on... ai ates ee, i, Tid: A ie an, "ee _ Flier Glad. to Forget Castro * a Values Galore Await Dollar Day Shoppers ‘West Proposes | limifedBan jon Atom No Music Cut, Says President controlled suspension of nuclear weapons tests on or mear the surface of the lem of other types of blasts *‘lfor later negotiations. Informants said the ing posal provided for split up the test suspension problem. Easter recess. : _ First Soviet reaction was re- ported to be negative. Under the new Western plan, day to agree to a prompt) ~~ leaving the prob-/| It was advanced ag the three- power talks resumed after an agreement would be reached at aati: : AP Wirephoto @ HAPPY REUNION — Alan R. Nye, center, arrival at'a Chicago airport. Nye was convicted of Whiting, Ind. greets his mother Mrs. Helen of plotting to kill Cuban Premier Fidel Castro, - ont Lynch and hig stepfather, Daniel Lynch, upon his but was freed Flees Cuba Under Death Ban Nye Reunited With Famil The tribunal suspended the sen- tence on condition Nye leave Cuba within 48 hours. ° and.fiew back with him and his attorney Joseph P. Sullivan, Susan Cabot Flying to Meet Jordan’s King? HOLLYWOOD, (AP). — Actress Susan Cabot flew to New York Sunday night, thereby encouraging rumors she is having a romance with Jordan's King Hussein, Hussein, who met her while he was visiting in Southern California is now in Detroit. He is due to New York Tuesday. “i The couple dated several times| after mééting at. a party. Susan, _& petite divorcee of 31, termed Hussein “the most charming man I. have ever met.”,.» e tet & “Hussein, who is 23 and also di- | “Communism and Arab national- trial im the Officer’s Gub of Cabana Fortress at Havana. The court sald Nye was offered x « * Nye, 32, was convicted early oe: yesterday by a three-man Cuban Mrs. Lynch said defense of tribunal which took only 10 mi- | Nye had cost her $10,000. - nutes to reach a verdict after a | ‘But he’s my son,” she said. fivé and one-half-hour nightime | (Continued on Page 2, Col. 5) stayed in Cuba more than 48 hours. “Where is the way out?” Nye Before midnight, he was in chi- Hussein in Detroit : \Stresses Red Threat- DETROIT (AP) — Jordan’s King Hussein followed a busy schedule of auto plant visits and receptions to- day as guest of the Motor City. Stops at General Motors; Chrysler and Ford were on the program of a city tour to be capped by a civic dinner tonight at the Detroit Athletic Club. Griffin, MacAfee Report Band Time Issue Committee to Work on va for a rest. Rest Cut Short Secretary Slips = | B inHis Battle | Against Cancer Officials Expect He'll . , _ President Hopeful | AP Wirephote State Department aide, AILING SECRETARY — Boarding the Presidential plane Col- Greene; and his secretary, umbine II], Secretary of State John Foster Dulles begins his flight Bernau. They had President’ Eisenhower | Central Intelligence Agency and brother of the secretary of state, arived at the hospital utes after. Eisenhower. i & ie iy ti to the i |) WASHINGTON (AP) — ~~ back to further medical: study in Walter Reed Hospital. He re- pital earlier in the before going to Hobe Sound, Fia., ticular area,” Griffin said, “This may take considerable time and we are hopeful that a tion’ may come from this joint study group of administration and citizens.” , Griffin’s statement was wel- comed by Roy MacAfee, chairman of the committee which will meet with schoo] administrators. “While we consider that the the- ories and actions of the adminis- ai| ~ The young monarch, 23, repeated a pledge to fight, for Arab unity and against Communism in a talk last night at°a reception held by Detroit’s Arab Com- munity. ‘ et ism can never be together,” he said, Upon his arrival from Chicago he was greeted by a few sign. carrying demonstrators at the Detroit Metropolitan Airport. The pickets were orderly. A few also appeared at the hotel where he spoke. They identified themselves as members of the Arab Student Assn. Signs carried by the pickets said “We Want Arab Unity” and “‘re- lease Arab Nationalists from Prison.” Michigan’s lanky Gov. G. Men-~~ nen Williams, towering a full head over the King, was among Hus- s¢in’s welcomers at the airport. x * & > The mustachioed little king, well put out in a neat dark suit, empha- sized his position against Commu- nism in an airport interview. — “We are all on the side of free- dom. and we all recognize the threat of communism,” he said. Hussein is on a four-week tour: of the United States. His next stop tomorrow will be West Point. DJ a” “ Inventery ‘Regaction Sale in ment studying every phase of this par- Map USW Strategy NEW YORK (UPI)—The high command of the United Steel- workers of America meets here today to map strategy for new (Continued on Page 2, Col. 3) i spi ‘ ARRIVES FOR VISIT — King Hussein of Jor- . Run. He is visiting local leaders - ‘The budget, for the purpose of setting a county tax rate to meet next year’s monetary needs ‘County Tax Hike Looms Under Proposed Budgel A-preliminary 1960 county operating budget of $13,906,584 — for which Oakland County taxpayers can}- ( a tax increase.ot.85-cents.for-each $1,000 of property valuation — will be presented to s AEE ¢ ra Ft [ es 5 the Board $12,285,723. Robert Y. Moore, chair- man of the Board of Audi- Welfare costs alone in the 1960 budget amount to $2,733,700, some $800,000 more than what was allo- cated in the current budget. Hos- pitalization is listed for $1,012,040, or some $300,000 more than set out this-year. County 1958 taxes, to-raise. funds to meet this year’s operating budget, were levied on a rate of $5.62 for each $1,000 of state equa- lized valuation. , This rate, which was 13 cents Jess than what the county needed to meet its present budget, failed to bring in enough money to keep Oakland County from facing a deficit of $1,193,293 by the end of this year, Moore said, COSTS TO SOAR Welfare and hospitalization costs are the biggest contributing factors to the deficit, he said. Because of hese costs primarily, he added, the county can expect to spend $427,568 more this year than its estimated 1960. budget of $13,- Moore said no attempts could be made in the 1960 budget to start erasing the whopping “paper deficit’ because the county has to wait until it knows the actual dollar and cents deficit the county is in the hole. Supervisors tomorrow will only receive copies of the 1960 budget. It is preliminary so that the County Tax Board, when it starts its tax hearings next month, will know what the county's fiscal needs for next. year will be. With the county needing a tecord-high $6.47 tax rate, which would be levied, if approved, in would leave but $8.53 to be split among the townships and schools, - $1,620,861 higher than the current 1959 budget of|"% Dies Bs ‘JIMMIE GLEASON Famous Actor of Character Parts Dies at 72 Gleason—the dour, long-faced actor who played character roles in scores of Hollywood fi! m s—died late Sunday night. Gleason, 72, had been in ill health for a year. Death came at the motion picture country. house hospital in nearby Woodland Hills. His last part was a minor role in “The Last Hurrah.” He entered.the hospital almost a year ago, suffering from chronic asthma. Actor Pat O’Brien termed Glea- son's death ‘‘‘a great personal loss.’’ Gleason was godfather to O'Brien’s daughter, Mavourneed. O’Brien said that Gleason's only son died during World War II and that his wife passed on shortly afterward. The only survivor is a grandson, _ Gleason -was nominated for an December, it means also that this Oscar in 1942 for a role in ‘Here Comes Mr. Jordan.”’ It was prob- ably the high point of a career See Fair, W | Weather Tomorrow. — HOLLYWOOD (# — Actor Jimmy a.m. was 29. At 2 p.m. the ther- mometer reading was 51. | Women's Pages aueeeeeaee cS ; : i i H 4 | is ! HY E z z : : i ti lost omer rong 8 matic battles the Soviet Union for six years, re-entered the Continued on Page 2, Col, 7) we i i aero Be The mercury will drop to about 35 degrees tonight and will rise to a high of 60 Tuesday, , a ee, en The U.S. Weather Bureau re- ports that temperatures will aver- age about four degrees below the | normal 56 high and normal 37 low | for the next five days. Boat Temperatures will be somewhat cooler Thursday with & warming In Today's Press serente SOFC ROSETTE Ree . County News CROMER RHO HEED b | a Editorials ee COON ES eee hee 6 Markets eee eee ees eeeteeeee st Obituaries eee eeveerennee tee 2 Sportd adedadecccgescecene 23-29 Theaters ee eee eee eRe ee one ees b.3 TV & Radio Programs .... 37 Earl sv ee ereeseeeeeed | ve maintained @ regal and touring De- |pased on the 15-mill statutory tax-|which took him through all the-|Asées fet a All Books % Off on statutory tax-|which took him h the- Campbell Tax Sw ghott the affair. be fe gs BE ng ma dan talks to newsmen after arriving at Willow .. troit auto. plants.’ ing limitation. atrical mdedioms. . gome Tax, Open Eves. resent. os L-4 | ae 2 Days of Big Value Do 4 lar Day s Scheduled for i a a Sund: if st i Be Hie i ion tey” i & ‘ ANN ARBOR (UPD — It can strike any day now, and we have no cure for it, said University of Michigan Professor E. Wendell Hewson. “We learned a lot about it dur- Spring F ing the war years,” he said. “But stil it is a mystery to.men of science. However, it is real and not psychological.” ; It ‘strikes down the most am- ‘ever --- It’s Real — “Spring fever occurs . when . 5 ore i ¢ 2 Fy z ua af <" -tem *the hottest for the date in 30 years. ; West Virginia was almost sly. covered with about 1 to 3 inch-|;; northern "es. In the Panhandle up . ‘Teday im Pontiac Lowest temperature preceding 8 a.m. ‘oft 8 pt Wins velocity 8 m.ph. ' is “Sun sets Monday at 71 pm. 5 jonday at 8:26 a.m. 2 Moon sets Tuesday at 12:14 a.m. s . $B M. cece. an 1 @, m,.......5, 46 7 a. m.... -- 43... peccdosess 48 * 8 BM. ccceeoees i pm..... eeee. 60 A ee 39 BD. Weis cocenss $1 « 10 &. M.,......6.. s . Sa in . {ae Fecen ied downtown) ‘“ ighest POTACUTOS co. cceeeessceees * Lowest erature ...cecsseoees see .32 #Mean temperature .....-crseveens +». 40.8 e Weather—Sunny ; Py sninatgis a Sunday in Pontise fas recorded downtown) *Mighest temperature ........0+. 00.0. “Lowest temperature .....-.0..ssee08. 32 temperature .....-..cscevecsen3B. « eather—-Partiy cloudy ‘ penetentinty One Year Ago in Pontiac | Highest: tare c...e6. Jebencber ‘ . gvb00s000.006R00s weds PoP PPP. eee ee Revise Profile on Sought Slayer Police Get New Name, Description on Suspect | in. Lassiter Murder Lassiter’s ‘body, with a bullet wound in the head, was found in his hometown of Murray, Ky. _ t Won‘t Take Fifth, |Teamster Official Says DETROIT (UPI) — Teamster Union official William Bufalino said. today he would not take the | Fifth Amendment if called to tes- tity before the Senate Rackets - Committee Tuesday, .Bufalino, of Team- ster Local 935, said he would not take the Fifth Amendment ff the committee “hit me with a sledge- hammer.” ; The Rackets Committee last week heard testimony of “sweat shop” conditions in some Detroit “auto wash racks, Bufalino’s local covers juke- boxes, auto wash racks and other miscellaneous labor groups, 50,000 Attend Billy Graham's Sydney Opening SYDNEY, Australia @ — An es- column, ~ No Music Reduction, Says Glenn Griffin (Continued From Page One) tration have not been such as to inspire optimism on our part, we still want to give this offer of ne- gotiation every chance to effect a satisfactory conclusion to our dif- ferences,''.MacAfee said. “We do not feel this should take _|very long from a time standpoint.” hair,| “We believe that the results of .|this interchange of points of view, whether mutually satisfactory or (et, should then be made a matter of public knowledge since: thie ac- ‘po tivities of the department are ot such vital concern to so many Pon- | tiac citizens, It was mutually agreed by both men that during the negotiation period no useful purpose would be served by a public controversy] ’ |such as might develop in the Pon- tiac Press ‘‘Voice of the People’’ stolen, Probe Safecracking at Southfield Firm State Police er the Redford Post and Southfield City _ Police again, are investigating a safe cracking} ‘Simple: job, fitting a -washer!’”| ®Pecial training school at Mere at McDonald Mobile House, Inc., 28800 W. Eight Milé Rd., South- field, this morning. Southfield patrolmen discovered the safe blown open. when return- ing to the office at 3:30 a.m. after having checked it earlier. colle reported an undeter- mined amount of money had been Trouble-Shooter Will Go Ahead scout on ahead. first group's difficulties ) homesteading sites. / ? «2nd 59ers’ Group Cagy DETROIT (AP) — Detroit's second Alaska 59ers group hopes to avoid the misfortunes of the first by sending a Frank Milazzo, a co-leader, is leaving this week to visit, the Kenai Peninsula camp site of the group now in Alaska. _. A spokesman for the second group, which plans to leave June 22, said Milazzo’ will try to learn the causes of all the so they don’t be repeated. ; % & Re 35 The second group, larger than the first, plans to go ina 2° caravan of 75 cars and. trucks. On the way.to Alaska and since their arrival, the original homesteaders encountered numerous troubles, including car s¢) and*truck breakdowns on thé 6,500-milé journey. Reports 33 also have told of difficultiés over the availability ‘ef «good \ ' ‘ bécause of warmer outside air,” x *« * + |lassitude or inertia, |from winter to summer and 4 Harassed. Wife — GUNARD Isle of Wight (UPD to use the bathroom 707. jet airliner arrived here last night from Chi¢ago in amd 20 minutes, Aboard were 114 passengers, The. time -eclipsed commercial transport body increases its.amount of blood Hewson said. ‘Spring fever is real He said that during World, War tropics, the men had’a period of He explained that the volume of blood in the human body varies about 20 per cent. It increases He saig this also accounts for : the large number of spring colds|“Any mother would have done the/— brought on when“ the body re- sistance to cold is lowered by the off-and-on warm spells of early|plane to South America from Fiori- spring. +e : ida and was forced down-in Cuba.|E i, .-t « - |came to assass) Fitting a Washer | reve! ctiet ‘Simple Job,’ Says} panes at Fort tausderdaie, Fis, —A wife, obviously harassed by a do-it-yourself husband, penned this) Nye allegedly admitted setting fire, letter to the.Daily Mirror today.|to the three surplus fighter planes/—E ~~ “Had a dripping tap in the bath- room. My husband volunteered to gas outlet on the premises. record-breaking time of 3 hours | a | ern >| put in, but the idea of a modern .| wing on the old buliding is too ‘} touch. I protest and do so violent- ?-| ly,” Patterson wrote. A -|_ He suggests. that a branch li- oe ive use childrert teen- : ae Be ee agers, He pointed out that a wing! contractor, died deslerday ie Witla of modern design .on the Mbr@ry|jiam Beaumont ' l Redtinns ‘would be contrary to the overallloak, atier a short illness: [aowever. - [Which includes the Municipal Build.| He is survived by his wile, Etiz-/the rugged: Er ing’ and Shain Park.” abeth; two daughters, Mrs. Robert who broke "| Se9¢ enough t i feel as\ ‘ in defying . t authority: ‘ i H 4 Sle’ & ‘ ; ‘ ‘ee oe mln ot “heie aopiretions | Sheer, Embossed Solid or Printed Girls’ Wash ‘n Wear Women’s Women’s Termes After the 1956 Hungarian revolu- | tion was suppressed by Soviet! Dacron Curtains | PLISSE FABRICS | PLAID SLACKS might, journalist Joszet Gali and | a colleague, Gyula Obersovsky,. continued to publish a an 7 =. $ 4a Pr. | - Reg. Yds. $ Special For $ Ww “ , we Accoriing to charges odes | 81” long 39¢ yd. ; Purchase quently filed, their paper ‘con- ; i tained “articles against the orl Lock twist weave Dacron. | 30 wide, washable, color- | Famous Northlander “Slim Fine Gauge | JAMAICA SHORTS Tough cotton denim bib Orion Sweaters ) overalls, boxer style Reg. 2.98 $ $ _ Reg. . i J an slacks and snap - crotch and 3.98 Ys. 2.98 ES crawlers .. . all in wash- Orlon slipons and cardi- | Tarpoon plaids and stripes. ernment and the US.S.R.” Machi ashable. Whi aa . able plaids. Sizes ! ; whi ipper closing. Sizes 10- kk chine ; . te. | fast. Limited quantity. Jim” slacks, sizes 7 to 14. plaids. Sizes | to 6x gor 4 = 40. ite, colors. Sizes “ closing. S 0 ) 1 site's Curtains Waite's Children’s W ars : The men were sentenced to . «e+ Fourth Floor Waite's Fabrics ... Fourth Floor Waite’s ... Second Floor os —— /teedigga ¢ Waite's .. . Street Floor Waite's .. , Street Floor death, but this was later commut-/ & ed to life 4mprisonment for Gali “"ittemeis to defy Franco's cen-) Printed Terrycloth | © ness Twist | Girls’ Wash ‘n Wear m i ~ -ene vo Wenens 3 sorship in Spain have become! enille ° | a nce. ce. rim : more frequent and increasingly, KITCHEN TOWELS OVERBLOUSES Famous Make... Mock Fashioned rapes _ ee ke RUNNER RUGS | | - samp ooTTON rog te po oa [s @4/[5 ‘3 SWEATERS 598 Last year, a cartoonist for. the : For . ; satirical publication “La Codor- Reg $ Reg. $ Reg. $ niz’' was sentenced to two months’ | 49% 2.99 1.98 ’ Cotton pique and broad- sata Savely styles. imprisonment and fined. _ Other examples for 1956- are loth. Many designs. Sizes White, pink, black. ie aes reported {rom the Soviet Union| Won't scratch, dry fast. | 2 f by 5 ft. runners, latex | Roll-up sleeves, lace trim. Poland, Communist China, Ro] Colorfast. Fringed ends. White, sizes 7 to 14. mania, Czechoslovakia, East Ger-| “- back, washable. 7 colors. * Waité’s Spotewoet Weile's Lingerie many, Yugoslavia, Portugal, La-: Waite's ... Fourth Floor Waite's ... Fourth Floor Waite's ... Second Floor . « » Lhird Floor ; . es Second tin America. Egypt and the Far $ , . East, e | Siet ot n caeia teen wi Standard Size, Gayly Scalloped Children’s _ Women’s Women’s Most the countries. whose y- ° ernment are Marxistinspired White PILLOW CASES Cool Knit Hollywood Cotton and Blend Slipons Cardigans NYLON S| SLEEPWEAR . Fe a one — Reg. 3 ae Reg. 3.98 iy J gons of soft, 1.00 te 6.00 ct yee Cencertion of the press | Pillow Protectors Summer Sleepers nd methods for controlling it are Ree. y die alin. the study reports. | Reg. For $ et | Reg. For $ The study concludes with the af- ; 9e 2.25 firmation that only in countries 79¢ easy care Ban-Lon. Pastels where information is controlled) Colored scalloping on] Natidnal brand, no- iron . y Ra = 4 oe Hollywood. style elastic leg g held in bond 64/60 thread count, zip- : i ‘ : white and dark colors. Sizes Pajamas, doll pa- i mavens : cag berm pered. Full bleached, wad white. Percale, 42x36 size. Eni Dainty prints, sizes 34 to 40, ” T |e 1 Alder pole and base Adjustable grid, large White, permanent stay PAY AS LOW AS Il. for indoor use. Folds com- | cooking and work area. On ; . . Contour and sheoth type, $1.25 A WEEK pocty. — en eet an Ses MATERNITIES . . . Third Fl rene ta match ees | many patterns, Sizes 24 Waite’s Housewares Watt's Garden Shop Waite's Men's Shop see n oor ° . to 30. «+ » Fifth Floor . - Downstairs - - « Street Floor Reg. 2.99 Faille Skirts 00... 0... ccc cece eee, $2 Waite's Jewelry .. . Street Floor Waite's ... Street Floor Not 70 S$ wh a : Reg. 8.98 2-Pc. Dresses ............ rer -. $2 , ' Value Rage | Approx. 9’x12’ Washable 30x50” | Men’s Short Sleeve | MEN’S FURNISHINGS . . . Street Floor Full Fashioned Men’s Cotton _ HOOKED RUGS | SCATTER RUGS | SPORT SHIRTS | fer. 1:50,250 men's Handsome Tie........2/81 | Women's Hosiery | HANDKERCHIEFS ee ee how ee eawe ANNINTUQUQVUEUUNUEQUNU0NUHV0UUREUUEETTTE | pres. $ 1 C$ Res. *) | GARDEN HOSE, CHAISE... Downstoirs | 1.25 For SH | nes. 20c SIF For $ B R A K : 39.95 Volee WJ 4.00. Reg. 1.59 25-ft. Plastic Garden Hose ....... 2/$1 , Values if perfect T ported otton bceleod Fomous bean d, wash 'n Reg. 10.99 Aluminum Adj. Chaise ........... $8 Seid ced desk eucall Ancae 4 F Lj N 3 rugs, many attractive de- Thickly tufted cotton rugs, ou. oa patterns. Sizes HOUSEWARES, LAMPS . . . Fifth Floor sheers. Medium length, | Slight irregulars of large signs. non-skid back. 7 colors. “Wels Mens 5h Reg. 9.98 7-Pe. Flint Stainless Tool Set ........ $8 | 8'2-11. cotton hankies, White. Waite’s Rugs Downstairs Waite's Rugs .. . Downstairs w* Birt Fleer —- —. Reg. 1.29 Flex-O-Scrub Mop & Waxer ..... $1 Waite's Hosiery... Street Floor | Waite's Hankies . .. Street Floar SPECIAL S 95 | ean , <4 Reg. 8.95 Pure Sitk Lomp Shades ............ $5 MAost Fords > r e Chevies an _ High Quality... Jeweled Satin Men’s Polished LINENS, FABRICS . . . Fourth. Floor Package of 6 Wooden Pant ond ox COSMETIC CASE Cotton Reg. 79¢ Eyelet 10 by 14” Dresser Scarfs...2/$1 - 3 | : STATIONERY DRIP-DRY SLACKS Reg. 1.59 12” Round Eyelet Dresser Scarfs... .. .$1 DRESS HANGERS | . — Speciat «= —— Reg. 1.59 15 by 34’*Eyelet Dresser Scarfs..:.. $1 : 3 G0 D Reg. 2 QM Boxes $ Purch Specie! $ Reg. 1.59 15 by 42” Eyelet Dresser Scarfs...... $i Reg. $ ars Hh erherien patco| neue ep | RE Beer a | oa | ‘ eautiful satin pi _Furcnese $= Gap | Keg. tc 100%Linen Dish Towels .......... . toe White and pastel colors) with half zipper. Quilted, | proportioned lengths, need Reg. 39cy49¢ Cannon, Martex Wash Cloths. .4/$1 | Heavyweight plastic. 17” | Highly polished hat SERVICE STORE also a few prints. A wide| inside pockets. Pink, phue, ane. Flap back pal Sizes Reg. 1.99 Plastic Fitted Mattress Covers........$1 long, chromed hooks. | wood. Precision made vith, selection to choose from, | white. ‘] 28 to 38 in antelope. Reg. 5.99. Pleated Skirting Leng ngths wasnt ees $4 White and pastels. locking device. Lge. hooks. Walte's Stationety Waltw’s 5 Conmiation Wan Bess Shop Reg. 2.49 Brushed Rayon*’’Coshmere Fabric. «: 52 | Waite’s Notions... Street Floor | Waite'’s Notions... Sie eee oor ea\e nding . 2 ‘ ; ; p ae . , ‘ . : ; i. , . ¢ . i ‘ \y a Sey ‘ Fa : i ‘ He j + t a : 2 - | ay ry “ : / 4 : , : ee Lf is a ce aM Ee ce ae ee ae ee eee et 2 en Gg ee a 8 8k BE die 2 Oo 2 a ee. oe ‘Carotina Citizens Association at Rateran, Crawrorp H. GREzNgwALt, the need for a new attitude toward politics by businessmen. Their indifference toward | est when ee it ‘be known what they stand for. _and understanding on both sides of the business - government relation- ship. Emphasizing the fact tliat all _ manner of viewpoints on public ques- tions exist in business, he cautioned that politics‘is not an instrument of power but of persuasion and com- : ee Se TE BBS In a similar vein and criticizing the failure of business to generate a politics, Hzwry Forp II recently said and with a good deal of truth, that it. has identified itself and its causes too exclusively with the extreme con- servative political viewpoint; spends most of its time trying to convert the faithful; does not appeal to the large = mass of independent voters and does - * not make its influence felt ‘within : , the moderate elements in both polit- « ical parties. i eee x *& * , - Both these public spirited men ., are leaders in their fields and ’ @xpress the conclusions of many ‘Foreign Aid’ Progr: Sorin Ae pore Now that the Administration has requested a $3.9 billion fund for our Mutual Security Program, it is well to have # look at some of the protec- tion this money buys. -Mutual Security is not “for- eign” aid. Actually, about. 75 per cent of all appropriations is spent in the U. S, and most of what is spent abroad goes for American exports, to the benefit of all American business. Mutual Se- curity spending in this country accounts for over 500,000 full time ' $1.6 billion for military assistance. While military equipment: and sup- plies go to foreign forees, they really 1S) el eee Most of the $825 million. requested ' this year in defense support covers fen At Rt RRR EES NAT AN on wee tries as Turkey, Viet Nam, Korea and Formosa to help them maintain larger military forces in their..own lands. The President wants $272 mil- lion for economic assistance to those countries which do not get aid under other categories and $200 million as an emergency fund to be used for. ——oo SSS THE PONTIAC PRESS : president of the Du Pont Co, stressed -His remedy would be closer contact — broad participation of people in local - President Eisennowss is’asking for ’ economic assistance to such coun- | | of Caro; golden wedding, — approved requests for $3 billion with only $400 million available. Loans go for industrial, agricul- tural and power development, transportation and health -pro- grams. This will come back into cating. daptie: Aictieig. Relbtiryiée kabd Hearen ‘points out that during the 10 year life of the aid fund, the U.S. has advanced $22 billion in military as- sistance but the governments in- volved have spent $141 billion of their own money for defense. ‘The sharp rise in Communist . aid_to some 18 non-Communist “underdeveloped countries — one billion last year—is a warning we can’t ignore. Our own program + You have probably observed that when @ woman enters what formerly was exclusively a man’s field and tries to clean it up, she spatters her- The Man About Town 3,026 in Contest Largest Number Since It. Was Started 12 Years Ago Income tax time: When the _ fellow who swore off on Jan. 1 is swearing again. Good sports to the number of 3,026 en- tered our baseball contest before the clos- ing time Friday noon. The one who pre- dicts what player will be leading the American League on the night of April 23, and comes the closest to predicting his batting average, wins the prize of $250 US, savings bonds. This far exceeds the number of entries in any of our baseball contests since they were started 12 years ago, being 378 more than last year, which was the largest up to that time. The entries cover a wide variance, in- cluding 126 players. Those who got ten or more votes were: Kuenn, 311; Kaline, 177; Mantle, 154; Bridges, 118; Bolling, 101; Fox, 94; Doby, 73;, Williams, 66; Runnels, 55; Jensen, 51; Calavite,.51; Cerv, 47; Skowron, 44. Harris, #3; Malzone, 38; —, 37; Howard, 33; Power, 30; Tasby, 28; Sievers, 27; Martin, 26; Maris, 26; Yost, 26; Minoso, 25; Callison, 24; Wertz, 23; Kubem,: 18; Bauer, 17; Berra, 17; Triandos, ‘Boyd, 15; Nieman, 15; Bertoia,’ 15; Smith, 14; Lollar, 14; Landis, 13; Piersall, 12; Maxwell, 11; Goodman,-11; Robinson, 10, Woodling, 10; Slebern, 10; Lopez, 10; Vernon, 10 and Pearson, 10. 1 —---=“Phen-receiving-from-one..to-nine. votes... the. each are 81 players. ‘ —_— _-My favorite Girl Scout cookie salesgirl is Katharine Widdifield of 60°Ottawa Drive, who has a conversa- tion line that sells the cookies. ~‘ The opening of. the baseball season causes that inveterate fan, * Harry Millhouse, to remind me that ‘twas 55 years ago to- ~ day that the hot dog was first dis- covered by vendors at a game. Its an- nual consumption now runs into the bil- lions. The family dog of . Mr. and Mrs. Alanson Freuyler of Waterford has never chased cats. But. the other day he tried to catch a wild rabbit, but didn’t have the speed, and now he chases every cat he sees up a ee Writing me from Gattinburg, ‘Tenn., Art Blossford says the Great Smoky Mountains have © added 150 new motels since last spring. ee ‘Verbal Orchids to- William Batcheler of 65 East Ann Arbor 8t.; 83rd birthday. Mr..and Mrs. Bertram Brearley of gia! Harbor; 5{st wedding anniver- sary. SO ‘Ray M. Ackerson | of Waterford; 87th birthday, . Mrs. Jane Mansfield of Lake Orion} 80th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Cari Palmer tity hit iu Méeting at a ; Summit _ David Lawrence Says: Proposed Labor Laws Inadequate _WASHINGTON:— The ‘American {People may not realize it yet, but oh gry pooh we Rete de session that really Re 8 2 itl i pointed out that the unions alone cannot stop the abuses. Here is am excerpt: “Q. Do you believe that the labor legislation now pending in the Congress will provide adequate power to curb these abuses? “A. Adequate power? Frankly, these abuses could not be stopped bythe unions alone. The trade union movement is trying to do ~ what it can in this field. We think we have some moral responsibility ‘to do this. “But the AFL-CIO has no legal responsibility to curb corruption in union locals. We aren't a law en- forcement agency, and we don't have the power of subpoena. We couldn’t possibly call a trade union official before our council and say, ‘We are suspicious; we don’t like the way things are going.’ ~ “Certainly we would not hesi- tate to, take action where we had -preof of wrongdoing or corrup- tion. But we must have the . ‘proof, and we haven't got the machinery to go ‘out and make these investigations. “It is quite obvious that the real ‘answer to corruption, whéthéer in unions or anywhere else, is better law enforcement. Nobody runs to every time a cashier defaults or somebody on the- inside, robs ‘a bank—they expect the local district attorney to handte that. “When companies engage in busi- ness frauds, nobody runs to the Chamber of Commerce or the Na- tional Association of Manufacturers and says, ‘What are you going to do about law enforcement?’ No, they expect the local district attorney to do it.” * * * This correspondent read the fore- going quotation. to Senator Mc- Clellan and asked him for his opinion on it. The Arkansas senator said: “They say they do not have the power, and that is correct. can’t stop a Hoffa. That’s why laws are needed. If they had the power, and would be diligent in exercising it, we probably wouldn’t need additional laws, or so many laws. “But they cannot deal ‘with peo- . ple like Hoffa, and it’s imperative nt a te ntarcninnonies rtes a The Country ‘Parson: . that we enact laws to at least curb —you never completely prevent crime of any kind. * Q. I-wonder why the local dis- trict attorneys haven't done more on this? eers—that elemé¢nt in them. There’s no question about that.” All this points up to the fact that labor unions are not at all analo- gous to trade associations or groups of businesses, The labor unions have a monopoly power. They get it out of existing Jaws and also out of the refusal of Congress to include labor unions as within the jurisdiction of antimonopoly or antitrust laws. * * * y Labor unions have rot only a monopoly power in being able to fix wages in an entire industry, but they have a monopoly wowed! with respect to memberships. In some lines, they can prevent’ an applicant from getting a job. They can force a member out of a union through various devices and de- prive him of his means of liveli- hood. This type of potential coercion makes it difficult for anyone who is aware of corruption to give testi- mony to the law enforcement authorities for fear of punishment by union officials. No such power over the individyal is held by_any other trade organization or private association of any kind. (Copyright, 1959) the dead, nelther marry, nor are given in marriage.—Lake 20:35. *® ¥ * Happy are we if on the body of the resurrection we can bear the face with which victorious Christians leave the earth.—Sam- uel Duffield. Dr. William Brady Says: . Colitis, Ulcer May Mask Hidden Vitamin Deficiency Many medical textbooks are vague or silent about the nutri- tional deficiencies of diets fdllowed by persons who have anemia, col- itis or peptic ulcer. Functional disorders due to in- sufficient daily in- take of vitamin B or vitamin C, for example, are masked by the symptoms of the disease and so the patient™ gets less than the maxi- mum benefit from treatment. This is particu- ae epee aes DR. BRADY sands of wiseacres, ninnyhammers, persons with—a —little. knowledge, misguided ones, credulous cus- tomers — choose your own cate- ory — who think they have ‘‘mu- cous colitis.” e I maintain: ay that exponive mucous is a consequence, not a cause, of the colon derangement which pefsons with a little know!l- edge call “mucous colitis”; (2) that flow of pus (suppuration) from the tooth sockets is a-con- sequence, ‘not a cause, of the jaw degeneration commonty known as “‘pyorrhea alveolaris”’; and (3) that exposure to cold and damp has nothing whatever to do with chronic joint disa- bility whether: you. eall it “ar- thritis” or rheumatiz; . If you think you know more 5 then I do about these conditions, pay me no heed. . As an intern I learned a lesson about diet, A patient in ore of the wards suddenly collapsed and died of shock, At ‘autopsy we found one of the ulcers in the ileum per- forated by along thin tough curd of milk.* diet, chiefly milk, was used exclusively then. A few years later, when I was attending physician on the staff of another hospital a patient with duodenal ulcer suddenly collapsed ‘and died, and at autopsy we found the ulcer curd that wag as hard and tough as gristle. These experiences taught me that neither liquid nor soft diet is "better than solid food if the pa- ‘tient hungers for something to eaf. > As for the management of pep: . tie atcer, physicians today gen-. erally. agree that the patient , Should have anything within rea- ’ son, provided (1) he wants or craves it ahd (2) has the equip- ment to masticate it, [ = with peptic (stom-, duodenum) PS eens by amilk . better on four or five meals a day than on two or three — small meals rather than ‘‘square’’ meals. They may well have an extra snack at 8 or 9 p.m. and again at bedtime or in the night. (Pieces to follow will deal with “Smoking and Ulcer’ and ‘‘Anxi- ety and Ulcer’’.) * * *® tters, not more than one words long ease, diagnos: he t: mT Me 9 Rieter Leddressed Busey %e sent Press, Pontiac, Michigan. "(Copyright 1959) be ‘‘free''? ‘Why Not ok Acamort”* _Lake Huron-Water?’ - Now that the City has again voted down improvement. in sew- murder about unions, taxes business — - and building a system. By educating the public you can help improve the business climate. Manvel P. Shelden ‘Here’s Some More Soapy Opposition’ The wild man in Lansing now — proposed five billion (yes, billion) dollars a year for ‘world aid” and he says the U. S. should contribute three billion of this in addition to the 3.3 billion we are already do!- ing around. Someone ought to call the paddy wagon and have him put away.4/ He may inflict physical injury on himself. Taxed to Death — Williams wants U.S. to contrib- ute three more billion to the 3.3 billion we are already pouring around the world. Why doesn't he come home from making speeches in Toronto and everywhere else and try to dig Michigan out of the mess he created’ right here. New Republican Smiles Some day we're expecting some movie folks to spend their honey- moon in the divorce court. * * * Ap alarm clock that would go off like corks popping might get some my men out of bed. * * It's a wats of time to drop a line to a fish if the fish doesn't answer. “They Can Keep ‘Fireman’s Job Is to Fight Fires’ * * * If they're dumb enough to climb up, let ‘em climb down. Leave them alone until they get good and hungry and they'll come down without the fire department, the poliee department or the Humaine Society. Public servants must spend their time doing what they're paid to do. Very Indignant cast or . Case Records of a Psychologist: Crane Votes Against. Twin Beds Luella brings up a vital point which all newlyweds should keep in mind. For insomnia and nervous breakdowns are often due to erotic maladjustment. Twin beds may thus be a sympton of sexual ignorance, so study this case and then be sure to send for the medico- psychological booklet below. It will help banish insomnia and the need for sleeping pills. By DR, GEORGE W. CRANE CASE B - 407: Luella M., aged 23, is getting married in. a few. weeks. “Dr. Crane,” she. began, “I read an article recently in which a scientist said it. isn't as restful for a married couple to sleep together. “He recom- mended twin beds, But a m article I’ saw a year ago said that hotels are now twin beds, so the Order twin beds or a double bed?” TWIN BEDS? _ Happily married couples usually ' prefer the double bed. That's why hotels are finding the ‘trend is back to the double bed and away — ~~! twin = idea. * The bal tte likes to ‘tingyle her head“ against her husband’s | shoulder as 4 pre-sleep prelude. ‘And she likes to reach out and Sen ne eee be ee ed wt Sometimes, of course, she will place her cold feet against him to get them warm. In hof weath- er, however, people like to toss and roll from side to side, so the twin beds have an advantage in this respect, . For such a tossing sleeper would often disturb his shared a double bed. Even so, the usual married cou- ple will still vote for the double bed, depite hot weather. And modern air conditioning is undermining even this major argu- ment for the twin bed. IN & TWIN BEDS “Yes, Dr. Crane, but what about insomnia?’ Luella asked. “If a person can't go to sleep and wishes ‘to read a_ while, wouldn’t'a twin bed be less dis-— turbing to her mate?” Yes, that is often trué, but if a wife sends for the. booklet be- low and uses the ideas outlined therein, she is never likely to be bothered by insomnia! Senual frustration is one of the common causes of insomnia, On the other hand, a satisfied ‘not likely to want any sleeping ’ pills or_other — aids to put them to sleep. > Sleeplessness is ania ‘symp- tom of sexual maladjustment. A devoted couple want to be mate if they So newlyweds would be wiser ‘to order a double bed for their i But a double bed is not com- plete insurance for a blissfd] wed- kok * n Mérriage, a stamped return envelope, plus 20 cents (non-profit). It gives this ‘additional technique needed to avoid divorce as well as sleeping Pills, ; * tk lec Always write to Dr, Gestee Crane in care of The Ponti ss, Pontiac, ee he Feo EE ee ce es Se No ek ee ee es ES Pes = x x \ \ . i ’ f i ih i 5 eS j 2 ea i j : eee if , tr ee ~ * ee : Be ee Lae 4 Bs eoSe.: : : : Be pee? f * j ; ; ee | ' 4 | Z ty * 3 | f : f : y ; ; j ' : i PY $ i - i % oona ihn er hiae a ER ponTIse PRESS, fonpay, APRIL. 13, 1950" cee nsistor S158 Billion Yearly Siting Says Yes. that: both sail St Yee femal Wiel Tina de tle. re and resell themselves when|er, It must be functional, too—for housewife gets them’ home. storing, display, and} . Harley Earl, head of his De-jeven preparing and serving of the petten tem, anys: 8. packagpipreduct i Wp hyené. “ hecsome 3 ee EVERY NIGHT T To 9 pee eiditiieniiad Meare: thet seceded [make the man the package makes|— “And industry is now spending 15], ees : }billion dollars a year to wrap the Monday through Saturday = (tit |materials for manufacturer and ond eer shipper andthe final product. for you: This is 350 per cent more jthan it spent just before World? War It. * * * Research engineers are thinking up new packaging gimmicks jcon- stantly — paper that stretches, aerosol. metal cans that measure : Oe. # exactly anything from a drop of Versatile natural color . matchstick bamboo tiers -_ flavoring to spoonfuls of flour, pa- for only. pennnies a pair per containers in. which - frozen : In afi | foods can be cooked electronical- i -—* ales, sea ake | r. . : y ly, polyethylene coated paper : i Cc pouches in which precooked foods yeeros ‘ 24x26” : a. : can-be made ready for the table ‘ . < os oe - | ‘ PAIR by dropping in boiling water, rig- id opaque paper -containers for sale in supermarkets of bras- : sieres, panties and socks, * *-* NEVER AGAIN The competition is growing—tin cans, glass jars, squeeze bottles, that sick feeling tube, 0 pllccgigg i Real pace-setters in window decor fot. any room in the home from living reom. to bath. re Airy, easy to clean, ready to hang on cafe | rods. Arrange them many ways, top with a | smart valance. Hurry to Federal’s, save! rane A ate nernenns 99¢ pr. 36" tiers :....V 19 pe. oo i when LARGE INCREASES ° ie Robert H. Evans, Olin Mathie- 52” va ie __Weeert a valance ........ eve 66¢ oat that since prewar days sales of gas’ Pie i. ee erfio paper and paperboard have risen : ov es ‘|439 percent, metal containers 284 2s ioe ae pet cont, ceria and solid Natural matchstick drapes __ ainers per cent, sani- ° os. } ‘ , tary food containers 1,415 per cent, in a wide variety of sizes paper bags and sacks 554 per cent. 24x54” pair 1.44 ; Last year 403 milliof pounds of 24x84" pair 2.44 ‘ cellophane were produced, or dou- 48x54" pair levine” San 8 Toilet ALLANGLE Plunger §f i——_—acre 3M meets g William C. Stolk, Anierican Can 72x84" pair 744 , president, says half of his firm's 1958 sales were of products un- known 20 years ago. He expects ; . . e the industry to produce 555 million 2 : ®@ Accordion-action design aerosol pressure cans in 1959 and Matchstick rollup blinds No cash needed for : . sales of spray paint cans. to hit ; : ° et og to flex at ony angle. 1. 8 oe oo sasiuon. ap 10 ailtion freon 1958.| ° _for indoors, porch, patio terrific home values Stolk hopes for big things when yi se UD 6 occ 3.98 , , : the price comes down on alumi- ny 1 Sree 1.79 7x6’ .... 4.98 , ole? ae, num cans, now used for motor oil, . i 2.09 . 8x6’... 5.98 aatts i @ Double-size cup blasts oa ee beer and aes —— fillets. AKG! oor cserssseee 2.69 9x6’... 6.98 iP. “Chains F ! ry . double pressure directly wi | ae op ee HBr: “The Can Manufacturers Institute oy > Ae | (> eens A f~ ¢ : ‘ puts 1958 sales at 42 billion cans at obstruction. P gee Fh | and looks for a better 1959. The Kraft Paper Assn. expects that in- j ‘ dustry to produce a record 2,800,- ‘ Sa ee a 000 tons this year, The Folding @ Tapered suction-grooved = , e % Paper Box Assn. of America il gives air-ti frees ig says new orders this year are 4.3 tail g oir-tight fit. \per-cent ahead of last year in dol- lar volume and 1.9 per cent_ahead in tonnage. sesennes Tenens , ‘i . of mene :_ ~ * * e Pilot-tail guides plunger = Pe John Warren, technical advisor ‘ * te ¢ to canter of dro= 2 | ot the packaging division of the Looks like any ordinary pillow... : 3 American Management Assn., pre- j * l ; can’t skid around. “ag dicts a 30 per cent rise in the in- but oh, it f ¥ and sleeps! dustry’s production by 1963, part- ly due to the expected growth in population with the increase in needs, and partly due to the steady trend to more prepared Ordinary plungers just don’t seat properly. “Toilafiex” has a powerful double-sized products packaged for easier sales They permit compressed air, water and cup that blasts more than twice the and ready use. sludge to splash back. Thus you not only amount of compressed air directly at the SHow NEW GIMMICKS ' TRI-LEVEL . | . BED PILLOW down. Can't miss! “fence in Chicago this -week some have a mess, but you lose the very pres- obstruction. The full pressure plows As his assaciation’s Netiousi . | down in » the outer Small duck feathers between two lay- sure you need to clear the obstruction. the clogging mass and swishes : - E layers and small ers of white down act like sptings you through it Packaging Exposition and Confer- =) duck feathers in the to insure buoyance and long life. ae F) middle layer. Corded edge, downproof linen ticking. With “Toilaflex”, expressly designed for 400 producers or suppliers ‘are toilets, no air, water or sludge can escape. Your toilet could overflow tomorrow showing new gimmicks. This unique, patented plunger assures a With a “Toilafiex” in your home there’s ‘ x «© * ; ~ snug, air-tight Rt ix any Seilet trap, vegaed- no problem, no mess, no expense; you Westinghouse ae i irene filled ‘Jess of irregular shape or size. clear your toilet with ease, in a jiffy. ling cost cutting signs for use Feether of aluminum, aerosol and display a budget pillows i cards. International Harvester washa low oe . , shows how to pack ‘service parts, P 25% turkey, 73% . : : F Reg. 3.98. Non-al- erushed chicken $2 : . . . with emphasis on requirements. of : ; Worth its weight in - $ Guaranteed Life-time ‘ the armed forces, Parke, Davis is lergenic, quick dry- feathers, Cotton : Gold because it works Insurance Against demonstrating production control ing, resilient. 2.99 percale ticks. where others fail Clogged Toilet for automated packaging. Royal 23x29" ...... 4. 44 Size 20x26". ] 28 ' * one McBee has a polystrene cocoon for shipping heavy preéision equip- ment, General Foods is exhibiting) its gourmet foods. operation. * * *: Impulse buying is a prime prob- lem always, But Dr. Myron J. Helfgott, head of the Package Re- Fully Guoronteed ee AT MOST .HARDWARE STORES Ah. Sale! Hi-lo washable scatters | at wonderful savings now! . 27x48” T 77 % “a5 ZIT 4x6 eee 44 Y Big sallens at reg. 2.49. Footprints seem to ~ bounce right off the high-low geometric de- _ sign. Non-skid backs. 12 decorator colors. PURCHASE of YOUR CEMETERY MEMORIAL!. Pontiac's leading memorial company offers this opportunity until May 30th. Prices include Lettering, Floral Carving and Delivery to your cemetety let. Add foundation cost only. SELECT xOUR MEMORIAL FROM OUR DISELAY. — SEE WHAT YOU BUY LPrv00, to 40% DISCOUNT on the | | | | SHRADER LARVEY R. LAR, ao | ' 4879 — (936 je Ce A. ROBERT H. —-HEST.. 1696 ~~ 1926 fa9g heey : Companion Markers — 35 in Stock 32 Companion Slant Faced Markers . ; Les a PE Bic " ‘ " " " 3S t $65—$75—$95 | = 6 Mein a nekes. sn ae ® rales . Martex part linen | Sale! Heavy plastic Sale! 7 feetlong... | Anchor mattress pad — . REDUCED TO $128.00 ~ OFFICE AND PLANT OPEN DAILY 16x32" dick towel nlp maticess covers’. (niaged Tp Tene. Ftompletey wee =a" 2 8 A.M to 8 P.M.—SUN. 1 to 5 P.M. | 29¢ me he - gas 27° aa ‘Long wearing, extra size, Reg..2.19. Strong quality, . Reg. 2.99, Just what you - Sanforized, will not shrink, _ E ” | super absorbent . . . that’s welded seams for greater neea_for spring traffic! White Estron filling, an- . PO NTIAC G RA N IT E what ‘the name ” Martex strength. Moisture and Non-skid backs, washable chor band keeps from slip- : | means in dish towels. dust-proof. Full, twin. cut cotton pile. 12 colors, 4 ing: a wash, 4 s 24” fong, 12” wide, 4” high 8 ' Reg. $55 value. Ci i White, colored borders. Pillow protector ..... 39¢ Hurry to Federal's, save! BO ss ccsicosvenays tee ae 839" , and MARBLE CO, i prote ve 24” long, 12” “wide, 6” high ,o mae GEO. E. SLONAKER & SONS' Siieraices..949" - 269 Oakland Avenne Pontiac 17, Mich. o 6 Hig g he hy cane j . Aa SS a pel ee ee a . fe gee ee eee Cee oo Eee Meee Seeks es ea 2 ene ear ae Ce a a ee ee Ce ra ar oe ee ee Mee cae as ee ee ee ema ae ae re se a ae a ae ae toe ly ee ee ee a ee a ee a ee aw ee We ie ae sas de aes eee ee | ee} Se “ies” ie ee Lg SOT SY % < See VALUABLE COUPON — Top Value Staimps WITH THIS COUPON AND ANY $3.00 OR MORE PURCHASE Coupon valid through Wednesday, April 15, 1959. Limit pne coupon per customer. bel: Hay So i a U.S. homes; i ae ‘join bay 0. new car, : : nS yesterday 2 = _ © don’t settle for less than you're entitled to, he Scioscia 7 ‘And before you buy, remember this fact: | —Abtodaysprices... ANSWER: THE DAILY NEWSPAPER. A recent study by the Market Research Corporation of America revealed that “88% of all U.S. families had a news- Lo this | paper in their homes yesterday.” And Sindlinger & ~ ‘Company, analysts, report that on an average day, some 100,000,000 people (12 years old and over) read the ig newspaper ! The daily newspaper comes closer to reach- fests, SeRics ingot cartomers than eay ether medium under the sun. aes Qe CHRVSLER 0 AS Sameeonvom | THE PONTIAC PRESS > I KROGER EARLY WEEK SPECIALS Te on eae aa PS ee —_ ath ey — pee TON arene i ssc - r 3 . == KROGER GLAZED 1 Ss SAVE 14 i -. FRESH-CRISP WE ee eee ee RL PO ge ee Roe oe ee ot: cue Ce Sn ee ee Sor Oe S| pe tee. ee a \ Be UR a a e ‘ i ] a Hg f x ae é THE PONTIAC PRESS, MONDAY, APRIL 13, 1959 Ne In the Soviet Union 80 per cent “ot the college students are paid by|don the government. to go to school.|he Soviet professors get up to $60,000 @ year plus, in some cases, a sum- mer home and a chauffeured car. But their freedom isn’t even-aca- demic! * * * What do you pay for medicine? The average prescription now costs $2.90. And more and more women are getting notions of a career amid the lotions. Some.12.1| per cent of students in pharmacy schools are women. A milk cow really enjoys being on the wagon. She drinks between 12 and 15 gallons-of water every day. . SLINK OR SWIM Definitive: “A Bikini,” says ac- tress Paula Hill, “is a garment in which you can either slink or swim." There is a lot of blue-sky specu- lation about space today. We ac- tually may have worldwide tele- vision in another decade but it is highly unlikely you or your neigh- Births Recent births in the Pontiac area recorded in the Oaklang County Clerk's Office are listed below by the name of the father. PONTIAC Reme!l L. Cooper, 8647 Eldridge Bugene Cox, California Rogers H, C.: Dayis, 484 Fourth dames E. Davis, 4 Hillside Donald A. Dawson, 5812 Oster Gerald T. Dennis, 88 Euclid Rapdall W_ Ebersole, 18 Mary Day Alexander Efemenko, 2570 Empire * Charlies P Edwards. 734'y W. Huron Theodore W_ Elwood. 1065 Tecumseh Richard G. Ervin, 2196 “Garland Albert R. Flored, 4389 8. Saginaw Joseph H. Flores, 2065 Whittemore dames M. Pritcher, 221 Aubura John E. Garrett. 2345 Opdyke Isidoro Garcia, 45 Feneley Billy L. Gibbs. 244 W. Cornell James L. Gillespie, 431 8. Edith Homer’ E Gilder Sr. 65 Utah Bernard A. Giroux, 2431 Walnut Donald L. Goodwin, 232 8. Anderson Russell Gonzales, 507 Nebraska Thomas H. Gothard, 2233 Mt. Royal Encch M. Greaves, & BE. Montcalm Kenneth Griffin. 264 Wiitam A. Greer, $12 Stanley Charlie C Evans. 603 Ditmar Morris Fox. 590 Meadow William D. Gray, 221 Chamberlain William C. Gray. 1225 Hiller Wilhe 8. Green, #7 Branch Richard A. Haddad, 1090 Lyn Sue Gerald I Hamilton. 627 N. Perry Hubert D Hardy, 368 Highland John W. Hargett. 226 Norton Donald F. Harmon. 2856 Crooks Witiam R. Hayes, 200 Bassett Elvis J. Refner, 2560 Haliman Thomas L. Higginbotham. 4692 Charest Robert H. Helimann, 2499 Parcells Joseph C Hensel. 27 Oakhill Fart R. Henry. 5019 Cass Elizabeth Lk Hariey W. Henderson, 93 Victory Jimmy Hopper, 93', EB. Princeten Ralph L. Horning. 2741 W. Pike WATERFORD Gerajd F Mayo, 2900 Williams Lake Samuel Minard. 3394 Lotus William C. Merz, 3845 Beoetay Lane William LeMarbe, 3894 I Arthur L. Bamunds, 2096 ‘Ken ord Witltiam 3. Paught. 2937 Oranacerove Harold G Penner. 2928 Ro BIRMINGHAM James L. Rice. 4076 Country Club Edvard Roberts 27460 Farmingdale Rehert L. Vedder, 288 W. Lincoln Walter O. Wikol, 187 Wimbleton’ Wesley L. Mueller, 2996 Dorchester Donald R. Lynch. 32435 Madison Wiitam McLaughlin, 171 BE. Lincoln Guy PF. Mastrangel, 24800 Parmbrook Paul C Kennedy. 4185 Meadowilane Frederick W_ Lamb, 716 Ruffner Norbert G. Laskowsky, 2602 Derby George Lidger. 1192 Emmons ' Richard BE. Gibson, 4475 Par Hill Theodore FP. Gerak.'20439 8. Gate Robert F. Good. 973 W. Dartmoor Rodger B. Emmert. 165 Westwood Richard R_ Deskin. 3345 Pad ton William M Drescher. 1552 Henrietta Frederick Campbell. 2245 16 Mile Arden L Clack, 1996 Webster Jobn P. Cleary, 14933 Birwood Donaid A. Crook. 25325 MeAllister Kent R. Bone. 2635. Heathfield John F. Touscany, 1713 Derby WALLED LAKE Benjamin Bundo, 1723 Robell William C.- Heath, 1818 Swaney John E Jurtunen, 270 Decker Victor C. Kimmel. 2122 Glencove Jackie D. Hall, 1002 Oakley Wiliam D Snyder,. 5663 Carlburt olan, Russell W. Ortwine, 4095 Donald P. Pelkey. 388 Walled Lake Robert L. pres bY ag Pontiac George T. Pudduc 2903 Tadiana David L Rikef, ite Maril yo * ‘ * + Promoted to Fire. Chief LANSING ® — Mark Keenoy, . 44, q captain with 17 years of service, has been named new Lan- sing fire chief. He replaces Charles Decker, who recently retired after 41 years with the department, It pays to choose QUAL- ITY CLEANING in money saved on wardrobe replace- ment. Call Today Pick-up and Delivery FE 5-6107 GENEY 12 WEST PIKE ST.. Park Near Our Door Municipal Parking Lot r} tee a\bor wil make @ tourist trip to the) State. Building, which’ required ‘/dirtys asthe air over country, some-362 ‘physicians have served moon. million man hours to build, re-|@7e@8.. in the U.S, Congress. ence teh hint wale success than superb self-assur-/!0 1 year and 45 days. ’ : ace. Andre Maurois once \ The United States ‘speds aig Cniners.'16 Site Sen Goveened: on) mpe now hold jobs outside thelon the ground. “Bernard ‘Shaw thinks — hims Jf) Million dollars @ year on greater than Shakespeare, i does, enn the ao Speaking of swimming, drown-|quency? think it as it-IT am!" (Well, | probiem. . tor car did lea leave a larger estate. than|* death. to Americans between the|they tell us there are more i We Sell We Advertise! ) FRESH AIR ages of 5 and 44. The 1958 toll:}1,200 islands in “The. Thousand| Reminded that: Congress has ef ~ * * If you want to breathe clean|6,000 lives. Islands.”’ frowned on alleged of are rising in mid-|over forest or farmland. City Manhattan today, But the Empire|is usually at. least. five times Even veteran New Yorkers are|air, go to a desert. Desert air has| Is there a doctor in the house?|} It was Alexander Dumas, ficiency flying, Jackson: told the CURT’S APPLIANCES be amazed. at the speed with which|half the impurities than the pen en there have been a lot ofjelder, who observed, ‘‘all human] subcommittee a definite plan has 6183 pai ‘Gra a moth ers” Getting Younge ee eas cae 5 ~ [Plan Would. Pare | ¥ | i | WASHINGTON, (AP) es: armed services expect to save 4 ‘ aoe million dollars 4 year in flight pay| The. U.S. Navy builds more than Four out of every 10 American|by cutting down proficiency flying| atomic submarines and airctaft}mothers with children of school] py officers whose whose regular jobs are| delin- ‘ jestimate to a ‘House Appropria-/ a cause of accidental What can a men believe? Now/tained in testimony made public than) today. the House, Since its beginning, |words—wait. and Ny rules. aa PS POOL rR ats SOUS aeigs coccnmeeconere POET Aa, gpI. rp ao, Bee AIR per, You di : Ooure steadier... ~ - | ‘ ...in a road-hugging Wide-Track Pontiac! | - Take all its beauty, balance it grace-. at the controls, more comfortable from : fully on a wider, steadier wheel design ~ head to toe. There’s a noticeable lack of and you have a car the likes of which lean and sway: Narrow track cars fall . you’ve never owned. The wheels are five far short by comparison: Wouldn’t this , es en 7 ; ae aa } : THE ONLY CAR WITH WIDE-TRACK WHEELS inches farther apart. This widens the _ be a good day for you to drive this sweet Dotted lined show ‘enieventionsl: wheel pest stance, but not the car. You’re secure ‘automobile? The keys are waiting: , ak. “This whiene oly the stanter hot the : _ car itself. Pontiac takes a better grip on : a . oe J oe a ee tighter on —_ partie - AR 9 , ride PONTIAC! AMERICAS NUMBER (1) ROAD CAR is smoother, balanced, ateadiet. Moy ame eS _ qa es * . ; : uve. BETTER BY hay, ; j : SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED PONTIAC DEALER IN METROPOLITAN PONTIAC , Sertapedic mattress and box spring - rest at the angle found useful for cardiac sufferers, asthma victims, as well as for those with hay fever or other ‘respiratory ailments, including the common cold. ~ « HEAD DOWN —> Sertapedic mattress and box spring rest at an angle very frequently pre- scribed in circulatory disturbarices, pregnancy and pet-eneee condi- tions. : BOTH ENDS UP —> The hospital-bed height is convenient for care of home patients. If you have any symptoms of illness’ consult your physician for the Tilt- a-Bed.position best suited for you. beneficial Sleep Angle! er Doctors have long recommended the useful effects of sleep- ing on an angle Doctors have enthusiastically acclaimed the introduction of the new SERTAPEDIC SLEEP SET with the Tilt-a-Bed action. Physicians with _ patients who suffer from conditions — which can be benefited by ‘’sleeping on an angle” welcome this Jatest - Serta development .. . the Sertapedic Sleep Set with Tilt-A-Bed action. "29% Come i in today... . see this revolutionary Sertapedic~69 Sleep Set Find out how you éan own it for very little more than the cost of an ordinary mattress and box spring. _ Frame . Only ADVERTISED IN THE JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION gegegege Now inspired by the Tilt-a-Bed Action...a new /kind of truly modern mattress The SERTAPEDIC-’59 A “PERFECT SLEEPER®” MATTRESS in bs ethan new models! plus these ‘ f eatures: "matching box spring with synchronized support) | @ Patented Sertaliner.construction—ribbons of steel! that distribute weight and give permanent support. © Special tuftless construction—smooth-top luxury! @ Smart, durable decorator-designed covers—reinforced at seams! © Evenly-spaced breathing vents—constant ventilation! All this "for only (All available w with specially engineered F Twin or fll soe. Matching bo spring ot some low cox. ="798 ER COMPANY te eee : | i jAc Rawat Pe Che crt iunze Duwi _ <= . Portions Conpony 361 SOUTH SACINAW sTaeer Ny « BONTIAC ‘Sanday 8 A.M. to 3 P.M. “ i ss § t will star May 23 at the big Jef ferson - Jackson Day fund-raising 4- -_- Flocked Nylon Sheers! Lawn ’n’ Leno Prints! Dan River Plaids! Full-Sail Sailcloth! PENNEY’S ALONE . OFFERS YOU THESE — QUALITY FABRICS AT ONE LOW PRICE! For next-to-nothing, you create the loveliest summer outfits when you sew with Penney’s incomparably beautiful fabrics! Pick Dan River Tissue Plaids and Lawn ’n’ Leno for floaty §, dresses with an arctic aura! Pick’ Nylon Sheers for party | stand-outs! For your sporting lift, you'll love the way Penney’s ; Full-Sail makes up into pert match-ups! All washable, wonder- fully wearable fabrics in exclusive Penney’s designs you won't find anywhere else at this special low price! ‘yard only she ‘Enahie | how little she spends... (she sews with Penney Fabrics) \ Penney’s Celebrates 57 Years of Bringing You Better Fabrics for Better Fashions! Now it’s Wash~n Wear little or no ironing Needle ’n’ Thread BROADCLOTH 49° Yord Now! Superbly styled, ’n’ wear*! Only ‘at Pen- ney’s such top quality, varied assortment! maximum shrinkage. *prints and solids wash | “*Little froning needed. Preshrank . Penney’: s “Woven Sport Terry 9S< Yard For bath, for seat cov- ers, for cabana fashions! Brights, blazing colorful . solids. Thick, thirsty cotton terry. : White |...... 19¢ Yard twinkle, t twinkle CHAMBRAY 719° Yard Stroked with gold, glint- ing fashionably, See how Penney’s new Mylar woven chambray stripes light up your wardrobe, your home! 36-inches wide. Full Cona Woven SPORT CORDS 98: Yard Beautifully designed cot- ton cords in pastels, solids, sportswear and flowered patterns ... all coordinated smartly: Ma- chine washable, maxi-' mum shrinkage 1%. PENNEY’S MIRACLE MILE Open Every Week Day, Monday through Saturday 10:00 A.M. te 9:00 P.M. PENNEY’S DOWNTOWN ee Monday and Friday 9:30 A.M, to 9:00 P.M. ‘ Gvery Other Week Day 9:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. hs _THE PONTIAC 5: PIEss. MONDAY, APRIL re 1950 _ Gov. Willams and the Democratic ie : pty ot = Federal School Funds i proof... nie i for moth crystals. JUMBO GARMENT BAGS Heavy gauge plastic gar- ment bags, holds 14 to 16 43 _ dress length garments . ’ dust, moisture and inoth . 27” RUG RUNNERS - for stairs, hallways, bedsides, in front of daven- ports, Candy stripe or plain grey ' Avisco Rayon woven in at- _ tractive textured pattern maicas, shorts, 1 oe was ne tn acrilans, washable sacs gp Rela | eotton waffle ;Plece short sets... weaves, wool sizes:3 to 6x, 7 to 14. tweeds. 3 to 6x, 7 to 14. ‘ SECOND FLOOR SECOND FLOOR “ oS Ae ae eee. St pe See ee ore ee ee ae a ee eee ere es ANTIQUE SATIN DRAPES Solid color lined drapes and #|. modern printed unlined An- | tique Satin drapes . . 4 ae P ah - Ready to hang... hangs in we 48x90" full folds . . .:48"x90” size SEW YOUR WAY TO SUMMER BETTER. FABRICS j PAT g Weer} Pr 3 yds. “*] » : Yeu sill tad vevcoles, beendadothe, ateion seenada regulated cottons, Dan River and Everglaze cottons . all better fabrics at this low price! — Sore omen renGmaaeen us wthOeeee 22O@e cece 06 OS® 0190S S OCW: ; v CANNON 81x99” 5 BATH MUSLIN } ' $ TOWEL SETS * SHEETS | 2 tw $1 Bath | i= quality, ¢ campus ... perfect PLAYWEAR | COATS Sizes $] your $ ip CHOICE 7-14 3 for S$] Hand ; om 6 tw SL cits |, jumbo 24” x 46” § quality...snow bath size. white. o ; ® Ideal for’ cottages, t e 3 e 4 e THIRD FLOOR THIRD FLOOR @ 16” x56" ’ DOOR MIRRORS ‘3 Sturdy Wooden frames in natural or white... THIRD FLOOR Plaids, - 72x90" ; Extra , “BLAMCETS i Sach ee oe ..10% orlon blends THIRD FLOOR i of 4 i fers, Be tray ter x a1 NG | —t-2 i 23 + 0O@ Cams Ces + COTS S CEES 6 © TEM? © -creeD 086+ e 6 @ Peery ~Yttt io o-vennetmane a 1&2PIECE =| ONLY 46 Children’s GIRLS’ a yt SPECIAL! GIRLS’ DRESSES Adorable cotton fashions in florals and checks, cOm- pletely washable... 3 to 6x, 7 to 14. SECOND FLOOR Aluminum Cahopy “style fold- ing aluminum strol- lers, ‘folds flat . yell built... SECOND FLOOR — ahd pre-shrunk, — women’s sizes 32 to «38. ee ne ee Le eee CR ene® oa --es pant suits coats, boys’ and girls’ corduroy coats ... Excellent styles . . «. sizes 11% to 4. SPECIAL! Boys: Suits . . . Toddler arn Tartan plaid jackets, washable : . » « Girls’ acrilan © niversary Special! 11 ONLY —WOMEN’S WATCHES Guaranteed against mechanical detects for 1 full year styles . . small and medium. | 120 ONLY-MEN’S LONG SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS Here are newest fabrics and styles . prints ... bulk acetates and new vestee styles ges ng sleeve . cotton jacquard ° $ comfortable casual styles .. gold or silver color with comfortable stretch bands... "ka 8] 6 Fe ee 36 PAIRS__WOMEN'S SPORT SERVICE OXFORDS Black and white saddles and genuine leather suede flats . $3 . sizes 5 to8...AA and B widths. _ , 30 ONLY—WOMEN’S WHITE DACRON UNIFORMS Here is a real value in better dacron uniforms ... Dacron taf- fetas, dacron and cotton textures, sizes 7 to 2414 ee sizes). Hurry for these... ~ 29 to ei > Sturdy sanforized cotton twills 1414 2 to ties ee pants sizes 34 to 42. . inseams . grey or khaki color... SPECIAL! MEN’S MATCHED UNIFORM SETS - ... shirt sizes Ll. 15 Shirts : 2 00 * Pants. 4 16000 SED— Dems © O08 @eee cours Sainentttanreen cpmtetemeaet Tee. Low Price Includes cas ° » TF. Standard Size Poo! Table "© 2 Cue Sticks” ” @ Rule Book ° Triangle 9 16 Balls © Chalk So FINE in Sasliny that | we recommend this pool table to schools, veto oyer any — ahd con-/ motels, hotels, camps, oes test a og: ‘clubs. Shop and com- Qe pore... you won't find “such quality features ~—— including fully en- closed ball return! Fun for the whole family! od ks veto as a device that would per- iin a’ toc ean | ations of inspection teams open the way for sneak tests. PAY ONLY POOL TABLE . WEEK! Strike Brings More | Molasses, Less Sugar HONOLULU (# — Hawaii's four- | jmonth sugar Sirike in 1958 caused | a drop in sugar cane production, | ibut raised molasses production by | (2,500 tons over the 1957 figure. * * * | | ‘The Hawaiian Sugar Planters! aoe, explained that the strike re- isulted. in lowering the purity of! cane juices. Because the juices \contained less sucrose, more of | the non-sucrose content was avail- able for processing into molasses. | bb North Saginaw St. | 6 P. M. to 9 P.M.) a0 ros wii ay il sical THURSDAY ene! PN yee ene Mp ENDER EA LE AEE REIN, LOIRE OT ...YOU GET SECOND § [rain ror OnLy >> oo Boilie OunensanueunUEneanauneencenennce -350 PAIR CASUALS . LADIES’ DRESS SHOES © Including Pumps, Straps, Ties * ‘Values to $12.95. pecial $2.00 Pair “SECOND PAIR. ™>—> TERRY CLOTH SLIPPERS : Famous Moke "H. Bugs” Values to $5.00. Special $2.00 Poir SECOND PAIR _—> 1,000 PAIR LADIES’ DRESS SHOES * Broken Lots of Famous Makes 7 to. $17.95, Ag $6.00 Pair te ‘c Park Free With Purchase of $2.00 or More! 3 Open Monday and Friday Evenings Until eon . Next to Federal’s” get Be ; 2 a ge awe ee Be gees Esky E % Saginaw St. — ee iE e a4 . : + fe PY = 0 oar a ea aa aa - e * i = « * ee teh : ate ji z a 4 : F ee _ “ A 3 ae : : : Y ‘2 ; . ‘ “ae | i | a ae "y es =| ae & & ee f fei gee ¥ ‘ ‘ ; ye ig . us = A a i 5 ae % i a J = q ys —— — f : 4 q coe e] ee : i ; ee ‘ e : ‘ ¥ , ; | ) s | = pear? 1 i | a € = oe : 4 ee . & . 3 es tia a Rae WR sae aRAE ~ REGULAR SALE PRICE for FIRST PAIR!!- wv os <>O 7P>rro”°. Just 23 Skirts, Wools, Tweeds, Gabardines, Values to 7. 95 Just a Cotton Blouses, slightly soiled, Values to 7. 95. that Give You Real Fashion! ~ that Give You Real Savings! New Spring and Summer Arrivals! Repitie 13.95 Values ~40° _ new poplin raincoats matching hats, sizes 7 to 15 15 > s> - a ES Es sae, ae BSS ae i gO Spring Suit Sal pring our \Not’a special purchase, but suits from our regular stock from outstanding makers in fine Forstmann, Regular 17.95 Values DOLLAR DAY PRICE tweeds, telgas, navys, greys, beige, plaids. Walking suits, brief jgckets, in misses’ sizes 10 to 20 and ; briefs sizes 10 to 16. Veelangs to 89.95 ... now ‘48 to 568 SS dil ii i s t et \|l|| || 29.95 dresses... . dollar day price... 39.95 dresses ... dollar day price... 49.95 dresses .. . dollar day price... 59.95 dresses... dollar day price.... JH] 69.95 dresses. ..dollar day price... Jacket Dresses!. Silk kinens! Silk Prints! Pure. , 3 100 new shirtyciet dresses seal 4 , famous Serbin drip-dry cottons in Stripes, plaids, solid colors, 10 to 18 plaid lined, balmacaans, trench coats Pea Ses Sees aS MSS _Hundieds. of. Spring Dresses). +} ~ Costumes, Resort Wear Fashions . to Wear Now and All Summer! - $1 9/ Imported Cottons! Dacrons! Linens! Silk Shantungs! , . Silk Shirtwaists! Misses’ 10 to 20 and Briefs! Only $1 and $2. Sinniies Sie Rail . $26 $31) $37. $43 Silks! ‘DAVID CRYSTAL SUITS . / Imported . Belgian Linens | ai} . Grey, Brown—Sizes 12 to 16 , ; -” Regular $45 Values........7.. | te weg i oe é Fhe La nena are = | sports vars, licated . Gusees fron our 100 styles “hn Starfire . . . Columbio . . . Keepsake and Orange Blossom mountings . . . Custom - made mountings ... Everything you desire is here! 14Kt white or yellow gold! Carved design on diamond-set mountings! Modernize your rings at minimum cost! Free estimates! Extra Special Beautiful Solitaire Mounting a 1 88 Extra Special at m \up, from condemning and punish- No Money Down, 50¢a Week RESTYLE YOUR DIAMONDS | [tradition Hearing ses ig _|for Trilck Scheduled | Soviet sports. It was set off a year ago by a string of stunning defeats and scandals involving some of Russia’s most pampered * * . The sinveerteaiis slowly built ing individual cases of failure or corruption to changing selection and coaching methods and to a review of basic planning methods a Russia's state-directed sports eur in si 1 os néw organization, western observ- ers thought that one of the main reasons for the change was to lib-|SH¢ 18 an expert performer.” eralize and loosen up the whole rigid structure and atmosphere of onylet: sparta, ence still will be exerted on the|‘¢r ber execution. new union through its trade union| Moore purchased Dorothy from and young communist league rep-|another circus after she per- resentatives, it could be a nes formed a headstand on her train- es Gets Commutation _ to Life i in Zoo ical culture and sports,” 4 minis- prema alive to Tulsathis month, | Geode cape — Director Hugh Davis of Tulsa’s elephant will be taken from here to her new home April 22. " Studying the draft statutes of the Davis said Dorothy will be used strictly’ for exhibition, ‘‘although * * * It was two faulty performances 2% which caused her present owner, =U a SEAT ke CUSHIONS. ses f iia a pleaty of political inftu.;uCes ener Jack ‘Moore, (0 ar- that logks much more like a west-jer, crushing him te death. for Sunday. A storm « proesti 97 w Hu ern-type “Amateur Athletic Union”| He thought he could rehabilitate| followed. So did Davis, who came} + Timea than the old sports ministry, et Biro ema but two -weeks agojhave Dorothy for the zoo. Moore] : Market Tire Co. . He has been a senior official in both the Soviet and the | International Olympic committees. | “The (new) Union’s principal | task will be.to make sport one of the basic means of improving | people’s health,” Tass recently | quoted Romanov as saying. But Romanoy failed to explain TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (UPI) — Gov. Leroy Collins will hold an' extradition hearing this afternoon at 2:30 for a man wanted in Mich. igan on gambling graft conspir-' acy warrants. :troit gambling suspect, was one of | warrants charging conspiracy in| the suburb of River Rouge in) February. | weeks before the others were | to fight extradition. Deryck and Assistant Prosecutor} Paul, Slack of the Wayne County | the state at the hearing. They | \flew to Florida Saturday. | The other defendants were bound | over for trial April 1 after exam- ination before Common Pleas | ‘Judge Thomas A. Kenney. . | $25.00 Value SF, ‘MICHIGAN'S LARGEST JEWELERS’ 24 NORTH SAGINAW ST. | Small Town Stuff: A city slicker | ‘tourist inquired of a native in ‘New England, “What's your speed | jlimit here?” The native answered, | “We don’t have ahy. City folks! can't go through here fast enough | § . A rookie soldier § to suit us” . jwas asked what they call a man) who refuses to fight. He thought a while, then answered: “A bachelor.” —Eari Wilson. | Russéll Trilck, downriver De- | ; eight defendants named in the & | Trilck left for Florida: some |& picked up. He surrendered to j Florida police Feb. 25 but elected | | Caiet tial lawyer Raymond al Prosecutor's office will represent | j Shop First at Barnet’ for These Great Big 150 North ‘Sogharw Street THIS COUPON SAVES YOU $17 119 of Our $55 Hard Finish All Wool SHARKSKIN SUITS $ Heré’$ "a terrific bargain! Good hard finish sharkskins im year ‘round weights. NA wool, Hurry! ob a> 2 Days Only at This Price THIS COUPON SAVES YOU $22 AND MORE! Just 85 of Our $50 and $55 FINE TWEED TOPCOATS These are very choice. All smartly styled in, the latest tweeds . .-. the kind you'll be ‘proud to wear. Be sure to see them! ‘23° 2 Days Only at This Price ON FAMOUS SPRED SATIN REGULAR °6*° — ww *h49 GAL. Save on quarts, too! Reg. §2'° — now $1’ (in any standard ready-mixed color) LIMITED TIME ONLY — > APRIL 13-2 _” @ Dries in 20 minutes @ Wash brush or roller in water @ Most colors cover in 1 coat - @ Touch-ups won't show You can wash or SCOUR it @ No unpleasant odor e No thinners or extras to buy @ No brush or lap marks © Goes ontwice as fast as ordinary paint Use in kitchens, baths; basement walls, too . © 202 detorator colors - ; e > Goldtone Tile Regular 15c each. Beautiful patterns. 11° : Corktone Tile Three shades. Makes a marvelous floor. Asphalt Tile “Cc COLORS “A98 $ per ctn. 80 pes. 9x9 W. N. McCAN DLESS Quality Floorcoverings for ‘the Entire Home - 11. N. Perry St. ; FE 2-1026 ; 4 smash value! — - THIS COUPON SAVES YOU $2.90. AND MORE! $3.95, $4.95 and $5.95 Washable SPORT SHIRTS Good looking patterns in choice colors. Cottons and rayons, some } en: A Tt ) __ WHILE THEY LAST! — THIS COUPON SAVES YOU $6 AND MORE! $21.95 Smartly Styled GABARDINE Raincoats | Regulars, Shorts and Longs. 716 While They Last! Hurry! THIS COUPON SAVES YOU 97c Entire Stock — Washable $3.95 POPLIN ual JACKETS a? ta Choice of 4 colors. All sizes. THIS COUPON SAVES YOU $1.95. or MORE | Entire Stock $2.95 and $3.95 SPRING CAPS Hurry! They’‘tl Sell Fast! . | 2 Days Only at This Price Let Nothing Keep You Away! Don’t Be Sorry You Missed These Big Savings! THIS COUPON SAVES YOU $25 175 of Our $75 Hard Finish All Wool Sharkskin SUITS *50 | = ae value! All year ‘round papas tig mete, all palit prong longs and sho THIS COUPON SAVES YOU $10 AND MORE! Just 42 of Our Popular $25 and $35 SPORT § COATS: 2 Days Only ot This Price Smart’ tweeds, shetlands and. 'corduroys. ee in regulars, shorts and longs. A steal! YOU SAVE $7.90 $9.95 Crease Resistant Worsted and Dacron Blend SPRING y, (u ‘T2 SLACKS Charcoal grays, browns and blues and. light shades, too. Never priced so low! . THIS COUPON SAVES YOU 197 “Long ‘Sleeve Washable- Orton 4-HOLER SWEATERS * $59 98 The fellows are all wearing.’em now. Pope ular colors, all sizes. A terrific buy! YOU SAVE $1.00 Famous Brand : | y for 3] : $1] FANCY SOX 2 Days Only at This Price - All sizes—all first quality cottons and nylon stretch sox. OPEN MONDAY NIGHT ‘til 9 P.M. You Don’t Need Cash! . MEN'S STORE. | th Cher te tye apelal i | dow fie -E “ae ” “Ht a j baal $40" ux Johnnie Walker 86 N. SAGINAW gloves with blue knit wrist. go 29¢ Pr. i or | | Eden Suffers. Attacks, Comeback Is Unlikely fered his second attack of his long- time liver ailment. since returning) ing from a rest in Mexico last month. _ $Sir Anthony was ordered to take things easy, dampening specula- i Rear d re-enter politics as a member of the House of Lords. He is 61. Steel’s biggest customer is the | automotive industry. Forty-four per cent of all sheet steel fabri- .cated is consumed in the manu- facture of automobiles. Live FE. 2-7795 Binetter. by far with a brand A state chairman who supports | Vice President Richard M. Nixon | for the nomination said he knew of similar activities elsewhere in| behalf of Rockefeller. He predict. ed Nixon's backers soon will be! doing the same kind of campaign- It was explained that Rockefel-| ler himself is standing aloot from these activities. He is holding to} the line that his only ambition is) to make a good chief executive for his state, * * i It was noticeable, however, that | the governor lost no time in mov- ing one of his closest advisers, | George L. Hinman, into a seat as | Republican national committee-/ man from New York, Hinman will | be in a position there to keep | close tab on an- organization in “FOR : MONDAY EVENING J AND TUESDAY Take Your Pick From Connolly's Window THE GOOD OLD acne ih Ming aii * A ‘| | SURPRISE PACKAGES a BOXES CONTAIN — Ladies’ Jewelry — as Men’s Jewelry — Crystal — Silver — Sersuinterss —~— Clocks — Birthstone Rings — Diamond Rings — Yatenes — Watch Bracelets — Gift Items and Novelties. - He Maisie isd gane _ WEALSO # HAVE TWO OTHER — PRICE PACKAGES. a ne ee ee ren pic Sains for) your dollar. ra ome OPEN TONIGHT ‘UNTIL 9:00 FOR THIS. SPECIAL iene ett AND MANY ITEMS WORTH $10.00, $25.00, $40.00 AND $50.00 Every. item. is a viabeal item and.a tartitic bargain. You will never get a better value which a majority of members ob- viously favor Nixon for the par- ity’s 1960 presidential nomination. | * * * | The Rockefeller forces appear) ‘fully satisfied that the commit-| tee’s new chairman, Sen, Thurs-' Just take your pick S 00 from the boxes in our window or in the store. Pan - YOU MAY > BE LUCKY AND GET A BONUS PACKAGE WITH ONE OF THESE ITEMS: Diamond Ring Set. Val. $50 Diamond Engagement Ring. Value —-—-—$31.50__ Man’‘s Bulova - Chronograph $65.00 Value ‘Ladies’ Birthstone Rings $20.00 Men‘s Rings $10.00 to _ $25.00 Value EVERY BOX CONTAINS A GUARANTEED VALUE OF AT LEAST $2.00 |ton B. Borton of Kentucky, will | learry out his pledge to remain| Ineutral in any Nixon-Rockefeller contest. | voted solidly to hold its 1960 con-| ;Vention in Chicago, the week be- | ' ginning July. 25, Ima Washout says she’s sor. |Ping around for a doctor who'll} ‘order her to a better year ‘round, | climate for her health . . . Aj 'woman may be weaker than a }man, but she can put a lid on a. ifruit jar so tight that he’ll never | iget it off . . . A woman’s art is| the ability to look up to a man| ‘who's shorter than she is. a 1 500 sheets 81,x11° ruled. 3 ring |, filler paper — a real 98° bargain at only...,.... | SPECIAL VALUES on Genuine Leathercraft BRIEF BAGS - mange ee Sorniag with | ~ se $14.50 ne eee tetova eterna re ee ee New. Siock Only! We have only 12 to sell ; at this pricel tte Printing | & Office Supply. 17 w, Lawrence — Brand New Spring Merchandise at: Substantial Savings t E | New Spring. COATS 29. 33. 39. were to 49.95. ° —New Spring: SUITS 24. 35. 48. were to 65.00 Walking Suits Included = New Spring SKIRTS B90 Were to 5.95 New Spring HATS 1/3 to V/2 Off SWEATERS White Bulky Knits oo _ Were to 10.00 Re, rennet cl no rita a Extra Special New Spring MATCH SETS Blouse and Skirt 6° Regular 10.95 Value BRAS Famous Make Discontinued Styles 7 yoo # Ww at Time of Purchase PARK FREE Have Your Ticket Stamped » y PORE Ci oy i Re as dh aes 4. + Reser ose tS a Lae ee a ay pears ice ; : * Bebe: behind the scenes of the Pontiac Sym- phony Orchestra play an important role in the sucess of the organization. Left to right are. Mrs. Fred Coleman, who is responsible for the program booklet at each concert; Mrs. James Rosenthal, who prepares Dedicated Back-Stage’ Workers What'sBe By DORA 5. DAWSON Whien the Pontiac Symphony Orchestra closes its season of concerts April 21 at Northern High School,. fine music will be enjoyed, but few wil] real- +ze the unsung work that has been done by a score of willing, Shower Honors Bride-to-Be Arline Green A miscellaneous shower hon- oring Arline H. Green, bride- elect of Leonard Sheffer, was given at the home. of Mrs. Douglas L. Green on James K boulevard. Arline, daughter of Mr. and _son of Mrs. Sinda Sheffer of Prescott, will be married May 15 at the First Free Methodist Church. * * * Guests invited to the shower were Mrs. Green, Mrs. Sheffer, Mrs. L. J. Green, Mrs. Marvin Middleton Jr., Joan Strine, Eleanor Gingell, Joan Turner, Mrs, Lewis Turner, Mrs. Eu- . gene Green, Mrs. Gerald Green, Mrs. Henry Fosmoen, Mrs. Marie Cix, Mrs. Robert Petersen, Mrs. Fred Green, and Mrs. James Marsh. . Women’s Unit of Symphony to Meet Monday Mrs. E. D. Foley of Locklin lane entertained members of the Women's Association of Pontiac Symphony Orchestra at 1 p.m. today. Philip Steinhaus, organist and choir director of All Saints Episcopal Church, was guest speaker. He presented a re- sume of the orchestral num- bers to be played at the April 28 concert at Northern High School auditorium. = Mrs. F. J. Moreau was ‘social chairman for the coffee baa a Runnette-Proctor N uptials Solemnized ; Christ Church Cranbrook was Runnette of Detroit, The Rev. Robert L. DeWitt and the Rev. Jones B. Shannon of Washing- ton, D.C., officiated at the wedding. Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs, Edward Alexan- Married - Saturday were Mary C. Proctor and © Creighton W. Runnette of Detroit. Parents of the couple are*the Edward A. Proctors of Birmingham - and Mr. ‘and Mrs. Alexander C. Runnette of Pittsburgh, Pa. 4 interested people ‘vho have worked behind the scenes. They have fulfilled jobs that have _-ben: a necessity to the suc- cess of the concerts. Good at- tendance is a matter of in- nate love of music, the per- suasiveness of members of a selected ticket committee, or the result of publicity, window displays, posters and individ- ual effort. To go behind the scenes — at each rehearsal there is the business manager, Lillian Las- _ ka, who signs. {m each or- chestra member, keeping track of attendance and turning this report in to the treasurer of the executive board of the management, SERVES AS CONTACT Miss Laska acts as a con- tact between the board and the ps music notes for each Sir lovinnie: Mrs. Roger Welton, who recruits new talent, and Lillian Laska, Each of. these women has the business manager. Ponting Press Photo devoted a. great deal of time, talent and effort to make the Pontiac Symphony a success. Mary Rathbun Married. in Auburn Heights Rite A white floor-length gown of lace and net over taffeta was worn by Mary J. Rathbun for her marriage to Bruce B. For-' bush Saturday evening at United Presbyterian Church, Auburn Heights. Some 130 guests witnessed the cere- mony. , The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Rathbun of North Eastway drive. Par- ents of the bridegroom are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Forbush of Auburn Heights. * * A semi-circular cap of lace secured the bride’s fingertip veil, and she carried a cas- cade arrangement of §shat- tered carnations and ivy. SISTERS TAKE PART Grace Rathbun, sister of the bride, was maid of honor, gowned in ,blue. Bridesmaid Janet Rathbun, sister of the bride, also wore blue. Flower girl Shannan Walls was dressed in a pink frock. x* * * Best man was Ben Forbush. , Emmett Morse ushered, and ringbearer was Michael Herr. * * * Btu — balk-seacala ——Fellowing-the..ceremony..the__. der Proctor of Birmingham and Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Creighton Runnette of Fate burgh, Pa. IN TAFETA AND LACE The bride wore an ivory- silk taffeta gown with an open neckline appliqued with Alen- con lace, The floor-length skirt formed a chapel train. Her 4 ee ior se ae pcm So RMB ica AR ED oh RSI ot MRS. BRUCE B. FORBUSH new Mrs. Forbush changed to a pale blue suit with navy ac- cessories and a pink corsage for traveling. The couple is re- “siding on Paddock street. Mr. Forbush.attends the De- troit College of Applied Sci- ence... : ind Symphony? Ushers, generally young mu- sic are chosen for ticipated and listed, as it is the desire-to make the or- chestra an ever-growing one in the area. * * * ‘ Another feature that takes Mrs. Fred C Coleman, tor each concert. Items, personnel lists, advertising and program material have to be adjusted completely . and capably pre- pared by Mrs. James Rosen- thal. * * * Music planned for each con- cett is worked out with di- rector Fraricesco DeBlasi, and the music committee, Mrs. Ce- lia Merrill Turner, associate conductor; thal; Jay Jacobson and Mrs. Ferdinand Gaensbauer, * with ee Hall, All Saints Epis- copal Church, is humming with’ activity today as exhibitors and committee members set the stage for Pontiac’s 1959 An- tiques Show and Sale, opening Tuesday for three days. — Center of the activity is Mrs. mantilla of Alencon lace was from her mother’s wedding veil, and she carried a bouquet of white roses and ivy. * * ® Cynthia Chisholm of Laurel, Miss., was maid of honor and Mrs. Charles C. Alexander of Cambridge, Mass., was. matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Mary Fowlkes of New York, Eliza- beth Partridge of Hingham, Mass.; Sally Beardslee and Mrs. Clune Walsh Jr., both of Grosse. Pointe; Mrs, Richard T. Flood Jr, of Pomfret, Conn., and Ellen Eagle of Durham, N.C. All wore dresses of aqua silk organza over silk taffeta and carried bouquets of Gar- nett roses. ASSIST BRIDEGROOM Best man was Gray Merrill ot Poughkeepsie, -N.Y. Ushers were Robert Runnette, the bridegroom's brother; John K. Runnette, a cousin; William Brownlee, Hudson G, Samson, Dwight D. Foster Jr., and Victor O, Friday Jr., all of Pittsburgh, and Edward A. Proctor Jr. and Woods Proc- tor, the bride's brothers. * * * A reception was held at Or- chard Lake Country Club, Fol- lowing a honeymoon in Ber- muda, the couple will live in Royal Oak The ford Junior College and the bridegroom is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh, bride attended Brad- ya re man fie and “solving~ problems, -Re-—. porting to her on pre-show tick- et sales are Mrs. James Hamp- ton and Mrs. Eva Dyer. Members: of the Michigan Weavers’ Guild are arranging their handwoven articles for their exhibit and sale, to be held in the Girls’ Clubroom. Robert Tricker, general chair- of the show, directing trat= eel eri” ee oughg, FRESE {EER Tea 1H ie at he veg EGER" 282°" 85 Ht att letalie! Pine Lake Club home for the board meeting afternoon. At'1 p.m, Wednesday, the club will hold its regular meet- ing and luncheon at Rotunda Inn. This will be a closed meet- ~ as officers are to be elect- Feted at Shower A pink and blue shower hon- oring Mrs. Melvin McDowell was given by Mrs. George Mc- Glone and Mrs. Delbert Bur- nett at.the McGlone residence on Cameron avenue. The fragrance of freshly baked + orange and date-nut breads and, roasting turkeys comes from the kitchen -as cooks prepare for the buffet lunch and tea to be served daily. * * * On the balcony Mfs. Horace ~— all .and.Mrs.-Norman.D: er and their committee } with care the fragile and aaee ious heirlooms loaned for the occasion. Antique quilts, hand- woven coverlets and shawls and hooked rugs will be on dis- play here. Notable among these is a pieced quilt 150 years ‘old hand- 4 Selécting geraniums to be used as table prizes for the benefit to be given by Pontiac branch of the Woman's Na- tional Farm and Garden Association are left to right, Mrs. Milo J. Cross, Mrs. A. R. Young and Mrs. R. S. The club is sponsoring a Nelson. The Student, Junior and Sen- ior Groups of Pontiac Tuesday | Musicale held a joint recital Sunday afternoon at Fellow- Musicale Groups Stage Recital 1 et eee Sisterhood Slates Talk by Former Local Rabbi A red and white coverlet, handspun, dyed and woven, is being shown through the cour- tesy of Mrs. Marshall Smith, Mrs, Smith’s mother was only 12 years old when she fash- —=—tonedt this fovely- fabric: maton en ae PAISLEY SHAWL ~~" ~~ Mts.-- Ross Stockwell is lending a double paisley shawl, woven in the Paisley Mills in Scotland. It wes a treasure of the late Judge Stockwell's fam- ily. Two quaint old bonnets and a velvet cape, also from Mrs. poser ae will be modeled dur ing the show, A man’s shawl, relic of the days of Lincoln, has been un. packed by Mrs. Arthur Mac Gregor. When it was worn by her great-uncle he was a young schoolmaster and considered quite dashing. * contemporary and were” made’ from authentic early American, =_ by Mrs. Edward Kar- A nw 68 fink wobl bi bight red and cream stripes, a wed- ding present to Mrs, Whitney Prall’s-mother, is being shown. ‘benefit bridge April 29 to furnish a=” room «at Pontiac General Hospital. : Mrs. Cross is opening her home forthe = ‘affair, Mrs. Young is chairman of the © | benefit and Mrs. Nelson is dssisting © with aerprgements:” 53] ni ii ; j fast cieaalead tad Gate #2 rh + z 3 ‘ al : iil Hl: ie ; ill int The show, sponsored by the women of All Saints, will be open from 11 a.m, to 10 p.m, Pi | i | HSE i 263 sq. in. viewable area Fhe GO0D HOUSEKEEPING 7 of PONTIAC. 51 W. HURON: ov Biggest TW Treasure Yet! 1959 Motorola 21” IN BLOND WOOD FINISH 3 acoustically matched speakers, Swiv- el consolette, premium rated tubes, controlled tube neat, 230" Tv Looking for @ Birthday. Gilt? MOTOROLA | Push-Button Clock Radio Go to Sleep Switch— Wake to Music $]2 > ‘WEEKLY Open Mon: & Fa: ‘tHLO PLM Big 17 Inch MOTOROLA | PORTABLE TV Ideat 2nd Set ’ Built-in Antenna 158 FE 4.1555 : A] de te th te a th et te ot ee, a a ee A te ak es Ls ts ws blair FOR YOUR “OD WASHER fi ON THIS NEW DELUXE I ffF24Y fA ffL4 ff ff 2A fA ff ZA ff LE ff Z4 / — , > "4 fa Sy . ere i 0 AY ! S | p ~ Sw Q v 90 DAYS AS CASH 5 B) Your Electrical Appliance Specialist D) 121 ¥. Saginaw omic eer 5-6189 ELUIAIAJLAA Ea. Marbach at a meeting of the Ree fF EE i W258 7 3 Fp : . iE 5 3 Fas ies Church “Women Discuss Books The Year Book of Prayer for missions and missionaries in February-December Group of First Presbyterian Church Fri- day. Members met for a-lunch- eon at the home of Mrs. Don Cotterman on West Iroquois road. Mrs. Merle Voss reviewed the study book “Ever Widening study on the subject, “‘The Spirit Speaks to © the Church” was led by Mrs. Willis Brewer. Cohostesses were Mrs, Earl Downing, Mrs. Edward Mann, and Mrs. Clifford McLean. E ~ SPECIAL shen!“ fanaa 75 __ PER WEEK For a Course Individually Designed for you! . ‘ The Famous HOUSE_OF VENUS Guarantee: ! 3 MONTHS FREE ' 2 EG it Rie Dalton reo to, eee ere nee ewe ee Because you're differ- ; ent... FREE, private figure analysis and trial treatment. No obligation ... ever! Analysis, Call FE 4-9582-3 House of Venus ~ Figure Salons “COnTROL tose CURVES | | AT HOUSE OF VENUS LOCATIONS IN MICHIGAN AND NEED 100 NEW CHARTER MEMBERS~ Keep the right weight in the right places through guaranteed spot reducing .., slenderizing . .. or su- pervised weight gaining programs of House of _ Venus. Visits arranged for your eonvenience, eooD ) gga oud ! — CoasT TO 1 OVERWEIGHT: . UNDERWEIGHT ’ COAST } Lose 15 Pounds — sae teers : ’ vend Walst off Hips —improve Posture and , —— take on ay ‘ " one inch oft Ankley measurements. mas MILE SHOPPING CENTER, S. Telegraph at Square Lake ha ia y Recess 18 -to: 18, Boe. - Fel. <— 10 t0.6 Sat, : = Job‘s Daughters Plan Style Show for Wednesday “Thru the Ages Style Show,” and cup and saucer card party, sponsored by: Bethel 40, Order of Job's Daughters, will be held. Wednesday at Roosevelt Temple. Barbara Cole is general chairman, . Other ‘committee chairmen are Marilyn Vernon, music; Nancy Newcombe, re- freshments; Doreen Santala, decorations; Judy Oles, tick- public. ‘Tickets may be pur- os oe Mayflower Unit Holds Meeting ~ Mayflower Group of the First “Congregational Church met at the. Franklin road home of Mrs, Arno Hulet. Mrs. Ray Falk gave a resume of the life of Sara: Josepha Hale, editor of eee aaa were discussed for the -breakfast. ~~ April 14: Guests were Mrs. Malcolm Burton, Mrs. Karl Ostbery, Mrs, Peter Cummins and Mrs. Donald Hogue. Slivered preserved or candied [ginger is delicious ‘added to canned Bethel 40, Order of Job’s Daughters is sponsoring a fashion show, “Thru the Ages Style. Show,” and cup and saucer card party, Wednesday at Roosevelt Temple. Brides and attend- ants gowns will be show beginning with one that is 75 years old modeled by Barbara Cole, left to right, and end- ing with a wedding gown of today. Others modeling are Doreen Santala, center, and Retire Jo Brannack. ip Fy: Meet t Your’ Friends ids'for =). - LUNCH or. 104, Ne Browse among collectors items . ~All Saints Epi piscopal Church 171 W. Pike Street the group_will_ serve __| the Pontiwe PT'A* Council: on “} Mary Lou Darnell Speaks Vows at Kirk in the Hills A double-ring ceremony per- formed Saturday at Kirk in the Hills united Mary Lou Darnell and Peter Skillman Ros- . borough. The Rev, Harold C. headband. Her flowers were DeWindt officiated. white camellias, The bride is the daughter of Ww © .f Bridesmaids were Donna Chayer of Beloit, Wis.; Judith Rowland of Rockford, Ill; Mrs, Alfred J, Rosborough Jr. of Birmingham, Patricia Sie- frid of Royal Oak, Mrs. Wil- liam Geary of Berkley and Mrs. William D. Myers of Roll- ing Meadows, Ill, All wore gowns and carried flowers identica] to that of the honor ATTEND BRIDEGROOM Alfred J. Rosborough Jr. of Birmingham was best man. Ushers were William Geary of Berkley, Charles Rankin, Earl Henderson, all of Birmingham; Carl Vogel of Royal Oak, and Kenneth Roberts of De- troit, Scott Brian Wallace, a nephew of the bride, was ring- Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence T. Darnell of Bloomfield Hills. Parents of the bridegroom are Mr, and Mrs, Afred J:. Ros- borough of Birmingham, — - | IN RENAISANCE GOWN — Given in marriage by her father, the former Migs Dar- beige ‘silk dress and a cymbid- jum orchid for her daughter’s eae. Mrs. Rosborough was in navy peau do soie “with matching hat and wore a white orchid. = Following a reception held at the home of the bride’s par- ents, the. new Mrs. Rosborough changed to a beige wool cos- tume suit with matching ac- cessories for a two-week trip to New York City, After April 23 the couple will be at home on Coolidge —_ in ont Park. MRS, PETER 8, ROSBOROUGH nell wore a candlelight Renais- et sance - period dress of import- ed silk taffeta’ trimmed ‘with snail Rosborough * attended peau de longe lace, Her illusion |) 0. and Park veil was secured by a Juliet cap, and she held a colonial bouquet of white roses, lilies of the valley and orchids. Sister of the bride ' Mrs. Beverly Wallace .of Chicago, - Qut-of-town__guests present were Mr, and Mrs. Lauran L. Rowland of Rockford, Ill,, Mrs. Ann Chayer 6f, Beloit, "Wis., and Mr. and Mrs, William D. i of _Arlington Heights, FE 4-0682_ Furs by Robert presents — “Fabulous Furs “Spring” “.. gt A Special Showin Mon., Tues, Wed, April 13, i“ and 15 Birmingham: | Store -- Albion Alumni to Hold Dance . John F,. Seely Jr. of Bir- mingham will be reception chairman for the Detroit Albion College Alumni Association’s annual dance May 23 at the Red Run Country Club. Dancing will be from 9 until 1 a. m. Other ‘ committee . chairmen are John A. Ferry of Farm- ington, tickets; John P. Barry of Berkley, dance; and Jack L. ‘Beauchamp of Detroit, general chairman. Tickets may be secured from wood court in Birmingham. crates Spammapetion Mr. Seely who lives at Tangle- . 436 Orchard Lake Ave. e 20 Fashion Hue Colors’ @ Water Thinned @ Completely Washable §=§ @ No Painty Smell | @ Easy to Apply with Brush ‘or Roller a ONE COAT COVERS! CLEAN UP‘I8 QUICK WITH SOAP AND WATER Oakland Fuel & Paint FE 5-6150 fete: Neumode-Hosiery--Shop eumode Dollar Days Sale! Nylons... with or without scams... . 2 pairs $1.50 82 N. Saginaw St. FE 2-7730 Z , be smort-tuon smart nic ane my DRAPERIES and SLIPCOVERS... | Cleaning that will (he™ brighten ~e pee, ea eens t ame ea _ pntnaand a a sf - 5 5h a At TT TN eC eam © So) ean oe =a ae iee? ‘COMPLETE SHIRT SERVICE 719. W. Huron, FE 4.1536 - Quality Cleaning Since. 1929 vo Pas f 23 : 5 3 si h s "a i int CHATS for your ||. further enjoy- ment, The expert |. Hi 5 oh? H sf ais cE ies oe ae ee - SUBURBAN BLUES*;} DEAR BLUES: Those “friends” who haven't the ood 1 meENG ¢ oan Pe aes Celeste er * 1B PONTIAC PRESS, MONDAY, APRIL 16, 1959 i\G : Bicory through” deserve to be “DEAR ABBY: . All right, Gate 5 toh te | ur Skippies — Cformfit ‘For Thin, Trim Hips and Thighs For the thigh control you need with the fashions you like, choose the right length Skippies by Form- Better Exercise Some, Men) #==:===3 |_— ! | é f i ‘hal RQshee rh lee i Alte i fit. Skippies take the easy way with light elastics that do a firm but thor- ough job of gently mold- ing. Under shorts, slacks, slim fitting skirts . . choose the EXACT leg [ WILLIAMK.COWLE] Custom Upholstery | 2S Yrs. of Practical Experience 205 Voorheis Rd. FE 4-2857 ‘| Getween Telegraph & Orvhard Lake | length you need. Satin” elastic front and t | EA leg band. . Waistline style wiior freedom. Removable G carters ‘(hiddea on thé 2 long leg styles). Machine wash, drip dry. Skippies Pantie No &59 — Medium length leg for greater control. &, M, L, XL. . 7.95 Skippies Pantie No. 869 — Long, long leg for maximum thigh control. S, M, Ip XL. GRADUATE CORSETIERE TO ADVISE AND HELP YOU TO A PROPER FIT Charge Accounts Invited when Careful Dan. cleans. your suit Of course you have favorite suits, as smart as the day bought them. Why not let us preserve their beauty and fashion lines with a trip through our careful cleaning process? We're particularly fussy about giving fabrics just the right treatment to get thent bright and sunshiny clear yet preserving texture and color. And when it comes to shaping and finishing, trust our craftsmen to restore every detail and line of the designer's styling. We mothproof too, and insute it up to $500 against moth FREE. But be sure Careful Dan always cleans your suits, other cleaning removes this protection. ' Free plesite bag with oll dry cleaning DRIVE-IN MAIN PLANT 540 S. Telegraph Road ° Good APPEARANCE | You Need GOOD - | Dry Cleaning Done | by FATHER & SON SAVE on CASH and | | ‘FE 2-6424 | FATHER & SON | CLEANERS Open 7 A.M..to 6 P.M. 941 Joslyne Cor. Mansfield (Office & Plant) orner 4 . DRIVE-IN: | | | * Berkley: 2682 W. 12-Mile Rd. geste Hit TTT ee rigs Hie iy li tL ; thi it lee : rs i F to Josephine Lowman in care of this newspaper, *x* * ® ak O98 ecm re aee spe tae i 1 ofeseneh Student. 7 NITES x ng when AUAINS |for Xi Chapter — A if é Sansa ‘ x . @ u : “ : % = oe ‘ fe i " a fos : of X1 i pe diy ola ics nay ai bis ening see. “HELEZT” ell dag patna ,of Delta Kappa Gamma So} a hurry because because it is disrespectful, Me ) Way an eN- ciety attended the annual dinner expecting a baby. . “He could call ‘me “Mom” | gagement is official is it a boy lia sat Win cant a from my C.0. | or “Mamma Helen’ or even pats the ring on the giles Oe tower Elementary Schael had to tell him the rear.| ‘Ma’ of if that bothered him I | ger and not unt, = ’ : bichaind has been eleven | wouldn't even mind him call-'| “Is she right, Abby, or could jBloomfield Hills, red atcha cia Nap amen nang s Lecomte re Seren Jacqueline Baron of Rouen, and she IS-a little | door and it's for me, he yells, | laughed at, and I don't want to Sagan sromye Damark Ta tetheg egy gape oe on te Se hile te aie ee spoke to the group shout | housemaid or something. I sup- telling i) says she thinks | pose this is petty and foolish, : BROWN EYES |her home and school life in France. |} she IS and sometimes she | but it is my problem and I'd | - DEAR BROWN EYES: I sus- i, © 8 & ISN'T. like some advice on what he | pect there is. a “green | Mrs. Alfred Rothweiler discussed this, Abby. She is | should call me. eyed. monster” in the picture, jnow these foreign students are pepretpay-E Tee amen. Don’t og on rrraeagtcaramline 4 peieat te “American Hgmaas. “ave. = : this woman. Will | make an issue of what this | have been officially made (as |Rothweiler is chairman of this You Get All This: hat to do with | , lad calls you. Real. “respect”. | . well as broken) via the mail- {work in Pontiac. Coretree Haircut = — payable on demand. | man. ee . + -* oe by’ 3 z 2 ' ee ~on *. DEAR SOLDIER: Overrule tf CONFIDENTIAL TO “THE |, nee oats nate. pe ‘ieaed Picnaes | her childish notions and ‘insist “DEAR ABBY: My boy- ONE.” What you iriaig to an educational center in : that she get‘some medical at- | friend is stationed in Georgia |, can’t: Cure-ENDURE, Dips Styled Set ~— tention—and the double sol- and I won't see him until next ‘$ wrong necking | Hostesses for the evening were , a dier! fe ng aliyg *summer, We have been going petting? Get ABBY'S |yrs john E. DeCou Mrs. Our Famous Guarantee: * steady for three years. and— Every Teen- Claire Hinckley. . - _ : A emnplete Way DEAR ABBY: I married a | everybody knows we are going ‘ants To Know.” Send ; bag nn as as man with @ l¢yearold boy. I | to get married. He wrote me | 2 cents and a large, selt-ad- peti i y « ¥s Teme Pig “a me ‘After heeanee ie can | Sagie,te wanted to send me | dressed, stamped envelope to | April-May Group Jo | : mother is still living (divoyced | When I told my girlfriend she | Fer's penomal won ene te | Plans Luncheon |. ) BEAUTY < and ‘remarried) but I do not ' said everybody would laugh at ‘| SSS % care of this paper. ¢ wae: habia: it toe, tet vy UN SHOP j..- Good for Your Heart was opened to members of the 7812 North Saginaw Street tee oa - April-May Group of First Pres- , > ; be 2 t Z ; a + | byterlan Church Friday Over Basley's FE 8-3560 | ‘ef FF, Als Conditioned a Mary Raymond Becomes Bride of Daniel Dropps af s ? i F AUDREY MILLER Mr. and* Mrs. Hugh Miller of Saginaw announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Audrey, to Wayne Magnan, son of Mr: and Mrs. Albert Magnan of Airport road. A May 16 | wedding is planned. Miss Miller sean attended Michigan State Uni- Bianth: 369-4; Saginaw Sti-~ f- ~~ Saino gate eae ge —|- 7 “Cerner Howard $t-—— | See ners ne TASS say | DRIVE-IN: Birmingham: Supply 993 $. Hunter Bivd. “i he Mary Raymond and Daniel .| cade bouquets of yellow car- Dropps were married Saurday morning at St. Michael ising ll Swi Me aii: il uy A gale i Everette Dropps was best of the couple are McIsaac, Donald Raymond, Mrs. George Ray- East Ypsilanti street | nard Raymond was ringbearer. and Mrs. Henry | BREAKFAST.RECEPTION A reception breakfast was dined ot | held at Knights of Columbus PERMANENT a wt lace with, a betes Hall. Before leaving for a 7 Depeche : The bouffant floor. | Dride changed to a navy blue with Set .......... ae ae ength skirt formed a chapel | Suit with light blue accesso- , ts train, Her fingertip veil of silk | Ties and the white orchid cor je ethan 8 a: was held by a double | S8ge from her wedding bou- £8 cee % az | of pearls and sequins, | Ts. ; . we: eee curelaegate tee | eet ne HAIRCUTTING $6 io ceed by n wae erenad er. Rayincad wore «. naty te an art wot ne eee on a white pearl prayerbook, | blue crepe dress with pink Oe se were | J in aqua and they carried cas | | : | | : : THE WORLD'S Finest. ZENITH nll fang. POCKET RADIOS || RATED “BEST BY LEADING’ dasy vind AND TESTING LABORATORY // =». 90 Days Same os Cash _ WAYNE GABERT “2 121 N. Saginaw. FE 5-6189° nc", a” Your, Electrical’ Appliance Specialist gees imran inten May Pd — 5-CH Gn a, if H -been i I a E« E Tas never gut to coma. Fist Venus Probe. Likely Next Month | WASHINGTON (AP) — The Advertisement) (Advertisement) lsbepenna eutalliny aunt mésaae as _ Science Shrinks Piles ©. 2t2™7,7,n"" em New Way Without Surgery sq, saint” Stops Itch—Relieves Pain oe, Fogel rity New York, N. Y¥. ( )—]| 2 problem!” And among these jpervision. He said a follow-up at- For the first time science has | sufferers were a very wide va- (tempt probably will be made in found a new healing substance | riety of hemorrhoid conditions, (June to send a satellite into the A National Aeronautics and] - with the astonishing ability to | some of 10 to 20years’standing. _ vicinity of . Venus. shrink hemorrhoids, stop itch- All this, without the use of | Next month’s satellite, equipped seer ewe pain — without orastrin- ‘with four rectangular fins, will gents of any kind. The secret is ‘wave a solar battery much more hi al hemorrhoid case after | a new healing substance (Bio- another, “very striking im Dyne*) — ae discovery of a powerful than the one contained ment” was reported end veri- | world-famous research institu- in Vanguard I, The first Van- fied by doctors’ observations. tion. Already, Bio-Dyne is in (guaid, launched almost 13 months Pain was relieved promptly. And, while gently a ieving pain, actual reduction or re- traction (shrinking) took place. And most amazing of all — this improvement was ‘main- tained in cases where doctors’ observations were continued over a period of many months! In fact, results were so thor- ough that sufferers were able wide use for amps 5! injured tissue on all te od This new is offered in ment form called H.* Ask for individ convenient Preparation H su positories or Preparation ointment with special ‘appli- eator. Preparation H is sold at all drug counters. Satisfaction jago, still is orbiting and its solar- powered transmitter is still send- ing signals. The fins on the planned satellite will provide more area for ga solar energy. NASA hopes new satellite, will orbit at a peak altitude of 20,000 to 30,000 miles, dipping to a low altitude of 200 miles. It le tain devices ‘to . measure. to make such astonishing state- | guaranteed or money refunded. 9° ments as “Piles have ceased to be *Reg. U.S. Pat. Of. mie rays and check Fnagnetic fields. You Can't. Pay The Regular Price our QUITTING BUSINESS SALE! Savé 20c to 50c ON THE DOLLAR ‘3 ur DRESSY DRESSES: °6.77 +g” UE HOUSE DRESSES i: *2.97 so Ss, COTTON DRESSES 2: 2.37 MISSES’ GIRLS’ ALL WE HAVE REMAINING PRICE or LESS WINTER. WEARING APPAREL 1/ sgr Gilg chi’ GWEATERS tu °2.67 *5® GIRDLES °4.77|°2" BRAS 1.97 age jet ~Miee BLOUSES *2.97 ‘4° GOWNS °3.97|4" SLIPS. °3.57 +g" JACKETS °2.97 STORE dabei SUN. THRU THI RSDAY 10:00 A. M. TO 9 P.M, FRIDAY & SAT AY 10:00 A. M, TO 10 P.M. OPEN 7 DAYS A ‘BS+| NELLIE’S 2 ‘Boys’ <- Youths’ Corduroy Late Rea ~ ° : ~ Coupon Has. No Cash Value, Please Give Te 3 Cashier Before She Checks Your Order Prices effective thru Wed:, April 15. We reserve the tight se quontities, |. 100 Pontiac Trail 45.8, Telegraph Rd. 398 Auburn Avenue © 636 N. Perry St. EXCELLENT WITH SPARE RIBS Viasic Sauerkraut Homogenized—Half Gal. Glass ILK _ Northern —White or Pastel ¢ Sealtest * Foremost ¢ Borden Half Gal: Ctn. 37¢ ‘FOOD. CLUB — Save 2Ic KOOL — ‘SUGAR weer Brag ae OF Off tuny Vac: j Calla Bn, DARTMOUTH FROZEN | 10-Oz. Pkg. Coupen ble Only at Wrigieys Through Wed., Apeit 18 [> | 50 EXTRA GOLD BELL GIFT STAMPS WITH PURCHASE OF $3 OR MORE ~~ifxeluding Beer, Wine ond Cigorettes - With 50 FREE wl Gold Bell Stamps Coupon Cor. W. Maple Rd. (Tel-Huron Shopping - ae 9 to 9, yhen., Walled Leke Center) ‘ ie Sot. Open 9 to 9, Mon. to Set. (Rochester) ' (Drayton Plains) oo, Open 9 te 9, Thurs, Fri. Open 9 to 9, Mon, to Sat. . = 9 to. 9, tae Fri. CREAM EAA ER A SY E ie eee ot. ge town SANE LEE STORE Only! Bae * se i F s § “DRESSES. Jumpers, Shirts, ‘House Dresses. Sizes 8 to and 14Yg to 242. Usually sell from 2.99 to 12,99. SPECIAL GROUP OF 2.99 seoretahskted flares, ‘Solids, checks, prints, ¥* 20; “Tita 399 - a7 : ~ BLOUSES | (Slightly Soited) Pe a ee ee ee | a a a a s ie PAJAMAS . CAN’ CANS - ‘Reg. 1.99-2.99 ted slightly bn grea DRESSES oe 59 , Values nH . 796 >. Shirts. . ODDS ond ENDS TABLE. ~ SAVE TO 75% “GART-ALL” CLASS BAG BELTS Natural “Teather and colors. Reg. $1, 29" ‘wallet pocket. “The Trip Downtown Is On lis.’ * REE BUS RIDES FOR DOWNTOWN SHOPPERS | The firms listed at the bottom of this ad offer another service to you who ride the bus to step | in DOWN- TOWN PONTIAC. When you make a purchase of $2.00 or more from any of these firms a FREE RIDE TOKEN on Pontiac City Lines Buses will be given you. ., just tell the clerkthat you came DOWNTOWN ON THE BUS. The emblem at the left will be on display in. stores and firms giving the FREE TOKEN. , Look for it when you shop . . . these folks.appreciate your patronage and ne this added service mokes your shopping trip DOWNTOWN more convenient. rd Look for the RIDE and ne Emblem in These Stores .. Tell Your 1 Olork You Rode the Bus Downtown PONTIAC ENGGASS PAUL IM JEWELERS ~ ARTHUR'S 48 N, Saginaw THE PONTIAC PRESS 48 W. Huron Se. ~ WIGGS 24 West Huron _ CONNOLLY’S JEWELRY ~ 16 W. Huron OSMUN’S 51 N. Saginaw “SAM BENSON MFGRS. . CLOTHING OUTLET 37. N. Saginaw ered E SHOP N. Saginaw CLOONAN DRUG co. 72. N. Soginew» f EPPERT'S CAMERA SHOP 57 West Huron HUB 1B CLOTHIERS ' N, ‘Saginaw ae So PONTIAC ‘GLASS CO. PITTSBURGH PAINTS 23 West Lawrence St. REDMOND’S JEWELRY 81 N.: Saginaw _TODD’S SHOE STORE . 20 W. Huron St. ROBINSON'S STUDIO PAULI SHO “Shoe STORE PONTIAC ROCKCOT E PAINT STORE ne & Coss, Ave. S.C. ROGERS SPORTING Goops I. Lawrence Gall Lorian MUSIC CO. 18 .£.- Huron. WYMAN FURNITURE co. 17 E. Huron @ 18 W. +, Pike SALLAN JEWELRY CO. 88 N. Saginaw : i SHAWS JEWELERS 24 N. Saginaw GILLIES SHOES cas ? — _SHERW JEWELRY CO. 25 N. Seginaw BACKENSTOSE BOOKSTORE 19 E£ Lawrence St. GENERAL PRINTING and OFFICE SUPPLY 17 W. Lawrence JACOBSEN’S FLOWER 101 N. Saginaw St. PHILIP’S LUGGAGE and SPORTING GOODS 79 N. Saginaw. RAPPY’S 9 S. Saginaw St, > WARD’S HOME OUTFITTING CO. 48-8. Saginaw St 71 Ww. 18 W. Lawrence &. “STAPP’S JUVENILE _ BOOTERIE. 23 & Lawrence St. ’ WILLIAMS co. ABSTRACT - arFLE * GUARANTEE CO, MITC LEWIS FURNITURE Co. 62 S, Saginaw St MeNALLY’S, INC. WAYNE Ga\ GABERT N. Saginaw DR. B. R. BERMAN, O.D. oR ETRIST 17. WN. Saginaw St. CALBI MUSIC CO. 119 N., Saginaw St. DE‘COR SHOP 61 W. Huron St. MARGARET ANN SHOP 37 W. Huron $t. MODERN. DAY FURNITURE CO. 15 £. Pike St. SCARLETT’S BICYCLE and HOBBY SHOP 20 &. Lawrence St. om PEGGY'S: . 16 Ni: Soginaw Se... THE LITTLE SHOP 24 €. Huron St.’ - GRINNELL’S | 27 S$. LL. FrPewnrrer & OFFICE EQUIP, CO, 123 N. Seginaw St. Sa ved Nehaa rhe a pe poodid Puppy. vere Buttons ‘made enough noise Sat- et te © omen Mr, and Bradford and lead ion we he recuperating in a back room from “a tonsillectomy. Renee, who had bitten into a live electrical extension cord, was unconscious. Bradford gave arti- ficial respiration. Mrs. Bradford called the Harris County Emer-|y gency Corps. TODAY & TUESDAY tor of the Saginaw Valley Child Guidance Clinic and Michael C. _ the Michigan Association for Retarded Children. The local clinic hosted 17 child guidance clinics throughout Michigan at a two-day workshop at Gene csi atrese.t. of dus Sensipconcteten All Saints Episcopal Church — of Mental Health; Se ee yesterday. Pentiae Press Photo Kreider, executive director \of ended {Hollywood Headlines Women Hold Jobless Rally Leader Demands That Carl Stellato, Local 600 Chief, Find Solution DETROIT wW—A group of some 190 Jdid-off Ford workers, mostly |wotnen, held a “we want jobs” rally in a North Woodward au- ditorium yesterday. Etta Belle Warren, 39, Rouge! plant assembly line employe and ja leader of the rally, demanded a isolution from Cari Stellato, presi- dent of Ford local 600 of the United |* Auto Workers. She said that if Stellato was unable te produce results she would campaign against him in or a cor tengo ibaegare Pica ae: . who believes in dressing light! “THE GIRL IN THE PONTIAC so DRIVE-IN ka hime. 7 Othe 7 local 600’s annual election May 6. Miss Warren said she has 16 years seniority at Rouge but has worked only 12 weeks in the last 118 months. | Among those present at the meet- ing was Pat Rice, a former local 600 vice president who will oppose |Stellato for the presidency. Rice jhas had a long career in the UAW. Rice said the Rouge plant has lost 10,000 jobs because of Ford subcontracting policies. He said) that Stellato was at fault in per- | Mitting this. i Stellato was not at the rally. | Asked for comment, however, he | said he could do no more for | laid-off women than for anyone else. He also said the number of jobs for women at Rouge has decreased greatly. 1 Stellato said Rice’s statement was without foundation. He said the union could not decide “‘for |Ford’’ on where a job was to be Grapes have been cultivated so! long that the plant’s place of origin tannot be accurately de- termined. Egyptians evidently grew grapes and made wine 6,000 years ago. The oldest Hebrew, Greek and Roman writings all E HELD 7 OVER PLUS: $: SPORTS TRAVEL, TOM & JERRY 3:05, 5:15, 7:24, 9:30 “Rowdy. taffish, racy. randy. robust and Rabelaisian. it is a hilarious story on the joys -{ simple living. » NEW YORK HERALD TRIBUNE FILMED CN LOCATION IN THE HAYSTACK! 1e Gan ne , lin‘ his honor. Harold Lloyd and {Buster Keaton were among the By LOUELLA 0. PARSONS Titers at 20th Century-Fox, in which he will play ohe of the featured roles iwith..Curt Jurgens and May Britt.) ‘This is his second trip to 20th. He} was with Susan _ Hayward in) whom I had never met. He feels in Hollywood any actor really has a chance and the awards don’t just go to Americans. He cites as an example Scotland. . bern David Niven getting the top male award. Do we neglect our old-time istars? Jacques Tati, winner of the Academy award for “My Uncle,” said he thought it was a shame that the great comedians of the screen were not more honored in Hollywood. I talked with him at the’ cock- tail party Walter Reade Jr. gave guests. Tati had gone earlier to call on Mack Sennett and had His next picture is “Blue Angel” | Airliner With 61 "Limps In Safely seen Stan Laurel, who is not well. 1 Ca Sal Mineo Loses Flame to Dashing King Hussein stop flight from Washington, D.C. to Los Angeles, were taken by bus to Denver, 90 miles west, where a DCT ferried in from Chicago’ trip. x* * * The pilot said a governor failed on the No. 2 engine on the left, side. The engine spewed parts which ripped into neighboring No. engine. Taylor, a farmer from Sodus Town- ; picked them up and continued, he bloodhound. Virginia was found by Henry | “the home of the cone with the cyrl on aim ‘DAIRY QUEEN It's Dairy Queen Time Aga Taste The Wonderful Difference In CLIP. THIS COUPON SAVE “Io: _ on Any @ MALT @ SHAKE © FLOAT " WITH THIS COUPON , Wednesday, Thu April 14-15-16 Tuesday, Wednesday, April 14-15-16. USE BOTH COUPONS! THESE COUPONS GOOD ONLY AT ‘THE DAIRY QUEEN STORES LISTED BELOW * PONTIAC: * KEEGO HARBOR “In Fyance,” he said, “we never forget our stars.” I told him we don’t forget them, but we live in such a hostile and bustle perhaps we don’t take” time out to remember the stars of yesteryear as well as we. should. Over the weekend Martha Hyer flew to New York to talk with Broadway producer Oscar Lerman Starts FRIDAY! " She's the Sweethearts ot the Beach G conunanuad co-sTAinane--4htbek = C FF ROBERTSON DRIVE IN nowit Thru Tues. " APP OINTMENT wm cHADOW Open 10:45 25¢ to 1 P.M. Never Steal. Anything Smal Guthries' Mighty “These Thousand Hills In CinemaScope & Color on or Le T THE RIVE BLUE SKY Praciond te Sante af RIVER “WAL This” THEATER BRIDGE ON THE R KWAI CINEMASCOPE «+ TECHNICOLOR® & SAM SPIEGEL PRODUCTION: A COLUMBIA PICTURI WINNER of LAST YEAR'S _ ACADEMY AWARDS | .o HIN-A-CAR HE 4 TWACAR COS HEATERS |} | snp e-commerce mene | * LAKE ORION * DRAYTON PLAINS GRAIN FED TENDER BEEF ROUND SIRLOIN or CLUB STEAI -FARM:FRESH GRADE A - EG LARGE MEDIUM SMALL Fresh Dressed Stewing Chickens He wee LE cHOPbINc ’ CENTER GS 3™ $1.09 3 99° 3™ 79° ail ‘LES 0 or. BREASTS Quartered Portion - TENDER SLICED - BEEF / 4 Forget REMINDERS as be-ibefore, see MY/you but who echo the/cret thoughts, love my. pee men speak, could beltions and hopes, and all would |beauty. had| It was said by St; John, “In the word, .. .” of God but true beginning, word, In more de spiritually — with ur t of birth to Old American ance Co,, 3 West 9th, Dept. ‘Kansas City, Midsouri. < _with 24 mos, to-repay © | esi tal chee CASH YOU [SAPAY P 1 | RaPAY i Bruce Forbush, Auburn B ts aeceive. | 2 Weaxs | 4 Wenxs J. Rathbun, 36 N. Eastway IL ETE CE A le 50.00 50.70 51.40 ae * Vaterest 83% po ath oo Sharon ©. Speatier, d6 Lowen Ra ereirosoiee | amie mk ete | LOAN COMPANY irae In DRA TONY PLAINS: Jean lesbo, 2508 Maplecrect 4494 Dixie Hwy........ | EAT E Returae semiene SA, CEST | AREA En / 2255 S. Telegroph Rd. /. Michigon Peres ‘Mile / CALL: FE 8-964 which the hot stove. set beg Authorities said the ‘ETHE MEMORY SYSTEM THAT NEVER FORGETS” FITS : ANY POCKET Sr it- onneater® eee a enone _ COME SEE... YOU'LL SAVE AT AGP! R 1S FULLY MATURED GRAIN-FED BEEF — Not Young, immo- . ture Baby Beef, Not Grass-Fed Range . U ae Sct, ther liedack Dost. ea Cube Steaks “Superstight” Beef le Selected Yor, Supert Plate Beef .... — bie prey -. PRICE AS ADVERTISED 2 Stewing Beef sonetess 1. “SUPER-RIGHT” QUALITY—Monday and Tuesday Only Canadian-Style Bacon m= =» 79¢ END PORTION, MONDAY ‘AND TUESDAY. ONLY 99 19¢ 7% . 69 Sirloin Steaks = » 89c Porterhouse = » 99 Fresh Mushrooms si = 49c CUBAN SWEET, FRESH, 8-SIZE PINEAPPLE LAKE ERIE Fresh Perch Fillets A&P BRAND OUR FINEST QUALITY Grapefruit a am os K 4 . . e@ pee $ w 39 Juice > ron | Fresh Smelt 4 46.02. 99 FOR on P Soeeeny LB. 2 Be | Medium Shrimp 79 . , Case o 8 Pineapples °° “= 2 ] 51B.BOX...379° + OL AGP BRAND wane ve : ae . Vacuum Packed | Sunnybrook Fresh, Grade “A” SAVE 20c BIG, FAMILY SIZE CAN . 0 F ne | Larae Eaas | Nestle’s Quik | COFFEE | . arge : ggs | _ INSTANT CHOCOLATE DRINK 1-LB. 67« ; wn. : / CAN —1N ONLY 38-OZ. Also . . . Your Choice i S.) ey | oe ee : — —iananione ? p. Labine WALL AHEAD — Tiger outfielder Harvey Kuenn runs into’ the one walk and| center field wall at the 400 foot mark as the ball bounces away for | The Pontiac Parks and Recre- three frames,| ® ‘tiple by White-Sox outfielder Jim Landis. This broke a 6th in- | ton Department will conduct 2 : ning tie and the Sox went on to win, 5-3. . \! poe Sat Padus Se ! | School in Reom 206 on Monday iS evenings, April 20 and April 27. Hose Going Places, Boss Says oe ee oe. Green Bay Packer coach Vince it the Tee tet Lopez Tabs 2 Rookies _ | tote tas smd ve sem ae nee j as Chisox Sparkplugs _ |jiits'Ntesed roma tes 2 etal of 90 | on base. Twice iM DETROIT @—Those go-go White | ments,” said. Lopez. “Cash and * *.* * sacks, om five, walke and a safe ~ fr ° ‘o san At lagen a? seengtnted our chp quae oF Bar a ag bagel eary = gato ‘sacrifice bunt, but the Sox um 10 in “This is the fast start we've|that I think we cap win the pen-| victory Sunday in the annaal Pel- .. ,lammed ‘shut the door to the | a noe ee ee . _ iean 300 late model stock car : A - |eago manager r his com-| It never is too y for pennant; race. Driving a 1957 Pontiac, : tn the_ seventh, wih rina Football ped a roey 2 treet wie Lopes. cro | Satcher teeta tds _ gralling Spey ape ot ge pring. “Beating a club as good as De-|tire of hearing it year after year| came home Ist im the last balf eotho-y! ° Pe ‘ ee ee, troit three in a row can do won-/from a club’ that has not won a! ic win the overall title. Pees et ea tn the ioning and} U. of M. Coach Installs ders for a club like the Sox.”/flag since 1919. : se. * ee ong eaege ; eS “Why shouldn't T talk nant?” ‘then vio & ae a ‘ Winged-T System With atten se amar eS nage tn se Lopez asks. “We ar atl 0 lousy| A pair of Floridiaris, Connie Der peaed = sand 0 right ase one 23 Lettermen Back the eight ee teen start last season and the Yankees|of Winter Haven and Joe Cash of whe or eee Ss \ an American League manager. |'5° 12%: half-ccason ‘outplayed terday: in the 2th esnual Done ; Se! ee we ou Three passes filled the bases ANN ARBOR (UPI)—There’s go-| Always the optimist, Lopes cou- every elem tdatn ts the Wenes.|Weler Shi Seatnehhant ax Witter th after Chicago scored/in, to be look — every- tends each spring that his team al run in the top of the pees ee caste ee tecating cat the (NOW, with the kind of a start we|Haven. It was the 2nd straight final run in the top of the from coaching staff to per- got here in Detroit, this could be|men’s crown for Cash and the ist nitig on errors by Rocky Bridges) sonnel to formation —~ when: anj | Pauteee, our year.” women’s title for Miss Derr. pnd Gail Harris and Al Smith's! expected 90 University of Michi- This year the Sox skipper is de- -sactifice fly. Sox manager’ All gan football players greet rookie pending on a pair of green rookies, ‘ Lopez brought in ex-Tiger Bob/head coach Chalmers “Bump” El- neither of whom has had as much . ot peal = wa to third baseman- almost completely néw coaching * * * Hi doubaeglaery. © nning:\statt to teach his wing-T forma- “They can make or break us,” ; end ™ ; ie “*'ption” to 23 returning lettermen, three Lopez he ¥ é his said Lopez. “But even after just} GREENSBORO. N.C. (AP) — $ The Tigers set down Nelson several reserves and & host of ‘straight losses shows on the face of Tiger man- three victories. Norman talks about the 30 men three games, I have all the con-|The sponsors of the Greater + Fox, who had seven hits‘in the |freshman candidates. Only ager Bill Norman (left) as the “‘Gay Senor” Al left on bases in the weekend series in Detroit. fidence in the worid both of them|Greensboro Open Golf Tourna- {yesterday Sut thay weren't 6 |itrvan tulor Don’ Daler were| ¥, és jobs for us. thelr corvéat chamgian, ew Bie. : 2 freshman tutor Dufek were . is about N sterwald, may next. «Ey, Gee tame marees the pints [retained from former coach Bemle| Burgess Balks at Idleness in Pittsburgh el Se et ee peer to teed Meee, : the hues, Rookie |Oosterbaan's staff. = . who was handed the first base | The 29-year-old Tequesta, Fla. i : 1 Cas smashed his first va * © -® fe é | : . job, and John Callison, a left ees — se ae tee ¢ Leas as Chicago coaches are Fonde, : é fielder who turned 20. er his six-under-par * , & 3-46 first inning lead. | the | little pe nedyve we High in raves { ernon h me total for top honors that he'd rath- . nee 8 ; Saget ent oly | ; Cash hit his first Major League! er not play here next year be- : battle with a pair cera Ry = Ree <5 home run in yesterday's 53 vic-| cause of what he termed “gallery ata / : hav- e seco! Lary singled and catching problms by tory. It was a tworun blast in| cheering when I made a bad shot down eer we) Poe, ee Se fing Lopata-available to share thé|the first inning. Cash hit safel ng : iat Geek tere” Ken!” pani Aegis Senco and Del Rice. srrian woihed twice and sule 8h tint at it wean * . Co! a double to left to score base. in le fin. — “Yost cracked ' a. leadoff a ee awe, ‘ne. | Callison has failed to hit anfely|"na°toumi’ap wih c ctrover ee 4 iefly, -— Ve : with Detroit He was hit- three ° , At , the tion ¢ ceremony ‘ = * trips te the plate. “fm not worried about him, [he said-he wondered what he had __ Jim Landis, who scored a pair as one of the | though,” sald Loper. “He's press- |done to turn the gallery against eS ee eos in the National | ing like the devil. Once he shakes j|him. Later in the locker room field fence Lollar singled that off, he’ll be fine.” Dow, a PGA tournament commit- Yhrough the drawn-in infield for ing has, C28h worked his way up from| tee member, declared he didn’t a 43 lead. - 4 haggling as the ““B” squad in spring training mind the crowd rooting for Art © Lary, lifted for a age hitter, o pore En and beat Earl Torgeson, Ray| Wall, a — favorite fook the. defeat w Donovan Brien J went. to University, but grabbed the victory. Donovan lost the Paltetgion ‘rete Tie he resented their cheering his own sey bec cogatngeicrmece dt Braves’ exchanges were pitcher ape eae ont Tei dast season. ov ote . ad é ; Gene Conley and utility infielders +“ emmcaco “Bereorr _/ Se iteone aint Facey Lema of San Leandro, Calit., gh eh bt Eagan ts with Bra’ but played the last threesome of the Finsterwald won’ the Greenboro ‘Aparicio ss Baie Yost 36 7) age. O’Brien the gem day. It took just 10 minutes short Open golf tournament Sunday, 4 af 4219 18) The returnees are Mantilla and Chuck. er of five hours for them to slosh but the Fla : ; e 4133 $8] Brad Myers and Darrell ~ are slated for most of the work I |around the 6,600-yard’ Starmount > Tequesta, . Pro says. 4 b 4 13 : a to plug the left by the ailing he won’t return to the event next a 9] er, guant Alex Callahan, tackle dienst, Kazanskd was ]|Forest Country Club course. year. Finsterwald accused the Phillipe 3 4918 ¢6| Don Deskine and captain-elect Finsterwald had a four-stroke galleries of bi “oe 8 38 j 9| Geotge Genyk, who will move to organiza a —— cushion starting the final round, Scousecs aac aa wine be BS H He 7 noe eS urmurs are ne- yr ae earlier rounds of missed a put or made a bad wD eo 99) “The big job is to find a quarter the bog | “wieners: , Shot. ge back to replace Bob Ptacek,"’ : cher Eddie Fitz pee he, aun) : | § 9 Elliott, who will carefully ; says the acquisi- Art Wall Jr, 1.509 . 00\the progress of senior Stan: % ‘in no way put a Pg hy -. 69-67-70-74—280 ' 7 +3|skin, reserve Don Hantah and| | to eventually having pan Casper, fiw en | D fs awls First -.4.4| newcomers: Paul. Palmer and & Milwaukee. “-. Apple Valley. Calif, 73-68-68-72—281 ) , ied Stamos. : z 4 “All ¢an do ig wait and see Tom. jeporte, hens 67 ‘ . . for 2. > 2 we See Boston Bronxville, N.Y. |... .7070-70 | lores) ‘The big question is whether No-| what happens,” laughs Haney, — Peter Thomson, $616.67 Haesielasite s | * ®~| skin can show some of sophomore] _ 3 Billy Maxwen, $616.67 °°" oe | sone | 1 os form after suffering a terrible] Wi og owt =. sbeeeenes 6T-71-70-15—-283 . ¢06—3|slump last fall, The lightweight) Hugh Royer ims = Prentredine, Fis... MTLTE70—084 165-pounder : icago 8, Detroit 3 eradie, Fis... n1-70-60.74~-204| _ BEAUMONT, Tex. (AP)—Betsy , Rawls, the husky former Texan Bob, Goets, $525 0 607-72-79-204) with the talented golf swing, led Dich hg” seeneeees 72-69-71-73—-285 | the women's tour in tournament stant Leet Pia._ 71-72-67-73—285| Victories today as the caravan Vancouver) |... 63-68-71-79—-29g|headed toward Dallas and the Ernie“ Vossier, $327.50 1 $10,000 Civitan Open. Midland, Tex. ........ 70-71-71-75—287 Dave Thorias, $327.50 timer Miss Rawls wont the $6,000 Babe Jay ee, eit a 1-71—-%87| Zaharias Open yesterday by over- eae 70-73-66-78—287) taking Louise Suggs, another golf- Le “Calif, . 68-70-69-00~987|er seeking her third tournament MGrossinger, NX>. s..-» 79-73-60-71—200) Victory. Mac iMain, #205 °° "°°" Miss Rawls, who plays out -of Danville, ba oFeeees ¢ 70-73-68-76——288 Spartanburg, S.C.. and. won the Sut moe a srocevee T-76-68-14~289/ Lake Worth, Fla., and Columbus, pave oe Catt. vse. 73-66-73-77—980/Ga., opens on the winter tour, a Dorado WAH, + TeTHONTe 200 wie gh 215 Py ¥ st money o 50. She onal! Patow, $500 PTE TSO) ie the only player winning more Greensboro |... reas 69-77-69-75-—290 ‘ than two tournaments. = Miss Suggs, the veteran” from NC, Sea Island, Ga., Ten. -+..i. 6879-69-00~290 oa seees T9-71-69-16-—291 Ye esses 72468-70-01—201 wee puts 7670-70-78-—202 Bil) Jim La < penis, NE Charlotte, N.C, ie Philsdelphio at ; ‘. p.m ao he ieee P= aves THIV-TL-16-—202 timing back right, This means the same as getting re-acquainted with the game —~ of getting. the feel of it again. The best and quickest tice your short shots — the chips and pitches — before you undertake the _ long ones. The swing you __ use for these is the full’ _ swing in miniature. But _ being a shorter and easier swing, it’s a lot less complicated and therefore ane to : g time properly. As you practice these short shots, pay attention te the basics of the swing: a smooth backswing .. . eye on the ball and head anchored in place; a smooth and unhurried downswing...a hit down and | through the ball and a follow-through toward the hole. ey familiar with. PCH- Flint Cent tral Meet in Today's Prep Feature The dual track meet of the year, featuring the state prep defending champion, Pontiac Central, and the top 1959 challenger, Flint Central, takes place at Wisner Stadium this evening starting at 4:00 p.m. ‘ The Indians from Flint have al- on successive wee. “Flint Central is the best bet to win the state title this year,"’, said ' PCH.coach Dean Wilson, “they have the kind of team we had in 1956-57, with plenty of speed and depth.” * ¥ * The Chief thinclads boast a team to improve as the season moves along. The track meet highlighted the _ PATIENT'S COMPLAINT Early-season DIAGNOSIS: Timing aturatly. oft. Treatment: Starting to play golf again after as most golfers are pedlg ho pase the year, way to do this is to prac- | I guarantee that this bigs of preston caply th'tike ante s son will give you a head start on your fellow players. C Remember, short shots or long, the formula is ad- 7 herence to the four fundamentals. These you must be 7 we : Win Saturday ‘| Habs’ Boss Figures to Beliveau on Touedey j stenlehn Cup, Now they may use “\big center, who scored 45 = |daring the regular season, pas fered a-spinal injury against the Ciicage Hack Hawks be te Oe semifinal. He has resumed skat Use Rocket and Jean the injured Jean Beliveau, The} CITY CHAMPS — These are of the different divisions in the Poritiac City Table .Tennis- tournament who will p in the state tou’nament to be held at the Pontiac Boys’ Club this weekend. Left to right are Mari- the champions lyn.. Feldman, novice womeit's — Fleyd Finkle, men's singles’ champ; , Carol women's singles champion and Perc Secord, senior men's champion. Miss Ryan will defend her title in the state tourney. ' Pontise Press Photo Pini e T Nickell of Pontiac Leads Way With 658 ing, but is in pain, x*« *« * “I'm taking him along to To- “There’s a MEN WANTED’ To Train for High wer 2 Position: in Boras ries ronto,”- said Blake. chance we may he able to use ter’ chance he'll be’ in action lier’ chance "he'll be in action Northera tennis. match at the PNH courts. ard is about ready to break into the scoring column. The 37-year- old Rocket,-out with a broken foot since mid-January, returned to the lineup in Thursday's victory, St. Michael was at St. Py at Bt. ¢ anal et was used sparingly. Frederick t. Clemen In last Saturday’s 31 victory, Orchard Lake St. Mary at home the Rocket alternated with Bernie against St. Rita in diamond COn-| (Boom Boom) Geoffrion but tests. Rochester played at Romeo, | aan’ score Lake Orion was host to Oxford * * and Clarkston was guest of Fenton It wag a tight game, with goal- nadiens doing standout work, The Canadiens, just as they did in the first game, had to pull it out in ies Johnny Bower of the Leafs; - land Jacques Plante of the Ca-| Cangress’ Tournament last night. mingham, Mich., took seventh ST, LOUIS # — An unheralded |plece in. the egen division with s _|team almost walked off with the|3104 total, ”\top prize in the American Bowling The A&A Asphalt team of Bir-| place by 140 pins, the A&A team Birmingham Team 7th in ABC pass the paco-cctting Picitiors of Detroit who led with 3243. Starting off with 10T1, the A&A team then improved to 1083, but | had an excellent chance to sur- No Change at Howe’ New Leader The Elks Mixed Doubles Tourna- ment came up with a new leader lover the weekend while the top ‘two positions remained unchanged in the Howe's Lanes Singles. Both meets have two more weeks to go. in Elks Meet lead. They had been in front since st round at 1282. ie ie and- Max Warren took over 8th place with a 1245 while two other teams tied at 1242. They were the tandems of June No. 4 and 10 pins — in the *tgame cut that total to 950. and taps—the latter on the| ag eg Name seedesuseecevenenes oe * +. -Phene . Address astobenesccceccueeccccoascenaccecesevescqeeae UM xpoccsassevetten Do you get a real thrill out of buying a new muffler ~ your car? We didn't think so. As a matter of fact, it bothered us, too, that mufflers last only @ year or so. the third Claude Provost found the ance goal. “The count was ‘tied at 1-all when. range at 15:02 to break the tie. He hit the net again at 18:33 for an insur- Lee Ann Jones rolled 484 and Howard Fields 636 to go with a 180 combined handicap for a 1300 total to go ahead in the Elks event. Their performance finally forced ‘Arlette and Earl Hagan out of the Kinney and Emil Croteau and Elizabeth Baker-John McGinnis. Marvin Horsch of Rochester ~*~ * * Baseball Crowds Down Weather Ruined Early Start three game series with San Fran- cisco. This was more than either league drew this year, when the By The Associated Press The weatherman didn’t win friends, influence people or make took over 3rd place with 909 to feature the 2nd week at Howe's. Emery Tee of Waterford rolled the new high actual game of 247. Ray Ball of Ortonville continues to head the pack at Clarkston with 942 followed by Frank Miller's 915. The standings were scrambled in the Moose State gorge tour- ney at Ann Arbor but all the leaders were able to hold their tomorrow night. from 11th place Saturday 4o first place last night with. a final. 24- game doubles total of 9,913. Defending champions Don Carter and Tom Hennessey of St. Louis were second with 9,847. The $14,700 tournament will end | The Kansas City team climbed x * * end start this season. any money on attendance for ma- jor league’ baseball’s early week- Dodgers opened on the road. * bd * The American League had ground. That meet runs to May 10. The best one-man performances | * in the two days of qualifying play/ SAVE 794 Mi, GUAR were posted by two men, neither | The major’s scheme to: begin|, the 1959 season five days early to get the attendance gravy from an extra weekend ran afoul be- cause of cold and rainy weather in. most major ial cities. * ' The American League attracted 108,459 and the National 132, 191 for a combined total of 240,650 for Friday through Sunday. This was far off the 535.476 combined total for the first 1958 weekend. Los Angeles’ baseball opening beefed the 1958 total, The Dodgers playing in the mammoth Coli- seum, drew 167, 209 fans for a idisclosed amount of cash to get |shortstop Tom Carroll, 22, and outfielder Russell Snyder, 24, ;from’ Richmond, the Yanks’ farm lin the International League. Baxes, 28, started last season as the Athletics’ second baseman. But he was used sparingly after a mid-season injury and‘hit only 212 in 73 games. Martyn, also 28, Cranes Open Season With 3-2 Victory inning. gave Cranbrook nine its season's first victory, and a suc- So we made. ours of heavy | gauge steel that will really resist wear. Result: A mufflerthat costs no more, end is guaranteed for as fong as you own your car. We'll install your muffler in 15 minutes. No waiting. No installation charge. args 00 Oe a MIDAS MUFFLER Mon. 9 to 8 P. M.—Tees.-Frt, 9 te §:90-—Sat. 8:30 to 5 P. M. Next to Jerome Olds i mina’ wurriee GUARANTEED batted .278 in % games. - jin Baltimore and: Philadelphia. A two-run blast in the second 186,904 for its first weekend in 1958 and the National had 348,572. There were 12 games postponed over the weekend by rain, snow or cold including doubleheaders Only two single games were suffered this year. In 1958, the season began on a Tuesday and ew a combined total of 259,008 for eight games, “compared to 159,990 for five games on a Fri- dhy opening. * * The American League had a paltry 83,521 Friday because of two rainouts and the National League 76,469 with one postpone- ment. In 1958, 133,126 turned out in the AL and. 125,882 in the Na- tional League. The figures for first weekend Detroiter Takes State Lead in All Events DETROIT w—Duke Marquardt of Detroit, rolled a 1914 over the weekend to move into the all events actual lead of the Michigan State Men's Bowling Tournament. it replaced Ed Gray of Detroit, who had held the top spot with 1,882. * *« * Other changes saw the Rams of Lansing, move into second in the team handicap with 3,277; the Ed- mund Olds team of Detroit, take second in the team actual with 2,969, and Doc Roberts of Lansing, take third in the all events handi- cap with 2,097. There were no other ‘changes. The tournament continues through May 10. . ‘to Ci for’24 games but his partner failed) ‘5 was 288, rolled by Ed Lubaniksi, | oh Detroit star on Saturday. b Top prize in the meet is $2,000 oe aS | Tonight and Tuesday the men’s City League baseball program in classes A and B is scheduled tonight at. the same cow oo oe of whom reached the rovad-robin finale. ‘ Al Savas of Detroit, totaled cm help. The highest ‘single game ity League Meetings The tirst meeting for managers or representatives of women's softball teams seeking entry in. the City Leagiie this summer. will be held tomorrow. night at 7:30 in the Pontiac Parks and Recrea- tion Department office at City * Hall. An organisational meeting for “assigned by the Yanks to Rich- Carroll had a .289 batting aver- age with Class AAA Denver and 278 with Class AA New Orleans last séason. Snyder batted .285 with New Orleans. Both Baxes and Martyn. were cessful start for the year, Satur- day, 3-2, over Assumption of Wind- games: ‘mond. Los ANGELES (AP) — John 1958 1959 = rig Game was played at Cran-| , nerican League 196,904 108,459 roo . . Cranes’ Andy Billedson squeezed National League = 348,572 132,191 in Rog Rothenburger and John ; ™ Hartman tallied the eventual winn- Total 535,476 240,650 ing counter on Charles Heaven-| For Openers : PF rich’s infield blow. Heavenrich was| American League 133,126 83,521’ |the winning hurler, National League 125,882 6,469 Cranes meet Detroit Catholic = Central at Cranbrook, Tuesday. Total 259,008 159,990 Sloan of the Chicago Town Club defeated Bob Brady of San Fran- cisco, 21-20, 21-9,. to retain his U.S. Handball Assn. singles cham- pionship Saturday. 7 Es, for ee HOMERUNS ICAN ser Cash Fw, White NEW & USED We Pay Top $$$$ for Wrecked: and Junk Cars and Trucks Open Sun 10 170 Bagley St. SOUNDER NEW 1 70 50% DISCOUNT BAGLEY AUTO PARTS. CASH? Just say the word! ‘AUTO PARTS Mufflers, Tall and Riot a.m.to 2 p.m. | 2nd Floor, Lawrence Bidg. + Loons made to residents BENEFI .__ FE 5-9210-19 ‘ow, wore NANCE MANAGEMENT You're always welcome at BENEFICIAL! the money you want for taxes and other S penses, Remember: We like to say “YES!” Pho Loans $25 te $500 on Signature, Furniture or Car 7 WEST LAWRENCE STREET, PONTIAC Federal 2-9249 | Oren EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT — PHONE FOR EVENING HOURS othe See ar ee mera and get myer a Phone: of oll wrreending towns CIAL fg co. ; Alignment . Used. Factory Trained Mechanics. ‘58 lectus Equipment ALIGNMENT come Front End. . ‘SPECIAL . 59 FAST, DEPENDABLE MUFFLER SERVICE Blowout Proof Written \Litetime — ‘Guarantee. Free Installation 15 Minute Service : 5g)> 5 fecked Osninet,, e 4 asl Tie eS ie NN BONDED, HEAVY . Motor Mart Safety Center . GUARANTEED BRAKE RELINING MOST CARS $495 2”? Parts/ DUTY SHOES 1 Free Adjustment FE 3-7845 FE 3-7 mets 123 €. Montcalm | if | ss S 7 | bristles tapered. AN pele as putty neil Open o Ch £ specie ENAMELOID® WILLIAMS ©15 brilliant colors *For indoor end outdoor ute *Dries fost... smooth os chine * Dirt, grease ond stains wash right of : “e "===" veg. price : $0.00q. | ss B DE LUXE WALL BRUSH & SAVE $1.59 ona SHERWIN- yt BRUSH WiLuUAmS : pa eae gaa pointing large oreas. og. price ‘SALE PRICE $3.39 - $4.90° g SPRAY ENAMEL® SAVE 60¢ onie07z.can Sneewin-wituams SPRAY ENAMEL tt's the fost end eosy way te spray. weed and metal. abjects with famous Sherwin-Willioms enamel, 14 sparkling bright colors, SALE PRICE ST.TQ sep. price $1.79 > HIGH-QUALITY BRUSH SAVE 56¢ ova O- suimwn- 2 BRUSH Wittams a] TF a 2 >>) sat PRICE $1.19 req. price $175 “ % ROLLER AND TRAY SETS ‘SAVE 50¢ onms “Sugawin-WiLtiAMs ates “ROLLER COMBINATION You'lt pated ort Oy sos value Now a9 aa FREE. PARKING i in REAR 71 W. HURON : FE spose fa g8* go, Te it ty “| eK : “ty | i Hi ll it i E Almond of Virginia Is | 2% a4 “I an Jr., of Con- gard, Ohio, sald in Arlington, : ‘Was “We're all thrilled to | death.” j a ; The automobile has provided Oe ee I ee eae mee EY ee ETE ONG Pee TREE EE. SN SET TAT wk a ae Ce Bod se oe ee eee ew, —— ram Ws ior wae “ae (HAT THOUGH \. TAM. fog, US. © 1959 by NEA Service, ee. MOMENTS WE'D LIKETOLIVEOVER sRwitans By Walt Disney WHAT WAS IT? You'll Find PROFITABLE “OPPORTUNITIES © ,Every Day jn the Pontiac ’ Press Want Ad Section Take advantage of this easy way to solve all your buying and selling problems. To Place Your WANT AD. DIAL FE 2-8181 By T. V. Hamlin A E - Laie es PRE BUSHMILLER 3 tates § na Oe.— stand a age MORTY MEEKLE ° I SUPPOGE YOU'RE ALL GOOD AT ARITHMETIC? m iN i k ioe By Charlies Kuhn AN’ AVOID TOO STRENU- OUS EXERCISE / ry | sae 4 be held May 11 at Northwood Im, and’ is expected to draw 600 people. Chairman of the dinner is Nick Elnicky, and Undersheriff Donald Francis is assitant chairman. The dinner will begin at 7 p.m. Two Motorists Report Being Shot. at Here street ~ St., first told police at 11:05 p. m. he wag fired at..Ten minutes later ae o Laverne Geans, 47 Beaudette| . a - PARES Se A gs pe fA oF Sel * 28 2S ‘ oN eo } ee Dealer Inventories. of Cars Up Slightly of new a taled 777,313 U.S.-built units and an estimated 64,000 imported cars, Automotive News said today. * 2 °* Stocks of domestic-built cars March 1 numbered 706,839. On April 1 a year ago they totaled 833,- 201 units. Automotive News’ Pre- vious count of imports was on Jan- uary 1 when they numbered 55,000. “Shipments of imports to the United States are expected to hold January arid February,” the paper added, It’noted that all new car makers in this country are atock- to Australia SAN FRANCISCO # — Michi- gan'’s rebel farmer, Stanley Yan- kus, is on his way to Australia. The 40-year-old poultry farmer who quit his land rather than go along with government crop limi- tations flew from here yesterday for a visit down under, ' * & Yankus said he would spend 10 days im Australia and decide whether to try a new future In that country with his wife and three children, . resettlement with the approximate- ly $30,000 he netted from the auc- tion sale of his 100-acre farm and property near Dowagiac, Mich. * He would finance a permanentil \Two Quartets Entered GRAND RAPIDS ~—The Chord Counts Quartet of Holland and the Sharpkeepers of Detroit will sound Michigan hopes next July at the International contest of the Society for the Preservation and Encour- agement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing. in America (SPEBSQSA). They won top honors Saturday at Grand Rapids in regional compe-|pounds tition. x * * some of the financial details she stretch a little.” ! Thomason also got her to repeat if goes well, the three man- veUlrs on earth’s Applies, Delicious, pu. seecenesesens S400 , and explore re- Tory sateites nto, orbit Poultry and Eggs DETROIT POULTRY ; pe pos ¥0h 13 (aP)—prices paid) = New York Stocks quality live try: (Late Morning Quotations) MICHIGAN : Brokers tad poperts that Indie caponelien Web ‘be aie see be Figures after decims) point are eighths Ie. . ae SOAR te, the Pro- oa iaee Leiinonces 4 < : le Division had offers on 3% million DETROIT EGGS Ch. ..+.108.3, Fre oss susel pelt 13, "58. bushels of wheat, West Germany DSTO. eed 8 Ate to». tis Chal .... 74 ~— rn on 2,425,000 bushels and Formosa grades: iM ... Bf "ho. eee 203 . sili Seer Bee, ‘ on 441,000 bushels. s Whites Grade & fumbo 34, exire large Ares et r Nes been ‘filed in this Local Gountry Club _ ng RR eg 74, |am ee wb Nass: #24 will try to put a Discoverer satellite OE ae Soouts a tn fate a present where- |i an . . large 20, Browns—Grade A extra large aon y ou AP Wirephete | |*¢ i and said has violated Championship Cours ° Grain Prices 2 Hae 22, mecium 21: Grade © wareslAm Movers :: 308 Martin ge’ a4 oe oe ke or GINA IN SUPPORTING ROLE — Italian screen star Gina Lal- |tnitle te'piseet sate the ysreustne | : CHICAGO Guatn WhileeGrade A pombo 28-91%; extra |A™ News... 41, el ih endeavor to satel-| Jobrigida finds herself in a supporting role in this scene at Idlewild |“:n"{he name of the people of the ie CHICAGO, April 13 (AP) — Opening large ae, Me Saat; medium 34; oe Tee. Mergen, Lino . $1.8 lites capable of scanning the earth Airport. The actress carries her son, Milko Jr., 14%, as her hus- State ot Mehiene. you ore - ee ersin prices: is " op tae He: Be Ae ad da 61.1 “Tagg with television and photographic| .band, Dr. Milko Skofic carries luggage. She is on her way to Holly- ]fition will be held at the Gakiend County. Family Memberships went ..re ce Grade Bisse 2 * Pau. wood to make her first picture in the U. S ere a end ete ae a ee ‘i 1 ; a . . one » Z E ia ; # July sas0 aes 140% ats inew)— ag aoa ci cen one Armour & Co "a + ieee: | an — in “taié Counly, en the alss day Available Dee CI Ebene Bees TT SRS, LEZ, AMEE, premiums, or pries aitior |S nig. 48.2 Muclinr Brava 321 MADE FOR STABLE: FLIGHT forenoon, and ‘yeu ese baroby ie Bie ea Mice OM Digg 1% Beaters nota consumplion of aups is Betta etat, “:: an8, Mat Guth '-. @@3) | The Discoverer satellites, witc® ' .. : tanded "to" appser persoaaily at ‘said/f Send business and residen- May es vees EB May ssvees 2 ant SN gore pet ener ore oeece. ee , on heir ~ Net Dairy ..:. 49 | are designed to achieve stable ; , a5 ee _ tia] addresses and pps Bene reek] Lae Bem UTIL TPtay tall prices | are e "and sales |Bore Warn .. 424 Wet Yaa’... tn¢ flight rather than tumbling about In onnie e S [ sarvies this notice. numbers to PO Box #302, Bee PHS Bee igh oe sab ee ond 3 eas Bs BS Rv-oomtat: 8 llke other satellites, have an im z seal oe red arene Lee Suan mreemg 7 Oats (oid) — meneennt( Y”) Budd ee tL ina No Am Av.....46 |portant relationship to eventual : : Pontiac a printed : aadbewee “ Cal Pack .. 566 Pac --"082| efforts to put a man in space as . and circulated im said County Livestock Colum & HW .. 23.8 Dor Ste Pw .. 28 ell to mili oe eng Witness, the : | ; Soup - 834 Gwens-fii Gi |. 87 - 7 one } un . as urn On e of Pontiee & fy - ing amine DETROIT LIVESTOCK Sen fee uf pes C88 +s ei.¢) Hons, meteorology and reconnais- | of ‘Security ‘Man : f CDRTROST, Ape 13 OF) sce iv icerrior ces. one pean Be... 34! ‘The Vanguard satellite will ) _ * Parke Da ;.... 424 sal carry steers and ; -\Case, JT ...s. 235 | ee und 25 percent of a around |Cater Trac oaks | SL ee la magnetometer to measure the) INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Connie} INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Connie : : ‘ haters re teore and Seodenn: oteors end}Oun IB 14 pt.. £4 Pfizer: piri} strencth of the earth’s magnetic _— — her yet Nicholas’ first husband said today ‘ r st onostly + 63. t uctuati field testimony today -|“everyth wr ” : nvel dy see a a cine Pea 2: se ih Peto caused by charged yanidns from) ing the jury ber playboy lover bad their peti, sata i New Devel , 4 good and choice steers 36.00-29 09; bulk iColg -201-8 Pure Ol ...... «7 || the sun and the relation of such) killed os, ae drew - small; “Nag, nag, nag as soon as I'd w velopment Has load mostly prime around 1080 1b. steers icon Edis .... 63.8 Repub Sti ..., e7¢| Variations to radio signals, mag- revolver to shoot herself. get into the house,”” Ray J. Kiefeg,| Bia Futu . Army, j2ne,. me ast Since "Deceusber” 1063: Coat Cal a3 Reyna |." 951 /0eC storms and the aurora. After the state wound up its|41, told a newsman. “She wanted ig Future in MY, |stanaara to low good stsers 23.40-26.00: Cont COPAS . 145 Rey Tob ..... 1076| In addition, it will carry a small|cross-examination in only 16 min-|to know why. I- wasn’t a big shot Transportation Industry jssandard’ neers Lse-z1 50; utility end /Cont Meter ... 13 “Reval Dui... 4$1/ plastic-aluminum balloon folded| utes, defense attorney Charles W.|Iike some of her so-ealled friends. " beving lbs, tar, Se, ink ee See, Fh,a BY ELAGE Gyp ~ $#|imto a compact package. Once the|Symmes got the divorcee to pin| A muy like Teel; I couldn't match Ses : TFORD heifers 19.50-21.00; latter price sparingly: /Deere ..... “tt Ha Sears Roeb .. 42.3/ Satellite goes into orbit, the pack-/down the motion she said she) him. unknown Posters , Conn. ®—The new |cannere and cattere 35.00-19 50: tea See } ae ae Shell Oil ...- 88 | age will be detached and the bal- made with her gun in Forrest) .“‘She’s made-her own mess, Now . be Sikorsky S60 crane heiicopter, rad- choles e00-700. 1. yearling feeder steers | Doug Aire’... 366 Sinclair .’.... 436| loon will be inflated with nitrogen. | Teel’s white car. it’s up to her, She’s a mixed-up jurisdiction Court. ical in construction and use, was|™*, ior) salable 1,900. Butchers stead [Dow Chem"... 948 Sou Pac 227.) aff] It weighs only seven-tenths of a wee kid.” ae BN. unveiled today. . | te 2¢ higher; mixed No. 2 and 3 1890-240 'gast Air L .... 45.3 Sou Ry ..... 53.8! pound. “Toward myself,” she replied. * * * on Instéad of the conventional pas- tes: mixed Nol and’ 1600-11 a0, few Bort og ...-.095 Spar Rd «... 223) “I told him I wouldn't be around| Kiefer said he has no plans to\% Cum senger or cargo cabin, the fuse-|!7.10; few No. 1 200-210 Ibs. 17.28: No./#i Auto L .... 41 Std Ot! Cal... 642) . . to bother him any more. I wanted/ appear at his former wife's trial Pon: lage of the S60 consists of a bridge-|estaplianed nen aw sot: SOE DM ee te ons ha sed On NOS: 1 Learning Driver | ‘2.sare him—the fact that I was/for the slaying of Forrest Teel. | Apr iy like boom extending from the cock- spent teccigh aaa’ grams sonia See Ee-cot-0 +++ 89 Sd Ou On ; 1.6) . going to kill myself in his car.”|drug cothpany executive, The pit to the tal rotor. Loads street: senders oe a Te: na Mot gad Stud Peck ..-. ns Triggers Crash “Were you afraid of further! Kiefer marriage broke up after! nearing. * John J, Jones can do wonders carried externally by hoists sus-|““sneep and Lambe — Salable 2.000 bulk |Gardner Den . $18 whe Pa el : oe | beatings?” Symmes asked. Connie started dating Teel. - Ht being impractical to make personal! with your sense of well-being. pended from the fuselage at alstypty chore iamve! these stency to 28: 88% Dream .. ats Seitt & Go : as Of Eight Autos |_“"I was afraid because he had “She's been making her own!thail'we serveg by publication of e cops| He has just, the ‘right soalee! point directly under the main TO-jand choier No. 1 and 2 pelts 108 Ins. | Gen Fas... 183 Tense Oe y:0+ Wa | struck me and had thrown me) moral Jaws for quite a few years| one week proviows te said Life of Virginia broad cover- os Paine shorn lambs "22.00; 17-00-1980; Gen T&E! .... 614 Textron... 221) BIRMINGHAM — Chester street| roms the svat Of the car. now,” Kiefer said, “I don't know |and circulated in said 7 jo ee eee ee aircraft is powered by two (cull to choice sisughter ewes $.00-10.00./000 Time ... O63 7 Ot M beh’. Oot looked 1 . Dep. Prosecutor Francis E.| what kind of society we'd have if). Witness. the Honorable Arthur. present insurance a 2,100-horsepower Pratt & Whitney Giletty * 722. $2.3 Twent Cen. a3 ike a gigantic pool table/ Thomason came back for one last everybody did that.’ + |e eusies Ky 5-4-5 wall <8 ode piston engines. It can carry ° ° Geodtich .::.:. 984 Un Carbide "..1304| Detroiter Teeth an dodor on cross-examination:| Kiefer ig a television repairman of Apc, AD. ee -THUR & MOORE, Jour life. pA Boi its 440-6-0n paphind ap to 200 mitten. News in Brief Grab Paige: 031 onie Air tin’. 3a7|Crash. = pwras this ihe first time be had! who was serving as an Army Air|(A true com. , Juagect tresste| of Virginia, ta ene of the Its construction was @ joint pro- | ior Sound Hg BRE fire «-: 43) “Richard Gorback of Detroit was ronnie a sergeant while married to|: aan.» : aailans Songer aneeanes ject of the Navy and the Sikorsky! Burgiars took $275 worth of ete Un Gee cp :. 41 |taking his fourth driving lesson * *« & © > {Mrs. Nicholas in 194257. He said soon Se cmegepien Se ee Division of the United Aircraft chairs, hymnals and file Hollen F .... 162 OS Dines ---. 331/He made the journey from his} yrs. Nicholas was followed on|°* S0Mf 8:TV ott te Ser and ber STATE OF MICHIGAN—In the Pro- : Corp. boxes from the West Travis Gen-|fi Cent ....: 48 US Steel '.... a9.2)/home without any trouble until he second husband, Custis Nicholas, , e * eral Baptist Church, at Seymour} ~ fea 3 2 3¢4/began to turn from Maple avenue| "Stand by Dr. Charles Bonseit:/and returned to repsir it a few| tte, Cowrk tor the County of Gaktans, ~ In today’s demonstration,-the|/1ake and Baldwin roads, Orion 1) 8 wy ."""! BLalonto Chester street. He passed one| tq mon eat | times. ; mn. the wetter of Se Seen Se. helicopter lifted a two-ton public Township, over the weekend, said “shee West Un. Tel. 317 parked car successfully and theri and « injuries are the ee a pci: y utility pole and placed it in &isheritt’s deputies. . - int Nick |... 915 Upiobn Mal -. 44.17| something happened. type “generally caused by physi-/ tater, he said, “I told'them to| To Peter » father of said child. hole; transported a 60-foot, 4,500- Int Peper urge Wests Bl... 193) cal violence. : ebody else. I wasn’t going! case mene teen tee seecemh where: socal Ac ichten'esen cad po: — setote west: ol eile En 35 White Mot .... 40.8 Gorback hit the second parked Shown a picture of the pretty/£", turther-with that.” 0 abouts of father of said miner child ma eat TE, _* #23) car in the line a glancing blow, led across t = are unknown, the said child has ee 5 Ss ee ieee reported stolen from the|jeee ote Bs vung aw .. 383 and also hit the panic button, His | se tien cat ener ane tnd lon vanes ee Oe aan ae . a | st: eld Cary es Davis, 8880 Pun-|Rtngecott'../.111, Yagst Sha . 1201) foot slipped of the brake and onto |slecping pills, the doctor said: | Thirty-six per cent of radios pro-|Juriet\ston, ot, ‘St" Se" Deopte ot the = ing a dummy of an Honest John/tus, Seniay,” wchenthig, *. Onl -- @-6 Zenith Red ..264) the accelerator, “T don’t think the injuries to her|duced in the United States go into) giate of ou are he no- _ missile, demonstrating the mobility |iang County Sheriff's Deputies. AVERAGES. He bounced off his second vic-|Dack and neck would have been| private passenger cars, Live better | Tir! 2nd" atthe’ Oakland County the flying crane will give the Ar} (Complies by The Associated Press), |tim, another parked car, and struck| eed Py Us. POG ander etivintarodharen lgerviee Center, Court Howe _Ansats 7 as “— 4 my's missile sromnel. . Batteries and tires valued at| wei change .... Bdus' Rais Uiil Stocxs|@ car double-parked t discharge| ried out for a recess at the end , “a 4 Lee 8. Johnson, Sikorsky gen- [$260 were stolen trom MS Prer, Gay ossc--35¢ diva doe’ Gat| The beginners new ear then|°t her testimony. : “iy , | eral manager, predicted the test night o W ° teenth tot anes ONS ine. joie 39 crossed the street and racked up It's been an ordeal,”’ she said, he E: = crane would the according aterford |Y :0ts2-338-7 (464 13 1623/number four, pushing it far’ as she returned to the defense transportation ry. Township Police. 198g high .....+-3386 1443 1921 225.5 over ie cmb te at F parking | counsel's table. | s Ses d 3 : Be ; The $60 can be transformed into} Kenneth R. Fox, 25, of 190 Chere 1988 low 0 aT “aad 88 dogg MELEF Post logensiee a ethan une ae bd oe , 5 aS fj a‘troop carrier by the use of de- kee Rd., was fined $50 or 10 days) | Gorbaeck didn't really score’ on throat is very sore.”’ “| ue | a: as in e tachable pods. It-also can be trans-|;, jail for reckless: driving yester-| DETROIT STOCKS the last three parked cars, They * se . f ‘a . os © ; formed into a flying emergency day by Municipal Judge Maurice pigures after dectaah poate ie eighths| Just smacked into each other aft.| Sh ared in a yell i 3 ‘ Ee hospital for the quick removal and’ * e appe in a yellow suit transport of the wounded. x * Allen Elec & Equip Co* . peeves teary | Radlagg Mit the firet ene. and the black velvet hat which] _ ,,. . is Rummage Sale, Thursday, A peltete Betwer Ce vss aee BOO ITA Thomas V. Beegle, 47, a car|she had worn at the start of the Thanks to NEW MOB ILHEAT Pe ‘6th, 9 to 6 First Aicinodist |Gt tx On & enem Gor" (2 “ts °F [salesman who was giving Gorback| trial four weeks ago. - FURNACE OIL ho 600 Expected Zhureh, |W. at Pleasant, |Howell Elee Mirco.’ °" 104 i14/some practice time at the wheel,| She told Thomason during! our home was warm, Sham. Snack ber & free Parking. rhe Prophet Gor e...-.e <2 14 121 sottered slight aos. 9 = ao the cross-examination that she | comfortable and my fuel bill was lower “aeeegs AS » Mrs. Gorback, 57, other i , at May 11 Fete Sale ot Ba B Aue Tee Oo dt tN ee aser, bad a beac he cig sate Dlg! gin Soe A last year . . . Our home was cleaner : don. 5089 Hwy. Tues. & Wed. The car Gorback was driving| secluded riverbank to swallow 75 ; i for Sheriff Irons \pril 14 and 15. 8-a.m. till 9 p.m. Y ‘ T. ki has estimated damages of $400. sleeping capsules after the shoot- as New Mopilhveat actually cleans os a Primte Deteatie ankus Ta ING —_|Damage on the other vehicles to-| ing last July 31 it burns which eliminated furnace re- A dinner honoring Oakland) 1, ieq--Bonded. FE '5-6201 - . taled $700 Ne Necameg woe fightiasl, 3 irs and s a much cleaner heat . wil . acaie , , ! ° airs an ave u ° Sheriff Frank W. Irons will adv. Preview Trip wanted to get away,” she said. P 9 “You can be sure I have reordered .... New MOBILHEAT with RT-98 > FRANGHISED DEA ALUMINUM — FENCE CO. 1101 East 152nd St. — Cleveland 10, Ohio There's profit in ALCOA® ALUMINUM CHAIN LINK potential, You can be.in business within three weeks. | We'll train you. Requires approfimately $10,000 aworking capital, largely covered by inventory. Earn- Over a period of six years, Yan-|| ing potential, $20-30,000 first year. Set yourself up with the biggest name in a growing field. LER-DISTRIBUTOR PRODUCTS MADE OF AS A | SAVE 50¢ from Gee... Gee's careful, courteous delivery service in modem trucks was never found wanting . .. we always had plenty of NEW TO SWITCH TO NEW eee CALL FE §-6181 ATTENTION COAL USERS! A TON Order your coal in loads of two ton or more and save 50c @ tom «ce NOW-18 THE TIME Se eal te sl ee ce él -— Eight-year-old Stee mene 08 Wack Oetback: Sek Saga acting up, he is following doctor’s orders. He — ee cena act AP Wirephote day, it will strengthen muscles weakened by — polio, ‘and he won't have to undergo surgery. With exercise over, Jimmy rests. up: with a adi adam eae i | | f é Ernest Norberg, 62; of. 232 el] ft nity : a 3 z < Be MILFORD — Service for Floyd t manager at the|#@ Was @ life-long resident of the was assistant manager Milford Bb3 gh i i : FS f | recteg pr oe RENAY JEAN TUCKER _. TROY — Service for Renay Jean Tucker, infant daughter of» Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Tucker of 1761 E. George St., Hazel Park, was held at 10 a.m. today at Price Funeral Home here with burial in Union Corners Cemetery, Troy. The baby died at birth Saturday bor, van Lake Church of Christ. BETTY ANN SHEPARD the Army. at Brent General Hospital, Detroit. brand new car. Surin bees the parents ae the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Tucker of Utica and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Dotson of Troy. MRS, CHARLES J. UMPHREY ORCHARD LAKE — Service 101 priet Mrs. Charles J. Umphrey, 69, of 6228 Orchard Lake Rd., will be held at 10:30 a.m; Wednesday at *!the Sylvan Lake Church of Christ. Burial will be in Oakhill Cemetery under the direction of C. J. God-| Hunt, Raph Foierel Heeb, Kanye ter. Mrs: Umphrey died Saturday at the home of a daughter in Pon- tiac. She was a press operator at the Stainless Ware Co. of America, Pontiac, and a member of the Syl- Surviving are four daughters, Mrs. J. F. Gunnells and Mrs. Frank Chufar, both of Tulsa, Okla., Mps. Warren Hall of Pontiac and Mrs. William Stephens of Keego Harbor; and three sons, George W. Sarver of California, Edward of Tulsa‘and Joseph of Seattle. A sister, brother, 14 grandchildren and 12 great- grandchildren also jsurvive. | . Planning a fall wedding are Betty Ann Shepard and §. 4C. Ernest J. Romer Jr. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Harry Shepard of 3064 Greenwood Rd., Avon Township, and he is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Romer Sr. of 2896 Crooks Rd., Avon Township. The fiance is stationed” at Fort Khoa, Ky., with The average motorist drives ap- proximately 8,070 miles each year —roughly equal to the diameter of the earth. Live better by far with a COLUMBIA,’ S.C. (AP) — Col. Reynolds Condon, 53, former chief of staff at Ft. Jackson, who re- tired from. the Army in 1956, was death a suicide. He was born in Ohio > © * * BOSTON (AP) — John Joseph (Joe) Dixon, 72, veteran Boston newspaper photographer, died Sat- urday. He had been a photogra- pher for. more than 50 years and .| three of his sons are now photog- raphers for Boston newspapers. EUSTIS, Fla. (AP) — Thomas A. Conway, 94, former mayor of Elyria, Ohio, died Saturday. He also was a former probate judge of Lorain County, Ohio, - x *« * DALLAS, Tex. (AP) — Thomas Lamar Peeler Jr., 52, assistant to with the Amsterdam Concertgebou Orchestra. Death Takes Father | of Detroit AP Man father of Herman H. Delidow, traf- fic chief of the Associated Press Detroit bureau, died yesterday. F.orisrs’ « | _ . Teteorary Detivery ROCHESTER - Sixteen-year-old Blaine McGiverin Jr., Explorer Scout of Post. 138, received his God and Country Award in a spe- cial ceremony conducted yester- day during the morning worship service at St. Paul Methodist Church here Blaine is the son.of Mr. and Mrs. Blaine M, McGiverin Sr., of 880 -Viewland Dr., Avon Township. s Officiating ‘at the presentation “Built to. a * | QUALITY” | Check Our. Prices ‘Before You Buy Standard of Rochester Scout Honored | (Receives Top Award made by his mother were the Rev. J, Douglas Parker, church pastor; Kyle Elliott, minister of education; and Scoutmaster Ho- ward Powers of Troop 123, plete it. memory * |Park. Scout officials say the God and Country award is one of the most difficult to achieve because of the complexity of the work and the length of time involved to com- To be eligible to receive the award, an advanced scout must \, | prove ‘himself vitally interested in the work of the church by per- forming varioys service projects such as book binding, arranging In addition, the candiate for this| - special award must make a study| of the church of which he is a ‘Blaine, wearing the new, Explor- er Scout uniform beamed ‘broadly as his mother pinned the award to his jacket. He is a junior at Ro- f/ \chester Community High School, Delidow is survived by his wid- ow, Rose; two other sons, Sam of Troy and Harry of Vallejo, Calif., and a daughter, Mrs. Helen La Vine of Detroit. _ Funeral services were held to- day from Hebrew Memorial Chapel with burial, in Hebrew Memorial PHYLLIS ©. MILITELLO Mr. and Mrs. Frank Militello_ of 371. Maple. Dr., erage an-: Mr, and Mrs. "Earl Burley Sr. of Bronson. Both the prospective bride and. bridegroom attend DETROIT —Abe Delidow, 70, services, Bishop, MARQUETTE (®—The body of/¢ George E. Bishop, a founder - of the Michigan Tourist Council and long-time official of the Upper Pen- insula Development. Bureau was to be returned here today for funeral TT, died Saturday at Sault Ste. Marie on a visit to S EFES 7 Harp, Vocal Group The. fire broke out where the paper is dried. to Pl t Rochest heat was so intense that it 0 FIAY AT ROCHESIEF | activates the sprinkler system, and the Rochester Fire Department ROCHESTER — The Rochester|was summoned to help fight the Musicale ‘will sponsor The|fire for about an hour before Harp and Vocal Ensemble of the |bringing it under control. Cass Technica] High School in a * -*« * arily. Soe een We Oe pee Se Trevis anid at the wate: comes sai: surve Sehool - tipurpose more damage . Towmahip.. Np we Gate pened te Ookaene wos oath tee room at 8 p.m, tomorrow, that employes spent most of Sat- idents in the area are interested Harp instruction is a part of|urday and Sunday cleaning up Mithi ‘in forming the church body. daily schedule for music stu-|after the blaze G. E. Bishop, gan “The actual organization of the|dents at Cass Technical High ty Tourist Official, Dies congregation will take place after|School. The school purchased five “, services have been held for sev-|harps and made them available Rochester Women y Hold Polio Clinic a hospital there a few days before.|ing school, Si Ss SNe Ee" coin, rt ah td Po, pa ee a Lutheran church in|ren, Mrs, Edwin Kirchofer and , He became sécretary-manager of |St. Louis, Mo, ; Dire. ‘they ‘Frank are the 1 Lacql medical docters oud resis the Upper Development| , imitans social tered nurses administer any Buteau in 1921 and held the post| © was born im Downs, Kan- one of the four inoculations in the until his retirement in 1957, He| **% 1 1910 and graduated from ; series. The charge will be one also was a former chairman of at Frement, dollar a shot. Michigan Conservation Council. At one time he served on the St. Lawrence Seaway Commission. Bishop was survived by his wi- dow, Loutie Mildred, two daugh- His first assignment was at Pa- ducah, Ky. organized-the Holy Trinity Luth- And, in 194 Mr. Ross * lat Osteopathic Hospital where he was admitted after swallowing 2 quantity of ferrous sulphide pills at hig home. The boy was one of A parent, guardian or a respon- sible adult must accompany any- one under 21 to the clinic. Another one will be held May 14, followed Central Michigan College. with Rev. William Lovejoy offici- le will state at the Richardson- Bird Pu neral Home, ord. e Aad “in Oa) t-gran orien will Ll April 14, ‘at 3 A tie will Iie in gate at the Hun- toon Funeral Hom: > HOWARD, APRIL 11, mand dr., 5010" white Puneral Home, Milford. a __hor. KENYON, APRIL 2, OHNSTON, APRIL ia 1959, Claude (Budj, 3361 Lake Shores, Phare age 44; beloved husband of Mrs. Naoma Keego Harbor. th Dr. offictating. Interment in Perry Mt. Park Cemetery. Mr. Johnston will He in state at the C. J. God- hardt Puneral Home, Keego Har- 1959, IRMA Ida, 440 Indian Lake Rd., Orion va: age 61; beloved ‘mother of Mrs. Lynette St. Clair, Preston and Ernest on; dear sister of Mrs. Golde Parks and Valey Schirmer; also survived by three grandchildren. Puneral service will be heid Wednesday, April 15, John Nicol oo Interment in Eastlawn Cemete: KILE, APRIL 10, 1959, or A., 2791 Groveland R4., Ortonville: age 17; ed of Charles and Annie Kile; dear brother of Mrs. Gooden, Phyllis, Ron- ald and David Kile. Punerai serv- ice will Hg ons sday, April 14, at 2 . from thé Bossardet Reid eral Home, Oxford, with Rev. Robert Morris officiat- ing. Interment in Rich Cemetery Mayville. Charles will lie in stars at the Bossardet d& mane Puneral Home, Oxford. NOR! 12, - nest, 232° . Brooklyn Pie ge 62; beloved husband of Mrs. ima Ni >; @ear father of M: Mr. Norberg w the Huntoon Pureral TURCOTT, B. FRANK, ap val St., Birmin, im; husband of &liz- abeth (nee reer); father of Mrs. Robert Judith Ann and p.m. from "the Manley Bai neral Honte, 183 Oakland, mingham. Internfent in Rose Park Cemetery. f ‘ hs coal Rev, A arti — dag Ector 11, 1959, ANNA chard Lake Hd., Or- 2O CEMENT & pata. work. Free estimates. FE ses Bun homes—800 plans, secure mortgage. No obligation. Builders Exchange FE 3-7210 or UL 2-3463 BOER & aa gh DOK T _§-2853 ___MA_ arer er OA 83272 ANY TYPE OF HOUSE PLANS. custom drawn OL 1-8200. _ 34031, . BUILD BASEMENTS UNDER as Picck cement work. BLOCK, BRICK, CEMENT WORK and fireplaces. MA as SAsEMERTS WATER FE work anteed, free Y eimai. ig borage REPATR, PLASTER- carpentry. Base- hy water rpirboted. FE service Ted MeCuliongh has siven © 5-8888 for many years! Also cash for & F 2A — equities. Mortgages avall- ____ Lost & ound 7A) Case BUYERS WAITING cosh. 2 GAMOYEDS «ware | NG ,cblestion, call aay hour FE ee So ARRO REALTY __ LOST: 15 IN. BLACK, WHITE & 7 , brown beagle. Number tatooed in ABSOLU TELY _ears. Reward. FE 3-112. The fastest action on your Isnd (oat: BALDWIN & COLUMmBIA| Contract Cash duvets cael. area. black female part Cocker _Call Realtor Partridge. FE Spanie] dog, white mar 3. An- ~~ ACTION tt! awers to Blackie. Beware. ve On 77 Land ere bid oer CS have sold on a first or secon : BEA FEMALE. VI-| jand contract. and would like cinity of ‘Roches ster. Answers te ar cash, we can get you the name of “Sugar.” OL 1-1642. _ highest dollar Reasonable dis- PAINT BY NUMBER ‘PICTURES Bcrabbie Backenstose Boo ; _Notices | & P ‘Personals 28 — iA , COMPLETE COLD WAVE $6.50 & H Style Rite. a — wil- Hass tate. ae KNAPP P SHOES Fred _Hermar OR 3-1592 A COMPLETE COLD WAVE $5.00 | Dorothy's. FE 31244 ANY GIRL OR WOMAN see friendly — rE . The Salvation ~CHARLES CHESTER AIR CUSHIONED SHOES 'E. H. MILLER OR _3-4942 i CALL [L ELECTROLYSIs SEOTRE. pe unwanted hair removed by poe arg and experienced Elec- trologist. Martha Wilder, State Reg nee. Experienced. R DAINTY MAID SUPPLIES — 1739 Menominee Mrs. Wallace. FE DAINTY “MA AID SUPPLIES — Mrs. A. Taylor, 56 Gillespie. FE 37293, In Debt? you are boring eee rear, ICHIOAN CREDIT. COUNSE RS c, Room 716, tinc 0056. 7 State Bank (08E WEIGHT “SAFELY AND economically _— newly released Dex-A-Diet tablet. 98 cents at SIMMS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Loyal Order of Moose» Pontiac Lodge No are located at 359 Mt. Clemens, Pontiac, has applied to the Mich- igan Liquor Contro] Commission for a club license to sell beer. | wine end spirits to bona fide members only and that it is the intent of the Liquor Control Com- |. mission to grant sald license upon the expiration of 10 days from , date hereof. Dated April 13 13, ,_ 1958. NOTICE 18° HEREBY “GIVEN that Fraternal Order of Eagles, Pontiac Aerie No. 1230, whose penne are located at 289 W ontealm, Pontiac, has applied to Control Com- Hicense to sell sence “{S HEREBY GIVEN that gest oe Order of Eagles No. 3687, whose premises are lo= cated at «761 Highland Rd., Pon- tiac, has applied to the Michigan Commission for a club license to sell beer, wine. grant iration of 10 days from date Rereot Dated. Apri” 11, 1850. PEGGY NEWTON COSMETICS tor reorders or makeup parties. Call FE §-3061 VILLAGE HALL FOR RENT PARTIES RECEPTIONS MEETINGS FOR gg ty FE. 4-7065 él ORCHARD LAKE RD. WE RENT DISHES, SILVERWARE punch bowls. FE FE 4-5895 Wid. C ‘Children to Board 26 A-1 ~ BOARDING HOME LI censed. FE 2-5031. Wtd. Household ¢ Goods. 27 = | see DISHES, FURN. OIL ear marble top tables, MY wast FOR USED aaa FURNI- ture ana aS FE 2 COMPLETE ME ‘eo MISC. ‘turn AY 6-1332, FE 5-1090. CAB! FOR FURNITURE Ai AND AP- pee Odd pieces or house full. oan courteous’ service. FURNITUR RE “NEEDED Entire home or odd lots. Get the top dollar. Wiil “oa oytright or sell it for you. B& pommunts Sale. Phone OR | 3-2717 sevice — | WANTED "TO BUY — 0 i of farniture Ph, FE WILL L LIQUIDATE YOuR ~ HOUSE- old ds either by private sale or od Appraisals. L. Sale ‘Farm, Roch- ester, Michigan. OL. 1-8631. auction. 182, whose premises | at ;, Maree. 86 E Walton CASH FOR J. J. VanWeit OR AVAILABLE FOR LAND CON. TRACTS AND HOME EQUITIES NO OBLIGATION. CALL. A. Joh nson REALTOR 17% S. Telegraph Ra. CA$H —QUICK CLOSING— NO HIDDEN FEES— Nicholie & Harger Co. PE 5-8 33 WEST CASH D - CONTRA & TIES. EVEN IF DE- ~ LAND ~coWrnAcTs Sones Dixie Hwy. ae FE 44561 IMMEDI ATE ~ - ACTION Oa any land contract. New or seasoned. Your cash upon sat- factory inspection of property and tithe. Ask Ken Templeton. kK. L. Templeton, Realtor 2339 Orehard Lake Rd. FE 4-4563 LAND ~ CONTRA ‘TO. ‘BUY OR to sell pant G@tels.. EM. eB: M 036 or E} 4 REFRESENT INTERESTS WHO will purchase your land contract. | Lesiie ‘Jones, Realtor. Phooce | _Oui ive 2-1 2-1651. Buy Land Contracts EVEN IF DELINQUENT! for Sales Manager at MA §-T128 evenings HU *MPHRIES REALTY. Wanted Real Estate 32A —oo A CABIN IN NORTHERN x MICHT- gan. Send full particulars to Pon- tiac Press Box 89 ~ ALL CASH re smmetisiety for acreage anyw PENN KEALTY 4122 N. Woodward Royal Oak “LI_9-5900 ‘ALL CASH and FHA equities i hon m- For GI if behind “in — payments, mediate 1” WICKERSHAM 7195 w. Mapie MAyfatr_ 6-6250 CASH FOR YOUR HOME OR EQUITY. If cash interests you, let us look over your property ‘for a cash sale. In many cases We can get you cash for smal] or lar equities, We also have buyers land eéatracts, Clark Real = tate. 1362 W. Huron. FE 3-7888 FE_4-4813. Ask for ‘Mr. Clark. GI AND FHA CASH FOR YOUR HOME Yes we can sell your home for cash with very small down pay- ment. Call us for further infor- mation. Do not feel obligated. We will appraise your property and tell you the cash you can receive WE BUILD | REALTORS FE 41587 rw DORRIS & 762 W. Huron HAVE CASH, WILL TRAVEL We will travel to see you and show you how to get cash for your home, land contract or acre- age. Call now for a 30-minute, aervies No char R. RILEY, Broker ; ry dee Lake Rd. FE 4115 FE 4-482! “PLACE A “LOST” AD. Call FE 2-8181 for an ad to recover a loss. Dial FE 2-8181 for an ad-writer. Say “charge it.” 2 RMS AND BATH. FE 17-0661 dieaged person Pensioner pre- it o dfinking. $50 mo. 3 ee ae awAT, Lausre facilities aciens. Northview Ct. Net tO Onkland, TATTR RMS, PVT. BATH, _ Wanted ed Real Estate Estate 32A 32A Immediate Action We Can at P Soo House WHITE $660 Dixie Hw Open-Eves. ‘til O: Sunday 10 "ttl § WANTED: WILL BUY PROM OWN- 2 bedroom — large jot. Small down yes w do Soe repair. E 25103, after WANTED: IMMEDIA TELY! Homes, farms, lake property and land contracts. Buyers waiting. Paul M. Jones, Real | Est. 832 W. Huron _Rent Apts., Furnished 33 18ST. FLOOR, 3} ROOMS, FE 5-2405, 40 Edison. 1 — APT.. 1 GIRL, 88, PVT. washing, FE PE 2-0663, i sai FOR EMPLOYED LADY downstairs. Pvt. entrance, - linen service. $40 mo. be Douglas. FE _4-3181_or_ FE 5-O156, 1 _ KITCHENETTE. PVT. adults only. 290 N. Pad- __ dock. Alberta. Apts. bath, 1 RM. KITCHEN PVT. EN Clean a ae. Singles $14 wk. FE_ 5-001 i, 2, AND 3 ROOM, PVT Parking space, quiet, adults. 133 E_ Howard. CLEAN 3 3 7 LARGE RMS.. MODERN AUTO- — 3 heat and bot water, Prospect. FE 2 Ea ciromenerre: PVT, BATH 7 Util. furn. Small child en welcome. FE roe 12 ROOMS & BATH, $12 2 WEEK. _ 235. Florence. 2 LARGE RMS, MODERN, UTIL. rm., ground floor. Between A _bura snd 8. Blvd. 3655 Crooks Rd. 7 & 3 ROOM APTS., PRIVATE bath, private entrance, Ist & oor Plenty of parking fa» cilities 164 W. ke St. FE §-8583 between 6:00 & 8:00 p.m. No drinkers. 2 LARGE RMS. PVT. ENT. AND _tile bath, 2600 Sylvan Shores. 2 RMS. On nd fi chard 7 NICE ROOMS, C IN drinking, $10 week. FE ona. 2 RM. APT., 52 NORTON MAple 52438 = 24 RM UTIL. Child welcome, Garden avail. Gingellville, 5-1927. : 5 FURN. NEWLY ist ba ATTACTIVE Ss eRM. apt. pola th, antes ¢ na ga- fate, St e¢ &refrig. ‘aniriey & Lois. Pontiac ists BUILT-IN stove & refrigerator, ae fine ern tecture, $55 per =e 7a A. KERN. INC.. ie ecaetid 7 ROOMS AND BATH NEWLY dec. Private entrance. FE 5-8686. J ROOMS AND BATH. $50 MONTH. FE 45006 RMS. & Child weleome. BATH. 154 Wall. FOR ern R RENT: NICE LARGE farm house utilities su clan’ and cozy. Phone plies 3} ROOMS & BATH. FIRST FLOOR. Priv. ent. Adults only. UL 2-3719. 3 BEDROOM FLAT. AUTOMATIC ee Near Pisher Body. FE 3 LARGE = RMS. PVT. BATH AND ent. —_ Pontiac Lake on M69. OR 3-195 3 —_— ‘ay CLEAN. RENT ‘ek caretaker—rear door. sa inaw APT. PRIV. BATH. EN- decorated, Stea _ 84558, 3 7 RMS. AND Ts FE 400i oo NEWLY DECORATED 115 State St. Pontiac Apartments. FE 2-5285. 3 RM APT, PVT. BATH & ; ENT. > Parily furn, 285 Whittemore. AND 5 ROOM APARTMENTS See on caretaker 3¢ Washington. PE 4 RMS. oS ee en be room. Au utilities line. Adults only, Way ‘ ‘Marshall 4 FAMILY BRICK APT. HOUSE, west side, unfurn, Vacancy, rms. & bath, modern, he hot water furn.. adults only, $75 mo. If W 2, 05. @ ROOMS A ———— and all er ge mr oh panes mF eae j HF o RMS, AND BA _ FE ae ater 4 West H Trailer park. cE “261 RM. BATH foe GARAGE. ON _bus_ line. FE 5-6267 5 ROOMS ANI AND BATH U1 U ‘ RMB ee BE SHADY & quiet Good neighborhood: Alr- nT Cones only FE arkeo OOMS. PVT. 24 «8 RE "Inquire 95 Laz. RM. FLAT. * Lon +2036 Child_over, 12, ee i 4 RMS. AND - H. ADULTS. Ciean, Nicely furn, 8 Miller St. A tic hear and hot water (soft) furnished. Kitchen fan master TV bc and.many other fine fea- ures For a limited time, no leases or security” tie J re apres. MANAGER 1) SALMER ST. APT. 6 FE 8-6918 OPEN DAILY & SUNDAY "10 A.M.® PM. “THE ANSWER TO sia YOUR PROBLEM: Want Ads! To sell, rent, | & hire, it's FE 2-818], t ‘ ¢ STOVE. | ; al) utilities fur- 3 After 6, FE & ROOMS, be ah SIDE, NR. GEN- eral Hospital. .F ‘E4-6491_____ mE SMALL HOUSES FOR FOR RENT IN- quire at 1676 ie 4 lor Rd. Ask for Lonnie Weaver, 42031. _Rent Hou Houses Ut Unfurn. 36 old, ‘Repossessed home, Ex 1 BEDROOM MODERN, < 13 waitms| serene. Laxps wet. * out Dixie. $40. MA 5-T086. Me ae ETT Y BEDRM. BRICK, about closing costs. rage, lake priv. FE 2-2908. — GI NOTHING DOWN —Large west — 2 BEDROOM DUPLEX — seers Wil be pamted and Daw. a eye EAST wren Ul eiouTs wy summer enjoy- iow Renting For ° ment. New of turn. “Fu pase. — ie = you need ig the closing Soste* ~ $44 NE Boclevacd at Valencis om, DOWN — Ome wneaiew vam ae, a furn. Alum. storms. Two 7 BEDROOM, OI MEAL NEAR) ist Ay fom Mere os Pine After $ p.m. FE $8830. farm. at only $7700. 7 BEDROOM RAMONA N — 6 rm. or’ will sell with small down pay~ = furn. and ‘tuil poian. ment, $65 month. FE 4-1559. Nice & clean. Paved St. 3 bed- 7 BEDRM, NEAR BLUE SKY| toms. Priced at only 97060. A Theater, $50. FE . a 8 ee oe ; vane, Seat PISS oes mi cn ei = € ry ~ age Ee ae ee 00 | "Scam modern Dame. Tee car ar, new kitchen. Pull basement. — 2 Fay a + BS BATE POR, a furn. “Ezeclient condition." pas, re * ; tact, bousetrailer or what have 3 Ricken, coop > eset 13 ae ™ le id vee “SG ad BOY) SRLL OR TRADE Chr, tne ANN “Ine, Realtor, 28 ©. Hue) 257%" adage 3 7 BEDROOM RANCH IN CLARE: | ee siaae ; $80 month. Lincoln 54-2862. home. “at only “naka AND BATH. UTILITY . , a a screean Peis Witle “with at i ; breeseway and 2 car gar. a UTELITY,. OWL | 39"Scre of and he. About heat. FE 26332 or PE ‘2-5768, oR E-Bay ge Bg —— between 5 RM. MODERN ON LAKE, be 4 16 mi, 6 RMS. “a a ANCH TYPE. 7 BMS MECHANIC 455, tnguir 20% Auburn Ave. FE 7RM. ALL YEAR ‘ROUND HOUSE Me Ne wly decorated. MU_ 4.4257. Building Co. ~ 3023 NORCOTT ST. tapes eon win’ te sell. ove end re-| . Private | Call Midwest, iil give yes year’ Dorothy Sax 3 lease, o MA 65-7061, ask for tare ea Lavender - rome Building Co. AUBURN HEIGHTS a of Harber. Will poe 3-4209 or MI 6-7055. Je-. "SMALL tf ed. in CLA oN brick home. i RE. ~ Move 4. ing to Indiana. MA &1 houses. Sn au ? BEDROOM, 6” x 210 3 Lot. BRICK 3 ROOMS & BATH, PLUS 2576 James. $7,000 cash 1.200 | utflity. Nice yard. Nr. school &| for equity, Payments ok S 0. _ shopping center, OR. 3305% | ine’ "insurance & taxes. Bas 2 bedrm Gane 2 ac S = = : % 8p: e, zm VET 30ZY 6 RMB MODERN & GA- thine Do rage In Keego arbor. #4 Pop- , Nothin — | lar. Pontiac. : CLU' &! NCE OTTAGES 5 RM. DUPLEXES | Full basement. spacious living __and bath, MY 3-4962. a) athe Soe hard- NEWLY DECORATED 6 RM, DU-| 00d floors city water & sewer. __ Plex, West side. $85. PE P N NEAR SASHABAW 6 RM. BRICK ! old. 5. furnace ranch yrs. very clean, $85 said DEQUIN- oe, FE 8.6192 FE _8-6819./ party 2-8 SUNDAY 11-8 MODEL $ Reaveeme % fe a ios 389 Ca . . ang — as 2 large bedrooms. studio ving avo ea off Foster one roOn ere FE Cine | basement. Will accept email pi SMALL HOUSE ON Mis Babar or late mode] car. FE MApile 5-0916 Fe SAM WARWICK AT SYLVAN Lake -—- 3 bedroo port at ‘oom Lease $125, Also se. Lake scirbaaee decorated & canted floors. §-6437. WEST SIDE. ¢ RM. BRICK. be Gas heat. Exe. cond. * Hot 5907 LU en, frigerator and électric range. Some furniture, more if dgsired. _Rent Lake Lake Cottages 36A 36A, SMALL ¢ ROOM SOTraGe, RRAR NEAR Elizabeth Lake; 693 Cedariawn. and cold water; shower bath; machine and dryer, re- * Williamson, ‘earbern, or call 2-9670. Laeadig a : For Rent Rooms 37 Sn atin cieinactinndl ACTIVE RMS. GIRLS. PRIV- Cooking QIR with twin beds. privileges. min § min, walk from dows: “ae SUREPING ROOM, LA w, FE 20700. Pal ve. FURNISHED ROOM, IN ones ee. joes een -nr, downtown, Call E 8. before MEN RD y ORNL 141% Deviant Ave” FE 30100 _ EEPING ROOM IN NICE ¥ wba Pe bee brick, car- 2 bedroom FE, . ONFURN “SRM. TERRACE. NEW- ck. it FE bit adi aid na Re a a Lait high se district. Mandy 4 Fontise 517 eb Eon. off E gosiy _he _mortga ake | iiworth Ave. Hoil 3 Leapaen tone RANCH [ae se die MONEY! ‘Sell belongings. pe through Classified — FE — ovewsoi tle i e Warren Stout, Realtor Tl N. Saginaw st. Ph, FE 45-8165 =e S2SS_| gone DOWN Bot side, Bet) il fll porch, Total price ; | loge adbeg all : fenge ndds » homey touch, to ths $550 i ue veg in Bhan Sosed rest eerie Ce : i i At i E « r i in cE fs S 7 WILLIAMS a ESTATE & mat ge E: | ete ee ba Saag kag igh cg et — West H Hie - a7 2 in e 3 53 # ft He § if, ~ Seminole Hills Oy gg i foun, with ri brick fire- Bi-! vel aad Tri-Level your ite or we aes ae tor your : = REALTY TED. McCULLOUGH REALTOR 5143 Cass-Elizabeth Rd FE 5-1284 FE 4-3844 $ a.m to 8:30 p.m. Sunday 1-5 CO COLO: RED V sD VETS : “ qQuiier, R. J. (DICK) )VALUET M5 Oak Ave CALL DAY, FE tea MUL LISTING SERVICE —_ ASSOCIATE _ BROKERS INVESTMENT. CO. . FE 6-0663 f $:Redioom Buck CLOSING COSTS ON : 1 WANT A A GOOD PRICE aoe BY OWNER. 3 ! 1010 soe Houhecier, “OL 1-1521 ~ WEST SUBURBAN: JACK LOVELAND FE 2-4875 "| auas! Cass Lake 24. TODAY’S BARGAINS Very nice large 2-bedroom mod- | Ay FS or "Only $13,900, terms. Excellent hom: home with 3 bedrooms, Custom n Built Home? ANGUS, Realtor © SMITH | CRESCENT LAKE HIGHLANDS Neat 2 = bungalow, i ar bene ~ foved, An catide ue, well land- we esnpe Jot, lake ‘privileges. Ww if] E. J. DUNLAP i: Sere . SYLVAN VILLAGE RENT | eee = : 5 & tops and 3 e ‘fiom bes ra Sede Ge pei taee mass Be Saya es Se fiat tate at a | SEER Si oe —- |" Beceeedeeesrs etn : sade ee D extending to pudiie alley. 2 fam- orn 3, Net | is thf teen, onch, ae. Good et 1% car garage. waa * xceptional value privileg: at . Pg Does ‘Handyman ~ Rolfe H. Smith —REAL' “4 C8. "oom 3S Tae | GILES Huron Gardens ~ e ‘ar for nirther informa 5 LTOR » BMS 1 Close to St. Mike's Only $1,500 Down 7? gf By DBR 3-Bedroom Brick Lake Privileges Get set for a summer-time and kitehen, Breeseway to 2 car i Hi.0, i.000 500 ealoy ate ates Price EMBI REE GREGG wes, lee ate EM _3-4303 or EM 3-3314 $9500 Will build 3 bedroom house, com- with ent on your jot. auto- fae heat. Don McDonald. OR af lling modernized into 3 —* we! mn a ments ately 1 acre of land jocated 1 comm eat of Rochester at 126] East pny - ol a be dis- posed of at highest acceptable offer. For 8 Division, Conser- GEORGE R. ~ wy n ranch st with lar living room, o “Ra basem. and anges 4 of closet epace, is home has garage, deli | kitchen and plastered ¥ it $13,500, PHA hag 5 mee room with iv wi are very nice kitchen and fully landscaped. Small down pay- ment and mortgage cost moves _ 2 bedroom, Has jarge a ae glide room, wonderful and dining area with cer- amic counter top. Also has at- tached breezeway and Suite car oven. > It can be yours for mort- | cost only. 2, 205 tarts | Dorothy aie Lavender Realtor 29 Years Phone EM $3303. or $25. Moves You in MILPORD 3 BEDRMS, GA heat. Paved street Cily sewer r Full 10 fot. Gar- ee Tpet! ie $-3731 i 28s VF. 8-3008 Pontiac vie. Se ae umes & pags agg oe iow is me an. a. ‘ fee eat. We costams, atid your a ag Rye Ba ti aa fon SEE OUR out. 80x265 ft. lot with re NS. Boor. “Only $1,450 down. WEST SIDE Near an Schoo! for eae GILES REALTY co. Pe tA noms. Dec. | PE S173 21 BALDWIN AVE Bie rick garage. Lares Tot | yeouAMPER Ligeti SERVICE - cE BAN, $17, SPA- Very clean home featuring cious, 3 bedrm. brick home, "bed S$, 16x27 living fatace paved streets, . toom, stone —. large Saepai 1a tesa at res, box, 0 led ise ths, owner, mily room ‘vith \eronste Dishmaster. pad eras be d beach, new : Wideman 412 W. HURON w MFE 4-452 Segveean betgh tence, oormir ie 120 x basem: carpeting, take for o' storms, yi et 000 ‘eq blocks to pro Pin ily via ce You ea er ave te be a GI to. , We have several near- bed: Boag = with or wi tions and ready vy move Evenings after 6 reac MA Ea a vs . + Fastin REALTOR ao brie TO GOLD: Sell; things you're. not' using a 4 ile ees Vi Realtor . ; 1015 W. MILLER car garage with rasa water af- Sy eiasoe hae” ed ie NOR SIDE R. LINCOLN 4 ee nice 2 home— sized Yooms and. full He nm glassed porch, ag ry 3 on aa." street, itiechs HILLS—Choice 3 bedroom brick feat large family on sitet built in Pull basement, to" sehools. i aes payment te Wal Uke sevings of rent. William Miller FE 2-0263 Huron Close to St. Fred’s <. Os comnpletely modern F care Saye fa eS ie, 80 MONEY pow FoR Gis WM. A. KENNEDY | MULTIPLE LISTING sERVICE ONE FTE: city conveni- ences, This 3 bedroom - brick a ‘Eves on OR 3-1708 oF 4/3 wnat do you have that could overcome the gasoline fumes pent Bs ey et ee beautiful rooms, 2 ceramic Ae ER Pull Tasement 8 rm, Many, HOYT REALTY resem. S. Telegra: nan oe LAKEFRONT HOME OR 3-964 OWN: Fa brick. a ka rs in tm. Table in Yooxis0 ft. 3 ft. lot. Weil land- Pull price. weened. hee . 3060 8. Commerce Rd. MA 41578 ANNETT BUYS SELLS TRADES FARMS HOMES EQUITIES CONTRACTS Roy Annett, Inc.|. Realtors since 1923 28 £, Huron PE 6-0466 Open Evenings & Sunday 14 BLA DRAYTON AREA Attractive Norman Brick, 2 large bedrooms, Kitchen, arate din- ing room. Spacious living room with fireplace, Basement Bing fin- ished room, family And extra bed- pone ‘heat. Attached garage. schools . to and rere Shop Center: sie t00 , ws Term GEORGE BLAIR 4536 Digs o HOT en sOR 3-1251 3-8842 SPECIAL EXTRAS mily room, room, 3 rooms ona 4 recreation room, & — TERMS. = Th R. Hiltz. ‘ Realtor 1011 W. Huron NEW MODEL New 3 bedrm. bengaiew with full basement, COPPER PLUMBING. ALUMI- NUM SIDING, TILE BATH, OAK Sinck CABINETS, FORMICA heel FORCED ould tis ine home dupll- If you w like dul lot ow Se “hew you his new model at $9,950 on your lot. F.C, Wopd Co. Williams Lake Rd. at M59 . 1235. r. beth Lake. i> Seer * ings. og acres 7 OM, Oe apse Gown. 15. TIRED O OF LOOKING? 1 % Baths, MAtt. Garage OR z i Office Open a.m.-6 p.m. op N HOUSE & GA- 8M. ie FE #2 0h afay be have. the key. meister tee xa RAY O’NEIL, Realtor “ .Ceraimle pai, colored a fix. ae Sager Ms. orep,te] Sashtlattae” wel” eon LAKE oe F vaRoe “Quality Build’ it, rame powse, ne irs, price $12, 360° $5185. Onl $150 foes, PEM ae get : Highest $$ $5 our Home y Mi another one } Par tr idge - 13 Redrins., "2-Car Garage is THE “BIRD” TO SEE PR CP $9,872 W, BLOOMFIELD | W. H. BASS cone Comfortable § rooms home | Builder on r 150, car a "the ie 0. 2 rms, s. Corner mt of rate ana wil] sell this - rr He as" Ga'tow at more ae a Mg TO CLOSE ESTATE - Ee ar nad ao) or ‘Take advantage of opportun Close to hes lospital inte ery room suron | go pis pike tat ae screens, patio, could << r FE 5-6181 bilities here. Priced to to sail at $9150. LAWRENCE W. GAYLORD 102 8. Broadway Lake Orion MY 2-2821 Ta EE rage. valet t_ Northern High “TEMPLETON West Suburban Furnished, full basemer $8.500 with $1,009 down. BS . Templeton, Realtor 2239 Orehard tobe FE 44563 “BUY THIS. -d _ wetem. brick, full bemt., 180x. — nog —_ rete wr 2 bedrm. possi bil DORRIS ° RAMBLING RANCH HOME TWO F! Yes, long — low and ram- ~ pling nen describes this eye-appea: six room home. Beautiful living room 15x22 with two large ther- — N 4 from ell windows of rolling MULTIPLIE LISTING SERVICE GAYLORD SEVEN LARG gp Fig sg 4 as garage i this home, Gharks non we em fafee” x 5.50 ibs. _ eafietptold solid WEST » sUSURBAN Seeterey Site tea eres a ive sc out. Th a2 a5 Bese aassgaes be buying. $9300 with terms. etl $9,500 +1370 down. LAKEFRONT BI-LEVEL aa! : bome that war- is. your a ran jon. 4 1 and 3 baths (master bedroom 7.11532 with pprete bath). 2 fireplaces | ledgerock. a m overlooking lake. 83 - ft. x 2 ft. lot, Lo- euaee in ap pete © ster show you soon! “ By eset! 2 Maat , K , = Tt he crecgtuing 4 . am psen the ‘right price Call (us for de- RE! LTO FE : BrAimers #24028 Clarkston Near scioals Sear ENEWS | REAL ESTATE, INC. : 20 8, Main Crarkston, » 3 SUBURBAN HOME (ACROSS FROM y 142. Call atler Open Dally 9 to 9 — Sunday 12 to § 3 8B BIRMING- ham, call now, save agent fees. 3 Tel def FOR BY OWNER. TWO . story property. Private Bedroom. | #3 Sts eenai day Sat. . $100 DOWN Moves You In SO WHY PAY RENT? BUILT IN RANGE & OVENS LOADS-OF MODERN FEATURES MODEL OPEN AYS & syees 170 7 te Lincoln Jr. — WESTOWN RP ry PE 8-2763 or Eves. LI >4677 ,Jmmediate 1 Possession © “ane prt i358 with ,~-B. baiveges ben with smal "Dae Acre —— = home with fetabed | gee ing. Pail basement, $1200 with CRAWFORD AG ENCY MY_3-1143 oo E. “mat AKE 0 OFF FR 1% batt a“ Pireplace, ‘Atiae is. e rage B ER: 3 BEDROO COMPLETE DOWN PAYMENT 8-6517. $3 MODERN SM HOME. LOT 1003264. ; : TOTAL MONTHLY PAYMENT Low dn. payt. FE ada between 8 B'S! pat ust even $69 pias BLDG. CO E 8-6455 CLARESIOM. 3 ranch ‘ype. Car BS) acre lot. $1 1 at 3: BEDROOM BRI ing gas oak down, 3% per cent. MA after 6:30. ay Big igs a 6 act acter MY 3- RANCH STYLE 3-BEDROOM BRICK LAKE PRIVILEGES room ; ‘Gili tie eee eel} 3 BEDROOM M. OD- t “- mortg: costs down. $200 DOWN JOHN J° VERM: ERMETT. BROKER ‘ee ae 6. = 4 “Open Sat. and. Sun., 1-6 This beautiful Cape Cod Home ro ig Irwin Dr. Waterford Move price r= Eg | ee te right 3 bedrm. lexis living ‘room. dining pamee, | fall basement. $12,950 with pian large kitchen and room. Plastered walls. Beautita Ad. J. PRIMAL, "Reshor | Seo ee. a 29800 G. rand River , basement with ‘resseshten, ‘foom. GR CY ee rms and screens. Attached ga- 7 BEDROOM aa eit Fok 7] nee eS Ele oe See Pe $1500 sonpeneg aed r pon ea aur deine Cc “PANGUS, Realtor room, snack gry Jn 7160 M15, Ortonville, NA 17-2815 beat . iM ear , lot 4 BEDRM. 7 BATHS. Rk 50 ft. with trees & pl 1. 12520 living rm. drapes, Rix ¢osie. Lk. area, “by owner.| carpet, gas heat, 8, screens, , owner, FE x " 1" OTTAWA DRIVE Wonderful condition, » THIMK! home. Verstibule entrance, cin ee tty wHeuY A HOME For” gen. | Excelient eben | and . and d included, $82 DOWN rooms — th up, Gas TOTAL fired steam heat. Doubdle Sr e. Bent grass iawn— 369 PER MONTH -000—Terms. ~VA TERMS— EAST 3 ~~ 4 Ts oid, wonder. a i ; ¥ down BEDROOM SOLONIAL. - large 1 teen Pull In JUDAH LAKE Estates rage, fenced yard, FHA ee oe = commitment. Best te Lifetime Aluminum Possible to qualified.’ pure ROOF & SIDIN chase: oF F HA Near High School for one ar PER Soe Monte pte fat ng ST neat ie. AH BUILDING vO. 4 hooe'S r= Ss, 418 room. Sear ot on Poll porch. downs "powder and even the 3rd ier’ is ned. Seeing is believing NOTHING DOWN 2 & 3 Bedrooms. Some with Per. cent paterest. ae ‘tor details NOoW!! Ott Ewa HILLS One of the finest 3 bedroom homes sround. Everything garage,’ is believing. Price $25,000. WE BUY LAND CONTRACTS NICHOLIE & HARGER CO. 33_W, HURON 8T. FE 5-8183 520 Linda Vista Excellent 3 bedroom brick, all on one floor, Full base- ment, auto. heat. Vacant Priced Wii] Witt appro: w TOX- i 25 down and a. &t. (Downstairs, corner of the Riker Bldg.) ‘6-Room Brick 3% Acres, 2 Baths Lovely reciaimed brick, full day- replaces, 2 light. basement, 2 re month, talks here. obo Ft, Lake F ronta e usual ac) — seclud Eee 2% rooms, “plage ‘epee ; bare ag lt fagnae $13,006 a ee vill elt are one red, ‘Boeax Pranks | 870 W. Huron. Py wy po answer Ph. “20102_Ev x} sy Shores Brick Nothing Down BUILD NOW -3-BEDROOM HOME oe or yours, Your he = Lc HAYDEN, Realtor E, Walton tion. call eit ‘ HERBERT C. 4915 Irwindale DAVIS ve $450 MOVES YOU IN Gas beat, tri-level, bree i lane brick ranch homes, basement, gas heal, Basement. Oil furnace Reasonable gg & terms to veapensibte par -CUCKL ER REALTY 236 N. Saginaw SCHRAM OFF JOSLYN HUNTOON LAKE ; wun tes a * y*, jest full’ divided | base- stout tds «A terms 12"24 liv- 16 kitchen, corner lot. Priced at $10,950 with terms, IVAN W. SCHRAM REALTOR __ FE 5-9471 pQPER EVENINGS & SUNDAY “CULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE MODERS’ HOUSE. AN EX- a ‘good buy, $1,000 down 6 rm rope Paves street. Close tn. $2,500 do DINNAN 66 W. Hi uron FE 4-257T NOTHING DOWN op OUR ea, —* screens. Pibainant Com: rior, rough wiring. B&Z Starter Homes MA 6-3858 OR 40341 Garden Space . | rommes and bath, oil heat, lag ot 50x150, wear school end bu ee down payment or trade equity. Oaklahd Ave.—Vacant Zoned commercial, have business - Home, lot 82x275, 7 rooma and Basement, oll heat. $10,600, Sylvan, Lake Area porch teeing lak: Ei hatch ret May 3, site dock. $14,500, Terma, : nen West Side—Vacant anaes ped room, window hind terms, Vasant oo “warage. $98,608; Roy Anhett, Inc. Realtors sin | Huron eg fm once “ on Bis By BAG. eA Fn 96 2 mares Bvetings & —_ 1- pone te + and Shores Sites LAKESHORE a DEV. CORP. MU _ 4-8825 LAKEFRONTS — R2xtra Ou price only $1.460. mee oe ome FoR LOT — with 170 ft. .° frontage. Terms availe- EM 5-0085 $2,500 DOWN —. For rnished it, tu: yon ogy inc lud- . Full price only $8,000. Bag aed for a 3 bedroom year ‘round. Breakwater, sandy “ Terms Sere oe ‘saan pene monly silees. 950. lovely 3 ooag mo on Watkins Lake. Large lot qaty beach. 7 only $16,- OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY 14 A. TAYLOR ESTATE & INSURANCE ef Ra, (Mis) a Sale Industrial Prop, 46A | 244 |__ For Sale Acreage 47 6 ACRES | “ety times of Rolfe H. Smith 8. Tele: aa” “pe 3-708 C. PANGUS, Realtor 2160 M15, Ortonyille. HA ba CRAWFORD AGENCY MY, MY, 31143 6 E. Fins. Bt. VACANT ACREAGE 30 acres, 12 acres of gravel hill, od trees, half of small private 4 $360 per acre, easy terms. 170 acres, with —— Pagan front- Good. barn. good tim- ber. Smal} il lake. Good lo cation. $350 per acre, terms. OF gores wah eS. at = 0.2 eoaage _ tential tor business frontage and @ividing into small farm parcels. (Corner BUCKNER FINANCE COMPANY. BORROW UP TO $500 “HOME & AUTO LOAN CC ae Perry 8t. E. Pike) Borrow with Confidence $25 to $500 Household Finance Signature PH. FE 2-9206 OAKLAND Loan Cor: ___20% Ponting State Bank } ~ LOANS ~ an Bite. NEED $25 TO $500? SEABOARD Phone: FE 89661 1185 N. N, PERRY S$ ST. Seaboard Fi ance * CO, arte & TY. OR 3-816. north BUILT-IN OVENS. & pyawans $149.50 com . Bamuel's ‘Appi ences, M. 85-6011, BEST OFFER BUYS Pony ro ike Be treaeer. GM ML. rid p16 2. BEAUTIFUL ER ZIG - ZAG y nerspring moa Y $1 mattress Pearson’ Lake bie. ay Dee te fom TEAGUE FINANCE CO. |avewannep water mast (hoe, eters 9 202 N. MAIN or CRUMP. ELECTRIC j ROCHESTER, MICH, | 65, Abas FE tet ee For Sale Farms 48 vena” ame! niture. Also MgB gh) home chicken 2 scres| Ph. Roch tor OL eerit. OL 1-9191 Bloomfield Mills. Fe #128. Byes. Pear trees” Apple ‘tree ~ | WHEN YOU NEED _ | Casi Por SMALL RADIOS. ries, Tractor and part ge with 5 TO. $500 Work or not. PE 5-8755 fam. Also for . Beau- wit CHIFPROBE & MA JEM tifuly jand ever- crib. Com PE 56-3148. treens, flowers and shrubs, Prat STATE “FINANCE CO. |coustuarion 20.0548 GiB PE t-ses After 6 call OR 30004. | Pontiac State Bank new. ig discount, Somucls ap Sale Business Property 49 FE 41574” P MA 5-6011. CHAIR. $55: HIDE- 140 FEET FRONTAGE ON MT. Mortgage Loans 54 Pibed. Mas: ‘Priaidaire, $05, and Clemens Bt. zoned commercial. misc_fura FE 3-298", Coll YES CONSOLIDATE DINETTE SET. ¢ . TO BUY OR SELL | your gebts. ost coun to rs fove, spk ese gas) stove, Commercial or manufacturing lots Lake Lots and Lake Priv.’ 1-3 to eere. Clarkston schools,) at door, Wind. tf Soe. toes eth a ow ~ meooth Phone Lincoln +77). | Wath ATER RFRONT ao E HOLMES- BARTR/ AM 3-1950 4302 Dixie Hwy, Eves O8 sane” Business s Opportunities 51 51 AUBURN & _ ANDERSON Wii lease ige. cond Suitable for Foy or Basics. Lot 100x125, PE 49657 weverd to Huron, jac. PE 43581 at at of LANor 2 ie : OPEN Dat DAILY dr Fon thsPecrion oN BRICK PLANT Pull ulpped with good ul Bloomfieid ‘Rs ‘Real Estate MI 6-6500 meni. ‘Goos building and teoced , Sylvan Lake Model ard. Reedy. pe Cay We, brick - soxpett | + builtins CLAREN RIDGEWAY ; tit ee or duplicate 506. > $9 Gariand Open | bow 1-5 Pontiac +6203 wate LAKE. 9 WaT TERFRONT! BARBER SHOP. JUDAH LAKE iots. - rence Se aaswer. FE, Shopping Center. Good a ee } res a PE. 44100 ro For $ Sale Resort Prop. “ ORTRERN routes = 8 - LAKE “e a wantin, Pro ane Cc “Bast =a Mich. ae Box 66, Rapid City, Mich. 46 For Sale Li Lots bel aha DR. PPD ‘2 LOTs OW. 5. ere Lake Estates. FE 46523 sexis LOT IN KEEGO) __Marbor, +e OR 3-519. Watkins - Lakeland Sub. 90x165 Niece & level. Only $1,150, Hurry! BEAUTIFUL BUILDING LOT, Dorothy Snyder Lavender DAIRY QUEEN NOW OPEN, newly desecrated, wo and out popular East side treit. lee 6, sales. Bame owner 4 yrs. 5008 ine] stock, MOT EL STATEWIDE Real Estace Service of Pontiac CHARLES, REALTOR (1717 s. Telegra PE 40621 DIXiz —- DINER POR SALE. S 4-8208 DRY CLEANING PLANT WITH living fn Pontiac. Ex- derfal Seonent ~— — Won- wt el oat = Phone EM 3-3303__ of MU 46417 cay fe a oC wn payment and toned COMMERCIAL CORNER collect water, 6. 6 p.m.) OL DON'T BE MISLED For “LE si ING, 20 x you bly site for your ure the homes tien ‘0s ade: oft pre protection to roud hagr # low as §1 with $150 vaown. LADD'S 4286 Dixie Hwy. OR 3-1231, 3885 Lapeer Rd FE 5-9292 EXCEPTIONAL SCENIC LOT. HILL, view of Forest. ‘Lake Golf course. | FE 2-0351 or FE 5-8006. | ANKLIN RD, SOUTH OF § rae $1, a. RO! 60 ft. CHEROKEE R frontage. NORTR MERRIMAC ST. 80n110. MICHIGAN AVE. 130x225. Low 100x100. Cheap. . 330 ft. . Large corner fot, wooded. Asking $2,400. Nicholie & Harger Co. 33_W. HURON FE_5-8183 LOT 100x250 ON WALTON BLVD Near Adams Rd Gas & shallow __Well available, Terms oL_1 IN WATKINS ers Subdivision. Water, paved streets Ww. W. Ross Homes, Inc. MIDDLE amire ae COR- 6-0539. ner lot, $650. MI 6-05: __ NICE CORNER LOT IN PERRY P Park, close to wrt; including 16x20 Garage, FE 5- WOODHULL LAKE FRONT, 76x200 UPPER LONG LAKE FRONT, 101 x190 ft. WHITE LAKE FRONT, high and dry, ait Sar LONG LAKE, canal front, 105x183 ft. orrea HILULS waterfront, 90x325 HUNTOON LAKE privileges. Good building lot. WATERFORD VILLAGE, 2 lots, a0xi4o ft. WaLrens LAKE privileges, 100 SMITH-WIDEMAN Fe Casa 412° W. HURON ‘NEED .A_ FINANCE-|-F2- FIXER? Order Classified Ads to sell, rent, find. a good job,. FE, 2-8181 is ‘ right party. Cal EM {+ pone “aib-14 Seshabaw R4. OR 3-5312. LEASE, REAL a San small 4. Offices nicely the center at 45 FOR SALE OR estate pantnese. home no furnished gitasted in tween 10 a.m _and & p.m. “LET'S TALK BUSINESS” SMALL TOWN Variety store perfect for couple. Over _* per year after e stocked for busy ouaciaer. *e Sun- days or nights. y and all only $12,500 ao GIFT SHOP ppertanty of a lifetinie. highway, well —_— lished and very profita oe down payment pat MICHIGAN BUSINESS SALES CORPORATION | JOHN A BROKER 1573 8 ue i . Tere PARK ary eae DOOR OLD ESTARLIAHED RESTAU- rant, Main Street ti whe: estimates, Free consuita*ion $2 W. Huron rE. Swaps SINGER PORTABLE SEWING | machine for ? $25. OEM 34833. or sell. 55 | fasy 51 $o MERCURY ‘. oa ; sea Sovexthir LER Birmingham, thre. Rochester echeol districts. 21402 TRADE 2BEDEM, BUNGALOW. 9600 equity, for ag iN home. Srosen _After 6 p.m. For Sale Clothing 56 4LL SIZEa its from 40c q on". f am. p.m Bg 3 FORMALS. LIKE NEW. REAS. 4-5848 rare shirt from igg rom i hoy 7 the ait store. 380 oe Orchere. Lake A Ave. —_ WEDDING GOWN & VEIL, size 10, FE ae any time. NILE Size GR: SEMI-FORMAL. 12. 20 14 W. 'N York. ew SPRING FORMALS (1) Floor-length chiffon with white bodice and train ¢ oo Worn -#-& ot: . on ¢. e9) Ballerina length blue chiffon with 2 panels in back. Paid $45. Worn only once. 8622 after 6 torola -fo arranaes. YELLOW SPRING AND SUMME sport jacket, size 40, $15; gray- green Ivy League. Hot size 40 $20. MI MAHOGANY $20 settee eeene WE BUY, & EVERYTHING FOR THE 164 8. Saginaw ELEC. RANGE. NEW yoggtooy model. Sell or trade b 4 Refrig. Used $50: Schick. 3-3711. FREI Rs — FAMOUS neme brands. Scratched. Terrific values. $149 95 while they last. No orders, i. Michigan neon. Orchard Lake FREEZERS ana shi t—Popular br: a0 cu” fe Chests. Otly $280 15 cu. ft gr 4 ‘ $259 E-Z Terms. ael’s, MA 5-6011 PRIGIDAIRE very good $85. dauaro Electrie Company. 1080 W. Hurog. racinaas WORE Parent | F Chest and New models, 6. ratched or crate-marred ily 78 at big ‘ain. count prices 5 E I - RANGE: WITH double oven & & contr iv PORTABLE eye ae jacket, “Sale Household Goods 57 DOUBLE ILDS RS) i AM OFFERI NG NEW 21 7 "Mo- 144, Base extra. Terms eer’s Applia) Commerce Rd. neces, 8161 lso crate marred 1 SERVEL GAS REFRIGERATOR. freezers. a Seer Se. 589 Orchard Lake Ave. FE 4-06 3 PIECE SECTIONAL END TA-. dies, 9 x 12 Call after § p.m. FE #9362 7 PIECE LIVING ROOM $60; mahogany china ror Mg Oe: naga table. pair lamps, FE nen 50, itiness forces sale, Priced Broker, aia seul bi a d. oo n St. Lape ts 3 AUTOMATIC WASHERS. NORGE eats Good condition $35 e each, EM 3-0433. Partridge 18 THE “BIRD” TO SEE BOATS — MOTEL Ideal location on lenge Oakland Co, lake, 40 boats. 3 rm. age, H ARDWARE _ GIFTS hardware — 00 car parking at your door Lastex modern design store and fixtures Cy et years old. Now doin pW, ‘stands to pM Ss as Susiness rows. Priced its oar $15,000 on terms. _ tC) 1 —_ te veg id ince mea oe * REALTOR PARTRIDGE Businesses Thruout Mich. i W, HURON tween cere, fot pat 1 Plenae cal oak ot “SERVICE STATIONS S rene ean vier 8 2 service a Mond Pin the Po Both area ave an estab- § PIECE DINETTE SET, $25, FE 23-3788. . all for Pearson Lake Ave 50. Fu rniture, 6 PIECE SILVER GRAY BEDRM. outfit. Doube dresser, bed ee ae ae y only weekly. 42 Orchard bookcase lamps, «7, 2 modern ‘ Pearson's Lake Ave PIECE LIVING Brand new davenvort and chair, coffee table step tables, Furniture, ROOM SUITE. matching decorator lamps All for $99. Pay only $2 weatty. 42 Orchard 6x19 RUGS. WOOL FACE. $15.95. Reversibie, $16.50; 1 $34.95. Axminster, ds, $8.9. mported, $48.98. Pearson Purniture, rchard Lake Ave. Ru % CU FT. COLDSPOT REFRIG- erator with 50-lb eer across top. 2 yrs old. $125, MY 3-4673. i 1? the Want Ad number! tt ‘ WHOLSALE FOUNTAIN SUPPLY. Smal) investment, FE 8-6429, POINT 30° STOVE. 6 MOS old. ieee 48 : | HOTPO! NT ELECTRIC RANGE, 5 vears Na M) 6-9703. tRONER 1958 MONTGOMERY Ward Like new. $50. EM 3-3085. KENMORE ELECTRIC ~ DRYER. = cond., $60. Mahogany cre- denza with mirror doors, reas. Call MAyfair 6-6803, KENMORE ag gy Oe MACHINE. Almost new. Pay joel 901 8 payments of ¥ 97 ‘74. ichigan Center, 143 Ave. ge FE LET US FURNISH _ YOUR LAKE COTTAGE Beds complete ......... $12 & up Kitchen table ..............4. Odd chairs ............... sl&u 8 pe, dining . ‘ New metal wardrobe $17.50 e. pienic table. .......... WheelbarrOw .......-.....06. : paca ladder ..........6. $15 Maple desk $7.50 OAKLAND FURNITURE, CO. WE BUY, SELL & EXCHANGE EVERYTHING FOR THE HO 104 8. Saginaw 23-5523 LARGE CRIB AND MATTRESS, Prana new. $15.95. Pearson's Fur- _niture, 42 Orchard Lake Ave. LEAVING STATE. MUST SELL furniture, imieting wee chair & some antiq 3-2305 * LINOLEUM & PAINT SALE . HA price. At Jack's, 281 Baldwin. NYLON COVERED 2 ON rose gig a maiching gtay _chair. MI 4-240: NORGE WikeER & . DRYER, washer needs repair, Brand nes new lec, heating pianket. 2-0203. NICE 2 PC. LIVING aa 8 et waa rm, set. cheap, TE OVER. ‘TV SETS. [S. FROM $0 USED $)4.95 up TV antennas, $9.95. WALTON TV 515 FE. Walton FE_ 2-2257 PRACTICALLY NEW KITCHE: _table ane ‘. chairs, FE 5-6749, we” EW BEDROOM A sult, Beary TV & other articles. 95 Putnam, %|PAINT UP AND SAVE! Guarante rt ges wert, hones, pele oe. a Be ad 4¥4- “Fr. Wall Tile ag nano A vs, Shel pias Lie salves Qoategs $7.84 3H wr Burs : Fe 4-3064 17_IN, WESTERN Ic TV, _ 2B SET. "trices. a Pe cond, Sharp re, $50 ce ae set misc. @ 30 GAL, BOTTLED G Rk AOPRIGERT ATOR FREEZ: heater, Glass lined. $20: Son 9.2286 Soldenst. RS 4 ft, . was pod a Seaut ee sean cubase reg ate Drover my time ‘clock, | 41 ah gy aone moral OU Sen. | toga Hed i Staniey Bir- fr mo, for ° f am, MI 6-3300. 0 aw K K ome 3 KEP TORS LAST YEAR |. vse age pokes het one ga “ one teeth ae ior '’ agents ve ay ans reitiverniet & used a ER Michi aL > MAKE VACUUM as hard gee Aisepaited. FER 6-678. - me TM. Reg. US. Pat. OF psaety ans salen om “These ‘rubbers leak, Mom! ¢-/, They sank in every puddle I tried to sail them in!” “Sale Household Goods 57 ee eee , aetianiediatintietindinadined Tabie rm fr: Bagged none SRS us one *$an08 gre — ay — eae 4 pe, wood dimette .....srs 333 Pag Rg ag HEROS, WYMAN’S 18 W. Pike BZ terms. FE ¢1122 TURQUOIS RM. SET, AC- company ne etponsbie PE Sits. TRADE Gas GE tric range R. B. Munro Electric Co i Huron. . RANGE Gas see R. Munro Co. USED REFRIGERATOR SPECIAL IN EXCELLENT CONDITION 8 cu. ft. Used GE. $55 10 cu. ft Used GE. $85 GOODYEAR SERVICE STORE | 30 8. Cass wien Trade-In Dept. Oe eee eerenneawens eer eee er ee eee qs PE 2-0151 wae TV. $0.95 “OF. een RE- frigerator, $49.95. Sweet’s Radio & oo re 422 W. Huron FE * SIZE ELEC. stove port. isang tubs. MY 31563. WASHING MACHINES. VACUUM sweepers, $16.95 up. Authorization Hoover +1 =e = Electric, How- ord FE ¢-Si68. WHIRLPOOL GAS DRYER, GOOD condition, B Munro Electric com WASHING MACHINE, $110.06 vaiue. Mi an __383_On Orchard $60.95, ent, Lake Ave. — 45. "| WALNUT DINING ROOM “SET. FE 2-396. cheap. Antiques 57A RAR ~ 3 PC. ANTIQUE MAHOGANY BED- room suite with Italian marble _top. PE 5-455. “Television & Radios 57B WANTED: LATE MODEL 778 good lookers on the outside. expense ) =e up the “insides. Brine to Appliance, 8161, att j “Water Softeners 57C PERMUTIT ELECTRO-MATIC, 50,- 000 grain. Cost $425 in ‘56; will sacrifice. FE 8-8668. USED WATER SOFTENER, CALL FE_2-Ti64 count. OR }- 0 | WATER NERS AT BIG if 2360. counta, For Sale Miscellaneous 60 te Pe PLYSCORE 16x40 1eCHrEs. OR 3-6022, 5011 Waldon Rd, ie GALVANIZED PIPE, i3c PER %" galvanized le per ndard West. wih. 1-AAA-l ALUMINUM 8 Order =e. a Ye nspting Push. rm't mt ie June. oe ere: m. f down. nist Fy P w«- Ans. Res. 1% ; a P. . KELLOGG a ssor, call between & & 6, O 7 WHEEL TRAILER, STEEL BED, _heavy springs. rite UL _ 2.1699. 2 500-GAL. FUEL Or TANKS. OL_1-6522 N i FUEL 01 OL TANKS CON- dition. Will gehen FE 5-120 3c PER FT, ~— 2° ROMEX I IN - me) Rage 4 Tes materials G.A. Thomp- & carry. G.A. M59 west. Open 1 ook aye; 16 m, bate, 36 15. Ib. Asphalt thingies eninge ge nee Church's 'S Ine. 107 Squirrel Ra. ~ a ee ee ae R. 5 . 1060 W. Huron. | Cc WATER SOPTE AT BiG DIs- PE_ 2-5827. Warwicks For Sale Miscellaneous 60 [BING SUPPLY FE S318 SBT FIRTORES. M58. West. Open POWER eg a CRAFTS- yr. and a8 Plan ‘ ano, Guisraseen spinet, ma; exe cond. $384; 2 maple finish chests, bie. .. SAVE third, sizes 1 PATIO SsTONES. 16x16, a A. uatier Co, ¥ High: TA, ¥ a Rd (M59). 4 miles west tine sepa hispos alee BATTERIES. pout: 8-1816. 192 8. "2s, Bering, Bo) vee & faucets $23 ALL D BARGAINS USED LUMBER. NAIL PREE . Better Than New be ell gy Ps Se Priced for Quick Sale cae ne, Paneling . «Ie &. Clothes Post ......$0.45 pr. PIPE -BRICK-STEEL Sang ety poopie! Come . and jook around. poate and service vul please you, SHA Terms Free Estimates OPEN 8 to 6:30 MON, thru. SAT. SURPLUS LUMBER & MATERIAL RT Te man needs work. Bisger _ oi oe than ake on one wet and new heating money down oan eeees eeeeeenee $8.32 Ea. Cash and Carry ...... $1.35 Bag HAGGERTY ~ Between W. io & PHONE MArket 41064 BUY AND SAVE #” soil pipe, & ......... 79 2 y* soll pipe, SB .......65 $3.38 | outside flush Scewcses $12. No. 3 Oak flooring ........... $65 Com 44 eabinet with wall Wolverine Lumber 320 8. Paddock PE 2-014 PE 65-3077. el XZS0A, ee changer, _new, OR” 3-0028, . ~~~ CASH WAY LUMBER PRICES STANLEY ALUMINUM WINDOWS Burmeister’s NORTHERN eee Sundays 10 o 2 p.m. , Daltveries "A yallebie CALCINATOR GARBAGE BURN- ers, —a and nd £04) 3S exe cost, Samuel’ DOGH okie: KIDDIES ee og swings. 770 E. Walton SARaED VANITY LAVATORIES, complefe with cabinet, $46.50 G. A ompson, M50 West. EAVETROUGHS, K TYPE 66 LGT. im Rada Shad i, PO cbche i ny hh md Rid ELECTRIC ee FIXTURES for every room in house. Newest 1958 designs, Lar Carge essorttihent of pull-downs, erns, balloons, stars. Terrific values, bedroom $4.50 value, $2.25. Porch, i value, $1.95; tory irre = samples, At prices that only actory can give. Le gee Fiuo- a 393 -Orchar: @ Ave. FOR SALE 4 HP, WHEEL HORSE Tractor, an Tent ge. Dozer blade, = ~~ By at — and mower, she ebm at ne) all day and Sunda ays, - fittings .... bath pore with trim’... a colored bath set. with tory, and is irre sve LUMBING 173 Saginaw ' 6-2100 FLUORESCENT FIXTURES, FOUR foot new, ideal for stores, fac- tories, recreation rooms, 2.05 root AMicnigan Fruores ag 8. n Fluorescen' _Orehard x. Ave, x. ~~ FI R “PLYWOOD RI. INTIAC Pi 1498 BALDWIN AVE, FW 2-2543 15x22 PT. OR 34638. | Garage Doors STEEL OVERHEAD onde = GARAGE oRginG, all standard arage ee bes DOOR "SALES. 3118. Paddock once. Tar Gene no »| WINDOW .. Pontiae Trail |. = HOODS WITH FAN, ae ees, A. Thompsea, 1005 4-1 TOP SOIL, . fill and black dirt. . OR 32-0638. ; per rong CONTROL ELEC. ar aed $60. OL 32-6521 after 5. noon REPAIRED . FE Fe 4-1233_after SINGER CONSOLE SEWING MA- —. epee, 5m sell = er y mon Capitol App. rE Sor. ‘SHEETROCK 4x8, 4x10, 4x12 CHURCH'S, INC. SCISSORS. antes SHEARS, ht ca Sie des, serrated knifes, s : rd EM ae DRIVEWA GRA . or delivered. FE 432363 or 23-1466 MANURE Gs MORGAN RD. re ‘avel & a gra Cement, ROAD GRAVEL, FILL Peat dirt, OR 3-6041. ae SLAC BEF kT AND FARM soll $9.50—5 yds. PE 20346, +6177, YARD, DRIVEWAY GRADING, soil, gravel, fil, ete. FH Brat, 708 | & landscap- | » §-9412 na. ALE? om 3-csi| x Comments pipe ANCHOR FENCES | Praster No m do’ PHA roved T. Pare “betisres Pe “S| 8 ar ase pise,or ben offer: LI 1-0564 CONDITIO: $iée, Racers, 689 Orchard Ave. FE 4-0526. . Machinery one: Bag og age g Magen 95% wheels John tre ei, al Dale usa 60A Fou DIPSET ENGINES 4 #8 eylindor fr trucks ev all. gta —— ho toe nag 4 applications. — ian" align :00, Montcal ply, 156 W. ‘Montcalm, ve “sat ACCORDION SALE, ag SIZES. Accordions loaned free to begin- __ets_ with lessons. FE 5-5428. BALDWIN ORGA ELEC troni¢ “organ GagontG The only organ with true reproduction of sax, clarinet, oboe, » Violin & many others. The most: = tile organ on oe, es . model. Reduced Q Terms. CALBI MUSIC o. 119 N. Saginaw ‘© 5-8222 BALDWIN ORGASONIC "Secke Walnut 7 mee eld, Save plenty on this on $25. Morris Must FE 2-0567 Prat Tien Set ron : BALDWIN ACRC ACROSONIC mah Floor dis; model Lge. diccownt. Ferme t " CALBI MUSIC CO. 119 N. Saginaw FE 5-9222 GLARINET & CORN $35 EA _complete, A-1, Guiveraty 1-9139. CHORD ie tars ceeimaine OR WAL- * GALLAGHER’ S 18 BE. Huron FE 4.0566 CONN Ret em R cOoRNET . NEW HAMMOND BLOND SP} ee ee organ, 1 year old. sstapie 5-1484, PAN AMERICAN FE_2-3017 PIANO Tet cee WORT lus cartage 7 “purchased “Grinnell, ogptes des stg FE PIANO TUNT TORING OsCAR SCHMIDT RENT A TOnHONS: SSINEF OR- oe $15 a month plus cartage. a money applied -when pur- GRiNNELL’ >, 27 8. Saginaw FH 3-7168 SMAL BABY GRAND PIAN- Medium small Upright piano, 13 pedal organ. 405, . ‘Used Lowrey organ in mahogany | _ old, Registered AKC, OA_ 89-2026. Up to 4 mos. ‘to pay, GAL LAGHER'S 18 BE. Huron SPECIAL Brand new famous make_ con- sole a Limed Oak, Bench to a@teh. 10 yr. guarantee $685 ene Bal. like rent. — CALBI \USIC °. N_ Saginaw FE 5.8222 NIG ORGAR: THOMAS BLECTRO: pany he ores 5 eee poe w cacanine. oF ob ile N, Saginaw ’ Small dn, paymt. r R Do It Yourself 61) fui ~Sale Musical Goods 62 vy BOPP PBL DLL LLL LPP OLD 00d. ec reg, $100 WS tn ilahebere atte coor iD THOROUGH- “ tI ae old, papers. Sins $ mos $ SPE 2-755’ fr ford. 183 “Sanderson FE 2-T127 POODLES |. Li CK males. 4-2931 PART’ “on 34 PUPPIES POODLES. 441“ Third Ave. Pee AN pines Since 12h she RIES 6 aah. “REACH CASH. CUS: TOMERS through Classi- Fe $-0929 fied Ads. Call FE 2-8181, 4 a =. ac hte same eX ces eh octane sh cae sitet semen vasttcson “lin, RAMBLER SALES Commeres at Union Lk. EM 3-4155 | Pare] 1009 We hdaple ot Peatine Trail WALLED Lake MA 4451! ee VEDERE. RS Chant oy Sales $145 Commerce me. Nr. Union Lk. EM EM 56 3-4155 OPEN 8 AM. TOS PM We 1 ® ve ws good se & "65 Chevys, Fords. Pon- > ae & 3uicks. No td down evn & a Sales, LOOK! BUY! SAVE! 1958 Pontiac hardtop with bydra- | matic, radio heater, white wall | tires, blue and white finish. low | . miles and just iike new ... en 1957 Dodge Custom Royal hardtop, — power steering, power brakes, ra- dio, heater, automatic transmis- | sion. An extra sharp car ... $1795 | ev eeentoe 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air door se- dan. Powerglide, V-8 engine, ra- dio, heater. Better see sisee eee eee ee eee ee 1956 Buick pocket 4-door with , heater, tires like new, One consi, low miles $1296 1956 Mercury Victoria hard Mercomatic, radio, — white wall tires. Réal nice car ... $1205 1956 Bulck Super 4-Door hardtop. ’ Power steering, power brakes. Dynaflow,. rad’ heater, = wall tires. ae and white finish Extra nice to phos eeeenne 1966 Ponti: Star Chief hardtop. Power brakes, Hydramatic, radio, heater, white wall tires. Sandal- wood and ivory finish with leather trim $1295 eee ee ere tudor sedan. heater, Red 1966 Ford Fairlane radio, $3196 1955 Buick Special 4-door sedan. Dynaflow, radio, heater, white wall tires. A one owner car and nice $1095 ee ee 1955 Pontiac 2 door hardtop se- dan. Hydramatic, radio, heater, white wall tires. Solid green $1005 1955 Buic gre hard Dyna- flow, radio, heater write wall tires, ie and white f - $1006 ' pond Pontiac hardtop with power power brakes, radio, teering, heater Hyarematic, white w. res. Red and white finish . $1 ey Chevrolet 4-door wagon with en =. Powerglide, . radio, heater. Blue and te... § 950 pie Ford wih standard, transmis- real ung car viesteenee @ O48 1953 Pontiac Deluxe with Hydra- matic, radio and =, — nice and a bargain at only . - $ 365 1948 Pontiac. me a oung as it bl to be ut skin” very he SHELTON Pontiac-Buick NO MONEY DOWN { ‘82 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN. Hy- DRAMATIC, RADIO & BSOLUTELY WN Turner Ford. 1957 OLDS CONVERT, BLK. & bao J-2 engine. $1 4 m. i = be a . 4-7868. 7 PLYMOUTH . $1295 hatin te jt LOW MILEAGE + ONE ‘OWNER JACK COLE, INC. rysier 2& r Station . Wagons 1957 PLYMOUTH 91,360 1958 STUDEBAKER . $1,595 Larry Jerome ROCHESTER FORD DEA OL 1-9711 Hardenburg ist Anniversary Sale seCnes going ys wr . 195 |, "ST Oids 06 2 dr. hyd. pb .... . $1595 ‘36 Chev, Convertibie, ram ~ $1295 ‘85 Dodge Coronet Hi . $ 685 Corner Cass & Pike ‘FE 5-308 TOP TRANSPORTATION “fleen se, briced lo “tal aul FACTORY BRANCH 96 PONTIAC STATION WAGON 1986? CHEVROLET Perfect cond. Pvt. owner. echo Oakland before 6. 586 Fou: pa Bi te Ag cs es. . Very ¢ 5 +3908 6:36 PONTIAC. 2 DR. HARD TOs All extras, like new. FE 50725. #@ STUDEBA . GOOD TIRES, __moter and Ress. OA _8-2005. inte VOLES sams. Pvt. OWNER ‘58 Chevy Tow WAGON by wie dt Bisék and India I $2475. '58 Chevy. - DELRAY 4 DOOR 6 Cyl. Radio, end eater, W/Walls. Sea Mist Gre: 51690 98 Chevy ISCAYNE 2 DOO eC aryiide. Rede and Colonial Cream Paint. $1965 ‘57 Chevy BEL AIR 2 DOOR Redio and fate? V-8, Power- ee e. — rmilesee. Colonial “$1675 ‘96 Dodge 2 DOOR Radio” ‘tnd, a FF Btandard phi 6 Cyl, W/Walls, Ivory Sapphire Blue Paint. $897 '55 Chevy 6 Cyl. kee. & v-8, Heater. 2 DOOR 210 Biandard Fippieniseien, $690 Kors) Pontiac _ 2 DOOR HAR: P 870 Series — Radio and Heater. Hydramatic, W/Walls, Like new. Colonial Cream and Ivory $1079 Across fron new car sales ROCHESTER OL 1-8133 Make Your Own "SUNSE YOU'LL Brighten Your Life BY FAR — IN A» MATTHEWS - HARGREAVES Like New Used Car YOU HAVEN’T SEEN GOOD USED CARS UNTIL YOU'VE VISITED MATTHEWS. HARGREAVES 631 OAKLAND AVE, - PE 4-4547 3 Er « AN” STATION WAGON 4 Door. ti Cyl, erglide, —~W/Walls. eater and Signals. Beige and Gold Paint. $2075 ‘98 Ford Y SEDAN . Radio and Heat- an Beige and iueomare versary $1386 . 97 Chevy AIR. 2 DOOR Yowr Lied 8, Radio and £ rt Bele and Sierra Heat $1544 ‘55 Chevy Vases pH g, nto = $890 ‘0 Chevy 6 Cyl, ito" Patnt, Radio and Hi $765 ‘D0 Chevy 210 HARDTO! rarity aa aft wood - Gre B. as Lig Sher- $1045 “WS- mite mR PoNNLAC PRESS. _ MONDAY, il R —_ a ge asim hie vations Gated all stom ar sheet o sane ribet sate much-needed zio Mioni). meter Wo form) = (t) Play of Week. Comady (1) People’s Choice, Calamity Jane rides again in 9 “The Pusseyfootin’ Rocks.” (9) African Patrol. Pr 1:30 (2) Name That Tune. (4) Buckskin. Western: “An- nie’s Old Beau” returns. (9) Million”D 011 ar "Movie. Drama: Doctor tries to cure| scwigaler ligrategenn apparently hopeless’ schizo- Paul Douglas. becomes Lu- phrenic. in “Dark Delusion.” _cille Ball’s unwilling boss in (’41), Lionel Barrymore. “Lucy Wants a Career,” 8:00 (2) Texan. Western: Ameri- Bored. with her housewife- can trader supplies Indians mother life, Lucy applies for ‘in Mexico with guns and| a Girl Friday job on TV show ammunition. Cesar Romero is starring Douglas. Vivian guest star. Vance, William Frawley, (4) Restless Gun, Western Desi Arnez also star. Vint (John Payne) rides after (4) Playhouse. Drama: Small friend who murdered woman town folk refuse to believe to protect him from angry stranger's tale about a mob. murderer in “End of a (7) Polka Go Round . Rope.” love-smitten Bud can't get up the courage to invite girl to ‘his high school prom, (4) Tales of. Wells Fargo. Western: Hardie (Dale Rob- icaraqua, 9:00 (2) Danny Thomas. Comedy: Danny’s feelings are hurt characters in “The Man in the Box.” 10:30 (7) News. 10;45 (7) News, Weather. 11:00 (2) (4) News. (7) Soupy’s On. Comedy: Variety with Soupy Sales, guests. 11:16 (2) (4) Weather. 11:29 (2) (4) Sports. 24:25 (2) Nightwatch Theater. Comedy: Frank Sinatra in 9:30 _|10:00 (4) Dough-Re-M1. (1) Big Show. : (2) Cartoon Classroom. AT) Breakfast “ime, (2) Captain Kangaroo. (7) Our Friend Harry. * (2) Movie. (4) I Married Joan. (4) donee? Beas’ ts’ Choirs: (1D) Jean's Notebook. 10:15 (7) Lady of Charm. and| 1:25 (9) Billboard. 10:30 (2) Arthur Godfrey. (4) Treasure Hunt. (9) Count of Monte Cristo. 10:55 (7) News. 300 (2) I Love Lucy. (4) Price Is Right. (7) Cleo. (9) Leon Errol 11:15. (9) Nursery School Time. = | 11:90 @) Top Dear. (4) Concentration. (7) Burns and Allen. (9) Friend}: Giant, 14:45 (9) Science All Around Us. Mary 12:45 @) Guiding Light. 12:50 (9) News. 1:96 (2) Our Miss Brooks. (4) It's Great Life. (4) (Color) Haggir Baggis. (7) Gale Storm. (2) Star Showcase. (4) Young Dr, Malone. (1) Beat the Clock. (8) Movie. (2) Verdict Is Yours. (4) From these Roots. - “Step Lively” ('44). Play- ~ (7) Who Do You Trust? when Rusty's Cub Scout troop wright is discovered to have| 4:00 (2) Brighter Day. invites Jack Benny to enter- singing voice. (4) (Color) Truth or Conse- tain at their annual benefit 11:39 (4) Jack Parr. Variety: . show. Guests are Betty Johnson, (7) Bandstand. (4) Peter Gunn. Mystery: TV critic,.Marya Manes, Alex 4:18 (2) Secret Storm. When romantic Latin (Edu-| King humorist Roger Price.|4:30 (2) Edge of Night. ardo Noriega) trifles with) (7) Night Court. (4) County Fair. affections of two sisters — (9) Sherwood Forest. one young and beautiful, the, TUESDAY MORNING 5.00 (2) Jimmy Dean. other older and richer, he 6:30 (4) Continental (4) (Color) George Pierrot. courts trouble in “Skin'6:se. (2) Meditations (9) Looney Tunes. Deep.” 6:65 (2) On The Farm Front. 5:30 (2) Bandstand. (7) Voice. Music: “The Best'7:0@ (2) TV Co!lege. (7) Adventure Time. of Operetta” with Patricia) — (4) Today. 5:65 (4) Sports. jcalled for a ‘‘crusade Tax Reform Called Vital Williams Says Must Revise Program to Avert Crises DETROIT —Gov. Williams be-| Huron lieves future cash crises in Michi-, gan can be averted only with a) revised tax program. “Michigan's tax structure has be-' come a crazy split of patches with little pieces being put on here and/ there to meet some problem that! has arisen over the years,” Wil- 5 liams told the annual ‘meeting of the Michigan Assn, of Plumbing’ Contractors Saturday night. “What we need is something that. will help us liquidate our present | deficit and provide for the future” | The governor reiterated his stand that a personal state in- come tax would help alleviate the current cash shortage and pre- vent the state from going from one financial emergency to another. - for Lost Airman Ends State SAUL? STE. MARIE (UPD—|. jabout Michigan, mn saying ri woukd erase these “untrythfuk’ reports. ”\ Search on Lake Huron |The Air Force has abandoned its search for a missing New York ‘airman who apparently drowned |after his plane crashed in Lake | Ale Force Ma. Wood Buell said ‘IT planes made a final sweep over ithe area yesterday afternoon. M Sgt. William . Wyman of | Batavia, N.Y., was last seen Feb. 22 enroute from his home to a inew duty assignment at Kinross Ke Forte Bene near bere, — SHIP MAKES ‘Detroit Man Reports $4,200 House Burglary | DETROIT # —A scrap dealer ;and midget auto racer reported to )police that some $2,600 in cash and : Senator Blasts Sec. Benson Claims He Overstates in TV Interview WASHINGTON (UPI) — The chairman of the Senate Agriculture Committee yesterday accusen Ag- riculture Secretary Ezra Taft Ben- son — in a face-to-face TV in- terview — of overstating farm sup- port costs and furnishing ammu- nition to critics of federal farm The charge by. Sen. Allen J. | Eliender (D-La.( came after Ben- son had estimated farm support costs since 1933 ‘in the neighbor- hood of around 20 billion dollars.” “It’s such statements as you're just making now that give the newspapers tnd others an oppor- '$1,000 in jewelry was stolen from’ his Detroit home Sunday. Detectives said burglars entered | ‘the home of Lewis Stern, 39, at 18410 Lauder, through a milk chute. tunity to print stories that really | do not reflect the facts,” Elten- der said. He maintained thaf the entire cost to the Agriculture Depart- “Michigan is growing in both A $4,000 mink coat taken by the ment’s price propping Commodity population and industry,” Williams thieves was found by’ police in the Credit Corp. since 1933, was only said. ‘We are the fastest growing |alley behind the home. state in the nation with the excep- tion of California and Florida.” He said reports about the current |N.Y., | | Union College, in Schenectady, | cases ee wee it is hard to decide founded in 1795, was the $5,675,000,000. Benson conceded there are some whether expenses should be crisis have given Michigan a bad/first college in the nation to teach| charged up to the farm price sup- name in other states. The governor erican history and government. port program. _ Today's Radio Programs Wie, Mee UKLW, (a0e) ww4, (980) «- WOAR, (1130) WXEZ, (1970) «= WPUN, (1668) WJBK, (1500) nrGH? (0:30—WWJ, Acadamy Awards WW, News, PF. Elizabeth WPON. Chuck Lewis a 11:00—WJR, News sae aba Club 1:30—WJR, Ma Perkins 6:00—-WJR, News WXYZ, News, Surrell Wiak’- Reve, Qe CKLW. Heatter, Davies =. WCAR, News, rtyo Sy ieee ow™ Lark 2:00—WJR, Rt. to Happiness Don McLeod | WPON. Music ww, Ne Stories wae ews Bennett WJBK. Stereo #:20-—-WIR Jack, Harris watts hens Devas WPON News. Sports CKLW. News, M. Labbitt . 5% sa 11:30—WJR,: Muste soit sates WJBK, Reid :30~WJR, Dinner arthur ‘wma. Mazwell — bad ap og Fest f 2:30—WJR, Helen Trent Cc , News TUESDAY MORNING CKLW. News, Mary Morgan WWJ, One Man's Family wear. Panes Forty ‘ we Wi, Vesce of hgris. WJBK. News, Reid WXYZ, B. Martin N Candielig’ ww. News rts te: KLW, News, Davies CKLW News, Shiftbreak rages, oven moun | HAIR Ered, Moll, | UWEYE Nera Wnt” | ggg_wan oops aria CKLW' Lewis Jr WJBK. News, George 11:00—WJR, House Party Wars, —— — WJBK, Jack Bellbor Se ctw ei CKLW shiftoreak, Davies | war & ew Candi liane 150 walt, Musto Hall OAR, News Martyn wan, to at CKL WPON. 8 "Were igh trate WIBK. News, George | WXYZ. Paul ‘contd SRLW Bul Davies Wosk, Nowe 11:90_WJR, Time tor Muste| WWJ. Womad in House WPON Tommie J. 1:00 WIR, ‘News, Muste CKLW, News, Davies News, Rober as + i, aaa Warn noua Toby David —— a a mah Parade ot pias . . e re :, CKLW, 8, Kn WJBK, News TUESDAY AFTERNOON Wve, Me thor AR, News : Ww, onan nee WPON News. Casey 12:00— WIR, News, Wells WIBK’ News’ McLeod B er | 1:30-Ws8, Muste Hall Barty ee rreen | WEON, Oxia ied 30— W ie A ran’ iv . r ie rade seem sore, | Se Ga Bie | SRE ee Ree [camo tog me i usi¢ ‘CREW. Bible WJBK. News, George wiBK Kings _Siareo | News, Music en 000 Wie Nome, B..C - at Tim os Musit ww" News, De ee * ‘8, i * * Spon fe Bown ds cae. Sowa Gaara aw mE hewn 2 Davie Sat } wag Musi ews, ‘ vies ’ Ns sic WJBK. Jack, Bellboy Blew Geom coon in . wink Rew, cheod ad an #:90-W3R, Mule Hal mwa, ‘Mewa, nkwal SRL, on Knowles Ww, re, De News, Davies 5:30 ee io an Surrell JBK, George ae News, Reid wipe Jack, Bellboy 0:00 WIR, News, Mra, Page' WCAR, Cost of Farm Supports | Bye | ‘C’mup and "By EARL keeps it clean WILSON een much TV she’s done. about two minutes.” “Do you remémber the time you got. practically barred - {gram you: did with Edgar Bergen and Charlie ‘Mc- Carthy?” x* *« * Mae’s bosom shook when she laughed about it. “I didn’t write that,” she re- minded me. “Arch Oboler wrote an Adam and Eve sketch. Don Ameche played Adam. It stopped traffic.” I had come to tell Mae that something new in the falsie line had been de- veloped — entire false fronts (approximately half a falfe girl) are being worn by chorus girls in the Burl Ives show. ey be — on each girl — man. peel off the false fronts which and fit down to the hips. “I guess they‘d be all right a certain party has.” back on the bottle.” Is Sull Mee’ s Line from radio because of the pro-.. ‘Seo Me’ WILSON . LAS VEGAS — “C'mup and see me,” Mae West said with a wiggle-waggle in her voice and a Gee ene, “in about.an hour, honey.” stat opel leg vier ied 8 ‘material. I have to have a certain kind of}; Material.” (Dean says she’s signed “and she's going to give us a lot of viewers. I hope she henauee Z-wangt to be Cn: soute) x k * T asked the great sexpot of the 1930s and early 1840s how “Just the one with Rock Hudson for the Academy and - that was the talk of the whole world. It was when we did ‘Baby, It’s Cold Outside.’ They even bootiegged that in Italy and other places. cl nk ale ares er Girls bounce out with their tummies and torsos covered covered with a very thin mesh. Under the mesh appears to the most perfect front ever beheld by x * * While the customers are marveling that anybody should have found such perfectly molded young, maidens, the girls are made of plastic and rubber Under the false fronts the ydung ladies are shapely but not that shapely, and they're also modestly covered. This spoof on the nude show trend in Vegas was created by a talented young designer and choreographer named Barry Ashton, an Englishman. for girls who need such = | Mae West sajd. “Personally, I never have. x * “I guess you know,” Mae added, “that girls have plastic operations to increase their measurements. I here that's what “Who do you mean?” I asked Mae. “I never mentioned that party’s name,” Mae replied. Well, its going to keep me up all night guessing. EARL’S PEARLS — We finally found a bar that still serves a free lunch. But the beer’s $2 a glass. — TODAY'S BEST LAUGH. Description of a penny- -pinching Broadwayite: “If he drank poison he'd try to get the deposit .». That’s earl, brother, (Copyright, 1959) TV News and Reviews Good Shows, By FRED DANZIG For WILLIAM EWALD United Press International NEW YORK (UPD—I think “The Strange Ordeal of the Norman- dier’’ on NBC-TV yesterday is less important than the strange ordeal of Omnibus, the show that pre- sented it. That unfettered and unparalleled) TV series, Omnibus, also was un- sponsored. A spokesman for producer Rob- ert Saudek said the lone sponsor’s seasonal commitment merely ex- pired before the Omnibus season did. ‘‘We are awaiting renewal for next season,” he added. I worry when a venturesome,- much-honored program like Om- nibus must anxiously’ await a buyer at this date, when so many lesser shows are being snapped up for next fall. Anyhow, thanks to NBC for sticking with the se- ries, “Normandier’” was a_ tramp freighter whose crew was stricken with blackwater fever in 1918. Un- fortunately, the playing of this maritime tragedy was too broad, too shrill, too. melodramatic and didn’t snap into human-scale focus until the final few minutes, I felt the production staff's victory in videotaping the show despite many difficulties overshadowed the ulti- mate triumph of some crewmen, led by Rex Thompson, over dis- ease and stormy weather. Omnibus’ Strange Ordeal: NosS ponsors {appeared in the kittenish first act of the G.B.S, classic on CBS-TV’s GE Theater last night and it made for a tight show, in the GE Theater style. I thought Piper made a prop- er Shawvian Cleopatra. Evans was Evans, No doubt, the sponsor feels it |has done something noteworthy, ‘but I rather suspect the lure was ‘a Shaw fragment that didn’t say very much. It’s a rare combina- tion: and an irresistible one. — Shorts Shots: Friday’s Swing into Spring on CBS-TV was a winner. This musical kickshaw gave us _ _|planty of crisp music by a new, young, Benny Goodman band; a new, young Benny Goodman quin- tet and “old-timers Peggy Lee and Ella Fitzgerald. The young dancers we; ‘ee buoyantly happy and swinging. The sets by Rouben Ter- Arutunian - were clean. Talk was at a minimum. The goal was swing and it swung, — The Channel Swi Swim: NBC-TV's tentative fall schedule lists six one-hour Westerns over a six-day period. The lineup would be: Trace Hunter on Sunday, 7-8 p.g..; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m., Bat 27 ed Monday; Bonanza, Tuesday; Wag- on Train, Wednesday; Laramie, Thursday; Riverboat, Saturday. A non-Western, Johnny Staccato, starring John Cassavetes as a pri- vate eye, would go into the Satur. day, 8:30-9 p.m. slot. It Suman nice getting George Bernard Shaw on TV, even though it was just a splintered Egyptian smidgin of his “Caesar and Cleopatra.” Maurice Evans and Piper Laurie of Assn ‘PE 4.1515 © C & V ELECTRO MART 158 Os ‘ Open i Monday Friday ‘til 9 Solon Gue he Sub This Seven ate on Board as Skipjack Achieves eran! New Records +E ah ££ i eee : : i trial run in 1955 on the atomic/} underseas craft Nautilus. Ander- on FE OS wed of Oe Gives “su above Lama Consults Indian Officials God-King Welcomed, Resistance There but Cannot Direct Tibet the NEW DELHI (AP)—The. Dalai] thus aia, nie a) = we Raptis Worms it Head part iis & ate isd * — : ot ae “yy — Give s new iy : ‘ I raed aut ag i - se wile “TT — 31 Covered with ie I 38 Asc eS | Fy [aa e| 49 More obstinate ee, i yo $1 & name To es 2. ae : 2 Gace “Golf mound 36 Shiny fabric 4A Babette ae 8 Biouse 27 Digs ap ae Seve * =o Roman date «28 Chemical 43 Pidaning e drinkers 10 Location suffixes 42 Monkey _ 86 Indi u 29 Essential emperor ~ pa wate ow being ° 44 Pormerty ieee 11 Offer. 31 Hindu poet 46 Par (prefix) 2 Operatic solo. 19 Outmoded 33 Mere goual ¢f Say ot 3 Most sensitive 23 Put in 38 Moral 4 aq voice «24 Brazilian 40 Mammoth and 48 Preshwater § Seed vessel state Wind, for fish @ Picture show 25 State jastance 80 Greek letter (Mistletoe, Pigeons Drafted in Battle Against Diseases i 4 e ¥ ~~ Authorized Motorola 2-Way Redio Service opie MOTOROLAor 2.2129 TY, ne ont 9 Andresonvitle Road Stake” Towang, his first stopping place Himalayas after he crossed the frontier. He was expected to rest in Bomdila a few days before going by jeep to the foothills and j his first meeting with newsmen | since his escape from the Red Chi- nese, : Prime Minister Nehru has been put in a difficult “position by the conlict between Indian sympathy for the Tibetan rebels and his own desire to preserve good rela-| Wf tions with the Chinese Communist! government. He sent Menon to rée- ments that: might anger Peiping. will get the respectful treatment due him as a living god of the Buddhists, But Indian officials have made clear the reugee would not be allowed to direct or inflame the Tibetan resistance movement from India. : 303 Ping Pong Games , Played in 50 Hours LOS ANGELES (AP) — Hag a University of Southern California freshman ended or just begun the latest in silly season ragés? © Thayer Holbrook, 19, halted a 50-hour ping - pong ‘endurance con- test Sunday night because “T have classes in the His fraternity house kept him supplied with soup and gallons of orange juice while he played in from|his bare feet. During the marathon Holbrook against a dozen opponents, Just about half of all the seam- less stockings made in the U. S. are manufactured in North Car- olina. PETE L i LLL ELE rrr rrr rrr rr) CARLOAD SALE ARMSTRONG ASPHALT TILES 99'S. Saginaw THE FLOOR SHOP | ceive the Dalti Lama and to try} to get him not to make any state-| . Nehru has said the Dalai Lama} . . won 165 games and lost 138) — a (ALOE HIGH SCH are invited to ye Tells hew you can your American School AT HOME IN SPARE vie , . \ . a \ = oe ioe ! and 1.49 . Tonight & Tomorrow Only i ; Hdwe. Dept.. Main Basement \ i. Wonderful shirts for summer in : i your choice. of styles. Short sleeves. Drai : Save on Cofes, Tiers , rain Pi : > pe and Cottage Sets You Save 1.49 Triple Roll Cleaner , , Pp Special $] pr. HOSE REEL Bobby Socks 6 Can $] e Hurry in today for this excep $ Reg. 59c. pr. 3 for $] tional sale. Shop tonight ond Reg. 4.49 ' ‘ ; Plumbing Dept. lomerrow. Save. : Ned Dest Royql Purple heavyweight cot- Perey St. Besement 2 a ® ctawate Dept. ton socks with nylon reinforced g . Main Basement heel and toe. White os in . s Dacron-Nylon-Cotton HALF-SLIPS ‘2 Double shadow panel for dou- ble protection. No-lron Wash ‘n’ wear. Hurry in today. Save! Women's sizes. Reg. 2.98 Save 6.95, 18” ‘Hand Mower j oe ot oe. new 4 “GAPEFRUTT WUICE EGRESS | Saree Be : r SEER | Girls’ ye Fi ‘ Foldin: Golf Cort | neg. 159 +] HOMART Washable s a Petticoats | ‘ With Win, Wheels Cotton, underwire, B cup, ° Special 2 for $] 49° Lb. ried ¥ wes ae 9.98 * $7 . hati Your choice of 4 sizes... all 1" : White, ' allow, ink eribice. ping agers ti ae