ey ae eh MA cst te pRB ie U.S, Weather Bureau Forecast THE PON Pleasant. - * (Details Page 2) <4 117th YEAR k* * + PONTIAC, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1959—76 PAGES * -_ HORSE KICK* FRACTURES Angered at Sen. Wayne Morse’s attempts to block her confirmation as ambassador to Brazil, Mrs.. Clare Boothe Luce commented yesterday JAW, JOB — colleagues took ‘Appoint Seven to Trial Board — Trial Board was appointed |rector_- 4 ¥ ho x * * ‘It’s Only Fair, Believes Law for City Police Five New Members on Panel Selected by Commissioners A seven-member police last night with five, new faces on it. City commissioners appointeal| two members of the former Trial Board to the newly-constituted| body; selected one appointee from} the ranks of the special committee| that ‘studied. the Trial Board setup; | and named four others who have} not previously served ,the city in appointive positions, The list of appointments was read at the Commission meet- ing by City Clerk Ada R. Evans: Appointed were: ’ John B. Dean, a sales repre- sentative; .Vernor H. Ayling, di- AP Wirephotes following desets approval that her trouble with Morse stemmed from the fact that he was once kicked in the head by a horse. Sen. Morse and strong exception to the remark. Biting Quip About Senator _ May Cost Mrs. Luce Her Job WASHINGTON w —- President quitting her newly won job as am-; the Senate, We must now wait | Eisenhower said today Clare! Boothe Luce's usefulness as am-| bassador to Brazil. Shortly after the Senate gave her bassador to Brazil has not been a thumping 79-11 vote of confirma-_ damaged in any major way by her tion Tuesday, in spité of bitter row with _ Sen. tD-Ore). The parting drop of verbal] acid) from Claire Boothe Luce brewed a! new storm that could end - her’ Wayne Morse lepposition by Sen. Wayne Morse |(D-Ore), Mrs. Luce issued this | | statement in New York: “I am grateful for the over- wheiming vote of confirmation in Court Rules Against City Ordinance’ Ice Cream Law Is. | egal . - Pontiac’ s controversial ice cream ordinance, which, requires a helper on all trucks, is unconstitutional, Oak- | land County Circuit Judge H. Russel Holland ruled to- day. . Judge Holland said this the city said, for protection, provision of law, inserted, | of children, “is clearly un- reasonable and has for its? real purpose the prohibit-, ing of the vending of ice cream products upon the city streets.” * = ¥ * i The case was brought to Judge) Holland's court last. May in| the city, in cooperation with De-) -troit vendor Sam Wineman, staged | a put-up buying act by having a four-year-old boy purehase ice cream bars from Wineman who had no assistant on his truck. This was done following sev- eral court. hassles between Pon- tiac ‘city officials and vendors * who argued the helper provision of the act was unconstitutional. The city was willing to.go along with the test case to prove the law was constitutional, and that it pro- vided for the safety of children}, running across streets to passing ice cream a. * * Judge sition agreed that cities like Pontiac had the right to regu- late business to protect the” public health, safety, morals and welfare of its citizens. However, he added, this basic ‘rule “is subject fo the limitations that such regulations must not be arbitrary; discriminatory or an . absolute prohibition against a . legitimate business.” * x * “hk city may not by. ordinance — ine, conduct of an ated tion under the guise of regulating it,” the judge ruled. He said in most cases the cost jof putting two men on a single ‘truck would be prohibitive. * * * “‘As important and as sacred as’ is the life of.a single child, the /number of injuries occasioned by} injuries’ by does not as compared _ with other types of vehicles, ‘warrant a regulation which is pro- | hibitory,’’ the opinion said further. He said the part requiring. an assistant to help with sales to children under 16 years “is un- constitutional and void as an ab- solute prohibition of what .Is recognized 45 a legitimate basi- hess,” ; Unaware last night that an ad- ‘verse gdecision would be forthcom- ing, city commissioners prepared to oppose new legislation in Lans- ing that reportedly threatens to open the door to new stregt vend- ing qperations ” throughout the state. tad ® * * City Attorney William A. Ewart was asked to study the proposed legislation and commissioners” ap- peared prepared to, take ‘a ‘stand against it if they cide it to be unfavorablé for the city. Maynard. J. Peters, operator of a Baldwin avenue ice cream bar, asked the city, to oppose the legis- lation, until the dirt settles. My -difficul- | ties, of course, go some years | ; back and began when Sen. | Wayne Morse was kicked in the | head by a horse.” | That put the fat in the fire. Morse, still on the Senate floor. retorted “This is part of an old ‘pattern of mental instability on her part. |MINDs CHANGED Several of his Democratic col- , leagues, who had voted for Mrs. “|Luce’s confirmation, jumped up to repel the attack against one of their, own. They said it they had it) tennessee ‘Who Cares? Says Brazil | RIO DE JANEIRO (® —~ Bra- tilians showed little concern to- day about the political scrap in | Washington that attended the | | confirmation of Clare Boothe Luce as ambassador to Brazil. to do over ‘again, ‘they’ a ‘vote against her. A GOP member of the Foreign, ‘Relations Committee, Sen. George D. Aiken of Vermont, statement was © indiscreet should not have been made. { * * ® There was a flurry of telephone. calls between the White House and | \Senate Republican Leader Everett and ‘the presence of ice cream trucks Dirksen of Illinois, Dirksen passed the word that the President felt there was some provocation for her remark. ...Mrs. Luce’s husband, Henry R. Luce of the Time-Life-Fortune pub- lishing empire, said in New York he had asked his wife to resign the ambassadorship, MORSE PLEASED “That would be good _ for “the country,” was Morse's coffiment: Luce took the. position that the| Senate confirmation had vindicat- ed Mrs, Lace, “But,” he said, ‘there remains the question of Brazilian opinion and whether she ean now hope to accomplish the delicate mission assigned to her by the President in a climate of un- jeasinéss which the smears and sus- picion aired on the Senate floor have naturally created in Brazill.” The Senate confirmation, seemed to be final, short of an \antikely (Continued on Page 2, Col. §) > te Pontiac's Heme Improvement Show Starts Thursday, 4 p.m, Pontiag isuery” said her, -| gett, an insurance adjustor; Rabbi Is- rael Goodman, spiritual leader of Congregational B’Nai Israel; H. Malcolm Kahn, an attorney; War- ren Fowler, ‘an electrical contrae- itor:- and Cecil -C. Mullinix, a! Pontiac Motor Division employe. x* *« * Dean's term will expire in May 1960. The terms of Ayling, Davis land ‘Rabbi Goodman will expire | lin May 1961. Kahn's term expires | in May 1962; Fowler's in May 1963, and Mullinix’ in May 1964. The appointments had been decided on at an informal meet- ing of commissionets Tuesday | night. “We have tried to have rs ‘sented on the Trial Board as many phases of our community as pos- | isible.”” said Mayor Philip E.; Rowston. * * * ‘ “We have selected those” men | who we believed were best quali- fied from the point of view of the, needs outlined by the special com- mittee that studied the Trial ‘Board.” t | | | { Fowler, F2, of 59 Lake St. and Mullinix, 571 Lowell St., are the | two who served previously on | the Tria! Board. Both were appointed in the fall, ‘of 1956, a little more than half a) iyear previous to the time voters | ‘replaced the Trial Board with Civil Service for police. | x «© * | Mullinx, wHO served on the Board | ‘of (tax) Review last year and this year, was vice chairman of ‘the Trial Board at the time it was disbanded. | .With the repeal of Civil Serv- ice for police by voters early | this ‘month, the Police Depart- |, ment is scheduled to come back (Continued on -Page 2, Col. 2) Swainson Loses Aide in Own Davis JP" re Legislators should _be the first to \feel the pinch if there are goirig to be payless paydays, says State Rep. Arthur J. Law (D-Pontiac). “We should be the first to bear the brunt because of our failure to solve a problem which we had three months to solve,’"Law said in the wake of Gev: Williams’ an- nouneement today that gome state payrolls will be cut off. “This should not be done as a punitive measure," La added, Cut Lawmakers’ Pay 1st “but because the legislators are the logical ones to be cut off first.” However, Oakland County Re- publican gen, L. Harvey Lodge said there was no need@ for any *’There’s 164 million dollars in; the treasury," he said, ‘‘and there's no reason why they can't use this money judiciously.” blessing. Lodge accused Gov. Williams “it ves -that 2 t Republi- ~ Democrats of using the pend-) cans Bags phat have been willing to take the monies from the fund - At the Builders Show tiac Central High School student, Pontise Press Photo OUCH! — More adept at beauty contests than carpentry, pretty Shirley Hutchison bangs»her thumb with a hammer as she helps produce backdrops for the sixth annual Home Improvement Show, nsored at the Pontiac Armory Thursday through Saturday by Pontiac Area Junior Chamber of Commerce. Shirley, a Pon- was-the Pontiac Jaycee’s. choice as Michigan’s Junior Miss. She'll make a personal appearance at the builders’ show. -jwere shared by Reps. Anderson (R-Waterford Township) nae ar ing payless paydays “as a club to pressure the Republicans into his graduated income tax.” eR A last-ditch stand yesterday by Senate Republicans who intro- duced a one cent “use” or sales tax increase to restore the Vet- ‘erans Trust Fund, should it be liq- uidated, and provide additional state revenue, received Lodge's as long as there's a Fone age reconstituting it during the time of this Legislature,” Lodge said. “We moved when we did,”’ Lodge said, “because we've been waiting since Jan. 14 for the governor's : tax program. * Lodge's thes io the gover. nor’s plans to cut members of the Legislature, State Supreme Court justices, and circuit court judges across the state off the payrolls Lloyd L, _jand . Farrell E., Roberts (R-West believed the state still haa funds te 5 Sill Possib (Williams Prays - for a Solution This Afternoon Says Legislature Could Put $43 Million Into Treasury With Plan . LANSING (#—Gov. Wil- liams said today the Senate still can avert payless pay- days and “I pray to God they will solve the pean this afternoon.” “They have 43 million dollars in their hands that ury on their own plan,” he told a news conference. The governor referred to tlfe plan for cashing vet- erans trust fund securities drawn by Sen. Frank D. Beadle of St. Clair, Republi- can majority leader. meet payrolls, San ae oon at henenanek ania Get Good News Judge’s Decree Could End Legal Squabble; Cost May Drop Good ews came by twos this morning. for av group af Oakland County supervisors coordinating plans for the county's new court- house. * * * legal obstacle had been cleared with the signir 1g of a court decree, and, secondly, that architects told them that they believed construc- tion bids on the long-awaited build- ing could be cut by some $100,000, Yesterday, Circuit- Judge -Her- man C. Dehnke of Harrisville. signed the decree which conld mean the end of a three-year-old court fight which has blocked construction of the new court- house on Telegraph road. However, Assistant County Cor- poration Counsel Charles A, Davis emphasized that one last possible block is left. This, Davis said, would come should the Oakland County Taxpayers League appeal the decree signed yesterday. PLAN MEETING - ' Representatives of the League, which filed a suit in 1956 stopping plans for the new courthouse, could not be reached. for comment... But, it ‘was-learned they had a meeting planned for tomorrow ‘noon. Looking over the three-page Cash Crisis LANSING w — Lt. Gov. John B. Swainson, a Democrat, has his own cash crisis, He complained that William Bur. his. administrative assistant, has been forced to resign to accept a job with the Democratic State iCentral Committee effective, June l1 because - Senate Republicans won't put him on the payroll. Swainson said he was “a little bifter’’ about the circumstances. He said. hé had been trying for six months to finc. a cash source to pay his administrative aide. “The Senate would. not provide me with an assistant,” he said, “then proceeded to hire two of their own. In the House, both the speaker and:‘the minority leader are provided with well-paid assist- ants. Still, 1 am denied any sort of help.” Pontiac's Home Improvement Show Starts Thursday, 4 p.m, Pontiac Armory. adv. adv, Home Tips Inside In today’s Pontiac Press you'll find the annual Press Home Builders and Modernization Sup- plement. * * * The 48-page special tabloid se¢- tion is devoted entirely to ideas and tips for home remodeling, additions, appliances, landscap- ing, and, in general, everything - provements around the home. . ~*~ * * We have printed the supple- ment in tabloid form for the con- venience of homé owners, Keep year, . A Today: Grand Opening Stoney's Drive Inn and Dance 7 Bob Bailey's Hill Bill Music ‘ with ws Lee and Bill -Wigges 1231 Baldwin Ave, that is new in the line of im- | {mal high of 63 and normal low of it for reference throughout the | P.M, Blue Skies, Sun, Same, Readings Stay Some More Skies will be mostly clear and sunny through tomorrow with little change in temperature, the weath- Tonight's low erman forecasts. will drop ta near 44 degrees. eR ® 66 degrees, For the‘ next five days temperatures will be near the nor- 42 with little day-by-day changes except turning cooler or Monday. Precipitation will total near one- fourth inch, mainly in , showers over the weekend, Forty-seven was the lowest tem- perature reading in downtown Pontiac preceding 8 a.m. The ye- cording at 1 p.m. was 67, The high Thursday will be about decree, Davis~said: “We got, exactly what we needed.” é Principal. point in the decree— which is the résult of the partiés involved in the suit getting to- gether to agree to what the courts have ruled ters around Judge Dehnke saying Oakland County ean use $1,192,427 of con- (Continued on Page 2, Col, 2) Detroit to Hit Botton of Relief Bucket Friday — DETROIT (UPI) -# The Detroit Welfare Commission has been told the city has enough state cash to meet direct’ reliet costs for three more days. A welfare official said there will be no money left for relief recipi- ents after. Friday unless:'the state makes some provision for welfare obligations by that time. ‘Pontiae's Home Improvement ‘Show and a blackjack that}cent sales tax to four on Page 2, Col. 6) ‘on Courthouse t's memes They learned first that another |on cents. Abaut $100,000 in check$ for judges, state lawmakers and legis- will be the * et The ‘governor’ called the State continuing in re Prconglire 9 In the end, the irrevocable move nonpayment It was a stunning reversal of the Republican leadership Frank D, Beadle of St, Clair, majority leader and author of the trust fund plan, told reporters Monday night ‘seven it~—enough to pass it. * * * The bili provided for converting fund securities into 43 million dol. lars cash to beef up state treasury balances, _ - The Democratic Republican senators, He called tf magnitude’’ he did his best to avert, mer Republican spokes- Fennville, a man, denounced Williams for “deliberately holding up the = to mockery and contempt,’* and. out of “arrogance.” : a oe tee The latest GOP plan calls for use of the trust fund,.which would be restored at the rate of four (Continued on Page 2, Col, 1) 'In Today’ s ' Press epee County News . senceeucicouseae Editorials. eve teehee eee ree ee ee 6 Markets wenynssaeecgevackeereee . Obituaries : pai teverseeneeteny eee ° ee eee ee ee ee ee ew ee esseeesnssaseeneie M® «age eer Earl... pa PAGO... cee rer sTt Thursday 4 p.m, od tine Armory, : Le = d they: could give to the treas- in effect would bump the three. ° Hi blamed . Edward Hutebinson of cid Willams acted opel?” ° S° ‘Fils asia FesF i ; fi ( Pye sf u | ‘Hi if He a - . i if i Fe OE | E 3 is ane fi ? TEL é : § Z ue E Be ie TH a Fall 0. ti are PONTIAG AND VICINITY -Mosty sun- ny and ot ee See in ‘a os . (ze, es n boomed. | BS Si , Hi A if x on m Visitors to Bermuda increased As Shown—4 | | [| . Cc ee x 3 i I! ee |. ey? F) oa ange! palace pend Barber Recessories | MA MW] ay ~ . 2 ee aaa Fe oe Tseng DQ || Bee heeae | | ecetar Meceaae | | mee parvum one | | St “eos” s et | | rng pat ga H . Get neck duster, point pens an extra refi garmen against * ue denim jeans w elastic colors. ice of variety of in ts ty 5 In the American Virgin Islands, +'e3"* cane. “Ai and at this low price. In cello- | | moths, mildew, etc. Front, full boxer waist, 1 back pocket, All styles All washable, fast col- fe paral washable, 120,000 tourists spent 13 million dol-|[ tor only =... phane pack. zipper. sizes 1 to 6. Limit 2 pair. ors. American made Limit 10. lars in 1957 on St, Thomas alone, Regular $1 .98—Beige Polished* Cotton Girls’ Frontier Slacks ' Tapered legs, side zipper, ivy buckle, snap pockets, 7-14. . Regular $2:95 Value—Cotton Poplin Kids’ Reversible Jacs _ Front zipper, blue on 1 side, red‘on other. Washable, 7-14 Regular $1.95 Value—White and Pastels Curity Crib Sheets ~ Knitted for 6 year crib size. Lifetime elastic. (Limit 2).... 2nd FLOOR BARGAINS where only 36,000 had spent only/Regular $1.19 Value—Sturdy Corn Straw two million in 1949. " c During the 1956-57 season, 43 - h : | d B . ruise ships called at St. Thom- ; . * as compared with 20 in 1953. ouse @ room The Bahamas, Bermuda and the|5-sewn straws, wire bound, long painted handle. (Limit 1) Virgin Islands all make more ; money from their tourist business than from anything else. - 10-Inch Lever Jaw Pliers Regular $1.95 Value Regular $4.95 Value—Enameled Hardwood Sharpshooter Makes Jaws lock with pos- 88° White Toilet Seat Own Stock and Barrel | al itive fiesta Adjusts MAIN FLOOR BARGAINS RICHMOND. Va. w—A rifle(complete with all fittings. Seat and lid. (Limit 1)...... Sr cace isi salesman wouldn't like what Jo . . Baey Xo release. Im- seph W. Looper, eastern regional Regylar $1.00 Value—Famous ‘DURATONE’ bench ‘rest champion, throws the ° *) Gg ° e g Cc Single decks. Bridge size. Clean with damp cloth. (Limit 1) He makes his own. He. adds them to the action and proceeds to put a group of bullets into almost the same hole at 200 yards. “enerteers cas ver Plastic Playing Cards CONSTIPATED? 98c Volue—Fits 2 and 3 Ring Notebooks Regular Values to $2.95—Assorted calor 00 e " . 4 A : ee | C Ladies’ & Girls’ Rob After 35 | Fi | ler : Pa per Sheets 5 ' _ Walks Up & Down Walls a ies ir Ss Oo es Keep Regular | S-ring notebook paper fits 2. and 3 ring binders. (Limit 1) Lil’ ORBY Toys Ladies’ flannels, chenilles; girls’ flannels. Odd sizes 7-20 : 4 * oo . fe BY — ‘= ee Regular $1.49 Value—4/2 Foot GLASS Regular TT‘ Values to $2.98—With Plastic Hoods ‘ | 66 tem paturally slows down. 98c Value . B a | R e a tecelho SERUTAN Casti ng Rods C pry! DOYS Kaincoats ) ana t= Lids, All solid glass ng rod with reel seat. (Limit 2)...... , eee Rubberized raincoats in yellow, grey or twill. Sizes 6 to 18 q a . taken ’ , Regular $1.83 Value—Pack of 48 Feminine 17 ‘ ‘Regular 39c Value—'Guy and Dolls’ Motif a : ; “a : 00 Nail 12x18" G Towel: : Kotex Napkins - jt = x uest Towels | : |New super-soft absorbent aL Pk. of 48. (Limit 1 Pkg.) ° White terry cloth fingertip towels. Gay decoration...... Regular 59c Volue—Famous ‘HAZEL BISHOPS’ Stick Deodorants ~ 9¢.N Saginaw —Main Floor| Jumbo stick for long, all day protection. (Limit 4 Sticks) . \ ‘ : . . * . : ° - ¢- F a ‘ ’ F ‘ ; , © i _* Regular $1.00 f C metry al oo as e . . po rs to ow ot : ly. ‘ bd ® [ swiss ARMY | v KNIFE}: mma la P K-459 KODACHROME MOVIE FILM-8mm = } | li Siw 4 iE ue geamem lasts through ‘m., |COLOR ae » $ itul . ra Lift, the rinse ja Sienna $1.00 ‘DISCOUNTS _ size GBe i iseetaa Cl Push cieaweeen _ MERCHANDISE Contains anoln | % Up to $0°, On All Bulova & Elgin Watches & Stainless Steel—Service for 6 Special $4.88 poe @ i Supports Special © Elastic Stockin ca or Men's, Reg. $7.95 : -— w ‘ences Private Fitting Rooms Woman Attendant % Alarm Clock eauceeses Special $1.98 BTL.OF 100 ANACIN Spray Cologne . In your favorite fras.., grance, Black, White, — U 40 REGULAR 10cc .......$1. U 40 PROT-ZINC......... $1.29 lior 7 Pink, or Red Satin; at HEU SU NFM... ww ce ee eee TABLETS ting up laboratories here include: |chemical method for eleaning up a remarkable saving. - . ng up laboratories here include: thod for eleaning wp) USO REGUIAR ........... $2.19 /search of Glendale, Calif., Battelle|uct, Kuron, has been cleared for/y i U 80 PROT -ZINC......... $2.49 ‘Memorial Iistitute of Célumbus,/safety by federal agencies, Dow |Ohig; and American Cyanamid of|says, and does not harm fish, wildy SP Mm vaire OB BY OU MS B.... eee seen New York. animals or swimmers. : “bel TABLETS ..... W226 GERITOL =: 19 f) \\ 1. cars | SYLVANIA FLASH BULBS a soe Secs sos pees BLUE DOT PRESS 25 x, —_l0z ara REE dg ' at. , Given free to every adult F Gliddea’s visiting our paint department 3 -“JAPALAC White Utility Enamel ire $2.79 Qt. Just Released Without 2 Prescription 3 Week DB) PALMOLIVE | SUM TRIM Fst prals eeP nite $2.98 : Spred Satin | caged head Copel bed van in ve Reg. $6.49 $ 49 oa ’ ; name colors, urry — TISSUES bee a . Save $t.00 pply is limited. e 7 2 er KLEENEX sera Cao 244 nator : .» SAVE ON THiBSE “DO- IT-YOURSELF” ITEMS | Unpainted Furniture | Tile Bargains Table Set. 12” | Asphalt 7 a Big 4-Drawer $405 | Iile joie Se LILT Home Permanent - Reg. $21.95 | ve 77¢ | % JUM Bo CHEST ~~ 16 ~ Asphalt Tile Cement w Fit ims S123 FAMILY TUBE COLGATE DENTAL CREAM With new easy speed. bath set. Nes PHONE STAND» = 7" | gti, $999 5 Gay 5 Gallon Cen Famous Mac-O-Lec rr 99 LATEX PAINT a aa » 4 Gal. ~ Ragan obo Setd Poot of Save 52¢ HELENA CURTIS SPRAY NET G3° at 4895 Dixie Hwy. +. ms Forecast Vinyl and Sandran to Be..Given Free! — ae All Wool Heavy BARK TWEED | Acrilan Tweed CARPET ; Wonderful wear, wonderful ae , H ; : York. Gl ne wih |. ee Stes Fee ot rifty Drua Store this bargain. 9” SY. ee fF Try g "6. aii 2 oe roan 8 ls a §.D.D. Package Liquor Store McCandless’ Service Is Backed by 30 Years of Experience Guaranteed to Give You Satisfaction cCandless Carpets _ ee PRES Sula N see Wayne ‘and Don MeCandless “4895: Dixie Hi uN N. *PERRY. ST. ° “PARKING ond BUS TOKENS FREE FE 2-1026 pee Rot SSE, STS = ¥ eG BR Rano San Se oe SR OTS. ee ate eat eT tt ra eet me Ee peed ; ies oe f eee ef i oho. a gy 3 “f ‘* pel pel eee ¥ 2 7. fe ‘ig mt om 2 ae Lig fl sy eke 4 ee ae y fea bite aN es ; Gest ‘ 3 df S F i ; Gee i . + 5 ; eg PUTTING ON WEIGHT-Saily Anne Freedman adjusts a diver's | weighted belt before skin-diving | in Florida. Sally was Miss Mas- sachusetts in 1958 Miss Universe contest. f linois Solon | Has Budget Ax Emphasizes Demand to Cut Spending Plans by Wielding Big Blade. SPRINGFIELD, lil. (AP) — An Illinois lawmaker—Abraham Lin- colin Stanfield—wants to cut the state budget. He is waving a dou- ble-bladed ax before members of the House of Representatives in a filibuster to emphasize his de- mands. * * * Stanfield, 47, a slender former farmer serving his second term, surprised House merhbers Tuesday during routine business. Holding aloft the big ax and de- manding that all bills be read in full—a time consuming procedure — the Republican representative told ‘the legislators: “‘I want to cut the budget. Ang, I'ag got the ax to}. dq it.™ Stanfield’s maneuver wiig in pro-, test against Gov, William G. Strat- | ton’s fwe-year budget, which has: not been introduced in detailed form. It calls for increased spend- ing of 296 million dollars in state and federal funds Stratton, a Re- publican, asked for a_ half-cent sales tax hike for school aid and higher cigarette and liquor taxes, * * an Stanfield’s demand to have bills read in full was based on a con- stitutional clause that al! meas- ures be read ‘at large." By agreement, this provision usually is dispensed with. * * * Democratic House Speaker Paul Powell supported Stanfield’s right to engage in the delaying tactics. However, he said he would keep the House in session for long hours, even at night, because of the full calendar of bills await- ing action. The House, with 91 Democrats and 86 Republicans, adjourned Tuesday without ‘pass. | ing any bills. PAYDAY LOANS 4 $50 for 2 wks ... only 70¢! other loans to $500 with 24 mos, to. repay CASH YOU | REPAY IN | REPAY IN - RECEIVE | 2. WEEKS | 4 WEEKO $25.00 $25.35 $25.70 $0.00 $0.70 51.40 t ith on belences | % lego wen $30 ond ‘ Fi per month on ony LOAN COMPANY in DRAYTON PLAINS: 4494 Dixie Huy. CALL: OR 3-1207. in PONTIAC: 125-127 N. Saginaw CALL: FE 2-0 14 2255 $. Tolepiiee Mich. Mira ile CALL: FE 8-9641 ysisyoa bien a eee pera we ae bener 1 by dauaelgars Tet tl fod pene ch dse to:do with the bird, so they {ate it. . motor vehicle was produced. They cad Wie st Gaia , at $7.33 a pound. it a - children’s fund benefit, auc’ Not a 1 True Englishmen LONDON (OPI)—-Thomas Ro-; ‘bertson, 52; was fined $100 for drunken driving on the testimony In 1931, ‘the 5O-millionth U.S.| of a police: doctor, The doctor | sald'that when he asked Robert- son if he'd‘ had his tea, the sus- pect replied: Tea? I never fouch | a5 the stuff. It rots your stomach,” ‘Many bibs of beads were shown} With the new “fashions in Paris.) Some. were done in. mother-ol- site data ental Mrs. Dahnke will be Layette Department tomorrow mothers with their layette, Meet Mrs. Sarah Dahnke CURITY CONSULTANT in Waite’s Second Floor to assist prospective ——_—_____— * Special Purchases! — * Reductions from Stock! i DOWNTOWN PONTIAC] Thursday, Shop Friday, Saturday Friday ‘til 9 * Terrific Storewide Savings! PS 7 Ft... . Outdoor POST LAMPS SIA 19 2 attractive styles in wrought iron lanterns. UL approved. 45-Pc.—Service ‘for 8 DINNERWARE Reg. 9.99 “Wheat” pattern dinnerware with slight imperfections. ; T ‘ 24-Pc.—Service for 8 GLASS SETS ($99 Sparkling Swedish Modern glasses with “untippable’’ bottoms. “pal Lamps. .. Fifth Floor China... Filth Floor Gilts ... Fiith Floor 57”... Jumbo } Hardwood Reversible . . . Quilted GARMENT BAGS | PANT HANGERS | CARD. TABLE } COVERS ] 99 Reg. 3 For ] Reg. 99°: 59 1.29 Zippered plastic garment bags, | Precision made with steel lock- | Reversible satin-tone plastic. Fit many colors and prints. ing device. Large hooks. Standard card tables. Notions .. . Street Floor Notions ... Street Floor Stationery ... Street Floor ~ SS me aS 9 CS. Ss SS. As ea NSA & Ls aS Aa ey . ty ¥; * Reg. $1.25 Sheer flattery at savings! SEAMLESS. HOSIERY 19 @ Regulor or mesh knit @ Fine quality nylons @ New fashion shades @ Sizes 812-1 1, medium Waite's Hosiery. Street. Floor : ae Famous moke . : . little or no-iron OLL-SLEEVE Dacron-Cotton: | \ BLOUSES If Perfect $4.98 ro 99 -@ Italian convertible coller @ Very slight irregulors @ White, pink, blue e Sizes 30 to 38 Waite's Blouses ... Third Floor “KISMET” DOMINO WEAVE COLOR-LOCKED DRAPERIES fd F SW by 63” $3 Pr. nt ht ‘ Reg. 4.99 z }: aa + EER ¢ SW by 90, Reg. 5.99... 4,88 aS x 4 DW by 63, Reg. 11.99... 9.88 im i & a DW by 90, Reg. 14.99.. 12.88 SiPueme ae TW by 90, Reg. 22.99. . 20.88 § ik Se @ Solution-dyed rayon with ai & : lurex accents om fF se @ Mocha, champegne, gold or ; 3 turquoise, not in every size i: ® Waite's Draperies... Fourth Floor a y Ambassador TABLE RADIO *] 6” 6 tube table radios with built- Reg. 19.95. in antennas. Ivory and ebony, Waite's... Downstairs 30’x50” Cotton Loop SCATTER RUGS | Reg. $ 99 2.98 I Thickly tufted, non-skid rugs in 7 colors. Washable. Waite's Rugs... Downstairs Po Poh Bt rel BF gee weapepsuboeg he Lk Rett ten eee er? 7t* Wash and Wear COTTON DRESSES 2 Pretty prints with gored skirts: Sizés 12 to 20, 1412 to 2412. Reg. 3.98 Daytime Dresses. Third Floor Special Purchase DRESS SHOES $ 8” high All sizes. Reg. 10.95 to 12.95 Famous Lifestride shoes, and medium heels. Women's Shoes ... Street Floor Women’s Bulky Orlon ~ CARDIGANS $ 3” Sparkling white with. bracelet Sizes §, M, L. Reg. 5.98 length sleeves. Waite's... Street Floor Chiffon and Silk SCARVES — 2" Solids and prints, in 36” squares, long scarves. Waite's.. Reg. » 1.00 Street Floor Drip-Dry COTTON DUSTERS $ 2” Cotton dusters and brunch coats in sizes 10 to 18. Many colors. Wuite’s ... Reg. 3.99 Second Floor Famous Brands... COTTON BRAS I Cotton broadcloth in sizes 32A to 40D. Excellent fit. Foundations ... Second Floor | Gemous Coro Manis Combed Cotton COSTUME JEWELRY | HANDKERCHIEFS Reg. 1.00 © For ] Reg. 5 For 1 and 2.00 a 29c Necklaces, bracelets, pins in | Large size, one-inch hems, Save many striking designs. tornotrow! Jewelry ... Street Floor Waite's ... Street Floor Chenille... Bathroom MAT and COVER 24 by 36” Mat $ 99 2.99 Value 1.29 value lid cover a 100°5 cotton chenille in 8. colors. Non-skid back. Waite's ... Fourth Floor Cotton and Cupioni ‘BLEND FABRIC 47" 45"' wide, washable, colorfast. Nubby texture. Limited quan- tity. Waite's...Fourth Floor 36”... Imported IRISH LINEN Reg. 99° Yd. 1.59 ~ Washable, resistant, colorfast, wrinkle 9 lovely colors. Waite's ... Fourth Floor 44”... Printed HOPSACKING *] Yd. 1Q0% cotton, close weave. Color- fast, Reg. 1.98 wrinkle resistant, Waite's... Fourth Floor Slight imperfections mean terrific savings! CHOOSE FROM 3 BEAUTIFUL _FLOWER-FRESH PRINTS IN CHATHAM SUMMER BLANKETS $3. ye Reg. $5.49 If Perfect e Slight imperfections will impair wearing qualities e Washoble, colorfast e Gerutres: for blanket. | é e Many colors . cd Waite's Blankets. Fourth Floor not ife Lavish Lace Trims... FAMOUS BRAND NYLON SLIPS Reg. $8.95 3599 @ Finest quality nylon tricot ® Imported laces @ White, pink, black, beige’ ana average, and tall Waite's Lingerie. 2nd Floor e Sizes 32 to 42; short, ie So flattering ... VEILED SUM $3.99 to $6.99 Values e Veilings. swathed over fer, ¢ Waite's Millinery... ohn & oy A a : ww . AN WW i N a / MER HATS ‘2.88 cloches, brims @ Touched with velvet, satin, flowers Third Floor ~ Men's ‘Cotton Knit U NDERWEAR 2"41 r T-shirts, .undershirts, briefs. Slight irrégulars, S, M, L, XL. Watte’s,.. Street Floor Reg. Mg to 1.1 varfett Polished Cotton MEN’S SLACKS Reg. $ 88 3.99 I Just 20 left! Antelope brown polished cotton slacks, Waile'’s... Street Floor Reg. 1.98 si Waiie's Children’s World .. fp sere: GOtRARED KNIT SHIRTS' Wash ‘A wear cotton knit short sleeve shirts. Stripes. Sizes 6 to 16. . Second Floor GIRLS’ LINED DRIP-DRY JACKETS ecia $499 e Washable, flannel lined | @ Zipper dieing, sizes. . 3 te 14 @ Blue, red, tan, navy Waite’s ++»Second’ Floor Co ee ll Pilla eee PSEY Id ISS a rr ri eer Trceryy rr reir rir) LL eee * e+ i he Se, Ae RIE OR SE ie i a a 12. & & we ow Sere ee we ne es Ta ee se np ate wate ALAS, e282 & Sere oe ee a ew ono £6 2 ere ee 0 we a cae ele mer ow. eee 4 * (ca the wy fram 415 milion 10 $150 million. No one seems to ' know. After the Citizens Tax Ad- a __visory Committee completed its — | 48 months of study, it was still - without a complete accounting of the Bites, Clapeeia! sontien. : fk more eg our State can spend four months in a political spectacle dis- cussing taxes without first knowing the exact status of the State crisis. Governor Williams and State Treasurer Brown should produce a financial statement like any ‘other going business. Oa ged they have played a leading role in creating + fige Be eager earch cote i round fig- ures, our State Treasurer and Gov- figures concerning our debt. If the Legislature or the people.are to de- cide on increased taxation, they are _ Ce TL Ss ar i Se a AY Dea pc cL Mae TN OTE ON ONT A structure of. our State. Se ae ee j You ‘can bet if you were to pin fe down the business office of any suc- | cessful’ comtnereial’ enterprise, ‘they Gould. show you immediately the i finaneial position of the concern. _ |. — ‘And this same information should be available to the citizens of Michi- gan and the Legislature that will be ke ee. oS | Georgia’ s Unit System May Be Reapportioned Perhaps foreseeing a United States Supreme Court test that would ovet-. throw their. state’s county-unit primary elections system, Georgia . politicians are considering some minor changes in that law.. ‘Under present rules a cértain number of units was allotted to each county and as a result rural /. counties have too many and ur- ban districts too few. All unit votes are cast the way the majority votes. A vote in 4 sparsely settled area counts for as much in state primaries as 155 votes in Fulton County, the most populous. == = + : x * * The county ‘system gives eight of Georgia’s.159 counties six unit votes; 30 others have four each and 121 counties were allotted. two each. _ it 1s possible to get the most. votes and still lose a Congressional district election. : Sens. Richard B. Russell and * Herman E. Talmadge’ with Gov. Ernest Vandiver ‘have endorsed a proposal giving urban areas a Sunday ri’ ow te Michigan cotter Pirse Company = “faster Advertising. is eat TR . ‘Seamer thie * "the nly one of is ind in he U8. _pls had for us to been, I 3 difficult to understand ernor should produce the facts and - entitled to the detailed financial a ae oa Ole Wayne is one of the two bottom members of. the upper house and he spoke for three _ hours and twenty minutes in one stretch against Mrs. Luce. Most people feel that ole Wayne can tell all he knows about everything in twenty minutes; so he had three hours for recapitulations, summaries, reviews and the tire- some repetition for which he is so ~ justly celebrated. * * * After this’ heart-rending tirade - against her, Mrs. Luce managed to “squeak through” by the narrow margin of 79 tq 11. * xr When Hawaii and Alaska get their new Senators into Washing- ton, Morse and McNamara will automatically rank 99th and 100th instead of 95th and 96th as they do now. This is an unusual type of demotion, but even so, they still rank too high. The Man About Town Population growth never brought any change in this division. In Georgia’ THE PONTIAC PRESS” Take It Seriously Pontiac ‘ PTA) Really is Vital Subject Fosters Commencement : What the high scheel graduates don’t know why : it is ‘90 called until after it’s over. For tops in attention to~-the perent: teacher affiliation, the Four Towns PTA is nominated. In a school enrollment of 400 it has a paid membership of over 200. One of its members, © Mrs. Jay Bendall, has missed only two meetings in 14 years, both times being out of the state at Girl Scout conventions, Another, Mrs. Irvin Maynard has missed only one meeting in ten years —hbecause her youngest “_— chose PTA night to be born. A challenge to the Detroit Tigers comes in a letter over the signature of Pontiac East Side Tiger Cubs, which even offers to “spot. them five runs.” ‘ + The May quota for the local army draft boards is 21 men. The Pontiac City board sends seven who will be inducted on May 6. The out-county beard sends 14 who go on May 5._ - : Instead of swapping mayors on May 18, Lapeer will throw a party for Bill Rowden, its own mayor, who has been 15 years on ‘the job. My Fito correspondent sends word that the : Rev. Henry H. Savage of Pontiac is speaker at the current meeting of the Flint Christian and Pro- fessional Women’s Club. T like that néw.version of an old saying: “If you can keep your head while others are losing theirs—maybe you don’t just understand the situation,” 8 That always alert friend of mine, Roscoe Fridenthal of Birmingham, sends this laconic traffic warning: An accident can quithty’ toss A whole life’s span for a loss. See ahaa otal Verbal Orchids to- af 114 ‘Bumaniit St. oth birthday. | en soit; Mrs. - Eber Flewelling “Mrcand Mrs. Earl Kennedy of Metamora: golden wedding. ‘ ‘ot Lapeer rvey A 4 > 7 Mrs. Gun BooTHE Luce was con- ‘pened, as.our ambassador to Brazil over, the . Strenuous. protests of | wares Morse. ; Sist wedding anniversary. . nderson ecly.of Pontiac; 80th birth: be David Lawrence Bogs PARIS — Forty years ago two young Americans busied them- selves as attaches of the American peace mission here, little realizing that in the dis- tant future, at a critical time in world history, their destinies would be inter- woven. John Foster Dulles, who was just retired as secretary of state-of the 4 ‘United States, LAWRENCE and Christian A. Herter, the new secretary of state were learning fro the first time in 1919 At a big . international conference about the powerful cur- rents of foreign policy that chal- lenged even then the diplomacy of the United States as it emerged, at the close of World War I, a major power deeply entrenched in _Eurepean politics, * * ® Just as President Wilson. enun- ciated then in his great speeches the idealism of the American peo- ple, so today Secretary of State Herter, in behalf of President Eisenhower, brings to the Western foreign ministers conference the record of disinterestedness of his. country, unsullied by any territor- ; jal ambition or quest for mensniced rewards. America is concerned solely with the defense of the free world—as, indeed, it was in two world ‘wars and in the Korean War. Today, as another dictator- ship rears its head and seeks by duress to compel the Western ‘Allies to yield to its demands, the United States is insisting that the rights of the people of West Germany must be safeguarded. The phrase “‘self-determination”’ means in 1959 what it meant in 1919 - —that each people must be allowed to. work: out their own destiny without the intervention of any ‘outside power. es *& * . Christian Herter is at home in Paris. He was born here of American parents 64 years ago ‘and attended French schools until The was nine years old. He has a good knowledge of both French and German, whicir comes in handy in diplomacy not only for speaking, but for read- ing. .He. has had a wide experi- ence in American government and politics as well as in , diplomacy. He.served in the Herbert Hoover relief mission which helped to rescue the hungry people of Europe, and he got an intimate knowledge of economic affairs by serving for five years as personal assistant to.Hoover when he was. secretary of commerce. * *- Then came Chris Herter’s career in the Massachusetts Legislature -and 10 years in Congress, after which he served two terms as governor of Massachusetts. All this has been splendid “The Country Parson ‘Half Mast}. \ urope think he — secretary of state. x* * * Among the outstanding Prepared Herter Needs Prestige “the lawyer. Actually, the law. yers, like Dulles, have been far - : more resourceful than the politi- cal type of secretary of state we have had, ~ But mostly this is because they have been more. tely familiar with the precedents of.each prob- lem—for the principles of inter. national law are deeply imbedded in world affairs. * * * The meeting here this week, which is to prepare for the Geneva conference, is in a sense a re- The political leader, 40 be sure, hearsal for the sessions with the mingles more freely and perhaps xp seseed Memell sith mare Russians that begin May 11. pleasing than docs (Copyright, 1959) Dr. William Brady Says: - . Whatever. You Call It,‘ It’s-Simply Rheumatiz What Dr. Osler and other medical authorities in the nineteenth cen- ‘tury called chronic rheumatism, I gatesr from Osler’s description of the morbid anatomy (pathology) cf gather from Osler’s description of joint. tissues. In his famous. textbook on Prac- tice, Dr. ° Osler rheumatism (myalgia) and 12 tis’’ was not even mentioned by Osler. - DR. BRADY Naturally not, for-this name for chronic joint. disability was dreamed Wp by the merchants of medicine to cater to the snob trade—snobs who couldn't bear | to have the disease which Osler — said was “most common among the poor, particularly washer- . women, day-laborers and those whose occupation exposes them to cold afid damp.” The snobs with ‘chronic arth- ritis’”’ still go to great pains to avoid “‘exposure to cold and damp” but aside ‘from that they’d have you to know their malady is as exclusive as it is baffling. x *« * My dollar-eighty notion is that chronic joint disability not due to sprain or strain, coming present. -I call it rneumatiz—and I'll thank ‘you to call it rheumatiz without quotation remarks. WHAT-I’D DO : Having enticed you so far, I can’t leave you just wondering what I'd do if I had the rheuma- tiz . I'd adopt a regimen calculated aw. Also remember that an of 68 degrees F. Fe Me hele or sen and of relative humidity when the tem- perature rises above 68. Extreme dryness of the indoor heated air aggravates many common skin and respiratory troubles. * *® * Signed letters, ogy more than one Pontiac, (Copyright 1959) 35 Thorpe ‘What’s the Worry About That Army?’ | Commends Te nend for the improvement of the City, ‘Support State Humane Slaughter’ Detroit ‘Now They Should Look at Us Again’ Wondering Five have missed the men to go areund. The crop has been pretty well picked over and we are the ones that are pointed at and called “that.” Remember the ones you’ve passed by? The ones you wouldn’t be seen dead with. It hurts to be laughed at and called ‘‘that.” Next time please look at them again. | Short, Blond an@ Ugly do with SO states? He wasn't man enough to tel] the peo- ple the condition of the treasury before he was elected. No, he waited until he was elected again. We can't pay our bills. L. A. Portraits By JAMES J. METCALFE I like to walk along the street. . . And watch the children within their range. . .When chil- dren smile and wave to me. smile and wave with pride. . ws-I'go along my way. . .I feel. inside warm " (Copyright 1959) Case Records of a Psychologist: Russell offers a very unusual comment about the effect of a daily newspaper on. a _ child’s success in school. you think of it. And be sure to send for the booklet below if you want your child to make ‘good marks and Uke school. Now is the time you parents can guarantee his later en- trance into college. fe we oR . By DR. GEORGE W, CRANE CASE B—42i; Russell B., aged 38, is very active in the PTA. “Dr, Crane,” he began as we dined together pri- “When the reg- ular carrier is on~ vacation, I take his place. And T have noticed an interesting thing about the people DR. CRANE who do not receive a daily news- paper. “Their youngsters are likely to “For several years 1 have watched this situation, as a hob- See what | Newspapers May Affect Grades -home where youngsters are stim- ulated to read. Newspapers thus ‘serve as a men- tal tonic. They bring challenging ideas- to the family. Thus, they of- fer “‘brain’’ food for lively discus- sion at the dinner table. “But my kids read only the com- ie page,’ many a parent may ex- claim. That may be true, especially of youngsters in the early grades, But comic strips are a boon to good For they prod a child into pay- ing -attention to printed words. They coax him into them. and this is admirable * training in reading. Since reading is the real ‘‘mo- tor” of the entire educational ma- chine, then be grateful that you receive a daily newspaper. which will tutor your child daily in a few minutes of reading drill. * * *. Indeed, the blurbs of the strip comics are the most widely read printed matter in the U.S.A. So don’t belittle comics, *lateral reading, over and beyond. the actual textbook material. ant steory-cne-slen sont hy ‘pet ing schools everywhere. professional medical, deat sl, engiacering, law, ete, Every cultured home to have a daily newspaper, a dictionary, an encyclopedia, a Bitie, and a typewriter. The ltr con. Da: bomght foe as low as $35, since business firms are allowed about that amount for a trade-in, * * &* And a used typewriter is good Ee SF Eee crys awe in writing letters, etc, A type- writer thus helps a child in spell- eafly sentence formation and read- #3 a¢ I : aa Gait pet ihep tragaportition to. ge, to Mew ~ HURRY! ‘HuRRY! GET BiG » \cardl ner teas toddande, Siver etared VALUES AND A CHANCE : of Cincin-jon Oct, 31. to arrange for} Lutherans in Lincoln arranged Lee. oe Valija to ete a Nabe WIN PRIZES! : WHEEL-OF- FORTUNE. W CHECK THESE SIDEWALK SPECIALS DO CNY Now You Can Park Free at Both K-SHO wae semweneaaaawe een annem LLLL ILL LLS For Men Who Prefer the Finer | Things in Life Go to DOWNTOWN PONTIAC peo Monday, Friday ’til.9. P. M. TEL-HURON ‘CENTER Open ‘Mon., Thurs., Fri., Sat. *til 9 P. M, Osmun’s Stores \69e Infant Blankets 99° 5.99 TWIN; FULL DIAPERS Bedspreads 1.69 }2. 88 49c Muslin Pillow Canes 2 Hed 74 NO. ‘SAGINAW ST. LOOP RUGS GEORGE'S NAO ; HANG TOE — Manas come eg ys tn Ont al is cope a act * 19 TRAINING PANTS | 3.99 LADIES’ DRESSES | Germa: ‘ook . iw ” # dues | pat ah Sota ite St) tn, ramen oncogene Coguimeamyermecaeeemsaecsc | MAM MaN cLOTm fh ua 10s | Sidewal a Teor ith the helt of the U.s| 1 Spend a quiet evening at home. Supersonic military jets cando | 5. ’ a ey ae Special 7 Special - © O¢ Special 1.00 4 we , P "| it ‘even faster. And an earth satellite, orbiting at some 18,000 Hark Omteber, ip Covel church ig weekly, - Iron — :, = : ‘ Lee ee ender a DP aite| ™P.h., makes even a ballistic missile 100k like a slowpoke. But it | Womem tenderly. Inadea "Valile |They produced 149,100, tons ‘ sree: literun chenshee tp boos “you think that’s hot stuff, wait till man goes into “space (25,000 ae kor ok nese ghd co ts a ‘sent 29c CANNON TOWELS GIRLS'-BOYS’ SOCKS | $10 LADIES CAR COATS e Neb., found Zobens a job as a rail-|: ™.p-h. is the minimum speed needed to escape earth's gravity.) | Wherever the airliner landed, a |at only'12% per cent and turned|— ‘ Sidewalk 19¢ Sidewalk 19¢ Sidewalk $5 3 road worker; and helped the fam-) Once out there, the “sky's” the limit. troup of friendly women’ came jout only 16,700 tons Special Se | . Special, , Special 7 aK 1.69 PLAID RLANKETS | BOYS'-GIRLS JACKETS 29 LADIES’ PANTIES i S “Sidewalk Sidewalk | Sidewalk , Q \ Special — 89¢ Special 1.79 Special 19¢ Be . . 0 3.99 MEN'S JACKETS | MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS | 1.00 LADIES’ BRAS Anniversary Sale Priced NP Sdenstt 2.66] Sienelk QB Ge | Siena 39 Both 9 ' Q Special “me Special | at Both Osmun’s Stores! % ; , : j . $4 adios — Shoes { _ raktigaer

Preferred Colors: Tee ose tenes, so important for ‘59. . . greys, bigps, : wy 3.99 LADIES’ opiate. PR 7.99 MEN'S DRESS 1 . : Preferred Weight: (it ‘wear every gece Tmanle for P NTS SLIM PANTS Wool Coats Preferred Value: et Sy 'ar" eat arenas ar eat hori “atin . q _ All Sizes! Regulars 36-46, Shorts 2 Sport — 14° 2.99 Ladies’ 2 Pc. 36-44, Longs 37-48 Grau _ Pajama Sets . j GIRLS’ BLOUSES, fF 3.99 LADIES #20 LADIEY srmia v sumnen GIRLS’ SHORTS Skirt Set SUNS: | BUY NOW AND USE OUR 30-DAY CHARGE a NO DOWN PAYMENT, NO CARRYING 79° ML, 883 <« . ‘3 ‘4 CHARGES! a 3.99 2-Pe. 88 3 1.99 GIRLS’ oof sets I DRESSES........ vee § r ie 3 ad 1.00 RAYON PANEL, | "1,69 BOYS’ STURDY ; Jeans-Shirts CU RTAINS. ¢ ! . 99: 83: | C” rotor AQ" fe 1.89 Pe Feather 99° : 2.69 BIRDSEYE 1.99 LARGE 24 x 36 83° ‘$8 Print 9) oe "7 : | te ae a J iG: pb dbs tind ‘ 5 vic, ona i arn iii tone stage,” explained 17s, “I just took the secretarial job. while rl _? day on matters that inelude: daily ‘ ar while learning to dance and in iL if te FRE, ff i ize int S 5 ii gif ges 8 z 2 g : bd ie 4 b a: z 325 idea? A de HL & : ‘ “Despite the action of the Senate (Republican caucus Tuesday, there * is still time to escape the avoid-|! The shanty towns reflect. Latin able disaster ‘of payless paydays America’s rapid. population! ae fiscal insolvency for the State growth, and the tendency for pop- of Michigan,” Staebiér said. ulation to concentrate around cit! wo Se ies. The housirig experts estimated _ Staebler's telegram was released |that Latin America needs at least r Gov. G. Mennen W. 1,009 new dwellings each year just. to. ‘keep pace with population | growth; * TANTALUS SE oT / ee JILT~ih MUS! Tinkles a merry tune PERFECT SECRETARY — Shendah Pearce won a title as sxe hprmnmaahictinaeallstad ss aa Book Tells What to. Do Till Psychiatrist Comes North Carolina shoe man- ed honesty, it’ took this reporter 45 minutes of a Monday night to get through all the questions. ooh to, got’ did Wine Wesins echo; Did my family s \ | prenginhang dopa digesh aapiny: oe pr aere-% © wae \ clues to the eeiies ‘analysis off your condition.” ; Rollman concedes, of course, that even a year’s worth of com- plete frankness (which will weigh about 12 pounds) may not reveal the ‘pattern. - In that event, it is advisable to colject more data. But in no case | should you collect more than 36, pounds (18 if you are a woman or} do not have a station wagon) with-| out consulting .a doctor, spiritual adviser or psychologist. 3 - Actually, if you have. 36 pounds. of data, it is probably best to see. the psychologist first and let him | see a doctor or spiritual adviser. | In any event, the BYOHET| Or: “Did I feel any sense of. ac- Even with e hurried, half-heart- > ove ONE FOOT TALL x * * It took until D-DECORATED 23-kt. design on bottle le 1 LEONARD'S 20 N. Perry (Downtown Pe a any appreciation of my 5? “Nevertheless,” BYOHE! states, PYTTrrri ri rir a - open ter ow ene a ena ™ tne tanned According to BYOHEI, the Diary does not replace doctors, m PTs . “But it will enable ft will aleo: give you. sométhing to think about while you talk, work, ' ent ‘and so. forth. It works this’ Ory You have to amswer 144 ques-_ tions (more if you are a woman, fewer if you have no friends) every: / routine, working day, diet, hobbies, felings, loye, medications, ete. | ma urges, you must answer with brutal honesty. (Diaries will not be sold . to “persons under 21.) While many of the questions need only one word answers like ‘‘yes”’ f of my ef-, f Or: “Did 1 feel today my. mar-, ried life to be better or worse than’ Hamann 229 Indian Artisan Sets. ~ Wory Carving Record /NEW DELHI (AP) — Giga Bhim Sen set what he said was a “record recently by:carving a 4% inch ivory. ball with 26 other fvory | balls inside. Bhim Sen. claimed this beat his! own record. of 26 bails inside.a 4% | inch. sphere «set in 1955. Before that, he said, a Chinese craftsman | had held the record with 24 bal inside a six-inch sphere. Bhim Sen said the new job took | product, valued at $1,470 was! placed on display at the “India 1958” industria} exhibit, j “Fly” to Beautiful ~ HAWAII Visit Our 50th State Complete Air Tours Give You 6 rbetien’ Grranmeenents ‘teservations ~~, fy oapguaing _ BIRMINGHAM — VEL SERVICE. o- ay anne I’m sure happy with the good trade 1; made on my new Mercury and. it’s sure convenient to deal at: RUSS DAWSON’S where you can get your service fast. and easy. , \ Bay, does Mom ever like our new Mer- cury! She’s tickled about the way she can 1 get in and out, an’ the big windshield. Oh yes, she said three can sit easy, front or back, ‘cause there isn’t that big tunnel. d Russ Dawso aad MERCURY — EDSEL — LINCOLN - ENGLISH FORD Line 232 S. SAGINAW = "gr’ FE 2.9131 =" TyYTTwyirii rts e ée TTI Iii e DRESS SHIRTS Regular | $2.98 and $3.98 Shirts at avery low Special Price! A wonderful selection to choose from. All are perfect, first quality. Fine broadcloths, Oxfords, Madras and others. A * variety of collar styles. French and button cuff styles. All UNITED SHIRT XN ioe eovedvescacssessnoccasavecsonescceeesesneeetesseesooessecesoesooss poe Src sizes but not in a complete range of styles and fabrics. ere é TEL-HURON SHOPPING CENTER LATE..MODEL CAR COATS EXTRAORDINARY AT ONLY’ $499 FORMERLY $6.98 to $8.98 ’ Cotton cords and poplins! All spring lined! Some with knit trim! Beige, blue, navy. 10-16. WOOL CHEMETTES $499 . _ Formerly $3.98 All wool chemettes, sleeveless, with DROSS sina i Trany colors! EEE ci ar bento tos SHOPPING CENTER OPEN MONDAY, THURSDAY; FRIDAY, SATURDAY TILL 9 p.m. a gh 4 SS a a Westy IN SMART COLORS!. id # z tia ies r sevecerecesecccesesecseeceeseseseessecsnessensessenennssasanasensesee ANNIVERSARY Giccssochlivabioncalscbevaceevvccosscosseccsscnoseonesonseceececsosesoovocescveneseceseosesessonevevscsoessosesocsoseees COCOOOOOOOO OO OOOOO OSH OOOOH OOHSOHOO OOOOH SO OOOSSOOSSSOEOHSHOH OOOOH OSSOSHOSOSH OOH OHO OCESOOOSS TIT II III IIiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiitiriiiiitiitiiitiiitiitiii) SSHOHSSSSHSSSHSSHHSHSHSSHSHSHSHSSSHSSHHHSHSSSSHOHSSHSSHSHSHSHSHHSSSHSHSHHSHHSSHSHSHSOHSESSEESES clearance 4 e+ 4 . ° oe OT Pere ere * = te f Be : Dak geek den ieie aie de onl sok Wek oS Th ok ae es } Ba a9 ig . \ ey Lop? eV a hd ~ k | CaN, | % PYTTTTITITITITITITITITITI TTT ii iTi Tir iTiit _AT BOTH OSMUN’S STORES Anniversary Special! A $39.50 SPORTCOAT PLUS A PAIR OF CONTRASTING SLACKS WORTH $15.00 Both $ 39! 5 for- tals “The SPORTCOATS: Handsome imported lightweight tweeds and cheviots — 3-button styles with flap or patch pockets and center vent. Light, medium and dark shades... sizes 36 to 48; regulars, shorts, longs. The’ SLACKS: Lightweight worsted flannels in regular or ivy models ... all the wanted shades of grey, char-tones, and brown. Alterations free. At Osmun’s You Are Cordially Invited to “Charge It” “a “Bs SEE PAGE 7 OF TODAY’S PAPER FOR ANOTHER TREMENDOUS OSMUN’S ANNIVERSARY VALUE! TEL-HURON CENTER Open Mon., Fri. Open Mon., Thurs., Fri., pul 9 PM. Sat., til 9 P.M. DOWNTOWN PONTIAC Ladies‘ Rayon SHORTY PAJAMAS Wr Para ‘MOTH CRYSTAL and NUGGETS 4.77 1° for SO OOSOOSH OOOH SHOES SO SOO HOOOOSOSH OOO OOSOSOSOHOOOHHOHOHOOHO8OOHHS900O0 SSCHHSHSSHSSHSSSHSHSSHSHHSSHSSHSHHSSSSHSHSHSSSHHSSHSHSSSHSSHSSSHESHSSESHESHSGHSOSHSHSSOSSHSEESSSSESSEECESESCEOEESESEE PYTTTTTTTTTT TTL PICTURES Natural Oak Frames 16x20” . Three-Tier Polished CAN-CA Reg. $1.98 MICHIGAN PEAT ‘your lawns. . us 89° us pesesseneuenevensnsnseaesotessoncnapacnesosocesosenesenssseneasessesensesesesesessonoesees aes sh a ee wiih SE eee, ee bf i ini aed Re ey sila wate ie tales . alii ti Toe WIN ‘50 CASH DAILY! WIN *595 COLOR TY! . Visit the display booth in front of Kresge’s Store, See the merchandise listed there, then visit the different named stores and fill in the correct prices on your FREE entry blank. Deposit blank with your name and address in any participating store. A correctly filled-in blank is necessary to be eligible for drawing for the daily prize of $50 cash and for the Grand Prize of $595 Color TV, Set. 4 MORE DAYS TO PLAY WINNERS UP TO TODAY APRIL 23—Larry Badger, 920 LaSalle ) APRIL 24—Mrs. Arthur Wilcox, 59 Hazel — . APRIL 25—Judy Kim, 34 Steinbaugh APRIL 27—Cetherine Paulin, 36 Rosshire SOHHHSSHHSHSSSSHSHSSOHHSHSSHSSHSSHHSHHHSHHHSHSHHSOSHSHOSSESS HSH SSHOHHSSHSHSHSOHSHSHSHSSSSHHSHHHOSHHSSHSSHSSHESHSSHSHOHHHOHSHHSHHSSHSSOSESSHSSSSHSOSHOHSHSEHEOOS « Play- the “Price Is Right’ SSICTaRM = Contest Today Double FRY PAN 102" Reg. $4.95 Value Can Be Used Separately _.. With Handy Hang-Up ‘Handle — $2.29 $1.29 3D INDOOR TV ANTENNA Top!l-Pruf Base — Twin Cable 52.95 - All Aluminum FOLDING CHAIR Heavy Aluminum Gauge 27.07 Cunningham's SPSHSHHSHSHSHSHSSSHSHSHSHSHSHSHHSHSSHSHSHSSSHSHSHHSSHSHSHSSHSHSHSHSSHSHESSSSHSSHSSSHSSHSSSSSSSHSHSSSSHSSHSSSHSSSSHSHSSEEOSs OILETTES 88° GIRLS’ SKIRTS Dan River Cottons Sizes 7-14 ‘$277 N ip 00— 4 is 3 * 2 eee ee ee ee ae ee ee ae ae THE PON] LA PRESS. WEDNESDAY, Al WEST HURON and TELEGRAPH RDS. OPEN MONDAY * THURSDAY * FRIDAY COCCCEOOO COOH OCOOO OOOOH OOOOH EL ceceedOOHEOOSHOOOOHOOSOLOLOOELE SPSHHSOHOHSSHSSSHSHOSSHHHHSHSHHHHOHOHHHSHHOSOHOOHHOHOHHSHHHOHHHHHHSHOS SHOHHHHHHHHSHHOSOHHSSHOOOSHOOOOO OOOO OHHH OOOO OOOOH OOS OOOOOOH OOOO OEHSHOOOOOOOOHOSOSOCOO OOO EOE PyT IIT Irrirririiiiisiriiiir it TiTiiiiiitiririiiiirisviririirirririiriiiirri ty) eR Bae er ae a re? f ra! ios ‘nil tas Hated R- Ty 7 —_ and SATURDAY ‘TIL 9 P. M. COOOHSHOOOHSHHSSHHSSESOSEHSHSHSOOSOHOHOHESHSOSOLEEOECS i SSCOHSSSSSSHSSSHSSSSSHSSSSSSSASESHSSSCSSSCSCSSSESCSSEECE Very exceptionally priced—prints and solids—no ironing nec- essary—just the fabric for baby doll pajamas, nighties, sunsuits, Lovely for housecoats and summer spreads, too. Washfast. ms 29% Just Arrived— Beautiful New Arnel: Fabrics— Broadcloths, Sharkskins In fabulous colors and prints. 45 inches wide—Machine wash- able—wili pleat, crease . ee for all your surnmer sportswear. SEW ’n SAVE joes TEL-HURCN SHOPPING CENTER ee See ene tT vee ne NREOOOESEEREOESSSSRES COS SSR SESS EEES Cool as a summer snowflake... our COTTON-DACRON SLEEPER in a new air-conditioned knit $2.20 The coolest pice oe a Fg to. be on a ad a night Pink, Yellow. 6 mos.- WONDERLAND op Tel-Huron Store 175 W. Maple Pontiac Birmingham Store SOHHCOKCESHHSS OO HE ORE SEOED ESOL SEES SSEEROCEOS ‘ : : ‘ -& SOSCHHOSHSOSOSHOHOHHHOOHHOOSSSSS LOSSES SOOSCOSSOSEDEOCS da aaa ati aa aca addin aided dedede desnuda dade dedehadh dddududadedudedadeddedddadededadchedadadaddbadudadaddedabatatddededaddtaded FRENCH-GLO 1-Hour Valet Cleaners "-!*7, Stepping Center SCHOHSSSSOHSHSSSESHSHSSHOHSEHOSOSHSHOHHSHSHSSOOES Qeeseconccgsece SAOEE SHOP AOORR ORS OD SETOIDO CORE " Special for Our - oth , ‘These shoes relax with you .., let you settle back and enjoy yourself, two ways. You know you look right and ... no two ways about it! ... you sure feel right! Pick out / . Bice pies 43 Pre ff. Stren ” * Sam ner Hlallery in F rost Whi te. GENUINE LUCITE* STRUNG ON CHAIN FOR BETTER FIT... LONGER WEAR Single, double and triple § 00 | | Ea. strand necklaces—uniform ’ or graduated beads . sitios ie na size n : "P.M. Reg. oe Plus 10% Fed. Tax The Store that Gift. Wraps Free Coccresececcccccsesecenceedéocoocceeeesoooes C _NINE! He peecececcescecescesevooseepononenssosaoane rt) onbiak: US eh ae . 000000000 000000b 005555 ee SOOO OO OOOOOO OOOO OOOOOSOOOOOOOODOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSODO SOS OSOOOOSOOROOOOEED COCO CO SOODO DESEO SOSOREESEOOEOODOSOOOOROOCCS . ee blister ted dedededes vndipiiipptph abba rrititiiriwiititttll tS oe | 4 i j \ | ej a° a4 z z 4 * / ps a Lap cca so, My ees aoe eat on ~ 9:30 te 5:30-—-FRIDAY NIGHT ‘TIL. 8:30 is , _ CLOSED WEDNESDAY : No Appointment ‘Necessary fh JANE PARKER . | sreaerenirenanabiates teen aan the Sey ast staat Iii] JANE PARKER : JANE PARKER JANE PARKER JANE PARKER = ; | so Sem 4% 3% 24 VALUE 4G. 19 15 LOAF COOKIES The more you shop at AaP, the more you prove it to yourself: regular AvP customerssavemore — Wonderful vanilla-iced Danish,made | It’s a good thing this jelly roll is almost | Great change of pace for folks who en- rin 29: money! Fill your food order here afew times | extra special with crisp, meaty nuts. a foot long. So. tender and luscious, | joy good bread, A light, firm-textured _ and see! Best for thrift are quality-famousAaP . And you save 10c at this low price! © 4 everyone will call for “more.” loaf, skillfully baked to perfection. Snack-time favorites Selicious! Exclusives: delicious JaneParkerBakedGoods, JANE PARKER, FRESH, SLICED JANE PARKER<-PROM NEW POTATOES JANE PARKER—SLICED HOT DOG OR stadded with chocolate bite that fot Ann Page Fine Foods, and refreshingly good Whi MAB. INS ,Jt8. BOX i PKG. melt in your mouth. Thrifty too! we aatinggate adam: White Bread 2.5%; 39¢ | Potato Chips ah 59 | Sandwich Rolls 3% 21c | : | : ; ANN PAGE PURE | | a | | AsP premivm-quality COFFEE IS KEPT -—=6hShraw erry | IN THE FRESHLY ROASTED BEAN | = | UNTIL YOU BUY BECAUSE ar )) ) > gai 2 LB. 3 € | . .. once coffee is ground, flavor fades faster! E> FF reserve tes | A&P premium-quality Coffee is Custom SA : sii ae | Ground before your eyes just right for your io You just can’t beat these preserves for fine quality at a saving. l coffeemaker to give you fresh coffee that’s A delicious spread . . . wonderful topping for ice cream. “Alive with Flavor” every time! ; __ ANN PAGE 3 — , 12-07. JAR | , © a Your Choice: CRABAPPLE, — c | Ve J@HIGS — rare, MINT or APPLE ai a de . Just look at this value! Four wonderful jelliés with flavor you'll really enjoy . .. each one priced for savings. Stock up now! ANN PAGE REGULAR or CHEF STYLE ; F ’ ~~ . ° ) 16-02. Cc | . : rench Dressing 93:29 | | CFE Ets is ire | MILD & MELLOW Made to make salads sing with flavor. ..a spicy, piquant blend of fine | 4 - : . . . salad oil arid special geasonings. A thrifty value now... at your A&P! a @ tf es . 3-18. BAG os % Eight 0 Clock * 3/¢ 165 _ ANN PAGE | TCLOLT: a | . Salad Dressing wo cwcwee 49% | EE, nich a ruusovien «|. «1.48. BAG ~—=SCVIGOROUS & WINEY. 1-48. BAG , ; a e . ae was. |: QM Red Circle 61¢ Bokar 65x Sa Cc Sprea © @ @ © @ JAR 35¢ | . | : . 3-tb. Bag 1.77 3-1b. Bag 1.89 Site - a r fe Rae OR NL OO sone ‘ aoe , . : pc de ae ee | SULTANA BRAND SMALL e , ~ | Peanut Butter iTea Bags 100-89 | Stuffed Olives ye -Made' from choice blend of ~~ 5 » 8 IVES’ | , Cre So Se eee tea gud cent, ane in. IN “CURRIER & IVES" DECORATED CANISTER | “ipheig: gondii antidh Gurdbelee:” 2° Cp prepared to give it smooth, easy- 4 JAR € Every canister lithographed with one of four full-color a “must” on your shopping list. 5-OZ € 3 : é », Gand bet rer. Tey enn ot Untied’ Me ek taeaaians Th They're penser merge GLASS preading consistency : ! Washington, Home to Thanksgiving, ity... pri ift , picnics and : ... low priced! " | Vill Street, and , erican Homest ad Winter. | ee! priced for the thrifty _ | ANN. PAGE os er ~ ANN PAGE| -- pS ee ee ANN PAGE sits f. ee | 18-07. eh ees! 14-0Z. | t S Ng 10%2-0Z, 32 : oe Garden Relish ee 9 JAR 35¢ vhs Ketchup coeewe WD BTS 5 5e tomato . oup oe DO cans DEE ts : ae , 2 WoAT eee ie 4 oe ead ek geese ss ee * ; ‘ é a he i i sul fering From Taek of. “Sleep? = sao on Here's Langu ries eee h gives us our rea-|. By PRY : Kieteman‘a teats on a moniber | ONE, POPeT. 8 imaginations YQur Dictionary. Pop opeeere eric wo stayed awa So won't someone brew the hot! COLUMBUS, Ohio (UPD— : in January, J ,{@-dull book to read? ‘ the bearded aie pellasin, bole Sinhentioe. His is a most crucial cortex and|bomefolks that he had to learn a| pA blood pressure and heart re-(deserves to be preserved. Inew language when he became a : an Pet . moleed siepent yorteee. ; _-{U.S._senator and began? dealing, ee oA r mentalities changed Dear Governor, Pleas with Pentagon generals this year. ; stand in line {8 Bes $n Cad Camara gure trait At first, they were trritable; Send the Information translations of Washington gob-\e r *\later they suffered loss of memory;} TRENTON, N. J. W& — Gov. bled gook: then developed hallucinations,|Robert B. Meyner of New Jersey| “It’s in process”: The matter Some time afterward, several sol-| gets some odd letters but this one|}s so wrapped up in red tape the a gg 8 1¥e mt a brief shut-cye It seems that sleep is needed, not] tion between midnight and dawn, chiefly for the body, ‘but for that! send A a RS CR NN SERENE oe “SUPER-RIGHT” IS FULLY MATURED GRAIN-FED BEEF Not Young, Immature Baby Beef. “Super-Right” BEST BLADE CUTS. szszzitice it mee HIGH QUALITY—NO COMO English Cuts LONG ISLAND 1959 Crop—4 To 6 POUNDS u 57 vai prole Oven-Ready Ducks « 39 me PERCH FILLETS sunset Meat Sale ALLGOOD BRAND —ASP’s FINE QUALITY | ; , @ .. : Instant Granulated Le. 37 a =! hee uct 4 q Sliced Bacon ee wen Le 3% Fels Sewp LB. ‘ ia Cee Old Fashioned Loaf | ae -n Fresh Smelt ale ye kas Sliced Bacon ““sxce"" as. 49¢ — Thick-Sliced Bacon 2m We New Potatoes «+=: ..... 10 5 59: ROUND STEAKS hetet Ruby Red Grapefruit ........-5 s% 39¢ Michigan Granulated Beet "Super-Right” — SUGAR 39° _ Center Cut BRR Oe OW 49) WO lL* ele LOL eLeL eLeLel® wl ele. wt SUGAR 7 ny = | Se Alp Sgt” i TH iS Whether it’s greens... or vegetables that delight Good at All A&P S kets Th h Set., May 2nd you in solade—come to ARP for ‘em! They‘re all COUPON 3" "“"** ONE PER FAMILY ” telectqvalty at thir fine, fresh best—epecally Salad Dressing priced for savings this week. 16-02, ’ t Tn ee f aie Pa dr ee ee t é. Ae oe . Your hoice Se hohe FOOD SALE sax cng we GREEN PEPPERS Wesson Oil CUCUMBERS Quart Bote: 5 « Ate | Fresh, Crisp-——8-Oz. Cello bug PKGS. 00 RED RADISHES raisin: _ California, 24-Size LESSER QUANTITIES | : AVOCADOS | Harvard Beets saree AT REGULAR RETAIL , | Florida, 24-Size 2 $2: 97¢ 4 PASCAL CELERY | , A&P BRAND—OUR FINEST QUALITY. Sweet, Golden—!-tb. Celle Bag . - the FRESH CARROTS Laundry Starch . 12-02, HEAD LETTUCE **** Cameo , L Oris c Copper Cleaner; Large, Urisp : dk ae , . With Dispenser Bab-O Cleanser NATIONAL B FEA | ; ' 9 toe Ameen amt LUNCH MEATS = 2 * ’ French Fried Potatoes +: Cut Golden Corn . . . 07 Sweet Peas ......1 Chopped Broccoli . . . 0x Peas & Carrots .... Spinach Secs... . 1907 A&P Strawberries... ..-% eee eee xcs’ 69¢ Green Beans ortcSswic 2 ros: 45c “Mixed Vegetables sms eve 2 i207" 45¢ Birds Eye Cut Corn . . 2 xcs 39¢ Birds Eye Chicken Pie 4 rs 99¢ Birds Eye Sweet Peas 2 txos 39¢ Dole JSuicecsayoronarrnun 4 Sas 79¢ Armour Chopped Beef ‘207 49¢ Paper Napkins uuoson 2 Pos, 25¢ BABY FOODS a Armour Treet..... .'20r 49¢ —Dietetic Tuna ““GKENOF © 14.02 ge See eens a 4 — _ Toilet T Armour Potted Moat 273 $9¢ HyehOx Boullon Cobes 3%) 2c WW “1.00. % Ay RE , i Golden Whole Kernel ; Keyko “MARGARINE ae 4 ae 9% | Butter Kernel Corn 2 Sx 37¢ Be Off Label x ty sents § emg , for hos tnd Luncheon Size. | ; m3 gti Ivory Snow : | ; Wwory Liquid Scastdas Re Cen 69c wy 7% iy 7 69 2 ve 35¢ , i? 3 Ge 1859 AMERICA’S DEPENDABLE FOOD MERCHANT 1959 7 | “ ; ‘] e eee ie oe ae ie Oe ee = 3 ¥ 5% Se i ' se? a‘ Meee + te 5. x sw ft Z ey eee ee Res he ee ae ee ee ee Se, aL ee ee Cee? ee Se ae’ ae en! ee ee ee ern Meee ee a TE A Tee ee ee ee ee ee, las ee ee ee eee eae Yee Gee ae ete SS ae ely a Se Whe es. ter for 24 years, until it was closed recently. He started a new Fo Bact yo 30 E.. Ken- job yesterday, pyead to tear nt abu us emgage “All the major producers have “smaller units. Names even have, area ation-|that from the onset of J Dullediliness last Februar vhas down in recent years, not up.. Whereas pe property ; é 4 ; ; plants and farm opera- DP \ = he DMA presi-| market value. | a Soom ef But Ransom said he believed; fri. f . = 4} _.“The businessman's method of that 60 per cent was a fairer rate! sat. & ¥ ‘ ae mon. + a . # ee . page ‘| | * | the ‘floor, chad these comments: The personal property ta tax et ’ sae P.M a 3 ee! both equipment and>- goods, \ : ¢ eee / i a “A businessman is taxed for y ; , i “ a commercial ‘properties usuall) be \ | his personal property, even when | mostly for their goods and in-| Use Your Credit! | he has made very little money dustry usually pays mostly for its) during the retail year, @r none | furnishings. } at all, The tax has no relation : |, to profits or income.” iM. s. Roosevelt ak | “If we Telievée taxes for indus- ooseyelt to Spe ee 2 - Fits any sink! oe vase MODEL CHANGE IN 12 YEARS _ | > Dishmaster, always pea washer, 7 yt wid iy a ice Sore ecroomically 5 |e Dintnend-dered, Wronse valves! ; - a i se cgesta l tank! dha 3s THE WORLD'S FIRST Tig ee Fas a Backtiy eters | ELECTRONIC ROTATING repens oor a Ng 9 OUTDOOR TVANTENNA, | Bete P te = 4 » ac sie “guarantees you. 5 Oe | pd cree 0 | “On: channels.<2 by PAY | a 5. on ; «List Price 29.95 ‘ $ 3 | J © Pre-wired and pre-assembled : ff ” ~) for do-it-yourself installation : / _@ Soviets with 70 ft. of TV - 1 | : re, mast,mounting brackets ad stand-offs ; — Here's all the adver } fages of Rotormotor — : directional tuning at a _ i : fraction of its cost. - | are [2 position electronic 4 oe | swifch beams Antenna ad eee soe . | ee 0 strongest:signal of | ; Sk oo ae _. every TV channel in- Ay 3 stantly. Get reception 5 , ¢clearly,., buy o Rem : of re & : | "brand ster epee 7 - S am : ppossenseaseennesaneeeny | uae tar " Bi Ak i aaa Seta + Your Complete: Satisfaction | tad ass ee Fe es ee aes oe tis Guaratoed, oc Reta, te SOQ MUCH THE SAME IN PRICE..:SO DIFFERENT ON THE ROAD.:.THAT'S PLYMOUTH ! f : “ Only Plymouth of the top-selling low-price cars offers you Torsion-Aire, ' | aie piFFERENCE IN RIDE ano PERFORMANCE Sin cise otis Spee the Ison era ata pte cost New Golden Commando 395... biggest = 8 in the low-price field. . rents ects iringe 5. : . ee a dbl emem wh 4 - . # < feaeotne nl sing stected model; reg. 39.95 | ) PLYMOUTH ee] PLYMOUTH [ea | : (© BIG DIFFERENCE IN | tesievta suena |v arrow taurwet | pig pirFerence IN ECONOMY i ; FE, A TURES pando — i ae bi y. A Plymouth V- 8-has again Proved that.it can give f MA. heed dae mn Electric windshield wipers \/|./| | Rear Sport Deck styling | ./ = <9 arent ae an“ or ae ‘ : “a ‘ Compare headreem PushButten x or the third str r, ts t a with’ the other on ees a ¥. 4 ane bt a class in the famed Mobilgas "ete Gan Kducioa's 1° he ifling low-price cars. | “* driver legroom =| 4 Push-Button heating Vv | recognized competitive test for economy. Plymouth’s. ; * po “Hlete’s what you'll find! Greatest trunk capacity | ./ Mirrer-Matic rear-view mirror] «/ ___big standard V-8 registered 21.15 miles per. gallon, yr , | ate ated exam] V] [| Bat ee a : : i ial ata : 's “Two- Mile Try- Out” proves the difference rive a Plymouth! Prove to yourself that it gives you the Big’ Diffe re fee.’ And be sure to ask a Plymouth salesman for price com- paticoris of Plymouth and the other low-price cars. You'll be glad( Smee you don't have to pay for Plymouth’s Big Ditlerence! | e | ROW, FRIDAY AN : . s 5 anon | me! ilue Sensations. Values to $2.97 House Slippers . $ 167 | First. Quality, 51-Gouuge NYLONS “Reg. 696: “ecm tpt aa ayer ane ea siti Bs ay sara | ~ Maling : Shoes " __ 50.N. SAGINAW Fiorisrs’ TELEGRAPH Detivery Mrs. Kenton (Nellie S.) Willough- by, 48, of 164 Mill St., died at home ,yesterday. She had been Harrisburg, m.; a-deughter, Don- na Govednik of Morro Bay, Calif.; four brothers. Service will be held at 2:30 p.m. ‘Thursday at the Voorhees-Siple Chapel. Burial will follow in White | Bu Chapel Memorial Cemetery. ‘Mrs. Augusta E. Winters, 76, of a * ¥ g SSL SSL ASA SS SS J od Deaths Elsewhere at Roth's Home for Funerals with at St, Joseph Hos- pital, t Clemens, after a long illness, ¥ (Krause), 73, of 8798 Charbane Rd. will be held at 10 a.m; Saturday a son, John F, of Pontiac, | ph Px Catholic Church. MRS. AUGUSTA E. WINTERS of a‘heart attack at his home. He 2476 Snellbrook Rd. died yesterday' was a retired metal finisher, at the home of her son, Bert, with; Surviving are his wife, Rose; -° SHOP AT LEWIS SPRI FOR SPECIAL ae Me. ee we ‘ "JP fe sidiculously low prices, are floor , $22.95 Cherry Book Rack ....$ 9.5 $59.95 Pine Bookcase Bed. . . $29.95 $ 7.95 Oak Cocktail Table... $4.95 $7.95 Over Bed Table ..... .$ 3.99 $34.95 Wrought fron Divan. . $17.48 $10.95 6-Pe. Utensil Set .....$ 2.88. $14.95 Bissell Sweeper ......§ 7.48 $ 6.95 Bath Scales ........8 3.88 $25.00 Metal Catch All......$ 4.95 $49.50 Imported Tea Wagon. $19.95 Slip Covers All Ready Made - 1/5 $24.95 53-Pc. Dinner Set ....$ 9.95 $12.95 White Wall Cabinets. .§ 4.95 $29.95 Melamine 45+Pc. Set. .$14.88. $10.95 2-Burner Gas Plate .. .§ 3.33 Group of Pictures Were 4.95 to 29.50 Y% Off $24.95 Aluminum Sun Cot... .$12.48 | $29.95 Innerspring Chaise | $19.95 Oak Desk, Sample ....$ 7.85 $22.50 Wrought Iron Chair. ..$ 8.80 $ 9.95 Plastic Covered Chair. $ '4.98 .. $14.98 - a ag heed % . ee Roe i eee sd s : * + SAVINGS ge bey yg ALL of these pieces have 100% Velon webbing. ALL have separators to anchor webbing in place. ALL pi fold flat for quick. easy storage. chaises are adjustable to 4 positions . luminum choise ~ * . SHORT JACKETS - $3$98 to $1595 io, 3 e; , “5 oe i eee pes en eee 1 SHORT SLEEVED SPD SAAD AAD AAD ASD DL DD SDL DDL Lined or Unlined — and SURCOATS SDSS DSL ASDL SL SD LD SLD SD LDL /z Colorful Plaid, Striped, or Plain SPORTSHIRTS _. from, $395 PAY NOTHING DOWN! TAKE 6 MONTHS ° TO PAY! SSAA AD SAD ADS ASL SSD AAAS SDAA SDA ADS AA ADA AD ADA AAD ASA ADD SDSS DSA AAS DAA A SASS SAS AD SDD ALS SSDP DPD DS AD DD DDD sitesi enero South Saginaw St. a Lake ‘Ave. SSSS ASSL SASS ASSL SASS SSS! * _ i” a eel fi ~~ a AAA AA AAA AAS AA AS SS A SSS SS A A SDS SS ae ae a 2 oF Oe ge ee ee enone eg a eg oe wae Pee ag ei ieee et Pi es a a aes ea See + JPRS SS ae ares Ute, CRE LE Page Ba pike ie ee ae ge fare Se eee ee On Ee eke Saeae ao Gane = g 7 ; # : “ ; fe giidrs ‘ A Pee th ee Wee eed f ; i i ; ae ee ee une tHE PONTIAC PRESS. WEDNESDAY, ‘APRIL, 20, Mm ea Goan hee fare TEA SET COVER »CONNOLLY’S HAVE SPOONS YOU'VE / ASKED FOR —- poons 80 essential for sd : Envisioned by: Alas wi : * WASHINGTON {UPD — Alaska, “est state, has revealed ideas for a ‘ ject ‘that would stagge lof water, he said. << ae . eee ace = a sis sala that | _ Keeps your j "t's a hydroelectric project that| harnessing of the Yukou, River ‘service ready would have more than twice the| Pefween Rampart Canyon's rock for instant use _. ° Capacity of Grand Coulee Dam. “Or, to put it another way, | hour, = | Would produce half again as | the United States is frequeatly aa camer ss a Be ells triple ‘that rate. aes bi ee _~ Prevents tarnishing _ GRAPEFRUIT OF SPOONS a coms Dido ee FRE _ RitcledSepcnmne antec per wu be natal : Bubble Package aN » Gruening has asked to} from the huge dam. ; ptr wey esate 2 bya 5}85 \) * initiate a bee ae t Hon tat with the avallabtity ef pike einen atop ee ty 3 ~*~ * *& the tremendous amounts of low/§ uit tot lent tooling: ew ond NO, FED. Ls se The recommended dam would be|°9St electric power which could constructed at the Rampart Can-|De produced at Rampart, further << yon site on the Yukon River in|industrial development of the en- err ) ia by . cat sie-tnd nak In Bubble Package On . Alaska. Gruening said the area is/tite region would be rapid.” Display Card and stops squirting. Ideal | * the “greatest undeveloped source}: Ths the 4 id @ Made of clear, durable, easy-toclean plastic . yg ag especies : of hydroelectric power in the Unit- senator sad the dam wou © Fits snugly over set and is easy to stip on, off Set of Four $4 35 ! ed States.” be the “free world’s greatest Among the amazing projections a : - of the dam's effects is>a claim|than anything in Soviet gen +” be so big it would “substantially |rret ee ower capacity” 3 si rae ec’ sizes Imodity the climate of interiet (ne Corps of Engineers; which| 9 Regular, Up to 28” woy ing, handles) anne $1.98 Extra ine seeed. wid $2.45 BOTH SILVER ITEMS Only ° ‘ ° . “ux . Alaska.” MADE BY mn gene valent already has taken a preliminary 3-piece Coffee Size - .nccnnsn—-$1.49 ' “ee W R * ed ; STAGGERING STATISTICS —_| look = the canyon, estimates the OPEN FRIDAY EVENING | ROGERS JEWELERS LIMITED Gruening said preliminary stud-|cost of a dam end power facility) You'll get years of service from this handy Tea FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Mon or me EMT LEROY Oe WEE FE 2.0294 | QUANTITY jes indicate that the dam would|at-between $00,000,000 and $1,500,-| Set Cover, Adds years to the wilicseSlcaclace generate as much as 4,770,000 kilo-/000,000, depending on the size of : ‘ 2 : & : watts of electric power. The res-|the power installation. or , . ARK FREE While Downtown... DURING ae DOWNTOWN PONTIAC ADUINGS: Don't Miss This Shopping Opportunity! Dawntows: ‘Spring Value Days brings you thousands of vounlerfut: money - saving bargains on new spring and summer merchandise! ; And to make your shopping trip Downtown more enjoyable, more convénient and a much _pleasanter experience, the merchants be- ; low will give you a FREE BUS RIDE TOKEN or FREE PARKING LOT STAMP with a two dollar purchase. Ask in these stores for these ‘extra’ services . . . we appreciate your patronage and are ° ~ more than pleased to provide you with tern. 3 You Find More of Everything When You Shop Downtown! ret gn le A i gt = A ‘ pyiitee a in the stores where you. . shop ... We give free ~ bus ride tokens and free parking let stamps. THESE MERCHANTS ARE MAKING SHOPPING MORE PLEASANT FOR You! ARTHUR'S 48 N. Saginaw St. ABSTRACT & TITLE GUARANTEE CO. 18 W. Lawrence BACKENSTOSE BOOK STORE 19 E. Lawrence St. BARNETT’S CLOTHES SHOP 180 N. Saginaw St. SAM BENSON bd N. Saginaw St. . B. R. BERMAN, O. D. OPTOMETRIST 17 N. Saginaw St. BOBETTE SHOP 14. N. Saginaw St. CLOONAN DRUG CO. 72 N. Saginaw i a CONNOLLY’S JEWELERS 16 W. Huron St. | CALBI MUSIC CO. 119 N. Saginaw St. DICKINSON’S MEN'S WEAR _ feninew at Lawrence dw DIEM’S SHOES 87 N. Saginaw St. THE DeCOR SHOP 61 W. Huron EPPERT’S CAMERA SHOP 57 W. Huron St. WAYNE GABERT 121. N. Saginaw St. GALLAGHER’S MUSIC SHOP 18 E. Huron St. GENERAL PRINTING & OFFICE SUPPLY 17 W. Lawrence St. GILLIES SHOES 47 N. Saginaw GEORGE'S-NEWPORT’S 74 N. Saginaw St. GRINNELL’S 27 S. Saginaw S8t.: " HUB CLOTHIERS 18 N. Saginaw St, JACOBSEN’S FLOWERS 101 N. Saginaw St. KAUFMAN’S CREDIT” CLOTHIERS 138 N, Saginaw St. LEWIS FURNITURE CO. 62 S. Saginaw St. THE LITTLE SHOP 24 E. Huron St. MARGARET ANN SHOP. 37 W. Huron St. McNALLY MEN’S WEAR 106 N. Saginaw St. . MITCHELL TYPEWRITER & OFFICE EQUIP. CO. 123 N. Saginaw St. . * MODERN AGE FURNITURE 15 E. Pike St. OSMUN’S MEN’S WEAR 51 N. Saginaw St. OXFORD SHOP 59 W. Huron St. PARK JEWELERS 1 N. Saginaw St. FRED-N. PAULI JEWELERS 28 W. Huron St. "PEGGY'S DRESS SHOP 16 N. Saginaw St. PAULI SHOE STORE 35 N. Saginaw St. ee Oe 1 er ee ee ee ee a eee PHILIP’S LUGGAGE & SPORTING GOODS 79 N. Saginaw St. PONTIAC .ENGGASS JEWELRY CO. 25 N. Saginaw St. PONTIAC GLASS CO. 23 W. Lawrence St. THE PONTIAC PRESS 48 W. Huron St. PONTIAC ROCKCOTE PAINT STORE 2 S. Cass St. PONTIAC STATIONERS 4N. Saginaw St. RAPPY’S NATIONAL _ CLOTHING STORE 9 S. Saginaw St, REDMOND’S JEWELRY 81 N. Saginew St. _ROBINSON’S STUDIO 20 E. Huron St. » $$ C ROGERS SPORTING GOODS 24 E. Lawrence St. THRIFTY DRUG “ SCARLETT'S BICYCLE and HOBBY SHOP 20 E, Lawrence St. - SALLAN JEWELRY CO. 88 N. Saginaw St, SHAW’S JEWELERS 24 N. Saginaw St. SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT . 71 W Huron St. STAPP’S JUVENILE BOOTERIE 28 E. Lawrence St. 148 N. Saginaw St. TODD’S SHOE STORE 20 W. Huron St. ee eae Oe --WIGGS 24 W. Huron St. WARD'S HOME OUTFITTING CO. “i 48 S. Saginaw St, - WYMAN FURNITURE oe 17 E, Huron — 18 'W. Pike St. |bered 2,337,495, an increase of 2,- 286 over February's total, it was reported today. COOK BETTER! EAT BETTER’ PAY y LESS MONEY! fo to SMASHING : igs fy ba if H : & aie Kp i : & | & > 4 ; j< 3 * Meri it. z ee 3 all te: P Sed ts we ‘ 5 3 : : F . eace = , 4 + .. i e ¢ AGS se ; . Vea ~ “99 Ab e % a i 23 >i F ai. ky Phe 5 we a 2 EOD OE Fe oF See aS sii Ay 0 Seep i cba 3 PART BABY 4S. 3 a i 4 og 4 “] New account () Cherge my eccount | ores ae * “4 mee c o Z Ee - = «| = ° i [dane North th Seginew st. * Pontiac State Bank Bldg. | ae -~_ ae. ae ew ee ee a "Special Reductions on Brand New | Spring and Summer Apparel ‘aw 49. 95 Flannels - Button Clutch ONL LES LGA IO STITT LARGE GROUP - Dress and Casual SHOES’ ee Formerly Priced from $12.95 to $24.95 oe awe Le P d 2 e+ “. a, Me wen, All Heel Heights! Many Styles > “<9 and Sizes! All Famous Brands! All from our Regular Stock! EE IEE EE SED EEA ORE DS new summer | _DUSTERS Dacron and Cotton mY _Drip-Dry-Wash ‘n Wear ‘5 A Perfect Mother’s Day Gift ! OE ee ee ER : , new summer SKIRTS ; . Floral Prints in Washable Cottons ° Wash ‘n Wear bay Priced - +390 were to 55.00 2933 ~ wool tweeds; plaids, pasted solid colors’ New Spring. WALKING SUITS > "wag: hired end Corp., ‘Good. looking patterns in. choice colors. All sizes. A smash value! 3 Deys Only at This Price THIS COUPON SAVES YOU 97c! - Entire: Stock—W. ashable $8.95 POPLIN JACKETS Ses ee They'll Sell Fast! Hurry! eet 3 Days Only at This Price . We Repeat— —Don‘t miss these DOWNTOWN big savings.! Hop in the Bus Sy and get down tomorrow sure! — We'll Stamp Your Parking Ticket THIS COUPON SAVES: YOU $3! $9.95 Completely Washable SPRING 95 - JACKETS 6° 3 Doys Only at This Price Zippers and 4-holers. All*thoice colors. All sizes. A Terrific Value! Cool Hard Finish $45. + | Summer Tropical © (SALE PRICED a SUITS $ Get st ab fata hd walt Jt e! D: _ a 3 THIS COUPON SAVES YOU $1.97! | $4.95 Acrilon Jersey _ a | WITH THE FAMOUS EMBLEM. { SIX POPULAR gs cw ahi c COLORS § » 3 ALL SIZES: "ey i Stock Up Now! ; 3 3 Days Only et This P es us THIS COUPON SAVES YOU $9.95 Wash and Wear Dacron Blend J TROPICAL =; am ca 21 for ® re LARGE SELECTION--SIZES 28 10 42, 3 Deys Only at This Price Open Friday: and ‘Monday Nights ‘tit 9 Me THIS COUPON SAVES YOU $2. $8.95 BANLON SHIRTS. _ Another Terrific Buy! : They're tops— — wash so nice. 4 choice colors, All sizes. You Don’ t Need Cash 150°NORTH SAGINAW ST eo ' : A w a P - a Ye * sm ‘ = hy es Oa aw - ‘4 oe) > i he connection with their Class C and SDM liquor licenses at 94 W. Huron Assorted ‘Men’ and Ladies’ : WATC HES 1 Year Guprontee KRESGE'S. SERVICE CENTER 66 N. Saginaw (Downtown Pontiac) EXPERT WATCH and CLOCK REPAIR Engraving sei ion Go cold 9 Camera Supplies and Photo Finishing Men’s or Ladies’ Water Resistant _ Shockproof Non-Magnetic $79" REDMOND’S| Jewelers-Optometrists 81 N. Saginaw FE 2-3612 “Open. Munday’ and Friday — eel 2 P M. Evening Pd 9 _.. Reg. $2.98 Value é ee TRIPLE FOLD BOBBY SOCKS nee Hh to to Sr. h Reinforced Reg. 4 for $1.00 A be 8 _ Recor SPECIAL! 5 HUDSON 3. TISSUES Jumbo OF He. Seam ct Pak Poloy Gv 17 | seD RAIL GUARDS mea = SPINORAMA RECORD ALBUMS pases wal a "$700 Prepare for Storing Your Winter Clothes With -PARADICHLOROBENZENE CRYSTALS — a 77 S. Ree. 29¢ Value.” ae: SPECIAL! at Values to $3.98 SPECIAL! Reg. $2.29 Value SPECIAL! oN ‘DOWNTOWN PONTIAC STORE ONLY! ‘Beautiful Designs in China CUPS and SAUCERS Reg. 59c Value SPECIAL LOT! PRINTED eax Some aca ei Sin Colors. ~ Delicious Chocolate ~ oe CHILDREN’S peanuT GLOSTER cae | - SHOES pti io | LBS. $ + Colors Blue or Red. om cat 99° . “KING SIZE . _HERSHEY BARS : eA, COLORS IN So SOFA PILLOWS Reg. 55¢ Value SPECIAL! 39: KRESGE COMPANY Polished cotton & woven Home Spun materials, Reg. 98c Value | 66° * SPECIAL! Woven Burlington Mill eangeareny oe ae } & FLORAL PATTERN | TAPESTRY FapRics | Wie i ee ee. BR 6 ey Values to $4.50 Yd. $ 98 |: o Ven now. Ee ‘ae i 3 Kc] 3 we ; ; ao ; i e an ‘ : ceo £ ; t = 4 : ‘ + Le i Py 7 ae ete A Se ; - : ( “wy : ™ ; J Pee 4 7: ; | S. * : i | a ! | \ ‘ 4 * —— e a 2 ; - . : Pe a ry Rie: x ; : z gt 2 f : : ie ‘ : ves » rg zy a THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1959 fe: d f= ‘ ‘ : ; 7 : = ; = f + : J j % é g é * : = * , : : e ee fi id Z . A : . me and my, ‘magazines.| Or, + Blaha. (Sask., . he did it because Train: ‘By ALINE MOSBY _ MOSCOW, (UPI). — Russian jet Plaves were the first te transport ee | but there’s an older and more enturous way to reach the Soviet’ Union ~— aboard a do-it- yourself train, °. oe Many American tourists prefer the 2 hour, 20 minute SAS jet hop from Copenhagen’ to Moscow on the Russian TU104. Yet you see more invading the East on aWagne and low-cut starlets. 2% day train from Berlin. 7 It's exelusive (you might be the only Western tourist aboard) and you also have the experience of picnicking in your room—and having a strange roommate. . This exotic slice of Russia-on-| w rails, ‘‘The Blue Express,” doesn’t run past that line that divides _ the world these days, so you buy your’ ticket in East Berlin. Be- Says Goldfine’s Privacy Broken Contempt Case Appeal Based on Hidden Mike in His Hotel Room | WASHINGTON (AP) — Bernard Goidfine’s lawyers continued ef- forts teday to show that his. right of privacy was violated when a congressional his hotel room. Atty. Edward Bennett Williams contemds Goldfine’s right to con-|: fer privately with his attorneys/|/ was Violated tay the electronic)’ eavesdropping. * * * Williams is trying to knock out P a contempt of Congress indictment against Goldfine, the Boston indus-| ~~ trialist whose gift list included for-|/ investigator bugged} _ The passengers have separate home was decorated with blue plush drapes, blue wallpaper, an “The fifst day there is no dining {car on the train. So everybody brings a-sack of provisions. The porter. gives you a towel and soap across eastern Europe during night is like an Alfred Hitchcock to juggage and disappearing into the night. i * * * The next day word got around there was an American female traveling alone in the middle of winter, and every passenger trooped past my door to stare at Fear Children Have Them compartments. My luxurious little) Oriental rug, white curtains, a 50 Deadly Shells Vanish CHARLESTON, 8.C. (AP)—Authorities fear that children may. be playing with deadly Civil War shells carted away from Sumter during the weekend. : of o&® * The shells, dug up by workmen last week, can be touched off by a-spark, heat, friction.or a shock. have been stored Monday. 4° — About 50 shells were found, and the ammunition was to x * * _ ‘But the shells were gone when workmen arrived. W. L. Luckett, superintendent of Mt. Sumter National Monument, said 14 of the shells were turned in by parents who found ‘border, and everybody had! to get|He Came Looking For was lifted onto the Russian tracks, TOLEUO,; Ohio @ — ‘brewery strike: in Ontario cut off You are given a baggage docu-| ment for declaring any hashish, | hospital's fund raising drive by running up its expenses yester- day. Anderson was treated in the emergency room for slam- | ming a car door on his fingers | while distributing campaign lit- | erature. but there’s 297 pair of wonderful new styles in a wide selection of smart colors. this value! 35 North Saginaw Tey ee f YX NTIACE You'll love Serving Pontiac for Over 75 Years! _ Open Friday Nite ‘til 9 PAULPS SHOE STORE | + aa mer, White House aide Sherman) > Adams. The indictment grew out. of f° Goldfine’s refusa] to answer ques-|— tions last ‘summer before the|?:- -House subcommittee on legisla-|" | tive oversight about the Boston | Port Development Co., which he|) controls, * * * Williams said Rep. Oren Harris| (D-Ark), chairman of the subcom- |! 4 mittee, will be called as a witness,| 9; Shacklette was fired after a mi-|/ crophone was found last July 6 hidden under the door of the Washington Hotel suite occupied |’ by Jack Lotto, Goldfine’s _ public |; relations adviser. ShacKlette and Anderson were found im the ad- ; ; joining room. * * ‘Two of Goldfine's lawyers, Sam- é uel P, Sears and Lawrence R.|> Cohen, testified Tuesday they oft- en went to Goldfine’s suite in the hotel to discuss his testimony be- fore the subcommittee. ‘ in Georgia Assault QUITMAN, Ga. (AP) — Sheriff). W. R. Jones of Brooks County said early today he plans to release a ; 2i-year-old Negro being held in connection with the rape of a mar- ried white woman. ~~ *« * Jesse Graham Jr. surrendered ae Tuesday. while a posse of 500, in- cluding 15 policemen, searched for and x *& * ‘The sheriff said he would return |= Graham to Quitmamlater today so the 24-year-old victim could con- front him but that he was certain Graham had no connection with), the crime. He said Graham. had} - an air tight alibi established by a, fellow garage worker. _ * * * Police said Graham apparently) gave himself up for safekeeping |. when he heard he was being sought. Graham phoned the sheriff to come and get him. The victim told police she was}? fishing at a pond near the Negro’s |” home when she was assaulted. State law prohibits publication of a rape victim's name. {7 ‘ 4 a a HOME ae ‘ Will Release Negro | - é their children playing with the ammuniation. LOWER RATES | omer $5.95 3 | A-1 Vacuum Cleaner SALES and'SERVICE 21 Water St. FE 4-3777 & for Home Improvement ‘Loans and New Car Loans To obtain these low rates; per- sonal application must be made at our booth at the Pontiac Home | improvement Show, Pontiac Arm- ory on Water Street, during the show only, April 30, May 1, 2 and 3 ops Offices at W. Huron at Tilden... . N. Perry at Glenwood - _ : Keego Harbor . .. Walled Lake... Union Lake. ., Lake Orion 4 . +. Milford .... Waterford . . . Bloomfield: Hills - 1 OR PONT tae Member F.DAC. Ist QUALITY HARDWOOD PLAYPEN : ‘During Spring Value Days Only! a nodes i | ie sr Bdge ist ta dogapene Coates ee is second. only to tty e | i 7 ! a eo ee oak be Students of Chinese affairs » ) : , Gebeeonataeey a “Perry Describes Burial — |, uietst Sine stars se) set cet cores. ney ta bom 6” OFt Peer i seat venasins ‘commmuecial Shere three portents of the future: held while she was in jail and in Coaster || the ‘National Geographic Society| By KENNETH ISH USS Oneida who died when their) sere will be no important |° x ke ; Rotes. a a le Siligeaanegne a collided ~~ the _ change in over-all Chinese policy. | . She was convicted April 16 in dee b/s i borne steamer Bombay in Tokyo in| —The rapid of communi- | the death of her wealthy, Ly | Butte ine, whic om ni in ere spot at the foot of ali, ‘The monument was erecied| nation wil gontinee, with spectal | red. lover, REALLY AN. EXCELLENT BUY! A STURDY fo a — aan Spot ag j = grow in any * *& * owe BR tag cnc horere pel DRL pies grantor lang ye a AN ioxt | "AND COLLAPSIBLE FOR EASY TRAVELING! |. / month during the growing season, |ianding he was received in the... (aGRIN a . jk . Dou sulee 5 i ue 3 f i i ‘ i >§ ay Ir Pel : 7 i i gF i i g F J § a . completely safe for baby . SKID rubber bottom. g f HI _ MAKES A HIGH CHAIR . out of an adult chair. In ooy — a Reg. $5.98 i Z = : 7 i a i o. i, :. E 3 é if i Gardening Sets & Tools TO HELP THE GROWNUPS FOLDING HIGH CHAIR CONVERTS TO YOUTH CHAIR Reg. $17.95 MEN'S SUITS, GET ANOTHER SUIT FOR... “@ Newest Fobrics © Lotest Styles ‘@ Terrific Selections @ Sizes to 46 ‘Buy One at Reg. Price. . . ..$39.95 Gel aneer Sein ies veers 1.00 2 SUITS feature of the Chamber's 47th) Don’t Gel Married | NEWAYGO —Robert Lee’ Par-/] [sl gry See, Our Complete Line PONTIAC STMTIONERS cnGeue” ye 24s | RING MOUNTINGS Ayah Randa Yun Proe buse Patt SUN-I PROL PONTIAC PITTSBURGH HOUSE PAINT DOWNTOWN FREE PARKING «© ‘| FREE BUS TOKENS . 14Kt white or yellow gold! Carved design on diamond-set mountings! Modernize your rings at minimum cost! Free estimates! Special! SOLITAIRE MOUNTING $25.00 Value $ 88 oe. Te Our Regular | More Savings From. BS awsS | THURSDAY—FRIDAY—SATURDAY Mm] prion . or choose freer our 100 styles in Starfire . Columbia eepsake Orange Blossom mountings . Everything you desire is here! § pare Special ! aos 4 “hal HIGAN § WELEP | | | | | 1 NICKEL PLATED POCKET WATCH With Second Hand 1.69 | Limit one to a customer Gorgeous —Extra Special! —_o $3.50 Genuine All Leather WALLET With secret pocket, Fully innerlined. “1.69 {HearAll the ball games! - It’s the Smallest Radio Ever Made With a | Built-In cae og Ey oy ALL-TRANSISTOR ’ SHIRT POCKET RADIO @ Sturdy Construction... . Unbreakable plastic base! and You Pay Private Wire Earphone Only... Available. Fully Guaranteed. © Smallest Radio Ever Made with full-tone, built-in C DOWN: Speaker‘ . © Beautifully Styled see WEEKLY Choice of Color! : | : | | Ic Speaker! at a Smaller Price Than Ever ; ‘ A Great Buy at *1 9" | | MICHIGAN'S LARGEST JEWELERS’ PONTIAC STATE BANK: BUILDING : rere 2s wah a zee Islands. 6.70-15 ' With Old Recoppable Tire—Plus Tox 710-15 | 760-15 | 7.50-14 8.00-14 1588 |178 1788 Tread Fri for recog. nic rigid TF A “SUPER-VALUE” It's BIG and ruggédly built! 2 Ing Tubular steel thru-out with “double safe’ socket construction. _ ottached to the frame. Top Value! JUST $3 DOWN Sturdily Built—8%4 Ft. TOP—734 —p “Se Model *Prices Shown ore Plus Fed. Excise Tax . and with Your Old RE-coppebie Tirel © ABIG $$$'s Worth rh Giana d mileage! ALL J&R TIRES MOUNTED FREE nat) \j = in) e AY. Rust-proof, “D” Rail Safety Steel Slide! 2 In. Steel Tubing! Safe ROCKET SOCKETS! Weather Nylon Bearings—never need oiling! Chip-proof, Weather-proof Enamel Finish! 11 Plays— Chin Bars, Trapeze, Gym Rings, 3 Safety Swings. 2-Seater Sky Glide! = 31K = £ - : rr 4 . 4. ¥, ? with Personal Earphone 99 ond a Carrying Case! 5 “Deville” * fits in @ purse or pocket! Good } - $4 DOWN tone, fine volume-~you have to ; 5 ‘ see ond thear it fy Oppreciate Polished CHROME RIMS its. value! Take it everywhere! ° Fender HEADLAMP | TIRES ™!R eLluggage CARRIER *Full CHA! USE J&R OPEN END CREDIT REAR VIEW MIRROR fics & ot the seberlhent “bottoming!” They'll Increase lood-capac- ity to 750 Ibs. more! Helper SPRINGS at 6°> PAIR ALL CARS Braces sagging springs -increases load capac- ity to 1000 Ibs. SHOCK ABSORBERS Brand New! Perfect - replacements of car * original equipment. For Most 99 Popular Ft. LEGS FULLY EQUIPPED 4x2%ax1% Inches—. Easily $39.95 MGuARD {E 115 N. SAGINAW sT. Patk Free Rear of Store Spiegel Catatog Desk in This Store wan and by use of a we x —* Bs thing sounds phoney to me. If they|state worker with four or five ans tars a ; . I CA WALOUT iden tthe ean tte | 4 Sonate stenographer —"t think|passed the veterans trust fund bill children and living trom payday to use Squeeze 2 drop bottle, on sale for $1.39 the ‘whole situation is ridiculous. |‘oday they couldn't get the money payday. They are underpaid any , They could have done in 24 hours. The money must be /way compared to private industry. at THRIFTY about it a long time ago.” there to meet this payroll. When you take away, their checks, DRUG STORES A Senate clerk—~“I’m.not too up. A corrections department worker |that’s rough.” SAGINAW STREET set. Trying to borrow from Peter |~-“We're naturally very unhappy x * & Sail iasins to pay Paul isn't going to settle |#bout it a Ken Macrorie, of the = things, If one or two payless pay-|have bills to meet. I'm sure there State University AFL- — is no provision for us to go out and ici Federation of Teachers—“Our it H i i aa Hl He | For Porsfros — and Garden Wear 2-Piece Play Sets Styled in California for only... $399 Popover blouse with Capri pants. .Made of cotton twill, in oll~pastel shades and black. Washable— drip-dry — little or no ~ ironing. NYLONS—51 Gauge, 15 Denier Dark Seam, Reg. 79c Eaton’s 36 fess | Saginaw Street Panchen Refuses fo Visit Dalai Lama "The Panchen Lama stood by the tne Foreign Tongues Urges 44¢ [claim of ‘the Chinese overlords for U.S. Pacific Sailors . }exile-~home in Mussoorie, north- | east A Ht a5 Fee \thing. ‘The longer this goes oa, thet S OUIprising greater the damage that will be FTe Didn't Need © | ‘TOKYO (AP)—Red China's pup- tion to visit India for peace talks |T4 headaches and am herewith : this to be facetious either.” |who granted the 23-year-old Dalai x* «© * -taspiring enclosed, a lie advised to brush up on foreign languages. Lama is a captive, He invited Pe-| Adm. Herbert G. Hopwood, fleet |ping to send a representative to;commander, said he hopes Ameri- see the Buddhist god-king at his |can sailors wil! try to use at least i to some people. The threat of pay- less paydays has been hanging over the state’s university teachers all spring .and they are resigning at an alarming rate.” Them Himself BALTIMORE, Md. (AP)—The In. ternal Revenue Service office here | said it received the following let- | ter from a taxpayer: * * * “T am extremely sorry but J just) | realize that } forgot to attach form W-2 to the rest of the papers mailed to you a few days ago. I realize that this will cause ex- enclosing a couple of aspirins, | and believe me, I am not doing Sure enough, there were two been HONOLULU (AP) — Sailors in |the U.S. Pacific Fleet have been ‘a few words of the native tongue Lost British Plane, NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) — A wrecked plane spotted today on a bleak mountaintop in southeast | Turkey was identified tentatively| as a British air freighter missing | with secret parts for Britain’s| rocket range in Australia. | : * * * . | It -had been feared that the |plane had come down in the | southern Soviet Union. There-was no immediate word | of any survivors. Twelve men! were aboard the aircraft, which | disa last Thursday. \ © * * A Air Force search pilet spotted an aircraft tail and part) of a wing near the peak of a, 14,000-foot mountain north of Lake) Van. RAF headquarters ‘i Nicosia said the evidence was fairly con- clusive that the wreckage a from the missing Avro Tudor. A ts . meni mentnsectni hte osdissamnttrianiestacstaitaanitmecaeiswnienitmssiitiiel titi i ground party was to be dispatched) to the site, Come in and look wen ‘our racks of men’s and women’s dress shoes at Y, of their original aisha TODD'S SHOE STORE hems Shoes for the Entire Family | iA] 20.W. Huron St, FE 2-3821 jin foreign ports. Rockcote Low Lustre-$ | Reg. — $7.05 House Paint 75| Deluxe White. col.| Eggshell Enamel ;:, $ Famous Metropolitan Paints for the Home - “FLAT... SEMI-GLOSS . . 4 oe © € @ @ EXTERIOR (White Only). s+ 2 0 © Reg, $4.98 . e oe e 8 eo ee © 8 we ow / Reg. $4. 98 / Reg. $5. 98 $3.98 $3.98 o $4.98 o Best Quality White & Colors Fiat Enamel = ®z- 85 = *4AT= Best, Quality White & Colors Semi-Gloss Reg. $6.39 CORNER of HURON and CASS. - 5.11" Pontiac Rockcote Paint Store HOURS: ae 8 to 5:30 — Saterday & to 5 FE‘ 3.7129 SAM BENSON SAYS: I’ve Got So Many BARGAINS IN MY STORE and ere ON THE SIDEWALK! | CAN'T START TO LIST THEM IN THIS PAPER! AN BE NORTH: SAGINAW ST. Between Lawrence and Huron Sts. A FEW SAM BENSON DISCOUNT CLOTHING PRICES : y Som fg $5g' Bote These Comper e These vith | $65 sate os 100% Import and Match PoNTIAC’S ORIGINAL DISCOUNT CLOTHIER wtih 1 t Miracle Rayon & Dacron for Shape Retaining. - and Wear, ~ SUITS” $ 4a YES, SIR! PANTS at Prices You Can Afford Gabardine! Shorkskin! Fine Weaves! Flannels! Worsteds! *5* Dress Pants! Sport Pants! Conservatives! Reg.—Longs—Shorts! , ALTERATIONS FREE OF COURSE! o 2 Pants Mix Compare With $39.50 | suits”, = o— - Price 3 5 ny] s - ) srr Coats. ir: to match L One Peair toon] ¢ With $29.50 _ 239 vecrna wort. [Pay More? | ciccrtesors| Seeuceettaprter that h Pla Suits for double wear f 7’ old ie Shape awe thar one pa $ ae villa Wear, ia aes | = 4 4 4 4 4 4 $ 88 te ‘ q q 4 4 . 4 4 4 TWILL WASHABLE 999 Hatt, LST Fee lt t ii F , special gi ; i \ I . feo § g z [ a § Ee if gee 5 Area Square. Dancers ‘IY’S FIX-UP TIME — The Oakland County Road. Commiasion.is in the process of repairing roads ‘throughout thé-county which were dam- aged ‘by the ravages of a particularly hard win- ws Aish, stl ar Sosa give under the "grader leveling the gravel and filling déep chuck ‘holes which have caused many a car spring to rahe ar tmascuntcile ace cl nb Pentiac Press Photo strain this year. This machine Won't Act on Milford Ponds Before Then Elect Club President =Robbins Will Consult Council James Robbins, the nin. wholessary to drain the ponds for im- Council members claimed that i\Robbins indicated he would an- the flondgates of fourjmediate insurance inspection. . dams in Milford for insurance pol- inspection, sending water down the Huron River into Kent * * * Robbins’ company, which manu- factures highway trailer compo- Lake, said today that he intendsinents, is now operating on a bind- to meet with officials before right to drain the ponds created by the late Henry Ford, lower wishes, according to his lawyer’s interpretation of the law. - ; ace said his office at 130 N, Stephenson Highway in wo ireturn,”’- Robbins - said, er policy qn a month-to-month basis and letting all the water out simultaneously was necessitated water rights, Robbins has every|by a time element, he explained. Robbins said that filling -the ponds in with soil would be the best business proposition for both Milford and his company on a long range basis. However, he does not want to create any controversy with the tewnspeo- ple, so will meet with the council to see what they want him to do, he added. “iH costs. our company more than $10,000,a year for mainten- ance, operation and liability in- surance, with absolutely no. profit That’ just not good business.”’. e In a letter’ | SPECIALIZED | "SERVICE OXFORD —- Ton Wig oe dation ‘ot the Cue {Community School District today issued a special state-) jment endorsing a five-mill tax increase for school opera-| tion: which comes up for a vote on Monday. : = prepared by Wayne -|tary, ee the outlook for the future were explained.: . The Board said the extra millage is needed to main ‘McMeans, board secre- Another possible eventuality, should the vote fail, would be the closing of one or more elementary | school buildings, or the Board might have to resort to half-day sessions," Ambrose added. * * * Curtailment of special depart- ments on the high school level will force the school’s loss of North nounce his action before opening the flood gates of the dams. | * * * However, Robbins today said he} told council members he would discuss disposal of these lands,, ponds and dams before letting the water out permanently. | Robbins said that he will see to} it that with the exception of the! main dam, all other insurance in- | spections will be completed by the} * ischeduled meeting with the ved Council on May 8. Files Bond Issue Bill , LANSING —Rep. Harry A. De- Maso has filed the fifth in a series of bills to bolster Michigan's in- dustrial prospects. The measure would permit local governments to issue bonds for industrial construc- tion. The bonds would be retired by rent or lease agreements. Central Assn. and University ac- creditation which has. existed since | 1932, he warned. STILL BELOW AVERAGE» The total school tax rate, in-) 4/Cluding the five mills to be levied! for three years, will not exceed | 1$20 per thousand of the state! \equalized valuation. This tax levy lis below the average in Oakland County, the superintendent said. The Board of Education states Closing Out-EXTENDED PLAYS 50c up SPECIAL GROUP LP’s . $1.00 up “ee @ @ We Carry a Complete Stock of © Classical @ Jazz @ Pops. _ > @ Stereo Demo's e Country—Western @ Children’s GALLAGHER MUSIC. C0. 18 E. Huren St. (Downtown Pontiac) FE 4-0566 Open Monday and Friday Evenings ‘til 9 P. M. sscstmmaamatan : Jeanette Ann in Clarkston. MRS. CHARLES L. BURGESS Romeo Grad Sings in-Touring | Ferris Chorus ROMEO ~ Gretchen Toothacker, 19, a graduate of Romeo High ' Schoo! last year, is singing with ‘the 50-member Ferris Institute Crimson and Gold Chorus during its annual spring concert tour. * * * ‘A freshman -studying business administration at the Institute in Big . Rapids, Gretchen is the daughter ‘of Mr. and Mrs..R..N. Toothacker of -1674 Romeo Rd. *. *&. # Gretchen, who sings soprano, Was a member of the Romeo School choir and attended Inter- McKee Wed! Ceremony a white- satin floor-length gown with a scalloped neckline and long sleeves. Her fingertip veil of silk illusion and, lilies of the valley. Mrs, James Batchelor of Pon- tiac assisted the bride as matron of honor. Th? duties of best man were | berly of the Commerce Nike site. | Ushers were Corp. Robert Cart- both from the Nike site also. “ Following the ceremony a recep-| tion was held at the home of the bridée’s parents. Pinckney Man Killed in Crash Near Ypsilanti YPSILANTI (# — Leo Smithers, 65, of Pinckney waa killed today in a two-car collision three miles} west of Ypsilan His wife Kat driving, and Mrs, Ethel Clarke, 35, of Ypsilanti, driver of the other] car, were injured. SPINNING WHEELS 1959 es Coming Soon For her wedding the bride wore | performed by Pfc. Charles Kim- | wright and Sgt. William Thrasher, ine, 56,. who was| DOWNTOWN PONTIAC © ‘Spring Value Days of PONTIAC — 51 — ‘Huron Street,” GIBSON : TH Cu. Ft. Upright Freezer 22 Cu. Ft. Storage Space Automatic delivery, ey: 3-year food. protection pol icy. ; 42000 HOUSEKEEPING “Sweetheart Pair’’. 11 Cv. Ft. Refrigerator 9878" with trade defrost. l-year service, 5-year hap FE 4-1555 ; | | OEL. | | i 4 i GIRLS’ BOYS’ 3-PCS. WOMEN’S “‘. PANTIES — 3 eL 39¢ each. ..... CABANA SETS eos es ners SHORTS, T-SHIRTS, SOCKS...... SKIRT esa BLOUSE SETS. rc) Qi HALF SLIPS. Reg. $1.99 . | “SHOP WHERE EVERY DAY Is SALE DAY” , 22 Worth Saginaw St. —o 69 mn 84 48, For tgu — “SAGINAW at LAWRENCE . Open Friday Nights Until 9 WSTHE STYLE CORNER OF PONTIAC iil an unbelievably lightweight suit... Palm Lite by Loli Beath Palm Lite is the kind of suit that only, yesterday was . considered impossible. exclusive Dacron® worsted fabfic is amaz- ingly light. Palm Lite suits hold their shape beautifully—exclu- sive Pam Beach features assure a perfect fit. For almost weight- less comfort and coolness... | choose Palm Lite. Palm each PALM LITE REGISTERED TRADE MARKS Rig. T.M.'s Goodal-Sanford, Ine - Se ery ed 6 ee aS ae aed s 3 BIRMINGHAM—272 W. Maple iL 3 Joown —TNTh PONTIAC MIX ‘EM or MATCH ‘EM Blouse and Skirt co- ORDINATES | thé Blouses vn Footsteps of Semaiaes poy jAre Valued at $80,000 ,would cost $30,500,000 as against an original estimate of $20,000,000. x«* *« * Queen fo Travel Locks at Soo | Canadian Officials Due | at Kinross Wednesday, to Plan Summer Trip He introduced amendments: to eliminate the $4,000,000 for the new yh 2 'y terminal,” and also $283,- additional furniture, The items are in a $2,900,000,000 sup- SAULT STE. MARIE @®—Cana-| go ded ave ments Wednesday for Queen Eliz-| said the’ capital archi-|abeth and Prince Philip to travel tect proposes to buy all new fur- through the Soo Locks this summer niture, when ‘there are 375 desks\on their visit to Canada and the. wall-to-wall| United States for dedication of the § Douglas favors rubber|St. Lawrence Seaway. | * Scheduled to~ arrive by plane _|from Canada at 11:40 a.m. (EST) | Ff “Drip-Dry"’ Pimo Cotton, shrink- i proof, - wrinkle resistant. -Roll-up $3.98 Values } sleeves sleeveless. Solids or d checks. oo latest spring pastels. sy 99 ‘ 1 _ Sizes 30- A ile ) | Belgians Build | Autobahn With | No Stop Lights | would be $80,000 a step. He called/: “\ lthis a waste of money, eapecially| , PRUSHELS @—Four yours hance Police, Eight others will be in ; do not need - ‘3 since senators get enough) odin & — oe eee = Se tee USE to Antwerp. , It takes him four hours today, | considerable criticism of other con-| tyres Sammed tattle at Aachen, Beigians were spurred to build an Antwerp - Cologne autobahn sand blouses. “Drip-Dry” wrinkle resistant, shrinkproof: _ Or-fast. Sizes 8-18. $5.99 Values . *399 Queen, and D. O. Fi The royal party is expected tol. travel through the locks about July | “$0, please leave if alone.” ! Douglas said the nearly complet- latest proposal were carried out, ed Senate office building, if the when they realized that their Dutch neighbors would soon com. plete a Rotterdam-Ruhr speed- way started before World War II. For Germans this competition is al] benefit. Either road will pro- vide a quick way to a modern harbor close to the North Sea. * * The Belgian autobahn will follow —|the same route as today’s shortest distance FINAL CLOSE-OUT BOYS CLOTHING Closing out boys’ department. We are helping our Northern Stores close-out their boys’ departments. Here are famous brand names at wonderful savings at McNally’s Men’s Wear, 106 N. Saginaw. Boys! Trousers 1.39 » ~ Sizes 6 to 16 Sweaters - A° 4 GOATS cleaned and Individually, packss- ~_— by a By OS ae Boys’ Jackets and Sport Coats 1.88 » Sizes 4 to 18 $1.49 up Sizes 4. to 18 N. Saginaw Street » Boys’ Sport Shirts Use the Downtown “Shop, Park, Bus” Program from MeNally’s Com Fridey Nights ‘til 9 P.M, ae between Antwerp and Co- fogne.. 144 miles. Bat in 1963, it will allow a fast German driver to keep a steady 60 miles or more per hour. There _won’t be any traffic lights. Bel- gian speedways have no speed limit. About a third of the distance will y be completed this year, stretching ‘from Antwerp westward through | Antwerp and Limburg provinces. i The Rotterdam-Ruhr Autobahn is) | six miles shorter. It should be com- pleted soon. AWaits Jobless Report | LANSING @—Gov, Williams says he is still awaiting a report from a special committee of three econ- ‘forgists on a way of rewriting the }| Michigan unemployment compensa- tion law so that unions could not ‘draw on the jobless pay fund tol ‘| subsidize a strike. The issue has) Held up’ legislative action on a bill ,to extend temporary jobless pay -to some 28,000 Michigan résidents. \Aimed at Bridges 8 in the yacht Britannia on their | trip westward into Canada follow- ing a visit to Chicago throygh the’ ‘Great Lakes. The schedule calls for the Queen; and the prince to travel through | the locks into Superior to Fort j William ‘on the Canadian side | weher they will leave the Britannia | ‘for travel overland. 75 N. Saginaw — Open Mon., Fri. ‘til 9 P.M. Congressman’s Bill WASHINGTON (AP) — A con- gressman introduced a bill Tues- day and announced its main tar- get was Harry Bridges, a union leader, * * * The bill would prohibit- a union official from with de- fense shipments during a national | emergency, Any violation would | ay ape ig gpl cetin He $25,000 « 10 years imprison- ment. ¥ *® * Rep. Francis Walter (D-Pa), who introduced the bill, is chair- man’ of the House Committee’ on Un-American activities. Bridges, president - of the International Lofigshoremen’s and Warehouse- men's Union, told the committee last week he would honor requests | from Communist nations to tie up| ocean shipping through labor dl 7. PAY WEEK ENDING MAY 9 Beee semen eger Pius 2% of Velv- ORLON DYNEL iFUR COATS NEXT FALL! atten, Minimum Ask fi S; Mea oe! at Sl DRY CLEAN YOUR WALL-TO-WALL CARPETING correo STAR-HOST toviemer vee SAVE oe | BY DOING IT iecooped ‘PEARL: “Orchard Elegance” SERVICE for 8 \ : "Reg. $406.95 9) 4" INCLUDES: 6 Serving -Pieces and C RINGS... . .oU MB w2e So Various Pattern — Famous Name STERLING ° | Cold Meat Forks <3 $200 SERVING PIECES | Discontinued but well 31) .. : Berry Spoon iss $200 known, All. Sterling % OFF PASTRY * , SERVER FREE Carnival Rides for Kiddies! FREE Bus Rides & Parking with Purchase of $2.00 or more. E po our | “The Store W. here Quality Counts” |Your Chie Fred N; Pauli Co- a Ponfiac’s Oldest Jewelry Store K-$ 28 \W. Huron j Extra Special | : Community ‘Silverplate FE 2-7257 oe sakes IO eft a ae Aleit as Be = ‘ eee alt 4 | 20” AMERICAN MADE BICYCLES . | 24” AMERICAN MADE BICYCLES FLASH! Reg. $74.95 Value | CAMERA! CASE! WE STOCK — -A-BICYCLE FOR | ) ALL POCKETBOOKS ay se Up sQass Up , 38” Up N MADE BICYCLES . i ole . Direct Factory © Self-timer from 1 1/250 Reg. $49.95 Erk 2 3 — "OF 1958 SCHWINN BIKES WE STILL HAVE A LIMITED SUPPLY AT DISCOUNT PRICES a 3 “s Ly fab i es 5 ae ; ists say your policies are tree- -gon,”’ shouted the youth. Dect Grong to Meet / een ee ee ee 3) BUY YOUR BICYCLES at SCARLETT S: OUR LOWEST PRICE ® Precision £3.5 Coated Lenses © Double Exposure Prevention | 4* import WELTAFLEX @ Built-in Full Synchronization second to 10 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD 1, Over Thirty Years in Bicycle Business 2, Stock Parts for All Bicycles We Sell eyecare 3. Highly Trained Mechanics to Service Your Bikes. 4, 30-Day FREE Checkup 6. Your Old Bike Taken in Trade REPEAT of a SELLOUT 6. Layaway and Terms a GADGET BAGS 7. The Bikes We Sell Are Guaranteed for LIFE wrth handy $] 29 8. We Stock Over 80 Different Models = - 9, We Offer a Color Choice on Almost’ ALL Models ARGUS 75 to. FREE Delivery When You Want It = ms 4 The Canadian Rockies and the | 4 PACIFIC NORTHWEST (Glacier | and Mount Rainier National | Parks). SPECIAL THIS. WEEK ONLY! Reg. Sol 26x1.75 Middleweight Tires.......... $2.25 $1.49 “ COMPLETE CAMERA KIT TEOORDING. TAPES Keystone ELECTRIC METER EYE 8mm 3 Lens Turret Movie Camera end LIGHT METER with built in light meter all fast 1.9 lens © wide angle © telephoto © regular Reg, $129.50 ee = 90 oven SAME " Measfie MOoviE SPL ER and EDITOR + sot, Ret Reg, $39.00 $1995 Reg. $3.50 HURRY FOR THIS ONE! * io $4% MOVIE SPLICER 4" $139 AIRQUIPT Magazines Reg. 1 $2.25 . A, SLIDE FILE holds 300 35mm slides $469 Reg. $3.25 Value Vacation Cruise on the GREAT LAKES, YELLOWSTONE, (COLORADO ienelel Chabbne 4 kc teases acy ve 1.49 88 FiiPieie see cmcrno- : ~ Electric Horns with Button on Handlebar... 1.49 .88 SAVE ON YOUR FILM | Ay _Limit—2 Per Customer ° jane - . EASTMAN-KODAK | &mm Color 9 saute th Size tone | Scarlett’ Bicycle and Hobhy si | 5 | ] 20 E. Lawrence. aad Pontiac “FE 2-1221 946) | «BRANCH STORE Reprieve — | 4624 Dixie Hwy., Drayton Plains =’ on 3.0021, TYPE 41 i Buy . | FREE cei Behind Both, Stores oo # Ay SAVE 30% ON ALL NAME BRAND SCREENS - shi We Have MARK DAVIS ANMERA ) It It’s Phair ra ct '83-North S - FE 4-9. lt for Less! inaw St. » Peltier, * Modeling some of their exotic creations are, left to right, Mrs. Tom Reese and two of her pepe Mrs. - Mrs. Lloyd Peltier took advantage of the hat-making course to outfit her- self and her six daughters with hats. Modeling their hats are, left to right, ety Z a #45 re Stee boys, too. Richard Pollock and Mrs. Roland Redner. } : . “ Pontiac Press Photos All those hats were made by the members of the group. Lou Anne, Mary, Lois, Loretta, Liana~ and Linda. Mrs. Peltier has three They Make Hats With $50 Look and Don’t Even Dent the Budget By LYDIA ROTHMAN Everybody knows how im- portant a woman's hat is to her. There are jokes about the wives. who gé out and buy a dozen when they're feeling blue: Somehow, hard working, long suffering husbands who pay the bills just don’t seem to understand the significance of a hat in a woman's life. Nine Pontiac area women and an_ enthusiastic teacher have hit upon the perfect so- lution for having as many hats as their hearts desire — for almost no cost — as well as doing something creative in their spare time. _ They make their own. : * x * The women, all neighbors ’ {n the Cass Lake Woods Sub- division, decided they needed something. to do besides play- ing. bridge, — : So, Mrs. Reland Redner, Mrs, Richard Polli¢ck, Mrs. James. Corbett, Mrs. Robert Hewlett, Mrs. Sam Piken, Mrs. Charles Winters, Mrs, LI and Mrs. Hobart .Doerr got Mrs. Varce Murray- together and enlisted the help: of Mrs. Torn Reese. ‘Mrs. Reese had taken an elective course in millinery at Wayne State. University while she was working for a degree in home economics. * * * One evening>a week, the women met at one or another's ° home and Mrs, Reese lectured on hat-making for an hour. She then discussed any prob- lems that might arise. After the lecture, Mrs. Reese returned to her own home and children, but the - “students” remained on into the night working diligently on their hats. More than once they were busily stitching and creating until 2 a.m, in the morning, x * ® And a more professional and exotic dooking group of hats we never saw! Old and hopeless hats were turnéd into gnés that could be mistaken for a $50 Mr: John. original. with .a dash of imagination and an in- expensive ribbon or ornament. Mrs. Reese had her pupils - get their ideas from hats in _the high price range, but $1.75 ° was the average cost of most. of the: hats. Also to keep cost down to | a minimum, the women used everyjhing from flower pots to old pans and ice cream car- b ft tee tons for bases to fit materials to. . : e “‘Cooperation,”” was the key- note of the group said, Mrs. Reese, who had ‘as. much fun as her students, One girl would serve dessert to the group at her home the evening of the lesson, Others would buy ma- terials and decorations for those who couldn't get out be- eause of: children, and one woman who had had experi- ence with flammable materials ttok charge of glues and paint. “The women were all busi- ness too,"’ says Mrs. Reese. “No gossip with those ladies!”’ The course of five lessons included a movie from Wayne entitled ‘‘Hats For You."’ Mrs. Reese hosted a+ workshop at her home for the sixth lesson and a style show for husbands climaxed the course. At the show, each woman . modeled her hat, ‘‘which really did something for her.’ One of the important points of. the course was to design a hat to bring out each woman’s per- sonality and good features. The women were so enthus- iastic with the results that they plan to continue lessons this fall. ‘Verne Griffin, Local OES Fetes Past Leaders 100 Turn Qut for Dinner Meeting of Chapter 228 Past matrons and past pa- trons were honored by Pontiac Chapter 228, Order of the East- ern Star, Monday evening at Masonic Temple, One hundred guests were present. Mrs, Theodore Marchbanks, worthy matron, was in charge of the dinner, Distinguished. guests present were Mrs. Paul Hagle, past grand matron of grand chap- ter of Michigan; Mrs. Roy Wil- ton, past grand Martha; My David Varran of grand helping hand committee; Mrs. Archie Moore, Marquette, Michigan grand secretary of Job's Daughters. Past matrons and past~ pa- trons present were Mrs. Kent Webb, Mrs. William Sherwood, Mrs, Earl Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mor- gan, Wayne Scott, Mrs. Sam Smith, E, Grace Clark, Mrs. Marie Gix, Mrs. Arthur Mac- Adams and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald’ West. Others were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boorn, Mrs. Sylvan Clark, Mrs. Cecil Diehl, Mrs. Floyd Levely, Mrs. Ruth Au- gustiné, Mrs, Walter Drake, Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth ..An- thoriy, Mrs.. Wayne: Reaves, Mrs. Eldon Sweazy, John Gib- son, James Householder, Mrs. Pauline Markett, Mrs. Ger- trude Smith, Paul Hagle, Mrs. Kate Turner and William Cou- sins. . During dinner, Mrs. Sweazy sang two solos. Mrs. Harry Dickie was chairman of the dinner with Mrs. Robert Byrnes, chairman of the din- ing room. Register May |] for Scout Camp Registrations will be ac- cepted for Girl Scout? Camp Sherwood, beginning May 1 at Community Services. Building. Registrations will be taken from-any girl whether or not she is a registered Girl Scout. The .second regular session at Camp Sherwood is now filled, and the third session is nearly filled. There are still openings for the first, fourth and most of the specialized sessions. Baldwin PTA Plans Thursday Banquet Baldwin PTA will hold a mother-and-daughter banquet at 6:30 p.m. Thursday evening. Mrs. ._ Vernon McFarland, chairman of the banquet com- mittee, has planned the menu ‘for the event. As. an added feattre, the group will.see a special style show under’ the direction -of Mrs, George Gaches, g Thursday Week’ patil. 2 Will Pave Way for — Concert Series members to attend not only the - local concerts, but. any Civie Music Concert anywhere in the United States without addition- al charge. rae nd ee oe Last year members heard the Vienna Choir Boys, singer Blanch Thebom, pianists Fer- rante and Teicher, and harpist Mildred Dilling. In addition, many members were given the opportunity to visit Rochester concerts and hear Ruth Slen- ezynska and the Rondoliers, Rise Steven's concert at Tren- ton, and various nationally known performers at Lapeer, . x * * Programming for 1959 will be scheduled at the conclu- sion of the one - week mem- bership drive, when officials can determine how to budget the funds collected. BASIS FOR PROGRAM The success of the drive will establish the type of cal- iber in ‘the entertainment to be presented for the yeaf’, Miss Beattie said. ‘“‘A Civic. Music membership is one of the most valuable and inexpensive lux- uries 6n individual can own,” she added. Those wishing to join the association have been asked to contact Mrs. Lyndon Salathiel for further information, PTA Banquet’ to Fete Mothers and Daughters Longfellow School PTA will hold daughter banquet at.6 p.m. Thursday in the school gymna- sium. The Girl's Glee Club will sing several selections under the di- rection of Mrs. William Cheal, and ‘'Milky the Clown’’ will en- tertain. * * Mrs. Olin Simonds is chair- man, assisted by Mrs. Clifford ~ Hickmott, Taking part in the program will be Mrs. Allen . Ebey, Mrs, Robert Dohner and Lois Dohner, ° Mrs. .Ebey is in charge -of decorations, assisted by stu- dents of Mrs, Peter Spring and Mildred Gingell. Others assisting are’ Mrs. Baker, Mrs, Harley Braner, Mrs. Berj Geriekian, Mrs. Ber- nard Stickney, Mrs. Paul Chan- cey, Mrs. Thomas Bartle, Mrs. Thomas Mitchell, Mrs. Lloyd Manns, Mrs. Gilbert McClellan, Mrs, Jack Stephens and Mrs, Dohner. Pine Lake Club to Hear Talk on Wild Flowers Dr, Warren Stoutamire of Cranbrook Institute 6f Science will present a program on the subject “Wild Flowers and Mosses on the Protected List,’’ at the Thursday meeting of the Pine Lake Branch of the Women's National Farm and Garden Association. Members will meet at 1 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Charles Lawrence. Following Dr. Stoutamire’s talk, which will feature slides and specimens of wild flowers and mosses common to Michi- gan, dessert will be served by Mrs. Lawrence and Mrs, Don- ald G. Wolf, cohostess. PEO Group Meets Chapter CL of PEO Sister- ~ hood met Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs, A. A. Dodd - Denby drive, with Mrs, Max Fell. as Cohostess, Mrs, Fell and Mrs, Clark Morgan, dele- gates, reported on the state convention held Rapids, in Grand its annual mother-and- - . can E., All set to attend a committee meet- ing for the bridge-tea, to be given at May 5, by the Alumnae As- sociation of Kingswood School Cran- brook at Craribrook House, are Mrs. A. W. Holcomb, left, and Mrs. John W. 1:30 p.m., | Pontiac Press Phete Crim, who is handling reservations. The tea will benefit the Ellen and Catherine Wallace Memorial Scholar- ship Fund. The Cranbrook Gardens” will be opened to guests Pevspncn Nex ews 3 of Personal lntaneet Mr. and Mrs. Frank Diener of Birchcrest drive have re- turned home after a 10-day vis- it with friends and relatives in Elk Rapids and Mt. Pleasant. * x * Planning a month's visit with her son and his family is Mrs. George MclInally of Hamilton street. She left Monday to be with her son and. family, the G, F. Mclnallys of Minneapo- lis, Minn; and to attend Su- preme Shrine there. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Dunean Mc- Vean of State Hospital Grounds were guests of their son, Dun- last week for the an- nual banquet of College of Pharmacy and Rho Chi So- ciety at: the University of Mich-° igan, Duncan .is president of Rho. Chi. * * * Donald Barnett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Barnett of Cherokee road, was among the top 50 scorers in the second annual Michigan Mathematics Prize Competition, in which there were 6,000 entrants. A senior at Cranbrook School, Bloomfield Hills, he has ap- plied to the sponsors for a tu- ition grant to the University of Mighigan. : x* * * Taking part in the annual - Spring Concert of Marygrove College Chorus at 8:30 p.m. Thursday is Sharon Holland, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. H. Russel Holland of East Irouqois . By RHEA E. VIETOR Women’s Editor The Pontiac Press For every rule there is an exception. In this case it is the editorial ‘‘we,;’’ for what I have to say is entirely al, I have lived in many cities Fin the United F° States. Some were large, some small. And in each case, I came ag a stranger. MRS, VIETOR With one ex- - ception I grew to love. my adopted town and its people. , road, and Marie Lewandowski, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arth- ur J. Lewandowski of Bloom- field Hills. * * * Danie} Patchin, son of Mr.- and Mrs, DeForest Patchin of Orchard Lake,’ was named to the honor roll at Emmanuel Missionary College. He is a freshman biology major and is a photographer for the “‘Stu- dent Movement,” student news- paper, and a member of the publications committee. * * * Fifty young people members _ of the Severith-Day Adventist Church Pathfinder Club of Pon- tiac are leaving Sunday for the annual Pathfinder Fair at Grand Ledge Academy, Grand Ledge. Richard C. Edens, local director? Hiinter L. Saville and Mildren M. Saville, deputy di-. rectors, and about 10 other adults will accompany _ the group. *~ & * Elected one of the first mem- bers of NU Chapter of Sigma Phi Alpha, dental hygiene hon- or society at the University of Michigan, is Joan Keevil. She is daughter of Dr. and Mrs. George Keevil of Bloomfield Hills. x* * * At Western Michigan Univer- sity, Aaron G. Wright is a member of Phi Alpha social fraternity: pledge class, He is a freshman business adminis- tration student and, was elected Although. I live in a “suburb” of Pontiac, I spend the largest part of each day here in your city, and as far as I am con- cerned, ‘Pontiac is my home town.” * * * I have never in all my trav- els met more friendly, inter- esting and helpful people. If this ig the true community spirit; I- have caught it. Charlotte, North Carolina, was my favorite home town— until we moved to Flint, Both Charlotte and Flint have one outstanding characteristic be- sides friendliness, and that is . an enthusiastic and contagious air of civic pride. Wein Pontiac have much to be proud of in the field of cultural opportunities; ‘There is 3 vice president of his class. He « is the son of Mrs. Jane Wright of LaSalle street, 2 &> 2 William B. Gilbert, son of Mr, and Mrs, D. E. Gilbert of © Birmingham, was initiated into Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity at Michigan State University, A‘~ member of the class of 1962, he is majoring in accounting, A stele Mr. and Mrs, James Larees of Parkhurst Street announce Pontiac’s Friendly Spirit Catching! the birth of a daughter, Krystal Eten, born il 23 at Pontiac General Hospital, | Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Fetherlyn of First street are grandpar- ents. * * 2 Announcing the birth of a son, William Edward Jr., born - April 11 at St. Joseph Mercy. Hospital, are Mr, and Mrs, Wil- liam Edward Tuttle of Lans- downe street. Grandparents are Mr, and Mrs. James Tuttle of Lake An- gelus Shores and Mr, and Mrs... Russell Bowshell of Lancaster road, * «* * _ Announcing the birth of a pip age Kari Lynn, born April 23 -at William Beaumont Hos- — pital, are Mr. and Mrs. Harold Andrews (nee Ina Sprogis) of Madison Heights. ‘Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John Sprogis of Rochester and Mr, and Mrs, Charles G, Andrews of Joslyn road, “= admittedly, room for further * growth and development along. these lines. The satisfying thought to me is that there are many leaders who are working constantly toward a higher goal than they have al- ready achieved. > The new Town Hall series is one example. There will be others. For as the need. | citizens SID ‘and lovely, Tie howe Fis lustrous and . beautifully manage- : ~ @s modern o$ tomor- do—visit our salon “Controlled Permanent $7 50 - $10 NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY—IMMEDIATE SERVICE Open Mondey and Friday ‘til 9 P.M. Special Purchase NEW MILLINERY An outstanding assortment of lat- est styles and colors. Arrived: in time to give you extra savings dur- ing Value Days. Values to 35 BY $15.00 , : Millinery, second floor. un Ons To wear everywhere and be smartly comfortable, rain, shine or blow. Cotton knit trim collar and cuff. Fancy print linings. Beige, green, aqua, white. ii 10 to 18. $1Q°2 Car Coats. Main Floor. : ~ Quaker First Ceaiity i 4 : | ( of : ' These are our regular fine, first quality — $1.35 hose. Specially priced during 4 4 Value Days. : o* 96 rr. : ‘ | ¥ &% & ¥ E areetee see A A eh PACA Aes: BSG LS pees —_ BEES Aon an | Genuine Leather d HANDBAGS =| 4 The newest styles, the newest colors : and many, many different designs ~ from which. to choose. Navy, black, | red, bone. Remarkably priced ot ~ new sovings. . ; : Values to $15.00 \ * 3 Accessories, main floor. left to right: ‘| A Collection of CREAMY WOOL COATS __ The Wilshire . . . Designed for Smart Wear Everywhere — Very Special Values at. Misses’ sizes 8 to 16 L . \ See es Se eee Lee. Ge ee i ee eS SS a 4 Vanguard of fashion ion. . . dazzling, dramatic white . . . superlatively —§$ p90 The Hollywood Wrap « interpreted in two designer-favorite woolens . . . The Wilshire, white, Misses’ sizes 8 to 18 — ‘bamboo beige; The Hollywood cashmere blend . . . nude, bamboo; The Santa Monica .. . white, bamboo beige. Every stitch, every detail, - The Santa Monica... every tine of these ‘exciting coats bespeaks the hand of Dumas, a Junior Sizes 5 to 15 - master California maker, * apectaculer values at $29.90, ? _ = —s Banaras ” BEAUTY AND BARBER SHOP MAIN FLOOR = get t Cle vale ashioel in. your. automatic washer ee mee : All you need do is add one cup of LrrTLz Bo-Pzer Ammonia Cleaning Compound me to your soak or suds cycle. ‘Laren Bo-Paer acts as a booster to your favorite soap or detergent, It dis- solves grease and loosens dirt faster. And . Vo aie gba and clean . ne or curds. errs + ee ew A oe oo AMMONIA CLEANING COMPOUND FOR ALL YOUR CLEANING CHORES Write for free booklet. PUREX CORPORATION, LTD., CHICAGO 36, ILL. Ap Se 2 ROR a > ee OPEN EVERY NICHT TO 9 =D FRAL Downtown AND a “ — Drayton Pisins Stores Sia alta a ry ak I RO RR IN ORO RE Re RR RRO th M m > takes inches away the cotton-cool way Nits Dewy The same wonderful control ... now ina new summer fabric Now you can get the famed “Inches Away” girdle but in a newer, cooler, version! Smartly embroidered cotton front panel gives you marvelous con- trol of waist, tummy and hips. Has light leno sides, . satin lastex back. Available in sizes 27-34 in white. Federal’s expert corsetieres will fit you correctly for comfort and figure flattery Buy your foundations at ‘Federat’s the easy woy... just sey. = ss ' Children’s clothing, hand sewn linens, and | ‘layette items will be shown when the League for the |~ Handicapped Display and Fashion Show is held May 8 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the home of Mrs, Semon Knudsen on Bingham road. Tot models. pictured Sale at Knudsen Home to Include Style Show, Tea Pontiac Press Phote above are, left to right, top row, Jannie Pearson, Les- lie Erb, Diane Loomis and Jefferson Eden. Libby Pearson, left, joins John Erb, center, and Timothy Eden on the bottom row. May 8 Exhibit to Feature Work of Handicapped The home of Mrs. Semon E. and Mrs. Robert VanderKloot, table linens; Mrs, John K, Stevenson and Mrs. Paul Mc- Kenny, bed linens; Mrs. Wright Tisdale, kitchen articles; Mrs. Richard B. Darragh, travel and. beach articles; and Mrs. Gregor Afflect, clothes. Patty Eden is in charge of the pre-school children who will model the hand - made children’s: clothing sewn by league mem- bers. There will be a fashion show three times during the day. x* *« * Mrs. E, Govan Hill: has chargé of flora] arrangements for the table linen displays which will be provided by the Bloomfield Hills, Cranbrook, branches of the Woman's Na- tional Farm and Garden Asso- ciation. EDERAL dept Summer fun demands ‘cool white cotton for perfect figuring by Circle stitch bra For lasting uplift. Styled on _princess line for flexibility. Sizes 32-40A-B-C. 1.90 Stores Federal’s expert corse- “4 tieres will fit you cor- rectly for comfort and _ figure flattery. Dualift strap bra with ringlet cups, supported by dual action straps, lined ¢ band. 32-40, A-B-C, 1.50 “a OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT! | Fill your bra wardrobe pow oe» pay later. Just say: “OPEN EVERY NICHT TO 9 Monday through Saturdey Downtown AND Drayton Plains N Seam-free comfort Slightly padded 4-section cups, no-carl anchor band. Sizes 32-38 A-B. 150 - ‘ard Teel, Mrs, Edward E. Rothman has planned the tea. Invited to pour are Mrs. James J. Nance, Mrs. Roger Kyes, Mrs. Ernest Breech, Mrs. George Romney, Mrs. John F. Gordon, Mrs, L. L. Colbert, Mrs, Har- old A. Fitzgerald, Mrs. Alfred Wilson, Mrs. Graham John Graham and Mrs. James Q. Goudie, * * * Hostesses will be Mrs. Henry J. Forster Jr., Mrs. R. Jami- son Williams, Mrs. Everett L. Mills, Mrs, Robert L. Graham, Mrs. Theodore Yntema, Mrs. E. Govan Hill, Caroline Kyes and Mrs. George Squibb. VOLUNTEER SALESWOMEN Comprising the volunteer sales force are members of the Village Woman's Club, headed by Mrs, David Burton. In- cluded will be Mrs. Warren Booth, Mrs: John Shenefield, Mrs. Fiederick Sanders, and Mrs. W. S. Gilbreath Jr. x ** * Still others are Mrs. Rich- Mrs. Edward E. Rothman, Mrs. James Bragaw, Mrs. Martin Butzel, Mrs. C. Theron VanDusen, Mrs. Mor-. gan Douglas Jr., ‘Mrs, David Lee, Mrs. Ernest Q. Jones, Mrs. Richard Wagner, Mrs. George Trumbull, Mrs, LeRoy Dahlberg, Mrs. Herman Scar- ney, Mrs. Carlton M, Higbie and Mrs. Clifford Ekelund, = 33 3g 7iz-2 3 = s ge FS) > = Be | 33 mt 8 z2 so Rie $3 ears g22¢ ES neemaieom f sae out a a “Fell Price $ Only For Home Demonstration Call CAPITAL APPLIANCES FE 5-9407 Sayles Studio Hwy. Drayton Plains Professional PERMANENTS Styled as YOU Like it! | «SAID ASS PARRING IMPERIAL BEAUTY SALON 219 Auburn Ave. FE 4-2878 No ) Appointment Nevecamry We Bay All Types of WASTEPAPER NEWSPAPERS 50¢ 100% CORRUGATED 70¢ 100# Pontiac Waste Material Co. 135 Branch , FE 2-0209 |. | L.. MEET for LUNCH RIKER FOUNTAIN Sealtest ice Cream Popular Prices Riker Byilding Lobby 559 haul LAKE FE 2.012 TWO DAILY DELIVERIES TO DETROIT AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS ; a y d £4 1 eke h } : { fs re 1E PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 19501 Lt ee | Feel ea ee ~ JOaklond.Church = Ladies Aid Meets Situation: | : | - sa \ “Dea Mrs. Pest: I have 4 s. language? The ELLIS | - aes, Se . ; seg S one re: ad — RS te OW, let, “What Every Teenager Morte and Mrs. Edna Matheny. | i= ve me, My hus- S363 : fr Se: ypu aad ee ea 25 cents and a large, self-ad-- and Mrs. Ana Lee Schwartz. : - ‘band wes married before and Se bites Bull. | of their own? Of course they | dressed, stamped envelope to The next meeting will be held at] “ 2 has two children by his pre- wa: bark, ee ated ~..| do! “Shep” hag been my com- ABBY; of this Mrs. mmade) ce he ewaies i vious marriage, They are both | a growl ofdis- | | “DEAR ABBY: I have been | panion for nine years, and he act Of GS, dewstnoee. levers. ¥ 4 living with their - r 1 F pleasure, or a looking for my Bible but I can’t says. to me very plainly, ‘Hel- a YS have met them several ties j ghine of tee | Gunter and verse where. it | you tat ey can understand ‘Unbelievable Buys all through the . du i : ‘ ; ; verse «wi you can *¢ ; — very well with ree oe came from, but please take | him, too, When Shep talks to uy ae FQUEg ' store ring be graduating this Sone oad Cutailigh- | oe eon in the Bike thet diferent language” but . It says in Pte wets | Gee on oe ero | atl ta iw Downtown Value Da st would be righ: for me to go ABBY bers of the an- speak and he did not best just Shee When adults learn with my husband to the grad- nimal kingdom. who communi- this gift on any other: living’ | to bark they will have come a uation exercises since her cate with each other, howeyer. creature, That should settle the long. way." mother- will also be theré.” =| The bee does a da nce to in- » question of whether or not dogs , SHEP’S MASTER §. _ 2 i form bees % a flower ae cactyeowspelilpiorotatnnremine-mieraetin sano te = — SPEAKIN Catan; | | S ri SEAUTY: } Colonial Lamp Groups — Soe | SET of 3 LAMPS, IN CHOICE of 2 STYLES | » slay away. the very ‘threshold of human é : : . _—_—_ words purpose. ne = mene Rog first y : : : ‘ ve me: information on a par- cabulary (‘whoo whoo whoo’), E I gon ; iy s., i ty that I believe. is called a | Gibbons have nine distinct earning. Perhaps the- & Ae Constantly Better oo «Priced | 7] 3 Lanpe * e e & it “trousseau tea’’? Is this some- | calls, each with a special mean- special benefity "4 like to Know The _eauly” school ‘@iptoma. is a ea aca sasiae thing new in the way of bridal | ing. such as, “Let's get. some — i * areeral The peowle “yo serve ‘ parties? fruit’ and~‘Stay away from j} 4. We Must Develop Your FULL- go “back to : my wife,’ etc. Vanee Pack- Seavhin =~ tend she hetr-, 20 you of eae craftsmanship. : Answer: On- the contrary, | ard’s ‘Animal IQ’ is my aw ne Ze OS eects toe aka estan ee tne ree this is a very old-fashioned thority. Sincerely,” et this Bg A > are a wave wished an ccpdiatinent Please ; , ' 1 party, much more typical of | BRUCE D. J expertment™ with — Fou Must Leave Us FEELING | « which ‘was all laid out on dis- | training animals and animals , r oman eliest she SPECIAL OF THE WEEK play, so as to be seen easily | DO talk. He further states that hes woliconfidence, Fou must Wub Teens Hair Cuts $1.00 and quickly. After looking at | French poodles talk French teove ogy shop prong te yee y 150 her things, she then served | and German Shepherds talk geiased. 30 ao Jour eyes sparkle! "nee le al tea. « | German and Russian wolf- ] | 0 eee 7 . donnell Hair Stylists Bar I acks 49 Auxiliary | 8. iieten ciGqnes bake BA Boneee | nue P.M. Daily “ob With or Withest Appointment FE 38-9639 Committee Heads Named prvervevrrvewvvwvewerwvrrverwv; HAIR FASHIONS . . . 1959 require the base Mrs. George Ault, president of; Mrs. Noah Batten and Mrs. Wi-|? of a PROFESSION AL PERMANENT. the Women's Auxiliary af World tjam McAlister were welcomed as 4 4 4 War 1 Oakland: County BEactlney members CALLIE'S BEAUTY SHOP > > 49, named her committee heads, . FE 2-6361 f coming t group’ The next meeting will be held 116 North Perry mda a ™ *| May 17 at VFW Hall. La nnannnsassdnacnaansenannantdh a—1e BOUDOIR LAMPS —22” COMPANION LAMP i of hobnail milk glass and brass . . . white shades covered a 2 with dotted marquisette and trimmed with ‘ball fringe. This group > will add a sparkling fresh note to your own bedroom — or make a@ wonderful gift! Individually boxed. All 3 lamps only $10. At Left: : 2—11 HURRICANE. LAMPS ; 1—17" COMPANION LAMP 3 . Hobnail combined with gleaming brass in an old oi! lamp design They are Mrs. James Nourijen, | Saindort historian; Mrs rae S TAPP’ S Invite You nies Shopping to... Showen and Mrs. Stuart Capren, flag bearers; Mrs. George Dam YOUR PICK OF FASHION FROM 6 nick, legislative; Mrs. Lucille Grees, hospital; and Mrs. Leo a DOWNTOWN PONTIAC SPRING VALUES . Offi cers Bring the kiddies downtown during Our Spring Value Days. Fit them out in —for Early American appeal! Hurricanes are attractive on mantel quality shoes styled for comfort and active wear. Save during Value Days, or console, companion chimney lamp on end table, occasional - too! table or desk. Especially pretty used in a bedroom! individually boxed. All 3 lamps only $10. 3 5 Installed by or | 7 | | Garden Club BR Fe Infants’ Hi White Shoes _ COLORFUL PILLOWS These are from our . The Bloomfield Hills Branch of seater sock of ql 25 Regularly $3.95 Each the Women's National Farm and ty, famous makes. Garden Association has installed’ pe ah i .. ‘| . 3 f $10 7 its newly-elected officers for| Broken sizes. : - og: or 1959-60. i : Mrs. John D. Tebben we presi- Regular $5.39 Wonderful for living room, bedrdont?, family room or den .. . in : dent; Mrs. Irving MacKenzie, : : a wide selection of sizes and colors! Gay corduroy and nubby | first vice. president; Mrs. Carl All shoes | textured materials:. Ail foam filled. : Larson. second vice president: Mrs. Dean Draper, assistant to Mrs. Larson, — won, corresponding secretary: | BOYS’ Brown FLIP-LOC Mrs. John Q. Nagel, recording “Quilted Diamond” BATH ENSEMBLE | @ Footed Waste Basket @ Facial Tissue Box e Unbreakable Tumbler secretary; Mrs, E. Gowan Hill, Oxfords that are oil 25 treasurer, and Mrs. Alan G. very, very popular. 5 * Our Regular Price... 95 tee Loofburrow, assistant treasurer. ee throughout. $ | pr. $: $ Chairmen of standing and special Weather-Birds in sad- 3- P| ECE SET—NOW ONLY 4. 95 committees are Mrs. Edgar Flint, die brown. , Richly finished metal tole with an all-over gold stipple. for that “look of luxury’! «The raised, quilted design comes in choice of. pink, blue or melon with white. At this price — buy several for gifts! Mrs. E, S. Wellock, Mrs. DeForest Reduced ior | Candler, Mrs. Frederick Jeynes., Value Da a to Mrs. Earl Thompson. Mrs. Donald Ol . James, Mrs. L, A. Wineman and ‘ Pre-Season Saddle Value Mrs. William Ferguson. For . boys, fhe ever Others are Mrs. J. Hawley Otis, p dy tar saddle for $ 2 5 | school, too. Black pr. | DECORATIVE CAST IRON TRIVETS Mrs. Willis Anderson, Mrs, W. Rodman Turner, Mrs. Lester Cole- saddle with white. Sizes 1242-3. Our Price Has Always Been $1.00 Eack man, Mrs. Charles Chubbuck, Mrs. Spring Value | $ piel 2 for *1.00 William Lloyd Kemp, Mrs. Robert Sadler, Mrs. Herman D. Scarney GERBERICH PAYNE. Clever, Colonial black cast iron trivets have always been popular for wall ; decor .. . particularly in kitchén or breakfast room. Buy them for your- For boys in .smart $ } 25 self. . , or for gift-giving! pr. ‘ 13 Mrs. John B. Hammond, Mrs. William L. Kahn, Mrs. E. S. Wel: lock, Mrs. Leslie H. Green, Mrs. John Cowen, Mrs. Leroy Vande- -veer and Mrs. Horace Shaw are also committee chairmen. and Mrs. Vernoon C, Genn. new oxfords. Sizes 34/2-9 POTTED ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS. The e SOYBEAN SER OEACH SLIPPERS Were $4.95 Each! We've assembled a table filled with values to keep little feet Has All the comfortablé. All types included in this group. You will find $] 95 each i) sizes to fit your tot. Come . in look them over. ; Look real! Smell real! Each blossom and leaf .act in detail and coloring © ~ Answers ane : ~—-s0 life-like you have to ‘touch to tell.’ Yet these flowers are so sturdy ’ pr ; that. you ¢an wash them right in the sink ... even use them out-of-doors. It’s as Nutritious as Choice of Ppteed. Tulips or Geraniums, Vitamin Pills } © SOY-0 Pancake IMPORTED WALL BAROMETER White Buck Gumdrops for Outdoor Girls . Flour . The smart shoe for tennis, boating, cycling and school, too!. You've: ‘ Was. $3 95 e WUEST'S Protein seen it in your favorite magazine. Ideal with shorts, kilts, skirts. | $4.95 - . Bread Saddle panel can be converted | This fige German import has a simplified, genuine Aneroid movement that : to include your school colors accurately forecasts the weather. Cased in polished mahogany with beveled and letters. All sizes available. front and brass fittings. 5'/2-inch diameter. ack “Rimi auaniity) © DR. FEARN’S Soya Powder © WUEST'S Cookies © SOYA BEANS in tomato sauce and Many Other Items as featured in May issue HOUSE BEAUTI UL ITALIAN OPALINE GLASS ASH TRAYS OR COASTERS — (Not shown) Italian imports suitable for ash trays or coasters. Decorated with cute Colonial figures and trimmed in gold. SET OF 8.......-$1.95 {t.-TTS ~ Friday and. - . Monday til 9 PAM 24 WEST HURON STREET Be the styles leader, be first with the Campus Queens a JUVENILE BOOTERIE 28 E. Lowfence St. (Open Mon. and Fri. to 9) We dive free bus tokens and i ; parking lot Natural Health| ming | Foods , 8 Mt. Clemens St. | FE 4-4601 ee OD See CT “2 ay.” * Z TT Te. Se Pe under water, handies ond Soecccegsosccesonagmens . 2 4 = , Saeed oh ae alta GOLF ; SHETLAND TOMMY ARMOUR $ TWIN BRUSH Championship FLOOR GOLF’ BALLS POLISHERS $15.00 $@ 88 du. Value MAINLINER . PRO STAR i ~~ , Em ARMOUR 75's. 3 . GOLF BALLS ‘piciadaat Fatt bd eee 25°. FISHING. SUPPLIES. * sare SAVE . Hundreds of Other Models RODS.-’- ,REELS -- LINE SHAKESPEARE--OCEAN CITY— ALGONAC WATER KING—BRONSON BIG DISCOUNTS 3 seer eso Tear : «LIMITED OFFER! ==: Sttick-Proof Surface | Bey Now ond SAVE $625 Bees P me SPRING SUPER SAVINGS on fabulous FARBERWARE Stainless Steel Cookware 1% QUART SAUCE PAN Thick heat spreading aluminum bonded to the bottom. ; Cleans easiest... needs a0 Cleanser. Just the right site forfrozen food | a hig ties wow ony 5° F _ 7" FRY PAN ah Thick heat spreading aluminum: for perfect, even cooking. _ The perfect all purpose fry pan. Cleans easiest... needs no ype Reg 1545 now ony °3°S WASTE BASKET SPOUT PAIL — DISH PAN" Thiet Cr 4” 66 Rust-Proof Aluminum 88° ICE CREAM SCOOP CLOTHESLINE 88° WHITE---PINK TURQUOISE 100 Ft.—Steel Core—Plastic CARLOAD SALE. PAINT NOW!!, $5.95 ALL-PURPOSE HOUSE PAINT $479 LT. and DK. GREEN Gal. DARK GRAY | HEAT RESISTANT. HIGH GLOSS INTERIOR ENAMEL MARINE ENAMEL WATER RESISTANT STAYS BRIGHT LONG WEARING Value WHITE ONLY VINYL LATEX,. WATER RESISTANT MASONRY PAINT FOR STUCCO, CONCRETE, ASBESTOS SHINGLES BRICK, PLASTER, CINDER or CEMENT BLOCK—WOOD SIDING Ge x: $799, MARY COLORS VINYL LATEX MASONRY PAINT HIGH FASHIONS > COLORS 79 DRIES FAST | SCRUBBABLE GAL. $5.98 Value NO LIMIT $2.95 T 69 Qt. oe se ) 7 LOSE ’ CHROME FOLDING HIGH CHAIR $1955 +6” low $190" ray PRESSURE COOKER 4-QT. iy $29.95 Value $1488 CHECK THE FEATURES — MENU _ GUIDE HANDLE— AUTO. AIR VENT— ONE-PIECE PRESSURE REGULATOR LUGGAGE Choice Colors — Aluminum Bound Edges — DLX Locks nee 21 Overniters FREE HAT BOX WITH EACH SET $19.98 Value 26 Pallmans PORTABLE WINDOW FAN 5-YEAR WARRANTY G-E MOTOR 20” SIZE MULTI-SPEED 19” Pvebe Lay-Away Now CLOCK RADIOS Reg. $49.95. $a¢ VALUE 18* Evans Bic ycles 2-WHEEL WITH nat Ars wn — BOYS’ or GIRLS’ $42.95 SBAGTORY MARRED PAINT JOBS SOME SCRATCHES—SOLD AS IS FIRST COME—FIRST CHOICE 5-Tube BIG SPEAKER § Telechron Clock - 7A 3 H.P.-4 CYCLE | - SELF-PROPELLED POWER MOWER = *64% b 33 HP BRIGGS & STRATTON — Dial Height ‘3 Wheels—4-Cycle Recoil Starter—Deluxe Steel 3 Case—Adjustable Cutting Height—Full 1. Year | Guordntes w— Lifetime Steel Base Warranty ‘SUN BEAM GOLDEN GLIDE MEN’S ELECTRIC RAZOR They s 0° All New With Cuarantee USE OUR FINANCE PLAN — $ Adjustable. Cutt Guarantee on Mot oo ow 3 HP CLINTON ENGINE — 4-Cycle — Steel Deck — Large Wheels — Recoil Remote Starter — Chrome Handles — Fingertip Controls — |. oe —- Full 1 Year FORMULA 10-6-4.FOOD for ~ LAWNS—TURFS-—TREES a 0 bags ‘21 || “MAGIC LOOP" All Channel ANTENNA-indoor Outdoor | : } $ We believe this grill isi EE This fabulous “Magic Loop” antenna, thriftily priced at 2 will pull in channels you never believed possible, particularly in poor $ 9 ie signal areas. Helps eliminate ghosts and outside interference to give mieten, aes victanp ob your TV set. Ligeia, Conge ont a cich to install anywhere inside or outside! SARAN PLASTIC MARBLEIZED TOP FOLDING COT. ¢ FOLDING TABLE Reinforced Legs—Folds Fiat 3. Sinbeam << Complete With Ss a, Leather Zipper with aint Travel Case : $ 95 Big Roar Value Only NO TRADE NECESSARY { Delicious coffee every time! REVERE WARE COFFEE MAKERS git can x Ne, "rw w wr were Enjey the true a perfectly brewed coffee . . Sohent Gap sett vers Cin en AL! 6-Cup Coffee 4 REGU LAR Regular Price $11.95 FLOWERS—TREES —_ 32-Qt Sauce Pan..... 3° $ LAWNS-SHRUBS =. ONLY . 6” Wt vowendsaveg ~=©—)6 WEGETABLES hee $2. Ot Double Boiler... .°5" 3 50 $199 HEDLUND DELTA CHAMP | WATER SKIS. 3 They f i Pr. “SKIL TOOLS Ma" erties DRILL WwW WITH. JACOBS CHUCK GOLDEN COMPLETE LAWN FOOD WON'T BURN LASTS LONGER 50 1p, 2° 1" a — Pan we oe Nw HOURS: DAILY , 9:30-9:00 i. oe , " y TUR wad | MANY OTHER REVERE ITEMS - a ae AT BIG DISCOUNTS © “SUNDAY 932 WES OPPOSITE HUR SUNBEAM GIFT SUGGESTIONS | seting the disl. No CONTROLLED NEAT Sih ER a PO et ARE SHAPE KS 20% MORE . ‘than round pan, TRADE FAIR «$16.95 ‘$ COMPLETE - SUPER Value WITH CORD VALUE MODEL FST COVER EXTRA LOOK! SUNBEAM Reg. $19.95 STEAM & DRY IRON °4Q* SUNBEAM AUTOMATIC - TOASTER «S452 SUNBEAM AUTOMATIC HAIR DRYER *]§" Jodor's New sats T-Etes Grass Barrier , _— lawn olay “‘iust trimmed" » KEEPS GRASS PROM * SPREADING ELIMINATES HAND * TRIMMING easy TO INSTALL was |LOOK! ar. syn TRADE FAIR om T HURON M THEATER Perfect Cofitrolled . I Heat for more. deli- : cious foods by simply , more cooking failures. Aeon FRYPAN a the best value at lowest Complete Only — price in Pontiac. NGS $ ADJUSTABLE “1 88 GRiLL ) ag LARGE WHEELS | Full 2” Cross Bars, 2 Swings, $ } Rocket Glider, Trapeze Bar, . ‘Flying Rings! aannornonnnnnonnnnonnnnnnnnpnpnrnnmpphined GRASS SeED PGND GUARANTEED TO GROW NAAN OT en ee ay GRASS RAKE 59° LAWN SPRINKLER RECTANGULAR AREA—OSCILLATING Covers 45x35’. Sprinkle with fess water. 1 yeer guarantee. —~7 a *3% aati | cere SHOVELS | SHEARS 1 89 ke ' 69° | CLOTHES. tga Big Size Durable Sit asi \ \ P pet ge ee a ee ger ee ae a Sir re ee a a Ee age ee PS ee See MC ee Pe ee " kn i / é rf { : ee ee Cae Wee ee ee te ee eee oe Ce Be AN eR OS a ee GR rd el ne = Acer Beer Cans: a at 7 ‘ ‘week librarian to try more} - -OKARCHE, Okla. + Baward|eruit in different, trom his prede-| ween eenaeeeesesceennessceensanrs a writer. - and go\Coffey, a canataate for the cessors becadse he has more for-/_ This Valuable Coupon Entities the - : ; * ® i = Okarche city council had two. un-|mal education, \ Bearer to a ih Dinlt Fresh - Ub There, he Sscsliad.. he some) Braine is ata: proud of hig usual pare in his campaign plat- pene REMUS | Good times had to pawn his best pairjworking class origin. But as. to|form. promised to pay $50| In 1957, 19,300 school Thurs. trousers to raise the for|being one of Britain's Nsdigcyiiie anther part & Wieeaieriond tir Cred tee nf BUTTER Oe 5 ig men,” he said: “It's non-jof'a town marshal and to jnitiate - - . é “ WITH MEAT PURCHASE i bel that he det such group {ja campaign to keep empty beer An average adult PLS ‘ cans off-city: streets. ee OE NATIONAL sFOOD STORES ° Rosedale Sliced - ial Pineapple "en! $700 Sweet Peas 9": $400 | Grapefruit. 5°51 Natco Milk: 8':2°51% 4 baad Land, Srey. Raspberry or - 3 pbs te ie ca a oe Jelly .. Pork «Beans 7 ‘= 51° SauerKraut Q "225400 dedi Glo Cut oe Preserves... 3 : Green Beans 8" “1” Apple Sauce 6 22: $19 | a - BOWL SET... . . 999° Soft, Comfortable Plamp! Plumply Filled Decorator Colors . $ 00 | TOSS PILLOWS .. = *1 Baker's Dozen ny $ 00 | DISH CLOTHS... “: *f Ming, 50 Count Orange Pekee ond Cut Black 00 TEA BAGS wum «2, 5] . 6-Piece Ceramic Floral Designs $ 00 « SALAD BOWL SET *] ai x 54" Wipes Clean‘Quichly and Easily ; $ 00 ‘TABLE CLOTHS 2 °T Brand-Rich Tomato Flavor i : Be eee ee es soca : | ae. fr +. Stockton Brand ; ) : : 14-0:. : Bottles a | , \ TE ee On RO cee ae ee eet ee iS en are ee ee ce a a ee Fig Bars _ ee ‘90 " + AY Biscuits . e Eee Tubes = 29° mci aga semen Te 19°} Grass & .. 1 49 sp f Ne bs ans ee \ Fee “- _THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 1959 oe a oe K — ~ A, . hind tit Gani tom we bevel ttn 7 Fath oa t), the wor if better materials, better engines, “heat = more = 1 on ae Se pt arson ee 7 CONTACT Lain ag’ a. , | 7 ‘DR. C. L. PHILLIPS: | =} cue. * ® Bes Opto } prog hen age ers slag “ ed Announces The Removal of His-Office N Pa yin lat yet Tor Dr. i Y ee * To \ Voice Crying in the Wilderness. have helium for the sister ship, | « ) © tis fora, Sabetad Shy an the 12130, which ta time was looming the capil shig ot tel 206 CAPTFOL SAVINGS & LOAN \ ‘Frente ite euthuslanm for Ronen. scrapped along with the old Grat iword's navies.” the vigorous for/My BUILDING \ ) dahi’s dreams. Private enter- ip mer commander of a World War II \ AE srg gongs “IE Ickes. hed produced the belt = Ree! \ 75 WEST HURON ST. \ um r ; « Russia Lcesdaithantal ce or ga oe in lighter-than-air ships would have|of them. Our detection eyetens \ PONTIAC, MICHIGAN * Se ’ alia t ee present stinks. The airship is the|™§ on te ; a here> and aval arent that we would have had|answer. In time, aircraft carriers \ LIMITED PARKIN REAR FE 4-321 A long-range picket dirigibles by 1940] and big merchantmen will be sub- naan and I don't rule of the possibility|mersible, to atford cover and end LLL hho 2 Redeem these coupons for up to 300 Extra Free Holden Red Stamps with your purchase of $5.00 to $30.00. Use any ‘combination (or a single coupon). For example: If your purchase amounts to $20.00, use the 50 and 150 wee coupon. This Coupon Good for This Coupon Good for , —S< This Coupon Good for 50" Stamps=<= =-100" Stamps = 150" Stamps =< mei a With $5 purchase not including ->-) : Waihi 910 pashets ‘et pated) ~ > With $15 perchase not including Beer, Wine or Cigarettes ao SS Beer, Wine or Cigarettes Beer, Wine or Cigarettes gala leakalole => Redeem this Coupon et National Food = Redeem this Coupon at National F “ Stores, Coupen = Prices effective thru Sat., M 2nd. right to limit quentities. ener She Dole's Colorful Fi *, ne fate e sia te. >, 3 : og PR e e NO. 30. é () + » ns “e a ae, Pee, ry is fates, enna eae y CS * ~ Pe, ; e *, x hy * . . ’ ‘sy * ory * fet * Pt) a tae ost , ote * s, eae Feely as Do weet e tats oe 8, Wolch’s Candy Treat’s || ,., , Fresh Pack “ C f it j ; i 46-02. Chocolate Twists ‘*" 29‘|| mi a ee? ee rs Pm Peck Butterscotch 14-08 29: Tuna Fish eexecee Raspberry Twists“ 25‘|| Mushrooms... . 4 = lFruit Buttons 9 "*" 29° Mario Olives. ..2 Fresh Peck Peppermint a ell en. Lozenges ee 29 'Geam Corn... 6 1.06 Orchard Fresh Frozen ORANGE JUICE Mix ‘em or Match ‘em! Your Choice ‘ i s: : Sliced Beets 10%251° GC Steak Sauce 10 =: 54° ot Potatoes... 102" 54° Muffin Mix . 10‘: 54° Pancake Mix 10 +=: 4 Peas & Carrots1Q "=: thd ba Banquet Froven Apple or Cherry | Top Taste Froven Beef; Chicken or Turkey PAM DRY FRY Kiciney Derk Red 10 == 54° Fruit Pies . 3° 51° Meat Pies 5% 949 | r-tcam ss ey Beans Lets You Fry fama Without Fat! [ame oz. $449 49 Butter Beans 10°22" 51° Potatoes... 1Q"=2" 94 Spaghert...10=51 Tomato Soup p 10%51° BC | Blackeye Peas 10 =" 54° Lima Beans” 10 *1° Pineapple .. .10 = 54 ‘Biscuit Mix ...1Q 2.54% | Vegetables . 10% 51% | White Hominy. 10= “" ay Top Your Dessert with -_ 2 9: Dinner Bell . 5 54 00 Presto Whip .~ Margarine 14-0Z. CARTON Herdy—U.S. No. 1 Your Choice of 9 Varieties Plymouth iv Rose Bushes «= 99: ‘ Y Plus 100 FREE ein ; ee Clean and Washed - tn Cello With Purchese of Any , Rose Bush * ~ Redeem this conpon. at National Food. Store, Coumen. expires [te Grend Siem Brand < For Finer Léewns | eee Liv ie Lake Michigan serving all three Upper Peninsula iron ranges, the Marquette, Menominee ‘and » — PORT OF IRON—Here a Great Lakes freight- er loads iron ore at the Chicago & Northwestern Reany ot b eee A Beautiful Peninsula . UP Great Midwest ‘Treasury’ - Michigan has made only a start Technology at Houghton has the in the utilization of its billions of | Forest Products Research Division, See one ee. et the Ford Forestry Center, ‘the In- stitute of Mineral Regearch, elec- UP farm production is worth $18), brain computers, ‘an atomic Michana newemes an tion to Michigan Week a3) ESCANABA — Visitors’ reaction| ™illion yearly, most of it coming) actor and one of the finest tech-| Michigan's Upper Peninsula is|‘om ee ee ee school reputation in the world by its small population| volume despite many farm to. serve-its more than 3,000 stu in a state and nation so generally| dations, Ae dents. , * * * phical} The Peninsula is about 80 per! Northern Michi igan College at Michigan, and it has not enough/cent wooded, and forestry and| Marquette has over 1,700 students People to make two Flints. In ajwood conversion are its largest in-land has had a phenomenal growth state with nearly 8 million people/dustry. This industry is in a healthy|i, students and plant. poll. =. ~ya Arona eames pad woh gs a taal esti Upper Peninsulans believe that even brighter. This 8 suggests to| The Peninsula’s forests have| beautiful peninsula, look "about some @ poor area, restored so spectacularly that) you” refers to the Upper Peninsula. is actually one of the Midwest's|the eastern UP now has a wood - of raw mate-/surplus, ang the federal forests Fas. The Unper Peninsula's econ|there are unable to maintain de-Michigan Appoints omy has always been based most|sirable cutting programs because ren, woon prodection of tinber|/be marieted. IN@W Military Chief LANSING %) — Brig. Gen. | contribution to the | Ronald D. McDonald has been igan ' ppointmen: 8 \~ which has increased jobs in the | Lower Lakes. One of this cen- nmced Cnanter by Gov. WE tually reduced work in the Upper | the Mackinac Bridge, opened in state military forces. McDonald, of Okemos, tourist traffic and my influence iicrenetar Guaathdk tor eee Ge 3s. : : months, will succeed Maj. Gen. The western (mining) half of the} Manufacturing, after touching} George S. Moran who is retiring UP lost Ii per cent of its popula-|bottom with the expiration of some| April 30 after 11 years in the tion in 1940-50 and the eastern half|big timber type industries, is ris- (timber, farming, quarrying) lost|ing again, and education is boom-| He is a veteran of 28 years of one per cent while Michigan as ajing and relating itself closely to| National Guard service. The ad- . the Peninsula’s opportunities for] jutant general js the chief admin- growth by research and. training.} istrative officer of the state mili- "idoes not appear particularly fixed dates for independence, such as Nigeria, the Cameroons and Togoland, in a fairly loose organ- ization designed to settle disputes, promote health and scientific re- seanch, develop African culture and provide for a customs convention. a a ae Tubman, fingering a long cigar with churchillian poise and dignity, alarmed by the possibility of Com- Liberia has not exchanged diplo- matic missions with any Commu- nist state. “Africans generally believe in Communism,” he said, “but not the Socialist Republic kind of Com- munist penetration into Africa.}. munism. SUGAR id ine _ nee e " Y ;" Michigan Made Sugar makes good food taste better, because sugar is nature's own pure-food sweetener. lt not only adds its own delicious teste, but brings out the. best flavor of other foods. iiGAN MADE PUI Big Chief or Pioneer Sugar! MICHIGAN MADE PURE SUGAR processed in Michigan by Michigan wiCHIGAy MADE The “Other Michigan” below the} Michigan College of Mining-and) tary establishment. Straits ef Mackinac doesn’t know . r : ' Children’s Barefoot ‘SANDALS the U. S. Weather Bureau makes < iretate | Hie trie eLEGESE Sizes to 3 ~ Brown—White PLAYTIME : Ei if ir i F E i i HE CLIP THIS COUPON AND SAVE HEEL LIFTS | HALF: SOLES - Spike or Smell Cubes. Composition pr. ys RUBBER HEELS | oer ‘so “ay Bot Men, , : wen vie WEISHER’S wate YOU WAIT OR shor suevise | Beauligel-*flle Ton ’ M-24—LAKE ORION | MY 2-6193 at } . ‘ ' | URE - a= C30 ee - =| es DELUXE FOLDING CHAIRS and CHAISE | 1’ ALCOA ALUMINUM FRAME FIRESTONE VELON WEBBING Completely waterproof. 1” polished aluminum tubing. Fire- now only stone Velon webbing that is sturdily held by aluminum clips 4.99 each to prevent the webbing from moving ... . the result-is the [f Green and white siriped ultimate in comfort and economy. . Velon webbing. L. Qv NOW ON our. Full Size 4 Position CHAISE . CONVENIENT Paeeibecioncat ¥ fy | Ps J \ 4 | \ \ \ NEISNER’ S 5¢ 10 $1 — VARIETY STORES King Size CHAIRS ‘= a nd — : ify = x CH ‘BUY the complete Patio Set Py am — Ht aD POON GREEN _ STAMPS it: 1 Coupon. y aH 1959. the hee a —— _ ,CUT GREEN BEANS... cn 12° PORK AND BEANS........ ‘cn 12° California Solid Crisp Head WISCONSIN TENDER oe SILVER FLOSS alifornia Solid Crisp Heed = ONEY SWEET:PEAS...... cm 12" SAUER KRAUT...... 000... 2H on [2° | © PURE GROUND BLACK : ptttG=0 OW tebe! Ss . yh LE T T U C E FRANK'S PEPPER. ......... co 25° SALAD DRESSING. Yer 29 SAVE PURE VEGETABLE SHORTENING 5¢ off 9 SPRY or CRISCO i t 3 = 59 - FOOD FAIR DELUXE . . . White, Yellow 19-Oz, Cc | * er Devil's Food Box WELCH'S — C PURE GRAPE JELLY / a“ 2 29 CYPRESS GARDENS : Toll” ; ORANGE DRINK = @@@e@ @ @ Can GERBER'S BEECH-NUT OR HEINZ 4. 5 5 € . Older Jars JUNIOR FOODS ee™ FRESH ROASTED, FULL BODIED, RICH FLAVORED’ FO D FAIR COFFEE 8 49 is cece es rotniac MIRACLE MILE SHOPPING Open 9 fo 9 Daily si THT TTT. RIVER sy - Saturdays —8 to 9 © . JW GREENE STAMPS SAVE SWEET RED RIPE ‘WATERMELON . . 9: | PMA GREEN STAMPS SAVE chp ris POA GREEN STAMPS SAVE ctD ONOTN GREEN STAMPS ce FOOD FAIR'S GOLD LABEL - 2 ‘ e at ps * 4 . ie a A Your Choice of All Popular Flavors! HALF a 49° CARTON .™ | SEA FAIR QUEEN Frosen “40 On $1.00 Red pnp 5 Piss. | TREESWEET Froten 6 Oz. $400 Orange Juice nevis 5 Cans | 3°. GREEN STAMPS “AW GREEN STAMPS # TELEGRAPH at SQUARE LAKE Road Closed Sunduys — at HALL ROAD and VAN DYKE bivL 358 1 f i REG GEELG SEARLE. ene SUF . : i fi tei i Choice of: 200 club single. sheets, ond 100 envelopes—or 100 large. monarch sheets ond 100 en- | velopes. | Quality white or blue vellum. Name ‘Band address on sheets and envelopes | in choice of imprint. style 8T (shown on larger monarch sheet) or style HL ishown on club — J. D, Hogan, general man- st Michigan Consolidated Gas far cesses tooled them. good driv- Suggests: ‘‘It ing habits while still young.” E ie iy oe FG aes Hi +4 it Hee yotethers who tad. = [omy ceenrded a8 8 lack"at dip achievement three Rs, adiginadice, eoeea | Louis G, Popp, 52, a plant fore- man in Oak Park, said on educa- tion in general “I know it superior to the one I got. especially in favor of the extra Driver train- ahd One of the most enthusiastic re- sponses. came from. Willard C. Goist of Adrian, who. said: I am think the ed- ceeicn svetema 1 Adena te ter- not tanght te. stunly.” Wiliam H. Coatney Jr., a De- growing elopment the fringes of cities. Roy Lord, a farmer and township super- visor near Battle Creek, spoke of their particular problems: “Our school district is made up mostly of homes, When: new homes are built and the families who buy them send two kids to school the added valuation brought by the’ home doesn't pay the added cost: of Deoriding schooling for the two “We've been trying to keep up with the Joneses -- large adjacent school. districts, We can’t provide educational opportunities equal: to larger school districts without a more , favorable distribution of state aid funds that gives greater consideration to the poorer school troit insurance agent, believes districts.” to Visit Queen Juliana Adamski, 68, who claims to. have from Venus and Saturn. court spokesman said Queen Juliana likes to meet specialists in every field. Buy School Bonds DETROIT w—A $1,800,000 bo issue for new school construction in Lake Shore school district o St: Clair Shores has been pur- chased by First of Michigan Corp. THE HAGUE, Holland (UPI) — : taken seven trips in flying saucers} and a group of 18 other investment firms. The bonds mature in 2 years and are being offered at rates to yield 3 to 45 per cent interest, ae tt te tlt) inva Wiki mee Black, red, blue plaids ‘Wi Shasta chisd: Nocoumenes with yon in Getapec et ital aad cool the sportswear season. Sizes 10-18. This weekend only! nensauenseakene al aN | | Wit) . EACH WEEK WATCH FOR OUR ANNIVERSARY SAVING! \ Handsomely, packaged for gifts. Why not order now at this low price. General Printing & Office Supply 17 W. Lawrence , Free Parking and Bus Tokens For Our Customers school systems (extremely varied) Haven housewife, said: ginning pay is too much and the maximum ts too low.” Chester Swanson, in the septic tank business in Grand Rapids, said: “Teachers get a beautiful, salary.” Chester B. Andrews Jr., a Grand! Rapids office manager, declared: “T wouldn't have their jobs for any money.” Séveral poopie nines a . Special price! MANUFACTURERS co-op SALE We have received a SPECIAL PURCHASE from - Leathercraft, Tufhide and Dopelt Leather Goods that enables us to offer you a real ‘savings on ‘Brief Bags. We have only 42 and* when they ’ are gone, we cannot secure any more at this < TUFIDE BRIEF BAGS ~ This top value Brief Beg has TUFIDE cov- ered metal an with Stebco's . ented molded “ Rail protected edges. 3 expanding pockets, molded lifetime han- dle and brass-plated hardware. Stebco’s unconditional . $-year Genuine Leathercratt BRIEF BAGS Aras adaption, Tan . DOPELT omnes plated locks «| ~. BRIEF BAGS ass hgrdware end Yeet. plo ares eee . #9” j as sine 2e: | » 18” Size, $16.50 Value, ‘1 al t guarantee! lt spect «$9.58 gg Horney oo $1 1.49 see earns E they t i strong and weak points of the} ‘Tdeal for year "round use. Wear them with ot with: out hose. Provides day long foot tects hose from snags. ‘ _ Helanca stretch hose savers fit snugly. Save 17¢ on 3 pairs now! Special a hl Special 24” diameter, 18 gouge steel bowl, chrome plated grid,, crank type raising and lowering mechanism, zine + plated legs, fold for easy. storage. pialiatane 3 IN 3 hese at Fountain Managers’ Weik End Special Ae Blt 1 ge Tasty - Special “9 5. §&. K RES SGE COMPANY For lerger yards, beavy duty, faster mowing, We've calerged cur mowers; added improved features, and cut the price! You can’t beat these mower values! 21’— $37.88 Wonderfully adequate for average yards, ror ing of starter cord, er ye Eee (re . BOTH MOWERS HAVE— RECOIL STARTER requires no hand wind- di. _ sraaemnme STEEL WHEELS with tractor: Full 21” cut with 2/2 H.P. Clinton Engine. a a 0 gitea sow entire engine anytime within years at a minimumi cost, HEAVY GAUGE STEEL CHASSIS with LEAF CHER, ° - terrain, : et — : ; ORITE BEARINGS that never need oitlag. CHROME PLATED ADJUSTABLE HANDLE, Ecko Fae, a a baie Ee for easier operation and storing. all Weekly totus Ne Carrying Charge 9 . : PORTLAND, « Ore. Se 4 sors i Y ae ie; — ) AO i eS 3 j ee oA n> 14 Fi aS wf % i’ : PAs f F yogecbo eine slugging catcher. eed “4“We're not going*to trade him,” _— rate. MacPball said. The NC esterda « The Tigers were washed out of | AA y y refused to their night a with the Balti-| post -DETROIT (UPD) — Bill Norman NCAA Expected \to Crack Down on Aid Practices NEW’ ORLEANS, (AP) — The NCAA, on notice it will make a broad study -into the recruiting and financial aid of college ath- létes, may lower the boom today on offending members. * bd * The final ‘session of the three- day meeting of the powerful ex- -\ecutive council of the National Collegiate Athletic Assn. was de- voted to a report from its com- ,|mittee on rules infractions. The . “Baseball Made Plain,” "lout too. soon. A man suggested Jone Fan Slggests Different ‘Type iaseiages etters, Letters ter reset as part of a June 26 twi ‘night doubleheader. Fe The suggestions hed ranged from batting order changes. to saying prayers.” Aside from the letter-writers were sympathetic; no one was abusive. ee One woman fan wrote. that Norman was taking his pitchers leaving. the pitchers. in “even though they get slaughtered and ‘ty, |committee had 18 cases under yr, * * ilighten or revoke penalties. im-, |posed against the University of, |Southern California for athletic | "iment, meted out last Jémuary, only me 13'bans the school from the NCAA| “|television program for two years) broke and unemployed, says then maybe they won't be so anxious to go to the shewers early the next time.” “You have my sympathy,” ‘wrote a man who said he’s been a: Tiga Gp stave Gn days of Ty Cobb. + |, , “I ‘think your trouble is that One suggested batting order made Harvey Kuenn the cleanup hitter and Eddie Yost hitting fifth might be solved by converting ___ THE PONTIAC PRESS.” WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1050 Stadium Goal Is 1961 —The - 40,000-seat foot- ball stadium for the new U.S. Air Force Academy may be ready by the fall of 1961. Harvey Kuenn into a first base- man and putting Johnny Groth in. iRussell D., Rw The target date was fixed” by Law of Colorado Springs after his selection yester- day as chairman of a committee COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo.) (standingr looks for an opening partner D pion Floyd E day night. Rhodes with a stiff body blow. London meets cham- tterson in the 15-round title bout in Indianapolis Fri- : AP Wirephote SHARPENS ATTACK — British heavyweight, Brian London after he doubles up his sparring AP Wirephote OLD FORM — Baseball Hall of Fame member Jimmy Foxx } plays a game of fungo with the | | neighborhood kids at Phoenix, | Artzone, where he has time to spare. Foxx, who ‘says he’s jag tet tied for sec- land keeps it out of NCAA cham-| “nobody wants you when you're | * Balti vane an eng | \pionships for ‘one year. ' 51 years old. a } a three: straight victories over | York Yankees in akg Stadi it there's anything fume =sicess Chicago Destined for NBA 2.x: sr. with 5 Aaah: _ eval. fornia sportsman and aviation ex- _ Normar-has plahned to =i os arene see MOMDETS Ip ex! Season results for the Tigers this season. | He said-he is putting rookie Larry | Osberne back at first base. OF borne was the ‘first baseman that NEW YORK (AP)—Max Win-| A club head, who asked not to day the Tigers beat Chicago 52 ter. former owner of the Minne-jbe identified, said the owners) neatly two weeks ago. The Tigers‘apolis Lakers, was practically as- | were talking in terms of a 12- since have lost six s ve sured today of a National Bas- ‘club league for 1961-62. In addi- = , iketball Assn, franchise in Chicago) tion to Chicago, Los Angeles and Takes Holland Grid Post ‘for the 1960-61 season. San Francisco, Pittsburgh would the ‘The official announcement may} MONROE, is — Jim: Jebb,.ajnot be made for a» while but it member of Michigan State's 1954 lis a virtual certainty the Western Rose Bowl team, has taken a job | ‘Division will have a fifth mem- as assistant football , coach at'ber in the Windy City next year.|lar season games and eight play- be awarded a franchise. The league would then be split up into oe four-club divisions. Podoloff disclosed that 41 regu-| jotf games would be televised by ithe National Broadcasting Co. inext season, an inerease of 19 |regular, and four post-season les and San Francisco in 1961-62. “The package dea] will run well} over half a million dollars,” de-| Holland High: School., i x * * Jebb has bees an assistant) What's more, according to: Geach “fh and track at/league president Maurice Podo-| Monroe Hi 1 Jor the past two/loff, the professiohal cage circuit oe will expand to include Los Ange-|games F “We are the details Bchoma Tests Majer of the Tine ents? now,” beaten Phil Moyer seeks fpto the center of middleweight title (AP)—Once- said Podoloff “‘and we definitely will have a franchise in Los An- geles and San Francisco in the 1961-62 season. The moves will not involve ‘transferring any ithe current franchises.” to vault ‘clared Podoloff. The ambitious TV package will increase the playoff pool from $77,000 in 1958-59 to $100,000 — |highest: in history. There will. be of|26 Sunday dates and 23 Saturday dates. The new financial setup x* * * Reccent sit con AEGE SCOREBOARD se s Michigan- -Western ‘Michigan, “Toledo-Dettolt, rac! Detroit 87, Wayne State 48. as eget ie Bree 2S et 95 re ; stip. them, however. : what M putters do. '. shown here. We 4 “reverse-overlap” right, which to an fs. opposite ‘from the cor- rect grip for shots other than putts, Both thumbs go. cenit down the top of the shaft. The index the top of thé last three fingers of the right hand. ‘ The ides is to fix the h . —so they wil) take the he! d of the putter straight back from the pall and then ‘back along the same line and 7 rough the ball toward the hole. ¥ idea, further, is to get the ball IN the hole! You've rot to have a definite plan of how to accomplish this, not a: hazy with. Mic f ae . athe ostnoned, rain. Doctoring Your Golf ‘By DR. CARY MIDDLECOFF “PATIENT’S COMPLAINT: Too many three-putt greens. DIAGNOSIS: Maybe you should change your putting - Treatment: Any time I hand out advice about putting © * TI like to tnchide the word “maybe.” Because there are ‘some good putters who seem to defy all or most of the rules ‘f think they succeed despite their methods, ‘father than because of : At any rate, my,advice is based on MOST of the BEST Most good putters use the reverse-overlap grip, as because the left. hand overlaps the - Podoloff made. the announce- | ment yesterday at the end of the) eanctled.;cacond day’s session of a three-, iday meeting of the ‘NBA club ‘owners. can LR ie LE pees EES &| a call it extent finger of the left hand lies along ds so they will work as a unit : ¥ ato change the deadline for the *\alumni squad. | in’ 1950 and- performer with the ‘|Detroit Lions for several seasons, duties for the Oldtimers. >| one of the team's three touch- | downs, © \still active ‘tn professional foot- |ball. «Larry Fowler, Leroy Williams, Dan Currie, Jim Ninow- a ski, + |\Kowalczyk. ©'Lansing on assures each NBA club a $75,000 jtake, If a team makes the cham-; ipjonship the new arrangements’ iwill mean about $3,000. per player. | Two Americans Want Contract of Challenger California Sportsmen Will Take Chance of ‘Brian Winning INDIANAPOLIS (UPI)—A Cali- chunk of heavyweight contender Brian Lon- ecutive may buy a don’s contract today and gamble on the chance that British Brian }from Floyd Patterson here Friday night. or from someone else later. ‘Rocky Marciano and other cham- pions, said, ‘‘I'm confident the deal will be closed today. No, I can’t fornia man, nor the amount which will be paid.” *® * * cae: acting as a middleman in the transaction, said he began investigating London's abilities recently when an English pro- moter suggested a match be- | ,tween Londen and Weill’s Brit- ish heavyweight Dave Rent, don is one of the world's best; heavyweights,”"’ Weill said, “and| Rent isn’t experienced enough yet to fight him. I turned down the match and then suggested that my California friend buy a piece of the contract from Brian’s father.” * * * London, although a 10 to 1 under- ‘dog for Friday's 15-round fight at |the Fairgrounds Colliseum, was ivery impressive yesterday in his | may win the world championship) - | Al Weill, a former manager of disclose the name of the Cali-| “I éame to the conclusion. Lon-| London : inpreabe in Workout Ey i mi: rh SPORES } FIRST LANDING HOME — First Landing lived up to his name in the Derby trials yester- . Quantrell was third and Our Dad was 4th. Open day by coming home first by a length with Eddie Arcaro aboard. John Bruce (left), was second, ~ Ae A AP Wirephote View was the winner of the other half of the Derby trial stakes. Ta in is) ct Li if 33 Eg ag if 2 i | F z nF g é "tet EE Kioumerce, ‘Samford, Bertoia Pace Win Over Kansas City Trad es By United Press International It won't be. long before they're! A committee of three players j.<¢ workdut-at the Municipal Gar- calling Cal Griffith “the old fox” ‘and four members of the league's: on displ ed ; Iboerd Gf governccn Were -athed. ‘den where he displayed a speedy,'for the way his trades are giving _uled to discuss. pensions, =="< ance and other matters involving © player-owner relationships at to- ‘siday’s closing session. insur- The board of governors voted g \purchase or exchange of players ‘from Feb. 15 to Feb. 1 and the _,|cutdqwn date from Feb. 15 to March 1. Dibble fo Head /MSU Oldtimers EAST. LANSING (UPI) — The annual Michigan State University Oldtimers’ football eontesf this year will find a former Spartan grid great at the helm of the Dorne Dibble, All-America. end will take. over head coaching Dibble shared coaching chores with Chuck Frank . last "year when the alumni downed the varsity, 19-13. He also scored Invitations have been sent to 57 former MSU stars, some of them od Bagdon, iden, Sam The list included Norm. Masters and Walt The game is scheduled for East jrough- -house pressing attack in two! ‘rounds with Dusty Rhodes. He also} prise ‘‘sneaker”’ right. Champion Patterson alse con- cluded his sparring sessions yes- terday with two rounds against Julio Mederos. He dropped Thomas with a left hook in the first round. London, who lost the British showed a good left jab and a sur-|f Ike Thomas and one against || | Empire title to England's Henry Cooper on a decision last Jan. 12, said: ‘I feel better now than be-|Bs fore any previous fight.. Patter-| son is in for a big’ surprise. He'll Bo find this match no tuneup.” * * * Mel*Ross, manager of the Fair-' grounds Coliseum, said the ticket| sale was so brisk ‘he expected al®* gate of about $125,000 and about 8,000. spectators. When the fighters step on the scales at the Coliseum Friday, Lon- don wil] outweigh Patterson’ about 204 pounds to 183... Deposed Maryland Grid Coach Gets Depauw Job GREENCASTLE, Ind. (AP) — Thomas Mont, whose contract as football coach “at the bse 4 of Maryland was not renewed, is coming to Depauw University. with the hope of finding ‘‘an Ivy League-type setup.” * * * Mont, 36, was named yesterday to ‘succeed Bob: Hicks, who re-} signed to become an assistant coach at. the University of De- troit. Mont. will visit the campus, ,, next: week but will not start his 16. job officially until July, ~ ‘A ae. LEAGUE Lest i. Behind Cleveland ....., bs 4 pplmner’ “oko 9 5 aa 4 icag wacce 9 5 643 1 Menecs City | essen 7 7 500 3 fr boers ingten eos 7 8 487 3 sueewees 6 7 462 342 bene York eieieeee 6 7 462 34 Detroit sas 1 12 083 Bla YES TERDAY'S ng te ‘ | Washington 8 Kansas City 3, a \Boston at Clev: ~ af postponed. babe York - icago, Postponed. ‘rain timore Detroit, rain AY’S GAM Boston at Cleveland, 7 p.m.—Brewef (1-1) vs. Perry ). Baltimore at Detroit, 1:30 p.m.—Portocar- phon dhs (0-2) or Stock (0-6) vs. Foytack gil at Chicago, 2 p.m.—urley 1-2) Moore (0-1) Washingien at Kansas City, x ag p.m.— Rerme mit nt) vs. Terry (1 jORROW'S SCHEDULE Baltimore c conus Nig > b=. New York —— Washington at Detroit 1:30 "5. Only games scheduled NATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost ( me ‘. Behind Los Angeles ..... Bid 5 _ Milwaukee ...... 7 4 ‘Se 1 San Francisco 9 6 600 1 Cincinnati. ...... 6 538 2 coicege sirens 7 5M Philadelphia 5 7 AT 3% Pittsburgh = ..,.. 8 4 Bt. Louis ">... il 6 YESTERDAY'S kesvits Ser ae Leng gt » rein ia, postponed, st. ‘Louies at dite cihinet rain Only games Los Angeles at Philaderpnies 7:05 m~ ngete Podres (2-1) vs. Roberts (1-1). » St. Louis tt Milwaukee, 8 p.m —Jackson | | (0-2) Rtigh (0-0). San ‘Prancisce at Pittsburgh, 7:15 p.m fi Mi dusk vs. Kilne (6-1). Chica, e at ati, 8 >.my--Hitimed (1) ¥s, fu x (10), one, 105 bm. Bt. si. toute a Enso ee Fog San Chicego's at Cineinnatt, 8 p.m. Japproached about the matter but \the Washington Senators a new look. : The Senators, almost unanimous picks to finish in the American League cellar, got off to a poor start but have won three straight and four of their last five games to climb within a game of the .500- mark. They’re getting some of the steadiest pitching in either league and may have uncovered a new star in 27-year-old right- hander Russ Kemmerer. Kemmerer, who had a 6-15 ree- ord last season, won his third game jof the current campaign when the Senators beat the Kansas City Athletics, 8-3, only major league game ‘played. Rain and cold weather caused the postponement of six other sched- uled games. * * * : -Kemmerer, a 6-foot, 3-inch, 200- pound right-hander obtained from Tuesday night in the} _|winning streak. P eight hits, struck out three hat- ters and walked none. He previous- ly beat the Baltimore Orioles and New York Yankees and has pitched two complete games. The six corn- plete games by the Washington staff match the Cleveland Indians’ kegemamee total, * t Kemmerer is only one of the players picked up by sage who has been instrumental in helping the Senators Ben big league” so far. Bill Fischer, right-handed pitcher obtained from Detroit, has yielded only one in his last 19 innings. And Reno Bertoia and Ron Sam- ford, acquired in Griffith's con- troversial deal: with the Tigers last winter, struck key blows in Tuesday night's. truimph—whidr ended Kansas City’s three-game *~ * * Bertoia led off the game with a the Boston Red Sox in 1957, allowed single to spark a three-run rally West Coast Luring Majors ‘DETROIT @ ~ Reports have it that Arizona, New Mexico and Cal- ifornia are trying to lure other big league baseball teams there for spring training. The Detroit Tigers have not been would not even«consider a move from Lakeland, Fla., says vice- president Jim Campbell, “It's out of the question,” said | Campbell, “We have wonderful facilities in Lakeland and it is good for the club and the city. No one could afford to build an-, other Tigertown, and the cost of Tigers Won't Leave Florida gs The Tigers have four years to go on a six-year contract with the city of Lakeland, The city recently con- structed a new clubhouse which the! Tigers feel is second to none, The park is kept in good condition and the grandstand is adequate, There is plenty of room at Henley Field, and at Tigertown, only-a few blocks |wa: away, Four major league teams ‘trained in Arizona last spring. They were the Cleveland Indians. San Fran- \cisco Giants, Chicago Cubs and the ive, Nats New Look that had the Senators in front all the way while Samford hit a two- run homer in the sixth to boost Washington®; lead .to 62. Kem- merer himself drove in two runs with a pair of hits. fief 3 i es Griffith announced at the er of would trade <2 «Stes Sievers if S12! Willams m 4638 ! rt 4012 Lepezs il’br'w 3b 5120 Maris re 4: mehin, ib siie Cerv me $e7 mre oy S122 ware” gee "so SS eS Kem'rer p 1333 Rae = 36006 Herbert p- 2 e side?” $888 Saeee p eae Telals 398147 Totals ae 3 Ht aT Boston Red Sox, who went to Ari-| zona for the first time after vacat- moving would be prohibitive,* jing Sarasota, Fla, ‘ % . +“ ' ese Gere ee ee ee ee ee eee Gan Reed Ss gigs oe oe Field for 85th Running of Classic Saturday if biz #2 THe: He a F ACE AND COMPETITORS — Womer's bowl. | ' Pontiac Phote ing star Ladewig, far left, ran into a Each won a game from the top in bowl- pair of s local foes in Ruth Peterson, ing. Mrs. Peterson came close to becoming the center, and Ad Elkins in the’final of a ‘“‘Beat the “’ only person to beat a pro in a series but bowed Pro” program at Lakewood Lanes last night. by nine pins after having a good lead. SPECIAL ee ec _ “One month after I gave me my release,” he “That left me sitting on a I knew only a few people here. 80. Univac Picks First Landing in Triale i ston 1 one Mechanical Brain Fair Handicapper end place selections in’ both raées | up. A | “T call around almost every j S glamor race. for a job. ‘Sure, I'd like to , First Landing’s clocking of 1:36- the scouting end of baseball: or World-Telegram and Sun_ staff) one fifth in the trial failed to'maybe radio work, but rll writer’ William F. Michelfelder match the 1:35 35 of Oper’ View— almost anywhere I'm able. wrote of the Univac performance: | third fastest in the history of the) * * |“No ‘hunches’ or human prejudice |race. Nevertheless First Landing Foxx said doctors had warned are involved. Furthermore, Univac|loomed as probable favorite for him to’ bypass hard labor. “I've! made accuraté comparisons of all the rose run, although he may high blood oressure.”.he explained. | known facts, which a human mind be better than 2 to 1 at post time. He spends his days around the) can not do, Naturally it can not x * «t jhouse.- Occasionally he hits a few) lick chance, accidents—or a bad) «115 the most wide operr Derby fungos for the kids in the neigh-| start like Royal Orbit.” that I have seen,” said Ben Jonea,|Drneet end — a gael who has trained a record six Derby; ’ iar Tis Stas “th . son . Jimmie, has oa taken over as trainer for | Legion Baseball | PAY AS LOW AS 1.25 A WEEK er 4 ee at the starting gate.” buman tappers at yesterday's Derby tri- so much* When you are asked what car you drive, it is always nice to name the top car of its class. And when you are asked where you insure your *\ ° ear, you say so much when you answer,“J am - _ insured with the Exchange at Auto Club.” Pontiac Woman Bowler * * | A $2 bet on each horse as, ’ ‘ Farm, still had some hope of get- ° | called by the Remington Elec- Al B h ‘ P ting On-And-On to the past. But Deadline May 2 fis tarraremen es Ost Beats the Pro, rar Pe RELINE » bettor $2.80 poorer, but he would ‘| “§ had a lot more con | Area baseball teams have only = haye been out $9.2) with the With her three children cheering ,of upsetting women’s bowling great | last year, We'll take it up with ‘until Saturday to sign up for ad- a pe ; same bets on the human average. her on, Ruth Peterson of Pontiac! Marion Ladewig in the final of a the board of strategy and de- imission in the ° District Junior PECTAL hi og epee ea . x ioe Ras a ee ee three-event series last night, _{ cide,” Jimmie said, Va ang Enero vie A orga ‘ont Fords : d +“ 4 itoday Oss. C vies and _ Gs Detroit Automobile | The ee Te Rioleees program by coming within 10 pins} Mrs. Peterson dropped the ist) The trainers whose horses sur-| 4 final mescting hen: baae int for | Mazer ~ _ Enter-Insurance Exchange — : ine | — ' game by 12 pins but had a big/vived the trial and those who held) May 11 at the Birmingham Legion se - it predicting races through ; cap L Prep with a discussion of rules headlin- *. : 3 1 Kentucky Derby Saturday. | f° * 2% VISIT OR PHONE YOUR NEAREST OFFICE. B atid ‘Ge bochiahe mechanical Crane Thinclads ee en SAE | “rehidy ted Seon 0 ine ontig +4 GOODYEAR | human brain can simul to preserve the honor of the pros|a quarter yet so we all are guess-\Discipline at Ole Miss A. J. BOGUE—Mgr. » can simultaneously before a jam-packed crowd,. ing.” said J, H. (Casey) Hayes,! 75 Wiliams St—FE 5-4151 correlate, and makes a” selection ; |who trains First Landing for Chris.. UNIVERSITY, Miss. uw — Star) 8. A. FE vemos. 8, FE 4.2501 ae petra Fos eats ed enne yi son cell wale, topher T. Chenery. But Hayes °d Larry Grantham has been dis: SERVICE STORE BL Tart, FE S-aote Viegit Keener, man brain | competing against four loci (cuickly added that he was pleased Missed from the University of &: & Seree' Fe sein Ps ens OL 298) : pee! | women whe kad stevived , jwith First Landing’s race in the! Mississippi. football team for dis- | TRV iamann FE 5-6123 : : “G. “Chuck” Conn, GR 4-425" or wi chpice - — _ Crouse Leads Runaway offs. Paden ek pone 2 200 a1 were hopeful, if not confi. “iPlinary-reasons, Coach John iim ) i wi ca in firs . , ° - . my i : vage of loca! phone book tor offices In state cities ae. wie nie: hil ie ” teat Win Over Canadians; me bagect ae. cal — toe, trial. ‘Vaught said Tuesday. ’ . | yesterday ¥ 52 pins. The weathe place choice, Royal Orbit, came} Armada Edges Dryden | 4d Etkins”was beaten: by ‘only ready fog ne gether — Pr ; Scecenemmnmmenmenall | ° . . urday. No rain, however, was in Cranbrook’s track team won 13 4, COELARILT ET ELETOL I TT tt # bay " stay with the whiskey that's light, gentle, always in good taste ” ‘ Knowledgeable people — ie whiskey by Hiram Walker... for people with an educated taste and.a sense of value ae Sa, es Code #408 Code #409 SHENDED. WHISKEY + 86 PROOF » 20% STRAIGHT WHISKEYS,.6 YEARS OR MORE OLD 70% GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS » HIRAM WAIKER & SONS INC, PEORIA, ILL ag * Pe » ne | ' i ¥ because it's sensible to. o | (triangular) of 14 events Wednesday afternoon to pile up a 93-25 victory margin over Kennedy Collegiate of. Wind- sor“on the Cranbrook cinders, It was Cranbrook’s 3td dua] triumph against one setback. ; Barney Crouse paced Cran- brook’s victory by winning the 100 and 220 dashes and the board jump and ranning a leg on the 880 relay squad to personally ac- count ‘for 16'4 points. Cran- brook’s John Butcel won the high and low hurdles. Kennedy's only winning event was the pole vault. gp 8 Dryden. won more events, but Armada’s runnerup strength told the story in another dual track meet yesterday at Armada. A 2nd] and 3rd. place finish in the low hurdles, the day‘s final event, “en- -|abled Armada to defeat Dryden, 57- 55 Dryden had the individual stars. John Englert was a triple winner with successes in the high jump, won both dashes. Armada took five events with Bob Zarate leading th2 way with nine points on runner- up berths in the pole vault and high and low hurdles, : TODAY'S PREP Birmingham at Cranbrook Lake Orion vs. Clawson at Fitzgerald) Avondale vs. Troy at Pitegeral: Oxford at Imlay Cf Pontiac Northern, Clo 'and Pint Man- deville at Grand Blanc (quaepas lar) Rochester and Roseville Romeo Roto hoy ot 0) Vv a 0) West Bitomfield and Milford at ° ston (triangular) . ‘ennis Bey City Central at Pontiae Central 1 and both hurdles and Gary Shalau Pete of Buzz Fazio‘and Tom Hennessey earlier in the series. * * Mrs. Peterson, who won a trophy | and merchandise, was pleased with | her showing and had nothing but Clay, hard-punching praise fur her worthy opponent. “She's a swell person. She encour- aged me all the way,” said Ruth. A very tired Mrs. Ladewig stated: “The ball wasn’t big enough to- night,”” Hal Stenquist also won a trophy for the best showing against the men pros. All qualifiers shared in the many awards donated by local merchants, The scoring: Btein 2 vcreeers ese seeeen, 120-200-320 Ladewlg ..06.+..eeeen.. eves. 110-182—352 Schumann ..ssee..seeeness-. 5G-162—307 Ladewig’ on. s.cccene ss coeees. 183-180-363 Biking. ese sessevwnder sees. 145-178-323 Ladewig, ..cccescsseveeeesses 181-181—362 sight for the next two days, be AAU Boxing King in Pan-Am Semis MADISON, Wis. (AP)—Cassius’ light-heavy- weight. AAU champ from Louis- ville, caught Leroy Bogar of Min- neapolis with a stiff right to the jaw in the second round Tuesday night to gain the semifinals in ‘the Pan-American boxing trials at the University of Wisconsin. REBUILT No Money , Down NOW 24 Ménths _AUTOMATIC. TRANSMISSION “MOTOR TUNE-UP. Fast Service—Quality Work MOTOR Exchange Co. 401 S. Seginew. FE 3-7432 Bogar got up at the count of eight but was in no shape to con- tinue and the referee stopped the fight, giving it to Clay on a tech- nical knockout. . Twenty-six fighters qualified for the semifinals last night. The bouts are to qualify boxers for the Pan-American meet in Chi- cago this“ summer. The tourna- ment continues today with. finals | AND FRONT END SAVE almost Y2 Firestone STORES 146 W. HURON SPECIA Adjust Brakes. Add Brake Fluid Pack Wheel Beari 4, Align Front End 5. Balance Both Front Wheels FR 29251. at, y ae 3. 1 50%-100% more POWER; ip IMUSTA t “¢. 2 | “precisioneered” high-compression & engines for Ford, Mercury, Chevrolet: cars, byses and trucks, » Big-car performance and small- hood, you have all the power car economy are yours with @ you need... never have to push Mustang High-Compression En- your car to the limit; saves on gine, Increased bore and stroke, engine wear for thousands of light-weight pistons, automatic - extra miles. Mustang engines valve lifters, 4 grind camshafc ., saan guarant and many more quelity cumom cha be lgvatlod te & few boars features give Sie you Sy & Oh Have toffiorrow’s engine today more | power — en- , ine life~greater fuel economy. for more driving pleasure and o with a igh-Cons. efficiency. Stop in, ask about the With a Mustang Hi b pression Engine under your Mustang High-Compression line, PONTIAC MOTOR PARTS Automotive Parts ‘and Equipment _ 29 Auburn. Ave. Ph. FE. 2-0106 Outdoor Event’ | Sef for Sunday | at Bloomfield Professional Horsemen’s Along the Outdoor Trail — With H: GUY MOATS © Outdoor Editor, Pontiac Press i Association — Sponsors Weekend Preview on pe © © * consists of 26 shows Heather Campbell (left) riding for the spring schooling show to EQUITATION — These youthful equestrians, and Julie Smith riding Beachcomber, get ready i] Beau Flares, over Michigan, be held Sunday at the Bloomfield Open Hunt club on East Long_ Lake Road. The show, with entries from all is being sponsored by the -Pro- fessional Horsemen's Association. | stance, whaf-woukd you be doing? r Preasant (Moment: and a most pleasant value - | When You: Think Like Ever cast for two hours without raising anything except a blister on your thumb? If you have, then you're an average guy. When this happens, don’t con- tinue wearing out your casting arm. Pause a moment, advises the Mercury outboard company. Stop—and try to think like a fish instead of a fisherman. If you were a bass, for in- If you had a small mouth you'd be gliding over a submerged bank looking for a crayfish, or you’d be in deep water along a rocky shoreline. If you had a big mouth you’d probably be in shallower water near an under- cut bank, submerged logs, or aquatic weed growth. You'd be thinking about crayfish, but you'd ‘alse be watching for a minnow to dart out into open water. What if you were a northern pike lime Makes Third Encore LANSING—Joseph P. Rahilly of Newberry was elected chairman of the Conservation Commission for) the coming year by his fellow com- missioners last week. This marks the third time Rahilly| has held the post since he was} appointed to the Commission in| 1934. Trout Get a Break RICHMOND, Va. (AP). — The) Virginia trout season opened this’ year on Saturday. This was at the|n request of education officials who’ reported too much absenteeism in schools when the opening came on week days. Georgia Grid’ Captain ATHENS,-Ga. (AP) — Don So- berdash, senior halfback from Dunbar, Pa., Tuesday night was) elected 1959 football captain of the Georgia Bulldogs. By JOHN BOHANNAN Syndicated Boat Writer * Anyone who has been around the wate: much gets the urge for some sort of craft with overnight sleep- ing accommodations. The need is| basic to expand one's cruising| ranae Sepenk See Saalls of: Gay's} "this brings us to a discussion iof what can happen, and -what should be avoided. * * * The man with a smail outboard , beat is tempted to build a cabin just abaft the forward deck. I! have seen these little floating shacks everywhere and the home-brew designs are alvays the same, frightful in appearance and downright dangerous. The structure is too high, offer-| ing excessive windage. There is no} escape hatch forward. The era thing becomes an unseamanlike uisance in anything much larger) than a sheltered millpond * * * In a smal] outboard cruiser you might as well make up your mind) to be satisfied with sitting head-|. room only. Your principal objec-) tive. is comfortable overnight shel- ter with a couple of good bunks. An ideal answer to these basic requirements for the outboarder is the raised deck cruiser. In this design, the topsides of =the hulf&re merely raised enough! BOAT DOCKAGE ; On Beautiful UNION LAKE © Boat Rentals | \ : (Fishing) © Boat Moorings © TACKLE MARINE SUPPLIES Phone Now for Reservations Dunham’s, Inc. 2265 Union Lake Road Formerly “Greggs” EM 3-4164 © BAIT | ito provide the necessary height,| jthen the deck is made to extend] from rail to rail, providing good| ‘headroom for the entire width of ithe boat. * * * This type of structure, with its ‘unbroken deck beams, is inherently istrong. It also provides freedom jfrom the troublesome, leaky junc- 26 Fth ot Mant wis Ly a, The schedule of Solunar Periods, ,as printed below, has been taken ifrom John Alden Knight's ‘‘Solunar Tables.” Plan your days so that you will be fishing in good terri- tory or hunting in good cover dur- ing these times, if you wish to find the best sport that each day! has to offer. The Major Periods begin at the! times shown and last for an hour: and a half or two hours there-_ after. The Minor Periods are of jsomewhat sheet duration. PM. ‘ Day seniee Majer cpt Majer Thursday 12:05 2:20 6:35 fday ..sess. 760 4:08 ae 7:25 \gaturday 1:40 7:50 2:00 8:10 ci coves 2:25 «©8:35 2:45 8:55 Monday ...... 3:10 = 9:20 3:30 «9:40 (Tuesday ..... 3:55 10:05 4:15 10:2 Wednesday 4:40 W0: 50 5:00 11:10 \Great Lakes moved into the Senate ‘from year to year as -conditions ‘dictated, Present regulations are Z. Youre the Skipper tures which so often plague the traptions. If you do, there won't be owner of a trunk-cabin boat. If additional shelter is re- quired, it can best be obtained by installing a folding navy tep, preferably of white canvas to re- flect the sun and avoid tee much heat under the cover. . When outfitting a smal] raised- any room for you. Keep it simple. If the boat is large enough, set- \tle for a stove on qa sheif with some stowage drawers underneath. Perhaps on the other side you wiil want a folding basin which empties into a marine head. In craft too smal] for these re- |finements, it’s better to do with- deck outboard cruiser, don't try to jout them than to crowd your sleep- Ifill every anil of space with con-|ing space. RAISED DECK — An outboard cruiser maintains hulls strength by unbroken forward deck beams, obfaining headroom by ‘subtly rising sheer. ‘Always in a bad mood, you'd be Fishing Bill Awaits Approval by Senate LANSING A bill “designed to ‘improve commercial fishing on the jtoday after overwhelming appcoval in the House. h . ~*~ * * It would empower the State Cén-| servation Commission to set up| sate regulations for commercial fishing | — changing seasons, setting net) masoo. sizes and making other alterations strictly controlled by statute. _* * * Rep, Einar Erlandsen (D-Esca- naba), the sponsor, said the meas- ure had the batking of commer- cial fishermen, the state conser- vation department and the Michi- gan United Conservation clubs. State Archery Calendar Listed ciation schedule for 1959: ance, Mich. —Brighto coln Rapids This is Michigan Archery Asso- AA FIELD TOURNAMENTS -May 3—Tomahawk Archers, Temper- May 17—Pontiac Archers, Pontiac. May 24—Mid-Michee Archers, Midland. |marksman, share captain honors ion Jimmy Robinson’s 1959 Aill- |America trapshooting team. \or muskie? It may be difficult to ‘imagine being so ugly, but, if you were, you'd spend most of your time hanging around a weed bed. thinking about tearing into any- 49 Trap Team Stars Selected Outdoor ~- Publication Names Top Shooters for All-America Dan Orlich of Reno, Nev., and Ned Lilly, veteran Stanton, Mich. Robinson, trapshooting editor of! ‘Sports Afield, announced his team selections Saturday. He described as sensational performances Lilly and Orlich turned in on the clay target ‘circuit last year. Orlich, former Wisconsin and Green Bay Packer football play- er, had an average of .9925 on 5,200 registered targets, and Lilly 9924 on 2,500. On the first team with Orlich and Lilly are Vic Reinders, Wau- kesha, Wis.; Jim McCole, Gering, Neb.; Bill Harrison, Los Angeles; Johnny Sternberger, Ohio; C. E. Barnhart, Prairie Village, Kan.; Joe Devers, Reno, Nev.; Maynard Henry, Los An- geles; Bueford Bailey, Big Springs, Neb. Bud June, Scotts- bluff, Neb., and Fred Waldock, Sandusky, Ohio, Iva Pembridge Jarvis, Phillips- burg, Kan., school teacher, shot an even better average — .9815 — on 3,250 clay targets to lead high average women gunners in the May aL tivingeon County Association a #—Lincoin Park Bowmen, Lin- | MAA TRAGET TOURNAMENTS ' une 7—Charlotte Archer Club, char — 14—Saginaw Bowmen, Saginaw./ 28—Potawatam! Bowmen, Kala-; nation. | OWENS | ] ug. @—White Water Bowmen, Aug. 30—Muskegon Bowmen, I The State Field Championships will be held Aug. 2-3 at the Broken) Bow club range at Hastings. The State Target Championships will be held Sept. 6-7 at the Le- nawee Bowmen range at Adrian. There are about 486,000 sail- boats on U.S. lake waters. aie MARINE SUPPLIES 396 Orchard Lake . Your Johnson Outboard Dealer ALL THOMPSON & OUTBOARD COMBINATIONS and ask about easy terms and Special Low, Prices qn Scott, Powered Boat " (SCOTT leaves all oar Outboards SCOTT-Powered 3.6 to 60 H.P. COME IN NOW Motor Combinations. See why _ years behind , GRUISE-OUT Boat Sales 63 E. Walton, Pontiac “FE 8-4402 3, 614, 714 WP. 25, 30, 36 HP... LET US TUNE-UP YOUR MOTOR 56 912 PLUS PARTS Our feciney: trained mechanic — on duty all the time — to expertly service and repair your motor, . All our work is guaranteed! 10, 15, 18 H.P.......5 8 50 Horsepower ..... *18 NEW FOR 59 BOATS © JOHNSON MOTORS GATOR TRAILERS | | We have all the oegneeney materia a em days A pe. Boat paint, rashes hes, PAINT ACCESSORIES It's easy to do! FIBERGLAS YOUR BOAT We have the material, the directions to pat rout ben ae ! SLAYBAUGH'S MARINE and how-how to help you do the job. expensive. Come in and ask about it } 630 OAKLAND FE 8-4503 And it’s: not Go Fishing a Fish! © thing smaller than you that hap- pened along. If you were a walleye, you'd have almost the same habits that a smallmouth bass does, But you'd be a little more sociable. You wouldn't think about moseying down the stream without a few of; your cronies along. In the evening and morning you'd more than likely be on the ‘prowl. for food, and, no matter what kind of fish you were, you'd reserve certain periods during the day for a siesta. When the water was cold you'd slow down because your blood is a little like the oil in a gearcase— it thickens with lowering tempera- tures. When the temperature was just right you'd be as frisky and hungry as a young pup. And, when it got really hot you'd slow down again like people do. x * * Most of the year you'd only have| your mind on two things—food and protection from your enemies. Yespite what fishermen think, you lead a simple life. Catching fish is just as simple, says Mercury, if yoy’ll forget wom- en, the office, and unpaid bills. Think like a fish, catch more of them. and you'll, sok TEMES SO ER CORRS Yd ESTE ETE | Now is the time for some well-earned Pleasant Moments... Cate. ome Wea ne Sr onl Pe $368 Code sie . sariondt DISTILLERS PRODUCTS COMPANY, BEW YORK, BLENDED WHISKEY, 86 PROOF. 652 GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS SLAYBAUGH'S MARINE — 630 OAKLAND AVE. Your, Authorized Johnson Motor Dealer YOU SEE MORE SEAHORSES DeCaAUSC ess . This is outboarding’s new Profileof Power === Only a Sea-Horse has DYNAUTICAL DESIGN! Goes better with your boat...makes your boat go better! eran Only a Sea-Horse has Cid in the big ones hig AWARD-WINNING QUIETNESS! Honored by the National Noise Abatement Council! fret and only outboard 06 d cross sing of the N. Only a Sea-Horse has TRANS-OCEAN DEPENDABILITY! ~ Your Johnson dealer has the beat buy for any boating family—szs from 3 to 50 hp. Gas Iie now Ste top traded and oniry thane paymgann ’ _ Johnson Motors, Waukegen, i ' Rear in rIiReT in “es Ssa.eea DSEPanCaABiLITY =] ee ll Sa i g c is * at cd E z EL a - 2; : q q ! t = al aon al oe lang, “i chiatrist Assn. annual meeting and) Would Save Much Money More Probation, Parole Urged on State bo fi 1 RE AL zi z Re, ge : B \ ue 3 : : if aTy ee i * a 3 & ® g 4 3 f A rg z S E J g WE OLD-TIMERS | “WILL BE GLAD TO TELL YOU * 0-JIB-WA BITTERS Mental Patient Held -|for. Murder of Boy ha of the ee =. cult | BEM /y | VA, tem| [eOOKING UNDER STONES FOR At] TIDBITS 1S A FAVORITE BABOON . FINDS A ‘}¥ou could call him a creative| Distributed by King Features Syndicate. Pier * ’ N ‘ ba hd the third of s series of reatened g Big u Bg 5 5 in yea: the resulting high costs ee Today: What is solu- LANSING—The National Proba- tion and Parole Association, a rec- ognized national authority, says that if: Michigan wants to reduce its prison population or keep “it from swelling beyond reasonable bounds there are two simple solu- tions: * 1. Don’t send so many men to E zee E like to see! prision. with eon| j ce art ee ee ee i land strict supervision of the men Actress Jean Simmons 3 A Undergoes Surgery eration, performed Tuesday, went probation and parole supervision— jand can protect society at the actor Stewart|*me time. Granger, accompanied -her here| MUST BEHAVE trom the couple’s Arizona ranch.) nder Michigan law a judge may send a law violator to prison or he/p may put him on probation—a “form of sentence which permits the man ee gS z8 gS o> Ey 8 in Wayne County from 31% cent to 3444 pér cent. * * * In prison,.an inmate may be re-due in considerable degree to limited use of probation in some counties and courts, such as the leased at the end of his minimum sentence (less time for good be- havior) but: again he must prove to his parole officer that he is behaving, If not, back he goes to prison. x *« , “The NPPA survey showed tha Michigan courts use probation in 53. per. cent outstate). However, 22 counties jn Michigan use probatinn in at least 70 per cent of the cases—13 counties use probation in 80 per’ cent of their cases and nine use probation in 70 to 80 per cent. t* * * 3 In none of the 38 counties using i B L ii TEL NOW SHOWING FIRST RUN PONTIAC AREA URSDAY ONLY Laer ee NOW! Thru Added Feature | COMING ANOTHER PONTIAC AREA FIRST RUN! ie eek ee Poe WATERFORD DRIVE-IN THEATER ACADEMY AWARD WINNER! 1N Roads—Box Office ‘THURSDAY © ETO ETERNITY |) WIDMARK COBB LOUISE HOLLIMAN a - ‘MAMMOTH NEW SCREEN! sticated comedies He returned after naval service NYE DAIRY the war to branch out as fe He quit movies for television, the first big picture narne to join the upstart medium, 100 True Love housing classrooms for about half Handle Tricks, the students, = Novelties Elementary and high school stu- PIPER'S MACAZINE OUTLET dents attend class in the building. “T just couldn't stay away, from it,” he explained. ‘I had to see t television was going to be F He found out in a hurry. He) started his own dramatic show! t that clashes against heaven itself Wayne County Recorder’s Court used probation in only 44.7 per cent of its cases in 1957, ang is unlikely to increase this with the overload which agents now carry, This county has 40 per cent of the felony convictions > . John Husty ” n Shows oe: 4. ERROL FLYNN - JULIETTE GRECO TREVOR HOWARD EDOE ALBER [ACADEMY AWARD tAsT 2 DAYS! Starring in Person Dale Young and Many Top Recording Stars! ELKS TEMPLE /1 to 10 P.M, 90¢ the Foutency- Now! Emi rel AN arn” THE BIG 2°” roaring: rockerine: | lees. retard | Lake er il| Open Daily ‘til 9 P.M. Open Sunday ‘til 5 P. M. We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities SAVE 6c ~ DWAN’S FREESTONE PEACHES L e. we os C Can - YOUR CHOICE! 1 LB. VAC. CAN WITH COUPON’ SAVE 30+ — 100% PURE VEGETABLE SHORTENING SAVE 26¢ THREE DIAMONDS ‘Solid Pack—White Meat TUNA FISH INSTANT. COFFEE DAN-EE FINES JELLIES © STRAWBERRY © RASPBERRY © CHERRY © GRAPE @ ELDERBERRY © BLACKBERRY 29: 18 OZ. DECORATED TUMBLER DAN-EE FINEST HAWAIIAN PINEAPPLE JUICE $ GIANT — 46-0Z. CANS SAVE 13*—MINUTE INSTANT MASHED POTATOES 2-2 6 || BIRDSEYE Fresh Frozen cop FILLETS. aan Your | Py s from —— FREE PRESS | Benen PERCH 3°99 Birdseye NEWS BIRDSEYE Fresh Frozen ‘GREEN PEAS OR Chopped Broccolli 3” 49° YOUR CHOICE LARGE 6. OZ. - 10c OFF LABEL MAXWELL HOUSE V 3279 SAVE AT TOM’S CHOICE QUALITY | ROUND or SWISS U.S.D.A. Choice Quality, Tender, Juicy Sirloin Steaks.... “89° Delicious, Juicy Rib Steaks....... 99" | Peter's Finest Skinless LINK SAUSAGE 12 OZ. PKG. Greenfield's Tiny .- BREAKFAST LINKS © 1-LB. PKG. FRESH ° mee ae | Se “re | 37° SH MILK 35% > oe Greenfield's Finest Mich. Grade 1, Pure Ley PORK BREAKFAST SAUSAGE Try Some ~ 33 | SAVE 14c PERSONAL SIZE IVORY SOAP U.S. GOVT. CHOICE BEEF CHUCK GROUND BEEF Lb. 55‘ . 3 Lb. Budget Pak $1.59 Hygrade "Sweet'nized” Thin-Sliced Bacon 1-18, PKG. 63° ES Greenfield's Finest Thin-Sliced Bacon 148. PKG. 39° wift's Premium hin-Sliced Bacon 1-18. PKG. 69° Rath’s Black Hawk hin-Sliced Bacon re ve 69° S Great Lakes Hygrade’s Finest _ Large or Mixed Sizes: — MONARCH ~ ‘SWEET PEAS 3 LB. ta RAE TOM’S RICHTEX SHORTENING ie ge SAVE 10*-GOLD MEDAL or PILLSBURY — wt. & c I seis areca ont - BAG : Eemissusr’ : 3% t ALL PURPOSE FLOUR es WITH ee ne pies ree oat . 3 ? } : Bega COUPON | Sewer tounq ace Ts O’CEDAR No. io SPONGE MOP = SAVE 40c O’CEDAR CREAM WAX — POLISH SeeSViILiE 10c LARGE 4 LB. BAG , Charcoal j= 294) "$995 | ARMOUR’S SLICED SAVE 20 DRIED BEEF with White Sauce . 4 02. GLASS JAR [GOLDEN FLUFFO SHORTENING. | 3 = 69" “ Te OFF LABEL RECIPE PINK | SALMON SAVE 10c TALL 1 Lb. Can WESSON OIL | Winesap'y a i as ; = = bi | "9 : “4 Ye PRICE . wae - Hygrade’s Finest y SKINLESS FRANKS, Braeé, 1 Klein’s Mich. Grade 1 |, source tet gts] aac stent! | § Late sce sak _| SKINLESS FRANKS land ®Honey Beef -@ RING BOLOGN on ane LB. " ° ean a 6-0. €] run ws. b¢ 3 _PIK-NIK 99* 49< PKG. PKG. 4 _ " Ke. Klein's Mich. Grade 1 x : Hygrade’s Fi P re Gr ase é PESCHKE’S LUNCH MEATS HICKORY SMOKED "LUNCH MEATS 4 PBtibn "sh @ Beer or Cooked e NEW YORK. ALL BEEF SALAMI ‘batch ets Pari yoo KNACKWURST o Combination Lest | © HONEY LOAF , i ; uringer see 69 | ee Age] Toe | Easel is ase — 2 PKG. Te, Soe Oe ii ee ae a 72 © Blood Tana 1 HYGRADE'S FINEST ee, ates ert caAee 1 ALL BEEF f ‘In NATURAL Casing ongue roe @ Head Checse Lunch Meats @ SLICED LARGE BOLOGNA —_—_- | Bravaschweiger @ Luncheon | RESTS |g nine eLSGNL Uver Sausage 6.0%. 39" Ply. 9: 4 | “HULL, FOUND 69* 69° Lb. 2 AO mg AS a Me IS i a i ee ee siti. or -Slnacrnt cottanestaait lit i 5 5 itt fe if TELE ‘ 3 f i I F : a Fi | Bpee> GEiig? BP cf H f. bt} gli: é é a8 °F =z 5 BOARDING HOUSE ° ) ALOYSIUS, THE | Y “Mist FOR POUNDHE YY Bh UNDOUBTEDLY WAS THE MOST FORMIDABLE YY ; GRAPPLE T HAVE EVER KNOWN! WHEN 7 : ) Ton weer E FAT CURSES 1 WOULD HANE/| Zon c IF HE HAD NOT FLED TOWN ‘$0 ABRUPTLY, T CAN SCARCELY += MiC~er HOLD BACK THE TEARS /<—— : Se re “2 es ‘Sty ee Ce LIER Mica s ‘TM. Reg, US, Pat. Off, 1M, t MY ‘ nite tr! nay 4 ‘ “ oS ' b JR. WILLIAMS 4-24 - ¥, _ By Walt Disney | Diatatiaed by King Pealares Spndicals, |. “e Every Day in the Pontiac Take advantage ot this easy way You'l Find PROFITABLE OPPORTUNITIES Press Want Ad Section to solve all your buying and selling problems. To Place Your WANT AD | DIAL FE 2-8181 vee & 3 7 : Foes kr. 1 4 al leet 3 War . lsays ‘You'll never get me up-ja one of those things!’ *° ; . 4 : ; i i, : ; | x * i Ge? ae me “Tell the joke abodt the ants watching the butterfly and one ant cy « vi [gp 1089 by WER Baris, ine. TM. fog, U5. Pas, OF. —_> —_ WOULD YOU LIKE SOME mm SOUP, SLUGGO # SD. i ee) ‘ ~ a0 - COM MORTY MEEKLE By Dick Cavalli | 6 By Charles I HANG IT EVERY YEAR TO REMIND ME OUR WEDDING IVERGARY Kuhn ar ‘|... WHY DONTT WAY AHEAD YOu GET; Your ON. COOKIE BAKIN’? ‘ \ Jobless Bachelor Robs Detroit Bar, Abducts Blonde Waitress Henderson, an unemployed bach- elor, was shot in the right chest and shoulder, Walter Burda, 38, owner of the Beaux , and barten- der Walter Kuck, 32, told police they were held up as they were closing the tavern, ~ * * * The gunman marched them into a restroom, took $229 and two bot- tles of whisky, forced the waitress into his car and fied. Alerted by a radio description, patrolmen Percy Hart and Ray St. Onge spotted. a car parked four miles from the bar: Grain Market ° "|Board of Trade, Mixed, Slow market was ndtrowly abit Se slow early dealings today on the Wheat and corn were slightly on the firm side while other grains and soybeans indicated a tendency toward weakness during the first “TLE PONTIAC PRESS, ate top prices the Farmer's and Quotations. are furnished by the Monday. Detroit Produce euvits Apples, Delicious, ou. tereeeneeeees S6.00 VEGETABLES eeescescoersooes Sl 60 soseececesecccee Lb, It was the third sailing within a week with corn, bringing the outward lake movement to well ever a million bushels and ap- peared to confirm some earlier opinion that shipments may be heavy on the lakes during the next Turnip topped. BU. snes. eres. 1.%5\evidence among the pacemakers ° in the recent to record highs. Electronics stocks continued to give ground but their gyrations were less vio- Poultry and Eggs DETROIT, April 29 (AP) — Prices peid »* 9. per pound, fob. Detroit, for quality live poultry: Heavy type hens 18-19; light type hens few weeks. ~*~ * * Hart opened the door on ‘the driver’s side, The driver told him,! “Don't try anything or I'll kill the girl." He was holding a gun/% to % lower, May $1.38%; soy-|¢;, lee: 26-28; medium 24-26. against Miss Martin who was in| the front seat beside him. . | “i you kill the girl, you are | going to die too,” the patrol- man sald. higher to 4% lower, May $1.24%: oats 4 to % lower, May 65; rye bd f | 22 * 93.94- : beans 4 lower to \% higher, May |laree 4 ag 23-24; small 18; $2.28%. \ Livestock Grain Prices CHICAGO GRAIN i Halt stepped back of the CAF gro ey: HOt 8 APL — Opening with St. Onge. Wheat— ‘Oats tnew)— The driver suddenly took off. (3a) cc 182 Bw Hart fired four times and St. 86. 2...°"" F898 Dee. 202000. 67% Onge shot twice through the rear Mar. “'""..1 197% May... 136% window of the car. Miss Martin yoo oq, gu? +e escaped the bullets by ducking un-|July /010010. 134m Ore 127% der the seat level, | Bee pevpes Vids May! : en 00 wounded driver went about Mer, --- ae a block and stopped. He did not mar’ 65, Boi return the fire. ee sa oaees Abed 70 Lincoln Washington Bound A group of 70 ninth grade stu-{Principal Ralph Foreman will ... school Tax Vote dents at Lincoln Junior High! School today are’ somewhere be-' tween Pontiac and Washington, | D.C: | + & * Ahead of them is a whirlwind, | three-day tour of the nation’s cap-! ital, i 2 | They left at 7 a.m, today and will arrive at their “headgquar- ters,” the George Mason Hotel, | in Alexandria, Va., at 11 tonight, | after lunch in Akron, Ohio, and | dinner in Bedford, Pa. * * * i “A total of 28 boys and 42 girls) A highlight of the day will be ure taking the annual trip. Four teachers and Assistant’ Judge Trombly Back Friday States He Has Right to Run Probate Court in Macomb County i | MOUNT CLEMENS @—Probate 79 TOUR GETTYSBURG Judge Joseph R. Trombly plans to! return to his bench F: riday after: a 14-week leave during which the Supreme Court investigated tis handling of juvenile cases. * * * Trombly said yesterday he would) niove Judge Donald J. Parent to! the Juvenile Division and handle the regular probate work himself. * ¥ * “It is my present intention,” Trombly said in an interview. “to resume my rightful place as presiding probate judge of Ma- comb County in the seventh floor courtroom of the county build- ing May 1.” . * * * Probate Judge Donald J. Ander-' son of Kalamazoo County had been: sitting on the Macomb bench under a Supreme Court order since) Trombly left. Trombly entered a, hospital for a checkup and rest during part of his absence. ‘The state bar and: high court both have been scrutinizing Tromb- ley’s judicial conduct. Optimist Club of Waterford to Get Charter The newly, organized Lakeland Optimist Club of Waterford Town- ship willbe presented with its charter at a.dinner party at 7:30 p.m, Friday at the Old Mill Tav- ern. Officers will be installed. * * * They include President Keith Bréckenridge, Vice Presidents Dr. B. W. Ross and Fred Pankey ana Secretary Eeeeine sack Emery. * (te * The club’s 41 members and their wives’ also will be host to Opti- mists throughout the district. Bob Lark will be the toastmaster. if sons are expected to attend the second annual Merchants Build- ers Show tomorrow through Sat- urday at the Romeo Community Youth and Civic Center, chairman Orville Smith said today. of booths as last year, Smith re- ported, but more features have been show. served by. Rainbow Girls, Club ‘members and_ local Scouts, p.m. tomorrew, 2 to 10 p.m. Fri- day and from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday. Twenty-five local mer- chants are participating. Students pervise the trip. The group will’ travel by bus Thursday's activities are guar- anteed to keep the group almost constantly on the move. More than 16 important landmarks . have been lined up for the four. | Tomorrow's tour will include vis- its to the Bureau of Engraving, | jj) tax for two years for school! White House, Capito} Building, Su preme Court, FBI Building, Na- tional Art Gallery, Library of Con- ‘gress and National -Archives Build-| ing. ~ *& & posing for a class picture on the, lawn in front of the Capitol Build- ing. Friday will find the students at places like Arlington Cemetery, Tomb of the Unknewn Soldier, the Lincoln Memorial, where they will place a wreath in a | short ceremony honoring the man for whom their school was named., and Washington Cathe- dral. : -* bel x Also on Frday, they will visit various foreign embassies, Smith- | sonian History, and will then go to. ;a swimming party at the Ambas-| sador Hotel Friday evening, | Saturday morning will be spent: come. The homeward trip has been | arranged to include Gettysburg, | Pa. The entire afternoon will be spent touring the famed battle- | fields at Gettysburg. Dinner will follow, “We expect to arrive back at about 9 a.m. Sunday,’ Foreman said. . kt ek * “Our agenda for Sunday will con- | sit of two things—a soft bed and/ ‘about eight hours sleep,"’ he added | !with a smile. Romeo Merchants , Plan Builders Show ROMEO — More than 2,000 per-; DETROIT Agra SAE cniie~ Sei [Pont and oe t it new eqelenent = ©). NEW YORK «@-A governmentjeral District Court in reply to on whose bid on the +4 . ‘ i—Ca ~| i dea a =| a | lable 500. Small early ‘supply sheugter|, uzer reboun fone yedtes: Sos, attorney said yesterday General|filed by General Motors earlier! produces the lowest interest to \steers and heifers, ulility and standard Gay's drop, rising more than a} * * * this month. , Clarkston Community School 5 feeds. virtually absest yor wn clongiier | point. ~ “Se far, Chicago hasn’t seen Motors. Corp. Sorew 06 be Wig General Moto had charged chan ot the notes 4 steers and heifers slow. about wteedy:| ~< * * fit te iam these questions sat- to avoid an anti-trust investiga- sd 2 less than their par value wil be con- cows opening steady: few utility and Minor lasses were taken by such) tion on the grounds that the firm that a grand jury i sidered. standard mixed offerings 21.00-26.00: few) * isfactorily, or to comment on (© of possible .anti-trust law viola. The loan is im anticipation of the lots good steers 26.00-28.50; few smaliistocks as U.S. Steel, General Mo-| ,oine of the evidence presented | 's 50 big and has so many file : 1959 tax. ee lots and individual head choles, steers! tors, Ford, Chrysler, American Mo- . cabinets."’ tion by GM was a “politically. | En con: the bids 29.50-31.00; utility cows 19.50-21.00; can-| . = patie before the Public Works Com- ” be marked “Proposal for Bers and cutters 15.00-19.50. tors, United Aircraft, Raytheon, | mittee,” said Broomfield * * * inspired fishing expedition. A or 8 check s Hogs—Salabie 500. Butchers and sows Standard Oil (N: Jersey) and/| bd bd “Just as size alone is no offense “ amount of 2% of par value ‘ steady; mixed lots U. 5S. No. 2 and 3 , . ew y | “I think it is i t to all . - The company also said a sub-|notes, drawn upon an. ; |20tt-00-11.28. “few ‘lots bo i’ a00-aup ne | Aerioa Airlines. borderten the Grea Lakes under the anti-trust laws, size| poena. for: its records set up ‘an|et, 7, company and pages ‘ 17.50; No. 2 and 3° 240-300 Ibs. 18.00-) * * eae ng — should not be available as a shield impossible task for the company|Community School District must se- HS go-14 35 ta Srndes so%* 200-600 Ibs!” Slightly. higher were Goodyear, |that we get these answers as 10) against investigation,” said Justicetand would mean Idoking into 100,-| good feith on the parts of the ade. - 2 a 23- , | . j . ved i - : = Vealers—Salable 15. Steady chotge and| Rand, American Smelting | why Chicago hasn't so its Pol-' Department Attorney George Rey-| 000 file drawers throughout the of bidders | prime 35 00-38-00; | individual prime to| and Liggett & Myers. Allied Chem-|!ution problems on its own. craft. country. ; promptly = ,; re, |eull and utility 16.00-24 00. : ical was up about a point. ~~ ke ~« * &* x * * unqualified opinion Se ‘egal ot the robaser's } ¢p—Sa About loads | roomfi saig raft’ marks con- : approving lenotce’ shorn lambs in early supriy| B eld he was deeply| Reycraft’s rer were Reycraft said the investigation|sotes, te be secured at the purchaser's ‘steady at 2150-2225: slaughter ewes). concerned that extra diversion of tained in an affidavit filed in Fed- is banal plaints and other Thee [quoted steady cull to choice 5.00-10.00 ; New York Stocks a 1,000 cubic feet a second of inf on com by the — ae na ox ar ie “a : ° (Late Morning Quotations) Great Lakes water will -harm/ Clarkston School, 6596 W A | Pigures after decimal point are eighths | Great Lakes shipping and the St. lod Cc | a partment of Justice indicating that oe Be, — on, Michigan ais Shab féa roup ee ‘Admiral... 20.1 Int Tel & Tel . $03 1 awrence Seaway, and damage our ge Calendar _| Genera} Motors and possibly others and ail : f . : 5. ee | ’ now engaged pproved April 3959. + | wilted Ch ....1184 Johns Man ... 583 relations with Canada. Special communication, Cedar my be im STAT or | |Allied “stra -. $8.4 Jones & L ... 33) Chicago has already diverted the|Lodge No. 60, F&AM. Clarkston, of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. MUNICIPAL PENANCE jAlum Ltd... 287 Kennecott ....113-7' flow of three rivers from the Great;Thursday, April 30th, 5 pm. Work; “This information makes crim- | Aleos eee 84.2 pace Clk soe 293 Lakes to the Mississippi and is MM. Degree. Dinner 6:30. Gor- inal like- April 28,29, 30, May 1, roger... { : ; . ROYAL OAK — A group of resi- Am Ca... 33 Lene & ++++4333 waking some 1,800 cubic feet of don Stayt, WM. adv. ly to warrant further inquiry via ins |dents which calls itself the HOPE 4% \h'vay'"" tea Libby McN&L” 124\water a second from the Great this grand jury,” he added. : jorganization is seeking signatures'Am Motors .-. 37.6 Lig am see og Lakes. e 4 be es jon a petition to force a special 4 N.Ge* --- 4 rolws 00. 317 ews in rie The affidavit said the govern- |election on school tax issues here: (62 Teer a4 Lomere’.” an] : = nad — showing that 26, 1958, hee ory m “may have deliberately ac-| 1391 3 tr 'velored, x * &* |Aneconde «.... $4.3 ms ae a W. R. Jolly ore The theft of her purse while | quired and combined n jor pro- wife of Charles W. Berridge; The issues, defeated in the armour & Co 246 be pea A peers 3 H d CG M shopping at Neisner’s Bros. store | ducers of a lagre number of prod- Burton oa Leslie e; also \Spring election, call. for a_five- Beit"? Giro 242 May D str... 3 LO ea at 42 N. Saginaw St. was reported |ucts.. together with manufacturers survived by 17 and f Beth Steel ... 21 Mergen dine’, s* NY R ; ] - yesterday by Geraldine Ish, 3995 of “ sential parts and accessories bgt “Will be held” Friday. “|operating costs and two mills for penn ‘alam “1 2ag Merr Chas .- 20.2) ews Relations |Aquarina St., Waterford Township. | in one combination." "| May 3, 08 1:38. p.m. wun Rew ‘five years for construction. bee bts cease 2 rr aed pe al . 5 i |Sbe told Pontiac Police the verge! * « . * Seva See Inter- | oe Borg Warn .). 426 Minn P&L 384 Appointment of Warren J. Jolly-|contained $4 and three charge : ‘ Be ¥ in state at the | The Royal Oak school system \Briggs Mf .". 9.5 Monsan Ch... 485 Fore as head of General Motors plates. It also indicates, Reycraft ‘said, ‘Spar ft Puneral < | ts facing probable curtailment of |Brist My ...-163.2 Moe" prod... 3! news relations in New York City | ; that the resulting combine may| SLANN, LOUIS BURTON, PLYMe- services next year unless the (puda Co |). 263 Mot Wheel... 17.2) | Robert A. March, 47, of soz ,/have “monopoly power over price, 9 SS ean) ne Moterol 91 Was announced today by Anthony (nee Baesler}; father of millage proposals are passed, ——., ; 38.1 Muetier Brass 285 De Lo “vice president in|Lincoln Rd., Royal Oak, was sen-| and competition in many of the} = mana: brother of Mrs. } .° * = * ‘Gampe Soup .. S24 Nat Bise |. 506\charge of public relations staff, |tenced to pay a fine of $100 plus;Markets in which General Motors) ats p.m. from the Manley | A spokesman for the school/Cén Pac ..... 302 Nat Cash R .. 712/ The appointment is effective $15 costs and 10 days or 90 days, Sells its products . . . re Soe SS : | 3 Capital Afri 20 Nat Dairy «- 50.1 } Argum t ham. In t in jboard said they are opposed to GaPrier CP... 43.7 Nat Gyps ..... 69.2 June 1. Jollymore succeeds Fred/in the Oakland County Jail, Tues- ents on whether the sub-| Park Cemetery. ithe HOPE petition because they|Case, JI.....: 212 NY Nest go Collins, who is returning to the day, after pleading guilty to a PoeMa for GM's records should be VIDSON. 27, JEM- er : Cater Trac 95.2 Norf & West 99 g re | ed be ina, 17% Ags J F feel it is ill-timed—following toojches & Onio| 13. Ne Am Av ... 484/news relations staff in Detroit. _ |drunk driving charge before Orion Twashed are to be heard May 18. a sage Ta; beloved Fae close behind the defeat. Te ese: OM Nor Sta. Pw. 23.1 x * * — Justice Helmar G. Stan-| NOTICE OF SALE Davidson Jr. dear ot ‘Mrs. * * * Cities Sve . 58.4 Oo Ol ..... “ aback. 000. Nes . therine Ray, s. Rose ( ; \Clark Equip .. a4g4 Owens Cng ... 72 dollymore has been a member City of Pontisc, Oakland County, Mich- John, William and * Another. election could not be Ciuett Pea ... §7 ge ts cs of the news relations staff since.| Mrs. Betty Partin of 57 Mechanic | “Sealed bide fen” ‘tae aint of tax Thursday, April 3s jheld ae 60 days after the Peti- ects paim 221.125 Pan AW Air 307) he joined General Motors in 1953, \St., reported to Pontiac Police fay pation Botes of the City ot Pum;| Eorct tome wae ieee Joseph I, 2 a Dl ..... . i ’ = ; ; “NOPE ed. 7 Gon EGis’ 2. ga. Param Pict... 464| except for the period of June 1, | yesterday that someone broke into pat’ value of 8516006 00 cubed Chapmaa ier ermene: stands for “help our pub-/Gon x Ges "". $07 Parke Da |". 43.7] 3956 to March 1 1958, when he | , i y the undersigned at her office in the in Lawn 7 lic education.” Gonsum Pw 843 OO cca Sol was. director of public relations —s pane aa lee D Veni ak noel Sta > *s ion Seaman om Gene, . Con Pw pf 4.52 96 psi Cola ... containing ; P.m., rm , on} _ the Parme er Funeral Home, , . Con Pw pf4.ig 95 Pfiset ....... 123 | of Cadillac Motor Car Division. Le ory (Meg Mr py Nom FS Sy ey ve <2 . li B f Cont Can .. 46.7 Sarg D -.see: roid which time and place they will be pub-| | G., 319 E. eet 5 3 Cont CovaS.. 133 LO os scenes 6 Duri World W II he ed licly opened and read. loved husban Nell A Phill Pet ..... 50 uring Wor ar serv T . . Geney; dear father as Ipe Ine urs 5, Cont Meter .. 135 pio a G..® las a BD bombardier with the 20th) Burslars broke into the tool | ana will mature September 11080, eed| Senay’ eae Brother of Mrs. Irak” on Copper Rng .. 24.6 Req! °"*"* 604 Air Force in the Pacific jShed of the Municipal Golf Course| vai Seer imverest ate rate eet exeseding| — Candirey alse survived by te s ree) | * | ‘ = ° le n- 5 25 Families Flee ito Br feta gs BMT DPS a on cote x oe road ad aticataet tag] See i hee . ber Rate’ sith Pd Revn Mot... ne Following his graduation in 1946 io ens. take 1 yeste: - Noth- 4 ihe purchaser of said notes. Detom- with aterment sa white ae xi y cont : : $ ton | fas te i : ations o e notes shall be at the emetery. t. ey SHOLLIDAYSBURG, Pa. (AP)— B'S Seas... 337 Roral Dut |, 43.5/ffom the University of Wisconsin, option of the purchase?’ Bach bia sh Hn tate at the. Huntoon Puneral . Pa, Doug Air .... ais Ratevay St dy 3811 Journalism School, Jollymor€ | Burglars broke into Omans serv- e., “ Annual “interest. rate upon Home. —— ese . St Re cme i ; ar i . ‘ Le . : e xpress APRIL this. western Pennsylvanialrast) Air Lo. a, 2 Scoville Mf... 25.3) Worked on the editorial staff of the ice station at 180 Orchard Lake multiples of \% of Isc Accrued imierest we ios. Walters bat Char- “") gag Sears Reeb ... 43.3) Wisconsin State Journal in Madi- . A _|to date of delivery of the notes shall be ‘Eaton Mfg aia ENO OW 1... Rea f . , Ave. and took $1.60, it was report-|paid by the purchaser at the time of gallons of fuel gushed forth. |e aute b ... 443 fineate? "18 at's Son lor Seven years. ed to Pontiac Police today. Pye ag EE Police alerted and helped evacu- El & Mus : ws Bocoae *** G51; Collins joine enera Motors as| Ru - 'e E 1960 caitel improvement taxes, -, Mrs George 8k ate at least 25 families in thelene Re) 0 ytd Sou Bac nice oe 88.2.4 member of the News Relations ummage Sale, St. Mary's Epis-| For the purpose of awarding the lanea, Ex-Cell-O . |" 39.7 Sperry Ra’ ’’, 246 Staff in 1955 after 32 years of news- paca coun: eray et 10'se be “Scenpuien bp adceranie at b segiiol tok Food Mach |. 446 Std oll'cal |.) seg Paper and magazine reporting. Welt 9 pm. Saturday, May 2nd~10/%pecitied therein the ‘totaly doliar ‘value Two fire companies stood by.[piGoat ‘hui’ ify gid QUE |. E[Nas & member of the Detroit/am. to 5 pm. 0 ae co eerie oe Pressure sent the gasoline at least|Prueh Tra ... 23.2 std Ofl Oh :’, 627/imes editorial staff for 20 years Rummage Sale — St. Willlams|be awarded to the bidder whore tid au 50 feet into the air rb j-|Gardner Den 52 Stevens. JP ..484 before becoming Detroit bureau/pgrish Hall, Walled Lake. 10 to 6 |the above computation produces the i e alr, a nearby reSi-|Gen Bak ..... 13.2 Stud Pack .... 122] of Ti : a : y ;|lowest interest cost to the city. No pro- dent said. Gen Dyna 88 Sun O one $2.6 manager Time, Inc., in 1943. ee and Saturday, pod posal for less than all of the notes Police warned all sportsmen to\Gen Fis). 49 Swift & Co 1 362 . "| be etnies nO pee ee stay away from nearby fishing |Gen Mills | G4 Tex O Sui... 213 Ho Idu p Man one age ae Sey, ef Sh hee ar ae tee ee check in the] "thas, Sep Danes waters, Gen “Piss 97 Textron ....., 233 p.m., St. rew’s SCO | tae ben ri Township; age 60; Tin Rh Bea 5868 : pal Chtirch. 5301 Hatchery Ra., |° rporate nk or trust company and M Pol *“ * * Gerber Brod’. es) Trans W Alr | 20 ‘Sate From Cit Drayton Plains, Viel sald chY mum acésonpeny seek tte olice said the pipeline wag lo-|Gitette |. $1.5 ene ee. | y PT ow as R guarantee of good faith on the} cated about two miles southeast Goebel Br .... 26 Underwq 26.4 -s : Rummage sale Gulid No 2 Alljpert, of ache need Sout es ee of Hollidaysburg. A spokesman ‘mies atte Hs peer Officials Now saints Episconal church, Fri, May/ateyed on tne rong fal checks. Checks said it was a recently completed | Greh Paige “uy Uatt Ae . at | : i ‘ : adv.|""itas shall “be conditioned upon thre oe 55-million-dollar line owned by the Gt Nor Ry 1) 587 Unit_ Fruit’. 3% | Pontiac Police have found the R — unaualifte? opinion of Dickinson, Wright. will He te eeete te the Huntoon Laurel Pipeline Co. and running Grerhound . ...225 U8 Gas,CP -- $37 man who held up the Sibley Coal | ward Bhoningtan, a weed. Rtevene et inet, Cutlip (Claude K.| -_ Pumeral Matte. from near Philadelphia into Ohio. Holland F).. 14.1 US Steel ..... $11Co. March 13, but they're not £0-'30. 9 to 6. Kree parking. adv, |Mlehigen. aporaving the legality of the Hollidaysbure is abo jjeg |Home Stk... 403 Tob a i : . ' : *|notes. The cost of suclr opinion will be ollidaysburg is about 100 miles Hooker Ch 39 Van Real - 36.2/ing to prosecute him. AA Private Detectives paid by the city. The purchaser shall : acai - : ; : , 7 ttives ft h f east of Pittsburgh. eee ay oo ths West Un tel: 36.5) He's already in prison.and won't! ricensed—-Bonded—-FE 55201 [irish notes ready tor execution at his y West A-Bk .. 356. Ing Rand ... 101.4 Westg El ge be out for 30-40 years. ady.|livered at Detroit, Michtean. or such +. 86.2) e ace as may be Herter Can Be No Worse (ian? 1-274 Wake Mou 3) tok ® tnrge he oy and he Pater Interlak Ir .. 27.4 Woolworth 58.4] Robert J 34, admitted ; a e right is reserved to reject any or Than Dulles—Truman {nt Bus Mch. 589 ‘Yale & Tow . 341 ones, 34, adm 2 | A alt bids tainine ¢ nt "In * ' the bids shoul ear”. 402 Femi REF HL4| holding up the coat tirm's owner, |£ ISUTANCE AQENCIES |. scion cooteiping, tne mide snoutal NEW YORK (UPI) — For n vere ¢ Anaconda we 562° 8. J. Sibley, at the company " [Notes = , ( mer Int Paper 136-6 Gon . al * ’ ’ Approved April 21. 1959. : President Harry S. Truman said {*t Shoe ..... 36, Geneseo Be) offices, 140 N. Cass Ave., to ill Merge in Pontiac y STATE_OP _MICHIGAN today he believes new Secretary) *“ Upjohn of K. “e Det. Orville C. Johnston yester- |: é in a COMMISSION There will be the same number planned to lend variety to the These will iriclude an amateur talent show to be staged by |), Romeo Community High School students on the final night. Food and soft drinks will be 4-H Girl Doors will be open from 1 to 6 | caponet tes over Near the end of the first hour’ wheat was % cent a bushel lower, Detsoit. in case on May to % higher on the new, Whites—Grade A extra crop months, May $1.93%; corn \|?2; dium | Commercially Whites—G: each way. | 10-11; vy t broilers and fryers 3-4 Ibs. whit ; fred Rocks 24-26; 5 Ibs. 26-28; ducklings 30. DETROIT EGGS | DETROIT, April 29 iAP) — Eggs, f.0.b. lots, Federal- State large 33; large medium 24; ~ i e Sees rge 33; large 31; me- Grade B large 28. Checks 2:14. raded: 4 Ss, —Grade A extra 24; & : rade A jumbo 29; extra extra ‘sarge 28; | ‘at Mt. Vernon. After lunch the A 20-inch’ gasoline pipeline burst Dow Chem .. ‘group will embark for home, with! near a top feature of the trip yet to‘towr early today. Thousands of East. Kod TARRETS sel Detroit Bureau of Markets, as of| ket declined moderately in heavy | Losses of about a point were in Heavy Trade _NEW YORK —The stock mar- early dealings today. Most key stocks were down frac- tions. A few stretched losses to a point or so. Moderate gains were scattered through the list. *» » *& The market was extremely ac- tive at the start. The ticker tape was as much as two min- utes behind transactions for a Profit taking was once again in id other space age lent than’ yesterday. * * * Zenith wiped out yesterday's 642 point loss for a while then settled back. Meanwhile, trading began ion Zenith’s when-issued stock based on the 3-for-1 stock split. The latter. ‘sold at a slight premium over present stock. * * * The business news: background, including a big boost in earn- ings for U.S, Steel, continued fav | } = oe j : WASHINGTON — An tion of the Chicago sewage - ment system and its use of Great Lakes water was sought today William. S. Broom- Broomfield said the investigation should include officials of the Metropolitan Sanitary District of reluctance to testify as to whether the district is doing all it possibly can to abate water pollution” in the Illinois Waterway. x * * The request for a further look at the operation of Chicago's sewage treatment system came after the House passed a cositro- versial water diversion bill Great -Lakes states, including Michigan, and neighbor Canada have all protested the diversion of Great Lakes water because of the adverse effect it would have on shipping in the newly-opened St. Lawrence Seaway and on the gen- eration of electric power. * * * Michigan officials claim the Chi- cago Sanitary District has ignored its responsibilities in providing adequate sewage treatment, and that extra diversion of Great Lakes taken ‘by American Telephone, Du STOCK AVERAGES | (Compiled by 7 paves ited Press) of State Christian A, Herter is “a good man.” * * * Asked to compare him to his predecessor, John Foster Dulles,| odious comparisons; tried." , * * * gd Truman had said yesterday that! Dulles ‘did a good job when he) had a good boss,” referring to his. service under Secretary of State | Dean Acheson in his own admin-. istration. : Automotive: exports have more fix than doubled since 1945. Truman said: “Let's not make any jrosth feo .7". he couldn't yest ago .. any worse than Dulles if he/1959 tow 19) ‘0 1 15 Indust Rails Util Stocks Net change ....—1.3 —.2 —. —¢4 Noon today ...334.7 139.8 100.3 227.1) Prev. day ,...,.336.0 140.0 100.6 2278 oe 332.8 140.9 101.3 227.1: oo 319.7 135.6 101.0 320.6: oe 248.7 92.4 70.6 167.7! high ..4....336.8 144.2 18 ore veeeese 306.1 133.8 + § 11.5 1958 high ,......312 136.5 <7 214.3) JOW ..ccuees 80.9 72.9 156.6) DETROIT STOCKS (C. J. Mephier Co.) Figures after decim 1 polite are eighths: High Low Noon| Allen Elec. & Equip, Co." 25 26, Baldwih Rubber Co.*..,,. 16.4 17:4 Ross Gear Co*.... .., 32 “4 G. L, Of & Chem. Co.*.. 15 . How Elec. Mtr, Co.* 12 13 Peninsular M Prod. Co.* 114 12.4 The ftir OO, escaxecs 13.5 135 135 Rudy Mig: Co. .....600.-184 124 124 Toledo Edison Co. ......1% 17 *No sale; bid and asked. ee ee |e A. 3 robbery in detail’ for the detective te weapon,” Johnston quipped. . | Chicago would solve its problems oomfel As water would not be necessary if = Greater Chicago who have “‘shown| ae MET PRINCE IN SHORTS — Dr. Josie Etheridge, 36, medical officer for the Exuma Keys and Ragged Island district in the Ba- hamas, was all dressed for the visit of Prince Philip of England but a rush medical call caused the change to working clothes, shorts and a peppermint stripe blouse. She was still attired thus when she met and shook hands with Prince Philip. - AP Wirephote Firm Fights Anti-Trust Probe day He was nabbed by Flint Police March 27 for holding up a ‘drug- store in Vassar and sentenced to 30-40 years in Jackson State Prison for atmed robbery. x * * Jones described the Pontiac and said that he later threw an eight-inch long, sawed-off shotgun was announced today. ~ The Maynard Johnson nard Johnson in 1940, will with the Norvell Agency associate, effective Friday, used in the holdup into Niagara’! Falls. 4 “We're not going ‘after Authorities won't press the case. against Johnston seeing that he has @ permanent home for quite a spell. Johnson will still handle Building, 70 W. Lawrence said. Agency, 807 Community National Bank Building, founded by May- A 1%year-old P®ntiac insurance | agency will merge with the Austin-; ——— Norvell] Agency Inc. this week, it General d affiliate as -an|t his own the Ollice in the Austin-Norvell Agency Pontiac, residents of the Ci igan. Whe 5 be held tn U.S. Attorney Says GM Using Size as a Shield April 27, 1989 ADA R. EVANS, City Clerk April 29, ‘5: SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF Pontiac, Oakland County, Michigan. Notice of last day of, reeistration for yo jac, - reas, The Annual Election ts to said school district on Mon. ay, the 6th day of June, 1959, , : 2 at an sonnel schoo a a s. wever, . Ww » his! pplication for ree¢istration should be if wenn Ho er. he will have his made to the city clerk of the City of St.. he Persons already registered on the ot, registration books of the City ef Pon- ac need not re-register In 1899, the Automobile Club of America was organized. WALTER Lb. GODSELL, Board of Education of the School District of the City of Pontiac, in. qa 20, 30, "Ss, Fr ie i G ine ¥Eg d se ; six grandchildren randent _ “Hey! Be careful, Saath tng 13 | Painting & Decorating 20 in - person. ic RUR Wishes! msieton Gervizae oodward Ave. at Square > igh : s B > t Hime your own month SINGLE WOMAR PE | EMPLOYED VOMAN or Mi _ wants apt. Waterford a OR r 6. NGING — * s ag? tep. Stephen Navarre. cine? So toe Sere No _ MI 63783 ; P. ‘A ence. estimates. OR 3-4074, Williams . | Baaaeaes Pom ght pees ANGIN poletd Work Het. FE 5-030. | 42171 Bauru —— Soe ws, and wnmowers p+ washine ean —— or 3 ving ii ‘Toniper 82 * M 7 ; at steam rE 2-4608. LIKE TO qo 13| __ Television Service sl Sarasa ret at Near bus es FE : . . LER'S | PORTAB ABLE Pay om Ba, Pa WORKING GIRL TO EHARE My G 8 ia. —__; Union Lk. Village ' with & are. %-hr, serv. OR +4. 2 ; 24001 *e ps SBI 8 PE, 27-5005. 2 Wenonah Dr. " : 5) 7 AME NEWLY | DEC, HEAT APT. je Hill area. oL 1-91, 317 girl. EM A EN JEWREN STV _aenvICe TER. 2-0623 after Tues. Bo . — , aS Eien —Boen_& _evening,_ call PERO | Wid. Contracts, Migs. 32| ae ene. Oe pike Mel’ Lake ‘Angelus. PE ‘Upholstering — 23 : ae | re atures ae ome facie. , OAs. "Wanwelt 4840 Disie Mwy. : a ; with, BM 3-036. . FINISHED, as ee ert ane Ra. EM 2: 4 2%, 3, 5, q, 10, 14, 20, eg ee tor care of auto, rt washers. Whole siT¢ vy Lake 4, Cite $9, 28, 31, 82, 96, 37, &, oung Men to Assist rentler couple | sale algae a ‘a PRESSE | Se a Oe rere ee ee cnc oe reer Se EE 7 ak y TES LABTE saking, Tailorin geo agg Late ee aig eee eS ire Erase, CASH ooo vente th ie Caren wen ond women's dina xs AVAILABLE FOR LAND CON. A + ie | yer hs SE, Seana Ge) CARETAKERS | meee “in mY et. | XO SaLIGAHON CALL ods r Bondy & i : FE 5-8888 : h: era alee . i or denirable. Ft cpariment ix 3 Lost & Found” 2 A. Johnson Au 5 ng ingtauring tare, Hours on fl = FE Marg sow | REALTOR FE 42533 * Tarnished. ee : compensation, Write ¢ Pontiac Press Garden Plowing 16B )“Crecins. *.. vt ae tag a N. Shirley: 1706 8. Telegraph RA. . Apts. | Oak FS cial. ANDYS ROTO . TILING. FR| LAST BLUR ANG WATTE IMMEDIATE 76 RMS ACROSS PONTIAC WO- —— - — ° ‘ afte. BETg, Ot Ne ae Bee am TE cera w ag R PLoMO—g| Bibel RIOW Sos wy AON res nen) Baba haasTe ot Oe | GE ROO Sar 3 -discing, leveling & loading, . or seasone’. Your cash Upon sat- | FE | Learn Real Estate oom TIES NAPLES TE feetory inapection of property and |? al + Rook, PRIVATE ATIC a S| om ATTEND CLASSES & ent work. Templeton. BATH & GARAGE. AUTO. Work st new brick Project, tn pieek come GARDEN PLO _ REASONS able papers. Re Tuxedo! K L. Templeton, Realtor. 7 Re OND atti earn coe ‘ oat ater. FE 61414. & North Sekland Lake areas, a | GAR WN R 2339 Orchara po Rd, FE ay a ed very nice.| west side. RICK "AP? HOUSE. also help need: Milf igh. | Work Free Estimates 2-4030 LOST: SABLE & WHITE COLLIE rat side, 1 unfure Vee: 4 land, ‘Gomimerce atens, Very good oats ar stows G re ao s., vues Be ona sel art Goren. a ok Sasi Hit | het aa, ~~ ls) : . OL. or se’ ar “ . Rida afve eat, tll or gerne | BRICK, Ww 4 ff 3g 8 See a 5 _™o, 174 W. Pike Ust have car, or part time, Reas. prices ST: IRISH SETTER PURE-} 9% o+2 Phone yar pe iw, Mr. BLOCK. NT WORK rE 2-7369. bred. male. Vicinity Lahser. & : ‘ Bos | & BATH. UPPER. FE Schuctt af FE 80488 or" Mr. Free est. Cail after § p.m. OL | GARDEN PLOWING BY LOT OR Pine Bloomfield Hills. Mille, Ape. oe | pene OL _1-8261. 1-1270, ac: where, FE 5-611. nn Fn] Tinker. Reward 5 RMS. & BATR, UPPER FLAT expe more th than & na yeas. this Sell_the new for garden plowing, and we | Loar as SMALL BROWN GERMAN Land C Beac 0 Fe Shsggeteers. a2 ” . ie . j Fe indian nel | on is St. 1 ton of den} cyclopedia Britsanite, Ce Sone Boees adie Vic. Baldwin and Wal- Shepherd. Children's s pet Anewers Buy Land Contracts 5 Roow x, MODERN. APARTRENT | ne OL aim. $300 pire while you ORLANDO BUILDERS fon. FH 4-8543, _to name of “Eppy." 2-408. N Ip DELINQUENT! | (3 ROOMS, NEWLY DECORATED, | PE | SLERICAL earn, Call DI. Rk GARDEN PLOW. Auk for Sees Manager with pvt. bath & ent. k 4 \ OR 3074 MU 4-4012 PERRY LIFPLE GRAY Doo. VI-" FE 3-4238 or MA 5-1128 seening? re Een ent. Couple only. | § 2 D important "xe h inte’ near Af woman. Rees ES iatiy of Coreline iy — gC LEAN, ADULTS. ene aati lan Gg oe beturday: | CEMENT, 18 OUR SPECIALT HORT AST IDE, | Heights cuit Ui $3008. | HUMPHRIES REALTY | 7, APTS SURAN, ADULTS, | Tous rh BATH PULL ane. preg ie of working w bd CARPENTER WORK, NEW & BE PLOWING Lost: sH Ni THEN SED — in 1 girl office of local | REAL ESTA sites Prorie | “A a te vw speclaite. PE com Sip Dea, N- od Fiease” call FE 60080. r PAAI AS: Pe ee na land saan "1s Lig Sy Bi 5 yearn ‘os a aN ATH arate at ering Soply Pontiac Press ‘Box | —8t00ee. Apply €6 W. Huron. ns ee et ad ims ; ist TAN WALLET. CONTAIN: GARZTOL SAVINGS & LOAM CO. | 3 bOOMS AND BATH PRivate 5 bE Zn Gustom Homes BY LICENSED ROTO-TILLING REASONA: | “ing important papers. Vic. of Kee: =e _S. E_¢@61 |“ entrance. Utilites furnished. ones? jecetion CAPE IDEAL ghrenairamunne REAL ESTATE SALESMAN. builder, Pree ectimates UL 20170 | “be. FE 4-3048 go Harbor. FE 6-2064. ABILITY Saree Shoppieg Comer. FB ON. | Ness Ganeral Hospital. Ref. te. opening for person with parts &| . Scheduied ficor time, one CERAMIC TILE Insurance Agencies 17A | POUND — FEMALE BEAGLE 7 RMS. ADULTS. DAY WORK. | _‘uired FE 2-2000 Pionse, do net, apply unless quail:| plat. No Broker competi. PREE ESTIMATES se To sell your tand ermtract at the! Squier, tome. 4-787. ~to.5 Pm. c IENT & markings. Answers to “Major.” | {5 years) Also cash for | 2 RMS NEAR GENERAL HOSP aS Unga nS ‘ service arnsia R. Simmons, rep- : r many 6 ROOMS UNPURN, Beaut rator “BUD” Nicholie, Realtor WORK FE reseuti Tricker Insurance Agen-| Vic Jessie & Wilson, child’s pet.; your equities. Mortgages avail-| _‘#!. All util turn OR 3-952 come. PE 25573 CHILD WEL . full 49 Mt. Clemens St. 1% CAR GARA ey. 7 L4séi or OR 3-0807, PE 69973. Rowers. able. “as WAC J LARGE RMS. PVT. BATH AND Hit 6. SHIRLEY ™ 5-1201 or PE 2.1373 BARGAIN—#495 Laundry Service 18 Hobbies & Supplies 24A | x, hination 2 eal guy bour re| toi ee Baiem. FE 5 Sent teat nicely decorated, a : i tate a 43844 or } LARGE ® ea. ults only, $4 BABY & -| tational cooks. be able to) : ad AINT BY NUMBER PICTURES. 5 BROS Rae. & Pate. CLEAN. ¥ month. K G. Hem days 4 .. 3. ¢hildren. | cook and serve in quanti- NG AND CAPLETS PAMILY LAUNDRY yt RA gumes | Backeostore ‘ARRO. REALTY |" chiia welcome PE 41138, . Huron 8; FE or oa housework. Provide own ties. Ape ta in Feon, 0 am. to; _ing. Free estimates. 8-6781. Laundry. 840 8. “Telegraph. FE Book k Store Lawrence 8t.| A RETTER CASH SALE 3 a AND & tare god Vey eee he &. . twe — : BLECT CTRICAL CONTRACTOR, a wis. Notices & "Personals 25| For land contracts in white or sigan. In kee Heights. ¥ ie: $13 er ok. Call “Looe, Employment Agencies 8A c. OL. 23002, Landscaping 18A | gered ares. Ae, on aioe & LOVELY woe t APT MUST DETECTIVES , TR : Y WA AA PRIVATE Tints. | frontage, screnge and Jote. John AND BATH. VERY DE-| be cee. Mauls PE 4619 A-l TREE SERVICE RE- we ware. Eee Kinzler. Realtor, a| gee quiet couple. | _osiy EVELYN EDWARDS Excavarina —~ TRENCRING mora aad Or ewe ow anal — = —# me BSOLUTELY — | 7 900MS. MODERN. CLEAN, PVT,|4 NEW 4 ‘ROOM RANCH pU- LEG oa. a ea VOCATIONAL COUNSELING F - | ALL, KINDS OF LAWN . FIN. bach & ent.. vo drinkers or pets. X, Wood pane) living rm & SERVICE ree FE. ed rading. Top soil. FE 20603. KNAPP. SHOES The fastest action your. land Pea 1g 2-364. eat" SENS rm. 4 lg closets, ~ouUR NEW ‘LOCATION— | Fs) WIRING, ze ROTO - TILLING. FH Pred Herma: OR 3-1592 contract. Cash . Sepers waiting. LP ah AND BATH. PVT, E ‘ | ool rivile oe Lk. beach & 34% EAST HURON dae’ Water beat ‘and dry-| 7.0701. rey Gin OR WOMAN WEEDING | Col Realtor . PE + ery clean and nice Adults oaly. privileges. Pri rotessional adults . had 0504 ei. PE 6-8431. R: & Munro lee 1 MARION AND KY. BLUE SOD. sai fr friendiy advisor phone FS z Al ION IT! ; hs FR neat at 237 eiserree e May ist. PE 3 Co. 1060 W_ Huron. eliveriers made or you k up. Setsn te ential. i? On Con + = 3 REPRESENTATIVE "FREE YOUNGSTOWN KITCHEN | _ 2601 Crooks Rd__UL i -couPLETE COLD WAVE 69) |. have sola ona first or second aot. " is Sabie ARCADIA APT. NO 3 on Fee between the) pore ee MATES. gop | M1 TREE TRIMMING AND RE H Style Rite. OR 33421, Wik | land contract, and would like AR AUBUAR | Newly decorated apartment with ages Major in anaes R.B Munro Electric Co, FE 5-431 | ovals, Free estimates. OR 3-6826. Heme and M59. your cash. get you the Height wt ey 3 rooms & bath at per month. ag opie preferred. 3 ae COMPLETE LAWN SERVICE FE highest dollar” “Reasons le dis ‘ Children weltome. Close to we bed nn J sat te Bon ide GARAGES BY PEDY BILT Ga- 3-0067. CHARLES CHESTER Ask for Mr. Hayden, _. | 3 MB. Pvt, BATH AND” ENT. | * schools. churehes, and‘ downtown. Btete Ben rane Co ORlende 3 COMPLETE “LAWN MAINTE.| _ ,AIR CUSHIONED SHOES | ime C. HAYDEN, Realtor — Uttara A eit mE RAY ple. lnundty “focitaes nee Am- nance. Spring cleanup, fertilizing, ; e care- . SALES mosernisntion and = Fe cab} Polling = Sama meiniy at | CALL ELECTROLYSIn CENTRE, | 4 Welton & “quiet. Good neighborhood. -Air.| {Aker at A 2, Arcadia art. core Man aged 28-40 with sales back. inets. UL _2-3479 — season contracts? years, experi | “hate unwanted hair removed 17 Wanted Real fui BIA S00 g- Couple only. FE stead. 1 Ay — fan a4 40 with GUARANTEED rs — ALL All work guaranteed. Dan's) a a qualified and, experienced Blec- | ~~~ Pic Prego, BHT, hi ‘aw Employment, 406 Pontine kinds, Est. ‘8 peag Mara | Landscape Service, FE 4-5538. Martha Wilder, State ALL CASH ¢ LARGE CLEAN RMS, al — AND WAITRESS, Kitcwest mph Bldg, FE 50271. 353_N. Cass. FE LANDSCAPING, SEEDING & SOD-| Registered. Experienced. OR ‘ ; Pvt. front and back ent., Re- eee RMs. & ATH. $50 Apptr. be neat and d “owen aera acaennceee ~—s DRY V WALL — ding, call for free est. rE. 2-5463, | _ 3-2 SADRUP ene {mmediatery for acreage org “a aieea oe re oe —month. PEL 2-8203 ot * 3-9735 sin ule oP PLOWING. SWEEP! DAINTY MAID SUPPLIES f Pontiac Lk. = Work Wanted Male 10 _10 HORE oR Na RULLY | aes rettng. Pang & orb Menominee Mrs. Wallace. ore PENN REALTY koe = CLEAN COMFOR BIRMINGHAM - CENTRALLY 5-8940. Sa - —new d hoistery ‘a Good. pay. steady | § Pr. HUSKY WANTS WORK oF or _ PE 49450, L. A, Young. | ~~. ian DAINTY MAID SUPPLIES — irs. en 5. Woden, Oak _ Bele gone Cifld weleome, 4787| rooms Large iiving "rests," cee Cesare eeTANT FOR Wit | fee mick gobo eas oes Sts | wager. Moving & Trucking 19 “A "Twyer, #.dilewls. Fe 278i CASH iM spmce | Meera “Aetke’? spt, te DENT most Jobs. andy : ‘ FOR ALL REORDERS ON PEGGY 1 RMS AND BATH. REDECO. | ‘rigerator i paeet or FE +6271 A-l RUBBISH HAULING Newton Products or for s’group| FOR YOUR HOME OR EQUITY. Ww. Inquire 95/ perk copace. Call Midwest INTE : , NI $4 load. FE 80145 demonstration call FE i cash interests you, let us look | Dwight. eral 8-263, 44-6462. ome rs property for s cash|4 NICE RdoO! AND of erie swore oerng,| IN DEBT? | er ciety Sat 2 fs f9 | cir ener peat or ox | eens ik oe aa LE site OVINE 2 M GQ CO. FE equities. W @ also ate bayers rn. Near Mir, Fe} ‘fefrigerator. Reas. MI 49700 or school Preier Ute hotise- pay A-1_ MOVING SERVICE ; land contracts Real Be | eose or Fit 24300" L$ 4 work, Gall FE 84128 after 6 2 a wer, POR: é Reasonable FE §: | IF SO | wie Ree ‘Me Gare 7 Room OOMS 3 “BEDROOMS —Pyi, | BIRMINGHAM. rig el Tae IRL TO ; tg stroke, = ‘+ REPAIR | HAULING & FR “NAME & ent. 148 Wall St> FE 2-4057,| <™. Spt. Stove, rig. ine fore for home than wages, Cars Bat. with ‘expected 4 recovery, de- | "Vern Keller UL sine _ | _.zour_prise, Abr time, PE_ toes LET US . GI AND FHA 7 ROOM Fors BATH. UPPER, | tases CUNY PE Eovtt or Rebecca = so WERE wee ett | PIAGTERING. 5 REPAIR EAE. | TACHG & RUMRIEE #4 LOAD GAS TOR TOUR, HOME gg | ff: Eevee. Adil. FE Cats | CHGicy —APARRIERT FART GENERAL HOUSEWORK, GOOD onal information, Call MI ee ER OR TATING I & 8 RUBBISH SERVICE aN Give You 1 Place tc Pay eash with very small down pay: | 5 ROOMS. HOT AND COLD WA- Woon aps cpaveraie, st? eS sok peole satan atete orn | at 1 PARTI 3x ra and finishing Phone. FE | Wight Hauling. OR 30207. -. Ease Your Mind mation De ool Sant chllgnion We ter furnished sd heat, $18 per | _Howard. ne = ite . ea ink: x. 6-8387, sviee givaate He OR SOORIFGLEIDING MONT MEAS RATES re WE ARE NOT A Rill appraise your property | and £6458, » Parke. Phone COLORED Te +3188 GS AN {PANY t 5 LGE. RMS. AUB i 4 rooms. Pvt. bath i ed Fouties Tsarance FoR MOTHER'S HELPSR, | GVAILABLE NOW CARPENTER | "*Y, S B,RgPae = Gutterwerk | LIGHT T UCKING. REASONABLE | LOAN COMPANY Oe Oe we sutin) |e fee ee tn tien | dears 8 Backeen a ood? more ior home, some wages. and exbin and _re- MICHIGAN CREDIT DORRIS & SON Children weleome 54 Jacokes. %: pay ay Secrvenen| gieeren. Fe teaen, pair. ‘D. H Murdock. PE" 2-06. yu srasi, | TOM FURNESS eM 3Ope Lone HRGEING IN 152. W Huron READE. #1597 | bath & enirance neat wane | FE SOW1 or FE 0-0353, °° Call Mr, Green, for ap HOUSEREEPER CARE OF Cuil- “SOOKKESPER ALL TAXES. ROOF REPAIRS ae COUNSELORS Mare - trelty, epee ot ‘Child welcome. DEL. DEL-RIO pers. Bidg., | 2-02. CLEAN, AMBN ITIOUS, “SINGLE is FRE OUNG ER OAU ATG ae Rubi fh ai. AOR boll, cane Pontiac State Bank Bldg. Immedi ate Apply OM, Cllr. ie ym. bath, Stove end utilities ra. would like any ‘kind of tanks, Field. tile footings, 1 snd front end loading. FE} __FE $0456 “ipvecsindng tnaleded” hes tins ple with baby welcome. ork. ie 4900 fs and boat well, UL 2-8406 £06E WEIGHT SAFELY AND : a Cooper, Apt. B-l. FE 8-228, pean $ RMS OVER KEEGO ai SIN WAKER” AND_CARPEN: MAKER AND CARPEN. TIGHT, BAgina seen ee Oe edi. - ctlon - ARCADIA NOT Hdwe., Drayton Plains. FE 2-2044. oe: Building Supplies 12A!—O DELL CARTAGE ~ | SMS Franklins NR. PONTIAC DRIVE-IN. 4 RMS. + a3 Local and long distance moving. MASSAGE We Con Sell x: ely decor and nam. Pvt. Ent & garage. Ried paraconable Cah after 6/3 Bea oF jaoes pose oe Phone FE 5-6806 is as, JOUR BUSINESS Now. feck ar Ee ir Ty 4 ‘. Ps erator ‘ : + on Ses Te BOs Fis, - : . ie ¢' » sor CARPENTER & CABINET MAK-|- st Rent lar aches & pains, for stiff joints Pers Set Meek Only ORCHARD COURT Good. work—guarant as ru pains, fo 1 Fie eed OL _Business Services 13 T icks Ptic Reds 'hsieepiete, i ns, "ot te is cheaper to rent. Come in and _ APARTMENTS . .| JUNK PICK UP AND BASEMEN N' 1PM ~ . . ' —BRAND NEW — : Sear eset | SA SETALT PAVING | game oki gitar fe, Sabre tie te pros. | MAKAIRRSEATER | af atts ‘Ss RB. & imate your ges 2 c . perviee. FE 44131 ¥ } * tolled. Or mew Wewns fend di or parking. lot . Our jobs & Pontiac Farm and | —“oriter’s pa DAY SPECIAL are Ste. FE 4.3546 FURNISHED & UNFURNISHED ing. shrub bauk Pe Neer ; arp na Seeded a SPE oe eat ww s| EDR EER] 8 1 eo | LADIES AND GIRLS » a auahy HAVE CASH garage 'N. Shirley '& Lots, Poo-| “RENT” tiac, Adults, OL 1.1875, DRASTICALLY REDUCED— - Ay, 2 oo : WILL TRAVEL “HRIGHTS 3 Pontiac's most exclusive, mod West side apartment development. Keego f, Mich. show you : . , Potential Dog Trainers + Boat ‘20m for confines 30-minute Sess 3a, ‘Soh Baleony tyye be butiding with individ- the first time % bing “ecto Cinee i about nf EY, . Broker | ‘seia’ so" Cottage St downtown * er R. D. (BILE ENGLISH RACER, GOOD COND. gin, Com con- . Reas. EM. 3-5432 ‘ en THE ANSWER 10] 2 Seema bt nals ae rte aE ss Ps Si ar -\¥ 9 UR PR f°) BLEM:| == : {ST CLASR PA “AND DEC. | gompiete inform erential Don't ton : deer ane test DON'T, PASS UP | Fer i che weeureas” ‘ Mood haste a ASTER, ovrari| —emara Pe RE. eration bates eid eambee her aUMMACE SALE AT CHRIST Bervice. poate ating, Giroux. MONEY! Sell unneeded} 5 ae Want Ads! To sell, rent, YOUNG MAN MAN WOULD LiKE ANY eo PERION FOr tnbrook, Lege Fine Rd.” Hwy, OR 30701. belongings for cash | mawacen 19 SALMBR ST. APT. ¢ ae kind of wor 5-1974. "3 Late: “antidren’s WANTED: iIMMEDIA ch Seka FE 8.6918 lepend-| hir it’s FE 2. 8181, : FURNA CLBAN AND PAL NG betonr 7 gpd 9 oy he "Koaes farms, ‘eke p through Classified Ads! : ral bs , | YOunG ins Soa COLLEGE ives. | he eee : a cal Fe Sal 2 waiting. FE 2-8181, ‘ : Se ie ae se sien LAID, ae Race. | RF UPAINTING.@ PAPRRAANG, | “PARTIE MECRPHIONS. Bau Joes, Real Est, 0 |! Omni pay g gowpar Zs ° LIVE IN MAYNARD SLATER ERWIN SLATER $3 N. PARKE ST. x from ins fi) arenes zi eS Me Maks Saweee sis aD ntlty|—P 421. ea, parly 3 nus. BA Oks 4 and hot water. Pe bas eke. 2070 “Willow Bosch. 3031. _ . OW, Orion. Good; UPPER So Ris. pletely furn. $75 mo. FE 27101. _Rent Houses Unfurn. 36 BEDRM SRICK. CLEAN, GA- > age, lake priv FE 3-208. ith lake privileges. ROOM PARTLY FUR. nshed. 80 pall’ st. LL BEMT. A “ae ye path % deposit. _>aei8. ics ia MODERN. SASE Year sround. 3263 BEDROOM TYPE. Drayton ares, $85. FE 35-6797 3 BEDRM. BRICK, NEAR TOWN | _E. Bivd. Reas, FE 49262, ton Gabres _Weleotne ' pctoge HOUSE SB WITH BATH. IN- Rd. FE 5- 53134! rianan N DUPLEX. nr. é0wntown Roches ron fenced back vane. Ret. OL | i SoG HOME, PARTLY MOD-| ern. Se: front porch, ee nation screens ce fae quiet, close in . §40, 24 Boh I i bo iS, WATERFORD, MODERN,’ on, oe wk, OR 3-5454 after “ Roona AND pond :pare BRICK, | most new. OR) 0 MONTH a RMS 2 BEDRMS “children, 2685 Orchard Lk. Ave. } ROOM see IN HURON Gardens, FE 4 i RM. ODE BOE. co. Li a ear @, nite back yard.| Bt. FE 4-2214_ e iN. 3 BEDROOM RANCH) “lot 110 x is, children welcome 7074 Feliz Dr. $100 month MA) S111 0, i CEDAR ig ISLAND LAKE. NEW jake front, 2 bedrm. duplex, beau- tiful view ideal swimming. boat- __ing. $110 month, UN 3-88 #813 CLARKSTON, ; 2 BEDROOM “bv _blex, garden space. FE 8-1465. ! FARMHOUSE POR RENT. 2-6663 or FE 2-7734. FE R 2u6¢ FERTOR ROAD ‘4 mile North. of M5®. 1% baths ranch — full ‘be wane. ment if ee a pseen aa © heat, $125 per month. tment OWEbste oe RENT. 1859 att . Available immediate- BEAUTIFUL CLARKSTON — ¢rms. one bath, $10 wk. Ideal for retired couple who Lg a arden, Call afer 6 6, LI 3-3733 MODERN 2 BEDROOM. PULL | Palle Lands *itbop in oe For eS Houses ‘MODEL OPEN basement, fenced yard, auto. heat, ye jate possession. $90 mo. Don Lynn, MI 6-9600. ie SASHAKAW 3 BEDROOM, brick ranch oi! nee: very! clean. $80 mo FE 8-619 =~ | go! m Grek To, Buy. 7 BED. em Pat. Peioee “e" rex - 54180 DEQUIN. dre. 2 houses together. a. 6 bedrooms, 3 oe = 2 large Sabpeoms. gtasto” “hving a. Ph rag rounds. $137 HEMT OR SELL INCOME HOUSE. $-3010, SMALL HOUSE, UNION LAKE Pee OR eee x AT ~ s¥ LVAN Lake — : Re Pegree Nake aeriioges, SM, ii AN $35 MO. sie c prorenal ee 1-085. a —— in k nbebeationsdtel garage. subenssiio heat, $85, FE % For Rent Rooms 37 ATTRACTIVE, RMS. GIRLS. PRIV- OMS. PRi- AN R vate, for bachelors, poaciene’s. or. Poatias en Modern. 86 & TOM. Tic HEAT Raven %. os, jock. ‘FE 8 8-6127 ENTLE: PRE FE oR RE D. Sleepin, - 18 ‘Thorpe St., $6, Der wk FES myers 7 ; q. | OPEN Rent Stores 40 STORES WEsT | ree Office Space ROOMS. TS Keogo har Har- see poceie ve BLOCK DOCK PROM Rent ludes: he: ° as parking jot, 1 nee 4 oO re and [es « West E. Fe ER com ait conationse buila- rs YS next to TEO's DRIVE INN. |Rent Lease Bus. Prop. 41A LAROE BUILDING, SUITABLE a. er any Te ot ae “HOUSE. ales ¥. copeee, sere ma cline or 43 Ore BY OWNER. INDIAN VILLAGE. 3 Unica off Mohawk, 616.990. FE $4078. 3 Bedroom HOMES $100 DOWN. SO WHY PAY RENT? BUILT IN Rags & OVENS LOADs OF MODERN FEATURES WEEKDAYS & SUNDAY 1 TO 7. IDAY mH ania at Kinbey we WESTOWN REALTY FE 68-2763 or Eves. LI 32-4677 John K. Ir win. | | TED PET Moves You In jre sist | ' & SONS WEBSTER SCHOOL DISTRICT: This well-ke three bedroom frame home has @ new furnace | and jevely carpeting. Cail to See it today fi NORTH SIDE INCOME: Six nice rooms and bath on the) first Moor, two large rooms and! beth up, with outside entrance | | | { , Sere i | | } for upstairs epartment. waren basement. gas age street Priced at | ta 500.00 + — 6mall down - John K. Jewin & Sons ealtors 3 “west fercn Street FE 5-447 or FE VE FE 8-4274 "SMITH" ‘HAMMOND LAKE ROTATES Nearly new brick Ranch. 4 betirms., 2 full baths, dining rm., attractive modern kitchen and nook combination. Paneled ae | rm., distinctive living rm. wi natural fireplace. Planter bor and large picture window affording an view of oe lake and 2-4031 1, acre corner Black top streets and driveway, Shown by appestnont An unustial value at 6.000. Ter LAKE PRIVILEGES Attractive 6 rm. 0 3 jiots near ranch located Storms and screens. $13,500 Terms. Rolfe H. Smith ~ REALTOR — Telegraph Rd. FE 13-7848 n Even ngs ‘Til 8 pm. BY OWNER. 5 RM. ERRACE. Some furniture” Sma In. payt. Ramona Terrace. Call 41559. BRICK RANCH, 3 BEDROOM, full tile basement. Storms and screens Venetian blinds. 4 other extras Large —_ beautifully landscapes ae 38 Ope as schools, MSUO and sncbpiog: Sacrifice ed padre By owner. RIVER ae Nearly pol bas ne ge room ranch home. Ful] basem beat, 2 car garage, 5 wooded lots. fgg hal to farse lakes. Only $13,. | , ij \Dorothy Snyder Lavender | Realtor Est. 29 Years 7001 Hi — Rd. (M50 Phone EM 3- or MU 4 46417 er LOW DOWN- ;? ican on land contract, 248 W. Teretciew or call, FE 8-2214, SCHRAM AR OXFORD NEA bedroom ranch with full basement. Oil] FA heat, 2 fireplaces (one in recrea- tion room), healed to 2- ‘ar 00 x . jot oe = $14,950. twe. FAMILY rooms for owner; 3 room rtment up. Renting for tps e Dp. ats 5 a month, Ol F heat in the full basement, sep- arate entrances Ra baths. Only $1,750 dow YTON” PLAINS Tm)PR4 bedroom ch home with 13x13 tiving. ieee 13x13 kitchen and hlity m and is 100x267 ft. * . 4 oe" 3. bedroom bungalow. Pull ement, gas eet rec- IVAN W. SCHR. \M t REALTOR | FE §-9471 a bol tire LISTING SERVICE Ph. F: t 2 car garage, la tot to $13,400. "Easy “Nermns N — Woatert Liens Pe ted, car garag iim nn Floyd Kent Inc., Realtor Dixie Hwy. at Tene AMPLE CUTE BOOMs & aoe PARAGE, AU- furnace. A-l ¢ lots. Bis’ buy! Open 1 to 5. see > ay ¥ =v Are aNe MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE FHA TERMS Immediate possession owner has “I'm practicing for when I go to the beach!” ne ee ee... For Sale Houses STARTER HOMES No down Pv dp roes coeuired on your free and clear * . 3, and * base- & large 117 jot. Total price only Gls Nothing — . $61 meee, luding er interiors of ‘tie ‘ yr. old "cane is fimished in knotty 2 nice bedrooms 1% 8 oot arage Ww: privileges on . ase, = NVESTORS oo 08 i] hea “HONEY MOONERS You can't go wrong a this 2 ee om the total ‘pay is ments Mdaged tia “cla toner insurance. oo gas heat & many other features | i Miata have to see to appre- ciate. MecCULLOVU $143 Cass-Elizabe Open 9 a.m. to 8.30 p m. Sunday 1-5 ROCHESTER AREA eager 3 bedrm. home, living xl8 pivs dining » tached garage. Woods and Terms. | — of town; very nice 3 be gana 26 ft. living rm.. util, oil ca eek gereee Almost 2 seonde acres, wit fruit trees, A real good value. 1) 300, Terms. Call OLive 60971 Maurice Watson, Realtor 311 W. Fifth, Hochester BY OWNER. | REDUCED | $3400 POR Firepl. 2 4 eplace ‘ear garage. _Bivd. East f ‘Adame Rd BEDROOM RANCH age wien 6 vee, heme. 6 goed oer of fine custom mes. ae ig Large ceramic tile pan- i with stone plastered walls. Oak A ‘ pace Av mos acte,:) sping. a atte | Builder 1. | | | rs Birch cabinets with for- mica Full b 2 car gotoes. a. Low terms. ,; LADD’ DIXIE HW Drayton Plains OR 31231 2 BEDROOM HOME OPF OaK- land Ave Fuil basement, as heat, tiled bath. plastered walls. __lots of close space. FE ¢835 | SACRIFICE TO FHA —- 3 br ranch. large utility, perimeter heat. alum stm & scr x 210, lot, Loon LK. Priv. §10,000. Easy terme. IDEAL LOCATION — $16,500 J.R. Hiltz REALTOR 1011 W. Huron FE 5-6181 FOUR BEDROOM F FRAME | HOUSE Price, $6200. $65 month 35 Pena. reet, across — from Post Office, Orton- ville. ~ more enclosed porch double garage &! TERMS, BY on ae SEMI-FINISHED R 3-2681_ or OR 3-1070. @ RM HOUSE FOR SALE. CALL, for ee. FR 8-2528 before 6. : BROWN DOWN — Cozy two bedroom § cairn with oi] .furn. Alum. oe & screens 2 large lots. 60 each. Here is a bar gain. $860 DOWN — 3 bedroom home with full basement. Gas furn Full size dining rm. Priced at only $7,950. “A good value.’ NOTHING DOWN J bedroom bungalow. All newly decorated. per cent in- Repossessed ly terest. All you need is about $275 | closing costs. $6,950 FULL PRICE — 2 bedroom mE alow. Modern basement. 75 x 180 ft. lot, completely fenced. Immediate posession. $8,500 ELIZABETH LAKE TATES Large rm. home. Large fireplace. 17 x 24 ft. living room, Terms to suit. Nice wood- lot, only 3 blocks from lake. COLORED GI — Located on Free pect street. 6 room modern with no WN PAYMENT. Alt you need is your mortgage costs. COLORED Large 4 bedroom home in the pink of condition. Quick possession. New Timkén oil furn. Large activities rm. Full basement, arage. Located on Raeburn. . SELL OR TRADE — Large 6 rm. modern—West side location, on aly street. Large screened. ront porch. Full basement, new oil furn, All large rooms. Will sell GI or trade for smaller home, land contract, housetrailer or late model car. LAK® FRONT — Ranch bungslow with 3 bedrooms, beautiful ledge stone fireplace. Enclosed patio room. 3 bedrooms, attached large ly car garage. Nicely landseaped t of water frontage. i trade for home in troit. Priced at only $19,850 Just 4 yrs. old. Gooa sandy beach LIST WITH US — For fast & ptt —< re abt WE BUY, 9 i 7 of all types. We sold your neighbor's home, why not yours? LL H. BROWN, Realtor 2407 Elizabeth Lake Road E 4-3564 or FE Multiple Listing Service ost NEED A FINANCE- FIXER? Order Classified Ads to sell, rent, find a -good job. FE. 2-8181. is the Want Ad number! $200 down. | ‘urn. Storms & screens. Large | | : Cali Ev MULTIPLE LISTI LISTING ! aeons 4 with without basements. Mase mode! for in- Sine F. Wood Co. OR ~$150 Moves You In 860 A MONTH PAYMENTS. BIG % ACR 3 MILES FROM NTIAC. JIM WRIGHT, Realtor 345 Oakland Ave. i ONLY $10,027 3 Bedrms., 134-Car GARAGE, AL ING Top $$ for Your Home ik this beauty RANCH nts BASS REALTY FE 3-7210 MU LTIPLE: LISTING SERVICE ELIZABETH LAKE ESTATES Eye 2 bedroom ranch years oid. Carpet- ing, drapes, water softener, eas pest. car garage. Pull price $ VAN NORMAN LAKE Lake pecseeee on ® beau- tiful 5 boosh 8 oss the road. New 2 bedroom Ranch “attached oartes. and tion. “Pull price $12,250. ALL-CUSTOM BRICK 3 BEDROOMS — $1,409 DOWN Looks like value days are really bere, especially when is new brick home just on the outski: of town for only $11,000. It . natural _ Hastered walls. Over 1,150 . ft of living space. now! Bateman & Kampsen REALTORS FE 4-0528 377 8. Telegraph Eves. & Sun. “ROCHESTER HOMES brick bing basement, 3. bedroom brick gone carpeting, family room & 2%-car garage. 27,500 4 Scareem brick 2% baths Ddutit- = Fireplace. 2-car garage. $26,- Have K — Will Show! FRANE M. SHEPARD 1010 Adams Rd. OL 1-7511; ¢ BEDRM. 2 BATHS. wasetEh Schoo] 12x20 living rm., drapes, carpet, gas heat, s' s, screens, softener, owner, 2-77. BY OWNER. LEAVING 8TATE. 3 bedrm. a near schools. Make Featherstone. FE FOR COLORED 3 bedroom, full basement, fenced yard. Good location, $6.950. $3 down. Lauinger Real Estate, OR 3-8138. § ROOMS. MODERKS. LARGE LOT, 3 car cerage, oil beat, 1138 Lake. _view FE 2-6682. GI RESALE — BY OWNER, 4's per cent interest, 3 bedroom, facebrick, full basement, ceramic tiled bath, plastered walls, cinerator, storms & screens, fully landscaped lot, in besutiful sub- Givision GI ‘sacrifice, take over payments small i etoot. | re ment. FE 4-1444 or 2 BEDROOM dOME IN teem Be small down payment. UL Is Nothing Down KEEGO HARBOR This ene should be in Ripley's ‘Belleve It or Not,"' because {t's hard to believe that this 3 bedroom home only a few blocks from Cass & Sylvan Lake is selling for only $7,500 and with No Low taxes conveniently located “Mom."’ Schools one block away ‘t delay on this one. JUST Fi ol WALTON near with approximately $400 down and payments e@bout $65 per:mo. including taxes and seeureece= Hurry! AUBURN HEIGHTS, 2 bed- teom san wo extra clean, at ro school on a biacktop street. it, soon! FIRST OFFERING ‘on ear old charmer. ag | room, new! e tered, painted walls, ‘Alum- ma storms all around, 1'¢ lots. Good beach privileges. taxes and insutance. be seen anytime. RAY O'NEIL, Realtor 382 es ne Rd. on tal; ay in- f, LO1SFE 3 WHIT BROS. LAKEPRONT recreation room. Also 2-car ga- rage. it teday and you'll buy it today ~ DRAYTON WOODS This 3 bedroom home sits am: many oak trees, high on a range nage ceramic bath many oth- At $17,000, with terms. WHITE BROS. , Open pg ag "ts B) ACRE room modern home. (Poveatial 3 » os end clean. Va- pot Dorothy Snyder Laverider erties veers, __Phone EM 3-3303 or ‘Mone. +6417 ~NEW MODEL New 3 bedrm. bungalow with full basement. COPPER PLUMBING, ALUMI- NUM SIDING. TILE BATH, OAK FLOO CABI FORMICA COUNTERS, FORCED AIR OIL HEAT. a If you would like this home dupli- cal on your let, come out and let us show you is hew mode) at $9,950 on your Jot. F. C. Wood Co. Williams fone at at M5e Office Open 9 a.m.-8 p.m. IRWIN - GEORGE R. OTTAWA HILLS bedroom bungalow. full base- aun automatic heat, garage, nice yard with of ‘shrubbery jose to schools and stores, Ex- cellent’ condition. Let's look to- day! LAKE AREA bedroom ranch home with all tion space, kitchen has lots room, ¢ , large liv- ‘pg room with therm: | pig carpet is on r. Lots of- tached. Have. the ga- ieee BS ts oe ve ® look at ‘CUSTO! You ideas? Know what you definitely want in your home? Then call us today. We can build it! Pull basement, oak floors, ofl e. EORGE R. OW ALTON 3-7883 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE KEEGO . HARBOR N NICE $ RM. modern. $6500. $00 _da . FE 5-0107. 198 W Sheeran G DOWN ford to aioe is Sopertenity. Nothing down on your lot or we/- have several choice lots avail- able. TED McULLOUGH REALTOR ass-Elizabeth Rd. FE 5-1 tae 4-3844 Open 9 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Sunday 1-5 BY OWNER, 4 ROOMS AND BATH of eee $500 dow: gS ne “TBalanc erty 4681 ineyard, Utica, fed 2-9430 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE f] 7 7 fmm a | WEST SUBURBAN Bedroom Brick home. lot M0 x 160 with Ranch fencing. GI resale ~— Less than down — Total Price $15,600. SLEABETE LAKE ES- ATES = basement, fenced yard. mediate” possession Of- toned at $11,700 with terms. NEAR FISHER BODY — 5 room home with gas heat ont Baggs Only $650 t month. fa onee jose st. 88500. THOSE FAMOUS -WORDS “Tt Might Have Been,” are dest ‘ever Known. years of rent now rep- Might Nave home, so ACT west Suberban 2 rag E-- Basement, tile pedigarne lars se > iving s° room; An excellent at $11, 1506 | pBe your cen Modiong’ Terms can be arranged. $800 DOWN — Canal front leading into beautiful Cass Lake, with , Drivile, es on You'll be glad you looked. RAY O'NEIL, Realtor 9 262 . nom Rad. OL Lees * a di pe ris “i E 4 4 I 3 : RA... scar” garage Now ip the time $s & sereens. 1%-car Hl price we $9,300. 800. Look it William Miller Realtor FE 2-0263 1075 W. Huron oe: SR “LEVEL STARTER HOME dewn, vour lot, small sown our jot, G. Flattley. EM over! NEAR CLaanerem, 3 BED: brick, large “ey owner, MA _ 52338. ar BY OWNER. pa Bare oD- MY ls, * $2,509 down. $11,000. Gt Peers. f ‘a es cent. Call BEDROOM RANCH TYPE house rent or lease, sell or tanile = equity fo uity for, angie of | a! Pheer aay Sail be between 8 & 10 pan. _OR _ 3-5624. “SYLVAN LAKE 4 BEDRM. PHA Do. FE 4-2366 BUILD NOW aa HOME Call today. “Financing sreliatie. bullding our or yeare are’ Your plans . ours. «dj C. HAYDEN, Realtor o¢ BE. Walton PE 0441 FURNISHED MODEL _ OPEN DAILY 10-8 MELROSE iad Cabos? North Perry and ontcalm $8,290 COMPLETE DOWN PAYMENT TOTAL MONTHLY PAYMENT DLORAH BLDG. CO. FE 8-6455 NT LAKE PRIV . 3 bedrms. Large jot. Rec. rm, in basement. $14,000; $2,500 down. Owner 3-3031. ° Partridge RENT WITH OPTION home west of the lakes. _ fenced va cS vacant moved into a. once. 875 p per vaventh rent will nt on down ment of 6450. t today—it's much nicer than you'd ever dream! REALTOR PARTRIDGE | — FE 43581 OPEN ‘TIL 9 $200 DOWN 3 Bedroom starter house with os ment, regen SS wiring included. McDona! 74837. Dream Acres In Clarkston We have 2 new brick yanch-t77e si on % @ Lots pfor be le Quaint colonial v with lak these homes — ca nee Some choice tote 4 st 'LOON LAKE. Waterfront Located in-ane of Waterford’s fin- est established developments rests this exquisite ranch type home on a large % acre lot. With a 100 ft. of water frontage with swimming and boating on 5 lakes accessible from your front door. The home features: Large living room with fireplace, glass sliding doors to a veranda overlooking the lake Famil sized ae room, spa- itchen with all the palletes A ‘tui t- avail down ‘accept trade. Call for appointment today. LAKEFRONT 2 Bdrm. Bungalow Situated on Eagle Lake in Water- ford is this new 2 bedroom lake front home featuring large living room, with glass slidin; Lor out to @ veranda: Dini: kitchen with eatin, bedrooms and f walk-out basement windows overlooking this ont the, unbelievable price of $11,900 with convenient terms. Call for appointment today. Clarkston REAL ESTATE, INC. 20 S. Main, Clarkston, Mich. (ACROSS FROM BANK) maps 5-5821 Open Dally 9 9—Sunday 12 to 5 BUNGALOW, $300. DOWN 4 rooms and bath, big garage, fenced jot, piock, to’ Oakland oye. Pa price $3,950. $36 month. 772 St. Phone OAkland_ 8-918. CLARK $16,050. $3,300 DOWN. Three bed- room brick ranch home, built 1960. Full basement with recrea- ve room. Oakland Lake privi- egen. Mae $14,000 Large — farm — acres orth Pontia on 15 par be tlable, 7 ineres of wbeei included 2500, COUNTY HOME, . 3 bedrooms. 1 floor. Ce- ramic tile bath, many closets, extra basement acre. room. - in garage. Seller's equity $4,- $7, *.. WEST SUBURBAN. Four ‘oom modern home. Base- ment. oil heat. Large lot. 125x139 feet. Only $1,500 down, PE. 3-1808—-RES. FE 4481 CLARK RE AL E STA’ TE 1362 W, Eve. Open & Sup. Multiple Listing Betvice 1050 W. Huron | GAYLORD WATKINS LAKE For Sale Houses % Loads of closets. extra bath Well located for a oven You'll be proud to ine divine "gh excellent construc: tion. 4 bedrooms, 2% baths, » per- fect family room with outside en- RANCH STYLE. . 3-BEDROOM BRICK LAKE PRIVILEGES ance, 2 car garage with paved For additional informa’ pir oy You'll : aurpriced ro ne seouates ments call “erate, ape ~ evil 0 Cal m éx en, - boley te cea an anes. ” HERRINOTON HILLS 03 THORS, Lavan Ww. GAYLORD. sacrifice. vt 6-8486. Open ves. a “ FE 4-9584 “| SURE SLOUO; Cosh to martgege. EW CUSTOM BUILT 2 8B bedrms., 1% baths, aiiiahed ge 2 bedroom modern home, full rage Near Northern basement, oii . wall to Emerson. | + eee wall ca attractive BRICK RaNcr W, S| ‘ereures ‘off Auburn Ave., Twp. 4. bedrm., ra ~ lake 4,8 wa Ps. Bil she is 2 car i ” as. N othing Down Will build starter home on your jot. Our plans or your plana. Basement includ Wiring. See our model. Donald. OR 3-2837. # ROOM HOUSE, ON LAND , CON- tract, completely modern, EM “$450 MOVES YOU IN Two — 3 bedrocm brick ranch full uae ment, gas Storms and screens. wee oo 3 jots on small lake. $1 voll PANGUS, Realtog. 7160 MIS Ortonville NA 17-2815 LAKEFRONT YEAR ROUND home, Lower Straits Lk. Living dining ell, 3 bedrms., rm., . way = full bath, fenced yard. EM _ 3-3948 , . a, ONLY H $000, $300 $300 down. wn Fe 3oses. bedroom, Nving room, kitchen, utility room. Garage. Aluminum storms & screens, S years old. Mortgage cost moves you in. al Ss. mo. taxes & “Middle Straits Lake 5 same te aan. o y 378 er mo. atta taxes JOHN J. VERMETT GENERAL REAL ESTATE 9203 erce Ra. HURON GARDENS modern 5 down. $7,950. Ter Paul M. "Jones, Real Est. FE_4-8550 FE 8-1275 LARGE BEAUTIFUL HOUSE OV Be dg erlookin ne inquire $415 El _abeth Lx. LAKE... FRONT... Only eight miles ~ Peasant Lake Exceptional location. cottage, a lifetime home. Be Po early. It's vacant. Move in and start enjoying this all newly deco- rated home. We have the key! LAKE... FRONT... . _ Ful ore eager 8x20 ret Oat floors overlooking the lak lastered walls BUILT "87. ou be the jurge, inspect Peear’ Only $10,950 with $1,500 down. Humphries 83 N. a oe Open Eves. Ft -9236 ho wrattiple “Listing Service a ee Close to St. Fred's See this complete'y modern home with three bedrooms, oak floors, dull basement, stehm heat, newly, plastered walls, Breakfast room’ a one-car garage for only $11,000. NO MONEY DOWN FOR WM. A. KENNEDY 3101 W. Hur 4-356! ‘Open “Evenings eth » ~ Templeton SELL OR TRADE Auburn Heights area. Income, apartments. 3° and bath up. and bath down, and extra lot. Trade for 3 in Northern High School ars 4) Templeton, Realtor 2330 Orchard Lk, als FE 4-456) After 6 FE 2.9602 RILEY NEW }-LEVEL On scenic canal, . full tile bathe full basement, attached gare Will consider $our home tn tr °. $450 DOWN 5 rooms and bath, full base- ment, stoker heat, 2 car garage. Only $65 monthly, 3 FAMILY INCOME Close downtown on paved street. New oil furnace, needs some re- palne. Priced at $6,750 with $650 down. ZONED COMMERCIAL 55 feet of business frontage on North Perry Street, across Ne street from Sears. Includes a room home. SYLVAN.. SHORES 3 "bedroom brick pengnere with full basement, All extras eS ag ee lot, A aig ‘privileges . $500 DOWN Euclid Street near Wisner er and Lincoln Jr Hig “ Sehoois. 3 bed- rooms all on base- ment with. new. “atl furnace. Only $6,500 ‘at $60: monthly. . Lemme’ gar HILLS 4 bedrooms, tory hore With 2 tiled oy Sait mn 1954, Puli es with tile floor, gas heat, Priced , at $16.50 om FHA terms. or discount for cash, 509 nlict't. Rd PE +1157 " FE 44821 Conveniently Located ° Valking Distance o Schools See this nigel 4 dguteable 6 room. fully inate room fam ot ™ oe gaplhnnemne venetian blinds, 1% ¢ar ga ith fe ro yore Sox for the rldaies, family $ favor, Only $1,050 Down For the “do ps yourself” deco- Hatt: «)S"bedrgom family nome w te Pontiac “Motor, featuring brick =. frame exterior, = RalBasement 3 car gee 8 . Buy t @ you can. “Bud” Nicholie, Realtor # Mt. Gemene St. FE $-1201 oe FE 23-3370 ATTACHED GARAGE. rare, 2 iB: heeas.” BAR iN NOTHING DOWN ners aw WRIGHT, Realtor 46 «Oakland cescene.” Large Tok, ba no BY OWNER, 2 REDROOM FRAME tiled kitchen, bath paces ed ars. 3 9 car canee| _STOUT'S Best Buys Today WOLVERINE LAKE — Is close to this spick- rabranatae sy eres ot which, "is handy. {9 master giess doors off d en to enclosed iv The paved circle road leads to lovely landse en a Only $14,990 with HOME STREET A smart deal can be yours’ 4 bed: room, full basement aluminum sided me before we receive an FHA commitment. Price to . you is now $10,100 with cash to a mortgage. This home is -°- = to bus, schools ‘and : CLARKSTON hide one. be on you three ro la dling oose at three different eases, One is an executives 10 scenic acres, one # doll house on large site for a and the other is handy to schools for the ae. Make your choice now LAKE ORION Boating and fi rr with this San 7 Full basement | bed- | 7 be the 6 rooms pi. & 3 fire- places — em ths. Only: $4000.00 4 Warren Stout, Realtor N. Saginaw Open ‘til @:00 NORTH END 2 Bedroom home with aged as payment and yments of onty ’ 50 per m jing taxes end insurance, Like-new_ condi- tion with nine yen. RED ,. ALIFY TAPE YoU I™ EDIATELY NO DOWN “RATMERT . Mi Rearana homes out of town. Some ments, and base- jast decorated and a with top cand ao grt ng | monthiy ar an re terest. Cail aid tee ems WEST SID Near High School for one-third the original cost. Tr @ grand brick heme, Double-brick ga- rage, large 4 bedrooms, even the 3rd floor ts od TASTontttily comationed_ ome Nice bitchen, 2 nourege down; meee ous bet —_ ‘Oa oe anced yard. PHA com mitment. ‘Nicholie & Harger Co. 33_W. HURON _- PE_ 5-183 DON’T WISH’ FOR MONEY! Make it easily through Classified Ads, To sell, rent, buy, swap, hire, dial FE 2/8181. ‘ et. Parnranienrn 7 vet area yr TRADE OR SELL = eet @er eee Pevave «es CONTRACTS =~ Roy Annett, Inc. | ee. -— wee = + ae MULTIPLE LISTING SERVIC * - LAKEFRONT HOME =.2 a Also homes to to. select fi f 20 ACRES , BRICK BI-LEVEL . i Well located just off ° paved road Ali tillable > well drained, ea ieee ae ; en house. To include tractor and equipment, Kinzler LTOR met Ph, FE 4.3838 Eve. — PAs eltos Da etpe yee 670 W. | ing Att “4 =. " a & RM. fenced, cation, OR if CRESCENT LAKE ; . ‘ Extra nice § room bungalow ; in this lovely tion fin- : {shed in bea knotty dpeee UY ee Kitchen will please the shining forced Pog “Beat children, 4 malt Fi Zaysent moves you in. OFF JOS New re contem po- rary ranch with full base- ment, forced air heat, large Iidt: kitchen with cupboards down on + 3 * 2. DOWN @: PER ER MONTH < a e if inum siding. Oak floors, oom, nre meee “ie walls, Tile m an base- baths, ima le window sil ree Ny oil Lot 7x r toom, rec. ‘ “<4 Trai w FILA. Payments teers Koni Se Beoohen J C. “HAYDEN, Realtor sandy beach, $25,000. Ca FE 8-0441| to mortgage. = edpen_Eves. peau aul M. ones, Real. Est. B K For Sale Resort Prop. 44 GRASS KE, NEW CABIN, : ae state foxest. Good hunting, 00 down, mo, * OGEMAW STATE FOREST. GOOD h and fishing. 80 ft, water- front. 41404. ‘| “Sale Suburban Prop. 45A “ — METAMORA AREA, road, beautiful land- lll grounds peme with a nice Hil, Broker, #14 N Bi. Lapeer, Mich. Se Aig doctors — Ther A 7 By owner, UL 2-2015, - 46 For Sale Lots Eves. WEST SUBURBAN Nice 6 room ranch hdme on xtra be y 1 d a close school” Fae price $i1,000-FHA terms. a OVERLOOKING ee ptswongpe 4 new, 5 r ross road from Vion” REA oh TA & INSURANCE 1132 Highland Rd. (M-59) ‘OR 40306 Bee ee asthe Onn, stale ag ya “e Colonial Hills Brick ges S00 Bloomfield & 5t. — S at ” sons ™ piving dining . $600 DOWN = as ig la om BR” Nice 2 Ria home, oil heat, tie birch with built poo For Sale pre 47 BLOOMFIELD TW P, ACRES A better lay ‘of land cannot be a asking. ie ‘is tt 380,000" do Warren 5, Beas Realor 5-8 TIN, seginde Open till 8:00 BUILDING SITES 5 oxford, OR 63122, Orion, MY 2.2201 HOME-SITES atid one-third acres, nt Sone ee near schools shopping, fertile soil within 20 Bh ga ney acres overicoking isk: . Berth of ite terms on all, many others Se choses | from, cal] us now for CRAWFORD AGENCY MY 31143 , 609 _E. Plint_8t. INVEST NOW Choice 5 acre — iovey $¢59 down will ban- Lavender years die, Doroth Sn rder 7001 sto a Rd. (M59) Phone EM 3-3303 or MU 4-6417 N NEAR WIXO)} — sa.006 elle acres a. level een —— = he Hie DEC- erated. Good ho ee garege. oe Want 000. UL 2 VACANT 65 ACRES Rd. (M59) at , quiet peaceful set- Ger mile cast of Dixie Highway. mile ea ie ; ereegg" Seite Real Es- Fuint, _ CEdar 5-2547. 80 Seis ON BLACK TOP; SEMI private lake, woods, fruits, near — ont net rnized ten | room Lor 100x259 ON bet ey Bw bat Near Adams Rad Gas & shallow well availabie. Terms OL 1-1550. LOT 60 x 142 ON RSALL ail city improvements. FE 4-4205 LAURA LANE NEAR MAPLE 715x186. Ready for building, Some R. |. WICKERSHAM 7195 W. Maple MAytair 64-6250 ON VOORHEIS RD. IN bgp oneal son i Sub. Directly pen. St. Benedict's. 88 te. a x 138 nee, paved street, ete . FE See the new y ete at: CHEROKEE HILLS! You'll like it’s wooded, rolling 100 ft. sites planned for, end re- - str to protect, today’s bet- ter _ and multi-level homes! : Secluded, yet close in — drive th Lake R out Elizabe a. to Scott ee Rd., Va mi. to ® Lacota Rd, Carl W. Bird, Realtor. - 503 Community Bank Bidg. PE 44211 Eves. FE 5-1399 For Sate Acreage 47 urn right 4 2 ACRES. al SIDE. CLOSE in. Good soi Smith-Wideman Realty 412 W. Huron 10 ACRES In White Lake i ge on countr road, Rol land. Onl 950. Total 15 acres y Village. per cent CEPR C. SC HUE: T, Realtor FE 8-0458 MU_4-4353 30 ACRES Just 3 miles to downtown Oxford. Ideal for anyone wanting a small farm. Excellent soil, $2,000 down to responsible party. z 31% ACRES Only 2 miles to new Michigan State University. Ideal site for building. Priced under $3,000 with ’ down. This is @ sleeper, " vestigate today! Warren Stout, Realtor "Soe of Commerce aol acre. Tl N, Saginaw St, FE 5-8165 fy til 8 p.m. On waren vane e acre e su 3 trout. Ideal loéation for abla oF ear round living. 35 min. from Pontiac “in Rose Town: $475 mm osne. Gomer, DE FRONTAGE AnD ACREAGE. “Miss 13 and Pom germ soned. commercial. Eve: nings "Kin wood 3-5973. _ ae yee RENT IT FAST through Rent Rds! Room; howse, apartment, any- -|thing — Want Ads give; ‘t ‘|you ACTION. Dial» FE e: 2-8181. Ww ef Bloomfield Hills, Cranbrook ofl furnace, barn, out build- area. 1%@ acres, mature trees. age ings, Preston T. Higley, oad Pratt os Bans _ left = ne . hear Hadley. ation. Sewage connec avai LAKE = $18,500, Call owner, MI mene a acres ae, sone. Zoned commercial, two seem 5 fruit trees, etc. Only 12,500. $3. : Pie rent Fo Siren 3 room home. le. Bi e at $13,000 — wn. bases = NTY . 7 scenic acres os Hint Club area Ry 6 nol ool many Be w ace : SSS ta ebad Sore os ingly g* y . ARM at Hextenent for , = Ss page Mong $23,8000 _ $6,000 down. - H. P. HOLMES, ANG 2531 8. r Rd. = BY OWNER, 100 ACRES PEED I rs. 4945 Grange Hall Ra. Prne Fie WTD.: @- TO 1 bal 21S a -weather road, or will wade Sree, -— By ig rt or farm. 7361. nights, M. 1002 Sale Business Property 49 FRONTAGE ON MT. ge nil St., zoned commercial. Call FE 8-1 Call FE #164 —_—__ “TO BUY OR SELL Commercial “ sessatecturiid lots HOLMES- “BARTRAM | jie Hwy. ne Die Eves. OR 3320" Rent Lease Bus. Prop. 49A 49A “FOR LEASE, OR RENT ALL ‘OF *or acres, pear Dixie, Highwa on Wilams sere tt 46180 for Yernniiee after 7 p.m, *_- For Sate or Exchange 50 NORTH END J 2. bedrm., free and Clear, heat, 772 St. Clair. gas ANYONE INTERESTED IN A modern pue a ial hal ound ac W a - veeunetl required. Phone FE 2-3433 after p.m. si LOOKING FOR A BUSI- Mpeest Get the the 5 Eis igo Pa: e & yy 1050 w. Huron Foniae FE 4-3581. ep nel re ae A Bs mpe- f= a right rag Bie quick. sale. 4 CLEANERS, sxcuusv E _ saivent vit lished 30 Write Tivinie que Yolume . , “Curries & 3 or Ll 3 ate p | 236_N. Saginaw Business Opportunities 51. PPAR PAE PAAPLAL LLL LLL ADAP LA AAAI a TE 29200 ~ OAKLAND oe Loan Company . NEED $25 TO $500? . SEABOARD - Phone: FE 8-9661 1185 N. PERRY ST. TEAGUE FINANCE CO. 202 N. MAIN ROCHESTER, MICH, LOANS, $25, TO $600 Ph, Rochester. OL 2 20008 F srs: WHEN YOU NEED, _,$25 TO $500 STATE TE FINANCE CE. PRE 4-1574— MICHIGAN BUSINESS SALES CORPORATION JOHN A. |e 3 PARK AT fe SPE boo tN WaaminorTGer ‘308 L.— fra —insulation bens. 196@ sales 170,000. Estb 22 Titi Greve poem, bidgs., CONSOLIDATE : eash to oft Business Opportunities 51 x "Los “LET’S TALK on @ consulta a, BUSINESS”. — 85 oat Wells ~ es ee TE ‘Me Tv * UL 2 Sine ater ie en. — oat, fee wo, ‘Never of- 7 6x8 OARAGE DOORS. SEW OR Tavern 3% ACRE fi * E Romie, mai nabray, sengne | Sta, TL Ent Sion bab 00 "or © lier. | DACRE LOT VALUE 42.000 FOR Sen we. nee, must ‘ite moat ar ak. os World gtr, ir sporen, 3. Fis pa for cer or something of equal value. Also ‘50 Buick f convertible, rusted, but geod transportation rade mtr. or what have you? PE 54-1475. stg. ot & us Trir. rouse ey gy YE handle Wm. Reese, «ah 8 18 Ave. Yakima, Wash LIQUOR AND BEER es = ane Gas igs iN. on busy st cement . block bu: og and business -front- age. Atractive modern fiat above. A real money-maker. nctize.o0s gross, $6500 down plus stock. STATEWIDE Real Estate Service of Pontiac CHARLES REALTOR. im? 's. “Gieeegh FE 4-0521 Partridge 18 THE “BIRD” TO SEE HARDWARE— MARINE SUPPLIES Best location on US highway in town on one of. the gle canes rking. aly Wy roximate w0- 000 ¢ ‘38 Only $4 ae bea Lar Doub: e chest, 2¥ all for 50. P: -_, weonty arson Orchard ue Ave. FREEZER, UP- 8-8268 7 NORGE righi, $95. FE 7 —, LIVING ROOM SUITE. SUITE. new davenvort and chair, tables, matching coffee table decorator lamps. All for $99. Pay only $2 weekly. Pearson's Furniture. 42 Orchard eM NG ROOM SUITE a pore ROOM SUITE, es 2-386. aan ING ROOM SUITE Pay $35. 696 Crescent Lake Road. FE 5-7377. §x12_ RUG WITH PAD, 6 PC. chrome ime set. OR 3-8598. 9x1? RIGS. WOOL FACE. $15.95. Reversivis $16.50; - eeres Axminster. aes $5.9. Pearson Auranare. _Orchard Lake Ave. good used car, gee Classi- fied NOW! a joh, place to live or aj. FREEZERS New BR eons acu ft Che y 15 eu. ft Upri Ondy $259 £-Z Terms ‘noes MA 5-6011 FREEZERS - NORGE - es Chest and Upr' New models, sligh nr cueaé or crate-marred models at big dis- on REFRIGERATOR, GOOD CO) _ oe bet. 8 & 10 a.m. Fe 2-6 GooD te - SMALL RADIOS $5 to $12, FE 65-8755. . — & GAS STOVE _plano. FE 2-353 KC OTPOINT TieCTRIC STOVE, chrome ainewe set. FE 2-1403. KENMORE DRYER, GOOD D CON: ory | %s> , as Ivanhoe, KIDNEY RAPE DRESSING TA- ble, bench and mirror, exc. cond. _MA 6-1272. KENMORE DISHWASHER LARGE _size, reconditioned. $50. OR 3-1804. KENMORE, APT. SIZE ELECTRIC cond. - Washin machine, wees? type ( Queen) exc. cond. $40. OR 3-8375. _ Cail mornings, or after 6. LES ENS bt oe. SELL- gs eve ng. New er mow- er FE 86810" ven LIGHT WALNUT DINING ROOM set for sale. 247 Cherokee Rd., _Pontiac. IVING ROOM pil LAMPS & dinette set, FE 71938, LARGE CRIB -AND wie brana new $1595. Pearson’s Fur- _hiture 42 Orchard | Lake Ave LEAVING STATE. . ALL MAJOR WALTON. TV $13 B. Walton FE 42357 - “ WANTED: GEOR GRANDFATHER _elock, wil chimes. FE 2-1160," N - cellent. after 1:30 p.m, ; Way DROP LEAF TABLE. H 39x51, spool a & castors. MA __6-5462 “Television & Radios 57B WANTED: LATE MODEL TV's, ood lookers on the outside experts fix up the insides. Bring po Bg Appliance, 6161 Com- Water Softeners 57C AUTOMATIC Water Conditioner EK Cooley Soft Water Co. 2-587 FE_4-4404 ons LINDSAY WATER SOPTEN- er,. Call FE 2-71 Waten SOPTERERS 27 BiG Di PTENERS AT BIG DIs- count. OR_3-2360. For Sale Miscellageous 60 we @ALVANIZED PIPE, 1c PER galvanized senate, Tle per in standar ., 8. A. Thompson. 7005 se, % BAG CEMENT MIXER ices - lent condition, $200. OR 3-8668. — 1g” PLYSCORE 16x40 INCHES.OR 3-6022. 5011 Waldon Rd, pac rong ALUMINUM SIDING & ewnings. No money down. ist paym't in June. Quality, service at, jowest prices. a8 for @ free tour of our in- - a LUMINUM bo a ad IN _ STOCK FOR DO OURSELFERS. J. Lb. VALLELY co. Auburn % Rochester Rds, UL 2-4000 If no Ans. Res. OL 1-6623 snag 9 x 12, $25, 2 INBOARD as HAND LAWN MOWERS. sha: : wer mower with 2% — seems. ar or and en completely re- OR 34m 2 2 FUEL 0 TANKS GOOD CO tion, wilt deliver. FE 3.9129, 3 “Saiz DRYERS, 2. CHAIRS. 1 shampoo chair & sink & misc. FE 5-4688. 3% H. P. GARDEN TRACTOR. 12” elec. mall chain saw. OR 3-0562. 34 RM, COLEMAN OIL FLOOR furnace. Controls. thermostat, 250 gal, tank. $45 cash. Also 1 Stewart Warner 5-rm. behind the wall oil gas furnace with controls, blower, thermostat side take-offs. - Installed at half price, no money wn, OR 3-5002 oe : : i many ge Ry wt Pee 4-INCH pelle PIPE 5 FT. sone 712 8: 379 VE ‘PLUMBING SUPPLY = PE_ 5-21 i315" TABLE MODEL TV . arr hota tarnitare, il ng A £29 oo . Make offer. MY 31688. 5 ROYAL OAR WINDOWS, 8IZ: zi Seaeste trrereee OHO OS | LINOLEUM & PAINT SALE. HALF | 26x26. 1 24” attic fan. MI’ 4-047. a Emerson. ‘new picture tube,| Price At Jack's, 281 Baldwin. 5 HP. GARDEN TRACTOR WITH & VHF. 60.96 MOHAIR FRIEZE DAVENPORT| plow & | cultivator Cold wae , aioe sets to choose .| and 2 occasional chairs, good r heater & _ OR 29993. unconditionall: ranteed. Wel condition. FE 2-2218, 8 TABLE SAW, carey % HP. take trades, TV, 3030. Eliz- motor, Many ‘extras.’ $75, OL she fir mas, PE Tao, Open | MARONOR , TARE TH, Ea | 9 to 9. , Peet's 7 APeilan planes a6 BYR OAL E 4&1” MOTOROLA TV, TABLE| _ merc we _Model, $60. PE $-8268, OHAIR SVEN & MA Thompson, 7008 hase wat Sed ing chair, 2735 Watkins Z inf MACHINE uote ; EC. HEATER. $6096 * : $40. cash Pad Env sinks and ‘hitinegs 49h up. SAVE ENERGY, USE). $6.30 re. Michigan ‘Sewing Ce dry tt + =. “oir ’ E9333, Laundry avn puta BING” “ WANT ADS! To find a ohh Fo OVER 50 USED .TV SETS. prow | 65. GA Ton iron DkG ‘ $14.95 np TY antennas, $9.95. Suital uu for refs, ae Tas, or fuel off tanks, “215-Ib. Asphalt Shingles Sine application \Church SInc. 1” —- ‘ eee? Re ce 3 we wah cone Set lt f PIPE-BRICK- STEEL ated Hans But will FHA ips ree Estimates OPEN-8 to » 6:20. MON, thru. SAT. SURPLUS LUMBER & EXPERT . ¢ pay “ti : bat. isa" 8. Woodward hy Ave eT ; ig dhe tan oreo vain of toes] Uh 8, Mesdnard pt Bafigl | CRAWLERS 3 De, tm; RED. one ied th nce. PRA forme fa|_ $6083 forthe tockio’ Aine chean’ money down OR 3-5092. ~ RE-BUILT LAWN MOWERS a a a ay Fg mowers sharpened y ste : ANCHOR FENCES | |____ avin —_ days. 389 Oreberd Le. Ave FHA ed. E Hoobs WITH PAN, O¥ r AT Eo taTi| | $28.95 Thompson, 1005| Sand, Gravel & Dirt 66 BA FIXTURES YOUNGS | Spr SoS CED Ain FURNACE, |1-A RICH BLACK DIRT & FARM tow, tienen a nod gus furnaces Timken oi] burner installed, soll, 4950-6 yds. FE 241046, oR I ‘| gal. tank, OR 32117 after 6 p.m. 4017". wa supplies, crock STORM DOORS REPAIRED. PE | A1 PEAT HUMUS bs. DE set Ms copper — 41233 after 6. livered. $8. OL, 1-0321. fittings. Low i TOP T oe mm iaee Vad pa nt gay met sand, gravel and ‘Also peet De san] Fs 23 tp windows | bums PE 5-4758. Green, acide Shale. $75 takes the , A-1 | res Westinghouse —, wh dryer) excellent cond‘tion, $175 for both. s me. GRA eer MAPLE BUNK! lot and black dirt. Jerry's Truck- beds, plete. Matching chest! . OR 35-0638. dresser. 6 siuminum sercens. | 40x50 plate glass mirror, 2%" ry a. frame. Cost $69.50. $55 takes & black dirt. FE 5-6261. screen doors Stroller. '60 Che pick-up. FE 4-4891. — BETIER BUYS — — eed © 1959 by NEA Servis, me, ‘TM. Rog, U.S, Pat. Off, . ~f jor Road off For Sale Tires 80A 503 Saginaw &* PE 4-0687 BARGAIN Sox i dig = Sackiwatt a SS buy at $75. 178 W. w or _call PE 5 » after 5 NEW wW WALLS, KELLEY Springfield, ee a Also used Kuhn Service, tire 149 W. Huren, Pe siais STANDARD BRAND NEW EW TIRES. trade in on General Safety Tires. Black or te walls. ED WILLIAMS MULE HIDE INSULATION | OP SOIL. “Would you like something else? I still have 15 cents left!” " tats Pine. lin, © | Gtand Rapids solid mahogany rt Bulldosing 451 8 Sagioaw at Raeburn | TERRIFIC DISCOUNT is W-Pine 3c lin ft.| leather top console and mirror, ioe i. = =~ ; _| On Evinrude motors. Shell Lake ig pees ree fee) mee 08: black dirt. Hay, Grain & Feed 71| Sale Farm Equipment 76 F Pag Jinan Caes + Ser cent gearniesd outboard Te Base .. fe Ha. ft re geel dg r en . 36° round ta- | [i Fop BOL, GR ane N CARS pair service. Backed. by 23 yrs. ae ne li able Also 2 mateh: 4 . experience. i] to 6. Keego sieaatwpees ih) by Tatennad Nal foam ak | BEARS oe og OM | EAMES Rit, Eae:| | Evans, Equipment TIRES Piigest onee 3 e's eae . ~ &" . r seat s . pes., . i vine MAGEE 10 year d aa wer : "4 z heed 1 tidee “S13 Es. ae a a ¥ARDS pote DIRT (OR PES OF set, aed cc neuer. Uneae . ane tiers. Ja- GOODYEAR | 2695 Orchard Lk. Rd. FE 8-0112 pets ety <'¢ © MEG, 92"| sinsie door combination ‘relvig. | SAGE Bile bad FOR" Bei Will deftver. OA #1 Goodall iinet’ and} ~=SERVICE STORE Fiberglas 85A vpsoeres Mahgany Plywood "| freezer with rors shelves. shredded if preferred. PE 2-114. | GARY SEED OATS. 1 ; Wheel Horse tractors, Roto-noe | 30 S$ Cass FE 56123 ON OE OPI IMES xs’ — %" $4.99 Dei Magnetic door with pedal. STACK DIRT SAND. GRAVEL, | _ cettified. cleaned treated, Bolen, & Toro power handle till- BOATS COVERED. “% MIDGET Fir Pt ‘wood. x = %" | Automatic defrost 2 yrs. oid, pick-up truck. PE 5-0440. Oxtord Co-op ere Oxford, ers. Porter-Cable, Bolens, Toro, Auto Service 81; taeer bodies. all tynes rion. MY abe side =... $832 En Cost $30905 — $275. Ph nt) Rik . O& 82174. Grows by _ Bud Jacobsen riding mowers. We dem-| ~ work -Rini's Lake Orion sh and Carry $1.35 Bag GM. neiew tis scene | ts a AND ROTO-TILL- | ~ Hickmott, Jr. Oxford. OA 6-2159. rooomnie ws Sage aerries whes we sell. CRAMEENAPY iinisitaiics i cas 31448. aa auc renge. LS }~- 6642 ALE ‘OM pie’ ec wi mower serv- — BUY AND SAVE |. Matches -efrigerator. Ale 2 yrs. | LACK "DIRT. SAND GRAVE! GRA M poating Te lg ty -” ice, Used mowers and tractors.| car. Cases rebored. Zuck Ma- FIBERGLAS pom ag Ie SALES, 4° sou pipe, 8° $379 igth | °4% Cost $200.85 — $175. | delly e, Vie, Bald TMorHY HAY 615. PER TON AT CREDIT TERMS chise 23 Hood. Phone FE |._ service and - OR. -3-519 “ , and Walton, FE 4.8543, 6507 Dixie Hwy. : soli § owe & rm | Bunting Aluminum rockers, boz aioe TRAILER Also 42 jb. a in qoeen’y: MAple §-7818 OR_3-7924 Transportation OtteFed 8; aide {uso door ..... $i cushions, waterproof covers. Cost | COW MANURE, 4 Great Oaks Stock Farms. 11 AN GHAIN BAW Sale Motor Scooters 82 2 sink $65 u $104.50. ll §65 used ome season. % mile 8 of 14 a Poy Pontiac Rd., Rochester. Ph. OLive MICHIOAN CHAIN BAW DISTRIB- roe CARS DAILY To MOBILE ALA- Simple cabinet with wall "PHONE MAYFAIR 61200 7. ot 7-| 10eat. Eclipse & Fleetwood chain saws.| ‘57 LAMBRETTE, 150 MODEL.| bama, Philadelphia, Connecticut, Wolv Lumt COW MANURE, DELIVERED Pe Good condiion $200. MI +7303. | soe STovente. FS +2216. : Volverine Lum Pe ~ SHEETROCK PE 43371 . __For Sale Livestock 72) ORCHARD SPRAYER. ALMOST| ‘3s CUSHMAN EAGLE. 8 HP.| PLY (ENGIN® AIRLINER TO 320 8. Paddock re same : : GAUSHED STONE SAND GRAV _new, 100 ft. hose, MA 5-1460. shape. MY 31193. California $80. Hawaii, $90.10 — BEEP AND FORK - sin OEY AE AXD as, =n Se el Earl Howard EM re 1 BucKsxr RIDING HORSE, 6 SEE cE THE NEW MODEL 130 TRAC. | NEW & USED Ct CUSHMAN “SCOOT- | _Ferry Service, Inc. OR 3-124 __querters, Opdyke | oe CHURCH'S, INC. COW MANURE cage Pon Wie2 nt s. | SHARE EXPENSES TO 8.E. MO. HINT | : ; “ yrs. old. IcDisck Shet:- e. NA T- Mieel ber VEXDING mA | UL 2-4900 5 DRIVEWAY — ORA Hwy. aD ona? 3 yrs. old Pieldbrook Auction Sales 77 _For For Sale = Motorcycles 83 | _Friday eve. PE 4-7250. aaa ~ SCissO1 TNKING SHEARS, | PRIVEW. VEL. LOADED | _9-2147. Annie rnd TRUCK GOING NORTH, PART | naw GAREY Live (eta se aac Katies, | Sigel PE 4323 or FE! (3 yr OLD M Mae [ARE PONY. BRED, Auction Sal I ft pHARLEY, 14 | Wradvetther way FE $006, , , og saws sharpened i 3-6087 uction Sale meets e | 7 getforatea on. “Site qu. 0% CO. 2285 _E._waLTon WREE "FE e721 DIRT—45 BROWN | | BORRO. won —ar With EVERY FRIDAY & ‘saronpAy | 35, HARLEY 1 K-MODEL. 3500. PE Wanted Used | Cars 88 ix” concrete pipe. Si16 ft TORO er UNIT WITH MOW. | Back ren, { 1 ed concrete $240 ft. | er, Uller, sprayer, $200. Water- Soon 8 vac ® i bint, 2 Sime De stack GELDING. 5 GAITED, 6 Located at 2416 Dt e Hwy.. 1 mile HARLEY K. ENGINE | & BODY (AS MUCH AS t80 FOR JUNK AN AND . i Steel. calvert Ft pipe xe a bare riding tractor, Ti, bp with | _ gravel, wo de’ sei Sor Ab | 200m old. PE 4-0086. “AE he Pootiae ei a mite. | excellent cond. MA 5-7599. | “ ae ‘nee. ays oF cultivetor, snow plow, er at- GOOD | eT 40 0 <= 61 Orchard a Lake Ave. FE 37101 tachments. $306 Frente table with | black on 5 bing fort $10, Ge. | COLT. PL... sa | STRIBUTORS FRIUMPEET A Le EXCELLENT | CRAPTSMAN 10 IN. BENCH SAW, benches $15 he drop leaf’ livered. Iso Loading | 477519. i EVERGREEN SALE | ‘ | ——'. benca, jane. extension.” table. $35. OA 8-39 truckers —- FOR SALE OR FRADE ome | sichigen sik at nue For Sale Bicycles Led ATTENTION! r panel work light 1 < WITH HITCH AC LAKE BUILDERS le : Teh, cedar, sm rees or _Tnotor. $115. FE 40275 cia oe a 2356 Hart | a, gtavel "p dirt Comans., porwr and “Son Ceemans ee wd One| ‘hedges. Sat night, May 27:30 2° GIRL's gg RED “WHY SETTLE FOR LESS” ety ? > EE |i ford, of Ratanety Bt Tor si. — a “SL OEE hi fand’ € 30s | Sioa Mt Seer Ades. MY | chrome. tenders haa WE'RE PAYING cash- register ‘Two SPT w ROLE cuR Ga. | TO sl Gexrt NEW — GOOD IN. BOY'S SCHWINN CAST IRON 5 SECTION AMERI- rage doors. FE | te $28. lawns. PE 50214. zy Pans ‘aher 6 p.m. Ph . Reduced price. UL) “TOP $$$ DOLLAR gen bellor wih jacket & inal (TIRES 3-700-16 Sonetans Tika vV r& C LANDSCAPING |For Sale Housetrailers 7 78) 32-4289. . 6 beating capacity.| Oscilias Heath mode! O-10 | + aoRses ee toe a. CARE. | Raper syne siae * Cal OR "3859 after 630 pm Perfect condition used very ittale Beet greta st $6.25 load, Top) S311 W a 2 a3 FT SLEEPS § STOOL. EXC. » | Bnd re aoe all mayer BMW. COCA Oe Per ee 517 E./ | aes Westin house radio, com —. 7 aed landscape FALOMIRG 1 tan aaa FoR ns’ a Woe. * OT ashes 321-8. Editha Walton Bivd 4-585. J = — | te aphia ai ~~ — a ee ee CEDAR FENCE post. %@ EACH THE SAtvaTion ARMY — YARD ORE OE PINTO GELDING ¢ YRS OCD, |“ ALMA, 41 PT, FoRcED 72) 6 Boats & Accessories 85 M lOTOR SALES © FE 3-2077. D SHIELD STORE i . Gravel, fill, ete. Sine. Or, will “wade for Mare.) 0); passes : | aanagepaananapanenmaced it. mie 932 WEST ORON eum Everything to meet your needs | _5 3552 _MU_ 6-741 fie ST Pe 1 WHEEL CAMPING TRAILER & ~ ae Sy Clothing Purniture appliances | YEAR OLD MANURE, $10) Rea. ie WALKER MARE, 1954 PONTIAC CHIEF 40 FT. 2) at Elgin motor. Both good DON’T LOSE YOUR as CASH WAY ___118 WEST LAWRENCE _ fer am zene lee delivered. OA | “walking pony, 2 saddles, PE 7-9264 | hase tee oe i uae cond. EM 3-0297. ve . pn ment z ne” ats ent ; . Cle iddle’ ae, a a Cre a : va’. 7 CM LUMBER PRICES Toner, Tamers, rOneTe | = eA Lie OnE POR) aie do EEA TRBRNOLAS OR LE |. Zam So aa STANLEY ALUMINUM WINDOWS from $1795 Slightly marred. Also w & Fe Fuel 7 STUD SERVICE GOLDEN MIKE. 1954 wat sa Ad ie lOON (WORE | _ cover. §250. EM 3-3941. _ Eddi St l - | i tube and ‘stuloriee masebigns __ Wood, Coal & Fuel sired by My Choice (310874) Dam _éyke Tn 56 a 1¢FT mart mae BOAT. r, ie HP. le eele ner | rixi ». ight > a | motor r, wired fo ‘ Burmeister Ss Lareescest, MS Oremerd take | CERUPLACS cme, CX AL ALL Blue Boy R sire is Wilson's Rem 1955 oR RAL poner lent 1540 Parkhurst Trailer Ct. FORD . ERN LUMBER (Tar Rarr TUREn ae Sonuiae eo bier ) Midnight Gay | _°* afer pm. 2708 ORCHARD LAKE RD. NORTHERN LUMBER TALBOTT LUMBER OF FIR Nace, Lady ( \ $85 Granger Rd. i055 41" TRAILER A-1 COND. Pel ig) Toor MOLDED PLYWOOD sane nOO HARBOR Company Glass installed tn sash, Thoroseal, WOOD, SPEEDWAY FUEL Oasees = | $6182 — 2300 Shimmons Rd. off | “and Mark 55 Mercury. Trailer. FE 2-228 1940 Cooley Lake Ri EM 34171 :o,7 waterproofing basements, OAKLAND FUEt. & PAINT 403 | THOROUGHBRED JU UMPING _M2 OR _3-7216, Open 6 a.m. to 6 Lae datly Paint, hardware, plumbing, elec- | ORCHARD 1 rank 138 maré. 7 yrs. Gentle. 3742 8. Bivd. | inst err 29 PT. 2 BEDRM i4 FT. STARCRAFT rT ALUMINUM “ NOW RE, READ ere ee se tical supplies & lumber. 1035 P-PLACE BIRCH OAK,| _= _of Adams Ra . Se Heights Mobile| “with windshields cover, & trailer. | veries avstiabyy Oskiand Ave FE 44503. __| apple, cedar kindling. PE 2-4644| WID. HORSES TO BOARD i¢i¢ _Village_ oh | FE 2-6634 call Sst. or after 6 | PSR soegat Gant cok FOZ GRATE, NER, MIRTIAL: p00 se eens TE Dees | EO sce tar nae Tor — MOET, ANDERSON WHA | iar “HOLIDAY MARK Sty THIS Samuel’ op : | ered 4-€588. ‘ale DoonOUsES. KIDDIES cil Py se gh8s GTA "Thompecn. "ga SCREENING _ Mobile Village: FE $2970 be ae aaa [| {bRinG TOUR GEF Bene Te ae * west Coen. eves. 0! e hrer ‘K. | ton nacre nies 4 tn __ | 1j PT. RUNABOUT, 25 HP. EVIN- — swings. 110 E. Waltoo Ggep IN VERY “Go0D COND FakNcr COAL rs oth Wanted Livestock 73. | 1958 DE LUXE FT 2? BEDRM. rude & trailer, $780. 3240. ae | TOP DOLLAR 30 gal duo therm ot! het water 9799 Orchard Lk. g Ama. Like new Talouste win- ae Be Upstairs. OR 3-6855 after = DAMAGED VANITY LAVATORIES. tank FE 2-367. i WTD.: PIGS OP ALL KINDS. POR- | dows. Storms screens. OR WE NEED 500 CARS FOR OUT seinen, “Teas Mee west WINDOW AIR CONDSTIONERS, Plants, Trees, Shrubs 68 | yest Sense. _MAgie 500) ta sta ia Pt DD PAY, JUST REFIN- eet i: ae ae ELECTRIC LIGHT FIXTURES Ave PE 40526 . *| : Sale Farm Produce 75 a cHanpton ~ - GREAT LAKES controls, running lights, wind: | AVERILL'S Por every room in house Newest Machinery 60 al —— MAPLE OAK. ETC. | = E_2-7 NETL oa Soe | Se cover : trailer. $525. EM | signs, large assoriment o a! Pine, Pir, AIRSTREA L HTW! ! after n pull-downs, | moderns. balloons, | We fesse Mugha, Juniper & Arbor- APPLES | MOST wanwettes. | “ travel trailer. Since 1932, Guar-| iq FOOT WOLbED PLYWOOD | rp > sora ‘Disle Hwy, sane — Terrific values. Bedroom 16 USEL WEAVER , TWIN Post viate. Dig your own. Brin coals 1. ‘qurel 5 *| anteed for life. See them and get} “"yoat 1957 Johnson Javelin elec-| _ 4-06866 value, “S16 "Peciory regulate hoist. MUlberry_9-i416 lap, 2972 4. 2 | soraTo CERTIFIED _— # demonstration at Warner Trail’ | tric, upholstered teats, windshield, CASH FOR ae and samples. At prices that only FORD DIESEL ENGINES 4 1 f as eee ee Se ee lage. Garersl vatioues ‘Jock Cochran. | [6 join ccc'et Wally Bram's e& speedometer. re a ae rope, | .HARDENBURG MOTOR SALES escent: 3 can give. Michigan Fiuor-/ ord gasoline igines, for 4 ot Ra. & Duck tk. Rd.| LK Orion. MY 2-0031. | _elting caravans). Ee aud glloy’ tratler, sig08, | C8SS at Pike PE §-1308 esc char e Ave —| Daily 8 to 6. MU_ 4-8038 POTATOES, 3 $f80 PER HUNDRED, 19 ___| few used engine: avaliaibie. Call| FOR SALE: A FEW BEAUTIFUL | 3421 Baid°Mountain Rd. Authorized Sales FT CENTURY. MERCURY cecre WATER HEATERS, distribu.or 4-6083 evergreens 3-4 foot Juniper pfiti- | _ Silverbell. er a . : No 2 & trailer. UL 24279 or completely installed on Detroit WACHINE GHOP TOOLS FOR| ‘ers &6 foot arbor Vitses Juni ~ SEBAGO 82 SEED POTATOES | Pontiac Chief & Detroiter} 225" runiper. Eamuet'e ‘Appt! PA OS ner light work. Like new. 3 bireh| gere and cedars. all $6.00 Yow . Complete selection of 8 and 10|i91, FT. WOLVERINE WEDGE- _5 _fiush doors cheap. PE 2-1842.. aig m. Grove POTA Tone EARLY COB-| wides. Also @ large sag ogy: = maker —_ wheel, and ton- NY MAKE OR MODEL FREE STANDING TOILETs 6188 — ORDERED OLD AT ONCE” | Groveland on the Dixie Naif vty | blers and Pontiac . Charies | late model trade-ins. We top them | trols. 25 b.p. Johnson, $525. OR| ROR 29 YEARS WE HAVE Washbow! with fittings Sos, Al machiner}, tools, benches, es ME 60451 or ME 7-1761. | Young MY. zit = * 32408. PAID JHE TOP DOLLAR pe. bath with trim". gan95 Ses typewriter, chairs. etc Ex. | To oy @ROWN SPRUCE & ‘Bob Hutchinson is FOOT HARRIMAN PLYWOOD | RIGHT CAR. J-pe,_ colored set with | | Berimental machine shop. Opea | ¥ 1 Sale Farm Equipment 76. row boat, Cost $175 3 years @ SEE MALEN ELLSWORTH so0.95. dally i Se shea ines 2s than ie more. q In fine shape. Complete, with | OR LEE KELLEY. : da Lt ‘on = . \ 4 ag 4-5289 9: mober- | “ar uory tear, = try srry aa on Gig. We speciation Eset HO TYPE 4 Mobile Homes fake: Bloomfield Hifls Mich. | 173 5. Saginaw _Do It Yourself 61) t estates & country nomex for |? ers "41s" ea, GReenieal $2008, | ig FOOT CLINKER ALL HARD. | . J. VANWELT FENC —_— ' Evergreen Parm. 8970 Dixie Hey. 2i6is Halsleed_R¢ S ] | ware, battery & lights 35 horse OR 3.1358" 4540 Dixie Hwy. -NCE bo Ff THE EASY WAY! U8. 10 Clarkston, MAple 5-1922.| 1854 FERGUSON TRACTOR. WAG- aies _ | Johnson? electric. Tratler, $1150. | Bteel_ and 36 months, free. with our many. re rhe ry WD. | FF INSPECTED RASPBERRY | "CT Loader with blades disc & asm basis Hiek é | PE 8-325: er 6 pul eee estimates, Northwest” Fence. FE FLOOR, ee TEA MIEE | bane Maps beet. _rake__ 1275 Pontise Lk. Rd. ___ mn oe (20 FOOT CENTURY CABIN IN-| OUR CUSTOMERS DEMAND 8-0018. _ DRILLS — FLOOR POLISHERS — D ROBINSON ALLIS. CHALMERS TRACTOR Open _’ 3 days a week board, siustgieee hull. $1,150. A-1 G GARDEN JRACTOR — WATER. cit saw — “RUG CLEANERS | STATE INSPECTED BO} with plow, disk & grader. $500. 7 >->e sill YOUR TRAILER | condition. FE 4-0558. 270 aU" . bury 2 wheel with 24 inch reel BROWNIF'S HARDWARE sre Ory et aa MP | _TRogan $6144. from. our. large lot Wid. sed | _Orehard Li Lake. “CLEAN CARS” Been a Btnten engine? sxt; $808. SANFORD a OAKLAND TREE SERVICE TRIM- ATTENTION trailers We will sell them on our 25 PT ALUM. CABIN CRUISER poeummatic tractor tires. Very §20d, FOR RENT ‘| ming & removal. FE 8-275. See the new Oliver Crawlers, lot for 10 per cent. Holly Marine | and trailer. A-1 cond. FE_2-6477. wee GIVE You N, aekee ming 2. ee ‘Me new te | «and Coach Sales, 15210 Holly Rd., | 293 HP. EVINRUDE MOTOR WITH $$$ CASH $$$ 63 tt | ee ee Send “santeri | BEE Oe EVA ual Ge | crs back hoes, gas or diesel, | Holly. MElrove 46711, | tank and small poet, PE 9-9537. FOR YOUR EQUITY OR isher, hand sanders. < r . . ; . —_ Jee ee Us COAL FURNACE. | hoe rerun cleaners. | vert toe Ch Charm Rd. off| Aiso, 4 sizes of Oliver wheel NEW AND USED *55 MERCURY MARK 25, 18 H.P. A GOOD DEPENDABLE CAR “barpiee FE 2-116 Puel & oer Phatd Orchard Lake |* Wixom mR Wixom. tractors with loaders & back TRAILERS 2 props. $150. .MA ne. — hve. PES STRAWBERR ASPBERRY | hoes. HP JOHNSON . OUTBOA GARAGE DOORS orate aiwied MACHINE. ta dea steer. E J, Larue, acoreine root terms & rentals Liberal Terms ctr, tor tale __TRojan_9-0373._ BILL SPENCE Fee cree ag eee en | DIZ, Seeds... Gremerr nel ott Davisburg. ”Pontiae ‘Farm & Industrial “D ‘37 JOHNSON JAVALIN, 35 HP. — in stock, ren and uP. | Paint ‘formica ae oT ractor Co Parts — Bottle Gas elec. like new, 20 hrs. ‘UL 2-2789. “RAMBLER” . + a Plime ditch TAR ct peretiaeg ata el] doors snd disappearing | Days B40 to (0 €00. Sun days 10 825 westward “sie TRAILER EXCHANGE | 1955 erry ne 96. 19, HP. —SALE3S & vick— stairways ey 60 Montcalm Buiiders. BUp- For Sale Pets 69 | FE_4-0461 142 | 69S. Telegraph FE 2-3200/ $150. UL 2-1280, 211 8. SAGINAW FE 8-4541 Reece etme oo erase re shy fe Wi Moment, PE AAI | ma = | See de gee ee | — MARK clioed Fo ba ah mode: " ERMAN ers, new sed or, y equippe: Hl a from 8 to 3 Cameras, Equipment OL ee Dnaly Reasenable No service, LW. Avis, 1880 Opdyke. _OXFORD FoR See opm: on Saturdays _right home. OR 43-0002. OMPLETE DARK-ROOM EQUIP.) > ESE KITTENS | BEAN SPRAYER. ROYAL 53. 195 CURLY CRAFT 16 FT. UTIL- USED CARS BERRY DOOR SAT. ES | “ment with enlarger, reas. FE 7 a3 ~~. So Py FE eet aa powered with 6 cylinder Hereuies \ RAILER ity HP. Interceptor, yellow | Community Motor Sales HOt WATER ea TERS. 7" OnE ; BIRD HOUSES ALL PET SHOP, | -™20', ith trigger gun. 30), and, ‘white upholstery. Beautiful | "AUBURN AT EAST BLVD. . dagrsinti w rigger é \ t ax se aunching | lan, gas, new Coneaniers. Power! Sale | Musical Goods 62 ee _55 Wiliams FE tS SRV those ‘o on poner eo Shen SALES tree a, cote A real buy - fe EO B $ up. ~~ STU - evy ¢ ' vil 719 a Warced Bay a new beater fort acconpION SALE — ALL sizms PGR Bhamp tock” By appt | Weleh'Ra\. Walled Lk. MA 42000, | see ee ne} pee M & M Motor Sales little more than a used umt. Als° " qecordion loaned free to begin: | of se BUY EARLY & SAVE | STEWART OF icsbous 1958, 14 FOOT ALUMINUM BOAT | 9597 Dixie Hwy OR 31603 trie, ofl and bottled ga: heaters with lessons. FE 5-5428. _ | N TERRIER STUD CHAMP ne with Mark 55 motor and trailer. | 7 ers at terrific values. Michig an — ND OR WAL- | Curtiss OR 35-9296 Jacobsen lawn mowers. i GREAT LAKES & ZIMMER UL 22583 | TOP CASH 83$$ FOR CLEAR CARS Fluorescent 393 Orchard Lk. ee CHORD ORGAN ‘BLO Stogk. C urtiss | Bolens tractors & mowers 4 53, to 10° wide. 40 to, _— 7 | or trade up or dow 65. nut. $129 Terms ‘COLLIE PUPPIES. MALES SAND Simplicity tractors & mowers nick from. We trade sell or rent. ALL NEW | ECONOMY CARS "391 AUBURN HOT LIME METAL CULVERTS GALLAGHE R. 5 eee ese aabes, 412 ca |Home Coe mewers right oom. “See. us, today. One| 15° Dunphee Surfrider. Windshield, | TOP PRICE FOR JUNK CARS. lass bio¢k Sibley Coal & Supply 18 EF Huron ~ of John R. uth of Lake Orion on M24.| folding top, A-35 Mercury with __FE 2246 E. 16 Mile. Specials. on used equipmen e ek 140 N. Cass Ave. |ENRICO ROSELLI, 7 swrrce AC- iD PUPS. AKC JAMOR, HOUGHTEN ON MY all electric controls. Mastercraft | TOP BUCK —JONE one TRUCK ELLED MAGIC — | _cordian_Like_new._MA_5-1877. DACHAROMD PUR | UG N & s 1 7 trailer, Save over $250. 3906 Au- | PONTIAC WASTE PE 2-020 J ie “MANDOLIN & TAPE RE. | Kennels. FE 8-2538 ___+_ | 3 1 Case & New Idea Dealer OHIT THAT NEW burn near Adams Rd. after 6 WE oe BUY YOUR ad i paint needs no stirring! will GIBSON FE 448 FOR SALE: REGISTERED | Rochester OL_1-9761 1959 VAGABOND p.m. except Sat. or Sun. or CASS OAKLAN D USED CARS ef ore _ctundred or run Rubber or _corder 2 Piotts, FE aes BY UALITY ONLY 4 Call UL 2-5364. 312. W, Montcalm FE_8-8288 oll base undreds of colors to/KING TR UM P Pa 3 Sie NEE FOR SALE Q IS SOMETHING! BOATS. MERCURY MOTORS, 6 TO | wrp. USED =N RD. NO FUEL & PAINT | —Utt_§ mos Reg. | Mnglich Pointer pu : hp. Wheel Horse and 7 hD.| son” nie CUT-AWAY MODEL| 70 h.p. Lake-N-Sea fibergias, 14 to| deniers” Call FE 5-510 after 6. a SEL, Lk_Ave___FE 56150 PRACTICE PIANO . $78. Baucom 5200 Lippincott ze a|- Baler rideai ‘wor'iewn and gar: | at Oxford Trailer Sales. Even a| 18 ft. Lone soa -tttmintim or fh Wentedat Oucer et anc Sh ono ied ma : ' r 8 * 4 KITCHEN CABINET SINKS.|_ ry smal] Grand plano, in peer. gan. Mohawk | den. % h.p. Bolens porter cable, | chila can understand the diffe | fishing boats and canoes, start | .s7 » ‘a a ae irae a JB, My scratched, 42° model, VeFY Sty. 4-6746 | 26° riding mowers and attach- ere OUT n ‘OF LAKE | {rom $99.50 Lone Star cruiser, 18| ° > 40: rmpala ontiacs, ev alue, 646.30 while they test. | mabog - ments 1959 new Toro riding ORION ON M24. ft., cabin erulser, $1 4 f.! jeeie a. between 6 & 7 dice teri "values 00340674 soit apt plan “ENGI POTTER Oe | men, a ART Ese 7D git, | OonD rwaiten_satms | Hit Check on our packaged dult| | Mte' ngs Detralt, FO S508 please, Michigan Fluorescent, 393. li) medium piano, $195. LONG HAIRED GERMAN DACHS- type. Jacobson first quality mow- | PIXIE TRAILER SALES. 1045 N.| on boats. motors and trailers. LATE MODEL STATION Orchard Lake Ave. — 5. Smal] m bund. 3.0926. 6 mode) of till Lapeer Rd. Oxford. new and Only 10 per cent down,. bank vetetn, cash 3% "86 Buick as ‘Used Lowrey organ POPDIEe FREE TOO OD HOME YE, SERVICE wees ‘nts in used rental trailers. rates. City Drezer's Gun & pacts _tral e-in, OR 3-7044. et aller 33% ft Terms | io ‘Hammaeed chord orgas 1540 Parkway, FE 2-707. |Ma_s 7878 OR 3-7924 PARKHURST Mulrese $6771 0 a _Wanted Used Trucks 89 Call OR 34309 or Ub 2-159 Blonde PARAKEETS AND SUPPLIES | CORN | CRIB, WILL GIVE AWAY, TRATLER SALES BOATS REPAIRED AND REFIN- | ~~~ TENN Used accordians all sizes. 183 Sanderson 2-1727 for moving. OL 2-067]. 1540 Lapeer Rd, Lake Orton fale, eee in- CASH PA:D aoe HITE ee AS. ' rE MX 2-4611 Stall L 34046. for all models LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED POODLES, W F i/ COME IN AND SE i r Pick up, FE 2-1311 G. \LLAGHER’ 5 pels, $80 $45. Also Siamese, | sie NEW 1950 BOLENS RIDE-A-| Mente “homes. ae ee eee Used Trucks NORGE GAS DRYER ‘38 MODEL, 18 FE _Huron ror | PA RAKEETS | CANARYS. CAGES Ae AOR AD BO. | —Otlon_and Oxford on M24. ' SCHRAM’S AUTO & TRUCK ft. boat, 21 h.p. outboard PIANO 1G TURTRG—OSCAR sca lies, Crane Bird) Teng RIDI ERS. RENT OR SELL NIMROD COL- , 2539 Dixie Hwy. elas 6% in. skill saw 8: FE 4% nanberr, Auburn. UL _2-2200.| Aiso we have several good used| lapsible trailer. FE 2-630. SLAYBAUGH’S OR_3-1205 OR 3-0311 tS Seine” venetian shades PIANO RENTAL. $10 PER Kon PUPPIES GIVEN AWAY FOR| tractors. tillers and mowers at TRAVEL TRAILERS SEE THE = ¢ ebaker sport coupe. lus carteee, all money applied good homes, OR 4-0000. bargain ices, all new Trlum t 15 ft., yi MO ORS _Used 1 Truck Parts 89A ~ * PI RED rakes water tank, gas $ | RRA Re NATION'g FINEST COUNTER TOP _degltaw FE 3716 rea 6 men ak, ‘e re KING BROS. sews §, reede te to go. Only, $898. TRUCK PARTS materi plastic —_— 65c|R@NT A HOMMOND SPINET OR- | Tour-A-Home, to 39 ft. | SOAT WINDSHIELDS. $20.95. IN- AL Mgrs AND M per hardware at) gan, $15 a month plus cartage. | = 50 a aGEs, re ontiac Rd. at “Fee 1951 liver Bome, a Poll mod | BORE WENDERIRLDS. 0 Hine ah MODELS bale @.A. Thompson,| All’ money app Pood since 1901, 644 Oakiand Ave. m 1 at 41113 | , STO, Coed Cee he Seabee Crake. ing strip. Perry Bervice Inc., 6129 | 2635 FE +0633 NEW FURNACE. DUCT WORK & GRiNNELL’S_ * POODLES, WHITE MINIATORE, Cultivator be weeder. FE 20019, 3" ae” Seek, ers es For Sale Trucks 90 tank tank eas, MA §-1501, OR _3-3703.| 27.8, Saginaw FE_3-7168 ART BASSET Ua een ie 1136 La eve harp. 15 fi. aluminum travel with Decal h Aluminum A NO. FARM Fi ERY — NEW AND brakes. See many other seed Tro: Inboards and Outboards TON Vinge ge NEW .G LVANIZED PIPE USED SM ndi-| Salle Bt. jen, Inhosrds an Yin no tenetns ft.| Walnut consele al steeieet eo S BRED BOXERS WALES. used Proulx Oliver f Sales on M24| trailer’ cnr’ Holly Marine a house and Gist, Magic “ti Daybrook me Box 5 yds. eh 26 nena ef] on, $375.00. T PUR MALES, | _ just North of Ox Coach Sales, peste y Rd. Hol. Scott ters a vice a Pontiac Lk. a et “stRPLY : RRS MUSIC 0861 at tae ne VOY TEERIEAT] Femeie 6%. FE 9-360. FARMALL | “TRACTOR RUNG | _ly. MEIrose_ 4-677 CRUISE-OUT BOAT SALES , _% TON PICKUP, rf Hagew si 34 8. Telegraph ee REGISTERED TOY TERRIER, 1 ‘VACATION TRELEnE FOR * 63 E. Walton Blvd. good,’ $225. 4258 Seeden, Across from Jel-Huron _year old, male, OR 3-0100. TARDER 7 ee ACTOR CGHikF, | oF rent Jacouson's TYailer Seles, FE 6-4402, 7 days 9 to 9. FE 4-9370. ' _Drayton Plains, HET OR MOT WATER ater f _ Music Leeeton 62A | REG. COLLTK PUPPTits, EXCEL-| ‘with attachments, 782 Orlando, ‘| _5655 Williams Lake Rd. OR 39898: | “BOATS & MOTORS | iiss “CHEV. “TON PICKUP, apron 32100 even veninet etter sae tA Tent quality FE 4-015, to SADER FOR FARMALL M OR Used 95 Johnson Elect. & controle | *ifo # 1988 b Fors 8 cena. W3 ton, Pontoon PFI URES. conveyor with 9 H.P Trailer S tea ae Evincuse & sonisol ood $0.95. Gelling or sidewall. © - RE, i. D ph | staat caah Rent Trailer Space 79| Used 35 “Evingude & controls | Van Welt, 4800 Dixie Hwy. _—e a Ones WURL Nai ‘ORGAN - Hunting Dogs 69A CUBURN HOTS. MOBILE vii. + Used 18 Byinrade elect. & controls | DODGE CATT i ones - STARE, ~ 95 week The finest, % mile SE Por)” Used 19 Mereury | high sides $135, OA 86-3544. PALE T NOW Wrra KOTON WITH- or “as little as | akc REGISTERED. GERMAN tage. | e fine a 14 ft. 38. Elgin . THIS. x. FOR CASH IN A sed Trailer “ ” fear of cee or pee) dae 170 0 'N. Opa ke 6-3%6r PLACE A LOST AD uly Je: 3 HURRY, sell things! insipe erty 3 ae KZ0RER "SUMO "MARINE sy : 2078 Ofehatd Lake. Rd felmaraner 2 mos, veld through ‘Classified Ads,| from, bus . Pontiae Trailer |/* So, Boulevard Call FE 2-8181 for an ad cee . og Trae, Bere ie Anything goes! Dial FE sit tig te tor pop BOAT ah Fat ee Se og a loss. Die BE |. oe ; ne f Doge, rained, Boarded 28i8i, qeave Uhe - or an ad-writer. ' _ | lots, 16°40" eet BOAT COVERS A “haawaae * BOARDED. jee tg e. he On of = [Pazee are repair; FE 44277 or 54 say charge ‘it. t ms a % j ‘4 pee : eae | ‘SPECIAL ee a A SAILBOAT, 14 now COMPLETE. Good condition. Trade for 25 or 30 be Evinrude or Johnson, or seil. _OR 360 THOMPSON CREST LINER, LONE Star, and Meyers boats. Evinrude motors. Gator KELLY'S HARDWARE 3004 Auburn at Adams, FE 2-881! TRADE-INS We aged several very good used tn stock Some with Evin hog moters. Trade now. Financ- Harringion Boat Works “YOUR EVINRUDE DEALER” 1889 8. Telegraph FE 2-8033 w,, DODGE, PICKUP. D egulpment IN- federal tax. Btate sales cense extra. RAMMLER-DALLAS baile wr ON. MOD fon 196 sy DODGE iy TON — eonutition, Trailer and plan- er. pong 3-5614. 56 GMC 630 MODEL : FRALTOS with air GMC Factory Branch OAKLAND AT cass | JJ °55 Ford a-Ton a xe.c SEO PICKUP. LIKE N _ NEW TIRES 33.000 MILES JACK COLE, INC. Dodge - mouth Chrysler 1000 Ma at Pontiac A WALLED LA MA 44511 “1958 English Ford Van $1695. . Russ Dawson 2. 232 8. SAGINAW sso PE. 23-6131 FOR SA OR TRA ‘PT. m flat & 6100 Chev. trac- tor, 1945 Ar over C & H. Lum- ber Co. OL 21330. ‘o STUDEBAKER PICKUP TRUCK $65. PE 5-5494. Auto Insurance 990A = 6 igs: FOR MOST my “4 Pmts. Pe FE 308 Eves. Ps 2-430 Foreign & Sports Cars 90B 90B ‘38 RENAULT FE 4-0032 LARGEST STOCK OF ae “g D Mien at Ry solve fa) ear oe r w_ Wuron. PE = For Sale Cars Oe Net | HASKINS DEMO SALE 1958 Chevrolet Bel Air 2-door sedan, peg omg od “_~4 ers, en anite dercoat, ceiiae mirror. Mpolid) Ae pin green. |'SAVE! SAVE! 1969 Chevrolet Im Hai i 9 ann eet ce power steeri: white wall tires, coral and beige finish SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! 1959 Chevrolet Brookwood. 4-door heb 1, Powerglide, radio, —. oat cae” outside mirror. old ‘finish. | SAVE SAVE! 1958 SUPER 8 Holiday coupe, Hydramatic, power steer- cessortes. Solid russe SAVE! SAV -Haskins Chev. -“ Dixie Highway at M-15 MApie §-5071- Open nites ‘til 195" AUSTIN are RED. NEW _top and paint. OR 3-7216. 56 Buick, Super. .. $1495 4 Dr. hard power — & kes. Chena as a RUSS TBR MOTOR SALES MY_3-1461 or MY 2-2871 19356 Buick Century wer brakes, ynafiow, white $1395. Russ Dawson xs _2-9131 Se N lean. RAMBLER [ 666 8. Woodward MI. 6-3900 FACTORY BRANCH ‘56 BUICK STATION WAGON Radio & Heater. Dyna- Pontiac Retail Store Fit 3-7117 MT. CLEMENS ST __ BEHIND THE POST OFFICE. $1 BUICK CONVERTIBLE. DYNA- FLOW RADIO & HEATER. AB- SOLUTELY NO MONEY DOWN. Assume payments of $11.46 mo Call Credit Mgr Mr. Parks at M1_4-7500. Haroid Turner Ford. 1955 sure SPECIAL HARDTOP Loge _ extras. Will sacrifice. 4 dr. hardtop, radio & beater, wall tires. s flow, - EVERYDAY PRICES AT THE Dixie "OK" Lot te 1958 IMPALA SPORT COUPE. Ivory & Kash- mir Blue, power steering and brakes, fy eau Big 8 New rubber, a equipped and a one owner, "$2195 1957 CHEVROLET 210 4 DOOR STATION WAGON. Imperial White and Inca Silver, power steering & brakes, power- glide V-8, fully equipped one own- $1695 OVER 50 care to choose on. A All on. clean and are ohe owners. Also m any trans 8 &-up. portation specials, from NOTE: Zrenepottense ya are parked rear ‘of Discie. “OK Lot Dixie Hwy. near Sashabaw DRAYTON PLAINS, MICH SAVE! SAVE!! EY SAVE!) Dixie ‘OK’ Cais | JUST MAKE. 17 MONTHLY PAYM’TS bog AUTO SALES 115 SOUTH SAGINAW PE 80402 $5 DOWN fiow, radio and beter or saeb. Sits "Eddie Steele, ate tg Mgt 40330 after c= NEW. Grand Opening after modernization. ECONOMY CA 2 AUBURN AVE. 55 Buick ck Saper 4Dr. $895 Sedan low. Power b TN es ‘FROST. eC 280 Hunter Blvd. 6-6934 | _ MI | LINCOLN-MERCURY | BIRMINGHAM ‘| ‘S$ BUICK }DR. RIVIERA HARD- top Radio | Beautiful wine red & | maculate interior. CASS-OAKLAND Next to "62 2dr. V ‘82 Bae. Very clean «....+0..+ c es. Chev. 4 door, 6 cylinder, heater have «# choice and very We eines “ther, ep ae +. VAN'B A A ing? BEL AIR CHEVROLET ¢ 1957 BEL doo; trade. LER, 666 8, WOODWARD, MI $9 DOWN. 1953 Chevrolet Bel Air, 2 ont. — and heater, $299. $17 08 "Eddie Steele 9P.M. for your convenience Stop in and shop our fine selection of Bbight Spot’ SAFETY-CHECKED USED CARS. OVER. to select trom Poe? Liberal WANCES . os oer trade-in J EROME “Bright Spot’ ‘Orchard Lake Cass 3 < FE 80498, Radio, ater. i He ; be - 695. monty a 88 mo. Fan ent or ss + RAM- ato. é me a ee eo ie. 4 on eeee ESSION Pam mene p-- dahoal . e Cornet 2dr. transmission "31350 Larry Jerome ROCHESTER FORD DEALER _OL 1-9711 va" $5 DOWN) Bas Fagg 5 Aas = ee. Ve ~ new. new. gan, $51.24 mouth, Eddie Steele Se tk FE 5-9204 PE 2-2529 » TODAY'S SPECIAL , : ae heater. 4 odin ivory? $1490 -Matthews- Hargreaves | 631 OAKLAND AVE. _ The BIG, BIG Lot Fin 4 Eddie: Steele FORD _ RD, a Carpenter” aq Chevrolet 33 N. RADIO AND SOLUTELY No eal Look Call — Mr. Parks at MI Harold r 1955 FORD Pordomatic. radio & héater, 2 $895 Russ Dawson 232.8. SAGINAW PE 2-0131 Ree st ™ | FACTORY BRANCH 57 FORD FAIRLANE ‘500 FoO-Matic —— Radio & S Heater, "$1795 Pontiac Retail Store an i963 FORD Kee — pray anon’ oe tone $5 | ‘DOWN Ford 2 door, hard Fordomaie. Radio and "Eddie | Steele Ford 2705 ORCHARD LK. RD, + “"" KEEGO HARBOR FE 5-9204 FE 2-2529 $49 DOWN: “56 Ford V-8 2dr. sedan. New Ws walls. Standard Tom Bohr, Taos MU +1 "52 a FORD. ¥ 8 FORDOMATIC, 2 dr., jean ar ROGER'S gales & sERvicEe 695 Auburn Ave 2-9555 ic, Clean. Newl: or best offer. OL ion FE 44547 mil td l= Pa Seba “(ar Lake Orion Motor Sales a MEAT. CUABESTON, BD. _ M24 A “NORTH CHEVROLET CO. Has The INTERNATIONAL 1-YEAR DISCOUNT _- WARRANTY GIVEN FREE _ WITH EVERY CAR 100% Coverage; No Exclusions Expense DEAL WITH _ “Bill Spence” — Sales & Service — ‘58 “RAMBLER” 2 Door ... 31495 ‘8? PONTIAC 8-Chief H-T ... $1850 VST RAMBLER Rebel -T $1605 ‘86 METROPOLITAN H-T ... $895 ‘65 FORD Custom 4 Door ... $694 ‘36 RAMBLER Super Sedan $795 55 CHEVY % Ton Pickup . a $895 ‘54 PLYMOUTH Convertibie $495 $4 RAMBLER Station Wagon $705 *$4 STUDEBAKER Commander $595 "63 PONTIAC 4 Door ....... eee $105 "8 PLYMOUTH Deluxe Coupe “$325 <¥ wt © nee - *59 RAMBLER DEMOS eave eave ! BILL SPENCE -“BAMBLER" — Sales &- Service eres nee Sey 55 Ford V-8 2- Dr. eater. s 55 FORD FAIRLANE FORDOMAT. ‘ ‘56 OLDS Holiday Super "38" $1505 So SS ee Eddie steele FAIRLANE 2 DOOR ‘ . Radio and Heate "$1445 ‘Cy’ Owens ese 8. SAGINAW ST. FE = T-¥ORD $125. Riggins FORD, EM 3-0081. H. So DOWN 964 Ford, 2 door, gg ne peek Leather imterior sae ate . Power. | "Eddie | Steele FORD 2705 ORCHARD LK. RD. KEEGO PE. 5-0204 NOONE 2-2528 NICK FLORES og SALES 705 + Baid win ‘oo ick eunvertage 7. hers to choose from. ANDARD TRANS. oe bheate Lee W-Walis. it. 2-4668. - $795 transmission. ception- row | sharp. All finish with io, heater, fender skirts, = whitewalls. i BOB FROST, INC. LINCOLN MERCURY 280 Hunter Blvd. MI 6-6934 ~~ BIRMINGHAM - IMPORT SPECIALS Bo Healy" Mc “HOUGHTEN & & SON yous, ee OLDS DEALER CAR SALES AND SERVICE 528 N. Main, Rochester, OL 1.9761 «| WILSON PONTIAC-CADILLAC 1956 THUNDERBIRD White with hardtop. Radio, heat- er Fordomatic, .& white trim. A nice car. . S 1957 FORD. CONVERTIBLE. Red & white with black . Power steering & Rad heater, Fordo- matic. A low mileage one-owner trade. $1695 1957 Chieftain Guana Cou a Beauti- ful Robin Egg blue, io, beater, hydramatic, Awhite tires, A real $1495 1954 CADILLAC "* Sedan. Solid blue tn color with matching interior, Puli fac- tory ring, brakes, Tato including ling power | steer: $1395 WILSON PONTIAC-CADILLAC Peta power. 4 dr. a 1983, OLDS ) wilh ouch lop Bowe’ "ht w Sakon ic A ~~ oe oe WILSON | 3 PONTIAC: CADILLAC 1380 N.! Woodward. met) B HAM ‘ ae _ | 232_8._ SAGINAW Russ Dawson 8S. SAGINAW PE 2-0131 57 Mercury ....... Monter: ey gag Pully “BOB FROST, INC. LINCOLN-MERCURY 280 Hunter Blvd. “ MI 66934 BIRMINGHAM SS MERCURY HARDTOP. DIO TER. ABSOLUTELY Se ne, ee ek r. 4-1500, * erage Turne 55 Merc. ontesey $975 Parks” nai MI ssion, Really = tng BOB FROST. INC. LINCOLN-MERCURY 280 Hunter Blvd. MI 6-6934 BIRMINGHAM _ 1956 MERCURY oe Fig wo 3g y transmission, sit 195 Russ Dawson FE 28131 Must Have Room ‘38 Che best motor. 3 carbs. 2,000 miles. R&H. $1,997. 58 Maico, 60 miles a @ i +4 ‘$3. Stude, , Clb cpe ..... $306 ‘34 & "33 Fordomatic. ...$305 ea. ‘4 Cadiliac, full power ..... $1,497 Also 150 others, plus pickups & ‘33. RAMBLER CONVERTIBLE. RADIO HEATER. WHITE- WALLS. A UTELY NO MON- EY — Assume — eee of $8.65 Call Mer. Mr. Parks ry MI 4-7500. Harold Turn er - Ford. "hl RAMBLER WAGON good shift, radio & heater, & SERVICE 695 Auburn Ave. . PE 2-0555 ‘$4 NASH STATESMAN. SHARP, $425. FF 5-5523. $7 RAMBLER CUSTOM STATION hk vs ee —. 1 owner. JUST MAKE Payments Absolutely NO Money Down Deal Direct Save MI 4-1930] rm oh ig) Ptymonth 2Deor 1°51 Pontiae 2-Door ~ 51 Lincoln, power R&R if FE 3-7117 ee Sarene cond. FE $6815. ; 7) 4 MARoroP. ER. W LY NO EY DOWN. Assume Plymouth Belvedere, 4 door. Rees ea and heater. $399. "929.32 month, © Eddie Steele 7 heater and $285 Cash. FORD ‘ MAN Motors, Inc, 2105 ORCHARD LK. RD. 55 PONTIAC ities Shew Place of Pontia¢ FE 5-0204 FE 2.2529 ‘i seenpiiane Ke Radio, _ Chryslér-Piymouth PL BAN! this Pa Sorted by tr i Imper is 124 Oak "PE 4.3528 ye ; sAuTO Pooling "Michigan , sats, fu NOW'S THE TIME TO BUY THAT ency. 36 payments. a dae aptg ip mo. Very lew cosh down. or old cond. Call PIS 40882. eins test to our to Hawaii. DR. * i We have a large quote to sell in "BIRMINGHAM Very clean. OR 3-600. order to 80 We are really s on. seared by "buptne wow, See RAMBLER | 4xa| iardenburg — jnow, See us | 666 8. Woodward MI_6-3900 = Tg now. If vou can’t come to us we ia PCI EE wz aoe | 09 will come te you, Just call EM | 1968 PLYMOUTH CUSTOM 8U power | ‘1 Chery $16, 63 dr. Sharp Sia WE BELIEVE WE CAN BEAT es Es! steering, wnat, "whit *64 Buick Hardtop. $ i . a HE a wi | es ER ‘Cass 2 Pike FE sriee | R&C ‘Renhler Sales om mn MOUTE saver. or j $16 Commerse Rd. We. Union Le. Sharp. Original owner. $706 i | Posting, Max Cele Chlet ‘ Door mais | Open 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. PN a wall, 1 ngs car. j "$8 PONTIAC SUPERCHIEF 4 DR. NO MONEY | DOWN | ieee Power. 290 Sterr. Pontiac star Chief. 4 door, hydra. = ae et tty thee’ = Oven chews. tren ay 28 ‘and tsi bv 64 & ” Fer eae 3 . tiacs Olds & nee ne naen Perles re gy & 14 es $s _ Greenlawn, - con i = sg 1054 98 OLDS. PVT. OwnéA. $550. 1950 Cameron. FE 4-3687 surER a = HLT. igo 4 eo: con Oe Tm "4 o8Ds SUPER 88 HOLIDAY. dition. FE hee es. av con- PE_ 5-020 $5 DOWN 1953 Pontiac hardtop, standard gag Bee ns Al Access., clean " FE 5-6572 . DR. SEDAN, Eddie Steele | sag, ssnsvernaticn. “soe re! THIS {8S IT! ONE OF Tee cums NEST ‘55 Pon- tiac. 2 dr. hardtops = Oakland FORD ' 21705 ORCHARD LK. are: KEEGO HARBO! -RUTO SALES | 115 SOUTH SAGINAW | FE PLYMOUTH RADIO and HEATER $145 FULL PRICE MONTHLY PAYM'TS No Cash. Needed JUST MAKE S9 rE 72-2529 County € 3 “See this one” PONTIA DOOR & GOOD {se battery. $85 cash, MArket 58 PONTIAC 4 DI Also cheap transportation spe- REC RAMBLER 34166 EM 34156. Commerce at Onion Le. Ra. R. CHIEFTAIN Loaded! 11,000 mi. Like new. 81 8. Avery. Elizabeth Lake Estates. ‘32 _PONTIAC 2 DOOR, $165, PE 54-6721 ae PONTIAC 4DR. WAGON. condition. IN mode} Absolutely ioe white yiny) in- | _S¢e® a terior. Excellent tires. Can't be|'53) PONTIAC Curse alr matched. $795. 24 payments. $26.84 Gre. . $340. 600 ie. Very ee Cave payee i i Ss PORTIA STARCHIEY. a BIRMINGHAM dia neater. "PE 4165. ~ _ 666 § WOODWARD “Beat ont.‘onea Sar: On FS “eve: MI 6-3900 “alee. 1 EM EE | KING | (ome ee gee 8-0402 Open Until @ P.M. ‘ST inder. Here's a low pegem = owner, top economy car ith al low j Yes, this ~~ ine! i e, tax, & title. $31.) fF Soe town ee al weds: r | ~ ' lebrations| Mama she was at her mest THE MIDNIGHT EARL... day. A court hearing was set for sacematicnion Helen Hayesish. Miss Hayes does of wholesomeness that thréatens ; Monday on the network's petition to into fatuity not walk into a scene, she sails Pat Soone’s brother, Nick lfor a court order banning picket- apap Atte as 1 with sex, in—her banners flying, her guns - Todd, got out of the army last ing there. or to change the image, a clumsy| “"™g*Ustertunately, she: fires eek, resumes his singing ca- The union has called the stOP-inoeman Rockwell cover nae, a weet, ee as © page a “lockout.” It maintains : The super reer. .. Aly Khan's attorney the company: ordered NABET from banality by the thread of supervisory personnel, man- may withdraw in his legal has- members off the premises in New prapind vitality that weaves through a the controls during -the ye sle with Rita Hayworth, (Rita's York after they refused to handle | '*s nnards. —— peer pry dow omen determined not to Jet Yasmin a video tape of a two-hour pro-| Last night NBC-TV’s Hallmark de in Paris. The union| Hall of Fame presented a 90- |'"S lor on the taped show. At visit Aly in Europe) ... Monty gram made in Pe ot “Ah, one point, during the “‘facts of life’’ Clift took Myrna Loy to the claims the company Shia] wainite. vardien ot Wilder- jscene, one staffer pushed the a ps French technicians in basic jobs| mess!” and handled its creaky button, blz the ‘Mark Twain” show . . . Grace in making the tape, thus violat-) bones with reverence and a good pews 4 for Synge om ee tere oe ing a union agreement. deal of skill, ‘ rape Ra connec Ww. inishing: her NBC’s radio and television net- . om latest book . . . Ginger Rogers’ works were off the air from 7 to] sant and geared admisbiy tar the|, £4 Murrow's one-hour filmed in- newest romance is Conn. so- 9 a.m, Monday. Supervisory per-!-ry screen and director Bob Mulli-|eT“ew, With Field Marshal Ber- clalite Stuart Daniels. : sonne}] then took over. gan pumped enough olf and move-trase: Montgomery last night on ic The executives were rusty, NBC TV was a stunning portrait of Comic Danny Dayton was DELORES Snined. and there were reports ment into its skeleton to keep it ithe man—crusty, outspoken, pride- ‘signed as a TV director-producer ... The’ Air Force asked doz-|"*? commercials going on and|To™ looking like three Father|rj, strutting. Agreement or dis- ens of public relations firms to consider its accoutit; only three|oy abruptly, coming on the screen| "Ws Bests bunched back-to-back. agreement with his views aside, it applied (the others feared government interference). faintly, and coming on the screen -_ - * a * » vs was wonderful to hear a personal- x * * oe without sound. etience te “Ad, Tiamat? tn. an jity speak clearly and bluntly and TODAY’S BEST LAUGH: TV director Bud Yorkin gave up| In NBC's presentation of “Ah le Sid drinks end ie cman’ tess bea Mas her ue vague ote smoking. When he’s asked what he substituted for cigarets hce|Wilderness,” a play by Eugene jobs, but he is essentially a comic|versations. sehregce: snaps: “A nasty temper!” .. . That’s earl, brother. , |O’Neill, there was a re the (figure; Young Richard is tortured Rais: ( ht, 1959) blackout at the point re hy ated but tna’ tas Copyright, father is explaining the facts of e minde at De tut pry? life to his son. NBC explained the|'S eadl “_e _ ro, . ‘ blackout was not censorship, but] ™uddle - his - way - through - to - TV Surgery Patient pulmonary embolism is a blood| yas caused by inexperienced su-|[@PPiness; Aunt Lily is settling : . [clot plugging the arteries to the pervisory personnel. down into old maidishness, but she - Dies 4 Days Later \ : *« & seems to have adjusted to it; moth- ee _. | If the network had wanted to/¢T Worries and father frets, but SAN FRANCISCO (AP \—Four} “This 8 0 SgcasiOna! ity ele the piece, no blackout ‘hey are worriess and frets that | rE 4-1515 ‘days after his televised operation tion from any surgery,” it said. ouiq have been required, the|never really threaten their ginger-/@j ¢ § V ELECTRO MART for lung cancer, James Long, 71, executive explained, because the The cast nuproached fie tele open aly Sa 3 died of a pulmonary embolism. [Calls Lansing March [play was: taped in Advance, with varying degrees of efficiency. |m__ Monday and ti ® ~ & * I liked Burgess Meredith, Betty wer The patient wes not a very “LANSING @—The State Execu- lira Gershwin Recovering /F Bild Dolores Sutton and a young! . _.. oe tive Board of the Michigan AFL-| Adynamed Abigail Kellog. * RCA COLOR 17 good surgical risk, but the opera- | HOLLYWOOD, Calif. (AP)~—Mu- , » <.:a/CIO has called for a march of Lloyd Nolan had a little trouble Soles tion of course was essential,” said sician Ira Gershwin, 62, brother! mouthing his lines, but was quite es a Stanford Hospital statement aft-|the unemployed on Lansing Maylof the late George Gershwin, was solid carticeharte i. palirsl ae er Long’s death Tuesday while he|5. The board said the marchers/reported” recovering in a Holly-|jite”’ scene which be played with SWEET! sR RA ADIO 1 was eating lunch. wil] ask lawmakers ‘‘to support ajwood hospital today after under- just the proper amount of fumbling x * ; meaningful state program to bene-'going surgery ‘for an undisclosed embarrassment. Lee Kinsolviny, as The statement explairied that|fit the unemployed workers.” ailment. the young man, had an eee | Turn to Cheaper Foreign Goods See the New 1959 RCA and ZENITH Radios and Televisions WASHINGTON U.S. Chamber of Commerce. competition less attractive,” kraus, board chairman of of the U.S. Chamber. tainly have to stop not only benefits but will have‘to get (AP) — An said today that American consumers are fed up with rising. prices and more and more are buying cheaper foreign products. Unless labor and management curb the wage-price spiral, the consumer will do the job in a manner painful to both employers and working men, Herman W. Steinkraus cautioned in an address prepared for the “If we are to meet the challenge of foreign competition we will need do- mestic prices which make such foreign Conn. Brass Co. and a former president “To make these lower prices we will cer- spiral of wage increases and greater fringe ductivity from all of our people on our pay- industrial he said. who noted it talk abowt the United States pricing itself out of world markets.” “ns be sure, we are facing increased competition said Stein- “But this is Bridgeport, $ e promote. r this upward greater pro- “You can't rolls. x *& * ‘ “Otherwise we will lose the*business and = United States, fon ee ; ( * : 4 a i A Cad : there will be a new spiral. It will be a spiral of statistics of growing unemployment.” Steinkraus told the businessmen the im- pact of foreign competition has only begun to be felt. “We are in‘ for ie trouble,” The opposite view was a at another chamber session by Rep. Hale Boggs (D-La) economic vigor in Western Europe and elsewhere which we worked so hard to Boggs cautioned the chamber against be- ing stampeded by the hotter competition into a protectionist policy. edge and argue for government restrictions against imports while at the same time supporting freedom of enterprise within the Americans Balk at High Prices | sists ed a ltedly frightened Arthur Godfrey|if {t's a benign tumor of 9a STEFANSKI Radio & Television 1157 W. Huron St. FE 2-6967 has “become fashionable to in world markets,” he said, a welcome sign of renewed draw the line at the water's "he said. WE ACCEPT _waurant ORDERS For | Home Jeapuarrements | and consOLIDATION of DEBTS Rifle Fire Booms sen SS | * Consolidate All Payments changed about 200 rifl . : | I}. Save All That interest Money owigdte posed pasa fring Howell Baptist Church | | * Pay Off Existing Mortgages into a> non-union coal operation |to Dedicate Building or Land Contracts J near here before dawn today. No HOWELI i — The First Baptist APPRAISALS BIG BEAR CONSTRUCTION CO. CO. 92, Wee: tee x! ‘ASSOLE RIAN ASE chi aM ee @ Dries Any Fabric With 3 Heat Choices ‘dry. Has modern Fabric setting to perfectly dry all. your miracle _ fibers. Big easy-to-read Visi-Dial Timer. controls entire drying oe relFirst U.S. Ocean Ship coast from the beach on\o@ils. in Detroit River a oh od DETROIT w — The first Ameri- Castro’s mediators, can_ocean-going: ship ever to: ply rmando Torres, hurried |the Detroit River steamed. up berrass . webs pea eral spar yes li waterway shortly -after w sdnight poe hero a Eo a a member of the foreign in- | The 460-foot expres freighter) your pinto. i ala inon-acia) vading force. They went directly ‘santa Regina, of the Grace Line, fag 7, No gummy, One ey is headed for Chicago, She 1s ex-| §00e7. poe ge not Keeping a line open with the 79|\pected to reach the Straits of| breath). Get PASTEETH today at leuae cae Py Torres colleague,| Mackinac at “about 6 tonight. Grug counters everywhere. “Lied Qua on A Tom ot A peace treaty with Germany or settlement of West Berlin’s’ future must not be made depend-' ent on solution of the European secirity problem. = = aires WATT | UL 2-1320 pected to follow next summer. 4. West Berlin should’ be made] divisions and an -averriding pes-|anteed by'the big powers and the | simism that the East-West talks in|United Nations; the peace treaty deadlock.’ . |many should be approved at once. — Mayking. , Your Home Blair: was the only operator * trucking coal to the ramp. le Do the Work , End of Coal Mine — | w HITESBURG, Ky. (— Mine jinjuries were reported. *& Low Interest Rate | Mine operator Jack Blair said, pein | Howell will dedicate it) 12 to 15 Year Terms iI-am closing down the operation |"©¥ *” ogee _—— y: and leaving the country.” | : » |. Plans for services which will} ‘I can't stand it mpene” continue through the week were he said. announced today by the pastor, the The outburst was the heaviest/Rev. Earl R. Meeden. It will be} exchange of gunfire in the Mayking| the third building occupied by the area where shots have been fired|church in its 121 years. : sporadically almost every day| Climaxing the weeklong program/ during the 52-year-old United Mine} will be baptismal services Sunday Workers strike for a new contract.}evening, May 10. Tomorrow -Friday and Saturday Only | DOWNTOWN ZILA: OPERATORS ON DUTY 24 HOURS A DAY ASK FOR MORTGAGE DEPARTMENT I with the Russians, there still were|@ demilitarized ‘‘free--city” guar- i Geneva would end ats in fenewed| Proposed by the Soviets for Ger-if _ Tomorrow - hive and rag Only Complete Bunk Bed Outfit Includes Chest £ ¥ If Bought Separately—the 8 Pieces Would Cost Over .149.00 construction, hardwood:top. Buy yours now at $50 savings! \ SAVE on WASHERS and DRYERS _ Hot, medium and warm heats dry any fabric safely, gently, fufty- Kenmore WASHER With SUDS SAVER all this . . . 2 speeds, built-in filter, suds-saver, 7 rinses band big Washing Machine Dept. Sears Main Basement Gas Dryer . ce teee ess 179.88 I ™ Reg, 69.95 it For porch, patio or “rec” All. Steel | Round Umbrella Table 12.99 Sturdy ‘tubular steel legs sup- port heavy steel top, Cener hole for umbrella. Rubber tipped legs. Reg. 14.95 Innerspring Glider Converts to a Bed 59.88 $5 DOWN room. Coveréd in bright plastic over 65 coils, Aluminum frame. Seats 3, sleeps 2. Bunk bed is sturdily constructed of strong hardwood. The ; color style is of priceless Early American pieces . . . rich $ a ruddy maple. Chest has 4 roomy drawers, dovetailed De Furniture nee Sears Second Floor Beautiful, long wearing and easy to adjust. Button control for tilting, pull cord for raising. Rigid aluminum pole. Assorted pattern in- terior, green, or yellow’ ex terior. 4in. cotton fringe> Makes sunning fun. Two Studio Loenines. '$ —_ with Corner Table. 99 If three. pieces were purchased separately would cost 134.95, Ail innerspring. constructed, upholstered in plastic that wipes clean. ° Lounges bolster backed. White, orange, or black. ® ed ‘Om Imagine This... ; Harmony House 3-Pc. Bedroom Outfit | | REG. 134.90 EACH ITEM CAN BE BOUGHT $ ONLY SEPARATELY T0O!—BOOKCASE BED $31 $5 DOUBLE DRESSER $51 — CHEST $21 4 DOWN Available for 3 Days Only! Hurry in Today! — Big double dresser with 8 warp-resistant dovetail drawers . . . mirror, 4 drawers for small articles: Roomy 4 drawef chest with divider for shirts. Bookcase bed has 2 Oe. oe storage spdce. eee veneer is Salem finish over knotty pine. 154 North Saginaw St. Raion FE §-4171 This nationally famous Kenmore Automatic Washer is loaded latching Kenmore AUTOMATI® _...... F . 3 " with work-saving features, yet sells tor less than $200. You get 1 3 pie $5 Down v¥ Family Size 10-Pound Capacity 1 8 8 dom cleaning agitator. *h $5 Down or inaw S Me puanantied 01 "> sda dam SEARS. 154 etc t ‘< + q *¥ Ve ia oe : eae oe Nyame. Ae .. THE PONTIAC PRESS * > \ * > wv THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1959 storage unit which has storage space, and room built-in television. it has an unusual 4x8 foot “Swiss cheese” type drilling. holes. in a A DRASTIC CHANGE — It's hard to believe that this is the same house. The wall dividing the living room.-and dining room has been removed. New eating space was provided for in the kitchen which is beyond the door at the right. The new living room storage | to find a gas-station or deli-! land involves a framework of 2x2! wird lumber, rabbeted for the %". fir. catessen as your next door neigh- Pontiac Press Phote has two bay windows ‘so that the loss of the one window was not felt. New paint, new draperies and new carpeting has worked wonders. For a look at the other end of this room, see picture titled “‘Pre-Fab Fireplace.” ” Decorative sive, Asa do-it-yourself project, it can be built readily by the aver- plywood top, bottom, door, and side” bor Table Made age handyman in an evening or panels. It’s just a large plywood! “Since no house is better than box which you could build to suit its “neighborhood, protect your|O your family’s needs, or have a space should be vented to the room!in its current issue. atmosphere, well-defined regarding residential pot bl daa tnd ye Serna pigeon- against an ini of commercial] gardens. buildings. If they are hazy or non-|seedy in appearance? These will . \existent, you may awaken some'all affect the value + 28 © e 26 Soe ee 8 eee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee we eee ee ee 2 4 : two at relativély low cost, using f Hardboard light lumber framing, brass legs , bottom and fronts, Primed and painted to suit the an attractive lamp, a large mirror and a comfortable -THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1959 NTIAC WEI 7 Make Your Dream= | a Reality! Paying for a Mortgage ment i8 a sound investment in your family's future. ing your own home...comeinand & ; . : > advance at your convenience. courteous representatives. 58 WE PURCHASE «| __ mortgage ny to 25 years. LAND CONTRACTS _ na : Spa RO ER 8 . ae ee * ie é We Specialize in HOME LOANS CURRENT RATE Co on SAVINGS All Savings Accounts Insured to $10,000 by an Agehcy of the United States Government, Downtown Branch Rochester Branch 16 E. Lawrence St. 407 Main St. te En joy the Pride of i Home Ownership Is kasier Than Paying Rent Our open end conventional Mort- — f¥ We Offer a True gages include in their monthly pay- * ment: Interest, Principal, Taxes and 4 ()PEN-END MORTGAGE Insurance. . — , ; ; “er @ You may pay up the mortgage at any Each time you make a payment re. time without advance notice and with- your equity in your property in- © out penalty. > creases in value. Each monthly pay- © © Your mortgage can be increased at any & later date to the original amount ber- ed rowed for additional improvements or for any other satisfactory reason. If you have been dreaming of own- |. @ You may pay any additional amount at any time without notice or penalty. talk with one of our friendly, % @ You may pay interest and principal in @ Terms on our conventional open end, Home Office 761 W. Huron Street Drayton Plains 4416 Dixie Highway a eee ’ —— ‘FOUR. _ THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 29, 1959 | — ‘- SHE FIRES SER OWN — Mrs. Kenneth An- thony of Mt. Clemens street not only put the tiles together in a pattern fe a table tep, but she also molded, cut, fit, and fired the fittle files first. She used regular ceramic clay, fired it in her home kiln. The background of the 32-inch | That Manual is =""S"2= ==" for Your Use at Faieeee Each year millions of dollars are 1™5tance, are moved into of these calls water turned on at the connec- | ton? Are you using the correct | Experienced repair men can tell! amount of detergent or soap? of five-minute—but $5 to $10—visits t_ some machines excessive to homes, when the only trouble amounts can cause “suds lock.” with the appliance was the oper- i. ae Is the wash load off balance? needlessly Maytag’ Automatic washer manufacturers io. department oe * naive incorporated’ an automatic experts advise . lnousewives to keep their appliance |**# 0 correct this. The newest idea in paint rollers help. They also suggest some jis a long handle that lets you paint before ceilings and the upper portion of walls without using a ladder. INSIST ON AN ELECTROVECTOR | BASEBOARD RADIATION and CABINET HEATERS — q gp ALL-ELECTRIC HEATING SYSTEM - Pestiae Frees Phote table is two-tone gray. The McKaw parrot design was taken from a picture Mrs. Anthony picked up im Piorida. She cut her own table top and fastened on the brass legs. The table is child- proof, says Mrs. Anthony. She does other tile Mustn't Ignore Exposed Ceiling & ceiling is‘ perhaps the most ignored part of a room. Yet, it can set the mood for a cozy at- mosphere, credte an illusion of size or make a room ugly. Many homeowners are finding plank-amd-beam ceilings answer their decorating, and budget, needs ‘when they build or remodel. * * * A reason for its popularity is the warmth and interest through the nateral grain and texture of the wood) Another important reas- on is eeanomy. Architects and builders have fownd that in using this type of ceiling they can make one material serve two purposes. In a one-story house, the top side of the planking serves as the roof decking, underside as the exposed wood ceiling ef the room | below. The same situatien applies in the upper story of a two-story house. For the bottom stery, the decking may be used as the sub- flooring or even finish flooring the second story with the wnder- side as the ceiling of the ground floor, ' x * * An exposed wood ceiling lends itself to decorating tricks: Fer in- stance, to give the effect of a fower ceiling, the beams might be fini in a contrasting cal- or to the decking. For a height- ened effect, the same color in one of the lighter tones would be desirable. The term “sheathing,” frequent- ly used by builders and architects refers to materials that cover the ork, both by herself and with ups. © SAFE © SILENT © NO FURMACE - : ~ THERMOSTAT-CONTROL FOR EVERY ROOM { 7 FREE . full Information — -al g estim es installation ‘Don’t Try to Hurry ‘tains about a ton of moisture. | and operation costs, oblig te yes. Months are required for the ‘Therefore, the poiet mead: cee RAGLIN ELECTRIC co. jwater to evaperate from brick- ie Shope Get we . 734 BONITA DR. EM 3-6234 LAKEWOOD VILLAGE work and plaster. Just after such and evaporatian. After"'the place | : : : ‘ a house is completed; it is esti- is dry, any kind of paint can be Residential & Commercial Wiring—Baseboard Electric Heating mated, that the average room con-, used. i : Trained m Electric Heating Ynsialiation by Detroit Edisen exterior side of the house framing. We Deliver—FE 3-7129 * UNLIMITED @ Presto! Your personalized paint color tinted in every finish for every paint- ing job @ There Rockcote Spertro.m han any ready mixed paint. a Pontiac Rockeote Paint Store CORNER CASS and HURON See Our Ad in Value Days Section Mon. thru Fri. 9 to 5:30—Sat. 8 to 5 THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1959 | FIVE LER tas Soe 2 é LA. LIP ste Syst gcmmmammmuynan sgt i UE, i, Oe, ETE RE OE i ii hi se ME ea: aN Aa vse lO ee a an ae Eg te a ‘ liga ? Rigi ve a Spee SRI EL™: epee: Lee MS Ate OE OES sag MO RC gfe” Oe oe EB AE 1 ales je, a ie oe ae Be Se ae ee? MO ee a ee rg oe : ig ee i es cya age eA hy Rnb Biel gs seg : og ‘giog Gis 3 em : deena Bie ne : BB Ra Lage the eee ae ee z. Ue CRIED ail hE RE TNE CB Mao DD edt Me Gd COME Pe Ge CG Re ART fo Sa MH cae : You Can Put Your Trust in GM i ‘ aF ae . “ _ Our Quality Workmanship Speaks for Itself . . . We at G& M are proud to have been i! BS ol Oe st ae called upon to build this garage. Call today to find out what we can do for your home. * Engineered From The Ground Up To Fit Your Exact Needs With Top Quality Materials and Workmanship No matter what your need is... be it an addition, modernization, garage or any other home improvement, let us prove that we build with am eye to the future AND that it is GOOD BUSINESS TO CALL GGM. tiie St gc erseatia. w g eae ae . -. NO MONEY DOWN Take 5 Years To Pay ALL SIZES! ALL TYPES! CHECK with US & Before You Finish & Your Basement— AlBUILDING G27 ’)| - YOU'LL SAVE SERVICES CALL TODAY © GARAGES : DRIVEWAYS FE 2-1 21 T @ BREEZEWAYS @ ROOFING FREE ESTIMATES OPERATORS ON DUTY 24 HOURS A DAY. @ E Our Representative Will Call at Your Convenience. . SIDING Oe aet een NO OBLIGATION, OF COURSE © KITCHENS OPEN SUNDAY 12-4 @ CONCRETE WORK 3 : e@ ROOM ADDITIONS | | | e SIDEWALKS @ RECREATION : ROOMS e ATTICS _ Anything You Need at a Price CONSTRUCTION CO. to Fit Your Budget 2260 DIXIE HIGHWAY Pontiac OS ges —— +L Ure ERE PONTIAC: PRESS, Picture Frames Require Care ly at least once a month, dusting will help avoid marking the wall. * * & ' For added protection against to Today's Yards) =#sscvEec O ays aras pieces of felt to the back four : Cteaninn, cand Gon beck Newest thing in illumination for‘able, will usually be handled by|_, When | the yard, patio, walk, drive or'or through dealers, builders whine nae tet pele Poe os net throwback 10 thelperhaps, plumbing outlets. torn. To repair slightly damaged " Some utilities and public |backs, use gummed paper tape The gaslight is making a come- WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1959 No Weather Worries Use for Old Desk In reroofing, asphalt shingles!) An old desk can be converted to - usually can be applied directly|a sturdy workbench. Take off the over the old roofing material. One| old top and replace with 2 by 4s, big advantage of this is that the| glued together. Make new top long house is not left unprotected if a enough to provide overhang for sudden rainstorm blows up before woodworking vise. Cover with the new roofing is in place. |sheet of hardboard. : CONCRETE STEPS THE UNIT STEP Fora Step in Beauty mh eal} Bue CHECK THESE FEATURES: @ No Sections to Be Forced Apart by Frost or Settling @ Permanent Beauty—Rugged Dependability @ FHA Specifications a=. @ Strong Reinforced Casting Safety Tread back. With the exception of a very few spots in the nation, gas lamps have been an (‘I remember when’’ item for many years. 7 * * * That their soft, moonlight-like dling arrangements at present. glow is coming back on the nation- al scene is the outgrowth, origi-jnot available, propane or butane specialists. In addition to over-|| jgas can be used to fuel the de-| flowing more readily, clogged gut-| nally, of a promotion stunt. Their increasing use, today, is) vices. service companies are expected (°F Simply glue strips of paper to handle billing for lamps and |°VeT the torn places. labor, with cost prorated on the customer’s monthly gas bill. At least one utility is so han- In areas where piped-in gas is!leaves is recommended by roof. {ters also rust more quickly. ' @ Avoid Messy Installation UP TO 42 SQ. FT. OF PORCH SPACE Free Estimates — We Deliver Anywhere! CONCRETE STEP CO. 6497 Highland Bd. (M-59) Reduces Slipping OR 3-7715 due to several factors: That the gaslight is back to stay a while is seen in the op- At least one new housing devel-) opment is going to have gas-lit’ streets, but the more promising | be in its decorative role. Where the handy man comés into the picture is outside, looking at his newly installed lamp. » The job of tapping the home's. <4 § gas line, through sill plate or foundation, is one best left to the} plumber. i Once installed, the lamps are | around the home. | Maintenance will consist, main- dy, of replacing a mantle now and) then. H x* * * Considered as a home improve-| ‘ ment item, lamp, ‘post, and in-/ stallation are not too expensive, Costs vary, of Cost of operating is very mod- | erate if lamps are turned on at dusk, turned off in the morning. | able, is said to average about one dollar per month. Lamps, as they become avail- Steel Mortar Box Is _ . ideal for Sand or Pool “ey > MODERN _ OR PERIOD x? FURNITURE ~*~ Custom Crafted to Your Specification, @ Reupholstering @ Restyling ... see new ideas in fine furniture. - George Tuson 5390 Dixie Highwoy Custom Furniture Builders Quality Carpeting g speaking 4 I'd like to discuss your carpet * needs with your when you're making a choice for your home or business. Twenty years of || carpet service and sales experi- ence are dedicated to giving you personal assistance with your carpeting problems. Ill be glad to call at your home or business with carpet samples, analyze the traffic and appearance demands which your in- stallation is to serve, and show you a variety of carpetings which will answer your needs. It’s my aim to provide you with the advice, the service and the installation which will give you greatest satisfaction. Call me for arrangements. Visit our showrooms Elliott's of Waterford ORlando 3-1225 SEVEN THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1959 - Have a House To Put In Order?.. Enjoy life “Forst Class sooner than you think with a LOW COST MODERNIZATION LOAN that will financially 4isist yOu wm putting your bouse in order... LOANS are available for smprovement vepari and additions. whim National | Bank P ON Tf £ A Offices at-\W. Huron at Tilden... N. Perry at Glenwood... Keego Harbor... Walled Lake .. . Union Lake . . . Lake Orion » 22 Milford , ., Waterford . . . Bloomfield Hills Member Federal Deposit Insurance CorporationEIGHT | i Make a Patio on Garage Top A garage garten may never be a of Babylon, but you'll find it's a nite place to h around. inside is probably bulging with tailfins, lawnmewers and bicycles —but how about the roof? A garage roof garden might be just the thing. . For rooftop surfacing, the most important consideration is a ma- terial that is impervious to the elements. Your best bet is ceramic or quarry tile. It comes in a variety of shades and patterns and is a cinch to keep clean. For privacy — safety — you'll place some plants and shrubs around the rail and at strategic points elsewhere on the roof. Here's the ideal setting for sun- | bathing, You'll want several large deck “THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1959 IN BACKYARD — Home away from home may be in the backyard. A Midwest couple built a garden house for out-of-doors play and enter- tainment. It houses exterior closet for convenient sae: nie garden equipment, potted plants, TV, sleeping cote and barbecue accessories. Wall and roof are of special tempered hardboard to withstand bad weather. / also want at least several shoves apintce facilities for a snack. Mocs of the question, providing the of all-weather furniture, including | small, office-typ@ refrigerator and cooking area is fireproof. The! a table and several chairs. an electric hot plate should do umbrellas spotted about. You'll} Perhaps later, you'll feel like in- laces for hot pans can be cov- fireproof-tile. trick. Even a barbecue pit is not‘ered with CELEBRATION SALE! Spec ial Exterior PAINT 79 White ‘] Gallon ¢ BRAND NAME Pay Regular Price of $5.95 for 1 Gallon Second lacludes All Types of Exterior & Interior Paint PAINT SALE Gallon for Only Te New Plastic Fortified FLOOR TILE 17 Beautiful Colors to Choose From FLOOR TILE SPATTER ASPHALT | 4§ Each 13¢ Ea. Price hO% ae TTT | Never Newds 6‘ EACH ame? ¢ OFF be - 2%e Waxing —_ SALE PRICE PLASTIC WALL TILE All Colors F Lifetime Guarantee VINYL PLASTIC LOOR TILE orrShuffleboard 9 Vy, Deluxe Shuffleboard — Game—Reg. $9.95 6” of W. HURON OPEN MONDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY ‘TIL 9 P. M. TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY ‘TIL 6 P.M. FE 8-3717 FREE PARKING PONTIAC, MICH. . OUTLET Gypsum Board Cuts Easily, Smoothly Score gypsum board with a knife —doing the scoring on the good side of the board; that is, the side that will show in the finished op- eration, Use a straightedge as a guide. Apply enough pressure so that the knife goes through the surface paper. Rest the board an a table or two sawhorses so that the scored line hangs just over the edge. Snap the overhanging part downward, which will cause the board to split along thé scored line. However, the paper on the un- derside of the board will still be attached to the plaster core. It is jan easy matter to cut through this }paper with the knife. One or both ledges of the gypsum board can be \smoothed, if desired, with ordinary sandpaper. ACRILAN® CARPET. See & Tere rc ce Tee weal | Cearcr Gecrrsmansnir art cece two » 4 sous oo j j aa Mohawk er Newest ACRILAN® carpet... from the looms of Mohawk @ More resilient @ Loriger wear @ Easy to care for @ Moth, Mildew Proof WALL-TO-WALL OR ROOM SIZE RUGS os little os 10" Per Month “mm Xi 9 FLOOR COVERING 4528 Dixie Highway, Drayton Plains OR 3-2100—OR 3-4109 ¢ . ____THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1959 Finest Quality Pre-Finished PLYWOOD V4" 4'x8’ Cherry ‘°16.32 Mahog. ° 7. Birch $13.76 Oak, Red *14.40 White se 8 &@ @ © &® & @ 8 8 416,00 2 reMODELinG wa om BUILD A GARAGE FOR SPRING IS HERE. WHAT WINTER DOES , TO CARS! OH, ier —. First step is to M. A. Benson Company, they have years of Building Experience to help you with your Remodeling plans. See them today and ask about their new FHA Financings. With Materials for a 14’x22’ Garage Including 3 windows and 8’ 60 ON YOUR steel ceeheod garage door. ‘413 0 SLAB TERMS TO BE ARRANGED ee Pp Rapes Ready to Install " Pre-Finished Kitchen Cobinets in Birch “Let Us Help You Do Your | : | J Kitchen Planning” M.A.BENSON @ —rce [toma Home Plans All Colors to mpany, Inc. Company, Books | Cover the House COMPLETE " for Planning Your Next Home | Gal. $3.99 Up Z& : BUILDERS SUPPLIES 549. N. Saginaw Street FE 4-2521 ‘YOU CAN'T AFFORD A RUN-DOWN HOUSE’— -* ———— ee ee . TEN tenn a ln ee gk aaa RE gs eg a THY: PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, cent of; : in order to which small amounts of thinner Se gi high grade putty for wood sash use is a stiff mixture of pure white chalk and linseed oil . ‘and drier are sometimes added. Home for You... the next] FE 5.5101 Complete home ‘building service, custom built homes, additions, kitchen remodeling, under recreation rooms, etc. FHA terms. W. A. WINKELMAN, Contr. 4996 Sherbourne. build, buy or remodel a house be more aware of window sills and how to avoid them ahead of time. Here are a few examples. i i a EE iE fF rTeeedEt and effectively block the passage of heat. because wood is a nat- ural insulating material. ! 3.. Appearance. Many windows’ are made of‘fnaterials that do not take paint well. As a result, the frames and sash can’t become a part of the decorating scheme, | eliminate this problem since clear} stained for any decorating effect} desired, Consider Quarry Tile for Outdoor Terrace Once spring celaning horrors are over and the memories of a. dull winter begin to fade, it'll be, time to move ont-of-doors for a) summer of work and play on the terrace. Family cookouts will be simpler and entertaininog more, casual if the terrace is surfaced, with quarry tile and located near the kitchen. Quarry tile—now available in several colors besides the familar ; deep red—is as easy to keep clean’ as it-is to look at. : building terraces. A typical new home contains. approximately 1,200 square feet. of | at 5 Z 7 Do It Now! HERE'S WHY: @ Expect an econom- ic rise ... with its higher. prices on ~ meterials € labor in the years ahead. YOU CAN CET MORE WORK DONE . FOR LESS, NOW! IT WILL ADD MORE, FOR LESS, TO THE FUTURE VALUE OF YOUR HOME! YOUR OWN EXPECTED WAGE INCREASES WILL MAKE FUTURE PAYMENTS EASY TO BUDGET... AND GOOD TERMS ARE AVAILABLE ‘NOW! Call Ambassador! HERE’S WHY: @ Experienced—Established @ Guaranteed Work & Materials @ No “Pressure” or “Switch” Selling ——Honest, Friendly Dealings ' Se @ Prompt Action on Your Orders @ Prices Right and Fair to Both ini @ Mony References and Work Examples, Close to Your Home ... See for’ Yourself cat FE 5-8405 baily 9 to 5 - AMBASSADOR INSULATION Licensed General Remodeling Contractor 2110 Dixie Hwy. at Telegraph Rd. Remodeling Lege Services Pontiac a é | THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29,- 1959 ELEVEN Mon. ,Thurs., Fri. ‘til 9 P.M. FE 4.0581 imported ALL-WOOL Oval - = _ Braided Rugs 9x12....— 39” 6x9... 0, $24” 8x10.... 34” YOUR CHOICE FREE Regular Jewel GAS RANGE Fully insulated — Deluxe quality, large Oven and Broiler, Automatic Light- ers. All porcelain, FREE Upholstered RECLINING CHAIR Tilts back, Iluxuriously cushioned, luxuriously up- holstered. : , * ae = ae & oe You Get the Chair... Dinetfe-or Range With Either This - BEDROOM or LIVING ROOM SUITE | -SSEE.. {j TAKE YOUR PICK! DINETTE a ‘ Extension plastic tep De- pe ft luxe Chrome Table, 4 Eg | i | aa Ee fe Reg. $250.00 Chrome Chairs. 1°14 95 FRE 24 Month Supply of Disposable Bags With an RCA WHIRLPOOL of Home Cleaning System ; Full 1 H.P. canister type with fe~ attachnients for the entire | home. if NO MONEY DOWN ¢ Complete with Attachments $ 9° ODD TABLES Corner, Coffee, Step, End. Regular 29.95 12° FY 125 WEST HURON FREE PARKING & , a: ia “Bring your own paiat brush| Stains or discolorations of call- - Suggests Painting Bee : your work clothes,” the |ings, walls, plaster or wallpaper — NE \4 \ AY TWELVE / THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1959 "New Homes Feature es Pir Clas ae : of ‘ |elosets save the housewife the built today are concentrated in trouble of hauling drip-dry cloth-\metropolitan areas. Springtime Is Carpet ae Cleaning Time!* Now is the time ay obo be ’ doing the spring house- . and one of STARTER HOME—This bi-level starter home Pentise Press Phete the hardest" tasks are is a little out of the ordinary in the Pontiac area. _ siding or brick it sells for $6,450 on the buyer’s your carpets ... so, just While the house -may be finished to any stage lot. Gordon Fiattley of Pontiac is the builder; call New Way for Effi- the buyer desires, it is designed to have living Arro Realty is handling the sales. This model cient, prompt rug clean- room, kitchen, two bedrooms, bath and a half can ing service. basement when completed. In either aluminum side of Hospital road. _ Our Work Is Done Expertly and Reasonably Tip From Tom Sawyer ner eter aoe 6 vee att Check That Roof pertly If you have never attended ajinvitation read. Two fiat joven deme basements — may be a house painting bee you have a|householders ‘directed the opera-|symptom of roof leaks, roofing good time in store..A young couple tion with the result that the job! specialists say. They recommend RUG and CARPET CLEANERS living in a suburban housing com-|was finished in record time. Sup-|an annual root inspection by a 42 Wis: Street munity near Washington, D.C. |per and square dancing ner ree sent out invitations for such a'patio rounded out at the ening. lemme yous off or cider nm Sterne ne a a a oon FE 2-7132 He i! i Ba! g a 5 : They Said It Couldn’t Be Done .. ===] BUT...here itis’ _ | TOP QUALITY PAINT and SAVINGS T00! No. 1 OUTSIDE—White or Colors $ PURE HOUSE PAINT Guaranteed None Better at Any Price PER GALLON Pure House Paint = 4 reat eee © he OUTSIDE White $ 3 9 . <> WOLDS BARRED | K-60 OUTSIDE PAINT | substantia! seep Trouble Free Economy Paint “as a PURCHASE PER GALLON n 19 S. PERRY STREET Open Dei, 95:30 FE 5-6184 THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1959 THIRTEEN at SAVE Plumbing Pepseees rey, | Free Standing TOILETS x" *18.96 | PLASTIC PIPE | TT = © Shallow Well JET PUMP yx: $69.95 5° cccccoczm | WATER HEATER ‘69 ; . || Complete with ‘39” | ; Fittings - Dae AS Le APRN? 4 uel DER AROMA de cede | CE ie pies OE Pee eS EC ape oan aa ss) My i, ee Ve halle cs és ey : 4 Se? YOUR ~ We Reserve the Right to Limit Suantiies = 0 . ¥ . : Qualuy 3-Piece 5 be Copper Pipe - COLORED BATH SETS s] © ee ge | Reg $219.95. With cast iron tub. Com- za <” petsear Cele ase plete with all chrome trimmings te, First Quality ~ Gopher Mowe Toes... Ise * Copper Tees . ccc ceccnne: Me TOILET SEATS “ Copper Tees ....4.6cees. te * S. MH. Sell Pige, 3.79 * S. H. Sell Pipe, len. 3.19 WHOGHALE PCE | CE AFOWOVED Ca ciircsrt ct traisie $979 © ge teen , 2 _ = Salveniocd i Me 30-Gallon Glass Lined $ 95 é GAS WATER HEATER Ss Seanrsaane live Pr. Completsly Automatic Laison Approved roasts 4 OVE occ c cc cccee 2le Ft. (60008/ | CTT é 5 Rot: ) : em GEE LAL 4,000 Grain—White Enamel 10-Year Factery Warranty 5’ WHITE, STEEL . “46 BATH TUB =. : CAST IRON BATH TUBS ... .°59.95 | 104° Crate Marred Ba‘h Tubs from *10.00 ons Siig Sion es, Master Plumbers Available Free Estimates We Reserve the Right to Limit AD Quantities ate 21x32 2-COMPARTMENT $ eee KITCHEN SINK | 7 White or Colored , Other 2-Compartment Sinks .......... a =A up First Quality 2-Compartment 21x32 Cast fron 25” 21” x 32” Stainless Steel Double Compartment $36" = DOUBLE COMPART. SINK HOTPOINT AUTOMATIC | DISHWASHER §=$4.4.Q°% . ‘ White, Under Counter Model. Regu- = lar $289.50. Colored Models at sim- > ilar savings Sats, $195 and Faucet TOILET PAPER HOLDERS TUMBLER HOLDERS ‘ Chenee Or e eS inne : PN Meeee 3 WAYS TO BUY: WE ACCEPT COMMITMENTS 2tAYAWAY pown on F.n.a.. Open Friday Nights ’til 9 P.M. AS LOW AS $1.25 WEEKLY PLUMBING SUPPLY CO. FULL STOCK OF SOIL PIPE AND FITTINGS —_172 South EVERYTHING IN PLUMBING SUPPLIES Saginaw St. red Free Except Free Parking on Wessen St. Side Ph. FE 4-1516 or FE 5-2100 9 == css sod Carry” SAV Pees 2 oe he ae Se a eS ep re tee ee er eS ore ee ” THE PON'TIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1959 one more basic building operations, the latest development in the lum- lumber and a few allied building items, the dealer’s yard after the war evolved into a complete build- ing “department store.” He then for as much as 30 per cent of all retail paint sales. Next he began to compete with appliance retailers by selling complete kitchens. |Lumber Dealers Branch Out in Construction Field lumber and building material 4. An impertant source of short-term financing for homes; 5. A builder of homes. Retail dealers sell to all but rely and store : ¥g if 5 Pontiac Press Phete OPTICAL ILLUSION — Working in his spare some of his friends dislike looking at the table years and using scraps of numer- because it makes them \dizzy. What's it look like ous wood, Birdsey McKee of West Wal. to you — cubes or flight& of steps? There are 341 ton boulevard built this table. Mr. McKeé says pieces in this card table. \ Garden Needs from Goodyear Briggs and Stratton Engine «+ + $1.25 Weeklyl +49” Easily operated recoil starter with handlebar mounted throttle control ... adjustable blade height for controlled cutting. Anti-scalping and close- trim design ; 2% h.p. o na a Unbreakable Poly- $66 ethylene .. . No Rust! Sprinkler head snaps off for pour-spout use. Con- venient, comfortabie easy-carry handle. Green. woh American-Standard colored fixtures Rust-resistant Perma- Grip couplings. 50-ft. length. Ask about our guarantee. If you're tired of looking at the same colorless old bathroom month after month, American- Standard “color-blended” fixtures are for you. Color-blended fixtures make you your own Genuine decorator. Let you change the color scheme of your _ ' , bathroom as often as you wish simply by changing Amenican- Standard towels, curtains and the mat. It’s that easy! But what . 4 a wonderful difference it makes! _ COME IN—FIND OUT FREE WHAT'S __ BEST FOR YOUR HOME bathroom fixtures The secret of.color blending is tx having. the right NOTHING DOWN fixtures. And we've got them! Come see for your- : self. They're graceful. Stylish. They offer extra con- 3 FULL YEARS TO PAY Sse. ee ee ee i tl i i i i i i i i i i “ wenience! They're space-saving! And they cost a lot less than you might think! G-E or Hotpoint Electric Water Heaters Bruner Automatic Water Softeners +H. H. STANTON . Heating & Plumbing Contractor 103 State Street \ FE 5-1683 Yip , Yi Yop CZ My \ Goodyear Se “Beddy Fan” Trellis Rot-resistant redwood opens out like a fan 99° 34” x 154” x 6’ x 42” wide. Can be stored after growing season. ~ VALLI rvice. 7 Store FE 5-6123 ee ‘iit rik Jd = fe -=e| — Check Our Many Other HARDWARE SPECIALS ON SALE DURING HARDWARE SPRING SALE DAYS-—YOU SAVE! CASH-WAY LUMBER BARGAINS WIRE ZIPPER TOP TRASH BURNER ... CAULKING GUNS. : CARTRIDGES...... 14-2 ROMEX — Now at this Special’ Price .......... 2x4-8 KILN DRIED WHITE FIR STUDS .. 39° FIR UTILITY STUDS 39S 2x4 KILN DRIED—10 thru 16 Ft. Cc WHITE FIR....... 2° PLASTER BOARD J 4x8“ Shop $495 4x8x¥e".. . . $1.19 | FIR PLYWOOD 2 on » $1.29 BH Good One Side $795 4x8x ii ot an FIR PLYWOOD | ¢ & 4x8x%" . 16x48 Rock Lath 97°} Fin prysconE | STURDY STEEL — LIGHTWEIGHT | Cc LAWN RAKE oe ef, @ © &@ @ COLONIAL company | 7374 Highland Rd. (M-59) at Williams Lake Rd. = OR 4.0316 > =. | OPEN — 1'/2 CAR GARAGE ‘3 y] Boo = J —s Includes All Materials—Excepf Cement SUNDAY _ o 817 Steel Dow Hardweore 10 to 2 Slee TE. Sige “Soe nth Fo” ce & SIXTEEN & How Much Paint Will You Need? With the advent of Clean Up- Paint Up-Fix Up timle, you’re prob- ably planning to wield a paint To windows and doors than average. you should make a deduction, Ceiling and floor are determined by simply multiplying length by width. To determine the quantitiy of Cabinets: and radiators are a special consideration. On cabinets, measure the front area and multi- ply by five while radiators re- quire that you measure the front area and multiply by seven. After six years on a Westbury, Long Island, N.Y., home, stainless THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1959 By JANET ODELL Pontiac Press Home Editor White Lake Township was called| to our attention by the neighbors. They wrote that trey wished there) were more people like Mr. and) Mrs. Murray, people who were | willing to move into an unfinished place of the neighborhood. * * * her husband had put in during the remodeling .process. There were 45 in all which is a lot of doors) for any house. materials wére hard to get the Murrays built a house out of scrap, lumber, old sheds and any mate- | rial they could salvage. They sold | this house.. They built another! home down on Northwestern. It bowed to commerce and was sold steel roof gutters and downspouts were found to be completely un- affected by the salt-water atmos- phere. [pone would be their retirement! also. This present house they had! All Aluminum © Light in Weight © Corrosion Resistant © Fully Adjustable. © Easily Removed HARRINGTON 1899 S. Telegraph Rd. IMPROVING YOUR HOME? IMPROVE YOUR DOCK With “Your Evinrude Dealer’’ Portable Piers © Extremely Strong © Anchor Solidly © Easily Installed © Easily Stored BOAT WORKS FE 2-8033 _borhood. “Even the garage has a picture window in it. house and fix it up to be the show-’ The day we called on Mrs. Mur-/ ray she had counted the doors that | Even during the war years when WISTFUL VISTA — This is Wistful Vista. But unlike Fibber McGee's home, it-has no closet overflowing with junk. The Walter Murrays rescued this little cement block house on Little Farm from neglect. and have turned it into’ the show place of the. neigh- Multi- A commanding piece of furni- | man. There is also a profusion | ture in the living room is a con- of marble top Two different times the Walter’ cert grand piano, a “reprodue- | room, several of them the Flor- Murray home on Little Farm in! | ing” grand. Today, CHECK THESE FEATURES: * Made with Reynolds Lifetime Aluminum *& Will not chip, peel, crack or chalk Dy colored stepping stones lead up to. the front door. the paint on the exterior the Murrays added the shutters and the window boxes. front steps. Waller Murrays Are Home Builders says Mrs. | entine tables. Murray, after fifty years it plays | the Mocalight Sonata Uke a ) he Pemtise Prees Phete In addition to Lacy wrought iron is mounted on one side of the Note the little-car cutout on the end of the house. modern. It is light and sunny and convenient. There is eating space jat one end. One of the two bedrooms is set aside for vikits of the Murray's |great-granddaughter. We can see |why any liffe girl would like to tables im the ‘stay in that room; it has every- thing in it to gladden the heart of ia child. Both bedrooms have a wall of In contrast the kitchen is ‘Strictly; (built- -in storage. FIRE BAKED VINYL ENAMEL ALUMINUM LAP SIDING COMES IN BEAUTIFUL PASTEL SHADES 7eeeceneceee BEFORE YOU BUY SIDING SEE Zic-cwrcxtccvee. SIDING! @ A-1 INSTALLATION @ INSURED WORKMEN @ STATE LICENSED @ FULLY GUARANTEED @ HEAVIEST GAUGE @ CELOTEX BACKER BOARD FOR INSULATION @ CAN COVER ALL TRIM @ INSTALL OVER BLOCK, ASBESTOS, ETC. ALUM. and FIBERGLAS AWNINGS $9.DS and wp Estimates OLLECT N For Free Cc PAYS FOR ITSELF Save up to $6,000.00 over a 30 year period on painting, heat, and maintenance. (Enough to send a child to College). COMPLETE STOCK of Aluminum’ Siding for Builders and Do ow It Yourself. Reynolds Roof Shingles in Color. Aluminum Storms, Jalousies, Orncmentel Iron. NO MONEY DOWN Ist Payment JULY $5.00 Per Month and UP J. L. VALLELY CO. AUBURN AT ROCHESTER RDS. “The Old Reliable Pioneers” HUNDREDS OF SATISFIED CUSTOMERS ARE OUR BEST SALESMEN BUY DIRECT AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES Se ee Tee Oe ee ie eae OPT.) ee Le ee rime mos THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1959 ~~ SEVENTEEN - PaNriner 1c 59 More Than 2,100 Sq. Ft. Under This Roof for LESS Than *10 Per Sq. Ft. Loaded With Extra Features @ Double Ranch Stone Fireplace @ Tappan Built-In Oven & Range This House ¥s On Lot 24, @ Over 500 sq. ft. of Slate Floor Lakewood Village @ Over 30 sq. ft. of Sliding Glass Door @ 33’ Panelled Rec. Room with Decorator Wall . oy @ Wall to Wall Carpeting * @2 Full Ceramic Tile Baths @ All Birch Kitchen Cabinets @ 4’x8’ Vanity Mirror @ 8 Lin. ft. Double Vanity @ Automatic Heat @ Complete Storms and Screens Throughout @ Radio Communication System AM-FM, 2-Way @ Complete Financing Service COMPLETE $19,990 oon Let us show you this custom lake We will build on your lot or ours. front home in a carefully planned = Bring your plans with you. community with lot prices from CUSTOM DESIGNING and $2,850 to $7,200. PLANNING AVAILABLE A COLE EASLICK COMMUNITY \ Your Custom Builder: TREND HOMES INC. . Ne a tf NOIR A gy Atte Magnes gs wil Se cme gy, pal ve a — oe ee a ee ee ee Oe a ee ee ee ee | er ae EIGHTEEN .__. ture of this ranch home built in Lakewood Homes, Inc. Another THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, eR 29, 1959 - \ Pheote . THE FANTASTIC — A slate floored recreation room is a fea- view of the lake. Ceramic tile is-used in both bathrooms. The |Maytag home service departmen Village by Trend house is Redy-wired. Carpeting is included. Exterior is brick Installation is simplified if the is the ranch stone wall in the kitchen. and lifetime aluminum siding. There are over 1,700 square feet § washer is placed near existing into both living room and recreation of space in this home which sells for $19,990 on your lot. The plumbing. Kitchen, bath, powder model is located at 911 Arttdale, Lot 135, in Lakewood Village. feature The double fireplace opens room. One wall of the recreation wall is all glass to permit a clear Heating Terms May Confuse Home Owner brushes or pails efficient transfer of heat. WT Satean.on oho bendl olctick gas furnace, or of a agi pnp hlgpend or ee the heat from the hot combustion products produced by the flame. Relatively little is left to go up Don’t conjure up visions ofthe flue, or to be radiated by the ee Thy Paint First ‘on Corner Patch If you plan to use a latex or Appliance tion, is that the system is designed, bit of; a furnace heat exchanger or a boiler section. does to the surface. shape of the flame is carefully taken inte consideration. coat of shellac, or remove the paper. If you leave paper on, slit bub-| bles in wallpaper, smooth and re-| paste before painting. But “scrubbing In other words, it involves the action” is at work for him. or township -4. For your own tractors. Phone FE 5-6148 _ modernization jobs “at cost or below.” Before you sign a-contract, remember these things— 1. If you have signed with a contractor whe does not have state license, your contract is void. 2. If you permit work to be done on your house without a city permit, you may be in trouble. 3. Always get at least two bids. BUSINESS ETHICS BOARD Pontiac Areg Chamber: of Commerce v Beet 6, * he Se Beware- of Unknown | Building Contractors! In the last few weeks, Pontiac area house owners have been flooded with offers of re-siding and This is the old “‘model home” racket in which the prospect is apparently offered a substantial discount if he will only let: the salesman use his home as a model. In a particular instance, the home owner was promised a “$1,600 job for only $1,030.” A local contractor’s bid on the same job was $850. Other. known examples follow the same pattern. safety, deal only with local, reputable con- of the - Waldron: Hotel Bldg. | In some out-of-the-way ‘corner, | try a little paint. The ink or dyes/ may bleed through. You can either’ seal the wallpaper with a thin) | ile prone hemlock are | — woods which have no pitch pockets. Western A rented home or apartment -where the washer cannot be gum plumbed in may call for a port- \ ‘able automatic washer. He cE amemagdeles water-thinned paint over wall-| paper, better check to see what it| | | See Us at Corwin’s We'll Help You Plan Your Project— We Have the Materials FOR GARAGES INSULATION WINDOW SCREENS ROOFING ADDITIONAL ROOM DORMERS PORCHES KITCHEN BEDROOM CLOSETS FLOORS STEPS PAINTING FENCES If You Want Credit Let Us Arrange Easy Credit Terms CORWIN LUMBER Co. 117 S. CASS FE 2-8385 Se - RENAE eT REN ho a er Ciagie ap EM _ THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1959 __- NINETEEN ENJOY YOUR WORK—HOME—GARDEN—MAKE IT EASIER WITH TRADE FAIR VALUES GLAMORENE we dys WOOL, RUG CLEANER ..... Gol. ROSENTHAL’S 3 of be ALL PURPOSE CLEANER ... Gal. New Westinghouse “Value-Vac” Cleaner JOHNSON’S ........... Lg. Size 1” WITH BIG 6-PIECE ATTACHMENT SET PLEDGE WAX ROOTO-SEPTIC CLEANER, Lg. Si , SEPT-X "O9° a BISSE!l ke KG’ SHAMPOO SUNBEAM MASTER : RAIN KING Triple Tube Cleans a 9x12 rug § in 30 minutes. SPRINKLER HIGH-PRICED FEATURES PLUS WESTINGHOUSE GUARANTEE AT ROCK-BOTTOM PRICE! Zip through housework with this new 7 Oo ay ese Memewet sib cts we Professional 3} . HOSE 1 H.P. Motor picks up more dirt faster! looking Equipped with work-saving features usu- ally reserved for high-priced cleaners! Many Models results! 40-Ft. One-year Westinghouse Guarantee. In Stock Use as Soaker- We have Westinghouse TOSS-AWAY® Bags lor afl modets. "vou can oe sure..ns Westinghouse VALUE VACUUM S$ 8 8 Complete with ONLY Attachments > WESTINGHOUSE . WESTINGHOUSE 3-SPEED TRANSISTOR PHONO Sprinkler Modal Bross Fittings $9 29 $ Qi! Reg. 5.95 Stereofonic Hi-Fi Sound from a Single Portable Fonograf © Ast for WEBCOR “Ho ft teens aS oF SOR Eom liday” ¥ $109.95 Value ae qeeeee, ae pea eTT i SeeTe oote ess * > att ye here> MODEL 690P5 e Rugged Shatterproof Case e Built-in Ferrocore e Portable Pnonograph Antenna Designed for Youngsters © Powerful Transistor © 3-Speeds—Plays 33, 45. Chassis 78 RPM Records e Flip Over Cartridge— Dua! Sapphire Needles e 45 RPM Adapter © Two-Tone Finish— Sparkling Metallic Trim me, $9488 @ Push Pull Audio Output e Automatic Volume Control e 90-Day Factory Warranty on Parts & Labor 1959-1960 -Model ... And for even greater stereo se ition and two extra team the Holiday with the new We Stereo Mate VI exter- nal speaker system! DURABLE RUBBER TOILET TOP TRAYS WELCOME R A I) E - SINK STRAINERS DOOR MATS UTILITY MATS | STOVE MATS $1.39 66° 932 WEST HURON Values to 66° Value OPPOSITE HURON THEATER $1.59 Sg SE Le ae ee Se Se, tae eee eeA te RE te, Nt tg a gO AN. ett at NN ON, Nt I A Gl AONE ye mee _— ee ese tee EE ag OT lle «. ve ae New Kind of Small Home TWENTY Seen for the Future A new kind of small home to, sumer education, Stewart said, fill the needs of a market that will but it will undoubtedly contain the become more and more important latest in labor saving equipment as the years go by should make plus the housing industry's future even living, indoor entertainment and brighter than anticipated, That‘is the prediction of H. Dorn; “It is entirely possible,” he Stewart, president of Allied Chem- added, “that the maintenance-free ical’s Barrett Building Materials materials needed for this house are) | Division, in a statement urging an,not on the market today. 1 am immediate industry-wide effort to! confident, however, that the build- develop a small home to suit the|ing materials industry will be able Special needs of “active tmiddle-|to produce what is needed, just as agers.” it has in the past.” Sr = <= Fire Retardant “Find a way,” a fire chief once said, “to give us a five-minute gory at the rate of 500,000 « jump on most fires and we can year,” Stewart explained. “It is ,control them.” not too soon now to take a seri- Manufacturers of building ma- == aint Produced =: and directions, is 25c. This pattern of five in the Kitchen Boards-and-battens, more con- THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1959 ‘ Five Basic Kitchen Plans | Listed for Homemakers | -With today’s factory-built wood economical because there are no kitchen maker has wide latitude in plan- Practical and economical be- ning a new kitchen. jcause it frees space along two ad- As a preliminary step, it is ad- ditional walls for dining, utility, visable to study the five basic planning, recreation, sewing, laun- kitchen designs. One may be more|dry, and so on. Cross traffic is not adaptable to the room dimensions'a \problem, but the work triangle or the family preference than an-|is bigger and requires more steps. ther. U-SHAPED KITCHEN The magazine Home Mainte-| : nance and Improvement prokyace|,, Oe Sanepeaes at eae the arrangements this way: lid tants apen. on one 48 tke three x * * lwails involved. The work triangle ONE-WALL KITCHEN lis kept compact and through traf- Simplest plan of all. It is ideal fic is directed away from work Saver Padi ¢ 512° limited space in a narrow areas. hy room, but it adds steps because x* * * cupboard |‘ Strings all appliances and cabi- 14ND OR PENINSULA Orders |"*t* out in a long row. KITCHEN | TWO-WALL, OR CORRIDOR Excellent: where space permits. KITCHEN units brings A better plan. This has two fac-|work as closer together while jing rows of wood cabinets and ap-'separating them from dining and \pliances. The work triangle of laundry areas. At a right angle to ventionally a siding pattern, is in-'refrigerator, sink and range can a wall, the peninsula adds counter ous look at their housing require- |terials are finding more and more creasingly prominent as a fencing,be made compact; but through space for serving, eating or extra ments 10 to 15 years from new | ways to get that five-minute jump. material. ‘traffic may be a nuisance. It is! q because it takes that long to (One is through the use of cer- properly develop a trend in mew | tain materials that resist fire. homes.” The other is through the applica-| While a lot of attention has been) tion of a finish that retards the) paid deservedly to the coming en- spread of flames. | trance into the housing market of Latest in the field of finishes | the “war babies” of the 1940s, the! 4, 9 fire-retardant paint said te | housing needs of the parents of the| be totafly different from the type “war babies” should not be over-| that forms a spongy insulating | looked, according to Barrett's) jayer when subjected to heat. president, who also heads the Pro- ; ; . ' ducer’s Council, an organization of} This new paint, intended prin-| building materials manufacturers. | CiPally for use on building in- “A few years from now, when | €riors, is a flat enamel that does their children grow up, these active |"°t stop fires but slows down the i adults, a at many of whom are SPreading rate. It has passed Men: edershel sor 4 be in a posi-| Underwriters’ Laboratories tests as’ tion to increase rather than | ell as those conducted by the decrease their activities,’ he said, | United States Navy. “A properly designed smaller house that will help them enjoy , - Sty this excition iow gariad of Doesn’t Take Much Room their lives, will certainly gain aaa No room for. a tub in that extra interest.” bath? A “packaged” steel shower | What this new home will look cabinet is the answer. A space like is still a matter for research, as small as 32x32 inches will fit architectural creativity and con- ‘the sturdy, leakproof cabinets. t Found the House You Want to Buy? We can help you “swing the deal’ with one of our low-cost home financing i. loans . . . come in and dis- cuss your plans and needs a | with our friendly home- loan specialists. ee SS $ ahr : sae Capitol Savings & Loan Assoc. Established 1890 75 W,-Huron St., Pontiac _ FE 4-056! CUSTOMER PARKING IN BACK OF OFFICE | b t agai. yh ate le RO GES NE ARIE IR En Be Lf ain C . ~ Py) asese oer ae* oe gg ee i --+—Sy, -™dZH —— .esftre oiiuerT ™i —— @gnhitse ~~» #+._t| =~ ._ —™~uZ oe4 . +) a (ell lL lUrl le Pee ee ee... ee... Ty arr, . 4 oh) es — ts, a | . OPE NO ONE! CAN AFFORD TO BUY FURNITURE BEFORE FIRST SHOPPING S-G WAREHOUSE FURNITURE SALES “HUNDREDS FROM ALL OVER the COUNTY THAT HAVE SHOPPED, COMPARED and BOUGHT HAVE ACCLAIMED the GREAT SAVINGS MADE POSSIBLE by THIS NEW SUPERMARKET PLAN. Buy! Living Room Suites and Sectional§—Sofas—Chairs and Rockers — Bedroom Suites — Dining Room Suites — Dinettes—Lamps—Bedding—Tables—Juvenile Furniture BRANDS! KROEHLER — STANLEY -— SEALY — SIMMONS — DAYSTROM — BARCALO — REMBRANDT — LANE — BERNE — EDISON TER oe GS aA f AND DOZENS OF OTHER QUALITY NAMES 90 Days Same as Cash——Bank Terms Available of 12 to 24 Mcnth Pay- ® ments. Open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Nights—Closed All Day & Wednesday. 20 Franklin’ Rd. Just Off S. Saginaw. Phone FEderal 5-9279. PARK RIGHT AT THE FRONT DOOR WAREHOUSE FURNITURE SALES . OPM le THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY; APRIL 29, 1959 TWENTY-ONE Headquarters: for Fine Draperies and Floor Coverings Since 1941 Youll always find. more of what you want al Aholls Where Quelity Materials, Workmanship ond Service Excel! OVER 1200 SAMPLES to Choose From @ Wool, Nylon, Acrilan, Cotton—from leading mills Bigelow—Wunda Weve—Needletuft Lees—Gulistan—Hardwick & Magee & from 34> 7 NO MONEY DOWN—up to 36 months to pey with levely new slipcovers and draperies BEDSPREADS = _ . . . over 300 to choose frorti CURTAINS . » ruffles, panels, cafes BAMBOO DRAPES ..- Plain or design . . . 22 colors FABRICS ... drapery and slipcover fabrics from $1 a yard SOFA PILLOWS Pe i Sei teks state Add Color and Beauty to your Home DRAPERY HARDWARE «+. every type of rod or fixture SHOWER CURTAINS ... Plains or prints . .. $10 to $20 a set : UPHOLSTERY FABRICS . over 200 patterns, $5 to $20 a yard PORCH SHADES ee «= types te sult your needs READY-MADE DRAPES Hip iia FREE “What Goes With What” — DECORATOR BOOKLET By Ann Mason, Home Decorator for Lees Carpets Get Yours While the Supply Lasts OUR CUSTOMERS TELL US We have the biggest selection of Drapery Pabrics they have ever seen. OUR SALESMEN TELL US We have the biggest selection of Drapery Pabrics in Michigan WE SAY THAT We have every type of Drapery Fabric from $1 te $20 a yard 1666 SOUTH “TELEGRAPH Te eee “ta ggg natin, ES ee Og Te mn an eR Nagy AI OA Sg fai al a ae ae | ie ee a ae ee aa THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1959 TWENTY-TWO HEART-WARMING SCENE — Mrs. Walter Murray relaxes hha! Pentiae Press Phete Doors Double. [as Paneled Wall To most everyone, the only use for a door is a door. But-to an imiaginative home decorator, doors can be used in many other ways to beautify and enrich a house, One interesting and practica] new use for panel doors of moe hls pine provide a movabie dividing © wall between a living room and dining area. The doors are hinged together with folding-screen hardware and suspended from a-itrack. attached to a fake ceiling beam. The result is a paneled “wall” that folds out of the way when it isn't needed. Panel doors are carried in stock by building material deal- ers. Since the doers come in clear, matural ponderosa pine, they can be stained or painted te match or harmonize with any interior decoration theme. Wood panel doors also are ideal as wall paneling. They can be installed by the average home handyman, since no special tools or ski] are needed for the job. The finished wall has the same beauty and richness as expensive custom-made wood paneling, Some other uses for panel doors as paneling imclude wainscoting in a dining room in which the doors are installed on their sides along the walls, and as paneling fo give a drab, narrow hallway character and interest. j Stair Safety Tips Suggestions for stair safety, irecommended by the Small Homes |Council, are: Install strong railings sides. Never wax stairs. Keep istairs clear of all objects and |the length of the staircase on both i i t magazine case with slanted shelves next to his easy chair. Build- ing and remodeling houses is Mr. Murray’s hobby. See related pictures; titled ‘For Happy Meals" and ~ ‘Wistful Vista.” with her knitting in front of the fieldstone fireplace in ber living room. Behind her are bookcases and storage cupboards her hus- “band built in to make the house more livable. He has an entire loose coverings Make sure entire istaircase is well-lighted. Space inning : ' spindles on open balusters so that Your paint brush is not “meant You can ruin it that way, for a child cannot get his head caught ili nasi caaeas 3s heat aiainaatt bd pet eo A a a ee Tg ee ee a Roof Extension Can | Add a Playroom living area, and fir siding pos. | sibilities include bevel, board and | batten, drop or vertical tongue | Add a room by adding a. roof — or better yet, just by extending the main roof line you can have bonus outdoor living space at very low cost. Not only does the overhang roof at the end of the house furnish protection for a lounge or play spot, but puts a finishing touch to the looks of the house, If children’s rooms are at the end of the house, let them have their own private outdoor play- room right off their bedrooms where they can be outside even during rainy weather.. Here they can be protected overhead and keep their feet dry on a raised slab of concrete for a floor, or an inexpensive and rugged Doug- las fir deck. A roof extension over large areas of glass protects windows from rain spots or from tod mach sun glare inside the house, too, If ‘your house is sided with one of the attractive? site-blending pat- terns of Douglas fir, your roof overhang should also be of fir, and may be either a gable design or flat, The beams of fir under the roof may be an extension from indoors, usually rough and beau- tifully long lasting if hand oiled. The extra elbow grease is worth it. A butterfly roof is also particu- larly well adapted to extension for outdoor shelter. With this type of dramatic sweeping roof struc- ture, beams are usually. eliminated and a ceiling of golden toned fir, finished with clear varnish lends an elegant topping to any living area. The walls of your home be- for stirring the paint in the can. good painting use, ibetween them. and groove patterns. These may all other construction materials extend over a section of the lawn, but to get more use from your bonus patio, it is wise to install some kind of floor arrangement. Fir two-by-fours may be laid over large beams attached to cedar posts set in the ground in a ce- ment footing. quarter inch so that when you hose the. deck down — the only, main- tenance needed for this floor — the water will run through and} away, ard deck wil] dry almost; immediately. resist the hazards of the children’s enthusiastic activities, while keep- days. Music Walls Are Best When Made of Wood When planning a music wall where radio, hi-fi and television sets can be installed as well as records‘and other music gear, be sure you have the correct material for best acoustics, architects ad- vise. Woods, like western red cedar tronic age, the Architects advise, it is mighty satisfying to have wood surrounding these machines be- cause it is tpg and thus come the walls of your outdoor | | -be used in étombinations, or sin- | gly. Of course, wood. blends with | such as brick, stone and giass. Perhaps your roof overhang will | Two-by-fours should be spaced a} The. fir deck is rugged and will) ing them off the ground on damp) ; | for , HOME _ — ee for 7 an ee in INDUSTRY Good Construction Begins With Concrete . ice is avail Builders-in this area have learned to depend on Boice for Transit Mixed load will be uniform, every load top quolity, each foundation everlasting, delivered on time when needed, no waiting, no late deliveries. This serv- fleet of truc 1 ” i Boice Concreté! . because they know every e because of our large Only BOICE Uses Auto Clave CURING The Best Method of Curing Blocks Known Today . . . and here's why an AUTOCLAVED BLOCK! is @ superior block! They have been nag none to 350° steam at 100% humid- It stabilizes the stren of the block and reduees shrinkage and “ neion . . . eliminatin: eracked walls. Remember, Boice is e¢ only place in Oakian County that gives you a high arouse, steam cured Beselite, cinder or concrete biocks. ' which is stronger permanen ity wonder 125 PAT. This Ee uces a Rs ig os ht pest. See Us First. "BOICE Builders %& BRICK %* BLOCK 545 s. Telegraph Road 60 Different Colors and Textures to Choose From... Save . IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY * chad Time! Supply FE 5-8186 i,LJ THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1959 TWENTY-THREE if i es ” ‘ = oti 4 ze) a aati - > — os ae af “a , — : i = we me « “ ra * : a ea on + “= 3 ‘ : —_ . oe . * = i i. + ia. > 7 * . 2 et ago * » b i = om 7’ o - ae eos ” ' . = "a es te ines : a bes : Ba Pea SES. es ; es “ Z + 5 x rm & =~ > tp coimeasnee By “3 ‘ “ -# J & se gig et a&.# Pie Td a pote Se eo — ed MICHIGAN'S. GREATEST HOME VALUES! The Sensational Space King---ONLY | SPECIAL BONUS 12 MONTHS VACATION WITH PLAY All residents of this devel- opment are automaticotfy granted beach privileges on nearby beautiful Lotus Loke. You haven’t seen a value like this in ages! This amazing Space King has building ex- perts from all over Michigan scratching their heads and sharpening their pencils, AND NO WONDER! This exciting new home gives you a huge fam- ily room — private living room — three bed- rooms-—separate dining room—1¥% baths— -1-~ ill fiberglas insulation—large walk-in closets —perimeter heating—75’ x 150’ lots—AND beach privileges on beautiful Lotus Lake— it’s the biggest home for your money—dand that’s what you want——Buy: it today! ee aie ti ES — The Fantastic Space Queen Over 1,000 square feet, PLUS attached garage and full basement DELUXE FEATURES: 3 bedrooms, huge 21’ farm-style kitchen, fully insulated, mahogany cabinets and doors, 715'x150’ lots, perimeter heating, storm sewers, alumi- num sliding windows, beach privileges on beautiful Lotus Lake. Proudly Built By: Priced at Only $13,990 $290 Down Plus Costs 30-Year FHA Terms = Carlo Construction Co. n 6220 Williams Lake JO 6-4671 Road renmity, imo. DOWN Plus Costs Over 1502 square feet of living area! Priced at only *T 3 ,990 30 YEAR FHA TERMS See these fantastic values today at: 6220 WILLIAMS LAKE RD. .- Open 1 to 9 P. M. Daily Ph. ORIlando 3-0001 Other homes in this de- $ velopment are eriee? 10, 990 from ow. wee ee es WHLIAMS Lage ROAD . AirPort [ROA oM a a ey ee ee ee RN ae gh gh er ees eh ek Ne ee ee oe a = Se Re, EN See ee hd NC at ag lO ae ae an. a eae NG age Ne ‘ ee * « ae URMEISTER'S Te NORTHERN LUMBER CO. : ee ee 7940 Cooley Lake Rd. 5 at AMERICA BUILDS BETTER and LIVES BETTER with STANLEY ’ ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES ' NOTICE BP Wikad NOTICE chr ~ * ies Duplex Receptacles ......... This famous trademark distinguishes over ee ae pemuts Duplex Cover Plates ........ of The Stanley Works——hand and electric tools—builders an witch 3 industrial hardware—drapery hardware——door controls—aluminum : 4 YY A ones re ft sooene windows — stampings — springty— coatings — strip steel — steel -& KRomex, zeus ’ strapping—-made in 24 plants in the United States, Canada, Eng- land and Germany. PLASTER BOARD .|POWERMOWER - : . Stanley, the Same People That Makes CLEAR WHITE PINE MOLDINGS Those Quality Tools 200 Ft. Special 11706 0 2M. F, B.- CARING 5:00 00 vce sceneeeecd Lin. Ft. 7%’e _—- Va x Bis TD. BASE BOARD sovsccscccccscectim ke ef AM BYE oo... e cece eee ee SLID fi barat tomes 2 SIR BPAY eee eee cece STD mae ' 11/16 x 3% STOOL ......cccccccecccecccescshime Ft. 9e 4x82 cee eecceccccsee ss 91,60 ‘ + ; tices tb rar vaccuum ae] 16x48 Rock Lath .........986] oo woe sso oe | Mew cove mould rrtonassnareg “tn rn is Above in Quantities of 10 or more es ina a A] neta cove noun An | ggg Medium With = gam@yng| = 879,95 / Aluminum 63 : '@ | OUTSIDE Foil CHAISE LOUNGE SAVED FLUSH DOORS at et wot ce | and CHAS Buy Now for Spring Jobs — Pay Later With Lights. 5 INSULATION $99 - . 4 FIRST QUALITY a smart oerosit A New All Aluminum 1% | 4° Bianket type full encased with Fully paper, nail fin, matt thick, 1900 5 Fe, Sizvieay SLIDING WINDOW Gusranee =e Guar mesvicormow ARCHITECT 33 READY TO INSTALL... $66.94 OUTSIDE HOUSE PAINT FLAT —SEMIGLOSS - GLOSS Inside and outside Approximately 200 gallons, odd lot CHAISE only $7.88 Now $3° Gal. Chairs 2 for $6.88 , MIRROR—CHROME ‘4 which are posted in our store wre Fe Reg. $49.95 3 Pc. BATHROOM GROUP PRICE GLIDES EASY $9Q”> “a j Ne ee | @® BY PASS MASTER ‘ee 4’ By Pass, All Hardware, $6.95 Now $3.49 pe a Sliding Door Hardware Makes Installation easy for you : 4 ° | * Large Stock SUPERIOR QUALITY Sy CAST IRON | # 2 ; S-Ft. TUB. | of Modern Maid | HOUSE PAINT eG : » > " , ch Ovens and Truck-Loed Sole “| - a wai cwome | Range TOPS | vue SOB | ig = , . a —j Selection . ; Cras ¢ Choice of © $7 3 9° 5 i: NOT DISCONTINUED COLORS | ee a 5 Colors , | el MANITOWOC we Built-in 2 Zone Refrigerator- i Freezer Combination aT : : JALOUSIE WINDOWS Weather 10 Cu. Ft. 13 Cu. Ft. Freezer | !nerease Living Area j Protection and Summer Convert Self-Defrosting for 425 Lbs. ma with folding stairs § 1 Refrigerator of Food BAST Z Glass sliding —_ wet ~ STAN LEY ¢ SELLING weber sediion, . “ | rl We are now stocking | Ram ae a BY ROYAL fold. \ 7a ||| Manitowoc Built-in ing vies oe Ve \ Refrigerator and is, ieee ee = : BS No wal hts or pul- he s I. > | Freezer combinations e leys katy spate C : ‘ in stainless steel, : ed die ) rod reinforced, ‘ ee Dd D \ — S&S white, bronze. —_ Se cae as y Reg. §$ 95 ig. _— ol Reg. $895.00 List $ sasos 19 . — picture windows, porch enclosures, etc. for you new 23 Cu. Ft., Now NORTHERN LUMBER 4 a iu: aie 7940 Cooley Lake Road EM 3-41 71 ee re i Ed - Tie eS 8 a oe ge re io : ‘ i a el ee i i ae a ee TWENTY-SIX |" Raised Roof Lifts Morale Dun of Se -mect oereeeoe pee Senctered Smegnaticd-eaited the ex- lems facing home small houses on small lots is = pansion to meet the needs of their growing | that direction. Many families are finding the! THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, ‘1959 gece Hie= = {marks from fire-resistant rubber. Very Popular Jalousies Are _ Moving North — answer today by building upward|complete ty, along with pro- ‘ea —actually adding another story tojtection against. the w: their singléstory ranch homes and| Incidentally, it is easy to ef é ! eri aie r i i F 7 Rif ike bs if iit sinee 1943, by such Miami manu- facterers as Adams Engineering * * * With vinyl weather-stripping at the head and sill such windows are Here’s How to Make Sliding Doors It's easy to make sliding doors " second floor, but enlarged kitchen-ithe doors and drill a finger hole , or build up grooves using strips ther’ = an iG j : ‘ rf : | di HE Fee t : i i : BEES fit z hi ag i t f E : = : E - MYSTERY SOLVED — The mystery of what +o do with the stairway landing has been solved. Originally this landirig had been the scene where heat disappeared, and dust was the ever present clue to the “dirty work” afoot. The solution was simple and per- manent. The heat-robbing window sash was replaced with insulat- ing glass block. The block now floods the stairway with softly dif- fused daylight, keeps out dust, and reduces heating bills. In addi- tion, the space can now be used for such furniture as a floor cab- inet providing convenient and safe storage of household goods HH 73 SH ath TE FE +E Bf tbe gee F $4 tei tat Soy See8 rat gfy in Le E- + BE 3 E : fi r3 : 4 te it table makes 8 E ig gs broken. a z Zz : s 3 ‘ : i i Le ¥ i rE H i in ii Hy j E ‘ i i. 8 5 g L i \ i } | i 1 Add to Your Home . . . This Huge Room With Bath! Completely Finished in 72 Hours in... Commercial Concrete Work Porch Enclosures Roofing WeSpecialize “There Is No Substitute for Experience’ Open Daily 9:00 to 5:30 Financing Up to 7 Years BOB’S BUILDING SERVICE - 1 207 W. MONTCALM STREET . Murray White At the flashing white light just east of Oakland FE 49544 [a Cover Game Table With Spare Tiling drink. Tips on Figuring ‘Roof Drainage your roof, install one square inch one hundred square feet of roof area to be drained. Place the cénductor pipe at the ends of the gutter or in the outside mitres, l'and have the gutter slope slightly downward to the downspout. *~ « | The depth of the gutter should be approximately three-fourths of the width across’ the top of the gutter to attain greatest drainage efficiency. Standard Style ““K” or box gutter is produced by a num- lber of manufacturers today in the following sizes: 4” (10” girth) 5° 2” girth) and 6" (15" girth). The roof area of your home determines the size of gutter and downspeut to be used. However, | on the average size home, the | 5” ef 12” girth gutter is the most widely used. *x * * The dimensions on this size box Finally, wipe away excess ce- gutter are: Width across top open- before using. trough If someone gets careless with a 3-%”. cigarette during a game, just rub gutter, use a 3” or a 4” square with steel woo] to remove char’ downspout. - |ment and allow to dry 24 hours ing - 5”; width across bottom of oe 3%"; When using 5” overall height - or 12” eee eecemnen — of conductor pipe area for every ' What Is Your Home Worth TODAY? Values Have Soared . . va Save Money with Home Owners Package Policy PROTECTION — All in One Policy — Lazelle Agency inc. | . All Forms 540 Pontioc State Bank Building FE 5-8172 cm DAN LAZELLE of Insurance _ — TWENTY-SEVEN NOTHING TO BUY NO CONTEST TO ENTER JUST WRITE YOUR NAME! Simply fill out your entry with mame and drop it in the box at our booth at the Show. Entry blanks may algd be obtained at Store—921 Mt. Clem- ens. The Yard-ster will be on display at the Builders Show and also at our store. Come and see it! It is a delight to youngsters and oldsters! Designed for off- street use, backyards, park areas, playgrounds. AND IT’S PREE IF YOUR N Is DRAWN. Only adults may fill out entry blanks. Drawing will be at 9 P.M. at the Builders Show and you do not have to be present to win! . NEW, EXCLUSIVE DRAWING SUNDAY MAY 3. 9 P.M. DRIVE-O-MATIC AT BUILDERS SHOW TRANSMISSION permits operator te keep beth hands on the wheel «++ @ye8 om the course. LOOK AT THESE FEATURES: Smeoth _Drive - O - Matic Lew center of gravity. Foot transmission. welded, tub- operated friction - type ular steel frame, automo- brakes, front wheels ad- tive-type mechanical steer- justed for tee-in, caster, ing. Floating action on all eamber, 2 HP Lauson, 4- four wheels. cycle engine, recoil starter, COMES COMPLETELY ASSEMBLED Take Your Choice Of A “Ufarv-Man POWER MOWER BUDGET-PRICED 21” SELF PROPELLED ROTARY MOWER 242 H.P., 4-cyclo Briggs G Stratton engine with recoil starter. Self-propelled front wheel drive, INSTA-CONTROL handle with fingertip throttle control. Mulcher plate included, 21°’ cutting swath, AUSTEMPERED steel blade, easy cutting height adjustment.” Low in sifhouette, balanced to follow contours easily and built for rugged dependability. . See it on display at the = Pod Builders Show] : UXE 24” RIDING 4 DELUXE 24” RIDI MOWER Model 2030-0 $129.50 3 Here’s the mower that starts with a flick of the switch and lets <= the family enjoy new mowing pleasures. Five speeds forward and two reverse. Climbs a 30% grade. 4'2 H.P.‘Lauson , . > vo REMEMBER WHEN YOU ARE BUYING A MOWER—HAND MOWER, ange with electric generator-starter. 12 volt tlectric system, ROTARY POWER MOWER, RIDING MOWER—IT IS ESSENTIAL TO . unitized steel housing, side discharge, hand adjustable cutting BAVE SERVICE AVAILABLE! WHEN YOU BUY A MOWER FROM 2 height. Variable speed planetary transmission, automotive typie LEE’'S, YOU ARE GUARANTEED OF SERVICE AND PARTS ANY- aS differential with exclusive safety clutch, AUSTEMPERED steel um nai NEED IT! YOU DON'T HAVE TO SEND IT TO THE . 4 ACTORY OR PAY A HIGHER PRICE FOR SERVICE ELSEWHERE. & blade. On display at the Builders Show! WE ALWAYS SERVICE WHAT WE SELL—AND SATISFACTION 38 cc $379 95 GUARANTEED! = e % 3 # , DON’T FORGET TO FILL OUT YOUR ENTRY BLANK FOR THE CONVENIENT TERMS AVAILABLE! FREE YARD-STER COMMERCIAL USERS LARGE ESTATES & a _ COOPER y SALES 4 TRIPLEX & s Briggs G Stratton 5.1 H.P. 4-cycle, ae . air cooled engine with governor is os ‘ standard equipment and supplies : ‘ ee ample power for every ordinary de- Aen . mand. Now on display and cheer- “Se ARCS arial oti WBS Ri so fully demonstrated at your conven- tence, We any 9 complete Ihe of 921 MT. CLEMENS STREET a PHONE FEderal 3-9830 nye | s i ENDS Fis: si HH I sai fe BEL ~ € ae Si pdt aely Es, wah fehl) an Paid (LEE i gle teil : eis zt 13 “te tg S| 4 ai ei eS: ei: efile a on SE 3 ie Sy dul NEES a =i Hike "A eg Be » bap ia nal ie dual aftypetteey ny, HE |] — = a2 & jie ill a i iH atte H bee vault ce ogs | BGBl BB ica eds ait mali best | B)GED a | nil 3 dal :: LM in ee =: E § od He init lth fru IneIHER HE EL > aaie Hi lee |

aa 2 ox 5 : hie AM HEH Ue it ed b/s ele 7 Ht og Mii * idl: 4 tk eRe |. § Hf & int! gat Hi ity Tif ie tt : 7 g ult és palit ily in , a CH 2 By § het =e itl Heat te | igs eo : e| ms aad) SS Pattee! iH TPH UT Ht Li “ae , i iin ea i a ian ine sania amamnrnaiaia ss iii ciate ais Aimar ia Ti ih 9 i. an aga aman mam emcee ign My re geen cin Agee iin gti ai) fa Pi nit _ THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1959 TWENTY-NINE FO a Sma Ce meg OTe FR a Onde ae ae RE i ti Boi ineas vet gis Papal he hs Ae ARES, Sale ea SANE Aa ns el & a *, 7 oe eS Se eee . .~ ~ 0? \ \ KA. In OW HUT ‘ THIRTY : THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1959 / a ee ee ee eee SE ae ee eee ee I, a ee ee NE a ee ee ee THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1959 THIRTY-ONE Over four billion asphalt roof can home owners during 1958, ac- shingles were. needed by Ameri-jcording to roof specialists. ? Easier Living Oldsters’ Wish Independent oldsters, wanting a place of their own so they won't clutter up their children’s lives, tell what they want in their own “new life’ home. With social security and retire- ment income sufficient to keep} - Hundreds of Today's PONTIAC GLASS CO. t. * “tore ane the apeuiiiethlan most 23 W. Lawrence St. FE 5-644] oldsters require in their ideal homes. They want a home all on some a - ——— E i fit Press Phete | fence around part of their back UNUSUAL HOBBY — Thomas Pappas of East Third street 9 y yard and think the fence should) makes lamps out of popsickle sticks. The one shown here took | probably match the wood siding of} about 1,000 sticks and several days to make. Pappas glues the their home. sticks together, then sprays the finished lamp with clear lacquer. -- - In addition to the regular bulb there is a night light in the lower Varnish Protects Colors part of the lamp. Pappas gives these lamps to friends. g 3 $ s E H Although an accepted fact among! All tiouses Need land downspouts can be done by nad lhome owner. | does not necessarily realize ~~ aaaleles oaaa Gutters Aiatidienimn ‘teabeciadle tet penect | without. hiding the color. Aside; Excess water around the founda-| ally easy to handle. The most im-| | tion of a guters and downspouts too|certain at the gutters sant 7 eS eS a a a ee ee? ee Cee ae 1 help his future make it MUMICAL | WHITE WASHED" Look No one wants the brick work on his home disfigured by streaks of chalky-like paint. Use ROGERS new Every child should have the opportunity to help Outside Trim White to prevent this. It’s onotiier make his future a brighter one with music. | scientific development by ROGERS for home preser- . I vation and heen An All New First from — fA L\ 4 GULBRANSEN == . It’s the perfect organ for your :$ > home ... for your children’s mu- sical career. Unequaled in a, come in and play it. our display at the Hore Daprove- In Ebony ment Show! Model G WURLITZER Model 400 CHORD ORGAN $695 You'll be playing —-* ol a no practicing, in . | WIEGAND MUSIC CENTER - ad $ Flat Enamel *5* . * Owned and Operated by Musicians | . Miracle Mile Shopping Center | BOADWAY- SHELL Hardware Organs — Pianos — Lessons — Tuning and Repairing 650 Auburn Ave. “FE 2-6506 Open Every Night "til 9—FE 2-4924 FACTORY TRAINED ORGAN TECHNICIANS Hours: Mon., Thurs., Sat. 8 to 8; Fri. 8 te 9; Tuh., Wed. 8 te 6 THIRTY-TWO THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1959 Give Variety fo Furniture There is some technique to using Hie uf F 3 % i per for a few minutes. Hold can 12 to 14 inches from the face to be sprayed, and keep can in constant motion, An excel- 3 PRE-FAB FIREPLACE — Remodeling for the Frank Ander- ; Peatine Press Photo Also blend two colors together} 50S meant installing a pre-fab fireplace. All winter it proved to son treated the end wall as aunit and achieved a dramatic effect to produce another color, For ex-| be a delightful center of attraction in the new room. Instead of with floor-to-ceiling draperies. The Andersons are more than sat- planning the draperies to cover just the front windows, Mrs. Ander- isfied with the changes they made. "1 | you paint your house. (But if ,other rubbish on the days the town Grin and Bear It — Motto) tans wom inte trom the \eiects tor outdoor trex, (But when rtone int green, aqua f th Good N ° hb a eee ape aot ee [yous neighbor starts a brush fire, coppe over m ¥ . hand beating i t, at or targusse. Chrome over charcoal] ue €1lg Or 10. Be sure you burn leaves and|the risk | fyour life) = Do you know how to get along:neighbor’s straggly weeds, for _ a To spray pattern designs, cut |i, your neighbors?) It's easy.|which he'll have a good excuse.) , : h as newsprint. |Just listen to them expound on| 5. Be sure fo keep your ar- | 38 ili i, Hit r » bage can out of sight. itto 2 ges sage gperm a sims Sees sais thee Goals SB Spon Sener | clothes line ‘ at his | Lh | ry g es to leaves, it'll go like this: aoe, pretend yop. Sever’ 0 ett ay so off excess water before » noticed.) spraying on the desired color. ‘After| 1. If you ‘borrow tools put them arige ésiat removing the pattern, a fina] spat-/back in their home workshop by wtiy tie pee On i: ior ter coat with a metallic color, such|6 o'clock. (But don’t be gauche, bed. (If you don’t it'll ran down as or pertone will add ex-|and ask your neighbor to return! | , ——, , your borrowed shovel until he’s| te Mill, even though etveryone may be a good way to save money The 16-ounce cans come equipped|through with, it.) . . leaves garage door with, ise his pores , einen sguuide 3 t the Sris-seape thar tween or en- a momen! y 5 aged — results obtained - pared sweep hi thusiasm. Buy one-fifth of a power perdi light and dark fad bo a sin ha esas’ puts 52 or a ladder. (But don’t be} trasts a up when you want to buy out.) pumpkin on primrose yellow, Sia-| 5 1 ne doesn’t have = dog, | §. Be sure to keep enough seed a yours te jin your bird feeder, so. you won't . BUT NOT WHERE YOUR AUTO INSURANCE Re ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee a around turquoi aqua keep him from yapping (but buy [pe criticized. (But overlook your Pacer ear plugs if your neighbor has (neighbor's penchant for feeding 8 _————— 1S CONCERNED A improvement that will| * Kennel of howling canines.) a ed ye admit fresh air and light to base-| 4. Keep your place beautifully . ZL Of course you want to hold down the cost ments is steel window well units|landscaped with flowers blooming! 9. Be considerate of. your of insuring your car, but don’t let that in- fluence you to insurance with price as your main consideration. If you do, you may find that if you have an accident you will have to “do it yourself” in handling all the troubles thar usually follow. Whar chart ¢an cost you in lost time, worry and expense is quite likely to offset all you “save” on your premium. ; . that hold earth away from win-|in every season to complement the! neighbor's color scheme, the en- | 3 dows. |neighborhood (but overlook your! vironment and lecation when | DECORATE INSIDE OR OUT ... WITHOUT A DOUBT Remember that insurance value cannot be measured simply by the price you pay when you take out a policy — it also shows up in the quality of performance you get when trouble strikes. In the long run you will usually be better off to let chis local Hart- ating Take a New Pride in Your Home .. .. Beautified 1,322 JEWEL ford agency look after all your insurance 3 pag ph calgon pepe tantly | + in this area, y to assist you promptly, : : ; : Chir intelligently and willingly. Bocking us ! Wallpapers galore! Here are COLORS aad ae 10000 a so ol our 200 che | : J er im _ just @ few of our lines: © Oe service ollces, all equally seady to help you ER RUST-OLEUM wherever else you may go. For time-tested FISH WATERLOX Hartford protection, phone or visit us. SCHUMACHER . WALLTEX, » FABRIQUE ae a il STRAHAN Complete Decorating Service UNITED ' BROWN BROS. walpaper BIRGE 04 W. 8-9311] SCENICS & MURALS eee: THATCHER, PATTERSON & WERNET Pontiac's Oldest Insurance Agency ! 711 COMMUNITY NATIONAL BANK BUILDING “ =.) a ny . * : SES see ee pw > Bisa on a as rome ea ge , . aE Me eee WON aS are he pie Laos rah OR WON e THIRTY-THREE THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1959 ug oh A Si Re Follow This Easy Route to eee The Burke Lumber Company “Where the Home Begins“, ALUMINUM SIDING Pre-painted baked enamel finish, requires no maintenance. Will not rust. The most economical protection for your home. SPECIAL! q06—Ss Aluminum ‘= Combination Doors Wood Combination Doors MA f Un te wamnrwe . ae Mf, . OK 0 6 OORT A 6 In Stock: Interior Paneling *4” he carry a complete stock of plywood patel in Minglewood, —/ hatenod, Ash, Mahogany and others. You can see the full size panels at Burke's. 4'x8° up For a lifetime finish prepared in the factory with no painting $ 68 or waxing to do .. . we also have these panels in stock: oak, birch, mahogany, ash, cherry, walnut and others. Hard, glisten- ing finish that will last for years. 4x8" up Pee ere ‘sack nae +35 Hardwood Paneling “t : Sesduamcutoatacitseis SE th WORMY CHESTNUT an SPECIAL! a is) a= —_—_ Decorators’ Armstrong Ceiling Tile god Latex Paint 4 The perfect compliment to a paneled room. Armstrong tiles come in many patterns i Interior or Exterior a including a full line of acoustical tiles. Can be used over old work or is ideal in ‘Ws ‘ ee the modern home of today. . eds This Sale Only! 44 — ¥ = New Basketweave Make Your. Own Furniture, ia $ 99 wz Fence Patio or Fence | Prefinished and Preassembled— guaranteed for 25 years. See ee | | dl 3 Gal. “a . mat this interesting design that can We carry a complete stock of redwood panels, moldings, posts and a be used for one side or a whole beams. Any width and length. AL e With Genuine Redwood vend. pei td LT | eee et es eter seb let) 1.) vel biel 2) 1) tel | a Complete Stock of Building Supplies Including BOYDELL PAINT CERAMIC, VINYL and RUBBER FLOOR TILE BIRD ASPHALT WOOD STAINS ALL TYPES of HOME and BUILDERS’ HARDWARE ROOFING SHINGLES PLENTY OF PARKING OPEN SAT. 8-3 BURKE LUMBER CO. ..070r picine OR S12 — Sd oe «Record Way nosis teaantls THIRTY-FOUR AN OLD ART — The art of hand caning a chair is not forgotten, as this picture proves. John E. McGrath of Edgeorge street has here, watching ce E : ? g Terri Ann and 5 E é [ ; ee as a full-time job; as a hobby it is fine. Shown ‘THE PONFIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1959 Take Steps to Insure Shower, Tub Safety It you're planning to buy, build,|valves. This control, called a remodel a home this spring,|Hydroguard, automatically holds ‘Imake sure you plan for maximum the water at the temperature you safety in the bathroom, idial. If something happens to According to the Powers Regu-,make the shower or tub water lator Company, Skokie, Mlinois,' temperature go above 110 degrees, the control shuts off the flow so you won't be scalded. age ; 3 af Es ity ai ba itl af i if 1, * iH if : exclusive car pet for luxurious Pentise ‘Sate Phete four-year-old Mary. b i a F Let Camera erg i a H Ni Te Ei House Grows Lit if q Li 3 | i + ie i + ia i? nt e i 35 separate bedrooms” than showing /Stanting Shelves - The popular steel shelf brackets These suggestions are made byltnat key into wall strips have a photography experts from Bell &|\new wrinkle. It’s a bracket that — | can be tilted down to four posi- tions, up to a 45 degree angle, to hold a magazine shelf. for Tidy Storage * la clut Utilize New Items A constant home eyesore can be} \ } . i cellar full of a jumble] Viondaw of tools and working materials. | es With no upstairs room available, | set off a corner of the basement/ and make it a do-it-your-self nook. | and paints. way to get rid of jars and cans. There are wood homes still Leing occupied in America today that were built in 1640 and 1660. | Plastered walls ‘ 3 large bedrooms . Separate dining room Birch kitchen with eating space GE oven and range 2 baths and ceramic tile & fan 2 natural fireplaces, raised hearth FE 8-1198 Emer), du: shown by appointment Studie ceiling Entrance is 60 sq. ft. of raised slate acoustic plaster Redwood paneled living room Select oak floors Septic tank, copper plumbing Large 2-car plastered garage in living room with 4528 Dixie Highway OR 3-2100 OR 3-4109 Drayton Plains P ee Sala: as Se Al nin ie, Af natn r THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1959 THIRTY-FIVE It's not just idle gossip... really does HEAT MORE WATER FASTER FOR LES MONEY! =e LESS T0 Water heaters aren't all alike! Take ‘peed, for instance. Gas heats water faster... fast enough to keep pace with all KS TALL your hot water needs, including your automatic washer. And, you SAVE when you BUY, INSTALL and OPERATE a Gas Water Heater. Get the facts... © 1 MODERN FUEL FOR... CLOTHES DRYING fishes datasets ieyit.get ot Pre cote AUTOMATIC COOKING fccintingYontures, sock wt om. disp Demet REFRIGERATION bitter? ccromcrictny,meerten, trigerater is i conomic “cubes! INCINERATION A.Stutrsneetensst i.e s0rbse ond rah odoors for jt pennies BUILDING OR REMODELING — GET el alaaten many neous, into a a day. GAS! PG—6554—23 CONSUMERS POWER COMPANY pe gt sat tg iat api » THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1959 THIRTY-SIX ‘ Pontiac Press Phote SEWING CORNER — Mrs. James Morrissey next to this cupboard is the perfect place for of Lakeland avenue in Sylvan Lake City has a cutting out patterns. Small drawers in the coun- built-in sewing corner in her kitchen. Her ma- ter hold sewing supplies. The Morrissey kitchen chine is mounted on a shelf that folds down into was one of those on display in a recent Kitchen a cupboard when not in use. The breakfast table Tour. Fir Plywood Needs Careful Finishing Plywood is designated by the surface, which must be smooth, coat can be a 50-50 mixture of | type of wood used for its face. If; clean and without any traces of _ enamel undercoat and the gloss | the top ply is cut from a birch oil, grease or laminating glue. enamel. tree, the finished product is called| Nal? poles and blemishes showld | 4 blond effect can be obtained bireh plywood—and so on. - oe filled pa hg sen meipenger by iby using the white resin sealer or Most popular of all plywood is ay ~ “ rpentine or oder- |. white interior undercoat thinned fir. not only because it is so plenti-; - |about 50 per cent with turpentine ful but because it is the cheapest.| For an opaque finish which hides or an odorless solvent. About 15/ It’s the kind you get when you walk the grain completely, the first coat minutes after the sealer has been into a lumber yard and ask for Should be a flat oil or alkyd paint applied, it should be wiped with a plywood without any further des* OF & white resin sealer. Several dry cloth. ignation. Lumber yards don’t mind companies make a resin sealer | When it has been wiped, the’ stocking it in large quantities, since /especially for subduing the grain grain will show through but the; they know it will move quickly. of fir plywood. et entire surface will have a blond, An exceptionally strong material This comes in white when the appearance. Drying and sanding | : = that is fairly easy to work, fir ply-|finish coat is to be paint or enamel follow, after which another ‘coat | wood must be given a little extra —clear when the finish coat is to|of resin sealer is applied—but this attention when it comes to finish-\be clear, such as varnish, shellac time the sealer should be the clear t ing. That’s because it has a wild or lacquer. Do not use a water- | ‘YPe- i grain which, when finished in- thinned paint for this first coat, This clear resin sealer must diseriminately, insists on causing as the water may arise the grain.| giso be used as the first coat unpredictable results.. But when When the initial coat has dried : when the final coat is to be var- properly primed or sealed, this . in It thi: thoroughly, it should be sanded nish, shellac or lacquer. is | material can be painted, enameled, lightly al dusted clean. It may | ™®dercoat is skipped, an uneven | varnished or given any other type’ thee be followed by one or two | tesult will occur, with some of | at eet aaee coats of the selected finishing | the graining very dark and some As with all finishing, the first | material. If the finish coat is | very light. step is the preparation of the | to be gloss enamel, the second Only exterior grade plywood PEDY-BILT wet nstaa nah, ae CUSTOM BUILT-—- SPECIAL PRICES NOW IN EFFECT @ Block @ Brick ® Frame . COMPLETE MODERNIZATION PROGRAM @ Recreation Rooms @ Breezeways @ Porches @ Roofing @ Siding Free Estimates FHA TERMS Cement Work Pedy-Bilt Garage Co. BUILDERS OF FINE GARAGES 7722 Austere, Waterford OR 3-5619 If No Answer, Call OR 3-2360 Seo us at the HOME IMPROVEMENT SHOW — Pontiac Armory, April 30-May 3 Our business is building garages that fulfill the needs of | wood, it is necessary to} Straight and extension ladders the exposed edges and ends of!.+¢ now being made of reinforced the — with an exterior tastics. Glass fi : is used for rungs and side rails. 2 Lightweight and nonconductors of of , the ladders are con- SAVE 79¢ Sih, Wines ENAMELOID® 2 Oe *Dries fost. .. smooth os chine pri Dirt, grease ond sicins wash right of "90.00 @. amie: DE LUXE WALL BRUSH seaaney SAVE 41.59 ona ¥, sueewin- 37," BRUSH -Sf wins 31s" BRI —— painting = 4, lorge areas. ‘ fe SALE PRICE $3.39 $4.98 SAVE 60¢ on1607. can Sueawsn-Wittiams SPRAY ENAMEL ‘ it's the fost ond easy woy to spray wood ond metol objects with fomovs enamel. 14 sperkling bright colors, SALE PRICE $1.19 reg. price $1.79 | ee 98? HIGH-QUALITY BRUSH ORE * SAVE 56¢ ona 4 Sueewin- 277 BRUSH SF All pure bristles .. . perfectly tapered. Vil . idea! all-purpose brush. SALE PRICE $1.19 reg. price $1.75 pase ROLLER AND TRAY SET Seti SAVE 50¢ onms a Suerwin-WituaAMs TRAYand _@ [ ROLLER COMBINATION Sa You'N paint easier, a oe fester, — better. > $1.69 VAWWE NOW $1.19 7~ SH a oo ' 1 FREE PARKING IN REAR SPECIAL COLOR SERVICE OF OUR STORE LET US RECOMMEND A GOOD PAINTING CONTRACTOR SHERWIN-WILLIAMS & 71 W HURON DRAYTON PLAINS FE 42571 a THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1959 THIRTY-SEVEN ° Siding Refurns to Popularity (322255 [o"<' . E H t f i E ; J ‘wood siding” and “cheap”, In vertical boards-and-batt which together with the natural (high ceilings seem all out of pro- became synonomous, and a severe arrangemen it has become the| Mmlstlon of the wood, make fr portion. Take care of this by ex- body blow was dealt to the old|medium whereby the flat-roofed,| "Te Pitasent Hving tending the color of the ceiling low lined contemporary home ac- In the literal sense, wood-siding,|down the side walls in a band of , /Prestign of a rnditional materiel. ires its lofty cf tor. tad lof course, is still economica twhatever width looks attractive Thun ba toi teeth dio dhe van tand Mr Beets ie inane 5 hhheh hahaha dadahadk dada, aissance with @ curious reverse|sign interest. It is a source of TORIDHEET twist to the paradox. freedom and privacy alike, closing What brought it on was that most |siding top and plank-and-beam ceil- daring and dramatic of all the mas- ve and : [ g 3 by : z i i f ! He R te e PT TTP ITOT TEL : 7 i il For Free Heating Survey and Estimate. Call AUTOMATIC HEATING CO. 5.000 Successful Installations in Pontiac Area 17 Orchard Lake Ave. FE 2-9124 l deckedhe de dhe de de dee de dhe ue he ule uh he de dle °F 4 & ri | i | PET a i Sl wera aa ea aaa aa. “ ee ON Ete 1G Available Also in the Viking Lifetime Aluminum Siding and Roofing B a V.A. FHA $82 DOWN $390 DOWN $69 PER MONTH $74 MONTH ate Pay / ATTACHED GARAGE MODEL MONTH $3 2 vown $72 MONTH “ | +. Principal, note eats insurance SR ORBAN oe é oe aot : = roe - , . s a a ce 3 kee ROME Fi “ x ae . “~ ¢ gt eee é fe ‘ ae, Ge ae AR a an) ie, tes ee oi ae + > aah. nade pie hie x rire SP RE ARO SM ne, aie are ee eS a Oe ee RUE p w/ PR ES ES ee See ee Ne, te Ng gee ees. a ‘ 3 a oe ata eee Fo) €; ‘ay f aa’ . “a > ees “ ‘ og 5 Shae nts Sih os Wit ten 9 ee Ae we as q E ———_ MODEL OPEN 11 A. M. to 8 P. M. Daily and Sunday 3 Miles North of Pontiac on Joslyn Road FAIRLANE @ 37 FT. BY 25 FT. HOME @ 3 BEDROOMS @ WOOD CLOSET DOORS @ 80 FT. BY 125 FT. LOTS @ PLANNED SUBDIVISION @ COMMUNITY WATER @ PAVED STREETS @ CLOSE TO SCHOOLS AND SHOPPING Peak: Judah Lake Estates No. FEderal 2-9122 ee eo Sa es ee ee ee a a ee ee eee ea et er a ee ee ene EN a THIRTY-EIGHT _ as ADD-A-WING — It took just four days to add a 10 by 16 bedroom to the John C. Morris home on Highwood. The Add-A-Wing unit, completely fabricated and finished, was delivered on a spegial trailer. After it was set in place, a wall was cut in the house to provide access to the new room. The interior is finished in Philippine ma- 3 THK PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1959 tee P ite i {) hogany. Electric heat is provided for the unit. The exterior is wood siding. After this picture was taken, the rest of the house was covered with matching siding. Bob’s Building Service of Pontiac, Add-A-Wing dealer for Oakland County, did the construction work. Do-It-Yourselfer Gets Expert Help Do-it-yourself can take tare of Given a simple. description of are surprisingly low, too. And for some important home improve-|the problem, he can - come up, the homeowner who wants to own ments. Even the householder just| with just the right materials, plus so-so -with tools is in for some) all the tools needed, Since he's pleasant surprises when he learns} yp to the minute on new develop- what can be done with a few tools and easy-to-use materials. Some jobs of course call for very special skills, and a few, such as electrical work and plumb- ing, can be downright dangerous if not done by experts. But there is an almost endless list of projects! and planking. : which can easily be accomplished -by the home owner himself. VARIETY OF JOBS These_can range from putting up drapery and curtain rods to adding a patio, or a packaged steel garage or tool shed. And the money saved through do-it-your-} self often makes possible the big jobs where outside help is a must. No matter what the project, the homeowner's best friend is his local dealer, He’s prepared te supply tools and. materials for practically any job within the capabilities of the average homeowner, together with de- tailed instructions in use. His customers don't have to be experts either. Since the dealer is a. member. of the community, ments in the home improvement field, he can often simplify a job by recommending new materials. Factory-assembled steel shelves and cabinets, for example, add up fashioned fussing with brackets Another improvement elimi- nates electrical extension cords festooned around the room. These can be dangerous as well as unsightly, especially in kitch- ens, workshops and “ntility rooms. New thin gauge steel strips with built-in electrical outlets plug inte existing wall sockets, bring juice right where it’s needed. And they practi- cally install themselves, Every home should have a basic set of sturdy steel hand tools. These will handle most do-it-your- self chores. But some jobs require more @laborate tools, which may not be needed often enough to justify buying. Many dealers today will rent he's familiar with homeowner's | problems, has probably solved: many of them in his own house. ‘such higher-priced items as power drills, fence stretchers, concrete mixers, power post hole diggers to a much easier job than the old-jtion is a basic engineering con-| these more expensive tools but) can’t afford it right now, budget terms can usually be arranged. TOOL MAKERS HELP Manufacturers of materials and are giving prime attention to the do-it-yourselfer, Ease of installa-| lar price tags attached to make Caylking Saves Fuel do-it-yourself easy. And they are all available at} In the front line of fuel wasters local dealers. "As a result, many,@re chinks around the windows a man who had never used any- amd window panes and cracks and thing more complicated than a open joints in walls. An easy and~ fountayn pen is now pointing with| inexpensive way to effect an im- pride at his ‘‘personal"’ home im-| portant saving in fuel is to fill provement. lthese openings with putty or glazing or caulking compounds, Main lines of the Canadian depending on the kind of opening. Pacific railway, between the At-/With window glass, use putty and equipment, as well as tool makers, lantic and Pacific coasts, require caulking compounds, applying the use and maintenance of about either with a gun, collapsible tube 38 million railroad ties. or with a pufty knife. sideration, built-in at the start. | Tool makers, for their part, have) developed special tools, with popu-| and power hack saws, Charges carne — renee onaeescmssnsnatensinniisinatgepen F.H.A. Free Estimates NORTHWEST FENCE FE 8-0018 4152 Woodstock Road CHAIN LINK and WOOD FENCES Installed Complete TERMS » Mohawk | Tweedy texture, lots of it, and | | Queen—you for onc! Royal Trendtex, with its varying. yarns of choicest 3-ply wool, com- exciting enough to please any keep your home modern with clean drapes and slipcovers One way to a neat and “Newly Decorated Look” is through Gresham. We can take dull and worn looking drapes and sli 4 d clean them to ne \\ a pce snr. Wl eale \ SEE OUR DISPLAY I 7 AT THE HOME IMPROVEMENT : SHOW bines. American handcrafted ap- pearance with superior wearing Scottie. As the newest and most ecorative development in Mo- hawk’s fabulous Trendtex weave, Royal Trendtex has the practical advantage of resisting crushing and hiding footprints. Six decorative, tweedy colors await your selection in 27°, 9’, 12’ and 15’ widths. Enjoy your new corpet now —Hvrry to Ke y FLOOR COVERING 4528 Dixie Highway, | Drayton Plains OR 3-2100—OR 3-4109 B0X CTORE RMENTS FOR YOU WINTER GA op «| SEND EVERYTHING: $49 BOXFUL Suits, Coats, Dresses, This includes Jackets and Insurance protection vp te $250.00 Other Woolens CLEANERS AND SHIRT LAUNDRY 605 OAKLAND AVE. FEF 4-2579 BRANCH — 5 — OAKHILL Open Monday thru Saturday — 7 A. M. to 9 P.M. qosen THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1959 _ THIRTY-«NINE . There other situations 7-5 « . P to storage in small apariments|FIGht Kind of Paint SRR age FN aT RET NT ie oN TT: eee ee et Sg Wee a ae eit ROE Se RS ay ARPES Ne oe me re asc enter Za ink. Ri a Se ee ee may ain ip wih ato mececan Keep House Cool bABEE? if : ie get Mit rites AEE HE re ii t E i c= ny if t f 8 i z : Ey if vigge : i g d 5 ee eee People Can Save Money jin summer, there is nothing like ply because they rent. A squarelo, the sseunchtnny Shentinndveah %5 1 i | When it comes to keeping cool, | I fF i FE i } FEE baffling the sun. You've probably jnoticed that a roof can get hot as | i i . a4} iy] iH Git He i i “it edt : u i : wii § ; s i eR a g g E z i Ghdeed eee | Pe SPOR ERO ee One of the ways to Be Ee bo a ang ee PAS SE “= 2 cabinets or — for WO palin is IEA BBE co HEAL EE Sal cen oo ve vas oe - “inte fim They sand po west >” “SUBURBAN LIVING AT ITS BEST” ~ © ALL BRICK » are care ates . add" dietinctve benaty > FOR THE HOME OF YOUR FUTURE IT'S ene home. - There are ten varieties a from — both clear and knotty and has its own - a With a natural ; © GAS HOT WATER °@ CERAMIC TILED BLE “24's” Engelmann spruce and Idaho e . pine the darker tones cs, All Brick © FORMICA Posferess pine ise ¢ COUNTER TOPS choice for cabinet work 0 of its interesting knot forma © BIRCH—MHG. OR peach ~ age gh OAK CABINETS it's a good idea to check with your local lumber man to see what he ©@ PANELED DINING can suggest fer your SPACE What are your problems haps your Riche cabinet © CARPETING y arranged or inade- ' quate. Have you thought of a If © CARPORT OR snack bar with cupbeards below or could you hang cupboards @ GARAGE from the ceiling? The warm tone ‘ of wood can give that old kitchen © WITH or WITHOUT of yours the warmth it’s always | needed. > BASEMENTS 1’, Bath them if you have one of those old-' fashioned roomy baths. The garage is another place to’ 3 and 4 Bedrooms G.E. STOVE and OVEN Far aaa SA oiie ¢ te a RE . ‘ eran nls Poca et wk polit ALtR "3 consider carefully. How about cup- $e: Ke is 7 ‘ boards and closets across the end BUILT IN kt ae Be, er down the side if there’s space pice et enough? They will protect your tools from dust and dirt, will keep them from being banged aboyt by the family going in and out of thé garage, and things will be a lot easier to find. | Home Workshop | I try Ruth Wyeth Spears a . CLUB TAMOE a ‘ ROLL QUT THE FOOD pre SS South of Dixie Highway pared in the house. Raia Oe h | for serving or. a twosome. meal he 10-8 Sat. Pattedn 443, which gives illustrated | directions far this cart, is 25c. Or| send $1 for Packet Ng. 58 which| [PONTIAC includes this patfern’ and four, OE Es Osten ander | W. W. ROSS HOMES outdoor dining aids. Orders under 2 a \/ $1 add 10c service charge. The Pontiac Press Pattern Siet! 2355 Watkins Lk. Rd. FE 3-8021. Bedford Hills, New York, | COMPLETE WITH LOT Conventional Mortgage COME ON OUT and SEE the MODEL HOME at 2355 Watkins Lake Rd. Ol cake clin elie ¥ v tae. My, coy eT Me eld ee Se OE NE a TE Nl ge Mae ME & THE PONTIAC PRESS, IN LAKEWOOD VILLAGE — This bi-level brick and aluminum siding home is open for weekends in Lakewood Village, inspection it’s on Bonita drive, lot $4. A balcony off the living room in the rear overlooks the 145 feet of waterfront. On the lower level there are 2 bedrooms, a bath, recreation room with fireplace and utility room. There are 2 more bedrooms, a second ceramic tile bath, et WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1959 —_ Patch Plaster = Before Painting : ‘ Molsten the old pilaster 0 around the area to be repaired. : Then fill with fresh plaster, bat not quite to the top. After it Ciaties. Sreme Paste hardens, wet the new plaster livi with ' Me ving room v ee eee en aes oo ee Only a | ona apply the finish coat of Homes, Inc. the living area. Birch price of $28,900 with lot or $23,700 : Wi Walled Lake builds this house under the firm name of Woodcraft the finish i < F 2 e z B Handusnan Can Install | Full Length Mirrors | With the help of simple hand tools and a full-length mirror, life- less closet doors can be trans- formed quickly and economically into bright, functional panels which add to the appearance of any room. An ideal “indoor weather” proj- ect for do-it-yourself mechanics, a full-length plate glass mirror can be installed easily in a.matter of minutes with only a screw driver and a small drill. ; There are many places in large and small homes which can be brightened and made useful with a panel mirror. Mounted on a bed- room closet door, it adds beauty and is handy when you need it to check personal appearance from head-to-toe. In the batliroom or other small area, a full-length mirror will ‘make the room appear larger, while multiplying: available light. To help.do a professional instal- lation job. R. W. Anderson, plate Ford Glass Company, passes along these installation steps. 1, Screw two clamps to the door approximately 7 inches up from) the bottom of a standard door, and’ 2% inches in from the bottom cor- ners of the mirror. For best re- sults, holes slightly smaller in di- ameter than the screws should be drilied for all the clamps. 2. Grasping the mirror firmly | by both sides, place it carefully in position, resting it on the two clamps you have just installed. 3. Have someone help by hold- ing the mirrot in place while you drill the, starting holes and attach the other clamps at the top of the mirror, an equal distance in from the corners with thése at the bot- tom. 4. Make sure the mirror is cen- tered on the door and then screw the side clamps in any position) that holds it securely. When . selecting a full-length quality mirror all you need to glass specialist with Libbey-Owens- ee | REPAIRING or G.M.T.C EMPLOYEES FEDERAL Adding a Room? - GMC EMPLOYES ~ Get Lower Cost From Your CREDIT UNION REMODELING For Employes of GMC Truck and Coach Division and Their Families 156 W. Huron at Norton FE 5-6151 68- know is the height and width of Tile for Window Boxes lutely smooth the door. down. Make sure that it's abso patch with a glue size, 2 ad the Americans are rediscovering the = ,or shellac for small cracks. Seal- Don't worry about the size andiclassic, beauty and simplicity of er prevents the fresh plaster from all. ‘number of recessed panels which'ceramic tile window boxes, which| soaking up the paint. a door may have as @ standard|havé been an integral and gracious} inch high mirror will cover gg Ty of homes through the} Paris’ subways and buses carried 2% billion passengers in 1957. PRICES REDUCED FOR PRE-SEASON SALE! 7 Q50 @ Order During Sale @ Alweys Cool @ Add Beauty to Home | @ No Maint No Rust @ Pay Pennies o Day . @ Home Owners Only ALL ALUMINUM PATIO JUST LIKE ADDING ANOTHER ROOM TO YOUR HOME ANY SIZE Up to GIANT 8 Feet by 20 Feet a per For real outdoor living add an all-aluminum Patio. Large enough to agcommodate your car! A quality, all-aluminum beauty that serves as PATIO COVER, DINING PORCH, PLAY AREA and SHELTER .. . protects your doorways, walls, car all year ‘round, Enjoy years of trouble-free outdoor living pleasure at a special low price now ., . only $149.50. INSTALLATION INCLUDED! Easy terms. - SEE US FOR ES PHONE FOR SURVEY ANYTIME — DAY © NIGHT © SUNDAY FE 4-4507 MICH. SEWING CENTER | . a 2 4 — TIMATES ON AWNINGS! a ©» MICH, SEWING CENTER 143 OAKLAND, PONTIAC, MICH. - ©. Gentlemen: ; | The all-aluminum patio sounds like a sensation... = Please send me complete information at no obli- | PELE ES EPROP Pa POeeeer er eC eee eee eee eee CREDITUNION (Freire = 143 OAKLAND AVE. FORTY-ONE PLAY FT SAFE — Don't risk your life by carelessness on a roof! Safety experts advise the use of such precautions as chicken ladders when installing television antennas or checking for roof leaks. Wear rubber or crepe soled shoes but not sneakers, And, for your roof’s sake, the Asbestos-Cement Products Association ad- vises that care be taken to avoid walking directly on shingles wherever possible. If roof work workmen to do the same. Guard Lite, Roof When Putting Up TV Antenna from hardware and lumber deal- Falls rate second only to auto- mobiles as the most important cause of accidental deaths in the| United States, safety officials as- sert. They warn home owners to! keep that in mind in planning roof! repairs, TV antenna installations and other roof-top projects. Maintenance’ authorities also point out that reasonable precau- | tions should be taken to avoid! injuring the roof, Even such sturdy | materials as asbestos-cement shin- | gies, they say, can be damaged! or knocked loose by clomping over} them carelessly. For beth persona] safety and roof protection, it is advisable to provide sure footing through the use of “chicken ladders” or roof scaffolding. A ‘chicken lad- der’ may be made by nailing short lengths of lumber firmly to each rail near the ladder’s fop, forming a ““V” which will fit over the reof ridge. Special remova- bie brackets for plank scaffolds can be purchased inexpensively they say. is done professionally, urge the ers, Here are some mire roof safety |pointers: Unless you're an expert, don't go onto a roof of more than moderate pitch, Don't attempt roof work if you ares nervous on aj ladder or lack confidence in high! places, Wear rubber or crepe sole shoes. Wear a nail apron; don't ‘try to; carry nails or tools in pockets) or belts. Use a box for nail and| tool supplies and cover the bottom | with a rubber strip to prevent | slipping. Never leave nails or|| small tools lying on the roof, In positions where you are not! confident of your traction or bal-/ ance, use a- life-line. Use a new| manila rope at least a half- inch | in "diameter and anchor it to a| secure point, such as a chimney. When preparing sandwiches for) the freezer you can layer them in| one box with waxed paper between! the layers, — —— | CUSTOM BUILT HOMES —— . ) @ Designed & Built Especially for You @ Assistance in Financing Arrangements @ Choice Lake Lots Available @ Several Models, Shown by Appointment WILBUR H. TOWNSEND FE 8-0803 65 HI-HILL DRIVE PONTIAC ~~ M-24, Y-MILE NORTH OF SILVER BELL RD. When Solel House (fenton YU" Rubber Tile Floor Resists Wear in Family Room _|well in such @ room is rubber tile. Its new colors also add an attrac- ‘Not so, says the Roof Drainage'tive note to decor. Bacteria Killer Present in Special Latex Paint cial. surface coating kills many disease - causing bacteria on con- tact and throughout the effective life of the paint, according to the . Laboratory tests have shown that repeated washing and scrubbing failed to lessen the bactericidal effect of the surface coating even after 24 months. Need Subflooring Resilient floor tiles should never be laid overt a single wood floor. A subflooring of plywood or hard- board is necessary to serve as a base for the tiles. A new latex paint with a spe | It’s What You DON’T See That Counts! It's That All Important “SERVICE" You’ll find appliances pretty much the same wherever you go... You'll find the prices very much on a par... BUT there still is a big difference as to just where that appliance should be purchased—that big difference is SERVICE-AFT- ER-THE-SALE IF YOU’RE IN SALE! | 51 W. HURON — It’s a sure way of protecting your invest- ment...it’s the one way of assuring yourself of years of trouble-free performance! THE MARKET FOR ANY APPLIANCE .., BUY WHERE YOU HAVE A CHOICE ..-. WHERE YOU HAVE LONG, EASY TERMS ... AND WHERE YOU GET SERVICE AFTER THE The GOOD HOUSEKEEPING’ 7, of PONTIAC Open Mon. & Fri. "til 9 P.M. FE 4-1555 ee ee ee ey a ae ae ee ae a a a a a a me ee a a me eT a eee in cS ed a a pa ietng aptog 0 Pe gn. ge fae Fe 4 ra SPRING-FED LAKE — This water within the limits of Rainbow Lake across the lake shows the older subdivision planned the new subdivision for tri-level and ranch eS * Pg ___|_ THE PONTIAC PRESS. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1950 Rainbow Lake, a of Pentise and Westridge subdivisions. This scene homes are already completed and two models are open lake of Westridge. Heltman and Pauly have lots and those without water frontage are available. All homes have three or four homes, all custom built. Six bedrooms and 144 or 2 baths, 8 Shoot Clothes Down Chute Putting in your own laundry chute from a first floor closet to the basement can be fun, for it . might include some elementary de- tective work. You see, the handy place you cheose upstairs, off the cuff, may lead your chute to the furnace. So do some detecting with a blueprint or measuring tape first. Once having selected the right location, saw out a section of floor- ing and sub-flooring between the joists. * * * Your chute can most easily be prefabricated: and made in two sections — one extending from the basement ceiling to a handy height in the closet, and the other leading from the ceiling to a point over a receiving basket, box or table be- low, Se that the soiled laundry will have smooth, uninterrupted sail- ing to the basement, put your for the sides, nailed to the wood and the wood strips nailed to each other. The splinter-free hardboard makes an ideal surfacing for the chute, Its smooth side should face in, the textured side out. Cutouts in the floor should be made to accommodate the outside framing of the chute. * * * Install the lower portion of the chute first, nailing it to the floor joists, The upper section, wedged in the floor hole, may need no} further support. ‘custom-built homes are open fort RAINBOW LAKE SUBDIVISION — Two different models of inspection in Rainbow Lake Sub- division. Both are on Olympic Paikway, east of Airport road. Slate floored entry halls provide access to any room in fhése three and four bedroom models. Special features are basements with recre- ation space, attached garages, eating space.in the kitchen and a ‘ Pentiae Press Pete formal dining area. In the 20 by 20 living room there is a natural fireplace, built-in planter and picture-frame bookcase. Exteriors combine siding and brick and are either traditional or California ranch western. Fred W. Heltman is building these homes in the $20,000 to $40,000 class. You May Bu y an Appliance Unexpectedly Maybe you think you’re not going to buy a major appliance this year? Possibly, but don’t be too sure, A survey recently completed by a large advertising agency teveals that 36 per-cent of the people questioned said they definitely did -|not intend to buy a major ap- Let us build you a substantially, well fit your needs, your 3—Build you per cent of appliance sales. | Ot the 48 per cent who were | half eventually bought and ac- counted for 49 per cent of the sales that year. = * * * Only 16 per cent defirlitely in-} tended to buy an appliance. More} than two-thirds of those bought, but they accounted for only 23 per} cet of appliance sales that year. | designed custom home to budget, and your lot—and still cost no more. LET US: 1—Quote you a price on your plan, or a plan designed for you. 2—+Help you with the financing. a complete home with good workmanship.and worry free dealings. cs FRERICKS Bros.-Bildors 2520 Elizabeth Lake Rd. ' YE 2-2951 _ complete with all the finest See the Esther Williams Pool TONIGHT-8:30 P. M.—Color or B & W “The Price Is Right’—Channel 4 Could be your family in your ewn Esther Williams Swimming Pool! Think of the great fun and healthy -exercise your family could have in your own pool! equipment . . , filter, ladder, diving board, underwater light and many other items. at no Think again—now it is extra cost. The Esther Williams Home Let us talk to you abdut it, Swimming Pool costs far fess for free descriptive book- than you think. let—today. Available in several sizes, 16’x30’ to 25’x50’ .. . it’s SS YOUR ASSURANCE OF QUALITY INLAND LAKES SALES FE 4-7121 —~ 3127 W. Huron — FE 2-6122 =< FORTY-THREE VERSATILE CARPORT — Here's a carport, storage center, and entertainment headquarters. conventional carport, you can get many “extras” including a place | to put all your assorted lawn and patio area. Versatile Shelter Serves Three Purposes to transform this carport into a graceful patio area for outdoor entertaining. Just back the car out) - people at a satie supper, endl makes an attractive base for potted plants. Besides its combination carport-/ patio feature, this shelter also has’ two double storage cabinets which hold lawnmowers, rakes, shovels, Called a “Carport Storage Per- gola,” the unit was .designed by) west coast architects Liddle and| W Jones. It answers the problem of! too much family and not enough | space. Many families have evicted the | ear from the garage to make way © fer a new bunkroom, den, or | family reom. The carport solves the question of what to do with | the car after it ls evicted, and | the carefully designed storage units im this plan are as good as | a half basement. The fir plywood, lumber and) other materials to build the unit are available at almost any lum- -ber yard for about $350. By work- ing carefully, a homeowner who is reasonably skilled with tools could | build the storage carport in three or four weekends. The gentle slope of the plywood roof is nicely balanced by the | evenly spaced pattern of 2 x 4s on. the overhang and bench. Color- wise, the posts and beams can be/ painted a contrasting color to har. | monize with the storage cabinets | and roof. The cabinets are divided into | well-organized storage areas. Even the doors have a unique shelf arrangement on the back which is handy for smaller items. | They can be locked to frustrate prowlers, Cover Up Scratched, Unsightly Sills Here’s a quick and simple way to spruce up those kitchen and ’ bathroom window sills on which the paint has chipped and cracked because of water condensation or those which have become scratched or worn. Merely apply a piece of deco-| rative covering over the sill in a color er pattern that blends or harmonizes with the color theme of the room or with planters or canisters you may keep on the sill. | The newer plastic-coated cover-| ings are ideal for this purpose be-, cause they are water resistant and won't shrink. They are available with an adhesive backing so that all you have to do is snip to si2#, tear off the protective backing paper, and fit to the sill THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1959 Look at This Offer! It proves that for the cost of a ~ garden equipment and a pleasant | We Are ‘Making This Offer Before the Spring Rush! es DELCO sn Famous Delco Furnaces Delco Boilers Delco Oil Burners Delco Gas Burners Delco Air Conditioners - . Frigidaire Air Conditioners | Elgin Automatic Water Softeners PLUS — The Only Heating Dealer That Gives Holden Red Stamps O’Brien Heating & Supply | ‘Authorized Oakland County Delco Distributor 371 Voorheis Rd. OPERATOR ON DUTY 24 HOURS is 10% feet wide, leaving plenty of space to get in or out of the! tivehiele. The entire shelter is 24) MATENEALS It's important to specify exterior- | jtrademark EXT-DFPA on the} panel edge. For economy, an ur} \carport-pergola, write Douglas Fir} FE 2-2919 | Plywood Association, Tacoma 2,) POOLE’S POOLE’S POOLE’S You Are Cordially Invited to Visit Our Booth —at the— Pontiac Home Improvement Show PONTIAC ARMORY Woter ond Mill Street APRIL 30— MAY 1 and 2 On Display at the Show in Our Booth Interior Woods MAHOGANY BIRCH —- MAPLE - OAK i | FENCE YOUR YARD IN ONE WEEK- END! we — ‘ igs) amit b. ¢ t Ralf 1 u La ils Ceiling Tiles by Armstrong »>PLAIN —- PATTERNED — ACOUSTIC FLOOR and WALL THES oc wnmarnd VINYL — ASPHALT 7-ft. 4x4 Post, Western Red Cedar Capping Rail. PLASTIC — RUBBER Factory Prime- Coated with Redwood Color Stain and Penta, a Preservative—W ben It’s Up, It’s Done! ¥ Directions Inctaded for Assembly in 3 Easy Steps. See This Marvelous New Fence at the Home Improvement Show-— This Week . PREFABRICATED PLYWOOD FENCE in BASKET-WEAVE STYLE! LUMBER (0. HARDWARE © COAL @ BUILDING SUPPLIES 131 OAKLAND FE 4.1594 * ’ a FORTY-FOUR m4 j | | e 5 ( AS IT WAS — This picture, taken in : on Oneida road, shows the living room it was just before the f builders aarrived to do a major remodeling job. The door at the right ope ns into the kitchen. The front door is just this side of the Pentiae Press Pheote room. The window you saw behind the davenport in the picture “As It Was” has been closed up. Louvered doors replace the old kitchen door = are eee | in ee! new wall also. PITTSBURGH PAINTS — Keep that |JUST PAINTED |look longer Choose from Hundreds of Colors in Five Famous PITTSBURGH Interior Finishes! _ PONTIAC. GLASS CO. STORAGE WALLS — Now the Andersons have a front hallway. 4 , The floor has been tiled in a bold black and white pattern. A floor- to-ceiling storage wall closes oft this area from the new living + Make a Serving Center A serving center for the recrea- ished at the corners with quarter- tion room may also be a room round molding. divider. The bar top is of 1% by 10- The bar unit is made on a imch lumber, edged-glued and frame of 2 by 2inch lumber, deweled, and trimmed with 1 by : fastened with 7-penny © nails, 2-inch lumber. . € Length is optional, but should ac- The room divider-server is made is commodate 8-inch paneling with- of 1 -by 12-inch lumber. It should)> : out ripping of any boards. The be made away from the wall, then) = 5 shelf of 1 by 12-inch Jumber. is moved into place and fastenéd to} ® a cut to fit around the front corner'the wall, ceiling and fidor. : ; tee Ways fo Wax Finish Plywood There are two kinds of wax fin- L i E f : EERSEG? gst L with a soft cloth or electric Fak : method makes use of t, penetrating stain which are marketed by a number of manufacturers. A factor worth considering when ,jyou select this type of finish is that you cannot paint or varnish over it if you wish a change of decoration later on. The wax penetrates the wood fibers and wil] soften subsequent finishes. Nonpenetrating wax, how- lever, can be removed with a tur- pentine-soaked rag. Mohawk’s FABULOUS fyiZs VU. $. Potent No. 2,531,718 All-Wool As little as $10.00 a Month corpets 3 average rooms wall-to-wall. Ke 9 4528 Dixie Highway, Drayton Plains OR 3-2100-—-OR 3-4109 % Panels are attached wi’ he Minited States imported 272,-!™ ete tea — com. FE 5-6441 : penny finishing nails and are hu-,.03i mowr vehicles in 1957, ae . ¥ - ' ; : a # - j d 2 minions . “ usnieenenn ‘ _ - eemianaerenennegenmetasseringeeee ot » ————. ae = eines? 2th alee Wes sa ere et ¥ in > 5S, Pr et Se a? $ from .......3 fer $1.49 Peatiec, FREE ESTIMATES 670 E. WALTON BLVD. (1 Block East of joslye Read) 1c PAINT SALE Inside or Outside White Protective Techniques Save Some Floors | If you'd keep: the surilace por-| For heavy furniture which por- from chair legs. soft : Prevent Roof Leaks Both the porcelain and the ce- holes in the metal flashing that ramic are also pleasant comple-' protects chimneys, vent openings ments to any tiled area-— powder and roof valleys. Experts advise \room, dressing room, kitchen or sealing such ‘holes with a good ‘roofing cement. TILE 9°'x9" Random Lots 6*¢ Each ALKY FLAT All Colors Reg. $3.34 Gel. 2 Gal. $595 LINOLEUM | RUGS — 9x12 $3.95 PLASTIC LINOLEUM Reg. $1.43 Sq. Yd. 6-9 or 12 Fr. | Now Q9¢ se Ya. 12x12 $6.95 WALL LINOLEUM 54” High Run. Ft, 29¢ SO RE EE a HS = lll ve SMITH’S OUTLET , FE 2.7755 a ae is Leo-Maffie, Corbin chief design- | of an exotic wood such as coco- celain finished enamel which re- seldom moved use plastic cups. 7 -" |Leo Maffie, Corbin chief design-|bolo, ranging im shade from red to lieve the severity ‘of line of to It is easy to remove °metal cups " ‘er, may not sing at his work but rose to orange to dark reddish she admits happily that doorknob brown, The wood is imported from | design is drudgery no more. Some C Ameri xi : i letti sti sau include feet doorknobs 4 aes ee sive preville painted with ttl stipplings. Most roof leaks are caused by ot , your third color could well introduced in the decorative «“ When Building Prices Seem TOO TALL... Neidrick & ™ . CALL! FE 4-6909 % HOURS—EZEVERY DAY ® CARACES © BREEZEWAYS IVEWAYS EMODELING ADDITIONS TTICS FINISHED EC. ROOMS AIRING ~ REE ESTIMATES No Money Down 60 Months to Pay Building Service 65 Court Drive Pontiac, Mich. to start decorating with ... those heavenly catpets by LEES ENJOY YOUR CARPET THE EASY WAY—ON TIME PAY— é esl 2ys NO DOWN PAYMENT—36 MONTHS TO PAY! a DRAYTON To Show We Care . . . Every LEE’S Carpet is Registered! ‘Ag and they are Mothpreofed teo! 4479 Dixie Highway OR 3-2300 ME FURNISHINGS _ Open Friday Nights ‘til 9 P. M. ~ a ee ee t * s = ¢ vl 4 me ei - el wi | WR Ee ha a, < o.. i 8 : ay © Stone 2 ! Tools a Garden _ © Electric = ie Latest Developments in ‘ bs Financing * Heating © Welding © Kitchens 4 ee, © Rental ® Food Plans wie : s © Hearing i : a: : 43 Heat . Aids e ings © Builders’. - @ Siding. + Ania eri | oo Remwane ©: iieuee: Machines ~ - » @ Real Estate Blocks a Oe re a © Constructi on “"T0 ie > MPROVEMENT mau Siow = APRIL 30: to May 3 at the PONTIAC ARMORY WATER and. MILL STREETS ay 1-4 (Follow the Footprints to the Show) . Ta April 30 . we 4 P. M. to 10 P. M. | ) ~ FRIDAY, May Ist 1 P. M. to 10 P. M. Major + Aimee: to Be GIVEN AWAY Pg 10 A. M. to. 10 P. M. SUNDAY, May 3rd 1 1 P. M. to 10 P. M. SATURDAY, May 2hd i gga ai Anko aie il a AM RN mR A ia eS cm al Aa Aa Ria Aa a acy ac a ie i