COLOR The Pontiac Press, Thursday, December 4, 1969 THURSDAY K — K(‘run C - (’olor nil MOliXlM. 5:50 (2) TV Chapel 5:55 (2) C -Scene G:00 t‘2i C Semester (i:25 (7) (■ to I.ive On the P\arm Sunrise Five Minutes Woodrow the 6:30 (2) C Woodsman (4) Classroom “Some Heroic Spirits; Solid Cold Passport" (7) C ~ TV College -“The Congt>: Legacy ol Neocolonialism" 7:00 (4) C - Today (7) C — Morning Show 7:30 i2) C News. Weather. Sports 7:55 (9) News 8:00 (2) C Kangaroo Captain 8:05 (9) Mr. Dressup 8:30 (71 R C — Movie: "Many Rivers to Cross’ (1955) Robert Taylor Eleanor Parker (9i Friendly Giant 8:45 19) Chez Helene 9:00 (2) R — Mr. Ed (4) C — Dennis Wholey (9) C — Bozo 9:10 (56) Come Let’s Read 9:30 (2) R C Hillbillies ( 56) Singing. Doing Reverlv Listening. 9:53 i4) C - Carol Duvall 10:00 (2) R — Lucy Show (41 C It Takes Two (9) Canadian Schools (56) C — Sesame Street 10:25 (4) C - News 10:30 (2) C - Della Reese ~ The Guess Who, Dizzy C i I 1 e s p i e and Paul Winched guest. (4) C Concentration (7) (! — The His and Her of It (9) Ontario Schools I 11:00 Ml C Century 150) (’' Paradise (56) R -- -- Sale of the - Strange Tell Me a Story 11:15 1561 Misterogers 11:20 (9i Ontario Schools II 11:30 (2) C (4) C -Squares (7) C Game (50) C ■ • Kimba Love of Life Hollywood Anniversary 11:45 (9) C — News nil ltSD\\ \i ri KNiH'N 12:00 (2) (’ News. Weather. Sports (4) C “ Jeopardy (7) R C — Bewitched (9) Take 30 150) C — Alvin 12:25 (2i C — Fashions 12:30 (2) C ”■ He Said. vShe Said (4) C — News, Weather, Sports 3 COMPLETE ROOMS $399 Includes: Dresser, Framed Mirror, Chest, Bed, Mattress and Box Spring, Sofa and Chair, 2 Step Tables, Coffee Table, 2 Lamps, 5-pc. Dinette .'16 Monthn to (7) R C - That Girl (9) C — Tempo 9 i50) C - Gall o ping Gourmet 12:35 (56) Friendly Giant 12:55 (4) C -- News (56) R - Singing. Listening, Doing 1:00 (2) C — Search for Tomorrow (4) C - Letters to Laugh-In 17) C — Dream House (9) R C — Movie: "The Roy Cried Murder" (Foreign. 1966) Phil Brown, Veronica Hurst 1.50) R Movie: “Amaz-ing Dr Clitterhouse" (1938) Edward G. Robinson. Claire Trevor 1:15 (36) R Hour Children's 1:30 (2) ( Turns (4) C -Me On (7) C -Deal (56) Ready, Set. Go - As the World You’re Putting Let’s Make a - Where the Days of Our 2:00 (2) C Heart Is (4) C -Lives (7) C — Newlywed Game (56) R -- News i n FY'ispective 2:25 (2) C — News 2:30 i2) C — Guiding Light (41 C — Doctors (7) C Dating Game 3:00 (2) C - Secret Storm (4) C — Another World (7) C — General Hospital (9) R -- Candid Camera (56) R — French Chef “Artichokes From Top to Bottom" (62) R — Movie: “Links of Justice" (British, 19,59) Jack Watting, Sarah Law-son 3:30 (2) C — Edge of Night (4) C — Bright Promise (7) C — One Life to Live (9) C — Magic Shoppe (50) C — Captain Detroit (56) Interviewing for Results - "The Basic Process" 4:00 (2) R C — Gomer Pyle (4) C — Steve Allen — Charles Nelson Reilly. Herman Zimmerman and Dr. Cleo Lawson guest. (7) C — Dark Shadows (9) C — Bozo (56) Sesame Street 4:30 (2) C —Mike Douglas - 'Hie First Pkiition gin'si, (7) R Movie: "Decision Against Time" (British. 1957) Jack Hawkins. P>!izabeth Fellars ((50) R I ittle Rascals (62) C Bugs. Cyrus and Friends 5:00 (J) C - George Pierrot - “Holiday in Switzerland" (9) R C — Flipper (50) R C -- Lost in Space (56) Misterogers 5:30 (9) R C — Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (56) Friendly Giant (62) R — Leave It to Beaver 5:45 (56) R G e r m a n Lesson I III liSI) \^ NK.H I 6:00 (2) (4) (7) C - News. W'eather. Sports (50) R C - Flintstones (56) German Spoken (62) R — Ozzie and Harriet 6:30 (2) C - News -Cronkite (4) C -- News — Huntley, Brinkley (9) R — Dick Van Dyk(' — Ritcliie asks his parents the inevitable question: ■Where did I come from?" (50) R Herman - Munsters — fears his new board(‘r is taking over as head of the house. (56) Beyond the Earth The pretelescopic history of man’s understanding of planetary motion is examined. (62) C — Robin Seymour — The Aum guests. 7:00 (2) C — (Special) Billy Graham ~ Anaheim, Calif., Crusade (4) C — News. Weather. Sports (7) C — News Reynolds. Smith (9) R — Movie; “Mara Maru" (1952) Former Navy commander leads a mobster to sunken treasure then battles him for the diamonds. Errol Flynn, Ruth Roman, Raymond Burr (50) R — I Love Lucy (56) What’s New — The two “Brave Boys" wear official NASA prototype space suits to inspect the The Pontiac Press, Thursday, December 4, 1 9 Dean Martin (left) ami ffuest C.harles ISelson Heilly iperform in it vomeily sketch durinfi **The Dean Martin Shoiv"' I'hurstlay at 10 />.m. on (Jiannel I. site of a meteor in the desert. 7:30 which fell (4) C — Daniel Boone — Josh feigns guilt in a scheme to trap two fur poachers. Alex Karas, all-pro defensive tackle guest-stars. (7) R C — (Special! the Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau — ‘Desert Whales” studies the annual breeding migration of the little-known California grey whales. (50) C -- Beat the Clock (56) Book Beat -- David Finn, , a New York public relations man. discusses his new book. ‘‘The Corporate Oligarch.” which dissects the American business scene and gives suggestions on corporate conduct. (62) C — Of Lands and Seas — Afghanistan is loured. 8:00 (2) C — Jim Nabors -Bobbie Cientrv guests. (501 RX - ‘Hazel (56) Washington Week in ltevi(‘w 8:30 (4) C -- Ironside -- An ancient Torah is stolen from a modest temple. (7i C — Bewitched — Samantha’s mother-in-law decides to leave her husband just as a witch’s mistake brings Mother ('lOose into the Stephens home. (50) C - To Tell the Truth (56) NET Playhouse — Richard S. Burdick’s “The Tin Whistle.” a prize-winning play about an adolescent boy who uses witcli-craft to pul a curse on two of his teachers, is presented. (62) R — The Nelsons 9:00 (2) R — Movie: “Ten Little Indians” (1965) Ten persons on an island are mysteriously murdered one by one. Hugh O’Brian. Shirley Eaton (7) C •— Tom Jones — Janis Joplin, the Committee and Glen Campbell guest. (0) C What’s My Line'.’ <50> Ii Perry Mason (62) R - Movie: ‘‘The Secret Place’’ (British. 1958) Beautiful redhead is involved in brilliantly executed robbery. Belinda Lee. Ronald Lewis 9:30 (.1) C ' Dragnet Friday and Gannon probe a series of business burglaries. (9) C — A Time For Livin' - Pet(‘r, Sonny and Company guest. 10:00 (4) C — Dean Marlin — Charles Nelson Reilly. Romy Schneider. Milburn Stone and Nancy Wilson guest. (7) C — It Takes a Thief — Mundy and his father thwart C 0 m m u n i s t execution attempts try to save the United States from threatened financial dislocation. (9) C — Thursday Niglit Changes in Japan are examined as it prepares to reassume its position of power in the Far D^asl. (50) C — News. Weather. Sports (56) News Special — “Hunger: A National Disgrace" shows highlights of closing day of the White House conference on food, nutrition and health. 10:30 (50) R — Ben Casey — The doctor is pressured to testify that brain surgery will change a murderer’s personality and make him eligible for parole. (62) C — Wrestling 11:00 (2) (4) (7) (9) C -News. Weather. Sports 11:30 (4) C — Johnny Carson (7) C — Joey Bishop ( 9 ) R —- Movie: “Kimberly Jim” (South COLOR.. THURSDAY African. lD)5i Two gam-blcis win a barren diamond mine in a fixed poker game. Jim Reeves Madeline Usher (50) (’ - Merv (hdffin George Jessel and George (’arlin guest (62) R — Movie: “Court-Martial of Major Keller” (British. 1963) Military man tries to convince his superiors that one of their officers i s incompetent. Laurence Payne, Susan' Stephen 11:35 (2) R -- Movies; 1. “Souls for Sale” (1962i Soldier of fortune saves a cargo of slave girls when a Tong war breaks out in S a n P'rancisco. Vincent Price. Richard Loo; 2. “The Last Woman on Earth” (1960) A three-cornered romance involving last survivors on earth after radioactive blast. Betsy Jones-Moreland. Edward Wain 1:00 (4) Beat the Champ (7) R — Texan (9) Viewpoint (50) R — Peter Gunn 1:05 (9) C ~ Perry s Probe — “The Catholic Revolution” 1:30 (4) (7) C — News. Weather 1:40 (7) C -- F'ive Minutes to Live By 3 : 3 0 ( 2 ) C — News. Weather 3:35 (2) TV Chapel Modernize with KLINGLEHUT BRICK SIDING V2" Real Brick Bonded to Va" Insulation Board (1) Giv«t you Y«ar-Round Insulation (2) Rosists Firo (3) No Maintonanco, or Painting (4) Booutifios Your Homo (5) Economical to Install KLINGLEHUT BRICK COMPANY 2603 Dixit Hwy., Pontiac Corntr Silver Ltkt Rd. FREE ESTIMATES 673-7507