House Takes Up :iseal Package Today Near the top of today’s calendar was House Bill 2142 which wottld levy the state’s first income tax at a tax rate of Vk per cent on Michigan residents. What would happen to it was anybody’s guess, but the vote was expected to be ciose. Democrats said they planned to offer That program, designed to yield <314 million in net new revenue in fiscal 1967-66, includes: INXIAC, j rAN, WED1 Senate Passes Road Fund Bills LANSING tffl — Bills which could raise approximately <61 million for highway maintenance by boosting the Mate gasoline tax one penny and liaising: licenseplate costs passedthe, Senate yesterday and now move to the House; The four-bin package, supported by Gov. George Romney, Uta Michigan Good Roads Federation, the Highway Department and other groups, would:. • Raise the state gasoline tax from six cents per gallon to seven cents to produce an estimated Return to local governments of one-fifth of the money from the personal income tax. • A 14 per cent ait id school and county property taxes. BELL RINGERS HONORED — A proclamation honoring the Bell Ringers of Eastern Junior High School is presented to the group’s director, William Coffing (right), by Mayor William H. Taylor Jr. A resolution passed by the City Commission last night commended the Bell Ringers’ musical success and urged citywide support of the group’s efforts t Irwin opposed toe proposal. Township Supervisor Elmer R. Johnson had asked for city approval of toe The sjeel arid concrete bridge carries the only rail line between Red China and the North Vietnamese capital, the U.S. Command said. Pilots returning from the raids reported heavy opposition from antiaircraft fire, surface-to-air missiles and MiG jets. They expressed surprise at Ferency’s disclosure made in a release issued by toe Democratic Stall Committed V. S. spokesmen were unable to give an immediate assessment of damage to the bridge. They said it was i structure with five i and 20 feet wide, steel and concrete pans, 738 feet long ' with the center contract last week. Commissioners at that time tabled toe proposal, however, and suggested further study of the request. Hints that commissioners were less than happy with previous joint efforts between the city and the township were at least partly confirmed by remarks made by Taylor last night, span is movable to allow passage of ships. Other Air Force raiders from Thailand made the second attack in two days of The American spokesman.made no report of any planes downed, but a dispatch from Hanoi to Tass, the Soviet news agency, said a missile brought down one plane near Hanoi in flames and that radio Haiphong reported four American planes and a helicopter were shot down theroi- -- -------------- Withbut saying how ha came by the information, which Romney has not made public, Ferency said the governor planned to be absent from Michigan from May 26 through June 20. “His tour includes visits to Bogota, Colombia; Buenos Aires, Argentina; Lima, Peru; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; and Santiago, Chile,” Ferency said. There was no GOP comment on the -Ferencydisclosure. “What I really meant to say was, ‘Look at the fast-back’.” Weatherman Sees Rain late Today New Animal Welfare Chief Is Named ‘HARD TO TAKE’ “We were led to believe Waterford .would, join us in the city sewer project,” Taylor Said, “wen we read In toe paper they had gone with the county. The weatherman forecasts occasional rain late today with showers ending tonight. hi g® A former Michigan Racing Commission veterinarian was appointed yesterday as director of the Oakland County Anhori Welfare Division. from Michigan State University in 1936, and a master of science degree In bacteriology three years later. The appointment of Dr. F. Hugh Wilson by the County Board of Supervisors be- GENERAL SANITATION “That was a little bit hard to take— frankly, I won’t support this waste disposal contract until we get some cooperation from- tile township on joint street lighting on Telegraph.” The city has unsuccessfully sought a cooperative lighting project on Telegraph. ■ Terms of toe disposal contract ors similar to those of a previous agreement with West Bloomfield Township. Private citizens are granted use of the'duriip on a lee basis. Partial clearing and cool Is toe prediction for tomorrow. Temperatures falling into the mid 30s tonight will climb into the 40s tomorrow. Sunny and n little warmer is the outlook for Friday. Dr. Bates feature, See Page 0-9 comes effective July 1 on the retirement of Dr. Frank R. Bates. Morning east to southeasterly winds at 5fol0 miles per hour will increase tolOfo^Otmiles tonight On the staff of the Oakland County Health Department since 1M0, Wilson,. 52, of 211 Walnut, Rochester, has occasionally served as acting director. In recenf years, he has been assigned to the general sanitation division of the health department. VJtpWf - A native of Rochester (h* was born on the Parke, Davis Parked ale Farm where his fothef Robert was superintendent for 39 years) Wilson was state veterinarian fir tile racing commission for a year before joining toe county. Thirty-eight was toe low thermometer reading' prior to 11 am., in downtown Pontiac. By 2 p.m. the mercury edged up to 49; * As director Wilson will receive an annual salary of <11,000. Wilson aim was with Parke, Davis for five years in the 1940s as a clinical investigator in the Veterinary Medical Service of the pharmaceutical company. DR. F. HUGH WILSON Wilson received his veterinary Qegree He and his wife Delia have one daughter, Laura Lou* 19, a student at Michigan State University. ■ %\ \f THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 2U8e. for health and welfare agencies and for citizens who wish fo volunteer serir- -ifit ‘ Mrs. Clemmons has been active in yoato programs in the metropolitan area. The new faculty is cosponsored by toe UCS and toe Junior League of Bir- Alleged Cruelty Victim, 2, Second to Die in 3 Days MOUNT CLEMENS (AP) A 2%-year-old girl, the second victim in three days in alleged child cruelty cases in toe Detroit area, died today in Mount Clemens. . , , The mother, Mrs. Patricia Zienert, 22 of Sterling Town-jshlp, was arrested Tuesday aft? ready for the next scheduled er the girl, Deborah, was hos-meeting, May 8 at 8 p.m. jpitalized with a skull fracture Quarterly charge for sewer “d multiple bruises around her service was raised from $6 to _,ace and body. Deborah died to-$8, but minimum charges for ,^ m st; Hospital, houses not in use were re-, „ _ move(l Mrs. Zienert, wife of Duncan ' . . . -,./ Zfonert, 22, Pontiac factory Sewer tap-in charges, were worker stood mute at her ar-rri8ed from $300 to $400. The raignment add was jailed in ttoanges are effective July 1. would have “constant, complete end. full consultations” before either of their governments takes decisions on matters of interest to both countries. deckftns” but he hoped there woifid tie more to announce after toe Chancellor visits the United States “at an early date.” The two men wpettt more than two hours together at Kiesing-er’s residence. Hie President said they discussed: h The projected treaty to check the spread of7 nuclear weapons; The President spoke to news- , -.. . . . men after his second meeting and monetary prob- with iha Woct Gets Hero's FxjneralToday MOSCOW (AP) — Engineer-CoL Vladimir M. Komarov, the Soviet cosmonaut MUed Mnmjay In the crash landing of the hew spaceship he waa testing, was given a hero’s funeral In Red Square today before more foao 5,000 mourners. Komarov’s ashes were to be placed in toe red brick Kremlin wall. A8 toe chimes of the Kremlin tower struck 3 p.m., Russia’s leaders and its plain citizens gathered In the huge square to pay their last respects to Komarov. with toe West Gennan chancellor since his arrival Sunday for the funeral of former Chancellor Konrad Adenauer. Johnson said he And y f -fill 1 *°B# ploille houilng \ 1 RH- 1 • l-vw Mptooemed Model C403 Antique Whit* ^ /GpNERALELECTRIC' clock - radio • 4-tube table model Vey mdy radio by G£ • quta- J| A AA matte wake-up to music ■ 11IIII feature. • self-starting. III 21 21 setf-reguiattng GE dock || | v w too • Limit 1 radio. 1 II 'GENERAL ELECTRIC' ' spray - steam-dry irons •oRd ctata electric b|pnd0r m l-Push Button Speeds » transistorized circuitry • extra low to extra i I hi wmefo e 4 removable stainless Weel cuffing ' » 52-ox. container • heavy duty Vs-H.P. ilNiit t. ^ i — --------------------THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 26, 1967_• _- County Revamps Committees; Levinson Heads Ways-Means David Levinson, a member of (lie Oakland County Board of Supervisors for 34 years, yesterday „ was ap-i pointed to a ninth consecutive one - year term as chairman of the powerful ways and m e m s] committee. Levinson, ofl 2150 Northlawnj_____________ Birmingham, is LEVINSON a real estate broker and appraiser. He was chairman of the Board of Supervisors in 1940-41. His appotatment was one of several aimounced by Board Chairman Delon Hamlin in die annual realignment of personnel in the various standing and spe-________, . cial committees of the board of'cial services, supervisors. Also reappointed as members of the ways and means committee that guides county spending policies were Hugh G. AUerton Jr., Willis M. Brewer, Homer Cue, Harry W, Horten and Thomas O’Donaghue. New members of the committee are S. James Clarkson, Howard 0. Powers and Seeley Tins man. Reappointed i chairmen were Wallace B. Hudson, aviation; Louis F. Oldenburg, buildings and grounds; Victor Woods, civil defense; Curtis Potter, drain; and Vance C. Fonts, equalization. OTHER CHAIRMAN Other chairman reappointments were Mrs. Elizabeth W. Mitchell, flowers; Cyril E. Miller, health; Levinson, intercoun-ty; Abraham Brickner, juvenile; John S. Slavens, law enforcement; and R. W. Lahti, so- Still others are Carl F. Ingraham, legislative; IIugh Charteris, miscellaneous; Curtis H. Hall, personnel policies; Vernon B. Edward, veterans; and Duane Horsfall, airport zoning and human relations. Named chairmen of newly merged committees were Ray R. Linley, auditor general-local taxes; and William L. -Main-cooperative extension services—markets. Gordon R. Bryant was named chairman of the new judiciary committee and Homer Case of the new public pnrks committee. New chairmen of other committees are Philip 0. Mastin Jr. boundaries; Robert J. Turner, bylaws; Elbert M, Wilmot, coordinating zoning and planning; and Vincent J. McAvoy, roads. TAX COMMITTEE Serving on the auditor general-local taxes committee are Steward R. Gallagher, Lee B. Valentine, Roy Wahl and Victor Woods. Aviation committee members are Sherwin M. Birn-krant, Elmer Johnson, Lahti, Arthur T. Laurie, Frederick S. Strong Jr.,- Turner, Fraser W. Staman and Ralph A. Main. Boundaries committee .members are John Lessiter, L. W. I, ClaudCR: Tapp and Thomas C-Hley. ★ * * Other memberships are: Buildings and grounds . Charles B. Edwards Jr., Sydney Frid, Hursfall, Laurie, William K. Smith and Rolland F. Webber. CIVIL DEFENSE Bylaws — Howard H. Beech-er, James M. Brennan, Stevens ami Strong. Civil Defense — James M. McGrath, Earl B. Rhinevault, Virginia M. Soiberg and Roy Wahl. - — Cooperative extension serv-Bachert, Earle Grisdale, Lessiter, James L. Reid, John J. Rusher and Richard I* Wilcox. Coordinating and zoning — Jean McDonnell, Oldenburg, Tapp and Billy Van Arsdel. Drain — William T. Duncan, Charles J. Maly, Smith, Valentine, Lee Walker and Richard R. Wilcox. Equalization—Clark H. Hag-strom, James E. Kephart Jr., Donald A. Melchert, Robert F. Patnales, Bruce E. Peasley and Harold J. Remer. Flowers — Susan H. Bailey, lib's. McDonnell, Marguerite Simson and Virginia M. Soiberg. INTERCOUNTT Health *- Duncan, Wallace F. Gaebler Jr., Hursfall, Mrs. McDonnell, Rhinevault annd Walk- Intercounty—Willis M. Brewer, Bryant, Ingraham, Mrs. McDonnell and Henry A. Schif-fer. Judiciary-Waiter W; Fish-er, Sydney Frid, Edward E. Gallagher, Philip B. Peterson, Mrs. Soiberg, and Van Arsdel. Juvenile — Mrs. Bailey, How>-ard H. Beecher, Ben S. George A. Lyon, Mrs. Mitchell and Peterson. Law enforcement—Birnkrant, Monte R. Geralds, Schiffer and John F. Warren. land, Mastin, Miller, Stevens and Alexander C. Perinoff. Miscellaneous — Joseph Cb-hen, Fisher, Geralds and. Grisdale. PUBLIC WORKS Personnel policies — Joseph Forbes, Hudson, Mainland, McAvoy, Potter and Wilmot. Public works — Edwards and Horton. * * ★’ Roads—John A. Dewan, Hall, C. Milton Nelson, R a 1 p h C. Swartz, Buel E. Starr and Valentine. Social services — Charteris, Edward, Mrs. Mitchell, John J. Rusher, Mrs. Simson and Marshall E. Taylor. Veterans — Cohen, Gabler, Patnales and ’Dimer. Airport zoning — Johnson andlson, Harriet Arnowitz, Dr. Otis 1'e8®ter- Ferguson, Thomas Fowler anl Human relations — Mrs. Sim-I John D. McKinley. Tasiy Toothbrushj An apple is “nature’s t o o t h-1 brush.” One apple removes over I 130 per cent more bacteria from 1 the mouth than a three-minute Legislative — Edward, Main- brushing plus a g Simms, 98 N. Saginaw St, {rom Simm* rn” Deaf Wfjfe, folks]" mjjJJjSSS A* W0,l£Cn * from a Discounts All Over the Store-Simms, 98 N. Saginaw St. nm!JL. s-nCerely. Pros. 3 li| lays if ‘Extra liscaaats' far Ml Oar Frlaads aai Naighbars ii This Arts SIMMS President's Day1 Sale Tomorrow 9a.m. to 9 p.m. and Friday 9 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. are Simms President's Days — Our President, Mr. Meyer Simon, personally instructed our dept, managers to give you extra discounts with^io thought to profit for these 3 days ... this is Mr. Simon's way of thank* ing you for your past patronage and hoping that you'll always think of Simms for the Better Buys in the future. yVe must reserve the right to limit quantities - None sold to dealers. floors. .Sim*"* * us-•eon- Pros. Bathroom Curtain 1»» Value* to -$5.00 Basketball Show Zg&Sm ,ndorf $&9wv5£ !"** D«ron „<*- bonded. nSKflll - mmM j»Setecttome HwSicSW* “ . . s tMn * jj| aero*) ^ 1 - oerosoi %\A<> vo'u<*A)aht Guard. wh0'*< pwgt-Ntoin Flo®' m Drug*'1"” . . .hampootb* llll Mail Box w| y . j nloefifi I.UOMW w-- «»—iiicKS m -*‘T Uarbleiaed "•**• TaiWlSM* ■ j ujLjrJ yift® B c lI- y** V i* JE w» 1 ‘ *1195 value. W " eortonr _ . W HcwTriP1®Head ^ Horelco Shaver l^iTu*** , 3 floa*- I ■ i^croan>«* i#45' %0^ m*** DaY- .n 12-Volt B.BIW*101' __ •**^1045 ,iSd^3 ^ ^jjjSSMasd-* Floor - Corn Hu*ker» Choro* Am w V ■ u«8F',TnSi , I wotwino * -- cwnroi ® * $1.5° Swd Won. 'N°rWn F'°°r ird|r tf*JSU=*d*sJ Ti-Fl. RaFon ^C0M .-i Rufe Runner1 $10.95 ^oImg ">» n"mI ZUuy»- l,de„l for Wls 0,,d -Bqswisa 4-Pc.Surt n-pe-,'2ahl^'s«i ^5 Mda^wL Vws^airl 344 BU,d !• Ooidae Cold Cap*«'«* Jh»rk*F'*cT!wii \ •oaaheW.SrfW^.F ^•u^ar^- ,_2nd Floor i ;3TC $1.49 ‘ o^don l e0'^L i4-hoor nR \ «.'»ol« Floor Drug*- C^sSifi ^Sor port*. a*^^0,0 floor Textured or Rsguiar Mon Hose SMWiV. ■..gjrt——•**0 - iMuehaw*"4 {ou«»Fa*le UrtrtU^ I Ostiabs*" ,, I31! f Uol JfiU color*. 1 Tilissrais *•*, i 69c value, —r %L Main Floor. • TiHm* 9 m Wuminum Sau\e A—4 YJ' •. ^ ^^ ^ x \v x •• ^SSi tog PONtlAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APjtlL 26, 1067 * ;A >.\/: ' w Sale End* Sunday, April 30—6 PM. BIO BUTS! Save $I1 now on color TV! 5f800 BTU air conditioner 21-INCH* CONSOLE WITH AIRLINE COLOR MAGIC *388 RED. $4*9 • Beautiful style, color performance you can't beat at Wards low price a "Color Magic" erases distortion from appliances, magnetic sources • Phosphor tube for added bright^ ness; glare-free etched icreen B No parts problems with powerful, dependable American chassis • Mahogany veneer cabinet 21-inoh* color oonsolottt, $288 •Uammmi dlugmalfaMM*. te.sH—H. mrtm COMFORTABLY COOLS AN AREA UP TO 265 SQ. FT. •149 REQ. $169 s Easy to install; jurt set on sill, close window and him it on e Dehumidifies OS it cools up to 5.4 gallons of moisture each day • Adjustable automatic thermostat maintains pre-set temperature • Ultra-quiet operation keeps noise outside—cool comfort inside • Convenient pushbutton controls 8,000 BTU air eondttioiior, $110 Alto Available for Sliding Window* APPLIANCES &B£nm£wi.r: 99“ &a^wimiH89H »8SHwKmsrri39“ &iTnnlDau*1299<10 Reg. 69.00 - 1 only - Save $30.00 HAOII 20” CAS APT.-SIZE RANGE 69 Reg. 169.00-1 only-Save $50.00 4 4 ft fin 30” GAS RANGE...........119°° Reg. 99.00 Save $20.00 WTAOII 20” ATT. GAS RAKE ..... 79 Reg. 199.00 Save $40.00 4 m fBflfl 30” ELECTRIC RAKE.... 189" L-HAND OR. REFRIGERATOR239 . FREKER - APT. SIZE...... 89°° RfFRIGEUTORAPT.SIZE.. 89°° 136 C0ITERT0RE REFRIG.259°° Spwlal 6000 B.T.U. 11 A00 AIR-CONDITIONER....... 119" Rm. 449.00 t8-eu. ft. Soy* $90.00 MP|kfl| SIDE-BY-SIDE RtfriftratorOO^ £j9nr7BY .. 2RCDB SIDE-BY-SIDE Refrigerator uOS Ue8wB,n.'r...i7S" KSiwia..................119" ...........149" SSiSSb..................178" ■^Twmhk »no 199- PusMurthmAuto^Washer... 187“ Reg. 139.00 Mahogany CORSOLE TV .189“ Reg. 179.00Walnut COKOLETV.......... .148“ Reg. 649.00295-sq. Inch CHERRY COLOR TV..... ..829“ Reg. 649.00 2954a. inch MAPLE COLOR TV...... .829“ Reg. 419.00 Mahogany COLOR TV ..389“ Reg. 149.00172-sq. inch PORTABLE TV .119“ Reg. 129.00172-sq. inch PORTABLE TV .. 99“ Reg. 159.00172-sq. inch PORTABLE TV.... ..129" Rea. 489.00180-sq. inch WALKT COLOR TV.... 388°° Reg. 459.00267-eq. inch HalIGARY COLOR TV.. ..388" Reg. 119.00172-sq: inch PORTABLE TV......... 88” Reg. 169.00with radio STEREO FKK....... .118" Reg. 94.00 FKK SlEffiC....... .79“ Reg. 124.00 PHONO STEREO 88“ Reg.269.00with radio STEREO.. .168" Reg. 379.00 Stereo w/radio CCCRTRT FRENCH ..229“ Rea. 349.00Stereow/radto ITALIAN FRUITWOOD... .228” Reg. 599.00Stereo w/radio CAR SPANISH ..428" Reg. 249.00—10 only—6-speaker 4'YAIIfl Walnut Stereo w/AM-fM Radio li©00 Reg. 219.00—2 only—4-speaket 1EA08 Walnut i Mahogany Staras 15900 rfWD TAPE RECORDER., 199" Snailsraffi1. . 218" eonastadycM" jWBKjttaunL 75" ...y^eLMSW^ ... ...JNDAY THRU FRIDAY 10 AM. TO 9:00 P.M. SATURDAY 9:30 A.M. TO 9:00 P.M. SUNDAY 12 NOON TO 5 P.M. . 682-4940 -Save ferMnSoMOr •ftoBfraEm*’" ““IS#" Rea. 259.00-3 only Signature deluxe 30-in. gas range e Automatic even; delayed cook-n-warm control e High-slm burners e Handy appliance outlet • Oven window, light $226 • All-transistorized chaesit j» Radio nfeetoes FM stereo * e 6-speakbr sound system Automatic total shirt-off walnut veneer Rs|. $26S *179 SfcffSaaifr.r;iM“ asai'risfflrtr 299" USa'nStti.rttAr Reg. 389.00-1 onlv-Sove $60.00 Af|(|00 Coppertone Ice Maker Freezer £99 Reg. 149.00—1 only—Save $80.00 ROOM AIR-CONDITIONER... 69 r8on’uR^SiijfnonlR!! 119°° GAS DRffiR. ".^.^.149“ «&irlR.^;.sn.^159“ »»||cn $31.00 20QO only—Save $41.00 0000 •“oo 10g°o INUmC WASHER159“ w«.r!“1C9“ r”i39“ mr™*88“ aBtokrto ^288°° WRINGER59“ M‘WAslER:.r“ 89“ luhdwnc w&ra.?!" 169“ ™cbRteR^.rr..109°° ip^i^ssp” S8” EUCniC^RYER :?.°!179“ MRWRAR&-!r.*“”169“ MANY MORE FLOOR SAMPLE ON SALE • • • see them all! Television/Sterero \ YOU MEED NO MONEY DOWN WHEN ADDED TO YOUR CHARGE ACCOUNT-NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY AND REALLY SAVE! THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRLL 26, 1967 A—5 Sale Ends Sunday, April 30—6 FANTASTIC SAYINGS! ||L fARTASTIi 9ATIND9! door samp $40 off! Deluxe recliner Versatile Zig-Zag machine FURNITURE Rea. 6.99 Fits full ortwin bed BED FRAME....... Rea. 189.99 Tweed Cover SOLID OAK SOFA... Reg. 59.99 Plastic Cover RECLINER............... Reg. 99.99 Tweed Cover RECLINER.............. Reg. 139.99 Foam-cushioned RECLINER............. Reg. 79.99 Patch Rocker m ARQ COLONIAL STYLE........... 59 Reg. 24.99 Red Print / 4 moo MAPLE CHAIR........... If Reg. 59.99 Six-yegtcrib MAPLE or WALNUT....... Reg. 24.99—6-year six, CRIB MATTRESS.......... Reg. 19.99 PaddedTop TOY CHEST................ 488 18988 . 39°° 69°° 9900 Reg. 24.99 Modem Plastic Top 4 fDO STEP or COCKTAIL TABLE:.. 17™ Reg. 342.99 Solid oak table A AAAA 7- pc. DINING ROOM.....288°° Reg. 359.99 Oval Table Ail AAA 8- po. DINING ROOM.....288°° Reg. 170.00 Glass sliding doors 4 A AAA MODERN WALNUT CHINA.... 138°° Reg. 199.99 42" Round Table 4 A AAA 0-pe.DINING ROOM ...... 168 R*g. 21.99 Plastic screens 4 mgg ROOM DIVIDER.......... If*8 Special purchase, 3-legged 4 QQ MAPLE MILK STOOL...... 1" Reg. 239.99 Nylon Cover Choice of col6rs 4 #h ATI A 2-PC.LIVING ROOM...... 199™ ^pikesIctional T'. 7'”299°° ... 138°° .... 138°° Rea. 169.99 Choice of colors 4 A AAA TRADITIONAL SOFA... . . . 138™ MMMtf..................177°° sllniOHS HIBtA-BED .. j 229™ sSuIdmTT1........... 38°° sSufm..,]..............38” IDOAK............. 38°° Reg. 189.99 Nylon cover MODERN SOFA... Reg. 169.99 Tweed cover COLONIAL SOFA., OUR KING-SIZE MODEL WITH LUXURY FEATURES $99 REQ. 139.99 • Super soft pillow-back cushion • 4-inch Ward-Foam"1 seat cushion • Naugahyde® vinyl-coated fabric Now you*an buy the best at a price you'd expect to pay for an ordinary recliner! Our big chair is the ultimate In seating comfort and reclines to ideal TV-vlewing position ... or way back for a snooze! Comes in 3 popular colors. *Wardt mama for lab-letted polyurethane foam Reg. 24.99 Unfinished 10-DRAWER DRESSER.... Reg. 119.99 42" Round Table, 4 choirs SPECIAL MODERN DINETTE 1788 79°° 7-PIECEI DINETTES!...... 88°° Reg. 12.99 Red or White 30" MR BARST00L............ 9** Reg. 199.99 Triple Dresser, Panel Bed 4 A AAA 4-PIECE BEDROOM.......139 Reg. 74,99 54" Bed or Chest or Dresser PAOR SOLID MAPLE BEDROOM... 59 Reg. 44.99 Cocktail- Step- and End- AAOQ SOLID MAPLE TABLE..... 38™ 49°/ 39°° 59°° 68°° Moo . Reg. 289.99 Dresser, Chest, Bed 4 AAAA 3-Pc. SOLID MAPLE BEDROOM 199°° Rea. 249.99 Dresser, Bed, Chest 4 AAAA MODERN BEDROOM..... .199 Reg. 459.99 Dresser, Bed, Chest AE! AAA MODERN BEDROOM...... 359™ Reg. 7.99 Swing Combination Eftft CAR SEAT...... 5™ Reg. 9.99 Foam-Padded ■fQQ OAR SEAT.......... 4^. 7™ Rea. 14.99 with Headrest 4 4 Oft DELUXE CAR SEAT....... 11™ TRAVEL CAR BED........ 6 s-Pc! dTning ROOM....,, 129°° ......144°° 00 ........219" SW»SBb......169" Reg. 79.99 Full orTwin Size MATTRESS or BOX SPRING Reg. 59.99 Full or Twin Size MATTRESS or TWIN SIZE.. Reg. 99.99 Foam Latex Set FULL or TWIN SIZE . h Reg. 89.99 Innerspring DUPLEX BED.......w... Reg. 139.99 Choice of colors / Mr. & Mrs. Chair and Ottoman Rag. 219.99 - 1 only 6-Pc. RATTAN ‘ R»g- 359.50 Solid Walnut Trim MODERN SOFA........ SEWING & VACUUM Reg. 170.00 18 Cam*, 1967 Model/ ZIG-ZAG 1 only . a . .•«».. . . 80°° Reg. 85.00—10 only-ModefW ZIG-ZAG SEWING JMAGHINE 48oo 8-CAM ZIG-Z^r.... 58°° SEmMMAcfclNE.8^?:.. / 18°° Maple orWalnut, 2 per customer SEWING CHAIR 15°° Reg: 119.00 - 2 only - 2%-H.P. TANK VACUUM. 70°° Reg. 69.00—1 only—2-speed UPRIGHT VACUUM....... 30<"| Rag. 50.00-1 only-1 Vi-H.P. TANK VACUUM 19°° Reg. 69.00-2 only-1 %-H.P. CANISTER VACUUM 30°° Reg. 79.00—2 only—Vibra Beat CANISTER VACUUM 40°° CARPETING ] LL GREEN#Carpet Remnants... 24900 Reg. 238.25, #1727 12'xl3'10" 4 HAOO RED CARPET REMNANTS.. .149™ Reg. 179.99 #620812;xl4'4" AAnn BLUE CARPET REMNANTS... 99°° Reg. 207.85 #9642 ll%'xl5%' 4 AEOO SANDALWOOD Carpet Rem. 125™ #7403 m34'6- ABB SANDALWOOD Carpet Rem. 68 « Reg. 29.99 #240I2’xl3'6“ AAMI BLUE CARPET REMNANTS... 88°° R.g. 8.99 >g. yd. #815915'x247* K Reg. 8.99 sq. yd- #8159 15'x24'7" AQQ GREEN CARPET REMNANTS 6™. R«g. 260.00 #8230,15'xl 9'4- J«nn Blue-Green Tweed Rem. .. 179™ Reg. 146.50 #965914*x8'10" AABB Green Tweed Carpet Rem. o9 Sava New#374,126tl3*6P 0000 Blue-Green Carpet Rem... OO Save Now #374,12'xl 3'6" AAAA MOTTLED CARPET REMN... 88°° BUILT-IN BUTTONHOLER — NEEDS NO ATTACHMENTS *70 REG.$90 • Straight or decorative stitching • Buttonholes; also sows on buttons • Monogram, applique, embroider • Handles fabric of every weight • Pushbutton forward/rtverse • Stitch-length regulator control • Bobbin Winder stops when fiill • Stretch stitches and overcasts • Modem design in light boigo Now save *52 on modern sleep-sofa It sloops two on a 220-coil mattress — at regular bed height! Deep foam-rubber cushions; heavy tweed fabric in decorator colors, i *177 REG. 229.99 Wards jiffy-vac or _ - . • Polisher has kit for scrubbing, waxing, polishing floors, shampooing rugs • Lightweight jiffy-vac uses big toss-out bdg, EACH MANY MORE FLOOR SAMPLE ITEMS ON SALE • • • see them all! THE PONTIAC PRESS . 48 West Huron Street Pontiac, MMiigri 48058 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 1987 emrnm ffSTSwi >; qgfgsr,***. aajiswr . fis&ta. tggi'-.^sBs. wKRsars-. Secretaries Merit National Salute “Behind every successful man sits a woman"—and five will get you ten that the woman is his secretary. It is she who deftly keeps the office timetable on schedule, insulates her boss against unwelcome visitors, reminds him of his wife’s birthday and secretly cleans up the goofs in his dictation. Since “no man is a herb to his valet," so, we suspect, that no secretary has any illusions about the nobility of her boss. secretary to her boss at times passeth all im<|erstanding, and If you think a woman can’t keep a secret, just try to pry something out of her pretty little head that her much-maligned feminine intuition tells her shouldn’t be let out ★ ★ ★ Secretaries do their jobs efficiently and unobtrusively <— with little expectation of appreciative expressions from their bosses. Which is a good thing, because they rarely get any. ★ ★ ★ She sees him as a mere man, pret-; ty dependent upon a good wife and a good secretary to keep his affairs in order and frequently to dig him out of self-made difficulties. Which doesn’t mean that she thinks any the less of him because of his human frailties. The loyalty of a That is why we are .currently observing National Secretaries Week — to pay fitting tribute to the gals who run the Nation’s private offices. It could also serve to remind the boss that if he has a good secretary he’d better hang on to her. He’ll find himself in one heck of a mess if he doesn’t. Voice of the People: Sees Solution to Crime in Capital Punishment Many are fed up with the present crime situa-0 tion, especially when it involves small children. They are a God-given gift and it is our responsibility to see that they have the opportunity to reach adulthood without some maniac or sex deviata cutting their lives short or leaving them permanent emotional invalids. \ ' ■ ★ ★ ★ . h ■ . I have always opposed capital punishment but in the last few weeks I have come to resUze that this is our only solution. A lot of then acts of violence would not occur if these “nuts” had any Idea that they would pay for tfeeir “kicks” with their own life. 1 have mitten to Senator Harvey Lodge concerning this and invite anyonb who shares my opinion to do the same. J HELEN THORNTON WATERFORD TOWNSHIP David Lawrence Says: America Is Moved by Russian Space Tragedy War Critics Must Be Coilllte Vncrpriv is nn rdcnoftor r\f natinnol- Ini. ilumsnt that fti. . T* ** VVIItll/V, Tragedy is no respecter of nationality, and America today Joins Russia in mourning the loss of her veteran and renowned cosmonaut, Vladimir Komarov, on an ill-fated space mission. Komarov’s shocking death followed by three months that of three American astronauts who were testing a spacecraft for the first of a new series of maneuvers preparatory for a moon expedition. ★ ★ ★ Komarov was the sole occupant of Boyuz I, presumably launched ahead of another craft that would carry several cosmonauts and effect a space rendezvous during which crew members would move from ship to ship. ing descent that the craft’s giant parachute malfunctioned and the cosmonaut crashed to his death. Komarov’s flight marked Russia’s first space effort in 25 months and had given rise to speculation that it would reveal spectacular progress in the Soviet Union’s mopn race with the United States. Now the failure of Soyuz I has likely slowed Russia’s lunar timetable much as the Apollo I disaster did that of thfe United States. WASHINGTON - President Johnson may have to ask a joint session of the House and Senate to pass a resolution, which will tell the world that American policy in Vietnam has the support of the | r e p r e senta-tives of the I American people — namely, LAWRENCE die Congress of the United abroad by the debate undoubtedly will be that a ridable segment of this United Sates Senate disapproves of the Vietnam war and the strategy being followed them by. the ; United States and its allies. It is believed that the second spacecraft failed in its mission and Komarov, after orbiting for 24 hours, was ordered back to earth, it was in mak- Could it be that the twin tragedies will bring the two countries closer in their space designs, and in the future lead to joint exploration of the universe rather than the continuation of the wasteful and pointless rivalry “to get there first”? This step is being forced upon the administration as a result of the bitter criticism coming from its own leaders in the Senate. Under' such circumstances, how can, the world learn the truth about American opinion? The Washington Post editorially suggests what it calls an effective remedy — namely, that the President , go to Congress not for a declaration of war but for a resolution of support for the war in Vietnam as it is. If It wasn’t for the people of Michigan doing away with capital ptndshment ,a ilttle girl in Grand Ledge might be alive I think we should have a national law to take care o0ifl rapists and it should read: "H a man cannot control hjs manhood, it shall be taken from trim." It’S going to be die women of our country to get some laws with teeth in So, come on girls, start writing your congressmen. I’VE HAD IT ‘Children Must Be Taught Love, Kindness’ In view of the recent abuse case in Detroit, this would be an opportune time to appeal to all parents to stop and realize that our children must be raised with love, kindness and care. Children we only loaned to us through the blessings of God. They cannot learn the qualities of love, kindness, honesty, loyalty and respect all by themselves. Good parents deserve a pat on the back. A PARENT If Mr. Johnson/asked for a new resolution dad failed to get it, it would be a humiliating spectacle joe for • the world. Another Reader Discusses Feeding Birds Virginia Teachers Go Into Acronymic Action It used to be the three Rs that teachers were concerned with. Now it’s the whole alphabet, in the form of such things as PACE, VISTA, CORE, IDEA, HARYOU, etc. ★ ★ ★ Teachers in Kanawha County, W.Vtn are fighting back, reports the National Education Association. Their staff newsletter has suggested one more agency to end all agencies: Redirected, Unilateral and Multi-facted Plans to Elevate Lower Strata and Timid Individuals and. to Liven and Train Scared Kids in Need. RUMPELSTILTSKIN, anyone? Thai, for example, Sen. J. W. Fulbrigtat, D-Ark., chairman id the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, has publicly accused Gen. West-moreland of trying to sqnelch independent discussion of the Vietnam war became in the military commander’s speech in New York he had said antiwar Bob Considine If, on thd other hand,*lhe resolution /passed overwhelmingly, it would help convince the enemy — especially the it regimes in Peking and Moscow -- that the United States is not going to surrender, but continue'to fight until the Vietnamese agree to ime kind of cease-fire or 'armistice. [Copyright, IM7, MMUMn Nowspapor SynPIcoto) Feeding pigeons or soy birds or animals can certainly be God’s desire, But nwre Importantly, He doesn't want the birds and beasts to interfere with the orderly lives of His people here below. A few pigeons mnltiply into a host in a very short time. And the mess they create disfigures homes, lawns and walks. ..—..... ONE WHO FEEDS OTHER BIRDS / ‘Drivers Show No Concern for Killing Pi with Qjff dog was killed on M59 last Thursday. What’s wrong i people who hit an animal and don’t even stop! Pur dog might have lived if he hadn’t been left to be run over by other rears. MRS. S. KIND WHITE LAKE TOWNSHIP Congratulates School for Recent Production New Assassination Book Sticks With the Truth Congratulations to the students and faculty members who took part tat Walled Lake High School musical production “The Flower Drum Song.” It was especially well done and I’m looking forward to next year’s production. MRS. G. MILLIGAN UNION LAKE ‘Ambulance Sirens Should Be Toned Down’ \ Thursday noon an ambulance screamed down a few blocks y and costing the lives H>f our fighting men. Presidential Nesting Season Is Here By JAMES MARLOW world tour - he stopped off AP News Analyst * in Vietnam for a look-see — WASHINGTON — This is ^th.taforaMtion.and opinions lot of breath by staying in his office. the presidential nesting season when the possible candi-dates attract attention by ruffling their vocal cards while trying ta> avoid laying an egg or saying yes or po positively. Even Gen. William C. Wes tmore-landj commander of MARbpW attention by ruf-r 1 which ought to give him a lot of talking points if the Republicans pick him. He still hasn’t said he wants the nomination, or will try for it, but just a few days ago ia Tafpei he left all the doers open by saying something so obvious it meant nothing. He said no one could predict what the future held for him in terms of an active pert in a political campaign. But a group backing him for LOTS OF ATTENTION And then .there’s Illinois Sen. Charles H. Percy, already being talked of as maybe the bright hope of the Republican party in the 1968 presidential race. For a man so hew in flit Senate — he arrived in January — he has been getting a lot of attention with a lot of speeches, and en big Issues, like the war in Viet- asarross any circumstances" when he was questioned Monday at the annual meeting of the Associated Press. He waa asked if it was true he might he coming home one of these days and that he would hove political ambitions If he did. “I am a soldier,” West-mardand sakl, “and I think I have A fairly Important job in South Vietnam today, arid as such, I’d have no political intentions, ambitions or aspiration, and I will remain at my post as long as pay superior authorities wish me to one block from the White House. Nixon is going to have opposition if he does run, right in his own neighborhood. ROMNEY OFFICE Backers of Michigan’s Republican Gov. George Romney opened Jtomney-for-presi-dent headquarters in Washington last month, two blocks from the White House. On the war he has taken a kind of middle ground, which may have a broad appeal, saying he is neither a hawk nor a dove nor, for that matter, an owl. For instance, be is not for unilaterally ending the war but is against escalating it; but he is a little hard to follow on bombing. Sen. George McGovern, D-S.D., has charged the Johnson administration with a “policy of madness” in escalating the Vietnam war. He declared: “In trying to imply that it Is American dissent which is causing the Vietnamese to continue the war, the administration is only confessing the weakness ft its own case by trying to silence Its critics and confuse the American people." Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, D-NY., expressed his approval of Sen. McGovern’s speech, as did Sen. Ernest Greening, D-Alaska. • Sen. Fulbright questioned whether the administration has “any intention" of entering into negotiations of “any sort” with Hanoi, and he added: “This criticism of dissent will lead to • charge of disloyalty ... and from that to treason." NEW YORK £ After you finish reading jwilliam Manchester’s “The Death of a President,” and if you have retained your. eyesight, pick tty Charles Roberte’VThe Truth About the Assassination.*’' The truth, the whole' truth “ and nothing but'i the truth costs CONSIDINE a buck, one - tenth of what Manchester’s publishers are charging for something which at times is considerably less than unalloyed truth. Chuck Roberts is White distilled from the 10 million words in its hearings, js borne out by the hard, physical evidence as wen as the most credible eyewitness, testimony. It is the truth, in Earl Warren’s phrase, ‘as far as it can be discovered.” “An additional truth is that the critics of the commission report have neither raised questions nor produced new evidence that could; alter the commission’s findings if a new inquiry were undertaken. “Finally, it is true, as Britain’s Lord Deviina has observed, that ‘the best tribute to the solidity of the report comes from its critics.”’ of Saginaw Street and startled thousands. The driver should be arrested and fined. The owner shdfed be ordered to tone down the bellowing or have it padlocked. The law-ahiding public doesn’t have to stand for public insults and abuse such as this monstrosity heaped upon us. There’s decency—even in the ambulance business. MERCHANT Question and Answer I’m planning to build a camper oa a 1965 %-toa pickup. What are the restrictions, if any, as to width, length a allowable? » LEONARD H. ADAIR LAKE ORIQN According to the State police, it cannot he c eight feet wide; it cannot extend more than f feet past the rear of the truck; and anything o 13, feet 6 inches in height must have a special t mit from Lbnsing. House correspondent for Newsweek magazine and is one of toe most respected newsmen on the Washington beat. " ' • ■ "■ ' ! 7 ■ Reviewing Other Editorial Pages The impression created American League Top 10 Batters He wap mnch less positive when asked if he would seek But this still wasn’t a flat refitted to consider the nomination if it mas offered him. HACK flUm TOUR Former Vice President Richard M. Nixon ii back from a “I don’t know,” he said. For a man who says be doesn’t>know the answer to that question, he is spending an awful lot of time going around making speeches and keeping in the public eye. He is against North Vietnam but only if the North Vietnamese are willing to make a concession in return but at the same time he would Uke to see the bombing more limited than it is, say to the infiltration routes from the north. #1 If he just wanted to remain a governor, ha could eava a But on the CBS television show “Face the Nation” Son-day he took quite a bit of time saytog “I cannot toe-see" circumstances that would make him a presidential candidate and saying he was not a candidate. But h» didn't say ha wouldn’t leap at the chance of being one. Player, Club AB H Pet Petreeem, Bee. . 43 488 K aline, Detroit . 48 IS 4*1 Berry, Chicago . .47 18 .383 F- Robinson, Balt. 48 18 4Si Freehan, Detroit 38 14 4* Conligiiaro, Bos. 33 18 JH Yastrsemsld, Bop. 47 17 488 Versalles, Minn. . 87 IS '481 MJneher, Caw. 48 IS 448 Northrop, Detroit 48 17 447 Verbal Orchids He was in the press bus during the fatal procession past the Texas. School Book Depository, was one of three newsmen invited to return to Washington in Air Force One with the new president and the body of the rid. . a ★ Roberts’ slender, sparingly told 128-page book, published by Grosset & Dunlap, draws the first dear picture of what took place on the eerie flight. DEALS WITH SIDE ISSUES In addition he deals as any honest newsman would w i t h such bloated and misshapen side issues as the second gunman theory, the single bullet proposition, the OswdkMtnby-Tippit “conspiracy,” and the 18 “mysterious” deaths that have come to persons remotely connected with the story. fit be# is current aad choice enough to take up tile investigation by New Orleans D.A. Jim Garrison — Big Nuisance Hartford Courant formed an interagency antibird committee. scarecrow that wto so crews The starling has few friends except perhaps among his own kind. He to known to munlci-pal authorities as an urban nuisance. He is a gregarious fellow and liked to gather in large numbers. He is also a difficult creature to frighten or get rid qf once he chooses his place of abode. lids has launched a program including loud “crack- «r” shells fired from guns, tile draining of ponds near airports, the cutting of weeds, ■ PH so effective that the crews were bringing back corn they stole five years earlier. A modern-day type scarecrow is doing the same tiling almost with n^n-taxpayers. But he l«s become an even greater nuisance to aviation. The plane-starling collisions aloft have cost the air force millions ef dollars and the number ef suck lm- Sureiy the starling has come a long way since it first emigrated to this country in 1890, brought here by a well-meaning bird loverwho wanted to see all the birds mentioned by Shakespeare to Central Park. Now they are costing the air force an estimated 10 milHnn dollars a year to damages. Even more important, they are proliferating at such a rate ad to become a danger to life. Reports say that soma $8 millions has been seat Into the ,U.S. Treasury daring the past five years tiy people who have neglected to pay their taxes. Last year the air force required its pilots to report all bid collisions eta strikes. The total was 839 or six times what it hid been the previous year. ' Chirp, Chtrp: The Sullivan (IS.) Progress The government scarecrow responsible tor all the “conscience” money is the Internal Revenue Service’s new automatic processing system. The system is supposed to make sure that all. returns that should be filed an filed and that all taxes tint Should be paid are paid. It deems to be doing a pretty good job of R. And retroactively. Mr. apd Mrs. Roy E. Coombs ofSBTLeBaren; 88th wedding anniversary. Mr, and Mra. Mild Petttogui of New Hudson; golden wedding anniversary. “The truth about the assassination of John F. Kennedy is that tiie Warren Commission reached tile only conclusions that are tenable to reasonable men,” Roberts con-cludes. . • t ■The truth, extracted and Now the air forceisstudy-, tog counter measures. It ad^ mite that the starting is a wary creature with plastic habits that permit it readily to adapt to ae« conditions in. eluding noises an air fields. Than has already been Cheery people ate' Mote f healthy than morose people; evidently the turly tori gets Me gem. Scarecrow iMami Ileus , ■ •- waa ItFred Allen? — once told of a TgE PONTIAC PRESS. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1987 A—T Present Lif©/|s Difficult Outlook Brighter for Viet Refugees /AP Wirephoto TORNADO RIPS PATH - One of the tornadoes that struck Missouri during last weekend’s stands swept north of Bucklin, destroying a farm home and otifer buildings. The water tower of Bucklin is just to the left of the funnel Stalin's Daughter Eyes Sequel to/ner Memoirs Moreover, Mrs. Alliluyeva, 42, declared, "I found that it was impossible to exist without God in one’s heart.” * By RARRY KRAMER LOI, Vietnam (AP) happens to its when military action frees them but of their home !areas? Here at Phu Loi the immediate answer is not encouraging, but the outlook is rosier. A hot, dusty tent city has been home for 3,200 refugees for three months. * , For 20 years the Iron Triangle north of Saigon was undisputed Communist territory, providing easy access into Saigon and between War Zone C to the west and D to the northeast. Last January, during Operation Cedar Falls, 11 hamlets in the triangle were evacuated, the homes were burned and bulldozers moved hi to finish the job. TENT CITY About 5,900 refugees, with what livestock and household possessions they could salvage, were brought to the tent city to await movement to a permanent government-built' settlement. The tent city is still a dirty, congested place. Women carrying rusted buck-lets crowd about concrete water cisterns. Scraggly ducks, chickens, turkeys and pigs wander through the roads between makeshift tents. Mud wallows for the animals are scattered through the area, attracting flies. x The tents are patchwork affairs, made of canvas, cardboard, burlap and corrugated tin, The new hamlet under construction, named Ap Binh Hoa and filled with bright rows of aluminum-roofed houses, is starting to receive its first fami-The rest are to be moved in at the rate of 50 families per week. It is hoped the move will be complete by the aid of May when the rainy season sets in. VIET PROGRAM The United^tates is spending several hundred thousand dollars on this tingle resettlement Union after jfte death of Stalin, her father. She hm/told friends the book might colter on the disillusion-ment she and other Russian lib-erafe experienced when curbs s expression were not liftfollowing the dictator’s Her first book, to be published by Harper & Row Oct. 16, ends with her father’s death and deals with her childhood, family life and gradual estrangement from Stalin. When she arrived here from Switzerland last Friday, she explained in a statement she had come “to seek the jfejf-expression that has been denied me so long in Russia." NEWS CONFERENCE Today Mrs. Alliluyeva will, hold a news conference at which she is expected to enlarge on that statement and detail her future plans/It will be televised and broadcast live by all major networks /beginning at 2 p.m. EST. ./' Reporters were asked to submit titeir questions in writing in advance , for the scheduled one-hour session at the Plaza Hotel. On her arrival, Mrs. Alliluye-va greeted newsmen at Kennedy airport warmly but declined to answer questions. Her writ-ten. statement said she had ' grown disillusioned with communism with age and experi- Look Your Elegant Best! In A Harwood- C Quality ~ Suit HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS OF FINER WOOLENS READY FOR THE SHEARS AM* RANDOLPH* -v Matwtnxin Clothiers-Uniforms "After-Six" Tuxedo Rentals 908 W. Huron at Telegraph Pontiac -0______a fRAYEH^^ RCA VICTOR COLOR TV-IKE ADAIR- lnv ities You To Come In and See The New RCA VICTOR PORTABLE COLOR TV COMPARE THE PICTURE— RCA VICTOR QUALITY STANDS OUTI Table Top Color TV that fits almost anywhere. 180 sq. in. rectangular picture. RCA Hi Lite color tube with Perma-Chrome; Powerful New Vista VHF — Solid State UHF Tuners. Stay set volume controls arid lighted tuning controls. DON'T SETTLE FOR LESS RCA VICTOR IS BEST! -FREE—FREE-FREE- to Buy—You stilMiava time to come in ami rogiitor for a chance to win a largo soroon RCA VICTOR COLOR TV or a DELUXE CROWN GAS OUR LOW OVERHEAD, FAMILY OPERATED STORE WILL, 99% OF THE TIME, ALLOW US TO BEAT ALL “DEALS” program but U.S. officials consider it a Vietnamese govem- lent program. One hundred persons identified as Vieteong have been arrested in the camp itself. This month a Vietnamese was caught crawling out of thq camp carrying a coded message yyhich was found to say “fee organization of my mission has been completed.” It is not known what the mission was. Vieteong propaganda aimed at the tent city residents has been heavy — and there has been much to make propaganda about. There were times when no water was available for more than a day. Food distribution at times was insufficient. The tents are stifling hot during the day and cold at night. Of the 5,900 men; women and children moved here, only 3,200 remained* as the move to Ap Binh Hoa began. Some of the original number went bade to their farm areas, which now are in an area open to firing at will. During the Vietnamese new year festival the Binh Duong Province chief allowed about 1,800 persons to leave. Several hundred others were relocated. ' * ' * * There were times, U.S. officials admit, when this resettlement program could have turned into a disaster. Fewer than 500 men were among the original 5,900 Ben jSuc refugees. It was estimated more than 800 men from fee hamlets stayed behind with the Vieteong in the bush. SCHOOL However, a school has been started for 585 children. Most of the teachers are Vietnamese government soldiers who were teachers before-they were drafted. Milk and vitamins are dis- tributed to fee children. Vietnamese, Philippine and Korean medical* teams make periodic ‘sits. Most families have had to sell much of their household possessions to buy meat and vegetables to supplement the (part of rice given each person daily. Kay Bee Const. FE 4-8 Highest Prices Paid1 “We Pick Up*' FE 2-0200 JUNK CARS Used Auto Parts Availablo Pontiac Scrap 135 Branoh renneus IPTI ALWAYS FIRST QUALITY - Hi — """* U 11 end-of-month clean-up ■4* FOR WOMEN! DRESSES A large selection of spring dresses in many styles, fabrics, colors, sizes. Reduced! *4-*6-$8 SPORTSWEAR Misses’ coordinate sportswear group, color matched in tops, skirts and -stacks. All reduced! J88 _ £88 JACKETS A selection of colors, styles ana fabrics. Reduced I SHARUGS Dork colors only. BrokSm sizes. KNEE HIGH HOSE Discontinued patterns and colors in knee high stylos, assorted sizes. Reduced) 25C , SWEATERS Lightweight bulky styles in- pastel shades, 'also includes some shrugs. Sizes S-M-L. ' SLACKS 288 A wide range of spring styles in print denims, better wools and some knits. Broken sizes. Reduced! 388 - 488 SKIRTS Prints, stripes and solid colors in spring shades. Jr., Misses, Potites and Regulars. Starts Tomorrow at 9:30 FOR MENI FOR ^HiLDREnT^. GIRLS' DRESSES A good selection .of girls' spring dresses in cotton prints, solids and pastel shades. Reduced to clear! ■|88_288 BOYS' SPORT SUITS Summer weight fortrel polyester cotton fully/ Now 1588 MEN'S SPORTCOATS 2-button models in all-wool fabrics, limited quantities and sizos. Re-, ducod to clear! *22< GIRLS'BLOUSES Asserted dressy styles, broken sizes in white and light backgrounds. Reduced) jgg GIRLS' SWEATERS Various colors and sizes in cardigans and a fi overs. All reduced to dear!. 244 GIRLS' SLACKS Includes both coordinate* and separates in discontinued patterns, solid colors, broken sites. i go BOYS' 288 FAMILY SHOES SPORT SHIRTS Long sleeve and short sleeve in solid colors, discontinued patterns. Seme Penn-Prest. Sizes 0-20. I88 Casual Slacks TOPCOATS Lightweight gabardine fabric, day color, broken $lzes. Reduced to clear! $Of1 KNITSHIRTS A wide choice of colors in machine washable Acrilan Acrylic. Size* S-M-L. 088 JACKETS Young men's spring stylet. Sizes small and large in light and dark shades. 6“ WORK PANTS Men’s cotton twill pants, good selection of sizes, color choice. Reduced! |88 Womens' 1 ' A wide choice of styles, leathers and colors in dressy heels and casual flats. All Reduced! Flats . Heels 388 _ 488 £88 _ £88 Girls' 488 I continental styling, mostly cottons. Size* 6-20, some husky and slims. Reduced! 2" DRESS SLACKS Royon/Nylen Penn-Preit fabrics with eooidin-'Cited belt. Alto seme University Grad models. Sizes 12-14-16-18. 388 flannel shirts A wide pattern range in broken sizes, boys' sport shirts. Reduced to dear! ^ BOYS' SWEATERS id slipovers, brok m PAJAMAS Beys' celsirful print knit pajamas in sizes 64-10. Reduced to dear! - , UNDERWEAR Roys* winterweight underwear, thermal in eizo 18; mid-weight briefs in button sizes. 25^ SPORT SHIRTS Long and short slaava stylos in button down collars, also Banlons, valours, plaid and solid, colors. Reduced to dear! 88 1 Casual Slacks ■ Great savings on grad styled cotton slacks in tan, yellow and black shades. Sizes 28-29-30- Reduced to dear! FOR THE HOMElj* BEDSPREADS Solid color, twin or full in' quitted, tailored stylos. Raduced to Clear! 688 - 888 BOYS' SUITES Final clean up on young men's suits. Mostly size 16 in blazer style with contrasting slack. Seme jr. sizes. ♦7 _ $9 * C|*n,4yn telia tax. and trada-ln tlte Off your c. J|014 5.6015 47015 (7,75.14) 40015 (7.75-15) -------' | Vimfonc Tire and Appliances i * 14$ W. Huron Phone 333-7917 He & CHARGE IT on Sean Revolving Charge Hardware Dept. — , Sean Main Floor Downtown Pontiac Phone FE 5-4171 mmm THE PQNTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1967 'Pine Rose" Bathroom Ensemble Webbed, Folding, Non-Tilt Aluminum ■ Firmly webbed in cool looking green and white or yellow and white polypropylene plastic on sturdy one-inch tubular aluminum frame. Arms are comfortably wide. 74" Chaise adjusts to five positions for easy relaxation; Deluxe Avocado Chaise with Wooden Arms, 9.97 Deluxe Avocado Chair with Wooden Anns, 5.97 Deluxe Rocfcer with Wooden Arms • • • 7.87 UhaWCbargeHb—............. Thick, thirsty cotton terry towels with fringed ends, show* •red with roses on • frosty tone background. In dawn pink; empire bronze or celestial blue. Transform an ordinary bathroom into • bower of beauty. 5 Days only! like It? Charge It! CANNOl Baseballs, Soft Balls 3 Days Only-Our Reg. 1.87-1.99 Perma Press Blouses 3 Days—Reg. 87*f Get ready for the season with an official league regulation baseball and softball Save! Forget about ironing! Misses' wTi sleeveless models in fine no-iron A fabrics, new collar styles. lively ‘prints and solids. 32-38.1£KA Like It? Charge It! Little league baseball bats and official softball bats in a choice of models and lengths. With black foil branding. 3 Days-Reg. 1.87 Misses* Cool New Bermuda Shorts A variety of fabrics featuring the newest 4k weaves. Pale pastels, transitional colors 1 BhWm that know no season, prints, too! Side zip* S per or fly front styles. 8-18. Jb k Like It? Charge It! Pro-fielder's Glove Jays—Reg. 4.771 Full size, full grain •hide, leather-lined. Laced trapeze bbing; leather-laced, L-shaped heel Wind-up, DANRIVER 3 Days—Rag. 28.931 20” Standard Convertible Sidewalk Bicycle • , * . .Jm 3 Days—Rug, 6.971 J Red Metal Wagon with 8V2” Wheels. 34V5* x 16 . . Lik/lt? Charge lit jbjw ^ Day» Only-Reg. 4.33 Textured 3 Days-Reg. 69c Yd. Dan River 39»88 Spun-weave Capris Striped Seersucker Misses' cotton/rAyon home- Tbn-to-20-yd. remnants of Dan mm spun or heatherspun in low-rise con- •’ River Wrinkl-SHED® cotton | tour waist or toi^e^waistUne styles. seersucker. Values tolls yard, if , Pink, daffodil, putty brown, blue. JKtM on foil bolts. Wjpven stripes. Y Like It? Charge It! like It? Charge It! 3 Days—Rag. 44.661 22", 31/* Horse Power Impulse Starter Mower . . O or Deluxe Quality-wide 22”, V/% H.P. Mower with Easy Impulse Starter. . . like It? Charge It! 3 Days-Our Reg. f7cfb. Hershey 3 Days Only-Our Reg. 38c, Carefree 3 Pays Only-Reg. *7.001 Women's 3 Days—Opr Reg. 6.99/ 16-Pc. Set House’n Garden Ovenproof Serving-wave • • •1 3 Days-Our Rag. 5.471 16-Piece Set of Decorative ft. Melamine Dinnerware . .. . Uke It? Charge lit Foil-Wrapped Kisses 4.88 Bikini Head Scarfs Foldiig Slippers Flippant little triangles of conon (16x / Fine for travel or leisure wear. Flex- ^^^m 4% lfor23") in a whole summer’s range of jj ible vinyl slippers fold up for packing. . jflf . colors and prints. A fetching way to pro- 0 r Elastic top assures snug fit. Black, W tea vour hairdo from wind ’n sun.* mtm 0 blue. oink, white, bone. sold. Rich, delicious Hershey milk choco- M late kisses, individually wrapped in, OR silvery foil to retain the fresh, tempting flavor. Bulk, bag. like It? Charge It! PONTIAC , MALL DOWNTOWN PONTIAC TEUHURON 1 DRAYTON CENTER | PLAINS * ROCHESTER PLAZA BLOOMFIELD 1 . MIRACLE MILE EE S. S. KRESGE COMPANY rrx 1 THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY,, APRIL CAPRI SOCKS LADIES’ SLEEVELESS SHELL Ankle-High Nylons Be Comfortable in Slacks with Nylon Footwear! ' Light Blue Navy—Orange White—Mail# Pink—Mint Lilac—Beach REGENT SWORDS 6-Po. Steak Knife Sal JUMBO LEAF and GRASS RAKE • 24-inches wide • Very light weight • A Real “wife caver” Only Not exactly as pietured 3.Day* Only WOMEN'S 32-38 CHITON KNIT TEE SHIRTS WHITE - ORANGE - MOSS BLUE - PINK - LEMON CHOCOLATE - NAVY REG. $1.59 $127 Navy Wtywt Orange Clover Faded Blue Bud Green 6-Piece CARVING SET e Regent Swords e Famous Cutlery e Extra Heavy guage stainless steel blades with gleaming mirrdk finish and hand-carved Strattawood handles. 175% Cotton P25% DuPont Nylon Stretch Denim, ORLON CREW SOCKS Coffee tastes better at a price, cheaper than paper. KITCHEN TERRY TOWELS SLIGHT IRREGULARS 47* 39c If Perfect v \V Long bound vinyl act. Vanity with mirror, 2 r weekender, 24" poll-1 CHARGE IT AT KRESGE’S - PAY ONLY, ONCE A MONTH SHOP WITHOUT CASH PONTIAC DOWNTOWN 1EL-HUR0N DRAYTON ROCHESTER BLOOMFIELD MALL PONTIAC CENTER PLAINS PLAZA MIRACLE MILE THE PONTIAC PRE33, WEDNESDAY, APRIL36, 1967 attractive chalk-white-color glass Jewelry Perk up dresses, suits, coats with jewelry by well-known D. rt* Lisner. White glass bekda with Austrian aurora glass crystal iam^F necklace, bracelet, pin, small and large buttoh earrings. Not f , shown: other white jewelry in smooth, faceted, baroque styles. jJ*P • Cm. »r pr» versatile while straw-look hat flattery Top off your wardrobe with a frosted-look white hit. Shown, A W* only, two of many handsome styles in our summer collection. Ip f\ Simulated straw is a season-new accent for ’6/. Wear them with f j day or night time fashions. A. Breton. |» Yoursrap will be lively in these new looks for spring. Well known Miracle, Tread*, styled-right footwear insures you true, flattering fit and comfort Spariding white only. A. 'Frame up’: Corf am* uppers with black patent leather trim. Mid-heel spectator .., 13.99.1. ’Milton’: Cuban heel , . . 1199. C. Telmal’i cut-out trim, mid-heel . . 13.99 itus Cloche. . emek fashionable white beadeJuiook haadb Cany your personals in these chic, new bags. Satchel and pouch styles are just what you need for summer. White beaded-look JK plastic with sturdy handles. Inside ripper compartment; attractive black and. white floral lining. J • aaafe THE PONTIAC PRESS , PONTIAC, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1967 B—1 Meet Lady Bird's Kitchen Cabinet-All WASHINGTON <*- Just as President Johnson has a net, so does his first lady. ' / * + + Though not appointed by lav or given designated functions, Lady Bird Johnson’! cabinet is nonetheless effective — in a woman’s way — over coffee and cake, planning projects. Some call It the kitchen cabinet. The cabinet fluctuates, but always it Involves personal Maids and staff who act a! the Bess Abell (left) is one of Lady Orville. Freeman; Mrs. Hale Boggs and Bird’s intimate group. Others are Mrs. Mrs. Dali Miller from 'Horse's Mouth' Real Tips on Gratuities By ABIGAIL VAN BUREN DEAR ABBY: If you suspect that your Mend who also is a . waiter might feel “insulted’’ should you try to tip him, why put a strain onM the friendship? H Eat somewhere if else. And anal should not go to I 0. restaurant! where his friend P is working el- f pecting to *Jao-|, dalize” with ’ him. Do your ABBY socializing when you are both off duty. I was a waiter for many years and some of ipy best friends still are, so I am not talking through my../. HOLLYWOOD BROWN DERBY t£! DEAR ABBY: To tip or not to tip a waiter who is also a good friend: Since tips are his main source of income, why nbt? I have no flualms / whatsoever accepting payment for the dental work I do for my Mends. /NEWCASTLE DENTIST ' ' • v"' ★ DEAR ABBY: I am a waiter in one of the most famous resorts in the Catskills, so I can Rose M. Seibert Honored as Secretary of Year By JUNE ELERT “Willing, dependable, .good-humored,” are terms used by Marvin M. Alvard, former City of Pontiac director of finance, to describe outstanding attributes of Rose M. Siebert, his secretary for eight-and-a-half ... She is being honored tonight as Secretary of the Year by the Pontioak chapter, National Secretaries Association (Intertia-tional). ★ ★ \ “Determination, drive, -and a refusal to rest on her laurels” are characteristics of Miss Sei- < bert which have impressed Ed-ward lTTGallagher, her new boss in the city’s finance department. He says he relies heavily on her general competence in d J knowledge of the accounting operation to assist him in these early days of familiarizing himself with his new responsibilities as Alward’s successor. JOB RECORD Miss Seibert has been em-ployed by the City since 1949 when She was hired as clerk-typist in file personnel department. She stayed in that classification just four days before being promoted to clark-steno- ward continues to serve the City in the role of financial consultant. Miss Seibert’s duties include a good deal of accounting as well as secretarial work and she is presently engaged in a study of accounting at the Pontiac Business Institute. ACTIVITIES Miss Seibert has been active in the Pontiac Municipal Employees Association and currently serves as first vice presi-’ dent. ° She is an avid rock-hunter, an activity in which her widowed mother joins her, and is a devotee of golf and bowling. ★ ★ ★ Official presentation of the award will take place this evening at a special dinner in Bedell’s. speak with some authority on whether to tip a friend who waits on you. The friend who sits at your table is taking up the same amount of space and time as a stranger would, so I say he should leave a tip. I might add that I have been a Waiter for nearly 20 years and I saw only one waiter who was “insulted” when a friend of his left a tip. ideas and sharp, intelligent, women. She’s always meeting' , new people. But she’s never for*' gotten the bid friend.” Mrs. Johnson’s ‘Kitchen Cabinet’ McNamara; Liz Carpenter; Mrs. Dean includes (from left) the vice president’s Rusk and Mrs. Willard Wirtz. wife, Mrs. Hubert Humphrey; Mrs. Robert • Mrs. Dean Rusk: wife of the secretary of state, Virginia Rusk shuns publicity. But perhaps more than any other wife in government, she shares her husband’s workload. Nightly, she stands in for him at embassy receptions. Her presence on embassy row is considered “official.” Mrs. Rusk rarely forgets a name. Foreign envoys adore her. She contributes to the American image in diplomatic Washington more than any other woman, outside of the First Lady herself. ; * * * • Mrs. Hubert H, Humphrey: wife of the vice president. As the second lady of the land, Miujel Humphrey appears with Lady Bird at many official functions and presides at many herself. She is a longtime friend of Mrs. Johnson. Mrs. Humphrey heads beautification of the capitol and serves on the President’s Committee on Mental Retardation. DEDICATED “This is a new kind of administration,” Mrs. Humphrey has said. “In other times, wives ap-, peartd and just looked pretty. These women (surrounding the First Lady) have offered of^ their own selves and dedicated themselves as well." ★ ★ ★- t Elizabeth Carpenter : Lady Bird’s press secretary. This is the witty dynamo of the kitchen cabinet and the First Lady’s speech writer, mentor, friend and image maker. She’s the middle-man with the press and rarely out of contact with her boss. ★ ★ + • Mrs. Hale Boggs: wife of the House majority whip. Lindy Boggs has known Lady Bird since they met as congressional wives in 1941. When the Boggs’ daughter toatried last summer, the Pres-tldmt, Lady Bird)and daughter Ljmda attended. The first Lady said she wouldn’t think of miss-ing. WEAKER Mrs. Boggs has made speeches explaining the First Lady’s programs and is active in project Head Start. < • Mrs. Dale Miller: fellow Texan and. wife of a lobbyist. “Scooter” Miller is perhaps one of the First Lady’s oldest, dearest Texas friends. She helps indirectly in many ways — giving •AT^hmw/ Fwo Emblem J S-Pc. Antique flute / Bedroom Groop *188 5 Pcs. INCLUDE • Double drtmr , •'Framed ehaped mirror • Full or twin hi poster bed with Canopy frame • Serta full or twin size mattress and box spring Decorator beauty for bedroom, with elegance throughout, from the charm of the high-poster canopy bed to the luxury of the white and gold finish. Value-wise price includes all top surfaces of mar-proof plastic. 'Quality construction, dovetailed, center-guided drawers. Complete with SERTA Mattress Open Stock Bedroom Pieces . Solid-Core Plastic Tops' 2RwiStA0S-?edTn?Solid 0ak* Buythe Pieces you need •NOW. Additional pieces may be purchased at any time for the same low pt^caj No Money Down-36 Months to Pay BINKIAND For TOTS and TIENS 13M(M- Opm OtOIJtM Mon., Thuro., M. Ill) 9-1(12 S. Telegraph Rd., Pontioo THE PONTIAC PRESS. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 26, 1067 Exotic, Practical „ Fabrics for spring sewing have two common denominators — exotic combinations of primitive odors and desips, WE PROUDLY PRESENT the watch that orbited in outer space dants for the ample. Kathleen T a f f e, Carolyn Powell, Mrs. Gerry Fifoot and Jdlle Fifoot were bridesmaids; Cynthia Smith, flower girt; Stevan Smith and Greg Geer, ring bearers. Douglas Blythe, Ed Schine-mann, Gerald Geer and Richard Geer ushered. Following a reception in the UAW Local 36 Hall, Wixom, the newlyweds left on a trip west wblch will include stops at Colorado Springs, Denver and Las Vegas. Parents of the bridal couple are Mrs. J. Wesley Smith of Alpha Street, West Bloomfield Township and the late Mr. Smith, and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Goer of Novi. I Nancy Carol Smith was es-B corted by her brother, Law-■ rence M. Smith, for her mar-B nap to Allen Stanley Geer. B Dm recent wedding was an B evening ceremony in St '|^B|^HBI Marie’s Lutheran Church. Die bride chose a white m crepe floor-length gown with - -< -v ,■* emP’re waist, accented with BB§hSE9^H *ace inserts around neck and 11^14 -'wiiH&om sleeves- B.1fjf ~iyM SpiB Her cathedral train was Hr - ■ edged with matching lace. ' TYTWTBM ^ shoulder-length veil " " *‘ *^" * flowed from a dainty coronet MRS. ALLEN S. GEER She carried a bouquet of cal-• lilies, Stephanotis and palm leaves. About half of the nation’s The Mrde’s sister, Mrs. peanut crop is used in the Charles Contor, and Jack ' " * Faulkner were honor atten- OMEGA and total launderahility. w International r * BUFFET , EVERY FRIDAY A Complete Menu of The World.'* Marjorie Marie Sear man was graduated Saturday from Oakland University with a B.A. degree in elementary education. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leon C. Seaman of Sylvan Lake. Miss Seaman will begin her teaching career m Clarkston. 5838 Dixie Highw.jV Waterford ' Phone MICHIGAN , 623-0060 production of peanut butter. Face Mask Childbirth Anaesthetic Jewelry 81N-SAGINAW, PONTIAC Free Parking in Rear of Store WASHINGTON (AP) - A team of New Jersey doctors says a new technique for relieving a mother’s labor pains has produced very promising results among 160 patients. Dr. Lewis E. Savel of South Orange said Monday the technique involves a pain-killing anesthetic which a mother administers to herself through a ‘ face niaric. CUSTOM-UPHOLSTERED COLONIAL IN LENGTHS TO FIT EVERY NEED, BUDGET! The Eastern J u n i o r High Schodf Bell Ringers, on exceptionally talented group of youngsters have been invitedro parti-' cipate in an International Assemblage this summer. The event will/bef held in England. They need financial support to pay expenses. Will you ilelp send this organization of wonderfully representative youth pi America? Mail any size contribution with the coupon below. It . will be most approbated. Thank you.' SPONSORED BY PARENTS AND CIVIC MINDED INDIVIDUALS AND FIRMS. Pleas* mak* checks or fnorwy orderi payablo t0 Eastern Junior High School. (AUteontrlbutions am tax deductible.) Every donation will bo officially acknowledged. The anesthetic, he explained, is methoxyflurane, a liquid that rapidly changes into an inhalable gas which has been used previously to put women asleep during actual childbirth. Quality-Constructed By A Loading Manufacturer Is A Selection ef Colonial Prints, Tweeds, Scenics, Choice of Foam Rubber or Poly Dacron CesMons.. .Full CHI Bases. “But w© thought It might be useful in a hand-held container so thAt a woman canid administer it to herself whenever she had a contraction,’’ Savel said. CONTROLS USE “When a woman feels uncomfortable, she*holds the mask against her face, to-hales-a few times, and quickly becomes drowsy. “Her hand falls away from her face then — so there’s no dnager of her getting too much — but the mask is attached to her wrist by a cord so it doesn’t fall to the floor. / “Presently, the woman wakes up again — but when she gets another contraction, she repeats the method.’/ Charming and authentic styling in upholstered chairs, sofas, loveseats and ottomans for every living decor .. . every room arrangement. Combine them to complement your room In sizes that are proportionate to your need* Select from a wide variety of custom fabrics—many Seotchgarded for durability. I Eastern J wrier High School J Music Department Sponsor I 25 S. Sanford St., Pontiac, Michigan 48058 $2395° BUY, SELL, TRADE I USE PONTIAC PRESS WANT ADSI Arm Caps Included With Each Order mmm PONTIAC'S ONLY Complete DRAPERY FINISH ULTRA-TONE PROCESSING Lave Seat ...... $169so 54" length, 2-cushion lava eaat with Whig back styling, pleatad skirt. Ultra-Tone Professional Care Protects Your Drapery Investment! pleated ekiit. Wa or* proud to bo Pontiac's first doanor qualified to recommend and offer (TItra-Tone—ihe finest drapery care tfie textile maintenance industry can provide. pleated skirt. Hi-Back Wing Chair..*119" Ivory home should have this deep down comfort} 39" high; wing-back. Matching Ottoman •, . . ,.. $39.50 ■ i -’’lifei It Costs No More To Get The Beet! PONTIAC llflflffllitl FE4-2579 We Give HOLDER ■ Red Stamp* , e RESIDENTIAL e COMMERCIAL e INSTITUTIONAL 1680 §• Telegraph Road—south of Orchard Lake Road F'lep Parking Front end Side of Store—FE 2-8548 / / I y I from m /•*Lf 1 * i IW regular *! mmm ff price fjf Golden TOUCH & SEW* zig-zag | sewing machine in handsome desk H Exclusive Push-Button Bobbin winds in the machine W| Sews straight zig-zag, chainstitch % New buttonholer-makes 1 different buttonholes S in a variety of sizes New Sewing Speed Switch — sew at your own speed || What'f new for tomorrow it at SIN C E R today!* p SINGER illlllll 111.11 j. illl# Strong masculine design is featured Jn • this commode lamp table from the Nottingham Tables to Satisfy Everyone's Taste ivuuinyruirn mmmm collection by 1 Mofganton. HH| The, flat cut fll cathedral ,4 grained oak BH veneered top, flH door and side panels are Bjl faccented by thi" solid oak feet and molding. H TONIGHT AT 8:30 Btt* Officr Open .Vooit to 9 P.M. Doll) FE 8-6239 Phone W0 2-03S3 MIAMI BAKE SHOPPE Open Evenings THE PONTIAC MALI THE PONTIAC PRESS. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26,1067 Selected cherry veneers have been matched in a reverse diamond effect on the top of this square columned lamp commode by the Brandt Furniture Co. The simplmty of the solid carveixherry base is contracted by the intricate Aigure patterns of the parquet veneer t op / ( • SPECIAL BUDGET WAVE *6*° Callies’ BEAUTY SHOP • 116 N. Perry Si. FE 2-6361 This Flip Top Coffee Square, designed in Grand Rapids, is for people who like to entertain and must make the most of their sometimes limited space. With folded top it is only nineteen inches square. But two Flip Tops, opened, form a cocktail table more than six feet long, ideal for entertaining. Of selected mahogany, toith beautifully figured top'and especially designed hinges for sturdy service, each table hets a storage compartment and is fitted witnvCustomed casters. By Hekman Furniture Co. * Thick plate glass forms the top of this glistening steel table with brass accents at corners and leg tips. Glass is a space-saver visually and gives clear play to the vibrant colors being used today in upholstery and rugs. Available in three different heights, the 32-inch square table is made by Directional Industries. Choose Durable Press Fabric SAM A WALTER Delicious Sausage Carry Out* — 682-9811 Open S raninot PONTIAC MALL Sofoptimists Hear Speaker Members of the Soroptirjiist Club of Pontiac heard J. David VanderVeen, co-study, director of the Human Relations Center, speak on the joint study of Human Resources Center conducted by the City of Pontiac and the school system. The Mott. Foundation is the sponsoring agent. The event was a dinner meeting Monday in the Elks Temple. Choose children’s underwear with a durable press finish so fewer sets will be needed to keep the child cleanly With ironing eliminated, overnight washing will make one or two sets of slips and panties an adequate supply. This is a thrifty consideration when children outgrow rather than outwear their clothing— and there are no “steps” to inherit the hand-me-downs. VANTAGE WATCHES 17 Jewel 2M„ 19M NEISNER’S WATCH REPAIR State Festival Two Pontiac secondary school bands participated in the State Band and Orchestra Festival in Livonia recently. They are Madison Junior High Band, directed by Thomas Course and Washington Junior High Band, under the direction of Gerald Irish. Both groups received one first and three second ratings in sight reading and concert performance. Fashion Note A fashion note for the bath: newest tank sets, lid covers, waste baskets, floor coverings are made of fake mink, chinchilla, fitch and fox. Freighter Toiletries Note to*1reighter-travel addicts: carry a'generous supply of soap, detergent, shampoo, and toothpaste — especially on ships of foreign registry. | Certainly Worth A Trip Downtown Moose Ladies Will Travel Pontiac Women of the Moose No. 360 will leave in a chartered bus Sunday at 7:30 a.m. for the Academy of Friendship session at the state convention being held in Jack- Those receiving their Friendship degree from Pontiac are Mesdames Morton Brown, Robert Burns, Lloyd Duckworth, Joseph Lorenz, Peter Lorenz, Charles Schmidt and Woodrow Sutton. ★ ; * A Mrs. Charles Carlson will be chairman of the membership chapter night on Monday at 8 p.m. in the Moose Home on Mt. Clemens Street. . * * ★ On May 15, the regular business meeting at 7 p.m. will be followed by an election of officers. Infants’ Dept Lower Level BABY WEAR SALE ATTENTION: Fond Aunties, Grandmas and Loving Mothers. Come and pick your exciting Baby Gifts from our adorable, practical collection of Infants'*Wear. SLEEPERS regular 3.00 SALE l88 Famous maker cute print with feet. Boys' or girls'. S CRIB BLANKETS §| regular 3.98 SALE l88 5 36 x 50 solid pastel „ with satin binding CONVERTIBLE QUILT regular 4.98 SALE 388 Cotton check with solid white, pink or blue. SUN SUITS Regular to 3.98 SALE *1 fo *2 Seersucker and broadcloth asst, colors. Toddlers 2 to 4. DRESSES Regular 8.98 SALE *2 to *5 Assorted shac{d£ of pastels. Babies, toddlers. CRAWLERS Reguiar2.49 SALE |88 Corduroy plaid In red and blue. Boys' sizes 2 to 4. BOOTHE SETS Regular S.98 SALE J** Orion .3 • piece and hooded sals in assorted pastels. COMFORT Regular S.98 SALE 48« Dacron filled print reverse to solid back in assorted1 colors. BUNTING SETS Regular 4.98 SALE 388 'Lightweight fleece In assorted pastel shades. Set Benefit for Students Members of the Birmingham chapter, Wayne State University Alumnae are pre-paring a “Treasure and Trash” benefit sale on May 6 from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. in the loft-garage of the Robert Hagues, Birmingham. * * art* Mrs. Hague, chairman, will be assisted by Mrs. Cecil Moore, Mrs. Lewis Evans, Mrs. Kenneth Beauchamp, Marian Tate, Mrs. William Hartman, Mrs. Thomas Roberts, Mrs. Paul Hefei, Mrs. Thad Brykalski, Mrs. Elmer Plaxton, Mrs. Phillip Taormina and Mrs. John Villa, i * * * | Open to the public, the sale j will benefit the group’s j student scholarship fund. | ‘it'i Sumlnerettet Pickin^Timt CLASSIC Smart, tailored appearance with carefree comfort.. the “made-f or-you-fi.t" of Summerettes. Slimly tapered low-wedge heel. SUMMERETTES ■y BALL-BAND Go SummerttUt Pickfa* Soon at••• Store Hours: 9:30 to 5:30 Daily, Fri. 9:30 teW Serving With Quality Footwear Since 191 f NEED HELP? USE PONTIAC PRESS CLASSIFIED ADS. LOW IN COST. FAST IN ACTION. PHONE 332-8181. THE ARTHUR'S LABEL IS YOUR GUARANTEE of FASHION, QUALITY and CRAFTSMANSHIP duality Fun , Quality Fu 48 N. SAGINAW - DOWNTOWN PONTIAC SUPERB MINK STOLE SALE! let-out Natural MINK STOLES! *399 The Fur/You Yearn To Own Or Give Mother Is Here at Special Savings Incomparable values that you must come to see. These are breath-takingly beautiful.' This wonderful collection Includes petite Stoles, let-out Suit Stoles, double-fur collared Clutch Stoles, Bubble Copes, Spencer Cape Jackets with Shirred sides and Shirred fronts. Special Purchase T1MWTATT at Extra Savings ivMMi wRm Reg. $259 Specially Priced ■229 These are full lustrous skins in choice natural Mink in seven colors that we are proud to offer at this extremely low price. Choose now at these,great savings. Sapphire, pearl, fawn, silver blue*, hope’1', ranch,.pastel. *IMBA Fur products labeled to shew country of Fur Salon — Second Floor B—4 THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26,1067 Britishersjnvading Job Training LONDON (UPI) - Mar* 1 gery Hurst, tycoon of the secretarial world, might appear to have enough on her plate already. But she is busy with a new venture to teach American girls to get high priced jobs. * * * If anyone knows how to get high priced jobs, Mrs. Hurst should. She has made herself into a millionaire by building up the world’s largest secretarial employment bureau with more than 60 branches in Britain, Australia and the United States. HOMEWORK This Is aside from looking after a husband and two teenage daughters, doing a load of welfare work and writing an autdiiography which has just been published. X Mrs. Hurst, 52, a tiny woman with a lot of energy, no% plans to open her first secretarial school in the U n i t e d States. She hopes it will be a school with a difference and lead to many more. * ★ * “We are starting at White Plains, N.Y., in about a year,’’ she said. “In a six to eight weeks course, we will take girls from college with a B.A. degree, teach them shorthand and typing, and enable them to get jobs for $100 and $H0 a week. “In the eight-month course, we will educate the secretary to become a personal assistant to the president of a company.” The girls oo the loafer course will study such firings as writing reports, arranging conferences, coping with payroll taxes, hamfling the board of mfectors and how to be “efficientbut not officious.” Mrs. Hurst, ^id, “as soon as the White Plains school is doing well, we plan l©; launch colleges all over the united States, in Britain, New Zesf* land and Australia.” ★ ★ ★ In her autobiography, “No Glass Slipper,” Bibs. Hurst tells of the troubles she met in her life and hopes her story will help other women. She started out to be an actress and failed. She mat* ried a major in a whirlwind World War H courtship'and - 25% OFF ' Higher Priced Sofas In Stock .. • Immediate Delivery 72-inch Plush Pillow Bock Sofa with cjeep foam and Dacron cushions, axtra am caps, solfdocbig, walnut lap and fully wsltod base. High Quality Nylon (Mid Seotchgardfabrics. NOW 5168 (7-inch Pillow Back Sofa with rich Walnut decanting trim along front, plush foam and Dacron soot cushions, salf docking, extra arm caps. High Quality Nylon and Seotchgard Fabrics, Now *188 Santa Sofa,904nch Sizo, NOW 87-inch Plump Back Sofa in long, low design on castors, plush foam and Dacron seat cushions and reversible back, extra am caps, salf docking. High Grade Seotchgard fabrics. NOW PnfBttUmalDmtgnaMilimlertarDmsonMmgSprvIe* 90 Days or Up to 36 Months to Pay 2600 N. WOODWARD, BLOOMFIELD Near Square Lake Rtf. - LI 1-2299, FE 3-7933 OPEN: Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat. life ? (Men.,Tuae. ’til 5 P.M.) ended up as a deserted wife with ft three-week-old baby. Shesu£feredtwo nervous breakdowns. Her first efforts to start a business on 50 pounds ($140) borrowed from her bank were a failure. J SUCCESS / But now she is a successful isinesswoman, happily married to her serond'nusband, and hill of views ©n a number ©{ topics. In her book, she has thwiosay: / -•OnhMmage, “Itseems to me thero^te jtwo ways of getting ipdrried. the first is when you'hre very yound^md sufficiently pliable to behct tQ the 'ways of the first man y©ti love. And the second is when you are about 25 and sufficiently experienced to choose a partner with your head rather than your heart.” ★ ★ « ★ —- On millionaires, “You may be a ruthless person, this is true. But you may also be a particularly generous one. You may become a millionaire by sheer weight of original thought, or by possessing a first-class brain. Each millionaire is different because no two people are quite the same.” —On the ideal secretary, she is “one who anticipates a man’s moods, not so much his needs. She must be there when he wants her, and able to retire from his mind the rest of the time.” Sneakers Best for Cowgirl From the West DENTON, Tex. (UPI) -f Maureen Moon wears tennis shoes rather than traditional cowboy boots when doing trick horseback riding, and for good She says the t e n n i s shoes are less likely to slip. Trick riding footholds are not ail done from the stirrup and when Maureen hooks a foot into a leather loop on the side of her saddle and swings down inches from the ground, she doesn’t want a slip. A HOBBY? When not performing at rodeos or stock shows, Maureen and her husband break and train horses for rodeo and pleasure riding on a 100-acre ranch near Denton. Their small daughter, Mary Ann, already is an experienced performer, having ridden in th egrand entry of rodeos sharing Maureen’s paddle. That saddle has foot and hand holds built in, and the post or stock js higher and thinner than on a regular saddle to allow stout hand grips. Wedding vows were exchanged Friday by Donna Jay Westerlund, daughter of John Wes-terlund of Sylvan Lake andmahmoud Kamal El-Din of^Cmro, Egypt. He is the son'af Ahmed Moussa also ofNJairo. Mrs. Kenneth BlackJt. and Ahmed Gamed Ei> Din, the bridegroom’s cousin, were attendants. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stead of Rochester announce the engagement of their daughter, Sandra Lee, to Thoipas G. Septer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Septer of Hazel Park. The prospective groom attended IHrVry Technical Institute, Chicago. An August wedding is plamefL Sold Engagem Prize for Pianist GOP Women's C/db . An open discussion followed Monday afternoon’s talk by lira, frank McGregor on “Issues Before the Legislators’ at th© meeting of the Pontiac Republican Women’s flub. Mrs. Philip Pratt of Lake- Number Sixteen Tami Gayle, second child of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Kara of Highland Park, brings to 16 the number of great-greatgrandchildren of Mrs. Mary Jackson of Pontiac. Ninety-six year old Mrs. Jackson has 47 great-grandchildren and 15 grandchildren. She makes her home with her daughter, Blrs. Harriet Sandstrom, on Michigan Street. ward Drive was hostess for the event where Mra, Paul Gorman and Ufa. AB Leddick took a part in the program. * f Mrs. Daniel T. Murphy Will attend the biennial convention of the National Federation ef Republican Women’s flubs hi Washington, D. C., May M representing the Pontiac unit. A silver tea followed this meeting. imported item LOUISVILLE, Ky (AP) -Shirley Williams bought a poncho recently that may or may not have been imported. It has two labels. One says “Made in Portugal.” The other says “Blade in Mexico." A solo engagement with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra and a cash award will be the prizes for the winner of the ninth annual Bendetson Net-zorg Memorial Piano Contest, to be held in Detroit in late May. ★ ★ .* -Tbe winneF will appear with the Symphony, conducted by Valter Poole, on June 23, during the Orchestra’s “Symphony Under the Stars” soles at the Bfichigan State Fair- Applications and further information may be obtained by writing the Bohemians', in care of OUver A. Green, president, 2214 Guardian Building, Detroit, Bfichigan 48226. As in past years, the contest will be sponsored by the Bohemians Musicians flub of Detroit. CHARTER MEMBER Bendetson Netzorg, a noted Detroit pianist and pedagogue who died in 1953, was a chapter member and later a president of the Bohemians flub. The contest was initiated by the Bohemians in 1958 and has been held each year since then except in 1965. ★ ★ ★ The contest is open to pianists under 25 years of age who are Bfichigan residents. Previous contest winners are Karen Taylor (1958), Ruth Meckler (1959), Joanne and Joyce Weintraub (1960), William Boot (1961),’ Rita Sloan (1962) , Miriam Gargarian (1963) , David Albee (1964), and Sheila Stephenson (1966). Shaped Brows Add to Beauty The eyebrow pencil is an indispensable beauty aid but needs help to complete the beauty picture. Shape the eyebrows first with tweezers. The brows will look more natural, have an attractive, feathered outline. After tweeting, soothe the tender skin with good quality witch hazel. Apply It. with cotton squares. , 72-lneh Hand-tufted Italian Safa wMh alogant wrap-around Distressed £ mm Fruitwood trim across back, sides and front. Quality Scotehgarded Fabrics, rl Hll foam and Dacron cushions, salf docking. ONE WEEK ONLY. ■ WW *248 *198 works best in §U rug-shampoo machines I Beautiful Pastels or basic shades, xln petite and regqlar sizes. *39" Boutique UMBRELLAS in stubby-travel size or regular. 700 W. Huron St. STAPP^S-the boys' and girls' store Nothing else cleans fugs so beautifully or easily—in any machinal A gallon cleans 650 sq. ft. (under 1 i par sq. ft) Leaves nap open and fluffy, even in worn entry areas. Wall-to-wall, or just spots or traffic paths. Revives colors (in upholstery, tool). Safe! No sOap. So no.resi- ■ due. Vac removes dried foam containing all the toil. you may RENT ELECTRIC SHAMP00ER FOR $1 with purchase of Blue Lustre ONLY AT THESE STORES For beach parties, tennis, baseball, and any kind of outdoor recreation,' Keds, from Stapp's, fit the bilk Bright and breezy, wifh all the qualities that make ‘summer fun. And, in addition to the fine quality summer shoes available at Stapp's, you get the expert fitting that we pride ourselves in. This shoe is available in Navy, Red, and Sage Green, in sizes 1216 to 3 priced at only $4.99. Other styles of Keds in a wide array of stripes, prints, plaids, in all colors. Slipons, lace ups, and oxfords. for me Bell Bottom a High Top Tennis Shoe on the Sportsmindfd. Available in Juack and White and Narrow and Weed at only $6.50. Abo In the Oxford stylet Youth and boys' THE PONTIAC PRESS. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1967 B—5 Marriage Failures Occur Often The senior Clarence Gerbers of Lapeer Road will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary at an open house hosted by their children Sunday from 2 to 4 p.m., in Waltz Hall.' Wed March 14, 1917 in Fargo, N.D.,the pair has four children, Frank and Clarence Jr., Mrs. John Barrett of Imlay City and Mrs. Myles Baker. There are seven grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. One out of every four marriages in the U.S. fails today, says Miry k. Hardy, Extension Hooie Economist for Macomb, Oakland and Wayne Counties. Dating customs might put some light on the cause. Dat ing may help a maturing person become aware of the many facets of his own personality. It can help him judge the type of person with whom he feels most comfortable. Dating can clarify male and female roles. And it can reflect on what society expects of men and women. Too many young persons feel they are ready to select a mate with only a few years of casual dating. A mature relationship depends on emotional stability, economic independence and a sense of responsibility. For couples thinking seri-ously of marriage, each shoujd find out what the ofo- Poll/s Pointers Into Piggy Bank DEAR POLLY — Recently Ii Carol that my husband mends was helping my 5-year-old ™y rubber gloves with tire bundle up and could not geti P^h. ^ works well and the the zinner on her inoket | Rt»v «,0Ve* *alt “** lon8e' 1 wear them until practically the zipper on her jacket td stay up. She suggested that I run the string from her hood through foe hole in foe tab of foe zipper before tying foe hood. How simple! And I had never thought of it, so if I get a Polly Dollar ft will surely go into my daughter’s piggy bank. -MRS. J. M. R. DEAR POLLY - If your key chain breaks, a wire ‘ makes a good emergency until, you can get a new It is certainly better than ing those loose keys all through your purse.-R. U. POLLY’S PROBLEM DEAR POLLY ' there a way to whiten a i-per cent wool sweater tj has yel- cleaning?— er expects of a wife or husband. The young couple also should think about what is important fo them. Each should kpow how the other feels on basid issues’, Mrs. Hardy continues. < Joint goals will ^ determined by wha teach partner values most. * • Some areas where basic agreement needs to be reached before marriage include; • Religious belief and praty tices. • Use of money and arrangements for handling it. . • Child' rearing practices and principles. • Relative value of material wealth as compared to “service” or living Uk “good life.” • Importance of social status as determined by the man’s chosen occupation, s • Kinds' and amounts of social life and other leisure time activities. • Any subject on which either partner has strong convictions. f Fewer Carriages would fall apart if a bout-to-be married* seriously discussed these points. Take a good long look at your future husband or wife. Sit down together and discuss the vital issues concerning a marriage relationship. Come to an agreement before saying the “I do’s.” Above all, be realistic. If it is impossible to agree on the major points, it might be best to break off foe relationship immediately. Working out the small things now will eliminate many big problems later, Mrs. Hardy points out. a spoon/ other foods will soak into it, making it much richer for the timpsfoofl it Is fed to foe birds, J enjoy the column so very much that I do hope I can add to it.—MRS. R. P. x 1 Indeed you are adding to the column.—POLLY. . all the fingers have been mended. Such a kit costs very little at a dime or hardware store.—H. F. DEAR POLLY-A little stunt for mending rubber gloves that has worked well for me is to ues waterproof bandages. Reverse foe glove if foe hole Is in thy Anger or hand part. Cut ~ patches, place and . . on the glove so the hole1 well-covered beyond its size.) Turn to foe right side and re-j peat, but do be sure foe band-j age is waterproof. I have many of the Posters on, to friends as I have traveled through Europe and Ha-waii.—LUCILLE. DEAR POLLY—I have never mended rubber gloves successfully but I have found a way to make them last longer. I simply buy them a size larger than needed (instead hf getting small I buy medium). Since I am right-handed, foe right glove usually wears out! first. I save foe left glove and when I have .two good left-hand-1 ed ones I merely turn one wrong side out and have a complete] I good pair even though they may , I not be the same color. — 685; IdiouiWkttQit Crochet this flattering top. Great with skirts or slacks ** sleeveless, or short sleeves. Easy shell—stitch combined with lacy collar, sleeves are new crochet. Use rayon—wool combination. Pattern 685: sizes 32-34; 36-38 included. WWW Fifty cents in coins for each pattern—add 15 cents for each pattern for lst-class mailing and special handling. Send to, Laura Wheeler, The Pontlaj Press 124 Needlecraft Dept 161, Old Chelsea Station, New York, N.Y. 10011. Print pattern number, name, address, zip. New 1967 Needlecraft Catalog 'i* 200 knit, crochet fashions, embroidery, quilts, afghans, toys, gifts. Plus 2 free patterns. Send 25 cents, w Afghan lovers, send for new Book of Prize Afghans—12 complete patterns to knit, crochet. Value!- Only 50 cents, w w w 12 Unique Quilt Patterns Museum Quilt Book 2. 50 cents. ■ w. w Special! Quilt Book 1—sixteen complete patterns. 50 cents. show her how much you care on with a remembrance of flowers or plants Remember her on her "special" day with a special floral gift—beautiful cut flowers, long-lasting blooming plants or-i lovely corsage. Phone or visit us today. OENEVA .... FROM *125 REDMONDS 'Jewelry 8] N. SAClNAW, PONTIAC Froc Parking in Roar of Store — 7have l we h^ve them! America's most famous DIKIY CLOTHES? TRY OUR TEXAS SIZE WASHERS FOR THOSE BKpLOADS YOUR ENTIRE WfSH IN % HOUR! ACCOMODATIONS FOR ■DOB on«l DRAPES Up To 9 x 12 Shag Rug*! ■RITE W CLEM, 405 AUBURN AYE. l All wool fully lined solids, tweeds, boucles, in every wanted color. Choose from petite juniors, •; misses, juniors, or half sizes. \ Regular to $55 *19 f *29 - | fipeeiaf ISIKUl it \ Sfc (Ml kT i| MEN’S BOYS’ LADIES' , Whlto Oxford Sizot 4 to 10 N and M widths. ladies-children's * Use A Lion Charge Plan \ THE PONTIAC PRESS. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1967 Old Custom Is Nearly Forgotten By ELIZABETH L. POST Dear Mrs. Post: At a bridal abower, my gift to the bride-to-be was a set of steak knives. A few of the guests quietly suggested that I include a coin as pari of the gift. They said it is customary, when giving an item with a sharp edge, to give a coin along With it. Someone else said it was correct for the recipient to give me the coin. Which is prop- < er, and what hidden meaning' does this have? — Mrs. Kaye Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sermn of Oak Park, formerly of Pontiac, announce the engagement of their daughter, Sara-jane, to Jerry Silver. His parents are Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Silver of New York. The couple plans a December wedding. The groom-to-be received his B.A. degree from the University of Michigan and is presently studihg medicine at Downstate Medical School, Brooklyn, N.Y. Miss Serwjn attends New York University. The engagement of Karen Suzanne Hensel to Fireman William F. Woods, USN, is announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William A. Hensel of Payton Street. The prospective bridegroom is assigned to USS Hector in Long Beach, Calif. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. ‘Robert C. Woods of Monterey Street. A fall wedding is planned. Edition Dear'Mrs. Kaye: The old idea was that the gift of a knife might “cut” a friendship. If the recipient “paid” for foe gift with a token penny, foe curse was The old superstition has been almost forgotten today, but if anyone offers you a penny when you give her a knife, take it, so she can accept the gift without worry. BATHTUB .! Dear Mrs. Post: Will you please settle a discussion we had at our bridge club? One of the ladies claims that when you use a guest towel, you should put it to the bathtub. She says it is the proper way. , I disagree. There are eight of us, a n d if we all did this, it would look pretty messy as you enter the bathroom. — Grace Little Doubt Old Taboos Are Wrong Hears Review The Stockport Drive home of Mrs. C. W. Shepard in Avon Township was foe setting Tuesday morning for a meeting of foe Pontiac Music Guild., Mrs. Hazel Gessinger reviewed the book “Paying foe Piano for PIeasure. by Charles Cooke. Tuesday Shower Mrs. Dwight Barnett of Bob-in Creek Road was honored at a baby shower Tuesday evening in the Baldwin Rond home of Mrs. Mandlebert Breeze with Mm. Darrell Breeze as cohostess. “Etiquette Tip s'for Teenagers” by i Elizabeth L. Post, is available to readers of this paper. This sixteen page booklet will answer many questions for teen-agers and their parents. To get a copy, send twenty-five cents in coin to cover booklet and shipping expenses, to Elizabeth L. Post, in care of The Pontiac Press. In a letter to foe Journal of the American Medical Association he said that in some instances “persons appeared to have beat literally scared to death by fortune tellers or others forecasting when death would occur. He is Dr. J. C. Baker, of Shewsbury, Shropshire, England. PRINTED PATTERN IgliyiP CONNOLLY'S ! OF THE WEEKI Ova kor the cool beauty of this traditional choice. A 3.01 Cfc brilliant cut diamond with two tapered baguettes set In platinum. The perfect gift to symbolize an important occasion. $5,000 Credit May *• drrenfed DOWNTOWN PONTIAC. 16 West Huron HE 2-0294 BIRMINGHAM This special edition in The Pontiac Press will be a guide for everyone, especially for those who are interested in new and used homes. Your home is where the heart is and you most certainly will lose your heart to many of these homes ... which could be a very "moving" experience for you! She’s foe center of-admiration — foe little girl whose mom sews her dresses as pretty as this smock style. Draw-string neck, raglan sleeves — couldn’t Printed Pattern 4723: Children’s Sizes 2, 4, 6, I. Size • takes 2% yards SS-inch. Fifty cents in coins for each pattern — add IS cents for each pattern for first-class mailing and special handling. Send to Anne Adams, care of The Pontiac Press, 137 Pattern Dept., 243 West 17th St., New York, N.Y. 10011. Print Name, Address with Zip, Size and Style Number. Spring’s Fashions are a joy for all sizes! See 115 styles, 2 free bat patterns, fabrics, accessories in new Spring-Summer Pattern Catalog. Gift Coupon for free pattern in Catalog, simd cents. SUCH A COMFORT to live in a Cobble! Range far and wide In this slim, trim, tied and tailored look, it feels so light and carefree... yet supports and eases your way through the longest day. Thafs the wonderful differenceln our fdmous-for-flt Cobbiel BLACK —BEIGE GOOD SPORT $15 Make Your Apjpointmenl Now! PERMANENT and HAIRSTYLE Tinting—Bleaching Cutting IMPERIALS 158 Auburn Ave. ParkFree FE 4-2878 . Edyth Stenson, owner PAULI’S SHOE STORE 35 N. Saginaw Downtown Pontiac Have The Pontiac Press Home Delivered Daily-Dial 332-8181 THE PONTIAC PRESS. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1967 B—7 Expo Opening One bay Away Elevated Railway Is Already Busy at Site MONTREAL (AP) - With its formal opening only a day away, Expo 67 already is teeming with newsmen and hundreds ef others who have managed to get in for an advance took. The Expo Express, the fair’s free elevated railway, is doing a rushing business. .fc ★ ★ * ' Fome restaurants are open. Most of the concessions and La Ronde, the amusement area, will open Thursday. Several of the amusement rides are giving valors previews. Although Friday is opening day for the public, some 50,000] are expected to be admitted after the formal ceremonies Thursday afternoon. Concessionaires have been alerted to be ready for tbe Thursday crowa? RED CARPET The red carpet lias been laid on the platform at the Piece des Nations where Gov. Gen. Poland Michener, prime Minister Lester B. Pearson and other dignitaries will sit during the cetemonies. Aiound the Expo grounds flags and gaily colored banners are flying and fountains are spraying water. Televisba networks are bringing in their big name commentators to tak; part in live telecasts of "• * IN RLASTtC CONTAINER Clorox Bleach Vl jug 34c COUPON aJ coutotTLc^ rfREESOEml j | gold ieli . tin STAMPS GOLD nit > BIFT STAMPS III ^oup°n WitMhit Coupon aad , . iiCTStV* Imparted Yellow Onion Sprhc Bulbs 1 ||] Limit On* PlMi. p*r | HI family. Good thru April it > S 'LjmmmA ! Limit Ont Hum pat family. Good thru April it BATH OIL ; Calgon Bouquet Mb. pkg. 55c t LIVES TUNA . Cat Pood . !*•«. _. wt, can 28c T/a-ee. * ahakar bottl# 29c t LIVES CHICKEN ■ Kitty Burgers #*! wt. cam 49ff B—* THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1067 JUST ft tt'** 5m*** #tinurib SUPE^TAmLESS?rEEL Never-iron short sleeve. shirts In popular semi-spread collar stylo. 65% polyester, 35% combed cotton! White, blue, maize, It. tan. Sizes 14ft to 17. SNORT sum KNIT SHIRTS SI 5 VALUE! SPARTAN FAMILY DEPARTMENT STORES ACRES OF FREE PARKING SHOP SPARTAN-ATLANTIC 9:30 A.M. TO 10 P.M. DAILY SUNDAY 12 NOON TO 6 P.M. Conttr of Dixit Highway and Ttltgrapft Road-—IN PONTIAC PANT TOPS LADIES' ASSORTED SLIM PANTS SPECIAL COMBINATION DIAL) MIX 'EM UPI ANY 1 ITEM FROM * A. C4 GROUP 1 AND ANY 2 SHIRTS IQtfjWL ^4 FROM GROUP 2. . . Yoor Choice % THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 19B7 FAMILY DEPARTMENT STORES JUST A K* Of THE W AMY savings YOU’ll HMD'- ATLAKTK SENSATIONAL COMBINATION LANOLIN PLUS CASTILLE SHAMPOO 99c VALUII Giant economy slzsl AMID SPRAY DEODORANT $1 VAUIN 4 fluid m. 6&W FAMOUS "GET SET' HAIR SPRAY MO BUY) ItfL Mt weight aerosol can. bp ular A hard to hold. Mil* BOYS' SIZES 6 to 16 SIIRFER SHIRTS IOM mim In solids and FAMILY DEPARTMENT STORES SHOP SPARTAN-ATLANTIC 9:30 A.M. tO 10 P. M. DAILY SUNDAY 12 NOON TO * P. M. Corner of Pixie Highway and Telegraph Rood—IN PONTIAC ACRES OF FREE PARKING THE PONTIAC PRESS, iX APRIL %6, 1067 'Super-Right"—Cut From Mature Beef Thrifty "Super-Right” Quality Meats! A&P Awards & Surprize Party B—10 A BARGAIN... AmiVAWB ts not a mm OfPRICGAlONG! It’s what you get for what you pay. The house dress or shift at $1.98 is no bargain if- the seams pop the first time you wear it or it shrinks inches the first time you wash it. A cheap product just for the sake of low price is no bargain. A quality product at a low price, that’s a bargain... that’s a real value... that’s More than a century ago we decided our own brands would be our finest values. They are...and we’re proud of it Sppropd...sosure, we unconditionally guarantee your full satisfaction. Are AftP Brands a good reason for shopping A&P? ■BNwwff»imt>i««iiwTwiwrt»e*w>cincmaa.iHe: . "SUPER-RIGHT" BONELESS Delmonico Steaks . . «!•* "SUPER-RIGHT" COUNTRY STYLI Spare Ribs . . . "SUPER-RIGHT" BLADE CUT Chuck Roast . . . . . "SUPER-RIGHT" BONELESS u49* "SUPER-RIGHT" ■ Liver Sausage . Chuck Roast *79* "SUPER-RiUHT" Pork Sausage . "SUPER-RIGHT" BONELESS Stewing Beef.. •. *79* SWIFT'S IrEMIUM All Meat Franks Fresh Fruits and Vegetables! * RE A lVALUE Buy Plenty at This Low Price BANANAS -12* ONI PRICB—NON! HIOHIR _ Watermelons oooo J PLANTATION LAWN FOODS 20-1ft-15 FORMULA 10-6-4 FORMULA mi. iau I59 ICONOMY—A RIAL BUY . -mm mm Grass Seed . ... 5 & 99* Canadian Peat . . 4-CUBIC VINE-RIPE Fresh Tomatoes . . . “ 3“ Fresh Corn . . . . 0^59 HAWAIIAN, 6-SIZE M 4km Fresh Pineapple . • • “-49* Florida Oranges • .5 & 49 Sherbet Covered Ice Cream CREAMSICLES 12 49* ALP—LARGE OR SMALL CURD ANNA Cottage Cheese . . 29* AGP BRAND Half & Half .... 0 45‘ AGP BRAND Chocolate Milk . . . & 27* Cream Cheese .. . “ST 29* men EFFECTIVE THROUGH SAT.. APRIL 29th. REYNOLDS 14" WIDE BraHerfidlV.. GIANT SIZE Swan Liquid . . FOR DISHWASHING Dove liquid f. • FINAL TOUCH Fabric Softener , WASHDAY; DITIRGINT Wish liquid . . ALL FURPCiSG—14< OFF- LABEL Handy Andy . . REGULAR SIZE—Ac OFF LABEL Lux Soap .... BATH SIZE Lux Soap . . , . 49* 57-77* 77* tl3' 45* 3**“ 29* 2-33* 1-FT. 0 ITL- W. t-oz. ■TL IATH SIZI „ m _ _ Lifebuoy Soap .. 2 uu 37* GIANT SIZS—lie OFF LAIIL m ^ Fab with Borax . . ’^f 67‘ FOR THI LAUNDRY Clorox Bleach ... ™‘L 34* Cat Tuna . . .. .2 ‘Sff-29 NINE LIVES—CHICKEN GNkliTWT m m. Kitty Burgers . . 3 W 49* KIEF DRAINS CLEAR . mm Liquid Plumr ., . & 89* 'Let Yourself Go" S88 REYNOLD'S WRAP* OB'* WIDE) ' Aluminum Foil . . iWl#* THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL Loin End Portion Enjoy The Guaranteed Taste of "Super-Right" Meats 37:149: Center Rib Cut Pork Chops * 69* ASP GRADE "A' APPLE SAUCE 2*79- "SUPER-RIGHT" WHOLE OR Rll HALF •wrpn-mwm nnVH VH Rll RMt Pork Loins .... “ 49* 99* CAF>*N JOHN'S OCCAfePIRCH Fish Portions . . FROZEN ^ Ocean Perch. Fillets “ 35 USDA GRADE "A" TVRKEYSJ 4 to 8 POUND SIZES ■Sf* Savings A-Plenty on Fine-Quality Groceries! LADY BITTY PRUNE JUICE QT. 1TL ANN PAGE QUALITY GRAPE JAM 3-691 ANGEL SOFT Paper Napkins 25( PKG. OF 200 "SUPER-RIGHT" COUNTRY $TYLI • Thick Sliced Bacon - Is’ "SUPER-RIGHT" SLICED — ^ Beef Liver .. . , . ‘ 59* SAVE 10c! FEATURE VALUE Cherry or Rhubarb Pies WHITS BEAUTY a Shortening . . 3 <& 59* JIFFY BRAND ' Baking Mix . . . 33* ANN PAGE CREAMY OR KRUNCHY Peanut Butter . . » 1 ANN PAGE PINEAPPLE, PEACH OR Bene Apricot Preserves « 59* AGP—OUR FINEST QUALITY AGP PREMIUM QUALITY Instant Coffee MORGAN'S < Apple Juice .... ■ ANN HAGE QUALITY Salad Dressing ANN PAGE QUALITY Barbecue Sauce NET WT. 10-OZ. JAR i K 14-OZ. w CANS 99* 89* 69* 33* AGP BUNDED, GRAPEFRUIT OR Orange JuiCG wS™# WHITIHOUSE A*r—OUR PmfcST QUALITY Tomato Juice .. 3 s 89‘ 3 $89* WHITIHOUSE Mum. Evap. Milk . . 3 '*&•*■ 47 SHAMROCK Ofc NFTWT 1A. Mandarin Oranges 2 «« 49 AGP GRADE "A" SECTIONS . ^ ^ Grapefruit . . .4^99* Jumbo Towels . .SST-28* 7.0PF label 2AB rnm mm. Spry Shortening ’«» 77 1-LB; 8-OZ. SIZE SUGARED OR PLAIN m Homestyle Donuts 001 49 PLAIN OR POPPYSEED m mm- Vienna Bread 4^ 99 Chiffon Cakes . ;• 49 RAfSIN, PRUNE OR mit wt ' mm ek. Almond Twists’^39* COCONUT-OATMEAL NETWT. M Cookies . .... '» 45 CHOICE OF 5 VARIETIES OF FILLINGS SNACK PICS ARP GRADE "A" HOMESTYLE Freestone Peaches 3 «1 oo CHEF BOY-AR-DEE WITH MEAT ... -m a Spaghetti Dinner '^49* CHEF BOY-AR-DEE WITH MUSHROOMS 14.| U|| Spaghetti Dinner '■as.'- 49* Corned Beef . . ¥' 59* REAUMON Lemon Juice . • • ^ 59c Spinach . . . . 2««37* KRAFT PARKAY mm Margarine . . , 31* iS™l • Onion Soup . . nr; 37 ALLPURPOSE . wJL. Gold Medal Flour 55* Seasoned Pepper 49* LAWRY'S Seasoned Salt. 27* DINTY MOORE Beef Stew . . . . ^ 49* AGP—ALL FLAVORS' U-CT.) ucTurr h tm * Inst. Breakfast W' 55* NABISCO miYwt ee Veri-Thin Pretzels Sf 39* Instant Chocolate? 45* CREAMY ONION Lit wt 4m mm Wishbone Dressing m.- 39* MONOSODIUM GLUTAMATE a a Ac'cent Brand 29* KITCHEN CHARM a ' Waxed Paper 2^41* FOR THE BATHROOM (SS0 SHUT) - ah Scot Tissue . . 4 Eg 39* CHIFFON liquid Detergent & 59* KING SIZE-v-FOR HAIR GROOMING' . “ kie_ __ a H • Score . . . . . M 89* Bufferin . . .100"“ 99* FOR FAST PAIN RELIEF ^ k! A m^m' Anacin . .WW0 & I07 Cotton Balls . . .139* S ■ ^ ' T:'[ \ ' \ MEDIUM GRAIN ^ * P IKE 2 27 LACHOT (NOODLES) - y-™ - a Chow Mela 4 ass 49^ LA CHOT Boon Sprouts PUKI VEGETABLE SHORTENING a am Crisco........ 3*85* Apricot Nectar 3'isi I00 Oven Cleaner . . ? 67* Dutch Cleanser 2 ? 25* Toothpaste ^%fT75* Creme Rinse . . . & 99* REGULAR-MISS BRICK wfTWT _a Hair Spray ? 79* Sno-Bol ..... ^ 35* ROSE LOTION . _ Vel liquid . , , 57* DISHWASHING DETERGENT f , _ ' Palmolive liquid S 61* Action Bleach . . i£ 73* FOR KIDDIES' BATH _ _ . Soaky Liquid . . ’ ^ 59* eiANT SIZE Cold Power ««: 7©* Stardust Bleach 'l?.1- 73* Buz Premium . . 81* ARE TROPICAL FRUIT PUNCH OR Grape Drink 3 ^ 85c NUTLIY—IN QUARTERS MARGARINE 5 ™ 89* 2”«25* AGP GRADE "A*‘ French Fries 4 s' 59* MORTON'S CASSIROLI a H Macaroni & Cheese “i 37* AGP ALL BUTTER CINNAMON NIT WT WA( Coffee Cake . ~. iVkxW: AGP MACAROON TOPPED urvWr Devils Food Cake ? 59* BEEF, CHICKIN, TURKEY, MEAT LOAF, SALISBURY OR HAM SULTANA DHfNBRS ■ pkg. RP Jr ' CHICMN, BIIP, OR TURKEY . NITWT. mrnmrn Sultana Pies 5 ^ -89* 1 Liquid PRELL Shampoo NETWT. ( *•« . mP%P ^oon Mouthwash FAMILY, SIXf IS: f04 \ EXTRA URGE TUBE GLEEM toothpaste Tun ^jprradp T GET MORE FOR YOUR /CHUCK” f STEAK ROAST USDA CHOICE VELVET BRAND ICi CREAM i • Campbell's 10%-Oz. Size Can TOMATO SOUP . . • Hunt's 14-Oz. Size TOMATO CATSUP • Hunt's Na 2Vb Can SLICED PEACHES % Hunt's No. 214 Can PEAR HALVES... eWfrOz. Tall Can* PET MILK IDAHO ONE GALLON CARTON Vi*# « • 2-Pound Poly Bag Frozen HgBIBiUBBBBBIII Assorted Flavors • Half Gallon ROMAN CLEANSER. • Vlasic-Variety-3 Flavors, Quoit jar PICKLES........... FOODS Authorized S.D.D. Distributor tPINfa* LIQUOR • BEER Ws Reserve the Right to Limit QttsntHiSs m COLOR THE PQNTIACPRBSS, WEDNESDAY, iUf All* SC, 1007 Summer 'Jargon Needs Polish By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK (AP) - Spring to]1 say. S is • form of necessary and enlightened hypocrisy. •Here, for example, are a few a good time to start brushing up umples of double-talk on the double-talk you’ll need In tbe long hot Doutfetafc, el as Me seasons do. Tan would na more as* last wafer's double-talk hi August than you Tou may find useful in tbe coning months — followed by their uwv«hAstions. LOVES THE HEAT just loVe hot weather, don’t fen?” — Our air-conditioner has broken down again. “Ifs so balmy out, I really wouldn’t mind walking.” — But if you don’t hall us a cab, Buster, you’re Me one who’s balmy. hide?” — But you’d attract even been canceled, and tbe more attention at the beach if j you wore sandwich boards advertising the circus. VACATION SPOTS “Darling, have you and your husband really made up your minds to go to the mountains?” Because, if you have, my husband and I are. definitely going to Me seashore, BOYLE to a picnic. What is douUe-taft? It is Me safety valve of tiviftted conversation. It is the art of saying something that is socially acceptable wbile your own mind keeps its inner sanity by think- “You look so cod in your new short haircut, Myrtle.”, f~ It looks like it had been gnawed off by a dog wiM a broken tooto. "No, , of course, I don’t think that new bikini is a bit too daring. After all, dear, with a awjw iu uuiu nanny u; uiuur uig. mvw on, ucai, mtu a tog what you’d ifedly like tolshapelike yourswhat is thereto ‘Mind If I join you fellows to Make it a foursome? The ones usually go around the course with couldn't make it today.” Ever since they caught me lying about my score, I’ve been playing atone, ;ii| ft * . “This year we've decided just to stay at home. It is really so much more restful.” —All my husband's credit cards have *6ur son has been Writing us Me cleverest letters from campt I wish I had one with me to Mow you.” — The last one from the ungrateful little ht said, ♦Get me out of this dump, or Me next envelope I send you will be full of poison ivy, leaves.’ “Oh, I didn’t know you had planned to have a back yard cookout. How lovely!” Yes, and also how convenient: If we can't eat the food, we can just take-a shovel and have the fun of burying & t “Just take off Your shoes anc make yourselves to home. Here in the country, naturally; we like to life as informally as possible” — But next year we do plan to put to an indoor bathroom. June 6 Vote to Fff Associated Press Reelects Officers Empty House Seal NEW YORK April 2$\W - Elected Tuesday by Me board LANSING (UPI) — A special electiai to .fill Me House of Representatives seat left vacant by the death of Rep. James S Nunneley, R-Mount Clemens, yerterday Was set tor June 9 by Gov. George Romney. ★ * w The district — Me 75M — ta-cludes the cities of Mount Clemens, Memphis, New Baltimore and Marine City as well as four townships to Western Macomb County and five townships to Southern St. Clair County. * * * It is considered a swing district that leans Democratic. Nunneley died (d a heart attack last Thursday night at his Capitol desk. Funeral services for the freshman legislator were held Monday. Paul Miller was reelected president of tbe Associated ' Press IMfeby by the board of directors, reBSraMrL :'0t: All oMer offtoersthf the AP were reelected, They are Frank- lin D. Schurz, SouM Bend (Iad.)|H(dyoke tMass.) Tranacript-Tfl-Tribune, 'first vice president;— ..j --------- f L St. Paul to the executive committee were Miller, jtoalrntani who is president of Gannett _ pers; Schun., Robert McLean, Philadelphia Evening; and Sun-day Bulletin: William Dwight, Dafly Home I^swa #nd Sunday Home News; and Ittehwi L. Jonas Jr., Tulsa (Okla.) Tribune. Bernard |L Bidder Jr. (Minn.) Dispatch A Pioneer Press, second vice president; Harry T. Montgomery, AP deputy general manager, secretary; Fred L. Strozier, AP, assistant secretary; Robert E Boplfa, AP treasurer, treasurer; Stanley Mi Swinton, AP assistant general manager, assistant treasurer; and Harold Gbsser, AP, assistant treasurer. J Members of Me Associated Press at Meir annual meet-tag Monday reelected three directors and elected three aew N. Boyd, New Brunswick, (NJ.) ____ the finance committee were Sehura, chair-vight, Pulliai Reappointed immittee were man; McLean, Dwight, I egram; Eugene C. PuUiam, Max E. Nussbaum, Motdtrie Phoenix, (Arte) Gazette; Hugh (Ga.) Observer; and inner, ex- Paris Air Show Will Get 'Spirit' Replica SANTA, ANA, Calif. (AP) -| A replica of Charles A. Lindbergh’s “Spirit of St. Louta” will be flown to France to comemo-rate (he 40th anniversary of Us historic trans-Atlantic flight. But with * little help. gines, will be loaded aboard a big cargo plane. Not that it can’tfly. . Frank Tallman, owner of Tailmantz Aviation Co,, who took the plane for a test flight at Me Orshge County Airport, Said fife old Curtis-Wright J5B en- The plane, bearing parts of tt handled perfectly during a 16- minute flight. USDA CHOICE Assorted LUNCHEON MEATS i48! a Arm Cut pn SWISSSTEAK 59 • Mixed-Rib, Loin, Blado-Cut M gtk PORK CHOPS 49 • Center Cut BEEF SHANKS ™e Our Own Home Made ROT or POLISH SAUSAGE 21 691 Kraft's MIRACLE WHIP Quart Jar Tender, Juicy BONELESS Save Up to 30c a Pound Fresh, Leah IN 3 POUND OR MORE PACKAGES Following in Footsteps of Jones THE PONTIAC 1‘ltKSS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 36. 1967 Hurons Had Inside Lane to Tipton By FLETCHER SPEARS It’s nice to have the inside lane in a tough race. That’s how it was for Eastern Michigan University, which bat-tied 65 other colleges in fending the services of Pontiac Central hurdler Bill Tipton. Upton, the finest schoolboy hurdler in the nation today, leaves records wherever he runs and he'll enter EMU with M bagful of prep marks. Former Olympic champion Hayes Jones gave EMU coaching aides the inside track to and he did it by doing and college and went on to gain Jones set at Eastern enroute to fame in the 1964 Olympics. In the past two years, Tipton has wiped out all of the Olympic champion’s high school records, and he hopes to follow the path Jones, who ran at a record pace at Pontiac Central and later at EMU, was on hand last night at the Tipton home on Adelaide Street when young Tip-ton signed a letter of intent to attend EMU. Representing EMU was assistant track coach Bob Parks. HAPPY DAY — Coach Bob Parks (right) is all smiles and there’s a good reason. He had just gained the signature of Pontiac Cen-, tral hurdler Bill Tipton on a letter of intent to enroll at Eastern Michigan University this SILENT INFLUENCE It was only fitting that Jones fall. Parks is assistant trade coach at EMU. Tipton is the best schoolboy hurdler in the should be on hand, since it was nation today. Some 66 schools were trying for his silent influence that helped Tipton’s services. Tipton decide to enter EMU. Hayes Jones is Tipton’s idol In the sports world. And Jones' accomplishments on the track in the past keep pushing Tipton on today. Jones traveled much the same road that Tipton is traveling. He set records in high school the Olympics. WITH AIRLINES Jones, now a representative of American Airlines, naturally is credited with recruiting Tip-ton for EMU. . “Not so,” say both Upton and Jones. pressive credentials under coach Dean Wilson at Pontiac Central. “I've seen him only twice,” said Jones. “And he only answered questions that I asked him,” Tipton added. Tipton has piled up some im- Tigers Blank He's twice won the hurdles titles at the Mansfield, 0., Relays, a meet that attacts the best schoolboy talent fas the Midwest. He won the high hurdles crown in March in tin Huron Relays at EMU and took the U. S. Jaycee National Hurdles championship last summer. Sparma in Winning Form DETROIT (AP)—“I was just letting it go as hard as I could,” Detroit Tiger Joe Sparma said. "R went pretty good, huh?” He wouldn’t get any argument on that. The dark, handsome right-hander shut out the Kansas City Athletics 5-0 on five scattered hits Tuesday night. A1 Kaline cracked a single in the first inning and ran his hitting streak to 11 games. He also drove" in the first run, which all Sparma really needed to pick up his first victory. He jiad no defeats. smacked a sacrifice fly that drove in Northrup. SOLO llOMER Krausse then held the Tigers hitless until the seventh, when Dick McAuliffe cracked a solo homer, his first. Sparma, grinning behind a heavy day’s growth of whiskers, ‘That’s the first time A Walk and an error started Kansas City pitcher Lou Krausse to Ms downfall. Then Kaline, Am Northrup and Norm Cash banged singles, each good for an RBI, and Bill Freehan Sparma was a disappointing 2-7 last year, but Tigers Manager Mayo Smith said, “Joe’s been getting better all the time. His fast ball was better in the ninth than it was at the beginning of the game.” His best official times are 13.$ for the high hurdles and 18.6 in the lows. Hi winning a couple weeks ago at Mansfield, he was clocked in 13.3 in the high* and 18.2 in the lows r both record times — but neither was allowed because of the wind. Parks had another reason for visiting Pontiac, Rick Monday singled in the first inning and Kaline played the ball off the wall and threw I’ve gone nine innings to # l«ngjMonday out when he tried for limn T rlirln’4 not t rori Vrviir . » time. I didn’t get tired. Your adrenalin gets, going when you’re going for a shutout.” Catcher BUI Frpehan praised Sparma. “He’s getting the feel of how to pitch. He’s speeded up everything. He’s pitched well and shown that he’s a lot 1 ent pitcher. He’s thinking pitcher now. I don’t think I’ve ever caught a guy with a better arm.” As Parks and Jones prepared to leave the Tipton home, Parks mentioned the other reason for Ms visit. “My 11-y e a r-old daughter (Susan) told me to get Hayes Jones autograph while I was here,” he said. Jones complied. second. It wasn’t a good day for Mon-ay. In the Tigers first, he thought Freehan’s fly to center was the third out instead of the second and started to run in after he made the catch, Cash took second. After his: inning MV Monday struck out three times, on a caUed third strike each time. T sure had him fooled, didn’t Maple Leafs Outlast Montreal PiM's Goal Ends Marathon Toronto toads Series After 3-2 Win < TORONTO (AP) - “We old warhorses are better in a longer race,” said a happy Marcel Pronovost. The veteran Toronto defense-man was in the Maple Leafs’ dressing room, testing up from - his club’s bruising 3-2 marathon victory over Montreal Tuesday night in the final Stanley Cup playoff round. Not until Bob Pulford found an almost open net at 8:26 of the second sudden-death overtime did the Leafs win the, game that gave them a 2-1 lead in’the best-of-7 series for the coveted, hockey cup. The fourth game will be played here Thursday. TORONTO (AP) - Stan Miki-ta of the CMcago Black Hawks was named winner today of the Hart Memorial Trophy as the National Hockey League’s most valuable player and the Lady Byng Trophy for sportsmanship and superior performance. Other post-season honors went to Harry Howell of the New York Rangers, chosen the circuit’s outstanding defenseman, andfeobby Orr, 19-year-old Boston defenseman, as the rookie-of-the-year. HoweU wiU receive the Norris Memorial Trophy and Orr the Calder Memorial Trophy. “I had the whole net to shoot at& said Pulford, noting that Montreal’s rookie goalkeeper Rogatien Vachon was on the far side of the goal. ON STICK " “Pete Stemkowski cleared It out to Jimmy Pappin and*' I don’t know whether he saw me or noV»but anyway he knew should be there and he laid it right on my stick. PINEHURST, N. C. (AP)— The laAJour Michigan golfers were eliminated Tuesday from the Nortn \nd South Men’ Amateur Golf\Tournament at Pinehurst. \ “It was the greatest goal of my life.” The clubs ended the regulation three periods tied 2-2. John Ferguson tied it for the Canadi-ens with 50 seconds left in the second period after Pappin had put the Leafs ahead 2-1 midway , through that period. Jean BeUveau scored in the opening minutes of the game for the Canadiens but Stemkowski tipped in a shot for the Leafs in the same period. After that the long game seemed to affect boto dubs. “We missed a lot of chances,” said Ron Ellis of the Leafs. “But you just haye to keep shooting and hope they’ll go in/ 60 SAVES Both Johnny Bower, Toronto's 42-year-old veteran goaltender* and Vachon turned to sterling performances to the net, with Bower picking up 60 Saves and Vachon stopping $1 shojs. “We trained aU year for this,’ said Toronto Coach Punch Im> lack, who believes there is no Substitute for practice and hard work. “I thought the dub was getting stronger as we went alo^g." Frank Mahovllch, Toronto forward,, agreed, saying, “We seemed to pick up momentum as the overtime prog- Mikita Wins Two Awards in National Hockey League Mikita, a center, is the player to NHL history to capture three awards in one season. He also won the Art Ross Trophy for leading the league to scoring with a record-equalling 97 points. Mikita received 168 points in the Hart Trophy voting by hockey writers and broadcasters to the league’s six cities. Ed Giacomin, New York Rangers’ goalie, was second with 57 points followed by Chicago’s Bobby Hull, the MVP the previous two seasons, 21 points. A combative player during his Quartet of State Golfers Ousted From North-South first seven years to tile big league, Mikita Was assessed only 12 penalty minutes in 1966-6?. He accumulated 145 to (he Byng balloting. Dave Keen of Toronto was second with 35 points and Phil Goyette of the Rangers was third with 33. Howell, in winning the Norris Trophy for the first time, edged Chicago’s Pierre Pilote, the recipient three straight years starting in 1962-63. Howell collected 113 points and Pilote 95. Orr was a runaway victor for rookie honors. He drew 168 points while Ed Van Impe, Chicago defenseman, was the runner-up with 86. Barons Track Re Unblemished Bloomfield Hills track team remained among the undefeated yesterday by racing past North-ville in a Wayne-Oak land League meet, 80-38. Bruce Hall led the Hills’ team <2-0-1) with a record leap to the high jump. His six feet, one-half inch leap erased the old mark of 5-10% set by Bret Griffin last year. ; to another meet, Dave Miller won the 100 (10,4) and 220-yard (24.1) dashes to leading Mount ClemCnS St. Mary to a 63-55 victory over Detroit Country Day. BL'FliLD HILLS N, NORTHVILLI M MOT PUT - Palalan (§), teull.iH Stevens of Livonia fell to Bill Campbell of Huntington Valley, Pa., 2 and 1. Ben Smith of Birmingham lost to James Meyer of Cherry Hill, N. J., 2 and 1. Tom Draper of Birmingham was defeated by Bill Harvey of Greensboro, N. C., 5 and 4: And Detroiter Randall Ahern lost to Harry Welch of Salisbury; N. C., 4 and 2. This could be the year that Dr. Ed Updegraff finally wihs. The ^year-old Tucson, Ariz., Urologist was the man everyone was keeping an eye on as to-’s third and fourth round It (N), ** ■HP — m.jfMv (Ik Crawtorl (Ml, Ctnr (N), IMVi HIGH JUMP - Hall (B), Moody (B), Paterton (N), (Breaks raeord. of S-10M set by Brat Griffin In 1966.) POLE VAULT — Glottenar (N), Pet- , Hafstead, Myhrali I: - Pollhfl (B), Schmid m Crawford (N), :I(U LOW HURDLES - Myhra (B), Gloete->r (N), Rocha (B), :1M 220 * Haarfwell (B), Crawford 4a0; 6Vk FURLONGS First Break 114 NuMo Mary-EI-Du *137 SanFarn*nda kill IETmL™ n»h. Royauma 114 UuraUM xl04 ?-!?:.gPlxiJf" Ispmtln imagt 114 Prlnca Amber 117 1 w‘*oy wl5**... C'^FTH—41440; M FuAVoNG*’' *' iffflffi! JSf’tn •bar TartM 114 Wtllls J EU 1 an Spin 114 Rtd Bird Jr. 114 i 512?. pSLi*, by Monarch 117 Royal Jackpot Scl» J SaK’ V»S Brtvls 11} .Sun and Moon 114 ‘ B. Foster T. TpyMr 0. Norris * C. Boring • 0. Hall J. Minli Jr. Esscay t ______I__ ‘Ussia Mustang tit Mandamus SEVENTH—U404; 4W FURLONGS Circuit Court III Son Simon Raadcar -' lit Lamontrachat Blue Barb 114 Ootnhaad --------- 1M a|,ly Qt|| LJ nintm racr W|1 Slttara Jay Spatdy Craad H 3 Splkt R. L. " i w. D.-s Charm Ctnd monad Pact lit J tl'jt 7 Blue water Lady 4 Contender A.E.1 Garland Gay Royal Moonlight 114 Disrholl xll2 Burn ‘Em Up 114 I Tonga Base x104 i tenth deed " j NINTH-41344; 1 MILE 1 Mam ...............’^ciHaSS^cindy " Harvest xior j C(pntn jnng Danger Day Raven Wing Fleet Cloud ........... ....... x—Apprentice allowance claimed. Post Tima 3:30 p.~ mum of $507000 for use of the “J*?0" gftjT. Coliseum. He recalled this ceil- e‘ghth “ as ing made the rental charge on a e fiT gate of $700,000 about seven per g 7? g A ^ pent ’ /It was' the third one-hitter in * * ★ /the majors this spring — and Rozelie sald.Miami has st^ng the Second for Jackson ln his ^ tram ^ the Ex-County Hurler Traded to Cubs -Favojable weather condi-|hi8 first blg , ^ u da * tions and an enlarged Orange ago agalnst Ne* York, held the Yankees hitless until Howard Bowl which will seat 75,000 persons by 1968. CLEVELAND (AP) - Dick adatz, one-time pitching pride of Berkley (Mich.) High School, has been traded by the Cleveland Indians to the Chicago Cubs of the National League for cash and a player to be named later. Radatz, who winters in Royal ’'jOak, Mich., also was a star at * * is a five-year major leaguer vet-■d 13 eran, all of whose service/up to picked on Houston. Bill Rohr of Boston, making! xl04 ''Magic* WlMdla 114 J PrSwaiP 7 Don Dor wood Hazel Park Results ONE MILE 11104 T. Merrlmen M. Phillips J. Merriman Jr. J. McGarty R. Putnam Sir fchamp Wolverine Results TUESOAY FIRST—4740; CLAIMING TROT 17.00 l.« 1.40 4.00 140 1.10 a Dolmoot Rozelie, estimated the Super Bowl would bring from 30,000 to 40,000 visitor/from out of state, including representatives of the 26 AFL and NFL teams. He said the ticket/price would be geared to the dty selected, Rozelie said he would go to New-Orleans within two weeks to mar that city’s proposal. /Desperate Punch Thrown in Court Today for Clay HOUSTON (AP) - Cassius nJITdowicz and McGuaHr?* kInnie i Tuesday's trade had beed in the Ctey and his lawyers threw one ad Lerma - American League. / i final desperate punch today in MO ao o-o 1011 He had worked only three in-[an effort to block the heavy-rnowlton and it. join; ihilliml nlngs in relief for Cleveland this weight, champion’s induction McDonald (») and ouuburt iyear. The Indians Obtained him int« the Army Friday. Livooi* prdnwip oooooto-di i from Boston in mid-1966. His| They went before U.S.TDist. if**rafferty best seasons were 15-6 In 1963 Judge Allen B. Hannay with an and 16-9 in 1964; both at Boston.; appeal that the government be iM ooo *-i »4 • , ■_______ ■ {prevented from taking criminal j “*““*** rj /n ' action against Clay until settle- cages LJpponent ment of a lawsuit challenging the Selective Service system. ELLWOOD and*' Bullock; PRIMEAU, Roma* ................103 141 4—3 0 0 I L'An» Crtuaa OOT 0M 0-0 3 1 I PAYNE and Standfast; LIECKFELT and Swoffer Kettering ... McCLOUD and McLtan;'WADSWORTH Gary tytn carded a 37 and teammate Bill Scott fired a 38 no mo 0—4 71. sparjk Bloomfield Hills to a — ooo o-o s 4 167-168/victory over West Bloom-a ""'DTU fie|d ypt Pine Lake Country Club yestnrday. •—it 1* 11 Bill Joysey led the Josers with . — — ..... and Hill; |._ A | BURKERT and Simmon* j a 40. Transmission GRAND OPENING Jj$ MIDAS SPECIALlA THIS IS WHAT YOU GET: ^ • Ramov# tha pan * Clean tha scraan * Replace pm gaokM • Renew FREE CHANG! — mm malHCLUDING rncc *and and rnCB LINKAGE ™ •“ ■—ADJUSTMINT 1990 WIDE TRACK DR. W. A» the South Kntf of Wife Track , i 1 IN PONTIAC 3344727 The suit! ponderous 67-page document naming the director of Selective Service and 29 others as defendants, was Hied Tuesday. Judge Hannay agreed to listen to Clay’s lawyers,' Hayden Covington of New York -and Quin-nan Hodges of Etouston. Court Triumph ! Waterford’s tennis team broke into the win column yesterday I afternoon by downing W a lied Lake, 4-1. I WATERFORD 4, WALLED LAKE 1 Rhpter, 6-3, 4-1. t Burke and Eggarlck*, 4-4, 4-2. singled with two out ninth. Two days later, Baltimore’s Steve Barber went into Die ninth with a no-hitter against California before yield-iiig a one-out single by Fregosi. FIRST YEAR In 1962, Jackson’s first year with the New York Mets, the slender sinkerballer fired a one-hitter against Houston, giving up a first-inning single to Amal-fitano before slamming the door. Aspromonte broke up the nohit bit Tuesday night with a line shot to left. Otherwise, Jackson who came to St. Louis in a 1965 winter trade and posted a 13-15 record last year, was in complete > command. He walked, three and struck out three lit' hiking his early-season record to 2-1. .While Jackson was pinning Houston- with its ninth straight loss, Juan Marichal won for the first time in four decisions, scattering seven hits in the Giants’ 6-1 victory over Cincinnati. ‘ » ih -other National League games the New York Mets edged the Chicago Cubs 2-1 in 10 innings behihd rookie fom Seaver’g four-hitter; Pittsburgh whipped Philadelphia 7-3 and Atlanta rocked Los Angeles 7-1. Seaver singled for the Mets in the 10th inning, took secopd on a sacrifice and third on a wild pitch, and scored the winning run on A1 Luplow’s Single, The Cubs had tied It ih the ninth When Don" Kessinger scored from second on a two-ouf error by shortstop Ken Harreison. Willie Stargel! lashed a homer and single, drove in four runs and led the Pirates past Philadelphia. Reliever Billy O’Dell blanked ttie Phillies over the last 41-3 innings to earn the vic-tory. Beacon H... Top Toogary __ DAILY DOUBLE: en Kin Success Zore - l.M 2.00 2.20 'J-" •“(Winter Hanover L60 3.00 6 80 ffl Royal Abbedale 4.30 ■rr«r BIGHTH-«I3M| CONDITIONED PACE Error coupled sea, Brvln, 30.40 33.40 11 ' 7.30 4.00 2.00'n Magic Realm Another Brother Dos Equls ‘ NINTH-41700; CLAIMING, 11/10 Milas TWIN DOUSLEt (4-10-5)1 Wolverine Entries THURSDAY Claiming Pace IORSE. DRIVER PPGRRRPHMIG I io.go t oo '' Armada Gold M.M I NINTH-01400; claiming pace sea Ddan MacOvtf -1103 7.40 4.03 3.40 3*5? Jon's Pride s.60 4.00 jQeorola Joyce 1.00 * ♦ h Eastern Michigan Nature Association officials wfll greet visitors at Andersonville school starting at 2 p.m. The school is located on Andersonville Road between Davisburg and White Lake roads. ' * * »★ EMNA purchased over 160 acres of the big Andersonville swamp and will preserve it in its “natural state,” There will be a display and slide showing at the school and a mile and a half guided walk along the new nature trail. The last field trip will leave the school at 6 p.m. Participants are urged to wear rubber boots and, if the weather is warm, bisect repellent. It is recommended that those ’people who qilan to explore off the nature trail bring compasses. Conservation Department game men are asking Michigan outdoor users to be woodcock and waterfowl watchers this spring. They wartt to pinpoint the nests of these migratory bids. * * a* This is tied to the annual woodcock banding program and census. Location of active duck or goose nests should be reported to the Conservation Department’s Pontiac Lake district office. “We don’t expect people to go looking specifically for nests,” said Howard Greene, distriri game biologist. “But if they should happen to run across one, we would like to know the exact location. “Under no circumstances should they touch the nest er any eggs to it.” For those willing to furnish leads on woodcock sighting*, Visitors are welcome to tour the nature center at any time, according to EMNA officials. The entrance, by foot, is off the end of Ware Road. game men advise tiiat the buds’ from late April through early peak hatches usually occur May to the southern Lower Peninsula. EARLY MAY Normally, most of the birds’ young are hatched during the first half of May to the North-mu Lower Peninsula and week to 10 days later above the Straits. ★ -a ★ Mushroom pickers to particular are urged to he on the lookout for woodcock because the "birds are often found nesting to lowlands where morels grow. ★ ★ ★ Locations of woodcock nests and broods should be reported to Department game biolo ‘ at field offices. Banding of the birds will be carried out by some game men and private cooperators who, with special permits, will use experienced woodcock hunting dogs for this work. Hie schedule of Sohinar Periods, as printed below, has been taken from John Alden Knight’s SOLUNAR TABLES. Plan your days so that you will! be fishing in good territory or1 hunting in good cover during these times, if you wish to find the. best sport that each day has to offer. A.M. P.M. ....... m Psd.fe.Tsi 6.50 x 13 61-86 7.75x14(7.50x14) $1.88 8.25X14(8.00X14) $2.05 7.75x15(6.70x15) $1.88 •Size shown alia raptaeee alia In parenthesis Slit* Blackwall Tubalass Plus Fad. Ex. Tax and old lira „ 6.00x13 < 618.00 $1.81 7.78x14 (730X14) 821.60 82.21 8.28x14 (8.00x14) $24.60 $2.38 Speculative Scandal? YOUNG COMMUTERS - A group of about 100 kindergartoers from Anderson* ville Elementary, 10350 Andersonville, Springfield Township, climb aboard the Grand Trunk Western commuter train in Pontiac yesterday afternoon for a trip to Holly. The excursion was part of a study on trains for the Clarks ton School District youngsters, who were accompanied by parents and teachers. ries cm Oakland Coun-reekly in The Pontiac searching through his*. current affairs. school Downtown Oxford Gets Major Boosts OXFORD — Off-street parking for village shoppers and a future renewal Of the downtown shopping area were given major boosts here last night at a Village Council meeting. ★ * * . The impetus for off-street parking came from Richard Me* daugh appearing before the council as a representative of the Chamber of Commerce Medaugh informed the council of a plan prepared and backed by downtown iper-chant members of the Chamber which would provide two such parking lots, paid for on a special assessment basis by merchants. He proposed the division of the shopping area into a southwest section bounded by Burdick to Mechanic and along Hudson streets and a southeast section encompassing Stanton to Burdick and along Mill streets. rate of 50 per cent toward total square footage of land and 50 per cent toward total square footage of the building, including a separate ratio for basement and second stories. Village Manager Robert Smalley was ordered to prepare cost specifications on the project. The council aiso approved a workable program for urban renewal of four blocks In the downtown shopping area and Instructed that it be submitted to the Dej&rtfoent of Housing and Urban Renewal. a . ★ * To implement the plan a new housing codeand a fire prevention code were passed. The ordinances, passed under an emergency clause of the charter, provide for enforcement of regulations., 1 FIRST OF KIND The village has never before had a housing code, according to Smalley, and its fire preyen-code was a watered-down Ion of the new one. -Battle of Bands' in Shelby Friday SHELBY TOWNSHIP - A 'Battle of the Bands” dance is scheduled from 7 to 10 p.m, Friday at Shelby Junior High School. Proceeds will help the _ , -. P _________... . student body in its project to tavolved in the propoaM°n is ra|gefund,f6r Tar»ania schools, the razing of seven buildings. ± * * ASSESSMENT RATE The winning band will be A formula proposed for pay-awarded at $75 prize plus the ment involved assessment of the bid to play at the annual grad-businesses in the areas at the uatipn dance. First reading occurred on two other ordinances, providing for stricter control of dogs and an amendment to the nuisance regulation. Smalley reported the cost of extending the village^ municipal water system into three streets of the Willow-First Street area at an estimated $20,200. He was instructed to draw up a special assessment poll and set a public hearing date. ' % * In other business the council appointed Henry LaDouceur to 3-year-term on the Village Zoning Boafd of Appeals. - I Wider range olf prices than ever from $2410 (for youthful budgets!) to $4869 (for Toronado aficionados!) And 21 Youngmobiles are actually priced below $2920! I Wider range of young-fashioned features—including a full roster of standard safety items on every Youngmobile! I Wider range of piodels! From young-and-eager F-85s and 4-4-2s to spirited Ninety-Eights! 36 Rocket Action Youngmobiles to choose from! N EQUIPMENT. STATE AM INN. TMEf AOOITIONAO. Wins ME MANUFACTURER'S SUBSISTED RETAIl PRICES Ml INCLUDE FH^l. EXCISE TAX Ml SUGCESTEI DEALER IEIIVERT Ml IMDINC CHARGE (EIMSPIRTATUN CHARGES. ACCES! ©VISIT YOUR OLDS DEALER’S TRANSPORTATION CENTER THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1967 C—* LAKE ORION—The current series on ty communities now appearing weekly ii Press has been the result of much tory books as well as a report Oto i Unfortunately, space doesn't always permit lull usage of the tales uncovered by die reporters. Perhaps one of these early reports serves to prove that the IDs of than were not all evolved as a result of civflizadon—that the serpent was in the garden way back when. Back before Lake Orion had earned even its first name —Canandaigua—and its subsequent title of Dogways, it had already lived down its first recorded scandal ★ ★ ★ Old Oakland County records show that James Stillson, a traveling auctioneer, had in 1836 platted 40 acres and had a highly-colored view of it made, representing wharves, with steamers arriving and departing, public parks, graded streets, numerous fine buildings, mid all the appliances of a city." EXORBITANT FIGURES The history continues, “Taking his plat to the east, * he made fabulous representations of uie advantages which 1 this coming city of Michigan offered, and succeeded in | selling a number of lots at exorbitant figures. * “The remainder of the lots he offered at public sale in Detroit, and received a bid of six cents a lot for them. “Some of his Eastern purchasers came on to the supposed city, only to find it a bit marshy ground, with ,not the least sign of habitation.” ★ ★ ★ The history concludes, “Thoroughly disgusted, they left the country, and their city lots to whoever wished to possess them.” All of which might lead speculators to wonder whether this man Stillson was just a dreamer ahead of his time, or if he really was an out-and-oiit phony. At six cents a lot, he certainly wasn’t rich. Holly Plans Services for Annexed Section HOLLY—The Village Council ordered p 1 a n n 1 n g to provide services to the newly annexed land along the north boundary at last night’s meeting. Yesterday the County Board of Supervisors approved the taking of 416 acres into the present village limits, increasing the total area by about 40 per cent. It adds about 350 persons to the population of about 3,500. The council set up studies to service the area with street Principal Will Leave Post FARMINGTON - Harold Humble, principal of North Farmington High School for the past six years, has submitted his resignation, effective July 1. He has taken an overseas a; ■ignment for the next three years, as principal of a school in India. Prior to his present position, he was assistant principal at Farmington High School. He has been with tne district for 16 years. lighting, trash disposal, police protection, etc. The decision by the board of supervisors takes effect in days. The annexation was accomplished, despite protest by property owners'in the area, a state act of 1895 governing non-home rule villages. ★ ★ ★ The council also heard a request for rezoning property formerly used as a storage building for the defunct Detroit ■ tallic Casket Co. REZONING ASKED Walter Lentz asked that property on Sherman next to the railroad tracks be changed to manufacturing zoning so that a sale could be accomplished. , 4 The matter was referred to the village planning commission which meets tonight at 8 at the village hall. < Also on the planning commission agenda is a hearing on rezoning for a proposed apartment complex. Developers hopte to have about acres on Grange Rail, east of Patterson School changed from single family to multiple housing zoning. it 5% a trip to was part of a study School District re re accompanied by par- Advertising for Boiler Bids OK'd Street Lighting Authorized for Subdivision in Milford OXFORD — Schools Supt. Roger Oberg has been authorized to advertise for bids to replace boilers at the junior high school. Estimated to run between $16,000 and $20,000, the bids will be opened at a meeting MILFORD — Fairview Hills Subdivision will soon have street lighting but not the kind several have requested. The school board voted to purchase two bus chassis from Skalnek Find, Inc., of Lake Orioii at a cost of $3,488 per unit, providing tile units meet specifications. The purchase will bring the school fleet to a total of 17 buses.. ★ ★ ★ In other business the board reviewed district building needs, and heard & report from graduating seniors regarding their recent class trip to Bermuda. * * * ■ Accreditation from the North Central Association was refer the senior high school. TW-Village Council has voted to install wooden poles with overhead wiring. Several residents had requested that ornamental poles with ^underground wiring be installed. Village Manager J. S. Brophy Son of Rochester Woman Gets Post’ ROCHESTER — The appointment of Oary R. Frink, son of Mrs. Wayne C. Frink, 323 W. Fourth, as staff director and consul of the House Postal Facilities and Modernization sub-committee, was announced yesterday in Washington, D.C. ★ * ★ Frink, a 1963 graduate of the University of Michigan Law School, served as legislative assistant to Rep. Weston Vivian, D-Mich., during the last Congress. •k 4t -k Frink, 34, now lives in Alexandria, Va, - said the lights will be installed within a couple of months. ★ A ★ The council also authorized Brophy to hire a part-time policeman for the summer months, May through September. HEAVY WORKLOAD He said the work load is becoming too much for the department particularly in the summer when there is a problem with loiterers hanging around Main Street. Huron Junior Highs Go to Split Sessions — Junior high students In the Huron School District will be to school on an extended program next year until a elementary schooj is completed. The plan, adopted by the of education last night, considered^ the best of sev-plans which bad been un-consideration to ease an space problem the If of the next school Under the emergency plan, from Highland Junior and Muir Junior High will attend Muir. Elementary children scheduled to occupy the new elementary school will be housed at Highland Junior High until their building is completed, scheduled now for the start of the second semester. Pupils from one junior high will attend school for five hours in the morning and those from the second will attend for five hoursjn the afternoon. Only the lunen hour and study halls will be eliminated from the normal schedule, ★ ★ ★ Gerald Kratz, administrative assistant, explained that the plan would enable the staff, administration and pupils to remain intact. FEW PARENTS At last night’s meeting, attended by only a few parents, the administration explained the disadvantages of several other.plans which had been considered. A suggestion that pupils be housed in some empty Waterford School District buildings was rejected because it would require the purchase of at least three new school buses, and 270 pupils would have to be transported 14 to 18 miles on M-59, considered to be a dangerous road. Pupils would have to be housed in four different locations 18 miles apart, and the staff and pupils would have to operate under Waterford’s administration and school calendar. ★ it it Portable classrooms were rejected , because of their high Church Project Said Completed ROCHESTER — Air-conditioning of St. Philip’s Episcopal Church and offices in its edu-ucational building were completed recently. ★ ★ ★ A gift of Mrs. Charles B. fler of Bloomfield Hills, Mr. and Mrs. Langley Smart of Rochester and others, the unit is a memorial to Charles B. Stiffler who died last September. Benefit Slated ROCHESTER - Chapter 14 of the Blue Star Mothers will conduct a benefit and bake sale starting at 9 'a.m. Friday at the Avon Township Hall. cost, the fact that there would be no reserve space and that they would require large classes. When it came time to return to a normal schedule, additional staff would have to be hired “at one of the worst times for hiring.” 6-DAY PROGRAM A unique six-day program suggested by a resident last month was also rejected. Administrators explained that there would be extreme difficulty in getting elementary teachers to work on Saturday and that it would also be .hard to staff the bus runs. Pupils from a given family might have different days off and cause parental pressure, and poor attendance on Saturday would be anticipated. The plan would also cause a 12 per cent increase in transportation costs and a 25 per cent increase in custodial costs, according to officials. Saturday attendance would conflict with other activities such as scouts, recreation and Saturday religious instruction. Cheerleaders Win at Regional WALLED LAKE — Eighth grade cheerleaders from St William’s School recently were chosen as regional winners in preliminary competition in Detroit. They also paced as second runner-up ih citywide finals. The girls on the team are Debra Hardy, Jean Alford, Kathleen Barbera, Barbara Bren-necke, Jennifer Elliot, Denise Hewitt, Sue Earner and Cecilia Welsh. 21 Youngmobiles below <2920 (The Youngmobiles from MdsmobHe.* beautiful buy!) T THIS PONTIAC"PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1967 US. CHOICE TENDER AY U.S. CHOICE TEN DERAY lUSDAl CHOICE ONLY TOP GRADES OF GRAIN - FED BEEF ARE SELECTED FOR KROGER TEN-DERAY STEAKS/ ECONOMICAL, SAVOKY FEAST THAT’S EASY TO COOK/ COUNTRY CLUB POINT CUT FLAVOR-SEAL-PAC ALL BEEF FLAT CUT COUNTRY CLUB SKINLiSS WIENERS GORDON’S ROLL PRE-SEASONED OVEN-READY 1-LB ROLL TOP VALUE - STAMPS ' WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE 1 OF 2-LBS OR MORE OF PORK CHOPS . YOUR CHOICE KROGER VAC PAC l-LB S»< FRENCH BRAND 1-LB 574 SPOTLIGHT ■ 1-LB S5< Vo/M thru Sun., Apr. 30, 19(7 at Kroger Dot. I East. Mich. , Limit ana Coupon.. KANDU LIQUID WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES, PRICES AND ITEMS EFFECTIVE AT KROGER IN DETROIT i EASTERN MICHIGAN THRU SUNDAY, APRIL 30, 1967. NONE SOLD TO DEALERS. COPYRIGHT itoT-THE KROGER CO. lOqppB® WITH COUPON Aj^D $5 PURCHASE FRESH 0OLDEN BANTAM ASSORTED FLAVORS-LIQUID INTENSIFIED SWEET AND BUTTER-TENDER...PICKED AT THE RIGHT MOMENT/ BIRDS EYE FROZEN SWEET BIRDS EYE FROZEN WHOLE GREEN BEANS.... BIRDS EYE FROZEN B^fiY MENNEN ANTI-PERSPIRANT A SPRAY DEODORANT. MENNEN DEODORANT SPEED STICK.......... PUSHBUTTON U.S. NO. 1 ASSORTEDTgA OR . 2-OZ WT. STICK MENNEN AFTER SHAVE VALUABLE COUPON COUNTRY CLUB BEEF, CHICKEN OR TURKEY BE SURE TO REDEEM THE 2ND WEEK COUPONS FROM YOUR MAILER COUPON BOOKLET FOR ADDITIONAL SAVINGS AND TOP VALUE STAMPS 1 11,SO OFF With Mailed Booklet Coupon On Royal Court China dv Place Plata Sotting (Dlnnar Plata, Broad • Buttar Plata, Cup £ Saucor). Rag. S3.49-S1.99 With Coupon. 2 SI. SO OFF With Mol lad Booklet Coupon On Royal Court China 3 Ploco Add-On—Sat (Coupo Soup, Salad Plato, Dttiort Dlth) Rag. S3.49-S1.99 With Coupon. 3 204 OFF With Mailed Booklet Coupon On Section No. 2 Rand McNally Aflat. Rag. 994-794 With Coupon. A SO EXTRA TOP VALUE STAMPS With *T Purchase Of S2 Or Mara Pranan Poods. 5 SO EXTRA top VALUE STAMPS with Purchata of Ono Pkg. Royal Viking Pastry. 6 50 EXTRA TOP VALUE'STAMPS With Purchata of Any 2 Pounds Sliced Bacon. 500 FREE TOP VALUE STAMPS SAVE for VALUE COVERALL ON PAGE 2 OF KROGER’S MAILED BOOKLET FOR EXTRA TOP VALUE STAMPS 15-COUNT PACKAGE FROZEN POT PIES "IS PURE GRANULATED PIONEER SUGAR 5 49 Birds eye BAYS BRAND 7 ' ENGLISH MUFFINS.........i.<" 19 KROGER DELICIOUS FRUIT COCKTAIL...........ETd* TASTY SNACKS MOTTS I BUGLES, APPLE I DAISYS OR SAUCE I WHISTLES 3^791^ 3-1 KROGER FLORIDA FROZEN ORANGE JUICE 6^69 PEANUT BUTTER.................2 69 KROGER PEAtH, CHERRY, BLUEBERRY OR STRAWBERRY PRESERVES..3 ;?*% *1 KROGER GRAPE, PLUM, ORANGE MARMALADE OR PINEAPPLE PRESERVES.......... A *1 sunrise FRESH ROYAL PARK BRAND IMPORTED HOLLAND GLADIOLUS BULBS PKG \ 0P12 MICHIGAN PEAT MOSS .......50 bag S94 MAGIC LAWN 1pr6-4 FERTILIZER........SO.?.*!** 0-7 THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1967 WHOLE OR HALF wKole TREAT THE FAMILY TO CRISP GOLDEN-BROWN FRIED CHICKENI Price effective et Kroger lit Pontiac Drayton Naim. Oxford and READY TO FIX YOUR FAVORITE WAY FOR YOUR FAMILY Oft GUESTSI YOUNG TENDER FINE FOR BARBECUE SERVE N’ SAVE COUNTRY STYLE ALL MEAT OR ALL BEEF FRES-SHORE FROZEN FRESH SPARE RIBS......,.69* ECKRICH FRANKSu 69* BREADED SHRIMP. .69* BETTY CROCKER CAKE MIXES.............. KROGER FRESH GRADE W HOMOGENIZED GALLON MILK.................=.*« COUNTRY CLUB SALTED ROLL BUTTER.....__________....“”69' KROGER OR' BORDEN'S PINT SOUR CREAM.............=39 EAT MORE GOLDEN ROLL MARGARINE......“=..1S 5 FLAVORS Hl-C FRUIT DRINKS KROGER MEDIUM SIZE GRADE 'A’ EGGS THREE A ROLL PACKS WHITE OR.COLORED CHARMIN TISSUE ■ ROLLS ■ KROGER OR BORDEN’S CREAMED COTTAGE CHEESE KROGER BRAND PINKJIPPI.I- GRAPEFRUIT DRINK 5«*l 45 DELICIOUS TOMATO "'[■ \ / CAMPBELL’S SOUP IT LIGHT CHUNK / \ STAR-KIST TUNA...:=.::.2T BYF 1-NUT BASY FOOI ■ *'V | FRESH | VlNERIPEl TOMATOES LB. lBSKT. | 5 SIZE ROYAL HAWAIIAN . PINEAPPLE...... >ee EACH 49* 100 SIZE EXTRA FANCY WINESAP APPLES DOZEN 79* 16 SIZE SPANISH MELONS OR 36 SIZE CANTALOUPES....»» 39* SWEET JUICY VINE-RIPE WATERMELON eaee HALF 69* I FURNITURE POLISH [KLEEN GUARD SUNSHINE BRAND TASTY KRISPY CRACKERS FOR DIAPERS * BABY CLOTHES IVORY SNOW..................2 81* SWEDISH MODERN DESIGN GLASS INSIDE DUZ DETERGENT.................&& 81* BATH TOWEL INSIDE BLUE BONUS.............. « »1” 25* OFF LABEL/ KING SIZE OXYDOL.........a-ozPKs *l°* GETS YOUR WASHES WHITER GIANT CHEER.................gfih 76* ANY 4 LOAVES MEL-O-SOFT BREAD OR KROGER BUNS I ■ Valid thru Sun., Apr. 30, 1961 Valid thru Sun., Apt. 30, 1967 _J U of Kroger Oat, A Coat. Ml eh. HjjN at Kroger Det. A East. Ml eh. TOP VALUE EATOP VALUE STAMPS 3U STAMPS WITH THIS COUPON OH ANY TWO PKGS KROGER BAG NUTS STAMPS WITH THIS COUPON ON ■ 2 CUT-UP FRYERS, ■ 2 PKGS FRYER PARTS OR ■ 2 ROASTING CHICKENS Valid thru Sun., Apr. 30, 1967 Valid thru Sun., Apr. 30, 79(7 , at Kroger Dal. A East. Mich. R*M at Kroger Pet. A East. Mich. I YOUR choice: assorted FRUIT TREES CONCENTRATED-LOW SUDS SALVO TABLETS...... moNe suds For dishes 1 1 JOY LIQUID........... FOR AUTOMATIC DISHWASHERS CASCADE............... 77 t ■ TOP VALUE STAMPS WITH THIS COUPON ON 2 PAIS PACKAGE JUBILEE HOSIERY LValid thru Sun., Apr. 3QT, 7967 of Kroner Dat. A East. Mich, imdimmmwmm m------- FROZEN BEEF ENCHILADA PATIO DINNER 49* 2-LB, ,3-OZPKG DT APPLE CHERRY PEACH 99 Each LOW CALORIE RED, GRAPE, ORANGE OR ROSY RED HAWAIIAN PUNCH ,-or. U-OZ CAN WMP DETROIT (AP) - A recall campaign has been mounted against City Councilwoman Mary V. Beck,' a sponsor of a movement t^tjeeall Mayor jet ome 1*. Cavanagp. > , -The Assocfartion for the Politl- I Beck, charging that die is try-1 . ing “to get widespread publicity for herself” by seeking the! , ouster of Cavaaagh. . \ Lawrence El Schulte, chair-1 man of the anti • Beck associa- * tion and a teacher in Highland | f Park public schools, described • his group as “a small number 8 of doctors, lawyers, teachers >, and professional people who apt the Playboy, and. it's easy in ev&fy soft ond silky Arnet* /Grtat look: vthe high crdw neck .jxjHover in luxuriously fibre that washes in a jiffy and never Tieeds ironing. Styled with a handy 'i chest pocket; in fine stripes of black, gold, or green—oil bn b white background, with solid trim on the neckline, sleeves and waistband. 'Sixes Small, Medium, targe and HHIHHfflHBf #••• i.''’■ Oer Pontiac Store Open tXtraT|afjrge ... .... ...... . . . . .I_5.95 Cvery Evening 9e0*M. Enjoy yourself. It’s lighter than you think. if youcan^pnjoy Four Poses^hen you muf t bi allergic doesn't lose its taste as the ice cubes melt. Four Roses to whiskey.T'hat’showMght ondsmoothM is. But, frankly, " doesn't. Because of our special costlier method of distil-it doesn t take genius to make a light whisldt^c lotion. The result is o lovely liquid that swallowjt light. The real challenge ial to make a light whiskey that yet doesn't get swallowed up. c~* THE PONTIAC PRESS. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26« 1007 City Is Seeking to Relinquish Health Services Savings to the City of Pontiac Of same $21,000 were envisioned last night as commissioners authorized City Manager Joseph A. Warren to request transfer of certain public health services from City Hall to Oakland County. Commission recommendation followed a report by Warren in which he spelled out details of a conference with Dr. Bernard Berman, director of the County Health Department. Warrea told commissioner* that Berman was agreeable to take-over by the county of * both die Alcoholism Information Center and operation* of three public nurses assigned to City Hall. Warren said the pr opos ed change, if accomplished by May 1, could save the city $12,-061 in this year’s budget. In addition, he said, transfer of the Alcoholism Information Center would save some $9,400 from the 1968 budget. SAME SERVICES Commissioners were told the proposal would not lessen services presently offered in the two areas to Pontiac residents. Both moves await final action by the County Health De- Stiff opposition from property owners spurred city commissioners last night to cancel pro* posed paving projects on two streets in southeast Pontiac. * * * Proposed for paving were one-block stretches of Adafns Street from Smith Jessie to Allen; and Allen Street from Osmun to Grand Trunk Western Railroad tracks. . Joseph E. Neipling, director of public works and service, estimated cost of the Adams project at $11,116 and of the Allen project at $15,556 with property-owner assessments in each case approximating $5,066. Spokesmen for opponents of the paving proposals said airs 3 standards of other thoroughfares to that area of the city. The commission also rescinded action it tart last week on a paving proposal to large number” of retired person living in the area would find assessments a financial burden. •# * * In addition, residents they were satisfied with the present gravel roads. lowerSstandards Neipling had presented, the two projects as an effort bring the streets up to paving Public hearing had been declared held and assessments were being readied for property owners on Fuller between First and Second following last Tuesday’s meeting/. v Last night, however, District 5 Commissioner John A. Dugan mpved to cancel the project, which had been opposed by several residents who feared paving of only a one block stretch of Fuller would not solve a dust problem in the area. ENDORSES CANCELLATION ‘There are those who feel we do the entire area,? Mayor William E Taylor JA noted, to endorsing cancellation el the propoeal. Commissioners asked Neipling to prepare estimates for cnrbipg, gutter and paving of Fuller from East Madison to East Columbia, as urged by ters last week. eeptod. Tbe affected are* todew from Wremi to Motor; Special assessment ndi for a one-block asphalt pavteg project on Grayton was unanimously ac- from Crestwood to Asterwood. * * * v, to addition, public bearings were scheduled for May 6 on proposals by Neipltog to construct two-inch asphaltic concrete on nine city streets which ware curbed last year. SIDEWALK WORK The nine are Peacock, from Jbsiyn to Fuller; Bennett Court, from Howard to Baldwin; Fil- Lookout from East Boulevard to Aster; Gage from Harper to Joslyn; Riker from Rundell to Garner; and three short stretches in die Mount Clemens-Cedar-Broadway area. ' * * * ■Commissioners also accepted bids on proposed sidewalk construction in northeast Pontiac, but referred the estimates to the department of public works and service for further study*] Don't .jinOT^ Mid •“SSEt*"*1 bv such handicap*. PAo*||Tl. an ifcallnetnun^oW.pow^iogPrtP- S4W.«isai!S- srass"sr,gygs. Dentur* that JSt MS to health. See your dentist iwpilsrly. Get FABTgETH at alldrugcountera. NU-SASH REPLACEMENT WINDOWS Pm EsttmstM Call 138-4036 County Board Backs Road Package a recommendation by Warren and fire Chief James E White to admit Madison Heights to a mutual.aid contract presently involving Pontiac and four South Oakland cities. Also to the pact are Birmingham, Hazel Park, Femdale and Royal Oak. All with the exception of Hazel Parte have endorsed inclusion of M a d i Heights, Warren said. ★ * Sr jlj City participation to die past has consisted almost entirely of mutual fire-fighting efforts with the Birmingham department. Cemmissiouers a c c e p t e d with regret the resignation of Rev. Philip W. liiips from the board of trustees of Pontiac General Hospital. In another hospital matter, further study was recommended on a request from iheJiospital board that the city purchase six parcels of land for eventual use as construction sites for intern housing. I I A $61-million road fund package was endorsed yesterday by the Oakland County board of Supervisors at about the same time it cleared the State Senate. Included in the proposed legislation, which now goes to the House, are a one-cent increase to the present six-cent state gasoline tax and an approximate 10 per cent boost to commercial vehicle weight taxes. ' Also included are restoration of the former 55-cent weight tax on passenger cars from the present 35-cent level and a change to the distribution formula for highway funds so Hat cities and villages will receive an additional 2 per cent. In other action yesterday, the supervisors registered opposition to a pending bill which woukj enable the state to arb&frity take $400,000 from the annual earnings of the Michigan Vet-eraHs Trust Fund. The move was recommended by the supervisors’ veterans affairs committee. PRESENTLY INELIGIBLE Supervisors concurred with another recommendation of this committee calitog for support of legislation that would aUow veterans of World War I and those who served after Jan. 31, 1955, to apply for benefits of the Michigan Veterans Trust Fund. Presently they are ineligible. In other action, the board presented a plaque of appreciation to Thomas C. Tiley, Commerce Tow as hi p supervisor, who announced his retirement after 10 years as a board member. A memorial service for Virgil C. Knowles, who died April 15, was conducted. Knowles was city manager of Oak Park and a member of the board of supervisors. Recall Drive Against Ma as independents and nonpartisan workers.’’ Charging that Mayor Cava-«agh tots failed to deal effec-Jth crime,. Miss Beck has boro joined in her recall campaign by salesman Mario A. Secco’s Committee for Good Government and the Rev. E. T. Bemthal, pastor of Epiphany Lutheran Church. They agreed Tuesday to consolidate separate campaigns info one to be led by Mbs Beck. Schultz said to a prepared statement announcing the campaign to oust Miss Beck^j'we. allege that sh* has used her elective office as a public forum to- carry on a personal, vendetta.” r 3-DAY r THURS., FRI. and SAT. Open All 3 Days 'til 9 |jw PIANO AND ORGAN SALE Used Trade-ins and Floor Samples at Great Savings! At DOWNTOWN Pontiac Store, 27 S. Saginaw Only! PIANOS Choice of MQ I Soamer *QQ 6 UPRIGHTS Tw 1 STUDIO PIANO VV 11 *190 IS SftQ TEACHER MODEL IVV 1 GRAND VV ORGANS SST/ho™ *49 Complete IwV 1SOLOROX TV Hammond IRA 1 Hammond tRA ET. *38*63 Reconditioned - $4 A A 1 seUA.MlB 1 1ST •U 19 S' ’SMI | Hammond SUV 1 ORGAN '£§* *3691 CONSOLE WV 1 MOQI FLOOR SAMPLE IVV ! lEvr *388 m *169 SDimrt*1* $9QQ I ORGAN bVV 1 Late Model CAIA LOWREV ORGAN *1/113 Orig. $1,200 V"VV ikTm,*. *599 1 SPINET ORGAN VVV I Hammond SMVH M Series *798 1 SPINET ORGAN IVV ■■ / ,, -j-Y R Buy on Convenient Extended Terms! Every instrument Guaranteed by Grinnell's. Choice of These and Other Leading Brand Names, .-re--..Downtown-Pontiac, 27 S. Saginaw St., FE 3-7168 W§... Make Wise Choice Freezer Meat The forequarters contains mors eats which stoxdd be pat roasted, stewed qr^grooMi. X Because they contain mote desirable cuts, hindquarters generally cost’mota per pound Man front quarters. For those who want particular cate or can’t mattlge such hope portions is a quarter of a beef, supermarket specials offer a good way to stock the freezer. Supplies are plentiful and prices favorable for just that right now, the Consumer and Ordinarily consumers need not be concerned with yield grades. Their benefit reaches you indirectly. But If you buy a carcass ‘or wholesale beef, yield grades can help you get more beef for your money. numerical grades* ranging from 1 (highest yield) to 5. (lowest yte)d). Higher-yield carcasses may cost a little more, but they will One way to be sure of this is to let the U.S. Department of Agriculture help. A hindquarter will provide more. steaks and oven toasts. Appetite Is a fickle tiling swayed by emotions and environments. Appetite is quickly depressed by fear, anger or worry. It is readily stimulated by pleasant surroundings and food which is colorful, carefully prepared and attractively served, ★ ★ ★ • The old phrase "eat with your eyes" still holds true. A meal that is hastily prepared and carelessly served lacks appetite appeal while even a simple mom that is correctly cooked and attractively presented becomes a feast Breakfast, the most important meal of the day, Is also the most frequently neglected For a few extra minutes of sleep, breakfast becomes a catch-as-catch-can affair. Yet it takes only a few minutes longer to prepare a balanced breakfast, and no extra time to serve it attractively. \ Paper Ptacemate have become a favorite for brighter breakfast tables. These handy disposable mats in a variety of py designs start the day brightly. In fact, there are four new additions to the already extensive line: red and white checks, geometric circles and flowers, a sunburst pattern, and a row of big bold flowers. Con your next box of pop-tarts]! Junior Food Is Used In Pie Filling Witt) a]} fids color on the table, breakfast needs little more than fruit juice, a soft-cooked egg, toast or sweet rolls and coffee. Grapefruit Julep % cup sugar 1% cups water 1 can (S ounces) frozen concentrated grapefruit juice If you’re like most hostesses no doubt you fry to make your company dinners extra special-more festive and more elaborate than usual. Thai when it comes to dessert tim^, everyone has to loosen their belts a notch to make room for the final fceat. Add sugar to water in saucepan. Bring to a boil, stirring to dissolve sugar; lower heat and simmer & minutes. Add grapefruit juice and ginger ale. Pour into freezer fray and freeze 2 to 3 hours. Do not stir. To serve, scrape with tip of spoon and put scrapings into a cocktail or juice glass. Garnish each serving with a sprig of fresh mint. Provide both straws and spoons as Julep wil melt as it is eaten. Makes four to five servinp. Maple Sticky Buns % cup firmly packed light brown sugar V* cup maple syrup 1 tablespoon butter or margarine 1(4 cups chopped walnuts 1 package refrigerator biscuits supply, this delectable dessert can be enjoyed by every member of the family. It's quick and easy to prepare. There’s no cooking or balking. You can make your cheese pie in the morning or even the night before and just chill in the refrigerator until you’re ready to serve it. Peachy Cheese Pie 1 (3 ounce) package lemon flavored gelatin / 1 cup boiling water 1 pound container cottage cheese 1 jar Junior Peach Cobbler 1 prepared 9” graham cracker pie crust 6 TARTS Place gelatin in mixing bowl. Add boiling water; using hand mixer on low speed mix until gelatin is dissolved. Add the coir tage cheese and one-half of the Peach Cobbler to gelatin. Blend until smooth. Pour Into pie crust. Let par-tialy set, then swirl, the remaining Peach Cobbler into the top of the filling. Place in the refrigerator and keep chilled until ready to serve. Yield: One 9-inch pie, 6-8 servings. Combine brown sugar, maple syrup and butter or margarine in saucepan. Bring to a boil over medium heat. Stir in chopped walnuts. Spoon into 10 greased muffin caps. Top with.refrigerator biscuits. Bake in hot oven (426 degrees) for 8 to 10 minutes. Invert pan imemdiately on serving plate. Cool 1 minute before removing. Makes 10 buns. Jwr WARM IN TOASTE* © 1967 by Kellogg Company V Pop dowa to your grocer’s wfththe coupon below worth 7t on a package of Kellogg’s Pop-Tarts. The new change-of-pastry with Smucker’s? pure fruit fillings...made of freshly preserved whole fruit ami placed inside a tender pastry crust. Your choice of 6 popular Pop-Tart Cherry and other pure fruit fillings, plus Brown Sugar-Cinnamon. SAVE Cherry Brown Sugar£inn*mon POP-TARTi on Kellogg’s POP-TARTS withJthis coupon at „ your grocer’s jt, PEACHY CHEESE PIE — An ideal dessert for any meal, Peachy Cheese Pie may also be served with coffee, tea or Milk as a fine welcome for unexpected guests. Topped with Mil of Junior Peach Cobbler, this taste-tempting treat is sun to add a festive touch to your dining THE PONTIAC PRESS. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 86, 1967 Tea [Party Food Has an i water; beat 2 minutes longer. Poor batter into prepared pans. ‘Bake about 40 minutes or until cake tests done. Cool in PWS 5 minutes before turning out onto racks. Meanwhile, prepare frosting. In top of double boiler, beat together egg whites, sugar, water, and cream of tartar. Place over boiling water; beat constantly with rotaiy or dee-ric beater until mixture forms stiff peaks (about 7 minutes). Remove from beat Add vanilla; beat until frosting is of spreading consistency. Fill and frost the cooled layers, then sprinkle top and sides with coconut. Makes about 8 servings. Canapes dr little open-face sandwiches are always a happy choice. These hayt an interest- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract % cup hot water v Frosting 2 egg whites IV* cups sugar (4 cup water V* teaspoon cream of tartar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 can (3% ox.) flaked coconut Serve on a big tray garlanded with flowers. . ICE CREAM IN BASKETS % cup maple syrup ' Vi cup butter Mi cup sifted flour 1 3 tablespoons sugar V4 teaspoon vanilla 1 quart ice cream choice. These hay* ing glaze on teem. CANAPES EN 4 18 2V4” scalloped v rounds % cup pineapple Juice 1 teaspoon lemon juice 1V4 teaspoon unflavored gelatine .. ,t Vl cup whipped cream cheese 1 4%-oz. can chicken spread white seedless grapes, halved or small melon balls—halved Toast bread rounds at 323 degrees about 30 minutes until uniformly golden brown. Cool. Combine Juices, stir in gelatine to soften, then dissolve over hot water. Chill until slightly thickened but still apoonable (3345 minutes). Spread bread rounds with whipped cream cheese, then with chicken spread. Top with grape or melon ball- Compare Oar Quality and Mass. IKY MEAN DOLLUS TO YOU! Dollars! Botobar Bay’s 001 c##kwl Bf BONELESS HlB1 hams yy Save today! ENGLISH Many a cook tlreg pf serving ted usual casssnda of baked beans or macaroni and cheese with baked bam. To make a switch In this good but time-tired combination, we’ve beat collecting ham go-alongs. Here, then, is Southern Pudding — the latest item on tee list It calls for cooked rice, canned creamstyle corn, grated Young Cooks Can Bake Dote-Nuf Cookies Home Freezer SPECIALS Home Freezer Beef at Carload Prices Custom Cut, Wrapped, Frozen and Delivered FREE % cup unsifted regular flour IVesh dates, pitted and edt up In medium or large mixer measuring ingredients wite fractional measuring cups — and every well-equipped klichen should boast a set of these. A small spatula (available at a dime store and of endless use to any cook) will allow boys and girls to do a good Job of leveling the sugar, salt and flour bowl using high speed of electric mixer, best together the eggs, sugar, salt and almond extract until thoroughly blended. FoM in the almonds, coaconnt and flour. 10 lbs. Canter Cut PORK, CHOPS 10 Ite. Guaranteed Tender BUTCHER BOY STEAKS 10 lbs. Carter Cut CHUCK ROAST 10 lbs. All-Beef HAMBURGER STEAKETTES 10 lbs. FRYING CHICKENS —1 AU. WRAPPED AND READY FOR YOUR FREEZER AND CARRY PAR utes or until golden brown. If necessary, allow to cool 4 minute to firm before removing with a wide spatula to wlra racks to cool. Makes about 3 ' Southern Pudding 3 large eggs V 3 cups cooked rice (see Note) 1 cup (Vi pound) grated Cheddar cheese I dan <1 pound, 1 ounce) 7 creamstyia goldw dprii ttcupmihcedjonion .v,; : a_/| I n THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1967 WAFFLES MELBA — Waffles with slices toast them before assembling the dessert, of vanilla ice cream, a peach half and rasp- Offer your guest a variety of toppings for berry sauce are a no-effort dessert. The wad- waffle sundaes — fruits, jams or sauces, fles come out of toe frozen foods counter; ■ COFFEE SAVINGS! HILLS BROS. OR CHASE & SANBORN .iH79 PURE STRAWBERRY AT IT'?BEST KRAFT PRESERVES 1 LB. 2 OZ. JAR CHUNK PACK LIGHT MEAT TUNA BREAST-O-CHICKEN 25 ict CAN ASSORTED FLAVORS! Hl-C FRUIT DRINKS CAN AMERICAN OR PIMENTO - DELUXE KRAFT CHEESE SLICES % 33* MR. PITT S GRADE 1 SKINLESS WIENERS FLORIDA SEEDLESS WHITE OR PINK 2171 LB. rLvnlUA bfcbULtbb Will It UK PINK / JUICY GRAPEFRUIT 6 i 39 < ASSORTED FLAVORS • MAPLf LEAF _ SMOOTH ICE CREAM ^59 itiat It HEY KIDS -- GO shopping with mom an’ have fun at ' farmer jack's again tnls weakl CuzzJn Cyrus will hold another big bubble gum contest—with prizes for the winners^ every hour on the hour-ln the stored where he’s... APPEARING: THURS., APR. 27TH MIRACLE MILE FRI., APR. 28TH DRAYTON PLAINS SAT., APR. 29TH PONTIAC MALL SUN., APR. 30TH GLENWOOD PLAZA •ffectto* »hru April DON’TFORGET-IT ISNT TOO LATE FOR.... Charter Membership In the farmer jack fan cjubl Pill out an official entry blank & drop It Ip the "Fan Club Basket"—when you visit Farmer Jack's! Look At This Bargain! FARMER MOTS IL S. CHOKE SIRLOIN STEAK - 88< Pre-cooked rice, a real time-saver binds, the dish together and adds satisfying bulk. A colorful and flavorful topping comes from Ulng of shredded cheese. Assemble Main Dish in Just Half an Hour On one of those days when tone seems to vanish, a quick, hearty skillet meal can save you. When brown *n’ serve sausage links are combined with a festive variety of canned com and tomatoes and seasoned with chopped onion, only a success results. „ Since toe sausage links ’ only need to be heated, they can be browned at toe same time toe onions are sauteing. The hearty, meaty flavor of the links will spark toe vegetables and provide essential nutrients for good healthy living. 1 tablespoon butter^ or margarine 14 cup chopped onion 2 cups pre-cooked rice 12 ounce can whole kernel com 1 pound can tomatoes 1% cups shredded Cheddar cheese Saute onion in melted butter. Add sausage links and brown. Add rice, com, and tomatoes. Cover and cook about 20 minutes. Add cheese and heat; until melted. Serve hot. Chuck Steak Can Be Tender Here’s a steak that will delight anneal! Marinate a chuck steak in this marinade ami you will find it tender as well as flavorful. Combine 1 can tomato sauce with mushrooms, 1-3 cup lemon juice, 1 teaspoon prepared mustard, 2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce, 14 teaspoon salt, 14 teaspoon pepper, 14 teaspoon basil' and a dash of Tabasco. Simmer, uncovered, for 10 minutes. Let cool and pour over chuck steak and marinate overnight. jBroil and serve with French | rolls and tossed green salad. SAUSAGE SKILLET MEAL — Convenience foods make this skillet dish a really fast operation. Brown ’n’ serve sausage links top a tasty mixture of rice, whole kernel com and tomatoes. There’s a bit of cheese in it too. During the 20 minutes skillet dish is cooking a tossed ■alad and dessert can be prepared. A crisp grfen salad will provide a texture contrast to the main dish. With convenience foods to aid you, a pudding, cheesecake, or Ice cream sundae topping can easily be prepared in this tone. Sausage Skillet Meal I ounce package brown »n’ serve sausage links Grab Mixes With Spaghetti Net yourself some family praise with this crab and spaghetti dish combined with flavor extras as varied and gay as! Mardi Gras. Crab Louisiane features! canned spaghetti in mildly sea-1 soned tomato sauce with cheese and flaked crab. Add toe magical seasoning powers of sliced mushrooms, chopped onion, pungent garlic, and colorful green pepper strips to create a glamorous main course. Complete your festive menu with buttered broccoli and a dessert of peach melba. P.S. Keep your pantry well stocked with canned spaghetti and canned seafood for perfect put-together meatless meals. Crab Louisiane • 1 can (2 ounces) sliced mushrooms, drained Va cup green pepper strips ^ cup chopped onion 1 smail clove garlic, minced Generous dash crushed-thyme 2 tablespoons butter or margarine 1 can (15V4 ounces) spaghetti hi tomato sauce with cheese! 1 can (7 ounces) crab, drained and flaked Dash pepper In saucepan, cook mtishroms, green pepper, onion, garlic, and thyme in butter until vegetables are teader. Add remaining ingredients. Heat; stir now and then. Makes 2 to 3 servings. Variation: Substitute 1 can (7 ounces) tuna, drained and flaked ot 1 ban (5 ouqpes) boned Chicken with broth, cut up tor drab. Cereal Snack It’s so easy to make your own, tpsty, crisp snack fpr TV viewing. Heat puffed rice in a shallow baking pan in preheated moderate oven for 10 minutes. Melt a little butter; add garlic irit or crushed garlic to taste. Pour over puffed tin, tossing 1 gently to coat kernels evenly. - ' $ % . V. bright bloomin' flower seeds from Camay (When you buy 2 bath or 3 complexion-size) jours for the gathering—lively marigolds, snappy zinnias. Two packs of seeds free when . youxbuy Camay—petite \ marigolds groW to 10* tall, rnim giant zinnias to 2Vi feet. MorijwMa Ziwwisn These spirited, sturdy favorites GwiflrMH will enhance any garden-charming in window * boxes, too. . Get your trot seed packs today, wherayar you sat this display. D P—4 THE PONTIAC PRESS. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 26, Combine Danish Cheeses These cheese dips have acter — hearty, emphatic, lusty character you can enjoy in a dunk when you soften and blend not one but two Danish cheeses, add sour cream or mayonnaise for creaminess and crunchy tras for bite. You’ll find five fine imported from Denmark at your market, each of them different In flavor and texture, each file best that Denmark, proud of its dairy products, has to offer. • Tybo is coated with red wax to protect its delicate texture and mildness. > • Samsoe conceals its nut-sweet, buttery flesh under a golden com of wax. • Esrom, a favorite for dessert, too, comes in a flat loaf, swelling slightly as it ripens and softens, growing more fragrant char- with age. Don't discard file gourmets consider it the best bit of all Havarti, cut from _ squared-off loaf, is a man’s cheese, perfect with beer. B begins life as a mild and gentle cheese, but if it lasts long enough Havarti develops a no-bust and hearty flajor. • Last (and first with many) is Danish Blue, chalky white and creamy of texture, streaked with the characteristic bluegreen mold that accounts for the unique “blue” flavor. Danish Cheese Dip with Vegetables 4 ounces Danish Blue Cheese (1 cup crumbled) 4 ounces Danish Esrom or Samsoe (1 cup shredded) 1 cup sour cream • radishes, Chopped 1 small green pepper, seeded and chopped * ★ ★ Let cheese stand at room temperature for 30 minutes to soften. Mash Danish Blue, Combine both With sour cream, beat well. Fold in chopped vegetables. Serve with cracker or fresh vegetable dippers, celery, ea- Danish Cheese Dip 2 ounces Danish Blue Cheese . (% cup crumbled) 4 ounces Danish Havarti (I cup shredded) 1 cup mayonnaise % teaspoon Worcestershire Sauce 12 small pimiento-stuffed olives Let cheese stand at room tom- Delightful dipping — two Danish cheeses combine fo create new and unusual party dips and spreads — real conversation makers! In each case, ope cheese is tangy Danish Blue Cheese, the other one of four fine distinctive cheeses also imported from Denmark: Tybo, Samsoe, Esrom and Havarti. Whole Pears Bake Nicely There’s no need fo peel pears for baking. Their tender skins are flavorful and help hold their shapes- Simply core the pears, fill file centers with sugar and top with a dab of butter. Place • small amount of water in fiw bottom of the baking dish and bake at 190 degrees about 45 minutes or until tender. For variety, use brown sugar or maple syrup for the sweetening in the centers of the pears or stuff them with chopped raisins or dates or nuts. For fancier baked pears, use a little dry sherry for basting and serve them with a fluffy custard sauce. Vegetable Medley Layers With Strips of Cheese It’s uncanny hoWv nm-of-the-meal vegetables become exciting in this calico-colored casserole. Canned camits,tomatoes sprinkled with ontongoup mix, mushrooms and gro^n beans peek Invitingly through a lattice-top of American cheese strips. This rewarding recipe will spark a family luncheon or supper. On a buffet table, it’s bound to get the conversation going. Vegetable-Cheese Medley 2 cups (1-lb. can) sliced carrots, well drained Rice and Onion, Too Put Lamb Cubes in Salad When there’s a little lamb; bowl. Mix left from a roast, what do youjon salad do with it? This is bound to|Makes 4 happen, you know, because legs of lamb are heavier than they used to be... from six pounds to nlm pounds in some areas ... and it’s not always possible to consume and enjoy every bit right down to the bone; I and chill. Serve if desired. vings. 16 slices (two 6-oz. pkgsJ pasteurized process * can cheese slices, 1-lnch strips 2 cups (l-fodan), well dr ained 2 tablespoons/one-half 1%-oz. x pkg.) ram soup mix % cup (44k. can) fancy sliced buttoymushrooms, drained 2 cupwflWi-oz. can) French-green beans, well drained ■ ★ ■ * > a lV«-quart casserole, layer ted vegetables and cheese strips as follows: sliced carrots, one-fourth of cheese strips; tomatoes sprinkled with onion soup mix, one-fourth of cheese strips; mushrooms, one-fourth of cheese strips; green beans. Arrange remaining cheese strips lattice-fashion over beans. dr ' ★ it Bake in a moderate (SSMe-gree) oven 20 to 29 minutes, or until cheese melts slightly and vegetables are thoroughly heated. J\ iL/To Ideally, this cooked should make another meeL/io serve it hot, make it top * curried dish, or a casserole with vegetables, ft serve it cold, consider a salad. A salad which he* grown in ppptdarity in recent years Is mat made with rice and cooked meat or fish. Toss cubes of cooked lamb wifii cooked rice ' Hm ||ttm cooked rice / . . He kind .. .add* red onion end d ley, and pour ov I chopped pars-• over it one of the good bctfl found on the market A little lemon Juice and salt and pepper will then bring out the best in all. L*mb and Rice Itolad 2 cups cold cooked rice 2 cups cubed coded lamb % cup chopped red onion % ciq> chopped parsjey,' 1 medium tomato, diced H cup bottled Italian salad H 1 © LAMB AND EICE SALAD — American lamb is the best you can buy, and now when Milk-fed firing lamb i« at the meat counters you should'enjoy it both roasted and cold In a salad. Serve it with spring greens for a real treat. Ur-— 2 tablespoons lemon Juice Salt and pepper Combine all ingredients in Needs Suga r Add a touch more sugar to muffin or hot bread batters if your last bitch turned out coane and foil of tunnels. As the amount of sugar is increased, the danger of these defects is decreased. Sugar makes you a tod hand at hat breads! | Wt Clfion Attractive Clothing § for the Entire Family and Household Items too. | Keego Resale Shop I ' Hon,-|*t im perature for 20 minutes to soften. Mash Danish Blue, combine with Havarti. Add mayonnaise and Worcestershire, Mend well. Chop olives, reserving a few to use as garnish, fold into dip. Danish Cheese Dip With OUyes 4 ounces Danish Blue Cheese (1 cup crumbled) 4 ounces Danish Tybo (1 cup shredded) % city heavy cream 1 tablespoon prepared mustard 1 teaspoon paprika Let cheese stand at room temperature SO minutes to soften. Mash Danish Blue, add Tybo. Add cream’ and blend well. Season with mustard and paprika. Serve as a dip with potato chips, snack cradkers, or hot cocktail frankfurters. Makes 1 % cups. {lack Sugar Tunis Into Licorice Candy “Black sugar” is a juice extracted from the root of the European licorice plant Like brown and white sugar, It Is But unlike pure sugar, which is refined from both cane aid beet plants, Made sugar has a slightly astringent flavor. Because of fids, licorice Is either loved or loathed—no half-way about it. Blade sugar, sometimes called Spanish juice, is evaporated, mixed with starch to prevent melting, and dried for months before ft becomes licorice candy. Sold in sticks, cbfoa, rounds and other shapes, sometimes Individually wrapped, licorice Is a ADDITIONAL SAVINGS IN CASH! Harvest White Sliced BREAD S£ 89' Premium Quality Enriched MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE lUflular, Drip or Fint Fork Grinds VACUUM PACKED "flood to tho Loot Drop1* Pound Can 69' STM-KIST CHUNK TUNA 4 3? 99* 1IXM JUMBO SIZE 4 YELLOW ONIONS * I Qc CALIFORNIA SWEET LARGE, LUSCIOtjS Strawberries JUST HOURS FROM CALIFORNIA BERRY PATCHES Quart Box 55* DESSERT SHELLS 2^45' IIYGRADE BALLPARK FRAMES & 69e CampbelVs PORK AND BEANS 12° Lb. Can Farmer Poet's PURE PORK SAUSAGE m. j|Qe KAISER Aluminum HEAVY DUTY FOIL 25’X18” JOC Roll 40 Miller Rd, Dairy Half ’n’ Half PINTOARTOM 19' Ideal Slicing CUCUMBERS EACH, |0° INDIAN RIVER Marsh Saadlass Grapefruit WHITE j T 10 Farmer Peefs Smoked HAMS 45' Whole «.. .Lb. Center Slices C *78' With a Fresh Country KUehen Flavor “TOP O’THE GRADE” FRESH, TENDER FRYERS CUTUP 265 295 HELLMANN’S REAL Mayaaaaise 59* MADE WITH FRESHLY BROKER WHOLE EQOS FOR FIRER TEXTURE ARO FLAVOR! Quart Jar MAROARINI 2^79° FARMER PEEPS Sliced Cold Cuts MURED LUNCHEON, II Pkg. 68* DUTCH LOAF . . .. .lb. Pkg. 63* PICKLE & PIMENTO, Ik Pkg. 59* VEAL LOAF ..... NL Pkg. 69* PORK LOAF......R. Pkg. IS* MAMROi & CHEESE, lb. Pkg. 89* OUVE Pkg. 63* Chef’s Delight LOAF SPREAD 2 fc 43 Swiff» Premium O k QQt V Cm Ov OPEN WEEKDAYS 9 AM. to9P.U. OPEHSWATS IDJJLtoDHL 1249 BALDWIN RD^ P0HI1AC FREE! TERRY’S FR02B Chili With Beans 1-lb. Box 1 2-Lb. Box w49#| r90* ITALIAN BRAVY WITH BEEP Me* ike. Mb $169 Mtf.2-A.0w | . n,T MpM* A*. DM thfntat., April 21,1 Ml. 48075 VAN DYKE Rl., UTICA t THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 36, 18B7 Refuses to Commit Himself on LBJ Doing a Good Job, Says Reuther By A.F. MAHAN DETROIT (AP) - Walter P. Reuthmr believes President] Johnson "in general is doing jj! good job under extremely difficult circumstances,” but the United Auto Workers’ leader re-fuses to commit himself on who he’ll support for the presidency In 1968. U AFL - CIO President George Meany several weeks ago cbm-mitted himself to support the President’s reelection. ★ * * "Pta not prepared to speculate about the political situation in 1968," Reuther nays, adding: “One of the things that bothers me is one dayf some people In the labor movement condemn the Democratic party and the next day go on a love spree (with it) that’s rather reckless.” He views commitment this far in advance as “not good labor policy.’f . . PHILOSOPHY STRESSED Reuther underlined this philosophy several times at the UAW’s Detroit convention last week. The UAW chief anticipates the Vietnam War will have “nothing to do with our endeavor to get economic equity” from the automotive Big Threw-GOneral Motors, Ford and Chrysler—in new contract bargaining opening early July. A ★ ★ * “No corporation to going to hide behind Vietnam,” he says. IH they try they’ll be hiding behind an illusion.” Reuther’s views were expressed when a reporter pointed out Meany’s commitment of sup, 'port for Johnson and jokingly asked Reuther if he were pre- pared to commit himself to Re-j publican Gov. George Romney of Michigan. HEARTY LAUGHTER Romney is an unannounced candidate for the 1988 Republican presidential nomination. Reuther’s Detroit-headquartered union unsuccessfully has supported Democratic opponents in Romney’s three bids for the Michigan governor’s office. When the question of support ■ tog Romney was posed, Reuther threw back his head and laughed heartily. He did the thing when quickly interjected: "What about (Sen.'Robert F.) Bobby Kennedy (D-N.Y.)?” "You’re not serious, so I won’t give you a serious answer,” replied the leader of a union with 1.4 million potential votes. "It so happens I have a very friendly and cooperative relationship with the President of the United States,” he said, then he thought President Johnson to "generally doing a good job under extremely difficult circumstances.’' X ftwAG/Upticwi, Speaca0c&t4- Bloomfield Miracle Mila Shopping Cantor. S. Telegraph Tel-Huron Canter, S. Telegraph - Rochester 1451 N. Main Pbntiao Mall Shopping Center, N. Telegraph. MORI and MORI PEOPLE ARE BRINGING THEIR PRESCRIPTIONS to CUNNINGHAM’S LET US PRICE AND fill TOBRiHHtt~r~' PRESCRIPTION! AMAZING RECORD OFFER 12 GREAT STARS 12 GREAT HITS or one record for only Julio Andrews CydleGorme Johnny-Mathie Top* Sennet* ' Robert Goulet ^ Nbw Christy Minstrels R»y Conniff Bobby Hackett v Barbra Straitens Tha Brother* Four > Sttvt liwrenc#- Jerry Va It DECORATOR T.V. OR TABLE LAMPS Modern fashions tor the home. Decorator styled shades, polished wood legs. Assortment. DECORATED COFFEE BREAK MUGS Sturdy cups decorated With assorted frontier days scants. GILLETTE SUPER 1 STAINLESS BLADES - 15 s - REG. 1.9S 1 ICO ICO GLEEM toothpaste 4 6% 0Z. FAMILY SIZE - REG. 95« M i7 BUFFERIN 1 83 TABLETS - 225 s - REG. 2.59 | Citrate of Magnesia 1 HH oz. BOTTLE - REG. 29« 1 171 D—« ADDAS YOU 60/ FULL PRICE PROTECTION FOR THREE YEARS $un Control EXCLUSIVE < > CUSTOMER PLAN COMI IN...OR CALL US OPIN SUNDAY 10-4 r.M. DART 14 P.M. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD AT SUN CONTROL NOTHING DOWN-UP TO 7 YEARS TO PAT , W5 tffinssi!!!* Call FE sew y Eight MR. IPapMMBWt IH Mile West of Telegraph East Side l Detroit iDownriver j| ______________ I’BBIO I 444-12111AV. 5-95951 Royal Oak EL 7-27001CH. S-4261 1*4784*1 .?WNNi MHRH POIfTlAC FRE8S, ^pjapNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1067 Its a Pleasure to Shop and Save at Its a Pleasure to Shop and at EAST BLVD. corner PERRY •ELIZABETH LAKE RD. it HURON BOTH STORES OPEN DURING COMPUTE RE-MODELING I ttisptelty Lake MJ Everyday Low Prices. •Friendly Service • Gold Bell Low Prices Service # FIRST OUT BLADE ROAST UahQI 1/2 GAL Peschke j> POLISH SAUSAGE... II Hygrade CORNED BEEF BRISKET Center Cut-U.S. Choice BLADE ROAST........ Round Bone-U.S. Choice SHOULDER ROAST. . ... Boneless US* Choice CHUCK ROAST...... JIFFY-White, Yellow, Chocolate CAKE MIXES JIFFY-White or Uncinate FROSTING MIX Hunt’s PORK & BEANS - White -100 Count PAPER PLATES Cherrie - 200 - 2 Ply- FACIAL TISSUE Country Kitchen FREE GOLD BELL STAMPS WITH ALL PURCHASES EXCEPT BEER, WINE, TOBACCO iDOWDALE We Always Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities of Merchandise STAR KVST VALUABLE COUPON DOUBLE Gold Bell GIFT STAMPS CHEESE SPREAD Velvet PEANUT BUTTER 12-Oz. Can With This Coupon and $5.00 Purchase (Except Beer, Wine or Cleamttee) Coupon Expires Sunday, April 30,1967 Umit 1 Coupon Per Customer , M 2-Lb. Jar Pink Doll I IRc APPLESAUCE ■ “ Can Campbell’s I TOMATO SOUP! IOV2-OZ. Can • KRAFT DETERGENT 1-Lb., 2-Oz. Pkf. Limit 1 With This Coupon .and $5.00 Purchase IQt.Jar MEADOWDALE FROZEN f H «?io ~ BIRDSEYE ^BIRDS El FMZEN lltfmZEn PEASll (CORN 10-Oz. Jar and Purchase of $5 or Moral Miracle Whip SalMDreewina wtm 1 ms coupon ■ land Purchase of PIwHwbS 10-OLfkg. I FREE GOLD BELL ttM^M Wilb Purchase of 1 Lb. or More of £f| FREE GOLD BELL | Oil Stamps With Purchase of 6 Pkd». or More of I GARDEN or FLOWER SEED Ifk FREE GOLD BELL ||| Stamps With Purohasa «f One or More Bogs of GRAPEFRUIT D FREE GOLD BELL Stamps With Purchase >r 3-Lb. Can or More ef HAI) or P1CIHC m FREE GOLD BELL III GtompBWHh Purchase ef 6 Cans or More of CAT or DOS FOOD i FREE GOLD BELL | Stamps With Purchase of 2 Lbs. or AAore of RACON * III Stamps With Purchase of 3 Pkg». or AAore of ' COOKIES ^ PEOPLE'S FOOD MARKETS SUPER MARKETS D—8 Jacoby on Bridge Ike test Bari would be the ( amkking of NORTH M A K J 7 ¥ AK1043 ♦ Q 10'6 j A 6 5 , Mi 1 WERT EAST at were responsible for the other five cases. For the size of the department - nine staff members — the number of dogs going through the Animal Shelter annually is staggering. * ★ ★ Last year alone, the department handled over 11,000 dogs: disposing of about 7,000, return-‘ to their owners, and selling 3,770. Bates admits, however, that getting the program established was not an easy task. ★ * * ‘At first we received a lot of opposition from sportsmen’: clubs and the Humane Society One aspect of the shelter that has received little public attention is the sale of dogs for research purposes. “There are times when we sell as many as 500 dogs a month to a broker who in turn sells them to hospitals,” said Bates. He is quick to point out that state and federal laws control the treatment of the dogs. ‘Tbe dogs serve a life purpose, and if they m treated I wouldn’t have any part of it" k k k Another indication of Bates’ own fondness for dogs is his refusal to allow his deputies to catch dogs with a weapon that fires an anesthetic dart. ‘MAIM OR KILL’ “It’s not practical,” he said. “It can easily maim or kill if it hits a vital organ." Recently Bate* has been kept busy helping answering phone calls and dispatching deputies. Most are complaints arising from vicious dog attacks on youngsters. ★ * * At one point following an attack on an Independence Township boy, deputies were more than a Week behind in answering reports about stray dogs. RESPECT FOR NEIGHBORS “I doubt whether unlimited personnel would solve the problem,” said Bates. , “People should have more respect for their neighbors. They kick a dog out of.the house about 4 p.m. and thats when we start getting the calls.” VETERAN VET — A new arrival at the Oakland County Animal Shelter is inspected being placed by the director, Dr. Frank R. Bates (right), retiring Jtily and one of his deputies, Don Starr, before the county. Pantile Praia Photo by Half Wintor with other stray dogs. Bates is 1, ending 14 years’ service with Initiated Rabies Control" Program T D—10 THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2*. 1967 '/ Had Rhythm' —-—* ....... Supertransport Blues By DICK WEST United Press International WASHINGTON - People whose Job it is ^to worry about such tilings have begun to worry about what ef*< feet the forth-! coming supersonic transports may h a v e on c i r cadian rhythm. Don’t try to] pretend you] don’t have c i r cadian1 rhythm. Of course you do. All creatures have it. Some more than others. Many insects have mysterious known as biological clocks, which regulate their lives as punctually as those tiny little time pills on television. We human beings don’t go quite that far, ;but our daily WEST •rapists Ihm Start at 1 Ml f j* jus? aag» BfeSwnwftU* i9B NOW SHOWING PAUL CONNIE MAUREEN Uvea are to some extent governed by natural cycles. ' *-■ ★ 'dr . When supersonic transports come into being, we will start crossing time zones at unnatur-speeds, racing forward into tomorrow or backwards toward yesterday. RHYTHMS DISTURBED The concern is that this may disturb our circadian rhythms, causing us to become confused “ >riented. Even more than we already are. To illustrate the problem, if it actually is a problem, I have invented which probably has no mien-if foundation but which may indicate the sort of thing we will be getting into. Gladstone Chumbley, the new U.S. ambassador to Japan, created an international incident in Tokyo tonight shortly after his arrival from Washington. ♦ ★ w Chumbley was welcomed at the airport by Japanese Foreign Minister Hiho Hohi and invited to dine at the celebrated Kami-Hilton. He was the first Western diplomat ever to be so honored. SOMEONE BLUNDERED hi the ancient dining room, where sacred Japanese dishes have been served since the time of the Kamakura Shogunate, Chumbley made an unforgive-able blunder. He ordered ham and eggs. | The foreign minister, seeking to atone for Ms guest’s faux pas, Immediately seized a cheese knife and committed hara-kiri, as did three geishas and a troup of kabuM dancers. The incident is expected to bring a protest note from the Japanese government, kabuki dancers being hard to replace. * tf j was circadian rhythm acting up again,” Chumbley said later when asked to explain his conduct DISORIENTED He said the long flight from Washington, during which nu- ai supersonic speeas, caused him to become disoriented in the Orient. . ★ ‘I thought it was breakfast time,” Chumbley said, "and I always order ham and eggs for! breakfast.” xtvT V. Greece Calm Under Tight Rein AP Wlrtphoto ON CLEAR DAYS THEY SEE FOREVER - Marines watch from atop an observation tower where, in clear Weather, they can get a fieldglass-view into the demilitarized and part of North Vietnam. Below the tower sits a self-propelled 155mm artillery piece, one; of the guns used to hit North Vietnamese positions in the DMZ and in North and South Vietnam. The Marines operate the base at Gio Linh, just south of the DlMZ. Plane Hits Texas 2 Die, Family Uninjured AUSTIN, Tea. (AP) - An Air Force reconnaissance plane crashed in flames and the two men aboard perished as it skidded into a modest home Tuesday night. Lorenzo Caldwell, his wife and si* children escaped through the back door of their house as the twin jet RF4C struck and exploded. The dwelling burned. The craft struck in an open field 200 yards short of a run- way after severing power lines as it returned from a training mission to Bergstrom Air Force Base on the southeast side of Austin. Power was knocked out for a time at the base and elsewhere in the vicinity. Authorities a identified the dead as U. Col. Lewis J. Cowart, 42, the pilot, Austin, and Capt- Charles J. Ramone, 34, the navigator, Houston. ATHENS (AP) - Troops were withdrawn from most parts of Athens today as calm prevailed throughout Greece, but the new military government kept the country under tight rein. The new rulers are acting under a 55-year-old siege law " strips the people of most of the guarantees normal to a democracy. * ★ * The law provides for: 11 — Arrest of anyone without a warrant and indefinite detention awaiting trial; No bail for political prisoners; - Bans on gatherings of more than five persons, labor unions and all strikes; — Censorship of press, radio, letters and Ml otter communications. ARMY ORDER The law was bolstered by an army order giving military a thorities the right to search private hones; requiring hunting rifles, shotguns and ammunition to be turned into the -nearest police station; canceling all hunting licenses and forbidding all hunting, and requiring heads of households tc^report a" persons Jiving with them i any visitors or foreigners. The government announced, however, that it has set up a special office to receive ! plaints against the new regime. The announcement said that if a grievance is not satisfied within 48\ hours, the complainant can take his case to the Interior Ministry. addressing the nation and presiding over a Cabinet meeting this week. \ * * * X' ■. Constantine has kept silent and oid of sight- Informants is spending most of his time at the Tatoi summer palace outside Athens with hi* wife, Queen Anne-Marie, and their infant daughter, Alexia. support of the rural population, i Premier Constantine Koliias; announced that farmers’ pensions would be increased by 70 per cent by the end of toe year. EHE1KEEGO [ Flat adventure... ■DDD3I HINT BHUK'lfctl'Ui ■ Kg In an obvious move to winj In Washington, State Department press officer Robert J. Mo-Closkey told a\news conference the U.S. government is review- ing its military and economic aid for Greece. Ftbb prospectus-booklets Loam the facts about the CHANNING MUTUAL FUNDS □ Chanrting Common Stock Fund □ Charming Growth Fund* □ Channing income Fund □ Channing Balanced Fund □ Channing Special Fund • Char-Broiled Steaks Try Our Famout Round-Up Stylo Dinners NATALIE WOOD THIS PROPERTY IS CONDEMNED 1 $1 Million Saved LANSING (AP) - The State Highway Department reports new methods and procedures resulted in a saving of $1.02 million during toe last fiscal year. Largest saving was $540,000 through a change in toe construction division resident engineer program. The number of employes required under the new program was cut by. 90 to account for most of the.saving. FOR PONTIAC INVESTORS Wall Street is only seconds You couldn't pet batter Investment service if you were next door to Wall Street. It’i true. That’s because your Wetting, Lerchen office b equipped :e and facility it takes ■ NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE MEMBERSHIP ■ DIRECT NEW YORK WIRE SERVICE ■ TRANS-LUX PROJECTOR ■ DOW JONES NEWS TICKER V ■ ELECTRIC QUOTATION BOARD ■ ULTRONIC STOCKMASTER Stop in end act acquainted with our many up-to-i, compn the Pontiac press, Wednesday, April 26. iwr if D—11 The following are top prices coveriug sales of locally grown ; produce by growers and sold by ; in wholesale package lots ; Quotat ns are furnished by the I Detroit Bureau of Markets as of Monday. Produce : j fruits 1 Applet, Delicious, Golden, bu...$3.75 Apphn, Delicious. Golden, CA„ bu. 4.50 > Apples, penclout, Red, bu. $ Applet, Delicious, Red, C.A., bu ... J Applee, McIntosh, bu........... Apples, McIntosh, C.A., bu..... JPP... CMe,^^... Beets, topped, bu. ..,. . Cabbage, Red, bu. ' Cabbage, Standard, bu. ; carrots, topped, bu. . Leeks, dz. bch.............. Onions, dry, 50-lb. bag ... Parsnips, V* bu. ........... ■ Parsnips, Cello Pak. ... ! Potetles, 50 tot. .......... Potatoes, 20 lbs. ......... black. Vi bu. Poultry and Eggs _ DETROIT POULTRY DETROIT (AP)-Prlcti paid par po Long Wins Test Mart Churns Onward, Upward to Save Law NEW YORK (AP) - Trading was heavy, as the stock market churned (toward to its tenth straight daily advance early Wednesday afternoon. Gainers outnumbered losers by about three-to-two as profit taking trimmed the best early advance. * * ★ Rising auto sales, higher earnings for oil companies and can manufacturers and less-than-expected declines in profits for major steelmakers were among bullish factors mentioned by analysts. They also saw increased buy- ing by toe mutual hinds mid other institutional investors. the market was higher from the start and a parade of Mg blocks changed hands. Early gains exceeded losers by a ratio of about two-toone before some profits were token. The Dow Jones industrial average at noon was up 1.62 points 892.82, trimming its best morning gain of 2.56. * * * The Associated Press average of 60 stocks at noon was up .8 at with industrials up 1.8, rails up .1 and utilities up .2. General Foods, an important blue chip, was up more than 2 points*' and Sears Roebuck gained about 1W, ★ * * Prices were generally higher! i the American Stock Exchange. Hazel Bishop* was active and up nearly a point. Up about a point were LTV Electronics and Detect® Scales. Flying Tiger, Compudyne and am lost about a point each. Fractional gainers included Victoreen Instruments, Great Lakes Chemicals, Data-Control Systems and GTI Corp. The New York Stock Exchange iaiM _. -----I— ----------...ivylAbboH Lab i 26-27; broilers end fryers 3-4 lbs. ABC Con .10 whites 18'*-20; barred rocks 2314-24;1 Abex Cp 1.40 ** ACF Ind 2.20' AdMIllls ,40b Address 1.40 Admiral .50 Reduc 1 ducklings 23, DETROIT BOOS DETROIT (AP)-Egg prices paid Per dozen by flrn receivers (Including U.S.): Whites Grade Hn large 8-311*; large 25'*-»'*; medium 21-23; small 17. CHICAGO SUTTER. EGOS CHICAGO (AP) — Chicago Msrcen-tile Exdipngo — butter steady; whole-solo buying prlcos unchanged; 93 scon AA Ut HrA 44; tO B 63'*; It C 8VA; cars tO B 44; 09 C 409*. Eggs sfeody; wholesale buying prices unchanged; 75 per cent or better Grade A whites 25; mlx«d 24; mediums 2lv*i standards 25; chocks 21V*. CHICAGO POULTRY CHICAGO (AP)-(USDA) — Live-poultry: wholesale buying prices unchanged to,V0 tower; roosters 14-24; special fad white rack fryers 10-21. AlcanAlum 1 Livestock _____________ a tew leads choice 1000-1)50 pound steers 24.50-25.25; good 22.0.'*"* Hogs 125; not enough solos at 1 to provide test and market. Veloers 50; couple head high choice and prime 37-41; choict 32-37; a few —Ml CHICAGO LIVESTOCK CHICAGO (APMUSDA)—Hogs 4.000, butchers moderately active, unewt, steady to 25 lower; sows modarstel] active, steady to 25 tower; most t-2 200-222 lb butchers ll.5Mt.Wt arouiV hood ot It .00; mixed. 1-3 330-400 lb 1L25-14.00; boors 13.50-14.75?'^ Cottle 1.0W; calves imto; siau steers fairly active, iteiBBt. heifers irately active, about steady; cam eretely active, steady to weak; active, fully steady; few toads choice and prl—- 1 ,K *'*• steers 25.00-25.: Sheep 200; smell supply stoughter Ion fairly active, steady; dock choice i prime lit lb wooled slaughter leu —A— 21 44VS 45W 45 to 52 20V* ms 20 1 32V, 3210 Bto . .. 22 50 49*4 499* — VS 43 31IS 30to 31 VS +m 39 51 to 509* S1V* +1V, 35 2BVS 27VS 2BV, + to 22 43 tr/S 827/s — VS 24 31tb- SIRS 31 VS — VS I 11VS llto IlVS f 10 47to 47VS 473s it ms W 27 Not PoodPilr to Hhg. PordMbt 2.40 Fore Oalr .50 .Frajfnat 1.25 _ to PruehCp 1.70 II M Wts 18* . . 143 54VS I 54VS 54V, + 1 42 25V, 25 ** PennDIxle .40 149 17V* 17 15 921*'t»t 929* -54 94VS OMS 9“ Am Bosch .40 M 40V* 8** 394* - V* — lest 1.40 17 IMS ■ 101* + VS AmCyan 1.25 148 34VS 34 349* 4 AmEiP 1.44b 29 39 AEnka 1.30a 21 339* 14 57*4 57V* J79* 24 SMS 30Vt 30VS + V, ...-G1 Sko 1.30 12 25VS 25to 2 5to . “ 04 24 2SVS 239* - 4 21VS if 21 73 40V, 5941 59V. - 74 93VS 93VS 93VS . 47 739* 72 73VS +2VS 5 46% 44VS 44V “■ 290 03to 82to 83 85 76'* 76V* 12 4 G PubUt 1.50 25 30% 3 Gen Clg 1.20 *“iDynam 1 ■K Elec 2.40 Gin Fds 2.20 GonMIlls 1.50 Gen Mot .15a GenPrec 1.50 GPubSvc Jta Ga Pacific 1b Gerber Pd 1 Getty Oil1 .10g Gillette 1.20 Glen Aid .70 Goodrich 2.40 Goodyr 1.35 Grace Co 1-40 S. Granites •s or Hi is — vs PaPwLt 1.52 Po RR 2.40a Pehnzall 1.40 PopilCo 1.40 PflzerC -1.20a PhelpD 3.40a 37 47VS 47V* 67 V* 4 fi I 34to 33V. 34VS -I- to 41 57% 54% 54VS + " 5 91 97VS 93 12 88to 88 8 - 24 85% 85% 35% — % 14 49% 48% 48% — IS 14 34% 34 34 — % Was U.S. About to End Pledge? Gold Drama Touchy Campaign Financing Measure Survives Am Hosp .50 14 68% riu 4. a/ oraniTL.5 i.4u *8'± Ml granfWT TMO 'S + H1GtAftoVRM 13 29% 29' 29 —1 14 44VS 44VS 44VS + V. X82 51% 51% 51% -I- % 35 12%' 12 12% - % 41 42%: 41V* 42% -1-1% SO 43% 43 43% + % 102 51% M 51% 4 % 17 B Wi V + I1 ProcterG 2.20 PubSvCol .90 Publklnd .34t PugSPL 1.40 Puiimon 2.80 % - % 11 »vs 50V, »% 4 %'S mummm 3» »% w% 10% — % ® AmNGas 1.90 45 41VS 41% 41% + to » 255 9% 9% 9% 93 40% 59% 59% + % 94 MS 23% | »% - % 255 58% 58% 51% S3 14% 34% 34% -r 58 70 49VS 49% 4 113 21% 21% 29% 4 37 B% 22 22% ... 44 28% 14% 87% - 4 15% 15% 15% — - 17 57 84% 54% — % 59 35% 35 35% + % 14 27% 27% 27% . . . 14 .31% 31% 31% ... .... ... . 14 51% 'Mb («*.-- ■ West Plnl 131 .14 IMS IMP— 5tWSup 1AM 18 43% I 13 37% 37% 37V, 59 40% 44% 47% - 33 14% 14% 14% — ...._________ 24 48 47% 47% .. Revlon 1.30 91 45% 44% 44%- ■----- “ 147 Mb B% 2“ 1 GulfStaUt .80 Armco III 3 Armour 1.50 ArnwCk l.20a Mtioor yS Asad DG 1.40 Atchisod 1.40 Aft Rldl 2.80 Atlas Corp Avco Cp 1.20 Avnet .50b .. ■ _J 58VS- VS 14 34% 34 34% — % 21 45 55 45 +1% 21 29% 29% 39%-% II 19% I9to 29% — % 21 4 3% 3% 104 42% 41% 42 43 5 22% 28% + % ________ . it Mt 1 Mi...!. Honeywl 1.10 347 70 73 75% +3% Hook Ch 1.40 134 45% 45 4 % . 2j 2|% 20% 23VS — % 12 48% 2% #% + % n Pd 1.40 30 1« lOlto 102 BobcokW 1.34 Bolt GB 1.52 American Stock Exch. NEW YORK (AP) - American Sloe Exchange selected noon prices: AeroletG AlaxMag Bell How M Bendlx 1.40 Benguot BethStl 1.50a Boeing 1.20 BolseCasc .25 Borden 1.20 BorgWer 2.20 BrlggsS 2.40a-BrlstMy .80a Brunswick BucyEr 1AM Budd Co .M Bullard 1 a > (oust LP 1 VowmetCp 1 HuntFds .50b Hupp Cp .171 IdahoPw ,1.40 Ideal Caift 1 meant nl.50 mp Cp Am -tgerRand 2 iland Stl 2 ..isNoAm 2.40 InterlkSt 1.10 » 37 :iM | 33% 33% 33% ^ ArkLGas 1.40 Asemara Oil AssdOtl 8. G AtlasCoro wt Barnes Eng BrazilLtPw 1 Campbl Chib Can So Pet Cdn Javelin Cinerama • Ctrywlde Rtt Creole 2.40a Data Cont EpJ».s,W Felmont Oil Ply Tiger .I0h Gen Plywd it Slant Yel At "Goldfield Gt Bas Pet Gulf Am Cp HoernerW .82 Hycon Mfg Imper Oil 2a Isram Corp Katlbr Ind; McCrary ML MaadJohn At MichSug .log Motybdan Monoglnd Syntax Cp A0 TKhnlcol .40 OhControl .20 MVS 13% +'% | Burroughs1‘1° 13 43 42% 43% — % to f .2%4,3W + m cliif%! 1 § 3Si b t eSSrrti"120 3351-14 4 5 aa 1% 1% IV. 45 10% 10% 10% - % S Canteen .1 11 3% CaroPLt .... .. 4% 4% 5% - % Ciite 14 2% 2% 2% ... ,4°* 12 34% 34% 34% + %i£?,” TJ' , ,» >*? )fVS Ifi* »& + *$SmMaCpJ ____ 34% -B% - % 394 94% 94% 95% +1 52 34% 34% 34% + % 28 34% 33% 33% - % 27 42% 41% « — % 2 50% 50% 50% + % 9 74% 74VS 74% + % 354 12% 12VS 12VS 34 28% 22% 20% 43 14% 15% 15% . .. 15 21% 25. 28% + % 44 23% 22% p% +1 41 37% 37% »%'....... II 129% 121% 121% + % 22 6% 4% 4% — % 2 19 11% 11% — 31 28% 21% 23V4 + .. 214 24% 24 24% + % 55 42% 42 421S — IntHerv 1.80 ‘ Miner 1 Nick 2.10 Packers Pap 1.35 ... TAT 1.50 TE Ckt 1b (err Me 1.40 13 5-16 3 5-16+1-16 tm 34% 2MS 3Wi --1% Cerro ^L40b 35% 35% S%~m cert-teed A0 *7 1% 11-15 •B-kgfffftf 104 JVS 3% 3% .... 15 3 Vh 3 ... riliZiii i 74 11 10% 11 + % rhPnlilSTmh ’2 1?^ 18% 18% + %| chfR^-pie 9 14% 14% 14% 3 55% 55% n .. 3% 3% 3% — % 39 11% 11% 11% ... 2 5% 5% 5% — *7 29% MS 21% + ■ 4 5% MS 5% + % CIT Pin 1A0 CltlesSve 1.80 ClevEII It 1.48 CoceCola lit 34 40 111 1W X345 22 to) f 9% 9% + % _____ 39% MS + 181 105% 103% .104 - %|ComSOIV J-W 41 ComICro 1.10 44 43% 42% 43% - % 4 54% 5SVS 54V, + % 12 44 43% 43% — % 45 17% 5% 37% - % 29 MS 19% 19% 12 40 ' 39% 39% 35 18% 11% 11% . i 7 47% 57% 47% - % 45 45% 43% 45% +1% 10 35% 35% 35% — % 2 19 13% 11% — % 15 31% 31% 31% + % 249 43% 43% 43% + % 47 31% 31 31 ... 53 47% 47 47%~ 7 39% 39% »%+ .. 12 11+ 113% 112% —1% 74 31% 30% 31 ik"-253 83% 02% 82% 27 34% 33% B% 29 fl 73% 74 45 27% 27% 27% 4 39% Mb 39% + V, ConNGas 1.AC Treasury Position TREASURY POSITION WASHINGTON CAP) - The eash Petition of the treasury compered with 27^156 wr*p»°'». ih* “,.l8nT'7,005,142A91W I 3,003,355,110.331 i Withdrawals Fiscal Year-.................... 133.374A17A78.83 114,094,888,215.21 X—Total Debt- 320,471,122,711.71 320,919,144,334,23 GOld Assets— ..a - 13,107,988,958.04 1 3.43Z277A07.M (x) Includes S244,MC,$50.71 debt net sub-libt to statufpfy ' 40 44% AM 23 »% MS MS — % 281 48% 47% 57VS +1% TJ 35% »% S5V^ z « 3% 33 SI 24 29% 21% 29 10 49% 49 49 19 31 30% M . .. 25 1001% 99% 99% - % SO 51% SI ■ 51%yfl% __________SIS Control Dot. 3» g% Mb 70%-34 Mb 44% 54% + S 354% 353% 354% -1 • 7 11% W% 13% :5 52% 52% 52% - 52 33% 32 1 33% +1% 32 53% 53% 53% n% 59V* 59% + % j3% m i % Cent Can 1.: Cont ins 3 Cont OH 2.50 Com Ptf 1.70 cSX if08 CoxBdcas .50 CrousaHInd 1 iicrawcM^ Stocks of Local Interest nStoty 11 a.m. Inter-dealer markets change throughout the day. Prices do ” ^Ht markup# Cudahy Co Dan Rlv 1.20 DayeoCp 1.40 Deere 1.805 Delta Air 1 DenRGW 1.10 ■Bms 1A0 " f7 2i» 24% i 3 9% *% vv» x 15 13% 12% 13% + 15 24% 24% 24% + —D— 11 22% 22% 22% + | 29% 29% 29%-34 47% 44 55 —I1 Uhsjil+m 12 20% 19% 20 40 31% 31% 31% + 13 14% UW 14% - , 12 85% Mm 35 2 40%. 5o% 5d% . ft MS M% 58% - % 25 M% 79% 30 + V 25 30% 30% 3«S - % 12 2% 32% 32% + % 15VS 15% + % jjihtwk Rubber Co. ....... Monroe Auto Bgulpmof# .... North Central Airline* Unit* Mraa Printing ............ .- Scrlpfo . - i.itolwaiiSS Wyandotte Chemical . MUTUAL FUND* BOLW . — .... EGAG .20 JSi To « ElBondS 1.72 "■f"! . Electron Sp EIPasoNG 1 ..... „. CmarIt 1JB 21 2?; End Johnson -M }:*!' ErleLack RR "CT IthyhKrp ••'5A 17.4 EvansPd AOb • 11 *Ai Evershorp 115101% ., fl 147% —tV U mS m ’* 32 73% 72% 4 35 35 £ . 10 30 »% 29% - 31 19% 19 19 35 75% 75 75% 4 2 29 »I 29 4 IS 8% 8% •% 142 43% 43 43% 4 70 32% 32% 32% 4 15 21 20% 28% 4 —F— EM Askad PalrCam '.75* M3 117% 1(4% 187% BWfAl! Fair Hill ,30e 39 23% 22% 23 *AT vj..----- 4M| 43%-1% 1 mb IP 17% f % 5 38% 37% 37% — % 124 24% 24% 24% 4 % 145 34% 33% ,34% 4 % 68 44% 44% 44% 4 % 24 24% 24% 24% —H— , 84 44% M 44% 4 71 52% Mb . 51% -i -n.r Reyn Met .90 120 53% 52% M% Reyn Tob 2 111 41 40% 40% RlwemM 1.40 34 32% 31% 32% RoanSel AM 59 9% 9% 9% Rohr Cp A0 31 24% 14% 24% - % "loyCCola 72 45 35>A 33% J4% 4 % 7 49% , 10 80 §% * - . 52 30 29% 29% 4 17 4% 4% 4% — Safeway 1.10 ItJpsLd 2.80 (L SanPran 2 StReg PI.40b Sandora .30 fchentcy 1.40 & ’ „ Icoft Psper°Y ’p 29% »% jj% 4 Saab AL 140 “ “ jU| -L Setrl GD 1.30 Seers Roe la 11 17% 17% 17% - . 19 44% 44% 41% 4 % 48 8% 8% 8% .. ’Rand 2 41 44% I 18 38% 38% 38% 4 21 74% 73% 74% 4 IS 32% 32 32% a 483% 479% 481% 4 a 34% 34% 34% 4 53 33% 33% 33% 33 19% '39% 19% 4 % 10 12% 12 12%. 4 IS 152 30% 29% 29% 84 92% 91% 92% - - 4 52% 82% 52% - 42 58% 82% 58% 4 . 5 249 247 249 +3% . 4 83 ' A2% “ ' " 3 48% 48% 9 40% 40 49 33 32% 32% 4 % —K— 217 53% 51% 53 -H% 15 28% 21 28% ‘ ii 47 38% 37% 37V« 25 Mb 40% 40% . 33 11T 114%J14% 4 % 34 71% 70%" 70% — % 2 35 35 35 — 13 SSVb 5S 55% 4 17 22% 22% 22% 4 ___sieg .70 LehPCem A0 .th Vel tnd .ehman lA4g Spoil 2.800 . -IbbMcN .lit -Iggett&M 5 .lltonln 1.541 -tvbigstn Oil LockhdA 2.20 Loews Thaat LoneSCem 1 LoneSGa 1.12 LonglsLt 1.14 LorHIard 2.50 22 12% 12 9 73% 73 204 105% 104% 23 7% 7 44 43% 43 B 42 41% 41% Macktr l.59t 37 20% |S ... 20 39% 31% 39 —M— WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen, ussell B. Long has won a key test in toe fight to save his pres* idential election campaign financing law, subject of a monumental debate that has snarled the Senate for four weeks. Long, D-La., emerged the victor Tuesday in a 43-41 vote against a bid by opponents of the finance plan fay, in effect, uphold an earlier Senate vote to repeal the plan. That net up the possibility of a showdown vote later today on a Long move to overturn toe repealer. Earlier, the Senate voted 88-0 for an outer space treaty described by President Johnson a key plank in his East-West jbridge-buiiding” program. NO SOVEREIGNTY The pact would prohibit non-peaceful uses of outer spatje and provide for on-site inspection. It states “no nation can claim sovereignty to outer space,” the moon and other celestial bodies. The campaign financing {Han, 24 »% 23% 23% - v* signed into law last year, could ^ make available up to $30 million each to toe Democratic and Republican parties in the 1968 presidential race. It allows taxpayers to allot $1 of their federal income taxes to the campaign, with , the money to be split between the two major parties. By JOHN CUNNIFF AP Business Analyst NEW YORK - It was a mad and boisterous scene in the oki, drama of gold and what the United States should do about! tional trade de-| it since interna-tended upon it.] Essentially It] was a comedy TheUnited] States pegs the price of gold at $35 pn ounce] and thereby stable base from which the relative value of currencies can he judged. Because toe United States fsltban the potential demand for it running low on gold these days, On April 4 toe Chase Manhat-it was suggested this month thatl tan, second largest, suggested 21 41% 40% 40% — % 7 J2% 12 12 M9 214% 210% 2131 47 85% 85 85 13 3m 37% 37% 4 70 24% 24% 24% .. 21 41% 40V. 41% 4 I 43% 43% 43% 4 40 30% 30 ar -75 39% 87% 89% 42% 280 43% 51% 42 41% 43% Mb 43% 4 % ALIAS 35 52 51% 52 . .. -----* 42 50% 8% 50% 4 % 174 59% B% 59% +2 11 14 15% 15% 4 % 7 9% 9% 9% 15 34% 35V. 34 25 46% 44% 44% - % 5 «% M4 g% - % 45 74% 76% 74% Shall Dll SharwnWm 2 Sinclair 2.40 xlngerCo2.20 .mlthK 1.80a SoPRSug .52a SouCalE 1.S 75 59% 59% 59% 77 53% 52% 52% 4 33 40% 39% 40 4 24 41% 41% 41% CUNNIFF we might consider withdrawing this pledge. Eyebrows rose, and world bankers froze. The emor tion rose, too. Innocent statements were delivered into explosive contexts. Casual remarks became meaningful innuendoes, denial con-vining affirmation. For a time it? looked like a complex plot. TOUCHY SUBJECT The nation’s two largest banks started it all. \ They brought up tiie touchy subject of what the United States should do in the event it could not give gold in exchange for dollars. Gold is in much shorter supply Coppoli no Defense Opens, Enters lettet as Evidence NAPLES, Fla. (AP) ~| They were married Oct. Twelve days after toe death of 1965- . his wife, Dr. Carl Coppolino, The defense opened its ride of now accused of her murder, j toe case — which claims no wrote a friend in New Jersey:; murder was committed - with “I’m bitter, confused and frank-! testimony that the state’s ey£ ly frightened. I’ve been trying tience did not reveal a cause of to forget.” d,eath. The letter became a defense that the Untied States would, in a crisis, consider terminating tiie privilege given foreign central banks of trading their , dollars for gold. , * A * Two days later Rudolph Peterson, of the Bank,of America expressed similar thoughts in a speech here. His bank, baaed in San Franciaco, is toe largest. Now, when tob two larges commercial banks in tiie nati touch on the same subject-ti days apart, anyone is entif believe in a plot. Much fl rope did so believe. T thought, was a trial ha SOMETHING SIMILAR After an, hadn’t Treasury Secretary Henry/ H. Fowler mentioned something similar in conversations yt Pebble Beach, Calif., only a/ew weeks earlier? And wereny representatives of both tanks there? felt compelled to issue statement, ordinari-move. 1& the con-text, however, it probably pro-wed further speculation. Was ^ [merfoan policy changing? Interest and confusion were being [compounded daily. exhibit Tuesday in toe doctor’s trial on a charge of killing his wife, Carmela, with an injection of toe paralyzing drug suceinyl-choline, on Aug. 28, 1965. ‘The children ask when will l get a new mommie,” it went mi. “The only solution is to many again and as soon as possible. They need love, affection and showed home life. {Ford ^welcome n Dr. Richard Ford, chief medical examiner of Bosto^ said he had read the autopsy, , testimony of toe Strife's medical experts and they/contained no basis for concluding :a cause of death. . th Co 1.02 54 29% 29 louNdIPWWM South Pec 1.50 South Ry 2,00 Spartan Ind Sparry Rand StdBrand 1. J .80fl h 2.50 (MQIIOli st paoita... Stan Warn . Stauff Ch 1.80 StarlDny .90 ItaviinJP 2.25 The battleground for toe cant paign financing fight has been administration bill that wou)d restore tax incentives urgently sought by business interests. The hill already bas cleared the House. In the meantime, Long encouraged adding a number of other amendments to the tax hill — dealing with subjects ranging from meat imports to income tax credits for parents of college students. INTO FRAY ii 34% 34% 36%-%! Democratic leader Mike ” I? M* ri3 Mansfield stepped into the fray £ IS! JS* t S with a motion to eliminate nearly all the extraneous provisions from the bill, many of them strongly opposed by toe Johnson administration. But it would have left on one rider — a repealer of the Long plan. The state has accused Coppolino, 34, an anesthesiologist, of i murdering his wife to collect $65,000 worth of insurance' on her life and to wed the current, Mrs. Coppolino, toe. form< Mary Gibson, a wealthy diw cee. 797 33% 32% 33 11 27% 27% 27% 7 34 35% 35% IHIMi— 14 22% 21% 22% . .. StOIICal 2.50b 18 40% 59% 40% 41% — — 44 8% 57% 8 4 % 81 43% 43% 43% 14 44% 44 44 137 13% 13 13% 10 45% 44% 44% Teledyne Inc Tenneco 1.20 Texaco 160a TexETrn 1.05 Tfk G Sul .40 mns'4 Textron 1.20 . .25fl 170 97VR 57'/a 58V. ^ I 60 60 60 -r 35 33 32H 327/. + 5 55 54% 54% + XlT^ JMi 33% 33% ....... 99 165 161% 163% - V% 93 24 H| m/M H 4 23% - % • 74% - * l'J8 Tide Oil Tlm RB .™ TrensWAlr 1 Transamer 1 Transltron Tri Cont .21fl TRW Tfj| % - % 121 31% 21% 21%-% MacyRH_____ ‘8l3 W 1.93a m mat 3.60 5 56% 56 1 W 39% m 39% + % _____■_____ 31 70% 70% 70% Mer Mid 1.40 *“ Marquar .25g MerttnMer/1 ... .... _________ MayDStr 1.60 F7 36% 15% 35% + Maytag 1.40a 19 35% 35 35 ..... McCall .40b 6 31% 31 31 - % McDonel .40b * 64 39% 39% 39% + % McKest 1.50 5 57% 57% 57% + % “ m 45 44 44% — % 1 45% 451^ 45% + % 77 84% 83% 84% I) 9 23% 23% 23% .... 154 51% 50% 50% — % 36 25% 25% 25% * 30 36% 36% M'U 80 86% 36% 16% + % 35 10% 10% 10% 52 46% 45% 46% + 47 20% 20 20% - 1 M 53% 52 52% + % 4 33 32% 32% ... 13 31% 31% 31% + % 72 37% 27 27% * 17 37 36% 36% 145 119 117% 118 6 26% 26% 26% —N— Nat Alrlln .8 7* IU* MV. 80V. + W *“* “ 13 *7*4 *71* 4/5* 4 “ 125 2514 24*4 24** 4 77 74*4 7«4 4 V* 17 39*4 Ml* 39*4 38 I1*fe IW* MV. 19 38V. 378* 37V. *4 15 144* 14** 77 2SV* 4F 14 Bi* *7** 48 JwnCen 1.20b 8 49V* 489* 49V. -U— 24 17V* 17V* 17V* — Vi 3 559* 55*4 559* ‘ 8 ,24 25*4 25*4 ... 41 (4H 53** 5494 4 H 14 398* W9* 3981 .... 8 8 471+ 48 4 V* S3 41*4 41** , 41*4 + 1* HRHRCH . 144 38 ■' - UnltAIre 1.40 18 97 “ ■ ’’5? 44V* 35 239* 23’/* 239* 12 25V4 25V* 25 304 32V* 31V* 32 4 .. 60 47 8 37'* 371* 4 H t 54 4SVA 479* 479* " w— la@ 12 23*4 23'* 231* ... ~ 74 811 499* 30V* 4 V* 17 229* 229* 229* 4 ’* 43 4994 499* 4»9* ‘ 17 31*k 31V* 31*4 43 399* 39 39'* 103 ST'A 54** 549* ; 74 4194 4$*4 4594 31 44'* 44 44 47 74 74V4 7494 24 8V* 219* 8 . .. xlll 23V* 2294 MV* 4 V* HU? 34 47V* 47*4 «** 4 V* —X—Y—Z— Xerox Corp I 110 3909* 2*4 237 YngstSht T.I0 103 8H 319* 329* Zandti R 1.20 112 449* Copyrighted by The Associated Pn Sato* figures a y Tha Associated Press l»67 Ites of dlvl- Toregoing mm are annual ■iiSLwiwe^dw: ITra tlMi !* IraeJsT^or dividends or poymonts_not .doslg- *U.8r8 ^ t—Am extra or ■ extras, mmmmm &&&Mt OT mated CMh value on ex-dlvloend or ex-■"---'Sttlan data, g—Declared or paid ao k year, h—Declared or paw attar HHSMMdand or epilt up. k-OKltrod or j$u this year, an accumulatf— '— with dtVIdands In arraars. n—Ne no hetfon taken at last r—Declared or paid In 19M plus ~r^. __Idend. t—Paid In stack during 1944, estimated cash value an ex-dlvltf—' -r ex-dlstrlbutlon data. WMW. i Pi cId—Called. x-Ex dividend, y—Ex dividend and aalaa In lull. x-dls-Ex distribution. xr-Yx rights. xwMNtthout ~~m rants. ww-WIth warrants, wd—Whe trlbuted. wi—whan laauad. nd-Nax l|S AVERAGE* 10 Public utllltlas ............. 10 Industrlala .................. 8.12—0.01 Wadnasday'a 1st Dividends Declared Pa- stk. of Pay-Rate tied Record able REOULA R Lilly, Ell ....... .40 0 Tax East Transit) .2425 Q UMC Industries ... .15 Q Westlnghouso El . y .40 Q News in A walkie-telkie valued at was stolen from? a Michigan Bell Telephone Co. truck parked in toe company lot at 90 Lake, Pontiac police were told. 2 arts valued at more than $34(Kwere stolen from new cars parked in the Hillside Lin-coln-I^fercury dealership lot, it jported yesterday. Police the stolen items include air t e r s, carburetors ,and air ners. The theft of $99 from her apartment was report j tie r f o r d Township police yesterday by Nora Allen, 6387 Hatchery. Rummage, American Legion, Thursday, April 27, 9 A.M. to 4 P.M., 1340 W. Maple Road, Troy. —Adv. Rummage Sale at 90 N. Main L, Clarkston. Friday 28 Rom 9 A.M. ’til 6 P.M.; Sat., Apr. 29 9 ’til noon. Rotary Anns. —Adv. Rummage Sale, Birmingham Unitarian Church. Fri., April 28, 9-4. Sat., April 29, 9-12. 851 Woodward, Bloomfield mils. -+ Rummage sale, Thursday, April 27th, 8-5, Fri., April 28th, 9-1. Lutheran Church of tiie Re-deemeFr-4898-Wvr Maple Rd., Birmingham. —Adv. MOMS Rummage: Thursday, 9-12. Indianwood and Baldwin Rd. -Adv. nation of tissue prosecution . said site of an injection, he found ‘‘nothing I identifiable as a needle punc-'tore, ★ * * /In a booming, steady voice, 'ord also, discounted toe testimony of a key state witness, Dr. Birt LaDu, professor of pharmacology at New York University. LaDu said he had analyzed tissue surrounding toe alleged needle track and found traces of the drug. “I disregard that testimony, said Ford. “He used a method specifically designed for ibis case and never before applied to this purpose. I wouldn’t put man’s life at stake on it.” Alert Police Aid in Arrests Two Detroit youths are in Oakland County Jail today because of the alertness of two Novi police officers. h ★ ★ Officers Robert Starnes and Ronald Arbour stopped toe two at 3:20 a.m. on Grand River for a defective exhaust and driving without their lights. They told the officers they had‘just come from the Wix-om Ford plant tat toe officers became suspicious and checked several businesses in toe area. They found that Ward’s Standard Service station on Grand River and Beck had broken into so they alerted State, Police who caught the (feur at Inkster and 1-696. ★ ; ★, ★ James L. Martin, 20, and Varnell Hannah, 17, are to be arraigned before Judge Emery Jacques Jr. today. Fifteen dollars apd a watch were reported taken from tha station. The American Bankers Association also was distressed,. It said it was disturbed by press reports indicating U.S. gold policy might change. “We strongly hope these interpretations are incorrect,” it said. FRENCH AUDIENCE It Was now April 18, Robert .oosa, an investment tanker but once a high Federal Reserve and Treasury official, told a French audience in New York tat the $35-an-ounce price of old should be maintained. To his chagrin his words were interpreted as being, as he put it, “censoriously critical of Secretary Fowler.” ★ ★ '★ ? ~ ' Roosa obviously wished he had kept his mouth shut and stayed out of this ^razy business. A printed report of the affair, he said, “indicates the high'price that one must sometimes pay for speaking extemporaneously without a text.” To “minimize misunderstanding” and “to correct the unfortunate impression that I . critical of Secretary Fowler,” Roosa mailed a letter to news media, signed it “Bob” and enclosed two “correct” stories. HOW SMARTED? Meanwhile, It appears, Washington officials themselves were trying to find-out how it all started. Judging from comments, some bureaucrats weren’t quite sure .it wasn’t a balloon and so felt they had better know. The Daughters of the American Revolution also were revolted by the very idea of, not maintaining toe price of gold, and so they passed a resolution, unanimously, expressing alarm. ,By this time less and less was being heard from the horrified early participants. But now Washington seemed to be recovering. It said Chase and Bank of America had been speaking on their own; their statements weren’t trial balloons; they didn’t originate in Washington. *•' ■\ir * * And so, it seems, it wasn’t a balloon at all but just hot air rising, enough hot air, reassuringly, to float a balloon almost anytime it all. .bpiao ii *4 gg SSVjKVriiM ■a? I»S w?«esr.S&iJr &«»*'"• Home Supply Store Opens Wickes Corp. opened today a new home supply store in the Miracle Mile Shopping Center. The four-day grand opening Is highlighted by specials according to Willard L. Jensen, store manager. <•! ^vpS| '★ ■ ★ *' y The outlet at 2215 S. Tefe» graph is a combination home supply and home improvement faeflity. The 15,000-square-foot building includes model kitchens id bathrooms. ★ Or ★ Jensen of 4323 Moon U g h t, Holly, was formerhr yard superintendent at the Wickes Lumber and Building Supply Center GRAND OPENING-Wickes Home Sup-in Grand Blanc. ply store in toe Miracle Mite Shopping Cen- There are 125 Wickes locations ter opened today. The 15,000-equare-foot in the nation. building houses a combination home supply and home improvement facility, carrying products for the home owner and do-it-yourselfer. THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1867 mon misfortunes which are happening where more than 400,000 men are thrown together in a desperate, hasty pot Suicides, for example, claim D—ii ONE COLOR Accidents Comprise 20 Pet. of U. S. War Death Rate |YTOMTIEDE Newspaper Enterprise Amd. TAY N1NH, Vietnam - The road mine had been confiscated from enemy territory earlier in the day and the young soldier, merely curious, was ex-•mining the deadly object close UP- He knuckled the mine’s metal Wrapping, rubbed his ' finger over its bumps and blemishes, and absently wiped first from the underside. Then he picked the bomb up. He juggled ft And there was sa explosion. The iron package was stuffed with me til shavings and frag-and a good lot of it embedded in the victim’s stomach. . The GI didn’t even cry out. Tie was instantly dead. * * ★ The soldier’s death was cruel and ironic in a situation where death is traditionally tated rather than accidental. But it waa by no means extraordinary. The same week be was killed, 15 other servicemen died here under similar^ circumstances. 24 PERCENT Accidental fatalities, In fact, comprise a shocking 20 per cent of the total American death rate the Vietnam war . . . that's five of every 25 fatalities, la figures compiled to the Americans Bring Prolperity And Danger To Viet Villages a few Uvea. So do outof-oon-trol arguments. Sickness is also a killer, as is equipment carelessness, individual ignorance and even mental fatigue. NOBODY’S FAULT Many of these deaths are inevitable. It was nOboify’s fault except the victim’s, recently, when a GI dozed in the shade of a truck ... and was crushed to death when the wheels moved. Aad some illness is unavoidable. For instance, there is one germ here which has claimed at least 10 lives in the pad. few months. Doctors call it the Vietnamese Time Bomb because the disease may Uo undetected for months before suddenly killing its victim. Yet, on the other hand, medical and military people agree that a large number of the accidental deaths could be avoided if: ★ ★ ★ • Liquor was less available. • Safety programs were stressed. • Everyone cooperated. ★ .* * Of these, the first is the least probable but most important. Booze is plentiful for the jority of war troops and its excess has been indirectly re- nuien OFFICER Not typical, but graphic, was the soldier in the 25th Division who got drunk, got in trouble and killed an officer as a result. More typical was the drunken first Cavalry trooper who became playful and kitted a friend in a sham duel. And most representative was the airborne soldier who was involved in a drunken brawl and angrily, though unconsciously, trilled his opponent. E v e n nonprudish observers here teel that alcohol accidents should be curbed and go on to encourage stiffer safety regulations overall with a mandatory compliance. * ★ t Safely rules, of course, are more or leas in effect now, Speed limits have been established, weapons must be cleared in garrison, and there is a military law against rowdy drunk-mess. . But enforcement is sleepy. Penalties are spongy. And accidental deaths increase monthly. HIGHER TOLL Frankly, the toll will probably continue to grow. Having enough trouble already, the military How Imperial brings you new OJlfQ 0 0 the first soft margarine with flavor- real inmeriai flavor! e And for the crowning touch, we’ll give you 7( to try it! © Flavor so good, it makes you feel like a queen. That’s real Imperial flavor 1 C? Higher in polyunsaturates. Corn oil, too! Pure liquid corn oil added to other vegetable oils. © Spreads soft, spreads smooth, even straight from your freezer. © 2 table-pretty reusable* servers in every pound. Reagan Home Kept 'Peaceful and Quiet' ByTKACYWOOD SACRAMENTO, Calif. (UP!) -The attractive wife of California Gov. Ronald Reagan believes ho* husband — like any man who puts in long hours at the office — needs a “peaceful and qiiiet refuge” at home. * * * And Nancy Reagan is trying > provide one. California’s first lady, a former actress, was interviewed in the quiet luxury of her leased home in a tree-lined upper-class residential district. Shortly after her husband took office, they moved from the cient executive mansion provided by the state but demn^fl as -a firetrap. ■ ★ She didn't feel safe in the old house. Besides, there was no place for her eight-year-old son, Skipper, to play around the executive mansion's motels and service stations. BY HIS SIDE A petite brunette, Mrs. Reagan has been by her husband’s side through a series of major controversies since he assumed reins of the nation’s most state Jan. 2. “I’ve always been very proud of my husband,” she said. “Pm prouder every day. I thing he has shown tremendous courage, integrity and honesty.” stoutly defended the governor’s tough decisions during first three months in office. ★ it. “it Mrs: Reagan said her husband was making decisions on the basis «t what’s right, not cm whether it will help in future Study May Lower Gold Mining Costs By Science Service WASHINGTON - The key to economical mining of vast low-gold deposits in the Unit-ates may come from now beginning at the Coi-School of Mines, Golden, Colo. elections. ”1 think, that takes quite a man,” she said. ", ★ * ;,t /. f Mrs. Reagan scoffed at spec* ulation that her husband intends to campaign for the GOP presidential nomination to 1968. “Our plans don’t go any farther than Sacramento,” she said. She conceded to being flattered by polls showing Reagan as a potential presidential contender but insisted, “We just don’t have any plans in that direction.” ★ ★ * As a mother of two—Patricia, 14, is to a private school to Arizona and Skipper is at home -Mrs.'Reagan keeps a neat hbme With assistance from domestic help provided by the state. ‘FURNITURE MOVER’ she does the decorating herself. She pointed to two love seats near a fireplace, crackling with a fire to the damp weather. She said she is a “furaltoro mover” and had rearranged the furnishings id file homo to fit her teste. Her social schedule is full. She not only entertains at horns finds a governor’s wife is expected to attend many luncheons and dinners. But she isn't taking, any speaking engagements — she did; briefly during last year’s campaign. — and tries to “maintain soma [time with my child.” ■ . ★ * _ ft Even with a house to a secluded residential area, tha first family of California can occasional expect someone who dlasn’t like a decision made by the-governor to show up out fraftt — with a picket sign. FIRST TIME That happened the first time earlier this month when Aaron MitcheB, who killed a Sacramento policeman, became tha first man to be executed in tha state to. four, years. About 4# pickets paraded along the sidewalk to front of the home, and about 200 bystanders watched the marchers. It takes some getting used to iMrs. Reagan said that although the pickets were orderly, the demonstration gave her a “very Metallurgists there will ex- _______________ _ __ _ amine the characteristics ofluncomfortable feeling.”. compounds to an extraction roposed by the Bureau In the process, orb would be and treated with halo-such as chlorine, forming halides. The halides, which Some churches rang their bells when Mitchell was executed. Mrs. Reagan, who agrees with her husband fhaf the death penalty is necessary as a deterrent to crime, had no objection but said: • “I think it would be nice, too, they rang church bells every a man is murdered. It’a principle, it seems to PONTIAC THE POKTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1967 YOUR PONTIAC Kmart JOINS All other area Kmarts in celebrating the opening of With Great 3-Day Special for this Starts Thurs 10a.m. in Pontiac and all other Kmarts mart V TBLg PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 36, 1867 Starts Thur$„ 10 AM., In All fLmartsWhile Quantities Last FACIAL TISSUES coyer. Limit 2 per customer. Our Regular 1.97 Our to* Ito. limit 4. While Quantity Latte Our Reg. 2.96 uHnrz iM 17 x11" ATTACHE CASE lt.9 Only OnrIUg.! Limit 2 Per Customer Gillette Gillette 4x12” SECURITY CHEST Limit 1 Per Customer CANNON TERRIES PLASTIC BASKET LARGE PLASTIC TRASH CAM POLE LAMP SPECIAL SALE CHERRYW000 SPICE RACK aji* 4f< T 74* 888 Only Our Reg. 2.97 250 Only Comp, at 4,97 * 120 Only , Our Reg. 3.44 Limit 4 Per Customer Oust Limit 2 For Customer Twenty-fallon lice. It’s rust-proof, noiseless ■nd easy to clean. Charge It. ^ AH-WKKSJK H«* «idi 4m. illllyMInE '' oratadplaitielaaMM. Chart* ft r i.. v). '4' 1 IW^ Mump sMf with |Um “apothecary jars" for your apices- * 196 White Quantity Lotts 288 Only Limit 2 Per Customer JW v,'* V limit 2 per Customer ;r. j Limit 2 P«r Customer f GLENWOOD PLAZA CORNER NORTH PERRY AT GLENWOOD m wam§ THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1967 E~» Opening Sale Starts Thursday 10 While Quantities Last ztK mart on almost eveiyfanulyh SALE OF BABY PARAKEETS 1-LB.* IMPORTED CANNED HAM While OuantitY LatU Our Reg. 139 ONE POUND BAG OF CANDY Nestis orHarshey Our Reg. 57c ,j| aa While Quantity Last* _ ^ ^ Tieg. VWC 300'Only “Greentree” brand. Pre-cooked .. do-liciom Holland Ham. Specially priced. Limit 2 Per Customer •t-Lb.natwiliht Zasy-to-kecp, ready-to-train.. pot baby parakoeta from talking stock! Limit 1 Per Customer Bridie Mix, Malted MU^ Balia. U>. net wt. Limit 2 Per Customer A Door-buster Special! SEAMLESS MESH NYLONS While Quantity Lasts 'TOT ROD" TRICYCLE Bayer Aspirin, 100's Scope Mouthwash 44* %** W Our Reg. 4.44 Our Reg. 2 prs. 86c. Choice of three flattering shades. Sizes 9 to 11. Limit 2 Pkgs. Per Customer While Quantity Lasts Holds 18 to 100-lbs. It’s easy , to assemble. Safe. And fan! JAmit 1 Per Customer Limit 2 Per Customer 576 Only / Viscose Rayon Tweed 9x12 RUG IN AAANY COLORS 300 Only is**** 0 714x21" BOLSTER PILLOWS 144 Only R gngUJL Floral or Early American print Cotton' cover, kapok filled. Save. 4 Hill T Limit 2 Per Customer WM mm / Knitting Worsted Our Reg. VHA Loop-cut nig has non-slip backing. Serged edges. Solids, stripes in* eluded. OurReg. 27c Limit 1 Per Customer Limit 3 Per Customer 720 Only / DYMO MELAMINE DINNERWARE OurReg. 13.84 120 Only A JI4I DYMO INSTANT LABEL MAKER 24x48" VISCOSE RAYON RUG Our Reg. 2.77 200 Only mmm Viscose Rayon Renner OurReg. mmm Mill* , g ~ Limit 4 Per Customer 200 Only 200Only Emsyeomss. 44 mnbouing characters. Cartridge Tap* Refills... 77c Limt l Per Customer 45-piece act, service for 8. Choice of four colorful pattern*. Charge It ’ Limit 1 Per Customer Cat *N Loop “Pom Pom” design, choice of many color*. Non^kid backing. Limit 2 Per Customer GLENWOOD PLAZA CORNER ORTH PERRY AT GLEN WOO E—A THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1967 Sat. at Pontiac and Thurs, OPEN DAILY 10-10 OP|N DUNDAY12-7 DRESSES WITH A FLARE, For Knowing No-yet-teeners! 3 Days Only 3.97 Valuea Hopsacking honeys in rayon/ acetate; Dacron® polyester/ M cotton cuties and clever checked Posh ^ prints; crisp checks; spirited solid colors. 7*12, * runreelt Quality — Value and Fashion too! Interlock knit cotton. Tur-qnoiie, pink, lime, yellow, white, orange. 3*14 Charge it! 1.37 Value*! 3 Day* Only SWEET-DREAM SLEEPWEAR TO PLEASE GIRLS! S-M-L Frilly' baby doll pj’s and frothy J gowns docked with Frou-Frou ruf- lies. Nylon oyer acetate. Pastels. jf/j MISSES' TENT SHIFTS THAT NEVER NEED ANY IRONlNGI Our Reg. 2.78-3 Days Only In high fashion colors... hot shades of maise and orange; prints in shocking blue, melon, .ime. 10-20. GIRLS ARE WILD FOR THE AFRICAN-PRINT MAU-MAUI Our Reg. 2.87 — 3 Day* Only fMtk Cotton's newest caper . . . exciting 1 ^k primitive prints in lively colors. We’ve * fruit-print robes, too. 4-14. JflH GLENWOOD PLAZA CORNER NORTH PERRY AT GLENWOOD THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1967 Special Purchase! FASHION PAGE DRESSES for juniors and junior petites SAVE ON SHIRTS N SKIRTS! 3 Day Only-1-78 Value! 97c Misses’ Blouses: Avril® rayon/-cotton gingham in prints, solid colors and checks. 32-38. 3 Day Only-3.78 Value! ■ 077 , Misses* Permanent Press Skirts: in Dacron® polyester/-cotton. Several styles — the lastest colors. 8-16. * PmPawl trademark TWO-PIECE CREPE DRESSES YOU’LL WEAR WITH LOVE! GET-TOGETHERS THAT 60-0! Our Reg. $2 Our Reg. 1.78 Our Reg. 1.97 7.88 Value—3 Days Only Jr. and misses’ long-sleeve dress* makers in Arnel® triacetate crepe. Pink, green, maize, blue. 7-15; 8-18. ■ Ctlrnsw Carp. TWA 487 Charge It 97° 3 Day Only l* 3 Days Only Stretch Denim Jamaicas Expandra& atretch denin in cotton/nylon. 8-18. pr 3 Day Only Stretch Denial Surfers Cotton/nylon Expandra xj ' atretch denim. 8 to 18. GLENWOOD PLAZA CORNER NORTH PERRY AT GLENWOOD t -B"1 ft 1 THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, im You’ll Never Forget These Discount Price Pour Choice 3 Day* Only ( Fan-loving, size 5 to 10 undies have 2 hands, hack strip styling and cushioned insoles. Rich mahogany color. Women's Cut-Away Casuals, Sizes 4-10 Our Reg. 1.96 gg U U Your Choice W & 3 Days Only B a HANDBAG SPECIALS Our Reg. 2.47 3 Days Only SHOES Our Reg. itc... „ 3 Day Only A wisp of veiling! Black, white, colors. Our Reg. 3.68... 3 Days Only Hats have pleated organza crowns. S colon. Womenfr, teens* spring and summer casual handbags feature easy-to-care-For vinyl-leather finish. Black, chestnut, spring fawn, white. Charge it! MEN’S SUEDENE OXFORDS IN GUNSMOKE GREY Our Reg. 2.96 DEPENDABLE RONSON LIGHTERS Our Reg. 2.$5 «66 VARAFLAME BUTANE LIGHTERS Our Reg. S.9S DUPONT 3 Days Only 3 eyelet oxford has cushion insole and foam rubber valcanized ontsole. Lightweight, flexible. 6Vh to 12. 3 Rays Only Ronton® wick-typo “Ty-phone” lighter features new super-strength construction. Choose from three handsome finishes. Charge it! 3 Days Only Lightweight Ronscn® lighten have fast responsive "trigger action.’* Ideal for papes, cigan, cigarettes. Charge it! MEN'S CORFAM DRESS OXFORDS Ow-Reg.lS.96 Ol 3 Days Only ^ WOMEN'S TENNIS OXFORDS SAVE! WESTGUIX ALARM CLOCKS Discount Price . *. |W 3 Day Only Keywound alarm dock writes yon gently but firmly. Our Reg. 1.76 3 Roy Only 5 eyelet, wing-tip oxfords are scuff resistant, water-repellent with Corfam® uppen that breath with you. Black. 7-12. WOMEN'S DRESS PUMPS SLIPPERS FOR THE FAMILY Our Reg. 6.76 aH 3 Day Only Our Rag. tm 6.66... 3 Day Only Complete your sun Choose from pearly, leafs,. of this round thro hearts and many others. , pen, medium hee! Our Mag. 166.95 3 Day Only Tf 8 dueling white imperfect diamonds out for finest . brilliance. 193 Our Reg. 1.96 OlC W 3 Days Only Mr gf ^ ■ • >* •' t?T: ’ • wardrobe with the smart simplicity Choose women’s floral, cotton terry moccasins, sites 6.10, >lain pump. Futures soft vinyl up-. Men’s vinyl opera dippers, 7 to 12. Also eMldren’s vinyl ^hito, beige, red, blue. Sites to 10. ^’Batman slipper” with cotton flannel lining. Sites 6-11. GLENWOOD PLAZA CORNER NORTH PERRY AT GLENWOOD I GRAND OPENING! OWN DAILY 10*10; .SUNDAY 12 TO 7 mart A Division oftheS.S.Kresge Company with Store* throughout!!** United States, Canada and Puerto Rico Savings Add Up Fast At K mart Discounts 2 gul*. for 4.97 PENINSULAR I Wall paint (LATEX) Save! PENINSULAR INTERIOR LATEX PAINT Discount Price 2 497 3 Days Only You’ll find it. so easy to beautify walls and woodwork with this ready*to*use interior latex paint. Dries in one hour. 8 decorator colon. Charge It, ■ PAINT ROLLER AND METAL TRAY SET Our Reg. 2.67 1.97 3 Days Only Set includes heavy metal tray, 7" roller cover, extension handle; roller cleaning tool, edging roller and T* roller handle. For oil or latex paint AEROSOL SPRAY ENAMEL IN 24 POPULAR COLORS 63< Class-hard spray enamel in 24 sparkling, non-toxic colors. 13-ox. avoir, can. Dries in minutes. Ideal for use on wood and ihetal. Shop Kmart and say, **Charge ff.? Combination Offer On | POLAROID CAMERA, CASE AND ALBUM Our Reg. 21.73 3 Days Only 16.73 In Hard Vinyl Carry Case! 7x35mm BINOCULARS 12.88 <•: Our Reg. 16.88 •:;i 3 Days Only Polaroid “Swinger” gives black/white pictures ?: in lo seconds. Electric eye, built-in flash. Cat> S rying case, paisley print album. Charge III >> i;j Precision center-focus binoculars with dia* :£ v’: mond-cut eyepiece and focusing wheels. SO §? i only! ... \ .... ,. E ' i S: CX126-12 Film, 83c; Ansco Pale Film. !' Black/white, 36c * | Wm VICEROY SUPER 8 MOVIE CAMERA Our Reg. 99.88 3 Days Only 79.88 Automatic movie camera with behind-the-Iens CDS else* trie eye, reflex viewfinder, 4-to-l power soon, fL8 lens, split image focusing, 3 speeds. Jmt uy “Charge it!” FIBERGLASS LAUNDRY TUB Our Reg. 17.53 MM MO 3 Days Only Leu Trim §aO MW % ■ Lightweight, yet strong fiberglass laundry tub includes stand and drain. Easy to install* excellent for suds saving. Low Kmart prico ■ does not include faucet Charge It at Kmart* SAVE! BATHTUB ENCLOSURE Our Reg. 27.86 3 Days Only 22.27 "ShowertMate* tub enclosure of hl-impaCt polystyrene looks like ihammered glass. Install* in mitptaa without drilling. Fits any 4ft to 5-ft tub. Equipped with nylon ball bearings. Charge It. < Compact “SAFARI” GADGET BAG 3.97 Discount Price ... Charge It Easily holds your Instsmatic® Camera, film end flashbulbs. •Eastman Kodak RoflbtirodTrodutork PEARLOID TOILET SEAT OurtUg. 5.97 M 3 Days Only Vtwflr Soft-gleam pesrloid covered toilft seat in e choice of eight decorator colon. Features rust-proof hinges and matching bumpers. Fits any standwd bowl in ngimites. Charge ft. ENAMELED TOILET SEAT Ourtl^.t.91 met 3 Days Only £^M8j Gleaming multi-coat enameled wood toilet seat comes in ■ choice of eight decorator colon. Non-rusting hinges. Installed in minutea on any standard bowl. Shop Kmart and Charge ft. Light Meter, Movie Editor or Camera Our Reg. 6.88. Sunset nnldo light meter feature, “•till," “movie,"1 and “Polaroid” setfingi. 12 only!.............................5.88 Our Reg. 10.77. Mark It Bata 8mm or Super 8 movie editoc fsalurea alip-in loading screen, splicer. 24 only.............. j.U Onr Reg. 6.88. Vleeroy InOant-loading still camera has built-in (atoms-lie flash-cube socket. 24 only!............................5.88 Your Choice see Wm' Each FLASHBULBS FIT RE-LOADABLE CUBE 1.48 MDVIECHROME AND PROCESSING V 1.66 Our Reg. 1.88,..3 Day Only! Our Reg. 2.2S...3 Day Onlyl , 24-count Amplex AG-1B flash- 25* of daylight, artificial Ansco bulba fit reloadable enhe. 8mm film with processing. Our Reg. 1.97 3 Days Only Antplex re-loadable flash cube fits easily onto your “cube’* camera. Take 4 flash shots, then simply re-load and you're ready to shoot ogain. Includes 12 AG-1B flashbulbs. Charge lil GLENWOOD PLAZA CORNER NORTH PERRY AT GLENWOOD the PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL >6, 1M7 OPEN DAILY 10 TO 10 SUNDAY 12 TO 7 Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday 12-FT. "LAKE FISHER" BOAT “LITTLE LEAGUE” .22 CALIBER LONG FIELDER’S GLOVE RIFLE AMMUNITION 2.34 54t Box of SO 'iir Reg. 3.47 3 Dm Only Our Reg. 67c 3 Day, Only xtn-deep pre-thapad pocket; fall, NeUonillyedvertited brand. Cop. Ditcount Price Charge It 5-H.P, OUTBOARD MOTOR Mad* by Eska Discount Price Charge It Elki 5 H.P. outboard fea- WILSON 7-PIECE GOLF SET OmrReg.46,9& *20 O'JF 3 Dayt Only “Greenbrier” matched tet of walnut-flniahed woods (“Strata-B constrnetioii), with chroma steel shaft, reminder grip. Irons I chrome head and sand-blasted face, chrome steel shaft, remit 110-POUND BARBELL SET Our Deg. 16.97 3 Day* Only ALL QUALITY-MADE BASEBALL GLOVES Ditcount Price gS Your Choice M each First baseman’s mitt, catchers mitt and "Bobby Shanta” signature fielder’s glove. Fully leather, lined with rawhide lacing throughout Nylon/ reinforced, / Man’s Baseball Shoes an Cowhide; elk leather tips. “4 4-PLAYER BADMINTON SET Ditcount Price n Charge It XnTA LIDO" SPINCAST OUTFIT JOHNSON SPINCAST OUTFIT Our Keg. SS6 O'V 3 Day* Only M All metaheonstrueted dosed fine spincast reel with pushbutton control Features positive-action drag controL BO yds., 8-lb. mono- SHAKESPEARE SPINNING REEL AT A SAVING OurJhs.rr.97 JUNIOR-SIZE INSULATED AND LINED S|.EEPIN£ BAG Our Reg, 3.99 M 3 Day* Only mm ^M M M 3 Dayt Only 2-PC. HOODED RAINSUIT IN ALL-RUBBER ALL-RUBBER HIP BOOTS Oer lUg. 6.96 Jt 4)4 3 Day* Only *Wo^t W Leak-proof. All-rubber hip bools alade with full-cleated sa heel for extra safety. Have adinstable belt-loop straps. Limit o GLENWOOD PLAZA CORNER NORTH PERRY AT GLENWOOD V m GRAND OPENING! Solid* and Rich Plaids! PERMA-PRESS SPORT SHIRTS Charge It THE PONTIAC FRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL *6, 1067 E~0 A3 77 JUNIOR BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS Our Rag. 1,97 — 3 Days Only 1*17 3-DAY SAVINGS ON COTTON KNIT T-SHIRTS AND BRIEFS Short-sleeve sport shirt* in permsn-•nt press fabrics. Regular, button down styles. 3-7. 3 133 U Boys' 3 177 M Man's for for Our Reg. 31237 Oar Rag. 311.77 White Sanforised* Men’s T-shirts, S-M-L-XL; briefs, 2842. Boys’ T-shirts and briefs, 4 to 20. Our Rag. 2.58 B 2.97 Men a S-M-L-XL. Tailored of Wear Dated Bine “C"* polyester/cotton, these shirts are gnaranteed for one foil year of normal wear. Regular or button COOL SPORT SHIRTS BOYS’ SWEATSHIRTS JHBOR BOYS’ BUIE DERM JEANS 1.44 Our Reg. 1.87 S Days Only 8-18 78* of Wear Dated Bine “C"* polyester/cotton ...guaranteed for one foil year of normal wear. Solids, plaids. OurRmg.iai SDaytOnfy Boys’ cotton sweatshirts .in OarRaglM SDeysOafy bold colors. Long or short Cotton denim leans have sleeve. 8-16. mpper fly, 4 pockets, 3 lo fa. HOPSACKING A Meat's no-iron hopsacking jeans in For> trel® polyester/cotton. Latest spring shades in sixes29-36, regular, dim. ......................In ■ 377 Our Reg. 4.77 3 Days Only B. Boys* permanent press hopeaeking Ivy jeans fti Forirel® polyester/cotton. Near eolors! 8-18 fat regulars, sRms. MEN’S COfTTON SWEATSHHOTS * W W ** f#If< JUNIOR BOYS’ KNIT SHIRTS im WMt 3 Days Only jf "§Z 297 Our Reg. 1^1 3 Days Only Our Reg. 3.77 3 Days Only OmR*g>3A7 3 Days Only Men’s fine cotton dress shirts styled with short deems for Brightly colored knit ahirts in long-wearing, shape-retaining Long or abort-deeve sweatshirt! with * warm-weather comfort! Regular collar, vent sleeves and two Aerilan® acrylic. Choice of bntton-down, regular or mock Powder bine, pink, cream, lime, oranga, raspberry, royal, pockets. White only' in sines 1414 to 1614. Chaves It et Kmart turtle oeek collars in Junior boys’ siaes 3 to 7. Charge It at burgundy, navy, bottle green, teal bine. Sizes S-M-L-XL. GLENWOOD PLAZA CORNER NORTH PERRY AT GLENWOOD B—id* THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1967 Take it easy! Shop Kmart! Easy to reach THURS., FRL SOFT SLEEPWEAR BABY CARRIER Our Bug. 97e mmm Our Rug. MM ■ 3 Day* Only f” 3 Days Only Toddlers’ drip-dry cotton Polypropylene plastic. 4-pajamas, juvenile prints, position adjustment. I-a.- White. 10” FRYPAN III Our Reg. 1.99 1 Daps Only! Teflon" coated aluminum try pan has bake-liie handle. Limit 1. HEETS and CASES TWin Sheets! 72x108” and fitted bottom sheet* of fine quality cotton muslin. Limit 4. . IRONSTONE DINNERWARE SYLVANIA LIGHT BULBS H*!? 23 Inside frosted, 100 watt light bulbs give efficient, economical light. limit 6. Charge It at Kmart Our Reg. 82c 'SDstysOnly Our Reg. 1M S Day Only Our Reg. 5.88 AJL 8 Days Only! mmm BP 16-pc. set bronae glased dinnerware includes mugs, dinner plates, bread-and-butter plates, dessert dishes. Limit 2. RIPCORD BEDSPREAD Our Reg. 6.88 Solid, deep^hne color*. 100% cotton is machine washable. Rounded corners, plain hem. Double DACRON' SLEEPING PILLOW -f Our Reg. 2.96 1M 3 Days Only! DaeronS polyester filling gives lasting bouyancy and comfort Floral print ticking. Finished siae. 20*26” TEXIZE' FANTASTIK CLEANER Our Reg. 1.37 SEAT, BACK REPLACEMENT KITS! SAVE! Our Reg. 2.97 ea. 4,, $8 3 Days Only! Make old chairs like new with replacement kilt Fits %" or 1" screw-on or slip* on chairs. With hardware. FULL LENGTH WOOD FRAME DOOR MIRROR Our Reg. 4.88 1M 3 Days Only! 16x56” select-quality door mirror hai 1*’ AmKnacnrl 3 Days Only! Ready-to-use. Spray c Kmart Brand SPRAT STARCH Our Reg. 42c PLASTIC LAUNDRY BASKET Our Reg. 88c SAVE! FRAMED PICTURES frdb«aB»f.9l 3 Days Only! BRIGHT COTTON YARD GOODS Vqhie» to49cyd. P ydt. tl Charge It 3 for ** I . 3 Days Only! 3 Days Only! Just spray and iron. 1144m. basket has es Net wt 1-lb., (on. carry handles. Limit BATH RUG, LID COVER Our Reg. 3.11 MM 3 Days Only! lPO"«4 BATHROOM SCALE Our Reg. 2.87 SSI III) 3 Days Only! PLASTIC HOUSEHOLD ITEMS AREA AND ACCENT RUGS Om Reg.$.96 A a mr 3 Days Only!' ' '' j||D# 3 Days Only! GLENWOOD PLAZA CORNER NORTH PERRY AT GLENWOOD \ X \ s §1 n 1r mu THE PONTIAC PR&SS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26* 1967 Yi ou Can Save at Kmart on Almost Every Family Need And Charge It!1' THURS., FRI, SAT. CELEBRATING DBA8STEB MODEL ; BICYLCLES FOR BOVS' mi OIRLS’ Our Reg. 36.88 FREE FREE Our Reg. 11.88 Steel framed* glass aquarium with kit,. filter, morel 3 Ray* Only New “Renegade" Dragster model features high rise handle> bars, coaster brakes* 20" wheels with chrome rims and banana style saddle. Just charge it at Kmart! 4NeonTetraswith purchase of aquarium. While QuantUiea Last! JUNIOR MISS SEAMLESS NYLONS wi5ft Our Reg. 8.44 Our Reg. 2 prt. 86c 3 Days Only Sheer mesh nylon ... popular seamless style . .; in four loyely shades. Jr. Miss sizes 8 Vi-lOVi. V Men', Cotton Stuck Sock,t (\ ’ rj A .Reg. 3 for 94« .. . 3 Day* Only.' "t nr. / /I. Cuihiony spun cotton. 10-3. tl I JJ Men’, Ribbed-Top Crow Sock, ^ . Our Re*. 68c . . . 3 Days Only. C *) Orion* acrylic, ..ret*, nylon. CJ dmd 52c pr. Jkiii Not sSaBt l_ /rPmBsasiyai (vWswds&Z. ^Tfshowni i 3 Days Only Rugged Radio Jet coaster wagon with red enamel finish. 29* long and 1214" wide, with sturdy 6” wheels. Shop Kmartundjuat charge it! ______While Quantities Last! ; RECORD CARRYING CASE! SAVE! Our Reg. 1.96 ALL OCCASION CARDS AT BID SAVINGS Our Reg. 53c REFRESHER Our Reg. 38c v 3 Days Only "Disk-Go-Case” organises 60 records in stagk. Pro-tecta them against'damage, < Molded or plastic, For 45 rpm records., E 3 Days Only Box of slim shaped and regn* lar cards for all occasions. Buy now at Kmart and just say* “Charge it" 3 Days Only In' four popular fragrances . . . lavender, floral* spice and pine. Not weight 614-oas. avoir. Charge it at Kmart. 3 Days Only Quality skates for beginners. Sturdy welded construction* laced leather too straps. Compare at 1.97 ■ k Charge It M088 Just in time for those spring and summer cot fine quality table top grills. In avoeado/gr advantage of this 3-day only special! Just, uk-outs... een. Take ijeharge -it Our Reg. 68c W iA JL 3 Days Only V mM WrPack i ' v ™ . • i Package of 100 white paper plates... perfect timesavers for pionics and outdoor barbecues. Stock up now during this 3 day only special offer and save! Limit 2. Discount Price Charge It ' diwVRPBRM* A large Selection of imported* forgedsteel nickel plated scis* sort, properly ground by skilled Craftsmen. Choose several now! Shop Kmart for quality and value and just aey “Charge Our Reg. 3.87.. 3 Day* Only Lightweight luaeh box with lVi Shop without cash Vith Dressing,Whipped 'otatoes,Vegetable HEARTY JL beef O# STEW ^ WithMarx.tti Col. . Slaw ana Toasted Roll 3-in-l Crahgrass 50-Lb. BAG of 10-6-4 Fertilizer 1.37 Compare at 1.5Z ' , AAr 3 Days Only , Lightweight vinyl plastic garden hose, 7/16" inside diameter, features rust-proof, solid brass couplings. 50-ft. long. Shop Kmart (of Grand Opening savings end charge it. Limit 2, ‘Keep* pin healthy, gresh.' eninwan-ftim GLENWOOD PLAZA CORNER NORTH PERRY AT GLENWOOD 9 n fmm pf ■BMP Huh t IS ■■ I THE PONTIAC PRESS- WEDNESDAY, APRIL S 1M7 Fantastic Bag! Both Front & Root FOR ONE LOW, LOW MKH ‘ Vinyl FLOOR 099 MATS Vlss^ MUFFLERS 1 GLENWOOD PLAZA CORNER NORTH PERRY AT GLENWOOD 8HEUX-100{1 Motor Oil I QUART UVM GARAGE FLOOR I fir DRIVEWAY CLEANER 1 Claans away stubborn 1 1 stains quick and 1 [ ft IIMlWItt 1 IMyMrm B: hrttfMmrt 1 WIsiyMih. 1 autostiko takhayh 1 «» ««*« M| I I ^ ^ m llB ■CT7 E KT7^ 1 LANTERN 1 1 WITHOUT I I BATTBtllS I 1 Many urn . . . tor 1 ■ tamping ar auto 1 ■ siiwrysnciss# |' CHROME 1 REVERSE 1 1 WHEELS I s«tc«n 1 Ci»riii yo»r or «hI 1 1 uvt Monty tow. ■ I 1 FISK SEALED. I BEAM BULBS 1 for al cars 1 #4001 -#4001 #6006 — #«012 . 1 llsplmammt bulb* nods to] |1H ST Alj| IimUmI I Ul/MIKM I 16.9 TOUR CAR. | 1 SPARK I ^ PLUGS I .sBSgsa JACK I STAND | pynhawnt..wwd» ■ ■BU THE PONTIAC ] i 1967 Ex-Area Man killed in Viet 1st. Lt. William E. Lawson Jr., formerly Of Birmingham was killed April 2Q in Vietnam. He was 27. * . * Service will be 2 p.m. Friday at the First Methodist Church of Birmingham. Burial will be in Franklin Cemetery by Man. ley Bailey Funeral Home, Bir- Surviving ire his wife, Eliz- a son, Calvin, both at home; Us mother, Mrs. Aley Lawson of Royal Oak; Us father, William E.. of Royal Oak; aid three sisters, including Mrs. Jack Kalbfleisch of Binning* ham and Mrs. Stewart Kemf of Walled Lake. Lt. Lawson, was killed near Pleiku while acting as a forward observer for a convoy which was ambushed by the Vietcong. He was struck by enemy rifle fire as he sought to take cover. '★ * A graduate of Birmingham Seaholm High School, he arrived in Vietnam last August as part of the 2nd Brigade, Fourth Infantry Division. He was due to come home June 22. Inducted into the army In 1960, he reenlisted in 1964 planning to make the army his career. Ex-Educator Dies,-Served City Schools Harriett Ratliff, former supervisor of elementary education in the Pontiac School System, died Monday. She was 80. Service will be 1:30 p,m. tomorrow at Sparks-Griffin Chapel with burial in White Chapel Memorial Cemetery, Troy. < A sister survives. Miss Ratliff of • Green came to the Pontiac schools in 1928. She was formerly • teacher at Fremont and Mns-kegon dad elementary supervisor at Muskegon Heights. She served many yeanr ln Pontiac schools as teacher, principal of McConnell School and, later, supervisor of ele-mentaryeducation. ★ ★ ' Miss Ratliff Was a past president of Zonfa dub, Pontiac Education Association and a member of the National and Michigan Education associations. CLUE PRESIDENT A former president of Pontiac Business and Professional Women’s Club, she was a member of Pontiac Day Nursery Board and at one time headed the former Oakland County Normal School. ★ ★ ★ Miss Ratliff attended the -First Church of Christ, Scientist. A graduate of Michigan Normal College, Mt. Pleasant, she took advanced training at the University of Chicago and Columbia University. Italy Launches Study Satellite ~ ROME - (UPI) - Italy-to. day launched a scientific research satellite into orbit above the equator, the Italian Space Agency said/ ★ •': ★- ★ The 285-pound San Marco-B instrument package was lofted into permanent orbit from/1 platform in the sea off Kenya by an American-built tour-stage scout rocket. After Soft dismissed F—i Sewer Planning Proceeds With file dismissal of a lawsuit, plans tor the construction of 833-million Clinton-Oakland Interceptor Sewer are proceeding, R. J. Alexander, director of tiie Oakland County Department Of Public Works, said today. The next step will be filing an application with the Michi- gan Municipal Finance Commission for approval to sell bonds to finance the project. „ While waiting tor an answer, said Alexander, his department wifi begin the process of acquiring easements tor the •ewer which will serve toe six townships of Avon, Pontiac, Waterford, Independence, West Bloomfield and Orion. Contracts with DPW have ben approved by all the townships: the application to the Finance Commission had been held up pending the outcome of a suit November by six Avon Township and Rochester residents. They questioned a proposal that would have any tax money returned to Rochester that was collected from Avotf; Township from Rochester property owners to pay for the system. LANSING (AP) - A supplemental appropriations bill to provide an extra $29.7 million 'or state spending in fiscal 1966-7 passed the Senate Tuesday gd was sent to the Houae. The bill, approved 31-3, would boost total general fund spending for the fiscal year to approximately $1.01 billion. ★ ★ * The measure would provide ~n extra $18.3 million for medicaid, the state’s health service program; and another $3.6 million to repay localgovernments for property tak wmptfonsfor elderly citizens. About $3.4 million would go for ' HUM SALES PITCH—Sylvan Lake Mayor John M. Hanson (right) sells a miniature white cane to Pontiac Mayor William H. Taylor Jr. for donations to aid the blind during White Cane Week. Money will be used to buy glasses for area children who can’t afford them and to support the Leader Dogs for the Blind in Avon Township, according to Hanson who is cochairmatfof the Pontiac Lions Club project. Chib members will be selling canes in city streets and shopping centers tomorrow through Saturday. Circuit Judge Robert L. Templin dismissed the case Monday, saying that the suit was premature and should be determined if and when a tax is levied. Alexander estimated that the construction of the interceptor could get underway within a year, with completion a year later. Hie interceptor will connect with a main line from Detroit at Dequindre and 23 Mile Road in Macomb County. ' * ★ Original plans had called for the sewer to be linked with the Dequindre Interceptor, but the ‘ was rejected by com- 180 Future Teachers Tour Area Elementary Schools Pontiac and Waterford Town- ter, remarked after visiting Pon- munities it serves on the basis that it would overload the sys- — mental health p u r p.o s ea, mainly s&aries; wages aid sdp-plies, and $1.5 million would-be used for junior and community college construction projects. SUPPLEMENT NECESSARY -----officials say the extra medicaid money Is needed because estimates of-costs and numbers of eligible recipients indicate the program wfil be short about $18 million. ★ * * The. medicaid -program was approved by the 1966 Legislature, which appropriated $21 million to phase in the program during fiscal 1966-67. v ★ ★ ★ Gov. George Romney ordered cutback in services provided service tat for toe r Pontiac by the program last December, resident, RusselFH._______ saying expenses would run far 0f Cleveland llhio will be Vto over toe original » million * Funeral/Home with burial to fount Park Cemetery. He said the two j u v e n i 1 e a were crouched behind a row of shelves. ship elementary school principals had a chance yesterday to recruit future teachers without even taking a step outside their $wn schools. Some 180 Michigan State Uni versity elementary education majors came to 60 Pontiac and Waterford schools to observe for toe day. f For many of these future teachers It was the first time they returned to an elementary classroom since they left one. And they were glad they did. “It’s an experience visiting a predominately Negro school, although the Children aren’t any different,” Sharon Kucharek, a junior from 180 Boyken, Roches- Former Sen. Diggs Commits Suicide DETROIT (AP) — Former State Sen. Charles C. Diggs the first Negro elected to public office to Michigan on the Dent, ocratic ticket, died Tuesday.^ a four-story plunge. The body of. the 73-yedr-old funeral director was found on the ground outside A Detroit.; Memorial Hospital roor ★ ★Jy★ mts said he died of the fall from his/rourth floor room. Dr. John Brirton, Wayne County medlcal/alrector, ruled toe yau obvious suicide. [8, the father of Demo-Congressman Charles C, Jr., entered the hospital last Week for treattoent of a stroke. He had retired five years ago following a similar stroke. Broomfield: the Cost of Overseas Mail Congressman William S. Broomfield, R-Uto District, ap- The letters were written to response to a compalgn launched peared before the House Sub- by Hazel Park City Councilman committee on Postal Rates today to attempt to have rstes reduced on packages mailed to servicemen overseas. HW is seeking legislation that would allow packages weighing up to 30 pounds to he airlifted overseas at less titan half toe cost Broomfield was invited to testify after turning oyer 280 letters urging lower package rates to Vietnam to , Rep. Hnddeaas J. Dnlski, committee chairman, and Glenn Gon-ningham, the ranking Repnbli- Dale C. Burley. w i “It now costs about $8 to mail a 10-pound package from Buffalo, N.Y., to Vietnam by preform! ate pared post sendee,” said Broomfield. “Under the proposed legislation, the cost would be about $3.” SUPPORTS FREE MAILING Broomfield said he will support legislation which proposes tree mailing of newspapers and other second class publications overseas. At present free mail-ing is limited to military personnel to combat zones. Congressman Jack McDonald, R-19th District, was released to-, day from the Bethesda (I Naval Hospital and immediately announced a full sch< I activities to his district this weekend. / McDonald wm/ hospitalized With a herinated intervertebral disc on Aprir 17 and wfil be required t/wear a brace for some timd. Doctors say an operation may not be necessary. After meeting Friday morn-tog with toe Greater Detroit Board of Commerce, McDonald will be presented with an A me r 1 jc a n flag by veteran groups in his district at a 2 p.m. ceremony. At 9:30 a.m. Saturday, the freshman representative wil meet with members of the Oakland County AFLCIO. ★ ★ -k He will conduct business from his office at 32620 Grand River, Farmington, on Saturday after- Hospital Stay Is Ended by McDonald tiac’s Wilson School. . W ★ 4r The day was both a busy and interesting one for the visitors who came to “one of toe finest student teaching centers to toe state,” according to Robert Trautmann, director of MSU Teacher Education Center for toe Oakland County area. WILSON SCHOOL Take Wilson School for example: Principal David, Crawford met a group of foUr female visitors at toe Pontiac Schools Administration Building and drove them to Us school, as/ did other principals. / For toe most part, toe mom-png was devoted to a tour of the school plant — everything from classrooms to teacitors’ lounges — and totroductfim to teachers and administ m A student composition which toe viritors spotted on the Wil-bmletin board probably fe them wish its author lyould grow up faster. It read: STUDENT’S AMBITION -“I want to be a policeman ecause I would like to look like a policeman and put crooks to Jail.” Some of the MSU students had a chance to chat with fellow students who are now student teaching in nine schools to Pontiac and Waterford. Later to the day toe students had a chance to observe another grade level if they wished and many of them were permitted to work with the children. / ■ ★ .★ • ★ / Cheryl Austin of Kepi; City helped a group of second graders at Wilson with/toeir arithmetic. / MORE BENEFICIAL T have observed an elementary classJn my hometown and I knew toe teacher,” she said, 'but it’s much nibre beneficial to visit a school you’re not familiar with. “I think this observation program is one of the best instructional devices and should be done more.” When four buses pulled away from the Pontiac Board of Education office and Waterford Materials Center for East link..... . , . . stag aW p m., another day of sr“ded tat0 8 neaby 8asoline learning was over. station. , mPl win* uuriai jn Diemen!ST.JSliTn Perr^fount Park Cemetery. Samuel W. Pill piement the cutbacks after Atty. w Beach a retired engineer Gen. Frank Kelley ruled that XiTteJMbtoroxirp BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP--------- Romneyhad no authority to takeffk p j a nt, Cleveland, ^tad &m«elT MU °f M01 E. Ham- PREVIOU SBREAK-IN such action. / Monday. m°nd Lake died this morning. BILL DISCUSSED / Surviving are his wife, Clara; f* is«t toe Donelson- JeStootetototfsto^wli The bill, which has/passed a sister. Mr8- Harold Peltier of Johns Funeral Home, Pontiac. CMJs ™ “c T™ earll< raate now Waterford To wns hip; and a imitte’e for brotber» Joseph of Pontiac. Adam J. Lemanski 73 — »»., much has pa both toe House and Senate, now is in conference committee foi ironing out of a/House amendment, which would restore a portion of the services originally ordered7deleted. / ★ * . ★ : supplemental spending bill provides an extra $963,000 for thf legislative bran c h, $415,0«|for toe judicial branch Crash Kills 2; Driver Is Held OAK PARK (AP) - A year-old woman and her 3-month-old granddaughter we r e kifiaHast night Mrs, Mertie Belle Mander-field of Detroit and Tammy Sue Leep, daughter of ML. and Mrs. Richard Loop of Berkley, were dead on arrival at South-field’s Providence Hospital. Oak Park Safety Office Patrick Brown said a car driven by Fred Atkins, 30, of 8789 War Bonnet went through a red light and hit Mrs. Manderfield’s car broadside, i * i Brown said toe impact threw both victims from their car, which burnt into flames and Many of the students found iey liked classroom teaching tw pdrhaps a few found they didn’t. And possibly even some thought they would like to teach to this area when their college days are over. Brown said Atkins was held as a police prisoner, to Providence Hospital. A newlybom crocodile cuts tty way out of its egg shell with an “egg tooth” which is on the end of its snout. Slate Senate OKs Extra Fund $29.7 Million Added lor General Spending WASHINGTON BOUND — About 230 ninth graders of Washington Junior High School left this morning for a threey day visit to Washington, D.C. Checking travel plans with leaver Miller, assistant principal and tour dteector/are (from left) Connie Cuthreil, 539 Avon; Art Kilgore/K Lo-ratae; and Chris Shoreg, 94 Wenonah. On this 20to mmnpi trip, the group is scheduled to meet Michigan Stois. Robert P. Griffin and Philip1 A. Hart and to place a wreath at George Washington’s grave. Police Foil Break-In at Area Store S t a t e? Waterford Towndiip and county police joined forces early today to capture four burglar suspects and thwart an Independence Township break-to. ; Taken into custody following A break-in- at Al’s Hardware, 5880 Dixie, were Robert E. Van-Kleek, 21, of 77 dark, Pontiac; Leonard A. Irwin, 28, at 3325 Genoa, Independece Township; and two juveniles. State Police were breaking and entering j rants for VanKleek i this morning. The juveniles -/a 16-year-old and a 14-yeartold from Waterford Township — were turned over to ertmty juvenile authorities. / / + it ★ [/State Police and sheriff’s deputies had observed four persons riding to a car with a noisy muffler at Dixie Highway and Waterford Road shortly before 2 PASSENGERS GONE Two of the passengers were gone when State Police Stopped the vehicle on Waterford Road a few minutes later. Consequently, other police Russell H. Bmo tag contractor, died Monday. , He was a member of Pontiac at 2*‘ Tonusmprairoiman jame bKSF wn * “U’.™38 ,0f Webb called ^ assistance be Bloomfield Hills, and two sis- fore entering the establishment. Mrs. Roy Sorenson M,8 W----—--------------, BIRMINGHAM -- Service for ^764 Hillcrest, Independem Mrs. Roy (Mable J.) Sorenson, Township. Requiem Mass for Adam J. ?3’ of Davis Wifi be 1 pjin. ★ ★ * Lemanski, 89, of 676 Second will tomorr°w at Manley Bailey Fu- Other policemen instrument be ID a. m. Saturday at St. Jd-neral Home. Burial will be to111 the captures were State I seph Catholic Church with burial -Cbapel Memorial Ceme- Bee Troopers Richard Coop in Mount Hope Cemetery. The ^ Troy- ------I fltt hH ------•" ■ | ■ ■ — ■ Mrs. Swenson died yesterday. Thosui > also pr oi ; for the M&f ,rS' oTpuMh016 Departelent Schuft Funeral Home. tte woman’s department at F. «« iiupc v/uudetj. A lie Rosary will be rented at 8:30 aenuu r unerai Home. ** Mr. Lemanski, a mechanic, “ died yesterday. He was stSte^fn^rt f^3 T ber of Joseph Church. F!rst. Presbyterian Church, tiu *27 P 1,0,18 *“■ Surviving are his wife, Agnes; B'rmingham Business Woman’! tahng $2.7 million. - two daughters, Mrs. Bertha Club and the SnrnnHmi«i mi,h M u 1 h o 11 a n d Department Store. She was a member of First Presbyterian Church, the These include $2 million from the state trunkline fund to provide for highway maintenance made necessary by toe long, severe winter. The Urban Land Institute predicts that, by the year 2000, 77 per cent of the nation’s population wifi live in mainland areas that take up only 11 per cent of the land of coterminous United States: the 4$ states and the District of Columbia. uuauicss noma Club and the Soroptimist Club. Surviving are two daughters, Tatzka of Plymouth and Mrs. Surviving are two daugt Virginia Mohelski of Pontiac; Mrs. Otis Chamberlain of'Birand three sons, Sylvan of Pon- mingham and Mrs. Jack Martin tiac, Henry of Toledo, tttia J nf R“rtl"'" ° Clement of Pittsburg, Frank H. Thompson Private service for Frank H. . Thompson, 79, of the Waldron AV?N TO WNS HI Hotel was to be held today at H^uiem Mass for John F. Sparks-Griffin Chapel with bur- mer> 86> of 1451 Schools ial in Perry Mount Park Ceme- 10 ‘ Mil tery. C Mr. Thompson, a retired build- EUpr Editors Quiz on- CATAMARANS ana tnree sons, Sylvan of Pon- ai*u mrs. jacx Martin tiac, Henry of Toledo, Ohio, and of Berkley; a son, Ray of Royal riomont nf Piffchurtr ires** Oflk, 3 brother; 10 srsndchil* dren; and a great-mndchild, John F. Tessmer AVON towns HIP — Tess- ----------.^win be a.m. Friday at . - a t h o I i e Church, Rochester Burial will be to St. Mrny’s Cemetery, Royal Oak. A Rosary will be said at 8:30 p.m. to- morrow at the William R. Po- wnl QUESTION: Why do people build catamaran boats? ANSWER: The ordinary sailing or motor boat has only one hull. Catamarans are boats having two hulls, just alike. They are usually long and narrow and fastened 'together as shown to cross section (2). Modem catamarans have descended from «mali craft sailed to Eastern and Pacific Ocean areas, to (1) we see a narrow South Seas canoe, with an outrigger, a long log held away from the hull by two supports. Sailors may climb out on this leg to prevent the boat from heeling (tipping). If it heels the other way, toe log will rest on the water and prevent the boat from going over too far. The twin hulls of catamarans work to, much toe same way, and they are built and used today because they are so stable, to (8), you can see that the wind is coming from the right, but the air-filled hull on the left is preventing the boat from heeling down on that side. The catamaran idea is also being used in toe making of modem motor boat hulls. Here, the stability of the catar-maran is particularly useful, because modem motor craft travel at such a high speed. — $40, sunglasses, knives and wrenches were reported missing by the owner, Allen Htaz, ol —----H. iuc vv imam x\. ru tore Funeral Home, Rochester. Mr. Tessmer, a retired farmer with Ferry-Morse Seed Co died yesterday. Surviving are t h r e e sons, Frank, Joseph antf John, all of Rochester; four grandchildren six g r e a t-grandchildren; j brother,' and a sister. % Former Envoy to Egypt Dies PARIS (AP)—Services will be held Thursday to Paris for S. Pinkney (Kippy) Tuck of Grosse Potato Farms, Mich., si veteran U.S. diplomat and former am- Tuck, who died Saturday to the American Hospital to Paris alter .a year of poor health, will be buried to Upper Marlboro, His diplomatic career began and ended to Egypt. He was appointed deputy consul at Alexandria to 1913 and resigned as ambassador to 1948. . it ' * - Tuck spent most of bis retirement years to Paris and near Geneva, Switzerland, where he maintained a home. After retiring, he became the first American to sit on the hoard of toe Suez Canal Co., a post he held Until 10 years ago. Surviving are his widow, Katherine, two sons and a.sister in the immediate area. Observing the rear door ajar * Al’s Hardware, Waterford > w n ship Patrolman James and Leonard Gill, Waterfori Township Patrdbnad Glut Luehmann and Sheriffs depi gg Jack Kratt and. Carl Mat! Cause No. Z____ STATS OF MICHIGAN _ In Hi* Fr Court for tho County of Ookltn uvenila Division in tho Motter of the Petition Coneor DB Stephen Andrew Ruby, Miner child J,m<* Ruby' ,*m*r o' mil* Petition hevina b *,N«no of tho People of tho on of MIchloM, You ere Jwreby notHI that the heerlng on sold petition will hold at the Court Heueo, Oakland Cooi Service Cehler, In the C»y of Pont In aald County, on tho 5th day of Mi A.O. 1M7, at nine- o'clock In the lb oonr and you are hereby comment i appear partonally - • —> Mill M Court. eerViea hereof, this eummont andrt ‘ —- copv The Pontiac" Press, e"'nav^piK*rpr1nted (a true copy) ___ ELIZABETH A. BALLARD Deputy Probata Rag liter, Juvenile Division ' ' April *. IW No. 45785 - SUMMONS (Ganaralt SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF BUTTE Gloss Mountain Black, Inc., a Nevada corporation, Plaintiff, v*. Olan Flndleyi Odd Follows Building Association, • corporation; DOE I to DOB IV, Incluatva, THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF ir the complaint of tho above named IN tiled In the above entitled court • above entitled action era mat MBat you In sold court, within TEN days after tlw service on you of Mo summons, it oorvod . within the above named county, or within THIRTY days LEGAL NOTICE The following charges will ba made tor vou to « ... JMBRI umping refuse and garbaM at the Karn '*l' taka ludgment ter Road Ckindt. . . T — Car SI .00. Pick-up or Trailer SZM. Truck »,()•. Signed: Pontlac-Orlon Sanitary Auihor- Aprtl is and mTin; contract, c _ _ any other M tho complaint By N, LINDQUIST April * -jSlw y F—2 THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1967 2 Men Hold Up .Gas Station . South Saginaw ”*X s e r v i c e sUtion was robbed at/gunpoiat by two men «aHy today, it was reported to Pontiac police. A * *■ \ Cole, 4S, told officers n entered the Tulsa Gas i at 701 S. Saginaw about a.m. and asked for cigarettes. * 4.4, He said one of the men brandished a small-caliber revolver and ordered him to his bands up. * * * ; The bandits took $35 from Cole’s jacket, then fled east on IS. Paddock on foot, police were told. Burglars Net $190 in Office Break-In Burglars made off with more than $190 in cash from the Mu-teal Finance office at 35 S. Glenwood, Pontiac police were fold yesterday. i, - . * ■ * ★ . Officers paid the money was taken from a safe and a nearby cabinet. ★ * * Entry was made by forcing a teetal door in the rear of the gliding, according to investi-tors. Exam for Woman :jn Fatal Beating DETROIT (AP) - Mrs. Donna Beck, 1$, of Detroit, will be examined May 10 on a manslaughter charge growing out of the death of her 4-month-old-son following a beating. She stood mute at arraignment Tuesday. * ★ * , Policewoman Mary Rich quoted Mrs. Beck as admitting she neat her only child, Allen, because her mother had beaten her. Mrs. Beck, earlier charged with child cruelty, was permitted $1,000 personal bond. Death Notices ■EACH, RUSSELL H.i APRIL 24, IM7f 14750 Lorain* Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio; (Formerly of Pontiac); age <7; beloved hutboml of Cloro M. Beach; dear brother of Mr*. Harold (Gladyi) Peltier ond Joseph Beech. Funaral service will ho held Friday, April 9 *t 1:30 p.m. . of Rio Donelson-Johns Funeral Homo. Interment In Parry Mount Park Camdtory. Mr. Booch will llo jf atom after 3 p.m; Thursday It Blvd., Drayton Plains; . age 40; beloved huiband of Doris Cron; dear father of Dorallo and Virginia Cron; dear stop-father of Stanley Sharkey and Airman lit Clan David R. McPherson; dear brother of. Mr*. Gladys Wilson, Roy, Carl and Lyl* Cron; also Funaral service will be held Thursday, April 27, at 10 a,m. at in* Coats Funeral Home, Drayton . Plains. Interment In Ottawa Perk cemetery. Mr. Cross will lie In state at tha funaral ham*. (Sum gaSted visiting hours 1 to I and - 7 to 0.) QARlA,1 JOI’ m.; April & 1**7; : 735 scottwood Street; ago 44; be-' loved husband of EMIa Garza; ,* dear father of Mlu Marla Llchella, Angle Eugenio, Jeo Sana Jr. and Oscar M. Garza; dear brother of Mrs. Mm* Oam, Mrs. Lll* Bern, Mrs. Olga Garza, Arnaldo, Ren* and May Morales. Recitation of the-Rosary at I p.m. Wednesday at the Melvin A. tchutt Funeral Funaral e*r-‘~ Thursday, art pppif St. VlncenTv. Pin olic Church. Interment In Mount Hop* cemetery. Mr, Garza will II* In state at the funeral homo. (Suggested vlsltlhg hours 3 to S 1 end 7 to * p.m.) ffATLfFF, HMklBTt E„ April ,94. 17*7) a Green Street; age 80; dear efstsir of Mrs. Ella Patterson; also survived by several nieces and ' nephews. Funeral service will be r*u Thursday, April 27) at 1:3S , at SRairks-Grlffm Funeral “ “Me Chapel rill it- •- Ads 70S FAST ACTION NOTlCi TO ADVEPTISIRS ADS RfCtIVED IT 3 P M. WILL K PUBLISHED THI FOLLOWING DAY. day lellewing pvkUcetian. If ee licotlen It MKh ener Is mods k, Clesino tint, contoinin* type lisei lamer tl ™*»la, apats typa it 13 t'dacli m the day previous te puklicatian. CASH WANT AD RATES 2.44 4.01 6.94 IDS 3.40 1.40 3.00 0 4) 10J)S 427 KM 11.70. 4*1 #.*4 11.44, 5.47 7.73 13.13 - WE WUH TO THANK OUR AAANV friends. also PontiacjTsamilsrs Local *14 ACID INDIGESTION? PAINFUL Gee? Got new PH* Tablets. Past a* liquids. Only 7* cants. Slmtns Bros. Orugai/; , - ANNOUNCING ANOTHER DOST AID INC. offlc*. 711 Rlkar Building, branch aa •*■■■ bt AML Inc. to * immunity. TOUWWJF OUT OP DEBT." Home appointment arranged tnyttare AT NO CHARGE. Hour* 7-7 Mon. thru Frl. Set. 7-4 • .. _ RE 2-0181 (BONDED AND LICENSED) RINNON IS NOW < a riles. FE 5-3702. . pridayniohT HALL FOR RENT , lodges or church. OR RECEPT 3-5303. BOX REPLIES At 10 a.m. today there .were replies at The (Press Office in the fol-flowing boxes: | 3, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 27, ! 28, 30, 31, 36, 38, 45, 4$, I 51, 66, 67, 96, 165 Funeral Directors 4 COATS _ FUNERAL HOMI DRAYTON PLAINS *744441 C. J. ObOHARDT FUNERAL HOME Kesgo Harbor, Fh.MSOW. DONELSbN-JPHNS norsl Homo ______1 fgt Putter*_____ SPARKS-GR'FFIH FUNERAL HOME "Thoughful Service" FE S-73S4 Huntoon FUNERAL HOME Serving Pontiac tor. 50 years 77 Oakland Avs. fe 3-0117 Voorhees-Siple FUNERAL HOME. 332-8378 Established Over 40 Years Cemetery lots 4-A 2 CHOICE LOTS IN CHRISTIAN Memorial Estates/ Rochester. Rea* sonabit. 674-3950. dfeMETBRY LOT. NO. 4 SECTION B, Rldgtlawn MtmerlOl Park, Ox- lord, Mich. 447-4287.___ ~r Wlfl7e CHAPEL IfO EACH ITY MAID SUF *. Hammond F W0 con help you with a plan you C*n afford. PEST CONSULTANTS OF PONTIAC, INC. 114 PentlM StatoAank Bldg. STATE LICENSED-IONDED j Open Saturday 7-12 a.m. fex CIT t N O kpRINO FUN FOR Scout greupa, church, clubs. Rid* through fields, weeds on- horse-drawn heyrlds. Followed by home-cooked spahgettl dinner. See newborn animals — lambs, plglefi, calves, chick*. For reservations, 638-1*11. 1 ■ UPUHP HILLS FARM ON AND aftEr This DaYe, 4-25-47, | will not be responsible for any debts contracted by any other then myself. Frank Robert Q*rza. 1 2757 Rosemary, Pontiac on and after thii oatb, 4.2*07, I will net be responsible tor any debit contracted by any • other than myself. Gerald Alan Lindquist, 47510 Eldon. Utica, Mich. ON AND AFTER Tbits DATE, April 24, 1767, I will hot be responsible for *ny debts contract-thih myself. Lost md Found PqUNO; SIAMESE CAT, VICINITY Crescent LokaT Cali 6125531. FOUND; YOUNG SHEPARD PUPPY. ton, wearing rad collar. Vtoln-Jy Scott Lake, 4/22/*?. Phone OR Cotored trim, important papers!’ LOST; BLOND PEKINGESE, BSaY- $ THE 17*4 CIVII. RIGHTS LAW PROHIBITS, WITH ft K C B R T A I N EXCEPTIONS, X-|v- DISCRIMINATION BE-W-X- CAUSE OP SEX, SINCE S »SOME OCCUPATIONS ARE -X X; CONSIDERED J MORE AT- « X TRACTIVE TO PERiMI! X-ijS OP ONE SEX THAN THI X-ffi OTHER, *BYllTI*E» X ME NTS ARE. PLACED « i;'.; UNDER THE 1 MALE OR § v. FEMALE OOtUfAHS POE # v: CONVENIENCE OP RBAD- X-1 BRS. SUCH LISTINOS ARB S •X NOT INTENDED TO EX- A' X; CLUDE PE EBONS OP -ft -X amiss cbv .■”.,..■■48 TRAINEE DRAFTSMAN 11-25, high Ocheol *r college drsft- '"nternational PERSONNEL 18*0 S. Woodward O'htm 442-8268 $550 PLUS CAR SALES TRAC1EE 31-381 Some Collage ■ r—" il Parsonnal $500 MONTHLY SALARY ___totlenal corporation will train 4 man, ages 18-34, to compieta our office staff. Must b* hton school ihsSm oyaaosto. tor Immediate employment. Opportunity tor odvonctmont to *1000 per mo. bracket within IP days. Phone Mr. cartoon, 338-0357 W e.m.-ll $6,006 FEE PAID COLLEGE DROPOUTS Training program to all fields INTERNATIONAL PERSONNEI $7,200-$10,000 College Grods-Engineers pood wages, fl* PI—Mm Rd. A-l MECHANIC, to service new Dodge cars and Chrysler line. Excellent opportunity with new facility, high compensation and benefits. Call Stu Kamp, 024-1572 -Lloyd Bridges Dodge. Wallod Late. A-l QUALITY DRY CLEANING Plant would Ilk* to contact Independent drivers or small cleaning’ stores or tollers, part or full tima. asa-3888. APPLICATIONS NOW BEING TAX- , en for ushers, day man and eon/ cession help. Apply Miracle Mm Drive-In TtoMtor. 21*3 S. Telegraph Rd., Pontiac. Apply batotoan T-4 g.m. and a-10 < attentiDn ✓» $50 Weskly-Part Tim# ________ 4 pmA l).m.~fdnlght. •Alli6ibrMASTi^ OR STYLISt to replact 5-yMr/m«n; good money et D% Bloomfield Hlllg, Ml ^ ms. / • r'l<1' BOY ' OR MAH WANTED/ 11. OR over. Full time position. Perry Pheritwpy. Mil Baldwin. _ BROWN/AND SHARPE OPE*A't<)ft and set up men, fop wages/ good benefits/ Berkley Screw Machine Products, 1360 Souter, Troy. 5M- EmCBW"" CARftENTERS A ■ Pohtlec Area. 6L _ . CARPENtfeRS - UNION - SCAT-fared residential - 612-1465. CARPENTERS—ROUOHERS ONLY* lourneymen sawman and craws. Warren and Pontiac areas. Call *74-21*1 attar *. Coughlin Canal. Ce. (.lean-cut married man Who has completed military obligation and now seeking permanent position with Advancement, high school or bettor, experience working with PUMc Helpful, salary and Tncen- COLLEGE STUDENTS’ Prepare tor your summer-employ-tnent Now. International Corpora- Adams, 338-03! m i DIE REPAIR MEN Steady lob* and excellent working conditions lor men. with progressive die repair experience. . Fisher Corp., l*25 W. Maple, Troy. Evenings, Part Time Evenings Part-Time S man needed Immediately tor part lima evening work. Must be neat, mature, married and have good work record. Cell *74-0538. 4 p.m.-i e.m. tonight. ' -_ EXPERIENCED TRUCK DRIVER needed Who to qualified to handle furniture and appliances, end who knows the Pontiac aral la pra-torrad. Apply 1441 N. parry. E^kRlENCSb MgISiHANIC, GOOD ?uarantee, plenty of work, Blue rois benefits. OL 1-7141. Ksvtrlty EXPERIENtED BARTENDER, nights a week, Immediate oper Ing. Char bo Inn, cdll 424-3747 efl S p.m. Field Representative ~ This- position provides opportunity for advancement to those who qualify. Start on outside collections. Must have Initiative, raaourca-fulnass, and llkg “ "!♦*> people. Age 23-11. -remwie... ■ i benefits. Ct tor spe't . r i equal opportunity • / GUARDS Full end part time, Immediate /city and auburban |ob openings, / Mount Clemens. Utica and Birmlng-/ ham Included. Bonded Guard Services, 441 E. Grand Boulevard, Da-trelt. LOiidIM, r '•* ’ ~ GAS STATION ATTENDANT.' B& perlenced. Mechanically Inclined. Local r«f. Full or part tlm*. Gulf GENERAL OFFICE. STAht AT low end work to high executive position, SS,3M. Call Anglt Rook, 334-2471. Snalllng A Snelllng! -■ GRILL NigM shift, good wages, paid lunch hour, meals, hospitalization and emir benefit*. Apply Big Boy Ras-yatogfggMI —' tUillDWARE tLERK, FliLL TIME. Apply in parson. 41 E. Walton, Pontiac. I WANT A . PARTICULAR TYPE MAN OR WOMAN $700 MONTHLY GUARANTEED ■ }■■■■: to mrr IF YOU MEET OUR REQUIREMENTS NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY 673-9674 Dolly 7;SS e,m. to 1:30 p,,m. iN5TANT MONEY ■ General, factory work, machine eperetork, assemblers, packeglng st.50 par hr. Apply - at 45 S. Main, Ctowsen, Salary — But can be pa time to atari. Advancame possible, depending i f 5 » 6, 1737 tor f JANITORIAL — W0RK Man Hr Janitorial work — must be Needy, i ne drink- 1 an. full-time work, must . hey* car; New Blrmlndham kulldtaf, starting 11.75 per Pw.jFeply to ftontlac Press ■est ja. • ■ , LABOR RELATIONS aaan, EXFE-rlanc* helpful, swift sdvancament company, fasnetlt*. Call Leu Wilson, 334-3471, Snalllng L Snail-HU- ■' . ' Laborers Construction No experience necessary, steady work building barna, «start lm-mediately. Apply p aha. • I p.m. ■PpP: Pole Buildings. -1111* Blplns Rd., BrHRHen. ; LAUNDRY MAINTENANCB MAN far private club. Goad wens* and working conditions. JO a-TIwT LOOKING fp^ a; * Bright Future? YOU CAN BECOME A STORE MANAGER Frankto Is searching tor men wtf* want rise rapidly In a retail career, we open a new atom every few mpnths which sfmist have * management staff promoted from wilhfn the organization. , Your Benefit* Qualifications AH you Med 1* an Interest, or background. In retailing (we'll teach /ou the nursery business), be between the does of 24 and 40 and have no draft obligation. /The Future Is Bright /Here's hew to have * sound fu-/ lure with a vital, growing organization — lust contort: Mr. Lovell 673-6826 ‘FRANK'S Nursery Sales Maintenance Man DOWNTOWN OFFICE FULL TIME EXCELLENT FRINGE BENEFITS WRITE TO: PONTIAC PRESS BOX 27 MAN TO OFKRATE-'RUBBISH route, chauffeur's license required. Ref. req. Steady lob. For appointment 473-2501' between I e.m.-4 pie Rd., Birmingham. MAN FOR GENERAL. OUTSlDff work. Pontiac Mobil* Park. FE . 5-7703. MAN, M TO 45 YCiARS. HI Gi airier In photooraphyrl Call 335-0322. dr MANAGER • TRAINEE, HIGH school grads. Like to make a career of retailing? $4,000. Call Lou Wilson. 334-2471, -Snelllng & Snell- en* and refreshment stand managers. Apply or call between * p.m. and midnight at Miracle Mil* Drlve-ln Theatre, Pontiac Drive-In Theatre, Blue Sky Drive In Ttiaalr* and Watertord 1 Drlve-ln Theatre. OR 4:1101 ■________ Manager to assist in water- ford-Clarkston area. Real Estate office. Good pay. Must be active and have at least 4 mos. solas exp. Call Mr. Cross. FE 3-7088. MARfftED MAN TO WOft* ON dairy end general (arm; small family, must be abl* ter turn. ref. Too wages and house. J3avld Field, 6451 Ormond Rd., Dpdisburg, Mich. your home. W* train , you to teach driving end provide you with a completely dual controlled training car and also the customers. Requirements: Over 36 — married goad driving record — excellent character — high school grad- Executiva office open 7 a.m. tp 10 n. *51-814 MATURE MAN FOR RETAIL hardware. Sail* and merchandising experience, and-or other busi-nett background dtalrabl*. Full-, time pretermd. See or cell Mel Hemme. M.V. Pool* Co. 2333 S. Totoerooh, FE t-Wl*. . . ■ MOTORCYCLE MECHANIC, 1XPE-rlonced only, year-eround work, good p»y, hospltellzetlon. 333-7183. Needed at Once I * new end ui i, to flHMur t •. Everett Ernst, Soles glOHT DISHWASHER. FOR P R I-vet*-club. Good wages ond work-Ing conditions. JO *-71 TONIGHT, FOffTER HI B#, 1 -“-onsons — Holiday Inn r-Telenreoh — Pontine. hlGHT DISHWASHER WANTED, Il p.m. to 7 a.m., IS or ■oidor. steak end Egg, *23-8344. OUTBOARD MECHANICS. EVIhl-rude, experienced only, nf. Lake and Sea Marina. FE 4-7587. 2 background preferred. Earn wnuf you learn to ba a Tret Sllr-gean-3 weak* training. Kant, Ohio, tor a permanent |ob. Now cwssot . start each wook,. R, A. Swam Is Is Interviewing at the Rochester Motor Ladga, 1 mile S, at Rochester, Mien. Ml Rochester Rd. Wednesday April 36 and Thursday April V, 8 s.m. to S p.m. Friday April 38, 8 s.m. to noon. Tha Davay Tree Expert Ce. 6art time evenings, -married Over 21. Call 3334470, 5-7. *! ffoRTER Liberal ^Company^ benefits. ^Apply por-^r' QUw .YimI, #v6ninD ----Ask lor Howard Lswls, ' Service Manaatr tor Tam Radtmachor Chevy-Olds, Inc Clarkston. Apply In parson RAILROAD worker* Immediate opening* for switch man and yard Clarks* Outdoor work. , various shifts aitd rest days, minimum Might It I'd", vision 3830. Apply In poroon 7 o.m. Monday. May 1st *t Yard Onto*, Johnson Av*. at railroad, Pontiac GRAND TRUNK WESTERN RAftROAD An equal opportunity employer RkAL f$YAtB SALESMAN- PRESSER WANTED, EXPERIENCE . apply at wnt Point Cleaners, lias Long Lake, at TatogropH. Sales Training / Program > If you arc ydung. aggrossive, good •PPMrance, talkative and compre-. hensiv* and willing to work a hill day. m will guarantee you 9,000 Jo 12,WO toe first year — Contact Jeck Koveck, ipertan Dodg*. SALESMAN WANTED' TO.,WLi. ON trade, steady work, must have car) SERVICE MANAGER ’Men with experience for' Service Manager. HOMER NIGHT MOTORS, PONTIAC BUICK CHEVY: Apply In person to Evsreff Ernst, Manager. OA S-2528. / • SERVICE v I REPRESENTATIVE-TRAINEE Nationally known corporation L looking (or young men 21-26, interested In building a career and enjoys public contort without sailing. Mechanical aptitude, basia electronics and ear necessary, -‘toga benefits. Funpay Inmg. : a training. Phone 333-7048 be- STEADY WEEKLY s PAY CHECKS Farmanant porter position, Pontiac location, Monday through ’Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m, . Investigated. THE NATIONAL \ CASH RIGISTET CO- , 8*2 W. Huron St. Pontiac, Mich, FE 2-0385 , An equal opportunity employer. Supervisor-Men s' Clothing FULLTIME An oxcollont opportunity tor th* young man with soma mans clothing or related experience to work In Iht new J. L. Hudson. Co. Star*. Enjoy dm benefits and opportunity with a growing company. Hudson's Pontiac Mall TELEPHONE SOLICITORS, WORI from our office, pert time, 8301 month guarantee. Cell for Inter matlon 674-3310. t p.m. Mon. Thru Frl. each wk. Apply Birmlnghato-Bloomfield Bank, 1040 E. Maple Rd. Birmingham. An equal, opportunity employ-or. TOOL ROOM MACHINIST FOR ALL around tool, fixture, modal making, and general tool ’ malnto- man, high commission rote and bonus.' Lloyd Bridges Travetand, . welled Lake. Call Mr. Brldgos 634 1573,__________________ TURRET LATHE SETUP MAN essential. Apply H4lfr Tort and. Machine Incorporated, HVRosette,- Holly,11 Michigan. ________ TV SERVICE M AN, EXPERI-enced, road work, full tlma. Blr-. mlngham otea. *34-7710,_____■ WANTED: MEN TO WORK IN STA-ble. Apply Centaur Farm Stables, 5*00 Dr*M Rd., Waited Lake, Mich, or phon* 626-7222. wanted men who Own a fficti- up to do part tlm* day .work around new house...prelect near Pontiac. Call 647-7776 or 531-0040. Wanted: - New Car1 Salesman W# need two aggressive sales- slderad. Demo furnished. Blue • Cross, oxcollont draw plait against commission , available, on th* washout basis. Only sober, reliable men need apply. Apply In Person Downey Oldsmobile 550 Oaklaria^ FE 2-81,01 «k tor Mr. Metcerl. YOUNG MAN, EXCELLENT' PEff-sonality, tor part-tlm* work evenings. $2,400. Call Anglo Rook. 334-2471, Snorting A Snelllng. 1 WAITRESS, DAYS, EXPER-lenced, good pay, paid Blue Cross. Ricky’s, 117 Woodword. 176 * YOUNG TYPIST • No exp. Must typ* 50 WPM INTERNATIONAL PERSONNEL 1030 W. HURON 334-4771 $240 PLUS GENERAL .OFFICE ' Filing, phoning, light typteo. . INTERNATIONAL PERSONNEL 1830 W, Huron ! 334-4771 $325-$400 GENERAL OFFICE „ paid. Mas. Nichols. INTERNATIONAL PERSONNEL 1H8 S; Woodwjtd jFhom 642-826* $3504450 ■: STENOS AND SECRETARIES BIRMINGHAM AREA typing U5-*S, shorthenu. *6 Fee paid. Mr*. Nichols, , INTERNATIONAL 7 1180 S. Woodward B*h...._____ A BfeAUTY OFERATOlk, Ntt iVI-nlng work, port or full time, is* Auburn Ayo. FE 4-H7I., AAA-1 CORPORATION WU nood 4 young woman to complete our stofTln' Pontiac Office. Must.(to 18-26, ling I* and high school groduit*. Salary af $150 per wk. Call Mr. Williams, 33MIM7, 7 o.m!5 P.m. I AlffLlNff HAS 6PENINGS ffOR ticket agents and reservetlonlsts at Pwitlpc Municipal Airport ond' Detroit Metropolitan Airport. Must be experienced or hovo some coL i»n* »nri be 30 to 21 years of .—-—. tnc.. ago. Call 674-8477. all aKoiJn6 GifcL, PAID f6 ti.M' nor hr., odld vacation, evfrtng rlence helpful. JUINri APPLICATIONS NOW BEING >AK- en tor , cashiers and conce------ help. Apply In Thlistor. 2108 3. Telegraph Pontiac. Apply brtwaan 1-4 l‘AiVilttS-147i,g5k»e A RECEPiiMilf 2. tHAfrERSox wilt ffH the bill. .Varied duties. PleasOnt office. 82*8. all P»m Fax. S344OT. Swing A Snolllng. TRACTIVE SALARY, B.N. WFCRVISpR FOR NliffSlffD homo, salary, aaoandary to ax-perience. Cell EM 54111. RN FOR AFTERNOON SUPEli-; visor Mrs. indish — Avan Can- - opportunity ei seamst*e$s7 Service Cook Tad'* of Fenitoc Mali Hat an opening tar a service cook, Exc. working hours, no r . rmvmr'Mmi in parson anly 2 to S p.m. TED'S FONTIAC J SHORT ORDER COOK — DAYS. Satod girl — eves. Apply to parson )jh pm. Shalby lrm. 45668 BFOrnER 06 FJRESSER ON MEN'S j^m«|ts,^wUI^ha^n. Apply Fax SURGICAL SCRUB TECHNICIAN. - Avoj^Center^Hespita1. Mrs. Hobbs. Toy Managers Toy Guidance Hqm* Parties now «MhG«. knowledgeable woman to hit*, supervise dealer* Aug. ’ to Oac. 188 pet. drtlvary, no collection or ceah Investment. 28 ert. darn-onstrator's comm. Exceptional op-■StrtMfflet H eueallfled. St-TtlL I tlm*. »4S to *180 a wk. cammlttlons. Free training. Ne investment.1 For Interview phone 852-4308 or write Tupperware, 3327 Auburn Rd., Auburn Heights, 48057. Must have good typing akllla, some knowledge ot medical terminology helpful. i experience through trial URGENTLY NEEDED - BEAUTY operator. Full tlm*. Reedy clientele.; Coiffure Per Ann*. 473471k er *73-3*83. - • WAITRESSES, II OR OLDER, MlD-night shift. Apply Biff's Grill. 575 S. Hunter Blvd., Blrmlhghfm. WAITRESSES A permanent |pb, hourly wages plus tips, paid vice!Ion end hospitalization. Apply Big Boy Restaurant — Telegraph-Huron, end Dixie Hwy.-silver Lk. Rd. Waitress - joe's con'EY 338 8020— 1451 T,l,8f*Bh — WAITRESS FOR NIGHT SHiFt -Apply in person only. Blue Stir OrIv«*Lri. WANTED: PART-TIME, FOSllBLY full-time secretary. Will needp excellent skills In shorthand, IBM •isctrlc typewriter. Hours, * to S. Educational .Institution. 3354135. SECRETARIES TYPISTS P/otlteU* Temporety Assignments eveltoble now Cell MANPOWER 332-8386 WOMAN. FOR GENERAL OFFICE —--must be experienced and WOMAN WANTED to work in cleeners, will Ireln, apply West Feint Cleaners, 108S Long Lake Rd. at Telegraph. WOMAN OVER 30 TO w6RK IN photographic studio, will train. Cell womAN Eo YvAinD and dc tolled clerical work. Writ* Post Office Bex 232 Fontiac giving art ■ducetlen, family status, |ob .and WOMEN ' Fuii-tims pay for part-time fob. 330-860 wk. guarantee, no Invest-ments, delivering er cellkctlng — Call Mr*. Collins, FE 2-77S5. WORLD' S LARGEST COSMETIC I, Dreyton Flams, i Wa.itcd M. or F. son 68748*0 or LI *-2000. APPRAISER TRAINEE Salary nagotl*bto, only people tatorethd to making e minimum ot *10,00 yearly need apply. Hospitalization plus many ether company banaflta. Cal) Mr. Foley tor contldatmal totoryltw *7*43*8 BANK TELLER TRAINEES For Afternoon And Early Evening Work Experigncs Not Ntcesary Must be 21 years of . age or older, have good arithmetic, aptitude and be capable of meeting the public. NIGHT STOCK CLERKS Experienced — full Time Must Be 18 V $ m i 1 W* are looking I Interested In full tlmt ____ advance, to department head clesslflcatlont. Apply Monday thru Saturdlay, 9 A.M. to 9 PJM. Sunday, 10 A.M. tq A PiA. KROGER COMPANY, 3575 W. Maple Rd., Birmingham t ; « ■.&)%.{,riW/MIlT™ » I’ ' An Equal Opportunity Employar w A N T FAST R E S u L T S 7 USE PRESS W A N T A D 5:.: 332 8 1 - il THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1967 BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED MJT&po-rw. **\ gjjj* ipfet *>■*» 9M , ?3maw7 *" -■ -JL Fe 4-9947 ■OpWgjEgWl FUU- TlMtT-wr. FOQdtovwi Office. 7390 Hlgh-land Rd„ Pentloc. l 9,ni. to 5 pjn. txPEklENCEb. JM/ WR plan Itwkril If you con uu Km* *1. <15/908 JT yeer MM 339-3111 between 4-1 p.m. Aik for ^ULL OK ►aWT TIME HELP. Rochester Big Boy, dlshweshers, porters, kitchen help, r~“ —“ tresses. Meets funUihod, .... .... Applyto person, nrN. Mela St. Rochester. klTQHEN HELP ARE YW BCTWlMN 18 AND <09 MM — I —* " to, we NUE iarnlngt - TOP WAGES, experl- SECRETARY . ermonont opening fo enced eocrttory and gen.,„, work. Must be excellent typist familiar tenth Invoices 9MK)u_ tory records. Exc. salary. Write giving resume to Box Wo. S. ImORT ORbER COOK - TOP wages — depends ble, sober — ant shift. Apply Clc-"- ------------ 278 E. 14 Mlfc call 585-4820. SHOULD YOU Make an employment change? MOW IS THE TIMEI Michigan Boll IMS Cass Ave., Detroit Phono; 30*3*14________ WANTED: MATURE COUPLE FOR country home, plain cooking and gardening, good wages. Write fully to Pontiac Press Bax 14. Mw Mp, BNlfwJi M tpsnlngs Ip our gansral department >T MH| ‘talk SaM Magnavax l stereo, Stolnway i onn Band Instrument mar - fine musical_______ knowledge of music Is I but nos naesesary, sea SALESPEOPLE Earn 818488 and tap par year, i j parisntad it reel estate or t WlH tram. Call FE 5-9471, 'M for Mr. Schram ar Mr, Phlppe. Op you awn a < will train you to i known has nit prod ” breckett. V CAREER IN REAL ESTATE Instruction Class now farming for a class in reel estate. Openings fay several sales people, both male and female, who are Tntoreslod In making money. Bonus plan and many advantages In one of the fastest growing offtcas. ... Both nxtaHng and tww homes. Call FE a-7141, ask far Jack Ralph. ____BATEMAN REALTY tatrvctiMs-ScksGls County Representative Insurance talas ranted for this Id an active ABH and ■™ mnw. Must be aggressive and looking for o real future. Work only qualified leads furnished each week, qualified leads received through local end national advertising: W will pay you to com* In •nd folk to us. Slit guerantee per ford Jol^ *tog%^*l3& H. Press Want Ads Pay-Off. Ph. 332-8181 -----„„ .JWlRMptQD reel estate salesmen. DORRIS 8. SON. REALTORS. Over « years In business. Cell us for details. Work WhM Nm* dusfrlol detergents. „ __ _________ in a month, plus bonus. Air mall PrsildMt. Dipt. PT, Box 9, Fort Worth, Texet. 74101. Will do tVPiHA m My Hfltel. Work Wanted Mala Basinets Service Wa.m.or spin. _____ A-l CARPENTRY WORK, ALL klpds. 47*0514 or OR- years oxporlonct. 087-4178. Credit Advisers DEBT AID, INC.. 7t« RIKtP BUM. GARDEN PLOWING, YARD LEVEL HAVE PICKUP, WILL WORK -Basements and garages cleaned, SSSd Up"*- riJL 2-4j>3. , _________ LAWN WORK. LIGHT DIGGING. Oardtntng.434-40M. SPECIALIZE IN CHIMNEYS, 81 € and up. 33*1408 after 4. Vard and WINDOW SERVICE. ArTjMhrpe of pickup truck hauling. COLOR TV ANTENNA, INCLUDES 't element VHF antenna and . Normal Installation 847; 332- ____Asphalt Paving___________ ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS AND COM-morelol. Specialize in Seal Coating. Proa estimates, no lob too small or big. 338-2881. ASPHALT DISCOUNT Ft---------- Spring ipoclol —, wholesale prices Trucking. 482-124S.__________ SEPTIC FIELDS, DR Y WELLS, BENCHING, DIGGINGS. S. LUCat Waterford Sower Const. ~ — DRIVEWAY SPECIALISTS. FREE Estimates. FE 5-4900. 6.W. ASPHALT, IS YEARS EXP. Mum. hurry, got your spring v. FE 2-4532, ask for Bob. Agfa Rtpair WE SPECIALIZE ;IN REPAIRING, - Brick A Block Sarvica :, BLOCK, STONE, CEMENT » fireplaces specialty, 335-4170 CUSTOM NATURAL STONE FIRE- Fencing Plastering Service PLASTERING REPAIRS Free Estimates — 482-0291 PLASTERING. FREE ESTIMA D. Meyers, 343-9504. 1J ITERING. ALL WORK guaranteed, riot, rates. FE » & | mUM PONTIAC FENCE CO. 4932 Dlxto HWY. 42*1040 Hwt CARL L. BILL) old floor. tondl ■ R. G. SNYDER l sanding and fin iAm."*. Fletr TBlog CUSTOM FLOOR COVERING. U- noleum, formica, file, f--“— 741 N. Parry, FB 24080. i/WpuesB ■ ikiAi eiika Ai KITCHEN LIMOlEUM tPfeCIAL Armstrong Llnolaum from 849.00 . ------*—Sal, guaranteed work 384-2771______■ Hooting Service FURNACE REPAIR y or night, all makes, iters. Including mobile homos. “— "—“ng. 482-7— HEATING, GAS' OIL, ELECTRIC. ASH Solos, 41*1501 or 4234343. A-l 2 CAR GARAGES. 20x22, 8175. Additions, concrete work. Free ost. ' ' | ' I SHto.Co. 424-2128 ADDITION S-GARAGES Masonry. All kinds of alterations. Red Welch Construction Co. C, Welch Joseph Rayner OR 40041 FE 4-2702 ALL KINDS OF HOME Improvements. Fra* A NOE RSON-OILFORD, FE 84114. COMPLETE REMODELING Service £ Quality work since 194T Now Is tha bast time to plan or remodel — prices aro lowest I AddHIor- ------ attic root Janitorial Senricee op up cleaning service. Carpets-x>rs-wlndows. Residential. merelsL 332-1332, FE 4-7948. retaining walls. Frso estimates. H, WoHtniin. 33M414. ,-l MlklON BLUE SOD, TOP SOIL, tend and gravel. Pol. 2384201. BAS LANDSCAPING. COMPLETI — siding and trim. VO n. ooginaW G i M FE 2*----------- Free estimotot » Terms kEMOD^LING ADDITIONS, OA-rtges and new horras. Will supply rehrancta from previous lobs. . DEPENDABLE Lawn cutting service. By week, month or season. Spring All work done by oxporis----- formed men. N o fob too largo or small. IS ytors In this prop. OR 4-2387 attar 4 p.m. on wook- LOTS-WANTED IN PONTIAC wS"LU* MY CLIENt W/kltTS ME TO/FI *■'--Milk honirln _ liAp art*. Ho has 1 —preten fiko/front but would cansMr • homdwtth Lake privileges. Call jim Williams at O'NaR RaaHy OR 4-2222 or 423- dsenlng. FE *2479. 42222 or FE A44S4 now! Ray O'Neil Realty, Inc, -3520 Pontiac Lake Ropd OR 42222 or FE 44484 QUICK CASH FOR YOUR HOME, equity or land contract, call gait Raal Estate, FE 8-7888. vIS-A . AND NURSERY MAN. Hava oeanlng for axperienc ' Inexperienced man. Apply JUP for swric at 7:30 a.m. Lars Hen- W. Big Bi E of Aden Pokriiag nod Peceratiag~i3 A LADY INTERIOR DECORATOR, Papering. FE S42I4. LADIES DESIRE INTERIOR PAINT-ing In Wotarford area. Free es-tlmetes. OR 44304 or OR S-2>54. PAPERING. QUALITY WORK ASSURED. PAINT-Ingj papering, wall washing. 473- Wantpd Children te Board 28 Wanted Household Good« 29 W HOUSEHOLD OF FURNITURE tASH FORFURtilTUkE ANDAP- pllsncss, 1 piece “ I-Ij----- son's. FB 4-7181. SLEEPING ROOM, KITCHEN PR IV- FOR YOUR EQUITY, VA, FH4 OR OTHM, FOR QUICK ACTIO CALL NOW. HAGSTROM REALTOR, OR 40341 OR EVENINGS ATTENTION DOCTORS A DENTIST WANTED TO BUY OLDER HOME Pontlec. North Side. Coll bs-on IQ Qjn. - 2 p.m. 4742314, WE HAVE BUYERS Foil HOMES, forms, cottages, acreage, taka and river property. Coll collect. If Interested. Bill Jennings Real Estate 474-4900 or writs, 37411 Grand ar, Farmington, Michigan. .partmants, Famished 37 1 ROOMS AND BATH, PRIVATE, •““■“‘■■"V decorated, cans-"— , ate., no children or EstaMtah your office In this Mod-— Building near Pontiac utal. Largo or small *■ c*ir — entrance. Mai only. 420 ------- ROOMS, PRIVATE, adults. 13 Plnegrove. 2 ROOM SIS. WEEKLY, UTILITIES 3 ROOM, CLiAM, adults, no drioktrs or pets.- FE 3-3444. 3-ROOM APARTMENT. SINGLE OR (Irlnlrsil FE 49SS8. 3 ROOMS, SHARE BATH, PRIVATE entrance, near Pontiac Gorar-HrapItaL _ 830 klus I Phono, MY 3-1171. HEAR OUR PRICE BEFORE YOU toko so little for your furniture or applloncet and what have -— We'll auction It or buy I B & B AUCTION M» Dixie _______________OR 3-2717 (ANTED TO BUY: DRAWER stylo trundle bad, good condition. FE 4-7004. Wanted Miscellaneous 30 CALL, THAT'S ALLI CASH FOR Beafal Equipment L BROWNIES HARDWARE LOOR SANDERS—POLISHER. .i^LFAFOR STEAMERS... Roofing A-l HEW, REROOF - REPAIRS _ C.M Jjgk. lev* the lock. 33S4114. OR 29490. CLARKSTON ROOFING CC. One of tho ***— ” —s. A-l 0 U L L D O Z I N O. FINISHED grado. Top soli. Max Cook. — CHOICE BLACK DIRT FARM TOP-SOIL Penuorod. FE 44488. ►EAT HUMIS, TOP SOIL, DELIV-orod, or plckod up. Sun. FE 2-4210 or FE 27978. PROCESSED GRAVEL, ANALYZED i.A.W. TRUCKING. ALL STONE, tend products, rood gravel. Tested top soil, black dirt. cggjfeRl limestone. 420-2543, 3940042. Siding and Repairs Trss Trimming Service ISL TREE TRIMMING, REMOVAL. Free ostlmoto. FE 44449, 4743410, ___oiunnr, IRBB, REMOVAL FE 4-3004 ELM SPRAY FE 4-3024 TREE TRIMMING AND REMOVAL. Roosonoblo. 391-144L NO CHILDREN PL ROOMS AND BATH, L__________ welcome, no pots, 134 per S100 dep., Inquire 273 Bold- BASEMENT APARTMENT ____S. FE 841547 BACHELORS COMPACT, CLEAN AND PRIVATE — Adults, 10 ElwoOd. MOTEL EFFICIENCY APARTMENT WOULD LIKE TO BORROW *34.-000 on S per cent land cor'—‘ Coll 451-1979?__________________ Wenttd to Rent t YEAR OLD CHR I ST I A., mother with 3 small children desperately needs 3 bedroom finch, full basement, garage, nice yard, Within 10 mi. ot Pontiac Will pay up to 8140 par mo. Will consider lease option and or buy furniture. Hava sxr-"— 1—:— 334-2842. DESPER- iMOd Mall. 2427 Eliz. Lk. Rd. FE HOUSEKEEPING OR SLEEPING roamt, turn. Rochester, 451-4927. PONTIAC BUSINESS MAN DE-slras to rant or loosa lake front home, on year around basis, 334- ►dSPONSIBLE FAMILY NEEDS 2 Phono 332-3404 or 441-9730. Share Living Qunrters 1ENTLEMAN TO SHARE 2BI room turn. apt. Facilities Inch pool, parking. 4729033 otter 5 p PROFESSIONAL swtmminL i 253 W. Yp>f„.... „ SI E GIRL OR WOMAN WITH Sois Menses .brick rancher wtth wall landscaped let. Gigantic kitchen with dishwasher, t full Baths, rscraa- GOOD LOCATION. MMtly dsstraMs area In Waterford. Brick exterior, 3 bedrooms, ceramic Bath, finished rec. room, booonwnt, yarajt. Extremely wall - kept. Gl APPROVED! You'll be Poplar. IN NCAR MA 0. Fe 14005. ____ . FE 2-521S. I Office Space 9 details. OR 4228 ORION TWP/M24 NEAR 1-75 Minutas from everywhere. New building, aarafted, paneled, air eondlttonad.l Ampta parking. Ideal tOr CPA, MajMFM. Rep., " suranca, Lawyers, ate. Offices -suites, from' SIS Including heat and lanttorlal services. LADD'S OF PONTIAC i 281-3400_______ 381-3301 Rent torinoii Property 47-A FOR LEASE, 1300 SQUARE FOOT building. Ideal for doctor or pro-fesslonal sarvica. 3430 Highland Rd. next to Warden Realty. 334 MANUFACTURING, 2000 SQUARE ft.. 7071 Dlxlo Hwy. 4742997. Rent Mlscellnneons 48 LIMBERLOST 130 ARMY ROAD, Lokevlllt. A good place for wadding recaptions and banquets. MUSIC, DANCING AND FOOD. Phora 428-2413. Bat. 12 and 5 p.m. Doily Brown gaylcm BILEVEL six-room aluminum Realtors t Builders Since 1V39 GHLAND estates. brick rancher with MljihM ttan room. Ooap lot. Cars Cement pool (ao'xso'l, all f yard. So much value Her tl_________ Terms. Call MY 2-2821 ar FE 89*4. STONE and Rsdwead ranch-style, bedroom. Dining roont Basamt all paneled wtth fireplace, 21' f big roam wtth fireplace. Built ... range and counter-fop oven. Patio wtth wooded area In rear End spring creak In vallty. 827,488. Terms. Cell MY 2-282! or ” 4999L Les Brown, Realtors SOfi Elizabeth Lk. Rtf, (Across from the Main FI 24818 ar FI 43484 IY OWNER — 3-BEDROOM BRICK and aluminum ranch. 2-car attached geregs, family midm Northern High area, 819.481 29122. - “ BY OWNER Pontlac-Watklns Sub. alum, ranch: Attached landscaped Wecra . occuoancv. 4 act. on bal. No d04 2 to 4 dolly " Ing costs. Ol Sun. 45141844. CLARKSTON ON SNOW Ape'Ll! bfc. attractive 7 room brick ranch, cor port with storage wall, m an axlras. Occupy soon, by ownoi CLARKSTON AREA 4 bedroom colonial. Hos large lly room, living room, kitchen, breakfast nook and V0 both, os C. SCHUETT FE 3-7088 MA 1 »i«. THg»i x aED « I Hwy- Just MW Walton Btoi. ocram HIITER 10 with lVb cor ysrtSi 811,41 MODEL OPEN DAILY Itoi-. bedroom randwr with oak floors, vanity In bath, full basement, gas beat. 811,740 on your lot. Ouf EUz. Lake Rd. to N. Roslyn, N. to open sign or call B. C. HIITER, REALTOR, 3792 IHL Like Rd. FE 20179, after l p.m. 8*24427. ...____i homo ____ ____________born, 2 miles of road frontage, part paved, part grovel. Priced S54D par acre plus buildings. Csjl today CARRIGAN QUALITY HOMES, INC. AT 232-4922 OR 4299418. Sale Hmsms CLARK 2R00M BRICK, FULL BASEMENT RAMBLING RANCH In an area of beautiful homes. 20' living room, kitchen with bullt-lns, IV* ceramic tile baths, 24'-““ onifdr eap for cosh, good ic Preh Box No. 12 location, Pon- 2-BEDR00M HOME Large wooded lot, paneled living room and dining room, ioko privileges. 88750 on land Capo Cod REALTY. FB 28114. FE 22241 or FE 2-4393. IVATE, 4 ROOMS AND BATH, 2-FAMILY INCOME Well located. Hos a 4-room home (real sharp) with full basement, gas hoot also o nice 2room home with lull basement. Paved drive, 3-car gorage. Top condition. Priced of 818,900. Terms. COZY AND CHEAP i bungalow In A-irgo comfortable , well-kept lot. Priced Good buy for Gl with ______ng coals down. Warden Realty Crestbrook MODEL OPEN DAILY 12-8 wm, family room and 2 car i priced at only *15998 ahto AND 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS, wall carpeting, alr- --------- turn. Including heal and hot water. Adults only. Lake 3 MODELS OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAY Drive out M-49 Just west of Cass Lake Rd. to Candelstlck. Directly behind tho Dan Mattingly Busins— Center. DAN MATTINGLY FE 59497_____________OL 14M ROOMS AND BATH IN NICE residential neighborhood, 170 per APARTMENTS—SECOND FLOOR — U mile — | gas heat -decorated -pets. Ora i 2 BEDROOMS, ADULTS, $140 MO. Call OR 24102 otter 4:38 p. 3 ROOM AND BATH. 820 WfeEK. 2 —*-.8 deposit. No children. Stove refrigerator turn. ds|||idm utilities Including electricity, i —MBUaklB || no extra < 474-2492. BRAND NEW AIR CONDITIONED -*-------' —*-----“"“q, dr«ji“ Loose __________ apt., carpetlng- drapes, stove and rafrlgorttor mo. Including utilities. adults only. 343-9315. MODERN UBEDROOM, ON PON-tlac Lake. EM 27374. NEW 1-2 BEDROOM, CARPETING, heat and water turn. From 2144. Now tpklng applications. 1090 Voor- ROCHESTER AREA — NEW 2-BED-room, walk-ln closets, appliances. NHRIIHHPm_ . lng distance to center of town. Children and pets ollowtd. 1145 mo. .417 Parkdale. Coll 441-7495 otter 5 p.m. SAN MARINO MANOR APART- ---- Milford, Mich. 1 and 2 b— — now available. 4822172. Rant Housbs, Furnished 39 BEDROOMS, AVAILABLE MAY CEMENT FLOORS. FOR PARTICU-lor people, Bert. Cummins, 291-2580. CEMENT: PATIOS, DRIvriWAYl, bosorranto. Ress. UL 24213. ■ Cement and Black Work Oulnn'f Construction Co. FE 27477 ■“ SALE - SERVICE — REPAIRS — Sharpened — used mowers — air-cooled engines. Taylor's — 892 Dump Trucks ■ .____ Pontiac Farm .and Industrial Tractor Co. 124 S. WOODWARD FB 44)441 _ FE 4-1442 ■1*—Dolly Including r —- and many lakadramlRM suburban area. Call early deals. No dosing coots. Curran] rate of Interest. HACKETT REALTY - 7748 COOLEY LAKE RD. .... LAKB. wldTM. keep 2 horses, brick r PARTLY FURNISHEO ■ and bath, close to ,_ shopping center. Children welcome. No pets. S40 wk. or 1148 mo. AyalLMay 1, OR 3-7542. Rent Houses, Untarnished 40 2 BEDROOM, BASEMENT AND GA-rage, stove, refrigerator, .recently redecorated, $140 mo. Socgdim rag. Rochester area. 451-4872. 3 Bedrooms LOW DOWN PAYMENT NO MORTGAGE COSTS MODEL OPEN 479 COLORADO 1:30 to 5 p.m. — 4 day weak WEST0WN REALTY FE 22743 days After 7:30 p.m. — LI 2-4477 Price: *11,9 ATTENTION Do you have property for sate? Are you Interested Boon trying to toll Let us offer you those services free: Paid-for advertising Screen-lookers from buyers Bock-log of potential pur" Able to obtain mortgages Work trades — Cash to you Appraisals frso plus . . . Feed tha dog, burp the baby. etc. 5844 Dixie Hwy. OPEN 9 A.M.-9 P.M! 4221400 AFTER 9 P.M. ’ OR 4-2004 FE 24234 HAYDEN New Homes—10 Per Cent Dn. bedroom, trt-level finished family room, 11* car garage 312,900 plus lot. bedroom ranch with full ment, 2 car gorage, alum. 114,900 plus lot. bedroom brick trl-tovoL 11* - 2 car gorage, lopda ot closet and storage >17,400 plus lot. TRADES ACCEPTED J. C. HAYDEN Realtor 34*4404 ions Highland Rd. (M-49) _____, H_____ refrigerator, and dryer, 2-car anadiad ”—iltont —' .............. garage. Excell faxes. Pontlae _________ system. *29,900. Will oc present homo or equity condition, low way. un on acre or iana, rruu trees, vacant, Only $13,000 with HALL BRAND NEW - 3-bedroom alum, sided ranch, large for"“ Bm kitchen with plenty of space, ceramic both, pis near, good Waterford location. *14,500 total price. As low ot 10 pd. deem. L*t ana of our courto people show you thla baa SO DOWN — to Gl tor this 2-bedroom bungalow In ttr “ area. Large living ri piece, anptrato dlnln oarage. This Is ■ lx Ing, to call oariy. V IlSt- OT FE 49491._______________ SYLVAN VILLAGE 1823 BEVERLY Lovely 2-bedroom brick on attractively landscaped comar lot featuring beautiful evergreens, homo It completely furnished, has carpeted Wring room, kttchitn. breakfost nook, tiled both and utility room with Sunbeam gat furnace and water softener. lV* STRUBLE TRADE YOUR EQUITY Oh our now 4-bedroom colonlel, ceramic tiled !V* both*, hardwood floors, carpeted living room, double sealed Aluma-Vfow windows, slum, end brick siding for maintenance-free living. Priced of 814,950 on your lot or ours, call today tor • tree appraisal. MILO STRUBLE 335-6514. FE8-4025 3001 High lend (MSB SOMETIMES 3'S A CROWD But not bore — In this specious 8-room lake-front home. Has apt-, for Molher-ln-Mw or other guests, 2i* baths, walk-out patio to tato front, kir garage. Flan now far corals, summer day* — HAGSTROM, Realtor Multiple Listing Service 900 W. Huron OR 44890 _________4020434 SPRING It the time to look in fhls 2 bedroom, full basement, FHA homo. 8400 down, first tbna ottered, It, YORK we buy , OR 44383 / 4713 Dixie Hwy./1 WE TRADE CLARK REAL ESTATE 1342 W. HURON ST. ----10 Listing Sorv. FE *7111 GIROUX DRAYTON WOODS, 2BEDROOM ranch, carpeting, draperies, large living room, dining room, full finished basement, 2 lots, 11* car gorage, 819,000. OR *7347. DRAYTON PLAINS — with extra paneled bed-basement, 24 ft. living room, 100x400 ft. lot, location. *12,-200 with 80 down on Gl tormt. TOM REAGAN REAL ESTATE 2241 N. Opdyko 3324144 EAST SIDE FIRST OFFERING 3-bedrooms, nlct sized living room, natural fireplace, kitchen with breakfast nook, full bosor forced air oil hoot, extra .... also 2-car gorage. Only S13.400 — 82400 down, to present mortgage — 514 per cant mortgage -miB|l| able 094 • mg. K. L. TEMPLETON, 2339 Ordhord Lk,, Rd. 4124900 EAST SIDE - 3 BEDRoAmS, GA-•age, basement — 33*3019 ~“n i:M.P.M. EAST BEVERLY AND BALDWIN area, 2-bodroom ranch, appr 15 yeors old, basement, gat hi paved street. 09,940 with 01, d0Wn LAND CONTRACT 0-room house for cosh, 332-4340. 104 PROSPECT 84,950 cash for this *room-and- 511,190 BRAND NEW. *bedrm, ranch, on your tot, full basement fully INSULATED, family kitchen. No money down. MODEL. HURON GARDENS t. Benedict's — BRAND NEW. 3 bedroom ranch bungalow, full basement, family kltchan, birch cupboards, FULLY INSULATED. $1400 dn. Y0UNG-B1LT HOMES REALLY MEANS BETTER-BILT . Russell Young, 334-3130 43V* W. Huron St. AT ROCHESTER Glooming FIRST IN VALUE RENTING $78 Mo. Excluding taxes and Insurance ONLY $10 Deposit WITH APPLICATION *BEOROOM HOME GAS HEAT LARGE DINING AREA WILL ACCEPT ALL APPLICATIONS FROM ANY WORKERS, WIDOWS OR DIVORCEES. PEOPLE WITH CREDIT PROB- OPEN DAILY AND SAT. AND SUN. OR COME TO 290 KENNETT NEAR BALDWIN REAL VALUE REALTY For Immediats Action Call FE 5-3676 626-9575 At MIDDLE StRAITS LAKE, LAKE privileges, 811,000. terms. EM *3470. Clerkston area, Will pay up to SSOAOt. Coll Mr. Smith of DORRIS A SON, REALTORS. OR 44324. CALL JOHNSON REALTY BEFORE YOU SELL OR LIST YOUR PROPERTY F| 4-2533 c5Xi§r 48 Hours LAND CONTRACT’S—HOMES „ WRIGHT 312 Oakland Avo.__FE 29141 CASH FOR SMALL 2BBDROOM now- Pontiac MoH. FE S4585. Eg- sort. ’ _____________ DOES YOUR HOME HAVE BBBlf Want to tall It -CASH? You may own tho sy buyer It looking tor. lick Bockalukos at O'Noll Adults only, $124 per month, sac. dep., 5 rooms, both, basement, parage, \ fenced corner lot, Itcatssslon May 1. For ep ment, cell 34*7854. 118 W. University t StiEAlNG R6OMS, MEN ONLY (kitchen privileges-optlonel) near Pontiac General Hospital. 93 Frail. Coll ty OR 42223 or FE *4484 1 HAVE 6kSH BUYER FOR 2 OR r t bedroom lakdfront homo. Treat and neatness specified. Call their aaonf CWtHamadier. Irwin ~~c‘ Iwoto. Fi *7M3. r .. - L6t, APPROXIMATELY lOO'XDO', 1 toko prMtogos. OR *— ja A LADY, FE 2 FURNISHEO ROOMS. 2 SLEEP-Ing rooms, men. Pontiac, 852-4949. cleaH slIeping ROOM, , ter gentlemen, no drinkers. FE LOVELY ROOM FOR A GENTLE-men — 444 W. Huron. MATURED AT ROCHESTER MLaii frame homo with olu mlnum tiding. Dining room, 1M baths, basement, gat hoot. Horn: In very good condition. $112900. MILTON WEAVER, Inc.. Reeltori * of Rocndotor 451-8141 AtTRAdtJVfc BRICK RANCH a bedrooms. Ltdgtrock flrap' Bright and cheery throughout.___ of extras. Beautiful carpet and drapes. Full basamont. Recreation room. Alto family room. Exclusively located near M59 and — abeth Lake Rd. 124,400. 10 cant down payment. Wo trade. UHafia --------- 402-2410 homo wtth full family room on isi noor, 1 11* cor garage. Ower soys, "N iood buy. 0 don't mist this g< 903 Pontloc Strip Bonk IRWIN UNION LAKE Largo f bedroom homo. All floor. The I4'x22' living rod) studio colling. The lorgo I hos bullt-ln rang* and rt •tor. 3 cor plus garage. O 174* shady tot. Lake pri Lovely 2 bedroom homo with lai carpeted living room, bedroo carpeted also. IV* car gorage. t basement with got hoof. Only t HO on Gl or FHA forms. WEST SIDE brick In tbs path of p .ot water hoot, .2 cor »-Basement, stone fireplace. ress. Hot rage. Bat... only <17,900. contract. GEORGE IRWIN, REALTOR' MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE 290 W. Walton__________FE 3-7803 MAYBE 3 BED- *7114. LAKE ORION AREA Tree shaded 2-bedroom doll house. On 4 nice lore, hat excellent ~~~ dan toll. 111,940. Tormt. M24 COMMERCIAL FRONTAGE 2V*ocra corner with 24'x40’' co-ment block building. Coll for r- C. A. WEBSTER REALTOR 092-2291 _______ 42*2415 LAKEFRONT MODEL HOMES AT HUNtOON SHORES Ml LAKE AHGBUli LAKEVIEW EST. 14 MODELS Iharto - Wmm , on Alrpart Rd., IV* ii„„ __ deHy and Sunday, *4. Lake Angelus Lake View Est. . .watt dn Walton, right on Cllntonvllto Rd., right on Cost* Mata. Opirn Sat. and Sun., 2-9 p.m. RAY O'NEIL REALTY, INC. 3520 PONTIAC LAKE RD. OR 4-2222 tucker Realty Co. VACANT $450 Mom You Into Largo kitchs . clous dining area and homey living mom. Goa FA hoot, ceramic df^ bath, torfO gd| jj Coll now ol 1 for under Slum R. J, (Dick) VALUET , REALTOR FE 4-3531 345 Oakland Avo. Open 9-7 Attor 7 p.m. FE *19*4 or FE 444S7 WALLiP LAKH - 2 EtPfcC Wideman SPRING IS HERE to you'll bo glad you bought thla * bedroom SUBURBAN WEST ranch homo. . Nice size living room with picture window. Family room off kltchan. Full basement, gas FA hodt. 2-car ot, tochod garage. Largo tot. FULL PRICE, 814,400. TERMS. 1,0 . WIDEMAN, REALTOR 412 W. HURON ST. 3344420 EVES. CALL 42*2059 Waterford COMFORTABLE AND CAREFREE - You'll be to this brick 2-bodroom home. Large carpeted living room. Exceptionally torn matter suite. Double Baraga wtth workshop. Hot water, heat. Large lot with bee "*-" U--------------^— 814,990, fared wells, 11* baths, kttclH with bullt-lns, all largo room plenty of closets and storage ora An sxcollent buy at 114,940, torn to suit. Coll OR 40304. J, A. TAYLOR AGENCY Itol Estate — Insurance — Budding 7733 Highland Rd. (M59) OR 4-0308 Evas. EM *9937 or EM *7544 LET US PRICE YOUR PRINT 6ft « for you. Call " AUBURN BUILDERS WATTS REALTY________ 1944 M-15 AT BALD EAGLE LAKE WE BUILD CUSTOM HOMES -H s,l~ URN BUIL NEW HOMES, NO DOWN PAY-ment wtth lot. (Modal open. 28754 Waltz. Art Dantelt, 454-2249 or 421- NO MONEY DOWN Ranch qr tri-level sheli/on your lot, exterior complete. FLATTLEY iffALTY 820 Commerce Rd. Coll 34*4911 OAKWOOb MANOR, 4 BEDROOM trl-lsvtl. FE *3180. . FHA HOMES Deal _____ ____ broker, 0 down to volt. PAN EDMONDS, REALTOR ORION TOWNSHIP GILES OFF BALDWIN Near Fisher Body and Pontlu /Motors It this 4-Room Ranch, only 3 years old. This homo hos 3 boa rooms. On Hoot, blacktop street. Only S1UOO Cash to Mortgage. ELWOOD REALTY BY OWnL.. bedroom and 1 — 2_______ „v„ on to acre tot. Inquire dt 3445 Joslyn Rd. BY OWNER $42.50 DOWN 424 Crodlngton ■— Orton oreo, 2 skiing, torad l...___. or Mr. Mlllir, 447-729,1. Cift collect. in vacant. Own- er, 22'x22' building with nos. .... and concrete floor. Could bd used ot garage or workshop. Onh* It GILES REALTY CO. 221 Baldwin Avo._FB *4174 61 0 DOWN Plus dosing costs on this 2 bedroom, starter homo. Garage, Iqts 01 room to build that barn on th‘- 2 acres of land. Only 311.900. Rw your- call to York. YORK 4713 Dlxlo Hwy., breyton pit’— PLEASANT LAKE privileges 10 yr. old brick and frame In Exc condition. 3 bedrooms, 2 way fin place. It* baths. 2 cor garage Fronts on 2 streets. Mutt bd see to bo appreciated. Shown by « polntmont only. Total price 024,401 ' C. SCHUETT ' 100 commorco 34*7)1 PENNIES FROM HEAVEN They don't hare to ba — lx. you'll need enough to make $400 2910 Genet Drlre. Just east of 1-74 on Walton Btvd. 1st, light toft' l block to Gome Drive — Witch tor signs. PARSONSONS BUILDERS 23485SS Ing at With f Totoi tog sfi, r costs - 871.0 o. plus lax and Ins. on Ol. HAGSTROM, REALTOR, MLS 4900 W. HURON, OR 40341, EVES. 49*0434. _____________ Royer Richard S. Royer, Rsaltor SHARPI 3 bedroom rancher. Near Pontloc. Finished basement. Fenced . lot. Nicely landscaped wtth such extras t spruce trees. 47*1273 wumpie curing Service WYMAN LEWIS REALTY Why Rent Whan You Cdn Buy $150. Down plus doting cc 3-bedroom ranch t Model Open . Dolly and Sunday 1 to 7 p.m. Closed Fridays Possession 40 days otter mart- TED'S' ALWAYS . TRADING 5 Largo Full pi I minor IIHMmig — i the Ciorktton area, sly 811.000 with 10 par am oown. cell Dldc Moore tor your personal appointment / . NORTH SIDE l Ot Pontloc, sharp 3-badroom brick ranch, breazaway, sibcar garage, carpeting, atuntlnum storms and Kroons, beautiful secluded 1st — Trade your present equity Of! 1* '■ per cent down. Priced at 817riSii) LAKE FRONT Summer homo, excellent tot on Elizabeth Lake, largo raoma, fireplace, breakwater and boat wall. 114,500. Trade your present lot or McCullough realty » Highland Rd. MEM MLS ALL 'THE ACTION LINE 474-2239 THE PONTIAC PRESS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1967 RHODES UIW ORION - Lake-front hof tan* It specious norm, t II f%(* S booutHul bedrooms, W*JM hoot, ptonty to oxtr Only sms* IMH ten. Dalai ■< land canfract. Sat Rd* Meal yu —a-.—fjm, Niro *ra • tonga I imRy-tia arn, an heat In-car garage, aMraa and achaala. Only «1_ *4,000 dawn, balance land contract. HUNTING CABIN. Near Grayling, " room* IM acm. elect rid ty. mile* to town. tUH. Buy n while the price If right. INDIANWOOD RD., Lake Orion. J4.» acraa with nlca 4-room homo, fireplace, modem. Bear garage, dog konneto. A real buy. only *““ *10,000 down, balance land trad, INDIANWOOD SHORES NO. I ideal location tor your new largo homaeltof, well reatrlcted, reasonably priced. Call today tor ALBERT J. RHODES, Broker PE MW SSI W. Walton PE 5-4712 Multiple Lifting Service FE 2-5034 "BUD" 4-BEDROOM BRICK W. SEVEN MILE RD. located In Detrolt'e northwest area, close to echools, but at door to- Northland and Downtown with carpeting and drapes, fireplace, dining noom^ *ro* heat ^yhetwte,tV»«ar ga- BUILD THAT NEW HOME on this dandy north subui . let off AU4 between Pontiac Lake Orion, 104' frontage, 142* deep blacktop street. Priced at txsoo. Look new. NICH0LIE-HUDS0N Frushour room, fireplace, 2-car attached ga- ----- --- —Sf WE ____I._ wat ■ 14‘xSO' boat house and HMflTtl with a i4t__ beautiful tot. *17,500 - Your home CITY RANCHER Located in the Pontiac Northern - area. This clean 1-bedroom ranch to priced to sell at SUMS - S400 down pluscosts on FHA, Carpeted JACK FRHUSH0UR, Realtor S730 Williams Lake lid. MLS 674-2245 LAZENBY SYLVAN LAKE FRONT Ing, large living’room, t dining room, step-saver i_____ Carport, excellent sandy beach. Price tor quick tala - slim. ROY LAZENBY, REALTOR Open Dally tram 0 to B:9t p.m. Sundays M p.m. -4434 W. WALTON — OH 4-0301 KINZLER LAKE FRONT BEAUTY carder Mil plan randt with 4 bedrooms, $ delu:----..... and lake-level recreation room — - plus carpeting and custom draperies tnrougnout. Professionally landscaped alto with gentle slope to eenTtaeSir, Now m ' present owner and prlci low reproduction. 100 ACRES Lei^roadjtrontago on_Dixle Hwy. ghtly rolling a sal for acreage Over 2,000 feat .. MR and Itva stream. IMS0. Terms. JOHN KINZLER, Realtor Stlt Dtoto Hwy. . 423-0335 Eves, phone 425-3750 Across from Peckers Store ANNETT Forest Lakt Area uMdlry end Forost Lake Golf Minos* *0.200, term*. Brick Ranch—Waterford Near (tor Lady of the Lai Church, Pixie Highway I place, family ream, dining ream, large kitchen and m bam*, all to nice condition, ter attached garage. Terms Clarkston--Lake Front PrecHcelly new brick blta with 100* Iske frontage, bad roams, t fireplace* ft bullt-lns. Carpeting and dr spas Included, ter *t-tached garage. Close to I-7S. *39,500, terms. Wf. . WILL ' iliRH REALTORS 26 E. HURON ST. Office Open Evas. B Sunday 1-4 338-0466 FE 5-8183 WEST SIDE I bedroem iwetory brick bun- Sbtow. Living room, kltchf- dining tte ;te Jtete HA nett. vacant. Terms. EAST SIDE NORTH SIDE Vacant. FHA terms. w. Living SOUTH SIDE Ibadwam bu and duung a t utility._on I About Mot required. lug* colt MR, ALTON, PI 44334 Nicholio & Harger Co. jm w. Nunn il pi hw VON BECAUSE YOU LOVE NICE THINGS VUUTI * LOW DOWN PAYMENT ONLY 1400 DOWN plus closing HEY, LOOK ME OVER! 5-room ranch, Hally area. Built In 1955. Cedar shakos siding — cellent schools Only (1440* with full bosomant and ter * Convenient city Eaat Side MB lust aft E. Pika St. and price reduced to S1I4SL Y~ save *1,450 If you act NOWI to answer, 412.3000 IRWIN SOUTH BOULEVARD Located at the corner of Squirrel Road and Smith Boulevard. Now 7-room home, S bedrooms. Pea turps Include 2 ceramic tile bath* lama kitchen, family room with big fireplace, 2Vter garage — Partial baseman*. Call for appointment. NO. 41 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION MOVE RIGHT INTO this .... -tocutoto 3-bedroom brick rancher ..i one of our finest ~ --- urban anas. r " " carpeting In llvlm roo wood floors. Gaa naat. Ml a pin. Completely furnished excellent furniture and eccesso-rlto.JWcar garage. Call tor ai polntmanl. JOHN K. IRWIN & SONS 313 West Huron — Since 1935 ■uWttoor SalUng Coll FE 5-9444 MILLER AARON BAUGH EY, REALTOR DRAYTON WOODS BRICK RANCH. Udgorack fireplace In tho lovely nvlng mom. Wall-to-wall carpet, largo kitchen with bullf-ln*, I large {"grooms, IVi ceramic baths. Fin- "Buzz". BATEMAN) wo. ss 3 BEDROOM BRICK HERRINGTON HILLS, on* floor ---ta i1!* eHy pnd lust t — WATERFORD TOWNSHIP Located |uat o tow blocks f •hopping cantors, schools and I highways. This beautiful tear__ ranch with a walkout baaomont. fireplace, and built-ins is lust what you've been looking for. Reduced to *24,90* WANTED Ip Waterford Township. Coll for trade Information NOWI NO. 79 DUCK LAKE SCENIC COUNTRY VIEW: I —J - ach privileges lust across ----- to bo on toyed by owntr M tenants of this extra nlct 2-family Could also bo used as a —-----s 5-bedroom homo for largo family If desired. Wonderful condition, on 3 tots with plenty uf largo trees and nicely landscaped. Priced at *25,000 with (7,500 down. Maks your appointment TODAYI NO. 72 SILVER LAKE PRIVILEGES with this beautiful 2-yaarbld brick rancher. Family hams with fireplace, full basement, sealed- tllding-glen door and ter garage. ul— -—-beautifully W Ml---------------.jrful location „,JI quick possession^ Priced for quick your appointment NOWI family rm. with full v.... Ml fireplace. Built-In oven and rang* J,™ coramie baths, mud room on jiving level, fulfilled basement, gas 2-lane w ■ ».. m iiivur- extras. *29,too ' .... extras annd custom todturos. Beautifully furnished and deluxe quality all tha way. Duplication priced on your lot to tow ao *19,950. Several new homos with fmmediato In this (ubdlvlslon, most Your lot GOING TO BUILD? “ik* to# down our building ‘'JKiOwn decorating colors. OPEN SAT. (8*V*S and SUNDAY, 1-5 p.m. and DAILY SJJ ” «:» ** 0:» p.m. piXlt Hwy. to Sash-11 & DAILY IHMMIPIMMRMMw Sash-ebaw, right to Waltort, right hi Big finished 2nd floor, room for 2 oxti bedrooms and batn. 3—314,950,' 4-bedroom colonial Erick FRONT? tVibatot. 3—014,950, 4-bedroom Dutch colonial, 1*4 baths Including garage. Coll today to too models and prints. FE 2-0262 470 W. HURON OPEN 9 TO Val-U-Way Near Fisher Body Rodocorotod 3 • bedroom large paneled living room oi Ing area, Ilia bath, storms and screens, gat fumact. Only f down on FHA torms. Northern High Area If yOU Ilka *n nalnt rin m* I at this I MM___________atom, or Farmestone. Hat 3 bad rooms, largo living room, gaa hast, situated on a lame corner lot. Pull price only il 1,730, R. J. (Dick) VALUET REALTOR FE 4-3531 343 Oakland Avt. open < After hours PE 2-3030 or PE SOI TIMES LAKE FRONT Watkins tiki, offering 3 t rooms, full basement, with reef Ion roor Living rw patlng, wl beautiful Vary hb kitchen th urn tor A tar and featuring with Or and walk-out feature, hat wall-to-wall car a stone fireplace and iw of Wotklnr Lake. 1 and comfortable a large all fenced yard ... .. on the lake and r WLrW b^iTST num (load, well-kept and for you to *n|w tho wvgiyMIM mer that to fast approaching. Call tor your appointment now. FOR YOU Who' desire gracious .... ... are ottering tor your early inspection, a lovely lake-front tho Clarkston I stele, that « more than satisfy your wan appointments Ilka 3 spacious lx rooms, formal dining area, klr _ alia living room with fireplace and wall-io-wall carpeting, tered walls, ctramlc bain, extra half-bath, toll bate also finished family room another fireplace, hat gaa *------id sprinkler ty_____ tom overlooking tho .. ..... landscaped lot. topped i Morion Mtwg “ m i not let this lovt t. Call ai il appolntn offering. PINE LAKE ... from take privileged lot, yard fenced and a real winner at tha prlc* call tor the particulars. WHEN YOU SEEK OUR SERVICE YOU "JOIN THE MARCH OF TIMES" Times Realty SCHRAM new 2-csr garage, lug* family, •lied kitchen, fireplace, an this for, 115,950 with taOdown on FHA torms. Gl ZERO DOWN'1' ims. on 2 lots win. .... it. gat boat, beautiful kitchen, lull pried! *** BRICK RANCHER noettod garage, hat water oaid heat, full price: SI 'Hh torms, LIST WITH SCHRAM AND CALL THE VAN wsSwm't M« TRANSFERRED? NATIONWIDE REFERRA SERVICE will locate your no homo lor you. No charge. Coll tor more details.. BATEMAN - REALTOR — MLS FE 8-7161 ARRO WE HAVE RELIABLE CUSTOM BUILDERS WHO WILL BUILD ANY PRICE HOME ON YOUR LOT OR OURS. SPACIOUS 3-BEDROOM TRILEVEL M te| ' tot with of cup- tuti baths, 30-foot family ________ with flraplac* and sliding glass doors to covorad patio, at“te ter garage. Mutt bt • bu appreciated. and vanity In main both. . place In living room, famlly-slzo kitchen plus toporato dining room, toll baaomont, gas heat, 2-car ottochad garage, paved drive and Jake privileges. Only Ttd McCullough Sr„ Realtor PHONE 682-2211 Elizabeth Road OPEN DAILY 9-9 DORRIS ONCE IN A LIFETIME will ,.. run acroat a package at romark- aW* as this on*! FIVE b J---- TWO toll baths, TWO-ear ..Mill garage and located on ONE-acrt tot. All thto tout t---------- terad walla, 2 lOW breez-lust I Mock l •god beach „. __________ __________ Now being redecorated and FHA appraisal applied for. v GRACEFUL CHINESE ELMS Accent th* beauty to this outstanding tot lpo'xlSD' alto Mooted with numer- healthy lawn. In this wo ore offering a vary Ing while from* 2-btdru low with oak- floors. wRxia a, sun, kuuuks S3* Dixit Hwy. 474431 multiple Listing service STOUTS Best Buys Today LAKI FRONT Prlcod right, oolld-bvllt 2-bod roor ranch with largo kitchen and dir Ing arts, spacious llvlnp roorr utility, gat firad hot stator heal screened patio, (Vter garogo. Included. Only *13,990 wit CONVENIENT glate'tef pprclw corner li povtd street. Only SL9S0 with 0* form*. Land Contract. UKE NEW Attractlv* 3-bedroom rancher gleaming whNq aluminum txl rtor, shiny aak floors, well planni kitchen and dining an* specie laundry room, gas heaT Ian scaped 47'xl35* lot, wafer and tr m g|| ‘ij(rji* school Only HUM with i SMALL ESTATE flroploco, spec to teem kitchen 1 oreaxrasr noox, dan, 2 baths, Co arad put* many tohar extras -Priced to *31,300 with terms. Warren Stout Rialtor 1450 N. Opdyko Rd. FE S4145 Open Eves, ‘fit I p.rto Multiple Listing Stroke TIZZY DAN MATTINGLY SELECTIONS FHA TERMS "VENICE OF MICHIGAN" BIG 4-BEDROOM Homes at 1966 Prices Colonials... tri-level with basement from $28,900 including lot , . golf courso . • . 10, miles booting . . . city! water... tennis court. LAKELAND ESTATES Dixie Highway across from Dixie Pottery Waterford, Michigan Open Dally and Sunday 1-7 p.m. Ross Homes By Kate Osann THINKING OF BUILDING? SEE OUR USTIHOS SUBURBAN NORTH, tarn* tot IS* 150, with fruit and Ad* treat. LAKE PRIVILEGES. Pull prlc* HLWOOD VILLAGE — S choice tot* total tor cdtototo* M-tovto* etc. Wideman Realty Company 412 W. HURON St. . 334-4534 EVE. CALL 473-r " 1 TO 50 LAND CONTltACTS Urgently rwadad. tea us btoor Barren STOUT, Realtor 1431 N.' Opdyfca Rd,_ PE MU . ----------------------* THREE ACRE SUBURBAN FARMS Clarkston art*. Chofca woods Is er meadow. Throe thltot from S. 34400 MA 5-1354. TODAY'S BUYS: LAKE FRONT LOT on Erdltodl Loko. WMt»dCGiitiwdN4Mi.6»A 1 TO 50 LAND CONTRACTS Urgently needed. See us btotra WARREN STOUT, Realtor 150 Nm> TRAILER LOTS, 100'X200'. LAKE . Orton trot, it min. Patotec Near ' 1-75 oxprouway. Don't ram, buy. Open Sun. Bloch Bros. 423,1333, FE • *» m*p as **!«* “Have you ever noticed when you’re doing things you HAVE to do, it’s usually something you don’t want to do?” US2Mj» " INTERCHANGE 240 seres, 3 toko* stream, rolling londTtedroom hem*. Baa " tlfw recreation area. LF 1111 HOWELL Town & Country, Inc. Highland Branch Office PHONE: 313-685-1585 WALTERS LAKI AREX : KAMPSEN "IT'S TRADING TIME' PAINT CREEK FRONTAGE Nearly an acr* parcall, scaped to parfaeflon and ai captlonally wall cared for thro* bedroom custom built brick rancher with throe cor attached garage. Roor living room - looking Paint Crook. L kitchen with bullt-ln applli Basement, oil hot water RM —- aac. Copper slut many tohar Sfk Haosts *49 Uh-Acroaga 54 start at *1500. Also for saia — sav-aral dramatic model hdmas under construction. SYLVAN — 573*3488 or 334-1222. KENT 0 ACRES - BEAUTIFUL CORNER nfiy^'front? «f (Oxford with over WELL-KEPT LOT, WASHINGTON Puk area, 40* frontage, 10T deop. Cash U ??? PE 4-0526. lift. Prlcod right at (7,000 with easy terms. * WATERFORD TOWNSHIP, SCOTT Lake Privileges. Three Lota 50 x WO Established In 1914 DRAYTON AREA—3-bedroom. home, 25 ACRES — Choice parcel on M15 north to jClarkston, convenient to Terms,’ less for cash. Ready to build on. Clark Real Estata, 1342 W. i Huron 3t. FE 3-7W8. . corner lot 45x13* hardwood fiqprs, auto heat and hot water, excellent location. 113,001, $2,000 down. with oa*y terms. *® Wnrron Panl-fnr Sale Farms f 56 WALK OUT BASEMENT Over an acra parcel — year old, throe bedroom . ivy baths, hot 3 FAMILY INCOME. UPPER AND lower apartment* ranting at SKI and S(S a month. Got heat, tow taxes. Walled Lake area, *2,000 down on Land contract: Coll l Brown, Rooltor — PB 34M3. 10 UNITS-LAKE FRONT Located on main highway and bettor lake In Watoftord Township. Always ranted. Good eondlfir-Idoal Investment tor otoddy ye: around Income. *17,000 down- Warden Realty Only 135,950. Term* or IT ado. WATKINS HILLS Brtqd now llifin. ............. room, brick with .2 car garage and automatic door opener.'Carpeted living roor tea — Ceramic flit bal In kitchen. Full _______ recreation room. 75 x 150* fenced rear yard. Offtrad at S19.990. Term* or Trad*. i, dating I birch klfchan « bullt-ln china cacnwi ana pam plastered wall* oak flooring, fM basement. Gas hoot, aluminum siding with brick trim, ever 1175 square toto. Only $15,93011 Will NEW BRICK RANCHER Norman brick, thro* be___.... rancher with tha. following custom" features, formica kitchen cablnots, bullt-ln stovu with soil cleaning oven, bullt-ln. china Inals. Ctramlc til* Mlh, gn floor laundry room, plat! walls Including thu garage, sulatad Aluma-Vue windows screens, full batomant, gat I_ concrete drive. Will dupilcato on your tot Mr *22.95011 KAMPSEN 1071 West Huron Stroof FC 4-0921 After > p.m. Coll MLS FE 2-3457 O'NEIL WHY NOT TRADE? NEIGHBORHOOD FRIENDLINESS / Everything Hi rooms, fenced bock yard. Floyd Kent Inc., Realtor 2200 Dlx------------ FE 20123 00 ACRES - ALLEN RD. SEC. 34, DeerfitW Twp^ Livingston County. Mi 4— fol44. Srntth. COMMERCIAL ORCHARD LAKE AVENUE ORCHARD'LAKE AVENUE Have 5 Room Modern Bungalow. Rent* tor S125. per month. Alio ho* large 3 story comtnt block building. AH this tor only 2 FAMILY INCOME Avt. Commordbl. Terms. WRIGHT REALTY CO. f Oakland Avu. FE 34141 "Cash for ill klnda to proparly** WILLIAMS LAKE ROAD Commercial corner, ‘ near Airport Road, Waterford Township, lOIVx- 120' with another 50* of In-- available, » -----—r J Terms, BY OWNER. LARGE BRICK ranch, Laktoront horn*, ter Baraga. With 1 acra lot. 5 ml. N. to 1-75 on Sathabaw Rd, 42* Vacant commercial corner, 2 li BATEMAN COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT 377 S. Telegraph Rd. Weekdays 9-5 call FE (4441 Evenings alter 5 call FE 2-3739 CASS LAKE LOTS, FOR SALE OR rant. 343-7304.__________ KEATINGT0N Beautiful lake-front and lakt-privl-tag* lots avallabh. Plan to live — this beautiful new town In C Township. Models open 3-4 d 11-4 Sat. and tun. HOWARD T. KEATING CO. 2040 W. 13 Mil* Rd., -------- Ml 4-1334 ' LAKE PRIVILEGES On Mlddlastralts Lake, pH. . SIS,500. Larg* newly carpeted, studio living room, brick burbtquo In kltchon, sun ACREAGE 2W ACRES, pins t With fireplac Isavlng stato tor 13,333, I lib ACRES, ttoplng to to frontage and not 1,75, $3,900, S575 down. S ACRES, over 9JC ol 04,750, 10 ACRES, rolling, woodtd, small Everett Cummings, Reoltor 25(3 UNION LAKE ROAD . . . | —| 303-7111 t area Is to complete and snnod, it's an Inspiration to .... ok. Attacnod ter garaga, family om <25‘xl3‘) with firaptoci “ parquet floors. Located whar* t ing restrictions assure you of q*..... homes. Thera Is much mora we NOTHING LIKE IT Lot your chlktrah en|oy thu bon atmosphere to country living, when theyl'l have room to roam and ctoan air to brttohe. Thlo spor- attached ter. gang-for a family to 4-5 i space galore and onl and lump to -tho qultl of Davlsburg. Prlcod I to only 035430. LOOKING FOR A SMALL FARM Corpated living room and dining room.. Mastor bedroom ~~ 2W both* fadUtSjj family j EVERYTHING DESIRED IN A this lovely contomporary___ brick 'ranch featuring watl-to-wgll ■lute iMitoteiteMtoiilEi NORTH SIDE Tw*budr«om cozy ranch oak Hoof* gaa Iwat larg* storage shad. Close to ochools and shopping, toto^'-Gl can purChae* this an* an 1 *---»Bi will mova yau in. LIST WITH O'NEIL REALTY for 3 Good Rtasoos: W* Ihlnk our sans* to Valuae-Our Hat to Good Proaggcto-and Our Tlratots Efforts-WIII Make Yau Glad You Culled. RAY O'NEIL REALTY 3533 Pontiac Lake Rd. OljurPtoty, ♦ tot OR 4-222TmLS Vr 4-1805 LAPEER, ON ' LAKE NEPESSING overlooking fairways to Lapeer --------- club, year around house m arm ■mhU ' view ».i■ i,, —. ■ . *9,000, cull 4744350 after 7_ PONTIAC, CLARKSTON, WOLVER- i vaa* ______(Rim, bo ... 15 min. Pont tot. _ blech Broo. 433-1M3, FI ____ ________i totgui *2,500.10 per cent down, Sislock & Kant, Inc. 330-9294 NgtHwh fwfirty 31-A 2-BEDROOM COTTAGE ON TER-vty Rd., 51* laky frontage. Men-celona Mich. Plo/Box 437. indoor LOT AT SAND " CAKE, NEED LAND CONTRACTS. SMAU. discounts. Eorl Garrels. MA 4-5400. EMptro S4004.___________ OUR OPPICe SPECIALIZES IN Ing, tithing. Clarltoton School Oral, 1450 N. Opdyko Rd. FE 34145 IS ACRES FOR PRIVACY, PLEAS-.............. FE 2-2144. ' 70 ACRES-7 ROOM HOME Ltvol land on blacktop road, ideal tor developing. Ian: * other outbldgs. .Only ST' — tormS. . Annett Inc. Realtors S E. Huron St. 33*0444 Office Open Evenings I. Sunday 1-4 north to Rochester, price below today's market — *23400 with *5,-400 down, 3134 per month. CLARENCE C. RIDGEWAY REALTOR 31 W. Walton - 33*4034 Multiple Lining servlet 40 ACRES, 3-BEDROOM. SASE- ACREAGE Rose Township, noor Davlsburg, _ acre* or 10 acre* at *500 per Aero, or can bt bought, together. Ironlege *10,000. MONTCALM STREET road, *3.300. (450 with 370* off U.S. 23 near Fenton. *40,000? Terms. C. PANGUS INC., REALTY OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 430 MIS Ortonvllto CALL COLLECT NA 7-3015 Sih Buslntfs Prcparty 57 CORNER LOT 130* commercial lot. Wait Montcalm off Oakland, Tumi. AL PAULY * 3-3000 Eves. 4334000 10 ACRES, Hadley a face ror-* — 05,100, $4 read, all i I high. DORRIS NEIGHBORHOOD GROCERY ...1 living quartor* situated on a nice corner in Pontiac. A large building could bo u*ad for numerous, typos of business. Full batomant, gat PA heat. Terms can to arranged. CHURCH FOR SALE. 4200 square toto In main itolMIng with full basemtnt b1^ im** i* This li. a r with 2/7S0 sc C. PANGUS INC., REALTY u . OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK M Mis Oriimvllto CALL COLLECT NA 7-3315 , AUTIFUL WOODED LOT ON Chlcada* Lana Ti BY OWNER, LOT IN CLARKSTON Cranbarry Lake Estate, 105 x IN’ il IHRISTIAN HILLS, 1 oiisflAN Jims, itfMr \ FOR INVESTORS f 191 acradP JVi miles from no proposed expressway, south of L poor. An axcullent Investment . C. PANGUS INC., REALTY OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 43* Mil J Ortonvlll CAU, COLLECT NA 7-3015 SEVERAL CHOICE ■ ■ vary oxef ‘ * lake7 for any . OA I 80 TO 800 ACRES lowtr Michigan. Dairy, grain. Farm tel Estate Headquarters — Dean Realty Co. Coldwattr, Michigan. Dale A. Dear. Farm Broker and Auefioneer. Write or call 517-27*3177- N. StoktoW PE *4105 Money f« Loon 61 (LIcuissd Money Londu) $1,000 tor dash needs or debt consolidation. One small monthly payment to repay. Credit lit* Insurance. Ours Is a fast, convenient loan and finance service. Stop in er phone FE- Mil1 tor Intormafia and errangaments. HOME ITAUTO LOAN CO. BASSETT BOOKCASE RED, CHEST, double dresser, mirror, (gray) S75. 2523 SHVOf HfHt, ILONDE DINING ROOM SET — 41" IW 34" tabid with extension, 4 chair* buftot, hutch, toacari, $75. 4 burner Norge gas rang*, (40. Brown print colonial chair, (30. Black tlvlng room chair, 025. Owk, 41 by 1* oil. FE *0790. BRAND-NEW END AND' COFFEE tables, *545 ea. Llttl# Joe's, PE 2-4442. FE *1131 Mon. 9 to 4; Tuts. V 9 la 5, Frl. 9 to 7. L Thur*. BRONZE OR CHROMB DlNETTE salt, BRAND NEW. Largo ond ■mall alto (round, drop leaf, rectangular) tablas In *, * and Tpc. Mts. *24.95 up. PEARSON'S FURNITURE 110 E. Plky LOANS (25 to 01400 Insured Payment Plan BAXTER !■ LIVINGSTONE ' Finance Co. ' 401 Pontloc State Bank BulkUna FE 4-1538-9 CHERRY bROP4LMAP AlRING ,TA-M*. Ml *3*15. CHEST OP DRAWEilS'dltW) LOANS TO $1,000 Usually an firto visit. Quick, triond-ty, helpful. FE 2-9206 I* |hu nwnb*r to can. OAKLAND LOAN CO. 202 Pontiac Stato Bank Bldg 9-5 - Friday *4 Sea. PEARSON'S FURNITURE ____:■ Plica______ PE *7111 CONTOUR CHAIR, RED PLASTIC LOANS S2S TO 31,000 COMMUNITY LOAN CO. I E. LAWRENCE PE *0421 DAMAGkU IN SHIPMENT .- 3 bedrooms and 3 living rooms — 397 ea.. Little1 Joe's - PE 2-4(42. DAVENPORT, OTHER MliCeLLAN----- 330 Exmooro. PE 2-3504. DOUBLE IE6, TWIN B&bS, RilGi ELECTRIC STOVE, (25: APART-ment-slza refrigerator, axe. condition, *29; complete t‘-r r tmall Underwood Real Estate 43*2415 1445 Dlxl* Hwy. Clarkston it no answer, 43*5015 HORSE FARM 120 ACRES Rolling hill* W mil* to wide running stream and 2-bedroom homo with fireplace and 2W car oaraoe. pine and hardwood tret* of tleganct. 4*2-0173. FAST CRUISER 2* Cruls-Alang with 135 h.| marina. Ideal for couple iW imlly, complete steeping, eating and toilet fadlltia* Many axtrae Including custom mad# trallar. Past enough tor water skiing ond vary seaworthy. Excellent condition. Of-! tered at to to original coot, or Will trade tor equity In real estate. FE 2-5546. r n't bo told kltch*n.* Mr7 HuBbord, doeler.^FE FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC STOVl 40 x 34", double ovah, very good condition. 4(2-1214. After 4 p.m. odd a I TRAILER, 4 dttkin. For 334-5492. WILL TRADE 1047, 4 SPEED transmission for tofquo-tlltt transmission from 19*5 "303" up. Corn- Salt Clothing DORRIS I, SON, REALTORS 2334 Dlxl* Hwy. 674-0324 multiple Listing service LEATHER JACKETS, MAN' ' ----in'* also ganulno moi ___________FE 0-9(24.______ BEAUTIFUL FLOOR L E N G T wadding gown, sin 12: .wedding ring* olto * under 1 yr. eld (150 or bast otter. 38*9737. MENS SUITS, SIZE 4*42-44. EXC. Original prlc* Slto ea. Womans winter coat*. 1*12. 673447*. Sols or Ixdiongg WANT:... REAL ESTATE PROB-HAVE: , . . Ability to aolva them Tom Bateman, Raaltor FE 8-7161 PROM DRESS My*, flout * OR *7394. wlbbtHo bnits and \lrliu size DRIVE-IN MONEY MAKER Estobllthod Notional Franchln “ " “ ‘ location, com- Showing MORE STRIKES!) MORE LAY-0FF$1! STATION In u around the Pontiac area: we'll help you oot ifartod .wl,h on|y • omoll investment. Contact Gu* Campbell er Larry Tr* pack WlSS/Day* or Era. NORTHERN PARTY STORE lc* brisk business In yaar-aroun operation near Lake Huron. Gr< eery, meat* bear and wine. bakery dept., gas pumps, living quartor* available. Perfect family setup. Only S4JN0 plus slock Warden-Realty PARTRIDGE 15 THE BIRD TO SEE' DRIVE IN DELUXE Here's on* to th* bbdl to,__ id teo^Ertog Mo ,fit thd.Pon- apartmont fn th* laaaa, with only 00,000 Gown an on your way to\financi pence nee. HjKFv 24- LANES-BAR Ultra modern bowling eotaM_____ Looks brand new. Very aeputor money-making Oast' l'C‘ Bar. Lighted blacktop parking. Oakland Co. Ate* 3 partners going toporato way*. Check us tor right prjca and farms. 'tARTtoSWi REAL ESTATE ISOS W. Huron, FE 4-3SSI Open weak nils* 'til 9:00 TRACTOR AND EQUIPMENT tttototoo on Stay , U.S. 10. I. to Pontiac, tel Ei toe. Large volume to rapalr uslness on hand. Own-•r's health force*, sal* at Jhgte fain price to S3MI0. Hill IM UndGrwood Rsal EstaT* saw. want to i* outfit or i Early American o BOY SCOUT OUTFIT, 1 SPORT coat, size 14, sport coot, olio * Girl Scout outfit. FE *1125. Sals HottSihold Goods 65 to WHAT YOU'D EXPECT TO PAY 3 ROOMS BRAND NEW FURNITURE . $277 12.50 per week LITTLE JOE'S Bargain House 1441 Gqldwln to Whiten, FE 2-4142 . Acres of Free Perking Svo*. »tll 9, Sit. BZ *^— WING BACK SOFA, 1 S\_ rocker, S7S both. And dthu furniture noodlng ronglr. •old by May lit. Ggy •om* fra*. 132-3049 for appelnt- couch, chair, S45i chest, mapl* walnut, *27; whit* Iron puck «... porch eat; refrig*r*tor, S25; SU| table; Also toiakar* OR 4-1002, 3 Rooms Furniture ■RAND NEW 288 $2.50 Weekly PEARSON'S FURNITURE 9kl2 Linoleum Rugs . .$3.89 *BFtoor "shop—2255 Elttabtoh &T’ “Acrqw From th» MoH" Find-Buy-Rent-Sell Whatever Your Need, A Press Want Ad Will Do It Fast And Little Cost. Pit. 332-8181 $29 CASH CLAIM carpeting,. goad 315.95 aq. yd?, wll Call aftor 3:3* 47 FE 4-7381 .... Good refrlgeratwt from 135. Used furniture to oil klnda to ber-“prices. Ltmir JOE’S 'E-IN DEPARTMENT, BALD. HOMk FREEZER SALE Full family ilzo, holds 344 lb*. All porcalaln Interior with ItMnt freeze shelves. Reduced to S149 (5 down, 31.50 week FRITTER'S APPLIANCE CO. "I S. Telegraph FE 3-7051 673-5457? HOUSEHOLD SPECIAL 020 A MONTH BUYS 3 ROOM OP FURNITURE — Consists ot: -------- ------- X- lersprlng mattress and Tr. _x *prlng and 2 vanity lamps. 3-plece dinette **t with 4 chroma chair* anp tabl*. All tor SM9. Your cradlt Is good at Wyman'* WYMAN FURNITURE CO. 17 E. HURON PE *1501 .... PE *2150 MAYTAG WftINGER WASHER, (35. IronNta thOrmotoat 345. 33*1309. NECCHI USED Zj*;uq_ and portable carrying ate. No extra* to buy. Pay account balanco to 04.12 monthly or^fuH prim to S«J* CaH 33* ' RICHMAN BROS. SEWING CENTER Railroad tiES, v e Ay ooob condition. Dot. 05*1492. RANGE, REFRIGERATOR, 11'XIP ----—^-Tw, twin bods — vacuum, RSPRt$ERATOJOUfp STOVE, EX- ilEFRIGERAirbk,....ItbVC,1 fxf. condition, beth tor 145. Now tump Dump, 13ft (Jfad nine. mnW* Ana. jftf ft REFRIGERATORS aN6 ftAtibU Reconditioned, guaranteed ^ MICHIGAN APPLIANCE CO. REPOSSESSED Goodysar Service Store 1370 WM* Track Dr. West Pontiac RUMMAGE SALE. SMALL HOUSg-hnid Itom* - Tappan get rang*, itortgirator, stereo ra-■ nevo combo, 142 S, Edith SAVE MONEY ivo .vour old fumttura custom upholsterod. Hundreds to febrlca i rotors. Fret art. FE 2-4874. 'SINGER' DELUXE MODEUPGRTABLE ng Zoggor, in study corrylng case. Repossessed. Pay off $38 CASH Or Payments of $5 par mo. UNMRSaTcO^ 4^)905 fmrmm ~ ZIG-ZAG-USED IM without attachments. Every? thing bullt-ln. Pay tSMI cosh or . wifis IEm muiiiBiv. call 34*2422. CECTlHEDSEWING kd. &mmLT CERTIFIED SEWING *f $1.25 weekly on GE DRYERS M WId* Track Dr. West ) GAS DRYER. 626- WYMAN'S . USEO BARGAIN STORE Al qur l| W. Pike Hurt Only WATER HEATER. 30GAL. trirlssS?'« toltot. 1 chlno cornor wish basin «" 0]i« shower door, 104' - asSS K?§y ana gutter. RUE. 11 R B Y VACUUM, EXCELLENT condition. SOS. Coil 6744234. LARGE BASEMENT RUMMAGE •al*. April 27, 21, 22.1 a.m.-3 p.m. 7421 S. Shaker, off Wllliomt L«ko 2-plece living room walnut burnt ............. ■HI Guar, wringer-washer ... $49.95 Guar., aloe rafrig...... $59.95 Your Cradlt 1$ good at Wyman's EASY TERMS PE 2-2150 large neighborhood susc “***' -ila. All kinds of clelhing, curtains, formats, lewel- lumber, Ericks, windows, glass blOCkt, 2 flavor «S> Sluaa. ser, etc. 33S-7SM. its E. Walton. IS MODEL SYLVAN A COMB IN A-flon radio, stereo, and TV, exc. condition. PE 4-5441.______ Color tv bargains, little Joe'S Bargain Houoo.Fg 2-6842 Government surplus tran-sisters boards - *52-3234 attar 4:30 p.m. OR 3-1*31. nEw AND USED HEATING EQUIP* mant. 244iour service. 333-7171. AIL A. Benson Co., Heating Dlv. OIL FURANCES, FAIR CONDITION L suitable nr temporary heat. til Blvd. Supply J FE 3-7081 iK 1 A Alois .a, 1 SB I a' ~ HI 152-4768. IkCA COLOR Tv! EXCELLENT condition, $125. FE 5-4123. SUMMER clearance sale on color TVs Chooso from RCA, Zenith, Westlnghoua*, Admiral Buy now and save a bundle. Ns down payment, $3.75 wk. FRETTER'S APPLIANCE CO. 1458 S, Telegraph FE 3-70SI PILE IS SOFT AND LOFTY . VM STEREO TAPE RECORDER, like new. $150. FE 5,5374. WHITE-BLACK, CpLORED TV Service shnson TV FE *454* 45 E. Walton near Baldwin PLATINUM WEDDING BAND, 20 small diamonds, 0 baggettes, worn vary little. Cost S40o. Will sacrl-flco for SI00. 335-5457. PLUMBING BARGAINS. Standing toilet, $14.95; „ ______ heater, «4».»5i 3-plece bath sets, *““• trim, S1t.*5f For SbIb Miscellaneous 67 1 SINGLE AND 1 DOUBLE SET OF scuba diving tanks plus equip. Single rail motorcycle trailer, priced for quick sal*. 473-5714 after 1 LIBRARY DESK; WING LOVE seat; 3 chairs; pole light; small tables; dishes; wringer washer; Ses dryer; single laundry tub; * me meters; Mlec. 2*1-2227. 1-A-l maker Special —, Chair, 3 Tables, 2 lamps, 4-placs bedroom, 5-place dlnettr BE Terms. $2JO week. Call Mr. : FE 4-0904, WORLD WIDE *- Kmart). basements waterproofed. Cones. FE 1-4442. __________ . I" HOMELITE DIAPHRAM PUMP-------1. Call 424-2520. ♦'XI2' LINOLEUM RUG# *3.95 EACH -Plastic Wall tile 1c ea. Ceiling tile — wall paneling, cheap. BtO Tile. FE 4-9957. 1075 W. Hurf 14' ALUMINUM TRAVEL TRAILER Sleeps 5. 1945 Har“ - 1w i. FE 2-0091. fio'CEMENT BLOCKS, NOT USED. For sale, only 313. 4*2-2744. stone Place, Pontiac. Automatic washer, $35; gas dryar, $35; 52-gel. elec, hot watei heater, $20; cabinet sink* $15; gat disposal, $20; beautiful elac. rang) — double oven, $49; 30" gas oi elec, range, $49; gas rafrlgerator $35; elac. refrigerator, frost to; freezer, $25; Tropic-Air humid! fier, $10; upright pieno, $50; 5-piece breakfast set, $15. tilth Moving Co., 10 S. Jessie, gas water heater, gless lined, full automatic. Gdod Condition. $30.00. *471 Bonnie Briar, Pontiac I aka, ALL STEEL FOR 75'XIOO' CLEAL span building, $5,500; 4-unlt gas heaters, 90,000 BTU, $100 eg I' 2-tube fluorescent lights tubes, $10 ea.; 4-colls No. 4 4 electric wire; other mlsc. „..., 45c lb. Square D boxes and circuit breaker boxes, $5 and up; mlsc. steel beams, 12" up to 24". victor adding machine, $50; stall shower, -7 $13. 402-4543.__________ Americana encyclopedias soo. Barn wood, split iail FENCE, RAILROAD TIES. FREE DELIVERY. FE 5-9120. BASEMENT RUMMAGE SALE -» to 0. 473 E. Third, Pontiac. Bassinette, excellent con- dltlon. FE 0-2*07. iOLENS low' HORSE M6wER AND CAFETERIA TABLES, FORMICA top, 4 stools that fold In. used, In good condition. Price; $19.95. BLVD. SUPPLY .500 S. Blvd. B. FE 3-7001 Covered 4xo utility toiler, steel frame, almost new vacuum cleaner, 331,3020. Crate-marred and dinged 3o> and 40-gallon water heaters from $3095^ up. G^ A. Thompson. 7005 Co-op SALE: THURSDAY 27TH, 10-5 p.m., 331 Lochaven Rd. off Elizabeth Lk« Rd, Dresses 14Vh -32W, fumlhPa, MIk. COW MANURE AND BARN BEAMS. ____________451-3745. bOG HOUSES, INSULATED. 740 OR-chard Lake Ave. Drayton. OR 3-9747, ________ Alectric RANGE, ELECTRIC motors, water softener. 474-1221. For The Finest In Top-Quality Merchandise Shop At Montgomery Ward Pontiac Mall 2-bottom plow, 2-row cultivator, gear pump, spreader for granules, 4' sickle mower, 4' snow blade. Torch glider, health lamp, rocker, 220-gel. oil tank, ell stove, folding bed, disk, harrow, corn stock cutter, handmade plow, garden tractor with cultivator, lawn roller, ladders, .hand tools, porch Minds, rug, fencing, etc. All reas. offers accepted. 4440 ----- Ml 4-0441. Formica covered vanity w IneT to realvw l$" round bai *44.95. G. A. Thompson, 7005 ' hero. cWtlng. 4403 Lovells, Drai 29, 9 a3£L CTfrPirtsHan AHll Drive, Rochester, Comer Stood-leigh, 2 M. east or Adams. Dresses, teens, Juniors misses, shoes 7AAA-aa, Man's lackets, suits, large. Luggage,/'furniture, small eppit- CARAGE SALE. 2 TIL I P.M. Wed. April 14, Thura, April 27, Frl. April 23, 10 p.m. till 4 p.m. Mr8-1 ** Aiant gaAXSI salK. Cl6th-Ing of pll sltaa, |BH of mlsc. Bar-gains, ^.tyrn jaft on .Dexter to Jam**. FE 4-3447. Wad. through Frl. BV-..I .J!,... . #*WELYTIWdr^wiYH ildkLE tSyBmss 1 Ml BED, 3i»awsr•as*14- THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, Poll HbH- Bp TH ICARNIVAI. 4 By Dick Tamar 1967 F-—5 AkC GERMAN SHEPHERD, REG- IUS* OF STRINGS MORRIS MUSIC 14 *. Telegraph Rd. FE 341547 Across from ----------- —...... GEMINI II. LIKE Slip. FE 44491. #ASS GUITAR AND AMPLIFI Ntver used, mas. EM 3-3t44. Hdwa. 953 Josiyn- Exc. condition, Pi 24429.' With bench ........... SMILEY BROS. 119 N. Saginaw________FE 4-4731 THOMAS HORSESHOE THEATRI-cal organ and bench. S mos. old, Walnut. Reas' EM 3-2144. trenchers. Jackson's. 332-9371 REPOSSESSED SNOW BLOWER, assume balance owing. $1.75 per wk. B.F. Goodrich, 111 N. Perry, Aiding' lawn mower, also RUMMAGE—5035 ELIZABETH LK. Rd., Thurs.-Frl._______________ ftUMMAAGE SALE - DISHES -coins, furniture, mlsc. 9 te 4, April 27, 21, 39. 71 Lyford, Cm- 442-2113, ett, 7 p.m Moving 10 S. Jessie, FE USED ORGANS, RUMMAGE AND BAKE SALE AND coke walk; Cess Lakeside Community Center, 4927 Greer Rd. Sat, April 29, from 10-2 p.m, RUMMAGE SALE — SATURDAY April 29, 9 to 12. Pilgrim Congre Rational Church of Birmingham. 3041 N. Adams, Cor. Big Beaver Rd., Birmingham. rummage, April 21. ... _______ Oak Park, off Maybee, OR 3- VIOLIN AND BOW, EXCELLENT, $75. EM 3-0518.________ .Mlsc. 10-4 p.m. 9 Liberty. B'hem, Frl., April 21, 9 i RUMMAGE: WEDNESDAY, THURS-day, Friday April 34-29,. 9:30 to I j* ?-. .5475 Hanley, 2 blocks off SEASON'S CLEARANCE SALE of all used and new deske, flit typewriters, adding machines drafting tables, etc. Forbes, 41 Dixie, Drayton, OR 3-9747. SMITTY'S LAWN MOWER REPAIR Service. Used lawn mowers for sale. 055 Chalmers, off Pontiac SPRED-SA1 IN PAINTS. WARWICK Supply. 3471 Orchard Lake. 482- Blue Lustre. Rent alec-Mir si. B A G Tile Huron St. 334-9957. SUMP PUMF-Gfe MOtOR, $79.50 value, *29.95, marred. Terrific buys — Michigan Fluorescent, 393 Or chard Lk., FE 44442. - M TALBOTT LUMBER Black end Decker drill, 59.1 . . Hence rollers, S7.95 a pr. 4-xS'xH'' particle board, S3.75 e -"xOxto" particle board, $4.95 e TAYLOR ICE CRliAAA MACHINE. Fone-A-Chef system. Walk-In cooler end other Items. 335-4143. THE PROVEN CARPET~cLEANER Blue Lustre Is easy on the budget, a...---- forgotten colors. Rent THE SALVATION ARMY Clothing, Furniture, Appliances THIS IS THE BIG ONE RUMMAGE SALE CHRIST p. SKI DOO'S GUNS-CAMPERS CRUISE-OUT, INC. x $3 Walton Dally 9-4 p.m. FE 3-440} Sond-Gravel-Dirt OIL Mil Id Fill, F SOS Am n , ^ fin ^F tUbF™-™ LACK DIRT FOR SALE (CK DIRT, TOP SOIL, WASHED ' ‘"1 stone, road gravel and _____end dirt, del, FE 2-1485. BULLDOZING, BLACK DIRT, FILL dirt. 334-1731 or 334-7533. CRYSTAL - SAMIS, GRAVEL, ALL areas. Del. 523-1347, Waterford. DARK, RICH, FARM TOP SOIL. . yards tor SIS del. Also loading. DUMP TRUCK 'SERVICE. w. flour, load-lob. Fill, slag, gravel. 1 r, Boyt T------ 8-8487 FREE FILL SAND, ELIZABETH Lake Rd. — williams Lake Rd. area, call DU 4-4731. LAST FALL WE DUG 7 BASE-merrts In the Alrport-Orayton area, consisting of some clay, but mostly IMS Compaction-sand. Ideal for ednerata floor cushion*, drivdway bases, or general filling. W* ara now ready to move this dirt. “ STATE TESTED BLACK DIRT -wholesale or retail, loading every day Vt mil* east at M15 on Clark*-*—-Orion Rd. 62S-3t7i or 625-5154. OP SOIL, 5 YARDS DELIVERED, 114. Fill sand, S yards, SV8. Proc-ataad gravel, all kinds. 673-8049. LL_ PUT SHdP, 55 WllLIAMS. FE 14433. Perekeets and finches. ftAGLE marked, out of good hunting stock, no papers. 423-0854. Huron. 332-851S. : GREAT DANE, MALE, year*, papers. Dog house. $108. IXED POODLE PUPPY, MINI store brown, very poodlsh. I also stud service. FE 4-8793. TOY COLLIES, AKC PUftS, $45 Up, studs, 625-4384, ' TOY POOOLl STUD SEftviCE. AUCTION SALE: SATURDAY -April 29, 12:30 p.m., '/V mile eas of Walled Lake, at 42740 14 Mile Rd., the estate of Arthur Rayner Ferguson tractor with cultivator plow, disk end mower. Ford hay baler, many other farm Implements. 19S4 Ford. VMon pickup nlstretor. Terms cash. AUCTION JUBILEE howe Assoc, at AUCTIONLANO EVERY FRIDAY 7:30 P. EVERY SATURDAY . 7:30 P. EVERY SUNDAY .. 2:00 P. Sporting Goods — All Types Door Prizes Every Auction ! Buy - Sell - Trade, Retell 74 Consignments Welcome/ ' B8.B AUCTION / 1 Dixie Hwy. /OR 3-2711 MUST SELL 1940 MOVING ■ „ S«»t Uke* 10x55, 2 uwr»Bn, Exc. condition. Completely turn-tohed and setup in new park.1 Extras include air conditioning and storage, shed. S2.850. Can be fin-! anced. Weekdays aft. 4, 335-3971 NEW YORKER DELUXE 10 X Js, ^ m » 'I thought you might like to know I called up Fordham University and they say you’re coming in nicely over their seismograph!” Farm Equipment garden tractors, mowers, tillers Hillson Lawn & Garden 4470 Dixie, Hwy. Clerkston 425-49: Open dally, 8 to 6, Sun. 11 to 4. Travel Trailers 81 PIONEER CAMPER SALES BARTH TRAILERS $ CAMPERS TRAVEL QUEEN CAMPERS MERIT FIBERGLASS COVERS (8"-27"-35" covers) ALSO OVERLAND $ COLEMAN after 4 p.m. 39A0155. GET SET FOR SPRING 3000 USED TRACTORS, TRAILERS, TRENCHERS, PLOWS. BIG SAVINGS ON NEW MASSEY-FEP-GUSON FORK LIFT LOADERS, BACKHOES. i X Pontiac Farm and Industrial Tractor Co. 825 S. WOODWARD FE 4-0441 FE 4-1442 Open Dally thdudllng Sunday HERE IS A PEACH CUB TRACTOR WITH NEW HYDRAULIC, NEW PAINT, RUNS LIKE NEW. KING BROS. -1442 “ FE 4-073 Pontiac Rd. at Opdyke Rd. JOHN DEERE L WltH EQUIf ment, Utica. 731-4442. SPECIAL INTRODUCTION TO THIS AREA 12' TALLY HO TRAVEL TRAILER sleeps 4 or 5. Get your order In now. Only S79S. Ellsworth Trailer Sales 6577 Dixie Hwy. JOHN DEERE AND NEW IDEA pert* galore. Your Homellto chr'-sew dealer. DAVIS MACHINE! CO., Ortonvllle, NA 7-3292. SPORTCRAFT MFG. PICKUP SLEEPERS AND COVERS WELDED TUBULAR FRAME 4140 Foley, Waterford. 623-0 2787, after 5 p.m. Travel Trailers 10- WOLVERINE TRUCK CAMPER, —d condition, $400. OR 3-6175. 15' WeWd, SLEEPS 4, $ New/OR 3-9430. 51,000, hitch n 3854, After 6. 1960 17' TRAILER, S6 1944 WAWA, 14' LONG, GAS HEA+-er, refrlg., chemical toilet, also a Reese axle hitch (not Included). 413 N. Johnson, Pontiac. 1*64 17' CREE 1*46 - IS' CORSAIR Self-contained, used only 1 n Surge 3 stall r.......I surge milkers; SP 22 surge Smith slip 20'X40' Smith si.. .. 35'; Badger silo unloader; Farm "'501' Dier-' -- .. illy DIM and leader; tractor; 19S9 GMC 2 ton stake truck; 1943 Ford "FI00* pickup; Plus a complete line of mostly int. machinery. Palace Royale House Trailer, Jewelry wagon. Lapeer County Bank and Trust Co., Clerk; Charles Plummer, Estate; Robert Taylor, Special Adm.; Bud Hlck-mott. General Auctioneer. Oxford, SATURDAY APRIL 29, 16:30 Stop In and see them today. Jacobson Trailer Sales 5490 Williams Lake Rd. OR 3-5901 Details DUMP.,..,..., Perkins Sale Service* auctioneers fHHH Swartz Creek Hobbies & Supplies Ken Lo, 427-3792. _Pontiec;__||^B________ 2 WHEEL PpNV CART ANb HAR. Like new. Call after 4-YEAR-OLD QUARTER HORSg YEAR OLD PAUmiNO Gibing, spirited. 493-12St efter 4n. ARABIAN, WBLSft, POA STUD service. KenLo. 647-3792, eves. BEAUTIFUL PALAMIN6 MARft/l Sorreyjejdlng, t thoroughbred —■J bOuBL^ O RANCH OPEN business. 0 a.m. to I p.m, 673 YEAR ENGLISH POINTER AND pen end house. $40, 3437909. AKC STANDARO SCHNAUZER matron, smooth disposition. Also her bounce-*bout son. Ken-Lo, 627- MARE. $150 437-3103. Devlsburg. NICE RIDING HORSE; MORGAN and quarter. 451-5745. 1-A DACHSHUND 'UPS, AKC, $1t down. Jahelm's Kennels. FE 1-2530. 1-A POODLE CLIPPING, SBup. SOB Sarasota. PE $4549. B Akc MALE POODLES, SAAAlLEST miniatures -4 3»3205. _________ ism.' *tii WTELHE1M KENNELS, . 391-H89. ADORABLE CHIHUAHUA PUPS AKC registered, 7 wks. «M. 343- AKC DACHSHUND PUPPIES 673-0432 AKC .REOISfjRlb bALMATIOft I wks. «M, 145 and o AKC' pOObLB >UftS, 1 lUtft tamale, S75. t white mlnla-rneto, SI 00. UL 2-3070 or 451- AKC • OtlRMAN SHEPHERD STUft ’ •xti'a «#. even tempered. fro* breeding with filly, 2 veer old « stuo purebred Arabian, Jamee ^IfytoTh. 244J0 Bbony Bey clastic #l» — pur* brad | mart*. $50-othei J-CIeJiDA FARM-4341 3^ Mil* Rdl _: . Remao — 7S2-3444 1967 FROLIC TRAVEL TRAILERS, 14'-24‘ AlRSTREAM UGHTWEIGHT TRAVEL TRAILERS a 1932. jGuara--- • See them and gi. I tlon at Warner Trailer w. Huron (plan to |i... ___ . Welly Byam't exciting caravans). APACHE CAMP TRAILERS II 6 models on display In heatt. showrooms 7 days a week. Sum-.mer hours daily till 7yp.m. Sundays 10 a.m. to S p.m. Apach* Factory Hometown Dealer. BILL COLLER, Vi mile ft peer City limits APACHt CAMPING TRAILERS Special authorized factory tele PARTS* ACCESSORIES FOR ANY PICKUP CENTURY YELLOWSTONE WHEEL CAMPER Itopjn and Inspect our trav Tellers, we ere apt \ to closets) like you've never seen before: 1966 MODELS, ONLY 1 LEFT * 19' SAGE, Sleeps I STACHLER TRAILER SALES, INC. 3771 Highland (MS9) , FE 2-492$ »r 6:30. PHOENIX AND WINNEBAGO ' CONVERTIBLES .4x8 sleepers PICKUP CAMPERS ^ 4'x4' sleepers TRAILERS 16' to 19' &e MOTOR HOMES' YAMAHAS ALL MOOELS AVAILABLE IMMNdATr DELIVERY K. & w. CYCLE SALES 1. SERVICE free pickup on all me lor r * ------ UTK Dequlndrel 2434 Auburn k (E. of Pontiac_______ 731-0298 BM#s WpM Core-Tracks 111 DOWNEY .Oldsmobile Used Cars TOP DOLLAR FOR CLEAN ' ■ USEO CARS 3400 Elizabeth Lake Road 334-5967 3380331 SPRING SALE SEE OUR COMPLETE LINE OF 17. WIDE IN 5 DECORS. WE dVu‘? ' ONLY. OEMOS AT A I. up, 335-4755. ^■Bi. W (___________ lb. trailers S149. New fibergia. runabout, 33 H.P. Jnhnson electric 906 lb. trailer, battery and box *1349, Flberglas runabout! *569. BUCHANAN'S' 343-2301 KNOWINGLY UNDERSOLD. DELIVERY UP TO 308, MILES. FREE SETUP WITH 2400 between 9.......... s 14* PENYAN "BOAT, 2S HORS#. * mg Evlnrude S300. 3354W13. Open 9 to 9 — 7 days a we< MIDLAND TRAILER SALES 22S7 Dixie Hwy, - 3384)772 I' FIBERGLASS, 35 HORSE EVIN-ryde, electric start, exc. condl- 5' FIBERGLASS BOAT. 40 HORSE-power Elec. Evlnrude motor, ttlt trailer and extras, Exc. condition. 391-1707 after 12 noon._ Gale v McAnnally's AUTO SALES 1304 Bdldwin FE 8-4525 Across from Ponttec Stole Bank 2 bedrooms. 474-4204, Farmington! Rent Trailer Space Rd. Near 1-75 and ft 17' FIBERGLASS 75 HORSEPOWER Elec motor. Tilt trailer. Like new Tires-Auto-Truck TIRES—TIRES—TIRES 300 left, factory take-offs, at low, tow prices. Set of 4 tires, $29.95 and up. Lee's Sales 4. Service. 921 Clemens St. FE 8-3553. VISIT OUR TIRE (BARGAIN CEN-ter). Tires, new, $10 and up plus tax. Odds and ends. B. F. Good-'Ich, 111 N. Perry, FE 2-8)21. Beats — Accessories 97 17' CHRI5CRAFT, $450 OR TRAOE. >r end extras, 343-5219. 1945 20' SPORTS CRAFT 120 ... . inboard,outboard, electric Tilt, Ilka new, loaded with extras (has everything) full camper top and heed, cell sleep 4, Including tandem trailer; can be seen at 630 S. Adams Rd., Birmingham or Call Ml 7-1497,____________. P* 1967 Boats on Display . --------------------------- PONTIAC'S ONLY Auto Service 93 mercury-mercruiser dealer -------------------' Cruise-Out, Inc. THIS WEEK SPECIAL. CUSTOM' Dally 9-7 p.m. paint |ob, SOS. Free pickup end 43 E. Walton FE 8-4402 delivery service, satisfaction guar- BOAT TOPS AND SEATS RECOV-anteed. Excel Paint and Bump, ered. Mooring covers, side cur-—tom made. FE 2-3434. Motorjcooters______ MINI-BIKE. $90 a you buy. Opah 7 RENTALS—NOW BOOKING JOHNSON'S Walton et Josiyn 1963 BSA, BLUE 250CC. S350 ._________651-1124 1964 HONDA 90, EXCELLENT CL., dltlon. Must sell Immedletaly. FE 4-2440.__________________ -------- 350 CC STAB. M73 after 3:30. ________ 1945 HONDA CUSTOM i«T lots of extros^ftlrst^otfer over S400. OA 1945 HONDA. C-100. FULL 1945 HONDA F-90, HELMET,' EX- 1965 HONDA 90, HELMET INCLUD-ed, 8225. EM 3-3119. SUMMERTIME Which means good-bye winter and "Hello" Apache time.-Today la day to see the new crank •leeper Remade. USED TRAILERS An Apache Scout, 1942. With , py. $250. Apache Buffalo, 1946 6 slMM With canopy and add-a-room. Demonstrator model, 9995. 1946 GILERA 124, SHARP, $325 ___________E M 3-4007_________ 1944 HONDA, CB-16(k ELECTRIC EVAN'S EQUIPMENT 4507 Dixie Hwy. L_______ 625-1711______ WE CARRY THE FAMOUS Franklins—Crees Fans-Monitor Travel Trailers WAG-MASTER Sleeps 6 or $ 13'end IS' on hand Holly Travel Coach 15210 Holly Rd. Holly. ME 4-6771 Open Dally and Sundays) 1966 Sfate Champion ROYAL ENFIELD Fastest 750CC Available Experts Service — All Makes JacketS’Helmets-Accessories COMPETITION CYCLES* 7196 Cooley Lk. Rd. 363-9312 1966 SUZUKI 5Q CC. 1216. OR *4093 up. Also rentals. Jacks* Intercoms* telescoping* bumpers* ladders. ^j^^g|fiM|B|tf|Sales* 1325 RICHARDSOhFWINDSOR HOMETTE-LI B E RT Y-H AMPTON COLONIAL MOBILE HOMES FE 2-1457 _______ 433-1310 Hi YEAR OL6 RICHARDSON, 12'x-40‘, $4,500 cash. "Located- at Lot 150 of Collage Heights Park, 3501 8x43', 2 BEDROOMS, 3222 HENRI dale. Auburn Heights. 8 x 10* HOmGtYe, LIKE NEW 7*1) 335-4461 after 5 p.m. 1961 GREAT LAKES, 10x50, 2 BED-room, expando, carpeting and air-conditioning, gn lot, with extras. Must sell Immedletaly. 335-7540. '1944 10X50 2-BEDROOM,'L a ft G patio awning, <3100 ov 1944 PONTIAC CHIEF, 2 I room, 44x10, 333-1176. 1944 MARLETTE lQ'XSO'. GOOD condition. Very anxious to sell. Possible aid In financing. 152-3934. 1966 HILLCRESf, FUtfftlSHEO, Id*- ABC bile home dealer. Town & Country Mobile Home f, This Week's Special 40'x12' 3-bedroom ........ *5,3 40'xl2' 2-bedroom ........ $4!* 50'xl2' 2-bedroom .......... E| CRUISER INC. 17' LAPSTAK#, 1944 " ■—‘7, 90 hji., full cenvet, ekl 81500. OR 3*179, Milford, 484-2982. 1965 ROYAL ENFIELD. 350 CC II dress. FE 5-3441. After 4 p.m! evening 673-0994. 1 %D0N'T BUY UNTIL You T ry Tony's Marine Big discount on ell 1944 boa end monrs. Johnson motors ai boats* AdtrnerAft canoes and Ila m3 ■. Orchard Lai Open 10-), Geneva Shell Lai aka Rd.* Sylvan Lake* EARLY BIRD SPECIALSt Johnson boats end motors Chrysler boats and motors Duo flberglas boats Sllverline-I-O's Pontoons-Canoes-Prams-Sailboati Aluminum fishing boets Bridgestone Motorcycles Complete line of fishing tackle Scuba diving equipment i Little League baseball supplies Hunting supplies and general sport cent dotfn. All Guaranteed. j PAUL A. YOUNG, INC. „ 4030 Dixie Hwy„ Drayton Plains OR 40411 At Leon Lai Open'dally * a.m.-* p.m. Mon. and Thurs. ‘til 9 p.m. ■ it a.m • mm Out-State Market STOP HERE EAST m&m; SPECIAL PRICES For extra clean cars Van Welt Auto Salat - OR 3-1355 'TOP DOLLAR PAID" GLENN'S ^ "CLEAN" USED C 952 W. Huron St. We would like to buy late model GM Cars or will accept trade-downs. Stop by today. FISCHER BUICK 544 S. WOODWARD 647-5600 Jank Care-Tracks 191-A I? A?D 3 cars-trucks. COPPER, BRASS; JUNK CARS AND TRUCkS, FRCl FAST CRUISER 22’ Crule-Along with 13# h.p. Grey-marine. Ideal tor couple or small ~ nvnW complete sleeping, eeRng and starter. Like new. Repossessed. J»llet tecllltles. Many extras Includ-IlSO^Athens, Drayton Plains. OR! i!?L„£us,!°r li,1"11?'.. L”* 19*4 HONDA 305 WITH ACCESSO- Used Auto-Track Parts 102 1955-59 Vi TON GMC PICKUP, FOR ■lerts. Heart - m-------- irlll-lront f< 1944 HONDA SUPERHAWK, 305 CC enough ... ______ ______ ____ seaworthy. Excellent condition, fared ot one-half of original cost, or trade tor equity to — ------------ GLASSPAR - STEURY - MIRRO Exc. condition, ceil 493-4939 alter GRUMMAN CANOES, GRAND RIV-er boat sale. 29929 Grand River, Farmington. 4 block! “'J Ule Belt. GR 4-7320. HrR*RINGT0Nl'B,6AT WORKS "Your Evinrudt Dealer" 1999 S. Telegraph FB 2-9033 knobby tires, showroom condition. NEED - TRADE-INS Now's the Tim# to Buy) We carry ell Chrysler Lone Star, Glastron, MFG boats, and sell ■ I cruise; $297 1967 M-B Scrambler •1967 Vespa Scooter 90cc........... $299 1967 Vespa 4 sp. 180 cc.............$488 Choose from 25 More GRIMALDI CAR CO. . (Dealer Distributor) 900 Oelkand Ave. ------ A-t 1944 HARLEY SPORTSTER - AUTHORIZED DEALER NORTON 750CC Atlas NORTON 750OC Scrambler MATCHLESS SOOcc single J^tsssssr 4-day trials Over 200 cycles on dlsplay Lowdown payment - easy terms. ANDERSON SALES A SERVICE , 1645 S. Telegraph FE- 3-7102 BSA MOTORCYCLES 1947 Llghtonlng's, Hornet's, Spit-it1™ Mark Hi's, Victors end new 'SSterflre 250's. Easy----- ■ HONDA IN LAPEER PULJ. SELECTION OF BIKES, HOT H0NDAS !! Scramblers', Super Hawk's, 4S0's. Super 90‘t. 140's; St's end trail bikes. Excellent parts and servlet. NflwandUsedTrucks 103 1944 JEEP UNIVERSAL 4-WHCEL drive. Must be seen to appreciate. $4*6. Metal Top. Grimaldi Jeep, 900 Oakland, FE 5-9421. .. . Cypress Gardens HIP „ styles). GRUMMAN CANOES DEALER Close out 1944 Fiberglass canoes .... . 41 "m Canoes ....... ..... . S1S9-S149 Cliff Dreyer's Gun and Sports Center 15210 jHolly Rd. , ME 44771 Open Dally and Sundays 1947 C H E V R OL E T DO/MP, GAft-wood box, good cent. *275. 492-4440. 1949 CHEVROLET W TON PICKUP, rr:— * ford, oft M-59.__________ 1955 GM AND 1950 FORD BUS, $275. Car parts. 49 S. Francis. 1955 CHEVY Vi TON PICKUP, GOOD condition. 391-3434. NOW ON DISPLAY 19*7 Mercury outboards end Silver Line boats. „. Get Reedy for Spring Now KAR'S BOATS & MOTORS LAKE ORION, MY 3-1600 Open dally 9-5 P.M., Sun. 9-1 P.M. Closed iVen. On Display SLICKCRAFTS Flberglas 1.^0. end Outboards CHRIS-CRAFT Cruisers and speed boets DEAL NOW Lake and sea marine Woodward et South Blvd. FE 4-9597 SPECIALS Weeres Pontoons, tow as $375 Llttle-Do;Trailers, from $99.50 Boat Numbers, Vlnyl. lOc ea. PINTER'S MOTORCYCLE, SEATS RECOV-tred* custom made. 332-3436._ MOTORCYCLE Insurance STARJ CHAFT CABIN CRUISER, *—d, radio, canvas, 75 Johnson, dam trailer, lots-more extras, new. 933 Boston, near The Airplanes 9 ADI INCORPORATED BEECHCRAPT DISTRIBUTORS Pontlec Airport ,___OR 441441 Anderson Associates 1044 Josiyn FE 4-3535 Used sow_______ DIXIE HIGHWAY AT -3 MS9 AT CRANBERRY LAKE 474*89 BIG SPRING VALUES See them today. New end dlft ent floor plant. All deluxe moc 1 for every family. As many" a bedrooms, 11* baths and tip oi Easy terms, we deliver. WATERFORD MOBILE HOMES .6333 Highland Rd. 673-3400 Across from Pentlac AIrport DETRpiTER — KR0FF If wide, 2 or 3 14,311. Ala* mi prices. jood eendition. OSitolTS «r-45T47w!l B0B HUT( . PICKUP COVERS, 045 UP. 4301 Dixie __ i wMSjgw* 1110 Auburn ltd. 652-33341 % SPRING SPECIALI Complete line ot ‘47 road competition models. Malco's SPARTAN DODGE Motorcycle Sale , 1947 JAWA ,CZ^ (trial model) 350cc, let* than lOOmitos, *495. 1947 JAWA -CZ Roadster, 175cc, elec, storting, $345 less than too miles. 1944 HARLEY-DAVISON sportster, bt^ bars, end dual exhaust, Hll take bikes* nr •« *»«<<« Financing aria Wanted Care-Tracks 101 Alabama Buyer d* all makes end models, MM buyer In midwest. Bring your "It only takes a minute" to Get "A BETTER DEAL" et: John McAuliffe Ford 430 Oakland Aye._______FE 54101 SON'S-SALESAT tPpsico lake! Phone MAIn 9-2179. / TRIUMPH TIGERS ! I ’ Bonneville's, TR4's, Deytone 500's, Comp tira and Tiger >■“ — tory trained mechanics. jKBSBnm *45 S. Telegraph FB *-7t« EXTRA EXTRA Dollars Pa d FOR THAT EXTRA Sharp Car '"Check the rest, i A get the best" et Averill HELP! We need 300 sharp Cadillacs. Ponuses, Old* and Bulcne tor eut-el- engine. See at VtQamor. 1962 327 300 CHEVY ENGINE -Dual quads, cam, solids, bore 3-3392 4 ,pud Wuncv, $500. OI 1945 CHEVY 33$** EltGlftC UH ptole, 392 Chrysler Heml Complet 327 Chevy, block end crank, 41 2454. Milford, Mich._________' ALL OR ANY PART 6p I4l Chevy impale. 409 Engine. Auh In good condition. 402-7621, :ONVERT YOUR ENGINE TO h performanc- ........ ■-*— lion. Al) m FORD 352-390 ENGINE AND OTtL era. 327 Chevy Bell housing, etc. , $150. 1271 Porter Rd. A 1954 FORD '/i TON PICKUP. 1st 875 trite*. 402-5434. 1959 GMC $4 tON, NEW ENGINE CHEVY DUMP, 5-YARD — d condition. 695-1343. 1962 GMC Vi-f0N PANEL V6, $300. Call 391-3241 otter 5 p.m. 1942 JEEP, Vi TON PICKUP, 4-wheel drive, with blade, $995 com-plete. 3940315 Otter 6.__________- LUCKY AUTO *595 art MIKE SAVOIE CHEVRC LET, Birmingham. Ml 4-2735. 1943 CHEVY Pickup with Custom cab, radio, heater, beautiful throughout. Thte week only — (1095. ^ BILL FOX CHEVROLET 755 S. Rochester Rd. Rochester OL 1-700* 1*63 GMC 3 QUARTER t6N PICK 1*63 FORD 16-TON PICKUr. CAN LUCKY AUTO 1*40 W. Wide Track 1967 GMC i-Ton Pickup Heater, defrosters, backup lights, seat belts, 2-speed wipers, washers, padded dash and visor, traffty hazard lights, directional signals] inside rear-view mirror.' $1828 including all taxes PONTIAC'S ONLY EXCLUSIVE TRUCK DEALER GMC; Factory Branch '*>■ MtulOakland at Cast FI 5-948S P—6 THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 36, im m M*w —lllwl Twwla m 1SSSH CHEVROLET, Birmingham. FenlfCm ||f — Tsfcs ewr psymsnts, W HMt, ik* «yoo6 condition, $im fl 4-7SI9. 1*M OPEL w> wn warranty, axe *125*. 334- power steering. A real clean — make an srierl 682-6451 AUTOCAR DIESEL. fifth wheel straight air, te and loaner crawler, MW motor, LoAoy trailer, ready to go $4500 toll — asao Norton trey. 1M3 MO Midget. Sharp . GMC TRUCKS and Compets Keego Sales and Service 19*4 Flat 4-door . SPECIAL $1875 FULL PRICE New 1967 Jeep Universal ROSE RAMBLER-JEEP iM 1*41 IS «R EM 1-4180 104 Mini-Cost . Auto. Ins. for goof drivers Home owners ins. for gutlity homi Auto risk Insurance Mini-payment plan (Budget) BRUMMETT AGENCY Miracle MMe Foreign CerT~ * C'JROBNS DS19S - ONE NEEDS body work and battery, other ” parts. 1939$, *175 tor both. many extras. 4»-343*. WMir OOOO RUNNING bodjj, ipod roMli«C^Hlon,^!l 'Imi vw, EXtteLitNt 'CONftifIGN, iwi vw, SUN *66f, RAbio - 1942 DAUPHINS DELUXE IN FINE condition, St VW Bus, rebuilt en-gine. Those must bo seen.* PE MW. lue. only. 1**3 MO-B, RADIO, TONEAU COV-or 40,000 miles, one. cond., ll.ooe, f**4. KARMANN-GHIA *1095. MfKl SAVOIE i CHEVROLET, Blrmlng- item AAI imi “ Mem ood Weed Deof H,rrtt#P- rewMim 1963 FORD 'N VB, automatic, radio, healer. An k car at e laving price. 1966 01DSM0BILE ' Cutlass Supreme 4-Door $1195 $ 995 ■ $1695 1 $ 995 1966 CHEVROLET 1964 MERCURY £*DfiOr Bretzeway. Automatic, NalWa A one-owner frede nearly new. 1965 CHEVROLET Automatic, power, “ price- /J $2095 , (tower. Really specially priced. ' $1995 “ $1195 11 $1695 LINCOLN-MERCURY 1250 Oakland 333-7863 JEROME MOTOR SALES •910 Wide Track O' of ini' 1945 CADILLAC DeVILLE ‘CON-vertible. Full Power, Factory Air, A Reel Bronze Beauty it only 13,395 with wily 3295 down. JACK LONG ford sales, Rochester! Ford Dealer, 213 N. Main St. 431-1711. 1967 CADILLAC CONVERTIBLE -climate control elr, ------ 33S-99I1.0.K. Hubble. Now Is the Time to Save On a Newer Model MATTHEWS-HARGREAVES 631 Oakland Ave. FE 44547 AL HANOUTE Chevrolet / Buick / •" On M24 in Lake /Orion MY 2-24J1 ” CHEW 1961 Chevys choose tram, 6s end eutomat-.... radio, heater, low as 319T. No money down, *5 weekly. CAPITOL AUTO. 212 W. Montcalm, FE * 1940 Bed CHEVY CONVERTIBLE, 341 engine, 4-speed, Esc. ------ lion, best offer. 651-3712. , sires. VAN C :. Mitferd Rd., * »■ 3P-7543, Rleglns, dealer. and extras. tttW- FE MlJildC RADIO, HEATER AND WHITEWALL*. PAY-MENT> OF »»FyLL fricITw. CALL CREDIT MOR,jWiT''er§s at harold TURNER FORD. Ml 4-7500. TOM RADEAMCHER CHEVY-OLDS, Inc. On U.S. 10 It M15, MA 3-5071, 1965 CHEVY IMPALA convertible. Super Sport, with l. tomatlc transmission, power steering, brakes, radio, heater, white walls, rad with black top. Only- $1995 Clerksten ' MA*M500 ns Bel air *-door i-auto-metlc, *1,195 it MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET, Birmingham. Ml 1943 MONZA CONVERTIBLE, AUTO--latlc radio, heeler, *1293 at IIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET, -------—i.^^M I SPEED, WHITE- walls, radio, 110 h.p., 01, 0333. 19*3 CHEVY 4-DOOR SEDAN, BEL _„.i Black Intertor Sharp!) Owner. White Lake — 817 DON'S USED CARS Smalt Ad—3H Lot » CARS TO CHOME FROM iW» bwy.dr wHI eSeM yew pay W# MNYiAC, take OVkR FA+- 193* PONTIAC 4 0664- BlHTHU Runs eerteet. Full Fries *193. Buy beta, pay bare, at MARVEL MOTORS. 231 Oakland PC 0-407*. 19*0 PONTIAC HARDTOP. TWOfO cheoie tram. FOH price 0197, We finance. Payments of S3.25 per week. Star Auto, 9*2 Oakland Ave. FE 8-9661._________. ■ ■ ■ .■* “Why don’t you build a swimming pool, Winslow? You’re got half a dozen good places to starti” New and Used Can 106 ’ 1944 FORO GALAXIE 500, 4-DOOR hardtop. Inks over payments. 391-052*. New and (Ned Can 166 CONTINENTALS, CONVERTIBLES. Now is the time to buy. All In excellent condition. 3 te choose from. Save. BOB BORST, Lincoln Mer-cury, 479 S. Woodward Ave. 444- 19*4 FORD 9 PASSENGER WAG-on. Italy clean, elr, VI, double power. 447441$. 1864 T-BIRD WITH FULL POWER, i $1,597. full prica. LUCKY AUTO 1948 W. Wide Track . FE 4-100* or FE 3-7854 _ „ k 1957 MERCURY «*v Reliable Motors FE H741 I9M MERCURY, GOOD CONDITION — $70. 338-2819. 1941 MERCURY 9 - PASSENGER 1 Colony Park wagon, qood condl- d ELIZABETH LAKE RD. FE and *39.11 per month. 5 year-50,000 miles, new car warranty. I "It only takas s minute" to Get "A BETTER, DEAL" at: John McAuliffe Ford I 638 Oakland Ave._______FE 5-4901 8-4088. CHEVROLET, Birmingham. Ml 4- ' month. 50,000 mll*-5 year car warranty. "It only takes a minute" to Get "A BETTER DEAL" at: John McAuliffs Ford FE 5-4101 1942 COMET 2-DOOR, AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION, WITH RADIO, HEATER AND WHITEWALLS. PAYMENTS OF *5.80. FULL PRICE **93. CALL CREDIT MGR. Mr. Parks at HAROLD TURNER FORD. MI'4-75G0 Hf pontiaC Y<5RffiviUJ. -'or handlap. seed condition, I *. FE H»L rz Airport THE HEW AUDETTE PONTIAC NOW SERVING Trey—Pontiac—Birmingham ISO Maple, Kiwftwi Baa WbULD YOU BELIEVE? NO CASH NEEDED-BANK RATES 1960 Pontiac Cetellite . 1*43 LsMans Coupe, 3S3 VB .. 1*41 CedlNac Coupe Devllle FE S-9237 pfe 8-9231 19*1 TEMPEST, *300. FE MM2 __________ 19*1 BONNEVILLE CONVERTIBLE. 1961-1962 Pontiocs * to. choose tram, km *3 down, S3 weekly. , l, radio, heater, beat offer. I Hwr god U»d tort 1B6 1966 Pontiac ■line. Sdeor, has a spsr-g white flnkh wllh black ONLY ttWl Can be aeon by calling 033-11M after « BONNEVILLE. 44300R HARD-cordove top. Power brakes Eiectrecruise., *“ or MY 4 CATALINA 4-DOOR. $200 AND $2395 HAUPT PONTIAC ON M-15 at 1,75 Interchange mton ma 5-5500 brakes! 3750 ( 5-0709. 1962-1963 Tempest 5 to choose from, 2-doors, 4-doors, convertibles, sticks and automatics — No money down, assume payments as low as *5. weekly, CAPITOL AUTO- 312 W. Montcalm, FE 0-4071. 19*4 FALCON WAGON, AUTO-,n MIKE SAVQIE Birmingham. SAVOIE CHEVROLET, Birmlng-ham. Ml 4-2735. MAtfo CHEVROLET, 4-2735. Get "A BETTER DEAL" at: John McAuliffe Ford *30 Oakland Ayt. FE 5-4101 V8, automatic, n____ _______ I steering, brakes, power rear at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET, --u— -'“-1 Birmingham. M1M733. "It only takes ■ minute" to Get "A BETTER DEAL" at: John McAuliffe Ford 0 Oakland Ave. . FE 5-4101 lion, $250. 473-1354. 1943 GRAND PRIX, GREEN WITH black Interior.' Exc. condition. 1 owner. Low mileage. S1495. FE 4-743*. 1966 CHEVY CONVERTIBLE, 327 engine, ltr--uwLgkjMl4MNMiilM MA S-3104. chevy no* Convertible pow- er equipped. A real beauty. Taylor Chevrolet' Salts, Willed Like. 19*5 FORD LTD, 4-DOOR HARD-low mileage, power steering brakes, vinyl tap. *1,700. 423- 1966 CHEVROLET iipor sport, V4, automatic trans-mission, power equipped, new car warranty. $79 down. Payments ol *15.92. Full price *2,-095. HAROLD TURNER FORD, INC. 4*4 S. WOODWARD AVE. BIRMINGHAM Ml 4-7511 19*4 CHEVELLE CONVERTIBLl sharpl Sacrlflct. OL 1-4054. Got "A BETTER DEAL" at John McAuliffe Ford 630 Oakland Ave,______ fe 5-4101 1965 FORD gAlaXIE 500 XL.’ 2 hardtop. 352 cu„ buckets, auto., console. 'Steer1-- --- side, Orlg. own ■BPS*, *1795. 332-1 MIKE SAVOIE Birmingham's New CHEVROLET DEALER 1104 S. Woodward Ml 4-2735 I FINANCE REASONABLE 2-19*1 Chevys..........*297 ea, 1957 Pontiac, 195* Plymouth Conv. .4-1957 Chevya. A* Is ........ $37 ea. I Pi.nh, and few trucks . Car* 2333 Dlxla Hwy. Kessler-Hahn Chrysler-Plymouth-Valiant-Jeep 6673 Dixie - Clarkston Near MIS __________MA 5-2*33 19*0 CHRYSLER 4 DOOR. BLACK. Only $199. MARVEL MOTORS. 251 Oakland Ave. FE *-4079. 1961-1962-1963 Corvorlrs . hardtop, VI, automatic, atoartne, radio, °R^«a H________________ Inc. On V.S. It at MIS, MA 5- speed, RTs In stock tor Imm fe delivery. SPARTAN DODGE INC. i» Oakland Ave. FE 0-43*1 19*3 CHEVY It NOVA SUPER Sport convertible with maroon finish, tires. VAN CAMP CHEVY, Inc- Mitferd. Rd., Milford, MU* 4-liB3. S INI CHEVROLET IMPALA 2-DOOR hardtop, automatic with power — 11,18 at MIKfOAVOIE CHEVRO-let, Bfrmlngbam. Ml 4-2735. 1943 CHEVROLET” ! MKXMt, / 1943 CORVAIR 2-DOOR MONZA eUtolfiSfiC, radio, whitewalls Mother's Little Helper! I*95. TOM , RADEAAACHER CHEVY - OLDS, Inc. On Ui. 1* st MIS, MA S- TOP NOTCH — SPECIAlS — 1966 GT0 Convertible, 7,000 miles, radio. Nici ............... ... .$ave 1966 PONTIAC LeMans Convertible, 4-speed, rally unit .........................$ave 1966 BUICK LeSabre Haridtop, 2-door, double power.................... ...... . $ave 1960 PONTIAC Ventura Hardtop, double power .............................. ,$avi 1964 CHEVY V4-Ton Pickup, 4-ply tiro*, stick .:.. ..... $ave 1965 BUICK Wildcat Convertible, automatic, double power ............. $ave 1965 PONTIAC LeMans Sedan, dduble power. Blue ... J...........................$ave 1962 RAMBLER American 2-door, E-stick, radiov.......... ) i .1.......i.. .u .$avwer. Cream finish'.,, ............ ,$ave 1966 CATALINA 4-door, double power, Hydraniatic, radio ..,:.................. $aye ON M24 IN LAKE ORION MY 3-6266 KESSLER'S DO*OE CARS AND TRUCKS < Sales and Servlet-. - FORAAANCE SPECIALIST regarding Dodge x models. Hem Is, or 1965 DODGE .... - sedan, blue with matching Interior, radio, heater, automatic. 11395 BIRMNGHAM Chrysler-Plymouth 1957 FAIRLANE 300, 4-DOOR, 212 9 FORD GALAXIE. RUNS GO' “ 1939 FORD, $130 wsoeto 1*39 FORD, -GOOD RUNNING 19M BALC&i YCYLtWpee. STICK. 48,000 miles. EM 3-3792. . liiPES ....... IBM - condition, 332-3290 alter 5:3*. 19*1 . FORD WAtON. VS STICK. ___________Off Auburn Ava. 1942 _ FALCON STATION . 962 Oak land Ave . FE'T944l" 1943 FORD'S, 2-bOOB, VEttV UlCt. I 9495- 333-175427 Riggins, dealer 1963~FORD gAlaXIE 506 4 DOOR, | 6PMT»;V^ - tic transmission, ^ power »U......, spotless condition, $98* full pries, only te* downr end OfJl per month. "It only takes a mlnula" to Gat "A BETTER DEAL" Pt: John McAuliffe Ford 19*3 FORO FASTRACK, V-l, AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION, POWER STEER! 1490. WITH RADIO, MAT-'WHITEWALLS. PAYMENTS OF MJS. FULL -PRICE MM. CALL CREDIT ’ MOR. Mr. Parks at HAROU3 TURNER FMO, f“------------------------------------------------------------- 1943 PONTIAC CATALINA. 4-DOOR, he. purchased wllh no down Can CHEvi J GALAXIE . 500 2-DOOR automatic with power. SAVOIE iVROLET, Birmingham. I 1964 0LDSM0BILE T TICW A TTT^ Holiday 2-door hardtop, has new LiU V^JSs. I A U I vJ rubber, radio and heater, ^uto- , ■ ", njafi|^ transmission, real Uiary. M*+HJ** Tr**re ^ 1*43 CONVERTIBLE PONT (Tl Catalina, medium blue, Oltion, Ml 7-2789. $995. 1944 T E M PE ST W AGON, CU S tOM 4, 19*4 OLDS M"SPORTS SEDAN. AIR-conditioning. Full power. Premium •Ires. Engine and brakes A-1 dltlan. 1 owner. Price 81395. Ml *-1452. tartar, this Is the finest Ford Motor builds, VI, automatic, radio, heat-•r< Power steering, brakes, *1738 '“'LET1*? *" down' 454.95 par month. 50,000 mile—5-year w--- 19*3 OLDS "90" SPORT COUPE with full power, low mlleeot, 31,-995. VAN CAMP CHEWlnc!, Millard Rd., Milford MU 4-1023. 19*5 OLDS F85 2-DOOR, V4, AUTO-metlc, power stoerlng, radio — whitewalls, buckets ana-owner — new-car trade! SL49S. TOM RADEMACHER Chavy-Olds, Inc. On U.S. IB at MIS, — quto., power steering, radio, HRP low mlleaga, very good condition, *— 444-3725. SHELTON PONTlAC-fSUICK 855 S. Rochester Road 651-5500 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE CONVERT-— | ” tires CON- '4«I/6rD GAI_AIE 500, CONVERT- SUBURBAN OLDS HOME OF Quality One-Owner Birmingham Trades —— ATXOWEST PRICES ! 19*4 CATALINA VENTURA, POWER I mite red 435 s. woodward 647-5111 steering, brakes, extras. <73-1502. ! «n jfe oOBSMGGlLE----------------- ---------------- vertible, tripower, 4-spaed. Taka aver payments. *27-2515 after 5. 1964 BONNEV"lLLE 2-Dd6R NarI top-'Full power, lew mileage, exc! * Sale of Top Quality Cars 1965 CHRYSLER factaht warranty. $2495 1964 Plymouth/ v,",nL.Con'"r"W»./ cylinder, automatic, radio. Mater. Ready for spring. Only/. / $1145 1965 DODGE 2-Deer Hardtop. v-» —— steering, stick shift. $1445 1965 PLYMOUTH Wagdn with V-t automatic, power steering. Only— $1495 1964 PLYMOUTH Sport Fury Convartlbls. V-l, ,,wins $1195 1962 PLYMOUTH *2JW wl«i cylinder, stick •hilt, radio, whitewalls. Transportation Special at Only— $595 1962 PLYMOUTH Savoy Station Wagon. <-cyllnder, sutematte, radio. Second car for the family. Special at Only $595 CteMii Only— '***** $1295 1962 VALIANT . «-cyllnd*r. automatic, nawl Only— $575 WE HAVE SOME TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS— Starting at Only— $98.50 1963 BUICK LtSbbra 2-Door Hardtop, v-l, automatic, power steering and jjaMt radio, whitewalls, bssu-tllul tu-tons blue and white. $1095 OAKLAND Chrysler - Plymouth 724 OAKLAND AVE. FE 5-9436 condition. *73-«27l. to®- V*, automatic, full power, only 13,000 actual milts. Still under new car warranty. $178* full >rtaj; 00 *7 4*1 down' $56.96 par "It only takes a minute" to Get "A BETTER DEAL" at: John McAuliffe Ford *30 Oakland Ave._______~FE 5-4101 228; JESSi wlnd,hi,ld w«h*r*.' IMS mustang CONVERTIBLE, i t’ss, mustang, ve, 4-speed, si,. 397 full pries. LUCKY AUTO 1*40 w. Wide Track ®. H 4-034 1966 OLDS 98 Hardtop, full power, air-conditioning, automatic transmission, nsw car warranty. »|7* down, payments at szi.M. Full erica $3095. - HAROLD TURNER FORD, INC. 464 S. WOODWARD AVe. BIRMINGHAM_ Ml 4-7500 1965.MUSTANG HARDTOP, TWO TO relsct from, « cti. and VS, with •jyj* Wjl^taka the Mr*— Pffa*;,lot".tt« .smart set, ™H >toa, Mt down, and 143.5* par t mile — 5 y now car warranty. 7JJ 9*!hf takes a minute-- to tat "ABETTER DEAL" at: .ohh McAuliffe Ford *38 Oakland Ava.' FE S-ami t*** f»irlane.,..blueorew<, Aa-,7M517 »**'FORD 4-DOOR Ai with power sites. CHEVROLET, Birmingham. Ml 4- 19*3 PLYMOUTH SAVOY, 4 * cyl., auto., new tires mites, s*ee.,«47-si9«. 1964 PLYMOUTH Station wagon, radio, heater, automatic wtth power. A vacation special for only $1295 BIRMINGHAM Chrysler-Plymouth “•—*----- Ml 7-3114 1947 MUSTANG 2 PLUS 2 FAS+-backs 310 engine, auto., lota of fktfia: 682S6116 after 6.1 > Pretty Ponies 1965 & 1966 MUSTANGS SEYERAL USED MUSTANGS TO ‘ CHOOSE FROM CONVERTIBLES HARDTQPS 2 PLUS 2's FULL EQUIPMENT Priced From $1295 As Low As $49 Down And $49 Per Month HAROLD TURNER s FORD, INC. ___4*4 S. WOODWARD AVE. BIRMINGHAM Ml 4-7500 SteertaB, Power Bratat, Automatic Air CandlttenttB, White Wall Tlraa, and Priced to sail now!! ROSE RAMBLER SALES 8145 COM-MERCE RO. EM S4I55. litt.ilir WAPOMEER. 4-WHEEL drive, power1 .brakes, flMHiMldte tee, ante., law- mt* c sreisq, fiarttviiia. 1945 PONTIAC LEMANS, 4 SPEED 324, *93-4534. _______________ KS BONNEVILLE ^DOOR HARD-1 top. Ivory, auto., power steering, I brakes and windows, good rub-1 bar, low mlleaga, tires. FE 4-7321 after 5:30. I 19*1 TEMPEST 2-DOOR”*,”AUtO-matlc, radio, 1 owner, low ml., ax-1 csltant car. H -d. vanWeit Aula ^ates. -OR 3-13M, 1945 TEMPEST CUSTOM WAGON,1 V-l full power, tinted glass, ' gag* carrier, 1*008 Ml., and er 3*3-52)9, BRAND NEW 1967 OLDS "18" Hardtop Coupe’ ——r steering, brakes. 19*5 BONNEVILLE CONVERTIBLE. Burgundy wtth white fop. Power steering, brakes, antenna. New tires. $100 and assume-payments oM73 mo. Contact Mr. Cote. 343- full factory equipment. Now *2.127 HoughtBn Olds 52* N. Main, OL 1-97*1 Rochester 1960 PLYMOUTH 19*4 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR, ECONOMY ENGINE, WITH RADIO, H t A T E R AND mnWjMM. PAYMENTS TURNER FORD. Ml 4-7M0. 1945 PLYMOUTH FURY I 4-DOOR, LUCKY AUTO aappppip nm sires at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET, Blr-1 mlngham. Ml 4-273*. *49 down. Payments Of *51.92. FUH price *1195. HAROLD TURNER FORD, INC. ' ■ 4*4 S. WOODWARD AVE. BIRMINGHAM Ml 4-7500 1965 PONTIAC LeMANS toor, vinyl root, power, automatic transmission, radto> htatar, whitewalls. *4*. Payments (13,92. Puli price *1,39*. HAROLD , TURNER FORD, INC. __4*4 S.^ WOODWARD AVE. BIRMINGHAM ____Ml 4-7500 19(5 GTO CONVERTIBLE, TKlPOW-«r. 4-sn«*d. posltraction, rave"" ' id line'tires. Ilka FREE ' ' POLAROID CAMERA WITH ANY NEW or USED CAR PURCHASED- - CHECK THIS SPECIAL - 1962 FORD 2-Door Hardtop 406 engine - 4-speed No Money Down "AS IS" SPECIAL $447 Full Pricfe SPARTAN .DODGE 855 OAKLAND PE 84528 94* PLYMOUTH SELYEDERfc! WAGON, t-cytlnder automatic S1995 st MIKte SAVOIE CHEVROLET, I .Birmingham. Ml ♦WB. 1966 PLYMOUTH I 4-door, MS angina, auto-c, white wtth bucket seats, mu-el care 4 of which ie cheo From $995 BIRMINGHAM Chrysler-Plymouth * - Ml 7-8214 , 1*67 PLYMOUTH 2-door hardtop, UN* Ml Fspead, non-slip dttfsranftal. Mad: vinyl net, tinted 8h ir steering ... save S980. BIRMINGHAM Chrysler-Plymouth l*» 8. Weedward Ml 7-1 wAnt a sse TRANSPORTATION CAR M than put anuihar Mt of sir* In It. Wtth this car v^-on’l have to. 1*51 Panflak, 4-»r. stick, Stone blue, and same M. AO around good rubber, re- ritoSirrfbfi'a; privaTe owner. 334-8411 2 OLIVER BUICK ; 1962 Chevy ’/5-Ton Pickup m7Q S with Camper Unit, Blue finish. Ms L \JKJ , 1964 ELECTRA Hardtop 4-Door $1595 \v 1966 WILDCAT 4-Door $2495 1963 BUICK Sport-Coupe $1095 1965 FORD Sport Coupe ' $1595 \ 1966 MUSTANG 2-Ooor Hardtop ' ' $1995 'V , 1965 PONTIAC Sport Coupe $1995 1963 IMPALA 4-Door Hardtop $1195 1963 CHEVY Super Sport * $1W5 Ask for Hank Schlaefer or Vem Sheffield (Sales Mgr.) f||8j| ^ ,196-210 Orchard Lake Ave. FE^ 2-9185 J J THE PONTIAC PRESS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1967 F—7 —Television Programs-*- Program* fumishod by station* listed In this column am subject to changa without notice Ctmmwlat 2-WJtK-Ty/ 4-Wwj-TV. T-wivi-tV, 9-CKIW-TV, SO-WKOO-tV, 56-WTVS TONIGHT7 (R)—Rerun /(C)-Color 1:00 (2)* (4) News (C) (7) Movife: “Hercules and sked Rider” (Ital-[960). Set in the 17th 7, a Spanish soldier ms home to find the jirl he was to marry has beat promised to another man. A1AW Steel, Ettore / Manni. (C) (SO) Superman—An expensive Chinese jade statuette has been stolen. (R) (56) Friendly Giant 6:15 (56) Art Studio •;30 (2) News—Cronkite (C) (4) News—Huntley, Brink-ley (C) (t) Twilight Zone—A passenger aboard a ship finds himself without a passport and his past and destina-nation are unknown. (R) (50) Flintstones—The doctor tells Wilma that the baby is dup any time. (C) and if he had declared his current income. ' Said a spokesman for the publishers: “We have been publishers of Pepys’ Diary for 70 or 80 years, and there is a certain amount of work going on on a new edition. is told by his doctor that.11:45 (9) Chez Helene he must give up fighting. 11:50 ( 56) A r i t h m e t i c for Dick POwell, Ricardo Mon- Teachers talban, Lionell Barrymore. .• (R) i AFTERNOON 12:00 (2) News (C) (4) Jeopardy (C) (7) Everybody’s Talking (9) Take 30 (50) Dialing for Dollars 12:25 (2) News (C) 12:30 (2) Search for Tomorrow (C) (4) Tonight (C) (7) Joey Bishop (C) (9) Wrestling 12:30 (9) Window on the World 1:00 (4) Beat the Champ (7) Untouchables 1:30 (2) (4) News (C) TOMORROW MORNING 6:15 (2) On the Farm Scene 6:20 (2) News (Cf) 6:30 (2) Sunrise Semester (4) Classroom (7) Kingdom of the Sea (C) 7:00 (2) Woodrow the Woodsman (C) (4) Today — A tour of Revelle College (C) (7) Morning Show 7:55 (9) Morgan’s MerTy-Go-Round 8:00 (2) Captain Kangaroo (9) Romper Room 8:30 (7) Movie; ‘Ttdventure,” (1945) Part 2. A romance begins between a brainy , librarian and a rugged sailor. Clark Gable. (R) 9:00 (2) Merv Griffin (4) Living (C) (9) Bonnie Prudden Show 9:10 (56) Come, Let’s Read 9:30 (9) People in Conflict (56) American History 9:55 (4) News (C) (56) Let’s Speak Spanish II 10:00 (2) Snap Judgment (C) > •, (7) Virginia Graham — guests are Kathleen Nolan, Dobie Goodman and Roberta Peck. (9) National Schools 10:10 (56) Of Cabbages and Kings (4) Eye Guess (C) (7) Donna Reed (R| <9) Communicate (50) Movie: “Hudson’s Bay,” (1940) The difficul-; ties %nd trials of forming the Hudson’s Bay Com-j pany. Paul Muni, Genej Tierney. (R) 12:35 ( 56) Let’s Speak Spanish I 12:45 (2) Guiding Light (C) 12:50 (56) Come, Let’s Read 12:55 (4) News (C) 1:00 (2) Love of Life (4) Match Game (C) (7) Fugutive: Kimble taken hostage during gas-station holdup. (R) (9) Mo vie: “Happy Go - Lovely," (1951) An American dancer Creates a controversy when it is ruJ mored she is engaged. David NiVen. 1:10 (56) Sets and Symbols 1:25 (2) News (C) (4) Doctor’s House Call (56) Geography (2) Green Acres—A hired fwK W News ££) Von. (2) Beverly Hillbillies (R) hand tries to win a contest, but the cow swallowed the r a d i d at a crucial point in the eon-test. (CV \ (4) Bob Hope — A surfer tries to steal an aging movie star’s jewel collection, Tom Tryon, Shelley Winters. (7) Movie: “The Coman-cheros” (1961). Searching for a murderer, a Texas Ranger is led to the camp of An army of renegades. . John W a y n e, Ina Balin, Michael Ansara. (R) (C) (9) Fights of the Century (50) Movie: “The Rat'd Way,” A selfish woman uses her younger sister f 1 per cent, Ross reported. On the other hand, food prices r o p p e d two-tenths of 1 per cent. But Ross said this decline was only about half of what was Dr. Alfred Fleishman, foun-, _ . . ^ der, mayor and saloonkeeper, The ^a^°r. Department re-also will double in brass as post- P°Fted, yesterday the consumer master. St. Francis, population P™e index rose to llS O com- nr ^ -j. . . . \Jr. r L , noroH M 114 X in rPhniJIPV. In 25, sprang into existence about five years ago. pared to 114.8 in February. In money terms it meant the same sample selection of goods and Radio Programs— Weekly net spendable earnings services that cost $10 during the for factory workers were up 75 1957-59 base period now cost cents in March, the first rise WJR(760) WXYZff270) CKtW(000) WWJ(950) WCARfl 130) WRONG 460) WJBK(1500) WHFM=M(94.7) i. Sports I. Sports, WXYZ, Ntwscop* WJBK, News, Music WCAR, Neva. Joe Baearan* wpon. Newt. Sports WNPI, Uncle Jay Show *■14 CKLW, News, Music WWJ. Today in Review WJBK, Newt, Stern-Sports WJR, Bui. Barometer S:4S—wjr, Lowell Themes 7tM—WJR, News, Sports, ■ Music ' WWJ, News, Carlson ‘ wAsna. WCAR, Ron Rose WJBK, Naws, Muilc 1:04—WHFI, Curtain Cell WHFI, Curtain Cell WJR, News, Music ♦:l4—WHFI, Montes* 10:00—WJR, Nows, Kalsldo-scop* 11:0*—WJR^Nsws, MUSIC, WWJ Ntws, Sports, Musk WPON, Arlxona Weston 1li1Br-WCAR, Medicoi Journal II :SS—WCAR, Ron Rose ii:ie—WJBK, Concensus THURSDAV MORNING 4:10—WJR, Musk Hall WWJ, News, Borders WXYZ, Musk, New* WCAR, News, Detail CKLW, News, Bud Devlet WJBK, News, Books, Edit iilS-rWJBK, Bob Lee-Musk 7:00—WPON, News; Music WHPI, News, Aimenec WJR, News, Musk Hell 7:3*-yVJBK, Sports 1:00—WJR, News, Sunnyslde Mutk t:00—WJR, News, Harris WCAR, Jack Sanders whfi. Unci* Jay WWJ, News, Neighbor 10:10—WJBK, NtWS, Music Patrick wxyz, BreeMeat, Club, Den McNeill WHJkL B Wi Bev la WPON, Naws, Mutle WJR;: News, Musk II:**—wjr, Naws, Oodfrty WXYZ, News, Murphy WHPI, Bill Beyk expected as a result of normal Illinois was chosen president-seasonal factors, and was only {elect Tuesday of the National a fraction of the 6 per cent drop in wholesale food prices since last September. $11.50. The wholesale price index fell from 106.0 to 105.7. THURSDAY AFTRRNOON 1J:S0—WWJ, Nl Emphasis WJR, News, Farm CKLW, Naws. Dave Shi WPON’, N*WI, Music WCAR, Dav* Lockhart WHFI, N*wa, Boy la WXYZ. Newt. Mutk WJBK, News, Edtr, Musk 1:**—CKLW, Naws, Davt Shafer WHFI, Encore WWJ, Newt, Marty WJR, Newt, Musk IkB-WPON, Newt, Musk WXYZ, Dev* Prince WJR. New*. Llnklsttsr 1:1*—WWJ, Newsline WCAR, Newt, Bac*rail* WJBK, Naws, Music, Ttfst Arthur M. Ross, commissioner lof labor statistics, said the cost M»rk*t, 0f medical care increased nine-tenths of 1 per cent during the month, contributing to an overall three-tenths of 1 per cent increase in the cost of consumer services generally. Over foe last 12 months, the cost of consumer services has increased 5.2 per, cent, he said. OTHER SERVICES The price of housekeeping and farviief ' Talking to Twiggy & Friend, Wilson's Quips Fall Flat WILSON By EARL WILSON NEW YORK — Twiggy's boyfriend and manager, Justin de Villeneuve, who’s 28, got mad at me the other day while we were having a spot of lunch. I meant no harm, bringing up about Twiggy being flat. At first when I spoke of a Broadway gag, “Twiggy is going to become the first topless jHl_ waiter,” they both laughed, and Twiggy said, Pfpi “He used to call me ‘Stick.’ ” M It was a bit noisy there at the restaurant. Ilf didn’t hear well. “Did you say ’Dick’?" I asked. “No, ‘Stick’!” they both shrieked. “Dlckl Twiggy would be funny!” Twiggy’s hands were flying as she followed __s benedict with strawberries and cream, and a soft drink. She was about to leave for Minneapolis. “Do they have High buildings there?” she asked like a little child afraid she might meet some Indians. Twiggy had to run off and pose somewhere at $200 an hour. She and JuOtin kissed—a real kiss, not a perfunctory New York kind—and she left With their bodyguard, Teddy the Monk, a former street florist. Justin remained looking very mod in his wide polka dot tie. , “How did this wave of flatness start?" I asked, innocently. Justin stiffened. “Ibis business of flatness I find very °^en‘ sive, smutty and dirty!” he crackled. “Twiggy’s my girlfriend. We’re not competing with film stars. We’re not trying to sell her as a Sex Symbol. She’s the first girl idol the teen-agers have had.” / I wished I hadn’t mentioned the dirty word flat bat then the boys at the office had been kidding me saying things like, “A for cry from interviewing Jayne Mansfield, eh, Oil?” ★ ★ ★ THE MIDNIGHT EARL . . . Warren Beatty’li fly in from L.A. to see Barbara Harris ... Judy Garland recorded her songs for “Valley of the Dolls” on a i Hollywood set and was reported to be in excellent voice. ieorge Hamilton’s co-star id “The Power” wUl be busty Barbara Nichols.. .Men, are you ready? Cye Martin’s fashion revua predicted the new color for males will be plum!*. . . MGM boosted its “Dirty Dozen” ad budget to two million. ★ ★ ★ WISH I’D SAID THAT: A radical is any fellow who can out-tdlk you on any subject. REMEMBERED, QUOTE: “Some women are remarkably successful—considering they have no wives to guide them.”— McCall’s. EARL’S PEARLS: Some girls who wear miniskirto don’t really have the legs for it—all they have is the nerve. ' There’s so much traffic in Manhattan that the quickest way to get crosstown is to join a protest march ... That’s earl, brother. (Tt» Hall syndicate* Inc.) Selected to Post Brick Highways ANN ARBOR (AP) - Stanley LANSING (AP) - Michigan’s Robinson of the. University of modem road system still has eight miles of brick highways, reports the State Highway De- University Extension Associ-tion. Robinson was named at the association’s convention at the University of Michigan. recorded this year. But in comparison with March 1966 they were still down 1.7 per cent, mostly because of shorter factory workweeks and increases in Social Security taxes. MSU Fete Set EAST LANSING (AP)-Some 10,000 visitors are expected to I attend the 23rd annual International Festival May 13 at Michigan State University. The festival, staged by foreign students at MSU and sponsored by the university’s International Club will be based on the theme Rainbow of Cultures.” partment. Motorists are most likely to hit the bricks in Gen-essee County, which has nearly three miles of brick state highways. 12 W. Huron CLIP THIS AD,., FREE LESSON...FOR YOU We have eye* for you... your Merle Norman Make-up Artist will teach you the ikillt and magic of eye makeup, at no coat'or obligation to. you. Free guidance in the kse of ail eye beauty cosmetic*. Expert assistance in all phases of make-up and skin cam at your Merle Norman Cosmetic Studio. Call todtyl Merle Norman Cosmetics Studio Downtown Pontiac FE 24010 sr J F ) F~B arison Shop, Compare Sears Qualityand Lower Prices! You Can Count on Us .. Quality Costs No More at Sears gallon IMPROVED1 HottfaitttcMMrr. Pripltss—tuoeiior Sears New Acrylic Latex SeK-Priming House Paint GUARANTEE Sepilirly $6.99 Self-Priming formula THE PONTIAC PBBSS.WEByRSDAY.APRIL 36, 1967 Forced to by Robinson, Meredith Says NEW YORK -1171 Democrats said they planned to offer jjf||it $$C *- g£§ $*%&f{*■*■■ &&-v-’■", ,y-r-»|j . pA ' 1'i v wlbNESDAt^ APRIS m 'f 1987 , v;.JMSQCtATT-.: $ * W XC W W UNIItO PRESS INTERNATIONAL * >cof Package Today LANSING UR — Today it was die House’s turn to take up tax reform— the No.. 1 issue of the 1967 legislative session. ;\ , ■? ■ Near thefop of today’s calendar was House Bill 2142 which would levy the state's first, income tax at a tax rate of 2Vt per cent on Michigan residents. What would happen to it was any> body’s guess, but the vote was expected to be dose. x series of-major amendments to die Republican-drafted House tax package. , Republican leaders said most of their members planned to unite to beat the amendments off. IT TAKES 5S VOTES It takes 55 votes to pass a bill in the House. Republicans and Democrats have 54 seats each. Speaker Robert Waldron, leader of the GOP delegation, said last night he wasn’t sure whether as many as 50 of the 54 would vote for die package, even though die House GOP caucus fa-vorsjt. n Hie Senate last March 30 defeated a similar incomd tax bill 21-16, then reconsidered die vote and sent Gov. Romney’s whole fiscal package back to committee for study and negotiations. House Republicans caucused last night but Waldron said they made no changes in their own tax-change proposals. That program, designed to yield $314 million in net new revenue in fiscal 1967-63, includes: • Income taxes of 2b per cent on individuals, 5 per cent on corporations and 7 per cent on financial institutions • An increase in die cigarette tax of three cents a pack. • Repeal of the business activities tax and an increase in the intangibles tax exemption from $20 to ,$100 per year. % a Return to local governments of one-fifth of the money from the personal income tax. • A 14 per cent cut in school and county property taxes. BELL RINGERS HONORED — A proclamation honoring the Bell Ringers of Eastern Junior High School is presented to the group’s director, William Coffing (right), by Mayor William H. Taylor Jr. ATgsotQtion'passed by the City Commission last night commended the Bell Ringers’ musical success and urged citywide support of the group’s efforts to raise funds for a trip to the American Festival hi Britain this summer. * Plane Crash at Sea) 15 Believed Dead NANTUCKET, Mass. iM - A flaming radar picket plane with 16 men aboard plunged into the Atlantic Ocean yesterday night after the pilot apparently tried to avoid hitting homes on Nantucket Island. “I am convinced that this boy Was JAMES P. HOFFA Hoffa Son Wins Dem Primary Vote DETROIT UR — Young James P. Hoffa is the Democratic nominee for sate representative from Detroit’s 19th district. The 25-year-old son of the jailed president of the Teamsters Union outdistanced 14 rivals in a special primary yesterday. Admitted to the Michigan bar earlier this year, young Hoffa currently is a legislative aide in Lansing. Primary plurality was sufficient dor nomination, and Hoffa will meet Republican Anthony Licata in a special election May 23 in the normality Democratic district. Licata had no primary fighting desperately to get, it to the water and avoid this summer colony,” said Albert L. Manning, 6ne of three private pilots who agreed that a last-minute maneuver kept the craft from striking the island. “It skidded along the water for about 4,000 feet and when it hit there was this huge burst of fire and a big red fireball,” said Rene A. Orleans. “I’d never seen anything like it.” At the controls of the four-engine' Su-perconstellation when it went down about a half-mile off shore was Col. James P. Lyle, 47, commander of the 551st Airborne Early. Warning and Control Wing at Otis Air Force Base in Falmouth. The navigator of the craft, Lt. Joseph H Guenet, 29, was rescued by a search helicopter shortly after the crash. BODIES RECOVERED Two bodies were recovered and a night-long search by Air Force and Coast Guard units was intensified at dawn. Officials at Otis said they had reports before the crash that crewmen were manning individual life rafts for a ditched landing at sea, but there were doubts that many could have survived the explosion. If the crewmen were able to don their rubber suits and escape in the life rafts, they could survive at sea “for a considerable period of time,” Col. John M. Konosky, wing vice commander, told a news conference at Otis. In light voting, Hoffa led with 1,439 votes. Casmer Ogonowski was a surprising second, with 1,128; Clarence Led-won, third, with 1,109, and Richard A.H.J. (Honest John) Guzowski, fourth With 718. In Today's Press £ Sports News Pontiac Central track star is going to Eastern Michigan — PAGE C-L Oxford Downtown rejuvenation, parking ptyui aired — PAGE C-5. Reuther Says President is “doing a good job,” but refuses J A native of Rochester (he was bora on the Parke, Davis Parkedalc Farm where his father Robert was superintendent for 39 years) Wilson was state veterinarian for the racing commission for a year before joining tile county. Wilson also was with Parke, five years in the 1946s as a clinical investigator in the Veterinary Medical Service of the pharmaceutical company. He and his wife Della have ter, Laura Lou, 19, a student State University. , House • LANSING (AP) s*> Unlicensed drivers, salesmen wfro change the mileage readings on autos, and an excused absence for a member Were among the subjects which occupied die House Tuesday. v But foe chamber, in a foil day of efforts to put a doit in its 250-item calendar before taking up tax reform today, passed only nine bills, few of them controversial. it * a The two meet-debated measures passed would increase minimum penalties for driving with a revoked or suspended license and make it a misdemeanor to change an auto’s odometer to a lower mileage figure. Another flurry of debate began 'asses Nine 'Quiet' Bills THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY. APWTT, gg, 1967 when Rep. George F. Montgomery, D-Detroit, after requesting and getting an excused absence from today’s session for his lawmaker father, asked to be excused himself. •„ A A ★ Normally, granting requests for excused absences is a routine matter—but this was a bit different. With a vote on a controversial state income tax bill possible today, some legislators apparently felt the younger Montgomery should stand up and be counted on that roll call. Montgomery said he and his father, Democrats from adjoining Detroit districts, were both ill. The elder Montgomery was absent all day Tuesday, and the son was gone in the afternoon. ‘If I fed better tomorrow, IT1 be here,’’ snapped Gouge F., when Ids request for an excused absence met with objections. Warned of the not-to-seriaus; possibility that he might be compelled to be in the House, he added: “I doubt jf the State Police will be able to find me.’ ' A A if ' The State Constitution and die House rules provide the House cut force a member to attend a ;ssion. The House voted 79-1® to excuse Montgomery. ODOMETER-SETTING BILL The odometer-setting bill was sponsored by Rep. Dale Kildee, D-Flint. Kildee said he sold a car with 44,000 miles on it to a Reineck Granted 73 Days Sick Leave A leave of absence through Aug. 3 was granted last nipt by the City Commission to Asst. City Manager John F. Reineck. . A A it Reineck, who was absent from the commission meeting, dted ill health in requesting use pf his foil accumulation of 73.would be "redistributed among other city officials pending f assistant manager’s return. leave days. City Manager Joseph A. Warren presented Reineck’s letter to commissioners informally following the regu-lar commission meeting. Warren said Reineck’s duties tfii Okay | Bonn Leader Consultations The question of replacing Warren in the event of the illness or absence of the city manager from the city was termed “a good one” by City Attorney Sherwin M. Birnkrant. * A A The city charter provides for appointment of the mat the city’s "chief administrative officer” and the assistant man-as his stand-in, but makes no providion for line of succession if both are disabled. BONN, Germany (AP) President Johnson said today he and West German Chancellor Kurt Georg Kiesinger agreed they would have “constant, complete and foil consultations” before either of their governments takes decisions on matters of interest to both countries. H A "it if The President spoke to newsmen after his second meeting with the West German chancellor since his arrival Sunday for the funeral of former Chancellor Konrad Adenauer. Johnson said he and Kiesinger had taken “no bard and fast decisions’'•’but he hoped there would be more to announce after the Chancellor visits the United States “at an early date” 2-HOUR DISCUSSION The two men spent more than two hours together at Kiesing-er’s residence. The President said they discussed: 1. The projected treaty to check the spread of nuclear weapons; 2. Trade and monetary problems; 3. Troop deployment; 4. The security of the two nt- Reds Urge New Europe Alliance KARLOVY VARY, vakla (AP) — Communist party leaders of Eastern and Western Europe signed a declaration today aimed at upholding present frontiers in Europe and persuading the West to .abandon the North Atlantic Alliance in favor of an all-European security-system. The Karlovy Vary declaration on peace and security in Europe was signed .dh the final day of a three-day meeting of chiefs of 24 ruling and nonruling Communist parties at this health resort. 5. The prosperity of their peoples. , / “reputable, franchised dealer” who changed the mileage indicator figure to 28,000 before reselling it. .. / The measure would make it a misdemeanor to lower a motor vehicle’s odometer reading or cause it to be lowered. A A "Ap"' Rep. James Farnsworth, R-Plainwell, an auto dealer, voted agaihst the measure, clashing: “You just plain couldn’t enforce it” The revoked-license MU made wily minor changes in criminal penalties, although its sponsor, Rep. E. D. O’Brien, D-Detroit, originally had other ideas. ORIGINAL BILL As introduced, O’Brien's bill would have provided that judge must sentence anyone convicted of driving while revoked ortoupended, or alter his license application was denied, to at least 30 days in jSfl. O’Brien wanted a mandatory sentence of at least 90 days for a second offense. Under current law, the minimum sentence for each offense is two days in jail. The House voted to change it to three days for a first offense and five for a subsequent conviction. An unsuccessful attempt to deplete entirely the mandatory jail sentence for first offenders was made by members of toe House Judiciary Committee, who claimed that 1$ the only place in Michigan’s lawbooks where a first conviction of a misdemeanor automaticaUy puts the defendant in jail. OTHER BILLS Other bills passed and sent to the Senate would extend to nonpartisan elections the practices of distinguishing on the ballot candidates with similar, names, require removal of duck blinds from* nonprivate waters within The Police Department will'19 days after the end of the Police Grant to Aid Teens receive a $14,911 federal grant to establish a special program designed to better relations between police and young boys, Sen. Philip Hart, D-Mich., announced yesterday. .A .A ■ ./A | ■ . The funds will come from the Justice Department under the Law I Enforcement Assistance Act, Hart said. A- ■ A'-"-'' A Thirty boys, aged 14 end 15, will work in a summer program enabling them to see police work firsthand. They will be paid $1 per hour, Hart said. waterfowl season, and permit revocation of a driver’s license jf a person loans or barrows a or alters his own. Airport Aid Okayed for Landing System Federal authorization for ta-stallation of a partial instrument landing system at .Oak-land-Pontiac Airport has bran approved, Wallace B. Hudson, chairman of to® aviation committee of toe County Board of Supervisors, announced yesterday. The Installation on Runway The Weather Full U. S. Weather Bureau Report PONTIAC AND VICINITY - Cloudy and cool toil morning with occasional rain this afternoon. High 45 to 50. Rain ending tonight with little temperature change. Low 35 to 40. Partial clearing and cool Thursday. East to southeast winds 5 to 10 miles increasing to 10 to 20 miles this afternoon and tonight. Friday’s outlook: sunny and a little warmer. 1 Velocity S m.p.h. Sun rises Thursday at 5:JS a.m. Moon Mti Thursday at 7Si a.m. «r Moon rhea Wednesday at 10:42 p.m. Lowest ttmpWoluro . /Mean temperature . . Weather: Sunny i ■■ Sunny parly morning; c Highest and Lowest Tamportiurot This Data hi *5 Years , 17 In IMS 27 In I Miami_____ 41 38 MIlwaiHiae _ .. ------- 47 Jf ‘Maw Orleans N 71 Traversa C. 47 28 New York SI 40 Albuquerque 47 » Philadelphia SS SS Atlanta 40 47 St. Louis 4S 42 i S3 30 Salt Lake c. S7 21 44 .41 Tampa,. S7 30 45 30 S. Francisco IS 41 47 27 S. S. Merit 4S 21 47 37 Seattle 51 37 47 31 Washington 41 42 (East-West) -of toe airport.will cost $96,000, according to Hud-son, and full expense will be borne by the Federal Aviation Administration. Installation of toe partial system is expected within 18 months and it will serve to make the airport operation safer. R will consist of ground instruments that will enable pilots to know if they are properly lined up with the runway. , p ,A A The other part of the instrument landing system which the airport hopes to have autoof-ized toon would be instruments iffflicating proper descent angles to pilots. TRAFFIC STIPULATION J. David VanderVeen, airport manager, said that toe basis fqr federal approval of toe complete instrument landing system Is instrument approach traffic exceeding 700 per year. He added that OaklandrPon-tiad Airport’s Instrument approach traffic increased from 703 in 1965 to 1,377 last year: ■y piano , Cleveland Detroit a ’ NATIONAL WEATHER — Rain la forecast tonight from toe Carolinas to southern NeW England, In the western Gtilf Coast and In .toe Pacific Northwest. It will be cold In toe Booties and Midwest and mild In Florida. 3rd Candidate in School Race Painting Contractor Seeks Board Seat A painting contractor has made the Pontiac Board of Education election in June a three-man race for two seats. Victor L. Smothers, 48, of 203 Wolfe, has filed I a nominating I petition to run I in toe June 12 I contest. Smothers, SMOTHERS didate in last summer’s school board election. A disabled veteran, he is now a self-employed contract painter. The two incumbents, Monroe M. Osmun and Russell L. Brown, have already filed for reelection. Deadline for the filing of candidates is 4 pan. May 13. t;,C 'A ' . -A ;''' A A resident of Pontiac since 1929, Smothers has been a member of toe Pontiac Police Trial Board, Pontiac Police Reserve and Pontiac Civic Improvement Commission. He was a school printer for 10 years and served as president of Pontiac Operational Maintenance Employes Local 710 for three years. An Army Air Corps gunner in toe Pacific, Smothers attended Pontiac schools and a business college tor two years in Louisiana. He and his wife have six children. 1967 County Is Approved Board A recommendation that $3,-034,706,025 be established as toe 1907 equalized value of Oakland County was accepted yesterday by toe Cpunty Board of Supervisors. j". - “ * # f|; a ■ The new valuation, determined by the supervisors’ equalization committee, Is a $345 million increase over the county’s 1960 equalized valuation of $2,009 billion.’ * County tax revenue riwnld be about $2 ml i ll o n higher than tort year is a result of the 12.85 per cent increase in equalised value. The exact to-crease depends on toe mflbge rate given toe county fry the Corndy Tta Allocation Board May 26. -The equalized valuation still is subject to approval of toe State Tag Commission which is dated to make a final ruling May 22 on equalized values of all ties. Herman W..Stephens, director of the county equalization department, attributed the valuation Increase to county growth rad a property market t^surge particularly on acreage In toe outlying townships. ^ V Pontiac’s $413,218^41 valua-Hon was toe highest otjm county community. Bloomfield, with a valuation of $207,796,020fled all townships. Bloomfield township— “Spring is breddhg up those rid roads of ours* is the lament of residents in Kirkwood Subdivi-|ahm near Quartan and Inkster. About 75 of them appeared recently before the Township Board asking,for some relief. The board wni promise that some repair work could be dene. J. CLIFFORD METTY County Group Cites Retiring Area Officials Most of the roads in the division are either not paved or the original blacktopping pw .d inadequate and fell victim to toe bad weather. A grid plaque was given last night to retiring board member J. Clifford Metty of 1947 Lakeland, Sylvan Lake, for 10 years of service to toe Catholic Social Services of Oakland County. The award was presented before some 300 persons at the United Fund agency’s annual dinner at Kingsley Bin. Other area retiring board members receiving awards were Donald J. MacKinnon of 25688 Ridgewood, Farming-ton Township, for seven yeans of service; William J. Murk-ley of 3719 Peabody, Bloomfield Township; and John F. Foley of 523 Mohegan, Birmingham. Markley and Foley had served four years. After the award presentation, most Rev. Joseph rGeen, auxiliary bishop of Lansing and bishop-elect of Reno, Nev., spoke about the Michigan Catholic Conference. He is assistant treasurer of toe 5-year-old organization. A ., A A . . , a He said the conference is A practical day-to-day effort to meet the problems of toe modern world in Michigan. He explained the conference speaks of the relevance of toe church in our time, ANNUAL REPORT The’s annual report indicated services were offered to 2,801 families in 33,062 biter-views in 1966. Also that 374 children were given a total of 56,096 days care in placement, rad 97 infants were placed in adoption during the year. A A A Officers elected at a recent board meting are Joseph B. Depman of 16080 Buckingham, Birmingham, president; Charles P. Audette of 25309 Ridgewood, Farmington Township, first vice president; John J. Crin-nion of 5860 Havens, Dryden Township, second vice presi-, doit; Mark A. Benner of 27150 i Orchard L a k e, Farmington Township, treasurer; and Mrs. Katherine Baker of 5581 Park, West Bloomfield Township, corresponding secretary. Gets Hero's Funeral Today MOSCOW (AP) — Engineer-Col. Vladimir M. Komarov, toe Soviet cosmonaut killed Monday in the crash landing of toe new spaceship he was testing, wais given a hero’s funeral in Red Square today before more than 5,000 mourners. Komarov’s ashes were to be Placed in toe red bride Kremlin wall., As toe chimes of the Kremlin tower struck 3 pin., Russia’s leaders and its plain citizens gathered in the huge square fo Pay their last respects to Komarov. j, The board pointed out assess ment district* will have to be formed to provide complete relief. DOG CONTROL Another large group of unhappy citizens presented petitions with 365 statures asking the township to pass a strict dog ordinance: Several persons have been bitten rcceatly, ing some children. The board is to study dog ordinances In similar communities and have a proposal MOUNT CLEMENS (AP) A 2%-year-old girl, toe second victim in three days in alleged child cruelty cases to the Detroit area, died today to Mount Clemens. The; mother, Mrs. Patricia Zienert, 22, of Sterling Township, wa* arrested Tuesday aft-ready for toe next scheduledjer toe'girl, Deborah, was hos- meettog, May 8 at 8 p.m. Quarterly charge for sewer service was raised from $6 to $8, .but minimum charges for not to use were removed Mrs. Zienert, wife of Duncan _ . . , I m Zienert, 22, Pontiac1 factory Sewer tap-in charges werejworker, stood mute at her ar-raised from $300 to $400. Thejraignment and was jailed to changes are effective July 1. 'lieu of $3,000 brad. Mount Clem- Leveling of Dip to Close Street Oakland Avenue between Sanderson rad toe Cass-Montealm intersection will be closed to through traffic for two weeks starting tomorrow, toe Michigan State Highway Department announced today. ' the department wifi level • dip to toe road near the Cass-Montcalm intersection during the period. Dsring toe construction, northbound Oakland traffic will be rerouted west on Siw derson and then north on cess..' Robert Coe, project engineer, said Oakland wiU not be doeed j until after the morning rush hour tomorrow. Local traffic will be stowed to use Oakland during construction, he said. Birmingham Area News - They Sing the Pothole Blues A budget for the coming fiscal your of $1,125,382 was approved after a public bearing. The proposed income for toe. period set at the same figure. BIRMINGHAM - A new center for community service has to opened to toe Birmingham Theater Building, 231S. Woodward It Is the Oakland County branch of toe Central Volunteer Bureau, part of the United Community Services (UCS) 6f Metropolitan Detroit. , |includ- Headtog toe office is Mrs. Ctorridtae Clemmons of 1423 She will operate a central riaaringhouse for health ami welfare agencies and for citizens who wish to volunteer services. Mrs. Clemmona bas been active to youth programs to the metropolitan atWa. The new facility is Cosponsored fry toe TICS and toe Junior League of Bir- Alleged Cruelly Vidim, 2, Second to Die in 3 Days pitalized with a skull fracture and multiple bruises around her face and body. Deborah died today in St. Joseph Hospital. ens Justice of the Pesfte Edmund Schmidt set examination for May 5. Ah’.18-year-old northwest Detroit mother was arrested and charged with manslaughter Tuesday in the death of her four-month-old .son. Mrs. Donna Beck was released under , $1,000 bond after she stood mute before Detroit Recorder’s Court Judge Donald S. Leonard. Examination was set for May 10. An autopsy disclosed that toe death of Mrs. Beck’s son, Alton, to Wayne County General Hospital Monday was caused by a blow to toe head resulting to a blood c|ot under the skull,- Radio' Simms, 98 N. Saginaw St. r Save *10 At SIMMS On THs Magnificent PANASONIC FM-AM Portable A Tremendous Performer On Battery or Home Curfmt [ Regular $59.95 — model , ■ . _ RF 775 radio provides selectivity and sensitivity never before approached I In a portable this size. Hr * I transistors plus 6 diodes. Features AFC, powerful 4" r A dynamic speaker, dial lite and slide rule dial,for fast very precise twihg. Tone control. Works on 4 inexpensive AA penffte batteries or plug fn AC radrt, rAwi* SONIC -precision circuitry for trouble free operation;. Whipantenna, earphone and ' batteries included.^ ; ’* ' '&!» RADIOS — Main Floor Simms, 98 N. Saginaw St. — Lj* THE PONTIAC PRESS. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 26, 196r M k K F( )V [! II i| Pi Iff ft i Hie following are top prices covering sales of locally grown produce by growers ana sold by in wholesale package lots Quotat ns are furnished by the Detroit Bureau of Markets as of Monday. Produce FRUITS ; Apples, Delicious, Golden, b s, Delicious, Red, CA» b • wines, McIntosh, bu.......... Apples, McIntosh, C.A., bu. ' Apples,, Jonathon, bu........ Applet, Jonathan, C.A- bu. ' Apples, Northern Spy, bu. ... • Apples, Northern Spy, C.A., b Apples, Steele Red, bu...... Apples,. elder, ami, ... ' j _ , _______^VEGETABLES '•Beets, topped, bu.... ,, Cabbage, Red, bu. .;Cabbage, Standard, bu. !"!"! 1 Cslery, t^di.1 "II"" Horseradish, pk. bsk. ........ dz. ben. ............. Onions, dry, 50-lb. bag ..... Parsnips, * bu. ............\ Parsnips, Coho Pak..........“ '■ PfltaHat. CA IK* NEW YOR K(AP)—The stock market advanced today in active trading. Gainers outnumbered losers by almost two to one as the market embarked on its 10th straight daily rise. Opening prices included: Johns-Manville, up % at 58H, Pfizer, off % at 85%; Goodrich, up % at 61%; International Telephone, off % at 82; Anaconda, up % at 88% ; and Eastman Kodak, off 1 at 147%. u5?u?arb’ holhouse, dz. bch. . vRhubarb, hothouse, 5-lb. box Squash, Acorn, bu. ....... vjn Souesh, Hubbard, bu. ..... ljn Tusnips. Topped .........;;;;;; Poultry and Eggs i ' ' DETROIT POULTRY t^TRDIT ^^^'“‘ PoW per po , - . ,—g prices paid per - ----il receivers (Including u.SJs White Grade A |umbp- 34-35; extra “*3m* KW. medium mSar 3?«SiA •x,r*iar9< . CHICAGO BUTTER, EGGS p CHICAGO (AP) - Chicago Merc........ Exchange — Butter steady;/wholesale huylrn prides unchanged; 9$ score AP m Wi,A_dij 90-B 63V4; 89 C 99'A; cars tt Ml; R c IN. Eggs about steady; wholesale buying prices unchanged; 75 per cent or better Grade A whites 26; -— - --------- l 25; i :aoo AP) - changed; ’roasters* 24*’-26; white rock fryers 19-21. Livestock DETROIT LIVE5T DETROIT (AP)-(USDA)-•C*tt*“i‘ ,--3t add ■—•-pound good MM. d 26; m s 21 Vi. 1 Market Up in Active Trade Also, Seaboard Work! Airlines,, unchanged at 33%; McDonnell Co., up % at 39%; AVOO, tip % at 42%; and SCM, up % at 89%. OPENING BLOCKS Opening blocks included: Sperry Rand, unchanged at 32% on 18,000 shares; Chrysler, up W. at 43% on 6,200; Honeywell, up 1 at 73% on 4,200; and Westinghouse Electric, unchanged at 57%. Prices were steady on the American stock Exchange. Interphoto and Kaweckl Chemical were among fractional gainers. Unchanged were General Plywood, Falcon Seaboard Drilling and Colonial Sand & Stone. Among other gainers were Mead' Johnson, Plume & Att-wood and Molybdenum. Barnes Engineering declined. Tuesday The Associated Press average of 60 stocks rose point to 325.2, a new high for toe year. The New York Stock Exchange ABC Con JO _____lilt Mb Address 1.40 16 50 20 51 uraw 1.0 OranttCS 1.60 GrantWT 1.10 GtABP 1.30a 0 67Vi 67* 67 Vj .. 1 27 27 27 .. 26 4«* ’ 40* 40* + 25 30* 30 30* + 43 24* 23* 23* . . ureynouno I Gulf Oil 2.20 GulfStaUt .30 Amerada j —Airlln 1.60 ..... Botch .60 AmBdcst 1.60 Am Can 2.20 AmCrySug 1 KSTig Enka l,30a I SO* 59 59* + 1 1 10* 10* 10* .. 2 34* 34 34* + 1 "W* HewPack .20 Electren ____1 Inn .50 HollySug 1.20 Homestk .B0b Honeyw I 1.10 Hook Ch 1.40 AMtt Cl 1 Am Motor. AmNGan^l. jot^epy I 23* 23* 23* . loadt and lots i chalet 1000-1300 ujnter — -• — -* *•- * ■ Hogs 300; couple lots U— ., ...... 210-240 pound barrowt and gllti 18.00-18.75; few lots U.S.. 2 and 3 25*”* - pound 16.75-17,25; others not tested — Calves 75; few head high choice Iffioo00^-00’ ehoi“ **** ■ Sheep, 1200; choice and prime S 110 pound shorn lambs with No. fall Shorn pelts 24.50-26.00; good choice 23.00-24.50; cull to good slaui ewes 6.00-10.00. CHICAGO___________.... . CHICAGO tAP)-(USOA)—Hogs dPH butchers moderately active, uneven, steady to . 25 lower; sows moderately active, steady 1o 25 lower; mod 1-2 200-225 lb -ybulchers 18.50-19,00; around 400 heed at 19.00; mixed 1-3 330-400 lb sows 15.25-16.00; boars 13.50-14.75/^ , '-LL,\ 2,000......M —-J-"- . ...i?Smoiol!?o Anaconda lg Anktn Cham I Stl 3 steers fairly active, steady; heifers erately active, about steady; cows srately , active, steady to weak; _ active, fully steady; few- loads high chake and prime C075-1,350 lb slaughter steers 25.0O-2S.2S; utility and commercial ...—. , cows 16.50-)8.S8; cannsrs and Gutters Bulova .60b 20 00-23 50* u,ill,y ®n<* commercial bOllsj - - Sheep 200; 31 23* 21 22* 14 01* 80 LL15* M ... 56* 57 R „ Sv r~ 13 34* 36 13 29* 291. .. .. 12 89* 09* 09* 10 4 37A 3* 42*-.... 32* ' 101* 101 * —B— i uvt ■I M 34% 34% 34% 32% 22% 22% .... 88 H.... 15% 15% — \ 56% 57 .... 35% 35% 35% + \ _ 34% 34 34V. _ t 13 29% 29% 12 89% 89% 10 4 3% 44 42% 42% BU 36 32% 32% 32% + 30 54% 54% 3 34*/ 3' » 25 1.§l 27 41 14% .. BethStl 1.50a •Ing 1.20 BImCmc .25 Borden 1.20 254)0. ly slaughter iambs 3% 3% 3% ... 2? ^ fi&U 47 37% a37% 37% 23 129 128% 129 6% 6% 6% - 1 Hi 26% 26% + 1 M'/e 34% 34% *f 3 28% 28% 28% f a 26% 26 26% 4- \ 42% 42% 42% - ^ 50% 58 50 .... 15% 15V4 15% + \ JohnMan 2.20 JohnsnJ l.40a John John wi JonLogan .80 Jonas L 2.70 Joy Mfg US I Kaiser Al 1 KayserRo .60 Kannacott 2 KernCLd 2.60 V KimbClk 2.20 Koppara 1.40 Kresge .80 Krogar 1.30 NEW YORK (AP) - American Stock CaterTr 1.20 Exchange selected noon prices: CeldneseCp 2 Sales Net Cencoins .30 (hds.) High Uw Last Chg. Cant SW 1.60 AaroletG JOa 8 32 31% 31% + % Cerro 1.60b ! 18% 1 i 48% 49% + % ) 63% 63% 63%-% 55% - % 12 37% 37% 37% .. kmPetro .35g krkL66s 1.60 ksamara Oil U»dOil & O C try wide Rt» Creole 2.60e Date Cent EquityCp .16f Fargo Oils FelmonA Oil FlyTlger .TOb Stent W X Goldfield . ChjMil SIP 1 35* 36" —iJ ■— "* ........ tnristrett ■ . ... J -1-16 Chrysler 2 21115-16 1* 1%—1-16 CIT Fin 1. 126 10* 10* 10* — *-CitlesSvc II 19 6* 6* 6* ..... ClevEIIII 1. — Co| p ColilnR 171 13* 13* 13* + * 0 ' ■ “ *“ 3* 3* — * Cl r «s 3* 3* ........... | 2 10* 10* 10* — * , ** 37 36* 36* - * C 9* 9* Gr B irPet 70 3* 3* 16 5 2* 35 10* 10* 10* + * 35 3* 3* 3* — 1' 57 11* 11* 11* ... 6 5* 5* 6* — V 26 29* 28* 28* - * 9 5* 5* 5* ... Gulf Am Cp Isram Carp Kaiser Ihq , McCrory wt MeadJdnn .61 MlchSug ,10g Molybden NewP* rk Mn Pancoast Pet Scurry Rain Signal OIIA 1 Sparry R wt 63 9* 9* 9* + Statham Inst 33 60 33* 40 4-1 Syntax Cp .60 97 10W* 99* 100* — Technlcol .60 392 20* 19* 19* + UnControl .20 26 6* . 6* 6*... Copyrighted by The Associated Prase 19 Con Edts ConPow 1.90b Contalnr 1.30 I 20* 20* 20* .. Treasury Position WASHINGTON (AP)-Tha of the Treasury oomparod sponding date a year —- Bilane April 3i Deposits Fiscal Year July 1— 122,602,650,939.63 99,052.778,567.65 Withdrawals Fiscal Year— . 132,695,250,566.26 113,267,075,192.62 XrTotal Debt— | 330,152,111,215.22 320,866,935,021. Gold Assets— • i3,100,666,606.55 13,636,030,758.81 fX) — Includes $266,090,550.73 debt nut subject to statutory limit. Stocks of Local Interest Figures attar dtclmal points ars eighths OVER. THE COUNTER STOCKS Quotations from the NASD we Taprfc sentatlve Inter-dealer prices of approximately m«.m. mter-dealer markets Chanaa throughout tha day. Prices >tw • retail markup, markdown or KiatwTlfi Citizens Cl]........ ... Datrex Chdmlcel Diamond ^Crystal ............... ia.4 Frank's Nursery ............... 16.0 Kelly Services ..................25.2 Monroe^ Auto Equipment North Canttal Airlines U Safran Printing ....... Scrip* .............I.... Wyandotte CMHEtBr MUTUAL FUNDS M m 18 67* 67* 67* I 5 39* 39* 39* + 56 31 30*' 30* + 1 76 83* 82* 83* +1* V Ed 2 55 R* «* 51*— \ 30 53* 52* S* 6 29* 20* 29* 2 49* 49* 49* 2 30* 30* 30* 15 100* 100* 100* 25 51* 51 a* 5 78* 70* 70* 13 76* 76* 76* -I- * CorGW 2.50a CoxBdcas .5 0 CrouseHInd 1 CrowCol 1.071 Crown Cork CrgwnZa 2.20 Cruc a) 1.20 Cuctohy Co Curfls Pub Curtlto Wr 1 DaycoCp 1J* Deere i.80a Delta Air 1 DenRGW 1. DetEdls 1.4u Del Steel A0 DlamAlk 1.20 Dliited ,40b DistSeag 1 DomeMln .80 Doug Alrc' DowChm 2.20 DraperC 1.20 Dresslnd 1.25 duPont 1.25j 30 53* 53* 9 24* 24* (■ ,2s!!* <*'■+ * 3 12* It* 12* — * 10 24* 24* 24* + ' —D— 6 29* 20* 29* — 13 67* 67* 67* ... 20 122* 121* 11 4 20 20 2 7 31* 31* 2 6 14*t.14* 1 12 31* 41* i... . 12 *4l 92* 93* +1* 2 35* 35* 35* — V 2 9*' W* 40* + ' 43 59* 58* 58* 15 80* 80 10 + ' 23 30* 30* 30* - ' KpaaK i.oua atonYa 1.25 lectron sp IPakoNG 1 , men El 1.50.. mm thylCorp .60 vansPd ,60b vtrtharp FajrCam 'jjke.v Fair Hill Mi'-' Fansteel Met famMr 1.70 PIRlW 1.40 FjiiMwrMt PlrstChrt .511 PllntkO* 1 Fla Pow 1.36 FMJ»U,)A4 ■"MC Cp .n :oodFelr .90 JgRmw 2.40 Foraoiilr .60 FreepSul 1.25 FruahCp 1.70 60 101* 10O* 100* + 29 147* 146* 146* -15 27* 27* 27* - 20 73* 73 ; 73* + 1 36 36 36 7 30 29* 29* - IS 19* 19 19* + 1# 43* 43 43* + * 53 3Z* 32* 32* + * »J1 ,20* 20*+4* —P— 29 1ST* tWO 135* -2* 1$ « 9. 64* ra 29j I 40* 12. M* sal M +' < sive ene 51* ‘ 9 76* 76* 76* 3 30* 3ff* 38* .. j is* im ina.. 51 54* 54* 14* + 50 25 25 25 .. 12 »* 57* 57* — 11 RggMtMnmatiyL- 9.57 Gen Elec 2.60 ~™m—........... ?iSi' Growth k-2 ... 7.M 7.6B gT;,uVi t --- yestors Growth .12.59 13t76 a InTfr. m Mess. Imwiten'Mit :......16,94 - 18.51 Ge Paclllc lh P*a»*m Growth ■#” »iu si'P Ion CMCtri Dreyfus KM'sMtl Keystone n it* it #E .... Hi _ 20 72* 72 ma+m incaiA.- m 17 iii 79/ 51* 51 51* . .. 15 27 26* 2616 — * 9 27* 27* 27* ... 5 31* 31* 31* + 2 50* 51* 61* + 54 16 IS* IS* -5 48* 4|* 41* + 68 26* 26* 26* + 66 33* 33* 33* + 1* 66* + * 69 52% 52 52 — 5 49* 49 49* + 21 50* 50* 50* + 1+ a* a* 51% + 12 71* 71* 71% + 3 11* 11* 11* ... 7 62 61* 62 - 11 28* 28* 20* + 6 44* 44 44*.... 17 73* 73 73*+1* 9 44* 44* 44* + * 6 28* 28* 28* — * 9 48* 48*. 40* + * 10 59 51* 59 + * 22 29* 29* 29* + * - ~ — 4* — % StJosLd 2.00 SL SanFran 2 StRegP 1.40b Sanders .30 |chenley 140° Schick"8 SCM Cp .40b Paper 1 AL 1.00 PM GO i!io Sears Roe la Seeburg .60 Servel Sharon Stl 1 Shell Oil 2.10 Sinclair 2.40 SlngerCo 2.20 Smith K 1.80a SoPRSw .52g SouCalE 1.25 Square D .70 SMBrand .UO 7 36 Std. Kolls .5f ' — StOilCal 2.50b 116 60* im StdOllOh 1.50 5 1 i 17% - IngerRand 2 Inland Stl 2 InsNoAm 2.40 InterlkSt 1.80 32 — 1 11 74% 73% 24 481 479% 481 — % 27 36% 36% 36% ‘ | 19 33% 33% 33% 14 89% 89% 89% 3 W 89 30% 2 91% 91% — ' 2 52% 52% 52% — —■"Jf,MI iCdrl J i aa sa 6 60* 60 60 25 33 32* 33 —K—— 71 52 SI* » Texaco 2.60a 2 35 3S 35 — * 5 55% 55 55* ' " 10 22* 22* ft* ____ Sieg .70 Leh Val Ind Lehman 1.86g LOFGIs 2.80a LlbbMcN .Uf Liggett AM 5 Littonln 1.561 Llvlngstn Oil LoCkhdA 2.20 Loews Theat LoneS Cam t LoneSGe 1.12 LonglsLt 1.16 lS^V sir J!m MacyRH 1.60 Mad FC 1193b MagmaC 3.60 Magnavox .80 Maralhn 2.60 "ir MW M0 irquar .25g ...arilnMari MayDStr 1.60 Maytag 1.60a McCall .60b McDonel .60b MerckC 1.60a MerrChap la MGM lb MMBoUDI .76 MlnarCh 1.30 MlnnMM 1.30 Mo Kan Tax MobllOII 1.00 62 29*' 20* 29 + * 10 12* 12* 12* — 2 73 ' » 73 + 126 106* IK IK* + 5 7 n 7 ... 30 63* 63* 63* — 22 52* a* 52* — ' . 1 17* 17* 17* + 10 20* 20* 20* .... I 29* 29* 29* — * 62 .61* 62 ■' 20* 20* 20* - 39* 39* ■ 6 53* S3* 53* + * 16 23* 23* — U 2 56* Wk Wk ... 56 39* 39* 39* ... 11 70* 70* 70* + 2 20* 20* 21%— 6 14* 14* 14*... 30 21* 21* 21* — 6 36* 36* 36Vk + 16 35* 35 35 .. 4 31* 31* 31 -32 39* 39* 39* + 31 .14 83* 84 + 8 22* 23**23* .. "27 51* St 51* + II 25* 25* 25* 4-16 36* 36* 36* + ... 28 86* 36* 86* + * 26 10* 10* 10* ' 26 45* 65* 65* RHP. 21 20* 20* 20* isan 1.60b 145 53* 53 53 ItPow 1.56 5 31* 31* 31* ItWard 1 32 27* 27 27* rail 11 37 36* 36* . .. orola 1 44 111* HI* 111* +1* It TT 1.36 2 26% 26* MM 1 M ‘ —N— Airlln .60 20 SI* S0*. — Else 2 1 47* 47*- 47*'- * Can .Sib 23 31* 31* 31*w/ - Cash 1.20 II 95* « 95,.—J Dairy Mp 17 35* 35* . 35W + Dial 1.30 IS 44* 44% 44* + 1 Fuel 1A0 3 39* 29* 29* — ’ “ “ TO* 10* 10* — ' .. Genl .20 Nat Gyps 2 NstL.ead.75g Nat Steal .2 JO Nevada P .92 NEngEI 1.36 NYCent 3.12a "lag MP 1.10 ortlk Wst 6a A Avia 2.10 brNGas 2.40 or Pac 2.60 “ v 1M 7 40 4A 68 3 62* 42* 42*..... 2 27* 27* 27* + * If 70*1 70* 70* ‘ “■ 15 .22* 22* 22* , - 3 107* 107% 107% — * throp T H AITI ,! Norwich 1.30 15 7S* 32* 32* 32* -41 40* 40* -r ._ 123* 123* 123* +1 5 43* 43* 43* + j WGfig 75 75* +* 138 54* . 26 70* 22 46* 38 21* 9 Otis Elev 2 22 66* 66* 66* — 1 Pac G El 1.40 ---Lip 1.50 ■ — Pe'raL PacPwLtMKO PacTAT rVKI Pan A Std .60 rkeDav la _ .... WA + % —P— ^ 13 37% 37 37% — 18 27% 27% 27% ... 128 13% 13% 13% ... 12 24% 24% 24% — 30 M% 26% 24% — 70 2IW 21 21 + 40 49% 88% 88% — 8 37% 37% 37% -f 42 29% 29% 29% + 1 33 43% 43% 43V4 + % 138 17% ink 17% 4 % 24 67% 67% — ' 26 30% 30% 30% + _ 16 88% 87% 88% + 201 63% 62 62% + 18 63% 62% 63% + 10% 10% 10% + > 69% 68% 68% — I 29% 29% 29% -f t 52 51% 51%- i 50% 50% 50% + 5 58% 57% 58% 4 1 15% 15% 15% + 5 9% 9% 9%.. ) 36% 35% 36 -f 66% 66% 66% t 5 76% 76% 76% .. 1 59% 59% 59% .. t 52% + 29 40% 39% 39% + 24 41% 41% 41% 4. 34 29% 29 29% -¥ 20 36% 36% 36% - ._ 7 32 31% 31% -% 3 51 50% 51 47 19% 19% 19% 619 33% 32% 33 7 27% 27% 27% auff Ch 1.80 , erlDrug .90 •venJP 2.25 40 58 57% 58 4 1 m 63% 63% . 63% 4 1 66% 66 66% 4 1 13% 13% 13% — 1 45% 45 45% - 1 —T— ■a El .60 Xl2 33* 33* lynt Inc 70 165 W 71 139* 136* 137* +1* A 1** 16* lMk + * i 70* n .RB U. TransWAIr I Transomer Transitron Trl Coni -2lg TRW 1A0 TwnCen 1.20b UMC Ind .61 Un Carbide ! Un Elec l.» UnOCal I JOs Un Pac 1.10a Un Tank 2.30 Uniroyal 1.20 UnhAlrLIn 1 . UnltAlrc 1.60 115 1 I 1 ...... ..I* I X156 * UGasCp 1.70 10 4 Unit MM 1.20 '7 2 US Borax la —lypsm 3a ind .70 76 25* |U- — . 4 77 75* 76* + * 14 39* 39* 39* — 336 51* 0L 11* + 63 3|* 37* 31 <+ 45 15 14* 14* + 39 25 25 -25 ... 44 47* 67* 47* + 36 G* 49* 49* -t- —U— 21 IT* 17* 17* + 35 55* 55* 56* + 5 26 25* 25* .... 23 54* 53* 53* — * L .25* 25* 25* + 1 USPIyCh 1.50 US Smelt lb US Steel 2.40 UnWheln .411 UnlvOPd 1.40 Upjohn 1.60 WaraPIc J WarnLamb WashWat 1 Westn AirL ■ WnBanc 1.10 WnUnTel 1.40 TestgEI 1.60 ./eyerhr 1.40 Whirl Cp 1.60 White Ml Jo WilsonCo 1.70 1 33* 33* 33* + 4 60* 60*- 60* — 148 62* 62* 62* + 62 46* 46* 46* .. I 18 17* II + 30 88* 88 81* • 29 58* 58 58* +1 —V— I 23 39* 39* 39* - 261 32* 31* 32* + 41 43* 47* 41* — —W— 38 23* 23* 23* +RI 65 50* 49* 50* + * i 14 22* 22* 22* — Sht 1.80 n 32* 31* 32* Mioni R uo 115 64* 43* 63* - Copyrighted by The Associated frees 1967 i8 regular an I footnotes. 10 arc annual Its Wot desig- rate plus s dividend, d-j)lus sf ‘ meted —... —______— ______________ .. distribution date, g—Declared, or paid to far this year, h—Declared or paW after Hock dividend or split up. k—Declared l?*dhi p—Paid mis year, tarred or no action —‘Ing. r—Declare. — dividend, t—PaW h dividends Tri arrears, n dividend 1966 plus _____ __________ I ____X during 1966, estimated cash value on ex-dividend or ex-distrlbutlon date, z—Sales in full, dd—Called. x-Ex dlvkk .end end sales In full, lion. xr-Ex rights, rants, ww—With warn trlbuted. »,i—un-. u delivery. v|—In —_ being reorganized under i bankruptcy or receivership securities assumed % t—.. —... ^i^.^ln-jForeljn^Jskue sublect to In- , BOND AVERAGES . . ,. Compiled by The Associated Press 20 10 10 10 To Ralls ind. util. Fan. L. Y Pennzoll 1.40 PepsiCo IJSp fe’s^a Phlle El m| Phil Rdg 1A0 PhllMorr 1.40 raw 5 to fnS 91 • 4 08* 08* 88* 23 85* m Bib....... H 69* Pk «*- * 42 59* 59* 59* + *|. Yoar Ago 1K7 High 1966 Low 14.1 92.1 M. ' 14.1 14.1 'go 72.7 95.0 I3A 77.1 MJ E4.1 ____ ______ 73.0 95A 14.9 92.3 39.4 70.1 91J 11.0 Mi 06.! 79.5 10IA 86.1 93.1 90.7 70.1 00.9 79.2 MA 117 65 Slocks\.’ RCA .00b Reich Ch* ,'4W> Simp 2.50 2 12* » 12 .... 139 214* 210* 212* + 1 45 15* IS *5* + 1 16 23* 23* 23* .... ' “ir wns^mlwiS +1 0 52* 52* 52* .... —R—— 10 Fubllc utilities . I 2% 7 i 37% 3 RheSnJf61.40 BM s«.'a 17 47* #* .47* 20 65* 64* 64* ^ 151 9* «t 2Mb + * 69 53 B* 17 + * 97 41 40* 40*-* 11 31* 5* 31* + * .32 34* 33* 34*’ +■ IjNKflpifi i.i» -s* p»'‘uir 2a*'.. .. 885.69—1 -is . .230.23—0.W ..139.99—0.16 . .313.56—0.44 >. 83.91—0,10 85.01+0/01 .. 89.17-0.05 CrnnphJTO^SdP, Year Ago . 1967 High .. 1967 LOW ,. 1966 High . 1966 Low .. I 302.6 4 1*5.7 4 IMA Wt w 5i.5 ml Is Long Wins Test to Save Law Campaign Financing Measure Survives WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen. Russell B. Long has won a key test in the fight to save his presidential Election campaign nancing law, subject of a monumental debate that has snarled the Senate for four weeks. Long, D-La., emerged the victor Tuesday in a 43-41 vote a bid by opponents of toe finance plan to, in effect, uphold an earlier Sedate vote to repeal -toe plan. Ng • * * That setup toe possibility of showdown vote later today on a Long move to overturn the repealer. Earlier, toe Senate voted 88-0 for an outer space treaty described by President Johnson as a key plank in his East-West “bridge-building” program.-NO SOVEREIGNTY The pact would prohibit non-peaceful uses of outer space and provide for on-site inspection. It states “no nation can claim sovereignty to outer space,” the moon and other celestial bodies. * ★ ★ The campaign financing plan, signed into law last year, could make available up to $30 milKim each to toe Democratic and Re-publican parties in the 1068 .presidential race. It allows taxpayers to allot $1 of their federal income taxes to toe campaign, with toe money to be split between the two major parties. * it -k The battleground for toe campaign financing fight has been administration bill that would restore tax incentives urgently sought by business interests. The bill already has cleared the House. In toe meantime, Long encouraged addipg a number of other amendments to the tax bill — dealing with subjects ranging from meat imports to income tax credits for parents of college students. INTO FRAY Democratic leader Mike Mansfield stepped into the fray with a motion to eliminate nearly all the extraneous provisions from the bill, many of them strongly opposed by the Johnson administration. But it would have left on one rider — a repealer of the Long plan, . * ★. * Long and other Democratic senators have been trying to _ Mansfield to alter his motion/In an emotion-packed speech Tuesday, Mansfield told toe Senate he had decided to do so, but only with the consent of Albert Gore, D-Tenn., and John J. Williams, R-Del., coauthors of tile repealer amendment. Gore and Williams refused such consent and Mansfield abruptly called for a vote on his original motion, which was adopted (ft to 22. By JOHN CUNNIFF AP Basiaess Analyst NEW YORK - It was a (bad ami boisterous scene in tile old, old drama jk gold and what the United States should do about tional trade ly Cenler CfcAN? OPENING—Wickes Home Sup- / _r*^ , _ , ■ ply stare in the Miracle Mile Shopping Cen- 1 and home improvement facility, carrying There are 125 Wickes locations ter opened today. The 15,000-square-foot j products for the home ouner and do-it-your-to toe nation. -.building houses a combination home supply j setter. ^ THE PONTIAC PRESS WEDNESDAY. APRIL Jt, mat Vinyl FLOOR MATS Chrome plated, fully adjustable. r FULL 4-PLY TUBELESS NYLON CORD: GLENWOOD PLAZA CORNER NORTH PERRY AT GLENWOOD 1 7JS/7J0X14 T TMia 1 53*1 1 7.75/6.70x19 I 16.90 I 2.23 r«.ia/y.i»xi> | 17.90 I 2.33 ,] I Ul/LMxH I 18.90 I i3B | M5/7itx» | 19.90 1 2J* luWIjMxlJ JMO RSoSs^ 1.80 1 17.75/6JO xf5 2.23 18.25/8.00x141 2.381 |7.73/7^0xl4 2.21 1 ntlCE nus TIRE Off YOUR CM. | »l ESI OH w^M EgE* gjp' 1pW‘ SHELL X-100 Motor Oil quart U«M GARAGE FLOOR 1 0 DRIVEWAY 1 CLEANER 1 Cleans away stubbqpi 1 stains,quick and ■ easily. " REVERBERATION 1 UNIT WITH SPEAKER 1 ■ . Temyeer car ■ B; Seteeeeecert . H ft hell an wheel.. > ■ eH C Wa E IsH VwiSnfl LANTERN 1 WITHOUT BATTRRliS 1 I Many uses . . . for 1 1 camping or auto 1 | emergencies. 1 CHROME REVERSE I \ WHEELS I Mast Cere 1 CuOmmm year «r end 1 I RMedUytoe. . 1 1 SISK SEALER 1 1 BEAM BULBS 1 I foral cars eS§J | J #4001 >*4002 1 ■ #6006 -4*012 '** I Itsploneieenf belle node tel IB |L fj t=I=JB| ^Bppr^pPr^L3 SHOCK SPUN6S I I Insure a eomfortable 1 ride... ,1-J | FISK BIKE TIRE‘.1 AND TUBS I I Save now at this low 1 I price.. .for most for- I I eign and domestic 1 II