The Pontiac Press, Tuesday, December 3 TUESDAY TUESDAY MORNING 5:45 (2) On the Farm Scene 5:50 (2) C — News 6:00 (2)C Sunrise Semester 6:30 (2) C — Gospel Singing Jubilee (4) C — Classroom 6:45 (7) C — Bat Fink 7:00 (2) C -- Woodrow the Woodsman (4) C Today (7) C — Morning Show 7:20 (9) Warm-Up 7:30 (9) C - Bonnie Prudden 8:00 (2) C — Captain Kangaroo (9) C — Morgan's Merry-Go Round 8:05 (9) Mr, Dressup 8:30 (7) R — M o vie: “P\)olsteps in the Fog” (English, 1955) Stewart Granger, Jean Simmons (9) R C — FYiendly Giant (56) TV High School 8:45 (9) Chez Helene 9:00 (2) C “ Merv Griffin (4) — Steve Allen (9) C — Bozo 9:10 (56) Come, Let’s Read 9:30 (56) Singing. IJstening, Doing 9:55 (56) Tel! Me a Story 10:00 (4) C- Snap Judgment (9) Canadian Scitools 10:10 (56) American History 10:25 (4) C — News 10:30 (2) R -- Beverlv Hillbillies (4) C - - Concentration (7) C - Dick Cavett (9) Ontario Schools 10:35 (56) Science Is P’un 10:50 (56) List('ii and Say (2i R Andy C.riliith (4) C - P(M'sonality (50) C Jack LaLatitie 11:15 (56) Mislerogers 11:30 (2) R -Dick Van Dyke (rl) C II 0 1 ! y w o o d Squan'S (9) T’ak(* Thirty (50) R C Kirnba 11:45 (56) TV Kindtugarlen TUESDAY AFTERNOON 12:00 (2) C News, Weatlier, S[)orts (4) C — Jeopardy (7) R - Bewitched (9) Lunch with l?ozo (50) C - Alvin 12:15 (56) Mislerogers 12:25 (2) C ~ Fashions n 12:30 (2) C — Search for Tomorrow (4) C — News, Weather. Sports (7) C — Treasures Isle (9) Bill Kennedy’s Hollywood (50) R C - Movie: “The Bridge of San Luis Rey” (1944) Lynn Bari, Akim Tamiroff, Louis Calhern (56) Art Studio 12:45 (56) Singing, Listening. Doing 12:55 (4) C - News 1:00 (2) C — Love of Life (4) C — Match Game (7) C — Dream House (9) R C — Movie: “The Beachcomber” ( 1 9 5 4 ) Glynis Johns, R o b r t Newton 1:05 (56) Tell Me a Story 1:25 (2) C ~ News (4) C — Carol Duvall 1:30 (2) C - As th(‘ World Turns l4) C--Let’s Make a Deal l7) C — PTinny You Should Ask 1:45 (56) Listen and Say 1:55 (7) (’ Children's Doctor 2:00 (2) C - Divorce Court (4) C — Days of Oui' Lives 17) C — Newlyw(‘d Ciam(‘ (56) Science Is P’lm 2:15 (56) Of Cabbages and Kings 2:30 (2) C - (luiding Light (4) C — Doctors (7) (' — Dating Game (50) it - - Make Room for Daddy 2:40 (56) (\>nu\ lad’s Read 3:00 (2) C -- Secret Storm (4) C — AnofluT World (7) C - G(‘tieral Hospital i!)i H R(‘al Mc(’oys (50) R Topper (56) Joyce Chen (5)oks 3:30 (2) C — Edge of Night (4) (’ - You Don't Say (7) C — One Life to Livt' (9) Lively Spot (50) C Captain Detroit (56) Human Relations (t;2) R Ann Sotheni Show 4:00 (2) C LinkU'tter Show (4) C - Donald O’(’onnor (7) (' — Dark Shadows (56) German Ivcsson (62) R — Robin Hood 1:15 (56) S(K*ial Security 4:25 (2) C Mik(* Douglas 1:30 (2) C Mike Douglas (7) R r - Movie: “Thunder in tlie Sun” (1959) (9) C — Magic Shoppe (50) R — Little Rascals (56) Kindergarten (62) C — Rae Deane. Bugs Bunny and Friends 5:00 (9) R C — Batman (50) R C — Superman (56) Misterogers 5:30 (4) C-George Pierrot (9) R — Gilligan’s Island (50) R — Munsters (56) PYiendly Giant (62) R — Leave It to Beaver 5:45 (56) Art Studio TUESDAY NIGHT 6:00 (2) (4) (7) C — News, Weather, Sports (9) C - What’s My Line‘s (50) R C — Flintstones (56) Wliat’s New (62) R C - My Mother, the Car 6:30 (2) C — News ~ Cronkite (4) C News - Huntle\ , Brinkley (9) C l Spy (50) R McIIale’s Navy (56) TV High School (62) R - Movi(‘: “Web of Suspieion ” (Paiglish, 1959) IMiilip Friend. Susan Beaumont. John Martin 7:00 (2) R C Truth or ('oiisequences (4) (’ — News. Weattum S|)orts 171 C - News — Ri'ynolds (50) It 1 !,ove Luey (5(i) A Library Is 7:30 (2) C (Special) Na- t i o n a 1 Geographic -“lU'ptiles and Amphibians,” an hour inclui vice in out plont less flicjii ?4 hout s Mommotli stzr?d pilots 4 x4 OI 4 ; depending on film size and SATISFACTION IS GUARANTFTD Yom Lootheietfe Photoc^ioph Album with 10 [)ac)e will be si'iit to you with youi fust set of pi mis You cari accumulate your KodoF Film (all filn doted and qunmnteed I y<*oi ) ond use if as de sued Save 6 loll'. oi moie and use flu'm oil ijt oiH' time then senci flu'in m No need to lloUJ \r AS A GIFT FOR A FRIEND OP RELATIVE A-MONTH CLUB them c'veiythinc} hfjs beted on KODAK papei You SATISFACTION IS GUARANTEED Address Send US this Gift Certificate application The \ some prices and conditions listed on the regulor applicotion form prevail If Pre Paid for 12 months, the Photogroph Album will be sent immediotely along with their first roll of film, then a fresh roll of Kodak film will be sent each month to insure freshness.ptEmrwise we will bill you monthly and the Photogroph Album will be senTfo the^;^th their first set of Prints Either woy you give a gift that is a c^ tinuous reminder that YOU CARE City z,p C.ty Tcjicjl Amoui'l ( 1 ? M(.>nlhs S_____ r—iOuKk PI [__J Fnclosed 1_1 Bill Me Monthly CHECK BELOW THE SIZE FILM DESIRED KoduK BLACK K WHMi n VP IZ6 $1 47 rj VP 12/ , n T r S I 3 7 I I VP 620 ^ for colof pi int-. L” 1 CX 12/ . rZ) CX 620 i- $4 24 ( CX 126 12-1 r ] CX 1 26 20 $6 40 tor color slides [~.H KX 126 [ ,J KR I 35 20 $3 2' If more thon one mil of film desired write c^oonity here HMM Color Movie Film 1 Z] KR 459 outdoor -i \ $3 84 I J KRA 459 ir^door -* n KA 464 icidoor $4 24 outdoor Check Color of Album Desired Own I I Green 1_JIvory Zip --------------------------- I wish to moke (ipplic at ion for mem b«>r ship m the Fit P AC A MONTH ClUB Send me eoc h month for I 2 mo»»lhs o fresh roll of Kodok Film iiuin otyct above I undecstor^d ibol I will b«» hilled eoi f> monttiwhen I receive my film lor the pr K e lisl«*d above 1 tiis one pr u e nu ludes tlie film Dcrvelopinq e sotislied