!f> m TH« Pontiac Pratt, Sunday, Novambar 24 SUNDAY M(»tNING t:« (2) TV Chapel «:10 (2) C-NeWs •:U (2) U. of M. Television 6:30 (2) Chiistoidiers 7:00 (2) C - Cathedral of Tomorrow 7:25 (4) C-News 7:30 (4) C - Country Uv-Ing (7) C TV College 8:00 (2) C - This Is the Life (4) C — Eternal light —First of three-parfer on American-Jewish e^ri-ence focuses on discrimination, 1762 style. 8:15 (9) Sacred Heart 8:30 (2) C — Temple Baptist (4) C — Church at the Crossroads (7)C-Dir»ctions-“The World of Shalom of Safed” profiles Israeli watchmak-er-turned-artist. (50) C-Herald of Truth 8:55 (4) C — Newsworthy 1:01 (2!) — Mass fn* Shut- ins (4) C — Ck^y the Clown (7) C - Ualogue (O)ManAUve (50) C — CaiAain Detroit 0:30 (2) C - Wth This Ring (7) C-BeaUes (9) C — Bozo (50) C - Kimba 9:45 (2) C-Highlight (4) C — Davey and CSoliath 10:00 (2) Ut’s See (4) C — House Detective (7) C —Linus (50) R — Tivee Stooges 10:30 (2) C - Faith for ' Today (7) C — King Kong (50) R - UtUe Rascals 11:00 (2) C —Lone Ranger (7) C —BuUwlnkle (50) R C — Superman 11:30 (2) C - C(^ege Football; Kansas vs. Missouri (90 minute tape) (7) R C—Discovery—Conclusion of two-parter on Finland. (9) R — Movie: '‘Uttle •If w Hi» Oirf- mtm Oifii It Ok# OofM GULBRANSEN ORQANS A PIANOS PocansaJiar tuy N^w for Ohristiiia$ Aloo, Scn^ on arond Noino Dfumo, OvHort, Shoot Music ond Rocovdo. Profoooionol Inttivcfiono Avoilobl#. gerome QoonlaaMy ft* STeWwIslew Mto^Ut.lM music CO. 5052 HIGHUND RD. Waterford Plata 674-2025 Miss Broadway” (1938) Shirley Temple, George Murphy, Jimmy Durante, ntiyUis Brooks. (50) R C — Flintstones SUNDAY AFTERNOON 12:00 (4) U. of M. Presents — “An Ear for the Troubled” examines the role of the Crisis Service. (7) C — (foUege Football Hishlights (50) R — Movie: “Kentucky” (1938) Horse-breeding families come into co^ict during Civil War. Richard Greene, Loretta Young, Walter Brennan 12:30 (4) C — International Zone 1:00 (2) R C - Movie: “Jason and the Argonauts” (1963) Todd Armstrong, Nancy Kovack (4) C — Meet the Press — Sen. Birch Bayh, D-Ind., will discuss his attempts to force electoral reform. (7) C — (%ampionship Bowling (9) R C - Movie: “-Johnny Tiger” ( 19 6 6) Florida’s Seminole Indians are caught in conflict between age-old traditions and modern society. Robert Taylor, Geraldine Brooks, 6iad Everett 1:30 (4) C - Pro PootbaU: Oakland at Cincinnati (7) C — Issues and Answers — Secretary of Defense Clark Gifford will discuss latest foreign-policy developments. 2:00 (7) C - Spotlight (50) R - Movie; “I Was a Male War Bride” (1949) Courtship between FiWh captain and WAC lieutenant has its c Wackiest Ship — Crew is assigned to rescue 25 Americans from Japanese prison camp. 2:45 (2) Music lYeasures 3:00 (2) C - Changing Times 3:15 (2) C — Pro Press Box 3:30 (2) C - NFL Pregame Show (7)C - Michigan Sportsman - A report on deer season in Michigan l (9)RC - Movie: “McHale’s Navy (1964) Crew tries to find ways to repay 12,000 debt. Ernest Borgnine, Joe Flynn, Tim Conway (62) Story of a Champion 4:00 (2) C — Pro Football: New York at Los Angeles (4) C — Pro Football; New York at San Diego (7) R C — Hemingway’s Spain — This critically acclaimed program blends film and excerpts from Hemingway’s writings. (50) R — Defenders — Killer claims that his extrasensory perception told him it was either kill or be kiUed. ,(62) R - Sea Hunt 4:30 ( 56) World of ’Traveller (62) R C - Movie: “So This Is Love" (1953) Kathryn Grayson, Merv Griffin 4:45 (56) German Lesson 5:00 (7) R - Movie; “Follow the Sun” (1951) ’The life story of golfing great Ben Hogan. Glenn Ford, Anne Baxter, Dennis O’Keefe (50) R — My Favorite Martian (56) Continental Comment 5:30 (9) R C - Laredo -Rangers try to deliver ndne payroll, but outlaw gang is blocking their way. (50) R — Honeymooners (56) Creative Person — Study of the theater features interviews o f Greek actress Katina Paxinou and Canadian actor Bruno Genissi. SUNDAY NIGHT 6:00 (50) R — I Love Lucy (56) dhoice -- Problem of overcrowding is discussed. 6:30 (0) R C - Movie: “See How They Run” (1964) Crooks go after children who unwittingly have evidence that could expose them. John Forsythe, Senta Berg^, Jane Wyatt. (50) R C — John Gary — Guests include William Shatner, Jack Cassidy, Fernando Lamas, Avery Schreiber, J a y e P. Morgan and Bobby Scott. (56) U.S.A. - Work of artist Willem de Kooning is discussed. (62) R - Movie: “Fate Takes a Hand” (1961) Th* Pontiac Prott, Sunday, Novombor 24 Postal official and reporter encounter several human dramas as they deliver mail recovered from a robbery 15 years prior. Ronald Howard, Christina Gregg 7:N (2) C — Lassie The wonder dog encounters a marauding jaguar (first of two parts). (4) C — George Pierrot — "Ethiopian Adventure’* (7) C — Land of the Giants — Betty and Valerie fall into a n elaborate trap. (56) Free Play 7:86 (2) R C - Truth or Consequences (4) C — Walt Disney's World — “The Treasure of San Bosco Reef” (flrst of two parts) 8:M (2) R C — Ed Sullivan (7) C - FBI - Two fugitives hide out i n California town. Diane Baker and Burt Brinckerhoff head guest-list. (50) C — David Susskind — Guests Include former CORE leaders Solomon Herbert and Robert Carson, plus N A A C P dissident Chester Lewis. Second feature views problems of the blind. (56) NET Playhouse — “Victoria Regina: Autumn” 8:36 (4) C — Mothers-in-Law — Money that the inlaws intended for a celebration gets sidetracked. (9) Cesar’s World (62) R - Movie: “Four Bags Full” (1956) 9:00 (2) C — Smothers Brothers — Guests are Tony Randall and Jennifer Warren. (4) C — (Special) Peggy Fleming — Gene Kelly, Richard Harris and Spanky and Our Gang join the famous figure skater. (7) R C - Movie: “55 Davs at Peking” (1963) Historical epic recreates attack on colonial powers during Boxer Rebellion in China. Charlton Heston, Ava Gardner, David Niven, John Ireland, Kurt Kasznar (9) (Special) Escape From Darkness — This fllm focuses on corneal transplants and includes interviews with people who have regained their sight following such operations. (56) Ivory Tower 9:36 ( 56) NET Playhouse -“The Victorians: Sweet Lavender” 10:00 (2) C - Mission: Impossible — Power-hungrv widow of Latin-American leader plans to wreck free elections. (4) C - Phyllis Diller -Gue-'ts include Arte Johnson of “Laugh-In” ard linger .Lou Rawls. (9) C - Way It Is (50) C — News, Weather, Sports (62) C - U. of M Football Highlights 10:20 (50) C — Lou Gordon Evolution 0 f extramarital affairs is explained by psychologist. 10:30 ( 56) World We Uve In - “The Weather Watchers” 11:06 (2) (4) (9) C - News, Weather, Sports (62) R - Movie: “Highway to Battle'* SUNDAY (1960) German ambassador in London during 1936 begins to have doubts about Nazi regime. Gerard Heinz 11: IS (9)' Provincial Affairs 11:30 (2) RC-Movie: “The Nun*s Story" ( 19 5 9 ) (4) R C Johnny Carson (9) R - Movie: “Odd Man Out" (1947) Wounded young man tries to escape from scene of robbery. James Mason, Kathleen Ryan 12:00 (7) C — News. Weather, Sports 12:80 (7) C — Haney’s Peoole 1:00 (4) Beat the Champ 1:20 (9) C — Film 1:30 (2) R — Movie “Manfish" (1956) John Bromfieldy Lon Chaney 2:00 (4) C — News (7) News 3:00 (2) C News, Weather 3:05 (2) C - With This Ring Don’t Move . . . IMPROVII 6atAB9unmf?HtmA IftMllYRDflim Hmw'6 iflof* iwem ht kidlf •r o brifM, fMw, cWttn MmI MwrfRrt* oM* r»«m tomilv r»cf or toifliAf. l*t 4N6iit yoM in fowr h*fn« bMvtlfiCttHBA plant wHfi riU npwpti And NiAtpridlt. At Low at $3.50 per Week SPECIAL PRICES NOW! . AaLowan $19.98 PtrWttk SIDING CTr^DkA WINDOWS j lUHAn g. DOORS VINYL •ALUMINUM STEEL •ASBESTOS I fuiall 4tt TVfN*« A$ Law as ms ALUMINUM $27,08 Nr 100 Ft. REPLACE OLD GUTTERS • NOJOiim , *N0 OIAMI • NO LIAKI W«4ch ear mock)n« form ydwr CAMIflPPlM 6*«fllle61 •ovettmwsh with vinyl acrylic finish which n«v*r ^ needs peintinp, will net rust or rot. No Money Down EASY TERMS Evpryrihinx in JHod^^rhiMation WINOOW PROBLEMS? Wa will r#movA ond re-plocA your aid swAOty 9tA#l ond olumifivm windows with iniulotAd *ytnyi SOLID VINYL WINDOWS /Vo .Swrni*' A ?,sii Haet Gere ifReMet Nimi tttAl A to MaiAi «ere ■fHelOAt Nimi «A#d A SMM tiMAe MATA efRtieiit NieA eNMieeai THE FINEST MATERIALS AND ClUFTSMANSHIF £T Utembmr Pnntiac Chambmr of Coftim«rc« — In Pontiac Since 1931 1032 WEST HURON , . PONTIAC^ Oonslrunionfla fl 4-2SDf .o«:««.t,rs.,vic.