he Pontiac Press, Tuesday, November 18, 1969 TUESDAY R — Rerun C — Color TUESn^W MORNING V / Extt*ns!\'e coverage rf th‘ Apollo 12 mission was planned bv the networks. Regular programming m*u he preempted. 5:50 (2) TV Chapel 5:55 C- On the Farm Scene 6:00 (2) C — Sunrise Semester 6:25 l7) C — Five Minutes to Live By 6:30 (2) C^Woodrow t h e Woodsman (4) C -- Classroom — “Changing Earth: Face of the Land" |7) C - TV College - "Founding o f Political Parties” 7:00 (4t C - Today--Ciuesls include Bishop F'ulton .1 Sheen and Sam Houston Johnson, author of “My Brother Lyndon.” (7) C — Morning Show 7:30 (2) C—News, Weather. Sports 7:55 (9) News 8:00 (2) C — Captain Kangaroo 8:05 (9) Mr. Dressup 8:30 (7) R - Movie; “The Square Jungle” ( 1 9 5 6 1 Tony Curtis, Pat Crowley (9) Friendly Giant 8:40 (56) R—Human Relations “The Physical Condition of the Job and Motivation” 8:45 (9) Chez Helene 9:00 (2) R - Mr. Ed t4) C — Dennis Wholey (9) C—Bozo 9:10 (56) Come. Let’s Read 9:30 (2) R C — Beverly Hillbillies ® ( 56) Singing. Listening. Doing 9:55 (4) C—Carol Duvall 10:00 (2) R C~Lucy Show (4) C~It Takes Two (9) Canadian Schools (56) C — Sesame Street 10:25 (4) C—News 10:30 (2) C — Della Reese — Four Tops, Kaye Ballard and Alan Seuss guest. (4) C —■ Concentration (7) C — The His and Her of It (9) Ontario Schools I (50) C — Jack LaLanne 11:00 (4) C—Sale of the Century (50) C — St.rgnge Paradise (56) R - Listen and Say 11:15 (56) Misterogers 11:30 (2) C - Love of Life (41 C—Hollywood Squares (7) C—Anniversary Gam? (9) Ontario Schools TI (50) C — Kimba 11:45 (9) News TUESDAY AFTERNOON 12:00 (2) C — News, Weather. Sports (4) C-Jeopardy (7) R C — Bewitched (9) Take 30 (50)“ C — Alvin 12:25 (2) C — Fashions 12:30 (2) C -He Said. She Said (4) C — News, Weather, Sports (7) R C — That Girl (9) C—Tempo 9 (50) (’ -Galloping Gourmet 12:35 (56i Friendly Giant 12:55 (4) C—News (56) Singing. Listening, Doing 1:00 (2) C — Search for Tomorrow (4) C — Letters to Laugh-In (7) C — Dream House (9) R . C — Movie: “Valley of Mystery’’ (1967) Richard Egan. Peter Graves, Fernando Lamas (50) R — Movie: “The Late George A p 1 e y ’ ’ (1947) Ronald Colman. Peggy Cummins 1:15 (56) Listen and Say 1:30 (2) C—As the World Turns (4) C—You’re Putting Me On (7) C—Let’s Make a Deal (56) Science Is Searching 2:00 (2) C — Where the Heart Is (4) C—Days of Our Lives (7) C—Newlywed Game (56) R -- Advocates — Should the federal government issue n o further leases for offshore oil drilling? 2:25 (2)T C—News 2:30 (2) C—Guiding Light (4) C—Doctors (7) C—Dating Game 3:00 (2) C—Secret Storm (4) C—Another World (7) C—Genera! Hospital (9) R—Candid Camera (56) Modern Supervision ~ “The Whys and Hows of Delegation” (62) R — Movie: “The Deadliest Sin” (British. 1956) Sydney Chaplin Audrey Dalton 3:30 (2) C—Edge of Night (J) C — Bright Promise (7) C~One Life to Live (9) C—Magic Shoppe (50) C—Captain Detroit (56) Efficient Reading 4:00 (2) R C—Gomer Pyle (4) C — Steve Allen --Sweetwater. Howard Storm. Pat Harrington and Monty Hall guest. (7) C — Dark Shadows (9) C — Bozo (56,) C — Sesame Street 4:30 (2) C—Mike Douglas — Shelley Berman, Barbara Eden, Cab Calloway and astrologer Carroll Righter guest. (7) C — Movie: “How to Be Very, Very Popular” (1955) Betty G r a b 1 e Sheree North (50) R — Little Rascals (62) C—Bugs Bunny and Friends 5:00 (4) C—George Pierrot — “Enchanted Hawaii” (9) R C — Flipper (50) R C ^ Lost in Space (56) R — Misterogers 5:30 (9) R C — Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (56) R — Friendly Giant (62) R — Leave It to Beaver 5:45 (56) Chimney Corner TUESDAY NIGHT 6:00 (2) (4) (7) C — News. Weather, Sports (50) R C — Elintstones (56) R — Americans from Africa (62) R — Ozzie and Harriet 6:30 (2) C — News — Cronkite (4) C — News — Huntley, Brinkley (9) R — Dick Van Dyke — Rob agrees to take Buddy’s dog for the weekend. (50) R — Munsters — Herman becomes the star of a museum exhibit when he mistakes a mummy coffin for a telephon*' booth. (56) Basic Issues of Man - the use of science for good or evil lies with man alone (62) C — Robin Seymour — The Rare Earth guests 7:00 (2) C - Truth or Consequences (4) C — News. Weather. Sports (7) C — News Reynolds. Smith (9) R — Movie: “About Mrs. Leslie” ( 1 9 5 4 ) Flashbacks reveal romance between rooming house owner and business magnate. Shirley Booth. Robert Ryan. Alex Nicol (50) Ft - I Love Lucy (56) What’s New - While on their safari, the boys go to a game park and watch how different animals live. 7:30 (2) C — Lancer — Murdoch takes a chance by having an unlicensed doctor perform surgery on Jelly when he takes the sub rosa medic from jail. (4) C — (Special) The Wolf Men — James Coburn narrates this documentary on studies by experts seeking more knowledge of the wolf in an effort to prevent its extinction. (7) C — Mod Squad — Pete befriends a young man caught in a robbery attempt after learning the suspect is an illiterate. (50) C ^ Beat the Clock (56) Joyce Chen Cooks — Dough with different fillings and different ways of cooking. (62) C — Of Lands and Seas — South America is visited. 8:00 (50) R — Hazel (56) C — CEN Special — Ted Doan, president of Dow Chemical Co., is interviewed. 8:30 (2) C — Red Skelton -George Gobel and Lou Rawls guest. (4) C — Julia — A blind date is not as militant racially as Julia believes (7) C — Movie: “The Ballad of Andy Crocker” V I Premiere! Vietnam veteran is disillusioned with civilian life. Lee Majors, Joey Heatherton. Jimmy Dean, Bobby Hatfield. Marvin Gaye. Agnes Moorehead, Pat Hingle, Jill Haworth (50) C — To Tell the Truth 156) Twin Circle Headline — Congressman Lawrence J. Hogan, R-Md.. discusses his recent trip to Asia, including a visit to Vietnam. (62) R The Nelsons 9:00 (4) C - Movie; “Run a Crooked Mile’’ (F^remiere) After a two-year memory lapse, an amnesia victim awakens in a Swiss hospital an.i remembers witnessing a meeting of a s e c r e t organization plotting the financial collapse o f Europe through gold m a n i p u I ation. Louis Jourdan, Mary TyFer Moore. Alexander Khox. Wilfrid Hyde-White. (9) C — What’s My Line? (50) R — Perry Mason (56) Segovia Master Class The Pontiac Press, Tuesday. (62) R — Movie: “His Excellency” (British. 1956) Simple laborer as governor of Artista has profound effect on island. Eric Portman. Cecil Parker 9:30 (2) C — Governor and J.J. — A protest song ip recorded by the grand-daughter of Sara the housekeeper proves ern-barrassing to th? Drinkwater clan when it appears that the tune is pointed at the governor. (9) C — Cesar's World — Argentina I0:C0 (2) C (Special) Who What When Where Wliy-Communist China’s current relalicns with the Soviet Union and the United States are in focus. (7) C — Marcus Welby — Myra Sherwood (Anne Baxter) with whom Dr. Welby is in love, takes a pregnant, unmarritvl ■ flower child” into her home to care for. (9) C — (Special) Apollo 12 (50) C — News. Weather. Sports Nov«mb«r 18, 1969 (56) Conversations i n Depth 30 (50) R — Ben Casey — Disfigured patient (Dan O’Herlihy) gives courage to a young girl facing blindness. ^ (62) R — Sea Hunt :00 (2) (4) (7) (9) C -News, Weather, Sports jj (62) R — Highway Patrol :30 i4i C Johnny Carson Trini Lopez, Della Reese. I ouis Nye, Ited Buttons i nd Ozzie and Harriet Ne'son guest. (7) C - I :ey Bishop -Brenda I.ee and Charlie Manna guest i (9) R — Movie: “Six-Five Special" (British 1961) Teen girl gets on the Six-F"ive special where show business celebrities rehearse their acts |. between dates. P e t u 1 a Clark. Finlay Currie ^ (501 C - Merv Griffin — Bishop Fulton J. Sheen 1 and Arissa Jones guest. (62) ft — Movie: 'Night ^ Freight” (1955) Short-haul railroad fights for its 3; survival against a large, offensive trucking line. 3: Forrest Tucker, Barbara Britton :35 (2) R — Movie: “Pursuit to Algiers’’ (1945) Sherlock Holmes and Watson escort heir to an Eastern throne, despite threats and perils. Basil Rathbone. Nigel Bruce (Movie will be interrupted for Apollo 12 coverage.) :00 (2) C — (Special) Apollo 12 Lunar Landing (J) Beat the Champ (7) R — Texan (9) Viewpoint (5C) H — P.ter Gunn 05 i9) C — Perry's Probe 30 (4) (7) C — News. Weather 40 (7) C — Five Minutes to Live By :15 (2) R — Naked City 15 (2) C — News. Weather 20 (2) TV Chapel FINISH YOUR ATTIC INTERIOR SPECIALISTS! ■m ADD A RECREATION ROOM BUDGET TERMS No Down Payment PLUMBING AWNINGS TILING PUSTERING CUSTOM CABINETS ALUMINUM SIDING CUSTOM ALUMINUM TRIM COMBINATION WINDOWS REPUCEMENT WINDOWS Aluminum ... Doubit Hung SEASON-ALL WINDOWS NU-ALUMINUM SIDING Vinyl-tiGu fused enamel SIDING ALUMINUM GUTTERS and TRIM CALL TDDAY 24-Hr. Phone Service IDAY / ice, FEVssiS MIDWEST BUILDERS« SUPPLY Co. 718 W. Huron St. Licensed Builder **Mtmbtr Chamber of CommaroG” E$iabii$hed 1936 PONTIAC