Weather i Dareas Forcenst a cooler tomorrow. (Detalts Page 2) ie eae ee Tt YEAR one ae ox es ' A FAMILIAR SIGHT — One of many Pontiac: and Oakiand County trout fishermen who got off to a hopeful start on the opening of the state's 1959 season today was\ Frank postal enpleye here, Greenwood, 26, was Greenwood. A Conditions Called Ideal Here Pontise Press Phote snapped in a stream near the city. Some 100,000, or more ardent trouters were expected to be out today, most of them on waters in the northern Lower Peninsula. oO PONTIAC, CRIA, SATURDAY, "APRIL 25, 1950 9 80 PAGES x : x : rm Thundershowers to Dampen City This Afternoon Predicted thundershowers for the Pontiac area late this afternoon will drop temperatures to a low of 40 degrees tonight. * * * Fair and is the weather- man’s’ for Sunday, with the high reaching around 50. To- day’s variable winds at 10-20 miles an hour will become northwesterly at 15-25 miles tonight and tomor- row, x * * The outlook for Monday is partly cloudy and continued cool. “Forty-six was the lowest tem- perature reading preceding 8 a.m. in downtown Pontiac. The mercury rose to 71 at 1 p.m. FBI Hunts Mob State Trout Season Opens Today That Beat Negro By H. GUY MOATS Pontiac Press Outdoors Writer A fine day with a slight over-| cast this morning greeted Michi- | gan’s trout-fishing legions on the opening of the 1959 season. Con- ditions in this area were des- cribed by many as ideal. However, there were few early reports of unusual catches or quick | success from the score or more) area waters, As expected, Oakiand Coun- ty’s lakes were jammed, with all beats at Elizabeth Lake's livery, at Oxbow and Union Lakes among others taken out by daybreak. Ott Shaw's dock at Oxbow, one reported from Gregg’s at Union Lake by early anglers. Upstate, the big annual National Trout Festival got underway at! Kalkaska, with Judy Perry, 17, 'was the good old time-tested ‘‘gar- Kalkaska High School senior, named queen last night. Walt Nowak of Alpena is the trout | king, residents, who for some reason or other would rather try their luck here than undergo the long drive into northérn sections. However, northbound automobile traffic, bearing fishermen was reported) to be about the same as in other years, promising a heavy north- ern cencentration of hardy fol- lowers of the sport. On the locat trouting front the conditions were regarded as very good. In the opinion of conservation officers of this dis- trict, they are much better, and ' area waters probably will pro- duce more fish for less effort than those of the north country. Officer Warren Kendall,~ Roch-| ester, was one-who saw opening day trouters doing all right, right about home. * * * “Most streams in this district.” said Kendall, ‘are cle ar, about 102 Land Safely as Tires Give Two Planes Make It Okay“at Grand Rapids|so Despite Blowouts | GRAND RAPIDS — One hun- dred and two passengers had brief but harrowing frights as their two Capital- airliners _Janded last night at Grane Rapids. One plane came down on a blown tire; the other blew its four main tires in landing. The plane that landed safely on four of its five tires carried 54 pas- sengers. The one that blew out all four main tires carried 48. No one was hurt in either land- ing and neither plane damaged. Capt. Russell Irwin, flying a four engined DC 4 from Detroit to Chi- cago found his hydraulic braking system gone when he touched down here, He hit emergency air brakes that snapped the 40,000-pound plane to a stop in 600 feet. ; The impact of the braking blew the two sets of giant tires on either side of the fusilage. The noSe wheel tire held as the big ship wobbled to a rough stop. Fifty-four passengers had got down safely about three hours earlier as Capt. Lowell Huff brought in another DC4,. this one headed from Chicago to Detroit, with one of its under-wing tires flat, , . guards changed shifts at 6 ‘ington plant and the firm’s ithe Ashlo mine as ‘‘so unruly and normal, with some even lower than usual." Based on reports yes- terday, that northern streams were high, heavy and dirty. Ken- dal] figured area anglers “would be smart to start the season at home.” * * * Most popular and productive lure den hackle,” . plain. Mr. Worm. Weather has not been warm enough,’ even in this section, to bring out«fly Katehes, giving the “purists” a rather. tough time, |€o, after 7 p.m, Monday. - r,s -~ < . jeussions during the gubernatorial) She said those ‘assisting in organ- 7. * The first Michigan traffic fatali-|election year in Kentucky. izing the club are Doris Beau-| Mr. Millard retired in March as ty of the weekend was .recorded The Se ee meas. oe | ae. Ruth -Hartman, Peggyivice president of the City Auto in Detroit today when a West|ago but wes demobilized Monday|Petti, Mary Ritter, Gladys Schla-istamping Co. of Toledo and a Blomfield To: woman was|when mine operators and national|ack, Marjorie Sullivan and Mary|member of Perry Lodge 185, F& killed at about 2:45 a.m, while| UMW officials agreéd to hold a|Thurber. AM, Salem, Ohio and of the Scot- crossing Livernois just south of|third mediation meeting with 26) Birmingham members have/tish Rite Chapter Valley of Toledo Norfolk. mine operators. . |voted to stress , y| He was also a member of the Detrolt Police sald Miss Ida.|, 10° Desotations, held in Frank-ition and community affairs with-|Zenobia Témple, Order of the Mys- LaFleur, 44, of 5519 Putnam Dr, |. ended in am impasse afteriin the club. = tic Shrine in Toledo. . , noth, [tree thours Thursday, The main] Miss Tate said plans already are) 4. is survived apparently siagped inte the path of dispute was the unign's\under way for other new units in-|_."° '* ny in ee, toe of a car driven by Univesity |Pnt Of pa oe oh way for other new rie; a sister, Mrs. Jane Millard of of Detroit student Rouald L. |-u04 protective wage elaiise. joe ee Ponti Rect | Troy; and a brother, Fred ot Royal ‘According to the driver and twojto pay the basic wage of . Rebeces Lodge Mrs. Cathryn Thompsexr unidentified eye-witnesses, Mis s\$24.50 a day, $2 then the| , Bimiinghem sure | Service for Mrs. Cathryn Thomp- LaFleur stepped off the curb just/last contract. Small mine operators} #5 will _——- ‘son, 76, of 19135 Riverside Dr., was in front of the car. say they are unable to pay this} Thursday from 9 @. m. to 6 p.m. | 114 at 3 p.m.-today from the McKitrick was released after the|much at the former Fisher Wallpaper jn Chapel. of the: William R. accident, but was to make a state-| The strike began 46 days ago Store, 1308 8. Woodward Ave. Hamilton Co. with burial in White ment today at the Wayne County|and has idled an estimated 7,000| Mrs. Egith Mart, 71 Bennaville (A) tery ‘Troy, Prosecutor’s Ottice. miners. _ | St. may be called to have items Sie. Themeese died at . tela Ther home after a brief illness. The Rev, BM, Coarse emt ft Prt a Se Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. ve Baptist . speak ai the 10 and 11 a. m. services to-|-Da7es Stephenson of Birming- ham; two brothers, and one grand- son, ' Royal Oak Plans Shopping Mall ik : t 3 BERS 43 g a Ey iy ca FEE This is how Royal Oak plan- ners, in part, hope to .urn inte a reality the principal that shop- pers .want a pleasant, conven- jent place in which to make heir purchases. Does it sound like a pipe-dream? it’s a practical possibility, to the extent that 31 outside businesses Chamber of Commerce, askirg about the possibility of setting up ville) is another area trout stream. branches along the shopping mail. TEA and May 8 to meet the Grace Lines'/— Santa Alicia, first American flag- ship expected to dock there. A civ- ic luncheon also is scheduled. The official opening will take place June 26 with Queen Eliza-|§ ! beth and Eisenhower 5,000 ftictallt presiiiing. About officia ‘will be invited. An estl-|f mated 50,000 persoris ‘are expected to be on hand for the ceremonies. |)” Body of Newborn Girl , Found in Romulus Field _ DETROIT up — The body of a oe newborn baby gifl wrapped in a Sas white sheet ahd mattress pad and |) fumes \nlaced in a cardboard box was nbn found in a field in| _ ROUTE OF THE SEAWAY — Map shows the major divisions | rotten By arcu Kenneth Grant of the St. Lawrence Seaway, Ships from almost. every maritime jsaiq the box was found by a high nation were among the more .than 50 vessels taking part in the | school youth on his way home from Ca ' , : : ; oe ‘ ' é taek wl F ane . } ‘ ‘ : : ‘Se Sia : e Just 2,000 at This Price Your Choice of 22 Varieties Just Arrived! - " CLIMBER 2-Year—Field Grown - ae ‘ ¥ RoR a Roe . Bee On Sale Tonight & Monday SIMMS.) ‘State Alumnae First Time Tuesday. a Hard- headed businessman think - have recently sent inquiries to the. . : ae ‘1 8 t o ; ; A el < aS ieee. a ) 7 | ey é : ") hy : te ae ee +: Mf ee ny y \ a : : . : - _trie PONTIAC. sinPSs, SATURDAY, APRIL 25,1959. prograro, Christmas tor ! Pi Arrai ned) {iw Area Men, Trailer fo lel, | Seererse sore joe Missing in Plane e annual cle : -up |at Polls in Arizona Found ‘1 ee TUCSON, Ariz. — A man 16 SUPER SPECIALS for Smart are ite ins fe Robbery | oun Safe’ Jaycee Sto fy ae took his infant son with him to} oa aes rng : vote in the Arizona primary, He es Two area tnen reported missing ; ory. : oe: Was greeted lines of wait- Both Mute. to Charge °”,% Might ftom Berz Airport in| 5 hamber Plone eats wil call. attention £0) voters by ane GFG@ Troy to Arona landed sately Inst} unior Chamber Plans'the activities of the U.S, Chamber] 4 Veit official spotted the of Walled Lake Theft; nie ght at St. Charles, Mo... | Display in Saginaw St. | Ommere: pair -and told the father: “He Third Man in Hospital |charies “cu p Mig yg rt All Next Week | cere F look: Od, apongh 9 vote,| * ae ke meet ae ee Fire Hits Lumber Yard [but he may be hy the time you! SIMMS Reserves the TONITE-6 to 10 p.m. eee Aor Two of three Oakland County|tan'who lives at 27032 Brush St. The Pontiac Area Junior Cham-| DETROIT » — Fire of unde-| =. ————+— Right to Limit Ay __. All Day men accused of a Walled Lake safe|#%@. John yr eroonage nh} the ber of Commerce’s year-round|termined origin caused an esti-| Americans drink an average of| Quantities on Sale - MONDAY-9 a.m. to " fas : Aan 2th wea tetihoned bonne ent’ single-engine plane and then con-|Program of civic good deeds will|™ated $50,000 damage at the Mc-|one pint of wine per week, By com Sree SN fehl. Townahip Section Teen |timed to Ariepun, be spelled out in a special trailer| tits west side todayy eae ene nen Gonmume about aaa lip This Conpou TM OND Dieterle yesterday afternoon. ———— — ~~ awey in downtown Pontiac nent : : tH S ad hs wg HY EZ FLO’ marie i * * rizona for its owner, Lloy anforized, Lightwei, nim : ‘EZ- —- ; orange 2 aca Se a i ane Sparks-Griffin |} yids’ Boxer. Paint § rother Robert f 2716° a Outside ; Woodlawn St., Oakley Park, stood) Ai’ Force officials yesterday ante geod olnngs 905 ‘on x P 7 Kids Boxer Jeans a aint: : mute to a charge of safe burglary. ——— a search when the plane |S! Saginaw street, g © a a ailed to set down at Springfield, = and Lawrence streets, Mon- FUNERAL HOME a a : - Examination was demanded (1)), as scheduled. y. through Saturday and ee be ‘Ts Reg. Cc a $2.95 59 for them and they were returned : ro for public inspection between . 1 bal to the Oakland County Jail with FI ‘ | 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. “Thoughtful Service” a $1.00 = Gallon veidaaten — wan uel te ectrocution Fata ~~ One-third of the display area f 4 Blue denim jeans with elas- & way te . min rte we ed | RE «6 Wtame Set Phone resi | sector a, Se Ll fo err, tar bag othied man cisteed in net0 Two Oil Workers activities as Jaycee Park, the ‘cine arse 24-Hour Ambulance Service . paket. Sizes 1 to 6... (Limit . - pede seg fee a safe ary at Jac le's Plym- acon sete See dane dit SIMMS—Basemen SIMMS—2nd Fleer th Sales, 1000 W. Maple- Rd.,|_ HORTON # — Two Mount Pleas- a -] SUSneeeeeeeeeeee - Pig 4 Hess, 13. ppd Ade- an ot ve lgidaerimaigiagee| Fessunesnnensaieaazaneennl fonneues oo ates a al “hes oktrata ct eat ent, 8, | “We t a W t d”” ny pene Clip Chis COUPON alata Cif) HS CIO Hess, who passed out shortly aft- oa dons ey eek. es r l & e of a e r or P B b “PALMOLIVE” R-E-T-R-A-C-I-A-B-L-E. POINT er his arrest by Walled Lake Pa- using struck a live wire. A gin pole’ ressure Bomb — Ball Point Pen. s trolman Robert Newman, remained). under police guard today at Pon-| tiac General Hospital. He is de-) scribed in satisfactory condition. Sheriff's Det. Leo Hazen today revealed that the stolen safe con- y| tained about $500 cash and more | than $3,100 in personal checks. “The-three men, police said, were attempting to dump the 700 pound’ safe in Commerce Lake. They) were discovered by Newman who. had followed a trail of checks four | blocks long left behind them as) they dragged the safe to a beach. | State Partisans Outpoll Judges — Officials State Canvass Announces Results of. April 6 Election | them from the wire. The two | A truck carrying diesel fuel for iBut flames were put out before i jis a device used in oil well rigging. Robert Beach, 21, and Douglas | King, 24, both of Midland, rushed | | to their aid, but were knocked un- | conscious when they tried to pull | % Deluxe Dream Homes | i | Midland men suffered slight | | burns. | All four men were employes of the union Rotary Corp. of Mount. Pleasant and were working on, wells near this Jackson County’ community.— ithe rigging work was set afire., Teaching the fuel. “h ‘Du Iles’ Cabinet Chair Given to Him as Gift | WASHINGTON (UPI)—State De-, An Address of Distinction % Adjacent to Both Public and Parochial Schools ‘Ray id-Shave Cream & Extra Refill % Suburban Atmosphere —City Conveniences Reg. Reg. % Fully Landscaped Lots 796 C 40¢ : i Can Value ~ Sets up the beard better for faster, closer shaves. (Limit 2 cans.) SIMMS—Main Fleer Ffaaveversccrarcesel point pen with an a extra refill — both a at this price, SIMMS—Maio {partment associates of John Foster, panes have purchased the chair, e ‘used at Cabinet meetings as a ot for him. | Associate White House Press |Secretary Anne Wheaton said the jchair would remain in the Cabinet ' LANSING Ww — Entries in the room, however, for Dulles’ use as technically non-partisan State Su-|the newly appointed foreign policy preme Court race polled only consultant to the President. about two-thirds as many-votes as' The chair is marked with a silver partisan candidates in the April plate bearing Dulles’ name and 6 election, the official state can-|the dates of his service as secre- vass indacates. jtary of state before his recigne- Candidates for the two Supreme tion. Court vacancies collected a total ; of 1,630,739. votes ” ae = two seats on. the Michigan Board of faeons ofa 169, The spread was typical. At the same fime, Supreme | Court Justice George Edward, ~ a Demecratic nominee, chalked up the biggest victory margin— 268,406 votes over William H. Baldwin, Oakiand County attor- ney, his _Rearest Republican ri- val, Clair White, Bay City college in-) structor and Democratic nominee == for one of two two-year terms on = the new Wayne State University | == Board of Governors, had the cls = est call. He edged Warren C. Lam- bert, Republican, by 6,339 votes. DeWitt J. Burton, Detroit Demo-; crat, led them both. Ex-C. of C. President Dies of Heart Atfack “SANTA BARBARA, Calif. (AP), Harper Sibley, former president of| the U.S, Chamber of Comme: died of a heart attack Friday. was 74, Sibley, of Rochester, N.Y. a grandson of the founder of West.| ern Union. He was in California) with his wife, Georgiana, on a= combined business-pleasure trip. His wife was American Mother of, the Year in 1945. Sibley, an agriculturalist, owned extensive farm and ranch holdings in California, Illinois, New bl! and Canada. He recently was appointed head = of Refugee Year activities for the United Nations by President Ei- ree, | He} senhower. He was a board mem- = per of New York Life Insurance == Western Union and the Car-|== eae Foundation for. International == Peace. He served two terms as presi- dent of the U.S. Chamber of Com- merce 1934-36 and also was active in Church World Service and the International Young Men's Chris- tian Assn, Wired Sidewalk Used in Road Study CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. (A— .._University of Virginia students will walk the world’s first continuously |= reinforced sidewalk. The 303-foot-long Slab of rein-/S= forced concrete was laid as a joint operation by the university and the Virginia Council of Highway Investigation and Research. Con- cealed in the pavement are hun- dreds of feet of tiny wires. Every quiver or movement of the big slab will be recorded and results analyzed. It is a pilot study for an interstate highway. NEW ‘59 WAGONS - RADIO $19950 HEATER BIRMINGHAM RAMBLER “MI 6-3900 oun a - Ladies’ Plastic . = For Lawns — Gardens — Shrubs 7 a | . BILLFOLDS =: : Soaker-Spriakler HOSE = This beautiful model located at 4213 Ledgestone Drive . Regular 98c_ . . Momeni bee . 50 FEET = . = >— ¢€ * a s ' = 8 ce C * _. : . Your equity in your present home may be a . oo | a. TRADE-IN PLAN: Yom, yo rem : 24 : : ‘97 > i. Plastic billfold with Bm Dene sate s: . OPEN SUNDAY , DIRECTIONS . windows, “bit com SOE hundreds of holes, : 1 to6P.M. North on the Dixie Hwy. to Cambrook Lane, in at Se? ee Limi hosp coupon = aa 1 Block South of Waterford Stop Light . . . Sauusauaneumeeuennenbesen’ MTTTTTTI TIT tet For Your Inspection Left on Cambrook Lane to Model. / / on 4 PT Tt au LLL CHP CHS COHPCh = 8 oR , aia: | 7 ; -HELTMAN & TRIPP 2 S Generous Size Tube— Famous j w Fiberglas Insulation — Hot or Cold a: 3 94] | Builders and Developers of Westridge of Wateriord 3- 94] L | : a 8 a . Wildroot Cream-Oil a5 BABY DIAPER BAG: . = | : TT oT ue HAIR GROOM . . Tes re Ie = ='s a = = 8 : Ree ORC se Valu 7 : =F 59c a 8 a =a . 7 a aaeeits Praigponed straps, 7 Se Ws mtn ee =F" SIMMS—Main Fiver SIMMS—Main Fleer = PTTITTITTL titre TLL fausanenneaeaueunecnecueni i ai emamiaa WUT 3 lD TT Thursday | April 30 May Ist 4P.M.to10P.M. | 1 P.M. to 10 P.M. Follow the Footsteps and Friday TUM * You'll Be EVEN MORE SURPRISED WHEN YOU SEE THE HOME IMPROVEMENT SHOW PONTIAC WATER and MILL STREETS — * Compliments of Community National Bank eu “_.nN TAH New Summer Colors Underpriced! & ! NECKLACE & EARRING Set = $2.& $2.95 Values Your 59 Choice Matching necklace and ear- ring sets in every fashion. New | to 5 strand styles. atatats (ip) Chis COMPO all World’s Most ‘Famous Brand ‘Noxzema Skin. Cream 4-Ounce Jor Reg. C 67¢ For sunburn, skin blem- ishes, blackReads, pim- ples, etc. (Limit 2.) SIMMS—Main Floor aenne oc di hy SIMMS—Main Fleer a” quumuueuueuenuuneceneund a I] a H " Famous “Band Wagon” ot Shapes, Claas Files Nails z a aot if a ‘TRIM’ All Metal 5 aS : HARMONICAS . FINGERNAIL ~ ='s5 ii 4; , ins ity, Senta Pe tse a ss ie ec od pase dial stints opal st sale Gly coment ahi onc 8 en ee these things are resisted, not al-|to accommodate tourists and leg- fret freedom. ths © state “capil ways successfully but loudly, islators, its chief sources of in- cra. Pregrenscand ff you dou‘ lke In other places, the voice of SOP. « bat sine cal the estet saay Gry (Set Glens .Many of its streets remain un- : 1 PETT unheeded attic, But |paved, ‘especially. in the residen- AP Feature Writer ‘the ee SANTA FE, N.M. ~The Vigi- lantes still ride out of Santa Fe, ' . Suh take tee fet Salt cad dk Freedom i in now a law to build any building, business or private dwell- ing, in anything but the adobe style An artist aroused can be a tiger. a variety of things — billboards, paving, street lights, modern build- ings of glass and steel, a@ super- highway. cutting across a lovely foothill of the majestic Sangre de Cristo Mountains, . | But their most consistent source of irritation seems to come from Texas. Santa Feans can tolerate Tex- as tourist money but not Texans. They grumble constantly that SCULPTOR ‘ON. RAMPAGE when. it’s moonlight on the mesa and the shadows stretch long from| @V!¢ committees, —— vigas jutting out under the eaves. the aspen and the cottonwoods. | Santa Fe, which has a popula- “~ * # , grim, silent, they/tion of 34,000, has no industry to} In one-third of the town, it is|streteh of curb . their adobe houses. ‘There are the - they cut them down, burn down, or smear them up in paint, They do this several times a year. . * * * The billboard Vigilantes are on- ly one gymptom of the: special syndrome distinguishing Santa Fe. Among cities which have become state capitals, Honolulu may be the newest and Juneau the coldest but Santa Fe is the oldest (1609), the highest (7,000 feet), the most unconventional, the touchiest and Texans are taking over their ski Be ee a : slopes In the winter and their trout streams in the summer. Recently many people in town were enraged by a published pic- ture showing several hundred skiers from Texas raising the Lone, Star flag on a nearby ski steps * * * / “Such damned gall!” said 9 dig nified lady of Spanish origin, whose language is impeccable on all non- mountains!"" = In a restaurant: the other day, two diners were annoyed by the: noises of remodeling work going on at the other end of the room. “Those damned Texans again!" nodded, as though recognizing a familiar pain, {IT’S TEXAS’ FAULT Neither knew for a fact that! Texans were responsible for the, ‘noisy remodeling, but in Santa Fe! it ig assumed that anything un-| pleasant, loud or harshly modern) lean be traced to the big neigh-| ‘boring state. | Stfll, Santa Feang*are proud of| Santa ' Feans can get mad over Texas subjects, ‘Their flag on our one man said. The second man x * * undersea Fire tha cali Sah ine that stretches 2,400 miles trom Ha-|islands. 1 Her Soul the old Conquistadores who came. here in search of gold — an ex: | pedition which not only antedated; the Mayflower but must have been | even more crowded, Santa Fe’s plaza has seen much} of the ebb and flow of history. To; begin with, it was an Indian pueblo, Then the Indians retook the place Thes the Indians retook the place | and held it from 1680 to 1692, until the Spanish recaptured it. * * * It was at the Plaza that the | covered wagons coming down from | |Independence, Mo, on the Santa, ‘Fe Trail ended their’ journey. It! Was here that ox-drivers, cowboys ‘and’ gamblers used to raise hell apd criminals were locked in stocks Av flogged in public. It was in the, ‘Plaza that Billy the Kid once = in chains. -| PROUD OF HISTORY Santa Feans are proud of their | history and awfully short with peo- ple ‘who get inaccurate about it. / The biggest rhubarb in this con- | nection occurred some years ago, before the war. Some details are lacking. But from writer Oliver | LaFarge the other resident sources, | this picture of the event emerges: | Your choice, $79.50 With expansion bracelets, $85:00 GOOD TASTE and classic’ simplicity are distinguishing characteristics of these fine Omega watches, The dials have hand-applied, raised (high-relief) hour markers of 18K gold, The beautiful white or yellow 14K gold-filled cases will give years of wear. Perfect gift for a birthday, anniversary *..or for yourself. REDMOND’S Jewelers — Optometrists FE ‘The Society of Pioneer Dames was to donate a statue of the. “Pioneer Mother’ to Santa Fe, ito be erected in the Plaza. A’ ‘mass-produced concrete job, the lstatue showed an athletic, woman lin a poke bonnet and full stride, | ‘carrying a baby on one arm, a irifle over the other and a pilow- $81 Share near her ankle. - N. Saginaw 2-3612 | The statue arrived with a dele- . the contrariest. It is a city devoutly determined to be different by remaining the same, their communal sense of tolerance. gation headed by a rising young | “We don’t care what a man| Politiclan named Harry 8S. Tru- |does or how he lives,"’ says W itter | man, who was to make the pre- ‘Bynner, the poet. “We can tol-| sentation speech, lerate anyone as long as he's in-| They were met~ by a militant MECCA FOR ARTISTS It is a mecca for artists and writers and Bohemians who mi- grated here in search of the free- dom to be unorthodox. Many are unorthodox in their manners, dress |- and private lives, but where the town is concerned they resist change as fiercely as the flat- worlders fought Columbus. * * * Other cities welcome new in- dustry and business and progress CLOSE INSPECTION’ =~ Queen Elizabeth's ocelot fur piece drew more attention than the royal presence when the British monarch stopped for a visit with Price Review at the royal vet- erinary college old race horse going treatment at the college. iteresting, “We. all love the mountains | and the surrounding country, the | | brilliant light and-the clear air. | But most of us didn’t come here | for that reason, It’s not the al- | titude; it’s the latitude.” Over the years, Santa Fe has) ‘tolerated some beauts. Back in the 30's, there was a iwriter who got loaded one night. AP Wirephete in Hertfordshire. The eight-year- | was among the animals under- Ontario Wages Adoption Drive Seeks Foster Parents © for 11,000 Children, Signs Can Give Warning of Delinquent Behavior EAST LANSING w — How do you spot a juvenile delinquent? Just look for certain _ tell- | Comes from a family where quarrels and fights are common Comes from a home where the tale signs, advised William C. usual mother-father pattern is Kvaraceus, a researcher for the missing. Nationa] Education Assn. * & 4 to 16 Years Old The education expert told acon- «Schools are obligated te watch “Child for! \ference on juvenile delinquency at for these signs and to take steps Michigan State University these against the delinquency they fore- signs should be evident fo every tell,” Kvaraceus said. leducator. He broke them into d lower and middle class income groups. TORONTO (AP) — adoption,”’ said the advertisement today in the classified section of; the Toronto Globe and Mail. “Roger,” it continued, “is an attractive, healthy 7-year-old boy with fine features, blue eyes, | blond curly hair, small in stature. “He jis of French-Canadian par- entage, is Roman Catholic, and speaks ‘only English, School work somewhat below average. * * * Rage was born with a slight palsy_in his left arm which is gradually responding to treat- Ithe police. ment, He is not hindered in mae) mal activities, Miss Mass. Not Pretty r Sailor Mat The juvenile delinquent in the Enough fo Sa © are lower class, he said: DEDHAM, Mass. (AP) — Miss Runs with a gang that admires Massachusetts of 1951 has filed a lawlessness. petition for divorce on the ground Has high ambitions but neither her husband didn’t think s sh@ipwas the means nor the opportunity to beautiful enough. achieve them. Mrs. Ralph H. Eriksen, 29, de- Is constantly in trouble with ¢lared in Norfolk Probate” Court} * * * * ‘at Newport, R.L., ‘ridiculed a birth Finds excitement’ in collective mark on her face so much that ae »,:_ Stealing and vandalism. she underwent an operation to niente eg ” ney et ey | The middle class delinquent, he| have it removed. affectionate and who will accept Said: ? | ‘The Eriksens married in 1952 him as their own.’ Parsi gs Me in school and in- med save three pa Tie couple Ss eav aS n separat or nine ee cn ee Has little academic ability and months, She works in a Boston lie Welfare joften is a truant. night club as a photographer. During the next two months,’ dozens of similar ads will appear, in Ontario newspapers as part of a project to find foster parents for 11,000 homeless children in, Ontario. Most of them are be- — tween 4 and 16, and many have F Th FE 1 paveieaiting lists for "younger |” WATERFORD’S NEWES children. , The deputy welfare minister, ©. James Band, has said his depart- ment is not trying to sell chil- dren, it is ‘trying to merchandise | ; a child's. happiness.”’ : Ontario residents will have first choice of the children, and then parents in other provinces. Band said applications from the United | ” States yould. pose a problem: » Parents would have to conform to}. the adoptive regulations in their) own state and work through state” welfare units. s Child Guidance Clinics Slate 2 Special Films Oakland County Guild Guidance Clinics will sponsor a film dealing with emotional problems of chil-| dren, at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the. hittle Theater of Madison Junior |» : High School. le | The film showing will be re-': peated at the same time Wednes- a day at the Birmingham Community © House. | ® Ml MODELS OPEN SUNDAY 1-6 P.M. The clinics have scheduled the, ge Lots 1% Baths two presentations to mark Mental |’; Paved Boulevard Health Week which starts Monday) * Lake Lots Available and continues through Sunday, | Basements Fireplaces Attached Carages Both showings are free and are . Center Entrance Halls oper! to the public. [e DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT $24 | i RING, 14-Ke. I = WEDDING BAND FREE |. E-Z PAYMENT PLAN 13 EDWARD’S 18 S. Saginaw OUTLET This Home Located a Egst off Airport F. HELTMAN and PAULY ~ fexcaiv Developers of Rainbow Lake AEE DERESEIEEEIISES PERE LES A OE ELE ILE REELED ‘school and church officials and ,that her husband, a sailor based | = INEOW This Home Located at 5829 Olympic Parkway, Complete with Lot, $22,900 Beautifully Designed, Custom Built uare. The writer not only sur- stripped off all his clothes, and | ‘rode a white horse around theiyncreated statue and his unde- ae, the town's central historic | llivered speech. band of “Santa Fe ladies headed iby the late Mary Austin, a no- ivelist, Mrs. Austin told them off: ithe statue was not only objec- \tionable on artistic grounds, it was \grossly inaccurate. Pioneer women in Santa Fe nev- | jer dressed that way nor did they ipush a plow, but they were here '200 years before any Anglo wom- an in a poke bonnet could ever) reach it, | Truman left with the Senses the | * ® * George DeWitt Charged ‘i vived that night but has since be-| According to another - unchroni- | come a famous novelist. With Stealing Own Son | | - = move of — leave a part of their food on alern, shouldn’t have planned a big eve- | | Choice of white ... blue.. the plate. ning when you've had such a hard os Prools ; - fapcy trim dinne “One person explained to me day. ; - | ; . a J oday! that it was the proper thing to hee, sour talk "happy talk" Pontiac Photographers Association dc it t you had r ening . GETTING MARRIED? * at teat it eee gai. and if you worry out loud about.kysi-] ¢. R. HASKILL STUDIO _, ROBINSON'S See or call our formal Dept. for | to finish everything on your | ness problems, the ria ; fie : DIMITRI I LA ZAROFF gE. # « ve correct attire for your wedding plate meant that you were still | nances, or anything else. |] -'238 Otiver 81. PB 6aeee 16k Pasa - day. Your clothes will be fitted hungry and could eat more. And when she thanks you fer | ees bye perfectly by our tailors Maybe I have been disgracing a wonderful evening—as she will | 426 N. Paddeck St. FE 4-300 if you've followed the rules set —_— : : me it seems such a silly waste | of good food. Furthermore, in | my opinion, a clean plate indi- cates that you really enjoyed your food. = , { | | ‘ myself all these years, but to | FE 2-0262 re SAM BENSON down here—tell her that you've had a good time, too. A womag likes to hear that her) husband finds her a charming com- | panion — no matter how many) years they have been married. | 37 North Saginaw Street Free Parking In Any Let In the City Answer: I agree with you thoroughly from beginning to end. Leaving food on your plate on purpose would be very unappreciative of your hes- tesses food. “Dear Mrs. Post: Next week I will be dining with a group to celebrate a friend's birthday. The orchestra at this restau- rant plays special music on request. To whom would | speak to request a song and | am I expected to tip anyone. : If so, what would be a suitable waiter to do so for you. In For Your Wedding... Quality and Quantity “Déar Mrs. Post: My hus- | bert Sondheim will serve you well. sizes Bust. Waist tips Neck io : = : : band and I have a wager of | Depending on your choice of color; 8 2 eo OS ‘ Thi S ® Free Gounecting one. dolar onthe follwing and texture it can goto the ofice, #6 |e) Country Fair 1s Sprin © A Wedding Guest Book | question which we would like | . ag 36% 28%) tied © A Miniature Beatringe Certificate | you to settle. When a man and [the comes ca lake: 8 el is ‘io ary | ‘ 174 Plans are under way for De- | }packs. like a dream) go out to 0 0 41 174) troit Country Day School's | © A Large “JUST MARRIED” Sign All tor . ul tor $BOIS COMPLETE C. R. HASKILL STUDIO | either case a dollar tip to the leader would be enough unless it is a very expensive restau- rant, woman are introduced, is it, or | is it not, proper for her to ' extend her hand in greeting?” Answer: It is correct for her 1375 | $ . | Elected for the summer session; From this size chart select the iby unanimous vote, this simply one size best for you. cut, easy-to-make dress by Her- Size 12 requires 3% yards of 36 tk we inch material for dress, To order) The rounded neckline curves into| Pattern No. 1375, state size, send) ‘rounded shoulders to give a slight $1.00. For Herbert Sondheim label, 'width to the shoulders, the wide,|S¢nd 25°-cents. For Pattern Book | Parties. Rebekahs Hold District Meeting Lodges of District No. 6 and Mrs. Rose Silkstone, past pres- ident of the Rebekah Assem- bly of Michigan, were guests at a meeting of Welcome Re- bekah Lodge No, 246 Thursday evening at Malta Temple. The 100 members present made plans to hold a mother- daughter-and-son banquet May Clarence Cava- On the refreshment commit- tee were Mrs, Freda Braman, Carol Braman, Mrs, Jack Mac- adory and Mrs. William Sharfe. School fo Hold Country Fair to be held May 15 and 16 at the school on Lahser and 13 Mile Rds, Featured will be a carnival midway, bazaar and helicopter f i Now is the time you'll be~-- doing the spring house- “cleaning . . . and one of the hardest tasks are your carpets ... 80, just call New Way for Effi- cient, prompt rug clean- ing service. 42 Wisner Street Our Work Is Done Expertly and Reasonably | amount?” ae 8 with Mrs. lier as general chairman. Answer: You speak to the | Mrs. Marie Ernston was ad- NE orchestra leader, or ask your | mitted to membership, . ‘ j a RUG and CARPET CLEANERS Sh he » fy 7 »“ ae oA 4 S TAGS 4 gteg . Pa, ie) ee eS FE 2-7132 a ne _ cl ‘ PONTIA FE 40553 | to proffer her hand, but it = Bat. Commons Bt . sweet =would not be discourteous on | Wide belt is shaped to be worn No. 15, send $1.00. rides. The fair is open to the —— CLEP cr part to fail to do sd. ‘above the waist. Black raw silk! Address Spadea, Box 535, G,P.2.,) public. Proceeds will go for. | . or shantung for dinner in town| Dept. P4,-New York 1, N.Y, If a science wing at the school,” | MONDAYS BUDGET SPECIA LS = lis wonderful: light colored linen paid by check, bank requires four, Fair committee chairmen are . ; 7 } or white pique perfect for country,/ cents handling charge. (Next week! Mrs. Frederick B. Fisk, Mrs. TUESDAYS ; a F IT st Baptist novelty cotton for career girls—!look for an American Designer) John S. Judd and Mrs. Charles 0 ; ~ gaa . ° e . ‘ ” el, ; ante). ~ _ Pp ur. ee. Creme Oil Mission Group any of these for travel. _|Pattern by Brigance). — | B. Pullum, ,% . ——————————— ——— color ee a. Shampoo Elects Officers WI] specialists ' i> and Finger Wave hip or et can blend P New officers of Women's Home 7 as a $ and Foreign Missionary Society of. a tint that mo, ‘ ; First Baptist Church were elected Cn will be 4 . naturally pretty in every light. ata luncheon meeting Held Thurs-' day at the church. HA RC UT | wesitenis hn, dines Eley, Bow! $ Any ivice president: Mrs, Harry Wink-| . Style ley, second vice president: Mrs.! Miss Floyd Miles, recording secretary; | S p t Mrs. Reinold Yeager, assistant! a | CLAIROL uper rermanen secretary; Agnes Sturman, cor-/j} | $ 4° INCLUDES ‘responding secretary; Mrs. Stuart CREME HAIR SHAMPOO | Davis, treasurer and Mrs. John ei dey AND SET | McCormick, assistant treasurer, | COLOR BATH Others are Mrs. Ira Davis, Complete with : ° Reg. $10.00 to $12.50 Creme ‘®chorister; Mrs. Bruce Reh, | H Styling from Leeeee pianist; Mrs. H. L. Stout, assist. — ant pianist; and Mrs. Frank Kite- //] PERMANENT..... °7.50 Includes Cutting. Oil Creme Shampoo. and Style Wave TAKES JUST MINUTES! | ley, reporter. — Consultation without charge. , | emma , 3 " Complete. Exclusive Shampoo and Style $2.50 Mrs, Nellie Monroe, retiring, | é ' _Restyling , pameeient was ISeENES Win 150 feet of sandy beach frontage on one of Oakland County’s finest lakes, ) ; 4 “Where Service and Quality Are Supreme a and Mrs. Howard Skinner - bedroom, 314 bath, American Colonial brick, full basement with recrea- N E ISN E R S SALON — tion room, fireplace. Fireplace in living room 16x25, dining room 14x16, - kitchen 10.5x11, automatic oil heat. Lot at rear 150x258 containing 214- car garage and tennis courts could be sold separately from main property. Call for complete details. Shown by appointment only: . , ROY ANNETT, INC.—Realtors 28 E. Huron St. FE 8-0466 | presented a musical program. Mr. 5¢ 10 $1 — VARTETY STORES ‘Skinner is a former music director lof the church. * CT —_Ne Appointment Needed! Immediate Service! Open Mon. ond Fri. ‘til 9 P.M. Andre Beauty Salon FE 5-9257) COLD — WAVE | * * Mothers of missionaries sup- ported .by the church will be jhonored guests at the May met- ling. Several missionaries on fur-. Hough will be speakers. A morning, jbrunch will be served. BEAUTY SALON 42.N. Saginaw St. — ‘ tnd Fleer : Appointment Not Always Needed Phone FEderal 8-1343 | and Floor, Pontiac State Bank Bldg. bed . —————— be i eas Se ee eee ee a ee a oe | I very well recall that in <= A this particular man, others. would come into his|_ presence in more or less jaunty and optimistic | >yterian frames of mind. In no time at all he could - take all the jauntiness out of everyone and drain off the optimismAs well. Strangely enough, he thought of him- self as a religious man, but he was super- critical of everyone. He would say of some- one, “I try not to say critical things about pond ia but...” There was always a : No subject of a positive nature could be broached without his taking a negative position. His natural approach to any question was a negative one. Yet, in a way, this man was a good fellow and you couldn't help but feel feat he had real possibilities. * * * In the course of events he moved to another part of the country and I didn’t see him for three or four years. And when I did see him again he was a different man, almost as though he had been reborn. I asked him how he had achieved this amazing change. “T.went on a seven-day mental diet,” he replied. Then he ex- plained that someone had given him a little pamphlet called “The Seven-Day Mental Diet” by the late Emmet Fox. HOW IT’S DONE Resolved that from a given wnciennel — any minute you sélect—you. will for seven days thereafter watch your every word, and,‘ for those seven days, you will not make a single negative or mean or dishonest statement. You will not make an off-color remark for seven. days. You will not voice a depressing concept. Now, of course, that is a big order! A food diet is easy by comparison. “I tried it one day and failed,” my friend continued. “T tried it again and went two days before I slipped. It was really hard going. I tried again another week and made a poor start. Then I became annoyed and determined that I would stubbornly keep at it because I knew I had to change myself or real hap- piness was out for me. if ves. 10:00 AM. : Bible School :......-. auc Int ee inati 4 Youth Fellowship ....545PM.]} aunéay we 4 Evening Service ......7:00PM. | wyod"Brehing “setlce, 1 s ‘ Wednesday DAY. B.A... Prayer Meeting «6.7.00 PM. AUBURN HEIGHTS . pW, Paet,Paer PILGRIM Sunday Schoo! eaneee .10;00 A.M. { = KES k We vesfeseseee ISAM. # HOLINESS Si Vie Door” : Youth Fellowship ....6:00P-M. | eigunoxerd COMMUNITY UNITED CHURCH W. J. Teeuwissen Jr, Pastor - I) Coldayt, ¥ fatreust ) Bible School ......... 9:45AM. |] ~ Morning Worship ....11:00 A.M. ff : Youth Groupe .. , 6:30 AM. | Welcome to Our— SEvening Worship ....7:30P.M. be v2 7 and spn a Sunday School 10 a.m. CR Lo joes x é i : = Worship Hour 11] a.m. a Sg ails Se WE Youth Hour. .615 p.m. Rev, Roy ¥. Lambert, Pastor Evening Service 7 p.m. Sunday School ...... 9:90 AM. 7 ——“"7 . dad Sunday "School. "11:00 AM. We urgediyto 4 poe SASHABAW | church with: us this 5331 Maybee Road ‘| Sortie Somten Suadlp i Sunday. 5 : ee Cuittord Haskins Sunday School .....:945 AM. jf Pastor ©. D. Emery Worship Hour 11:00 AM. |} Waterford Community Church | * — See0 ABdersonville Ra. : Worship Services ....8:30, 11 A. M. “Sunday School .........9:45 A. M. Evening Service ........... 7P.M | eee §=—s Hour of Power ..... Wed. 7:30 P. M Hour’ of Power Rev. Robert Winne Welcome to « Friendly Church! “Finally, I succeeded for one whole week! Not once did I fail. I was so worn out with the effort that I thought I would ease off and slump back a bit into easier ways. But, do you know, actually I couldn’t do that. At first I was pretty nervous living on this upper-level basis, but the more I kept at it the more adjusted I became to jithe new status. Since then life has been altogether different.” x* * * Such mental dieting surely offers great possibilities for self-improvement. It is a fact that we are what we think. A mental diet can make a person strong, happy, effective through the simple expedient of changing one’s thought pattern. Isn’t this a challenging and worthwhile test to try your- self? Can’t you afford seven days’ effort out of your lifetime a i to change your life? Any ene is the perfect time for you UNITED GOSPEL SINGING CONVENTION Sunday, April 26—2:30 to 4:30 P.M. FIRST SOCIAL BRETHREN CHURCH 316 Baldwin Ave. - Featuring QUARTETS, TRIOS, DUETS and SOLOS ; i Plus CONGREGATIONAL SINGING . If you have talent, come and use i fy you know someone with talent, invite them! EULAS HOUSTON, Pres. ELSIE GASKIN, Se¢’y. 30 A M-Class: Corner Edison CH Us io GREA aU Blanche 9 Speaker oath Jai .8 to begin. Why not begin your eactal diet today? I will be glad to send you my booklet “Thought Conditioners,” which is desig- nated to assist in revamping thought patterns. There is no ‘charge. Just send a card to me in care of this newspaper. (Copyright, 1959) ee 50 Seranth: Day Adventist Youths to Receive Honors and Mrs. Marguerite A. Cunning- ton. In recognition of their achieve- denominational *¥ * * Member delegates from seven sections of Michigan Seventh-day saveuthday Adventist young Adventist churches will meet at |ness, | people Monday evening. Certificates and honor badges will be presented by L. C. Cavi- 10 a.m. Sunday at the Seventh-day Adventist Church, 4800 Van Dyke, Detroit for an all day session. The main feature of the spring federation meeting will be the * * * Master guide certificates will be awarded to the following adults,’ showing of a new film entitled Hunter L. Saville, Danny P. Wilson “Miracle of Middletown.” Pro- 10:00. A:M. 7:30 P.M. (Baptismal) « Music Under the Direction of Jimmie Meena SUNDAY SCHOOL ATTENDANCE LAST WEEK, 1485 — | 1 © RADIO REVIVAL WON ‘|. 10:95 7AM. EACH’ SUNDAY “Modern Supervised Nursery x ‘Ample Parking Emmanuel Baptist Church | 1 645 S.- Telegraph Road Especially I nv ites: You to . am to open the new health and; Three Great Services 1:00 AM. | ~.Dr. Malone Preaching at All. Services BR, TOM MALONE, Pastor of -Seventh-day Adventist churches, the film depicts church activities in time of disaster. Attending from Pontiac will be Mrs. Cecil T. Reynard, Mrs, Henry R, Wallace, Julia E. Davis, Mrs. | Addie M. Gotshall, Mrs. Harry E. ‘Gruber and Mrs. Marie H. Soligen * * * The local Dorcus Society is plans! | duced by the general conference welfare center May 12 next to ‘the church at 156 Mt. Clemens St. | I will go before thee, and make the rough places smooth; I will break in pieces the doors of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron. The Christian and” Missionary Alliance Church , “M-59 at Gass Lake Rd. Rev, G. I, Bersche, Pastor Sunday Worship /.. “THE LIFE OF FAITH” A. Y. F. . 6:00 P.M. Evangelistic Service.. 7:00 P.M. GUEST SPEAKER Mr. Edward Cline “ to Mark 25th Camp Registrations Are Open ‘for Presbyterian be asart Families. ie Couples Cub of iat Pri Ig Luke , Methodist Church| ° 3 Pas Fun Nighi Anniversary ody of “You ae For It" Pre ats ow meting Wednes-. y ; Hosts orf the “Fun Night” will include Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Her- ring, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon’* Me- i padeanaincs and Mrs. Gordon Le aeatess Galea E. Hershey will preach‘on “QO Come, Let Us ‘Worship’ at the 9:30 morning service Sunday. Mrs. Hene | Crockett ~ sing Guion’s At the 11 a.m. worship hour, Dr. William H. Marbach will speak First Congregational Church Mill, E. Huron & Mt. Clemens 10:30 A. M. ingy Hf PROPHETS THAT Rr: Jame Cavan ins SEE VANITY ‘wilt bpeat a Rev. Malcolm K. Burton, PRAYER MEETINGS WED. ing 10:00 A.M and 7:30 P.M. on “Making Our Prayers Effec-| . tive.” The choir will sing ‘‘Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled” with _ Bruce H. McColl singing a solo, ee ‘ E REV. HARRY LORD The Rev. Harry Lord? associate pastor of First Methodist Church and founder of St. Luke Methodist Church, will preach at the 25th anniversary of the church at 2:30 ‘p.m. Sunday. i His topic will be “The Marks | x * * Registrations for 120 campers are now being taken for the family camp--to be held July 12-18 at Yankee Springs Recreation Area near Hastings. Lester Carison will be in charge. of a Christian Church.” . x *«* _SYLVAN LAKE | CHURCH of CHRIST = at Orchard Lake & Middlebelt R Roads - Marvin W. PE 6- AM. Bible School—0:45 A Morning Worship—10:45 A.M. MORNING PRAYER” Wednesday le Classes 7: 30 P.M. =. Puy & , wrday 608 BM Service”-—PE 68-0451 CKL —Satur: a ’ WXYZ—Gunday, 6:30 P.M. “Herald of Truth” Other leaders will be the Rev. | At the 11:15 morning service, Dr. C. A, McPheeters, Flint dis- trict superintendent of Methodist Churches, will be guest speaker. } The Sunday School was founded in May 1933 by the Rev. Mr. Lord} when he was serving as pastor | Janet Minthorn will lead the ried Classes wore held in the | Junior High Pioneer meeting at) annex of the Galloway Lake 5:45‘p.m. Following the program of! \Elementary School. special films, a spaghetti supper) will be served. | Om April 22, 1934, the church Speaking on Germany at the was organized as‘ the Gallo- Tuxis Society Sunday evening vt way Lake Community Methodist | Charlies Ritchie, assistant pastor of Royal Oak Presbyterian Church, and the Rev. Rey Lam- bert of Lakeland United Presby- terian Church, Waterford Town- ship, be Esther Bentley. Also participat-| Episcopal Charch with 42 charter | ing in the program will be Roger) members. i Riley, David Minthorn, M@ry) whe Oid Gleaner Hall at Maho- 10:00 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL Classes. for All Ages 11:00 AM. WORS “Pirst Things” —_ $45 P.M. JUNIOR and OUTH PELLOWSHIP PROGRAMS 1:30 P.M. EVENING WORSHIP Second tn Series on “Tempted Christians” WEDNESDAY 730 P. M—PRAYER GROUPS & YOUTH CHOIR PRACTICE We cordial! y invite you to worship with us. FIRST UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH 149 N. Bast Blvd, Pontiac, Michigan Hog OE Office FE 4-Iai1 Res. PE 5-6024 hata = Mr. and Mrs. William 5. was purchased and moved to lmstead., the present site where -it was g (remodeled and dedicated on Nov. All Nations Tea ft 1. Slated for Sunday at Trinity Baptist * * * The new colonial building was started in 1938 and dedicated two years later on June 2, 1940. Christian n Temple, 505 Auburn Ave. Sod - Eg ve Pounder Dr. Lol Rev. J Lather Sheffield, Assistant 9:45 to 11:0 A munion & Worship Service 11:45 to-12:15 “AM—Bundey Bchool Classes All Ages 6:30 P.M.—Youn, 6’ Services 7:45 PM —Evangelistic Service A Fri —— Awaits Yout The eighth annual All Nations! Tea, sponsored by the Courtesy, Club, will be given at — pap tist Church at 4 p. m. Sun Delores Arciaga of the Puls | pine Islands, a student at Wayne State University, and Simon Foster, a member of the churc Organ Recital Set for Sunday — FIRST SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 576 Orchard Lake Avenue Rev. Harold Marshall, Pastor Lyceum a oe oa on Day 2:30 PM., Rev Wineman, Speaker Circle—Chicken Dinner 5:00 P.M "caning Service 7:30 P.M., Rev. Wineman Harry Nichols, President who -came here from the West Indies, will be the speakers. Mrs. Harry Riggs will show | slides of the recent European trip| she took with her husband. Re-| freshments will follow in Fellow- ship Hall. Johri* Hofmann of Anni Arbor to Give Concert at All Saints Episcopal The fourth in the series of Sunday School.../.. 9:45 A.M. fj 11:00 A.M. The Rev. Joseph W. Moore. ‘monthly organ recitals at All Saints ‘pastor, will preach on “Don't | iscopal Church will be given at Spend Your Life on a Sidetrack”’ 5p .m. Sunday by John Hoffmann. ‘at 11 a.m. Sunday. “The Call of | Mr, Hoffman holds a bachelor of ithe Heights” will be the theme of arts degree from Oberlin Con-. his 7:30 evening service. servatory of Music. While work- This 1s YOUR Invitation to Worship at the EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE 2000 Watkins Lk. Rd, '4 Mile NW of Oakland Co. Mkt. . Sun. School 10 a.m. Preach’g 11 a.m. G 7:30 p.m. Marvin Morse, Supt. Classes for Everyone Coming May 5-10, DR. JOHN PAUL, Louisville, Kentucky A. J. Baughey, - - Pastor “Your Gospel Hour” 6un., 7:30 A.M.. CKLW In Times Like These You Need the Church — Bring the Family! Hear i Se ae ety oa Men’s Glee Club ; res fo Present Concert gan, he is organist at First Pres- The Men's Glee Club of Moody ‘First Church of the Brethren ' 46 NORTH ROSELAWN Sunday School, 10 A M M Message by the arg Py A.M. Special Music by ‘Ghote. av. een Gervice, 7:00 P Prayer ic Mnotins “ae Bible Study, Wed., 1:30 P.M. Young People Class Meeting Sat., 7:30 P.M. at Susan Bunker house. REV. LeROY SHAFER. Pastor byterian Church in Ann Arbor, Mr. Hoffmann’s program will Bible Institute in Chicago will pre- sent a sacred concert at 7:30 p. m. include “Prelude and Fugue in E Minor” by Bruhns, “Variations , End” by Sveelinck and “Prelude Fugue i ” by Bach. Monday at Sunny Vale Chapel. wna = a Major y 4 The 40-voice group is composed Other selections will be ‘‘Two tors, missionaries, evangelists, | Longing” by Brahams, ‘‘Chromatic church musicians and Christian Study on the Name of Bach’ by Education workers. Piston, “‘L’Orgue Mystique, Suite FIRST GENERAL BAPTIST CHURCH 249 Baldwin Avenue Sunday School 9:45 Morning Service 11:00 Youth Service 6:00 Evening Service 7.00 Wednesday Prayer Service 7:30 3 - Rev. Paul Johnson — FE 4-7172—FE 3-9822 on My Young Life Must Have an | lof many studying to become pas- Settings of My Heart Is Filled With The director of the club, Robert /30’’ by Tournemire, and “Prelude, to Hawaii for 15 years before going| The public is invited to attend, to Moody Institute. An accomplished violinist, played with the Honolulu. Sym -|ganist and choirmaster at All phony Orchestra and organized. ‘and Saints. , directed the Junior Symphony Or- jechesine: First Social Brethren Church 316 Baldwin, FE 2-0384 Concert Scheduled | A sacred concert will be pre- | sented by the Donelson sisters Garbaugh, served as a missionary 2d Fugue in G Minor” by Dupre.” F ithe recital and the reception which |” he| follows, said Philip Steinhaus, or.) ~ Sat. Eve. Service ....7:30 P.M. | : , ne ETS DEENA BB Beas ES ite eS phd, oineaiaeat SR aa * FIRST METHODIST lf South Baginay § at Judson Paul T. Hart, Pastor s Cad Harry J. Lord, Assistant Pastor 10:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP “PUT THAT ON MY ACCOUNT” Rev. Paul Hart, Preaching 11:15 CHURCH SCHOOL Youth Fellowship...... 6:15 P. M.: 4 Wed. 7:30 P, M. Bible Study and Prayer eisai Se Bao 2% scoot aeranncemnymn ee OLE EEL AE Web BBR assisted by Charles Lockett at 6] Sunday School ....10:00 A.M. p.m. Sunday in the Southside} Sunday Morning Church of God, Motor and Nebras- ‘ hg Sid veel oe AM. 1 ka streets. A fellowship hour with Aacey < le Study . M, refreshments will follow. The ae 7:30 PM film, P “South of Clouds in Leb-}) tyes, vone People : : 7:30 PM. anon,” will be shown at 7 p.m.,| Thurs. Prayer ...... 7:30 PM. REV.. TOMMY GUEST, Pastor All Saints Episcopal Church ) | “Williams St. at W. Pike The Rev. C. George Widdifield, Rector ~ The Rev. David K. Mills, Curate 8:00 A.M.—Holy Communion 9:30 A.M.—Morning Prayer and Sermon. by Rector. Ghurch School be 00 A.M.——Morning Prayer and Sermon by’ Rector. Church School, : Al bent ’ i remaster ore oa oY “atl Ih.” | Attesdance ‘Contest | WITH CENTRAL ASSEMBLY OF GOD, MUSKEGON, MICH. BE PRESENT - TO BE COUNTED! - 9:45 A. M. — Unusual Opening MORNING WORSHIP EVENING SERVICE .. eo ee eens nee neaee sense dees ces itis ooo 7:45 P.M. 5:00 P.M.—Organ Recital _ §T. ANDREW'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 8:00 A.M.—Holy ‘Communion O:3@ a& 11:15 A.M.—Idéntical Services of Morning Prayer. and Sermon, Church School at Each Service Rev. Waldo R. Hunt,. Vicar ST. GEORGE'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH it} A.M.—Holy Communion 9:30 A.M. ne Service and Church s¢éhool “4 11:00 A.M. -—Morning Pr Prayer Rev. Bertram 7, White, Vicar ants. Club, 11:15 A.M. Morning Prayer and Sermon at 19 Milbourne Place 210 N. Petry St. _. WESLEY WIBLEY, Pastor “Visit the Church of the Old Fashiohed Gospel” e sce Bere pee Se =. ee I Ps i 4 . 1 ; a oR 4 : * mae 'Seaond Service St. Paul ; (North Bide) B George Mahder, Pastor p Early Service : ....8:00AM. 7. 10:45 A.M, 2 © Sunday School .. 9:30 AM. &| & Morning Service . ‘Bloomfield TOWNSHIP Square Lake & Telegraph Wm. C. Grate, Pastor +211 00 AM, 10 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 AM. WORSHIP HOUR 7 PM. WORSHIP HOUR i] National Lutheran ‘I Church Service ...11:00 A.M. ff} inci “g Sunday School ...11:00 A.M. 7] Council Churches i] ASCENSION St. Mark S| WATERFORD — "9999 Commerce Road | Meeting at Leggett school (West Bloomfield Township) i} 2621 Ponting Lake Rd. Wm. C. Grate, en ih i Wm. LaPountain, Pastor | Sunday School -.... - ip] SUNDAY SCHOOL. ..10. A.M. | See, Mievice ee A Bl SERVICES .....9 and 11 AM. Cedar Crest 4} curist | Pacnewerth off Union Lk. Re. WATERFORD TWP. Howard E. Claycombe, Pastor Lake Rd. <~ Services at 8:30 A.M. and 11 A.M. Sunday School 9:45 A.M. Grace f Corner Genesee and Giendale (West Side) j Richard S. Stuckmeyer, Pastor | Airport a 1 Arvid E. Anderson, Pastor SUNDAY SCHOOL ..9:30 A.M. CHURCH SERVICE 11:00 A.M. 1ST. JOHN’S PONTIAC 87 Hill St. at Cherry St. Carl W. Nelson, Pastor | Sunday Scheel ia | SUNDAY SCHOOL ..9:45 AM. i Sunday School 2. 1100AM : CHURCH SERVICE 11:00 AM. SHEPHERD of the LAKES St. Stephen WALLED LAKE ' VP.W. Hall—walton Bivd. 4 (Between Dixie and Sashabaw) ' Guy B. Smith, Paster ; Church Service ....9:30 A.M. ... 10:45 AM. F Sunday School : M. Frederick Foutz, Pastor | CHURCH SERVICE 11:00 AM. | SUNDAY SCHOOL. ..9:30 A.M. Ist Methodists — Slate Annual nquet Friday Church with the men of the church serving. The Rev. Paul T. Hart will preach on “Put It on My Account’ at the 10 a.m. worship service The Cherub and Songster Choirs : : — will sing at the morning service q BETHANY BAPTIST CHURCH as will the Sanctuary Choir under : = direction o' . o 4 WEST HURON AT MARK STREET | At 7:30 p.m. the Senior Youth x : Fellowship will present the film, | Dr. Johepiy Irvine Chapman, Pastor. Ve ” 4 Percy M. Walley, |r, Minister of Education |"The: Uniinighed ‘Task. j Two Worship Services—t:48 A M. end 21:90 A.M. ‘-* " (| Shoo os Minister, Wife Wednesday, 7:30 P. M.—Mid-Week Prayer and Bible Study 7 “an American Baptist Convention Church” 1 CRESCENT HILLS BAPTIST CHURCH {TO Be Delegates a Crescent Lake Road, Near Hatchery Road 2: - | 18:00 A. M.—Worshtp 11:00 A. M—Sunday Schoo! Crescent Hills Baptist 8:00 P, M.—Dr. Ployd Norton Benjamin A. Bohn, Pastor Ana American Baptist Convention Church Adds Story Hour for : —| Primary Children. 1 Apostolic Church of Christ ry aes ost Ee 4 458 CENTRAL pastor and his wife, the Rev. and Young People peng Ase rer ra ee ao to the pation ee bh Sunday Schoo! 1D sees 3 ° i | Sunday Evening Service «11.730 PM. eg Oe ee. ee, rvices Tues. Thurs. ..ccecesl: .M. ° ‘ ; Selected delegates to the SINGING SCHOOL for Church Groups. Wayne Baptist Association meeting Conducted Nightly, 7 P.M. at the First’ Baptist Church. of Mr. C. E. DeWesse, Director Ypsilanti Sunday were Mr. and Church Phone FE 5-8361 . — ot ian a and the 4 UL 2-5142 , Mr/ Schmuck is Sunday School Bishop Lt A. Parent Parent, Pastor supérintendent and his wife is 3 = , of the missionary society : “| A recent addition to the Chris- Coturabhy Avenue oa hour ter primary children every Tuesday after school at , BAPTIST the home <. pee, 2288 a ; Ps Crescent A junior 4 youth group meets at the par- 64 West Columbia Ave. -f} Mr. _- aay Charles Hazel and FE 5-9960 Mr. Earl Hall -conduct Sunday School (BROADCAST Over Central Methodi ist 4 REV, MILTON H. BANK, D:D; Minister aa REV. DANIEL J, WALLACE, B.D,, Associate Minister MORNING SERVICES, 8:30 and 10:45 A. M. “UNLEFF” — Dr. Milton H. Bank, Preaching D.D,,' Assoc, Minister’ WPON, 11:00 A.M.) Sunday Services and ~ Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Wednesday Evening Service 8 -P. M. FIRST CHURCH OF Lawrence and saCHRISTIAN SCIENCE: ‘ SUBJECT FOR SUNDAY “PROBATION AFTER DEATH” Reading Room 2 East Lawrence Street Open Daily’ 11 A.M. to S$ P.MO Friday to 9 P.M. CHRIST, SCIENTIST Williams Streets: RADIO STATION . CKLW 800 KC. Sunday 9:45 A.M. HOW CHRISTIAN ‘SCIENCE HEALS en a EVERY SUNDAY CHANNEL 7 9:30 A.M. bo err les ‘were “SEARCHING THE SCRIPTURES" wit - Roosevelt Wells CHURCH CALENDAR IT SEEMS Tala te the nied He Sees. ** fa aoe ¢ ‘TT SEEMS.” : 2 i : a ¥ E 4 yish to discuss wRgLIaION "A weaiiea t is there aircon wig Asta tor i # iy . i 28 deiai “ ud é pet ia Fells 5 & 3 z s Ei ii 1 Ess ce aught, rise Re t may well seem that wa but we Is A WAY WHICH RIGHT,” remember Solomon said. Let us notice some of the sayings of Laie to the ne: nome ¢ Luther: “I eye at my e@ sione @ not call yourselves tall party Wesley Sactoaiasy: Mrontd to God tha Gnristian we “SS ane forms ae have divided ‘the ‘ENROLL’ IN ~~ ‘BIBLE SF orrentints rane yy why oF ty Bang bo TODAY? For,Further Information Write to R. Wells, 210 ) Hughes St. - Pontiac or Call FE §-1156 > Loe WELCOME TO THE CHURCH OF CHRIST 210 Hughes Street: oe . all cee eS ek ie ak — hi e gnrolied in our fee mible eorreependence coure, | Jn i a. pire EIN eens imei $ . epee Savenraie I ie i as OC a I CU is tek st gases - ‘Thompson s is a layout inspector and ‘Thompson a repairman. Both of Drayton Plains are_employed in the ee me SR eye NT ee Nem TOU ene ms ar Neen tie ye ae eS - reom, so, Buy now. = ORIGINAL. ROGERS SILVERPLATE iy - MADE BY THE IITERNATIONAL SILVER ComPanY JEWELERS. 16 W. Huron, ._. FE 2-0294 LIMITED - QUANTITY . aa Church © gm Honors Woman Your Life-type”’ program was held | which alse marked Eileen’s 28th +| birthday. } Yurntig tépAltoona,. Pa., before Missionary Candidate ‘Surprised by Review of Her life = MANDON LAKE — A “This Is Just out of a Detroit hospital where she was treated for a slight, . LeConipte. relatives and friends were. brought here for the occasion * * * The program reviewed _high- lights in. Eileen’s life. It was pre- ceeded by a banquet for over a hundred people at. the church. Mrs. Dorr W. Fockler, wife of the’ Mandon Lake Community Church pastor, presented a slide projector to Eileen on behalf of the congregation. : She will leave this week, re- going to Ecuador, South Ameri- ca in September asa missionary. x. * Tonight, as part of a. Missionary Se “Is that because you like her more?” I asked. “No. Because it’s dark in here!” he said, ae oe Groucho’s TV program hasn't given him quite the amount Me,” in which he will really get down to insulting He ‘won't-even come to see you. | Busan Ig, Somes “Last Mile,” 2 “Werboten,”” James Best. 4 ‘batteries were made. The Mississippi valley in 1811 was hit by a severe eathquake felt |f ’ in two-thirds of the U. S. The Mis- sissippi_ river flowed north for a brief. interval,” "You're dying.’ -“E attack ‘the suited They have the biggest racket in the world — ' getting paid for not raising sorghum. I haven't got sore gums but the govern- ment money. 5 t “T hate traveling by ship. was privileged . to «aptain’s table every night. tunity’ of being funny five d slapping of the waves. ' GRO “I went up on the’ bridge bc ge SEE and talked to the captain, He job. I've got'a farm in Kansas. After two more trips, I’m going to retire and never see any more water except in a sink.’” Groucho claims. he’d not mind retiring himself. “I’m the only fellow on TV who wants to get off. I've got so many residuals, P'll inundate the country,” he said. “I'll be in Rome looking for a Frascatti.” “What's your Secret of lasting on TV?” I asked. ” “My secret is nobody knows I’m on,” he said. x * * mistakes when nobody’s looking. TODAY’S BEST LAUGH: A man explained how he stopped his son from beirig late for school: “Bought him’ a car. Now he has to get there early to find a place to park.” Someone asked what the Bilko “platoon” would do when jobs, other TV shows, commercials—or there'll be a ware » off ace + That’s earl, brother. ~ (Copyright, 1959) Hollywood Headlines We Now Have Water Softener Salt Cash ond Carry at the Yard Office: Grade A Clear Louisiane Rock, 100 Ibs. $2.25 | Rock Pettels, 100 Ib. Bag .............6..$2.25 ff 2 30-minute, sound film in color |titled “Bantu Break-through” will be shown at 7:30. It portrays mod- evh missionary work in’ South oa a er At 11:15 a.m. tomorrow, a form- al for Mabel Cox, RN, missi home Weekend program at the church,|~ Rock Pellets, 50 tb. Bog ............,~+.-$1.20 flon furlough, will be held. Miss Cox Rock Pell lets 25 tb. Bag .... 6.0. eee cnsns$ 80> sea, ee Adlon x wat tae Aqua-Lung Sea-sational for Actor Lloyd Bridges By BOB THOMAS AP Movie-TV Writer HOLLYWOOD (AP) — Fannie Brice once said of Esther Wil- liams: ‘Wet, she’s .a star; dry, * © .® They just _ phone and: say,| didn’t give me any | : 1 was on a boat five days and/ sit at. the} “That gives you the oppor: | nights for the captain who is’ ‘hard-of hearing from the , said, “I -wouldn’t tell anybody but you, but I'm sick of this] EARL’S PEARLS: Success is the fine art, of making) the show’s through, and one of them replied, “We'll get movie} Granulated Salt, 100 Ib. Bog .............. $1.65 Grenulated ppt, eae pi - Granulated Salt, 25 Ib. Bag ° ..$ 70 » M NBENSON: / IMBER MIPPLI +e owe eee * f = Be “wer ONE c= i Will Cover Cracked Plaster or Make Wallboard Look Like’ Painted Plaster! Inv White or 12 Beautiful Colors | reedten, 5 785 | OAKLAND FUEL & PAINT | 436 or Orchard Lake Ave. FE 5-6150 PARK FREE ‘REAR OF STORE. al: i | | land the rope catight around his . ineck. ee term. A farewell service followed, by_a reception in the church parlor for both Eileen ‘and Miss Cox will begin at 7:30 p.m. tomterow, Boy Accidentally Hanged iby Tangled Rope in Tree|" a rope swing. Police said a playmate, ‘Tim Tyler, 8, told them Billy toppled | Attempts to revive Billy failed. ‘He was the son of Mr, and Mrs, | William Rule of Alma. she ain’t.” The same cannot applied to Lloyd Bridges. : * * * He was a noted actor in his own right before- going under the briny in the successful TV series, ‘‘Sea te .* Since strapping on his aqua-lung, his career has boomed. “The series has certainly brought me_more notice than any- thing I have ever done before as an actor,” he remarked, “It has also brought me more than anything else in my career. we Kok “Artistic satisfaction? No, that is lacking. But fortunately, I am able to get it by doing other things when I'm not: doing ‘Sea Hunt.’” The ‘other things’ are TV dramas, films and plays which make more use of his acting tal- EGO y 4 THEATRE SUNDAY at 3:35 ~ 6:50 and 10:00 THE REMARKABLE FUNNY STORY OF A REMARKABLE FAMILY MAN? . * * * This summer he is touripg in the big musical tents as Sky Master- ison in ‘Guys and. Dolls.” Can he sing? “‘I don’t know; I nt really tried.” Last year, he did.‘The Goddess” in his hiatus from “Sea GHunt.” So far, he hasn't found a satisfac- tory script for a 1959 ie ents than the water-soaked TV ow. - Tt appears that he will enjoy such independence for some time. “Sea Hunt” is going into the last part of its second year of films, and the producers foresee a five or six-year run, The show has it up. “] guesg they were all wrapped up in Westerns,” peicoee ob- ested in adventure under the water as well as on the plains. | * * * The question is: how can. they keep thinking- up new plots? Noted Organist to Play in Romeo Tonight at 8 ROMEO — Charles Webb, noted musician from Dallas, Tex., will /f- be featured in an organ concert at 8 tonight at the First Methodist Church here instead of Sunday eve- ning as previously reported, Webb, a graduate of Southern Methodist University, is a member of Fred Waring’s Music —— staff. - Also SUNDAY AT 2:00 - 5:15 ~ 8:34 LAST. TIME TONIGHT “UP PERISCOPE’ “THE TRAP” k WIDMA KAA 4-3135 TONIGHT SUNDAY Last Comp shoe 0h 5:00 B. P.M. Lf RK _ EXTRA CARTOONS “COMMERCE NEM 3-061 " SOUTH END UNION LAKE RD. AT HAGGERTY TONITE ONLY , SHOW STARTS 7: “AO PM. NOW thru MON. aLele sical adve the wo rful nture ' ! a - “ROOTS of ral HEAVEN” | = Coming Friday | “TONKA” COMING SOON— “BELL, BOOK ond CANDLE” ’ “AUNTIE MAME” “Perfect Furlough” “Rally Round the Flag” | } i i i ij i i i _ A_WHALE OF A SHOW FOR THE FAMILY Sudden ho we he cnr ofan ie ig menacing closer... closer... every suspense-stared second! _ pe Fon nd Howe Pree > Cat Benten Red - Chuck Wassl » * Geacind ty Nemman Pera Pahaed we TIA OS OY 2150 OPDYKE RD. FE 4-461] TONIGHT SUNDAY Exclusive Ist Run It was a territory and it was a torch—burning half with pride and half.with whisky; men saw the flame from every corner of the earth and came. It was a brute- child of land—old enough for fleshpots but too young _ to know the law. And so it had a hanging tree... ‘ADDED--"Manhunt in the Jungle” . “Owl Show" Be Oo: een toe - Se ae: Tt oe ne ee eS ee ee ee” Bo eg a es ed: oe Sas bade | § imo ore t Pie ae To G2? tees fa Le ye oe ee Det Pee OM Ee) fee Ce Or eT ee ee ae ae ae Me a : } by ‘ j » : ry . } ; te : £ oe 4 i : i f ‘ , é , : ; ee en eS my THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, APRIL 95,1959 ~ S2 Everyone Woriders:...| Pontiac Iheater Bete ate fut Mapes“ Will Legislature Act? hist sez SunTues: “Buln” Guy|BYOter, Sister Face. as ori-| LANSING @ — ~All unedsy qulet|terday after a two and one half/Madison; “Never Love a Strang- SAN FRANCISCO (PI — Alfice counter ar Be : er, Ww re, : : jf o tom ee Gt Mooting | cen eet St ye” eg cin on os are Hearings in Slaying ae ene mere reer tl | Wednesday in Detroit George H. Lowry, associate pro-|ing of a giant missile. . All. Democrats, they. plainly|Jeff Chandler; “Restless Years,”} ° rE ‘Jand conjplainéd to officials that|usual take. : Be es fessor of pediatrics at University; Top state administrators and the|didn’t want to rock the political) John Saxon. DETROIT #—George Ritola, 48,| scone had stolen all the money pegs oan hale Dibetic patients and their ques-|of Michigan Medical School; Dr.| janitors who swept out their of-/boat in hopes the Republican-con- Huron fugitive from a mesial hoepitalle's.4 acquired in a recent hold-|with #1500, 6 ’ Fog. ae tions. concerning the disease and| Thomas O. Lohr of Saginaw; Dr.|fices wondered the same thing:|‘Tolled “Senate upon its return Sat-Mon.: “Tom Thumb,” ‘Rusg| Will, be given an examining tial ; Gr eecea to. tee-sebieaiite its theatment will take the Franklyn W. Baske of Flint; Dr.|Will the Senate approve relief for|W0Uld pass the bill to allow cash- Tamblyn. | ; rll g s-osa —— charge’in the| “YOu Just can’t trust anyt6dy lottice again last Wednesday for his light at a meeting of the Lay K, Vining. of Grand Rapids|the state treasury when it eomes|ing Veterans trust fund securities.) Tues-Thurs.: “Roots of Heav- degree these days,” said John Clytus in|weekly check, after carefully stasli- Society of the Michigan Diabetics peg Betty Lou Thurman,|back Monday night? 3 The Senate, balked Thursday, |¢0.” Errol Flynn it af Syear-old Marvin! nteous indignation. “I planned|ing the previous week 4 lat ie © Association, at 8 p.m. Wednesday. dietitian at William Beaumont Hos-|- . +: @- * With attendance spotty, Senators | Fri: “Tonka,” by Walt Disney this whole thing so beautifully. And|pbus depot locker. That was the The meeting, to be held in the|Pital, Royal Oak. Or will long threatened financial] ignored the issue at a brief ses- |With Sal Mineo. 1 eee ge ei tae don a\if I didn’t report this, whoever did|iast he saw of it. grand ballroom of the Veterans} Dr. Fred W. Whitehouse, of|collapse overtake the state treas-| sion before checking out for the Oakland fi cgay canign abetting. an|it would eet away scottree. » eee Memorial Building in Detroit, will|Henry Ford Hospital, will be mod-|ury, holding up employe pay| weekend Friday. Sat.-Thurs.: “Separate Tables,”) ance. Amazed officers reconstructed! He went to the bus depot. to pick haye no featured speakers and will| erator. Mrs. M. Vaughn,| checks, state poor relief money for The governor and State Treas- David Niven, Burt Lancaster, Rita e « *€ * ithe story as follows: _ up the $1;500 yesterday and found be free and open to the public. | chairman of the society, will pre-Counties and settlement of other! yer Sanford A. Brown carefully| Hayworth, Deborah Kerr, Wendy) goth were returned to the county wt 8 the locker broken open. Inside was ae AD | gels physicians|side. - - . poverdue state obligations? refrained after sine board meeting Hiller, asec gt Halt Stores e Judge Paul : sia ble eeoaeele been anal a note, ae ai ‘ - tailing tal 3 trand e ore e - yment This locker t burgiar- ie purl to cxvertag, qoutes nee eT - Pana Proll. hi ime und meee take treasury detaylts. if Sat.: “The Silent Enemy,” Laur- reser every week at the state Depart- | ized. Please report. your loss to Dm at the meeting and ite ;' date on next welfare checks for | the Senate failed to act. ~ ence Harvey; “No Name on the; Miss Ritola\ is charged i eS ens, are Nees, the management and file a ga in previous meetings. Four hundred voluntary and gov- counties is Thursday. - | There seemed agreement that if — . ys ep ae : : ' A skit featuring a diabetic \ernmental agencies provide thel. * * ot —_ el dill ppg Ave Montgomery Ci Clift, Myrna an La fe jehild, 2 mother and a doctor will blind with @ greet vartety of spe- Gov, Williams and his Cabinet) +. a: least two or three months. Wed.-Sat.: “Roadra ; depict the benefits of Camp Midi- |cialized services. struck @ watchful waiting pose yes-| “wore not going to draw up a|Forrest; “Daddy 0. 0.” Di Dick Cee | ' list of people ont. ov ap Ae Na ‘i , STARTS TONITE — LAST COMPLETE SHOW STARTS 10P.M. | ||"t,#0ing to, ect their pay unless) Tie ee eed Tl,” | SUNDAY! W. Weber, the s -press| Vincent Price; “Law and Jake secretary Wade,” Robert Taylor; “The Cos- ‘met unless lawmakers provided |more cash. All refused to speculate on the | specific sequence of - events that) j WoNes Sellow outright kiting of thet trust fund bill, which drew only 11/ “We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. ““‘We’re not cross- ing today,” Williams said tersely. “There'll be no further comment.” rsistent questioning by news- | ! { "an pa nd te Powerful New oe ee oe | Projection Equipment we'll pay. If there’s not, we won't.” x« * * Pca — of > state's New Co Concession Stand eee Other Major eee as the book that sold ,000 copies! DAVID NIVEN—Best Actor! WENDY HILLER. . ; Best seosting Actress! ‘i The ways of love are many . some tender, some vio- [spared from anxiety shared by] |poor relief clients and state work- | ers from Ironwood on the Wiscon-_ sin border to Adrian near the Ohio. Keeping a promise ofa month ce: Meee ets | WATERFORD ea DR IVE- IN THEATER LITA MILAN RO ROBERT BRAY | tenance workers at Michigan State — ALLIED ARTISTS PICTURE pedraledd and the University of Philip J. May, an MSU vice 2 th y ~ 4 GLADYS COOPER - CATHLEEN + FOR BAER +00 THRLOR - AuOREY OAL TOR Plad:'"Old Italian’ Sport” and Cartoon Cor. Williams Lake - Se eae Gee eee M, © © SATURDAY @ ¢ o Cold-blooded president, personally —y up : / a $2,600,000 warrant his | « . Sitcteendsd antares % snl W. K Ferpot 9 of fj tte ROBERT TAYLOR RICHARD WIOMAR Fri.: YOL BEYNNER in “THE JOURNEY” HELLCAT! am. GUY on $3,300,000 warrant. | : . MADISON The payment for Wayne State University, in less serious difficul-| RHONDA ty, was for $800,000. In each case, | the money represented the April! ~~ FLEMING [ae oe ste ar The payments left the state be- hind 15 million dollars in its obliga-' tioris to the three institutions, an) arrearage exceeded only by the 35 million dollars owed nearly ™ Sinan na TODAY LAST TIMES @ LATE SHOW TONIGHT COLOR or oevunt local school districts. No tanks used by the American | IPE fared co the 90% caplats of Commenter Fhe eet em ee STARTING SUNDAY Doors Open 12:45—Feature 1:05, 3:10, 5:15, 7:20, 9:25 | His NAME was ADAM... ‘BUTHE WASNT THE. HELD OVER _TONIGHT — SUN.— MON MISSION 80c CHILDREN UNDER 12 YEARS FREE _ ~ OPEN 7 | 7:00 P.M. _ SHOW STARTS 7:30 P. M. ~ TO-NIGHT 3 BIG UNITS ALL IN COLOR! _ tees ~ IT’S THE BIG SHOCKER! (om e¢humb A FOUR STAR THRILLER! (Hin ¢ Suddenly they were the center of an invisible ring ° £ menacing oe. oe. ee suse sae scan rwwvevwwT?* VvrVvVvuVvVvVTY pwwvewvrvy™ wvwyrwwewewvYT i « ¢ ay x Re ~ Cary and love - with life, each other, and ‘Prohacnd by OX ORE Directed by MELVILLE SHAMELSON ~ DWH A GND. 2 == His NAME WAS WRITTEN WITH BULLETS and HE CARRIED A PRICE 2 ON HIS HEAD...THE MAN & EXTRAI-TO-NIGHT ONLY-EXTRA! $ THEY eae I THE STORY OF 3 SAILORS ON LEAVE tye THE tox OF THE AND_3 GIRLS IN LOVE 77 a. Fst Guns. " ah ( WAUREEN STAPLETON eae pp wy ACADEMY AWARD * NOMINEE x _ wee JOCK MAHONEY: “ERT ROUND Best. Supporting Actress! LINDA CRISTAL eotano reanz-Lomne cncene EXTRA! FUN IN COLORI CARL DENTON REID Sener The pitching staff Bill Norman Pi . once said he wouldn’t trade for hn ee ns OO { any other in the American League , fee har geen way ra ae et, mtg, eu ; four games. Tiger hitters—three * m sreve * in five runs for Boston. He doubled of whom are in the league’s top home two in the first against loser _ ten — have responded with seven. . agains Vito Valentinetti, then counted sk * three in the third with his second It took the A’s four innings to home run in two days. Jackie - Tealize the league patsies were in Jenson also homered-in the five- town. They had been fed a steady run third, with both shots off left diet of the White Sox and Indians, handed. rookie Jack Kralick. too, over the first two weeks of the x * * seam, . The Nats managed just six hits - But Kansas City quickly com- off Ike Delock, 2-0, who went all i pensated for earlier errors such the way for his eighth consecutive a ‘as letting Detroit take a 1-0 lead victory over the Senators since im the first. The A’s pounded _|May 12, 1957. Washington scored starter Billy Hoeft and two re- | - on Jim Lemon's third homer, a . Six hits rattled out before re- —— liever Don Mossi retired the CHICAGO | CLEVELAND suddenly-come-alive Athletics. In- Aparicio os 4110 Piersall cf 4000 . Gluded in the inning were a walk, fandis ef 63008 Minne If 3216 a balk and an error. ~The A’s joone > 3122 Nimo ec 323% % batted ‘ smith rf «3000 BBolgers = 1000 oe MR Rivera tt ii ie pricind os Sith 4 Doubles by Dick Williams andj - oT : > |iGoodman” $999 biel’ 3b 100k a Bob Cerv produced another run ALL TANGLED UP — Referee Harry Kessler AP Wirephote [Down >” 0000 diana 1008 i in the fifth. Three more: hits! (left) bets tangled up himself as he tries to dis- 14th round of the welterweight title fight at Kiel an 1808 Seema m 1080 | accounted far the ‘A's final three) entangle Virgil Akins and-Don Jordan after the auditorium last night in St. Louis. Jordan won /sc0y i et seventh. two fighters “wrestled” out of the ropes in the thé bout. Briggs p 0.000 , ‘ . Tigers completed . their |- ; ao ae > . e 1012 : Otledsive work tor the game tn . ——. ° Totals = 9-464 Totals” 88S the first. Harvéy Kuenn walked | Q Records Set in Howell Invitational etek ee Ee fe : with two out and scored on Gail : . qut for Briggs in ) é-sbeagee on hee = Harris’ triple. Detroit loaded a sare Sr t- Soret 6 Come | the bases -before the frame s rd bd Struck out for Loe in en: bestreck ended. But Ralph Terry got Neil : out for Nixon . | exces |Plint Northern Stops Uniet ininclads =." -* ae : way Tor hie first’ victory, He| Lack. of relay speed’ again) Johnny Jefferson and Viking’s 2814, Grand Blanc 25 1/3 and West |g "Sri" sp ackr''B wo 2. a o~ He orked Pontiac Central| Neigarth staged the meet’s | Bloc SP Ne» ER ER BB 80 allowed eight-hits, three by Kuenn. |» the . Bloomfield 19. Donovan... 13444211 | pitcher this season, dropped his|wcre timed bac ad. Vaies r~eeraade-ook 4 ood aa aculacaraay ee ee first decision. He, Tom Morgan, |. seated the PCH 6&8 1/3- C -3233 7 3 = Mossi and George Susce gave up |fo"0/s Ber dhaewlnnccenbnad the| Nine records were set at How-|Romeo, Warren-Fitzgerald, Lake|Oiccte \0.0......1 8 0 6 6 0 @ 12 hits. final two, events, the 830 and/ll’s 6th annual invitational yes-|Orion and Troy from this area, ip|Pobinson «W. 10) .2 1,0 @ 1 3 Mi See TIPE CUS Se NY NGeNR tO ney relays.” terday, won by Fenton with 50 1/3|Class B. North Branch, Almont} HBP—By Donovan ne'es towe e¢ °3 4s] “Dennis Wright’s 50.8 quarter was} Other .team standings were:| wis squad had to win the Boiling’ 2 $910 Williams tb 422 0/a FN field mark. Durand 41, Milford 30, Howell) relay, last event, to gain. Kuenn cf 31389 Lopes > 423290 : J " moe Hirer iy | ‘ene | | Sete? pwr R 4 Holly Zee “Moat B ts aad P 4010 . ’ : ams an : y sige ole A ty high Jump Cl . ~ m 00! Barry a0sborte 1908 : Win Gol f Matches * [strong turned the mile in 4:49.3 AMERICAN LEAGUE bMexwen 1000 for the other new time. sleveianad __, "pitt, Fet,, Behind ; 181 Totals 3410128 ‘another 4 meet New York ........ d s Grounded out for Susce m9, | Pontiac "Northern and St. Fred-| St. Benedict at 8t. Clement = ised meeps actisted 5 niece Sos re ; 38 f Reuss lig 2202020772 Heats Seculerick, had to work plenty . hard] st, Pred at st. 60%4-47%. with Doug Stott of Ox-|Stiesee a cu, Rigi, .POA—Deizoit 249. Kensas|while Holly was breezing as the Pee Mey Cicaet Meaty ford. winning three of his team’s|Washington $ i tM Maesirl and ‘Terry. LOS Lore go pied nemo Geek galt wicserton = Pull Thumb schedule id first places, Stott took the jumps Dee cetmsnars aaguLts | © an ee . y eee a and shot Cleveand Cheng 4, tt é - ee iiams, 2, Mouse, Cerv,. Maris.| Waterford and Armada were vic- Southiieid and’ Farmington’ at Van| Cranbrook won its 2nd dual of Kansas cay, 10, Betton 1, night | Hoeft «L, 1-1) 4 ines eee = —_ Bloomfield Hills at Milford the spring against i careagn Soan TODAY'S GAMES | , Morgen ¢ 1 2 2 1 9 Dick De Lano birdied the last Walled Lake and Waterford at Berkley |the home field, with 8 firsts. There |Chicago eveland, 2 p.m. — Latman | fusce. 2 $F 2 $. F ewo holes on long putts to finish | ware poxe at rete Northern «| Were two double winners, Cranes’|paiimore at New. York> 2, p.m.—Harsh- Tere By “ibeft (Tuttle? Balk-Mossi| With a 40 as PNH Water- | Lake Orion at Fitzgerald John Butze] (both hurdles) and), men (3) vs. Ditmar (1). P—By Hoeft (Tuttle.) Balk—Mossi, upset ash 2 Moford PB—Wilson. mel, ‘Stevens, NSpD:| ford 183-187 for the school’s Ist | Avondale vs Oak Park as Pitegersl | Dales’ Bob Palmer (both jumps). pee yn Ramee ly melon = | Hd thamph at Poste Country | nn nee . as gt a heal . Club. fin eee aa erry (PCH); TOMORROW'S GAMES ; 7 Don Dhvis ‘had 44, Jim Miller| Al, : Cae EN aeee een UPN); Brooks|Balimore at New York 2-1 p.m. Harness Track 2k eect iNorth and South |stats stietn. "raises Bites a Starts Monday. Racing opens the 1959 season ¢ -Tand Mike Giannini slammed two . ‘hits as Armada whipped Almont > 19-1. A two-ryn triple by: Bill Porte plete the Husky scoring. Water- ford, weakened by the absence of its top two players, was led by Ron Pulleybank at 41. Marv Barn- hart totaled 46, Bob Newman 47 and Jim Morton 53. - St. Fred nipped Walled Lake 175 176 in a tight duel at Edgewood featuring a 43 by Mike Reed. Holly had no trouble walloping Clarkston 170-306 with Glen Gro- mett firing a 40, Darrell Kinney adding 42 and 44s for Tom Had- ley and Glen Reed. Waterford clinched its initial baseball triumph in four starts fanning 11,’ Tony Hiller, Jim Hoke hits apiece—each getting one in the early -start. Mound ace Roland Lashbrook struck out 11 and allowed just two was among the big blows, mene SCHEDULE Pontiac Centra! at Pontiac Northern Bloomfield at. Northville ey ff a al Creuse a Lavevilie at W, Bloomfield with a two-run Ist inning in down-|/, 1:0 ing Van Dyke 4-1 in an Inter-Lakes contest, Dave Ross hurled the wiiti/ Decided Today . PINEHURST; N.C, (AP)—Jack Nicklaus, who came here heralded as a rapidly maturing “‘boy won- der” of amateur golf, and veter- an Gene Andrews, who arrived 36 holes for the North and South championship. + Nicklaus, ran of St, Louis, 2up yesterday. Andrews led from the first hole in a 3 and 2 defeat of tourney-wise Jack Penrose,. Miami, Fla. survive early hooking difficulties to win over the 46-year-old Coch- ran, But his steady putting from four to six feet on» several; holes saved him from dikaster until he Claren Bt, James at Bt. Rite corrected his tee troubles, - with no fanfare, met today over Nicklaus, a jong hitter, had to Gross (PN), 4:52.4. ” 440—Wright (PN); Raby (FN); Wil- liams (FN), 00.8 (fd. rec.) 80- wae (PCH); (FN); (PN), 21.1. 3; McGhee (FN), 22.6. arth FN): Jefferson (PCH); a te sey tie), Fine! (PCH) Shorter wright (PN) Be. , tle Brooks (FN) ) (PCH) ; (PCH); Rush (PCH), 51-3. 900 relay-—N rn, 1:33. HOUST isanead react? 00, 220, by Newton, W. Bloomfield, 1 10.3, 23.3. : lor, Penton, 53.2 (tied). Ta: fie. "sunirey Roma 8 + eee (Milford) and Elliott Brown « te vblay. "Durand, * Detroit's Dick Preston playing a practice round with the Sunny- brook ‘team of the Michigan Pub- Pea (FN); Brooks >, 23 Los PCH J | High ju mbrell (POH; (3-way i Brooke, Walker (PCH); Pratt |St 5-6 D. 2 ae age halal Se: RH Los ot—B. ett lLong-Ace at Sunnybrook |é i. om. Kansas City, 2:30. p.m. MONDAY’S SCHEDULE games scheduled... NATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lest Pot. 333 21 Y’S RESULTS Cincinnati 7, night ‘ eles 3, St. Louis 2, 10 innings, 8, iladelphia 5, night San Francisco 4, Chicago 3, 11 innings unwack sear GAMES waukee : Spahn (2-0) vs. Purkey Qt Lee eee ist) os. magick OD. bane i Al Anderson, (1). ee peociud aa. puese, © pm, — * (0-0 The ‘Skillful Angler’ The West. Palm Beach (Fla) Fishing Club awarded a “skillful er BEST FOOT FORWARD — “but it was: far of the tinues through today. AP Wirephote Lester Bird of the University of Michigan gets his best effort in the Penn Relays’ broad jump event meegt..cecord of 26 feet one and half inches. He jumped 25-feet-1% in the trials yesterday. The meet con- at Sylvan Glen. They'll start teeing off at 7:30 a.m. tomorrow, ing to MPGA tournament director Don Nelson. : x« * * Bailey Howell, the Detroit Pis- +-tons’ No, 1 draft choice for the coming season, was due in De- troit teday to discuss contract x « * in Brooklyn. Castellano rolled the first 300-game ever seen on tele- vision, Oct. 4, 1953. * * *x The National League ruled yes- terday: that Dave Philley’s Major League record of nine consecutive safe pinch hits was halted last Sunday when he hit a sacrifice fly in the Philadelphia-Cincinnati game. City Keglers Set for WIBC v in his rigging. RIGGED UP — Hazel Park Harness Raceway opens a 48 night stand Monday and this diagram shows the laterally-gaited pacer take part in the WIBC bowling (he moves in swaying motion, bringing the right front and hind tournament being held at Buffalo ’ legs forward at the same time) has everything but a burglar alarm ST. LOUIS m — Welterweight champ Don Jordan. whipped both Virgil Akins and his ‘‘secret weap- on” in his convincirig title de- i} | fense. Akins’ secret weapon was Harry i |Kabkoff, former manager of Jor- i idan, who turned up in Akins’ cor- Winer, rooting for the i |Louis slugger. veteran St. Kabakoff’s presence Jast night only served to give Jordan more incentive, . “Any time Kabakoff wants to be in the other fighter’s cortier when Don is fighting, I'll be glad to pay his plane ticket,” said Don Nesseth, manager of ‘the young champion from -Los. Angeles: * * * “Harry was. Don’s manager for three Jong, sad years,” Nesseth said.. “‘There is no love lost be- tween them.”. - The 24-year-old champion, part Apache and one of 19 children, indicated he is anxious to. cash in on his title with a big money fight, possibly with former: wel- ter champ Carmen Basilio, a yeverely round and said he had to fake the rest of the way, X-rays after the fight showed no fracture, But the hand was badly puffed up. “] had to change my style a lit- tle, keep my hedd more on the move and do more jabbing and less hooking,” the champ said. His faking was perfect. No one in Akins’ corner and none. of the newsmen at the fight were aware Jordan’s hand was injured. “He stunned me good in that kins Secret Weapon Fails Against Jordan second round, but I wasn’t hurt enough to be in too bad trouble,” Jordan said, Akins’ future appears dim. “We have no plans,” his co-man- ager, Eddie Yawitz said. It was a double defeat for Vir- gil. The Internal Revenue Service tied up his purse of more than $28,000 until all his tax obligations are satisfied, His attorney, Nor- ris Shenker, said agents told him Akins owes more than $22,000 in ‘back taxes. The 31-year-old Honey Bear ap- parently doesn’t have it.anymore. He has slipped considerably since his bombing of Vince Martinez for the title a year ago. Yawitz maintained Akins: had won the fight, but he sounded as if he was trying to convince him- self. No one. volunteered agree- ment. , Akins simply ran out of gas midway in the fight and was lunging and mauling awkwardly. His inept, if desperate attempt to turn the tide resulted in the only thing resembling a knock- down which came in the Ith round, Akins shoved Jordan through the ropes and then fell on top of him on the ring apron with writers reaching up to stay both from rolling into the , press row. A Victory’ for Ferris HILLSDALE @®—Ferris Insuiute won its first baseball game of the season yesterday by beating ‘Hills- dale 86 in a non-conference game. Ferris had lost three straight. Hillsdale now is 10-8. {Ladies Days’ DETROIT -= Ladies Days, once le traditionally popular feature in Detroit, are ‘being revived this season by the Detroit Baseball Company, Harry M. Sisson, execu- tive vice president, announced today. ms a & have been selected ate Four dates Are Back All it will cost the ladies and girls each will be 50 cents and the same reduced price will prevail for all boys 12 years of age -and under, cw, L Ladies. Days Were ‘discontinued ‘lin 1943 primarily. because of traris- portation problems. 15 Teams Will Compete in Top Women's Event Local Entries to Debut Friday; Others Follow Throughout May - Fifteen Pontiac area teams will istarting May 1. |. Talbot. Barber Shop, captained | by Fern Bowles, Rouse Plastering, ‘led by- Marjorie Hopp, Eva Mil- ‘ler's Griff’s Grill team and Huron ‘Bowl will debut for this sector (next Friday. Gen Bradley heads the Huron girls. Peggy Bender and her Streh's mates will see action the next day. May 3 will have A. N. Hickson, captained? by Bonnie Kuzak and Ward’s Furniture, headed by Vi Cargal, taking part. ~ a Jerry Stevens and the Motorettes will bowl May 6 following May 4 appearance by the Helen Van Camp five, Gert Fleming captain. Prue's Bar, led by Laura Hodge, rolis May 7. ‘ x ee we Two Lake Orion contingents will invade the New York City a week later to participate May 14. They ‘are Royal Recreation, Betty King captain, and Al Hanoute with Kim. Williamson at the helm. On May 18, the F. B. Thorman team of Utica will see action. Eva Atkinson is captain. Kaver- ly Mercury of Rochester and doe’s Coney Island of Pontiac will complete the local contend- ers Memorial Day and May 31. Betty Sheldon will lead Kaverly atid Ruth Rigotti is the captain for Joe's. Fifteen of the keglers will also take part in the annual convention as “delegates from the Pontiac Women's Bowling Association May 4-5 at the Statler Hilton Hotel. x ** * - President Bradley, 1st vice pres- ident Miller, 2nd vice president Doris Lanktree of Huron Bowl and secretary Bender will be included. Others attending will be Mildred Anderson (Ward's); Ann Wilson (Griff's); Marguerite Young and Jo Ann Gohl (Huron); Jerry Stevens; Bonnie’ Kuzak and Bessie Holtz (Hickson): Gert Fleming; Fern..Bowles; and Sally Hoffman (Stroh’s), 27 Schools Entered in 3rd U. of D. Relays Redford High School, ‘defending Class “A” champion, and 26 other high schools are entered in the third annual University of Detroit Relays track meet May 2 at the U. of D. football stadium. Redford _jedged Pontiac Central 2714-27 last year, Apri] 29 is the deadline for en- tering the Relays, S Thurston, and Wayne, are Bloomfield Hills, Dea: honsus, Ecorse, Centerline, Lake utheran, West, Milford, Romeo, and Servite. Detroit St.’ Bernard only “C” entry. gee f 4 io a Se ee ee et ae ee } er ba ae meet records were snaped. Penn State's distance medley tri- umph was the. school's Ist major win in eight years at the Penn event. The Nittany Lions went after three more crowns _____ THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 1950 EAST LANSING w# — Michigan State, with pitching and hitting hero. Dick Radatz ready in the bullpen, sought two more victories over Michigan today in a Big Ten baseball doubleheader. The only new Penn record thysjence season at Ann Arbor yester- far has been in the hammeriday and beat the Wolverines 32. throw, Radatz hurled six-hit ball and dou- Has 4-Stroke Edge for 2 Rounds Associated Press Sports Writer LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP)—Popu- lar Mike Souchak held a firm grip on first place today as the * field of 26 professional golfers went into the third round of the $46,620 Tournament of Cham- pions. The big fellow from Grossinger, Country Club, whose 7,073-yard, 36-36—72 course, plus gusts of wind, put a damper on some of the hopes in the second round. Deadlocked at 140 were four pros—slender Art Wall Jr., Julius G Boros, 23-year-old John McMullin Bi and cool Ernie Vossler. George Bayer was alone at 142, and tied at 143 were Gene Littler, three-time winner of the event, and Arnold Palmer Trailing behind were such tour- nament seasoned players as Na- tional Open champion Tommy COLLEGE BASEBALL * Florida 7, Georgia 3 Rollins 4, Miami, Fla. 0 Army 6, Svracuse 5 Ries. TCU0 ce 5, Kent State 3, Miami, Ohio 1 Okla. State 19, Kan. State 0 Marytand 8, N.C. State 4, first game N.C. State 7, Maryland 4, second game Minnesota 9, Ohio State 0 Tennessee 2, Vanderbilt 1, 10 innings [atte rage 7, Kansas 2 diane 6, Iowa . Leahy Til. 15, Ill. Normal 8 inois 14, Wisconsin i bo ora Tech 1 ntucky 4, Ga. $o. Tilinois 15, Eastern Michigan 4 Ohio U. 4, Bowling Green 3 Mississippi 7, 4 Cornell 11, Columbia 3 Alabama 4, Miss. State 2 rginia 8, Duke teerage 3, Oklahoma 2, first game Oklahoma 4, Colorado 2, second game Northwestern 6, Purdue § (8 innnings, darkness) - Bradley §, Cincinnati 3, first game Cincinnati 9, Brodie? - second game peice Dame 9, Kalamazoo 0 lowa 8, Indiana Denison 6, Marshall 3 ‘ornell 6, Fexas A&M 6, TCU juke 8, Ma Harvard 9 Navy 0 Souchak Tops Vegas Field iBolt (151), Cary Middlecoff (145), Bill Casper (147), and last year’s winner, Stan Leonard, (144). yesterday—Souchak, Wall, Boros, The Spartans opened the confer- Only .five pros could break par bled home the deciding run in the. ninth. 4 the last two batters after yield- ing a run, oO Al Koch, who surrendered. Mich- igan State’s first two tallies, was charged with the defeat. x * & Minnesota defending Big Ten baseball champion, opened the con- ference season yesterday with a thumping 9-0 victory over Ohio State. : Joining the Gophers in the vic- tory column were Illinois and Indiana. Mlinois Wis- consin 14-1 and Indiana defeated Iowa 6-4. Burdue atid Northwest- ern played to a 5-5 tie which was called after eight innings Bayer and Vossler. ~ because. of darkness. The lesders: i Mike - 679m Conference teams play a full John” Me i ice paola peerrreriel today with a —ja9| Michigan et Michigan State, Art W 11) 72-6a—140 ge Bayer = 76-1 Northwestern at Illinois, Wisconsin ‘Pout Barneys. Loe "* 91.73-144'at Purdue, Ohio State at Iowa and ‘sia Becomes Haste Indiana at Minnesota. Bee addlecott 72-73—145 | ~ ® * [Wes Ellis Jr. ........cceeeee ee. THT2Z—145 Pete Cooper .......+.-: ‘Ken Venturi . ' Goalby . [Cow fica aang es y Casper ..... Bil Collins res Tommy Jacobs .. Howie Johnson .. 47 a7 48 49 1 senee Wifi 3Stroke Peach Leader SPARTANBURG, §.C. (AP) — Michigan’s Wiffi Smith, boasting improved putting, sought to pro- teet her three-stroke lead in to- day’s second round of the $6,000 Peach Blossom-Betsy Rawls Golf Tournament. *x« * * Lamenting on her poor putting, tournament . namesake Betsy the St, Clair, Mich., star, who shot 3236 yesterday to Betsy’s 33-38. Tied at 73 were Louise Suggs of Sea Island, Ga.; Marilynn Smith of French Lick, Ind., and. Mary Lena T-, of Dae ls Ga. Wiffi equalled the record for a single round in this tournament with three straight birdies on the front niné. Both she and Miss Rawls bogied the par 4, 410-yard 13th on the 6,300-yard Spartanburg 14%, Bowling Green 9% avier, 1 Ob einnatt ia Riaonl; Onto Country Club course. 4g/fourth to sew up the contest. Ron Rawls had her eye on overtaking] a 13-hit attack, The Gophers splurged for four runs in the Catustori and Skeeter Nelson drove in two runs each in the big fourth. Illinois went on a rampage with 12 hits to snow Wisconsin behind the pitching of Terry Gellinger. Gellinger allowed one hit while teammate John Jurasevich col- lected three and drove in five runs, Wisconsin committed eight, errors, Indiana scored five runs in the | Peterson, Marion Ladewig Bowls Tuesday at Lakewood A major highlight in what has already been a banner season for women bowlers’ comes up Tues- day at Lakewood Lanes when Marion Ladewig appears in after- noon and evening sessions, *x«* «*« The evening portion of the pro- the Pro’’ series which has gone All prizes for the event will be | presented after the queen of Hertha Shumann, Phyllis Stein and Ad Elkins. The quartet’s performance against the Grand Rapids great will, determine the award list which is based on the best show- ing against pro standouts. x * * Two groups of men rolled against Buzz Fazio and Tom Hennessey in pro swept all series and each lost one game to a_-local ‘star. The evening session will begin at 7 p.m. Mrs. Ladewigawill give fourth inning and held on to defeat Iowa. | Russ Schallert’s grand slam; homer gave Northwestern a 40 lead but Purdue kept pecking away to climb into its 5-5 tie. | Michigan State ..100 010 bo 361 Michigan ...+.,..001 000 001—2 6 1, Radats and Monezke; Koch, Stabrylla) (8) and Dickey. F L—Koch. BIG TEN STANDINGS who wh Minnesota 1 0 Purdue 0 0 oped H 0 Mickiens 01 Indiana 5 0 0 Michigan te 0 Obie ‘atate 3} Northwestern © 0 Iows 0 Don’t Pad Handicap TULSA, Okla, (#) — An invi- tation to all Internal Revenie Service workers to take part in their annual golf tournament May 8 in Oklahoma City con- tains this ngte of caution: “Be sure you're honest in claiming golf. scores to get your FOP VO CC STO C CC CCT CCC CCC CCC CCC VCC CCCCT free instruction to all women in- terested from 2 to 5 p. m. $ Correction In our advertisement yes- terday the Regular $32.50 Mitchell Reel was priced on sale incorrectly. it should have been $19.50. Also the specials offered are available at our Downtown Store Only. "vwvvwvvevrVvVVTVTVTVTVTTT Tee eT CCC CCC CCCCC 24 East Lawrence Peer ee Te ere . Tere TT. gram will conclude the big ‘“‘Beat| over well there in recent months. | - earlier parts ba series. Each). . aes ee handicap.” vwrvrrrrvrvvrvvrvrrree lll la ln lla dl ln Ala tn Mn Min An de Min hi A Mi Min thn Min in i Mn Mn Min i Me hin ins WHO—ME? Yes, you play an important role in your com. munity’s efforts to develop payrolls. The attitude you have toward industry in your community and the enthusiasm you have for your town are vital factors in the continued - strength and growth of the community. Let your community leaders and municipal officials know you support them in their pro- grams to help local industry expand and to bring in new industry. Let the industries in your town know you are * proud. of them and want to help them grow > / es Talk up your town and the advantages it offers for industry at every opportunity. . Like the plants in your garden, the plants of another kind that grow payrolls need care and attention. Only it’s not a seasonal need. It is a year around’ need and you are important in, meeting: it. ee Join hands with your local industrial devel- munity prosper. with the Michigan Press Associotion and the Michigen Economie Development Depertment. ‘THE PONTIAC PRESS This od is one of @ series published os @ publie service by this newspaper in cooperction opment organization and the Michigan Econo- mic Development Department to help your com-' ° ~ fa . we = a : Major League Ave ee ee is : : ee - AMERICAN LEAGUE Teg "NATIONAL ious | es Qualif oS 2 x k * k kk x *k * " PEE LEES- , al r « ; 4 2 a oe? : : : é . - 61 100 s. ' ones | a Braves Defeat egs, 10-7 _. i 4 . ; it 3 a -e-* in] 0 Event 2 ey —_ : ‘ ‘ . Washington 282 a : | ‘WO .) - ; CLUB & E PD Pet. cLus Ge 4 5 oF Wovens Mathews Belts Two Homers en Tien Thre } ea: ie . : Detroit Hi 305 125 9 10 S78. 13 336 141 10 at Drake Meet ee the Series slump would leave @ (Chicago Cubs, Pittsburgs rallied|Hamner’s double, Ed Bouchee's Ghicsee i oe ie a "2 314|Priiadelphia Sn ft tae : aa ee ke SNe Memes hae etees Se Seer whet bois ae tnd 8) ines ond 0 home ras Wy ee —"., Yo iS sb sla Senco = , |last fall’s World Series, Eddie} sway. moment he shares victory hiladelphia, t. They took a lead. : Triple Baltimore. i tt. . Wolverine Stars Shine: Mathews is back doing what! the National League home run Mathews’ first of five RBI eighth on Car! Sawatski’s two-run INDIVIDUAL BATTING Tay or eere, o Bote as + 7. comes naturally ~ e lead, swatting bis fitth and sixth : k double. Elroy Face won his second oF mare ot ons RAI Pet. Beyer, | 4 3 8 at. Penn, Led by Bird’s home runs. \. | Friday night with No. 6 a grand- come ay apap — in welief, Al Schroll (1-1) lost it » 7 @ 6 6 324 Rlus'sit Pit i 2 an ee Upset in Broad Jump | It was Mathews who was, per-| slam that carried the first place | ning, bringing the Braves from |%% in relief. B23 3 meee. 68 6G Ue ote haps, the Milwaukee Braves’ big-| Braves to s 10-7 victory at Cim | i ning and chasing winless Don | , Right fielder Felipe Alou, who ane) | See) 64 7 From Our Wire Services _|8*St disappointment as they blew) cinnati. Newcombe to a third defeat, \Soubled the winning Giant run BPH ET 7 33 Geet ETRE Hayes ‘Jo f Ponti 4\2. 32 lead in games and.lost the Mathews’ slam, his fifth in the) Rey McMillan, Frank Thomas nad igre for Daryl Spencer's 2 B24 Mian pa A fe) gf Eastern Michinen Callens tends al ee to the New!majors, not only gave him a tie| and Gus Bell, who hit two, hom. |TICT" Y, also cut off a two- B72 7 8 ¢ MMisuer, Pu OM FT 8 Tg group of stale track stare, conm>| ree amiees, last October.” Thelwith Los. Angeles’ Don Demeter| ered! tor the Reds, ‘whe tralied |I.°° She wien his theow to the ey g f eiga Me Pay g peting in two major relays which g the the eighth otf rookle im O'Toole. |? Stu Miller 0.0) was, the ee a ee ae yeste r continue two ‘ . . ner relief after Johnny %® 4 Wb @ le, Cin. “o 774 eday. The Dodgers twice missed the|Antonelli had held the Cubs’ to MoS ug $ supe Le Sr 8 iu The former city high school star Oe nae ee Conca. rier [eax hits and ote run fos sight Se se qui, Sy Bo we a Jed the 120-yard high hurdles qua- t home a two-out, Jobn thiltd. of 1 per $e B lifiers with a clocking of 141 single in the 10th. John Roseboro,|four Cub pitchers, lost his second Bud j Me, FT : seconds and also reached the finals after breaking a 1-1 tie with _ Fs . sus 8 me 2 bat 19 in the 100-yard dash at the Drake double, missed third base. while)" "Coo ,, CHAGO |, ag $433 8 oe # $ 33 Relays. running for home on Ron Fairly’s|Deverp’t, 3 3 La way -2 $378 ae eens gen ae BT 8 # ; : ‘ single in the seventh, And just/Meys cf 4011 Walls rt 3 Aparicio, é 37 . Maseroski, Put. 39 pected tonms trumps Friday walks a single Charl G ; tae fing Tepe por Seta tala‘ eet arn wie cee’ HEE Rees | ADC ATE ia] i ee Phidi in Ph ut Gino Cimoli’s peg from center “ss Ht ” ieee in A D : } Bilved, LA. i nes oc ea 08 nile Fury ate pate, “ea ERR Ree? | 1 Phd Bette ES eo Sevyard relay. Western, Johnny Podres (2-1), who gave|iiter'p ” 26% vies Bi 50 3 Beet es. —* —_ y ley way for Snider, won it with Clem AMA Oro i 2908 “5 12 2 Me a Birmingham was on the Bronco Rookie Howie Nunn (0-1) lost it|nan “ant sceled’ for fe hie } in. Cie, a $ 8 L$ BilSvencer, AF. . | —: . in relief for the Cards, who tied it |or'fison ‘im gone ™ %%! o-Plied out . Si Suu: Mortal, at. University of Michigan entries 2all on Gene Green's home run Franciseg ohio SB -t National Kegling Test “wash = 4 a q ae 2 @ ; made weeening showings in se in the ninth. - ete, Ree, Rereeort, Avert! Ends Tonight After 72\ieir ry. 2% B 22 Guttara, tA. ait rage tiledeiphin Pens The Pirates, who counted twice Brot fav asd poms. MSm~oes Days and Nights : Pad gi | s**t oe ees Gt Bat lus Rel a bake BO | Ng 1 2 4 mL. - 2 home run, a - 2, "B—Anionelll. Davenport’ sF--| ST. LOUIS (AP) — The 56th “ we) wy Pha. ; , Les Bird, the West India thin- ’ : , . 29 307 4 clad, gave the Wolverine thelr Jat ny Pome release 5 heen yee SP bi dBi BP at triumph by toppii 35 feet for the The Phils, blanked on two hits/Miter fw: 1°": 2ts°1 ‘ss 4 Slrow after 72 days and nights 3 7 178 . Pitt. f first.time in winning the for five innings by Ron Kline,|Mitiman ........°71 3 1 § 3 ; 8 ee broad jump. His leap measured 25 scored three in the ‘sixth on ssn PE EE ang prervecr a | } H = , it , : : prospect : ee ent ob sca" hots a wt r) ihe gga ing ; = aS itt . % T-3: — Gonian. Donate. current rs New York; Him 3 ; a Pete Stanger was another |. . , of the contestants in the Kansas City, it 45 . 3 oe naga gue eo Smallest Player sxc: 2.2. rate Ee > RE tigh borden today. | AE, He erie tL Sie Soiormer of wehait = rae Se High hopes for an “M” triumph . Pairiy a test Noren ib $33 sim. led Friday's scoring in both ; {7 4 ; kee —! — ci "tae a ines for UD Bes Sere AS ASL ES (0M eer dealt a severe blow Friday when i's $948 subFinl's 1315) tively ba aoe — ei $i? Tom Robinson came up with a ; . 2e- : ~-ANONOR Post PRODUCTS | ° «MOLLY SALES & SERVICE RELIABE: @ SIDING | a VENETIAN BLIND CO. beats co. RAAUIW ELECTRIC CO. ; - . Lane Fed Bg B - wood Bonita oe, ‘ : ae ayares HEIGHTS LUMBER CO. - GUS-MARSH ROOFING CO. ermwaun HOWE IMPROVEMENT a . . : fu" ca Financing = ae Ee CFimanel . # Oe Davisbere, , ™" ee 0 Eee CEE For Fixing r | own E. KENT HEATING cee ee COMET. 00. mes Eee ‘ELAR. *. oo. "pee Bown on ees eee Lachtntor, Michigan We have the M-O-N-E-Y you'll need to make ts pias ga eg needed repairs NOW and cut bigger bills Et ie Monae Macatee Upwrememe pre 8 ST taa etae nat later. Inside or outside — finance the entire eS ; ores earn co,” Pontise, Michigan aru oe a job the Bank wa It’s a smart move. be ; En, POS . Lay swerwn & WINDOW C0. a aoe eee 1 Yoes a ope gees Bey nen ae A a ' cat ree - GET STARTED NOW WITH i ‘ a ' REPAY LIKE RENT ~ . MIDWE ¥ Co. o co aa S128 Dixie . MOREY’S O74 BURNER SERV. R216 Ry: Foust 5 ‘on 2 7 EATING CO. * ane eny KEATING Fentias. Mi nits a pi seats A * , bs 27 Orchard Fake Ave. gre oe stem sstenican 4 cANTr amy RERVICE ~ m-" Reet ita : 555 Fmersen : 578 flake Reed . : DATs NAM EVIL MeNA 2418 Wit, ‘ s ol pel A. FUBt 80 ite National Bank fea pod . “te Branches at W. Huron at Tilden . . . N. Perry at eet ner Glenwood . . . Keego Harbor... Walled Lake... ww 09 ‘et © “Union'Lake >. Lake Orion... Milford... . i ’ : ‘ r an , . ; es Sraon | Bic ' oxgain vuMmeR Co. Waterford. . . Bloomfield Hills oo. 0 ‘ OW CO. % of . yal SERVICE i - You Can Cut This Plan _ to Fit Your Budget By DAVID L. BROWN Four-way flexibility is the theme of this house, designed .so that the owner: may build in stages accord- ing to the conditions of his budget. The long low ranch is engineered “go that one end may be: 1, Built first and used as a self-contained one‘bedroom apart- ment while a couple awaits the time when higher income will en- ' able them to build the larger part of the house. The apartment then, |# if desired, can be converted into a garage. 2. Built first as a garage and converted later for use as an in-law apartment, private rental apartment, or professional guite. 3. Added later either as garage or a8 apartment. 4, Built along with remainder of house as a finished area, in which case the total room count for the home reaches nine (four bedrooms, three baths). Architect Rudolph Matern is the creator of this compartmentalized masterpiece, designated X-56 in the House of the Week series. VERSATILE ADVANTAGE If the alternate unit is used pri- marily as a garage, it means the home has a well proportioned mudroom, laundry and a handy wiped bath. * If the alternate unit is used as| living quarters, tioned off to provide a living room (with foyer entrance); bedroom, kitchen, bath and outdoor porch, . Room divisions can be changed to! make it a professional suite. In! neither case does it subtract any 3 BEDROOMS $59 Month Model At 191 W. COLUMBIA FE 4-5959 it can be parti-| dining room extends the apparent room length my abana, ‘feet. said for the family is bination. across the rear of the ae sen eae formal from the front foyer or living room, providing complete privacy. A glass wall separates family room and outdoor terrace, : The kitchen is iaid out in the Se iad shape which has been proven. most efficient for méal preparation. The nearby laundry mudroom localize dirt, help- keep the balance of the house clean. well insulated from noise by banks of closets, basement stairway, halis and bath. The three bed- rooms @re roomy, and the big master bedroom—made more lux- urious by a cathedral ceiling—has a walk-in closet and a full bath. x * * Fifteen closets and cabinets | pro-- ivide a total of 101 square feet of jstorage, not counting the 23 lineal feet of kitchen base cabinets. The ibasement covers approximately 11,700 square feet, any part of iwhich may be used for storage. PORTS ADMIT LIGHT On the outside, sky ports in the ‘front roof allow sunlight to reach | the living and dining rooms despite the deep roof overhang. An Ori- ‘ental grille in -front of the alternate ; unit increases privacy.. An im- ‘portant feature is that the garage a long family soom-kitchen com- ~ The sleeping area is especially r CHOOSE A SECTION — This ranch home has a flexible alter- nate unit at one end, which may be built either before or after the main portion of the house. (Dotted lines ‘indicate alternate unit). he a $3'- Lt 2 See &° a ee > ee ie aes = : 2 eee 2445 ey ® : ; id * i It can be a self-contained apartment for a budget-conscious couple saving to build the remainder of the home. Later, it can either remain as an apartment or be converted into a garage. 2-0" » 7 % an oe Pere pes T Tok acing terrace Fe aan. rr } ies a | a. i alternate unit § ptt = 4 p 4 phan ; or saat BEDROOM | ‘.. “- FLOOR PLAN — Big family room and kitchen entronce } er e sunken — LIVING ROOM OINING 20's 13-6" 10’. 13 bow window p-o- lpi epaiog rot er brick planter X-55 section in front _* | THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, APRIL 25,1959 - ‘e - CURBS —DRIVEWAYS —WALKS—WALLS- ‘ Call Us. pia Alt “Your ‘CONCRETE NEEDS | Concrete "T . Building and Mason Supplies : CATSMAN COMPANY | 339 S. Paddock St. FE or Don’t Creep Up on Man When you visita friend-in_his|' workshop and find him bending over a power tool, don’t shout to 4 lactate for the Tops 5.000 Successful Installations in Pontiac Area IIASA LALALLAALAL LL 24 in Comfort, Convenience and Economy! iad Orchard Lake Ave. , FE 2-9124 } ah chachhhachrdenhadhakd —o— covered walk —~ wood of the house. This diagram shows combination is well shielded from the formal the alternate unit in use as a garage. | J 21-0° GAS and OWL FURNACES door on the alternate unit can be offers 1,570 square feet of habit- 555 square feet, excluding porch, Overall width is 74 feet and depth QUALITY HEATING Duct Work Eaves Troughing Licensed Contractor is 33° 5”. sis ei aw om ew ln able space. The alternate unit ve 4 j ae aiternote unit —/ ys vr Wallet Empty? You Can ‘Get Loan to Redecorate There is no need to deny your- self the pleasure of nevly painted rooms just because you haven't the cash on hand. It is always’! jpossible to obtain an FHA loan for whatever redecorating you wish | Yo accomplish. Of course, if you are doing a | able sum, it will pay you to tell’ jyour paint dealer about it, and| ihe will explain to you how to go. | about about financing yourself ee FHA. Stainless steel] is recommended | \for counter edgings because it does; not rub-off and soil clothing. A beautiful new brick home i] in Highland Estates — Waterford } $13,500 BERT L. SMOKLER & CO. Model Phone: OR 3-4911 CABINET SPECIALTIES iaaemanocsanacoan d ‘Asbestos Board Ideal _ for ‘You-Do-lt’ Jobs ZILKA HEATING 3261- Millwall FE 5-5461 Match Any Color Paint with JEWEL In 1,322 Colors BROWN BROS. 104 W. Huron FE 8-9311) “Do-it-yourself” fans, according, | to oe materials dealers, have, fi new “‘friend’’ in asbestos- | samc board, a versatile product. ‘known as “the material of a thou- sand and one uses.” Made of as- bestos fibers and portland cement, the sturdy board is especially well adapted as a fire-safe wall and ceiling finish for basements and garages. On farms it is widely) used for barn exteriors and milk house interiors. Use Polish Remover A tipped-over nail polish bottle ‘on the bathroom lavatory needn't ibe a messy clean-up job. Nail | polish remover will quickly and ‘safely remove nail enamel from ‘any porcelain enamel iartaee. ammo CONCRETE STEPS THE UNIT STEP For a Step in Beauty terials can be washed quickly if! two pails are used for the job. One| pail should be filled’ with heavy soap suds and the other with clear rated hardboard paneling should be rinse water. The tile or predeco-; -washed with a sudsy cloth, and ‘then wiped clean with clear water. | | i ismall job, the cost of painting a ry een ee pau : |Foom is so moderate you can do i) a ~~ Pontiac Press, —= jit with a minimum of outlay, espe- } # Pontiac, Mic a icially if you do the work yourself. H Enclosed. ie 35 cents in coin. § |However, if you need a consider-| Please send me a copy of the Sst study plan of The House of 9, I The Week, Design X55. y , No. stamps accepted. Please @ 5.0 BOk mann aticKy tape ecole. 4 desing | ! g APARTMENT PLAN — Here's | ; 8 how alternate unit is divided | 4880 W. nee ** askin paint . 8 for use as living quarters. | ° - ' . . | youre Siatienevelineraraceje'e edensaee ‘ ‘ Two Pails Save Time | ocr see ssouns STATE........ ; New easy-to-clean paneling ma-| i FREE ESTIMATES Custom Kitchens and Vanities BUILT TO FIT your HOME NATURAL WOOD—PREFINISHED—OR OF FORMICA We Specialize in Formica Counter Tops Formica Laminating of Cabineits—Furniture—or Any Surface Huron St. OR 3-0600 | This Offer Before the Spring Rush! (eM DELCO HE COOLING A TORIDHEET : rea ’S For Free Heating Survey and Estimate. Call N \ Look at WALL-FLAME OIL HEAT AUTOMATIC HEATING CO. This Offer! We Are Making Famous Delco Furnaces Delco Boilers Delco Oil Burners Delco Gas Burners ATING | 371 Voorheis Rd. Delco Air Conditioners Frigidaire Air Conditioners Elgin Automatic Water Softeners PLUS — The Only Heating Dealer That Gives Holden Red Stamps O'Brien Heating & Supply Authorized Oakland County Delco. Distributor FE 2-2919 OPERATOR ON DUTY 24 HOURS @ FHA Specifications UP TO 42 SQ. FT. CONCRETE 6497 Highland Rd. (M-59 CHECK THESE FEATURES: @ No Sections to Be Forced Apart by Frost or Settling | @ Permanent Beauty—Rudged Dependability @ Strong Reinforced Casting @ Avoid Messy Installation Free Estimates — We Deliver Anywhere! | 5-Bedroom Tri-Level. look lake. 3 full bat! 3-Bedroom Split Level. Natural fireplace. Family type y/___ “AN Reduces Slipping OF PORCH SPACE STEP CO. ) OR 3-7715 Zi | Safety Tread | The Lynn Knoll Center entrance 3-bedroom ranch. $0-ft. fireplace. 2 baths, stall shower. Separate dining room. features second kitchen for casual living, also bath and stall shower. The Donna Vista . of home (50) features 2nd kitchen, built-in smack bar. living. Dressing room size beth with stall shower. Year Round Homes on | Lake Sherwood ELEVEN MILES of SANDY BEACH SHORELINE An Address of Refinement—Homes of Distinction hs, stall shower. Large family kitchen. 4 bedrooms, living At lake kitchen. level the 2-car attached garage. Villa Russ’e .. . HAROLD YOUNG ORIGINAL room.and family room, all over- CORALWOOD ROOM 2-car attached garage. 9,900 Plus Lot . . HAROLD YOUNG ORIGINAL Over 40 feet of floor to ceiling window wall gvettosking lake. At fake level the SPARWOOD ROOM, extends full length This room designed for gracious and relaxed 2% baths, $27,500 tet _ HAROLD YOUNG ORIGINAL 2-car attached garage. living room and recreation room separated by a 2-way iy 3,750 4-Bedroom,: 4-Level Home, plus activities room, 2 full baths, large living room, kitchen and. dining 2-car attached garage. Completely odscaped and terraced, Natural room. Built-in oven and range. fireplace. Other’ Models as Low as $18,500 Plus Lot Inet, Let wer 900 San Del,Rio _ HAROLD YOUNG ORIGINAL 3-Bedroom Tri- siest23 full baths, stall shower in master bedroom. Spacious living room, massive fireplace, with floor to ceiling window overlooking lake. Separate dining room, Large family kitchen, At lake level the SURF ROOM features 2nd Kitchen for the utmost convenience of informal living, also in this room a full bath with stall shower, MODELS OPEN | to 7 Daily So Choice Lake Lots $5,500 to $9,000 Off Lake Lots with Lake Privileges $3,500 to $4,000 AVERAGE SIZE HOMESITE 1% ACRE EM 3.0368 1516 Union Lake Road REALTOR Pies natural fireplace, 2-car attached garage. $28,900 5" wy ‘% -— te : —All This for $19,950 on Your Lot— | “the ends.| Model Showa by Appointment f el } EJ. DUNLAP | FE 8-1198 | ————— . |. : 2 for the) «RIGHT AND WRONG — There's a wrong = and. dangerous — : e. Cust m B ilt Gara on of : : you like | - the car-| Wy to handle any tool. A —- Don’t strike nail am angled blow when press ‘ceilings, increase the number of | 0 U ges : fraction of| starting it. B — Do hit nail head-on, with force in line with body [Sheathing plywood by screws | ‘ | Si of nail. C-— Do always staft hacksaw cut on the back stfoke, D — {Placed through the back of the ply-| @mPs in your rooms. | | DO : @ project, es Sarg on forar-ating rks can ser ae rea weet. ig NO MONEY WN Use Tools Correctly ito Avoid Injuries All the tools represented in ajcome dull. Support your work on Hubbuns verve topes wot ale When using a hacksaw, c mee use gf gg you! fasten the work in a vise. at rill ¢ right ; 4 ° vertical zontal m : Iso, ne 'ench tool te liga Start a’ new hacksaw cut ©8 | squares to produce.a checkerboard] | FH. A. 60 Months to Pay keep all tools in good condition. | *e back stroke. Maintain even, | effect. Economical short lengths| HEAT | Mashed thumbs are the result of ry egret jal gual 1 | © GARAGES © BREEZEWAYS © ADDITIONS or oe pew froon ul, rather\de for al Soba |canomn angurp by | | o RITCHENS © PORCHES = ‘BATHS | Eisted, “below, are suggestions| fret, engs ete, should seat itsell| rhe acoustic wall, an adaptation|] The only heater on the HH | © MASONRY WORK © ALL MODERNIZATION ate. « ito help you avoid painful injuries| bottom and sides of the screw slot,|° tYPes used in auditoriums andi] "™erket that is recommended — _ | MN TAMMERS: Strike nail head| 4 gare cXy ic aet ° nasty pune.(*let it has Tun its proper course|| Phnoe for Free Estimate! |] Open Every Night ‘til 9 P.M. — Sunday 12-4 P. M. $ ag ie | with the full face of the hammer. |ture wound is to hold the work in| resonance. It eliminates “boom : > = Striking at an angle will cause the : reflection,” a condition in which FE 8-0484 ; ee i J bammer’ . one hand, the screwdriver in the 's face to slip off the nail, . . sounds bounce back and forth from on other hand. And DON’T substitute|.on t> wall.and thus confli D f M Kuileing Service 7 23 ON He cnet tnne,|® screwdriver for a chisel or 8\ vith sicceeding sounds being pro- BH Pe , near |e ee duced. - | NEW ee PARTS | ina conary, offer thelr own eto Another effective acoustic gall] GOODWILL ‘| 2255 E. Walton Blvd. 2489 Airport Rd. ae | hessmer ae . | Corner Opdyke Corner Hatchery Bd. yoy te ygngeg irene | Should be ‘dght In tho hammer re a ee tanta Lite Li aL | 3401 W. Huron SPACE KING SPACE QUEEN Michigan’s Most Fabulous Buy SEE THEM TODAY You owe it to yourself to see the most fabulous values in this or any other area in the State of Michigan. * You'll be sorry if you-don’t inspect them today. FEATURING — Lake privileges on beautiful Lotus * Lake. Close to schools, churches. 3 large shopping centers in area, Walking distance to commuter depot. SPECIAL F.H.A. TERMS! Only 2 Left With These Special Terms | | BAcLEY AUTO PARTS Yr Seeteit EVENINGS and SUNDAY, OR 3-2276 PEDY-BILT . Family Room 12’x21’—Including 75’ Lot ....Garage is Extra. ee men SPACE QUEEN ; 3 BEDROOMS, FULL BASEMENT 313 990 * Bath—Large 21’ Farm Kitchen with Large Dining Area—Living Room—Brick Front with 2-Car / Attached Garage. As Stately as Any wien You've Ever Seen. pn RR A i a FHA — 60 MONTHS TO PAY NO MONEY DOWN oO ee geen tele by? | ee CARLO CONSTRUCTION CO, LOCATION— Model Phone: OR 3-0001 ye Williams Lake Road and MISS DUNSTAN , - Airport Road, Waterford itis £ “* selec mri Se le A tt “THRE PoWTIAC PRESS, SATURD: ¥eAPRID 25, 1950 pec! ges ty _—_ ee ae years ¥e\Hot Pot Protection ‘alone, Valent Sosine cooking ot “than 2,07 _f) — pacgrred Ae ~ the!a GIVE You “MORE FOR LESS!!. * MORE QUALITY _& BETTER CONSTRUCTION * Ad WORKMANSHIP ° Wo Mon ey. Down: -5 Years to Pay FOR A FREE ESTIMA’ TE DIAL en FE2-1211 | Any size or style, frame. or masonry. OUR REPRESENTATIVE WILL CALL ON. You All jobs expertly constructed with qual- AT YOUR CONVENIENCE. NO. OBLIGATION ity materials. Complete cement ia . > “¢ GUARANTEED SATISFACTION | te Low Interest Bate 12 to 15 Year ee FREE , OPERATORS ON DUTY 24 HOURS A DAY ASK FOR MORTGAGE DEPARTMENT | BIGBEAR CONSTRUCTION 60. 92 West Huron athe J ) MS —————————————=_=_ For Any’ Modernization Work, Call ° Remodeling FE S-B405 oS siins” AMBASSADOR INSULATION co. site Site ers 2 . Pontiac i : sismainams. pecans a 7 Complete Basement Waterproofing | | All. Work Guaranteed — Free Estimates! BUILDERS’ it! Reliable Water roofin y a a . : : 24 Whitfield ’ F meeting: ‘ SUPPLIES All BUILDING #, \4el- ~it's GOOD. . MANY. BEAUTIFUL fe. SS SS a well ; - see | & an MN send recreation contr’ tat | Common Brick peebbeieee./ —§ BUSINESS to - CHOOSE FROM. | ; | ‘The unit ‘has three roomy cab- Hearth Tile dace yee 7" ~ ‘ CHAIN LINK ferrin iy ose arf Matel Calvert ef gatos CALL [OPERATORS and WOOD [= Crmreia| “mee Sim EEG & MS | on Dury | speakers a a _, © Breezewe . FENCES ae Drain Tile @ Concrete Work’. siding “We Build © - 24 HOURS o Installed | . +comment arte Fie” A DAY. nsta Roof Cement Very Useful - Sileonite m= . : Complete | Asbestos or Fibrous Root Cement | Silica Sand Gg Se FREE ESTIMATES - F F 2. f 9 11 descriptions, whether they are ter- i F.H.A. TERMS ‘weal cores tn o cmp y WoterProofing HT WAC) OBLIGATION | : tion. There are hundreds of uses. for this frustworthy commodity. | Free Estimates ‘It comes in a thick paste-like ‘cnas| | and is usually applied with a | = SIBLEY NORTHWEST FENCE |"... .....[ coat « suppuy and beams are economical parts. B 140 N. Cass Ave. of the school structure because | , FE 8-0018 they do double aay us te struc: FE 5-8163 - iture and decoration. GEM Construction Co. 2260 DIXIE HWY NORTH OF TELEGRAPH RD., PONTIAC ee eee us, FY SIGHTED | : _ , $19 9 50 ie EXCITING , ‘ _ NEW . . / | . MODELS | aa the Tri-Level Featuring 4 Large Bedrooms, a 2-Car At~ . tached Garage, Ceramic hed Bath with ~ Oo double vanity and mirror, Paneled Activi- 7 ties Room with Natural Fireplace, Built-in Hotpoint Oven and Cooking Units, plus Many Other Outstanding Conveniences, the Glamorancher Exciting assets to your living include 3 Bedrooms, Bath and a Half, Oven and Range, Attached Garage, Full Basement— and more! AN GELUS: MEADOWS @ Where You're close-in, yet peaceful $15,950, ty . PLUS LOT e Whee restricted development protects you . | e Where Vacationland is only minutes away = SALES , _ | * Bateman & Kampsen}, ey fc " Fee Phone FEderal 4.0528 “ a Cd Oe ee ae ee : j Cee ee en ek ne ea ie wR @ e ie le “Eee ee ee ee ee a ea a nme # it i oe gned FRERICKS Bros.- Bildors FE 2.2951 a CO ee eee ee “KITOHEN ‘f RUSSIA ~ Three dimensional scale model illustrates the full-size General Elec- ‘ ind- tric kitchen which will be re-created at the Amer- an automatic wall oven, countertop cooking unit, ican Exhibition in Moscow this summer, The dishwasher, combination washer-dryer, water dimensional - in the yellow-dnd-white. L-shaped kitchen include | Kitchen will be part of a $13,000 three-bedroom heater and combination refrigerator-treezer. | | ranchgtyle house which will be erected at the * 11 &@ complete. overhaul at one! . + adhere ell hgh a architect can lay out a long-| » Arange plan in properly staged se- - |quences. It might done in i ft : 4 nh “e**.*.4 CRANE “quakes no more! costs | *) eee hati Vi) arti v Bak — get beautiful FHA Financing Av 55 East Pike Complete REMODELING and REPAIR SERVICE ailable Henry Drey- modern .. EAMES & BROWN, Ine. FE -3-7195 @ spe Even Roof Gutters |Pigeonholes u ee -|Give Ideal. Have Styling now — xtorage © : made. One is half pe and . other Mis fs ‘called K-gutter, Ogee, (C22, Pus face. This is c K-gutter, . or Box Gutter, * = ke. The style of gutter used is de- pendent upon the personal prefer- Le if aH izeee CHOICE BUILDING ‘SITES Offiee—7404 Highiand Rd, (M-59) trom $3250 Model Homes Available A Cole & Easlick Development caps, purses and vacuum cle: * * The only tool needed for con- structing these useful shelves is a generally |-rosscut saw, or an equivalent when power saw, when the craftsman My e side of the building)... 1,-inch hardboard to form the and detailing the con- be obtained by send- ing a postal card to the Home will be|Service Burea _JWashington St., Chicago 2, Ill,! Suite 2037, 111 W. Steel Closet Doors * Bi-fold closet doors that open full! ith are now obtainable in steel. | The steel] doors will not warp or) Your Home Im 9 North Tele 4 @ ADD EXTRA BEDROOMS @ FINISH YOUR ATTIC . @ ENCLOSE YOUR PORCH @ ADD AN ALL-SEASON‘S FAMILY ROOM. ¢ END PAINTING, WITH ALUMINUM SIDING AND MURAL-STONE Or You May Have Siding of Any Type Installed by Midwest call FE 4-2575 Reverse Toll Charges! from Outlying Districts _ MIDWEST : ' BUILDERS and SUPPLY CO. # Center for Over Serving Residences and Business in Oakland Co. graph Road © Pontiac 20 Years. EXPERIENCED BUILDERS OF "GARAGES A WIDE RANGE OF IDEAS FOR “KITCHEN sxoneuxc SE LEEEE Enjoy Home More With New . — ~ = ebhol ts ae ; T Bene. | may be made from stock lum- ber bolted together. The trick is cutting and placing braces to give the right support, Pat- tern 367, which shows every step and gives actual-size. guides for cutting angles, is 25c. This pattern also is one of five full-size numbers in the Outdoor Play Equipment Packet No. 25—all for $1. Or- ders under $1 add 10¢ service charge. ; y Bedford Hills, New York. | {swirl figure characterized the THIS PLAY EQUIPMENT | The Pontiac Press Pattern Dépt. 1 ! i {grain pattern called “drape.” ternating cross bands of burl 4 A : paRee GREG i Ht i 8 fis fs FEATURING $ 5, #BULTAIN Ce ] 950 Conventiona] Mortgage * PANELED DINING ROOM MODEL AT a CARPETING AND Many «2949 Watkins Lake Rd. _ OTHERS 12-8 Daily, 10-8 Set. and Sun. 1941 S. Telegraph Rd. FE 4-0591 Model OR 3-8021 ALL BRICK $ and 4 BEDROOM HOMES W. W. ROSS HOMES, Inc. ROCHESTER MEADOWS FACE BRICK 3-BEDROOM HOME WITH ene BASEMENT Sgr . = ae | Priced from... 1| *14,000 | 1st 0 \ D 0 rl SUB. | : . _ The 3-Bedroom Ranch style home of face brick with full base- ment is the most wanted home in the country! Proof again! _ @ GARBAGE DISPOSAL ~ first ig fag been sid completely! However, we ave ji ivision fri . adj nt to @ PAVED STREETS the fint, in the lovely villoge of Rochecten icdetiry mei Aa @ CITY SEWER & WATER & hills with good schools, .roads, parks, lakes, recreation and -@ DROP VESTIBULE 3 shopping -facilities all nearby. See it this weekend, @ FORMICA COUNTER TOPS . FHA | @ LOW TAXES MOVES $y) | © SPACIOUS CLOSETS e S YOU 2 5 O | @ CITY SIDEWALKS. Pong | IN | ® §©6©@ 60-FT. OR LARGER LOTS @ PAVED SIDE DRIVE , _ wine Coste @ CERAMIC TILE go ' .@ SLIDING GLASS DOORS ee @ ALUMINUM WINDOWS hoisdex' @ LARGE FAMILY KITCHEN Caavanlent $0 an Seo Tech Centar, pooh ~ | —LPQVTIAC . Oakland WALTON | WuLAaCE Oe | , ROCMESIE om , & Model Located at eTelel®) ol XIE HIGH WAY | 719 Elizabeth St. WATERFORD ROCHESTER Phone OL 1-8401 AUBURN l-$9) S OTILA tren ~ i a . ye 4 See hein Vw? §: 5 ¥, ; : é l i é airs PowTiAc Pans. SATURDAY, ‘Apri 9 bs wae * Role five Calm Prevails at Mill North Carolina Strike Quiets Down; Broken Windows... Worst ¢@By PHIL CORNER ' HENDERSON, N.C. (AP)—Rel- ative calm prevailed Friday night at quitting time at the strike-torn Harriet-Henderson Cotton Mills. The worst violence was a steady roll -of rifle fire that shattered some mill windows during the)’ night shift. But there were no re- ports of injuries, Homebound nonunion workers were greeted with catcalls and mi- nor harassments from about 200 union members outside the mill gates. Said Asst. Police Chief Har- . old Watkins: “I don’t know what the reason was, but it was certainly surpris- ingly quiet.” It was nothing like the burst of 5 ed ioe shooting earlier in the week, nor,| police said, was it like what was expected following Mills President John D. Cooper Jr.'s announce- ment Friday that he would start a third shift next Tuesday night. Cooper, saying he will not yield “to foree and violence,”’ rejected pleas of local and state officials to hold off further nonunion hiring in the six-month-old strike. Cooper's announcement brought an immediate appeal from Mayor Carroll V. Singleton for a delay in the third shift. Singleton said he would enforce the riot act against any troublemakers. Police said this and an antivio- lence statement by the Tex- tile Workers Union of America AFL-CIO’ seemed to have a calm- ing effect. Couple to Serve in Viet Nam Congregation to Give Forewell Party Tuesday| for Rev., Mrs. E. A. Cline The Rev. and Mrs. E. A, Cline, who have been with the Rev. G. J. Bersche at the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church, will leave the end of this month to make final preparations for mis-| {rom ordinary radio and radar, the | sionary service in Viet Nam, The Rev. Mr. Cline will preach: at the 7 p.m. service Sunday. A) farewell party will be given the Clines Tuesday evening by the congregation * * * Natives of Hamilton, Ont., of Delta Tabernacle, a Christian |‘ and Missionary Alliance Church in| Hamilton. After graduating from high school, Mrs. school of nursing of Hamilton Gen- era! Hospital. She received her R.N. in 1956. The Rev. Mr. Cline attended Changes produced in the monkeys’ of false propaganda that union-won LaVern Yenglin. He is in Macomb Moody Bible Institute in Chi- brains were due to heat from the gains were responsible for inflated|County Jail today charged with) cago for a year. He was gradu- ated in 1957, from Nyack Mis- sionary College. While the Rev. Cline served as assistant pastor in Moose \ Jaw Saskatchewan, Mrs. Cline attended Canadian Bible College. \ * bd * In September 1958, they entered € . the candidate training program of |< m. GOING UP — Vankus. Still About Move ‘DOWAGIAC (UPI) — Dowagiac poultry farmer Stanley Yankus, who quit the United States in re- jbellion: against U. S, agricultural controls, was expected to return here today or tomorrow after in- specting Australia as a possible place to settle. Yankus left Sydney, Australia last night but refused to say def- initely whether he wanted to move to Australia as a refugee ‘from American farm policies, He said Undecided to Australia | Mrs. Yc said Pm would go along with her husband's decision on whether to go to Australia. Re- plying to comments that Yankus would leave the matter up’to her, Mrs, Yankus said “it is not going to be up to me.” She said she weuld talk things over with him when he returned. “He is the one who has been to Australia,” she said, ‘‘and he will ‘Circus Star Badly Injured’ jas Cable Snaps _ _OLAHOMA CITY (AP)—A. cir peed gayenmeipendin nan | performance of the Shrine Circus here Friday, - Victoria Hanneford, «25, of Os: prey, Fla., fell 35 feet when a platform gave way after a sup- porting cable broke. She under- went surgery for a broken pelvis and broken Aa + The accinent ele midway in the performance before 3,500 youngsters. High as a puppy dog’s eye, that’s the wheat situation in most parts of Kansas. Here three-year-old Pam Franklin ef Salina plays he wanted to discuss the situation tell me about the country when he returns.” in Ross R. Paul, general manager'in the affair. with his wife before making a de- cision on his future. 10 days looking over Australia | and assessing the migration peos- sibilities { “I like more things about Aus-' tralia than I dislike,"’ he told news- | men. “I gained the impression that my family would be very welcome | here and would feel very much at} home.” ' UPI Photes with her puppy in a lush stand of wheat. Barring bad weather, another bumper crop is expected this year. Hold Hope to Check Maladies ~_ ) He praised Australians As push- j ing hard for private enterprise and | being less dependent than Ameri-' By FRANK CAREY WASHINGTON (AP) — “Death ray” killings of 10 monkeys may have paved the way for new ad- vances in the study of diseases of the human brain. The killer device—an instrument giving off a certain type of ultra- high frequency radiowave—now looks like a good bet for an im-| proved tool to study in animals certain conditions involved in hu-; man brain maladies. * * * That's the word from Dr. Pearce Bailey of the National Institute of | |Neurological Diseases and Blind-' ness. Bailey told about the mon- key-radio experiments in congres- sional testimony released Friday. | He expanded on the xperiments in an interview. Bailey said that although there is practically no hazard to humans |monkey experiment “points to a ‘possible way of testing under what| ‘particular conditions ordinary acl dio and radar could become haz- | ardous.”’ * * * ' He said the experiments — in, both which 10 of 21 monkeys were ex-| Ford Council. were graduated from Delta See- posed sufficiently long to kill them! The 250 delegates urged Ford:to ondary School and are members|—did not alter the picture as to’ slash prices in order to share with in ‘what little hazard, if any at all, | there is in ordinary radio and ra- idar.” Regarding possibilities of using) Cline enterd the/the technique in brain-disease re- | ties for auto workers. The dele-| search, Baily gave this outline: There was no evidence from the jexperiments that the physiological | radiowaves. * * So, he said, it is theorized that} 'the effects produced were caused | by s ;‘moleeular disturbances’’ in) ithe "brain cells produced by the: Killer’ Rays Probe B QIN eo cans on government handouts. | f ! hard one to make. He said one | ‘problem to face in settling in Aus- | radiation itself, rather than its} all had a “quite complete recov- tralia was the ceoiar eens. { heat. lery” {rom their experience. In the|He also said he was afraid the “Maybe,” he said, “they (the case of the latter monkeys, their | Communists might m ak e propa-| i brain cells) resonate with the elec-|exposure to. the radiowaves was| 'ganda hay that would embarrass | tromagnetic radiation coming in|stopped short of thé convulsions the United States if he moved to| —but at present, that is only the-| ‘which, in the other monkeys, were | Australia. | | ory.” |followed by death. x *« : * *« * “The Communists might try te But he said the evidence so far| Bailey said the waves that tony ats eauaey ei left,” from the tests is that radiowaves'a monkey emanated from a radi he said. can alter the biological activity of antenna pointing toward the man- the brain stem, a vital area of the key’s head and in line with his| AS a parting shot to newsmen, ‘brain, in a way that may be re- brain stem, the central and vital he said, “I hope to see you again, iversible. That is, under certain part of the brain. He said the mon- |500"- ‘conditions, the effects produced key was killed in five minutes. The| Meanwhile, Yankus’ wife Mil-| \may ultimately disappear. antenna did not touch the mon- dred, dismissed as ‘‘silly’’ rumors | Even the 10 monkeys that were key’s head. on she might refuse to accom-| killed, he said, showed very few. * * * a ner husband to Australia, 4 _abnormalities of the brain when) “A lot of people are talking” | that organ was examined after am riegacscien “Radle” axperts she said. *‘A lot of them are env- | death. And the 11 other monkeys’ said this is within the frequencies | US and jealous and a lot of them | jused in radio communication be- Stak Oh ee fo ee |tween planes and is also used in| | UAW Urges Ford | to Cut Prices $100 | jsome types of specialized televi- with my husband.” DETROIT ® — The Ford Motor ‘sion and radar. Commercial radio| Mts. Yankus said she had not and television broadcasts are in|¥¢t Started to pack for the final ithe frequency band ranging from |‘TiP to the land~down under. “But six-tenths of a megacycle to about |f I wasn't going with Stan” she 100 megacycles. added, ‘‘why would I have bought ‘these trunks?” Co, has been asked to cut car . Mrs. Yankus and the couple's | eee al his delegates to the Romeo Police Arrest children remained at their farm ( Workers’ Nationa! Speeding Area Driver | here by agreement with Dale | | Douthett, a Three Oaks business- man who bought the Yankus | farm, } ROMEO — A 28-year-old Wash. | gton man was arrested at 3: 30| To SHARE OWNERS of Consumers Power Company The Company’s directors and officers cordially invite you to attend a regional meeting of Share Owners to be held in the , "CONSUMERS POWER COMPANY SERVICE CENTER 4600 COOLIDGE HWY., ROYAL OAK, MICHIGAN MONDAY, APRIL 27, 1959-—8 P.M. Consumers Officers will discuss your Company's affairs MOTION PICTURE REPORT . . . REFRESHMENTS Husbands and wives of share owners also are invited. |the consumer some of the benefits, this morning for reckless driving lof greater productivity and lead to after trying to outdistance a patrol an expansion of the car market, |car at speeds up to 95 m.p.h., Ro- plus an inérease in job opportuni-!meo Police repated soiay. * |gates represent 125,000 Ford work-| Donald M. A ry 58284 Ruth | ers across the nation. Jean St. was stopped at 30 Mile! Ford was accused by the couneil Rd. and Van Dyke by Patrolman ; | Prices. reckless driving and operating a| | The council called fog a joint la-;motor vehicle without a license. It |bor-management committee to|had been revoked for previous ay | study the results of automation and victions. technological advances on the auto| He was to be arraigned today inj ‘industry. lJ Justice Court at Mount Clemens. | Missionary Internship Inc. of De-| troit. In June the Clines will attend the Tronto Institute of Linguistics in preparation for sailing in late} ~~ be summer for Viet Nam. - Ad Woman Is ‘Good Judge of Bovine World The best judge of a female may very well be a female. At least the men of Pontiac Motor Di- vision’s Advertising will not dispute this statement. Year after year ad men have {°." eagerly awaited the results of a national dairy man magazine's annual Cow Judging Contest for Advertising Men. Results of the 1959 contest were published this week and a Pontiac Motor name finally ‘ shares the spotlight with other national winners. Miss Jean Widdis of 210 Pioneer, an adver- tising department employe, took second place in the contest— only two points out of first po- sition. ; Miss Widdis, who was most suc- cessful in judging photographs of 2 cows in five different breeds, received 10 pounds of specially- aged cheese and a handsomely : framed certificate for her efforts. The other four top winners, ifici- dentally, were employes of farm), equipment manufacturing con- cerns. Blast, Fire Damages Plant in Wayland . WAYLAND (P—An explosion and| fire caused an estimated $250,000): in damages today at the Luxaire Cushion Co., one of the business mainstays in this community 20 miles south of Grand Rapids. Ten nien were working in the building when an, explosion oc- curred in a gas-operated oven used . in processing rubber about 3:30 Department} 7 obligated to desires to do 7 a.m. Al escaped injury. Many small-time promoters send unordered mer- chandise through the mails, usually accompanied by .a letter of solicitation for payment. Recipients of such unordered merchandise are not however, keep it in a safe place for a reasonable period of time so that the sender may call for it if he BUSINESS ETHICS BOARD Pontiac Area Chamber of Commerce = * | ‘Waldron Hotel Bldg. ~~ Phone FE 5-6148 x : | ee | pay for it or return it. They must, so. of the We Have Three Million Dollars Available for - Mortgage Purposes! If you are planning to buy or build a new home or to improve your present home, come in and see us today! HOME LOANS OUR SPECIALTY WE BUY LAND CONTRACTS Pontiac Federal Savings — 16 E. Lawrence Street - Home Office 761 W. Huron Street Downtown Branch Rochester Branch 407 Main Street 4416 Dixie Highway—Waterford # TOTS I a, ONT a IOI te, ty PRIMO, OE, ’ es Sa te Oe ey ee Oe RS ee April 29th ana\ 30th, 9 a, m. to i p.m. aris — Episcopal Ghureh i Mii ey Light fixtures, sensational de- signs, Michi rejects. Terrific val- ues. Fluorescent. Peg —Ady. AA Private Detectives Licensed—Bonded—FE 5-5201 ady.|Commission reported. Australia is the largest woo! pro- ducing country in the world, Argen- tina is second, United States third. jen Dianne: of 4425. Green| Hh 5989 Roe Oe 48 ad sii rea f itis a"! +e tree Peeve rr ee terete tre ee eeeeeereee tee b eee wee Sei i ethene eas 1 Shea e eee o* PTeA Rete EEE Co oer 2) homes during the first quarter. the first three months of 1958, but * * Wayne County issued 2,788 this year and 1,296 last year, while Macomb County issued 884 this year and 545 in 1998, the Planning ‘The city of Madison Heights was the only Oakland County community listed among the top 10 in building permits in the three-county area during the past MUTUAL FUNDS tepic of Mr, Philip Ff. be thay Con Massachusetts "Lite uné, Besten Tuts- day, Mr. McLellan ts « Meverenrs | College siusinus ef the Class of ant ten with Vanes. ‘Bané- SUBSCRIBE NOW!. 310 FOR ONE OB ALL OF THE SERIES Bear These Outstanding Authorities: George Nicholson, —Smith, : Eagee 6 foe Detreit. 4, “Infia Business and Market Cycles” 0 be apostate @ Wilferd J. Elteman—Professer ef Finance, U. of Mich. “Selection |, @f Individesi Blocks” e Soule &, Bohsen— Bevis L. rontet Whit th be rast 1 is, What It Coa be pe oF Gheuld Use It" NATIONAL This Series Spencers’ pen bk gel COMMITTED ef the PONTIAC A —_ JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMME Soeree yore tenet at the deer by por gang ibe ghee Becccrlaeage plete arra CeO OHO neh Rees eeene eee er cere! et OF he eeoons OO ee eee enone Pontiac Nerthers Bish Seheot Cc. R. MASKILL | STUDIO tat Auto Output Down Slightly This Week Bar. | quarter. total of 4,541 permits for now) Hse! Park ‘la fall, it was learned here. today. rehee en ae ee Cee e ere eee ee eee eee ee ee Milford Village. Joss Scapa erences a Pe ly Westwood Vill ‘in (Tt) rmery ‘estw . change only. ia ac See egaedegheewnrnere BRE -|Airmen to Try 4 fo Cross Atlantic, in Small Boats cuaiiiel A. HIBNER Charles A. Hibner, 15-month-old son of Airman First-Class and Mrs. Charles W. Hibner who are stationed with the U.S. Air Force in Casablanca, Morocco, died there Tuesday from injuries received in His body isen route from Africa to the Donelson-Johns Funeral Home. Surviving besides the parents, are grandparents, Mrs.- Harold The southern Oakland city issued months of this year. For the same period in 1958, it issued 219: Pontiac showed unusual activity in March, issuing 77 dwelling per- |mits—the highest for one month ‘for Pontiac since 1955. It should be noted, the Commis- sion pointed out, that 58 per cent of the region's first quarter dwell- badly permit activity took place in The average for March since tae 1s in 45 per cent of first ‘quarter activity. a Following | is a ‘weno of the ‘number of permits issued by all robbed Oakland communities durin the = quarter of 1959: i DETROIT w& — Automobile out- ‘put from U.S. factories this week will consist of ‘133,918 cars and 26,260 trucks, Ward's Automotive 119 permits during the first three Decker of Orchard Lake, Mr. and} ‘Mrs. Victor Golding of Keego! \Harbor, and Charlés Hibner a Milford. MRS. ARTHUR (Lydia) HALSEY TROY — Service for Mrs. Arthur (Lydia M.) Halsey, 77, of 3500 John R Rd. will be held at 2 p.m. Mon- day from the Price Funeral Home, with burial to follow in Union Corners Cemetery. Mrs. Halsey died Thursday at Grace Hospital, Detroit, after ‘a short illness. She was a charter member of the Troy Biue Star Mothers Ciub and also of the' Women’s Society of Christian Service of Big Beaver Methodist Church, Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Almont Man Beaten, Robbed Last Night ALMONT TOWNSHIP — An Al- mont Township man who was wey ing car trouble on Hough roa near ‘M33 shortly after nore this morning was assaulted. and robbed, according to Romeo State) Police. The victim was Frederick Dahn, | 30, of Kidder road.- From his bed | in Community Hospital near Al- | mont, he identified John W. Ward, | 31, of 7550 Hough Rd. as his as-| was taken to the hospital. State Police were called. Troopers picked up Ward as a suspect when they found bloody Reports said. Last week the factories built, 135,934 cars and 26,440 trucks. In; and 16,2064 trucks were built. and 115,000 trucks will be turned ‘out this month, compared to the) '577,000 cars and 111,000 trucks ' April of last year, 316,503 cars 74,522 trucks were produced | Ward's said this week's. indi- cated decline in car assemblies ‘was due chiefly to Chevrolet's | cutting back in two eastern assem- bly plants for inventory adjust-) ment. . EMPLOYEES FEDERAL CREDIT UNI For Eeiple pices ot GMC ‘oac FE 5-6151 Financing Here” Division pi! Their Families 156 W. Huron at Norton “It Pays to Do All Your ON Truck | The statistical agency said cur- ‘rent schedules indicate 585,000 cars| amination this morning before Jus- on working at her old job. —Earl ; | Security for You | | gloves and a biood-smeared jack | handle in his car. *® x ‘ped of $10 to -12. z Ward, an ex-convict, waived ex- jtce of the Peace Herbert King in Lapeer and was bound over fo Circuit Court. He remains in La- peer County Jail today charged -} with armed robbery and aggra- vated assault. ° Dahn was reported in “satis- factory’’ condition this morning at the hospital. ‘Consumers Net Down JACKSON @—Consumers Power ‘Co. reports net income for the 12 months ended in March was 806,000, down $467,000 from the | preceding 12 months. On the aver- lage number of common shares out- istanding the company earned $3.27 per share, down six cents ‘all other officers were re-elected lat the annual organization meet- ing of the board of directors. Any girl can get a good secre- |tarial job today if she can type, ido a little filing and make decent ‘the same 1958 week, 58,664 cars| Police said Dahn had been rob-\coffee during the coffee break . ‘Today a girl marries for keeps— ‘she keeps house and: also keeps Deaths in Pontiac and Nearby Areas tin, 53, president and board chair- man of the Bates Co., Maine’s biggest textile con- cern, died Friday. He also ~_ ed Windsor Industries Inc. Mrs. | Mojud Co., Inc. BIRMINGHAM, Ala. newspaper syndicate, NEA, He was a native of Cairo, Il. SAN FRANCISCO, (AP)—Louis! ve E. Blumenthal, 65, executive di- rector of the local Jewish Com- was a native of New York City service, FAIRFIELD, Conn. (AP)—Wil-|re alcohol administrator in the Roosevelt administration, died Friday night. He was a native of Eastford, Maine. He also served as New England director of the Treasury Department’s alcohol tax unit. -SAN ANTONIO, Tex. (AP) — Catherine N. Meloy, 54, wife of the 4th Army commander, Lt. Gen. G. S. Meloy, died Friday +|night in the hospital at Fort Sam Houston, She was a native of Wilson, master’s degree from Johns Hop- kins University. planned as the month began. i But Small Chrysler to Be Conventional «Rear Engine Likely on New GM Car By DAVID J. WILKIE AP Automotive Writer | DETROIT up — Engineering of ‘the smaller General Motérs, Ford ‘and Chrysler cars is stimulating. considerable guess-work in auto-| ; |motive circles. | Most industry sources expect the First of the smaller General }{|new cars to be on 109 inch wheel- p] | base chassis. That would be about! two.or three of them—may have |10 inches shorter than the present | Chevrolet, ' wheelbase. The projected new cars have ‘been track tested. Their engines are expected to develop slightly under 100 horsepower. Motors models — there may be None for Husband Killer By RAY ,° From a Tennessee reader: payments on the basis of her h and be covered by the social La to which I believe I’m entitled. can’t charge you more than $ Social Security Administrati upon request. It’s not necessary. But, his address. for some years. My father was a lump sum death payment is Yes. You both can apply lump sum payment. | From J.W.S. dr. of Charlotte, N.C.: says a father or mother can’t work for @ son or daughter From B.P. of Washington, D.C.: difficult time trying to get social security disability payments HENRY . “T’m curious about whether a ‘|iwife who murders her husband can receive social security usband’s record? This question cam¢ up in a discussion with some friends the other evening.” A wife convicted of killing her husband isn’t entitled to payments which might otherwise be paid. “The social security law security system. That is, they don't have to pay any social security tax and they can’t collect | any benefits for the time worked. I’m wondering if this. limita-| tion also applies to a step-mother employed by a step-son?”'. Yes. In the eyes of the social security law, step-chil- dren are considered in the same status as blood relatives. “T've been having a In a few. days, a hearing will be held before a Social Security referee on my case. May Tr take a lawyer along to represent me?” Yes, but you don’t have to. Incidentally, your attorney 10 for his services, unless the on authorizes a higher fee From E.T. of Wichita Falls, transfer me to Chicago. Should I tell the local Social Security office so my address on its records can be changed?” Tex.: “My employer plans to a person drawing payments should always let his local office know when he changes 4 ’ From D.DR. of Tampa, Fla.: “My brother and I shared the burial expense of my father. Our mother has been dead covered by social security and due us. Since we shared the) lexpense of burial, can we share the lump sum payment?” for the payment and receive. * whatever- portion that corresponds to the proportion of the funeral expenses you paid, For example: Suppose you paid % of the burial expenses.- ‘You can collect % of the Ford and Plymouth! | engines in the rear. Some sources have said the engine will be of | aluminum construction and air- | cooled, - Aluminum engines have been tested by GM, Ford and Chrysler. Which of the larger car com- panies may be first to present the |B: smaller wheelbase car still is un- certain. In each instance prelim-; inary work has been under way for several years. Probably General Motors, Ford and Chrysler could get the ‘smailer units into production in time for introduction with their other 1960 models. But they are not likely to do that. It would’ divide inter- est between them and the conven- ltional type models. Conventional size 1960 models will be introduced in late Sep- tember and through October, with the smaller units to appear shortly afterward. There is little doubt in trade quarters that GM's smaller car, to be assembled at the former Chev- rolet transmission plant at nearby Willow Run, will have its engine in the rear. Several foreign makes have engines in the rear. One sales argument is that this simplifies the exchange of an ail- a relatively low price. But L. L. Colbert, Chrysler president, says his company’s smaller car ‘‘will have its en- gine in the front where it belongs.” Several industry chroniclers took this to mean Colbert expects one engine car, The new smaller cars are ex- pected to be list-priced at about $2,000. Extra equipment, like auto- matic transmissions, power steer- ing, power brakes and white side- wall tires, of course, substantially will add to the price. * * * There is varying opinion on how GM, Ford and Chrysler smaller cars will affect imported car sales. Some importers say their major market still will be in an area below the price range ex- pected for the GM, Ford and Chrysler smaller units. 4» be ‘foreign cars against foreign cars and domestic’ units against domestic units. . Apparently certain now is that this year’s imported car sales will reach 500,000 units. Last year’s retail sales numbered about ) * ee Te ee, OO ee ee ee rae ee a ae for the” City of munity Center, died Friday. Helsvivan and wrote several books on social| et" ford Swett Alexander, 80, federal et be gallons of of Esteron Brush Kier, equivalent. a ereak blanks and specifications - obtained upon ust ee made upen Oak- Commission bidding) April 25, "39. CITY OP SYLVAN LAKE April m 1950, the City Counci) Syiven La Lake enacted 54, being the Gas end Oi) Burner Heating Equipment This Ordinance ty one te regeiate the ——— main- tenance and use of ci] burning hea’ equipment for use in connection with types ef space het ances end a of all equipment and « ek thereof in the City of ¢, Michigan; to the administration and cntafeement _ hy the peared ‘Sens tor Heenses and deer gg te provide a arrangement for ips! Se volunterily —— lorcement of this Ord: te pro- vide a for the violation of the terms thereof and repealing all former ces and Amendments reto conflicting therewith. Sieetive date of Ordinance No. 56 te May 1, 1958. ‘April 26, Rochester, N.Y. She received her| T° ing power plant for a new one at/* of his competitors to. have a rear-| They say the competition will NOTICE OF HEARING ON SPECIAL Assessment Improvements by Bioom- field Township Board. To the sateen of the Following De- scribed Propert Lots 1 to } ‘Lnclustve; Lots 8 to 68 inclusive and Outlot A of Hammond Lake Estates Subdivision; Lot 68 to 105 In- elusive of Hammond Lakes Estates Sub- division No. i, Section 6, Bloomfield un make the following described improve- men __areding and constructing 2 inch ate surface and work. on South Hammond Square Leke Road to north end. U Court from East Hammond Lake content, Section 6, Bloomfield Township: designated the spe-. 4ieial assessment district against which the ) cost of said rap is to be d as of all the lots and parcels of lands set forth ig ao ouee a and estimates have pre- and are on file with the” Town- Pap =, for public examination. The shows the purpose ring ebjections . ine petition, to the teaprevements and : the special assessment district there- or. ROBERT ae DUDLEY, Township Clerk April 18, 25, °5®. NOTICE OF REVIEW OF SPECIAL Assessment Roll for the Township cf Bloomfield To the ‘owners of other persons in- terested in the following described lots and parcels of land: Lots 1 thru 34 inclusive “ Nortnover rhooyy Subdivision, Section Biloom- field |Township, Oakland caeey: Mich- ‘Spidase take — that ® Special t Roll his been prepa and is bg file. in the office of the Town- ship Clerk for public examination. Baid special assessment roll has been pre- yeree for the purpose of assessing the tat following described improve- pal . the property benefited there- ftom t Conctrection of an eight inch gt Sanitary Sewer: Beginning et a point feet east and 5 feet south of peas corner of Lot 4 Northover Farms; thence westerly slong Northover Drive to Patch Drive; thence northerly along easterly side of Patch Drive to a point 15 feet north and 3 feet west of the northwest corner of Lot 22 Northover Farms; Also: Northerly along east side of Betsy Ross Drive to a point 15 feet north and 3 feet west of the northwest corner of Lot 31; Also: Southerly along Belmont Court to point 7 feet east of the southeast cowie of Lot 14 of Northover Farms, fon 12, Bloomfield Township. Take further notice that the Towrn- ship Board will meet at the Township Hall in the Township at 7:30 o'clock p.m., on Tuesday, April 28, 1030, for the purpose of reviewing said s assess- ment roll and hearing any objections theret a ROBERT H. DUDLEY. Township en April 18, 25, 50. Death Notices ALLEN, APRIL 23, 1989, LILLIAN. Hy N. Broadway, Lake Orion, age { Mrs. John Retd A. Parker, and Mrs. . Puneral service ts ok hel Orion, with officiating. Interment in Eastlawn Cemetery, | Orion. @ ee Interment. in ein Memoriam PPDLARLAP LLL Pt IN LOVING ites OF WIL- Bute néver out of hy oo ‘os or trione’ ed: i hearts, they Je ft beh , 7 i pga by Mom & Dad & . Sadly 1 FOR WANT ADS _ DIAL FE 2.8181 * é iy rt ii i g oo canst pte eens the day of “alter the ret insertion. CASH WANT Lives oe s4eaeun Help Wanted Male 6 10 MEN TO COVER PONTIAC Sake big wrenes, We tapers, hes: talization penefits, bonuses. an A R. FE 54-0511 Rersonel > Tasedey. Wen 1 pea. "and 6 p.m. only. ALL-AROUND MACHINIST TO RUN SMALL PARTS DEPT. FOR PRECISION JOB SHOP. REPLY: PONTIAC PRESS . BOXAI ALL AROUND BUMP AND PAINT zm. Sooty wert, . Economy Used TREADS pear paadicep. Beat in “ BUMPER & Pi PAINTER "Bases reliable bie’ nae Beeld otor DeSoto-Piymouta __Dealer, Cass W, Pike. BARBER aoe ae to ) OPERATE shop. 109 Nortun. . Mat he Cold Header Spa Must be experienced. Relorte €o ¢. Tne Auto- Puy CANV field. to id 9m Ask tee ee ke: W, Montcelm “Do You Like to Talk «to People Make a Nice Appearance Want to Sell New and Used Cars We need ogereuive a yg toe — Chrysiers and x Mover. ta aad = talk it wen Guyer debit. Prefer married man, Car x salesman, A Snith-Wideman Realty, 412 on 526. EXPERIENCED P rite mar. Swan wee ot ed cn van son wevecey” ‘ereury, R Hwy FIRST oa mechanics ‘ust have com: ee era mere Ine. ee rk wo Freezer Sales Manager “ie, manag food Sreogar salesman be en. * tx 8 outstand: ti ® Our. ‘ur eunomers ci day or Tuesday, Le 30 to Dixie an : moaree Walied Lae area, I NE® who are MEN A ve ; Stet cae ne peg Mr, aay “Young Men to Assist , local in coast Sun. off Start 960 mo. NURSES AIDE Experienced, for full time work. tomes “TERE Sp phon vieinity. Gog OPENING esgee ws ~ pee and general sin Sess “Pahoa ah eeae ; soak “WANTS WORK BY THE En erencemeanene las aG LADY. AS MOTHER'S . Fond in. a ay eae, Te eT ee See ee en ge A BUSINESS OF sso OWN es SiO Gain se) nationally ad’ ALL ane “OF CEMENT AND SELL | "block work, PE 2-2341. ee ee own | pe ig agg cone ze . EVELYN EDWARDS VOCATIONAL COUNSELIN _~OUR WN SUITE 4 Bio BRICK, gett WORK and BRICK, re- Pree est. Cali after 5 p.m. OL/ Y in a one girl of- ements, EM J-~ cane TER NEW & RE- shortha . se for a girl whe likes to be her $300. _ TYPIST w PRES ROTOMATES TERME anorinand, wu CEMENT & BLOCK WORK FE 5-0782 te ad- ee SS Se right girl. $325 RRIE S POV a Sc Fis _State ounes f Rgtteats nor Wanted Male ‘To 4-0584 REPRESENTATIVE between A-1 PAINTER, exterior. Reas. FE 4-6462 4-1 CARPENTER W an’ repair. FE wane - ane G INTERT re & Ye . Free estimate. Reas. s3783 or OR 3-8117. ANY KIND OF LAWN WORK, FE FL. Cee AVAILABLE NOW CARPENTER ane lWiLLER'S FLOOR SERVICE. ee ive A wp _ ae in & outside, FE 8-4 caeater MAKER a6 CARPE. euenens ® specialty. ter. CA RPENTER WORE king. perasonatie. E 8-9439 cARbER ES & er. Good work: naramnepe 1.1915. mili DEPENDABLE pl MAN, JUNK PICK UP ANB Bai BASEMENTS cleaned, FE 17-0480, MANAGER, YER. Leg ame — 2 yrs. - Dept. mi. —— enced Age 50, had og est Pr MAN WANTS WORK BY THE day, Dishwasher or janitor. Call FE 5-7917. MARRIED TRUCK DRIVER DE- sires work of any kind. FE 8-2938. ODD JOBS, LAWN WORK, CLEAN- up and light hauling. FE 8-4378. PAINTING EAVESTROUGHS carpenter work. Plaster dry wall & plumbing. FE RELIABLE CARPENTER NEEDS work, Price is right. FE WALL WASHING, LLEGE | ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE _RE- airing and rewinding. J in varied) Pen" rr syieding. 218 d referen | aes ie 'Get 4-1 B UNDER 5 al ladeek beeseentiing and under pinning. Also masonry. FE 8-8944. ae —— ae are well reategee ed REPAIR. PLASTERING. —_ Block. Cement work. FE nai BASEMENTS UNDER houses. Block & cement work. FE 5-0064 or FE 2-3796. BASEMENTS WATERPROOFED Work Guaranteed—Free Estimates FE ¢0777 Time. \ cnr BUILT HOMES ee ee 18 OUR SPECIALTY. EM 3-4879. WORK, r, onal wee - special . FE 2841 or ; T0274. sf CUSTOM Sean BY LICENSED builder, Pree estimates. UL. 2-5175 CERAMIC TILE “COMPLETE 1% CAR GARAGE— BARGAIN—$495 kinds : Marsh, 353 N. Cass. PE 2.3021, PE 5-1775. — DRY WALL — Le . 8a! and finishing. Terme: PE 45660, . NEW & OLD WORK. ALL KINDS. Remodeling, Honest, OA 8-3897. PLAS ASTERING — NEW & REPAIR Vern Kelle UL 2-1740 iy|) Pat heen 1 3 REPAIR REAS. Pat .Lee. FE 2-7922. NY i: G. SNYDER es iG. sanding and finishing Phone, FE 5-0582. ROOF REPAIRS _ EAVESTROUGHING FE 4-04 "epi tank EXCAVATING FOR ic tanks, Field tile f 5. hes and boat well, UL os FUR Oe ‘sID- g, gutter repair, ensed somreater. Free estimates, EM Building Supplies 12A 3 TONS OF LEDGE ROCK FOR * late wall. $30. FE 86-1198. Business Services 13 ACCOUNTANT, AVAILABLE EVE- nings and weekends. Prepare fi- nancial statments and tax re- por' Phone FE 49296 after 5 Pm. ASPHALT. PAVING Let us estimate your drivewa best references. “| Phone FE 5-5037_ or UL ALL MAKES OF FOUNTAIN PENS sass, et i Ng i “ Ce. WALL WASHING BY MACHINE,| Office ly Co., 17 W. Law- pO mess, FE s Cost tence St. a ars SIRES WORK| BU i : of an Pic sao tree cutting. Va oF FE irae for bette 4 BLOOMFIELD -W ALL CLE WERS. r T pos Ly tion, Write Pontiac Press, Bo yen t] wnkewn Ressenabio. YouNG M. iw SCHOOL FE 2 ation, Hr Gains oto ar Pe REST, PELL serviced, G. L. Nelson. FE 56-1788. B/ FLOOR TILE LAID, Yc EACH. FE 2-5998 after 6 p.m. LAWNMOW SEeRPERED & Authorized ice. Snel tiggn Garden Plowing 16B bg 2 SY ROTO - TILLING: FE: GARDEN PLOWING REASONA- rates. OR 3-5121. GARDEN AND LAWN ROTO-TILL- G & SOD- 2-5463, LANDSCAPING, SEEDIN wa olin, co. 3. & mowing. , & Tr Trucking 19 1-A Reduced Rates sir Movina “co. Fe Ri s HAULING & RUBBISH, NAME pet rice. Any time. ‘PE 2-005. RK oe ate aye AND Coa HAULING. <<} 8-1124 ea RATES LIGHT AVY TRUCKING. Rubbish. et “ain. Ants soll, sand end loading. FE “TIGHT HAULING MOVE FURNITURE OR ANY- thing, Reasonable. FE 8-0207. O'DELL CARTAGE Local and lene, distance moving. Trucks to Rent |“ ite Se wae paper. erase” can PAINTING rapt IFEERION PECORATOR.| : A Angad Stem & POECORATING. rs PAPERHANG- . Work Guar PE 2-4315. P. FE 4-0255. AND DEC- terms, UL | at a INTERIOR. EX- nt Bangg for cash. st. FE 4-9205, AAA PAINTING & SECORATING. 20 ye experience, Reasonabie. imates, Phone UL 2-1398. tL & ary manent SMALL Name your own month- iy. pyrite Fy satimaton PE , OR 39764 HOUSEMOVING FULLY" equi PE 48450, L. A. Young. "tee i 7- AGE C - re YEARS EXPE. ence. Free estimates. OR 3-4074, ifiiams Lk. P ANE DECOR Ww ane paper re-| FE 2-468. Painting — PAPERING Removal FE 2-2312 TING, “Television Service 22 par 2 OR NIGHT TV SERVICE 5-1 76 ot PE. —se TV gg b ARTER- 23 EAKLE’S CUSTOM UPHOLSTER- 2 Cooley Lake Rd, EM _ ENAPP’SI SHOES - FOR MAGI CARE & NPTRILITE food supplements, call Hand Weavers Attention —_ Fas gg ot for weaving, up quired. OR IN DEBT? IF SO LET US Give You | Place to Pay Ease Your Mind WE ARE NOT A LOAN COMPANY MICHIGAN CREDIT . COUNSELORS Pontia Bate Bank Bid ic an . FE 3-056 * SAPELY AND LOSE WEIGHT economically with newly released Dex-A-Diet tablet. 08 cents at SIMMS CMOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL Seep, 00-08: THIS sponsible for by any other man Lucas 2619 Williams Dr., Pon Mich. VILLAGE HALL AVAILABLE FOR PARTIES, RECEPTIONS. ETC. PTI 3261 ORCHARD LK. ve. PE 4-7065 WE SPECIALIZE I Simonize and b:ue cent: q years ‘ash, Pike. Call for appointment FE 5-1426 or Drive by. WE RENT DISHES, SILVERWARE bowls. PE’ 45805. WANTED 50 women to lose 20 Ibs. this mo. LUTELY FREE Wtd. Children to Board 26 AAA LICENSED BOARDING home. FE 8-6590. . BABY SITTING. LOVING CARE. FE 2-1730 Wtd. H ousehold Goods Z oe bg DISHES, FURN. OIL ape. marble top tables. MY ture and misc. | &X3H FOR USED TV'S. FURNTI- PE 2-0367. CASH FOR FURNITURE AND AP- ——- Odd pieces or house full. “st courteous service, FE FURNITURE N EEDED Entire WA TO BUY — ALL TYPES af Tesamiare Ph, FE 2-5523. wit, LEB AE Poon HOUSE- private sale auc ; t. or pene wy ear Roch- in cond. Wtd. Miscellaneous 28 WA ANTED: — .FRONT END FOB 1954 Chevrolet, OA 8-3111, WANTED: JUNE ss AND scrap metal. UL 2-1249. WANTED - —— TIMBER. Top RLBERTA'L LUMBER MILL 330 Lapeer Rd. M24 FE_8-6131 WANTED: - OLD PHONOGRAPH records. Don't junk what you can sell. Turn discards into ket oa Call FE 45-0755 alter 5 Wanted to Rent 29 6 OR 7 RM. HOUSE. 3. ADULTS. Close in. Ref. FE 5-7332. ‘| COUPLE DESIRES ABOVE AVER- < furnished apartment. FE 2-7140. EMPLOYED SINGLE WOMAN wants lakeside apt. Waterford area. OR 3-7828 after 6 FOR cs ye — LAKEFRONT, yr. around home - executive's Cauite 1 family of 3. rooms. baths, fireplace. Preferabi Lake Angelus, Cass, Cass, Eliza- beth or Sylvan Lakes, LUzon _1-3216__ REFINED EXECUTIVE'S WIDOW wishes nicely furn. home on oF near lake ‘or summer. season. PE 5-9825. Se iat iE SHED OR GARAGE. 3734 . TAshmoo 5-1721. WTD. 5 OR a ROOM HOUSE, basement & — Near Bir- mingham. Wi option to buy, FE 4-5538, YOUNG UPLE DESIREg 4 room home, reas., within 10 miles. Ref. furn. if r req. OR 3-2403. RED FUR; | colors revived.’ 2-4250. Lost & Found 24 y or perking lot. Our jobs are our LOST: BLUE AND WHITE PAR- akeet, Vicinity ot — Lake Rad. Reward. OR Burke Asphalt Paving : 7 ING & EDITH Sts. Black & white young female le. FE 4-4209. SETTER bred, "ake, Vicinity La’ Pine iloomfield Hills. Apr. Reward. M Lost: YEAR OLD MALE BRIT- range & white, Vic. peidwin & Stmpet. FURNACES, CLEANED AND s OST: 2 mae BEAGLES. TAG = markng on tie, FE of caid's pet. r FE . FE Outboard Mir's—Parts & Bervice > ways PAIR OF BROWN town Pontiac. 8-0080. gg eae BROWN umber 4242. LPI. last seen en in the Oak- ‘ieee Lake. F i Wtd. Contracts, Mtgs. 32 mpleton, Realtor . FE 3-1888 or FE 1362 W. Huron, Ask tor Buy Land Contracts oie IF DELINQUENT! Asx for Manager E 2f2%6 or MA 5- HUMPHRIES REALTY Wanted Real Estate 32A GI AND PHA HOME a sewing re- | our property and tel ww 4 His you can neqetve ° WADE, WE BUILD & AL viet neo for acreage "PENN KEALTY 4122 N. Woodward LI 9-5900 Immediate Action 5660 Dixie Hw Open Eves ‘ti! 9; ; Sunday 1 10 "ti! 5 a: TMMWEDIA TELY! Paul M. Jones, Real is HAVE CASH, . WILL TRAVEL . age. _ now for a D. RILEY, Broker 1 ROOM STUDIO APT. noe LADY. $9. 43181 or FE 5-015 1 GIRL, $10, PVT. _Ent. washing, FE_2-0663 | LARGE ROOM, her RG 0 1 BLK. N. Ponte DRIVE-IN ee KITCHENETTE. PVT. + oth 2 adults only. 200 N, Pad- dock. Alberta Apts. RM. WITH PVT. BATH & KITCH- — Adults, 402 W. Huron, FE RM. KITCHENETTE. PVT. ENT. Clean a ont ° util, Singles $12. wk. guged ee Also 2 rm, with pv Saklad Sve floor. ‘Adults. "41 4 ENT, aa ox . On noob Ra - OR 3- 4 RM. “TPT. CLEAN, GOMFOR: bial i oung child weleome, 4787 RMS. AND BA RED: TH, oat Side Inquire | Be 4 Fam gale & BATH, FURN, OR Fe Gos Pontiac Mtr, 4-0826 or UN- FE 4 RMS,, UTI rT BATH AND _ ent. Upper. vis Wall St. FE 2-4067 FULL BATH, UPPER, 4 4 ROOMS. ae Keego, Adults. FE 4-46 @ RM, COTTAGE. ga Thai: er Park. 12 Dow 4 ee, AND) MURPHY . PE 4-4686 A ar. 5 PORNiaED - con’ ‘destrable ao i By & bath - East side. Ph. Ee Fry COTTAGE ST, 2 —* Everything included. care APT. FOR MAN. (, $30 ae ADULTS. 3 RMS. & BATH iain Garage. Front & back UP- ent. patege, ‘N. Shirley & Lois. Pon- tine. Adults OL 1-1875. BURN HEIGHTS. 3. RMS. 45 “4 rrel Rd. 3 UL 2-1930 BACHELOR ENT. (Quier __man” we ovens. DEc- BA \CHELOR NEWLY orated. Tie. Fath, very nice, N. End. PE 2-4370. EEO WN ist FLOOR. PVT. DOWNTOW FLOOR. PVT ent. Beautiful ask a 1 or 2 Garage included. 157 W. Huron. FE 5-6129. LT —" HOME-LIKE SURROUND- os ‘On bus eure & neat, No drinkers. after 4 p.m. FE PURN. APTS. AT WIXOM & . 3 furn. rms. with — em. ine. Must PD Ox- bow Lake. Schneider. MA 41292. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS _for gentlemen. 261 State St “GEN. HOSP. AREA Private entrance, 2 large ‘rooms, be 3 large closets. Auto heat. ya tise areflenie, adults only. on ORD & 4 ROOMS t. furn. or aR, PE 54-7628 or WE 5-4382. SYLVAN LAEEFRO 3.rooms, All utilities rll Ideal FE 40677. for Couple FE TIRED OF MOVING FUSSY LANDLORD NOSEY NEIGHBOR 5 S? We have the apt. for you. 2. room apt. Ground fleor, private | _entrance. FE _5-5749 or FE 20343. | UPPER 3 NICELY PURNIS' HED rooms & bath, inc. TV. utilities | furnished. No a Sees couple preferred. PE WEST SIDE. 3 ROOMS & BATH. Pvt. Ent., lots closet space. 2-0661. After 6, FE 5-5322. - FE. W. SIDE. ATTRACTIVE 2 RMS. bath, pvt. ent., air condi- and tioned. Util. furn. Only $15 2432 after a am couple, FE $-5042. Rent’ Apts. Unfurnished 34 18T FLOOR. oe BATH. OIL HEAT. Close in. ROOMS, CLEAN, ly. $11 per week. 319 N. Saginaw. 32 LARGE ROOMS, orated. Pvt. bath & entr. All util. Chi A welcome. dingellvilic. FE 32 & 3 ROOM APTS. PVT. BATH & « putranee. , & $16. 266 8. Parke. ay NEWLY DEC. 3 ig es & agains $12 WEEK. 225 Florence. ENT. 2800 dylvan Shores, coee TO Pvt. Ent. ptent vetoeme: 1 ROOM SCREWS PVT. bath, stove, refrig., heat, bot cold water furnished. ae only. 290 Apts. N. Paddock, Alberta 1° BEDROOM APT. BUIL stove & refrigerator, many features modern ar 41568. T-IN fine e, 2 ROOM STUDIO APARTMENT. & light Stove, refrigerator, heat furn, oo bath and entrance. _INC. $55 per mo. PAUL A. KERN, FE 20200. 3 7 BEDRM. {. 5 RMS. AND BATH, PE _&8-8792 after 5. +1 eeancos ig ig = rt rent free. 142 RMS, W. SIDE, UTILITIES FUR- 3 ished. PIE 3 ROOMS ‘5 a NEWLY DEC- orated, Gss range & all utilities. Close to “o97 Band Pontiac. Child Augusta. Corner 3 ROOM UPPER. PYT. EN- trance. lge. rooms. Heat & hot water furnish Oakland nr. Johnson. Small allowed, Call 2-5906. 2. We id 2 RMS. AND BATH, ADULTS, aa FE 4806 2 ROOM, ON 12 SCHOOL 8ST. PRE- $ RMS VERY CLEAN. RENT reas. Inq. caretaker—rear door. | 309 N. Saginaw 7 RM. APT. PVT. BATH & ENT. | Partly furn. 285 Whittemore. 3 RM. APTS, LOTS a - Reasonab, Heights. “UL _2-1620. 2 ae +4 nas EVE SENT UTIL. . Everything meet Near Saginaw, Inquire 22 3 RMS. & BATH. an FURN. $40 MA_5-9687. In country. 3 ROOM APT. PRIV. BATH, EN- trance. Newly decorated. Steam heat, hot water, stove, Frigidaire. Garage. Best east side location. Adults only. FE 2-6127 3 ROOMS & BATH HEAT FURN- ished, $9 ver week, 110 5. M mac, erri- 2 GE, FRONT rere UTILI- 2 RMS., ae EER ASCE. ON Sanford. sonable. near Pontiac Motor, RMS. PVT. BATH & ENT. _Adults. 100 Norton, 2 RMS., br. tel APT. ry ROOM, aT BATH, 19 . T. 387 Osmun. FE + RMS. & BATH. fener et eont. call MY otal, ABILITY To sell your rag contract at the lowest Bsa discount—is & service MeCullough has given for many years! Also cash for your equities. Mortgages avail- able CASH BUYERS WAITING No © oeilestin cal) read hour ARRO REALTY ‘A BETTER CASH SALE For land contracts in white or colored areas. Also, many buyers for lake front homes, business frontage. acreage and lots. John Kinzler, Realtor, 670 W. Huron St. Ph. FE 4-3525. ABSOLUTELY | pled fastest action on your land £ act. Cash buyers wating. on Realtor Partridge. FP 4-3581. ACTION!!! On Your Land Contract. If you ‘ have sold on a first or sec land contract, and would like your cash we can get you the ‘~hignest dollar Reasonable dis- 4 counts Ask for Mr, Hayden, J.C. HAYDEN, Realtor 66 E Walton « FE 8-0441 THE ANSWER TO! YOUR PROBLEM: Want Ads! To sell, rent, |’ hire, it’s FE 2-8181, ROOMS PRIVATE _couple. Sot Michigan Ave. 3 RMS. eis ts, ADULTS. Ms AND ae PRIVATE 3 blocks from business MY 3-1462. between 3 RMS. PVT. ENTRANCE AND bath. Rent reas. 4100 Airport 3 LARGE ROOMS AND BATH Ta. He al All utilities furnished. Rd. , GA- FE 3 RM. & BATH, NEAR FISHER'S, newly decorated, heat furn, mo. $50 5 rm. & bath, newly Secorate’ $75 heat furn., near Sears. Roy Aznett, Inc., Realtors, 28 "E. 83-0466. Huron, 3 LARGE ROOMS & BATH LOTS of closet space. FE 8-0544. = |3 LGE. RMS. PVT. BATH AND EN- ogee La furn, Parking area. OR 3- 3 a ae AND BATH, REFRIG- erator & stove. Adults only. Palm Villa Apts. 454 Auburn. F 3 ROOM FLAT, $45 MONTH. PRI- vate, FE 5-8586. «RMS, ACROSS PONTIAC tor, FE 5-6928 after 5 MoO- 4 AND 5 ROOM APARTMENTS. _ Ste saad 3¢ Washington. FE 4 ROOM, WEST SIDE. HEAT ce water furnished. FE 4-7706 3 RMS. & ee FURNISHED. vt. ent. Nr. Tel-Huron. Workin: omee preferred. 135 Draper. 7 RMS. & BATH, PVT. ENT. FE 8-3407. ter eae ar oe ted, Furn. v nice. 24378, aid 3} ROOMS, NEWLY DECORATED, with hi bath & ent. Couple only. FE 2-0707 RM. APT CLEAN. PVT. ‘H & ent, 63 as off Baldwin. © ‘3. RMS. ADULTS. DAY. \ & BATH & agar eee AUTO. * on & hot water. FE 8-1414 4 RMS. & BATH UPPER. BED- room, All utilities furn, On bus line. Adults only, 314. 8. Marshall. 4 RM. UPPER APT. EDISON Stove & refrig, Ref. EM 3- ST. 4935. 4 FAMILY BRICK APT, HOUSE, west side, unfurn, Vacancy, 4 rms. & ba hot water furn., ad , mo. 174 W. Pike. $75 RMS. @ BATH. S FE 8-163. ‘fina date PEM furn, close in. FE 3 * ROOMS, PVT. ENT. ; * Garden, On Pine Knoop” aOR 5 RMS. & BATH, UPPER FLA ine ee St. Michael's. 3 § ROOMS AND BATH, OTILTTES furn., close in. FE, 3-0877. 5 RMS,. 2 BEDRMS,, CLEA Heat and hot water. Ideal | tion. Lake priv. at Sylvan FE 23-9518. nN. oca- Lk. 3 ROOMS AND BATH. FE - 5-3036 5 gad te cnaal APARTMENT. PE. 5-31 3 RMS, NEAR engi. ag a tal. All aia, Tr one 3 5 RMS. a Te ray FENCED Se | tard. MA ttt —__— aon wh SA: Lt BASE- erm and garage. MODERN DUPLEX, R Apt. Pvt. ent. Auto. beat Fenced back yard. Ref. OL 6-0851. LAKEFRONT UPPER, “VERY ror, rat couple. No drinkers. | “ORCHARD COURT APARTMENTS —BRAND NEW— AIR CNDITIONED— FURNISHED & UNFURNISHED 1 & 2 BEDROOMS “RENT —DRASTICALLY REDUCED— Pontiac's most exclusive, modern West side apartment development. Balcony type building with individ- ual entrances. ENGLISH RACER, GOOD COND. Reas, ; Beautiful kitchers with meta! cabi- pets in decorator colors with plas- For « limited time, no leases oF —ADULTS ONLY— | MANAGER 19 SALMER ST. APT. 6 FE 86918 OPEN rer ss . Sonne LUXURY 5 Sea ont eautiful pvt. lake and ground NICE 3 RMS. AND BATH. STOVE and refrig. furn. All util. Inquire _at 74 WI ON ELIZABETA LAKEFRONT 5 | Shown by appoint. Call WArwick _ 8-729. | TAYLOR ‘STREET, GROUND | room apt. Private entrance beth, $45 per mo, —— Avenue, _—— floor. Stu- UNION LAKE — 1 BEDRM., APT 34285, 165) Playstead. WALLED LAKE — LOVELY Y~ 2! bedroom upper. 1 block from lake | ee. neighborhood. Reas Ll. - Rent Houses Furnished . 35) 2 ROOMS FURNISHED, LAKE-— front, house completely modern hot water and oil heat. wont? | __beach and reat MY — 2 BEDROOM HOME, BLOCK from Union Lene Village off _ Cooley Lake. EM 3-4637. 2 BEDRM.. N. SIDE. $75 MONTH. Adams Realty Co., 382 Auburn. FE 8-617 3 fgets aotae & BATH, NEW- yy decorated. 72 8. Ardmore < ike St. FE 5-466. Call after 4 ees ell _ all day Saturday. furn. $80 mo. 9 Maynard Court. 3} BEDROOM BRICK HOME. Available May Ist. OR 3-8748. 4 ROOMs AND BATH, MODERN pouse furnished, near Fisher Bod 148 (ON. weer Phone FE "yn369 or PE 8-3210 Snes ting. fishing, UN 2-2965 after 5 rm. flat. Nr. buslines & schools 1 Pigg Private bath, heat and furnished, $55 per mo. i PA os A. KERN FE_2-0200 in modern apt. building. EM: 4 , A mile North of M58. 6 rooms, : ‘a poaease nt — nb a rms. and utilities; me eplace ar turn, Souple with baby welcome,| attached garage, oll , ehid ops 3 RMS OVER KEEGO Cppolntment Webster 42083. Pad tt ten Rk fou | FOR BENT, ise wire ¢ Road, Available immediate- IGE. 2 BDRM. GAS HEAT. 60s granley, $68 per féonth. LARGE TWO BEDROOM BRICK | — — with beautiful recreation « r Silver Lake. $100 month. two bedroom bungalow. | ates large lot, full basement. $75 month. West suburban. Near Airport DORRIS & 132 W. Hurop Pk. Dorris FE 4¢-1557 | NR. SASHABAW 3 BEDROOM brick ranc otk Porenee. very Clean. $80 mo. FE 8-6819 ney BEDRM | BRICK. KM (ODERN: ste! cong garage. Lk. = priv leges, reasonable. On 31328. RENT ” ORFION, TO BUY, 3 BED- room brick, 2 miles north GMC Plant. FE 5-014 dre. 2 notees er ont pas 3 Maree, b uti is. studi siving SINGLE any BIG “TAKE. 4 rooms, bath, garden. $55 mo. MApie 5-0687 SAM phage al 3 ae oeeean Leke pegreem brie port, Leas lease $125. Nake peivloges. asote 3 WEAR BIG LAKE. 4 rooms, bath, garden. $55 mo. MA "SMALL HOUSE ON M15 ___MAple 5-918 /TO RELIABLE COUPLE WITH not more than 2 small children. 4 room modern house. 54655 Shel- by Rd.. Rochester, Mh OL 1-4038 or OL 1-4034 VICINITY OF UNION LK. OR | area Responsible business owner | & family would like 3 bedroom home Prefer basement & garage. _Call EM_3-4852 WALLED LK. 3} BEDRM. LK. AC- cess, Village anes close. $85 mo. EM 3-4682. : WILLIAMg LAKE PRIVILEGES. 2 ager bap house —_ — matic furnace, automatic _siee Gor 3336 Overridge. on WEST SIDE. 6 RM. BRICK. pe baths. Gag heat. Exc. cond. FE | WEsT SIDE. 5 ROOM DUPLEX, ar a automatic heat. $65. FE For Rent Rooms _ 37 eee ATTRACTIVE RMS OIRLS. P PRIV- | leges, 547 _W. Hurea BACHELOR WILL SHARE 2? B 2 BED- — home. Drayton Plains. OR CLEAN SLEEPING ROOMS PRI. vete for bachelors, pensioners, | or Pontiac workers Modern. 86 Cottage Si. FE 82204 CLEAN. AUTOMATIC HEAT Pa _23 8. Paddock. PE 8-8127 — QUARTERS nl 4 tired son, Interview at 253 N. aginaw MEN BOARD OPTIONAL 141% Oakiand Ave. FE 30 PLEASANT ROOM FOR aeaTLE. men Full kitchen privileges. ga- rage. Private e family. PE ate. PVT. ENT. SHOWER. STE. cooking, 48 E Iroquois. § RM. HOUSE. NEAR BUS. MOD- ern. Nicely furn. FE 8-0627. SLEEPING ROOM 89 W = Rundell $40 MO. LAKE oa ats 4180 Chenlot Dodge Park SLEEPING ROOM FOR 1 I WORKE- ing man, $6 wk. Close in. Shower. _PE_5-6728 SE on lo- SLEEPING ROOM. 16 THORPE $6 per. wk FE 5-4924. AT TWIN BEACH. od aut tates. EM 43-5584.) . SLATER’ S ees ERWIN SLATER 53-55 North Parke St. PE 43546 For Sale Houses 43 2 BEDRM. HOME. $000 Down. “THIMK!" WHERE eo? cat YOu BUY A FOR BEDROOM “COLONIAL: Estates ‘In JUDAH_LAKE Lifetime Aluminum * ROOP & SIDING DLORAH BUILDING CO Buildor of National Hom: 'FE 2.9122 t ~-HERE Ig! Three bed- rooms, vestibule entrance . @ full din room, terrific then; dish- washer, screened >. Q grill. Sizabie lot. NG G. now for r information and see. 8 ia &. FE 54-8183. Fh « SEDRM. @ BATHS, WEBSTER School, 12x20 living rm. drapes, softener! owner PE BT RANCH STYLE 3-BEDROOM BRICK LAKE PRIVILEGES BY GRIGINAL OWNER - Locate im an exclusive neighborhood k da acre inttes Pontiac in Waterford Towaship but Pontiac school district, ¥ iene selecine “diame Lu with ay to wall carpet and large rr doors overicoking ® patio and landscaped lot: huge kitchen; ceramic tile bath; 3 celling including s large recreation room; 2 car gareége with 16 ft. coment drive road and | to ; aluminum ! aires a — vminuter — | acre o onto lake. | Price "523.0. . Por additional information aod appoimiments call FE 6-1784. HERRINGTON HILLS-483 THORS, 3 bedrm brick Bsmt. owner _ sacrifice 8-8486. iW sive agent “HOME, BY owner 6005. Cash to mortgage. _FE 5-0536 ms | LARGE 3} BEDRM HOME | WITH carport, $500 equity, take over _ Payments. EM 30258 | 2-Family Income 5 rooms and bath. down: 4 rooms and bath, up. oy basement, Timken oi] heat, car garage. Black top drive. elt sewer and water, paved street Working coue ple rent u r at $75. Well kept, ‘ood neighborhood Sacrifice at eed paced ails nome month, Wiil consider sm ome in Drayton or Waterford in trade 7 ®'6-Room Brick 3% Acres, 2 Baths Lovely reclaimed brick, full Gay- light basement, 2 prepieces. 3 baths, tiled recreation Su- Perbly built and very Seoschaity Sines ps and out. 2 nice oak ae — : cmos bires i gg wales cm ent. A Zeoam hoaee ao Siete bat “ cel. Pull price, $21,000. “= Marke meio ROOMS FOR GIRLS Gi : um: | LAKE ORION. Ci CLEAN. MODERN, or _men. Inq. 16 School st. FE iroux-Franks es ahi. 5 3780. ge PS mee _Siaee. SLEEPING ROOM IN NICE HOME 405 Die Hey On sane MODERN 2 BEDROOMS. PARTLY | — No other roomers, after a furnished, MAple 5-5000 8: 30. p.m. FE 8-4440. HOUSE FOR SALE. WILL TAKE MOD. ¢ ROOM. CASS LAKE. S550. in trade. Call MA tay pees fireplace, trees. 6. AEC HOUSES FOR RENT IN- quire at 1676 Tayigr Rd. Ask for Lonnie Weaver. > 42031. su IMMER COTTAGE. REAS. ON | Lake, Lake Orion. Good | fans. swimming. MY 12-5681 UPPER FLAT. 5 RMS. CQM- _ pletely ; furn. $75 mo _FE_2-31 2-3701. _Rent Houses Unfurn. 1 BEDROOM APT. NEWLY DEC- orated, close to aherpine and transportation. Free gue tact Mrs. Hollenbeck, __86 Murphy st. 2 BEDRM BRICK. CLEAN, GA- rage, lake priv. FE 2-2900. 2 SMALL HOUSES ON DIXIE, near Clarkston. Also 4 rm.°house, big yard & arden, nr, Auburn & E. Bivd. n Pontiac. Inquire 22 Auburn, _off Saginaw. 2 BEDROOM, DRAYTON PLAINS, gas heat, rec room, drapes throughout, srached garage, $100 mo. OR 3-1754 Rooms With Board 38 ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN. BOARD optional. FE 2-7365. ; ROOM AND BOARD FE 4-692 EXTRA CLEAN, HOME STYLE _meals. PE 5-0377. 14 | Matthews. Convalescent I Homes 38A eee n. 36 FIRST FLOOR VACANCY FOR EL. ~~~ |, Gerly gg Po sarees home. Conv. or amb wave qicancY FOR MAN OR ing S| man _ bed -or around floor, 24 howr care. Rea- “sonable rates. a Acres Nursing _Home. FE 4-2225 VACANCY, BED OR AMBULA- tory patients. Men or venm. FE Hotel Rooms ~39 HOTEL AUBURIN Rooms by Day or Week Also 1 or 2 Troom apartments. Cooking and refrigeration units, 46 Auburn ~ FE __2-9239 — 2 BBDROOM DUPLEX — BEAUTIFUL EAST ysl Pang ReIHuTs Lage) at ps “PER MONTH OFFICE: 544 NE Boulevard at Valenci 2 BEDROOM MODERN White Lake road ver Desk area. Only $65 o. J. &. TAYLOR, "realtor. "OR. 4-9506::. 2 BEDROOM, LIVING & dining rm. combined, kit en. FE 2-6060, Can be seen at/1l4 Wa- en BEDROOM HOME. ag prinere 3. Estates site la privileges. Cail FE 5-049: 2 ROOM cone: , PARTLY FUR- &|_nshed. 59 Wall 2 BEDROOM wG DERN, i. NEAR schools & bus/ FE 8-2267. 2 BEDROOM ODERN. BASE- ment, waterfyont. Year around., $85 monthly, EM 3-3262, 3 ROOME, | EENED PORCH. 1-3 acre den spot. Paved road. Btore clone, a. oa for pen- RenteStores 40 a7ORe. 20530 WITH UPPER artment available. Heat fur- As nished, newly decorated, on M59 across from airport. Will rent bo agers TOwnsend &8-7700 days, 3-3786 any time. ULTRA-NEW STORES WEST Side. FE 22144. __Rent, Office Space 41 DESIRABLE OFFICE SPACE, heat, lights furnished ig "park __ing area. Call at 170 W. DESIRABLE 1 OR 2 TRCORE. Choice location. In Keego Har- _bor, Very reasonable. 23-4875. uUSIC STUDIO FOR RENT 3 days wk. 8642 N. Saginaw FE $1810 or OR 3,1704 NEW BUILD IRS. Ps BLOCK 1 FROM downtown Pon line Rent inclu des: heat ignte peel big parking Ideal for any hee gee "380 ‘bas month and EW OFFICES- -WEST SIDE. FE SAL@8 OFFICE OR BARBER oor in “— air conditioned puild- Og nex next to TED's DRIVE INN. gg Ripa (COMMERCIAL. LOT, cheap ass. Phon : land 8-2918. . nai BOR CRORED. 3 BEDROOM ry wil dDasemert, $800 equity FE #2057 ‘or ey ~~ Pioneer Highlands Owner leaving Michigan. offers this very attractive modern brick bungalow, on.y 6 yra. old. Car- peted living room, 3 bedrooma, tiled bath, table space in kitchen, patio. garage many extras. Truly a fine home, call for appointment, West Side Just off West Huron St. on Green St. an outstanding home for a large family. 7 oom, gas heat,, on lot O4x117 ft. Priced for’ =| WILLIS M. BREWER JOSEPH F. REISZ, SALES MG 94-96 E. mea re 8t. cam «sisi ves “OPEN” Saturday & Sunday, 1-5 To NEXT 7195 ELIZAB LK. R: ot more & eiookin start- e es. you're look for be aero different the’ line of = — home, - you ' alto: to miss this gets ! Nothing down on you ARRO R REALTY TED McCULLOUGH, REALTOR 5143 Cass Elizabeth Rd. FE 56-1284 FR Open 9 a.m, to 8:30 p.m. Sunday 1-8 SCHRAM NEW 3 BEDROOM Now under contruction with 15x14 ving room and 10x17 pisboir gr ag Full base- ment w ol) FA heat and: a ft. recreation space. or “ down plus closing the plans in our’ olfice ‘te ie plans our o! day! “e a OFF JOSLYN / ee be with possible BRICK, NEAR TOWN. Biv “Reas. Fit 4-0262 3 ode er ATH NEAR PONTIAC __Reas. OF OR 4 4 RMS. AND ru $45 MON' “Yn Oxford. OR 3-1 1391. # ROOMS AND UTILITY. OTL me FE 21-6332 or FE "2-5788, after 5 4 ROOMS BATH ON TARE Poe 4708 Stightand Road. i ROC See a _mo, 4 AND BATH, NEAR AIRPORT. To man and w will oR 9.1943. | with lawn and if ag OR 3-1 5 RM. HOUSE, REFRIGERATOR & ae gore furnished. Children welcome, 3-6001, 5 RMS. & 1% BATHS. SUITABLE: ix 5 OP mo. 612 W. +3 ;| Rent Lease Bus. Prop. 41A BUILDING, SUITABLE of warehouse or any ¢ of ; ryan Good location. Ye Ez. e. LGE, HOUSE. 6 APTS. ON 122 x105 lot. Corner Auburn & Ander- son. Ideal for clinic or business. FE 4-9657. * ROOMS WITH BATH, $65 PER | OR 3-4722 DON'T PASS UP MONEY! Sell unneeded belongings for cash through Classified “Ads! FE.2-8181, livin room and dinette. ea base. ment with of] heat and rec- reation room i'¢-car ga- rage. On corner, lot, t: thon down plus costs on FHA terms, NORTH END 2 bedrooms with 12x13 liv- $58 per ms A REAL BARGAIN 2 bedroom modern only one year old. Must sell quick—Only down and $50 per month. | IVAN W. SCHRAM REALTOR FE 5-9471 42 JOSLYN. COR D OPEN EVENINGS AND SUN aU LAiPit LISTING SUNDAY serpent om PONTIAC PRESS. - , Now | Reduced BY OWNER Clarkston, 7 room Mgr oo baad Sah dat ath a, ts OPEN SUNDAY . 2 to 6. Hh, Sarena. Neat 2 ‘ } | water furnace. Dalat ty 40 ton aa PONTIAC REALTY "31 Baldwin FE 56-6275 FE 6-260 . BUYS SELLS TRADES FARMS HOMES EQUITIES | » CONTRACTS Roy Annett, Inc. 7 DEC BASEM'T | street, $6,050. $400 do $60 FE 46-5467 STRATHMORE 2G 208 $95 $6, Gross “ UN 43100 6 RM M 3. Se - bret eotsers| FOR COLORED 6 rms. . a. © ree. a 16 Also oh mate ‘biock 260. 4 emieat rms. hoe on yea! fl “ean te in best S for 5 sess 3. yoursell. P. W. DINNAN 66 W. Buron PE 4-257) SUNDAY 2-5 P.M. 486 Lakeside Elizabeth Lake Estates GOLPING & SWIMMING at door, 4 bedroom home full — diate 11,700 — Terms. ELIZA- $i RD. TO RIVI- ERA — O LAKE- DE — TO OPEN st LEFT SION. “CALL FE OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 6200 Monrovia Everyone Is Welcome. . eee ela treet e room fui basement home. Only 4 < rose old. Piastered walls, living room, ce- mens driveway with side- walk, Large awning over —- porch —_ picture win- Lots shrubs and asant neighbo: fg the full price with Vet of no down OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 YOU CAN BE LANDLORD! 2 smaller >2-car ga- ne posted workshop . lot. ideal for arte Located in Beights, LATE a aie Auburn YOU OWE IT to yourself . to see this Sylvan Village ~ beauty. ed with new and Pride is this 3 bedroo story aluminum constructed home. You'll love to show of finished recreation ou one- garage qtee ae Beautiful cat- and cornices hroughout are but a por- tion of the extras included. Let's see it now! NEAR WILLIAMS LAKE, kitchen having am- ple table s-ace P'astered walls, oored ceilings bath. A well-built home In an excellent Setahbornom and only $1,000 down LOW IN in PRICE, high In resale. Fine all- mia ACROSS from utiful private beach. 3 toom contemporery. 1'% baths, attached carage. $1.~ 400 down and $72 per month at 4% per cent interest. Hurry—Hurry—Hurry! | A ae YES That ts the ii price for this comfort able suburban home. Kitch- room bath and 2 bedrooms are finished. Also @ 10 x 24 ft. addition could be made into extra bed- m or family room Large 100 x lot. Plenty of play. A. do no blem. Only $500 down With moderate monthly pay- RAY O'NEIL, Realtor. 9-9 Fa Sagem 4 ope tt » * | F a “a okison ts $6, down, Call now for an appointment, REALTOR PARTRIDGE 1650 W. HURON ‘TIL 9 we BY Mies PEATHER- atone. 3 bed m. brick. #12 we buys our GI contract. Fl 2 BI BEDRM., ATTACHED GARKGE, ¥ Sesemenl. % lot,. nea school o 5 ’ |_ Fe begs U "hens Terms. 6 ROO ,ROOM- Mor — BRICK 3 home with Calawans "floors. een walis. Natural fireplace. Full basement. 2 car garage, Close to stores, mache : ~~ neighborhood with the Tiled Tat texane a oi! furnace. $7,950. Terms to ‘or consider small er as down ment, of bedroom. ag} room Pe Pg OE og Wil consider a small house siwodp”. ‘ELIZABETH LAKE ESTATES, LTY FE 95453. BY OWNER. 5 RM. TERRACE. Some furniture. Smali dn. past. _Ramona Terrace. Call FE 41569. RM HOUSE. $500 DOWN, $55 r mo. Balance cone 1045 ant St FE 8-65 | SCOTT LAKE HOME Two bedrooms large living room, aneied recreation room with ireplace. 70 feet on the water Will accept trade on heme South of Pontiac WM. A. “ye KENNEDY EALTUR ‘5 2 LADD'S INC. 4286 DIXTE HWY. room Drayton Pypins QR 3-1231 on PE Gets ee bY Owe . BARGAIN Braes of Bloomfield NOTHING DOWN mien, srroome sieve, ¢ ainsi 2 BEDROOM H rooms, ¢ Sane B ENTS. IN CITY. 3 pg? oom gage Een gord BEDROOM RANCHERS ON a. lake peivileges. On Heather LARGE SUBURBAN . — cnay terms, owD L ARE NEWLY REDEC- ome wr «wim ‘ ORATED AND VACANT. =. : 75 costa EX Liege ee Peon pe ~~ poeta ? # ma 1 Jl M WwW RIGHT, Realtor jot. iste privileges. $1950 cash 345 ae Ave ugg 5-044) down payment, by owner, OR | _MULTIPL LISTING SERVICE INVESTORS ATTENTION, 2 BED- = 8, 000, Drayton. BE SOLD TO 8ETTLE ES- . 5 room home on 2 lots. Lo- 105 Euclid. city. Write or eal] Eber Harrison, executor. eA Fenner Mariette, Mich. Ph. NEAR CLARKSTON, 3 BEDROOM bet jarge jot, by owner, MA ee ee RP 2% ACRE Ni 5 BEDROOM remodeled farm Gas: Garage, ou barn, chicken house, ima Tie - OWNER: BEAUTIFULLY landstaped 2 bedrm. ful! base- ment, home. Wonderful neighbors. Owner must leave state. y sen- _ SUNDAY. 1. 6 “CASS LAKE FRONT ard Road — Wards Oo rho turn right thro Hone pillars, Ask. foe Mr. Peer. OXBOW LAKE FRONT areas, and pen = Outland’ rger better lakes w fue lot. Ask Mrs. . Also a 2 bed- room 1% vg alum. exterior bungalow at 10) Lake _ Ra, w e front. er 7 large center li reom dream wlichen, stairway to Seenes Oaner moron” €. her Seaet Ask for Mr. Toughy. Wm’s Lake Privileges to 6. 6640 Williams used after dno basement. se er gg Large she“ value Fade. shout down on Kinzler NEW corTOn BUILT Ft r ROMES. 2 bedrms., 1% baths, rage. ‘Near North ornare High High BRE ye Ww. BLOOMFIELD Twp. bedrm., 1% baths, lake riv., ace car Fo many extras. 21,600. EM 3- ‘ LAKE PRiVit.EGES PERCY KING RD., 3530 WATERFORD TWP. 1% blocks west < Al Rd. at Williams Lake te: . 3 bd ao amt -_. oven ew 600 Open dally a“ Buy sone prices rise May $14,895 $650 Down Plus Costs 3101 W. Huron FE 43569) 4 Houseman-Spitzle a Be considered. = Royse. P _____ Open Evenings ‘Ti 9 of Crooks Rd. Call L bobrs | 406 Washington, Blvd. Bldg. Detroit (€ ACRES 4 BEDROOM RANCH | m. See at 4107 Linwood, WO 3-48 OR 30711 pesos. Narang wane sostetes. | 0 south cwets of mornabe dy Fu arge kitchen utility room Rul RANCH FE 7 BEDRM_ RANCH ae LK.|3 YEAR OLD PRAME WITH BASE. ee room. family Renin “wooded | viv N some finishing. FE| ment; large living room with a. + odie is: ie we =~ tore ie fireplace, carpeting, dining spece, ea” y i mms l OWNER. ) BEDROOM MOD- 3 bedrooms, attached garage, OLDER COUNTRY HOME ; em On § acres. MY 32726 Se ng ate fh wg a story, all) modern with | ~~~ BUILD ) NOW left on Silver Lake Rd. — left man | a he perry aacind 1 acre. Fas 6 bedrooms, 1% batha om that) | large family Priced at $16,900 | ; Desirable terms. icin CRESCENT LAKE 20 ft let. Neat 2 bedroom home | js _ me) car eorere. 9 sa at's ite { = attractiv- . Easy meee ealto: DAVID WARD YOUNG | 045 E Commerce Rd ATTRACTIVE 2 BEDRM, YEAR | around with priv. on Middle, Straits Le. $00, $500 down. | EM 34732 \YOUNG POLES & OLDER FOLKS \2 bedroom frame nome, north of | Clarkston 1 acre of land. $6,560 #00 down CREST REAL ESTATE oD M15, Or Ortonville te oi] furnace. A-1 cond. 3 iots. ay La Open Sun, from 1 to §. on 1 acre of land. Attached 2-car garage Basement Combines city conveniences & couctry Hving. 1 block from Rochester & Auburn R4 Buy my eral iad tn land _contract UL: 4 BEDROOMS ; on ter Gas heat ue landscaped ‘ot, St Northern High School Hancy te Pontiac Engineering N. 1 MAS- district. pew 3 bedroom brick. Doub'e at- mw baths. Owned occupies. Realisti- eally priced. Inspection invited. OL 1-0495 _ Avondale _ FE | §-3131 5 RM HOME WOODED LOT: LK. Priv. Buy my equity Bal. 825 :: or n, $60 mo. OR OWNER TRANSFERRED Large brick ranch tn Clarkston. Family room. 3 bedrm. 2 —_— Attached garace Wonderful terms. MApie { 5-2474. YEAR AROUND HOME AT DUCK Lake. 4 bedrooms, tiled floors, “OR 40034 or F FE 2-3969. ELIZABETH LAKE ESTATES. 3 3 bedroom, cosmo it heat, $1300 Terms. FE 2-2031. ROCHESTER. 1374 ADAMS Daa 3 Bedrm. brick. 3 yrs On 133 x 200 ft. saalresea Sot in sub-division. Garage, storms & ecreens, fireplace $15,000. yaa _Open_week-ends. Owner. OL 1-0436 |MILFORD, 3 BEDRM. BRICK. GAS Keat file basement, gree rent or lease with option, MU 4-244 — __ q anal 3-5 P.M.—Sunday 65 Chippewa Road White frame with green blinds — 6 rooms plus den & closed in porch. 1% baths. Natural fire- lace, ful basement, large lot 03 feet deep. —low wh pay- ment. Leslie R. Tripp, Realtot 75 West Huron 8t, FE 5-8161 or FE 44278 CUSTOM BUILT LAKE HOMES Twin Lakes eee W. of Pontiac _Starfire Bldg. Co. EM _3-€531 | — OP Sunday 2-5 p.m. 5869 Williams Lake Rd. Lovely 2 bedroom brick bunga- low. ares living room with fire- lace ki nee Fim Boggs: Bee finn ths, hardwoo Sane © walls basement r RD., RIGHT TO SIGN 101 Eileen Beautiful 4 bedroom brick ranch home in Colonial nas gs room, large kitchen, ledge roc fireplace in living room. 2%4-car attached gararve BRATTON ery, SION TO PROPERT he age 6 ret. La, i am or gE, nate ele FE 4-35 gph Re | | NA 17-2345 | |5 ROOMg & BATH. GARAGE. AU- | and the mew MSUO. 577 Lowell, | east off Josiyn. No mortgage costs Open 2 t 2 to 6. | ROCHESTER AREA. LOVELY tached garage, full basement, 105 ft lot Dining rm. famiiv rm, | dorm. patid fireplace. 154 2 SYLVAN LK 3} BEDRM BRICK Walnut den. Screened porch. ‘car garage Ceramic bath & kitchen Lee. lot $38,500. 1440 | 3-BEDRCOM HOME - s) Call today. Financing available. Aall types ehstom building On roel lot or yours. Your plang or y. ior HAYDEN, Realtor, 86 E Walton | FURNISHED MODEL OPEN DAILY 10-8 Tl] MELROSE | Eowwees. North Perry and "$8,250 -COMPLETE DOWN PAYMENT he 4 $35 TOTAL Monee PAYMENT 9 DLORAH BLDG CO. -6455 | CRESCENT LAKE PRIVILEGES. 3 bedrms. Large lot. Ree. rm. in basement. Dining room, $14,000; _$2,500 down. Owner FE 2-3031. BASEMENT. 8 3 BEDRM. HOME. _Evelia schools. 2-car garage. uclid | EAST SIDE 2 LGE. BEDRMS., lots, 2 car gar. Bsm't. rec, Fruit and garden. FE 5-2211. FE} rm. r | Partridge | RENT WITH OPTION | What a Sonsert opportunity to ; own this good ong | handy home west of Pontiac neat the lakes. Nice fenced yard for children, Ti's vacant — can be moved into at once. $75 per month rent will apply on down payment of $450. See it today—it's much nicer than you'd ever dream! /REALTOR PARTRIDGE | FE 4-3581 1050 W. Huron OPEN ‘TIL ®& Dream Acres In Clarkston We have 2 new brick ranch-type homes, situated -on % acre. Lots ready for your imspection in this well residented subdivision with its panoramic view of Deer Lake, Middle Lake Waterford Hill. Quaint colonia! village of Clarks- ton with lakefront lots. gn Deer Lake dedicated to this 24-lot sub- division, We invite “ to inspect these homes — call for dppoint- rr Some choice Fots still avail- LOON LAKE: ~ Waterfront Located in one of Waterford's fin- est established developments rests bag 7 exquisite — type home on th a 100 ft. features: fireplace, glass outes doors to a veranda peta a ins — lake, Family sized dint: spa- cious kitchep with an the ‘pullt-ins and cupboafd space galcre. 3 master bedrooms, 1% baths, full walk-out basement with fireplace in recreation room. Attached 2 car garage, This home will fit our Ares. for only $27,900 with 8.500 down. Will accept trade. Call for eppointmant today. LAKEFRONT 2 Bdrm. Bungalow Situated on Eagle Lake tn Water- ford is this new 2 bedroom lake front home featuring large livin room, with glass sliding doors ow to a veranda. Dining el, spacious kitchen with a & ace, 2 large bedrooms and full tile bath. Full waik-out basement with picture priryg lg pd gonteet rp the lake. All ‘ the unbelievable price of aii 900 so wits convenient terms. Call Clatkston REAL ESTATE, INC. 20 8. Main, Clarkston, Mich. AACR FROM BANK) ; MApie 5-6821 Open Daily 9 9-Sunday 12 to 5 x MONEY! Make it easily through Classified Ads. To sell, rent, buy, swap, hire, ‘| dial FE- 2-8181, . DON’T WISH FOR ir: \_ | a res Kent Inc., ae _ For Sale Houses 43 For Sale Houses 43 OPEN SUNDAY 1- 6 P.M. 6640 Manson St. OFF WILLIAMS LAKE RD. THREE BEDROOMS FIREPLACE SCREENED PATIO CAR PORT ~-- MANY OTHER GOOD FEATURES GO WEST FORD DRIVE IN ON WILLIA: ROAD MA 6640 SIGNS OUR LAWRENCE W GAYLORD zB =e PRE 49585 ~"SCHUETT — 6 room brick <_- wits agg ae 3 Bie ge oak floors, stered baths. Lake rivile ~ = = bee ed Elizabeth Poke. . lot 100xI76. OF WATER- THEA- LAKE TO iN WO. SEE OPEN COLONIAL HILLS 2 orga ranch home, full base- 12x26 family room with Leslie R. Tripp, Realtor | Suaisumystnts tn, foonint | FEderal 3 Sele or verre 2-9676 aa 5 udert REALTOR 1 Nothing Down), WES! EkOQUOIS RD. wih Seta starter home os ma So Es. “ee row, wine See our model. Don Me- Donald. OR 3-2837. “$450 MOVES YOU IN Two — 3 6edrocnm brick ranch homes, full ba.ement, gas heat, jake povuere eng Bearooms. nck: base- ment, gas oe ar WILLIAM WHITCOMB REALTOR UL 22°30 COMPARE This beautiful Ca Cod Home with any home the $15,000 rice range. 3 bedrooms. I aths. 16x18 living room, room, large kitchen ane m. Storms and screens. Attached ga- pi on 3 lots on small lake. $1500 C. PANGUS, Realtor 2160 MIS Ortonville. -NA _7-2815 |LAKEFPRONT YEAR ROUND me, Lower Straits Lk. Living rm., dining ell, 3 bedrms., kitchen, util wulity rm rm., full bath, fenced yard. 1 poe Sun. 2-5 p.m. Only $1,000.00 Down 96 West Hopkins St. Spick and Span 3 bedroom Family Home Convenient north side location, wi generous living room, sep- . &rate dining room, large vesibuleentrance Full basement, with automatic gas heat and hot water. Ve- netian blinds storms and screens. 1%)-car garage. To inspect drive north on Bald- win avenue to Hopkins 8t. Turn left to 9¢@ W. Hopkins and “OPEN. Salesman on premises. “BUD” Nicholie, Realtor 49 Mt. Clemens St. FE 56-1201 or FE 93-3370 MILLER TWO-ALL BRICK STORES plus an added income from 4 apts. A choice location and priced bg sell, Call now. INCOME - 3 and bath to rent out. @ large older home and some repair, but down, a 8 needs OVER 1% shy pe <— ACRES beautiful & your own paves ge ! bedroo ae completely furnished — large living room hag two pictu “— dows, Fs arate dining x 12 en, basement. Oil ba nace, coe trays, garage, rye in West suburban location. er is Arizona bound and says, "Bell everything for 950!" Might trade for late m “1 teen car or station wagon the deal. Remember — ~everything goes. Call . Tight now, \ William Miller Realtor FE 2-0263 1075 W. Huron : Open 9 to 9 1 prow Established in 1916 PURNISHED LAKE FRONT—Only $1,950 down for this 3 eee DRAYTON wOODS—Extra nice 3 bedrooms brick home, all on one floor. har e living rm and fire- ae ed ba ful) basmt hea i and fireplace. 2-car farnge ce adeno ative, Large lot, DOWN—Fer' this furnished lake cottage, Part bath imme- diate possession, All furniture plus gfum. boat, 2 lots. rer pee . Total price only $5,800 Realtor Dixie Rau ay "Felesraph’ AMPLE. CUSTOMER PARKING 6 & bath for owner, | is 4 only $1500 | BY OWNER, 4 ROOMS AND BATH — On acre of ,land. e mo. Balance, ineyard, Utica. RE 2-0439 SYLVAN LAKE «4 BEDRN. FHA $500 Dn. FE 4-2366 CLARKSTON, 3 BEDRM. BRICK ranch home with basement. Lge cornet lot. Lots of extras. $14,900. oa. v00 ea bt 4% per cent mort- BASEMENT HOME, 26 gi vith geet © ell and modern plumbing. feet frontage ae leneee a. 3 miles North tt of Oxford BY OWNER, MUST SELL — Two bedroom, bath, off furnace, large living room, garage. 16—fenced ard. 280 Tower Rd, Oxbow Lake. GILES i Temal verness. L emplaton, Be Realtor. OPEN SUN.2TO5 4563 KEMPF Fore erent Norman brick. 2 iarge . Kitchen ane din- rpeted liv- in fireplace. Hard- weed floors. 1% baths. Full base- Turn left to sent ORGE ie 4436 Dixie Hwy OR 3-1251 DRAYTON PLAINS - Eves. OR hocteien FOUR ROOMS any 5 near eT ; bie ~g Commerce road to dy gs oe FAMILY ROOM me baah.: paved and gi ater - aet a & Fa igh’ on tamm hills, and with Special Assistance 434% GI Mortgage os “L ORT APE Shit Pg oy Bee Picnic in Kensington Park and see ~ > model. Open daily KENSINGTON: HILLS bay left (South) miles ive. EMpire eee or MUtual 4-0225 TEMPLETON | West Suburban ta an aoe for and be dong tee Pou. 3 2 amet yeiidions and arage &e Ste 2 ty tee | te down, © month. | 30 Giase highway | caise = coop includ ed. Only $7,350 ce, KT. L. erin 5 Realtor sm onary a T: OPEN SUNDAY 16 Pick up your free souvenir M24 TO CLARKSTON ROAD, WEST 4s MILE TO OPEN SION. bedroom — you need ‘to de 2, to move in. A yaad area. $1,200 age ll spanking ne + 3 bedroom brick—all pots to do is move in. On pavement near ia Orion. AND Veer ae CLOSING COSTS ON iM WRIGHT, Realtor FE 5-0693 NEEDS EQUITY 8 room modern on 13 acre, paved r echodls, 4 miles west street, nea: down $0,270 of Ralauee at 4% per cent. $65 per onth total, Immediate occupan- OR 3-4396. "STARTER HOMES x e block — a Saas Bchoo! Have model for in- $7800 00; $300.00 tection. F.C. Wood Co. OR TROY go Sree TaREK 3-1235. = ~ooll on ome ck sale ~ WATERFORD te SCHOOL ome. a R x and areas. Built-in ee 2 reo Kr inum storms car gara, ‘acre 1 takes it. ffoiverry MULTI- LAKES REALTY COMMERCE LA Neat seem. 6-roo: hom with firepisce. of FA héat and electric water Large trees on la: ped lot. Price $16,800. Terms. MA 41578 BY OWNER. 6 ROOM HOUSE IN country on 1 acre of good clr 2 bedrooms. 4 rooms in knotty _pine. Ot] furnace. Elec. hot water eater, 1% car garage. Part base- nent. Lots of trees. $6,000. $600 aown. Call FE 4-2261. 3060 8. Commerce Rd. MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE . Exclusive Area First time offered for this beautt- ful ranch home, located on the South shore of Cass Lake. You will have to see it to appreciate the many excellent features of this 3 bedroonf, all brick home. Wail to wall earpeting in the large living room with a Tennes- see ledgerock fireplace, 12x14" den that =" be pn ig a fourth bedr I% ¢ ic tiled bath with puilt-in vanity, yg ae 14x16 ft. porch with Jalousie windows overlooking the lake. Full base- ment with recreation room, 2 car ig garage and . large 119x243 West Bloomfield This 7 room ian! home with 4 bedrooms _ has “ye of closet range, full basement, 1 car ca tage and located on 180x120 ft. lot. Only $11,900 with $2000 down. Down Will move you in with no delay. 4 rooms and bath with approx. % acre of land. Small house, nig so is the asking price — $4950 Lakefront With 100 ft. frontage on Sylvan Lake, 6 room older home with 3 bedrooms, large living room, full basement, gas heat, 1 car garage, _ $12,750, RRO REALTY 7 MeCULOUGH REALTOR 143 Cass-Elizabeth Rd. 5.1984 FE 4.3844 be $ a.m. to Le 30 p.m, Sunday 1-5 "B (] D " Home and Income. See this well conditioned 2 family ipvome, poten full base- ment, car Oe arage. Lower apartment eatures 2 bed- rooms and bath, dining room, are room and kitehen; up- Vy ectoger includes bedroom ond automatic gas peat and, hot water screened rch, newly decorated pflicn iced, $13,500, terms, Do yourself a favor, look today. ‘Now Is The Time to buy this delightful 3 bed- ‘room brick bungalow with car- room and dinin 1 th, full basemen with automatic heat and hot water, softener, recreation Handy west side loca- fenced rear yard paved . The prire ts rite at yw cash present 4% : cent GI mortgage. Murry, buy it while you can. “BUD” Nicholie, Realtor and screens. Carport, insulated, roll parents. $11,500 with $2,000 Paul M M. Jones, Real Est. FE 8-1215 "Casal Lake Estate 2 bedroom, H ardwood floors. Plastered, painted walls. 2 lots on - corner. $1,000 down. to re- sponsibl CUCKLER REALTY 236 N. Saginaw Sunday 2-5 P.M. Elizabeth Lake Estates 305 Ascot Road - 1%-story frame, deluxe finished upstairs, —living room carpeted —.full basement — gas. heat-— 1%-car garage. Fenced yard — ade trees. —Direction: Drive out Elizabeth Lake Rd. — past Dell's Inn, left on ‘soot to prop- erty. ‘Leslie R. Tripp, Realtor 7 West Hurnn FEderal 5-8161 or FEdera] 2-9676 RANCH HOME CITY — West Side lo- INST 2 lots, well landscaped, cation man’s part in e being next to large family room with fireplace, 2 spacious rooms, baths, carpeting & drapes, attached garage & more. $28,800. CALL J. R. Hiltz ¢ REALTOR 1011 W. Huron Seminole Hills BRICK - - RANCH - - 3 BED- ROOMS - - FULL BASEMENT! Luxurious carpeting and draperies in ving room, dining L and hall are a bonus if this house. Tile bath has glassed shower. There js an extra lavatory. Other fea- tures you should see — now is a good time to pick up your phone and arrange your appointment $21,500, we arrange financing! Draytori rayton . 3 bedroom ranch bungalow with 22 breezeway and 2 car ga- rage. Carpetin stay. Situate nice neighborhood, to suit, Stop . Spa have a testi 4625 W. WAL- N BLVD. Yes: drive by and ie e for yourself what words can't describe. Situated on four lots, ‘this Ranch Home, full basement «ifn ordinary, Qak | - floors, AM emigre walis, Ten- | nessee ae le fireplace, marbie planter. Separate dining room BH FE 5-6181 lots sil, 950—terma yes, eas heat and attached ga- rage Humphries 83 N, reer iE" 2.0236 Open Eves, MULTIPLE LISTING oe aces bed- | - i= and sinperies will | Price $11,000 - $1,000, 60 HAVE SHELL -— You" PUNISH! Ww Suburban Rochester or Lak ; Orion area. tae pags peal , Total price $5,400-°4200 ‘down Lake. 2 FOOms, = H. C. NEWINGHAM, REALTOR basement, auto. oil ry — Corner Auburn & Crooks Rds. = down payment. ro > fenced yard, Good location. 86.050. enc a : Pontiac Lake $500 oma Lauinger Real Estate, room droom on fleor, Auto, oll Pardwood floors, plastered T walls. Large rooms th = out. . lot with c) priv . at door, Key in our office. GILES REALTY CO. SUNDAY 2-6 5-617, 221 erg kf AVE. sal OPEN 8 AM—¢ PMs 3340 Shelby Street ti] as 2 fT tirepineee. el can teeee 3 sua a cK, seed Coe eee a v . € en Wi a CORNER LOT. bireh ¢ tds apd attached 2- NEWLY REDECORATED’ ear Large wooded jot. 2. NOR EGRAPH ig PON- TIAC LAKE RD. LEFT TO GE- ELLA AND. RIGHT TO MODEL. Wenonah Drive sewet split-ievel. ~~ . select RAN OME. GAS hgots. basemen aste : hom gg " ae o walls, Bnd attached garage. This U rm. . Lake brick beauty has args riv Lge fot. Near 3 Lk,| 8nd fireplace in delightful rang ha’ on 9.3176 VOORHEIS EFT TO WENO. CELLENT eT ire NAH TO OPEN SIGN. You ean 2 P on . rms &| (se it from Telegr cisied unqutre immediately Pit ce) LJ ciate Eat “teree. ay owner: George R, Irwin 3-0305. REALTOR PE 3-7883 }y BEDROOM on Lg hee @ 298 W. WALTON BLVD. po ft - nce ‘4 ‘e. ming vege. feay earpeted. Call OPEN owner, OR CRS 4 BEDROOM HOME. 1% ACRES. SUN ; oone 5 berries 35 fruit. an DAY Bale or —. 12 2.5 . shed tg joa Outstandin ne 3 bed- y ng . : a weet = tke rivileges. Low foom vane inne. Compare this down payment. +. pool before pnt ay. —_ =F jum bing, Lert OW NER full anasoor wih Guplionte your lot or ours. Come oa office gt corner of M5@ and wit — Lake road and let us show new model, P. C. Wood Co. Williams Lane Be at Mie Office Open 9 a.m.-8 p.m. OPEN _ ’ SUNDAY 2 TO 5.P.M. 2244 BRIGGS ST. and i% car myarage. $12,900, Terms. Drive out W. Huron to Crescent Lake Rd. North to Standard. — to Briggs. Watch for open 6 E, Walton '— ASSOCIATE — BROKERS INVESTMENT CO. PE 38-0663 3-Bedroom Brick —CLOSIN G COSTS ONLY~ 443 ORCHARD LAKE AVE. STOUT'S. Best Buys . Today fully Only $4000 peony M 3 S betreem bome for $1500 down. Sharp 1 story brick and ranchette on lar rooms, 2 baths and carport. eo on Wolver- ine 2. WATERFORD Little canal front home all modern, Very good location for water lovers. Macteday, Lotus. Green and Van Norman lakes. Warren Stout, Realtor TT N. eee St. ‘FE 5-8) Open "til 6 a Access to For six’ sa, a vt ai strent,elty : J.C. HAYDEN, Realtor _ 24001. be 165 Sunday 1 to 5 Moves You th gO SES: WHY PAY RENT? BUILT IN BANGE & OVENS LOADS OF FEATURES “| MODEL OPEN tached 2 car gar. Lg. landsca seo ** ROTRING DOWH B &z SED etatter Homes MA 40341 HOYT REALTY SIDE Walton- es Area Like new, 4 room home on have the key FRANK M. 1010 Adams Rd. a Pp HOUSE SUNDAY 2-4 Indian Village 107 Elizabeth Lake Rd, Brick, 3 bedroom home with liv- ing room with fireplace, full size dining room, new ca: ting, fam- ay site kitchen, basement with gas heat. Co lot. Near rer bus, echocls end st shopping. $17,000, Phone FE 5-9447 = ‘rE 2-4031 EVES, FE 2-8503 mht HILLS -4 are Oe _——* Home at; one vi. Po ore 4031 - Cherokee Hills 2-4 PM., 2902 Lacota Dr. Inspect this lovely new. brick ranch home, located in highly re- stricted Cherokee Hills. Six rooms and twoxceramic tile baths, full basement, gas heat. o-car ga-, rage and many other extras. To reach Open House, drive out Elizabeth Lake Road, turn right on Scott Lake Road then right on Lacota. John K. Irwin & Sans, Realto 3 West Huron Btreet Phone FE 56-0447 FE 32-4031 EVES. FE 54846 OPEN HOUSE SAT., 3 TO 8 P.M. 458 Gransda, off a at. bedroom, story basement, olf heat, "hutly Awnings. Rear yard barbecue rill. C SCHUETT, Realtor 8-0458 CHOICE wou 6 SITES LOTS 76x 150 and larger. Beautiful Watkins Hills wie jon. bole Paved streets, $2,65) W. W. Ross Homes, Inc. Hempstead 4 BEDROOMS Just listed, Ist. thme offered, ideal home for large family, carpeted separate 3 Full ick, ’ tneulated . den), tiled bath, finished attic which provides 4th, bedroom with Plastered walls basement, coal heat, gas he aden heater. his is a one floor plan, newly decorated and plastered walls throughout. Just ome for children, large fenced back yard and close to stores, og = bus line. re rice 500; $1000 down. Drive by a 8. An- derson St, between Osmun & Whittemore and then call for op- KENNETH G REMPETEAD REALTOR = 102? E. Huron 8t. 48284 FE After § pam Call FE 54-0610 or FE_ 2-397) NEED A FINANCE- | FIXER? Order Classified Ads to sell, rent; find al good job, FE 2-8181 is the Want Ad number! i enced with. INCOME PROPERTY Modern 6 rm. . jens 2 bedrms 6 with 3 bedrms, daire Beautiful brick bidg. in yen location. OL 6-081 BY OWNER @ rooms down finished — and 6 up unfinished. On ‘@ acte on Commerce Rd. Near new ac! MI 4-1670. MULTIPLE LISTING gERVICE RICK SRON STREET WEST OFF HUR ou'll be tempted to buy Tas excellent 4, bedroom B home wi a pil erage, breakfast nook,’ large gas heat, aluminum ied and sereens and car- Res city '$10-900. , CONVENIENCE , . is Important in purchasing a. ho ay. It's espe- cially important when you don't n & car or bus to towa@ ‘and. children can walk - to school. 2 biocks a home with rd ent offer brand new kitchen, a, ewe ey Sino al gf INCOMB .. , on East side main street only $10, x 67. bedroom apart- ment first floor; one bed- room spartment yt per mo, income. only $2 down, . lol al POGHS Asem SPECIAL 'y $9,950 —~ The features y this 2 bedroém bungalow will amaze you at this- price. New Alumin We trg cellent buy at your earliest convenience, HAMMOND LAKE antes 120 X 350 me. LO A beautiful custom built ranch home that anyone could be proud to own. 2 bedrooms and den or 3rd bedroom. Two baths (stall shower), 21.8 ¢ 17 ft, Hving room, Natural fireplace, in- dividually planned kitchen featuring built-in equipment so fmportant to modern liv- ing. arpeting and drapes included. Privileges on pri- vate Hamimond Lake ae ra you this fine home 3 BATHS $1,500 DOWN our BEST B Bilersaks & ~ Kampsen REALTORS ‘FE 40528 377 B. Telegraph Eves. & Sun. ~ = Heat, for Senaers Dorethy thy Sayder Lave Lavender ‘7001 a “sate : Phone EM 4-6417 SELL OR TRADE sel api ents you — will . «fas also Fiboteatame yi, Saath or sell on and contract. BEAUTIFUL $3,000 down $85 malt < fot Zz e . area, with ceptional muse r ox ely ' autiful be streamlined bod 12x18, 2 ear acre aot with and spreading shade trees. West suburban, *eHOME & AUTO LOAN CO. | Borrow, with j 5 with plates | Teih oe $25 to $500 $87,000 op rea ms. | Be erty 7 Finance. “$0 acres as tata per secre. quired : ' "GET 57 TO, $500— 19 act eah AD, bo, din, ai CTT iro | Eames Sark Signature | Oe aN. MICHIGAN BUSINESS y acres. Also 120 acres vacant. | SAT ES CORPORATION | "PH. Pe 29 a : OAKLAND ~ . Lean Company = 202 Pontiac State Bidg. : win ore | 5 Gowoneay Ebates b NT ena uf baths, 2 He. : | ae Seale pam paras because you see, he doesn't s fitable ai salient se Se 0B. AWRENCE FE 2 car srange, pits , : ro BROS. t= "gar aalt, Tnderohe 64 W. Lawrence Bt. PE 4-1538-9 000.’ Immediate ; 6 p.m..Mon, thru Fri.| F eres aero 15 ACRES. Bat, bru Fri or yile Lake Prop, 44 For Sale Lots 46) 4 nice 5 ACRES." os ror ee LODOE asa" se TEAGUE FINANCE CO. :. . ) PRIVILEGES : smaneiahion We ss. 3 ood bar. Owner’ : on : AKE/ DR . on 2 sides. 3% mile mor -. rs apt. i “COR! 3B. home. Wall 4 i, down. &, #20 per'mo: EM i400. sveilabie es Bites DRAYTON nome, 8, SUITABLE from downtown oly. $2500 cash: | ToSHRIS, i aM in read | a eae te to’ wall bath. Base-|28 E. Huron FEdera! 8-0466 “ne tot | COLE & EA on bene WHITE BROS. * |' — . ROCHESTER, MICH, ment. Open Evenings & Sunday 1-4 og | In exclusive subdivision, West of SLICK | FOR PERRY X “GALL: Pik ‘ LOANS 325 TO $300 EO COLUMBIA, 3.8.8. home, Ou] _- Pontiac, rf Very | ene 3.0005 MMO NT say ee en S000 Diaie Hwy, - ret on Lake, 48° poste plentc VEST mane, Ww U_ 48825 TO SELL. TWO LARGE, . z Mal 2 ea 4 with eke S ex = b 3 » | Open Eves. ‘til 9; ‘sunday 10 ‘ti |S area, beautiful sand beach... 4 HOUSEHOLD GOODS : oat, oanay :: ee ul taltor || OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 || _gim.zigts & Bellin, ot ee ee OU NEED sri sey, bene.,2) Lene seta in Be = ee Fare. Sa acre ue” a9” Cestag For Sale Farms 48) is.00. do. oad | bias 10 NEED — , ae Paseo, . Terms. te Rd 3 Lake Ra.; left to 3 5 TO 500 a gy non doen Be eae “DAILY — BARGAIN Fontise® Lovely 2. bedrm eat ot HILLSIDE. PROPERTY IN CITY Maken. Ac uly CLARKSTON-HOLLY | POiown’ 10 alleys plus #100 per | 7". \Will_be S eftie Sui BR. Suit ts] y FOR. tps, bungalog | Eee tora bate, reset | Satie teres manure oes: | fandosaptng some, gorgtous te, locome trom state tp bag. | STATE: FINANCE CO. : icy, be a a png, gui enctial te | 000 on terme | tat Pomtine Wate Ban. Be. NEAR 68T. 2" eled f ne ee Pguick sale altor able $18,500. Call owner, Mi gg mr Ry! Highway.| Boat —— -1574 | _—_- ib: > F 7. . DAVID WARD YOUNG +4760. a. Laeiite Real BOAT SALES besinoys te Ger | quick oo LOAN biome 6, mai Bach bas mouse ATTACHED, amex | IM aewaticher, Realtor | 045 ©. Commerce Ra.” EM 3-6500 We eS ae way iromage. with n cncelent bide | S PABOARD RD EINANCE ; bo : bas . - a house. Best of franchises on ' Co. esos ge OTT AT 5 Sears BST 2 |e is og WALTON Gig | Sirk mre MY er | Eo Ri gee | Eker, panernd “Pe . OG AEE, We] C. SCHUETT , 2 Peg.- Brek —cargrs putin | _well vate. Terme OL Lis | “osCdey eal wand a teem Mortgage Loans 54 < ie ey. 2 BR. . ‘ ’ a ees 2140 Gar Open Sunday 1-5 oes 16 ON Peas ALL Li WITH bo oo +. : al rm. REALTOR PARTRIDGE . E ‘ SYLVAN LAKEFRONT Sis os tractor and ip. , Businesses thruout J eae Neate Ren sony yee $ Oe Sy pelt wit 3. large bedrooms, tiving| 199 Pony REE Lom: $8,500, 42.600 down, Hest terme| PE 43581 @ Ghruout Mich ow tom gone Oat eat of ™ mp site down.) Fath and bath. living room| into this" new 2 bedroom foom. carpeted. ‘Aceplace, | 1%s| drive. your Rights, Baer 0) fc Lapeer, MO east eS ” Sag csuross er maraace x + Fee ranch, : , » Pow- : . hee : a > SAD TTINITY ied : NEAR GINGELLVILLE. i ; soos}. oe ce ae eae ee der room, ‘rec. room. Some fruit LARS dom to M00, with terme. | H-ACRE FARM NEAR GOODRICH RARE OPPORTUNITY ito sad ett come Pre home me aes ae. a. for quick $9950, $1000 bus and schools. 4 dock ite irepace. — pnd Drayton Plains pa sal Pa ee 1 weat off M15 on INCOME STARTS estimates, Pree sanoutia'ioe Vtee 5 ; a ve. celient reene . Large 4 ME : i diate Possession Low down pay- down. Galt Swner PE oe fust , sandy beach. Only "$35,000, Cash | LARGE. WOODED LOT. HI-WOOD bese and other Pulldings Seeoie IMMEDIATELY = — re “ . p * $2650. Term: 9 land - rr -_ ° antl F a ™C. HAYDEN, Realtor} 4-BEDRM. RANCH © cassie Paul M. Jones, Real Estate | FE $201). Woods. Execilens investment for} FULL OR PART TIME make 2 Pe Ties vee a. re ts truly‘ poe PE #1275 ae LANE HEAR MAPLE | {eters developmen. Adidining | Te corvice established cigarette || WHEEL TRAILER FOR 21” TaA- Coes Ever ie gy ag ig oe od Ba at AU price ours te WATERFRONT HOME oo paving Hate xfer eating. Same “1300 being subdivided. Price | accounts. No experience required. | ie TY_UL 2°00 efes_\\ am: . Penna . 7HOOL lando We ~ iting necessary. + * Have House—Will Trade| inaate Bell. Por appt call ownes uated on @ corner lot. Pull on Ww siion ‘Boulevard. 1 Ml R 1. WICKERSHAM | Eee Sore nee re | Se Beet te, So 0088 ver euth, 2- OR 3 BEDROOM : yg Pt ag ig alia "| Sie weeleoped "ele ee tor feet deep. '$2'000 down on Anon ek, ‘T95'W. Maple Maytair ¢42%0 | _ tse“ PRideral”b-60i2 on Cee Brit eee lee lee oe Sapeh, Sauer aot ose ire ome aapt | balance, Ui teat SEW 8 Stam ee Sereei tee S| ons ale AGS Caan erin cin | fo is Sona, wit rer | enet, ‘built in ‘range ‘with vented : ae inet 5 axe LAKEFRONT — OPEN. DAILY Fon z INS Oakland County. APPFOX. 3° | Good setup for beet cattle, large | future. end prosperous) OF seit” sie ree > tabi tS 808 down gr gearaam fanen wim | Qlse i, Gong, tench. Soe ee | a TRiNy CAREW we Vlone| Hest matte, hve, Priced | fava: ‘oase"'wity “6 Mbedrsome | have ™"“aSmanie. Yer | pp {uae Busted estate ° down ‘orced § air + lakefront. lot ‘WA WATER than $4,500 small tenénts house padiial utomobile 2. Refer- th Lake Rd. Ser will trade. heat, large 17 ft. kitchen $050 down Note 2 FRONT per acre On Middle | s:ream. 4 Small | ences. an 5 re hours wee FE 1 FE ¢1157 4 ; With lots of Just. | LADD'S INC 4286 DIXIE HWY : = Ridgeway. FE| Belt Rd. between Walnut Lk. and |~ 999 nat ney eneact aoa | alls te wits enh tz |. 2 ACKE HOMESITE, ELIZ. Lx. | ’ SPECIAL $408 owe cn Fah teome yton Plains OR. lw r _Maple Rds MA_ 6-162 | pemerous terms. & See te 5.13150 0 = E Zz : : i 3-123) Wi LA! “«. is. the NICE 5 BUILDING in w c. WEBSTER, REALTOR | tured by me Sandie b se- | rea, Will trade equity for le'» $250 E OVER .- BROS SUNDAY ASK FOR MB MR. ' ENON LIV full price for this 4 room home ete ARDS | Oxford. OR 8-3122, Orion, MY 22291 Please e — f le model car, exc. cond. OR 3-8800. Eure Same - s INDAY ASK TOR MR. VERNE y ING with ae ae Astele weeet’ | Sar WORM “nt Bowed -| ee a ee ee | Sree s bave the rth Aa ag gi Bl lg png MOD, ‘a 2 ; son Park Sub. Directly across| Ph. Hoily MEIrose 1-2 : Tr asin tees tec i ey ee nes Gee | maz. | HUNTOON LAKE WILLI ee Ping rig toour gas} | WHIPPLE LAKE. 9. DR“tome| Heater, paves siren, ste “FE One ee ee : ee E SION. ‘bedroom nome with full rear yard f : 1% ng. | _ 4-0370 2 baths 16220 living “4 yoursell end include yeur phone erey. , CIVIL iaimh Tiebon Gh baat. Wessereed | REAL constructed hoo! Yous: tank 67,400 cain" ral, fuel oll! —~ReSTRICTED PARCELS | fh cs dining rm. & «ti. | fine Ponies Brea Bore BESS Ti iG Compares | AANS & VETS & painted walls. Oak floors. This a * TRURANCE at front door. to hw Excellent buildi m.'Nice bern. garage. 3 broader | —~rt Pontiac Press. Box 36 | p for se or Will se! home s 1483 a3 BALD ming beach ing sites. 115 x 160 — “| 4153 Windiste Par MOVES YOU IN A more than 1,100 sq Land incl and livery. SYLVAN LAKE \ Keego. $500, {%.8 community of fine homes 20 acres. New fence. on Pa Lotus Lk. Sane 2 “BEDROOM ER eg oe oe easinesd $9500 Bcluded. an acre of ground with) down Quick Tosscasion” Lares | Rolling with trees. $18.00 with 15 Ww. Maple Rd. Mileré. MU | INOCO rs) —s PICKUP WANT F | eels ssanacox: | tans Sleterteet | wun vane 3 noses Caan pce sea vate ae. Lon tome pat era pour wwe. | "2D iy Rake bre tee Wa | | Modern i aE Cit ] 3 pEDnoom lake & “with 3 bedroom house, com-| © large f 3 IN LAKE. Low down pay- e131 7. ress Box 103 ern 2-bay station - : es. Total price $15,- with basement u ree and clear ment = this good 2 b.r...ho 55 GALLON DRUMS FO Rice with ear ton | plete with basement on Jot. | trailer im trade at realistic valu ith - ae IN PO Suitadl B sale. ; q auto.| Will consider selling fully fur-| pe car (garage. Screened Sale. Business P ae ake R ay, (DICK Vv ALUET ‘ matic heat. MeDonald. os | o. Mew a sxresen h bone. ess Property ¢ 49 or fwei oi] tanks FE 49006 rs ; }aayt ice garden t. . ee A real —— , = Tan paces BMY soem er at ’ apo STOP y to be your! 36 CHEV. AND ‘54 CHRY = oe ae aut ‘ DEER LA CAKE” OR FOR SALE nn \ STO 120 20 FT, FRONT AG M2 own boss and Y ee Trade for ¢ or 45 Ave. ~ bree - 100 ft. of one —- “es room, | {ake- 200 | foot lake frontage, Ground 3 bedronss house’ on Cosh en a ee $380 full price. S6x286 lot. East sees Cates ana. Lake Lake Orion Compa business. © < _dower_ PE 2-000. truck, traile : “MOLTIPLE LISTING SERVICE siee tieelae bcos sees > Rotem Trams, merce Lake. Must be sold be- ad tae Oa Tareate, | 34.100 full price. 1S x 150 cor septic in basement wen ne Kew Custors Blending ‘o CHRYSLER. 0 390, Serer eA eg & large ¢ d Eg at enn mayor: Berge dscaped. oe Fe a bee, Cali Kitchen has built in stove & oven. Bensons Ola Orchard subdi- Tee ACRES HEAR "onion syste : eee : lake. = or t car gar is StIN isa (8 FT) E NORTH END pone wooded ‘ot a 3 car FOR BY OWNER: BEAUTI.| 7*™®- . aid na A $2500 ‘full price, 80 x 210 in Col-| Mme? og tom pea ‘SUN OIL CO. with beth. 5) HOUBETRATLER 5 Betrecm heme with low down. oe. is more, but best ful ‘wood. style og bin « onial Hills biacktop roads. Best bargain in Call Mt. D J. O'Brien. days TRin- tions mr. Like new, $500 down : nt pareente of only Bg = aeanant to see type, year sround home, Natural WATKINS LAKE FRONT. Brick a also have. beautiful lakefront | . *Te#- Call for deta Vermont vase, MTP Mr. D. Bridges,| _or ete 2-3701. Sak teanonen eee taxes: $3,500 on 19,000 total price. : ; ect ‘throughout home. Has beau-| "82° home with 120° lake front- ots. Call us for details. 8 RM. HOUBE IN TAKE ORION 5.000: ity BERMUTIT ELEC- = a oe ig neo| a. eg ~ 8 field-| ° ge ig fed birch pen- aay 98 your. lot | or new sfurna ce. A bur at 810,00 SHOE REPAIR SHOP | ‘omstic water softener. for car ¥ou ra ey ’ WHITE BROS. ACRES. 4 feet trostage on teeing lake. sete aisccte, Katgral” pour ° SCHR a utr LAKE of NORION R BEAUTY uy 22311 Suding "& geod ne of stoct with automatic trans ust be of ag ee we LARGE FARMHOUSE. | 90 {cet repla ae ye eee ready to ge business! equal valve. PE 6-9008 ’ RO 7 Located on . Has new dock. ce. Compact kitchen. 2 car x 150 PT. COR ae £. iness! For sale Ey hg of 2 S00 Disie Hwy. Be EY Og Taxurtous living. wane, | Set eee Sore. Feaees sant. See th vias a Posted ipader masement: ie: — commercial. 236 N. Saginaw ae Metts, Fa Ay B AUBURN | SUBURBAN’ HOME LARG: << pay payments, MY- 3-1487/| 46 &. Walton eaitor pet HELLS! | | vapp's inc. 4286 DIXIE HWY - Saginaw _PE 64001 ALUMINUM 2% FT. SPARTE- Cilintitumue wma. | ae 5 | a Open “Eves. sure Xow Uke Ie wooden ete ONTAGE OR MT "| TAVERN in THRIVING TOWN| Sodera enc’ condition, sil of = ments and only § ae ween taoderh Sruthe sheeted | Woes ot ABIN, 9 MILES . : ) 2}. 100 f sites planned for, and re- | 40° FEET FRONTAGE ON: Contra) Cokes Cee tie | oven for $0 to 2 ‘srader. sonal terest. Tan Se wo Seo Sem. BLOOMFIELD HILLS | on Beh, ground with s pesutiful | _River. $1,700. 1D Ame For Sale Resort Prop. 44A |. ter rapen and mu ihievel a FE biden commercial. Guortors. Fresest_ owner ming | valus, by owner. MA $403." ee hy TS es eae 2 eee | eee floor, 1% baths, all GNTOON Seti | 30X28 COTTAGE, CORNER LOT. homes! AUBURN RD., BUSINESS FRONT. gross on short hours. Terms. | AIR” CONDITIONERS = GOOD — Rear one-thira| ela Hills ‘High “School. 4 Bed- ~ B basement with Vv 2 bedroom ranch home.| Ali conveniences, St. Helen's Also, Sectuded, yet close in —drive | S&¢ corner, 200x400, sell or trade. | TAVERN tn Pontiac. Good lease, cond. Sell of trade. FE 90038 4 recreation Di basement, pa By a feomse, 2% batne, Ka'cae| cue tuin = ar ne eet ement, garage, sum- eat Walled Lk. MA 42358. out Elizabeth Lake Rd. to Scott | >Ci 22662. air-conditioned masonry building | AUTOMATIC WATER SOPTENER. brick ome. | Doubl ga-|_heat.’ Owner. Mi 42090. baa 2 car garage. 16-| ful lot Vacant’ Ob Sale | Gorowee Lake Ré. tar right 4 mito) \TO BUY OR SELL erent owes 2 ae vee New. Sacrifice ae ae She = even the floor is finished. SAVE FEES LAKEFRONT. PLEASANT L in NT, § ROOM : c ; . ; Zz: SUBUR AN: : (Pwo * LARE.| modern, concrete block cottage. + 68 mmeserelal Se peseetortncine is CASH FOR APE : | Lrm. ranen, Lee. 2 car gerage. RE, SETTER: Jet mates porch vepseeme, eginclosed front Large living room with nreplase.| Carl W. Bird, Realtor HOLMES R, A TS in. highway poco Tote cs o-phovogrepka. | bees conditioned home. mg = / Pres ogy 4 porheod. lot 100x134 feet, a beach., é-pe. bath. Cinder | terms som mee included. ee onl or 603 Community Bank Bidg. . * RTRAM requires substantial “—n pay- | = not | Ris tiene, Mec Zoe] Re ELEN its oes | tect! a ate Saetea | eon tre ai ‘gee te: | ex Ges ot aa | rea MMM eRe rE'Fios | OM Dit REY og aR PMH) MEP CT Oy | cate eseereer ams i . is 5 : d “ 80 i ; ‘ . yt Tn ae praised $18,512. | Substantial |) ee oe, front homes. Phone, for “poriicu- eer West Branch. Nice beautsfut WQCEMGEE LAKE FRONT. TNT | ot La STATEWIDE or Sat. UL. 24003 _ ‘Nicholie & Har oe ae mie bow: AREA. De-| Wi Biron Open tre a’ dit? | pletel: queatsbSl "Nest to. . Rent Lease Bus. Prop. ADA Real Estate Service of Pontiae | NICE BACHELOR APT FOR HAN- ae Nae ae VEIS Reighborhood Ranch Home in| Par 3108 Nee PE Sis fond.” Lake Be ee UPPER LONG LAKE FRONT, 101 | roR LEASE UR RENT ALL OR int a telegraph PE eas Rena roR Be cat heat saad . 3 Nothi homes. construction, shoe Lake. Full price $4,300. ¥Ur any part of 14 ra, | 7 ees NGTON 210 CAL. REMING- : : : : thi ng Down nicely decorated, stincaed a LAKE usther information esk for Mr. wine Lage ences ues hear "Diste tay on Williams TRADE OR SELL. ONLY $7,860 pom he a2 cal. high standard 22 2 ; Y INCLUDES wn gg - & INSURANCE oil heat, bases walls, Garcia, F PE 8-1740. Saturday untii eh and | Road. cit, Wunams| Sih 91.600 far cauity, pommace 0] press — wmil’ teed san. OL a 3 i : Pull , aesmeaes with recrea- DOWN — } Cam mz 4-6149 tor information includ o. 2% pid 32-2583 ~ =e = large bed tying room, other desirable fea- Yocum Pull | ira large Jot!” Sale Suburban UPPER LONG LAKE, canal front,+=Sfter_ 7 pm. for "with 00 feet, trostage. ‘eood : 2LEVEL BEAUTY Seeley pcre | . Sree. $19,200, terms, prite only $2400. _Sale Suburbs Prop. 45A | “Gosaiss ft canal front, . . pool te Pag feet frontage SLEEPING TRAILER, SWAP FOR Catimares aren. cu scenic ‘sewer. . ote _. OANA comenateial 4 ideal for boat trailer. FE 83795. ae on a level leading eee) “ODEN CLARK REAL EST: ATE of BE tng tremtage. some. 170 ft. 1% ee goer orem HILLS, waterfront, 90%325 For Sale or Exchange 50 cept ypes cble. business. le ean | WILL TRADE ce BDRM RALY? F : ot ite aluminum F; | OPEN SUN. 19 TO scaped arnemte be gg a i a, aati teintoatnd Tract or r real esta is | 6.3546. rm raller M hese finaster-slee bedrooms plus DAILY ety oe 11-8 1362 W. Hu i a By oe “iar raised 'S Foom, cotta vag cen poet Bre. ner 8i¢ N Harry — VILLAGE, 2 lots,| ? bedrm free, ae eens, gas mid Awe Tes Mr. reeset. FE WiLL TRADE BLOND TV POR : Basement val Oe eeae beeren: 5 : “MODEL ureapen ‘LISTING SERVI . os boat. Full price: 98.000. « Se Lapeer, Mich’ . Main 140 ft, ‘ _heat, 772 St. Clair. UP TO $15,000 AVAILABLE POR gr agg er what have you? : &@ dream kitchen Cameron off DON 1 BEDROOM YEA SOUTHFIELD. VACANT 2 ACRES, WALTERS LAKE privile 100 : are in any going busi: | — = ; age gly erand on HOME, 6 ACRES, GRAV-| . To take ‘Cece ot ATE. Includes sun parle 4 AROUND. large white frame, 2 car ga-| * 170 ft. fens Business. Opportunities 51) working. “Write Box 69. Pontiac For Sale Clothing 56 ead peicod “well torte ihe ne | “mene . PE 5-3803. | “Sen 3 bedrowms ‘howe. Close to| “Termes Ful’ price $11,750. ae & and : ; FI (gp ek. preccingatceegmintinitd PP ~ dove. mece|—"NOTHING DOWN | pinthaP twit, Paste ores eon caren, Sanday, We ier | Real, arate OPEN. EY 1 NEW DUAL, NUT, VENDING | WHOLESALE ARD RETAIL, MILK) * gnce "exe. cond. #0813, 21% Fir " : : : , storms ' Road of Mi : STATE OPEN EVES. " . routes for lease in the P ; : . . 21% Eli- 2 POF NM ‘S PARADISE Beem your *Biorinn Brick Prost, 3 po ne pees me ae. ve redweed, Me RANCH — Brick & ster anal ‘Northwestern Of 1-0023 a FE 44526 412° W. anon qs SINE WITH DE area, J Apply Pontine , tg a ines GLEAN Gee WORE Miata’ a on best of “tnbing.| wits epee saa a a ae See rage. “Large 3 cat tila se For Sale Lots — 46 For Sale Acreage 47 | —“iesning_route_ FE 2.7258. ¥ | _Guauiications Capital required pante trom 3c: abirte from tse, 14 } e. 4 rooms & vga ortgage. rice $18,7 . phate I ad PO PCE Cee A MAN WANTED!! - ing worms & tackle. Open . James 3 AL = HOOF. SIZE 12, FE 22702. ing, 4 bowl ova blic schools. Paved road, lake Church, 355 W. Maple.| ‘ worn only once. 326 Oakland. FABULOUS LAKEFRONT =” re | anes OI — Large ¢ bedroom ed’ Divided cata, 4 nes pels Call, or write Fr. Deune, F. C. Wood Co. --Blemine eg Ok bein Where Sea ¥ ley SOFT YELLO wie Secret |B pare ge Samem Se | foe ete aroofer | Se doce A aes | Mich, Bo “Ga Ee vom taty mg. at nin | eters ean to O58] Bice oh ae ltegnanngy | eagte i el a st. be seen. Large car- rge. activities Rm. Basement. feted ed f oft Pp y. Plenty of v ieage sport jacket, size 40 peted living room fi Paved St. Gar. All you need is le. ‘ein AT SIL neon n 9 a.m-8 p.m. si ABLIB fixtures’ Cleah stock. island. Wail | $13. MI" «4760. , lace, pra 8 ire our® m _ lek Li ILVER LK. . 10 PVT shelving. Good aroun ‘ Eiteben with custom OEE LENS PERT , arenes caus. , Lake: “Frontage An unusuglly fine home pe with ted 3 Sees lake that ai caepert ° en a right or quick sabe. ness. Fall bsm, tee. nving ran. eee! (GAY CE O4 TBE Me | SPD So wake Nge| nd Me tee aa | ee ee nee rh Wade | Fie. Eerste peta, | Sole Household Goods 57 . : \ e 6 rm. modern. New gas fu sandy aie for ehil- . ing. 35 min. from | BEAUTY SALON IN GROWING chen with | 0m car garag N % CG LORD furn. 8 8 ‘or c iI for a split level home with ‘ontiac in R builtin cupboards. Laundry : teiogt nced ed, od i semen ae Sie rete. scrnity ‘tnj| thats Beuecst Pal be | anvacre ome. Pe'bog "| i cripmant od Bites: Ony| SURE, Teter Gage ge || Brseen ics aang Tm fe tach, er home or SELL GI. . 5 ACRES ON GOOD $8,090 va. te a nice misc. items. FE 5 but a few f door. Well restricted. ; RO. Owner retiring, Hurry on thi SO a Sa ee notm tess on mane —iane| EGGS Sa coer te toas| LPNS chs euttEnns | MEE e So GSP SR tine!" e-SCHBETE, REALTOR | 1K'wont let be Yo bene.” |? Rabies wayiar Gish ms 5 bedroom brick home in » love: ont Rancher. Attached breeze-| — Writ# for map. LAKES = mia Drayton Plains OR 31231 | FOR SALE SM. BUSINESS. MAY; M 2 PC. LIV i” iy aineighberhood ina love| way & 2 ar gar. Over 100 ft Sf asevenn. Shits! REALTOR: 30 PARCELS TO CHOOSE FROM,| >¢ operated from your garage or UTART .REALTY Good cond FE 2 ROOM —SUTTE. Bi-levei. 6 need bath “adjoining | On Water. Wil trade for city | . zle OR PARTRIDGE | 1 to 20° acres in sii ;| bemt. Complete uipment,. and 2410 8, COMMERCE RD. 306. , Raiom Tada Meret | SMS Nets nt "FOES |g 25 Tuscon are big, Boga | PE HL Gg HURON | etn S2 me cae os | Gecmares. suid Oana | "Sater ey S|? Tandon” ea en al . r own “ . a 7 “aged ae ened es epenel ae om ee alo nt year | LAKE FRONTAGE |S Wathine-Lakeland: Sub, DO, 165, tate. 4008, Dinie Mwy. OR 3-070. ears ce cies satin. Sale Land Contracts 52/3 ~ GOOD REFRIGERATORS. down. NAL VAL« : x ar. Lot |. r Nice & level, + “ee ; a oak: me. ~~ | Cheap. 167 8. Jessi UE This year . nieely ‘inndseaped. Will trade for we. Coy © sary tg oy ote ; F * nous te altered ya Rersain, id hottie. 100 feet on North Shore mane Snyder Lavender “Lease, sisae ontioe DINETTE — * Full basement, very attractive mond Lake. = ya ARTISTS 20% DISCOUNT blond coffee table. OR 3- large wie loans jonas. of rds, — OR TAne —Over % acre . Reng ) Could: not paint « more pletur- *Mutart Realty we oie ns old contract paytng | © 9 Lt ge BLINDS ‘i sis Bris et yment | Titeched by we Tne Bam gewinl 2 lots In DOW RIDGE Subdivision. Phone” EM MU 46417} enaue setting. These § acre scenic 2410 8. COMMERCE ‘RD. tered per mo. at ¢ per cent in-| cornice OEE 2 eines covered owner ", Hot w Lass ar. gar. “BIG %-ACRE_L i A c grandiose view ax WALLED LAKE Market 4-2301/ . e "lok oh yr, sent balance mate! rds and drapes to ad —— will te trade for tig home. Price | Leslie R. Tripp, Realtor® page 7 Feoding for’ miles. Only $2960 wi wT thet Bodies be discounted to h_ $38, Fe, MPT 3 ; CRE gf cg a le i FOE ng ROLLING WOODED Lon | mowrey sew navo ! seeker * ig bello ders ns metal Clarkston ge in this home. Nest s12500 LAKE eeiney ii aca FEderal 44278 THESE ARE. z Warren Stout, Realtor 4% acre paranl ef rat roned | ira 435 OR P ARTRIDGE chieee en 8iL . @way Extra large lot with| {rade for large 3 bedroom home. | . : EVER . LIEN. Seginaw Bt. . We §-9165| commercial, near y the- +3581 1050 W. HURON | © outfit ven “OnaY BEDRM. ¢ shade and shrubs. A. solid} breexeway & two car gar. over Lake Lots and Lake Priv ERW LOCA ON. BE Open ‘til 6 ~q~fiundgy 1 to 5 ier, approx. 300 pavement OPEN TIL 9 b Doub e. dresser, bookcase home for + large tam omexcel | 100 ft of water frontage, Will| 13 to acre. Clarkstor : keuber YouR LOT frontage, excellent “echtien for DISCOUNT. ‘LAND CONTRACT ed, Large chest, 2 vanit lamps. rns - tade foc large 3 bedoom home. churches, A ge eee, ~ ras cera Room Bree a dintribaties ee ee aliey “Galanee Eco ey - Laing per Poateon Peruse "2 OF wberd ARE YOU A | OARDENER? MANY OTHERS — We hove: over sa Seen’ tat 3 msec. A) Mow: one - *HOME-SITES ~ "BHORCH LOCATION” | C ‘PANGCUS, REALT eet: “ a la . Just wees 200 from which you May. se- rd. Phone Lingoin RIT): ve IM . : 1 and - | Good 7 atre parcel ‘with modern ; iA oy EALTOR 1 PIECE DINING ROOM SUITE. have Sosa for wits ios | lect. PH om Ee a thom N a WRIGHT, Realtor. gpetnird acres, Jak ot pare: je Ray jocation for your pew 2160 M-16, Ortonville. NA. 17-2615 | "© 2-095 , room home. Extra, “uaree yiwe| WS er OFFICE, Fay us visit TCE Li -AKEFRONT meee yn abe aiead F Priced'tef smmodiate sale,” “Fe tr S00 with $1000 7 them a | = ae a 8 4 a + : re . ; si Ww . eet sits Chechen te sttoimee | —Ralemh serves, Wh BUY, Sad faces, nn vatee, 3. dice | — p|* ee mie stro, res 4 ‘sere ‘parcel vighh on’ the pave-| intevent. Present a" per, cent| PLACE A “LOST” wil sell this ove quick, Cail te.| & TRADE, OPEN t BUND eit rooms, onk parquet fivors, e a es bh a ake. ment, corner street.” Has interes bal, seers. Lib ST” AD. tay. i NDAY. _yaae basement, oi furvene ) iba Bortn of Pontiac, commercial of hod ft., roned grat discount, Earl Oarrels. EM| Call FE 2-8181 for ah ad on "REECE . options | |l. H. BROWN, Reiliie See fake #300 lot. Good location. 25’, coh Wis ot ae yrs commercial, "has eee ees to recover a loss, ial FE : LIIPLE LISTING SERViCe ' ToT Baldwin = °° * FR Sens GRA D AG rang § [Rea tk m8 ra ip tas |p ote 70 Boy ow) ay. charge it.” * or EM 34086, * bah Fd ’ ; ’ . x? zanteed. We TV, 3830 Eliz- 44045, Open TABLE LAMPS, ideal for restaurant each. PE 4-2592 bet.) } FURNITURE co t and trade ROY'S REPLACEMENT % Oskiand Ave PE APT. SIZE ZLECTRIC RANGE. | good cond. $35. FE 4-0602 | CAN POUND AT Las MALES A lttie out of the way. but a lot jess to pay. Furniture and app'i-| ences of ai) Einds. NEW & USED Visit our trace TO PAY Come out around 2 acres of (ree Phone FE 5-624! § TO 6 OPEN MON. SAT PRI 9 (oO 8 _— E of Pontiac or 1 mile of Auburn Heights on Auburn Ra, MSe BEAUTIFUL SINGER ZIG-ZAG sewing machine ‘not an attach- menti in console cabinet. Must sell for Dalance of account. $8310 or| will actept payments of $9.23 per month fur 8 mos. Call Credit) Mgr., Capito! Appliance. PE 5-0407 BUILT-IN OVENS & BURNERS | $' 40 So compiete Samuel's Appil- | — _bnces, MAple > 50011 bANKRUIP1 STOCK | Livt room — Bedroom and breas’ —F sets. Chairs and rock ers mops and tables Br surtign's anc watiresses Must se! immediately, A chance for a real buy. Bedroom Outfitting Co 4763 Dixte Hwy Drayton Piains. Open ‘6, Friday t1) 8 1.000 f% north of A & P Market ; BLONDE TV. REFRIG_ “STUDIO couch, Kenmore auto washer — hot Working. EM 3.2024 _ BARGAIN FOR A MOTHER WHO _beeds gn troner FE 35-9179 BENDIX | DUOQ.MATIC MASHER, | mower recor¢ cabinet. shop smith recordio comb.. cub farm- all UL 32-2042 BENDIX AUTOMATIC WASHER- dryer comb 4 yrs old. $100. See at 2115 Watkins Lk “Ra BRAND NEW SOFA BEDS, $4495 | Rollaway ced, complete. $1995, Hollywood bed frames $695 In-, merspring Mattresses. $1785 Cot- ton mattresses. $1295 Pearson's _Furnitn-e 42 Orchars Lake Ave BIG PAINT SALE Reg $5.95 paint. 3 gals of inside and outside paint for $5 95. Jack's Paint @ Lincleum, 281 Baldwin, corner Rundeli _ BUNK BEDS FOR SALE springs and inmtergpring mattress _FE $4002, BRAND | NEW WROUGHT IRON, bunk beds, complete with springs} 1 @nad mattress $3095. Pearson's _Furntture, 42 Orchard Lake Ave.| CHROME KITCHEN SET LAWN | mower % box _Springs. FE 4-8400. COMPLETE BABY E BED, $18. BA-| by feeting table, $15; refrigera-! ter. 645: washer. $30 gas stove. $25: electric stove §35: electric dryer, $45: 21-in. TV. goad cond ton, $50. FE 5-27 CRATE-MARRED WATER HEAT. 1? GE 32.gailon $89 95 CRUMP ELECTRIC 346 Auburn FE 4-3573 UL 2-3000 COMPLETE HOUSE FUR : alee RE for sale. Leaving sta OR 43-2168 COUCH & CHAIR. GRAY. 840. FE, _ 82402. CRIB, CHIF CHIFFROBE, MATTRESS. | _like new, $59. FE 8-28 COMBINATION BOT = = E Gas and coai and wood heater. Brand) new. Big discount. Samuel’s Ap-| i ces, MA 5-601). DAVENPORT. ROLLAWAY BED. Wn mower. 7342 Eliz. Lk Ra. | DINETTE bag 4 CHEST & DRESS-! ers, Vanity & dresser, 30 in. gas, stove, size gas stove, re-| rh stator, wringer washer, Tele-| on, porcelain top table, living room seeeeel. hs Ailes lamps. beds and odd Piece Fe ” bast use furniture. Dealer | i 688. 37 Orchard Lake \ DOUBLE LAUNDRY TUB WITH' stand and trap, $10. OR 31689. DETROIT JEWEL GAS STOVE. Man's diamond ring. FE 2-4169. | DEMING DEEP WELL PUMP — somnpiete. $30. Sewing machine, 10; Laundry tubs and stand, $8;! Washer, $10; Black lacquer van-| * yf $10: dressing table, glass top, 2-2033. $60; ELECTRIC STOVE, Daye ag TinRer washer, $10. $40 3-2 ELECTRIC RANGE, CLEAN, FE 86062, ELECTROMASTER STOVE, GOOD cond, Clean. 2 tub Dexter wash- 5077 machine, good cond. FE ELECTRIC Rs RANGE. E. GOOD ‘CON-| __ dition. $25, EM 3 | ELECTRIC STOVE a D REFRIG-| erator, goo:! condjtion, 2550 Liver- _fols, '@ Mile No of Auburn. FOR SALE: GE STOVE, KELVIN. tor washer & dryer. Like new eaving state, must sell. FE 8-3745. | EM FULL SIZE GAS STOVE 8% CU- bic ft, refrigerator 1423 Genella __ St, Pontiac. FOR BALE pinta REFRIGERA- tor, good running order, $75 FE 2-3738. FURNITURE NEW. 50-FPT. DOCK. soa hate, etc. Make offer. LI FREEZERS — UPRIGHT FAMOUS name brands. Scratched. Terrific values $149 95 while they last. No one orders. peas. Michigan luorescent. 3 Orchard Lake Ave. ER HOLDS 800 LBS. ~ $125 FREEZERS FR New shipmert—Poguiar brand 0 ft : n Only 3 15 cu ft ‘Upri eu. bss Terms (oe IDAIRE STOVE “56, y reas. OL 1-6645, a MA_ 5-6011 1 YR. a 4 ‘|MAYTAG Washers, set endl Re 9| HAMILTON Electric Dryer, ALL | 6. is MOWAT TR DAVENPORT & $28 ane Pedestal. ‘iavatory sinks. | ™ wn ete E! OLD FASHIONED BRASS B eka 0" WATE nlf For Sale Miscellaneous 60 B PON TIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, -—GHS SPECIALS—.. Re- built, Guaranteed. Delive vered. Like- PRIGIDA: Automatic Washer. wiaeialied, pus sanleed. Delivered. teenth “HP. Cheice ‘of a Some KENMORE DISHWASHER. LARGE ize, reconditioned. $50. OR 3-184. —Tiee DOW AGE $235, ° EM 3-0353 LARGE SERVEL Cal after 4 13 LARGE ona brane new $15.95. s niture, tf Orchard Lake Ave. ALL BABY BED, HIGH -_ ph . Teeter B car wing M . seat 3-1279 |MAGNOVOX “TABLE TV. EXc. condition eer eets for cash. Ppliances, 816] CHESTS, . GE portable itroner, inetie set, bed complete, Beauty _rest mattress, FE 5- ing room suite. Call — 3 p.m. __and weekends. FE 8 va MATS $6. ter B complete with oak princess dres- er OR 348% OCCASIONAL | CHAIRS. . $5. COM- ete bed, $20. Mattresses, $10 lawo mowers, both in ¢ con- | _FE 8-654. OVER Pr) USED TV SE Levy Te FROM WALTON TV $18 BE. Walton PE 22257 wn wee eee we 5 YOu wi Wat wT “Sale Household Goods 57 FHA ge PHILCO TABLE TV WITH MATCH- ing base, excellent condition, bar- ain for cash. Peer’s Appliances, 161 Commerce Ra. Hallé “em for real PAINT UP AND SAVE! SB ‘Guaranteed bouse paint, ga! it RUBBER BASE PAINT. Gal. $37 4'4-Ft. Wall Tile ..... Sc 12x12 LINOLEUM $7 4 \Syer's, 141 W. Huron ___ FE 43064 PROVINCIAL SOFA 2 CHAIRS | Al, Mayfair 617% | a+ hee SETTEE, $ $235. 1 EM |REFRIG. SPOTLESS INSIDE AND __out Runs perfectly, $40. LI 32-8176 i ; , bud tractor tires. Very good Auburn shape, $160. Cail atter If no Ans. Res. OL 1-623 : iwar'a 7 tRucE | SQOD T USED” GOAL FURNACE. units & 1 base station. Take | —>#feain. FE 27164 over payments. FE 4-1527. GARAGE DOORS j : divene deliver. FE 50120.) act "i stock. Fy gy pe yg i + door’ tors, folding furnace. Gunioels, thoresaliak 250 “ copie, ae gal. tank. 145 each. Also 1 Stewart ays arner 5-rm. behznd the wall ol} | We give estimates on gartage re- or ges furnace with controls, je blower: thermostat, side take-offs. ag from 8 to “6S Instalied at half price, no money oon on Saturdays : down. OR 3-500. BERRY DOOR SALES ie PER FT — IN . Paddock a 5 AL i ‘ Pia ay ‘ & % Weokecter Ras. UL 2-4900 bs ¢ toreitie alu s at ter: values. — 6. 3 ; This s. ey neater SOLOS cece he eure G4 * ND FUEL & PAINT Thompson, 7006 M59 west. Open | 436 Lk. Aye. _ PE 5-6150 sre. x ar wi KITCHEN Lew + SINKS. : , AUTOMATIC, $25. ¥ scratched, odel, ae aE i? GAL, ELEC. HEATER. $00.6 : oun: Gord, a agsieiey ane) oe made. Ko ephone "order Cab. sinks and fittings $57.95 up. > escent, ‘Laundry 7 rere, faucets $23 95|Otehard Lake Ave. — 5. UMBING LOCHINVAR ot BURNING WA. wa South Saginaw &t. ter heater. Good cond., 5970 P 6% GALLON DRUMS POR BALE. | _tiac Trail. 23-2802. Suitable for rafts, trash, sacsere or fuel ofl tanks. PE 46696 Low BO 15-PT. &IN, DECK. 215-Ib. Asphalt Shingles | 38,0022 a irpiler, 32% Terms. Bhi: epplication le repair « WN MOWERS SHARPENED. Church’ sInc. | seeict ree oeaeror NATION'g INEST COU TOP tint Benge Ve Se | meat Scio Meets 3,000 wit AUTOMA ATIC AC GEN- a es. G.A. Thompson, thes West. ALL GOOD. BARG AINS NAIL FREE New 2x4. —2x8.—2x10,—2412 Priced for Quick Sale Knotty Pine ee vo 166 ft. Biee] Clothes Post . 90.45 pr. PIPE - BRICK - STEEL Mons < other bargains! Coss out look around. Brice pave service oui Pree Estimates orem 8 te 6:30 MON. thru. SAT. SURPLUS LUMBER & ri MATE. SALES co. (MSs; OR 37082 | USED LUMBER. Better L hiand Rd DERSON WINDOWALL, 4 LITE _ eve! unit, @x7', with aluminum storms - _ $50. MI > ing man needs work. Bigger bar gain than ever on variety of used and new beating units, if sold or installed at once FHA terms, Ro | money down OR 360020 ANCHOR FENCES _ | FREE ESTIMA res re ere | M \GINGER PORT. ZIG-ZAG ATTACH. | $1950. Electrolux Vacuum, $14 05 _Terms Curt's Appl, OR 3-0702. | SOFA GOUD COND. COVER) worn, MI 4-3064 \@T°VES BOUGHT, BOLD. Ex. changed. Turner's. ens _ 32-0601 SIMMONs CHAIR BED $18 7 drawer desk & chair 614 2, Hollywood beds $30 ea. } Holly- | wood bed $30 4 pc bedroom suite $50 FE 8-8704 SEVERAL PIECES 1847 DAFPO- _Gii silverware, 326 Oskland SYLVANIA MAHOGANY CONSOLE TV. beautiful bargain for. cash. | meee 5 35. iances, 816] Commerce 3-411 4 —- — - paLvre RANGE, TS OL 1-190: PgR | ACTOMATIC™ IRONER, FE) a.| TWIN “COIL 9L SPRINGS, | rs RE ington Rand typewriter, §37. rz | TRADE GAS RANGE > POR E ELEC | tric fange R. B. Munro Electric | _Co 1060 W. Huron | ~ TRADE-IN DEPT. _ Apt. size gas stove $24 95 | Tablg top elec. range ...... $49 95 Guar elec washer $39 95 36° gas range ... $49 95 Guar. elec. refrig i . $69 95 i = chrome dinette .... . $17.85: wood. dinette $1495 2 living rm_ suite $29 86 Ba! otber items available. Fi ‘ \18 W. Pike E-Z terms. FE 41192 'TRADE ELEC. RANGE FOR GAS range R. B. Munro Electric Co. . Huron. UsED VACUUM CLEANERS. $15 and up R. B. Manro Electric _Company 1 1060 W. Huron. USED REFRIGERATOR a GooD __condition $40. FE 4 ~ Used * Trade- In Dat Vanity. blond $98. Chest ... $1405, Ful | size bed. complete $19 95 | chair Sie ia $19.95 Davespors & chair $29 50 Studio couch $29 50 Hide-a-bed $49 50 7 pc dining rm suite, mg, $138 95 9 THOMAS ECONOMY 361 8 Saginaw __FE 20151 USED DOUBLE DRAIN CABINET | sink, fair cond. FE 44764. — UsEp TV $995 UP. USED RE- phate $49.95. Sweet's Radio & Appleness. 422 W. Huron FE wire CHAIR. GOOD COND, OR | waooene FRAME STORM WIN- dows for sale. FE 2-0402 after 6 pm WRINGER TYPE WASHING MaA- chine, § years old. Reasonable. OR 3-957 | WASHING “MACHINES. VACUUM sweepers, $1695 up. Authorization Hoover repair. Thyle Electric, Corner of N vohnson and How- ard. FE 45169 WE WILL BUY. SELL OR TRADE our old furniture or appliances Refrigs., washers, elec. or gas ranges. a ae WYMAN’S 18 W Pike St PE 41122 Antiques 57 anne ANTIQUE CHINA CABINET, $40. FE _ 5-5007 SHOPPE OF ANTIQUITY 176 6Highland Rd. lo a.m. to pm. Tuesday thru Sunday, Pine commode, pine wash stand, bow! & pitcher set.. Dark marble-top arti ALNUT DROP TAF TABLE. “seas spool legs & castors, MA 5462. “Television & Radios 57B, WANTED: LATE MODEL TV'S, good lookers on the outside, Our experts fix up the insides, Bring to Peer's Appliance. 8161 Com- merce Rd Water Softeners 57C 958 WATER SOPTENER, HARDLY _used, MI 6-9875. ~AUTOMATIC Water Conditioner NEEDS NO SALT $1.28 PER WEEK ‘Cocler Soft Water Co. . FE 25827 PE 1-46 Ushi) WATER rH SOFTENER, CALL PEERS AT BIG Bie. seam. OR 3-2360." i \ | i or ae $67. BaLow Pix-it Shop, 2030 Airport Rd. , 02 Mt Clem: | ’ BLAYLOCK COAL & SUPPLY BATHROOM FIXTURZg YOUNGS-— town kitchen ol] and gas furnaces | - hot water and steam boilers, | automatic water heater, hard-/ ware. Ejectricel supplies, croc tle galvanized copper black | ipe and fittings, Lowe Bros. aint and Super Kemtone. | HEY ‘PLY | 2085 LAP’ LAPEER | RD. FE E 4-8431 | BUY AND SAVE @” sou pipe, 8 ........ $3 79 igth. | rT’ sot: pipe 5° . igth 3 outside mol seer - $12 95 | No. 3 Oak fico $65 M — iete ar tet cabinet with wall inet, $81 8 Ww olverine Lumber | (320 8. Paddock FE 2-0784 ERNST FC BARB TE, $4, Baby scales, 63. Teeterbabe. | $3. Walker stroller, $4, FE 5-03.20. | — BETTER BUYS — MULE HIDE INSULATION Cash | $2950 per M. and carry | 1x2 etri es W-Pine 3e lin. t. 1x3 od want boos Je lin ft. x12 Pine & ft. Ixi2 procaroog wiPine 13c lin, ft. | 4” Base W- .. €e Lin. ft. , 2%" Casing W-Pine ... 6hec lin, ft. | Base Shoe W-Pine 2e lin. ft. Birch Ply wood ome - Good 2 sides $13 78 Ea - and C $52 Plyscore x8 — 4 $3.71 V-grooved ener Ply food 4x $4.99 Del. | PY PI pee] x8 X ound one side $832 Ea.) oun and Carry $1.35 Bag iHAGGERTY UMBER COMPANY 1661 HAGGERTY HWY. Between Ww. uae PHONE WArket’ ¢- BOLENS RIDING at ee WITH gang mowers & snow plow, Used about 10 hrs $250. Homart table saw without motor. Almost new, 620. MA 6-2097. BEEF AND PORK - HALF AND quarters Opdyke Mkt. FE 5-7041 “CARRY 4 per orated ‘ett ! eoncrete pipe ' reinforced concrete $2.40 ft. * steel culvert pipe $2.45 ft 81 Orchard Lake Ave CRAFTSMAN 10 IN. | BENCH SAW, includes bench, LAKE e& Pontiac Tratl 1G | TOILETS, NEW i FURNACE DUCT WORK & _tank Reas. MA 5-1501, OR pao NEW GALVANIZED P length Sin 21-ft. Bocereese yk S-in. 21-ft let lfc ft. SAVE PLU Go SUPPLY 172 g Saginaw ONE 10° ‘CR. rom age ae er isi saw, heavy dut 3 table exten- sions; @blade $250 for all. +4156. OWNER MOVING. ELECTRIC RE- frigerator, stove, mps. ts ma- chine, bedding. lem itehen Wares. Rugs, rapes, m6, glassware vo tools, prwees. og Aare ric-a-brac. EM 3-2989. Green Lk. Phone Sunday. OIL og WATER cies atin. Thompson, 7 eves. ‘PLYWOOD SPECIALS | | dong . $3.45 ruce Fs 850 ahogany wall paneling §$ 4.95 * Biren $14 95 | Quamine ion te 65¢ se ft | Marine Plywood PONTIAC PLYWOOD. RA 1488 Baldwin Ave E 2-250 | PREFINISHED SIWELInG roe 2 mena ee" we per ft 43c per ft Cherty paneling, _" per ft BENSON L i MBE R CO. PATIO STONES 30 PER CENT - Sizes 24x24 $1.20 12 x 24 $70 16x16 $60 16 x 32 $i. Smooth finish. 6 colors. Outdoor | ft aces Cc Rustic ony es $1795 Roger A. se Co 10570 Highiang Rd 4 miles west Pontise Airport _EM_34825 PAINT SPRAYER. Ed. 3-4501 PAINT N out fear of blister or peel due to moisture : Warwicks, 2678 Orchard Lake Rd |REO GANG MOWER. CUTS 52 inch strip. $50. Kenmore sutomat- jc washer, $25. OR 3-7990. ROTOTILLERS Bo easy to operate, the ladies can run them. Let us prove it with a demonstration. Only one com- any makes genuine roto-tillers. ime payments available W. F. ee Garden & Lawn Senet, 593 8. Woodward Ave. N. of 14 Mie, Birmingham. Ph. Midwest _ 4-6053 RE- -BUILT LAWN MOWERS Lawn mowers sharpened 294 OAKLAND _ | RANGE B HOODS WITH FAN, ONLY $29 95 A. Thompson, 7005 _M59, West SCREENS & STORM SASH A-l __cond. 1054 Myrtle. FE 8-2080. CARNIVAL b2$ ‘APRIL 25, 1959. 7 “by Dick Turner = 144, Reg 8. pat one © 1969 by NEA Service, in ys had Min yy = heh “My Henry never fights the percentages when he poker — he always comes home right when he’s supposed re a = = 61 _ Do It Yourself DQ IT THE EASY WAY! Sand, Gravel & Dirt 66 with our many rental items i sand _ HAND 8AND- seh Rwy. at a ter Rd, MA DRILLS — 4 ei SKIL SAW — G —BLACK DIRT-— BROWNIE’S mARDe rr . $8 PER LOAD-—DELIVERED ws Pe ta Lie GENT AT For Bon - FOR RENT Gnnedded if preferred. PE 27114 Wall paper steamer, floor sand-| 5 D pos to. furs ——. DIRT. fy GRAVEL, bate vacuum cleaners. Oakland SLACK a a Puel & Paint, 6 Or Lake ACK DUST ies Fave “wu ay" cacnectaie. on saat ~ OR 1 Part ay oe mbing & elec. | BLACK DiRT AND ROTO-TILL- trical suppiies. Opes m7 days week,| ng. Days 8:30 to Sundays 10/8 a= oa Cay GRAVEL te 4:00 Bint Builders Sup- delivered eittsonable, be ad ply, 156 W. Montcalm, FE 54-4712. win and Walton, PE 4-854 __Sale N Musical Goods 62 ie pase | BASS BRAITINI gpa ag & Case. Cost $350. Will sell for $175. FE 54-6376, after 4:30. B PLAT CLARINET, VERY GOOD condition. $60. 2 mouth OCR. UL 2-4292 between 4 and mm. CHORD ORGAN. BLOND OR WAL- GALLAGHER’S 18 EB. Huron pieric | NOW WITH KOTON WITH. | ron___sCC*PEC«4-0566 GOOD USED SAXOPHONE, ELK- hart. OR 3-2602. ORES. | ING TRUMPET, 003 M39 West. Open, —U5#¢° 6 mos. OR 3-318. | MAPLE SPINET GEORGE STECK | _piano, | $400. Like new. PE 4-0003. | _ Saginaw. _ PE 31168 “COW MANURE, “DELIVERED — COW MANURE, $2 A load, % m i. 14 Mile ma. ILER up at “Forest Products Inc., ter, across from __National Twist Drill teze AKC. Males, PART BASSET PUPPIES, 1136 La- a TOPRtES ee Wil b ti) Mother's tres, Wits Sold in Navajo. "Sy POODLE. B LAs Mines Bs og terrier, EAE $10 ea gt Sst was TOY Lae Tee FURS. 6 WKS. YOUNG MOTH Hd ,. s aoceptet. enderson. Layawa: De an pF Hunting Dogs 69A 2 COON HOUND PUPS, 11 M ‘age as $25 for the pair, MA S108, REG. BEAGLE PUP. 3 MOS. A 86-3930. a SRTTANY SEAMEL | PE- 9., $25. Doss Trained, Boarded 70 here BOARDED. 71 DOGs Cc an Ie D Hay, Grain & Feed Wil: deliver. 08 #217 by __Hickmott, dr. Oxford. HORSE RAY & &18T CUTTING falfa. 60¢\ bale or $20 ton. John Lessiter. 50} Baldwin Lake __ Orion, MY 3-1401, TOP AND SEC- ond cutting alfalfa and clover od . Made with crim ve 1-9641 - For Sale Livestock 72 DRIVEW LOADED FoR SALE: LAROE UANTITY | Péat & Black Dirt. L - 7291. | PIANO RENTAL $10 PER MONTH | — Lay DIRT—45 BROWN 5) 8 cortege, ai) nana _pphet | =. _FE 4 purchased Grinn age BL. ; c = K DIRT, SAND peared. are ae | PRACTICE 1 PIANO . $76, | very smal) Grand piano, tn mabogany. ; Small apt. piano Small medium piano, $195. Used Lowrey organ | Blonde Hammond chord organ Used accordians, all sizes. GALLAGHER'S ‘18 E. Huron 4. PIANO TUNING—OSCAR ai SCuMIDT | PE 26217 | RENT A HOMMOND SPINET OR- an. $15 a month plus cartage. a money applied when pur- conten GRiNNELL'S | 27.8. Saginaw PE 31168 SPRING OUSECLEANING? Make ‘it pay off. Don't throw away ~~ of old herogae “od onogra, Tec ‘ vt ott and call FE 5-0756, I'll pay standard second-hand rate of 10 each for them. Maybe more, _depending op condition. USED SMALL PIAN Walnut console in excellent condi- tion, $375.00. Terms, ORRIS MUSIC “48 Telecraeee Rd. FE 2-0567 Across from Tel-Huron | WANTED | USED PIANOS | Wiegand Music Center |BAZAAR AREA MIRACLE MILE | FE 2-4924 STORM DOORE REPAIRED. FE _7233 after 6. -SHEETROCK 4x8, 4x10, 4x12 . x % ’ CHURCH'S, INC. UL _2-4000 STEEL OFFICE DESK. CONFER- ence top, matching swivel chair and 2 arm chairs, also a Niagara _ vibrator ‘heat cushion, MA 41042. SCISSORS PINKING SHEARS, citpper blad-+s, serrated knifes, . chain saws sharnened. M_CO 255 E. WALTON TOILETS, ‘POILETS, all styles, colors, terrific values, from $17.95. Slightly marred, A‘so tabi power panel work t& ib motor. rnd. F ight P. eon 88 eOTT LE soOFrT drink dispenser with 10c coin unit. — excellent order. §150, Call aft- 4 p.m. weekdays. MI 6-0580. esis MACHINE AND SERVICE station cash register. FE 4-5347. CAST IRON § SECTION AMERI- = boiler with jacket & insula- tio! 6 room heating capacity. _Call OR_3-2659 after 6:30 p.m CEDAR FENCE POST. 37c¢ “EACH, FE 5-3977, CHOREMASTER GARDEN TRAC- ter with cultiv & lawn mow- er attachment. $50 FE 4-2841, CASH: WAY LUMBER PRICES STANLEY ALUMINUM WINDOWS ie | extraordinary ‘values inp bath. | _FE_ 37 tubs and lavatories. Michigan Fluorescent, 383 Orchard Lake. Ave. — 62. TWO #@FT. woop port. UP GA. rage doors. $35. -1651. TEN COPPER PORCH RENE. Practically new. Will close in an area 20 « 10. Owner decided on aluminum. All for $35. MI 4-5289. Mk Titnberlake. Bloomfield Hills, en. TORO 27° ROTARY MOWER WITH pores handle. Yr. old $140. FE THE SALVATION ARMY RED SHIELD STORE Everything to meet your needs. Ciothian Furniture aeeee 118° WEST LAWRENCE ~ TALBOTT LU MBER Glass installed in sash, Thorosea] for waterproofin basements, Paint, hardware, plumbing, elec- trical supplies & lume 1025 akia Ave. FE 4-4595 we 8EATS, NEW; VIRTU iy fends Oh Hinge. Colors is ‘ f Burmeister's mate Ok ope N ORTHERN LUMBER VEE TYPEWRITER GOOD COR. mpan wT. 1040 Cooley Lake Rd) EM 3-4171 VMorder FE e232 APE RE Open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily Sale Store Equipment 64 19 FT. PRODUCE CASE. CLERY ELECTRIC Casi REG- __ister, $100. FE 2-844. ELLIOTT abpamsoonsr®. ow Tabs at cost. 79 W. Lawrence NATIONAL CASH REGISTER a sale. FE 4-5029. 10 PT MEAT COUNTERS, $50 ea~ 2 modern recond. scales, | $15. aa. One compressor §100., ore 8x1@ porcelain lined waik-in with compressor $400.. wil) sel) | complete outfit for $700 or sell _ Separately. EM 3-9107 | WALK-IN COOLER . BOX 10x8x6 FT. | with compressor. -Complete. 8275 cash. Must remove. FE 8-0679. Sale Sporting Goods 65 FRONTIER COLT 38. SINGLE SIX TWO 1% in. barrel. Ammo. & holster 2 vas. eld, OR 3-8363. GUN BUY, SELL, TRADE. Manley Leach 10 Bagley GOLF S8ET NEVER _ USED. Matches with bag. Sacrifice $35. GUNS—MODERN OR ANTIQUE, buy. sell, repair and scope mount- __ing. Burr-Shell, 375 8. Telegraph. éPirr BAMBOO Fur RODS. $4.75. B C weight fly lines, $2.50. Ars 677. W. Walton Blvd. “Bait, Minnows, Etc, 65B CRAWLERS Dz. worms 50 for 45c work open _Gays, 389 Orchard Lk. Ave. Sand, Gravel & Dirt 66 Po DRA RS 100 PER CENT CRUSHED STONE, $3 yd. 10-A_ stone, $2 yd. P gravel. $1 yd. Sand, $1 yd. Peat moss $1 yd. Pull dirt. $1.60, 5 | Ty “TARE i final _FPE 40177 Beet rt 8 gee for, ly. Sand, vel & dirt. Ce t iy. gra . Cement, Pimortar irucking & tile. OR 31534 RICH BLACK DIRT & FARM TOP PE 2-036, yds. | TOP sot sot SUPER DELUXE $12 eee i im, etc. FE R ip, sath grave. i ar ah | | BUP- OR 31534 FE 54-0314. GRADING, 3722 Orchard Lk. R SLAB WOOD. FE WAY we 5-206 __Wood,-Coal & Fuel 67) | FIREPLACE CANNEL COAL—ALL SIZES OF tiem bore STOKE: COAL— oe 4 OF FIREPLAC CE FURNACE FUEL 0 i 4 R OAKLAND FUEL & PAINT Lice WwooD BIRCH le, cedar ._ FE Plants, Trees, Shrubs 68 & burlap, Grange ew alge dig pines. $1.50 bes You di oa screens & bord plants, MAple rn sale fore you fay Lambert 1 Wixom Rd., W' lants, 476 Spee 1 TREES, pag bl Aa ETC. Evergreens — Sprw r, Yews, Mugho, Fenty & WaSTERT Shop. Between Long 9:30 to 9:30 daily. GENTLE HORSE WITH SADDBE. Wil trade for motor scooter. _ UL_ 23-4783. | GENTLE SADDLE PONY. NEW saddie FE 5-2038 after 6 p.m for $10. eading | HORSES 1 BOARDED. EXC. CARE. | 5311 Walnut Lake Rd. EM 3-394. MARE PONY WITH COLT. ONE horse babes tandem wheels. One pony & Craftaman band saw Lire new. ST 1-0531, Wasb- ington PINTO GELDING, 6 YRS. OLD. $150. Or will trade for Mare. MU 47412 REG. TENN. WALKER MARE walking pony, 2 saddles, PE 7 71-0264 EGISTERED PALOMINO SHET- ag at stud. Mares for sale. 10210 Crosby Lake Rad. Clarkston. Call a: eel Fe ¢5004 or MA Vorce. WTD.: PIGS rest Jones. rio. OF 2 23 sormeas $2.50 EA. EM 3-4548 after LAYING BANTAM Sasa HICK- en Sa SiSe0* feeders, ih fence, — Farm Produce 75 APPLES—N. SPY, JONATHAN, Mc- Intosh, Delicious & others. me varieties utility grade $100 & . Sweet cider. Oakland Orchards, 2205 East Commerce Rd. between Duck Lak . e Rd. & _Rurns R., Milford. APPLES MOST VARIETIES. oe $1.28 bu. Leonard's Orchard. 231 N. Squirrel. SEED. POTA TOES. CERTIFIED Several varieties. Jack Cochran. Lk, Orion. MY 23-0931, POTATOES $1.60 PER HUNDRED. 3921 Bald Mountain Rd, N, of Silverbell. SEBAGO 30 SEED PX POTATOES SEED POTATOES, EARLY CGB- blers and Pontiac Reds. Charies _Young MY _ 2-171). 1 “Sale Farm ) Equipment: 76 Waerinnn | NURSERY GROWN SPRUCE & | — 10 or more. the n We specialize in sales to estates & country —— for Cedar Evergreen Farm. 8970 Dixie livy. U.S. 10 Clarkston, MApie 5-1922. oer gl TREE SERVICE TRIM- PE 8-2275. & removal, gare INS) SPECTED RASPBERRY apm TRE SALE GATE RUN, ers. $-3601. Dept. of a “erred culture. _FE_5-047t or FE 5- STATE. INSPECTED ~ ROSINEOR strawberry plants & aa rasp- _berry plants, OL 6-1882 BEE OUR UR EVEROREENS BE- MUtual 4-8749. Charm Rd ixom. paces lage wocag | & RASPBERRY dug to order. L. Ra., 10, $3 ea, Fgneacaptes: J. t J. Larue, |} Davisburg. _MAple_5-5586 Stark Bros. Nursery ‘ ascaping Oroam tak an apin: ty real ‘and N a Pa Aer Sa, Trees For Sale Pets 2 WEIMARANER .BIRD DOGS, 2 yr. old Shetland 69 2 11X38 WHEELS & TIRES FOR - International 200 tractor. MA 68-3252 ATTENTION. See the we oon with SPQT VURN. Doz gas or diesel. of Oliver wheel loaders & back oe: * Liberal financing terms & rental urchase available. Pontidec Farm & Industrial Tractor Co 825 8. Woodward FE 4-0461 sete Fore ers ROTO. ARIENS used, su and "we en 1580 Opdyke. BOLENS GARDEN oe ~42"* sickle bar, $225. a Brice. ce complete, BEAN SPRAYER. ROYAL 55, pegered with 6 cylinder Hercules ates on 600 nds B ’ ates pressure, with trigger “ta — on power reel, -ton Chevy truck. Welch Rd, Walled Lk. MA 4-2865. BUY EARLY & SAVE Jacobsen lawn mowers. Bolens tractors & mowers Simplicity tractors & mowers orter Cable riding mowers Roto-tillers Specials on used equipment HOUGHTEN & SON J. I. Case & New Idea Desier Rochester OL 1 1 BOLENS TRACTO WITH See Ac, mane, $110. ve ; “BY QUALITY ONLY 4 hp. Wheel Horse and } bhp, Bolens riding tractors with elec. starters. Ideal tor lawn and gar- den. 544 hp. Bolens porter cable, 26" riding mowers “and attach: ments 1859 new Toro riding mower, coeery aft ree! type. 32° 3 blade Good Punk or push tps arma 2m quality mow. model of tillers. ne " SERVICE Nah Den “yy, vans ulp, xie w Sree OO DIGS 3.7094 COME IN AND SE E “ art? a RS. Also we have several good Use tillers and mowers al ror E NEW 1959 BOLENS RIDE-A- TRAGTO Rs WITH yvee KING BROS. od Ontiac Rd. at Opdyke __ PE 41112 SEE. Woh ACKER, 440 Burton, DAVID 1 ovenings DOUBLE DRUM ce P fh weedar ood wt ublie PARM M AND ‘ A 5-261, hab @undays 10 a.m. to 3 pm. WORK cence i Heavy Dury | fis: MA 52161, 6235 Sashabaw (© win papars. 2 yé. ol Shetiand Deliveries available Cat, from aie tt 2“, be Al TOP BOIL” BLAGK DIRT, aap : . Alco Dr. x x | : | d, i and fill, Al t1< |GALCINATOR GARBAGE BURN-| Used, but souné 10 14 doable eon | humus PE. 5-4758. no Peer| 5 —weshe TERRIER. cis, slectsis: Sad gas, Bere ost: widows, (Call | EM 31-3160 | M1 TOP SOIL, SAND. GRAVEL, | - 92. "2&3" . Samuel’s Appl. MA_5-6011 —_ a | hit ond ‘beck dirt Jerry's RAVEL.| 7 WK OLD SIAMESE KITTENS COOPER 20° RC OTARY MOWER, WINDOW AIR CONDITIONERS, | ing. OR 3-0638 _& 3 yr. old male. — PE .§-5372. slightly used § cycle Briggs- - diy Sy 680 Orchard age SHREWED TOP 5 SOIL, 'L. FILL AKC HIPPERKE PUPPIES, Stratton motor. Cost $100, best ¥e 1g black dirt. FE 6-5261. __ partly ousebroxer OL oa __olter. UL 33008. Machinery GOA | Fi -top BOIL, BAND. GRAVEL, | AKC_® CEER Purs, DEEP WELL JET PUMP, $75. we fi & black ait, Ken Jones’ | Brine & a eek fe) 3.2602. FE 2-7614, after 4 p.m 2-BAY CITY NO. 30, CRANE OR 5-8773 AKG SHEPHERD PUPS, WORMED DIAMOND RING, 72 POINTS. SsOL-| Hoe mn “TOP SOIL iL SAND GRAVEL. D GRAVEL, ind shots, reasonable, MA 4-2650. _itaire, White gold. FE 6-66 13, 3= renete 420 Crane or Hoe fit & black dirt ulldozin: ex. AKC POODLES. 4 MOSs._ BACRI- be nas ho cavating basements, OR 3-632, |/ flee, MY 9-304. DISPOSA A 1—D-8 Caterpillar Dozer —cavating base fice, MA 1—HD-§ Allis, Chalmers Dozer Hi SHREDDED TOP SOIL, FILL | AKC BLOND COCKER PUPPIES. | M Must move rtock because of new & black dirt, rE 8 9-5186 after 3: road. As much as 20 per cent off.|1—Adams Grader inodel 610 _&_biack dir 261, 1x6 Boards ... ...........55 M 2-Terra Cobra, Scrapers Ai TOP Sof, CRUSHED STONE BULL a Dimension. $38 iz etourneau C-2 Tournadozers sand fier re vite vie Conklin, eoughbred, Beauties. FE 2-6012 BLACKETT’s BLDG. SUPPLIES. Hg ns 0rd " Lowbe pol Bra _.FE #1112 or BIRD HOUSES PET SHOP, 8161 Dixte Hwy Clarkston fees e ier rears 38 Williams. Pe 4-6433 4 ; =e = Portable Road ravel, plants SOeTON BULL POR STUD TERY: DAVID BRADLEY ACTOR CEdar terms ico & champ stock. By appt. cultivator and mower. Evenings| trades, John Flemming, Bort Hwy | F OR CAS H IN Aj _0R 3- only FE 4-7579. __at Lippencott, Flint Boston TERAIE STUD CHA’ HOUSES KIDDIES TABLES, CEMENT a MIXE BAG CA- rd Curtiss rockers, swings. 770 Bi. ‘Walton ERS, | HURRY, se Mt things P8 AKC, AMOR TVG SAMATED VANITY LAVA TORIES. gyitne t for truck oem inl ya h i} fied Ad seu OPaPS. e ic 8, sa milis com ae oon capinet, 34880, G. soliey rin Oe tele through Classifie S.| DACHSHUND PUPS, AKC. $35. Pz piste beso 9 West. “4 industeiat application giitrme WATER. | dist peed engee Sropaible. ‘ca Anything goes! Dia] FE gompletel led on ‘Detroit strtby a3 - tn Pointer puppies, 8 son. lines, no money down, | HEA '¢ MA- 7 9181 ; i Linin Fred Samuel's Fi MA_§-6011, chines, UL 22807 | 2-8181. us: yee ton . He "pone | tent B Lik a wes | va, His . own. e ~ wi e ¢ . onable. all UL 91, , te éheap. FE 1842, . 3 : ~. , tig ss \ r i A: ce eae Ne Ea a Sk, i ae se ek ee ek Se ee et cae lk etme Stet eae tel ER used Prous Oliv: Sa MM just North of Oxtord. sails Wanted Livestock 73 Te KINDS. FOR- | eae For | Sale Pou Poultry 74 D DRY SLABWOD 2 CORDS $10 delivered. FE 4-6588 POCA: NT SCREENING. oie per bo leads. 12_ MILE AUCTION. PURNITURE 8 of all kinds, =v Sat. wan at 7:30.p.m. : 12 Mile Rd., near Auction Sale | wee aged & SATURDAY ie Dixie Hwy.. 1 mile Be, tiec eft Limite. MERCH AND IaE B&B 5089 Dixie Highway Drayton Plains Every Friday .....7 p.m. Every catesiey ose? DMR Every Sunday ....3 p.m. Buy and_ ‘Sell Daily Rlando 3-2717 DOOR PRIZES EVERY AUCTION SATURDAY, APRIL 3% AT 1 PM. Bedroom suite wth | enports, fast suites e Small ann prietor, Auction Sales . Your He ers FOR FOREIGN CARS TIRES GOODYEAR SERVICE STORE 8. Cass PE 546123 Auto Service 81 CRANESHAPT car. chine Shop 33 = FB Sale Motor Scooters 82 ; For Sale Housetrailers 78 MR iomg, 3 bedrms, Good cond. 1957 MICHIGAN ARRO bedrm Very reas. EM 1 P | ALUMINTM” 2 BEDROOM, @. housetrailer, FE 54-7360, after 7 p.m. AIRSTREAM LIG travel trailer, Since 1932. anteed for Ife. See them and Be. cling carevene). Authorized Sales . FOR . Pontiac Chief & Detroiter lete selection all on trade-in allowance amis Bob Hutchinson E. “penare Lake ™. Troy. All | Mobile Homes Sales 4301 Dixie Highway OR }- Open 7 days a week LET Us SELL YOUR TRAILER rom lot for 10 per cent. Holly MEIrose &67Tl. NEW AND USED - TRAILERS .- Liberal Terms . Parts— Bottle Gas. TRAILER EXCHANGE 60 S. Telegraph NEW TRAILER SALES ALMA-STAR CHAMPION-GREAT LAKES Large Trade-In Allowance - Gibson Trailer Sales UTICA i 47414 VAN DYKE RE 2-1043 OXFORD TRAILER SALES STEWART RK ae VAGABOND REA) LA & . M4 to 53, 5 10" wid KES ick from. We trade, iH e have some wonde tight now. See us today. mile aan of Lake Orion on M24, MY 1 OH!! THAT NEW: 1959 VAGABOND 1S SOMETHING! SEE THE CUT-AWAY MODEL at Oxford Trailer Sales. Even a chila can understa: the differ- PIXIm TRAILER SALES. 1045 Lapeer Rd, ‘Oxterd. New 8. used rental | PARKHURST TRAILER SALES 1540 Lapeer Rd. RENT OR SELL eRe Cl _lapsible tratier, door, many extras, like new. Rea- sonable, 2348 Watkins Lk. Rd. off Dixie Hwy. TRAVEL TRAILERS 6m THE new Lori ve 18 ft., b nog Saker water nik, gas Sleeps §, ready Ang fo. Only Tour-A-Home, to of 1951 Silver Feeds 29 ft. all_mod- ern, good condition, $1,198, Pixie, 21 ft. modern. 61 ft’ Mobilé Cruis- er, TV, ad conditioner, washer, 2 bedrm only Extra sharp. 15 i qjuminem travel Qt wh trailer’ oe, Coach a ae ry ae corag ¢ ly, MEtros VACATION fi J or rent, Jacooson’s Trailer a. 5685 Williams Lake Ra. OM 32838. _Rent Trai Trailer ler Space 79 79 coBURN HOTS HOTS, MORILM TL. ae ‘The finest, "a 4 tT0 N, ke PE §-3361 INSIDE “rom, _ m7 Tad, SoOk A Ba gM te Be Lis condition. FE. 170 Orchard Lake ‘and thing 28181 after iin Mark 55 motor and trailer. UL_2-2583, - ALL NEW | Riders Sette, att ae eet oe x RENT 1? FAST through Rent Rds! Room, _ hou $e, Woet Aan . \ * RES FI EN ABT, | SQUARE STERN KAYAK WITH || —______ SAILBOAT, ~~ LEAVING APRIL a7 FOR -8 Missouri. pollens ers oo eee: ie {OR 3-138 CASH FOR CARS OTOR SALES HARDENBURG MOTOR. ¥Y MAKE OR MODEL R 20 YEARS WE HAVE PAID ‘THE TOP DOLLAR FOR RI CAR. SEE MALEN OR = « Je H. J, VANWELT Wa"Ga0 Dix Dixie Hwy. Dow't getle tor s ._ hane-up! oer ‘plus “Your Evaret Dealer” : = ph FE*2-8033 ons. |2}_8. SAGINAW en caxotees days of Boat i ee Boat Works ouUR Connomees DEMAND “CLEAN CARS” WE'LL GIVE YOU * $$$ CASH FOR YOUR EQUITY OR A GOOD DEPENDABLE CAR BILL SPENCE “RAMBLER” —SALE3 & SERVICE— PE 64541 FOR LATE MODEL Community Motor Sales AUBURN AT EAST BLVD. PE 8-4539 ae nh iff rl eg i‘ easurements. CARS ~ Prete trom $5 too depending WASUE RE 20300 on length. Also, from EaKD USED. Cans 10 to $20. AKLAND USED CARS —W woe ene BT W._ Montcalm peering, 0b rear view Wanted at Gace: mirrors and . Wety Shap irs7 g '58 Pontiacs, & Chey- aod. Bi ee Hickory Ridge Be. Be tsi teen g 2 about wt om Mickory Ridge Oa} zor Mile Rds, Detroit, TO Sales ‘at Tivsico MAin- 9-2179. ponte So. » Humiowm ‘beste, ice 804 jet ee ten For * Casemour BOAT SALES - E.. Walton Blvd. -aa0a, 1 days 9 to motor, $60. Also Senin oo . Call EM 3-010. Re gg LER TANDEM or RRL WILL. HAUL ~~ 4up-te. 20-ft_ boat. $195. EM 3-4501. ator tra’ - KELLY’S HARDWARE “ye Auburn at Adams, FE ~ TRADE-INS We have several very good used outfits in stock. Some with = mag ade now. : Harrington Boat Works “YOUR EVINRUDE DEALER” | 1809 8. Telegr: PE 2-8033 _ TERRIFIC DISCOUNT *"On Evinrude motors: — paxke Geneva hes. Be si peed service, Paden th tae.’ Kiees yrs. “SONY'S MARINE SERVICE _ 2605 Orchard Lk. Ra FE €-0112 Fiberglas_ 85A oats COVERED. M GET racer bodies, oe Tipcreles work, Rini’s. vats Orion. MY FSERGLIG PRODUCTS SALES, service and repair. OR 193. For Sale Airplanes 86 3 PLACE anne FOR SALE. |‘47 1 INTERBATIONAL 1 TON, : FE 4-31 8 cond,. $225. FE 4-4864, 40; w Huron, ¢ LEY “Tt. ‘Transportation | Offered 87) MSLEY, SHOVEL. MODET, 1% pee M&M Motor Sales Soa WE PAY V8 CHEVY dollar on later mode! eH OR 3. er trade, wpe Sowa, ‘noo “AUBURN Tae NE CARS. FE TOP DOLLAR USED CARS & TRUCKS Matthews- Hargreaves 631 OAKLAND AVE. PE 4-4547 Wanted Used Trucks 89 CASH PAID for al] moddis Used Trucks SCHRAM'’s AUTO & TRUCE ‘Dixie Hwy, on 3.108 "Ton 3.0011 Used Truck Parts 89A USED TRUCK PARTS ALL AND rik ad anos "Auburn Ave. + PE €-0602 For Sale Trucks - 90 WRECKER, POWER Dene 0) Sy 16" Satie. bat G08, J arenas Om chen DODGE. CATTLE TRUCK, STAKE, sides $135. OA 8-3344. 1955 FORD DUMP,’ $650 PE 56-1471 ‘54 FORD TANDEM RO ate 9 ' foe 1-700._ $1,800 cash, FE ’51 FORD PANEL Runs good, Body «@ little rough. 195 49 CHEVROLET Walk-in vanette Runs good. Very clean inside. Rammler Dallas . ‘DODGE, CERTALER, PLYMOUTH 737 Main, 1 oS N. of _ Walton on OL 1-1011 ‘3 FORD F-600 DUMP, 5 YDS. $975 cash, FE 5-8257. 60 FORD 1% TON | PICKUP, 28,00 ac miles, One owner, FE 86-9513 "$3 Chevy, 12’ Platform GMC Factory Branch OAKLAND AT CASS CARS DAILY — MOBILE ALA- bama, Philad Connecticut, gas aiesanes. PE 2-33 3215. ry +enOns AIRLINER TO : $80. Hawaii, $090.1 OR $1254. tons Service. Inc. E: Room for 2 to share expenses. Cali FE 2-3393 __after 4 p.m * TRICK GOING pre PART ’ joad either way. 5-6806. * Wanted Used Cars - 88 - AS MUCH AS. ae aa After All! FOR JUNK AND 32-2666 ~duys or | THR - MONEY TALKS! 3. the rest then drive ey the TOP bot EAB ts pat dat the DIXIE "51, °52, °53, '%% TON UTILITIES. GMC,’ Dodge, Ford, Chevy —- ‘2 ton stakes WE FINA A. P. Bowman Be Son ___ #35 8. Sanford at Raeburn _ 1951 GMC % TON PICKUP FOR ment. roofing Work or $225. 5-1446 FOR SALE OR TRADE 34 FT. Tandem flat & 6100 Chev. trac- tor, 1956 Air over. C & H. Lum- ber Co. UL 2-1330, 'PRODU. PEDALING bsg RUCK for sele, Cheap, MY ate ere =” TON STAKE es sre ” aRVROLET gexee truck, Good conditi lice St.. Rochester, Mich. “41 A NEERAT ROA 34-TON gi up. oell or swap, OR 3-69 % TON- on. Foreign & Sports Cars 90B ‘88 RENAULT PE 49032 — roof, excellent condition. Call LU- ron after 9 p.m. = baa with duals, LLOYD ‘58 BSTATIONWAGON, gUN- |. R& matic price $145. No Wagon 4 dr. Power j car. Your ‘50, ‘51 oF will maga “= payment anemia RK ‘a Pail money down, 195 AUSTIN HEALY. "hie NEW top and paint. OR 3-726. un. Jet Ia & WE SELL N No reasonable our ATTENTION fe fer elused Headee HURRY! : Birmi separa means he’s | SEBOICR. RARDIOF BNA: | H brakes, "53 ‘56 Buick, Super... ..$1495 harap. enn ase steering “RUSS JOHNSON MOTOR SALES’ MY z1d6i or MY 94611 BUI NICE _gain. PE 3-7542. H. one gins. a w steering peebes. : Waite wall ; “Eddie eele BAR- $1, e- eas MI 6-6934 Excelient oc, "63 CAD fect cond. EM 3-3171. ‘#6 CHEV. 4 DR. FE 2-0050. "$2 2-dr. Ve ick ‘Super 4-Dr. $895 * ot PRA. brakes, ‘BOB FROST. I INC: 280 Hunter Blvd. _ LINCOLN-MERCURY BIRMINGHAM 1053 CHEVROLET BEL-AIR. $300. eter eee eneeee eoeeene , $1250. ArT er drive, like D- _ AIR CHEV, door mo. ois, 30m low mm ot trade. STANDARD 2 "1230 "Merry Rd., off Lake Road. ocr wage. Immaculate, V-8. heater. Automatic. $1,- ents, $50,86 BLER, 686 8. WOODWARD. MI 86-3900, AIR. - eal so ps _. + or ‘617 CHEV. 210. mi. anys cond. "62 C ong 4016 Maiden. OR 2 DR. FE 6. 2-9618, EVY POWERGLIDE. VERY 3-6546. ’ RE 1954 Chevrolet ca month. Lucky NO MONEY — POSSESS heater, Take over payments $21 Auto Sales. Saginaw. FE 4-2214 or FE ¢1 ® Radio & 193 8. 006} IF SEE’ DON FALL AT _ Are you paying over $1900 | for or your next new car? IT WILL PAY YOU TO Russ Dawson __. Motor Compan 232 S. SAGINAW ST. NCOLN - EDSEL - ME! ENGLISH FORD LINE Ld RCURY ARE deor — rad & brakes. power 2195 FACTORY BRANCH Open House’ "SUNDAY" WELCOME TO come, es AND es THE RS OVER A Make Your Deal “Monday WEEKEND SPECIAL 58 PONTIAC , CHIEFTAIN HARDTOP io & heater, yamalic, Power steering Pontiac ~ Retail Store FE. 3-7117 BEHIND THE POST OFFICE 2 CLEMENS ST, WANT ADS! T fied NOW!, ee veat. “Call FE yaw, _ SAVE ENERGY, USE: job, place to live or a good used car, see Classi- ‘ find a . Bs Lt gad Wen. vs steering, Pow- 10, 520 | :55 ~ a ” OSaAnan © 1959 by NEA Service, los, / TM. Reg. US, Bet, Off.’ “Johnny's fs elligent or if he’s ¢-, He-doesn’t know if his. high forehead beginning to lose his hair!"’ Ss for Sale is 1 For Sale Cars 91 cuEvROLET 1966 STATION WAG- # Russ Dawson Motor Company 232 S. SAGINAW ain meee eases srt eberee ANY | BLE OFFER, FI- NANCE ARRANGED. ECONOMY CARS _ 22 AUBURN AVE. CHEVIE HUNTING THEY’RE IN SEASON HERE = Powerglide. R&H. Nice .. $145. 325. | Pair 1 Spore, ee ¢pe. Bimini blue eIRMINGHAM RAMBLER 666 S. Woodward MI 6-3900 1951 CHEV. WAGON, EXC. COND. New tires and battery, FE 2-3764 afte? 5 p.m. OLET ore RADIO & soe ieee e. tone. 10,000 1 ag 1957 6 PASSENGER moet agon. Powerglide, R&H, spot oes stee: W-walls. before To .PONTIAC AUTO BROKERS ‘57 Chev. 4 dr. w Rf e rat ‘St Chev. 82 dr, Bel Air PG 56 88 4 dr. HT $1505 ee wk ooo... zs eeeeseee aeeeeee serene ere eee eee nel 1260 Perty at ‘Madison FE 49100 1955 CHEV V-8 BEL AIR HARD- top, powerglide, R & H, . Ve oe cond Price $995. OR & i9s2 CHEVIE SHARP TONE. FE 4-2078. 1955 CHEVROLET STATION By nony on. A-1 and heater. plus factory air conditioned, mileage, 1 owner. Just the car = that motoring vacation. Only "HODGES, INC. "50 DESOTO +R. NEW sEAT covers & batte Engine knocks. state ae needs tepelt. Make offer. REPOSSESSION th Sportsman har“top. Loaded accessories. Wire “Vhesia etc. Biss . full price, No cash needed $11.46 . Mt. Bell, King Auto, HASKIN S DEMO SALE 1959 Chevrolet Bet Air 2-door sedan, ers, dercoat, outside mirror, solid As- _ bin green, SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! 1959 Chevrolet Impala Hardtop, big V-8 engine. eet heat- * eoupe, Hydramatic, blag steer: white woul tires, liser come any other ac- cessortes. Solid russet finish. SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! Haskins Chev. 6571 Dizie Highway at M-15 Open nites ‘til MApie 5-6071 a Economy 6 me very 1967 PONTIAC 2 DE. SED. - Stone Best offer Straight transmission, Ra 6 STRA ORT 8 STICK, Zio nae, 1 owner. 18,000 wa model. Radio & heate: spare « $1,495. ian CHEVROLE? ings CHEVROLET. ‘Bi be! 2. 1958 Edsel 2 dr. Pacer Barat. stick suite wer brakes, steering | Su¥tomatic . transmission. pe Snaeee. “ Heater & whitewalls. tae os nee DOOR, | many other “accessories. | Excel- $1006. Sie cnsineen, “Linecte peat citer. | 1956 Bbick Century. 2 dr. Har i052 CHEVROLET, GOOD TRANS-| Dypaflow. & bester. 72, $250, 289 W. Wilsen. “a ee ‘58, lag ‘Hyéramati, Radio “6 e’s wife's car, Del Ray, 2-| heater... &. aigliver’ blue, Vi, Dowerglide. other acc. Bargain, $1645. 1986 Mercury 2 dr. ee Mer- ‘MA i Radio & heater, White- SHOP SUNDAY | "Hs: - 86. BUY 1955 Mateos, Je. fat ag Continental. Radio eater : MONDAY! 1957 Chevrolet Bel-Air 4 dr. Hard- top. Power steering. Power bakes Powerglide. Radio & heater $1706. 1956 Pontiac 4 dr. 870. Hydra. matic. Radio & heater. Beautiful cond. 1 owner . , . $1005. 1954 Pontiac 4 dr. sedan. Radio Heater & hydramatic $545. 1958 Vauxhall, 4,000 actua! miles. Radio & heater . . » $1545. HOMER HIGHT MTRS. “15 Minutes from Pontiac” Oxford, Michigan OA 82528 57 Dodge .........$1495 2 R HARDTOP Radio — automatic — one owner JACK COLE, INC. pga ord mouth-Chrysler USED CARS. “SHOP. “WILSON ‘PONTIAC-CADILLAC 330 N. Woodward SEA MI 4-1930 * 4955 PLYMOUTH “eg fam Down "site PER MO. "1956 PLYMOUTH $185 Le i PER MO. BRAID ‘MOTOR SALES DeSOTO-PLYMOUTH DEALER 56 Fo Door ‘55 Olds Hol. 4 Dr. CASS-OAKLAND USED CARS 312 'W. Montcalm 8283 Next to Oakland Ave, DODGE-ROYAL, *'55, 2 DR., HT. 3 tone, P. Stee brakes, exc. cond. $1,060, EM 6. 1957 E. 2 DOOR HARDTOP. Power steering, wer brakes, automatic transmission, to heater. nite wa tires, 11,000 actual mil , FORD KEEGO H. FE 5-9204 FE 2-2529 "$1 DODGE 4 DR. GOOD COND. EM 3-4386 JEROME "Bright Spot’ Orchard Lake at Cass FE 8-0488 $3. FORD vig WAGON. TER- Good rible looking, but A-1 motor, trans., $175. FE 2-2624. NO MONEY DOWN R ON 1953 Ford 2 Dr., $11.46 month. ge By, —° Sales. oe re 8. Saginaw. ‘$2 FORD. “TEDAN v-8. RADIO & HEATE: ABSOLUTE NO MONEY | phen pay- -—-pinggal $8.65 mo. Call Credit gr Mt. sing ay MI 4-7500. RAMBLERS : BUY MONDAY 210 Otchard Lake Ave. “Open Eves. FE 29101 San : ee a LINCOLN-MERCURY 208 Hunter Blvd. M1 6-6934 BIRMINGHAM WALLED LAKE 1000 ‘> at Pontiac Trail PEOPLE'S A ALES : WALLED uA =o | Sees “FE zoe 33 Mi Sed gg oes te. - o's 1956 DE SOTO DOME 4 DR [as FORD.0- CYLINDER. FAIR: ‘$5 Wagon, dan, Immac . 8783 Coy Hardtop. Fullv oe cgegs Low jane, 4 dr. Fordomatic. Exc. ” Sedan. Blue & white. - | mileage. exc, condition original; shape. $605. FE 2217 or FE 5 owner. Must sell. MI 17-0834 2- m Wagens @ te choose, from) Sieee | 1957 TAKE HURR spine . BIRMINGHAM- RAMBLER Dodge Cornet 2 dr. ADVANTAGE 606 _ 8. ward , V-8 automatic transmission OF OUR “38 SSL, SUPER, a 4| Peo mes. st4. Like new oy ‘all “ Ss” ow ner joine rme L ABUNDANT Forces $2,005. No trades. MI arry jerome __._ STOCK ; i " ROCHESTER FORD DEALER OF FINE USED CARS 1958 RAMBLER 9711 + . ST , 4@door sedan Here is @ TRADE TODAY ! bargain hard to oreo! a } ‘$5 CHEVROLET cond. ts plastic still. on | , doors, Note: (Not small Rambier) a syne 2 Pee Only. $1695. gg 3% mos. $42.66 per mo. low down yp drae es or _ trede. BIRMING- AMBLE 666 8 WOOD- WARD. MI $3900 BEATUTIPUL EXTRA ECONOMI- | eal "57 Metropolitan. 3-tone, hard- top. New ba! , valve job. Low mileage. EM 3.4623. NOW'S THE TIME TO BUY THAT new Rambler We are in a con-| boss to Hawaii. order to win, so we are really | . You can — us we BELIEVE WE CAN BEAT ANY DEAL R&C Rambler Sales | 8145 Commerce Rd., = Union Lk Commerce at Union Lk. EM 3-4155 ‘38 FORD 2 DR. 2-TONE GRAY & white. V-8. FOM, R&H, Sharp. Clarkston Motor Sales ia le ggg bo le righ dal DEALER in St., Clarkston. MA 5-5141 ay FORDOMATIC VICTORIA clean. noms ainted. "50 Cadillac fear best offer. OLive ‘87 FORD 500 HARDTOP, V-8. Clean, PE 8-8695. - $49 DOWN '66 Ford V-8 2-dr. sedan. walls, Standard shift. Only Tom Bohr, Inc. MU 4171 -NORTH ‘CHEVROLET CO. -*Has The INTERNATIONAL 1-YEAR DISCOUNT WARRANTY GIVEN FREE WITH EVERY CAR 100% ew al . power stee wer a ; i er. power, steerl ofpise Coverage; No Exclusions wa dn Soc; re Yate ig Pane SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! | "56 Chev. 2dr. VB. $93 33 eet nerdion byn2s., 3 pat or — oooh maine Po. co ‘53 Chev Convt. "V8. PO. : $1086 ercont, outside mirror, Beige | ($7 Chev. er og ae mee — one ‘54 Ore ons uper 84 hardtop .. § 789 Chev. ir a ome SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! ‘34 Chev. v! ar. Powersilae 8 Boe _ 1959 OLDS SUPER 88 Holiday 82 Chevrolet ddr. ceecysersse $ 196 58 More to pick from BANK RATES Open 8:30 a.m to 9 p.m. Hunter Blvd, at 8, Woodward Ave. Birmingham ” MI 42735 North Chev. — 1954 FORD V8. STANDARD TRANS. Radio, heater, new W-Walls. Clean, no rere. FE 2 oes. REPOSSESSION $335 full price. No cash needed. $19 mon Std. shift, V-8 Mr. Bell. King Auto, FE §-0402. GOOD CARS 3 56 CHRYSLER Victoria Fide Black. Fever pier we fre: ires 56 PLYMOUTH Belevedere. 2 dr. Ban. '56 DODGE Co BH hires, dr Auto. trans. . $1195 55 DODGE Coronet 4 dr. Std trans. V-8 R&H. . ~ $795 $4 BUICK 54 CHRYSLER Windsor 4 dr Avto. trans R&H $795 ’54 PLYMOUTH 6 cylinder. Std trans. WW: tires. $495 Rammler Dallas PoDGE. PoE EA Waton on 1a Bhiny black 4-door. 8 cylinder. NO RUST Power-glide New 800 tires. 58 CHRYSLER 1695 York: 4 dr. HT. Po » TT dite ‘* brakes. Auto, tans. - 57 FORD ; R&H tires. Custom Fordomatic. me ae | . $2795 aeecnw red & white, ally 57 PLYMOUTH $1395 Savoy 2 dr. V-8 Auto, trans. R&H. , $139 New Yotker 4-dr Power steering $895 & brakes. R&H. W.W. tires. SG DODGE; 7 . i: 4 This oa aqua & biack ts solid 56 DeSOTO all through. 4 dr. Power steering. A-1 auto. $925 $1395 1585 CHRYSLER "36 FORD Windsor deluxe 2-tone. Priced to Special 4 dy. Std. 45°" Very nice. 34155 T EM: 34156 Open 8 a ) p.m Harold Turne _m. to” ° ‘33 DODGE. GOOD RUBBER & TAN oRWRCGN running cond “% Maynari Ct. Ford, 1957, economy 6, like new. 58 ENGLISH FORD 303 _W._Lnoquots. Royal blue with radio & heater. ™ pfs Nar cue. Seb. SS ! (de. Naugh-Hide interior. Really | } owner. very | clean & .trim. Save $200. over = aE SUSTOM | avg. import dealer price. Very | 55 D 8 CYLINDER CUSTOM Py c down or alm any| ae it, your be it. “e euthiy peyme o. | ONLY ‘air BinkrkcHaal RAW Price A low dow ment or old i WOODWARD. MI BIRMINGHAM-RAMBLER, | \VITH MORE VALUES | ei $se_§. WOODWARD. MI CHECK OUR PRICES AND YOU. “SPECIAL COUNTRY SEDAN WILL FIND EVERY CAR 1958 Rambler Ambassador, 8,000; Ford 1954 Y-8, Binge RED &!| PpRICED BELOW ALL OTHERS miles, Like new. Fully equipped.| white, Very clean. 393 W. Iro- 'S IS THE REASON WE ARE Priced to sell. quois. BELLING USED CARS IN VOL- | eet et ST Be "33 FORD #DR UME. COME OUT AND SEE 1955 Rambler, 2 dr. REPOSSESSION Oe Ea SEE DE gi ner Good second car at cash poctet $265 = wie WAITING "OR TODAY! b month. Perfect engine. Mr ¢ 4 IT R & C RAMBLER SALES Bell. King Auto. FE 8-402. 38 PLYMOUTH Plaza 8 with low mileage $1595 *S8 RAMBLER American deluxe. Beautiful white | finish. 26 miles to the gallon gas. One owner trade-in. 3 57 CHEVY WAGON radio, heater, and 56 PLYMOUTH Belvedere Convertible. Just right for™ spring. $795 55 DODGE Coronet. Let’s trade. This car is only: $695 51 PONTIAC Working mans special. Radio, heater, Hydra 51 PLYMOUTH Working man’s special, Excellent tires. Purrs like Grandma's sew- | ing machine $199 ’52 NASH Rambler club coupe. Just the one for that sec car, R&R MOTORS CHRYSLER Plymouth - Imperial SALES, SERVICE, SATISFACTION 724 Oakland FE 4-3528 PONTIAC MA 4-1561 CLEAN ‘54 PLYM. | WGN. OR F171 +1373, $25. Equity ‘36 PLYMOUTH HT. 2 DR SELL _or_trade. PE, $9513 C. Manning | 1953 PLYMOUTN DELUXE CLUB coupe. Automatic transmission ee goed condition. $395. MY NASH . $50 1957 PLYMOUTH ¢ DR. PLA2 PLAZ ZA 6 cylinder, 2 tone, $900. FE 54-7196. RAMBLER | 666 8. WOODWARD _ | STUDE. ‘CaAMP ‘$1, EXC. TIRES. | Clean bedy. O.D. §175. Owne:. | MI 3376 ‘S8VOLVO MI Looking for something extra ultra | in importa? Here we & the finest... Black. radio, heater. Naugh-Hide rior Aand it's immaculate, at $1795 BIRMINGHAM RAMBLER 666 8 Woodward MI 6-3900 } Values THE PLUS 35 FORD 4-Door es eee Your Friendly FE 5-4101 AT "CY" OWENS "Selection Lot" AT OUR NEW LOCATION. DIRECTLY ADJOINING THE NEW CAR STORE All Cars Low in Cost “Transportation Specials er Galore e “A-1” MANY 63900 is % FAIR DEALING aed “gg ULLY | cass aT W. PIKE STS. — That Resagial FORD ‘36 SuDARD cusToM- FORE CAR | Stab Beretta une Shelton 1 Pontiac- Buick ,| ERP, Vs pars “wit OLive 18133 Brown Wd. 198g Olds ‘SS FORD-O-MATIC” Ve. TER | BETA, 1068, CHEAP, 00 MILES) Tintic” power sué-way = kee 4 over _pmts. prt ey EE a ga 1651 FORD. GaEL an TPM tS ErTA—a AER AL GAS toa radio, it it and rear epee: brakes tere Char. 34 FORD. A NICE OAR. Cait’ irae B38" Comattaity motor | Excellent condition. inside and 7 PORTIA. 4 DR. Wis, HYDRA: T.luron_#22_W. Huron FE $200 | yy LINCOLN GOOD CONDITION. | Ferndale. ve, Pomac. isyivan | MANE FE ET 55 Ford VS 2-Dr._..$795| “se Pe ris | Mile coer’ ouand co. Boat PONTIAC. STATION WADDN. A All white’ finish with " for aoe’ tnd heater, overdrive, 67) Metcury iaees 31695 fovmente es 4 es er Call aes ter. fender skirts, spot- , Fully Mr. Parks at MI 47500, ““BOB FROST, INC. "Eddie Steele OB EROST IN Gi BOURLLE Bak CPVER OVER LINCOLN-MERCURY FORD eo Fads inc Y takes, PE caw - + ; >” ; Fa L - UR | 280 Hunter Blvd. MI 6-6934 FE_ 5.0204 "> 2OR 2-259 208 Hunter Blvd. M1 6-6934 A SERIAL, BIRMINGHAM | "sl MERCURY crum COUPE. RA BIRMINGHAM ‘SS Mercury Hie san Wis | i | Makara) ok Pardon Ct RO MONEY DOWN. Assume pay. | 32 OLDEMOBILE W SEDAN. HY"| “All have radio, heater, sutomatic. radio eng heater. Intereopte Mer” Mr Me. #583, mo, Col fio | LUTELY NO. MONEY “DOWN. Fast. 2% pymts. $3311. including 3.108 __Haroid Turner Ford. ome payments of ali ¢ enargee, ve we Gown pay- "Eddie Steele * "MERCURY, 6100.00. FE ¢-0615. $1800. Hateld hae Para tM) ten BIRMINGHAM | . FORD * x M NTEREY, SOL- "34 Logg SUPER 68 HOLIDAY. RAMBLER EEBOO HARBOE. Ga prast epakan Special, $1688. Giion PE e008 aiter’ . oe | 666 8. Woodward MI_6-3900 PE 50204 2202) 30 'monthly payments. $53.41 M H ‘S) PONTIAC § DELUXE ¢DR. CAR Sandi Lats buip you naan ar ., Very low simak ust Have Hydra. Good cond. Well equipped. some less oupenatt o #0790. Lake Orion Motor Sales ee AMBLERS Room i . RpNae rac. wt me fen at AS CLARKSTON RD | Wagons. § ng By ads, tare. "S® Chevy. best motor, 3 carbs. Yon | Low mileage. FE 5-0061. BIRMING TAM ‘38 Sales. 60 ee 6 gallon, or SEE HARDY { “4 shure {PORT SPECIALS RAMBLER bee toe iis 38 Hardenburg Motor Sales _ ‘31 MGA Roadster $66_8._ WOODWARD _MI_ 63000) 41 Caaiac full power | $1,497 CORNER CASS & PIKE FE 51308 F) Healy 4 and ie ts CEA TRANSPORT ATION rae plus pickups & 1085 PONTIAC 4 DR. SEDAN. ee Oe at = ‘o. Dewrolet, RT Caevrtet Bare. omy, dos ED eA seen at 206 Perry _— FOREIGN CAR SALES Phymouth. et eos ee nei Foerise CONVERT. Re AND SERVI ROGER'S SALES & SERVICE tone blue $425. OA 8-208. . 528 N. Main, , OL 1-9761 | 695 Auburn Ave. FE 20555 | 1958 PLYMOUTH CUSTOM SUB- %3 ponTIAC CHIEFTAIN. UBL FORD 3 $0008, NARDTOT, |" RAMMCER CORTON, Aro. | Srtse, i sewmsvat Wass | Has fh tar BPE bak _miles, OR 31180. walls,” giis0. "TR #0166. wells, OR D474. | 12 PONTIAC RAH. 0278 40 SELL i Ge tae FIRST RIS ie 1958 PLYMOUTH _| isst-powriac STAvitel Wacom, ibs7 FORD FAIRLANE. YELLOW | iiss NABH HARDTOP RADIO & 34:, Sevey Astomatic. $1806. Gees ound. Goad bay. OF 30000 aod white, ver RH, W.| Heater. Continental iit. Canary 1957 OLDSMOBILE 38 aoe * be 2k or PE| yelow x toes. ia a ee : or appett ment, BIRMINGHAM. 1956 OLDS SUPER 3. HOR rer pvt a RAMBLER tdoor hardtop. $1545 1954 PONTIACS after 4 p.m 666 8. WOODWARD __MIT_6-3900 19354 MERCURY Pyare SS Se Ser Se 1956 FORD W AGON het abe 2 aWACON. ~ (9) Temple Baptist. 9:45 (7) Accent. Walter Pidgeon, Myrna Loy, (4) From These Roots. insisting that any such plan be) a -_- . 9:00 (2) Face of Danger. Drama: |10:00 (2) This Is the Life. Jeanne .Crain, Ed Wynn in (2) Who Do You Trust?- tied to step-by-step progress in 9 Crippled bank teller dares to (4) Cartoon Time. two-hour musical. 4:00 (2) Brighter Day. merging the Western and Com- HY 3 foil robber’s' holdup in (7) Faith for Today. (4) (color) Country Music. (4) (color) Truth or Conse-|munist zones of Germany into a! “Weapon of Courage."’ Kevin (9) Bible Answers, Roy Rogers, Dale Evans, single democratic nation. Free Book Tells All McCarthy. (Re-run). 10:15 (9) Sacred Heart. George Gobel, Everly Broth- (7) American Bandstand. Diplomats representing the four ees — a Western: | 10:38 rd Cartoon Frolics. ers, Johnny Cash, Kingston/4:15 (2) Secret Storm allies, however, appear to have art victim re- (7) Bishop Pike. Trio, Tubbs, Minnie|4:30 (2) Edge of Night. agteed on these main. points: Sells Nothing! turns to find he’s declared) (9) Christophers. Pearl, Johnson. (4) County Fair re _o may fond and his wife re-|11:00 ve Sagebrush Shorty. (7) Colt .45. (9) Sherwood Forest. 1. Any new gov: Cred Tine A le If you hear married. (4) George Pierrot. 9:30 (7) Deadline for Action. Dane|5:00 (2) Jimmy Dean. erning the Allied st. . it erms bet’ don't un- (7) Lawrence Welk. (7) John Hopkins. Clark in “A Death at Twin (4) (color) George Pierrot)Berlin must be "eapotintad pers eae . (9) Theater. Mystery: Rich-| (9) Movie. Pines.” - Presents. with the understanding the ar-' RFE 4 2525 hapsyoudon't ard Conte, Cathy Downs,/11:30 (7) Wrestling. 10:00 (4) Loretta Young. Norman} (9) » Tunes. jTangements in no way alter the’ . ™ peed a hear- “The Big Tip-Off.” ("55). (4) Dateline: U.N. Hutton in ‘The, Accused.” |5:38 (2) Bandstand. Allies’ existing legal right to be’ ing aid — 9:30 (2) Have Gun, Travel. West-|11:45 (4) Cartoon Carnival. (9) News, Weather. (7) Mouse Club. there. : gc as i os - The British are reported to| you'll learn from this re- von ec na, na & — SUNDAY AFTERNOON 10:20 (9) Passing Parade. a (4) Spo have accepted the view that any zemling <2 pare beonlet. ‘nila maar defending Glisces’ <2). Wiedoen 10:38 ba Arthur ecg new international status would be! E our earin . * Health." ne Smt Your | prisoner against the victim's) (2) Bowling Corie Cave Give Soe The Rival Author, no safer than the one now exit Open Evenings “til 9 825 W. Huron st Contains such facts as the () Glen ity. W, ; (2) Foreign Legionnaize. (1) Mest McGrew. aim Idea Was Theirs time right of conquest. | ‘ ) Cimarron City. Western: /12:30 (2) Roy Rogers. (9) Movie. “The Emporer’s * ket a te a Boy seeks to avenge father’s} (4) Frontiers of Faith Candlesticks,” William Pow-| LOS ANGELES (AP) — Two 2 No detailed draft peace cayenne ee ; a ¢ at gun duel with Matt! (9) Science Fiction Theater. ell, Luise Rainer. men are suing uthor ; : on hearing; whether deaf- Rockford. 12:45 (4) Michigan Conservation. [11:00 (2) (4) News, Weather. Broadway hit, = - pea indladinirge the Soviets. State B Monday =e a ness is inherited; the family 19:00 (2) Gunsmoke. Western: 1:00 (2) Air Force Story. (7) Movie. “The Big Cat,” had proposed js: S cio acacia ("nonumy G tdimeen, | Ua Ei eer or oman ccrzemeceg VINYLIZED RUBBER TILE § many other revealing facts. trick rancher out of his land. (7) World Adventure Series./t1:20 (2) Sports. the idea for the play. pe yereel pall Erin nrmgicte sy a And there's not a word in it falls in love with him and! (9) Movie. (4) Movie. “On Their Own,’ * * * about a dozen principles which M we peught ep sll the fictery a about Sonotone or its amaz- double-crosses her partner. |1:39 (2) Dateline: UN. Spr Ramon Romero, a writer, and/would be later translated into aM nq a¢ this- price! Makes the s = ing new transistor hearing (1) Sammy Kaye. - (1) Dick Powell. 11:25 (2) Movie. “The Big Sky,"/Arthur Kennard, artist's agent,|detalled treaty (finest floor you can hav. Com- , 2 aid. 10:30 (2) Sea Hunt. Adventure: (4) Americans at Work. filed sult against Norman Corwin if: teat; henttay: soegp-ohits 6 C = Got the facts straight. There’s murder when jewels 1:45 (2) Detroit Speaks. Friday. They said they hired Cor- Going Wrong Way a ', = Send tor your free copy~today! are found aboard sunken = (4) Michigan Conservation. | ~ MONDAY MORNING win in 1953 to write a play based | | Enough Tie for » xiv 7 SONOTONE luxury yacht. '2:00 (2) Business Focus. 6:30 (4) Continental Classroom. jon the Abraham Lincoln-Stephen| ROANOKE, Va. @ — A reporter|gg | Reem for Only ........ 20.80 ~ a (4) D. A's Man. Police} (1) David Niven. 6:50 (2) Meditations. Douglas debates interviewed several persons picked|™ 295 : OF PONTIAC drama: Two youngsters help) (4) Soap Box Derby. 6:55 (2) On The Farm Front. at random on the streets as to their /@ > = Sis ( Ties Warman. 208, (2) TV College. Oil was first discovered in the| views about life in outer space. Po-'/# THE- FLOOR SHO a S11 Pontise State Bank Bldg. 2:30 (2) Baseball. (© Today. United States near Cubs, N. Y. tnilice recognized picture of one = ' (4) Movie. ‘ Show. Franciscan missionary was|wanted for passing bad checks. He FREE REAR Phone FEderal 2-1225 3:00 (7) Irritating Angel. 7:38 = Cartoon Classroom. arhgin dhonps by Seneca —_— will spend some time in inert 95 S$. PARK OF STORE Fe 4-5216 4 . ree Home = (D Movie. 8:00 a) Captain Kangaroo. bubbled up in a spring for medi Re ND et = 7 (4 Tactic. 8:30 ( Friend Harry. as a paint . en ene ete eee Penaitetiec a arlete a Bend me, “Your & Your ° Sit eiPL isiAlGiA Al jee : H = ZPaRmeSlie Asses ’ a 4 me 2 eee! | --lodays Radio Programs-- | | | ery State__ Pisicis! | : , . | nae pee — ~ WsR (780) CELW (800) WWs (950) WCAR (1130) WXYZ (1870) WPON (1600) WJBK 1500 | , ALL ALUMINUM PATIO a en, | ESET | RSET. | ae : JUST LIKE ADDING ANOTHER ww, M 1:00 WIR, News. Miler a pi ROOM TO YOUR HOME cx Mcnal"airy — |“wWar made Ppt”, | WHEE Sun. Beet | cau. mewn, ‘Tooy Deri # Sein Riess for, | Gee aes omic | Sime tae men | Gee, Sect ANt Sk ke See snenornaruraniy [== |e | Ee ee | BETTER MECHANICS (ff ee cua eat Heeacetema | "were ary Reema | wea, ssce mari | WPON Candlelite: CELW. Voice of Prophecy | CKLW. Radio, Bible Ch CKLW. News, Myrtle Labbitt WPON, —— WXYZ, WJBK, Monitor WXYZ, lith Hour CKLW News, Album WXYZ.” College News MONDAY MORNING WJBK, News, Clark WCAR, , News WJR, Town Meeting WCAR, News, Thomas CRLW. Word of Life 11:38—WJR, Tabernacie wero Another show ee a News, Davies | WXYZ, Night. Train CKLW, News, Anglican XYZ, News, Winter WPON. Pontiac Weekend WJBK, Bargaining 8:36—WJR, , Patterns! $:00—WIR, Jr. et Pilgri = Two, Rowe Pr Fr ed . —— Tima, ew: CKLW. Assumption — CKLW, News, Davies w News SUNDAY AFTERNOON 9:00—WJR, News, Music WJBK, eld CKLW, Grosse Pt. Baptist REE 30—WJR, N.Y. Philharm. (12:00—WJR, News, Guest WCAR, News z, Paul Winter *CRLW. Quiet Sanctuary J, News, Lincoln WPON, Liberty Baptist WCAR, Woodling WXYZ, Sunday Best . UD. Showtime Ty Time Ete on Muste Labor News ews, , , Knowles W. 0:30—WJR, Face Nation WPOR Postise Weetené | WJBK ne oe WW), Catholic Hour WCAR. News. Musio 11:38—WJR, Kiplinger oT ge, = Sree WXYZ, B. Martin. CKLW, News, Album Adolescents 2:00—W WWJ, News, Network WJBK, News, Reid News, Mary ion MONDAY AFTERNOON 1:80—WJR, Dr. Malone WJR, Rt to Happiness) CKLW, Austin Grant, Davies! @ Order During Sale For real outdoor living add an alf-aluminum Patio. Large 1:00—WJK, Favorite Hymns | WXYZ. Hour of Decision . WATERFORD-CLARKSTON pb ah farm i CaLW Forward in Faith; | SI. Neve Ag'clt. ‘ae @ Always Cool enough to accommodate your car! A quality, all-aluminum LAATSCH'S TY TY SERVICE WIBK. Crucified Hour © ews. Leones Bxve Pred ciate - CELO teen kine nek | @ Add Beauty to Home _ beauty that serves as PATIO COVER, DINING PORCH, PLAY COMMUNICATIONS quan. OERY. B WEGT Stnlas"scemmhs | “BEVCHLM Meee anew | GE Tom George | @ No Maintenance— AREA and SHELTER . . . protects your doorways, walls, car 4959 Andersonville R4., OR 8-2129 ; WCAR, News, Sheridan tht Dear Shirley No Rust all year ‘round. Enjo ‘yeors of trouble-free outdoor livi YTON PLAINS 1:30—WJR, Parm Forum 0:30— WIR, Oren. ‘ignites WPON Early wink Ata unten | ® aa Y ’ ree ng one ww 4M tner's Chureh wate ive, “Monitor to éesssbsii. them: 0 WXYZ, bate @ Pay Pennies a Day pleasure at a special ‘low price now .. . only $149.50. Pia®. Dixte fvy. OM 2-187 CKLW Baug Album CKLW. David wean. auife Break, Davies | = @ Home Owners Only INSTALLATION as cum Easy terms. LATIMER’S RADIO @ TV JER Protestant Hout an News. Logan eee Farm Rpt. George) WPON. Bob Lark : "3580 Sashabaw has on 3-2682 , Ukranian Hour edewe W, Jonnay, Delis ; Barly Bird Btpa. ‘ “wat Monee STi’ wx . Plerce WIR, Dan Kirby #:20—WJR, Composite SEE US FOR ESTIMATES ON AWNINGS! DORAT TV @ RADIO SERVIOR WWJ, Music TON ; CKLW. News, Music Bae ha ate Ot wath io: Worship Hour WiDe, Nowe —_ bs = el au “— a» OF fies ye xt ir ors. { aia ‘ . UNION LAKE ““S'EWIBK Hymns We 6:80 WIR, Suspense WJBK. were Tom George| 4:00—WJR,. Must Hall PHONE FOR SURVEY ate SS — w BILL'S TV WXYZ. Truth Herald WCAR N WWJ, News, Deland ois Unies Late M4, "WHY. Wings of Healing WEAR. fe News Eon POR Were, Coser CKLW: News, Music ANYTIME—DAY © NIGHT © SUNDAY |, MICH, SEWING CENTER Unicon Lake, BM 3-41! CKLW. Pontiec Baptist Pontiee Reports 1380 WIR Music Hall WCAR. News, Bennett Y Y 143 OAKLAND, PONTIAC, MICH. , . WIBK. Ave Marie WXYZ. News, Wolf ‘Carriage Trade = Gentlemen: Back 7 49 —s — WPON St John’s Lutheran | © SUNDAY y EVENING sak News Tom George | 4: a0 WAR Musie Han Pe Be all-aluminum patio sounds like @ sensation ... | ‘wa. a X - ” ; wen unty +:00— WJK, News, Bart ~ Monitor . ‘CKLW, News, Music ; send me complete information at mo obli fas WWJ, Crossroads Chureh rom 8:00—WIR, News, Guest ao Sethenta Temple favors warn N Woll wwae News Deland jews, ©} 3 an : WJBK. New WEON, Ponting Weekend KLW. News, Toby David ¥ Wi C WGAR. News, Patrick Pon - : cexen WER, Reve, Tom George sae Kews, Tenn. Eraie MICH. SE NG ENTER ottian' mn Anu, netigies o,* e. Gastmene WPON News, Casey i ee. Musie re fA" Meererr rs wws XYZ, Christian 6:30—WJR, Music Hall 143 OAKLAND AVE. CRLW,. He Hebrew Witness GKLW, Dr. " CKLW, News, David 5:30—CKLW, News, Music > ‘ ; Al . @ ( wane ER, pit. . " ‘ A\ ? - i ~ aa ' Ls ” , in ~ } — » - ‘ ®, q. { , 5 a F 4: . . ‘Wes =: — Z Pat = Be Pe ee ve 3 Fg rt Wee ae Soe go NA a eB es Shh gale eee a ACER ce RI ER — “under ; Key Link for Michigan Commerce an important trade and transpor- tation crossroads. This and ~ furs and goods moved & Trilck said it would. be egal a By BOB WOVING "Reporter, Jackson Citizen Patriot J ecko Has $ “You Must remember me, I'm | \the with gal who sat in the fishbow) obeetia tempt. "| Father's: wilt sr Only One of 14 Children MADISON, Wis. William $5,000 in 10s, 20s, and 50s.” . Police said Miss Nolan walked| Walker, one of 14 children of the into the Industrial Bank of Com-|!ate John H. Walker, was named ay. lower the! merce on Seventh Avenue meget ee sole henetieienty ie ee aes income group, he said, | 35th Street and handed teller How-| Will. the greater proportion of the tax/ the following ‘note: — The elder Walker, who left ajburden they. must. bear i “I am a diabetic and cancer vic-/$100,000 estate when he, died at} © . —-« tim. I haven't got long ‘to live.|the age of 89, said in his will that Central Parkin the midst There! are men all around who|William had worked with him for |M attan’s tall buildings was la op mtb ips enogy Give me|many years and was largely re- wok men. sponsible for the size of the estate. its + It's VOORHEES-SIPLE FUNERAL HOME 266 North Perry Street ali parts and tools to outfit industry in the space age. The railroad taneien, * whose | payroll once reac’ the Jaekson. division of the. New York Central. A considerable partion: oe the city’s economy: still is. connected with the automobile industry. «But the gasoline engine has also started Jackson. on still. another, course in its development—as a warehousing and trucking center. « - eee Bee Jackson is “‘on the corner” of} two federal highways, U. 8, 12,/) reaching east and west across the | state, and U. S. 127, stretching’ north and south. Three state high- | ways, M50, M60 and M106 connect | the area with all important centers | in the state and the Great tahes area, Today Jackson has. more than 200 industrial firms With approxi-' mately 18,200 employes. From 1950 to 1958 Jack#on has had an ap-) proximate 35 per’ cent increase in! industrial employment. During) |that period, the number of manu-) |facturing plants in the three-. county served by the city _ (grown about 10 per cent, pocorn anatortitttimias q| roll out a carpet of green f j # 80 Ib. BAG of ' Armour’s Reg. $5.00 List | Plant Food | FREE 10 tb. Bag of Rose Food: with purchase of 80 Ib. Bag 10 BAGS OR MORE $2.75 €ACH ie BURMEISTER’S NORTHERN LUMBER CO, - 7940 Cooley Loke. Rd. F % Vertagreen . shops and administrative offices-of | % VERTAGREEN , ‘2.88 - EM 3.4171 Decorators’ House .. ff Interior NORTHERN LUMBER CO. A Paint.... White & Colors ; , $ ff Flat--Semi-Gloss .. - Also SPECIAL ot some other PAINTS cand VARNISHES ... ‘up to 50% Off on Some Colors and Varnishes SALE*STARTS MONDAY 8 A.M. : SHARP. OFFER GOOD THROUGH WEDNESDAY. WE HAVE PUR- CHASED THOUSANDS OF GAL- LONS OF PAINT FOR THIS SALE.” DON’T MISS THIS TERRIFIC BUY. ~ _BURMEI ‘ NORTHERN. JJIMBER CO. aN OR A ot OCC By? 7940 Cooley Lake Rd. We Carry a Complete Stock of Painting Supplies e's EM 3-417] > ae, youredif. Buplere little-used roads - Phone FE 2-8337