mrs., Lewis W. Loch of Waterford ~ -Township announce the engagement of Aar daughter Judith Sue to , Airman 3.C. ' George H. Story, son of the Rex Storys 7 of Grand Blanc. September ' vows are engagement of their daughter Mary Ann to * Kenneth 0. Jilbert, son of. Mrs. Clayton ' " Gillies of* Michigan Avenue and the late T. frankjilbert. She attends Central Midtael Marsh, son of Mr. and Mrs; Wilbur Marsh of Keego Harbor, July vows are Michigan | University, where her f iance received his degree. No Advice Community Service Building. Unique features of the system, developed to keep pace with Pontiac’s population and requirements, were explained. - Dr. Etidl Knots, hew pastor of Bethany Baptist Church, with a rich background of experience with the Hungarian Relief Commission, will be guest spanker at the annul meeting and luncheon May C in the Guatemalan Room at Devon Gables. His subject will be “No Man Is an Island.” Tickets are available at the leegue office or from Mrs. Barbour Williams, Mrs. Sadie WffilaMSr Mm. May Louise Russell. Mrs. William Esseiy of Birmingham and Mrs. Arthur W. Selden. . New Sylvan ites Have'Fun Night' mothers let them ft an car dates with boys, and wear eye make-up and hair-dos that are two old for them. 1 am not allowed to go on car dates until J am If. My mother helps me select my clothes. I wear no makeup to school, and only a little on ■pedal occasions. \ My mother has lived a lot longer than I have and I have learned from experience Put when she forbids me to do something she always has a .good reason for it. I am thankful that I have « mother Who toyes me enough to raise me right. i FOURTEEN AND LUCKY DEAR ABBY: My wife and I TEN JANICE DARLENE HUDSON To Mark the of WSCS Wednesday planned. MM BK||§ planned. ANNE A. SHEARLOCK JUDITH SUE4J0CH MARY ANN GREEN The annual meeting for the Flint District Woman s Society of Christian Service of the Methodist Church. Wednesday at First Methodist Church, will mark the 21st anniversary of Conquest of Grand Blanc; and Mrs. C. Rydmark of Livonia. Mrs. P. G. Latimer, district president, will give the morning, theme, “Heritage and Hor- No Reason for You to Be Hurt r 1V4 million v District past presidents to be honored with observance of changes and growth of the WSCS during their terms of office will be Mrs. John Garrison of Pontiac; Mrs. T. Henry Matthews, Mrs. C Kirk Rae, Mrs. Floyd Gaul, lbs. Arthur Beaudry and Mrs. A T Ar-aoid. an of Flint; Mrs. T. J. Northville will preside at the installation of officers for die district for 1961-63. PROMOTION SECRETARY She is secretary of promotion of the Detroit Conference which includes the Flint District. Awards will be presented to the four societies having the best attendance percentagewise during a recent four-month pe- June Dance Is Planned by Sorority Members of Alpha Alpha Chapter, Epsilon Sigma Alpha Sorority met in the Young building Thursday Mrs. Mm Oroary, summer dance chairman, announced the annual dance will be June 17 at Pontiac Country Chib. Committee chairmen for the affair will be Mrs. James Vincent, orchestra; Mrs. Don Murphy, tickets; lbs. Charles Knowi-ton, publicity; Mrs. Fred Moeller. deoontione; and Mrs, Anthony (Mod, patrons. The group contributed to the Foundation for Emotionally Disturbed Children and set up a program to help elderly women at Pontiac State Hospital, under chairmanship of Mrs. Donald Stone. Mrs. Grand, project chairmen. reported that the sorority has donated two hospital beds to the Michigan Cancer Society in memory of Donna' Hesse. Mrs. Ralph 0. Allen announced the sorority's state convention In May at Dearborn These are Williamston-Cen-ter Methodist Church; St Luke Methodist Church. Pontiac; Walled Lake Methodist Church: and Bethany Methodist Church, Clio. Fenton Methodist Church will receive honorable mention for the -most new members during the. pegiod. Mrs. Eari Douglas of Case City, former member of the board of misitions of the Methodist Church, will speak on "God’s Marion Our Respoori-bility" Mrs. LaVerne Cox. soloist, will also ring in a trio with Mrs. Norman Legge and Mrs. Paul Kratt of the host church. Mrs. Wilbur Courier of Covert Methodist Church will lead group, ringing, with Janet Livingstone at the organ. The WSCS of the host church, with Mrs. Robot Alton president, will be Ate host group for the day wftit luncheon being served at noon to women front 96 societies in the Pontiac-Flint area. 50 Attend Dinner,.* Afternoon of Fun one night and to a night club for dandng another night. She accepted both these imitations. . I was very much "put out over this end thought she was very rate to go off and leave me alone, and I told her so, She accused me of being jegtous and said that Just because we went away together was no reason why she had to spend all of her time with die and that rite was perfectly free to accept these invitations. Needless to say it lias caused an unpleasant situation and a rift tat our friendship. I would very much like to have your opinion on this matter. A: I do' not think that because your friend went out twice without you,.you should have been put out. She could not very well ask the man to invite you to make a threesome, nor could you expect her to be tied corfstantly to your aide. Had she gone off and left you alone every night, that would have been something again. Inn. Two former members Mrs. Frank Jaloeky Jr., who now resides in Wisconsin, and Mrs. Gerald Jones were guests. Fifty members of the Sunset Chib, sponsored by Pontiac Parks and Recreation, attended a cooperative dinner and afternoon of dancing and cards Thursday at the Pontiac Boys’ Club. Plana are under way to participate in the Greater Pontiac Centennial in June. Persons flOyearsofageand. ove&mre welcome-to attend the'rhuraday meetings from 10 to 3 p.m.^ ‘ Q: A discussion has arisen concerning a point of etiquette at the table. My friend contends that at a dinner party as soon as you are served, it is proper to begin eating. Whereas, I hove always been taught one must wait until the hostess is served and begins to eat. Will you please ten us who la rightr A; You. may begin to eat u soon as two or three others have been served. Women's Section Plans focjt Tuesday card party at 8 in Pontiac Federal Savings and loan Building have been completed by members of Welcome Rebekah Lodge 246 Sevang Circle. At a final committee meeting this week (from left) Mrs. . John Schaffer, circle president; Mrs. Irving Quackenbush, noble grand; and Mrs. Ted Suttoti, general chairman, admired colorful terry cloth ■ towels, prises for the public affair. Tickets may be purchased at ike door. ’ 1 Couple Wed in Birmingham White-Cook Vows Spoken Today Female Clown Isn’t Fun Type By the Emily Pest Institete Q: A friend and I recently went away on a vacation together. We shared a room at a very nice hotel During our vacation, this young woman met a man who was also staying at the same hotel.— fast-reception at Rotunda Inn, Pine Lake. Seed pearl embroidery enhanced the molded bodice, styled with ivory and white cummerbund which extended into a bouffant skirt and chapel train. Fingertip veiling of French silk illusion was caught by a jeweled cap. White roses and baby chrysanthemums comprised the bride’s cascade bouquet. She is the daughter of Mr*. Gladston T. Cook of Birmingham and the late-Mr. Cbok. Her grandmother, the late Mabel V. Roy, was a former principal and educator, associated with the Pontiac school system for many years. Dr, and Mrs. By GAY PAULEY NEW YORK (UPD-Oalne May makfci a living making * -4Nf she doesn't' see herself ss 1 comedienne. *Tm not the downy type,” . she said. "I don't think I’m funny. I can’t cross ray eyes « or anything like that.” Yet the appearance' of this 28-year-old with her tiny figure and big bine eyes invari-ably tickles the fiwnybones In the audiences and has since" she and Mike Nichols teamed upinMB£1Ir«t1n night dubs, then.on television, and now in the theater. The Nichots-May brand of comedy if hard to define — it is what one critic called “satiric thrusts.” Mkn—May sees their work as situations “built around human behavior. We try to exploit the behavior humorously ... we don’t set out to make a social continent.” That la why, she said, they usually steer dear of political thrusting. “We try to build a scene around something that has happened to us, or to someone ... a trip to file dentist, an appearance at a hospital emergency ward. That way, the audience can identify itself with us.” Audiences often assume that because of their on-stage rapport that they are married in private life. ‘But as Miss May said, ‘‘we’ve been married, but not to each other.” Each is divorced, and Mae May him a daughter, Jeannie, 13. Nicholas has a St. Bernard. Altar Society Hears Talk on Cancel Fight Some Girls of 14 Appreciate Their Mothers; Others Don't By ABIGAIL VAN BUREN DEAR ABBY: You will probably think I am a monster, but I am a girl of 14 and I-J hate my parmts, especially my - mother. wants to pick all my clothes my hair, and 1 doesn’t eye make-up. ABBY went through college with another couple who were married about the same time we were (three years ago.) Five months ago they had a baby, and ever since that time their company has been impossible. You can’t bring, up a subject without their getting around to their baby. We wouldn’t mind if they would say what they have'to aay about the baby and then go on to something else. But, Abby, file entire evening is spent talking about their child. We want to remain friends, with this couple and Would like to know how to tell them po- litely they are boring their , friends with their baby talk. NOT AS YET BLESSED DEAR NOT BLESSED: “New” parents frequently yield to this temptation, but wise people never bore others by steering the conversation to their favorite wbject and keeping it there. There IMPROVISE Much of their materiel depends on improvisations — an art form which helped bring them together professionally. Miss May was born in Philadelphia, but grew up in a number of towns became her father, the late Jack Berlin, ‘ was an actor in file Yiddish theater and the family moved ^ around quite a bit. Ultimately, she landed in Chicago* where she studied at the university, and met Nichols — ' also a student. ] Dr. Anthony Lgssos spoke amcerning “Crusade Against Cancer” before St. Michael Altar Society at the- April meeting in the parish hall. Mrs. J. £. Peterson explained the work of the Michigan Cancer Foundation and Mnr. Phyllis Wainscot showed the film “The Other City.” , •Mrs. Herbert Watson displayed cancer dressings completed by members. - •pouto" way to tell people Club Subsequently, they her they arc bores. But be patient. came part of a six-actor group The baby win grow up, and eo called the Compass, an iro-may its parents. , provisational troupe playing —Eleven jjew families in the parish have been visited by ; Mrs. Henry M. Simpson, Mrs. Qe West, Mm, Nora AaMm and Mrs. George McCormick who comprise the newcomers committee. Members of the Holy Name Society wUl serve the mother-daughter breakfast after 1:45 Mass on May 7. New members are Mrs. -Henry McGough, Mrs. Leo G. '* Janka and Mrs. Carl Rogers. - She won’t let me go in cars with boys. All she worries about is my reputation; and I swear I have never done anything wrong. Don’t teU me to talk it over wtth her becauae she will only give me a tong lecture on this bull about how it is for my “own good." I would like to tell her things, but heck, I, don’t want to get kUIed. I hate todo things behind her back, but she gives me no choice. I wish I had a different mother. MOTHER-HATER DEAR MOTHER - HATER: Giria your age who feel as you do regard all adults as “the enemy.” Perhaps a letter from a giri your age with a different point of view - an the seme subject will help you mrie then eny advice I amid offer. Explains Police Records Mrs William J. Sanderson opened her heme on Warwick Avenue for the New Syl vanifes Club “Fto Night” Thursday. . Nomination of officers will precede, an evening of mafic and -dancing April 28. with . Mrs. Welter Britton, hostess, at km* home ■£ - -- - Mrs. Raymond Hunter of Loan Lake Sherds (left) and Mrs. lamps Newport, Linda Vista (right) have ^turned from a vacation in the home of Mss. Robert -Marion at Pompano Beach, Flu. fkp Area.left Miami for - a cruise to the Bahamas where tier this happy pkoto on , exotic Paradise Beadi, Nassau. Mrs. karian returnsto her home here on Loon Lake Shares ip the summer * v of Creeping Oldne Pontiac chib were Judge* in a "erery hat contest" sponsored by the Detroit group. Thoy were SJrj. Dick Kirby, Mrs. Donald Schroeder,. Mrs. Waiter Peter*. .Mrs. Darwin Spaysky, Mrs. Basil Butler and Mrs: HGisMSU Williams. ■ 1 • ~ —Bwoolori air more glittering than tver, now thal eVBr eiaborate ornamentation is washable. JtyJ ^ *•*•*! 500 COLD WAVE $715 Stops inspecting herself'jn -the minor before she leaves the house. Starts admitting that she is too • SHAMPOO • SERENA WAVE • STYLED — SIT Discover New Shimmering Hair ---Is—fy With ULTRAMIQUE RfcBENAPERMANENT. C.ENUIKE SIS.** VALUE SPECIALLY raicip NOW All These FINE CARPETS Your Choice $20,500 Values Up to $995 Sg.T4. SYLVAN SPECIAL Fr#tEstimates on Counter Tops and Floor Installation Ask for Your FREE PARKINS' or FREE BUS TOKENS SYLVAN-OTTU LAKE WEST SIDE—VACANT $10,500 TH&T’ONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, APRIL 8, iftgi ELfcVEN VACATION TIME!. Insure before you go! Take* no chances that your vocation will turn out to be more expensive than you had planned— because you were not co—red for d possible accident, loss, etc, You should have adequate coverage for all of your personal equipment, your boat and car, for medical expenses and liability —and, make, sure your home % fully covered too. (Vacations inVite theft, for exanpleI. SEE US NOW! Anstln.l\forvell____________ Agency, Inc. 70 W. Lawrence at Cess FI 2-9221 Wedding Photographs . . Yen Will Tr—sure FOREVER • I* l.r*. kit ph.ln k |»M • s Mr*. UfM “JmI wtM" B — rriii—rr****— • ASv.m. .Mtlaf »f brM. la Mr *39*o Only /mm effluiMW) RCA WHIRLPOOL CLOTHES DRYER All Deluxe Features Limrs 119" APPLIANCE and COLONIAL SHOP S2IT ‘Dixie Hwy. Vs Mi. N. of William* Lefcf DRAYTON. PLAINS—OK 3-6555 young — because that youth alto haa Its problems. Stop* trying to be good company for others. No longer looks forward to anything with happy anticipation. * . * * There la no longer any age when a woman Is old. She can be young at a hundred (like Grandma Mooes) or old at half that age like the women who .think their lives are empty because their children are ell grown and gone from home. Help your husband help you retain a young outlook, with Ruth Millett’s "Happier Wives (hints _ husbands).” Just send 25 cents to Ruth Mlllett Reader Service, The Pontiac Press, P. O. Box 489, Dept. A., Radio City Station, New York 1», N. Y- I > If your calves need reducing, try this exercise. In this position bend the But Try This Exerrite Walking No Calf Reducer Sisterhood* Holds Its I nstal lotion Corinne Sisterhood 184, Dames of Malta, herd installation ceremonies Wednesday evening at Malta Temple. * * * ________, : I T-»**iHrl yvr were Mm, ! Christian Theis, protector; Mi* Merit Curlees. Queen Esther; Mr*. j Richard Lange, Ruth; Mr*. Edward Schram, Naomi; Mrs. Clyde (•Matthews, herald; Mrs. William Walla, deputy herald; Mrs. Elmer Beardsley, keeper of archives; Mrs. Beatrice Mason, assistant keeper of archives;' Mrs. Etoe Bailey, bursar; Mrs. Ervin Perry, first color bearer; Mrs. Clarence Vidlund. second color bearer. Pint messenger will be Mrs. Margaret NeHa; Mrs. Geargy Schram, second messenger; Mr*, lame* Schram, first guard; Mm. Bat ay Shaulte, second guard; Mm. Bertram Barber, three-year trustee; Mm. Dan ANNETT REALTORS INC. “INVEST 1 IN THE BEST’ FE 8 0466 WE WILL TRADE SEMINOLE HILLS Prtm reduced on this sttrsctlro J bedroom family home, eea-peted living nw Sad dining room, tiro- 1, aopUancM la-mruuoaod barn-3 tar tarsge. first degree eaptaia; Mrs. Lang*, second degree eaptaia aad Mr*, ^eardatoy. funeral eaptaia. Mrs. Edwin Combs, of Milford, deputy sovereign protector, was Installing officer. On her staff were Mrs. Cleo Kern, Mrs. Lacy Rogers, Mrs. Anna Smith, Mrs. Lawrence Jones, Mrs. Ray Chappell, Mrs. Iva M. Burgess, Mr*. Jerry Miller, .Mrs. Joseph Childers and Mrs, Joseph Schmanke of (Detroit. - U ★ A Others were Mrs. Ralph Morrow Jand Mrs. Pearl Corss of Milford; Mrs. Cornelius VanDyke, Mrs. '(John Belts, Mrs: Florence Carter. Mrs. Oscar Hooper, Mrs. Margaret Daugherty, Mrs. Mabel Erickson, and Mrs. Herbert son of Pontiac and Mrs. Albert Qark of Birmingham. * • ♦ * ’ Newofficera were honored at buffet refreshments. Mrs. Chappell was guest soloist. STATE STREET throughout. Olniaod front torch. Ubrsrr. living room, dining room, compnet kitchen, nnd bedroom on tlret nimr. s bedroom* end b»th WE ——NiiQ-------- LISTINGS Ws handle all types,of property at all price ranges. Consult us for courteous, efficient service regarding your real estate prob- • lame. We else buy tend contracts and equities. ANNETT REALTORS INC. RESIDENTIAL—FARM—INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL RIAL ESTATE 8 E. HURON STe________FE 8-0466 Boys' Mothers Bus to Detroit Twenty-seven members of {fie Mothers Group of the Pontiac Boys Club drove to Detroit Wednesday evening ■for a joint meeting with the Mothers Group of the Detroit Boys Club, 1 ___Ac Frank Caahman, program director, of the Ibcat club, drove-the group to Qegg|t 10 toe back toward your head. burns up calories, is an aid in general reducing. R Is firming to tire legs. .......* * * Do the following exercise for calf „ reduction. Lie on the floor on your back with your arms resting on the floor and youi legs straight. Raise the left’ leg up as far as comfortable, keeping the knee stiff. Bend the left toe back toward your head. Lower leg to the floor. Do the same thing with your right leg alternating left and -jllpMr — UNDERWEIGHT Q. "i am a 15-year-old teenager. My height is 5 feet, lOVfc inches and my weight is 125 pounds. I have very small bones. People say that I do not appear to be. terribly thin. Should I gain, much?" If you really have a very small frame, you are' not much underweight, ft any, A 3- to 5-pound gain may be In order. HAVE LARGE FRAME Q. “I am a male, 6 feet, 2 inches fall. I weight 180 pounds, and have a large frame. Is my weight comet?” A. Yes you are just about right dgh a few pounds more. * HAIR TROUBLE Q. “I am a high school girl of l|l5. Recently I had my' halr rut. j ine Beautician must have mis-underatood me became instead of trimming my hair she cut it so short that it is impossible lor me to curl it or fix it in any way. Last year my friends and teach* ‘ me that my hair was lovely and very < becoming. Now am embarrassed to go out because of It. "My mother fold me to write You because she reads your cot-] the time and thought; you might be able to help me. My hair grows very slowly, Is use. Or wouki more frequent washing and brushing help make it 'grow faster?” I appreciate your mother's! confidence and wish that I could! be more helpful. However, I ,1o not know of any way to make your hair grow in faster. course, brushing la help- ful became it eolation, aad good hygiene (washing the hair often enough to keep It dean) I* essential to the health of the hair. Perlups while it is growing out you might find that rollers Instead of pin curls would he beat. Get the tmali size. This .will make the hair look fuller if not longer. Also there are good hair sets which give the hair body. Another First for McCANDLESS ■ DUPONT "501“ NYLON CARPET Commerciol Construction - Budget Priced You owe it to Yourself to See This Carpet! Hair Too Fine? (NEA)—For baby-fine hair, a permanent is a most, especially with the full new hair styles. And if you’re game to take a chance on coloring your * locks, hair dyeing also adds body. ! Have You Tried This? Three Fruit Juices Give Gelatin Salad a Lift By JANET ODELL Pontiac Press Home Editor Often a tart gelatin salad is Just the dish you need to complete a meal. Thjs mold-ed pineapple salad from Mrs. Arthur Richards should make a hlf at spring luncheons. Outlook's Light (UPI) — Designer Marc Bohan, at the House of Christian .-Dior in Paris, described his spring collection as one with a theme of “youth and lightness." CALL FOR THE MAN... Ha'll Coma Running To Claim Your Carpet • In One Day • Right In Your Homo i €3 And dob to asperity ymri pot. Wait IN yon hear haw inexpensively it can bn NEW WAY Rug anil Carpet Cleaners . 42 WiMir Street - iim Hjpe&lorl Wore wear! more value! MOI.DED PINEAPPLE RING By Mrs. Arthur Richards S tablespoon* unfit vend gtleUn If s MothptppfJ Soak gelatin in cold water, Add hot water to drained pineapple juice and bring to a boil. Stir in dinolved gelatin. Add sugar and let cool. Add rest of ingredients. Pour into a wet mold and chill until Mrs. Richards, the mother of one son, does. volunteer work with a church children's agency in Detroit. Her hobbies are oil painting and Unmold on lettuce, fill cen ter with cottage c-h e e i e Serves 4-6. $5.95 Qur three most popular 2-pioct drosses, in sooson right now! Reg. 17.98 ’/2 PRICE Shown hero is out of oUr throe distinctive dresses: Xll cotton pique . . Print top with solid color skirt . . . cotton emel check with pique collar . . . tske your pick .kid pay only half! * f*5l 24 EAST HURON STREET FE 2-6159 I McCANDLESS 11 N. Perry S*. FE 4-2531 TWELVE THE frONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1961 ■■ ;...r* Luther League Meeting Sunday at Parsonage The Luther League of the Lutheran Church of the Incarnate Word will resume regular meeting* at 6 p.m. Sunday at the home of die pastor. Rev. Arthur J. Raster, 2364 Mulberry Road. The next aeriea of ciaaaes for adults wishing to Join the church will begin at 9:30 a.m. on April 16 at the temporary headquarters of the church, 2» S. Squirrel Road, Auburn Heights. Hie course will last six weeks. ' # * New members Joining the church hi this class will be included as charter members. This will be the last class before organization May 36. ' ' ; UNITY am s' T»u«m> nt urn Otoao amt lfloimr list a m smear act—i aae Morning Warship . “Tv Whoa. Baa, When. Why?" «7 th<. n«m»ia Tempi*. a sum Beading Boom M Uck Mu* • Onto * JM 3t Dotty "*■■■» (MaNr .■ Ttoe. lJ:tt aae Ml P.M. Uwaaa, t» Troth. Sanaa. I S P M.. U:U PM. Dali; LeMbo Maesattaa Rational Lutheran Council Churches ASCENSION ^ WATERFORD ~,!et* .the unfinished por-jbers and friends. •A- nursery will be provided [children. ft*‘efterpoon session will fee, igin at 1:15 With Mrs. Earl Douqv] [las, former member of the board of missions. Speaking on "God's Mission—Our Responsibility." The! benediction will be by Mrs. Hart. tions of the church building. I Mrs. Orvin Weaver and Mrs. j^ Roy Wshl will serve as hostesses CHRISTIAN PSYCHIC SCIENCE CHURCH 30 Whitteaore St. SUNDAY 7 30 P M ”IBB APPEARED IN ANOTHER FORM"—Mark If 13 WEDNESDAY SILVER TEA ^NeshsyanMethodisl sr N. Lynn rr. • Sunday School it a u. Worehip 1100 A. M. W.T.M. SMS P. M. Evening Service 1 30 P M Wad. Prayer and Btbla 7 10 p. M M. KAVANAUOH, Mlnlitcr REV. BETHEL TABERNACLE First Pentecoet Churn; si Pontiac SB. 19 am. Worship 11 am. Evangelistic Service 7:00 pm. Tues. and Thun., 7:00 pm. Rtr. and Mrs. Z. Crouch IMS Baldwin Are. RI«H DONELSON BAPTIST CHURCH Ellaabeth Lake Rd. at TUdan OB 3-33M Sunday School 10 AM.—Morning Worship ...r...11:00 *M VnattK ___ Aims and Bactanan' Church Youth Service ................. s-ao Pis Evening Service ............ ..............SlS p w Midweek Bervlce..................•___ 7:30 PM Wed Paitor—axv. lb taunt* a. s. aupt—euoene Thomas Composed of 36 voices, choir members come from 15 states; There are 20 girts and 16 lxiya. Greenville College is a Christian liberal arts college affiliated with the Free Methodist Church. Located just 50 miles from St. Louis in Illinois, it is accredited by toe North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, arid Illinois State Department of its 34th annual concert tour, the choir renders a ministry through testimony and song with music containing great spiritual troths. 1 * w w. w Greenville College is completing its 70th year of service to youth. Its dedicated faculty strive for the development of Christian character with high scholastic standards. Coitinunion. to Be Observed Oakland Avenue Elders Assist With Sacrament i Both Mominar Fveninq i PAOrfiBoftJ. E. WILSO N ___________________ | The Sacrament of Communion j 'will be observed at Oakland Ave- . t. . . fmie United Pi eaby lerlan Chunk ^BtOOmtiela HlltS PPV UfilHIO ljlbSOft 10 am. and again at 7 p.m Sun- _ j,x'/ * • WV*uw» vimjvii Announces Themes Rev. Gerald W. Gibson -will] Hie featured soloist at thelpreach "Essentials of Church uni r_, (Bloomfield Hills Baptist Church to- ..............m .Walter Hill, Ernest Johnaon, Le-|_„._... „... . u„_, pAU i/^.l cvsami f 1m«m) A—»» I hkJitow will be Mrs, Henry A* Roy Koch, hrnal Lloyd, Omar Mc-lma-i,-— * Oonij, I Nutt, Alex McAllister, Robert Mc-*'riT“T °* Cormack, Orval Robb and C W. f^,edMmullc.*t ^ Seaman tosfe. Mn. Fneaen is well known . i.. _ in Western Michigan as a sacred | Also serving will be Earl Shep- ^ herd, Leon Verway Angus Wal- ^ ^ wiH 8ing tt bo,h the taro^Enwit Wataon and Howard worghjp Those serving include Charles Bradsher; .William Cad m a n,j Charles 'Edie, Dr, Wayne Good.J, The national Capitol buflding cov-ers about three and ooq-half acr^. FINE HILL Chester Jones,' a member of toe Cooimunity Congregational Church at Lathrup, will conduct the 11 a.m. service at Pine Hill Congregational, Church with services held in the Pine Lake Elementary School on Long Lake Road, one mile, West of Middlebelt. Pastor Dr. Alfred D. Grey with Mrs. Grey is vacatiooing for month in California., CHILD EVANGELISM The annual children’s rally, sponsored by Child Evangelism Fellowship of Oakland County, will be held at 2:30 p.m. Sunday at the First Baptist Church. Mrs. DsaaM Antiro, international Child Evangelism Fellowship missionary to Brasil. wUi present a visualised Bible story. Rev. John Toroni will speak to the children with his violin. All parents-and children are invited, Esther O’Neal, county director saidv^ _ mAcKSonia The 23rd anniversary of the Junior Usher .Board will be ob-at 3:30 p.m. Sunday at { Macedonia - Baptist Chtirch, 512 Pearsall St. Afternoon kpeaker will be James [ L. Keel Jr. and the Junior Choirs [ or Church of God in Christ. Trinity Providence and Messiah Baptist Churches will furnish music. The Jaator Usher Board organised in 1930 by Mrs. 6. R. Fleming, Is sa active duty the srrsaj ft—dsj M rarh msBth j In charge of the group are Mrs. Lois Manning and Dorothy Ma-Crae. Mrs. I. L. Coleman worked! with the group manyTe*rsr.“David| William is president ol the organization and Rev. L. R. Miner is the pastor. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN A new class of God and Count-.—.... . .. -i ■ _ try scouts has been organized un- Membership at the 11 a.m. wor- ,' . JJ — ship service of Central Christian ^fr JP* *{ ^ Church Sunday. CENTRAL . l CHRISTIAN cNurch G. WriSibidn, Minister FE 4-0239 347 N. Saginaw ffibis School ...... Morning Worship*. Youth Service . . Evening Service . . . 9:45 A.M. 11:00 A.M. . 6.00 PM. . 7:00 P.M- ...^ ...._____ Galen E. Hershey, associate pastor of First Presbyterian Church. Included la the group ere Fred Watts, Urn McGrath, Mike McGrath, Mehia Hall and Cliff Sd- FIRST METHODIST South; Saginaw at Judson The Junior Choir under the direction of Mrs. Theodore Marsh-banks will ting at 9:45 a.m. and again at 7 p.m. Members of the |6 p.m.'worship hour. All services *roup »« new wearing their new Christ and Our Common Life"! The paster will preach ea “Sin 'are held in the Hickory Grove m»roon ■«* whi,e •urplices for wiU be the Rev. Mr. Hershey s in the Believer” at the morning [school on Lahser Road: services. sermim topic at toe 9:30 ami II service. Yeato groups will’meet [ Music will be provided in the . * * Tk ai^L.Sun^fy SerV‘C^wry^ -“Ti at l:4g p.m. with the subject {evening by Mrs. Bessie Gabor on. Young people will gather at the i™*? ,"?* u.iwt. (vTtSl' “What Is Success?” Mes. Ben, [her marimba. Mrs! Gabor is or-(church .at 6 p.m. for an hour of Thlrd P by M"lotte tor thel Vaa IJerop will speak to toe [ ganist at the Grosse Pointe Baptist | fellowship and devotions. ~ * Church. ^ pastor will preach on "When God Mrs. VanUerop. missionary un-l * * * [Saya 'No' ” at the 7 p.m. service. Ider the Sudan Interior Mission, The boys and girls will hear a| —r— ---------- twill be guest speaker at 7 p.m. [children's sermon an kites Paul T. Hart Pastor MORNING WORSHIP, 10:00 A.M. Sermon: “A FLAME IS KINDLED” REV. PAUL T. HART, Preaching CHURCH SCHOOL, 11:30 A.M. WED. BIBLE STUDY AND PRAYER FELLOWSHIP, 7: Columbia Avenue BAPTIST CHURCH {She had been working at a boy’s morning worship service when the home in West Africa before her]Rev. Wallace A. Alcorn will1 also husband's death. Ipreach on "Living Water.” Special music will be a vocal j The pastor’s evening sermon is duet by Peggy Wilson and Gary the concluding one in a series on Bowes, and a solo by Debra Mere- Paul's “Works of the Flesh.” dith. | ------------------- Studies Name Change NASHVILLE — A sub-|| committee still is studying a f proposal to change the name of Jlthe Southern Baptist convention. _]When H will issue a report is uncertain. 64 West Columbi# Ave. FE 59960 r Sunday School ........... .^........................ 9:45, A.M. I Morning Worship ..... .. ..,..... .... .. .. .10:55 A.M. I Training Unioo . _______________ g jQ p.M. I Evening Service ............... ...................7:30 P.M, REV. LEON FULLER, Guest Speaker R«v MARION F. BOYD JR . Mlatotar V CLARENCE B. JACKSON. Minister of Ml Affiliates with Southern BeptUt Conti irrihlp Over I, J 7th Day Adventists Aid Medical School Breakfast to Aid Church Mr. and Sirs. Willie. Green will open their home at 181 Harrison for a breakfast from 8 a.m. until nearly , noon for the benefit of St James Missionary Baptist Church. I Mrs. Mary Anthony and Mrs. Sarah Green are in charge of tbej affair sponsored by Group No. 2 of the church. Tickets may be ob-j tained at the church office or from! members of toe committee. offertory solo. "In the Night Christ Came Walking” will be the anthem by the Chancel Choir. CHURCH OF GOD Speaking at the 11:30 morningi worship hour at toe Church of God. 296 W. South Blvd. will be Fletcher W. Pollard. The public is invited. Reorganized CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST of Latter Day Saints If rront at.. Pontlic FB S-7M1 Mcvttt; School in Drojrtoa FB l-M» Ml B. Flint at.. Lako Orion OL |.Mat Preaching 11 A.U. and 7:00 P. IT. BLOOMFIELD HILLS BAPTIST CHURCH Temporarily .Meeting: Hickqry Grove School Lahier. Smith of Square Lake Rd. SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 A.M‘ MORNING WORSHIP II A.M. ‘UvUiS Wator” * John tl EVENING WORSHIP 6 P.M. “Tho Work* at the Pleeh, III" (Oalatlani I? PRAYER MEETING (Wedneeday) 7 30 PM. The Roy. Wallace Arthur Alcom FB 6-1992 - "Searching the Scriptures" Roosevelt Wells, Evangelist "IS APOSTASY IMPOSSIBLE?" Thl, eubject to on* which dealt with a reltflaui error which h . hlch hat been ndoatod which I refer ii ft i number at peart numerous rellftout froupe Tho reUnloi I | quently ezpreued thut: "One* caved, always at red." alwaya In (raet" or more theoloclcally. “the ImpdalMUty and fonwtlmof 'The aocurlty of tho Believer " AH of thl Chrletlan. a child of Ood. he cannot to tin ai tovod eternally and^ reaardlrtt of hla tho«l(hti man. but* unfortunately eciipturea. In fact auch i la thl* article acrmll made reUftouf theory: « Someone who Ic houi aniwer wo. hut tho Bible • fliat century dl ______comfortin'*1'U lubatantlated by the •directly oppoaed to New TOctament , To »-a*k two fwatlona reyardtna thla man-CHRISTIAN BIN? thla un-Krlplural doctrine may abruptly n that Chriatlana, or children of Ood In 10 Coloaalana, Pajul wrote. "Lie not . "Steal no more . . To the Ephesian,, nk with wine . . . ." Eph. I:th To tho tg^ commit adultery?” Bom. To the tyhoeians. Paul l Paul wrote, ^... he noa arunc wna wi Roman Chriftlaas Paul wrote. "... do Ml To tho Chriatlana «aery whore John 1 eta. ora deceive ounolvm and tho truth la net ia ua, 1 Jno. l:i. Notice John doe* net aay, if wo any wo hove no ftn: ho said tf we eay we have wo da. Notice also he (aid If we. tncludlnf himself Chrfetlans can and do do for John Inform* tho Christian of how ho (the Christian i may obtain forgiveness. • Ho saya, "if we poatott our flat ho Ic faithful and l«(t to forglw ua our stna and to doonat ua from dll unrlfhteouaneaa. I Jno. Ira. notice John- ■“ tjwdlf recognlaed tho Importance ol FOR-OI VINO OB OP OCRBINB tf the Christian could not da would there ho a need lor ftvta« Instructions to Christiana a* to bow to obtain forgiveness for “their fins." IP A CHRISTIAN DOES BIN, WILL HE BE LOST? If the Christian could not finally he lost should he da, would them to n need (or confessing his sin SO As to obtain fergivonoos, 1 Jno. 14. The CtrtlsUsn who dat la taught to confess hit dag. If he dots not. wtll he be forgiven? O he diet uafcrgtvua, wir —---------- t bo saved. Jesus said, i. *41. J Ood for thorn das, this perm BEL1EVETH THOU THIS? >(To to continued) Welcome to the CHURCH of CHRIST 210 Hughss Sfrast, Pontiac, Michigan • Members of the Pontiac Seventh-day Adveiitist Church dug deep into their pockets today to pro-] vide support for a multimillion-dol-lar expansion program scheduled foe the denomlnation's medical [ school on the West Coast.-——-J Pastor John P. Erhard, who announced tKfc special call for funds, stated that the College of Medical Evangelists at Loma Linda, Calif., largely responsible for the worldwide reputation for first-class medical' institutions which Adventists have. “Around 75 physicians' are graduated annually,” he said, "many of whom dedicate their lives to medical missionary service in denominational institutions or at needy outposts of civilization.” The expansion program to* rtades the erection of a medical office banding, additions to toe administration building, aa ad-, dltton to more than doable the pronest hospital building at Lama Malta. Also included Is erection of a [School of Nursing building, and enlargement of the White Memorial Hospital : on the Los Angeles campus of the College of Medical Evangelists. . . » First Christian Church Diadfiles ol- Christ SundcrySchool 9:4SA. M. Church Service 11;OO A. M. 856 W. Huron Rev. D. D. McCoil CHURCH of GOD Etst Pika at Anderson Rav. Estel D. Moon, Faith Baptist Church ' 3411 AIRPORT ROAD Sunday School ...... 10:00 A. M.„ Worship Service .... 11:00 A. M. - Evening Service ...., 7:30 P. M. Wed. Prayer Service . 7:30 P. M. Ample Perking—Supervised Nursery Marimont Baptist Church $8 W. Walton FE 2-7239 Sunday School... ......... 10:00 A M. Morning Service ............. 11:00 ATMT Evening Service................. 7:30 P.M, Pastor Somers, prtaching both services Youth Group ..................6:30 P. M. 10:to A. M. SUNDAY SCHOOL Claim for AU Ages • 11:00 A. H. WORSHIP "Why t CM to «:to F.JU. YOUTH PROORAM 7:30 P P.BL Thing. Above” WEIWaSDAY-T to F. U. PRAYER OHOUM AMD TOOTH CHOIR Wa Cordially invito you to warship with ua. - O. P. Eastman, Minister FIRST UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH CHURCH of CHRIST 87 LAFAYETTE ST. Lord’i Day Wonhlp .10:30 A M Lord's Day Bvtalhg ...... 7:00PM Wodanday Evening ...... 1M PM For Home Bible Study Call: W. THOMPSON FE 8-2071 c WILLIS FE 5-1993 1- Willianu Lake Churchof the Nazarene 10 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL U AJd. WORSHIP HOUR 7 P.M. WORSHIP HOUR LUTHERAN CHURCHES' MISSOURI SYMOD [Cross of ChristJ Bloomfield Township Square Lake and TWaigraph Bov. Delayne Pauling Church Service .... 9:45 A.M. Sunday School . ■ ■ .11:00 AJ4. St. Mark- ' 7979 Commerce Road - (Woof Bloomfield Township, Wm. C. Grata, Pastor . Church Service .... 8:45 A.M. Sunday School .... 9:45 A.M, Church Service ....11:15 A.M. Cedar Crest :h offUnloo U to Duhlta School i /Howard E. Claycombe, Pastor t— Servioea at-8:30 A.M. and tl Aid: S'inday School 9:45 A M. Grace Corner Oenasee and Glendale (Wut aide) Richard C. Stuckmeyer, Pastor Church Service .... 9:00 A.M. Sunday School .... 9:00 A.M. Church Service —11:00 A.M. Sunday School.11:00 A.M. The Lutheran Hour” over WKMH 9 A.M. Every Sunday St. Stephen Snahabew at Ksmpf I Guy B. Smith, Pastor I Sunday School .... 9:15 A.M. 1 Church Service .,10:30 A.M. St. Trinity Auburn at Jeeaie (East aide) Ralph C. Clous, Pastor Sunday School .... 9:45 A.M; St. Paul i-----Pastor ft Behnte, Vacancy Pastor Joslyn at Third (North Side > .- I Morning Serried .. 9:30 , 1 Sunday School ... 10:30 CHURCH of SPIRITUAL FELLOWSHIP MALTA HALL, 82 PERKINS STREET 3 7:30 P. M.—Rev. Kay Cation of Detroit Thurs., April 13—Silv*r Tea April 16—Rev. W. Smith of Coldwater REVIVAL CHURCH of GOD 1038 Harding Rd.,Rochester April 10-17, 7:30 P. M. Each Evening Pastor: Glen Sexton "Everyone Welcome" CHURCHES of CHRIST Listen io the "Herald ol Truth“ Each Sunday CKLW-TV 8:30 A M. WXYZ 10:00 P. M. LAKE ORION PONTIAC’ W. A. Luckett, Ktolctcr UN If. Ferry at. W. W. Hall, MiaUter ltto Htoualagway Ad. n mm Off CI*rk*ton Bd. Bible Study t ig A.M. - Claatd* (eg All. Age* Bible Study Sun. 9:45 A.M- MOBNINO WOHAHIP 10:M A.M. Tue». 7:30 P.M. Baami Llndet. Preaching Bi-Governor of Panama Worship W:4S A M. and EVENINO WOR8H1P ( 00 P M. Darld Gatewood. Boa of the Pren. 6:00 PM. of North Central Chrletlan College WED. BIBLE STUDY 7:30 P.M. ' North East Community Church of Pontiac ----- (Evangelical Unitod Brethren! Mt. Clemens Street Featherstone Road ■ 7:45 AM. Church School tor all age groups 11:00 A.M. Wonhlp Hour Sermon: "Reasonable and Spiritual WBtohtp” Installation of Church Officers HABBT B. aCHLOBSER. Minuter Coffee Hour follow* morning wonhlp (nursery maintained at all services) IThy not attend Sunday ? THE ALLIANCE CHURCH 220 Norm Cass tike Reed, Pontiac, Michigan O. I BERSCHE, Pastor B. W. LANPHER, Asst. Pastor BPWPAT BtoWOfc Ali. YOUTH F1LLOW8RIP SM PM MOBNINO WORBHIF ... .ll:M A.M. CVENIWV BEKYICI 7:M P.M. Mr. se* Mr.. P. r. MeKtoey. XtulcaartM to ATrtca. At Bath Btovtcto. FIRST FREE METHODIST CHURCH mi mt. game fr. lyal h. howison, ,mmt DEEPER LIFE CRUSADE CLOSES THIS WEEK-END Tonight 7:30 P. M. Sunday 11:09 A M- "Cod’! Confidence in Men” Evening Worship \p\ M. "Coat of Refuaal" Sunday School 10 A M. _________ OKNVIUI COLLEGE CHOIR ' Irenealat Raw. H. J; Groan. 7JO PM.' 35 Voice* THE TOyTtAft PRE8S. SATURDAY. APRIL 8, 1901 fiev. Gerald O'Grady to Be Installed as Recto THIRTEEN ' Rev. Gerald B. O'Grady will to formally totalled as rector of Christ Church Granbrook p.m. Thursday. Officiating at tto service“will to the Rt. Rev, Richard S. Emrich, bishop of the diocese of Michigan. A reception in tto church <«"<■« room, will follow, •Mr. O’Grady came to Christ Four Town# METHODIST CHURCH soeunt tan no. at uxaauvw Sunday School ...8:45 A M. Church Sendee ...11:00 JLM. Church in January from the American Chur * ' j| r i Church in Geneva, Switzer- First Social Brethren Church 310 Baldwin, FE 2-0384 ‘ Saturday Nits .... .* 7:30 P.M, Sunday School (OKlO^Ud. Worship ..7.... 11:00A.M. Tues. Young People 7:30 PJA. Wad. Choir ...... 6:30 PM. Wed. Prayer ..W*. 7t30P.M. REV. TOMMY GUEST, Poster land where ha waa rector for _ years. He succeed! the Rt. Rev. Robert L. DeWitt, a rq—rmr ttohop of the Michigan Dfacena. Married and the father of to children, the 41-yeaistld rector is • graduate of Williams CbUega, Williams town, Mass, and of the AM ‘ Theological School, Cambridge. He served as carillonneur*%nd chaplain at Hartford Trinity College, Hartford, Goto., where he was also ait apristagt professor of religion. To Be Dean at Union NEW YORK (AP)-Slated to become dean of students at Union Theological seminary, beginning June 1, is the Rev. James Maae Ault, pastor of First Methodist church, Pittsfield, Maas. OAKLAND PARK METHODIST CHURCH Montcalm and Gtonwood. Rev,. J. W. Deeg. Pastor QUESTIONS JESUS ASKED" SUNDAY SCHOOL, 11:15 A M. YOUTH FELLOWSHIP, 6:30 PM ST. PAUL METHODIST \m Orchard lake to Hear Author, Pastor, Scholar Rev. Dr. Andrew Kosten, pastor of die First' Presbyterian Church of Ridgefield Park, N. J„ will be guest speaker at Orchard Lake Community Church, Presbyterian Chinch, tomorrow. Dr. Kosten is a scholar with advanced degrees from Princeton Theological Seminary, Rutgers University and Temple University. The author of “Devotion and Prayers of Martin Luther" and "Devotions and Prayers of F. B. Meyer." he lectures at Dickinson Fairieigh University on religion, marriage and farfkily. A Bible study course, "Introduction to file Old Testament,” will begin at S p.m. It will consist of ID lectbres on five successive Sunday evenings presented by the R«V. Edward D. Auehard, pastor, followed by a discussion period. . Church School 10 A.M. InMrmidUto sad Senior Tenth Orotip*. S:W p.m. OMw Tenths «:M in ana p.m L MeCLDNO, Mlnbter Buptrvlnd Nurttrjr EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE Sunday School 10 am. — Classes for All Ages! Preaching 11 a,ra.and7:3() p.ra. Youth 6:30 p.m. • Hadio — CKLW 7:30 a m.. 000 ka in Detroit ssee Watkins Ub M., N. w. 0*k. c«. MM. SUNDAY SCHOOL—0:45 A.M. Worship, 11 GO A M —"THE ADEQUATE CHRIST" YOUTH HOUR—5:45, P.M. VESPER, 700 P.M__"CARRYING THE CROSS" Minister JIf. B. Event! THE fHUCinjUON—TV reenactment of the Crtldfiyion took place Friday night at the St. George Greek Orthodox Church. 97 Marlva St., with Rev. Cue Tsompanas (center) carrying tto large crucifix adorned with a floral wreath and lighted candle. During the sendee he proceeds to circle the church. Others in file pro- - -_______ r—Mm fun nw Cession are (left), Demetriaus Aaim of 4440 Elizabeth Lake Rd., head altar boy and John Athanas of 173 Beach St., cantor. The Greek Church observes Holy Week and Easter according to the Julian Calendar. * The Missionary Conference at Memorial Baptist Church will begin'Sunday with DY. Calvin Chao mealdng-at.lhg-11 a m. worship service and’ Sunday School. Dr. Chao has bAn working with Chinese loir Christ Inc. in Hong Kong, Thailand and the Philippines. He began his mission work with university students in Chine with the Intervarsity Fellowship. Series of Lectures Slated at Lake Orion Rev. Lawrence Johnson who ha* returned from West Pakistan with tto Omoervnlivo Missionary Society will be the speaker at mo 6 pern pa at the 7 p.m. oervlce. Representing the Oriental Missionary Society Monday evening will be Rev. Hubert K. Clevenger Jr. here from Brazil. Dr. Robert 1* Floater who has The SALVATION ARMY Tfr t 29 W. Lawrence Street Sunday Sch'l 9:45 a.m. Toung People's Legion 6 p.m. Mom'g Worship 11 a.m. Evangelistic Mtg. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Prayer and Praise Meeting 7:00 p.m. , .CAPTAIN and MRS. J. WILLIAM HEAVER Good Music — Singing — True to the Word Preaching God Meets With Us — You Too, Are Invited FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH HURON AT WAYMI AinihSs Pmhr RSV. OAUNI. HiRSHtY, S.D. WORSHIP SERVICES . . . 9:30-11:00 CHURCH SCHOOL.............9:30-11:00 AH Saints Episcopal Church Williams St. at W. Pike S OO A.M.—Holy Communion 9:30 end 11:15 A.M.—Morning Prayer arid Sermon by tha Rector—Church School Thurs., April 13—10 A.M.— Holy Communion CHURCH OF THE RESURRECTION wHt matt in Cletkslon Elamantary School, 6595 Waldon Rd. 9:30 A. M.—Holy Communion and Sermon with Church School by the Rev. Alexander T. Stewart PLAN NOW TO ATTEND BIBLE SCHOOL DEMONSTRATION WORK SHOPS in Our Multi-Purpose Room , APRIL 17—"Living for Jesus" by Standard PubNihlng APRIL IS—"Jesus, Our Saviour" by Concordia Publishing APRIL 24—"Living by God's.Time:' Scripture Pram APRIL 25—"Around the World with Christ" by Gospel Light Pram DAY or EVENING SESSIONS 1:00 to, 3i00 P. M'. 7:00 to 9:00 P. M. Craft Kit*—Filn>rtrlpr—Records Christian Literature Sales 3V Oakland Avenue f FE 4-9591 FIRST ASSEMBLY of GOD 210 N. PERRY 'Thank* for Putting Us Way i Over (he Top Last Sunday." : and ... Wo Welcome You Back to tto LOTALTT CAMPAIGN STARTING SUNDAY 9:45 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship pastor a: q. hashman Ministering A SERVICE FOR YOUR CHILDREN WHILE YOU ATTEND CHURCH — 7:00 P.M. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE CHOIR MUSIC, SPECIALS WE BELIEVE THE LORD WILL MEET YOUR EVERY NEED. IUST GIVE him a chance: J "Aftond tto Central first Assembly With' a Christ Centered Montage". Sunday Speaker Babbe People Build 50 Churches; Have Become Self-Supporting Rev. Francis J. McKinney, missionary to Republic of the Sudan, West Africa, will apeak at all serv-Sunday at the Alliance Church. Casa Lake Road at M59. Entering miaaionary work under the Christian and Missions^ Alliance in 1928, Mr. McKinney and his wife have completed six terms of service. His time has been spent in miniateririg torthe pagan tribe of cUfMwellers known as the Hab-be People. During the years that the McKinneys have directed miaaionary ac-l tivity among the Habte People several thousand have been converted to Christianity. 'How to Teach/ Series Subject Fifty-churches have been built by tto national Christiana them-■elves. Linguistic work has made it poeaiMe for the printing af the Now Testament and portions of tto Old Testament la their too- Presently, twenty mot are in training for the ministry. Christian Temple, 505 Auburn Ave. Dr. Lola P.MartOn, Pastor Rev. James Maddox. Assistant Rev. John McKinney, Assistant A Special Welcome A ■Slits You 11:45 Is 1MI A.M.—Sunder School Clesies All A|el IX P.M.—Touni People's Service 7:45 P.M.—Bvoneelletlc Service' »:«* to 11:1s AH—?Wnsnlos sad Werehlp Service First Spiritualist Church 57$ ORCHARD LAKE AVENUE Sunday Service, Norma Whiting of Jackson ■peaking, 7:30 P.M. Wed. Message Tea—Rev. Marshall, 7:30 P.M. Centrat Methodist / HURON at PERRY MILTON H BANK, Pastor D. I. WALLACE and J.-H. HALL. Assoc.*Past "SETTINGTHE SOUL ARIGI MORNING WORSHIP 8:30 and 10:45 Broadcast Live on WPON — n-OO/AM. Dr. Bank, Preochinj Sunday Evening Family Fsllowihip 6 i Church School 9 45 A M.—Youth Fellow*] and BOO PM. Ip «d» .m. tomorrow st the Lake Orion lriethodlst Church, At T p.m. Wednesday Dr. Robert Munn will to at Memorial Bap-fiat from the Greater Europe Mission in France and Sprit. SERVES 33 YEARS Here Thursday from Bolivia where she completed 30 years of service under the Bolivian Indian Mission will be Minnie Meyer*. The congregation will boar Joy Rldderbott of Gospel Recordings Inc. Friday evening. Miss Rid-derhoff prepares Gospel records la Spanish and other foreign Un-gnagea. They are going out In | 400 different languages. Speaking at 11 am. on April IS will be a missionary from Manila. | All speakers will, stow i slides with their messages. 140 E. Flint' St,' Lake Orion. The programs will to based on a currently popular book by Douglas Jackson entitled "Stumbling Block.” The general theme far the series is ‘.‘A Study of Alcohol and Christian Responsibility. Tomorrow's speaker it Charles . Kent, chief counselor at the Brighton Hospital for Alcoholism. The series is sponsored by the church's Commission on Minions, Education and Christian Social Concerns in conjunction with the Woman's Society of Christian Serv- Senior Ugh Fellowship will meet af 4 p.m. and the Young Adult Fellowship will meat at tto same hour for a feJiowsklp CHURCH of the GOOD SAMARITAN «tM Hlllcreet Dr., Waterford Sunday School 5:30 to 6:30 Service 7 DO P.M. Wm. Rsrknut of Dtt', Speaker For Information Call OR 1-MT4 First Congregational Church MilL E. Huron and Mt. Clemens Malcolm K. Burton, Minister Howard Clegg /r., Assistant Morning Worship and Church School •:00 A.M. . “LISTEN TO THE BABES" Mr. Howard Class Jr. . 10:30 A.M. "WHETHER IT BE RIGHT United. Presbyterian Churches 0AKLMD AVENUE Oakland at OadlBab Morning Worship ...10:00 All. Sunday School ......11:20 A.M. Sunday School Goal •» 700 Youth Fellowship ... 5 45 P.M. Evening Worship . . . 7:00 P.U. Wednesday Prayer < 7 00 PM, AUBURN HEIGHTS _ 3458 Primary Street ~r~ F. Wm. Palmtr. Paitor 10.00 A.M. — Sunday School 11.15 All. Morning Worship Infant Baptism 6:30 P.M. — Youth Fellowship 7:30 F.M. — Bible Study DRAYTON Drayton Plains, Michigan W. J. TacuwlsMD Jr., Fetter Bible School ........ 9:45A.M. Morning Worship ... ’.11:00 A.M. Youth Oouna ........6:30 P.M. Evening Worship ... 7:30 P.M. J0SLYN AVE. Joslyn at Third Edmond L Watkins. FeMr Sunday SctooT.......9:30 All. Worship Services ...lOlS All. Eyening Service ..... 7:00 P.M. "Waterford Township's American Baptist Church" CRESCENT HILLS BAPTIST Crescent Lake Rock! near Hatchery Road Worritp 10 All. 11 AM. Sunday School Large Parking r “------- — Nursery During All Services FIRST CHURCH of the BRETHREN 46 NORTH ROSELAWN Saturday Young Peoplr's Class Moating 7 P.M. Sunday School, 10 >.M. . Morning Message by tto Pastor, 11 A M.—Special Music - Evening Service. 7:00 P.M. Thuri. Bible and Prayer Service, 7:30 P.M. ST. ANDREWS EPISCOPAL CHURCH WELCOMES T0U FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ____,.M. HOLT COMMUNION 10:00 A.S&ROLT COMMUNION Rev. Edward A. Lowey, Rector Drayton Plains, Mich. Ookland arid Saginaw Pontiac, Michigan Riv. H. H. Savage', Pastor Memorial Baptist women are in- SUNDAY SCHOOL vited to attend tto AH Women’s hjj^QJfSHIP HOUR meeting at Highland Park Baptist Church at 10:15 a.m. Thursday. Reservations should be made for lunch. GOSPEL HOUR Central Methodists Plan Fellowship Program far Whole Family APR. 11-16 7:30 NIGHTLY Exalting Resurrected Christ Wes find Sharon Tressler Gospel Sirigers . Thirty members of Central Methodist Church will meet from * to 8 p.m. Sunday and Sundays to* Teach in the Chunm School.’ They will be Joined by Methodists from, other city churana. The course taugbt by Rev. Harry Lord, a former secretary of the Michigan Council of Churches, will part of a Sunday evening feUow-ip that provides a program for the whole family. Dr. Milton H. Bank will teach a| ass on “Baric Christian Beliefs. Richard C. Poole and Mrs. Arthur Sweet wifi teach a class en-led “Stumbling mock.” This study wtll deal with alcohol aad the Chriattaa’s reapomi-Mlity. Mrs. Marvin Andrews will di-mt nursery and kindergarten groups. Tto program tor primary 1 Junior children wUl be under direction of Mrs. Ralph “ “ Junior and Senior High young people will have a special program arranged by Methodist Youth Fellowriitp. Dr. Bank said there will be no charge for thtf family fellowship and invites anyone in-tcrested to attend tha seariom., Dr. Bank wiU preach on "Setting * Goal Aright." at tha •:» and 1:45 a.m. worship hours Sunday. FIRST NAZAHENE CHURCH SO STATE ST. .. 9:45 A.M. . 11:00 A.M. Sunday School .. Morning. Worship Junior Ond Youth Fellowship . ____.. 6:00 P.M. Evening Evangelistic 7:00 P.M. , "A Friendly Church Friendly Community" J. E. van ALLEN. Putir YOUTH HOUR Norman Clothier Chalk Artist Youth for Christ Director Rev. Jason Falter Pilgrim Holiness Church Baldwin at Fairmount 9:45 A. M.—SUNDAY SCHOOL Classes for all ages 10:45'A. M.—MORNING WORSHIP 7:00 P. M.—EVENING SERVICE i Guest Speaker—Rev. Clarence Sands San Jose, California Apostolic Church of Christ 458 CENTRAL Young Pedple Saturday ......^m... 7:30 P.M. Sunday School and Wonhlp............10:00 AM. Sunday Evening Service .............7:30 PM. Services Tues. and Thurs. .......... 7:30 P.M. Church Phone FE 5-8361 i CHRISTIAN SCIENCEi SUBJECT FOR SUNDAY 9 ARE SIN, DISEASE and DEATH REAL? Sunday Services and . Sunday School UiOO'A.M. 1 Evening Service—2nd Sunday 7:30 P.M. Wednesday Evening Serviots 8 P.M. Reading Room • 2 East Lawrence Street - Open Daily 11 A.M. to 5 P.M. Friday to 9 P.M. llftST CHURCH of CHRIST, SCIENTIST Lawrence and Williams Streets HOF CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALS RADIO STATION CKLW—800 KC SUNDAY, 9:45 At. M. TV Every Sunday; Channel 7, 9:30 AM. ■mmmmmmrammmftmBHHBmmiftiMB , Telegraph Prtmillgnnial—Independent—Fundamental Dr. Malone Speaking at All Services 10 A-M - 11 A M.- 7 P.M. Large Choir—Thrilling Music for the Whole Family. Departmentdliied Sunday School. ........ .\ ...... ’____— Radio Broadcast . vWPON 10:F5--A.M. Each Standby Sunday Evening 7 :00 Pr M. Dr. Malone will show his color .films on HOME, ITALY . ? Sunday School Attendance Last Sunday 2,055 'M ML TOM MALONMpptor FOURTEEN1 THE PONTIAC PRESS. SATURDAY, APRIL 8» 1M1 Gwy PUyw TVs Arale for Halfway Lead «l Augusta with 137 Palmer's on Top in Masters, but Has Companion SrCT? AUGUSTA. Ga. (AP) - The Palmer Method was ehaliet«cd by a jaunty South African who writes his own golf ticket as the «lver anniversary Masters Tournament today aped into its third round s priitye two-man show. . The psr-emashing, deadlocked , duo of defending champion Arnold Palmar and PGA top money-winner Gary Player carried a four-stroke lead over an apparently frustrated array of 36 pros'and three amateurs into the semifinal lfe-hole maid. The pacesetters reached halfway mark of die 73-hole mod-el play classic with 7-under-par BTs., «■ • • * * a The 150-pound Player, dedicated to "give it » full go,” Friday was the only shooter on Augusta National's sunny, scenic acres who refused to concede that Palmer : it regarded a gold-plated cinch to win an unprecedented Thursday matched Palmer's 68, wavered to a 73 and a third-place grading of 141 at 36 holes. ..A stroke behind Rosburg able Don January, who rallk the only other 68 seooad-rCund third in lour years. LEAD THE MASTERS" - Arnold Palmer (left) and Gary Player poke at a clubhouse ■Corahoard showing their seven-under-par 137 which toads the Masters Golf Tournament at the halfway point in Augusta. Palmer had a 68 yesterday. The two pro golfers are currently the leading money winners on the PGA circuit and they were picked as the top choices in the tourney. and aaovad fata fourth spot Masters king Jimmy Demaret, with M2, 2-under-par lor the die- T * ' ■ tance. After that, it was a flCMUy charge in the maw* for the winner’s purse wUdt could exceed Palmer’s S1TJOO swag last year; Knotted at 143, six strokes back of Palmer and Player, were seven players proa Byron Nelson. 46, a two-time Masters champion and Ken Venturi. Lionel Hebert, Tommy Bolt, Ted Kroll, and Walter Burkemo, along with the top amateur, Charley Coe f^-todee DA Amateur champion. thorn who fell by the ing U.S. Open champion has led I show which was won by Art Wall, femshi original ktartkig alter 38 holes in three Straight] Last year Palmer had.,a, aec^ __ of II were seven former Masters, his best previous second ond-round 18 aa hewent on to >rtn MMteta rhamptons, including 1855 round UMa 70 In the 1991 Augusta! with a 6-under-par 282. winner and 1166 U.S. Open champion Cary Middtecoff; three-time Only one confemfer wasat even-ir 144, slender Paul Harney, while bracketed at 145 war* flue players former U.S. Open champions Lew Worsham and Jack Flack, Gene Littkr, and the other riving amateurs, Jack Nicklaus and Bob Gardner. Player dipped the par 72, 6,980-yard course for five birdies in a 35-33—68 round which put the Packed between 146 and 149-pressure on first-round leader cutoff point for the final m holes Palmer, whose 69 was a turnabout were M players, among them from the previous day’s effort by ’three - time Master champion each- Sammy Snead and two-time win- Bespectacled Boh Rosburg. whojner Ben Hogan, each at 147. Other casualties included former. U.S. Open champions Julius Boros and Ed Furgol and last year’s British Open champion, KM Nagle. Player said he Had “a positive attack” towards the Masters' which could make him its-first foreign champion. "Thla fe the Mod- of course that in eat you up if you are over-mfident,” said Playfer, who now is stroked 11 successive sub-10 anpctitlve rounds. “I will keep playing my normal game which • an attacking game. H it worts, fine. If not — well, l*m only 25 years old.” * ★ * •; ■ Palmer, who has needed 28 putts for his first two rounds, was ideated that he finally broke TO^on his second round of Masters play. Although, the nigged reign- PLAYFUL MOOD — Gary Player cuts capers to the delight of the fans after sinking a birdie putt on the 18th green during the second round of the Masters Golf Tournament yesterday, in Augusta." At the left is his partner Bill Hyndman. for Major Teague Openers Kennedy Ready ! tolfiaugijrate New Senators I Ploy Chiiox Monday; All Other Teams Open on Tuesday NEW YORK (AP) — Sene 300,000 baseball fans are expected to attend the nine openers when the major leagues open their 1961 season nod week. ' Washington gets the traditional jump on w other chibs with a special inaugural at the nation’s capital Monday. The opposition Will be the Chicago White Sox and » sellout crowd of 27,419 is ex-ppeted to watch President Kennedy throw out the flat ball before right-hander Dick Demyan of the new. Senators opposes Early Wynn, the White Sox veteran. He‘ll Remember Masters Tigers Lose Lakeland Final; Cut 2 Players LAKELAND, Fla. (!) - The Detroit Tigers broke spring camp today sind, headed home for new season with a bitter okl] slogan — "DOTTKnbck the Rock. The Tigers, in their last game at Lakeland, looked just like the Tigers of 1960 when they limped home sixth. And Rocky Colavoto still was leaving runners stranded Rl gaoling position,. ,f ^ ^ : The Minnesota Twtos — the former Washington Senators who drove the Tigers frantic last All other teams, including tjie new Los Angeles Angels get under Way Tuesday. The hugest crowd probably will be in Los Angeles where the Dodgers will play the Philadelphia Phillies under the lights before approximately 50.000, The schedule, attendance and probable pitchers for Tuesday's games follow; NATIONAL LEAGUE St. Louis at Milwaukee, 40,000. Broglio vs. Spahn. Chicago at Ctatihnati, 32,000, Hobble vs. Purkey. Pittsburgh at San Francisco, 42.000, Friend Vs. Jones. ,1 Philadelphia, at Los Angeles. IKuS 50.000, Roberts vs. Drysdafe. JsSSS!^ AMERICAN LEAGUE - Minnesota at New York,' 20,000. Ranios vs. Ford, - ~ Los Angeles at Baltimore, 45.000, Carver vs. Pappas. Kansas City at Boston, 20.000, Herbert vs Monbouquette. Cleveland at Detroit, 40.000. Perry vs. Bunning. (Only games scheduled) For the first time, the American League will deviate from its eight-team setup. The addition of two clubs—Los Angeles and Washington. with the original .Senators] switching to Minnesota, has resulted in an increase in the play-„ .jng.jRStoduto-4rom^ games. The National League, which fielded 12 teams In the 1892-1899 era, will expand to ,10 teams in 1962. Seven teams will open with new managers, including the .Chicago Cubs which will have eight coaches in lieu of a. field leader. Ralph . Houk will make his debut as Yankee pitot He succeeds Casey Stengel’ who won 10 pennants in hi* 12-year reign in New York. Other new pilots include Alvin Dark at San Francisco, Bob Schef-fing at Detroit, Joe ; Gordon —Kansas City, Mickey Vernon Washington and Billy Rigney at Los Angeles. Absent from the baseball scene for the. Cist time in 22 yean (exclusive to the waryears) will be Ted Williams, the Boston Red Sox slugger. Returning, however, will he another Red Sox. favorite, Jackie Jensen, after a year's layoff. Interest will hie focused, on hatch to newcomers. Some to the nnsmM standnvos NATIONAL LEAGUE season — blanked them 1-t in the Laketaad finale yesterday. Camilo Pascual allowed the Tigers only five hits over eight innings before yielding to rookie Bill Piles in the ninth. Plies needed only three pitches to retire the Tigers hi- their final turn at bat. Three times Coiavito came to bat with a runner on. third. Each time he failed, twice chasing strikes by Pascual. Detroit plays the Kaaaas City Athletics at Jacksonville, Fto. tomorrow before flying the rest to the Way home. Don Moasi pitched four iiwtriut innings and Hank Aguirre hurled three more. Rookie Jim Donohue yielded the lone run in the eighth. It came in on Hannon Killebrew’ sacrifice fly — the same type to ball Ctoa^to needed to get a ran home twice earlier. The Tigers, meanwhile. fed ode Carl Yamstrzemsld, Red Sox; Billy Williams, Cube; Charlie Hiller, Giants; Willl.e Davis. Dodgers; Dick Bowser, Athletics; Ken Hunt, Red*; Joe Martin. White Sox; Ron Henry. Twins; Roland Addon. Yankes: Don IartfOB, Card*; Steve Boros and Jahe Whnd, Tiger* jj I Monday, area, i* Prak.kl* ruchm AM**8ra» Shss WmSm tUtMat ■ Ml von-lost rtcord* Id ptnotlM AMERICAN LEAGUE Ihlcftgo (Wynn IMS) »t WMhtav (DmoVhn *-l>. , 1 90 pm. 27.410. Only fmm# Bfhedulfd NATIONAL LEAGUE No |upn scheduled. TUESDAY. A PHIL II AHMKAJI LEAGUE ■ MtnntMU rtUfOM IMT at Hew 1 •Ford 1141. 2 pm 20.000 OmiMi i Perry 10-10) at De tBunnfn* 11-14). 1:20 p.m.« 37.1 KMMiOty (Herbert 14-15) at Be (MoobouGuette 14-11). I pm.. 10 Lea Aacele* tGrtot 0-4) ot BeUin Pitcher Gordon Se.vfried and outfielder George Ahisik were sent to the Drover term ctab. Outfielder Babbs Morion and pitcher Bill flucher were brought op to (he Tigers from Denver. Manager Bob Scheffing spoke to reliever Ray Nariesld, who last week quit the dub in a buff when inrmdaed to Detroit contract.: Scheffing said he told Nariesld, idled all last season with a bad back, to try to work himself back into form at Denver. Nariesld had quit when the Tigers refused to give him a Major League contract Nariesld said last night at his Haddonfield, N.J.. home that he was turning down Scheffing'* latest plea. made up rtiy mind that I had to come through this year,” The 32-year-old rittht hander -said. I’m not getting any younger and don’t want to be In the minors. ’’If I don’t play this year I believe I‘m .finished with baseball. n't go to Denver, so 111 just ]ia$| to accept the lad.” Young Amateur Eagles Augusta's Longest Hole AVGUSTA, Ga. (AP) — Steve champion BUI Caspar got ''fire Spray probably never will forget his first Masters Golf Tournament. He was eliminated after 36 Imks"' but he made an cogie cp the longest hole on the Augusta National course. Spray is a thin, boyish-looking 20-year-old from Des Moines, Iowa, and Fortalea, N.M., who qualified for a Masters invitation when he unexpectedly reached the quarter-finals to. toe U.S. Amateur championship last year. Like most newcomers and ! moot amateurs, he wasn’t exp ed to do anything important the rolling, trying Augusta National course. But on the second hole to Us second round Friday he belted a long second shot past the traps to the green and rolled a 60-foot putt into the cup. R was unimportant to Steve that five other players had eagles an toe downhUl 555-yard second hole, or that an unprecedented total to eight were made on one *;;w , -V : ■ > •. . ■ ar re»i*fss BUNNY SIDE — The Major League basebaU teams are heading North and this may be the scene when they open the season nfcxt week. In yesterday’s exhibition game between the Yankees and Cardinals in Busch Stadium, St. Louis, aU the tins huddled to one corner, the sunny side of the. left Odd stands. A crowd to 3,442 showed up for the game in top coats. OSfTtft* S»art «xtri hofe, Casper’s tee shot landed atop a hump oo toe green and stayed there. JSome three or four minutes later, as the players walked onto the green, it began to roll bade and didn’t step, until it was off the edge 40 feet away, HHHB 1*0 rounds D the Mute OoU TlHWMt ot tbo por *•-*•—7* A gusto Notions! Course: Arnold Pointer ....... Dory Pieter .......... «aU PRESS BOX The Pontiac Church Softball League will bold an org*"**™™! meeting Tnwrtty at uS pin. at the Columbia Avenue Baptist Church on W. Columbia hear . Baldwin. AU churches are invited -to send representatives to the session. " . . , In addition to Spray, professionals Tommy Bolt, Walter Burkemo, Lionel Hebert and tony Cerda and Dr. Bud Taylor, member to the last U.S. Walker Cup team, eagled at the second hole. The day’s other eagles were made by two-time amateur champion Charlie Coe on the tricky 475-yard 13th hole and by past Master Byron Nelson on toe 530-yard uphill eighth. Hebert, in addition to getting his eagle at the second with an 8-ineh putt, holed -out a 25-foot chip shot for a birdie at toe first hole and canned an. 18-footer from .trap at the fourth. According to Ms playing partner, Bob Rosburg, former Open Friend Has Been Only Vinner c 7475—lS ..................... SS-7S—1M *Ch»rlei Lewi* ........ 74-7S—ISO —.---- 77-77—U# 77-77—IW _______________m.......... ge tor.::........................»-* ammlly ... I Buyer .. ——Urn Miguel iFrank Ttylor . Mario Oooiale* BKr OwUgMSId _ *Xelth Alexander 7S-7A—1M 7S-7A-1U 77-75—153 75-77-157 80-73—153 —■— ................. 75-77—177 Rorr .............. 75-77—153 ■yndaaa .........n;:. 7440—154 Mtngrum ........... 10-75—155 70-75—US »-77—ISO Lloyd 1 Pirates Having Mound Troubles By The Associated Press sistently in command, and Man- No one gets tbo concerned about exhibition games, but the toci-Xfo mains that juxt When they should be getting -a sharp edge with toe National League aeaaan set to open in three days, the big guns to toe world champion Pittsburgh Pirate mound staff are getting bombed. Only Bob Friend has beeq con- & another RECORD - Chris Von SalUa to Santa Clam (Chlif.) Swim Club sras heavily favored in the 250 yard freestyle today after winning her tfdrd title and setting two records .ja three days. She set a new AAU record to If iiL * r t L \ 5:34.5 ii/the 500 yard freestyle t> own time to 5:37.7. She won the and afro the 200 backstroke events. 11k Women's AAU champtatoips are being held hi Hialeah, j , - If- ager Danny Murtaugh already as his opening* day pitcher at San Francisco Tuesday. But the way the other front-ners on the staff have been betted of late is enough to moke Murtaugh swallow his chaw. 35-game winner Vera Law was rapped for eight runs by Detroit, and the next day the Tigers went to work on Vinegar Bead Mizell for U runs. Then, after a day- off, the Philadelphia Phillies took tip the attack, scoring six runs off southpaw Harvey Haddix in the sixth inning and handing the Bucs their third straight defeat, 7-4 Friday at Wichita. Elsewhere, a trio to aore-annod pitchers indicated last jaaFt miseries are in toe past. Camilo Pascual gave up just five hits for right shutout innings as the Minnesota Twtos beat Detroit 1-0 at Fla. Gary r , jar a pair of home runs, but made it easily through seven innings as the Cleveland Indiana Hugged the Lee Angeles Dodgers 63 at Las Vegas. And Ike Datock to toe Boatou Red Sax " innings for a 4-1 dackdon Chicago's CUbs at Iloaaton. Cincinnati made it Area In a row over Milwaukee. M b 13 tunings at Charlotte, N.C., and the gt Louis Osrdkisls defeated the New York Iteirteo 8-6 at Louis in th* only other games mus was the big blow for the Phils against Htakfix-Robin Itoh TWW »r the Phils and * U two-run homer in the*’ first inning by Dick Stuart, ending his spring shutout striig at 34 innings. Don HoT * homered for toe Hues in game since suffering an ankle injury a week ago. Dallas Green worked tbs lafet five innings for the Phils and gave up just hit, retiring the last 13 man faced. Except for the homers by brothers Sherry-pitcher Larry and catcher Norm—Bell had the Dodgers in hand. The Indians ooOactad IT His, 11 of them mooting for a wreatiiag "double” In the National AAU Ginieo-Ro- Howie Nunn, who went to Kxmd to the nth te- to. rma. ready to Dnla Lewis of tot University of Oklahoma, toe ' ■ ——n.— in fraaatyto ca) RRH set Friday night by Pat UveU to Fraactooo who pinned the . in |! a Mond-round match Six points wrOstier sends tines and Lauda already boa five. Walt Goltl to RUi Francisco, with print, and Limll with two The other tone freestyle champions wore in good shape after*' turning in two pins in Groco-Ro-. man competition, Stock had a* dean slate. They are Dick Wilson of tbs University of Toledo at 1M' pound*: Russ CamiDeri to San-’ Ereadseo at 174 pounds, and Laa I Atal to Multnomah. Ore. A.C. to., ■the 1 I IW pound class. W * • OtiMr leaders in the Greco-Ro- tonight were: 147-pouad claas—Hideki Akutsu, W|Ba; 160 pounds — BBl Welck, San Francisco, and Kstsuo Shi-" bata, Japan; 125 pnftol^ui Go-'''IliiiwwIf'iKd-'' m so Pentok, New York AC. / JL ;U TOT PONTIAC PRRftR. SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1961 FIFTEEN Prep i ' II Sy IWN VOOEL Front An invitational track meet April 22 will highliskt the dedication ceremonies of Orchard Lake St Marv’s new track and football field. ' * Joining the hoet echool in the meet will be Ann Arbor St Thomas, Maple Grove 8t. Michael, Saginaw 88 Peter and Paul,'Dearborn St. Alphonsus, Oroeee Pte 8t Paul W&tertord Our Lady of the Lakes, Detroit Service, Detroit St. Bernard and Detroit Boly Redeemer. The new fadlltlae were made possible through the efforts of the St. -llaryY‘t“---------r ~" . ■ ------ Moms* and Dads1 Club. The Rev. John Gabalsld, st. Mary’s track coach, will be the meet director. Called the first Orchard Lake St. Mary’s Invitational Relays, the meet will gat underway after die dedication ceremony which starts at 1 fill. , ■ • ♦..~dt • It's contract time in many school systems and by the look* of things, good number ot Oakland County area coaches are taking a good look around before signing. ' Meat of the mentors will sign, of esnms, they tews families __________ Qmmptonohlp. job if Bto I ofte bo let ont of Ms he can sign with the In moot cases, this request is honored by administrators. At the moment there are two openings — basketball and wrestling — at Lake Orion, a basketball job vacant at Farmington, and several positions needing to be filled it tbs new Waterford Kettering. Several other coaches have indicated they are “tooktof.” ★ A a - Some area grid coaches will be sounding out other mentors and athletic dimeters at Sis Region' Ten Football Clinic which cotv eludes today at FUnt State Swimmers Drop to Third Aim Arbor Women Continue in Contention for AAU Honors -HIALEAH, Fla. (AP)-The outcome of five events today will determine whether the Santa dart, Callt, Swim dub will retain Us National Women’s AAU Indoor Braes Kime, new banbafi debut next Friday when the Falcon* Mil Utica, lima bee IS II neflto. trailed Multnomah Athletic ~CBlb of Portland, Ore., after the tetter’s successful defense ot its 400-freestyle title Friday boosted the Oregonians to a leading OH points. Ann Arbor, Midi., third with tttt. Today’s windup program features the 100-yard butterfly, 100-yard backstroke, 3-meter diving and 406-yard medley relay. Donna de Varans, 13, of Berkeley, Calif., youngest members of the U.S. Olympic teem, bnk Chris von Salter* record of 1:30. Friday wMh~a-*rl»S in the 200-yard individual medley. Miss Von Saltza set a 800-yard freestyle mark of 8-.32J hr the trials and won tbs event with a clocking of 1:90.5. Kathy EOla, 14, ot'the Indianapolis Athletic Club won the 100-yard butterfly in. 1:QLT and Jean Ann Dellakamp, also 14, took the MO-yard breaststroke in 1:13.9. stroag contender ter MOotorty honors. Dick Marsh, Pontiac Northern track coach, to looking for half miier Ed Murray to turn la some fine pertemaneaa this spring. The coach la also looking for more participants in track. At last report only 19 boys have been working out in sweat suits. * * 4 A1 CutbrsQ, Waterford track coach, laugha nervously every time someone tells him. the Skippers are the bait team in county. tell, "It’s a nice thought,” said Cuth-“and we hope so. But you sever tell.” Wn be gees oa to say that be figure* banners Ass Falls, tripits. Ed 8tigers and Deaal* Tripp should break U Mike Sickels might hit 10 seconds In the 1M: that this “coaid be the year we beat Psottae Central.” Coaches at Waterford art faoad with a major problem. Half the athldtee will be switching to Kettering next fall. ‘‘lure rebuilding,” said Cutb- take Orion Nine 8-3 Victor Over Wolves Breaking a 1-1 deadlock in the 5th inning Lake Orion went on to whip Oarinton M in the ana prep baseball opener on • Friday afternoon. Winner Mike Ruch and Larry hompson allowed tin V only two hi t»—doubles by Don Marsh and pitcher Tom Gerbeck. Powell was the loser. He replaced Gerbeck and gave up four runs in the BRi and three more in the 7th. Johnson garnered three of Orion’s six hits white Rogar WU-and Doug Trtimw blasted Wolverines Drop Pair PHOENIX, Arte. Ill —Clovor pitching by Mike Barnhart and some- timely hitting by Buddy Gatke gave Phoenix College a 3-1 and 94 baseball sweep over Michigan yesterday. Michigan . Phoenix Ci Can Playoff Experience Help Red Wings? Take on Hawks Tonight in 2nd Cup Final Game Sawchuck, Pronovost Sidelined; Abel Shows Confidence DETROIT ill — The Chicaco Black Hawks, who longer without winning the Stanley Cup than any other teem in the National Hockey League, take one game lead into the eeoond game of the 1SU cup finale t» night against the Detroit Red Wings. Not since BUI Stewart’s 1999 teem have the Hawks won hockey' most coveted prise. To end too 23-year famine Chicago must do-feet a team accustomed to play-mwtm The Hawks have made the' playoffs only four times In tlte last fifteen years. In that Same span, Detroit has missed the Playoffs only ones. It has bees 17 years shies Chicago competed in the finals. Eight times In that stretch Detroit has been in the final round. tailde die fine 14 mbrntee of play, the Hawks captured a 9-9 decision In the series opener to Oteeago Thursday night. Detroit's Olympia Stadium wUI be the site of the second game In the best of seven teewtewa. The Red Wings need every bit of the edge their playoff experience night give them If they are to square the serial before the third game back in Chicago Monday Bight. They jin bo playing with-Sift two of their btae-chlp performers, goalie Terry Sawctmk and defenseman Marcel Pronovost A Shoulder injury to flawchuk and foot bruise to Pronovost forced both players to the sidelines diming the opening gam*. Hank__ sen will replace Sawshuk in poal at least tor tonight’s game. The Wings called no Lon Maroon from their Edmtmdton farm chib to help with the defensive work. AAA Coach Sid Abel is encouraged over Detroit's changes, despite the injuries. “They nearly ran us tea In tee tint period In CUcago ought back wtew a team back tafe the Manley Ckp ptotore in Ms teird fan season a ^ “Our players were 1 gloomy after that loss think coining back as we did may have given us a real liftfor me rest of tiie i AAA He recalled that his the opener in the semifinal series e back and defeated kaavtly favored Toronto four straight times to win a berth In the finals for the first time in five seasons. St Louis Hoping Lovellette Will Offset Russell Waterford Downs Southwestern Chiefs 4th in.CMU Meet flint Northern established itself as tbs trade power in the Saginaw Vallsy Conference by winning the Centred Michigan indoor invitation-. al •'relays loot night. Defending champion Pontiac Centred placed fourth in the 13-team Arid. All Valley teams were on hand except FUnt Southwestern which was losing « home meet to Water-y ford, 66-43. 'geooND «e«-r Hawks, in', a familiar backs-to- N*«bnebt%r*Vsrd* (*) 'and ayrias; ball’s world series, are pinning their hopes of neutralizim Bos-great BUI Russell on |h* braced back of Clyde Lovellette. The. defending champion Critics hold a commanding 2-0 toad going into the third game of tilt National Basketball Association title playoff at 3 p.m., E8T today. It will be nationally televised by NBC. m tee Vikings abetted op M potato to mantrap Muskegon’s M The man’s singles field will be narrowed to the finalists tonight tin finals to all events Bun- > Newell Advocates Helping Europeans Play Basketball GRAND RAPIDS «—Pete New-lperimental game* with the new] ell, U. 8. Olympic basketball basket bright teres drawn favor-coach and Untvsrrity of Chfifcrate able reaction. k j athletic director, claims overseas | athletes have turned to Russia for basketball knowledge. ’■ ' ■ ★ fir ♦ j He commented In Grand Rapids where he eras a guest panelist ati the 4th annual mkhwterh has-! ketball clinic which concluded Saturday. The clinic drew man BLUE SKY LANES Call PI 2-1200 for Fall Reservations DETROIT (AP) rolled a hefty 999 series, Friday nightf veteran Paul Knunake may have given the American Bowling Congress its first Mg classic division headache. inks to Ms 247-206-247 contribution, the Mont dare Pontiac team of Chicago took fourth place in the regular team division. The team totaled 3,012, placing iUlS pins behind leading Stu’s Drive fit of IfttMa, OMo. Why Knunake, a top-ranking star for three decades, te not a ibsr of the classic division te a question whteh te likely to paste thousands of bowters. Mont dare, .furthermore, competes in th# Chicago Claaric League, cm of th* nation's top tenpin loops, fir 'fir .. fir Knunake, voted “Bowler of tha Half Century” to a poll of Chicago newspapermen several years ago, has claimed dosens of national titles. Ho won the notional match game atogtee tide to 1944, the 1949 national doubles (with Karan. M, a sign painter lor the tity of Detroit, blasted a 710 aar-tes in the doubles. His partner, Pat Stone, chipped in M> to give the pair a 1,340 total. Karra had 879 te the team event Intraday night, and 091 in Ike singles to boost Ms nine-game aggregate to 1,990. journal. How Knunake managed to bowl in the rqgular division white hundred* 6t bowlers of lesser i ‘ “ and. reputations were forced to compete to the claaric (professional) division., te not easily explained. ★ A * 1 don’t fit into the ABCs definition of a claaric bowler,” Krum-ske said. “I derive less than one-quarter of my income from bowl-tog and I am not a member of file Professional Bowlers Associa-talked the matter over with ABC officiate extensively be- fore I bowled." fir A A Should Knunake sprint into the all-events lead today—with die help of Ms 899- - Diminutive Dick Pounchard . rapped home three goals as he ted 8t Paul to a 6-2 victory over Muskegon to the International Hockey League final playoffs here last night. The triumph gives the defending champion Saints a 2-1 edge in the beet-of-7 series for th* Turner Cup. Tha third gams will be played hare Sunday. CARL’S GOLF DRIVING RANGE ROW 0PEH 2045 Dixie Highway Cor. Telegraph CIOM«Ollt PRO-ONLY GOLF CLUBS Rep, I93.fl $8 095 49’ 1 treads, I tora hag, s SPRING SPECIAL i 900 Mates tatie to ms Its leadsridp The femur Michigan State University coach also claimed international bariathafi on the (Rym-pic leva! is in Jeopardy unless fira United States takas a hand. He was concerned shout new rules tavohsd at the recent Olympic games and a proposal of splitting basketball teams en th* basis of player height—one division te 6-footer* her. te those over six rulti change ptedgR.Rra ha** 12 test ace Imm the floor kMtekA of fite prea-S5 ent 10 feet to cot, the advantage Whan a door-to-door solicitor talks you into buying his product, subscribing to a magazine, or contributing to a Cause, thfair twice before you part with your money. ■ Remember that dealing with reliable local stores is usually much more satisfactory; the stores are always here—you may never see the doorbell salesman again. Few good magazine publishers have to resort to high-pressure methods to acquire new subscribers. And many times the “Cause” to which you contribute actually receives only a tiny percentage of the solicitor’s “take” or perhaps doesn’t exist except in his mind. DON’T BE HIGH PRESSURED. BETTER ETHICS BOARD of the Pontiac Are* Chamber of Commerce SIXTEEN THE PONTIAC PRESS. SATURDAY; APRIL, 8, 1001 ONE C0U5t Early Reports Indicate Strong Decline From La>t Year Industrial Earnings for *61 May Give Wall Street Bulls a Jar . By SAM DAWSON ' I _ ****»«■» News Analyst {shake the optimism of the Wall I this year have run strongly to de-NEW YORK — A new rush Street bulls from time to time.'dine from the previous year. This u * PTott m kxw statements is on] The early reports on industrial Icould change as more report. [the'way. And some<-of them mayleamings in the first months of Even the banks are jolnta* die parade. They have been able un- til now to chalk up steady increases in profits, contrary }o the that has plagued loans from a base of 4V4 per cod, A year ago/* ' charge .was 5 per '■ V'v*' tp V,"*, t f ' ' *• •-''.I' ^ ’ - ■ / '~v, so many of their industrial tomera during the attde far bust-activity. But fX last declining interest rates have caught up with die banks. And the first reports for the January-March quarter show ja majority of the financial institutions making less money than a year ago. deapite a modest.increase in the volume of loans tai {many instances, i INTOn RATES FALL ! Interest rates have fallen for iw'o reasons, ■ First, -their has been a drop over-all demand for loans spread throughout the financial community — for rhortgages, instalment credit and long-term debt for corporate expansion, as well as the short-termborrowing of in-dustry from banks. -In the banks* their customers often needed less short-term borrowing to carry reduced stocks trimmed payrolls. The easywoney 'policy plus the lessening of demand long-term funds 1 yields from bonds down, 'so that banks are getting lees from this investment. Mortgage rates now an softening, meaning still less income for, die various institutions. and individuals who are in this financial' market. Second, managers,in Washington started months ago to ease the mone^_,_marJt£t as,-.-a TweapSH Spins!: recession — by {whatever name they may have been calling it then. This trend has continued under the new administration - which wants longterm interest rates to fall to en- FROSTY FREIGHTERS — Two U. S. Coast Guard icebreakers make their way to the freighter George H. Ingalls (left) which was locked in slush ice near the Buffalo, N. Y., harbor for three days. Also packed in the Lake - *r rhiteiai Erie slush was the tanker Mercury, an oil carrier. The Ingalls, loaded with new cars from Detroit, was freed, chopping through to dear water (upper right). The Mercury still was locked fast. growth, while short-term rates {hold firm. Big city banks are now scaling their interest charges on business In the manufacturing sector otl Sales of manufacturing corpora- Lack of Soldiers Bothers BriM __ economy the profit' story is a“different one. Returns on the sales dollar have been (queered for many months. This has affected net income after taxes for dons went up ff.T billion while profits wars declining by Jl.l billion: The Spcuriites and Exchange Trade Commission report sales at record |3«.7 billion end profits at $15.2..... have risen. Some compdhies have been hit twice ■ first, by dedining sales volume, end that by lower margins of returns on what they did sell. Hie post squeeze 01 seems to have been the more potent factor over-all.. A study of 3,034 manufacturthg companies by the First National City'Bulk of New York reports 1980 net income at fl&B billion, against $111 bUUon for a decline ef 4 per cent. This puts profit per sales dollar at 14 cents in 1900, against 5.8 cents In 1959. The av- erage profit mafgin for the years wougli -**«-*»— JURY selector — Bailiff Mary Pica, rigid, shows Chicago courage recovery ’ and tnuntdpal judge Augustine Bowes how juron we selected by a' ----ping pong halls. Each ball is imprinted wfflT a juror's number, then placed in glass box. Jets of air agitate the balls and force them out a tube at top one at a time. Number is matched to name and juror is called. 1959 was 813.....'per Divorce Decrees ■saarM-A. from Ernest _____________ttjPg&MWf Shavkat from Jot Wood* Jr Evelyn A. from William 1. Chilton ffSMSl C. from BSmjnd C. WWW Violet from Herman P. Watt ihlrley C. from Cortle I. Lambert Minnie a from Junta I. Lilly Mamina n. fraw Pnat VMtr......... Vlrflnl* M. from mater P. Bchllle Jaeraattw tram Richard D. Smith Carol i. from Allen R. Obereoo Bette t. from Henry It. minor Gladys R. free Robert S. Bailey Sva from Bnral 1Hi*h?“ __ nsni iWBfiroen—~ Joyce from B«ut Weir Helen from HoUU Wilmoth ftr. Dorothy If. from Leonard P. Shorter i William 8- Holm from Piter Peuhaus Shortage of Aten May Prevent Army From Ateeting Emergencies ___next few years, the British regular arniy probably not hnyL the manpower toipeent. This warning was given recently by the usually cautious Loudon Times. The paper Is Mt alone la predicting manpower dlffioultiea ahead for foe anny< The government has ordered an end to conscription by December, 1982, and lias told military planners they must raise a volunteer'regular army of 195,000 men by that time. There already are done to that number of men serving as regulars, but many of them are on short term enlistments, and aeri-ous doubts have been expressed in both the House of Commons and the British press is to whether the army can hit Its target. A war Office spokesman refused to agree with the pessimists. He said that army leaders were confident the target would be met. Even with UMN men the army will be well below Ms pres- ent strength •* which includes conscripts eervtHg two year hitches. To back the regulars foe government is planning to reform its ^tanteer wSeheiMr iaMfafrF. known -as “territorials," into a hwd-Mt-ting. well-equipped force trained In nuclear war techniques. East Germany Jails ’Em 13,000 in Political Prisons BONN (UPI) — Thirteen-thou-{cut4o wifoin one inch of his skull, sand prfiHcvl prisoners are in East ** i* issued normal prison doth- German jails for crimes that |‘"&*iven * "umb<“r P*aced >" ___• . solitary confinement tor several wouldn t even rate a fine in a - “ western state. West Genian officials repot t.; , • Their "crimes,” All-German Affairs Minister Ernest Lemmer said, range from threatening to cioae a business bouse 'because it was losing money to refusing to join a Communist form collective. Thereafter, the prisoner may work under guard in a factory, construction Job. The| bookkeeping for this work is fancy, and indicates the prisoner earns a “Whoever dares to publicly criticize the state (la East Ger-many).” Linn "goes to JsH.” “Just one example ot"fafimifF bered cases," Lemmer ooetinued, "is that of a barber shop owner hi Jueterbog who said during a discussion that if prices didn't change he would have to close his shop. He was sentenced by a court in Potsdam to four months in jail for ‘attempting to- pressure the government in an effort to attain egoistic goals.’ His license to operate a barber shop also was withdrawn?* According to Socialist opposition party documents, upon arrival at a jail, a political prisoner's hair is Many of the prisoners were sentenced for attempting to flee to Wear Germany. One tale has it that a government man from East Berlin tap specting an insane asylum asked why a certain morose party had been certified. baric wage of 188 marks (845) month. But after deductions, foe prisoner has left only 15 marks ($3.80). If he Is on Ms good behavior, [J|B Is permitted to spend the money is a Special commiaaary, to supplement regular radons, mainly bread and soup, with i couple of stivers twice s week and an inducement, prisoners are promised foeir sentencesWitt be reduced by one day for each two days they work—on condition they overfulfill their “work norms’ by 141 per cent. 'But foe norms are so high that only an insignificant percentage of the prisoners are physically able tef fulfill them, much less exceed them,” the Socialists said. DETROIT i»t—'The .United Auto Workers .Union said Thursday it had reached agreement with three auto industry firms which would extend ^supplemental unemploy-benefits (SUB) for up to 13 weeks to laid off workers. Takes In $17,620 Registers 11,801 Papers County Oerk-Regisier Daniel T.l Murphy "Jr. said there were 11,8011 papers, resulting in 817.409 in receipts, transacted in his office' last month. . -1 This compared with 12.573 papers—$17,620 in receipts—for the same month of 1960. There were two new subdivt-ftiun plats recorded last mouth, Monger-: Mlec-lUn — The comparable figures for th< two months shoW: . - MARCH 1M* To Exchange With Cuba U Miscellaneous WARSAW (AP)-A plan for Polish-Cuhan cooperation in ence, education and culture signed Thursday, the Polish I lAgency announced.- It provides for [exchanges of teachers, students, artists and exhibitions, and also 'for .cooperation in radio and TV, 'He tried to flee -Eud Germany,'" was foe reply. 'But that doesn’t make him crazy," the inspector murmured, 'But this one,” came foe an-er, “tried to escape to the Soviet Union.” . NO WAITING PERIOD!—ALL PAYMENTS TO YOU ARE TAX FREE! PRUDENTIAL WILL PAY sm^ EVERY WEEK INCOME TAX-FREE! Direct to YOU for as Long as 1 Year (52 Weeks) 3 .Auto Industry Firms Agropfo Extend SUB* ora e TOTAL * UP TO AAOO While in the Hospital eXiVv From Sickness or Accident! The union said its “memoranda of understanding” with Chrysler Corp., American Motors Oorp., and Eaton Manufacturing Co., provided for "extending union-negotiated supplementary unemployment benefits in those states which adopt foe federal emergency unemployment compensation program." Oppose School Aid BOSTON IB — The Coundl of Bishops of the Methodist Church has reaffirmed Its opposition to tax support of private and parochial schools. Hie council issued statement Hiursfjay after a closed four-day meeting' in which it listed seven reasons for its bp-position. To Talk at Installation ALBION (AP) — Arthur S. Flemming, former secretary o(| health, education and welfare in the Eisenhower cabinet, will deliver the inaugural address at the April 14 installation, ef Dr. Louis William Norris as the ninth prea-ident of Albion College. JOHN McAUUFFE Says: DON’T MY MY NEW CU, USED CU 01 TtDH IITIL YOIVE HOT IY DHL at VOLUME SALES Givas You "• Good Pool" But Only Adoqooto Facilities and Parsonnol Can Give Yon Good Sovvico WE HAVE BOTH! JOHN MCAUUFFE 'Jkfr. 630 OAKLAND AT CASS 5-4101 mm IT PAYS IN ADDITION TO WODKMAN’S COMPENSATION OR ANY OTHER INSURANCE! AND PAYMENTS YOU RECEIVE ARE TAX FREE! IT PAYS FOR: • ACCIDENTAL AUTOMOSfLK MATH! • ACCIDENTS REQUIRING HOSPITAL CONFINEMENT! • SICKNESS RIQUIRING HOSPITAL CONFINEMENT! • POLIO TRIATMINT ... UP TO 85,000! Prudential Life & Casualty now offers you o sickness and accident policy plus occidental automobile death benefits of $5,000.00! Not only that, you receive up to $5,200.00, PAID DIRECT TO YOU, while in the hospital from sickness or Occidents, originating after the date of the policy. Our Family Group or Individual Hospital policy gives you insurance protection, liberal cash benefits and other privileges. This policy does not cover hospitalization for nervous or mental disorders, rest cures'or alcoholism, dental work, childbirth or complications of pregnancy, or confinement in government hos-, pitals. • * £ ZZ noons YOU OILY protection yew need, end con of ford? COMFARE Prudential's sensible rates and liberal coverages. MAIL THE APPLICATION! NO SALESMAN WILL CALL Elevea matt* anaUam la »«-eeaee mi ene MB- rear. ChiMrea and— fl aa* redaeed rntee aad re-eelve ear h»lf keqttel >iad»l Mat mu eieMeattl deatt aad aaHa FOR THE FIRST MONTH *100 PER WEEK SICKNESS BENEFITS while in the hospital beginning after the third day of c w. This $70f ~ * fmoment for skknoss. This $100.00 e wook is sont to ) every wook for os long as 52 waaks ($5,200) and is yoi to aso at you too fit! *180 PER WEEK ACCIDENT BENEFITS while in the hospital from the first day, due to occidental injuries. This $100 is sent to you every week for es long, os 52 weeks ($5,200) end is yours to use os you wish. *6M0 AOTD ACCIDENTAL DEATH BENEFITS will hu puid your beneficiary for loss Of lifo resulting from ACCIDBNTS sustained - while driving or riding within any automobile, bos or truck should dsoth occur within 60 days of the accidont. This is in ADDITION TO any hospital benefits payable. CHILDREN RECEIVE FULL $5,000 UNDER THIS BENEFIT $6000 IN POLIO EXPENSE BENEFITS FOR ANY FAMILY MEMBER INSURED WHEN STRICKEN BY POLIO. IS YOUR FAMILY PROTECTED? WmUS LOW MONTHLY HATES On* Tereeq ObIr (Man nr Woman) (under Jt Rwn or at*) . One Pereea flair (Man or Woman) »ar redaeed rata* aad « SaaWe Flae TOLL d hoder II raare of af«) I apder is jaare at act) . ttSaa —--1 =-=*'-iris r —MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY!** APPLICATION BUNK rot INDIVIDUALS ON FAMILY GIODPS *TY (Please print full names of all members whom you wish included In this policy) DATE OW WITH * MO. DAT TEAR AGE _ ^ —-T- (aekjcaetT' L E ■■ _ *• NAME or aXNEnCURY ...... RELATIONSHIP TO APTUeAHT . I ah— received any medical Or aarfteal attention within the paM 3 year*? (bhri'tail partiealaM. JitttTiKV T.T.T.......n?7.7... # Ar* fan and all me nhere Haled shoe* la wboln aad m belief! . . .... (If not, pin STATE YE8 OR NO IMPORTANT Ptsass Answer Every Question PMHW__2 ^Mskd all dweks or^nwney etdsn payable to: Prudential Life & Casualty Insurance Co. ^ Lc^al Rcscrva Stock Company -1116 N. W. 51st Str«at, Oklahoma City 18, Okla. THE PONTIAC PRESS SATURDAY, APRIL «, mi PONTIAC, MICHIGAN. SEVENTEEN Youy Neighbor’s Howe 1930 Cape Cod Bungalow Forerunner of Pre-Cut Houses Head -oU^Ueadach ot Driveway in Spring . Once the snow is gone don't be surprised'^o find one or more tire tracks to your lawn right alongside the-driveway. These ruts are tt>e result of a lack of markers to guide you when a covering of snow makes drive and lawn look alike. What yoti should have done before winter started and while the ground was soft was to drive matters into the ground along the edge of the drive. A few long stakes painted red or mange can guide you along the right path. Tomato or bean pedes from the sttemer garden will serve nicely. Ifyou think you can break through the solid ground you might still want to put in markers. HEDGE PLANTINGS Better than markers of offering protection all year round isj some permanent marker curb! for your drive. Plantings such as { low growing hedges may involve I more work and money than yoiip care to invest. And they must bef Inexpensive lengths of foot-high far enough from the drive to per-1 picket fencing can be purchased Some folks use a row of bricks set at a saw-tooth like angle. Set them loosely in a trench and anchor the end bricks with con- BUILT % MM - This Capfr Cbd home was built ^ on Maplewood in Sylvan Lahe City in 193QL Believed to ;he one of the first pre-cut hounds in the Ppptiac araa, it Is 'sturdily constructed and • W)H anawiQ \ lira. Peretoger andjgiyes just the right color ,tp the spot R occupies.’ Notice the antique spinning wheel at die left. By JANET ODELL In 1930 the dty of Pontiac t ended its fiscal, year with a balance, despite delinquent taxes. Fay’s reopened Barter’s Hardware Mote which they had bought Clam Bow was to be seen in the movie, “Love Among the Millionaires” at' the Strand. In January the Pontiac Day Nursery wss formally opened. In August Waites had an entire page of advertising devoted to the needs of the college girl — said needs included a four-year _ diarv, « toanfv Mt a waffle iron and a Laskinlamb coat for Toot-' ball games. Gleun Griffin went to the Hi-Y Camp at Central Lake hear Grayling for 2 weeks (this was reported on the social page!) Front page news one day includ- ed a story about the showing of new electric Refrigerators in 3 iocaTsforei. Apartments la the newly refurbished Rosa Crest were renting from and up. The ad meatloaed “a radio In every apartment.” And by sheer chance *- for we picked the microfilm at random — we ran across the wedding story of Thelma Grace Pohl-man of Bloomfield Highlands and Max Payne Pertinger of West Virginia. After their honeymoon the couple were to live in an apartment en Charlotte Avenue. 'own the bouse This would have meant^no thing in the ordinary course of scanning old papers, except tor the fact that the Persingers live in the house we are featuring today. One of the first pre-cat houses In the men, toe Per-singers’ Caps Cod hornet may have bean n modal niter It was built in Sylvan Uke 0ty. It’* built of west eeuat lumbar which la In the sume excellent oondttlan It was in December IMS. The Persingers have lived there M years, baying the The only changes made by the present owners have been in the kitchen. They have, of course, done the usual amount of painting- Step from the small front porch right ■' IfitO the living room/ There’s a narrow window on either side of the front door with shutter* instead df curtains. white. Beige jlextared carpeting At the east end of the room there’s a fireplace of dark reused brick. The mantel Is wood; the hearth red ceramic tile. Mrs. Persinger is an artist, working mainly to ceramics. On the mantel both the (fried arrangement and the plat^ with the pine cone design are her handwork. The tirt windows on either * side of the fireplace h a v e shutters rather than curtains. A spinning wheel stands below one of theme Draperies at the front windows aftp fawn color with green pine cotes. /the furniture cantatas a plemdng sprinkling of antiques. , The marble top table Is n family heirloom. Two chairs have needlepoint seats. On toe small mahogany drop leaf,table near ‘the front door there’s an snip. It’s the usual doable globe style, but toe bottom part is copper instead of gtass. A modern hanging lamp swings over the brig* sofa. There’s a linen covered armchair and a white leather chair. The coffee table is shaped like the figure 8. Next to the arch leading into the dining room is a small electric organ. Above the organ there are built-in book shelves. At the dining room windows Mrs. Persinger has pat apml-sheer-sandalwood cafe curtains below short wooden shutters. A drop leaf table with traditional mahogany chairs fits under the window. On .the north wall is a little antique chest that Mrs. Persinger refinished. The kitchen Is small and narrow, too narrow to get a picture of It. It's a wonderfully bright room with white walla, Mrs. Persinger put up sheer history. When her husband corn-white • ruffled curtains. She also plained drat he didn’t like these mounted a white plastic brick modem beds without head or dado behind the little breakfast footboard, Mrs. Persinger went table. On the table there’s a ce- - bargain hunting. top* and a white-topped table. The upper part of the walls has Ivy paper decorating H-New cupboards are birch. There is a new sink. In the back hallway storage units have been ramie lamp in the shape of an old coffee grinder with ivy grow* ing out of the base. ★ w it' One of the basement rooms is Mrs. Perstoger’s ceramic studio. A small square hallway leada from living room to bedrooms and bathroom. The bathroom ha* a ceramic the floor with yellow Hie on the walls. glam In the windows. Corner cupboards — one mahogany, the other aqua — hold dishes and glassware, and provide storage space without cutting the floor area to any great extent. Three corner cupboards were quite the vogue in houses of this period. pied by the old refrigerator that needed daily service from the iceman. She found a pair of bbds-' eye maple beds with an inlaid wopd design that cleaned np beautifully. Layers of enamel had covered the original wood; Three beds, she discovered, had been need In a VIP suite of toe Statler Hotel. This 30-year-eld house is smaller than the ones to preceding yean. It’s the bungalow that was —The^ back bedroom is yellow- a PopgBirif^T But lta ltorele/" also- Curtains are made of a main good and the exterior is heavy white material. ageless. Cape Cod is always in The twin beds have a little ' style. DINING BOOM — Only an archway separates Bvtog room and dining room. The latter Is small, but the'Persingers use small scale furniture. The corner cupboards are on either aide of toe arch. You can see Just a corner of toe tea wagon at the right near the door to the Htcten. Cafe curtain, provide privacy, while shutters let the light in. mit opening car doors.) 9 You can make ydoraeif a gen-nine curb such as the type that lines our streets. Take a look at the curb out front and then dig a ditrh a’ong the edge of toe drive that’s as wide as (he curb pins toe thickness of the forms you will seed. Use lx8’s set on edge. and . held in place with stakes. Oil the inner surfaces before pouring concrete. Use waste motor oil for this. Pieces.'of quarter-inch plywood or hardboard should be Inserted every six or eight feet at right angles to the forma. * -and remove after the [at most department and hardware stores and garden shops. Or you can make your own, If you have rover tools or even hand tools -nr! v’eniy of time, from lath mate-fia/fron your lumber yard. These will have to be "k e p t painted. The, ends that are driven into the ground should be treated with a wood preservative. If your house and landscaping have a rustic look, use logs of redwood or cedar. Place than to shallow ditch along the edge of the ditch. They’ll have to be uni- MU8IC (ENTER — Mrs. Persinger is not only an artist,, but also a musician. This small electric organ fits perfectly in a recessed part of the living room. Above are built-in book sheTvei. Ir fwnt of the organ is one of her antique chairs with the needlepoint, covering. EIGHTEEN THE PONTIAC PRESS. SATURDAY. APRIL 8, 1091 New Rubber Tile Is Better The manufacturer of • new nib- Resurface Drive With New Coat “Cultured Living” Cm Ii Tsars In MM University Hills UMt MA0X>. Comui Symbol of Elegance Plat Quality I Lanite Floor Enamel Is, Tough I If you're planning to palntyour noon, be sure that you buy a floor enamel which was formulated to take "the pounding and abrasion of being walked on and which can withstand repeated cleaning. Ordinary wan paints wen not meant to take each a beating and wfll quickly wear away. Before painting. be sure that you've removed all wax from the floor. PRECAST a. STONE The blacktop sealer is made from a baas of coal-tar pitch which gives & a flexibility that frost can't crack, Bruce says, and to waterproof and can help Mive this brand MW, durable stone ... guaranteed to beautify and modernise your new or existing home. Cell be today and one of our MKW S BEDROOM COLONIAL Handy Man Finds Squeaks in the Night Arerit Spooks, Adis Real Beauty to Any Home Rubbed Finish Takes Time, Strong Arm There ere a number of ways to •void • glossy finish when using varnish. Ths simplest k merely buy the type of dear varnish which gives a sheen or rubbed affect finish. Different manufacturers caU it by different names, but all tne containers will say that pour u little powdered soap between die offending floor boards. A more permanent cure involved nailing the boards so they wfll be tight. IN BEAUTIFUL HOLIDAY FARMS WATERFORD TOWNSHIPS FINEST SUBDIVISION If you can jot at ths flour under* neath, drive wedges between the Boor boards and the joists. 8TAIB CREAKS Croaking stairs indicate loose treads, rubbing against risers. Nails or screws through the tread and into the riser wfll silence them. Countersink, of course. A grease stick Is a handy Item THE CUSTOM MASTER BI-LEVEL ttnpo have rubber bumpers, ft turning on a light i Higher Looking Ceiling Than ore two ways to uoo paint to make a ceiling look higher than I it rwlly Is. One to to point tbs Uw, Low FHA Ttrms! DIXIE. GARAGES Be SureVe See Our Hemet Featured on •. , Bailder Showcase, WWJ-TV Ckanml 4 at 12:J01. M., Sunder, April P Ur 5 YEARS TO PAY EXPERT CEMINT WORK All Typee DIXIE MUM COnnnCTION Ik. S744 WfMssf Rd. Ot-Sf) SALES IY. ROSE-HILL REALTY, INC, OR 4-0371 IMPROVE YOUR HOME ...ADD COMFORT AND VALUE! PONTIAC BEDROOMS 1-1/2 BATHS GAS HEAT THE POKT1AG PRBS6, SATURDAY, APRIL 8, Ml Needed in Housing % ft fjFffiprTc—tflTl VI '" ? i • I The need tor code modernization copper plumbing in certain «» In msny homebuftHng inu is ere not able to uie len coetiy light-neceesaty If conatruction costs an to bo reduced, a leading building * materials supplier claims, Carl & Woodward, assistant to too president of 'Anaconda American Brass Company, reports that fcomwfssm who want* true all? nineteen for drainage lines. Woodward lists Chicago, St. : ROOFING : SIDING Sheriff • Godin Co. s« s. cam lake *oad mmsw, uosion, muaoaipnia, ntn-burgh, New York and Milwaukee M among the cities where use o( toe moat economical typeo of cop-tube tor drainage is dot yet “Cades perform a very val- mow. Mom ELECTRICAL - me. — 845 W. Huron St. • Frtt Estimates • Surveys Or#f M Toms in Pontiac CLOSE-OUT! AH Shada Tree* "Mutt Bo Moved" l WhitaBirah CMweee Hiw Maple Cholco flowering Shrubs Mead to Mora LAKESIDE NURSERY 1 1*44 ILIZAHTH LAKI RO. OPIN DAILY AND SUNDAYS “They am derigaed to laaara am •* goad mastnmttoa ppeOeaa' "But became of the advances in new materials and improved' construction methods made during the pan few yean," be adds, “some codes are badiy outOf-date and serve in many instances to unnecessarily increase " The best way to go about changing codes, according to Woodward, is to get local community organizations to ask local officials to appoint a qualified citizens committee to look into the code. They can readily mot outdated regulations by comparison with modem standard codes such as. i drawn up by the Buildh* Officials Conference of America, The American Standards Association or the York State Building Code Commission. Study of-the modem codes used by such cities as Detroit, Los Angeles, Dallas, Cleveland and many others would aim be helpful to determining changes needed bring local codes up-to-date. Tile Behind tha Rang* A few feet of colorful stain-proof (and fireproof) ceramic tile behind the kitchen range can to ae the homemaker’s happiness quotient considerably. TVs back-of-tfie-range area, when left unprotected, has traditionally been the greatest source of cleanup headache. Ceramic tile,, which is easy to clean, will relieve the Eating Deck Near Kitchen Is Handy Eat out all summer long mid make every meal a picnic on the deck. That’s what thousands of families are doing since they built * new all-wood deck Just outside their kitchen door. By locating a , wood deck as_ to toe kitchen as outside facilities will permit/ much of the drudgery of table setting and serving is etopinated. It is even possible to remodel one of toe windows to make it serve as a pass-through. Decks are easy to build. They can be added to an old home or buBt • right along with a new tome. They require very little ap-keep If made •( durable Douglass fir or western red cedar lumber. DefST beards can be made of * tad lumber aad each board siMrid be spaced efightN to permit water runoff. No paled ag la jmeaeaaty beeapm them woods smatoar to a beautiful silvery gray eotor. Architects caution that framing, for toe deck jhoyld be extra. strong, espedaiy if entertaining Is * a hobby of tye family. The star Epsilon Aurlgae has a , diameter 2,000 times greater than that of the sun. "AVON MANOR' in Hit rochester-AVON AREA 3-Badroom Ranch *11,390 $90 Down fee Medals 21-Mito at |eba R FIELD BLDG. CO. UL 2-4450 Tomorrow's Lighting Is Entirety: Hew Concept Good Covpr-Up Do you have old walls in your home? Wallpaper can cow multitude of sins such aa small plaster cracks and scaling. The pattern helps too, id disguising irregular walls and plaster board ANCHOR FBfCE • ANCHOR FBICI - ANCHOR FBKE ANCHOR* FENCE Safaat playground ks town! Thafs your very owa yard ... surrounded by thd good-looking, totting —rarity of a ” Protects youngstsm sad pets ti sspamem. Got famous Anchor FosmqmUty... aqnam posts and gatoo with standard or aow Mndtrnmmh, woven 4 times closer. Cal mnr for a free estimate. NO DOWN FAYMfNT • M MONTHS TO J*AY.. lit PAYMgNT JULY BUILT IN DETROIT — A fabulous five-room collection of new “idtoa for living," foaturliy this all-electric lYigktolre kitchen, Is a highlight of General Motors’ 1961 Biotorama. The kitchen has such exciting ideas as an “abort-face” pantry that pivots out of the wall, and storage shelves find move up and down electrically. In foreground is homemaker’s desk with built-in intercom, hands- free telephone, recipe file and vanity. Same <«i«nd also i>*-ii«w built-in lazy-Susan tray, chopping block and sink with detergent, »"* hahit initon n.R..i.i Flair range with eye-ievel ovens is at left, rear. Frost-Proof refrigerator and food freezer and mobile charcoal grill are installed along right Wall 19(1 TO TEMPEST FULL BASEMENT - 3 BEDROOMS lata Then leal *10,700 *79.90 *100 UelaSM Tut. Modal otsawtsr Brooklya-Toke Baldwin Ava- from Peetiec Past Woltaa Bhrd. Turn left on Brooklyn iTSSi TER DOMES CORP. SKA What will lighting be like in the ome of General Electric lighting laboratories are continuing to produce many exciting new ideas for the Already there are evi- HOMES FOR AMERICANS dences of many new experiences evesygeneration, there'll be new that Hghrtng trill hold for future comfort and convenience wit - - light. Many of the moat recent lighting roducts to emerge from General Electric ^laboratories, already in use today, for specialised needs, will become a commonplace part of future living. comfort and convenience that will make this one of the favorite! rooms in the home. O dr ; In addition to light for routine icttvitfes which stfil go on with PHONE FE 5-7471 PORTAMJ DOG RUNS NOW AVAILASU There’ll be no need to wait for summer months’ vacation Jaunts to enjoy relaxing in nature’s sunshine. Homes of the future may have mmrooms where the whole family can baric in man-made ultra-violet—that same magic ray In the mm. A meTO fUck of a switch could dim sunshine hi r all parts of die room. Other ig will make it possible to use toe room round the dock duitrial sad commercial lamps may find Itself used la Ae heme. This unique tubular quart) lamp which “heats like the sun’ is already providing comfort heating tor a warm reception for customers of two major department ■toes. The lamps, installed in marquees at entrances,''give hot only heat equivalent to a warm, summer-day, but generous lighting for seeing. * A # General Electric engineers, .foresee possible uses for them new quartz infrared lamps in homes of tiie future over entrances, in bathrooms, and outdoor patios and enclosed swimming pods. The lamps, only 13 inches long and H inch in diameter, are safe and will not break even when coated with "ice and mow. Because of their compact size, quarts lamps an being used for heating effects for testing space vrirides, ballistic missiles and supersonic air- Tomorrow’s bathroom will boast PotroleUfTI Jelly WpHlS painting Jobe, hardware should be removed or corned with masking tape OR this simple protective device can be used: Chit the hardware with a light covering of petroleum Jelly before you start painting, but be very careful not to get the Jelly on anything you want to paint Afterward, wipe dean. Any paint spatters will be whisked away immediately. , KING-SIZE RANCH — Large rooms are the trademark of (Us spacious ranch-type home. The master bedroom is nearly 20 feet wide and the kitchen, (fating and living rooms afford plenty of room for gracious living. The habitable area covers 1815 square fact The architect is Fenick A. Vogel, Room 75,117 West 48th St., New York 36, N.'Y. and the plan is HA168V. INSULATE... NOW! Call FE 6-8406 IMBUUDOB INSULATION CO. FAIRWAY DORMERS AII .WoHc Don* by Expert* licensed Builders since i*so FREE ESTIMATES BARA Building Company 419 Joslyn ^ *E ST908 Architect's Fees Save Architect fees are quite moderate in comparison to total coats. They actually represent a form of insurance. Tha architect can also save you more than the coat of Us fee simply through his superior knowledge of the latest developments aimed at cutting coats-for quality Installations. WselksiprosM FrsiH CASTONE *270 INSULATED, jSOUD-MCKED CAST-ALUM. Aunmnni urn & *459 Complete Modernization Service | 8 Additions • Aluminum Siding • Kitchen* • Attic Rooms • Bathroom* • Recreation Rooms • Garages ■1 FREE ESTIMATES 1(8* SSH GREEN STAMPS i FREE with Each ietimata | 5 YEARS TO RAT-440 MONEY DOWN—FHA TERMS Rhea# Not*-FE 24421 . . . 24 Hear Service leisToiEietHMimpI . Buy ud Beady I* On KWIK-MIX PRODUCTS KWIK-MIX CEMENT 41.35 KWIK-MIX MRU p 41.25 Kwtt-Mh PrtcMaf Pluln *1.25 24sy pasccllomvi PONTIAC,* MICH. STOP IN FOR YOUR FREE ..COPY OF "VACATION HOUSES" II Lew Coal Deefeas I CUSTOMER PARKING CORWIN hawker end Cool Co. 1 trWtup FE 2-8385 Modem Living Colonial Charm NEW and DISTINCTIVE PLANTATION In Beautiful WATKINS HILLS 4 or 5 bedrooms—finished family room with natural fireplace—2 full baths—hot water heat—2,000 square feet of living space. H ’v All electric appliances. Only Edison approved Electric.Homes display thts hail-mark of livability. The Builder Thai Makes a House eHome** W.W. ROSS DOMES 1.4 Milos Past Taltgraph Rd. on Dixie Hwy. ; V: turn, loft on * Watkins Loko Rd. .livi TWENTY Tff q PQNTIAC PBBSS, SATURDAY, APRUf8t m Try Using Color to Separate Areas taC oolor contrast in lieu at perti-tlaM to csteMMi separate ktentl-Hm Jar adjaeik* tivii« um A tan hi point, says the Southern Pint A—Dctetton, is the ur Do-It-Yourselfer Gets Tips tatebar It an (deal "do-it-youraeir' The entire room may be paneled - In Southern Paw. wheat natural golden color is retained for the *Mintaf ’ aector. For the "tivtag'' aector. the wood walla may he aioM are ataaoet ee sharp aa con-■M|' - pawlt- NO only • mum urn rudkal Hone WHer* Ease of workmanahip, however, ia no aeaae lor a buy or tndiffer-' approach. ftertotrt problem* artae from careleea or tndi*-of hiMhc materi- ing project the choice edfcrts total buildtag float* by laaa than % cent So. on an wunta, inch* economy, It make* eenee to uee the a to" a ttona tram the Southern Pine Aaao- atained gray or Mae. Such divi- elation with emphasla on what NOT tods: L Steer clear el intae hMflta enrta. Sure, yon can ive a few doitan by using tub-andard lumber. But you’ll alto be itaktag a lot latter outlay in aoc to mention toe threat to your poabe rt mkrt and paraei My. The eort itoflarartBe good and goer quality I surprisingly small, h the caae Ot “ROCHESTER MEADOWS" Ah Address You’d Bo Proud of wt Bafeaeaw a A1 Brisk • Mflmawi e nmInth • OMy Water and Sewer* *13,750 l house, which require* much n 2. banter to eoey enengh I* So dent _ •way gram held surfaced woode merely bepaw* a little elbow greet is required in their aafitag. Their stater nail-holding power Model Ph. OL 6*9491 Built in Quality SUMMIT BLDO. rtMUsUWm GARAGE SPECIAL .SR HOO PMA TIMMS W¥ I Itaaawaye • Inane Addtttowe • Pore bee • Rnc. lout NEIDRICK BUILDING 65 Court Or., Pontiac PC 4*6909 _ rating ae toe etrongert ot structural woods. The trait fleas aa extra quota ot durability to wood paneled walls. L Make aura if* «|pi ebraab Whether year project tamtam ex-(art angle set of shelve*, stable, rttitehn ____are a "muat.” 9a toe dealer tor lumber that'e been 'pre-tiwuak" by proper It's preferable from a as a construct point. Uanbtc Is priced and add by else. When it's the alae stays firm and toe buyer get* Mil VMM. Whenever wood is ueed dost to the to tha vaathac. it should be pro-chamlcala. Penetrating dsap into the wood cells, these chemtoela offset the effect of constant exposure to dampness 'are toxic to insects. Seme Solution are odorless and impart distinctive colors. Pressure treatment protects lumber tram tor-mflr lazinwm paint and -3 i: Aesthetic values ef wood panliuc art largely diael-pated If maintenance coats get out ot heal To keep repainting and refintehlng needs to a minimum, be sin* the lumbar Is initially "dry” and take steps t» matatata toe dry mn DECORATING SERVICE PAINTING AND DECORATING Residential and Commercial FE 8-3449 EM 3-6052 installation. When this precaution la obterved-and when the panel tog is dry to begin with-* good quality finish Mould tost at least 20 3 For a Clean House Add on-Miti Room GET A NEW ancf can be obtained siding by gtvtag It a dip treatment 1 water repellent preservative. In the ease ' ef wood pending, backs and ends should be treated with a penetrating sealer or other coating prior to The latest addition * to. many houses is a “mud room.” Usually attached to breezeway or porch, it otters a place to tostaO a sink, sometimes an extra shower or bail bath. Husband and children coming Delco AUTOMATIC GAS I HEATING SYSTEM m OUT BOW UTTU IT COSTS how much it PQEs-rm estimate O’Brien Heating & Supply Aatbarfaed Oakland C*aafy OisWhst*r We tin Haldsa Red Itampt ......- 171 VnwMi ltd. 91 2-2919 in from sports or outdoor work can ■onto up without a trip through of the bouse. WanM wbp ind teen-age car ttaharflra find It a help. It awe itrance far tradejmen M boots. "'*■ W ■ ______m* to the home service bureau ot the Okay Manufacturing Company, leading makers of stainless steel sinks, the favorite plumbing equipment for this room Includes a wash-up sink, sometimes an extra laundry sink, and perhaps sink with bubbler attachment. Fbr children's everyday use a wall float rack is haady. go are door rfleki to bold galoshes. A special raincoat cloaet, too, may be placed to n« mudroom. tt the room iO large enough, it cm btida table tor linger panting or hobby week. When the room ia to be a new addition, plan far a full storage wall on one side which can hold scooters, skis, picnic baskets Ind Other gear. lot Hoot Circulate Place couches and chairs i the hast output of radiators, registers or hasting ducts. The bid* j cm be met Hr (>B _______ area, cauriflg soma room* to ba cold, others to ' “ warm. , The Egyptians used an asphalt mtxtura to prooarve their mam* mloi, and aqphatt mixture* are still ueed as preeenativaa to many of tbs moat tnadani protective coatings. Pedy-Bilt Garage Co. •UILDERS 09 PINE GARAGES 7722 Austare, Waterford YOU WILL NOT BE UNDER ANY OBLIGATION! CUSTOM BUILT • SLOCK •UICK • •KAMI -utpnd itioris, o show you our models, and and priCM On your garage Let us come out givo spocificatit plans. NO SUR-CONTRACflNG, DEAL DIRECT WITH THE BUILDER TOR GARAGE AND CEMENT WORK OB 3-5619 1 wMch tpL ladgwi far lip an the floor ptim or perhaps • prefabricated type may he Bood aa a focal poiat at the living room ead wall. 1h* Dent wall t dooet c I* the front a partial screen between living and kitchen areas. Kitchen is provided with ample plana call for a wall oven, coun-ter-top range and the aver Four windows to each of the ventilation and plenty of sunlight Closets in the master bedroom rt far right an located to form a small dressing alcove, at the doorway to the bedroom and free wall space in the bedroom proper for Downstairs, i flanked hy a pair ot hugs fixed panes enfond top apace ot the The half hath neset to the rsora-that room serves as a pan was during pfirtta* Or is s-venience-bsthroom tor children playing’ in the backyard. The utility roam has its awn handy door to the side yard keeping utility service calk completely out ot the living sections ot the house. About flO par cent Isas hast flow through a celling that has not. Gettings should have at least tour im^qfiimlatiaD. urt Paul, been given tr Its "design achieve a nwxlsiaai utiilu at qpaK wNb a minimum et waste, gtaapttetty* at the plan tin* fkssa sf tiw bstiilag pro- 'A center bearing wall a turatiy divides the house to half, making tight floor Joists — all at uniform length — sufficient kl framing the resulting short (pan. [Goats are eliminating the seed for structural Steel girdwa which become unnecessary because of the cantor bearing wifi. Architect Paul adds that building materials in Ml have bean selected for their durability, afjnalntenaaoe, good appeanBM fid economy. m 24-HOim SERVICE TuctB Tfliraii , hWA-rami — MVhhiH SUPRIMf — IXCILL MOERY’S Nm <12-1110 . There am rix rooms with m hatha in this modest steed bactoto-front salk laveLJrha kitchen is 16H with pteqty of spaos for a dinette. On the lower level, a large reersation room opens on the jtatio at the rear. , Area of living and bedroom levels is 1,066' sq ft. Finished apao* on the lowest level |s tit sq. ft. Over-aU port, are 'SP 6” in Width by 39* in deptii. tbe atorage-divkter can be attractive and useful. To help classify toe storage, It’s a good Idea to have four compart-" *-4wp above and two below, behind sliding doors of the selected hardboard. Tile doors are rimply panels that fit into metal channels. ML'loss HOMES, lie. Announces a New Program Home Modernization Coll for FREE ESTIMATES FE 4*0591 BUY- OE THE YEAR! ISM AK 1*290 Da, SMttHky, he. 10450 W. 0 tub M. a be fitted wt to the lavatory ar 1b get maximum us* of tht storage spaca line the cabinet with Peg-Board. This win be particular-ly handy in one of tiw lower com-pamnents, which could be devoted to cleaning suppties, for hanging ■helve* that wlti hold cads and bottles. Other items cm ba. suspended from hooks. Shelves- in the other sections can easily be supported by Peg-Board books bant atigbtiy to form hart-Kintal profscttoM at each Ode, Then till wood sbrivai may be tag the hooka to m requirements. • All materials for the divider* cabinet are available at lumber Dry Wall, Asphalt Gaia tVJ , according specialists. More than 10 par OSOt of these homes will b* constructed wfth interior dry wall construction and .about IS per OSfit win kfl roofed with asphalt. sbtegiiSf ^ SPRING CLEANING Goodwill Automatic Hooting It, and This Mtani Cosh Soring* to You! Yts, we’ie doing our Spring doming and In onfor to reduce Our invsntortes wo are offering, for s limited tkns. SPECIAL ITKING HOUSECLEANING PRICES! IIS AND OIL ItITOM IQUIPMEMT and tfwns IS hobotter time than now W ftt rid of that old fash* tends hasting unit. You save now because of tht off season and you avoid the last minute fari'n WHOLESALE TO ALL! NO’MOMr DOWN—FIRST PAYMENT JUNE -CateoMMK GOOSHIU 3401 Wtst Huron St. AUTOMATIC HIATINQ 9-0484 roar.''' lot onrers £oa/r/:'s What You Can Buy TMt 3-BEDROOM HOMS NO MONEY DOWN • SHILL flumplataly srooted including foundstten • PLUS—Moturicl* for • Hosting | Plumbing • Wiring ALL PON 79 Tht Highland 24x24 — 844 Sq. ft. TOWNSEND SHIFT NONES ALSO 10 YEAR FINANCING 9ui Your Lot tn Use Now COME OUT TODAY AT 2619 Lcpoer Rd. (M-24) tLnkc Orinn 9 Mites North ef frtrtlaa -ar Otewrthteld' ftd* OPEN WEEKDAYS 10 to 6—SUNDAYS to 6 ‘ FE M*M If Mi • X M m .r 10 6-9914 THE PONTIAC'PRESS, SATURDAY, APRIL l Young American Actor Likes Italy for Career .^-1._ WILSON... UAW Picks Team for Chrysler Talks DETROIT Iff —11 Norman Matthew*, a vice president of the United Ante Workers, has announced selection of a nine-mem- more thi vmm. __. ' nounceg selection or a mne-mem- Tri,,.* 'T* ^m^rte*n the-beard, loaded hla pretty )yr bargaining team to negotiate n&USb bride "Qoose” and me into ht* __Z. “Omm” and me into hie glistening new rad 4ly r#cen*fr *“* taxied me out to St. Peter’s. l*d tow.bte i jrgf coins out to look at the Vatican tram the new street leading to« ward it because It’s such a beautiful view. '"Sends you, does It?" the sold. "Goose,” reel name Gaby Palaesoli, eat b> the baric y & ***• *®»rt little red bag. I’d met them the day before at a cocktail party *h^11** **“ Mlon operator, Sva, •Wb* husband, writer Guy . WILSON whwe the Barrymores weren't drinking ... *®d w* *he guleteat guests. Are you going to that other party tonight?” I asked him. ..T?**y «*e(f hie," he mld. laehlng through traffic, "wheth- erWJ^ to a party to say goodbye to iUan Ladd, i toW town, •But r?e. never said hollo to •___ Alan Ladd.' " , Professionally, for a son of John Barrymore, this is the place to me, he saye. x "Look around — Hollywood, Is here! If you’re looking to act, TV in America has nothing to offer. TVS turned down 41 TV thews. The salaries are down. And whs want*: to become a TV character, so ----IJhat If yeaVt Sffl O’Brian, tvsrybedy thinks of you as Wyatt Karp? Beard, bride and all, he’s kept working in Italian pictures. Hte beerd’ealmoaA Biblical in appearance. “I just go BABBTMOBS and teU him to teks a little bit off here and a little bit there,” he said. WEEKEND WINDUP ... ._ Carl leaburg caught up with Heary Fonda to say he enjoyed him In "Young Abe Lincoln” — filmed In 1PM ,.. Hollywood composer Dimitri Tlomkin may write his first Broadway musical, “The Night They Raided Minsky’s” . . . Carol Lynley, who works In a slip in "Return to Peyton Place,” says, “Now Ita ready for a Tennessee Williams script.” 8tnger Nancy Wilson’s getting a ISO wardrobe set for her Village Vanguard premiere ... Former western star Hoot Gib-son, recovering from three operations, le wirtlng his life story. * "★ ★ EARL’S PEARLS: Nothing is ever lost through politeness —except, perhaps .your seat on the bus. “I'm strongly against a husband and wife both working," saye one Broadway character—unless, of course, they cant both live on her ealary.” . .,That's earl, brother. '■ 1 1 ' (Copyright,- 1M1)* - ~ " new contract with Chrysler Cmp. Matthews, who la director of the Uakm.’s Chrysler department, said the negotiations were chosen by UAW Chrysler subeoundls in pre-bargaining sessions. %f-r They are Steve Pastes, fiurie Bruce, Loren Cupp, Merc Stepp, Lorry Whipple, Ray Lasedd, Wallace Webber, Ray Sullivan end Tom Evoy. Man, 25, Electrocuted Taping End of Cablp JACKSON iff - Gerald McKay, JB. of Jackson, was killed Friday while disconnecting a machine lathe at the McKay Machine Co. hero. Police said McKay, the son of the firm’s owner, Mr*. Genevieve Burke, way taping tbe end of a Ships Wait at the Soo SAULT STE. MARIE (AP) -Vessels anchored at the Soo awaiting the opening of the 1961 ship- Powell Writes Congregation to Pay Up $1 NEW YORK (AP)— All ,11,000 members of^tbe church ef pastor-congressman Adam Clayton Powell have been dropped from the rolls until they pay SI each toward a $450,000 church fund-raising project. ADAM AMES (By Ltm Fhm The Abyssinian Baptist Church In Harlem—with an almost all-Negro congregation—4* raising the fund to purchase three buildings alongside and behind, the church. Johnson Bringing Report on France PARIS (AP) — Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson left by plane today with ’a detailed report on differences which President Charles de Gaulle will raise during the visit ben next month oi •president Kennedy. ♦ -if ' * ■ ‘ Johnson met for 45 minutes before Ms departure with French Premier Michel Debre, * A it • - At ■ news conference, Johnson laid ”We discussed all the general subjects which will be explored by our presidents in their ^Historic meeting in May. We dls-cussed most of the things i which our nation* are Interested. Boulder in Hi* Bath Is Just Too Much GRUNDY, Vs. (AP) — 1 has a boulder in Ms bathroom. It is in Ms bedroom, too. Tbe bonldrr plunged down si do OI - No one was injured, but Pughj is wondering how to get It’s too big to go through a door. Spitsbergen, an island group 400 mflef, aarthofltocway, -io- believed to hove been discovered by Viking* In 1194. Few Europeans knew it existed until it was rediscovered In 15K by Dutch explorer Willem Barents. PUBLIC SALS at is* » bi on Astute; 1001. * ISM Chevrolet S. Serial No VCMrotTtOt mill ho mU m psbllc Ml* at 0*7 Sunoco Serrlet, Mil Doqntadr*. Wot-ron. Michigan. that addroaa MM* whan tha rahlata la atmtf sad may ho la. SUSUC SALK - " At m April 10. - Pontiac a Css, Strut No. will bo ssH at public aolo • - ArSmor* Barrlm StaUao, 9___ word Ass, Parndak, Michigan, XKT SALS Wt~thi OrswO C5ur»b,l«rtb«°C«UDty'of Oakland. SUU of Michigan, in Chancery, mod* nod enured on the 1st day oi tforah, AJ>. MSI. fit a oortola cnaac Mn*a jgjuikpnist LaphrooFi Unity Company, eompteiaaak and Brb-Lumbar Company, defendant, notlca U Homy ft ran, thai I abaU tall at public MSctUp to th. hlfhut blddar at th, -oueUrly ontrenM to the CourfHouoa to *SU» City of Pontiac, Oakland County. Mich Inn (that Mo* th* plow dm Ms th* Cl milt Court for mM asMM, M Plate. Past K Oakland C Da tod March 1. nft. PtotMk. vntNU C. HAMPTON *» . X areatt Court Oommjoalootr v.". ■»■ QeklaaS C*wnty,*tt-““- vpB«twt PosrM fMij.* OBWtie - Attvrnsn for Plalatuf - XmSBulMMS TWENTY-TWO THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1061 Work Wanted Malo li Death Notices V. L CRAVES AGENCY GROUP INSURANCE 10 «r more ATTENTION CURB . WAITRESSES tmgt£z&‘X& ln( yoteiGQr before Municipal Judea Cecil MoCallum Ho «ma Hoed $100 or 30 days in Oakland County Jail If the fine la not fold. {FEDERAL life was reported to the Mffi de irtment yesterday. It ti not sown what was stolen. - Executive Secretat Colloca, UtMUiMj perttaeo. waplur nlir investigat- HOUSEKEEPER SELL op TRADE Immediate SELL or TRADE r*er Hast Maynard Holme* «gly A-l ALTXRATION* AMO MOD*BN- SELL or TRADE BARGAIN SELL or TRADE Open Sunday 2-5 COATS Donelson-Johns irotm men 6r women needed Tran miirma , -' ■ tyWil PtaUac prif* to Oarli M*m*v*oe—tarnra*** to Poatiac M» plesrood—tnnriMu to Oartaai r»«wy EOjtoootil to nifomo* BOVSS MOVING, rtur ogalooi*. H test. L. A. Toon*. ' fo6g REPAIRS iATawonwnw w tow SPECIALIZED MODERNIZATION ZZA, CHICKEN, FUR, RIBS, ETC. IN WALUBD LAKE AREA. MONT RAVE EXCELLENT REFERENCES AND EXPERIENCE. ATTRACTIVE OFFER FOR RIGHT PARTY. OWn AIX DK-TAILfl 8TATIMO NAME, APE, EXPERIENCE, ETC. TO THE PONTIAC PREH, BOX SI. WATERPROOFING PART-TIME FOR WANT ADS DIAL FE 2-8181 Fm I am to I ml SPECIAL M*. 1. Or ...... No jv« to am 'a* ua K AH Ca*h tad cany Waterford Lumber Co. Sns Airport Bd. OR MM Business Service 18 PART TIME Reliable ran Evelyn Edwards patrtne and rewlndln*. PlkeTphoa* n «-Wl. KELLY HARDWARE SSW AUBURN RD. OPEN SUN, ta-f UL MM Saws, Hand Lawnmowers Maohln* AalMM wanted V EVELYN EDWARDS -VacaNaatl caaom—g OsroM*- Jttt E. HURON , SUITE draportaa, MT Baker-a* Prep Cook .-1 CARPENTER. SMALL JOBS especially. PE S-2841 or PE S-SOH. ii eumn. nslf"dsi ai- pair. Wort *u trap teed. OR HIM. CAREER SECRETARY EKSttJt ojg.afc. la aatmoma. sitmi.i MmtBMt la short hand. P* rnx Omr iTnaTuoj lCINAW ISAVE ENERGY. USE want adsi to find a jo^y 0tace to aver dr i roodused car, ace Classified NOW I rS nssnisn a catalogs -*siti£n SSTmC. w awM Mtao* - aerify OYNAJUJ LEI’S TRADE BATEMANS ik\im:-i> post OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 MR VOOBHEI8, H Mock tooth of Horan on Voorhet. 3t7 S. Telegraph BATEMAN REALTY CO* FE 4-0528 GUARD YOUR FAMILY With a CHECK-UP FIGHT CJINCEB YOU CAN FIGHT CANCER EFFECTIVELY... MAKE SURE THAT YOU AND YOUR FAMILY UNDERSTAND THE 7 DANGER SIGNALS. Join the Cancer Awareness Campaign. So much to gain... nothing to spend! GIVE Oakland County’s Pint Federally Chartered Federal Saving! and Loaa Assn. Pontiac Federal Savnlgs HOME OFFICE: 761 W. Huron Street DOWNTOWN OFFICE . . ^ ROCHESTER BRANCH 16 E. LAWRENCE \ 407 MAIN STREET 4416 DIXIE HIGHWAY, DRAYTON PLAINS 1102 W. MAPLE RD., WALLED LAKE NOTICB to ADVEBTISBBS The deadline for caneetta-Uaa at trinNial fatAd* No—» T«x Servtai » "i-SSP* *°‘“ °* «■* «• — Recounting Service THE,PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 196I» ■ TWENTY-THREE Printing St Decora tiai 23 r AINTMO AND DECORATINg! ' . MitSg and exterior. Well z tor M »r». iw, ma nm. ^Bbuebeul *•1 .LUIMWao, triovirion Swvte* 24 se; ■noun CHAIM RE-Vtejl or —yWfrjf Free UM m up osd dellrcrr. Nursery Schools 25A IX, allot DAT Oil MM Reseel, ■ra, mv Dequlndre. Call 111. lwt«nd PowJ li UR: BOY'S BROWN RIMMED SMMMto to guy con, FB 4F744. LOST: BLACK BILLFOLD.' KEEP ira - pr^ straVed, i led* halt. . , M(. I MM old._______I____ . March 15. Reward, MA 6-3127. Notices and Personals 27 pSSSSttm, Sprint clean WMJBMMt, tertlUalng, € »Sf m^te’^U^rK*Wl?0*' ARE YOU WORRIED OVER DEBTS? I CONSOLIDATE ALL YOVR JULLS . AiP ISI Ua~WW TOT Trudduy 22 BUDGET SERVICE . M MOWHO mws Hjyjpyy——£M*« MM^S-Sgr FE MAOS AR£ pEBTp WORRYING v YOU? travel and froui and leading. T »«U. FEtMM O’DELL CARTAGE Local end isms dido mci morn PhoasFE MM Printing 4 Poeorrtlag'gf’ Iff OLAlt PAIHTIWO , or a Un#. CmR or Rnsi. : 2m1 %aT ar "avsaAJss—. -Employer not contact** -Stretebea your dollar tTh" SS&t! MICHIGAN CREDIT COUNSELLORS TO Pontiac State Bank Bids Pontiac'* oldeet aid larcMl bud-(Cl assistance company. Member:. -American Association of Credit Counselors__________ Alii CUSHIONED MASON SHOES. Oaa. E. Neville, EM 3-3860. GIRL OR WOMAN NXFDINO a friendly adviser, phone 2-5123. After 6 p.m. or II answer caU FB MW. Coal KNAPP SHOES wsp HERMAN OB Mm : COLLEGE BOY DESIRES TO IX-chante 10-hour work week loi -----'—d beard. FE 8-SMS. tlmatee, Fhene P_ A LADY DrmtlOR DECORATOR Peperlnf. FB MW. ACME QUALITY DECORATORS. Painting, saner removal. Wall waehlas. Free eel. CL 3-31SS-lBf*SYbr-A»- fciTBRIOR painting. WaU washing. Free estt- COLD #ATB. SFBdAtT .. Complete. Dorothy's FB l-UM DAMITY MAID SUPPLIES. TO ME-nominee, FB HIM. DON'T LET YODR BILLS Q1 you down — fat professional naaeiai manasemeot right no. Homes Services. ISI S. Broad; WtUTTER8, FLASHIltb. PLANTER boies. tree oatlmates. OB 3-S7T0. BOAT INSURANCE FRANK A. ANDERSON AGENCY Phone FE VMM 1 ROOMS, BATH. WASHER. UTIL-tttoa, Mfc WUham- ” * 2 AND 3 ROOMS, toaM r- —“ after 4 P.m. FE 3-3313. LUCAS PLUMBING AND HEATING Parte and Service New work and attornttena. CL MB or OL Stott, v ' Roofing and Shttag 2. AND 1-ROOM PURNBHBD ANp unfurnished. utlUtlee paid, 1M S. Howard Street. HOLLYWOOD APT. k gaar. u XM1. LU A BOAT NUMBERS ilia 3 inch - Mr set » ptecee MADE-TO-ORDER STENCILS Pontiac Stomp * Stencil Co. I OR 3 BOOMS, INFANT WEL- Saw and Mower Service BAV2 SAW A LAWN MOWBR SERVICE MU t-MSl 8b irlMtod Rd. 3 AMD giTcaretakor, f Frail. Bbea. Matte' ._________ 3H ROOMS. NEWLY DECORATED, utilities furnished. 1*3 Mechanic LEAD THE FLEET! (Win LARSON -AMD ALUMINUM11*ND*WMm*DOCK8 MATERD(^-%URiBW^jggpt TOUR R2INRUUU DEALER Harrington Boat Works IMS a WV> Rd. FE MS33 PINTER'S ma 2. OFPVK2 rd. r* msm SPRING-SPECIALS ..... | *82 raw flberflay nmabonts from MIS J eemwwiaed eettlto priced to MU: ftot selection of guaranteed need acton from 1 to M HP PAUL A. YOUNG ease titeu Bwj. . On teas lake OR 4-S411 Ixi ROOF PINE BOARDS 4c tin. ft. 1X3 FURRINO STRIPS. MUmR. 8UjtoSFator a*e Me m. 4zpx<4 Kardboerd . »*«■ PONTIAC LUMBER CO. CASH AND CABBY Oakland Aye. FB *1212 NEW1961 STAR CRAFT Open Eves, and Sundays DUNHAM'S 23SS Union a. Rd. BM 3-4185 Bride Laying . Landacaphtg Television, Radio and HI-FI Service . riMATES AVAILABLE MOW. Jomplote land soaping. Rtasonabls Phone OR Itoto. A. Fvlker Lamtoeum CootrieUr iab#l kUILT, BEOONDI-tloned, matotatoed, trimmed. FE >067. Oet ov price* before you buy 1 SHEET OR Ctt LOAD Painters .* Decorators — CUSTOM PAINTING— — FULLY tmME • _ - fm. C. McRatk ‘ - PA INTI NO. WALL WASHINO TNSIBL*-------- BHU1 JOHNSON RADIO & TV Home is AM. to 2 pm. 45 E. Walton Blvd. FE l Troo Trimming Service THEM TRIMMINO AND REMOV-al,’ Prompt aertrtoe. (Mini 4-din after 1:00.______ Tree Vnnntato and removal — wMs rtoea. FM s — Tiwdc RoMtal Trucks to Rent Pontiac Farm and Industrial Tractor Co. Upholstering ...OMAS UPHOLSTHRH _ IT! NORTH PERRY ST. FE 5-8888 wakl UriHKIilkiiiii'-' 31M Margam, Mm Hetgbts EAKLE8 CUSTOM UPHOLSTER-j^lM Cooley Lake Read. HM Water Softener Sorvico Water Softener Service Attrsctlve I Flea* O’ rear jni______ . living room, 3 bldroom, kitchenette dinette bath * garage. Re* lulretf »75 P«r month. i, 4S Florence 8 _ _____RATI, OH MA floor. .183.Oram, for white, i weak. FE 3-1*43. raasonabla price. MS, PHI i, n ». a# V A T E BATH. •BB3ROOM, BATE. DDRMO ---- Urtag room, klt-^— teat nook, hoot and furnished. FB 4-7311. 3 BOOMS. 1„ ntrance. FE 5-5133. _ 3 ROOM ■ FE 4to33. FRIVATEBATH 3 ROOMS AND BATH. DAY SHIFT By Frank Adante I always look forward to this time of year when the boys get their vacations and. just get out and do what they WANT to do...!” ' Rent Apia. Fumlshod 27 NEED AN APARTMENT? SLATER APTS. D AND unfurnished N. PARKE ST. taka . Roadu O ~ 3~ROOM8, PRIVATE RaHC~ ROOMS AND BATH. AUTOMAT-. ie hem and hot water, fe a-imi. 3 BEDROOMS, OA3 heat. Fe t-ROOM HOUSE, 1-BEDROOM, full baa am eat, fmambadT FE a-ms. ________ UNION COURT APARTMENTS Are you looking tor a lean attrao-ttva apartmanto. where gto | pie are friendly? Cool la aUma lime, parm to wintertime n 3 rooms and bath apartmi rent for MMS par monfb. Ad__ only In this building. K. O. Hemp-stood, 188 Rail Huron. 7~ ' “■ or Fn Mm,___________________ Marm and Pleasant, i or a r-s-r—< — Rent Apts. Unfnrwisfcsd 22 -____ lakafront apu. OR 3-tlt.. 3 ROOMS AND BATH. OAKH1LL 3-BEDROOM, OTTIJIBEH WEL- 3 BEDROOM MODERN R type on lake. Batons store, ra-frlgerator, carpeting, too bath and automatic bear. MSI Dtzle Highway MAple S-11S3. 3 ROOMS MD BATH. REFRIO- 3 LARGE ROOMS AND BATH. Oaa heat. Newly decorated. Upper. Keego Mather en bus ”— 1 M3-37M. ___________ 3 BOOM APARTMENT, UPPER 3 ROOMS AND BATH. NEWLY decorated, best, hot water, rofrtg- 11 Commerce Road, EM __ _____ Many tor into lacs than SIM down. Call Mr. Mills FE ftotrSTto answer FE ROOMS AND BATH, U gae -beet, let etde. FE 4 BOOMS AND BATH. 4M] Highway. AdnNs. S ROOMS Aim BATH, UTIUTIEB * ‘ ‘ ‘ rdsane. MT 3AW3, ORCHARDCT. APTS. Rent now greatly reduced t OH I WOtoCMM AFARnfEWT :. Modern in Every Detail ADULTS ONLY - FE 8-6918 , mer st. Apt. f»p.m. danaaer, HR •a Dally k Sun 3 NICE FURNISHED ROOMS. PR1-eate bath, for working couple -Modem kitchen, cloao la. FE 3-7S55. nM^tonnea, LARGE ROOMS AND BATH, lea, dlapoaal, ooupla 3 ROOMS ON MECHANIC Ft. m \ 3 ROOM FURNISHED APART- 3 APARTMENTS. 314 CENTRAL, newly tosoratod. ootoiwd. Cali <83-2144, for appototoaent. ROOMS AND BATH, HEAT, lights, gas furnished, private —- —«—■— “* —nth, white. jg.2-1---- rear ant fa nee, tst ■ R. J. (Dick) VALUET Realtor FE 4-3531 Sir OAKLAND AVENUE OHEI W g SOWfisfllTO 4 BOOMS WITH PRIVATE HATH ght dMnaen, adalta only IIS per wash. BtoMre 20 Baldwin Am MhBT, . ■ 3 ROOMS, PKIVArR BATH AND _»•hed)*AduRel „. -- BUM. . " sMit; Faffa*e .^EffidSqE m ALBERTA APARTMENTS Urtag mv. bsdraom, kitchen. lithriobL •fflcienclei. $3S un 290 N. Paddock. PE 2-20M. AUBURN COR. EDITH S room* newly decorated, mv*-' terrace, gas bent 4 -en n#r moote ai IMmo. ctofFE rgnrage. end hallway, newly decorated. APARTMENT FOR RENT. PART- fcu^t^AgARnto^^ROaMT. OU?i Realty Co. FE MlTy*1*"' OTto^S^^PAHTMENT StSriifMl" f Franklin: 1 COLORED Nice apt- Had, etore and refrig-erator furnished. FE 5-4537 alter 4 re CLUUBTUII, UROUND rL heated, 3 rooms and bath. §3agfe&a Lake front — itoooid, hath, pw&p furataheC Parkin Into apartments. Heat, jwnjtod ntototoitoe. i— _ Rent Houses Furnished 29 HOUR, ek eeei FULL BA8E- “ROOMB" FtiRNUHiD EXCEPT “V All UfllltvilB Mr*' “■* rt St rMttrrm /wn ^rsdUL i mm* on 2-boio For Rent Rsfps 42 ' en. Fg 4»l<3e. Ml RMdvSi BLEEPINCi ROOM 3QHN- n.mi. ooop ■dew, .now x cation. PE 4473? after 3. Rooms with Beard 42 1 ELDERLY ladies, modern country home, ME 4HWg3^g~T7 COMFORTABLE ROOM tor OEiT tleman, with board 2 toll red. Home privilege#. HIS Uaealn-eblre. IT Mill. •VBJr&KStFBt» 4-US4. , , »r5*i8a^T^ tpi/AT- tractive3 bedroomiaaeb on yd- Rent Stores Rent Offlco Spid» 47 BLOCH FROM DOWNTOWN rx _____riarisM BEAUTIFUL J BEDROOM BRICK borne,. near lUOOl basement, gae heat atoms oelUnge. full prica only $14,3811 fun down ptomBjeniy SIN. SIN for month. FE ¥4)1? oc FH 3-MSS. NO btokore ptoaec. nltttre^rlccd^rMht. *1 W. —. WY^oWner4^*' Laic* Mf, 1 lUliia, biidfil floors, pstoroie tun br«M«- — cottage On Orton, _ Oakland Labe. EM 3-3ISS. acuity for rontlae or by owNERTi sroilboW brice. foe lawyer. of Walled ’LahaJ Ma' JS£. I For Rent M isccllaneoas 48 heat bandy Auburn Arsaub loca-tton. ideal tor huntanee office. dn,Vfi3a M.’ BREWER Joseph F. Raise, Balsa Mgr. MS E. Huron St. ' FB 4-4111 SXi; A$st. «. era. Oakland 1 Orchard Lake Fuel S FatoL 412 For* Sale Houses . 49 Ront Houses Uafurn. 40 2-BEDROOM DUPLEX Alemalto bast — Full basement WILL DDOOBATW • $75 PER MONTH FE 4-7833 S44 Rato Bird. K. at Vatoncln 2 B E DR OOlf BRICK. BASE-ment, ns heat. Sdifia • Bast Bird. N after t p.m. 2-BEDROOM BRICK Duplex, tall basement, gas hast, decorated. SM par monUL NICHOLIE-HARGER FE 5-8183 Dixie to MIA 134 4 boons ARE READY t6 Pit your furniture right In, newly depended OR 3-73S4._________. 3 BEDROOM. REFERENCES. 1A49 4 ROOMS AND RATH. NEWLY-- decoeatod. kn* heal StoMUi Pontiac .'"OB 3-3303. XRttmOOM. SOUTH gHtRLEY inii m RngigiRi. i i Niw. ar^to, center. Rent MS. 4-ROOM LARGE HOME ON WHIT-temoro street, basement, — . heat. STS par month. Chi R. J. (Dick) VALUET Realtor FE 4-3531 344 OAKLAND AVMfUK Open S to * gun. T-ROOM Ito hat ruga, M______________________ accepted. References required. to EMERSON, PONTIAC. CUTE 2 bedroom home, full basement, fenced -yard: Children welcome, elp you redecorate. Special AVAILABLE MAT 1STT-APACIOI: 3bodrama bams. Mfatogd htoto TO Ud gsras*. on 4 acre Frutt trace and garden. 30 Ml and^tocherter ltd. area. Ills. 1 . Ffc 4-SS83 COLORED Brand new 3 bedroom fun bsi ment ranch. Gu boat. Ceran toe n hath. Storms and screet... Oarbage disposal. Nice Mg lot. with Mo drive. I/-— —•» 3-T3ST Rem Realty. DuplH Mibsooii. full JOANOAY. 13IT. WATHHPORD Township. 3 bedroom, gas bast, Urge lei, «. ab-RO. OArfleld LARGE 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, C RENT — LEASE OPTION 9-BEDROOM - ALMOST NEW slidTH^RH Mt w, 3-nao-room frame, basement, ante. BYLVAN VILLAGE u^nedlate >oa- Ask for Mr. ARon._______ Hnrgcr Oyyeaty, tt\k W. » SUBURBAN 'RANCH HOME. AT-teched garage. For Rwt R—m 42 3 .ROOM BFFKJENL'T WITH ■Itoehen and bath. M ftonlahad. _ AiMgA AFimcmn~~ 22S H, PADDOCK FE 3-3SW BUgsVoPPIXO AT DOOE. LAkOE freto attractive rm. fe 4-1333 CLEAN ROOMS, NEW BEDE. TV ^Fvt^Ent. FE 4toto,^PE SM7S. nice private Noma, slogs la. FE BEDROOM ON 1 LOT*. OWN water, by owner. Bsc rifles. 41,400 Caeb. FE 4-4US. 3-BEDROOM Fart basement. Dlntnc Screened In porch. ltoxUS with lake privileges an Cam Lake. JSAM with term;. JOHNJ. VERMETT REAL ESTATE ESTATE AND OUURANCE _______EM 3-44*4 ______ BEDROOM ROME. Lobe NEW, cash price 19.440, on terms as.act. If (surest «d call ” 3-44SS, 312 Clifford 2t. r ecftoaoc, Ineatrc OR 4-I1I*. BEDROOM BRICK Of HERRINO-,ton HlLe. off FiMbintu Read ' Can be had to 41b Par cent mort-D»vment.U*N?e°r,l«S^*c»neddt, BEDROOMS Lower Strati* 1 3-BEDROOM BRICK RANCH, basement. $300 down Rent r' e lots. FE 4-lteO. For. Sale Houwi 49 d drapes; ixar URV towm* —Till owners. Will build on yeue tot. Semt-flnlshed homes. NelRhlg dawn. Menlhle payments to tow gg SM. Also, furnished —t*—*-l-to flnteh If deelred. Arthur C. Compton A Sons. OR M(H . bedr'm, brick ranch. partoioned bsm't. water aelu leased and landscaped, gaa I After 1 p.m. ra 4-4144. kf uVKr - luoallo carport. Oaa beat. Fun prl* gfLar 14 g ■ Mew eft Airport Rd. ntar MM. .OR 3-1410.. Rt owifRi; NicE i laroiTbed: mm horns off N. ntty,' HR DELIGHTFUL 3-BED1 ____________ ___1ROOM RANCH radiant baa*. Ovetttaod attached EQUITY B1 BEDROOM sm FOR COLORED 3-Bcdrm. brick bemee to mw and better neighborhoods* very_ lew tow^a^TBSbetom^to- Immediate noesessloo. «MW “ «N down. W1U accept tats For Sttte Ho. __ - 3_____— WSftolSF anly 44.ttW. Ne ageuU. IHMM*. SPRING SPECIAL j SYLVAN LAKE ga anaJEarw —ie Jib MSM, ruera ■ **ra«o. Met BELL OR TRAD* - gas zuzvi., mini sos awnsr oak .flooefc ,two large tote, wen Bi— &s&£ ii Mdse painting lnfaar as pdrt town payment, A. 8. Brawn Realtor OA MM. Suburban Living At Its Best , . Your futdra home la tot (CONVERTIBLE 24) 3*4 had rooms, 11b baths W. W. ROSS HOMES SUBURBAN 3 BEDRM - Lgo. liv. rm.. bath*. Me* Utahan. pymt. By Owner. MA 4-011. TO 8ETTLE AN aRtif* 1H acre lot, email gsrage bouse. SI.MS cash. MA 4AMI. WATCH BOR THli GEOROBTOWN Terms. FE 4-04*0. WILL BUILD E0UW i onto lib bath. IK baaameto model I Don McDonald LiCENgti jgyilRE WATERFORD TW<». 3 bodroome. braoeoway and 3 ear garage, full bneemeuL oak floors. gas rariiaco. beautiful landscaped yard. Only tU.m. WU1 consider ircii ta PonUic Peterson Real Estate --3-1881 After 4 FE 4-SU1 WaU Street-Colored 4-rooes madam. Reads sWtotod and daeerattng. 1 block off Pad- dock. Only |( us. ton d Paul M. Jones, Real E*t. 3-BEDttOOtf BHICK. lib RATHE corner lot, caipeMng, drapes, ■torma and screens, beautifully 3 bedrooms-4 acres Largs brisk ranch home .JP full baemninli 2 large bedroom* (one 12x11). Ceramlo bath with built-in vanity. Modern kitchen with larga awing apace. (Extraordinary amount of kitchen ator--------). 14x38 B. living- nr«u An e*4y,r*hou*e ---- of high I BRiCK—3 md builMns. 4 GREEN ACRES BRICK 3 BEDROOM-DEN Orchard Ek. ana. UnusnaA ( , crtyl Winding drive, graUar lawn. Ruga family rm.. flraplncc. 21b baths, lovely kitchen, dish-washer, built-in oven and rut* Superbly baUt Full baatt^Tlb gar., patto. storm shelter, lake I Union Lk. Rd , EM 3 4 Bedrooms t '‘V St. Michael’s Parish! $83 Per Mo. phu to) ■ noose 11 : country kitchen,’ Scar garage. Located to Lewis St. |IW will move you toll cun w. w. Ran Berne* at OB MSM f“ n»rlherlmormatlo*i. 4 BEDROOMS! WEST SUBURBAN! $80 PER MO. SM . 1-bedroom brick. MI $99 DOWN 2 hadraoto frame, full b* automatic hast, storms, aavud mAM month. Vacant, tmraedtoto paaaanton. Open walk to and look. Call May Msnage- * 1st. etty wati is KRoobaator r NO DOWN. NICE 3 BEDROOM baton an Pontiac Lk. ML Owner saga sen tola wash. Large lot an Saved strwt Now raoaal. Wo etWimLsss.-sst v anient to RMb FUR hnat . oU hionland Estates 3-bed-i- rasa brick raacb. ful hand at, landscaped, paneled racreatlon racm. S acra to Lcnvtog date,; mutt acU. on 3-CMT. . $9,5001 RUad McNAB ART MEYER TFW__________ For down payment fur We can help yon ssysssre "**»»«. DRAYTON WOOOa home 3V livtao^ang dlato^ in*, paneled ftoslly r ^ bath, 3 fireplaces, ran___ B1 — i caitoU. OR F2MK ST1 1 I X±UlkinXii iN ' ROCHESTER. 3 BEDROOM IN WATERFORD. A PlNE HOME ON 3 WELL LANDSCAPED LOTS. 3 BEDROOMS. STAINLESS STEEL BUILT-INS M KITCHEN. FULL BASEMENT WITH DIVIDED KITCHEN AND SECOND BATH. BRICK PLANTERS. VERY NICE NEIGHBORHOOD •MIS DOWN. UNDERWOOD BEAL ESTATE OR 2-58 |— X=L- prica and ton WILLIS 1 MOVEABLE HOUSE $1,000 Move this madam 4-room, frami BEDROOM 17350. gM__^ ___ - A toed two bedroom ------—IN. 0M down I‘flpVrSato on. FB MW. etora. Use MA 4-U1S. NO MONEY DOWN VEUSVEL STARTER On ygy to tMwd at Ranch. OPEN SUNDAY 1-6 TRI-LEVEL STARTER •Mt Commerce Rd. Q. FlattUr. Enttfir “* Ettto OPEN SUN. j-5 Pioneer Iflghttad*. SM ■*— Drive, Iraan brick n mjss* *■*1 ONLY 3 Lt^T au aluminum raneMypg hoi_ aa,*jsrS,s.,wk and mraranl*. DXarah Rulid- srs. pe amL ■ ROCHESTER — $17^00 EXTRA VALOR to Ma larga 2-bedrm . face briok wtth attochad brceccway and 2-cu garage* frak F'totl BbS?' Uant rolled —daare. IN'T LAST t..'S8e rr ■ .OPEN SUN. 1-6 P.M. DIRECTIONS H H TO PONT..,-LAKE StOAD. TURN RIGHT TO an KINGSTON - APPX -MOBS PROM CITY LIMITS FISHING BOATNO AND ; Fir Salt Hwmi ' 4 "BUD" Close in Lake Rout ' Excellent sand beach. J had. room Bote*. IMt * hatha, family room .with beautiful via* «— looking tea lake spactoua tny roam with fireplace. - » van carpeting. separata _ in* room, kitchen with break-»*st nook, part haaamant with heatln* aad laundry, larya f ter garage, par ad drive. Of farad kt *3*,#**, will caatMat trad*. “BUD” Nicholie, Realtor — • 'S IS Ctomens St. FE 5-1201 *4fter 6 p.m. FE 4-8773 By Kata Osann OPEN HOUSE 3BKDROOM BUNGALOW SUNDAY 34 K ochf sttr Suburban Naur a-bodroom brtck. eloae g*d*‘bS2k iSTuraai Moves You In ! b 3 BEDROOM; 1 kinds of extra* 7- bate- * '■ car allacbad yaraya and ful mem ISM artel (3 SO* LET'S TRADE 'WIEXTradeTTH ter vacant property of 1 to bj acres In Clarkstoo Aiwa. Sc* -this lovely., buck ranch with J had-roams and family teem. Living condition ONLY MM down BEDROOMS la Ferry Park, hardwood floors; I car ysrayr; all heat; LOW Liim.______ I BEDROOMS With Retted I i! th* sti—I tm STai __Dormant, and Its fur- ntsbed. ORLY tl.M* down Enter “ sprtny aad summer in a ____ _ __ _____________ e oFyour own. Call us today taltaiion. Built-in _______ — Plenty of aad atomget space. Attached yaraye. larya lev-1 _____ el lot. Don't wait 'til someone; wi. boats you to Xh^Jfbnt than »»- fE >1W . LET S TRADE HOUSE SENSE MA 54431 i pUce 'they can BROWN [ha growing family! lathing better at a SILVER LAKE FRONT - Lately > afford t rooms; madam bungalow la A-l Cano. large wooded Full haaemi doY aad ate. "All tar only Site r Excellent neighborhood. Realtor 377 8. TELEORAPH—OPEN EVES j >1M DOWN I }*$? ' I bedrm. _ bndk. carpeting s.nd » . —* - is L 1 porch. | i. vktly li iftd nic« n d liberal ti Open 11 to 7 . id room, carpeted living t and hall *. Vanity in . Attract!vs kitchen with ' cupboards. Oas un- ~HfODEL: 180 W. Beverly SPOT LITE BUILDING CO. EE 4-0985. beautiful bath wtth glass-enclosed tub. wonderful kitchen with tent fan. home vacant nad test Ilk* naw. Baldwin. Mock past Walton to 136 w. ChtantaT--------- SPACIOUS : 4VROOM mu. tn mo and local- • •d no Thorp* St., batween Huron nod Elisabeth Lake ■ltd., excellent condition to- LOW AND RAMI BRICK RANCH This certainly debts beautiful home Utthn, dining LAKE-FRONT BUNOALOW. 17,500 Situated on three an? good r*ulnlBg'w(U*hm * OFFICE OPEN -For Sale Houses HOYT EHCU17VB RANCH Ltaet. option or hoy Carpeted L._ _______ fireplace. Attached 3t*-ci rage- Privileges on Sylvna Bullt-lns gaMMl^mnl For Salt Houses 364 *. TBLKORAPH ‘H my cooking doesn't improve, my husband wit! never have *ft overweight problem!” , STOUTS Best Buys Today - t. One-acre parcel Included i this ane st 41.(50 down and r IH par month. ELBOW room PLOT, large I-n and both West side noma, a Jo schools and shopping. I easement, l-car gang*, a lot. And Just fl3.750 with 450 DOWN - Newly dscorated J-hidraam city hem*, toeatad In Nortbarh High area. City water and eewer. naw kttobea cupboards, Ml hut. Monthly payments chaaper then rent. Immediate possession. AVON TOWNSHIP. Truly For Sale Houses 49 For Sale Houses * 49 YOUNG-BILf I HOMES I REAI LV SllTANS BETTER BUILT j Svlvan Lake Front i ! A 'JAMES K HOME: with I , ‘ levels, festurlng targe picture! ” —j mi MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE -mm- IN TH* COUNTRY * budget honi oo block lop rod bool bus ot door. 100x260 foe 14 room*, plus utility. $*.M KAMPSEN REALTOR-BUILDER SeO or Trade * MODEL OPEN- Sunday 2 til! 5 Mil MEAsJOWLKIOH bur-bedroom Cape Cod, wo ceramic tlla baths, haunt fireplace, barbecue tached ■ two-car garage, paved dMte, storm aash and serahaa. Will atrtll or dupUoate. DIRaCTTONd: Drive out Dlxls Highway to Miter Lake Rd„ left on West Walton Bird, to ciintonvUte Rd. to Aaxelus Meadows Bub. Follow signs. OPEN Sunday 2 till 5 CASS LAKEFRONT rasa, salt sandy beach & I - ‘idgiM, - qrrtrsd at ' Terms. Directions: OPEN For Sale Houses 49 Owner Transferred 3-hadroom. ranch, IH hatha, family ream, linn* room, flreplace, planter, dlnto* raom. Am trican kitchen, buUWns. brsakfast nook. IH-ear garaga. tavered porch, beautiful tat. Upper Long Lake privileges. Okjtoft' and drjpei !»-■' eluded. Priced below mark at. Houseman-Spitzley sales ana* at square Law Rd. bad Middle Bell. .. FE 8-1331 MI 4-7422 Income Freperty < 50 10 UNITS ..LAKE PRIVILEGES Frni tita liiBi i pletely decorated. 1 This custom h*Ut 1 bedroom heme has plastered walls, carpeted living room. Aluminum storms sot semens, folding aluminum awntngi FxB walkout nasameot. gas beat. This fine hosus has extra closel spec*. Total of 1111 foot living are* on H acre wooded And landscnpad tat CMI for npptant-msnt and terms. Total MI.Mt. bom* you will enjoy this *1 Call for an appotntmen- 1 bmiteSi^ BOiW PACE REALTY OR 4A«M RPlLDE. 1 takes, I bedrooms, enclosed porch, large ikretc, workshop spact. feoced teor yArd Sin......... trees, grape vines, wooded park HI fXoat. playground at tear, short walk to shopping, bank and post office. Corns S»S-You will be happy here. ttfM, 51.350 down. Ilf per month. WATERFORD REALTY, OR MM!. KM 3-tete. A^RG- LAKEFRONTJ5 3 BEDROOM — Brick, ranch. large living room with marble fireplace. plenty of capboafda. storm* and screens, IH car carats. M’ on tea take. Oahr lUJCS 100- OF SANDY BEACH - Beautl-■ ' ^garden spat, cempletaly >, fireplace, gas beat new aluminum aidiz IH car garage, paly iMJM. CASS LAKEFRONT — 5 bedroc — e. targe llvlnf room. 1 completely furnished, very good beach Only 511.500, terms. TED MoCULLOOGH, REALTOR PHONE 682-2211 • OPb!n «■* CA**-EMSAbeto_Road SONDAY 10-* Map- IjnT *sta~boAUn«7''KM~»-3 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE ARRO DIXIE LAKE AREA — Ot acres and this attractive ■ home. 33 R. living rm. has __ lator fireplace Tiled bath. 3 garage Tool bid*., take “ - Come out and Inspect llflglish 5tTlt r 3-bedroom hrick-ftent1 --- cross tee street from 47 500 ( ■bedrom ’ home. completely { redecorated. New carpeting up apd down. New kitchen. Rac- Brick Ranchei _ restlon room tn basement. rooms 1W baths living Two-car attached garage. FE wttj, fireplace dining L, ♦wR- ! tv kitchen, thermonan* carpeting. I sacrifice. i ranch. struction. throughout and heduUflly deco's ted Only 5 years aid with many Modern extra features you’ll appreciate. Natural fireplace, pte£j Pontiac aad ____...__...____ day 10-4. MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE. EAST BEVERLY L. H. BROWN, Realtor- 1 ^ ^0* ^gltsbeth Lake Bead t t-M0t ar PE 3-4010 features. Reduce, White aluminum siding, Itrlny SMALL ES __ i ooeino roo i TATE" IN TBK Cu r — ■ SEE THIS ONE SUNDAY I LIST WFFtf- Humphries! S3 N. Telegraph Open Evas FE 2-9236 Colored 3 BEDROOM HOMES STARTS DEAL $10 Down No Mtge. Costs! Payin’ts Less Than Rent Oas heat, carpeted living room ! Many other features Model Open 1:30 ter 6 I Westowc Realty FE 5-7703 *Val-U-Way| OPEN aUKDAT 1:30 — 0:30 bedroom, full basement, oak i loors Til* bate, birch cupboards. I jumtnum siding Lars* tat 100 , 150 toeatad at 0U0 Lindsey j o. i Mack saute, of Williams I sad full basement. *u heat, new carpeting. Faar gartge. 513.500. Terms. i COLONIAL HILLS: Lovely brick sjsUt-lsvel. Living ! - room, dining L. three bed- - rooms, two ceramic tils baths, fsmtly room, two flraplaces. carpeting and drapes Two-car garage. Extra targe let. Price reduced to: OM.OOO. Shown by appblntmeat only. JOHN K. IRWIN * 3-bedroom brick. 3 gli porches, full basement, oil wster softener, attached garage, lake privileges. Only gio, too— Turmk, NEAR MSUO — Next 3-bedroom MMte carpeting. wnlMp-wau . _ large welHsndscxped yari*^^ 30,1*0. Terms. NORTH END - Cosy 3-bedroom bungalow, oak floors, wall to wall earpatln*, close to has. schools and shopping, 17.450 — Terms. TED McCULLOUOH, REALTOR PHONE 682-2211 OPEN M:30 8PNDAT ISA Will mum a - - - aluminum tri-level. Built-In oven, and range, paneled family room. Hi bates. Forced air heat. Oak . floor*. At lew at 113.050 on your let or choose one of our many I lot*. As low as 54M dawn. Llmit-; ed tljmo' nnly-r.!. RUlH 1 ; “JlxM” WILLIAMS p REAL ESTATE INSURANCE 11413 Baldwin FE 4-0547 O'NEIL t‘ Huron Street OPEN vary FOR SALE GOVERNMENT PROPERTIES ’ -j. "LnajiBW1* condition . Thais properties are offered at MmmM BA VINOS TO YOU — YOU NEED NO DOWN PAY-~MENT—Yea IP'-------i i taw monthly . 111 In Clark,ton alum. ________.____„e fireplace and sliding glass cards In kitchen N. Terms. *** *** U*1* ** Floyd Kent Inc.. Realtor Ivy. i PS WILLIAMS SGHRAM Three Bedrooms Largs carpeted Uvlng room nnd Roll, wardrobe -K—*- — hmi'ilr MB',________ lot In tea LeBaron School Only *100 to REAL ESTATE INSURANCE 1403 Baldwin .___FE 4-0547 ROCHESTER Large 3-hedroom brick rancher. Carpeted Uvlng room, larya kitch- double garagt isaurai.r todAyi " OPEN Sunday 3 to 5 101 Osceola Indian Village *1.01 Priced at: >30.500 dbwa Sacrifice sale L Phone PE O-OMl t Orchard Lake I basement. Oas heat. 2-ci ruS JOHN K. IRWIN it SONS Realtor* 113 West Huron Street > 4Vi 1 offer price fa way hi On cost. Pay d lent mortgage. 2 ACRES Nicely landscaped with stream, horse barn with fenced ground, 0-room modern home with 3 bate*, natural fireplace, full basement, additional 4~a*te* Available. 115,-500 with $3,000 down. Llveroole and 8. Blvd. area. 'Cterwce C. Ridgcway »t W. WALTON BLVD LesHeRs Tripp, Realtor n West Butob St. ra Min I FE "floor picture and n J overslxe hedroomi, a ■tro^wum^and^ir and a hail. Full hue ErlS r will sell tw 54.0*0 *000 DOWN . section. Ho i payments Excellent condition Inside aad out. Full basement,’auto.: heat, Truly aa excellent buy , HURRY!, -----. gleaminc oak ____ redecorated throughout. If you employed aad have good an call today to see this raal ah haste Vacant. a few hundred dollars ra ff ga.Vate ’ J i^^taaarthas yau. call |£ RAY O’NEIL* Realtor ,r- 353 8. Telegraph Open 14 p m Sui ltt|»T 3-T103 , ___ OB 3-301 R. J. (Dick) VALUET V Jr^ lM Realtor * FE 4-3531 ^ MS OAKLAND AVENUE 34*0 WEST WALTON BLVD Open t la * Bun I1-4!8AT AND BUN. 13 TO T P h y 1-------------------- WEEKDAYS I TO I P.M, Johnson Valu-Bilt » years of service law. ^ ^ ^ FOR COLORED - J - bedrooms, ha__ . garaxe i bay! tofg„tasafry touted Eveators after 0 call Mr. Wheaton PS 44M . - A. JOHNSON & SONS REIAL ESTATE — . INSURANCE -■ KB4 S. TELEGRAPH I FE 4-2S33 ! lnipecttoh ovary iftornpon. 3-bed raom, ranch type buagalaw with full basement. Meet oak floors, mahogany trim aad dears. Alum etdtof sttachcl gsrsgr Cersmir Ute bath wtth bulK-hi vanity nod many other deluxe extras. Oam* \ out and brows* ttteagb. Sales '.man. on property to auxWar all ANNETT See Our Picture Ad On Psxs u Williams 1-ftke t'riv. . scaped" trtfi ind plfntv of ilMdf MTiRf Canal front*!t $13,< Elizabeth I-k. Estates 3 shaded lots. Completely FURNISHED, WfH construt- Ray O’Neil Realty 13 S. Tefegrsph Rd. Open S C p _________nt Midi__________ carpeting and drapes, Ilka a< completely furnished rac. m with bar. stools, ptkao. refr erator. etc. Oas heat garage w PACE i REALTY. .OR 4-0*30 BUILDER Our Lady of Lakes Open Sunday 14 Pi rm. brick -ranch, living . brick fireplace .wail, large picture w I n d o w_-,*... space, carputnj and c 500. terms. Directions North oo Dixie Hlvny f— ‘ Our Lady of Later turn wesi on Led* 4334. Open Sign Sylvan Lake Front OjM *“*— *-* “ as _ Living rm. 14x33, lire-pstn sled library, dto-with hay, spaclsut K*mb Blvd. eff Telegraph Rd tnc'will —trade, ; v ANNETT INC \iT . Realtors”. • ' ME. HURONST ' I Open Evenings ana Sunday 14 FE8-0466 OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO 5 P.M. . Off Bhldwta. Law daws paymaat. Move right la. Electric heat. Pud price *0.9*. ___GNSN-,-------r- SAt.. SUN. 2 TO 5 P.M. $495 TRI-LEVEL *0*5 DOWN plus 1st. N* mortgage cast. 1 bedrooms. Will build on your tat or oun. To Model, Union Lake ltd. i . Clarkston Village 4 BEDROOMS 40*0 DOWN I This 4 bedroom .1 atgry hr located last l block from do tow* Clsrkston 3 blacks Ii tchtodt. This 'i-- ■ stalled fnew gas furnace. Nle, shaded lot ah ’• quiet street Owner 4fUL tacrine* tar the sa believable price of auto 18.950 ♦70 m.pnth la qualified buyer. . Txarkston reaiJ estate. INC MM B. Mato St piece bate with shower. Master badrm. 13x11, sat bait, tor hot water baa tar, storms and drive, war, 1st nxtlS. BlQsjftaP street Only 011.000 wtteOMM dawn on land cantrsct Invsstlgste today. • IVAN W SCHRAM REALTOR FE 5-9471 *43 JOSLTN COR. MANSFIELD OPEN EVENINOB AND SUNDAY MULTIPLE LIBTINO SERVICE INTRODUCING THE INI “TEMPEST” You Can't Afford to Rent’ When You Can Live in Pontiac $55 Excluding Taxes aad insurance FULL PRICE PROM $8,995 Including tot (ehctoc location) .3.Large Bedrooms Dining Room * Gas Heat Carpeting Included Many other Deluxe Features * 1 MODEL AT 108 N. East Blvd. t block N. of Pike os East Blvd. Open Daily, Sun. 12-9 Model Phone FE 5-3676 Office UN 4-2625 8.1 S BUILPUtO CO. HAYDEN LOON LAKE. Dastrabla 3 Bedroom Waterfront Ranch Horn*. Large L.R. aad d.r. 3 fireplaces. Kitchen has built-in rang*, eves, and dlahwaxhar. • closets, ita bates. Basement. (Ml ruraac* — UNO gal. tank,' * car sarasa. Paved drive. Lei M x 3ft farms. Oakland’ lake. »me la a dared wai_.___________ . Basement features fl fhtt* formica counts i Basement, recrestto tog at water tavsl. Oil, dressing room tar bathers Underground sprinkling system. Gang*' Terms......... j. C. HAYDEN, Realtor OT E. Walton FE *441 Open Eva*. Sun. 1 tp g - - OPEN . SUNDAY Waterfront Ranch Home >13 CM* Lake Rd. aw West lid* af Sytvaa Lake. '% aril* south af »_R .f»«* hriak ranch beat* T»*»4* Sylvaa Lake eaaal ft„ lot. Direct ****** aad swell view af Sylvan Lake. NICHOLIE NORTHERN KIOH AREA Nearly decorated tarsi badraam home, ftoll basement, automatic boat, chafes location -*“■ w— BUI th# tinted feature «r iwi|i, hu«« ground M reersatton room with walkout to water front, S fl. Uvtog----------” 3 bt*, big bedroom*. | 3* •11 eutn to kitchen. New low pria* - HUN ------------------ TAKE YOUR CHOICE NICHOL IE- H AUGER •Ml W. HURON FE5418? ... fi_. to,llrtBr_._„„.™ walkln* distance to Nalthtrw High Only ill,got Drive ate Par- fiS&SljgFl Sa-: North Bloomfield Twp. NEW RANCH HOMES ALSO BI- AND TRMAVEL8. ALL WITH ATTACHED SCAR 'GARAGES PROM 035.000 MODEL HOME LOCATED AT ORNKR OF MILLINGTON AMD BERRY DR. 1 BLOCK EAST OF USJ0, 1 BLOCK SOUTH OF SQUARR LAKE ROAD. OPEN DAILY 1 -8 P.M. ARTISIAN SALES GO. 1(101 Schoolcraft BR 3 3570 HUR6N GARDENS 4 ROOM HOME - FULL BATH - PAVED STREET ' — OARAOE - CLOSE TO TEL HURON SHOP PINO CENTER — ONLY *00 PER MONTH. TRADE LAND FULL I— ____... RECREATION ROOM -CAR OARAOE - *1 TRADE FOR SMALL FH Partridge ____i-bcdroom nearly decorated colonial sets back from the read to the midst of 414 acres of refreshing grounds. Hie old farm charm haw been enhanced by modern features. The bast feature Is that.. you can own this for only IMS* down — with reasonable fit* n Owner Says “SeH” Partridge / ’ and Associates decorated. Full pr... Terms Call Lincoln 3-3157. EUGENE D. CARTER ________ REALTOR_____________ LAKEFRONT. LAKE PRIVILEGED OR 3-4535 ■£< W* R'*1.«*. Call after Sp.m. __ Robt H. CHAPIN. Inc. Your "Build Michigan Realtor'* EM 3-00*5 MU 4-17*5 LAKEFRONTS WILLIAMS LABS • WILLIAMS -LAKE — Modem 1 bedroom bam* located an canal only short distance front Ink*. Includes carpeting, auto, wash- UltM “own'" lot' (Ml *•*«•- PONTIAC LAKE — A sportsman's da tight across ”— —■* course wtth la itfSa i“S5t.*supru* WILLIAMS LAKE - Lovely asm- ---*ianis tostefBUy fumtshs* tn- i fireplace, family roam, full last aad 1 ala* wniii lot. randy beach. furnished Being sc tnjn* O'NEIL Open Sunday Off I. Shore ii —ntWQ’WFtl, Realtor _ jMflTTetegraito------- PB 3-71*1 Oft l-H Security 1 PLAN NOW tar carsfrsa years. - Here's a wondarful_ galew—near Tvi-Huron Shopping —* roams, plastered walla, oak floors, tiled game room H “ full baaamant. oil hast, —, It*-oar gang*. THI BONUS— taw S-raam Jmodarn apartments on th* adjoining tat, pay >*a til# #0 war month. Oa* Mat tea. CAU. NOW i Lake Front Vacant! ts.ra* dawn wfl taj it! Very attractive ranch taw- LIST WITH Humphries SELL BUY. TRADE! 3i MILLER •3H WILL MOVE YOU 1 LA. TAYLOR ESTATE AND INSURANCE ' -Highland Road , DAILY 54 SUNDAY 104 teriora, varsiuo awe war Lake areas. Let us show i on# of those hems*. RAMBLING BRICK RANCH beautifully . sttusted in a grove at 34 oak trves, 7 large rooms, hug* fireplace, family raom. modem kitchen has built-in range and arm. 1 aad Mi baths, hot water beat, 3-car attached garagt Out where you can tiara peace and quiet, and whore nature will have a chance to prove she k your' heat doctor. Owner has SPENCE ST. peted living i SAD FACT- And Oh So True! AD la Th* Pinks i Prass. It's Easy r Just Dial FE 2-8181 Ask for Want Ads rtoct OA 3-3341 LAKE LOT*. mo. 3* mini to Pant. Data Brian corp., OR 3-1335, FE 44603. PONTIAC LAkft - S-BEDROOM. tart* BHIRy. attached saras*. fur-nae^Otahorjaa^ Extra clca** ] bedropm^heme. *r*4 kitchen. TV iWOh. 30 toot PACE REALTY OR 4-043* BUILDER WILLIAM* LAKE. 3-car garage, tr ^BEDROOM. Dcsmmit Salt Ra—ft PropBrty~»2 OOTTAOE ON TITTABAWASSEE River to OtodHlh County. fSS£ and hunting. FE hUW Call be-twssn » and.» s.m. ___ HOUGHTON LAKE Ssst-sar' w: * “uB beach. CALL WOTtllS?- ONE HOUR'S DRIVE PROM POR1IAC Is tela I front poll age. S rooms, all k_ targe terraced tat. S*rtl* ft. AU TOO** &iwM' MAM MOVES SMITH-WIDEMAN 413 W. HURON FE 4-4526 WEBSTER LAKEORK3N - OXFORD O A. WEBSTER, Realtor QAMisi 'mts-hei FUr Sr»B *5!? »**L buhoi- THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAfr, APRIL 8, 1961 Hl-HftX VfLLA&E A bom• owner's paradise. * LADDTS INC. - m upur m, ru mi Hammond Lake and Upper Long Lake ttsittW.-::: cant built up with nr* homes Office at MUdlsbelt and Square HS^fiSSsPITZLEY lM u»k Mfcll Sale BudwtM ruiNHrt^ $7 INVESTMENT f ROMt TT — f***i flW ‘ highway Reas MM rtONTAOE, DUCK HUNTER AND FISH- . niuiri iHfciM. - ** OR l«o FEET ON WATER - dWr WATER - EASY PAYMENT* OYER 30 LOTS To CHOOSE FROM — $60 WILL 8ART YOUR PUR. WILL START YOUR PURCHASE ON ARY LOT. Wright, Realtor ■ II Oakland Ays.. Opts ‘tu .St1— “ *3™ PE 3-75*1 Rent, L'se Bus. Prop, 57A FFICE BUILDINO FOR RENT. AttrMivs^U X M older building |lR^u*blng*5!i“Te%i?adphM. I. of Orchard Lake Rd.. Corner Poll. WO 34700. Business Opportunlttei 89 QARAOE PUMPS. STORE, TWO house*, two apartments. 020,000. >10.000 down. Owner. MA 5-5000. iMVfeStlGAtE THE 'OPPORTUNITIES . IN RETAIUNOr OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS. 1EOOME ASSOCIATED WITH AN NATIONAL CONCERN, PQR I FORMATION ABOUT THE WESTERN AUTO ASSOCIATE PROORAMS. WRITE FOR SO O K L E T ENTITLED "DOORWAY TO OPFORTUNI-TT." OlO.OtO MINIMUM INVEft- WESTERN AUTO 8UPPL1 JV| Hum, w “LET’S TALK BUSINESS”- Green House • Meal inveetment. All tet tar spring Only $0,000 down. See for Yourself CHEROKEE HILLS ton'll IIU 1U wooded, rolling 100 ft. ettee - controlled to protect better bomee - and Its close-in SKbTSSr Wou^ug1 MICHIGAN BUSINESS tTirrm m 1 ~ SALES CORPORATION - - “ - - ■ • - - | JOHN A. LANDMESSER. BROKER 1573 TELEORAPH ROAD. PE 0-1643 Carl W. Bird, Realtor a aar”*' sut i _ TRADE 355 IfeT n wit For Silt Acreage ____________________ BOAT. Bvory ooPaMtocLakc; Season Just etaninp. Trail'd End. OR MNI. Eves., all day Sat. and MOTEL ON DIXIE i plue home and I highway. Widow NMN 17 000 will saerillet. Money to Loan 61 fUeenMO. Money Leader*! ' sKSaffi-k.ML EQUIPMENT LEASINO PONTIAC FINANCE AND MORTOAOE COMPANY -_ Pbntlac jP.ToT Box M3 I Pontiac, Michigan **** TWENTY-FIVE- WHEN YOU NEED $25 TO $500 Wa Win be tied to Iwlp you STATE FINANCE CO. 202 S. MAIN • 214 E. ST* CLAllT ROCHESTER ROMEO ****&"* * UVENfOCE HOUSEHOLD OOODg "FRIENDLY SERVICE" |Cpe0>M Aacked i 05, also tweeds and 3 —Rug pads $6 06. Pei_ Furniture $3 Orchard Lake .3 vision. $40 FE 4-5002. 1$ INCH MOTOROLA I_________I - inch RCA* M0 06 Chest. M W. Dresser *$.$$. Electric and ana -unei tM M Eaer-Wesher, *10 *8 Every thtngfor the home Olove Furniture. FE $4003. 10* W. Wei- Swaps swap ft 8-1025. ACRES CLOSE 11 Paul M*-Jorsswtt-.-. — j Real Estate ■ 1 $33 west Huron 2 to 4 Acres vacant num—:--------------------«±»f»I TAKE GOOD term tractor, trues or eat down. ReaaonaMe FE 4411*. 18-FOOT OUTBOARD. CONVER-ttble top; $0 h.p. Mercury elec. trtcr.trailer, running lights, trou, ~inte~fiew, awag~Ior. TV's, TV antennas, kits, ad acctetorle*. Johnson id TV, 4$ E. Walton Blvd. ' ATTENTION lari* selection at t leaet IS trede-fna. TVe or othar articles of value. Obel Radio tin 3138 Elisabeth Lake Road. PE UNUSUAL OFFER 1*0 — T cel* ranging fran 2 sera 4.1 sore*. This group hat Mao placed oa man**, Yot he first owner. Buy sow at .— tel prloe. Now Chrysler Highway cent personth cent down i porj Pine building site adjoining nt* tractive country estate. Fertile clay team soil Blacktop Hwy. School hue nt door. . Floyd Kent Inc., Realtor 3300 Dixie Hwy. at Telegraph. FE 3-0133—Open Eves, a Sunday Free Parking 4 ACME WITH SHALL 1 BED-, room, cement block home, .In-fir. partially finished Mao talk. MU HJ Partridge GROCERY-HOME-GAS good condition, MU *471$ AP#Ua1»C* IPEdALd '"Ml . RCA Mube radio ......... 114*5 >- 300.1b upright frooior *1*7.00 _ 1 r-"' -r--’-.. ii|7.00 $1*8 00 SMiysit,8dtTjaM»nRm*R 1 ■ yc-J "Seats six, eh? How many d4>es if stand and hold on laps?'’ Ssb Household Good* 651 For Sale; Miscellaneous 67 IF YOU NEED $500 l-PANE PICTURE WINDOW, ««- Inch by *4 inches ovorall. Including aluminum storm, eacellent condition. $50. Call MAple 5-7083 *X10 & sectiUn overhead garage doors Call OL. 1-17*7. NEW END USED OIL FURNACES, complete with controls. Call OR MEDICINE CABINETSL" TOP —B*ht*d vNtraH$ra4raram|MMM POLAROID LAND CAMERA. MOD-el IS. $80 Western mmv saddle. 135. FE 347*5. .Sale Musical Goods 71 '^^B3irnah,T luusic MI 6-8002 --- Fof SaW Pats , OPPQ8ITE B HAM THEATER BPAN18H OUfTAR P>6r SALE. PE HIM » HPictALU ! j Brand, new player piano mandolin attachment, I bench. Ur-* — PUPPIES jB UP lN«fc,ijo Poodles $10 Down HUNTEPET SHOP, FE t-3IU new Story ond Clark eptttot a console pianos. • LEW BETTERLY MUSIC CO. , _____ _____ MI *4003 Ft; Ttl I RABBITS. CHIC—.. OPPOSITE B HAM THEATER _■ Shop. 18 wuaitite. STiEss uprIoht piano. * tiM. Kii£inKOBirY8H^. $ Him wtite by fnctory trained men. CALBI MUSIC CO. HI N. SAOINAW PE 84322 USED PLAYER AND SPINET PI-•nos, new and antique organs, small' Instruments. Bought! sold. ter. OL 1-0830 * VM TAPE RECORDER. VERY good condition ..... $7105 120 Boss Hohner accordion, like new .... $175 GRINNELU’S 7 8 Saginaw . FE 3*7168 IRONRI ___- DOUBLE STAINLESS STEEL sinks. $34*5. 32xil doubl* cast Iron sink. $2*51. Oreen cast Iron bathtub. $89. *l-gxl. 10-year TtHWtTIIMHRPHPW toman. Beige naughahyde rocker with ottoman. Matching corner table ft coffee tahle. Metchtng lamps end ash aland* Tangerine —------ cabinet Wrought I N. Lapeer Rd. tMM) LARGE DEEP FREEZE. $115 RE- station opportunity, -----ottracUve agt. Two-bed- ____.tlve ant. Bmm---- fm Northern fclquof Bar nd take-out, OB UB47. “ place. ,_____ upright frooaor .V... Norge U-eU.-n. refrig..... Norge Auto wainor ........ - HoMSLITE chain SAW. I Zenith console stereo . . large Polaroid earners, IT' table * years pay. M some TV7 13 eu. IT refrigerator, across _ WAYNE OABERT top frees#r. For pickup or cash. Ill N. Saglniw frlgeretor with top freooor. *59, St** TV, nod oond., HO. electric range, $45 Harru, FE *47*$, LET U8 BUY IT OR 8KL 1T FOR YOU. OXFORD , COMMUNITY AWhoiTorwitt. • / MODEL 60 VACUUM CLEANERS, I burnt; A$'Tnb. Mi I 9^ax. el»c ioa: MAHOGANY OININO SET. TA-ble, 8 chair*, bullet, china cab- BOODLE BUOOY. PLYWOOD BARGAINS •a In. QSff chipboard, 4X1. . $4 80 in. 028 bireb, 4*1. .. $13.95 PONTIAC PLYWOOD CO. 1488 Baldwin Av$. : FE 2-2543 SINGER SEWING MACHINE WITH zig **f^ in lox*l| eoaaoit c*b- 5d-OALLbN KLKCTBlfc HOY BfA- rglcgin- 52 GALLON ELECTRIC HOT WK~-ter heater. $39- FK 84315. 54" VotJNOSTOWN SINK. 835 TdS-luxe Duratuhs with faucets, $48.95; celling tile i gold epun), caulking guns. Zonollte bag, ntnum threen-uiu*.* new r. h.p. shallow well Jet pump with tuna, $135.00: $ h.p. De Vfibtes Olr compressor with equipment. 91.750.00 outfit. -*“ — like 55-OALLON STEEL DRUMS SUIT- SlNOXlf. UG>'iAO 1 ITER 999 95 ter, 940 55. 1 •50 PONTIAC SELL 5r tradi : I CHRYSLER. HEW YORKER. REFRIOERATOR. AU-lefrost. 10 cubic R., 9109, • rang*. 19 inch, $35. is __.i“VALUEs' Adjustable bed------ Hollywood hea,____ nnersprin. mattress or tufc, i Repossessed sofa TK. ■ u wagon Bedroom Outfitting Co.. 47*3 DIM* ...... ins. nn*pHi mirror ond > chairs. $15. Btrom-berg-Carlaon radio-phono, refec-, torv mahogany ' '■'^r “* auto, g tnet sinks and fittings, Im o* i Laundry trays dad .stand a faucets $31.16. Cash and carry SAVE PLUMBING 173 B. Saginaw FE 54100 DIAMOND ^ENGAGEMENT x« Partridge L SPECIAL SATURDAY SALE Pumps, well parte, pipe fitting*, valves, switches, regumwrs, motors, fence - painters, learn seed- Other 'mt**"iD£*a>s ell'eTblVhar-gain prices. Come and see. 3943 S Telegraph across from Miracle Mil* ■epjga^ Oeftter. Mlcht- easonable. FE 3-4371. BEAUTI-Just dial FE 14907, Capitol Bow- ftehtng. for car or- sianon wagon i Bedroom Outfitting Co.. 4763 Dixie I «rou^ht CLARY CAAH nkoarnt. ) ABOUT ANYTHING YOU WANT matching drapes ’ *"' ^ the HOME CAN BE mlac. FE P7J3*. FOUND AT L ft B BAUM. 1 ------------ .....— orr-----------*■•■* - TALBOT LUMBER Full Una of lumber, doors.. windows, hardware, paint, plumbing and electrical supplies , Open 8 * m. 'M 1:19 sub. 9 to I lmt OakHmd Ago. , FE 4-4304 THE SALVATION ARMY ■ RED- SHIELD STORE erythlnxto meet your heeds. l'le,EAS'P1lLiWRl^PcU,1C*" USED 30 OALLON Foil i 9-33*1. r wa- __J Associates , Businesses thruout Mich. . —■------ --T --1! 19*9 W. Huron ■ Ft 4-35*1 ■ j. REBTAURAnS* - QOIHO BU81- 7EN ACRKft—NX AR OXFORD AflU i noe*, Pontiac Area, Grossing op . from pwn tins'[ g^gmatotejjio.iM yoorly. ia- ____ ________> Chrysler Riyhway. I *23.0 ..City limits. Highly restricted suitable for $15,009 to g*1 close homo*. Priced at only Easy terms Ask for Mr. *---- PH $4919. Eve., OAI-M19 31 ACRES NEAR DAVlgBURG 3 3*3-1213 After I pro 3M4IT3 DISCOUNT PRiCM" 19 to 199 aero*, near Waterford ...* N. JMJV r— In Jan. 1*91 NOW ONLY l . Hurry l $o per cent down i * C! BCHUETT. FE $-045$ handle Irti ^on-i uac press BOX’ 11*. ! SUFFER CLUB-ELITE iAR 1 COMMERCIAL ................. . ! 5 rooms with full, basement xnd 1 2 ear attached garage Owner Wtu take In late model' ear or what have you? . 1 LOTS. with this Immaculate $ room j beauty. LSdgerock fireplace, new I furnace, attached breeeewey and garage. It's vaeent. Let's deal 1 SALD^IN AVENUE [ Commercial “ ----- I MON.-SAT. . FRI I t&t 34 MONTHS T" 4 miles E. at Pont E. of Auburn Halgt I lot MODERN STYLED. FINE CONDI- AUTOMATIC HOT WATER TANK, "to pay. Furniture end oppfl- Uon. Dread 8 piece dining eot, oil conversion burner and con- W «4 dl kinds. NEW: AND 1 light color, $150, triple dresser. | trole. 275-xal oil tank. Ft i-lllt | 1 - “ ' »«rof. ARRfiW safk'h gl.M ORUM cdor, $7*. Bloomfield Hills FE shoM |]|] pink's Boys pants « *3, Lamps ilil, I x 12 Lin-1 ANEL BEDSTEAD. DRESSER, oleum Hug |4»3. I X 12 Rug walnut. Ill vt *-*77S I rubber back $1*85, New sowing machine $43 *5. 3 pe. living room set 1*950. Welled Lake Depart-jnent Store. 74$ Pontiac TIWIl at' Maple, open ~ | tmft we have one Brand new cus- t good used uMri a l. Very ra>eini gave you been tryla* to find d good used Spinet p.» no and found them eearcol We bnve u dandyl Reasonably priced and terme ol *20 down and (IB a month; GALLAGHER’S 11 E. Huron FE Sale Offlcc Equipw«Ht 72 CASH REOISTBRS ADDING MACHINES NEW-USED-REBUILT 8ALES-8ERVICE-RENTALS -VALLEY BUSINESS MACHINES 74 Auburn Aw. - — FE *41*7 cash registers, a6dino MA CHINES | C A LCULATORA 7 s. Saglnnw ■ fEW NATIONAL CASH REGIS-tora from tlM up Hew National adding machine* from lit up. tup only factory authorised bronen Offices in Oakland and Macomb County whore you con buy now or factory rebuilt cash registers. The Natl on ol Cash Rax later Co, M2 W. Huron. Pontiac FE 2 03*3 >3 ft. OnttMt, Ml. Oemnu, HOv- ard 3-4333_________ USED OFFICE DESKS, cRaIrS! SPRING REQUIREMENTS Vitamins lo-Out chains a 742 W. Huron • ft Margravt Pet it'shoj thop 2-8033 Doy« Trsinsd, Board«d $0 McNARY’8 TAILWAOOER KEN-• ode, boarding, training, trim-mlng.-OL 14*84 ---- Hay, Grain and Feed 82 . —Sill oats, VMftTaMi Granger Rd, OilerFDA t-iHl ALFALFA AND BROMft RAY, 40 MIElSd MA 54*01. For Sab Livestock -----,_______ ______ drafting machines, drafting tablea, mimeograph machinal, model M mttltt-nth offset proee. typewriters, ad-dressograph machine and Spirit 34?€7 * and^Mt* *SolO. Forbes Printing ft Offlf Sab Store EqulprtHMit 73 WILL SACRIFICE HEW US. .meat sheer. Best offer takes. Coil 18M-1»3*. , PLASTIC TILE. to. tTTTTT... SU PAY 6X0 RffOS__________■ .... ... MS* or 1 mile ASPHALT TILE, ea 4V»c on Auburn, "BPTLO" TILE, US g. SAOINAW. ‘REBUffiT’ VA^Wttia. rrtirSi^-743 w. Huron Bn roes ft ------nt. inporb location _ ... vine 190.000 population, grit . 4.090 plus inventory. CM H5UM LaNoblo Realty, 1519 E. Michigan Lansing; Mtch. IV B1917. “— IV 5-MM. For Sab Farms 56 ... t ACRES WITH STREAM S bedroom dollhouse. Garage *l EL WOOD REALTY e DIALOMMlt 43 ACRES WITH HOUSE AND largo born. 1O9 mho* from “ tlac nt Caraonyllle. I non wheat wlU trado. Smith M Co FE 4-4564______________ STATIONS FOR LEASE OOOD POTENTIAL. Please call between g o.m. and S n.W FE 24191 dr after ip. m. n 8-1449. PURE OIL COMPANY. RESfttoAAtct't °* ■ JSLJSHlJL^-- S» ACRES — ---------- ----- ------ ft. J bedroom modem bungalow home. Full basement ft— Smalt Mtn. Other out btdga. Priced M only *15.500 and ...... trade for good home. Located about 13 mDes north of Lapeer. L. H. Brown Realtor. Ph FE 3-4*10 or OA 5-2615 SOIL OPERA' _ million yd*, s -0*49, MY 3*799*. small toko. BATEMAN REALTY FE 44*2* 377 S- TELEORAPH BJUITY IN '** DETROITER 2-bedreom mobile home tor good -cur free and clear and some frioidaiRE c6i3 built for outddl to to. produo*, t — .imiTi FE 2-2344. ttt rrv&s^xifr t STATEWIDE. . ....., vim. MOj^L t OjbuN saw! ~forCAR MOVIE CAMERA OR 7W hP" --*-,r p0‘--------------m Bettkiftil Soil *3 tor** of beautitul rich flat soil wftfa I bedroom modern borne, boocment, fronts on g modi. 1 fl- out board motor for Polaroid era. FE 3-0201 OR 4-0334._ fEW 114 M.M. WOOLiNlAK REP-tar, Rida angle lens and »U(«* matlc shutter, fits 8x5 graphic. Trad* fur SSlJi.ll. v SIC.K. - »w w "w— v- — HI44IM at WLSWi. ■ * Sab Land Contracts 60 porter cable «•• and 7-and vw-»«~wvww.~vvvv««a~v- one-third inch power saw for Ford LAND CONTRACTS TO BUY OR to sell. Earl oarrela, EM 3-3611 | or EM 3-4099. ......- SWAP 1---- Pontiac, income property Sral present ^cffi baiaMe j portation' "car I*.379, liberal discount. Earl Oor- | nole. W J. rela-7EM MOIL KM 3-4990. --- WANTED: Golden Real Estate 133 Orchard Lk. Rd . 002-3200 OPEN SUNDAY 19-4 ve. Sun Mr. Warden FE 5-7550 M aMe| ” ter security FE 5-1991 on ^orner_With 3J09 ft_ of road TO BUY CONTRACTS AT DIS-rroMa... 2-bedroom bom*, bora. * cm£t _ eTnt for gxtradteed new bedroom suites, 9 Piece u»u-1 P„NT. bl* dresser landsoape/ mhrcr, | R^r bookcase bed. chest of drawers. ~ >y~l |!w?"y *ftM f loffls.M. I SlNOERr MO ZAO EOUIPFED i »l 25 erookiy. Pearson s | tewing, machine in moaera .cjf Orchard **■ SOFTNER, UNLIMITED kt*r. $3 SO per Me Lind-Water Co PE g-7194. good cond,, 116. OR 34544. WHITE PINE SALE new carload just arrived ! Paneling, 191 Siding. Boards ' NEW LOW PRICES SURPLUS LUMBER & MATERIAL SALES COMPANY _ 3340 Highland RdrlllM) OR 3-799* We Repair Any Maka Sewing Machine 8INOER - , FE 8-0911 WOOD LATHE DRILL PRESS. If Mercury outboard motor, - email rot»Ull*r, 42" HA, portable fish . shanty, rig-saw 131 Mt. Clam-ent St. FE 34559. | WILL PAY TOP DOLLAR FOR 3 I Modal A Ford boras, no rust, i •Sab Sporting Goods 74 BULMAN HARDWARE Browning Ount 3545 Elisabeth Lk. Rd. FE 1-4711 OPEN DAILY *TtL I; SUN. M GOLF CLUBS FOR SALE FE 94099 OUN8, ALL KINDS. BUV, SBU. trade. Burr-Shell, 31s S. Tele-srasft. _____ ' GUNS — BUY, SELL. TRADE. Manley Leach, 19 Bagley, POOD TABLE, VERY OOOD CON-dltlon, T, t33, r~* Hunting Accom’tions 74K IDEAL DEER HUNTINO, 0-ROOM house, 1 late, completely tumlsbOd — Electricity and Wttar, Good ftehtng. on Highway 31 Stdnaw» ring traineBT^how PROVEN purebred Morgan galdlng. Sat 7. Dunn Quarter mare, ago «; also rwJ5,,3swr,d)8f’^ Several $ati #f|oS*wark har-nestee. IM2 Horse tandem traitor. Bargain. Above sold only bee sue* of illness. 3449 North Milford Rond Sab Farm Produce 86 H Milford on 5RTIFIED J»ck Coebrt 2-0031, pie, Orohord Lk Rds. Pally 194. Sale Farm Equipment 87 I HP. OAHOEN TRACTOR, Wheel weights^ ^low, disk. M*6-“ ~“t 3-1034, ' t SECTION IPRINO TOOTH, bottom International Mow. 4-n Surat milker puufb. Cart Dob 3469 Dutoon Rd., Roche.Ur 1047 MINNEAPOLIS u6UHM. * tractor and 2 row cuittVA*" * ihape, 0400 MY 3-1930 gold** X Payment baby SUGoV,' CAR BED. *: nette oat, electric rang*. 12 x candy stripped rug and pad. 1 3-1100. BALDWIN J SvoHbs~iWDTFAiffis. round dining table, 4 chair*. Rattan ace-tieaaf Morale til* table. FTOOeer FEJt-1090. ' _______ . .. BENpui C°OTINA'n6k| ^WA^mkk tJra.^^OdtoOS. ________________ BRAND-NiW BABY CHIFF-trobc. For Information call FE >>111#_______________ " ‘ ^ BRAND. NdW WROUGHT IRON bunk beds complete with (Brings end mattrese. 130*9. Also maple bunk and trundle bed* at Mg dls-counts. Fearson^ Furniture. 43 CHROME DINETTE^ BET. OOOb condition. 990. Call MAple 6-7003. ®™A-c6teb, CROTa . FE 2-3420. o and*mlra*l^303*7 *T WITH PA I, *35. FE 9-1240. decerative desigm tv-4459 per | :BA‘ Capitol----- I Bew- Boffl. Wl »Bt -ig machine sine. Makes dei buttonhole*, etc. 133.19 cash or i month. FE 94401. 8EW1NO MACHINES. WHOLESALE to all. New. used and repossessed Over ft models to eheosofrom. Prices start Singer portables, $11.50, tig eat aquipmont. Curt s Apjdlance». 94*1 Hatchery Rd, OR gtUDIO COUCH. 3 PI*CE~SS5 tlonal, 321 8. Avery. siNOER SLANT NEEbLE JEW-tng machine, like now. toko on payment* ol HR per month or pay off balance of (51.10.- Unl-verral Co FE 4-0005. SPECIAL *Sl» RUOft 9»494_ M«- T A F F A N ORK1NBRI AR OAS rang*. Coot S4SS« like new, |19S. TRUNDLE BED AND BEDDING I wool rugs, FE *-1343. ,.j*4. •weet'V^tBino end Appl , Huron, FE 4-1133. ^rock and^ipa at and RuatOlMin! HKIOHT SUPPLY 30SI Lapter Rd. rg 4 54 ' iTHTOis, CH1PPRD $00 AO VA ■* “20 A0, Toll rtf and lavatorl rlXlc valutf, Michigan Flue 303 Orthard Laic quartan. Opdyka MM. TM 0-704L COW MANURE jrOR SALE Sand, Gravel End Dirt 76 A-l PEAT HUMUS. TOP SOIL. CEMENT STEPS. READY MADE, all sties, splesh block, door sill*, chimney' ceps. Pontiac Pre-Cast Step Co., 54 W. Sheffield. FE 2-3900 CEMENT MIXER ON RUBBER. __CEMENT COtok 3 SHADES of rod 6 to. box 92.03 Yelitow——.-Mfcle*85 Block or Brown .... 5 to. box 93.3* Tan or Orange . . B lb. bos *2.40 Purplo .,: — ,.;...* lb. MR S BHto .....f to. box *353 3 shades groen . 5 lb. box *1.03 t SHADES MINITAR COLOR u.^E°s, 11 Orchard Lake Ave. FE 3-7101 COLORED BAKED ENAMEL ALUMINUM STORM SASH Full langtn Glass Door* ALUMfifUlTstfiClfO--- AWNINOS No money down, *8 Me. and up Deal direct with owner and save - Call JOE vallEly **•« "The Ola Reliable Pioneer" FE *404* ______ OL 3-9933 flee lor 919.IM caah ' 49 ACRES wooded roiHnt land «*' ler Eapreaaway. 11.390 or Erorraawoy. H.399 down. C. JRANGUS, Realtor aRro *143 i »EN M: . Itt Botha. U basement, i, fDato *12.- i8a* «... MM or to sell youi contract, phone for peraonal con fldentlal Interview. . C SCHUET n 44337 CENTURY PINANCU COMPANY 199 south Broadway Orion MY 3-15M BAXTER B UVINC™.— _ A W. LAWronc* Bt. _FB 4-1*39 Get $25 to $500 FRUIT FARM ' If BOMB HEAR MU. SCENIC) Lake, VIEW (-ROOM MODERN PARK NOME. 2-CAR OARAGE.1 ATT4CJUBP. HORSE BARN LARGE PRODUCTION SOLD AT DOOR. ON PAVED ROAD EX-aGZmt WATER AND SCHOOL 39 ACRES 7-ROOM MODERNIZED rd^n.^£!&Hoo5SBY BUNOALOW LIKE MfW. BARN, ^deTOS^JSaWtate OR 3-1395 Open Bvs» A FARMER’S FARM si mrew PftryE PROM PONTIAC MS Acrot Miami loara aoU. W«fl tiled MS to Mb ■*■*• of ewl-Uration, oood Bft* ton***. S mod- Signature Up to 3* month* to repay PH. FE 2-9206 OAKLAND Loan Company *3 Pontiac state Bank Bldg. LOANS ra TO $500 2y iTmonKTir*rmmV^Our’serv^ Set Is (aat, friendly end helpful Visit our offlc# or PMMPE $4131 HOME * AUTO LOAN CO. 7 N. Perry 8t.< Comer E. PBw Borrow with Confidence iUET $25 TO $500 Household Finance Corporation of PontUe 3to g, Sogtoow — **“ a grmmtf. —e. wFiei ■t»$f>wiy $1 •lock and to Floyd Kent IfiCv RenRor or16w TWf. AWMtdOi AgRjb! BUCKNER FINANCE COMPANY TTBEBB YOU GAB , BORROW UP TO $500 f I,r2 Pontiac - feSiaVfl* — UUea U?*- “ IgfiSod’ Lk.tonninwm.iyarauai Need $25 tO.^JOu? f . •' See Seaboard ’ Phone FE 3*7017 .» •/ 1185 N. Perry_St. PARKING NO PEOEUM Seaboard Finance Co. msfom. LOANS loot. 33 Mauser automatic. I rKBST OP blUirtMt. MOl C. Hliglns II O* pump. vanity, bench *"" ■ • * pg xylra mud und I *|g. $ night itando. ires, iNEED floor pollaher, Douli* mattrora. I*. I &on at Sky- Used Trade-In Dept "NEVER ! Occasional chair . —.-- » , Davenport and chair .t*— , s^bbt , s SKSa*- sn cash way ■ ----1 ■ Blec* «™on“ * #» STANLEY ALUMINUM WlNDOTfS ’n ! 4x1 Masonite ..... Sl.M 3|w *4 Pegboard “ I3 H 1*M PohD DIESEL 4 UfHEEL Sale Musical Goods 7i ACeORDIGH SALE, . ALL ,S IZ E S ^tfriNTION MUSICIANS • AMPLIFIERS from ... $31 GUITARS from $14 SNARE DRUM SETS .... 032 CLARINETS from A-l BLACK" DIRT AND FILL DIRT ' ___________FE 34391 1-1 TOP SOIL, CRUSHED STONE, rand. groveL.^niL^Lj'lo Conklin. VIOLIN OUTFITS ; *20 50 „ 1 2 piece sectional ........ °.r' I Studio ecouch ........ ™ } Platform swivel rocker . *£" Vanity cheet and I Rental Layaway Payment. Plan Complete line supplies xnd. part* EDWARD'S U *. SAOINAW ,ATTENTION CHURCREI Pull-site 30-pedal organ for the price Q* a spinet. Used Wuriit* eer. 3 full SI not* manual* plus speaker cabinet end percussion unit: complete. Morris Music. 34 S. Telegraph Rd, across from tha Tel-Huron Shopping Con* Ur. FE 445*7. Sand instrumest repair — B]r au& CO. _ IlILN SAOINAW FE *4332 BALDWIN MAKE SPINET, WAL- lng top 600 ft. i BLACK DIRT, FILL. SAND AND imvoi, OR 3-8666, - BLACK DIRX FILL AND ORAV- L Earl Howard' EM 34*31. 3D BLACK DIRT; ALSO PlLI LOADING, BLACK DIR T. «l(t Cooley Lake Road, OR 3-79*9, 5-1101, » ray OR 3*7999 Qi ‘RAfiS FOR AUTOMOBILE. housetrailer. land contract OR WMATf. malic farnae*. Seller'* equity 93.459 Clart Re* TRADE lftlft 14 mobile homo. F 3 bedrooms. All a 49 OENERAL root end kitchen, eel up Bacloeed ____»e. EM tSL M BUY — SELL - TRaOE Ato SHARPEN LAWN MOWERS. BARNES AND HARGRAVES, 741 W. Huron 8L FE 54191 WILL TRADE 11 refrjjen BEIGE WOOL COAT AND VEL-• trimmed with1 natural link. Ipo a. Reoaonoblo. ranct rst__________ WEDDING GOWN. SIZE” FE 4611 i*,sr * I TUIT « 19-11. ShIb housBhold O—dh 61 I IBSlSif IUJKTIUCI»>l90lt tike new ITS. Metol cabtoet tlnb 939. Nice blond* triple drwaot MB 59 Am guarantood refrigerator*. stove*, ond waehore-*" MM3 111 to 9193. Living rm., . »ad»H. Ilf saverai torn MM .... ---- aurtalns SIS. oropleaf table, t chairs. Shadow boa *1. PB I-3M7. ■ | blond, malupnny . 05* *5 thomaTeconomy 9*1 8. SOSIBOW Ft 34151 I UPHOLSTERED CHROME BREAK-fast set, *45. FE 24003. . USED AUTOMATIC ” ' DENT AND SCRATCH EASY SPINNERS. Rebuilt ... I 00 Now Mfttol* ......... *11* GAS DRYER. Rebuilt ...... Q WRINOER WASHERS. Used '■ [ M TY ^3rV£Sl|£s. RobuUt ".Vi 9 79 N ntHMERS. NEW. 9171 AUTOMATICS. N*«V,iHV OE SWEEPERS 134*8 ' . "^OOOD HOUSEKEEPING SHOP 51 W. HOBON^ ^ FE eXUH&ontAbU.V'.bairs. jn, 33 ■ WRINGER WASHER Inytag. Speed Quequ. Eaay^O E 's. Rebult by our Service Experts. Your Choice .. ... 93*00 tie 106 N. Saginaw FRIOIDAIRE ELECTRIC STOVE. ^MO. PorCeltla «tok >t«. MI 04M1 Burmeister iK:* I CALBI MUSIC 06. ____ | 110 N. SAOINAW PE 1-9393 ■ BALDWIN OROOSONIC SPINET , BALE 42 INCH KELVINA-»r stove 9S9. OR 34*78. UMnsn-ihPUBp. fxwsm name brands, ecratohed. Terrific values. *14*39 while 7M* to**. 3* phone orden. ntoaee. Michigan Fldorescem. MS orchard Lake SOL hogkny. bedroom suite, - electric cabinet rawing I email secretary, pad (Bui moe. guarantee R. B. Munro Electric Co.. 10*9 W. Huron. FE WYMAN'S USED TRADE-IN DEPT, ' Guar. elec, reifrig...... Miff Oiiar elec. WMitot ......... *39.15 Ant. gas Slova ........ 53( 05. 3-Pc. Ur. rm. autto ....*15.90 Metal Wardrobe cabinet ... 9 *65 AaratoM chair* tram ...;. i is* Mame dresser ...........*13 9* 1* W. Pike PE 4-1133 « TER MS WALNUT (-PIECE BEDROOM SET. bed dresser, chest with seder clout, vanity and bench. Ale* 3-pleoe set. EM 34*1«.__________ Hi-Fi, TV and Radk* 66 , 3r4l" TELEVISIONS, *7* EACH. IBM. console, halo Ught. Phllco with remote control *73 B Wlnd-lng. • . HP’ PORTABLE fh Floor Model ............ lore* PRB7TEM APPLIANCES imtACLE MILE CTINTER il-PI PA STSTEM, is WAn. A-C or aoMe built4a Mn table. I ♦Itc^roteb jatafcbr1. OB J-ttW. NEW emers6n stereo LUMBER COMPANY IMS Cooley Lake Rd. EM 34171 OnjaS l.n. to 9,pm. dairy S speaker Selling below FRETTERf APPLIANCE MIBACLE IGLE CENTER Ul«n*-I1 iNCB Ti SET! tMM WALTON TV PI MM7 III B. Walton comer Of Joslyn ■— tt/wi TO CHOGSK Peer'* Appljanet. For Sale Miscellaneous 67 to-mcH fit*oos w benches. 1*0* Cbev. to-tan a duel*. 6R 34931. 4-INCH SOIL PIPE, > FT. ... S *19 3-Inch BoU Pip* . —'M i,^Y^LU***INO iUPPlY , its e. “*”*¥ Ml Mss 4" sofa, WW, in*! ti" TOPPER jBanSStTi^M^toutM 2-whBkl -htAliER. **&.' O. A. I-WHEEL trailer with stake ■ rack. PE *47*1 decorating problem? Hundreds of color* to chobse from. Intorlor — exterior 0*0 our wall paper ai matching fabric selection. Berry Bra*. Jelled Magic ao-drlp paint. OAKLAND FUEL - PAINT *39 Orahard Lake Ave. FE 141*9 DELCO OIL FURNACE. ' TABLE model HI-FI. UL 3-1202. ELECTRIC LIGHT FIX. all rqee,, 1*91 design*. Pui| down. hiHnmii star. Bedraom, 41.91 NM, gl 55 IrtomliW "HtHWE*, Prices only.- facloey can give. Michigan Fluoreeeexl. 393 Or-tftard Lake — 1* FORMICA, PLUMBING. PAINT. glass, wiring, Optn 7 days. "** > M712. Montcalm Supply. 1(9 Montcalm. FREE STANDINO TOILTTS $11*5 Doubl* Bowl Sink .......' 00.00 W copper, 30 fT length* »7# f %” copper, 39 R. lengths ,. S70 I V* copper, *9 R. coll 49c 1 3 p*. bath aota with trim IS*. White or colored 2nd* SAVE PLUMBINO supply 173 S. Saginaw FI 5-3100 FOR SALE OAS STATION EQUIP-ment and' suppliee. Call hotween U and 3 j>.m. or evening! after OftBAT FOR TRAVEUNG. THi portable Wurlttser electric ntaoo, used. Us A-l condition, $390 — Graces any home, Vos* ft Sons Baby Orand piano, completely rebuilt and reflnlshed Requires lft-spaoo -------— Sger. 1034* Livernoii, Detroit 31. , Michigan PFa N O TUNIMO — OSCAR Schmidt Ft 34117 WIN FREE UPRIGHT PIANO WEIGAND MUSIC Spring Fever Sale PONTIAC LAKE BUILDERS SUP-ply. Bond, gravel and dirt. Cement mortar, trucking odd til*. OR 3-1534 I RICH, Bi^ACK DIRT TOP SOIL. I ROAD GRAVEL OR 8040. *7 FOR 6 yds., del. Cushion tend. Grad- •— ‘tiff. SHEEP OR COW MANURg, *10 for large 3-yard load delivered. Call evenings, OA 9-1939. 94943 end Fe 6 2400 aSy fill. UL 3-1630. ____ TOP SOIL. BLACK DIRT, MA' nure. peat, sand and stone, grav-*1, fill dirt. EM 3441* Wood, CoRi RfMl Fiiei 77 CANNEL COAL. THE IDEAL fireplace Yuel. Seasoned fireplace and furnaco wood, Oakland Fuel and Paint. Phono FE 5415*. SLAB WOOD OR FIREPLACE wood. 3 cord. 130. del, Alberta Lumber MUU F» S4UI, -USED LUMBER AND CBMMnT blocks tor sale, PE 0-lto*. Plants, Trees, Shrubs 71 TRACTORS BOLEN-WHELL HORSE SEVER*' AL USED TRACTORS. TILLERS AND MOITEIIS. EVANS EQUIPMENT. OSoTBlKhi IWYT MA 0-7*79, OR 3-7934, USED FORD 1 AND EQUI* L ARE PRICED T CREDIT TERMS AVAILABLE. » KING BROS. FE 44734 FE 4-MIS PONTIAC ROAD AT OPDTKE WANTED: FARMALSTcBi * OR 3-4957_____________ ___ Auction Sales 88 B&B ii- AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY ...... 7 P M. EVERT SATURDAY ...,..'1F.M. EVERY SUNDAY ...... 1 pig. OPEN 7 DAYS WEEK 94 HU . nil) • RETAIL DAILY • Dost Prises Every Auction Lunch Room Open Every Auction ***** DIXIE HIGHWAY MILL VALlSY HOLSTEIN DISPERSAL FARM MACHINERY AUCTION Wednesday, April 13 nt IS 0‘etouk »m on the farm lit mile* complete Dispersal of this eery high producing herd at S3 Rag-lstered ond high Grade Holstein cows, heifer* and bull. ■ Herd Sire - l‘/a yr. old too of Lakefteld Iowan* Fobes. 19 Reglsterod cows *M heifers to-eluding daughters ol top M-AKU. hull* - some real show prospect Ihelftrt. 30 hood of htgh Grad* town, heifers and heifer calves. Mam? of too cows ire Just Irtob or duo now. The balance or* bred for boa* produc- This I* an* of tha* highest producing herd* to Macomb Co . has *■*— - -try prontabi* herd, and dispersed only braoua* mo isrro Is Md. Oomptot* lift* of Form Maahbwry including 3 J D. Tractors, yord Tractor, Field Chopper with hoy and com beod. Blower, 1 rubber UNd WOMtoU --------.s. *-i- -* -wltor : ra Electric dour operators. ___ closet doors end disappearing W# glve eatimatrs on garage remodeling. BERRY DOOR SALES Open frdto 1 to * Jfoon on Sotueddy 171 B, PsddOOk TK HOT' WATER .HEM “' chartT :Lake >-19. -• . HEARING AID iMTsjr'kv'iJS teed hy, ttionufacturcr.. Now tt ^ Andivox 11*6 Pontiac state TWBXTY-SIX THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, APRIL 8,10ftl camping thailer a!ia» HALLMARK 3-BEDROOM - *S»«Sl_____________ • CRUTSE-OCT BOAT SALES AlRSTNE AM UOHTWEIOHT twl Trailer. SUM 1(33 Guar-igM for »lfr In them ant get • tMMHMMb «l Warner Trail-: ■ -ffr Sales. -----M BKAl'TIFl'L 1W MARL FITE 46 ItT A i> ft * becra n HB» ! P-Ar UXT U FOOT VACATION fraUer. OR ytm. •Jacobson Trailer Saws, ' and. Rentals - . Jtll »r» modela in |##rl1 trfttt* in. is ft for comport con uO up Koorrro four trailer for to* ffttlnm Soo us for Mtekn. Mitt 4m oaM* MO Williams Into r WmA. Daylw Plolt OR mil &0W IS THE TIME FOR US TO PICKUP AND SELL |r*‘ have Outers waiting CALL US TODAY! HOLLY MARINE A COACH SALES MHO HoUy ILL HOLLY. 1IE 4-4771. IN A STEW? AtfOUT WHAT TO DO WITH, THAT SET OF GOLF CLUBS? Swap Them for Thdt Used Power Mower You've U Been Wanting! • Classification "63” of The. Pontiac Press Want Ada Witt Do the Job in A Horry — Low Coat, Too! Just ‘Dial FE 2-8181 Sd> Used Trucks 103 See Us FOR YO UR Truck Needs Sales and Service . GMC, Factory: Branch OAKLAND AT CASS FE 5-9485 Home” ~ ***** •“I HaNU*j l«j THOMPSON. U J P^MOTOR. taS^y^ioSTMT asi p-1 J° J*®*?, ®**°T CERTURl' RENORtErT 2£?t W«I iS ?* »•, ■**-»» NR. bilge pomp ! SMALL EQUITY AND MONTHLY km }3ju Or JK . Boats and Accesaoriea 97 MM MODEL. M FT. FXBEROLA8 , PL Ml r OR MM Him. NEW FISHING BOATS 12 Ft; as low as $9 WE carry • 61 ARKANSAS TRAVELER 15 FT -■. ,"n=-7 ■ -"■"riwT----'«• LORE STAR CRUISER. FULLY VI NORM* CRUISERS SHORTS MOBILE HOMES ' equipped.' M HP outboard motor. ! >! ft Hour. on display trailer. Good eoBtUDoe. MM Without motor |UM. ma SALES AND SERVICE special li n Him MM IT n Oim . . BSP----------- »' W-IM HP. Convertible TOP ""** "* Side CURTAINS, DtMh Sounder Tandem Trailer I3.M0. •ALB ON THESE • LONE STAR ROMS 1 14-ft. ami l 14-ft. MA. Just .Released 13i-Ton Telephone Co. .TRUCKS Complete with .per la 1 bodtei Chevies, Fords, Dodges Perfect for elec trie tens, plumb* For Sal* Cars It BUICK 4-DQOR HARDTOP. g^“&cjS,wA.r^. ST/ '"W^^cTiMT AVE. SSrMINKIHAmT^*^ ‘^S"°a£»5f^3S For Sals Cars 106 MM CORVAIR "TOO" 4-DOOR SE-dan. light blue wlthmakhlng trial, stack No. MT1. Onlj I14M. lui tonal, north envito-urr ---- citBbrr ITT MANAGER. FE M4N. o Sawa. IMS. Saginaw *58 IMPALA CONVERTIBLE. W#r, Inquire a* Mteheleoa. 1 CHEVROLET. RADIO ARP , JATEE. ABSOLUTELY — IONEY DOWN. Assume ifcsw i. c«U_____ Park, at MI 44HA. ta of M It Mgr. Mr Harold Turn ABSOLUTELY HU W. Httroa, SPAN-O-WIDE ‘ .. .1 M PT. C,_____ UVINO MOM, 1T«I4 BEDROOM i? WIDE NOW ON DUPLAY INLAND LAKE SALES BIMM Ik. Ed. at hip—- OPEN DAILY____PE 4-TU1 MM SWmEmfWAFT. MA «8MT fUeMnaa bitef. A-I coodi-I Horn, MM- OR -“** ■at ta 4-1311. eremng. FE .IMS 14-FOOT DUNPHT LAF8TAKE I boat. 7* bp. Evlnrude suitor, tan-4M ai.mA>mAyr-~'ISiKj. l'a’K’E VACATION TRAILERS FOR RENT GLASS. Freeland. Poo-PoM boat. Sleep. A Order, Now! | Aqua Swan Aluminum, and CruU- • OOODELL TRAILER or. Inc. CHnkerbuilt boat.. 33M S. Boohaatar Ed. . UL 3-45MI. WE SELL. AKP BERYU3K VAGABOND. ZIMMER,rffijg ^Vffi^^cEN™;*” ; GREAT LAKES; gfSf fgw. •OSTtSk^Si ^GENERAL STUART, All New in Pontiac inboardoutboard ---and YELLOWSTONE fnuHumt um>a..a Inxn:T.a?n*u.!,ilnlV*?xAruyir See twa .lory and r-r-.A—. and! AQUA SWAN ALUMA LAP *g p* aide All .!«. .i^prlce. WHITEHOUSE VENU8 CRUISERS 3,1 8 ** MW1 Manyiood aMd^Nghtw ten ft \ WEST Bi»D MOTORS jwute. Priced to uD Term, to! Porta-Camper Cainp Trailer suit you. M to pick tram. iwood. Alum., Mbontea, • ft.-34 ft. • Oxford Trader Sales gtSS^ 1 - mile S. of Lake Orion on MMltJ E. Walton PE M4«! e MY 3-W21 __ — Dally 4-4 Sunday 10-4 • ■ VACATION TRAILERS . CHRIfrCRAFT IN BOA R D. ■’ Piste Trailer Bale, aad Rental E -----—■- —- JOM North Lapeer Road. Oxford,; p> atw ' J ' EM ALWaVs CARRY A GOOD • SELECTION : OF USED • mobile homes : 26 Ft. to 44x8 Ft. JEROME-FERGUSON ROCHESTER FORD DEALER ______OL 14111 __ •M FORD C SM DUMP TRUCK, ■nad conlfdlon. Only IIM. TOM BOHR, INC 1M 8 Mala. 1 mu mu UM CHEVROLET VTOM PICK-up for ante or trade, MM Can F» Hill1 * Bs><1w>b Ar*‘, w ARMY 4 WHEEL DRIVE CARRY •ft — bMt oiler. >4* Ford Pick-“PAH, L * L Auto. MT Sottfh toot, trailer and eatra.. OB 3 4034 CHRIS 'okAST. CORTI«llEkT: IMS, ll ft. runabout, IlM S Cba. Lk. Rd.______ ARKANSAS TRAVELER BOATS Thom pun Clinker ‘Built, Boat. ‘41 JOHNSON. MOTORS - -GASQW -SPORTS CENTER Cana Lake Rd. FE 3-MM mOO HABBOR, MICH. TEXAS MAID 18-Ft. Tahiti ira BMlM new «C eemptet. wftk till., NEW FIBEROLA8 RUNABOUJ8. daset. UcenM, only M.4M. 40 electric Evlnrude. Tipper trall- 1 or. 11,350. ljft.- hoata jr CREE SELF CONTAINED num iTlt. Trailer MS. Evlnrude Stand, new '61. eomalete with Uxee. i motors. Bit dlacount. Buchanans, license. Only UM PE 44010 fit M-5Q ■ ■ «v n », '. . A . I v> ww mw Wb............... Jlolly Marine & Coach W any emergency > l^LLT'^ilcSoAN BANI^RATXS^**® . OFEN SUNDAYS -----n_ymi , Rent Trailer Space 90 BRAND NEW SPACES- PONTIAC “ bile Hi - * ““ Ft Sale Tiret 9» USED TIRES. HR UP. WE SAFETY FOAM _____any ht. Complete Rock 1 Ptexlclaaa aheota. rod* aad SOLTIS PLASTIC* 10470 Highland IUM> ' 3-04M ___________Open 61:30-5 e $1795—WILL TRADE MAZUREK MARINE AUHOBBEP OWENS. SKEE-CRAPT AND EVINRUDE MOTORS • SOUTH BLVD AT SAGINAW $20 FOR 6 MONTHS _ lor mod can. Including 125.000 liability ti.000 medical tl.oeo death benefit—^ MUM uninsured motorist. PHONE FE 4-3536 Wo atao write canceled auto. PRANK A. ANDERSON AOENCY “wLi!*^ . I,, I, _ _jnc 4-3*34 AND m--------- TRANSMISSION. _ NO MONEY DOWN. Aatumi pay-menu aI S33.M par mo. Call Credit Mgr. Mr. Parka at "» 1-7500. Harold Turner. Ford. Transportation Specials __YOU WANT ’EM WE OOT 'EM — HERE POSITIVELY NO SPECIALS More Than too Putt Price ART MULLEN’S SAltO AIN LAND USED CARS M B. AAOINAW ST FE 4M1» •84 CHEVIUMJR S DOOR. RA-dlo. Beater. Automatic. Full pnet MM; No money down. BIRMINGHAM • RAMBLER, Woodward, aoalh of U Mile Rd, f minute. from Pontiac. MI AM00 ill IBRRI. utdr MtM.Mamr 4 NORTH CHEVROLET CO.___ J. WOODWARD AYE., BIRMINO-HAM 'MI W1B. HitfL radio, boater. Red and white flulab. Stock No. 1043-B. Only tl.TIt, Ea.y term.. NORTH CHEVROLET CO. 1000 8. WOODWARD AYE. BIRMINGHAM. Id 1155 CHEVROLET. STATION WAO- on, fully —'---- FE 6-t010. ward. ooMh of 15 MUe Rd , » minute, from Pontiac. MI 0-3MQ. M CHEVROLET. HARDTOP, EX-ceUent Cond. MStTPE MM3. 87 CHEVIE 3 600E. 1 CYLINDER' stick .hlft FE 2-3621._ _ BLIPS ^AND Stocking Inboard aad oatboard la it a new SCOTT by McCulloch You'll Ilka doing bniineu at OAKLAND MARINE EXCHANGE 3M S. laaki.1---- *“ *'•*■ [mi* Terrific Discount on IMS Evlnrude motor, and boato. Oeneva 160", ST' beam, power .tearing, motor-well. IP* deep. CM* «m. Our labor guaranteed 100 per *eat. Backed by 31 yean of experience. TONY’S MARINE MM Orchard Lakeltoad Sylvan Lk. - Phone 683-33*0 CRUISE-OUT BOAT GOOD USED TIRES l/XMCt 780x14 BLACK TIBER ALL I Amo Service CRANKSHAFT ORINDINO IN THE! a car. Cyr—---- *— “- china ■ 2-itgy hew Meyer) tlp-AU for tM4. •election of 1M1 ■n's Steury. Wage-lenry wood- lap- . DAWSON'S SALES at TIP-8100 LAKE. Take M-84 to W. Highland Right an Rtek-ory Ridge Rd. to Demode Rd. Left and follow »tgn» to DAWaOM'S SALES at TIP8ICO LAKE. Phone Mela 4-217*. Cloud Wed. For Seh Airpleaes I FA-20-A PACER' WITH SU1 homer. fre«h Uceaood. « can KM Meat, except Sat. 1 Transportat'n Offered 100 •j* ENOINE AIRLINER, LOS AN-geles. Sen Francleco. Ban Diego i Mo Hawaii |M extra. New York I 330- Ptrry Seertoa lap. OR 3-I3M . : SHARE EXPENSE*. MISSOURI. Arkanaa. _ and Text. Leaving A GOOD DEALjUP TO taea. CARS ■ ....1_________Complete materlale and In«truc1 wit SERVICE ALL HAKES AND' Oakland Marina Eachange model) at can; .lto Vote.w.gHi.tigT s saainow PE S Andy OriM Qfhrtjf. tU'Siiklyte.M ..... ....... . For &Je Motorcycles 9ff ♦ r,w^TtJ0Sl.20AT m *"*1 BOAT SAVER HOIST . Latent deelgn fer Inboard, or outboard.. Keep your boat eat* fro* For Sale Bicycles 96 JUNK CARS. i Hobby Sh rt 3-7MI. I Orchard Lake Ave. Real Bargains JfgJla5£ [new a used, boats Boats And Accessories 97 *ll ouaranteidYfor io days ■ • ■ • electric, trailer . Do You Need Money? WE HAVE It! POE EXTRA CLEAN USED CARS "TOP DOLLAR PAID" Glenn’s Motor Sales MS W. HURON ST • n 4-7371 California Market . Wo need 'M Pontiac., Old.. Bulck. and Cadillac.. Atea .harp ‘17. M. aad H models AVER ILL’S 2020 Dixie Bury. PWMSM------.---- - PE MM4 ju5tk CARS AND TRUCKS, OR 33*33. Fordta and Spt Cars 101 1497 KARMANN-OHIA, RED AND black, abort wave radteL — .para. 11,13AM FE 4-M3a JAGUAR XK14A COUPE. lt«7; Sports Cars 'M AUSTIN NEALY 3000 'IS AUSTIN HEALT 10M 'St (KERB ,, HOUGHTEN'S Your Irtnchlted Import doal.r For Sale Cars 106 syiauu why hot try suburban-olds. 8ti s. Woodward, Birmingham, MI 4-4466. ’37 BUICK SUPER HARDTOP REPOSSESSION Power equipped and Uko new --- ----- Bit# A™. FE U-4633, 100 Elat 6 i.. at Auburn 30.000 miles. Bronte t half Ivory. Radio, heater, aw matlc. double power. Tlidy a p» PEOPLE S ‘AUTO BALES per week. CMT Mr. O’Brian. CredM Mgr. at BIRMINOHAM-RAMBLER, W*0dW*rd. “ 1 it Mile Rd. f mlautea time, MI *-3*00 _________ 80 % BUICK. 3 t>66it. HARDTOP. ' At.UM. ~but. » I4 - tar, M--y antra*, m AU14. | OT,wr ......................’ " irTTTmFWTTr I bp. SeetL A-I. B3H elec.. HFt alum3TOm 1 NEW if t. 3166 FE 18-7261 .| trailer . ________r ALUMINUM _ beat. Mark M Mercury g------ n Metal boat trailer with, v it-raSr cedar strip boat and trailer, like arirMM— .. Foot ttoumo plywood. cleering wheel, wbtdtbleld. 60 HP; Kteetrie atari. .Mercurv frailer and boat cover. MI 4-2072. 1 If WAOEMAKER, 33 bp. L trailer .. 3 777 ► If LYMAN. 4* h p. alee., ler .... SMI I If GENEVA. 35 bp. elec, i*t ........ r-pa ___I 14' RUNABOUT. » .bp. trailer, clean .... ... (tit if CHRIS CRAFT, it* b.p. trajL Inew d’ sfejedliner; oo bp. ] etee. traRer 31477 NEW If 8PEEDUNER. M b.p 16f trailer '......... SUM iKE TRADE-INS ALL I J EJECT TO PRIOR BALE N, t, VAN WELT Ph OR 3-13M FOIt^TOF ^DOLLAR ON LATER See M & M Motor Sales TOP BUCK—JUNE Cl PONTIAC WASTE.________ W ANTED JUNK AND CHEAP trucks. Ph. FE 3-M66. VMd Aa* Put, loi ’(3 OLDS MOTOR, '(3 BUICK I.' '33 Pontiac t. 54 Raid 4. '44 Ford V3, PE MM3. Safe Used Tracks 103 CHEVROLET DUMP TRUCK FISCHER BUICK “ USED^UICKS 12 MONTHS WARRANTY a. Woodward B'ba _______mi taa______ 1684 BUICK HARDTOP SPECIAL' 1688 CHEVY . ______________ FE 3-7543, Harry Blsglns. ■ ——AUTO. TRANS- I CHEVROLET Yt Al 1454 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR ST A 24.030 actaal mite*. Mail be taan, no money down. Lucky Sole., 163 S. Saginaw. FB 4-1 IF ¥OU NEED gtoo see tuMum raffla co. list N. Ferry St. FE 3-7017 •M Otdt, *1 r 0 Pontiac.; '53-'td . Chevy., T* M * 675 UP 073 up 3143 UP 5 Mercury.. *31 to 1 I Packard., *34-*M 3 Caddy., *t4 to **• ...... wvwmm. I etetlan was- Ford. Chevy. Plym. 'M Boat -... ... Plenty more to ehooee (35 up ECONOMY CARS Auburn and Saginaw IBM CHKiTT 0^ 3 POOR, C1XAN, steering and, brake*. Radi* heater.. 31,325. CaU 082-3185. 1555 CHEVROLET STATION WAO- on. Y Muni'orny*. amrem sail menu at $17.M — — Credit Mgr. ». 4-76*0. Harold Turner; *57 OeBOTO HAB_____ ke new kwide and owl, perfect engine, good tires, no nut *0M full price, no esah need-- ed. Pay anly (30 a month, due lt#**AU**,’ Mr. Bell PE 0-453* **7 Eaat SM, at Auburn. M7 DO DOE CONVERTIBLE. Trite# and gold. 50# aerie. rL dlo and luwr, Power .tecring amt btakeg, Whltewulte. in 7-0W1. m btanw 4-door .. * —Repossessiott * ’ MM Full arte*, no cate needed , pay only til a ma.. da* May It 1 Rite Auto, Mr. M, nc g-4531 io* East Blvd., at Auburn UC0 DODGE 1-DOOR SEDAN. 4 cylinder, uutomattl. radio, heater, whitewall.. Triitte wtth blue trim. Stock Bo. M3. Only (I,|M. Eaey terms. NORTH CHEVROLET CO.. ISM B. WOODWARD AVE BIMORaRAM. Mt 4-3733. w'Wf iii, wi' 1 OR 3-3473, take over paymenu! Buy WITH CONFIDENCE ’58 OLDS 88 SEDAN 'M Old. M Convertible. *33 rad Sedan 3 asMadaf. *56 Ford 3 dour. Kick. HOUGHTEN'S Thte to your frteadly OMimabUq dealer. ' 13* R. Mem. Rocbetter, OL 14741 IIM FORD VI. 4 DOOR AUTO- dan. V*. 5475, CaU after > p m. PE 4-7fl5. 'll FALCON. 2 DOOR. 3,500 MARMADUKE By Anderson ft Looming wd For Sttp Cars ' 101 AS FORD 3-DOOR REPC^SESSiON IlM fuU prtee. a* cate needed. £2* “ido* Mr Bell.dF***i&3* lM^aat »*d~ M Atmaia Falcon wagon, white, radio and boater. Only tl.S*5. TOM BOHR. INC. * M «; MaST Milford MU 4-17U '*0 FORD CONVERTlULE Pull Power, and A Sparkling Light Blue. Finish! A BEAUTY THROUGHOUT! JOHN jT^MITH DODGE INC. BAOINAW Bt. FE 3-7055 rEy galk'Ctera, •55 OLDSMOBn# • DOOR EARO-^^^1 straight etlck. —* 'll !od» 55T t“d5or bedan. •tandard ihlft. Can flaaaca. PE 5-65*2. OLDSMOBILE *30 4-DOOR tap. Power brake, and t____ radio and beater, new omullltim. FE 4-3541 at FE UM condition,' ( corner at a ll^JJALOON WAOON. DEALER qpttoaa L0632 105* FORD FAIRLANE. HARDTOP. I door, radio and boater, lord matte. CaU UL Nte after 1959 FORP OALAXIE 4-DOOR with radio, boater and automatic tran*m‘~ atoo, ILM*. John McAuliffe. Ford 430 OAKLAND FW 5-41 1IM FORD OALAXOt.inSU wall Urea. Hated teaf I . Clean. Whit, finite 14.300 mile. J14M, 3M5 Auburn Road. UL •35 FORD. CUSTOM. RANCH WAO-^temlM HELIlBi OH»Mj 1602 FORD 3-DOOR Vt, RADIO AND HEATER ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY DOWN. Assam* payment. at 35A3 par month. CaU Credit Mgr. Mr. Parks at Ml U*3 FORD. RADIO AND BEATER, payment. Jl ll.i CALL MR Iffi' MANAGER. PE King Ante Bale., lit B, Saginaw *54 _MAWUNE>i(P OAD, ^RADIO ----------------Woodward. FORD I. FORDOMATIC. RA FORD rdtOP.VA OALAXIE 3-DOOR aeutete. Only 51«M, Ea.y ta. NORTH CHEVROLET CO. S. WOODWARD AVE, BIR- dlt Mgr 1 Harold Crissman CHEVROLET COMPANY ROCHESTER --- ot MW , FALCON 3-DOOR. 3.000 term.. NORTH JCHEVitoijrrSca 13M S. WOODWARD AVE. UR-iCNOHAM. Ml 4-3735. US4 FORD. VI, STRAIGHT STICK. 3300 OR 34810. 1958 FORD STATION WAOON, RADIO AND HEATER. AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION. ABSOLUTELY NOMOpBY DOWN. Atanme payment, at 330.73 _p*rjra. Call Credit Mgr. lb. Park, at IQ 4-7500, Harold Turner. Ford. W PORD S-DOOS REPOSSESSION MM MI prtee. no eate needed, pay only |31 * mo. due May I Mte Aute, Mr. Ml, PE 0-4530 1M tut Bird, at Ankara* 650 FORD CONVERTIBLE. STICK shift. MM full prleo, no money Sown Lakeside motors, Hur-on^ut Elteabeth Lake Ed. PE fin ford sTAinw. Ptewer nutting. Powi HOMER HIGHT Small Town Trades: UM Ptettol, 4 dr. hudlop. hydra-EMt. iwitte. Motor | 8*5 U07 Ford 4 dr, S eyl,' radio. he£ TRUCK1: Mis Chert# to tea pickup .. 31, OM h**4^VI*kW ....... 3 343 SPEOAL | *M Chart*. 4 dr, S ayl. Standard transmluteu ... I 4M Ghevrofet -Pdntidcj-Buick Deal#!... rid. Mick _ v OA b-3Mg *u Miieiei Pram 9aSfmr~ -JESie Lake Ed. Set _-POHD U57 CONVERTIBLE. AUTO-matte. Rate* and baatwr.1 la ehooee tram. Pull prleo STM. Mo moavy down. CaU Mr, O'Brian. Credit Mar. at BWMIMOHAM-RAMBLER. Woodward, aowth of U Mile Ed, I minute, tram Pon-tUe, Ml 6-33M. 1664 FORD *. STICK SHIFT. Exceptionally siaaf MM full price, no money dowa. LAKESIDE MO- 1955 FORD CONVERTIBLE. RADIO. HEATER tad aalomatto Uan.mU.lon, (IN. John McAuliffe, Ford 33* OAKLAND FE 54101 UM FORD STATION WAOON. LBa new. Radio and heater. (.OM mite warranty. tl.OM full price. tlM dQWL w_hrada. 346.5^ per man . Wrwunjbem - ^m ^r from Pontiac, mi OLDSMOBILE. 4-DOOR. -MMlan, mam Etk Oiliial f or. Must aeU. MA 3-73M. ■ OR 3-1331 *-M*L CTu7ten > '54 OLDSMOBILE r . A-1 Im, UL 3-4131. 1717 Auburn Rd. Bocbaater. ■tt OPEL STATION WAOON. new . MA 34M3. nTn rifa — —— —— —— MONET DOTriT QWEEN AUTO SALES, 171 S.SAODUW. 1 Tt PLYMOOn 3-DOOR REPOSSESSION » 53M FEU price, n* Sate needed My only ill n mo, du* May 1. RITE AUTO. Mr. Ball. FE 34533 1M Earn Mvd, at A&un AND HEATER. ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY 'dOWH. Aaauma — mania of 334.73 nor mo. CnW Mgr. Mr. Park, at 4-7500, Harold Trott, .Ford, *50 PLYMOUTH CUSTOM WAGON. VI Automatic, Whitewall.. Power! Etipl One- R430 TT. 3-70M. 1987 MERCURY TURNPIKE CRUI8-er. Fall power, one owner. Stock Mo. UM. Only IIM. Emy term*. NORTH CHEVROLET CO. UM |, WOODWARD AVE. BIRMINO-HAM. Ml 4-3733. ktORRU MDrSdt lmi lath ti. NASH RAMBLER. RADI, ■ad blater, excellent eawlllai. aa atanoy down, full prtee 34M. uawmo payment, at M a ma. fcALL C RE PI T MABAOiB. MR WHITE. FE HSI^m King Aato Bale. •“ - * OLDS? WHY NOT THY aUBUR- BAH - OLDS. 563 S. Wood------- Birmingham. An 4-44M. 1600 OLDSMOBILE M. WH11V roararilbti. Pott poworad. M.765. (2> UM OLDS M |136 FOR BOTH. or Woot Bovony. 1658 OLDSMOBILE. GOOD CON-dittem llC m Clark W siflo. Today's Special! 1959 FORD CUatam 300 3-Door, Ifa o boo* aad rati Sharp! $U95 BEATTIE i‘sf,s&evsxst OR3-1291 Spring Values! MV Pmtlae Star chief 4-dr. hard* top, I tone. Rydramatte. Radio and heater. Fewer steering. Few-er^braket. AH ciutom leather UM Cbavroiet Impala 4 dr. hard-HI Pontiac 3 dr. hai irdtop. Hydra-ir. EMtewalla. lli* ’ ftonU.c' 4-‘dr',7«rd.n* Hydra- Too mam a**, thte on* Baiin uffVmSaa Star CMM ante, aedea. Hydramatlc. Radio, heater. Vridte-Walte. Btoa With blue morracld* trim. A 1-owner. HAUPT PONTIAC o£V.."S S3' '55 PONTIAC 4-DOOR REPOSSESSION i *•>! price, no cate needed $13 n mo, da* May U 6. Mr. Bell. PE 5-4534 1051 PONTIAC STATION WAOON. new, PE 4-2314. 1*00 3 DOOR PONTIAC VENTURA. Ektrae, 33,335, PE *4003 PONTUCSt lTHT HOT THY 1953 PONTIAC CATALINA ! UM Boaoevute engine and i trade, 5M E. Beverl; $ave-$ave-$ave 1959 Chevrolet Radi* and beater, power eteor las. 4-door aadas, • eyitade automatic. $127 Oown / BRIGHT SPOT Orchard Lake at Cass FE 8-0488 —Special— rmWtmKc Catalina snprt Coup* wtth radio and neater, hydramaUc traBamTutaa. Power brakes, and ....... $2595 PONTIAC RETAIL STORE 65 Mt. Clemens AND ^Corner ; Cass and Pike FE 3-7954 teUCnW UM PONTIAC. 3 POOR EAI TAYLOR'S OK USSP CARS CHEVROLET ^OLDOMOBlLE lArket tSm Wetted Laki =rwisw2f, BUYING or Btlttng SEE US BESOEETOU DEAL HOUGHTEN ft SON 030 N, Male. Eaeheatar OL 1-0741 U57 RAMBLER STATION W JBfc- RAMBLER. 1MO CUSTOM 4 DOOR 954 RAMBLER CROSS COUNTRY Station Wagon, clean Inside and out, tire* HSe neb, (Lit*. CaU The car to bay to Rambler Tho plaa* to haw la RAND C wamm.ww CUSTOM 4-DOOR ME wftfoo. VI engine, over-re. radio, better. vhiUwiU*. BILL SPENCE RAMBLER LAND 33 ». MAIN ST. (MU) Clarkrtan 1184 RAMBLER STATION WAO-so. • cylinder, .tick shift, radio, heater. Stock No. 1041 Only 11.-104. Easy term..- NORTH CHEVROLET CO. 10040. WOODWARD AVE. BIRMINGHAM. MI 4-3735. 1055 THUNDERBDtD. POWER M VAUANT. 4 DOOR. 11.5 MA (HU(. UM VOLKSWAGEN SEDA ctean, 474S Dixie Hwy. HASKINS SPRING DEMO 1M1 Core air Lakewood idoor ate- sKft?S&.f^£h2 ftaUs. Blut and whit* finite. Sow. £wtee. Many 'other aoeoeaortea. Beautiful Tropic Mlri finite. HASKINS CHEVROLET (711 Dixie High way'at MU MApte 5-1*0* ^Bpeo 'Ul • p m. SHOP SUNDAY BUY MONDAY Our Lot Is . OPEN for yonr inspection OLIVER • Motor Sales H3 Orchard Lake Ave . ■wr Jm *&Bf- __JEEP PEUOB3T NEW 1961 CHEVROLET fleetside PICKUP Stt heater, itsaate. wsteer., A ttraa, laetim ehremo. $1797.43 ams mud -. FED TIME 037LY . Matthews-Hargreaves "TRUC1C DEPT.” mrwm JOHNSON "Rambler” Offers '61 HARDTOP $99Down $49.85 Mo. JOHNSON "Pontiac” Offers '61 PONTIAC’ -$166.88 Down $7465 Mo. RUSS i JOHNSON Motor Sales * LAKE ORION MY 2-2871 MY 2-2381 THE PONTIA^ PRBSS, SATURDAY, APRIL «. 1061 TWENTY-8E VEK * s Television Programs Program furnished by stotiont lifted in thit column are subject tp changes without notice Peace Corps Set Dates WASHINGTON CUPI) - The PMOt Corps plane send the first . group of M vetateere to feaftL America and Africa ky late aura-' Channel HNM4T Cfeaaael 4-WWJTV TONIGHTS ff UjWWW #:M (2) San Francisco Beat (4) (Color) Oaerga Pierrot (7) Campy** Conor I (4) Planet (coot) (7) Starlit Stairway rail Together. 1 P*ttt ar* of Faith 7:00 (3) Death Valley Days (4) Pony Express (DDacop (1) r (2) 1 (4)1 (9) Nature of Things (2) Perry Mason (oont) (4) Bonanza («at) CD Itaarinc 30* (toot.) (I) r •ise • (4) Tall Man H) Leave It To Beaver (9) Ontario Provtoc'l Affairs Sl4S (9) Ted Lindsay Sill (2) Checkmate (oont.) (4) Deputy CD Lawrence Welk (3) To be announced •:*e 0) Have Gun, Win Travel tier of Oakland Park Methodist Pontiac, Nearby Area Deaths ARraOB V, GARTER Arthur W. Carter, 62, of 53 Trent St., died this morning at Pontiac General Hospital of a heart Ha had been ill t (4) Nation's Future (!) Vsk (cent) CD Boxing WU (I) Julietta IfcllOrSei (4) Panic (!) Boning (oont.) 3»i4S (7) Make That Spare Uiee (3) Nana (4) (!) Mi li: ie 0) Weather, SporU mis (2) Weather (4) Weather (!) Babeve It ar Nat iitsa (3) Sports (4) Bnti (7) Hay of the Week (M Mevlat "Captai Castile*' asm. A L noblemen fleas from the Inquisition. Tyrone Power, Jena Peters, Cesar Romero, Lee J. Cobh. U:fl (2) Movies: 1. 'The General Died at Dawn" (IMS). An American adventurer tries to buy guns for some Chinese. Gary Cooper, Madeleine Carroll. 3. “Fugitives for a Night." (ISM). A couple flee after becoming innocently involved In a nightclub murder. U:M (4) Movies: L “The Waif (1311). The disappearance of f Util* girl leads to mass hysteria. 2. "Siren’s Song." A worldly, wealthy woman induces a retired matador to return to the anna. SUNDAY MORNING Church, Masonic Lodge No. 31 PRAM and the American Federation of MusiciMs Local T9L Mr. Carter loavaa Ms _______________ . Edna; a son, William A. of Bom Raymond of Ml Rif (9) Billboard. Rif (3) Sacred Heart RM (3) Christophers. (3) Herald of Truth. R» (4) Newa. RM (3) Decision (4) Church at the made. (!) G a d a r stead! n g Our World. (3) Temple Baptist Church. Rif (3) To Dwell “ 0:10 (3) Detroit (4) Frontier* (T) Cbristiaa Sdoocc. (3) Oral nshsste. Bill (7) Adventures in Living totto 0> iMs is lha UN. . (4) Davey and Goliath (1) Faith for Today. (3) Cathedral of Tomorrow Mill (4) (Cote) Cartoon Storybook W:»o 0) Felix to* Oat tltU 0) Llttto Lulu. > • it) U: sa (2) My Little Margie (4) Quiz ’Em (7) Champtonahip Bowling. 0) Robin Hood SUNDAY AlTRRNOON 12:93 0) Detroit Speak*. % (4) U of M Presents. (4) Air Force Story 0) QT Hush IftU (4) Industry on Parade U:N (4) Briefing Session (D Realm of toe Wild 0) Christophers (9) West Point Ilite 0) Pram Conference (4) Builders’ UlOWcaM. (7) Pip ttw Piper. |t (9) Passing Panda i: Mill (9) Kipltogsr Report DM (3) Movie: “Back lee.’ jWIUJAM E. BABB READING - Service for Uau E. Babb, 73, of Reading will be held Monday at 2 p-m. at HQ-Uard Funeral Home in Reading. Mr. Babb had aaveral relatives in the Pontiac area. He (bed this morning at Wlladato Hospital following a long illneaa. “ be In Reading Ceme- Survhring are hie wife Nellie; 3 one, Chaney of Auburn Heights, Qac; s daughter, Mrs. turn Woodruff of Dover,* If J,; a aisfer i grandchildren; brother. Vernon and Harlan all of Reading; and 2 daughters. Service will be held at lcM pm. Tuesday at DonateooJohn* Funeral Home. The Masonic Lodge No. 21 will conduct fee grave earw-ice at Psrry Mount Park Ceme- Final Service 1$ Planned for Lapeer Woman LAPEER — Service for Mrs. homas Polk, 44, of 3707 Hunt Road, will be at 1 pm. Monday at the Baird Funeral Home, with burial at North Branch. Mrs. Polk died unexpectedly of a heart attack .yesterday morning at her home. listed her husband in operating tht Polk Jewelry Store in Lapeer, and waa the Michigan Bril Telephone chief operator in Lapeer from 1943 to 1954. She alao was a member of toe Order of the Eastern Star and the American Legion Auxiliary. Surviving besides her husband are her mother, Mrs. Clarence Hall of Lapeer; two sisters, Mrs. Wll-bem Mask of Flint and Mrs. Donald Kalbfleisrh of Gapoc; and a brother, Frank Hutchins of Detroit LOOK! NIW Smith-Corona ELECTRIC ADDINO MACHINES Royal Oak tallowing a lengthy in- She waa 91, Burial will be at Aoocia Park Cemetery in Blrming-‘ un. She is survived by two acne, Lee of Algonac, and Lyon of Detroit. MBS. KENNETH HAHRER AVON TOWNSHIP - Service for Un. Kenneth (LiWaa) Harm, of 300 Nesbit Lane, will be Monday let 2 p.m. from the Price Funeral Tiffs I Tr. Gwiaitoo Hi • Sthtrad - Msltiply Tain's lost Addiaf Moabite Bay! Pontiac Cash Register Co. AMeg Matas* Cato toll Eton Typowrtlori Catoalaton 1ST S. Saginaw It. FE 8-9801 LAPEER - Service for Frederick Chubb, 73, of 170 N. Saginaw St Wjn be at 3 p.m. Sunday at the Muir Brother* Funeral Home with burial to Stiles Cemetery. Mr. Chubb died unexpectedly of a heart attack Thuraday at hie me. Surviving are his wife, France*; two sons, Paul of Taylor and Mil-lord of North Miami Beach, Fla.; a daughter. Mrs. Margaret Ivory of Troy; 16 — ‘ great-grandchild. PETER OOLE HIGHLAND TOWNSHIF-Serv-ice tar Peter Cole. 90, of 4095 Clyde Road, will be at 2 pm. Monday at Richardson-Bird Funeral Home in Milford with burial in West Highland Cemetery. Mr. Cbie died today at Fenton, whil* vkdttog his daughter. Ha waa a retired farmer. Surviving are Ms Widow, Ndlle; a son, Everett of Highland Township; a daughter, Mrs. Robert Topping of Fenton; and two grandchildren. MRS. ALICE M. FAIRCHILD ROYAL OAK — Service for Mr*. Alice May Fairchild of 1016 Royal St., Royal Oak, will be held Monday at 3:30 p.m. at Price Funeral Home in Troy. Mrs, Fairchild, a former resident of TToy, died early this morning at a- convalescent home in Mrs. Harm (gad Friday to St. Joseph Mercy Hospital following a brief illness. She waa 36. Burial will be at Mt. Avon Cemetery. Surviving art her husband, Kenneth; a son Jamas and daughter Sandra, all at home; her mother, Mrs. Margarete Kuk of. Roaoom-Mich.; two sisters, Mrs. Russell Pipper of Troy, and Mrs. George Leinlnger of Upton,- Ind. two brothers, Charles of Roseville and Donald of Haset Park. (4) Journey (!) W< (0) Movie: “The Me Out to Hie BaO Game*’ (1343). A ... Im MBS. WILLIAM A. KENNEDY FUNERAL HOME “Thoughtful Service” GOP Woman Dies In IgSTSSMW MB. SOM /. 1 , VOORHEES-SIPLE FUNERAL HOME Mrs. William Kennedy Ex-Head of Federation, It Dead at 66 ROBERT L BRENDEL Former Official Dies at Home -To.Hold Service for Forest I. Brendel, Once White Lake Supervisor Service will be htod Tuesday at at Richardson-Bird Funeral Homo, Milford for Forest L Brendel, former White Lake Township supervisor. Brendel died Friday at Ms home foOdSing a tong iUnaa*. He was45. Burial will be to White Lake Cemetery. Brendel was township supervisor for 25 years, from 1334 to 1959. Before being elected as supervisor he served five years as White Lake team of IBM art seasonal big-league baseball player*. Trask Sinatra, Esther Williams, Gena Kelly. (!) Mgh Road to Danger (3) Bhnd Bowtors (4) • (!) h 3:19 (4) Pro BatootbaU (7) Direction *3L BN (2) Young People’s CpMsrt (7) Youth Bunn S:S* (!) Eichmann (9) Movlat "Jack Slade” (1953). glad* build* a reputation as a "tagal" gunman. Mark Stevens, Dorothy Malone. 4:00 (3) Masters Golf (!) Championship Bridge (!) Issues, Answers (4) Ask Washington 1:00 (4) Celebrity Golf (!) Matty's Funday Funnies •iM (2) College Bowl (4) Chet Huntii (7) Rocky and (3) Science Fiction Theater SUNDAY EVENING ' (2) I Love Lucy (4) (Color) George Pierrot (!) State Trooper (•) Popeye. (56) Faces to toe Window Bit (2) Twentieth Century (4) Trial of Eichmann (!) Walt Disney (9) Star and Story (56) Casal’a Clam !:M (4) (Color) Shirley Temple' (6) Movie: uR’s a Gnat Feeling" 0646). A ham actor decides to tom director. Jack Canon, Dodo Day, Doanfe Morgan, BUI Goodwin. (2) Lassie 7:30 (2) Dennis the Menace (7) Maverick (M) Guest Lecturer (3) Ed Sullivan (4) National Velvet (93) Biology Ml BIS (4) Tab Hunter 8:so (!) Lawman (9) Movie: "Background to Danger” (1943). Forged documents involve a to intrigue. George Raft, Brenda Marshall, Sydney Greenstreet, Peter Lorre. 1:4k (56) Steps to Peace l:«a 12) Theater (4) Dinah Shore (7) Rebel. (56) Prospects of Mankind l:3S (2) Jack Benny (7) Asphalt Jungle (2) CM (4) Loretta Young. (9) Background 10:30 (2) What’s My Lino (4) This !s Your Life. (7) Winston Churchill (9) Newt Magastne Ulff (I) News. (4) News. (!) News (9) Newa U:16 (3) Weather, Sport*. UlU (2) Weather. (4) (7) Movie: "Decameron Nights” (1953). The great story teller Boccaccio spins two of his tales to hopes of winning the hand of Flam-metta, Louis Jourdan, Joan Ftetatoe. U:tO (2) Sports. (4) Sports. (9) Movie: "Lite and Death of Colonel Blimp’’ (English, 1943). The adventures of an English military man from the Boer War through both world wars. U:t4 (2) Movie: “Day of Fear" (English, 1966). A drag being shipped to Madrid to debt i dread disease is hi-jacked. U:M (4) Movie: "Kiss and Tell’ (1916). A teenager attempts to keep her older brother’s marriage a secret. Shirley Temple. - MONDAY MORNING_________ 1:00 (?) MlVto (4) Ed Allen Bit (4) Consult Dr. Brothers 3:46 (4) Gateway to Glamour 9-.S* (7) News. (4) Young Dr. Malone 0)Merit 3:30 (4) FTom These Roots JD Verdict Ik Yours. (!) Who Do You TnstT 4:00 (2) Brighter Day (4) Make Room for Daddy ____(7) American Bandstand 4:14 (2) Secret Storm. 4:S6 (2) Edge of Night (4) Hare's Hollywood 0) Adventure Time 4:00 (2) Movie ' (4) (Color) George Pierrot (7) Johnny Ginger (9) Looney Tunce end Jingles (56) Adventures of Danny Dee i:M (7) Rin Tin Tin______ (56) Americans At Work 4:44 (56) News Magazine •:« 0) News St K (4) Bowling Highlight* I 0) (4) Say When (!) Jack 11 10:34 (9) Billboard, it: 30 0) Video Village (4) (Color) Play Your Hunch (!) People’! Choice 0) Chez Helene 19(45 (9) Nursery School Time. Uill 0) Double Exposure (4) (Color) Prior Is Right. (7) Morning Court (6) Romper Room. ’ tl;M (2) My Little Margi---------- (4) Concentration (!) Love That Bob! GAS or OIL FURNACES. AM Naass Brandi Ghaadler Heating Safes . Service OR 1-4492 OR 1-5612 hawks*, Csrsass, ate. FE 2-3471 TV Service Craftsmanship SONOTONE House of Hearing Free Hearing Tests Free Parking at Rear of Boildlng "Open fees, by Appointment” 143 Oakland FEderal 2-1225 PONTIAC, MICH. He was a lifetime resident of toe township and -a life member of Commerce Lota No. 121, FAAM. When he retired from toe board ef supervisors two years ago, Bren- it tMdtior'hta tong eervice to t three sons, Frsdsrlck and James of White Lab* Township, and Nall of Detroit; four daughters, Mrs. IToyd Vanderhoof, Mn. Jams* Marble, Mr*. Georg* Baiter and Mn. Robert Evan*, all of White Mrs. William A. (Juanita) Kennedy. M, past pnridsnt of to* Republican Women’s Fedantton at OaMaad County, died unexpectedly at bar hams. Ml Euclid Av*., Un-tana, Fl*. fids montag. . Mrs. Kennedy, also of ft We-nonah Drive, waa a past pnridanft of St. Jaasph Mercy Hospital Women’* Auxiliary and fait vie* president of th* Oakland County Lincoln Republican Qub. She bad also served the Republican Party by heeding toe Nataal Finance Committee of the Oakland Oounty W< ~ en’s Division. A past president of toe Michigan hildren’s AM Society, ah--------- etft. Benedict s . H end to* 8L Society of her church. In her earlier years Mrs. Kennedy m§ • concert stager. Alao surviving are a brother, Cheater of Milford; a sister, Mrs. Theresa Elkins Of Pontiac; 1! grandchildren sad | great-grand- Retired Veterinarian Buried in Florida OXFORD — Service for Dr. George Failing, retired Oxford veterinarian, was held tola afternoon in Tampa, Fla. Burial was to Lake Carroll Cemetery, Tampa. Dr. Failing died of a heart attack yesterday in his Florida home. A member of to* Oongragattoaal Church, ha waa a life member < * toe Oxford Masonic Lota ■* State Veterinarian’* Aaaodatton. Dr. Falling leaves his wif Claim; a daughter, Mrs. Frank Dexter of Lake Orion; two ions. Dr. Charles Failing of Oxford and Kemwth of Plymittffi; and flume grandchildren. Aid Urged to Oppose MINNEAPOLIS (DPI) eran pastors have been urged to oppose legislation providing federal aid to parochial schools. Dr. Frederik A. IcfakXx, president of the American Lutheran Church, wrote paatore of the tew 2.2-mil-iion member body Friday. Surviving am her husband; a jaughter, Mrs. Robert A. Tedcoe-tle of Lsntsns; two sons, Jack and baler, both of Pontiac; and dO>t grandchildren. Mn. Kennedy’s bo# will he brought to the WaatoasamsH Fo-1 Home for service and burial. U-.SS 0) Love of Lite. (4) Truth at Consequences (!) Camouflage (9) Susie (56) Memo to Teachers IS: SS 0) Search for Tomorrow. (4) (odor) It Could Be You (?) Number Pteaae (9) Mary Morgan tt:4S (58) La Douce France 13:46 0) Guiding Light 13:16 0) Newa ttiM (4) News LriS 0) Dick Powell (4) Journey (!) About races (9) Movie i:i* (58) Paries Francois l:M (!) News CM (2) As the World Turns (!) LRe of Ritey (56) World History ______± CSS (2) Amos V Andy (4) (Color) Jan Murray (!) Day to Court ' *:io 0) House Party (4) Loretta Young (!) Sovm Key* (56) Tomorrow’s Qraftsmrii 5:66 (3) Our Mtes Brooks (!) Quson For a Day. While They Lastly One Week Only HUMIDIFIER PLATES 99* Sse.l2.S0 WW False BOX GAS BURNER NOTHING DOWN $5*5 Par Mo. Complataly Instollad Term to Tour Bud*et FE 5-5478 U-rOL SERVICE [BrPaMw. I HEATING SERVICE I Ij69 N. Saginaw St. * I llXLlllIXlX sr Oaktai Csoaftf Haatreulcs Arnold 0 Stover TV UL 2-1109 Ankara b«*» TV PR 4-MSS t* SaSnra. ronUM BIN’* TV Service IM I-4J11 * uit uwo« test «*.. Oisnnii Cendon Radi* Sr TV FE 4-9736 IS A Telefrop*. FloMlI FE 4-1IIS C 0 V TV las. U* Ootlora, Wafer RaRfJbTV Ml UNifc, 1 Debar TV 6 Radi* Hod’* Radi* 6 TV FI 4-9602 011-4721 F14-2I25 Poattoo Ft 4-9641 lohnton Radio 6 TV Ft 6-4549 MY 1-3711 ___, MA 6-6265 HIM OmSmO toko, roratliftM Latimer Radi* » TV OR 3-2652 KM BoAakoe, DnlWftaln • Mens Ifentsoln MA 4-1166 pew. WiSnSBt mZwmmyi Nertoe Rsdie 6 TV Ft 1-1106 ***** Voa Drk*. Wisnin Obel TV Service 31 4-4643 MIS F.tiuksto l obs VtatM Fbafes TV Service OR I-1HT Ml* Dill* ■»*.. FeaMoo____ Rich Radi# A TV FI 4-0221 ESniTOMM* BA. FeatUo feefemU Rsdie » TV FI 2-4967 DillWrVan* Mfla* Sweet’* Radio * TV 31 4-1199 *■■ W. Huron. PeellM IM Milt AI Reediaf TV MY 1-1124 mo lo&vo ad., take Mm Television Serv. Ce. Ml 4-IS00 in n. Mo*»o. WiaiMiie Waken Radis 6 TV FE 1-1257 MS B. WoHoa, reaUso WKC, lae.. Service Deef. — FE *-7114 aw. suor, roauo# IF Y00 RENT SOFT HATER * IT-WILL PAY YOU TO GET IN TOUCH WITH US! Nr Mora Running Out Rf Soft Wotirl igttl Hm Nr Mora TruIe Exchangaa! ring to 8 on Sit DRytl No Mora Having In It Homo “Call us regarding this new . Lindsay Rented System" $3.50 AND UR PIR MONTH LINDSAY SOFT WATER CO. (Hr. of Michigan Neaflse Ce.) 88 NIWIERRY STRUT FI 8-6621 1184491 FE 2-2254 Additionar Facilities Have Been Added for Your Convenience The Donel»on-)ohns Funeral Hams it piannsd to provide dlpnlty end convenience for each funeral. Th* additional rooms with (heir distinctive appointment* recently added make th* Donetiwv lshn*_ Fun*r*l Homs th* mow complete and beautiful in thisaree. ’ , ’ —t---~ The spaciousness of our chapel, the privacy of our slumber rooms, th* splendid and gracious furnishings and th* many extra conversances add to the comfort of alt. With softness ,dqd friendliness aglow, there is peacp hero .lor alt who On !Donelson-/Johns Vlmm FEDERAL 4-4511 THE PONTIAC PRESS*. SATURDAY. AtPRLL g, 1961 no phone orders CO.D. S or deliveries Be Smart, Be Thrifty—Monday and Everyday! You Can Be Sure of Extra Savings at Sears! Bedford cord wash V wear slacks for men and boys I for men... jQ for “women in white1 lightweight uniforms men s Pilgrim all-season underwear Monday only Rsgtdaiijr at (St Comfortable, light-as-air uniforms that suds-dean and drip dry fast. Choose from a great variety of flattering 'styles— you’ll judge them worth twice the price! For nurses, waitresses, beauty operators, ' etc. In misses’, juniors', half-sizes. V Ladiaa' Itaadf-to-Waar 4.98 WM " Chart* It Men’s casual wear fa-, yorltea. Ivy styled In tiles SO to 39. Extra lustrous and long wearing. Save! Mm * Want — Mala Km Combed cotton athletic shirts, T-shirts, and briefs, or broad-cloth shorts in all-season weight for all-weather comfortln sizes S, M, L and XL. circle-stitch bra Sale! Pillowcase ^ Border Cottons ] 33^ u Gay washfwt colon make party vanity skirts, aprons, kitchen curtains, cases. 80-sq. In, 36-inch 2.98 0m Charge It Extra heavy 8.3 os. mercerised cotton cord, machine washable. Sanforised, max. shrinkage Ultra sheer mesh in seamless or fhll fashioned with seams both in white! 81ses 9 to 1014 on sale Moftday only at Bears. Outstanding Monday Bay in Pole Lamps Outstanding 4-SLICE OASTER Monday Value! Dacron® Panels Handsome baked enamel finish in black or beige with brass trim in 8-bul-let style. Extends to 8-ft. 4-in. You save 83.65 on every one Monday! A Monday best buy because it’s *DuPont no-i r o n Dacron polyester marquisette... in white. Come ini Monday, choose yours at this sale price! Toasts Oven Toaster Heats TV Dinners Fast feglts $7»8 Carpet Runner Rugs ^97 Perfect for Every Room ^ ft Colorful and warm in bath or bedroom or use them in front of fireplace, sofa or at doorways. Regularly priced at $SJS! .. M"*144”, Beg. 10.65 .. 7X7 «*6-Ft.. Meg- 16-95 1ST Floor Covering* — Soon Second Floor SkClUIluic wonw w- ■ - w fact, automatically. Chrome-plated. UL listed. Similar to picture! Of apery Dept. — Mala Floor UnpAinted New Kenmore Wood Louver Doors on Sale Detergent Does 5 Great Jobs Bleaches, softens, blues, deodorises, sanitizes. Use up to 50% less than most detergents. Especially suitable for automatic washers. Save now! 1S-U. Bex. Ret. *Ji l.W Sears Superfine Lawn Food—40-Lbs. 3-Piece Folding Aluminum Sommer Group Charge It - Regularly at $UM—Monday at leas than $20 you’ll get a 4-position chaise plus 2 matching chairs that you can fold and tote anywhere. 8turdlly built with plastic Wtbblng. Furniture Department — Seen Second Floor Specifically deaii for Superfine . motes a healtl lawn. 13-17-6 m I nildinf -Materiel Dept. Monday only! -Kenmore wringer washers 3-.piece Danish style bedroom—-save *50! Sear* install* them! Allstate safety tread recaps SAVE *20! SUvertone 19-inch portable TV 149“ 6.70x15 or 7.50x14 BUckwall Tires * Cr each, phi* u< No Trade-In’Required Fully retreaded sidewall to sidewall for more safety, longer wear and better ride. Special tread design for greater traction, -safer stop* and starts. Come in Monday—Have a set installed at Sears! ; Sendee Station — Ferry Si. laaeaea^ 4 . r regularly at $159.95 L'lUillCa I/i Ji i na*wi . . a v ■v*: - V MtgDuni Budget priced Monday onhr! Packed with wonderful features; large 2^-in. wringer rolls with automatic pressure adjustment; efficient 6-vane agitator gets clothes cleaner more quickly, lft-lb. capacity. Monday only! •- *+' * KJh ■■ .7 t-W . ' App/faece Deparlmenl — Sear* Main >We|l 85 Deem This big-picture Silvertone television can go with you ., anywhere! Suitcase-slim, beige luggage styling', with “up-front” sound. Sturdy carrying handle. Complete with built-in antenna. Skve 890 Monday! : ■■ ' MooodtW Popt. — toon Hat*/to* crafted in rich aw Street Phone FE 5-4171 cSatisfactk>n guaranteed; or your money hack: MONDAY ONLY MONDAY ONLY A A A A- z_ Th# Weather V.S. Weather Bnreaa Ferecait Rain Sunday Atteraooa (Palain s) VOL. 119 NQ. 52 THE PONTIAC ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ PONTIAC, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1961—28 PAGES ASSOCIATED PRESS UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL Dress Right or Go to Jail BUTTON, Bt'TTON — Who's got a button? These staunch lawmen will keep score. Anyone caught in town not wearing the official buttons, bonnets, top hats and string ties on a Friday from now on, during Greater Pontiac’s .Centennial celebration, will be arrested by Keystone Cops shown above and hailed into Kangaroo Court. Speedy "Justice'* is ' promised. Taking GRANTS, N. M. (UPI)— Planes, helicopters and ground parties threaded through a lofty Near Mexico mesa today in a pinpoint search to find out whether more than three men survived the crash of a B52 bomber shot down byi Snyder, 80 Uutnam Court; Louis Levitt, 2940 a sidewinder missile. Williams Lake Road, Waterford Township; Kenneth G. Watts, 1851 Birchcrest St.; and James Converse, 128 Oneida St. Pickings should be good, they agreed. FsntUc Pro, Photo notes an a "dry run” in front of the Courthouse on Saginaw Street today are, from left: James Centennial Violators Beware! Kangaroo Court on the Prowl Missile Downs Bomber Hunt Air Mishap Survivors Five Missing,. Three Survive N.M. Accident Shattered Jet Falls to Earth in Driving Show, Hail Storm DEADLY MISSILE — A sidewinder rr "killed” a B52 Jet bomber over New Mexi mounted on the wlrof an Air E*orce F104 j< bomber’s eight crewmen i ; believed dead. The e of the it plane AP Photofmx crashed after a heat-seeking sidewinder, using the B52’s engine radiation as its target, struck. The missile was fired accidentally from a National Guard FI00 during a mock aerial drill. A New Mexico Air National Guard F100 piloted! by 1st Lt. James Van Scyocj accidentally launched the|flrAU/c Jn Cf-Un deadly sidewinder at theUlUVvJ III JIG It/ Film Ban Furor Varner Fears for MSUO in $8-million B52 Friday. Van Scyoc, squadron 'American Legion and safety officer, had made Legislature Stirred Up (five passes at the bomber by Swain son's Action in simulated attack. *Disaster Fund Cuts By PETR LOCHBILER from now through the June 17-24[ permission to the bearded to I . Keystone cops and western-garbed deputies of the Kangaroo Court made their first appearance of the centennial today. The • 23-member corps, complete with two bewigged judges, invaded the downtown area shortly after 10 a.m. to begin a four-hour probe of “centennial violations.’’ The maneuver was described as merely investigative. No arrests were made. Kangaroo Court’s perculiar code Of justice, is failure to Wear proper centennial regalia. But the action served as notice that the zany antics of the Kangaroo Court may <£ccur at any time A prime violation, under long to the Brothers of the Brush. The items are all on sale at the centennial headquarters in the Pon- ITEMS ON MIR These include sunbonnets for women and centennial hats and ties for ‘men. In addition, sun-bonneted women are to wear (Centennial Belle buttons and the men jtheir whisker permits. These are buttons signifying either permission for the beardless to ^bave tiac Public Library. Centennial regalia will be the heighth of fashion every Friday from now through the celebration. Beginning next week, each Fri.-day will be Centennial Old-Fashioned Dress Day, according to Henry Gotham and Mrs. Peter Hoogerhyde, cochairman of the Promenade and Caravans committee of the celebration. Kennedy and Macmillan on Problems Three men parachuted from 34,000 feet and lived. There were five others on board. A ground party found some bodies. Old-Fashioned Dress Day applies ” to both men and women, they emphasized. Bonnets and buttons will be the style for women and centennial hats, ties and buttons the style for men. " t "Ladies who may have old-fash-_ I | ioned dresses or other attire of Together on Problems sssF-^r “Perhaps some of the men will be able to come up with grand-WASHINGTON (AP) — President Kennedy and father’s old Prince. Albert frock Prime Minister Harold Macmillan'announced today] |j°**-J* fl”n they have reached “a very high level of agreement” on ^ ^ bas^ 0f enthusiasm gen-their appraisal of the problems faced by the two great erated among Pontiac’s womenfolk ,, . earlier this week. Mrs. Hoogerhyde English-speaking powers. ^ amj ogtham predicted widespread They asserted their sup- response to Old-Fashioned Dress port for the United Nations Day. and their determination costume each day of the to oppose Soviet attempts June 17-24 observance. “to undermine its author* ity.” To meet the problems of tlu ! world today "will require from us! . many sacrifices,” Kennedy and! • Macmillan declared. atibnal procedures for missile train-! ing and firing. FROM TEXAS BASE The bomber was from Biggs Air Force Base at El Paso, Tex. Both planes were on what the Air Force calls an “authorized intercept mission.” Centennial Citizens ADAH SHELLY la a Joint statement covering their three days of talks, the two leaders pledged themselves “to do their utmost” to reach agreement with the Soviet Union for a safeguarded ban on nuclear weapons tests. "We are' in complete agreement,” they said, "an to the gravity and depth of the dangers in the present world situation for > nations who wish to retain their independence and the priceless right of choice. tad •IcaKI the fin* cl The guardian of Pontiac’ tory for nearly 31 years was Mias Adah Shelly, who served as city librarian from 1924 until her retirement in 1955, except for two weeks. Miss Shelly was the Guy’s first librarian, assuming her duties in the old Pontiac library that had previously served to house "refined entertainment*” for 50 years, with one room for library facilities. Prior to the city taking over the library in 1924, the small reading room had been- supervised in an informal fashion by a women’s social gnxq>. The city library enjoyed its greatest use daring, the depre*-idon years. Miss Shelly mealed. Books were one of toe low tree Miss Shelly's professional career as city -librarian was interrupted for. two .weeks in 1932 when an over-zealous mayor swept her out of office with other dty depart; Macmillan said onljf that they had meat heads. The respected librar- given "dose attention" to the prob- iah whs quickly returired, in office. - ■sJV: '7' ' i„ '■ \m . 'M 500 Escape Burning Ship 'While we recognize that the core of western security against armed aggression continues to be the North Atlantic alliance, also discussed how our countries can help to strengthen the free world as a whole. "We have considered what measures it might he advisable to take, together with oar allies, aeas and adaptability of the Atlantic community in a changing world.’' The statement described as gent the need for further steps toward “The economic and 'political unity of Europe.” But on this as on other points it dealt only in generalities and offered no indication of specific measures, of actions agreed on or of proposal^ which may be madd to the,, allies or the Communist powers as a result of the meetings here. Of the critical problems of Southeast Asia, where Soviet-backed and American-backed forces have been fighting in Laos and to some degree in Viet Nam, Kennedy and lenurof the area. 50 or More Others on British Liner *When It Bursts Into Flames BAHREIN «*—A crowded British liner burst into flames today Persian Gulf and was abandoned. The ship’s owners ■aid 500 persons were rescued and a search was under way for more survivors. About 550 persons were reported aboard, the ship owners said, but it was not known if this included the 130 crew members. Most passengers were believed to pave been Indians and Pakistanis, he said, though Americans and Europeans might have .been aboard. The ship, toe MM-toa Dare, and torrential rein daring the night while plying between Bombay and Basra. It was abandoned about C a.m., some le ml Ire north of Sharja on-toe Tredai coast at Arabia. Officials had difficulty learning put what happened, but a man' for the Dart’s owners, the British India Steam Co., said the ship may have been in a collision in the darkness,before catching Sire, s NAVY SHIPS ARRIVE Three British navy were among rescue ships sconring the gulf tor survivors. A British India spokesman said the navy pnd the IL S. / ‘ Force were “coordinating and ance and providing medic teams to be Down to ffie an where survivors are toBMi.” The sidewinder streaked at twice the speed of sound for the BS2’s exhausts and sent it shattered to earth In a driving snow and hail storm. “Michigan’s citizens, I am sure, support the legislative ■' | proposals which will further injure n>' the already-blighted image of their The university would .also incur extra expenses under its plan for year-round classes. COULDN'T PAY “The proposed budget for higher * Van Scyoc, tl, was due back on dnty today with the 188th Interceptor Squadron at Kirtland Air Force Base, Albuquerque, N.M. His commanding officer, Maj. Francis Williams, told him to "get lost’’ Friday night. By MAX E. SIMON' j higher education in Michigan,” | Chancellor D. B. Varner today Varner said, declared that passage—of higher education budget bills drafted by I , { Michigan lawmakers Would spall! LANSING IP — The sound and! “disaster" for Michigan State Un fury touched off by Gov. Swainson'sl versify Oakland, order barring state police from * * * showing two controversial films on Appropriation bills reported c communism has widened to include i of the Senate Appropriations a the American Legion and the State House Ways and Means comimff __ .. . ___ . ....._ „ tat * . * no increase in Michigan's Mate varner "A total review of our opera- Veteran newsmen recall that not universities. Srd CLASS OR 1st? jtions next year would have to be nee the days of the late Sen.) ^ B swainson had j The university official said that (Undertaken.” I trimmed MSI OV appropriation* jelsewhere. throughout the nation * ' * * • ,l requwft of $1,420,900 to $l,lft7f000 j higher education budgets are being! ‘As a result of the Legislatures in submitting his budget to the increased. j proposals, the MSU Board of Trus- legislature ! . * * * jtees will meet in emergency ses- The MSUO sum » included in “« “ ‘0*ng for aj*on Monday evening at MSU. Var- D. Pierce Junior High School in Lh I third-class instead of first-class ne.r, *** *, ,, . .. .... . Water*.* Township Originally S“* vnlprM>r.v nninOHMl | Maivln L. Niehuss, vice presi- But because the ground party could not tell how many bodies were in the torn wreckage a huge search was ordered to make sure controversy will be shown at that any survivors would be found 7:30 Tuesday at the John quickly. „ * * * stirred up such strong feelings Next year, however, MSUO plans Van Scyoc wrote many oper-jpro and con. to accommodate three classes - Proponents of the two films — {freshman, sophomore and juniors "Communism on toe Map” and j 0nl> rmihman and “Operation Abolition*• - contend j f|a8S^ ftra p:" LANSING (AP)—The peaceful coexistence under governor’s eyes” in getting him i * ♦ ♦ {which Qov. Swainson and the legislature have been to bar the state police from show-j Varner said he did not belie'^ 0Derating since he took office New Year’s Day appar- 1 the higher education budget would VP®*v ■ . ,__ .. ' , pass in its present form. ently has been shattered under the unpact of an Would it be impassible to oper- appropriations proposal cutting sharply into the gov-ate MSUO with such a small in- " 5 , crease in the appropriation? Iern0rs budget. _______ ,__________________ The legislative proposals’" utabllsh a policy regardhu; state police authority for showing such films. . Observers say such a step could major dispute over Capt. Ray C. Obdel, 28, of Logan, Ohio;- Capt. Stephen Carter, 29, of I develop ii East Hartford, Conn.; 2nd Lt. kxecutivi Glenn V. Bair, 24, of Kemmerer, | Wyo.; Capt; Peter J. Gineris of Vs ■ • c Albuquerque, and Staff Sgt. Man-j'^P®n 5hipping Season “Impossible is a strong word, Varner' said, “Blit at the ha meat I don’t know how w . legislative uel L. Mieras, 23, of Flagstaff, were reported out Friday jby the Senate Appropriations and the House Ways SS^JSS ZJ: and Means eemmlttoes. 1 Over-all; they called for expenditures of $472,203,018 during the >t|l961-62 fiscal year, about $126,000 Ariz., were missing. SAULT STE. MARIE (UPI) — go along proposed higher education budget must be “obvious” to all Michigan] | citizens. . “The people of Michigan jeopie oi micniKan tou t with something like this,” short ot the Swainson recommcnda- |The shipping season in Lake Su-j1^ chancellor said. Blodgett, the aircraft com-jperior opened today whop the “Passage of the current pro-’ Wander, had a fractured pelvis Murray Bay and T. R. McLaughlin posals would be the most de- . fw ^ of and severe cuts on his left arm. entered the Soo Locks at 8:20 a.m. i structive act in the history of | ™ . Survivor’s Family in Kalamazoo tor various state departments, excluding school aid which also was cut nearly $t million. It’s Wonderful,’ Says Airman's Brother $5. ^-million appropriation had been requested. In higher education, toe suggested direct legislative appropri- ■ at!on trimmed nearly $8 million from Swainson’s request. The committee recommended that tuitions and fees be raised $150 yearly for out-of-state students and $20 a year for Michigan residents. Senate Majority Leader Frank Du Beadle, R-St. Clair, said that under thb increased tuition program, the gross available to file state's nine colleges and universities would be $133,705,069 in the 1961-62 school year, compared with $127,115,241 this year. KALAMAZOO (UPI)—“It’a won-| and three sisters in addition to his{ Blodgett's family was choked derful, just wonderful.” aged parents living in the area. with emotion when they heard of That was the reaction of Leo] The captain’s father 'Dwight is the tragic Incident above the Blodgett, brother of Air Force confined to a nursing home here.] New Mexico desert. Capt. Donald D. Blodgett, 39, one of the survivors of a B52 crew shot down near Grants, N.M., Fri- Blodgett, the aircraft commander, parachuted from toe stricken craft after It was struck by a sidewinder missile accidentally . fired by., aa F1M Jet daring a trebling mission. The airman is a native of Fonn-Lville and attended Kalamazoo Central High School. In 194$ he joined Hie Air Corps and, except for a brief break in 1M6-47, fins ns1 mained in Service ever since. MANY RELATIVES THERE Although be. han’t made Kala-lazoo hto home for some time, Donald Blodgett has four brothers Slightly Warmer, Plus Showers Is the Forecast | The difference was mostly made up in die estimates on capital out-j lay spending, for new construction. Swainson estimated only a $7,6-mijdion cash capital outlay would be needed and called for a bonding program to make up the difference. When UPI informed them that j there were some survivors, a short The legislature said $22.4 mil-time after the family had received lton "ouW Bf*ded to »*J«*lBg official notification Donald was lhe bonding program and calling missing, one of the airman’s sisters *or *Pend*ng °® a pay-as-you-go 'sobbed, "That's my brother, I h*s*s. {know it is.” • j But the governor, in the strong- est. language he has yet used against any legislative proposal, The weathermal says tonight I Agonizing minutes later the fam-will be somewhat warmer with Hy learned, almost simultaneously the low up to 35. ( I from-UPI, a local broadcasting sta- tion and Donald's wife in El Paso, that Blodgett waui, indeed, of the survivors and was not Sunday is expected to be cioudfy and mild with a'chance of showers late in the afternoon and a high of 52. Variable morning winds at 5 miles per hour will beedme 8 to 15 miles southeasterly tonight. The lowest temperature in downtown Ppntiac preceding qras 24. The thermometer reading at 1 p.m. was 43. seriously injured. Later, several members of the family talked to a doctor at Sandia Base/Hosplta.1 in Albuquerque, N.M., where the men were taken and were ^assured that ' “ was not seriously injured. branded the budget bills “shocking,” and “grossly inadequate." He. said they would require '’sharp and dangerous” reductions from toe level of services recommended in his budget message to the lawmakers. The appropriations Sills trimmed sharply some of the suggested. by Swainson. No provision was made, for ly In Today's | Press U.S. Business Production, the “sound oi 4 music” in auto factories. brightens business picture— | PAGES Education % “We like ft!” say Carson 8 City pupils of their school 1 'without walls separating I grades—PAGE f Church New*’.......1S-1S 1 Comics ..... ...*t i Editorials ........ A I .Home Section .....17-M- | Obituaries Sports .......... 14-U | Th eaters . TV ft Radi Wilson. BaM Women’s Pages......Id-11 j THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1061 BIRMINGHAMRotarians hen will be host to more than 300 fellow members when the annual conference ot the 638th District of Rotary International Is held tomorrow and Monday at Cranbrook. Clarence W. Kraft. Birmingham Rotary president, will preside over the two-day conference. Birmingham participants In Spy* Michigan BhII Officials Accused Him of Forging Phone Bills A used machinery salesman from Troy has sued the Michigan Bell Telephone Co. for $300,000 claiming its officials accused him of forging his telephone bills as paid, John G. Gamer, of 6951 Dublin Pair Road, said he offered to have the signatures examined by a handwriting expert to show, he said, pany's Birmingham office, marked two as "paid on Feb. 23 with a combined balance of $225. Dr. J. Martin Klotache, provost of the University of Wisconsin, will represent the president of Rotary International, J. Edd McLaughlin. Dr. Klotache will address the Rotarians front 48 Southeastern Michigan and Southern Ontario dubs at a meeting and governor’s banquet Monday. Named Partner for 4-H Worker . Outstanding Role Cited in Selection of Hill as One of Seven Honored A Bloomfield Township man is one of seven persons named "Partners in 4-H" for outstanding contributions to 4-H Club work in America. * * A A lie is Merritt D.’Hill. 965 E. Glengarry Circle, vice, president of Ffcrd Motor Co. and general man- j ager of its Tractor and Implement j Dtvisian. ‘ Members selected ler the bon- j er by the 8abesmmtttoe oa 4-H flab Work of the CUspwattve Extension Service will be bon aged during the Slat national 4-H tsaferenee April SMS In Washington, D.C. The "partner in 4-H” citations will be presented during a ceremony on “Frinds of 4-H Day" April 21 EMPHASIS ON SERVICE Emphasis will be placed upon the recipients' service to agriculture and 4-H progress. bewared will be anted certificate. Woman in Man's Death POLISH TODAY, SHINE TOMORROW — That’s what Leonard Davis (left) of 1345 Whitney- Drive, Waterford Township, and Dr. Charles L. Bowers, (right) of 199 Barrington Road, Bloomfield Township, are thinking as they polish up their antique cars so they’ll shine at the Flint Antique Automobile Show tomorrow. 2 From Pontiac Area C . FuIIh toys IMt Davis gets some expert help on his 1908 Maxwell frqm No. 1 girl friend Leslie Ann, his 5-year-old daughter. When working on his .1906 Cadillac, Bowers’ choice for brass-polishing honors goes to right-hand man Jim, 13, his son. Tomorrow’s show is an "invitational,” limited to the "class" of antique can in Michigan. Antique Autos Will Invade Flint second grand prize for all cars inlare old stuff to Davis, who lives - the 1900-18 category. at 1365 Whitney Drive, unnv pi ppi k i He has won many prizes in past BODY TURTLE LAKE* J and many autos he has The Cadillac is authentic to the ^n*, for other enthusiasts have finest detail. Its body is "purpleL,^ top praes. lake,” the original color (a deep I maroon with a purple cart). The D>vta’ «■“* ,*mo“ . seats are black leather. Hshmewt was piecing together a * * * . mo Thomas Flyer (one of three) Both can have carmine under- A** cars of Its day), and re-8 carriages. storing It as a prise winner. Davis, reputedly one of the best j A feature Of tomorrow’s show antique restorers in America, •» > » striping demonstration, finished bis Maxwell last falL The stripes, or trim, onautos was . . • .. . . , . .. [once a big thing and striping has It s a two-cylinder model, white;become a logt art invitation only. body with black and read striping, The show, sponsored by the Flint ■»* »■*» upholstery. g ... Chapter of the Veteran Motor Car AcQuifs Woman • in Michigan. MADE IN 19*0-K It'will run from 1-8 p.m. at the Industrial Mutual Association (IMA) Auditorium, and is limited * J I A I f | '| Mr.. Mory Kennedy!^ »»* «• - LQWrGnCG UUl Ol J0II By DICR SAUNDERS The best antique care in Michigan will rumble into Flint tomorrow and the Pontiac area will be well represented. * A * Among those entered in the an-lal Flint Antique s Automobile Show will be a sleek 1906 Cadillac Tulip Roadster owned by Dr. Charles L. Bowers of Bloomfield Township, and a gleaming 1908 Maxwell Roadster owned by Leonard Davis of Waterford Township. There will be some 100 care AWAIT CENTENNIAL After.tomorrow, win-or lose, the One of his favorite passengers!two men will begin polishing all is his cute 5-year-old daughter, over again for the BIG show— Leslie Aim, who helps with the Pontiac’s centennial parade, polishing “it would take an army to keep Antique car shows and eontesfs us out of that one," said Bowers. Freed in Fatal Shooting on Christmas Eve Circuit Court Judge Frederick C. Ziem yesterday acquitted Mrs. Mary S. G. Kennedy of manslaughter in the fatal Christmas night shooting of a 59-year-old Pontiac man in the city. |1932. Owners and members ot their families will arrive la dress satiable to the era of tbelr autos. Bowers and Davis have been getting their dusters dusted and goggles cleaned this week when they weren’t busy polishing brass.1 A * * Both agree that once an antique is restored, aside from mechanical checkups, the biggest job is keeping the brass clean and polished. to Await Final Sentencing Bowers, for example, has five brass lamps on his one-cylinder Cadillac. These and additional brass trim take time to keep at -Mrs. Kennedy, <1, of 44Z Harvey St., was acquitted In the ■hooting of Oscar E. McCloud, », of II? W. South Blvd., after the prosecution could produce only two witnesses who beard bat testified they didn't actually see the shooting. Both said it j their gleaming best, wa. accidental. j Hfe ■* Jh.. U, to Jus. as * * enthusiastic about antique autoa Mrs. Kennedy said the shooting,! and 0CCMfam>Hy drives the car. in her home, was self-defense after __________ . . . .. McCloud had threatened to shoot Bowen has had the auto three other persons in the house. Me-’years and last September at Green-Ooud died two days later from a I field Village, competing against PnH-t j], foe neck. autos from throughout the Mid- Mrs Kennedy had waived a Jury I west, be took first prize In the to hettf her trial. (one-cylinder, 1900-10 class, —* The Weather Fall U. 8. Weather Report PONTIAC AND VICINITY—Mostly sunny today. High 48. Increasing cloudiness and not aa cold tonight. Lew 55. Sunday floody and mild with rain by afternoon. High Si. Winds variable f to 15 miles today, becoming southeast 8 to II miles tonight. Varner Fears Worst From Fund Slash (Continued Item Page One) dent and dean of faculties at the university, said in a statement: All those who are concerned h the future Of higher education in Michigan should be shocked by this action. For the part three years, because of financial shortages, Michigan universities have been slowly losing ground in their ability to compete with institutions in other states for faculty and staft “Appropriations at the level proposed by the Senate committee will be taken as notice throughout the nation that the state of Michigan longer expects to make the financial effort needed to compete for the best in today’s educational market. ’The seriousness of this situation cannot be overemphasized. We can only hope that the. Senate itself will adopt a more responsible attitude toward the future of higher education in the state." The appropriations bills, most of which are in the Senate, will be debated, revised and then adopted. Rotarians to Host 300 at District Conference Another company official then said Garner would have to pay a total of $816 on Ida telephone Mil or his service would be cut rtf. It was on March 22, the suit said. Garner alleged that his repo tats tion and character had been ’ruined” by Richard saying front of other perrons, "Hie writing ot the baric of the stubs is your writing.” School textbooks sale* shot $325 million last year compared with $280 million in 1958. The increase is credited to rapid change in science which outmoded some books; the addition of Alaska and Hawaii to the Union, which outdated some more, and rising school enrollment. Will he given by District Gee. John MacPhersoe of Rldgetowa, Oat., aad past District Gov. Joseph Brady of Howell. Special programs for the wives of visiting Rotarians have been scheduled, one of which ia a luncheon sponsored by the Birmingham Rotary Anns at the Glen Oaks Country Chib in Farmington Township. The conference is designed to review Rotary service activities and prepare plans for increasing tiie future effectiveness of the organization. The recently organized Beverly Ifills Methodist Church will receive its charter at 10:30 a.m. services tomorrow at the Beverly Elementary School. ly following the charter presentation. While the congregation has been meeting since Jan. 8 at the Beverly School, the church has purchased seven acres of land on Evergreen ROad, just north of 13-Mile Road, r a future building site. Rev. Boley said he hopes to have more definite plans for a church building by this time next EVANGELINE L. J06LYN BIRMINGHAM - Service for hits. Evangeline L. Joslyn, of 118 Waterfall Lane, will be held Monday at 1:30 at Bril Chapel of the William R. Hamilton Funeral Home in Birmingham. Mrs. Joslyn died Friday night following a long illness at Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit. Burial will be in Woodlawn Cemetery, Detroit. She had lived in Birmingham 30 yean. Surviving are a daughter Joan Joslyn of Birmingham; a son Thomas of Sioux Falls, SD.; 2 grandsops; and 2 sisters. Cost to tiie U.S. of the Virgin Islands was about $25 million, three times the price of Alaska. The islands cover only 133 square miles while Alaska has 516,400 square miles. Has 3-1 Toughness Edge Over Detroit Pontiac Water Is a Mighty 'Hard Case' Pontiac’s water is more than three times as hard as Detroit’s. Joseph W. Gable, Pontiac water superintendent, said the latest measurement is that Pontiac wat-on the 'average, contains 321 parts of hardness per million. Gerald Remus, general manager of Detroit’s Department of Water Supply, aaid Detroit water measures between 90 to 95 parts Ini .4Si|ten*u ..ISjlaatlac By GEORGE T. TRUMBULL JR. Mrs. Sarah Sue Lawrence was. free from behind bars today for. the first time in nearly two years while she awaits sentencing tor conviction of manslaughter. * - * » An all-women jury of 11 completed nearly 5M hours of deliberation Friday afternoon and informed Circuit Court Judge Clark J. Ad-that they found Mrs. Lawrence, 35, guilty of manslaughter the April 18, 1959 shooting of her forma: boy friend's wife. A pole sad visibly shaken Mrs. Lawrence was escorted from her ^ jail cell near 2:86 p.m. when it was learned that the women Jurors, short one member when a lady was injured la an ante accident, had reached a verdict. Deliberations began late Thursday after five days of testimony before Judge Adams. Mrs. Lawrence, a frail former beautician for a Pleasant Ridge beauty salon, was greeted by her husband Wayne, 35, who sat at her elbow throughout the trial, during which Mrs. Lawrence risked life in prison for the shooting of Mrs. Wyvona Delores Crenshaw, 33 of 6230 Snow Apple Drive, Independence Township. SHOWS NO EMOTION The Tennessee-born Mrs. Lawrence, who denied under crosa-ex-aminatkm she shot Mrs. Crenshaw jealous rage, gripped chair tighter when the verdict was announced. There was no outward signs of emotion. She first looked at the jury and then at the judge who set sentencing for April 24. A A * For the first time since she was charged with first-degree murder I— not. bondable in Michigan — Mrs. Lawrence had a $5,000 bond set. She was returned to the jail where the bond was later posted. Death Notice THOMAS FAIRHUR8T BIRMINGHAM—Service will be held Monday at 1:30 p.m. at Man-ley • Bailey Funeral Home for Thomas Fairhurst of 1271 Ruffner St. Mr. Fairhurst died suddenly Friday at an Avon Township tome fur retired persons where he had been living for seven years. He was 81. Burial will be at Rowland Park Cemetery. He is survived by a son, Thomas of Birmingham; three grandchildren; and three great - grandchildren. Af rkaUfn ’ NATIONAL WEATHER — Scattered showers are expected jonight over the Southern Plains, southern' part of the Middle i««iprt Valley and for Washington, with rein *nd snow mixed - to the Central and Southern Rockies and northern part of the * Middle Mississippi Valley. It «HD be cooler in the eaten part of .xSeCketrel and Southern Plains and warmer on the South Atlantic the Ohio Vatoy and the Lake*. . ^ | MRS. SARAH LAWRENCE mailing her. Crenshaw denied Ate. Under cross-examination by Senior Assistant Prosecutor Jerome Barry Jr., Mrs. Lawrence denied that jealousy of Mrs.' Crenshaw drove her to conceive the blackmail plot and eventually kill and hive to evade punishment by feigning insanity by reason of a 1957 New Year’s Eve auto accident in which she suffered head injuries. ♦ - A A Under Michigan law a person convicted of/manslaughter can be sentenced up to 15 years in prison. Mrs. Lawrence, the mother of an 11-year-old son, who figured prominently in the testimony but never appeared, could have been acquitted of murder by reason ofl insanity. She spent nearly 1% years in Ionia State Hospital after the ■hooting and was never tried then. ADMITS DATES Mrs. Lawrence testified that Crenshaw, who admitted dating Mrs. Lawrence many times before his marriage four months before the murder, had threatened harm to her son. She said she feared Crenshaw would testify nrt tor in a divdrce suit a filed against her husband, and 1 this might mean she would lose Custody of tor star. She said Create* was black-f ' ' ' \ AF Recruiters to Fete Knudsen tor Assistance Semon E. ’Knudsen, gener manager of Pontiac Motor Division and vice president of General Motors Corp., will be presented an award by the U.S. Air Force Recruiting Service for his outstanding assistance in publicizing career opportunities for the Air Force over tiie past several years. A A A" Pontiac Motor Division has sponsored broadcasts of the University of Notre Dame football games over the airways and used this medium to broadcast Air Force recruiting material. Brig- Ofl- Hehry Q. Thorne Jr. national commander of the Air Force Recruiting 8ervice, W make the presentation during liacheon at Bloomfield Hills Country Club ofi Wednesday. ' A \ A A Guests will include represents fives of the Air Force Recruitini Sendee, General Motors Corp!, am city officials. The relative hardness and softness of the two water supplies — Pontiac’s from wells and Detroit’s from Lake St. CJair — is a factor in the present negotiations to contract for Detroit water. AAA Detroit’s water has often been described as “soft" and Pontiac’s as hard during the course of’these negotiations. The two terms have varying shades of meaning. According to the U.S. Public Health Sendee, for instance, "soft” water hiss less than 69 parts of hardness per million. Water with more than 50 parts bat less than 156 Is deserted as varying from “moderately soft” to “moderately bard.” With more than 150 parts it’s “hard.” The U.S. Geological Survey, on the other hand, describes water with 55 parts hardness or less as “soft”; with 56 to 100 parts as "slightly hard”; with 101 to Oil parts as “moderately hard’’;, with 201 or more parts as “very hud.” ier one dassificatioi water falls in '‘the “Moderately category. Under the other, it is "slightly hard." BOTH CLASSIFICATIONS Pontiac’s water, though, is described as “hard” or “very hard’' in both classifications. Commenting on whether Detroit water needs treatment by home softeners, Remus said: I know of no private softening for domestic or personal service on the Detroit system, except In the brewery industry. AAA "Generally speaking, Great Lakes water — and Detroit water is Great Lakes water — is considered as nearly ideal for general 1 know of no other big city using Great Lakes water — Chicago, Milwaukee, Buttalb or Cleveland — that advocates softening.” Remus explained that some hardness Is desirable because extremely soft water “has as af- He said there are many examples of original piping in Detroit homes of 50 years or more, still in good condition. Remus said most Detroit gas stations use regular water to fill auto batteries and that the hardness factor is such “that in all Detroit heating systems there is nothing done to change It.” AGREES ON BENEFIT Gable agreed that the relative absence of iron in Detroit water would be beneficial tor Pontiac's rust-clogged w^ter lines. He predicted that the periodic antirust treatments to the mains could be baited once Detroit water is used. Hardness tu Pontiac wells varies seasonally and hum well to wed, Gable observed. The Beaudette Park, well for instance, on the west side measure* 284 parts ot hardness, at present while at Paddock and Michigan Streets city well water measures 440 parts. A A A The Michigan Muhipal League in 1969 listed the hardness of Pon-water at 350, parts and Detroit’s at 97 parts. Waterford Exhibit Is Eye Opener Students Show They're Science Minded By REB& HEINTZELMAN Waterford Township High School een-agers stood around in small -roups in the gymnasium yester-lay and discussed such things as sonic shakes, poly-unsaturates, cycloids and ecological successions. They were participating in an outstanding three-day Science Fair involving Waterford’s two junior and senior high schools, held Thursday, Friday and today. For those whs believe that today’s teen-agers are all “gstag to the dogs,” there was aa overwhelming deals I la the knowledge sad talent that went tote the 800 Items aa exhibit. The senior grand prize winner, Leonard Dorey. named his display The Effect of Test Atmospheres on Plants.” Some 50 vials filled various chemicals were mounted an a three-panel folding attracted much attention aa did aa explanatory display on “Do Xraya Have Bad Effects aa tha Body?” (They do.) A A A . People also gathered around Edward Marcum's colorful display of Lepiaaptera (butterflies). Ed and William Schrott assisted general chairman Mary Harding in setting up the mind-stimulating fair. She won a ribbon as the best in the physics division, with intricate kaleidoscope display. A A A Neil Ashley’s rock-polishing dis- play toon a first in physiography, and Dennis Klenden received a ribbon for his "Computation Without Numbers'' exhibition. William Pelletier also won a first in the chemistry division with a display entitled “Hie Organic Synthesis of Nicotine.” omy of 1phx mie's. Just be careful! INTERESTING DISPLAYS Back of the naked cardboard picture rt real feathers glued on Its body. Around the gyita, students and some adults wandered through displays of “erupting volcanoes,'’ fallout shelters, amateur rockets, ta-terrthl combustion engines and several experiments to em- One display showed the effects rt alcohol on the body, its dangers and progressive symptoms. A life-size human body (to cardboard) displayed the drcujatnry system, and next fo 'It was............... I sf very Bve mice n real dog. cages fa It \ THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1961 State Freeway . Taking Ohio, Indiana Traffic LANSING <*IKnocaUM AND Pontiac Theaters EAOUB Sat.-Mon.: "CloderFeUa," Jerry Lewis; “The Great Sioux Upri»r ing,” Jeff Chandler. . Tue.-Thurs,: “The Facts of Life," Rob Hope, Lucile Ball; ’Cage of Evil," Ronald Peter. HURON Sat.-Thurs.: "The Great Imposi-tr,n Tony Curtis, Edmund OV Brien; "The Savage Innocents," Anthony Quinn. STRAND Sat.-Wed.:\ "Swiss Family Robinson,” Dorothy McGuire, James MacArthur, color. Starts Sat.: "The Wackiest Ship in the Army," Ricky Nelson, Jack I^emmon, color. [commerce] FRIENDS COME TO PLAY — Caroline Kennedy. 3, daughter of the President, leans over the rim of a fountain pool during playtime with twoslittle friends, Mary and Virginia Warner,-(dark clothes), in the White House grounds Friday. Tourists, some on a sightseeing bus, and some on foot, watch from outside the fence ringing the grounds. This picture, and others in the Caroline-at-play scries, was made by John Rous, Associated Press staff photographer, operating a long lens'35mm camera. Tourists Squint Through Fence Caroline Plays Outside | Man Dies in Blaze WASHINGTON (AP) — Three-I year-old Caroline Kennedy, Joined by four little playmate*, cavorted on the White House lawn today to the delight of spring tourists. The President's daughter in a J red slack suit tried out her new >1 Jungle gym, took a ride on her , swings and raced over the golf putting green not Tar from President Kennedy’s office. HOLLAND (UPI) — Lotos Na-berhuis, 77, was burned to death in his small frame home early today. The fire apparently start-The girls are daughters of Cath- Ud from one of two electric heat-erine Mellon Warner, a memberjers in a back room where Na-of the Pittsburgh Mellon family jberhuis spent most of his time, and former neighbor of the Ken- 11 ' ; nedys in the Georgetown section! U. S. industries use about 70,000 I tons of tin a year. Swainson Avoid Mayoral Hassle LANSING (UPI) — Gov. John B. Swainson said Friday he would [ not enter into a controversy te»-volving the campaign practices of a Madison Heights mayor candidate. , Theodore Krenn, who lost by a 56-vote margin in Monday’s election to Mayor-Elect Bill S. Huffman, protested to the governor about a piece of campaign literature circulated for Huffman which! bore Swaineon’s picture. “I don’t intend to do anything about it,” Swainson Said. “This was a group picture, one of many South Union Lake Rd. Show Start* 7 P. M. EM 3-0661 TONIGHT and SUNDAY Tmkv Wkkk SmVKN... Mmo thky Fouoht ukk SevKM Hundkko! YUl Brynner WaLlach McQueen hM wvUNITEDOARTISTS COMPANION ATTRACTION "NOT AS A STRANGER" with Frank Sinatra and Robert Mitchum mm mom mam -----PLUS---- HEROES DIE YOUNG ERIKS rfeTEBS—SCOTT BORLAND BaWrSay—«n<>7 Open i:M P. M. •'THE RVNDOWNBBS"—t:U -•its • *:M r. M.—'"HERDS DIE TOL'NO”—I:SS - S:M • *:U P. M. It 1 it (Car- oline has been observed st play on the south Iowa of the White j House and It was s major at-traction. A sight-seeing bus drew up sad Ms occupants gathered st the White House fence to watch j and take pictures. Two cars brought Caroline's playmates, two boys and two girls. I Nurse Maud Shaw and another governess kept watch on the youngsters in their play. BABY OUT, TOO John Jr., the President’s infant son, wa& wheeled out in his baby Caroline wriggled in and out of the new jungle gym. Just set up in the past week. The children also played in a gay sandbox. ★ h ♦ Caroline's companions were Nicholas and Alexander Vreeland, age 5 and 6, and Mary and Virginia Warner, aged 3 and 2. h it ♦ The Vreeland boys are children of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Vreeland. whose father is a foreign service officer on home leave from his post in Bonn, Germany. The Vreelands are friends of Mrs. Kennedy. Soviets, China Ink Pact I MOSCOW W —The Soviet Union and Communist China Friday signed a trade protoad for 1961 in 1 Moscow), Tass reported. No details were given. a»anibodF»fowHbriwyt Ed Wynn‘Judith Anderson HhnrySiivaRobertHutton|rColWBasie.^|kuw^| Anna Maria Alberghetti ks PLUS THE GREAT SIOUX UPRISING" AH the tgi*|Q Fwy W Hto Great Plain* Indian War*! __J|FF CHANDLER—TECHNICOLOR----- OPEN SUNDAY WITH THESE 13TH BIRTHDAY BUYS OPEN TONIGHT TILL 9 P.M. OPEN SUNDAY 10 ’TIL S Official Jr. League Baseball Bat Major League BASEBALL OtnalM nktar i 99' GOLF CART lintW tubular comtruction— bright plated finilh. Large 10" wheels with oilite bearing*. Folding-type adjustable bag brackets. k $ 88 >JP ‘Gardens of Kyoto’ Roll Out FLOWER GAMED III Zipper Top TRASH BURNER Largo capacity, sip-par tap keep* fire contained. Galvanised to prevent rust. 88’ BIRTHDAY SHOE MUHINS Automatically plants a beautiful flower gardM. |ust loosen top-soil, rake smooth and cover with topsoil. Each out packed hi • real Japanese lantern. 9 full foot of nut—choice of 3 gardens. FAIRLAWN 10-6-4 FERTILIZER Youths', Boys' and Man's BASKETBALL SHOES $^99 Men's. Ledies' Children's THONGS 3 Pair $1,10 Complete lawn food feitiHior planned for your grass, Hearers and shrubs. 50 Lb.$4 88 Bag I “Wearwell” REM-SET, Grow Your Own , TOMATO or FLOWER PLANTS No SOM Required. Crows S Dosou Plants. 29* VINYL LATEX PAINT • Dries in 20 minutes Soiling Elsewhere for $5.98 $098 2 Long GARDEN RAKE Polished weed handle. Carbon steel tines. $<|44 51 S. SAGINAW STREET Plenty of FREE PARKING l WAIT WSNEYS/Wf Strand MAILORDERS NOW! ifioai mon. mm mom. mxm. matmhsi wn. (Tea tool.) at 1:11 P.M. ANB at I.M I APRIL U> AM wfAn at tj«Tm. iSStriTiTR OBCMUTtA________M.W (Mtoomr PLEASE: NO PHONE RESERVATIONS 3UPMH THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1961 MOSCOW (APE—A new Red 9ml port Bad oil base At Hodeida. \> men—built with soviet economic and technical aid—has beat completed, die Soviet news agency (Teas reported today Cgnatriictian of the fame began in October 1968 Classes According to Subject, Not Age School Tries New Approach Via TV federal ownership comprises al-| By ED MARKAITY CARSON CITY (APi—fbrmer Truest 7TB million acres in the <**» «y School Supt. Martin UMted States, or mom than one- G. Adorn, now admiatotering third of the country’s land arm.! educational television programs At Central Michigan University, brain the trail for this comm unity’s new approach to grade school instruction. The need for a new school became apparent, says Mrs. Elizabeth Martin, principal, "and we sought a way to improve instruction.*' Atkins, along with faculty*, members and school board — plus some professional consultants, wrestled with die problem in two years of meetings starting in 1956. Team teaching and a non- grad ed curriculum waa the end product M, arcoraing to Snpt Thomas J. Vaughn who task over from Pupils are grouped in large bodies according to subject interest. Smaller groups are determined by the Instructors according to pupil ability. ♦ * * "We have six marking periods a year in die elementary school just as ia the high school,” said Vaughan. "A regular report card comes out four times a year and we have two parent-teacher conferences at which report cards 3RD RECORD BREAKING WEEK! STARTS FRIDAY! 'THE WACKIEST SHIP IN THE ARMY" WIN *500°° NAME the CASH! NEW RECREATIONAL PROJECT on M-59 on the site known as "LAND O' LAKES RECREATION" BOWLING —>32 Ultra Modern Lanes! SWIMMING —Olympic Six# Pool! DINING —Large or Small Parties! COCKTAIL Lounge! PRIVATE "CLUB ROOM and progress is gone over. At our last conference we had more 90 per cent parent participation/’ * * * Since the program only now ia completing Its third year, there still are no conclusions to he drawn. “Our school system is not large enough to provide a control group,” Vaughan aayu, “but we are working toward finding a measuring stick.” He say* an method might he to compare the school's h schools of The entire project to date, however, has been a community venture without dependence on outside funds. Thirteen school districts have annexed to Carson City’s, and 65 per cent df its pupils arrive by bus. hazardous if- there arej Inexpensive lengths of foot-high liclcot fencing can be purchased t most department and hardware lores and garden shops. Or you an make your own. if you have mver tools or even hand tools y of ti n lath n rial from your lumber yard. These w ill have to be kept painted. The ends that are driven . into the ground should | be -treated > with a wpod pre- . servative. If your bouse and landscaping Use waste motor oil for [have a rustic look, use logs oil this. Pieces of quarter-inch ply- redwood or cedar. .Place them in I wood or hardboara in- a shallow ditch along the edge of; serted every six or eight feet at [the ditch. They'll have to be uni-j right angles to the forms. norm in size, about six or eight I Oil those and remove after the [inches thick. Use lxS’s set c i place with sti sr surfac edge and held es. Oil file in-J * pouring A'drop leaf table with traditional mahogany chairs (its under the window. On the north wall is a little antique chest that Mrs. Persinger refinished. The kitchen is small and narrow, too narrow to get a picture of It. It's a wonderfully bright room with white walls, gold splashed white counter tops and a white-topped table. The upper part of toe walls has ivy paper decorating It, New cupboards are birch. There is a new sink. In the back hallway storage units have been built into the space once occupied by the old refrigerator that needed daily service from the Mrs. Persinger put up sheer white ruffled curtains. She also mounted a white plastic brick . dado behind the little breakfast table. On the table there's a ceramic lamp in the shape of an old coffee grinder with ivy growing out of the base. One of the basement rooms is Mrs. Persinger’s ceramic studio. A small square hallway leads from Uving -room to bedrooms and bathroom. The bathroom has a ceramic tile floor with yellow tile on the walls. The back bedroom is yellow -also. Curtains are made of a heavy white material. The twin beds have a little history. When her husband complained that he didn’t like these modem beds without head or footboard, Mrs. Persinger went bargain hunting. She found a pair of blrds-eye maple beds with an inlaid wood design that cleaned up beautifully. Layers of enamel had covered the original wood. These beds, she discovered, hud been used iu a VIP suite of flic Statler Hotel. This 30-year-old house is smaller than file ones in preceding years. It’s the bungalow that was a popular style. But its lines remain good and the exterior is ageless. Cape Cod is always in style. Ml’Hir t'ENTER — Mrs. Persinger is not of the living room. Above are built-in book only an artist, but aiso a musician. This small shelves! In front of the organ is oqf of her an- electric organ fits perfectly in a recessed part tiqup chairs with the needlepoint covering. A-Thqre's nothing like a make varying shade^ of ibe reused brick, to, this ng. That plate on the mantel was made by FontUc Press Photos by Ed Vandenroi Mrs. Persinger and gtves just toe right color to the spot it occupies. Notice the ai^tiqj|b/spinn\ng wheel at rah left. \ wear (of course the owners, the Max P. Prrsin-t up well, i The Persingers* lot is 50 by 125. The while with green shutters. . , - This Cape pod home'was Built on Maple--City in 1930. Believed to be ode of the first Pontiac area, it is sturdily constructed'and shows almdst ho gers have kept !i hqtise is painted- BUILT IN 1930 wood in Sylvan Lak pre-cut houses in th THE PONTIAC PRESS- SATURDAY, APRIL 8, IPtil New Rubber Til* Is Better The manufacturer of a new rubberized floor tile Bays the product will be priced competitively with asphalt and will be less expensive than linoleum. The tile is sup- There are atSPAjAlltF m< rsj mutual the insurance cwpanff in the U4L, according to Depart-] meat of Agricutare figures. —( “Cultured Living” Caa Team la 1aaadfal University Hills Hear M.S.U.O. Campus MiUISmH OL 1-1525 Area Rd. East «f Creeks M- Windows ] Unless- a window is more than. 1100 square Sect in size, don't de* {duct for It when calculating how {noth paint you’ll need for a par-i t inflar loom. To find your require-| meats, multiply the height of each I wall by Ha length, add the area of each wall for the total to be cow {nod. i Divide this by the coverage stated on the paint label. On re* paint jobs, the average gallon of quality paint will cover about 500j Lhnx ha) Spring is a good time to touch up winter-damaged blacktop driveways and bring back their original luster. Now, because of chemical research, even a boy can do what used to be a man's job. putting a new surface on a blacktop driveway, says John Bruce, a home improvement specialist for Allied Chemical’s Barrett Division. “A push broom Is the only tool needed.“ square feet. Symbol of Elegance Plus Quality/ Lanite he explains. Bruce says that a recently developed balcktop costing, that is amoothflowing and does not require preheating, will protect {Floor Enamel Is Tough I If you’re planning to paint your] floors, be sure that you buy a floor i formulated to] PRE-CAST ■a*. STONE i enamel which ........... jtakt the pounding and abrasion of] being walked on and which can {withstand repeated cleaning. Or-j I dinary wall paints were not meant | to take such a beating and wiRj {quickly wear away. Before paint-' tag, be sure that you've removed all wax from the floor. qiuru pmir«uiig, nui yavsrw* mm a&atast disintegration caused by Ml spilled or dripping oil, gasoline gj or battery acids. Hr adds It can H be applied without any special jg equipment. The blacktop sealer is made S from a base of cToal-tar pitch which ml gives it a flexibility that frost S§ can’t crack, Bruce says, and it B waterproof and can help solve IE seme tricky drainage problems. m “It is also completely resistant H to road salts and other chemicals I |g that discolor and eat into balck- H top driveways,” he adds. |3! ! Brace explains, "If a driveway | j Is In fairly good condition, al- J* | though stained or sBghtly pitted, wj It Is a relatively easy Job io re- Ig surface It. Here's how: 1. Sweep it clean and water ' !§ it with a hose. 2. Thoroughly mix the pavement Is ROCKING Ltox — Refueling stops are necessary even for those hardy souls who travel on the shoulders of lions. This attractive beast is a member of the new plywood zoo, which also includes a rocking horse, elephant, and camel. Each animal can be made from a 3x4-foot piece of fir plywood. Full-size patterns and complete directions are available for 10 cents from the Douglas Fir Plywood Association, Tacoma 2, Washington.. The highest peak in the British! Isles, Ben Nevis, has an altitude] ’of 4,406 feet. Years of research have developed this brand' new, durable stone . . . guaranteed to beautify and modernixa your new or existing home. Coll us today and one of our representatives will be happy to show you this exciting, new product. Janitrol WILL BUILD 5 BEDROOM COLONIAL Handy Man Finds Squeaks , in the Night Aren't Spooks\ 0TT0 A. TRZ0S GO. 1101 Orchard Lk. ltd. Phone: 682-3100 After 5 P.M. MA 6-6247 Adds Real Beauty to Any Home ! {-symptomatic of possible repair - problems. Good maintenance and ■[noise elimination go together. . Lubrication’is one obvious solution to some of the problems, j Keep a can of tight machine | oil handy. Oil hinges on all 1 doors. Don't forget the medicine chest and the guide rod at top of door, in particular. J Loose hinges will bring on a ,] groaning sound. Tighten the hinge {screws. . - ’{ Apply a little powdered graphite j to locks. They’ll work with greater [{ease and they’ll be less noisy, too. It may be j It’s when you move about the { house at night-long after every-jone else is asleep—that you real-iize how noisy a house can be. {The noises are there all the time, but in the daytime they're [masked by sounds from radio and! television, street noises and human {voices. COMPLETELY FINISHED • Window Sills • Window Cosings • Overhong and Rako Edges soft spots, a little more preliminary work may be required. "First dig out oil soaked or soft spots and clean all the dirt and loose materials from holes and crocks. Then fill the holes and cracks with a ready-prepared { blacktop patching compound. Tamp these patches firmly in { ] place before sweeping and hosing | and apply the sealer." A second coating is recommend-j ed by Bruce, “But it isn’t always I necessary, depending mi the con- { FREE ESTIMATES NO MONEY DOWN i tun is ray an t».sy rill Thu If a door rattles, that the latch bolt doesn't fit the strike plate tightly enough, j Cure this by placing the strike | plate closer to the door stop. { If the door needs an extra push before the bolt catches—a noise- | making operation. Indeed—move th? strike plate In the opposite direction. A floor that groans, no matter how lightly you step, can be changed into a thing of silence. A quick, temporary cure is to. pour a little powdered soap between the offending floor boards, i A more permanent cure involves nailing the boards so they will be ★For home comfort it For smart buying BUILDING IN PONTIAC SINCE 1945 Rubbed Finish Takes Time/ Strong Arm | There are a number of ways to glossy finish when using] jdition of the pavement. avoid - „ „ varnish. The simplest & Merely {buy the type of clear varnish! [which gives a sheen or rubbed-1 effect finish. Different manufac-j IN BEAUTIFUL HOLIDAY FARMS W ATERFORD TOWNSHIP'S FINEST SUBDIVISION Drive pairs of finishing nails ! into the board and Into the joist { below. Drive them in at angles 1 so that they cross each other; j I If you can get at the floor under-I death, drive wedges between the floor boards and the joists, j STAIR CRKAK8 Creaking stairs indicate loose treads, rubbing against risers. {Nails or screws through the tread j and into the riser will silence them. Countersink, of course. A grease stick Is a handy Item to iKrther your campaign of noise elimination. Rub it along the edge of doors, drawers and windows that announce the fact every time they're opened or closed. The extra lubrication will also keep them from stick- Sixeti 30, SO and 75 gallon 103 STATE ST. FE 5-1683 This sandpaper is soaked with | water before .using, then worked back and forth across the'surface] of the final coat very lightly. To] be sure it is done lightly (other-] wise it will cut into the .finish), {lay U on the wood and then move it gently in’the direction of the grain with merely a light pressure | of the fingers. Get the finest grade | of waterproof sandpaper that is {available and make certain it is | wet constantly. Another gloss-cutting procedure la to use powdered pumice. This { also Is used wet, mixing It with water or machine oil. Here the' rubbing, done with a clean rag, can be fairly vigorous, since there is Uttle chance that the pumice will cut too deeply Into the finish. The rag should he turned often so that a clean portion of It comes Into use. Remember that any nibbing of the final coat of varnish will e effective only if the preceding coats have been sanded smooth. With the earlier coats, ordinary fine grade sandpaper may be used. THE CUSTOM MASTER BI-LEVEL with this new AMBiucAN'tStandard Ffitoto CABINET-LAVATORY MONTHS TO PAY ON FHA TERMS Beautifully Designed Path StcneA Only "tir M90C 10'xl2' Tfc Large Selection of Sizes and Colors Slabs for Sidewalks. Swimming Pools and Gordon Areas Low, Low FHA Terms! DIXIE. GARAGES Be Sure to See Our Homes Featured on ... Builder Showcase, WWJ-TV Channel 4 at 12:30 P. M-, Sunday, April 9 DEAL DIRECT SAVE *60 to *100 no Money down Model Open Daily 12 to 9 P. M. to* 5 YEARS TO PAY EXPERT CEMENT WORK All Types ALL 0UI WORK IS 100% GUARANTEED ___Wt Alts Os BaeefHul Modsrniiatiwi Work— e attics • iec. booms , • additions • PORCHES I • RREEZEWAYS • AWNING • INSULATION ,vj We Deliver DIXIE GARAGE CONSTRUCTION Ik. 5744 Highland. 2d. (K-59) EXCLUSIVE TRADE-IN PLAN Model Phone: OR 3-9920 Office Phone: KE 2-9060 Patio Stone Co. 10570 Highland (M-S9 I MUM West of Fonflac aim EM I-4125 r OR 4-0371 OnN BMIY eel SUN. ^7 P.M. 2260 DIXIE HWY. PONTIAC BEDROOMS 1-1/2 BATHS GAS HEAT THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, APRIL TWENTTeONE WILSON Young American Actor Likes Italy for Career By EARL WILSON ROME — Cold sober end clear-eyed, John Drew Barrymore, the young American with the beard, loaded hie pretty Italian bride "Goose” and me into his glistening new red Alfa-Romeo one day recently and taxied me out to 8t. Peter’s. I’d told him I was going out to look at the Vatican from the new street leading toward it because It’s such a beautiful view, “Sends you, does it?” the said. "Goose,” real name Gaby Falassoli, sat in the back seat of the smart little red tag. I’d met them the day before at a cocktail party given by the beauty salon operator. Era, and her husband, writer Guy Elmes — where the Barrymores weren’t drinking and were the quietest guests. "Are you going to that other party tonight?" I asked him. “They asked me,” he said, Inching through traffic, “whether I’d come to a party to say goodbye to Alan Ladd. I told them, *But I’ve never said hello to Alan Ladd.’" Professionally, for a son of John Barrymore, this is the place to me, he says. “Look around — Hollywood Is here! If you’re looking to act, Tit in-America has nothing to offer. “I’ve turned down 41 TV shows. The salaries are down. And who wants to become a TV character, so that if you’re Hugh O'Brian, everybody thinks of you as Wyatt Earp? Beard, bride and all, bq’s kept working in Italian pictures. His beard’s almost Biblical in appearance.. “I Just go to the barber and tell him to take a little little bit there,” he said. UAW Picks Team for Chrysler Talks DETROIT (fl — Norman Matthews, a vice president of the United Auto Workers, has an-nounced selection of a nine-member bargaining team to negotiate a new contract with Chrysler Oorp. Matthews, who is director of the Union’s Chrysler department, said the negotiations were chosen by UAW Chrysler subcouncils in prebargaining sessions. They are Steve Pastes, Eurie Bruce, Loren Cupp, Marc Stepp, Larry Whipple, Ray Lasecki, Wallace Webber, Ray Sullivan and Tom Evoy. Man, 25, Electrocuted Taping End of Cable JACKSON US — Gerald McKay, 25, of Jackson, was killed Friday while disconnecting a machine lathe at the McKay Machine Co. here. Police said McKay, the son of the firm’s owner, Mrs. Genevieve Burke, was taping the end of 440/volt cable when the accident occurred. He was dead on arrival at Mercy Hospital here. Ships Wait at the Soo SAULT STE. MARIE (AP) -Vessels anchored at the Soo awaiting the opening of the 1961 shipping season here may have several days more to wait, according to the Coast Guard.' Powell Writes Congregation to Pay Up $1 NEW YORK (AP)— AH ll.OOC^ members of the church of pastor-nan Adam Qlayton Ppw-been dropped from the rolls until they pay f 1 each toward a $450,000 church fund-raising project. . # * > ★ The Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem—with an almost all-Negro congregation—is raising the fund to purchase three buildings alongside and behind the church. BARRYMORE off here and WEEKEND WINDUP . . . Curl Sanburg caught up with Henry Fonda to say he enjoyed him In “Young Abe Lincoln” — filmed In 1999 . . . Hollywood composer Dimitri Tlomkln may write his first Broadway musical, “The Night They Raided Minsky’s” . . . Carol Lynley, who works In a slip In “Return to Peyton Place,” says, “Now I’m ready for a Tennessee Williams script.’’ 8tnger Nancy Wilson’s getting s 190 wardrobe set for her Village Vanguard premiere ... Former western star Hoot Gibson, recovering from three operations, Is wlrting his life story* ★ ★ ★ EARL’S PEARLS: Nothing Is ever lost through politeness —except, perhaps your seat on the bus. “I’m strongly against s husband and wife both working,” says one Broadway character—‘unless, of course, they cult both live on her salary.” ... That’s earl, brother. (Copyright, 1961) Johnson Bringing Report on France PARIS (AP) — Vice President] Lyndon B. Johnson left by plane today with a detailed report on differences which President Charles delGaulle will raise dur-- ing the vistk here next month of President Kennedy. Johnson meT for 45 minutes be-,* fore his departure with French * Premier Michel Debre. A*- At a news conference, Johnson "Tsaid “We discussed all the general subjects which will be explored, by our presidents in their '..historic meeting in May. We discussed most of the things in which our nations are interested." Boulder in His Bath Is Just Too Much GRUNDY. Vs (AP) - Ed Pugh has a . boulder in his bathroom. It is in Ms bedroom, too. The booMer plunged down s mountain tide and crashed | through the roof between the j bedroom and bathroom. No one was injured, but Pugh is wondering how to get it out. It's too big to go through a dour. The dermatologist has a set of gloves in his office. They are loaned to patients lor a week, tient buys a set. The Smithsonian Institution is to act as a clearing bouse for information on meteorites and has is-j sued a request for meteoric ma-| terial for scientific study. PVBUC SALS Ah f:ts am. on AprU 10. 1M1, • IMS Chevrolet I. Serial Mo. VCMFM73M. will ■“ ^ oat ran, Michigan, that bddreas being when tin re hide M stored and may k~ d An, Perndale, Michigan, thi a being where the nude la i may be Inspected. _______ April * a Ml it the Circuit Coert for the County of Mklead. Stato of Mtohlgan. la Cbanoery, jiadt and entered on the let day of March. A.D. INI. la a certain T Mishina Ini tfie C Isfilut ' a! I .shall aell al ____ betas the place of h • Circuit Court for aald county), r— **-- nth day of April. AD. ________ _____ o’clock noen, tasterm SMhdMd Time, the following Siggrlbed Ban, described ai follows: Lot IS. Southfield Parma, a eubdlrlalon of part of the N.W. V. of the M X. V. of Sec. U. TlH, RIM.. City of Southfield. Oakland County, Michigan, according to . the Mat thereof ae ricosdediAUk-* “ crf'diau, Pago K Oakland Con Dated Mm* 1. Ml. Pontiac, Might-' 1 VSRHS C. HAMPTON Circuit Court Commlaalaoc 42-yHMss Addrass: 1 M Ptnohacot Building yffe“ PLEASE DON’T BAKE ANY HARD COOKIES--# ^*wsm^ ... OR ANY THAT REOtil RE A LOT O’ CHEWIN’™/ {^ —- (ti By Charles Kuhn By Walt Disaay HCLLOf huh? that wasn't! V?. SCROOGE. AtCPJCK, / ■BUr DOUX/J ITS OKA# UNCA DON ALP... THE 0AWC JUST VW4NTEP unca acsoose to know) arch «. II. IS. M and .MMlplitSi