The Weather W. *. WMttwr Inrun PirMMt Sunny THE PONTIAC PRESS Home Edition VOL. 186 — NO. 190 * * * * PONTIAC, MICHIGAN. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1968 -46 PAGES on.t.S^OTt.TO.onal 10e yesterday that he was opposed to a Senate filibuster against Fortas. “Mr Nison said at the outset he was to-stay «ut nfthis andIfaSkjy I le would/’ Griffin sakL ^ THE MAGIC ^r, NUMBER Mm --- B ~ Brooke, Mass., said Friday that Nixon’t statement would be ‘‘Very helpful” to Fortas....... Griffin said Fortas’s lecture fee and the fact he helped President Johpson on several matters since becoming a Supreme Court justice indicated “we have uncovered only the top at an iceberg.” Magic number? It's any combination of Detroit Tiger victories and Baltimore (Mole defeats totaling five. When the number shrinks to 4, the Tigers clinch Pleasant Weekend Forecast for Area the American League pennant. Exited General A touch of autumn filled the ah'this morning as the sun rose amid hyay skies. Summer will bow out officially at 7:26 p.m. on Sept. 22. The weatherman promises a pleasant weekend: ■ ■ !*•■■■■ TODAY — Sunny and warm. High SO to 86. Fair tonigit. Low 60 to 65. Southwesterly winds at seven to IS miles per hour. ’§ TOMORROW - .Partly sunny and Teen Queen Unsung benefitsof being Miss Teen-Age America described — PAGE A-I2. Fortas Probe Throe LBJ aides may be subpoenaed by Senate committee—PAGE D-10. slightly warmer. MONDAY — Cloudy, warm and humid with a chance of thundershowers. y Sunny skies are*’forecast for all of Michigan through tomorrow except tor northeast Lower Middgpp where there is a chance of showers late tofeorrow. Fifty-eight was the low temperature to downtown Pontiac precedtog 8 a.m. The mercury had climbed tor B by 2 p.m. Guardsmen in Vief PHAN RANG, Vietnam (AP) - The 116th Combat Engineer Battalion — the first battalion-size National Guard outfit to reach Vietnam ^ was welcomed today and told “You are needed here." CATALINA FOR 1868 — Pictures of the 1868 Pontiacs released today show the locking steering wheel. The Catalina, above is a four-door hardtop coupe sculptured styling of the new models whidi go on sale Sept. 26. Standard new Ventura option. It is also available to a two-door sedan, four-door sedan, safety items include side impact protection, front seat headrests, and an antjtheft hardtop, convertible and two and three-seat wagons. — Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey takes time out for fun as hp stomps the campaign trail at Sea Girt, N,J. yesterday. He and his wife joined New Jersey Gov. Richard J. Hughes and his wife at the beach. AP WirtPholo From left, the Democratic candidate for president takes off his shoes and socks, hitches up his,,pants, challenges newsmen to a race and flings a rock into the Atlantic. Comic Strip Tag Irks Nixon; SAIGON (AP) — Allied forces, supported by tanks and naval gunfire, thrust info the southern half of the demilitarized zone yesterday and reported killing 156 enemy soldiers in heavily fortified positions. Allied casualties in the DMZ assault wire four killed and 46 wounded, spokesmen said. All of the dead and' about half (he wounded were South Vietnamese. Military spokesmen said the assault was a spoiling action designed to blunt an expected drive south by two North Vietnamese divisions. It also was meant to relieve enemy pressure oh allied outposts in the northern provinces of South Vietnam- The DMZ, which extends about three miles on each side of {be North-South Vietnamese border, was created at the HHH Charges Fortas Deal . By the Associated Press Democratic nominee Hubert H. Hum-phrey applied the label oi "Fearless Fosdic>,” a comic, strip detective, to, his RepqfiStcan rival, Richard M. Nixon, Friflay on the law and order issue* Nixon said Humphrey was slipping “a little below what a presidential candidate ought to. do.” He termed it “rather silly name calling.” Humphrey's charges came after Nixon called-him naive on law and order. Humphrey said Nixon doesn't even have “one of those Cracker Jack badges” and added, “We're not electing a sheriff to put in the White House.” Humphrey said all Nixon has to do is say that “he thinks Fortas ought to be confirmed and he would be confirmed.” Nixon said Democrats control the Senate and, “If Humphrey could persuade enough of them to back the nomination, it would be approved.” Nixon’s running mate, Maryland Gov. Griffin to Nixon: Stay Out of This Third party candidate George C. Wallace said the nation has seen a “complete breakdown of law and order” in the last half-century and contended both Democrat and Republican leaders are incapable of running the country. DEAL B CHARGED As the campaign heated up, Humphrey charged Nixon had made a deal with comarvative Southern forces opposing the nomination of Fortas as chief justice of the Supreme Cowt. Nixon said “there is absolutely no truth” to charges he is blocking Fortas. WASHINGTON (UPI) - Sen. Robert P. Griffin, R-Mich., urged Richard Nixon today to “stay out of this” and said President Johnson should withdraw the nomination of Abe Fortas as U.S. chief justice. Griffin, who began the battle to stop Senate confirmation of Fortas’s appointment, said committee testimony yesterday that Fortas was paid $15,808 to give a series of law school lectures should be “tiie last straw” to the case against Fortas. Navy Building Blasted Griffin, at a news conference, said about 45 senators now oppose Fortas. He was asked whether his effort was hurt by Nixon’s statement in Cleveland -—BERKLEY--€ahf, .:(AE)..^,Tbe Jfaxy.. ' ROTC;;T>uildtog ' at -the University of California was damaged extensively Friday night by a bomb placed in the doorway^ The door was blown off and the hallway, part of the main floor and section of roof were wrecked. In Today's Press Geneva Convention in 19M tb serve as a neutral buffer zone. But North Vietnamese troops have used it as a sanctuary for their troops menacing northern allied outposts. Yesterday’s assault was the fourth major allied drive into the South Vietnamese half of the zone, although there have been a number of reconnaissance patrolrinto the area. The last thrust into the DMZ came a month ago when U.S. Marines and South Vietnamese infantrymen backed by armored columns killed 234 North Vietnamese troops in the same general area. Marines and South Vietnamese and tba joint supporting fires” had made such an assault. The South Vietnamese spearheaded the assault and by nightfall, after 14 hours of fighting, the allied forces had returned to base camps just inside South Vietnam./ The enemy bunkers were just south of the Ben Hai River and about three miles northeast of the allied outpost Of Gio Linh. A'1 U.S. spokesman said Friday’s operation marked the first time “a combined force like this with Army, U.S. General Killed in Crash The swift push into the DMZ was preceded by saturation bombing raids. U.S. B52s poured more than half a million tons of explosives on the enemy's positions and artillery sites before the task force moved in. In other action, 88 enemy soldiers were reported killed by soldiers of the U.S. ljth Light Infantry Brigade and South Vietnamese troops in two separate battles along the coastal plains midway between Saigon and the DMZ. Two U.S. soldiers were reported killed and 22 wounded. Government casualties were reported tight. Spiro T. Agnew, said he feels Fortas would make a good chief justice. But then Agnew added he has disagreed with many people to his party in the past. President Johnson’s nomination of Fortas, sent to the Senate in June, is still caught in committee. The Nixon-Humphrey duel took place at long distance Friday as Humphrey fired from Sea Girt', N.J., and Pittsburgh, Pa., and Nixon shot back from Indianapolis, lpd., and Cleveland, Ohio. . Humphrey said Nixon owed him an apology for calling him naive. He said if Fearless Fosdick is" a comic defective drawn by artist A1 Capp, creator of Li’l1 Abner. The detective is a determined but hapless character, prone to shoot the wrong person. MAJ. GEN. WARE Ballots Printed for Vote on Time Wallace campaigned in Cincinnati, Ohio, and Chafleston, W. Va., calling for repeal of the. nation’s new federal open housing law. He said both parties bowed to Intimidation from anarchists in the streets/’ who rioted after the assassination of civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Wallace called the open housing law“the greatest attack on the property ownership system to the history of the country.’’ LANSING (UPI) — Ballots for the statewide referendum opTdaylight savings time are rolling off printing presses around Michigan, the state elections office reports. “Instructions were sent out to county clerks a few weeks ago and we’ve received a number of sample ballots back for our office’s approval,” an elections official said Friday. SAIGON (AP) - Keith L. Ware, who rose from draftee to major general and won the nation’s highest combat medal for braving enemy fire in World War n, was killed yesterday in a flaming helicopter crash. Ware, 5& commander of the 1st Infantry Division since March, flew out to monitor the progress of his men as they chased North yietnamese troops in a running battle that had begun the day . before on a rubber plantation near Loc Ninh. His men had killed 167 of the enemy in the two-day battle. Military spokesmen said it was not immediately known whether it was enemy fire that caused Ware’s helicopter to crash seven miles south of the Cambodian border and threc miles southeast of Loc Ninh. All eight men aboard were killed, including three members of Ware’s staff and four crew members. Names of the others were withheld pending notification of next of kin. All the bodies were recovered. Navy to Release 30,000Reserves WASHINGTON (AP) - The Pentagon, in an action described by one congressman as “disg raceful,” has announced early discharges for 30,000 Navy reseirvists serving two-year active duty enlistments. The Pentagon said the move announced Friday would result in a saving of $48 million to the current fiscal year, thus helptog to meet federal spending cuts mandated by Congress. HEADED SAIGON DEFENSE Ware, formerly Army chief of in- The elections office requires a look at all ballots before county clerks are given the go ahead on printing. * If voters approve the proposal Nov. 5, .Michiganders will.set .thrir.clocks ahead., otte'hour the last Sunday ln April until the last Sunday to October. formation at the Pentagon, arrived in Vietnam in December and commanded Saigon’s defenses during the enemy’s litoar new year offensive beginning Jan. Thepian, however, does not affect thousands Of Army, Air Force ind National Guard personnel who were activated early this year in the wake of North Korea’s seizure of the USS Pueblo. Rep. Richard S. Schweiker, R-Pa., a member of the House Armed Services Committee, labeled the * plan “an outrageous injustice” and suggested that the callup during the Pueblo crisis was “an excuse to gain extra manpower” to meet demands of the Vietnam war. He was the fifth U-S- general to die in the Vietnam war and the second allied general killed to the last week. South Vietnamese Bra.- Gen. Truong Quang An, ^Siy gunners shot down his helicopter, also near the Cambodian border. I Albania Quits Red Pact BELGRADE,, Yugoslavia (AP) — Albania quit the Communist Warsaw Pact nfilitary alliance Friday, but it has been excluded from pact meetings since 1962, when it sided with Red China,In the Russiart-Chinese dispute. Ware, a native'of Denver, Colo., was drafted into the Army in 1941 and sent through officer candidate school at Ft.’ Benning, Ga. His Medal of Honor,; the highest U.S. combat award, comes from the battle Dec. 26, 1944, to which he scouted afone 150 yards ahead of American positions to draw German fire so his pinned-down assault companies could locate the German positions. ‘OUTRAGEOUS SHAM’ Schweiker, who has written a complaining letter to Secretary of Defense Clark M:. Clifford, said the January activation of nearly 15,000 Navy and Air Force reservists was an “outrageou? -nham^aad1 '»aid row havr'flwBi"^ performing only routine chores. The men who will benefit by the Pentagon's “early out” plan are_ individuals who voluntarily signed up for1 a Navy reserve program referred to as the “two by six” tour. This requires two years active duty plus four years to a reserve status. The usual Navy enlistment is a flat four , years active service. Sopie reservists in this program will be allowed to cut their two-year active duty period by as much as one year. Allies Enter DMZ, Kill 158 At Viets THE PONTIAC PRESS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1968 CALDWELL Aibuwtnm* » 3 g Uuli n Atlanta 10 57 Tamp* . 75 Blamarck 15 S3 S. Late* city H Bolton 71 57 S. Pr«M§M M Chicago $0 M s. st*. Mart* 7« Danvar 13 55 Saattla U BONNEVILLE FOR ’«# — This convertible is one of the station wagon. Vent windows have been eliminated on the 1968 Bonneville series of Pontigcs, which indudes a hardtop Bonneville, as well as the Catalina and Executive models, coupe, four-door hardtop, four-door sedan and three-seat The rear bumper has a protective rubberlike pad. it , • ■ , i ■■ .‘jr NATIONAL WEATHER - Rain and showers are forecast for tonight for the waatern half of the nation except southern Nevada and California and western Arigona. It wiH be eootpr in the northern plateaus and warmer in the Ohio Valley. FORECAST Brooklyn School Takeover Asked NEW YORK (AP) - The administrator of an experimental Brooklyn school (ttafrict has called for a state takeover of the unit to break the deadlock which brought two citywide teachers* strikes in a week. The SS,000-member AFL-CIO United - Federation of Teachers struck again 'yesterday, paralyzing toe nation’s largest school system and shutting most of the 1.1-million pupils out of their classrooms. Ike Is Reported • fo Be Improving *—WASHINGTON (API — Doctors report former President Dwight D. Eisenhower Ms gaining strength and making satisfactory progress in his recovery from a seventh heart attack, although he is still confined to bed. , There has been no new heart trouble, Walter Reed Army Hospital said Friday. However, it said there is no indication yet when the 77ryear-old Eisenhower may be able to return to his Gettysburg, Pa. home. Eisenhower suffered his fifth, sixth and seventh heart attacks at toe military , hospital within little more than two mouths. NO RECURRENCE But toa doctors said there .has been no recurrence of the irregularities in heart rhythm that gravely threatened Eisenhower’s Ufa for eight days after the last heart attack Aug. 16. Their announcement said, “Gen. Eisenhower has continued to progress satisfactorily. Hie general has shown definite gains in strength and vigor." It said Eisenhower’s activity is being watched carefully and added, “He has bran allowed to sit up in bed and dangle his beet over the side but has not been permitted put of bed.” . Only members of the immediate family have been, allowed to visit Eisenhower. The doctors said, “No plans have as yet been made regarding his ultimate return home." The union walked out over the refusal of the community-controlled Ocean Hill-Brownsville district to reinstate 10 white teachers it had ordered transferred and 200 others that walked out in sympathy k for the 10. Rhody A. McCoy, chief administrator of the unit, called on state Education Commissioner James E. Allen Jr. to “make us a ward of the state as an experimental district . . . It could be a solution.” NO IMMEDIATE COMMENT Allen made no immediate comment on the proposal. Lindpay, at a City Hail' news cqn-ferende, called on both the union and the local board to “de-escalate" tensions and cooperate with Allen. ★ * "* In Grand closed Six person were arrested. School said there were no plans to close the school Monday. Elsewhere, in Michigan, five school districts — all in the Detroit area — remained deadlocked in contract talks. The districts, have two weeks to reach settlement- or face the loss of state funds. , 2 County Youths Indicted in Killing Two Oakland County youths were indicted fcf murder Friday by the Plymouth County, Mass., grand jury in 4he stabbing death of a college student whose body was found Aug. 8 beside a road In Middleboro, Mass. Charged with killing Robert V. Phelps Jr., 21, a student at Boston College, are Craig Simonl, 16, of Birmingham and ROSS Witthoeft, 17,ofBeverly Hills. * * * h ■ Additional charges of armed robbery, assault and battery with a dangerous weapon and auto theft were returned by the grand jury against the pair. They were arrested in Chicago four days after the victim’s body was found when a gasoline station attendant recognized a credit card they presented as one stolen from Phelps, police said. Judge Orders Diet Pill Ban DALLAS, Tex (AP) — A federal judge has directed a diet pill company to destroy all dosages containing both thyroid and digitalis ingredients. U.S. District Judge Sarah T. Hughes also ordered the Lanpar Co. of Dallas yesterday to stop the sale of digitalis in interstate commerce, recall 'literature dealing with such medication and observe certain labeling rules in the use of thyroid. ^ * Food and Drug Administration agents have seized pills valued at 1635,000 in the case. They are used in treating obesity . Ass|. U.S. Atty. Ken Mighei said, “This will have an impact oh all of toe other cases and I think will probably result in a change for the entire diet pill industry,” 25 SEIZURES He said federal agents have made 25 seizures involving six other companies on a similar basis but the government held off filing suit against others pending outcome of toe Lanpar case. Mighei said all diet pills contain digitalis or thyroid, but usually not in toe same pill. , e ★ ★ Digitalis is a drug used in treatment of heart ailments. Thyroid is produced from animal glands and may, if taken in undue quantities, Induce an excessive amount of thyroid hormone, * ★ * Judge Hughes’ ruling says that the firm shall not sell digitalis and thyroid drugs in bulk. This, said the order, is to insure labeling on each container received by customers. The Weather Fiil U.S. Weather Bureau Report * PONTIAC AND VICINITY-Sunny and warm today. High 80 to 86. Fair tonight. LOW 66 to 65. Partly au«y and Slightly warmer Sunday Snuthw*t»rly winds ■even to 15 miles per hour. Monday outlook: cloudy, warm and humid with a chance of thundershowers. PAUF Names GM Chairmen Earl A. Maxwell, General Motors Industrial Chairman for this year’s Pontiac Area United Fund campaign, has announced toe appointments of persons who will sqyve with him the upcoming drive. At GMC Truck and Coach, B. M. Wilton of 2117 Lakewind, Pontiac, Ex-Officer Suspect in 'Catch Me' Killing HOLLYWOOD, Fid. (AP) - A formter facial paralysis. She remained today In a policeman was charged today as toe hospital unaware her child was dead, man who killed a 12-year-old girl and ’ The stocky, creweut Erler lived In a then telephoned police to say, “Please nearby trailer park with bis wife and one catch me!" ' . child. A second degree murder ' warrant charged Robert John Erler Jr., 24, with the killing of Marilyn Clark, whose partially-clothed body was found with five bullets in the head Aug. 12. * * * Erler resigned from the Hollywood police Sept. 6 for "personal reasons." Police sent out a nationwide bulletin for him after issuing the warrant today, calUrig Erler armed and dangerous. COLUfcs After a man called police and said, “1 2 BODIES FOUND just killed three people," toe body of toe girl and her wounded 42-year-old mother were found four miles apart. The mother, Mrs. Dorothy Clark of Clarkston, Ga., had been shot six times' in the head but survived with some manager of product research, will act as plant chairman. Assisting him will be cochairman Martin D. Walker, Donald ,W. Neal, John S. Falberg and Martin Holt. At Pontiac Motor, William T- Collins of 312 Linden, Birmingham, will be chairman. Cochairmen include Kenneth Thayer and Joseph Murphy. This year’s drive at Fisher Body will be led by Robert F. Lahiff of 2752 Courville, Bloomfield Township, assisted by Donald H. Johnson and Michael Yaskanin. Chairman at Buick Warehouse is Russell Hubbs of 234 Sawyer, Grand Blanc'. > This year’s GM Industrial Division goal is $745,800, which includes employe solicitation and the firm’s gift. The annual effort, which provides funds for the 55 agencies in PAUF is scheduled for Oct. 15 through Nov. 8. Home of Newborn Easy to Recognize Nobody in the neighborhood had any trouble today recognizing the Ron Kudile home as that of a pew baby. The neighbors made sure of that. When toe dawn broke over his lawn it revealed a display that included tissue paper decorations all over toe house, a-clothesline stretched over the yard from which hung diapers and baby bottles. A model stork was on the front steps, and a large sign proclaiming “It’s a girl." * * * Mrs. Onalee Kudile gave birth Tuesday night to a 7-pound 1-ouhce girl, Susan ' Ann, at Pontiac General Hospital. Neighbors decided the decorations provided an appropriate homecoming atmosphere 'or Mrs. Kudile and Stisan Ann who were due to arrive home today. , ★ ★ ★ The Kudile^reside at 193 Riveria. He is ari instructor at Oakland Community College, Highland Campus. Top Area Dems to Support HHH 3 Die as Jet Hits Factory Roof BURBANK, Calif. (UPI) - When the flglmes were out, the firemen didn’t remove Mary Renick from her car. That was the undertaker’s job. The firemen just draped a sheet over the windshield so bystanders couldn’t : stare at the body of Miss Renick, a 60-year-old bookkeeper. * * * Her brother Mike, a semi-invalid who lived with her, seemed to be in shock. “Friday the 13th,” he said. “Oh God. I guess if it was going to happen, this was the day." In a parking lot a short distance away, other firemen were putting sheets over the bodies of two meh. They were the bodies of tof pilots of a Jet Commander private plane that exploded and struck a factory roof while trying to land at Hollywood-Burbank airport. —The fusilage of the-plane slammed into Mary Renick’s carport, where she was starting her auto to drive to work. , Other wreckage and burning fuel destroyed 20 cars in a parking lot and damaged 45 others. Besides toe Renicks’ dwelling, two others were hit. Oakland County Democratic Party Chairman George Googasian of Pontiac and William Merrill of Bloomfield Township, chairman of toe late U. S. Sen. Robert F? Kennedy’s Michigan campaign were among five leading Michigan Democrats yesterday who announced support of Democratic presidential candidate Hubert H. Humphrey. Googasian had previously supported Sen. George McGovern of South Dakota who made a bid to be nominated for the presidency largely on a Vietnam peace plank. ★ ★ Also announcing support of Humphrey at a press conference yesterday were State Sen. Coleman Youngs D-Detroit; State Rep. Dale Kildee, D-Flint; and State Rep. Thomas White, D-Detroit. The five said they endorsed Humphrey despite bis Vietnam position. AGREE ON MOST ISSUES “I think there are many issues facing this country and I think I agree with the vjee president on almost every issue," Googasian said. —“The only area I can find disagree-ment with Humphrey at this time is the area of Vietnam," he said. Googasian said that Humphrey is the only one of toe three presidential possibilities who offers any hope of cutting down our involvement in the war. the right side has a built-in step for easier entry. The 34 models of Pontiacs, Tempests and Firebirds go oh sale Sept. 28. 5* Loa Anoalat 12 M 47 Loolavlll* 75 53 REAL SWINGER - A new dual-hinged tailgate is featured on the 1969 Pontiac station wagons, allowing both folddown and swing-out use. A special cutout in the bumper at Erler had been a member of the Dania, Fla., police for three months but resigned last November to become a Hollywood policeman. He later left that force. '___★ ' A______★ ^ j “At- least there you have civil service and a five-day week and more pay," Erler told a newsman at the time. He slnct has graduated from the Fort Lauderdale Police Academy. Birmingham Aria Exec Elected to Accountan Association BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP - Charles F. Shaw, 322 Millington was recently elected as a new member of the National Association of' Accountants, by toe board of directors of the Oakland County chapter. Shaw is controller for the Chis. A. Strelenger Co., Warren, end a member of the Interrogation Club of Detroit and Detroit Association of Credit Management. The girl’s body was found on a roadside in an industrial park. The mother was found in a car parked near -the Fort Lauderdale-Holiywood lntwna-tional Airport. The case became known when a man telephoned Hollywood police and told patrolman James Rice: “I just killed three people.” Rice: “You just killed three people?" Caller: “Right.” Rice: “Are you serious?” Caller: “I’m serious. Please catch me. Please.” BIRMINGHAM - Barbara Marx, 814 Park, has been elected president of toe Michigan School Public Relations Association. Miss Marx, assistant in Information Services. Birmingham Public Sfhwnte, is also an evening speech instructor at Henry Ford Community College where she has taught for seven yean. The Little Gallery, 915 E. Maple, is holding a Memorial Show of the Work of Charles Culver, through Oct. 13. Culver, who died in 1967, was a distinguished artist and teacher in the Detroit area. ★ .★ ★ , . Included in the show are his paintings and drawings of animals, birdp, insects, landscapes, rock formations and florals. Regular gallery hours are 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP -Roderic V. Wiley, 6425 Whig Lake, has been named chairman for the all-alumni division of toe Columbia University 8200-million campaign in the Detroit area. Wiley, a 1926 graduate of the School of will direct fund-raising effort among the .WILEY . - more than 450 alumni in the area, seeking an area goal of 8235,000. BLOOMFIELD HILLS - The first art show, of the season at Cranbrook Academy of Art will be the Betty Parsons Collection, opening Sept. 23. Her collection represents twenty-five or thirty years of contemporary art! ★ ★ ★ , The show is composed by the Academy. and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago. 'Hours at toe Cranbrook Academy of Art Galleries on Lone Pine in Bloomfield Hills are 1-5 p.m. Tuesday through Sun--day;---- BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP - Philip Caldwell, 3755 Peabody, was recently appointed to the new position of general manager, truck op- p M |H| eratiOns, for Ford [ Motor CO. He will be respon- I s i b 1 e f o r surveil- f lance of all of the I company** North [ American truck business, and will also I continue to direct 1 truck engineering I and truck product planning activities. ' ^OOMFIELD-TOWNSHIP - tlie Detroit Chapter of the National Association of Accountants announced that Richard E. Shirley, 6932 Cathedral, was recently elected to the board of directors for the coming year. , ★ ★ ,', ★ .i Shirley will assume various' responsibilities directed toward providing opportunities for members to increase their knowledge of accounting practices and methods. He is associated with the International accounting f|rm of Haskins and Sells of Detroit. Soviets Charge U.S. Spy Flights MOSCOW (UPI) — Russia said today American n'anes have penetrated Czechoslovak air space to spy out positions of Soviet troojps. A Sunday supplement to the official -Soviet foreign office publication Izvestia linked toe United States and West Germany in espionage attempts along the Czechoslovakian frontier. ' * ♦ * p The illustrated supplement, Nedelya, printed what it called dispatches from correspondents in Czechoslovakia who visited toe country’s border with West Germany. “American planes are making flights alone tbe border and sometimes violate Czechoslovak air space in their attempts to discover the position of Soviet troons," Nedelya said. “to one day alone they made nine such provocative flights,” the paper said. Tbe Nedelya correspondents denied toe Czechoslovak-West German border had THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1968 A—Hi Senate Debates Gun-Crime Link Showdown Is Coming on Firearms Control WASHINGTON (UPI)~ Senators, facing a-showdown on gun control legislation next week, debated Friday whether there la a relation between crime and the availability of firearms. Sen. Joseph D. Tydings, D-Md., a leading backer of stringent gun control measures, said there Is. He challenged critics of crime and violence to do something about them by supporting gun controls; “I hear so much about law and o r d e r" Tydings said: “We’re going to have an opportunity to vote on legislation to improve substantially the status of law and order. next week.” But Tydings’ view was disputed by Sen. Frank Church, D-Idaho, a fellow liberal but a Westerner who represents a con- of guns. “Most Idaho families keep guns, yet our crime -rate is much lower than the national average," Church told Tydings during the floor debate. “We associate Suns with fly rods andi spinning reels, not murders.” Church added that any attempt to impose registration and licensing, particularly in the West, “would be so fiercely resisted that the law would be a mockery . . . we would see the same general resistance on the part of the people that we did in prohibition day.” The basic bill the Senate is considering would outlaw most ■ mail order firearms sales by prohibiting interstate sales of) rifles and shotguns, It also would bar sales to juveniles, criminals and drug addicts.— SIMILAR CONTROLS Similar controls on pistols and revolvers were approved part of the anticrime bill passed earlier this year. That bill did not include long guns in its controls. Tydings’ amendment to add licensing and registration provisions to the Senate bill was modified recently to allow any state that wishes to take over registration as well as licensing and to eliminate fees and requirements for photographs and] fingerprinting. ____‘‘I wonder how many of my fellow senators are going to buckle under to the gun lobby when the time comes to vote,’’ 100% CattM WaohflMe Children’s Pajamas ' With Non-Slip Soles Simma Sat. and Mon. Speciala Keep your little ones comfortable at nlte with cot-ion sleepers or pajamas. 100% cotton flannel or thermal knits with non-slip soles. Choice of solid color pastels or prints Sleepers in sizes 1 to 4 and flannels sizes 4 to 10. Main Floor State Captive of N. Ko 'Well-Treated' PONGYANG, North Korea (AP) —One of two Michigan men captured with the intelligence ship Pueblo by the North Kqreanstis quoted by a Japanese newsman as saying he thought immediately after cap-! tufe “I would be shot'br die *of some sort of ailment in a cold, dingy building.” Petty Officer Michael T. Barrett’of KalamazOo, however, is quoted1 as sayipg “this was not the case” and “all (4 us receive medical treatment whenever necessary:” “The only thing lacking here,” he is quoted further, “are doctors and specialists to~ mend broken hearts and medicines to cure the grief and sadness that is prevalent among .the crew because we are far apart from our families. ^ - , “These diseases are quite prevalent among the crew but they cannot be cured until we are remitted with our families and loved ones oiice*hgain. . “I personally have been given a physical examination., and remits show I am in excellent health. I have been given a series of injections for skin rash and been treatetTfor the flu.” Barrett was quoted by Tamao Yokota, a reporter for the Japanese news service Kyodo, one of. several foreign newsmen visiting North Korea for the Communist regime’s 20th anniversary celebration who were invited to attend a news conference with the Pueblo crew. Yokota reported file Pueblo crew to be in a concentration camp Outside Pyongyang, the North Korean capKol. 7 Thjs ether Michigan crew-man.PO 1.C Lawrence Mack of Detroit was said to have voiced an appeal to President Johnson fn arrange quickly to meet his wirirto rejoin his wife and tour children at home. :jlop i :p, .Hip ' J Repeated by Popular Demand TheragranM by Squibb First Quality Craw Neck Men’s Sweat Shirts 50% Kodel, 50% Cotton Our Rag. Squibb'* bi-potency vitamin and mineral cap* With .30 nxtra tablet bonui. Visine Eye Drops 'Kodel' and cotton, first quality shape retaining sweat shirt with crew necluSizes S-M-L-XL in blue, gold, black, 9re#n* Basement Pre-Season Sale on Prestone Anti-Freeze With Exclusive Magnetic Film Simma Sat. and Mon. Special Now's the time for Prestone anti-freeze with its exclusive magnetic film- Prevents engine burn-out due to rust, protects all metals, rubber hoses, etc. Does not boil ‘or foam away. -v Hardware—2nd Floor OPEN Be A Smart SIMMS ‘BARGAIN GRABBER’ On These Specials OPEN TONfTE V 11110 SATURDAY--M0NDAY MONDAY til%i 51 Mmol reasures Boautifid Wood Finish Musical jewelry Box Simma Sat. and Mon. Special Lift tha cover arid a dancing girl pops up Olid tha music starts. Velvet lined cose holds earrings, pile, etc. The handsome woed case is beautifully finished. Not exactly as pictured., — Sundries—Main Fleer 100% All Plastic Washable Playing Cards Full Double Deck Simma Sat. and Mon. Special Reg. $2.95 double deck 100% all plastic cards with fancy backs. Bridge size, regular deck. only. When they get sticky, |ust wash them off. Will last for years. ' Sundries—Main Floor ANCHOR HDCKING Early American m Breakfast Set 15-Pe. Set 15,-pe. breakfast set includes 6-|uiee glasses, sugar, creamer, syrup pitcher, salt and pepper, butter dish and milk pitcher. 11-po. Crystal Table Sarviea Sat............. 2.50 Housewares—2nd Floor Blades Guaranteed 5 Years BOSTONETTE Pencil Sharpener Simma Sat. and Man. Special J» $2.00 list, Bostonelte pencil sharpener with precision ground cutters that sharpen pencils quickly and wffi-ciently. Blades are guaranteed for 5 years. Ideal for Home, school or office. Sundries—Main Floor Teflon Coated PRESTO Electric Deep Fryer Sea. and Mon. ■ Special 60x76-lnch Washable Cotton Plaid Sheet Blanket Simma Sat. and Mon. Special Slight irregulars of $1.29 values. Colorful plaid cotton sheet blanket for cool nites. Machine washable. , Basement Rich in Humus and Vital Nutriants 50-lb. Bag Natural Organio Milorganite Simma Sat. and Mon. Special 059 ^^2 for $5.00 The natural organic fertilizer' -rich- In--humus-and vital nutrients^ . for a healthy lawn. Easy to apply. Dbst and weed free. Lawn Floods—2nd Floor Winter Weight 100% Cotton Men’s Thermal U-Drawers First Quality Firtt CUT winter W8tflhrT00% tbiT" ton thermal knit underdrawers with sturdy elastic waist. Sizes S to XL First qualify. BasemOnt Mennen Deodorant $2.00 value, 4-oZ. twin pack of Mention's pash button deodorant for men. Give one to a friend. Easy fa use. jll Scope Antiseptic Big 26-oz. Size $1.89 value, Scope, the1 its, that fc h fresh for hours. Drugs—Main Floor 1 Throws 500 Ft* Beam Ashe Dome Lantern With R.d Blinker Picks Up Lint, Hair, Dust Vacuum Brush, Light si Battery operated vacuum brush removes dust and lint from clothes, car upholstery, etc. Super power. Comes complete with batteries. 1 Sundries—Main Floor Diapers and Pants Akin One Absorbent Pampers 66c • -------Beg. $1.11 Soft and absorbent Pampers, 30 Daytime keeps baby dry, saves Adorn work. Main Floor Machine Washable Cotton Yard Goods Assorted yard goods, 100% canon pin striphs fbr dresses or plitow'atfif, flower prints in blue or brown forftortalns or drapes or couch covers. 100% cotton flqnnel for nighties and pajamas. Main Floor Two Irons in One—Oentral Electric Steam and Dry Iron 2-Slice Automatic PRESTO Electric Toaster Sat. and Mon. Model T02.' Reg- . ulor $16.95 2-slice -automatic toaster with gleaming -chrome finish with wood grain end panels. Hinged crumb tray, easy to open and clean. Compact for easy storage. Appliances—2nd Floor . Woodbury Lotion 99c value, 14-oz. size new Woodbury's pink lanolin rich lotion for hands and body. In unbreakable plastic Johnson ftJohnson Baby Powder $1.59 value, 24-oz. size soothing and fragrant Johnson & Johnson baby powder for the whole family, Drags—Main Floor For Coin and Stamp Collectors Illuminated Magnifier With Biant 3” Lens Simma Sat. and Mon. Special $-t»wer giant illuminated magnifier ' wim3-inch Tens,“Ideal Tbr reading * maps, stamp collectors and coin collectors. Regular $2.49 seller. Battery extra. Sundries—Main Floor Styles for School and Dross Model No. F70 General Electric steam and dry iron with easy fo read fabric dial, with wosh and wear settings. Gaol, comfortable handle. Weighs only 3 lbs. Appliances—2nd Floor Popular Styled Shoes ^Choose from a good aelertlon of school and dress shoes Including pattens and oxfords, many styles of our -egulor $3.77 shoes. Sizes from 10; to 2. Basement Hair Spray Sudden Beauty -$L07volue.Not 13-oz. M Jfth size but |umbo 16.2-0 z. /I Vy size for all types cf hair. G—nW Net sticky. JL If K'Tooth Paste 69e No-Stick, No-Scour TEFLON 4-Qt Jlutoh Oven $1.19 valiie, 8%-oz. tub* super size of Pepso-dent or Colgate's good-toping tooth paste, Drugs—Main Floor 00 North SaghMNiSt. SIMMS5I Pontiac B Dvr formvr $2.49 seller, 4-qt. oluminum dutch © no-scour Teflon cooling. Cool bakeiM* handles. / A—4 THE PONTIAC PRESS. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1968 fS. Viet Leader to Ask fExfled Gen. Minh l td Return as Adviser By BARRY KRAMER Associated Press Writer I SAIGON (AP) - President Nguyen Van Thieu said today he will ask Gen. Duong .Van Minh lo return from exile in Thailand to be a presidential adviser. 1 The move could have far teaching political ramifications And add important support to -theTWeu government.------ * * * Thieu made the announcement during a tour of Long An Province, southwest of Saigon in the Mekong Delta. Minh, a four-star general and * a leader of the coup that overthrew President Ngo Dinh Diem in November 1963, has strong , nationalist following among natives of southern SouQPViet-nam. EXCHIEF OF STATE The general, known as Big Minh, served for a while as chief of state but was sent into exile more than a year after the overthrew of Diem. A plane carrying him from Bangkok to Saigon was ordered to turn back at the Vietnamese border and Minh has been in Bangkok since. Big Minh triedtorunfor pres •DaleyiYersion on TV Sunday CHICAGO (AP) - The official Chicago version of disturbances during the Democratic National Convention will be broadcast Sunday over • radio and television stations from Hawaii to London. The one-hour program was produced by the city after Mayor Richard J. Daley argued that network telecasts during the convention week gave a one-sided portrayal of the situation. More than 100 television stations and 1,000 radio stations will air the program. The shot? will be presented at 9 p.m. Sun-, day in Chicago and in other cities at times when local programming will accommodate it. A mayor's aide said Daley will watch the program alone and probably at home. WGN Continental Broadcast-ing Co.. Chicago, said Friday include 25 outlets each of the NBC and CBS networks, 22 affiliates of the ABC network, 4 National Educational Television, 1 British Broadcasting Cq. and 25 independents. ident last September but, under pressure from South Vietnam' generals, the National Assembly ruled out Minh's ticket grounds that his vice presidential running mate had pro-Com-munist sympathies. W ★ ★ Shortly before the election, Premier Nguyen Cao Ky, now the vice president, promised that Minh and other exiled g erals would be allowed to return after the elections. But the government, apparently fearing the popular followings these ejeiled generals still commanded, until today had refused to allow them reentry. The exiles include GenS. Nguyen Huu Co, in Hong Kong, and Nguyen Chanh Thi, the tJntted 5tates, who may now also be allowed to return. Thieu and Premier Tran Van Huong will send' two representatives to Bangkok “to brief F'_ Minh about the situation,” Thieu’s spokesman said. "If he wants to come back, he can.” Thieu mentioned Nov. 1 as the possible date for Minh’s return. THIEU PRESSURED Thieu said if Minh agreed, he could be Thieu’s personal adviser. ■ -..• - Sources say Huong, Southerner, has beep pressuring Thieu to allow Minh’s return. * it * To many Southerners, Big Minh is a popular nationalist hero with the ability to rally anti-Communist support around him. These same Southerners consider Vietnamese from the northern part of South Vietnam almost as foreigners, and even Thieu, bom in central Vietnam, has trouble attracting Southern support. Most of the leading South Vietnamese generals are northern born. Southern politicians say that Big Minh would have won last fall’s election, and that he is still a political threat in the next election. SPECIAL PRICES FOR SEPT. 15 - IT AM. to 6 P.M. - WHILE QUANTITIES LAST TWIN GORE SLIPONS Ministers Hit Clergy Being on Vote Panel UTTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) -Gov. Winthrop Rockefeller, em- gyg -g." . . "__ .. . . r .. noble exnenmonf tn nut NOW 2.44 60" WIDE REG. 3.50 YD. NOW 2.88 YD. YD. YD. YD. Is the romantic look you? Pick bonded crepe! Be ultra feminine in a dress you make in our acetate backed crepe. So easy to sew and wear. Color rich fall shades. 45" WIDE REG. 2.49 YD, START SEWING NOW I CHARGE IT! NOW 1.99™ . 12-MILE t WOODWARD * TELEQMPH t SQ. LAKC I. THE PONTIAC PRESS I The POWER of FAITH 48 West HUran Street Pontiac,- Michigan 48058 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1068 Consider Priorities for County Fun The Ways and Means Committee of the Oakland County Board of Supervisors has recommended that the County give the Oakland County Road Commission $260,000 in surplus funds left over from lest year's budget. The road commission had asked for $245,000 to buy 10 new trucks primarily to salt roads during winter storms. The $245,000 was recommended plus $15,000 which the ways and means committee specified should be used to hire a coordinator, or sort of a public relations liaison man to function between road commission, supervisors and public. We commend the ways and means committee for its recommendation. Hopefully, it will serve as the beginning of a long term program whereby our deteriorating County roads « can look toward some annual help from the County budget. ★ ★ ★ However, it should be pointed out that $260,000 is not going to solve our road problems. It is a mere flash in the pan in view of the fact that the road commission already had to borrow $4 million this year just to maintain a minimal road improvement program. It should also be noted that at the same time the ways and means committee was recommending $260,000 for roads, it was also recommending the expenditure of $2 million in surplus income for a new service building to house the County Department of Public Works and another $1 million surplus toward construction of a new training center for the mental; ly handicapped. The County has built for itself, and mostly on yearly budget surpluses, a magnificent array of buildings necessary to house courtly government offices and courts at the County service center on Telegraph Road. But, is it not possible that this drive to build ivory towers has resulted somewhat in our supervisors ignoring other needs of county taxpayers? ^ Two months ago, for example, a private nonprofit organization called New Horizons of Oakland County, Inc., announced plans for a campaign to establish a center in the Pontiac area to train mentally retarded persons. The idea was to serve people in North Oakland. The organization already operates two training centers in Sduth Oakland. Officials of New Horizons said they knew of “at least 35 North Oakland’’ that now. Let’s assume there are more—’ maybe 100 people, or evep 200. This raises some questions. Is the construction of a training Center by the County a wasteful duplication of efforts? Is it a case of government trying to do something that could be adequately handled by a private, nonprofit group? More important, is government best serving the needs of the taxpayers by spending $1 million on a project to benefit a few hundred people and only $260,000 on facilities which would benefit thousands of tax-paying motorists? It would seem that somewhere along the, line, some priorities have been misplaced. Father Jeremiah Kelliher SA, Superior of the Franciscan Friars at Graymoor Monastery, Garrison, N.Y., is an activist priest who breaks with tradition when it is * for the good of all mankind. Graymoor, the birthplace of ecumenicalism in the United States, is continuing the movement under his leadershij^6raymoor has had the seeds of ecumenicalism since its founding in 1898 by Father Paul, from Maryland, who was then an Episcopalian but who converted to Roman Catholic in 1910. Father Kelliher has extended the “Open Door” policy to people of all faiths. Lutheran teen-agers use Graymoor for weekend retreats. B’nai B’rith has held ,discu»-sions there on Jewish-Christian relations. Methodist ministers have use of the facilities. Another innovation Father Kelliher, has developed is the use of modern religious folk songs at the Sunday Mass, Father Kelliher, who has a'fine voice and enjoys Sing-** ing, is accompanied by the !* “Graymoor Combo” of flutes and guitars ma^e pp of brothers and laymen. They also play for other activities in the area such as wedding anniversaries. Each Sunday afternoon, for the many people visiting Graymoor, there is an ecumenical service .which starts with Martin Luther's “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” and ends with “We Shall Overcome.” The speaker at that service can he of any faith, either priest, Protestant minister or rabbi. Voice of the People: ‘ Moratorium on Strikes Answer to Halt Strikes—increase ih per capita earnings-in-crease in inflation—more strikes—more increase in per capita warnings—increase in inflation-^—and so on, ad infinitum. This has been the History of inflation in our Countiy for too many years. How can it be halted? ★ ★ V1 ★ In the early 1930s, during the great depression following the financial crash of 1929, the government declared a moratorium on mortgage payments which saved the homes of thousands. of people who could not keep up their mortgage payments. ★ ★ ★ In 1968 strikes are the cause of increasing inflation which must be' checked if we want to avoid another financial crash. A moratorium on strikes is the answer. This could be imposed for a few months and then removed after inflation had been halted and normal prosperity continued, idle men put beck* to work and socialized welfare rolls reduced. Such a change would bring back unity and loyalty among us, which we used to enjoy. D. A. BLAIR 3559 SHADY BEACH ORCHARD LAKE ‘Welfare Programs Made Too Attractive’ Where is the line to be drawn on welfare? I am all for helping the fatherless and those who are unable to help them- ■ selves, but things are getting out of hand. My husband works hard every day, paying taxes to1 support these programs. We don’t have $60 a child to spend On clothes to start school. Maybe if our taxes didn’t have to be so high to maintain these programs, we could come somewhere near the $60 figure. I believe welfare is being made too attractive when the work--ing man has less than those he helps support. Why don’t more people who-object to this let themselves be heard? MRS. W. E. E. Comments on Views of Professor Appleton Your receht article on the views of Dr. Sheldon L. Apple-ton, Associate Professor of Political Science, left me a little disappointed to the amount of room you devoted to his picture and his views. 1 have read more intelligent statements in the Voice of the People from 7th grade students. I cannot dispute Dr. Appleton’s right of free speech, as that is one of. the rjghts bur gun-toting forefathers fought for, , ie it Hj Dr. Appleton feels that Oakland University is a tinderbox of unrest because campus police carry guns. It could be that the police guns are the only way of protecting themselves and the rest of the college personnel from overly aroused political science students. I, .for one, wilt never agree to registering decent citizens’ long guns unless every able-bodied man in this Country is required to belong, to an active local militia. WELDON L. FRiTCH 1600 WEYMOUTH, UNION LAKE High Court Nominations Should Be Withdrawn The reaction is mixed but oh the whole it is good. Father Kelliher’s “Graymoor Combo” could well play the Bach composition titled “We All Believe in One God.” The Senate Judiciary Committee has said that next Tuesday it will vote on whether to send the nomination of ABe Fortas to the Senate with the committee’s recommendation. "To clarify the recard once again, this newspaper opposed the nomina-tion of both Fortas as Chief Justice and the appointment of Homer Thornberry as a Supreme Court Justice. ★ ★ ★ The witchhunt which has been conducted with an attempt to smear the candidates’ qualifications .Is unfortunate. Much of the criticism that has been leveled at both men is picayune. ★ ★ ★ It is our belief that Fortas is probably an astute attorney, and many in the legal profession verify this Thohiururhy Jails jmder... the^. category of cronyism with a lame duck President. This in itself is not enough qualification. Our strong opposition is that the whole idea is just not right. A lame duck President should not make appointments to the highest court in the land shortly before leaving office.; Confident Living: ‘LoYe Thy Neighbor as Thyself’ The two nominations come at a time when the. Supreme Court is under fire from all directions. To appoint a Chief Justice and a Supreme Court member, to perpetuate current policy which quite obviously is not in general favor, should be halted. President Johnson should withdraw the appointments rather than adding the label of “court packer” to his list of credits. Let the new presidential nominee make the appointments after he takes Communism Threat By EVERETT DIRKSEN events in Eastern Europe are the logical result of the march of the Soviet Union over 51 years of every kind of political, military and terroristic sabotage that DIRKSEN the enemies of Russia placed a man in a sealed railway car in Switzerland and shipped, him through the World War I battlefields to Russia. Hie man’s name was Ulia-hov. In Russia, he organized a bloody revolution and became the Mad Butcher of the ages. His foulest achievement was the assassination of Czar Nicholas H and the entire royal family. .Next, he devoted Us bloodthirsty energies to the kulaks, the peasantry pf Russia, in a mass liquidation process that was accomplished by executions, mass commitments to filthy prisons and mass exile to living death to Siberia , Counterrevolutionaries and others who did not share the Commahist cause were like- The embalmed body of the Mad Butcher lies in Red Square in Moscow. History came to know him Is Nikolai Lenin. He organized the dreaded Secret Police who en-tirely liquidated freedom and replaced it with the rule of fear. Since Lenin, there has been a succession of Soviet despots, all suspicious of each other and all dependent on the Secret Police to keep them in powrir. * * * Every successor to this man — Stalin, Khrushchev, Kosygin and Brezhnev — has added to the Communist power by forcing satellite nations into its orbit and by expanding the doctrine of communism-into every continent on earth. Wherever the taint of this doctrine was established, freedom was a casualty. The latest successors to the Mad Butcher, Kosygin 1 and Brezhnev, arc now discovering that man was mean} to be free, that sooner or lata1 he will stir to his agony and attempt to cast off Ms chains because those elementary" things like freedom of speech and press are not easily obliterated. That is what lay at the root of the monstrous action of the Soviet Union and its associates against Czechoslovakia. Alexander Dubcek, the Czechoslovak leader, was gradually enlarging t J}e freedom of the ' press, and editors were printing stories of the—glories of the Czechoslovak people and their heroes* and how those heroes met their end at the hands of Communist agents. The Soviet leaders sensed what the growing liberty might do to the Communist leaders in Russia and- abroad. The Soviets demanded that Dubcek discipline the editors — about 60 of them — before the freedom splurge went too -ter.---------— That was the first pull on the trigger that brought invasion. The second was the Soviet demand that governmental power in. Czechoslovakia be shared with other political powers. Then, the planes, tanks and troops moved in and violated the sovereignty of a hardy; rugged people to V h o m freedom was much more than a word. Professional military analyst? unhestitatingly state that the invasion by Russia and its satellite nations was a smooth, efficient and finished operation,. From such aiuilfsis, itjh&fc be cim cTuded-that the invasion w $ s carefully planned. By NORMAN VINCENT PEALE A friend, who would often sound off at weekly luncheons of the Rotary Club on, “the low quality of' IA m e r lean youth of to-I day,” and had use for them at all, in a intained : that rough i treatment was | the only way to handle these nn pfai f ' jerks ” DR. PEALE “Better try to love them, Fred,” I said, •“then.yyu'it imdei^aTTd'them. -They’ve got "something "on" their minds ” “What..minds?” he growled iri contempt. * It so happened that shortly thereafter a Rotarian’s son from out West was arrested in New York for stealing a car. The judge asked U I wanted the boy paroled to me, as Ms father had requested—'^No, Judge; please parole him to Fred,” I sug- It was done; and Fred had the boy on his hands and the kid was a real problem, and no fooling. But Fred stuck with him, arid after a while reported* “You wouldn’t be- Verbal Orchids Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. May -of 37 N. Marshall; 59th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur H. Hoard of Leonard; 53rd wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Berdan of 847 Sarasota; 52nd wedding anniversary. Mrs. Mary J. Bradford of 6 S. Tasmania; 94th birthdiy. Mrs. Gertrude Wardell of 48 Thorpe; 90th birthday. MTs. Mary DeBaene of 403 W. University Drive; \ 92nd birthday. Mrs. Ida Talbot of 566 LeBaron; , . 85th birthday. lieve it, but Mike that kid, wild as he is. We’ll make something of him yet.” And was Fred proud on that day four years later when he was present at the boy’s ordination into the ministry. “And,” said the young fellow, “if it hadn’t been for the love and faith Fred gave me when I was making a complete ass of myself, I would have gone jlown the drain. That man’s love saved me. And do I love him!” ★ A ★ The first person one must learn to love is Mmself. If you do not love yourself, that is, have- -respect-fori'yoor" ■owir' s^fpyritiwiir not" really“ be able to love anyone else. The Bible statement, “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself,” actually m e a n s , “Have the same regard for the other fellow that you have for yourself.” Then he will grow to like you, too. Of course there is an abnormal____self-love_called^ narcissism, in wMch the individual becomes enamored of ‘ himself and totally concerned with hixjiself. This is a personality sickness, resulting in alienation from the community of men, and is a far i-cry from that wholesome esteem for your own self wMch leads to a similar regard for all other people. ★ ★ * We have often prescribed more emphasis on outgoing, attitudes for those nervous, tense, unhappy people who are trying to make some sense of^life. But the use of the word “love” causes problems, for the tendency is to -equate it with : some perfumed, scented, sopMsticated Hollywoodized concept. People romanticize t h e .. word love, when actually it Wans siihply to treat people with common decency with the respect due to every man as a brother. / * * t : Go out and get interested in human problems that are 'everywhere around us. Help to improve the human lot, and you wifi find that this servic- Editorial on Frank Sinatra Prompts Letter Things must be pretty dull that you have to use editorial sprite to write about Frank Sinatra and cohorts. Are you sure that’s not th'e green-eyed monster lurking over your typewriter? If you must write about him, why not make it a ledger with two sides? Do you know how much he has given to orphaned children worldwide? . MRS. J, F. RIHARB 3773 AQUARINA, DRAYTON PLAINS taj .yp. ot lo».lSperhi,p« th. I»earl Transplant Inspires. Tltese Thoughts healthiest of all attitudes. i just read that a doctor transplanted the heart of an It puts one toto the African woman ipto a 52-year-old white man, a former police-mainstream of the human man. Nature is not hostile and racist. Hie heart of an Afri-race, and as yOu participate can woman replaces that of a white man and begins to beat and get involved and learn to naturally, normally. If God can do this, why can’t groups of know people and they you, life human beings accept His reverence, for life and stop dividing will become good — real themselves as being superior and more important, automati-good. cally entitled to more privileges socially and economically, Love is never a soft, genial leaving disadvantaged groups no alternative but misery and attitude; indeed, when you struggle to get the lame rights and privileges? really love the poor and underprivileged you will get out and fight, for better conditions for all men, and the fight is often against prejudice and entrenched greed, and it, is no easy struggle to overcome it. The life potential of any group or nation cannot be dammed up and. denied growth and development without violating the elan of life itself. So we cannot call violence and anarchy the true answer. Nature needs wonderful new people to develop their potential, and surely those who have suffered the most will use their tragic lesson to be more kind, more just, more human. From these ranks should come the truly creative, WELInily rdjgjoM men of tte Mutt. _ .. sms opmlong^myor.K - r - n, haCaMrS aOTULTON the victim of ip justice and Mistreatment. Discusses Procedures of Friend of Court Ttos type of love was 11- in Januaiw we received an IBM card from the Oakland Ristrated by the experience of county Friend of Court, to be returned with paynleni for Abraham Lincoln when he bookkeeping services, and informed that we would henceforth saw a slave grrl being sold on pay $9 twice a year instead instead of $10 yearly. When we the block like a horse or cow. had not received an IBM canj by the middle of August, I j] She was being sold away from wrote and inquired if we were to expect one or if we were her family, and he saw the—just tesend the money.— fright and terror in her eyes. * * ★ “This must stop,” he said; The Friend of the Court advised me: “This office deduct-and he fought a’terrible four- ed the $9 one-half payment of the annual statutory service fee year war because of his love out of your check on August 7, 1968. This left a credit on of mankind* * ■ support of $28.50 . . . We are requesting that you immediately Injustice today must also bring your support account current.” With an attitude tike tfiat, go, and if we love enough to, it’s no wonder so many divorced fathers are uncooperative. do sometMng constructive about such problems, we will receive love even as we love. Losing and being loved are opposite sides of the same coin. F. McGRATH 2330 SHIPMAN, OXFORD Smiles There’s a vast difference between appearing well-preserved > and in looking pickled. Question and Answer Why did the City take all parking off tee block on Pral Street from Washington to State? There was parking one side only before. TMs is not a one-way street, it isn’t a main street or a state Mghway. There are no new buildings on tee street. ESTHER EILENDER 95 ONEIDA RD. REPLY We’re a little confused by your directions. The parking in the location yod mention teas removed at the request of residents, but that was a year or. So ago. If you’re speaking of the block between Washington and Huron, Mr. Korea, City Traffic Engineer, says parking yms recently banned in that block because the'street is' not wide enough for two lane traffic when cars are parked on the side. With the proximity to schools and with, the increasing number of students driving, the City felt the sfreet should allow room for tioo-way traffic. „ . , ; ' ’ ^ THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1968 m. Half-size dresses for the Important occasions of fall • • • youthful and flattering The social season is about to begin ... club meetings, bridge parties, holidays ahead. Be-prepared with pretty dresses from our complete selection at its peak now. Rayon crepes, Colorays, OrloriQacrylic knits . . . styles for every occasion including 'Mother of the Bride'. In sizes 14% through 24% . Lady Carolina mash or sheer saamless nylons S10-S14 values! Rayon acetate fall skirts and tops to make many outfits Our own fine brand seam* lest stretch mesh with nude heel for sling heels. Proportioned short, avg. tall. Beige and coffee. DeBAKEY TEAM The transplant surgery was performed by a team led hy Dr. Michael E. DeBakey. ' Vj DeBakey’s team performed Its first such operation Aug- 31 When William CL CarroU, 50, of Scottsdale, Ariz., received the heart ial 332-8181 The Rey. Mr. Burton, moder- sion, Waterford TownJhlp. •tor lor the National Associa- A round table discussion will tion of Congregational Christian follow the program titled “Viet-Churches, will be the featured nam, Dilemma for Christians.” speaker when the Southeastern ★ ★ * Michigan Association of Con* The committee in charge of gregational Churches meets on the evening consists of Mrs. Senior Citizen’s Fellowship Group will meet at boon Friday for the first fall luncheon and program. Dio Dunham will show pictures and Pastor Rat-cliffe will speak on the trip to the Caribbean last winter. ' More than 40 Bibles were presented to children entering the Junior department — fourth grade in public school .% by the Orchard Lake Community Chun*, Presbyterian this sea- Children will be baptized during the worship service tomorrow morning. Participating in ‘the service will be Douglas Strait, a student at Michigan SteteUnirerrity. [ Youth choirs are underway with Mrs. David Merrell, Mrs. Roger; Garvetink and Mrs. Larry Rossier, directors of the boys and girls. John Tousley, director of music, will lead the Westminster and Chancel choirs. For teens who are serious about’ watching their musical diets, he suggests a variety both sacred and secular that are not opposed to Christian principles^” ■ W ■ ★ * Mr. Erfcksob will also present his program to several groups in area schools.. The Rev. * Hebry D. Jones, * missionary associate at Orchard < Lake Church, who attended the 1 World Council of Churches As-1 sembly In Uppsala, Sweden wfl 1 ?lve a report at 7:30 p.m. on Sept. 22 and Sept. 29. The sessions are sponsored1 Jointly by‘mi Orchard Lake I Church and St Mary’s College, Orchard Lake. PROVIDENCE The organ committee of Providence Missionary Baptist, Church is sponsoring a musical i program at 3:30 tomorrow i afternoon. ] The Cohn Stagers under the J direction of Mrs. Joyce DeodiUs! MARIMOMT BAPTIST CHURCH Revival Starts The Rev. Leland Conners of Jackson will conduct the revival meetings starting tomorrow in GiUgellville Baptist Church, 3020 Baldwin, Orion Townshlp. Meetings will bo held through Sept. 22. . - * ^Tl SUNDAY SCHOOL... morning WORSHIP EVENING SERVICE I.. . 9 ASA.NL .11 :OOA.M. % 7:30 P.M. Rev. Robert F. Richardson, paster Protestant and Catholic clergymen of tha Pontiac area pie around town knofa as “Night Ministry.” ★ Or it It is first of all a ministry to men and women of the night community who, are in emergency wards .of hospitals, police departments, all-night restaurants, bars and other places •here people gather. The purpose of the ministry .Is to attempt to prove that the church is Just as interested in people of the night community POLICE STATION — topping in at the Pontiac Police Department are (left) the Rev. Ottie Burgher of the Church of God and {the Rev. Larry Bobbitt of First Christian ST. JOSEPH MERCY HOSPITAL — The Rev. Ronald E. Rein, pastor of ML Hope Lutheran Church (left) and the Rev. Robert Secrist, of St. James United Methodist Cbutth, comfort a patient in the emergency ward at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital. Mrs. Mary Timinreck of Berkley, supervisor of emergency, has the patient’s chart TOE PONTIAC PRESS. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1968 Ministers Provide Counseling Throughout the Night as it Is people who work and meet during the day. It it it ■ Clergymen visiting bars have nearly always encountered the question. “What is a clergyman doing te a bar?" And what are they doing (here? Many men and women are found in bars late at night because there may be no other place to go. As pastors sit at a table with ateneone needing comfort or guidance often a person will tell his troubles to the minister who offers spiritual help along with counseling. The second phase of the night ministry is a telephone answering service which assures persons in the area, contact with a clergyman any time from * 9 p.m. to 4 a m. the telephone number Is 332-5306. As the night minister goes to the bar he leaves cards with the bartenders and waiters so the number can be given out in the event someone has a difficult problem or situation where a minister might be helpful. Pontiac area clergymen participating include the Rev. Paul F. Bailey, North East United Methodist; the Rev. F. Bailey, North East United Methodist; the Rev. Larry Bobbitt, First Christian; the Rev. Robert Secrist, St. James United Methottst; and Pastor Ottis Burgher, Church of God. Other pastors include the Rev. Cleon Abbott of Aldersgate United Methodist; the Rev. James Wysocki, St. Michael’s Catholic; the Rev. Jack H. C. Clark, North Oakland Christian; the Rev. Charles Rooney, St. Michael’s Catholic; and the Rev. Ronald Rein, Mt. Hope Lutheran Church. Church groups and other organizations supporting this ministry are Women’s Association of Auburn Heights United Presbyterian Church, Oakland County Auxiliary to Veterans of World War I, Four Towns Meth- odist Church, Church Women United of Pontiac, and Orchard Lake Community Church, Presbyterian. Others sponsoring the ministry are women’s groups from the following churches — Bethany Baptist, Central United Methodist, Covert United Methodist, Joslyn Avenue United Presbyterian, Bethel United Church of Christ, Christ Lutheran, Pontiac YWCA and First United Methodist Church of Clarks ton. The program Is sponsored by ■ the Pontiac Area Council oL Churches In cooperation with the Pontiac Pastors’ Association. ‘ By Presbytery Installation Sunday The Rev. George F. Pope willlsponsibility for ail youth groups, be installed assistant pastor in Vacation Church School, and First Presbyterian Church by | Church School. Included in his the Presbytery of Detroit at 4 duties also are assisting in Church, Lt. William Nesbitt of Waterford Township (left at desk) and Sgt. Hugh Stim-son of Lake Orion discuss records and prisoners with the ministers. Trinity Baptist {Sept. ^ at Mt H°pe,Congrega-_ ' „ r, _ . „ tional Church in Livonia. The congregation of Trinity ^ sessions start at 3 p.m. Baptist Church wffl observe an- Pastor Burton *01 speak at mial Deacon and Deaconess n a m program Sept. 21 Day at the 3 p.m. service to- at the congregational Church morrow. m Vernon during the annual Pastor Lee A. Gragg will preach on ‘ ‘Each Teach One" at the 11 a.m. worship service. Following the morning message, pictures will be taken of members who have given 40 or more years of service to the Trinity Church. ★ ★.......★ ...... The congregation and Baptist Counsel will ordain candidates for deacons at the afternoon service. The Rev. L. R. Miner of Macedonia Baptist Church will bring the ordination znes- First Congregational In his sermon “Is Christian Education Important?’’ at First Congregational Church tomorrow morning Pastor Malcolm K. Burton wHl examine what the congregation can do to make the Sunday School as religiously creative as possible. meeting of the Western Michigan Association at Congregational Churches. Oakland Avenue United Presbyterian Larry Finch, area representative of Campus Crusade. for Christ, will speak and show the film, “Come, Help Us Change the World’’ at the cooperative family dinner at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday in Oakland Avenue United Presbyterian Church. ' ★ * . .it Campus Crusade for Christ is a student Christian movement designed to present the message of Jesus Christ to collegians throughout the United States and the, world. Ascension A smorgasbord dinner la scheduled for 6:30 p.m. at the Lutheran Church of the Ascen-Waterford Township. A round table discussion will Leroy Liimakka, Mrs. Philip Whie, Mrs. James Kepart, Mrs. Gerald Irish, litis. Glenn Herrington, Mrs. John Cooperrider and Mrs. Steven< Ruelle. East Side Church of God Mrs. Lela Lindsey will speak at the 3:30 p.m. service tomorrow in the East Side Chun* of God. Sponsoring the afternoon the Oakland County Missionary Association. First United Methodist Methodist Men of First United Methodist Church will get together for the first monthly breakfast meeting at 8 a.m. tomorrow. bi charge of arrangements are :Alex Rabe, George Hevel and Merlin Ajqdto. ★ ★ * Pastor Walter Ratdiffe will _>eak on “My Commitment as a Methodist Man."--, Sacrament of Bohr Baptism for infante and chilflren, and the reception of new, members is scheduled for the; 11 a.m. service. p.m. tomorrow. Participants in the service include the Rev. Donald A. Wright, associate pastor of First iPresbyterian Church, De a r-iborn; the Rev. Timothy C. Johnson, assistant pastor of [Northville Presbyterian Church; [the Rev. Thomas A. Bailey, Moderator of Presbytery of Der troit; and the host pastor, the Rev. Galen E. Hershey. ★ ★ A" ' A reception honoring the Rev. and Mrs. Pope will follow. . Lay members of the installation committee are Elders Richard Pattison and Dr. Lynn Allen of the local church. Music will be presented by Royce Everett, soloist, and Lyndon Salathiel, organist. A graduate of Alma College, the Rev. Mr. Pope received his 'bachelor of divinity degree |ffom Princeton Theological Seminary. He accepted a call to the Pontiac Church in June. The Rev, Mr. Pope, in charge of Christian education, has re- Communion services preaching once a month. The Popes and son, Michael * Kirk, live in the manse at 30 Ogemaw. PONTIAC GENERAL HOSPITAL - The Rev. Clem Abbott of St. James United Methodist Church chats with Mrs. Wilma Fiiineran of 101 N. Johnson R.N, (left) and Mrs. Gloria Black of Union Lake N.T. while on duty at Pontiac General Hospital for Night Ministry. The Rev. Mr. Abbott is available to patients from 9 p.m. until 4 a.m. Protestant and Catholic clergymen join in the service to the community. ii> • < , af St. Paul Church The Rev. Erwin T. Umbach of Southfield will be the interim pastor of St. Paul Lutheran Church, Joslyn and Thir.'d beginning Sunday. The Rev. William C. Wurm of Peace Lutheran ■ Church, Waterford Township,- will continue to serve as a counselor to individuals and organizations until a permanent pt called. The Rev. Mr. Umbach will conduct confirmation classes on Saturday morning beginning today. Change of time in Sunday services will start tomorrow with Sunday School set for 9:15 a.m. and worship service following at 10:45 a.m. Bibles for Children, Musicale S will be featured. _ All singing groups of the church will be heard and the. Rev. Clinton LdVert wti speak. •it. v A- Virginia Cohn, chairman of the committee, said proceeds ^ will benefit the building fund. pizzas‘ ALLIANCE “Pop Goes America,’’ a program that confronts teens and parents, trill be presented in four evening services in the Alliance Church beginning tomorrow night. Hie series trill conclude Wednesday night. Victor Erickson of Wheaton, Hi, a musician and former commercial artist, will bo the speaker. Youth Groups Get Together Junior high young people of Josiym Avenue'Unitod Heights United Presbyterian churches will get together at 6:30 p.m. for a pizza rarty Monday and senior high young people of the two churches will meet Tuesday eveqlng f o r Both parties are scheduled for the Auburn Heights Church. At the gatherings, youth will have a chance to know each other better and also become acquainted with. Normal Clothier, director of Oakland Youth for Chirst. it it * ★ Clothier will speak at the annual Caseville Christian Retreat for young people Friday through Sejit. 22. “How to Lead a Successful Christian Life” will be his teme. Director of this year’s retreat : Charles Stevens with % Dan O’Connor Of the Auburn Heights congregation, his assistant.-More than 80 youjng people are expected, O’Ctmnpr said. A Itm demonstration of the Gabriel K i char d Leadership Course is slated for 7:30 p.m. Thursday. There, is no charge or obligation. ■ The course starting on Qct. 3[ in the Auburn Heights Church! at 7:30 pAL.. consists of nine: sessions held once a week Those interested may call the, Rev. F. William Palmer for, more information. Plan Musicale The Continental Quartet will beJeatured at the Ai*uroRflftd Church of the Nazarene in a vocal concert & 9:45 a.m. tomorrow. The church is at 1825 E. Auburn, Avon Township. BETHEL TABERNACLE First Pentecostal Church of Pontiac Sm. School 10 Sjn- Wanhis ll «.m. ; EVANGELISTIC SERVICE Sun, Tuoc. and Thun.-7:30 PJYL Rsv. and Mr*. C. Crouch -1941 SaWsrln Asa.-ft 5-4SST Bible Study Begins With Prophets' The board of Christian education at Pine Rill Congregational Church will sponsor a monthly adult Bible study group in connection with the series of sermons relating to the minor prophets by Pastor Harry W. Clark. . ★ ★ ★ Worship is at 10:30 a.m. tomorrow. The monthly class will start at 8 p.m. on Sept. 25 with the prophet Micah. ’ The board of fellowship and social action announces meetings known as Discussion Unlimited will be held the third Wednesday, of each month .with the first topic “The Comfortable Pew.” s ' ★ * . * Mrs. Thure Wickman, a Staff member off Oakland. County’s Children’s Village, Will explain the role of volunteer wpriters during the 12:30 p.m. luncheon program of the Women’s Association Tuesday, Hostesses include Mrs, Hfenry Miller, Mrs. Ted Cork and Mrs. Jack Kuesel. ★ ★ '★ New officers of the Pine Hill Church are Jack JL Marshall, moderator;^ Mrs. John Klepack, cleric; Earl H. Stuckey, trustee c-h airman; and) Warren Charitron, senior deacon. Other members of the executive board include Mrs. Henry Miller, Mrs. Roger Crimmins, Mrs. Leonard Daub, Tim Hoffman, Alvin Sass and L. J. Richards. BLOOMFIELD HILLS 1AP1 ISfCHURCH— 3600 Telegraph Rd. 10 A.M. Sunday School 11 A.M. Morning Worship 6!P.M. Evening Service Wednesday, 7:30 P.M-Prayer Mooting FRIENDLY GENERAL BAPTIST CHURCH UL 2-1155 , 3454 Auburn Rd. 334-7407 (Next tot ho Fir« Station) SUN, SCHOOL, 9:45 A AA.-MORNING WORSHIP, 11 A.M. EVENING SERVICE 7 P.M. WED. PRAYER, 7 P.M. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH A Downtown Church Huron at Wayne, Pontiac WORSHIP & CHURCH SCHOOL 10 A.M. Infant Nursery Ampla Parking Near Church Pastor—Rey. Galen E./Hershey Asst. Paster—Rev. G. F. Pope 17806583 A—lQ THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1068 FIRST ASSEMBLY or GOD Pony at Wide Track Sunday School 9:45 A.M. Everyone Welcome Love is never lost. If ’not reciprocated, it will flow back and soften and purify the hpark — Washington Irving, American nOvellst. Paster ChaHet A. Davenport "THE CHURCH ON THE MARCH" FIRST SOCIAL BRETHREN CHURCH 316 Baldwin-FI 4*763] Sunday School-1 OiOO A.M. Sunday Worship-11 >00 AM. Evening Worship-7:30 P.M. Wednesday Prayer-7>00 PM. Bible Study-7:30 P.M. The Pontiac CHURCH OF CHRIST 1100 N. PERRY BOYD GLOVER TOM MILHOtlAND Ministers SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF THE GOOD SAMARITAN 4780 Hillcrett Drive, Waterford 623-1074 SERVICE 7 P.M. GUEST SPEAKER Church of Christ 87 Lafayette St. SERVICES: Lord's Day, 10:30 A.M. and 7 P.M. Wed. 7:00 P.M. 682-0042 KEEGO HARBOR BAPTIST CHURCH 1712 CA$S LAKE ROAD Sunday School 10 A.M. Wership 11 A.M.____ Training Union 6 P.M. , Evening Worship 7 P.M. DAVID HOTT, Postor Affiliated with Seuthern Baptiil Convention What do Christian Scientists really believe? Christian Science Lecture ■ P.M. Friday, Sept. 20 tint Church st Christ, Seisntitl tills. M«in SI., Ssehtsttr Sunday School 10 A.M.- Worship 11 A.M. Sundpy Youth Fellowship — 6:00 P.M. ■ • Sunday Evontofl Warship — 7-~00 P.M. m%u Cfcuwl • SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 a. • MORNING SERVICE 10:45 a. • WQTE BROADCAST 11 ;00 a. • CJSP BROADCAST 4:00 p. • YOUTH FELLOWSHIP 5:45 p. • EVENING SERVICE 7:00 p. • MIDWEEK PRAYER SERVICE - Wednesday , 7:30 P* • WBFG-FM Wad. rillftll - 9,00^ DR OAKLAND and SAGINAW Raw. Robert Shelton 8 Pastor « Under un asm Gloria Dei Slates Talk by Biafran Njoku E. Awa of the Biafra Association in East Lansing end serveral fallow students at Michigan Stale University will speak on the religious * political war between Nigeria and Biafra at 7:30 pjn. Friday in Gloria Del Lutheran Church, Pontiac Township. ....* ...Jt . * "Whatever money we receive goes directly into our refugee fund. ' We are much concerned with the suffering of millions of our countrymen who ere dying every day of either starvflUon, or bullet^ and bombs supplied by the to called dpvel— countries of the world,’!; Awa, , Besides speakers the Biafra Association in Eaq|h Lansing also has a program of cultural plays and Indigenous dances that could be performed in a church, Awa said. *' ★ ★ ■ The social ministry i mittee of Gloria Dei Church is sponsoring the evening program headed by Bruce R. Gibson and Ed Satttala. Evangelistic Meetings Tw3r***f GLEN WAUN EVANGELIST RENOWN SPEAKER OF: Convehflens • Retreats Qantps * Revivals There Will Be: A Friendly Welcome O Inspirational Singing Bibla-Canterad Preaching JL* FIRST MISSIONARY CHURCH I 149 North E4st Blvd. - FE 4-1311 L Rev. Kenneth L. Pennell Fall Fanfare at St. James, Birmingham [ A Fall Fanfare heralding the | start of activities for the Epis-I copal’Church women of St-James Church, Birmingham wil be at 11 a.m. Wednesday in the church lounge followed by luncheon at 12:15 p.m. , The open house is to welcome ail St. James women as well as those in ^he community who r be interested. Using a Camelot fair theme, each of the six guilds and Wednesday work, groups Will have a booth displaying the variety of work done in the parish as helping at McConnell School in Pontiac, making tray favors and puppets, designing floral and driftwood arrangements, sewing cancer pads, putting m pancake suppers, dessert bridges, and fashion shows. * * * Mrs. John A.. Knaff, general chairman, will be assisted Gy Mrs. Edward A. Parker, Mrs. Fred Blackwood, Mrs. Michael Brown, Mrs. John W. Neumann, Mrs. Jimmy J. Murphy and I Mrs. Clerance B. Mitchell Jr. ★ - W - ~At~ ~— Mrs. W. Paul Ward, ECW president, said more women volunteers are needed. The Rev. Kenneth H. Gass, rector, will Speak. AUBURN HEIGHTS FREE METHODIST 2SSS. SOUIRRIl RD.i HiNRY SCHMIDT, PASTOR SUNDAY SCHOOL........ 1 OiOO A.M. MOONING WORSHIP.......T045 A.M: EVMINO WORSHIP*.....7:00 PM. WtDNISDAY PRAYER .. . . . 7:30 P.M. CHURCH of GOD 623HE. Walton Church Phono 335-3733 S.S--10A.M. .Warship 11 AM, Evening 7 P.M. Yeung People Endeavor 7 P.M. MUm Wednesday REHEARSE FOR RECITAL - Sherry Zannoth of Waterford Towitship sings ho* complete program, with David Wilson accompanist, as she will Sunday evening at St. Paul United Methodist Church, Opdyke and Psellec Pratt Photo East Square Lake, Bloomfield Township. Two of her selections were composed by Wil*. son of 4185 Gray ton, organist at the St. Paul Church. Musicdle at St.* Paul The music board of St. Paul United Method^ Church, East Square Lake and Opdyke roads, will sponsor a recital at 7:30 Sunday evening with Sherry Zannoth, soprano, and David Wilson, pianist. w:,_ -k * : * graduate of the Oberlin College Conservatory of Music, Miss Zannoth will enroll this fail at the Eastman School of Music on an opera fellowship. e attended two sessions of Meadow Brook ’School and appeared with the Oberlin Gilbert and Sullivan Players on Cape Cod during the summer. Miss Zannoth w(ho attends Bethany Baptist Qrnrch is the Hold Service of Dedication Rochester Church Presents Lecture Christian Church in Friday by Lola May Aultman of Denver, Colo. The lecture titled "Christian The dedication of the founding! a public lecture op Christian of the Galilean Baptist Church Science will be presented at the will take place at 2 p.m. tomorrow in the Drayton Plains Elementary School where services are presently being held. . . i , J The Rev. Preston Griffis is Science: The Spiritual Ghal-pastor. lenge to Materialism" will ex- Guest speaker for the service plore the power of spiritual understanding in the face of problems as poverty, fear, loneliness and unemployment, dr.. ★ dr Miss Aultman is a member of the board of lectureship of the Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist in daughter of Mr. and 1 George Zannoth of 3550 Watkins Lake, Waterford Township. ★ • dr 1 dr David Wilson, a graduate of the University School of* Music and presently organist at the St. Paul Church, is the son of the Charles A. Wilsons of 4165 Grayton. The program, open to the public, consists of the following numbers: "Three Arias From Julius Caesar" by Handel, 'Four Sottgs” by Richard T. Strauss, "At the Wedding March” by David Wilson, and 'The Passing of Horomir” also by Mr. Wilson. ★ dr ★ The evening will close with Miss Zannoth presenting ,‘Les Illuminations, Op 18 (Song Cycle)” by Benjamin Britten. will be the Rev. P a u Carmichael of Lockland, Ohio. The -Galilean Church had its beginning on Jan. 28 under the leadership of Pastor Griffis who received training under Dr. Tom Malone of Emmanuel Baptist Church, Pontiac. , Pastor and Mrs. Griffis have pttoa. Mass, She .a_a jegiS- y____ _ _ foraH tf»arhpr nnH nrArtitinnRr three children, George, Paula and Michael. St. James Church Group Celebrates TteTPoiitiac celebrate their seventh anniversary With a musicale at 3:30 p.m. tomorrow in St. James (Missionary Baptist Church. Groups appearing on the program include the Gay Harrhon-jizers, the Stars of Faith, the Gospel Harmorizers, the Voices of Wonders, all of Detroit. tered teacher and practitioner of Christian Science.* There is no admission ; and the public is welcome. Plan Concert The Johnson Temple Church) of God in Christ with Charles ft ^nsonwot^afflsrwiirw6^“® musical program at 7 p.m. Sept. 22 at Liberty Missionary Baptist Church, 250 Fisher. Central Chrfttiari Church 347 N. SAGINAW . 11 AM. Morning Worship-9:45 Bible Schor 6 P.M. Youth Meeting - 7 P.M. Gospel Hour - Mr. Ratph ShermanrMini»tet gL_J FIRST NAZARENE 60 STATE ST, , ^ „ nheChutthwhara AH lha fawHy Wawhlpt Together? 9:45 AM. — SUNDAY SCHOOL HOUR P%f "ROUND-UP TIME” 11:00 A.M. WORSHIP HOUR U. B. God man, , y Preaching „ 7:00 P.M. HOUR OF EVANGELISM Mevf. of inspiration, adult \ chair directed by John Burton, teen orcheitre, Mr*. A: Saughey at the Hammond* v ■: Organ. ■ "Ramambar to Wership with Your Family Somewhere Sunday. Nurtary for Your Baby." CALVARY I ASSEMBLY J| OF GOD % 5860 AndananvUla Rd. Just off Dixie Hwy.' SUNDRY SCHOOL ENLARQEMENT RALLY 9:45 A.M. W "Help U* Set a Hi Attendance Record"-: 11:00 A.M. EVANQELIST CARLE. 6AMMEL Ministering at SOTH SERVICES Presenting The Gospel of Jesus Christ TiSSPJi. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE a Organ Melodies Everybody Welcome TEEN FELLOWSHIP i SOS P.M. NORM-JO-ANN : Arnold Q. Nashman REORGANIZED CHURCH Of JESUS CHRIST •f Latter Day Saints-- Pontiac Congregation now meeting at 1990 Crascent Lalco Rd. also 5353 Liver-noit, Troy. J. A. Owtland, Paster 651-0732 FIRST SPIRITUALIST CHURCH ~576 Orchard Lake SERVICE 7:30 P.M. Arlene Norwood Speaker ,\ For Information Call S34 9US tne Bible speaks to you KRISTIAN SCIENCE RADIO SERIES SUNDAY 9:45 A.M. WDTE 560 on your dial CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Subject: “SUBSTANCE” Sunday Service 11 AM. Sunday School 11 AM. Reading Room 14 W. Huron Daily11.-MAM.t65d»PM. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCtENTIST 164 W. Lawmnca Pontiac CRESCENT HILLS BAPTIST CHURCH 9:43 to 10)36 Sunday School 11-12 Church Service 3374 Crescent lab* Road Drayton WowIIIb^ FWcB* FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH (MtMdpNHelCliriat 858 W. Huron Street 9:30 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL 1100 AM MORNING SERVICE Rev. Lawrence C. Bobbitt PHONEr Office 332-1474 Parsonage 335-9723 First Baptist Church Walnut at. Fourth Rochester SERVICES FOR YOU: wmwwSjJu -i, 10:00 AM. Sunday School ^44d90AAtWaisMp^ . 5:45 P.M. Youth Groups 7:00 P.M. Worship Wednesday 7:30 P.M. Prayer Mooting Nursery Provided In Fellowship With GARBC < M. Donald Currey, Pastor WILL i Illumine Your Way Irradiate Your Person ■ inspire Confident Lhfjng Attend The New i Branch Sunday Ichgsl ef . Sunnyvale Chapel at 9:30 A.M. St Sunnifi/c4e* CHAPE [ 5311 PONTIAC LAKE ROAD V, 1. Martin, Pastor faith Baptist Church 3411 Airport Rood Services Sunday School ... 10 A.M. Worship Service ... 11 A.M. Evening Service .7:00 P.M* Wednesday ...... 7 P.M; Deaf Always Walcoma LARRY H. MALONE ' Music and Youth Director THE LUIHERAN CHURCH INVITES YOU THE LUTHERAN CHURCH MISSOURI SYNOD CROSS OF CHRIST 04 lane Pina etT.latreph Phana 646-5SI7 Sunday Church Schaal 10:10 * " *" \Wef>(» efidT1i1S Osnssee at Mondala (W. Sid.}, Pantlac, Phana: FE 2-1552 Sunday Church School 9:00 and 11:00 Sunday WanMpMW and 11:00 THE LUTHERAN CHURCH IN AMERICA Rhom OR 3-7331 Sunday Wonhlp S KM. and It AM. Sundoy Church School 9:20 Wayno I. Poloreon, Pallor GLORIA DH 2600 Fonttec Rood, Pontloc Phono 335-9161 Sunday W.dhlp S:30 end 11 iOO Sunday Church Schaal 9:30 Chariot A Coibofs, PaUar PSACI SS2S Highland Rd. (M-39), Ponllao Phono: 671-6431 Sunday Church School 9 AM. Sunday Worth Ip 10:30 AM. 4150 Ponllac Lola Rd., Pontto* Phono OR 4-1212 Worthip 8:30 A 11 A M. John f. Cooporridor, Pattor THE AMERICAN LUTHERAN CHURCH PIwop: Ft S-6902 Chruch School 1045 “ ' “choo!9:15 ' Phono: OR 3-6621 Sunday Chech Schaal PiiS Sundoy Worthip 5:00 and 10.30 I. Data Wanton, Potior ST. TRINITY , SIR Auburn Rd. ((. Sldo), Pontloo Phanai FI4-9405 Sunday Church School 945 Sunday Worchlp l JO and 11:00 *17 W. Wahan llvd, Panllaa Phonai.335.9MI Sunday Wanhip 10:30 Sunday Church School 9:30 Ranald I. Rain, Peuar Phanai 652-0770 Sunday Wonhlp SM and 1040 Knday Church Schaal 9:15 «THI LUTHiRAN HOUR* Sedi Sunday WPON 7:05 AM, CKLW1240 AM. ^-Sfecfeii/1 Fvuefctati mIIhwl "Pop Goes America" THE PROGRAM THAT CONFRONTS PARENTS and TEENS WITH CHALLENGING 4Sml STIMULATING DISCUSSIONS ON TRENDS IN OUR "POP** CULTURE! Mr, Erickson's vivid cartoon presentations, (punctured taped recorded music, ere capturing the imagination of the teenagers from coast to coast. What do teens soy about "Sketch"? “He's leal cod man; he's coming through loud ami dead" HEAR "SKETCH* DISCUSS SUCH SUBJECTS AS: "lUV"-ir$ THE HIPPIEST" "WHERE ARE WE A-GOGOINGr "IS YOUR HOME A TEMPLE OR A JUNGLE?" SEPT. 15-18 Sunday 7:00 p.m. Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Monday 7:30 p.m. Wednesday 7:30 p.m. TW ALLIANCE CHURCH 220 N. CASS LAKE ROAD at M-59 . mitlt 11 *7ih uu THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER U, 1968 A—11 COLUMBIA AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH 64 W. Columbia Ave. (A Southern Baptist Church) "Where the difference is worth the distance* - We^eesdey Night Sendee 7:30 PJiil I. Clay Polk Pester F list Congregational Church E. Huron and Mill St. ev. Malcolm K. Burton, Minister i 10:30 A.M. Morning Worship and Sunday School Church of the Mayflower Pilgrim* Yoyth Groups Start The Senior Choir of Messiah Guest choirs performing Tuen-Missionary Baptist Church will day will be from Trinity Baptist, Its nth anniversary tk Stephen’s and Antioch Bap- Ever thought of God as Mind? Christian Science Lecture S P.M. Friday, Soph 20 Sim Church cf Chriit, Scientist 1 HI N. Main St., Rcchcstcr Music, Speakers Featured in Churches and the Junior Choir of the church will mark its second anniversary with musical programs Tuesday through Friday. Services will begin at 7 p.m. The theme of the observance is Unity in Action." THE SALVATION ARMY CITADEL 29 W. LAWRENCE SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 A.M. Teen Age Fellowship Hour A* Announced Morning worship i 1.15 a.m. EVANGELICAL MEETING 7 P.M. TUESDAY PRAYER AND PRAISE MEETING 7 P,M. Brigadier and Mr*. John Grindle, Commanding Officers (load Munir — Sinning — Preaching You Are Invited "AN AMERICAN ? ARTIST CHURCH" BETHANY BAPTIST CHURCH WEST HURON AT MARK "His Love-in Your Heart" Or. Kants tist churches. Presenting selections Wednesday are choirs of New Bethel, Macedonia and Providence Baptist churches. The ML Olive Baptist and Friendship Baptist choirs will numbers Friday evening. GOOD SHEPHERD ASSEMBLY OF GOD en ELYRIA RD. off Pontiac Lake Rd. Waterford Township Morning Worship 11 A.M. Evening Service 7 P.M. The public is invited Church of Atonement Mrsr KirirUlman and ifarold McKinney wilPSlng “0 Master Let Me Walk With Thee” and Mrs. Lloyd Golden will sing a solo at the 10;45 a,m. worship hour tomorrow in the Church of the Atonement, 3535 Clinton-ville, Waterford Township. p 'dr ' * Registrations for the Youth Club and Junior High Club will be taken before and after the Wvico.----- | Patrolman Joseph Henson of iWaterford Township Police Department will be guest speaker at Youth Fellowship set for p.m. * ★ ★ Weekday religious programs will begin with the Junior High Club meeting at 5:15 p.m. Tuesday. The get-together consists of supper, study, recreation and service projects. AVONDALE BAPTIST CHURCH i 1511 W. Auburn Road, Near Crooks ROCHESTER EVANGELISTIC SERVICES Kill September 15th-21st. 7:00 P.M. NIGHTLY Sunday 11A.M. and Sill P.M. BILL RICE, SPEAKER EVANGELIST. EDITOR, PILOT, RANCHER First United Methodist £enni? Hutchon^ in Lhc Johns°n Y - Temple Church of God in Christ, Troy v Mr*. Eleanor Falubin, representative of the New Detroit Committee, will speak on 'White Racism” at .the First United Methodist Church of Troy, 6303 Livernois at 7:30 p.m. on Sept. 22. The program will also include the film, “The Black Eye.” The public is invited. Johnson Temple The Northeastern Michigan State Choir will present a mu- 252. Wessen at 3:30 p.m. ir it it The Johnson Temjsle Young Adult Choir will also be featured. Hutchons has served the Northeastern State Choir and Johnson Temple Choir as presi-den^Jor many years. Si. Columban Birmingham The first Mass held in a St. .Columban parish home was held this week at the residence v- Independent, Fundamental, Evangelistic ( NORTHSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH - 2024 Pontiac Road Located Between North Pony and Opdyko Road Sunday School 10 A.M. Church Service 11 A.M. Sunday Evening Evangelistic Service 7 P.M. Midweek Service, Thursday 7 P.M. Nursery Provided For Transportation or Information 335-5590 Pastor — Rev. Jack Turner FIRST CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN 46 Rosolawn Dr., North of East Pike Sunday School 10 A.M. - HAROLD LEID, SUPT. Morning Worship 11 A.M. — Evening Service 7 P.M. Jln.JMntP.Hmiwr 332-2412 Indiana Evangelist 1 sicale on Sept. 22 in honor of of Mr and M„ Tom McNa. | mar a, 1930 Massoit, Royal Oak. The Mass is the beginning of a weekly schedule of worship a j ... , (for 7:30 each Tuesday evening Conducts Meetings'"^b'>x;r30,lbe Msgr. John Trese, pastor, The Rev. G. Glen Vaun, will said there will be a dialogue come from Goshen, Ind., to i homily insteadof the conven-conduct and preach at the fall jtional sermon at each Mass, evangelistic crusade starting in First United Missionary Church I at 7 pm. tomorrow. Pastor of Brenneman Memorial Church in Goshen, Evangelist Vaun serves as secretary and speaks at conventions, retreats, revivals and summer camps. Special music will be provid- APOSTOLIC CHURCH OF CHRIST 1410 University Dr. Saturday Young People 7:30 P.M-Sunday School and Worship 10 A.M. Sunday Evening Service 7:30 P.M. Tuos.and Thurs. Services 7:30 P.M. Church Phona FE 5-8361 Si,hap L. A. Pewit Pastor's Phono, 853-2383 Talent Contest at Friendship The congregation of Mt. Olive i Baptist Church will honor the Rev. and Mrs. Brief Dyer tomorrow afternoon for theirt HILLCREST BAPTIST CHURCH 1240 DORIS ROAD MORNING SERVICES 9:45 and 11:00 EVENING SERVICES 6:00 and 7:00 Wednesday 7:00 P.M. Rev. Viigil Tarvin, Paster Affiliated with Southern Soptlst Convention . , . OUCLlai music win ue uiuviu-i . , The^UthJClubnieglnS at 4|ed each evening by local andn*ne ^ars of service to the p.m. Wednesday. The program' _ musical erouDs A su-lchurcl> consists of refreshments^ study.!pg^ nur Jy ivail.l The Rev: Amos. G. Johnson music and recreation, Students ^ for al, The Rev are dismissed at 5:30 p.m. 1 Members and friends will participate in the painting of the church Friday and Saturday. Ray Bush Jr. is in charge of the painting work bee. New Hope Baptist The Rev. Jesse A. Long, pastor of New Hope Missionary Baptist Church, will speak on ‘The Needs of the World Today’ Rov. A. C. Doehring REVIVAL SERVICES First Wesleyan Church Baldwin at Fairmount Sept. 20-29 Week Days-7:00 P.M. Sundays 11 A.M. and 7 P.M. EVANGELIST Rev. A. C. DOEHRING Singers & Musicians Paul & Ruby Davis Evoryono Welcome Paul & Ruby Davis The youth department of Friendship Missionary Baptist I Church will sponsor a talent at the 11 a.m. worship|c0^est at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow. service tomorrow in New Hope; participants include James I Church. The Senior Choir will Herring, Robert and Pearlinej sing- I Williams, the Cohen sisters. The Rev. artd Mrs. Long have I Annie Douglas and Christine just returned from Atlanta, Ga. Newkirk. Mrs. Eddie McDonald where they attended the Na- is general chairman of the tional Baptist Convention. | event. ANNOUNCING OAKLAND COUNTY'S NEW CHRISTIAN SCHOOL OAKLAND CHRISTIAN SCHOOL ___ GRADES:-KindwPffaetwn tHrQUGlv 12tharade. ...._ EMPHASIZING: Sctalarahip~. Bliciyina Evangelism Character Development Classes Start Monday, Sept. 30 REGISTRATION DAILY 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 3411 E. Walton Blvd., Pontiac 1 Vs Milas East of Psfty St. & AH applications will receive spsSdycBflehlonitlon. —— For Information call: 335-3408 — 335>*3730 — 338-1381 or Write Box 635, Pontiac, Mich. Kenneth L. Pennell said meetings are open to the public and visitors are welcome. Honor Pastor of Mt. Olive and members of the New Bethel {Baptist Church will be guests for the 3:30 p.m. program. I Coming from Detroit for the 7:30 evening worship will be the pastor of Bible Rite Baptist Church and his congregation. BIRMINGHAM UNITARIAN CHURCH Woodward at Lono Pino Bloomfield Hills-647-2380 "MAYOR DALEY-I PROTEST!" 9:30 and 11:15 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICES and CHURCH SCHOOL (Nursery thru 12th grado) K Silvercrest Baptist Church * fi. 2562 Dixie Highway, Pontiac 9:45 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL 10:50 A.M. “LITTLE FOXES" ■ 7:00 P.M. “STUDIES IN FAITH” Nursery Open at All Services 673-3022 Pastor John Hunter 673-9274 CHRISTIAN CHURCH of DRAYTON PLAINS Temporary Meeting Place: MASON'SCHOOL 3835 Wolton Blvd. (bet. Soshabow and Silver lake Rd.) WORSHIP 9:30 A.M. BIBLE SCHOOL 10:45 A.M. Merritt H. Baker, Minister All Saints Episcopal Church Williams St. at W. Pika St. Pastor Announces Hours of Services Trinity United M e t h o d i,s t Church will begin services tomorrow at 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. The early worship hour will be a family service with pre school, and nursery care provided. [ Junior -Church along withi regular worship will be at the second service. Church School is scheduled for 9:15 a.m. j Junior and senior sessions of; Methodist Youth Fellowship are! slated for 5:30 p.m. Dr.‘ and Mrs. Burton Thom will assist Pastnr Timothy Hickey in teaching the class for confirmation which begins at 11 a.m. op Sept. 21. All students currently enrolled in the sixth grade and. above are eligible. 1 St GENERAL BAPTIST CHURCH 249 Baldwin Avo. Sunday School........9:45 A.M. Morning Worship......11 A.M. ivoning Service........7 P.M. Wed. Bible Study_, ... 7:00 P.M. Rev. T. W. Bland, Patter - FE 4-7172 - 673-0209 THE GOSPEL TABERNACLE 25 East Blvd. South PREACHING A CHRIST CENTERED MESSAGE Atv. Rickard E. Myart will bt Reaching and wilt and tan playing, tinging al Ikn 7.-00 P.M.— - - THE 11:0O A.M. WORSHIP HOUR: A SPIRITUAL FEAST A REAL FRIENDLY WELCOME TO ONE AND ALL Sunday School, 9i4S-Wonhlp Hour 11 d)0. Y.P. 6:00 Church 338*1155-Raa. 333-3933 Sunday School 9 45 - Worthip Hour 11:00 - Y.P. 6:00 The Rev. C. George Widdifield, Reefer The Rev, Tom S. Wilson, Associate 8:00 A.M. Holy Communion . 10:00 A.M. - Morning Prayer and ' Sermon by the Rector Infant Nursery and Child Care through 7 years of age Galilean Baptist Church Dedication Service September 15 2P.M. SPECIAL MUSIC: The Galilean Ouariet If you Pastor Rpv. Paul Charmichaal Imanuei Baptist Church Lockland, Ohio .. are looking for a Church home with a Christ-centered ministry, join with us as we begin opr hew fellowship as the Galilean Baptist Church. Ravi Preston Griffis Temporary Location: Drayton Plains Elementary School, , 3000 SashabawRoad For Bits Transportation, Call 473-143Q United Churches AUBURN HEIGHTS 3456 Primary Street F. Wm. Palmer, Pastor Sunday School.. 9:30 Morning Worship.11 sOO W. J. Taauwittan, Pastor Bible School.......9:45 A.M. Morning Worship.. 1140 A.M. Youth Groups....6:30 PAIL Wadnasday Prayer and Study Hour......7:00 P.M. OAKLAND AVENUE 404 Oakland at Cadillac Thaodoce R. Allebach, Pastor Audray linn human, Youth Diractor Worship 8:30 and 11 AAA. "Sunday School.. .. 9:45 AAA. Youth Fellowship... 5:45 P.M. Worship........-7:00 P.M. Wid. Prayer.....7:00 P.M. WATERFORD LAKELAND 7325 Maceday Lake Rd. Roy F. Lambert, Pastor • Sunday School 9:30 AAA. Morning Worship 10:45 AAA. CHURCH OF ATONEMENT 3535 Clintonville Rd. Waterfotd Twp. g Church School 9:30 and 10:4$ WondAp Sorvico . 10:45 A.M. Croa M. Claik, Paitor Emmanuel | *BaptiAt (Wck xg 645 J. Tploararsh (Negr^rchprdJdsk*v Rd-L^^ I “DRT’TOM MALONE, Pastor J vX 'A Fundamental, Indepondont, Biblo-Bolisving Baptist Church BIBLE SCHOOL 10 AM. Departmentalized Sunday School for All Age* . . . with NO Literature but the Bible { HEAR DR. TOM MALONE { vXtooch tho Word of Gad, versa by varte, in the large Auditorium Bible Ciass7 broadcast on WPORT01T5 to T0i45 XM.~ || | EVANGELISTIC SERVICE 7 P.M. f (PRAYER MEETING Wed. 7:30 P.M.J | BUS SERVICE CALL FE 2-8328 i|: Deaf Clast and Nursery — All Services CENTRAL UNITED METHODIST 3882 Highland Rd. REV. CARL PRICE Brothwrhood Without RaitricHon Morning Worship and Church School AM Pit PARKING_______ SUPERVISED NURSERY 9:00 A.M. and 10:45 A.M. "IS IT TIME TO PRAY?" Rev. Carl Price Broadcast on WPON, 1460 K - 11:15 A.M. ~ FIRST UNITED METHODIST | South Saginaw at JwdsenJ Walter T. Ratcliff#, Minister "The Chufttrlgiffi%”HSd#mTlHg Hsidrf oFThe dijl* J ~ Sunday Service 11:00 A.M. Church School 9:45 A.M. "FROM GOD'S DREAM TO MAN'S LIFE" Methodist Youth Fellowship 6:15 P.M. 1536 Baldwin FE 5-7797 Rev. Cleon F. Abbott JOYCE MALONE Chair Diractor DR. TOM MALONE Pastor 7:00 P.M. MUSIC TO BLESS THE HEART Gospel Favorites and Requested Sengs -----Cheir lind«r Direction of Joyce Malone t -ST. £x 165 E. Square Lake Rd., Bloomfield Hills—FE 8-S233 and FE 2-2752 * CHURCH SCHOOL 9:30 A.M. §1------MORNING WORSHIP 10-4570^--------------I gig Ample Parking — Samuel C. Seisert, Min. - Supervised Nursery M ELMWOOD UNITED | ALDERSGATE UNITED g METHOPIST & METHODIST gig 2680 Crooks Rd. g X;X: Sunday School 9:30 a.m. iv ■gig Worship 10:45 a.m. £: gig; Evening Worship 7 p.m. ■. n . c Prayer Wed. 7 p m. Worship 9:45 a.m. ivX: Dudley Masure, pastor ;g Church School 11 a.m. :g:g CLArEtoN METHOPisf^ 6600 Waldon Road, Clarkston -gig §§ CHURCH SCHOOL 9:45 A.M. WORSHIP 10 A.M. f| gig: Frank A. Cozadd, Minister Adelle Thomas, Director of Music, ^ St. James United Methodist Church ^v Wf “ IF—ggT 451W. Kanneff Rd. ~~W: Opposite the Alcott Elementary School igig Sunday School... 9:30 A.M, gig . Worship Service 1 l :00 A.M.*-Nursery-Provided igix rev. Robert secrist, minister ' • gig: TRINITY UNITED METHODIST gigi Waterford 6440 Maceday Dr. igig MORNING WORSHIP 8:30,-10:30 gS CHURCH SCHOOL 9:V5 ' " 1 ^ Hickey, Minister ^ ^ ^ y Seventh Session Begins intArlsv*l*i@n Students Taking a preview peek at the gardens which will be toured Carpenter of Birmingham, and Mrs. David G. Booth of Bloomfield fallowing Tuesday's dessert party sponsored by its membership com- Hills. The wopien are, respectively, ticket chairman,; hostess and mitlte are board members of the Cranbrook Music Guild (from leftt house chairman for the event which will take ptace~tfr Cranbroak Mrs. Charles H. Huntoon of North Williamsbury Road; Mrs. Glenn B. House. "new” in noticably appiica-the Intertochen Arts Academy in several respects as the school's seventh year opened this week-end. The Academy, situated in the woods and lake, country of northern lower Michigan and known world-wide, combines a full high program with intensive arts: instrumental and nee, drama and the visual arts in a 32-week Septe|nber-to-June year. w ★ ★ Its enrollment situation will be new in he Academy, with 400 students, will capacity for the first time and will turned away more than 60 applicants who were less qualified than those accepted. It closed out its last year with 348 students. Commenting, Interlochen President Karl Haas says, “Beaching capacity in six years, which means nearly quadrupling the original (1962) total, is no mean achievement.” ORCHESTRA Nicholas Harsanyi becomes permanent conductor of the Academy Orchestra, which only a year ago won this tribute from a Montreal critic: “This is probably the best orchestra of its kind (14 to 18 year olds) in the world.” This ensemble will be reduced, probably to 85 pieces, and a 50-piece repertory orchestra formed, with Byron Hanson as conductor. Harsanyi, also conductor of the Princeton Chamber Orchestra and of the Bach Aria Group of New York, was visiting conductor here last year;* Hanson taught class piano and worked in a now-completed project, i The. Academy will have several new department heads, its^dTrector, Charles R. Eilber, points out, Fernando Laires, formerly of the Oklahoma College of Liberal Arts, becomes head of the piano department and pianist-in-residence. Dr. Kenneth W. Jewell, noted choral ^conductor in the Detroit area and long associated here, becomes head of the voice department. ★ * * ■ j - A new department head on the academic side is Richard E. Fulkerson, who has come from Grand Haven — where he taught eight years—to take over the Social Studies department. EXPANSION Added faculty and new course offerings, both reflecting the acadeifay’s growth, is seen in several areas, A course in radio broadcasting is being introduced, which will have the facilities of Interlochen’s 115,000-watt FM station, wlAA, available for laboratory work. Ronald Beyma, recent Yale graduate, is to teach it. „ * * • *,, A short convocation tonight at 7:30 p.m. in Jessje Y. Stone auditorium will officially note the new session at the nationally acclaimed music camp. Concluding the initial weekend will be thefirstehapel service at 10 a.m. Sunday in Kresge Auditorium with Richard Skidmore of Des Moines, Iowa, as speaker and an opening assembly in Stone Auditorium at 7:30 p.m. Regular classes will begin Tuesday. Welcome Brunch Set New members of the Waterford chapter, American Business Women’s Association will be welcomed at the ‘‘Hand of Friendship” brunch Sunday in Pontiac Country Club. The event, which begins at 10:30 a.m., will take diTari autumn look with decora^ tions of fall flowers and vegetables. College, Travel Are a Winners Lot By GAY PAULEY NEW YORK (UPI) - Some criticize the Miss This and Miss That contests as adult exploitation of youth, looks and personality. But look at it another way: Without them, many a talented and lovely miss would have a financial struggle to get through college and would have to be long past her teens to afford the travel a title means. * ★ ★ There is the case of Miss Teenage America 1968. A $10,000 scholarship, a $5,000 guarantee tor personal appearance, plus 10 shares of stock in a major airline and 100 in a soft drink concern pretty well guarantee her fresman education this fall at Clark College, Dubuque, Iowa and post-college aim tor a dramatic and singing career. Then there’s the travel. “I’ve been to almost every state, to Canada, to Puerto Rico,” said Miss Teenage America, Stephanie Ann Crane, 18, of St. Louis, Mo. “How else could I have had the chance?” A tiny brunette with green eyes, Stephanie will crown her successor November 30 in a nationally televised pageant in Fort Worth, Tex. Bridge Player BecomesAngry afJHer Crific By ELIZABETH L. POST Dear Mrs. Post: When playing bridge, is it proper to criticize one’s husband or wife —or anyone — for a wrong play?, I am not used to people doing this, but I find everyone does it. I am told that the criticism is meant to be constructive, but in my opinion it is embarrassing and rude.—Louis Conway________. ★ ★ ★ --Dear Mrs. Conwayi Ris riide to crlti- ~ cize one's partner, no matter how stupidly she may have played. Unfortunately, many husbands and wives assume that it is their prerogative or duty. If they must do So, the questions should be discussed later in private and never in a critical way. SECONDS INVITATION -Dear Mrs. Post: My father, a widower, has been living with me for the past year. He has invited a woman friend of his to visit him for a weekend. This is perfectly all right with me; however, he thinks I should write her a note Seconding the invitation. It seems like needless ceremony to me, and in fact I think it would be belittling to him —Mrs. G. M. Dear MrS; M.: Since he is living in your house, it is not “needless ceremony” for you, as hostess, to second his invitation. In fact, it would be belittling to her dignity to go to your house on his invitation alone. Whom. d$ you tip? When, and how much? You will find the answers to these questions in my booklet “The Etiquette of Tipping.” To get a copy, send twenty-five cents in coin to cover booklet and mailing ex-poises, to Elizabeth L. Post, in care of The Pontiac Press, Dept. £480, P.O. Box 9, Pontiac, Mich. 48056. She will also pass along some advice which would befit any Miss Whosis —{ “be prepared to do a lot of sleeping on airplanes, because there isn’t much time for shuteye when you’re on tour. “Always be your natural self, don’t try to imitate others. Prepare for few dates, because you’ll find that the boys who ordinarily would ask you for dates will be afraid now to approach you because youYe a celebrity. Cultural Calendar DETROIT (AP) — Here is a list of the major cultural events in Michigan for today through • Friday, Sept. 20. ART DETROIT — Institute of Arts: Household Arts of the Classical World, Etruscan, Greek and Roman glass, metal work and pottery used in everyday life from VII century B.C. to IV century ' A.D. Through Oct. 18. Hours: Tues., 9:30 a.m.-9:30 p.m!; Wed.-Stin!, 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. DETROIT — J. L. Hudson Gallery; Kinetic Light: LeParc, Jones, Palatnik, Reiback, Boto, Mack, Piene, Takis, Vardanega and Tsai. Through Sept. 30. Hours: Tues., Thurs., Fri., Sat., 9:15 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; Mon. and . Wed., 9:15 a.m.-8:30 p.m. DETROIT — Gertrude Kasle Gallery; Edward Giobbi, drawings, painungs and watercolors. Through Oet, 3.. Hours: Mon.-Sat., 11 a.m.-5 p.m. v DETROIT — Donald Morris Gallery: Group Show; Arp, Avery, Calder, DeKooning, Frank, Grosz, Johnson, Leger, Marsh, Neguchi, Mire and Wilburn. Through Oct. 12. Hours: Tuqs.^Sat., *16:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. MUSIC D E T R OIT — Ford Auditorium: Detroit Symphony Orchestra; Sept. 14, and Sept. 19, featuring Gary Graffipan, pianist. 8:30 p.m. ‘ “Take advantage of the sights . . . you may never have another opportunity as long as you live.”' ★ * • *. Miss Crane was a - student at the parochial Cor Jesu Academy when she ^von the St. Louis phase of the contest. From there she went on to the finals in a competition which she said stressed brains! poise, appearance, and talent. There is no swimsuit competition. WowewA sSefituw Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Gervais of Orchard Lake announce the engagement of their daughter, Susan Gaye, to George Andrew Piper. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Piper of Peoria, III. The couple, alumni of Michigan State University, are affiliates of Alpha Phi sorority and Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity. Group Will Present Show, Luncheon Fashion editor, Margie Kunz of the Detroit Free Press * will narrate the ^fashion-show. oLderimer^-ftem&.lrjUR,! Jacobson’s at Thursday’s event sponsored by the Rochester Junior Women’s Club. Cocktails and luncheon at 11 a.m. in Elk’s Temple will precede the showings. Cochairmen of the event are Mrs. Dudley Foster and Mrs. Terrence O’Conner. Members of the Club who will model ■ anrMesdames: Bruce Bordine, Joseph Chayka, Joshua Madden, Frank Palan-dlno^dNicholasRendziperis. , - Hair fashions, for this 13th annual show, will be styled by Mr. Joseph of Rochester. Mrs. Jones to Host Alumnae Meeting The first general meeting of the Oakland County Alumnae of Delta Zeta will be held on Thursday at 8 p.m. Hostesses will be the Utica-Rochester group in the home of Mrs. Edward Jones, Utica. Reports of the national convention held in June in St. Louis, Mo. will be given by Mrs. Claude B. Rumble, Mrs. Edward C. Wirth, Mrs. Frederick L. Lutze, all of Birmingham and Mrs. Edward Gre-gorich of Troy. A highlight of the evening will be the presentation of. the Acoth award to Mrs. George Betker of Royal Oak by Mrs. Loretta Gilowicx of GrossePointe Farms, province alumnae director. . It was given at the convention and is “to specially selected alumnae who dep-onstrated by long and faithful service their continued loyalty to Delta Zeta.” Reservations niay be made with Mrs. Richard Kyro of Warren. Delta Zetas new^to the area may attend. Music for the program will be furnished by Mrs. Sally DeBaene. 'Dirty Old Man' Has an Illness Requiring the Attention By ABAGAIL VAN BUREN DEAR ABBY: I am interested in your reply to “DIRTY OLD MAN’S WIFE.” You said, “He’s sick. Get him to a doctor.” I’ve known for years that my husband is “sick.” It is & so humiliating to sit in | a restaurant with him while he flirts with the waitresses, or any worn- W* an sitting nearby whose eye he happens to catch. I And when he stares at' -the—young—girls—from-! their feet up, and then! down again, I want to* run! ABBY I meet my friends away from my home because they won’t come by if they know he’s there. I have many worthwhile interests, such asT music* gardening, books and church work, but, Oh, for a companion to grow old with! Yes, I realize he’s sick. But how do you get a man in his 60’s to a doctor? WISHFUL THINKING DEAR WISHFUL: You can’t call the men in the white coats and ask them Agenda Notes Speaker • The Kingsley Inn will be the setting. Tuesday at 7:30 tor the September din-ner meeting of the Oakland County Dental Hygienists’ Society. Guest speaker will be Dr. M. A. Gilsen, a periodontist from Ann Arbor. Members, who are invited to bring a fellow assistant or hygienist, may make reservations by contacting Mrs. Gary Lytle. Jacobson’s of Birmingham lends its Designer Boutique section for the .background of this'picture featuring ttdo members of the Rochester Junior Woman’s Club, from left is Mrs. Nicholas Rend: ziperis of Tienken Court and Mrs. Frank Paladino of Randolph Road, > both Avon Township. The two model fashions to be shown: at the group's annual luncheon and style presentation on Thursday in Elk’s Temple, Rochester. to come and throw a net over him. But you can call your family doctor and tell him what you have told me. Together you can work out a. scheme to get your husband to submit to a PHYSICAL examination. "The mental examination carl be subtly worked in without arousing suspicion. There IS help for your husband's ill-: ness (and it IS an illness and it’s more common than you think: ★ ★ ★ CONFIDENTIAL TO F AND L IN TUCSON:—Retaliation is—for children. Two such “wrongs” could make a write-up. ★ ★ ★ • For Abby’s booklet “What Teen-agers Want To Know,” send $1.00 to Abby, c/o The Pontiac, Dept. E-600, P.O. Box 9, Pontiac, Mich. 48056. Fall Luncheon._M.grks Club's New Session A cooperative luncheon will mark, the opening of the Waterford Township Book Review Group oh Monday. Mrs. Karl Kreitz of Watkins Lake is hostess for the. . meeting which begins at 11:30 a.m. Assisting her will be Mrs. William Millei1 and Mrs.-Gelston Poole. — Mrs. Arthur Selden will he reviewer Of the day. Any interested woman may attend. MW- nmm Calendar t Monday I Pontiac Woman’s Club, 12:30 I I p.m., Central Methodist Church. I I Annual past presidents' luncheon. | I Mrs. Earle Hoskins is general § I chairman. Bine Star Mothers chapter No. 1 I 4, 1 p.m., YMCA. | Mothers for Better Living. 1 1 [ p.m,, YWCA. I Sylvan Shores Women’s Club, 1 [ 1 p.m., home of Mrs. Jack 8 I Rhoades of Woodbine Drive. fi Tuesday 'I I Temple Beth Jacob Sisterhood, 1 I 12:30 p m., in toe Temple. Special § I welcoming meeting for new mem- I I hers. Dr. John Dempsey of Uni- I 1 versity of Michigan on “1868 8 I Elections.” - •' „ I I Iota Nu chapter, Beta Stgmn | I Phi, 7:30 pin., Union Lake home I | of Mrs. Laity Girard. Rush party. I THIS PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1988 A—18 Group Plans French Show Reminiscent of Paris streets, lined with favorite intimate cafes, the dining room of the Forest Lake Country Club will tale on a, foreign flair Sept. 25 as members and guests view the, Fall French Prevue Fashions. Mr. and Mrs. Malvin M. High of Auburn Road, Pontiac Township, announce the engagement of their daughter, Isabell E , to Philip G. Jordan. He is the son of Mr., and Mrs. Chester L. Jordan of Crooks Road, Avon Township. ^THe couple will wed April 5. Accenting the affair will be a I noon luncheon specializing in French cuisine while strolling 11 j. accordion player Jacques ‘Jack’ Hagan completes the mood with song. Fashions modeled for the prevue will be furnished by Saks Fifth Avenue of Troy. Planning the < program are Mesdames: Harold Stahl Ronald Egner, Alvie Smith,! Wayne Kring and Herbert Trapp- > Cleaning Light When cleaning a fluorescent light tube, never immerse it in water. Wait until it cools, then sponge the surface clean with a' cloth wrung out of warm soap suds. Chummy Couple Gets No Divorce DENVER, Colo. (AP)—Judge Saul Pipchick noticed a couple chatted away happily in the I back of his courtroom as they waited for their divorce hearing before him. When the case got to him, the two admitted they were getting along very well. The judge refused to grant them a divorce. THIS MAN HAS A PLAN ... That will provide living dollar* whan you wtira or whan accident or fllnos* pr*v*nt» you from working and earning._ LAWRENCE J. SOWTER » 5021 Highland Road rtmmieaii unha^itT^ Waterford Pinna Center l ===== j PHONE 673-3091 .. .... —* Res. OR 3-3681 ATTENTION MOTHERS! Do You Need Some Time To Yourself? Enroll Your Pre-School Children (21/2-5 Yrs.) Now. Sessions Starting Monday, September 16. Monday thru Friday, 7:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. For Further Information Call 576-2811 549-3432 644-4224 KIDDIE KASTLE DAY CARE CENTER MRS. T. S. PULLIAM MRS. DONALD J. HUND Wedding Bells Note Friday Evening Vows 6255 Telegraph Rd. Just North of Maple Behind St. Andrews Lutheran Church Reasonable Rates Registered Nurse On Duty The Shrine of the Little Flower was the setting Friday evening for vows exchanged by Maria Angela Genna and Timothy Scott Pulliam. The daughter of the Anthony Gennas of Holiday Drive selected an ivory peau de soie gown featuring a boat neckline and net sleeves. Pearl-studded appliques of Alencon lace accented its high-rise waist bodice and sleeves. A matching half-cap of lace secured her floor-length illusion veil, and she carried a cascade of Stephanotis with gypsophilia. Attendants For the early evening rite, the couple was attended by Mrs. Donald Dmytryszyn and James Wilson as matron of honor and best man. Bridesmaids were Mrs Carter Francu, Mb's. Carl Gitschlat, Nadine Gehna (a cousin of the bride), Elyn Rast and Mary O’Neil. Christopher Pulliam served as ring bearer with ushers Donald Dmytryszyn, Richard Tobin, Robert Oliver, Gerald Wilson id Thomas Pulliam. . ★ ★ ★ Following a reception in St. John’s Armenian Hall, the bridegroorti, son of the Jack H. Pulliams of Walled Lake, and his bride departed for a honeymoon in upper Michigan. The couple Will reside in Royal Oak. Hund-Schertzer Carrying a bouquet o: Stephanotis and roses encircling a white orchid c o re a g e Rosealie Alma Schertzer was escorted to the altar Michael’s Catholic Church Friday where she spoke vows with Donald John Hund. For the evening rite, tl former Miss Schertzer chose satin bridal ensemble with lace accents at the neckline,, cuffs skirt. A matching satin and lace chapel train complemented her look. Petal clusters, outlined :ed pearls, secured h e r e| shoulder length veil. r'AD I /rtif Clnfoc Mary Bassett and Richard OUr un/r o/ares)Hun^ bf.other 0f tt>e bridegroom, lead the wedding, party for the daughter of the Stephen Schertzers of Pelton Road and the son of the John' Hunds of Ubly. BRIDESMAIDS Bridesmaids Mrs. Charles Lauinger, Mrs. Cecil Luebke, Mrs. Ronald Hausker and Mrs. Gerald Mielke, sisters of the bride, were escorted by ushers A1 Giroux, Paul Blakely, Leonard Jaskowski and Marvin Messing. Following a reception at Maurice’s, the newlyweds departed for a honeymoon trip' to Daytona Beach, Fla. Q. People keep telling me that if you drink lemon juice every morning it will make you lose weight. Otte friend who has ' quite a few pounds says that she didn’t even count calories, or try to diet, but just drank the juice of a lemon every morning. It is Appropriate that this question comes On Friday, the [13th, because it is bad luck for you that I cannot tell you your friend;,knows what she is talking about. She may be perfectly bonest, or she may be indulging in just bit of artistic exaggeration, but no one' ever lost weight because of dunking the Juice of one, or more lemons. She evidently was weight-conscious and eager to lose, and without definitely planning to, cut her fond Intake, This h«pp»Q without counting calories. around for a long time, but sp far as I knowf there Scientific basis for it. Q. Is the bicycle ride exercise reducing to the hips? This is an aU-round excellent exercise for the entire leg. It will firm and normalize leg contour. However I do not calssify it as a hip reducer. Q. Both my husband and I are ieting. We are both overweight. He insists that he sould cut his calories as low as I' do mine. I think he needs more even on a reducing diet. Since he has started cutting his food so low he is irritable and tired and doesn’t look well. Who is right? Purse Contains I a Surprise Item CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) - A thug who stole a purse belonging to Mrs. Esther Duerkesen probably got a bit of a jolt when ihe opened it. In addition to the usual items i a lady’s pocketbook, there was Mrs. Duerkesen’s deputy marshal’s badge. Whitney Broomfield Nursery School Enroll your child Now for Summer and Fall t Mrs. Claudine Whitney Director Pontiac Trail & Arline Dr. Orchard Lake 682-0110 Q. I have heard that if you eat certain foods at the same meal and avoid combining other foods at the same time, it is best for health. Is this true? A. That idea has been kicking A. You are. Men do usually need a few hundred calories more because of their greater! stature. Your husband should! probably have around 1600. calorieg a day, maybe a couple of hundred more, depending on his build and physical activity. OTTAWA HILLS—2 LOTS Charming 3-bodroom Cop* Cod koine on nicely landscaped lot*. Living room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen, master bedroom, lavatory and screened in porch oil first floor, 2 bad rooms and full bath up. Basement, automatic haat. Carpeting and drapes -Included ot $27.500, terms. Olfactions: Wait Huron St. to S. , Genesee to Illinois, right tol04 Illinois. Open signs.. WE WILL TRADE ANNETT INC REALTORS 28 E. Huron St., Pontiac 338-0466 Office Open Evening* and Sunday 1 to 4 Lynnwood Locklear of Haggerty Highway; *Commerce Township, was recently awarded a Bachelor’s degree from Ferris State College. The son of the John Locklears of Arlene. Street, Lynnwood was graduated from the School of Pharmacy. He is an affiliate of Phi Delta Chi fraternity. FACTS ABOUT PHARMACY by HOWARD L. DELL Your Neighborhood Pharmacist Concerned? Con you m—U.. th. yafuo of examination and diag-OOsii? Tho loo paid your doctor io not olOno for whot ho Soar - it olio compensates him for hix knowledge of what to do ond what not to if*. ur pharmacist. Whan your doctor hand in for one of tho now drugs and you gl ot may loom a high price to it think what thot-----' Proscription Delivery Service Baldwin Pharmacy 219 Baldwin s= FE 4-2620 j Guest Speaker | Mrs. Paul Robertson will address Tuesday’s meeting of the Bloomfield Republican Women’s jClub. Her subject will revolve I around the recent National Republican convention held I Miami. Beach, Fla. Mrs. O. Brent Moffitt and Mrs. William H. Ragsdale will also take part in the afternoon’s program. . Welcoming members and guests to the l p.m. meeting in her Bloomfield Hills home, will |be Mrs. John Hammond. . . will moke such a miraculous change in your gem's theft you will never believe they ore fh#; same old diamonds. If you never wear those old pieces yoy inherited ~-pr thf ones you' acquired twenty years ago —bring them in and let us show you examples of whof con be done. ' . VVe con reset from a- ring, pin, watch or bracelet with amazing results. Chargor • Laytcay * Michigani Bnnkard OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS DOWNTOWN PONTIAC Comer of Huron and . Saginaw Stroaf* . FE 2-0294 Lukewarm Water Used to Clean Dacron Pillows You can handwash those fancy dacron' fiber-filled pillows lukeiwann water to which , you have added a small amount of non-sudsing detergent. For best results, force a flow of water through the pillow by compressing it rep-eatedjj-Never twist or tear the filling by wringing it by hand or agitating it in the washer. If there are any soiled spots scrub them gently with a soft brush. Rinsq. thoroughly in. clear wa-ter and- squeeze to remove excess water. Dry in the air or in a tumbler-type dryer. When handled this way, they will come through looking as good as they lid when new. BECKWITH-EVANS’ BEST BUYS! FINE FLOOR COVERINGS TEL-HURON SHOPPING CENTER PHONE 334-9544 H Open Tonight til 9 P.M. Sunday 12-5 P.M. Monday 9-9 P.M» MONDAY ONLY! Portable TV With Remote Control and Cart1 Reg. $21.99S - SAVE $3195 Mon. 9:30 am. to 9 p.m. $■ 88 G Big diagonal 18" picture • Electric-eye brightness control G All channel UHF-VHF tuning • Automatic fine tuning • Complete, with Remoie Control and Mobile Cart. G l-yr. all parts warranty. 108 N. SAGINAW- -Park Free in Our, lot at Rear of Store A—1* owe come THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14. 1968 ins | MONDAY AND TUESDAY ONLYI | PAIRWAY FOODS Featnrinr BAZLEY MEATS ■ PIONEER ®l SUGAR BANQUET CREAM PIES M’/fe-Ounot ■ 0% e Package | FAIRWAY FOODS 1221NOBTH PERRY «t MADISON Aorois From Pontiac Northern High School We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities. 1P.M. -- - 09AA SUNDAYS II A.M. to I P.M. WB 4*2200 THE SMITH-COROHA 250 • Now! Changoablo Typo. Typo now symbols without disturbing your standard keyboard. • Full-tizo keyboard and carriage... Makes 12 carbons , • ' • Unique half-space key for fast, easy corrections! o 6 Automatic repeat actions—space-bar, hyphen underline, crossout (x), dot and back-spoce key! • Automatic carriage return .. . electric back-space key! _ .. _ ee_ * mpa Call for a Price f250 ■ Demonstration/ General Printing G Office Supply Phone 935-9261 IT WMt Lawrence PONTIAC SUHDAY ONLY THIS AO BAZLEY-FAIRWAY Famous Frith Lean, Tender, Juicy mummco STEAKS KID sin 4-0z. — 29c Eaoh SUNDAY ONLY-Alt Item' BAILEY-FAIRWAY FOOD MARKEn 4348 Dixie Highway-Drayton Plaint OPEN SUNDAY 9 AAA. to 6 P.M. 1220 Worth Party at Madison SUPER KEM-TONE—Rags $1.89 $ JC99 j Rag. Ooior - Our 3poofai Prioo j KEM-OLO,Rsg. $10.49 Special Priced.... Gat ready for tha Hooting Season — Install a new Auto-Flo Power Humidifier; we carry a complete line, including the popular portable model. We alto have all of the pipe and fittings needed for installation;, we cut and thread pipe. Storm Windows and Screens Repaired Prompt Service COMDINATION ALUMINUM DOORS $2395 “Thrifty Savings” HOURS: T# Sherwin-Williams SUPER KEM-TONE FINEST WASHABLE LATEX HBI WALL PAINT YOU CAN USE H S(|p£R ,£em] tone 1 use the WORK SKIPPER now $E49 j ONLY 5| HUDSON’S® HARDWARE 41 EAST WALTOK . ..HEAR BALDWIN WHEN YOU HAVE LOTS TO DO...DO imnHTHE xlVORK %W SPECIAL wmBRowranm FOR CHILDREN Chooos now for long wear and bottor valusol f BLUE BELL WEARING APPAREL FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY HOOVER i SATURDAY SUNDAY Wf MONDAY ■ - *-• ONLY LOGITE s*p*. «,|ios 1* WHITE HOUSE PAINT ft TON’S HARDWARE 905 Orchard Lake Ave. PE 5-2424 We Carry a Complete Line of_ YARD SIMPLICITY GOODS and PATTERNS a Cal. DAILY 14 P.M. Art E234 - Washable Colors COATS and CLARK’S RED HEART r KNITTING WORSTED 100% Virgin Wool ~C4[ IQ Mothproof — Tangle V ■ j » w Proof—Ready to Knit, — Puli Out Skein * Wi, UHAN’S • VARIETY STORE 1475 Baldwin Ave. at Walton FE 4-3348 Open Daily 9.AM. to 9 P.M., Sunday.] 0 AM. to 0 P.M. SWEEPER AUTHORIZED Hole* awt^ewiee- FACTORY TRAINED MEN BV HOOVER - SAME DAY SERVICE OUR GOAL IS CUSTOMER SATISFACTION PARTS & SERVICE ON ALL BRANDS SWEEPERS PARTS For All Vacuums e PAPER DAS! • SWITCHES a HOSES aOORDS #BELTS • BASS . e SHUSHES oETC. FREE PICK-UP ft DELIVERY BARNES & HARGRAVES HARDWARE 742 W. Huron St. PARK FREE Across from the Pert Office FE 5-9101 S T E P U P Y O U R S AV I N G S! Step into the habit of shopping this page each Saturday in The. Pontiac Press. Make tracks to the places of business shown on this page for greater savings on timely buys and services. MONDAY > TUESDAY SPECIALS GUARANTEED TENDER BUTCHER BOY STEAKS CENTER CUT, SLICED BOjLED HAM 14*99 f ALL BEEF HAMBURG 45! Ye reserve the rigl HOFFMAN’S In 10# Lots or More Latsar Amts. Rag. Price We reserve the right to limit quantities ’ PONTIAC FREEZER FOODS ~t ^ 126 M. PERRY FE2-119C THE PONTIAC MALL presents PRE-KICK-OFF for free FIRE FIGHTERS FESTIVAL Wed., Sept. 18 at 7:00 P.M. at WISNER STADIUM PARADE BEGINS at THE PONTIAC AAALL at 6:00 P.M. • ENTERTAINMENT • in The Man; Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 16 and 17 6:45 to 7:30 P.M. WATERFORD HIGH SCHOOL CONCERT BAND 7:30 to 8:00 P.M. MISS OAKLAND COUNTY presenting DANCE INTERPRETATIONS accompanied by THE BOB LAWSON QUINTET Sponsored by: PONTIAC AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OAKLAND COUNTY FIREMEN THE PONTIAC MALL SHOPPING CENTER Womfiiu WwthL Q&tm in THE COMMUNITY ROOM of THE PONTIAC MALL -WEDNESDAY, Sept. 18th at 10:00 A.M. "MENTAL HEALTH TODAY AND IN THE FUTURE" MR. LOREN ODEA Chief Psychiatric Social Worker, Pontiac General Mental Health Clinic THE PONTIAC MALL Telegraph at Elizabeth Lake Rd. • Open 6 Days 9:S0 AM. to 9 P.M. BURNZIT Bums rubbish! safely outdoors. No- mess, worry, watching or waiting. No half-burned rubbish to haul away. It pURNZIT. Made of genuine ARMCO Aluminized Steel, the material made to resist corrosion and heat. Rein-BPU forced yvit^'tteel TfOdlTd'^ H”x32M high. vtfth open prevent warping, bottom, ashes fall on the ground for assy removal. 11.95 OTHER SIZES AVAILABLE KEEGO HDWE. NO. 1 3041 Orchard Lake Rd. 682-2660 GREATER SAVINGS on TIMELY SERVICES and ITEMS AWAIT YOU at^ THE MERCHANTS WHO OFFER THESE GREAT SHOPPER-STOPPERS! SHOP EARLY AND OFTEN FOB GREATER SAVINGS! OPEN DAILY 10 to 10 - SUN. 11 to 6 COMPLETE OVERHAUL BRAKE SPECIAL MQN. WES. WED. ONLY 9777 Mmmm Most Gars MON. TUES. WED. ONLY HERE’S WHAT WE DO: 1. Reline all four wheels with Bonded Linings.. ’ * —^ -,hv.. ^ 2. Turn all 4 wheel drums. 3. Check all four wheal cylinders. 4. Bleed, flush and refill hydraulic systems with approved $AE fluid. 5. Clean, inspect and carefully repack front wheel bearings. 6. Adjust brakes on oil four whoals and pedal clearance. 7. All work performed by factory trained brake specialists. E venal this low price, you can chargm it at Kmart ! I ISO MMNKT BBWW 1 THE PONTIAC PHlfeS. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1968 U.S. Staffs Clban-Air Program A~ia THE FUSELAGE LOOK—Through what thty call "fuselage styling,'’ designers of tha 1960 Chrysler have been able to add inches both inside and out. Five inches have been put on the outside while leg and shoul- A' new designing concept, “fuselage styling," has allowed expansion of the 1969 Chrysler both inside and out. The over-all length is 224.7 Inches, five inches longer than1 the 1968 models. * * * Nearly every interior dimension has been increased fronfl last year. Three inches of leg! room have been added in the rear seats of four-door sedans and hardtops as well as three inches, of shoulder room in both front and back. The rear compartment in wagons has been expanded to 48.5 inches between j wheel, housings. Area dealers selling the1 By Science Service WASHINGTON - The oxides of sulfur at^the; second largest components of aijr , pollution after carbon mo /ox 1 de . Together the'two pollutants account for about 80 per cent, by weight, of dll (hit pollution in the air over the United States. Of the two, carjaon monoxide is by far the easiest to control. Ninety-five per cent of all carbon monoxide comes from {motor vehicles. Its control takes the straight forward approach of limiting the emissions from vehicles. . The federal government tells j car and truck manufacturers! the maximum amount of carbon! |Chrysler line beginning Thurs-| air deflector which keeps the i monoxide that can be emitted day include: Hahn Chrysler- rear window free nf dust andj|f®!? ne^ ve^cJ1e® ,n<* a" are Plymouth, 6673 Dixie, Independ- fumes, as well as a dual-actiort ““P lt° . ence Township- Colonial Chrvs- ^Rate which opens out or folds Controlling sulfur oxides is ence lownsmp, colonial Chrys- ^8 ,{ar more complex. Sulfur oxide pollution comes from such der room have been Increased by three inches. Available In 15 models, the Chrysler goes on sale Sept. 19. Pictured Is the Chrysler Newport Custom four-door hardtop. denomlnatbr. 'is sulfur oxides pullution Is that 85 per cent qf it results from the combustion of fossil fuels foil, coal and gas with, coal being responsible for 60 per cent of the total. But the multiplicity of sources of fossil fuel burning, combined with the wide variety of combustion equipment used, complicates control. Control methods good for large sources of sulfur oxides, such as power plants, are .not economically justifiable for small sources, such as medium-; -sired or . smaller apartment I buildings. Total consumption of cigarettes in the U.S. last year was 549' billion. '69 Chrysler Longer, Roomier ler, 209 S. Main, Milford; Oak- w land Chrysler-Plymouth, 724 Oakland, Pontiac; Birminghaifi J? „ ... , , ‘ , Chrysler-Plymouth, 2100 W.! Firefly flashing is a technique j Maple, Troy; Wheaton Chrysler-1 whereby irtales and females of |Plymouth, Novi, Novi; * particular species find one [and Milosch Chrysler-Plymouth,' another and mate. 677 S. Lapeer, Lake Orion. AIR DEFLECTORS Standard engine in the New-jport and Newport Custom is the 383-cubic-inch displacement V8. [In the 300 and New Yorker the 1440-cubic-inch is standard. Wagons are equipped with an diverse sources as power plants, factories, apartment house and private homes. COMMON DENOMINATOR The only common ’ety-Sttoe Now—a new Allstate office at 4381 Highland Road (M-59) at Pontiac Ldke Road ... to holp you mvo time, money and trouble whob you nood Insurance Now that Allstate la right here In your neighborhood, you cen get personel help with your Insurance needs, faster and easier than ever. Wa hava a staff of Agents harp who elm to help you save money, tlrhe, and trouble buying your insurance. What kinds of Insurance do ,,we handler Moat any kind you’ll avar need. All at famous Allstate low- vn doo0 rates. All de- •e4^\ /Sr liverlng solid .Allstate protection and value.. ALtSt*- Coll or visit your convenient Allstate Insurance Center: Allstate Agents also at Sears PHONE 681 -0400 Allstate: Allstate In sure nee Companies • Northbrook, Illinois Birth Control Railroaded NEW DELHI, India (AP) -I The Indian government pressed trains into service this week toi carry its call for birth, control to distant villages. The Flying Mail steamed outi of New Delhi displaying a sign 8 by 5 feet saying in Hindi: “Two! or three children are enough.’’j A billboard showed a husband! and wife With two happy chil-j dren. Railway Minister C. M. Poon-cha waved the green flag io start the train and the family planning minister, Sripati Chan- drasekhar, cheered as it sped toward the Sikh holy city of Amritsar, 250 miles away. * * * Chandrasekhar said Ihdia’s experiment in birth control—the country’s, population is how 525 million and the present growth rate is almost 15 million a year — is a matter of concern for the whole world. > | “Whether we succeed or fail; may well determine the entire course of history and the future of the entire humah race,” he{ said. WUTTTTTT* has the law price! -Junior Editors Quiz on MORE SURPRISE BUYS! DON’T MISS OUR OUTDOOR PARTY! GIRLS ’ 3 T9 14 SWEATER & SKIRT SETS! OIIOTTES! (fowl Choice! ANSWER: As youJook At the part of,pur picture marked, "tTtTouffiayl>e“c6h7dsW."Atl itlooks like is a pitcHy.bidtcBy bit of jungle, with the sunlight flickering in and out. Then you begin to pick up a threatening shape crouched on a tree trunk. When you look at-this more-cloady in (2), you see it is a savage leopard. If you had been an antelope walking along that trail and had not recognized the leopard at once* he might have leaped at you before you had had a chance to gallop away. This would have proved the value of the leopard’s spots to him, for the leopard, like other hunting animals, must catch prey in order to five. ,.^r Probably the leopard’s ancestors ’ acquired their spots grudyiaify Thn— which tended to have a spotted effect be-came the best hunters; and through the mating qf these, a spotted breed was established. Of course, this principle, called protective coloration, works the other way as well. A great many of the animals which are hunted have protective coloration, too, and escape from the animals which are hunting them because of it. Flip RUG, CARPET and FURNITURE CLEANING SINCE 1928 lit Four Home ; or in Our Modern Plant. Complete Servicesi— Domestic and Oriental Phone: FE 2-7132 . NEW WAY RTi™ps'1 40 Years Serving Pomtiac 42 WINNER STREET, PONTIAC EACH 2-pe. Sweater & Skirt Set Orion* acrylic slip-on sweater —fancy design! Its mate—a skirt of acrylic bonded to acetate! Keeps its shape— Orion*1 acrylic culottes Bonded to acetate for the per-fectly fresh lookl Ass't. plaids, solids, stripes and some 2-tonesl So sporty! PROPANE ..TORCH REHUSI 89* STURDY QUALITY CORN BROOM Upright! With 4 sew construction tool So handy! SHOP DAILY 9:30 A.M. TO 10 P.M. SUNDAYS... NOON TILL 6 P.M CORNER OF DIXIE HGWY. AT TELEGRAPH RD -PONTIAC REFUNDED IF YOU’RE NOT SATISFIED YANKEE DEPARTMENT STORES HOME OF DISCOUNT PRICES You'll discover that cleaning Is- easier with this G.E. swivel-top vacuum. Has life-time lubricated motor. Complete'with ”lock-on" attachments. The Powerful Deluxe Avocado and White Model THE G.E. SWIVEL-TOP VACUUM CLEANER WITH ATTACHMENTS "Miniature Rosa" print on 42 x 36 cotton percale cases. Pink, blue or yellow print on whit* ground. A Dainty Design for tha Boudoir CASES BY CANON 44 Bona china dacofotad with elegant, patterns. Available In matching cup ft saucer or mixed designs. NOW Collectors' Quality Designs ENGLISH CUP-SAUCER Yankee Discount Price ioa Beverage glasses that will take care of your everyday drinking needs. Popular 12-ounce sice. Will Blend with any Dish Pattern NEW GOLD TUMBLERS Yankee Discount Price 12-1.00 Break resistant melmac In Sierra Xand Whispering Wheat patterns.| WiUJast for more than a lifetime. B A Smart Design from Brookpark 2-PIECE TID-BIT TRAY The perfect time to fertilize your lawn Is in the fall. This fertilizer will caver an area of 5,000 sq. ft. Think Ahead and Fertilize Now 10-6-4 FERTILIZER Yankee . Discount Price Grass will come up better in the spring If It Is planted In the fall. This seed is guaranteed to grow. Improve Your Lawn Now for Spring 3 LBS. RYE GRASS SEED . Yankee Discount Prlca urn Bowling ball bag with full zipper opening. Rubber ball cup. Smart, easy to store. Assorted colors. An Easy-Carry Professional Bag STURDY BOWLING BAG Fine hard rubber bell meets all ABC specifications, It's . expertly drilled and fitted by our staff. Your choice of 12, 14 or 16 pounds. Famous Ebonite Quality EXECUTIVE "300^ BOWLING BALL Yankee With the fall leaves falling you II need a good rake. Also use It for mulching shrubs and flowerbeds. Well pullt for Years of Service BISSLB LEVEL HEAD RAKE Yankee Discount Price 1.59 V, Easily store 50' of garden hose with this circular hanger. Weoth- * ersofe baked enamel finish. Prevent Tripping or Hose Damage HANDY HOSE HANGER Yankee Discount Price 44* '""coupon ^"coupon”* REG. 2S* VALUE REG. 394 VALUE ill For parties, snacks and leisure doting enjoyment for the entire family. A Treat in School Lunches CRACKER JACK Chocolate Drop, Fudge NT Nuts and Caramel Grip Cookies. Favorites with the Family FFV COOKIES 234 Limit 2 with this coupon. Expires Sept. 16,10 PM. Limit 3 with this coupon.' Expires Sept. 16,10 p.M. Yankee Discount Price YANKEE DEPARTMENT STORES home of discount Prices Saturday, September 14 1968 Northern Plays Tie; WTHS11 Victorious; Chiefs Defeated N. Farmington Rallies,Forges 13-13 Deadlock JByJERE CRAIG Pontiac Northern and North Farmington opened thrirT968 football seasons by battling to a 13-13 Ue at Wisner Stadium last night in what was a crowd-pleaser more than a coach-satisfying effort. The game was typical of a season opener — costly penalties, fumbles, pass Interceptions, missed blocking assignments and a blocked kick that set up an appropriate finish for the noisy throng watching. PNH needed a period to recover from an opening kickoff jolt. .After that the contest settled into a hard-hitting defensive battle that was much more artistic in the second half. North Farmington utilized a short, sideline kickoff to gain possession of the footbafr as the game began. Waterford Skippers rr Out 13-7 Win Dunk Lakers, 26-20 With i:24 Left Hie opening series stalled, but the Raiders kept possession when junior quarterback Bob Hughes recovered a fumble on the punt. Working from the PNH 20, the Raiders were penalized when Hughes was detected blocking illegally on a sweep. Set back to the 34, Hughes promptly darted around the opposite end to the 16,, then on the next play he hahded off to Paul Adamian and threw the block that sprung him around the left side for a 16-y'ard scoring run. Some inept tackling by the Huskies aided the effort significantly. Northern again fumbled on its second play after the kickoff. This time the Raiders had to punt from the Huskies' 43. At this point, NFHS had run 17 plays to the Huskies 2. TIDE TURNS Hie Huskies’ attack kept stalling until Jerry Woods fell on a fumble at the visitors’ 25. After a one-yard loss, PNH went 26 yards in three rushes, Woods gaining the final 19 on two slants up the middle* Hughes blocked Larry CriVea’s conversion kick and the score was tied, 6-6, with 3:41 to play. Hie Raiders lost another fumble in the next series, Barry Webb recoving at the NF 45. A penalty set PNH back to mid-field, but Mike Pietryga hit Andre McPhail on the next play with a long aerial. McPhail was downed at the three. Woods slammed over the middle again and the Huskies held a 13-6 lead as Crivea added the PAT with 11 seconds to play- At this point the football had exchanged hands four times on fumbles, once on an interception and there, had been 11 penalties totaling 125 yards. Hie two teams settled do w h remarkably after the Intermission. Hie invadiqg Raiders moved to the PNH two but Sherm Granberry hit Hughes for a loss on a fourth-down pass try in the third quarter. goal tnr ftuui^^IilM P7^hfn*,~^*' the ball back to the Raiders inside its 30, but Sandy Seay picked off a halfback aerial by Adamian at the 9, The Huskies gained a first down, but had to punt from their 21. Jay Pease blocked the kick as the visitors put on a hard rush. The ever-Slert Hughes picked up the pigskin and lugged it to the PNH one-yard-stripe. Toby Garda drove into paydirt on the first play. Chuck Button emphatically booted this conversion and the game was knotted with 2:35 remaining. ^ ;Vwi Mens PNH l*fr«t Downs Rushing ....fcjj .* f First Downs Fasting ........... * ; First Downs FOnaltiis .... • • • , • .. J - Yards Rushino-Passing ..,..W-44 15-47 Passes ........... ......... Passes Intercepted bf ... . .... 2 f NF—Adamian, 16 swaop (kick wide) PN—Woods, 7 plunk* (kick blocked) PN—Woods. 3 plung* 'Crlvea kick) .. NF— w l t%\ Mott Suffers Setback in Initial Varsity Tilt Waterford Mott’s initial attempt at varsity football competition looked strong for a half, but then Clio rolled up all of its points in die final two stanzas to take a 34-7 decision. Mott led 7-0 at halftime after a first period tally by Terry Rufiato, who took a 44 yard pass play from Jerry MeNair.. Late in the second period, a 50 yard TD by Ruffato was nullified for dipping. RAIDER TURNS CORNER - Hard-working halfback Paul Adamjan (45) of North Farmington turns the corner against Pontiac Northern Friday night'Tor a gain deep in PNH territory during the first half.:The senior Raider gained 89 yards in 23 carries to lead alk the ball carriers in the 13-13 tie at Wisner Stadium.. Warren Laturneau is the Huskie (at left) pursuing Adamian. By FLETCHER SPEARS —Waterford’s Skippers haven’t lost thetr scoring touch. They closed the ’67 season with a 54-6 rout of township rival Kettering, and they ushered in the ’68 campaign last night with a rousing come-from-behind 26-20 victory over a tough West Bloomfield squad. And providing the go-go spark for the Sippers was Steve Goit, a 170-pound senior, who danced through the West Bloomfield defense for four touchdowns. One of Goit’s tallies might have been a slight bit tainted, but it’ll count nevertheless. i OUTNUMBERED - Sideline—observers—c on tended Waterford' had 12 fplayers on the field when Gut fielded a Laker punt and , scooted 40 yards for his first touchdown. Officials didn’t detect it, so it counted. ★ * ★ West Bloomfield was in command until late in the game When senior guard Walled Lake Keeps 'Squeaking Vikings Pin 74 Loss on Kimball in Grid Opener The Vikings of Walled Lake are up to their old tricks, Playing just good enough Jo win, the Vikings opened the 1968 football campaign last night with a 7-6 victory over Royal Oak Kimball. Coach Leo Folsom, in his second year at the Vikings’ helm, has to fight back a chuckle when he thinks of the Vikings efforts On the football field. SLIM MARGINS Hie Walled Lakers have played 10 games under the guidance of Folsom and they have won five of them by one point. The young coach was 8-0-1 last season so he’s still unbeaten in the grid ranks. It was dose, however. ★ * Kimball pushed across a touchdown early in the fourth quarter to take a 6-0 lead, but the Vikings came knocking and made it through the scoring door with just 4:20 togq. , ________ unwriw . ■ ^ The payoff for the Vikings was a 16-yard pass from quarterback Robbie Swiatek to end Greg Wendell. Halfback Boh Zaebst ran the extra point. • * ★ jit - >,M Folsom hedged a tittle when discussing the Vikings' performance. "You have to be happy when you win,” he said, “Well be a little unhappy when we go over the movies this weekend, but. right now it’s ' okay. Kimball is a good club ... they’re big as usual.” EARLY COMMAND Walled Lake dominated the first half and Kimball, except bfr the final score, had the upper hand in the second half. ' a ★ ’ ★' Fumbles led to both touchdowns and Kimball got its break late in the third after recovering a Viking bobble on the Walled Lake 2lr —f----- COLLECTS TD From tiiere it took only six plays to reach paydirt with Rick Campbell plunging over from the one. The try for , the extra point failed. The tally came at 11:17 in the fourth. z ★ 'dr ■ With time tunning out, Walled Lake recovered a Kimball fumble at tee , losers’ 37 and used up only six plays with the payoff going to WenddL A key play in the series was a 15-yard pass from Squiatek to Gary Ferguson. Kevin Gawronski was injured. With ~ Gawronski out, the Laker offehse lost much of the steam that had kept it in front for three periods. KEEPS RUNNING Goit, however, was the big thorn for the Lakers. His punt return tied the score at 6-6, and in the third, his 26-yard run pulled the Skippers into a tie again. After tee Lakers went ahead, for the third time, 20-13, Goit hauled in a 70-yard pass from quarterback Brad Potter to pull within one point, 20-19, and he iced the game with a two-yard scamper latein the fourth quarter. Goit started the ’67 season with three' touchdowns against West Bloomfield and - finished the season with 78-pointS.— SHARP ON GROUND The Lakers, a little weak from practice injuries, shocked the Skippers with a stunning ground game that rolled up 296 yards. Quarterback Robin Brennan, hiding the ball well from the Skipper defenders, came up with a pair oFsharp calls in the first half as the Lakers took a 13-6 lead. With the ground game going well, Brennan, on a second-and-six situation at the Skipper 15 yard tine, faked a run and flipped a pass to halfback Greg Woodruff , who was all alone behind the right safety1 and he wait in for the touchdown. ALL THE WAY _ And with just six seconds left in the first half and the Lakers with first-and-ten at the Skipper 39, Brennan sent his fullback Ed McKenna up the middle and he went the distance behind a wave of blockers. ★ fr ★ Brennan moved into a halfback spot in the second half and picked up the Lakers third touchdown on a 35-yard run. Farmington stepped outside the Inter-— Lakes Conference and suffered a 51-0 setback at Livonia Bentley. STATISTICS Wat. W. Bloom. Special to The Press — MIDLAND——The defensive-minded Midland Chernies choked off the Pontiac Central offense here last night en route to a 13-7 victory in a Saginaw Valley Conference football opener. The PCH defense kept the Chiefs in the game until Midland mounted a scoring drive late in the fourth quarter that wiped out a 7-6 lead. The game was on of a handful on the conference schedule. CHAMP WINS Perennial champion Bay City Central flexed its muscles in routing Flint Central, 40-13, while a surprise of sorts found Saginaw upending highly-rated-Flint Northern, 34-13. ' ' Pontiac Pro** Phot* fey non „■■■■•! GRID ESCORT — Halfbeck Terry Conley (41) of West Bloomfield moves for a good gain in the first half against Waterford with teammate Ron Vangorder (€6) leading the way in the season opener for both teams last nighL-Waterford won. •;. —t—t— 162—163 226—60 6—12 6-0 1 0 3-23 3-27 In others, Flint Southwestern b Saginaw Arthur Hill, 32-0, Flint * Northwestern halted Port Huron, 12-6, and Bay City Handy turned back Alpena, 39-12. Midland broke the scoring ice against Pontiac Central with a 40-yard drive following a Chiefs’ punt in the first quarter. SEVEN-YARD RUN The Chernies used only seven plays and they picked up the six points on a seven-yard scamper by Randy Liegeb. The Chiefs’ John Ray broke through to block the attempt for the extra point Midland was aided in the drive by a pair of penalties — 5 and 15 yards. ' ★ ★ ★ Other than its jaunt into touchdown territory, PCH’s other scoring opportunity came in the first quarter (to a drive that reached Midland’s five-yard stripe but a fourth-down pass went incomplete and tee home squad took over. MISCUE HELPS The Chiefs found the break they needed in the third when Midland messed up a punt play and punter Jim Wright was halted on his own one-yard line. PCH took over at the one and picked up the six points two plays later on a plunge by Jerry Hinsperger and the score went to 7-6 on Hlnsperger’s PAT kick. ★ * ■ > ★ Midland launched the winning drive from the PCH 31 with just 3:29 left. The drive took seven plays and Dave Piegols plunged into the end zone with just 1:24 left. Piegols ran the final point. STATISTICS ^ M Flr»t Downs ...............„ S 1J Ysrds Rushing-Passing .........H-j 'IV2! Passas ..... .........0—f 1—7 : Pasas tntsrcaptsd by ......., 0------ J— Punts and Average ....... i..4-36 6—23 Fumbles—No. Lost ............. VI Yards Panalbad . ................4S S7 SCORING PLAYS M—Llagb, 7 plunge (kick blocked). P—Hinsberger, I plunge (Hinsberger kick). , M-Plegc,,. Kettering Defeated, 25-14 Frustration Ends for Orion ON ITHE GO — This is a view that West Bloomfield saw a lot of last night — Rick Goit of Waterford beading toward the goal tine. The fleet Skipper* halfback scored four touchdowns to lead the Waterford Skippers to a 26-29 Victory. First Downe/AMML-First Downs PsnaltTei .... Yerds RushingPesslna ... Passas lidoioapWM Sr : ' ROK—Campbell. I plunge (kick tel WL—Greg Wendell, H pass Worn I Royal C Waited l rsa- UM Late Pass Decisive ST. CLAIR m - Scott Scofield hit Nail Evans With a 25-yard scoring strike to the finaTthree minutes of play to Richmond to a 30-19 high schaol victory over SL Clair Friday night. Scofield hit on eight of 18 posses far 179 yards. By DON VOGEL , Quarterback Bill Baker’s passing arm and a stout defense wiped three seasons of frustration from Lake Orion’s football team last night. Baker passed for two touchdowns and sewed another as the Dragons upended Waterford Kettering, 25-14, before an estimated 2,000 fans at the Captain’s field. J fr* If* ■ * —It was Lake Orion’s first victory over the Captains after five straight losses. More important, however, the remainder of the season has taken on a much brighter outlook for the Dragons and new coach Doug Holcomb.. In the final game of 1967, Lake Orion posted its first victory to three seasons by downing Oxford. But this was taken with a grain of salt because Oxford had collapsed into a losing rut. The big test whs against Kettering and A.L Countdown W L Pet GB DETROIT .........'....96 54 .635 Baltimore _________35 64 .570 9% MAGIC NUMBER: FIVE it Baltimore; 27,. U, 29 aU »-O0ItW*; 26. 27-Clavaland. the Dragons passed with flying colors* How well they will do in the Oakland A remains to be seen, but the Dragons should experience more happy Friday nights. KICKING PROBLEM There is one major flaw and Kettering couldn’t exploit it. Lake Orion’s kicking game is atrocious and Holcomb will be working to correet the problem. Hie-Captains blocked three punts and two extra points. Guard Ron Waldrup, Still not fully recovered from a sprained ankle, short-circuited the punts and one of the PAY tries. ■k ★ ★ But Lake Orion’s defense, led by the fine linebacking of George Trim and the strong tattle play of Tull Lasswell, thwarted the Captains time after time. Orion opened the scoring in the first quarter when Baker hit tailback Chuck Whippo with a short swing pass in the right flat. Whippo sidestepped one tadder, received a kfey block from end Rick Tries and raced to the endzone to complete a 56-yard play. KEEP AWAY f ,y The Captains took the* kickoff and acted like they weren’t going to let Orion have the ball for the rest of the game. Kettering controlled the pigskin for the next nine minutes, 58 seconds. During this time 25 plays were run — four nullified by penalty. The Captains slowly marched 75 yards with sophomore Bob Grantz sweeping end for the-final four. Howard DuRussell kicked tee point. It was the last time Kettering led. . The backbreaker for Kettering came With eight seconds remaining to the half when Baker passed six yards to slotback passer and interference penalties against Kettering helped the Dragons in the 56-yard march. A 45-yard run by fullback Jim Luebert set up Whippo’s two-yard TD plunge ih the third quarter. Kettering cut the margin to 19-14 on the second play after tee kickoff when quartered Paul Curry connected with wingback Bob Earls on a 69-yard pass play. Baker clinched the victory by sneaking over from the one in the fourth quarter. STATISTICS LO WKHS First Downs Rushing ........... S * First Downs Passing .............. 6 *■; * » First Downs PsnaJI^ ...... .... 2 _ 3 Yards Rushlnig-Pssslng .:......146-MB. 6WS . Paisos ....... ............ 31-1* *w Passes Intercepted by ..^...... 3 3 Purtls and Aversgt ............ WM Fumbles-No. Lost .............. 2-2 s-t Penalties and ^ ^ LO—Whippo 36 pass from Baker (kick blocked) K—Grants 4 ana run (DuRuaeell kick) , LO'-UgfiV 6 jsass from Baker (kkk tailed) LO Bitow | ptea i thnir Wnvno. AvnnHaln enffprirur its fourth ! ?as5M Intercepted OL St. Mary Home; Brother Rice Away jin the drive was a 15-yard pass; Roch it*»] Oxford, a doormat of football " for the past couple of seasons, had the Wolves on the ropes Birmingham Brother Rice, Holly’s debut into its new:Oakland League championship league began on a losing note nex^ week. Clarenceville will ■■■SRi HR ,as Flint Bendle took a 25-20 Milford for the league Farland with a 36-yarder and verdict from the Broncos last opener, teamed on a 60-yarder withK . I OFFENSE SHARP vho also srorprf * Dave Wieland, who also scored n a seven-yard run. open "defense of their Wayne- Avondale, suffering its fourth jp;““ ~ -- - - ... straight setback, yielded points pum5,'l stubbornly but the Jackets’ pf- *n* “ fense couldn't cope with the strong Milford defenders. For the evening, Avondale picked up only 119 yards in Bendle led 12-0 after the first Milford , used a combination f taJ offense In the passing AM/I OR 19 of hnirtimn I nn*I nnosinh in fair. . ... Steve Watts raced 35 yards and Don Haney ran 35 yards with an intercepted pass for the other Southfield scores. Halfback Jim Thomas was period and 25-13 at halftime j0f running and passing in tak-!departrnent jhe team connect. .Ti.. Unnlr 'e rvnf VTnllxr i Inn ftiA riinrr mif nf fha VallniD I - . . __ . . after Hank Norton’s put Hollyiing the sting out Of the Yellow ^ on only’six of 22 attempts, into the scoring column with | Jackets. j = statistics touchdown runs of 15 and 12 ★ ★ ★ j First Downs Rushing I ! yards. I Junior Matt Partridge led the f!$ Downs Ppe”eXs 2 \ Just before the half ended j potent ground attack with 124 SCORING PLAYS R4-Mlkt Scally 13 run (Bob Danz kick) R—Gary Miller jfi un fOanz kick) _ BRM Cllppard^^ run (run falli R—Mjkr Fitzwilson 12 past Scally 35 pat* from Scaliy (Donz DaRoasatt (Williams ri R—Rod Thlafl 1 plung from Bob Palladino to Eric „ ■ „ ... . Hood for a first down at the1^"^ c«tho!,c Oxford ll iLake St-. Mary will commence [what are expected to be winning , o - . GAINS SAFETY [campaigns with afternoon games .3 32 i 23imaking, but Ciarkston rebound- j Porritt’s run gave Clarkston a Tomorrow. ~ ed with nine points in the fourth 114-12 lead and the Wolves added | A,big rivalry will be renewed quarter to pull it out. the other two points in the clos- at Wisner Stadium when Pontiac TAKES LEAD ing seconds when Bill Anderson jCathoiie’s Titans take on Water- Oxford went in front 6-0 tackled Oxford’? Larry Schultz [ford Our Lady of Lakes in a trailed at halftime, 7-6, but re-1*“ the end zone for a safety. Northwest Catholic League con- gained the lead in the third, | Schultz picked up both of Ox-1 test. 12-7, and they fell victim to|ford’s scores. He raced in on! OL Mary those nine points by the Wolves i a five-yarder in the first a"d |^P *11? il. f_-i______ i nlunrroH nna vard fnr tha fiPP. i ivOVai UdR ul. , in the fourth stanza. tack. He scored the first three I fumble and went 46 yards to [team collected 496 yards rush- Fumbles - No. Lost touchdowns for the Eagles on I comPlete Bendle s scoring & of 60 62 and 58 8rd ai i ctatktitk “TO* IPran- FOOTBALL STATISTICS FI First Downs ,»ng. it Downs Passing , Through the air lanes, quar- Linardr* G*fl r 30 P*“ om [ terback Bob Clinard hit on 12 Jjfcg*" °—"■ of 28 tosses for 155 yards. and Avandata ■■■BbIB »• » » *- * one touchdown. Irkpwski 7 astle 12 fr (PAT Ktvin kick) lit from Gdrlach t P. Sweeney in (PAT SpoWikr SCORE BY QUARTERS 45-12 Loss ;,! for Brandon the defending will entertain Royal Oak St. Mary’s Irish; while Central Division titlist Brother Rice will visit highly ., , , ,. 1 1 .regarded Harper Woods Notre yard for Clarkston s first score. I jj®me Bruce Hardy kicked one point! ^ ^ * and Porritt ran the other. plunged one yard for the sec- j jond. Palladino went over from one IJ STATISTICS tl Down ‘ Down Downs Penall Firs* Downs Passing ns Pena-’-ihlng-Paj vT pass rs[‘ A 311 OPEN SCORING a 30 The Redskins opened the| Barons Win, 20-0 Imlay City Rolls , flyer Capac, 25-6 ; Interception John Mason broke loose for two long touchdowns in the second-quarter and Imlay City r« i _ I _ n .1 ' -romped to a 25-6 conquest oP oTOnS KOUl Capac Friday night. * * * Warren Fitzgerald opened the Mason scooted 31 yards around scoring with h 3 5 - y a r d end early in the period to cap touchdown run with, a pass in-« 50-yard drive; then late in terception by Doug McKenzie the half he took a Capac punted beat off rallying host Hazel J *” —*ue pari{ for a 28-12 win Friday ’ night. The Fitzgerald squad scored and raced 87 yards to give the s a 12-0 edge at the sTSSts Fast TD's for Hills Building momentum on Oak .scoring run that broke the P a r k ’ s mistakes, Bloomfield scoreless tie with 5:45 left in the Hills Andover struck with sud- first half, denness for three touchdowns inj Mark Okla booted -the -point the middle, periods and rolled tolafter. The next time the Barons a 20-0 opening game triumph [gbt“the ■ ball, quarterback Roley ^estoday.. afjterpqoq.-..;,______}hegaiL.|>assi|»gw.,agaii»st. t h eL The two teams took turns [elapsing scoreboard clock. A 40-stalling their attacks for the yard aerial gained a first down opening period and a half. OaRjon the Oak Park 16. Park made its only serious I Two more tosses, went tn-threat-of the day when swift I complete, but Roley’s third toss end Dave Weiner returned an [into the end zone was batted by Andover punt 69. yards, finally the Redskins’ Steve Kort right ..j_Farmington.Our Lady,of Snr- rows will be host to pre-season C5- t favorite St. Franpis de Sales in | « another 2:30 4J.n1. Northwest opener Sunday. Tonight Fem-0 1 dale St. Jprnes is .at St. Rita. * 7i^i1 Royal 0ak Shrine’s Double AA -24 7-36 schedule begins this afternoon Ely*^run). Detroit Holy Redeemer. SECOND SEASON ____ ! PCHS will start its second sea- + ^ + 0„or, sco*“ BY ou*fT oR5« o_i2 ison under Mel Larsen favored T* Woc ,, halftime as Dan!“"schu.ti .:. sot P.n.7dinJ, approach last year’s 33-7 con- Itwas 33 6 atnainime asiJan vRleh_ , quest of WOLL. Coach Mike Bowen went two yards for‘ L'-^g » tl} p^V.i.|Boyd of the Lakers has a small Ortonville Dave Madrigal » a*b Mi-j-jw 4W1ir.n,c?^d squad to combat the bigger, yard pass from Jim Krug «c- ngdgjipioihrrc.. Lore numerous Titan squad. counted for the other TD for the H^J^lSc*iiint*c*1?h7Vls-va'd pa«> for | OLSM coach Fr. John Ra-w“”°' S ldo»ingwni*conX*. .V»bout**jlM0 c51*r*.n Ikoczy, though, won the.title last .season with only 15 regulars and 1 f - , Fumbles (vantage of Ortonville miscues nr Penalties the second period to roll up 26 j point? and then continue on to defeat the Brandon Township! I school, 45-12. md Yards SCORING t O—Schultz, S plunge C—Palladino. l pluns O—Schulz, 1 l C-Porrltt, S 1— .. ..... C—Anderson, tackled Schulz ' - ■ - lafety. n (Porritt ri Northville 11 m 20-13 Win once in each quarter but didn’t clinch the victory u n t i 1 ; McKenzie pitched out 10 j halfback Tom Probst who toss-1 • Jr,}led a 31-yard scoring pass to end j Bruce Udvari late in the. third! quarter. caught from behind by the visitots’ Scott Roley at their 27-Phot* yard-line. FOOTBALL STATISTICS SHOELESS KICKOFF -Bloomfield Hills , Andover end Larry Appleby likes to get the feel, of the football when'he kicks off. Friday afternoon he kicked off the prep season in the county minus his shoe. That Redskin opportunity was halted in four plays and the .Barons took over on their 20. On the fifth play, fullback Chuck Palaian slanted off the left side Of his line, broke three tackles and outraced a lumbering Oak Park lineman for a 65-yard II-#42 Passet Intercepted by Pat Cayley plunged over from I Fumbie*s%e.VL«ht 7 defense in posting its victory. ,,rk|w , t„ , Ij_________JL t\.. ’ ■ j,4i*1 spouts’ ■ i, ‘ !point last night in leading Newth John Van Waggoner Went ™ / j ^l-p., 3SSSS& TO, tr.m bh, Branch to a 7-6 victor^ over yards, and Rick Hill took a 22 Quarterback Bill Watson Jilt wa^^S^*hcr*dt^ wcSl. , Marietta. Jim Lamie scored for yard psss from Gay Boyer for Pat Mauoogian with a 29-yard | ml—Mike L#b#dr# 23 p#s« from w«t- Marfette on a one-yard plunge the Novi touchdowns. V an [scoring teas in the quarters ,jin the fourth buf the try for the Wagogoner added onq point. j and connected .with .MikejcrJSJSJ .L-^ph#rt: i ? ‘ 4 0 4-13 extra point faded. ____ _______n 1,3, Grand Blanofe Flint Holy Rotary 45, OrtonvI^Pl: Flint Band la 25, Holly 20 Flint St. John Vlannty 4. Flint Atherton 4 Flint Northwestern 13, Port Huron 4 Flint Beecher 39, Davison 34 Flint Hamady 7, Birch Run 4 20, Flint St. A^nai 14 Flint Nerihwaslem 12, P Michigan Lutharar Saginaw High 34, Flint Northern 13 ■ Troy 4J, Berkley 12 . Taylor , Kennedy 34, Dearborn HI RobiChaild 4 „ I | Unlonvlli* 14, Au Gres 4 Fennvtlle X Napkins '6 Warren Mott 12, Warren Woods 4 -----iville 34, Lakfview 0 Warren Fitzgerald 28, Hazel Park 12 drlch 12. Michigan School tor Deal willow Run 21, Port Huron Catholic 7 * Ullltarf I aka T Dn.,1 Pl.t Ulmh.1l 4 Ferndale 41, Royal Oik D Portage Northern 32, Allegan 19 Rochester 42, Utica Stevenson 19 Richmond 20. St„ Clair 19 Rivervlew 27, Grasse II* 2 River------- ” - ' [ Halfback Doug Meadows n®*0" is [ picked up 133 yards rushing and [scored a touchdown ahd £ktra [point in leading Madison to a 14-13 victory over Warren lw* South Lyon 18, Brighton 0 ________________ .. Taylor 4 Sandy,creek 19. Morencl o St. Calr Shores Hake Shore 33, Harpei Woods Lutheran East 4 Saginaw Douglas McArthur 55. Bridgeport Grand Rapids Wait Catholic 3 2,4 GrandYllla o Grand Rapids Central 13, iterfprd township 34, Wait Bloomfield Grand Rapids Ottawa Hill* Mike Gonzales -. added the other Madison tally on a 55-yard run and Rick Wobrock scored the winning' point on a pass from Bob iTemblay. Warren Woodworth went 14 yards in the third and Barry [Peters rambled eight yards in the fourth for Warren' touchdowns. Jay K i r k wood a booted the first PAT, but Meadows broke through to block the try after the second Warren score. THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1968 B—8 Wilson Stymies Athletics for Shutout Tigers Triumph 3-0 to Reduce Number to 5 McAuliffe, ditcher Produce Home Runs; McLain Bids for 30 DETROIT (AP) - Denny McLain's magic number is 30 but the Detroit Tigers can think hard-luck Earl Wilson for reducing their magic number to five. _____ * ★ * Wilson, beset by an incredible series of injuries and ill luck all year after winning 22 games list season, blanked the Oakland Athletics 3-0 Fridoy night. Ironically, the big right-hander’s 13th victory came on Friday the 13th. ± * “I’m 13-12 with the best earned run average I ever had in the majors,” said Wilson after scattering 10 hits and pitching his way out of numerous late-inning jams. He belted his seventh homer in the eighth! to account for the final Detroit run. The victory, combined with second place Baltimore’s 10-2 loss to Cleveland, cut Detroit’s magic number for clinching the pennant to five. Any combination of Tiger victories or Oriole losses totaling five wraps it up. McLain, trying to become the first 30-game winner in the major leagues since Dizzy Dean turned the trick for the 1934 St. Loiiis Cardinals, was to pitch today against Oakland’s Chuck Dobson. BAD OMEfN Wison’s Friday the 13th started out with a bad omen. “I went but to get a bite to eat in the morning and I got a ticket for making an improper left turn,” he said. “I‘ guess the cop didn’t know who I was.” * ★ ★" But after that it was all goose eggs. The Athletics touched Wilson for 10 hits and had him on the ropes several times but couldn’t score. “I’m not superstitious,” said Wilson, who kept the game ball for a trophy. “Yeah, I kept the I Birmingham Runner Olympic Qualifier Special to the Pontiac Press | On the final iap, he turned on I Jack Bachelor, 24 year old j his speed and caught the failing student from Birmingham who:Scott „ th rounded into yj is working on his Doctorate . bSmm _. ,. , degree at the University ofhome stretch- Then Lind8ren Florida, finished in a dead appeared to run out of gas and heat with Bob Day of UCLA In I made it to the finish lipe two-the 5,000 meter final of tenths of a second behind yesterday’s Olympic trials at Scott's 14:53.4. South Tahoe Lake, Calif. 14:37.4 but Day was awarded the judges’ decision. * * * |SX........................... _ , , , .. .Detroit, 14:53.4. Bachelor is a 1966 graduate of Spokane, wash., __ ° .. __ Rtanehnrn Pimam 13.5. 4. Pomphrey, 13.*. S. Flowers, 13.! White, 13.7. 7, LI vert, 13.1. I, Cat 0. 5,000 meters, finals—1, Bob Day, ~ieles, 14:37.4. 2, Jack Bachelor, Birnv Mich., 14:37.4. 3, Lou Scott,1 4, Gerry 14:53.4. 5, Orer, 15:33.0. !f. Pr5Se"lly a member of the I NECK TO NECK ARRIVAL — Jack Bachelor (left) of Birmingham arrives at the wire in a dead heat with Bob Day of the U.S. Army in. the U.S. Olympic trials at South Lake Tahoe, Calif. Bachelor pats Day as the Army Pfc. moves in to touch the finish line at the same time. Both were timed at 14:3714 and both have thus qualified for the World Olympics. Bachelor, a 1962 graduate of Seaholm, is now studying for his doctorate at the University of Florida. Florida Track club. ioi»n9*. He and Day will represent the United States »in the World ---- Olympics in Mexico City next month. CONNOLLY QUALIFIES Ageless hammer thrower: Harold Connolly qualified for his fourth Olympics and little Gerry Lindgren barely failed in| a fantastic comeback attempt! to make the United States Olympic team in the 5,000-meter run. Connolly the 1956 gold medal | winner in the hammer throw: and now a 37-year-old school teacher, finished' third to I American record holder Ed Burke wbo won at 226 feet, 3 inches at the Olympic track and field trials. Walktr, igeles, 53-0. 3, Norm Pate, Eastj CLOSE CALL AT FIRST - Houston baseruimer Rusty Staub (left) reaches for the bag as St. Louis first sacker Orlando Cepeda scrambles for the baseball during, the sixth inning last night at the Astrodome. Cepeda’s try went for naught as he couldn’t control the ball long enough to make the putout. A1 Hall was second, also making the team for his fourth time, with a 226-3% throw. Cdnnolly, whose wife Olga made the women’s team in the discus last month, was third at 213-8. Lingren finished fourth to Lou Scott of Detroit but in the last Fort Wayne, one of the new I The Tigers of Fort Wayne members of the Midwest Foot-[have been weak defensively, but Bosox Hitters Chase Gloom By the Associated Press imality later when they blanked No pennant will fly at Fen-!Oakland, leaving the third placehap nearly made up 25 yardsltheir fourth victory of the! Fort Wayne usds • a| Lions Must Guard Against 'Bombs' F-Birds After 4th Victory ball League, tnay be in the cellar but the Tigers are hoping tp break loose one of these games, pointing to the Pontiac Firebirds tonight. have on offense Joe Labrato, one of the faster runners in the league. Labrato, who will also pass from the halfback slot, Stands 5-9 and weighs 17E Sox still have plenty to cheer about tfiTs season. way Park for 1968-that’s offi-iRed S" 15 8ameS behind Pith that separated them. Icial now —but the Boston Red j011^ ® P a^* Obviously stilt bothered by htsr SLUGGING STAR stomach ulcer and not yet Harrelson was the Red Soxt recovered from a leg slugging hero, as he has been *1™"1’ Lindgren, a 196 4 most of the season, belting his'?1^" “ • t“nlagerlft^° 35th home run to lead off the second inning for the only, run Culp needed and driving in another—his league-leading 106th of the season—with a single in the sixth. Carl Yastrzemski is bidding for anogher batting title, Ken Harrelson has blossomed into a full-fledged star, and Ray Culp has quietly developed into one of the most consistently effective pitchers in the American League. finished fifth in the 10,000-meter trials here earlier, was last at the start. After coming back to run third for a while he fell back and seemed hopelessly out of the race. The Firebirds -will be afterP°unds> season in Fort Wayne, with a smorgas^°r(* offense, going chance to move up into a se-,f™m the T-formation, winged-T. j cond place tie with a victory. jl-Forfttationr side saddie-I and| Flint, with a 4-2 record is idle, and Lackwanna which is 4-1, travels to meet league leading Dayton is the big game tonight. A defeat for the Lancers would throw Pontiac, Flint and Lackwanna into a second place tie behind Dayton. Pontiac Prsst Phot* BLOCKER—Waterford Ket-shotgun. tering guard Ron Waldrup * * * blocked three punts and one In MFL statistics, Pistol Pete extra point last night, but his Mikolajewski is bombing the efforts failed to stop Lake Cowboys Like Long Aerials Munson Still Doubtful for Season Opener game ball I always do that but! ^Vhii^cuffed the i-don-t keep them. With my| Minnesota Twins on six Tuts,' keep record I wouldn’t have too many. Yastrzemski had only one single in four tries, but still CuId was sunerlative Friday imaintained a sizeab,e lead H struck but nine, didnTf any. I walk anvbodv and threw ontv 981 11116 ^ S°x also unveiled ‘‘Trophies don’t mean ^ISSSe one^ur and 40^ ''oolde shortstop Luis Al-much. A trophy and a dime will P masterDiece _ shortest varado- and th6- slick-fielding Toledo on Sidelines in ILCup Playoffs 1 e ague apart with touchdowns in five games, followed by a pair of Flint quarterbacks Ira Edward and _ | Mace Segal.. * *- * The Firebirds have regained the services of Bill Harrington iwho in his 3-game appearance ' !has 39 for 72 for five touch-Idowns. w l f pf raj Dayton . ......... 5 0 0 WO 29! Orion from posting a 25-14 victory. Palmer Casts Lot in Favor of Tour Pros By BRUNO L. KEARNS Sports Editor, Pontiac Press DALLAS, Tex. — Look out for the bomb! That’s what coach Joe Schmidt and the Detroit Lions must watch when they face quarterback Don Meredith and the Dallas Cowboys in the opening game of their 1968 season. "With their own No. 1 quarterback Bill Munson, still a < doubtful starter, the Lions’ 1 defense, which allowed only 4jB J points in five exhibition games, -will get its toughest test thus far. ★ * ★ Meredith has a passing record of 58 completions for 106 attempts but many of the bomb varieties have netted' him 899 yards passing. Longest TD pass for Meredith was a 68 yarder to mathematical elimination for, the defending champions for a couple of hours, but the Detroit Tigers took care of that for- Amsrlcan Laagut get you a cup of coffee. SUPPLIES POWER The Tigers have two runs a game for Wilson this year. In his last three victories he personally has driven in seven of the 14 Detroit run-including his home run Friday. He has been hit four times with line drives, suffered bruised heel and a twisted left knee. Three of his victories have been shutouts. It was the same story Friday I pight. Dick McAutiffe belted [ his 16th homes off loser Jim| Hunter, 12-13, leading off the fourth and $ill Freehan’s two-out bloop double to right in the seventh brought in the other Detroit run. ★ , Wilson was breezing along on a five-hitter when Sal Batido and Reggie Jackson opened the seventh with singles. Don Wert fielded Dick Green’s grounder and threw Bando out at the plate; Wilson picked Jackson off second with a snap throw to shortstop Dick Tracewski. In the eighth, pinch batters Jim Gosger and Ramon Webster led off with singles. Wilson then got Bart Campaneris on an outfield fly and forced Rick Monday to hit into a double play. The ex-Marine stranded two more Athletics in the ninth, fanning Green for his ninth strikeout and getting Keough'£nL~^cl>co n ,5 on ,a game-ending grounder to oncimati n % ;f MrAuliffe Atlanta ... ... 75 73 .5 MCAUUHe. |Pittsburgh . ... 71 75 .bbtboit Philadelphia ..... 70 ‘ 71 .4 OAKLAND DETROIT to. Angles 11 .4 Cmpnerls ss 45) | MAulWt 2b * 1 j 1!Maw York ..... «7 12 Monday cf 4 0 0 0 Stanley Cf 3 0 1,0 Friday's Results Sftttut PK lili u l i i ft- New York 2,l#5CburBh 0 Catef lb 5*10 WHorton if 3010, Mouston 4, st. Louts 2 Bindo 3b _ 4 0 2 0 10 —1-jj-fn Loi Annetes 7. Atlanta O RJadtaonrf * J f i hX c ? ! Ill Clnclnriatl™r$ah Francisco 3 DGreen 2b 4 B 1 t Wart 3b J 2 a a Philadelphia 3-2, Chicago 1-f minute masterpiece -a shortest, I , , , 'game in the league this season. W-yew-oW Puerto Rican looked The 3-0 victory staved off sharP- He got his spurs right away when he threw out Cesar Tovar on a tough, medium speed grounder leading off the game, then went on to handle himself flawlessly in the field, starting one double play and participating in another. ” Cleveland battered Baltimore, scoring six times in the third inning as Sonny Siebert and Mike Paul combined for a three-hitter. Max Alvis smashed a bases-loaded double, driving in By the Associated Presl Maybe it’s the letdown that sets in after a rugged flag race, but pennant-winners in theu International League don’t often win the Governor’s Cup playoffs. Toledo’s Mud Hens are the latest case in point. — A - ioas to ^fourth-place Jacksonville eliminated the IL champions from the playoffs Friday night. It was Jacksonville’s third victory in four games of 4he best-of-five first-round series. The J-Mets now will sit Lost Pet. GB SferV Oakland Minnesota California . Chicago Washington »1 ________ Jtosults and 10, Baltimore 2 36 Vi ou'nff’^niSfoiitcomW Tills, fanhetT eight *IIM'"'ffif "tl home run. Rochester pulled even with Columbus by belting 16 hits off five Jet pitchers. Mike Fiore and Bobby Floyd both had three hits for the Red Wings, who bombed Jim Shellenback for six runs in ,2 2-3 innings and never were threatened. 3. Oakland 0 Bosron 3, Minnesota o Chicago 2, California 1 Now York 4-2, Washington 2-1 ’ Today's Gamas , Minnesota (Chance 14-14) at Boston (Pl-(Downing 2-2) at Washington Detroit Baltjmorc*(Phoebus 14-14) at Cleveland zarro 5-7) New York (Schoen 0-0) Oakland (Dobeon 11-13) (McLain 20-5) MPit 20-9) California (Wright 9-3) at Chicago (Pc- n'j'ndoy' California at Chicago Oakland at Datrolt Baltimore at Cleveland “—' at- Wastiington ____ _______ bkroit, night Baltimore at Boston, night Only games scheduled Toledo’s fate was almost pre- ^miron dictable. This marks-"the 36th season the IL has held the playoffs and only 10 times has a pennant-winner won them. The last team to do it was Indianapolis in 1963. LITTLE CHANCE Jacksonville scarcely gave the Mud Hens a chance Friday night. Steve Renko, the Mets’ 6-foot-5, 235-pound rookie, who once played quarterback for* the Kansas football team, muffled the Mud Hen batters on three McElllgolt—Dsyton Kolio—Flint ....... Porrlsh—Doyton Scott—Flint ------- Freomon—Doyton Won Lost Pel. GB dians’ big inning. J of the series between second- EIGHT STRAIGHT j)lace Columbus and third-place The Yankees ran their win- Rochester; tied ■» two games ning streak to eight games-?Jer .R?fhester s 12‘3 longest since 1964, the last year | r0mP Fr,day m8ht-they won the pennant.' Newj York has won 27 of 37. Mel Stottlemyre -won his-20th in the opener, allowing eight hits. Frank Fernandez and Mickey Mantle drove in two runs apiece. In the nightcap, rookie Stan Bahnsen captured his 16th on a seven-hitter with Bill Robinson’s sixth-inning single driving in the deciding run. Rookie Bill Melton slammed & two-run double in the first inning and Jack. Fisher’s five-hit pitching tarried the White Sox I past California. Meltgp’s hit followed a double by rookie Carlos 'May and a walk and was enough to beat Jim McGlothlip, 16-14. Fisher is 8-10. 3 Women Share 1st Round Lead-at Invitational CALDWELL; Idaho (AP) -Three players tied Friday for the first-round lead in the Eh-glehom Invitational ladies’ golf tournament. Sandra Haynie of Fort Worth, Tex. ; Clifford Ann Creed of Largo, Fla., and Sharon Miller of Battle Creek, Mich., each shot a two-under-par 69. Twilight Gama Vork ........ 100 012 _ I .. _ ington 000 001 010-2 I 2 Ittamyra and Fernandez; Coleman, ihrayi (|) and Casanova, French ■Pi W—Stottlemyra, 20-11. r “ ' 11-15. .New York vl,.!...> 001 001 rmbbIir,. ........... 000 000 „. . . . ind Gibbs; Hannan, Bosman fe gooo Gosger it 1010 Hunter p '■■»!»TV LIU 3 0 1-0 ; i 3 0 0 0 * Chicago (Han 1(1.. NmM ni.i _„ ... _ , St. Louis (Srllee l7-9) at Houston (Cual- '*Atlanta (Stone 5-3) at Los Angalai (Sut-t (ton 0-14> • " Cincinnati (Arrigo 11-0) at San Frands-----r—(co (Bolin 8-4) R P JO 1 a 3] Pittsburgh (Veale 12-13) at New York ., til oog gga-g (soever iJ-ua, imU .ooo 1 •• Cl I . i, Detroit 2. , Total j 32 0100 ■ Hunter (L,12-13) J SSfson (W,13-12) _ * » l-J PB—Fraahan. T—J:1I. A-IMSL -10), night tmmrto________ Pittsburgh at New York' Chicago at Philadelphia Louis at Houston , I Atlanta at Los Angelas — R ER B« SOI Cincinnati at Sjin Fnancisc 2 l 0 *' Detroit . Hunter, ronl (7), I -Datrolt, McAuima (15), II (5), Leonhard (5), Watt (I) dricks; Siebert, Paul (3) and Paiul, 3-0. L—Brabender, 5-7. - Niaht Qmu California Chicago ■ . . McGlothlin, Pattln (5), B 1 Duncan, Paglla-Ison and Froan an. ”** . IMS. HRs J'Donoghur and Hnn- First-prize money in the 54-i® 3 hole tourney Is $2,000. One stroke back of the leaders were Cah>l Mann of Cincinnati; Gloria Ehret of Danbury,^ram., and Shirley Englehorn of Caldwell’ The tourney is named for Miss Englehorn. Miss Mann, leading money-winner on “thO women’s tour, missed a tie for the load when she called a one-stroke penalty on herself for missing a tap-in on the 11th hole. Iltford Ann Craed haron Miller sndra Haynie hirley Englehorn 33-35—59 3533-59 35-35—70 I) andiKi . W_ B< lu 35-37-7* . 37-35-72 15-35-72- Davis—Lackawanna Duncan—Flint . Mikola lewsk 1-Day ton World’s Fastest Human” Bob Hayes. PHI......... SUTTON, Mass. (AP) -! MANY LONG ONES 4 l S m i??! Arnold Palmer, one of golf’s all- other iong bomb aerials have ? 4 o « i7«!time 8reats- Joined the touring gone for 35 37; 4® 55) 57 and 58 gttjMbijlijjJ BT?? Friday in their dispute! yarders . with Ray Rentzel, Swith the PGA. , Haves and Pete Geht on the I Palmer, who attempted to [settle the controversy over tdpat po tp control 0f the tour, told a news s 3 gigconference that he made his 4 3 0 27 decision to go along with the 4 n J 241 players after considerable Jo 0 11 thought. att yds td! “'Flu5 >s not an easy decision « 304 51to make,” Palmer said. “Since : 25 155 5 my initial entry into golf, I have ::: 41 129 3!been.closely,associated with the !!n 5 PGA. My father has been a 1 PGA member for.many, many Hunlon—Lackawannt Kirby—Ypsl Szccllgn— Hsmtramck RECEI McElllgolt—Dayton . Kdlto—Flint Freeman—Dayton ATT COM -YDSTTO VearS. ’ . 79 45 237 10I “And, while I have played 73 » J23 5 amateur golf, basically, my .; S 23 270 4 association with folg from its vino 9 144 2| origin has been with the PGA," no yds yd I Palmer said he believed it ’ n 250 3 necessary because of the :: ::: a? 210 l PGA’s action Thursday i n :::: la 20? 1 refusing to grant the players Jo ’*5 ®'more control of the tour. By the Associated Press Associated Press Sports Writer The Cincinnati Reds made a big hit with the St. LoUis Cardinals after making five of them against the San Francjsco Giants. Waving their magical bats, the Reds reduced St. Louis’ magic number to three Friday night after a 6-3 victory oVer San Francisco that all but made the Giants disappear from the National League pennant race. The Reds, best hitting team in baseball, proved it to the Giants in one inning. Trailing 2-0 on Willie McCovey’s 34th homer and Jim Hart’s double and Dave Marshall’s sacrifice fly, Cincinnati unloaded in the seventh inning against Gaylord Perry. THREE DOUBLES cheering up after losing Houston 4-2. Despite their own almost certain center stage presence in the World Series, the Cardinals have been backing toward the pennant, losing seven of their last nine games. In the rest of the league, Jerry Koosman tied a record by pitching the New York Mets past Pittsburgh 2-0, Los Angeles beat Atlanta 2-0 and Philadel- An error, Lou Brock’s single and a walk loaded the bases with none out and drove out Dave Giusti. But Danny Coombs got Roger Maris to hit into a run-scoring force out and Steve | Shea induced Cepeda to hit into a double play, saving Giusti’s Alex Johnson opened, the inning with a triple and one out later Lee May, Tony Perez and Hal McRae stroked consecutive doubles for three runs. Leo Car- 110th victorty against 13 losses, Hayes and Pete Gent on 1 receiving end of most of them. The Lions and. the Cowboys are 1-1 in regular season series against each other, but Dallas, favorites to win the Eastern Division championship lias-^a-high powered offense which has piled up 152 points in six exhibition games compared to only 59 for Detroit. . * * In their pre-season statistics, tfe-CowBgya liovr iullcd^tir"-2,051 offensive yards to 1,149 for the Lions, with 1,246 passing to 625 for Detroit. Mel Farr and Dave Kopay are expected to be in the starting backfield for the Lions. Bdth were used sparingly last week in the loss to the New York Jets. it will be the biggest test in the football career of young Greg Landry, the No. 1 choice from Massachusjettes. LITTLE ACTION . Landry has seen an equivalent of four quarters of football in exhibition play and during this time- his passing record, shows nine completions in 20 attempts for 158 yards and one interception. The Cardinals needed a little denas then climaxed the eKip- If Munson isn’t ready- there’s ,! nothing we can do about It,” phiSKiphi. ’ .7 mo dof «b<^3 4 0 said head coach Joe Schmidt. .*!■“.'’H“ndlfy' This injm-y bug should leave us pretty soon.” WEEKEND PRO FOOTBALL _____________ft* . ten 2, (30). Chicago, Chicago ......... Philadelphia A...... Nya and Hundlty; .. __________________ (5), Jamet (5), Hall 009) and Ryan. W— Nya, 512. I___J. Johnion, 2-3. HR«--Chi- cago, William* (30), Bank* (32). tion with his fifth homer, knocking out Perry, 14-14. The Cardinals, nq big hit themselves lately, caught the show in Houston after again forgetting the script that had put them high atop the league. The Astros nad jumped on Ray Washburn, 12-7, for four runs in the first two innings, but Orlando Cepeda made it 4-1 in the fourth with his 16th homer phia downed, the Chicago Cubs|and the Cardinals had their; nibm [3-1’before losing 9-1 in. a twi- chance for another big hit in the losaJioeIm . Ml' iiight doubleheader. jpighth. W Ryan. W—Short, 17-11 Pittsburgh ........ 000 000 000-0 N«w York . oH'llO 00k—2 . . Moose, Sl*k (0) and May; Koosman and Martin. W—Koosman, 18-10. L—Moose, 5 " HRr-Wew York, Shamsky (12). and all ilmas EOT.________ Saturday'! sapt-14 NFL Atlanta at Mlnnaiota, 0 p.m. Houston (51) at Miami (50. * p.n). , Sunda^Sapt. 15 Philadelphia at Green -M Now York ot PtttobWA, 1:11 | At Dallas, 2:30p.m. ,. 2 p.m. II p.m. San Francisco st Baltbnsra> I p.m. Washington at Chicago, 2 p.m. Cleveland at New Orleans. 1:30 p.ihv ' . ■ APL New York- (0-0) at Kansas City (1-0), st Cincinnati/^bt), 1:10 I BullelotGl), 1:10 p.m. Denver (50) 1130 p.m. Oakland (50). illiIRWt WRo W , Lot AnoftlM it SI. Louis# t:SS p.m. &—A THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1968 u ffSSU AB i H HR RBI Pet B--- 4*0 51* 107 *6 474 Jt43 E 4(43 568 1154 115 512 .5“ ' 4923 514 1170 94 410 2 ~ 1*01 73 451 | 110 IT ™ * ,, Wright * ......« Ml Ft*. PrkJdy C i mm n a m sparm* c ■ " — • 35 -fi brio* Ch W. Horton Dot 172 135 77 12* * II 3 (4 (S 35 4) 7 7 3 1*( 175 47 103II 11 ( 145170 2*10013 4 3 120 *0 54 tt 4 7 3 1*4 60 5314* 14 '» 2 210 200 0181114 3 101 0 TO 10 13 5 3 224 *7 41 101014 3 120 14 44 0* 6 7 3 10 H 541271014 3 til ll 47 15412 13 I 145 28 54 101 412 3 *4 42 01 4 7 3. 0* 8 62 * 5 3Jo 04 0 m 311 in II 74102 i 10 1*0 21 35 55 414 40 0 52 0 * * 4.1* ... 30 7* 77 Oil 40 120 12* 47 . 00 4 13 4.*4 470 54 134 >11 61 .20* EIHt C«l 451 45 130 5 0 .2181 Hargan Cl* 403 44 IN 35 0 Jla1 Barfalaa Wat .„ ... ... 2*0 42 12 9 4* jaui Ortega Was 115414 0 0 512 4. NATIONAL iUOUl team battino ** “ M NR RBI p , 331 23 *4 4 41 270 i ” 371 0 109 1* M :ut; , . ________ 4(7 BIB 4 41 ,.277 Cloelnn»ll Davalillo Cal 504 47 140 3 31 Miptl . F.Howard Was 552 74 10 42 10 .275 Pittsburgh White NY 534 05 147. 16 » .275 St. Loul* K.Harrelson Bill 487 74 134 0 10 .275 Chicago Cartw Min “ 411 43 115. 1 » .275[San Frartclsc Reese Min 216 0 78 3 25 .273 Philadelphia Monday Oak 450 0122 6 44 .271 Houston Tovar MM 573 11 10 6 43 ,27tLo» Angeles Fr.Robin&n Bal 3*4 45 106 14 0 .26*[New York Aparldo CM 588 54 10 4 0 .26* ' Davis Chi 444 0 11* 4- 0 247 5far>ley. Pet 532 81 J39 11 57 .261 R.Smith Ban 514 71 134 13 0 241 Northrop Dot 527 44 137 ** B " Cardinal——“5*9 73 14J ».* MU Relchardt Cat T.Horton CMt’ R.Jackson Oak Barry Cltl MCAutlffa Dat Knoop Cal B.Roblmon Bal D.Johnson Bal Ca«h Pot________ Powell sat Stroud Was Fregosl Cdl Popmm NY McMulion Wat Allitan Min Sim* Cla Josephson Chi, B.ALLEN Wat McCraw CM Kotco NY 444 0 112 13 M .252 04 74 127 26 67 .252 40 0 115 7 n .20 51* 010 14 0 20 447 45 11.1 3 0 .248 "* ") 130 1* 0 247 566 » 13* * 46 .244 81 38 86 14 0 .245 515 8 T26 1* 0 .245 422 0 103 If 45 .244 87 45 82 11 ,j43 .243 5212 40 1431 *8 5*4 .275 5191 ** 1** 74 40 .20 5070 50 1271 70 4)4 ,251 510 58 1277 0 05 .20 502 576 120 121 542 .20 06* 01 1T08 *4 502 .33* 4*20 502 1154 *4 40 .28 4*8 476 118 41 40 .2 4*8 48 111* 63 3*4 .2 5064 07 1 M2 77 01 .2 INDIVIDUAL BATTINO (175 ai McCovey SF B. Williams Chi Haller LA Halm* Cln Bench Cln Will* Ppft May* PSF At II H HR RBI Ret. 559 87 191 10 43 .342 ____500 SH4A-0 49 .330 540 \74 173 2 S3 .320 406 67 119 10 52 .312 3QI 31 94 2 47 .305 SIS 46 152 1 29 .295 582 68 171 5 55 .294 459 72 137 34 93 .292 595 84 173 30 95 .2““ 436 32 126 4 47 .2 507.35 146 2 49 .2_ 560 78 161 27 80 .288 456 55 131 14 49 .287 504 61 142 15 79 .282 572 71 161 0 28 .281 I 31 69 3 26 .240 frock StL 395 30 94 6 4 I J37! Shannon StL 453 65 125 15 4i___________ 381 29 105 3 29 .276 610 84 167 5 45 .274 404 43 109 10 53 .270 445 57 120 5 47 .270 445 69 119 21 69 .267 470 51 111 » dM--..--, 432 0 102 14 15 .236 Gonzalez Phi 3** 8 *4 13 0 .236 Gabrielson LA . 382 44101 J) 280 8 74 \>8I 24 8 603 M '77 Epstein Clarke * 401 52 93 16 51 .232 411 8 *5 4 » .231 522 51 11* 2 8 .2 Donaldson Oak Ward CM Roiotoro Min (IT 37 8 2 2 Brjggt pill W.DlvIt LA Clendenon Pgh McCarver StL Hansan ( Casanova Scott Bar 441 35 92 2 20 .209 465 58 95 11 51 It 300 18 58 , 318 H SI RITCMIN* IP HBB SOW LERA MeOowell Cla 244 164 96 261 14 12 McLain Oat 304 220 54 254 29 5 SSHM ^br 146116 38 69 11 10 Jehn Chi 177135 4911610 5 McNally Bal 249 m 4918320 9 Bahnsen NY 234184 571421611 Parry A Hlllar C 204 163 49 150 1211 124 M 42 U 9 4 135 111 25 68 8 6 Slotttamvro NY 257 tt S.Williams Cla its 6 M3 79 47 68 8 5 1 ' ISM slHi) if .69 226161 98 ll# 1414 1 165 63 42 76 {K 0 181 76 156 11 13 ll# #191210 3 38 45 7010 5 ■ -2 8 i»(2i2 a u m to in STB 2*3 36 77 4 3* .20 470 ft. 123 0 8 .20 04 0 m 3 47 .259 523 0 135 2 37 .20 3*5 25 101 0 8 .2 2*4 32 75 7 2* .2 584 7/ 10 7 » a 526 ■ })> IS 77 X. 00 33 101 5 45 .253 467 M 117 3 38 451 53* 7* 133 53 0 .247 612 00 (If 1 8 .2" 552 0 1(5 16 67 .2 8* 0 *0 * 23 .2 4*9 53 122 6 52 3 07 67 11* ] 22 .2 85 45 94 13 3* .2. 355 2* 86 3 20 ,20 574 51 18 * 45 .24 Hazel Park Results FRIDAY RESULTS w-4i(M> cMltnMB poeot Bht mH* . Rose Seneca $8.0 8.8 82.0 Jasper's Scot X4t 3.00 Rad Rainbow fid 100/ Cendltloned Tret; m Devada Girl $13.0 *7... ---- Kendelwood Balia 14!$ 12.20 DAj£y DOUBLE: M %UM __ ,.88 er-ZK*--* pry.jwyn* Ace (MM ■ Trolwood Kate {float Jolly FELLED BY DRIVE — Arnold Palmer (center) shows concern over a spectator who was hit in the head by one of his tee shots in the Kemper Open at Sutton, Mass, yesterday. The spectator, Jphn Jamrogowicz, 52, was treated in a nearby hospital. He was about 240 yards from the tee. Paul Harney Finding Links Just Beautiful SUTTON, Mass. (AP) — Golf pro Paul Harney hardly can be blamed for being slightly prejudiced. He thinks his Pleasant Valley Country Club course “is just beautiful." «£ Harney had plenty of others agreeing with him—particularly veteran , Art Wall—as trimmed-down field trained its «lg.Jatitipn ah ,7 Fairly LA ' Jil White , Mil -Slstaroell Pah ■j5 Martinez All 345 S 11 * 35 .2 402 52 *4 22 45 .2 . » 32 72 0 10 .21 PITCHING ! (13 tt mart diclifoni) . ■ [Gibson StL 27*101 55 28 21 7 Ji Kline Pgh ,107 (7 27 811 4 Kooiman NY 2401*8 0101810 JI Abernathy CM Why Cl * |Sk. MOTORCYCLE lAU FALL CLEARANCE HIKE SAVINGS ANDERSON Sales & Service 1646 S. Telegraph Rd. Pi 3-710 248 If* 017* 1418 223171 14181313 33*201 54181412 18101 52 010 5 1171M 4* 10215 5 .12410 25 010 5 23*101 01016 * 1*2 181 010712 7 109 *1 23 62 8 4 •2 47 35 32 8 $ 101215 02048 I 1010 8114* * 261 215 5S1511414 220221 01551710 574 511 023*«17 14 22*50 41 15111 15 151 (8*43115 610 524 21510113 12 16 20310 8181214 174 152 8 10 114 mill 31 0 7 7 ----214 190 57 151 12 TT 232 194 8 18 16 9 234 200 44 10 12 16 1018 33 105 jU| Spectator Is Hit by Amies Shot SUTTON, Mass. W) -Pleasant Valley Country club employe was struck on the head by Arnold Palmer’s tee shot on the 10th fairway Friday in the second round of the $150,000 Kemper open golf tournament. The, man, identified as John Jamrigowicz, 52, of No Hh Grosvenordale, Conn., was taken by ambulance to St. Vincent hospital in .nearby Worcester. He was struck behind the right ear, but did not lose con-1 sights on, the 7,230-yard layout again today in the third round of the $150,000 Kemper Open golf tournament. ★ * f “It’s a beautiful bourse—just beautiful’’ the 39-year-old Harney said 1 Mila: —ttonwood Billie Meadow Hal s* Dillon'* Son May Scot s* Hoof Boat First Nibble Nil Lynn Fenella's Boy Mountain Logan 2nd—*110 Cond. Facet 1 Mila:--------- Jimmy Jayzoff McKeever Frisky Rick Adlos American Flower Lady Newport Grand Jubilee Ty Chief Mfaa Triple E 3rd—00 Cend. Facet 1 Mile: Arnold's Flash Rita Knight Little Tee Chief Midnight At's Knight Out D's Frisco Rush Sptady Farvel Race Victor 4th—ttSM Cond. Tret; 1 Mile: HoBo'i Laurie Lady Missile Dude's Sally. Lord Doylo Special Boy , Arborway “—"s Chip Duces Wild Furlongs: 130^ 7.1. H 130 W Sttr-MOOo'^Mdn. AtMt 4 Furtm^f Oft. TwM: (4-4) FpM ».0 9.0 S.IB True Heather Michigan Rei The Big Bear Miss Lustytown ♦thSSwS Praterrad Pacat 1 Mila Sudani Comet Speedy Creed Bye Y'All Boy Dillar Sweep Up Trotwood Tootle Shadow Wings litb-4110 (fond. Pacat 1 Mila ODD Miss Wood Cool Customer Aceway Stymie tet-Arr ~—■— ------Tfiorpu Aid—:— Cold Sunday Selene* Boy Jttm Sabby 10.0 4.0 3.0 tearing inunaer 10.0 6.0 lm| m Dandy SJ8 Twin OmtMai (44-4-1 > Paid *4,9740 (U DRC Entries MONDAY'S ENTRIES Attention Students! UNIVERSITY OF THE AlRH Two Week Tour of Europe Four to Choose Front * I Two Wooks ot ALLIANCE FRANCAISE ■ In Pori* ..., ,,<>•<...... .,<**•••• II Two W*«ks at Th« Univorsity Town of HEIDELBERG, Germany........... III Two Wooks ot The University of FLORENCE, Italy.......... ....... IV Twol Weeks at Tho University of BARCELONA, Spain.............•••■ Includes.• *357 *377 *387 *397 Round-trip airttftr from N.Ye. airporr Tranwn, doily instruction in Fmnth, German, Spanish! ©r Italian. AMERICANnNTERIMTIONAtE TRAVEL SERVICE 4120 W. Maple, BIRMINGHAM, 851-0100 GARAGES MDEALNOW ■SAVE NOW! Tahitian Dancer Baa's Little Man Klelnat Mndchan Skaa Ruler Bold Rag* 7th—*380 M Yonnla Girl a-Guantanamo Samira_______ Free Doga Desert King . Labor Saver Black Fulcrum Otomano English Prairie 4 Furlongs: Reigning Court Buirmr . Fleet Surprise Bond's Fall a-Dotted Mark Tonga Base a-On A.Stage Filly Folly n Berg Stable entry I On Display iTYiARS TO PAY ON F.H.A EXPERT CEMENT WORK -MODERNIZATION- • Attics • Rec. Rooms AdiGtions •Breezeways Aluminum Siding • Insulation GARAGE ““S— 5744 HIGHLAND ROAD (M-59) Between Creteent Lake and Airport Rd*t _ TAKE AIRPORT ROAD-EAST ON M-58 OR 4-0371 Open Daily and Sunday 9 A.M. to 7 P.M. Look! Now fence Ideas from Anchor* Fnjtact,, children, pets and property ...with a choice of Chain Link, Privacy, PideBt or wood. Chain link variety includes new forest green vinyl-coatdd Permafuaed*. aluminum or steel in 1" Modernmesh or 2" waava; Call tar free astinteta. [;,;,:::f;A,,i;FE'5-747! NO DOWN PAYMENT • low MONTHLY PAYMENTS Dryden Victor Almont Romps Dryden and Almont opene( the ’68 grid campaign with ahutout victories last night. May ville was an 1841 victim of Dryden, wHile Almont pinned a 33-6 setback on Grosse Pointe University School. David Wilcox scored twice for Dryden, the first on a 45-yard pass fifori Jack West and the. second on a 46-yard run with a" fumble. The Cardinals’ other tally came on a six-yard run by Greg Howard. SCORE TWICE FYank , Bacholzky anff Art| Currey scored two touchdowns apiece to pace the Almont at-* * * Frank tallied bn a three-yard run in the first and bolted over i seven yards out in~tbe third. Currey hauled in a32-yard pass from JohrrBHCholzky — Frank’s twin — and raced one yard for his second marker. John Bach0lz1cy~picked up the other six-pointer on a one-yard snehk. Dennis Garner booted three extra p^nts. BRIGHT FUTURE'^-. They’re looking forward to a bright future, filled with the promise of many rich and rewarding experiences . . . and increased financial obligations! You and your family can afford to meet the future if you plan wisely now. Make a habit of saving with CAPITOL, where your savings earn more. -Maximum dividends compounded regularly. CURRENT ANNUAL RATE CAPITOL Offer 5%% CURRENT ANNUAL ... RATE A happy family Is ont that is prepared for any occasion. Facing tho furore with a happy outlook, secure in the knowledge that their family has security. What better assurance could they have, Money at CAPITOL earns a rata of 4%%, paid and compounded quarterly. The annual rate on funds left in your account for 12 months is 4.84%. SAVINGS BONUS CERTIFICATES CAPITOL'S NEW BONUS SAVINGS CERTIFICATES offsr earnings Of 5Vi% on funds invested for a specified time (six months or longer). Certificates in amount of $5,001 or more are issued and automatically renewed. 4- CAPITOL SAVINGS WAN ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED 1890 • LANSING, MICHIGAN 75 W. HURON STREET, PONTIAC 338-T12T THE PONTIAC PRESS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1968 C—1 Howe fiettiw 1 Architect Effects Air Of Spaciousness In The Long, Low Ranch Home Of Dr. And Mrs. Warren B. Cooksey Located In Troy Authentic Basa Was Used In Ikebana Arrangement Rice Paper Globe Lights Seating Arrangement 'Adiniration' By Marshall Fredericks On Fireplace Couple Favors Oriental Decor Silk Wall Hangings In Living Room Date Bade To The 17th Century By JODY HEADLEE Home Editor, The Pontiac Press “When the doctor and I first made plans to move into our s little home,” said Mrs. Warren B. Cooksey of Troy, “we called it the Gee-Gee house — short for grandmother and grandfather. But after we both suffered heart attacks we changed the name to ‘cardiac retreat.' “And this house is perfect.' It's all on one floor which eliminates stair climbing and the attached garage even avoids going out in bad weather to get into the Jj§You see, after our children were grown and away, we decided that we would move into* an apartment because our family home was just too large for two people, We even went so far a6 to rent a place and pay two months’ rent. But we never moved in. * * * “The more we thought about the idea, the less we liked it. We both liked the outdoors too much. We started looking for a house. OUR HOUSE In the living room rich-hued oriental rugs accent the green-toned carpet. In the mush: corner, Mrs. Cooksey chose a bittersweet Wood framed chair to accompany her ancient handcarved teak wood table. “The only nail in the entire table,” said Mrs. Cooksey, “was put there by my son when he was two years old. I just left it there. And now that he’s grown with children of his own, I’m glad I did.” Centering the table is an arrangement of pine and white chrysanthemums in a green container. “I was born in Japan,” Cooksey, “and admire the Japanese method of flower arranging.” Mrs. Cooksey assisted Mrs. Lawson MacKenzie (now of Washington, D.C.) in the organization of the area chapter of Ikebana International, a group which studies not only the art of Japanese flower arranging but also the country’s history and traditions. ★ ★ ★ Before the fireplace on the raised hearth is another example of the Ikebana method of arranging flowers. “The dried pine_ branch with its cones, said Mrs. Cooksey, “it used to show that it has fully lived. The living green pine signifies strength and a continuity of life. And the blossoms are symbolic of life itself. death temporary “Hie Japanese are nature lovers,” she continued. “They believe in perpetual lile and that nothing remains, dead forever.” ‘ In the kakimono (the painted silk wall hangings) corner also hangs a' wood Tai (Fish) In Foyer When we found this one we knew right away it was ours. It was just what we were looking for — small yet it -gave the feeling of spaciousness.” w ★ Because theiir home is small, the Cookseys both favored the oriental mood with its simplicity and lack of clutter. ★ * ★ At the end of the entrance foyer a white porcelain fish light and shell planter hang. it '% it- it “‘The planter arrangement came with the house,” said Mrs, .Cooksey, “and at , first, .1 wondered about working it into opr theme.But when ITookel af tTmore closely, I saw it was a tai, or fishr and knew it would fit perfectly.” block print of a Japanese lady dating back to the 17th century. r “the figurines on the cabinet,” said Mrs. Cooksey, “are Hakata dolls, Ogee San and Oba San. Ogee San means grandfather and Oba San, grandmother. C—9 THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1998 GRAND OPENING: Brut New Apartments Betweei Two Loielj lakes Spacious 1 arid 2-bedroom apartments facing'Cass and Sylvan Lakes In one of Michigan's most beautiful wooded, areas. Apartments ere air-conditioned, sound conditioned, fully carpeted —with large living room, separate dining area, private balcony, deluxe kitchen, and your bwn private beach on Sylvan Lake! Private boat docks. Rentals from $15? monthly. Sylvan on the Lakes LUXURY APARTMENTS "NOW” IS THE TIME FOR NOME IMPROVEMENT WE DO EVERYTHING IN HOME IMPROVEMENTS Free Estimates - Cheerfilly Given KITCHBNS • Plumbing • Awnings • Tiling • Plastering • Custom Cabinets • Aluminum siding • Custom Aluminum Trim • Combination Windows BATHROOMS INTERIORS BUDGET TERMS No Down Payment CALL FE 4-2575 24 Hour Phono Soryieo MIDWEST BUILDERS • SUPPLY 718 W. Huron St. Licensed Builder—— “Member Chamber of Commerce" Established 1936 P0HTIA0 MILLER REALTY NO HOUSE PAYMENT with all the apace and comfort of a 3-bedroom home. This West-suburban duplex features 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen and bath each side, with separate basements, oat furnaces and meters. Only $19,950. WEST SIDE 2-unit income In excellent repair. Dawn features living ream with brick fireplace, dining room, 2 bedrooms, large kitchen, bath, lots of closets. Rents for $150 month. Up, haeJiving room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, bath and lots of closet space. Rents for $135 month. Full basement, gas heat. Separate meters. 3-car garage. Just $19,950, terms. Immediate possession. WEST SIDE 7 room brick. Carpet, drapes. Close to Tel-Huron. Excellent neighborhood. $21,900. WEST SIDE 3 BEDROOMS, aluminum tided home. Lovely 11 x21 kitchen with built-in oven and range, Full basement with new incinerator and water heater. Gat heat. New 2-car garage. $22,900 with mortgage terms. "0" DOWN, JUST CLOSING COSTS. North side ranch close to schools and stares. 3 lovely bedrooms, 14>t14 carpeted living roam. Eating space in kitchen, full basement, gas heat. Large Anchor fenced back yard. Just $15,500. GENERAL HOSPITAL AREA and sharp as a tack. Newly decorated and immaculate. 8 rooms, 1 Mi new baths with vanities. Large remodeled kitchen, formal dining room. Lovely carpeted living room with fireplace. Full basement. Steam heat. See this first, then quit looking. $15,950. FHA. MILLER REALTY Co. AARON BAUGHEY, Realtor 4T0 W. HURON ST. PE 2-0262 Have yon ever wanted to live at the water’s edge? Only 35 Minutes from Downtown Detroit Early Detection! Saves Money By VIVIAN BROWN I AP Newsfeatures Writer | A good house detective can save herself c o ri s I d e r a b 1 el I money. For example, two elderly i I sisters were puzzled by strange j looking puffed-up lines on thein cellar walls, (fee day, one sister said, ^Tm either going off my rockier or this side of the house( is sagging.” She wasn’t losing her senses. As It turned out, when she called In an expert, he said one frightening world’ “termites.” The repairs were expensive and extensive. They were sorry that they hadn’t recognized the termite symptoms * before the ceiling sagged. Neither sister i recognized the tubuldr looking runs that had been made by the destructive insects. | One couple returned from.a long trip to a flooded cellar. They had repaired leaks- to cellar' pipes from time to time and they knew the pipes were old but they didn’t want to spend the money for new pipes. Floods did more damage than the original estimate given to them for new pipes. There wasj damage to stored items that included furniture, sporting equipment — skis, tennis] rackets. Water seeped into a 'recreation room, ruining floors,! .furmture and fabrics. * * * Another family spent a considerable sum on oil heat each year without investigating why the tab was so large for their tiny house. It never occurred to thtem that perhaps a new furnace would save money. A heating engineer pointed out tq them that their house was equipped with an old coal furnace that had been converted i to oil. Their new furnace could be paid off in a few years with| the money saved on their new [burner. Many old houses have small chimneys that originally , served flues' from kitchen coal stoves. I The temptation is to make these old chimneys useful if they are going to be on the house. j One family removed the stove and its flue hut decided to continue to use the area as an indoor barbecue putting a fancy hood over it. * * + It was fortunate they had such an idea. A chimney man examininng the outdoor chimney that had been unused for years found the bricks to be dangerously loose. He advised them that a severe accident might have occurred if strong zes had sent, bricks flying to patio below. Anyone with a dug well should be alert to building going C3 in their area. One family noticed that their water was ’ w’ * j to taste bad and they found it to be contaminated WhOn it was tested. An investigation showed that a builder had installed some •eptec tank runs from houses built on higher land and that '* i runs were in the direction of •uses below with their . The runs from the —«... RMLc^tenk bed to be diverted. Unusual Spanish tri-level. This home has beamed ceilings—family room with fireplace, 2 baths, 3 or 4-badrgpmt. DIRCETIONS: M-59 west to BOgiwLake Road, loft to Biscayna and fallow signs. Modal Pictured. Beautiful three bedroom brick ranch— sunken living room — carpeting, qualify materials throughout, full boso-ment, large wooded lot. DIRECTIONS: Toko Cooley Lake .Road to Petralia and follow signs. Puce $29,800. LES BROWN OPEN SUNDRY 2-6P.M. BUILDER REALTOR 332-0552 Office Open Sun. 12-5 CUSTOM built multi-lavol home — beamed ceiling, sunken living room, 3,000 sq. ft. of living area. Many, many features. A real showpiece. DIRECTIONS: Walton Blvd. to School-house drive. Model, picture. COUNTRY estate-Nine room tri-levol located on 12% acres with pend. DIRECTIONS: M-l 5 north from Clarkston to Oakhill road, right to property, follow signs. Price $39,900. Simla, (Ssptsmbsr 15) -1 to 5 p.m.-ln Postisc Refreshments! Door Prize-An Electric Carving Knife! OPEN HOUSE Come See a Beautiful CAPP-HOME * Erected, closed in and ready to finish! The Raymond Reicho Homo YOU CAN BUY THE FINEST—A CAPP-HOME-ANO SAVE A LOT OF MONEY. FINANCING FOR EVERYONE. FIRM PRICES INCLUDE MANY EXTRAS! This ik the home preferred by thousands in 35 states. Capp-Homes are built belter than the building codes. You can get 100% financing or you can pay as little as 10% down. You get all the building materials for a complete home—inside and out, and you can include plumbing, heating, custom designed kitchen‘cabinets and electrical packages with fixtures. 100s of plans to choose from, or use your own. Our carpenters do the heavy construction on yoqy lot and foundation. Inspect the fine quality labor and materials for yourself! HOW TO GET TO THE CAPP-HOME OPEN HOUSE: Drive out on W«*l Huron to Gm Lake Road. Turn left on Cans Lake Road to Cana Klisalieth Road to Parkway. Turn left to 1170 Parkway, l/iok for the ()|ien House aignx. ___________________________ YOUR CAPP-HOME REPRESENTATIVE: GftPP-HOMES, Charles McGrow 1609 Crane Court Midland, Michigan 48640 Phona: (517) 835-1884 3355 Hiawatha Ave. * Minneapolis. Minn. 55406 EASTHAM 5503 RAINBOW LANE Within walking distance of Our Lady of Lakes School and Church. Beautiful custom built colonial with 4 bedrooms, 2Vk baths, family ream with fireplace. Has much, much mere. Open for your inspection Sunday 2 to 5 P M. Take Dixie Hwy. north to left, on Cambrook to RAINBOW LANl to property. Full price $38,500. 7345 MILFORD ROAD Beautiful 10-acre form is a masterpiece of serenity and good taste. Make it a must to see this Sunday, 2 to 5 P.M» Take M-59 west from Pontiac to right on Milford Rqad, approximately 5 miles to property. Realistically priced at only $48,500. ' YOUR HOSTESS: Grace Dudley G.S.P. YOUR HOST- Tom Jackson Our GUARANTEED SALES PLAN is unique guarantee the sale of yoifr present home your new homb from us or not. - * In the Waterford Plan THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1968 C—8 G ft N CONSTRUCTION & ELLIS FOOTMCSIMC»m>* • ADDITIONS • ALUMINUM SIDING • BREEZEWAYS . • ATTIC CONVIRSIONS • AWNING WINDOWS • AWNINGS • DENS • RATIOS • GARAGES • RECREATION ROOMS • CONCRETE WORK-MASONRY • KITCHENS • FAMILY ROOMS • BATHROOMS • STORM and SCREEN DOOSS and WINDOWS Our It M.rt*.*. Eln 86 North Saginaw - Downtown Pontiac ■ Housing Law Discussed Builders fo Meet Monday Plans for a month-Ion observance of better housing for all who live in the Detroit metropolitan region will be discussed at a general membership meeting sponsored by the Builders Association of Metropolitan Detroit Monday evening. Gilbert B. Silverman, president of the 800-member BAMD, in announcing plans for the meeting, said it would be held at the new Raleigh House, Telegraph Road and Ten Mile, and would start with a social hour at 5 p.m. Practically every build engaged in single-home and! parts of1 Michigan, and apartment-house construction in] representatives of contractor the area will attend the meeting] groups outside the residential and hear the guest speaker, construction field and Real. Estate Is Our FULL TIME Business ... And Sincerity Is The Key To Our Success o After several years of study and schooling, we opened our office in Pontiac. • We invested thousands of dollars to make our business a dependable and lasting one. • We went to* real estate seminars at the state and local level. • We attended schools in economic? and finance at local banks. • We participated in educatiohal realtor meetings. . • We became menlbers of sound local, state and na&onal realtor associations. • We belong to Multiple Listing ... It's the best service for our customers. • We work seven days and seven nights each week to insure our clients* satisfaction. • We are REALTORS! • We don't plan to get rich easy and quick, but we do plan to work hard at providing good service . . t to buyers and sellers alike. Can we put our ability and experience to work for you? Kampsen Realty & Building Company FE 4-0921 1071W. Huron St. Joseph McGrath, legislative counsel for the National Association of Homei Builders, „_____. country’s n e w housing law, which has been called the “broadest and most comprehensive piece of federal legislation passed by Congress since creation Of the Federal Housing Administration in the mid-r ■ A special invitation has gone out from Silverman’s office to officers of the various real-state boards the metropolitan, area, the Michigan Mortgage Bankers Association, the Society of Real Ml Appraisers, the Michigan Real Estate Association and its affiliated builder groups in all Think Snow Now or Be Sorry, Later When you have to turn on the air conditioning to keep cool, snow removal is farthest from your mind. However, summer is the proper timfe to install an automatic snow-melting system in the sidewalk or driveway. If you see pipe being laid in the sidewalk somewhere, that’s exactly what’s going on. In an automatic system, hot water heated by a boiler or heat exchanger is circulated through the pipe. When snow starts to fall, the system is turned on either manually or automatically, melting the snow before it has a chance to accumulate. ★ * More and more stores, hospitals, churches and other “public’’ buildings are having such systems installed in sidewalks, parking lots and steps to eliminate the problem of snow removal by a more tedious process, especially view of labor shortages and the high cost of snow removal when someone willing Uptake on this kind of job is available. Automatic snow-melting is beginnings to catch on with homeowners too. You and your neighbors might consider the installation of this convenience as a block undertaking. Start Day Off Smiling Breakfast in the sunshine takes the grumpiness out of getting up, so why not move the kitchen table outdoors for the summer? It’s easy to expand the kitchen outside with a small, floor-level deck of Douglas fir or cedar 2x4s. Open up the connecting wall with a sliding glass door. spokesmen frywthe unions in the building trades. HOUSING ACT Silverman added that the 1968 Housing Act had set up many new programs which provide federal incentives, grants running into the hundreds oi millions of dollars vast subsidy programs and other assistance for those wanting to participate in new programs that will provide more and better homes for low-income families as well as those who can afford to buy the higher priced homes apartments or rent them. “This meeting could be .the beginning of a change in the entire operation of many builders and building, firms, as well as suppliers of materials,’’ said Silverman. “It is most important, we believe, that builders and others participating in home construction familiarize themselves immediately with all the provisions of the 1968 Housing Act. The Department of Housing and Urban Development shortly will publish regulations which will govern the construction of all this new housing in Detroit and elsewhere, and in the not distant future we will be hearing lot about the f e d e r a 1 appropriations for this work.’’ Silverman cited ' these highlights of the new federal law: A new home ownership program. A new rental housing pro- pliers to the residential con-struction industry and other participating In the over-all housing effort in our city and state.” Another speaker on the program will be Ivan Foerster, president of the Michigan Association of Home Builders, who will discuss property rehabilitation and remodeling. LUMBER CO. 151 Oakland Ave. Customized GARAGE BUILDERS • A Garage and Price to Fit Everyone's Needs • Attached er Unattached - : Brick or Frame Call FE 4-1594 Now for Free Estimate A new neighborhood development program. Two new types of mortgage insurance for seasonal homes and cooperatives or condominiums. The act also makes major amendments to the nursing home program of the federal government, and also for col-housing and loans for home improvement. “Mr. McGrath is one of the most knowledgeable men in this field,” said Silverman. “He is bringing a lot of information to this meeting, all of which will be of Interest to home builders, apartment builders, mortgage bankers, sub-contractors, sup- FAMILY HOME-10 room, ____________ to bo found in thi. lovoiy oldar horn* that faotura. 5 bedroom., don, tunioom, formal dining room, brick firoplaco and 4-car garage. Situated on a beautiful .haded lot in a vary do.irablo area. Sa much homo, for *uch a price, you'll naver believe itl M-24 to lutdick St. (in Oxford), (aft to Pleacant, right to property. Your hoirtett—Pearl Mclnfoth. YOU CANT BUY THIS HOME IT IS ONE OF OUR MANY MODELS - Bat we would bo happy hwduplicate it for you on your lot or one of our*., Thi. 3 bad roam ranch ic aluminum tided, fully inaulatad, ha* 1 V* bath*, full baserhent, oak floor*, .aalad-gla** window*, cut-tom feature! wo would like, you to Impact foryourtolt. Located at the comer of Scott Lake Rd. and Watkini Laka Rd. it it open Sat. and Sun. 1 to 6' p.m., dally by appointment. THE RISK-FREE WAY TO SPEHD YOUR EQUITY BATEMAN will guarantee "in writing" the tale of your preterit homo to enable you to buy now and toll later without the ritk of awning two hornet. Enable! you to toll at the highett market price and in the event yaw homo It not told by doting time of your ' now homei BATEMAN will write you a chock for your equity at par guarantee. CALL FOR APPOINTMENT. MINI ESTATE — Escape from the busy world of business into this Quad Level in a setting reminiscent of the North Woods. Quality built — it features 3 bedrooms, 2Vz baths, a paneled office on the lower level, family room With fireplace and wet bar, large kitchen with breakfast space. $54,900. All thri above and frontage on beautiful Dunham lake. Landscaped stone retaining walls. See this today for family fun and relaxation. MAX BROOCK, inc. Ml 4-6700 BIRMINGHAM Realtors JO 4-6700 WHY TAKE A CHANGE WHEN SELLING YOUR HOME? YORK REAL ESTATE COMPANY WILL GUARANTEE THE SALE OF YOUR HOME Call the office nearest you For a Free Appraisal Without Obligation Phone OR 4-036$ 4713 Dixie Hwy. Drayton Plains Phone FE 8-7176 1702 S. Telegraph Pontine, Mich. WE SELL MORE THAR 3 HOME S PER DAY! uifiiii; c—4 THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1968 Paul Wyatt Co. "We Specialize in Dirt" HORIZONTAL BORING irimi ky •" h 14- EARTH MOVING BACKHOI TO 20' DEER , ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITtfS Phone PC 8*4107 Americans Favor Apartment Colonies For many persons, the “vine-covered cottage ,by the side of [the road” is being replaced in | popularity by apartment colonies with swimming pools,; [social clubs, sauna baths, air conditioning, premium building products and floors plans that rival single family homes, the Ponderosa Pine Woodkwork Association convehtion was told. Due to social, economic and ANGELUS MEADOWS ll =; ,4 Mi r^-it 3631 MEADOWLEIGH OPIN SUNDAY 2 to 5 P.M. Lovely 3-bedroom custom built brick ranch home with full basement, attached 2-car garage, 2 full baths, built-in kitchen, fireplace in the living room and in the basement. Here is an excellent location. YOOK HOST: Haviland DIRECTIONS: Walton Blvd. to Clintonvillo Read to Lake Angelus Road to a loft on Meadowleigh, watch for open signs. VISIT Our n«w VAL-U-VISION show of homos at our office or havo a courteous salsa* parson oxplain this now msthod to you. McCullough realty 674-2236 5460 Highland Road 363-5065 population changes, 45 per cent of the projected. 1.4: million housing starts in the U.S. this year should be apartments, according to Wes Wise, editor and associate publisher of ^ Apartment Construction News, New York. He forecast construction of >0,000 units in multi-family buildings next year and many as 950,000 units annually by 1970, which would double ‘han at anytime in the past. for inner-city, 1 o w - i n c o m e families. Marked improvement in design and quality, including aprtment communities nursery schools, tot yards, teen clubs and other facilities for children. * * “The new air-conditioned ipartment homes now being built and on the drawing boards are larger in square footage Aluminum Nails Conduct the Heat 1967 production. “These goals are realistic because of strong demand and because the tax rise and federal budget cuts are making more mortgage money available to builders,” the national trade magazine editor said. TREND The woodwork producers were told that the apartment building trend stems from the following: . A surge In the number of young people, members of the Psychedelic Pepsi-Gener tion.” who are natural apartment dwellers. “By 1985 there will be a need for 30 million housing units for the age group j 20 to 34, which represents GO discussed, percent of the nation’s totall About 70 per cent of new housing inventory as of today.” j apartments are in garden-type * tk. M-tv. ini structures, with the balance in which allows childless yo^g ^86' the convention was married to enjoy the freedom of UMtl‘ * * * They utilize quality features such as paneled doors, premium priced wood windows, dishwashers and disposals, two baths, fireplaces, waR paneling and other products once confined to single-family houses,” the woodwork producers were told. The market Is so favorable that numerous single-family! home builders aire switching to I apartment development, Wise I CONFERENCE A record attendance is expected this fall at the annual conference of the National Apartment Association in Las Vegas, where new ideas in multi-family housing will The next time ypur bust heads for the building supply store on Saturday, ask him to do you and himself a favor by looking into the subject of aluminum, nails. The larger sizes—from a 4-inch 20-penny nail to the 7-inch gutter spike—are great for baking potatoes faster. That’s bow you can benefit. , . ★ ★ * To use thos£ nails as cooking aids, take a large potato and drive the nail through it, then wrap it in foil. The foil traps moisture inside for fresher eating. ★ it it The nail carries beat directly to the,heart of the potato since aluminum is one of the world’s best conductors, something you know from your cookware,; Cooking time can be reduced by !a third to a half. A caution: use a mitt taking! that nail out. It is laterally hotter than a hot potato. ; Wards 11-ga. Chain-Link fence fabric 72c Enjoy security, privacy, beauty! Installation available ... call 682-4940 today for a FREE astimato in tho comfort of your homo. Gate and terminals extra. I FOOT INCLD. FABRIC, LINE POST AND TOP BAIL 100 FT. MINIMUM apartment living for a longer, span ~of years than previous' Hard Water Annoying SEE OUR NEW 1969 MODELS IN SCENIC TWIN LAKES VILLAGE Built by Mastercraft Building Co. Institutions such as life in- fSSlSeH fate is now at an all-time low. • An increase in the percent ‘h.c ProJected demand’ tage of single-peVsonWiseadded households, in all age groups. * - - —-V— Older folks whose children have left their single-family homes and who desire the' leisure of no-maintenance living in luxury apartments and town houses. • Continuous growth of, ubranized areas, forcing higher! Eighty-five per cent of U. S. housing density to. achieve homes are in so-called “hard{ economic land use. “By 1965, [water” areas. Hardness is es-over 60 percent of a vastly ex- sentially calcium and magnes-panded population will live in ium compounds found in water, cities or suburbs, compared to Unless removed by a water 50 percent now.” softening appliance, these hard- • Rising cpsts of construction er can recommend a solution to • New government programs (the “hard water” problem, lof subsidizing housing finance] —------—--------- j Layout Ideas I Looking for layout ideas for. 'fourpnew bathroom’ A booklet containing 34 layouts is avail-i able. Send a 6-cent stamp and 125 cents in coin to the Plumb-, ing-Heating-Cooling Information 'Bureau. 35 E. Wacker Dr., Chicago. Ill . 60601. MODELS OPEN DAILY 1 TO 7 PM. (EXCEPT FRIDAYS. Completely Furnished and Landscaped 20 WATERFRONT LOTS 30 WOODED LAKE PRIVILEGED LOTS DIRECTIONS - Highland Rd. West, Left on Sonnybeach Rd. Follow signs We Will Guarantee the Sale of Your PreBent Home Sales Attendants on Property JACK FRUSHOUR HARVEY KEITH JIM DeFLORIO CHUCK SHOTWELL DAVID KERR eiuiuMt sol/tA, b^z MARILYN VAUGHN BOB GIROUX BILL GIROUX VIRGINIA FLANNlGAN ROGER PRATT 5710 WHUotm Lake Road REALTY 674-2245 OPEN SUNDAY 2 to 5 6040 CRAMLANE, Clarkstou 3-bedroom ranch featuring 1 Vb baths, first floor family room, gas heat, water softener and full basement. Located in an excellent neighborhood with paved street and community water. Offered at only $25,950 and we can arrange your financing. DIRECTIONS: North on Dixia Highway to a right at AA-15 to a right at Walden Road, and right on Cramlan*. Watch for Open Sign*. YOUR HOSTESS Kay Svetcos TIMES REALTY 623-0600 5890 DIXIE HIGHWAY OPEN DAILY 9 to 9 OPEN SUNDAY 1 to 5 AVAV!A!f MK'fA?ATA l ROYER ► ^ We at ROYER REALTY are Proud to Present Our Staff ^ Gerry Hooper - Clarkston N Rhea Fay - Orion _ JelenKopecek ^ North Rochester Jeans - Oxford Jerry Paquette - Pontiac Harold Gerow - Oxford ^4 Dick Conlon— Auburn Heights ==~ Randy Davisson-Sales Manager ^4 Donald Deaver - General Manager ^ To Serve You Better — Royer Realty, Inc. WE BUILD, SELL, TRADE, BUY OXFORD PHONE: 628-2548 823 M-24 < ( VAVaVAWaVAVaV > THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1968 C—5 Listen,Act, Then Save Plumbing's Chatter Is Warning There are few household noises as disconcerting as the banging and chattering of plumbing. Sometimes, when you open or dtise a faucet, you would swear that the pipes were going to pull themselves apart. * a • * Hie assumption is not too far from wrong. Aside from the annoyance, there is a danger that the surge of water that causes the disturbing sounds will damage unsupported pipes and weaken threaded joints. . ★ * , a In the beginning the noise is. a warning. Eliminate it right away and you can Svoid costly repairs later on. The sort' of minor chattering that occurs when a faucet is partially opened is easiest to correct. You also may hear a whistling sound. The problem is right in the faucet. CHECK Take the faucet apart and check the washer. It may be loose or the screw that holds it broken or corroded. • The washer also may be damaged. Replace the washer and/or the brass screw. Let us help with a Home Improvement Loan Don't delay needed addition* or repairs any longer. A low-cost . Home Improvement Loan can make your home more livablednd enjoyable — now! 4 Convenient Locations to Serve You 1 Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Hours; 9:30 A.M.-4:38 P.M. Daily Including Saturday - Friday to 6:00 P.M. CREDIT DEPT. HOURS: 8:30 A.M. to 5:08 P.M. including ALL DAY SATURDAY Phono: 689-1092 PH: 688-4200 Troy National Bank DESIGNED JUST FOR YOU! HOMES WHICH SPEAK AN INVITATION TO BETTER LIVING wmmm 1052 N. CASS LAKE ROAD DUPLICATED ON YOUR SITE *19,400 Your first (dimpte of a new home of cherished quality, design and charm ... invite* you to step inside and discover a better way of living. You’ll see how the lateat in modern, efficient design ha* been coordinated with the charm and comfort you want in your new home. Accept our invitation and see our latest model* today. Open. Unity .2 tn 8 P.M. - FROM WESTRIDGE OF WATERFORD HOMES CREATED BY FRUSHOl’R & ANGEL - D. J. MASON CONST. CO. Direction*: North on Dixie Highway, left at Our Lady of the Lake* Church and School, < % block south of Anderwmville Rd.Watch for sign. LAKEVIEW ESTATES -- LAKE ANGELUS HOMES CREATED BY BOOTH, INC. By Appointment l *29,900 FABULOUS FOX BAY HOMES CREATED BY BELAIRE BUILDERS, INC. Open Sunday 2 to 5 P.M. *27*200 Direction: West on Elisabeth Lake Road O’NEIL REALTY $520 Pontiac Lake Rd. OR 4-2222 Office Open Sunday 1-4 The chattering end vibration also may be due to Improperly supported pipes. There should be hanger Straps supporting the pipes from wall studs or ceiling joists. Pipes should not be right up against a beam or you will get a noise from expansion. * * * ., Hie hammering noise that is so disturbing occurs when there is a sudden stoppage of water when a faucet is closed. With the sydden interruption in the flow, the water bounces against the pipe and the force is quite strong. mStS * * Most plumbing systems provide a means to cushion this shock. An air chamber is provided in the form of a two- or three-foot length of pipe set in the cold water line. Hie pipe u capped to seal in air. When the stoppage causes an impact, the air compresses and absorbs the tshock. place of elbows and install capped airtraps. * * * Use pipe of the same diameter already in use. If there is an air chamber in the system, check it to see if it has become filled with water. SOLUTION The pipe will havp to be drained, replaced and restaled. Noises will occur in hot water systems. The hot water entering the cold pipes causes expansion that can be noisy. A tail of pipe in the water' line dose to the* water heater will eliminate this. * * * If you can’t find such a coil' ready-made, make one by polling %-inch copper tubing around a jar or other cylinder about three inches in diameter. Make about six turns. h I * * Crimp and solder one end to seal it. Install the other end in a T in the hot-water line. TOO HOT Sometimes just turning your i thermostat down a little will stop the noise. The water should not be heated to more than 160 . degrees. Avoid further problems-repair noisy plumbing uReady to Serve You Nou>” “One Call Does It Air 7750 HACKETTj REALTY EM 3*6703 MODEL OPEN M-59 and Dolane Dr. Ph. 363-6700 V/ Sign of Action Your Lining Will Receive Prompt Attention We Have Cash Buyers Waiting; “List With Hackett and Start to Pack It!** 7750 COOLEY LAKE RD.-UNION LAKE WHY PAY TRAILER PARK RENT? See Monticello Estates Now! 238 Acre Mobile Home Subdivision- "Country Living for the Discriminating Taste'* —16 High Restrictions For Your Protection- AIR CHAMBER Most plumbing systems have tl an air chamber at the end of a s water pipe above the highest n faucet. But they can be put in d imost anywhere. . , , * * * * * * If it gets hotter than this. Just tap a T-fitting into the steam will start rumbling| line for the extra opening. You through the pipes. If turning ! can create air chambers with.[down the thermostat has, no ef-, just a few inches of pipe for Ifect, have it checked. It may individual faucets. Install Ts in'need adjusting. e 60-ft. wide paved streets 6 Underground utilities.including gas • As low as $300 down — $40 per month to qualified buyers • 81 j miles of lots • Low taxes CALL NOW CE 4-682T~or— PI 2-3111 Cash, or Terms Open 7 Days a Week A Real “Refine’s Haven” UN ft. from proposed expressway exit • ’a mile from new M-78 cross-town expresswoy * Lot sizes from 80' wide by 135' deep . . . . for a better way of life? LIVE the quiet country life that it Lakeland Estates, where the family has room to spread out and grow. ENJOY private beach, golf, tennis facilities plus 8 miles of boating in 3 cqnnecting kikes. Immediate possession on lake front ranch at $38,300; a 2 story Colonial with 4 bedrooms, 2Vi baths at $37,900; a 3-bedroom lake-privilege ranch at $34,900 or 2 lake front quad-level homes with 4 to 5 bedrooms and 2Ya to 3 full baths also available. LANDSCAPING INCLUDED! LAKELAND ESTATES: On Dixit Hwy., Vt Mile North of Walton Blvd. Models Open Daily Sat. AjSun..1-t P.M. Model Telephone 623-0670 Pre-showing Sunday 3-Bedroom Tri-Level Price *20,450 1598 Sq. Ft. Model 6712 Included 1st Aluminum Siding with Brick Front-Attached 2-Car Garage 3 Large Bedroom* Triple Unit Akin Bath plus Va Bath , Double Kitchen Sink Formica Counter Top* Hardwood Floor* and Stairway Bi-fold Closet Doors Aluminum Sliding Windows American Standard Plumbing and . Heating Mercer Cabinets with Birch Doors Sale* by: at Jones Rd. 3-bedroom ranch ha* many outstanding fea-, three including hardwood floors, 2-car attached' garage, all aluminum siding and bi-f6ld closet door*. Full price including lot is 623,900. We will duplicate on your lot for $18,900. DIRECTIONS: Jones 'Road ia located 1 block exit of Airport Roald between Hatchery and Tubbs Road. Watch foreign*. at Silver Lake Estates 4-bedroom brick colonial with iVi ceramic tile baths, large living room with_ beautiful fireplace, large kitcheta with built-ins, Alump-View window*. This home is ready to move into. Immediate possession. Will trade. Full price $33,900 including lot. JUpBBCnONSt 1 . Walton Bird, to Huntington Park. Lsfton to 1 Beer ham. All models open daily 1 to 4 p.m. Sunday* 1 to 6 pan. Dajv Mattingly ?88i Highland rn-er 4 feet df solid brick. . • Gives year-round insulation • Reduces fuel costs • Beautifies your home, increases its value • Resists fire • Ends repair and maintenance bills — no painting • Economical to install COMPLETE HOME MODERNIZATION Across From Silver Laka Rd. 2503 DIXIE HWY. PONTIAC FEATURING GAS NEAT Now, Low Price *15.990 on Your Lot GO MODERN-GO GAS 3-9edrooms SAVE Hardwood Floors E CON O ^ WAY FEATURING: Family Room 12x18 Full Basement Ceramic Tile Bath Choice of Color Bath Fixtures MODEL M-59 Phone; 673-7837 * 1969 MODEL • r/2 Baths • Family Room M-59 TWO MODELS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE • Ceramic Tile • Gas Heat • 2 Car Gar. • 3 Bedrooms ON YOUR LOT 17.990 GO MODERN-GO GAS • Brick & Alin. • Choice of Paiat Colon jycBself 5 inthe “ij|! ; picture wi LUSTRA 1969 MODEL ALL NEW E-G0N-O RANCH 8 P.M. 0 P ..E , S U N D A Y 12 T : 0 8 P.M. THIS PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1968 C—t > CROSS TlfS • tlK COMO . 2 , CAR GARAGE fc’999 OW S/4' NIC! Aviation Crowd Aim ARBOR (AP)-Sponaora say more than 200,000 persons are expected to attend the National Aviation, and Space Exposition today and Sunday at Willow Run Airport near Am Arbor. > ■ ,, * INClU0*i *UO»n« FOLLOWING 7 LARGS ALUM WINDOWS I V”** *S»»CM * 3x6 RAFTERS • lbO.C STUDS • 3/4’ I W0.IWS * yiND ,,AC*> » STSU OVERHEAD DOOR * * SOX COMICS . *“*■ ---6 3JS SHINGLES . DOUBLE HEADERS nonafide Call FE 8*9581 ■ f KITCHENS • AWNINGS • STORM WINDOWS * • SIDING • PANELING • STORM DOORS • ROOFING • SHUTTERS Far FrM IstiiRRtss and Design Santee * Operator on Only >4 Hoars OH 4-0169 HOME IMPROVEMENT 00. 7688 Highland lid., Pontiac Hone Modernization! We Witt Supply and Install... ALUMINUM SIDING • ROOFING • STORMS AND SCREENS • PATIOS • COMPLETE KITCHENS • IRON RAILINGS • ADDITIONS • RECREATION ROOMS • ATTIC REMODELING • GARAGE DOORS* FLOOR AND WALL TILE •' CEILINGS • INSULATION • AIR-CONDITIONING • GAS AND OIL FURNACES • SOFTENERS AND HEATERS • HUMIDIFIERS • DISPOSERS • AIR CLEANERS • BATHROOM REMODELING • INCINERATORS • CARPETING » DRAPES • FENCING Calt for FREE Estimatef 682-4940 ^ WANT TO SELL LAWN MOWERS, POWER MOTORS, BOATS? USE A LOW COST PONTIAC PRESS CLASSIFIED AD - - - TO PLACE YOURS, CALL 332-8181. ... the matter of the petition concerning Robert Too. minor. YQ: Lorry Tee. tether of eohl minor .m2 ' ...------------ bod .Lowe of 11 In the Momo of the People el the Stete of Michigan, yw ore hereby notified ‘ t hearlhb On sold MNtlon will be ■ the Court Houee, Oakland County ! ice Center, M. the City of abHHpe'lnlBII County, on the 26th day of September, A.D., ItM. it 10:10 o'clock In the ter* - ind you ore heiwyi|*djhwnd|*d| personally at laid I Ima temporary Or | of oil parental rlgh It being Impractical to make personal service hereof, to1* **•*——- —* —““ Pontiac Press, a newspaper printed and circulated In said County. WKntu, the Honorable Nerman R. Bernard, Judge of said Court, In the CHy of Pontlec In said County, this nth day CHICAGO (AP) - Police fired twill shots at a knife-wielding man Friday night near the Sberaton-Blackstone Hotel and later captured him in a theater basement next to the hotel whore Spiro T. Agnew, Republican vice presidential candidate, was staying overnight. Hotel officials said Agnew, governor of Maryland, was in his third-floor shite at the time of the incident and they declined further comment. Lc-rt,^ it ■ * The gunplay interrupted performance of “You Know,/ Can’t Hoar You When the Water’s. Running" at. the Black-stone Theater for IS minutes. Eddie Bracken, starring in the play, was on stage when he heard the shots. LEFT STAGE moment,*’ he said, .phaa. bougine, ty Probate Register, . Juvenile Division ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Protect: Sodding approximately t,450 squere yards of lawn ere*. ..Location: Walled Lake Wesl High School on Beck Rood Vi -f Pontiac Trail. Owner: Walled Lake _______ Schools, Waited Lako, Michigan. Architect: Warren Holmes Company, ArcMWcta-Englnoers, no North Washing-*— Vranut, Lansing, Michigan, e Data and Place: Propoealt « _.vdd until 3:00 p.m.. Eastern Daylight Time an September it, INS, at the OHIca of the .Beard of Education, 4?S No ' ■’onflac Trail, Wallad Laks. Michigan. Blddara may obtain contract documents Beard of Education Wallad Lake Consolidated Schools ....... Wallad Laka, Michigan September 14, IS, INI NOTICE OP PUBLIC HEARING _ Notice to hereby given that the l .... Commission of the City of Wallad Lika will held a Public Hearing on October a, INI at the CHy OflM*, lAt west Maple, Walled Lika, Michigan, tor the-purpose — of property located at East t between Leon Street and iewn aa Ion 17, 2S, », M and rail Subdivision, alto Lot ' .. Plat *1 » All Intorastad par be hoard. EILEEN B. VAN NORN, CHy Clark CHy of Wallad Laka Saptambar )4, INI „ NOTICE OP PUBLIC HEARING Notice to horaby given that the I c?r?JSl0" _0'*.h* City of Waited Lex. will hold a Public Hearing on October I, •» »*•CHy Offices, law WMtMapl.: _.-Jd Lake, Michigan, for the purpose ofjwionlnig property known aa lot 15 Of West Met# Acres. /ro5?.dwetlon to be rezoned ,rDm yv* Frontega on west Maple of 100 ft., to a depth of iso ft., for use ** "fjlea building. Remainder of prop-to remain RM-1 as zoned. All anted persons wlH be hoard. EILEEN B. VAN HORN, „ ■ CHy Clark CHy pf Wallad Laka I District. ADVERTISEMENTS POR BIDS bposals will be received until 1:10 BJf)-rMptambar i?, i?« by tha- Valley School Milford, Michigan, tor J the fallowing protects: ■t.tejUrrtoh'M ■mm-mamsr-^— win« ,.A twenty-five dollar Wired for each documents. Return! Suspect Is Nabbed Near Agnew's Hotel “excuse me.” And he walked off the stage leaving his leading lady, Michelle Myers, alone. Bracken explained later he stopped the show when he heard the gunfire because he .feared for the safety of his wife, Con-and daughter, Susan, a member of the cast who was changing at the time. ★ * ★ ; ★ . ________ Returning to the stage, Bracken told the audience of 1,500 that ‘someone seems to be going a little berserk, but the police have him.” Then, resuming the position he had before the shooting, Bracken said, “now where the hell was I?” Hie tel some two dozen blocks south Of tile Sheraton-Blackstone on Michigan Avenue. PAIR OF CHARGES Townsend was charged with aggravated assault and resisting arrest. Policemen John Gleason and James Radetz said they pursued the man west on Balbo Drive past the main entrance of Die Sheraton-Blackstone after they sawhim wanderingwrlT cursing and threatening pedestrians with the four-inch knife. ★ , k k , ‘ * An attempt to subdue him with chemical Mace in front of the theater failed and he fled down a gangway at the west side of the theater. “I gotta kill, I gotta klM,” police quoted him as shouting as he fled., FIRED TWICE crowd^ roared. The man in custody was identified as Albert Townsend, 30, whose address was that of a ho- GUNN, MAMIE; September 12, 1968; 308Mi Main Street, Rochester; age 81; dear aunt of Mrs. Kathleen, Ferguson and C, H. Gunn; also survived by four great-nephews and two great-nieces; Funeral service, will be held Monday. September 16, at 1 p.m. at the William R. Potere Funeral Heme, 4th alTd Walnut, Rochester with Rev. J. W, Parker officiating. Interment in Mt. Avon Cemetery. Miss Gunn will lie in state at the funeral home. Two-Car Collision Seriously Injures Waterford Man A 42-year-old Waterford Township man was seriously injured in a two-car crash early this morning on Pontiac Lake Road near Farm Road. Under care this morning in Pontiac General Hospital with serious head injuries was Portland Brown of 5737 Shetland Way, Radetz fired one shot as Townsend ran inside the stage entrance. He fired again after Townsend threw him to the floor as they wrestled just inside the stage door entrance. Bracken’s wife stepped outside the dressing room door when she heard the shots. ■ k k k “It seemed to me the man started to run on stage,” she said, “but an electrician, Jim Herald, told him, ’you can’t go in there.’” Then the man ran by me and headed downstairs under the stage,” she related. He was captured in file theater’s subbasement which adjoins the hotel. TWO DULL THUDS Frank Haramija, a Chicago Tribune police reporter who was attending file play said of the gunfire that it sounded like “two dull thuds, like a door being slammed hard at the theater.” “There was no panic in the theater,” he added. “People stayed where they were.” ★ A 'it Police raid Townsend has been arrested several times for narcotics violations. McINTYRE, SALLY SCULLEY; September 12, 1968; 15 Park Street .Oxford; age 80; dear mother of Mrs. Wifya Cullen; also survived by two grandsons and oiie great-grandson. Funeral service will be held Sunday, September 15, at 2 p.m. at the Bossardet Funeral Home, Oxford. Interment in Ridgelawn Cemetefy, Mrs. McIntyre will lie In state at MERRILL, KATHERINE; September 11, 1968; Rockwell Street; age 54; dear sister of Mrs. Mary S. Ken-neddy, Mrs. Loovina Hart, Mrs. Willa Mae Kennedy, Sam Merrill and Sadie Mai Freeman, Funeral service will be held Monday, tember 16, at 1 p.m. at the Frank Carruthers Funeral Home with Rev. James R. Flemings officiating. Interment in Oak Hill Cemetery. Mrs. Merrill will lie in state at the fuperal home after 3 p.m. Sunday. Waterford Township police gzr-i—-r-.'T. — ,—r—n —... u« said Brown was driving west on r«tunv»y ij!*oood(cand7ttu!^>within ton1Pontiac Lake Road about 6:36 ifian* an?'•ixk: locations* win be on AN when his car and an eastbound auto driven by Doug' Stephenson, 18, of 237 5 Fairbanks, Waterford Township, collided nearly head on. ■no luwiia- Stephenson received minor Trudlrt**ExthungT"in j injuries in the collision. Officers gnd may ba examined at tha following iocatloni after Augvit M, INI. Office of Richard Prince ~ Inc., Archttacte 3423 D robberies,, will be intro-W the PWladeipWa Transportation Co. system starting Sept. 22. The Southeastern Pennsylva-ia Transportation Authority, which is acquiring the transit company, 1 has approved the plan. *■ » Under it passengers must have the exact fare, or they will be given their change id the form of a redemption slip that ; can. be exchanged at special centers. The money the passenger gives to drivers or cashiers is dropped into a locked, boited-down cash box. The. exact fare system wili be used 24 hburs a day. Death Notices CORWIN, CHARLES C. September 13, 1968; Ballaire, Michigan (formerly of Pon-tiac); age 56; dear father of Mrs. Christine Frizzle, Mrs. James Knollmlller Charles Corwin; dear brother of Mrs. Robert B. Oliver, Mrs. George Hawn, Mrs. John Patterson and Roy A. Corwin Jr.; also survived by five g r a n d c h i ldren. Funeral service will be held Monday, September 16, at 1:30 p.m. at the Sparks-Griffln Funeral Home. Interment in Ferry Mount Park Cemetery. Corwin will lie in state at the funeral home. (Sugg visiting hours 3 to 5 and 7 to 9.) FLYNN, ELEANOR M.; September 13, 1968; 1891 Enjglewood, Florida (formerly of West Acres); age 65; beloved wife of Thomas Flynn; beloved daughter of Mrs. Mabel Wells; d e a mother. of Mrs. Richard P. (Betty J.) Fox, kMrs. Joseph (Joyce E.) Lang, Mrs William (Nancy J.) Dunphy, Mrs. Warren (Sally Ho worth, Thomas P. and D, (Michael)' Flynn; dear sister of Mrs. Thomas Harrison, Mrs. William Goit, Max and Oliver Wells; also survived by 20 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Recitation of the Rosary will be Sunday, at 8 p.m. at the C. J. Godhardt Funeral Home, Kee-go Harbor. Funeral service will be held Monday, September 16, at 10 a.Hi. at the Our Lady of Refuge Catholic Church. Interment in Mount Hope Cemetery, Mrs. Flynn will lie in state at the funeral Dee Clarkson of McCullough Realty, Inc. jbf Mia MjbMth gpSHwwraNwPallraill wwa .aaawE ' RBMRHBpHI. Mrt. Cloriuon for thu 2nd contwcutivu month hat luad thu AAcCut-lough talus tuoin in mm *a\t onU litling*. This li a finS far thn company. Huf bo*tc bwligf Ut hulp a customer and mg »« II that they arc wull informed and gat ovoiy comidcration availablo at McCullough Realty. Mr*. Clarkson resides On Holbrook Stroot in Hunea Gardens with her husband Tom who is employed at GMC in Pontiac and her 3 children, Denise, age 1S; Jill, age 12 an4 Larfa, age 10. CengratulGSiaM to Mrs. Clatkson. “wo told your neighbors houn...u>e can lellyourt” 674-2236 5460 Highland Rd. 674-2236 Death Notices heune. (Suggested visiting hours 3 to 5 and 7 to 9.) the funeral home. MONETTA, MARJORIE M.; September 12, 1968; 3431 Plains, Waterford Township; age 65; beloved wife bf Harry B. Monetta; dear mother of Mrs. Robert L. (Marjean) Kimble Jr. and William A. Monetta; also survived by two brothers and one granddaughter. Funeral service will be held Monday, September 16, at 11 a.m. at the Lewis E, Wint Funeral Home, Clarks-ton with Rev. Frank A. Coz-add officiating. Interment in Ottawa Park Cemetery. Mrs. Monetta will lie in state at the funeral home. SLOCUM, BESSIE 0; tember 13, 1968; 48 Feneley Court; age 69; dear mother of Mrs. Virginia M, Scott; dear sister of Bonnie Long, Bernice Sarge, Mabel Lincoln, Roy, Clyde and Ernest Holland; also survived by. seven] grandchildren and one great-granddaughter. Funeral service will be held Monday, September 16, at 11 a.m. at the Voorhees-Siple Funeral Home with Pastor Philip W. Somers officiating. Interment In Lakeview Cemetery. Mrs. Slocum will lie in state at the funeral home. (Suggested visiting hours 3 to 5 and 7 to #-) WHELPLEY, S.P. 4 RAYMOND LAWRENCE; September 6, 1968 ; 3895 Mill Lake Road, Lake Orion; age 21; beloved son of George Edward and Beverly M. Whelpley; beloved grandson of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Whelpley; /tear brother of Mrs. Ronald (Linda) Pepper. Funeral service will be held Monday, September 16, at 1:30 p.m. at the Gingellville Baptist Church with Rev. Sydney Hawthorne officiating. Interment l Perry Mount Park'Cemetery. S.P. 4 Whelpley will lie in state at the Voorhees-Siple Funeral Home. (Suggested visiting hours 3 to 5 and 7 to 9.). The family suggest memorial contributions may be made to the Gingellville Baptist Church Music Department, 3920 B a 1 d wl-n Road, Pontiac^ WHITE,_JOSEPH j September 12, 1968; Grovecrest Convalescence Home, '(formerly of 64 Pine Street); age 81 dear uncle of Mrs. Kenneth Bear; also survived by one sister. Funeral service will be held Monday, September 18, at li a.m. at the Huntoon Funeral Home with Rev. Lawrence Bobbitt officiating. Interment in White Chapel Cemetery. Mr. White will lie in state at the funeral home. WOODS, HENRY LEO (SON-NY) JR.; September 12,1988; 365 Rivard; age 30; Mloved husband of Ruth' Woods; beloved son of Mrs. Henry Lee Woods; dear father of Randy Lee, Donald Scott Darrell Eugene Woods; dear brother of Mrs. Dettvil (Mary Catherine) Leake, Funeral service was held today September 14, at 11 a.m. at the Coats Funeral H< Drayton Plains. Interment in Ottawa Park Cemetery. Dial 334-4981 or 332-8181 Pontiac Press Want Ads FOR NUT ACTION •• i"*olKtloT AOVIRTISIRS . ADS RECEIVtD SY S P.M. WILL S( FUSLISHID THt FOLLOWING DAY. •f tiro first insertion of tha advortiso- I through tho orror. Tho doodlina fir cancellation w-sMlont Want Ads is 9 tho *■ ‘ r tho first Closing tin regular agate typo it 17 a*c|ack noai tho day previous to publication. CASH WANT AD RATES (when cash , accompanies order) Linas i 1-Day 3-0^« 6-Dayi 2 $2.00 * 2.57 $ 3.99 3 < 2.00 3.76 s 5.91 4 , 2.51 4;90 7.52 5 2J2 5.70 9.12 10.26 16.42 Thf Pontiac Press ClmiUiMl Fmm I A.M. TO 5 P.M. ON AND AFTER THIS dsts. 1 umber 14, INI I will, ft Ihsr than tnysslf. wayns urucs nsaly, 51*1 Dlxl# Hwy., Wstwiorq, MlctUgsn, THlRS MU ft couaw Treasurers In Michigan but non# *s tins SS Oakland County's Jim ■/ Ssstsriin. signal: '• SW tlto wlw Isitsrpn ckSirqn. . y WIG PARTIB*. wigs By CsWsNna Ft S-IFW. .■ '-* ~ Lggt and 1100 REWARD POR INFORMATION . leading to tot rstum of $ to. • 1 - toy wnlto poodls, towisffi iswBrin both tars. Laks Orton Pur CMtgr, MY 3-«S5. _ . ' MEDIUM |lZa;)B*Cfc.sHro Card s! Thanks THE CHARLEY B. (Jsrry) Johnson Family wishes to thank everyone who was to kind and thoughtful to us In our hour 'of . sorrow, especially toe EHct Lodge No. BIO. and Rev. Ronald E. Holslei E WISH TO THANK OUR friends d Rev. Davenport f< ltiM«moriant 2 IN LOVING MEMORY OF Carl R. father and grand stray Sept. 14, 11 „. We think about every day. ■No matter where w* go, , Your mamortos will always live/ And wa all mist you so, . Sadly missed by wits Georgeana ai children, Phyllte, and Paul ai grandchlldr ACID gas? Get is. liquids. Only Bros. Drugs. ATTENTION ORGANIZATIONS Inventory Close-out ot platter --------- “ -^trant varieties. I u n I? y - tor with to tall raising. We _________ .... ._ be UMariold. Call 345-71SF tor Intormatton. "AVON CALLING" hm SRRVIci IN YOUR HOME, FE 4-043?. END WORRIES 'day F proto >Wt tiaemiai money managomi aarvlca that has helped tooutL... solva thatr Mil problem*. Gatling < Mg lean I* not too. answer. Yot can't borrow yegrtsM out el dahti Got ttto help yfu'va b**n looking for Mr taking all vdur bill* and discussing your pMHaal • 'DEBT-AID, liR. 104 Community NaPL Bnk., Bldg. Ft MU Llctnsad t Bonded Serving Oakland County ■ ERRANDS BOYI, INC. You name II we do ill Bury your «'—*—• — walk your mofher-ln-low. elephant o a. Odd lota HALL FDA R*WT,. RECEFTjONS. Mot. church. OR Mth. fe j- BOX REPLIES .At 10 x.m. today there were replies at The Press Office to the foltowtog boxes:. C-5, C4, C-ll, G17, G23, C-27, G28, G31, C-32, C-38, GM, C44. Wm- PBAYTOU PLAINS DOMISON-JOHHI ■ ■ • FUMRAL HOME Huntoon ... FUNERAL HOME " 1 ...SarvbwPanttoe.tors*yoart. : 7? Oakland Fff'EJHw SPARKS4RIFFIN FUNERAL HOME —Thpuphttul' Sarvlai' FE HW VoorheesSipl© Cemetery Lets 4 LOTS. WHITfl CHAPEL. Fiiademi Matnonal. UL t s t4ft» lMiqj»ta> iuus (fomorift L. Near 4 Mia' ■ ANY GIRL OR WOMAN NEEDING a friendly advtotr, phone FI H12J botoee S pjto Coiitla*>m*l.___ ' ^ . YmbiO GAfllMSHMENTS . Got out of d*M wim our plan Debt Consultants__________ 114 pontlec Slits Bank Building FE 8-0333 COINS' Buy, sell and trad*. Sun. 1 p.m. to 4 P.nL FE S-3PF4. ____________ _ _ FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY AT UPLAND HILLS FARMS New tombs gators. Calves, pigiats, baby.chtckL balng hatched dally. Farm tour for whole family. See milking of Iht cow, map shearing at i:le and have a chance to pat buy animals. MjgMful hors* drawn niyrMaa, pony r I d o s. a a o.m. family lAYrdHty;— aka Walton E. to jnd. Follow sign*la-1—.— . FUN FOB THE WHOLE FAMILY -. upland Hills Farm. Everybody Ilk* ID* cow. Saadtwap shearing E ilnnlng damonatratton. too « plants, cehwa, ducklings, i, chick* and - lamb*. All wins now jxn—. namisswn zx SNLr*i?ivJto2.‘is- tood extra. Upland Hills Farm, taka Adam* Rd, to notih to and. tial fBiaL. ,y, Pontiac Press Want Ads For Aqtion FOUND: x*d Labrador, a FOUND, MALE COUlIV. Trl-col-ored. In to* vicinity at Willed L*k«, 4t3-?304 ettor 4:>>. FOUND: REAL. CUTE ll Lost.- Siberian huskie, Rochester art*. Mack A wh mala. Contact tSI-MFi:_____ LOST LADY'S WRIST WtMl In vicinity of K-Mart parking lot. Reword SSHF44. WalklnVScoH Ut. araa.4 LOST: BEAGLE — Terrier, Mack, tan and whit*. In heat. vie. et Fairmont and Stanley. Reward.' 33S-03?4. 5M-SS31 or 33P-1I epeer F 1274. LOST: MALE BEAGLE, In vicinity of M-5? and John R. Answers to toe name of 'Rebel', I5M411 aftor purse, Putnam street tr reward. FE ?-7004. Rd. Reward, m LOST. BROWN MINIATURE Poodto, green cellar, last seen ln> the vicinity Maryland and -LJnCbln^ ———i, seal. ? Raward, Call , white, 4 months i Call 343-Oiq. Uhian Laka area. STOLEN lfM VIA Mark * OiigiBfc*-:^7 feSliMISg j I CAREER OPPORTUNITY FOR ambitious man ngvy avallabfa With «M tuccaatfuL Eam ' apHMjpMy S22S ''par 'weak aftor tralnlnp. Wa have agantj a»ilWM li|BRIIig|NH in attcaat af SIMSS par m tH JJm^Coomae, 343-7231 far ; c—* THE POXTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 44, 1968 Mob \ CAREER SALES and Management Training lUMagr’isr. SELL end looking for • high CHEF 4 a in cnfloh *••1 **■■> ,-IV. *l» # --—■ —-•■ hour*, 7 o.m. to 4 p.m. Bluo Cross, 1 >a£iwhi with -------- with bonus. R Frees. Bon C-1ti mo In cMI tnglnoorlnfl r* xcellent opportunity to I [ • dynamic public I Id City Of Pontiac, Panonmt Departr. _.........__ .... Track Drive, East Pontiac, Mich gan. 44054. n equal opportunity employer. COIN CHANGERS (2) day ahift, length it lndeflr“- ♦CEO ACETYUENE h ENGINEER? DESIGNERS DRAFTSMEN CALL COLLECT (313) 963-6940 X PERIENCEO Installer with own to 334-0701. EXPERIENCED MILLING AukMi hand, iteedy work, overtime, »i paid Blue Cross and other fringe Brlney Mfg. Co., 11*5 Saba Rd., o A|He»1 and ground man. Toss wage*. Juhnaun'a Tree B*pert». jl0 lilt >r It. High lob la,pact------ Pro;! company ’tog# Experience Salesman New and Used To-Notch Men----with beet working condition, all benefits, See — —— Grimaldi Buick-Opel lft Orchard Lake FE 1-7145 FAST GROWING, flbergla* I ’ rate. Please call i Ray r KELLY LABOR 123 N. Saginaw St. Rear Entrance An Equal Opportunity Emplovar COLLEGE MkN-OvER t» Part time an the afternoon or midnight aMftl, permanent employment. Apply Jim Robbtni Ce_-|4 Milo and ataphanaon Hwy.. College Graduates , $7,200-$ 10,000 Oakland . County la qualified man to work Foundry trainee Manufacturing plant In Troy qulras mart as foundry helper, this I* an excellent opportunity to develop a •killed trade. Soma experience preferred, but we will train the right man, day shut, excellent fringe benefit*. Call Mr SKebo 447-7074. We ere an aqui REQUIREMENTS; Bachelor! wlitf - aniw-3^-- - *—1 Sociology, admiMNN Degree * license. For - PERSONNEL DIV„ Oakland County Court House » N. Telegraph Pontiac mcii r------- COOK GRILL MAN, top pay for goad man, ntohfl, 5 day*, benefits, vacations. Biff's Telegraph at Maple HS Mile). took*. BUSBOYS, dishwashers, Factory Help Urgently Needed waoOfcMMeSNMliatSn, vei Telegraph A Heron. HANDYMAif WANTED. Must________ rpentry, plumbing, painting HONcys INSPECTOR Experienced 'for Pontiac area end meesurtng devices a must. - Reply toBox C-I.PanttacPttM. i JANITORS 1 Manufacturer located In Welled Lake has Hnmedlate .openings ' Janitors. This lean opportunity otaady aBiatwr1"1 ■ company paid ft eluding penalon. VALC0MATIC PRODUCTS 3750 W. Maple R4. Welled Lake, Mich. -LABOTERSr SEE MANPOWER Men with care alto Rdport ready for_ A.M. 1331 WtOE TRACK An Equal Opportunity Employei ABORERS AND ASPHALT fh needed'hi w $ ’ heavy lifting pert of the |qb; Good e weiied Leke. to am - ~ s- PHARMACIST wrimow HP g plan, major medical end mtei, - blue cross end life surqnco. Apply In person: per fenced In progro-344-5072 bet, f s.m.-i PRODUCTION CLttRK - Young AND MAINTC- Light Mechanical Work Wanted full tbr- — - - - -apply m i MAN t6 t1aIN ' POE heed ——MB tosltlon.—Must bit a able to accept Apply Pontiac. . ... S. Telegraph Mr.. Manager. MAN WITH MECHANICAL ability I learn servicing ell burners, ai 1---—' year around work I MEN AND WOMEN factory lobe whl jirevlr- -------jjj Openings on inHMliMrfeVHViPI.,,. .. ,_____ choice or full time. Pull pay at sM*i prl PA. Troy Kika, 1451 Rd. Troy. lONSTkUCTlfiN" lAbOKKE far 1451 ET bit CLAWSON KIdford FERNOALE CENTERLINE 24117 Grand Rlvar 2320 Hilton (541 E. 10 THESE ARE FREE JOBS! We ere mintery obligations. Apply at Bloomfield On The Lake tub-division, Lon* Fin* amt MMdtabalt Rd., West Bloomfield. > Custodians, Birmingham ere*', call 144-5(71 between • e.m. and S APPLY 4 e.m.-i p.m. EMPLOYERS . Temp. Service, Inc. experience desirable, eft - — lira I, VS ed parson. Paddock. 4AN TO CUt DOWN TREES IN exchange tor wood. OR 3-1743. AAN TO DELIVER AND INSTALL appliances and water softners, must be over IS, have own hand tools, chauffeurs license, lor*1 r** FE 4-3573 for appointment. I, FART TIME for Dry Cleaning »m, Pontiac, Laundry, 540 I. legreph, See Mr. Stamas. Production Workers Experience Not Necessary Fisher Body Division 900 BALDWIN AVE. PONTIAC, MICH, An Equal Opportunity Employer Telegraph R d . Blrm- P0RTERS, DAYS, FULL AND PART TIME. APPLY CRITTEN* TON HOSPITAL, ROCHESTER. MECHANICS .. Kg ,n^ SEE MR. VESS it KEEGO SALES) PORTER FOR RESTAURANT |H cocktanjoung* In Trey. Call N Hourly rate. Mu fsfcw DISH WASHERS Klkhon Utility For day and evening hr*. Full ond Fart ffmo lrond"?S" QUALIFIED ELECTRICIAN^ needdd navt own Transportation, and 5 5 for h«UW wiring for residential construction. Contact Koffmen and Broad Homes Inc. 442-5760 Ext. 2f. An Bqual Opportunity Employer. gwo wording conauion; advance to highway desired, as openings oc< U.S. Truck Co. at 150 Oi Men Wanted Wo need * men to eteft work to. mediately in our Pontiac office. No experience neceeaery. Good pay “ '—*- J be 18-22, r. Salary .. For appf. 2 o.m. to 1 Friday. 331- REAL ESTATE will train 2 more sales handle large volume of bi sales, trades, new and commardel time ranteed draw. CROSS MOTOR POOL CLERK IMMEDIATE OPENING for light accounting and typing, 'inventory end stock keeping, time keeping, Insurance records, accident reports, requisitioning and ordering and related clerical work lor a central garage, handling 2 2 5 vehicle* and a garage start of 13. Job do«| net Involve billing. This Is an excellent career opportunity for a person with some accounting beckpfount1 —* - i- REALTY AND INVESTMENT CO. OR 4-3105 MLS Robbins yy* p*y cash for used home* REAL ESTATE SALESMEN No future? Here Is an easy step to o promising caroor. Openings for' 2 -non at Michigan's largest commercial sales enlc*. Over one hun-red million doHare In litttogs. her*'* a (35,000 a Veer desk .telling for you If you qualify. See Mr. Rartrlde* or Mr. Gilts, 10S0 w. Huron St., phono 334-3501 for an ap- BABY PHOTOGRAPHERS ’ We need high odioei graduates to train as befy pheMrMMrs. Four qur department Mete .Studio to experience c*tl ' y.jWi

d mother with 1 child or maiden oaenten. FE *IH». BABY StTTER-housekeeper, H I school ^ItdianTwookonds off. 473- USED CAR PORTER Wonted Full tkn* and depandabl*, apply S27S W. Huron «t. USED CAR PORTER - ~Irt miS |jK Eatwaah tia ffiu . was or SS and « years. sieer ttva in. PB Must be dependable, and a good worker. Large firm, many benefits along with gaad pay. Apply In person, STS w. Huron St., Pontiac Mich. DAY WAITRESS, NO SUNDAYS OT holldeys,... ofST p Ij PJULFi AMIS. 1ENTAL ASSIST DINING BOOM WAITRESSES WIN troln you os a v k to too trfondly atm dining room. Day, id light shifts, Lite to*, e DRY CLEANER WILL TRAIN, paid vocation, peld holldoy, good wording conditions, Jlhijt* Dajr Cleaners, 3445 West Msplt, Blr toghom. 447tSCB7. > v -V ELEVATOR OPERATOR Apply 404 Rlkw Bldg. EXCELLENT I^vJpOR shorp bar meB, nhhl*. 3SM77I. ■ EXPERIENciD' OitlLL 'end, eounteY ’ glri, <1.50 hr., paid vacation, ' Christmas bonus, apply 33 TfliBraBh, IWWitomeurgers EXPERIENCED HOUSEKEEPER, 3 doys a wo*fc er--4 h*tt doy*. Franklin — Long toko area, transportation, references required. BABYSITTER S DAYS, M BABY SITTER IN THE Owen school district area, your home m HB 332-77*3 or 4*1^551. BABY SITTER NEEDED, ■ HI TED^S ______BLOOMFIELD HILLS DISH WASHING DEFANTMll7(l‘ , EXPERfENOtb WOMAN ..70* assistant Nt JMMMJN RWwndto Boys and Girt# to hontlec^ Mell. Cell Mrs. Campbell at 6421MS Ter HgIr WreMFwIt ‘;T ---, _ JutlMp UDWf .^visrwpasSwiS ssir^wEJna.^ Drayton Flelne. ■ \ Tty nome, ■ MIR sTerftog' pay,"siTso' an BT" KioKKieSM*$re^$Ssj»L1 x 333L5t(7 Also iiu* Cross. Call* *«eptsd nfaT to^ RoqSftW-. Mmlcel office I diesis* »—s.—— the EseaeUmw aI in nnnn . i AvnPriBftCP IWil*r|'0(|t blit flflt < fff* completed, ad* 25 to 4f preferred, knowledge el electronics valuable twt net necessary. Send er— detail* to Pontiac PlM* — Factory . Help Urgently Needed tsar jars Openings on bMh ftr*7 «__ shifts. Work oh the day* of y choice or. full fime. Full pay end of each shift. . , APPLY 4 o.m.-4 p.m. EMPLOYERS Temp. Service, Inc. shifts. Apply after 4 p R«Weuront.24fODlxle waRted: y6uno ' maR~ ■ DESIRE mm CAREER . .. E L E CTRICAL _ WHOLESALING. Apply Standard Electric Ce., ITS I. o layoffs, fringe benefits, TV Thompson# Salts 5HELTON PONTIAC-L, 4M-SWK WANTE6 MECHANIC ami jumper ofr Brunswick ma< Lakewood LeMeT SiSl W. Hui.... WOOL PRESSBR FOR dry doanlng plant, guarantoad tali fringe bemflts. Apply wpw. jjwnwiMiiaitw- salary, 534 S. V WOOL PRESSBR, FULL OR .Eg YOU NO /MAN WARTib, FULL time, no experience necessary. Floor Shop. 2255 EIIX. Lk. Rd. Youncr Men 18-22 management procedure*. Above poriu$letr peering, a mediately VirVRRHI pie. Salary discussed For eppt. 0357, 7:30 .......... through Friday. First come—first served. i to career op-1 be nest ap-tart work lilt- y meeting peo-d of Interview. . Harper, 334- FOR BUILDING EEMHRPBEM-.xwto. Good opportunity for advancement, apply S43 N. teginew, Pontiac. BINDERY ?o?r?uliC*time 'permantnY bindery work, excellent opportunity for right parson. Pontiac Standi ' Prtottog - — Hmh H 335-MfiTl Walled Lake area. Helper on produce truck. S days. Cell after A 424-0271. BOOKKEEPER . RECEPTIONIST, HXP- downtown Pontiac, call fuse., Sept. J7. FE 4-3771. YOUNG MAN TO work to a Birmingham restaurant, no axg. necessary, wa will train. Working lipurs 12-noon to 1:30 P.m. Cali between l A S, Ml 4-41IS. B O OKKEEPER, EXPERIENCED. Goed salary and opportunity for '-------------Key Furn’*-— Bookkeeper, Experienced Journal entries through — i BALANCE AND FINANCIAL ..-.ic. ■-tl ORION JRNA iTATEMEhiTS" GIRL OFFICE, typing, bbhmx._____________ payabie, etc. Cell before *. 234-7S47. *ftar 4. lt3414e. $3 Per Hour, Minimum- Demonstrate to^*, pert tlm EXPERIENCE. EXC. F........ BENEFITS. APPLY PONTIAC PRESS BOX C-38. ___— CAPABLE YOUNG WOMAN for ■—estlc work to large country *■ MOndeye end Fridays. Own This position tovotoftllli carter oppe rttfi torn* ............. and an interatt io » full pay throuon Nov. ~No Invattrnant. THE TOY CHEST ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER general oftlce. Full-time 40 hr. week. ' Excellent working conditions. Apply Grlnnell's Pontiac CASHIER WANtED TO w store, downtown ores Saginaw, Pontiac. CASHIER AND GENERAL office work. Experienced. Full or part time. Apply IBS p.m., Osmun's. 51 CASHIER, tor Richardson Dplry Joslyn corner of Thlnt. Between end 30, 1107 Joslyn._____________ Real Estate Classes Applications are now btlng ______ for Instruction clossos to propora-lion for the real estate salesmen's examination. Classes will be held from 7 to 7 p.m. Contact Mr. •- ierharr at Von Realty 3401 W. n or phone 402-5000.__________ from 10 to 20 a i Shield. per year. 13 sick leave day* per year with unlimited accumulation, to legal holiday* per year, liberal retirement plan combined wHn social security, liberal paid up lira Insurance plan with count' participation. A .tuition rtlrr bursement program and Ides working conditions. ding on qualifications with a like! increase to range In January. Apply to: PERSONNEL DIV., Oakland County Court H n willing to work, 424- SERVICE STATION MANAGER, (150 par wk., plus commission, paid vacations, hospitalisation and Insurance plan. Interview* Monday Sept., 14, between ( a.m.-S p.m. at Cavalier Service Station 4(40 Dixie Hwy. Service station help, mi an. pert time, morning end afternoon Until; "**tut ;prevBus..ixpmaiicr necessary, salary to $110 per week. ■allVk, Util. /**—* Villaae. Driver'* License reaulrtd. 1200 No. Tvlegrtph Pontiac 48053 --^ent frtoge ^'t^^ MEAT M^Ajjlii U Take av? l**v* ,nd compute meet operation. 474-1440. MtdicarTtchnologist gold vocal hospital Int For more ■ Personnel Division Oakland County .Court House 300 N. Telegraph Rd. Pontiac, Mk 331-4751 EXT. 475 AHtlp Wonted Malt DIE REPAIRMAN WANTED Small stamping company, good .wages and benefits, also, DIE SfTTER with automatic, fsedir experience, call: 334-2582 Before 5 P.M. personnel department, Mercy HaepltaL tee Fentiec. MTum. MOTEl bEsK CLERK, over 25, ; trustworthy 130-4MI. SALES EXPLOSION "NEED HELP" Volnborgor Homos nosds erlenced salesmen. Call ----fTOL 1-W24. SERVICE STATION attandent, full *Se«V Telegraph end Maple Standard._____________ IERVICE STATION, midnight mart, 10 p.m.-a a.m., to .drive wrecker, apply in Paraon Mobil# Station, Long Lake and Tetagreph. Bloom-tleid 7““- | * NEEDED PRODUCTION WORKERS PONTIAC Motor Division PONTIAC, MICHIGAN ~ n Equal Opportunity Employer NEW CAR PORTER, good wages, good working conditions. Blue Cross Insurance, paid vacation, many ether benefits. .HILLSIDE LINCOLN - MERCURY, 1250 Oak- OPENINGS FOR C ON CESSION manager and . manager trabr— T^eslrsM>rSCl* M,le Drive ANYONE With a pleasing ttlephon* voice, mat appEafranct ond ;Wjpng to learn can earn an excellent Incoim by making telephone calls from our downtown office. No Expomnce necessary as our experiancsd personnel train you. Ago no borrlor if yoa ore over 18. Hurry, this won't last long. .Call MSS LEE at M M: : - 3384762 m OIL Company LOOKING FOR A GENERAL SALESMAN Familiar with eervlM stall— w per lanced pretarred .^■Mtol. W* will alto tar Bha'an^— 1 position. Fh PONTIAC PRESS . C-28 PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48056 -----PARKS ANb dEOUNpi OtMrtment of Parks A Keen package. Start at S2.74 per hour, audit given lor previous — lft Martin St. ------- KAIYYimI *wto|L E. vm S8£$! Days < riant n__ and rellabk f p.m. end raRpHa. OW SERVICE STATION ASSISTANT MANAGER. AND ASSISTANT i lira or engine repair, (IOC irtlng. no phono calls. Apply In -son. Progressive Oil Co. 477 8. SAGINAW__ SERVICE JTAtlON ATTENDANT, 7135 pet weak experienced, full time. S3 par hr. port time work. Shall station. Telegraph and Long SEWAGE PLANT OPERATOR City of Pontiac $3.5(44.04 per hr. compressor-. Apply Foreonnoj Depirtmtni, City Hell, 450 Wide Treck Dr. E. SCHOOL BUS TRANSPORTATION --------- ‘ipplicents must quetlty s license. Person with knowledge preferred. 434-4431 ter interview. SHORT ORDER cook and SINGLE MATURE V horse farm, exeellt... quarters 4SH770. i pins I. Apply :th Rd. SIDING APPLICATOR toe ranteed veer round work must; eve experience, tea rettrebly with du. tr. Black. 3342085. ACTION FOR KELLY GIRLS _____ ..hy don’t you tain the Wonderful world df* Kelly. Earn extra dollars. If you Ira a Kelly Girl, •—*----not available for the sum- ____ ____I beck. For those of you who wont to embark on a now ox-' hurry In. KELLY GIRL HAS 100's Of temporary lobs avaltobl* now. In Detroit end suburban areas. WE NEED 47 Stenographers 7 Secretaries — Medical and Legal (3 Senior typists 14 Stat typists 15 Clsrk* — Mew end femel* 22 Bookkeeper*^ Hand end Machine ___ 20 D«mon*Tr*Tor* 4 Convenient office* to eorvo you. Pontiac 125 N. Seglnew Northland Concorse X Downtown,...... .. 3)0 W. Lafayette . Flu* Special Interviewing on Sept. 14. and 17 from 7 e.m. to 4 p.m. at the tallowing location. BIRMINGHAM The Perron Marktay Bldg.. Room B-10. 1015 E. Mapla Rd. Got. Huntor and Adam*. 642-9650 KELLY GIRL Division of Kelly Service* 642-9650 An Equal OpbortunUy-Employar ACCOUNTING CLERK TO MAINTAIN VARIOUS AC-COUNTING RECORDS, TYPING * — SHORTHAND _ DESIRABLE SALARY AND BENEFITS lY— 1 ----ARTCO. INC.--..— INDIANWOOD, LAKE ORION AFTERNOONS tjt PM. Dependable lady who onlays working with public tar coto-op laundry and dry om trensp., rets. r»-l. 6aH 4-7 p.m. onfy. ti&mT ASSISTANT1 MANAGER, ix-perlenced to hosiery. WeH grom-med. Flees# send resume of background and experience to Pontine Press, Box C-20. Pontiac, Michigan. >w SITTER WANTED, five In or out, caB attar f.K. 4^4475. AMERICAN GIRL Birmingham _ DOG GROOMER, experienced pre-—tarred er will train. Uncle Cherlls* Pet Shop, 533. 4515. THESE ARE FREE JOBSI Wa art gw»lr.(^.^»W,|)ytrailayar, BEAUTICIANS graduates. 1_______ ■_____________ High volume _slx>p. Salary and roofing Installed commission. Paid -hospltelteatlon. call fe T3177 a Othar benefits. Miss (mi. Ml 7-! ■■ 3033. Min Pat Ml 4B3tt. Barnard, BE A FULLERETTE Pick,up and deliver onNys _ Fuller Brush Co. (2J0 per hr. to start. N. of M-57 - phon* 33444 S.'of rtone or 7 I-A, Auburn Heights Paving Tennis courts, perking I o f r driveways. Guaranteed, FE E4N3 OR 3-024. AAA ASPHALT PAVING and SMI tog. F1W22I. Pro* esfhnetas. A. G. K0SIBA CONST. CO. Asphalt, paying specializing In resurfacing, patching, and (eel coating. Free est. OR SBSia er OR Stair J pit# iv cents 1 la FE 5-7452. ASPHALT PAVING Residential and commercial No |eb too small. Work guaranteed. Free estimate* PONTIACASPHALT CO. ASPHALT AND BEAL beating. Free estimates. FE 2-4431. ________ ASPHALT PARKING LOTS AND roadways. S ini. aim 1 sealer. Ami Ai MAple 5-M71. CASHIER Full time. Night .ihltt. Mi furnished. Benefits. Vacation t pay. Prefer mature person. Elias Bros. Big Boy Telegraph end — STIAN LADY D In her home. K-Mart. FE 547142. CLERK TYPIST late openings aval____ — yrs. of age and older, must type at (east }S words, $1.(7 per hr. excellent benefits. Reply to Pontiac Osteopathic Hupltal, St N. Perry Si., Personnel Dept. 331-7271, ~ * Cleaning Woman Birmingham—3 Days Experienced lady needed 3 day* per vttek (Man., wed. |M ai choose your own.) Pleat tog conditions, tap — Birmingham location, one n|hy||| w CLEANING WOMAN Must ha vo own car, too oa right gal, full time, —Nuretog 1 COMPLETE modernization, specializing In atom, trims, windows, Formica, additions, cabinets, G||||||tattwta|ittflncium new a Home, EM HIM. CLERK TYPIST. POSITION tar a clerk typist In ,th* ---- merclal loan servicing depart, Good figure typing required. Exc. opportunity, salary and benefits. Apbhr jHrmlngham — Bloomfield .Bank, ws E. Maple fdTffcmt Ingham. An Equal Opportunity Emptayer*-.- — ..- ... -— companion, t6 Live in with elderly lady. In the Green Lake area, preferably a mature woman. 4(2-5375 or 3yi-1«~ COOK FOR PULL CHARGE UfiaB' In Ganpway Nursery I, 11 a.m,-l:» p.m. 331-3355. tally Dr.-Opiifyko area. CURB WAITRESSES Tad's Restaurant hat openings for —* we liras set, day “— Cross and lit* wage* at holidays. id tip*. Vacat *mr Female 7 Help Wanted Female n tools* rontact TED'S McCullough realty inc. W*. era presently taking «p-Plications tar lour full tlm* real! estate talesmen and saleswomen,; experienced preferrod. W* offer an excel lent training prograttjbwl tatai are Pontiac's only oft ice tkir haa la .-'MawSwiMi atwi^aftoBBaal program. Plenty of floor time and Eel. Excellent trad* end building' 5k&r*£i*f ggP-gg-BSI vktad moat a# aur aattt peroonnei with more than average earnings. ' ' CALL'J'. ’-4 I DICK MocINTOSH 674-2236 TELEVISlbN SEhvYCiMAN, tuR orj oart ttm*. 4B-I4M. cf____ Unbelievable But True A Job Whtre Vou Dan: 1. NAME YOUR OWN HOURS 2. DON'T NEED EXPERIENCE 3. AGE IS NO BARRIER IF OVER 18 What is tfiis dream job? Telephone sales, selling Pontiac's leading newspaper. We pay good commission and our Downtown office is air conditioned. I am MISS MUSPHY Coll jm 01 33S9706 tree estimate*. Waterproofing MASONRY PAINTING OF all type*. ^------a. ewsterprooflnfl, small* FE 8- Brookwoter Construction SHEET PILING BREAKWATERS INSTALLED. 334-71477. GUINN CONSTRUCTION CO Boots ond Accossorios BIRMINGHAM BOAT -CENTER I.M.P. ______ outboen drives. 1245 S. Building Moderizotion Homes, attics, baaamant, garage* SPRINGFIELD BLDG. CO. Corpot Installation ggpK A-l INTERIOR AN Family rooms, r dormers, porches rooms, kitchens, Uciins^. Reas. ( ADDITONS AND ALTERATIONS of ' any kind. FE 5-1331. — RHP Reed Classlflcetion then see or call Debt, Aid. M Community Bank Bldg. FE 2-WSi Dance hstroetjen OOPER SISTERS DANCE StlM Cell this week tar tap, ballet i Ian. UL 1-5010. 741 W. Auburn. DrelHiii USE PUlNS DESIGNED 4 etellad. 4MG044 er 4tfj7l7. Dressmaking, Tailering ALTERATtpNS, ALL TYPE^KNIT COMPLETE PRYWALL service i Service B & G SERVICE Fret gutter eetlmete*. 4743704 M & S GUTTER CO. LICENSED-eONDED Complete oeveetroughlng service. Fid* d*t. 473-4444, 4735442. ROCHESTER AREA' Aluminum gutters, epeut*. Roofing. - —‘ -- OR 3-1145, 474(218 EARTH MOVpR- /ER-SELF Li isckhde 20' Horizontal______ ong by V to 24‘^wld* .... underground utilities PAUL WYATT CO.____________FE (-4107 WE SPECIALIZE IN BulldoNng. 4|S- area. Free est. 482-54(2. CHAIN LINK AND 7 FjoefTffinu Clarkston Floor Covering Seles end custom Installation of carpet, tile and linoleum. Free in-the-hom* estimates. 7(12 Dixie ALL .TYPES OF CEMENT work, taojtogs. blacks, beeemenfi etc. OR BASfeMENT, DRIVEWAYS^ F;attes. i* Pontiac 371-3514. CKAEWT WORK,|^porches end ’ COMPANY. M0SHIER— Specialize Stone ' me east fireplaces built. UL >400. tanence, heuttoa. FE 4-7243. AL'S DEPENDABLE town main-tanence, amto^, fertilizing. Fall LAWN SPRAYING, fertilizer. Hi ^Mk SW ttr fret est. 4743745. &U H Sprevtoa. 1 All work guaranteed 4*34744 or 547-3324 PAINTING A N D DECORATING. Free estlmetas. For quality work call 673-4520., 7 QUALITY.WORK ASSURED PAINT-tog^ papering, wall washing ITS. PlumbiiigBHenHin CONDRA PLUMBING A HEATING BIG. BOY DRiyE^N, ^IXIE AT NEW ROOFS FOR OLD HOT ROOF, "mingles, 24 hr*., trap estimate, *P*Tr roota. FE B-ITIS. BUXTON ALUMINUM I apt. 422-7114. , ~ WOMACK ROOFING'C6. Free Esllmeta - FE l-4i*i ■ Send Gravtl—Dbt Art BULLDOZING, flldsttod grade. grgyal; tap MIL RL C>Bg3WB45. ALL TYPES OF BEACT- M send, roed orevel, tap wM. 425-3735. near Auburn S71-3 days, 120 71-2MI or FILL SAND LOADING DAILY SAND; GRAYEL, dirt, reasonable, ScpHc Tank SnrvIcG COMPLETE SEPTIC TANK, sewer IMI. In.tallkllAn Trimmed. Free M TREE REMOVAL ANO trimming: •call Davb. (51-2217. Raaaanabn ffcBn .CUIgj^ AND " E k !■ -aaHM^,EB.l3iBt_.. -1 LIGHT HAULING and moving, 425-3777, or 3»-54(7! _______ A-l LIGHT MOVING. TRASH Imetad LIGHT HAULING AND traeh. Phone frock iSr Trucks to Rent on Pickup* l Vb-Ton Stake TRUCKS - TRACTORS Semi Trailers ' Pontiac Farm and Indusrtial Tractor Co. ^mSWOGOWAR^^ fYjVRi." DRILLING — POINTS changed and pump service. UL > F THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER U, 1968 C—9 GENERAL 'S- ' *1 GENERAL cleaning, L I t t l c ironing, Monday-Thursday 01 Tuesday-Frldav, meant loci raiarancea, 353-7409. m^ANTEO WILL TRAIN PAID VACATIONS PAID HOLIDAYS GOOD WORKIHG CONDITIONS JANET DAVIS DRY CLEANERS . ~ 447-0*09 , ■■ ■ l~W#*4 FULL ■Phone agflBt. ■ _______ LEGAL SECRETARY, MUSt ba #»- *sa*a L^GAL SECRETARY >OR Anil GRILL COOK Opening For An Experienced Grill Cook on the night sniff, good earnings, free Blue Crou and life insurance. Va-cation and holiday pay. Apply in person only. FOR BEAUTY shop 3 , apply in porson. Four Camara Restaurant, earner WaliaiH%ty. !. .. KITCHEN HELP. jbAYB, — Tatagragg at Was! Maple. t7-' laUnory^’ flaY vWfic’ ’ , txpartohe* . Talagraph. Oik PART Hi m— band, Wataiiord. 423-1333. L.P.N. $3.50 Per Hour Pius many oltiar fringe benefits, AMI or pan **— ,1-*—ri afi _ bonus, aftomton shift. Pleats cal KELLY GIRL Of Kelly Services "gu.”"'" Ouportunlty _______ SHIRT PRESS OPERATOR, sleeve MATURE YOUNG WOMAN able la | phene cam and do work. 40 hr. SHtok Medical Technologist Full time position tvtllabh labor at a ry '; ‘ 1 fringe benefit program, personnel department, St. Mercy Hospital, 900 Wc Phone Lopeer MO 44414 mCupflanai n. Contact NEEDED IMMEDIATELY Lady to llve-ln full tin* (7 night to care lor aarnMnirana, 9-5, fr._ Thursday and Sunday (own mum and TV)..NOBHff3aNMffgr some cooking. Must bo ■PSPMPfP valid out of choir. Must B pleasant, rellabto and ha rataranca*. Prater aomsmot please da not call If you cannot .... and win not stay permanently, fe NEED HELP, I 6AV • week. General housework. Own transportation. MMdtobalt and NURSES AIDE FOR RELIEF or midnight shift. Over 21, 472-0801. NUR$r$ AIO, FART time rat nOrsE* AIDES, EXPERIENCED or will train, all ihlfto, must have OPFKjfc GIRL, light typing a phtwE wort,, mult ba over II. C 363-7150. WAITRESS. private ■■ Frl. 3-11, Sunday 104. ixcaitont clientsle, good pay, apply n person, Oakland County Boat :iub, 2330 Femdate, 4W-172B. PHYSICIANS RECEPTIONIST. — jBermanOnf petition, L call 633-1061, between 4 _______« pan. PART TIME OISHWASHEk. Apply In parson, isn't Northsld# Pontiac Motor Division COMPTOMOTOR *P85>J!#AToW An Equal Opportunity Employer °ff^( Nelp_/part tImE. n6 SALESGIRL WANTED: For gifts S&JKXyW SALEi WOMEN I jSnsfen-3!! but*wll7'trs'lii. srles. Arden Draperies, Secretary Receptionist owlntown Birmingham parsoni flea, nice hours, ftp wages. ~-8880 ‘"'“'"‘N COMMUNITY i Track Or„ v uas., Frl. t-4 neu. 10:30-5:30 Thurs. 10:905:00______, BOOKKEEPER, EXPERIENCED tor IATORS BUSBOY OR OIRL, 5 attamoona COOK, SHORT ORI COOK FOR LUNCHED I to S, 4 te8ra£g*,K-M»l* CARETAKER, COUPLE .tor apart- SILK FINISHER Must ba tkPertancad and ____ HORT ORDER COOK and taking appllcanons lor waitresses. Apply offer 5 p.m. 4225 Highland Rd., STOCK MARKER High school . graduate age IB-20, permanent work in ■tniilntham phone Ml 4-7101 for Interview. ■ BLOOMFI ELD FASH IONSHOP 1st Flaming before unsr to fill a noiKwIlns poslfloa.-. Company banettta and chmca lor advancement. Asm* In oangtal Lock, 244 Waat dhofflold, t:N to foas pjw, I £ TVpiitAUkCHiNN bPERATok To work h tho City ot Birmingham Finance Department. Machine bookkeeping exsertonce preferred, hut not ruqutrad. Salary nme* MMMU44F weakly. Benefits Include vacation. Insurance, sloe leave and retirement. An BMM'7MHildH|BfmBitoN|| Apply between noon at; Ito Municipal Bui___ Street, Birmingham. WAITREMB -i- FOfc FObD and beverage, mature paraena desired, experience not raautrad. lMa have both WOme W from Telo-Huron Cantor. Across from waiymU; wantbo/^HTTP omplayfftogt, gioo guaranteed. Ap •hr -m parson only, Frank-Rastaurant, Orchard Lake, Ksago waitresses FOR day or avanlng — 'Hi' MM Elln ihlft, lair Iras. BM felegraph i , Boy Real and Huron. WAITRESS NEEDED jszl. ■ xrm.--- nour, good Uiilvonlty, WAITRKh. NIGHTS. SI .25 PER hour, sxcollont tint, -plot—* counter work. Bonofffs. Biff's — tee Shop, TetoBraBh at Mopla, CIS, BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED k RH Positive . $7.50 H RH Hog, viftffl positive B-neg ; '*«§ EXPERIENCED MAN Jo sell die-tattna mech., full --|g|£||| W^liiffSgnSS. MICHIG4 BLC large raauurent ogerenon, must be femMlirYlflti accounts payaWu, account* n>eal»alito< and general to trial balance. SALESPEOPLE WANTED Your Own Desk • Your Own‘Phone Large Spacius Office Liberal Commission CALI JOE KIRK 6740319 674-0310 SALESMEN position Troy.N iKE i * men foe sale* position Arm. Offering draw training In company ach to $15,MO tint.wear. Call MHlSv -.wElFestate 10 g.m. and J a Department Manaj Experienced in Ladies Wear FEDERAL DEPT. STORES StOO DIXIE HWY. Jrayton Plains OR 2-U71 prlvata _____ ...______ preserve ’ operatftns. wilitS cooking tor guests. Excel tent position for partm who Moss fishing, hunting and outdoar Ida. Reply C- DISHWAShNR WANTED, good working condHtons. Fringe banatlts. Tarry Country Smnr-Restaurant, 1474 W. Maple, |ui ■wet at Creak*,, Troy, Midis 44: TUB._____________________ DRIVER WANTED FOR n*i motor route afforn— paid. Call 444-3950. MPLOYMENT COUNSELOR REMAeiS BABY SITTER naadad nig Ms from 5.20 p.m. t* 1:20 a.m„ Real Estate Classes Applications ar* now being takan tor Instruction classts- In preparation Nr tlw Real Estate saleswoman's examination. Classes be held from 7 p.m. to t I Contact Mr. Vondwharr at SSk'“ ‘ RECEPTIONIST, BOOKKEEPER tor Physicians office. Acawitlng machine. oxp. preferred. - -medical oxp. necessary. Rep Pontiac Press Box C-35. g.-Heceptionist- kTtCHEN HELP, night ■* . time only. Apply EH* Boy Rostaurent rSflon! 4 474 KEY PUNCti OPERATORS, days or ‘ nights, paid vacation*, hoapliailf* Non, and Ida Insurance. Apply fiwmsgiPi Kay mmch. service. 4424 S. Oort Hwy. GraiM Blanc, 4 miles south at Flint. 4tMliT 694- La^ BBT weak. -Thursday, n • day, 4 dai ll cleaning i transportation S„ 342-7191. • Witt American Girl waiter, Jr and Sr. Dlctaphona Oprs. -FBX Oprs. - TsSetyp# Oprs. -Camp. Oprs. Keypunch,.Oprs. — Grsphotype Oprs. — Clerks, filing »nd HIGH RATES VACATION FAY HOLIDAY FAY . And bonuses pp|y; Birmingham 725 S. Adams Ptaia. Rm. 12$ Phan* 4------- . REGISTERED NURSE Immediate opening In Hm County ChMdrsn's Vlllag.. ...... noon slsWt. Career opportunity Personnel Division Oakland County Court House 200 N. Telegraph Par llBMW RKT. 490 IN, DAY SHIFT, exc. salary and MPtlUBe ewr ““ tZ-~ Atom Canter Hospl ENJOY DRIVING MOTOR ROUTE Openings in BIRMINGHAM AREA APPLY H. M. STIER Circulation Dept. THE PONTIAC PRESS FBEL LIKE LIFE Is.pHSing y Dy? Call Mr. Fetoy, YORK RE> ESTATE. OR 403*1. GENERAL WORKERS Walled Lak* Manufacturer need lor general worker. ... HIGHEST PRICES FAID POR good •‘—‘two and appliances. Or what Vft B AUCTION 5M9 Plkle Hwy. OR S2717 will buy ORjtiU Voyr PMiC H|dhl*nd Waited MhceReiieeei 30 COPPER, BRASS, RADIATORS, sttrty$ end, gonorotors. c. Dlxson, NjWp^piR cants porTtOg lbs, dallvarad. Royal Oak Waste Paper and Matal Co., 414 E. Hudson, RoyarSak, Ln^at: WANTED-. WALNUT LOOS ar traas. SALES OPPORTUNITY , . EXECUTIVE TYRE jatoa tob - Income 14,000 MOB for man to represent la ' tip. trgvatlnfi, — SBit" fc CdutLB. WITH I^CHIUL tlEBOS 2-2 bedroom home. FE 5-1400. MATURE EMPLOYED LADY needs —— Keege Harbor-Orchard assuming iwa fun a..,1 rtjidtn mbltioui $70-$80-$90-$l00 STENOS-TYPISTS Light shorthand, type <0 w.p.n INTERNATIONAL PERSONNE. 1020 W. Huran/Pwliac. MA497I 500 SECRETARIES 3400 to $600 Fee Paid Management Trainees In Finance talas office. Agt 21-35 not nacossary, riRNATIONAL PERSONNEL $500 to $600, plus car SALES TRAINEES All fields, ago 21-30, H.S, grads. INTERNATIONAL PERSONNEL 1MB Wf. Nurath FantlPC. I344971. $7200 AND UP COLLEGE GRADUATES took, 332-9157, i ACCURATE TYFIST, no background necessary, * Kathy King, 332-9157. Faraonnrt. GENERAL OFFICE: Will train the girl . who iltoa a little Mt, of everything. 1300. Sue Marwln, 334-2471, Shelling and Snadlng. 37 Rent Houses. Unfurnlshgd 40 $«!• Houses BEDROOM FURNISHED apart-nent, ill caipatad. Call 4*2-2492. tawty dacarataa. 3 ROOM FURNISHED ApartntUit on “*“* ‘ ~*~fc iwwi- t LARdB ROOMS Ah6 bath on ' *OR 3H373L*** Paid. Adults. 4-RQdM LOWER, FAjjJLV furntsth BEDROOM, 1VJ BATHS. ....______ msnt, gsraga, $200 monthly. Lima, rtf., toe dap. required. Waterford Roolty, STbUW. _______________ FUltNIttkED HOUSE FOR rant on Lake Orion 9r«m Soot. '•— 244-04*4. LAKE ORION, LAKE .—, bedroom brick, nearly new family room, ftrapuKt, caraetlng, *“ neat, no tm *200 mo, plus 493-5144. LAKeTrONT 5-ROOM, couple ------ -iv. t:—-i-v ’ END OP September, furnished apartmant Ing distance of Ponttoc Generel Hospital. 33*4711. Short Living auErtsrs 33 MIDDLE AGED LADY WILL (harp RELIABLE WORKING GIRL •*“— ^arge^^furnlshed sjt^ w ROOM OR SHARE ■-utlnats or retired w Toffiuron. M4W4. MILLION Dollars has been mad* avaljabto’% ui to purchase and — 1 contracts, mortgages homes, lot* or acrosi give you cat t outright! i for your i awaiting aqulfy. Our your call at 674-2236 McCullough realty 440 Highland Rd. (M-59) MLS igan 9-9_____________474-3234 carpaiad, reasonable rent. 334-9134 ■ JW4. ________________________ EFFicilNCY^$5oSL~iir~ . . eomllt(onl f I, good con rent *23.30 _ I o» p.m. gill MF209*. weak, to e.m. LARGE 3-ROOM UPPER, private -"*—"1, 'gsregs,-------------- - OR 3-M94 i LOVELY 1-BEDROOM, call UL 2,1457. 4-H REAL ISTATi wsMsMm dmvn — might trad*. 5*44 dixii hwv.. • m-um Adtwgpjp. . 4734372 OR 5Wt V Mjjgg o pats, 1 ipkeep, first and tost is *25 dap. 473-4494, ------- - BEDROOM home, natural fireplace. Large cknat, pilled throughout, Built-in rang*. Immediate occupancy. 1490 Lombardy Dr., Highland. 0143 par mo. Roq. sac. dap. Raforoncos. Will bo on .property Sat. 14 Owner. KE 2- MODERN HOME, VEAR rt <74.3907 bat. 9-3 p.m iTcaTl Rent Loke Cottages UNION LAKE, SLEEPS 4 clean, ( heat, to Nov. 1. EM 3-3115. watkiNs lake, cleAN, •Ito _sm«ll cottage, avtllabla to Nov. 1, ■m** FOR PROFESSIONAL LADY, Ortoto Rd.. nlco. Pe »90M. I EAR MALL. BUsLlNE. CALL attar 3 p-m. 33S-5445. flat, Pontiac, carpeted and papered throughout, new appliances, private parking, couple Only, 135 per -SlOO dep„ rot, rewired. MW14 Apnrlnitnt»vUnfunilt>i»d 3t 1 AND 2 BEDROOM large light, apartments. Exceptional kite PE 2-7200______________ ROOMS FOR MEN near Pontiac plant. Private home. 334-2770, SAGmMORE MOTEL, SINGLE Occupancy, $33 par weak. Maid servlca, TV, tatophotw. 739 S. SLEEPING ROOM NEAR Pontiac 0. 332-4134,_________ 2-BEDROOM. NEW. NEAR ___________ — Carpeted. 'Appliances. Air and sour, i conditioned, heated. Rec. room. Adults, no pots. From S140. carpet and drapas furnish SLEEPING ROOM FOB working lady, Indian Vlllag*. whits horns, 334-7076 after 4:30 P.m, VERY NICE ROOM. OR 3-7539, WOODWARD AT 11»/i MICE, Stvllio Motel, poyable In advance, weekly, 1 bed *4.95. 2 bed*. W.50 - -i-“ 2 CLEAN ROOMS, *20. Lady or couple. No drinker*. 335-5102, _____________ STOVE, carpatlng, and utllltl___ $150 mo., Drayton Plains . chlldran or pots please. Rooms with Board LOVELY HOMe NEAR Tal-Huron, southern cooking R FE 1-333*. .......od Knee erouS good crodlt. Call FE HIM (anytime) josIpn SINGLETON REALTY 417 S. Paddock ALMOST AN ACRR .. 1 a hill. Extra larga 2 car < and garden. Near c near 1-75. All tor I !2Fv or $1500 DOWN disrated/ jsYLr'SSvr® 413* after 5:30. ^ ATTRACtlVi 3 BEDROOM HOME _ With lake privileges acres* th* road, nice living room, kitchen, OMME area, laundry and stores*^ rqgm. Partially cbmptottd basamant, wall shaded yard, clean nawbttmejML 2 I 'A miles from Oxford, *21.500. C. A. WEBSTER, Ttoolty MY 2-2291 ~~ •' OAKLAMQBBWI ~ Beauty Rite Homes HUNT00N SHORES $25,550 Colonial with 1,2*3 so. ft. This home has 3 bedrooms, o . walk-in cloaot, formal dining ---- - -j, garage. Now lion. 10x150 ft. Models open Monday-Thurs.-day, 4 to * p.m. Sat. A Sun. 1 to 4 p.m. Or call pick Stlor at 474-3134 or 544-7773. mnodtat* Hugos. 1 PARCELS. FARMS, DU5INC55 PROPERTIES. AND UNO ^ WnSSSTSmi utianrsi ftaiit d_______1.___ unfurnished. $75 month. Including WARREN STOUT, Rsaltor utilities, s. Paddock near Centra* - - JOSEPH SINGLETON REAI.TY, 335-H14. BEDROOM, MIXBO AREA. Rent Stores desirable Attrectlve 20x40 store. Brick ■-“ling. Steam hast. Nicely ----rated. Available Oct. 1st. Only $75 a month. W. Huron St. Cor. Frail, Vaiuot. PE 4-3S31. LARGE AREA, PLENTY of parking. BLOOMFIELD SCHOOLS. II pbaunion. Pin* Lake prh.....— _ bedroom. 2 bath*. Draparto*. Carpatlng (Including ktMtMKM kitchen appliance*. PlrogUd*. * Beamed CsllthitoiT EXtfB WtW landscaped lot. *34,500 fur quick Mid. 434-3913. Opdvka, owner trsnsfsrred. $24950 705 Hamlet, 334JB77. - BLOOMFIELD &RCHARDB OFFICE MANAGER !we buy AND ASSISTANT MAN AGE R;OR 4-036’ TRAINEE 4713 Ptxll Rapidly expanding Dutr me# heura, benefits. Adams and Adams 647-8880 PROGRAMME*: NaOUl*r~j _”7J«dL I____ wend Inst ling. WANT A BEHER JOB? Cam* to us' and wu will pres_ to Mtlit you. \ INTERNATIONAL PERSONNEL msl, WgodR»rdvilil>Mm.W«l« Instructiont-Schools ^TTENTIoir . DAY-NIGHT CLASSES , STARTING SEPT. 30,FOR AUTO MECHANICS •rt training on : WELDING WAITRESSES Ixcoltont waitress posltl ourJgirls AVBRAGI OVER a® PRR WK. — bjWHiPi^TS3(^igiw»*n 12 ond ft IWto Rda. WAITRESS. PART^tjmo ^ovontojjis.j tfcurly rr-' Interior DosignBrs SEARS IN PONTIAC . . Paid Car Expanse . . 1 aXany^Mora*, AHMylit Patsun------ SEARS IN PONTIAC 114 N. SAGINAW n auMVoppsrtwIty atMloyar | Work WiRtB* Mute TT -1 CARPENTER, all kinds. Rs-modallng. 4I2BS14 CARPENTER WORK WANTED York rem. «fAfi.oR i *OS KANTED: 'pNltS . AND Ban operators. Quollflcatlens: At toast oa ajosi! 5*2'.' net undtr 110 lbs. Able to , ~~~£SL ‘ work althtf shltto and hava 1 LIMOUSINE. PRIV1R2_______WANTED. ffansponatton. dMHttll. I BWR. S»r, »1» • **“*' 1 j.R^4R.(jNe RESTURAtlt WORK- DAYS - ar p WoRtad M. or F. I Help Wanted M. «r F. • Analytical Engineer (Turbine BXpBritncB) . - Assistant Project Engineer = (Turbine experience) Manufacturing Engineer ^ MdsTeF ScheduTgr (Familiar with line of balance control) Personnel Analyst (Experience in recruiting, labor relations, etc.) Quality Gontrol Manager - (10 to 20 years experience preferrabiy in aero spoce Industry) Accounting Clerk Lath Operator "A" (Minimum of 6 months experience in sheet metal wont) Immediate Openings in a Rapidly Growing Company CON or Come In for a Confidential Interview Mr. Charles E. Bailey Personnel Manager r WILLIAMS RESEARCH CORPORATION 2280 W. Maple, Walled lake, 6244591 . tr*st fer kudretn ugt»#t»tory! Goad wage* and working Fa 1-9145. Ft H144. MACHINIST EXPERIENCED N. C. Frogrammer soaks employment In th* Pontlac-Royal Oak area. Reply te Bex C- AND CONSTRUCTION LIGHT HAULING, add'll SELLING TRADING BUYING r real estate today, cal RAY REAL ESTATE 689-0760 '7—~Wr RAY REAL ESTATE 731-0500 WANTED. 'SHARP'. I WU^eVtiNOOjU BPECIAUItNO IN CHIMNEYS. 363- 12 $ sales Hear, n Mokkasaing or • ' iBigmlpBga_ aad phono colls tK I OFFICE dLiANINd. 3 to 4 nrg, • night. OH wll.__ WOMAN FOR OFFICE, COUNTER I *nd marking, departmarrt, goad nay, steady work. Apply Fox Dry Claahara, 719 w. Huran. I WANTED, MORE salary. Companion *=&%!d“wmk WOMAN FOR v 3g,L~ Clarks ton era*. M WOMEN WiNtfb to s stoody or part time a person. Poop!** FMt ryTsaainasT _______________ WOOL PRESSSR, STEADY work, Michigan Bell Phant: 29H745 TEACHlkS, CA>ETBIkirnff*Tp'; holiday and vacation. CM X-RAY TfcCHNOLOGIST W iNh, 1 WOULD LUCK TO HAVi A MOM bumadr “1 into my homo, 5 aasiM* ■■ — ___________MMSBS *. . WOOL FINISHING DEPARTMENT 1 B dry cleaning plant, qrtt Rata, 2 Him employment. Apply In --- **- Ctoanor*. Utdaa Ufa. A REAL ESTATE Young Women order daportmod, muat ba BE mwrvitw. For ippowniPt *H ^ Fjat4. fGBJtig p*>L, Mqsl- ^-.REALCr ?E»L^tTATE Work guorantood. _ 099 or 05-1424. SLM. inONilML'l day 'mrn McCawan, FE 4-W47. EXPERIENCED DAY COOK, cail 334909. NURSE AIDES—ORDERLIES . Good working CMdfftona. a and htowwldnead. person Tuoodoy agd R from 9:0 to 11 d__ oominoie Hills Nursing Homo, 53 Orchard Lake Awmut.FfWla*. MIDDLE-AGED COUPLE or wamdl to In rooming NUto Baa FE S-7RR. RETIRED ' cdllU WAfhrW) * manage 14 unit jt portm e n —Liemesjai MOTHERS CARE FOR pra-schoolor, Dixie Hwy. Scott Lak* Rd. area, leas., 57H974.________ and! rough carpenter with Want* 1 or }ggg^^a||( fOl aftor 4. . Call OR J- ShouMvYou MAKE AN'EMFLOYMENI CHANGE? NOW IS THE TIME I PrGeewldEp • ALTERATIONS, DRESS MAKING. Naadad for our Waterford • ar Birmingham Office. Experience In msrtmanT building, eonvnercffl or MERION BLUE GRASS eod, for Hto ffrai add second j—^ LETS, in7-435-4C31 CGEveiesceRMlErBlEg 21 Mief_^wejFaR two aldarly curtains, dragarlas and badmraada. Downtasen Birmingham. To* sal-^ - r*|,fr FREE REAL ESTATE clamiT while you loam, full or port Art DaUais Jaalty, lnt Nl M Rd. tU-tSt! ar mt Oi Pinckney Rd- 4SMWt. fF YOU ARE iidMto*’ortoMF YOu’dEsTrt Into tho BIG MONEY, then »ld aosuclatu w«h sur 2$-year srtancad gtgmifagtton. Wo nova nlngs at th* following offlcoa f~ dttous, active parsons: ...J Commerce Rd!TEM 3-71M. ' 33*0* Northwoetoni Hwy-, *51-1414. tward at low MHa, U 7W54B ■ ■ .. 1 NEXPERIENCb6. plea a* ragWar far fra* rtaaiai, Phan* Ml 1 ^ C SCHUEn realeSmte RiAL ESTATE MANAGER - Our Birmingham offle* ream tatantad manager. Experience in apartment MMUm, cammarclal ar reajdantlal C Grtan RaaBy Il’v i WILL car! FOR 3 or 4 yr. old In my horn* while mother work*. , Dkvaoniy MS-IBM.__ lielEeB tewlc> ■____ 15 STUMPS WIiMVeDFREE ^ A PRICE TO SUIT yea. Light to ■ .jjgffBrtucjw. -g”- LIGHT )UU^II^[ AIFD moving, <:'i* EXTERIOR HOUSE FAINTING, — W1.1914 or FE H193. EAMNiL interior And *i tarlor. Rooaonobto rate*. 4*2-3201. HAINTIN9, INTERIOR ANI CASH FOR .FURNITURE AND a ELDERLY COUPLE NEEDS homo near Mall. Cash. Agent, 331-6952. M^i WANTEO Tfrim wmt non to Buy In Union Lake Area. _______________ 342412B K FRONT year-round is Elizabeth or Union LOTS—WANTED IN PONtlAC _ Immsdlata Closing. REAL VALUE STARTER HOME ,IN OAKLAND COUNTY. CALL AGENT LOTS WANTED 50 ft. or longor, any location. Cosh buyers;, YORK 674-0363; AMERICAN HERITAGE APARTMENTS Accepting applications badrocm apartments, th building avail. Nov. t- No no pots. 472-5144 NEW AND IN NIC* homa, S 1 bath, single or marrlod , Includes stova, rofrlgaratoi utltm»4 *11*. 4*2-3451, BLOOMFIELD MANOR Fay, _r.. ......... 1 and 2 bedroom luxury 1 built-in Hot Point oapllancee, —> H»tlu 1 to 9 »-m. 222-23 — phone uH 4-7405. FOR YOUR EQUITY, VA, FHA, OR OTHER, POR QUICK ACTION CALL NOW. HAGSTROM REALTOR, OR 4-0350 OR EVE-HIHGS. FE 4-7005. brick or aluminum stood homo, *11 on on* floor with two car garage. Customer prefers wests toe location, will pay up to 132400. Cash tor right property.. Call FE 4-092! oak for OOMM Waterford area. Clarkston Real Estate 154 S. Main MA 5-5021 BEDROOM LAKE FRONT apart-mont, utilities fum., 1 man enty. Sec. dap. Cal; Sun. or Mon. MY -ROOM. PRIVATE I trance, Tel-Huron paid, aaeuri4" 402-1215. l-gfa-nliSmis&SS&F ROMM '_AH». eATH7~ UPPER 5 ROOAM.AND BATH, hsat and water fumtohod, FE 4-790*. 2-ROOM, *>RIVATt bath and *n-trance, couple, rat. 425 dip-, S25 wk.,100 Norton. ROOMS AND BATH, ..... ROMM ANb GAfHriNOOlftE at ____I__ *27.50 par ytoNLMlPilV dy. Inquire at 273 Baldwin, call 3-BEOROOM, FIREPLAiE, furnished, no chlldran or pots, 030 per week, $50 deposit, ——------ 4742223 ROOM APARTMENT. 244 FE I&504* f kOOMS AMD PRIVATE—both, Stats ^Hospital Are*. 013 por wk. AND 3 ROOMS, MortWit In both. h ond, FE 4-1125. BROOM BACHELOR, RP fAMW^Gniul iXtorkT - : NICELY FUfcl------ Ot. Mlkaa. FE Firn ROOMS FURNISHED, coupto praterrwi, share bath j|| Utllltla* turn. FE 29470. ROOMSi yit^ JBATH, utlllttas, 97 prlv«t« HILLVIEW 'VILLAGE , PLAZA.' bedrooms, • TVb baths, will, fireplace, air condltkmlng, garbage , plus Utilities. 363-2123. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Coral Ridge Apts SECONP-WILCOX ROCHESTER < BEDROOM APTS ------$145 Mo.--------- ludes all Vltlltlai, axcap I. CALL MR. TREPECK, 474- APPROXIMATELY 2,000 sq. tt. of office space on W. Huron St. ------* aarklno . 4*1-0900. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY, 1.3^0 sq- ft- tor loot*. Ideal tor professional offices, retail store, ate. Plenty of parking. 3434 w. Highland Rd. (near Elizabeth Lak* Rd!) Phona 743-5214 Flint. AVAILABLE NOW IN ONE OP Rochsstar's finest and newest office and commercial can tar. Medical suites, general office suites and commercial spaces. Plenty of fro* parking. Phone 451-4574 or 731-4400. PONTIAC MALL . SHOPPING CENTER Ground floor, , Building, 110 sq. -----~.'*h am turn!,'call*4t2-0123*or WO I janitor 1-0077. sq. ftT on west s PROFESSIONAL OWFICI CE F? of Pontti list or M. NEW LUXURIOUS APARTMENT 2-b*droom apartment $170. children or p*k||iiBM “ carpeting, d refrigerator, furnished, plu electricity. In on W*at Walton >r dental, special as Include 2 iab. dark rodn.. d a shared walling aitowad. Fireplace, axcapl Thura, stova, and ~ condlt toning. _____ jlitles except Drayton Plains area on Etod. Call OR 4- NBW DOLLY MADISON APARTMENTS 1-1 BEDROOMS FROM $145 TT^---WMIto R*.«tf-75 Madison Haight* '-eludes; un deck — pool — air condf.- All utilities except electricity Models Open 11.AM-S PM 585-1125 President Madison FR0M$145 John R botwosn 13 and 14 Mila Rd. Rent GARAGE FOR MECHANIC OR US*d cars an Oakland Av*„ FE 2-1779. I ______I pW fireplace, patto, balcony. Paradnai utility room with washer and dryar. Located In HIItvtow Vlllag*, WIIHams and Elizabeth Lak* roads. iM_*ffil. *pt. 144 Summit BEDROOM RANCH. *200 par month. $200 security. OR 2-2471, ROOMS CAR^BTEb, WASHER and- dryar, |l50|^ call.. attar 4:00 ROOM AT CAM Uh4 4747 Maptavtow, aft of Hlltor Rd., Gas tsaat, tin me, s*pt. - June br j- Includss S210 par momn, ease security deposit. 9 month loss*. 425-2615 qr 424107A Rant Business Preperty 47-A 4615 DIXIE 25,000 Square tt. w«r. manufacting bldg. Rent FOR LiASE 2,000 aq. ft.," Haggarty. Walled Lk. 42141, Rewt ItslGGte Pregerty 4?-A OFFICE SPACE WITH warehouse facilities. Located at 505 Oakland Ava. For information call Chorlos Palalan, 334-6307, Mon, SHOP AND STORAGE building. manufacturing, house, garage, out-hulldlna*. 0225 montto MA 4^1B. 2 BEDROOMS, EXCELLENT condition, ton* tot, alum, atoms, gerage, eloaad patio, hot water Mat, garden, Rochester area. UL 2-1014 2 BEDROOM ON DOLLAR LK. CONNECTS TO CASS LAKE. GAS HEAT, LAND CONTRACT, IMS KENRICK — VACANT. \2 BEDROOM RANCH^ Nlc* locatton, black top sir#* large lot, gat heat. *14,200. 2 BEDROOM RANCH I-car garage, *10,900, tt,M0 down. FLATTLEY REALTY JEBSnU 3 Bedroom Brick Ranch. Hh baths, large family room, 'with Boor 9* patTo, basamant, I car garagw swimming pool, fenced yard. -Corner South BlVtl BEAUTY RITE HOMES BRATS RENTING! _ .' ''1 1 mmguS0'- _yt 474-149*. mm bedroom ranch,^ 1V4 buthsl full basement, eniched 2-car garage. Beauty Rite Hornes ^ PLEASANT LAKE WOODS New constructing soyeii btautfful homo* In an uxcluslv* tttabltoh- ~ -- bdlyiam r32-- -*=■ '=— BUILD ON YOUR OWN U)T Hundred* at hom* plans, an planning and caRiflM supervision. Writ# Hr « end *11*1911*11017101 Albee Homes, Inc. 3513 Elizabeth Lake Road ^-itoSTRgngTmSF^ —CiiRrFir^WpfEqullY._ HACKETT 3634703 COMMERCE ARSr^ 3 bedroom ranch on N , or!h'<*MJoi FJUUelins. COSWAY REAL ESTATE ARarfRMBtBr Unfumisligd 38Apartments, Uiftwllliid 31 NBWLY FURNISHED Lake Front: hem*, 12091 Ito Lak* Rd. Clarfcatqn Watorford area. Call attar 4174-3474. UNION LAKE AREA, 2 bedroom *22 WE ARE LOOKING tor a cuupto (will take an older child)' that will traat a lovely I bedrooom furnished hom* luat Ilka their vary — Breezeway, garag* and full, gift pur month — 1 year Mas* SiGGPOG . • 11 Root Nggios, UEfErolsiiGd 401 BEDROOM HOME FOR Cltoferd!. 010* oar mo, “BEDRbOMSr'»UBUN*AN itving, ^XMurealtv^J fenced yard, Holly or**, *145 *145 dopoatt. 434*709, Pontiac Press Want , Ads For Action IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY ____ CHILDREHWHXQML_ YOU'LL ENJOY Lift MORE IN A BEAUTIFUL NEW APARTMENT BETWEEN 2 L0VRY UKES, COME OUT TODAY. tPJM. KB TO DETROIT VW*9 W$iW+ . SYLVAN ON THE IAKES on Can Lak# RtL, btfwMn Cass and Sylvan Lakse DlRECTtOHS: ^ **&**_ mm C-rig THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1968 HfclUt ft , 49 Saif Hoorn CASS LAKE PWVH.EGES BRAND NEW 5r <&38 larga kitchen with buHMna end btaMltojt art*. ** ceramic tile baths. Buy now -Mr your choice af color*. WHY PAY RENT? MW down. (*» OgN coehi on Itrgt i Schools, iy SSL*??. Jf with 3-rlvllagti. COSWAY REAL ESTATE 681-0760 MW Orchard Lk. (At Cammarc* Rd.) CHOICE Birch _____ ____ basement, near Pontiac motor $5,500 down to SU par c» mortgage. $102 monthly payme Includes taxaa and tnsuranc $17,500. SPECIAL Walfrtord Township, extra charr Ing 3-badmem brtjtpf-~l UNDERWOOD 025*2515 Res. 425-1175. 425-1125 Crestbrook MODEL OPEN DAILY 12-8 , or By Apaolntm* 5-bedroom, family room _ JR garagv prtoad at oinly llf teo plus w. TCbUmm.. mMm tmmm mm MraM*. curb, gutter, sidewalks end ettr WS)r« Win. cm me to tVai bath, bullt-lns, 2 car attached BUILDER - OWNER. 67311H EAST CITY YACANT Taylor, OR 4 FARM HOUSE. Remodeled farm home on o scenic Acme. 3 bedrooms, l .... baths, completely modern known first Near laundry, baaamant. $42,500. land contract financing available. TED'S Val-U-Vision Show of Homes : FIND YOUR HOME , In living color In tho air conditioned comfort of our ploasant office. Tho Intirior and oxtorior of tach homo is featured for your house finding onjoymont. "Pre-Visit" each homo and save several valuable hours of your timo driving in tho hot summer weather. When buying you exchange monty for property and when selling you naturally want your properties worth in money. Wo feel our procedure is alone at the top of tho list when it comes to buying .or soiling a home. Our office is open Sunday for your convenience from 2 to 5. Come In and browse around our gallery of fin* homes. Coll us now at 674-2236, or 363-5065. OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 3631 MEADOWLEIGHWAY LANE OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO 5: 1941 KINM0UNT OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO 5: Lovaly I h ittaChtd IVi 'EaWaamaBiw ““ * 1 fifij S.^T.iv0 mum ranen noma, 1-75 and Obkland II, taka privilege*. DIRECTIONS: Joslyn y to rlBht at Klnmount. YOUR HOST: 6755 AMY DRIVE-CLARKSTON 5: Hoi ting ». ^Al^Srh _____________ ________ you slap Into thla a picture magazine, lovely brick custom with fireplace. Full baaamant, attached II new carpeting, built-in Oven ana------------ 2480 LITER OPEN SUNDAY 1 TO 5: FHA terms tor this lovely 3 b ranch home with poMlbfltttot el 4th bedroom. Carpeting, a garage, vary neat and wall kept, paved streets, community JsSSsS ttrwwta. , SSS2 PUINS S3 OPEN SUND ilMOO; term OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO S: .. Cd^Wrago, larga * 2675 FREMBES OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO 5: 3________I toll baaamant, approximately 12N tq. ft. IRECTIONS: OSTESS: Dai North of Dixie . hardwood floors, gas ___ will eatpatlng, so n*» Immediate possession. PHA t - to tottaTPrambas. \ OFFICE “OPEN— SUNDAY 2 TO 5 JUDAH LAKE ESTATES CASS LAKE wmmmr. i * jnvMtrnant trade ami It all new Vr $ with larga bedrooms, 2 Iota ovarloe tad, attached garage, 2 full baths, p » range,' carpeting and drapes Included. An axes at Sft.MO cash to existing mortgage. Terms or — and ethers In living color In PONTIAC KNOLLS NOTHING DOWN Ol'S BOB down on PHA Term*. 4 bedroom, 2-etsry home, full basement. 112,750. Catt now for personal appointment. INCOME 4 bad roam, 2 story heme, toll baaamant, 2 car Baraga. paved street pnddrtva. North sWa isdotton. Land canbreel torma. Could ba made bq*,3 pr jlSbllift Approx. $1700 dawn to tho axlst-bigland contract gt 4 par cant. Now ranted. McCullough REAL ESTATE 5460 Highland Road (M-59) 674-2236 362-5065 Sfh Hams FIRST IN VALUES RENTING $78 Mo. Excluding taxes and Insurance $10 Deposit WITH APPLICATION' WILL ACCEPT ALLPLICATION! WDOHi PEOPLE WITH CREDIT PROBLEMS AND RETIREES ARE OKAY WITH US. OPEN DAILY AND SAT. AND SUN. 1- “ StTwTanrwtt , Near Baldwin > ■ • ' REAL VALUE REALTY For ImimdiOtB Action Coll FI 5-3676 642-4220 GAYLORD KENT basismant, lanced yarc $11,500 with 02,000 dOW BUILDING? — Then 4 large tot' with laki nearby. terms.< FLOYD KENT, INC., Realtor 2200 Dixie Hwy. at Telegraph PE 741125 or . Pro-tml horses; Ranch style, 4 ear oar Bairn. 13 mHaa from Pontiac. Terms. Call MY 2-2021, PE 5NN. 13 ACRES. Private taka plus fron-taoa on lafgt lake. Natural tog oOCT&WiiliHd privacy, va«nt. Call to sea. MY 2-2B21, P* ST. MICHAELS AREA, home In .axcallentc GAYLORD INC. . 3W. Flint St., Lake Orion * 3-3*21 Ft S-0403 HAROLD R. FRANKS, Raolty mm Among fit carpeted bsdraema. ________ .. has built-in oven a Breezeway to IMs car a *------ Priced right and drapad. I ■ ______________ Shown by Everett Cummings, Realtor 2513 UNION LAKE RtiAD EM 3-3201 343-7111 HAYDEN KEEOO 4-bedroom home, full basement, L*"”* ,n porch“' NORTHSIDE _ tench, toll gag beat, bullt-lns,_< flMnO wfth WItlSi J. C. Hayden, Realtor 3434004 10735 Highland Rd. (M-5*> VI Mila West w Oxbow Lake HOUSE BY OWNER — Sunday . .. Saf>t-15, 1«4 Parkway, Sylvan IRWIN CHIPPEWA ROAD. Clean 2-story frame hems. Offers IVb baths, s bat*--' " basement and Scar WEST SIDE: Thla aluminum eld home hit a larga with fireplace, toil room, kitchen an area. 2 badreama -pH .JPfMR up. Odt heat. 2-car garage and axtra larga lot. Set It today. BUYING OR SELLING CALL JOHN K. IRWIN & SONS 313 Watt Huron - Since 1125 PE 54444 after 5 p.m. FE 54443 size dining ^reiktMt H0LLAWAY "Modat" ranch. MWMPlireiirr. L< $10,500 on yew tot. 112 Milford Rd;HlgMand, Mk 1-414-3401 INQUIRE 1035.tnATHPICU3.IJ 0 pm. OH Glddliiga Rd. Ptoaaa Real Estate paraonnal. InvEStdrs Special ^-•rk^^rjrsssi balance. FB 0-4152. LAKE PRIVILEGES .room, bull! In mi. ~ Kitchen, m baths, k with earppt, Drat _ lanced tot, 2V*car garage. A-l ran-dltton, Drayton Plaint. 121,500. Broker, 50M5I4. LAND CONTRACT TERMS VACANT Aluminum tiding ranch, new gi furnace, 2 bedrooms hardwot. Haora. Aluminum S.S. payments only 070 month. CALL YORK REAL ESTATE WE BUY WE TRADE FE 8-7176 OR 4-0363 1702 S. Telegraph 4713 Dixie Hwy. LARGE OLDER HOME, 2 bedrooms, living- room with natural fireplace, 2 large rooms tor recreation or OAKLAND LAKE VIEW bedroom, 37x14' Jiving rireplaca, 2 ear garage, clo full price 022,100. terms avalli SHELDON 4545 DIXIE CLARKSTON LIVABLE AND LOVABLE Thl$ 3 bedroom ranch It newly decorated,- part baaamant, oak floors, gat heat, paneled living dining room. lltbcSfiT gito WNn lowing pond tor ad $13,500, no dawn Ql. KAGSTROM, Realtor -NO W. Huron MLS OR 4-035S Evn, FE 4-7005 MODEL OPEN DAILY 9-V SUNDAY 2-8 P.M. Tasteful luxury ami carefully planned conveniences |- ‘ * to "alaganca will. - -. — travagonca" mean men In a "Frusnour-AngaH" built home That's why you can still have thal new homo of your dreamt, built on; yew lot tor only 110,400. Why don't you bring your family over to Inspect our medal at ton N. cats Lake Road today. Salea exclusively * RAY O'NEIL REALTY 3520 Pontiac Lake Road OR 4-2222 MLS livE in while you build, ifitf - OS' tot, Ms prlvllegaa. to cash or tarmL 002-7507. MALL AREA dtt-. JiXr' ZERO DOWN This 2 badiuorh home on 3 tots, hag bean newly docoratod, c-- M bought on GI, 010400. GIROUX YORK u gutters, rood and I west of ), Cootoy Lk., Rd.. to OR 3-8191 Q.ta fLM«r:________ Elizabeth Lake. , Com- MODEL HOME , OPEN SAT., SUN., 1-5 ANYTIME BY APPT. bedroom brick trl-level with 2 car attached garage, IVk baths, finish, ad family room. Modal locate,' Williams take Rd.. i block n of Union Lake village. Also We Build deco rated, Immediate occupancy- siding, lVb-car garags. badrpam cantamporary ranch lW^batty, 3 car garage and bedroom* colonial with 2Vb baths, family room, formal and Intormal dining garaga. 2 car J. C. HAYDEN, Rtaltor wot ier...... ■ - — w mlto u dose to schooit, (hopping, churchit and bus. Drive by thla beauty today; Pull price only t14,«0t with 42.500 Call now to see this homo PRESTON BILT-HOMES AND REALTY 473-ill 1 Sol* Houses 49 Sale Houses NEW HOMES AVAILABLE NOW HL,DESIGNED FOR HAPPY LIVING, ig You'll find charm and con von lance " plus prestige and pleasure In gj ■- ——Ibuilt by Pontiac's leading builds O'NEIL OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 P.M. 1420 PINE KNOB PRIVATE WORLD FOR SALE Wall kept nearly new ranch, brick and atone, 5. king alia bad rooms, larga cantor hall. In an exceptional 15 acra. sotting, located near Pina Knob Ski ratort and Spring Lake golf course, winding drive to house from road. Beautiful fireplace In csrpatsd living room, bullt-lns In kitchen, also built-in china cabinet, large porch of stone and brick, with walk-out to patio from dining room. Hobby room and rtem-atto^roenHlA basement,^ 2 car haatad garage.. Ilia family can ker mihSr*?n>mrVll5?* Clarkston Read, ' g take gon lMlIMPM* — ix -grpttod living ... _...- BEEBIEH torga porch ol to from dining room. Hobby room i._ . I car haatad garage. The family can . ..— avargraan trass and nice garden spot. < Price $45,900. North on Soshobaw, right onto “ to Pino Knob. Your host, ,Mlko Moultrup, #12-27 Yoa, you will really smile whan you buy this custom built homo with 3 spacious bedrooms, attached 2 car oaraga, larga tot finished rac. —-m your teenagers will ba proud to omtrtoln their friends here, omfleld schools. Soma Intelligent executive will buy this—why you? Pack your toothbrush and move In. Full price 332400. wa —.- trader lumactorg otf Square laxs woaa. saw Vr woodward to Devonshire. Your host, Gil Long. 451-5132. #MS _______VAN SHORES JUST LISTED s built horn*. Lovely kitchen half, beautiful recreation room fireplace. Many other added - ----------- .. ,__Jfomo Is flnlshed with 0 deco- ra,or • touch mroMMUt. Across the atraat (rum sylvan Lake, privileges and boat dockage. Voorhels Road to Sylvan Shores Drive. Your Hostess—Edna Groan, 443-3074. #15-44 > h all tw h bullt- 2434 WAKING LANE g ever with loving c ranch. Tho floe- gU i, full dining n ------No ort dl SOMEBODY CARED our now listing la brimming over with loving core. IPs a family - 4.roams, brick ranch. The floor plan features a torga ' ■*"r“----- *■'" mom, lovaly kitchen with ^dlnlnj^araa, three^apKloui alto 0 room finished tor an ottlca or extra bddroom. Large 2Vb car' garaga. A tire opportunity at SB4400. Ba first. MSf. right an Airport Rood, toft on Wlllwmt Lake Road, right an Percy King, right on Waking Lana. George Schreader your heat, 132-3444. #12-31 OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 PM. 754 SECOND HERE'S A REAL SHARP 3 bedroom trl-level home only a block tram Northern High. 1W hatha, built-in even and range, family room and 2Vi car garaga. All thla on a large tonced-ln lot. Quick gooawulon. Full price 01,500. Wa will accept your homo aa a trade. North an Jetlyn. right onto 3520 Pontiac Laka rd. OR 4-2222 Office Open t let Pleasant family torn* in Village at Orion, within wplklng distance of churchts, schools and shopping. 3 large bedrooms, -11* baths, alum, tiding, naw kitchen, full baaamant. Modern gas fired baseboard heat. Patio andftneed yard. Garaga. 22* E. Flint St. Shown by appotntimnt. $22,500.00 LADD'S OF PONTIAC 3447 LAPEER RD. 371-3300 SYLVAN LAK£ Sam Warwick hoi 3 houses 1775 WARWICK, 2 badroom. good unNmistad attic, carport, carpet, tttJM, i960 WARWICK, 2 bedroom brick, carport, SI7JM0. 1432 Kenwood. 2 badroom frame, fireplace, naw bathroom, naw root. Ideal for retirement, $15,500 or dost , oftor. 442-2(20 -452-1714 NEW 3 BEDROOM RANCH, raady to occupy, aluminum oxtorior, ' ceramic bath, baaamant, gas heat. Fin* subdivision with paved 1 .treats. Total 417.300 With *p-1 proximately 25 par cant down. Wotortord Township. OR 2-7448. NEWLY BUILT BRICK and aluminum ranch on canal loading to Sylvan and Otter Lakes. 3 bedrooms with parquet floors, kltchan with bullt-lns, carpet and ' drape*. $21,700. : Open 7 to 7 1 chamberlain 420-7100 13 Mil* A Northwestern NOTHING DOWN 3-bedroom — dost to Pontiac Gan oral Hospital. Beautiful large ' wooded lot — 4480 closing coats to qtofmad buy moves you In. WRIGHT REALTY 328 Oakland FE 2-M41 TUCKER REALTY CO. 703 Pontiac state Bank 334-1545 2-bedroom, on South Edith, full tosomont, gas hoot, 2-car garage, fruit and ahado trees on 1M ft. lot. •10,500 cash er terms. Agent. Cali 443*15 or 731-4344. UNION LAKE GOLF Manor 4 bedroom Tri-Laval, 2 car e*ragt, $27,700. 343-3555. VACANT CAPE COD. 4 beddroooms, tosamant naada finishing, *2,000 to S25.000 balance. Owner's agent, OR 4-1670. ! k Colonial near indlan- tor boating an beautiful Elisabeth Lake. Why net '"vaatlgat potential homa ownership of this daalribla lake front brtek ra with over 100 toet of toko frontage. IPs a choice piece .of » thm will. surely Interest V — |B| “ private Shewing. "FOR HOMES WITH APPEAL, CALL O'NEIL" Isn't lust a slogan with us,, IPs a way ot Ilia ai._ . can offer iiemH^auch as this gracious brick. Cotonto weed Lake, writ be vary proud. Indeed. „ Having had day last weak. It has all the extras; a tint ftoor tan..., wood burning fireplace, a master bedroom featuring a walk-ln ctosat a drasaine room connecting to the master I—aim watt *« carpetInp upatalrs and, dewnatalra, a “ -hriia and omm gardens, inn— _____. ______ ....... ^..J ranch tanca. Leads of qua S35,»oo to ah attractive mortgage, which FLOWER FRESH AND SHOWER CLEAN is wm liwr“ J| ftt’cMWaw________ 2"car'sftachSd' garagaT ____I __________ _. toil baaamant, i car had garaga and more, Mara, more. .Acre ath, *jmng fruit , roo: gardens, shrub and ao BELAIRE HOMES, INC. WATERFORD, mrih your tlm i at WESTRI - oft the Dixie right off Cllntonvlile Rd. onto Cotta ------l, and POX BAY, right off me Lake Road 'onto Parry loft to Fox Bay Drive. You'll ______or how wall thoy'rt built and easy to maintain. You'll bo proud aa punch to own ono. Call your O'NEIL REALTY representative today. iq|> Heoeh OPENSUN.2-5 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION DRAYTON WOODS (fimptom toltofes entity mom or 4 ______oaraga, I lots priced tor quick sale. Open Sun. 2-5 2 new houses, 3 bedroom aach or White Lake Rd. off MxIa Hwy. formal dining reenvj JimtoqmA gas heat, garaga. Fairly priced Pt $22,000. Terms. WARDEN REALTY 3424 Wl Heron. PantolC. 4IBIIIM OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 BRENDEL LK. FT. 659 HILLWOQD 3 bedroom brick Itoma wlth wall out b«aomont, 2 flrapjacas, be. water hast, new carpeting. Sandy beach. Tak* M-» to Hlllweod and watch tor open signs. Approximately IT miles west at Pen- WALLEp LAKE, 4 BEDROOM brick torga famUy room r'“-, T full baths, 2 - heat. Larga lot. PERRY ACRES New ranch homa, 3 bedrooms l hatha, Formica cabinets, toy wl dew In living room, brick at aluminum alwM, larga—™* * WacMoP *htot- Only 427450._ STATEWIDE REAL ESTATE 11-3000 3441 s. Lapetr Rd. RHODES' LAKE ORION — 4-bqdroom torn* Indlanwood Lake, scenic locath 305' frontage, hat tlraplaea, wl.. temair carpet, ivy baths, lull basement, oil heat, 2-ctr garage, a. real buy at 343,500. Cell Today on thla one. OXFORD — 5-bedroom home, rooms total, near sehooto ai shopping, Oniy 514400. (5500 do* forms. 30 days | YORKS SPECIAL OF THE WEEK "VACANT" broom brick ranch, 1V3 tot family room, gat heat, 2-car I tachad, 95' lot, terms ora right, 4 private showing call YORK LARGE HOMESITES — With to j>rivllo|Hm^rmaonably priced. Ci A. J. RHODES, REALTOR FE 1-2304 254 W. Walton FE 5-4711 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE WE BUY OR 4-0343 4713 Dtxto H SOUTHEAST AREA t. Only 4174007FHA terms. Miller Bros. Realty STUNNING DEPARTURE akafront-Ci 44 ot an a It Lake frontage. SEE ITI BRIAN REALTY Comp Muttlplt LI OpOn Week! Dixie Hwy. LL BARMS. ------- HP __ _J chltdran. Buv-salMrade ».... Art Daniels Realty, 1230 N. Milford Rd. 445-1547 or 7030 Daxtsr-Pinckney Rd. 4SM454-. SOUTH SIDE - P* CENTRAL...? •r month!* Walking distance ieneral Motors Truoi PIMt. KENNETH O. HEMPSTEAD ---REALTOR FE 4-4214 155 ELIZABETH LAKE ED. 49Sale Houses lining OPEN—9376 BONNY BRIER PONTIAC LAKE FRONT: Shads trsaa. flowers, ihruba and a fireplace era the frosting on thla cake, cute 2 bedroom me bung* law, lttxlf living room with tlraplaea, 11x14 ktiidMn and I combination. Gu teat, 5144* farms. On Pontiac Late Read an Kingston, left on bucktognam and toft on Bonny Briar. BUT 2 TO r Your toatass: iva Nlckoit. OPEN 4439 CEDAR. COLOR THIS GREEN and add the aha bar el towering shad* treat In thla bride and aluminum raiaad ranch horn* situated on a beautiful tot, 75x100, Uniquely, decorated . thNUBMM With Ilka h*W carpatlnna in the living ream and haH. I tomtoms, temHp style kltchan with sliding glass door-wall leading to the tun-toot and Itogdane pane. 4Velk-eul bata-mant. Gas heat, and tote privileges on Upper straits lak*. Commerce Read to Graart lake Read, right on Oak icy PariTand right an cedar. Sunday, 2'to I. Your tout:. Connl* Braadlng. OPEN 5885 LOCH LEVEN-BETTfR THAN NEW It th* only way to describe thla 3 bedroom 'brick ranch tonwr that the owners have haapad with "T.L.C." (Tandar tovlnd cans), Inside and out. 21 ft..long kltchan with bullt-lns, basmad ceilings, raal Erick^ tohiire %P:3Xfe;4lto(t|d -want ton. C*r|>*t*d__ IlyMg mgin. 12x17. Tjjwwwi bath with vanity. Firtl hasammiTe 20x24 attachad Loch Lavan. OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY 12 TO 6 FOR INFORMATION CALL OR 4-0324 CLARKSTON SMALL FARM—1» acres to call your own w spacious brick and aluminum randt torn*. 7Vt car attachad aSaameT tow toilC! mmT ------' kltchan with bultHnt, 11* tatha, Anderson wk Bilik bad rooms, and full Waito# pMMINMt It converted mt* addltlanal living apaca. BALDWIN AND WALTON AREA—Vary popular locatas this 3 bedroom bungalow, with oi with hof and cold water and floor drains. 12x22 pMto i a beautifully lantocapad tot. M-5f toft on Chmdao and right T-*^ — Sunday, 2 to 1 your Matos*: Oma Futrell. WATERFORD AREA All brick ranch homo. 1 bad;—— "**^topd .floors, futt toaomont 2 finished rooms, gas haat, - ---- landscmooT 2M<*r , hvm itr*ot ragM ,Cal ah 473-3782, Oft, it* WtL WARDEN E. IROQUOIS/ room homo on d waff'1——— lot Including sovorol 2 bedroom homo WHI ad HySQ room, a ton. 1 FAMILY On tho EtSt side of Padtiac. $350 par month Income, 415,700 with » pet. dawn.. . BACKUS REALTY 4548 Elizabeth Lk. Rd. 6S2-7131 Or 334-1475 WALTER'S LAKE Daslgnars homa umiaual IB (t., living area, outs tarn tlraplac*, studln >-*:iino. kltchan, plus 3 baths, exterior DRAYTON Immediate Occupancy Waterford ..... 4 bedrooms, 21* baths, 2-car attachad garaga, family ream with tlraplaea, lake privileges. $37,500. FHA Mims. TOM REAGAN .....- REAL ESTATE 151 N. Opdyk* _________332-0154 wi closing mm on i bungalow with full newTy Uacorktod, 338-4752.____________ w Landscaping INCLUDED! ON THESE .NEW HOMES BY \ ROSS WATKINS HILLSi bedroom RANCH, S baths, ---- - • - tpIIcI $31,900 LAKELAND ESTATES: 2 spacious quad lav«ls on the laka.’ 1 ranch and 1 colonial with laka privileges from $34,900. , l area unique. 4 minutes MODELS OPEN DAILY, SUN. 1-8 P.M. 623-0670 HOWARD T. KEATING CO. New Colonials MdTnfng ____ ________ atoiw -88M.___________ plastaraq walls. sapOrata dining romo. hi parage and Anchor farad back yard. $11,» 2536 Dixit Hwy.-Multipla Listing Servica-67441324 _______ __ _ . walk te school. 442,708. Resale Homes RANCH - i BEORgaMS... torgq ■wtiSul Ian '• WWWf Ic court ^ntforn- 2Vi cor* garag location, h— JOHNSON LAKE FRONT On Sylvan Late with beautiful sandy beach, brick ranctl wjtb.,3 larga bedrooms, 3 full toms, bulh-Sn stove, omit and tatrigarrtor In kltchan. High and dry tosamant with Igvety rocraatton ream tod flmplace. -Attached 2-car garra, btTwTTltor .Item* . numerous to mention, Full only ss£m Term*. LAKE PRIVILEGES- On Caa* Lake, lovaly Mad tome in Watorwrd Township. _ water, saw#r Md gas, 14x18 fp*y rdom, basement with tdcraitton ream, Scar garage, larga let with \TSf frontage- Appfi; cherry and pear trees., Also 58; -MMMHI4l^4MPre-^iF9l moving to Florida, priced for sofa, with torma. MIXED AREA ^ 4-room madam torn* to Eft aid* of town with 2 bedrooms and r dltlonal apace far 3 m*ra upstol tarma ortmd*. Evan me* after *■ call Jack Joil, 44MI»2. JOHNSON 17*4 S. Talagraph FE 4-3 HOWARD T. ■ KEATING door. Priced at lust 89 Open for Inspection SAT. AND SUN. 2 P.M. TO 6 P.M. Located 4 blocks north ot W lake BRAEMER Waat df Qavls»ut» 'iOMgftJB iirSLr R.mln£i^S Eautoareln th* lot to craato Ox-«vat?ns problems. Bock tofs^ all nm $ $6,750. AlF lot* witw good frontago and beach. ------- ON W00DHULL LAKE Large ranch Wpe. Swimming pool 60x40x16' deep end S^rtoto Jar atSm!”3 b*drtoms, l|yme i ratoi, dining araaTlarga family room ovariooklng mt Into. 2 car attached garaga to Prtvat* canal. Oil • JSS WS I i.oao aalion ttok. * totn* first l floor, utltf^y (sow, mdSN,7iw ■ ; guaranteed'for 50 yaarx "KatalTad . In 1751. Complotoly ttotoa.Wml—— chain link tone*. Ha* BtoWJlyl outdoor grill with 2 ovan«L Etoctrlc rotisserie. Grettly reduced, priced at $42,000 with 520,000 down. Taxes $441. A rara bargain! AT TAWAS CITY Lot backs to US 23 fmaway. Beautiful sandy beach, to U»k* Huron trontaga^anch. tramo . _ kitchen and bedroom new. new asphalt root, forced a r titoh dosts $145 to haal yaar roytoL EtoeJric hot water heater. Living bedroom 1 car itticntd Gat available. Price »5,500. $2i,000^down to a 5 par cant land t NELSEY, SALES AGENT 3 313-425-3294 „. ;<>!> *34^425 Evanlng Calls V PRESTON BILT-HOMES and Realty 473-4111 CEDAR ISLAND lato level, 3000 lb. ft. corptontj. fireplace. Terms. 343-5477. posiirtildn. 442,208. COOLgY shopping a and larga approx. . ---- ___ _ story homo. carpeting, full toawnant, 2V* car oaraga- Priced to soil. $29,900. Terms. 243-7*7. OWNER LEAVING »tote, 3 3-4703. FARM house, class In, 2 acres, $10.0000 down. Land contract; EM 3-7780. 3 BEDROOM BRICK, tell basement, finished and paneled, planters; sidewalk*. 117,708. Magic mortgage available. EM 3- f, $35,*00'. MODEL OPEN — M-57 near Whit* Lak* Twp. Hall, I17J40 on your lot, many variations. 343-670D. List with -Hackett — atari to pock It. Hactott, Realty, 7750 Cootoy Lake Rd., UmonLax*. In Lincolncraat off features 3 bedrooms, ur.m. P big and dining room, roomy klTchtn with lots ot bullt-lns, tw baths, full baaamant, gas haat, ah tacMd 2-car garage, totg* toncad lot, pavad streets, Wallad Lak* School*, 827JIM torma arranged. CRESCENT LAKE OPEN SUN.' , 2 to 3 3947 SASHABAW Rambling 3 Badroom Ranch typ* bungalow, featuring aU - whit* aluminum siding, 2 ftr*pl*e**, 21* baths, full dining room. braazaway, attached 2 car garaga, fjniatod tosamant with campiata kltchan and situated on largo tot with nicely wooded grove, approx. 1 mil* west of Dixie Hwy. with' family room and 2 ~ car garaga, .easy walking distance to NorlMmlfMb PHA TERMS, N. Parry to GEORGE IRWIN, REALTOR CLARK CITY NORTH: ........ ranch In clean condition, nice kitchen ___ lining are* with lot- Of cup .boards, gat F-A hast, aluminum storms, nice front parch and beautiful town. Close to Fisher Body and all city c6nvariant's. Priced at < $13,500. Cash to existing mortgage. EAST SIDE: C(TY: 5-room brick terrace clean ond sharp, carpeted living nnd dining room, oak floors, plastered walls, gas heat, baaamant with tiled floor and finished rac. ’oom. Price only 17,750 at 875.M par nonth. ___ BUY, SELL, OR TRADE CLARK REAL ESTATE 1352 W; HURON ST. 4S2M5B OPEN M M ' * LAZENBY OPEN SUN. 2-5 2551 Parkinson You must $** this spaebnts 7 n brick p —r - private beach. Just a tow of th* outstanding features are: 1. Large 20.4x14 ft. living room Mine area, ........totto, I3C on th* take, excellent beach, 427,500. COMMERCE LAKE Lake privileges Included with; thli weH -buHt 3-oadroom ranch; large living fUMty y-—| 1 torT watt-latowa^to to, ’ SILOOO GI SPECIAL 3 bedrooms, 1t*-story tr within watting distance to UMtoik pnvHagto ' to Union ,— Long lakes, full baaamant, gas hast, $16,000. Just dosing er— down. Embree & Gregg CONTEMPORARY RANCH * K.,u « iJimmu. all (M mant, rac. room hug* cloaad In rear perch, carpeting and drapas throughout, ftlKiip take view immedieta possession, priced at CALL WEST BLOOMFIELD OFFICE 682-7700 BIRMINGHAM-BLOOMFIELD DOLL HOUSE 1 town. Living room. Separata Inbig room. Snatk tar , In Itchan. 3 bedrooms. Carpeting, torma and acraahs. Disposal. 15,788. NEARLY NEW 4jMdruom. Colonial on * largo .IN, reiic. JOPrewi paneled and tot flrwtoc*. Self. clsartlng own in ktteton. State layer. Attic fen. k-ttn air can-dlNtotr. *47,000. A LOT OF HOUSE porch In back and potto In front. , IWr Iwi wT ^ SNYDER, KINNEY & BENNETT ItlRMINGHAlil ; Ml fTM Oak Studdaid M Acra Lat 90 Ft, Rancher 3 Bedrooms 2 Full favtte—r-— Hugs Family Room 2 Fireplaces Lake Privileges 24x16' Living Room 2 Bedrooms Aaluminum Siding' Awnings Galore Garaga $2,000 Down Land Contract 3 Bedrooms' Large Country Kltchan Assuma Contract x $120 Pan Month No Mortgage Costs O down-Vets $700 Down FHA - 3 Badroom Huga Family- Room % Acra Lot Across From Loire WE TRADE lauingar Real Estate 674-0319 VA-FHA .674-0310 1531 Williams Lika Rd. ot M47 5. 'Beautiful full acr*r*tan__ tot with many -Shade an<| 4.'Tmmacul*taly clean, already to OPEN SUN. 2-5 3914 Emborcadaro r Looking for * custom built homo qn the watft? in an area built up Sas fhan f itoars?’Wtore *B1hr wall kept backyards Mv* a gradual slop* to me water? Picture your family ' an loving ’ laka living at beautiful Laka Oakland, watting out tho lower level to your own boot tor on afternoon's furt on the water. In th* whiter — snug Insid* mis all brick rancher with tegs burning In tha family room fireplace. Has bullt-lns In kfteton, 11* baths, 2 car attached garage, full baaamant with recreation room, sprinkler system, community water, on paved street. Don't delay and loss out on this lovaly ho— DIRECTIONS: Walton live Brown ■EAN—— NEAT-— homo, located In „•» ■■wm-fleld township, ntc* wooded lot, stove and dry*r Included In price NEAR FISHER BODY — Aluminum SYLVAN LAKE PRIVILEGES — Large 2-bedroom home. 11*-c*r Baraga, full baaamant, toncad MJMO down an land contract, LES BROWN BUILDERS & REALTORS 507 ELIZABETH LAKE ROAD (Acre** from the Pontiac Mall) PE 2-Bar • MLB ■ HALL OPEN Sunday 1 to 5 WOBLHOME - Featuring 3 bam, beautiful kltchan, ha* water heat-. Priced tram 515,300, «*m-Ptotod on your lot to 40 days or «*•■ lb Oct. down or ua* vUur lot •S down payment. DIRECTIONS: Cootoy Late Rd. W. to UnMM ISS Vlliatff, s. on Sabto to model. WHITE.LAKE AREA ■ 1' 1and * tsamant, Ttu —r^ntnST^arai AM price with lo pet. 1 tr your aaaelntrhant. ' LET'S TRADE hallrealtyrealto* Dtxto Hwy. ' WXH Open dally 7-f, lot. 7-4 THE PONTIAC PRESS. 'SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 10 w rryny 91 umi rroperiy 11 "BUD" C—:12 THE PONTIAC PRESS. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1968 LINCOLNSHIRE LAKE ESTATES, largt Ml. *4,000. Mr JMN sq. «. horn* or largar. Edword 0. Hutchings, Brokir, Lapeer 464-4011, • Bn.: 4P-2I62. '__________ LOT Oft LAKE METAMORA. Boautlful building slto. Owner, 471- OXBOW LAKE Lovely > room rench located on prlVik peninsula. Includes 3 t bedroomr *—jj| — lots—Acreage 10 ACRES'OF FRONTAGE on Small 14 LOTS NEAR LONGFELLOW School — Trade for land contract, . house dr what have you? WILLIS M. BREWER REAL ESTATE 714 Rlkar Bldg. " FE 4-5101 Evas, and Sundays *12-2073 30 ACRES GOOD SOIL; Capac aroar ------M-21. <7500 terms. 334-2120. of f fron-* , lVa baths, 2,000 M ACRES JN OXFORD Township, Of gently rolling land - sum Fape on good roat, — with no swamp and no trees. $33,000. BUI EASTHAM, Realtor Lots—Acrtago ROCHESTER SUBURBAN-* I ROYER OXFORD OFFICE UNUSUAL 10 ACRES This beautiful 10 acre parcel with axcellanf high building Sits. North of Oxford Ts split right In half. Approximately S acres on each side of the road. 110,000 full price. Land contract • farms. $2,000 down. Call for details. I Priced wall below duplication , $30,500. For Information call J. A. Taylor Agency, Inc. 7732 Highland Rd. JM-5*)_0R 4-0304 beach! 5020 HIGHLAND RD. (M-S0! trade eq details. imed. Owner Eves. 363-3457 PLAN TO BUILD A LAKE FRONT HOME!! 30 ACRES WITH sewers, Wlxoi 40 ACRES, Walled Lake. | ROYER REALTY, INC. 7 ACRES INDUSTRIAL, commercial! PHONE: 628-2548 corner Maple Road. Oxford Office 823 5. ....... HUBBEL AND ASSOC. -------------------------------- 1102 W. Maple Walled Lake] 424-580^ Weekends end evenings call j 4r24-S?$2 or Mr. Adkins 412-2101 j pA SCENIC WOODED HOME SITE 7,42 Jicres. Independence Township. located 363-5131 » Lake Rd. Call BTor» noon or r^~~ j 1 'SsXoHES1 ■ “hart of " ACRES IN HIGHLAND Township SEVERAL EXCELLENT loko front n White lake Rd. Cellj Silos In lovely Waterford reslden-flat area. Flat time offered by MMoper. «8HH4.________________________________________________ Waterford Twp! ’ I SMALL ACREAGE AL PAULY I 9". di*i» 4514 DIXIE, REAR , Bl DRWI00._____________|VE5. A73-727?! J frontage on Dixie Lake. Waterford! ------- — “ Realty, $73-1273. Sri* Wwh Property GAINES. MICHIGAN; (Near Art tine end Byron Lake Area), brick bank and post oh building, now vacant. Walk Inh vault, full basement, oil tx Corner lot. Commercially son Ideal for gun repair or smell . shop. S&diL'i*sv. forms. Lucille Knight Real Estate. CE 5-2547. OWNER RETIRING MUST SELL Ideal location tor personal service, short order drive-ln, etc. Includes block, bunding with 414 sq. ft. plus 12p>t. of Commercial frontage. Located near one at Waterford ; Twp/$ busiest . intersections. Ago add health require tale. Full price, Sit,TOO, $5,000 down) For Information CPU — OR 44004. J. A. Taylor Agency/ Inc. 732 Hlghltnd Rd. (M-59> OR 44304 . Eves. 343-3457 VALUABLE COMMERCIAL corner., paved road and M-5t, Waterford Twp. Tormt, By owner, 4S2-145I. Business Opportunities 59 AUTO RECONDITIONING shop, 3 parking lots, nit $12,000 to $16,000. | ^ *only ^BOO, total ] • r TIZZY ____ nust sell,—for mor» 1 formations call LI 4-2534 or U CLARKSTON Quick possession with this well k-------within walking 75.5 ACRES; S1.00C distance to stores. Home has larga bedrooms , ment situated i landscaped corni Bv IB.nw.U.lteWtHl ^ —blue lustre not qniyrW» rtrpef| garage sale: contents at Unclaimed Lay-A-Woys . JfQ* *“ ._f"S.«SK!!!te,'l New Furniture National Unddimed FURNITURE grind new Nylon 8ofe-SM 45116 Cass (Utica) 731-0200 FREE DELIVERY „ dinette, sold ter S4t, balance ffi due S4t. ^ -nt4 up md Mrs. chair*, Lotchguer^, reversible £)uAl'l<,n’' balance due S23t. ne .no matching chair. .Scat-chguarded, sold tor S2W, balance due *149. t and, lofty ."kantttectrlc dhdgipeger. 81.* mid tan's Hardware, 41 POMUgeK BOLEN POWER — ^wsimetie, 1 wheel tractor, EM. mower, snow alow, etc. Rees. 4244259. ■ ■■ BROWNIES I^RDWARJL., FLOOR SANDERS—-POLISHER5 FL WALLPAFER STEAMERS , BLUE LUSTRE SHAMPOOERS ; 11 A DAY 952. Jaslyn brides - '□Ixte. Drayton, 0%'jh dresser, chest, bookcase bed. i BROWN LIVTRG ROOM aft. Baby -—tbuenv,-3334263.------- — Vst.l cashregTst^R, ..MANUAL/aiae, * | sump bump, after 3 p.m, 623-OOM.^ COAL FURNACE, redsdnablt. FE 3-|» 4964.___________ * ? I cook-out equip men aouri CARPETING, 13X22 end 11x13, good, SI OB. Sams Bidding. Green carp*t.10xl4, nsT Gaft chslr, $45; dinette table chairs and china, 140; double bad. $35; porch gliders, SIS; fireplace Ml 44473. i suite, , balance due Refreshment,1 Walled Lake 'Pari 10.7 cu. ft. refrlgar k 4— *'34- I sola and chair, sold tori ELECTRIC GUITAR AND electric'eoaster, 2i indi tyv' Magnavox, drapes, table lamps, books, odds, and a"1* ^-jr, .......... . ■ |TT?T'r2!'mrsTi “I don't care much for football players as boy friends. across tl-om Kmmng sub. fe 1- f^mlteid twpD*som!^tekti UNDERWOOD You spend too much time visiting them in the hospital! ’’ £ fEon^I- Woods, 2y culvrt. I \ opposite 6872. By owner. gp^^F^.11 cu. ft. rafrlgerltor, bni. HOUSEHOLD SPECIAL . '$ST ^ « A MONTH BUYS 3 ROOMS OF E-Z TERMS )ENCLOSE YOUR SHOWER over tto FURNITURE — Consists ot: uni iccuni n Siddi IA MfF I bathtub with a beautiful glass tub • piece living room outfit with 2-pc. HOUSEHOLD ArrUAriLt enclosure, sluminum frame, with living room eulte, 2 st$p fables, 1|-,7 Elizabeth Lk. Rd 33542131 tend blasted Swan design, $26.95. cocktail table, 2 table lamps end - --------------------AK Aj G. A. Thompson. 70BS M-W W._______________. id 9#xi2' rug included. Antiques encyclopedias, suited to? -piece bedroom su{to. wlthjtouble . ....^--------- . - - i Jun|0r $$lgh Students and up, exc. dresser, che$t,..«ull-$l$e bed. wim a-i ANTIQUES, estates, art glass! condition. 451-7410. chair* and tabl*. All for $3f$. Your1 ANTIQUE CLOCKS# 2 old rtfinl»hed FqR j^lE: 1 Holldoy Hoolth Club cradH I* good at Wyman'*. • trunk*# 451-7410.________________ ■ m»mber»hlp. Call 87f-4207.____ WYMAN 'r’ibnVsm.M1 FOR saCETiaan's diamond rln'g, , Lnerializina in turnllurt retinisniiifl $175, and man's Longlnes types. 363-9441, bpth tor SIM. Cell Mon-Sat. tor only 116,000. BRENDEL LAKE FRONT 120 (eat lake frontage. Secluded { setting within easy reach -* highways. 110,500. A Better | sj Tomorrow! 59 Sula Household Goods 65 KING-SIZE MATTRESS, nssrly ne\ $30; and also oil spacs heater an tank, eodd condition. FE 5-4501._____ ES,1- cellent building s BROOCK 4139 Orchard Lake Rd. At Pontiac Troll MA 64000 4444890 SEVERAL EXCELLENT LAKE front sites In lovely Waterford reslden- Orfpnvllle • I area. First «r- ——- |j| — - ---r- 423-1114. 1 ACRE, beautifully wooded on blecklbp road, 13,500, $700 down, i 5 ACRES, runnlnb stream, rolling, wooded, $4,995, MOO down. 1 io ACRES,, nice land for secluded1 living, soma traas, 47,295, tl,000 HOWELL Town & Country, Inc. Highland Branch Office Phone: 313-685-1585 WATERFORD HILL Ona of tha lew beautiful lots left on Waterford Hill. 84,000 and Items to tayer ---- . -lurants. I hteyvllle. 517443-4334. /.“.^ SERVICE STATION FOR lease iing _hlgh dally cash newly remodeled, busy thorough-Immediate possession, will | help finance. 332-0277 for appoint- /rita CHEX, Inc., 2910 N » license. East ACRES# ---1 bull. $9,975. 120 ACRES# scenic ! Paved parking, li Clarkston Real Estate “c^£n**c profit - OC5, 5054 S. Main MA 5-5821! S1Q.000 down incl. valuable real Located In north aecti -----------------------------------i estate. Josjyn area.; ____l' | SMALL GROCE RY STOR E. Taka 1 side. FE 2-3102._________ outefdai START YOUR MONEY snow, WORKING- 1 ROUND DINETTE. S29; round oak pedestal table with chairs, 880; gate-leg table, $25; bedroom set. $50; couch, $55; studio couch,i,,17 dil,. chair, MS; refrlgeretor, $30; stove,,2417 pixie hwt $35; desk $7 up; chine cabinet.; $30; night stands; TV; lamps; poster beds,; porch lurrtttufe. j Everything reduced for quick- sate. M. C. LIPPARD, IIS N- Saginaw. ; 1 APT. GAS STOVE, S25; 1 gas refrigerator, S37.50. OR 4-3547. | .56 iluminu -bedroom KIRBY SWEEPER EXCELLENT CONDITION - $50 PULL GUARANTEE Kirby Service & Supply Co. - 474-2234! 10. Tilt top hutch table, n.., '■9W9I National Unclaimed i modtl ' ___ FURNITURE emerald-green velvet wu.|nu, Chest I couch, over 100 yrs. old. 442-4 4-dreWer — $29.88 FISH SET, Service fpr 12.Slgr 45116 Cass (Utica) 731-0200! fr,B^otOIAmiUf5,inB D.v FREE DELIVERY j Closed Sun. DRESSERS. ROUND TAB commodes, end many more ....itiPI Open 1 PM. dally, all day Saturday and Sunday. JhdTJunke, —“ i -« »»»-"* i ----------wrawmei... -....... ■■ vendition. Moving from EARLY TULIP WOOD CUPBOARD, Items priced to toll. All Day Sheraton 4 poster bed small ash Friday and Saturday. 24 Milter desk. Sheraton drppleal table, street, Pontiac. *??• .?LiLn», $?^d!!GA^rTALEr 352-2592, after S p.m GARAGE SALE Many Items to choose from. Some restuarant equIDmeht. All In^ex-. TVs, I ts. Lots of mlsc. ,2530 Vhay. Bloomfield Township, At i Lake Rd. t block west of GARAGE SALE. 122 Palther Dr.______ ,, J Lapeer, Slt.SOQ. ; 2013. A. Sanders, rep. H. Wilson. 80 to 800 ACRES In lower Michigan. Dairy, gralr $13^19, ided home,was sold ---ant balance handled for| $14,900. present National Unclaimed FIIRNITIIRF LAMPS, TV, KITCHEN table, chairs, rUKNUUKC , typewriter. Garage, Sale. 147 S lArl. Chairs Avtry, otf Elizabeth Laka Rd. Sept. 21. CALL COLLECT 427-2S1S - $50 r ter tsibilities lor creating sm; id $12,950. $2500 down. 50W."- vruei nnu n H 70 ACRES, pin# trees, winding rlv« K. L. TEMPLETON, Realtor i iu$t north ot Lapeer, ists p 1239 ORCHARD LK. RD. • 4$t«fl0l «r« TOWNSEND LAKE r c. PANGUS, Realtors 1-—— -* Fast growing ares. Fine equipment $i6,850. ' | ONLY $151 1 PAlT^^nX^ 'niwpttf "s»f wum oS'tbte!n*thi unh«DM*teiiowluthet WARREN STOUT, REALTOR j45116 Cass (Utica) 731-0200 LAm,^cEhinSbunet, sm fe tells his friends I could have bought 1450 N. Opdyke Rd.____FE 5-8145 k FREE DELIVERY LIKE NEW 30" GAS range, $75, onlyj I* for only 517,000 down. The buyer WANT TO SELL YOUR BUSINESS?! ________________________3___,....._>__ 4 mos. eld, 21 E. Cornell, 334-9495. ^ I_____________________ hogsi "N»me*”your "farmOf1'11 on ,i5anfcial in-iDefinitely, Realtor Pertrldgo -Is the 2 PIECE, GREEN sectional and 2 LINOLEUM RUGS, MOST SIZES, LOVESEAT, CHAIR AND FLEA MARKET 9-6; Sepl. 22. 1><6; 30 —■ — dhg grounds of ■EST.^Mte ''Michigan'." ’Farm" ftHiFCsfate! WARREN REALTY F.?“m*Tro'kiCrhl#5nd D*Auc1ione®e*n! W. Huron, Pontiac - 612-39201 Salt Land Contracts r call 517-278-2377 - days! ____„jrtsrs — d»»“- r 617-288-4127 /EXCELLENT CLEANING « lord location, 623-1400 OR 62$-2471. CASS LAKE AREA WAGNER woods. Lota < • stream, beautlfu Oud Moore, Sr. a possession. Call McCullough realty l-l REALTOR 5440 Highland Rd. (M-99) ^ Oppn 9-9 MLS 674-2234 1050 Huron# Pontiac* and tables, cofftt table# 651- --------— 3 DRESSERS# 3 COUCHES* 2 b 601 J ..wringer washer, chairs, tables, etc. All .reasonable. I Parkway- off Cess Elizabeth Rd 4____3 ROOMS OF CARPETING-___________ COMPLETKy INSTALLED 100 pet, nylon wall to wall carpet- [ Ing with padding. Price' Includes up to 340 sq. ft., 12' X 15*, . living room. 10' x 9' den or dining Bi room, 10* x 9' bedroom, only $249 .... . . ~, .... ,1(u complete, or $14 monthly, free 45116 COSS (UtlCO) 731-0200 ---- Household Ap- FREE DELIVERY HI-FI, TV * Radios MILLION ___FOR SALE BY OWNER OTHPMIPBIIIIIIIHIHBV___ .10x32,1 Cleaner Shop, completely, equi.,_ price $40,000, Route No. 1, McBaln, for service. Located In high -class Mich. __________;______■ suburb of Detroit on WoodWard. $5750 “Tom Thumb'' Farm Charming 40 aero Michigan farm! C-7._________________. I for tun timo country living^ plus GOOD LIQUOR BAR, same owner farming I 6-room for 18 years. Call Sherley Naugle, , h..h —i—- — B. A. Calka Realty, Mayvllle, 43-4334, i.; , ' ■ HOUSEWIVES S349"7ip!" Pearson's Furniture, 210 Victorian, excellent. 343-4763. E. Pike St„ FE 4-7881. _ . SEE AUCTIQtl SALES (Class. LOVE SEAT AND CHAIR *0 match,; 80) for details of ttte Ella M Rm also dryer and irener, very Estate auction. Tyler's Aucti reasonable, FE 2-8557. _____ - Service. ______ .SWEET'S/' 'IQlOlv EAGLE R I National Unclaimed , FURNITURE plush beck Redlners—$501 S3 to Mil I 0*1 Sssftebaw. GARAGE SALE: SUN. and Mon. Tent, boat and trailer, books. , clothing; TV. baby's car bed, Mlsc.' HMHPMIIMOT ..----------- items. 88 N. Astor. HE TREASURE CHEST. . GARAGE -^ RUMMAGE SALE: ■' Un L*ke, September 17, 9 to 5. 293 Seward. gjL ... - m., , j A tew eld mlsc. articles. ^ "*'! GARAGE SALE: 9 to 4, refrlgerafor, — I TV, pump, rugs, panel door. I. EM 3-0242. (graph, between Lone Pine ai Dollars has bean made available to us to purchase and assume lend contracts, mortgages or buy hemal; B^B—B . lots or acreage outright. We will 3-ROOM — (Brand new furniture). give you cash tor your equity. Our gute^MBlHOTHM appraiser Is awaiting your call at 674-2236 | McCullough realty 6 humidlflar, and axtrcycle. FE 2- Household' Appliance *05-9213 5440 Highland Rd. (M-59) MLS 3132. _____________ . Open 9-9_______________474-7336 4 CHAIR$ FORMICA, chroma dlnat- S,N.EW SURPLUS FURNITURE! 1 TO SO i te set. 402-3941. be^ LAND CONTRACTS Z »”■ Urgently needed. See us befo OLDE CARRIAGE Shoppe,! 1791 Orchid off Watkins Lk. Rd. BfeMB Dsvlsburg, open *?» GARAGE SALE: Heusshi 11-5, ME 4-9703 or 637- furnishings, matching ill carpeting. .. soe es GARAGE SALE: ■^■optn 9-4 rner of Joslyr 1S5 -1140 oi : 2-2257 ....IBf bikes# -------- doors* point electric saw, etc. 4097 off Cass-EHzabeth R — $59, 5-piece dine S39-S39# Avacato JO" gas V#tE UININU RUVflA 8B I# p«03,-- BP leave*. $50. Mahogany# Duncan _^*^PR_««W;_ _. COUNTRYSIDE LIVING -'v»v p-_i,nr 9x12 Linoleum Rugs $3-89 iob* Oakland________________, 334-1509 Warren Stout, Realtor send vinyl nie .. 7c #e. new stereo combination : 1450 N. Opdyke Rd. FE 5-1165 vinyl Asbestos tile .... 7c ee. girl's coat. 33$-303$. Open Eves, 'til I P.m. mM — || mm|B SOLD FOR $5500; balance $3#fl 33ft8677®r ............. WILTblkSUNT MY EquItTdl^l'y . . DAyENTORT,„^! —_ 25 per cent — MAYTAG WASHER AND Dryer, end's!/' USED TV • • Inyl couch. 42841123. T" K ^U?fTttefter 'cameling only TV comblnellon, $200,' GARAGE SALE. MISC. Items. Some - —- estimates call 402-1242.-------------------------------new Fr, Sa, Sun , ,.m (0 7 p.m. • 'AIRLINE SOLID STATE Stereo, 90 E. Columbia. ■J''' walnut,' 1239: gARAGE SALE: Thursday, Friday — Sbt. 1341 B-1-‘-‘- ' $3.95 sq. 1 Clovelend, Pontiac. r <3450.! Hampton Electric. 025 V bedroom rental home on two FE ______ ____ lulti-purpofe cor- corner lots in Welted . Lake. 22 CU. FT. FREEZER, 0175, ner, gas station, trailer park. Ideal Payments are $150 per month at rnnrfiilnn FF MS71. for auto dealer. CALL FOR COM- tVz per cent. Write PLETE DETAILS, PRICE REDUC- 410, Houghton. Lak NEW SURPLUS FURNITUREI Sofas, $59, 5-placa dlntttes, $39, twin bads, $29, full size bads, $39. COUNTRYSIDE LIVING ! 1084 Oakland ____ 334-1509 NORGE AUTOMATIC WASHER, Ilka _ F-owter R?X’fiu3^^i',^953ll0,s■ Frmn -R Anroc: H 0. WIDEMAN, REALTOR LAKE LOTS SEVEN miles t™™! Ctnil D /i.Cl©S 412 vv.' HURON ST. 334-452-, Kalkaska. $1250.terms. Will build;FOR SALE, 2 lots o;t Loon Leke.j , l(> W,M ^ . imb, difteren, h.r,JEVE. CALL_______________________________________473-5060, .1.’b.”Kiser!I 1 Leaving State. EM 3-6554.' _ , Evert, Michigan Rte. Ne. 3. 49431. jpOX BAY SUBDIVISION, 15 minutes I - ■ cottage to suit. V TIMES 5557. El lots. $50 n HIGHLY RESTRICTED 10 ACRES# 1 1 * rate lake* 2 flowing wells, is N. 1-75 at Clarkston, 11 lo Oakhfll Rd.# left to1 Alien Kd., right to 3440 Allen. Spring Lake Estates. —- — After 5 p.m place. Good barn. Garagi i modern workshop. Milli i. $21,500. Terms. An addi :res available for $3,000 . ngtonj LUMBERYARD. I t retlrln 30" GAS RANGE# tike new# $100. 625-321$ bet. $ a.m.-2:30 p.m. .t:—“-‘.■A—! 1946 SIGNATURE A U T O M A T I C Wanted Contracfs-Mtg. 60-A washer and elec, dryer# in use ! now, $iQ or $35 ea. FE 4-5330.__| A — PLENTY OF US^D washers stoves# refrigerators# and trade-in furniture bargains. . Little Joa's Trade-in store, Baldwin at Walton Btvcfc FE 2-4$42._____________ ADMIRAL REFRIGERATOR, 48629. 1 TO 50 LAND CONTRACTS Urgently needed. See us before BRAND NEW Goodyear Service Store 1370 Wide Track Dr.#West Pontiac , ____Friday Til 9 p.m. _ COLOR TV SERVICE ~ Johnson's TV, FE 1-4549 45 E. Walton -teteMgBllllB GARAGE SALE, GOOD clothas,, tools, electric motors, plumbing fittings, dishes, etc. 1342 Hitter Rd., oft Cooley Loko Rd._______ | GARAGE SALE. DAILY 5414 I Everest, Clarkston, oft MeybeS' kd. ■ .GARBAGE DISPOSAL, Tli horie-power, $27.18. Stainless Steal Sinks, 32x21, 829.50. PF Sable Launa Plywood, 4xlxVV,-$4.95 oar shaat. I TALBOTT LUMBER 1025 Oskland________ FE 4-4595 - GAS'- - ELECTRIC Refrigerator, 4 cu. ft. used one year, 382-1207 after, ir Baldwin Highland Rd. 673-9534. y,■==.-= GAS FURNACES,. (?) used alao oi LITTLE f irad furnaca installation an Mich. Allan Rd., riahl to Spring Lako Eatales. By- Owner Attar 5 p.m., all day Sat. Sunt. j! LOT 135x165 ON NEWBERRY" HP " Cllntonville Rd. S1.095. S20 down. W--------onth. OR 3-8397. MUSKEGON RIVER FT. LOTS* Exclusive sates by Timas Raalty. Hera's tha golden opportunity for you weekenders who desir-oarcel of land you can call own an a good fishing swimming river wlthlii l'A t from Pontiac lust north of Ciqre. - —...v—.....i Only to mile off of blacktop P|INEC L*gE EjjMegss. several! HUBBLE AND ASSOCIATES 1102 W. Maple Walled Lake 624-5800 Weekend! dltlon, $35. Phone: 4$2-73t5. PLASTIC WALL" TILE - Warren Stout, Realtor ^^c/i'ie'mcond!/$ioo'.Ta'irFE ^48»6! BtG 0uJ,Jf 1450 N. Opdyke Rd. __ , _ FE 5-8165 ALL WOOL rYvERSTBLE^ OTsan R EFRISERATOR, LARGE ■ 'til S p. CAJ.L jCOLLECT 427 2815 road. Exci ntino, large choices, 100 x 150' building s H LAKE near "future! Only a*»mall"down . payment will give tome of you m x 120 bul,dinB city dwellers a new lease an life 1 — - -jder ---- SYLVAN 473-3488 LOVELAND 60 ACRES Yale area. Modern 5-room honr completely furnished with lars Floral pattern, 15 X 14 S100. ......... . 624-1182 or Mr._________h i Van Wplt __________: _dltiotu! Mrs. Elwnod 6B7-941I). Adkins, 482-2801._ " ': . _ 4540 Dixie Hwy. OR 3-1355 AREA RUG,, CUSTOM made. EIGHBORHOOD GROCERY flora HEED LAND CONTRACTS, SMALL! 9'4" - u— — with living quarters. 335-1838. DISCOUNTS^^UUMta^iMafibM^MH Open Evas. "CASH FOR LAND CONTRACTS •• J. Van-W-1* 7605 COLOR TV BARGAtNt-Will i Joe'* Bargain House. FE 2-4842._ MEDITERRANEAN STEREO COI1-| 33M944!*_________________ sola. AM-FM stereo radio, BSR 6AS hot MURNACE suitable for changer, plays all sizes, 6 speakers tman ho— SUB --—1 —M 4 —■i^ with remote speaker provision, left i full ro In Lay-A-WOy, New. Sold tor 8279,1 3-1043_ balance due S20S or $11 mo. GE EMPLOYEE HAS. Washer, Stereo console, BSR changer plays all sizes. Solid State. Balance d"-545 or $5 tr OR 3-8543. Exc. Cond., $75. Call 451-5382 or sie, 5<5-0966. ______ _ ___________shutor REFRIGERATOR, S45; stove, 08 outlet! console, AM-FM radio, ; 334-2447. balance this sub Is _ selection early. 1682-2300 __WHEN YOU SEEK OUR SERVICE r ------ ---YOU------ ----\ Front- "JOIN THE MARCH OF TIMES'' I 175' di Times Realty OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY VS Lots-Acreage _____________! 2to TO S ACRES, Clsrksto I School distric *5,000 d( t. Tot*l prlco $19#500 with Partridge 'LOANS 61 "IS THE BIRD TO SEE" ■ Thtrt's PARTY STORE Here's what y excellent location Oakland County PONTIAC LAKE -- IIS Tackles Qrlv TINDALL 19D. • allowed. $70 mo. Leona Loveland, Realtor 2)00 Cass Laka Rd. 402-125S :Sale Business Property ST.__________________ ~ grocery party stor 5 ACRE INDUSTRIAL ^mu-g-zv. Site with 3 buildings. UMles AlW R( available, will consider terms, too, Seasonal or year I location, priced right. SchueT) season, pick your I Realty. Call 851-1414 and 051-14)5. j-‘ —■■ APARTMENTS " For »atf. j 3 years Has good franchised--------- Tion. $15,000 down. $6q#500 Good for. $25 TO $1#000 irb*: COMMUNITY LOAN CO. ip,e 30 E. LAWRENCE ____FE 8-0421 rail LOANS - 825 to $1,000- Insured Payment Plan BAXTER I, LIVINGSTONE Flnanca Co. 401 Pontiac State Bank Building FE 4-1538-9 4-4813. Mr. Clark. and appliance: at Wyman's F National Unclaimed FURNITURE Brand new Posture Mattrass and Box Springs. Regular $139—Our Price, $68. —---------2r5ef*Td~set 45116 Cass (Utica) 731-0200 FREE DELIVERY ATTRACTIVE LIVING room , furniture and acceisories. 674-3405. M * FE BRONZE OR CHROME DINETTE! * ' RR AND NFW L Jkroft and _________ unclaimed lay-away balance only $30.44# or taka on payments of only $1.00 par weak# call anytime 334-3Q84. SINGER Deluxe -Model—Portable Zig zagger. In sturdy carrying case. Repossessed. Pay off: _ _ $38 ''±..^N(?ounNdEWdro!ArSr r. Or payments of $5 per mo. 5. anu r-pc. tha bottom, : GIFTS, JOKES, GAGS, NOVELTIES Uaih**** ** “................— - LIBERAL BILL'S OUTPOST 3245 DIXIE HWY.. OR 3*474' _ S199, GIGANTIC GARAGE SALE: Satur-____ | , day. Sun., Mon., Sept. 14, IS, 14, ISFS Drang^SHfrata Household Appl., 335-9283 '* philco black and white tv! : GOOD USEb TRACTORS ' excellent condition, 334-1044._ SIMPLICITY rilPT'C APPIIANfF :TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN! 9 HP 42" MOWER. S595 LUM. 3 MrrLIHITLE ABC WAREHOUSE, APPLIANCES. 7 HP 32" MOWER, $35 _ . TV'S, AND STORAGE CO. 41125: HOUGHTEN'S POWER CENTER VAN DYKE, 1 block S. of 22 Ml , 1112 W, University Dr »5L701? sailing direct shipments to public _ DOWNTOWN ROCHESTER______i> ot ZENITH, RCA, ADMIRAL,! HANb HEWN BARN BEAMS. ' ._______ 625-3022._________j p? !> JEWELRY, ODD LOTS for prlzel, and 'ether* charges.’’ 19""' Walnutl 2“'*' ,,c ' *, M fi*; color consoles $199, ADMIRAL) port. TV's $59. R.C.A. II" TV's or1" Etc, terms, 739-10)0. waNtBd. Kca COLOR tv nBed-I ' ------------ 623.0524. 1 >484 WILLIAMS LAKE RD. 474-1101 SEWING MACHINE BRAND NEW ZIG-ZAG Dial control tor fancy design, but-j PHILCO, ale. 8 KIRBY SWEEPER; 2 and table*, coffee Table. 2 sets lamps, clothas, ------ -;ses, 12-14, call OR >' WAREHOUSE SALE OPEN to public, entire Inventory of new , Zenith, RCA, Philco, TV's Color j I TV'* and ---- * ■*- —■- 1 Stteldon 625-5557. ______ I ACRES WITH STREAM ai grovt on pavod highway. - fronlaga, E. of Mayvillt......... 'Ideal business er horn* slto, 4$2-l 1, S. lo ACRE PARCELS, wooded; rolling EM 3T531, Fowler. S ACRES, NORTH Oakland County, near Wildwood Lake and Ml. Holly, lust 2to miles East at Old U.S. 10. Beautiful building sit* on) ado* ot ravin* (tan acres In all)) with approximately three acres am high level ground. Across from an) exceptionally beautiful country estate oil 391S Bald Eagle Road — Eest of Wildwood Drive, $8500. | Terms, Lucilt Knight Real Estate, .. CE 8-2S47. ' ________ 5 ACRE INDUSTRIAL Site with 3 buildings. Utilities :*dar 4900 W. Hui 0 ft. OR 4-0354 HAGSTROM, Realtor EVES. FE 4^|SSSur R0YEHtI^ location, priced right: Schuett Realty. Call 851-1414 end >51-1415, )6>ACRES s. OF Holly near Tlpsico Lake# 517' on road# horses allowed. An attractive place of land, 515,950, 52,500 down. 43 ACRES BETWEEN Holly and I-7S freeway, scenic building site, barn! Included, SSSt par acre, 1# pet .down. 10 ACRE PARCELS in Clarkston | HOLLY OFFICE Davisburg Rolling Hills Approximately 20 acres beautiful ground, excellent walk-ouj basement. $16,900 on l Hally Excellent Area 13to acres lust waiting tor 1 new horn*. Blacktop road everything. $13,500. Waterford 2 beautiful building k M^r 742-8141. Flip i COMMERCIAL 400 > d road frontage, r OAKLAND COUNTY BAR A real .money maker bar operation, no food Gross over $90,000. 120 • -seatiqg capacity keeps the 6 employees hopping. Tnts; ls where' the action Js, so_.act . now. SM.0M ” ■* *™wH''^l* ‘ts me^est fidl- Tor the' money in Oakland County. Ask for and No' U m« ‘ ASK FOR FREE CATALOG •ke . PARTRIDGE REAL ESTATE J® 1050 Wait Huron St., Pont;" I45V0 331-3M1 440', Sashabaw PARTYST0RE 965-7859 mortgages ^ Swaps (angular) tablet -Its, $24.95 up. PEAROON'S FURNITURE BUNK BEDS Choice ot 15. styles, trw triple trundle beds » complete. $49.50 on«L Furniture, 210 E. PIKi UNDERWOOD Holly Area tott ting l .... .nd sewer. , Riviere Shores oveisna Valley. Prices rr im $3450 to 510,000. WE BUILD-TRADE ROYER REALTY, INC. PHONE: 634-8204 Eves. 425-18761 Hqlly Branch Holly P Bittiness Opportunities S9Businen Opportunities S9 MAKE MONEY IN YOUR SPARE TIME NOTHING TO SELL BE A DISTRIBUTOR FOR NATIONAL PIZZA COMPANY ■MIRP______ ... ...,-eeey-^eemar j Sheldon — 625-5557. _ ' M-59 PONTIAC LAKE RD. SE Corner, 290'x383' — $20,500. rf M-59 HIGHLAND RD. 0 2 Acres, 316' trontege, goad office l building. $40,000 — $10,000 down. RAEBURN & S. JESSIE 2400 sq. ft. building# house — $6000 V cash. COMMERCE TWP. i Glengarry and Woodbury — 90x92' — 3500 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL * 3 Avon Township# off Auburn Road, 'j vacant 134' x. 30$', 1 acre, or can ba ”!,"VM0NTCALM & STANLEY • 2 Lets, 04500 — $1400 down. AVON TOWNSHIP j Corner, Auburn Avanu* ~ 3'4'x204' ! Comer, AubUrn Avanu* — 314 x 206 — 442.000. COMMERCE ROAD # j $2500 — 11000 down — Lot 25* X f: BATEMAN commercial a investment 377 S. Teleoraph Rd. KHJP-v Mortjuge Leuni . 62- FOR THE PAST 42 YEARS 3)0 E.’ Fiko"’ '............ FE~4-7«tl Voss & Buckner, Inc. 209 National Bldg„ Pontiac JfJgfJSi frlole" trundle bMs "arid" bunk M*| up. Paeraor.'a j ______ £___________| buttonholes, ate. _____________a dishwasher,: cabinet. Take over n,iihii» m. _ R ■ ______end ends. 651J544._______tj pfR FOR 8 MOS. CLOTHES DRYER, Westlnghouse T nD *c, rACU nA. 334-3267 elec, can FE 2-0579 attar 3:30 p.m. \ OR >30 LASH BAL. CLOSE OUT - NORGE automatic, Ijtll under guarantee washer, sudssaver, etc. siso. fe, Universal Sewing Center I *~.35is-. -----—.—1415 DIXIE HWY. FE 4-0905 I960 CORVAIR 2-door, goad motor, COLORED TV SALE, lowest price In --z-.———Tj—f.--------------- 3DM1 new tires tor ?. 343-0001. Dir._the city, clearance sale an other, Slant Needle Singer r^iw b. oarTowio hiBrtriwfe• l»ce;~mn!BPNTRV' SQUIRlI itr Mi bledk.end white eats. 12 In. .MeekI UMd. zifl Zegaer, makes hems, tion. All necessary fixtures ' In-, x. ton '44 or '65 pickup. 482-0410 A.whlto protebte os low as 047.95., ^nenholei, deir — ' " eluded. Full price S0.750 plus In- From 9 to 5, 920 W. Huron Street. ——*- •- venlory. Financing can he ar- $$'MERCURY CONVERTIBLE, ranged for A-l purchaser. —- The Rolfe H. Smith Co. Universal lewing Center 2415 DIXIE HWY.______- FE 4-0905 SINGER AUTOMATIC ZIG ZAG. -\ Sewing machine -r, »ews _*)ngte_ ®r | reasonable oftor refused, bank) AWN SPRINKLING SYSTEM available. Check eur plastic plpa prices. X4" 53.45 Par hundred l" 55.61 par hundred l1/," SS.51 per hundred LENOX FURNACE, 95,001 • | duct work, .for 0 rooms f | hung windows, Ilka n Ford Pick-up, 473-0074. I CEMENT MIXER, 0150. 63 c lubv bed and mattress ooodcon MINTbiKETRUTTMAN, 3te horse. dltlon, I ‘ItloSrtf'^infSw* ,£lth| 00«I “nation. el^eng^te ltM,^■ head all $250. call 20"x28", regular « 0712. truck or cash. 602- I 9547.______________1 • ' ■ | DUNPHY BOAT, MOTOR, trailer, i sale or trade tor camper 4744W63. ELECTRIC Sheldon B. SMITH. Realtor 244 S. Telegraph 333-7848 PICK-UP CAMPER Manufacture,) iuTck’ , : business ostabtlshod 4 yoers. Could 674.3871. ■ j* .oparatetj.luH * kohTer Go-Cert with brakes, i advertising end Inventory for the 1-CR18 AMD ***TTRESS, good" con- I manufacture of lote. and 11 fl. NAYERS iy ALUMINUM boat, hke! qition, call after 5. 333-7553. j compart and pick-up covers. Call) new,* 5 horse Clinton motor,------ « -..............." m--------------- -washer, 4-mo.-ol COPPERTONEOELUXE ___________ range, and matching refrigerator, with ' large ..... -izlng c. .. (or $375. 338-3092 after as, etc. no extr model!. ’First $50 coals 8^0^$ claims. Guaranteed. Cell 3354203,1 'Household Appliance.______ SAVE UP TO 50% WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE On Floor Samplea on* of a Mi nrstar.i —nHnuid modal*, limited qui # E-Z terms available. KAY FURNITURE it to Kmart R Spin-drying *t after. 852 HIDE-A-BED $60. FE $-1705 or FE M°VJf SEAtS g-0244> as»#l#4*#< 4ml#4.n#a Lite '196718—100 • YBAR OLD BARNsT $5 month l pelnted, 682-2516,__________ flUMfi ' DIRt' CONVEYORS, cement __ _.--------------- tifnp pumps#| ____ mm m EACH. 200 padded folding chairs. Best offer by Sept. 15. Good olectric stove. $10. Cill 651-6144 for Inipfction. -NEED 20 FT LADDER ___________673-0922 ________ Cone'* F"E iHS6^7 ’’ — - :7 ©FFICi DESK# FILES* chirriy-2 TON FORDSTAKE truck and tf iV IIT brick mw.«,ujp. for tala, FE 5-1 SIAf HOT* to! ——1 effktel. OR >4747. ilPSSrr .toTa*«NWRT A® TELEVISION.) ?? 674-3326. after 3 p.m. S40. Call FE 5-I239.__ MriBTOLbER USED turnito^'lDAVENR!?RT...AND jCHAfRT ;>lS;| ____IS end mlsc. for gash. 4S2-75S4. i V Sale Clothing ' 64 Little Joe' bookcase, $5. Mlsc. tables. FE 2-4442 i fhe pizza bandwagon. Be r America’s largest of Its kind with over 458 distributors. EARN S7I0.M A MONTH OR MORE Do you have a few hours ot sport .time every week? ■ Just service t advertising, merchandising end support ef-town travel. Ne other raqulramants. tur* will follaw. ' i wrtt* us 1< Descriptive II Notional Razo Company H____T _________ after 3:30 pin ' Z^EDvCOI^MERpArn Block building with 542S sq. ft. presently used as body shop, ove , 1 acre ot tend on Choice Waterford Hwy., .Exc. location, terms, trade 4 FULL LENGTH bridesmaid got or exchange. j sizes 10 and 12. matching hat 1 . MCCULLOUGH REALTY never worn. SSS ee. 427-3(24. S3S, electric 5460 Highland Rd. (M 59) MLS BLACK PERSIAN LAMB Coat, good !' Open 99 __ 474-2234) condition. Size 12-14, best offer. Dto A6-^omNhomeL|n ‘pontPac!iF&RMAL IVORY SATIN wedding dINING'9 -PIECESTfujl *lze honey-1 saie, CeTsSWiy. [ lT’pe?’ ce™ discount. $5185 to gown, size HO. S50. 332-7375. colored mahitoaiw.Orlolnel valite fp WHOM IT MAY CONCERN I handle, ask for John Hotser. [ giRL'S SNOW SWt )n_new__con-| w*1 $W0. N4w ««j|i .... ) dltlon, size 18 mos. $10, D30-Q710, ■ Ml *4004, after 6:j)_ Friday^ MENZIES REAL ESTATE (wedding down and veil, size 10, , ... . . , - ' 9230 Dixie Hwy.------ "*■----------------------------------Notional Uncloim«d 625-5405 EVES. 425-2424! .FURNITURE 7' POOL TABLE, Mack and whim _ . Deep freeze. Harmony scout, uniforms, gas r Umo for moving. 493-1715. '- OIL SPACE HEATER, caat Ir 1 --I, 428-1838. -u HUI. PZO-IPOV. ______■ ______ wWT TfV PHILCO-BENDIX-WASHER d r ye/ stony guiter,' boy combination, $75. 20" Human ban- ranges, retrlgerators, withsfi and 9'xT2- uiNOuEuM RUGS, ».?5 strikes and lay-offs. toss. W* have soma Gulf Service Slant m Stations for lees*. Excellent loc-1 • — tlona with bays or without.'Only small Investment ' will get v< started In your very own businea-.. «... CALL GUS CAMPBELL, ED cash WHITE er LARRY TRI"—"" > • - 474-3114. > drawn out VS OF WHAT YOU'D EPCEPT TO PAY SINGER . TOUCH AND SEW ..... needle gear drive, 400 serlos. Auto bobbin,, winds directly from wato|^_Zigz*gg*r, —1— Only $98 ”"24 sets to sell 45116 Cass (Utica) 731-0200 FREE DELIVERY ELECTROLlix VACUUM Cell credit Electric stove,_ixc, iondl *r ! ,sj5» *- • -- Good potantlnl.Ol M-24 In tlte VHM Good busini multi-tomily shop loca‘**-evlllable. RESTAURANT OPERATION - to WHAT YOU'D EXPECT TO PAY Needs competent----— *- — OT ■ _~ control. Excellaot I m.tur* Individual or itment cell Mr. RHODES ROYER REALTY, JNC. PHONE: 682-2548 Oxford Office US S. Lapeer I l' building, full hase-«at, corner tocafien,< .. picas, furniture sales,, appliances, enty $26,000,1 I X J. RHODES, REACTOR | FE >-2304 25* W. Walton FE 5-4712) L.1 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE j. I JSJI3 ROOMS BRAND NEW FURNITURE $297 ImS'nutoiP 1S S°fn 4m?S averade S^S.''Aiuh[(lhum|E*H-ROAD TIES, new I y.mnJr’Irrlri . ...niV,' »>5“no Installed. Free est. ceramic! Rail tence. OR 3-1972. at ^alv^atorT^hirlpoou Saies*62S-15M oTlnaM*"***' A*'H R^llr,R0ADnLl^s.',-SARN wood, fiyy^ ADMIRAL. WESTINGHOUSB, tic., .-“ vur>, ------ ifallvary, FE S-9120,_________** ratrigerafors. Property described ls)"??„„^YMOUTH, BEST otter, also: rAttaN FURNITURE Set, In*. ejatraMMl marrharvllaa fto rrata.11 ^ _ | eluding 3 (' ------- ---- unpaid storage unite 1139;, uprlg floor samples Pfi Terms. 739-1010. , ir A NEW METHOD OF ■ cast iron a- ‘ $97; by siting ; with Htotltna I" Cast lr<” • 3" Cast ir ■ Is available ir pip* IS* tor flO.1 •r pipe in' tor $*.! ion, 7005 M-59 W.. RUMMAGE SALE, SAT. S Sun. JO ELECTRIC STOVE, $25; GAS stove, g *35; Refrlgeretor with ‘ $49; Wringer wuher. rts. Ft 5-2744. off Davisburg Rd. __—n ut *79.50 N.50 up; J pe. " HR ---tlonel 1139 g chairs $39,50 up, 4 b(i....PPPWBIHi api gas range, *79.50, 4 burner Clarkston. elec, rang* *99.50, " -— - -1 - - -J-m trfi* ---- ANCHOR FENCES NO MONEY QOWN FE 5-7471 BABY CRli, CAR SEAT, Infant ■ cnatr ___ - combination storm twn piece* of me... 10x59. MA 4-3SS9. 8, and & iTt Aumniff. marl CtPrtitton* - 1 T$9*. 1$, Wed._________. .* iTlvd!I cotta* table tiias" tor "s*t. 'Met![ BACK TO SCHOOL SALE I Stingray, min|Lcondition, go-car 3'/i Lake tresses for most everything, bunk! UP ta Vi aft on Used tvoewrlters. h.p., newly reconditioned. 334-9034-,.' *“"*■ H|---------- ------1 ■ #8aka. dhafra, dreWlqg boards and SMALL CAMP TRAILER. 0175- * ‘.ety blKdunt on naw beautifully r-—J —xlT—I Loads i sale houtIhold {J?.’, '~AOT,&ing^25-lS44.,>"d PEARSON'S FURNITURE FOR SALE LADY Kanmore, »,***■.«**_.. L pi Apt I mSy..~ Drayton,'3I'5teJtf* to / washer and dryer coiribinatKm,|i§.)08** *“ * ■ w **"" fc-! 111 * 1 'v r t^aewrltera,_ tddjng , gray*- lots, *320. Rpmlngton 14-fr1"'! gauge 'automatic with #o|y Chek*. 1441 Baldwin Byes. 'Ill |at. W 4. E *50 a*. 2 lamps $25 ea. 2j 4190 coeley Li I end tablet 125 a*. 879-0524, MHPRHMP Xpsfl physcedelic, Sleek | and paints. .Michigan 1 ...._ I aas orchard Lk., fe 44442-^44. 534.50. Lavatortoa complete with .toUCfte , *14.91, " Lk. FE 4-84 EXTRA Dollars Paid FOR THAT ------------- EXTRA Sharp Car OnH hoiic# M U7< mtimr 4-10 wnwwn mv -mw VP** 2274 day, 4M-IW nights.___________________, g § |JMS CLASS AB hydro, a traitor,. OR 3-; AUTO SALES C—18 95 Wanted Cart-Trucks 101N#w and Uied Tracks 103 RIUMPH, C 0 MPLETELY BUICKS, CHEVY'S PONTIACS. and 1967 CHEVROLET, VS tan I customized IMS, ill chrome, tm. I more. H. G. V— "" —*“ gak J24-W97. ------*— ir nice core. wer steering, power talk**, fleet le body, auwmatte wanimittlon. 759.334-4749 orOR *4mf • 1967 CHEVY W-TON, pickup fleet side box, air condition, overload springs, 327 engine, bucket teats. „ lights on the cab, west coast mlr-I rors, 24,000 miles. Sale or trade tar i what you nave, can be seem at 705 j W. Clarkstan Rd. L-* -------- ““ Averill's, C »f87> 2028-Phde-FC #8898 - r .^.r l Jfr ? , •• i? - : COMPLETE Mansneia i SERVICE on 300 1104 Baldwin Ava. ..Starters.. .: Alternators.. Generators . OPEN 24 HOURS Monday thru Friday GMC Factory Branch OAKLAND AT CASS ____F E 5-9485 We Will Pay TOP $ For your Volkswagen. BILL GOLLING VW 1131 Maplelawn Btvd. Off Maple Rd. (15 Mile) 110 CASE IDEAL tar snow with 0-2 cat. 602-3543 or 603-3327 Tta3 JOHN DEERE BACKHOE frontend loader. M2-a>17. i AIR , COMPRESSORS, lubrication! sali-y i equipment, hydraulic lacks, steam .,., u,_., 7 ,..' 1 cleaners. Welding equipment, etc. 3771 Hl»hl>nd (M-59) ■ Pontiac University Drive. FE 3-0106. POWER TOOLS, Atlas bench i SKI-D00R DEMOS PUPPIES. COLLIE-SHEPHERD 19 cents lb. Boros Country 22S0 Dixie Hwy, / _______ PEACHES Hilltop. Orchards, 'A mile 5. of city limits on Hartland Rd., Ftnton. 629-2912. ^hy. Plus mlsc.iZ^ hn£ wlth (l.n>x. .^. SEMI-TRAILERS, priced to aell. 4,vwi id. ni-iow, exc. condition, SllOp. Blvd. Supply. 500 S. Blvd. E. 335-7161. Cameras—Service USED SKI-D00S — 1.01) h.p. I960 model yjjj — 14'A h.p. 1967 model . ! KING BROS. •?r* FE 4-16& Vi'Jit Pontiac Rd. at Qpdyke 9 to 7 ____ ____ _ ,”5 gT&iire-SulIJWEA plst> ■."Tllrawl Trailers UB-SUL5”2y»:---—--------- RED SWEET PEPPERS, melons,! ----- mm —a -- Full Hr * it's getting so I don’t have the courage to talk to ' them about perfume!’’ STOP HERE LAST M & M MOTOR SALES at our new location lore tar sharp, late model a. v-urvettes needed. 1150 Oakland at Viaduct _ 3359241____. uck, E?oramv"ianl 23MRDlxl?Ri ANDERSON "& ASSOC., INC. TOP S PAID W--------------------Ifi Auto Insurance-Marine 104 AUTO INSURANCE Low Rates — Broed Protection Easy Payment Plan 105 5425 blue ey $550 ?-------- L 630-1431. 1 jiuppies, Al s Rd., OA 5-3399. s. 7*1 LIKE NEW Call MO 4-4953 .. ' Lepaer. , ■ . FE 4-0734 ST. BERNARD PUPS, AKC X-Rayed, —-- ------—. .. w^dyke______ AKC, shots, pet-show stock, reas. 71 TWO WINCHESTER MODEL 70's _________________________ ---- with scopes, 3004 caliber, never TINY 4 MONTHS Apricot Poodle, been fired, one Remington 32 automatic rifle, 330-1211 after 6 Foreign Cars , __ „ 3434217." ’ for all sharp Pontiacs 2 completely rebuilt, 88 Mobile Homes 89 ’V ft? ?.Eri, r,?oYheh- --- ■ ---------— -1 duty trailer: ’ $2,395. Call 951-1793 prepared 10 make you O 1958 TRIUMPH TR3. Cell before 7 nwii Beauties to Choose From!,^rm.nd-jnssrTdiirta?'better offer!! Ask for WE FINANCE - TERMS Burns. . II seat 8 !. Used i960 SUNN, 3003, (TOO., 1944 VOX Super Veetle, $400, 1965 Farflsa. Duo .Compact, Organ, 5400. Call lermanent shots, housebroken. 682- D GUNS . TOY SILVER MALE Poodles at Holl7: Stud. 332-0515. FINANCE .UCHARliSON . DELTApBiaaHWBBMBMM a7 1 saason. Must •« to eppriclata. MON^CH , F,T‘ F.1LE*?>AI? ,nDMro 07ij si600 851-3357. | H0METT.E :LIBERTY; trailer, 8850. 674-1877. LIKE NEWT 37 FT TANDEM, self COLONIAL MOBILE HOMES 11968 15 HORSE EVINRUDE, contained, call after 6 p.m. OR 3- FE 2-1657 623-1310 fiberglas, year and half warr —- ----- 6565._______________________25 OPDYKE 5430 DIXIE 602 3507._____________ OAKLAND CAMPER to a iiTD”cTr£~ ' |'p^| HORSEPOWER, Wheel Horae j contalned.'c WILSON CRISSMAN 81200. 363-5073. ) 1350 N. Woodwa APPLE OR POTATO crates. Earl; | * ‘*'3 Hummer Lk. Rd. Sand-Gravel-Diri i - l-AAA SAND AND graval, ell art* S. of QrtonvHle. 627-3691. ____ horaFcarr snd sleepers. “80! S^IT,|.,CHA,N SAWS' 12 Baldwin at Colgate DAVIS 6AACHINERY CO. q 1-A BLACK DIRT k. 682-6145.' Highland Rd. (M-59), 473-9534, ORTONVILLE Your tatajfid end New BAND INSTRUMENTS FOR RENtH—— 6aHard, 6Z3-1410; Lee Beardsiee ALL TYPES TOP SOIL and 1 ___613-3350 ; 363-2166. BARGAINS IN USED PRACTICE PIANOS Uprights and grands. near Auburn. 391-2SI1, or UL 2-5462. 1-PUBLIC AUCTION , Sun., Sept. IS, 2 P.M. I We are liquidating the Estate ef Ella M. Rowe, 3127 Woodbury St., Wplltd Lake. Furnishings and belongings In this home are 75 yrs. old or older. Table lamps, brown: velvet ceuch, Morris Chair, living PIONEER CAMPER SALES Trailers: Jubilee, Globe Star Barth Campers: Swinger, Mackinaw, Travel Queen, Car'bou, Barth Covari;S!utz Bearcar, Merit 1968 12x65. 86200 - * 12x44, $3550 '3 335-0634; Your car, mobile home, boat etc.; Is 15 to 17 ft INBOARDS - OUTBOARDS Hulls 120 - 150 HP. INBOARD5 ! “TOP DOLLAR PAID" I GLENN'S 196l 2-door sedan, pooy gooo, pom for $375. 332-9064. 1962 VW CONVERTIBLE, new tires -'1930 and engine, exc., 602-5673. __ ___' 1962 VW, GOOD CONDITION, 5300. Call from 2-3, OR 3-0568. 9, attar 5 p.m S. Ml 1965 VW, -is, 52,250. MA-6-3252 otter 4. _ LARGE SELECTION OF uit d 3091 . ._______________ mowers and riding tractors, priced SLEEPER CAMPER WITH to sell. Terms Avail Tom'si $300. Fits Ford Custom bo: Hardware, 90S Orchard Lk. Dally jms, 9-6, Sun. 9-2. FE 5-2424, | SALE SPECIAL New McCulloch chain saws model: 681-0730 2257 Dixie HWy. FOR “CLEAN" USED CAP* sill n,w’ r«?5 DH°uDN?ie J AS70DHPU|^oJdeSd|COmPl,,* W"h 40 We W 0 U I d like to buy late Ml 7 0953_■, Birmingham model 6M Cors orwill bar am I Captain's chairs. FE 4-1662 SALE PRICE ONLY $109.95 KING BROS. Morris Music 14.1. Telegraph Across from Tel-Huron ■ ________Shopping Center j CHOICE DARK CLAY, elum., black dirt,' top soil, 6 yds. 515 room’ oval ’ tabit,’ delivared, FE 4-6581. Also loading. sideboard, china cabinet, ( PONTIAC LAKE BUILDERS SUP-1 room table a I -------------- ply Sand, gravel, fill dlrte. OR 3- mlsc. chairs, 1534. tables,-Jenny___ .A.W. SAND AND—GRAVEL ail ch*s* with clew handles, also 1 Tor parts. FE 8-2492. FE 2 0547! HmSItaX? SrVm utL&uto£i w“hwr,,c.bM,.t,^chXrn.m^rSSH^.,Travel Trailers FE iiSHTSTdlrt! anjns 4ft1 Tools, many d.te^aS,- 2563. .Attar 5:50. 394JI042.- 7d!3taA **"^1 .J^OEM,. AXLE., t, EVERYTHING MUST GO TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR 1969 MODELS TOP SOIL, FILL, sand and gra' delivered. 338-9756. WE • ARE NOW EXCAVATING 8 chairs, the Airport, robe in books, year all Horsehair loveseat 1 praised at S2500: 2 1 5' ft. high sides; .25 tire ( 11195/ . M 5395! v 5895 ’ Drayton, Waterford area. We si have several hundred yds. of fl dirt and clay avalleble. If you ei III SUN., 'SEPT. cell OR 3-0935, ( l.Jp’11 p.m s 5693; Wurlltzer Lester we____HMI Lowrey was $2345; Wurlltzer was (2495 . Nancy Hart was S795; Lowrey was (1195/ . Kimball was (1295/ .. Lowrty was (1740/ .. Lowray was (1740/ -. No H S Sfs Pets-Hunting Dog* . now (1793 "— was (1995/ now (650 1—BASSET HOUNDS, COCKERS,'CLEAN-UP. (2595/ (1795. Poodles, Norwegian Elkhounds, toy: '-ggaga^ now (395 Poodles, chocolate and black, now (695 Doxies, tropical fish. Pet supplies (405 and GROOMING, Dog Groomer . now (795 wanted. Uncle Charles Pet Shop, now $650 404 W. Huron, Vi Mile E. of Tele- now 81395' graph, 332-0515. Open Sunday 1-4. now 51495,, AIRDALE, MALE, 2 yrs. with,! papers, best offer. Also huntina Dogs. 625-2330. MPHP8PmP2 P.M. DIRECTIONS: 3127 Woodbury St., off Oakley Perk Rd., Welled Lake. Sale by Tyler's Auction Service _________673-9534 ____ B & B AUCTION ______ .AMPER, GOOD condition. UL 2-1499. I' OVERHEAD CAMPER, Jacks In- eluded, 473-9605. _ _______ It' MOTOR-HOME, LIKE new/ Sleeps 5. 559000. 363-20M. ____ 24 FOOT, FULL BATH, extras. 673-1 3569.________^________________ 24' TRAVEL TRAILER. Self contained. Reese hitch. Best offer. MY 'end a pp I i a n cq s . 1f(5 WARDS tent trainer, sleeps • " a ..6laU. a____ avPallaBl rnmiNlMI- (UUUC7 Thousands of othar articles too! numerous to mention. B & B AUCTION .. K parking gallaghTr’^usic CO. 1710 S. TELEGRAPH FE 4-056 PON+IAC OPEN MON. AND FRI. TILL 9 CONN CLARINET,, LIKE new, 59C Call 693-1090.______,______ ESPEY CHURCH REED Organ. 343-6622. 4 kittens in need of home. «i- SAT N|GHT> SEPT. 14,7 P.M. a WWW. „„ -SHARP female, \ clippers AKC MINIATURE black ______ J.c'rs‘5°l3 In»nt!w>id JACK MYER AGAIN WITH HtS tex?°; M”!! GROCERY ON WHEELS Ih. of Lapeer, Just^ oft M- GROCERIES (SOLD IN CASE LOTS) TRUCK LOADS OF RAILROAD SALVAGE, FURNITURE 'AND; APPLIANCES. 1965 16' Frolic Camper Sleeps (. Gas stove and refrlgarator. SENTRY ACCEPTANCE ____674-2247_______ Trailer Parts ' AND Accessories JOHNSON'S TRAVEL TRAILERS 517 E. WALTON BLVD. „f FE 4-5S53 -5U.:___ travel trailers Your dealer for— CORSAIR, GEM ROAMER AND TALLY-HO ALSO Corsair .no Gem pickup campers and Macknlaw pickup covers. Ellsworth Trailer Sales 6377 Dixie Hwy.^^M TRAVEL ! Goodell 1 roi Rochester Rd._________ TRUCK AND CAMPER for Goodell Trailers. 879-0714.__ WOLVERINE CAMPER SHELL, 10> ft. csb over. $300 after 5 p.m —’ ROYAL REGAL EXECUTIVE By Active. • TOWN & COUNTRY MOBILE HOMES, INC. Telegraph at Dixie Hwy. 334-6694 Open Daily 10 a.m. to 0 p.m. Open Saturday10. a.m. to 6 p.m. Open Sunday 1 p.m. to 4pm Othar times by Appt.___ Oxford Trailer Sales Belvedere, Stewart. G a r d n e Hertford. -Latest models, 2 or bedrooms. Early American ~n'338-(§72 MERCURY AND CHRYSLER OUT-' Alum. Fishing Boats—Canoes j Fiberglas Cannes Cliff Dreyer's Marine Sport Center 13210 Holly Rd., Holly ME 4-67711 LljM^ljin Pplly and f - - cept trade-downs. Stop by -j33:7?***___ , , r 1 loss Ct AT to today. tires. 5950. Call BIG CLEARANCE ] I960 boat and motors, trailer end camping trailers; Mm —■ ■—— HR_____ _______ used boats, motors end trailers. Pontiac's Only Msrcury and Merc-Crulser dealer. I CRUISE-OUT INC. 3 E. Walton FE 0-4402 Dally *........ I, Set. 9-6 _____Closed Sunday________ : BOAT TRAILER, HEAVY duty, 8 \ I I ply tires. (125 Elwood. Evas. 682- 1, FISCHER BUICK 544 S. WOODWARD 647-5600 Junk Cars-Tracks 101-Al- sttsr 5. W ble_____ ______ ____ .... ___ and condition, call 651*0252 attar 6 PM, 1966 FORD Cortina with 4-speed transmission, full prlca 1895. GRIMALDI,CAR CO. 900 Oakland Avenue ,11967 V 333-7906. . GREEN sedan, (1500. Call Rent Trailer Space 625-4400 L0TS F0R ALL SIZE 1 TRAILERS §995 U~|T, om! 1,0 •"•'■•h** ■Hll— Sales 3200 S ,1. JJ- ~ , , , Auto Accessories r Ray Greens Sailboats lh," Glaspar Boats Steury Boats i Grumman Canoes i Mirro-Craft Boats 90! Dolphan Pontoons Evlnrude Motors . Psmco Trailers "JST: * •s.y. 1967 VW, GOOD CONDITION, PCC. I, 100 JUNK CARS -. TRUCKS.! c,n *W)l.lib,... -----------------!---- taw anytlma, FE 2-2646. 1*67 OPEL RECORD jlaluxs s' 111 JUNK CARS, PAY FOR SOME, tree tow. 682-70(0.____________.j. € A CAR OR 100 JUNK -cars. Brnta'.l m Free Towing, FE (-3832. 1967 FIAT 850 Spyder with red finish and black interior. Very sharr / noiuiim rad i to Hickory Ridge Hlj/hland^ Right ____" follow signs to DAWSON'S SALES TIPSlCO LAKE. Phone 629-2179. Used Auto-Truck Parts 102 i 1965 SKAMPER FOLDING Cbmper, sleeps (, 363-0001, 1965 DODGE DOUBLE cab with I*!WOLVERINE TRUCK CAMPERS! box, end camp-Made camper.1 ....... (1993. 628-2081. 2635 Orchard Lake Rd., Keago. 1967 22' CENTURY tandem wheels, loadsd i (3500. EM 34216. ,*;iAuto Service — R COHO SPECIAL 1961 Silverllne, Rivtrle, II' trl-hull, 160 Merc., cruiser, power trim, with trailer and brakes, many ex tres. Complete (4195. KAR'S BOATS & MOTORS j=[405 W. Clarkstan Rd., Ltkt Orion MY 3-1600 327 ENGINE AND 2*9 engine. (150. each. H. & H. Auto Salas. OR 3-! 5200. 673-9364. _______________________ 1957 BUICK SPECIAL body li 24 on house. Lake Road. 3rd. 1 Mile 1 520. EM 3-7003, 9-5 p._______ FEMALE AMERICAN Eskimo puppies, MY 3-63(9. FENDER STRATOCAS+ER Guitai and deluxe 3 verb amp., like new. ..., __ ’ i, the original price. Trombone, . »L> 'r;PBMAN~ gMd condition, 3(4-1279._ * White WwS______________________ , fENDER_PUAL STOW Man tettam 0L.D COCKER puppies, 5089^ withj,J.B. Lanilng ipaakers and A|(c jjWrt6eg0 champion flrad,! lepherd pups. i. 394-0008. 2 AUCTIONEERS TO HELP YOU 1968 Store raft Campers Inside display CRUISE OUT, INC. "43 E. Walton Pplly 9-4_FE 84402 APACHE £AMP TRAILERS: Buy brand naw 1968 Apacha Camp Trailer! at usad trailer prices. Over 20 brand new 1968 pick-up truck campers at closeout prices. Dixie Hwy. OR 3-27171 FLOOR MODEL, SPINET ptano bench. Special 095. Hagen Music 10 P.M. I A POODLE GROOMING, pupp wmn ci» FSde'r 7iw6 toy stud tarvlce. FE (450. 4(2-4334. , iLAj^ACHSHUNO PUPS'^AKC. GIBSON .ELECTRIC Doubts pick-up > . Good condition. (100. GIBSON ELECTRIC 2 plckl vifh custom —' ESTE1. HEIM KENNELS.'y/I IIBf !5089 Ql) A-1 FREE KITTENS 682-9253 B & B AUCTION EVERY FRIDAY .. ..»:«- - - , EVERY SATURDAY ■ ... IrtO P.M. EVERY SUNDAY ----, 2:00 FJML WE BUY - SELL - TRADE Retail 7 Days Weekly CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME CASH PRtZE.EVERY AUCTION OR 3-2717 PERKINS SALE ____51%''.,"Sl{IUDTll ADORABLE AKC fOY . RQ^Deryton-Ptaln^--------------. ; ■rvtae. 335-6329 or 332-5639. e rww, 'music Stand Incl., 575. AIREDALES, HAMMOND 100 WATT PH. Swartz Crdek' ' . ;*• *>635-9400 _ SATURDAY T>.M., complete bunk, Stud beds, 2 place sectional couch. ‘Corner cabinet. Single beds, egab Bookcase. Lot - * ' living AIRSTREAW LIGHTWEIGHT TRAVEL TRAILERS Since 1932. Guerantaed tor life. Si them and get a demonstration . C0H0 SPECIAL tanks. Lowry Camptr Salas. S. Hospital Rd., Union Lake ( 3681.,__________________ YELLOWSTONE TRUCK CAMPERS PRICES SLASHED 1T1 self contained with show 10' self contained with showei 6 sleeper. These 2 campers , h* ’STACHLER TRAILER 1 SALES, INC. -3771, Highland (M-59) 602 'MS IMMEDIATE SERVICE— m BUMPING AND PAINTING ---' BUFFING AND WAXING Satisfaction Guarantead ECONOMY CARS 2JJ5 DIXIE ____FE 4-2131 r- IMMEDIATE SERVICE and ON EXPERT MECHANICAL WORK ' CHRIS-CRAFT 26', r GRIMALDI CAR CO. 900 Oakland AvenuB 1967 KARMANN GHIA Yellow with black Interior this one Is almost brand new, (17.95. GRIMALDI CAR CO. 900 Oakland Avanua 1967 AUSTIN HEALY (PElTfe I Convertible, mint epnd., extras, low mileage, best otlet. Detroit, I 186-2253. . ■ ■ - 1967 VOLVO, STATION WAGON, i 2 snow tire*. 10S . gal. Loaded with y Clean. 674-0782. tlaaptr wll refrig., rail DELUXE I61 1968 INBOARD-OUT -board, with MerCrulser, o> transferred, must sell. 682-4191._ INSIDE WINTER STORAGE Call tar reservation NOW ■PHHmilPlllllllllllll Karr's .Boats & Motors "saYISFACTIOtiTs''Ou"ar’a’nt’ee'd' 405 W. Clarkstan Rd. ECONOMY CARS — 2335 DIXIE ___ ___F E 74-2131. Hjj MOTORS FACTORY R E B U I UTrl 530. 1962 VW engine. 525. Five VW bus shape. 525. 335-2075. 51,725. 739-0536. 1962 Rambler American parts,1 fiat aso roadster, 2,00 ! OR 3-1940, ., | mint, OR 3W(. -[1964 CORVAIR, COMPLETE, 15,000. DUNNE BUGGY, 1957 Pontiac engine, 347 cubes, _u,w anal completely rebuilt. Balanced 253 chrome rn«» „ C“KC Oy.l.t|re?! must sell fori 693-1654 after 4 ------ . ... .... equipment, call aftar ______ Lake Orion 5 30, (<7-5492. ____i■ ■ . /TOtr ---------1,967 GTX.R«RG^lPta=. ^^UNE BUGGY MAKE YOUR PARTS cars, truck*. 1X35 SINGLE BEDROQMe set-up ti park, ideal for bachelor or couple I 334-0756. 12x52 P.M.C., 1965. 53,800~ 5150. FE 5-4908, after 5'. RESERVATIONS FOR WINTER STORATE NOW! AT: HARRINGTON BOAT WORKS | _____________________________________ Larsen Boats Grumman Canoee WANTTOl GASOLINE heater for "Your Evlnrude Dealer" 1fS(,VW, 334-5442.____ m.s. Telegraph__________332 5033 New 0Bd Uieij Trucks i shortening, accessaries. ..... ............. pontiac! JHiVaRiil Catallnas. New amco Trans. Low complets cars. Phone 335-1924. PERRY'S 7615 HIGHLAND RD. ------------i..... ......- " 573-4(36 Grovelend Man Motorcycles 11954 HARLEY CHOPPER, SHapn.l tor 5995. Ceil 34343)>. Dealer" I____ ffWWl,..,._______________332-5033 (1. ONE OF THOMPSONS bast -, m«p^ 'complSe ’’"CHEVROLET. with A-1 40 h.p. Johnson elsctrlc UL a'1740- --“ tnglne. Single controls; 1200 lb.; 1959 JEEP PICK-UP, _____MGB-GT, NEW IN LATE December, I ao 9,400 miles. Harsh road lights, AM-,UJ FM radio, completsly Zlebartsd, ' ' $2,050 or bast otter, 681-0819 or Ml ton pickup. 840. -; STUDENT'S CAR 1967 Austin 1100, hubs, 6 cyl. 4»?760.Pl :e snd plates. Cell 425- _ (HARMONY SOLID BODY GUITAR, t pickups, soft cess, excellsnt condition, (7S. *** **" choice chat ... ........... sired metes. Show quality. 5250. sporting goods. Bedspread! E=1 Crll after 6:30 p.m. UL lr&'S-_ Auction! 7MVV. Clarkstan Rd. 693-, p»H AKC- DOBERMAN-PtNSCWERS; 7; w). _;v - • .....TYtfrSAUCTION-----------\ and tenAwormed end puppy “J MUM ,243 Mtndowlewn,. Pontltc. ___ ______ .......... Apache 332-1657 ______ 623-1310 Falcon .that sleeps 4. Only, 5475. I960 DETROITER 10x46' ' 2,000 miles, nrods niw 'battary, S250. 674-1333. Inc. insurar 5277 after 6. 1965 YAMAHA 125, HAS less than jshions, c '5. 644-6524. ond Used Cor* cover,' tires, extra "STYLE" the Apacl 4t exciting____ n Introduced. Clearance prices ... .. . 27 FT. AVALAIR House Traliir, self-11965 HONDA, SUPERHAWK, good r^ta^toS^SAVE^OWm Ml JBft conel.. new barnett. clutch end ri°* d.’JStcdc^ MADIWC :qntslned, very mono-mafic tol--------— Catalina, Moor. Mthnvwlth trailer _r condiHonmg. 673-9534j Apache travel trailers with torsion: EM 3-0753 or OR 36761. ■ KAY ELECTRIC GUITAR, 1 35-1961. 81-A! '? AKC GERMAN SHEPHERD Puppies -Vj- avanaoie m snow white end sllver|A-l TREES — microphones. Excellent condition N.. ay m m|/eB s, „/ standlsh exit; Manlet. die i <744)002._________|______________iff freeway on UM3 A. H, Lasher, Sleeth 3 miles your tools. 2922 PdL „.st of Commerce Opati Pally. 6*4-0635. ; fe»a8awaaBBft«safe»oa 3BSSt>. _til 3118. ' champion stud service, S35. AKC DOBERMAN, 1 year Ugi I tan tamale, 334-7243._____ *-|AKC POODLE PUPPIES. i Reasonable. FE 4-2747. iuspension illimlnates sway. STOP AND SEE EVAN'S EQUIPMENT 6507 DIXIE HIGHWAY, . CLARKSTON and Tue*., 9 a.m It'!! f| ’’can 12NL^|C a,T24VLREobin CrMk SCRAMBLER 305. bast voyage/'SadaV 1 Rd„ Auburn Heights Mobile Tldme . _____*---------; 28' Voyager Exp. Ti Manor, before 2 p.m.________________-1966 HONDA 160 CC with electric 128' Skiff Exp. Twin FE 5-7148. - 119W BSJlHORNET, 450 C&' __ 334-4920 ______ 1964 BSA LIGHTENING Rocket, 450 CC, very good condition. Ln-> mileage. Best offor. 451-5077. SALE ■_____________________________________________ i . 1961 FORD F 700, rebuilt motor, 2- ill 1968 boats,! speed* axle, 22' long, with a r UMUi ' - erhang, 8W high; tar. 493-117). PINTERS MARINE box. Best it 1968 LEFTOVERS - Sedan Twin 210 Exp. Twin 210 start/ FE 8-3545f after 4. 28' Skiff Exp. Single 260 8275, UL 2-3185. TOM RADEMACHER CHEVY-ILDS 1962 CHEVY V* ton, with 8 ft.! a.* .... with heater, fct $495. Over V _______ _____t from — On U it MIS, Clerkiton, MA 5*5071. 11963 DODGE . PICKUP, BIG box, - 2 PONIES, 6 YEAR? C AKC GERMAN SHEPHERD | 'I RIDING HORSES, j, gelding, 1 Palsmlno 5, Palomino gelding, UL 2*3447. ; SELMER MARK 6 ALTO SAX Excellent condition. Used fessionally. FE 4-1537. SHAEFFEH— 6AXAPHONE WITH; esse, like new, reas., FE 8-17(2. j 5LJNGERLAND DRUM, tarn I pad, (45. OR 3-5650.________ ■ SUMMER SAVINGS ON PIANOS Many models from (35 UP Rent piano — buy tatar ar *-■" "Smiley Bros., Music. ‘ jggwwr. lit m xaaimaw FE 4*4721 B|gham st- Pontiac, weening colt. OA >-3017. MonSTue«. Thori. Set. 9:30-5:30 ;^P^^LE PUPS end etw* 6 HEIFERS, APPROXIMATELYJ800 Wed. 9:30-1—Fri., 9:30-9:30 | alio »tud tjryjce. ______ tb*. 2940 Buckner Rd,. Lake Orton. U JRiGHT^PJAklp, p66b~Condlti°n, ALASKAN MALAMUTE PUPS, VS 7 ygAR OMlTGUAXjrgR TYPE Bey Completely self-contained; wall to ______ ______ __________ 2:30 4134, after 4 p. -■ after 5,p.m. 552-"1*' ' BETTE R_ SELECTION I HIGHER QUALITY! I LOWER PRICES!!! ALL PRICES ARE POSTED 1967 BSA LIGHTNING, 650 CC. Must see to appreciate. 51,880. OR 3-5111. I 1967 250 CC, MUSQVARNA Mato p Cross. 5650 cash, Never raced, j - CHRIS-CRAFT WALT MAZUREK'S LAKE & SEA MARINE Itlec ______ FE 4-9557 1944 FORD TON 4 wheel drive, 31,000 miles, Warrtn hubs, Myers; snowplow, 887-4377. pony saddle. c«nping.'(97f, or moke offer. Ph. 673-(f22 near Ponflec Airport. 1967 BMW R-40, 1968 Yamaha En-j dura, both like new, reas. C1 ’ CENTURY YELLOWSTONE TRAVEL TRAILERS QUALITY AT ANY BUDGET STACHLER TRAILER SALES, INC. 3771 Highland (M-59) 4l2-944Sj UPRIGHT PIANO, Smlth Van Linas 13 USED ORGANS Choose from Hammonds snd othef I well knwon brands, prices as ,*~"1 ■ as sarr'— GRINNELL'S Downtown Store 17 S. Saginaw , 674-1743. LASKAN ..... AKC, Show s J 7-YERR-OLD SHETLAND HERFORD COWS, withjeatvea, 71-A B EAiSLiE,—PRETTY FEMALE, axe. j ARABIAN STALLION, T I ' pet, no. 338-86(4. j breeding, raesonebte, 941-9305. ! seaqleVups.excellent^ . ^..l. milting by hj Chock our deal on — | SWISS COLONY “ LUXURY TRAILERS , FROLIC TRAILERS ANC TRUCK CAMPERS SKAMPER FOLD-OOWN-CAMPERS' j 13 to n ft. on display at - Jacobson Trailer Sates 490 williams Lake Rd. OR 3-5911 NOW ON DISPLAY Travelmate Limited number, OR 3-7230. - , 555,'S70. 6W723. ' BEAUTtFUL COLLlE. ; 8ft sas ts sszpt ^ hw-sh°«wjwi*i Pleasure Mate " BLACK, WHITE AND t Vi OFF .NEW OFFICE furniture . write for trap catalog, AmarlaMi -Tu for SALE, GOOD condition, A. B, Pick; 435 Mimeograph, Elliot ad-■ - Qreialngtwachina.Celt332-40S2., ^ ^ucuc ww/-,ja~ U N DE (WOOD s TAN DAK® atse-PUPirFE — -tisMa. msm j collie mtosmu CHICKENS, DU CK»«J COLLIE AKC 2-YEAR-OLD tamale; s, oboa-family horse, 692-1* HORSE SHOW ...miner riding Academy to offering tar your pleasure It's (th annual FaM Horae show an UmTsm- »■•.»* a»J a.m. All antrtee welcome, we offer our flnaW w HdlnB .!*-structlon at all level*. Wa Ameriee's Custom Hardtop Only (13(5 Holly Travel Coach, Inc. 15210 Holiy Rd., Holly ME 44771 Open Dally and Sundays DEER HUNTER SFECIAL. V Plck-u/v camper, sleeps 6, self-contained, never used, costiiafS, tacrlflcefor (9*5, 473-1C5. Spgrtin* ( - children. 43B-37W. OxflHL : ■ id, good equipped,.brand . I rider, traitors. Terrific 5 WANT pn,'Lk. C _____ PRIVATE owner, registered 1 • p.m. FOR RENT savings. Located ->7 Call 624-4*61 / ■rokdayi. / . | / - NEW Motar-Hom*,| mheerd of discounts. 2*470, ______________________ You can't bedt ourdeal. !free cats. •roEeH . Ototribsrtaro . *« * -| SaShlar Sf-INT? I B*jmng. hat nawTstSS, I Fro.Golf Woodward In 9 Mile, Dally TO*, WINNEBAGO GO I motor homes PICK-WCAM®tS», - . . ' DRAW-TITE, tfEESE : .■ '• HITCHES h , F. E. HOWLAND SALES . ■ 18 3255 Dlxla Hwy^ PonHac, OR 3-1456 I Best Mobile Home Sales' Open Daily 9 a.m.-8 p.m. Marietta .■ fiBMMjl Royal Embassy Squire Delta American MARLETTE EXPAND?! DISPLAY g FREE DELIVERY AND WITHIN 200 MILES. 12x50' Marietta I960, 15,200.00 ON DISPLAY AT: Cranberry Lake Mobile Home Village 9620 Highland Rd., (M-59) 2 miles West of Williams Lk. Rd. 263-5296 ' 673-111 BOB Hutchinson's 21st. Anniversary SALE YE8, 21 YEARS Sob has been in Mobile Home Sales Bab Hutchinson Invites you to see the all new $22,000 DOUBLE-WIDE KROPF HOME 1400 SO. FT, FLOOR SEE THE ALL NEW ' DETROITERS 34295 AND UP Free delivery up to 300 mi. Open Dally 'til I p.m. ... Saturday and Sunday 'til 5 DRAYTON PLAINS 1 Dixie Hwy.(US-10) , OR 3-1202 )» AT TONY'S MARINE On all boats and supplies 4 hava a few Johnson Motors FRESH START BANKRUPT REPOSSESSED -. GARNISHEED TRADE UP OR TRADE DOWN TRADE CARS EE-8-4033 ‘ Been Bankrupt? icRup^l Need a Gar? ANNUAL SUMMER SALE ALL 1968 MODELS ON SALE! BSA,. TRIUMPH, HON r>,,.a SISg^M^1' W°NT“A'|lt' F^ro^r^ing"^' STANDARD Auto Sales 3400 Elizabath Laka Road 55 Block Watt of Weet Huron (M59) 681-0004 NEW* FINANCE PLAIT. IF BANKRUPT, OR WAGES, WE YOUR CREDIT RE-*74$;iWdodge half ton pickup. to>«ESTABLISHED AGAIN. WE i e c i box, 6 h 85951 transmission. TOM RADEMACHER CHEVY-OLDS 1964 GMC 4,000 tractor diesel ft tady for tha 113' Blue Star pfun ■ Johnson, trailer. 114' Key 3Q h.p. elec. Evlnr )r.r" ^eKSTda ___jm**radio, hyptar,d we>t HAVE OVER 80 CARS THAT mHUNTER,DODGE CAN BE PURCHASED. WITH 49, SOUTH HUNTER N0 DOWN PAYMENT. COME ----------■---------rm- IN AND SEE CREDIT MGR. . 569 ANDERSON SALES & SERVICE CLEARANCE PRICES. ALL 1968 Suzuki cycles SOcc to 500cc. Rupp-Mini bike* from $144.50. Take M-59 to W.’ Highland. Right to Hickory Ridga Rd. to fi—1| LAKE. Phone 62^-2179. BACK TO SCHOOL CLEARANCE 200cc Scrambler, was $640, now.............. : $520 250cc Scrambler, was $725, ■' now . ... . : $575 Plus many more,to choose from al great aavlngil MG SUZUKI SALES 4657 Dixie Hwy., Drayton email’ CHRYSLER AND JOHNSON BOATS AND MOTORS INSIDE BOAT AND MOTOR STORAGE OPEN DAILY 9 TO 6 SUNDAYS KM PAUL A. YOUNG, INC. 4030 DIXIE HWY. MARINA on LOON LAKE OR 4-0411 WANTED: STORAGE SPACE In barn or garage for 16 ft.* boat, Oct. to May. PE 1*500. ______ Non. Top do if 33(4901. Airplanes FLYING CLUB, Beech Musketeer, 1965 GMC m yon pickup with long box, radio, hoater, ext nice one owner, only — $1095 Merry Olds 528 N. Main St. - MR. IRV/ LUCKY AUTO J 1940 w. Widt Track . Mr. Parka a) Ml 4- heater, *■ Pleetalde. *l,ooo. 424-2244 195$ BUICK, A-1 I Pontiac. After 7, L LEARN^TO ifLV, —.pHvat^ligNal t^'At'rgeiT.w473-fi3».'' 1«1 1964 FORD. Bronco with 4 glass, radio, power steering and brakes,, heavy duty sutpanstah, tow mileage, 51,09$. Mt 7-3462. . HONDA 175, I960, 1NDA cel lent. 305- Scrambler, runs! HIGHEST DOLLAR PAID FOR Extra Sharp Cars! Grimaldi Buick-Opel MILOSCH, 2^. m»w. ~ pp CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH JR *»!*..«w*rWN from — ’ On US 10 at MIS, Clarkstan, MA 5-5071. wnirewa 1966 CHEVY % Ton LLOYD BRIDGES TRAVELAND walled Lake, Michigan 210 Orchard Lk. FB 2-9145' good, 3 . |i94tjuid(',M^»na taiii^'dWtt ■ ..i sjiTjpjgr. mmmi an. (51-1391 ” S» Ml New ■ !■ 10A*: C—l$ New god IW Cert “^^v^m^m^ 1965 CHEVELLE Convertible 196$ BuiCKElfctra Ata"bu tf? a^it ^bargain pritT* GRIMALDI THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14. 1968 Electro 225 r hardtop, balgt with • I Interior, power ttet r brake., power wlnt italic radio, heater. $1795 Suburban Olds 1966 BUICK ELECTRA 22S, 4 door hardtop, full power, alr-condi-tlonlng, $2.200. 333-7973.____________ 1964 BUICK RIVIERA ( black top, factory air, .mat,, IP wheel, and other extra., 12,4 332-7174. ___ 1966 BUICK ELECTRA 4-door hardtop, full power a factory air conditioning. $2495 Bob Borst Lincoln-Mercury Sales IMP W. Maple_______ . Ml 4-2i 1946 BUICK LeSABRE 4 dc *•"», 352-1474- 1867 BUICK ELECTRA, 225, cot vertlble, fully equipped, am-fi radio, 82700. 334-4769 or OR 4-0571. I960 RIVIERA, VINYL top, "tlnte alas., 11,000 mile.. Like new 63,630. 647-7407. _____ i960 BUICK SPORTSWAGON, ISSTSSM-WT' °th,r ^ New and Ueed Cm 1963 DODGE, 330, CUSTOM 3 HUNTER DODGE I960 IMPERIAL WPP ,_________-. i factory/ air conditioned, only 639 down, waakhaMlNHr*~ ■ Full prl». HAROLD TURNER FORD 4 S. Woodward______Blrmlnghar 1965 CHEVY Impala J JA--. with 327 4 speed jghoutl Only— 2 door hardtop, » w throughout! $1395 flnlih, with black Interior, 140 h with automatic tranumlMion? 1 price 1895. GRIMALDI CAR CO. 900 Oakland Avenue FORD: Whan you “-RKET TIRE gl tty check, r Keego. 1961 CADILLAC C O U P E DeVllle, 4-door hardtop, luring interior, V4 automatic, Brakes, radio,.' heater, whitewalls, factory air conditioning. Balance d u a 1*62 CADILLAC SEDAN, DeVllle goodie*. Vacation apodal only t hill price, no money down. JOHN McAULIFFE FORD 630 Oakland Avo.________FE 3-4191 lW CADILLAC SEDAN da Villa, lull power, make offer. 335- 1964 CADILLAC 4 DOOR. Air. Fuji 1964 CADILLAC COUPE O very (harp, Power. Ownei sacrifice, 01,495. OL 1-1179. 1966 CADILLAC 'DeVllla $129 or your old cor u..... balance at bank rate.. Cal credit manager Mr. Park, at 4-7500. HAROLD TURNER FORD 464 5. Woodward Birmingham i960 CADILLAC CONVERTIBLE, power, Flramlit red, white, . loaded with axtras. 03393, call 363- JEROME CADILLAC CO. 1900 Wide Track Dr. FE i otter, FE 14903 attar 3. 1939 CHEVY WAGON. *1150 or beat offer. 3323244* 1959 CHEVY 4-door, $123. I96I CHfeVY 2 door, transportation Special. Only »IM full prlcr Money Down, Payments to 1962 CORVAIR STATION Waoon. *230, Telephone 626-1165. m. 391-0979, OA 0-2259. SftirT , 1963 Chevrolet Nova Wagon, ’ red with matching vinyl Interior, 6 cylinder, radio, heater, whitewalls. Balance due 1306.14. weakly payments «3.2t. Call King, 613-3061. 1963 CHEVY 2-DOOR B Iscayna, - E0W^'—S**' .??* 1963 CHEVROLET IMPALA, m3 CHEVY SS Coupe, 327, auto Tram., power steering and brake, vinyl top, Today's Special! Auto, til ----- *— «*■ Roney's E 4-4909. 1964 CHEVY Impala invertible, Moma'ticj paint "fob" Clearance W Oakland Av6. FE 5-411 r station wagon. a looking fi See this e 1965 CHEVY Impala 4-Ddor sedan, with V-8? automatic, power steering, radio, hooter, whitewalls, outstanding grodn finish^. Only— $1395 Matthews- Hargreaves console, brakes,, si Clearance JOHN McAULIFFE FORD 630 Oakland Ava.____ FE 3-41 1965 CHEVY IMPALA _____________ ....... with V4, automatic radio, heeler, power steering, beautiful silver blue and white. Chroma ------------- rack, spotless condition. School Sale only-61488, “lust 5105 down and I 1967 ..POLARA, atrtomaHc. p racing Breen, 61800. 3944013. 1960 DODGE POLARA, 2-d Dodge KESSLER'S DODGE CARS AND TRUCKS Seles and Service "T,; „ I960 FORD STATION Wagon or door Galaxy, 363-0001 dealer. 160 FORD, 6, automatic, clear M—Hi—1—hdMh OR 3-5690. 1961 FORD FALCON 2-door, good *175, 1966 Opel etatlor 682-0352. 762 T-BIRD, EXCELLENT condl- ............................. sonabla. Private. Ml 8*9823 attar 2 FORD FAIRLANE. Needs sds rings 3$3-$4M. New anti Used Care 165 FAL Salta si 1965 MUSTANG 2 plus 2 Fs 2*9, 4 speed, a (harp car. ECONOMY CARS 23M DIXIE 4-113T 1965 FORD CUSTOM iPECIAL, — auto.. Mg 6 cyL, vinyl IP CaprT Blue, whitewalls, V. owner. A bargain -Exc. condition. 36341! 1965 FALCON SOUlBfi, full automatic transmission. « *10.44, Oakland Ave.___FE 5-4101 T96rComet 2-DOOR SEiDAN i u^t oma 11 ct"”'" radio,- heat* °nly~ $1295 Merry Olds New and Used Care 106 SAVE MONEY AT MIKE SAVOIE STAR AUTO EASY CREDIT 962 Oakland FE 8-9661 S& 1967 OLDS F85 /-8, automatic, power ateei ictory air conditioning, 10,00 miles, new car book. Only $2095 GRIMALDI YOUR BUICK-OPEL DEALER ,,|acto^NJw^eM1,Atotote!y^w' | down, full price 3544, payments ot 34.88. Call. Mr."; Parks credit mahagar, MI 4-7500. HAROLD TURNER FORD Birmingham 6 MERCURY Convertlbla, reekly pai a $1588. C s 1968 Olds $8 2-DOOR—AND 4-DOOR Hardtops With lull power, factory air cc ditlonlng, vinyl roof, flit who whitewalls, savt at only $3895 Merry Olds PONTlXc GTO convertlbla, 1964. 421 ‘i-power, 4-speed, 4.33 posl. 0,000 - —In# rebuilt by Royal. New — ------------------- „/— Going — 1968 OLDS 98 Holiday Sedan Full power — Factory air conditioning — Vinyl top. Priced to aell. $3995 Suburban Olds BIRMINGHAM Si860 S. Woodward 1953 PACKARD, GOOD COND., ME 50,000 ml la naw car warranty. JOHN McAULIFFE FORD FE 5-4)01 1967 FORD Custom 2 door, beautiful er blue finish, with matchk i, dose, out special only 1967. Fawn with I Vinyl nip, air, power ‘1 brakes, tinted glass, 5041 •ranty. 353-6086'. v-l, automatic. sower stnring, lust whole family, ifewrit , only 52415. MERCURY 1967, MONTCLAIR 4 door hardtop, power atnrlng, auto., radio, vinyl top, vary cltan. 31950. call 647-5770.____________ 1963 OLDSMOBILE holiday hardtop. Full power. Absolutely no 3 down, full . price 3713, with payments of 36.82XajMjjlr. Park RUnmRVrlvate ..... .1,775. 6ft StaqtoV- AKC Beagle, 2 months, 2 females, OLDSMOBILE DYNAMIC 38 1964 OLDS DYNAMIC f coupe, hydra., double po< heater, good condition, NEED A CAR? — Repossessed? — Garnisheed? — Been Bankrupt? — Divorced? Got a probtm? Call Mr. white King Auto. 631-0302. 1960 PLYMOUTH 2-DOOR hardtop, white,- sharp, gr— ——— •<«n» little rust. ... 3300. 335-0344. 1964 VALIANT, EXCELLENT i dltlon, 3725. 333-2433._ r. 3375. 674-1824. tassenger, good transportation ci HUNTER DODGE 499 I 7-0955 19 SOUTH HUNTER 1964 OLDSMOBILE hardtop, power engine. Absolutely no $ down, full price $988 with payments of 167 T-BIRD Landau with beautiful champagne finish, with black vinyl top, full power, and factory' air conditioning, Vacation Ea||Utore| only $2808. Full price, gHPOTOW 585.25 par month. 5 year or 50,000 mile. Naw car warranty. JOHN McAULIFFE FORD 630 Oakland Ave.______ FE 5-4101 dltlon. JOHN McAULIFFE FORD 630 Oakland. Ave. FE 5-4101 1957. CAMARO, GOLD: Wlto btock vinyl top endlnlerlor, V3, PS and oft, auto, on console, Beautiful, Cell 620-1580 alter 5. LATE 1967 CHEVY SPORT Van, custom 100, heavy duty, V-8, posl- tires, excellent condition, 332-5410, "milosch “ 1964 COUNTRY SQUIRE, 3050. 682- 1965 MUSTANG, real sharp. 1 682-141S. ____ 1985" FORD "COUNTRY "SOUIREv ......... •• jg0n, baa u 1111 gundy ^ finish wl special only JOHN^McAULim FURU ”5^ price; lust $188 down and 366 year 50,000 mile new car wi ITanty. --------- lOHlTMcAULIFFE FORD ____ Oakland Ave. _ FE SJI v|nxl 1965 T-blR0 LAN DAU ........ iv. "Mk"i goodie $1708. Fi i. MY 2- power, end ell the _________Clearance at only — $1 avertible. Price, lust $108 down, a ItractlonT per month. 5 year or H 968 CAMERO, POWER steer stick shift, reverb, weaker, condition. 602-5956. ...# car warranty. JOHN McAULIFFE FORD - i 630 Oakland Ave.____PE 5-411 !:i 1965 FORD Falcon 18 1968 CHEVELLE MALIBU, dy$6$r° I CORVETTE COUPE, SILVER , exterior and Interior, 4-spaad n , transmission, 365 horse, 411 rear , end, customlted. 31,750. Cell eft-,> n. OR 3-5352. j jfi 1960 CORVETTE 1966 CHEVELLE SS convertible, cylinder, white with black toi black Interior, exc. condition, r ■ MILOSCH CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 1966 Chevy wagon II, automatic, radio, Whitewalls, $695. 677 M-24, Lake Orton. MY 2-2061. AL HAN0UTE • Chevroltt Bulck On M24 in Lake Orion / MY 2-2411 1968 Chevelle Sport Coupe Demo with V8, Powergllde, radio, rhitewalls, Only- $2495 TAYLOR'S CHEVY-OLDS Walled Laky______624-4501 i njMPALA CUSTOM, double ; 1965 CHEVY 9-Pa$seng*r Wagon -with V-B. automatic,, power steer-‘ Ing, radio, heatar, whltowalls, tux. ' ado black finish. Only — I $1695 : Mafthews-E; Hargreaves » OeMend Ave. EE 4-4547 tWc CHEVY impala, i rdtop, power steering, t^/MgrPa 4-7S63. 1968 CAMERO — V0, P< 965 FORD VrDWNPP*B*P Burgundy, t automatic power steering, radio, heater flare. cl—-ary Motors, Inc, 5*0 BU| Waterford, Michigan. 1965 FALCON HARDTOPi --- . ' only 339 down, weekly payments 38.92. Wl price 3983. Call err"* manager l*r. Perk. j. Ml HAROLD TURNER FORD 464 S. Woodward____Birmingham 6 CHRYSLER, RUNS REAL good , radio, 625-4732. i. Exc. condition. HAHN IK Cltrksfon CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH RAMBLER. AND JEEP" 3 Dixie Hwy. (Ujt. 1“ MA5-SOS WE ARE SORRY tr the inconvenience cause CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH 324-3192 to station Wagon, i, good trenap. $125. FE A tybOORl 1 JOHN McAULIFFE FORD 1965 F0RO GALAXIE sks vertlble, V3, automettfe heater, power steering, brakes, beegwul eeellc.white with Week top, and ready tor the fun paople. Vacation special enly 312M.JUII Mr0*month! 5 year or' 50,00) HAROLD TURNER FORD 64 S. Woodward • ■ Birmingham 968 TORINO GT FAIRLANE 500 with beautiful' metallic turquplsa finish, with black vinyl Intorlqr, >' t condition. MY 2- ___ring, brakes. Ilka new, at.. bunch on this one. BIG TRADE Allowance, 8,000 miles. 32600, < ' 1 $108 Down, 301.97 per month. JOHN McAULIFFE FORD 30 Oakland Ava.________FE S-4101 Suburban, Olds BIRMINGHAM 60 s. Woodward ._. Ml 7-51 1966 Olds F-S5 2-DOOR with automatic, radio, hast) power steering, whitewalls, beau; tut ^ burgundy finish, matching I "$1495 Merry bids VALIANT? 100? 2 door? cylinder? standard shift. Exc. cc dltlon. Make offtr. 49 E. TannysOi PONTIAC: When you buy If I MARKET TIRE give ** * * ^ - “'35 Or GRIMALDI CAR CO. 900 Oakland Avenue 963 BONNEVILLE STATION wagon, excellent condition, 43,000 ml., aSt- 1964 Pontiac Catalina Hardtop 2 door, with VI, automatic, powi steering, brakes, coral finish. No: °n,v " $1095 FLANNERY Birmingham POWER steering, power brekee, excellent condition, low mlloano. 67W67. ADKINS AUTO SALES 731 Oakland Ave. , PE 24230 1— Bonneville Coups, air .....B2JJ5 Ford Wagoh, 3-auto, clean W Ford 2-door, V-l, auto ....... Factory Official CARS , I Models Power Equipped —Many with. Air— Priced From . $1895 Village Rambler 666 S, Woodward Birmingham 646-3960 1968 PONTIAC CATALINA, 4 door hardtop, auto, trana, power steer-Ing end brBket. 32788. «l-7032. LOADED 1961 TEMPESTLE MANS, 350 sports coupe. S3l00-olus list price. 82695. 333-3106. m caprice, :______ vinyl top, full power, 9,000 mi. $2775. 338-9036. .___' ■ . > ' I960 CATALINA, WAGON, POWER __i i,5..i, mull brakes, 646-1346. i brakes, radio, 1966 CATALINV HARDTOP, gutometle^trejU^ hardtop. ;..,n?!)nn' school, must selLW80T 8794)688. wo run l mu l ooor noroiop, i plus 2, power, ‘air conditioning, vinyl top, automatic transmission, 421 englr* *’“* *** 1966 PONTIAC, BONNEVILLE, dou- 1964 CATALINA CONVERTTbLEh 1966 BONNEVILLE, shapo, $650. CeH Milford, 60S- ----^------| r. $795. 673-5259. 1964 -PONTIAC GTO, _______ _____ trl-powar private, SHOO. 335- 64 PONTIAC OkAND PRIX, “V down, payments, J8.92 i— Call Mr. Parks. Ml 4-7500. Harold Tumor Ford, Birmingham. 1864 TEMPEST, CUSTOM 326, $ 1964 PONTIAC Station V automatic, radio, stearlng, brakes, factory ah’ conditioning, Clearance Special only -3588 Full Price No Money Down. JOHN McAULIFFE FORD 630 Oakland Ave- FE 5-4101 RUSS JOHNSON PONTIAC-TEMPEST On M-24 In Lake .Orion MY 3-6266 4.CATALINA, double power, ] it* ^ff er]' 62641637^ radio, 625-5573. 1966 Pontaic Convertible ' with VI, automatic, power alee Ing, brakes, blue finish, white toi $1795 FLANNERY MOTORS, INC. (Formerly Beattie Ford) Wetortord 6234)900 PONTIAC CATALINA 1966 Convertible, excellent, double power, electro-cruise, clean with new tires. $1595. Private. Ml 6-0933. ■ -DOOR BONNEVILLE, ._ heater; power brakes and steer air conditioning, other extras, tony warranty. OR 3-0095, after 4, 12.550, 16.000 miles, I 967 BONNEVILLE BROUGHAM, power brakes, steering and win- door' locks, *tart3fy *alr ^conditioning, AM-FM radio, factory stereo tape player, vinyl mlM 82488- Fn 2-3460. GO! HAUPT PONTIAC ... PONTIAC EXECUTIVE, a-nuor, hardtop, power steering end I—*-((, full tinted glass, factory deluxe Interior end exterior 1968 GRAND PRIX, I Private owner. OR »» 1968 CATALINA, 2-D00R, I I PONTIAC CATALINA hardtop Ith sir, priced to wilt 6264355. j PONTIAC LeMANS console H-toP. 82500, 363-3672, I960 PONTIAC CATALINA wagon, full power, elr conditioning. 332- 196,8 TEMPEST 2 door coupe, automatic VB. power steering, power brak-* —— —• apaakar. Rally II whr i»ih* aval tires, der-OR 4-2131. 1967 GRAND f............. 0 forth. 32508. FE 6-4616. PONTIAC BO"NN irtlble. 6408 miles, sh r, etc. Will deal 644-49)8. . 2635 Orchard Lake 1959 PONTIAC CATALINA, «75. C 625-2693 Otter 5.__ 1959 PONTIAC, COPPER, 4-door, double power, 8150. 125 W. Huron. ^ SHELTON P0NTIAGBUICK-0PEL 855 S. ROCHESTER ROAD $51*5500 1965 Pontiac Catalina Hardtop 2 door with V3, automatic, power .leering, brakes, blue finish, at °nlv~ $1295 FLANNERY 1967 LeMANS SPRINT, 2-1 J§ SALE BUY A NEW 1968 Javelin 2-Door Sedan for $2469 AND HAVE YOUR CHOICE OF Automatic Transmission of Radio for 19*7 CATALINA, 2-DOOR hardtop/; U|ij*k‘>---war, factory air? excel lent I $85-1905. 1 m I960 PONTIAC WAGON, _______ . vinyl myl bucket Mat., automatic, 1 heatar, Dowhr brakes, S — miieeg*, ■ steering, r whitewall 1967 PONTIAC BO__________ Brougham. 4-door hardtop. AM-. ... radio. Power steering, brakes and windows. Factory air. Vinyl Many axtras. Lika new. $2795 3205._______ 1967 PONTIAC, CATALINA, 4 "" black ..... conditioned, I S!T‘ 1962 BONNEVILLE 1962 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE, power steering, brak**-dltlon. 3450. 673-7975. 1967 THUNDERBIRD74doorlHe dau^^uH^equlppiKl. $2.500. 334-4769 10 or 647-0705 after 6, FORD XL CONVERTIBLE, beautiful metallc candy apple finish, black top and black bucket seats, console, 390 eng In ' automatic, radio, he»ter. now steering, brakes, like Back 1 » yourself, 31,200 i this o special at only NEED A CAR? - New to toe *£•"’ — Repossessed? — Garnished? — “--n Bankrupt? — Divorced? — TOM RADEMACHER CHEVY-OLDS 1964 JEEP Wegoneer Station Vaoon, with 4 wheel drive, radio; eater, new car Trade, solid rad Irtish, 3995. Over 75 other care,to 1943 CONTINENTAL convertible, 1 $1,150. 3464939 55 MUiTANG trtttsrmtwwi, credit manager at Ml 4-7500. | 1964-1965- 1966 Continental CONVERTIBLES AH Priced to Move In Excellent Condition ' $AV& Bob Borst Lincoln-Mercury Saies “ "V Maple Ml 6-2200 ■ |____________**S5r,llf52 MERCURY. MONtEROY# X Cond’ aSi’^Sat. tr*n*pof^,,#,v ^ , like new. 32395. HUNTER DODGE 499 SOUTH HUNTER I 7-0955 _______ Birmingham 1966 OLDSMOBILE DELTA — vertlble, power steering, .power, brakes, radio, heater, whitewall ! tires, reduced to S1799. - HUNTER DODGE 1.962 PONTIAC $595 Matthews- Hargreaves 1965 TEMPEST, LeMens, - ---------- Brougham Interior, power steering and brakes, good cond. first $1,050 takes. 2786 Churchill Road, Auburn Heights, UL 2-4173. 1967 Olds CUTLASS SUPREME 4-door hardtop, with automL.... radio, heater, power steering, brakes, factory elr conditioning vinyl roof, whitewalls, only — - $2295: _Merry Olds 1962 PONTIAC V4, Stick . .______ DEALER_______________, 333-9238 1962 PONTIAC BONNE convertible, will take I Come by 133 S. Edith, a 1967 OLDS. 9 —lser,^toH^ 1967 Olds LUXURY SEDAN with full power, factory atr conditioning. tilt wheel, vinyl roof, whitewalls, a Ilka naw one owner. Only— $3495' Merry Olds 1942 PONTIAC 4 hardtop, Sahara hlng v natlc. • DODO R -old with irior, V-8 $3.92. Call King, 682-26$ 1942 PONTIAC STATION 1 power engine. Absolutely down, full price $3n payments -* **“ SMI meager. V"" HAROLD TURNER FORP Birmingham r brakes, auto., Consoie,-4744128. 1965 PONTIAC ( $1,450. Call 4734619 after >5 TEMPEST lutomatlc, radio. ____ ______ iteerlng, brakes, clearance special inly $1088 full—Price, Just 38$ town, and 344.23 par moi“- ! ipotless Condition. JOHN McAULIFFE FORD 630 Oakland Avi---- 1965 PONTIAC Tempftt 2 door with VI, automatic, only $995 1965 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE, 3800. 763 PONTIAC TEMPEST vertlblt. Radio, heater, stick 335-1601 af — ' — 1965 PONTIAC GTO, real sharp, must Mil, OL 1-3868. 1965 BONNEVILLE CbHVERTIBLB. ------ *— —o Dill Rd., .Drty- power, 1 «5i Plal wagon, air, power steering ar brakes, auto., radio. 31600. 48-112 1965 PONTIAC CATALINA static GtS^s speed, 3958. 4292 Baldwin; TEMPEST GUSTOMcOU/B, MERRY OLDS M0 DEAL MERRY OLDSMOBILE 321 N. Mein ROCHESTER, MICHIGAN 1967 Olds Delmont 2-door hardtop a V?qBt',j | —. ring, brakes, \ whitewalls, only— - $2395 ’ Merry Olds Rochester OL 1-97811 ^ rardtop, 188.1 " yiilssfaTiigi/ ■ ■' '. ' BRAND NEW CLEARANCE 1968 Mercurys MONTEREYS—MONTEGOS—COUGARS Every new 1968 In stock must go to make room for the 1969's arriving. We get the room . . . you receive important savings. Wide Selection. Before You Decide See HILLSIDE r ■ LINCOLN-MERCURY , \dMH , 32m Phone 682-1 NOW AT Village Rambler 666 S. Woodward Birmingham 646-3900 Doc's Motor Mart THE NATION'S LEADING JEEP DEALER --BATSUN A Complete Line of • SPORTS CARS • SEDANS • PICKUPS MOTOR HOMES ^ TRAVEL TRAILERS' PICKUP CAMPERS Winches and Snow"Plows for Any Make Vehicle Plus a Complete Service Dept. 1104 S. WOODWARD SEE HILLSIDE! BEFORE YOU DECIDE 1963 FORD 19-ton pickup. 1 Radio, heater, r hone. No money i 1966 RAMBLER r whltowalls 770" ...._PP.V3, automatic, pdwtr iteerlng, brakes, radio, healer, whltowalls. Lew mileage, one owner. T964 FALCON FOturd Two-door hardtop. V3, stick shUtT radle, heater, white-walls. A little black beauty. No money down. 1963 PONTIAC Catalina Two-door hardtop. Factory tour-speed, V3, radio, heater, whitewalls. A goad buy No money down. 1964 MERCURY Marauder Twwtoqr hwdtop. Block with ell white vinyl Intortor. Automatic, VI, nawer steering end brakes, radio, heater, whitowells. Sm mla eno tor sure. 1967 COUGAR mstchlng vinyl Interior, "HratTfaeianos ot nw cer warrerSy. 1967 COMET Callente 2-door hardtop, V4 engine, sutometlc, double 1963 MONTEREY Ct^om braenway sedan, I automatic, tow htllleags, 1 Ih matching Intorlpr, V $895 $1495 $795 $695 $1095 $2295 $1995 $795 HILLSIDE... LINCOLN-MERCURY 1250 Oakland 333*786$ THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1968 C—lfi ■fc'■*•*?* -Television Programs- Programs furnished by stations listed in this column are subject to change without noticel Channels; 2-WJBK-TV, 4-WWJ-TV. 7—WXYZ-TV. 9-CKLW-TV, 50-WKBD-TV, S6-WTVS-TV, 62-WXON-TV TV Features TONIGHT i JAMES BROWN, 7 p.m. <») 6:00 (2) (4) C*—News -(7) C - Football (In progress) (9) C — Robin Seymour (SO) R — Combat — Hanley’s squad and a German one enter shelled village from opposite sides and are stopped by a harried mother, crying for someone to free her trapped baby. (56) Fairy Tales — Hans Christian Andersen classic, “The Princess and the Pea.” 0:30 (2) C - Grand' Old Opry (4) C — News — McGee (56) Puppet Master 6:45 (2) C — College Football Today , 7:00 (2) C — Death VaHey-Days Sss Self-appointed mayor of Tucson,, is told the marriages he performed are illegal. (4) C — Michigan Outdoors, (7) C — Anniversary Game (9) C (Special) — James Brown — Singing king of soul is shown in his first TV special, taped in March at the Apollo Theater in Harlem. (50) C — Hayride (56) Festival — Concert presents work of Alan "Stout, contemporary composer from Northwestern University. 7:30 (2) C — Prisoner Ruthless investigation probes the prisoner’s reason for resigning. (4) R C — Saint Templar investigates the death of a friend, a jeweler asked to make a copy- of a famed diamond necklace. (7) C — Dating Game — Comic Pat Paulsen is guest. (56) French Chef 6:00 (7) C —Newly wed Game (9) C — An Evening With . . .Gary Lewis and the Playboys play some of their hits. (50) R—Movie: “Torpedo Bay" (English, 1962) James Mason, Lilli Palmer (56) Folk Guitar 6:30 (2) R C —My Three Sons — Katie tutors a handsome lad who usecLto court her and Robbie is jealous. , (4) R C — Get Smart — Max trains an amateur to pose as the estranged wife of Kinsey Krispin, who promises to exchange a ' list of enemy agents for her return. (7) C — Lawrence Welk — Potpourri of old and hew tunes is offered. (9) R C — Movie: “The Ugly American” (1962) £ U.S. ambassador to ; Southeast Asian nation is caught in a political struggle. Marlon Brando, ! Elji Okada ■ . (56) R — NET Journal — “The Wayward Satellite” studies Czechoslovakia’s ! ill-fated reform move-. ment. 9:00 (2) It C - Hogan’s — Heroe i 1 Hugrjrj masterminds peace hoax in attempt to free four underground leaders. (4) R G,- Movie: “The Outsider” (1967) Ig pilot film for TV series debuting Wednesday, private detective is key suspect in murder of girl he was investigating as possible embezzler. Darren McGavin, Sean Garrison, Shirley Knight, Edmond .O’Brien, Ann Sothem 9:39 (2) R C - Petticoat Junction — Uncle Joe puts on the dog to Impress guest he thinks is compiling list of top hotels. 17) R G—g Hollywood Palace rag Jack Benny —hosta-ahow featuring Sammy Davis Jr., Eliza Minnelli, folk singers Peter and Chris Allen and the juggling Rudenko Brothers. (56) R — NET Jazz -Blues singer-guitarist B. B. King performs some of his compositions. 16:66 (2) (Special) C -Model of the Year -Thirty girls vie for $65,600 in modeling contracts as they model contemporary fashions. Arlene Dahl and John Davidson host. (50) C — News, Weather, Sports (56) NET Festival -Duke Ellington and Ella Fitzgerald cut loose in a 1966 concert on the French Riviera. 10:36 (7) Cine Mondo (9) Tonight in Person (50) Lou Gordon — Guests include James Kavanaugh, author of “A Modern Priest Looks at His Outdated Church,” de-frocked for “blasphemous” statements about the Roman Catholic church and his recent marriage, ' and Carol Heiss, world figure-skating champion and Olympic gold medalist. 11:00 (4) News, Weather, Sports (7) (Special) C — You Can’t Do THt on Television — Pik>. for a projected series of broadside topical satire. Host is Canadian TV personality A1 Hamel, and performers are Robert Wagner, Nadia Christen and six young Canadian comedy players. (9) Pro Football: Ottawa at Vancouver. 30 (2) C — News, Weather, Sports (4) C — Donald O’Connor i'^-v Guests include Carolyn Jones, Ruby Keeler and Mickey Manners. (50) C — Joe Pyne 12:00 (2) R — Movie: “Look Back in Anger” (English, 1959) Richard B u r 19 n , Mary Ure 12:30 (7) C— News 12:45 (7) R — Movie: “This Angry Age” ( 195 81 Anthony Perkins* Jo Van Fleet £ 1:00 (4) Beat the Champ 1:30 (4) C — News 2:00 (2) R —^ Movie: “48 Hours to Live” (Swedish, Ingemar Johannsoo 4:00 (2) C — News, Weather SUNDAY MORNING 6:05 (2) TV Chapel 6:10 (2) C - News 6:15 (2) U. of M. Television 6:30 (2) C — Christophers 7:00 (2) C - Cathedral of Tomorrow ■ 7:25 (4) C-News 7:60 (4) C—Country Living 8:00 (2) C — This Is the life (4) C — Southern Baptist Hour — Role of public relations in religion is discussed. (7) Guest Artist Concerts 8:15 (9) Sacred Heart 8:30 (2) C' — Temple Baptist Church (4) C — Churoh at the (7) C w= Green Up Time (9) Window on the World (50) C — Herald of Truth 8:55 (A) C — Newsworthy 9:00 (2) C — Mass for Shut-Ins (4) C — Oopsy the Clown (7) C — Dialogue (9) C — Faces of India — “The Face of a Yogi” (50) C — Captain Detroit 9:30 (2) C — With This Ring <7) C—Beatles (9) Spectrum (50) C — Kimba 9:45 (2) C — Highlight (4) C — Davey and Goliath 10:00 (2) Breakthru (4) C — House Detective (7) C —Linus ,r > (9) R — Hawkeye (59) R — Three Stooges 10:30 (2) C — Faith for Today (7) C — King Kong (9) C —Bozo’s Big Top (50) R — Little Rascals 11:00 (2) KC — Lone Ranger (7) C — Bullwinkle (50) R C 7- Superman 11:$0 (2) C — Notre Dame Football — Films highlight the 1967 season and survey the teams that will meet the fighting Irith in 1968. (7) R C — Discovery ’68 — “The Eyerglades” (9) R — Movie: “Bright Eyes” (1934) A little girl whose famous father was killed in a plane crash becomes t h e airport’s gtiardian angel. Shirley Temple, James Dunn, Jane Withers (50) R C— Flintstones SUNDAY AFTERNOON 12:06 (4) U. of M. Presents 1 t- What happens when contemporary art moves out of the museum and into the marketplace. , (7) C — (Debut) College Football — Weekly series features filmed highlights of the most important college football games of the previous day. Today: teams and players to watch. (50) RbK Movie: “The Life of Emile Zola” (1937) Oscar-winning film about the French jfovelist recounts the Dreyfus case. Paul Muni, Gloria Holden, «t Joseph Schildkraut i2:30 (4) C a Design Worship 1:00 (2) R — Mister Ed —Weekend Radio Programs— WJR(760) WXYZ(1270) CKLWQOO) WWJ(950) WCAWT130) WPONtl 460) WJBKQSOdWHH-f M(94.7) cklw, Tom Shannon WCAR, News, Bon Rom WJR, Newt 0:15—WWJ, Audio/M -WJR. Sports t:30—WJR, Weekend Report, 4:45—WJR, City H . Showcase 7:15—WCAR, Na Stewart • WPON, WJR, Weekend Report, Shewcat* 7:55—MUR, Sports •:M—WHFI, Don Bosco WJR, Newt, Music •:M—WJR, News, World This t:i5—WJR, space Story 4:ie—WJR, Utftner't Cholt Dimension ssMSttfe 11:ta-WWJ, News WJR, News - ■■ •* “WJ,. Overnight WJBK, Hour ot CrecWlsd S KsBn or- WWJ, Overnight 4:15—WJR, Weekend Reporl Organ Encores bmrsam.^ 4:45-WJR, The Christophers 7:40—WJR, News WJHC, Note* i, „ WCAR, Nam, Choir Lott WPON, Lutheran Hour CKLW, Uni tod Christian WWJ, Mariner's Church CKLW, pill Roberts WJBK, Light and Lift Wt*UN. Sunday MranadO WCAR, The Church Today 7:45—WPON, Mount Olivo Baptist, WWJ. Perm Nswt 5:15—WJR, News - wjas, err ™. ... WCAR, NOWS, Lltt for Living WPON, », John Lutheran t:lS—WJR, Thr» a-Ouartsr Time 1:15—WCAR, Back to God Wjn/*Ranfra Valley Gather-CKLAV, Old - Fathlonee,, Revival WJBK, Radio Bible Cftdo ... uilMtur : -fen. WHFI, Jim Shields WPON, Bread at Lift —* **— Church WJBK, Wlngt of Haaltng WJR, News ... . WXYZ, News, Dick Purtan 4:15—WPON, Shining Light Quarltf CKLW, Frank ftrodii Cio.W5u»‘,