.QNL THURSDAY THURSDAY MORNING 5:45 (2) On the Farm Scene 5:50 (2) C—News ; 6:W (2) C — Sunrise Semester ,.,6:30 (2) C — America Sings , (4) C — Classroom i-6t45 (7) C —Bat Fink 7:00 (2) C — Woodrow the Woodsman (4) C — Today (7) C— Morning Show 7:20 (9) Warm-Up 7:30 (9) C—Bonnie Prudden 9:00 (2) C — Captain Kangaroo (9) Morgan's Merry-Go-Round 8:05 (9) Mr. Dressup 8:30 (7) R G - Movie: “High Time” (1960) Bing ^Th* Pontiac Prott, Thimdoy, Nevombor 28 Crosby, Fabian, Tuesday Weld (9) Friendly Giant %:4S (9) Chez Helene Lome Green and Betty White comment on New York’s Macy parade. (SO) C — Jack LaLanne 9:00 (2) C ~ (Special) Thanksgiving Day Parades — Five are featured: J. L. Hudson’s in Detroit; Macy’s in New York; Gimbel’s in Philadelphia; the Carolinas’ Carousel, celebrating the 200th anniversary of the founding of Charlotte, N.C.; and (on tape) Eiaton’s Santa Gaus Parade from Toronto. A host o f celebrities provide commentary. (4) C — Steve Allen (9) C —Bozo 10:00 (4) C - (Special) Thanksgiving Parade — Sonny Eliot describes the J. L. Hudson spectacular in Detroit. (9) Canadian Schools 10:30 (7) C - Dick Cavett (9) Ontario Schools 11:00 (4) C-( Special ) Thanksgiving Parade (joined in progress) ^ im Sno-J*t, o progrom yowW AOt likely frQ forg«t. R*ploc* the tplg* vision advonluro with rool lifo odvontwro and yow'm th* hom. Try a figuro 0 in an opon moodow or o full chargo down a jockpino row. You ond Sno-Jot ogainst o wintor's wroth, but odds oro in your fovor. Orab tho throttlo of your Sno-Jot and mako o track diroctly Into tho wintor, tho now wintor of octlon, hoalth ond nnioy-mont. Ask yoursolf if this boots tolovision and magotinos. 63 East Walton CLOSfO SUNDAYS OAfN DAILY INC FE 8-4402 11:38 (9) Take 30 (SO) Klmba THURSDAY AFTERNOON 12:M (2) R C - Movies; 1. “Bundle of Joy” (1956) Eddie Fisher, Debbie Reynolds, Adolphe Men-jou; 2. “The Mouse That Roarde" (English, 1959) Peter Sellers, Jean Seberg (4) R—Movie: “A Christmas Carol” (English, 1961) Alastair Sim, Kathleen Harrison (7) R — Bewitched (9) C — Lunch With Bozo 12:30 (7) C - Treasure Isle (9) C -< Bill Kennedy’s Hollywood (50) R - Movie: “Prince and the Pauper” (1937) Errol Flynn, Gaude Rains 1:N (7) C — Dream House (9) R C - Movie: “The Snow Queen” (Russian, 1958) Disneylike cartoon versiaa of a classic fairy tale. Voices; Sandra Dee, Timimy Kirk, * Patty McCormack 1:39 (4) C - AFL Football: Houston at Kanasa City (7) C—Funny You Should Ask 1:55 (7) C - Children’s Doctor 2:98 (7) C - Newlywed Came (9) R - Rawhide 2:45 (7) C—NCAA Pregame Show SiM (7) C ~ College Football: Texas A&M at Texas (50) R —Topper 3:19 (56) Social Security 3:25 (56) Manager’s Memo ' (2) C - Mike Douglas lJ) C — Lively Spot (50) C — Captain Detroit (62) R — Ann Sothem 4:M (4) C - AFL FootbaU; — Itoffalo at Oakland (Time approximate) (56) Puppet Master (62) R — Robin Hood 4:36(9) C—Magic Shoppe (50) R-Little Rascals (56) TV Kindergartot (62) C — Rae Deane and Friends 5:90 (2) C-News (9) C — Batman (50) R — Munsters (56) Misterogers 5:30 (2) C—News—Cronkite (9) R — GiUigan’s Island (SO) R — Superman (56) Friendly Giant (62) R — Leave It to Beaver 5:45 (2) C-Pro Press Box (56) Art Studio THURSDAY NIGHT 6:61 (2) C - NFL Football; Washington at Dallas. (7) C — News, Weather, Sports (9) C - What’s My Line? (50) R C — Flintstones (62) C — Country Caniival 6:30 (9) R C -1 Spy (50) R — McHale’s Navy (56) Kaleidoscope (62) R — Movie; “Monsieur Vincent” (French, 1947) Pierre Fresnay 7:M (4) G - News (7) C — News—Reynolds (SO) R — 1 Love Lucy (56) C -World We Live In — C^eraa probe the sea to show surrival methods there. 7:30 (4) C — Daniel Boone — Josh is captured by a mad, butterfly-hunting Englishman. (7) C — (Special) ’Thanksgiving Visitor — Truman Capote’s autobiographical sequel to “A Christmas Memory.” Geraldine Page and Michael Keqrney star. (9) R - Movie: “Daidi” (1961) David Janssen, Th« Pontiac Prott, Thurfday, Novombor 38 Patti Page, Arnold Stang, Gale Golden (50) C — Password (56) R — Choice 6;M (50) C * Pay Cards (56) NET Festival -Adolph Hitler commissioned this filming of the 1936 Olympics to show the athletic triumphs of the “master race,” but the photographer focused on beauty rather than politics. 8:30 (4) C — Ironside — Riddle-screeching mynah bird holds the clue to a murder. Burgess Meredith guests. (7) C — Bewitched ’ — Man who wants to destroy a park to build a supermarket is target of Samantha's wrath. (50) R C - Hazel (62) R — Movie: “Identity Unknown" ( 1945 ) Richard Arlen, Cheryl Walker 9:00 (2) C — Movie : “Marco the Magnificent" (French Italian Yugoslav, 1965) Tongue-in-cheek look at the adventures of Marco Polo. Horst Bucholz, Anthony Quinn, Orson Welles, Omar Sharif, Rlsa Martinelli (7) C ^ That Girl -Don's too friendly with a rich society swinger who's hunting her seventh mate. (50) R — Perry Mason (56) Ivory Tower 9:30 (4) C — Dragnet — Friday and Gannon hammer away at a theme: get Involved. (7) C — Journey to the Unknown — Crime reporter takes the place of a murdered librarian and fears the same fate faces her. Vera Miles guests. (9) C — Telescope (56) Festival 10:00 (4) C — Dean Martin — George Gobel. Lena Horne, S k i 1 e s and Henderson and the Gold-diggers guests. (9) Horse Race (50) C — News, Weather, Sports (56) Free Play 10i30 (7) R C - T H E. Cat (50) C — Lester Crane (62) R - Star Performance 11:00 (2) (4) (7) (9) - News, Weather, Sports (62) R — Movie: “Desert Furlough" (Italian, 1958) V e n a n t i n 0 Venantini, Giovanna Ralli 11:30 (2) R — Movies: 1. C — “The Pirates of the Coast" (Italian, 1961) Lex Barker Estella Blain; 2. “The Last Woman on Earth" (1960) Anthony Carbone, Betsy Jones-Moreland, Edward Wain (4) C — Johnny Carson — Petter L a w f o r d is substitute host. (7) C — Joey Bishop — THURSDAY Sammy Davis Jr. substitute host. 1 s (9) R — Movie: “Game for Three Losers’’ (English. 1965) Michael Gough, Mark Eden (50) R — Movie: “Court Martial” (English, 1955) David Niven, Margaret Leighton 1:00 (4) Beat the Champ (7) R “ Untouchables (9) C — Perry’s Probe 2:00 (7) News 3:00 (2) R — Dobie Gillis 3:30 (2) H -Patrol Highway 4:00 (2) C -Weather News, Thanksgiving Day Edition the>oniia3pr I H«g4liMhg Day Edition VOL. 126 — ' NO. 254 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ PONTIAC, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1968 i THE PONTIAC PRESS THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 28. 1968 Canceled Contracts Cost U.S. $8 Billion WASHINGTON (UPIt - The United Sldtes in the last 15 years has invested $8.8 billion in 67 big military contracts that subsequently were canceled, Defense Department figures showed today With questions currently being raised concerning the Fill combat and C5A transport planes, the ill-fated B70 bomber still sland,s as the biggest loser. 11 cost $1,468 billion before being canceled last year. ★ But two “air-breathing" (jet-powered) missiles, the Navajo and Snark, were a close second if lumped together. They absorbed $679.8 million and $677.4 million respectively before being scrubbed from the defense program in 1957 and 1962. ★ * ★ Dumping the plane-launched Skybolt missile in 1963, which caused a big stir because both the United States and Britain were relying on it to extend bombing range, was less expensive. Only $440 million had been invested in Skybolt by the United States. A comparatively unknown missile, the Rascal, commanded outlays totaling $448 million before it was abandoned in 1958. The big cancellation this year stopped production of the FlllB, the Navy's version of the TFX, on which just under $200 million had been spent. There is no present prospect that the records of the past will be equalled. *' ★ * Although $4.2 billion has been committed so far to the Air Force fighter-bomber and bomber versions of the Fill, defense officials believe it unlikely that adverse decisions concerning them or the C5A would take the form of cancellations. SHERI Special Care Set for Deaf Girl, 21 state Rep. Loren Anderson, R -Waterford Township, said yesterday tlie State Department of Mental Health has assured him that Sheri Painter, 21. will receive specialized treatment at Pontiac State Hospital. Shert was born deaf and is mentally ill. Earlier, state health officials said t she was required to ’ go to the Pontiac-State Hospital because her family resides in Oakland County. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Painter of Royal Oak would like their daughter to be committed to the Northville State Hospital in Detroit where there is a specialist to treat her particular type of case. He is Dr. James Sonnega, a staff member at the Hawthorne Children’s Center, near the Northville hospital. He is the only specialist in the slate who is trained to work with the deaf-mute mentally ill. Mrs. Painter noted that Sheri is not mute because she does communiciale orally with me and with those people with whom she feels comfortable. Anderson said the Department of Mental Health told him Dr. Sonnego would be able to commute to the Pontiac hospital to treat Sheri. * ★ ★ “The pateint’s welfare is the most important consideration and the prime consideration in this case is immediate treatment,” he said. Anderson continued. “Despite what some people in this state might think, this state cares about its people; it’s not so big that we can’t help an individual.” Mrs. Painter said she was grateful to learn this, but feels that her daughter would receive more complete attention from Dr. Sonnega if she were allowed to be committed to the Northville Stale Hospital. ★ * * “Why should the doctor have to travel that long distance when it would be so much easier if she could be just a few blocks away at Northvilleshe asked. Mrs. Painter added, that she believes Sheri will eventually recover if she i.s provided the right conditions and the right care in the right place. The Weather Historic Scene From Mackinac The memorial window pictured on the front page of today’s holiday edition of The Press is one of three located in an old stone Presbyterian church on Mackinac Island. The picture was taken by Edward R. Noble, chief photographer of The Pontiac Press, The windows, which commemorate scenes from the early history of the island, were given to the ■ church in 1914 by Mrs. E. M. Williams of Northfield, Minn., In memory of her father, Gurdon Saltonstahl Hubbard, who spent 10 years on the island as an employe of the American Fur Co. ★ * ★ The Rev, William M. Ferry, pictured on Page 1, conducted a school for both white and Indian children on the island from 18‘23-1834. In 1834 he left, to become a founder of Grand Haven. The mission continued until 1837. The other windows depict Robert Stuart, president and manager of the fur company, and his clerks and Schusco, an Indian magician who was converted to Christianity under Rev. Ferry, Waterford Contest Nearing Windup Waterford Junior Miss contestants are busy preparing their individual talent perforrmances for Saturday night’s final judging at Mason Junior High School, 3835 W. Walton. The 8 p.m. performance is open to the public. Tickets are $1 for adults and 50 cents for students. Earlier Saturday the contestants will learn a youth fitness routine and attend personal interviews with the judges. The winner receives $350 i n scholarships, merchandise awards and a chance to compete in the regional Junior Miss pageant in Redford Township, Dec. 15. The runner-up receives' $150 in scholarships. Chamber OKs Austerity Plan French Cost Rise Foreseen PARIS (AP) — French government leaders believe the new austerity measures to save the franc from devaluation will raise the cost of living 1.5 to 2 per cent, but some businessmen and union leaders say it might go as high as 3 per cent. The Gaullist-controlled Chamber of Deputies today approved President Charles de Gaulle’s austerity program by a vote of 391 to 91. * ★ * The bill adjusts taxes and charges to favor exports and restrict domestic buying so that France can pay its way in international trade and not be forced into devaluation. ★ ★ ★ The lower house, the Senate, also will vote on the measure but its power can ANDREW DICKINSON WILLIAM G. DICKINSON Landmark Store to Close P'ull U.S. Weather Bureau Report PONTIAC AND VICINITY—Rain and warmer temperatures today, high 40 to 45. Rain changing to snow flurries tonight, low 29 to 33. Friday mostly cloudy and colder with chance of snow flurries. Winds easterly, increasing to 15 to 28 miles per hour this afternoon, west to northwest late tonight. Precipitation probabilities near 100 per cent today: 60 per cent tonight and 3 per cent Friday. Dickinson's — A F'ontiac landmark — soon will close its doors at 31 N. Saginaw after 45 years of business. The Birmingham Dickinson's closed two weeks ago and the Pontiac store will close as soon as all merchandise is sold. Store owner Andrew Dickinson has been in the men's clothing business for 66 years. He originally went into the clothing business when the firm of Kcssell, and Dickinson came into being. Later, he started his current store on Saginaw after his interest in K & 1) was assumed by another man. STARTED AT 11 His son, William. G. who has helped build the family business, started work- Carpet 3 Rooms ^129 ; - lysr.iu.Ei) DuPont Nylon YJf j[h IsfjL oMri.ETi: - jysT.iu.Ei) intinuou: 'O Filament 100% Continuous 10x12 Living Room 9x9 Bedroom 3x6 Hall Immediate Installation • No Down Payment • Payments $10 a Month • Installed • Total of 219 Sq. Ft, •Waffle Padding ife «-| IninuMliate Uelivei'y HARVEY FURNITURE l t05 HiglilaiKl Road M-Sy cxirnei-Pontiac Lake K/l« I'l aes. jr.s wi'h colorful Sundries —Main Floor Gift Idea for Swingers-Travelers Fitted Travel Bar Gift Idea for Sportsman-Outdoorsman g 1Q05 10 i slim trim Irav-I-Bar has genuine ppings and holds all bar equipinent #Travel Bar with fittings............................................ #953 Travel Bar with tray............................................21.95 #120 Cotfee Bar with perk............................................35.00 Sundries — Mam Floor with Belt-Suspended Battery Case I t t t I t t I Battery-operated socks to kee(:( your feet S warm to under :;ero degrr?es. Sox can be licind waslied. Sizes 6 to 1'.'. Battery not g inc,luded at this price. Sports — 2nd Floor Battery-Operated Trail Sox inded Battery Cas 999 Fine Quality-American Made Men’s and Ladies’ Ice Skates Split Leather Uppers Simms Price Just Clearance of Textured and Bulky Gift Idea for the Hanidyman ] Electric Drill Siw5s!W3w»j«W38ajwwajBs?twatw*w»w»wwa3B«(jw»«wi»0»5*w»«*a»«w«*»8 g UlOO fully guaranteed Bickk A fue-.or e.eLtr,'- di ■ with 2 amp motor for dependable long life service (...enrerf iiuim nnd l■'“■,. Does nil tfie drilling icybs around the house. Vs-ln. Black & Decker Electric Drill.............................12.88 e - 2nd Floor Toasts Anything-Bakes Like an Oven General Electric Toast-R-Oven Fully Automatic 9C|88 ^•W "-r MC deluxe toost-r-oVen perfect for brown 'n serve rolls, 9 different shades, bakes from elements, revohjtionory design - 2nd Floor Tremendous Savings for Gift Giving Famous Brand Luggage jQ t t t I t t imimS you plon to ()ive luggo' come and see our selection of floor models nnd window display models thot are olmost like^ new. Choice of attache cases, l^enuty cases, overmfes, pullmcms, b-suiters, and famous brands. Shop early for Basement $3.75 value, 4-oz. oz. after shave lotic your convenience. rologne and 4-. Gift boxed for Gift Toiletries for Him I Hai Karate Gift Duo \ J39| S Jade East fragrance Trio | . I :r: gso f New GTO by Max Factor g y;:;:n,r.,,..3751 Applio litMa]e»»R»ama»3»;(»a»a:»nnaM(mam(3a)»3s^namaM(»XT(R(is«n I New from REMINGTON... It’s at SIMMS I Remington 300 Auto-Home Shaver Shaves Anywhere-Car-Boat or Home Just British Sterling Travel Duo Charge I best selectioi 750 i fi Remington 200 Selectro Shaver........ ...........15.44 ^ Remington 300 Selectro Shaver.....................21.88 S Remington Lady Go Lightly Shaver..................14.88 Sundries —Main Floor Gift Toiletries for Her Duet Set by Dana 3^^ Gift Fragrances by Coty 2 Gifts in One Swiss Made ENDURA Ladies’ Pendant Watch 5^* Intimate Fragrance by Revlon Desert Flower by Shulton HI S I '' Cosmeticx Mam floor g iminsbwumiwwMiwueawe****"****** IMMK" Tremendous Selecfion for Gift living g Men’s Sweaters' Cardigans-Pullovers-Turtlenecks S 8 2' SIMMSll THE PONTIAC PRESS 48 West Huron Street Pontiac, Michigan < THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1968 BmT J. Rna Lockl AdrertUlng M*aat