There were few problems getting through, however. COLDER FORECAST Saturday’s outlook is cloudy and colder with showers possible. Variable morning winds will become southwest at 5 to IS miles per hour this afternoon and tonight. The low is downtown Pohtiae was 56 prior to S im. the mercury had climbed to IB by 2 pm. 'fe* TKr/teao*o System fotrteo the Weather THE PONTIAC S" _*■.* aril Home Edition PONTIAC, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1966 —72 PAGES * INTERNATIONAL Crime in Pontiac Up 15 Pet. in 66 By DAVID J. COOK Major (Time in the City of Pontiac is up nearly 15 per cent from tost year, according to 16-month figures released by t^e Pontiac Police Department. In addition, police records show the number of reported major offenses in Pontiac has • Social attitudes which make it “unduly easy” to commit crimes; • Public apathy and unwillingness to provide funds for adequate law enforcement; • Low bonds for criminal offenders after their arrest; • Supreme Court deci- sions making convictions dif- aalong with “soft sen-” for those who are found guilty. ‘BIGGEST OBSTACLE’ Hanger singled out police manpower as the “biggest obstacle” to combating crime in Pontiac. Even in file face of a dou- bling of major offenses in the tost decade, the number of police personnel has remained Manpower presently stands at 117, having gone as low as 110 and as high as 122 in the past 10 years. Hanger requested an additional 30 men along with the as Ship Sinks Particulars on School Presented Education specifications for a new — and highly flexible — high school were presented tost night to the Pontiac Board of Education. Developed by Pontiac Central High School faculty members, s the report will keynote board * consideration of school building needs. School administrators estimate that a high school incorporating all of fee JMtities sought by educators would cost $6-5 to |7 million. The proposed school, based on a 2,400-student capacity, would have some 275,430 square feet of classroom space. The present PCH has 177,778 square feet of floor space, including classrooms and corridors. if w it ★ Said to have a “reasonable capacity” for 1,875 students, the 52-year-old building has an en-rofimeetof4,i4i. REPORT DELAYED Prepared during the 1964-65 school year, the report was delayed to central administrative offices for a year because of demands on staff time for labor negotiations, intergroup relations and federally fended programs, Schools Supt. Dr. Dana P. Whitmer said. Notable throughout the proposal are plans for movable partitions to various kinds of rooms. These would allow for both large- and small-group (Continued on Page 2, Col. 1) Lit ONES In Today's Press : fit School Program OEO cutbacks force board to look elsewhere for fends - PAGE E-2. All-America Both MSU, Notre Dame place three oft AP grid team — PACOB C-jL School Spending State board of education to recommend 8250-million increase — PAGE D4. Ann Nevis .:.F-8 Astrology ........ F4 Bridge ............ Crossword Paste ...F-18 Comics '............F4 Editorials ........A4 Food Section D-2—D-3 Markets ......... F-8 Obituaries ........D4 Sports C-l-Ci Theaters ...... F-2 TV-Radio Programs F-15 Unison, Earl F-1S Women's Pages B-l-B-8 Yule Features A-ll, D4 ILL-FATED FERRYBOAT — The Greek passenger and car ferry Heraklioo, with 282 persons aboard, sank early today during a violent storm in the Aegean Sea midway between fee island of Crete and Piraeus, the port of Athens. The shipping company riiich owns fee vessel reported 20 survivors and others sighted in the water. In Sullenberger Murder Space N-Device Memphis Mon Charged Treal'f's Near A 21-year-old Memphis, Tenn., man was charged yesterday with the murder of Dr. Nefl H. Sullenberger, former Pontiac surgeon. W» ’ Memphis police charged Clyde E.Trlpl• It wife first-degree murder, following his statement to than concerning the slaying of fee 51-year-old doctor. SuBeuberger’s body was fatii ------- director of ft Memphis hospital emergency room, drew national attention to 1988 when he was dismissed from Pontiac General Hospital for personal misconduct. Detail s of the slaying and Education Board to Study Medical School facilities Hie entire field of new medical education facilities, including Pontiac's projected osteopathic college, is to be studied by the State Board of Education before there is approvafr^Bf^ar|ioB State University’s two-year medical sewot* riff * This waf M outcome of a public hearing yesterday in Lansing before the i “How come the only time you think of me as a big girl is when you want me to dry dishes?” • Romney Says Great Society Only a Cover NEW YORK (AP) -Gov. George Romney today said fee government's Great Society programs “just paper over the great big cracks in our social and economic structure.” In a speech prepared for delivery before die National Association of Manufacturer*, Romney proposed a four - dimensional attack en the nation’s problems. Sayiftg feat fee Great Society programs “do aet. provide boric solutions,” Ramsey suggested that fee uatieu hearken back to whftt Jte said was a four-pronged approach of fee fouading fathers. These four Approaches, he ■aid, wire; voluntary aaaocto-‘ tions feat {voviferi cooperative action «aptan; private enterprises find provided Independent competitive action centos; state and local governments, which created locally oriented action eentarv, and a federal government that provided an action center to cope wife tasks requiring unified national effort. Romney was to Now York for a series of public appearances and private call* to take what political observers considered ■ soundings of his chances for the 1968 Republican pmmridiil state board. The osteopathic college is slated for a rite at Auburn and Op-dyke. _ ■ MSU opened a two-year medical college last faiB and a citizens’ comntittee recently recommended feat it be expanded without delay to a fall four-year degree grantiag operation. “I don’t intend'to act on a four-year school for MSU until we come to grips with the question rtf an osteopathic college,” said Thomas Bramum, hoard president. -jk ' it * At fee board meeting were several officials of fee new Michigan College of Osteopathic Medicine, which hopes to admit its first class to life. Triplett’s statement were withheld byauthorities whoaaid.that further information wftuM not be revealed until Triplett is tried on the charge. LEDPOtfCE Four youths arrested Tuesday because they had been in possession of Sullenberger’s car led police to Triplett, according to Memphis Police Commissioner Claude Armour. He would not say how the ear came toto fee hands of fee four youths. The car was recovered Monday an a farm outside of Memphis. The owner of the farm said fee four had left it there Nov. 29 after telling him it had broken down. ★ ★ ft Sullenberger had been missing since Nov. 17, when he was last ~ ^ leaving fee hospital. | BEATEN, SHOT j kAn autopsy revealed that Sul-* mnberger had been beaten about fee b^*d and shot twice. ' He bad been practicing to Texas prior to arriving to Memphis Nov. 1 to take a job as a supervisor at the John Gaston Hospital. Guess What? More Rain Due Groimd to the Pontiac area, already soggy from heavy rains ( and melting snow, will get another drenching today, tonight and tomorrow. Rainfall yesterday measured approximately one inch. The weatherman forecasts rain, occasional thuadershew- Agreement Drawn Up by U. N. Committee AUSTIN, Tex. (AP) - President Johnson said today fee United States, fee Soviet Union and other countries have reached agreement on a treaty that would bar nuclear weapons froto outer space. Johnson, to a statement read to newsmen at White House press headquarters Here, said the draft treaty prepared by fen outer space committee of the United Nations represents an “important step toward peace.” Announcing he would for-, ward fee treaty to fee Senate early next year for ratification action, fee chief executive said: “It is ttye most important arms control development Since fee limited test ban treaty of The 1963 treaty, since ratified “by most of the world’s nations but not fry France and Red China, forebade nuclear testing 'to fee atmosphere. Underground testing is still permitted. BAR WEAPONS Terms of fee new treaty would bar weapons from outer space ftnd would guarantee free access by all nation* to all parts of fee moon, and other celestial bodies —including access to any installation feat man might erect there. 47 Rescued From Stormy Aegean Sea Ferryboat Goes Down Halfway Between Create, Greek Coast ATHENS, Greece (ffl — A Greek passenger ship sank today in a raging storm in the Aegean Sea and more than 200 persons may have drowned. Of the 281 persons aboard, only 47 had been snatched from fee stormy seas hours after the ship went down. The 8,900-ton Heraklion sank halfway between fee Island of Crete and fee Greek mainland, to its regular 10-tour crossing from Crete to Piraeus, file port of Athens. s..... ___ were floating to fee sea II miles northeast of fee Island of Milos, where fee Venus de Milo statue wae discovered in 1820. Shipping officials said fee Heraklion carried 206 passengers, including one foreigner, and a crew of 75 commanded fry Capt. E. Vemikos. * * ★ The foreign passenger was not immediately identified. SERIES OF DISASTERS The sinking of the ferryboat was one of a series of postwar disasters to Greek ships. Europe’s worst postwar maritime disaster was the ■inking of the Himera, which went down off Athens in 1117 wife a loss of 392 lives, to the first Hours after fee disaster, the Merchant Marine Ministry said there appeared to be no hope of survivors. But as1 ships and planes converged on the disaster site, wreckage and people were seen in the water. 1967 budget request for the police department. The preliminary budget drawn together by fee city, however, includes no provision for an increase in police personnel. “Theoretically,” Hanger explained, “every police officer should spend 50 pa cent of his time on patrol — simply being seen and making his presence felt in the community. PATROLS SUFFER “Our men are so busy most of fee time taking reports of crimes already committed they spend virtually no time fulfilling this patrol function,” he said. Principal court decisions affecting police work, according to Hanger, have been fee muchpublictoed Escobedo and Miranda opinions. to Illinois vs. Escobedo (1964), fee Supreme Court ruled a criminal suspect was entitled to have legal coimsel present during interrogation. RIGHT TO REFUSE In the Arizona vs. Miranda decision rendered this year, the court held feat a suspect had the right to refuse to answer any questions put to him by police. “Both of these cases drastically limit fee ability of fee police to interrogate suspects,” he said. “Some crimes, however, could never be solved without confessions. “I don’t in any way advocate the third degree. As far as I’m concerned, interrogation is mainly a matter of wits — a police officer versus a suspect. ‘CONCERN FOR ACCUSED’ *T don't think it’t toe much to ask a man to account for his activities when circumstances point to him as a likely suspect. “Coot decisions and public comment seem to reflect a great concern for the accused “ ■» me Js foe worried about fee victims of crime.” Public attitudes were aim described by Hanger as “apathetic” toward crime. “This is shown to fee past By the reluctance of fee dtfaenry to finance either raises to police pay or increased manpower," he said. ATTITUDES CHANGING The ehfcf cited, however, “growing evidence” feat attitude* toward crime are changing. “I think people are beginning to react to wfrat they (Continuedon 17MnnicMsmu Major Crime in Pontiac use usr pa urn m mt use . M THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1966 Teddy: Limit Draft Low CHICAGO (AP) - Sen. Edward M. Kennedy says be will ask Congress next year to limit the extension of the present draft laws to six months or a year — unless it is able to agree on a proposed reform befara toe days discussing the draft and Specifications for School Told (Continued From Page (toe) sessions as well as independent study. A 1,200-seat auditorium would be divisible into four smaller units. ★ ★ ★ The construction would permit flexibility in scheduling so that students would not be held to a rigid timetable. COMMUNITY USE placed on community use of the facility after school hours and is particularly evident in the physical education complex, accounting for 78,526 square feet of floor space in two legislation expires June 30. The Massachusetts Democrat expressed doubt, however, that the complex issue of the Selective Service System and the myriad of suggestions {or altering — and abolishing — it could be digested in tile half-year left before the deadline. ♦ * t “I'm hoping for something before the end of the expiration,” he told Wednesday night, “but it isn’t realistic.” 'If we have a delay," he added, “we have to keep the present laws to effect a minimum amount of time.” He set this at not more than one year. NORMAL EXTENSION The draft laws normally would be extended An* four ears. Kennedy’s comments came shortly after he and other participants to a just-concluded national draft conference spelled out their findings to a public panel session. WWW More than 100 educators, _ ernment specialists, congressmen and students spent four some alternatives. The meeting, an outgrowth of the growing public debate over tile fairness of the draft, was arranged by the University of Chicago. A community center would bouse a swimming pool with lecker and shower areas, gymnasium with locker and shower areas, three handball courts, a laundry and equipment area, a Swedish gymnastics and therapeutic exercise room and a weight lifting room. These would be used by adults and students. However, there abo would be a fieldhouse areas for basketball, track, volleyball, tennis, golf and other sports; locker and shower area; a wrestling room; and varsity team locker and shower areas. WWW Some 8,100 square feet would be alloted for a library, with educators recommending that consideration be given to a two-floor facility. SEMINAR ROOMS It would contain a main reading room equipped with individual study carrels and listening stations. Also included in the area would be eight small seminar rooms particularly adaptable for E n g 1 is h and social studies classes. Major Crime Rises 15 Pet. Arms Found in County Jail Shakedown (Continued From Page One) feel are gross miscarriages of justice. In addition, greater numbers of citizens are becoming victims of crime. “Another sign is the frequency' with which businessmen want to hire off-duty police personnel: for protection of their stores, r w w w< “Some store owners who feel they can’t afford special protection are putting in requests for concealed weapons permits.” LEAD INCREASE Counted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation as major offenses are murder, rape, rob- ~ bery, assault, burglary, larceny and auto theft. Robbery and auto theft have been' the leaders to the jcur-rent rise, with increases over last year of 38.4and 28.2 per cent, respectively. Burglaries, too, have contributed, with an average of almost three a day through October of this year. Birmingham Area N*ws " ,r Husband-Wife Scientists! Get Cranbrook Award BLOOMFIELD HILLS — Aj husband and wife team of scientists yesterday were given the Mary Soper Pope Medal by Cranbrook Institute of Science “for distinguished accomplish-] the family of the late Mhr. Pope of Bloomfield Hills. . BIRMINGHAM - Clifford H. Higgins, 28136 Fores tbr ook, Farmington Township, has been ment in foe field of pM sci- named general -chairman of theff TEACHERS LEARN — Thomas Manhall of LeBaron Elementary School and Roberta Henry erf Central Elementary School, both special education instructors, study a cutting technique during an art workshop at Mc-Carroll Elementary School. Some 45 Pontiac teachers are taking part to the three-day workshop which ends today. They spent 15 hours learning about modern creative art education to the program offered by Btoney aid Smith, Inc., school art supply manufacturers. Prosecution Witness Tetls of Probe Ploy in CheyzTrial They are Drs. Karl and Hally Jolivette Sax who are currently residing at Cranbrook where Karl Sax is the first appointee to the Institute’s Distinguished Scholar Chair. The Saxes are engaged to a study of tiie effects on chromosomes of the use of various beverages, drugs and pesticides. After he retired as director of the Arnold Arboretum at Harvard University to 1954 and as professor of botany at Harvard to 1959; Dr. Sax accepted many visiting professorships. •k W W The medal, designed by Marshall Fredericks, was established in 1946 under grants from sixth annnall Living Endow-1 ment Campaign! at Detroit Coim-I try Day School. | Father of student and anl alumnus, he is I president of the! H and H Hihe" M a nufacturing Co. The living Endowment Program furnishes operating funds for the school, including faculty salaries and toe scholarship program. The goal this year is $40,000. A shakedown, ordered last night after rumors of a planned breakout at the Oakland County Jail, turned up a trayful of weapons, including an imitation pistol, according to Sheriff Frank W. Irons. Irons said toe search of “F1 cellblock on the jail’s fourth flow resulted to transfer of two of the 25 prisoners to second-floor cells.' Of equal concern to police, if for no other reason than sheer volume, is the number of so-called Among toe confiscated was , a realistic gun, its handle carved from a bar of laundry soap, a barrel made of a plastic toothbrush case and a trigger bent from a spoon handle. Weapons taken by turnkeys also included small knives crudely fashioned from spoon and Auk handles. Waterford Police Firing Upheld By a 6-0 vote last night, toe Waterford Township Board by resolution upheld the dismissal of Patrolman Ronald Freeman from toe township police department because of “official misconduct.” The decision culminated a hearing, held undo- toe Veterans’ Preference Act, to the Waterford Township High School cafeteria. Freeman, a seven-year veteran of tiie force, disobeyed a direct enter to sweep the police station floor Nov. 7 and was discharged three days later. Freeman then appealed the dismissal and was granted a hearing before the Waterford Township Fire and Police Civil Service Commission. The Civil Service Commission, likewise, ruled toe dismissal justified following a lengthy hearing last Saturday. The appeal next could be taken to Circuit Court. The Weather Full UA Weather Bureau Report PONTIAC AND VICINITY — Rato, occasional thundershowers and unseasonably warmer today, tonight and Friday. High today 55 to 60 south, and 50 to 55 north. Low tonight 50 to 55 south 45 to SO north. Variable winds becoming southwest 5 to 15 miles this afternoon and tonight. Saturday’s outlook: cloudy and colder with showers. At t «.m.: Wind Velocity 10 m.pJi. " Direction: VorloMo 1 Son sets Thursday at 5:01 p.m. Sun rises Friday at 7:50 a.m. Moan sets Thursday at 2:46 p.m. Moon rises Friday at 4:56 am Over a seven-year period, minor crimes have shot from to 1959 to a total of 7,704 last year. This year the rate is running about the same as 1905. Combining-w i t h toe lesser offenses, from a standpoint of police workload, has been a similar rise to miscellaneous noncriminal calls. These calls — which range from rescue runs and personal assistance to lost and found — presently are 20 per rent ahead of last year, when the 10-month total was 1,107. . ★ ★ ★ Murder — or more properly, criminal homicide — nearly dou-b 1 e d to toe first nine months. Seven persons have met death violently this year, as against four in 1965. SINGLE DECREASE The stogie category to show a decrease so far this year over 1965 is rape, with seven verified offenses through October ras against 13 a year ago. Significantly, arrest figures show juveniles — persons under 18 — to be responsible for much of tiie increase to burglaries and auto thefts. Through the first 10 months of tins year, nearly half, or 43.1 per rent, of auto thefts to Pontiac had been solved with toe arrest of juveniles. Similarly, about one of six break-ins — 16.8 per cent as traced to a person under 18. The n u m h e r of armed robberies accounted for by juveniles has nearly doubled, with .1 per cent recorded through October as against 3.6 per cent last year. By JIM LONG A prosecution witness testified yesterday that a grand jury investigate had once given her $500 to flash before White Lake Township Supervisor E d w aT d Cheyz, but that she was never asked to make a direct bribe. “If he (Cheyz) asked for it, I was supposed to give it to said Mrs. Estella Dawson during her cross-examination by Cheyz, attorney, Joseph Loui-sell. “If I had offered It to him it would have been a bribe, I knew Mr. Cheyz wouldn’t go aloag with it,” said MTS. Dawson. The tratimony came late to the third day of the trial 'ii which Cheyz is charged with conspiracy to bribe and bribery involving a parcel of property which Mrs. Dawson wanted rezoned for an apartment project. The trial had come to a halt earlier in toe day when Mrs. Dawson, a 67-year-old widow, began to cry while being questioned by Louisell. SORRY . “I’m sorry that I ever got into this mess,” she said. The trial resumed after she conferred with her attorney, Howard Bond. Mrs. Dawson said that she was contacted by State Police detective Edward Seath after returning to the area from a trip to early February. Prior to that, she said she had gone to another attorney, Anthony Renne, and told him about a proposal made by Cheyz to promote toe develop- to charge Mrs. Dawson for his services. ( Hanson, 14, «f 2771 North Lake, Waterford Township, is not on trial. He was granted immunity from charges by Grand Juror Philip Pratt. Mrs. Dawson said that Renne called it s “shakedown,” and apparently went to the grand i jury With toe story while she was out of town. I| “Did he (Rome) ever tell about his difficulties with] Cheyz?” asked Loujsell. i “No, I didn’t know he had apy," replied Mrs. Dawson. After she returned to Pontiac, Mrs. Dawson said she gave Seath permission to record a phone conversation she had with Hanson, but that Seath did not give her any instructions as to what to say. ’ . Two days later, according to Mrs. Dawson, she Cheyz at toe township hall to discuss the rezoning matter. It was at this meeting, she , said, that she took the $500 giv-The Ohio osteopath disclosed \m to hot by police. She said that he carried a pistol into the — • • .............. Cleveland courtroom, hiding it an athletic supporter wore. If the jurors had found him guilty, he said, he had planned to take the gun from its hiding place and wave it. At that point, Sheppard said, he expected to be cut down by d bullets from toe guns of court- p room guards. Walkout at Bell DETROIT (AP) - About 50 Michigan Bell Telephone Co. installation employes left their jobs Wednesday at a company garage here to protest toe suspension Tuesday of another worker on company charges of insubordination. Four area residents have been named to positions with the Abraham Lincoln Civil War Round Table of Michigan. ★ ★ ★ . James K. Flack, 280 Larch-lea, Birmingham, was appointed vice president. Named to the board of directors were L. C. Burch, 1400 Echo Lane, Bloomfield Hills; Mrs. Florence Doty, 411 Smith, Birmingham; and William Springer, 0065 Franklin, Bloomfield 'Hills. Dr. Sam Tells of Pistol Plot NEW YORK (AP) - Samuel H. Sheppard said today he plotted to force police to shoot him dead in the courtroom if he had been convicted & second time of killing his first wife. E Simms, 98 N. Saginaw St. SIMMS Drag Discounts for Thurs.) Fri. and Sat. W* must reserve the right to limit quontitiwo DRUGS and COSMETIC DISCOUNTS d Lowest Temperatures Chicago Data hi 54 Years Cincinnati 2 In 1M2 Denver \t ■ i; iy*". ‘ • AF Wlraphata NATIONAL WEATHER—Snow is expected tonight in the northern Rockies by the Weather Bureau. Elsewhere, rain, dbwww Or thundershowers are forecast for the Great Lakes, narfh abd central Atlantic coasts, the Caroltoas, parts of tiie Ohio and Mississippi valleys, the Tennessee Valley and toe eastern Gulf Coast 40 37 ----- a .............. Orleans Albuquerque 54 27 New York 51 45, IJ Atlanta 65 SO ..Phoenix 71 31 Pittsburgh THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1968 A—8 BARGAIN BARRAGE from The House of BARGAINS - SIMMS > J .» t J I t * I SIMMS Open Everyday 9n.M. ts 10p.m. 'til Christmas 1 8iilMPiiilidlimms«waiwBmBmjB*MNlfe*MM^ Every Gift Under Your Tree Will Cost Less If You Get ’em At SIMMS .. ’Cause We Guarantee Cut-Prices - Even At Christmas Compare Simms prices on comparablo items anywhere and you'll see what we mean, that our prices stay cut even at Christmas. Many stores get their highest prices of the year during Christmas, but at Simms we still sell for less because more people buy and we are happy doing millions of dollars in business with profits in pennies. All specials good this weekend and all prices subject to stocks on hand. We also reserve the right to limit all quantities. Save On ICE SKATES at SIMMS Figure and Hockey Skates Your Choice e Girls* White Figure e Children’s White Figure • Boys’ Black Figure e Boys’ Hockey Skates Endtcott-Johnion or Arco skatef in girls' and children's white in sizes 11 to 5, boys' black figure In sizes 11 to 6, Insulates in sizes 12 to 2, regular style boys'hockey style in sizes 12*13 only; Girls’ and Ladies’ Figure Skates White Hi-Styla *0*9 Men’s Tubular Hockey Skates Choice of men's tubular hockey skates or black figure skates: Leather lined in sizes 7 to 13. Ladies’ Insulated Figure Skates Better figure style skates are Insulated for warmth white skating. Slzes5-6-9-10only. Regular $ 10.95 value. Kids’ Double Runner Skates Genuine 'Arco' double runner skates for the beginning youngsters. With leather uppers. Sizes 10 to 2. —Basement Main Floor SUNDRY DISCOUNTS N0RELC0 Triple Header Men’s Electric Shaver Simms Al J.J. *** Al Exclusive — 3 floating heads, pop-up trimmer, on/off switch, snap-off cleaning, and coil cord. Remington Shaver Lektronic V Men’s..... .29.88 Remington Shevor Lektronic IV Men’s..22.88 Remington 909 Selectro, Men’s... .22.99 Ronson 409 Men’s Shaver........13.88 Norelco Men’* Battery Only.....10.44 Lady Remington Powder puff box.... .11.88 Sehiek Shaver, Super Speed II........17.99 Norelco Shaver Cord - Cordless.......28.88 Remington Shaver Selectronie 800 .... 28.88 Remington 12-volt Home - Auto Shaver.19.44 Remington Shaver Selectro 290, Men’s.15.88 Ronson 299 Men’! Shaver...........10.33 Norelco Shaver FlipTep....... 11.95 Lady Sunbeam with light... .11.88 Sehiek Shaver, Men’s 3-speed...... .21.99 Sunbeam Shaver, No. 777 Twin head.......1944 Sundries—Main Floor 75 Different Models ’TIMIX’ Wrist Watches Men’s • Women’s • leys’ • Girls’ Priced From fo Including 17 jewel, eelf-wind and aluctric pn« In the family. Sundries—AAain Floor' IHFS Electric Hairbnish 644 Cordless battery operated hair with large sufrace nylon brittle, gently massages. With 2 different brushes. Sundries—Main Floor ‘Ingraham’ Folding Style Travel Alarm Clock Folding alarm clock With luminous dial and leatherette case. Factory guar-Sundries—Main Floor ROSTER' Heavy Duty Scientific Massager Motor-driven hone $14.98 value, eespended motor action... Sundries—Main Floor Mallory Rechargeable Flashlight Mallory continental any AC outlet. It comet in a leather cqrry 2nd FLOOR SPECIALS Self-Starting Wall Clock General Electric self-starting wall clock in handsome square styling. Beige color goes with I any decor. Factory guarantee. Model 2131. New and At SIMMS-Westinghouse Travel Clock Transistor Radio Gift for Home-Office-pormitory Beautifully ilyled dock-radio in it's own fold-a-way travel cate. Powerful all tran-sMorlzed radio and alarm clock as shown. Ideal gift for people who travel or are away from home at school etc. limit 2. Battery included. —2nd Floor 2667 Your Choice-Powerful ‘Wen’ Electric 7-In. Polisher Sander or ‘Wen’ Electric 3" Belt Sander Ashe Rechargeable Pocket Size Flashlight 2-Pc. Styles—Nursery Prints Washable. 1O0% cotton sleepers with non-slip soles, snap on bottoms and elastic .angels. Extra snap tor grawing room. Sizes 6 mo. to 4. $3.95 value, recharge, in AC outlet. Pocket fize «B99 Sundries—Main Floor SIMMS'** Simms, 98 N. Saginaw St. M .Vv*Til * 0* I v SHOP ’TIL 9 EVERY NIGHT 5^ l/fl 1? ’TIL CHRISTMAS Corner Saginaw and Huron FE 4-2511 FARBERWARE' STAINLESS STEEL ELECTRICALS Beautiful looking ... Beautiful cooking... A—4 Qne Man's Delicacy Is Another's Shudder WASHINGTON — A survey ^ Aztecs fattened small dogs for of file world’s foods reveals their banquets. The French that one man’s epicurean deli-lesteem frogs’ legs and snails, cacy is often another man’s stomachache. Eskimos like to eat the palms of polar bears, the National Geographic says. Chinese relish shuts’ fins. Africans delight in crocodile tails. Fat black caterpillars are a gustatory treat hi the Congo. Australian aborigines nibble ants like peanuts after pinching off the heads. A tribe in southern Nigeria dines on porcupines, rats, and palm weevils. In the Arabian desert, Bedouin eat fried locusts. Locust-control officers must pay the local re- bit" sidents for the privilege of poisoning the delicious grasshopper before it flies off to damage crops in other lands. ' A lit tie decay improves flavorj many peoples find. Just as Europeans like their cheese aged, natives of Brunei on the island of Borneo prefer their eggs rotten. Australian aborigines like their meat putrescent, and some north Europeans want their fowl “hung until high.” Many Chinese, Japanese, and Southeast Asians abhor milk. Hindus refuse to eat beef, because cows are holy. Mongols' and Guiana Indians dislike fowl. I Chinese and Kaffirs in south-] ero Africa are repelled by rab- A village in India may be overjoyed at the arrival of a flight of ants, which are quickly popped into the pot Yet the same Indians might become physically sick if they had to eat an egg or piece of chicken. The Polynesians long consid- JELIJED EEL Many Europeans like jellied eel, but Americans generally find it too “snakeUke.” Some British fishermen refuse to touch mackerel, which is believed to feed on the corpses of ered rats a delicacy and the:life. Most food tastes are acquired in childhood. A child brought up on seal blubber or termites will relish them the rest of his RCA Victor 1967 25-In. Color TV $579 No Payments Til Feb., 1967 * Haverton RCA Victor New Vuta color TV. 25.000 volt pi4ture power •unt a tun, thorp detailed picture. Feature! extended range duo-me Ipeaker in a beautiful ttyiud cabinet' in selected hardwood and meers. SEE OUt COMPUTE UNE OF TVS AND STEREOS . . . LOWER LEVEL • THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1966 MIGHTY MAYTAG WASHERS AND MATCHING DRYERS Washers from................ *208 Dryers from................. *158 Provincial Style Also Available AM/FM Stereo Console $149 I No Money Down ... No Payments 'til Feb., 1967 • Automatic 4-speed record changer • Quality tone and reception e Four speakers for better sound Home Entertainment. .. lower Level Fashion Accessories for the Young Lady in Your Heart! .Second Floor 3-Pc. Vanity Set "Blue girl" decorated 3-pc. vanity set includes a 5" mirror, brush, and floral pattern comb, for gifts. While ground with blue motif...$4.00 3-Pc. Dresser Set Dreuar Set includes a mirror adorned with sequins and raised pony applique on corduroy ground, soft bristle broth and comb. White with assorted trim.............. $3.00 Musical Musical box with design. "MONTICELLO" Helmet Ages 7-14. Men's Rose Print by Martex By Famous Martex BOXED TOWEL SETS $2°° t0 $700 The parted gift tor Christmas. Beautifully gift boxed with Martex quality towels. Several prints, jacquards, and solid colors to make your selection White. ..3,00 ..3.00 .4.00 FABERWARE SMOKELESS BROILER and ROTISSERIE $3988 Newl Carefree broiling and rotisserle cooking. It's wonderful. It's smokeless ond spatter free. "Cool-Zone" broiling method lets air circulate around cooking meat... seals in flavorful Juices that give that fabulous outdoor flavor. Charge lt.- SEE OUR COMPLETE LINE OF FARBERWARE COOKWARE LOWER LEVEL SWEATERS Reg. 10.95 to 17.00 Choose from a wide selection of first quality sweaters in wool and wool blends, cardigans and pullovers. Sizes S-M-L-XL. Charge Yoqrs. E—Deluxe 12-Transistor FM/ AM portable radio. Electric or battery operation insures listening pleasure anywhere. Simulated leather case, telescopic antenna, AFC, earphone, batteries. Black. Gift boxed ........................$29.95 SEE OUR COMPLETE LINE OF RADIOS, TV'S, AND STEREOS . . . LOWER LEVEL on Terri-down W. Cloth Touch the one and only towel with two sides. Petcfl on the print side— crispy looped on the other. Choose yours in pink, blue, or gold. Charge It at Waite's. Domestics ... Fourth Floor A—Wireless Remote Deluxe 19" portable TV with instant picture and sound, slide rule UHf tuning, di-pole antenna, jack dnd earphone. Handsome black vinyl w/sihmr trim ond rigid handle. W/Cart......$169.95 B-$olid state all transistor stereo with 4 separate controls and detachable 4" speakers for complete listening enjoyment. In a,handsomely rugged carrying case of grey with silver trim—for home ond away use....................$69.95 C—Solid state all transistor 4-speed manual phonograph, plays all types of records; w/flip cartridge, | volume and tone control, 45 RPM adaptor. In elegant blue with silver trimmings...... .........$24.95 D- 12-Transistor AM portable radio. Ultra sensitive radio comes complete with leather carrying case, earphone and battery. Attractive gift box. Black 3x5........9.95 F—10-Transistor personal size FM/AM portable radio w/slide rule dial, telescopic antenra, battery and earphone. Genuine leather case. Block. Gift boxed.....$16.95 •OPEN HEARTH"® ELECTRIC BROILER... Exclusive "cool tone” broiling seals in the flavor and nutrients—gives that delicious outdoor flavor indoors. Compact, easy-to-claan STAINLESS STEEL broiler with an aluminum drip tray. NO SMOKE, NO SPATTER means cleaner kitchen walls and cabinets, too. Extra largo 10" x 15' broiling surface. j £99 OPEN HEARTH. ELECTRIC BROILER *16.99 MOM,TIC CAN OPENED* KNIFE SHARPENER ...can Is pierced automatically. Stops automatically, magnet draws lid sway from can. Cut edges are rolled back for safety. Sharpener helps you keep your knives efficiently sharpened. Model 244 11.99 STAINLESS STEEL COFFEEMAKERS...faster than Instants... exclusive SUPER-FAST brewing action assures a rich, perfect brew every time! Temperature control keeps it piping hot. Truly the finest, most beautiful coffee* maker made. Crafted in gleaming STAINLESS STEEL • I* 17-88 12 CUP 20.88 STAINLESS STEEL FRY FAN...for the Ultimate in every kind of tasty dishes! Steak, staw, or elaborate gourmet creations, just dial the right temperature for perfect results without hot spots or scorching, thanks to FARBERWARE’S aluminum clad bottom OR oasy-to-clean STAINLESS STEEL Modal J12... 26.88 THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1966 A-^ rich little poor boy The skinny Poor Boy idhouslto steps up to new shapeliness with Garland's ribbed mock tofMe and long clinging sleeves. Carry out die rib In matching socks and complete die look with any of our Garland hip-hugging skirts. sweaters $9.99 to $12.99, skirts $10.99 to $13.99 socb $2.00 to $3.00 SHOP ’TIL 9 EVERY NIGHT ’TIL CHRISTMAS Help keep America beautiful. Pack portable beauty whenever, you travel. Pack soft Celanese nylon tricot Tone-Mates shimmer^ ing with acetate satin. It's your duty to be an American Beauty. Aurora pink, deb blue, cherry, tangerine, violet, marigold. Coat......P-S-M-L $11.00 Pajama..... 30-40 $ 9.00 Scuffs.....S-M-L $ 3.00 TONE-MATES by Gossard-Artemis the lovo of the traveling set...and tit home everywhere This shift with a flirtatious took has a flutter of ruffling at shoulders and horn. More feminine fillip.. • the acetate satin touched neckline and gleaming rose appliques. Made of dual-layered nylon tricot. P-S-M-L In aurora pink, deb blue, royal mist, flamingo, sunn! yellow. $9.00 A double dip of color in a sensational Life Stride shoe The color comes vibrantly alive... and stay* that way because this is a corfam® shoe. Elegantly styled In the life Stride Manner. Choose from these lovely colors with matching bags available. Sixes 5-10, AAA-B widths. Pink with Raspberry trim. Yellow with Orange trim Bone with Iced Coffee trim *15' 00 Woman's Shots '... Strait Floor White Shoulders.. classic bouquet acclaimed by women everywhere... Great Lady........v elegant and distinguished for every occasion... Most Precious ..... delicately feminine... so treasured. Cotton Shifts and Shirtwaist Dresses Around the house, around the globe, the easy lines of a shirtmaker shift or a shirtwaist dress make for casual living. Woven checks and prints keep their crisp, bright look with so little effort. Sixes 10 to 20 and 12% to 24%. $700 Bonded Creslon Skimmer *n°° Orauu... Third floor Bonded Orbn-Woof * Jersey Dress J-pc. bonded orlon/wool jersey dross with short sleeve and beautiful jewel neck. Slat S to 13 to hot pink and turquoise. »]2°o New Gift Idea for CHRISTMAS 100% Human Hair SHORTIE WIG Complete with tase and Head »2607 Cut and sat in a new coif. Ready for you to put on and walk right out, wearing it. Soft and lustrous, as freshly shampooed hair, yet it has lasting body and can ifo brushed Into many stylos. Charge yours at Wane's. MlHlnery... Third Floor THE PONTIAC PRESS 41 West Hun* Street Pontiac,. Michigan 48056 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1868 Iinu A. Fmtatu Howm* H. Pimchuu, II Ch*tnn«n of Uit Board President and Publisher Joan w. Ptnoasu Join A. Aus McCuttr Executive vice President Secretory and AdverUalnf Circulation MtsaiW and Editor Director Haksy j. Bsea Richash M. Pmweaste O. Masshau Joxdan Manatlnt Editor Treasurer and Flnanof Local Advertlsln* Manager I ! Officer , Powell Affronts American Decency Seldom has there been greater affront to the dignity of Congress and the respectability of the American people than that offered by the Congressional scofflaw Adam Clayton Powell, New York’s Democratic Representative from the 18th District. Re-elected in November for a 12th term “without even sending out a post card,” Powell has proved an irresponsible legislator and an unmitigated demagogue scornful of the very constitutional processes he is sworn to uphold. Currently, Powell is in default on a $164,000 libel judgment and stands under sentence of a year and 60 days on four contempt of court charges stemming from his evasion of satisfying the court judgment, although he has reportedly agreed to a long-term liquidation of it. So disgraceful has Powell’s personal and legislative conduct become, that a fellow Democrat, Rep. Lionel Van Deerlin of California, declared that he will initiate a move to block the seating of his New York colleague when Congress convenes January 10. - This is Van Deerlin’s epitome of the case against Powell: “It would be a monstrous perversion of patriotism and morality if a man who would be barred from serving his country in uniform because of unlawful acts should be a voice in policies which affect the lives of men who do serve.” ★ ★ Whether the Californian can muster enough support to deny Powell his seat in Congress (it would be the first such act since 1900) remains to be seen. But we wish him luck in the attempt. Observer Points to Built-in Twist of Mankind Ernest G. Swigert, the highly articulate head of a large heavy equipment company, has a way of discussing questions or principles with a penetration that is all too sadly lacking in many public utterances. Recently he observed: “I don’t know why every generation will accept accumulated knowledge in medicine and science, but when it comes to economics they have to leam the hard way. There is always some professor or politician who has a new scheme to repeal the laws of economics — but I suspect the laws of economics are just as immutable as the laws of physics.” Implied, if not expressed, is the sound idea that authorities, like shoemakers, would do well to stick to their lasts. State Court Rules on Pfew recent decisions of the U.8. Supreme Court, not excluding that on school prayer, have generated as much controversy, agitation and misconception as those dealing with criminal confessions. In the wake of the Escobedo case especially, in which the high court ruled that a suspect must be advised of his right to counsel and his right to remain silent, law enforcement agencies and officers have been bending over backward to conform. Some policemen complain that it is they, not the lawbreakers, who wear the handcuffs. ★ ★ ★ Comes now the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania to contend that the states have misinterpreted the rulings and bent much too far, at least in instances where courts have thrown out voluntary confessions because they were made before the police had a chance to inform the confessor of his right not to talk. ‘Confession’ Ruling In a decision overruling a lower court, which had suppressed a woman’s voluntary confession in the death of two boys, Pennsylvania Justice Michael A. Musmanno wrote: / “There is nothing ip, the Federal or Pennsylvania decisions which requires police, upon hearing a volunteered statement by anyone, to order the volunteer to cease talking.” It would appear, said Musmanno, that many judges around the Country have been enforcing “supposed rules” the U.S. Supreme Court never intended to lay down. “Police are not compelled to plug their ears when conscience bursts into the doors and the conscience-bearer bares red hands of guilt.” ★ ★ ★ This begins to make sense, but so far the high tribunal has done nothing to clarify the misunderstanding, if misunderstanding there is, engendered hy its landmark “confession” ruling. Congress Shy Good Actors By JAMES MARLOW Associated Press News Analyst WASHINGTON - Maybe the whole thing's wrong. Maybe Congress is too stuffy, too stiff, too cramped, too much in a rut and out of date. Maybe it needs to move outdoors, on a mountain or near one, in a held, in the woods, near a stream, or under a tent. Perhaps a little music, or singing, or a few horsemen dashing up the grassy aisle at the last minufe to break a tie vote would liven things up a bit, just to break the sameness and MARLOW get the public interested. IS recent years, there have been only three good actors in the Senate: Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson, the Texas Democrat; and two Republican senators: George Murphy of California and Everett M. Dirksen of Illinois. . Johnson moved on to the White House. Murphy has hardly performed in hid old professional way. Only Dirksen has never stopped acting. A " # * \ * \ , V He his just come out with a hit album of dramatic readings, “Hie Gallant Men,” raoordad in his voice which is one of the most fascinating in America since it starts oid sounding like, “Oh, buy” and suddenly »*> Wu, “Oil, bnil" It’s beginning to sink in on politicians that they’ve lost their magic. All year, people by the hundreds of thousands troop into the Capitol to watch the House and Senate, where it’s all free, and probably not one in a thousand sits through one whole day to watch and listen. But, for that matter, it’s a rare senator or representative who sits in his chamber one whole day to listen to his colleagues, either. * * A Yet, around the country, people pay Out money by the bushels to sit for hours to see a show or hear a concert. And everywhere in America, millions from supper to midnight sit entranced before television. NO SMALL WONDER No wonder in California the Republicans picked Ronald Reagan to be their gubernatorial candidate or that the people elected ' him. An fight thanks “again, and keep up your good work. 1 D.J.YOPNG V GOODRICH ‘Buses Should Not Run When Roads Bad’ When our roads were so bad the other day, I was surprised that Holly buses were sent out with so many lives at stake. It seems the person or persons responsible for this had better check the roads next time. . CONCERNED Says Mr. Bob Swem Victim of Injustice Mr. Bob Swem was sentenced to life imprisonment for murder at the age of 16. After he had spent 17 years behind bars, his case was heard before the United States Supreme Court. This body of nine judges completely exonerated Mr. Swem. The record of a 16-year-old, Mr. Swem, was released for political reasons. I say to Mr. Swem “Hold your head high apd have faith in the Lord,” for people responsible for this great injustice perpetrated upon you will have to stand and be judged before the Almighty someday. MR. ROBERT MILLS 422 HIGHLAND David Lawrence Says: President Faces Tough Choice WASHINGTON - President Johnson faces an almost impossible choice. He has been hinting at a tax increase, but he knows it may be unpopular. The budget is going to be way outs of balance, and! the President! realizes the" need for sub- LAWRENCE stantial cuts in spending. But he doesn’t relish the prospect of criticism that would come from all the different groups and organizations which are anxious to keep federal money flowing in their own direction. Mr. Johnson’s difficulty arises largely from the fact that he cannot control the national economy just by .government action. The remedy doesn’t lie in reckless cuts in the budget that would hurt the economy. ★ . ★ A Perhaps a solution may be ' developed by a plan to achieve a five-year program of stability, during which wages would be held at their present levels and ixices would be kept down too. LACKS POWER The President doesn’t have at present any power under law to fix wages and prices, and up to now has relied upon unofficial persuasion. This has not proved successful. An alternative would be the announcement of a program of stablization to which both labor and management would be requested to agree in advance. This would offer hope for a few years of stability during which other remedial measures might be taken by deferring some expenditures and spreading them out over more years. ★ A A It is a kind of slowing-up process that would at least avoid precipitating any sudden or drastic change in the ecot nomic situation. DISADVANTAGES Asd for a tax increase, there are more disadvantages than advantages to the idea. The President*cannot be sure that the psychological impact of a tax increase would not be harmful and might even {wove discouraging to businesses depending upon the buying power of tile consumer. As the President ponders the various maneuvers that he can make to the future, be 18 mostly concerned with the political effects of any move he undertakes. But there is the danger that a wrong policy Verbal Orchids Mr. and Mrs: Fred C. Rosebush of Lake Orion; 57th wedding anniversary. Mrs. Gina Stangeland of 1235 W. SilverBeU; applied to 1967 might plague the whole economic system and stir up a nationwide dis- \ content which could be fatal to the Democratic party to the next presidential election. ★ A ★. This is why Mr. Johnson faces an almost impossible dilemma. He ultimately may discover that it is better all around to achieve stability, even at the risk of engendering some discontent now, than to let wages and prices continue their upward spiral and lead eventually to an economic downturn of serious proportions. (CopyrlaM, ISM, Publisher! Ntwipipur Syndic,*,) Bob Considine Says: Sukarno Has 2 Ploys That Keep Him, Alive JAKARTA - Why doesn’t the new order in Indonesia knock off Sukarno? There are extenuating circumstances and involvements galore. Sukarno had most of the rug pulled out from under him last March 10 but that which remains under foot gives him a fine base for obstruction of many of the reforms sought by the new crowd led by a timid lion named Suharto. Sukarno still has two big ploys in Indonesia’s absorbing game of one-upmanship. The new group did not take away his presidential title nor object strongly enough when he appropriated the title of prime minister to the course of his hambone speech to which he acknowledged that he was generously yielding his title of “president for life." ■ A A . A , The other strength that Sukarno carries to his holster Th, Associated Press Is untitled exclusively to the use tor repubtt------- el all local new, printed In as his foes attempt to make an unperson of him, as Kosygin and Brezhnev have made of Krushchev, is that he is undisputed George Washington of Indonesia. ‘ETERNALLY GRATEFUL’ When Stanley Karnow, able Southeast Asia correspondent for the Washington Post asked an Indonesian intellectual why his countrymen still tolerated Sukarno, the scholar replied, “Twenty years ago there would have been no chance that you, a white man, would have sat down with me, a brown man, and asked me questions as an equal human being about what is happening to this part of the world. The Bung (Sukarno) made this possible, and to him I am eternally grateful.” To kill Sukarno now would be to visit upon Indonesia repetition of the factional Mood purge which last year and earlier tills year resulted to the slaughter of 306,000 Indonesians, to nse the figure agreed upon to American diplomatic dispatches from this place. Adam Malik, former radical newsman now foreign minister, is considered to be hardest-nosed against Sukarno. A A ^ A But when we asked why his group continues to tolerate the obstructionist, he smiled fondly and said, “If we keep him the nation will seem more united. We need him for the time being. He is still a father image to the common people. Besides, one must respect every old man.” Questions Description of Bar’s Proximity Your account of the slaying of a Pontiac citizen November 23rd stated that the victim’s car was- parked “to front of 16 Beaudette, around the corner from the bar.” ★ ★ ★ Anyone familiar with the area must be aware that 16 Beaudette is some distance from the Orchard Lake Tavern which is the bar to Which you referred. ★ ★ ★ One wonders why the victim chose to park on Beaudette when there are many places to park much closer to the'bar. MRS. GERALDINE MILLER 249 O’RILEY COURT ■ Exhorts Voters to Remember ‘Giveaways* Belated open letter to Soapy Williams, Carl W. O’Brim and other “losers”: ★ ★ ★ M.E.S.C. is open for business as usual! If they can’t help you, there are always the “plums” for your “loyalty.” The trouble is, it’s apparent that Soapy has just about run out of “plums.” ★ ★ ★ I congratulate the majority of Michigan voters for using their intelligence on November 8. For the next two yean, read your paper completely, every day. Know what LBJ gives sway from now until November 1968, and don’t forget. ROGER L. FEET MEMBER, UAW 653 ‘Students Look Forward to Report Cards* I also do not like to see parent-teacher conferences replacing the report card. To a child in danger of failing, a parent-teacher conference can be very fruitful. ★ ★ ★ However, I have talked with students who no longer receive report cards and the majority felt they should have something to black and white to show for their efforts. ★ ★ ★ Although/1 was not an all-A student, I always looked forward to “report card day” and my children do also. LIKES REPORT CARDS Comments on Letter About Shop Workers I disagree with the person who termed factory workers "illiterate.” Perhaps the writer’s parents were factory workers at one time. Policemen could have jobs making the same money as we shop workers. JAY BROCK The Better Half Encourages Humane Treatment of Pets Once again the frigid weather Is upon us and again the inhumane treatment of some animals takes place. Why do the guilty parties continue to forget their pets to extremely cold or hot weather? To tie an animal to a post with ininteqnate shelter, food and water is sheer cruelty. Why can’t something be done to offer protection from such treatment? ★ ★ ★ If you do not want to be bothered with doing the humane things for your, pet, please do him one kindness and give him to somjeone who win appreciate him. V ANOTHER ANIMAL FRIEND ‘AH Races Must Accept Responsibility* In response to a statement by a David Moore, I apprise him of the following: Negroes only represent 11 per cent of the U.S. population, but approximately 20 per cent of the servicemen to Viet Nam are Negro. And if he pays as much attention to other articles as he does to those on Stokely Carmichael he must have noticed many antiwar demonstrators, draft card burners and persons preferring to go to prison rather than into the service who were white. ★ ★ dr Stokely Carmichael, a man with as much right as any-wie to dissent, was specifically credited with having made the statement, not “Negroes.” Therefore, we are accepting our responsibility to tills area, and yon, Mr. Moon, should accept yours and keep Issues to their prapef perspective. ELVIN J. RYAN 42% CRAWFORD * Question and Answer To whom do I appeal for gates at the two railroad crossings mat enclose Drayton Woods? Boxcars Mock the view of Hatchery Boad mid the lights aad bell are not enough. Two peopte havo been killed here already. PATRICIA CADWALLADER DRAYTON PLAINS REPLY This is done through the Michigan Public Service Commission. Any citizen may ask his Township to petition the Commission, or he may appeal directly. If you choose to make the request yourself, write to qtto Sonefm, Director of Railroad Division, Michigan PuNfc Service Commission, Lansing 48913. If a recent THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1966 Arr-7, INSTANT KNITTING NEEDLES - Based on the same principle as it larger kit, this new junior version offers the smaller sized needles — sizes 2 through 5. The compact wjhte and gold vinyl case contains enough parts to make over 16 combinations of cir- cular or flexible jumper knitting needles, and stitch holders. AU parts snap easily in and out of specially designed grooves. Kit also contains useful combination of stitch measure, six-inch ruler, and knitting needle gauge. FAMILY NIGHT FRIDAY 6 TO 10 P.M. YOU MAY WIN A COLOR TV! Nothing to buy...just fill out the entry blonk below It's an exciting after-hours shopping opportunity for the entire family. Shop without rush or fuss, and complete your Christmas shopping quickly and easily. And remember you can CHARGE IT, and take many months to pay. Come in- Friday night, Dec. 9. There will be bargains for you, your family and neighbors. FREE PRIZE DRAWING All you do is fill in this handy entry blank and deposit it at your nearby Federal's Department Store. Enter right away! Name.......................... Address....................... City.............Zip code ....... State........Phone........... By, :*i mm , m MEN S NO-IRON SIRE TETROLENE DRESS SHIRTS From washer to wearer in 3 hours. Ironing — forget itl These 100% polyester tricot knit shirts hold a razor sharp crease fortever, with no ironing.. Choose regular or snap-tab collar styles. White, stripes, maize and blue. Finely detailed, single needle construction ... and save 2.98 on every 2 shirts you buyl 14-17. Rag. 4.99 aa. FEDERAL'S OPEN EVERY NIGHT TO 10 OPEN SUNDAYS 11 AM. TO 9 P.M. DOWNTOWN AND DRAYTON PLAIN! “Silex” Coffee Maker It’i Electric It’$ Gian ZENITH COLOR Big 21” All-Channel $47995 w Warranty, Service, Delivery Big ai life color TV that gives a full 273 square inches of the finest picture imaginable (also receives better black and white image). EtuyTernu or 90 pay* Same a* Cath COLOR for CHRISTMAS Enjoy this in your home Christinas — a great gift for the family. Ea)ey Sow, Pay Later MOTOROLA COLOR CONSOLE 23” RECTANGULAR TUBE Pay Only' ’Weekly THE GOOD HOUSEKEEPING SHOD of Pontiac 51 W. Huron SG, Pontiac FE 4*1555 THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1966 Combination chromed grill and waffle iron, now only Makes 4 plate size waffles at once, has reversible grids far waffles or grill* ing. Tru-heat control, automatic signal light. Deluxe toaster toasts 4 slices right to a T Has 9-position color controls for each side. Toasts 2 or 4 slices, Plus—reheat positons, smart black end panels. Deluxe oven-broiler with adjustable tray 9-pc. heavy aluminum with Teflon® , cook set Makes a wonderful gift. Thermostat controlled oven 7" high, 17" wide, 10" deep. Tray has wire broiling rack. Chrome finish. 1288 Easy to dean because it's double-coated with DuPont's Teflon to reduce sticking, eliminate scouring. Flame guard handles. 12 93 Special! vinyl rocker or luxurious 3-position foam-filled recliner! Your Choice ‘59 49.95 VALUE! Update your living room with e modern new chair With wooden arms. Decorator colors: pep-P«r, gold. Top chair buy. Save 10.881 Enjoy total comfort for years and years with these big comfort-plus chairs. Rich durable vinyl with the look and feel of leather, but not the price tag. The kids can scramble all over these chairs and all you do is wipe with damp doth. Prestol Rocker turns in a fun carde, recliner \ locks in three positions. Captain** chair with mapla finish ‘19 Nutmeg maple flnlsfw and spindles. Contour* ed seat, back, wide gracefully turned legs. Reg, 119.88 5-pc.. maple dinette set ^99 42" round tables with Solid hardrock maple, \ mar-resist top. 4 pretty, contoured chairs. OPEN EVERY NICHT TO 10 P.M. OPEN SUNDAYS U AM. TO 9 P.M. DOWNTOWN AND DRAYTON PLAINS f A—10 THE PONTIAC PRESS. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 8, 1966 'Only 2 in Race for A-Smasher' Contest Said Between California and Illinois WASHINGTON (UPI) - California’s lieutenant governor-elect said yesterday that only California and Illinois were still in the running as sites for a $375-million atom smasher i planned by the Atomic Energy Commission. i Robert H. Finch also said he had been assured by Commis-j sion Chairman Glen Seaborg that a decision on a site for the huge accelerator would be reached this month. He said that his belief the AEC had narrowed the potential site to two was based on information from congressional and other sources ratter than from Seaborg. Finch said he had assured Seaborg that the Republican administration of Gpv. - elect Ronald Reagan would live up to all commitments made by the outgoing administration of Gov. Edmund G. Brown in an effort to win the accelerator for the West Coast state. The AEC has announced that six sites, including Sacramento, Calif., and Chicago wore still in! the running for the project. The otter proposed locations include sites near Denver, Colo.; Madison, Wis.; Ann Arbor, Mich.; and Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island, N.Y. New Transit Chief Urges Cooperation HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) —| Alan S. Boyd, soon to become; the nation’s first secretary ofj transportation, served notice today that the new department will aspect all phases of transportation — pound, water and air -i to cooperate in solving the! problems of movement of people and goods. In his first major talk in connection witt the position he mil assume next month, Boyd told an aviation forum of the Connecticut General Life Insurance Go. he is confident all branches of transportation will learn to work more closely together. | He said this is true because: i 1- It will be obviously in the basic interest of each individual | type of transportation ■— in' terms of marketing, profits, and' dollars — to promote coordina-| tion. An airline may sell a ticket: for flight, but it must also be1 concerned with the passenger’s I total trip, including ground! transportation. 2. Pressure from shippers will] Increase to make sure that urn related services are of quality! and that coordination is im-| proved. 3. Increasing pressure'of competing demands for. financial support will cause the federal! government to take a positive interest in policies and actions that promote efficiency and economy. Stroke Paralyzes Rights Foe Connor BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) -/ Eugene (Bull) Connor who as Birmingham police commissioner a few years ago Strongly opposed civil rights demonstrations, has suffered “a serious stroke.” Doctors said Connor, 68, president of the Alabama Public Service Commission is paralysed W his left side ’He is Withstanding ft Very W^l,” a spokesman added. “He is conscious, alert and rational. Hisl condition is stabilising.” The veteran politician col-lapsed at the Jeffefson County Saigon Mayor Rests After His Arrest by Yank MPs SAIGON, South Viet Nam! Friends of Mayor Van Van UP) - Saigon’s mayor entered I Cua, who is also a doctor and a a hospital for a checkup and a paratrooper colonel, said they rest today less than 12 toursjexpected he would be asked to after American military police|toke time off from City Ijtafi for after he brandished a Thompson submachine gun at them, U.S. officials said. arrested and handcuffed him tiie Saigon riverfront shortly before 2 a.m. 1 extended rest. Cua was disarmed and handcuffed by U. S. military police said the MPs “detected an odor of alcohol” on the man, who later proved to be the mayor. They said the MPs were summoned to tiie riverfront near the My Canh floating restaurant after reports that a man was! firing a gun. A U. S. spokesman The Americans, apparently unaware or \ unsure of the! searched him sport shirt and slacks. In the meantime, Vietnamese police arrived on the scene and with tiie Americans took the mayor —enraged and shouting — to a police! station. He jww released after high U. S. Em- U. S. officials disclosed theiand on another occaskmlie fired mayor had been involved in at shots in the air on another busy 'and took a 38-caliber revolver bassy officials and the Ameri-'from him. He was wearing a lean provost marshal intervened. least one previous incident recently when he stopped a military convoy moving through Saigon. Other sources said tint on one occasion during the last week the mayor halted traffic main street late at night Beer brewing techniques were perfected in the monasteries in the early days of the Christian leniteuf LAA/AYS FIRST QUALITY ™ Warm wishes from Santa everyone loves these cozy gifts from Penney’s Last 4 days to save! Gaymode9 gift slips of luxury Andante9 nylon satin tricot Savo now on our oxdusivo Andante nylon satin tricot full slips and half slips lavished with nylon lace. They're tho prettiest, most comfortable slips she'll over own. Tho gently textured fabric is loftier-no uncomfortable ding or clamminess. Opaque, too, without shadow panel. Proportioned ... we've even the new short-short length. Lovely colors. Savo thru Saturday. FULL SLIPS, REG. $5 ... NOW 3.99 HALF SLIPS, REG. $4 ... NOW 3.33 V Reduced thru Sat.! Delight him with these great Towncraft® pajamas What a chance for you to get him good looking pajamas tike these, jquality you can be sure of, and savo in time for Christinas! Styled for comfort, excellently tailored of soft warm cotton flannel in lively prints; also fine cotton broadcloth in solid colors and prints. Choose his favorite: classic notched collar or pullover. Look for that Towncraft label on tho biggest value this side of tho North Polo! 3.33 Our own Gaymode® robes and sleepwear for misses Our Gaymode11 flannelette sleepwear . . . luxurious, doud-soft blond of ZantrelS polynosic rayon-and-cotton. Dreamy easy-care gowns and tailored pajamas in pretty pastel prints or solids trimitiad with lacf and smocking, tucks and bows. Sizes S-M-L and 32 to 40 included. 3.98 Elegant fashion robes for tho most important ladies on your list - and a marvelous way to warm up the holidays. So many enchanting stylos in long or short length . . . exquisite nylon tricot quilted to acetate tricot lining . . . mad# with Penne/s insistence on beautiful detailing. Pastel or jewel-tones. All so lovely you'll find it hard to choose. And-hero's a welcome gift for Santa—tho surprise of Ponnoy's budget-pampering price tags. Duster length robe 9.98 Full length robe 10.98 Big and little girls’ warm robes, sleepwear! Marvelous gift idea for all the youngest fashionables on your list! Warmly quilted nylon r&bes in regular or hostess lengths! Pretty, frilly trims of ribbons, laco, and appliques sura to gladden any girl's heart. Choose from flowery prints and solids. Pastels or duotone color combinations. They're easily hand-washable, too. Sizes 6 to 16. 3.99 hostess M AQ robes,- ■fill gf Long gown* with cap. to match or. bound to da-light tho littl. ladi.t! An as«oftm«nt of print, in >Sanfbrind >> cotton will bo cuddly “ th* n ighttl 3 to 6x 2.99 7 to 16 3.98 PENNEY'S MIRACLE MILE STORE HOURS 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. CHARGE IT! m THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1966 1 A—ii fartcew" 1 ntdTfrg. 1 tioW __________— 1 ■V—-—^itevra Lef Sear* Care For Your Car Setin Titt Dept., Perry St. Htutemenl The wool mark is awarded to quality-tested products made of the world's best... Pure Virgin Wool You can say it again! Blue id this season’s big news. Blue gets action. Slip into-one of our superbly tailored Bond Bides and get the feel; Flattering. Distinctive. Commanding. And real fun picking from su(|i a complete collection. Blues with natural shoulder styling. Blues with the spirited “Forward-Fashion" look. Classic blues. Elegant blues. With a swinging sweep of weaves and patterns: smooth sharkskins, textured oxford weaves, slim-trim stripes, dusky mixtures. All are 100% fine virgin wool 1 Sound like a lot? Naturally—biggest clothier, biggest choice. All with 2 trousers. All priced like -most other fine suits with only one pair. *65 tO ^OfoAiittlinwim; AU alterations without charge AMERICA'S LARGEST CLOTHIER Use our New more Convenient Optional Charge Account Bond's—The Pontioc Moll SEARS A CHRISTMAS PLAYHOUSE —by Janet Henry and John Lane Endurance Mark for Drastic Dieting Set NEW YORK (UP!) - There Is a new record for voluntarily staying on the “acaknic” diet. It is 35 weeks and 4 days — more than 8 months. The old record was a nine 16 weeks and 5 days or dot quite 4 months. It’s an awesome record. An “acaloric” diet contains no calories at all. The dieter can have water or tea or coffee without cream or sugar or synthetically sweetened drinks without limit but nothing else. It would be called total Starving if the dieting wasn’t done in a hospital under day-todayi and almost bour-to-bour medical supervision, to detect any hqymful result the instant they appear. ★ dr ./dr ;- But none appeared in the new record-holder or in 12 other “acaloric” dieters, two of shorn also broke the old record. They stayed with It 34 weeks and 20 weeks. The dieting times of be others ranged from 25 to 50 days. All could have dieted longer if | the doctors had so ordered. They were Scots, 10 of them women. The scientific super-I visors were three Soot physi- cians led by Dr. T. J. Thomson. The old record-holder was an American whose achievement was reported to the American Medical Association it 1M4 by Dr. E. J. Drenick. “The most surprising aspect of this study was the ease with which the prolonged fast was ((derated,” Thomson and his associates reported to the medical journal, “The Lancet.” ★ ★ ★ To be sure, they added, “hunger was a recurrent sensation, most notable in the first few days.” But, thereafter, it mostly disappeared. The new record* *older weighed 281 pounds and surgeons couldn’t correct the same kind of hernia President Johnson had until she shed weight. She lost ft pounds and became surgically acceptable. The two other record breakers lost 75 and 70 pounds. Their goal was to improve their figures. But all the dieters were well-motivated, and that was essential, the doctors said. In their! opinion, this is just as essential for less all-out dieting or for dieting of any kind. ' Star Watchers Due for Treat By SCIENCE SERVICE WASHINGTON - Some ■ 10 times during the next year, the earth will sweep through the space debris orbiting the sun, and the count of shooting stars wiBeuinb. They certainly won’t match Oft splendor of the recent LeOnMs. But for the star watchers, they can be high-point of the year. The Geminid meteors, visible at the rate of some 43 an hour on the morning of Dec. 13 when they %in be at the peik of their six-day display, are one of the year’s two most reliable showers. .. • ) The Geminids rank with the August Perseids as the best of the regular annual events for amateur meteor observers to count or photograph. This year, moonlight will not interfere with the Geminids, as it will in 1967. Although tiie ,1967 Leonid meteor display in mid-November is not expected to match the brilliant spectacle Of the shower seen from the southwest last month, which peaked at 40 per second, it should still be above the average Leonid strength of 18 per hour. One of the lesser meteor show-, ers, the Ursids, will provide, about eight “shooting stars”; an hour on the night of DecJ 22-23, but observations will he| hampered until about two in the Imorning. Sears NOW OPEN NIGHTS UNTIL CHRISTMAS mm. A—It Movies Finally Remember Ray Bradbury TIIB PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1968 By BOB HIOMAS AP Movie-Television Writer HOLLYWOOD - The movie world has finally come to „ with Ray Bradbury, thus correcting a grievous omission. Universal Is now bringing to the nation’s theaters “F renheit 451,’ company’s big venture inter WE RESERVATION The author was talking about ' s checkered history in Hollywood after attending his sixth screening of “Fahrenheit 451.'' “I like it,” he said glowingly, “I have only one reservation. I wired Truffaut: ‘Give me three more minutes of chase.’ But he didn’t do it.” Bradbury wrote a memorable r science-fiction film, “It Came s From Outer Space,” and adapted “Moby Dick” for the John Huston-Gregory Peck movie. The film is a futuristic honor Most of his other sen tale of a cowardly new world in ^ias been in transforming his which zombie-like citizens stare books into scripts that never at television and are forbidden!were filmed, to read books, which are de- “ ‘Fahrenheit fit’ was op-stroyed by fire crews — burning tioned by three or four produc- tbe new French wan . Francois Tnif- TH0MAS faut in his first English language film; it stars Oskar Werner and Julie Christie, she in a dual role. point 451F. II is a man’s movie, but it may also be enjoyed on a purely scienoe-fic-tion level. That is the nature of Ray Bra*ury> work, which may help explaifc why he was long die most unproduced of major writers. padtioo as pharaoh of the far-out "It took Truffaut four years to put fee deal together. “The Martian Chronicles’ has been In the hands of such producers as Kirk Douglas, MGM, Pakula-Mulligan and David Susskind, who wanted to put it on Broadway as a musical er» before Truffaut got It,” said Comes Mr. Jordan,’ TMi^i to Gome,* “Hie Thief of Bagdad,’ (IWO), ’Hie Man Who Could Work Miracles’ and erven the Dracula my PLANNED FOR STAGE '‘Finally it is going fo be produced on the stage in Paris by Jean Louis Bamuilt next Jan. 15. It will be a full-scale in employing film, ballet and puppets, who will play the Martians.” Why have film produ lected Bradbury all there years? ★ ★ * “I think Hollywood producers lave had a resistance to fantasy,” he explained, “although toe have been some great films in that line — ‘Here producers shy a Way from science-fiction films because we suffer from science-fiction objects such as the automobi]e., FOE OF AUTO It should be explained that Bradbury is a non-driver and such a foe of the automobile as to make Ralph Nader aeon like a Detroit public relations ♦ . * “Hie•automobile,” says Bradbury, ”|g' SCIENCE-FICTION KING — This is science-fiction writer Ray Bradbury, looking over a picture that was part of a school project |o illustrate characters in one of his people a year and causing______ billion dollars wofth of damage Los Angeles and New Ybrk City have been virtually destroyed by the automobile.” *fr # ★ Bradbury, who has written about space travel as if it were a subway trip, doesn’t believe in flying, either. ★ ★ it “Hiey almost got me to fty to Paris for the making 0f 451,’” be re-“but I changed my: at the last minute. I figured the day I went up in a plane, all the aircraft in the world would fall out of the sky. No Suspects DETROIT (AP)—Police put 17 before witnesses of a department store but witnesses were tinny of the sus- . rime suspects in the slaying, Inspector Al-Schwaller said. * III'* William Frederick, 30, of Roy-Oak was stabbed to death he tried to wrest coat from a shop-J. L. Hudson Co. store. ★ * * Hudson has offered a $10,-reward for information lead- to the conviction of the Give yourself the gift yon would like to xeoeiva...u pair of La-Z>Boy Reclina-Rockers, with the Comfort Selector... truly the family friend. A haven for toe tired ... a harbor for comfort and relaxation ... the perfect place for quiet rocking, TV viewing, full bed sleeping or a quick catnap. Bin, why talk about e miracle in relaxation.Play Santa, by giving your family e pair of La-Z-Boys this Owtomm , ,, the finest reclining chairs styled in Contemporary, Traditional, Early American or Modern. Now is the time to make your Qnhtopi selection. We hare 26 styles and hundreds of colorful fabrics to choose from. Convenient terms — 90 days same as cash! GOOD FURNITURE COSTS LESS AT FURNITURE 144 OAKLAND FREE PARKING LOT JUST OFF OAKLAND AVENUE ALONG CLARK STREET Open Evenings Monday and Friday 272 Vfost Maple Birmingham Open Friday 'til 9 ” / Saginaw at Lawrence iLiA. Downtown Pontiac . 1 ^ co WE PAY THE PARKING A $ OUR STORES WILL BE OPEN EVENINGS Tlf, 9 STARTING MONDAY, DECEMBER 12th \eo'V'e b ° W . bo«oo- fta'"* co\\at»'* SUlTAtl 2»*«r Co«®*',^4?'0'bCo'°^ «\g* Pat oo*e Start'nt rorn THE PONTIAC PRESS PONTIAC, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1966 M—l Mrs. Mwin L. Katke will open her home on Kirkway Drive to the membership of Michigan Chapter No. 8$, Ike-bana International at one o’clock on Wednesday. Each will bring a Japanese guest. chard Lake will arrange floral decorations throughout the home and on the tea table. Pouring will be Mesdames T. 0. Townsend, Lewis C. Dibble, Harvey Bumgardner and W. R. O’Neill Set Patterh for Children Quite Early uCome on, now, bid it up; we need the money for our nursesf’ scholarship \fund.” Mrs. James R. Quinn, Bloomfield Hills, was auctioneer Wednesday afternoon at the meeting of the Women’s Auxiliary to the Oakland County Medical Association. Center is Mrs. Theodore Satersmoen, Birmingham and (right) Mrs. Eugene Nalepa, Juniper Lane, hostess for the day. v Husband's a Collector—Tell Him to Discard To Have Japanese Guests By ELIZABETH L. POST Dear Mrs. Post: I would like you to settle an argument for me. I’ve been trying to teach our children table manners. I’ve told them to chew with their mouths closed. My husband, his family and some friends think this is silly for me to teach then}. We both agreed we would follow your advice. Mrs. Whitney Dear Mrs. Whitney: Hooray for you! Don’t let your husband and friends talk you out of teaching your phifaben good table manners. They may be small now, but they'll have to go out in pubhc sooner or later a n d children who chew with their -mouths open, spill, wriggle, etc: don’t win much applause either for themselves or their parents. If they have gradually absorbed good manners froip the time they are babies, they’ll have no problems at mealtime later on. SEATING Dear Mrs. Post: What is the accepted practice today in handling the problem of the divorced and remarried parents of t h e bridegroom at a wedding? If the groom’s mother and her Second husband attend the church ceremony should they be seated together in the first pew with the groom’s father and his second wife hi the third pew? And how is seating at the reception handled? Miss Gannon. W * i p Dear Miss Gannon: You’re right about the seating arrangements in the church, but I would modify “third pew” to read family of the groom’s father As far as the reception goes, if the divorced parents are still friends, they could both be invited to sit at the main table with the new wife and husband; but if there is any ill will, better keep a safe distance between them. In that case, ask the ope with whom the groom has been living, or is closest to, to sit at the bride’s table and arrange a second table for the otter parent and members of his family — aunts and uncles, brothers, sisters, etc. send him to a psychiatrist. YOU should be so crazy. SICK OF JUNK DEAR SICK: Your husband is a pack rat. This is fine if you have the storage space for it and it isn’t a fire hazard, but, that’s rarely the case. Give the old hoarder me week in which to clean house, and tell him if he doesn’t do it, you’ll call the Salvation Army, Good Will, or some church auxiliary to pick up the junk and put it to good use, Then do it. ★ w - W DEAR ABBY: Recently we were invited to a wedding, For a gift we sent a sterling silver candle snuffer. I just received a note from the bride, thanking us. for the “darling little gravy Clipper!” W ‘TO I was stunned when I read it. Should I call the bride and tell ter? I’m sure she’d be very much embarrassed if she had guests for dinner and used a candle snuffer for a gravy ladle. STUNNED DEAR STUNNED: If you really fear that she will use the candle snuffer as a gravy ladle, call her and tell ter nicely. W W W DEAR ABBY: I am 17 and am planning my wedding for next spring. My fiance and I both wanted a large wedding. The problem is his new stepmother^ After his mom died Ids dad remarried. We were all real happy until we met bar. She never combs her hair, refuses to wear her false teeth, and she is a mess in general. I would be embarrassed to death to have this woman ih | hunt Of ill my fHends. My fiance doesn’t care for her at all. Abby, are we going to have to let all our plans go up in smoke and have a small wedding because of this woman? We would appreciate your advice. DISAPPOINTED DEAR DISAPPOINTED: It is unfortunate that your future mother-in-law isn’t more presentable, but she is married to your fiance’s father, and you can’t hide her in a closet. Proceed with your original wedding plans. Perhaps her husband can persuade her to get a hair-do, put ter teeth in, and spruce up a hit for the occasion. In any caae, It is your day, and this woman will not be as conspicuous as you imagine. CONFIDENTIAL TO “THINK-INB WOVEft”: Yes, two can Iftfc as cheaply as one — if they both bave good jobs. By ABIGAIL VAN BUREN DEAR ABBY: My husband is a saver! He saves old magazines, newspapers, sports equipment, clothes, and all kinds worthless junk. Our is loaded with it and so is our guest room. I am at my wits end. If I much as a s k§ him when he is -is going to get ABBY around to sorting that stuff, he blows up. A year ago his aunt died, and she never threw anything away either, so he had all bn* junk sent over here, and we have it in our garage. Don’t tell me to AP Wir*»Mte Rini Zarova Willson; 54, wife of Iowa composer, Meredith Willson, died Tuesday at a Santa, Monica, Calif, hospital. She and her husband are shoum here at the opening of his “The Music Man” in New York in 1957. Both the Willsons have appeared in the Pontiac area a number of times; Willson urn at Birmingham Toum Hall in November. Rini, a native of Russid, teas an accomplished singer. Readings appropriate to the season will be given by Mrs, George Averill (Betty Roberts), w w w In charge of the tea are Mrs. C. Achilles Sampietro of Bloomfield Hills with Mrs. John H. Abbott of Sodon Lake Drive assisting. Mrs. George T. Bender of Or- Gift Auction Is Planned for Meeting The combined groups of North Woodward Alumnae Association of Kappa Kappa Gamma i sorority will gather for an association meeting Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the Birmingham home of Mrs. Carl S. Abbott ;W W W Highlighting the evening will be a “Do-It-Yourself* auction with varied items members have made themselves. Hostesses will be Mrs. John F. Taylor, Mrs. Lyman R. Lyon and Mrs. Leland H. Pence. WWW Also o n the December calendar for local Kappas is an Informal “Coffee” for' actives home on Christinas vacation. WWW Mrs. Pean G Beier of Birmingham will host this event on Dec. 11 drtt a.m. AAUW Will. Present a Play Eight members of the Bif-rringham branch, American Association of University Women will present a play at the Wednesday luncheon in the Birmingham Community-Hodge. \t w , w Following * the 12(30 p.m. luncheon meeting, the curtain . will rise on “A Cool Yule.” The stars of the show are Mesdames Frank Kropschot, R. M. Fox, ChaimeraBrown, Stewart Knpwl-ton, George Miss, E. Franklin Hitch, Keith Jenkins and John Kilmer. •; * w ■ £#iy ■ Reservations are being taken by Mrs. Reginald Carey of Bir- bk§ it a cWttnauer., Cfiristmasr ..^Exclusively at GRgse From Rose Jewelers and the House of Longines -Wittnauer Exciting Gift Values In Time LEADER Dramatic styling with danh marker dial. A most handsome way to look at time. REGATTA AUTOMATIC CALENDAR Coimts the days, hours, minutes and even seconds without winding. AH- moo Classic styling for m’lady in white or yellow rolled gold plate. *42.95 BUDGET TERMS ■ SO MYS SAME AS CASH LA BELLE Tune with a continental flair in White or yellow rolled gold plate. *39.95 SKIPPER AUTOMATIC Winds itself with every flick of the wrist. All-Proof rug-gedness. *49.95 PONTIAC MALL Telegraph at Elizabeth Lake Road 0»m E*wy Ny-step instructions to help membership chairmen provide leadership in two ways: (1) To recruit desirable new members through effectively staged campaigns; „(2) To stimulate active participation and cooperation on toe part of existng members. The Membership Handbook is one of three handbooks available to club leaders through the Cincinnati address. The other two are for publicity and fund-raising chairmen. The publicity handbook has had a distribution of 475,000 copies to date and the fund-raising 175,000. If you are suddenly appointed to the post of chairman of file membership committee of your local club or organization, will you know your job? Annually, thousands of men and women take on this important task, either voluntarily or through appointment, and find that they have much to team in order to perform effectively. A 24-page handbook for membership chairmen has been pdb&shed by the Consumer Relations Department of The Sperry and Hutchinson Company. The handbook, outlining procedures which may be adaptable for virtually any type at social or professional organization, may be obtained by membership chairmen free-of-charge. Written requests should be (For Mary Feeley’s leaflet on Basic Finance for Newlyweds, send 19 cents and a long, stamped, self-addressed envelope to her in care of The Pontiac Press). ttiittlli Hi HOW! FOR CHRISTMAS DELIVERY BALDWIN • STORY & CLARK • Home Theatre * Full-Size Consoles Harpsichord This lovely Christmas collection includes the widest variety of styles, models, and finishes . . . ALL IN STOCK . . . Baldwin from $1,045 . . . Story and Park from $620 . . . Compacts from $385. ntllMAN Penny Moccasin Authentic in every detail. Supple leather. , . famous Freeman hand-sawn front. RugQed good looks for the man who loves the good life. Antiqued Brown. *18** The world famous Baldwin . . 1 Kimball.. the imported Yamaha ury on a Budget” Weber . * disp Provincial, Early American, and all finiahea. Christmas Console PIANO SPECIAL HI bet you got them at Baker's These bring real smiles because they're the gifts of fashion she'd choose. There's such an exciting selection, and these prices let you shower her with a little of everything. Slippers for fireside fashion. The marabou-edged mule, 3.99; others 2.99 to 4.99 Hendbage for every taste. Black calf-look vinyl shown, 2.99; others 2.99 to 7.99 Hosiery, textured or sheer. Black or white fishnet hose, 1.49; others 990 to 1.59 BALDWIN CONSOU PIANOS SAGINAW at LAWRENCE Downtown Pontiac Open Fridays 'til 9 TI1B 1’ONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1966 It b true thlt folks need fewer calories from middle age 1967 Metropolitan Opera Season, Mrs. Ralph T. McElvenny, general awhairman, and! Dr. David DiChiera, assistant dean for continuing eduction in the arts at Oakland Untver* sity. - | Dr. DiChiera serves as chairman of the education committee til the Detroit Grand Opera Association as well as producer and mutual director of "Overture.” > THE PROGRAM Included in ^Overture” will be Act HI, Scene 1, of tlhe Masked Ball” by Verdi; Act II, Scene 2, of “The Consul” by Menotti; and a complete one-act opera, "Hie Portuguese Inn”, by Cherubini. < "The Masked Ball” will be the opening night attraction at Masonic Temple May 22, when the Metropolitan begins its week-long Detroit visit! In addition to the operatic performances, commentary and interpretation will m offered by Dr. DiChiera or Donald M. Reid, Ms executive assistant in "Overture,” at (each presentation. The cast of “Overture” will be the largest in die six-year history of the program and will be recruited from leading operatic voices in this section of the cwmtry. The cast will consist of 19 singers and two understudies and will indude several voices from past “Overtures," in die pawns of Roma Riddell, Ernestine Nimmons, Faye Turner, Doralene Davis, Carolyn Chimes, and Edward Kingins. , ' . Newcomers include Robot Taylor and PfcRBp Zaugg, both of whom were finalists in die Grinned Scholarship auditions in 1988; Sue Young; Jane Pur dy; Michael Bloom; Dan Jackson; Leslie Eitzen, Joseph Ryan; Kenneth Young; Pepple; Phylis Gaide; and Russell Skitch. James Davis and Mack Perry are understudies. PERFORMANCES In all, 20 performances and a dress rehearsal will be offered in 16 different areas. Of these, nine are performances for student audiences, to be held during daytime hours in school auditoriums. The remaining 12 performances will be open to the public. A minimal admission charge will be made for the public performances. All Pontiac performances will be held at Pontiac Northern High School. Curtain time on March 2 is 10:45 a.m. and 1 p.m. March 3 performances will be held at 1 pm. and 8:30 pm Arrest Watchers, Not Nudists REDWOOD CITY, Calif. W —Sheriffs deputies in San Mateo County who have refused to arrest nudists at San Gregorio beach recently arrested 19 persons all fully clothed. The 19, ranging in age from 18 to 58, were arrested on charges of trespassing as they stood on a bluff overlooking the beach. Property owners in the area had complained of cut fences and trampled vegetation caused by the ‘peeping Toms.’ Wash in Suds Use water as hot as you wish to wadi plastics, but limit your cleansing agent to soap or detergent suds. v * if A major producer of plastics warns against ever using solvents. Roger Shipley of Cleveland, Ohio; chairman of the Christmas sale of art works by Cranbrook Academy students, admires this oil by Catherine Kluge of East Prince- ton Avenue. The sale opens Friday at 8 p. m. Part of the proceeds will be used for student sponsored scholarships. HaskiJl Studio is now producing the most wanted [Iff! CHRISTMAS GIFT! Your Portrait in Black and While also Color! l-8x 10 3-8 x 10 6-8x10 and Whili* • $ 12.50 $22.70 $37.10 Price .Ih»c include* omen rfa.r*r. choice of rcloochlo* .ml US» C. R. HASKILL STUDIO ONE MT. CLEMENS ST. CALL TODAY - 334-0553 PONTIAC 9 ,B 79» MCON SILVER ‘ TEMPOS tempting silver sandals , are aglitter... ready for /j holiday parties. Perfect to spark / your favorite outfits...both / / the brights and the darks. / Ef Add this romantic footnote / /mil matching hond.bag 7.99 to your wardrobe now. 16.99 “Tempos / ...SEEN IN GLAMOUR. / $19.00 $34.30 $55.90 B—6 THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY,* DECEMBER 8, I960 Youthful New Bedspread Designs An ideal gift for the young collector of miniature sports-can: a bedspread with a sportscar design. In three-dimensional printing, the pattern includes designs of bucket seats, a vented hood and spoked wheels. PEGGY’S So glamorously timed for the festive season 1 CHANEL JACKET in •oft Orion has double rows of sequins in a scalloped pattern. Black or White. Polly's Pointers Easy Reflectors DEAR POL,LY—The prettiest reflectors we have ever had for our Christmas tree were very simply and inexpensively made at home. We cut the ends frpm some tin cans, made a hole with an ice pick in each and then let these can ends dangle on strings behind our light bulbs. This idea can be adapted to decorations either indoors or out. When there is a slight breeze, they make refections similar to twinkling stars. — WILDA get-well cards, facial tissues and the usual clutter from my purse as I tried to find a pen or stamp. RIBBON KNIT Satin piped knit with covered buttons. Black or white. DEAR POLLY — Several of my old and cherished Christmas tree ornaments had broken necks and the loops of the hangers could not be inserted as the holes were too large to hold the prongs. I made bags of nylon net, in-j serted an ornament in each bag, drew the net closed at the top and inserted the hangers in the net. This also gives the ornaments an old-fashioned look.— DORIS DEAR POLLY - This is my j problem. Is there an easy way | to put a whole new pocket in a man’s trousers?—MRS. L.W-W. DEAR POLLY - During past j recovery periods in the hospital, T found myself digging endlessly Recently I made a catch-all doll froih a detergent bottle and the idea occurred to me that such dolls would make delightful gifts for sick friends. I used the detergent bottle as the body for the doll and replaced the cap with a small styrofoam ball for the head. I dressed her in an apron with straps over the shoulders, ties at the back and large pockets encircling the skirt. Since I used the pockets to hold sewing needs, I added a ruffled hat with a pincushion inside. Outfits can vary as much as your imagination allows. Sequins can make the month and eyes. These dolls will hold and display anything from cosmetics to crayons and are adorable anywhere. By adding a slit in the back, a child’s catch-all can also be a savings bank.—SHERRILL Area Organ Society Sets fule'Theme through drawers stuffed wit biers. Anyone submitting a Polly’s Problem, a solution to a problem or a favorite homemaking idea will receive a dollar if Polly uses the item in Polly’s Point- The Lindsay playroom, inspired by the attic room in Grade Mansion, home of New York City’s mayor, is designed as a sturdy noupkeep area for young people. In red, white and blue, it is fl cheerful room with surfaces Covered in Nau-gahyde. The sofa and pedestal chair are the only pieces of conventional furniture. The benches are built into the walls, and the cushions, are latex foam rubber covered in Nau-gahyde. Designed by Ving Smith, A.I.D. and Charlotte Smith, for U.S. Rubber Co. The Pontiac Area Hammpnd ] Organ Society will meet Tifes-day at 7:30 p.m. /or a jgda Christmas program. TJ> e group will meet in the Pontiac Downtown Grinnell Auditorial on South Saginaw Street. Local musical professionals a“d students alike will participate in the organ aimd piano program. Among them #«: Ellen Banfield of Farmington and Susan Semcieka, Carroll Kiger and Buny De Moss. b^ncecombo ' A dance combo called; the “New Breed’’ under the direction of John W. Garlak of Clarkston will present selec-tfohs. Mrs. B. Furman, president of the Waterford Hammond Chord Organ Club, will entertain. iHlL, NeuicCTi Inn; COCKTAILS ^BUSINESSMEN’S NOON SPECIAL3 “W* Steak • French Fries • Salad $]23 4 /SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNERS Mrs. Haskins Gives Review Have You Tried This? Dorothy Hollister, Pontiac Central Elementary School instructor will present a vocal trio of 11-year-old girls who have been entertaining throughout the area. Tbeyv are: N an c y Miller, Sharon Cummings and Diane Kapil-chak, All students at Central. Mrs. Robert Haskins gave a book and painting review “Picasso and His Arts” at a recent meeting of Chapter AW of the PEO Sisterhood. Start With Hamburger Mrs. Everett Peterson of West Iroquois Road was hostess and Mrs. Charles Tabar 4 Featuring Lobster Tails Regular Menu Also Available Traveler's Gift '5 Dixie Hwy. ■-------- J1HM A new multipurpose dryer, 1 the manufacturer reports, is ;| lightweight and suitable to ;| take along when you travel. I It is designed to dry hair, 1 fingernails and lingerie. , By JANET ODELL Pontiac Press Food Editor Mrs. David A. Foran’s Busy Day Dinner may be just the recipe jto keep you sane during the holiday rush. Mrs. .Foran was in a subdivision group we spoke to this fall. She enjoys sewing and bridge. BUSY DAY DINNER By Mrs. David A. Foran Brown one pound ham- burger in a skillet with two small onions. When meat is brown, scrape it to the center of the skillet and spread around it one can spaghetti with tomato sauce. Melt four slices Cheddar cheese in one can condensed cream of mushroom soup and mix with spaghetti. Season to taste. Let heat until piping hot. Serve with a tossed salad and hot rolls. Makes four to six servings. Mai Stormer, instructor of organ and piano at Grinnells Downtown Store will present a program of old English Christmas ballads. Organist “Billie” Battles will make another appearance before the group. ★ ★ In charge of refreshments are Mrs. Betty Ockerman, Cheryl Marko and Mrs. Yvonne Chrysler. The .program is open to the public.. PRINTED PATTERN I ""J I •u. Smooth, smooth, smooth — then, side pleats kick up a flurry as you turn! Most' slimming line you can choose, and smart in printed blend, crepe. [ Printed Pattern 4377: Women’s sizes 34, 36, 38, 43, 42, 44, 46, 48. Size 36 requires 234 yards 46-inch fabric. Fifty cents in coins for each pattern — add 15 cents for each pattern for first-class mailing and special handling. Send to Anne Adams, care of The Pontiac Press 137 Pattern Dept., 243 West 17th St., New York, N.Y. 10011. Print name, address with zip, size and style number. Fall’s 130 best designs — lively school, sport, career, glamor styles, all sizes, extra features in new Fall-Winter Pattern Catalog. Clip coupon in Catalog — choose one free pattern,. Send 50 cents. MbiqlSiu________ w ■nwpduB* formula that mom t 10M fafir t UJ>W*fd 0ttt <— m SS. Ay” AIMVALS im, CHICAGO, au «' Si -*h“ She'll feel pretty and pampered in her Gift of Lingerie Fragile looking — but sturdy^ they bloom with color, loco and embroidery. In white, pastels, red or black. MATCHING HALF SUP S-M-L Short and Average MATCHING PANTIES Size 5-6-7 5 SHORT GOWNS Size 32-40 $6 Size 42-44 $7 LONG GOWNS Size 36 to 42 $' < , ^ opm m*r IT 'Til 9 Til CHRISTMAS; Tuneful Trio of SEPARATES Wonderful get-togelheri in (tore for this perfectly* coordinated Threesome! Hacking-type jacket with white trim combines with perkey checked stovepipe pants. Bonded wool/orlon. Space ribbed, high neck Jacket Sizes 5 to IS Sparkle Pius . . . four gleaming Shell Welcome A Frilly BLOUSE SEPARATES For her skirts and suits. Soft and feminine in white arnel crepe with wide billowing nylon lace jabot and cuffs. Sizes 30 to 36. Complete You can make the Glamour spots or entertain at home with this magnificent four-piece ensemblel A long and short skirt, a shell and jacket of rayon and Mylar in white sparked With silver, Misses sizes 10 to 20. High fashion at a low, low price. B—7 THE PONTIAC PRESS. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1966 The Metropolitan Chib Auxiliary No. 6 celebrated its an-opal, Christinas Party Tuesday in the Yale Street Club Rooms with a cooperative dinner and an exchange of gifts. Following the dinner, officers for the coining year were elected. They are: Mrs. Hen- Someone's Attic Has Forgotten Art Treasure ORANGEBURG, N. Y. (UPI) — The Historical Society of Roddand C o u n t y (N. Y.) is trying to trace an historical painting and thinks someone in the United States probably knows where it is. The canvas is entitled “Interview Between Andre and Arnold,” was painted by Junius B. Stearns and was last exhibited in 1849-Small in size—only 26 inches by 20 — it depicts thejmeeting between British spy AfSjor Andre and Revolutionary War traitor Maj. Gen. Benedict Arnold St a house in what is now West Haverstraw, N. Y. “Its historical significance, particularly to Rockland County, {s tremendous,” says society president Joint R. Zehner who is directing die search. Inquiries through most normal art information Channels already have been made without success, Zehner said. ; The painting is opt to be cortf used with another Stearns’ work, titled “Trial of Major Andre.” This is in a private collection. Zehner asks that anyone 1 hiving any information about the “Interview” painting contact him or the society as soon as possible. It is the society’s hope, he said, to acquire it either through purchase or donation. For any sharp-eyed readers: the society’s address is Kings Highway, Orangeburg, N. Y. 19962. Tell a Good Boy -When buying sheets and pillow cases, rub parts of the material over a dark area. If you see white powder working up or falling from it, the material may be excessively starched. It will lose much of its body the first washing, and, therefore, is not a good buy. iy St. John, president (reelected); Mrs. Gilbert Brown, vice president; Mrs. Ralph Dean, recording secretary; Mrs. Park Nique, financial secretary; Mrs. Hairy Isen-berg, treasurer. Also elected were Mes-dames: Leslie Dean, Harold Wright and John Wilson, parliamentarian. ★ ★ ★ Mrs. Ralph Dean and Mrs. Isenberg reported on the round table meeting recently in Owosso. Gifts were brought for the patients at the Oakland County Sanatorium. AND ARTHUR'S IS THE PLACE TO SAVK ON QUALITY FURS Our collection of Natural Minks is so DARING IN VALUE and so BREATHTAKINGLY BEAUTIFUL that ARTHUR'S makes it possible for you to give her the "GIFT OF GIFTS." Come in and see for yourself. You'll be delighted — and so will shel ACT NOW1 MAKE HER DREAMS COME TRUE Fur Salon — Second Floor sjieimode SALE UP-TOE' Plain or Micro Reinforced Tom and men 55$ 2 pair $1, 48 N, Saginaw St. Downtown Pontiac PARtY DRESSES in wool, stay-pressed cotton or wash and wear. Sizes 3-$x and 7 to 14. 5.98-12.98 SKIRTS Waist-bonded skirt in wool plaid. Solid and pastel colors. Sizes 3 to 6x and 7 to 14. 3.98 - 7.98 CUDDLY, LOVEABLE ANIMALS Perfect Christmas gifts In white or pastels. Some with music boxes. 2.98 - 7.98 SWEATERS Complete her outfit. Slip-on or cardigan, Christmas colon and fancy trims. Sizes 4 to 14. 2-98-7.98 Gift Wrapped Free... Always I I U N. 8AGINAW ST. Young Fotci Shop - Lower Level Auxiliary No. 6 Has Party Gifting a favorite belle who loves festive occasions? Here’s a prime inspiration for Santa. Give her a new kind of glitter stockings by Hanes, made of stretch nylon and yam metallized with pure silver. In beige and stiver and taupe and silver combinations, they provide a superlative new concept of leg glamour that’s the perfect complement to this winter’s glimmer costumes, lighting up day and evening scenes everywhere. the perfect Christmas Gift... SHE’S BEEN HINTING, YOU’VE BEEN PROMISING, THEN, NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY V -V B—8 THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1968 Voices Repeat Yule Message A program of Christinas and spiritual music will be presented at 7:30 p.m. Saturday in Jefferson Junior High School by a women’s a capel-la choir. It is ojien to the public. - i Raphael Hooks directs the group and membership is open to interested women. Rehearsals are held each Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Further information may be had by contacting Mrs. Henry Stewart of Ditmar Street. Burn Therapy Outlined During LPN Visiting Day Sharon Faye Maule has set a May 20 date for her marriage to James Marvin Walker, son of Mrs. Dug aid Walker of Bathurst Street, Avon Township, and the late Mr. Walker. The bride-elect who attended Oakland Community College, Highland Lakes campus, is the daughter of the William V. Maules also of Bathurst Street. Toys Tell a Nation's Real Story PRINCETON, N.J. — A nation's drive and inventiveness could be effected by the type of toys its children play within their early years, contends Frank Caplan, vice president and general manager of Creative Playthings foe., noted educational toy company. ! “Would someone like to research this intriguing idea?” he asks in the company’s new free Fall catalogue released today. “The life-size preschool toys of Denmark and the United States give their children a manageable toy world which! they can direct and experiment1 with. Can this be the reason for these nations’ creativity and' driving spirit? Do the miniature toys ot German kindergartens build up feelings ot world mastery? * * * “The hand-crafted toys of Mexico are for adoring on shelves, not for creating or directing. Doesthis build insecurity feelings? In Russia, early childhood play and play mate-| rials are coming of age and soj is a resurgence of drive and inventiveness. “In most deprived nations,”' he continued, “there are no toys. The absence of good toys in Indian or Arabic cultures has given their children poor self-images and a hesitancy about affecting their environment. India is taking seriously the idea of a massive early childhood education program. In Israel, toe introduction of play and nursery education of Yemenite children has brought about greater drive and academic achievement; among a heretofore depressed! sector of the population. i ★ ★ * “Perhaps our government should include toys in toe for-' eign aid program to encourage creativity, drive and will power! among deprived people of underdeveloped nations.” Mr. Caplan feels that if we can “keep play and toe desire, to learn alive throughout child-! hood and adulthood, we can release a force more powerful for good than any physical force that scientists have yet discov-1 ered." Cools Oven Off If the oven becomes too hot while baking something, set a pan of cold water on the bottom shelf. ANN ARBOR - Licensed practical nurses throughout southeastern Michigan will re-c e i v e first-hand reports on care of the burned patient and radiation therapy treatment during L.P.N. Visiting Day at The University of Michigan Medical Center, Saturday. Doctors and nurses from University Hospital will present a morning session on radiation therapy and the nursing care of patients. In the afternoon, staff members of toe U-M bum unit will describe their experiences on nursing and medical care of toe burned patient. LUNCHEON, TOUR Hospitality during toe day will include a luncheon and tours of radiation therapy and physical medicine units, and an equipment exhibit of cir-coelectric beds, cardiac monitors and other specialized patient care equipment. ★ * ★ . Attendance will be limited I to 250 licensed practical nurses and students. I ■ • * ★ ★ Although there is no regis-stration fee, advance reserva- ! tions are necessary and are being handled by toe Nurse Visiting Day office at University Hospital, Ann Arbor. Apples Will Absorb I Apples absorb odors. Store them away from potatoes and Graber’s new “Perfect Pleat” pleating tape eliminates the measuring, spacing, and forming for professional-looking pinch pleats. With “Perfect Pleat," the drapery heading is simply folded along the pre- creased pleating tape and the folds are held firmly in place by snap-in metal clips. Tape is sold by the yard in department stores and drapery specialty shops, also in kit form. Patty Fabric for Children Velveteen is the most popular fabric for toddlers’ dress-up occasions this season — and party treats are no hazard to this regal-looking, yet sturdily washable pile fabric. -■ 1 ' . i a n : w it * It is best to wash pint-size velveteens by hand, and to keep deep cetera separate from other clothes. . 4 * •'* ... Use warm soap or detergent suds and rinses, and allow lir drip-dry without wringing. Then tise a steam iron or! a dry iron over a damp press cloth tor touch-ups. Hold the iron Just above but never touching toe fabric, as the steam alone will coax the pile to stand up. Winter Tune-Up SPECIAL Bring your sawing machine in and have it cleaned, oiled and tension »_e(| adjusted. Only .. WS* In home $5.00 ™ ALL WORK GUARANTEED! New 7-Ft. Vacuum Cleaner Hose All Cloth, No Plastic SEWING CENTER 4M Elinhnth Lake ML Phene: SSI-S2U j THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1966 C MICHIGAN PLAYERS OftMM Ends -* Gens Washington, i Stats. Tackles — Jerry West,/, zbckl, Michigan Stats. Guards/ -Hanna, Michigan. Quarterbacks Raye, Michigan Stats. Backs f-wller, Dave Fisher and Carl War Igan; Bob Aplsa, Michigan Stati Oaten sa / Ends — Phil Hoag, Mlehlga Tackles - Nick Jordan, fat G Michigan Stater Bob Rows, Fresno, Calif., to the Phils BOWLING GREEN, Ohio of 29 field goal efforts and add-Wednesday for right - hander (AP)—An old sports adage says ed a free throw for 33 paints to Ray Culp and a substantial sum that a sign of a great team is pace the Falcons to their third of cash. its ability to win on the road, straight success of the young In seven seasons with the It’S fcoldiag true in reverse for season. Cubs, the tall, stoopebouldered Michigan’s faltering basketball Onig dm, Michigan’s 6-foot-Ellsworth was often left dang- squad. Michigan has only one io cento:, bucketed 35 points and ling because of errors or shah- victory-an upset at home pulled down 19 rebounds. Team-by hitting. He seemed always to against fifth-ranked Houston—to mate Dennis Stewart added 21 be scratching to win with very go with three road defeats fids while Bowling Green’s Rich few, if any, runs. season. Hendrix also scored 20. * . * * . _Last spring,jwiih AlLAmerica Michigan bolted out to a 36-25 the C^°* in the tint half and held a high-point being when he wasand Oliver Darden in file lineup, 15*44 advantage at intermission 99.111 in IQS! In kuvuna HA fled Uiahlaaii (ha Rla Tam. ° Michigan 1M-70 last year, came 1 back Wednesday night to, whip MSU, Irish Each Gain 3 Bert on All-America NEW YORK (AP) -Notre Dante, the national champing and Mtddgan State, file runner-up, each placed three men on the Associated Press All-America football team announced today. They are Tom Regner, offensive guard, Nick Eddy, offensive hade, and Jim Lynch, linebacker, hem Notre Dame; and Clint Jones, offensive . bade, Bubba Smith, defensive end, and George Webster, defensive back from Michigan State. . it’.':. \ Steve Spurrier of Florida,1 the Heisman Award winner, heads quarterback and Mel Farr, UCLA, rounds it out BOARD ELECTS 'The team was b^sed on recommendations bf the AP foot-up file offensive backfieki as {ball board of sports writers and sportscasters, who also voted weeklyqn the Top Ten teams. The 1966 team is a mammoth one, With Smith at 268 the largest, but It also includes Frank Loria of Virginia tech, 175-pound junior defensive back. Next smallest is Ray Perkins, Alabama’s 184-pound offensive end. Alabama placed a second man on the team in the person of Cecil Dowdy, offensive tackle. Nebraska also had two mi the first team: LaVeme Alters, offensive guard, and Wayne Meylan, defensive middle guard. ' 'n f , \; V • it Webster, termed by Coach Duffy Daugherty “the finest W-0 Scorers in Duel Clarkston Five in Loop Outing WoW Dan Fife, Barons' Bruce Hall in Cage Spotlight the high scoring players will be in the spotlight tomorrow night when Bloomfield Hills plays an Important Wayne-Oak-land League basketball game at Clarkston. Dan Fife, Clarkston’s top scorer, has poured in 32 and 34 points in his two outings. Bloomfield’s SA center, Bruce Hall, has 16 and 39 to his credit. * * * Both teams are unbeaten for the two games and are 1-0 in league play. West Bloomfield goes to Holly, Northville is at Milford and Brighton plays at Clarenceville. Clarkston is favored in the W-0 race because defending cochampions Hills and Northville were hit by graduation. But the Wolves have shown a couple of old weaknesses while the Barons are indicating a strong desire to stay champion. Although four starters return, Including some good shooters other than Fife, the Wolves still seem inclined to rely a little too much on plays designed to get the ball to fito talented 6-2 senior. Last season the Wolves did this and when Fife was stopped or had a rare off night, Clarkston was in deep trouble. The same could hold true this season. GOOD TEST Defense is another area in which the Wolves could improve. And Hall should prove a good test. The tall senior has displayed good moves around the pivot in wins over Oak Park and Milford. West Bloomfield and Holly are building. Bat the Broncos appear to have a little more scoring punch. Greg Avery-hardt hasn’t found the range yet. When he does, it will take some of the pressure off Mike Beelby. Milford stayed close to Hills and Waterford before bowing late and could hand Northville a major setback in its quest for another championship. Northville has been impressive while taking the measure of South Lyon and Clarenceville, but the Mustangs are banking heavily on newcomers and fills could be a liability early in league play. Central Hits Road for Loop Encounter Pontiac Central will have one thing hi common with its Saginaw Valley Conference basketball foe when the Chiefs go on the road for the first time tomorrow night. Both PCH and Bay City Central are working toward steadier team efforts. ★ ★ ★ Although they won their first two games at home, the Chiefs were guilty of erratic play. This can be attributed to all but two members of the team having moved up from the junior varsity. As the season progresses the Chiefs should become smoother. One thing they do have in their favor is hustle. Bay City Central Is in the process of rebuilding. The Wolves are 1-2 after- losing a nonleague game to Arfiter Hill, 1741, Tuesday night. Dry spells have been the big problem. In the kiss to Saginaw last Friday, the Wolves went 8% minutes in one stretch without sewing. There have been several shorter durations without points. EIGHT PLAYERS Top scorer for BCC in the first three games has been 5-11 forward Richard Glish. He is averaging 10.4 per tilt. No others are in double figures as coach Bob Meeth has been utilizing eight players in an attempt to come up with a set starting quintet. Tom Mehnert (64) and Jack Gruber (5-9), two veteran holdovers who started against Arthur Hill, may not be in the lineup when BCC and Chiefs tipoff around 8 p.m. Meeth has indicated that he may call on Ten Huiskins (6-2) and Dave Maxim (5-10). Harry Cowan (6-2) and Kennon Murphy (6-0) are expected to be the other starters. Mike Smith (6-2), who was expected to be a leading sewer, hasn’t scored in the last two games after hitting 14 in the opening win over Fenton. Lettermen Prqptice Hill and Alton Wilson have been carrying the scoring load for PCH al-Walter Causey and Gordon Hamilton have shown they are capable of reaching double figures. ★ it ★ Hill, a senior, has dropped in 43 points for a 21-5 average. Wilson Is hitting at a 15.5 dip. The Chiefs are rated slight underdogs because BCC has the home court advantage. No one has to remind the PCH players that the Chiefs lost by a point at Bay City Central last season and it cost the outright Saginaw Valley Conference basketball championship. Detroit Titans Nip ND, 74-73 Said Scores Winner With 7 Seconds Left SOUTH BEND, Ind (AP)-Un-beaten Detroit, trailing until the last minute and 15 seconds, edged Notre Dame 74-73 in college basketball Phillies Deal Culp to Cubs for Ellsworth CHICAGO rn - They call southpaw Dick Ellsworth the unlucky pitcher, a tag that may vanish when he changes from a Chicago Cubs to a Philadelphia Phillies’ baseball uniform next Maroon Trio/ BecomesGray MONTGOMERY, Ala. Iff) — Mississippi State’s fast little flankerback, Marcus Rhoden, and two teammates were added today to the South squad for the annual Blue-Gray football game Dec. 24. ♦"... h • h In the Gray line-up with Rhoden will be fellow Maroons Har- land Reed and George (Bubba) „_ Hampton. Reed Is a 6 foot 2%jlefty to win 20 games for file title and a national ranking. j The Cubs traded their one-tone 850,000 bonus baby from Fresno, Calif., to the Phils Wednesday tor right - hander Ray Culp and a substantial sum of cash. In seven seasons with the Gubs, the tall, stoopebouldered Ellsworth was often left dangling because of erron w shabby hitting. He aeerbed always to be peratehing to win with very few, if any, runs. Larry Said scored the winning basket with seven seconds to play after Detroit rallied from a 71-64 deficit by scoring eight straight points to take its first lead, 72-71. ★ ★ ★ Ralph Brisker, who paced Detroit with 21 points, scored the go-ahead goal. Said finished with 18 points for the Titans. Notre Dame, ahead 44-33 at the half J scored four more goals than Detroit, 32 of 64 for 49 per cent to 28 oF71 for 39 per cent. But it trailed 18-9 at the free throw line. Both teams had 23 attempts. Bob Whitmore of the Irish tied Brisker for scoring honors. Detroit won its third straight game. Notre Dame is 1-2. Keglers Get Lost Chance in City Open Time is running out and a big pot of Christmas money is at hand for area bowlers. ^ to ★ ★ Sunday is the final chance, for qualifying in the Pontiac Open Bowling Tournament and all four sites will have squads throughout the day. ★ * ★ Qualifying will start at 9:00 a.m. at Huron Bowl and at 10:00 a.m, at Airway, 300 Bowl and Cooley Lanes. Bowlers will be shooting for the target qualifying score of 608 and file advantage of holding early is that if (hey fail to make it they wfll have the opportunity to try again. A total of 182 have already qualified in file first two Sundays and it appears more than 300 will go into the Pontiac Open semifinals Sunday morning, December 18th at Huron Bowl. • h * ★ Bowlers should try to get their entries in tonight. However, if openings are available on given squads, bowlers can fill those spots by checking with the Vikings Battle Lions DETROIT (AP) - Two troubled National Football League clubs meet here Sunday, with both Detroit and Minnesota trying to stay out of the cellar. The Lions are 4-8-1 and lead Detroit in Cellar Tilt The prize list starts with $800 for first (dace, $500 for runnerup, followed by $300, $200, $150 and a continued breakdown until at least 12 Vi per cent of the bowlers share the prize fund. Upset by Bowling Green ¥ five Skids on Road Japan Favored in Asia Games BANGKOK (UPI) - Amidst protests over asphalt tracks, snubbed teams and sub-par tennis courts, the fifth Asian Games get underway Friday with nore than 2,200 athletes from 16 countries competing. Japan is favored to win the Games, with Korea, China and Malaysia expected to battle it out for the runner-up spot. Jr Sr Sr Other countries fielding teams are Thailland, Afghanistan, Burma, Ceylon, Iran, Israel, Pakistan, the Philippines, Nepal, India, Indonesia and South Viet Nam. Teams from Singapore and Hong Kong will Also compete in the games. Kenji Kimihara and Morio Shigematsu, Japan’s hopes fra' a one-two win of the medals in the marathon race, appeared exhausted after running about a third of the course Wednesday. only the Vikings, 3-8-1, in the Western Division bf the NFL This is the Lions’ last game, because they drew a bye for the last weekend. Minnesota has one more to play. The first game between the two teams saw Detroit come from behind for a 3241 victory. Diminutive Garo Yepremian kicked six field goals for an NFL record. BIG EFFORT That game saw Mike Lucci intercept three Viking passes and run one back for a touchdown. He made Defensive Player of the Week for his tremendous effort at middle linebacker. Pat Studstill caught nine passes that day but needs an even more fantastic game Sunday to break Elroy Hirsch’s record for total yardage. The flanker has caught 67 passes for 1,266 yards and needs 230 more yards to break the NFL record. He already holds both the club records. ★ ★ ★ Minnesota Coach Norm, Van Brocklin has indicated that he’ll return to using Fran Tarkenton EMU Trims Adrian '5' ADRIAN (AP) - Tug Bowens netted 19 points in leading unbeaten Eastern Michigan to an 85-54 basketball victory over Adrian Wednesday night. at quarterback. Second-year quarterback Bob Berry played against Atlanta last week and defensive player we’ve ever had,” is ohe of three repeaters from 1965 on the first team, the others being, Loyd Phillips of Arkansas and George Patton of Georgia, defensive tackles. Spurrier, widely sought after in professional football because of his size — 6-foot-2 and 208 pounds — and skill, completed 179 out of 291 passes for 2,012 yards and 16 touchdowns and an average of 61.5 per cent. ★ ★ ★ The Florida coach, Ray Graves, declared he “is not only the best quarterback I ever coached, he’s the best I’ve ever seen.”. * * ★ Eddy, at 195 the smallest member of the offensive backfieki, had an amazing average of 7.1 yards a carry, but his total of 553 reflected the fact he lost some playing time due to injuries and was taken out of games when Notre Dame built a commanding lead. USED AS BLOCKER Farr gained 809 yards during the season for an average of 5.9, Jones 784 for a 4.3 average. In Michigan State’s 10-10 tie with Notre Dame, Jones was used principally as a blocker. Webster drew upusual praise not only from his own coach but from opponents. Ara Parseghi-an of Notre Dame pointed to his “unusual height” — 6-4 and 218 pounds—and said this “with his speed enables him to drop back and cover on passes.” ★ ★ ★ Daugherty declared “Alex Agase of Northwestern told me they called all their plays at the line of scrimmage after they saw where Webster was playing, and tried to run away from him. But Alex said he still was the greatest defensive player he's seen.” NEW YORK (AP>—The 1964 Associated Press All-America football team: OFFENSE Ends—Jack Clancy, Michigan, senior, 6-1, 192, Detroit, Mich./ Ray Perkin*, ‘labama, eenlor, 6-0, 114. Patal, Min. Tackle*—Caen Dowdy, Alabama, molar, 6-0, 206, Cherokee, Ala.i Gary Si/gen-Iwgan, Syracuse, aanlor, 6-2, 221, Clar-’ Both teams have been troubled by mistakes and both have extensive injury lists. Karl Sweetan. the Lion quarterback, got his chance when Plum was injured against Baltimore Oct. 16 and since has shown himself a competent man at the helm.» * ★ ★ He has convinced me,” said Sammy Baugh, Lion assistant coach. “I felt for a while that as a rookie he was too good to be real. But he’s got it He’ll be around the league a long time.” If the Uons, win, they keep the Vikings in the Western celr lar. It could enable the Lions to finish ahead of Chicago if the Bears lose their last two games. ________ V N.Y. Guard*—Tom Regner, Notre Dam*, .mlor, 6-1, 245, K*no*ha, Wti.) LaVarna Allan, Nabratka, aanlor, *4 2», Davenport, loan. Cantor—Jim Breland, Georgia Tech, enlor, 6-1W, 223, Elackaburw Va. Quarterback—Stava Spurrier, Florida, aanlor, 6-2, 203. Johnaon City, Twin. Backs—Mel Parr, UCLA, aanlor, 6-1, K, Beaumont, Tex./ Nick Bddv. Notre Dame, aanlor, 4-0, 195, L College Five Sets Mark HOUGHTON (AP)—Michigan Tech set a school record in bombarding Northland of Wisconsin 123-75 Wednesday night in basketball. Winter Sports Special Snow turn your thoughts to skiing? It may be rather wet, but anyway the weekly Winter Sport page starts today on C6 and will continue each Thursday in The Press. Watch for all the weekly snow reports and stories on winter sports activities. Lynch, Notre Dame, senior, 0-1, 225, Lime, Ohio/ Bob Maftmon, Duka, aanlor, 6-3, 245, Boone, N.C. “ ; _ aMEpMEaEMW Michigan ttata, senior, 4-4, 215, Andoreon, S.C./ Tom Beler, Mtemt, Fla., aanlor, 0-11, 19/, Framont, Ohio/ Frank Loria, Virginia Tach, lunlor, 5-10, 175; Clarksburg, W.Ve. SECOND TEAM Often *1 Ends—Eppla Be may, Iowa State/ Lerry Gilbert. Texai.Tech. tackle*—Ron Yary, Southern Calttor^ ’■i Jack Calcatarra, Purdue. haUgiMr Thornhill, Southern . ....Hams, Florid* State. ■6MWHP Carr, Florida. Quarterback—Bob Grleeo, Purdue. , Backs—Floyd Little, .Syracuse/ Garrett Ford, West Virginia/ rfay McDonald, Ida- Spartans’ Jones, Smith, Webster Named c-a THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1966 VALUABLE COUPON All Sizes r* Black or White RETREAD TIRE Choice of MUD and SNOW or REGULAR $' Plu* 30c to 90c par ti«* Federal oxciso tax, depending on tin and 2 retread* 2S25 18 75 SASxU N/W New SECONDS Plus $2.09 F.E.T. NATION-WIDE GUARANTEE PRO-RATED ON TREAD WEAR We Honor All Major Credit Cards CUSTOM RETREAD UQ Mt. Clemens St., Cor. East Blvd., Pontiac Open !• A.M.-8 P.M. Daily - Sat. to S Phone 334*0315 U.S. ROYAL TIRES COMPLETE HARRY NICBOUE Calling Let Our LIFE INSURANCE DEPARTMENT Serve You And Your Family! 2. Pension And Disability 3. Business Continuation 4. Estate manning H. R. NICHOLIE 49 Mt. Clemens Street AGENCY INC. FE 3-7858 ARMSTRONG MAKES TOUCH TIRES FULL 4-PLY SAFETY TAKE GRIP ON WINTER DRIVING DON'T SUP-GRIP WITH ARMSTRONG SILENT SNOW TIRES. 210 TRACTOR TYPE LUGS GIVE TRACTION ACTION W SLACK TUBELESS -Plus IAS Fed. Tex end Exchange Other sizes available at special lew prices. WNCELS 50% OFF WITH PURCHASE OF SNOW TIRES WE SPECIALIZE IN FOREIGN AND SPORT CAR TIRES! Wo cany all size truck tires, new, used and recaps, from $7.95. Cash and Carry only. ANY SIZE TIRE USTED-ONLY n77 PLUS TAX tl 0L0 TIRE 01 FULL 4-M.Y PREMIUM LIFETIME GUARANTEE 7.5004- 7.75-14 PLUS $2.20 FED. TAX 8.5004- 0.55-14 PLUS $2.57 FED. TAX 6.70-15-7.75-15 PLUS $2.21 FED. TAX 7.10-15-0.15-15 PLUS $2.35 FED. TAX 7.60-15-0.45-15 PLUS $2.55 FED. TAX ^|»W^ooj.rHy-444 01.00 far Whlumnll, ALL CREDIT CAROS HOKORED -OPEN'- AREMCO TIRE CO. fiMi 388-8371 and 318-0879 CONNER GFM4IANO ELIZABETH UKE ROAO Tigers Raying 29 Spring Tilts Detroiters Will Play Air Games in Florida DETROIT (AP)-The Detroit SEARCH PARTY — New York Rangers’ goalie Ed Giacomin runs a> glove over the ice behind him in searching for the puck and teammate Earl Ingarfield searches from N.Y. Whips Boston, 4-2 another angle. Giacomin found the disc, but it was in die net, slammed there by Boston’s Ron Schock in the first period last night in New York. Rangers won, 4-2. Tigers will confine,, their spring exhibition g^mes to Florida next year for the first time since 1962. Jim Campbell, executive vice president and general manager, announced the 29-game exhibition baseball schedule Wednesday. The Tigers, who finished third in the American League last season, will play 15 of the games at Lakeland, their training base since Hie other games will be at1 Orlando, Bradehton, Winter HayptC, West Palm Beach, St. Petersburg, Cocoa, Sarasota, Fort Lauderdale, Pompa-“each, Clearwater and Tampa. The exhibition schedule begins March 10 and runs through April 9. TIGERS 1947 EXHIBITION SCHBDULB . 10— Kansas City AltiIttics (Brsdsn-........\innesota Twins (Orlando), Bonus Money Spurs Rangers Those pretty young things whbse husbands play hockey for the New .York Rangers are! wearing happy grins as the holiday season approaches. New York’s lofty standing in the National Ho&ey League race, enhanced Wednesday night by a 4-2 victory over the Boston Bruins, is part of the reason for the joy. And then M. 14—Cincinnati Rads ________ M. 17—Chicago White Sox (Sarasota), M. IS—Boston Red Sox (Lakeland). M. 19—Boston Rad Sox (Winter Haven), M. 30—‘Atlanta Braves (West Palm Beach). M. 31—New York Yankees (Ft. there’s that little matter of bon-| “Just two points to go for the ^^’'taic^^^BNtiSSi us cash which would make Bonus,” Gilbert said after hisM' ■ Christmas shopping so much two goals helped erase an early M;_36-st. Louis cardirwis jlakaiand), easier for the ladies. • I Boston lead and lifted the Rang- Rod Gilbert, one of the few era into a tie for second place Rangers who doesn’t have a with idle Chicago, wife to help him dispose of any In the only other NHL game played Henri Richard scored extra cash, revealed that -each member of the team is cm the threshold of earning a healthy bonus. AREMCO MAKES EASY DEALS Negro Gridiron Star Says He's Remaining at SMU DALLAS (AP) -Jerry Levi-as, first Negro to get an athletic scholarship in foe Southwest Conference, says he anticipates finishing his athletics and education at SMU despite reports that racial slurs are causing him to consider withdrawing. The 20-year-old Beaumont, Tex., player who was foe conference’s sensation with his performance at SMU as a sophomore this season, declared, “I have no plans for leaving Southern Methodist but my father has been concerned and I will talk to him about it. Hi think I can convince him : that I should continue at Southern Methodist.” Levias has been subjected to letters and telephone calls and, according to his coach, Hayden Fry, players on twr> opposing teams sent racial barbs his way. Also, it was reported that special police were on hand Nov. 26 at Fort Worth, during the SMU-Texas Christian game, because! of foe threat of bodily harm. I Fry said the boy had told him he didn’t know if it was worth it —going through such an experience — but that Levias never had said he was going to quit. I the 250th goal of his career as Montreal downed first place Toronto 6-3. New York, Gilbert told newsmen, has an incentive bonus for the team. If foe club has 26! points after 25 games, there will! be a little extra m the pay en-' velope. With 24 points in 22 games, the Rangers look ready to collect. ★ 66 Richard, playing his 12th NHL season, scored his seventh goal and No. 250 midway through foe first period against Toronto. It triggered a three-goal Montreal spurt that started foe Canadiens to their biggest scoring night of the year. Claude Larose scored twice and Bobby Rousseau, Yyan Counoyer and Jean Beliveau scored the other Montreal goals. Jim Pappin, Tim Horton and George Armstrong hit for foe Maple Leafs, who lost only their second game in foe last nine and their first this season to Montreal. .Philadelphia Phillies (Clearwater), M. 30— Philadelphia Phillies (Lakeland), M. 31— Washington Senators (Lakeland), A. 1—Chicago White Sox (Lakeland). '. 3—Chicago While Sox (Sarasota), 3—Cincinnati Rada (Tampa), .York Mots (Lakeland), ' * City Athletics (Lakeland), n. PNH ■ | " (Lakeland), A. 7—Open, A. :ed Sox (Winter Haven), / Red Sox (Lakeland), start. All others 1:30 p.m HELPING HAND — Hermit Zarley (right) hold an umbrella over his partner, Babe Hiskey, as they line up a putt on foe 13th green during a heavy rain in foe first round of foe $275,000 PGA National Team Championship in West Palm Beach yesterday. Nicklaus, Palmer Lead Pro Golf Team Tourney Get personal. Have all your gifts initialed VO. this year. Known by the company it keeps Seagram’s V.O. Canadian Dryden Quintet Evens Record Dryden squared its basketball record at 1-1by downing Richmond St. Augustine, 53-41, last night in a make-up contest. The Cardinals held slim leads through the first half, but were tied by St Augustine midway through foe third period. Dryden opened a five - point spread by the quarter’s end and pulled away in the last session. Richmond star Mike Fix led the scoring with 25 points. He and Dryden’s John Ma-linich (18 points) also dueled for control of foe backboards. The host Cardinals missed 22 free throws but had a 21-16 field goal advantage. PALM BEACH GARDENS, Fla. (AP)—The dynamic dub of pro gblf, Jack Nicklaus and Arnold Palmer, take a one-stroke lead into foe second round of foe richest-ever $275,000 PGA team championship today. ★ * * Proving again that foe best: cure for a bogey is a birdie, foe Nicklaus-Palmer team carded a best-ball 63 Wednesday on foe “monster” 6,896 - yard east course of foe PGA national golf club. ★ a , a They bogeyed foe 380-yard fourth hole in rain Wednesday but came back with 10 birdies between them to grab foe lead IT. AUGUSTINE 0 FT TP FOFTTP 1 7-13 25 Mollnleh I 2-4 II White 4 24 10 4 Reynold* i • Dlttman I 0 West I Totals 14 9-1S 41 Tetolt 21 I SCORE BY QUARTERS Richmond It. Augustine II 9 II 12—13 State Golf Pro in Tourney Win HAMILTON, Bermuda (AP)-Glenn Stuart, club professional at Cascade Hills, Grand Rapids, Mich., fired a 36-hole total of 138 Wednesday to take individual honors in the 14fo Goodwill Golf Tournament. The Cascade Hills team finished third, three strokes off foe winning pace set by both foe defending champion St. Louis Country Club and: Olympic Country Club of San Francisco. Red Wing Farm Clubs Engaging in 3-Way Swap PITTSBURGH - The Pittsburgh Hornets of the American Hockey League announced Wednesday they are exchanging 'three players with two other Detroit Red Wing farm clubs. The Hornets said goalie Joe Daley, defenseman Bart Crash-ley and forward Craig Cameron will go to Memphis of the Central League. Crashley has scored three goals and has beep credited With two assists in 15 games. In return, foe Hornets will receive goalie George Gardner and forward Gary Marsh from Memphis and defenseman Jim Eagle from San Diego of the Western League. in a field of 120 teams aiming at foe $50,000 winner’s purse. After tomorrow's round, only foe top 60 teams will remain in contention. ONE STROKE BACK One stroke back at 64 were foe partnerships of Jay and Lionel Hebert, Bert Weaver and Wes Ellis, Chris Blocker and Howie Johnson, Tom Shaw and Joe Carr. Seven teams were tied at 65 after foe opening found and 15 were three strokes off the pace with 66. For Palmer and Nicklaus, who finished seventh in the inaugural of foe 72-hole tournament last year, it was foe best round they had ever fired is a team and just one stroke off foe course record. ★ ★ ★ "We teamed well,” said Palmer, who took note of foe wet weather by proclaiming $ds 12-foot putt on foe 13th hole “a duckie” instead of a birdie. The Heberts, who teamed last year and placed second, carded their best round to date in the championships. Playing foe 6,-418-yard west course, foe brothers collected nine birdies including a 25-footer each. Nlcklius-Pakner 33-30-43 Johnson-Block*r 34-30-44 Yanccy-wysong January-Harney Reid-Brown -----Lopez _____»n-Owen Bolt-Weiskopl Aaron-Rule -----ir-Balrd Retains Position WICHITA, Kan. (fl-The National Baseball Congress has announced reappointment of Robert Sullivan, Grand Rapids, as the 1967 Michigan commissioner of nonprofessional baseball. The 132nd annual Michigan State Tournament tentatively is scheduled at Grand Rapids starting I Aug. 3. THIS WEEK and EVERY WEEK VISIT PONTIAC'S ULTRA4MKM COCKTAIL LOUNGE Designed With An Atmosphere With Your Comfort In Mindl ANB WHY NOT TRY ONI OF OUR MANY SANDWICH SPECIALTIES • OWM* NStf - WSBBB •» BMeece • ehttot Bob, Cob# MbeB SmOeMIi • NbemeeIbe FebNeI Many, Many Motel LADIES and BUSINESSMEN LUNCHEONS SERVED DAILY Well-McCalllster Eastern Group Raps Grid Rule Asks NCAA to Return to Limited Substitution NEW YORK W—College football’s unlimited substitution rule is under fire again. The Eastern Intercollegiate Football Association voted at its annual meeting to ask the NCAA rules committee to readopt limited substitution rules, outlawing foe two-platoon system. The motion was introduced by Frank Carver of Pittsburgh and 19 eastern schools favored it with 13 opposed. Syracuse, Penn State, Boston College, Boston University, Buffalo, Villanova and Yale were among the larger colleges favoring return to limited substitution rules. Colgate and Dartmouth war* reported opposed to the chsngo* Automatic TRANSMISSION SERVICE ALL MAKES ALL MODELS "fully guaranteed* RELIABLE ■NH - 9144991 Riverside MaM OCCVMNICAUY ANALYZES ■Rfc w*m'stroobue? , * * MEDIC AR (A trad• naina of Method Master Co rp.) h a specialist in WHEEL BAUNCINC QWffWIH W.fiX to — ,OTa OR w^H * LIFETIME GUARANTEE (SEASONAL CUAftAlftfES DM TlllUMIKft E2*? JOHN MeAULIFFE FORD 630 Oakland Avo. f^ S410 tgjl THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1966 Northern Visits Farmington We first night of basketball action in the Inter-Lakes League could very well decide the cham-pionship. Portae Northern geos to Farmington tomorrow night and the UnfllUM (nail 1.1.. ■ toward fte throne room. two teams are rated weU above toe others in the five-school circuit. Walled Lake {days at Livor Farmington is expected^) counter with Mike Ames (6-4) Mike Thompson (M) and Greg Dorow (1-1). TOP SCORER Guard Jack Brown has been the top scorer lor PNH. The senior sharpshooter has pumped in 37 and 31 points in the victories over Fltt Southwestern and Highland. -----—WO ai 14VUHU1 Stevenson in the other league game. Waterford also is on the road for a nonleague engagement at MountClemens. Bat the spotlight will be on Farmington where the Falcons open defense of the championship they took away from PNH last season. A 44-43 loser to Livonia Bentley in its first game, the Falcons were more impressive while downing North Farmington and will be favored. PNH has taken the measure of two nonleague foes, but the Huskies always have trouble on the Farmington court. Major Q-A Tests Face Rochester, Avondale 5s The outcome probably will be determined by the rebounding. Both teams have tall, husky front liners. Northern probably will start Don Hayward (6-3), Dana Coin (M) and Bob T r a v 1 o r (6-3). Sports Calendar ttty (freshmen) Highland Lakes (OCC) at Schoolcraft Grand Rapids Baptist Bible at Ml _ Friday Pontiac Central at Bay City Central Pontiac Northern at Farmington Bay City Handy at Midland Flint Southwestern at Flint Central Flint Noriharn at Flint Northwestern Saginaw at Saginaw Arthur Hill Walled Lake at Livonia Stevenson Waterford at Mount Clemens Lapeer at L'Anse Crause Oxford at Romeo Bloomfield Hills at Clarkston Brighton at Clartnceville West Bloomfield at Holly NorthvIttratMllford Warren Couslno at Avondale Clawson at Lake Orion Madison at Tray Rodwifer a) Warren Fitzgerald Royal Oak Kimball at Berkley Hazel Park at Birmingham Seatiolm Ferndale at SoutMlaM ^Birmingham Groves at Wayne . Detroit Thurston at Livonia Franklin Oak Perk et North Farmington Memphis et Armada Almont at New Haven Anchor Bay at Brown City Dryden at Capac Harbor Beach at Imlay City Millington at Deckarville This will be Northern’s first game away from home. Waterford’s small team will find the going much more difficult at Mount Clemens. Although flie Bathers hayetft set die basketball world on fire this season they are expected to trice the measure of the Skippers. Milford used a pressing defense effectively against Waterford for three quarters Waterford finally broke the press in the fourth quarter and frent on to down fi^e Redskins. Karl Arrington is expkted to be one of the leading scorers to Waterford and the 24 he hit in the opener seems to back up this prediction. Tliere is no better way of finding out if a team is going to be a championship contender than to send it against a top - rated quintet early in the season. Rochester and Avondale are being placed in this situation tomorrow night. Both have title aspirations but standing in the way are Warren Fitzgerald and Cousino, tee Oakland A fav- Rochester will play at Fitzgerald and Avondale will be home against Cousino. Clawson will journey to Lake Orion and Madison will visit Troy in the other O-A encounters. Two games are scheduled in tee Tri-County League. Oxford, its title hopes buoyed by an upset of Avondale will open league play at Romeo. Lapeer will travel to L’Anse Crease. Kettering is not scheduled this week. ease and is expected to hand Rochester its test league setback against one win. The Fal-ons are 1-1 overall. Rochester’s 1-2 scoring punch of Don Golding and Jim Burton will need help if the Falcons are to upset tee powerful Spartans. Cousino Jias brushed aside three straight foes on the way to its meeting with Avondale. Hie Yellow Jackets are faced with the almost insurmountable task of trying to stop Cousino’s Paul and Bob Papak. Avon, however, looked much improved while handily downing Lake (Mon Tuesday and will have the advantage of playing on its small court. Clawson has lost two straight since beating Lam-phere in its opener, but is fuv-ored to even its record against (Mon. and Mount. Clemens probably will waste little time seeing if the Sappers are still volner- Stevenson will be making its basketball debut in tee Inter-Lakes League. .And this could well be Walled Lake’s best However, if the Vikings lose, this could turn out to be an even longer season than the last one when they posted a 3-16 marie. Stevenson will be using mostly juntos. Chippewa Five Registers 2nd MOUNT PLEASANT (AP) Undefeated Central Michigan! jumped to a quick 4-0 lead and went on to wallop Ferris State 86-43 Tuesday night in a nonconference basketball game. Steve Johnson , topped tee Chippewa attack with 12 points. Tieammate Greg Vossekuil add-] ed 11. : ^ am The victory was Central’s second in as many starts. Ferris is 1-2. Enjoy Your Favorite Sports On Our Big COCKTAIL Co|or LOUNGE TV! M North Saginaw-Downtown Pontiac k Open 1A.M. to 2 AJI. # W MONTGOMERY WARD PAIR ^ Sat., Dec. 10 W' Fitzgerald has rolled over Hazel Park and Clawson with llllincrton at _lrch Run at_______________ Port Huron at Eait Detroit Port Huron Noriharn at Roaeville Anchor Bay Catholic at St. Auguatina St. Mlchaaf at St. Rasa Waterford Our Lady of Lakes at St. St. Mary St. Francis da Salat at St. Rita Royal Oak Dondaro at Grottt Polnta Bishop Gallagher at Royal Oak Shrine Warren Worn at Madlton Lamphere Emmanuil Christian at Warron Mott Oriwivltle at Hertfind Highlander '5' Works Overtime far Conquest Highland Lakes Campus of Oakland Community College rolled to its third straight victory last night, downing Detroit Business College’s junior varsity, 106-103, in overtime. Mat Coaches Go Searching for Small Fry Oxford apparently has found some scoring and rebounding help to Roger Miller and this spells bad news for any Wildcat it. However, Romeo may You can’t blame Waterford wrestling coaches Dave Daniels (Township High School) or Doug Spicer (Kettering) If the y’r e seen scouring the physical education classes for a diminutive boy. Neither school has dressed a varsity wrestling prospect able to make the 95-pound class limit. It’s h u r t tee Skippers already and Kettering could suffer if the situation isn’t remedied. WTHS had to forfeit the five points to Madison in tee 96-pound event Tuesday night and Eagles won tee match, 25-20. In their opener, both Utica and Township were missing an entrant at % and the Chieftains won the match by one point. If the Skippers could’ve suited up any boy under tee limit they would have earned the five forfeit points and tee match victory. Hie Captains’ opening match victory was over Utica by eight points with bote teams forefiting the little event. It could pay both Spicer and Daniels to find a 96-pound student manager who could be suited up to an appearance at such moments. be better than its 6-2 record shows. Failure to make the many ] easy shots teat have presented themselves has hurt to Bulldogs. One of these games, the | shots may start dropping. PNH Tank Team Posts 2nd Victory Pontiac Northern won its second dual swim meet of to sea- ] son with little competition from j the new Livonia Stevenson, 65-39 in the Livonia pool last night. The Huskies used a variety of I swimmers and received double | wins from Dave Pennybacker. Stevenson took the diving and | final 200 freestyle relay events. FNH IS, LIVONIA STEVENSON » Medley Relay—PNH (Kevin Duthane, Riverside POWER GRIP *16 The two wound up tied at 96 in regulation play and OCC pushed in seven points in overtime to take the decision. The triumph evened Highland Lakes’ record at 3-3. fed Pruitt and Willie Graft flipped in 25 points apiece to spark to winners. John Olan-der picked up 22 and Bob Adsit added 13. Roger Mormon took scoring honors with 40 points for to town- FREE ...FORA UMITED TIMS OMt, MIDI-CAR______________ car with sufficient Prestone onfi-freeze to five you carwftteto protection to 20* bohor son . . . with any at the above ] I would like to havo : you at ono of my many i satisfied customers. Please stop by and toko a ride in a now '67 Ford cor. 9 0-55 » Otender 10 M 8 1? 5-1*40 FromlM 1 M S §-**» I Adsit 4 W 1} SMI UmoBVi # M I 4'T-S * 55It ' II M s I U Y « , 4 M I 5-11 2$ fJt.T. OUR BEST 4-PLY NYLON SNOW TIRE Deep-biting angle deated tread in continuous design for greater pulling power in hub-deep stow. 33-mo. road hazard guarantee. [W R Pies Fed. Incise Tea tech Tire Tebeieie Dam lech Gale | Price Pair Plea Pei. Eiiist Tsl Itch Tire IsjO/LOO-l) IMS 2 Ik WO 141 7.70/7.50-14 7.75/0.70-15 2245 2 to 542 240 2.21 lus/isg-u IMS 2 to $12 141 123/1.00-14 1.15/7.10-15 2040 2toS4C 2.30 240 2M5 2 to 230 IJf 142 149/151-14 1.45/7.(0-15 2045 2 to 550 is 20.45 2 to $30 141 I45/I40-14 1.05/1.1519 2141 2 tor 554 IS 247 |7J5/740-14 2141 2 to W« til ONjVIO 10 ■1.40/4.50-11 |7JSI5 21.11 2 to 331 241 243 WMtwalli $3 mere gw tin. Riverside* roar WiS M window defroster II8* Insure yaur safety by having dear rear window vision! Removes frost and condensation. Installs easily, quickly. SAVE ’310*4 NOW ON A PAIR OF Riverside ST-107 BIACKWAU Mss 1*83 Federal Ixdse Tax EACH IN PAIRS •ACRID BY WARDS LI FKTIME QUALITY GUARANTEE • 4-ply nylon cord body protects against damages from braises, flex fatigue and heat build-up < s Over 3,300 traction edges for less skids; rolled shoulders provide better steering control • Wide, deep tread is fortified with RIV-SYN, a miracle additiv* compound for longer mileage • A modem Hri, frith slim white sidewall style. 24* month road hazard, tread wear guarantee •lickwtll Tubeleu Size* Reg. Price Eien. Sale Price Pair Plus Fed. ExcIteTaz Each Tire Blackwell Tubeleu tizea Reg. Price Each Sale Price Pair Plus ret Excite Tai Each Tire 6.00-13 11.95* 2for 20.90* 1.61 740-14 6.70-15 1745* 2 for 31.90* 240 241 6.50-13 13.45* 2 for 23.90* 143 1.00-14 7.10-15 19.95* 2f«r35.90* 241 245 7.00-13 6.50-14 15/95* 2for27.90* 1.90 1.92 150-14 740-15 2145* 2 for 39.90* 245 730-14 1645* 2 for29.90* 241 0.00-14 •40/ 0.20-15 2349*>* 244 241 140/ 6.50-15 16.45* 2for29.90* 2.05 •Wtthtndolnteuaffywrur. Whitewalls SSnon pgr tiro. SAFETY-TESTED BY MARIO ANDRETTI Wards Riverside ST-107 was sub|ected to a grueling 100-mile test by Mario Andretti, easily averaging over 106 MPH. no money down free mounting PLENTY OF PARKING AREA IN THE REAR OF OUR STORE DURING OUR REMODELING Reg. 7.49 Garage Creeper for Dad Padded headrat, air-dried hardwood frame, varnished plywood platform. Angled casters. Swivel wheels. ' OPEN MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 9:30 A.M. TO 9:00 P.M. SUNDAY 12 NOON TO 6 P.M. • 682-4940 c-s TIIE PONTIAC 1»11ESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1968 Ohio U. Nips Indiana rmi’ Dayton at Cod v*HK«r«sn Fort Wayne at Mercury • STARCH AFT • SHELL LAKE • IMP BOATS Fib*ra|ag . , Aluminum "Boating's On# Port of Coll" UN I. Woodward of Urns Hoad JO MUT Ml 1-0111 Mon., Tbars^ FrL 8 - 8 College Upsets in Cage Spotlight By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS . Maryland, Southern Illinois, Ohio University, Wyoming, Georgia and Dowling preen grabbed the headlines in college basketball Wednesday night with unexpected victories. * ★ * Maryland beat North Carolina State 54-38, Southern Illinois whipped St. Louis 69-59, Ohio U. edged Indiana 91-96 in overtime, Wyoming upset Nebraska 102-Georgia downed Georgia Tech 89-87 and Bowling Green humbled Michigan '90-83. These 'surprises overshadowed New Mexico's 77-59 conquest oi Los Angeles Loyola, Arkansas’ 51-46 victory over Oklahoma State and Detroit’s 74-73 squeaker over Notre Dame. * * * Maryland came from behind with a 10-point spree to 0) ahead 37-34 in the second half in its victory over the Wolfpack at Raleigh. N.C. State went score- 86 PROOF • ® ECHO SPRING DISTILLERY, LOUISVILLE, ICY. This season make it an Echo Spring Enjoy a breath of spring in the midst of winter... Echo Spring in its handsome holiday wrap, the smoothest Bourbon that ever came (Hit of Kentucky, makes the ideal gift $450 Echo Spring .the Bourbon for all seasons less from the field for the last 10 minutes, 45 seconds. Jay McMillan led the Terps with 14 points in the low scoring game. SURPRISE ST. LOUIS Southern Illinois, one of the country’s top minor teams, whipped the Billikens at St. Louis behind 18 points by Dick Garrett and 14 by Walt Frazier. John Schroeder’s 10-foot hook shot with one second left in the overtime gave Ohio U. its victory over Indiana at Bloomington. * ★ * Sixth-ranked New Mexico, the only team in the Associated Press Top Ten to see action, rolled up a 61-34 lead to rout Loyola at Albnquerque. Mel Daniels, with 22, and Ben Monroe, with 18, combined for 40 points for the Lobs. ★ * - * In other games LaSalle defeated the Miami Hurricanes 99-82 at Philadelphia, Providence whipped Brown 76-B2 on the Friars’ home court, Fordham beat Yale 80-70 at New York and Boston College trimmed Fairfield 93-76 at New Haven. Southern Mississippi upset Alabama 77-65 and Mississippi State beat Texas A&M 6249 in the first round of the Hattiesburg, Miss, invitational tourney. ★ ★ ★ Bradley defeated Murray 108-85 at Peoria, Oregon drubbed Idaho State 107-68 at Eugene, West Virginia routed Virginia Military 99-75 at Mbrgantown and Florida beat Florida State 50-30 in a bail control game at Gainesville. Soccer Loop Set to Open Play in April CHICAGO (AP) -Hie new. National Professional Soccer 1 League has announced it is ready to open a 34-match sched-j ule for each of its 10 teams in April 16 and has a 10-year, multi-million dollar television agreement with the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS).. Directors and alternate directors of the league met in Chicago Wednesday. President Robert S. Hermann of St Louis said the exact amount of the TV contract would be announced by CBS prior to the season opening. He said that divisional playoffs and the championship game will all be televised nationally and will be held after a 19-week season ending Sept 3. During: the regular season, CBS will J televise a Game of the Week1 each Sunday. Th NPSL will open a year ahead of the North American Soccer League, which claims sole sanction of the United States and International Federation Soccer Associations. The league includes Los Angeles, San Ifrancisco, St. Louis, Chicago and Toronto in the Western Division and Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, New York, Atlanta and Baltimore in the Division. NBA Standings PERMIT ME, COACH — An obviously happy Tom Beier, defensive back at University of Miami, holds the light for coach Charlie Tate’s cigar as the coach relaxes in his office in Miami, Fla. Beier, former Uni- AF Wirephoto versity of Detroit player who went to Miami when U. of D. dropped football, was named to the Associated Press All America team yesterday. Amigo's Club in Cage Win The Amigo’s Club National League entry ripped 97 points through the hoop in smashing Unbeatables, 9742, last night in city men’s recreation, basketball. Knicks Nip Pistons in Wild NBA Clash DETROIT (AP) — New York.troit with 26 points. Dave Bing Dick McGuire was fined I had 24. |25 and his best ballplayer, Willis Reed, suffered a seven-seven-stitch head gash, but the Knicks had enough left to whip Detroit 118-116 Wednesday night The loss was the second in a row for Detroit and ended the Knicks three-game streak. John Havllcek came off the bench to spark Boston’s victory over the Royals. He scored 32 points in the relief role and ignited a third period rally which put the Celtics ahead to stay. Oscar Robertson scored 22 for Cincinnati. The Bullets outscored San t ^ 1 .. San Francisco 12-2 early in the In other National Basketball fourth quarter in mw Dcnniatinn a o m 0 6 Rnfimn _ ’ __ . . Emmett Elliot dumped in 31 Association games, doswu Shu€-s debut Barry, markers and Danny Thomas had; whipped Cincinnati 119-91, Balti- the NBA>S ieading scorer was 20 as five of the winners hit more upended San Francisco to 21 points bv the Balti-|g| — “•sni— HO-KXi, Philadelphia topped Chi- defense”*8 Gus Johnson 20 .286 18 New York lit, O Baltimore 116, U...______ Boston Ilf, Cincinnati fl Philadelphia 117, Chicago .„ ■ Los Angola* 130, St. Louis 128, evartlm* Today's <8*111*8 Baltimore vs. Chicago at Evansville, nd. St. Louis vs. son Francisco ot Phoenix, twin figures. Archie Phillips scored 17 for the Unbeatables. The halftime score was 48-19. In an International League opener, Country Chef built an early lead and held off Lee’ Lawn & Garden Center, 66-54. Jim Hudson’s 15 points led all the scorers. Country Chef outscored Lee’s in each of the first three periods tor a 51-33 advantage. Unranked Boxer Takes Coast Title HAYWARD, Calif. (!) - Having knocked out Philadelphian Percy Manning for the world welterweight boxing championship of California, mustachioed Charley Shipes stands anxious to add more territory to his domain. Manning is rated the No. 2 contender by WBA which doesn’t have Shipes in the top 10. Manning, 24, went down twice in the 10th round of a scheduled 15 and had no complaints when referee Vern Bybee stopped the bout, awarding a kayo victory to Shipes, 25, and from Oakland, Calif. The Sharper the Pencil The Better the Figures .. and Matthews-Hargreaves Has Real Sharp Pencils! IYih'II le Money Aheiif Why Buy a 1966 Chevrolet When You Can Buy a New 1967 Chevrolet With a 5-Year or 50,000 Mile Guarantee NEW BUSINESS HOURS TO BETTER SERVE OUR CUSTOMERS Service and Parts Departments New ft Used Oar Salas Department Monday and Thursday... Open *HI IPM. Monday and Thursday... Open til I P.M. Closed All Dey Saturday Open All Day Saturday Slump in IHL By the Associated Press The Muskegon Mohawks, once the scourge of the International Hockey League, have fallen to fifth place. The Mohawks were beaten 54 in sudden death overtime by Fort Wayne Wednesday night, breaking a tie for fourth place. In the only other IHL game. Des Moines whipped Dayton 4-2. cago 117-103, and Los Angeles beat St. Louis 130-128 in overtime. Reed hit a short jump shot in the final 34 seconds and Walt Bellamy followed with a pair of free throws to provide the Knicks with their margin of victory. The wild contest was marred by a fist fight between Detroit’s Ray Scott and New York’s Dave Stallworth. Scott was ejected! from the game for threatening! referee Earl Strom. scored 34 points and grabbed 18 rebounds to lead the Bullets. Nate Thurmond topped the Warriors with 30 points. NSW YORK DETROIT OPT OFT Barnett ,10 6-7 26 Bing 710-1826 8 10-16 I_________ Bryant 1 0-0 2 Harding "“i—- "6-6 8 Mila* 5-9 23 R.Read ______ . 0-0 2 Scott St'l'w'th 5 0-9 10 Strawder ‘.V'Ar-l* 5 3-3 13 T.V'ar-l* Vaughn Total* 61 36-66110 Tahiti law Yam ............... 36 IS 32 27-tll retrait ............... 16 36 10 20-116 0 6-7 26 6 1-2 13 1-6 11 . OO 6 63 30-10 116 - Now York 27, Detrol t l NOW OPEN GEORGE’S BILLIARD'S Reed, who was injured in the first half, returned to the game and ended up with 23 points. McGuire was called for a technical foul, protesting an official’s decision too strenuously, an automatic $25 fine undo1 NBA rules. Dick Barnett and Bellamy each netted 26 points for New York. Eddie Miles topped De- BASKETBALL SCORES EAST ■OTIPNVft Williams 97, three OTs Connecticut 77, N*wj Ham— “ 86 Providence 76, Brown 62 U. at Mid* liland 99, " Boat on U.85, Colby 52 Fordham 80, Tala 70 Harvard 97, Tufts SO SOUTH Florida SO, Florida St. 30 Georgia 09, Georgia Tech 87 Maryland 54, No. Carolina St. 31 Philadelphia Text. 109, Maryland Mississippi 96, Ark. A&M 69 MIDWEST Detroit 74, Notre Dam* 73 Michigan Lutheran 73, Detroit T Eastern Michigan IS, Adrien 56 Western Mich. 90, Bell State (Ind.) AS Olivet 76, Albion 72 Bowling Oraan 90, Michigan 13 Michigan faeh 123, Detroi* College 97, Port Huron JC 0L---------------1 Henry Ford CC 106, Delta CC 93 Southern III. 69, St. Louts 59 Arkansas 51, Oklahoma SI. 66 DePaul 15, St. John's, Mhm. 66 Ohio U. 91, Indiana 90, overtime Capital 06, Findlay It Bradley 100, Murray >St. IS SOUTHWEST New Max. St. 79, East. Tex. 67 New Mexico 77, La Loyola 59 , Arizona 10, Hardin-SImMent 65 FAl WEST Wyoming 102, Nebraska 91 Air Force 97, Regis 83 Oregon 107. Idaho 88 v . Miss. St. 62, Texas AIM 49 Savings Service Satisfaction For 5 Years or 50,900 Milos 631 Oakland at Cast FE 5-4161 UNITED TIRE SERVICE HUNTERS’ SPECIAL! HEAVY DUTY SN0-CAPS 30-MONTH ROAD HAZARD Retread F#d. Tax .56 to .61 "EXCHANGE Whitewalls $1 Jt Moro 1 ALL OBEDIT CARDS HONORED | 0KN MON. THRU FBI. I-I-SAT. M-CLOSED SUN UNITED TIRE SERVICE “where Prices am discounted—not quality" 1007 Baldwin Ave. KING TIRE HAS A BETTER IDEA UNIROYAL WINTER PATROL TIRES WHITEWALL RETREAD SNOW TIRES COAST TO COAST GUARANTEE 1.15“ plus escise tax and rtcapabli tire SIZES 7.75-14 1.28-14 SAFETY 800 825x14 NARROW WHITE 95 plus 2.35 21 KING TIM CRNTNR 31 W. MONTCALM - PONTIAC, MICH. FE 3-7068 HEADQUARTERS FOR U.S. ROYAL TIRES AUTO... GOOO DRIVERS - SOCIAL HATES PERSONAL PROPERTY. HOMBOWNRSMCKAOI MUCUS , BOATS AND MOTORS-, AIRCRAFT BUSINESS... BONDS—MALPRACTICE LIFE... MORTGAGE INSURANCE FE 4-1551 IN RIKER BLDG. PONTIAC .. OVER 35 TEARS OF DISTINGUISHED INSURANCE SERVICE HW_ UT UTTENL0CHER AGENCY INC H. W. Hsitt#nl#cK#r — Max K#rn« — jama* Huttonlechor — Riehand Huttenlacher — Chad—f. HuWur THE PONTIAG PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBERV 1966 _g=1 SKI trwmcam l **$tH STYLE Folding onto a bar. OVLPOOBWAY FORA4MACf7 DO THREE' SETS OF ONE-X LEGGED KNEE BENDS DAILY. BEGIN WITH JUST A FEW REP£TITIOn\ IN EACH SET AWORk. T UP TO FIFTEEN, if you CONSIDER YOURSELF AN EXPERTSKIER... 9*F you ARE OUT OF SHAPE, YOU HAD .BETTER STICK TO REGULAR TWO-LEGGED KNEE BENDS UNTIL YOUR STRENGTH IMPROVES,., I^LSO TRY RUNNING ’A WITH HEAVY & \ BOOTS IN TIGHT, RYTHMIC CIRCLES.# RAISE youR KNEES NIGN, AND El ex youR 7NIGN BICEPS/ PRE*SEASON EXERCISES 1 Few Areas Operating Stale’s Skiing Sparse By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Steady rains left only a handful of slopes open. Skiing ranged from fair to good as of Wednesday night, according to the West Michigan Tourist Association, and some Areas said they would be open this weekend, weather permitting. WESTERN MICHIGAN The association’s report: Big M, Manistee: 6-10 inch base; fab*; open Saturday. Boyne Mountain, Boyne Falls: 18 inch base; skiing good Cab-erfae, Cadillac: 12-20 inch base; fair. Crystal Mountain, Thomp- Caberfae Open, Reveals Plans of Racing Camp Caberfae Ski Area at Cadillac opened for the season last week and despite the recent thaw still operating with a 12-20 inch base and fair skiing this week. New manager Merle Trepp, formerly at Pine Knob, reports the slopes haven’t received any new snow and none is being made presently." Trepp also advises that applications are being accepted for Caberfae’s annual sixth Junior Racing Camp Dec. 26-SL Run by the area’s ski school director Bob Meyer, the camp will cover downhill, slalom and giant slalom racing techniques. Conditioning, racing theory and care of equipment are other important factors that will be discussed. Details regarding the camp are available by writing Caberfae, Box 424, Cadillac. fair. sonville: 4-6 inch base; Shanty Creek Lodge, Bellaire; inch base; fair. Thunder Moun-Boyne Falls: 8 inch base; fair, open Saturday. Walloon Hills, Walloon Lake: 6 inch base; fair, open Saturday. EASTERN MICHIGAN Rain washed out the excellent conditions that existed last weekend in most areas. The East Michigan Tourist Association said, as of Wednesday night, that some areas would be open. The association’s report: Ot-sgo Ski Club, Gaylord: 5-8 inch base; excellent. PONTIAC AREA All resorts rained out. Detroit Quintet Wins DETROIT (AP)—Detroit Business College held off a late rally to upend Aquinas 97-90 in basketball Wednesday night. Local Ski Sites Are By JERE CRAIG The face of winter skiing in the Pontiac area changes from year to year, and from a weather standpoint, now it is differing from weekend to weekend. Although there was some limited slope activity the first weekend of November, the season began last weekend for mo«t local resorts. Thousands Journeyed to the Oakland County resort areas Saturday and Sunday, exhilarated by the onslaught of natural snow and cold air. This snowy “windfall” already has put the resort owners well ahead of last season’s slow revenue reapings. But all the much-needed base they developed during the freeze now has melted with this week’s thawing rain. ★ ★ it Still, the operators are antic*: ipating a big season. With this ini mind, they made improvements and changes at their areas. ! Perhaps the most noticeable changes are at Mount Grampian. Owner Vera PilsworthV facilities were damaged ex ten-j sively by a fire late last season1 and much work has been done to repair and replace the destroyed buildings. New rental equipment was purchased, a new beginners' slope has been made and improvements were made on one advanced run, Nearby Mount Christie has converted its former ski shop into a private club house for members, visiting groups and the families of the staff members. Manager Ron Hutchings indicated the club house is also avilable to individuals for private parties. Pine Knob near Clarkston has promoted Oldrich Vavrous, former head ski patrolman, to the manager’s position. He has already remodeled the rental and ski school areas/and new trails have been opened off the\ advanced slopes. There has been a lengthening of one advanced run at Mount Holly, and owner Mort Graddis is in the process of expanding the cafeteria area for better service. Alpine Valley’s changes include additions to northern end of the lodge to permit a lounge upstairs and a new rental area downstairs. The food service now has spread into the old ski shop facilities. Brighton has two new slopes, one on each side of the existing runs. They are a new beginners’ hill and a new advanced slope. \ ★ ★ ★ The Dryden and Silverbell Village resorts haven’t announced plans to reopen. Ski Caberfae Now thru Easter $ Groups and individuals have more fun skiing every day, because our excellent snow-making equipment provides the very best in skiing conditions. Bring your own1 group or joirt in with our regular guests for a full season of fun and hospitality. Caberfae Ski Area 16 Miles W. of Cadillac on M-55 Phone 616, 775-9776 Cadillac, Michigan RENT, LEASE* SELL. BUY HOMES, PROPERTY, COTTAGES, CARS, GOLF CLUBS---USE PONTIAC PRESS CLASSIFIED TO PLACE YPURS, CALL 332-8181. Benefit Show i Monday to Aid Big Brothers The Schussmeisters Culb and' Mount Holly Resort are cosponsoring the second annual Big' Brothers’ Ski Benefit Show 7j p.m. Monday at the IMA Auditorium in Flint A highlight of the show will be Warren Miller in person narrating his new film, “Ski on the Wild Side.” * * * The film lasts 90 minutes. Ad-i mission is $1.50 for adults and $1 for students. Proceeds will be used to support the Big Brothers of Greater Flint winter sports program. Snow Can Harm Eyes Experienced skiers have the foresight to protect themselves from the cold, but how about from the snow? The unknowing rider can be struck with “snow blindqpss” if the eyes aren’t properly shield-j 3d. “Snow is a highly reflective surface, jprt like beach sand,” says Dr. Albert Ruedemanu, a Wayne State University School of Medicine professor. “The ultraviolet rays reflected from it can cause temporary and will soon retire asltion. chairman of WSU’s department of ophthalmology. The ultraviolet rays reflecting off the snow can cause | sunburn of the cornea. This ! painful affliction is charac-terized by tears and a swelling of the eyelids. Unfortunately, the danger from the glare sometimes isn’t apparent while the victim is skiing since, according to Dr. Ruedemann, the reaction of the eyes is often delayed several hours. * ’ * * Tinted goggles or sunglasses are the logical, proper protec- R SKIERS’SPECIAL SKIS, POLES, BOOTS BINDINGS *54.90 SKIS HART METAL.....$79.50 Up DYNASTAR..$190.00 ' ATTENHOFER....$99.95 Op BLIZZARD..#.$115.00 1 YEAR GUARANTEE , KAZAMA-EPOXY.....$72.50 2 YEAR GUARANTEE APOLLO WOOD........... $49.95 1-YEAR GUARANTEE 1 OTHER SKIS AT . . .. $25 A $35 I? * WE USE THE J; M 1IPF Release Cheek OK SETTINft ALL BIHBIHGS! CUBC0 TYR0UA, MARKER, LOOK, Attentiofer BINDINGS! Complete Line of Ski Clothing HENKE RUCKLE BOOTS $45 Up Sid Rentals and Repair ^brSIti Boots amsl Cmr Top Carriers Corner of Walton and Sastiabaw BONN’S SKI HAUS 'SS? Poole Ski Shop * — r pal to* make It a hart family Christmas Harts for everybody. That’s the best way we know to wish a skiing family a Merry Christmas. And there ia Harts for everybody, from beginners clear up to competitors. They all have patented one-piece safety "L” edges to help you cerve turns with great control.- And they ell have theJinest, most permanent bases, for extra MaHMjlf kind of snow. Hart Skis from $9950 For a Lift... YOU ride the chair warm anddryinWhiteStag’svery professional “Lift-Liner" Parkoat set in long lines of nylon, belted slim, insulated and lined. Two-way llpll front zipper dashes to foarYhiah dee collar. Hid-den hood, joo. $30.00, To tbe Top Ski the high, hectic runs wearing this White Stag “LJftliner" Parkoat tailored of nylon with a very professional look. Lban baited line, 2-way hill front zipper, insulation and nylon lining are practically skier designed. $30.00. Ready Set... White Stag of Austria’s reedy, ski-full look of the Bronze Medal Stretch Pant fashioned in a trim blend of wool and Helanca. You’ll love the Bronze Medal stretch pant’s stirrups... a slim stretch of pant fabric for real boot comfort. $20.00. A ready mate to this great ski pant is White Stag’s 100% cotton interlock knit Turtle Tee to match or contrast. $3.00. Go Bronze Medal The winning ski pant look for winter manfully tailored In a stretch blend of wool and Helanca by White Stag. Fits likea glove with elastic button adjustments at the waist. $22.50. Team mate for a White Stag Turtle Tee to match or contrast. $3.00. And you are in the winter winner’s circle! (insert colors and sizes) C-* THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1966 OPEN SUNDAY f 12 to 4 ^ CHECK PARK JEWELERS LOW PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY! MRK JEWELERS OPEN EVENINGS 1»L 3 P.M. Regular Low Discount Prices Are Now Drastically Reduced Further For This GREAT EVENTI Shop Early And Take Advantage of Our Large Selection! lEi&* IP W CARAT DIAMOND SOLITAIRE 1?A.9° $0051 EASY CREDIT TERMS GREATEST SELECTION EVER OF WORLD FAMOUS ELGIN WATCHES PRICED TO FIT YOUR POCKET - EASY TERMS Up To 50% OFF! ON ALL LADIES’ AND MEN’S RINGS Star Sapphire *29®* THERE’S NO OTHER SHAVER LIKE IT! NEW REMINGTON 200 Sjelectro-Shaver The Powerful Plug-In Whisker Tamer Only $168® AMERICA'S FAVORITE BEAUTY SHAVER • A PERFECT GIFT • ADJUSTABLE ROLLERS • LIGHTWEIGHT Only *12" Givefor Christmas! ENJOY PUSH-BUTTON SPIN eOOKEI^ CAN OPENER-ICE CRUSHER 8,S|,EIED IMPER,AL v** • OPENS CANS QUICKLY WSteltm ® MAKES CRUSHED ICi uauE-riam-BLBNoen ft| & 0*. jap Now *39” JlOW $2495 DELUXE Dormeyer MIXER SET e 10 SPEEDS e 2 BOWLS e GUARANTEED OUR LOW PRICE ONLY *30“ PROCTOR-SILEX 4-SLICE TOASTER M#d* • AUTOMATIC • COLOR CONTROL OF TOAST ONLY $1688 ‘AM Radio • 5 TUBES • 3 TRANSISTORS • plus RECTIFIER • AFC on FM • SLIDE RULE DIAL *24” PROCTOR STEAM-DRY IRON e USES TAP WATER e LIGHTWEIGHT Only $9M ov.r-oount.r npl.c.m.nt (UMUNTU ONLY $1295 NOW ONLY $15’5 EMERSON Stereo-Sound SOLID STATE STEREOPHONIC HI FI PORTABLE PHOHOGRAPH PRICE *7495 GENERAL ELECTRIC Teflon Coated BUFFET SKILLET e Complete with Control e New High Dome Lid' e Immersible $2488 Emerson SOLID STATE TAPE RECORDER inodtl 114 • TRANSISTORIZED • PORTABLE - LIGHTWEIGHT • 2-HOUR TAPE • 3 SPEEDS 5S. PRICE *7995 EASY CREDIT TERMS NEW! LIGHTED DIAL CLOQC RADIO by GENERAL ELECTRIC • LIGHTED DIAL e WAKE UP TO MUSIC e WAKE UP TO ALARM BUZZER ‘ e SNOOZE ALARM e MODEL CS45 e GUARANTEED $189s GE AUTOMATIC PORTABLE phonograph e CONVENIENT TO CARRY e PLAYS ALL SIZE RECORDS e AUTOMATIC e INCLUDES 45 SPINDLE. • guaranteed NOW $3995 GE HAIRDRYER • BEAUTY SHOP TYPE • PORTABLE LORD BUXTON Organizer w. BILLBOARD ONLY LARGE SELECTION LADY BUXTONS AVAILABLE The Handiest Cleaner in Your Home NEW MV-1 PORTABLE CLEANER ONLY *2995 REMINGTON LIGHTWEIGHT PORTABLE TYPEWRITER CHECK oun LOW PRICE! General Electric AM PORTABLE FM RADIO $4995 GE ELECTRIC Slicing Knife Only~*l688 OPEN EVENINGS | TILL 9 P.M. PARK JEWELERS (HOUSE OF DISCOUNTS) 1 N. SAGINAW ST. corner pike st. (DISCOUNTS ON ALL MERCHANDISE OPEN SUNDAY 12 to 4 e It* OVERNIGHT , . . AIMS e 21" WEEKEND. ..... ItlJS e 24? PULLMAN----S14.M e 26" VUtLMAN ..... JlMS e 29": PULLMAN ..... .{2145 TUB PONTIAC PRESS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1966 C—T ‘•Junior Editors Quiz on- mobius strip Letters From Santa's Dream Mailbox By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK (AP) - the postman would be a true Claus if he brought fids kind of holiday dream mail; \ ‘Harry, this [is Just a hasty pote to let you |know that your Christmas bonus fids year will be $IAH. Ti appreciate it if you’d* keep the amount secret, as the rest of the staff are only getting : $500 each. But your BOYLE work this last year has been so outstanding that “Dear Dad, I don’t want you to faint from the riiock; but my college -roommate- aha I are doing so well with teat cleaning shop we opened Just off the campus thatiwete rolling in loot. From now on I won't he needing that $75 a month you’ve been sending me. The way we're going now, I’U be able to handle my own tuition and room and board bills for the nest semester. I am enclosing my check to you for $50 to buy yourself something nice for Christ- “Dear Brother Starch, chief totem of our lodge, it gives me heartfelt pleasure to inform you that you held the wirndeg ticket in our annual lodge raffle to raise scholarshte hinds for underprivileged Bedouins. The first prize, you will remember, iS| a brand new four-door automobile. Would you care to drive it home yourself, or have us send it gift-wrapped as surprise to the other members of your family?” “Dear sir: Although it is not our usual custom to lure executive talent from one of our com- ____m - . ) mas. Don't spend it all on bub-'petitors, the sudden retirement ble gum. Your son, Joe.” |of one of our key vice presidents leaves vacant a post which tel feel only one with your, proved talents can fill suitably. In strict! confidence, it pays roughly double what we estimate to be your] present salary, plus use of the' company yacht, paid membership in the country club of your choice, a liberal petty cash fund j and—” 'Dear Mr. Slufch: As manager of the Jamboree Night Club,] I am answering your wife’s letter for two reservations at our annual New Year’s Eve party/at $75 a head, drinks extra. Unfortunately, our reservations fist has already been filled for that evening, so—” 1 ... dim Tie -SHOE imnSPEOUL- H|||| Otic Itithtf OftttpnWt* if PilLRf lULF SOLES Regular 3.00 Vmhte $229 ileedFIttv, > aa* MaaSay Only > All Work Guaranteed! | WHILE YOU WAIT SERVICE S. S. KRESGE’S ~| DOWNTOWN PONTIAC STORE f CHILDREN OUTGROWN SKIS, SLEDS, TOBOGGANS? SELL THEM WITH A LOW COSTPONTIAC PRESS CLASSIFIED AD. TO PLACE YOURS, CALL 332-8181. QUESTION: How many surfaces does a Mobius strip have? ANSWER: Cut a piece of paper 10" by 1” and draw a dotted fine down the center (1). Then twist the strip one-half a turn, so dotted line shows on one end and plain paper on the other. Now, being careful to keep the half twist in the strip, bring the ends together and glue them by overlapping one slightly. You Will have a Mobius strip, a curious structure invented by Mobius, a German mathematician. Mobius was working on a kind of geometry called topology, toe study of figures twisted out of shape in different ways. Hie ring will have only one surface with one edge and one side. To prove this, follow the dotted line in me direction. When you get to the blank part, Mow this too, and you will come to the dotted line’ again. You have been Mowing around on just one surface! H, instead of giving a half twist to the paper strip in the first place, you give it mb full twist (2) and glue tee ends (3), you can do something remarkable, (kit along file dotted line (4) end see what you get (5). FOR YOU TO DO: Learn to make both the Mobius strip we first described and the full twist one we illustrate. Baffle your friends and have fun! Diseases Curbed India Controlling Death NEW DELHI, India (AP) -India, struggling urgently to achieve birth control, is succeeding as well in death control. Thirty years ago, malaria chilled and fevered and weakened 100 million persons each year, and one to two million died. Now, malaria hits less than 100,000 a year and a death due to malaria has become a matter of curiosity, health officials say. But there are fires of other diseases to put out or dampen, including a curious, unexplained killer that for nine years has been snuffing out lives of children of Nagpur, a city in central India. The Health Ministry lists the current death rate at 16 per 1,-000 persons, down from 27.4 in 1951. That means eight million deaths a year, many or even the bulk occurring among the 21 million babies born each year. This gives India a net gain of 12 million-plus per year, and family planning, it is hoped, will reduce the birth rate from its present 40-plus per 1,000 to 18. Disease control is credited with boosting average life expectancy at birth toward 50 years now, compared with 32 in the decade 1041-51. One sharp lance aimed at a host of other killer diseases is the National Institute of Communicable Diseases, modeled after the Communicable Disease Center, U.S. Public Health Service, in Atlanta, Go. It is directed by a skilled physician-scientist, Dr. J. B. Shrivastava. He ticks off smallpox, dude-re, typhoid fever, dysenteries, filaria, hookworm, trachoma, viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, virus infections, and tetanus as main challenges. Plague is no longer a real problem, although there are sporadic outbreaks. The center sends teams of experts, when word is received of epidemic outbreaks, to pinpoint causes and. help limit the spread. It does basic research on diseases, checks parity of drugs and heads up braining of medical and supporting personnel. But the mystery disease in Nagpur, 450 miles east of Bombay, has experts baffled. Since 1958, between March and August each year, it has struck down children under age 15 with fever, diarrhea, vomiting and convulsions, with 90 to 99 per cent dying. CLOSE-OUT SALE 20% to 90% OFF ALL SLOT CAR ITEMS MUST 91SOLO MITRY JANUARY 1st TO MAKE ROOM FOR EXPARD1RB, BICYCLE SALES. IDEAL CHRISTMAS RIFTS. IhO-1/12 - 1/14 ScrId | SCARLETT’S BICYCLE SHOP 2S) N. Perry at WW§ Track FE 5-7841 NOW OPEN NIGHTS UNTIL CHRISTMAS hnstmas with. Gifts *• from Sears Compact Oil-Free Paint Sprayers 2988 Regular $39.95 Handy for homeowner, all hobby work. Fiber glass-housed compressor never needs lubrication. It inflates, air cleans, fumigates, runs power tools. Delivers ■ 1.2 cfm at 20 psi. Gun, 8-ft, air hose. SAVE 31% SAVE •15.00 Craftsman 1/4-H.P. Sabre Saws Regularly Priced at *49" SAVE! v NO MONEY DOWN on Sears Easy Payment Plan Dial the speed you need for wood, metal, plastic. 1-inch stroke Ball, needle and sleeve bearings. Base tilts to 45°. Sectional housing. 10-foot, 3-wire cord. With 8 blades. Save at Sears! Reg. *7.99 Sabre Saw Tables.................6.99 One-Coat Latex Flat Interior Wall Paint say “CHARGE IF’ at Seam Sean best 4-way guaranteed latex paint Covers in just one coat Washable, it wipes clean. Colorfast and won’t fade. Spot resistant, no marks. Dries- in jnst 30 minutes. Use your rooms the same day. hi 27 rich colon. Odorless and can be used’anytime. Easy clean-up. Paint Department, Main Basement Stock Numbers 31,16,10 fits most: Chevrolet!, Pontiacs, Plymouth*, Fords, Oldsmobiles 36-Mo. Guarantee Batteries Stock Numbers 32, 90,93 fits moat: Chevrolet*, Pontiacs, Plymouth*, Buicks, Oldsmobiles and some Compacts. Ante Ate mierim. Perry St. Bnmmsnt Power Home Humidifiers Add Moisture to Dry Heat Sean price Hea*y*duty. ftniaeta i I fin. furnishings. Excellent at ■ picnic tabic cover. Strong. Reach, clean or point easily. Big llV4xl3-in. rubber-padded steel pisiform. Regular $69.95 Humidifies Entire Home NO MONEY DOWN on Sean Easy Payment Plan . Attaches lo your warm-air heating system! Turns dry, pare hod furnace-heated air into springlike freshness! Hems protect furniture, carpets, draperies, piaster, paint, wallpaper from damage- V Heating!Plumbing Dept., Perry St. Basement riion guaranteed or vour money bark SEARS ! low nlow n Pont I at* Phono I T. .VI171 Ills THE PONTIAC PRE GIVE SPORTS EQUIPMENT for CHRISTMAS BrakenSiset Reg. 95.99 GIRLS'WbOL JUMPERS CHRISTAAAS FABRICS CHECK LIST! MISSES COTTON JUMPERS I Now $2" OPEN SUNDAY 12-6 Rich Royon Velvet (38" Wide)...... Gorgeous Cotton Velveteen (36" wide) Acetate Taffetas (42" wide)......... Nylon Net (72" wide) ................ Beautiful Brocades................... Felt (Many Colors) (36" wide)........ Felt (Red-White-Green) (72" wide). . Wool Flannel (60" wide)............. Bonded Wool Flannel (54" wide) . . . . . Acetate Sheath Lining (45" wide)..... PFLUEGER SUPREME REEL 12.M U|) TEL-HURON SHOPPING CENTER Phone 335-5471 el( graph luion Street save now on leather palm driving gloves 197 O47 I and 46- black leather coats, zip-in pile lining Tonight, Friday and Saturday, save on warmest winter gloves of wool/fur/nylon with leather palms. Block or brown shades, S-M-l. Here, short, 1.97. Not shown, 8-button, just 2.47. Tonight, Friday and Saturday onlyl Versatile black leather coat with a zip-in Orion R acrylic pile lining. Smart clouble-breasted short length in black capeskin, sizes 8 to 16. shop every night to 9 p.m. TEL-HURON SHOPPING CENTER Telegraph at Huron Roads UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PAY .FAMOUS NAME , APPLIANCES WE DO OUR OWN'SERVICE OPEN EVERY NIGHT ;TlL 9 C—10 THE>ONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1066 SECTION MBA. FRINCIPAI USES PERMITTED: In M OR-1 District, no building or premises shall be usad and no building or Uructure shall be aradad i----* *- more of the M taring us rovMud in IMS Ordl Drat permitted aa a JOBS ‘ O-l Offlou Building District ' in SECTION Ml of (Ms SECTION Mi-A. USES PERMISSIBLE ON SPECIAL APPROVAL: The following uses shall be parmlftn subject to the conditions hereinafter posed for each use and nt‘Mi review and approval of the the Planning Corn----- SECTION 1411 of BUILDING SETBACKS and BULK I BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Public Hearing will be held by the Pla: ning Commission of the Township of Bloomfield. Oakland County, Michigan, or Tuesday. January 3, 1147, at l:M p.m. at the Township Hall, 4200 Tat------■ Road, In said Township for the p inmate Escapes at Ionia Hospital IONIA (UPI) - Billy Brian, $1, Detroit, escaped from the Ionia State Hospital for foe Criminally Insane yesterday. * ★, ★ Police said Briin walked away from a carpentry crew to which he was assigned. He was sentenced in 1964 on a charge of assault with intent to commit murder, but police said he was not considered dangerous. Retail businesses ...... ... commodities on the premises ... eluding: millinery shops, clothing shops, drugs. Interior decorating shops, shoe shops, flower shops, notions, gift shops, or a business whose activity Is, In the opinion of the Planning Commission, similar. SECTION 9024. REQUIRED CONDITIONS: Building permits shall not be Issued to Ordinance No. (7, being tl t. 47, t Article IXA - OR-I District, reading as follows: ARTICLE 1X4 - OR-1 OFFICE-RETAIL DISTRICT PREAMBLE: The OR-1 OFFICE-RETAIL DISTRICTS educational facilities which serve large numbers of people. A ma|or purpose — this District Is to provide attractive a. tings so that Mp** areas of the Township -HPE..J above SECTION 9014, USES PERMISSIBLE ON SPECIAL APPROVAL. It Is the Intent of this District that these Special Approval uses be Included *-structure and Is District st oe tuny enciosea. outdoor storage display shall be prohibited. . Existing residential structures shall not qualify for use as personal service or retail business — these being permitted only In new structures so de-signed as to service these uses. SECTION MM. AREA AND BULK REQUIREMENTS: See ARTICLE XIII, "SCHEDULE OF REGULATIONS" limiting the height and bulk of buildings and minimum size of by permitted land use. No. P1.73B STATE OP MICHIGAN The Probate Court tor the County of Oakland Matter of Stanley Swterczynekl, Doro-M — tutor ciyaskl, Gregory Alton cl, Douglas Andrew Swlerczyn-iu Karan Marla Swterczynekl, of Name ____Ordered that on oJmiarv l tau. at 11 am.. In the Pro.. . _______■ Pontiac, Michigan a hearing be held the petition of Stanley Swterczynekl _ —mge the name of Stanley Swlerczyn-, Dorothy Halt Swterczynsfcl, Gregory Men Swlerczynski, Douglas Anwow Swierczynski and Karen Marla Swlerczynski to Stanley William Rykar, Dorothy Halt Ryker, Gregory Allen Rykar, Doug-‘ts Andrew Rykar, Karan Marla Rykar. Publication and service shall be made i provided by Statute and Court Rule. Dated: November IS, 1144 NORMAN R. BARNARD d IS, II No. 13,132 STATE OP MICHIGAN , The Probate Court tor the County of Oakland Estata of Charles F. Muscat, Deceased. " * i Ordered that on March IS, 1147, Pontiac, Michigan a hearing be held ... |------of Floella Muscat, admlnit- aid estate, praying for the allowance of her final ------- —*~ —f of the residue of ----ischarge of said a_____________ Publication and tar vice shall be made as provided by Statute ends Court Dalod: November 21 IMS NORMAN R. BARN/ ___ .Irst National Building Oetroit, Michigan 41224 December 1, I ai The following amendment a 0 ARTICLE XIII, SCHEDULE OP REGULATIONS: USE DISTRICT OR-1 Office-Retail - Front Each Side Rear Minimum Floor Area NOTES: (TO Section 1300) (ql The height of a structure may exceed three (3) stories or thirty (30) teat further, that for each additional foot of building holght above thirty (30) feet said wall shall be set back from the initial building setback line (thirty feet on all sides) a minimum of one-half (W> toot. The text of said proposed amendment ir change and accompanying maps are available for public Inspection the Township Clerk during regular business hours. CARTER CHAMBERLAIN, Chairman Bloomfield Township December I, IMS U S. to Boost I* B52s on Guam Some Bombers May Be Moved to Thailand WASHINGTON (UPI) - The United States will expand Its B52 bomber force on Guam early next year and may move some of the huge jets into Thailand so they can strike more swiftly at Communist targets in Viet Nam. Detailed proposals for Thailand operations have been prepared for study by Defense Secretary Robert S. McNamara. He long has wanted to base some of foe BSts closer to foe enemy forces they have been pounding with widely acclaimed results. A single eight-engine B52 can carry as powerful load of conventional bombs as a dozen or more of foe fighter • bombers now based in South Viet Nam and Thailand. ★ * ★ Operating on 4,300-mile round trips from Guam, foe B52s have been described by U.S. military officials as foe weapon most feared by enemy forces. In February, 20 of the 68-mil-lion aircraft will be added to the present force of 50 on Guam. No decision to shift some of these to Thailand has b e e n made yet and there has been no public sign that diplomatic arrangements have been worked oat with Bangkok. There would be weighty political considerations involved in moving such powerful weapons into tint country. ■ ★ ' * ★ . . The United States already has more than 30,000 military men in Thailand, however, and operates more than <50 Thai-based fighter-bombers and reconnaissance planep over North Viet Nam and the Ho Chi Minh Trail in Laos to South Viet Nam. 'Good to the taste-smooth, mellow, satisfying. Good to the pocket, too. It costs only $4.80 and it’s really worth much more. And, if you’re skeptical about a value lijce that, here’s how McMaster’s does it McMaster’s is made and aged in barrels in Canada. It’s bottled only after it reaches this country. That means solid savings on taxes, shipping, handling, etc. Price is only one reason for trying McMaster’s Canadian, a taste or two of its goodness will tell you the rest of the story. Good and expensive? No, just good. CANADIAN WHISKY. A BLEND. 80 PROOF, IMPORTED BY McMASTER IMPORT CO., DETROIT, MICH. BUY, SELL, TRADE ... USE PONTIAC PRESS WANT ADS THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1966 C—11 KEYED TO LIFE-LONG PLEASURE -The piano provides pleasure for the whole family and should be purchased wisely. "It is a perfect way in which to start the young- sters’ music education, something for which they will always be grateful,” says John Steinway of the famous piano family. Is Piano in Santa's Sleighs? A large gift that will find itself on some Christmas lists this year is a piano. Since this is, obviously, a major investment for the person who is playing Santa, we are forwarding some shopping advice from an expert, John Seaway, of the famous piano making family. The first preshopping decision to be made concern* the model. Should it be a grand or upright? In a reputable make, both are fine instruments and die choice may rest on the space, or lack of it, that is available. The next things to decide on are the finish and design of the I case. Piano manufacturers have kept up with modern trends in home decorating, says the expert, and both uprights and grands are now available in a variety of finishes from hlond to ebonized mahogany. Styles range from Louis XV to contemporary and personal taste is the dictator here. Hie next question, and probably fin most important, is 'where to buy it?” Consultants urge that you go to a reputable music store or a department store that has a good music department. Such a store is not looking for a quick sale, but During such a visit, he will suggest where the piano should go for better acoustics, and will give advice on size, type of wood and finish. When it cranes to choosing the malm of piano, we are advised by our expert to ask fra* file best in its price bracket. ★ ★ There are excellent makes in the lower-price range as well as in the more expensive range and a Sauna Helps Complexion What greater gift to a woman or discriminating teen-ager than the wherewithal for fine complexion beauty? -The new Saunda Facial Sauna, the world’s first beauty appliance, permits the complexion to enjoy all the benefits of the Scandinavian Sauna bath, right in the home. The unit is a small, compact electric appliance that within seconds produces billows of warm, moist mist for deep-pore facial cleansing and nnderskin stimulation and nourishment. The appliance when used in combination with four Saunda beauty preparations — a facial scrub, a freshener, a moisturizer ami an emollient — provides a complete home facial in 10 to 20 minutes. ★ w ★ Unlike the old-fashioned tea kettle or vaporizer whose 9ear-| , ing steam could cause injury to! jdelicate facial tissues, the relax-! ling mist is scientifically controlled to remain a constant,! comfortable 118 degrees F. | FOR MOTHERS, DAUGHTERS The new Facial Sauna is really a Mother-Daughter appliance, but for best results and even tempers, perhaps each should have one of her own. The appliance is nationally available at cosmetic counters and appliance sections at under thirty dollars, including an introductory kit of the four beauty preparations. It is UL-approved with a raw-year warranty, and position to put them out. A salesman in a reputable es-iproduced by Health Products, tablishment will welcome as | Inc. of Chicago. rather is seeking a lifetime, re- many questions as you can toss j _________________________ peat customer. |at an(j wju explain some of j In many fine stores, the Ithe technological changes that) Pollution destroys large areas salesman will come to die |have been made in pianos to of fish and game habitat an-home to help the customer, keep pace with the times. nually. OPEN DAILY 10 TO 10 - SUNDAY 12 TO 9 A Divition of the S. S. Krasge Company with over 900 Kresge, K mart and Jupiter Stem. ife.c , I * -u. ■ * Ml a J.'1 ' ™fckf Pre-Christmas Sale FLOOR CARE NEEDS-' Christmas 1 Is Hare! “S' DISCOUNT PRICE Up to 28 gel. capacity. 6’ hose, 6” noszle, 8’ cord. Caster 1st (4)........•[ 5-piece Tool Set......11.88 SaiVMH Rsted Beit Buyl CANISTER VACUUM HAS U4H.P. MOTOR m% Our Reg. 59.88 3 Days! Powerful suction for deep-down cleaning. Durable hose is giiiranteed. Home cleaning kit is included. 1% H.P. Motor Gets Hidden Dirt COURIER CORD-REEL VACUUM CLEANER VACUUM CLEANER, ELECTRIC BROOM t$M Ready to apt on rugs orbar* flows. Powerful 400-watt motor. Stands upright, bangs up on walk Charge it u Charge D Discount Price By Sunbeam! Built slim to move between furniture with ease. Features mighty VA H.P. motor, superstrength hose guaranteed for 5 years, inside storage for tools, automatic full-bag indicator. Five-piece tool Idt includes flpor/wall brush. Buy now and save! Other Courier Vacuum Clemen, from 4M8. * RUG AND FLOOR CONDITIONER 22M 1-qL liquids dispenser a laaum moyueim UlliAT -—__r feeds liquid waxee,. floor cleaners and tug shampoo. With attachments. “TOUCH V GO” VACUUM SWEEPER RUG SNAMPOOER, FLOOR POLISHER IS.88 29.88 lightweight cleaner with hi-•peed revolving brush, nylon roller for use on carpet or bare floors. Disposable; bag. With exclusive rug foam chamber. Scrubs, waxes, polishes and conditions carpets and floors. Charge Rat Kmart! GLENWOOD PLAZA . . .Perry Street at Glenwood tin him Boslosias Fbx-0-Mocs: the gift he’ll thank yos for svsrytiua he ; wears them i They have that wonderful brek»n-in feeling from "the moment' he slips them on . . . with their hondsewn craftsmanship, their leather soles, (above) low slung moc of glove-soft llama. Mulberry brown or block, 26.95 (below) the penny catcher in rich wine or black, 17.95. 1 Hughes Hatcher Suffrln — 682-2200 Please send the following Bostonian Flex-O-Mocs to: 6 Vi 7 Vs 8 v? 9 10 VSt 11 Vs 12 13 14 Name AA X X X X x X X Address A X X X X X X X X X X B X X X X X X X X X X X X x □ Check □ Money Order □ C.O.D. □ Charge to My Account Q X X X X X X X X X X X X X X D X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Quant. I ' Stylo j Color j Size E X X X X X X X X X X X X 1 | | EEE X X X X xx X X X X X 1 1 1 Under the Christmas tree: the Jet 990 by Resistol ... tope in any man’s wardrobe Surprise him with o handsome new hat. We recommend this Resistol Jet 990* a trim, flattering model. The crease is in to stay; medium brim styling with self conforming comfort that makes it adjust instantly to the shape of the head. Black* cinder grey, blue, or brown . . . 17.50. gm WHKt M6HT Tli CMUSTMAS19 9 PM. C—M THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1966 Romney Status Hazy WASHINGTON (UPI) 4 Questions are popping up around the country about whether Gov. George Romney of Michigan is eligible for the presidency because he was born in Mexico. No firm answer has ever been given to these questions about whether U. S. citizens born abroad of American parents are eligible. Some Washington legal authorities doubt that the questions ever can be answered by the federal courts end believe that Romney, if nominated and elected, would serve in the White House. The same questions have been heard before about such men as Franklin D. Roosevelt Jr. and Christian A. Herter when they were viewed as possibilities for the presidency or vice presiden- citizenshtp. One authority on the presidency, however, is confident that the principle survives. In the 19$7 edition of his book, "The Presidency,” Edward S. Corwin of Princeton University wrote that “the general sense of the provision (of the 1790 act) has been continued in force to (his day.” “Should, then, the American people ever choose for president a person born abroad of American parents, it is highly improbable that any other constitutional agency would venture to challenge their decision,” Corwin said. cy. The junior Roosevelt was born on Canadian soil pn Campobello Island, where his parents maintained a summer home. Herter’s parents were living in Paris when he was born. NOT DEFINED All the questions have been based on the Constitutional provision that only a “natural-born citizen” of the United States is eligible for the presidency. The Constitution does not define the term. George Romney was born in Chihuahua, Mexico, July S, 1197. His Mormon grandfather and family had moved to Mexico and helped found a Mormon colony there after polygamy was outlawed in the United States in 1882. The future governor was S years old when his parents, both U.S. citizens, fled from Mexican bandits and returned to Utah. He would be a “natural-born citizen” of the United States if the Constitution used the language of the Nationality Act of 1790, passed by the first Congress. That law said that “children of citizens of the United States that may be bom out of the limits and jurisdiction of the United States shall be considered as natural-born citizens.” The language did not remain NO CASE Some Washington legal authorities believe there would be no case that could be taken into the federal courts until after Romney actually had been elected. They doubt that the courts would do anything then be tile voters already would have passed on the issue. Federal law now says that “nationals and citizens of (he United States at birth” in- A Magnificent . THE GIFT YOUR FAMILY WILL ENJOY FOR YEARSI ELEGANT ASTRO-SONIC COLOR STEREO THEATRE Top entertainment from 270 sq. Inch rectangular Color TV, Stereo Records and Radio! The "Manhattan" features brilliant, instant color with Chromatone filter, Micromatic record player with diamond stylus guaranteed 10 years, solid-state stereo FM-AM radio with no-drift Automatic Frequency Control. Two 1,000-cycle treble horns and two 12" woofers. Contemporary walnut cabinet. 795 Solid-state parts have 5-year warranty; parts and picture tube 1 year plus 90 days home service. ”... A person bora outside of the United Kates and its outlying possessions of parents, both of whom are citizens of the United States and (me of whom has had a residence in the United States or one of its outlying possessions, prior to the birth of such person.” Current statutes do not refer to “natural-born citizens.” The annotated Constitution, prepared by the library of Congress, cites rally one authority on this question in its most recent issue, published in 1963. It refers to a 1990 analysis written for the Cornell Law Quarterly by Warren Freeman of the Rutgers University Law School faculty. Freeman argued that “a foreign-born child of American parents can rightly aspire to the position of president and hold such high office in accord with the eligibility requirements laid down both under common law principles and the entire body of [statutory law.” SPACE-AGE STEREO RADIO-PHONOGRAPH SOLID-STATE STEREO RADIO-PHONOGRAPH Enjoy spectacular stereo realism with the Mognavox "Messina" console! Solid-state amplifiers produce 40 watts of undistorted music power. Stereo FM-AM radio and Micromatic record player with diamond stylus. Two 1000-cycle treble horns and two IS" bass woofers. Itolian Provincial cabinet in walnut. *450 Solid-State components hove 5* year warranty; other parts 1 year plus 90 days home service. "The Stereo Duet" by Magna vox gives you ths finest In listening pleasure! Has 4 detachable epeakers and 20 watts of undistorted music power. MicromoMc record player hoe diamond stylus. Stereo FM-AM radio hot no-drift Automatic Frequency Control. Headphone Jack Included. 19$ 90 Use Your Charge, 4-Pay Plan (90 days same as cash) Budget Plan or Christmas Layaway GRINNELL'S, Pontiac Mall, 682-0422 Downtown Pontiac, 27 S. Saginaw St., FE 3-7168 YOUR HOOVER HEADQUARTERS Give Hoover, The Gift That Will Make Any Woman Happy This Christmas Charge it at Kmart The folly automatic toaster — baker — broiler which you have seen nationally advertised. GLENWOOD PLAZA-NORTH PERRY AT GLENWOOD THE POWTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1986 C—18 THORS, FBI, SAT. 9-PC. CORDLESS ELECTRIC SHOE POLISHING KIT Discount Price Charge It Cordless shoe polisher comes with 2 extra brushes, 2 buffing pads, 2 shine brushes, 2 tins of polish. “Kiwi" Broomer Shot Shina Kit..............*•'» 20-light string of C7V4 West-inghouse lights. U.L. approved- 24-light strings of lights.................... 1.22 Our reg. 1.27. Religious and conventional cards. Regular, slim i**1JS 1 shapes. Conventional assortment in regular, slim shapes. 2S-Ct. Cards.....88c Charge These Christmas Specials! Make Small Monthly Payments! • " V _ _ ________.__________ . _ — EASY-BAKE OVEN BY KENNER Our Reg, 9.97 Charge itt Easy bake oven bakes with 2 ordinary electric light bulbs. Complete with 3 slide-thru baking i pans, kitchen utensils and mixes for baking Enclosed oven, enclosed cooling chamber and other safety features built in. FESTIVE WITH FRUIT AND NUTS! 2-LB.-FRUIT CAKE STEEL FRAME HANDY BINS IP Hip roof for added space, \ strength. Lift-out bay. Double Caver Idol lex 4J3 Heavy Duty Tool Cox -. Ml Discount Price Limit 2 A delicious cake made with rum butter flavor, rich with succulent fruits and nuts- Wonderful for giro ... meat to have on hand when guests arrive. In reusable embossed ^ft^jontainer. Buy now and charge it. None sold to dealers. i Handy 13- or lCdrawar see- lsss^f»a,»r7L& I 18-Ora war Plastic Bin . GLENWOOD PLAZA CORNER NORTH PERRY AT GLENWOOD \ C—14 THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1966 OPEN DAILY 10-10 11 ilM ___JBtedM of Gift Discounts THURS., FRI, SA^ Mlm “ZEBCO” SPINCAST SET NAS "606” REEL, MATCHING JtOD Our Reg, 8,97 3 Day* Only A ChriWma* gift for yonr favorite fisherman ... popular Zebco “606” spincast all-metal reel has 90 yards of factory-installed 8-pound monofilament. Outfit comes complete with matching two-piece spincast rod. Shop Kmart and just ■ay “charge it.” Charge It Double boot hat flex designed binge •£:* heel, speed-lace inner boot. Fine leather uppers. Men’s, women’s 6-12. “Treviso” 4-Buckle Boots .......29.9T Ski Boot Tree...................2.37 I aMl Complete with Bindings, ADULT-SIZE SET OF WOOD SKIS TOP-QUALITY 67” BREAKDOWN POOL COE WITH CASE 9.97 Discount Price Charge It Two-piece Canadian maple pool cue has bran center joint. Superbly tapered and inlaid. With multi-colored butt ......... 7.37 .............2.99 St. Croix Fiberflas Cue.. 12” Canadian Maple Cue. Quality “Snaab” Ice Auger 7.97 Cuts 6” hole in seconds! Swedish steel blade, blade guard. Tip-ups . • • • 1-09,1.94 lee Rods .... 46e-1.57 3.Day* Only MEN’S DAORON INSULATED UNDERWEAR Our Reg. 7.97 9.99 Charge It Warmth without weight! Nylon outer shell with 4.4-os. Dacron® polyester insulation. Full zipper jacket. Choice of colors. Sizes S-M-L-XL. ( Corp. triSiaurk n . Only 1 MEN’S RUGGED 1 INSULATED ALLRUBBER BOOTS Our Reg-3.97 Charge It Multi-laminated wood skis have plastic bases, interlocking steel edges, tip and heel protectors, with front throw release bindings. 5’7”-6’9” lengths. Metal Poles, 4T”«UTM........3.84 STURDY CAR TOP SRI CARRIER 9.97 Discount Price Charge It Aluminum with lined clamping devices that will not freeze. Fits dolhestic, foreign, compact Trunk-Style Ski Carrier.. 15.9T For the Recreational Skier Treat Your Family to- FIRE LEATHER FICURE SKATES Charge It ■: Smooth leather uppers with Canadian steel blades. Men's sizes 5-12 in black, boys* 13-4 in black, women's 5-10 in white, girls* 134 in white. Save on Christmas gifts at Kmart! I6E FISHING TENT FEATURES EAST, POP-UP ASSEMBLY 19.99 Discount Price Charge It Treated tent cloth weigh* just 4 ounce* per square yard. Tie-down door flap prevents drafts. Sturdy frame consists of wood corner poles and wire eaves spreaders. Quick and easy pop-up assembly. Save at Kmart and just charge it. BATTERY MOUNTED HAND LANTERN 9.92 with falsher beacon clamps on to metal-clad 6-vilt battery. It's visible a mile DURABLE SLEEPING BAG NAS DACRON8 "00” INSULATION 19.97 Discount Price Charge It Extra-warm sleeping bag boasts lightweight 3-pound Dacron® “88” polyester insulation, colorful cotton flannel lining, full separating zipper, two air mattress pockets and large protective canopy. Kmart has top quality at low discount prices! "PRO” MODEL HOCKEY GLOVES 2.99 Genuine leather with plenty of padding. Nylon-stitched for extra strength. Charge it. Shin Guards.2.87 COLEMAN CAMPACT SPORTSTER STOVE Single burner stove for tents, ice shanties, blinds. Save! HeatdrumforStova 1.78 2.94 Charge It Warmly insulated rubber boots have deep deated non-slip soles. Steel shank provides extra support. Size* 7 to 12. limit one pair. DAISY B8 PISTOL IS GAS OPERATED 19.99 Daisy carbon dioxide,. 1 gas pistol has 175,-shot capacity. Feed arm releases 5 SB’s into firing .position. HANDSOME WALNUT-FINISHED THREE-PUCE GUN RACK COLEMAN Reliable CATALYTIC Heater PRACTICE PUTTING Junior-Size Hockey SET SUck,Pack Discount Price Charge It Made of the* finest cherrywood hand-rubbed to deluxe walnut finish. Grooves are lined for gun protection. 18”x 26” long. Gun Rack with Drawer.... Gun Rack with Drawer, Looking Gar.. 2Jj7 22.99 1 99* Our reg. 24.97. Give* con- < Slant 5,000 BTU heat iW\ even the coldest weather. Heats IS horns on one filling. Deluxe 2-piece gold dated lb putter With anodised la and to assure strong, stiCf out putting disc, and 2 -handles. Blades resist shock g»u ball*. and splitting. Official pack. Made of seasoned lumber GLENWOOD PLAZA NORTH PERRY AT GLENWOOD THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1960 C—U OPEN DAILY 10-10;SUNDAY 1£.7 THURS., FRU SAT, i 1' Get Set for Christmas Fun! BILL & HOWELL MOVIE PROJECTOR Our Reg. 98.88 500 watt brilUance! Super 8 movie projector with zoom lens will show movies forward, still or in reverse. Automatic threading from reel to reel. Features a built-in splicer, modern styling. 3 days! ELECTRONIC FLASH UNIT ARGUS SHOWAAASTER SUPER 8 MOVIE PROJECTOR 3988 JW Charge It Our Reg. 59.17 3 Day Only! 500 watt brilliance! Argus Fl-5 standard lens for extra sharp detail. Shows movies forward, still and reverse. 400-foot capacity for half-hoar shows. Compact, lightweight design. Shop Kmart for big savings on famous name cameras. Charge it. 1 Powerful Guide No. 28 for Kodachrome I II. 50 shot capacity with rechargeable I nickel cadmium battery. Removable PC 1 cord. Features a power indicator cir-1 cuit, 90° tilt with a hot shoe. COMPACT THREE SECTION TRIPOD Folds compactly to 23 inches. Sturdy brass and nickel construction with elevator center post Case not included. 3 days! “Charge If9 SUPER 8 AUTOAAATIC MOVIE CAMERA Excellent Super 8 automatic movie camera features behind-the-lens CDS electric eye, reflex viewfinder, 4 to 1 power soom, f 1.8 lens, three speeds and a built in grip. VIEW-MASTER PROJECT-A-SHOW THEATER PAK Contains View-Master Pro- SAVE! -SAWYER'S AUTOAAATIC v Focusing SLIDE PROJECTOR 3 Day* Only! Charge H 194.88 VIEW-MASTER 3-DIAAENSIONAL Gift Pak Automatic focusing... merely focus die first slide and each slide is focused .automatically by the projector after that. Remote cwntrriensbles ul,. —y ...r - wxt i reverse. Has intensity quarts lamp for more light, less : Standard viewer with 7 stereo reels ,. . a total of 49thriil-ling, 3 dimensional scenes. Charge h. CUSTOM DESIGN PROJECTION TABLE DUcount Price Charge It Has a beautiful aemi-gloss black finish with walnut grain insert, highly polished brass legs, and metal control panel. Three electrical outlets and room-light on-off switch. Shop K-mart and save! Kmart brand telescope has two-section wooden tripod; 5 power finder scope; 15, 30, 60 power turret. Charge itat Kmart! Featums objective ring focusing . aid tripod mount. Hard\ coated optics. Charts GLENWOOD PLAZA CORNER NORTH PERRY AT GLENWOOD C—-10 THE PROOF OF VALUE IS MORE THAN JUST THE PRICE TAB. PONTIAC PEBd8, tOTftSPAT, DECEStBER g, M» what 57.85 buys you from this value-packed selection: luxurious sharkskin two-trouser suits. The fabric is a fine pure wool> smooth, elegant, longwearing. It's tailored In 2- and 3-buttoh models with TWO PAIRS OF TROUSERS. Choose from smart solids, and lustrous iridescent shades in medium grey, dark grey, navy, brown or olive. You'll find them in a complete range of proportioned sizes including extra long, portly, and portly short. Don't miss out on this outstanding saving. • It meant lew prices; lower than wo normally carry • It meant batter quality than you'd expect at the price • It meant top value • It meant satisfaction in fit, wear; in every respect! • It meant fresh, new apparel ... in full selection • It meant no charge for alterationi And it means you'H buy it in a store you know and trust—where you can be sure of quality, of origin, of satisfaction-—not just when you buy, but after, the purchase. too. It means full selections and complete size ranges. It means proper fit by trained clothing experts, and courteous attention. LOOK AT THESE BUDGET BUYS. SHOP THEM, COMPARE THEM, SEE IF YOU CAN MATCH THEM, AND REMEMBER YOU CAN CHARGE THEM, TOO-AT ANY HUGHES-HATCHER-SUFFRIN STORE * * * * * * ★ ** H-H-S * BUDGET f \ BUYS *1 ****** 'Our Budget Buys are selected because they give you more for your money than 1 you'd normally expect—and it's what you get few your dollar that proves a value. We select each Budget Buy with great cafe; many are made to our exacting specifications. Take a moment to read exactly what a Budget Buy means to you. SAT. & MON. NARY, COLLECTION OF PIPE WOOL SHMKSKIII SHITS HATH 2 PAIRS OF TROUSERS BUDGET IVY PRICED AT SPECIAL VALUES ON OUTEROOATS: ZIP-LINED WOOLS, IMPORTED VELOURS, LUXURIOUS CASHMERES FINE ALL-WOOL TOPCOATS WITH ZIP-OUT PILE UNM6S BUDGET BUY PRKED 57“ Han’t a most versatile coat at an appreciable saving. Tailored of pun wool, In valours, saxonies, and cheviots with wool zlp-out liners. Herringbones, diagonals, checks, plaids, and neat muted patterns. HANDSOME OVBCOATS OF RICH IMPORTED ITALIAN VELOUR BUDGET BUY PRICED T«» Lustrous full weight Marzotta Italian valour In distinctive muted Glen plaid patterns. Tailored in button-through models with notch collar and flap pockets. An elegant coat combining warmth and tong wear. LUXURIOUS PURE CASHMERE LAVISHLY HAND-TAILORED BUDGET BUY PRICED 88“ Then coats an pun cashmere and all,value. So luxurious a fabric deserves canful attention to detailing, aeen hen In handsome dress and casual models, with hill Bamberg linings. Blade, navy, vicuna shinies. mmSsf i ;r|8 - W i; 0»ey gygfY MIGHT Christmas to 9 P.tL THE PONTIAC PRESS. THOB8DAY. DECEMBER g, l»«g tSSSSSBSm 0ur3nHHMvnsiBysuc Our 3rd ANNIVERSARY SALE Still Going Strong— Witt Bargains Galon! ind, where we-hoveihewo^wp}0^ •election end vortex USDA CHOICE 6th Coupon for Anchor Hocking Sorono Honey Gold Glasses. Are you registered for the $1200.00 Pd»» »o be drawn Deo /MAXWELL HOUSE APPLESAUCE CAMPBELL'S TOMATO NESTLES CHOCOLATE YOUR CHOICE ARMOURS 12-0z. r USDA I GRADE 'A' ^ WHOLE FRYERS IP* Reserve the* Right to Limit ^ynffuriririi DETERGEKt USDA CHOICE W MICH. No. 1 I MARTHA WHITE f PETERS I _ ' THICK OR THIN SLICED | JU| ■ lfB* USDA CHOICE SPARTAN Thick Sliced NORTHERN tom TISSUE USDA CHOICE RUMP WiihboM Italian DRESSING liquid DintaMc SEGO Wagnan—Low Calorie ORANGE DRINK KRAFT TOBURY BORDEN CHOCOLATE or BUTTER- SPARTAN MARGARINE BABY FORMULA Frank's Ground BUCK PEPPER Uplon Mack TEABAGS AH Puiposo Laundry Addithra MIRACLE WHITE Oirdnlnlln ^ SALTINES Lady Bitty PRIME JUICE BOWL CLEANER IMWMWWBWMIWyglWMWWeWl JEWING RED sockeye SALMON RICH- DOWNT FLAKE WAFFLES BANANAS .111 Emperor Red 1 JR Mfo GRAPES .19 US. No. I Michigan HH ■■ POTATOES 20-79 thru Wed., Dec. 14 Teefedfaqr Sun*Dee. II. 5^*1 D—2 I- y.’ THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY DECEMBER 8, I960 Books Please Devoted Cooks By JANET ODELL Peattoc Press Foad Editor Let’s talk a bit today about some of the newer cookbooks. Perhaps there Is someone on your list who would enjoy one that’s new or you may want to file your request with Santa. ★ * ' * The Meredith Publishing Company which puts out Better Homes and Gardens has a whole array of cookbooks and brtfcs about toe home ready for Christ- First of all is there Christmas Ideas book which offers suggestions for decorating, gifts, food and wrappings. Among their other special books are Stitchery and Crafts ($5.95); 1967 Home Furnishings Ideas Annual ($1.35); a story book ($2.95); and Pies and Cakes Cookbook ($1-95). Companion to ‘The New York Times Cook Book” is “The New York Times Menu Cook Book*' by the same author, Craig Claiborne. (Harper & Row, New York, $8.95). As food editor of the New York Times, hia job requires Mm to sample restaurants five days a week. On weekends, he spends time in his home kitchen cooking gourmet meals. * * * In toe bopk there are 1,000 redpes, none duplicating those in the fir^t book. i Avocados are in season. Yon might use them in this salad from Claiborne’s book. MEXICAN AVOCADO SALAD 2 tablespoons olive oil 2 tablespoons vinegar 14 teaspoon salt dash of freshly ground pepper 3 medium avocados 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 medium orange, peeled and sliced 1 small onion, thinly sliced Vi cup sliced stuffed olives salad greens ★ ★ * Combine oilive oil, vinegar, salt and pepper. Blend well. Cut avocados into halves and peel them. Brush all over with lemon juice. Arrange avocados on salad Jgwz v greens. Top wtth orange, Bake hi degree even 2> easily when tested with a feit. six servings. Makes six servings. ‘The Savor of toe Sea” (Mac- From “The Tea Cookbook” by Milton, New York $6.95) is a William I- Kaufman (Doubleday, book devoted entirely to fish; Garden City $3.95) comes this and seafood. ^interesting dessert recipe. QUICK BAVARIAN CREAM Dan Mmris is a writer on fishing, fish lore and outdoor cooking. He goes into detail about the totter in the cook book. • « ★ ★ ★ There is a great deal of other important information about buying,, caring for and preparing fish. There an erven new tuna fish casseroles. Here is one of toe simple tested recipes: STEAKS *N* SHERRY 6 large fish steaks 2 cloves garlic, chopped juice of 2 lemons 1 cup sherry-14 cup salad oil salt and pepper Place steaks in a deep greased baking pan. Sprinkle with salt and p e p p e r. Combine garlic, lemon juice, sherry and oil and pour over fish. 1 package lemon-lime gelatin 1 cup boiling water 2 tablespoons instant tea 1 cup heavy cream, whipped ★' .★ Dissolve gelatin dessert in boiling water. Stir in instant tea and chill until consistency of unbeaten egg white. Fold In whipped* cream and pour into four-cup mold. ★ ★ ★ Chill until firm. Garnish with fruit for serving. Makes six servings. c .★ . * * A little fun book is Holly Cans’ “ The Lady of toe House Almanac:” It is described as “A spariding collection and tidbits to delight every lady of toe house." Favorite Sandwich Given Variety Puf Glazed Spare on Top of Tasty Rice spareribs are first parboiled, A honey fruit sauce glazes them beautifully. Base of it all Is a mixture of rice, green onions and diced celery. Cook Potatoes in Hot Sugar Brunede kartofler — Danish-style sugar-browned potatoes — y to make from tile Copenhagen restaurant’s recipe. ★ ★ ★ ** • Boil 26 little new potatoes, unpeeled, In salted water until done. Drain, peel and let dry In colander or strainer. While potatoes cook, melt 6 tablespoons of granulated sugar In heavy MOCHA CLOUD CAKE—Chill 114-quart bowl and beaten of electric mixer for IS minutes. Mix in cold bowl 114 cups mm dairy dry “creamer,” % cup cold milk, Vi cap powdered sugar and one tablespoon Instant coffee. Whip at highest speed until soft peaks form, three to five minutes. Stir in one cup cut-up toasted almonds. Cut one loaf angel food into three layers. Spread whip between layers and on top of cake. Makes eight servings. It’s a new twist for an old ifavorite. Western Sandwiches Vi cup salad Oil 1 medium onion, finely chopped <% cup) 14 large green pepper, finely chopped ($4 cup) 4 frankfurters, thinly diced into rounds 4 large eggs, slightly beaten with salt and pepper to taste 8 thin slices bread, toasted and buttered ★ ★ In a 10-inch skillet heat the oil; add onion and green pepper and cook gently until softened; add frankfurters and heat. Pour in egg mixture; as egg sets, lift edges and tilt put so soft portion runs td bottom. While top is still slightly soft, cut in 4 wedges and turn each wedge to brown lightly. Use filling for toast to make 4 sandwiches. Serve with chill sauce. Makes 4 servings. skillet over low heat, stirring constantly until sugar melts and browns. ★ ★ * Add $4 cup of butter to caramelized sugar and mix well. Turn potatoes in sugar mixture over low heat until they are shiny, brown and at serving temperature. Serve with roast goose, duck, pork or game. You’ll be glad that you baked toe meat on a bed of nee when you prepare Ginger Rlbfc w i th Rice Dressing tor toe rice absorbs all of the meat drippings* as well as tite spicy honey and lemon sauce as the meat cooks. * * * Tender cooked rice not only absorbs the flavor of tbs mfeat and sauce but of the apricots, onions, and* seasonings With which It is mixed before being apread into the baking pan- Aay kind of American grown rice — brown, regulir milled white, parboiled or precooked can be used for fob recipe. And tender fluffy rice is guaranteed if toe easy cooking directions on tiie rice package are followed to toe letter. To complete the meal fea-turing Ginger Ribs with Rice Dressing, serve green beans with slivered almonds, crisp relishes and baked custard for dessert * Ginger Ribs with Rice Dressing 4 pounds spareribs, cikt into serving-sire portions Vt cup sliced green onions with tops 14 fcup diced celery 2 tablespoons butter er margarine f; | 3 cups cooked rfee % cup diced dried apricots 14 teaspoon pepper 14 cup broth from cooking spareribs 14 cup gingersnap crumbs 14 teaspoon allspice 14 teaspoon salt VH teaspoon peppnr 14 cu vinegar or lemon jutes 14 cup honey Parboil spareribs lhour or until tender. Cook qnions and celery in butter until soft but hot brown. Add rice, apricots, pepper and broth. Turn into baking, dish. Arrange ribs, meaty side up, on rice mixture. ★ ★ ★ Mix remaining ingredients and boil 8-10 minutes or until thick. Brush oi ribs. Bake at 375 degrees for 30 minutes, brushing with honey mixture every ten minutes. Serve with any remain teg sauce. Makes 6 servings. Thump a yeast loaf mi top when you are testing to see whether it is done. No need to turn the loaf out of toe pan for this test! HAMBURGERS PORK ROAST ROAST Fresh ,2>b.89c .. Lb. 39e Young Tender Beef Smoked 1/i or Wh. ■ ■ ■ DAPflll Hickory Slab DAvIM Smoked % PICNICS SB. LIVER Beef or Fork Lb, Lb. ■Ill u59e ..39* 39° GRADE 1 BOLOGNA CHUNK w 39" lb. GRADE 1 ROUSH SA0SAGE 59*ii. GRADE 1 HOT DOSS 3 Lbs. $| 05 ORDER YOUR HOLIDAY POULTRY NOW! 608 W. HURON ST.. Near Webster School Steaks •ROUND •SIRLOIN •CLUB Fresh Lean HAMBURGER In 3 Found Or More ( Packages ||ja SUPER SPECIAL! Lean Center Cut Jp 69*- CHOPS M HIGHER REMUS BUTTER 2 POUND LIMIT WITH MEAT PURCHASE CHOPS 39t Yllk CHOKE 4 Aft FRESH, LEAH 1 • 10 Chuck Patties g| TENDER JUICY • a Chopped Sirloins 4 5-OZ. PORTION Pork Choppies H Grade 1 Bulk or Link Brekfart • 2 lbs. Sausage MARKETS Quality Meat* Since 1931 4343 Dixie Highway—Drayton Oppn Wodnaadoya 9 AJJL tp-MO P.M. Thwraday thro Saturday 9 9 PJW. Sundays 9 AJA. to 6.PJHL THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, D—B Cook Two: Eat One, Freeze the Other DOUBLE-DUTY CASSEROLES - Here’s a dandy dish to ax* on the double. The recipe provides for two cas-seroies... one to serve and one to save in the freezer for future use. Several variations are given, too, so the dish can be different every time it’s made. Low Calorie lopping Used in Fluffy Salad Dressing Life becomes easier for the weight watcher when meals cm include a smooth, creamy topping at only seven calories per tablespoon — about one-third the calories of whipped cream. Low calorie whipped topping mix comes two envelopes to the package, and each envelope makes 2 cups of topping. The mix is beaten with cold water and vanilla to make a rich tasting topping for puddings, pies, cakes, and shortcakes. A refreshing fruit salad is made still more tempting when served with a fluffy dressing made by combining the prepared topping with low calorie mayonnaise. The package of low calorie topping mix cm be stored on the food shelf. Once prepared, the topping mix stores in toe refrigerator. Before serving, beat until fluffy, adding one tablespoon of water if toe topping seems a little stiff. FTuit Salad 2 grapefruits, peeled and sectioned 2 oranges, peeled and sliced 2 apples, cored and sliced 2 bananas, sliced Seedless grapes Salad greens (optional) Fluffy Low Calorie Dressing On a chilled serving platter, arrange fruits in an attractive pattern over greens. Serve with Fluffy Low Calorie Dressing. Makes about 4 servings. Fluffy Low Calorie Dressing 1 envelope low calorie whipped topping mix Vi cup water Vi cup low calorie mayonnaise Combine topping mix and water tin deep narrow-bottom bowl. Whip with rotary beater or at high speed of electric mixer until topping is thick and fluffy-about 2 or 3 minutes. Blend in mayonnaise. Serve with fruit salads. Makes about 2 cups. Considered by many as standby foods for emergency meals, egg noodles and canned tuna are the main ingredients for one of the most, popular of casseroles in America. Not only does the' dish continue as a favorite for unplanned meals, it deserves a place in toe planned meal as well. That’s just what this two-casserole recipe is all about. It’s a way to code for now and later ... at toe same time. The recipe provides for two casseroles; one if to serve immediately, the other to stash away in the freezer to use within the next month. Double-Duty Casseroles 2 tablespoons salt 4 to 6 quarts boiling water 1 pound medium egg noodles (about 8 cups) % cup chopped onion 1 cup sliced celery % cup butter or margarine % cup flour 2% teaspoons salt* 1 teaspoon thyme leaves Vi teaspoon pepper 6 cups milk 4 cans (6% or 7 ounces each) tuna, drained Present Callers With Goodies Welcome holiday callers with a basket of individually packaged homemade goodies placed conveniently on toe hall table. ♦ *■ ★ Carolers, neighborhood children, toe newsboy, the mailman and all who cross your threshold during this happy holiday season well be delighted to choose from inviting gift packets of cookies, candy or fruit cake slices, all wrapped in spariding saran film for freshness and easy selection. The blue laws'of the Massachusetts Bay Colony and New Haven Colony once forbade the baking of mince {tie. FLUFFY DRESSING — New low calorie whipped topping mix is used to make a fluffy rich tasting dressing for fruit salad. The artificially sweetened topping mix is prepared with? cold water. Holiday Gift Baskets EXTRA FANCY BASKET bushel asserted apples, grapefruit, 6 oranges, 2 lbs. f pears, 1 lb. assorted npts, 1 lb. package of figs, 1 ten ounce package of dates. All gaily packed in a festive gift basket. Only $975 REGULAR GIFT RASKET % bu. of large, extra fancy apples, including Delicious, Spies and Mdi^toshes. Only $495 HONEY. SORGHUM MOUSSES. DATES, 10-oz. pkg,.................35c FIDS, Hb. pkg......................45c NUTS, all kinds, Mb................47c APPLE CIDER .KGoL....... 49* 1 Gal.... J5« TANGERINES for Christmas JN* PerDoz. Apples at Their ebh Aa Very Best for the Holidays Ws sell apples to schools cl discount pttocs. FREE Delivery in the Pontiao area. OduJI|P Corner of Clarkston and Sashabaw Roads to Mto Berth ef f ■ihslaer ixB iiseed M—tofS'-Sp— IfoMtofollTtoe^TIuw^See 2 teaspoons Worcestershire 2 teaspoons lemon juice Paprika Add 2 tablespoons salt to rapidly boiling water; Gradually add noodles so that water continues to boO. Cook recovered, stirring occasionally, until trader. Drain to colander. ZZiT ■■ - Meanwhile, in .saucepan, cook onion and celery in butter until crisp-tender. Quickly mix in flour, 2% teaspoons salt, thyme and pepper. Gradually add milk; code, storing constantly until sauce bolls 1 minute. Add tuna, Worcestershire and lemon juice. Makes 2 casseroles, 4 servings each. For immediate use: Mix half of sauce with half of noodles In 2-quart casserole. Sprinkle with paprika. Bake in 350 degree (moderate) even 20 minutes. To freeze for future use: Mix together remaining sauce and noodles and cool quickly. Turn into. 2-quart casserole lined with heavy duty foil (allowing extra foil for fold). Seal with double fold. Freeze; remove casserole. ★ 1 * * When ready to use, remove foil; replace in casserole. Cov-bake unthawed in 350 degree (moderate) oven 1 hour. Uncover; sprinkle with paprika. Continue baiting, uncovered, 30 inutes or until bubbling hot. ’Salt loses flavor on freezing; increase salt to taste for freezer casserole. VARIATIONS: 1. Add % cup chopped sliced pimiento - stuffed olives 1 tuna sauce. 2. Add % cup chopped or sliced ripe olives to tuna sauce. 3. Add 1 can or jar (7 ounces) pimientos, drained and diced, to tuna sauce. 4. Add 1 can or jar (6 ounces) mushrooips, drained, to tuna sauce, 5. Substitute tomato juice tor milk, when making the sauce. 6. Reduce amount of butter to Vi cup; omit % cup flour; reduce amount of milk to 3% cups. After cooking onion and celery in butter, mix with the milk and 2 cans (10% ounces each) condensed cream of mushroom soup to make sauce. Continue as in original recipe. Top Quick-Thaw Fruits With Cream Choice fruits, picked at their prime, and frozen in plastic pouches which keep them in tiptop condition, describe toe new fruit line. The new frozen fruits end fruit combinations are strawberries; red raspberries; Bing cherries; sliced peaches and strawberries; and mixed fruit; All are packed in sugar syrup, which keeps the f r u i t s plump and makes them ideal for dessert use, right from toe pouch. This plastic pouch, incidentally, has another use besides i n s u r I n g quality fruit, and that’s convenience of thawing Put the pouch to a bowl of warm water, and the fruit is ready to eat in 7 to 14 minutes, depending on size of toe fruit. Dainty red raspberries thaw in 7 minutes; sliced peaches and strawberries take 14 minutes. Try the Peach Combination or the mixed fruits in Ambassador Tarts when you need a company-worthy dessert. Ambassador Tarts Legg white 4 tablespoons sugar % cup heavy cream % teaspoon vanilla 1% cups (about) flaked coconut 1 package (10 oz.) quick-thaw frozen mixed fruit or peaches and strawberries, thawed 5 baked 3%-inch tart shells Beat egg white until foamy throughout. Add sugar, 2 tablespoons at a time, beating thoroughly after each addition. Continue beating until egg white will form stiff, rainy peaks. Combine cream and vanilla. Whip just until cream will form soft peaks. Fold into beaten egg white. Fold in 1 cup coctinut. , v..*. MNwraii How Much Comes in Can? Spoon. fruit into tart shells. Top with cream mixture. Sprinkle with % cup coconut. Makes 5 servings. Make frozen lollipops in your home freezer for the youngsters. Freeze fruit juices or chocolate milk in toe ice cube tray, placing a stick in each cube. I Often you read recipes that call for canned products, I but the measurements are given usually in cup measurement. Ever wonder what size can you are supposed to buy? Home economists have provided the following list for you * | to clip and save. Average Contents Size COMMON CAN SIZES (cups) 8 oz. tall (can or jar) .... ...................1 No. % flat - 614-8 oz.......................... 1 Picnic — 10%-U oz..............................iy4 No. 2 vacuum — 12 oz. .................... .... 1% No. 300 - 14-16 oz............................. 1% No. 1 tall - 16 oz.............................2 No. 303 (can or jar) — 16-17 oz................2 No. 2 — 1 lb. 4 oz. — 1 pt 2 oz................2% No. 2% (can or jar) — 1 lb. 13 oz..............3% No. 3 — 46 oz. — or 1 qt. 14 oz................5% No. 10 - 6-7 lb................................12 Com Fritters Are Excellent Corn fritters get extra flavor from cornmeal. Good for brunch or dinner. Hearty Corn Fritters lVi cups sifted regular flour % cup yellow cornmeal 3 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons sugar 1 can (12 ounces) vacuum-packed yellow whole-kernel corn 2 eggs 2 tablespoons salad oil 1 can (8% ounces) yellow cream-style com Sift together flour, cornmeal, baking powder, salt and sugar. Drain the whole-kernel corn reserving % cup of the liquid. ★ ★ * To reserved liquid, add toe eggs and salad oil; beat until thoroughly combined. Stir in the cream-style com. Gradually stir in the sifted dry ingredients and drained whole-kernel com. Heat oil (at least 2 inches deep) to 365 degrees on deep-frying thermometer. Drop batter by tablespoonfuls into hot fat. Fry about $ minutes, turning once, or until golden brown. Drain on brown paper! serve hot. Makes 24 fritters or 8 serv- [7 Different Salad Blend ready-tp-use mince meat with Sherry wine or orange juice to saucy consistency. Spoon onto cross-wisg slices of western Iceberg lettuce. Garnish with tWiSted orange slices and maraschino cherries. THE NOME OF NATURALLY TENDER MEATS (Mahagany Farms Beef) BONELESS ROLLED RUMP ROAST BONELESS ROLLED and TIED PORK ROAST UGHER 4* BUDGET STRETCHERS YOUR CHOICE • Sliced Steer Beef Liver. • Cottage Style Perk Steak or Chops • Beef Tongues or Hearts • Deluxe Lean Short Ribs • Sliced Perk Liver or Pork Heart • Smoked Ham Heeks PONTIAC PRIDE HICKORY SMOKED PICNIC SLICED FREE 33? NONE HIGHER FREE-FREE 1 COUPON 1-lb. of PONTIAC PRIDE SKINLESS WIENERS with Purchase of $2.00 or more... NEW STORE HOURS OPEN (VERY DtT • MM Except Sunday COUPON FREI FANCY LEG O' LAMB HOME FREEZER SPECIAL CUT, WRAPPED and DELIVERED FREE Just Say “Charge It** FULL SIDES-0-BEEF FREE 50 PORK CHOPS WITH EACH SIDE 49? PTiHi DELICIOUS and JUICY GRAPEFRUIT 5V. California ORANGES 3 Sweat Zipper Skin TANGERINES 3^89* FANCY JONATHAN APPLES 4,b "•* 39e PARK FREE IN REAR HOFFMAN'S PONTIAE FREEZER FOODS, INC. 526 N. PERRY ST. RETAIL DIVISION ot OAKLAND PACKING QUALITY MEATS AND PRODUCE AT WHOLESALE PRICES WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES FE 2-1100 press, Thursday, dkcEiMber 8,1900 Deaths in Pontiac, Nearby Areas mtxssm.^%.- xsras: Rudolph Arellano grandchildren; and five great-iester. Burial will be in Ottawa H I grandchildren. I Park Cemetery, Pontiac. Requiem Mass for Rudolph Memorials can be made to St. j Mrs. Mann died today after a Arellano, 56, of 656 Benson will I Paul’s Methodist Church. short illness. '? be 10 a.m. tomorrow at St. Vin- I surviving besides her husband cent de Paul Catholic Church Nelson G. Brown jare two daughters, Mrs. Mur-with burial in Mount Hope Cem- RnrHFcTER _ and lene Larson of Rochester and Md,i" A- M,S WUta Hubble Ariibg- T l r , f I month-old son of Mr. and Mrs.1 ton Tex.; two sons ^bert of Mr. Arellano, an employe ofiJohn w Brown 614 Quarter Oxford and Kenneth Spencer; a Jones-Laughlin Steel Corp. in ^ be Saturday Newport!:sister,vL.a br?ther; and nine Warren, died Tuesday. jTenn ^ arrangements were grandchildren. Potere Fu-| F,oyd o W;|son Service for Charles W. Dinkins! The baby died yesterday. j LAPEER TOWNSHIP — S Sr., 67, of 12 Walnut will be Surviving besides his parents ice for Floyd 0. Wilson, 60, of 1 p.m. Monday at the Newl^ a brother, John W. Jr., at 2324 Clark will be 1:30 p.m. to' Bethel Baptist Church with;bome. and grandparents Mr.Imorrow at Baird-Newton Funer-burial at Oak Hill Cemetery by and Mrs. Homer Brown of Sal Home, Lapeer. Burial will be Frank Carruthers Funeral Washington and Mrs. Myrtle in Farmer’s Creek Cemetery. Home. I Moore of Newport, Tenn. j Mr Wilson, an employe of Mr. Dinkins, a former em-| _ .............. ploye of GMC Truck & Coach! r Division, died Tuesday following WEgT BLoOMFIELD TOWN-1 Surviving are his wife, Leila; iV Bethel Ba^stThllrchjsHIP - Mass for Henry J. ^Ld c, luA- 17 bier, 64, of 1895 Petrolia will be Thomas « Lapeer ana uonata Charles W. Dinkins R Jurisdiction Issue Board Decision Delayed TomoiTow’s meeting of the Oakland County Community Mental Health Services Board been canceled and tentatively rescheduled for Dec. 16. Paul Nl Averill, board chairman, ordered the postponement' allow more time for board members to receive information partroent to a decision whether the board should a to release some of its jurisdiction area to Pontiac State Hospital. The board had indicated that a decision on the agreement, needed by the hospital to claim $250,660 in federal funds, would be reached to Efforts have been made to schedule a meeting with Gov. Romney on this matter. Suspect Is Sane WINDSOR (AP) - A young housewife accused of suffocating her 2-year-old cousin was found mentally fit Wednesday to stand trial A psychiatrist said 18-year-old Mrs. Carol Ann Findlay was aware of court proceedings and legally able to Dec. 14 to entef a plea. WIT SUBLET Don’t pay $1M to W* tan muon Mr my ,enr. Take the gamble out of car buying mmd deal with tu. • iitn mm««mi ill Horn* Of Birmingham rlipiQ ALL MAKES and MODELS rT ' Womum-KYUOUTH Whwvthn Action In 84T-M11 . .. i Several persons had planned Pontiac Motor Division, died attend tome rrow’s meeting to Tuesday. urge that the board agree to and St. John Lodge 17. Surviving are his wife, Ammie; three sons, Charles W. Jr., Lloyd and Robert; and five daughters, Mrs. Jessie Mae Seay, Mrs. Lettie Kyles, Mrs. Rosie Gilyard, Mrs. G u s s i e Walters and Mrs. Veluor L. Clark, all of Pontiac. Also surviving are three sisters, Mrs. M^gie Chambers gg* yesterday He was a mem. ^ Mre. Naj^lmn Ro^ of her J gt Pat;ick.s church. Pontiac and Mrs. Alice Adams > . . , of Pittsburgh, Pa.; 27 grand-1 Surviving are his wife, Mar-children; and five great-grand- his mother Mrs. Amelia Kuebler of Bay City; seven sons, James, Ronald, Fritz, Lawrence William, Dwayne and Robert, 5 Petrolia will be 10:30 a.m. Saturday at St. Patrick’s Church, Union Lake; Bur-| ial will be in Oakland Hills Me-j morial Cemetery, Novi. A rosary will be said at 8 p.m. Fri-‘ day at Elton Black Funeral Home, Union Lake. Mr. Kuebler, a retired pipe fitter at Pontiac Motor Division, of Ortonville; a daughter, Judith |of Lapeer; and 19 grandchildren. children. Mrs. Rue G. Moore Service for former Waterford Township resident Mrs. Rue G. (Ida R.) Moore, 97, of Traverse City will be 1:30 p.m. Saturday at First Methodist Church in Davison with burial in Grace-lawn Cemetery, Flint, by Grove Memorial Funeral Chapel in Davison. Mrs. Moore, a member of the First Methodist Church, died yesterday after a brief illness. She had also beat a member of the Order of Eastern Star. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Elva M. Burnes of Pontiac and Mrs. Earl Brandow of Traverse City; three grandchildren; and one great-grandchild. Robert F. Overstreet Service for Robert F. Over-street, 68, of » Janies will be 1:30 p.m. Saturday at Donelson-Johns Funeral Home with burial in Perry Mount Park Cemetery. Mr. Overstreet, a retired employe of Pontiac Motor Division, died yesterday after a lung illness. He was a member of Columbia Baptist Church. Surviving are his wife, Lola; three daughters, Mrs. Loren Homier of Detroit, Mrs. Allen Thurman of Cedar Grove, W. Va., and Mrs. George Blum of Pontiac; and two sons, George Archer and Lance Archer, both of Pontiac. Also surviving are 12 grandchildren, One great-grandchild, a brother and five sisters. Mrs. Frank J. Perkins Service for former Pontiac resident Mrs. Frank J. (Imay) Perkins, 75, of St. Johns will be 1 p.m. tomorrow at the Osgood Funeral Home in St. Johns. Mrs. Perkins died yesterday after a brief illness. William H. Richardson all of Saginaw; four daughters, Mrs. Raymond Lee, Mrs. Mildred Jones, Mrs. Dorothy Melody and Shirley, all of Saginaw; 35 grandchildren; and one greatgrandchild. Douglas L. Lomason LAKE ORION - Service for Pvt. Douglas L. Lomason, 19, of 211 W. Flint will be 11 a.m. Saturday at Flumerfelt Funeral Home, Oxford. Military graveside services will follow at St. | Johns Gedietery, St. Johns. Pvt. Lomason, a graduate of Lake Orion Community High School, died Sunday after a completed Marine boot training at Camp Pendleton, Calif. Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mm. Lawrence J. Lomason; grandparents Mrs. Karl Hecht of St. Johns and Mr. and Mrs. :ss Lomason of North Branch; toother, Dale at home; and two sisters, Carol and Bonnie, both at home. Deborah L. Lydick TROY — Service for former Troy resident, Deborah L. Lydick, 12, of 276 Massoit, Clawson, will be 10:36 a.m. Saturday at Price Funeral Home. Burial will be in White Chapel Memorial Cemetery. Deborah died yesterday after a long illness. She was enth grade student at Clawson Junior High School. Surviving are her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Lydick; two sisters, Denise L. and Donna L. at home; three brothers,i Claude C., Leonard M. and James V., all at home; grandparents Merle Lydick of Troy, Mrs. Norvel Miller of Warren and Mr. and Mrs. Jarrett P. Cope of Warren; and great- Car Thief Busy in Waterford Twp. Waterford Township police caution motorists that a car thief is on the loose in Huron Gardens Subdivision. it * * Three cars have been stolen from the subdi- vision this week — two which were parked at the Huron Bowl, 2525 Elizabeth Lake, and one from the 99 Club, 86 S. Telegraph. ★ * * Hie thefts occurred at nighttime, according to police, who said the cars have been recovered. give the hospital mental health jurisdiction over 14 sparsely populated townships in the northern part of the county. * \ * * This area would represent about one-fifth of the county population. The mental health board presently has jurisdiction over the entire county. TO LEAD DELEGATION Phillip O. Mastin Jr., a mem-tor of the County Board of Supervisors, had planned to lead a delegation of supervisors to the meeting to plea for the agreement so the federal funds would be assured for Oakland County. Dr. Donald W. Martin, medical superintendent of Pontiac State Hospital, feels there Is a strong possibility grant will be lost if the board fails to sign the agreement by Jan. 1. Since the mental health board delayed a decision at its Nov. 18 meeting, it has been seeking a clarification of the relationship between the board and the Michigan Department of Mental Health, All Items on Agenda Backed by Planners Service for William H. Richardson, 74, of 367 E, South Blvd. will be 7:30 p.m. today at Voor-bees Siple Funeral Home with hees-Siple Funeral Home with burial Saturday at Scotland tion, Detroit. Cemetery, Bloomfield, Ind. Mr. Richardson died Tuesday. All items on the planning commission agenda last night were granted favorable recommendations, including site plans for a new church building at 1361 Giddings and an apartment building at 624 Orchard Lake. Final approval rests with the City Commission. City planners recommended approval tor the release of easements in an area bounded by First, Joslyn, Madison and Highwood, and also for the vacating of alleys in an area bounded by Kennett, Joslyn, Montcalm and Glen-wood. The easements and alley vacations had previously been approved, but new approval was required for a more complete legal description of the property involved. Approval was recommended last night for a parking district were recommended vacated in conjunction with the city’s urban renewal plan. These include the west alley, Pike to the Clinton River; the east alley, Auburn to tiie river; East Wide Track to West Wide Track; Parke, Jud-son to Auburn; and on Osmun O’Riley, part of the alley north of Osmun between O’Riley and Perkins. A three-block area along the east side of Stanley, Ann Arbor to Princeton, was recommended rezoned commercial, residential-!, resident-2 and parking hi accordance with existing development there. A public hearing was ordered for Jan. 4 for the vacating of an alley, east of and parallel to Stanley, Ann Arbor to Sheffield. A hearing on proposed commercial rezoning for 629 W. Huron was adjourned 36 days. grandparents Mose Lydick of I for the north side of South Troy, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cop- Boulevard, between Telegraph pock of Warren and Mrs. Nan-j and Canterbury, and lots be-nie Cope of Kentucky. ; tween 1109 and 1121 Dover. Memorials can be made to the The parking area is for a Children’s Leukemia Founda- church there. City planners recommended Mrs. Arthur Rodgers Service for Mrs. Arthur (Jes- Mrs. Orton Mann AVON TOWNSHIP - Service for Mrs. Orton (Minnie) Mann, 61, of 3916 Dearborn will be !.) Rodgers, 69, of 52 Waldo 11 a m. Saturday at the William sie _ . . will be 3 p.m. tomorrow at the Huntoon Funeral Home with burial in Greenwood Cemetery, Wheeling, W. Va. Mrs. Rodgers, a member of First Baptist Church, died yesterday after a long illness. A former employe of Michigan Bell Telephone Co., she also belonged to the Order of Eastern Star in Tennessee and the Phil-athea class of her church.' Surviving is a sister. Mrs. Leslie H. Aris ROCHESTER — Service for Mrs. Leslie H. (Myrtle) Aris, 68, of 426 Second will be 2 pm. Saturday at Pixley Memorial Chapel. Burial will be in Mount Avon Cemetery. Mrs. Aris died yesterday after a long illness. She was a member of St. land’s Methodis Church, its Altar Guild and its Woman YSodety. Surviving aw her husband; adaughter, Joyce of Rochester; foir sons, Lauren of Drayton Plita, Maynard and William of AMm and Lynn of Ann Arbor; afiraUNr, a sister, Mrs. Charles Roaemergy of Rochester; five R. Potere'Funeral Home, Roch- a change in zoning, R3 to R4, for a 36-acre site on the south side of Auburn, west of the Belt Line railroad. The change would permit high-rise apartments there. Man Kills Self A Detroit man took his own life yesterday in the garage of an Orion Township home he was buying, according to Oakland County sheriff’s investigators. Alex Alongi, 48, was foun about 4:45 p.m. inside a pickup truck in a garage at 2658 S. Lapeer. Deputies said a hose had been attached to the tailpipe of the truck and run into the cab, where Alongi A series of alleys and streets found. PARENTS! Is Your Child Taking BAND Next Term? A Trumpet, Comet, Clarinet, Flute, Trombone, Violin or Snare Drum Kit e Rent for as long as you wish! e Unlimited return privileges! e If you buy, all rental payments will apply! e Conn and other find makes! ONLY A MONTH (Minimum 3 Months) Oity-wid# FREE PRESCRIPTION DELIVERY! Hove Your Doctor Call Your Nearect THRIFTY for PROMPT FREE Delivery Service PRESCRIPTION GRINNELL'S, Pontiac Moll, 682-0422 Downtown Pontiac, 27 S. Saginaw, FE 3-7I68JI 140 North Saginaw Huron Street FILLED BY US QUALITY DRUGS LOWEST PRICE 4895 Dixie Highway THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1966 , - Winter sunglasses for the man who has almost everything. Called “Hints of Tints," these are unusual in that they are not meant to shade the eyes from the sun or snow glare. They are strictly a fashion accessory for the man who likes the way he looks in sunglasses and wants to keep on wearing them even after the summer sun has disappeared. Sunglasses Not Seasonal Sunglasses are for summer, right? Wrong! Sunglasses have become such a popular fashion accessory that they are being worn all year long. For the man who likes the way he looks in sunglasses, the perfect gift is a pair of wilder “shades” shown in the stores. Called “Hints of Tints,’ with the fashion - conscious man in mind. They will make him look as debonair as he did in his regular sunglasses, but “Hints of lints" have lenses that are only lightly tinted, for wear daring the darker months of the year. Hie fun of wearing “Hints of Tints” is that although the eyes are not hidden from view, the wearer still has the feeling of wearing sunglasses as he looks out on a pleasantly tinted world. ★' ' W ' * Set in handsome black frames and available in lens colors of Blush Pink, Sky Blue, Cool Tan and Apple Green, these sunglasses are Just the thing for the man who has almost everything Carving Hints to Remember The first rule of carving to remember is that ail meat has grain. Meat grain may be best visualized as bundles of tiny, closely • grouped tubes, each brimming with savory juices. When the meat is ait with the grain, the slices will consist of these tubes, side by side — in otoer words, cfahry or toufgh. ★ * ★ When meat is cut across the grain, the slices are made up of short lengths of these tubes standing end on end — tender and holding all their natural Juices. ★ ★ ★ To carve a rib or standing roast, you will need a roast sheer such as the knife with “finger-grip” notched handle and a blade guaranteed sharp. This Gift Idea Is a Guaranteed Crowd Pleaser Do you have a family of 10 on your Christmas list? Or someone who is impossible to buy for? Or a favorite nephew? Or just anyone? Well, here is the answer to your problem, and it’s a guaranteed crowd pleaser. Run to your nearest five and dime store and start buying, but keep the items small and inexpensive. First, heaps and heaps of all sizes, shapes, colors and flavors of penny candy. Be sure to buy one of those long strinp of lollipops. Then yo-yos, bails, tops, crayons, anything for the kids. Perhaps a fancy hair bow for mother or a new lipstick or some beads. Father might like a couple of cigars or mittens for snow shoveling. Next, zip around the corner to the florist's and get a large long-stemmed rose box. ★ ★ ★ When you get home, wrap each gift and line the florist’s box in colorful tissue paper. Then pour in the candies and the gifts.. Cover, wrap and use the string of lollipops for a ribbon. Your gift is sure to be the biggest hit on Christmas morning. Linen Inspection If you’re hostessing a big Christmas dinner, inspect your company-best linens in plenty of time for the holiday. Tablecloths and napkins may need freshening up — Just dunk them in hot, soapy water, spiked with a few tablespoons of pine cleaner. Rinse the finals, iron them, wrap them up in plastic and your table’s aet for the big day. Plant Cqre Tips The gift plant in your home should have as much light as is possible, preferably a sunny Window. It should be kept away from drafts and heating elements. The plant likes a 65 to 70 degree day temperature and 55 to 60 degrees at night Come by Chance is the n of a town in Newfoundland, D—5 M ONTGOMERY WARD Smart Santas Shop ’n Save Here! Sale Ends Sat, Dec. 109 9 PM. Thrill To The Rugged "Continental Divide” by Stiombecker—Ezdudve at Wards i Hours Or Ttmur Vm Vfm Tot COOTIMIUTAL DmS. It'S mod. ucluUv.ty tor Wads tor Strom* bsdur. Tb« layout to 7 >. long tor 38 In. wid*. with over 2t ft c< track 11.99 Planer” Ray-new wonder gun! New "Bonnie Bride” doll throws bouquet Transistorized; bleeps os ray streaks for unlimited-range targets. Front trigger makes sound ’n beam; rear trigger makes target disappear. ^88 She comes to you, she tosses her bouquet—pushbuttons control her actions! In beautiful gown and veH. (No batteries needed.) 499 2" #> FURNITURE - ' AS LOW at MAY’S 4 «- Ij “Ereryliiig for He HOME!”! Save now! Aztec 42" spring horse Moulded Palomino with full saddle, holster, gun, canteen. Bouncy springs, bronzetone step-frame 32’>4* high. Wards Tiger Toni If axclling foal 19** Goof forward/ back, right, left on manual or remote control. Gun elevates, fires harmless shells.’ giant baking 3** TM- She’s set for a baking spree, with 13 mixes, ail pans, boWb and utensils! Even a cookbook! Delight a child! NawSCAJea™ ’Soldiers of World’ ■99 SACK German, Japanese, Russian, French, British and Australian combat men w/gear. Each 12' tall; .gimv.legs move. Like pro’s! Liverpool Compact™ drum set Compact™ set is real "pro" JN M A Q size! 18" bass, 12" snare drums, 2 sticks, brushes; tom-tom, 10" cymbal, cowbell block, pedal, stand! BY REMCO* chemistry set-400 experiments! Introduces child to a fascinating field! 10 chemicals, alcohol lamp, bottles, test tubes, rack, took, manual. In. compact metal cabinet. "Last la Space”— 12" rebel walker |99 Eerie-Iooking contraption w/blinking lights that flash as it "walks in space". Works on 2 "D" batteries (extra). Betmaa* utility belt Ropa, grenade, f«o cuffs, gup, Bat- S” orang—morel ~ Jr. Science jQ99 ■jjjjifsjHr PONTIAC MALL 400-power metal microscope, set of frosted slides. Child can see wonders.of science, do experiments in book. Tyke Truck by Mayskeel 99* Watch your toddler "rumblp" in bike-styled truck! "Beep” horn, high handlebars, plastic windshield. OPEN MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 9:30 A.M. TO 9:00 P.M. SUNDAY 12 NOON TO 6 P.M. • 682-4940 H D~6 TIIK PONTIAC P1HLSS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1966 Snfa S! Giant Fighter fey LUCRECE BEALE Synopsis: Billy the Giant Fighter travels to Santa Land to slay the wicked giant who has captured the Fairy Queen and pirns to capture Santa Claus. CHAPTER FOUR PATRICK TWEEDLEKNEES Billy the Giant Fighter burst through the door of Santa’s house. He didn't even knock. '‘Good gracious!” cried Santa. He had been pacing up and down hi front of the fireplace. He stared at Billy in astonishment. “Who are you?” “I’m ready to fight!” announced Billy londly. He swung his sword back and forth a few times hut he felt a little silly because there did not seem to be any giants around. “Throw him out!" shouted a furious voice from the corner. “Look what he’s done to my papers!” A short bowlegged dwarf was jumping up and down and pointing angrily to a sea of papers which the breeze from the open door had flung all over the room. “I—Tm sorry,” stammered Billy putting his sword back in his belt. “I thought — I thought —” DIDN'T THINK “You didn’t think at all!” bellowed the dwarf. “Let me tell you things are bad enough without—” “Quiet, Tweedleknees!” Santa turned to the boy and said gently, “You must not mind Patrick Tweedleknees. He is old and grumpy and he J has much on his mind. A wicked giant nnmed Goko has captured the Fafry Queen. He has taken the moon from die sky and promises to take me, too, when I ride on Christmas Eve. Then he will marry the Queen, gain possession of all her magic, and he himself will rale the world. “Tweedleknees has been playing with all die letters of the alphabet to discover die magic words that will free the moon. But it’s all useless, Pm afraid, because the Queen has said that only areal live boy who believes in giants can save us all.” | “Billy, you are our one chance!” said Santa. “I'm the boy!” cried Bill y I like much to you but it is better eagerly. “I’m Billy the Giant than you might think.” Fighter. An elfite sent me here.” Santa studied the sword GOLDFISH FIGHTER and nodded solemnly. “The blade is straight and the point “Giant fighter!” sneered Pat-j fa good.” He put his arm rick Tweedleknees. “You look around Billy and drew him like a goldfish fighter. Howj _“*«*r to the fire because the many giants have you fought?” “Not many. Not any, really, I guess. But I can! I know I Santa took the boy’s hands in his. “Do you truly believe in giants?” “Oh, yes!” boy was shivering so. Then he told Billy that more than a sword was needed to destroy the giant. “You must have some magic as strong as Goko’s or he Will destroy you before you have a chance to strike him with your sword. ‘ “Thank goodness!” cried San- “But where will I get such ta smiling. For a minute he looked cheery and pink the way ■Ml. had hlways imagined he would look. Then he turned sad again and said, “Billy, you’re j must do.’^H the one chance we have to save ! ready TO GO the Fairy Queen and Santa' magic?” asked Billy. “From the Harp Witch. She is Goko’s enemy. We will visit her she will tell us what you Land. But Goko is strong and his power is great and you must be very, very brave.” COULDN’T SPEAK 'Billy nodded. He was scared he couldn’t speak. He put Ms hand on the wooden sword In his belt It gave Mm courage. He found Ms voice and said, “This ta my sword- I made it myself. I expect it doesn’t look Billy said he was ready to go but Santa said they 'could not go until Patrick Tweedleknees had found the magic words to free the moon. “For, you see,” said Santa. “The giant can be destroyed wily while the moon is in the sky. That is why Goko took it out at the sky and that is why we must put it back.” Tax Deadline Nearing Stock Portfolio Review Wise ■5P [. Otoe laatfoff Stop ♦ ♦ ♦' ajfttie $tano from OftMTc OUR POPULAR "HOLLY" SPINET SPECIALLY PRICED! Here's the Christmas gift that will giva years of musical pleasuri to your entire family! The lovely Holly has rich tone, full 88-note keyboard, and a beautiful walnut-finish cabinet that you'll treasure |n your living room. $569 YOU'LL FIND THE WIDEST SELECTION OF FINE PIANOS AT GRINNELL'S GRINNELL Our newest spinet hos spruce sound board, niekel-ploted tuning pins, lustrous walnut cabinet. $695 STECK The lovely spinet has open tonal louvres tor greater volume. Charming curved music desk. Walnut. $875 USE GRINNELL'S CHRISTMAS LAYAWAY PLAN. GRINNELL'S, Pontiac MoH, 682-0422 Downtown Pontiac, 27 S. Saginaw St., FE 3-7168 Use Your Charge, 4-Pay Plan (90 days same as cash) Budget Plan or Christmas Layaway II SPECTACULAR SAVINGS DAYS A BECKWITH-EVANS SALE YOU WILL LONG REMEMBER Cuuuuxnteeil BcjjO/ifc Cbtisthuu [ completely installed I V NYLON PILE LOOP* I COMPLETELY INSTILLED I SPUE DYED NYLON TWEED | COMPLETELY INSTALLED | WOOL PILE LOOP TEXTRUE ■' Heavy continuous filament yam. I Choice ef 6 colors. YOU GET ■ CARPET, RUBBERCRAFT PAD ■pHvdB 1and.nstalut.on. AM ■fwMfd. ■ Tight nylon pile loop construc-| Hen. 7 good looking colon. YOU ■ GET CARPET WITH RUBBER- | craft Padding and in- | STALL AT ION. 5081 *q. yd.| INSTALLED | I Your choice of all looped or ' I random sheared, choice of 15 ■ colon. YOU GET CARPET. I RUBBERCRAFT PAD AND I TACKLESS INSTALUTION. | u a* lit | INSTALLED (EDITOR’S NOTE - This is the last in a two-part series on how to save money on your income tax before the year has ended.) By RAY DE CRANE Newspaper Enterprise Assn. Investors who had gains or losses — either actual or paper — in 1966’s turbulent stock market may find it profitable to review their portfolio this month. Trades made within the next three weeks will be completed before the end of the year, making it posable for investors to take toll advantage of any tax savings. The belt way to plan your maneuvers is to make a complete record of all your transactions for the year in the same fashion you follow in preparing your tax return. Separate your operations into shut-term (held six months or less) and long-term transactions (those held longer than six months before a sale). Combine all your short-term gains and losses first. ENTER CARRY-OVER t)o you arrive at a net shortterm gain or a loss? Did you have a short-term carry-over from last year? If so, enter this carry-over into your tabulation. Repeat the same operation for your long-term transactions, arriving finally at a net gain or loss. If you had a long-term loss carry-over from last year, should be figured in. Now commingle your net fent-term transactions and your net long-term transactions. CORRECT PICTURE This wifi present the picture yon will have at tax filing time tiMwid you make no further trades the balance at this year. If a set lass results, you ■my use Dp to $1,000 sf it in offsetting ordinary income fer fete yew and the babaes, if any, mast be carried forward. If your net result is a shortterm ph, it is added to other __MLoofeJ » looMsiawm am ill J aWWwIHl 1, iWig’ICiHi gW” * Last Call On '66 Stock Transactions your end product, one-half of it facturer and buy (within 90 will be treated as ordinary income. NOW IS TIME Now is the time for you to make your decision as to what trades you might want to make to correct any imbalance or avoid paying a hefty tax on gain when you have paper losses you might realize. While tax advantages should not be Me only consideration in taking a loss, investors might well consider toe possibility of using this means to offset gains for toe year. Beware of this hazard, however. Should you take a loss in an effort to cancel a previous gain, you might want to buy right back into the market, con- vincedJ tot, prices are de-^ ^ A Hart,' D-Mich. pressed and there is a chance of inAav a future gain. days) the stock of another car maker. Or you can sell AT&T and buy IT&T. Your broker, of course, is the best source of information on such stock switches. Bad of Sarin Naval Vessel to Be Named USS Detroit WASHINGTON (UPI) - / fast combat support ship now under construction will be named the USS Detroit in recognition of the city’s new role seaport, the Navy notified Don’t sell 100 shares of ABC Co. to take a loss and then, within 30 days before or after the sale, buy another 100 shares of ABC Go. for its long-term profit potential. WASH SALE’ It you do this, you will create a “wash sale” and Internal Revenue will not allow toe loss. Internal Revenue laws refer to the purchase of “substantially identical” stock after • loss transaction as a “wash sale.” Most brokers have lists of stock switches that can be used to avoid the loss sale trap. For example, it la possible to aell ' of ono automotive manu- time. today. The vessel, being built at toe Puget Sound Navy Shipyard, Washington, is scheduled for launching in July I960. The 52,000-ton ship will have an over-all length of 70S feet and a beam at 107 feet It will be capable ef a sustained speed of 20 knots, and will accommodate a crew of 21 officers and 407 enlisted men. The vessel will supply a carrier strike force with fuel oil for toe ships, aircraft fuertorj the planes, and ammunition, the Navy said. It ii estimated these services will enable the strike force to stay at sea twice as long now is possible and remain in far a 40 per cent longer I COMPLETELY INSTALLED 1 501 LOOP NYLON PILE RCaniet DuPont'* cortificato for Iwoight and quality. YOU GET ■CARPET, RUBBERCRAFT PAD ■ AND INSTALLATION. Also 10 ■ year pro-rated woof guarantee. 6981 *4- yd.| installed! COMPLETELY INSTALLED RANDOM SHEAR ACRYLIC PILE Handsome, long-wearing acrylic random (hear. Rainbow of decorator colon to chooto from. YOU GET CARPET RUBBERCRAFT PAD AND INSTALUTION. INSTALLED 8! 1 COMPLETELY INSTALLED 1 PIPING RIDGE HEAVY WOOL PILE TWEED I Heavy wool pile tweed. Now di*- WVQf I continued by Gullitton. 3 choice m 9% colon. YOU GET CARPET, RUB- f BERCRAFT PAD AND INSTALLA- J FINE CARPET UNDER *7-0dd tines at ‘Biveaway’ Prices! WOOL PILE SAXON WDS. LUXURY CAMEO TEXTURE CARVED DEXTER TEXTURE THICK WOOL PILE TEXTURE VERONA NYLON PILE 501 SPACE DYED CARR. COMMERCIAL NYLON PILE 501 PLUSH NYLON PILE AfafeauHMcdtpW - ;5” 54** IS" 13" !«“ 53" THICK WOOL PHI TWEED COMMERCI AL LOOP VEL LUXURY QUALITY SHAG COMMERCIAL WOOL PILE EMBOSSED ACRYLIC PILE’ IB roHe - 2 tewed colon -dealers paid ever $7 34" 2 colors - wevsn ttirs to back quality -dire, paid over $9 ti* pesters—mode lets Itroe dits. paid 310" Woven quality - 4 colors -at Ion Ikon dim. paid 30" 6 colors-astro tWckdsep corvod—comp, at 9.98 30" SAVE 30% TO 60% ON THESE REMNANTS SIZE 13x10-11 Geld Loop Glad.... 12x12 live Coned Trumpet.... 12x12-7 Beige Queen Tweed.... 12x11-9 Blue-Groan Tweed Holly .. 12x1 J Omen Scroll Hampton .... 12x13 Geld Muth Meaty..... 12x9-6 Geld Random Shear..... 12x104 GteeeUepTorah......,... 12x15 Beige BorfcGtondolo.... 12x11 Mack end White Pengeln.. 12x12-10 Omen Pluck Mono..... 12x12-4 QoMVattOob........... 12x9 GeeeeMedbw.............. 12x7 OmMelacp.y-............. 12x5-2 Amende T—ad......... 12x0-8 Mgateap............... 12n0>11 Gtken WIHon.......... SALE 4S.H B4.IS MM SIZE 12x104 Blue loop Rondo..... 12x14 Blue Scroll Hill... 12x12-2 Green Scroll Saturn... 12x18 Purple LaopGiod------ 12x124-lilac Plu*li........ 12x9 Beige Rlverview......- 12x14-7 Green Tweed PMtman 12x174 MaiMni loop Kingly.. 12x* GreenLyrie........... 12x9 Rat phony Tempo.... ' 12x14 Blue Green Verona... 12x9 MeleaOBaaia...... 12x124 >elge Memo......... 8-4x214 2 doe Beat....... 12x5 H 'c=Er“TBitei 12x9 ....108 48M .....120 Ohto ......144 IMM .....108 48M ....ISO IMM .....192 MM .......TO IBM SIZE 12x941 Gold loop Rock.. 12x94 Blue Cameo..... 12x104 Beige Shag.... 12x9 Green Merit..... 12x15-9 Beige Loop Nylon 12x17 Green Trails... 12x12 Green PknH..... 12x104 Beige Trails.. 12x12-9 Gold Vogue... 12x144 Booo/Geoon Poly. 12x12-9 Beige Glad... 12x194 Gold Vacate... 12x104 Omeahry....... 12x9 Red Tweed...... £!, SSSftr: Beckn/itk-Evans P IRE FL. OOR QOV ERIN OS TEL-NURQN SHOPPING CENTER West Horan at Tatocranh - 334-9544 THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER ________________8, 1966 D—7 HIGHLAND PRICED UNDER *itG MOTOROLA 23" COLOR TV RECTANGULAR SUM TUBE Th.» most distinctive Danish Modem Color TV set is fashioned from genuine walnut veneers and solids. Motorola's traditional quality is evident is the fine craftsmanship. Rattan grille and gold trim ore dramatic touche*, rectangular tub* uses rare-earth phosphors. UHF/VHF) Ret. *579** Save *102” $477 WITH FREE CHRISTMAS TREE ADMIRAL PORTABLE WITH UHF/VHF i of the bi «P«y t» HO. Compact; W GENERAL ELECTRIC 12” WITH UHF/VHF Solid stole reliability. This nat* "Adventurer" •Wn^AN^chan” sfuHF/VHF^SuMH^handU $78M General Electric 9” BATTERY OPERATED *98 88 PHILCO FORD 19” WITH UHF/VHF I full-fsolured 19*. Largs treat resale id contra!.. Solid stars rectifier cnassl UHF/VHf. Hideaway handle and antsnn “ “ und cart included. $H988 GENERAL ELECTRIC STEREO CONSOLE •uti 4-iptad automatic record changei ■ PHILCO STEREO HI-FI COMBINATION *199 GENERAL ELECTRIC STEREO COMBINATION $138 88 WESTINGHOUSE STEREO CONSOLE mbining tteree HI-FI with AM-FM ittn lie. Contgmporary decorator wood Lai y cabinet. Doluxol Big price reductie *117 2-CYCLE WASHER .Water level cctrireTsuper selndry. Deluxe, tree dativaiy. Initatlafinn and sarvica. *148 HOTPOINT 2-SPEED 16-LB. WASHER Wash 2-lb. to 15-lb. loads. 2 spssdi. PHILCO FORD AUTOMATIC DRYER RCA WHIRLPOOL WRINGER WASHER Big family tise porcelain enamel tub, i *168 $Af INSTALLED ’Vf FREE "W *128 *78 HOTPOINT 3t” AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC $1JLV FREE 21-LB. IO# TURKEY DETROIT JEWEL 30” GAS With Free Turkey rbermoftat even central. Spacious full- *83 {-OVEN GAS RANGE Riviere" modal... 2 big evens ... bobs wail las other. Lift-up lea. Smokeless broil ng. Clock timer. Vary delves features. FREE 20-LB. TURKEY tOPBRAN010 Cu. Ft. REFRIGERATOR Packed with deluxe features. Kg tepfreeser drawer, plldpaMt shelves end magnetic ♦117 WESTINOHOUSEWITH BOTTOM FREEZER ♦197 RDAWHlRLPtiOL 14’ With Bottom Freezer i 167 Ibt. Lift-out *238 *229 PHILCTFORD 15Vi’ ALL FROST-FREE lent. Separate bottom fteeier bolds 1< bs. Lift awl fleeter baskets. Power sav ep delete. Free delivery. *2T990 HOTP ALL FROST FREE ry deluxe. On wheels. Free delivery end *198 YOUR CHOICE 21” COLOR TV *297 • PLUS FREE ALUMINUM CHRISTMAS TREE! ZENITH 21” COLOR A fantastic low price far this Zanith quality Color TV sat. Handcrafted, hondwirasf chassis. Smart decorator styled cobinet. Use as a table modal or on a roll-oround cart, limited supply of floor models. *297 WITH FREE CHRISTMAS TREE RCA VICTOR 21” COLOR i Victor wim brilliant 21“ color pictures ... Clack and white pictures of depth and clarify, foe. Beautiful, contemporary styled table medal cabinet. Few floor models. *297 WITH FREE CHRISTMAS TREE ADMIRAL 21” COLOR Our lowest price yet for this new Admiral 21* Color TV. All-channol UHF/VHF tuning. Automatic color clarifier. Attractive contemporary styled table model cabinet. Simplified centrals. Tap performance features. New In cartons. f *297 WITH FREE CHRISTMAS TREE PHILCO 21” COLOR An extraordinary value at this Highland price smash! Big 21” brilliant, exciting color pictures. Black and white pictures of dopith and clarity, toe. Simplified color centrals. Smart table modal cabinet. Use an table in any ream, patio or dan. *297 WITH FREE CHRISTMAS TREE GEHERAL ELECTRIC 21” Another spectacular Color TV value from Highland is this General Electric 21* table modal. Simple color tuning. Dependable GE design features. Enjoy the exciting ci‘ shows hew at tbit lew price, few fleer models. *297 WITH FREE CHRISTMAS TREE RCA VICTOR STEREO HI-FI COMBINATION M A ROLL-AROUND stereo HI-FI console. Combination h AM-FM, FMstorae radios. Solid state. 4 speed ovta-ilic record changer. Contemporary styled wmnut finish.' ♦ITT RCA VICTOR 23” CONSOLE TV Very special purchw^yrt^arrivod. iHaredsome|y^st|ri*d priced! Luxury details—sculptured legs rard firm mushgriflo. QuelHy RCA Victor new Vreto top perfetmnnee chassis. Shipp pictures an all UHF/VHF channels. Largs spsekgr. Me Me* Reduction COLOR TV COMBINATION ENTERTAINMENT CENTER *177 jMctyWik * WHti Free Christmas Tree *497 PHILCO«-Spa*d ANTC. M-fl! ' *-tpced eutOrepric ree-ere x beeper. \ Wide rent# speaker. Tec* centred, few left. ADMIRAL AIITAUATtn 6E4-SPCE0 RECDR0 PLAYER -My VwyjOw».*JMd H ill »|«“ 1*24** *49“ HOTPOINT PORTABLE AUTOMATIC DISHWASHER This Nppelet aeMMaHc has many el dm m priced mrdsls. Tew leading- «i <—Ut cat Single dMereM el eulemaiSccysleste meric shutoff. SUverwore barker. Portable-on cesSere fir renin* te retie end rink. • Free BsHvery, Service, and Warranty 900 ADMIRAL 19” DUPLEX S|DE-BY4IDE COMBINATION wwetgbt fmexer sIwh over 200 lb*.... em wgelfbt . Glklenwut ababfM, dairy bar, meat keep ar. fwR Frtt Mtoiffy "*399 ecxaccTaic tape recorder M-pie'^T.: mam mike. Wm bat- “»I9“ mmm NO MONEY DOWN • 3-YEARS TO PAY irnaruinrnYrnifi riTTTTMmEsggWR^ kPPUM*CEco^J q P41-.. . OPEN DAILY 9 to 9 LOPEN SUN. 1 1 t< INSTANT CREDIT! ^ chwji^jrelMs^keeemA .1* meeShs to pay.. aS • prices ’ F .O.B. ■ Were bee us TRADITIONAL True classic elAgance and enduring beauty.. .'yours for this one low price. Zippered, reversible seat cushions. Also avsilable in quilted fabrics. Ottoman included. Layaway Now for Christmas! 4 COMPLETE FLOORS NO DOWN PAYMENT- X-k3?s MANY MONTHS TO PAY ^TS Open (very Night Til 9 P.M. ^0 >1091 FREE PARKING DfMCTlY LTf JLO I ACROSS THE STREET FROM WAR ► PROVINCIAL • COLONIAL ►TRADITIONAL • MODERN All By America's Loading Manufacturers! 30 DAYS SAME AS CASH ALWAYS DISCOUNT PRICES Open Every Evening *til 9 P.M. Note Until Christmas 422 West Huron JP-S THE PONT!AC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1966 Lake Michigan Issue Before High Court Today WASHINGTON flJPB - The Supreme Court was to receive recommendations today for a solution to the 00-year tug-of-war between die city of Chicago and six Great Lakes states over Lake Michigan water* Undo' normal procedure, the court would order the report — by Special Master Albert B. Maris — filed and set dates for the filing of objections from interested parties. NATO Likely to Give N-Unit Full Status PARIS (AP) — The nuclear planning committee which has been functioning within the North Atlantic Treaty Organization is expected to be given permanent status during the meeting next week of the NATO ministerial council The coriimittee, which had several meetings in Paris, Washington and Rome, was pro-poised on May 31, 1963, by U.S. Defense Secretary Robert S. McNamara. McNamara said then that the United States was prepared to share nuclear responsibility within die alliance and suggested a select committee of four or five defense ministers to study the problem. The roots of the dispute lie in the remarkable engineering feat which reversed die flow of the Chicago River so that It ran out of — instead of into —lake Michigan. Sanitary canals then were built and die city’s sewage flushed down the Illinois waterway into the Mississippi River. ★ ★ '★ Wisconsin was the first to complain back in 1922. Minne-Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan and New York later joined in the charge that the diversion had lowered by at least 6 inches the water levels of Lakes Michigan, Huron, Erie and Ontario, their connecting waterways and the St. Lawrence River. FORMULA PRESCRIBED The Supreme Court in a 1920 order prescribed a formula, based in part on population, by which Chicago might continue to divert water from the Great Lakes system and directed the city to build adequate sewage treatment plants. ★ ★ ★ In 1958 the complaining states once more appealed to the Supreme Court tor help. They said the papulation of metropolitan Chicago had mush roomed to such a degree that the allowed diversion threatened to become disastrous to their interests. SyrftSeizes Oil FirmAssets1 Company* Is Qwriod by Western Interests DAMASCUS, Syria (As syria’s Socialist regime announced today it has seized w assets of the western-owned Iraq Petroleum Co. in Syria, including the pipeline that carries Iraq’s oil to the Mediterranean. A communique broadcast by Damascus Radio said the pipeline and other company property was taken over for payment of transit royalties due for this year. « IPC officials will be allowed to continue running the pipeline under supervision of four committees set up by Syria’s ministry of finance, toe communique said. The seizure followed the col lapse of negotiations between Syria and the IPC which ran from Sept 10 to Nov. 16. BROKE OFF TALKS Syria; broke off toe tails then and threatened to take action against toe company, which is owned by British, French, Dutch and American interests. Syria had demanded tiiat its transit royalties for allowing the oil to be pumped across its territory be doubled. In announcing the seizure, it said back royalties for this year totaled more than $8.4 million. Rescuers Know Their Lines By LOIS MAfyDIBERG The lineman gripped the electric pole tightly with his feet, threw one end of the fall Hue over toe crossbar and tied it under his unconscious partner’s arms and carefully lowered him 20 feet to toe ground. Before the rescuer could begin finouth - to - mouth resuscitation and cardiac massage, the victim stood up to ready himself for a repeat performance. The scene was a semiannual review of pole rescue and revival techniques far cardiac Participating at a warehouse in the Oakland County division of Detroit Edison Co. were eight linemen. V The men had w&tehed a and discussed techniques. Now they were practicing. ‘MAIN INTEREST’ \ Instructor Arthur Watts explained that “safety \was the main interest’’ He then demoastrated mouth- other signs of » cardiac ar> and cardiac massage on “Re-suci Anne,” a fiMfe-cotored, blondehaired, rubber doB in a blue jump salt The men took turns, placing one hand on her forehead and the other on the back of her neck for a tight grip, taking two quick mouth-to-mouth air exchanges. * *, * Alternately, ahother man pushed his hands heavily against her rib cage and released, 15 times to stimulate her heart. SPECIAL TIMING To the timing of 2, 15, 2, 15, they gave “Anne" artificial respiration and massage until they did the procedure automatically. The linemen, all of whom have taken Red Cross first aid and review it yearly, have also rehearsed taking pulses, checking for dilated eyes and They have a knowledge which may have to be used on the job, at home, on toe beach or anywhere. * Jk ★ , #i ; Yearly, there are some 620 accidents nationally where workers come in contact with energized cdnductors and are knocked out. The last fatal accident in toe Oakland County division was in 1959. BONN (UPI) - Men of distinction will no longer figure in German cigarette advertising, k, ★ ★. ★ The decision was toe most important of toe advertising guidelines agreed on by West Germany’s 17 leading cigarette manufacturers. They acted at the suggestion of toe Federal Ministry for Health, and to — Gets Trade Post DETRQIT (AP) - Thad M. Demery has been advanced to vice president in charge of lousing of the still uncompleted Detroit Trade Center, it was announced Wednesday. Associated with the coiter since its inception, he is (me of the principal owners of Demery’s Department Store in Detroit Oermans Put Curbs on Cigarette Ads- parliamentary moves to legally restrict their adverting. The cigarette makers agreed not to advertise in magazines for minors, not to use athletes in word or picture advertising and not to 8how anyone under 25 years of age smoking. More males then females are avoid cokr-blind NOTICE OF TAXES CITY OF PONTIAC The 1966 County tax.* in the City of Poatjoc wMI b. due and payable at the office of the December 12, 1966, through February 14,1967, without fee*. On February 15, 1967, a collection fee of 4%willhe •- added to aU County taxe* paid through February 2B, 1VOT. On March 1,1967, alt unpaid County and 1966 Oty qnd School taxe* will be returned to the Oakland County Treasurer-* office, and mutt be paid there with additional tea*. Payment* mad* by mail «nu*t be po»tmark*d not later than February 14,1967; to avoid penalti**. Walter A. Giddings City Treasurer 459 Wide Treek Drive East Pontiac, Michigan Don’t Miss These Outstanding Pre-Christmas Special Buys During Our 21st Anniversary Celebration • • . Layaway Now for Christmas! OPEN TONIGHT TO 9:00 P.M. 17-19 S. SAGINAW ST. Downtown Pontiac ^&tHeOu/fW//Uf & OPEN TONIGHT TIL 9 PM. j Mr. & Mrs. Chairs give you luxurious, cushioned comfort plus superb design features and smart good looks MOTOROLA Rectangular Color TV easy 1 COLOR j TUNING Push-button UHF tuning presets up to S UHF channel*. Color centrals ere num-bored-helps simplify repeat tunlns. Ends • Solid state reliability at 17 critical points • Hi-Fi Color Tibe with rare earth phosphors • Power transformer chassis • Tint control • Automatic demagnetizer • Color indicator light Color TV- yowr best entertainment buy OUTSTANDING BUYS ON QUALITY MOTOROLA RADIOS! MOTOROLA Ifl SOLID STATE CLOCK RADIO 195 • He fetes to bora oat! *P1*y* you to deep, shuts itwlf off • Lots you tell time lo dirk eCteico o(3 colon SWEET'S RJMt 1 imiMCt Motorola Portable *169 EARLY AMERICAN Unusual Shaping across tha backs and wings of this Colonial grouping give it a distinctive, yet authentic look. Zippered seat cushions reverse. Ottoman I 90 Days Same As Gish! Now you can enjoy the comfort and convenience of extra seating without sacrificing style or good looks for comfort "Style Mates" by Kroehler—in Modem, Early American or Traditional styling add a complete, well-coordinated look to your present decor, 'whatever it may be. Individually proportioned... larger and hi-backed for the man of the house, smaller and straighter for his feminine counterpart .. . these His and Her beauties are generously cushioned to assure long hours of luxurious sitting for both. Come in soon and choose the style that suits you best Have yours in long-wearing fabrics with a top-fashion look to match the fashion chairs they cover, JUUUU11I2JUUUJUL 1 \ THE PONTIAC : THURSDAY, DECEMBER I By State Board of Education School Spending Hike Urged LANSING (AP) ~ Hw State Bond of Education decided Wednesday to recommend a $250-million increase next year in state pending on secondary and elementary schools, and said some needs still would be unmet. Biggest increase under the board’s plan would be a $147.8, million boost in basic state] school aid. The 1966 Legislature granted a 657.1-million increase for foe current fiscal year. Other major additions wou)d be 611,6 million for special edu cation, 610 million for free text books, 625 million for construction, 639.1 million for teachers' retirement and 612 million Amt a special program for children i“lockdd in poverty.” I The total package would raise ■state spending on public ele-Imentary and secondary education from $619.5 million this DEMONSTRATION — Graduate student David James demonstrates his “elastic wetter” at California Institute of Technology. James discovered the solution, described as the first room-temperature liquid found to seemingly defy gravity by flowing uphill. Hie solution contains about 99.5 per cent water and .5 per cent powdery resin. year to 6670.1 million in fiscal 1967-68. In recommending a 612-million program for better education in low-income neighborhoods, Dr. Ira Policy, state superintendent of public instruction, said a much higher figure had been considered.' He called foe proposed 639.1-million boost in teachers’ retirement funds “a si step m completely funding the (retirement) systems.” The state and Detroit retirement systems have been described as not actually sound, although no immediate crisis has arisen. . a ★ The proposed school aid increase, Polley said, would provide for raises in teachers’ salaries averaging 8 per cent, raises in other salaries averaging 5 per cent and a 4 per cent increase in other costs. He said 40,000 new pupils are expected, in.addition to the current statewide enrollment of slightly more than 2 million, and 622.8 million was recommended to hire 2,000 new teachers and pay other new costs. SPECIAL PROGRAM The special 612-million program would reach neighborhoods where “whole families educationally starved, school dropouts are high, and children are hidden, said Polley. The program would include an urban school service corps to help in inner-city schools, special projects to reduce dropouts and general improvements. ★ * ★ The board’s recommendatin said foe state should help build schools in districts which have reached their limit in levying property taxes. Contributing a one-third share to such districts, Polley estimated, would cost about 625 million. RECOMMENDATIONS Other recommendations to the Legislature included: • A program of establishing vocational education centers to serve all areas of the state. Community colleges or groups of secondary schools would operate the centers. “All who can profit should have equal opportunity to enroll in vocational education programs of their choice, no matter where they Uve,” foe board said. 7; * ★ '§# - • Regulation of private trade schools to protect students against schools which quickly go out of business. * ★ W f A 6495,000 appropriation for a crash program to improve community college libraries. ★ ★ ★ • Incentive awards of up to 6800 a year for 400 needy high | school students who otherwise might not be able to go on to college. w ★ ★ • An appropriation of up to $1.8 million to defray increasing school lunch prices. -★ 1 * * • A change to permit non-citizens of the United States to hold temporary teaching certificates. Many of these people, the board said* make excellent teachers of foreign languages, and some of Spanish origin could fill migrant teaching situ- ■ mm: AP Wlrsphoto MIG IS HIT — The Department of Defense has released photos showing a North Vietnamese MIG after it was hit by a burst of 20mm cannon tire from a U. S, fighter-bomber over North Viet Nam on Dec. 4. A flame is starting to shoot out where the left wing is joined to the MIG body. White circles at right of the MIG form foe sighting area of the U.S. plane gunsight. Chicago Probing Plunge of Elevated Railway Cars CHICAGO (AP) ~ Chicago Transit Authority officials continued today jo look into foe es of tiie derailment and subsequent plunge to the ground Wednesday of two elevated railway cars. One person was killed and 25 were injured. Four of the injured remained in hospitals. The dead man was William McCullough, 49. ★ * * George De Ment, chairman of the CTA, said some kind of “foreign material” on the track may have derailed the last two cars after six 43,000-pound steel cars passed the obstruction. Other officials theorized the two cars may have been derailed earlier and that contact with the intersection of a switch may have caused the cars to drop 25 feet over the side of the elevated structure. The accident occurred at 7:30 a.m. as the southbound Jack-son Park express approached the Indiana Avenue station at , 41st Street on the city’s South Side. There were 50 persons aboard the train. ★ ★ ★ Fire Commissioner Robert J. Quinn said, “It was a good thing the derailed cars were south-hound. There would have been hundreds aboard the train had it been going the other way (toward the Loop) at that hour." ★ ★ * The train’s motorman, Samuel Jones, 38, a 15-year veteran, said the train was traveling at 10 miles an hour when the derailment occurred. De Ment said* he believed Jones acted competently. CIA officials said it was 53 years — Jan. 18, 1913 — since any part of “L” train had plunged to the street. A change to allow school districts to join with other districts in operating school buses for any federally supported educational or recreational pro-and to authorize districts to provide buses to emergency uses. • Authorization for the state superintendent of public instruction to rule on adequacy and location of foe site and educational usefulness of any proposed new school buildings in the state. The board also discussed a, legislative bill that would have required the consent of parents for any psychological tests of school pupils. Members argued that a policy statement by titel board would be better. ! A law, they said, would be tool restrictive since schools depend on such tests to learn how help pupils. But, they added, foe state needs safeguards against misuse of informattoii obtained in foe tests. ho,ho. RaaMr p Cat. M it isn't hard to take. Calvert Extra, The Soft Whiekey, in gift-wrapped regular bottle (bow and all) or gift-wrapped decanter—at no extra coot. Blended Whiekey 86 Proof-65% Grain Neutral Spirits ©f 966 Calvert Dial. Co., N.Y.C. . Layaway Now for Christmas 17-19 S. SAGINAW ST. DOWNTOWN PONTIAC FREE PARKING DIRECTLY ACROSS THE STREET! PH ILCO STATE STEREO 4 COMPUTE FLOORS OF HOME FURNISHINGS-ELEVATOR SERVICE TO EACH FLOOR • PROVINCIAL • COLONIAL • TRADITIONAL • MODERN All By America’* Loading Manufacturers! 59" OF HNE FURNITURE and suporb stereo sound! Beautifully styled until elegant accented wood speaker grille area end carefully finished Walnut veneers snd matching hardwood solids • 4-Speed Automatic Changer • Floating-Touch Tone Arm • Scratch-Guard Stereo Stylus with Diamond-Sapphire Needle • 6-Speaker System Indudts SOLID STATE FM STEREO, FM-AM Radio Side-Rule Tuning Dial. Automatic Frequency Control for drift-free FM. On-Dicator lights up whan tun- TERRIFIC VALUE PHILCO PACER PORTABLE TV With Quality You Can Soe and Hoar MODEL 334WH — Light and lovely with bright, sharp picture and sharp, clear sound. Smart white molded cabinet with gold-finish trim blends with any room decor. 195 ITU M Csetsnpenry Style e Philco Coel Chassis beefs. the heal - major cause of TV breakdowns, e Keeps tubes and parts cooler for longer TV life. • Separate UNF/VHF channel • Loop (INF antenna e Safety Picture Tube e Front-mounted l-inch oval speaker 159 95 HS-inch overall tube diagonal; 1T2 tq. in. picture INSTANT PLAY $49’ MONAURAL PORTABLE PHONOGRAPH • Sophisticated luggage styling with tilt-down changer • Plays instantly from solid state transistor monaural chassis; no tubas to warm up or bum out a Dual sapphire stylus, lightweight tana arm a Separate volume and tone controls * Full tone 6" aval front-mounted speaker • Automatic shut-off • Arm damp for travel a 45 RPM adapter included • Ebony black leather feature covering. SOLID STATE STEREO PORTABLE w * speaker in each detachable speaker enclosure e Vol->nd balance centrals a Solid state transistorised chassis i 4-speed record changer e Dual sapphire stylus, light-a arm a Tilt-down cabinet stylina, brawn leatherette 4S RPM adapter a Two 9-foot speaker extension cards $| **S PHILCO COMPACT TABLE MODEL • Automatic Volume Control (AVC) wadis to correct variations in signal strength and assure best reception e 4 tube, I rectifier chassis • 4“ wide range speaker • Built-in Mognocor antenna • Direct rotary tuning • Compact white melded cabinet el 20 v. 60 c^lp AC. 7’77 OPEN EVERY NIGHT TIL 9 P.M. FE 2-4231 PHILCO CLOCK RADIO •IVs • Wakes you to music • Buuer alarm a 40-winks button e Automatic him oft e 4 tubes, 1 rectifier a Rich 4* speaker a Rotary tuning • Mognecor antenna e Seige melded cabinet •)a9».*ocydeAC ' -v' > - “You Must Be Satisfied-This We Guarantee” THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1966 (toe of tite best helpers she can have at such a hectic time is a large-capacity, no-frost refrigerator-freezeri She can start preparing food well in advance and store everything from cranberry relish to mince pie in the freezer compartment. When the Mg day arrives, or hotiiay guests drop in, ati she ■eeds to do is defrost the food and heat it. It will be as fresh and tasty as the day she made it If the lady of your house doesn’t yet have a modem nofrost refrigerator-freezer, don’t let ho* wait another year. ★ ★ e Get her one this Christmas, and have it delivered before the holidays. STYLISH, STREAMLINED Today’s models are stylish, streamlined and chock-full of conveniences. New thin-wall insulation lets you fit even jumbo-capadty 19-22 cubic foot model in the space formerly occupied by thick-walled, smaller-capacity older models. Some manufacturers are now showing side - by - side models with foil-length vertical refrigerator and freezer compartments. There are also handy top or bottom freezer compartments, some with roll-out drawers which put frozen food at your fingertips. MOTHER'S HOLIDAY HELPER - Mom will have a merrier holiday if she has a large-capacity no-frost refrigerator-freezer to help out. She can prepare festive specialties ahead of time and store them in the freezer compartment until the big day arrives. And there’s no danger of running out of food for unexpected guests with the large capacity, special food compartments and precise cold zone temperatures of new refrigerator-freezers. frosting. Mom will thank you for this gift all year long. Wider door shelves in new models now hold half-gallon bottles and containers, and most refrigerator shelves are adjustable or cantilevered so you can easily store gallon jugs and platters or bowls of Most models come in festive cola's as well as white, and many have interesting woodgrained or textured finishes. NO-FROST FEATURE One of tiie biggest conveniences available in new models Automatic ice makers, avail-is the no-frost feature. Since 3ble most models, give you frost cannot build up in either 3 continuous supply of cubes jJJ" “ L for last-minute the refrigerator or freettr coro-j’**^1 J* «peci»lly handy partments, there’s never a need for messy, time-consuming de- butter and cheese keepers'which, protect their consistency and taste. The extra food supplies i needed during the happy-eating holiday season require a miniature at-home super- I market — a large-capacity re- 1 frigerator-freezer saves tills purpose. With staples on hand, and specialties safely stored in the mom can 1967 CATALINA 4-DOOR HARDTOP the holidays. With more precise temperature controls, food keeps fresher, Favorite Golf Items Bring Warm Thanks longer. Milk and other dairy ...... I , .... products store for a week with- Without modern kitchen ap-out flavor loss, and a special PhancP* ** seas“! meat chest in some iSms™* ** •bout fs welcome to keeps unfrozen meat fresh for ™m as * was to Scrooge- But up to seven days. CRISPER DRAWERS jhumbug to happy day not just! There are also crisper draw- at Christmas, but all through ers for fruit, vegetables, and the year. gift shopping, to help decorate the tree, or join the festivities with her family and friends. Ithe gift of a new no-frost refrigerator-freezer can change . - - - . . -i We your trade-in Nowl Top Allowance! SEE THE COMPLETE WINNING STRING OF BEAUTIFUL WIDE-TRACKS FOR 1967 BE A GOOD SANTA TAKE ONE HOME! Most models available for immediate delivery! Ponte Retail Stare WIDE TRACK DRIVE at MT. CLEMENS STREET - DOWNTOWN PONTIAC SALES HOURS: MONDAY and THURSDAY, 8 A.M.-9 P.M. TUES., WED., FRI. and SAT., 8 A.M.-6 P.M. CLOSED SUNDAY SERVICE HOURS: BODY SHOP HOURS: MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 6 A.M. to Y P.M. Closed Saturday and Sunday MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 7:30 A.M. to 6 P.M. Closed Saturday and Sunday BUY, SELL, TRADE ... USE PONTIAC PRESS WANT ADS A dozen tavonte golf balls, a pair of golf gloves, a golf cart if the giver is in a generous mood, or perhaps a golf bag is guaranteed to bring warm thanks on Christmas morning. It’s best to stay away from golf chibs, unless they can be exchanged, because they’re as personal as a custom tailored suit. And if you’re thinking about .a golf bag select one that suits the clubs it win carry as weH as the person who will carry ft. There is as much variety and | style today in golf bags as there is in golf clothes, says Milton Goldberg, president of Richard Milton, a California manufacturer, whose golf bags are used on the world’s most famous courses as well as on pitch-and-putt greens. •A A A The choice of bags, says this expert, ranges from the shapes of the tops and bottoms, to their colors, their weights and their materials. KEYSTONE SHAPE Some golfers prefer what is known as a Keystone shaped top, others an oval or rectangular top. Bottoms are round and oval. Be sore, says the manufacturer, that the hag is well balanced and wU stand without toppling. This makes for easier carrying, less possible club-damage and longer wear. A padded carrying strap, available in most price ranges, is a must for comfort. Test the zippers to be sure they slide easily and are securely stitched to the openings. And if It’s fa a traveling man who looks forward to a relaxing rpund after a heavy day, there is a lightweight bag especially designed for air travel or far fitting into a car trunk loaded with business paraphernalia. Useful Murals New hi the shops this year are panoramic prints, suitable for Christinas gift wrapping or decorating. The enchanting images of a child’s Christmas are beautifully translated hi these delicately colored murals that tell well-loved Christmas stories on a single sheet. Subjects include "Thuta’s Workshop” and “The Twelve Days «f Christmas,” by Manran. _______- * / *] With 3-Way Mechanism met WKC 108 N. SAGINAW - FE 3-7114 a* 9H||£3n OF VALUE with unsurpassed comfort and versatility! TV RECLINERS FREE IMMEDIATE DELIVERY PERSON-TO-PERSON CREDIT • No Down Payment • 90 Days Sams as Cash e Up to 36 Months to Pay 2-WAY RECUNER CHAIR f All deluxe Ken mar features including smartly styled, soft, washable leather-like vinyl. Beautiful decorator chair with leather-like vinyl. Notice the smart panel back accented by buttons, classic legs that give it distinctive off-the-floor look. OPEN EVERY NIGHT TIL 9 3-WAY Deep-seated comfort in this handsome re-diner with richly tufted back and leg rest, padded arms, smart sheppard castors -" all deluxe appointments. TIii$ 1H)N 11 AC PUESS, T11UHSUAY, DECEMBER 8, 1986 d—n Try YourCfeafivity oh Festive Board .Centerpiece uv teSr ^ ^eiyJM«sji famtimN wmac Shop CAR CARE fe^HEAD* QUARTERS TAKE YOUR CAR 1 WHERE THE I EXPERTS ARE... f pay ** you rtdt! FRONT END ALIGNMENT Brakes adjusted, cleaned repacked Brake fluid added BRAKE SPECIAL COMPLETE MOTOR TUNE-UP EIGHT CYL. CARS $888 GOODYEAR RUSTPROOFING • Critical Misti ss your or • Sure-sealing compounds used |95 EASY PAY Q TERMS * complete Rastproofing $25 Otc0Jj * * t9*95 , cV®'* .. I °C uVtO^C' . . • • ’ *,» «**• F tgor , ?fev i VVHOUSALTBUYING POWER SAVES YOU MONEY “p™» - MONTHS NQ money ! DOWN 1 ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT USED TIRES EmtrUy reconditioned. 75% triad still remaining. ANY SIZE $150 IN STOCK / COMPLETE STOCK AND HEADQUARTERS Compare... Today! ALL TIRES AND SERVICES OH EASY PAY TERMS GOODYEAR SERVICE STORE 1370 West Wide Track FE 5-6123 Optn Mon.-Fri. 8:30-6 tat. *NI 2:30 W' - TIMHWUHa i ' -7 ACRYLIC ytahtwp. Exclusive at **Carpet CenterV* INSTANT INSTALLATION We hove THOUSANDS of rail* in dock. TMt moan* that a* * D—12 THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1966 State-Owned Car Use OK'd hr SehOtdfs LANSING (UPI) - The State Senate yesterday added a fringe benefit — the use of owned cars — to the higher salaries state senators wi ' ceive upon taking office in January. ★ it it House members, who Joined with their Senate colleagues last June in boosting salaries of legislators to $15,000, including $2, 500 in expenses, are expected to seek a higher mileage allowance from dw state to make up for toe newly won Senate privilege. The resolution on US' if state-owned ears whipped past the Senate with only mQd protest from lawmakers, mostly Republican, who late* screamed toe plan was St “giveaway." Republican Senate leader Emil Lockwood of St. Louis was quick to say he would ask hew GOP lawmakers who will cm* trol toe Senate during toe nest four years not to take advantage of the use of the state cars. ★ ★ ★ Veteran Republican lawmaker Sen. Frank Beadle, SL-Clair, said after the resolution passed the action could “open up too many avenues for use of state autos.” CHRISTMAS PRESENT Another Republican, Sen. Charles Zollar of Benton Harbor, called the move a Christmas present by toe Democrats. ★ * * “I feel there will be uses of toe privilege that cannot be trolled by any rule* w might be promulgated, and I voted against toe resolution in view that I feel that this Christmas present is not in toe test public interest,” he said. * ★ * A major condition tor use of state cars is that state senators must waive their usual 10-cents-per-mile travel allowance, which included air, rail and bus transportation to Lansing. STILL Dotm CARPET CENTER mmummwMw CHRISTMAS GUARANTEED! An exlfoorchwry volue at «hi* W pricel TMt genuine tonHnuoes filament nylon pit* comm* In a choice ; of 20 color*. FIRST QUALITY! I The Ideal carpeting for your room* I where the Idds play. Thi* tough, long-ring nylon pile it. a* carefree :an be. FIRST QUALITY! 5.87: FLUFFY NYLON _ PLUSH N^T^H Soft at whipped cream — ar ■ X WM just a* thick. Thit truly luxurious j I r* gB fluffy plush nylon pile comet In 22 decorator colei*. FIRST QUALITY. 3.992 HEAVY HI-L0 WOOL A tremendous value at thit *glvs- 1 away" prictl TW* is wool pile In a wide choice of color. A j I $6.98 vales, If regular. 4*88: IN PONTIAC , IttTW. HURON tti rii nil i-hT -f IN SOUTHFIELD SjtntotiHLK INWAHHN 1M11E. SMILE NeerMW Mtoumaan tun EUREKA Nr. Southgate Ctr. IN LIVONIA MSN PLYMOUTH Wwttof MkJdlw B«l» IN MT. CLEMENS 1I1SS.ORAT10T MskmMUs' INTOLEDO I 1ST* MONROE WtstefTehnedge 8824645 j |. FE 54006 3514035 PR 8-1111 282-2255 4214116 4654350 Humans breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dixnide; plants take in carbon toradde and give off oxygen. BUY,, SELL, TRAPE . ., ySE PONTIAC PRESS WANT ADS GIFTS FROM THE WORLD OF ELECTRONICS TO GIVE PLEASURE THE WHOLE YEAR THROUGH! *22321 Magnavox Multi-Band RADIO. tronsistori, EM Automatic Fra- 6995 quency control, batteries. Battery-Powered RECORDER New tolid-ttate Wollensak tape recorder fits In your hand. Urn easy-to-load tape QQ95 cartridges. 77 Transistor TAPE RECORDER FAMOUS PORTABLE PHONO Mercury cordless recorder, records and plays back up to 4 hours* 2-speed operation, CO00 has dual motors. wO Executive RADIO DESK SET AMPEX STEREO RECORDER Indudes Porker Pen, letter opener and radio with 8 transistors, large speakers, 1995 Ferrite Core antenna. Solid-state tape recorder has 4-track stereo or mono recording and playback. OQQ9 5 2 separate speakers. *77 Monaural record player with 4-speed turntable, built-in 45 _ rpm adaptor, tone, volume lQ'5 controls. I 7 STEREO PORTABLE PHONO Our famous automatic player has 2 side-extended speakers, 4-speed tilt-dawn changer, OQ95 sapphire stylus. *3 7 S00Y ALL-TRANSISTOR TV Solid-state portable has glare-proof black screen, 19 transistors. Cosy to carry, weighs 1OA 95 only 8Vi lbs. IZrT GEFM-AM CLOCK RADIO New radio with Automatic Frequency Control, solid- -state tuning. Wake to Music OdL88 and Alarm controls. JmXJ PORTABLE RECORDER New Craig solid-state tape recorder mlghs only 4 lbs, _ __ _ operates on batteries. Mk- Q Q95 rophone Included. W7 Magnavox 12" PORTABLE TV "The Suburbanite" -personal sice TV Is Bghlvreight, has ■ automatic picture and sound Q 090 stabilizers. 07 QE TRANSISTOR RADIO "Spin the dial" for music on r GE's 8-transistor radto Has magnetic-type speaker, high-impact case, battery. * 4 . 825 m OE POCKET RADIO Take along radio has lOtams-IsAors, large magnetic speaker fa^fme tone. Batteries, ear- jJYS SONY FM-AM RADIO PodmNhte radio has 9 transistors, top view slide rule dioL only 9 ounces. PERSON-TO-PERSON CREDIT r • No Down Payment * 90 Days Sana as Cash ■ Up to 36 Months to Pay OPEN EVERY NIGHT’TIL 9 PANASONIC FM-AM RADIO SoNd state radto has 10“ i---t-A— 7 itLV ------ iransttwrip t aioaes, oy* ^ ^ QQ95 speaker, FM Automatic No- OQ95 w7 quency ControL V/ THE PONTIAC PRESS. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1966 v': '" r-..: ' ONE COLOR QUALITY GIFTS COST LESSAT YANKEE STORES FAMOUS LIBBY B PIECE tin BOXEB BUSS SEI DELICIOUS 3-POUND TASTEFUL FRUIT CAKE 2-TIER TWELVE BOTTLE EARLY AMERICAN SPICE RACK VALUB Attractive, handy rack with labels. Holds all spices. Handy, attractive. Excellent gift item. Attractive in the kitchen. 16-PIECE SERVICE FUR 4 DINNERWARE SET Decorated in 22 kt. gold in attractive Meadow Gold designs. Make up your own service for 8 to 12 at this low, low, price. V TWO YANKEE STORES IN THE PONTIAC AREA * MIRACLE MILE SHOPPING CENTER * CORNER OF PERRY AND MONTCALM STREETS * FREE, EASY PARKING K* '8 THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1666 Board Looks to Mott Foundation OEO to Halt Education Program Aid tfchoel Community Actim Pro-grama <8CAP) next moolh. Halting of federal outlays through the OEO will affect the community school programs at J&fersoQ Junior High School and Bagley, Bethune, Franklin and Whittier elementary schools. The board approved an aflo-catkm if ip to $14416 to keep South Bend, Ind., Nov. 18. The carjtod been the object of a nationwide search rince the body of Eileen Marie Alex, 19, Aljeh Park, Midi., was found. Indiana polios recovered the auto Tuesday in Indianapolis. 1 SEARCH CAR FOR CLUES — Keith Young and Ray R. Thompson Jr. (ritfit), members of the Indiana State Police Investigation Division, search for fingerprints in an automobile that belonged to a girl found slain near “They apparently have some feeling against the school system and Pm at a loss to figure out what it is,” ha said. Monday night objected to the lack of iny classes in predominantly Negro schools, according Thpy said the item will be Included hi foe budget request to be submitted Saturday by Dr. David Doherty, assistant director of the Mott Cantor far Community Affairs at Oakland University. , SKELETON PROGRAMS If Mott Foundation bdp is forthcoming, the school system will be able to maintain skele-ton programs at the elementary schools. Open Nights 'til 10 Sundays has rejected six Pontiac School District plans to operate the Job Training Plan at Hospital Okayed The Pontiac Board of Education last night approved an agreement for use of three Pontiac State Hospital buildings for a vocational training program. The $1,041,964 program will be operated with federal fundi under provisions of the Manpower Development Training Act (MDTA). Cast for use of the three state hospital buildings Is . not to exceed HMtl. M' Covering an 18-month period, the agreement has yet to •he approved by the State Department of Mental Health and State HospitaL ' W' it it ★ • ' Under the agreement, approximately 87,000 square feet ■mt space would be provided in the Sawyer Cottage, the Stev-. pns Cottage and the former dairy barn. toor suitable The buildings are no longer considered suitable for hospital use and have been scheduled for deactivation. The hospital will provide utilities and services for Filmy lace trimmed gowns and baby doHe. Cozy flannelette gowns and pajamas. Comfortable printed corduroy dusters, all gift-priced at Yankee's. Purpose of the Basic Education, Multioccupation Training Program to be established by the school district will be to train disadvantaged youths and adults. ★ ★ ★ Courses will be offered in auto body repair, food services, nursing aide, building maintenance, service station mechanics, dark-stenography and domestic skills. NURSING PROGRAM MOVES The practical nursing program, now housed in the Hub-ban! Building on Perry Street, would be moved to the hospital rite. Abe approved by the board last night was a two-year bier contract covering 178 school district groundsmen, The agreement with Local 719 of the American Federation of Mate, County and Municipal Employees’ Union will be considered by union membership Saturday. ★ dr ★ Included in the package is a 6 per cent wage increase for 196117, retroactive to July 1, and a S.5 per cent raise in 196*#. AVERAGEm Raises this year will average $350 per employe. New fringe benefits include a life insurance policy, increased health insurance payments by the board, added sick days and holidays and a larger uniform allowance. ■ ★ ★ ★ Cost to the board, excluding additional holidays and sick pay, will be $78,377 in 1966-67 and another $82,114 in the 1967-68 school year, according to Assistant Schools Supt. Richard C. Fell. Airport Fee May Become Necessary WASHINGTON (UPI) - The AFL-CIO said yesterday its largest constituent union, the United Auto Workers, is behind in its financial payments and faces automatic suspension if it does not meet next week’s deadline. HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) -Francis T. Fox, general manag-£ of the Los Angeles Depart-jpent of Afrports, said today it fr become necessary eventu-to charge air travelers a for the ok of Airports. £jn e paper prepared for an JBtftonfirum sponsored by the tgtomectkut General Ufa Insur-a3oe Co., Fox took issue with a iftent suggestion by Knot Ham-nprakjoid of Sweden, director gSeeral of the International Air Tfansport Aawcietion, Fox ,«aid Hammarskjold implied, M * spokesman for (be major international airlines, LACE SHELLS An AFLrCIO spokesman said the UAW has failed to pay its (90,000-a-month per capita tax since September. 1he third payment to dee pec. 15, at which time federation rules provide for antomat-ic suspension for nonpayment witimt jast cause. . x ' Special Holiday tallinf an Dacron and cotton•, combed aawani - and blond*. Inlldo Olid print* In tfc* frapp. Su*< 12 t* II. Virgin aoryllc with crochet stitched, trip at neekHne, armhole, THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1966 DIAMOND DREAMS - For all lovely ladies Oils Christmas, dreams can come true hi the precious star-fire of diamond jewelry which the most cost-conscious of Santas Can afford. The dainty diamond pendant shown here ~ a sparkling briliant on a delicate chain — is one of many lovely and loving gifts which will enchant her through a lifetime of Christmases. Grow Countless diets are wrecked by holiday fare: at one sitting, a hearty eater can put away 2,000 or inore calories, the calorie requirement for a whole »y. J And that doesn’t include sec-mid helpings. Indulgence takes Its toll in exfra pounds, blooming waistlines and creeping regret. As you sit lazy and heavy in an armchair listening to the cacophony of indigestion, think of die ways you could have had your cake and a'diet, too. • You could have passed over fudge brownies and settled an apple or a handful of car-or celery slides when you decorated the Christmas tree. You knew dinner was going |to be big, so why the big breakfast? For instance you could have had eggnog Metrecal 225 calories, and quite in the holiday spirit. .•Had you watched all those calories before dinner, you could have asked for a second helping of turkey or ham and taken a bigger than usual slab of pie or cake without a nagging conscience. .• Instead of gobbling up Christmas cookies and leftovers for a late dinner, you could have punched on Metrecal cookies to satisfy your hunger and spare the calories. Holiday diets don’t have to be a gastronomical bore. Dietary food and drink can balance those big, calorie-crammed meals S-T-R-I-K-E, YER OUT! — Hit ’n’ Run Baseball adds exciting new realism to table-top versions of a favorite game. Innovations include a ball bearing baseball which the pitcher delivers down a metal ramp and across the plate in a realistic manner. The batter slams the ball into play with a lever-action bat. Hie offensive player now turns a crank to run his players around the bases. He must reach base safely before the ball finds its way back to home plate from an outfield baffle maze. E—3 • • Correct Signature Etiquette for Your Greeting Cards Whose name cames first if you nse a card with your names printed or engraved on it? Here the wife’s n a m e ; is courteously used 'first: “Mary and Tom” (or “Mary and Tom Green”). If a Christmas card is en-graved with the sender’s names, with “Mr. and Mrs.,*’. should these be at the top or bottom of the card? Always at the top. Other* wise, they might seem like a signature. ,<* When signing the card, whose hame Is written first — the husband’s or wife’s? It is courteous for the person signing the card to write the otter’s name first. For example, if you sign the card for you and your husband, it should read: “Tom and Mary.” When swimming, an electric eel emits a series of 50-volt discharges about 50 times a second. Preschoolers' Toys Are Tools for Learning and Discovering For parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts who play Santa Claus for preschool youngsters, the selection of toys for Christmas is often a confusing and frustrating experience. Setting the “toy dilemma,” not just it Christmas, but all year around, is simplified when parents realize that a preschooler's toys are his tools for learning and discovering, not just idle amusements. To aid parents — and other family Santas — in making the right decisions in this important aren, Playskool Research suggests several guides to toy selection. Toys should be correct for the child’s particular stage of development. They should match his state of physical and mental growth — not just his calendar age. toys should challenge — but not frustrate — his growing skills. ★ a a The pre-school child’s toy should be well-constructed, and wooden toys should be close-grained, with rounded corners and sanded surfaces to prevent splinters. AH removable parts should be oversized — too large to be swallowed. N0NT03QC PAINT Make certain that paint on the toys is nontoxic, safe for the youngster who “tastes” everything. Youngsters give toys » workout, so playtools should be sturdy enough to withstand pre-school clergy. Research consultants suggest this list of DONTS if you're shopping ! In keeping with the richness of these private life fashions are the soft, quilted f a b r f and the vivid colors which indude violet, cherry, avocado, marigold, ruby red, and gold along with basic blue, tur-> quoise and pink. Even linings are a color delight, with surprising contrast of violet outside and deb Mae inside, or avocado with pink. Gowns come long, supple, and flowing to match these robes, an old - fashioned touch that never looked more up-to-date. Doing away with the must-be heavy-to-be-warm idea, designers combine layers of nylon tricot for warmth with a light, almost floating look. BARE ALL? Why are women baring all during the day, and covering all in the evening? Designers say it’s the romantic side revolting against the excessive trimness of the daytime look. A woman’s palace is her home, and in it she still likes to play the queen with grace and ease in something long, flowing. Gentlemen, if you can’t put a castle under your tree, wrap up the queenly robes! YANKEE Yankees Cut The Cost KaU OF GIVING! 'pedal Purchase! BOYS SIZES 10-18 NEWEST STYLE *Coot sty lot. *Pullovor ttyfot. Voo m Craw nock s. 100% Orion, Wool ond Moh< blonds. Nowost styling ond pattern BOYS WASH fALL STYLE NWEAR COTTON SPORT SHIRTS BOYS COLORFUL PRINT COTTON FLANNEL PAJAMAS Open Nights to 10 Open Sundays to 9 GIRLS QUILTED ACETATE & COTTON HOLIDAY ROBES (99 Cboote front • largo selection "of stylos ond celnro In acotato and cotton gui Its. Solid,colors, prints. Sltot 4 to 14. GIRLS NEWEST STYLE HOLIDAY DRESSES GIRLS "POOR BOY” SHORT SLEEVE PULLOVER SWEATERS |38 |27 gpi J88 |S9 gs GIRLS GIFT BOXED ORLON ACRYLIC KNEE-HI SOCKS 2 PAIR |W NATION’S TREE—Hie nation’s towering many each year. It standainear to* Wash* rjiriatmaa tree is lighted in an official cere- ingtoP Mawntohioo to* j . OPEN SUNDAY 1 P.M. to 6 P.M. 5 DAYS ONLY TO BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON 1 Va-lnch Thick EARLY AMERICAN MILKING STOOL Friday, Saturday, Sunday, While Quantity Lasts • Smooth maple finish • Sturdy, verattile, practical • Dozens of uses; step stool, foot rest, childs’ TV seat, plant stand Regular $4.00 Value! BOSTON ROCKER $29 All Maple Colonial Tables Sated froitl Step, Coffee, lamp, Night Tablet and Commode Tablet with or without Formica Tops. Mapla STUDENT DESK An ideal Christmas gift for grown-ups or children. Styling in Maple to make it look like It belongs. Choose from several different styles. From *49 COLONIAL BEDROOM 4-Piece Maple Includm, Double Draswr, Miner, SOrower Chart and Dad. All have life Ions’Formica tops for better wear and ‘ From r and beauty. s159 4-Piece Solid Oak Bedroom Includes: Double Dresser, Mirror, 4-Drawer Chest and Bed. Also for longer life and beauty you get Formica tops. a. '199 COLONIAL LIVING ROOM Luxurious Early Ameritan Uy««t to i22 ySmiTm sofas CHAIRS *179 "-*69 5-Piece Maple DINETTE SET The 42-inch round table seats six and there are four curved-for-comfort mates chairs. Truly styled in thh tradition of Early American the way you like TWO YANKE STORES III THE PONTIAC AREA * MIRACLE MILE SHOPPING CENTER * CORNER OF PERRY AND MONTCALM STREETS * FREE, EAST PARKING Choose From o Very Urge Selection of Christmas Gifts >• Smoking Stands • Lamps • Magazina Baskets • Sawing Baskats • Wall Pictuias a Clocks a Ottomans • Tabla Lamps a Decorator Wall Piacas PLUS AAANY UNUSUAL DECORATOR PIECES YOU MAY NOT FIND ANYWHERE ELSE. 4405 HIGHLAND Road ComOr Pontiac Lalca Rd. 1 Mila Watt af Elizabeth LakaRd. I Opan Daily 'til 9 P.M. | ' Phona 674-2251 ’\\MTardis Arranged - 90 Days Cash OPEN SUNDAY 1 to 6 P.M. THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1966 E—5 Uniform Traffic Ticket Eyed Getting in College a Matter of Degree Sometime in the next few months, a joint decision made by state officials on adoption of a uniform traffic violation ticket. Pontiac Municipal Judge Cecil B. McCollum, who attended a recent conference on proposed ticket forms, expressed yesterday, strong sentiments in favor of a “simplified" version presently used by city police. McCaflum, who helped fan- Also Have Injuries CHICAGO Injuries at football games are trot confined to players. At the Utnversity of Nebraska at Lincoln, for example, heart attacks endanger one and sometimes two spectators during the home games, which bring €5,000 cheering fans to the stadium. So far in 1966, three fatalities have been prevented by the quick action of physicians, nurses, technicians and volunteers manning a specially set-up room. CECIL B. McCALLUM HEIDI’S HOUSEFUL — Heidi, a St. Bernard dog owned by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vivian, who live near Dubuque, Iowa, is shown with (nine of the 11 pups in her first litter. The Vivians, who want to sell the imps, “just to get rid of thpill ** hflVA Of) fithau rlrvrrc* nt tilni ** «nmnl < L POT PIES Hygrade's Sweetenized SLICED BACON PORK STEAKS SEMI-BONELESS BOSTON BUH PORK ROAST SMALL LEAN MEATY SPABEBIB8 FELICE QUALITY MARKET TROPIC-KAI FRUITS PILLSBURY PANCAKE MIX 29° 2*M‘ F-2 tiik pontiac maKss, thuusdav, dj^jujjeh 8, im Marine Hero Has Trouble § After Telling of Viet Battle GROSSE ILE (I) — The hcroj passed over,” he said in an!copter was shot down, House I of tile battle of A Shau In Viet;interview Wednesday. “This Isjcommand of about 70 1 Nam faces mandatory retire-!, very competitive promotion. I SPecia> 1 ment. Hq also has drawn ajT. . , , ne,,t|.nant, Vietoamese under attac* ■ - - ~ sJ1™™ are » lot of neutenam; at A Shaa by ^ Viet Cong j reprimand for telling a news-: , HIM man about the battle in which;coloaela but notman^ he won the Navy Cross. IT IS CLASSIFIED Lt. Col. Charles A. House, 45,1 House, a native of Burlington, a 25-year veteran of the Marine!Iowa, refused to say anything Corps, said the retirement will more about the reprimand be mandatory because he has i because it is “classified.” been passed over twice for pro-) “I’ve done mil and I’m not motion to colonel. i bitter,” he said. “But I just * * * I can’t talk about all this beyond He also confirmed reports of!that, the reprimand. > “There is no way of knowing “And,” he added, “I could whether reprimand had any- lose my pension.” thing to do with my being! Last March, when his heli- LED TROOPS For five days, House led the! troops on a retreat into the jungles, eventually finding a; clearing where helicopters could drop in to rescue them. As the helicopters arrived, the1 Vietnamese panicked, overload-! ing one helicopter and hanging' on the outside of it. Wounded men were left behind. Fine Coll For 15 Min. Sorvico 135-1164 or 33S-1182 A t rout From St. Joir/ih HotpUal Ikl House tried to restore order, , but was ignored, and finally he ordered his men to shoot. Seven I Vietnamese were killed and others wounded before the i 5 rescue operation could proceed. The Marine Corps said House did what had to be done. Hie Vietnamese government agreed, awarding him the Cross of j Gallantry. POOR JUDGMENT But later the Marine Corps said House used poor judgment in telling of the incident to CBS television newsman Jack Lawrence. The reprimand stemmed from this discussion. GREEN THUMB INVASION—Here is a pictorial proof that there is something behind all those flying saucer stories —they stir photographers to new heights of ingenuity. With the help of some odd-shaped carrots, a garbage can and a hard hat, Ted Dully of the Bristol. (Conn.) Press snapped this “invasion” from space. Veep Urges Clergy: Press Social Reform School Lunch Prices Up. May Go Higher Next Year WASHINGTON (UP!) - Mil-1 department’s Food Distribn- “DUEL AT DIABLO” and “APACHE UPRISING” NOW! ITiVlflsil Pontiac’s POPULAR TMEATE VmH Bwh Mmm II Mb to It | Starts FRIDAY DORIS ROD ARTHUR ^cRottoM DAY TAYLOR GODFREY ^ MIAMI BEACH. Fla. YAP) - House L recommended to «- DM*., .omei. Oe ** the Navy Cross by the corps Anleric,n ebon* U Mm j after summoning them some may have to pay still more TEENAGERS with this CAl COUPON JU after the battle, but the Navy Department decided instead to award him the Silver Star, the third highest award. 'to the barricades” ahead with social reform America. “We need your help,” he said. Here on a swift overnight visit at the biennial general assembly of the National Council of Churches, Humphrey said the recent national surge toward greater social justice now faced a mood of reaction. in early 1967. A' School -lunch prices are set locally, and federal authorities have no direct power over “Last Sunday, I got word that It was the Navy Cross after all,” House said. “I am very pleased, of course.” The Navy Cross is fhe second highest award. House has been stationed since Sept 23 at Gorsse lie Na-vdl Air Station as executive officer of the Marine Air Reserve training operation. ‘MUST NOT RUN* EMJSTED IN NAVY SlS sibility of some further increases in school lunch prices during the last half of the school year. He said the increase might come in some rural and small But an official of the federal school lunch program today told of reports that in many areas youngsters were meeting the sharpest price increases in several years. A preliminary report from at . HOWARD Joun$on$ Pre-Christmas Special Complete Fried $j59 Chicken Dinner a $2.35 value Delicious Fried Chicken • French Fried Potatoes • Zesty Cole Slaw • Cranberry Sauce in lettuce Cup » Freshly Baked Roll and Butter • Coffee, Tea or Milk • Your choice of one of Howard Johnson's Sherbets or 28 Famous Ice Creams for dessert Served December 8 Throng* 18 Only at Howard Johnson's restaurants in: Ann Arbor (Carpenter Bd. OflhJ, Buy City, Belleville. Birmingham. Cemeriine. Dearborn, Flint (two restaurants). Monrpe, Grosse Point® Woods, Highland Park, Mt. Clemens, Oak Park; Port Huron, Radford, Royal Oak, Southfield, Southgate end Warren. j Coming in January)! Chicken Fry every Monday ALL YOU CAN EAT $1.59 CHILDREN'S PORTION $1.25 CHILDREN OUTGROWN SKIS, SLEWS, TOBOGGANS? SELL £ them wrra a u>w cost pootac press classified ad. wage legislation, which goes into TO place YOURS, CALL 332-6181. effect Jan. I 1 He enlisted in the Navy, was chosen for the flight cadet program and, when his training was > completed, chose the Marine Corps. He said he had planned to make it a career. House said he expects to leave tite service next July 1. He plans to settle in Macomb, 111., where h$ has relatives, and is considering a civilian career in •roaTestato or insurance. He said the churches have been the vanguard in stimulating a “rebirth of American idealism and an outpouring of action for civil rights, equal op- portunities, and to end slums ^ a drop’ in donations people S ackTl£, P™ changes!la* • - rooms showed that, erf 831 =#,DDriTUTilflUPI schools to. five states, 308 had 2* BKtAInlMMNb! fjtif raised their prices. In most) 5 upon i isuriL±£rJ»?*if pun! cases, the increase amounted to S 5 cents per lunch. * 5,000 Fontainebleau Hotel ballroom and gallery Wednesday night. —noBEBBSa p f* ! V E - 1 N |1MI l D lill, / fL IrwScpcBrTOR?1 II IN-CAR HEATERS 332-3200 | MIRACLE MILE jSMR£ I BLUE SKY 1 | so. TELEGRAPH AT SQ. LAKE RD. 1 1 1 MILE W. WOODWARD 1 • CHILDREN VHBER 12 FREE | CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE I OPDYKE RO. AT WAlJOH lLVD. f | children owe* la rate Local officials cited three major factors behind the increases: rising labor costs, rising food and poverty. ■ § W i-W have been walking along ride you and I hope most of the time with you,” he said. But he said other forces of “reaction and disillusion” have brought to question whether the forward movement will go on.” HELP OVER! 2nd BID WEEK SHOWS at 7:08 add 9:05 HURON ^Extend Lulls Into Armi$ticet Pope Urges ^VATICAN CITY (AP) - Pope Patti VI urged today that the Christmas truce in Viet Nam be extended into an armistice that would allow negotiations for peace. Die Pope said the prospect for an end to the fighting in Southeast Asia appeared to be tornado touched down briefly in brighter downtown Rolla early today,1 “The idea of an end to hostili- police said, ties is becoming stronger and( *? f&e buildings were more confident,” the pontiff idamaged and a roof was blown Tornado Hits Missouri Town ROLLA, Mo. UR - A small; of food from the Agriculture § Department during toe early, S part of the school year. , § MORE FOOD 1 § The department expects to be donating more food to the school lunch program in the months ahead, but labor costs probably will continue to rise, according to officials. Howard Davis, head of toe s mm | HOT TO BE MISSED:’ -Harper s Bazaar jr The H0RHBR8 ii *!*■ MM 5 STRIKES BACK IN THE WILDEST S Z COMEDY OF THE YEAR* Mftody? aliens! coto« wire Ltmnm-tm IPmm ImnnHiniiBOX OFFICE OPENS 6:30 House of Seafoods • Live Lobster Tank FROG LEGS Roadhouee Style French Fried Gulf SHRIMP Golden Fried Maryland SCALLOPS Broiled LOBSTER TAILS Broiled WHITEFISH LOBSTER Newburg OYSTERS on the Half Shell said to a speech to St. Peter’s Basilica during a Mass marking the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. "If, as it has been announced, further cessation of hostilities off a church. Power lines were reported downed. ★ A No injuries were reported. An estimate of toe amount of damage was expected to be moder-is to follow shortly on the ate> police said. Christinas truce, why do not) Winds gusted at 60 miles per both parties to the conflict join hour at both Columbia and the two separate truces into a1 Springfield, Mo. Heavy rain and stogie, continuous period of haft also was reported, time, so that new wavs may be DAMAGED THEATER explored of bringing about an In 5^^ the WL„.------------------- honorable understanding putting out glass windows ln the an end to the conflict. downtown area.and damaged a j Pope Paul said he hadj(lrive_in theater on the south planned to invite the comba-l tants in Viet Nam today to lay down their arms during Christmas. Try Our Special Steak Dinner Also Selections from Our Regular Menu SOME CHOICE OOLF LEAGUE BATES AVAILABLE FOR IN! NOW! WINTER RATES ENTERTAINMENT MOREY'S COUNTRY CLUB n Lake Road off Commerce Road BIFT IMPORTS FROM MEXICO, OENUIME LEATHER • fURSCS •WALLETS • CHANCE PURSE • KEY HOLDERS • TEENAGERS’ PURSE edge of the city. A tornado watch was to effect for southwest and central portions of Missouri, and portions of Oklahoma, Arkansas and Kansas at the time. Nnmi and SOUTH AMERICAN HEC0RD SHOP TOP HITS, COUNTRY III WESTERN Musical Instruments from Mexico WIDOS, OAVES. TAMBOURINES and MARACAS Pay Phone in Jail Tapped DETROIT (AP)—The Detroit Police Department said Wednesday, in response to newsmen’s questions, that it had installed a wiretap on a public pay telephone used by prisoners in a police headquarters cell block. JR dr dr Commissioner Ray Girardln said a “monitoring device” had beat installed legally with toe consent of one of toe parties who used the line. He said the man was working wito tiie department on a case, a ★ a Tbs wiretap is in the 9th floor cell block at headquarters. Officers assigned to the internal security commissioner’s squad monitored toe wiretap from their offices on the floor below the call Mock. ONE-OF-A-KIND Original Oil Paintings By EUROPEAN ARTISTS •12V150 jrEduced up to 59% /WoNTGOM E RY WARD 2W-3” moldings - Ovarall sizas 19”x23” to 23”x27” Pontiac Mall OPK.N MOMH\ t Imi SAIT ROW .’tO \. M. to 9:00 PM. Si NOW 12-NOON to (> I’ M. Tmi unvTTAr pntfie TmnisnAVmrrKMTiP'.n s iq«a The newspaper isnoplacefor someone He helps his newspaper mirror the who likes it soft. Newspaper work is hard and community’s thinking, and a society must rhflllftnginfo intellectually and physically. exchange its best thoughts to motivate its But there are rewards—good financial highest achievements, rewards and other rewards, too. He and his newspaper provide The newspaperman knows he contributes businessmen with an unparalleled way for to keepingpeople informed, and no society telling the community about their products can remain free without information. and services, and a free marketplace cannot exist without news of the marketplace. F-a The Pontiac Press For Home Delivery Dial 332-8181 ■r / '■' 4 7 F—t TIIR POXTI AC l’RK.SS THURSDAY: DECEMBER 8, 1868 Jacoby on Bridge ♦ KQ764 *75 WEST EAST *43 A K 10 9 7 ▼ K J 7 4 ¥1085 ♦ J1093 ♦ A *KQ6 *98432 SOUTH (D) *QJ 8 ¥AQ862 ♦ 852 ♦ A J 10 Neither vulnerable West North East South Puss 1 * Puss 2 ♦ Pass ° 2 * Pass 3 ♦ Dble Pass Pass 1 N.T. Pass 2 ¥ Pass 2 N.T. Pass 3 N.T. Pass Pass Opening lead—* 4 By OSWALD and JAMES JACOBY A1 Morehead was Culbertson's right hand man for many years. In “Morehead on Bidding” he quotes Ely We hold no JACOBY brief for South’s bidding. He should have passed at two spades or three diamonds' but he didn’t. West recognized the signs of a misfit and while he didn’t have much of a hand he felt that a double would pay dividends. It did. West opened the four of spades. The deuce was played from North and East won the trick with the king. He returned the ten of hearts. South went up with the ace and led the deuce of diamonds. West played the three, dummy the queen and East was in again with the diamond ace. East led the nine of hearts. South’s queen lost to West’s king and West led the jack of diamonds. It was allowed to hold and West continued with the ten. This was won in dummy and South led a spade to his queen. South’s next play was the deuce of hearts. He hoped this would force the jack but West won with the seven and cashed his nine of diamonds. Eventually West had to give South two club tricks but West’s double had produced a 700-point penalty. An interesting feature of the1 double is that if West had hekli a better hand in high cards for his double the penalty would! never have reached the 700-point figure. Just move the ace of diamonds over to his hand and North’s king and queen of dia- Winter Shutdown of the Soo Locks Is Under Way SAULT STE. MARIE (AP)— The. Coast Guard Wednesday began preparing the Soo Locks for their winter shutdown, emptying the Davis Lode of water and thus closing it to traffic. Hie Sabin Lock is expected to be closed next Tuesday. Closing of the MacArthur, the largest, will depend upon when the final downbound ship from Lake Superior clears, likely sometime next week. THE W1LLETS By Walt Wetterberg monds would have both made tricks. 1 ♦ Pass ! ♦ Pass 2 N.T. Pass 3 ♦ Pass ? You, South, hold: AAK8 7 ¥A2 ♦543 *K986 What do you do? A—Pass. You have cone about as far as you can go. TODAY'S QUESTION Instead of rebiddinf two diamonds your partner rebids two clubs. What do you do now? Answer Tomorrow Research Grant PETOSKEY (AP) - The" National Science Foundation has approved a $2,000 grant to help William Wiles, North Worst train wreck in the Central Michigan UniversitylUnited States killed 101 persons professor, in organic chemistry!at Nashville, Tenn., on July 9, research. 1918. jEuKMlW&tV* - .M •'’It* MATURITY. GEMINI (May SI - Jure gain satisfaction from |ob Evening fine for relaxing wit ---- aid your progress. Bo congenial. Study new possibilities. Encourage CANCER (June 31 - July S3): Trust bund:. Intuition tends to work overtime. You are a bit to accurately size up Illuations,^ persons. When older ^LEoTjuly S3 - Aug. S3): on basic socurity. Gain ind Realize desire for harmony can be fulfilled. Taka positive VIRGO (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22): Check details. Be thorough. Throw out tendency to bo careless or act on Impulse. Stress patience. Welcome surprise visitors. Be charming, oxtend hand of friendship. LIBRA (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22): Good time to collect what's coming to you. Keep communication Unci I creative on job. Break methods by now approac...---------- SCORPIO (Ock 23 - Nov. 21): Cycle continues high. Stress personality, personal appearance. You could shine at social affair tonight. But alio bo a good listener. What you li future valuo. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21): Better to work behind the scenes. Be discreet. Cooperation indicated from Detroit Bandit Cuts Woman in Hospital DETROIT (AP) - A knife-wielding bandit slashed a woman patient at Grace Hospital-Northwest late Tuesday when she told him she had no money in her room. ★ ★ * The patient, 41-year-old Mrs. Betty McIntosh, was not seriously hurt. Mrs. McIntosh told police a. man woke her by leaning over] her bed and pressing a knife to her throat. She said the man! ordered her to be quiet “or I’ll] cut you/’ CUTS THROAT She said the man but her throat and right forearm when she denied having money. The man finally fled, she said. Associate Hospital Director Dr. Frederick W. Hyde said the hospital had hired private guards two years ago. “But,” he said, “it appears that no matter how tight the security, someone who knows j his way around can get in.” , Astrological Forecast By Ernie Bushmilier Arizona Burglars Uncharitable PHOENIX, Ariz. (AP) - Burglars made off Wednesday with 400 pounds of meat and 25 dozen eggs froth St. Vincent de Paul Society’s charity dining room. The food was for hundreds of hungry poor and destitute people at Christmas. State Viet Victim WASHINGTON To-the winner will go a $25 gift certificate and the Jay-cees’ “Traveling Santa Trophy.” The runner-up and third-place finisher will receive |1S and lit, respectively. AS residents of the immediate Clarkston area are eligible to compete in the contest, according to Spelbring. ★ * ★ “The contest is not only to encourage residents to decorate their homes and yards,” said Spelbring, “but to recognize and reward those who have put such time and effort into attractive decorations for others to view." The response to past contests has been outstanding, said Spelbring, who remarked that more than 500 homes were judged last year, rv’'< Detroit Water Vote Planned in Imlay City IMLAY CITY — Residents of this Thumb area community Will have an opportunity to state their wishes for Detroit water in an advisory vote set for the general spring election. The council ordered the vote at its recent meeting. Imlay City now has a municipal well system, but Harvey V wax, village manager, says the quality of water is poor. Detroit water, dae to arrive In the area on the Port Huron arm of the system, would cost the community about $250,000, according to Weatfaerwax. Once it is determined whether the people want Detroit water,' then, Weatherwa^ said, we’ll decide bow to pay for. it. - ★ ★ * Imlay City has a choice of hamming the costs alone on special assessment or tap-in fees, or * lining the new Lapeer County Utilities Authority. Metropolitan Parks Offer Winter Fun Hu r o n-Clinton Metropolitan Authority reports that with the coming of winter, the area’s parks are ideal locations for winter sports fun. The Authority says Kensington Metropolitan Park southeast of Brighton is ideal for tobogganing, skating, ice fishing, hiking and picture taking. Metropolitan Beach on Lake St. Clair near Mount Clemens offers perch ice fishing and area tor ice skating. At Stoney Creek Metropolitan Park northeast of Rochester, panfish and pike are reported caught. ★ ★ * Ice skating is available at the Waiter Cove picnic area. T’M THIS OLD1 — Mary Anne Roumayah answers me of Santa’s questions before starting the serious business of telling him what she wants for Christmas. Her sister, Michele, waits patiently on St. Nick’s lap for her turn. Santa at Home WALLED LAKE—Santa Claus has come to town and, from now until Christmas, he will preside in a fantasy land created in part by pupils at Walled Lake Junior High School. The pupils, under the direction of the Walled Lake Chamber of Commerce, have transformed the empty Professional Building at 1050 W. Maple into i North Pole scene. The children are enrolled in the art classes of Mrs. Carol Davidson and Ronald Mene-ghel. Area merchants, local service clubs and city officials also helped with construction and decorations. Pontiac Profs P The daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Roumayah, 115 Arvida, Walled Lake, are visiting Santa in his fantasy land in Walled Lake. New Controversy Over Romeo Chief ROMEO ’ The position of police chief has again become what is alleged to be m f‘hotbed of political disagreement.” Lyle Jewell, who said he was asked to resign as police chief week after nearly three years in office, has now withdrawn that resignation. In a letter to Byron Nichols, village president, Jewell said, “Because of the many phone calls, personal visitations and continued pressure from citizens of the village id Romeo, I have decided to . withdraw my resignation, formerly sab- NEWS mitted under your suggestion and pressure on Tuesday, Nov. 29, 1966.” Jewell also requested a hearing at the council meeting next Monday night. The appointment of a police chief is the prerogative of the Contracts Let for Plant and Sewers WIXOM — Contracts for construction of the city’s new sewer system and treatment plant were awarded yesterday to two > low bidders. i f 1 i The construction contract was awarded to Holloway Construction Co. of Wixom in the amount of $3,923,887. The treatment plant contract went to Gay Brothers Construction Co. of Pontiac for $404,061. An Oakland County Depart- Shelby Board to Set Deadline on Course SHELBY TOWNSHIP — Dead- Spokesmen said the golf course village president as set down in Seo statutes. MINATION DATE, The chief is appotated for a one-year-term. Jewell’s term would have been over on April 1 after the spring elections, he said. Jewell said this is at least the fourth time and possibly the fifth that such a controversy has changed the police chief position in Romeo. When Jewell was appointed ,ment of Public Works spokes-almost three years ago, he as- man said the contracts were sumed command from the then- awarded subject to the approval chief, now Sgt. Charles Meeker, 'of general obligation bonds - ★ ★ ★ jwhich will i be used to finance Meeker is once again acting {the project, as chief since Jewell presented I ★ * * his resignation on the order of I construction is expected to i the village president. start soon after the bond sale | Jewell had served in the de-|on Jan. 11, and be completed by .partment three years prior to i December 1967. being named chief. He is 51 j City officials had hoped for a I years old and lives at 74303 Burk!federal grant to cover a portion in Armada. ;of the cost but it did not come line for completion of a golf course at Mt. Vernon Golf and Country Club, Mt. Vernon Road, was expected to be fixed at the next township board meeting Dec. 20. The board recently reviewed new stockholders in accordance with liquor license provisions. Headquarters of Firm Ready Complex Completed in Pontiac Township In addition to Santa’s house and workshop, there are false store fronts depicting a pet store, book store, toy store, bakery and candy store. SANTA’S HOURS TIME FOR DREAMING S| A real toy store would be even better but Todd and Scott Coe, 1548 Beverly, Walled Lake, use their imaginations as they peer ihto Toy Town which helps decorate Santa’s fantasy land in Walled Lake. should be ready in two years. Petitions for two county drains were forwarded to the Macomb County Drain Commission. Orders were given to establish special assessment districts for the Gravel Ridge Drain, servicing the Maeder Subdivision at Shelby and 23 Mile, and for the Shelbydale Drain between Van Dyke and Mound, north of 24 Mile. The board voted to pay $1,500 of a cost of $6,000 for the Lewis Drain crossing on 22 Mile. The Macomb County Road Commission will pay the remainder. | Steps were taken to halt dis-: persal of trash along Hamlin at Ryan on property owned by E.| J. Brane. Brane was asked to' help the township in a cleanup! campaign in the area. He does not live on the property. A new ordinance controling construction of culverts, swales through. Christmas Concert AVON TOWNSHIP — Heart of the Hills Church of Christ will present the Great Lakes Bible College Choir of Lansing in a concert of Christmas music at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow at the: Guild Will Hear Prof Sacred Heart Parent-Teacher Guild of Auburn Heights will meet at 8:15 p. m. Tuesday in the parish hall. Sister Mary So-lanus IHM, professor of psychol- church. Elmer Nicholson islogy at Marygrove College, choir director. {Detroit, will speak. spaliL, poNTIAC TOWNSHIP - Nine weeks ago there was only brush and weeds where the new $350,-000 headquarters of the Utiey- James Co. now stands at 1100 j an(j driveways was ordered lOpdyke. prepared and another dealing Consisting of a modem allr I with trespassing was passed. ffrom 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. each Theatre at 6:30 p.m. and 8 p.m. two-story colonial office Township residents may now {Saturday until Christmas. iDec. 13to 15and20to22. til Lm8!niDlovsiregister at the townshiP offica Santa Will be in his fantasy Walled Lake merchants are, * * * ^ ” P yjfor protection against trespass- land from 5 p.m. to 9 pm. also sponsoring free cartoon Tickets can be obtained from)M Peop ' tag. Registration will make Tuesday through Friday and shows for children at the Lake i most Walled Lake stores. I The buildings are situated levying of a fine possible in ' on acres of ground. I proven cases. The township attorney was in- First Methodist Church Slates Musical Drama CLARKSTON - The 12th Century musical drama, “The Play of Daniel” will be presented . . by the ministry of music of First ceptor sewer district must pay .. .. . ___u ii. m . „ a tVU nnmumHftn nharoa tnwarH Farmington Water, Sewer Services Fees Case to Court FARMINGTON TOWNSHIP -The township is going into court insure that residents of an area recently annexed to the city of Farmington continue to pay their fair share of water and sewer service. Township Attorney Joseph T. Brennan has filed for a declaratory judgment in Oakland County Circuit Court seeking a declaration of the rights of both the township and the city in the matter. He is also seeking an injunction to stop the city from extending its own water and sewer lines to the area and bypassing file systems presently there. In the Nov. 8 general election, 457 acres of the township were annexed to the city. The area, like the rest of the township, is served by two sewer districts, for which residents pay a total tap-in fee of $500, and one water district at a cost of $95. Property owners in the inter- Methodist Church at its 10 a.m. a $350 connection charge toward Sunday worship service. |the liquidation of the township’r the church choirs will be assisted by guest soloists and instrumentalists. portion of the debt of the interceptor on Middle-belt Road. The interceptor was built by the Oakland County Department of Public Worts to be used by several communities. In addition, persons tapping into this interceptor throutfi the Taribusi arm must pay a $150 tap-in fee. To tap into the water line, residents must pay $75 plus a debt service charge of $5 a quarter until the debt is paid off. NO COMPETITION All contracts require the township not to build any competing systems, according to Brennan. He said all sanitary sewage is to be channeled to the interceptor. A competing water system would mean there would not be enough revenues from tap-in fees to pay for the present system. Now, Brennan said, the city! claims it won’t use the present systems and that it will extend its own lines. The city contends that it is only required to pay a percent- of the assessed valuation1 of that part of the township which it annexed. EQUIVALENT REVENUE “Our theory is,” he said, that because this is a revenue financed system, the city must collect from the residents revenue equivalent to what people in other parts of the township are paying.” If the township looses the connection fees, it will lose $896,009 in revenue, Brennan said. This would mean that fees in other sections of tile township would have to be increased? Residents in the area in question petitioned the City Council Monday night to extend water and sewer lines to their area. City officials are now working on engineering plans and cost estimates for such a project. Playing the lead role of Daniel wfll he David Lemelin, a baritone from Detroit. Lids Smith, Spenceley Butters, Philip Smith, Darnel Addis and Jackson Byers will stag other tending rotes. Acting as narrator will M Rev. Lewis C. Sutton, pastin’ of file church. The presentation will be conducted undo' tile direction of Adele Thomas, director of the ministry of music. Costumes were designed by Mrs. Joel Smitty 1-75 Extended LANSING UB ~ A 1.4-raile, $4-milUon section of 1-75 in Qak-landCodnty opened to traffic yesterday, the State Highway Commission said. It exteT from Bernard Street north Manattee Street in Hazel Park. imrii in .-I vrtifru anaa.... annum wi.... -v. Library Service Pad Signed j INDEPENDENCE TOWNSHIP — Services formerly provided to the township library by the North Oakland Library Contract System (NOLCS) will now be furnished by the Wayne Couity Public Library. The Township Board has entered into a contract with the Wayne County facility in an effort to maintain adequate library sendees for township residents. NOLCS, a cooperative effort among Oakland Cmmty communities, was fhroi this fill with the withdrawal of Pontiac, the main cog in the system. In other business, township residents Marie Brendlc and Johp. Lynch have been rnuned to represent the township on a committee assigned to find a suitable place for a new landfill Residents of Groveland and Brandon townships also are serving on toe committee. GRANTED SDM LICENSE .Thi Township Board recently granted an SDM license to Jean Pierre at 5746 Clarkston. The company, which is one of 'the five largest building contrac-| tors in the state, is the product of a recent merger between the ' 50-year-old Utley Co. of Detroit land the newer James and Savage Co., in business in Detroit I since 1962. ★ * ★ I Fred B. Walsh, president, who lives at 1265 Bielby, Waterford Township, called the new Pontiac Township location ideal with its access to expressways. ACCOMPLISHMENTS Much of the company’s business, be said, is done in Flint, Saginaw, Bay City and Lansing. He cited the Lansing Oldsmo-bile administration budding, the Chevrolet V8 engine plant in Flint and the new addition to Saginaw Steering Gear as part of its accomplishments. Walsh said the newly mer company expects to do an nual $30- to $35-million business. structed to start suit against th% Sandy Ridge Rifle Range on 23 Mite where safety precautions! have been thought inadequate. 2 More Dogs Found Dead SOUTHFIELD (AP) - More dead animals turned up Wednesday on the streets of Southfield. Police held out the possibility that file new {finds — two dogs— may have been accidentally hit and Uited by a passing automobile. Last week 39 dead dogs and cats were found scattered along residential streets. All were female. Cause of their deaths have not been determined, police said. 'If the animals were poisoned we will be interested to know how and where because of possible public health hazard, said Dr. Theodore M. Barr, Oakland County Public Health Department veterinarian. 0ES Bazadr Saturday INDEPENDENCE TOWN iEDP — Thomas Order Of the Eastern Star at Oakwood will hold a bazaar and family-style ham dinner at 5:30 p.m. Saturday. The public is invited. NOTICE TO BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP TAXPAYERS 1966 Roql Properly Taxes are payable without penalty thru Febniary 14, 1967. Personal Property Taxes are payable and must bn paid in full by January 19,1967. Penalty of 4% will bo added to tho tax bill between February 15th and February 28,1967. After March 1,1967 taxes must be paid to the Oakland County Treasurer, 1200 North Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan. 1966 Dog Licenses are now available at the Bloomfield Township Treasurer's Offices Male and Unsexed $1.00, Female $2.00. After March 1, 1967 Delinquent Dog Licenses will be as follows: Mala and Usexed $5.00, Female $7.50. Township Office Hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday thru Friday. ARNO L. HULET, Bloomfield Township Bank of the Commonwealth offers an exclusive new long-term savings program that Guarantees you Tentative Rate Set for Walledj Lake Water WALLED LAKE — The City Council has set a tentative water rate schedule for the city’s proposed expanded water system. The basic minimum rate was set at $3 per month per one-family residence. Anything above this rate will be charged at a rate of 25 cents per 1,000 gallons. City Manager Boyce Downey said the cost would be spread over the entire community with the exception of those areas with a community water system such as the Carroll Lake and Tri-A subdivisions. The $1,334,000 expansion will tie together the two existing systems. 1 , * '-V A In other action, the council has approved the zoning ordinance as set up to the future land use plan. As stated in file land use plan, the ordinance will be most effective in preventing the scattering and mixing of land use types. It is designed to protect existing development and, where provide the desired future use of land. White potatoes contain 7S.3 per cent water. EFFECTIVE RATE ON TIME DEPOSITS • You receive 5%% because we compound the legal maximum rate of 5% every minute of every day and we guarantee it for 3 years and 10 months. • You can get your money at any time on just 90 days' notice and still receive the legal maximum of 6% interest from day of deposit to day of withdrawal. 4 Available in any amount over $100. • Deposits insured to $15,000 by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and backed by Commonwealth's 50 years of banking experience, Act Now to get the most for your money. Simply bring your passbook or othei funds to your nearby Commonwealth office: I It pay to bank at tha Commonwealth I BANK OF THE COMMONWEALTH I F—6 THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1966 The following are top prices covering sales of locally grownl produce by growers android by them in wholesale package lots Quotations are furnished by the fjEW YORK (AP Market Rally Rolling Along -_____- ’ ~ The| Some fairly sharp losses were. The near-term objective of the Mondav Ure*U °l MarKets as 0I]stock market rally rolled alongjshown among aerospace issues.jDow industrials, analysts said, Monday. Produce |in active trading early this aft-|Oils became spotty. The tonelwas the Nov. 16 recovery hjgh FRUITS Apples, Delicious, bu..... Apples, Delicious, Red, bu. Apples, McIntosh, bu. Apples, Northern Spy, bu. ... Apples, Cider, Adel. ..... VEGETABLES Cabbage, Curly, bu. . Cabbage, Ibid, bu. Cabbage, Standard, t Carrots, Cello pi., J Carrots, lopped, bu. Celery, Root, dx. .. Leeks, dr. bch. . lemoon. {remained generally higher The list weathered some prof-|among autos, steels, utilities, 4,00 it taking, taking some losses rai*s, building materials and <•“ among some of the recentdruf>; strong gainers, but managed to) AVERAGES UP 2.75 {stay well ahead on balance. I The Associated Press average . «.ooj Airlines were up at the start of 60 stocks at noon was up 1.8 :: Iloojas the market earned through [at 296.9 with industrials up 2.3, ; ?:fs!on yesterday’s rally but profits) rails up .4 and utilities up 1.1. *jg|were taken soon and most of The Dow Jones industrial av-{ am | these issues converted gainslerage at noon was up 5.18 at 2.75 into losses. 1813.19. of 820.87. A decisive breakthrough at that level would throw open the chance for a continued recovery, they said. * * * Prices rose in active trading on Ae American Stock Exchange. Gains of a point or bet ter were made by Baifield Industries, . Diversified Metals, Sonotone, Xtra Inc., U.S. Radi-lum and Dennison. The New York Stock Exchange Ike Entering Hospital Today 'I Have Many Rocks in Me/ Quips General WASHINGTON (AP) -Former President Dwight D. Eisenhower is scheduled to rater Walter Reed Army Hospital at ntadday to prepare for removal of his gallbladder. “Apparently I. have many, many rocks (gallstones) in me,” the 76-year-old, five-star general quipped Wednesday. “I Especially for Youngsters Stock Gifts Boosted have asked the doctors to save me a few.” Eisenhower is to come here from his Gettysburg, Pa., home by car or helicopter. Date of his surgery has not been .announced, but Eisenhower said he expects to be hospitalized for 12 days — leaving HUM chgl! him time to get home for Christ-SS'flS talmas. TESTS FIRST Doctors have indicated they^ll schedule the operation after “ senhower has undergone presurgery tests, which may take three or four days. The original announcement Monday that Eisenhower would have his gallbladder removed did not specify that he had gallstones — but the general confirmed the presence of the stones. He also, told newsmen —S-|- Wednesday at Gettysburg that » w/, 3$h gH -u he and his wife, Mamie, now [ plan to leave for Palm Desert, Calf., Jan. 4 instead of Dec. 28 as previously scheduled. They traditionally winter in that Southern California desert community. Eisenhower appeared jovial and relaxed at the informal news conference. NO DETAILS Doctors have offered no de- By JOHN CUNNIFF A]» Business News Analyst NEW YORK - The New York Stock Exchange has lust completed mailing to its members some information bn how to promote shares! of stock, «] Christinas gifts, especially $6] youngsters. The exchange! described such] gifts as “both different and] practical,” “more personal than cash,” as “combining sentiment with good sense,” and as adding “excitement and involvement to life.” ★ * * Immediately, some wags contended that at today’s depressed stock prices certain shares might substitute for the Christ- mas card but hardly far toe itself. The exchange, thinking otherwise, explained its conviction in a totter to executives of brokerage houses. Such gifts, it is said, “create good will and help educate a whole new generation of investors.” STUDIES SHOW As probf of the potential market, exchange officials noted that studies show “a promising area lor growth in our business over the years ahead lies among youngsters under 21.” CUNNIFF Air Disaster in Nebraska Laid to Storm OMAHA, Neb. (AP) - Testimony of crash witnesses, meteorologists and contents of a tape recording of cockpit conversations indicated that turbulent weather caused toe crash Aug. 6 of a Braniff Airlines plane near Falls City, Neb. Thirty-eight passengers and the crew erf four died to the flaming crash! The testimony of the Witness-j to the plane’s fall, the meteorologists, and the release of the tape recording came Wednesday at a Civil Aeronautics Board hearing.' The taped voices were identifiable and tended to confirm ______J _____ _ that the plane broke up in tails" onto" nature'of teste they] sorely torbulent weather on a will administer. Usual preoper- flttl f| v rKi" **“ ‘'ll ative tests include blood-chemistry studies, a chest X ray. and X rays of toe gallbladder. Eisenhower, however, was hospitalized at Walter Reed about two weeks ago for what was described at toe time as a routine physical examination. He may have undergone his gallbladder X rays then. Doctors not associated with the case say that while presurgery teste for a gallbladder operation ; aside from the gallbladder X ray itself — can be ^completed in a single day, Eisenhower’s doctors might want to keep him under observation for a day cm1 two more to make sure he is rested. They say this is not unusual to nonemergency surgery — particularly for older patients. The hospitalization is his fifth for a major illness to 11 years. The surgery will be his second to 10 years. The previous surgery, to June flight from Kansas City, Mo., to Omaha. TIME PINPOINTED CAB investigators have pinpointed the time of the accident at 11:12 p.m. The tape picked up much of the cockpit conversation during toe last 9% minutes of the flight. The first indication of weather trouble came at 11:02 when either the pilot, Capt. Donald G. Parley, or the first officer, James A. Hikkiker, commented: “It’s getting a little rough.” The crew asked Kansas City and Chicago for authorization to change course and reduce altitude from 20,000 to 5,000 feet. There was some indication mately $100. that the pilots may have been considering an emergency landing. LANDING GEAR DOWN? That came from the tape recording indicating that the horn warning that landing gear was down had sounded. Dingell: Widen Ship Inquiry ' WASHINGTON (AP - Rep. John Dingell, D-Mich., said Wednesday he has asked the Coast Guard to expand its investigation of the sinking of the ore carrier Daniel J. Morrell and report on safety standards for all Great Lakes ships. Dingell — a member of toe House Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee — said stricter safety standards “are probably needed” to prevent disasters such as the Morrell The 60-year-old Morrell broke apart and sank off Harbor Beach, Mich., during a Lake Huron storm Nov. 29. One of the 29 crew members survived, Dingell said he planned to introduce legislation to Congress next year to help modernize the Great Lakes fleet, possibly by providing federal assistance. LAKERS AGING The fresh water of the Great Lakes tends to lengthen the lives of ships, he said. But, he added: “There must be a limit, and cannot help but wonder whether we are watching the aging of our lakers closely enough. Many other carriers operating on toe lakes are similarly aged and are rapidly becoming obsolete. Burglars Take $100 in Lincoln School Break-In As proof of the existing inaiv; ket it noted that: “An estimated" 1,300,000 minors now own stock-figure which hag tripled to the past three years and increased more than 500 per cent in the past decade,”^ This increase in gfoick ownership by youngsters is one of toe most fundamental changes to stock ownership of recent years. It is no accident. Once it Wgs difficult {to give stock. Legislation now has routine. As the exchange notes, and many people have uncovered, there are distinct advthtages to toe recipient: growth, dividends and the educational value of having a personal key to the American economic system. DISADVANTAGES There are disadvantages: the possibilities that ' dividends won’t be paid or that the value of toe shares will decline. With’ caution and wisdom, however,* there is a good chance of picking growth stocks that might some day help finance a college education. For toe donor there are tax advantages. Each year a couple can give gifts totaling $6,000 and still be exempt from federal gift taxes. ★ ★ ★ In addition, by shifting the money from parental ownership to toe child’s account, the donor Shifts income from a higher to a lower tax bracket-perhaps even out of reach of taxes. Few people are going to give $6,000 away at Christmas, even to their children. But the example showis how liberal the laws Parents who give stock to children still may claim toe $600 federal income tax exemption for each child regardless of toe child’s income from the gift. ONE-HALF SUPPORT The usual provision .exists, however, that the parent must pay at least one-half the child’s support and that he is under 19 or a full-time student. The donor, or a custodian he appoints, may buy, sell, collect dividends and reinvest for the minor’s account. No Indian-giving though—the stock may not be reclaimed by the donor, A gift of stock can be purchased or transferred in the usual manner, simply by walking into a brokerage office and asking for the information. Most brokers have or can quickly obtain the,forms needed. Burglars broke into Lincoln Junior High School at 131 Hillside early yesterday, using two heavy hammers to break into the school’s walk-in safe, according to Pontiac police. Missing from the vault, offi-j rials indicated, was approxi- Police said a 10-by-20-inch hole had been smashed in toe wall at one side of the safe. The hammers were found in the office where the vault was located. Desks were also ransacked, police said. 1956, was an emergency abdom-! Final comment 35 seconds inal operation after he was stricken with regional ileitis, constriction of part of his small intestine. Business Notes Arthur S. Yeagley will become President of Cadillac col-orplate Co., Detroit, Dec. 31. Yeagley of 4028 Blackthorn, Bloomfield Township, has been with Cadillac for 16 years, the last six as sales manager. Harry S. Rudy, vice president of the Detroit Bank and Trust Co., was recently appointed chairman of the SttwwlM . ... ___ . foregoing table are annual program C O m-•ration .**spec*a i of mittee for the ■ regular CTM* TO intemati OOfll 4 foiiowtns fooWfes^ ^AnnuJ conference of •took dividend. c-Liqyldatlng toe Administra-end. d—Declared or paid in IMS .. .. stock dividend, a—Oecfarod-----fj before time of impact with the ground was followed by a sound similar to that of rushing air. Eight seconds later the first loud sounds, described as indicative of structural break-up, occurred. They were followed by air noises, more unintelligible speaker transmissions and warning horns. ★ ★ ★ Residents or former residents of the Falls City area agreed that the plane seemed to burst into flames as it either entered or approached a big thundercloud rolling out of toe northwest — the direction in which the plane was flying. News in Brief Veteran GM Exec to Retire Dec. 3! Service Station Robbed of SI 10 A service station attendant told Pontiac police he was robbed of $110 early today by several men, one of whom leveled a sawed-off shotgun from a car window. Wade Jones, 27, an employe of the Clark Gas Station at 382 Orchard Lake, said the car came into toe station about 5:45 “Give me all your money,” Jones quoted the gun-waving bandit as saying. _. . . r . After taking toe money, Jones Stanford Landell, general di-jsa{U were George W. Holmes (left) of 139 Riviera, Waterford Township, and James. H. Burgin of 2365 Pontiac, Pontiac Township. 52 GM Supervisors Graduate Diplomas were handed out last night to 52 supervisors from GMC Truck and Coach Division in ceremonies at Oakland University. Recipients were toe first graduates of a three-semester industrial management program cosponsored by the university’s division of continuing education. Hie course offered 90 hours of instruction in basic management principles, written and oral -communications and economic!. OU Chancellor D. B. Varner, who p r e s 1 d e d over the ceremonies with Martin J. Caserio, a General Motors Cop. vice president and general manager of GMC Truck and Coach Division, described toe program as “a pioneering concept tailored to toe needs of industry.’ He said the training would enable the supervisors to contribute even more importantly to the industrial posture of the community. MEETING CHALLENGE Caserio complimented toe graduates for their initiative in volunteering for the program and said they had “taken steps to meet the challenge of leadership.” He termed their participation evidence of developing ‘the questioning attitudes.” Buying a Pet for Yule? Use Your Common Sense With Christmas fast approach-tog, many families are consider^ tag a pet as the ideal gift. Whether it be a frisky puppy or furry kitten, there is a pet to fit any taste. According to toe Oakland County Veterinary Medical Association, common sense rather than sentiment should prevail in making your selection. Sait toe pet to your environment, toe age and number of people in your family, and your way of life. Large dogs are fine if you have toe space, while small dogs or cats are more suited to apartment living. Before you bring toe pet into your home, it should be weaned from its mother and thus 6 to 8 weeks old. Otherwise, age is not particularly important if you keep in mind that toe older the pet, the more difficult it is for it to transfer loyalty from one person to another. * * * Choose a healthy pet by careful selection, but to make sure your final choice is “in the pink” have it examined by your veterinarian. MAY SUGGEST TEST The veterinarian can also advise you at that time which vaccinations are necessary to protect your pet against toe appropriate canine or feline dte- He may also suggest a routine test to determine whether or not your dog or cat is bothered with worms or other internal parasites. To housebreak a dog completely may take a minimum of few weeks and possibly a few months. Patience and time combines with a realistic approach are the key factors to success. ★ ★ ★ Establishing a routine and following it no matter what the personal inconvenience, is vital to accomplishing your aim. TAPER TRAINING’ Paper Training” is one of the popular methods of housebreaking a puppy. Keep toe puppy confined at first on a thick layer of newspapers. His own instincts will compel him to use this area and return to it. Gradually remove most of toe papers so that toe Idea of using one particular becomes rooted in the dog. When replacing soiled papers with dean ones,"always leave e scrap of toe former, to Serve as a scent to guide him. Take your pup outdoors at frequent intervals and, if you wish, carry some of the soiled paper with you to help toe dog know what is expected of Mm. Housebreaking a cat is relatively easy. Provide him with a litter box and put him in it at regular intervals. He said that this management philosophy consists of asking oneself five key questions: “What am I doing? Why am I doing it? Is it absolutely necessary? If necessary, how can it be improved? If not, can it jbe eliminated? “With these questions,” he added, “an individual or a manager can measure toe importance and effectiveness of virtually any area of endeavor. * ★ * The supervisors, mostly engaged in manufacturing operations at GMC Truck and Coach, enrolled in toe {urogram in February after it was organized by S. C. Barker, divisional education and training supervisor, and Dr. Russell E. Elliott, assistant dean for professional development programs under the division of continuing education. ★ * ★ Classes were held Wednesday evenings and Saturday mornings to permit toe supervisors attendance following their work shifts. Carruthara Funeral Horn* i HATMAKER, DECEMBER 7, IMA, MARGARET, 1529 N. Main, Royal Oak; ago 44; daar mother of Mrs. Martin E. (Norma) Burnt, Mrt. Gilbert (Belly) Kioto, Harold R. and LeRoy Hatmakar; daar titter of Mrt. Frink Kntbler and Mrt. Edward Groat; also survived by 1» grandchildren. Recitation of the Rotary will bt at 1:10 p.m. Friday at WtHiarn Sullivan A Son Funeral Homo, 705 W. 11 Mile Road, Royal Oak. Prayer service -will bo hold at t am. Saturday, December 10, at the funeral homo, followed by funeral eervtce at t:30 at Our Lady of Fatima Church In Oak Park. Interment In Roee-land Pork Cemetery, Berkley. Mrs. lie tn stele at the ________1 Marlon Kueblor; doer ton ot Amalie Kuebter; deer fattier ot 'Mrt. Raymond Lee, Mrt. Mildred Jonet, Dorothy Melody, Shirley Kuebler, Robert, Jamas, Fritz, William and Dwayne grandchild. Radiation of the Rotary will be at I pm. Friday at the Elton Block Funeral Hama, Union Lake. Funeral service ' Ufa be held Saturday, at 10:30 am. at Parish, Union Lake Oakland Hillt Memorial Novi. Mr. Kuebler will LOMASON, DECEMBER 4, IMA, PVT. DOUGLAS L., »1 Weet Flint , Street, Lake Orion; age It; beloved ton ot Lawrence J. and Gertrude Lomatont beloved grandson of Mrt. Karl Hecht and.a Mr. and Mrt. Jett Lomaton; daar brother of Dali, Carol, and Bonnlo Lomaton. Funtral servlet will bo hold Saturday, December 10, ot ' 1) e.m. at Flumartolt Funeral Home, Oxford. Interment In St. Coast Guard Team Will Examine Ship CLEVELAND, Ohio (AP) -Two Qaast Guard officers will go to the Soo Locks at Sault Ste. Marie, Midi., Friday to examine the E. Y. Townsend, sister ship of the ill-fated Daniel J. Morrell- it it ★1 The sinking of toe Morrell week in Lake Huron, in which 28 crewmen died, is the subject of a Coast Guard Board of Inquiry investigation which opened Monday in Cleveland. ★ ★ w The investigation was recessed until further notice Wednesday by Rear Adm. Charles Tighe, who heads toe board, after testimony from Roy F- Dobson, chief dispatcher feu* the Bethlehem Steel Corp.’S fleet. Bethlehem operated toe Morrell. Toilet Music Stopped Up as Illegal Move GLENROTHES, Scotland (AP) — This town’s musical tot-ids weer silenced today. The new public toilets in the towncenter were opened a few weeks ago. To provide soft music, a tape recorder was installed. * ★ * The charge for using the toilets was increased from one penny to three pennies. n the Performing Rights ly, which protects composers and musicians from exploitation, advised the council that playing of toe taped music came under the heading of a public performance. It demand-' ed a license fee. .'•]• ^ * v*.' The issue will b# debated in! Town Council shortly. l at the funeral borne. MOORE, DECEMBER 7, IMA, IDA R„ Traverse City, formerly ot 995 North Coat Lake Road, Pontiac; age 77; deer mother of Mr*. Ely* Moor* Burnet end Mrt. Earl Brandow; also survived by three grandchildren end on* great-grandchild. Funeral service will be held Saturday, December 10, at 1:30 pjn. of the First Methodist Church, Davison. Interment In Gracelewn Cemetery, Flint. Mrt. Moor* " ot Mrs. ______ Thurman, Mrs. George oiwm, Georg* and Lance Archer; alto survived by on* brother, five Otters, 12 grandchlldrtn and on* great-grandchild. Funeral service East; eg* 74; beloved husband ot HMB (Georgia Lee) Nick, and Max Richardton; daar brother ot Mrs. Carl L. Hunter ; alio survived by two grandchH-dren. Funeral service win be held today. December 8, ot 7:20 p.m. at the Voorhes-SIple Funeral Home with Rev. Marvin E. Rlckert oh floating. Following the service Mr. Richardson will be token to the -Jenkins and ton Funeral Home, Bloomfield, Indiana, tor burial Saturday In Scotlsnd Cemetery. RODGERS, DECEMBER 7, MW. JESSIE EDNA, 52 Waldo Street; age 47; dear sister of Mrt. Mary Eshloman; dear aunt of George Eshleman. Funeral torvleo will be held Friday, Dscsmbsr 7, at 2 p.m. st ths Huntoon Funtral Homo with Rev. Robert Shelton offldat- Comotery, Wheeling, 1 Mrs. Rodgers will lie — the funeral horns after 2 p.m. ‘ CHRISTMAS FAVORITE—A puppy ii always a favorite fHirifftnmi gift, and at least five youngsters along with their brothers-and sisters-will be delighted when they receive these hpnrfnnme English field cocker spaniels. Their current ovrnere are Mr. and Mrs. Larry Chrtatier of Portage. The gardenia was named after Alexander Garden, an 18th-cen-fafry phyaician wbo lived in 8.G Dial 332-8181 Pontiac Press Want Ads POS PAST ACTION , NOTICE TO . -_ ADVERTISERS ■ iDS RECEIVED BY S PJL charge of I mu u* mad* for UM Of c Press Box number" In Aemoriem IN LOVING MEMORY Of HELEN Waters, who patted away, July 16, 1966 and Michael Waters, who passed away Dec. 24, 1951. Today reestts sad memorial. Of pur Osar Parents gone to rest, And the ones who thlgk of them to- ! p.m., at the Sharks • Griffin Funeral Homs. Funeral service wilt be held Friday,.. Ptgwnbor 7, ri the funtral home. FLOYD 0„ 2324 Clark Rood, Le- Lell! Wilson; daar fattier of Garry,. Thomas, Donald, and Judith Wilton; olio survived by 17 grand-cMMraa. Funeral service will b* hold Friday, December 7, at 1:1B p.m. at the Brtd Newton Funeral Homo, 542 Liberty, Lapeer. Interment In Farmers Creek Cemetery. Shop the Classified Columns Daily! ACID INDIGESTION? PAINFUL get? Gel new PH-S tablets. Feat at liquids. Only 71c. Simms Brea. NEAL Formerly of Capitol Barber Shop, M0 W. Huron St. Is now at Huron Barber Shop 372 W. ANNOUNCING ANOTHER DEBT AID INC. office, 710 Rll Building, branch of Detroit's « GARNISHMENTS, BANKRUPTCY REPOSSESSIONS, BAD CREDIT AND HARASSMENT. We hove helped and saved thou- terns. Let us consolidate your drills that realize, "YOU CAN'T BORROW (BONDED AND LICENSED) At 10 a.m. today there were replies at The Press Office in toe following boxes: 3,12,15,22,24,38,52, 54, 57, 60, 65, 193, 165 fuuerul Directors ^ 4 CJ. OOOHARDT FUNERAL HOME Ketgo Harbor, Ph. 602-0200 COATS FUNERAL HOME ORAYTON PLAINS_____4744)441 DONELSON-JOHNS Funeral Home "Designed ter Funerals" Huntoon FUNERAL HOME _ Sarvlng Pontiac tor SO years 77 Oakland Avt. FE 2-0107 SPARKS-GRIFFIN FUNERAL HOME 'Thoughtful Sarvlce"_FE 0-9230 Voorhees-Siple I FE &734. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A PUCE tor a children's Christmas party, a church or organization Christmas Program, a holiday vacation out- UPLAND HILLS FARM Offers for your occasion • large ■ prograrr *, llvi an Is for Nativity scants, lea st Group! „ _. ..... reservations — 420-1411. dal Naw Year's ir Special t Outing.) PAINTY MAID SUPPLIES SOM 1. Hammond FE S-7004 GET OUT OF OUST ON A PUNNED BUDGET PROGRAM YOU CAN AFFORD tNWNtiWSttl. DECEMBER 4, Ms, STANLEY, 7144 Highland Road, White Laka Township; ago 74; beloved husband of Jtnnlt Wisniewski; door father ot Edward, George and Chatter Wisniewski; alto survived by right grandchildren. Recitation of Ilia Pariah Rotary trill be today, December I, ot 7:20 p.m. at the Elton Block Funeral TAILORED TO YOUR INCOME MICHjOAN CREDIT COUNSELORS "HOUSE OF WIGS" Wigs starting at SJ7.7S FE 64216 NEED A CAR? Rant a naw Mustang or Ford by th* day or by the weak! From John McAuliffa Ford WIGS FOR RENT FE 8-3701 ___________ PHOTOGRAPHY If ■roftatfenal Cater. Fro* brochure WEDDI Proto LOST: BUCk AMti fAll MALfc brawn and white female coon dogs, Nov. 30. Vlrintty of Rochester. Ite ty of Longfellow off Baldwin. FE S4II7. Reward.__________________ LOSt: LADIES WITTNAUER watch. Near Seers In Pontiac, totttets, K. s. on back. Reward. PE 4-1470, _________ ter-Orlon proa. Reward, 492-2401. LOST: MALE BRITTANY iMiiOL, vicinity of Woodward odd Square Lk. Rd., brown. whP- —TT3. M 2 THE MM CIVIL BIGHTS X SlAW PROHIBITS, WITH Sc jXCBRTAIN EXCEPTIONS. X; rXDISCRIMINATION BE- ft-x-: cause of ,mk?. Wire ii » SOME OCCUPATIONS AM V. » CONSIDERED MORB AT- X; X TRACTIVE TO PSRSONS X; $OP ONR SBX THAN THE » . «c OTHER, A U VIST I SB- ii X; MINTS ARB MACRO ii ii UNDER THE MALE OR if, ;X CONVENIENCE OP READ- X g B SUCH LISTINOS ARB X--ft NOT INTRNDU1* ™ ■*- » ; CLUDI PUR: : EITHER SBX. fap Wound Mote 4 4 AUTOMATIC SET AND OPERA- 4 WELL DRESSED MEN TO DE-liver advertising material. SIS par evening. Cor --------------- —***’•* . ~ 425-3173. $500 PER M0NfH~ FectorV branch hot steady year around work. No atrlkaa or layoffs. Call 474-1133 4? PAL or 9 AM. ACCOUNTANT FOR BIRMINGHAM CPA FIRM This Is a permanent position and you will work In *11 phase* of ADJUSTER oral Liability ctslma. Call branch claims Mgr., 447-3700 Michigan Mutual Liability ins, Co. AIRCRAFT . AND AEROSPACE INDUSTRY SMALL PRECISION PARTS PRODUCTION GRINDER GROWING COMPANY, DAYS, MANY FRINGE BENEFITS, STEADY EMPLOYMENT AND OVERTIME. M. C. MFG. CO. Ill Indlanwood Rd. Lake Orion PHONE 472-2711 An Equal Opportunity Employer APPLICATIONS BEING ACCEPTED FOR, JANITORIAL AND CUSTODIAL STAFF Steady, sober and reliabla nv» 30 to 50 years, good salary ei benefits. Permanent positions I COMPANY EXPANDING: NEEDS 3 men evenings, 1200 per mo. Cell Mr. Davit. 625-2750._ irking on r ell Detroit 6-7412 In 1 SSOK-ORILL MAN, NIGHTS, TOP pay for good men. Benefits, vacations. B (M's, Telegraph at Mapl* Cutter Grinder GRINDING DOESN'T NAVE TO BE A GRIND steady long term job for r capable of doing or teaming a variety of cutter grinding swine. IS MINUTES FROM PONTAIC START NOW OR AFTER HOLIDAYS CALL MA 6-4223 EXT. 4. DIE SETTER Experienced die letter i progressive dies end feeds: Day shift, steady worn wun overtime end fringe benefits. Automatic Press Products, 1S5 Eliza- DRAFTSMEN, ELECTRICAL AND mechanical. GEMC0 ELECTRIC CO. tOtO N. Creeks, Clawson ed now. Mr. Merten. International Personnel Birmingham Troy manufacturer needs draftsmen. 34 yrs. experience. Interesting position, designing molds, atari!------------“i. Plaeif-* —- EARN AND LEARN TO BE A ' Davey Tree Surgeon, high school graduates, exp. net necessary, — the lob tr-’-’— ------------- — 1 program, many HOSPITALIZATION LIVE INSURANCE RETIREMENT PROGRAM Learn to operate hydraulic cram serial basket, chippora, stump ri 14 Rochester Rd., Trey E. D. & C. CO. S Industrial Row, tr 549-7200 Help Weeted Male > FULL TIME BUS BOY, DAY shift. Uniforms and me sit hern. Fold vacations ond Insurance. Apply P- J. Milter, Greenfield's GAS STATIC ATTENDANTS. FULL ____________tr. Moreen. International Personnel WO S. Woodward Birmingham. 642-8268 EXPERIENCED TRUCK DRIVER, one who know* Pontiac and surrounding area. Mutt know how to handle appliances end furniture. 1441 N. Parry. EXPERIENCED CABINET MAKER and plastic fabricator. Good opportunity, good pay. Eves. OR EStlMATOR WITH DETAILING experience tor growing welding and and atari fabricating firm. Oak-, land County area. Give ago, experience, education and eatery ex-tocfRL miiltea will be kept strictly confidential. Pontiac Frees Box 37. GAS STATION. ATTENDANT, EX- id Adams Rd., Birmingham. GRILL MAN lift. Night ehitt. Pari time, vages and all benefits. Big testaurant, Telegraph and Reinforced Plastic industries 394 South SL. Rochester s 451-4220 ■ FOREMAN Small stamping and mamifactur-by plant; Hat openings on toy and Ing plant, h afternoon a tatting and w.——— IP qulred. Goad opportunity tor right' man. ready to move up to auger* vision. Include aga, experience and eatery required- Sand replies la Pontiac Nt Box 55. HIGH SCHOOL GRADS Training programs in all fields a industry. 21'30, minimum salan $5500. Mr. Moreen. International Personnel Immediate Assign-, ments person at rear entrance to 125 N Saginaw. 6:30 em.-IO a.m. KELLY LABOR r afternoons. Starting p LET US DO THAT MESSY JOB, garages and basements cleaned, light hauling. OR 34777. Don Pori- MAN TO HELP IN FURNITUR6 warehouse, steady employment. Ap-ply Lewis Furniture, 62 5. Saginaw. OVER 30 FOR SHIPPING department, simple arithmetic required. Apply at 217 Central, lust '-glnaw St. WAN FOR PERMANENT POSI-tlon In local savings and loan assoc. Established firm with sound background. Good fringe benefits Including bonus. Must be at least 25 yrs. of age, have good arithmetic aptitude and be capable of meeting th* public. Apply In parson: Capitol Savings and Loan, 7S ARITH- MAN, PROFICIENT matte for office work, nign scnooi graduate. Sand complete resum* with pay Information to Pontiac Preaa Box 13._________________ NATIONAL CONCERN, HAS 3 PART- to earn and loam at no sacrifice to present position. Call FE 2-4307 NEW CAR PREPARATION AND clean up man tor new car dealership In Birmingham. Good pay, fringe benefits, Mail working conditions. Bob Borst Lincoln Mercury. 320 S. Woodward, Blrmlng- NIGHT PORTER WANTED, 4-DAY week. Apply Iri parson. Wilkins bar and restaurant. 4105 Orchard Laka Road. __________ OPPORTUNITY ADVANCEMENT DO YOU WANT IT? '* SSSL# to riterli It you a school grad, over i ifibti future, - CALL TODAY, OPPORTUNITY u are looking ter a position a company over 45 years In ince, and If you have a date work, loom and grin fill security In sales. Stop PONTIAC MOTOR DIVISION Has Immediate opening* for CLERKS salaSie-d0 PERSONNEL DEPT. •ad. Apply — H Clarkaton. PERMANENT FarYTIME aUDT-tor, apply In parson, Holiday Inn, 1501 S. Telegraph, Pontiac._________ n Equal Oppwtunlty Employer) PARTS COUNTER MAN GM oxparlanc* ore- "* -—■“ “■—t pon. PURCHASING FOLLOW-UP YOUNG MAN EXPEiDeNCED IN FOLLOW-UP OR BUYING, READS PRINTS, AND HAS MECHANICAL ABILITY. SOME COLLEGE PREFERRED. sl opportunity employer Township Clark* Apply i Office. If too*much ^'TOgIthE^?ESS" Is driving ilp — • EMPLOYERS ___ SERVICE 54 Henry St., DETROIT 854) E. It MU*. CENTER LINB 45 South Main, CLAWSON 2320 Hilton Rd., FERHOALE 27330 Grand'Rtv*r~ REDFORD extra traffic a now have opai...... ■ ___________ salesmen. For. information call A Vondarharr 682-5800. VON RIALTY RECENT COLLEGE GRADUATE. An axcepttonal career opportunity at a claim representative ter a leading Insurance company. No personal use. To Mils man, otter an Intonating and rewarding career with the eventual goal of an Important managarlal posl- RECRUITS FOR WATERFORD TOWNSHIP POLICE DEPARTMENT Aga 21-31. Mutt be a resident of township 1 year prior to date of agpltcatlan. High ritaj —d REMODEL CARPENTER BUE6M6-tractor, steady work; age no hand-must be sober. IElite, FE RETIRED MAN TO WORK IN COIN laundry, pari time. Apply In par-.-ton. 2SM Orchard Lk. Si.' 5 , lOUTE MAN • 21-34, masrted, capable ri heavy work, aiarilaur't license. Company fringe benefits Include Hte ana medical insurance, ten weeks paid vacation, guaranteed salary, average earnings 1135 a Waik. Call Culllgan Water CoMNlMWr, *25 Orchard Lk., FE 4-9946. SALES EXPERIENCE Many good optnlnB* are available representing wall established companies In this area. If you era, under 15 and have successful salts Mjjprtence^For Initial Interview International Personnel ward Birmingham 642-8268____________ Salesman Full Time Apply to Robert Hall Clothes 200 N. Saginaw Sales trainee, colleg! helps, on |ob training. Co. ear. Career opportunity. $6500. Call Harry Sweet. 334-2471, Snelling and Snelllng, ______ STANDARD OIL SERVICE CENTER has opening tor drive-way servlet aa| Also opening for part-time ““ 5—----holidays. MA help. No Sundays or 5-2080 or EL 7-4763. t Machine Tools Scr ■ping Co. Parti. LI SHOE MAN, PART TIME, AFfER-noons tnd Sat., year around, Hansel 8. Gretel Shop, Blrmlng- Salesman Sell the top of General Motors line. Experience preferred but not necessary. Ample floor time. Excellent pay plan Demo furnished. Blue Cross and other benefits etc. Must b* sober, at least 21 years of aga, married preferred. Apply In parson. (No Phona Calls Please) Downey Olds 550 Oakland, Pontiac Ask tor TIME STUDY MAN Experienced in establishing tten-ofos and Improving mfthodi. Apply Hlgbto Mtg. Co., Fourth and Water St., Rochester, Mich. 651- ____TV TECHNICIAN SWEET'S APPLIANCE SHOP 03 W. Huron ________5344477 TURRET LATHE OPERATORS VARIOUS MACHINE OPERATORS CRESCENnSlACHINE CO. ____2501 Williams Dr., Pontiac WANTli) COMPOSITOR AND LOCK-y mon, steady work, good working renditions; Apply in pirson. 22431 Woodward, Farndolo, <•— WATER METER READER AND KB-pair man tor City of Birmingham, jttrtw young man, high .school ability! ^ «ntpci: $2.70 to $3.24 par hr. r Apply , YCUNG MEN W* need 4 man, 1114 ter our outslda order dapt. Mutt ha high school graduate and can convert* "nl^Ctir M?*lJohn«o$1J4xSXr 7 a.m^l p.m, dolly. ____________* Young mm 'wantud foA re: 2 .P*lnt “Ns. Apply in parson ttawttec,. Rodtcofs Paint Star*. 1310 Wld* Track Dr.________: -- 3 LADIES HoittlS type, ago 21-37. 2400; par month, plua share of bualnas* profits. Call Mr. Taylor, 474-222 7 a.m.-t 47 pjn. A PART TIME JOB hours per day, choice of ho > earnings for right girl, ARE YOU AN EXPERIENCED dental asalstant? Receptionist ter dental office. $150. Call Cathy Diamond, 3744471. Snalllnn ' M, Snelllng, Attention Mature Women BABY SITTER, 5-DAY WEEK. 7:0C BABY SITTER, LIVE IN OR OUT, 1 child welcoma, PE 44014._ BAR RESTAURANT WAITRESS. I, EXPERIENCED BEAUTY 0PERAT0RS-2 $100 GUARANTEED PER WK. good hours Andre Britriy Salon 11 N. Saginaw St. _________FET7257__________ experience not essential, drihrijare Dwrek srd, Blr CASHIER *4 OAYS A WEEK: TUES. and Wad. S a.m.4 p.m.; Sri. and sa tic*. Must b. mediate opening. I transportation. CLERICAL AND GENERJ— “ 1-----urate typist Must have Clerk-Typist-Receptionist lady te'perterm*? variety' o/gam are) attic* work. Shorttwnd Is not a requirement but fit following arq: Accurate neat typing, llghl bookkeeping skill or poof figure ■IMijNh, good aabaaraiate aafiip 1 tonality, plaaaanf riant vote* and —6sgga 0*[__fii£ ponti^geneTal hospital \- \ Samlnola ri W. Huron CLERK. FOR ^CRJNtiNO pE-but should po Qxt:' and neat. Moil location. Wal. known and aacure aawBaMfflritt. 8350. CajT AMsJMTwwi, s-s dm CHRIS DEMONSTRATORS WANTED tod allowance. Apply In £ TED'S WOOOWAWD AT SQUARE LK. AD. ____ DISHWASHER, 8 TO S YEARS FE 2-4344 old, fast and rdlaMt. SI.40 am —I Hr. plus Blue Cross. Ml fr41S». NHHR_____________| : DOCTOR'S OFFICE, GOOD SALARY OO YOU *PEAK FRENCH? ARE EMERGENCY ROOM CLERK. EX-“ *- ‘—* ■—“-1 ——™ to *—-'-g necessary. ’ " Dining Room Hostess 7 Mp WwttB Fbi-Ib 7 I EXPERIENCED WOMAN TO HAND- “ M| -1------* -ffto* wort* - I op to c Indusl ache tier _____> experienced waitress ~ THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1066 7 ( Help Wonted FemolQ SALES GIRL Hosiery counter, pert tins Experience pratarred. ■Mil salary. Becfcar's Shoes, Pontiac N Mall 40MBH._______________ SALESLADY, SHOES. EXPERT- St s REST HOME, PRIVATE, EXCEL- V lent care, S20t a mo. 1ST —T Rd„ OrtonyllN, 427-3650.. M 1-BEDROOM OTTTAOE _ON BIG ' "tly. I Ted's of 1 openlnjMo I Hills, » ENERALHOUSEWORK child care. 5 days, sit l MO. Must have tramp, a 447-051.______________ GENERAL HOUSEWORK 1 DAYS, m a day, Northwestern and Mld-elt, most have own tnansporta-MTand ref. 424-00*5,, after 4. GIRUF FOR TELEPHONE Al fIN'work. Part time, full Hr For appointment, 474.3310, ask iiCRETARY, TOP FLIGHT FOR ------- limed plfi. Jxc. bane/ fiaiMljfetoParkar, 334- sharp quallfl fits. $350 Cal OTJti SECRETARY FOR REAL ESTATE office. Must have good typing shorthand. OR 3-IIW. ■ SHIRT WASHER AND SHIRT P.______ tor laundry dap!.. Expert- _ ot essential, will train. Full “ Douglas Cleaners, 5)4 S. 6 arp. Birr-1—*— COMPLETE MOVING SERVICE. Lo-and Ibm distance. Wdinfe Er rata. Plano experts. UL KBPS. s LOCAL MOVING - i PIECE OR howidful. M. C. Llppard, PiTlWL Pvlrtf—d Ntwllsi n ‘Tj&o-- m r, car* of home, free .at. ‘ s. MS weekly. In dap. EM SdW. J ROOM, SHAIiE BATM, SIS WEEK single, no drinkers. FE fr$57l. 1 BEDROOM EFFICIENdr APT. and two bedroom cottage. In Lai Or Ian. 491-5751. 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT. ..... MNr^~ _ ,,, uWuriii furnished, laito Orion, “ oulrod, $45 weak. PHP3. 4 ROOM MOUSE TO! you type? Exc. opportunity i tor right person. $325 Call Jol | Martin, 334-3471, Snelllng and! 1 Shelling. __________I TV-4574.______ Hausman,' Avon GIRL FOR CLEANING AND IRON-! “ * I | ing. 2 days. Must baa portatton, 335-5925. .. ■ mu,rl . I PAINT, PAPERING Needs salesperson for 3 months! Tapper. OR 3-7041 ^Jed.mDoliy‘sSimHau^o^r Walton A Sashabsw. V “* j ij tort Nyos, WeWW 40 4, ADULTS ONLY MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE CO. Has IMMEDIATE OPENINGS for KEY PUNCH OPERATORS and CLERK TYPISTS in Our Southfield Accounting Office —No Experience Necessary— —Full Pay While Training— Requirement APPLY IN PERSON 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday at: Northwest Office Center Room S-101, Service Center 23500 Northwestern Highway Southfield, Michigan AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER HOUSEWORK, REFERENCES. LIKE 1 children, live in, good wages. Re- r verse charges. Detroit, 142-5021. 5 LADY FOR DETAILED CLERICAL * work, typing required, write givl age, education,^family status^. J; Box tiVontiac. ^ LEGAL SECRETARY, MUST __ mature, well groomed, pertonabla •NR good ^ekTlto. mA(d ton - MA iMHBI. ' " " YORK MATURE WOMAN TO BABY SIT only. Restaurant, Keego1- ■.....■.... ... .........JUMP Harbor ovm transportation, 5 days, 402-jwAiTRESs,_ EXPERIENCE to. Wanted Household Goods 2? MULTILITH OPERATOR NEE'BED while trelnhig?^onus differ Mdaysi . Dlclc nD ur,1Iccclll , .—,-i,— .-------- — -—I lAimUm B—,1-. n------ 45 .f.f, 1 PIECE OR HOUSEFUL; PIANOS. ------j--- u c. Llppard. FE 5-7V33. 1 BIG ROOMS, ADULTS. cARPEY-ed. S30 weak, S50 dap. FE 5-3112. ROOMS AND BATH. ADULTS, HO per week. S50 dap. FE S-0443. Huron Valley Schools, SS7-4I1S. NURSE AIDES All shifts. Training program on a year-around basis. Good working conditions. Experienced and Inexperienced. Apply I weekday from 7:30 Seminole Hills Nursing Home, 5 Orchard Lake Aye- Pontiac. e Pontiac ____ . ____—■------d character {WAITRESS NIGHTS, s, Ricky's, 017 Wood- pllances, l piece or h< —»- FE »— I. Pear- 3 ROOMS AND BATH WITH PRI--‘i entrance, utilities furnished. N. Saglnaw St.____________________ referancto required. Available Dec. 21, OA S-2C05. LARGE f BEDROOM, GAS NEAT, 5 acres. iWI.SMmmora near Squirrel. l ml. naiii of Oakland uid-yerslty, $125 par mo. 547-1151. •SiWE BUY *'“*■ OR 40343 4713 DteW Hwy-r I 3 ROOMS A come, r* quire I 330-4054______ 1 ROOMS Al CM NURSES!!! REGISTERED and PRACTICAL NURSES needed for ell shifts In1 Detroit hospital with privilege of transfer If desired to new hospltr1 In Rochester opening In mU-1747, TOP SALARIES, EXCELLENT WORKING CONDITIONS, SHIFT DIFFERENTIAL, BENEFITS, (pension, life Insurance, B . .. Cron, sick time, j paid holidays. HEAR OUR PRICE BEFORE YOU - taka so little for your furniture I ■ Ml 4-1454.________ nr appliances and whet have you. 3 ROOMS AND BATH, ADULTS WVII auction H or toy ». | onlv,4i»l777. B & D Auction 13 ROOMS AND BATH. $1W PER Dixie__________’ OR 3-27171 MJBlh plus S25 dap. Call EM JI2 ATTRACTIVE WELL FURNISHED, clean, warm room. FE 5-7331 BEAUTIFUL ROOM FOR FROFES- signal man. 543 W. F------ |fi 3-7111. OVER 21 to work with well established C Some experience preferred In boo keeping, some receptionist wor Stop at 144 W. Huron and spe, to Mr. Eskellnen. II to 25. For personal Inter: call Mr. Bondy. 3343211. MUST BE ABLE TO START WORK _____IMMEDIATELY home. FE 4171V, Call after 5. WOMAN WANTED TO T~AK phono calls at homo. Must homo most of the time ond ho privets line. Write R. W. Bytv— 1344 Potomac Dr., Rochester. WOOL PRESSER, SOME EXPERI- WANTED TO BUY USED CHEST Wanted to Rant zTcESk TO 3r Keego Harbor, ROOMS AND BATH, 'l4Ui CHIL- liOOMS AND BATH, ADULTS ROOMS AND BAT^ ADULTS mk no pvts, $3750 per week Inquire at Hollerbacks i, 273 Baldwin Ava. APARTMENT FOR MEN NEAR ■”-hers In Pontiac, call a&m i. FE 2-2042. LOVELY ROOM, S OR 4753V. NICE ROOM FOR MAN, PRIVATE Spats. 4243414. AN EARLY CHRISTMAS GIFT SMITH S WIDEMAN 235 staff-_____________________ PRIVATE HOME, TV AND PHONE In room, lady only, OR 3-4400, oft. ROOM AND BOARD WITH HOME Sac, top. FE 2-1672. cooked matlo. 334167V. ROOM AND OR BOARD, 13 Oakland Aua. FE 41454 RObMS FOR RENT NEAR GEN- trat HoipWrI. Ladles, 332-1W6. SLEEPING ROOMS, NEWLY FUR-■to|| private parking lot In Lake EFFICIENCY APARTMENT, COM-pletely furnished. Including wQilh flee, air conditioned. 341-75 402-2144. SLEEPING ROOM FOR MEN. FE 45720._________ SLEEPING ROOM, WARM, CLXan, mother. 447-1104.______________ RECEPTIONIST - TYPIST, EXPER-I lanced, accurate typist, neat . pearing and reliable. Cell YOUNG WOMAN it me In my but it appearing and ate. No typin . __._ry S112.50 per Call Mr. Johnson 330-035V, V ilgh C O U P L E, 3 CHILDREN NEED re-1 apartment or house at once, near iek. school. S104S123 rno. 3342144.____ L m.-, MOTHER WITH ONE CHILD DES-___| perately needs 2 bedroom t n bungalov life, finish YORK lo Hwy., Drayton Plains A-A-A BETTER BUY REPOSSESSED FHA AND VA HOMES 150 down and monthly payments 1 FIRST RENTING $78 Mo. PEOPLE WITH CREDIT PROBLEMS AND SratlRMS ARE OKAY WITH US. OPEN OAILY AND SAT.AND SUN. OR COME TO 270 KjtNNETT NEAR BALDWIN REAL VALUE REALTY For IminediatB Action Catt FE 5-3676 6269S?S GJT dating , credit hi this ... _______ sure It has o gprara. Call OR 41005 for appointment. Ask fer Ron! HAROLD R. FRANKS, Roalty . $4500 FULL PRICE t)M0 town, $45 itonth on fend contract. 4 room* and bath, wooden floor*, oil hoot, needs decorating. Noar Round Like Rd. Handy location. First time of- Everett Cummings, Realtor 2503 UNION LAKE ROAD EM 3-3200 . 3447101 HAYDEN NEW HOMES bedroom, trl-level finished family room, 1V5 car garage $13,750 plus ment, 2 car garage, alum, sldln 515,200 plus tot. bedroom brick JfeHevel, I Vi belt 2 car garage, leads of closet ei storage. $17,750 plus tot. V0 PER CENT FINANCING AVAILABLE TRADES ACCEPTED J, C. HAYDEN Realtor 343-4404 10735 Highland Rd. (M-5 HIGHLAND AREA 2 bedroom ranch, 2Vi car garage attached. Paneled family room with fireplace, nicely landscaped 100* x 150' tot. $17,000. CO 3140. HOWELL Town & Country Inc. HIITER > in Rooms With Board Septic Tank Cleaning M.orF. BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED RH Positive I RH Nea. with positive factors ^ AB n#fl- DETROIT BLOOD SERVICE In Pontiac fe 4-9947 1342 Wide TrKk Dr., W Mon. Jlhru Frl., 9 a.m.-4 p.m. HOSPITAL POSITIONS, FULL OR part time, weekend and shift differential; Orderlies 411 shift, RN H-7 shin, RN for emergency 411 shift. See Mrs. Indish — Avon Cen ter Hospital, Rochester 45I-V3SI. 1 verified employment, credit; 624-4915. erford and Dreytan Plains are Sislock & Kent, Inc. 1309 Pontiac Slate Bank Bldg. Share Living Quarters 33 WOMAN WILL SHARE H e charge. Retiree v Limousine drivers wanted.| Press box s.________________ m^ieTcCou'p[e to clean EX- ”""Ud R«' *521 ecutlve offices during early evw ning hours on contract basis, must! be band able, Blrmlngham-Troy area, mall reply to Pontiac Press u 1 TO 50 BY OWNER, HOUSE WITH 1.4 acres of land. Far Information . ____________________________call 4141125 or 4741776, •W„ i «NTLEME„N, DAY SHIFT, HOME BEAUT,FUL 4BEDROOM SPLIT- l.^LL Su“*r5T J meals. 54 Poplar._____________________ level home. Brick fireplace, both TWO LAKE FRONT ALSO TWO ill downtown Pontiac, utilities Inc. 493-4447 Of 579-4029. Apartments, Unfurnished 31 1-BEDROOM, CARPETED, HMRI heat Included, disposal, swimming pool, Westlnghouso appliances. Elderly couple, no children or pals. Willed Loke, 6242120. ASPHALT DRIVEWAY SPECIALIST Guaranteed no waiting. " Cell new. Fret estimate. FE 4 Floor Sanding GORDON LANG SANITATION SERVICE RESIDENTIAL-COMMERCIAL ELECTRIC SEWER AND SEPTIC TANK CLEANING SEWAGE PUMP AND SUMP ,, PUMP SERVICES, ETC. Licensed and Bended 476-4393 Owner, Gordon Lang, 24 MIDDLE-A ) COUPLE AS A I ERTI6S, AND LAND CONTRACTS - AND 2 BEDROOM NEW, NEAR Mall. Immediate occupancy. Air and sound conditioned, disposal fully carpeted, 2 BEDROOMS, LOWER, ADULTS. ] MEN ONLY. ____________344*335. NICE AND CLEAN, PRIVATE AND r SYLVAN SHOP- in 425-1444 or 3340222. Rent Office Space ____ _______ Brick and VS, plus 2V4car. garage wit cement drive. Located 623 Pontli Rd., Oxford. Call Don Ludwto. Harvey J. Wilson Roalt Estate Brown. Realtors 4 Builders Since 1*39 GI'SII See this sharp 3-bedroom Hjtonafej Waterford switchboard service, new decorations. By day, week or month. Furn. or unfurn. Savoy Motel, 120 8. Telegraph.__________________ N SQ. Ft. OF AIR CONDITIONED building ' in the Fontalnblteu not necessary, furnished apertmenr WARREN STOUT, Realtor I ------------------------------0I 43750 ______________‘1450 N. Opdyke Rd. PE 4*145!3 ROOM APARTMENT $05 pi. 1E s T E R N OAKLAND COUNTY| „ ........ . ......... utilities. 4 room all new, $li - ----------I ---------------jtt 1-------- plus utilities. Adults only. Ref. 1 • qulred. _Neer General Send complete resume to Pontiac Press Box 12. MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Brick & Block Servico - BANG'S SANITARY SERVICE Flour Tiling 3 CERAMIC, VINYL, ASPHALT, stalled. Yours or mine. All wi BRICK, BLOCK, STONE, CEmENJ guaranteed. 673-4494. X-RAY TECHNOLOGIST (Registered). I L CASH 10 MINUTES SINKS, DRAINS, TOILETS NO EXTRA CHARGE I- EMERGENCY 24 HR. SERVICE r month. Send resume to Pontiac I 48 HOURS LAND CONTRACTS—HOMES EQUITIES WRIGHT Oakland Ave. FE 2-9141 2-CAR GARAGES, 20'X20', $075. WE Heating Service s FURNACE REPAIR | ’ Day or night, all makes, spact heaters, mobile homes. Wolters iLc ... .. ._ . _ _ 1382 Oakland Ave. fe 2-91 Ling. Owner Sales Help, Mal*-Female 8-Ai DO YOU WANT IT SOLD ______I$17,000 PLUS NEW CAR AS BONUS! fways! !?:. rn".n. v? .4»in spSsej Tree Trimming Service ADDITIONS—REMODELING ANDERSON-GILFORD, INC. BufkJtrt and Dtrtonirt FE M116 Janitorial Services MASTS CRAFTSMAN I do toPutlfel carpentry, .In rough to finish, toautttul rabbi bars, etc. Price and work I possible to beat. 334*430. interior and exterior ottl * recreation room, kite! ------------specialty. S CARPENTRY, REC ROOMS, KITCH-ens. free estimates. Phil Kile, >52-1337._____J__________ DALBY & SOW 1 *HO M JANITORIAL SERVICE STUMP, TREE, SNOW RfMOVALS 1 FIRE WOOD FE 5-3025 TALBOTT LUMBER ^feTmw ; lakes Tree Co., trimming Stump end Tree Removals . Ireplace Wood — Plantings 4742130 ______ 4243000 TREE TRIMMING AND REMOVAL Moving ana Storage PORCH AND STAIR RAILINGS, columns, roam dividers. Modern Metolcreft, 3343442. Painting and Decorating Cement Work ! ----------------- . TYPES OF CEMENT WORK, CEMENT WORK. Piano Tuning Eves. FE 4*122 r Dressmaking, Tailoring Eavestroughing AAA ALUMINUM GUTTERS ^MBS GUTTER CO. COMPLETE ^ Electrical Sarvkes ABTEC CO. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Residential Commercial Induttrial Plastering Service Trucking LIGHT AND HEAVY TRUCKING, rubbish, fill dirt, grading end grav-el end front-end leading. FE 2-0403, Truck Rental Trucks to Rent V4Ton Pickups IW-Ton Stake TRUCKS—TRACTORS AND EQUIPMENT Dump Trucks — Semi-Trailers Pontiac Farm anu Industrial Troctor Co. 025 $. WOODWARD E 40441 FE 41442 Open Petty Including Sunday tact customers. Air Moll K. L. I Sears, Pres., American Lubricants Co., Box 676, Dayton, Ohio. 45401.1 PONTIAC AREA I AGE NO BARRIER I part time salesperson, FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED office space, available Immediately. 10*3 Ortitard Lake Rd. In the Sylvan Shopping Center. Sylvan. 4241U4«a|dm^^ra ROOMS, TILE BATH, GARAGE, stove; refrigerator, formlco counters, carpeted vestibules, remodeled THREE BUSINESS OFFICES Fig* AMERICAN HERITAGE. - _ room and a 2-bedroom apartment available. Don't pork your car outside. Carport end electric bill Included In your rant. You furnish phone and we furnish, irawb one ot tho It $145. 3345 Walkings I k. Rd. minum siding, gas heat and excellent neighborhood. Bid with no money down to Gl's Les Brown, Realtor 509 Elintolh Lk. Rd. (Across from the Mall) FE 44010 or FE 43544 Crestbrook MODEL OPEN DAILY 1-6 3 bedroom, family room ond garage priced at only $15,491 lot. Located In new sub with SuIb Houses_________________49 BEDROOM HOUSE, APPROX, seres of lantora*torf||lfenAJ Orton. Inquire 4BE0R00M, LAKE PRIVILEGES. qualified It, Michigan. 44212. Box REAL ESTATE SALES PEOPLE, port or full time. Wa train. GIL-FORD REALTY, FE 48)16. OR JUST LISTED? I of wafting and hoping, w* r.. -eed more property for a rea* um selling ’Jour' h^e "ra 4744027."", "....- — - , ^SIOROOM FRAME -oil or obligation to you. For Cl-ARKSTON, 1-BEOROOM, STOVE ,. i|wiM raa— i,ra* efficient, end lost, octton . . . f„ refrigerator, adults, evenings, ®|,l2 "SJ0 gerara. enbfeclSop. ‘ $12,500. Terms. I FLATTLEY REALTY '620 Commerce Rd. 34J-4V81 d 4 %e6rooms, SOME ton to buy. Atk about our i payment plan. Pick up Ce?l*t«S»y. ' full tosemenf, gas toot. 111,550 on your lot. To see tho model cell B. C. HIITER, Realtor, 37*2 Ellz. Lake Rd. FE 4017* aft. I HAYDEN MILFORD, 3 bedroom older I with dining room, utility i enclosed porch, part basement car garaga. $11,500 on fend ROCHESTER, 2 BEDROOM —- .- 'i basement, Immadiato ____terms. For appointment > P.O. Box 52, North Branch, h. 48441. ____________ plus satisfaction . 425-1*45. YORK OINEX INC.. . ______ of Klng-Seoley Thermos Co.,felP launched an exciting, exclusive Forty Plan Soles Program. DINEX Is a new concept In Food Presentation which Is needed by every family and makes wonderful gifts tor all occasions. t your convenience n OR 40343 OR 403 ; 4713 Dixie Hwy., Drayton Plains subsidiary HAVB> CASH BUYERS WAITING tcraagt. 4i 0 miles o (.an /v\r. Lewis at Ray O'Neil, Realtor 3520 Pontiac Lake Rd. OR 4-2222 OR EM 3-7961 Ask. fdf Mrs. Keller or Write OINEX INC., 677 South Eton, Blr-mlnghom, Mlchlgsn. Employment Agancitt BABY SITTING AVAILABLE Oakland 47-3422. J. C. Hayden Realtor We need listings, equities bought 343-6604 10735 Highland Rd. (MS7I BROWNIES HARDWARE FLOOR SANDERS - POLISHERS WALLPAPER STEAMERS RUG CLEANER - POWER SAWS *52 Jotlyw Open Sun. FE 44100 LIGHT EXCAVATING, PERCOLA-tton feds and Install static « -terns. Ho knee Excavating, FE *4ft sr ft 41314. Work Wanted Male ________11 A-l CARPENTER WORK. ALL kinds, OR 41074. MAN 50 YEARS OLD appiiam «._4 Of. ____ BLOOMFIELD WALL CLEANERS. 1.^-—--.2 ---r~ Walls cleanad. Raas. Satisfaction! Work Wanted tbRHlie guaranteed. Insured. fE 41431. 12-hour service Reofer 1 NEW, REROOF - REPAIRS - HOT TAR ROOFING-SHINGLING. QUALITY ROOFING. BONDED Ml ferial. Free estimate. Reasoned 4*2-7514._________________ SPECIALIZE IN HOT TAR ROOF-ing. L. J. Price. FE 41030. Wedding Invitations ALL TYPES WELDING. 14 HOUR service, work guoran-— fTato- portable ftsd-MA Idl^ 2274 S TURN WEST FROM MAIN ST. AND DRIVE 2 BLOCKS TO WILCOXi ALL INCLUDED IN LOW MONTHLY RIRTM.; 1- AND 2-BEOROOM COMPLETELY CARPETED CUSTOM DRAPES HOTPOINT AIR-CONDITIONING HOTPOINT REFRIGERATOR HOTPOINT OVEN RANGE. GARBAGE DISPOSAL EATING AREA IN KITCHEN CARPETED HALLWAY LARGE CLOSETS LAUNDRY AND STORAGE SPACE HEAT INCLUDED CALL NOW. HAGS1ROM REAL, MASTER TV ANTENNA TOR, OR 4-0350 OR EVENINGS 402-0435._____________ LONESOME: JUST TRAN4 FERRED FROM CALIFORNIA, NSEO 3 OR 4 BEDROOM HOME IN WATER-FORD OR CLARKSTON AREA. CALL MY MENT, STAN KORBY AT YORK REALTY, OR 4-0343. GIROUX REAL ESTATE 4511 Highland Road (M5V1 4747037 COMMERCE LAKE AREA Look what *17,400 buys. 1 ful wooded acre with 2 story 4 bod rooms, full basement, 2 car ga rage, lake and river privilege! real country living, walking distance to stale park, school bus at PREVIEW SHOWING BEAUTIFUL NEW CORAL RIDGE APARTMENTS Rochester, Michigan ULL OR PART TIME JOB DE-sired. 425-1594. _ HOUSEKEEPING FOR MIDDLE-aged man or middle-aged lady. ttont. OR 42492.__________ I IRONINO WANTED We Need Listings Buyers Galore J. A. TAYLOR AGENCY Rail Estate— Insurance—Building 7772 Highland Rd. (MSI] OR 4ff* Evenings Call EM 3-9937 Building SBrvice-SuppliBs13 CUSTOM BUILOING ANDERSON-GILFORD, INC. Builders and Designers WlNOW HAVE I BUYERS FOR If 4 bedroom lake front homos, up lo 125,000. Tho other up to $125 illy and Sunday 12 noon-PHONE 451-0041 CORAL RIDGE APARTMENTS est tram Main SI., drive 2 WILL YOU BE NAPPY WITH THE horn# you buy today? You will be if you buy It through 0'lfell T.--------------------- 1 LEFT ..... viiu $14,400 mortgage- : 4-Bedroom Ranch NEW HOME Dishwasher — Garbage disposal— Range — Baseboard heat, *”~ piece In Family room. WII X BAY DR. Whlto L 129,000. 4342013, t BEDROOM, BRICK, CAR garage, paneled recreation room, full basement, fenced back yard, FE 40147 or FE 494*4 after 4 neighborhood, newly decorated. VACANT. Price $12,500 approx. 01*00 down $44 mo. plus taxes end ins. on fend contract. 5444 Dixie Hwy. OR 4-19 real country^ I DAN^EDMONDS REALTOR 25 Pontiac Trail Walled Lai ■ ' ' diMon______________ CONSTANT COMMENTS From friends the minute they step through double front doors of this sprawling gray brick ranch. Center foyer gives access Ip tho four largo bedrooms without tracking through living room. Main floor family room has separate entrance from oulmfe. 3 ceramic til' toito please all, full tosemant recreation area, 214car • heated gerege, iced, landscaped wi xju x /a, trees and shruhs, carpeted, stainless steel bullt-wi washer and dryer, air eondltontd. BEDROOM HOME, NICE CEN-tral location, TVS bathi 332-3744._________________ EASY TO LOOK AT IN-LAKE ORION k sharp 2-bedroom home on a large lot, gas Iwat, farm styfed kitchen and- a Mg living room fr‘ any Kiting,'* small down t FHA terms. Sot It thru: YORK HAGSTR0M, Realtor MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE 10* W. Huron OR 4-0351 402-0435 LAKEVIEW ESTATES LAKE ANGELUS Immediate Occupancy 4 new homes that are the finest homes in the area. We invite you to see them any day, 1 to 7 p.m. See the home you desire, be it Contemporary, Colonial Ranch, French Provincial or New Englander. We have all 4 and are ready to sell. Save on these homes and move in now. Beauty Rite Homes 673-1717 LET THE KIDS RUN •his big lot, a clean 3-bedrn brick and asbestos homo w « farm styled kitchen and bath and a half. Oh yts, 1 can purchasa this home w easy tow down payment on FI YORK tortable 2-tod room home near Wat klq* Lake. On I large tote will many fruit trees and ample get den space. Full toeement, g* heat, attached Mragt. Within welt Ing distance to new etomantpr school. Lake privileges. Shown b rKkh!'SMITH. Realtor $500 DOWN WIM move you Into this like m 3-bedroom home With full to) ment, gas toat, spacious kttchi and dining area, large tot, local LARGE FRONT R letory person. diets a specially. 332-3222. Ray O'Neil, Realtor 3520 Pontiac Lake Road OR 4-2222 LAKE „ OAKLAND MANOR APTS. 3610 W. Wolton Blvd. ! iWrarant’TcoM'SUIT-'*"' Opto 5 to -4 p.m. Monday thru v TTTsr heppyi Col] NEW 1 ANO j BEDROOM, 8125 345 OAKLAND AVE. PE 445 Iw. o^& feKtil Pontioc's FHA Appointed _____________________Property Management and jONE BTOROOM CARFETBa. Atfel ^ u WE BUY WE TRADE . 4713 Dixie Hwy., Drayton Plains OR 4-0343 OR 4-0343 WE BUY WT TRADE OR MSB OR 4-0343 4713 Dixie Hwy., Drayton Plains p EVERYBODY'S OUT LAKE ORION AREA 1. Ill tti# panelled family room with * gay and well ptraiwd, plenty ' of storage, real solid ramfetr 1 JSSifwTiS rooms with US tottis, purchase of Ihti lovely homo ran to *«r-ranged 'on any FHA lertiii thru: oonnd flMr°tor ?B|«g^fooms' Car paled IMm room, anctosad , porch. JOtchan, bath,' breeiaway, attached BPraflfeJfMiWulMnni SlVsbo**1' * JpS'lWPfe' C A. WEBSTER, REALTOR 492*2291 or 004515 : YORK LAKE FRONT : A REAL CHRISTMAS PRESENT for ■ largo family. S large bedrooms, family room ptol ton, 3 full Iliad ! WE BUY WE TRADE f OR 4-0343 OR 4-0343 L 4713 Dixie Hwy., Drayton Plains looking water. Afl under S4AO00. Can w tor appointment. EXTRA SHARP vbedrsom brick FIRST IN VALUE OF FINE HOMES Evenings after 7: JO LI 2-7327 r WEST0WN REALTY { FE 0-2743 afternoons ranefe family roam — carpeting end drapes. Paneled recreation roam with tor. oiT beautiful acre site. Stony extras. One of the , best toys In BMomftoM schools. Immediate possession. Can us'on this on*. . - ” ij FORD WIX0M House* at *U4SA FHA *5*0 down, vdlorah' BUILDING CO. 41 437-1500 GREATER BLOOMFIELD * I REAL ESTATE Imi 4-4500 dt$e Telegraph Rd. UVE WHERE YOtPPlAY At WANT LAKE Corner of William* Lk. Rd. an Lodge Or 3 blk*. Bill. LI ltd. BeatiWid me medel. 1 bat. Infl home. Ex- ffiJSSarajar! IffrJNg___ 4t Mi Hnm THE PO^TIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, i960 tssf&z carport. ______ Lake privileges. LANGDON-DYER BUILDERS 4314 N. Woodward Royal Oak 433-wSor LI 9422B___ LAKE FRONT - $17,205" A sparkling 3 bedroom ranch on ■ beautiful |0L Maa carpeted living ' room wHh fireplace, paneled fern IM0- G.l. JUst closing cost: Warden Realty 'WOW LAKE PROMT -. WALK out basement - call 3*3470 •W^AAWPEOET-M** 000 down. EM 3470. Cooley Jj»*n. Lake - Pontla-Pfftoa — )»31 Orchard Lk. Rd. VACANT aisL^ax, aaa SSFsSWP«5 vfci ARRO CASH FOR EQUITY—LAND CONTRACT ELIZABETH LAKE ESTATE*. Coxy 2-bedroom bungalow, carpeting In Hvtag room fid Bedroom, gas ■I " Mm SIAM IRWIN NEED A BIG HOME? ■a aurg to aaa' tMa. v_I _ WSffa'te; MIXED AREA _ dpB|PWP ---'baeamSd***^ *** Bf!1?: ! *4750 and onhroTm.. Ted McCullough Sr., Rgaltor PHONE 682-2211 MIXED AREA NOTHING DOWN 352 GOING STREET 6jVal-U-Way 111345 OAKLANO AVE FE 4-3531 E| Pontiac's FHA Appointed Property Management and Sales Broker *ffar 7 p.m. FB 44417 or FE 1-19*4 WRIGHT REALTY CO. M2 Oakland FB 34141 NEW 3 BEDROOM RANCH. OAK your Mint 5*34444, NEW FINANCING 10% DOWN will-mom you Into your now "BEAUTY-RITE" homo of HUNT00N SHORES WtSTRIDGE OF WATERFORD 9 Models visit our models at Hun toon Shores west on M-5» — Right on Airport Rd. U4 miles, opon dolly and Sunday 3 to 6 AND Westrkta* of Waterford North on Dlxlo (U.S.10) to Our JLady of Lakes Church, open Sunday 3 to 4. Ray O'Neil, Realtor 3520 Ponfloc Lk. Rd. OR 4-2222 ON WILLIAMS LAKE, BUY OUT OXFORD c floors, country site kitchen I dltring tree, situated on large ner lot In Lake Orion. *400 Val-U-Way 345 OAKLAND AVE. FE 4-3531 Pontiac's FHA Appointed Property Management and Sales Broker Aft. 7 pun. FE 444*7 or FE 3-1034 ping. Phono *51-3303 before 3 111,500. Shepard's Real Estate RARE FIND VACANT MOVE NOW 4 BEDROOMS, ALUM. *1,500 TOTAL DOWN Exclusively nice vary cot.____ area, with prtvltagu at Silver Lake. Has if carpeted living-- — 11' kitchen. ONLY *14,303 TOTAL $27,500 BARGAIN 3 FIREPLACES, 2 BATHS C. Schuett FE 3-7088 5280 Dixie Hwy. Open dally *t" * — ROOMING HOUSE VERY CLEAN, nice apartment tor owner, good neighborhood, 382-3744. SYLVAN LAKE Sam Warwick ha* in Sylvan _JB 3 bedrooms, 216 baths, custom-built brick — I!— -— “— II city conveniences. Lake TWO 3 BEDROOM HOMES FOR salt, by owner, *800 down and *400 down. Ft 34733. ____ TIMES TIME to buy farm property . . . TIME to |oln TIMES, tor any of your real estate yobWyiL^&ay ^atth the Times Really 2 44374 REALTOR Open 9-9 Polly end semens, paneled living room, toko privileges. Bloomftotd Twp. equity Twp. I 42*433*. ATTRITION INVESTORS FRlCE REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE. Wo have a century aU farm house, 2 acres of land, tonr* *" multiple dwelHng, located on I too mad within 1 mile of aha.. I Lake privi leges across LAKE FRONT IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Aluminum tiding WEAVER Rochester-Utica Area • 311400 *29,900 MILTON WEAVER Inc. R 10% DOWN fmnt homefl°'t'IV' w*ll"bum ,tk* '“"LAKELAND ESTATES 4-bedroom Colonial 4-bedroom Quad-Level 3-bedroo.n Split-Level $31950 Including tot Quality Homes By ROSS Lakeland Estates On Dixie Hwy., lust pail Waltor Blvd.-Williams Lake Rd. Intersec tlon. Open Daily 1-7 p.m. Except Friday Ross Homes Inc. OR 3-8021 — FE 4-0591 LAZENBY $500 DOWN This well-kept bungalow Is earner let In an excellent____ Has 2 bedrooms down and large bedroom up, tots of clout sp,— and a large kitchen with am cupboards. The full basement I hNM jm. Priced at *13,1 FHA term*. ROY LAZENBY, Realtor I* W. WALTON — OR 44301 (1 Block C. of Dixie ttwy.' RHODES LIFETIME ALUMINUM RANCHER ■ r only 3 years old. Immediate possession. Independence Township. Wall-to-wall carpet In living room. Matter bedroom and hall. Extra nice kitchen. Glass sliding door to Pitta. 3 bedrooms, 1% baths. Pull basement. Recreation room. Gu heat, 2-car attached garage. fOO’x-1*3’ tot. Only *21.900 to qualified GIs. *2,200 down phis closing cos*' CLARKSTON - Walking distance KINZLER AUBURN HEIGHTS A moat attractive 3-roam colonial ranch with breereway and garage. Oak floors, colorfully decorated and paneled recreation room. Anchor fenced tot, loX'xJOO’, to Include carpeting and loads of extras. Owner moving out of state. MGIC easy land contract terms. LAKE ORION AREA h IVk b s-dey- —Ion — I kitchen Gloaming oak Only IS par cent down plu* cos Quick pessesilon. JOHN KINZLER, Realtor 3219 Dixie Hwy. 474-2233 Across from Packer's Store Multiple Listing Service Open large lot, 100-X163'. Blacktop str. — *13,9301 *2750, M0 par month land contract. W. FAIRMOUNT — 7-room ho bedrooms, glass enclosed large basement, nil heat, all garage, north of Fisher Body EXTRA NICE — 11-room lake-front home — on Lake Orion. 3 bedrooms, 2 large living rooms, largo recreation room, separate den and bar. 2 natural flreplacas. Gas hast. A raal buy at *28,000. *8,000 down. Balance land contract. CHOICE HOMESITES - Soma with lake frontage. Choose your own sttt today. Reasonably priced. 20 per cant down. Balance land contract. ALBERT J. RHODES, BROKER FE 8-2304 258 W. Walton FE 34712 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE GILES Handy man's garage — 1940 I ft. In this commercial building pi approximately 4 acres of lar Located In a rapidly/growing art Full price: 312,300. Terms. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY — Tt preparty has good potential f future business opportunities, present has 5-room home on I Wear garage. Wilt tall or trai VON Veterans Information Lake Privileges—Oakland Lk. s area. Asking price: *19,400 402-5002 or 403-3000 Mixed Area car garage. Winter priced 117,500 with *3.500 dawn — Inri llnr/vl 7 J. A. TAYLOR AGENCY Real Estate—Insurance-Build tea 7732 Highland Rd- (MSN OR 44* Em. EM 34937 or EM >734* Pickup the phono and oat GAYLORD, HOME ON LAKE ttlON wNh separate rental utWf. Dining room ... ivertooks lake, watt-out with finished recreation flreptoce, utwty mem. YORK RE BUY WE TRADE 3R 442*3 , OR44» 4713 Dixie Hwy- Drayton Plains 34*93 or MY *4131. * LAKE PRIVILEGES ore to with title eight room brick ---- to Orton Township- Full bsssmsnt, 116 acres. FE 39493 or MY 34*11, OPEN SUNDAY 1M LAWRENCE W. GAYLORD I woet Pitot Strut Lake Orion, Michigan FE 34*93 or MYHM1 M1TJ.FR AARON BAUGHEY REALTOR NEW BRICK RANCH. 3 bedrooms, maclout living room, femfiy fie Wtofton wtth bullt-ins. Largo tem- Si STSKsi . Attochad 2-s more. Only kitchen, plastered with. ——-ment, gss heat. Paved drive, garage and Iota of landscaping. Just 319,900 terms. to b* your last. 3 large bad mama. Nice bath. GlasatSto am porch ovortookliw lobe. G.l. of ’l praised: at (16.9W. | JOHN K. IRWIN & SONS earned budding with parlance and many a. hove several models 73 £ IRWIN HUNT00N LAKE AREA STOUTS Best Buys Today vW0W"- Now low prico'on this neat an cloah 4-bedroom home with Lotu Lake privileges. Nsw aluminum ex tartar, new gu hot water heating system, saparato dining room, 1 lots Included with small orchard, widen apace. Only clor1— down to Qt. Total pries ROCHESTER-UTICA— Oak fteorfc^rga garage. Only iTi'.SOO CLARKSTON SCH00LS- Attractive 2-bedroom home with Green Lake prlvdagas-20' kitchen, tile bath, sh screens, fully Insulated, and ataefrte stove Inctudo *11,250 with terms. WALK TO SCH00LS- Flnlshed r______________H . ment. Thermopane windows. I hie Kills, and many other on ... _________ to mention. A quality to-----1-------|ffj shady lot. *3150 down toil contract. 1-BEDR00M GEQRGE IRWIN, REALTOR MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE 291 W. Walton______FE 3-7*83 plenty, of fO’kltr to. ....______________ I hut, spacious Xltocar hut. city voter, attached, 2V34ar garage. Immediate possession “ only 319,900 with terms. Warren Stout Realtor 430 N. Opdyke Rd. FE 3-Open Em. 'til 0 p.m. Muttlpto Listing Service CLARK Hewee ■ .49 "Buzz" BATEMAN Uh-Acreafe lOO'XMX' LOT - HIGH A y rolling — blecktoi ■lertston school and pi NO. 20 EXCELLENT CITY LOCATION w *-*u| Just 0 10 lunttrt brick ror > PER CENT Bm. t bedroom, ill Maoment, aluminum siding inch. 23 toot living room, oak oors and plastered walls, 2V5 f jggj* on 4 lots. Completo- CLARK REAL ESTATE 13*3 W. HURON ST. FE 3-70SS ar 403-3403 Multiple Listing Service id contract. Full pi ■VO - 112 acres vacant _ N.E. of Holly mar 1-75 and Dixie frontage — 2300* MiBwhees OffertwHtee S9 IdeCtolhfaf M QUALITY CLOTHING, LADIES' Rou- Coif diyt Monlffi artST!.’ Full skirt wHh tong Mai sleeves. Jowotad tiara with veil. (75. 633- Sde HewdhoM 8gg4i M Vt WHAT YOU'D EXPECT TO PAY Brand New Furniture 3 GENT- BARBER SHOP FOR RENT, FURN. rand -I: FE 4-373*. '____________________ ’ EXTREMELY NICE PARTY STORE ‘—ted— busy highway and has neighborhood trade. Hu BWbgWUMteUt large 35 S over 3300' roi tot Included -Pontiac mar A . Real down. frontage — la located N.w. tost turn NO. 39 NOTHING DOWN TO VETERAN If you OU sharp 3-bedroom, all on ...PNMH Almost now, built In 1*37, oxcoltont location, clou to school and lust In- 425-2413 stos city llmlti. Yours tor only *10,.'If no answer, ezMets or *25-312: “”™ABS0LUTELY SKIERS I I THE PERFECT SETTING tor your W or winter vacation. 1, lake prlvitagu and FUEL OIL TRUCK AND ROUTE; hiring. *CoiTt52-l 534. 34.00 Weekly ™ ucw I miue Bnnu bib-hu,' 5 ACRES. Located opproxlmotoly I mite* northeast of Clarkston one 1*75 expressway. Beautiful view 330'x440L 10 ACRES — Imagine being perchec upon a large Kill sprinkled wilt trees and overlooking mites o! picturesque country and you havi the picture. S79S0. *1,000 down. C. PANGUS INC., REALTOR OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Ortonvtllo 7-2*15 TUCKER VACANT—IMMEDIATE POSSES- SION — 2-story frame, 3 ‘ rooms, large living, dining N full bosemant, auto, hut, ret tlon room and bar. Buy this land contract with payments, par mo. No red tope. Move i In at 211 Osmun. EAST SIDE — LAND CONTRACT Give you o guaranteed pi Then we proceed. To find a home of your c Possession I ly payment at S7S. Asking S12400 with no money down - Located at 202 Ver— Mork Twain School. ST. JOE AREA — L room. lW-story homo, nice front and roar FHA term* with only ■ Possession In 30 day* M vely 3-bed-eutp. hut, 'are. Easy DORRIS Colonial story and a holt bungalow that Is completely aluminum end located on a beautld 100x135 WIT ments.^ Spat breakfast place. 3 larger-than-average bedrooms. lb baths, |m -——1 and 3-ear garage. WORKING MANS DREAM. *1500 down will put you ' tiful aluminum si num Norma, screens and doors and 3 vary nice cement porches with wrought bon rollings. DORRIS Si SON, REALTORS 3* Dixie Hwy. 4744334 MULTIFLE LISTING SERVICE SCHRAM UNO CONTRACT floors, paneled walls, largo I makes this a real good buy < only *9,750, only S1.9M and S par month. $600 DOWN Far this Ilka now 34qdroem rancher aIf M24, features large comer tot, fug boement with pas hut, family ana kitchen. PONTIAC KNOLLS Cutty out on IMo 340*1— brick rwcMr, to Northern High area, wall-to-wall carpeting In MMMV INCOME agW showing on tooomo' of i par month, on aiiaplng ns. wHh 34odraom apartment Frushour Struble OAKLAND UNIVERSITY Is lust around the corner fro this dandy 7-room homo. F a lures 3 bedrooms, 21‘ kltche separate dining area, aluminum a clou lot with garden Ikampsen j "SEASON GREETINGS" DECORATING YET ? ? ? if you are. . .STOP and look at this brick homo featuring thru HUGE bedrooms, HUGH 14 g — living room wim fireplace, d oarage, tOOklSO lot. Loka pi leges on wotklns Lake mi sandy beach and boot d for summer fun. TRADE 1 old houu In tar this *29,500 i SNOWY DECEMBER NATIONWIDE FIND-A-H0ME BUILDERS! 3* ACRES WITH lake inside Pontiac city limits, ( Walton Blvd. near Jostyn. will a REALTOR-MLS E 1-71(1 OL 14511 r S. Telegraph 7T~ * —------ TIMES PRETENTIOUS Oldar colonial In Villaga of Clarkston. 4 bedrooms, stately living room, formal dining- tarns sized kitchen. A real nor tor the largo family, I _ garage, 116 acre lot, ptanty of shade trees maku this i- a whale of p buy. Call 9 appointment to see this I you purchase elsewhere. AMERICA'S NO. 1 ■vorlte and .most popular _____ around eating Is ICO Crum. This nationally franchised ice < decor, and profits. Only 313.7! SEND FOR'FREE NEW CATALOG! SNACK BAR TO LEASE. ROCHES-ter area. North Hill Lanes, 4514544. SUNOCO Station Fdir Lease NEW LIVING ROOM BARGAINS 7-plece (brand new) living room: 2-ptece living room suite, two step tables, matching coffee table, two decorator lamps, all for 1109. Only (1.50 wetkiy. NEW BEDROOM BARGAINS S-Piece (brand new) bedrooms: Double dresser, bookcau bed and PEARSON'S FURNITURE _E. Pike FE 4-7811 Between Paddock and City Hail S^FE 44904, World Wide. PUCE GOLD SECTIONAL—CUS-.—--------|)ke new_ t1]0 Ca|| After 4 p.m. ...m ___' Airport Nxm La Du* St. ... 40x132 lake front .. 75x230 on water—Duck lk. *350 1.13 acres Hitchcock Rd. ... *050 Terms to suit all HAGSTR0M, Realtor MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE 40 W. Huron OR 4435 4024435 :e $2500 Excellent back-room/ potential , *3300 Bt your own bou, earn what y< ... *3500 are capable of earning — net wh: I SUN OIL. CO. 9x12 Linoleum Rugs . .$3.81 Solid Vinyl Tilt ........7c aa Vinyl Aabastot tile ..... 7c ea —-Id tfla fxr ........... 7c u loor Shop-3255 Elizabeth Lake Across From the Mall" _________ STREET C< Clare. 94' front. *2400. FI proved. 420-143*. VILLA HOMES 430-143* ■I ■_______.U MCU« r and aeworilnE,,v. , , will leave tor Colonial. " I *14,500 "------ i ovollaMo i $400 DOWN Plus FHA mortgage ond cc igo all city eons I approved by I JACK FRUSHOUR MILO STRUBLE Realtors — TRADE FILL HER CHRISTMAS i STOCKING with this buutlful custom bwHt beauty. This thru bedroom pink spilt reck .rancher features formal dining room, ground floor laundry room, cherry formica kitchen, cherry paneled family room with fireplace, 216 both*, full basement, lifetime gas furnace, wot plastered walla. Insulated Window* and screens, oversized two « bedrooms In Oakland Shores area with master craftsmanship throughout. Anyone can! TRADE TRADE TRADE TRADE lake attached ga-ncreiv driveway— _ community motor, 43^rlV|S85lEpiATE POME^ *32,950 StonT ... ..... . houu In TRADE 11 IT WON'T COST YOU gram ond there I* no coll us today, Lao Dave Bradley, Emory Hilda Stewart, Lu Kt A DIME. . . Trade-In Pro-" obligation. . MLS FE 44921 glazed windows, brick and mlnum construction. 4 Inch IMP atlon, gas hut, formal dining KENT Established In 191* 120 ACRES TAVERN-S. D. M. *5/000 per month gross, excellent equipment, sharp apartment with long term lease. Only *11,*“ A— Act fast and y ' dm 2 ACRES In too Drayton aru, 4 bo ranch, oversized 2 cor g storage bom, multitude of shrubs i on paved street. Clou to schools I and shopping, can bo purchased I land contract with 30 day e available. Coll h 2 ACRES ZONED LIGHT INDUSTRIAL. Could build beauty shop, barber, carpenters cabinet or any Ilka business. 07,930, terms. Floyd Kent Inc., Realtor 3200 Dlxlo Hwy. it Telegraph FE 24123 Of FE 2-7342 * I Warden Realty r well-trained repre- HOP—SKIP— AND A JUMP From work, school and pie cotod near Pontiac Northern _ 3-bedroom home. Freshly pointed and sod on the outside .New pelnt and carpeting Inside. Peved street, gas hut, aluminum storms ond screens. As little at 1450 down. Full price only 113,930. "BUD' 4-Bedroom Brick W. Seven Mile Rd. In Dotrolt's lose to schools, du ai i Northland and Down-tth carpeting and drapu. Inlng room, 2 bad-1, 2 up, 116 baths. hoot and hot water, l'/z-car garage. Priced of *19,900. Call us today. 3-Bedroom Home With 5 Acres WHEN YOU SEEK OUR SERVICE YOU I "JOIN THE MARCH OF TIMES" | Times Realty LARGE WOODED ... WA1ERF ORDRh/ll MANOf PRICED AT (4930 TERMS DON WHITE, INC. tl Dixie Hwy. ______*744494. IT 200x345 ON INblANWOOD RO., lake prlvttogu. FE 44190. near Baldwin and WALDON — ■■L fir fr— ed section. Only WALTON BOULEVARD 120' commercial frontage, new —I 20' block bldg., 14x20- office building. Hot spot for most any tyr* buslness. 124,300 term*. CLARENCE C. RIDGEWAY / REALTOR M WJ Walton 33(40 m#Mo Ltaftno Borvfco ; ■: ~ badroof.*! ms tVISO 3344477 I" KENMORC ELECTRIC RANGE, 030. FE 3-2046.__________________| 100 PER CENT CONTINUOUS FILA-mant nylon carpet at low u 33.99 par yard. Contact Mr. Bdltort. FE 2-0231. World Wide Homo Furnishings. _____________P. CHINA Rounded glass. Table running a E 3-2764. BEAUTIFUL HOWELL 3-PIECE BLOND MODERN DOUBLE BED-d and 3 drawer chest. Chest •uru 34x19x31 V6 high. OR tangulor) tablet In' 3, A and'7 sets. 324.93 up. Sala Land Contracts 61 1 TO 50 LAND CONTRACTS See us before you deal. WARREN STOUT, Realtor ISO N. Opdyke Rd. PE 3414 Opon Eves, 'til 0 p.m. BUNK BEDS ?»^sir«5u8sa,,i!& complete, *49.50 on' M - - Furniture, 210 E. 9 CAPE CURTAILS, Income Property 50 JOHNSON WHY WAIT UNTIL SPRING? 2-tamlly 2-story < TOM REAGAN REAL ESTATE 2231 Opdyke __________3324134: — WAITERS LAKE I ' "■ ^------------------- : t£f- Wanted Contracts-Mtg. 60-A ACTION i your land contract, toll, call Mr. Hlltor, FI CHROME DINETTE SETS, AS3EM-bie yourself, uvo; 4 chairs, table 349.95 value, 339.91 Now 19*7 designs, formica topi, Michigan Ftourescont/ 391 Orchard Lk. FE 1 TO 50 LAND CONTRACTS CLEANED OUT OUR CHINA CABI-note and have antique dlsltu tor salt. Chino, pressed glass, cut glass, kerosene lamps, cruets, books ond newspapers, plctu chased on land a After Val-U-Way LAND CONTRACT Now available Buena V,l«to Haight* subdivision. Inc hides 3 bedrooms, full boeoment. oak floors, warm gu hoof. Only *750 down and 390 Sale Business Property 57 Pontiac Airport, cozy clean ----- -------------*—^ I iw-atory frame, homo only min- ^ JohnsOn & Son, Realtors Mj^ygONTWfcNEX* TO HB.din-1 1704 s. Telegraph | “ FE 4-2533 automatic I irx24‘ garage, op mately 100 small evergreen — Priced at 019400, Look m NICH0LIE-HUDS0N Associates, Inc. 40 Mt. Clemens St. FE 5-1201, After 6 P.M. FE 4-8773 1 PE 14431. 5143 ( * LAKE PRIVILEGES - ON \ WATERFORD REALTY 3 Dixie Hwy 473-1373 Multiple Listing Service AR GENERAL HOSPITAL, pretty bHcMkont________________ Ing 3 bedrooms, go* hoot, large kitchen and dining aru, patio door*. No work tor dad, ftHo homo has boon completely recendttlonod. Full price, *15,391' *300 down plu O'NEIL NEW FINANCING 10 PER CENT DOWN A HEAP OF LIVING and a "tolta houu," tor a Mg to My. Hare's a lovely colonial atyi bilevel with 1 yet, five bedrooi List With Us-We Sell a Home Every 24 Hours R. J. (DICK) VALUET REALTOR FE 4-3531 I Av*. Open M FE 2-4060 or PE 34703 i area uparatlng the kiddles i the grownup* in the living ». Big 2-car attachod garage with —- ric door opener and a nice screened porch are only port of tho extra* In Mill family home. price: 337400. Will trade for lust u wo already have traded thou nice folks. No. PONTIAC LAKE FR0INT ANNETT JUDS0N STREET P " hoot, 2-car parage and kan house, flCsoo, forma, wiM trade tor 3- — ' oom homo hi l 25 ACRfiS-CLARKSTON High, refHng, scenic acreage urtfh frontage on 3 raafi, 'Mil. for country estate M aubdlvliing. OesOy *13400 Tarmt. A 7.6 ACRES—COMMERCIAL X access to i city .located d realistically priced i 334,900. LAKE OAKUND HEIGHTS ouoryfhlng. Itergt living r PRICE REDUCED ‘ ran Village, water, lake privileges, P—PL.upIno — oozy Xhodream home. Ftraphuo M living room, ment. gu twot, garage, targe a ed porch. Approximately 01300 price 013,900. List With SCHRAM And Call the Van tl Joslyn Av*. PE 34471 IS REALTOR houu ond garage. 334.000. WILL TRADE 28 E. Huron St. n Eves, and Sundays V4 3384)466 Realtors payments < which tact* RAY O'NEIL, REALTOR 3131 PONTIAC LAKE ROAD OR 4-2222 or 363-6049 AL PAULY Ufa Pryrly SI XcATINGTON Beautiful lake-front and lake-prlvL lege tots available. Plan to live In Mils beautiful new town In Orion Township. Models open 34 114 Sat. and Sun. HOWARD T. KEATING CO. CLEAN, ROOMY, VERSATILE - pay for itulf. 334-7353. NEEDED-LAND CONTRACTS SMITH-WIDE MAN REALTY 334-4334 ASK FOR MR. WIDEMAN NEED LAND CONTRACTS. SMALL .,------- OUR OFFICE SPECIALIZES COMMERCIAL land contract collections. RWlf on Orchard. Lk,, Rd., op- FLOYD KENT, REALTOR fejRrJS SCh001 *3*6 N. Saginaw FEJ41M NATIONAI MKINKC QUICK CASH FOR LAND CON-Ur,AL tracts. Clark Real Estate, FE BROKERS___________FE 3-7*41 3.7JM, Res. FE 4-4113, Mr. Clark. HOME ANO BUSINESS - 4 ACRES ----------— Zone commercial. With 3-bedroom clock and Connecticut tho? I8&! National Geographies. 682-117*. 3145 Durnham off Caas-Elliabofh, after DRYER, 148. ALSO STOVES AND refrigerators. All guorantaad. Michigan , Appliance Co.. 3213 Dixie Hwy. 6734811. ELECTRld STOVE, 325; MATCH-Ing washer and dryer ut, S8S; built-in dtluxa gas range and oven llkt new, carpeting and pad 321; Ipsid* door* 35; gas dryer 345. V. Harris, PE 3-37M. ___________ . Maytag wishers — 339.95, apt. electric range 331.00, gas or electric stoves *15 up, good refrigerators (59, used furniture of all kinds at Bargain prices, easy farms, LITTLE JOE'S TRADE-IN DEPARTMENT. Baldwin at Wal-' 1. FE 2- FOR SALE, MOVING. MUST MILL. Ken more electric stove. Good condition S3S. 3434304. FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC RANGE 10", excellent condition, 040. Coll auto, surface burners instant-on even Coppertone or white. A glve-e-way at 3139.93 _ ____T HOMES — NEW AMP id — J, L. Dolly Co. EM 37114. LARGE WOODED LAKE FRONT Lot — sandy beach, beaut If.—■ ir year LakaS •Fce home. LkiMW-------------------------- Priced of *4,000. Ctrrtum Quellty Homes, Inc. of CE 3-3143 or MA 9-P73. ducod, — only *19400. Owner trens- IUL TEMPLETON, Realtor ' REALTOR 23W Orchard Lake Rd. 4024900 tlon, full price *13,900, *3,000 down, bloanco on land contract. HUMPHRIES REALTY, PONTIAC LOANS TO $1,000 OAKLAND LOAN CO. 202 Pontiac State Bank Bldg. 9:30 to 5:30 - Sot. 9:30 to 1 LOANS N CO. E 94421 I ION LAKE FRONT, 1 BED-jms 2 baths, full baaamant, 2 r garage, cyclone fenced. EM ieeert Preyeoty COMMERCE-WOLVERINE ifi prtv—- 1—1 - law 1 J? LAKES -fall' faWQt '_________________54 3M ACMES. WELL, GAS, iSTREET. 14 VACANT LOTS DIXIE NEAR M-1S 5 ft. frontage on corner, with 27 ft. x 43 ft masonry building. Formerly used os a gas station Largo^CilShl*L>p*ev*ed Cdlsploy PONTIAC N. EAST SIDE Vt ecru, 145 ft. frontage on Bt., street. Roar of property zoned mfg. Ideal for many uses. BATEMAN COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT 377 3. Tefogfaph Rood 338-9641 After 3 FE *4139 ZONED FOR MULTIPLES,----------— aq. ft. svarulu near Cantral Him — walking dittence to General rjss BREWER REAL ESTATE William B. Mitchell, Satot Mar, - - PE 4*1 MILFORD RD., 1 your d ... . .umOW 1 mgr but details. “WIN WITH SHINN" LOANS TO $1,000 To consolidate blit* Into one n ly payment. Quick service — courteous experienced counselors. Credit Ilf* Insurance available — Stop In or phono FE 34131. HOME & AUTO LOAN CO. ' N. Parry St. FE 34121 9 to 3 dolly, Sol. * *- ■* living room suite, 2 stop teblos, I cocktail table, 2 table lamps and (1) 9'x12* rug Included, place bedroom tulf* with double dresser, chest, full size Bad with Innersprlng mattress and matching box wring and 2 vanity bmp*. 5-piece dinette sot with 4 chrome 1 choirs and Jlabto. All for *399. Your credit It good at Wyman's. WYMAN FURNITURE CO. 17 E. HURON FE 3-1301 10 W. PIKE______________FE 3-2130 K^NMORE AUTOMATIC' WAtHtfe and matching gas dryer, brown finish, used 3 mo. reasonably priced. 4034447 Or 0794837. LOANS fur”o»ts, capes and col- LARsTltoPB tor 7 n040>4. WATER-FRONT LOl LOT ON C model cm LINOLEUM RUGS, MOST siz¥s, re, 710 E. Pika $t, PE 44331. MEDIUM BROWN DINING ROOM 1 pjece contemporary dOMte oval table, china cabinet and 4 Wire. Call Sun. OR 4-1483, may au (9 M^tNO, MUST SELL ALL HOUlE-hold furnishings, took and wood lath*. 93 Wenonah Dr. nUfc due UNWM CHAIRS, gray nylon; pr. whit* Chine lamps; twin bed mottreu and springs. MI 7-3434. PLASTIC tt L TILE Sole ClalMag AJ RCA RECORD PLAYER “ dio, gold color wing choir. Mat of _____________ .. JACKETS -1 white size 8 and I red size 10. OR 4-230*. Furs, must oocrtn SINGER AUTOMATIC ZIG-ZAG Sowing, machine — sows single ar double naodta, designs, avercul*, buttonholes, etc. — madam cab- -mat'— still mder jmaragMB. Tarn over payments of *7 PER MO. fir s mu. or 35* cash Bat UNIVERSAL CO. FE 4Q905 F—10 THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1906 ■ Lmm CM'****! pattern. Ntv- WM NILULL UlAl-MAIIl guarantee. Call Mr. Rlehai Em CERTIFIED SEWING CENTER SINGER DELUXE MODE-PORTABLE mm&nsr* ■ Of *5 PER MO. S vr UNIVERSAL CO. FE 44)905 (OLID BIRCH DRESSER. CHEST, WYMAN'S USED BARGAIN STORE At eur It W. Pike Store O ' Odd Chairs ... For The Finest In Top-Quality Merchandise Shop At Montgomery Ward Pontiac Mall OARAGE SALE: GARDEN TOOLS, GARAGE SALE OWNS I Dr., Birmingham. Year Credit If good at Wyt IV EASY TERMS FE 1-2150 rupsiGiRAm av Dryer 5-2766, I ANTIQUE CHAIRS. X ANTIQUE ANTIQUE CHRISTMAS^^MARKET. Roll tap desk; 'Cherry Secretary! 1802 Dower chest. Early Pine desk; English Hit supper table; unusual Iran, tin and wood with Christmas arrangements. 1542-1495 ANTIQUE OINING ROOM SUITE, solid oak, table, 4 chairs, buffet and china cabinet, best offer. 4315 Pelton Rd„ Drayton Plains. FURNITURE Bennington I e. tnoaa. AntiQuIs make cherished gifts. Select yours ot the Shop of Antiquity. 7766 Hlghlend Rd. (MS9). ITHACA 1* GAUGE. FEATHER LAVATORIES COMPLETE S24.S0 value $14.95, stag bathtubs, toilets, shower stalls. Irregulars, terrific values. Michigan Ptoorar— Orchard Lk. FE 4-8462—1 LIONEL TRAIN MOUNTED ON IxS table, many extras, S35,......... roll tap maple desk, $5. MAPLE BOOKCASE HE complete, Norge wash Boy's Schwinn 10 speed, bfke,_t»usehold and mi MISCELLANEOUS homo furnishings, hanging lamp, not It and 1--------- 625-2586._______________________ NEW GREETING CARO STORE; ample parking. Greeting cr" personal stationery, wedding ----------printed napkl lifts. Forbes Prl books and newspapers, pictures, ---- valnut bad, commad*, ban o md Connecticut shelf clock, M Gaopr m off i H-n, TV t Rodtos *6 t SPEED GARRARD AUTOMATIC Sawty Motel, 1|» S. T« |1" PHILCO TV, NEEDS SOME repair. *93-1*47. 23" TV AND STEREO COMB IN A- COL0R TV BARGS Jot's Remain House, Mt" iff£STEREO RECORD ----r. 4 Maids S speakers. Raas. Ifter 6 p.m. 474-1731. MOTOROLA.F?iFLOOR REC°RD^Ad?EEDLE* SONY MB STEREO TAPE RECORD- DsEd RCA 21" COLOR SET *195 waiton tv, FE l-aa.obn *#. SIS E. Walton, comer at Joalyn "THuifflllB" COLOR TV In beautiful walnut cabinet •fflhS5ew»rsr PRETTER%r™A^EHOUSE“o^LET ISO S. Tetograph_FE 3-7051 Far Sale Miscellaneous m o 67 ON SPECIAL BOXED - ----v Mg utaclten. -**■- anajaiB Christ 0 Dixie, Waterford. OR 3-9747. 9‘xtl' UNOLEUM RUGS S3JS EACH Plastic WaH Ilia lc aa. Ceiling tilt - wafl paneling, cheap. BAG Tilt. FE 49957. 1075 W. Huron 50 YDS. GOOD USED RED CAR-pettng, *1 par yd. FE 4-1*10 or ADDING MACHINE, SBl T YFE-writer, SIS) new Royal portable ANNUAL SEWING MACHINE CHRISTMAS SPECIALS Singer and *Ig-tagg*r, little RICHMAN BROS. SEWING CENTER 4*5 Elizabeth Lake Rd. i. dally BALDWIN SPINET MAHOGANY piano, Montgomery Ward ^trenr" Radio. ««493« attar 3. BASEMENT FURNITURE SAL Decamher 9-10-11, hrs. 10-5 p-i > 535 Sarsfleld, Rochester, 852-1549. Jt AUTOMATIC.WITH SCOPE AND *9^ IIDafmtlw.salMM * wihTslIng. 878; 381 rtftoTate Cat forbSST*turn!' All US' 338-2671. CRE5TWOOD (GUITAR L I K E JUST IN TIME FOR Christmas USED BAND INSTRUMENT! MUSIC*- ORTON AUTOMATIC IRONER 825, electric roaster 85, X pr. wood skis 85 par pair, snow blade mffeajertncir —------- NECCHI ZIG-ZAGGER ilnet model. Makes button I_ overcasts, hems, guaranteed. Pay 847.21 balance cash or If" montMjr. Call Mr. Richards CERTIFIED SEWING CENTER organ. *25-1515.___________________ PORTABLE STEAM CLEANER, AIR p* changer, ml*, bulldln mm torlal. FE 14*10 or 238-7*1*. PLUMBING BARGAINS. FREE StMdlag tollat, S1*.95. 30gallon healer, 549.95, 3-plece bath w' 859.95. Laundry tray, trim. *19.1 2-bowl sink, *2.95; Levs., «.«" tubs, 520 and up. Pipe cut ik threaded. SAVE PLUMBING CO. *41 Baldwin. FE 4-15V ^ UMMAGE SALE: 39! 9-5. Frl.-Sat, 682-5182. HEATING OIV- 833-7171 SPRED-SATIN PAINTS. WARWICK Supply. 2678 Orchard Lake. 482- 2820.__________________ STALL SHOWERS COMPLET# with faucets and curtains, 1*9.50 value, SS4J0i Lavatories ca—tm with faucets 514.95, toiieto --- Michigan Fhwraacant, 392 Orchard LK. FE4448i--S7. STUFFED ANIMALS, TOYS, GIFTS, i. Lay-aways. L la, OR 34474. O UB ENCLOSURES, GLASS. ONLY tg. G. A. Thompson, 7005 M59 W. TALB0H LUMBER BPS heaaa paint No. 211, *6.95 mi. BPS ranch housa whit* No. 748, SMfgeL Cook-Dunn alum, roof paint, 55J0 pal. Oil baa* Interior, 84.00 gr1 1 Vise. latex paint, SO canto a ' THE SALVATION ARMY REDSHIEU3.STORE 11* W. LAWRENCE JT. Everything to--*---- Clothing, Fun UP TO 2* PERCENT DISCOUNT oh used and new typer-— — Ing machines, office d_______ ■ files, tables, storage cabin*!*, mimeograph and off-set machines. Forbes Printing A Office Supplies, 4500 Olxla, Waterford. OR SOW-USED CEMENT BLOCKS, WHITE shades. FE 4-9096. WANTED; IS LAMPS AND SHAOES, also old Chandeliers. Michigan Fluorescent, 393 Orchard Lk., FE 4-8462. - - WASHED WIPING RAGS, 19 CENT j WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS / " Mmt prices. Forbes Print*,, , Office Supplies, 4500 Dixie r. OR 3-9676. YOUR WELDW00D HEADQUARTERS A-l CHRISTMAS TREES. SELECT 1 now, cut your convenience. I —' J scape, evergreens and shade, dig, 2922 Sfeeth, 3 miles we Commerce Village. 684-0635, ATTRACTIVE PICTURE WINDOW \ Christmas trees, up to S' Scotch, Blue Sprue* and '......I Spruce. Shaped for full foliage. I 1095 Joslyn at First St. Pontiac BEAUTIFUL GRAVE BLANKETS, { all sizes, 53.95 at I M ■ have what you w I..I . them to Pteaw you. Large * tion of Christmas tress. See — pine and Blue Spruce. Boros Pro- e ■ - Market, 2250 Dixit H~~~ 1 CHRISTMAS TREES A* FOOT TALL Choice 52. Liberal Bills, 2255 Dixie, ’ OR 3-9474, open 10 a.m.-9 pm. CHRISTMAS TREES, 1 BASEMENT SALE. TOYS, DOLLS, clothes, ale. Frl. and Sat. 104 — 1. THd*n. FE 5-2355. SALE LADIE'S ciotnaai nwwwares, ml*. New Items sultabla ter Chlrstmas gifts. - MYAMT oil FURNACE tank. WIT * ----- — or. 18*18 dryer. N WHS. SZ50. <121 Weldon Rd. Clartston. CHRISTMAS TREES, BEAUTIFUL bushy Scotch Pine, highly pruned I *5 cents to SI JO. Delivered I.. truck toads. Phone Mt. Clemons, , Michigan 463-1562 or 468-6598. CHRISTMAS TREES APPLES — PEARS Hundreds of trees S1.9S to S3.9S. Fret greens. Fancy Apple Fecks tor gifts. Bargains In utility graf-apples from 51.50 bu. Sweet Clde Oakland Orchards, 2205 E. Cor tAftriTS AND UFE TOO CAN BE beautiful if yeu use Blue Lustre. IlMtt electric shampoeer, 51. Hud-T. Walton. CQAL HkATlRS. OIL BURNERS. TWBmKm m. CtenwmH. . toMPLETE "BEDROOM SET. BED, SSm, M. 14 transistor pocket ppBb with earphone and case, s.«aEb: WMlIBtehto Ulto Rd. Near MS9. ■pri ■ 4155 or EM >415* PIONEER CAMPER SALES YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING HAS NEVER BEEN EASIER "OK" Usad Cars are perfect MATTHEWS-HARGREAVES *31 Oakland Ave. FE *4547 19*3 CORVETTE STING RAY black finish and standard transmission. S196S at SAVOIE CHEV-ROLET, Birmingham, Ml 4-1735. HERE IS A MIGHTY GOOD GIFT for Christmas. A new McCulloch chain taw. Modal Mac 15 with 17" ^ ' chain. Only S124.95. Us* KING BROS. FE 4-1*43 FE 44734 Pontiac Rd- at Opdyke MAKE VoilR CHRISTMAS ' SHOPPING LAST ALL YEAR With an "OK" Uaad Car from MATTHEWS-HARGREAVES *31 Oakland Ave._FE 4-4547 McComb CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH IMPERIAL 451-4S0C 1001 N. Main ROCHESTER PROTECT YOUR CAR WITH ' DOOR EDGE GUARDS 2-doors . ......... 54.90 SUGGEST!! A NEW CONN PIANO OR CONN ORGAN FOR CHRISTMAS BETTERLY MUSIC Ml *4003 THERE'S A "ROCKET" FOR , EVERY POCKET THIS CHRISTMAS DOWNEY OLDS, INC. 550 Oakland Ave. PE 24101 BUSY SHOPPING? DON'T COOK TONIGHT-CALL CHICKEN DELIGHTI 1302 W. Huron FE 5-9633 FOR HER CAR GlVt Car clock ..............$11.11 Car compass (dash) .....5 *.9.r PONTIAC RETAIL STORE *5 Mt. Clemen* St. FE 3-7954 Give "Mom" Carpeting (INSTALLED BY CHRISTMAS) A-l CARPET SALES 4990 Dhd* Hwy. ________*72-1297 hto: Hank Newman plays Santa t Spartan. Get her a sparkling u of her own. B5S Oakland Aw FE S-4S2S. ______1 MAKE IT A JOYFUL CHRISTMAS WITH A New or usad Car from PONTIAC RETAIL STORE *5 Mt. Clamant St. FE 3-793* NEW 3 PIECE MATCHING END tabla sets. New sofas and chairs. New wooden rockers. 9x13 llnoter Everything to meet your needs Stoners. 103 N. Cast at W Track, FE 4-1730. "THE GREATEST GIFT'7-’ IS A BIBLE 'Christian Literature Sales 55 Oakland Ave.______FE 44 REPOSSESSED NORGE GAS RANGE SI.75 PER WBEK. THE SALVATION ARMY RED SHIELD STORE 111 W. Lawrence St. Everything to meet your needs Clothing, Furniture, Appliances WHY SETTLE FOR LESS GET OURGeST SOLID VINYL SIDING SHERRIFF GOSLIN________3395 BEATTIE Visor vanity mirror .....S1J PONTIAC RETAIL STORE *5 Mt. H.N.P.S. Hank Newman plays Spartan. Gat ---- —' 1965 CHEVELLE 2 DOOR HARD-top. I cylinder and automatic, power steering. S1495 at SAVOIE CHEVROLET, Birmingham, Ml 4-2735.________________________j CHRISTMAS SPECIALS Park and Brake ..............54.60 sss'Oakland Xva. PONTIAC RETAIL STORE ML Clement SI.________FE 3-7954 Looking for that first car for a Son? Make that last trip to Birmingham's FISCHER BUICK 554 Sc WOODWARD Home of Double Check Quality Used Cars New Holiday Shipment of Musical Goods just arrived. PONTIAC MUSIC & SOUND 3181 W. Heron Pontiac, Mich. SUZUKI CYCLES 50CC-250CC. RUPP Mlniblket aa tow at S129.95. Taka MS9 to W. Highland. Right, on Hickory Ridge Rd. to Demod* Rd. Left and follow signs temw-SON'S SALES AT TfPSICO LAKE. Phone MAIn 941)9. Pontiac Press WANT ADS ARE FAMOUS FOR \ "ACTION” KESSLER'S D00GE CARS AND TRUCKS Sates and Service tmmi oa 5-1400 MAKE HIS NEW CAR COMPLETE This Christmas give tha man *~ your family a traitor hitch f his car, priced from tl.95. PONTIAC RETAIL STORE MAKE GOLF MOM FUN FOR HIM Gas or electric GOLF C 372 $. Saginaw a now or reconditioned tctric golf car. Easy tot ILF CAR OIST., INC. CIFTS FOR ALL 19*3 CHEVROLET STATION WAG- GIVE WARE’S GIFT’CERTIFICATE For Christmas 1f|5 Year ' MONTGOMERY WARD The Mall open 9:30 a.m. to 9;20 gjn. dally H.N.P.S. Hank Newman plays Santa at Spartan. Gal a second Gar for the family. 555 Oakland Ave. #E 8- SOC^ES 6f' STOCKING SI We make candy lust little btt different at "CROCKER'S" TRADE UP 'FOR CHRISTMAS . LLOYD'S Treat Mom To Her Own Car We have *0 tap grade, ready h go used cars to choose from a< rea^ savings. No payments untl Lloyd Motors IfilKTS FOR 1DAUfiHTEK 1-A BARBIE, FRANCIE, SKIPPER complete wardrobes, 34. Ml 7-3364. I960 CORVAIR 4 DOOR WITH AU- .— DRESS MAKER ZIG-ZAG, branc new, no attache-men ti needed. Gvarantoad. 559.50. UpHtel* her aid machina with attachment! from our wldt selec- BEATTIE "Your FORD DEALER Sine* 1930" ON DlXlf WATERFORD OR 3-1291 - |cO)| HEA CAR GIVE SPECIAL CHRISTMM GIFTS Remote control mirror .511.45 PONTIAC’TeTAIL STOR^ « Mt. Clamant SI. FE S-70S* H.N.P4. ' Hank Newman plays Santa at Spartan. Give her a car far school. |55 Oakland Ave. FE 94588. SANTA RECOMMENDS Horses and ponies far Christmas Terms available DOUBLE D RANCH , ,_____ ♦73-7457 dps i fW^BROTH 19*3 BUICK SPECIAL, 4 DO automatic, power steering < brakes. Vary clean, 51095 at VOIE CHEVROLET, Birmlngl Ml 4-2735. MAPLE LEAF DAIRY Exclusively Farm Maid Dairy Products ‘ “ ------- Fd 4-2547 SAVE 10 PER CENT 1 on all Watkins Holiday spices 34 gourmet varieties. , WATKINS QUALITY PRODUCTS Ml Oakland Ave. - Open 9 to 5 132-3053 338-1818 55 tins it WIVE ‘T.'Wi.'fflSWas- BEATTIE A GIFT CERTIFICATE FOR PIZZA, „ . Christian Literature Salas S Oakland Avt. FE 4-9591 USEDjLAIRNET. PIANOS For th» beginner, spin*} piano, Mr price* shirt at *525. ..LEW BETTERLY MUSIC CO, (Achm from Birmingham Thotter) Fret fitWm 5 * “ XtUWatrtsriT, Jute DoorliwT •■gSr*'"' ' t LESSON.. FBjkOn Fourtfer*. SportWp GeeBs ~74 30-30 RIFLE LOW AS t».»S Roger 44 Mag. Spaclel *89.00 H4R 30-30 ilngla Barrel Convertible, (30-30) (20 GU) (410 if—------- barrel) and (22 REM Jet -all one-low a* *78.50. BUNS, GUNS GUNS - BROWN-ing, Remington, Winchester, Weattv erby, Ithaca. Rifles and shotgqns. Colt, Smith A Wesson pistols. Boar and Browning archery hunting and target equipment. (Rm repairing, field, fly before you buy. JP Travelers, and Polaris. Prices start at only *495. Ski-doo - Test drive on wheels, don't wait till winter. Cliff Dreyers Sports Center, 5210 N. Holly Road, Holly, AU, GUNS—_____ 5V GUNS—720 W. Huron—FE ARCHERY FOR CHRISTMAS GENE'S ARCHERY, 714 W. HURON GOLF CARTS, Blvd. Supply' VALUE, *195 OK' FE 3-7001* LADY'S SPALDING CLUBS, BAG, cart. SSI. 435-1430,_______ LIKE NEW SEARS AUTOMATIC SCOtriE PUPS, TERMS, 4 WKS Old, Black, FE MI09. SIBERIAN HUSKIE, 1100. SAVAGE MODEL 3 FREE *139 snowmobile with purchase of new 1947 Johnson Skee-Horse at regular price. We are also the Bombardier Skl-Oeo snowmobile dealer in this area. Trailer offer good through Dec. toth. BILL COL-LER, Camping and Marine Supples. 1 mile or-* — M2I. Snowmobiles PAUL A. YOUNG, INC. Dixie Hwy. at Loon Lake Drayton Plains OR 4-0411 Opeff Pally 9 - - - - SKI DOO'S GUNS-CAMPERS CRUISE-OUT, INC. 43 Walton Dally 9-4 p.m. FE 44402 GUNS. BUY, SELL, TRADE. BURR-Sheii, 375 S. Telegraph. „ SELL, BUY OR TRADE GUNS Opdyke Hardware " - u Sand—Grovel—Dirt BEACH SAND, 412-4214.______ Crystal trucking - san6 GOOD RICH TOPSOIL AND BLACK dirt. Pel. FE 4451*.________ Pontiac lake Guilders, sup-ply. Send, greVeL fill dlrL OR IaNd, gravel pill dirt de- llvered. Excavating. FE 2-7547. Wanted: clean fill dirt for lot, give cost estimate, ask for Mr. Fr^ch, FE 4-3521 or after 5, Wood-Cool-Coka-Fuel 77 cord wooo-slab wood, cut. ting avalleble, mixed hardwoods, 14 Mile-Haggerty area. Call EL 4-7500 bat. Pets—Hunting Dogs 79 ;'vCW—--- THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1966 F—II Tnvul Trailers GLAMORIZE XStr ,or «» holiday eta's"! PyWMe. Spaniels, and Te£ rlen. Groomed and trimmed. 473- ffETRIEVER PUPPIES, „bepi Qct. 4, AKC stud by Can-■war^Amariean Champ. C.D.X. HOME AQUARIUM sis£5j»sj Manchester puppies] w i l -held Mr Serta, S5M174. *TOAlj7ikdT A)Q&h0nd > 01-. P**’rogistered, 1 black male, *k‘- okl' «* MIXED SHELTIE PUPj, *10. '~T : MA 5-2450. "ggp wmbjfor buck AND gray Tem. Litter trained — 1964 Park wood, 40'xlf ON LOT, EX-celtont condition, completely fur-nlshod. After 4:00 p.m. 332-0719. 1947 NEW MOON. 17'x40'. BRAND it ready ter Immediate P00°]-ES — TINY TOY FEMALES, .. POODLE BEAUTY SALON .topIngs-AKC Pupa-Stud Sendee Pet Supplies—482-4401 or 482-0927 SHELT1ES-TOY COLLIES FOR Christmas — reducing stock — all ages — S35 up — females free; to lease, terms, studs. 425-4831. SIAMESE KITTENS-REGIStERED 425-2811 AT COLONIAL Immediate Occupancy In Our new Modern Parke . 1-A,SSa*®*on-windsor LIBERTY—HAMPTON-HOME TTE 2S Opdyke Rd. . 332-1457 giomerof M-39 at Opdyke^ nils Soi CLEARANCE The 1947 model mobile homes are In. Must make epace available. Clearing out all cHeplay models at drastically reduced prices. Low down payment. For Information call 334-4494, 73M520 or 294-1S30 collect. TOWN I, COUNTRY MOBILE HOMES__________ DON'T RENT, E 3-1295, FE 4-4509. STOCKING FILLERS Toy poodfaa, bnmik, 425-2943. THOROUGHBRED BEAGLE, : Donley, Rochester: UL 2-1847. TINY TOY FPOOLE » FEMALES ___till Chrtehna^G^li???** WEST HIGHLAND' WHitC I Calm Terrier Puppies, small, ~ 492-1901. AUCTION EVERY SATURDAY Watch Prl. paper. Consignments accepted. Auctionlend. OR 4-3547. EVERY FRIDAY ....... EVERY SATURDAY .... 7:30 P.M. EVERY SUNDAY ...... 2:00 P.M. Sporting Goods — All Typed Door Prizes Every Auction luy — Sell — Trade, Retell 7 day Coneignmenti MB AUC' B AUCTION OR 2-2717 SATURDAY DECEMBER 17 10:30 A.M James Morris Fern.. .. 2975 Davltburg Rd.. H SMART'S AUCTION EVERY PRI-day 7:30 p.m. 3:30 W. Tlenken 1Cell 437-4193. (APPALOOSAS) BLACK MARE I HORSE BOARDING, REASONABLE, Close to etate lend riding trails, evenings- call 427-3130. Ortonvllle. PLEASURE RIDING GELDING AND equipment. Rest. 343-7170 Mon.- Several to choose ft Hoy—Groin—Feed EXTRA GOOD HORSE AND COW bRY OAK SLAB WOOD, 2 CORDS dellver®d, $19. Howland Lumber, 625-4410. SEASONED FIREPLACE WOOF. 425-5143 after t p.m. weekdays. WHITE BIRCH FIREPLACE WOOD. *25 cord, $30 delivered. 343-9347 White birch, *2*.6ak, bis. oe- . iivered. 402-0*39.____________-J- - Pett-Honting Dogs __________79 Form Product 1 A CHIHUAHUA PUPS, AKC, avstlabte-Chrlatmas. FE 2-1459. f-AKC MCHSHOND PUPS. STUDS ------- —•! - FE-------- Rd. FE 4-0358 or FE 4-3663. 425-5243 after 81 CARNIVAL Up. Alee rentals. Jack*. Intercoms, ■*eojNag, bumpers, I a d d e r j, 1%. ip^lWMer Sales, »2$ Hospital Reed. Union I >0401. Spore 1 tire can YOUR APACHE DEALER- EVAN'S EQUIPMENT 45*7 DtxteHw^ Clerkston 1966 MOBILE HOMES Display Clearance aiLmustgo Low Dawn Payments BILE HOMES. 14 to 40 ft. long, 8 to 20 ft. wide We have perking spaces. Open 9 to 9 — 7 days a week MIDLAND TRAILER SALES 2257 Dixie Hwy. 334-0772 1 block north of Telegraph IMMEDIATE OCCUR, ■eke old, make real it 4, Green Aero* ________ i Brown Rd. off M24. After Wonted Cora • Tracks HI Alabama Buyer Needs ell makes and models, highest buyer In midwest. Bring your "It only takes a minute" to Get "A BETTER DEAL" at; John McAuliffa Ford » Oakland Ave. FE 5-4101 American, Traditional or mod Space available In 4 Star Park, MMMtflMHnllP see the fern... inebago Trailer. RENT BEATER immediate possession oi bedroom 1940 Detroiter. Celt McCullough Realty 474-2332 Waterford Sales Across Pontiac Airport CLEARANCE ON 1966 MODELS W* have a model to fit any *l» pocket book. Open dally 9:30-9, 11-4 Sundays. 4333 W. Highland Rd. Rent Trailer Space TRAILER SPACE SOON AVAIL-‘ -i. Pontiac Mobile Home Park. VILLAGE GREEN MOBIL ESTATE, ' and different, 2285 - Brown CGmmercitl Trailers 90-A MOVING? NEED A TRAILER? -8 o covered IV* Ion trailer that deal for htuling, moving, ~dM at 4043 Higgins St., Utica 4 Motorcycles 95 HERE NOW 1967 H0NDAS All models and colors Special Winter prices Easy Terms—Buy now and tev* 1-A POODLE CUPPING, *3-up. 860 Sarasota. FE 8-854»._______ 1-A GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS, 1-A, A-l — AKC OACHSHUND PUPS Terms. JAHEIM'S Kennels. FE 8-2538 1 AKC MINIATURE POODLE, white, *50. FE 5-4774-__I Farm Equipment , t< nj cteli is _______ >, NA 7-3292. USED RIDING TRACTORS WITH ----- bled**, priced KING BF ____-42 Pontiac Rd. lust et SUZUKI SCRAMBLER-THEY'RE here TUKO SALES INC. 872 E. AUBURN - ROCHESTER UL 2.5363 Bicycles Boats - Accessories C BEAGLE PUPS, WORMED, - $35. stud service. 428-3015. AFFECTIONATE, GENTLE, tul, housebroken kitten to | -----, 473-0785. AKC BEAGLE PUPS. WILL HOLD for Christmas. Call Sat. or Sun. 0744m_________________________ *tkc ENGLISH SPRINGER SPAN-. 1*1 pupptot. OR 4-0719. AKC PSObLE PUPPIES, WHITE, roes. 343-9551. ____________ Jkc REGISTERED MALE WIRE hair Pox Terrier. Wonderful “* end reasonable. FE 5-5442. 1944-1947 TRUCK CAMPERS AND travel trailers, on display — some will be heated every Saturday and Sunday during Decamber! We carry: STREAMLINES, FRANKLINS, CRESS, PANS, and MONITORS in travel trailers, also carry: Crest, Franklins, end Mackinaws Truck Campers. Come on out this week to Holly Travel Coach, 15210 Holly Rd., Holly, ME 44771. AIRSTREAM LIGHTWEIGHT TRAVEL TRAILERS Since 1932. Guaranteed for 11 See them and get a demons! flan at Warner Trailer Sales, 3 AKC DOBERMAN, 2 YEARS OLD, permanent shots. $110 with dog- VoiMt. EM >7230.______________ A 24' rounded comer Layton' , Alta Hally's end Cenair'e- TRAVEL WITH THESE QUALITY LINES— YUKON OELTA, I7-3T "THE REO BARN" , Jacobson Trailer Sales 55*0 Williams Lake Rd. OR 3-J9f! 96 FIBERGLAS RUNABOUT AND trailer, 45 h.p. motor, rope ikIs included. FE >9174 betwa By Dick Turner | New and Used Trucks r in 51-9 nmmAucTit»ie.eifteei* ‘Some dame in stretch pants didn’t like the way I said “Ho, ho, ho!’ *’ LIKE NEW 2 — 1941 CHEVY New wd Used Trucks 1B3 1942 FORD WAVY DUTY 473-1459 . 1943 FALCON RANCHERO PICKUP. 1943 CHEVY to-TON PICKUP, NEW premium tires, 7*----- — tlKs?'oids and*Bulcks'for* etate market. Top dollar paid. MANSFIELD AUTO SALES Autobahn MOTORS, INC. AUTHORIZED vw dealer VS mile north of Miracle Mile "TOP DOLLAR PAID" GLENN'S GM' (Owner's Initials) _ato McAimally's Auto Salts 1945 Ford, Vrton pickup truck, i "Top Dollar" There whet we pay for I960 thru 1965 Immaculate Ctrtl Stop Iff—See Mr. Gilmer Spartan Dodge Stop or cell Today! 1304 Baldwin FE 8-4525 •Qts from Pontlec Stole Sank PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? fe buy or will edluef your p •tents to less expensive csr. DON'S USED CARS 477 S. Lapeer Rd. Lek* Orion Junk Can-Trucks 101-A ALWAYS BUYING JUNK C end scrap, wi tow. Ft 69941. COPPER, 35c ANO UP; BRASS; —"store; starters and amrotors, > TRUCKS, FREE 1959 OLDS ENGINE AND TRANS-mission, runt good, alto body — 1954 Chevy pickup tor perl CHEVY - FORD • COMET • FALCON 4-cyl., factory rebuilt motors. 190 cen Install. Terms. Other make* low priced. 537-1117. ______________ New and Used Tracks 103 '45 FORD PICKUP 358 V-« 4 epeed. Reasonable. GRIMALDI CARS 2-tPeed axle. 451-5421. 1950 1-TON FORD PICK-l enow tire, „ I 427-2145 eff»r 7 PJ1 h TON PICKUP. SLEEP- SPECIAL $1875 FULL PRICE New 1967 Jeep Universal ROSE RAMBLER-JEEP Miss er EM 3-4154 YOUR AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR JEEP complete parts -equipment. Will not be undersold. Grimaldi Jeep “■ Oakland Ave.___FE tout Auto Insurance Marina 104 AUTO INSURANCE TERMS AVAILABLE CALL TODAY Anderson & Associates FE 4-3535__________1844 JOSLVN Fereign Can______________115 1941 VOLVO. GOOD CONDITION. LUCKY AUTO W5 CHEVY Fleotskte ' I Ing. Good Good mechanically. FE >0324! 1964 VW etlon bus with radio and heatei It le Hilly equipped and ha whitewall tiroi. Full Price *189! only *49 down and weekly pei merits *9.23. HAROLD TURNER FORD, INC. 444 S. WOODWARD AVE. BIRMINGHAM Ml 4-75 AL HAN0UTE, INC. —CHEVY — BUICK — On M24 Orion MY >2411 4. Oxford, M VI, 1944 CHEVY |V* ton plckiip *, 4,000 miles, custor 11995 AL HAN0UTE, INC. — CHEVY — BUICK — On M24 Orion MY 2-2411 1967 GMC i-Ton Pickup Heater, defrosters, backup lights, seat belts, 2-speed wipers, washers, padded dash and visor, traffic hazard lights, directional signals, inside rear-view mirror. $1828 including all taxes PONTIAC'S ONLY EXCLUSIVE TRUCK DEALER GMC Factory Branch Oakland at Cass FE 5-9485 EXTRA Dollars Paid FOR THAT EXTRA Sharp Car "Check the reef, then get the best" et Averill AUTO SALES FB 2-9170 2B20 Dixie FE 4- MONEY Paid For Sharp Can need hundreds of shero cere 1 flu ouf-etdto erdero, end *o .st“ my tatTihet 1* * full city & "GALE McANNALLY'S Auto Sales STOP HERE LAST Wt say more tor share, let* nm -- —s. Corvettes needed. v>. M&M MOTOR SALES New at our new location 1158 Oakland at Viaduct ^ 338-9241 KEEGO PONTIAC 5 TOP GOODWILL USED CARS 1966 Catalina 2-door hardtop, fully equiped . $2595 1965 Grand Prix. 18,000 actual miles, fully equipped and extra sharp.. , .$2095 1965 Catalina 2-door hardtop. Factory equipped/and ready to go. $1795 1963 Catalina wagon with rack. .. .$1095 SPECIAL OF THE WEEK 1965 GTO., 4-speeds, red, sharp .$136 dn. Inquire about our Used Car Warranty. KEEGO PONTIAC 3080 ORCHARD LK. RD. KfcEGO HARBOR 682-3400 GIFT HAULERS! 1941 GMC V4> to ton, vary sound mechanically with herd to End * speed, full price (197. !»45_CHEVY Economical 4 cyl. stick rsssrssi'srsssi, ‘■jSot up tor camper. Full Price 1944 FORD to ten, bright red custom cats VI, stick. Putt price SPARTAN dodge: INC. 155 Oakland Ave. PE 9-432T___ Heavy Duty One-Ton Pickups - —jed,„V* end Vfr heavy di springs, tiros, 1960-1964 GMCs and FORDS $695 up 34 other used trucks to select from ell metes and models ASK Pm'mSK'DEPT. FE 54101 John McAuliffe Ford INTERNATIONAL SCOUT 1944, 4 WHEEL DRIVE peed transmission, A-1 condlt ROCHESTER DODGE Alwoye * fine selection of Ni end Used Trucks ... NEW '47 DOOGE PICKUP *1951. Texet Included 451-4180 GO HAUPT THE PRICE IS RIGHT! $ SAVE $ WOULD YOU BELIEVE - $l,000's - STOP AND SEE OUR BIG SELECTIONS OF 1966 PONTIACS BRAND NEW—DEALER'S DEMO'S On North Main Street CLARKSTON MA 5-5500 WANT THE PERFECT CHRISTMAS GIFT? v end priced to tell at 1943 TEMPEST LeMANS Sport Coup*. Rod with white bucket teats, v-e, automatic, power steering, power brakes, 40,000 actual miles. Almost like now . BUM 1944 TEMPEST CUSTOM 4-Door . Two to choose I PONTIAC BONNEVILLE 1945 CHEVROLET SUPER SPORT 2-Door Hardtop. V-S, automatic, power steering, power brakee, beautiful evening orchid. Your* 1944 FORD GALAXIB "500" 4-Door Hardtop. Tan, V-l, automatic, power steering, 38,000 actual milts .................. *1095 1944 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE > Door Hardtop. Burgundy with ■ beautiful black top, power steering, power brakes. 4,000 actual miles .............. *2795 1944 GTO 2-Door Hardtop. I rler blue, automatic, console, p er steering, power brakes, i 1945 PONTIAC CATALINA *-Pas-eenger Wagon. Silvormlat with automatic, power steering, power brakee, power tell gale, 27.000 actual miles ................ 11945 1943 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE > Door Hardtop. SHvtrmlst with black top. Automatic, power steering, power brake*... 31295 1944 CHEVROLET SUPER SPORT 2-Door Hardtop. While with black vinyl roof, V-l, automatic, power steering, 12,000 actual mllos. S2325 1944 PONTIAC CATALINA Con-vortlblo. Midnight blue with a Hack top, 4-spted, 3,400 actual miles ......................... 125*5 1 (2 Minutes East of Woodward Ave.) on 15 Mile Road 1850 MAPLE TROY 642-8600 OUR OVER-LOADED USED CAR INVENTORY MEANS-WE MUST MOVE THESE CARS! Our Loss--Is Your Gain! 5 BRAND NEW TIRESff FREE With The Purchase of Any 1963 thru 1966 Used Car (*) (1) Firestone (2) U.S. Royal (3) General (4) Goodyear Company-Ov 1966 Malibu Sport Coupe He* 4-cylinder engine with Powergllde transmission, power steering, radio, hooter, white-wall tires and a nice polara red Save $$ Save vned Demos 1966 Impala Super $port Has powerful V-0 engine, Power-gild* transmission, radio, boater, power steering, whitewall Dree, factory warranty, marine blue. Save $$ Save 1965 Rambler Classic Sedan 4-Door model with automatic transmission, radio, heater, white-wall tires and * beautiful sierra gold finish. WAS 51395 NOW $1195 1966 Chevy S$ 396 Convertible With 4-speed transmission, 'radio, heater, sporty bucket teats, whitewall tires and the finish Is a beautiful merino blue. Alto he* factory warranty. WAS $2495 NOW $2195 1962 Olds 98 2-Door Hardtop This gem has full power, radio, heater, whitewall tires end a truly magnificent India Ivory finish. WAS $1395 NOW $1095 1964 Chevelle 2-Door Hot thrifty 4-cyllnder engine, standard shill transmission, radio, hooter, whitewall tlree and a nice arctic while finish. WAS $1295 NOW $1095 1966 Chevy Impala 'Super Sport Hot turbohydremetic transmission, 394 V-e engine, power steering, radio, hooter and whitewall tires. Bright blue bottom and midnight blue top. Save $$ Save 1966 Chevy Impala Wagon * passenger model. Hat V-l engine, automatic, power steering, radio, heater, whitewall tires, end an Arctic whit* finish. Save $$$ Save 1966 Chevy 1965 Chevy New Business Hours Biscayne Sedan Biscayne Wagon Hoe thrifty 4-cylinder enplne, radio and hooter, factory warranty 4-PASSENGER MODEL with V-l engine, standard shift transmil- Effective December 5, 1966 end a real nice SUvermlet finish, * has whitewall tiro*. WAS $1795 on top, whitewall tires end a nice artesian turquoise finish. WAS $1995 SERVICE AND PARTS NOW $1695 NOW $1795 Monday end Thursday Tuesday- Wednesday and Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 1965 Monza 1964 Pontiac Ctoted Saturday and Sunday NEW AND USED CAR SALES Sporti Sedan Catalina Sport Coupe Monday and Thursday r heetiifv C r*e*n*,corwtor’t*ble bucket seels, whitewall tire* and mission! *adio'*andU'heater5 Mnror brakes ^and ^teerlnjj, ^ whitewall 1:00 a.m. to 9:00 Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday *^Ctoaad *i«Sw m’ Interior. WAS *1595 finish. WAS 51795 Pontiac Automobile Dealers Association NOW $1395 NOW $1595 Oakland County's Largest Volume Chevrolet Dealer - USED CAR ^HEADQUARTERS ' 631 Oakland ctt Cass FE 4-4547 631 Oakland at Cass F—12 srnrnm MS)S Who Needs a Reindeer? 1964 OLDS 88 2-Door Hardtop. Power steering, power brakes, tfi 1 rnr automatic, radio, heater, whitewall tires. A ibl 0^0 Reel Buy at 1962 OLDS 88 Power stowing, power brake*, only 32,000 act miles. Lika new and only £ $895 19166 OLDS , l i i Cutlass Convertible. Two to choose from . . J $2595 1965 OLDS 88 2-Door Hardtop. Power steering and po> brakes , - $2095 1966 OLDS 98 > Luxury Sedan . $3395 1962 BUICK • Skylark Coupe, v-8. automatic, power steer) - $895 2 YEAR WARRANTY 635 S. Woodward Ave. Birmingham 647-5111 USE PONTIAC PRESS WANT ADS! BUY, SELL, TRADE! "radio. 1965 VW 9-Passenger Bus Ith radio, heater. Ilka now throug r $1495 HOMER HIGHT Motors Inc. VW CENTER 60 To Chooso From -All Models--All Colors— —All Reconditioned— Autobahn I* North of Miracle M OLIVER BUICK SERVICE HOURS Monday and Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 9.00 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday and F 7:31 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Closed Saturday and Sunday Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 1965 Chevy .. impels super sport, bucket seats, brakes, automatic. .$1695 1964 Buick .. 4-Door, power steering, brakes. ..$1595 automatic. 1965 Buick ... Wildcat 4-door hardtop, power sh air conditioning. .$2295 1962 Buick .. Station Wagon, automatic, power ..$ 795 steering, brakes. 1962 Buick ... .$1095 1966 Chevy . ..$2295 LaSabris 2-door hardtop, automatic, double power. Impale ' 2-Door Hardtop, power Nice throughout! steering, brakes. 196-210 Orchard Lake FE 2-9165 ¥11% PQNTIAtT PRESS. THURSDAY, DECEIffeER 8, 1006 i New art tort Cm jqnditlon n radio, flat maM ires, two extra I________I I, $1,490. 343-3273 alter 1 1444, EXCELLENT CONDITION, Now end Usod Cars 106 2ND CAR HEADQUARTERS SSOtoSSOO MARVEL MOTORS 251 Oakland (N. of Baldwin) FE 8-4079 WOULD YOU BELIEVE ANK RATES—NO CASH NEEDED lop in for hot coffee and doughnuts Just Browse Around No High Pressure Salesm 0PDYKE MOTORS 2230 Pontiac Rd. at Opdvks 1,237____________PEJW23S ItSB BUICK LIMITED. RUNS LIKE new. Good body. FulbMtoMwM|| $125. Reliable Motors, Ave, FE 8,742. DOOR HARDTOP at MIKE SAVOIE Birmingham 1M3 BUICK 4-DOOR AUTOMATIC, power, $1,085 at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET, Birmingham. ” m BUICK SKYLARK 2-DOOR hardtop. Beautiful blue | a sporty white Cordova steering, VI and a on-------.... .. you're looking for an exceptional buy, this is the one fee — - FE 2-5794 for reasonable off n appolntmi ’ refused. 1943 BUICK LeSABRE 2 DOOR hardtop, automatic and power *1,-255 at MIKE SAVOIE Chevrolet Birmiiiyiniu LUCKY AUTO 1944 BUICK WILDCAT 4-DOOR hardtop ............... 11375 Opdyke Hardware. FE I '“* Autobahn 1965 BUICK CONVERTIBLE, POW- BUICK 1965, full power, I 335-8414. 11-0 e fortunes aren’t even worth a nickel!" Nbw and Used Cars 106 JEROME 1963 CADILLAC SEDAN DEVILLE, ----- - vay seat, air, AM-FM ..______Standard Station, cor- tr of 15 Mile and Orchard Lake. CADILLAC. 1945 COUPE DEVILLE, air, full power, AM-FM. Lika new, $3595. 493-1295. __________ 1944 CADILLAC SEDAN, AIR, TUR- CHEVY 2-DOOR HARDTOP, il cubic Inch, Pontiac engine, sst offer. Must sell this week. Drive a Ford, Chevy or Plymouth, when you can- drive q; NEW 1967 Oldsmobile CUTLASS 2-Door Holiday Hardtop $2341 80 Delivered 24,000 mils or 2 years factory warranty $150 DOWN OR TRADE OF EQUAL VALUE, PLUS TAX . . . .Equipment as Follows .... Power Steering Deluxe Seat Belts Power Brakes Vinyl Trim Wall-to-Wall Carpeting 2-Speed Wipers Padded Foam Front Seats Chrome Drip Molding Deluxe Radio Windshield Washers Full Wheel Covers Back-up Lights Sideview Mirror 4-Way Flashers Padded Foam Rear Seats Chrome Rocker Molding "The Biggest Little Showroom in Pontiac" mmnumms> 550 OAKLAND AVENUE o FE 2-8101 DECEMBER Transportation Specials BUY HERE-PAY HERE No Application Refused 1959 CHEVY 348 angina 8297 83.05 1960 MERCURY auto ... 8297 83.05 1961 COMET Stick .$297 $3.05 1940 FALCON auto .S397 S4.10 1962 CORVAIR Monza .. $497 $4.75 1962 BUICK wagon ...- 1940 PONTIAC hardtop .. -"CHEVY Hardtop 1941 FORD 2 ■ 1941 CORVAIR 14.10 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM WE HANDLE AND ARRANGE ALL FINANCING CALL MR. OAN AT FE 8-4071 Capitol Auto Mow art Ihrt Cot 116 H.N.P.S. Hank Newman Playa Santa with thlt lovely ermine white Corvair Spyder, bucket seats, 4 speed, special rally equipment, and real wire wheels. Come, look and be delighted by a truly fine car. No S down tow payments. Call Mr. Burke at FE 8-4521. Spartan. 959 CHEVY, 4-DOOR HARDTOP, has radio and heater, $195 at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET, Blr- 940 CHEVY, IMPALA, CONVERT I-Me with power, S39S at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET, Blrming-- — 4-2735. H E V Y WAGON fKINGS-, 9 pass., auto, transmls-power units, radio, hea‘~~ condition. $250. 6250375. white top, VI automatic, radio heater, power steering, brakes. There Is not a 1945 as clean as this little plum I If you are looking for the exceptionally sharp older car see this one today) Only $595 Full Price. No Money — t only takes ■ minute" to Get "A BETTER DEAL" at: John McAuliffe Ford 0 Oakland Ave:_______FE 54101 1940 CHEVY FLOOR SHIFT, motor 095 Reliable Motors, : Oakland Ave. FE 0-9742. Special Finance Plan If you have a |ob and a small down payment, we will finance your car for. you right here at Hank Newman Spartan Dodge 1941 CHEVY Blscayne, 2-door, 6-cyl. stick. Full price, S297. 1940 FORD sedan sparkling black finish. Full price, S97. 1950 BUICK hardtop, full price, 196’ FORD wagon, V-6, auto full price, $247. 1959 PLYMOUTH hardtop, automatic, power. Full price, $197. Kioto h—— ”* -gl ,____...» weekly p_,___ NO RED TAPE SPOT DELIVERY NO CO-SIGNERS LOW DOWN PAYMENTS Spartan Dodge Inc. 155 Oakland Ave. FE $452$ Chrysler - Plymouth - Jeep FASTEST GROWING Dealer BANKRUPT? CREDIT PROBLEMS? We Can Finance You— 1942 CHEVY II CONVERTI- whitewall tires, full price $595 absolutely no money down, weekly payments only UM, It CHEVROLET STATION WAGON L automatic, power, $145 at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET, Blrmlng- 1942 CHEVY 2 DOOR « cVUNOER automatic radio. S495 at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET Binning- 1942 CHEVROLET 4 LUCKY AUTO 1942 CHEVY II NOVA HARDTOP 6 cyl. automatic, radio, ha ' -Original from one and to other. Reduced by Santa to i S777 this weak only I "It only take* a minute" to Gat "ABETTER DEAL" at: John McAuliffe Ford FE 54101 I CHEVY. BEL AIR. 2-DOOR, 943 MONZA WITH 4-SPEED (Convertible). *795 at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET, Birmingham, “■ ' Chevy II. Perfectly equipped tor you effortless driving, and Low payments Til Febru- 1943 CHEVY STATION WAGON tM-to 201 Loaded. Blue - uAjik 3-9291. 1943 CORVETTE CONVERTIBLE. Excellent condition. Has 2 tops, -speed transmission. 02100. Truly in excellent car. 451-4554. 1943 CHEVROLET BELAIR 2 DOOR, 4 cylinder with automatic S795 at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET Blr- 1963 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR I Automatic. Full price, *895 at MIKE 1943 CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE 8 with. automatic radio, heater, $1095 et MIKE SAVOIE CHEVRO-LET, Birmingham, *** ' **** 11 4-2735, 1943 CHEVY 2 4 DOOR WITH Automatic. S595 at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET Birmingham **' 4-2725,___________ 1943 CHEVY 6 AUTOMATIC, 41, ‘ $650. OR 44)230. ?63 CHEVROLET BEL AIR STA-tlon wagon 9 passenger 8 cylinder, automatic, power steering. S995 at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET Blr-mlngham Mi * "*** CHEVROLET 4 DOOR AUTO-matlc, radio, heater, white tires, $165 at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVRO-LET, Birmingham, Ml 4-273S, 1963 CHEVY tl, 4-DOOR, 6 CYLIN-der, automatic radio, S715 al MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET, Blr-jningham, Mflf I CHEVY, IMPALA i ________ power, $1095 at MIKeTSAVOIE CHEVROLET, Blr-mlngham. Ml 4-2735. mm mi fced ftw 1H CHEVELLC STATION, m,4 POOR CHSVROLET Birmingham Mi 4W. 1965 CHEVROLET IMPALA CON-^MmE^omcS^ROLET Birmingham Ml 4-2731 1965 C0RVAIR Monza .4. cyL |H $1395 1962 CHEVY Wagon VI, automatic heater, radio, whitewalls, blue finish. $895 1961 CHIVY 4-door Bel Air 6 cyl. automatic heater, radio, lawn finish, Onty-t- $695 tT ' Crissman Chevrolet (On Top Of South Hill) lodwator _________OL 1-7000 MS. CHEVROLET IMPALA 4-DOOR hardtop, automatic power, *1,695 MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET, HwviUortCiti 1fll 1964 IMPERIAL. 2 door hardtop. frtPT Hr. 4 Way mffing^lnt'arlor and, bfad: vtoyt top. Transfarrawa tweSary warran- %pqSlhyai'- PrtS&tfanlv $2295 BIRMINGHAM Chrysler-Plymouth Lir'f—I Ml 74214 McComb CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH » IMPERIAL 651-6000 ton N. Malt ROCHESTER Hwrryt Only S169S. BOB BORST ’ IMPALA SPORT 966 FORD, COUNTRY SEDAN V-0 automatic,' power steering, power brakes, luggage rack *20°' SMALL WEEKLY PAYMENTS 1966 PLYMOUTH FURY III 4 dc sedan, air conditioning, V-0, auto-brakes ....... ............ SS“* Taylor's Chevrolet-Olds 166 CHEVROLET CAPRICE STA-tlon Wagon 9-passangar, automatic power. $2995 et MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET, Birmingham, Ml 4- 1966 CHEVY, IMPALA CONVERTI-ble, automatic power, *2195 at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET, Blr-mlngham, Ml 4-2735. ... | ___tty. Pull price *2295 at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET Blr-mlngham Ml 4-2735. 164 CORVAIR. 500. 2-DOOR HARD- 1966 CHEVELLE SS 196 CONVERTI-■Mb I with White top. 4-seafs. 12495. 3359746. 1 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2 door 1966 CHEVELLE, 10,000 mlle$. FE A I 396 AM-FM ■; vinyl |M Id, 375 LLOYD MOTORS 1250 OAKLAND MIKE SAVOIE Birmingham's New CHEVROLET DEALER 1104* S. Woodward Ml 4-2735 1963 CHEVROLET 9-PAi$SENGER station wagon, red. *895 et MIKE __________________ . SAVOIE CHEVROLET, Blrmlng- I9j| IMPERIAL, LOT OF ..... — 4-2735.___________________!_________$145. Save Auto. FE 5-3278 Autobahn Motors Inc. Authorized VW Dealer Vi mile north of Miracle Mile 1963 CORVAIR 4-DOOR, AUTOMATIC transmission, 8695 at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET, Birmingham, 1966 CHRYSLER Newport two-door hardtop. Loaded with plenty of "goodies".................$3195 1964 PLYMOUTH Fury Convertible, fully equipped with air condition, like new............$1295 1965 CHRYSLER NlWport, 4-door hardtop. Ideal family car, Warranty tool ..................$1895 1963 VALIANT 2-door sedan, looks like new throughout, special ............................$ 749 1959 FORD, Two-door hardtop. Mechanically in excellent condition. Full price.............$ 89 We have 3 CJ-5 jeeps available with plows, as low as ..................................$ 795 1961 CHRYSLER Newports, three to chodse from. As low as ...........................fey_____$179 ON DIXIE HWY.-NEARMl5 CLARKSTON I MA 5-2635 REPOSSESSION 1963 CHEVROLET S UI Sport V8, automatic, poi payments. ...... Call m 4528. Spartan. . Cash, 1963 CHEVY II STATION WAGON k sharp car and priced to sell. ROSE RAMBLER-JEEP EM 3-41561 buckets, *1500. EM !V$3$76. on request) and equil HANK NEWMAN SPARTAN DODGE INC., $55 Oakland Ava. FE 84521. Oakland CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 24 Oakland Ava._FE 89)50 860 DODGE - GOOD CONDITION FE 2-2722. 1963 DODGE "880" 2-door hardtop, power steering, power brakes, ermine white with turquoise Interior. One owner Birmingham trade. Ideal family car. Priced right with bank financing. Only $1095 • BIRMINGHAM Chrysler-Plymouth 60 S. Woodward______Ml 7-32)4 REPOSSESSION sold to settle ac-DODGE Sedan, VI ^»owo^JF ull^ price 164 DODGE (POLARA 500, BUCKET ■eats, clean, S new tires, *1500. See at 134 w: Rutgare._________ H-N.P.S. Hank Newman Plays Si with this ovtitaiidtng MONACO har““ — to lengthy t. ____ ..... ... eludes buckets, "313" VI power, padded top, and eon-mjt factory warranty, *m A used car sale Ilka this one. Coma saa for yourself. LLOYD MOTORS 1250 OAKLAND H.N.P.S. nk Newman playa I h this Arctic white ti ic, runs pood~ *75. «SMit0. LLOYD MOTORS 1250 OAKLAND 0 FALCON EXCELLENT CONDI- 1963 CORVAIR, GOOD CONDITION. 4-speed. FE 4-3317._____________ 1964 CHEVY, IMPALA 2 - DOOR hardtop, automatic 1964 MONZA CONVERTIBLE, automatic transmission, $1095 at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET, Blr 1964 MONZA. 2 DOOR RADIO, 0995 at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET Birmingham ' 1964 CORVAIR MONZA, RED, Ftorida car, bi^et^eMljLjradlo, 1964 CHEVROLET SUPER SPORT convertible automatic, power *1295 at MIKE SAiVOIE CHEVROLET, Birmingham, Ml 4-2735. CHEVROLET 4-DOOR, POWER and air conditioning. $1,295 at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET, Slr- 1964 CHEVROLET IMPALA CON-vertlble, automatic, power, 11,345 at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET, Birmingham, Ml 4-2735. 1965 CHEVELLE top, autenwnc, HRMOM MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET, Blr- 1965 CORVAIR 2-DOOR HARDTOP, automatic, radio, heater, S1.195 et MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET, Blr- SHOP IN COMFORT IN OUR NEW INDOOR SHOWROOM 1966 CADILLAC Sedan DeVille ..... .....$ave Gold with a white vinyl top, full power, end comfort control. 3 to choose from 1966 CADILLAC Calaix Coupe ....... ...$ave Blue with Blue Interior end low mileage, 3 Way Power, Comfort control. 1966 CADILLAC Calaix Coupe .....!. .. .$ave -Turquoise with matching Interior, lull power, and more to choose from. 1965 CADILLAC Coupe. DeVille .........$ave Rad with Rad leather trim, full power, comfort control and a real btauty. 1965 CADILLAC Calaix Coupe . .........$ave Whitt with Block and whlto Interior, 10,000 actual mlteo, full power, end not another Ilka It I 1964 CADILLAC Convertibl# . ..........$ave silver Grey, Black Top and Black leather interior, full power and a /real beauty It la, and . priced to save you .money. FROM ■umm OF BIRMINGHAM (Ask for Norm Danialson) 1350 NORTH WOODWARD PHONE Ml 4-1930 HIWIYIIIIllW Our Guarantee (Zjjh 25 Months on ..... ^ "OK" Cars 1965 OLDS Holiday Sedan, automatic, double power, radio, one owner, Only.........$1895 1965 PONTIAC Catalina Coupe, 4 speed, radio, with reverbator, Now Only ............. $1895 1966 CHEVY Caprice Coupe, V8, automatic, double power, vinyl roof, Only........... $2495 1963 CHEVY Greenbrier, radio, heater, 3 seats. Now Only .............................. $895 1965 CHEVY Wagon, V8, automatic, power steering, brakes, one owner, Only ...........$1895 1966 CHEVY Pickup Vt ton, with 4,000 miles, Now Only ............................. $1695 Want More For Your Money — _____________40 Others In Stock ON DIXIE HWY. AT Ml 5 "Your Crossroads to Greater Savings" CLAI^STON________________________MA 5-5071 BEATTIE — Quality A-l Used Cars — 1963 Falcon 2-Door_$795 With V-s. stick Shift, radio, heater, whlto finish. 1965 Falcon 2-Door .. .$1395 1965 Fairlane ...................$1595 "JOO" 2-Door Hardtop. Power steering, radio, has 1962 Ford 2-Door ...... $795 . extra nice through- 1964 Chevy 2-Door... .$1195 youre Isr grM 1965 Comet 2-Door .. .$1395 Sedan with the famous +cylindar engine, stick shift, radio, hsator, % BEATTIE "Your FORD DEALER Since 1930" On Dixie Hwy. in Waterford OR 3r1291 THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1966 P—13 1M INI T-BIRO HARDTOP gjlfl Harold Tumor Ford, Ml ^Daigijar”^ 1M2 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN WAG- Mfw mi Und Cart — MFowioat transmission, power (tearing, radio and heater and whitewall tires, full price $SfS, t money down, ■ale only $5.80, hi Mar. Mr. Part* I Turner Ford, Ml 11*4 FORD GALAX IE XL, NEW "tttr 427, new tires, bucket seats. ■weed. Call *73*11?: jT-BIRp HARDTOP, THE FIN-* creation everyone is copying, ^ “n be wn for si ess full Ice only *ff down, I6t ter month. "It only, taka* a minute" to Get "A FETTER DEAL" at: John McAuliffe Ford > Oakland Ave._______fe S-4101 YOU'LL SAVE plenty at the greatest used ca sale m our Matoni- LLOYD MOTOR* 1250 OAKLAND 19*2 FORD COUNTRY squire station wagon with full power, automatic transmission, radio and heater and toll price $795 weekly Dayman!* of $7.72. Call credit Mgr. Mr. Parks at Harold Turner Ford, Ml 4-7900. I FORD CONVERTIBLE WITH steering *1079 at mike savoie CHEVROLET Birmingham Ml 4-2725. 17*3 FORD FAIRLANE 2-DOOR, owner, V-9, auto., power steer1.... snow Hies, radio, axe. condition. $075. $52-1434, H.N.P.S. All for a apaclal gift when Hank Newman Plays Santa— Look at thlsl A W3V4 Ford fastback In soft aqua finish, wIM VO, Crwtee-GMatlc and passer fleering, full price, It#. gPARTAttDODGEINC. 055 Oakland Ave. FE 0-4520. Naw gad Uaad Cars 106 John McAuliffe Ford Oakland monp service. FE F4909, 17*5 FORD STATION ____ “■---r.Country Squire, V-*t nice. Must spit. 333- GM (Owner's In .... .-Bird, landeau, double power, vinyl top, this ear Is real nice, Save today. Stop or call Today I 1304 Baldwin FE 84525 Across from Pontiac State Bank 17*4 FORD GALAXIE 900 CON-vertible, 352 engine, red with top, $1200, 33S-44S4. HAROLD TURNER Blrmlagham Ml *4711. CHEVROLET LTO. MUST SELL, believing. Redued by ~ ,J« toll price. ISO do*. I all you need. With EZ payments of til weekly SMOO mile new t-warranty. . "It only takes a minute* to t Get "A BETTER DEAL" at: John McAuliffa Ford W Oakland Ave. I FE 54 Haw —d 9mt Cm 11 1966 T-BIRD dlo and heater, whitewall tire full price 0*75, only S127 dew and payments of BE, HAROLD TURNER ford, inc. 4*4 S. Wc BIRMINGHAM Pretty Ponies 1965 MUSTANGS 7 USED MUSTANGS TO CHOOSE FROM CONVERTIBLES HARDTOPS 2 PLUS 2's FULL EQUIPMENT Priced From $1295 As Low As $49 Down And $49 Per Month HAROLD TURNER FORD, INC. 4*4 S. WOODWARD AVE. BIRMINGHAM__Ml 4-75 17*5 GALAXIE LTD HAS EVERY-thing. Yoy have to whisper when you drive the "QUICK ONE" Treat yourself to a teat drive today. Reduced by Santa to only $1771 full price. 50,000 mile new warranty. "It only takes a minute" to Go "A BETTER DeAL" at: John McAuliffe Ford *30 Oakland i MABMADUKE sea for yours* 3 MOTORS U WOW! G.T.350 As Low As $2595 Moke yourself a Star! with a red, white or blue Shelby G.T. 350 Trudell Ford 777 John R, Troy 585-2522 By Anderson and Learning New —d Deed Cers 166 17*1 OLDS VISTA CRUISER. 7-PAS- ----tr wagon. Powor brakes and Ing. Power roar window. Radl- 1945 OLDSMOBILE, DELTA * H e* reefed. I. $1990. MA New and Bead Cm 116 REPOSSESSION PLYMOUTH Belvedere I. VS, automatic, powor. be oold. Full balanca Low weekly payments. Mr. Cash 338-452$, Spar- iw wd PtBd Cm IdA ESTATE ; STORAGE [ operation. Power steering, brakes, power windows, pen tonne, tilt steering wheal, window defroster ton and, __________ rally, radio, heater, and’ white-wall liras. Lew mileage car with1 good tire* all around. Spotless In-1 ferlor. Loan value about *1650. Will toll for only <1729. Phono 332-Slfl and ask for Earl Jones m OLDSMbBILE JETSTAR t* Door, Automatic, Radio, beau Power Steering, Power Brakes. I most like New Savel Jerome For Rochester* Ford Peeler. OL 1-771 “Your dog stole my arrows!” New end Uud Cars 106: New and Used Cars 762 MERCURY, 2-DOOR, AUTO-matlc, radio and heater, power, MMM ■ MIKE SAVOIE CHEVRO-. ■ “ — 4-2735. BOB BORST Lincoln-Mercury 520 S. WOODWARD, BIRMINGHAM *44-453$ 17*5 MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE, VS automatic, radio, heater, pi-- top, power steering, can't be from now. Robin egg blue, black nylon top and Interior, duced by Santa to only $1*6* price. 50,000 mile new car ranty. It only takas a minute : "A BETTER DIAL' John McAuliffa Ford 30 Oakland Ave. PE Midi Buy With Confidence AUTHORIZED GMC FACTORY OUTLET New '67 GMG Pickup FULL FACTORY EQUIPMENT INCLUDING . . . BACKUP LIGHTS WINDSHIELD WASHERS 2 SPEED ELECTRIC WIPERS DUAL HEADLIGHTS FOAM PADDED DASH FOAM PADDED SEATS DUAL BRAKING SYSTEM 4 WAY SAFETY FLASHER l:!S x 15 TIRES INCLUDING SPARE For Only $1789.00 Ask for Leon (Goose) Robertson, Bob Mathews or Vem Sheffield, Soles Manager HOUGHTEN Olds OL 1-9761 Rochester ' to Oft 17*4 T-BIRD HARDTOP, THERE IS no finer then this midnight U portion by Ford Motor. Why tor o common new car by { X when this plus 50,000 miles new car warn Yes and reduced by Santa by i FuH price. Get "ABETTER DEAL" a? . John .'AcAuliffe Ford *30 Oakland Ava.______FE 5-4101 MULTIPLY Ford 1966 Fairlane 500 Sport Coupe. V-8 automatic, power steering, power brakes, air conditioning. Less than 7,000 miles. New Car Warranty, too, all for a low, low $2495 Trudell Ford 777 John R, Troy 585-2522 174* MUSTANG. 84Q0 MILES. TAKE Ljjrr payments, 412-74*1. MUSTANG 2 DOOR HARD- 17*3 COMET, 4-DOOR. NEW TIRES, ' brakes, bargain, private own- AA 4-3700.________________________ 17*4 COMET STATION WAGON, IF jmu era looking tor tti*'Ideal faintest drive It. Reduced b only $114* toll price. 50,i 1757 OLDS .... 17*1 CHEVY ... 17*0 DODGE ... 17*0 FALCON ... 175$ BUICK ..... 1757 PONTIAC . . 6||e CADILLAC .. PONTIAC ... CHRYSLER . .... FORD .... 1757 PONTIAC ... 1741 CHRYSLER I FORD GALAX IB <$j 2$, vinyl roof, power steering, MW mile* ■—*----------------------- I under warranty. i 50,000 mile new car warranty. This week only — $1995 toll price. "It only tom a minute" to Get "A BETTER DEAL" *t John McAuliffe Ford » Oakland Aye. MULTIPLY r dollars almost twofold at our *♦ used car sale. D MOTORS 1290 OAKLAND >59 MERCURY CONVERTIBLE, rebuilt engine, needs transmission work, good body condition. OR ive plenty i our business 50 OAKLAND a mlnuta" to __ A BETTER DEAL" at John McAuliffe Ford I Oakland Ave._______FE 5-41 NORTHWOOD 1966 Lincoln Continental. Full power. Factory air conditioning, vinyl top, low mileage. Plenty of New Cor Warranty. This is the Boss' own personal car. Only $4695 Trudell Ford 777 John R, Troy 585-2522 LLOYD MOTORS 1250 OAKLAND NO CREDIT PROBLEM BUY HERE-PAY HERE out of state title and mochtnl- LoW W 1960 VALIANT Economy *, Excellent mechanical condition, lust what you hovr looking for. Budget priced at $195 BIRMINGHAM Chrysler-Plymouth steering, _ _ I _ with red Interior. NEW TIRES. This one Is ready to go. Only $1295 BIRMINGHAM Chrysler-Plymouth *0 S. Woodward Ml 7-3214 WOW! 19661 Oldsmobiles 20 TO CHOOSE FROM As Low As $2141.86 PLUS TAX . . . $150 Down or Equal Trade. - DELIVERED m BANK RATES . . . 24,000 mile factory ■ warranty, or 2 year warranty. Downey Olds, Inc. 550 OAKLAND AVE. FE 2-810' 17*2 OLDSMOBILE I 17*2 OLDS 4-DOOR HARDTOP, Automatic, powar, $775 at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET, Blrming-Itam, Ml 4-2735.___________ 1742 OLDS 08 4 DOOR WITH full powar, automatic transmission, radio and hoatar and whitewall tires, toll price $172. Absolutely no money down, weekly payments $(.$8. Call credit Mgr. Mr. Parks at Harold Tumor Ford, Ml 4-75M. 1743 OLDS F-S5 CONVERTIBLE, Automatic, power, $775 *t MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET, Birmingham, Ml 4-2735.____________. Cruisa LLOYD MOTORS 1250 OAKLAND 1964 OLDS Convertible with full power, .JNi matte transmission, radio and heater and whitewall tires, ti" price $1375. only *47 down at weekly payments of $11 JO. HAROLD TURNER FORD, INC. 464 S. Woodward Avt. Birmingham Ml 4-7S SACRIFICING steering, radio, hooter, transmission, 1 owner low mileage. A real boi 19*3 PONTIAC ____________ tlon Wagon with powor brakos and power steering, automatic transmission, rack on top. You must so* It to appreciate .. 31375 4 KARMANN GHIA. Hera I 17*4 BUICK Special, Deluxe 2-Door. Has bucket seats, radio and heater, automatic transmission, ...............'............. 31375 17*2 OLDSMOBILE Super "88" Station Wagon with factory air conditioning, full powor. Go first a low, low $2475 1745 MUSTANG, Convertible with V-f engine, automatic transmission, power steering, all decked out and lust right ........ . 51795 1744 BUICK Wildcat 2-Door Hardtop. Custom bucket seats, arm rests, cordovan top and WOW, W Is first class ............$1775 1743 PONTIAC Bonnavllla 2-Door Hardtop. All whlto with black leather trim. Hera Is on* for you to go first doss In ......... $1473 17*4 CHEVROLET Impilo 2-Door Hardtop. V-t angina, powar steering and brakes, radio and heater, 1 owner end-ha* 22,000 actual miles ............. $1579 17*5 CHEVROLET B 1964 PONTIAC Bonnavllla 4-Door Hardtop Brougham, Air conditioned, powar brakes, power steering, automatic. 7,000 actual mil**. Real class ................. $3095 19*3 BUICK LaSabr* 4-Door ! dan with extra low mil*a< automatic transmission, rad heater end power brake* a ■tearing. WOW .............. Ill and whlto flBtah, PONTIAC-BUICK 651-5500 Ed Broadway-Dewey Petiprin—Stan Root—Tommy Thompson, Sales Mgr. 885 S. Rochester Rd., Va Mile South of Downtown Rochester EXPECT TO BE IMPRESSED WITH OUR RAMBLER DEAL ONE BRAND NEW 1966 RAMBLER Ambassador DPL 2-door Hardtop, buckets, custom interior, cordova top, automatic 327 V8, whitewalls, power steering, brakes, wire wheel discs, tinted windshield, beautiful sparkling white with Mack top. 2 LIKE NEW 1966 RAMBLER Demos One is an Ambassador 6 passenger, 990 wagon with vinyl trim, reclining seats, flashamatic transmission, power steering, brakes, power rear window, push button radio, whitewalls. Turbo cast wheel covers, light group, ratracable seat belts, and Dowgard coolent, Cortez Auqa and wood grain finish, luggage rack and extras. 1966 RAMBLER American 440 Hardtop Demo v 2 doer, with crest green, and granada green, 2 tone paint, air liner reclining seats, individual adjustable seats, flashamatic transmission, 232 Co. In. 2 barrel corb., bumper guards, push button radio, wire wheel covers, retractable seat belts and Dowgard coolant. Ask for Pat Jarvis — Ken Johnson PONTIAC'S AREA RAMBLER DEALER On M24 In Lake Orion Open 9 to 9 Mon. • Fri. MY 3-6266 , "OUR LOT RUNNETH OVER" Chariots of Thy Choice at Slaughtered Prices! at RUSS JOHNSON —LAKE ORION 1963 Pontiac . .$695 LeMans 2-Door Sport Coup*. Buckets, whitewalls, automatic, power steering, tinted windshield, bronze with a whlto top. 1966 GTO . .$3395 2-Door Hardtop. This unit hat tvary possible piece of equipment CM offers for this model. Including air conditioning. 1966 Pontiac .$2095 Tompest Sport Coup# with radio, automatic, beige exterior and matching Interior. 1964 Pontiac .$1495 2-Door Hardtop. Automatic, radio, heater, whitewall*. Mack exterior, matching Interior. 1959 Rambler. .$95 Wagon. Blue with a whlto top. Transportation special. A perfect second car for the wife to use. 1966 Chevy... $2595 Caprice 2-Door Hardtop. Platinum gray finish, Mack cordovan top, Marie trim, automatic, radio, hooter, power steering end brakes, whitewalls. Sharp ona-ownar, all tha way. 1966 Pontiac.. $3395 4-0aar loaded with automatic, power steering, brakes and windows, powar vents, air conditioning, automatic temperature control. Mack cordovan top, fontolns blue, whitewalls. Many, many mere extra*. 1963 Pontiac.. $1295 4-Door Hardtop. Vista with automatic, power steering and powar brakes, whitewalls. This unit has a beautiful Jet black finish. 1965 Buick... $2395 Wildcat CemariM*. Light Hue' with Mack tap, automatic^ radio, heater, power steering and 1966 Tempest $2495 ConvcrtiMe with a beautiful blue finish, whit* top, blue trim, 4-sp*ed, radio, hooter, power steering and brakes, rally wheels. Many, many 1964 Pontiac.. $1795 Bonnavllla 4-Door Hardtop. Guaranteed actual miles and Is a ona-ownar. This Is a car you must see to appreciate. Has all th* right equipment with automatic transmission, radio, 1962 Pontiac.. $995 Star Chief 4-Door Sedan with a beautiful gold finish, matching trim, automatic, powor snor- 1964 Pontiac .$1795 Bonnovlllo 4-Door Hardtop. Beautiful light blue with matching Interior, 23,000 actual miles. ing, power brakes, radio, heater end whitewalls. Locally owned, ona-ownar. Power steering and brakes, automatic, radio, heater and whitewall tires. A real sharp, 1966 Pontiac.. $2895 Catalina Wagon, t-PassOngar. Bronze finish, bronze trim, power steering and brakes, radio, heater, automatic, whitewalls. Low mileage. 1966 Pontiac.. $2995 Bonnavllla Convertible. Finish Is Mayfair malz* with whit* top, leather trim ,low mileage, has automatic transmission, powar brakas and staarlng, whitewall liras. A real beauty. 1965 Chevy.. $1995 Bel Air Station Wagon with turquoise finish and matching trim. Automatic, radio, heater, power steering, power brakes, whitewalls, V-8 angina. A sharp car ell th* way. 1965 Catalina $2195 ConvartIM* with Mayfair malz* finish, black top, Mack trim, 12400 miles, radio, heater, power steering end brakes, whitewall tires. 1936 Packard.. $695 4-Door with a sparkling black flnlah, guaranteed one-owner! if you're an old car lover-look this on* over todayl 1965 Pontiac .$2195 Catalina ConvartIM* with Ivory finish, blue top, blua trim, Automatic, radio, hoatar, powar steering and-power brakes, whitewalls. Beau- 1965 Pontiac., $2095 Catalina 2-Door Hardtop With a deep Mu* finish, 1965 Chevy... $2095 Caprice 4-Door Hardtop. Sparkling turquoise with black cordovan top, Mack trim, automatic, powar staarlng and brakas, radio, heater and light Mu* matching trim, automatic, radio, hosier, power^ steering and brakas, wMtawalla. whitewalls. A beautiful car with low mileage. 1964 Olds... $1295 "IT' 2-Door Hardtop. Jat Mack finish, radio, has tor, whitewalls, locally owned, nice car *11 1964 Pontiac.. $1695 Catalina 2-Door Hardtop. Hare I* a beautiful ona-owner car with 21400 autual mil**, 4 brand new tires, automatic, radio, heatar, powar staarlng and brakas, whitewalls and rad finish with matching Interior. the way! 1965 Pontiac.. $2095 Transportation Cars Mad( cordovan to^Mtoms^^pmtor**'staarlng and brakes, wNtowalla. Beautiful, ona-ownar. Wo hove a few and they all will make a nlca second car for the family. 1965 Pontiac.. $2395 1965 Mustang $1695 3-Door Hardtop. Gold finish. Mock Interior, 3-spaed, V-8 angina, radio, heater, whitewalls, spar* never used, low mileage, ona-ownar. 1966 Chevy... $2495 Impala 4-Door Hardtop. Sparkling Mg* finish, black Interior, automatic, powar staarlng and brakes, radio, heater, whitewalls, 7,800 miles, factory warranty. 1956 Buick.........$495 Super 2-Door Hardtop. Hera's a real sharp car with automatic, radio, heater, powar staarlng, power brake*, whitewalls. Blue and white fin- 1964 Pontiac.. $1295 Tempest Wagon, t-Passangar. Automatic, <-cylinder angina, radio, whitewalls and a bronze finish with matching Interior. 1962 Pontiac.. $1095 Bonnevlllt Convertible. New whitewall*, automatic, power steering end brakes, burgundy 1965Plymouth$1795 Fury III 2-Ooor Hardtop. Power steering and brakos, V-t, automatic, whitewall*, radio, gold with beige top. 1964 Buick.... $1595 Wildcat with power steering and brakes, auto- Ask for Pat Jarvis - Kan Johnson RUSS JOHNSON Pontiac Rambler| on M24 in Orion . JBt- THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1966 ..JKwiDOTH (TICK, 8 CYLIN-jSrTiaE TSwO CHEVROLET*5 Bir- [ BAHACUDA. 2-DOOR HARD-top, QUtoMUC. $1485 «t MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET, Blrmlng- wiiiw IB AtWl, LLOYD MOTORS 1280 OAKLAND IMS .PLYMOUTH WORTS FURY door hardtop. Automatic, 5 power, $1755 at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVRO-LET Blrmhtohem Ml 4-2735. 1965 PLYMOUTH ■slvoders ll 4 door v-8 automatic power steering l owner Birmingham trade fransferrable factory warranty. You can't miss on tf’* one. Bank rates. Only $1395 BIRMINGHAM Chryslw-Plymouth MS I. Woodward______Ml 7-3i 1952 BONNEVILLE CONVERTIBLE, Exc. condition, new tires. FE 2-9380 or FE 5-5412 after 4. 1962 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE, AU-tomatlc, double power, $500. 312- DON'S USED CARS SMALL AD-BIG LOT 70 CARS TO CHOOSE FROM 1955 VALIANT Slgna I dr. hardtop, 8 cyl., 4 speed, radio, heater, whitewalls, midnight blue, exc. condition. Country sedan 4 dr. wagon, auto. I, double power, radio, heater, whitewalls, dark blue. 1957 BUICK 4 dr. hardtop, excellent condition. 677 S. LAPEER RD. Lake Orion MY 2-2041 1955 VALIANT 200 2 DOOR. ! Cylinder Automatic, 8000 Actual Miles. Extra Clean! Jerome Ford, Rochester's Ford Dealer, OL 1-9711 106 Ntw and UsBd Cars 106 "JET* VS, mg, and f------- year pet.________ _ Burke at 338-4128. Spartan. 1955 PONTIAC V-S, AUTOMATIC transmission, 385, OR 4-1157. .PONTIAC CATALINA, 2-DOOR, $395. Call 673-8889 after 6- READ THIS If you want to save plenty of dollars on a fine used car at the greatest sale In bur business MOTORS 1250 OAKLAND PONTIAC, 1954 GRANDH door hardtop, double power, mid-tHght blue, white Int, 81S00. 535-0341 MULTIPLY your dollars almost twofold at our great used car sale. LLOYD MOTORS 1350 OAKLAND 954 CATALINA CONVERTIBLE. dollars on a fine the greatest sale li 1 history. LLOYD MOTORS 12 LUCKY AUTO 1940 W. wide Track 1005 or___FE 3-7854 H.N.P.S. Hank Newman Plays Santa With this spotless red 1952 Tempest, wagon, so that you can carry your presents and the whole family in style. , Automatic, all vinyl custom Interior, and lust the perfect 1953 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE CON” vertible, automatic, power. $1245 at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET, Birmingham, Ml 4-2735.______ r windows, steering i . condition, $1,350. 451- pay- extras, FE 1-4135 LUCKY AUTO YOU’LL SAVE at the grr-* ' ___... aur history. LLOYD MOTORS MBS OAKLAND 1954 bonnevillV pUu. POWER, $300 tor equity, FE S-9471.___ MUltlPLY your dollars almost twofold at our great used car sale. Lloyd motorsnbo Oakland PONTIAC CATALINA HARD-. Sacrifice. $1,195. 535-5843. 1955 PONTIAC 1-OOOR I WlTff... tomatlc and power steering, $1 ,4»5 at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET, FOR GENUINE VALUES. PONTIAC RETAIL STORE PONTIAC RETIAL STORE c. condition. 335-6529, 1954 PONTIAC CATALINA CONVER-tible, automatic, power, $1400 at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET, Blr-mlngham. Ml 4-3735. 1954 PONTIAC CATALINA 3 DOOR hardtop, automatic, power. $1455 at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET Blr-mlngham Ml 4-3735. ;___________ REPOSSESSION Must sell now 1964 9 TlAC Bonneville hare Power, automatic, low w 1 payments. Full r_‘ Ntw—d IIsb6 tot 166 1955. PONTJAC,^ PLU$ 2, MANY GM (Owner's InIHals) ---McArmallyk Auto la 1955 Grand Prtx 2-door hardtof “ brakes, steering, winds' top. almost like new, $i Mop or Call Today! 1304 Baldwin FE 84525 I960 RAMBLER REBEL VST'PQW-er, air conditioning, 682-7134 after 5 Wit. _______________ 1963 RAMBLER CLASSIC WAOON, 1955 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE, door hardtop, 5 way power, al loaded, 81906. 3SM614. rEMPEST CUSTOM 955 CUSTOM TEMPEST, 4 sedan 5 cyl.. Excellent a J|| ~ 3 TTTT 1955 BONNEVILLE 3-OOOR HARD-top, auto., double power, — condition, 1 owner. 573403. THE NEW AUDETTE PONTIAC NOW SERVING Troy—Pontiac—Birmingham Ar ISO Maple. across from Berz Air READ THIS If you want to save plenty of I dollars on a fine used car at I the greatest sale In our business history. LLOYD MOTORS 1258 OAKLAND 1755 PONTIAC GTO HARDTOP 1«6 MPEED. POSiTRACTION 1951 RAMBLER AMERICAN, MUST] 957 GTO 3-SPBE NEVER LLOmMOTOR^lHO OAKLAND out, new battery, water pump and I Cm 106 a VILLAGE RAMBLER 666 S. Woodward Birmingham Ml 64900 ’55 RAMBLER CLASSIC 770 V4, power steering, like new. Reasonable. > GRIMALDI CARS 900 Oakland Ave. ____FE 54431 plenty it \ Hie greatest used car sale In eur history. , i LLOYD MOTORS liNt OAKLAND 6 GTO, AUTOMATIC, POWER, A used car sale like this one Come see tor yourself. , LLOYD MOTORS 1350 OAKLAND 1944 PONTIAC CATALINA 4-DOOR " n, hydromatlc power end other IS, 83495, 74 Ollvir St., Pen- 6 CATALINA WAGON, DOUBLE ---- -----,H,, barrel eng.. Hr, elec, rear win- NOTICE -New Business Hours - EFFECTIVE DEC. 12, 1966 HAUPT PONTIAC Service and Parts Dept. Mon. and Thurs. 8 A,M. -8 P.M. Tubs. Wed. and Fri. 8 A.M.-6 P.M. Sat. and Sun.—Clos«d New and Used Dept. Mon. Tubs, and Thurs. 8 A.M.-9 P.M. Wed. and Fri. 8 A.M.-6 P.M. Saturdays 8 A M.-4 P.M. Closed Sundays HAUPT PONTIAC 625-5500 SERVICE RENTALS AVAILABLE M COMPANY DEMO'S OFFICIAL CARS and tf USED CARS 1962 BUICK Special, 2-door, automatic, radio, healer, power steering. 314100 actual miles. Only $888 1966 BUICK Demo, (pedal. 2-door hardtop. Yellow with Week vinyl top, V-8, automatic, power steering. $2488 1 ' ;• 1966 RIVIERV '' Officials' car. Factory air, power steering, power flgpto. power windows, custom trim and bench seats. Itils one won’t last long at only $3588 1964 RIVIERA 3-door hardtop. Beautiful gold finish with 3-way power and matching trim. Only $2288 1965 CADILLAC DeVllle convertible. Full power, factory elr conditioning. 21,000 miles. New spare. $3388 1966 BUICK Electra 4-door hardtop.. Demo. Full power, factory air cendl-tionlnjj, custom top and custom ’ “$3488 1965 BUICK Electro 335 Coupe, 3-way power, custom trim and a vinyl top. This one won't Int long at only $2088 1964 BUICK LeSabre Convertible. 12PMblL2®!f{' er, automatic, red with a beautiful black top. Better cell first on this beauty. Priced at only $1388 1964 OLDS Dynamic 88 Convertible. Blue .with blue trim and automatic transmission. Priced at only $1288 -DOUBLE CHECK--USED CARS- 554 S. Woodward A BONAFIDE EVENT BECAUSE THEY MUST BE SOLD! liOYD MOTORS FABULOUS SALE OF 70 TOP QUALITY USED CARS CONTINUES AT A FAST PACE! FURTHER PRICE REDUCTIONS HAVE BEEN MADE ON OUR ENTIRE INVENTORY OF CARS — ABSOLUTELY NOTHING HELD BACK! 1964 Lincoln on 1963s/— 1964s - 1965s - 1966s — 2-Doors - Sedans -Hardtops - Convertibles - Wagons — Bank Rates — Many Warranties! Financing No Problem — No Payments Until February— Spot Delivery! 1966 Ford Custom Continental, full power, factory air, five new premium white wall tires. Five year or 504)00 mile warranty available. Full $187 Down $2487 1962 Ford Fairlane $687 No Money Down 1965 Pontiac Catalina • $1697 $79 Down I, automatic, power steering and bf decor group. New car trade-in. price or best offer ................. 1965 Mercury 3-Door, o, automatic. Mitt blue. On* fN*1 AArt own*. Full price - best offer $138/ Little or No Money Down NO REASONABLE 1965 Ford Mustang 8, cylinders, power steering, console. Medlteraneen blue, white vinyl top. Previously owned by a factory executive. Full price or best otter .... $99 Down $1545 1962 Pontiac sedan. 8, automat dyapple red. Full pel No Money Down-$31.81 Mo. Chief aedan. a, automatic, double ^ r. Candyapple rad. Pull price or best MjWW / 1966 Comet Capri 3-Door Hardtop. 8, automatic, beautiful tropical turquoise. New car warranty. I WU / Full price L............ TCJSJsSaf $69 Down or Old Car 1965 Ford Mustang $1487 $99 Down OFFER REFUSED! Cheap but Good Transportation 1960 FORD Country Squire, Full price ........$189 1962 CHEVY Super Sport hardtop, V-8,3 speeds. Needs 'minor repairs. Full price $449 1961 PEUGEOT Sun Roof Sedan, full price...$149 1959 FORD 2-Door hardtop, 8, automatic. Full price $99 1962 C0RVAIR Coupe, four speeds, solid red. Full price ...............$389 Ing end brakes, speed rantrol, I age. Showroom condition. Five-year or 50,000 mile warranty available. Full price or best offer ................................ $1789 $89 Down 1964 Comet "202" $947 No Money Down—$34.20 Mo. 2-Door. Beautiful Palisades blue. Five-year or 50,000 mile werranty available. Full price or best otter .................... 1966 Mercury Breeieway sedan. Deep metallic green, black vinyl top. Loaded with goodies, extra low mileage. New car five years or 50,000 mile warranty available. Full $2299 $99 or Old Car Down 1965 Olds Dynamic '88' | $1789 $89 Down NO REASONABLE 1963 Chevrolet Impala § $1087 Convertible. Power steering, brakes, windows, seatsi tilt steering tlful silver mink, white or ready tor spring at a wintei price or best otter .......... $49 Down 1964 CHEVY Bel Air Sedan. Economy V-8, Power-glide, midnight blue. Extra sharp, raga-kept condition. Asking . S $1045 $89 Down 1964 PONTIAC Ventura Hardtop. Doubla power, full, factory equipment, 2-year warranty. Mist blue, deep blue vinyl Interior. Asking $45 Down $1389 1964 BUICK $1187 OFFER REFUSED! mm msms CONTINENTAL - MERCURY - COUGAR - COMET 1250 OAKLAND Ph 333-7863 / THE gOyTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1066 —Television Programs^- 'jt’i kj j \Jpj8%w '& *' 4,h ^1 ♦ Western rifle TV Features Award-Winning Play “THE GLASS MENAGERIE,” »M p m. (2) Tennessee Williams’ adaptation of hte first Broadway play which won the New York Drama Critics’ Circle Award in tm. Each member of the Wingfield family finds escape Creel tbe depressing reality of life in a shabby St Louis tenement. N.E.T. OPERA, 9:30 p.m. (56) Music and conversation with Australian soprano Joan Sutherland; her husband, conductor Richard Bonynge; sporano Marilyn Horne; Met tenor John Alexander; and the Cambridge Festival Orchestra. DEAN MARTIN, 10:00 p.m. (4) Guests: Robert Goulet, Gisele MacKenzie, Jonathan Winters, Rowman and Martin. Dean’s daughter, Dinna, makes her network TV singing TELESCOPE, 10:00 p.m. (9) “Nubar Gulbenkian: Last of the Bon Vivants," a profile of the eccentric international millionaire. efUiM atom fji-rr-.— S Do this in 42 Frostier fishing 45 Supplement* to UOWHagvlM 13 Range 49 Enclosed 14 Preposition SlPut oa ______ 15 Balance (ab.) ®2 Fencing sword 16 Esteemed MW*wrpo« IS A sloth la one of 54 Mariner’s the — of direction .ntm.i, v 55 Forest animal . 20 Odes 66 Unoccupied 21 PoetUke part 57 Morning 22 Epic poetry moisture 24 Pain DOWN 27 Cathedral 10 Hunter’s — room 22 Dwell . 54 Metallic material 55 Annoys' 26 Employ 27 large amounts 2 Ellipsoidal 3 Musical •Bed canopy 7 Enervate •Mend near Costa Rica 9 Poker stake 10 Plant part 11014 weight tor MPH wool og WITH THIS PICTURE OF (WHO ELSE?) WffpOG No Purchaso Necessary ADULTS AND KIDS ALIKE ' ENJOY OUR DELICIOUS ... HOT DOGS.......15c .a. HAMBURGERS.....15c ea. CHEESEBURGERS... .29c a FRENCH FRIES...15c ea. FISH or CHICKEN DINNERS . .69c eempi«t« FISH SANDWICHES..29c ea. Sub., Mon., Tuts., Wtd. 11«66-11:66 Thun. 11:00-12:06 Fri., Sat. 11:00-1:06 WASHINGTON (AP) - Hie Defense Department has nounced the names of seven servicemen killed In action in Viet Nam and one who died of wounds, plus four deaths and one missing not as a result of hostile action: Killed as a result of hostile action: ARMY OKLAHOMA — Spec. 4 Howard L. mm, Tupelo. NAVY IOWA — Hospitalman Dennis N. WM-Marshalltown, ------ COWP, Michael P. MARINE CORPS CALIFORNIA - M McConshey, Whittier. I I I ft EXTRA SPECIALS! * laundry Tray eaid Trim.$19.05 I StabilauStealSlala..........SB2.VS !. Oath Tubs. Inap............ $20.00 up | Shower Stall wMk Trim.S35.95 | $49.95 I ■lit I fittVE PLUMBING; 541 Baldwin f FE d^ISfl or FES-4101 | Open Mon., Sat. *.•* fM. m was. * FH. Rvts.-til 0 FJ*. ■ (7) Supermarket Sweep U:0k (2) Andy Griffith (4) Pat Boone (7) Supermarket Sweep (9) Butternut Square (50) Dickory Doc 11:05 (56) Art Lesson 11:25 (9) Tales of the River Bank 11:11 (2) Dick Van Dyke (4) Hollywood Squares (7) Dat|ng Game (•^ Friendly Giant I i 11:45 (I) Chez Helene ‘ ii:i0 (55) Memo to Teachers AFTERNOON • 12:90 (2) News (4) Jeopardy (7),DonoaReed 'rnw BCA-HiNH* See Our Selection of New RCA and ZENITH COLOR TVt Check Oar Lair Sale Price* ait PORTABLE TVs Quality Color TV Service! a IS YBAR6 aXPaRI8NCl - . . WE tMflfcl WHAT WB SELL! L teamed Dealer by MIcMpaa * Open Saturday *Hl 1M MA. muSSiSUd Opan Mon. tnid fri. Eyes. ^ril FJL CONDON’S RADIO & TV TMWeeHNme - FE447S8 ■ CpI. Philip A. s CpI. Travis 0. COLORADO Purvis, Dtnvar. KENTUCKY -Crain, Louttvllle. PENNSYLVANIA — Lance CpI. Michael . Baronowskl, Norristown. WASHmOTON — P»c. David T. Haks, nirttn. Died of wounds: ARMY MASSACHUSETTS - 1st U. Arthur E. Wright lit, Gloucester. Died not as a result of hostile action: NAVY NEBRASKA - Seaman Appren. Daryl E. Smock, SCottsMuff. MARINE CORPS CALIFORNIA — Staff Sgt. Alton O. Flagg, Lot Angeles: Lane* CpI. Patrick O. Quinn, tit Crater-*-- |—■ D. Milas, Mill. VdHty. Missing not as a result of hostile action: ARMY Cap!. Unus O. K. Chock Shucks His Maryland Farm and Returns to Hollywood By EARL WILSON NEW YORK — Robert Mitchum, who’s given up his farm In Maryland and returned to Hollywood—despite all the things he said about not wanting to live in Hollywood—gave a party in his new place In Pacific Palisades for 200 people, with his wife Dorothy and son Jim. Lee Marvin was there, but there were no fights. We hear Bennett Cerf hit the ceiling about distributing a book called “The Leader,” a thinly veiled story about his friend Frank Sinatra, and refused to do so, bnt that Bernard Geii got pubUdring backing elsewhere for It. (Frank and Mia hotted a dinner party at Trader Vic’s—including the Salvador Dalis—then watched the fragging at Arthur) ... Jack Warner dined at Voisin with Christiane Schmid truer; she’s Joined the Bob Taplinger-Serge Semenenko bicycle set, the Wheeler-Dealers. ★ ★ ★ Hey, did anybody in St. Louis find my contact lens? - No, huh? I’d just driven to the St. Louis airport from the University of Southern Illinois at Carbondale. I went straight to the men’s room to see if the lens wasn’t stuck, or something—and it wasn’t even there. That’s what the men’s room attendant, and also a| barber next door, assured me, and was I embarrassed! I Wasn’t going to look over the whole floor of the St. Louis airport, ai you can understand. An experience tike that shakes you up. A valuable contact lens gone down the drain—literally. Man, I need a drink, I said. WILSON ATS Satellite Drifting West A Lrtwo Pnr'ifis' 1 Ah, the Kitty Hawk Bar! I rushed right in and exclaimed to nUUYc I UL.ll IL. the bartender: “A double martini!” 'Smart'injured in Fight Scene HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - Shooting at Paramount Studios of the NBC-TV “Get Smart’’ series has been suspended for several days while star Don Adams recovers from a broken nose. Adams, who portrays the bumbling hero Maxwell Smart, suffered foe injury last nigtt while rehearsing a fight with actor Steve Gravers. After a doctor had stopped the bleeding, Adams was asked how he felt “I feel like I got ML In the now aqd It hurts,” be replied. New Degree Set YPSILANTI (AP)—A seventh bachelor’s degrotHn fine arts -was establtthed Wednesday by file Eastern Michigan University Board of Regents. Other bachelor degrees at EMU are in arts, science, art education, business education, business administration and music edu- CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) ' America’s new ATS multipurpose satellite drifted slowly westward above the Pacific Ocean today, aiming for a stationary mbit 22,300 miles above Christmas Island. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration said that in about 12 days control jets would jockey the satellite into the desired location. ★ ★ Hr While ft hovers over one point on earth, ATS, for Applications Technology Satellite, will test new space communications and, weather forecasting techniques. Included Will be continuous weather photos of one-third of the globe, the relay of color television rod other communications between tbe United States and the Far East, and evaluation of aircraft communications via satellite. FIRST -OF FIVE ATS, the first of five such satellites made by Hughes Aircraft Co,, was laimched from Cape Kennedy Tuesday night. Hie state capital at Austin, Tex., is file largest in the United /* MIDNIGHT EARL , . . Mamie Van Owen’s last Latin show was dedicated to her husband, baseballer Lee Meyers—he was celebrating his 20th birthday . . . Red Buttons showed up at Gallaghers’ wearing a paper tuxedo (and telling the waiter, “Don’t spill water on it!”) Edie Adams, who claims her ancient Rolls Royce has got' to the stage where it “was 8500-ing her to death,” is suing a garage which she says seems to have been responsible for defects in the car which she never understood. She says maybe the garage’s drivers were taking it out when she was absent. I It’s a matter of principle, says Edie. She no longer needs the old car, picturesque as it Is. - ★ ★ ★ WISH I’D SAID THAT: Shelby Friedman says he was raised in a small town that was so slow the 10 o’clock news didn’t] come on tfli 11. REMEMBERED QUOTE: “Social climbing has been defined as the art of stepping on the right people.” * EARL'S PEARLS: When you marry (says Joan Rivers) J yqiii promise to love, honor and obey. If, after a year, you’re one, for three, it’s working out. j Marty Alien and Steve Rossi have in their gag interviews a “conversation” with Sandy Koufax: “Sandy, now that you’ve! retired, will you get a pension horn the Dodgers.” . . . “No,1 from the Giants.” That’s earl, brother. (Tils MMI Syndics!*, Inc.) > — Radio Programs— WJW760) WXVfflg70) CKLWfBOO) WWK9S0) WCARd 130) WPOHQ46Q) WJBKd SOW WHFI-fM(94.7) CKLW. New*. Music WXYZ, NewscoM wjbk, Newt. Mtblc, Si WCAR, News, Joe Bece WPON, News. IpOrte WHFL Uncle Jay WJR, MS. Berometer etwwiS. mUmei > WJR, Lowell Thomas t eo—WPON, News, tm*?* First world’s tairwiahMdta New York Qm JTtM,.. 1t:Je-WWJ, Nows, Iportsime U:S*-WWJ, News, Sports WJR, Newt, Sport*. Music itiMHBCMt, Medical Journal Ul#-WCAR. Ron ROM 1l:i-4VJSK, Consonoue . . IliSS-WXYZ, AN Night Sate* 4:S»-WJR, Music H . WWJ. NOWS ip wxyz, f:1S—WJBK, Bob Leo, WJBK. New*, LM 1 ■ t:*e—wjr, News, Horrie WHFI, Uncw Joy ./ Wtgg-WXYZ. BriaMaet C WJR, New*. Mw II1BMN3R, NeWS wxvz. News, M FRIDAY AFTERNOON U:tS—WJR. Newt, Farm wjbk. Newt. Eder, Must WWJ, News, Market, MUtli WCAR.^News. Dave Lock- WHFi, Newt, Beyle wpcn, Newt, Sen Johnw CKLW, Newt, Dawt Shale li*e—wjr. Newt, Ettiet lEMKi Zm , CKLW, Have Shafer WWJ, Newt, Call KeodaR MS-WXn. oeve Prince U, Newt. Emehetlt R, Newt, Llhkletter 630 E. BLVD. (Across from Pony Drugs) THE LOCK 6 KEY SHOP LOCKSMITH • Jimmy Proof Locks • On Guard Track an* C»f Alarms • SOLO • INSTALLED )HHNURED ALL WORK GUARANTEED Wre at Clow tu Your Telephone** 3542 PONTIAC LAKE ROAD 674-0587 EDWARD’S FOR CHRISTMAS SPECIALS I N. Saginaf-LAYAWAY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS the bartender: “A double martini!” He looked at me pityingly. “We only have beer,” he said. “Local option county. Beer county, you know .. I was so mad I almost drank a Milwaukee beer. Didn't, though, of course. I found St. Louis beer quite adequate for drowning your troubles in. ★ ★ ★ Thit it a email city. Wa couldn't long make a living on ono timo taloi. Instead, wo do pond on ropoat butinost from happy customers. That's why you'll bo wita indeed to toloct your instruments . locally, at Edward's. Rett oeeurod, to pleato you. Far wot want you for a friend V STUDENTS* SPECIAL each time you'ra look-INARE DRUM in9 for eomothing muti- $22.95 eal MUSIC BOOKS -LARGE SELECTION Atony beautiful gift Home to cheat# from. Como in and browse. Layaway or EASY PAYMENT PLAN Open Mon., Thurs., Fri. HU • P.M. FAMILY ’ ROOMS As Low As P*r Waak V • ALUM. SIDING • BEDROOMS • BATHROOMS t NEC. ROOMS • BASEMENTS • DORMERS « AHICS • KITCHENS • PLUMBINQ • FIREPLACES • OARAGES • HEATING • ELECTRICAL FINISHijMBASEMENT | New . IDEM p MATERIALS FREE DECORATOR SERVICE A Plan and Idea < teSutt Your Reeds and Ineene . At Low 6*oo Per at ** Waak STORMS PER WINDOW Minimum 4 Window* FREE ESTIMATES INSTALLATION EXTRA CO. 1032 West Huron Straat ] NIGHTS* SUNDAYS PHONE:,] . _ mVRPli 652-6648 MA 4-tHl Misib.reJrtioCiimbwriCiwwwet 513-2142 . EM 3*2315 -..........MYS»t31t FE 4-2597 THE PONTIAC P] " ? i £ -- * ’ M'- TtESS, THURSDAY, DECftMBBJ IW5#^ ii* #i#i MINK... a gift she’ll always remember! *299 *399 *499 NO MONEY DOWN on Sears Easy Payment Plan Special occasions call for that most elegant of furs, rich natural mink. Sean styles this superb fur into an exquisite cape stole, enhances it with a luxurious double fur collar. In pastel, Ranch or Dawn. Make this Christmas a happy one by giving her mink! Mink for every occasion you’ll want to remember. Ladiei’ Ready-to-Wear, Second Floor Shop Sears tonight and every nite ’til Christmas women’s half-size gift fashions * 172.. for junior girls • •. pastel separates 79-8 shell, wool, 34-40 Ribbed look tweeter with ith tum-bark sizes 34-40. 898 Wool skirt, front pleat, jr. 5-15 Q9B petite sices 3-13, both folly-lined 7 Wool folly-lined pants. Jr. 5-15 . . . . 1098 Mad for mod or tool classic, bars a holiday spree bare at Sean. Go apricot, lilac, aqua or whits, than ■l« and switch. Swing? skirts, straights, A-lines and pants, ribbed, smooth and shell tops, all full fashioned by the way. Large selection! Ladieu' Ready-to-Wear, Second Floor women’s lined leather gloves Reg. 15.98187.98 4V. Inside... wise warmth with a fur, acrylic or wool lining. Outside... capeskin leather in novelty and classic styles. Six-button and shorties in black, brown, camel, bone. S, M, L. Womm’tdcceuorict, Main Floor "Satisfaction guarante TV SowJWerry Christmas with Gifts & from Sears Kodel and cotton lawn blouses 398.0 528 A Full of fashion frills... from lace and bows to pleats and tucks. They’re easy-care too... of Kodel * polyester and cotton lawn. Sices 32-38. - Latllr,' RradyloWntr. Srramil Floor girls’ nylon tricot sleepwear sale , choice of shorty or waltz length Reg. $3.98 It’s always Christmas when she’s in her frothy nylon tricot baby doll ml Favorite colors and prints. Also waits length gowns in sizes 7 to 14. «'*>/•’ 7-14 Dept., 2nd Floor for tiny tots Christmas • • • Winnie-the-Pooh nitewear 5?.7 Blanket sleepers :W. SSSBBg V each Boys* and girls* sleepers ..... 2s* Girls’ flannelette P.J.’a..... 2^ Make marvelous holiday thru Spring plans around these fashions! Neat young, unfussed, sizes especially for you! Neutrals. 3-pc. ensembles with slim skirt in cotton, rayon and linen. 2-pc. knits, both sheath dresses i and overblouse styles. \ .Split level sheath in rayon \ and silk. Many styles and J colors to choose from. f _ Sizes 14V4 to 16Vfe. Boys’ knit ski pajamas....... 2.79 Boys’ corduroy robe....... 3.99 Girls’ quilted robe.......... 4.99 From Sears Exclusively Winnie-the-Pooh collection . . . especially for your little Christmas angel! All of 100% cotton. In exclusive “Pooh” print and assorted solids. 3 to 6X toddlers siae 6 mos. to 4T. Many to choose from. 5W *&■ ht m © - Sears best handbags Regular $9 Casual or dressy stylet, choose from smart array of smooth pjastic, crushed vinyl and patent plastic bag*. Pouch, tote, envelope and shoulder styling. Put fashion in her hand with a Sears-bett bag. Save at Sears! V Pr. Charge It Proportioned Sizes sheer gift hosiery Reg. $1.39 Now at this great price, get 15-denier Agilon 8 stretch nylon hose in regular knit. Seamless and proportioned to fit. Nude heeL Many fashion colors. Petite, Shapely, Classic and Tall sixes. Reg. f 1.99, Agilon (g) stretch penty hose.... 1.66 HoileryBar, Main Floor men’s and boys’ gift nightwear sale! men’s assorted PERMA-PREST PJ.’s Men’* Perma-Pmt pajamas are 100% cotton, Reg. $4.99 long sleeve, ankle length. Permanently pressed, wear without ironing. Elastic waist-' band. Assorted patterns to choose from. Similiar to picture. Men*« Furnlthings, Main Floor boys’ 2-pc. flannels Reg. $2.99 Student p.J.’i Cold weather favorites. Warm cotton flannel in Henley style tops, solid color trousers. Jr. sizes 6-12 in novel patterns. Stndent sises 32-36 in stripes. boys’ corduroy robes Reg. $5.99 Sises 6-12 I4"\ Every young iad needs a Reg- $6.99 Sises 14-20 Every young iad needs a good looking robe like this new wide-wale cotton corduroy. Blue, rad or tan. your money SEARS Downtown Pontiac