HAVANA ALL OVER AGAIN — Police man. the barricades at Pennsylvania Railroad station - mier Fidel Castro on his arrival for a visit. in New York yesterday to restrain part of the Other thousands jammed the streets to cheer the enthusiastic crowd on hand to greet Cuban Pre- rebel leader as he drove to hig nearby hotel. 4 AP Wirephote |. tke. Voices Confidence as Herter Is Sworn In WASHINGTON @ —_ Christian, Herter, standing erect without |year-old sometimes uses, 0Vernor were “hoping and pray: A. Herter was sworn in as new| Secretary of State today. Presi-i dent Eisenhower pledged him full backing. With the President and virtually the entire Cabinet lookiig on, Her ter became the nation’s S4th full) time foreign policy chief in a brief White House ceremony. “God bless you,” Elseuhower | said. Rented a otek d ae Y ed States hope for your'success.” as one in deciding you were the) best qualified to take over the of-! fice of secretary of state.” the crutches he told Eisenhower, “You can't know) how much it means to have your’ \confidence.”” i Shaking Herter’'s hand, Eisen | power said “You know you have) ; that.” His tenes amounted to “| (pledge of support. The ceremony was in the Cab- countersigned jinet room. Eisenhower escorted: Herter there from his office. x * * As the President left he shdok; i side of the room with Herter. | In addressing Herter, Eisen} ‘hower said that he and the 64, | White House press secretary) imony, former Massachusetts ‘ing for Foster's (Dulles) early! fecovery.” | Mrs. Dulles attended the brief © ceremony. Alse present was the former secretary's _ younger brother, Allen. i From his hospital bed, Dulles| Herter's officia’| commission as his successor. James C. Hagerty said Dulles’ three sons and a daughter, Adele Seronde of Stow, Mass., stood by , as Herter was sworn in. Vice President Richard M. Nix- | stitute the Eisenhower administra- on, who also witnessed the cere: |tion's Taft-Hartley sional - the provisions in the Kennedy b: warmly shook Herter’: - jsigned the commission Tuesday}in the Taft-Harley law. Eisenhower said the. and .cancer-\hands with some of his Cabinet night. stricken John Foster Dulles “were! officers who were lined’ up on the Kennedy Bill That Has ate Labor-Management Committee. provisions designed to assure ivights of individual members. x* *&® *° Tuesday the Senate turned Would Be Tacked, Onto co tel Henry B. Wilson, which was | FINISHING UP — Workmen at the Bay City platform this morriing in the shadow of the USS the launching launched today. , AP Wirephete The Wilson is’ the Navy's first guided missile de- stroyer, and is the largest warship ever built in a Great Lakes shipyard. Contrasts: With Shootings Last Night 67-27, an afitempt by Sen. Ervin Jr. (D-NC) to knock out the bill all of the changes it mai hand afterward as did the Cabinet | x & ® lmeinhere, | Chief effect of this substitute; wn $ promotion as secre-|would have been to' add provisions To Issue Murder Warrant i 350 workers, many of them riding * bullet-scarred autos, went to their jobs without incident today follow- ing the worst outbreak of violence in the 23-week Harriet-Henderson Cotton Mills strike. grimly in a steady drizzle as ‘{irst- shift employes entered the north HENDERSON, Ne. ( — About There Clusters of strikers watched) _ “No Violence at Carolina Mill tere, occa DONE be moth ite shouts of “scab.” The scené contrasted sharply with last night when rifle shots slammed into cara bearing non- strikers and homemade gasoline bembs burst on the streets, . although an official said it was a No one was reported injured, i in Independence Slaying Oakland County Prosecutor Frederick C. Ziem said today a first-degree murde er warrant will be issued) and south Henderson plant gates|miracie no one was hurt. i land the Textile Workers state was viewed in Con-\aimed at organizational picketing lores fre as a big boost for/and secondary boycotts. The ad- lcloser bipartisan cooperation on an policy at a critical time. Chairman J. William Fulbright | (D-Ark) of the Senate Foreign Re- lations Committee said that he} against Mrs. Sue Lawrence, who police say fatally shot: ‘closely with the Congress in every’ an Independence Township mother of two Saturday. . Mrs. Lawrence is scheduled to appear before Town- Ship Justice of the Peace William H. Stamp on the ‘t thinks of Herter when it gave ‘charge either today or tomorrow. She is recuperating al, St. Joseph Mercy Hospital from a bullet wound in the only Seek New Tria for Thompson Teamster’s Attorneys. to Dispute Flint Arson Conviction at Hearing A new trial will be sought for! Flint Teamster. official, Jack D. Thompson who was convicted of arson, 4: 2 *® Thompson's attorneys — Jamesihe denied any part in an alleged E. Haggerty Sr. of Detroit Tr Joseph R. Joseph of Flint — yes- terday filed notice in Genesee County Circuit Court to obtain a new trial. They said the jury decision was contrary wae adopt ee weight of evidence. The lawyers said they would ar- gue eight tnajor points at a May 25 hearing. That is one week after Thomp- gon, 42, was scheduled to be sén- tenced for the Aug.-3 arson of the Latreille Dry Cleaners of Flint. It was in this fire that fellow Flint Teamster Frank Kier- dorf was believed to have suffered fatal burns. : * * * Thompson was sieht of the arson April 3 after a three-week trial. He has been free on a espe bond awaiting sentence, Haggerty and Joseph said Cir: cuit Judge Stephen J. Roth, who! heard the trial, was. wrong in re- fusing testimony on a dying declar- ation by Kierdorf and limiting ‘rose-examination of witnesses, They niso said the judge erred in refusing to it cross-exami- ‘nation of Michigan Atty, Geri, Paul L. Adams on certain questions, y t ” parce story that Mrs. Crenshaw, outside|the chest Saturday after Mrs. Law- “leg, inflicted. during a. aioe from President Eisen-! iscuffle with Mrs. Donald: ‘Crenshaw, the dead woman. Ziem said he issued the order jfor the warrant as investigators, jwere still looking into Mrs. Law-; | '33, of 6230 Snow Apple Dr., and ‘her husband were blackmailing Mrs. Lawrence, a Berkley nonaity , Shop employe. “There's no proof that Cren- shaw participated in any biack- mail,” Ziem. said. “There's been only hearsay or inference.” Crenshaw, a credit salesman for a tite company in Pontiac; has taken a lie detector test in which’ is i 4 i blackmail plot. Mrs. Lawrence, 32, of 2652 Ox- ford St., Berkley, dated Crenshaw} before his marriage jast January. “In a statement given.from her County Prosecutor James E, Rob- erts, Mrs. Lawrence charged the Crehshaws with “repeatedly” call- ing her at homie and at work ask- ing for money, She .said .they demanded money, saying. physical harm might come to her 9-year-old son, - Wayne fr: Mrs. Crenshaw was shot twice in rence went to the Crenshaw home. She said she had gone thére to pay off $508 which Mrs, Crenshaw thad ae a 6 a ——— call. Sheriff tees iis $500 in a small envelope in the Crenshaw kitchen, Detectives also found a note with the money in which Mrs. Lawrence expressed the hope that the $500 mt would be the fast, De- é Leo Hazen said. A Huloo spokésman said Mrs. Lawrence was scheduled to be dis- charged today. Inventory Redyetion: Sale hospital bed to Assistant Oakland) jway.’ * * * The Senate demonstrated what | him a rare 93-0 roll call vote of) “confirmation Tuesday. It acted 24 hours after receiving his hower, and ‘only a few hours after the Foreign Relations Committee igave him a 17-0 endorsement. As Sen. Lyndon B,. Johnson (D- Tex), the Senate Majority leader, ‘put it: The Senate wanted Herter ‘and the whole world to know “we are united behind our secretary of state."’ Fulbright said Herter waste to talk with key members of Con- gress before he leaves Monday for la Paris meeting with other West- ern foreign ministers. That. meet- ing will lay the groundwork for negotiations with the Soviets ‘in | ition. ‘a provisions as separate amend- felt certain Herter “will cooperate ments. ministration contends these are essential to any effective legisla- McClellan said he will offer sim- ‘Something They Ought ito Know About ‘Jurist’ * under heavy police protection.! “That's just a sample,”’ a woman Partly Cloudy, Mild | Forecast Tomorrow = It will be generally fair and not) so cool tonight in the Pontiac area, ‘Yan Derhoff, of Chester, N.Y., | answered an Orange County sum | jmons for jury duty with a letter; jand mild with a high of 62. South- saying: “I got good sense and if you really want me I'll be there.” He continued: ‘But first I think I should square it with you. You see, I’m only nine years old.” Vincent’s father, of the same name, died two years ago. Leave Contribution NEWTON, Iowa (UPI) — Bur- giars cracked a safe at the New- ton Daily News and made off with $825 in cash. They left $20 in an envelope marked “for the Geneva May 11.. Red Cross.’ * * * Thursday will be partly cloudy | | west winds of 10-15 miles an hour today will diminish tonight, be- coming 15-25 miles an hour to- morrow. For the next five days high temperatures will average in the 50’s_ and the low near 34-36, Precipitation wil] total about}! one-tenth inch with chance of a) few showers Friday and again Sunday or Monday, Thirty-four was the lowest read- ing in downtown Pontiac preced- ing 8 a.m. The thermometer reg: istered 62 at 2 p.m. ident, License Seeker — Finds Road Full of Trouble Raymond Ross of Detroit ‘gat, the U.S. ‘Weather Bureau. fore--more than he bargained for when} second and third shifts. GOSHEN, N.Y. (AP) — Vincent ‘cast today. The low will be near he applied for a driver's oma yesterday, The 43-year-old Detroiter: made. his application in Bloomfield Hills, A check. by Bloomfield Hills police disclosed that. Ress was wanted in Pontiac for five unpaid « traffic tickets. So Ross, a former ‘Pontiac resi- was brought to the local station. * * * A check: by Pontiac officers turned up that Ross has been isought by the Washtenaw County Sheriff's Department since 1954 for violation of probation. By nightfall Ross was in the jhands of Washtenaw County 'authorities, From Wooden Boats to Secret-Missile Destroyers BAY CITY (UPD. — The Defoe Shipbuilding Co., which today launched the first. destroyer de- Signed from the keel up to carry missiles was founded’ by Harry J. and F, W. Defoe and G, H. White- house in 1905. en &e Re € The three men got together to build a. small boat shop on the riverfront in Bay City. They built only wooden boats at first but won a contract from the U.S. Army Transport. Service to build eight steel harbor plant- | @ts just after Whitehouse sold out to the two Defoes around the end of World War 1, , The little boatyard couldn’t han- die the construction of the 100-foot boats so the Defoes moved across the river and established a new jyard stretching from the Michigan Centrat-Bridge downriver some 2,- 200 feet to the old Foss Slip, where the missile destroyer Henry B, Wil- son will be launched. QUITE A RECORD: Zee) + / Z. tinned out: 51 pleasure vite. 14 Great Lakes freighters, tugs and other commercial boats, 33 for the Coast Guard, four for the: Light- house Service, two 650-foot ore car- riers and 152 Navy boats, including mine planters, landing craft, a British réscue ship, a-Navy yard tug, submarine chasers, mine- sweepers, destroyer escorts and fast troop transports, Pig ten the Navy asked ‘une 4d. Defoe, who then owned the ens She’s a Big One Since launching the mine plant-|' BAY CITY (UPI) — Here “Defoe Shipbuilding Co.: two five-inch, single mount, ers, the Defoe ship yards has. Tale of Tape on New Ship missile destroyer USS Henry B. Wilson, launched today by Displacement: 4,500 tons; Overall length: Extreme beam: 47 feet; Power: steam turbine, twin screw; Armament: dual armed tartar missile launcher; ‘ and other modern anti-submarine weapons; Crew: 24 officers and 330 enlisted men. “ship yards, if he could build a plastic boat which would be used as a non-magnetic minesweeper. He. accepted the’ challenge, al- though there was no previous de- sign for use as a pattern, ‘and came Up with two thin plastic skins covering a honeycomb type of lightweight plastic which gave the ship rigidity. When the ship was almost com- pleted it was destroyed by fire and Defoe convinced the “Navy to con- x * * are the specifications of the & 438 feet; rapid-fire guns, and asroc Defoe Firm Men Started Small tinue with the project only by agreeing to rebuild the ship at no additional cost. In July 1956, he proudly delivered the world’s larg- est plastic vessel, a 30-ton, 54-foot minesweeper. ROLLS HULL OVER Defoé also originated the unique method of building a ship’s hull up- side down and then rolling it over for completion. This technique cut the time needed to build one-type of ship during World War IT from 14 months to one week, In March 1957, Defoe went . with his two sons to Washington to. seek contracts to build mis- sile destroyers. He suffered a ‘heart ‘attack and died before |, completing negotiations for the contract, : But his two sons, Thomas: J., now the company's president, and William M., carried on and secured the contract, The launching today represents - (Continued on Page 2, Col. 6) Save 4 to 1%. . » Sloek Reduction Sale! Prices cut on r family needs. George's-Newports. 4N. ‘Renee St. Hodges and officials of tie 4 t He iF ! i & i i iy “hl iE a i ‘| it | i America. x * ra A strike settlement was reached last weekend, It came apart Mon- day when the union com few of its members were getting their jobs back. Boyd Rayton, Carolina’s director ies of the proposed contract. of the union, complained to the governor the mill Management had ijhired new workers for the mills’ * * * Hodges asked company president John D, Cooper to bring all data on available jobs, along with cop- plants. Bottles filled with gdsoline were thrown into the streets around the mill gates, The guna bs was set) afire. State Highway patrolmen and lo-| cal police were on hand to escort workers from the plants. When the first auto appeared at a plant gate, shots rang out from some distance away. Reporters heard the bullets slam into the autos fas. the cars drove through the glass-littered streets. The plants were struck Nov. 17 after failure by negotiators to agree on an arbitration clause in a new contract. About 1,000 of the company’s 1,200 workers walked out. Cooper reopened both — mills Feb. 16 without a contract. News Flash | WASHINGTON (AP) — dent Eisenhower today inet Gen, George H. Decker, now commanding U.S, forces in Ko- rea, as Vice Chief of Staff of the. Army. Lt. Gen, Carter B. Magruder was given Decker’s Korean com-, mand, Magruder has been deputy chief of staff for logistics for the Army here in Wengen, In Today's y's Press century ow“ is Pgs = away. Named ‘. ies indie were: de- partment, Pontiac Motor Division; Smith Falconer, executive, Comics. ....4.. eeveuedersrs County News ,, one 6 16 Markets oo. .ccceessecetane Obituaries we eede csaveese 8 Sports ....... ea ee Theaters ...... ile ee TV & Radio Programs ... 9 Wilson, Bart <........00.. 3 Women’s Pages-......... T1-2& val erreeters ‘ BT. sicegens 41 9 BMD, crete stone SAB. ces.. oem Tuesday in : cont temperature Mean temperature Weather—Sunny. Seeee eee nes e sevevccvecioess: 48 - ‘ {hs.tecorded downtown) peviesbuepin init ee ee eee eee ee ee. BM. veseees 38 «4h BT. eee ease g a.m. 2 M...665 dee err § cam treveness ae oe Peeneees weeks” sedwevenscedesanssOB ¥ ¥ ; é ocean < . i SSS38e4 re Staezaresesensacs ueeeceees Chore 4 Fe # i 1 3 6 32 - |Tel-Huron Center #5 ay | Lif E i] i zr i i t cif z é iff ' i E ai “ee i z g 0 Longest Stable Period on Record WASHINGTON (AP) — The cost At the same time, the spendable Will Celebrate oth Anniversary Merchants at the Tel-Huron opens tomorrow and runs through Sifts ‘Litter Letters’ CRIEFF, Scotland (UPI)—The During the celebration, which| earnings of factory workers reached the highest level in his- § one hand., and stability, mean- time, of the cost of living I i ee Some 1,350,000 workers whose |March living costs remained stable. About 900,000 of these are railroad workers; The rest are in electrical and aircraft industries, ‘ Food prices dropped four-tenths of one. per cent last month, a movement contrary te the usual seasonal trend.,: ~ Meat, poultry and fish prices dipped 1.2 per cent and eggs went down 3.1 per cent, CARS COSTLIER The general trend of other costs was upward, One surprising bylge was in transportation costs. An advance of 1.6 per cent in used car prices and of one per cent for gasoline contributed to this rise. ' Cost of Living Unchanged in March H. E. Riley, chief of the price division of the BLS, said prices probably will be rising moderately in the next few months because of the seasonal movement of foods. The increase may be less than in recent years, however, because of per cent increase in rentals. The householder also found him- self paying higher water and tele- phone rates and bigger laundr'y- dty cleaning bills. Utility costs were unchanged but fuel prices rose two-tenths of one per cent. Clothing prices went up three- tenths of one per cent, due mostly to increased costs of shoes and women’s and girl's clothing, The medical care index continued ‘JAMES C, ZEDER Heads ‘Fair Share Torch Promotion 3 | j to the Navy's.growing arsenal modern weapons. The potential the ASROC system is so great as Operations to cancel the RAT (Recket Assisted Torpedo) pro- gram and concentrate on the great- er range and versatility of its suc- cessor.” LaF ; i | 5 I . |Showdown Vote Nears Zeder, who headed the promotion in the 1958 campaign, will be re- sponsible for reaffirming the Fair Share philosophy by developing fac. tual information and promotion to more : 35,000 firms for usé in the chapter solicitations. Active in civic affairs, Zeder is a director of the budget and fi- nance committee of the Greater Detroit Area Hospital Council, Inc., and a trustee of the Michigan Heart Association. Pontiac Centennial | {Committee Named (Continued From Page One) past presidents of the . Pontiac). Area Chamber of Commerce. Rowston said he expected to name the women members of the soon, test today. would venture no prediction. row. minority leader Harold Ryan ( x * ments. 28,000 jobless Michigan persons. D-Detroit). _* é. +t Vet Fund Plan to Get Test FROM OUR NEWS WIRES ; LANSING — The Beadle plan for using the veterans trust fund to cure state cash ills bore down on its first Senate floor Lingering doubts of some GOP senators about the gravity of the financial emergency dogged its course, An uncertain fate awaited the Republican proposal . despite qualified endorsement by Democratic Gov. Wil- liams,'Sen Frank D. Beadle (R- St. Clair), its author, . a A showdown vote on passage was likely today or tomor- _ , Leaders of both parties in the Senate, who usually in- sist on independence from pressure groups, said the plan might not pass unless organized veterans endorse the pian. “They risked their lives for their country and now we are asking them to come to the aid of their state,” said Ryan and the rest of the lawmakers were invited to drink and dine tonight at the annual legislative dinner thrown by commanders of vetérans organizations. The Labor-Committee today aimed at reporting an un- | employment: compensation bill onfo the House floor after committee members previously failed. to agree on amend- The committee studied a bill proposed by House Dem- ocratic leader Joseph Kowalski of Detroit for extension of temporary unemployment compénsation benefits to about Schedule Service for Restaurateur Chain’ Died Monday i Detroit Hospital | = GRAND RAPIDS # — Dr. Mur- ray A. Leitch of Detroit took of- Rowston and. .Hirlinger visited Lansing today in connection’ with centennial planning there. This is Lansing’s centennial year and the two Pontiac leaders said they wanted to observe Lansing’s centennial operation, They planned to confer with the executive staff of the Lansing Cen- tennial Corp., as well as with city officials and leaders of the Lansing gradually up. of Commerce. better ‘SEE YOUR LOCAL AUT balance! > HORIZED PONTIAC, DEALER WIDE-TRACK PONTIA stance, not the car; gives you road-hugging stability, ‘Jess lean and sway. Only Pontiac has Wide-Track Wheels! C | @ DETROIT (#—United Auto Work- Funeral Home injérs President Walter P. Reuther |Reuther Going: to Berlin : | il at Receiving Hospital, De-jinvited guest of Mayor yesterday, , »|Brandt at a mass x Surviving are two daughters, May 1 Soden Ee i: resident ot Rochester for 10)!" ; , sony, ty es Jnee Tate. and Mr Pauline] labor he Mr. Cuellar died Sanday at ae SPECIAL PURCHASE—Specially Underpriced! we “AER-PACK" 3am. Brand Deluxe LUGGAGE Maker's $46.85 List . 3 34" since, of 4 Kem ast oy poo ‘lie: 3. GEL | Service for Albert J, Gill, $3, of 1950 W. Huron St., will be held at: 1:30 p.m. Thursday at the Sparks- " ‘TROY—Mass of the Angels” will i be.sung for Jeffrey J. Miller, 11- @ month-old som of Mr. and Mrs.' tiac and Mrs» Evelyn Magnell of| George (Kitty) Harris, 97, of 906|H#emry J. Miller of 2311 15 Mile, Southfield; -12 ‘grandchildren and| Broadway St., will be held at 2| "4. Sterling Township, at 11 a.m. "He died p.m. Sriday st the Dever Funes ee Warten, Arrangements are under the Us with SERUTAN’ | - — As you get older your sys- | SPECIALS FOR THURS., FRI, SAT. MON. — OPEN FRICG MON, EVES. TIL 9 {|| ‘<@_"siumlly slows down. —_, Le all-vopetable laxative aid. | fl “Sale Prices on ; abi § SINGLE PIECES BUY NOW for graduation i gifts . tor Mother's Day . your own vacation. Use our LAYAWAY PLAN. $11.95 TRAIN CASE OR O’NITER Choice of two popular cases, | low price ... meee $12.95 WEEKEND CASE—21-INCH Deluxe rayon lined. Double elastic pockets . $21.95. JUMBO PULLMAN CASE Full. 29-inch—lightweight and rugged... $21.95 LADIES’ WARDROBE Multiple hangers, holds many dresses and apparel! . . . JIMM: . for /98 N. Saginaw —Main Floor on ROTHERS THURSDAY ONLY SALE 2nd FLOOR BARGAINS ‘Plumber's Friend’ RUBBER Force Cups Reg. 3Sc Seller ; 21° ‘DELIVERS SN BOTH HOTEL SPECIALS Innerspring Mattress & Box Spring TWIN SIZE | Both . SIMMS Hes Eve et HOME or on ing For Your Loafing 7 ACATION—SAVE NOW! L-O-W-E-S-T P-R-I-C-E 1” Tubuler Steel Frame FINE features for For $ guaranteed steep fort and years 95 France SAO? ier nee 688 ue Sein. forte cup, * CANVAS TOP With Wend * FULL 6-FOOT SIZE * $1 HOLDS IN LAYAWAY T4x3l-inch canvas - with head pillow 4-point oes. points at head, 2 — at foot to pice greater stability. any uses all year long: fib FOLDING COTS 3 Full 6 Ft. 3 In, Length 27" Wide—15" High plastic top. Triple Plated © chrome, 6 chairs” in “wash- able plastic. Deluxe Quality—Unbreakable 10-Qt. PLASTIC PAIL Reg. $1.95 Priced $13.95 —in Most Stores 8 Pc. MAPLE BUNK BED SET Double-deck bunk bed (can be used os 2 separate beds) with 2 innerspring mat- tresses, 2’ steel springs, ladder and rail. 98" rt—_ — — — ae eee me Has Many Uses— 3 - SALE PRICE Famous ‘TIGER LILY’ Easy to : ; Cle : | >, PLASTIC SARAN Complete Hollywood Ensemble : Se Clothesline $d tes temect ? Attractive, upholstered vin y | covered $1.95 ¢€ 1-inch tubular amma tiame. Styled as pictured. Supports Bia. headboard, innerspring mottress and box Value 8 8 ae oF Saran fabric. ideal sun eot. spring on sturdy legs. 39” twin size. 100 Feet $ Ideat for indoor or outdoor, use. SALE ra 88 bs) Flexible, easy to tie and-untie. PRICE. — 4 i HE Wipes clean with damp cloth. ONLY . ts e Limit 300 feet. —_——_— eee FULL SIZE OUTFIT $59.88 No Screws or Glue Needed 2 Attaches to All Surfaces 1: Tearl-on E sm ‘HooKs: | in 7 Beautifully designed! Full size sofa and a if & lounge chair have solid foam rubber re? a cushions. Attractive frieze. m Helghts, He was dead on|will speak in West Berlin aa the|°" : $7.95 Bassinet PLAY BEAD PANEL | PLAY PENS ws 8.88 Folling’style play pen. Smooth- ty sanded, splinter-free hard- wood, Reinforced floor, color- ful play bead panel. For BOYS—for GIRLS—“Scout Tex” ¥ - | eye SETS | - wink,. Boys’ Foe too Pomee Pon 0 Girls’ set has dainty lace collar, penties aie’ punutie lined. Assorted pastels in sizes S, 2 1.29 | M, L. BABY GATES | er 1.497% 5.FOOT Size RR ee 7-FOOT Size eweeeete 9-FOOT ‘Size eeteeeee ) PLAY SHORTS | Sanded Blond Finish Wood inches. coupon. Children s ioe Style Size 2.10 8 ¢ 3 for $1.00 Narnret $3.95 Dosen . Absorbent and soft. 21x40 Limit 1 dozen: with ag Be 2 : . ® i Sop Sels Ast quality 2- piece set, shortic a pants, Cal ora. Se as shown. i $4 VALUE 32x72” AIR MATTRESS Full size with push-pull valve, Full pillow size, STATION WAGON MATTRESS E Regular $7.95 Value - SALE 0 & PRICE ma 795 . wo gE Durable | f. SINGLE HOOK 9— Vinyl Pay = H Pay 45° Plastic DOUBLE HOOK : | e * r) a. ral 65°: Top quality air mattress with built-in | AP , E ait pillow. Durable yet comfortable, Exactly s¢ pictured #1 easy to inflate and handle. Mariy uses | o iu Bt || 7] SPORTS ROTHERS Pa 98 North “Street” SIMM). AAAARLARALALAL ALL ’ FETIT TTT ITT eT TT rT SAS GES oy eae eee ee ee oe ae ee” a ene eae! ae See wen aes ae ae eee ee ee ee ee cr ee | . Si eS aa wee For Baby Comfort in Car Driv-R Baby Seat a 2 2h ae ok xX A SK oe Bath & Table: Combination ° BABY BATHINETTE * pee oe : r 5 4 © ients iis With Coupon... : Doz. one ee ae ee acu Ee ny 15° Ye PRICE SALE—SAVE 6c ‘PINK CAMAY 4 = 37 : Save 6e—No Rising, No Wiping |. 25° SPIC& SPAN SAVE 13c—DINNER BELL fF DOG. FOOD tm 49° SAVE 4c—BLUE RIBBON ] 5 ¢ AMMONIA SWEET PEAS — . = “ae ) Seve 5e—Chef Boy-Ar-Dee ¢ _. SAVE 5¢ DEL MONTE SPAGHETTI ~ 349 Save 10c—Vlasic Polish ¢ DILL PICKLES: © *™ 29 npr ae. Admirol—Pocked in Ol =D ang 99° MAINE SARDINES MINUTE nice & 39° SAVE 42¢ Chicken-O'-Sea | ¢ fhic “ken Yoke sar toate] Ord Ra yell ayy ewe Sed IMPERIAL SUGAR CURED — READY-TO-EAT MELLO : SHANK. | SAVE Se! SAVE 4c! PORTION . “SAVE 29 HUNT'S : Jiffy Log Cabin Hekmon's * BARTLETT MIX 12-0. Jug -10'| 27° Chocolate Pancake | _HONEY Brownie | SYRUP aR , BUTT HALF C 49¢ uw. PRESERVES ae © GRAPE JAM TaNGNUT FINEST. GOLDEN YELLOW — : 20-0z. & | See MARGARINE | aks ah a ALL, woot E < a $ — in Qtr. 1 : : ee Kroft’s Plain or Pimento Downy Plein or Cinnamon : CHEEZ ‘WHIZ | HONEY BUTTER le ee ae ee BLUE VALLEY — Fresh Creamery e STRAWBERRY © PEACH @ PINEAPPLE ; ‘Withoot Coupon—35¢ HAFNIA ica : oe - | DANISH & . 99 . SAVE 17c! MRS, OWENS’ | CANADIAN B 3ACON ' , STYLE STRICTLY FRESH — PRACT ICALLY BONELESS PORK BU Ss HORMEL — Famous Lean, Fully Cooked psapy wbrie* @ LEAN BONELESS CANNED = || pork HAMS 69; | = 10 to 11 Lb. Avg, GENUINE Sorta ey LONG ISLAND STYLE ¢|DUCKLINGS ARMOUR’S MATCHLESS BRAND FRESH WASHED ond CLEANED. 1 T-Lb. Carton in Quarters ea ion igh POND cae Hope sg 3 a "| . PEP-E-DELICIOUS CUT ss SE piace — Pkg, 19:| Sliced BACON... Peschke’ s Michigan Grade 1 |. Hygrade’s Finest Quolity : 7 ; || © SKINLESS FRANKS | “= : - CHEESE SiG SLICES LUNCH HERRING>}- " SWEET—JUICY—CALIFORNIA GED BOLOGNA || y meee a ae oe Py 5‘ | 4g - SEEDLESS , Fa | ae LUNCHEON | | tig. stig 2 i ee Gaia ae : @ PICKLE & PIMENTO,. Gore | ORANGES 113Size ‘poz. Full. “J Va-Lb, Chub '- PRESSEL’S: pope 80s. Php. Var tac 39+ aH $ te by Lio sand ef HE EEE it if Holly Native Chosen | [Albion Bank Director HOLLY—A native of Holly; Mich- igan Deputy Treasurer Charies N. dent and director of the Bank of | Albion, it was announced today by the bank's president. — The action was taken at a recent and intends to join the staff of the bank on or before June 1. He is the son of Walter E, Lentz, who for: more than 20 years was) Commercial & Savings Bank of) Flint.. Hig father also is a treasurer of the Michigan Bankers 4 BIG 21” LOW BOY—TRIM UNCLUTTERED LOOK Compact, complete—all the Flexo-Spread Oven, Clean-Q INSTALLED FREE! “a 3168 -NQ MONEY nicht ye The Good Housekeeping Shop TAPPAN 30” GAS RANGE king features of the larger models. k Broiler . . . Simmer. Burner. with TRADE of PONTIAC | 51. West Huron Street ii sir ru. FE 4-1555. Livonia Voters Approve Tax, Bonds for Schools Fe E 3 ial aT au H ; é Hh ut 2 i tA HE [ z & i j ai @ e ently vice president of the Citizens! Diners to Hear tormer. Noted Auto Racer NEN! A ftamin Only“one color could create. ich havoc. Rue de la Pink! For this gilded, giddy with a wicked-wink and a heart of gold g pink 6 season, Coty takes a gorgeous pink...tangles it up in gold...fans it into fashion's newest flame. Rue de la Pink! See it electrify everything you \ me NOUKLA ay wear! Don’t venture out without it. cory "ae" univientl .25 ouren-enenn, nant eouen. 7S prigee oive tex, Cosmetics ... . Street Floor FREE ‘RUE de lo PINK’ SAMPLES AT THE FASHION SHOW! 5 i ( —_ _ most carefree you've ever had! Exciting new WHERE AREYOU. ee SPENDING YOUR SUMMER? _ IN A WASH 'N WEAR WN EZ You are cordially invited to our i KAY WINDSOR ~ FASHION SHOW Tomorrow (Thursday) 11:30-ond 1:30 Showings on Waite’s Third Floor of Fashion ee CEO OE VEE Se es ae Olga ce. S** ew. adehiela ih oa a= Pawome BE SURE’ AND REGISTER FOR THE FREE KAY WINDSOR DRESS! a es f > 2 + } i it °°. we ROM ORO wee en mo * Wet ee alot ¥ ede owe oe ee we ew ee ae « we (cece ee tt ee ee OCCCChI Meme mae Pee { The ‘Traveller’ checked jacket dress accented with white pique. Block or navy with white, sizes 12 to 20 Whether you’re spending your stimmer: in Paris or your own patio . . . come spend an exciting time at our Kay Windsor Fashion Show! See models parade a collection of Wash ’n Wear beauties that will make this summer the ‘best-dressed, styles, fabrics, textures . . . so many ways to spend a wonderful summer .. . and so little money ... in a Kay Windsor. Twenty-style collection $8.98 to $14.98 A palette of colors are splashed on _ @ printed lawn. Youthful Peter Pan are collar. Blueor rose, sizes 12 to 20 . .. $10.98 . 4 For the best care Summertime glamour in wrinkle-resistent. petti-point. | Notched neckline. Black pe or white, 10-to 20 ... $12.98 — KAY WINDSOR, OF COURSE! ‘ oi a Na i tg city to stop dumping its sewage in the Missouri River. What the Jowa city thinks about it isn't important. If the State of Michi- | gan doesn't order Pontiac to cor- rect our es. Della I voted: oe. ae. Pe s< nance every time and the people ‘May Be Too Late id have the oxrection torcea When We Wake Up’ Wee eh ah Gacageeetnen on them. This world will wake up some : ws ; * i . igi Bote hit ~ Citizen Kane day when it's too jate. The Japs oe mgs “ s E . r : are watching our price structure meneame << Lookit All the Homes I Been Invited To’ This Reader Has with big smile. They can under. | - These expeditions point to the fact yY' cy TT ° : ar , Setons you will be taking world markets away ct anes ‘ ot gee % 4 a . ’ : ; want the lowdown, here it is— : 2 tat tere stare hatenging rem U5, Worried About Future of Cuba scm iise's tas hme ry mie Se tiers to conquer. MS) UN ee hiae ee i Sas | any with ease and they can already on Re ee meme ae "WASHINGTON — Fidel Castro cial help from the United States, the nextdoor neighbor and god- Crystal Balt £2" Sta fst ove thing: “raise, miter The Man About Town | has ‘nad the limelight for several “this is a matter which surely would father of-the-titte- republic, stil. cosine : reli Vib ed aca ‘thers, oles Sa. om ee. © Sot Bee cinit be given due consideration after a has an obligation by economic ‘Protect Taxpayers, more and more.” © which Name’s the Same pal it report is received from a commis. means and by disinterested adviee Not Future Killers’ see © is a ; increased the of competent observers with -to help bring stability to the ; at Also Size of. Cities; but | worry that the a background knowledge of similar freedom-seeking people of Cuba. 1 see that man who killed the ‘Brown Is the Man : ee a Stee epee States. yrotiens in.ather Lots Americte (Copyright, 1968) wie aa hows saws manaw for the Democrats’ ee to. we. . Managers Are Not Related feels countries. Ee oe ee | @ personal survey of Western ‘Europe — the future * * .* ing at least 70 in Seminole Hills i we to determine its needs and ca Committee: What often keeps of Cuba. Fidel Castro has for more than Portraits with the police chasing him. He 3960 will either be Lyndon Johnson ile Mn. : capa- This leader of two years been living in the hills could have killed half a dozen. I soli sae -— ge minutes ani wastes hours. \ or “Pat” Brown of California and bilities. a ca a ages : a3 2 asuccessfu] of Cuba fighting a revolution. His By. JAMES J, METCALFE suppose he will be scolded and told 5 ink wih be Brown” He Swe oo ~~ Qn two visits to Columbus, Ga. the revolution viens $e thle conetey SER arr to be a better man and then lets -aned up ouf there and practical- . pee einter I im us, : gem the impression posed him for the first time to the Travel is important to... off with a fine or a few days in ty con Ge COP inte the Pociio Acting Secretary Herter necessar- past » I was impressed with its , that he is a dedi- ¢ examination ‘of the Maintain our health today ... If jail. Only prison talks to possible Socan, Wis ldhar Seiden’ tse ily has been working more or less resemblance to Pontiac. About the same Tal cated man and outside world. only for a change of pace ... As killers. Taxpayers deserve the He all the W | ee : = = ' » * hustling town, it has grown rapidly seeks only the good of his people, * ra * we go on our way .. . It is not maximum protection and not the Tee ae illiams ee. ad the scenes as operating head ang now is its state's second city. but, unfortunately, Cuba’s destiny He is a devoted believer in revo- 800d to be entrenched ... In one killers. votes in Michigan. es | of the department. But during Sec. the other resemblances is the is not in his hands alone... lutionary doctrines and probably coat 8 ah Gg tor > gp nedlae Me saad ome , 1 , a has absorbed much from his ‘freshness of . . . Some differen -_ ; City Ps pemns ag heron fellow-revolutionaries who are scenery ... We may get lone ‘ve Just Learned ‘It’s Up to Parents | Greene, matters weald be much ™re skillful than be is in the Some, too. . . For friends, familiar to Pay for Thefts’ | Tunists have a techoll ty Cube Pappily, the impression lingers Always do . . . But now and then Thise parents of the St. Clair | Aud ave managed to ittirate, Deve hat Cast could be wed Senne et yeepiy Suite waty an editorial inva weekly semepaper boys that did 28 burglaries to buy ty psp oe institu- i lng pacing ee reer train or plane... . A steamship that said when a man or a business Brvwosmee &, eit sa Bl labor organizations. infiltrators. ‘ or a bus . . . To travel just a little looked like they were going broke. sae'ht thc? an 4 Kaet OO be and the crite! Castro himself is not a ee bit . .. Once in a seldom while . . . en sans en al acted lege tom opp emin pe nga epee Nprs,arils-e But, when all is’said and done, C2” bring a rosy color to . ... Our starts in.to spend more and more thing about it? They should be ee ene arent Bt CRUUNOS . 2 ie Gy pure at Came a beat Se OS ry ale. money. That's why we are busted held accountable for every single town, and Walt and Joe are. sympathies es es, (Copyright 1959) and the laughing stock of the U. S. me The is whether the : I voted for Williams every time . ds, the former recently making Pande, Barve pram dined ee ‘ ; including the last time, and I never New Insurance Favors wo oe ae oe yen Dr. William Brady Says: , knew pntil now what a sucker T've THOUGHTS fOR TODAY Wh. THe Percentages of the five top batters in States and Cuba. The fear is that " seme - Those Who Drive Safely ic’smenesn tesgue Weinday man. etn ncaa cat Alcohol. Subs for Reality ie dew diy fore ho Lent Sn Gos A recent news story revesied a FAS are 8 = crecemioted in eww ot mt Dut Ends as Depre f ‘This Proves UAW tis commandments and his sist ae ae ooo 254 aes . ig : > merit-type plan for automobile in- fs Ben a3 48 Americanism. . ep essan Has Done Good Job’ — x a ie Sine ont eee ee Cb im kh ee ae Fidel Castro is quite right in craves another drink, and still an- New York State has the most (06 08 teed ie Other. thou fornia May 1, on a trial basis. The telling of the tragic plight of his = goest to possess it.—Deut. 30:16. idea w be to p ee tps T Comerten community of Franklin e—the vast amount of. unem- not more than ene ‘rvia is second. That shows .the would Provide : "has a habit of producing great golfers, ployment and the weaknesses in page or 100 long pertaining to UAW has done a good job of kick- * &- | ‘surance rates for motorists with the latest being 18-year-old the economic ‘structure. His visit ae saat Sree, Ot tie ing them ‘out of their ranks in Religion is the tie that connects lista cords and hie Saha eae here had @ profound effect in the enswored by Dy. Wiliam Brady, if » Michigan. members are foes man with his Creator, and holds : 8 ving eer gs Bre ne . sense that it opened the eyes of GT boctnn Srete Posies tauchiaee of the Reds. - hint to “His ‘throne.—Daniel Web- | tates for drivers with poor records. University of North Carolina frosh, who to the fact that the Cuban (Copyright 1959) Old Timer ster. Bead mpleted a period of ele Also being tagged a “safe Be on the motorist, which,in turn could make him a more cautious driver. : Rc Mey Me Aside from the safety angle, it ‘seems reasonable to believe that , _ be offered the motorist that is an in-_ ag orig Parss Company i entitied exctust the local ‘news printed ie for 40 cent end | river” a ? a? master blacksmith. at Michigan — State University, - telis me that this trade, which we thought the auto age had killed, is staging a come» back. In fact, they now have two of the 13-week courses, instead of only one, as for several years past. The horse shoefng incidental to the riding craze is the prin- Here’s a hint to young people: 90 per. cent of all the scientists who ever lived are still living, according tot : ~ Products Engineering Magazine, but most of them are getting old, and need replacements, _ Calling the opossum a “southern va- grant,” a letter from ti _ Rodney Fellman of Pontiac Lake, says it is: moving north — é _ at the rate of about five miles a year and - Row, is frequeritly found in Oakland ~ THE PONTIAC PRESS vig Og 2 Verbal . Mrs, ‘Adaline Fucher of Walled Lake; 8ist birthday. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mcinally — of North Branch; golden wedding. of Lapeer; 9ist birthday. 4 * What policy’ ought ‘the United States to pursue? Certainly. the situation in Cuba should not. be inaction at Washington. : ' & &¢ * The Cubans have some gripes against this ¢oyntry because of tafiff matters, especially sugar quotas.. There is a breakdown of confidence outside of Cuba con- cerning the future of capital invest- ments there. Cuba desperately needs a prop. i Cuba’s finances should be examined and recommendations » 44 made a8°to what is needed to’ and stimulate the creation of jolis for the idle. Cuba, in short, needs a Cory overhauling from the If this should involve some finan- “The Country Parson plain his habit at all. Whether the addict calls his dtug.a ‘stimulant,’ ’a bracer,”'s he is. Alcohol is not a stimulant but actually a depressant narcotic in any dose. * * Now comes a reputable physician says: “T am not an alcoholic and yet { reject the statement that alco- hol is not .a stimulant. It does nut, - of. course, stimulate motor cells but sensory cells or, psychologic- ally speaking, emotion. Case Records of a Psychologist: | ina Nora ts like many supposedly innocent wives, who think their husbands are 100 per cent to blame jor such sordid affairs as Ralph entered. But Nora was 50 per cent to blame and so are most wives, for their sins of “omission” areas great a cause-of divorce as the more ' evident sins of commission. } ; were at the point of divorce because Ralph: “Like all stimulation to excess, “4 | crucial this one, too, is followed by col- lapse of the stimulated cell—in this case becoming depression or anes- “In “every other respect I agree . with you as a matter of course.” * * * ‘Thus, she.should'see that he stil The delightful prospect of hav-. still does NOT kilt. a -husband’s hunger for ham and eggs or other. Nor does it stop his normal erotic hunger, either, so.you young must be on guard. —————_.___. Nota is like most. wives, who can remain fairly content on a ra- tion of kisses and hugs, without any further extension of romantic regard between themselves and their husbands. ‘And that is especially true during pregnancy, when the young wife is indulging in future plans for her baby’s arrival ome es F GUILTY WIVES . “But I was quite content,” Nora —— That's. not: enough in marriage. The husband must also be quite content. ms So Nora tailed to pick up*her erotic cues and play her cards seductively. Like many wives, she forgot the ° - "A man demands 3,500 calories * of food per day while his wife may be quite content ‘with 2,500: « Don’t Neglect Hubby in Pregnancy Well, to put it bluntly, the very same thing holds trae in the erotic A_man demands more “erotic better. feed thenr to him, whether TAN Te-vs | pregnant.or not, or he will be more easily tempted by bar maids and 5 * i ° ,| MOST PEOPLE DO! Funds for necessary extra liv- ing expenses following a fire or other insured peril is one of the many its provided by our PACKAGE POLICY for home owners. . pe y...in fact, nearly all of the major hazards threatening the finan- cial security of your home. Call us today for complete in- u0n. Thatcher, wy Patterson _ Bank Building » & Wernet | 711 Community Netionel | tile 7 i i if : it roamed in gangs. Frank Manley, then athletic di- i : is spent under the super- of the Flint Board: of Edu- ij Manley’s concept of the “Com- munity School” is solidly estab- LOU-MOR "IN BAZAAR AREA & a BUDGET SAVER! _ 24 North Saginaw Street co es PONTIAC BANK BLDG, * 7 Sad NIGHT TO 7 Lf Summer favorités, cottons or Arnel blends in all sizes 5 9Q em Just THREE of-the’MANY styles you'll find at this price. Sum- mer pastels, darks or combinations in solids, prints, checks and plaids. Many easy-care fabrics including cotton broadcloths, cotton Arnel blends and acetate cotton blends. Hurry to Federal’s. 15. popular skirt styles! Blouse bonarizd « : and priced } Semi-annual sale of nylons es . All washable, gay colors — to fit everyone's budget . . . all guaranteed first quality 200 j$j™'Wws 3 s # sd, pleated’. . . pick Styles galore. to fear now thru fall in wonderous, 60 and 51-gauge 15-denier nylons, daytime or eves gy lew Aygo Si ocles: easy-to-care-for Seton Ducron® blends, . broadcloth, ning sheers with fine line dark or plain seams in ~ Gombed chinos, polished cottons and _—_._ cotton gingham&. Many colors in solids, prints, co-ordinated shades. ‘ Sorry; we can't mention the b’cloths. Solids, plaids, prints. 22 to 30. checks and plajds. Available in sizes 32 to 38. Save! makers name but you'll recognize the quality. 9-11. -4 Ae Skee Mae ge ao 1 eS a oe se ‘ a APRIL. 22, 1950. ce I % oe She ‘ _ Geert a ee. ony 8 em ete 5 HR Ba AS Figure-fitting lastex faille, all-with built-in bras in sheath and tomboy styles, Solid colors, stripes and plaids in sun bright shades of red, peacock, gold, navy, brown and black. Guaranteed fast color. Sizes 32 to 38. Save! | ates om eres | Newest arrivals! Ice cream pastels. in lightweight wools for spring... 10 mer: ane aa What's your flavorite? Vanilla, strawberry or butterscotch . . « hurry in for best selection of color and style in these wool toppers. Wool tweeds, zibelines, suedes, fleeces in many styles . . . some with wide collars, double breasted models, push-up sleeves or belted backs. Black included in group. 8 to 18. wr, 8 aan ore, ees t enn Ve . \ # bY z ; SE / i ¥ ; 169. si‘ (; RE { “se mali ene ’ ‘ ‘said, ‘out it Colors 2 Red and Blue “It is my happens to be a ~— public improvement, | | the Pontiac|} | WOMEN'S AND MISSES. sizes 8% to 3; 4 10 10; win to Carlisle; Gladstone. to Edison; . South Z | ! i i : acti aay Oxtord: &: Northern The streets are S. Cass avenue, : ; ; Pike to Orchard Lake; E. H i i : | At Food, Drug; Dept. & Beverage Stores recipes t0: toltand Howse Sates Co, Woodside 77, N.Y: Write for fre¢ cocktail ' and canapé “4 % G BUY ALL FOUNDATIONS at FEDERAL'S. .... JUST SAY, “CHARGE IT” \ Your girdle and dress size are the same in * . /-FORMAITS » “glamour girdle Save time in the dressing room! Simply ask for your regu- lar misses’ dress size... "Girdle with double hip panels, satin front and . back panels slims gently . .. high waist nips you in. ' * Dress sizes 12-20. 13.50 Pantie or regular girdle of lightweight nylon powernet that gently holds and White in dress sizes 10t0 18. ' 12.50 .. Bandeau “Rave” bra is machine-wash- able! Comes in white broadcloth in sizes 82 A to 38 C. Circularstitched. 3,95 - : : : S es we t FABULOUS, ‘DRAPERY SALE FULL LENGTH... FULL WIDTH PINCH PLEATED DRAW DRAPES [hs Buy Two SAVE 1.24 . Fits Window up to 45” wide, 84" long Beautiful solid colors, modem patterns, and scenic designs ow white textured backgrounds. These ovt- standing drapes are beautifully tailored and look so much more expensive! _»» COMPANION SALE i 6 SOLID COLOR DRAPES . With Center Valance Each ponel 22”-x 84. Solid color green, rose, gold, tan. Cot- ton and acetate with attractive Lurex stripe. PR. SALE Fine Count NO IRON - _ DACRON* TIERS. ‘true fit es Each: ponel 30” x 36”. Custom decorate any window yourself with these, lovely sheer ter cur- tains, Choose from White, Pink, Gold. . Valance fo match. a \ pri wy zat | Sanat : i a ; i “/ i’ i CRISP, WASHABLE BROADCLOTH “| Wipe Cheon | CAFE SET | DRAPER Solid white, maize, pink, brown, Se easy to hang. - Each panel 30” x 36”, | fy Assorted face *€ ae | * ) { ‘ ‘s ‘ * ey: a, (El. 8 i iP: Fy, bn le a ry “it A A + ’ jt r id: 2 He Raa i 4 i! ; %y 1 . ; i. &: * * . * i}! Ee oe ¥ os 3 fice “N NN 8 g* bagi Hi i t iH e c™ IES. National ma _ April 27-May 2 Seve 13¢! Reg. $1.96! Soft, ab- sorbent Bi: and Flannelette diapers. 27x27” in white. \ Enjoy the convenience of having _ extras on hand ... at this special sale price! Feather-light, plastic bloomers " to keep baby dry and comfy. Pink, ag blue, white. SML-XL. aes oe oo. tWO Plastic impregnated “Spun-Lo” rayon is com-. 39 ie syle de Satoh : ail i Shoes * Sizes > INFANTS” DRESSES| ; nn a i lace aaa , 2 | EY * i B Drp-Dry Boy Dol Pojmas, 1-3 1.00 Insulated Food Bog... . . «92.98. 2 D.9-Pc. Layette Set... 2... 91.98 a Terry 3-Pe. Sloop ‘a! Play Set . 1.98 EAL ptt oo 1.98. G. Baby Rattles & Toys . 5. AH. Quilted Combe Crib Pods, 59-98 _ matching gowns. 2 styles in decal or fay stitch trim. Ribbon ties ‘Terry, quilted: and "plastic Of grippers; some bere wristlets. 79: bibs in. pein or solids.” cotton. Double Seeend. 1-4, G0 sot eo° Gay e : “oy $129_ $998 £;| Infants’ Shoes v For Every Stage Durable, white wash- Walking able elk: Soft soles for beginners, firm soles 2.8 for first steps, hard walking shoes. Fhe tet | A topping of lace, ruffles and ribbons, Dainty deep-btim poke ard cap styles. Pastels and pure white. ‘BABY GOWNS end KIMONOS FEEDING Biss s cmon SLEEVED : suits | Warm Flannelette kimonos and SH. 10%~ | 5 et myle doable bree i 59 . Tinie i in whi onbed- “SPECIALS NYLON-.UaTE BRUSHES 176 ‘Reg. 98 Value! Tid or / Pure nylon beistles permanently set in attractive lucite frames. Curved or . flat. Decorative handles. Excellent quality for long’seryice. POLY-PLASTIC BRUSHES 7 Totally NEW concept in brushes! Lifetime plastic bristles gently un- tangle snarls, stimulate scalp. Smart head dress for daytime | orevening, travel, s ts, PONYTAIL BARRETTES and CLASPS Ring-Comb Set Pony Barrettes Pony Tail Set Rubber Band Borrettes Pastel Borrettes Snap-tight ring-comb Colorful jewelry | Decorated"Holdette™ —_Jewelry-toned,easyto Pony tail style; 4 barrette plus two styled in clip-tite . clip. plus two . Smapon andsnap off! rows of teeth grip - spting-tite clips. 29¢ metal. 29¢ tire barrettes. 294 Aare of 3 for29¢e ti ; a * site Special Viscose Chenille Bedspreads 7 A Special Infants’ Dresses $7 00 Ladies’ Spring Skirts Beautiful Cotton Pastel Prints in Washable Fabrics, Many, of Them. in the. Drip-Dry, No-lron. Cloth. | . soi ; in assorted vertical weave pat-- tern and popcorn hobnail pat- tern. Available in double and twin bed sizes. Regular 3.98 value, special... Colorful assorted plaid and print washable cottons, beauti- fully. styled, sizes 1-3, 3-6x. Values to 1.98, Special... Values to $3 8 WEEK-END SPECIAL Juicy, tender boked ham with sliced tomatoes, et ; y =, oe ee ge oe ee ae ee ee ee a ae ee pian tial ail ie tasty potato salad, crispy. roll. and. butter, >. . 7 ae : ee : ann VALUABLE COUPON - Mee 2TK) VALUABLE COUPON ‘< : ; : . | j = £oy ” : : me : Y, ey . ‘ » > hg et 7 - sei bg % . L : a a = av t ’ A a aad wd Fs Pee é 44 i a , 1s ee Wee ee) " Maxwell! & WIth This Coupon You Mey Suy 1 Doses aos ” : te LARGE FRESH EGGS : Se BEECH-NUT er Yeot Dosen , CHASE & Ey eee i 9g A inCtn, . af the MIRACLE MILE Food Foir aN et the MIRACLE MILE Food Feir nce Ui tee rience “Nort 26, SHEN ieee ehetonten fo eoiner . ve coupon or . I to she eparerdier ¥ apa ie ee, + : ~ i . 4 %, rs aS ‘ : £ te SES COO GOO Ee AAT am ‘ 3 SISIOh TAT San ? +7 . ses eee eee ee - : 24 wen se Ae) Ae) er Ne oe oe ee Se eee ee 8 By Sey “ stu cae ce - |) | ikem PATH BLACK HAWK C a | ree EXTRA JH. GREEN STAMPS moe bel eee ee . . oetareg ‘ \ pee WITH THE COUPONS BELOW SAF DLA: (as NB, at, Py eve ydaty a) ay aby Le Pe ahah 3h M4,s Fin aiiln ot $7387 357 ~ SERENE MEMES NEESER ESSA hae Toe The ee BRIO GRE Se LIMIT 2 CANS 50 Extra S&H Stamps FREE 50 Extra S&H Stamps FREE with this Coupen end the perchese of With this coupon end a 2 ICE CREAM > gee PURCHASE : Ya Gallon or move of any kind, eny brand! ‘or nore | 5 ct the MIRACLE MILE Food Fair "te epee age ' ONela Se ban Apel ans 988" 1959 . ; : = ; <— , : é y ry FAFATAF > ZNt/ ae ey, , ben C0 Plump 7 Po SD Sa a SE EO FREE —2 PLASTIC JUICE CUPS INSIDE CAMPBELL’ Ss SAVE paisa 69: SAVE 14c on 3 cans! Vv : mb) egetable WHITE OR PASTEL COLORED SOU Pp Toilet NORTHER rast wad SAVE TOTAL OF 17¢.ON 7c OFF LABEL yf € : _ Can ROMAN BLE N : : LIMIT.3 CANS PLEASE! VELVET Smooth Peanut Butte a Dh Jer a ih , % pe 6 GOLD LABEL | GRADE "A". CREAM CHEESE nik f+ Real Mi nai oe 69 | Gem spite PLAIN OR PIMENTO Sage * oo Real Mayonnaise ...... KRAFT VELVEETA ......2 Loot 79° : ay 2 DIXIE'’S PRIDE _ STAR-KIST Chunk Light ro $ 00 BISCUITS siete... aie Tubes 20°. TUN A ty Cons aa MILD, DELICIOUS FLAVORED oe. | PINCONNING CHEESE . Lb. ar pot DONT MISS TH —S " BORDEN, WILSON OR FOREMOST =, Gal, : BARTLETT WALES 2% - $900 x em HOMOGENIZED Milk... Glam 35, Hunt's Pears .. ‘Te Cow. | Pa ! DEL MONTE Yellow Freestone 2%, $400 — Elberta Peaches ii: Cone : : oes 7 wm Jes "= _ MORTON'S FROZEN. ese SE WUCE be aI" un Qe 9Q fy ee ‘ Choee of A Sie S sn om tn 5 a 1° Cake Mixes .. rat wwe 25 ee ar Ws tee nae mie ! JANE'S PICKLES Halt gaye Family oe. OCEAN PERCH FILLETS. ‘Pls. Kock. Kured Dills...... Gallon 49 3: a be GORTON'S FAMILY SIZE ei ide -._ PSHSTICKS........... reg 59 DINTY MOORE..-—i«s f Beef Stew.csessvucreon Can « AF * ‘ Ce ‘ LINER gpa ae OR RRS * ree ae Se * Ww ¥ oe ee er: Ah ee ‘ ‘ . ‘ 4 ‘ 4 on ’ so, 1 1 4 a { 1 SO Si ae SPURS 3 by Russians on Tour ~~ J in America Bowen mato iecr ons meray soeal| QO - ¢ ebrate our Sth anniversary, we invilg ‘our friends ya at wes nt Moat tae ay tt Su] and customers , to play the “Price Is Right” contest jOpera House, waited ‘Until Tues-),erican countries, and a four- BS eet os A) a fear ey we te nim we te et). which is. eing held from April 23rd throt h May 2nd. = |e state ites Nel te nuyrvp’ tom wore» — TOKGI OF over $1000 to be Given away. %50 Cash prize * thusiismh for “Swan Lake. ; ‘at is cad, Bovina ca. He as ees daily, plus a grand prize of $595 RCA Color Television : classic during. visits to number in their repertory, and i various coéntries| - jm nee eaenoni * | Set from Stefanski TV. , .|Any doubts anybody had after see-| ‘There is no doubt in adminis- bu goed on oceans sed case tetmer Nw . a : ' “ fi : e Foe Mi ® . e fn PONTIAC: fs OG TS wa Sv ‘Bem Na| © See The Price Is Right Instructions on Opposite Page. 425-127 N.S ond prima ballerina, the dazzling : on : : CALL: FE ; ser nag Benenson gy Mang for ews Service : T Cunningham’ Fee vrice 2255 S. Tel ; Re. | “Swan Lake” is the evening s rang new NG SPEGIALS $ CALL: FE8-9641- [the prince “evpected. to marry: oe PAINT ROLLER and PAN SET : : Odette metamorphosed into a 1S Qa ers 4 par ‘ re . = swan whom he chooses for bride; 18 In Gilal -, Combinetion ©§ QOS. : ‘ Odile foisted on him instead; and | aps | - 98 : | final confounding ot the evill McKelway Again APs . oe: Both ot : | {a details this production ditters| Head While Etheridge ¢ . : Sen Bg Bem Lakes" done in} |g Made First V-P : $ a pawl yo ve: Sara Hc M attests oe i OUTSIDE PAINT SPECIAL Complete with HARD OF HEARING fr pec, prvuion an se, te McKelvey ofthe Washington Sa LnING. «$498: oe | Soviets settle for. poetry. rip Pag rose oR perraraa FOLDING "One Gallon $A98 : Hardened excess eat wax can clog the ovis ol 8 I wy uals meeting |$ : : $ | See LY ee leering), Mies. Funetakaye. Save we Oot ‘he eae et ee DOORS : 3 e * P4 thisdep down wary |itte. leas wicked than abe might|: : elo ena elut™ Gemmedt Roch| The tive committee is|$ & aor : | “SPECIALIZED [Swen is conmond ot Mekelvay as chair-|3 § $ 98 ( MTT naham’ § Reg. $12.95 : : SERVICE [ait or Ae ve manta Toe hae : wd ime Now SQ°° : eTV. eHI-Fl © RADIO meyer of the Hartford Courant, /e ° cea ae This Is Going-Too For [Richard W. Clarke of the News “SIR SST | | 3 \e York Daily News, Feedensavensevsceseseresssoseassoscessosesnsosesesuenenosessnsesucnoosoessneessoonqeoesousssesnsesosscesecasneseasie OFFICE INTER-COMS : © waRCoR FACTORY SERVICE woseceveacescoroccsooeesencconscessosocesesssoaevesssoauebnqoceqecoosssaneseceooesseaaeeeeecsseeneceeveooesneetesene, [NOW...20% | IF YOU ACT NOW! CHILD'S JAMAICAS | GIRLS’ DRESSES Blouse to Match Dan River Cottons, Reg. $2.98 rh Gr, “Es , Compacta Pitz | 7 7 J rer 8 8 C Set $ 1 uniper : 4 “ ° Ji 4 ~ a e. rn eit , Gi. Am fs "HOUSEMARES Fe Fore eusensnse” We're Buzzing with Terrific Buys for the Budget Wise DINNERWARE SALE Seconds = Tremendous Values Large Size, Heavy Padded / 5 and 6-inch Dessert Dishes... .... .. 5¢ POT HOLDERS P-inch Plates. 65 36 ei oe a SE : : 7-inchSalads . 052... ee GET | B for 33° B-inch Soup 50 6 a ee ee OM . wa TILT EEE CLOU Te BEAR’ yo ‘tu ireruiae INSULATED TTTITTIT rrr aera wl 0 Clee Sr ee es eee ver CHOPPERS a date ET 1 OOOO es eee ek ee OF | | sbi eee onde NO MONEY aoe : a pehagty en Complete Set ot ETI Low Prices — _A ; 99° : Fe 3. TE 3h Se Irregilers “of Better. Garments | ae | Rosenad Hanis , Water Repellent - 3- 6x —Unlined Poplin 9 CODCOSELSODDSOSOSOLOO COCO OOOO LOS SESEDSOC OC UO SELES EOE OOOO DO REODESE EOD OC DOCS SR OO OO CECRSOCOCOCCCES STIMATES. fe Bat : -_ \ & Breezewoys *& Shell Homes Completed TEL-HURON LY Sevoccosesose pee PRS ee me pad = ; t , 3 Nha dhl dada dada dada ieee ach deeded dhh Ladd dd dha d dtd) \ } f \ R of W. HURON a - FREE PARKING 7 _ for 1000 Cars sanarseessoneenesecesscasecesssesenaceseneess nee IS ‘Cem on rem seenneveassorecasscscscenooacsossssorsevepeersnanacsoeonasecosccesussassosooosseseeees HOW. to PLAY the PRICE ‘PRICE IS RIGHT’ Midtaa WIN *50: CASH DAILY! WIN *595 COLOR TV! Visit. the display booth in front of Kresge’s Store. See the merchandise listed there, then visit the different named stores and fill in the correct prices on your FREE entry blank. Deposit blank with your name and address i in any participating store. A correctly filled-in blank i is necessary to be eligible for drawing for the daily prize of $50 cash and for the Grand Prize of $595 Color TV Set. APRIL 23 THRU MAY 2nd ote ‘Shirte - re en sleeve 1 55 * eececeeseos icdaag DAY SALE Thursday — Friday nites Children’s Canvas Shoes. The Shoes That Can't Be Beat! soeenoarens oie ae: . e eye ie i! ; eS ee : ‘ : : ; . ~ ‘ : fe ‘ ‘ ee iri: hor aa We aetna eeeosoooncoes : a —, + : 4 he) Reg. $3.99 Boys’ ae Polished Cotton — ‘SLACKS 4 5 N % Sole—1 12 Girls’ Reg. $5.99 | -DRESSES © Smart Spring into. $ 85 _ Surmmer styles— 3 Better makers Sele at Pontice Store Only WONDEREANG: “Best for Children” « : Reg. $2.99 Child’s 5 to 3 RED — WHITE — BLUE (White 12% to 3 Only) (Sores cu onen a Start Tomorrow—Come In and Play the “PRICE IS RIGHT” oe A ee ee scene receseenereceeeeeesates aga neeneonenssonscvepeocssorocsosaeecousceses - plalatatahe | hey 0 ate teal 60000000 000908 Pe 3 mT TTIITI Titi iii iivieiiiTiiiiiiriiiiiiyiiii iii a lecocecvcnncocgpacsosccoosevcaneeoocnsdcocicepebociess$iibna seni cil aaibilabedenbabehsssakie aaa ee ch WN RRR EE IP il sige i a NAMB MrIeseiiiiiiitiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiitiilll lilt A Happy This Event! _ Sth eniearsen : Mon.Thuss.-Fri.-Sat. Saschebescscnccccsccccccoscsccceseceqocoosostt Bo ine eccouctvacdisitetecsiastat See Our 4 guveseserebhecsasecuecstetesebtasresveseusess soeewencocacccocccqooncesececoeeceos en eecececeepeneseoecooooseseseneseeeeneneneeneonenees fe) ndi : ‘ Purchase for 3 STARTING THURSDAY ai 9:30 A. M. : - Anniversary Special 80 SQUARE PERCALES Weshfast wonders for you to moke inte beautiful Spring into Summer weerables— FOR BLOUSES, HOUSECOATS, DRESSES, SHIRTS, “CURTAINS, SLACKS, SUNSUIT, CRAZY PANTS.. SPRING SALE OF COATS uno SU ITS FORMERLY £29% to 89% NOW 30% to 60% OFF COATS: FOR JUNIORS, MISSES! TWEEDS, FLANNELS, LOOPY BOU- CLES, MONOTONES, BLENDS, CHECKS, PLAIDS, HOPSACKINGS! OPEN, BUTTON COATS, IN SPRING’S NEWEST COLORS! SUITS: FITTED AND BOXY STYLES IN TWEEDS, LOOPY BOUCLES, REPS, BLENDS, CHECKS; CREPES. MANY WITH MINK COLLARS! All First Quality—Come Early for Best Selection Reg. to 59c Yd. Cc . NOW — 2 5 yd. SEW 'n SAVE 2. ress PRINCESS GRACE 16-Pc. STARTER SET ‘nner — 998 @ 4 Each: Cups, Soucers,..__ Reg. Dinner Plotes, Fruits A $7.95 Also ‘Kristina Pattern,’ reg. 7.95—Now $4.98 TEL-HURON SHOPPING CENTER FOPHOHSSSOHSSSHSHSSSSHSOSHSOKSESOSCORHSEOOHECOEEE 900800600890 096 00988800000 800900080008088868 Give HER a Modern Watch for Mother’s Day Here are a few of the many watch values thot you will find at MYER’S. ‘ . LAY-IT-AWAY or CHARGE-IT $1 =~ HOLDS IT UNTIL ieuindeel The Store — | That Gift © Wraps Free: Sei iii iiiiiiiiiiiiii TIIIIIIITiiillTirrrriirrrirrririirirririiiiiiilii ttt Only a? ” each FRENCH {-Howr Valet Gleamors : T2t-Horen, sheng Canter seereccescesscnvecosossvvccsccccoovesocesooes ack.” mt wine AN " Lady’s PROMENADE SUITS IN HOPSACKINGS, FLANNEL! $39.95 $32.00. or Man’s . . Lady’s Bulove Lady’s Hamilton ’ Reg. $59.54. — NOW Reg. $75.00 — NOW $29. 95 $46.50 (Fur Trim Excluded) Lady’s Longines Lady's Longines Beautifully Cleaned and Finished Reg. $89.50 —NOW Reg. $99.50 — NOW $49.95 ° $57.95 ne POSH SHHHSSSSSSOHSSS SHS HSHSSHHHSHSSSSHSHSSHHOOHOSOHHHSHHHHSOSHOHOHHSHOOSS CHO OHHSEOOSHOOSHSHOOOCHCOOOOOCOSOE O = sen TEL-HURON SHOPPING CENTER ie mae : SHOP MONDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY TILL 9 P. M on ee i if og AY oe : a oe ee Pdopesoevorevecescoccesessececconcneseoueonederevococosmescevenessseeeneeieeneelel TT TITTITITITITIT TIT irri itil t cuscdsdencadecccdeoceccsedssccveecdebiausaupseccucsevesssest SO OSSOTCOSOSCOOOOOTOOHSSESOSSOOEEOE EHO OOOEEOEEEO OSES OSES EEO OEEOSOOOESSOS SOOO F860 00S OS OSHSSO0000F0000S000000000000000000000000000008 - ¢ FROCSHSSSSSSSESSHOHSSHHSSHSSHSHHSHSSSOHSHSSHHHSSSHHSSSHHSHHHSODSHSHHHHSHOHHHHS SHHSSHHSHSHHSSHSOHSSHSHHSHSSHSHSHSHSHHHHHSHSSSOSOHOSSOSLETOOOS TTI Secesevece poersstew) > 2 * ‘ ‘ j ' eater ‘ * + Pan ness = 4 ‘ ’ Z a ? } ~ 5 ' : \ 2 fey * i | “ * Y f ‘ be : te 5 j ‘ “of Their Tel-Hur uron Store With Savings i in Both Stores! 2 Tr ouser Sumner Sai a The famous 55/45 dacron arid wool blend breeze-weight, 8-ounce tropical worsted, tailored by famous Martinelli to Osmun’s specifications. Blues, browns, black-browns, charcoals, medium greys, solids, stripes, nub weaves, mixtures. Regulars to 48; shorts to 44; longs to°48. x Double barreled value . . . every suit has 2 pairs of trousers . . . the poir and the spare that almost doubles your suit investment. And lots of Ook- . land County men find that these dacron and wool blend suits are at home in overheated offices the year ‘round os they are in summer's heot. It makes that saving of over $10.00 even more important, doesn't it? $71.50 Year "Round All Wool Worsted 2 Trouser Suits by Martinelli Group No. 2 : ‘ THIS SALE STARTS ., TOMORROW MORNING as . | aw 4 aE Eo Anniversary 59 ri 5 ie in BOTH OSMUN’S STORES , Re @ = cae ORT COAT PLUS A PAIR. OF LIGHT WEIGHT | et _WORSTED FLANNEL SLACKS & ‘ ee ae Now at the béginning of the season, we bring you a sports wardrobe that offers more: savings and more Loe ee _ quality than ever before. Each coat is styled in the slim-line 3-button model that flatters you most .-. . Imported and domestic fabrics in fashion-new colors. and patterns! Don't wait . . . Shop now. Ea ec ee y2A COMPANION EVENT... Very Special! | $f - Daeron-Blend Wash: & Wear Slacks % * Our smartly tailored slacks of. miracle dacron-blends are great for warm weather ; % leisure, business, or all around sportswear. They're completely wash and wear... . . + if 2 Need, no ironing whatsoever. Both ivy and re ular models are pratichle in new pair. 2P AIRS for ; shades of navy, grey, brown, black and olive. faist sizes 29 to 44... . Regulars, 317 bO Shorts and longs. © a : . ; 7 4 4 ““Shop'the Stores That Never =) Open an Osmun s Charge Account _ Core on patty” e Pay % May e Pay % June’ © Pay ¥4 July - DOWNTOWN PONTIAC. TEL-HURON CENTER Open Monday, Friday Open Mon., Thurs, Fri, Sat. til 9. "i M. ; Py : *til 9 P. M. = = ses iE Value of Water Safety Work cena [Described at Firemen’s Dinner Fi oe i : i is ;3 lo Li SOMARD — ith the stents The afienr Aeeltesh the origi Mabie at Si) Sigteunie sap |becomes a problem of prime con-jof its service in « cutting down) ville, Oxford, Lake Orion, Meta-|. . {f | to emergency units in Oak-|water fatalities and accidents on)mora, Hadley and Brandon pertiion Giremen police DEATHS CUT 14 PCT x alike, Officer Donald Kratt ou: Oakland County Sheriff’ Kratt said deaths were cut 14 ield | Te eet, ac auticoce of arca|Per cent in 1958 Higettinghe of Southti | lade night he and fellow officers issued 800 . The occasion was the annual din-| wrote 63 tickets which restilted in | | at the Leonard Elemen- City of Southfield will School, Approximately 110| 4 special feature was the pres- 'ifirst birthday and next week has anil guedts attended. entation of an antique iron fire |peen prociaimed “Southfield mark, dated 1835, by Cmdr. Mel- | versary Week by Mayor Donald told the firefighters vin F. Lanphar, U.5.N.R. to | Swanson. Addison Township Fire Chict * * * Edward Porter. The fire mark | A dinner for residents was used in earlier days to /ficials to mark the event. will designate the house where & (held at 6:39 p.m. Tuesday at volunteer fireman lived, It will | First Baptist Church, 21200 South- | IODINE RATION | pho. tang shove fhe reese eee eee " TABLETS if pee eee | 1-A-DAY BRAND . 125 WHITEHALLS ate | SUA Thrifty Drug Store at 4895 Dixie Hwy. DRAYTON PLAINS ls a $.D.D. Package Liquor Store ‘400 CASES ANNUAL SALE POMPTON COLD CREAM -m1g, $00 | 200, $950 Do-It-Yourself’ Mart % i Pompton Cleansing Cream ‘ If you like the colors—you will have to like the price! A CLOSE- OUT ITEMS “ASPHALT. TILE B, Cand D MARBLEIZED PATTERNS CORKTONES : oe Ge pe S1 [se P1? PRE fg Latex Paint wm '5° moe S20 cr cree ste ct Se ANY KING'S MEN SKIN FRESHENER House Paint wy 4m New Se Aq : pee Micssttions Rogers Flat Enamel Paint LOSE UP TOTOLES INJUSTZE DATS PH ag $9.49 Go... Now 1489 2 etc (SLIM TRIM | Beanomical 998 BEF Reg. $2.89 Qt....... Now 75a] - Buy Now and Save oI jini i sido mer SUPER KEM-TONE | Asphalt Tile Cement rg B vs0 ular 10cc ........ - | : 1 'D, na VITAMIN A - — ors 76¢ se oie = Big Reo. $1.89Qt.......Now . 9G* re i Reg. $6.49 Gal... Now *4.89c] © 5 Gotlon Can $ 4°) ‘sive. DRI N niake: 59¢ ‘ = an -a—-75- BOUIAR . _ Heavy Acrilan Tweed Special ¢ \£*OV CATES . seonemy se —=—6AE)| 6 UMC FARVECAING «wwe eee value 4 tke :. tooth <7 a reas. Cy RE The new marvelous eee Pap In heavy eued in colors as 50 ; 559 MERBS Y-VI-S $259 100 Clini-Test TABLETS ....$ 98 MAMi® oo nro ae eee eae Ta eT $e ; i me” this carpet anywhere —= and you will be sure that this is an $1.96 LILLY'S TESTAPE . . $1.69 ede wy » STATE & FEDERAL TAXES WHERE APPLICABLE : ctin He Sq. Yd..' 4 Woo Sehr the Pk ad Shp Plan ad Bde ad Shep ans "4895 Dixie Hwy. | Next to National Store | Beer, Wine Champagne 148 N. Saginaw ‘St. : Pm 8 ~ Near Sears Corner Telegraph Rd. 11M. PERRY ST, _ Open Monday and Friday“ 8 | McCandiass Cara Ps T AEA gy Nance z & A za Bat 1 411] ‘i = BF rf rf | Fi fe li! gb eei Fy g Ps : H : el H _—" Whi Rae or Michigan Made Sugar heips you control your weight, acbida soly soqer Sibtdiad' yews eqpeitilen task Git 30 few calories. in fact there ore only 18 calories in a level teaspoontul. Just enough to sustain you through 74 minutes of normal activity. Aa Cane CPRED® ie PAY ae SOPy See pene yee Oe a ond i dim, dome, simply stay os trim os you ore now. : fields merge Into one ; Masta. trip The estate has a long him in Tezpur, India. The fugitive god-king was _ back, rail, The drive on the front and steep drops home-in-exile, Mussoorie, north estate Himalay oe eee ee Noy WE: Sh See te aad eee ke weact TOC ma Buy the bog with the big red Michigan Made sel . . . Pioneer or Big Chief Sugar! will be an ~~ piety. ecoderny Pg Mussoorie shopkeepers and hotel ‘MICHIGAN MADE PURE SUGAR the darshan — holy sight — the hill station, and was relocated|"Om™ Dons Poe ve grown and processed in Michigan by Michigan people thronging to the cen-jnear Poona, about 1,000 miles Indian exile. - laway. |Dalai Lama. , | Indian Foreign Secretary Sub 2 CT rc Tibetan J. 8. | vita BOOK STORE samp rg Sica yee ra 4500 ing arrangements to re-/ay cave tty Tihetan rer, ae | NEW ‘59 WAGONS Jusy sprucing up the Birla man ) ELIZABET H s re } S400 fixing things so BIRMINGHAM RAMBLER §) the Uttar Pradesh state gov- Im Mi 6-3900 is setting up a special | is take-gare of the ruler | Large Selection Mussoorie municipal | hag earmarked $21,000 RECORDINGS “winter sleep. MIRACLE MUSIC AND have gone out to reno- R the bandstand where an or- Miracle Mile FE 8-0021 5 a used to play during Brit-| i e, when Britons and wealthy} = came here to escape. the} For summer heat of the plains. r |) GANS Mussoorie’s social life waned iwhen the. British departed in 1947, although wealthy Indians and for-| ‘ Wiegand Music Center leign residents of wort Intl con-| tinued to come in the-summer. It te shen a Fe 2-49% became still duller when the In-| “)cool, (00L Cloth Casuals 4 i U. S. KED BOOSTERS © CLOTH-WEAVE Sizes to 14 e ae $ THICK ’, 99 ” CREPE . SOLES FAMILY SHOE STORE - MIRACLE. MILE SHOPPING CENTER | _$. Telegraph ot Squore Loke Rd. = | EXTRA SPECIALS WORTH COMING MANY MILES TO SECURE! MADE TO SELL MADE TO SELL $17.95 to $32.95 Reg. $2 to $4 Made to sell up to $13.95. MADE TO SELL MADE TO SELL AT 99c UP TO $3.98 Best Quality! Seni et Ladies’— Misses’ AT.$2.98 TO $2.98 ' Famous Maurice Handlers’ ui orm Argus 51-Gauge Ladies’--Misses’ Lodies’--Mi se Meiden F Nylon, Cotton, Rayon Girls’--Children’s Boys’ --Girls’ Nylon Hose | BLOUSES | "™cimmc | “oo c |. SOWNS | presses | NATS-CAPS y on ose B RAS Sizes 32 to 40. Famous Infants’ Sizes 82 to 11 Sizes 32 to 40. 100 in SWEATERS All Si make brands. Bote od chetee Lot Limited. BONNETS All New Shades Lot. Good Styles and All Sizes in Lot! nes tt. sarly to share in this special Long as Lot Lasts. eh Extra Quality Quality. Cardigans—Slipons _ Long as Lot Lasts Lot Limited All ~ por Megeate Bi ? group o s _ Now 57° Pod | 9 te 47 SY Bele Price How mm 9 oe : Only Each Only Only _— 50 f 00 __ Special ecial Group! cop re $1498 1 Ot LON S208, LF $7.98 DRESSY DRESSES co REG. $1 00 to. $3.98 LADIES’—MI DRESS Pea All Sizes, Good Styles. Sale Prices! 67¢ to $2.67 Regular $3.99 to $6.98 Fine Quality Maternity 2-pc. Blouse and Skirt Sets pose Pie 8 oy 16-18, Cetton —* eT To 4" "SALE PRICES Thousands of Dollars Worth of LITERALLY Y NAMITING PRICES! Huge Wearing Appar rel Stock DRESSY DRESSES Sines 4 to G7 te 14 Fa ‘] 41 1 $997 1 LOT, $1.99 To $5.99 CIRLS'—-CHILDREN’S SWEATERS Cardigans-Slipons. All Sizes. 97* to $2.97 Regular $2.98 to $3.99 Good Quality Maternity Smocks--Skirts--Slacks--Bermudas Sizes 10-12-14-16-18. Large Assort- $931 and i ment Te Cheese From. Quliting Business Sale Prices. ie Now Priced Beyond All Reason in Our Quitting Business Sale!...Save Up to Lt. .- Every Dollar's Worth of Spring and Summer, Ladies’, Girls’, Boys' and Children's Wear on Sale! $3.98 Boys’- Youths’ Levis & Pants $2.97 §9.99 Ladies’ Spring - Summer Skirts $7.47 $2.98 Girls’, Children’s Blouses ... $1.97 $3.49 Ladies’-Misses’ Slacks & Jeans $2.67 Hundreds of Ladies’-Misses’ Dressy DRESSES Sparkling Snes gt for This Season's Selling! $4.95 Women's Playtex Bras ..... $3.97 Alt Now $5.00 Women’s Blaytex Girdles ... .$3.97| ,, 5 $3.98 $5.98 Ladies’ Kayser-Luxite Slips. $4.77} — Kalues $2.49 Girls’ Slacks - Pedal Pushers. .$1.87 $2.49 Ladies’ - Girls’ Walking Shorts $1.87 977 te alee to 20-38 to 44-1214 te 2442 Fine Qua’ Cottons -— Arnel and Cotton Fabrics Reg. $10.95 Values — sp Reg. $14.95 Values 49 Reg. $17. 95 Values to $2") | $7.98 Ladies’- Misses’ Plaid Skirts. , $2.49 Girls’ Blue Denim Jeaniés: ... $3.97 $3.50 Ladies - Misses’ Gowns & P.J.’s $1.77 $3.98: Girls’ Plain or Plaid Skirts. .. $1.97 $1.27 $1.99 Boys’-Youths' Flannel Shirts.. .99 $25.99 Men's Car Coats, few only .. $12.97 $4.98. Children's Corduroy Robes. . $2.47 $7.98 Men's Lined Denim Jackets. . $3.97 = 98 Boys’ - Girls’ Flannel Pajamas $1.47 Sie: hacen eres’ OPEN STORE & | Daily Store Hours prises‘ en, ela stich; oe eins 7 : au 7 4 500 WINDOW SUN. THRU THURS. tn 8 ene poten of tte sat | 3:7 oy ar ELIZABETH | | FIXTURES FRIDAY, SATURDAY the erders are to sll and sell fet pe - : LAKE ROAD | FOR SALE! | jo am. to 10 P.M. ST SE Sar ' eatfoctive thru 5 Apeil 25th. goo tcsge sgriregg: Jmyedee~ * ‘Rath’s Hickory Smoked CANNED nee si. $439 $4.99 Can Anh ATTAIN TEA TENI onan ” With This Coupon 50" aca dale bees dae Bases eEICED BACON Redeem this coupon et NATIONAL FOOD STORE eee aoe tad alonsaraa AM TEEhihte ‘Rene LAT ARARAL AR] ys ove ry ees vevU Velgtalalatghalalatal paldeht talglatdatcteataie | TOOT MIMI | | iba Rn en MMM : -. 2 With This C eT Delicious : Ee. ~ 50 "=" STAMPS With Purchase of Y2-Gallon Certon PO NATIONAT ‘ With a gens ne. F POTATO CHIPS gage... 3 oa: 2 39° = o" $0 FRESH arises | Na nae , Ts 4 REGULAR PRICE 5% _ Redeem this LEPERT URRY et eee PP) Wy pant Hunt's Sliced or Halves — Yellow Cling g ROMY TOM, Aware TMM MNNNNN | PP. 4 = rraTioNas - .-With.This Coupon _ ! | National 3 With Thus Couped Be : [eS 50 =" STAMPS’ PEA HES S25: OFF CO a With Purchase of 1 Lb. of Either On the Purchase of Three Ne. 214 Cans of = eT oe || NATCO or HILLSIDE BUTTER Rodeos Site: somane-ot; MATION FOOD. StanE en hee SS + laa pee hem mero eveeraey TU RRRIA? LUAAAAS SR RO A AAAAR ASRS AA ARS UI 1} Wie APHIS | Oe Cans ; a i es ts : : “| uu I r VU US| s ES 2 F R ee opie ge ( ee ryy — -- ———— LA TO A 7A | US. Ne, | menage = = a | “ PURLEY EVAN VV NAVAN A | : sno ‘An Srveveveveyabe eet : E QS = rAM Pp 0 TAT 0 E S$ SS "20° OFF =: FOOD STORES ; FOOD STORES ; E = 50 "=" STAMPS , 3 20: OFF : 7 = Vinh trdhons 94 See tase : ive On the Purchase of 25-Lb. Bog 02. U.S. Ne. 1 =| = CALIF. or FLA. ORANGES REGULAR € wits MICHIGAN. ,DOTATOES — =| = Redeem this coupon ot NATIONAL FOOD STORE . — be Coupon Redeom this coupon ot NA | <5} Coupon Expires Set., April 25 Limit 1 Coupon Per ag : ee _ coupon Expires Set., April 25 "Cnt 1 oops Pr Came as | LAO TOVU SOI Y TU V OUT UDO OU TUDO O UU OOO UUUOUU OOOO TOUT UNS | ANT Why ven vi lt! \ vy sy W Wy VU v v against! : ¢ —<—— Save 25¢ on 50-lb. Bag Vigoro or Nu Life i lt BES i lions oii . Si : nt AAA ica ASIC Vevey NEVA Lu S ‘i le ' revere lola 1 ie n'¢\ wer eve i | v vt : Wahi covton FERTILIZER 8g ors | = HOLDEN. : pe t000 stours : 5 STAMPS os Hygrede’s 6-10-49 Hygrade’s Regeler ) a z Purchase of aaa ae or 5-Lb. Box or Bag GOLDEN REGULAR NULIFE NULIFE ¥ = GRASS SEED VIGORO | VIGORO Fertilizer Fertilizer | } 4 Neve es Price with Coupon Price with Couponl Price with Coupon Price with Coupon $0-Lb. 3 50-Lb. 274 50-Lb. 274 50-Lb. 1% ! : . 1 ARASAL VEUMUP TEN UPELU PRO LERT PEST CPE P ET eR eRe erp Eee RD eeTPePeReP eye? Reg. $3.49 Reg. $2.49 Reg. $2.99 Reg. $2.09 PM (ees E Redeem this. —s et NATIONAL FOOD STORE ew athe censor Bs. cbene Limit 1 Coupon Per Customer HEOPORPEPEUTOLOLUPOETOET ESDP ELEC TERE Y RU RG ET ively iy slate wy eu CUO CC OUUUUUUUOUUY ry Alla ; ' Stokely’ s Honey Pod Peas wre: Party Loaf...... oe )* be belies “ciikia hone. couasumiaieeiabae er conte bse : ‘i Stokely’s ; e Tomato Catsup. 2: 235 : eras JEXTRA ADDED STAMP BONUS RECEIVE UP. TO 100 FREE HOLDEN RED STAMPS WHEN YOU REDEEM YOUR LEVER BROS, SWEEPSTAKES’ COUPONS AT YOUR CONVENIENT NATIONAL FOOD STORE. ” Free Stamps on Foch of the 5 Mailed Coupons onan ana ROSIN eH oy ‘fewer Yew Frozen : “NOW! thru eT EY _.. to Bring to You the . ee LIGHTEST and BRIGHTEST PICTURE PROJECTED IN ANY DRIVE-IN THEATER IN-THE ENTIRE AREA : ond—— nee “We Have Completed the Laying of . NO HOLES—NO RUTS—NO DUST ‘AND. OTHER IMPROVEMENTS > WE HAVE FOR YOUR COMFORT AND ENJOYMENT IN-CAR HEATERS—HEATED - CONCES AND REST ROOMS— IAGNETIC HI-FI SOUND— ARTIFICIAL MOONLIGHT ae i Plus mil 7. pos THE BEST IN MOTION PICTURES — MORE FOR YOUR MONEY - — am | F SCARED TO DEATH OF WOMEN .. . EXCEPT IN THE DARE AND STRANGERS! : THE MOST EXCITING CAST. IN THE tk LT gee f L +r + F SEE! THAT PIXIE OF PARIS— AMERICAN LANGUAGE Version eevee” you'll see more of her than ever before”. Y, Post RIGITTE BARDOT i a) Wallets Are Stolen From Two.at-Hotel Ae EPSIODE ON A LONELY ISLAND ——- ALSO BR ge! it Pf =) ESHA oro Fret THE "nie BEKINI ¢ GINA LOLLOBRIGIDA :. i Pg z STARTS... Harbor a Sie te et * PETER WAN EYCK-JEAN CLAUDE PASCAL. mum-ssimomsm- ROBERT SIODMAR the mien had his wallet | _ pare TECHNICOLOR — ALSO. — RICHARD WIDMARK PRT R RIS ‘tiie och ney ae A ° = wwe. Pa ‘~, ? > " " MUDIE MURPHY -JOAN EVANS - CHARLES DRAKE our Get a coffee: mitg like Robert agner's when a jar 0. Coffe. Fou hans Robert Wagner, ster of “IN LOVE AND WAR”, aderry Wald Production FTOM THUMB ER . , oo, | . | z RAZR ZUM $\\ sunpavi Montsomery Cit, Myrna Loy In “LONELY HEARTS” f : x 5 e Robert Wagner goes for men-satisfying coffee! — Bob Wamner prefers his cottn : enjoy all the man-satisfying flavor of Instant Spotlight Coffee. P FOR DELICIOUS . > SANDWICHES, + CASSEROLES OR ‘| SALADS... _AsP -Tuna |. 3 1-0Z. CANS” Beads O’ Bleach Ke Ale: “he” 69e Velvet Brand Peanut Butter 2 % 79 Bive Label, Golden - Karo Syrup “Mer 25¢ Waxed Paper 4 ton BIC - ae ers he -(ARP's Low Price Scot Tissue 3 trols 38c Pure Vegetable Shortening Crisco Se Off Label 3 cn 74 ‘Mild, Gentle Ivory Snow. ‘ Zz RS 67¢ Giant Pkg. . . . 79 “Grand For. Oiehes, Tost ‘? Dreft 2 So" 65¢ “SUPER-RIGHT” QUALITY _ ‘T-RIB PORTION Loin Portion... 39% Chops .. « 6% eee “FOR A QUICK-FIX TREAT Libby’ S$ Libby's Beef egy ‘Hawalian Punch cece ees 0 Mt 37e Blue Bonnet Margarine . . 2 dis. 55¢ Kraft’s ttalian Dressing .... ‘x 29 CHICKENS - ue Ss. GOVERNMENT INSPECTED, TOP QUALITY — 4, COMPLETELY CLEANED WHOLE 24-0Z. CANS Waxed Paper KITCHEN CHAM, , ROLLS Hartz Dog Yummies... . . 2 ros 37c. Clorox Bleach. ........ 2 mi ‘37e Dill Strips “Thi vo 5 5 6 ME MMe Hamburger” Dill Slices oun 2 is 4% Hi-Ho Crackers smsmer gig22\.' BES5E! ? Sanoes Goise Wik... 4m % Jiffy Brownie Mixes . 02°" ‘Tit 10¢ ‘Whole Chicken wanour , . . o'. iE 89e Graham Crackers wo... . 1 35¢ Instant Cocoa Mix wurs, . , sor 43¢ Grapefruit Sections ««» 3 < 49 Save on Cereals at A&P Your Choice—Mix or Match PKGS. r Trix Cereal . . ."Pko™ va SE ‘Sugar Jets... 83 ae tke. Wheaties .... ‘her Coco Pulfs . . ho" Korn Kix... . to, San Broadcast Beef Stew . seas an i Broadcast Dried Beef sm . . iin" 4le Broadcast Potted Meat... 2 ‘cans Broadcast Vienna Sausage 2 ‘ai Broadcast Chili wm suns , , . 2°'tin' 69e 4 Big Pontiac Stores ' to Serve You 949 W. Huron St., Nr. Telegraph Rd. 4124 Dixie Hwy. Drayton Plains Above Open Monday thru Seturday from 9 to 9 1186 N. Perry St., at Madison Open Thursdey, Friday, Seturday Evenings ‘til 9 25 W. Pike St., Downtown Pontiac — Open Monday and Friday Evenings ‘til 9 Closed Sunday as’ Usuol | ay Woman’ Day y22%, } ‘Super. Giant Size. eye A FAB... . ~~ 6% FIRST OF THE SEASON—CALIFORNIA LONG - WHITE WASHINGTON STATE, ALL PURPOSE Winesap Apples . . ten os Coban Pineapple. vee CALIFORNIA FRESH, 300-SIZE Sunkist Lemons ce ee ew OF 4% DONUT 3 roe 1.00 JANE PARKER PLAIN, SUGARED | OR CINNAMON Strawberry or Blueberry Pie. . %% 49c Orange Chiffon Cake ith . . om 49¢ _ Whole. Wheat Broad.» it... Sh. 15e oo oo Diwaves O9C White Bread ” PARKER ‘Now on sale 10? ‘a a All Prices in This Ad Effective Thru ee Saturday, April 25th oo = a Potatoes «= 10 = poz. “19 1859 AMERICA’S OEPEI Fresh Cleaned Smelt... . . es FROZEN FOOD puYs Orange Jui ‘ang FINEST = A fe. * ‘CANS IN CARTON ? ae ‘ony > AM 3 0 Moat. Pes, ruttt2cttie Am 85 Pineapple Juice ttm ... 4&5 79 Fruit Pies SPREE 4. 4Sr men 49e Libby's Peas... .... 22S 3% Libby's Cut Asparagus . . . . nar 3lc Libby's Asparagus Spears . . ‘xe 39¢ Macaroni and Cheese urs 4 38: 65¢ Grand Duchess Steaks . . . .. nxt 59% 4% Seedless Groperit . . . § i 39¢- FOR TASTY SALADS Endive or Escarole . . oo omen 19 Cream Cheese? ic Marvel Ice Cream .... tae 59. 4 Kraft’s Jor Cheese... . 2 ic% 39¢ Sunnybrook Eggs alii’. . . 39% Silverbrook Butter mewn, . tity 65 -Sonnyfield Buttor ze. . «cit GTe THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA COMPA N' Be ae aN a ee Bo ~ FER y" ¥ Pe f Sue Pe x . es AA : * i a f Cae) eee r ‘ ta ip, he i Re : : : r go| He's > 2 a his former wife owe $8,242 in back|to school; and I'm going to fiunk|!©@St. I guess it was. But I don’t ome sure-lock wand holder keeps hese eometry. again.’ _ . 1 “All I. want to do is close the| of Windsor. « . ; . “Then I'm going to . |door and be by myself in my room) oi B 43 and. think where Ya ike to be.|yuit say, “WHY, how can 3 no rege groiapeing NOW DO DISHES FASTER, CLEANER wea : blarest, and where choo! and pe-'Mat abou your parents who swedtiCCtoyrs, were they take | me ) : : Pe ae esr Bs ote neat es cere Ss nperial DISHMASTER’ ‘ SA tem and ir not that T don't 26-ere your age." a ee New Imperial | . $ ot to go a +k ke My parents don’t know what it paneling si 4, ee a A : yiand get an education or I'll wind| “Okay They've given _ Means’ just to stretch out and re- 7 ‘ pn a oon : . ee zs eS : : i” ie - up a / me every-iax. .My father thinks it's a na- 2 eT ae : ~— . ee EVERYONE A BEAUTY! - Bane oe tert mea ae kat “titional holiday whenever he has a | - fe mame | : veg chance to play @ game of golf,’ a . , ; api pga shotgun, bikes, antique knives| oven if he gets to the place late} | fae . ge . “MY REGULAR $4.95 {they've collected on their trips, @/ 554 has to play alone “8 pants... over WASHABLE Li boat, outboard motor, and even a GX, . ss Ma Fe papi hada _ golf lesson. That was the craziest,|. “Don’t they ever just want to PA we JACKETS ~ |Who wants to-play golf when you(l@ back and relax and think?) Co NTS : ee can be around with the kids? {Dou't they ever want to live in) ee ae $ 99 Greenwich Village and grow one. — 3 45 Pr. ' : pot UNDERSTAND of those cool tees? Don't they} | Velues BiBteel® ‘Yen ee ee “I'm grateful, Sure, it's morejever want just to sit around and ie 2 Peir for $9.50 || “Gee snuck = cry Appeals Court Upheld Nore exes, tard Clareayy on mae oor * | Ae a -Ruling Against Former |expiain—i li 0 GO! | oe Sam. Benson . | N Ytheipee Ex-Wife [know ty ional ws. Fal __No. They're. on the go. all the 3 : | MORE -t. for, rather ,be real poor and feel that! ung ee (4 oy i me. (dey, on FIRST MODEL CHANGE IN 12 YEARS ; . - i they: Ikne d could talk like! ¥** your father : Has RICHMOND, Va. @ — The U.S.'; talk oa eau ike buying that shoe company,’ and I Dishmaster, always the world’s most popular dishwasher, | _Nationally-Known Women in 4th Circuit Coart of Appeals yes: : Ce. me look at them like a jerk because I now washes even fasterj cleaner and more economically . White . terday affirmed a Tax Court! “Now that geometry- I'm going ‘idn’t even know it. He didn’t tell | © Diamond-bored, bronze valves! © New positive stop valve handles eliminate ¢ UNIFORMS ruling that William O'Dwyer and/to flunk geometry as long as I go/™e- Sure it was in the paper—at] New and larger detergent tank! dripping ; FOR YOU federal income taxes. what comes after it. I'm also|8® Past the front page. * ; : ~*~ * * never going to need it because} “What I can’t get over to the Sixes 7-15, 8-20, pow, J in a wnat woied Spaue ate Te ae Lettie] Tia cant get overt tem | MEW FACTORY BRANCH on WOODWARD at SQUARE LAKE RD. 36-46 Se ys: opinion, the court decided each|School, has anything to do with! smartest kid im my class, or the | DEMONSTRATION, SALES snd SERVICE : ; ‘ point of the appeal against , 4... — . ——l Kg Drip-Dry Just Arrived <) O'Dwyer, former New York City , Blends! mayor and former ambassador to " aoe e /Mexico, and his ex-wife, Sloan Nylon Taffetas Wash 'n ~-acnceal © Breeze » - Seersuckers! Wear At one point, the opinion : termed accusations made by © Dacron Blends! ‘COTTONS O'’Dwyer’s counsel “scurrilous Cottons I Could Sell for - | tiated. Also, the court noted the © New Styles! $5.95 O’Dwyers did not testify or | Ak + produce witnesses_to-testify in | 55°! “ | 4°! MY 99 | their behalf. PRICE | The appeals court found this) I RENT TUXEDOS FOR WEDDINGS AND PROMS J) <\7"ican! in considering We US. : Tax Court’s acceptance of testi-| mony that the Uniformed Fire-| am enson men’s Assn. of New York City| é ; made a $10,000 cash a Atom, ‘ % to O'Dwyer personally during his 37 NORTH SAGINAW STREET 1949 campaign for re-election. PARK F In the case, argued Jan, 13, the , x REE ; RIDE THE BUS government alleged deficiencies in . ; income taxes for the years 1949 e 1951 totaled $8,242. These taxes were based upon the alleged TRANS-AUDIO $10,000 contribution, upon alleged- ly unsubstantiated deductible ex- * HEARING AID SALES and SERVICE penditures while. O’Dwyer was * ' Complete Selection vs, rambassador to Mexico, and upon ; MIDTOWN SHOP Rae” tant by eee, Sebpeon 101% N. Saginaw, Above Jacobsen’s Flowers FE 4-0539° [ork bank by Sloan Simpson |O'Dwyer from Mexico. NGS MORE | || FOR YOUR MONEY : : L. 3% RETURN A SLEWO oF rime noasten Corres | : : 3 p SPHCIALLY recaTE® wate MESH O66 | Paid semi-annually on your investment. Savings placed before the 10th of the month earn from the first! 2. CONVENIENCE - Four offices to Serve you. Save-by-Mail Service. Drive-in Window and Free Parking at the rear of the Home Office and Drayton Plains Branch. This is the strong, fresh coffee that brews clear, eant taste bitter... because it’s egg coffee! || 3. servick — Prompt, efficient, experienced’ personnel to serve | } Ge - ‘There’s never been a cup of coffee, made that equals coffee brewed ! you. Personal attention to each customer. ee N 3 t with whole fresh egg—the way good cooks everywhere have been : | ' OW...» easy ways 0 b ey : . i] 5 ’ . rewing it for generations. Only egg coffee gives-you the clearest | e : enjoy delicious Egg Coffee ' brew, the full strength of flavor, and brings out the mellow rich- : p Oo mn t | ae . ness of fine coffee. And now North Woods brings it to you... adds Be ; RE G ULAR DRIP INSTANT ' the country-fresh eggs right in the roasting process. Saves you Perfect for'percolator ‘Fine grind—for drip or Fine egg cofiee, rightin the work and expense of adding eggs to ordinary coffee. Nothing shes ua nea. Colles makers, instantly. , , : or cotfee-pot vacusmn coftee: wl 3 extra for you to do—just make your coffee in your usual way and have “company” coffee in every cup. North Woods, Egg: Coffee costs just: a few. pennies more per pound; but remember, the.egg is already in North Wooda, After your first cup, you'll never be satisfied with ordinary coffee , flavor. You must agree it’s the finest cup of coffee you've ever . tasted, or your money cheerfully refunded. NORTH WOODS EGG COFFEE es “Company” Coffee In Every Cup Federal Savings Home Office: 761 W. Huron Street Downtown Branch Rochester Branch 16 E. Lawrence St. | 407 Main Street ' 4416 Dixie Highway—Drayton Plains. _ #y Kenneth E. Turner Jr. of Bloom- field Township discusses last evening's Pontiac Symphony program with Julie Loyal supporters of the Pontiac Symphony Orchestra atrive for the final concert of the ‘season. right are Philip Steinhaus, organist Left to formed. (who will be heard with the symphony Plans May 18 Luncheon Plans were made for. the annual luncheon at the meet- ing of Pontiac Woman's-Clab Monday afternoon at Pontiac Federal Savings and Loan Building. The tuncheon will be held May 18 at Hotel Waldron, with Robert Bills of Huron-Clinton Metropolitan Authority as guest. speaker. Mrs. Harry: Stowell report- ed on the state convention just held in Detroit. The president, Mrs. C. W. Myers announced the adult institute to be held May 6 in Ann Arbor and. the Oakland County Federation of Women’s Clubs. meeting at Oak. Ridge Clubhouse, Royal Oak. Mrs.. William Bedard; wel- " fare chairman, reported that _ large donations had been made to Girls’ Town scholarship funds and other civic organiza- tions. A start has been made on next year’s welfare funds with a breakfast at her home. Ruby Dunstan entertained members with a talk on floral arrangements and showed sim- ple arrangements to be used in the home. Chairman of the day’ was . Mrs, Stowell, On her commit- tee were Mrs. Charles Lioyd, Mrs. George Chrisman, Mrs. Henry Simpson, Mrs. Eleah Patten, Mrs. W. H. Eustice, Mrs. Netti Hymers, Mrs. Clarerice Smith and Mrs. Lew- is Stuart. : News of Personal Interest Trij rips, Pontiac area: residents are a busy group this spring with many coming from or going on trips and vacations, Not to be outdone by their elders the college set is engaged in all kinds of activities, too. Mrs, John: T. Humphries of Dover road leaves today for Las Vegas to visit her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. O’Bryan for two weeks. totes Wee Returned from two months in Fort Lauderdale is: Mrs, Wil- liam Garner of Miami- road. She visited hér brother-in-law’s family, ee Mr, and Mrs. William Ald- rich of LaSalle street are va- eationing in Everglades Na- tional Park, Fla, & (he. | Mrs, John Kent, her daugh- ter Lillian and son-in-law Ken- neth Pantose left Saturday to visit Mrs, Kent's sister. and hy Cp 9 : brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. . Henry Hefner of Hillsboro, Mo. * * * Mr, and Mrs. James Grappin of Oak Hill street. and Mr. and Mrs, Marvin Grappin of Irwin drive have returned from Indianapolis, Ind., where they attended a convention. * xo ® Recently. returned from Thornton, Colo. is Mrs, Robert D. Waggoner of Waldo street.” ~~ She visited her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Peter Niemi aed family. Mr. Niemi is with the Navy recruiting of-” fice in Denver Colo. - a oe aie Taking patt ina synchro- nized s wim ming exhibitian “TV Aquarama,” at Albion College is Jane E; Martini. Miss Martini, the daughter - of Mr. and. Mrs. Alfred Mar- tini of Cooley Lake réad, will appear in the Water Roundup ‘day. Pontiat Press Photes 0 Bries. Mr. Turner is stage director . for the group and Miss O’Brien is hairman + of poster distribution. next season), Mrs. C. T: Ehtlund, ond Dr. Ekelund, who have been patrons since the first year the orchestra. was 8.Win at Bridge Twelve tables were in play at Pontiac Duplicate Bridge Club meeting’ held Monday evening at Elks Temple. Winners were Mrs. Ollie Davis, Mrs. Joseph McNerney, Mr. and Mrs, Ericson Lewis, Allen Rososky. Donald Steph- enson, Joseph Nouse and. Al Wallace. Plan Benefit Party The Psychiatric Aid Associa- tion of Pontiac State Hospital is holding a benefit card party Thursday, April‘ 23, at Pontiac Federal Savings and .Loan Building. The affair will start at 7 p.m. Proceeds will go to the benefit of the Patients Fund, and tickets will be avail- able at the door. a number of the show te be pre- sented Thursday and Friday evenings. * * * Diana Forshew, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Forshew of Birmingham, was.in charge of continuity during WMOH , Day held Sunday. The. radio staff at Western College for Women where Miss Forshew is a senior took over operation of the Hamilton, Ohio, com- mercial radio. station for the x -% _ Elected treasurer of Arizona: Stete University Chapter of Delta Sigma Pi, national honor _ business. fraternity is Patrick Sanderson, He is. the son of ‘the Donald F. Sandersons of Walled Lake, - An accotnting. tnajor, Mr. ‘ ' Sanderson is a sophomore in the College of Business Admin: istration. He also is affiliated with Sigma Nu, gational so- cial fraternity, Paes tes (fe See SS eee err eS oS AB Addresses Women “Carole Malsom __ Announces * Wedding Party . Baker. To Wed in June Mr. and Mrs. Hilton V. Phipps -of. Oneida road an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Greta Eileen, to Howard Thompson Leaven- worth, son of Mr. and Mrs. E,. Kendrick Leavenworth of Coldwater, formerly of Bir- mingham.. Both young people attend the University of Michigan where - Mr. Leavenworth is affiliated with Lambda Chi Alpha Fra- ternity, A June 13 wEeetas is planned, College Activities Are Highlighted Mr, and Mrs. Richard J. Bowers (nee Wilma Tamm) of Farmington announce the birth of a son William James, born April 17 at Mt. Carmel Mercy Hospital. : Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs, William Tamm of Far- mington and former Pontiac residents Mr. and Mrs. Millis J. Bowers of Farmington. he x *& * Former Pontiac residents, " Mr, and Mrs, Danie] Randolph Jr. {nee Kathryn Slade) of Port Huron announce the birth of a daughter, Pamela Anne, born April 19.. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Slade of Fourth street and Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Randoiph of Port Huron, ~ * * ¥ ! * Mr. and Mrs. Martin H. Karcher and daughters, ‘of Green Lake, have. returned from three months at Riviera Beach, Fla. . garian -in flavor, from Ferde Grofe’s popular “Gra yon Suite.” Al- though “On The Trail” is the best known excerpt from the suite, it also is the most intri- very interesting. * * * .. One of Zoltan Kodaly’s most popular works is his . “Hary Janos Suite.” The intermezzo;— is typically Hun- © a Czardas, featuring overtones of gypsy music and very complicated rirythmic pat- terns..Mr, DiBlasi and the or- upon ~ the tragic love story of Romeo and Juliet. This was, without a doubt, one of @he finest per- formances Pontiac concert- goers have ever heard. Mr. DiBlasi and the orches- tra did. magnificent justice to Tchaikovsky's masterful or-_. chestration. * * * I have never heard a wood- wind séction in any orchestra ‘which 24. WEST HURON STREET Park Free—we'll stamp your ticket and Friday 119 © E - Ee : ae ee re eee to ask her to marry me but I a children safe. If your husband | heroin, I spent six months in Br ghter feels that this boy's car'is dan- | a hospital at Lexington, Ky., gerous, he should tell the BOY | then I was sentenced to a Fed- mest C, (not your daughter) and if | eral Correction Institute for 3 possible, help him to put some- | months followed by two years’ * * and*from thimble- sized boys to budding Beau Brummels, Stride- - Rite offers them rugged styles, lasting fit, longer.wear. We offer lots of attention and experienced service. Please note: Shoe D above is found in Huron Street ‘store only, a « ot ee Se Black at our W. BLACK aida A sin BLANKETS 33 eee rt for Summer" .g§. $j Sr #8 sy = PMMA wee eee * ° ayer $795 CURITY DIAPERS 3.75 2.88 PACIFIC KNIT yoeeds Acta of all active young men : SHEETS si clic 1.98 1.66 we zes812 SG Q95 Fitted TOP SHEETS widths C-E Name Brand ...2.25 1.49 aie SWEATER SETS ..3.98 2.88 ¢ Smooth plain toe leather, In black only. JOHNNY SEAT. oat 2.98 2.8% ' Cote $89 JIFF.UP...... 1.2.98 1,99 ; BOTTLE SETS ....2.98 1.99 heath 7 are tela 30x40 RECEIVING in-black, sizes 8'/2-12 in brown, sizes 121/)-3 sizes 121/,-3 widths in both C-E D for BIG BOYS in black and brown sizes. 342-6, B-EE In Brown 64-8, C-D $10.45 In Black, 642-9, B-E $10.45 JUVENILE BOOTERIE 28 E. Lawrence Street Open Mon. and Fri. to 9 and FAMILY SHOE STORE 928.W. Huron at Telegraph ‘Open Fri. and Sat. to 9 $799 and $Q95 $995 oe Sis Shins haven't Son of «4 Have You Tried This? ioeecdwe| } my rec- ave ou aoa A ord so that’s no problem, but ) I am constantly being picked Whole Nuts Add Crunch |) itv tte rote tor invesien a \ - : agains nas? ees co ] up + your an- patrng gabe getty fo MRS. WAYNE F. LUNDY same boat, There are lots of “ean staves: ' ye | Marijane ollmar e you can « ° » ter aod ite ves ou | 77 Candlelight Service rer od te we oe | I Candlelig. : what you are today. If you be- | A — have yourself long enough, you Marijane Ethel Vollmar and | shantung sheath dress with a won't be “picked up” forever. Wayne F. Lundy were married scoop neckline and matching ‘ . onophe * * * Saturday at be ewe : jacket. Her accessories age. Needless to say, “How can I him to notice Baptist Church. . matched her dress, and she no time for outside activities. eg ceagrare gy tn age me?” ~Get pth booklet, Chapman officiated at the wore the white orchids from She says she collects records x “What Every Teenager Wants | Candlelight ceremony before | hor bridal bouquet. The couple and likes to- sew. , size of big marbles. Press out © to Know.” Send 25 cents and a ay nage will live. om Lapeer road. CRUNCHY PEANUT with a fork. Bake 12-15 min- B| Jarge, self-addressed, stamped The bride is the grand- The bride attended the Uni- BUTTER COOKIES utes at 325 degrees. S| envelope to Abby in care of this | ‘daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ern- | ... TOPPER SETS 8. M.,L.,XL........ 2.49" Prices Effective Through Baby Week to May 2nd PHONE OR MAIL ORDERS FILLED Charge Accounts Available MARGARET ANN_ Riker Bldg: ‘ SHOP 4 4 ‘J : \ ! ee ‘ pa o Pa S5 : be ai ta 2a ae 2s ek A Lee, A eee oe AS ee A ee 2 ee MIRACLE MILE SHOPPING CENTER s. Telegraph at. Squore Lake Rd. MIRACLE MILE . Fun for the Whole Family in wéar for pennies more! . ‘i 3-PIECE ALUMINUM PATIO. SET FOR COOL CAREFREE COMFORT Full size choise and 2 matchibg chairs Here is a winning combination of utility, comfort, eye and price appeal. Gleaming Alcoa aluminum frames, no-rust hardware, weather-resist Velon webbing in green, yellow or turquoise combined with white. GIANT 6' VINYL AIR MATTRESS Best seller at 3.98 a” Lightweight, easy-to- -ine flate mat has built in pillow for added comfort. -Doubles as. a raft. MORE WAYS TO SPEC Pay no money down: -. eredit plan. Pay out ‘of income. Get more credit as you pay! PLAY WITH GRANTS ACTION-PACKED > 10 PLAY OUTDOOR GYMS° Fun filled plays... lawn swing, 7-foot platform ‘slide, two swings, two “chinning bars, trapeze and flying rings. 2-inch thick: steel tubing . . . 1,000 pound test chain. tee ee SPECIAL “Charge-l,” no money down, 1.25 weekly © Recoil starter on handle © Choke-A-Matic handle contro!” © Free Leaf Mulcher © Sturdy tonl Heh ©. Live rubber rear tires - -@ Briggs & Stratton 24 HP 4-cycle — Pa | “WARRANTY on Briggs & Stratton en- gine. Guaran- teed egainst ma. ‘terials an regime nship ander me norma and care, LAY AWAY ONLY _ SELF-PROPELLED! - FAMOUS. WTG" 20-IN. ROTARY MOWER xe eee SPECIAL Reg. 79.98 % Charge-if’-ne money down, 1.75 weekly Impossible to match the quality for less than Grants low price. No pushing, no : Jog *eop1d ‘pulling ; easy-to-maneuver. Heavy duty Mol AiQeyreuter ¥ 38 -steel deck; live rubber rear tirés for _— u0y90402d pod saat more corer sad PAINT FOR. . i amok dn susysery teen ieee over- |} ee color. eR i ey a ae 7 le! hg se Ney We espe es ana ae WO SUNBEAM 20 poem {Re LM eager WILL Saar BUY 3 weit peters | EXTERON CORDS 5% 88° SPOUT «gl tor BG} : coe ce gAYS—Ass't cin TICE CREAM SCOOP 60° ph eee CLOTHESLINE CARLOAD SALE {PAINT NOW!!/3 $3.99. ALL-PURPOSE |HO PAINT) sia" $479 TURQUOISE LT. and DK. GREEN | DARK GRAY § Deck ame ENAMEL { OAnT $ 79 $ 979 Gal. GAL. ALL PURPOSE HIGH GLOSS $ \AARINE | ENAMEL ? ENAMEL ie WATER RESISTANT $ 2%? (one Wein oan. ¢ $295 1 69 @ WHITE ONLY ere VINYL LATEX, WATER RESISTANT MASONRY PAINT FOR STUCCO, CONCRETE, igre SHINGLES, BRICK, PLASTER, CINDER or CEMENT BLOCK—WOOD SIDING | Be «$9 99 =e LATEX INTERIOR PAINT HIGH FASHION COLORS DRIES FAST . | SCRUBBABLE GAL. NO LIMIT $5.98 Value = a “ * @ & j 9 # 3 HP CLINTON ENGINE — — 40¢Ue. — Steel Deck — Large Wheels — Recoil Remote Starter ndles — = Fingert nour i SUGAR h DORMEYER 12-INCH FRY PAN Sobatenstble Pan-Cover-Controls Automatic: Controls CANISTER SET a a gel 10 DEEP FRY COOKER ‘oui ar ip Controls — # Ne * Cag. Height — Full 1 Year _ SHETLAND TWIN BRUSH FLOOR POLISHERS © RUG CLEANING Attachment FREE hited? Aas es PLASTIC DINNERWARE CUP, SAUCER, DESSERT DISH, DINNER PLATE yo C on ay _CHOICE COLORS 3 _ LAWNS —TURFS~TREES , , aS BAG 0 bags “17” 3Cleans a 9x12 rug 5 sissell SHAMPOO : MASTER We believe this grill . is the best value at 2 lowest price in Pon- > tiac. ADJUSTABLE GRILL LARGE WHEELS became § in 30 minutes. Professional looking results! GARBAGE CANS 20-GAL. Big M a9 5 Positions i Galvanized with cover wr hile o , tg ah Ae Ue os df ~ - a ars o - é — Complete Only $42.88 LOUNGE 5-POSITION GYM SET ~Break and Stain Resist- RAWLINGS DELUXE «x Alcoa Aluminum acty pout. washers OFFICIAL LEAGUE 8-PLAY f Howsg | emennmnwvam¢ BALLS 97 Fire King e dns Gree: | STAINLESS | Acuwee te Giant 6-01. Size $ DINNERWARE { BASEBALL Outstanding $1 BATS $1.29 » Value — Only 4 FORKS wan 4 SPOONS CATCHERS’ MASKS, $ 95 4 TEASPOONS GLOVES — FIRST 24 8 os BASEMAN MITTS $ Full 2” Cross Bars, 2 Swings, BIG SELECTION .2 Rocket Glider, Trapeze Bar, Flying Rings! STEOPPER OR CHROME-cT. YEAR GUARANTEE STEREO GOLF TESTED AND APPROVED : LONG PLAY TOMMY ARMOUR = eto SEED 5 FISHING RECORDS } Championship § swm-w~ SUPPLIES 29 | aS | eee oe 97' . . $ 29 $15.00 $ GD 88 dew. § Serve Lowe re Value : ¢ SAVE 2 GRASS RAKE 59 mippLecorr- $LAWWN SPRINKLER ROBOT ARMOUR 75's $. gem “Coven a5 8 Spee ih /O} GARDENER { GOLF BALLS ova for WEEDS, 3 $9.00 9B 49 Dm. $8.95 3 : a INSECTS, alue or en es FERTILIZER . Aluminum 3 CU. FT. RODS - REELS --LINE ; . NADCO 55 $ Grass Stop} _ STEEL BED SHAKESPEARE—OCEAN CITY— $ Complete #9953 FOLDING Wheelb ALGONAC WATER KING—BRONSON $ © i GOLF 10° | arrow BIG DISCOUNTS | sins {CART ‘597 , Refills Available . _ $19.95 Volue ’ ww Large Wheel NEW HOURS z “AAA, 4 DAILY. Al od j FREE | ROUND POINT EXCEPT... AUTLAS Continuous Coil : TUES ond: i arta SHOVEL SATURDAY E rruga um , 9:30 --7:00 932 WEST ee hencely ; a as70 wor. $919 7 89 SUNDAY DPPOSITE HURON THEATER | Only I American Made 10:00 -- 3:00 = | Indians . Rout \ Detroit, 14-1, in. First Nigh _ Game _ of. Season Har ita that was tainted only by an un- earned Detroit run in the eighth inning. The Indians raked six Tiger pitchers for 13 additional base hits. Minoso got five of them, driving in five runs with two home runs and. batting across another with one of his three singles. to See baseball in the worst way certainly sid.” : The secind game of the threé- \cLevELaAND sé DETROIT — Theor eeTiy H ef $3 on! Sever lb 6233 Osborne 16,4011 Minoso If 6256 Kuenn 40186 Colavito rf.5 0900 Kaline rf 4010 Nixon ¢ $039 Doe ee B -Brown ¢ if Bridges ss field 3 4210 A-Chrisley 108096 S'trckI'nd ss 421.2 Veal ss 160906 Martin 2h.«5 010 Bolling 2% 36019 MclLish p 4312 e 21196 att 416353 vie Totals 441 Davie p $338 ep 0000 B-Hasris 1009 Aguirre p 00960 Mossi p 9000 Totals 2161 A—Grounded out for Betas in Tth; B—Struck out for Burnside ath; C— struck out for Nixon in 9th. rickland, Bolling, Bridges. PO-A— 21-6, DP—Me-| - E—St Cleveland 27-14, Detroit 27-6. Lish, Strickland and Power. LOB—Cleve- land 11, Detroit 5. ‘ ae prrewer aa Osborne. HR—Minoso 2, f wer. Strickland, ore Er ss s0 McLish (W,.2-0) ..0 6 1 Poytack (L, 0-1) ..%4 5 5 1 0 Davie wees eevee b%5 3 1 2 2 BCE ps eeceees tees %2 6 S$ 2 0 Burnside «.covees, 3 3 H . : 3 Moet cd Oa! 0 0 3 X-Faced 4 ters 1 fi HBP-By. Susce (Held). U—@oar, Chy- Ink, suas McKinley. T—2:50. A~~12,935. i PCH Golfers lose Ist Dual Meet of Season , [arthur Ruftin, Wilson, .|. John McCarin Jr., Charlotte, N.C., de- | > bog o Richard Prick, Greenwich, Conn. i EE eoE SHE fp & 3 2 third and fourth and his RBI FEE Bl : i : ; 7 | F ; = % ae ge ta er AP Wirephete GOING GREAT — Bob Allison of the Washington Senators is off to a great early season start and son has hit safely in alk eight games with 12 hits in 33 tries for a .3%64) average. Co-medalist with a 7l in Mon- day's qualifiers, é a i-~up victory over Toms. Green, who was. 1-down at the turn, pulled even on the bdck side and closed out the match with a par four on the 19th gréen as Toms missed q three-foot putt. Hplay téday at Pinehurst Country Club, . Dr. Robert Corley of Jackson was the other state golfer still in round. The veteran Draper, ex-Michi- gan amateur chan, lost a 1-up Orlando, Fla. Dr. Corley, another seasoned er and long a the running’ after Birmingham’s '~ Tom Draper bowed out in the Ist): decision to Dr. John McKey of | Green Wins 1st Match,’ Faces Tough Foe Today standout figure in state amateur ‘circles, also scored a l-up vic- tory. Dr. Corley, like Green, was pushed to the 19th hole to conquer eh Kelly Grice of Charlotte, N.C. Another tested player, Dr. Wen- dell Aldrich of Angola, Ind., fired par golf for a 2-1 conquest of Dave Smith, who shared medal honors with Green on Monday. Aldrich, a 38-year-old dentist, is well known to Michigan golf fans in the Detroit area, x * x Ability and stamina were de- manded today with two rounds scheduled to cut the field to quarter-final size by nightfall. Pinehurst’s Dick Chdpman, the defending ‘champion,.and Mal Gal- letta of Old Westbury, N. Y., who won this event 19 years ago, met in ohe of today’s top matches. Chapman advaneed with a 6-5 win over George Towbotham, King of Prussia, Pa. . & | Docioring ; PATIENT’S COMPLAINT: » To Worse!” Bea Peseerrenes UPPER HALF ani Pvt. John Sehubeck, Ft. Knox, . defeated Alpheus Winter, FPairfie! Conn., 1-up. * Richard Chapman, Pinehurst, detea bgt Towbotham, King of Prussia, Pa. 6 and 5. Mal Galietta, Old. Westbury, N.Y., de oe | Ben Goodes, » NC, Arnola Blum, Macon, Ga., Wic., 2 and 1 Don Basig, Baton Rouge, La., defeat Bob Batdorff, West Lawn, Pa., 3 and Dr, John. MeKey, Orlando, Fis., deteat- mt Graituem: ‘Mich; The Flint Central golf team hand-led tom ed Pontiac Central its first dual setback of the season cold, blustery weather at Flint’s l-w . RALY in| peter Green, Birmingham, Mich., de, foated George Toms, Durham, N.C., 19 Brookwood Country Club. The final] "Gene angiews, Pacitic Palisades, Calit., score was 11%-3% and the Sagi-/Gveries, Marty pecreeny, Portsmouth, naw Valley loss left. the Chiets Tom Deaton led Pontiac’s’ five-| man squad with an $4, Other scores for the Chiefs were Mike Samard- ee is, defeated Jo Canada, 6 and Pete 3 Pideee h, Louden, Ontario, feated t) i s Dr. Wendell Aldrich, Angola, Ind., de-' = ae Dave Smith, Gastonia, N.C. 2 @ Ky., |) J 45 defeated | = d i. # a its own. % gees Se a | _ DIAGNOSIS: Faulty gripping. | ‘Treatment: Those of us who teach golf may differ on * some minor points, But.we all agree that the importance + ‘of the proper grip cannot be The little finger of the | gtoove between the index and middie fingers of the left hand, and should apply_some slight pressure ‘of hea jer. < * ae es eS be: _ © The main: pressure’ to: be” ||) iin the tast three Pp bay Seek ech. 6 adie an Ping Ri yor ye ai Gothen Poss ; 2 = « hl + 4 He @FOeO Or aoorme Ho q@PHSesenGeonreae %eqgc%soe ee Ratt aee ib at “Poeraia e iéé mate aie: ieee iH : _ e000 fanee » 3333 nen einai Atte aaets FETE Wannagion | BOA i Pa The only &.., other tcat Grn was} | inning. Toronto Wants Delvecchio in Offer to Deal Punch © Delvecchio was about to be trad- ed to Toronto for the Cullen*broth- ers,, Barry and Brian, Noej Price and Marc Reaume, the paper said. The Wings also would give the Leafs an unnamed Minor League defenseman. x * * Detroit general manager Jack Adams is vacationing in Florida and therefore out of touch. But be- fore he left he said: “Sure I want to trade, but no one wants to trade with me. P’ve only got a half dozen players anyone is interested in and those I can’t spare.” * Delvecthio would be~ classified among the half dozen. “T can’t. see trying to get any older players,” Adams - said. “That's the kind of trading you do to patch up a lineup or to strength- en it just a bit for a year or so. “Any trades, any changes I make this. summer will emphasize put- ting in young players for a gen- teral ‘rebuilding.”” cos ea Golf | j Your e By DR. CARY MIDDLECOFF hie ee “My Game Goes From Bad overemphasized. The grip being the only tangible ‘Iihk between” the: player and the club, it’s obvious that a wrong grip can nullify any and all right things done by the body —the feet, and the rest of it. Here “we see a bottom view of the grip. It shows that the palm and fingers combine to produce the: proper. grip in the left hand; and that the right hand grip is essentially in the fingers. fight hand les in the. Bistroke of death has come to Don F\Black, the baseball pitcher who ‘ _ He was watching his old team, eithe Cleveland Indians, on tele- Long Island Sailors Even ° Race Series race of the series for the Amorita Cup Tuesday after losing a morn- ing race that subsequently was cancelled. . * * * Bermuda won Monday's first race in the best-of-7 series .and made it two in, a tow this morn- “sling. However it was decided later that this race should not couat because Sam “Barton of Rye, N. Y., the American captain, with- drew to prevent his boat from losing its -mast. After this show of sportsman- ship by the Bermuda team, the Long Islanders went out fo win the official second race by the City Bowler Bows in Masters ST. LOUIS (AP)—Ray Bluth of St. Louis and Billy Golembiewski of Detroit are the only undefeated bowlers left in the American Bowling Congress Masters tourna- ment. eS PRs Golembiewski has averaged a comparatively tepid 198 for 20 games. But none. of his foes have scoréd a four game series of 800 or better in this’ rugged double elimination test. Golembiewski and Bluth meet of their winners bracket. The vic- tor will meet the winner of the losers bracket* tonight for the Masters championship. narrow margin of three-quarters of a point, 43-42%: j Still competing in the losers |Ex-Pitcher Was 40 Death Takes AKRON, Ohio ) —- The swift vision last night when he collapsed. Taken to St. Thomas hospital, he i FI ‘ i E aise gy Don Black His next battle came in a*hospi- tal. In the pennant year ‘of 1948 he was used only occasionally, and had a record of two wins and two losses when he keeled over. at the plate on Sept. 13. A blood vessel ‘had broken on the surface on his brain, and for weeks he was in critical condition. But he finally * He became a sportscaster, later a salesman of automobiles and insurance here, Then on Christmas Day of 1957, en route to a visit with relatives in Vir- ginin, he was in an auto acci- dent that nearly killed him. There was a long convalescence again, * * Only 2 Keglers Undeteat ‘| Bluth’s unternished ‘record is|’ simply explained: He has aver- aged 221-7 for 20° games. _ early today to decide the winner| © i: nin ie ill “he : eeeee LP ASSO RS See 2 ie SE ae. St. ee Smee ee ape Ge SP ee eee Sea ee Pe ee Ee ' © Sioux Valve Equipment and Tools © Chicago Pneumatic Tools : Featuring Air Conditioning | Automatic Pin Spotters & Tele-Scorers | LAKEWOOD LANES Phy FE 2-0108- iy 312) W. Huron St, (1 Block East of Blixabeth Lake Ré.) FE 4-7943 i ie ORE THAN 50% The CUSTOM-BILT TIRE ccs with the balanced tread: = The ultimate in quality retreading. Built to the exact tread specifications of brand new U.S. Royal origind! equipment tires in our own up-to-the-minute retreading shop. The miracle of modern electronic equipment just installed brings you new tire ty at but a fraction of new tire cost. US \ Avdilabile ##6m our stoék of *fidighed custom-bilts or applied to your own 14 or 15-inch tires at FAR LESS THAN HALF NEW TIRE COST @ NEW TIRE APPEARANCE e¢ TIRE PERFORMANCE @ NEW TIRE TREAD DEPTH © NEW TIRE MILEAGE ALL U.S.ROYALS ARE SAFETY-FIRST TIRES 6.70-15 TUBE TYPE Pius tox ond Treadoble ae EASY TERMS _ Dbalchain-drive tread design for positive traction—quick- - stop action. Wide, deep, tread for high-mile capacity. ALL U.S.ROYALS ARE SAFETY-FIRST TIRES MONEY-SAVING, TIRE SAVING SERVICE SPECIALS BRAKES CORRECT RECONDITIONED WHEEL 0 ALIGNMENT® WHEELS . $Q50 1. Correct Caster 2. Correct Camber 3. BALANCED — 3 4 o~ and Add Brake Fluid ‘ Correct Toe-in 5. Aljust Brake Shoes to Secure 9 5 4. Inspect Steering MOST CARS full Contact with Drums + Assembly S$. Corotatly Test Brakes. ; 7 * heals ‘ead abo a *by the area's TOP Front End Man—Al McRATH Balanced. 30 years experience and 30.000 satisfied customers MacDonald Tire Cv. “Where Only the Tires Are Inflated—Not the Prices” 370 S. Saginaw | FE 5-6136 Fe i J ‘ en) : AP Wirephote PITCHER AND CATCHER — Pitcher Hoyt the big hitter as the Baltimore Orioles defeated Wilhelm (right) has a word of thanks for his the Red Sox 5-2 at Fenway Park in Boston. catcher Gus Triandos, who yesterday was also Triandos had two home runs, one a grand slam. fn Skippers Drop League Opener, 9-7 Avondale, Romeo, Cranbrook 9s Win Baseball activity got‘ under way| Otto Jancik was the big gun as 7th, on a four-rur blast when Tom Demerick hit a 2-run single to ern’s decision to story. Last week it was speculated Northwestern would vote for the game. This immediately brought an un- signed editorial by the student newspaper — The Daily Northwest- meetings May 23-24 at Ann Ar- bor. The Daily Northwestern calied the decision to vote “yes” hype- critical. T. Leroy Martin, chairman of the university faculty committee, said: “Northwestern's faculty athletic lin the Inter-Lakes and Oakland B| Av whipped Clawson 4-2. leagues with Southfield and Avon-| J homered in Lamar Ste- dale posting opening victories. phens in the first inning and | Southfield pushed two runs across) singled inch ant ee - Bs up 7 hits. Win was Crane's 3rd. \in the 9th inning one on a squeeze! second for ali four RBI's. lk ot tonal jplay by pitcher Bob Filar, to de-| canton im the game for his third Be Menage oF gem feat Waterford 97. cme _|match in Wayne-Oakland league at! The Skippers tied the score at 7-7/North Hills, with West Bloomfield! make the count 9-6. Andy Billed- committe voted tonight to reaffirm son was winning pitcher, giving | the university's long standing posi- tion of opposition to all post-sea- son games including the Rose Bowl.” The decision will guide North- western's vote at the conference LAKE with a five run 7th inning but thelthe eventual winner over Bloom-| ™eetims, said Martin. Northwest- \Jays won it in the 9th as Terry/field Hills and Holly. The clubs} °™ B¢¥er before announced its (Odom scored on Filar’s squeeze. Romeo blanked Lake Orion 13-0,| on the Romeo diamond, with a 4-hit} | mound job by Jim Busch and Paul Hoxsey. The winners scored in every inning, getting 3 in the Ist} and 3rd and 5 in the big 4th frame.) It was Romeo's 3rd win against one loss. PROPERTY | vote before the meeting but oth- all wound up the regula ’ ‘= er universities have and because at 173. Keego’s Don Cole birdied the | extra hole of the playoff, for the | tenon Match medalist was the Hill’s| Last month at a meeting in Bob Thompson with’ 38, followed by| Madison, Wis., the conference Holly's Dick Kenney. - itook a straw vote and received a Paced by. Mike Wiegand’s meédal 5-4 decision in favor of. continu- CALL SLAYBAUGH’S MARINE FE 8-0453; 5-6283 45 card, St. Michael golfers ‘yes-|ance with Northwestern abstaining. |terday won their opening match of; Illinois, Ohio State and Minne- |the season. Shamrocks defeated sota have announced they are Cranbrook won a ball game, 11-9, but dropped a tennis match at “Hamtramck, §2. The ball Servite over the Municipal course) against continuance. Wisconsin is Shown by Appointment Only aa eee eee Pontiac ,, IMPORTED. SEAGRAM-DISTILLERS OOMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. 868 PROOF. CANADIAN’ WHISKY A HEWD,,.OF RARE SELECTED WHISKIES « G1X YEARS OLD game was won in the top of the here, 199-220. |known to be against it although Other Shamrock cards were (it bas not announced its decision. Bruce Brown 47, Dennis Pat- | Michigan is in. faver of ¢on- terson 50 and Paul Harding Si. | tiguance, Indiana, lowa, Purdue | Milford won a dual track test at) and Michigan State are believed Bloomfield Hills, 59+4-49%4. The 880-| to be for it although they also relay decided the win. A new field| have not made any announce. \record was set for the pole vault| meets.’ |by Milford’s Veresch, at 10-6. The present contract ends with | Hills’ netters shut out Clarence-|i,. 1969 game. A new contract jou ve at the ee : ,{ also must be approved by the \Clawson” nptacatons 3 $6308 0—2 4 3| ournament of Roses and the big Winning pitcher Darrell Tho -|four of western college football— : 3 California, Southern Cal, Washing- Terre eres 3383331833 4 sterford ... 6020 o— | Winning pitcher Bob Pilar. ton and UCLA. You Don’t Have to Be a WEEK-END BUYER . BECAUSE YOU CAN GET A SPECIAL ALL THIS WEEK BIG BARGAINS! COME ON OUT AND TAKE A LOOK — YOU GET A FREE CHICKEN Ready to cook — with every used car, new car, or truck bought this week. ¥ . SAVINGS — SERVICE — SATISFACTION All at One Location — Don’t Take One Without the Other Be Sure You Get a Better Deal — Before You Deal See... EDDIE STEELE Ford 2705 Orchard Lake Rd. Keego Harbor 1 Mile W. of Telegraph Rd. FE 5-9204 PONTIAC’S DIRECT FACTORY DEALER and West Side Classics. | fotow wo eon of Posies sat bowl has developed into one of the biggest scorers here dur clinched ‘the West Side+— asa rently in. a- close: race Metin |All of the Dodger ‘runs caine on on four hits, striking }.,Don De homers last night. Don Zimmer’s| walking but two. The ja lon first of the season was & twoonjhander, getting a Sens ina ee er Snes on Oe Feats . rolling on Demeter’s inside-the-/ victories park homer-—the first: ever at thejnerup %00 earned , and 140 pounds;’has been|,pgme™ at ® 8. fs second nce ak hae Giants 8 13 rele innings in five tending tn he listo top eaguet—ine Hone fn ot sd aE mene a Se Pe a ced Re , oe ee er , + |game fn the Iith Sanity last hight nes Gapiaplonion (ee Sl Puree Cerermee|rrany, setrad ie ee 7 ~ He captains both the 11th Frame Bar which has|* the Coliseum for a 81 victory “374s gaam. v0 53848 in bis 4 18 de ig A ae aan ‘hese Ga Tver the Sin ranean Gans areal £414 ae 81 SiGe puchee ie. seventh Inthe y CUE-lode; Drewry’s in Elks House in\Ad it was Fowler, at 36 returning it 492% Fue 1218! “Fowler, dumped by Cincinnatilright-hander who was : ose race for at a getline Ping Bron $844 Raster © Hie M0, saanad atiee San Wi-ieewsr, gave wp, hie Huron honors at Motor Inn, /Housewives and kg Lake « eles tEEE dese $11 lie gave up two hits and the tying on a oo i if el HELE (ii fiw. net Petit | Beciaggacecceem “HH a gg UP TO:50 2 = & The Braves stayed whipping Cincinnati 7-4 ren Spahn won his second. Gien Bantam’ Bout fect pitching in the only other a. 548 | a.m. to 2 p.m. : sat ime te oe sea ese. 117] | BAGLEY AUTO PARTS The 267-246- is the highest Frankie Duarte, veteran Mexican|the Dodgers were interested in pases @ ol hewnh & vat sanctioned series ever shot in Pon- German itwo' of his Oklahoma City high oa | oo ne 5. 1 19 tiac. And it came in the 33-year- Edgar Basel to win a|school buddies who insisted he be * 623 6 jag) ee FE 5-9210-19 old city resident's Ist real good|10-round decision in Municipal|signed, too, has shown promise/< ws NEW Mi = See year as a kegler after six years of|Auditorium last night. of power but hasn’t been much';: - a 908 W. Huron ilies SPECIAL * Complete Front End Alignment Reg § * Balance 2 Front Whee Ree $5. U5 ® Pack Front Whe * Adjust Brakes * Inspect Brake Li * Inspect Orums * Inspect Wheel Cylinders PAY AS LOW AS $1.25 A WEEK $Q95 With This Ad Regular AAU AT) UTA RELINE GOODYEAR o Too good a bargain to miss... -- too good tolasth. Look at all you get in one money-saving package! © Drain oil and refill with Valvoline All-Climate Motor Oil © Check oif filter | © Check power system fivid levels . © Complete chassis lubrication © Service air cleaner @ Check transmission and differential lubricants _ @ Inspect radiator pressure cap . “* © Inspect radiator hose, tighten clamps © Drain, flush and refill radiator © Add radiator rust inhibitor © Inspect and adjust fan belt © Test battery, check terminals and cables @ inspect muffler and tail pipe _© Lubricate all body hinges, locks and catches ALL YOURS! _ Your $4.59 “Service Special” includes chassis lubricants and radiator rust inhibitor plus 5 quarts of famous Valvoline All-Climate Motor Oil. . | (Pi Cam. = ‘ Your Safety Warning Signal — : can be a roadside life-saver! If. you're ~ ‘ forced to stop along the road, put this signal behind your car. The red stripes warn approaching traffic by day, and the reflective silver stripes by night. You can't buy these Safety Waring Signals any- where! But they're FREE with each $4,59 "Service Special.” Limited supply. Act now! See your Good Neighbor — Ashland Oil Dealer Today! ASHLAND OIL & REFINING COMPANY FREE Safety Warning Signal with every “SERVICE SPECIAL” + Fenian tomato ” Ne A \ 2 2 ‘ t ¢ ; si pepcinnaisdeaa hpctenelalacditinss . sree: ee ae ‘ ; a ; =. 4 : ; ae ; 4 hos ae hs Fj sil Chea fe ae + Pa | ae alee = 4 sain a aie ss wa x= ~ a 7 See | ee Y oT ae “f ie Oe es SS ee LY Fa? ee ; Se fee fy Ve See ee” ca GREATEST TAKE-YOUR. VALUES EVER! “Off list price plus tax and recappable casing > tte ett tL BIG » STRONG » RUGGED GENERAL 620x158 $4295 7.10% 18. $4495. Both plus tex and . ‘vseble SAVE BIG TUBE- (8.00x 14) $2 ON NEW 14” 225 (8150/9.00%1 Se ae oa eat rs THE GREAT NEW GENERAL DUAL 90 Complete Tailoring Service—Tuxede Rentals USABLE CASING BEST BARGAIN Se 2a aa eae eee eee eee aac: il i i i i ii aaa, (he a i Ae: A aR ile ae li: a Be Ail Ali A A i) a gy ily ee ae a te gg “oop el Ali re a 2.28 4 &: Sass % - =F aa FE4-7121 - 3127W, Huron - _ FE 2-6122 Be eo gt), eG Re eae Tf - ie ee He af x ; : * : Ao) e ee ee i % i : ( a “es . ® * ee j ' ‘ , ae ae one = : Se HE x ; ‘ Andina : a . 2 : Ne Fal a Y aoe : ieee: FE " : /Grand Upenins ° > sl eo a a : 1 ee y oe e" Bee v April 24, 25, 26—9 to 9 WE Be SPT MOST © DOOR PRIZES © REFRESHMENTS routers Poised for O rhis Scott Powered SPECIAL rou er Ss : Ol se Or pener : 14 FT. FIBERGLASS BOAT CONTROLS ond TRAILER | All New 1959 § B00 : COMPLETE , for Those —— - Special Tuneup Rates on Scott woop... . * sane | GRUISE-OUT Sirs habits, the big plantings in south- __ Magic PONTIAC - erm areas are made before the season opening and prior to Me- morial Day and the Fourth of ; July. After that, interest shifts to No Money | northern — where venting r 2 NOW Disc | mye pens dohery efor @nne@)° to P trout will be rainbows, the rest AUTOMATIC brooks and browns. TRANSMISSION Because of the declining trout ‘O Specialty : peeiies Se Great late, s 20 MOTOR TUNE-UP a on won ~ any ry Siok 2 06 Fast Service—Quality Work U insula 9 . #e meee , MOTOR SPEEDY BOAT — A fast-moving hydroplane mph rate. His boat, Miss DeSoto, holds the 1958 year, y sea ww ZB xe nae re) f confined to ted Service « ° is a one sight. Here reap de goign ans. APBA record for the vei at 151.271 mph. | webs nae of the —— eee | - — s er OUT OUR WAY ‘TM. Reg, US. Pat. OF. YOU DON'T JUMP INTO TH BATHTUB WITHOUT FEELIN’ TH’ WATER, DO YOU? WELL, I WANT TO KNOW WHUT I'M GONNA } HAVE TO SAY BEFORE I SAY §T--I'M NO WATER! Li se es i} iv | bo : Pe ylels, «lén "he fy é ilaph ete, 7 tant A, BORN THIRTY YEARS TOO SOON ae WiLLIANS 4 7 DONALD DUCK By Walt Disney outed by King Pestares Sy edwete, T Dut You'll Find PROFITABLE selling problems, To Place Your WANT AD DIAL FE 2-8181 OPPORTUNITIES Every Day in the Pontiac Press Want Ad Section Take advantage of this easy way to solve all your buying and i “Now, Carl, please don’t ruin it by figuring how much this same idinner would cost at home.” : * me ’ ~ * ans tee ee Ph ; | . BOOTS AND HE Te # a ‘ 4 tz, d BUDDIES SSB fi DIXIE DUGAN PR RES oe HE'D BEEN HE’S NOT DEAD BUT IF KNOCKED COLDER HE'D BE FROZEN TO THE FLOOR Pa yy WY > 7 wl Ae 6 atre” rteR ag OT Ca WS at 2] PERE, Ome — REPORTS Bet © 1900 by NEA Service, ine. TM, : . By Ernie Bushmiller i ON THIS % “ VLE AL QUICK--- READ.) ALOUD WHAT'S HI. PUDGY- H!,CHUBBY- HI, HIPPO- HI, FATSO pT ag. G8. Pet OF — Al righ canereed Caer \99% by United Pomme tyedirere ime THANKS---THAT'’S THE xv ERNIE BUSHMILLER General Hospital and released. t i day, 70-hour working week. . enue commissioner. t A Vu 2 within the the ’ than . The as bu : Gotreia, topos baesarssssesesces tape ; ‘ ine? : sags pba opening price |Honteadih, wena ioc — cna ek a da from 4 behind Te a2 Vereen ieseone aircratts were lower. VETERAN 5 ; " - é 4 and it was several dealings Sniona, ary doz. prrrschasenss Steels, motors, chemicals, in JOURNALISTS HONORED — Seven men who have % “ Writers Assn. Inc. » fore peg a eked oan." tga] and drugs yr te ed in the journalism profession in the R @ break of as much as 2% [psi eideeh a vette een of 430 years were given trophies Detroit area for a total ciated Press; Lee Smits ay Aeriapese sae seta cents was posted on the board. Radishes, 60 Ibs. wp tacarreene The z anniversary of last night as part of the 50th . “Ty” " — syndicated outdoor columnist; E. L. ¢ Last U.S, automotive ex- uit Rhubarb core 18 market had apparently nae. Sigma Delta.Chi, national professional Tyson, sportscaster for WJR; and {ports totaled * Pursips % ~ic: $48] reached a king ot fraternity. Seated, from left, are J journalism C. B. Davis, Detroit ‘Times, W. standing, from left, ; _ $1,465,000,000. The selling was described simply Prtreosnrreeness brokers said. 3 r rest period,” ist, with €2 of his 82 i are oe Haas, Pontiac Press column- Batchelor. edi F - K. Kelsey, Detroit. News, and E. A. ——— as liquidation. asrtred call. Go Se. baat eonrle youre in the business, David: J. Wilkie, Asso , editor of the Detroit Athletic Club News. : : ag a aoe sharply but Poultry and Eggs 5 es cen pis. water — , : ; : ue —— her grains soybeans shifted DETEOIT POULTRY there were ; o> wv ; mainly in small fractions during) S®TROrT. 4 more losers than gain- ae No the first few minutes. per pound. F it, 24. 1Ab)-—Prices. pasa} OT# in the list as a whole re rman Thom Near the end of the first hour| Hees hens. 18-20; beet ocak calene chee. f = eat was unchanged to .1% cents/3-¢ ib wale a oats ee good. Talks Ne a bushel lower, May $2.00%; corn caponettes eb, are ocks t7a7,| News from corporate Gn, o Newsmen. - cosbangpd & i lowe, May a eete Soe meetings was encouraging. CIKOr es a 26%; oats °% to % lower, Ma IT EGGS American Télephone continued ETRO: former 66; rye % to 1% Tower, May Doerr orm, a 22 (AP) Reps. ¥.0.»,|'0 back away trom its recent ad- ras po Reap omer fe $1.3Tig; soybeans % higher to %| | Whites—Grade 5 Foaeral eile grades:ivance on the 3or-l’ stock split hing a et cantly Bir seo : lower, May $2.27%. Sage’ aan 25; leree _22:|It dropped another 2 points or so. bluff won't be called bepeg Or] ‘ large 1; large 31: ast etn |ATKT when-issued stock, based Norman Thomas, six-time Grain Prices Commensteiy Glen Alden a pene that “ » Seid last night ‘ CHICAGO GRAIN a. ates 90-00F 30; extra large] in a nciageahaly- grad errs a to Seetins CHICAGO, April 22 (AP pay yn Bh 5, Ds merger with list industries, can go .on forever this . }—Grain open- large 27-38; medium aa oe began trading on the big board It Berlin.”*. said the only hope use sem sage oo ‘ opened at 13% and improved is a phased withdrawal of t aly Srees I BOE sesceses rts ; slightly, by the East and West to c Be so TS OP ia ™ « Livestock Gains -of about a point were a demilitarized zone. ee Tt rs aur ow mee de Detrot Steel, Lukens Thomas spoke + Oe 50th M eg i 4 alpen fs iy nigg Steel ypsum, Off niversary meeting of Sigma Delta ~ Bopaoten « “Piaaes™ oe ny ag By ttie—sai-|@ point were united princiegate: Chi, professional journalistic fra- Sept. 14... 120% May 13g [ard end good steers, choice In emai) POval Dutch ternity, at thé Detroit Press ; Bere es Piet RA oc ERP | Rag a bagi = as pe Lard (drums: | . fi unsold: cows Steel, U.S, Rubber "¢ BU os .ogears ,|steady; balls fully steady: load, choles # , Boeing, Phelps . ers have acknowledged that’ it Sept. io.29| seen’ ae iY; 00d, hates) Dodge, American Cyanamid and would be impossible to wage and stan oats Sr ei, Shae] anata Anes Zan Anceret war to maintain the West- heifers 28.00-29.00: over a point. ern pesition in So Lodge Calendar See Sade aay Cot iat | no Bertin,» _ nication Cedar | t 25.50. commercial bulls} - “ “It : ‘age No. 00 PacAM. L Oeear Ss eee New York Stocks Tg Fey" be impossible EA y, Apel 237 pax. Work ta Seo" Seg ity ope Mats aaa (Late Morning Quotations) we figh sortie, how: Geen « Go yt, W. M. ae SD AaD eee ne eae, taued | Piguecs fer dectmal pelst arp e fight a ground war in mixed No. 1 6.50; eighths * engl yee ee Ee ay + ee 20.4 Int Te 23 backyard?” — pono . a ey ee eee foreign said that A ~ . . PR ng RV Eg yf Re + ee policy originally was ews in Brief ays: foot sad dug to, man-| Aus, Coal veo, $94 Kennecott. ..1121 ining a balance of call and utility 18-00-28 choice 31.90-| Alum Lid .--.. 20 Kroger . svaee 30 ARMENIAN DAY — Two participants in but all it can now hope for is and good 27.90-31.90;/4% Airlin «++. 31.1 LOP & F ---f83| Armenian Day glance over the , Pontiac Press Phote balance of terror. . An unsuccessful attempt to break Bheep—Selable 200. Nothing done. AmCan ...... G4 tie sanal in? ra shoulder of City as a day of m ial ae into Slankster Am Me Pay. $63 Lockn Aire. 38 Commissioner Robert A. Landry (center , They are Walter Dakesian business and p in 284 State St — Drugs, © [Ambekere’ 308 tees * °° ",3| read a mayor’s proclamation setting les (left), 2401 Tufts St., Royal Oak, and George id cannot snard tee ome Pontiac Police as sere iE Am NGas..: 13 Meck Tek: $13 + y Arafelian, 101 S. Jessie St. ? State J , ord to- be. without. drugstore owner, R. C.- Clifford, CCUSEIS, Amite. tos, nz,D ee.) a8 ; . Ices *. seme ° 7210 Terrell St., Waterford Town- Anaconds'"<... $14 Mergen’ Line. $41 Births . 2 PHONE Us Now... ship, said it wes sont at Buf li p Armour & Go'. 363 Merr Chas .. 20.1 ! rmenian a e . 0 F For an appointment for a mpted break-in in eight days. a no Sis: 8 Minn Pal ,.. 37 | Recent b Y on free demonstration at your lead Beth Sted .... 54.2 ch. irths recorded im: the) convenience in ites, A, Murdock, si, of sats Paar or $4 Mot Prog .ss a4 teed bere ue awe oe «iS ' . Ai id Mi eg sits Lats ah Asks Senote to Out Etta EERO HI same aturday in Pontiac | Cievis coun Procedure! +4 . +. 8.2 “ 4) . ‘ H : 1 after pleading guilty to a. drunk vanities Members Brist'say /.-7ims Rist dacs nia) PONTIAC |e 3 oye Court Procedure | driving charge before West Bloom a ee OP un Balke... 90. Dairy ...51 | William C. . turday has been aside 4 an mini " field Township Justice Elmer C ho ‘Vilified’ Him Best G8 bet dae BY James 8. Levan. ea? ingiewood [Ponting as noeatin inewegiih ate a hap ese) nord se yet ed & Dieterle. | Burroughs .... 414 NY Central ...284) Lee E Louteenhise all _— the : : | WASHINGTON (AP) — Galum & ii. 231 Nor Boe LA) Richer Lucie, 3560 Judah Mayor Philip E tiation of the ltde country. |. SAGINAW if — With three State ! Mrs; Marvel } Team-|camee Sone. OO Oh” aes Richard N. Lundgren, 52% Wald ‘ p E. Rowston pro- Supreme Court ¢ Terrian, of 2391, 5teTs Union official William Bufa-|Can Pac . 221, Qulo oi 3 Wallnce R. Marks. 21% Parkdale claimed the event last night as Many Armenians ‘fled their justices present, } For Our Customers — _Joswick St., Pontiac- Township,| ino asked the Senate today to ex-| Capital air. 3h'8 Pace = 3s | ay re he tribute to the contributions ppt country, emigrating to the another of the court’s series of Pte Ogee told Oakland County sheriff's depu-| P€! committee members who ac-\Gace dt. “4s Pao, 4 iw Air of William G. MeDo ‘oe tin “* —turalized Armenians in Pontiac and States, and many of = dro-tcene regional conferences was held here|gaas ties that someone entered her home Sry him of an alliance with Catet Trac”. 93.5 Param Piet 2413 John. McKenna, 1419 Cooley Lake to the Arnienian people's contin- older generation of Armenians yesterday, collage $32 from her billfold racketeers. oe i's: _# Penner, Soc ibhe Glare'C McVety. 303 uing battle against oppression. first arrived in this country eh ingse Ds cape ¢c : Bufalino, president of Teamsters Coca Cola ”’.330. Tw. wees p= hed v ye ir, 410 Emerson procedures : inne broke into Al's war,|Local $95 ie Detroit, rads his en’ (Gan's G3 Bt Beslpe D -..:36) Gar rt V' Mendosa, 1662 Elsmere More Gane 100 Pontiac resi- Vag gy ag wntrigh arn Michigan's circuit courts, ve B te "uli at stole two|Peal in a document he termed a/Gont’ pei ‘aiéi 984 yee eI mG, Meate, Stig Payee cia «| expected te peek ypeery “rej nation was not cone te The “conference marked the botth wine . it was re-| Petition for the redress of Cent Bak ...,. 486 OU... F. Movius, . memorial the} first ported to. Pontiac Police yester-|ances he contends he suff Eriev. cont Cris. a2 Repub oa -s- H John L. Musgrove, 84% services at 8:30 p.m. Saturday | rye Con: ce. . Deteows day. the hands of the ered at|Cont Meter... 127 eae) Ti. whee in the Armenian Hall, 223 Ferry The country grew 5 So : Senate Labor-|Comt Oi) ..... 64.6 Top +: 108-6 Richard J tone 256 Ww Fatrmount | Ave. The public ts invited. so strong that in the early 1920 Judge Eugene 8, Huff mee Sev. B. A. Cate, 522 How-|chief counsel, Robert F: Kenn or Sopper Rae':- 203 Belay ie. 314) Michael Ru Martin, act ingiowond || Mass will be celebra i was able successfully to dety|' Ge Mew sanet last esr land Ave., reported the theft of ‘ He , Robert F, Kennedy, |Curtis Pub... 13 :[49:7| John G. Mai 82 Parkh: ce ted by the/Communist Rus: the high court last filed the petition *|Deere 0.0... 86 ST Willem Bet Charles ta Ne Rev. Souren Papakhian, . Russia, throwing off year. power mower from his garage tojof Fi in the office| Det Edis Sears Reed ....04 Lake a, 163 ML Case ; of |its Communist chains The ‘elton M. Johnston Dong Aire’ "1; 455 4 Brand’ sc. $5.5, Raul Sanchez, 05 St. Sarkis Armenian Aposto ns for one glor- two shook hands and Pontiac Police yesterday. of the Senate, » Secretary Dow Chem’ .:: 4s Bocony = = gf Raymond soephers. S171 Grant (Church in Detroit, a en Compe, aaace “aie of ias-| Dues Sept to + Rammage Friday, t * Bast Air ¥-: ae “428 toe es tye Pedbvg 24th. 9 to 4 pm. Lagy gueen The commuition wound up itsll Dek -2? fee a Ba) Retin E Gate eee tonrect | Rowston and City Commiss a against Russian dom-|2 incident, However, Birmingham Pilstks Gonth of ie:\on, April 15 with a charge by Geer ted" a3 Od 0 ah Bassey "0 Spllen a4 Subshineeuests. dh Landry will be bonorea|te Armenian Revolutionary yaa the sadn tamer ane — between Southfield and a charge by 2rie RR... 8 | Ou WS 525 sereee : guests during a _ short eration conducting Greenfield. Chairman John L Ex-Cell-O .; ens, JP | 93.5, 2ayliss N. Hoyt, 145 W. New program its activities on} Huff was ordered. : » adv. n L. McClellan (D-|Pooa "2402 Bind Pack Forster. D York — | sponsored by the two a worldwi , off the Ark . eula ) Mach .. 473 3 . Hunley, 112 Omar . y Pontiac cha ide scale, often secretly;naw bench month wen urch, “B'ham. 1669” W. sive poorly is guano Pree mea 1803 eer, ma Bt wie ‘yder 3 Tuo Hedge ead i enian Revolutionary P| within the borders of Soviet Russia. signed Wien Cauaty pimans , ‘ : I “ . “ . Inman, 5180 3 F april 230 18 pm. Prid areday: peo with Detiest’ sad Butalino’s|Gen brea sa Fer, 0, su a Richard Fo irwin, ¢7 Wall” gp Also speaking will be Detroit eye trocbies ‘ooh the coun- |Wnen he refused to lb , a. ay April it mobs . 83.4 ves William Jacobs, 126 ‘ 1 . retry Ee Ti par dlpadlcieie maaan and|den Far...) tia Tim B pear.” bea] Richard Gi Joceph 246 High eiemeintiin ot: Ce neeaial) Bo Ont eee an Crtindan |der, he was fined $200, Ultimately Rummage Sale — Thursday and ee * Gen Motors’ :. 493 Twent'en scape] Howard R aa eee” mittee. building com-| bulwark for nearly 2,000 years. [pe concetres. Judge Timaty © Priday, April 3rd and 24th. 9-5. om committee had received tes Gen 7 re wc eae Underwd oc. zs Arthur Q. Kirken, $2 Ofte = / INATIONAL OBSERVANCE "Only a little more than 100 years|sence Re ce tin, nf Shurch of the Redeemer. 1800 W. imony that Bufalino left a busi-|Geeve! Br «.. 5} Unit Air Lin’. 3e3| Virell T Riemn. "3072 Semisole | / Armenian : after the death of Jesus Christ, - Maple, B’ham. = adv.jess partnership with a jukebox|Geoayse 05 Sen en Bt Richard A Koss, $310, Northesétern Day is being observed|Armenia was proclaimed _ ; tes _ | peddling Mafia mobster to become Goodyear *. “31384 Un ‘ons CP’:. at.| Herman L. Subn, 240 mai Clara nationally, on Friday in most cities ian nation, a Pea teat tocar he ee eet Minne 1680 OW. president of. the local. and that(cieman’ * <-,204 US Rub css, 64 ’ ; Lake [as @ day of Armenian national|to take such countries |with Dethmers were Justices Eu- rian Church, cham, 1660 W.lunder his leadership the eet wel | Ae oe sats ROCHESTER mourning. ts gene F. Black and Talbott Smith. 2 ins 9 to 8 pm. Friday, April been allied with racketeers. Hooker Ch at West Un Tel” a rcteray Ay Png re tangy I Stan an . 6 p.m. adv. outa x * *t ml cont... 3 Yous . 344 Sarroll Lockhart. 53170 Auigur a ‘oa 44 years ago — in 1915 ummage Sale mo charged he s “ Seige 4 o< 22.4 ar . erance, 357 Maywood Armenian massacres Friday, April 23rd Thursday ‘id\rated, abused and Mined? pe [infand et "1388 White Mot °.. 501] Walter Larson, ios Pertye = Church t, Lutheran|cause Kennedy clai be-lint Bus Meh 680 Yona Te 0 $64] Goseue K Pee 1) se Maple Bt the Redeemer, 1800 W.| did not “have the cones oo eek tnt Kick : Tae Zenith Rad .. 2084 Richere!W grits at Romeo Troy an , Bham. adv./himself of a constituti 0 availling Paper. 1.111194 Gen Tas of a Wittrea 7 in, 2551 Dearborn M Ne h ¢: ite Mine oes ee a 5 n 8, Schmidt, PE yge I aad pf Beer Club will Kennedy had anne Ha oil int Stiver -y: 36.3, Upjohn of Kal 46.7 nope a sBisphens 701d Perry ‘ , p : ew bso Pike SE Friday, Apr 24, Slewers to questions in'an effort to] compas SSN loed. Hurt in Truck Crash om Mie |ceee cvertone in an aot to] comma aon ye Richmond Ch | pirst Precbyterian nireh Boron og a resorting to the|Net chan = UU Stoeks o0ses Ieyearold cabat y man and his] ayne... adv. endment, Noon y a0 1418 ws aa4i[J f M Pp ; new were seriously |] § * Prev. day ...+..38¢. : ; fi injured yesterda ; "praesent ret] Deas pon incet ipa a HEE BE OFM. PIOleSSOr wre ci ee ’ _ v.| allegations, am . QT OGO ..122-.242.8 90.0 79.1 168. with a gravel truck at the | AA Private Detectives 1. “A good ve ig ie heer ise seet dase eee ans RICHMOND — Dr. Williamn|section of 16-Mile and Crools Feds. Licensed—Bo portion of the ques-|1958 high 33.8 96.9 311.5) Throw | nded-*FE §-5201 | tions high ..004,-312.0 1965 96.7 214.3 of the University of Michi-| Geo | edy. |b onan are answered| 1988 lw «:-.-.-. 3347 ‘809 729 is6¢| gan School of Education has been/ert pial ———— 27, and Rob-| | 8 they is —_ parecer execus chosen to replace Walter P./Tacoma St. . both of 90 T t Sigh Fons ta filed: deadee “ore Paar (C. J. Nephier Co.) Reuther as commencement|‘‘satistactory” _conditi ~ | of ig { y | urt and follew trot to or ea la after decimal points are eighths a at Richmond High School|Joseph Mercy Hospital in Pontiac] cone ” : ‘ une “ii. Dr. Th . | -When Hit by Car — e «| Baldwin ee Seal ‘= ‘Ts nae gist and author. ro leat datens head : Fr CO*..... ss. “3 severe Lard. daesclins poste eto Gt, Ot het Sesi: She tal ae sd haiti injerice, while the youth “ls pes. | _ A 3%-year-old boy suffered|swer allegations ota Hos an-|Peningulne M. Prod. Go.* ht 13° Prony United Auto Workers presi-| sibly suffering from « fractured | bruises yesterday when struck by| 3..That the Seba st him. |Rudy Mig. Co. epic re selecti a oe novel See eich scam Megheneeremecateeter . ttee failed fo ison Co.....17 17 ion was criticized. by some} - caine o_ street north of E.|bring out evidence that would ho sale: bid ; 17 | residents of the community. gy &. Harriman, 5, Pike street. | |show Bufalino to ‘be “a- loyal] : . Troy St., Royal Oak, was driving The driver, Mrs. Rosema American dedicated to his | ere | + + the gravel truck when the acci| nl, Fag Ore ae hs family, and to Wo Rimipine Williams to Talk Tax fewer bad been invited by Gent cocurred. He was treated for started her car after pausing|°Verywhere.” . : Alex Nelson.to make) >wises at St. Joseph Hospital and MAE a for a “stop”. signal gg va * * LANSING (—Gov. Williams will the commencement address, Nel- released yesterday. ART METAL STEEL, LEOPOLD «a Wayne Beedle, of 689: E. Pike St. McClellan had charged ‘that Buf- eye ing ’s financial situa-|son said he wanted a speaker of|,, Police said Harriman told them ; : ee enc _sthstall to cross. Seyi ano never did-srower allegations|gan Federe aoe on me national — le a was Lge — : don't| B. L. MARBLE DESKS and CHAIRS The boy was knocked down by t he-—had negotiated “‘sweet-|Women in Lansing Saturd ~ eS ae for t wd ited ye 7 e te . fi 7 he. light,”” Offi " “ : ; a5 | the car, but not seriously hurt heart’ contracts with the opera-|will ‘be joined by Re lay. He| In bowing out, Beuther said it a s cers ‘ 2 2 Se cegpied ir ' . F. Charles! would be unfai were unable to question Sim : a : a police said ‘|tors of some Detroit car wash| Raap’ (D-Twin Laha}, unfair to graduates tolor the ee fe 2 mes : firms which }, State Con-jinject controversy i the youth as yet. There were ti & Office ‘The boy was treated at Pontiac] ployes from es $05 for Ay em pe ery W.- Milter = Clar-| mencement nt petrerat haa ho witnesses reported at the scene. enera rin ng iii u y 4 & sever) , Lock; deputy state rev-| attitude of what, he called a small ;, Hae ee 3 : Caechodlovakin hes a popule] €2 W. LawrenceSt: = = 0 we © __ Iminority in: the community, : tion of about 13 million sei | St eee nag fi "Help Wanted Male 6 — = i Pf ‘ Ly - ah. Donelson-Johns|" See NCEE, HUN Vs ORD eat | WANT ADS! To find a job, place to live or a good used car, see Classi- FOR WANT ADS DIAL FE 2.8181 b| BOY 18 YRS. OLD WANTED FOR ice cas cae Like to Talk to People - Make a Nice nce Want to Sell New and Used Cars We need Ps men to sell Chrysilers Com in aod ets late over. “f Pontiac (4) Walled Lk. (1) Bir- “Holly "G) Fenton (i ‘Royal’ Oak (3) Rochester (3) Rural (4). I'LL ADMIT tion is in, Let’s talk, I who are _Work Wanted Male 10) AND GIR: A & W Root Beer, 218 8. Ww. : GS $3 BUSHEL. | deliver OR 3-1079/ = NURSES AVAILABLE _ Auburr Avenue N change ennreceenpeneneylanecnninee GIRL WANTS DAY WORK FE ick UP Ex ' Day & Night—Licensed & Bonded. PE 2-5492 —~ MIMEOGRAPHING. TYPING, SEC tetarial service EM 3-2843. SINGLE WOM is 37, coyate rk, telephone or r work, elt Sig / Own transportation. h UNENCUMBERED WiDoOW iN early fiftier desires part time houseke & comp Boz WOMAN WANTS PRACTICAL nurs! PE 8-3530. WIrp. BAB ‘YSITTING JOB IN ‘our home day or ht. Exp. FE 41912. ee Building Service 12 Ki SAND & FINISH. FE 53737. Pontiac Hardwood or _Service.| PICKUP AND DELIVERY. LAWN A-d na ps Bagg mae AND ase rson,” Mr. Gold 3s in new acre custom work. . 35-0402. MARK JEW ‘ development in Rochester 45 WN. We can’t do business wthout a ey: bon son. Frost-Top Drive-in, . Huron. : re -@ man whe wants to make his own ANY TYPE OF HOUSE PLANS, future. 4 Special deal. drawn, OL 1-8200. E MEN AT ONCE} DOWNTOWN OFFICE : Employment Agencies 8A EVELYN EDWARDS VOCATIONAL COUNSELING R : R NEW LOCATION— HURON MAN TRAINEE ag3 i iy ff 5935) BBs ae Ha : Be i a : g INTERIOR AND 7 POR DAY SHIFT. Big Boy Srivetn. 2490 wo * - QM AE a FOR CASH IN A| timate HURRY, sell things | s0ttooz through Classified Ads. | BLE Anything goes! Dial FE 28181.) ] “Bud” Nicholie, Realtor | ‘2 ms eae a BULLDOZING & TRU iG TURNER Fes DON < ay wo. eee ce. wor ie B CONSTRUCTION MA 42253 or OA gustom £200. EM A - Ns Work guaranteed. Free estimates. 2 Inces. MA 5-0378. BRICK, BLOCK. CEMENT WORK. ree est. Call after 6 p.m, OL ING REPAIR © 14-1970 ing, masonry, Ce see . Base- saente waterproof rs FF 4-2200. CUSTOM BUILT HOMES ORLANDO BUILDERS OR 3-0766 MU 44072 ENT WORK, 2 s, Work guaranteed. OR _ builder, Free estimates. UL 29-5175 " estdental N ing too large © Fi eutimares, “OR 36199, - Landscaping 18A . omy 2 KINDS. OF LAWN PIN. esmen | *p meena Peer “Al, ang Romes oF 5 53 Wat if yen wor ore: Pie pga t heute m made or ‘you Yup. ease : FS | eerie ae ee iat Grocer dns Fs Cj AND REMOV- pL i 3-0739. rst |_ Building Supplies 12A FOR SALE BUILDING sTONE, MA 51670, Business Services 13 4LL KINDS CARPENTER WORK. ‘ Also Custom-made cabinets, by hour, Call PE 4-3543. Acme Asphalt Paving bonded. Pree mates, pe casi or PE 8-6043, ASPHALT PAVING Let us estima’ your driveway . lot. Our jobs are our best references. Burke Asphalt Paving Phone FE 5-5037 or UL 2-420 AUBURN ROAD SALES & SERVICE LAWN MOWERS, NEW & USED! . SHARPENING * REPAIR SER 1416. W. Auburn Road between ‘age & Crooks Rd. Phone ALL MAKES OF FOUNTAIN PENS tence St. . BULLDOZING, LEVELING & £ PE 27-0742 or Moving & Trucking 19 1-A Reduced Rates Loreal or MOVING CO. FE LIGHT “AND HEAVY TRUCKING. ope et LIGHT TLiING ODELL CARTAGE Local and long distance moving. Phone FE 5-6806 Trucks to Rent . TRUCKS Tractors “Ton Pickups 1%-ton stakes Dump trucks Semi-trailers Pontiac Farm and Industrial Tractor Co. 8% 8. WOODWARD Open Daity. Inel Sunda PE +0461 +i UNWANTED ARTICLES PICKED Bp free of charge. FE 5-638. Painting & Decorating 20 1ST CLASS INT. - EXT PAINT- _ing, reas Don Beck. OL 1-3141. ist CLASS PAINTING AND Pa- r ban ._ PE 48364 18ST CLASS DECORATING PAINT- _ing and wall papering, PE 4-0255. |" IST CLASS PAINTING AND DEC- Sonn .Cash or terms. UL A LADY INTERIOR DECORAT Papering FE 8-0343. 4&1 PAINTING & DECORATING. Paper removed, FE 4-6918. man| 4-1 PAINTING & PAPERHANG- . Work Guar, FE 2-4315, “1 ‘PAINTING I Rn. EX- terior. 10 per cent disc.-for cash. . Free est. PE . 4-9205. AAA PAINTING & DECORATING. years experience 5 e estimates. Phone UL 23-1398. IOR 4 EXTERIOR SMALL dn. pymt. Name your own month- ly mts. Free estimates FE rene or MI. 6-982 AINTING 2 YEARS ence. Free estimates. OR 32-4974, Wiliams Lk. FE 26098 after 6. p.m Laan ARPENED & AIRED Outboard Mtr’s—Parts & Service Air cooled engines ‘ed Authorized Service for Briggs- ‘ 22 Yrs. Exp assures faction JOE'S M ™ VICE All work guaranteed. Call FE 4-7980 for free estimat mowers sharpened and _repaired. Air cooled engines repaired. PE $2853 | PLASTERING. NEW OR REPAIR. Work guaranteed. FE 5-0304. Saws, Hand Lawnmowers chi rpened Manley Leach 10 Badley St. SMITTY'S AIR COOLED ENGINE. Clinton - Briggs Stratton Dealer, also other makes. 585 Amber- - wood, 3 blks. West of Baldwin, 3 biks.. N. of Lake Angelus. 4-2416. : ; TRUCKING, SHORT OR LONG distance. All kinds: of loads, Cal) PE 4-5543 : WE CARRY PARTS FOR ALL —_ — veneer washers. Whole- Lt retai APPLIANCE SERVICE ROY'S, 96 Oakland FE 2-402) Dressmaking, Tailoring 16 ALTERATIONS BOTH LADIES & mens. Also Draperies. FE 4-0326. DRESSMAKING TAILORING AL- terations. Mrs, Bodell, FE #0053. DRESSMAKING TATLORING, AL- tions, drapes & _is'my bome, Call PE 6-063. Garden Plowing . 16B GARDEN PLOWING REASONA- ble rates, OR 3-5121. ARDEN AND LAWN ROTO.-TILL- . 318 E Wilson, FE 2-6020. MAKE EARLY ARRANGEMENTS PAINTING — PAPERING Washing — Paper Rem GoaRa FE 223 PAINTING ANC DECORATING. Wall washine wal! r fe moved by steam Pe 3.4608. ART & SON - Specializing in cabinet finishing. . Inferior and exterior decorating. Phone FE £-1523 or WE 2-4953. ___ Television Service 22 reg 2 ~ DAY OR NIGHT TV SERVICE PE 5-1296 or FE 5-8399 cee STRAKA JENSEN'S TV SERVICE APTER- noon & evening, call FE 2-0495. Upholstering 23 EAKLE'S CUSTOM tPHOLSTER- ty Aged Cooley Lake Rd. EM AL’S UPHOLSTERING _ FE 4-8797 RUGS AND UPHOLSTERED FUR- niture cleaned, colors revived. UL 2-4250 se same day, Ca 8518S, Squirrel Rd. Los — SAFELY AND NOVELTY SHOW AND CARD NOTICE AAA LICENSED BOARDING _ FE 8-6590. BABY SITTING LOVING CARE. FE 2-3730 Wtd, Contracts, Mtgs, 32 A Better Cash Sale i tg s rontage, acreage . John EK i, Resltor 670 W. Huron 4] Give You | Place to Pay Ease Your Mind WE ARE NOT A LOAN COMPANY MICHIGAN CREDIT - COUNSELORS RM T1é6 | Portiac State Bank Bidg. PE 8-0456 ¥ economically with newly released Dez-A-Diet tablet. 68 cents at SIMMS party 8 p.m. Thurs. April 23rd. Sisters, 962° 3 oorheis Rd. Public welcome. at door. | Donation Thc. | 1S HEREBY GIVEN | that Post 1370 Veterans of Foreign | Wars Home Association whose | mises ore —- Feat og Saginaw °8 & ie Michigan Liquors Gontrol Com- | mission for a club license to | sell . Wine end spirits to / bora fide members only and that | if is the intent of the Liquor | Controi Commission to grant said | license the expiration of 4 daze Yrom date Stree Apel | VILELAG® HALL AVAILABLE FOR | PAR ECEPTIONS {281 ORCHARD LK. RD. PE 4106s | onize and biue Coral. 7 years experience with new car dealer (Pree pick up and delivery). Cen- | Car Wash. 14 W. Alley off | Pike. Con. for appointment FE | $-1426 or Drive by i WE RENT DISHFS. SILVERWARE | punch bowls — FE 4-5895 WANTED | 50 women to lose 20 Ibs. this mo. | ABSOLUTELY PREE ‘ast 5 friends with you Ask «a our mo. pian teday ROACH HEALTH INSTITUTE PE 44131 Wtd. Children to Board 26 WE SPECIALIZE In i Sim home 4 -.1 BOARDING HOME LI censed. PE 2-503] be Wtd. Household Goods 27 ANTIQUE DISHES, FURN. OIL 6 USED 8. RNI- COMPLETE HOME OR MISC furn. Pvt, FE 56-1332, FE 5-1090, | WTD. MATCHING CHEST & BED __Wtd. Miscellaneous 28 wre ‘lamps. marble top tables. MY Patt te 7 ture and misc, FE 2-0367. FOR FURNITURE AND AP- geenees- Odd pieces or house full. apt courteous service. FE FURNITURE NEEDED Entire home or odd tots. Get the ton ar Wil buy outright or | sett for you B& Deere Sale Phone OR 3-27 WANTED TO BUY — ALL TYPES. 25523. ef furniture Ph. PE WIL', LIQUIDATE YOUR HOUSE. hold goods either by private sale or blie auction. Appraisals L. E. Smart, Sale Farm, Roch- -ester, Michigan. OL 1-8631, with mattress & springs, Must be in good cond, EM 3-3616. TEAL'S TOWN & COUNTRY DEC- orators covers, draperies Soeepreiia, "eotdios boards. Free estimates, PE 5-0066. THOMA® UPHOLSTERING 197 nonTe PERRY 8T. Lost & Found 24 LOST: BLACK FEMALE PART Persian Siamese -and part rs blue collar with 2 bells. Answers name of Schwarz. Vic. of Cha: night UL 2-3271, and tire. Reward, OR FOUND: RED DACHSHUND. FE- male in whelp. FE 2-9727. LOST: YEAR OLD MALE nop > Baldwin. Kimball Neues’ pet Be, 5 . trie rm. FE 89518 or FE LOST: 2 MALE BBAGLES, Vic. of First St. FE 44977 or FE #1147 SUN SALES MA 5-131 ~WE BUY ANYTHING— WTD. CLEA small kennel, PE 5-0851. WANTED STANDING TIMBER. LUMBER MILL 33% Lapeer Rd M24 FE 8-613 Wanted to Rent 29 PBPPPPPALD PDD PAD PP PPP FOR SEASON — LAKEFRONT, Thursday |, LOST 8 x 195 TRUCK WHEEL 3-9414. N NEWS PAPERS FOR T rices paid RL ERTA PLL yr. around home for executive's adults family of 3. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, fireplace. age edges on Lake -_ , Cass, Cass, Eliza- beth or Sylvan Lakes. LUzon 1-3216. A D OR STORAGE SHED OR GARAGE. near Walled Lk TAshmoo 56-1721. |. SE 46 TO 100-ACRE erty for farm. Phone days, 47267, nights, MA 5-1002. WITH a ON ~ aut Sa on rm use Mas asement, 0! Oakland. FE 8-9724. — ABSOLUTELY The fastest action on your land Gail Reaitor Partridge, PE +3561, * counts Ask for Mr. Hay J.C. HAYDEN, Realtor 6% E Waiton PE 6.0441 CASH | REALTOR FE ¢2633 1704 8. Telegraph Ra CA$H —QUICK CLOSING— —NO HIDDEN “FEES— Nicholie & Harger .Co. 33: WEST HURON FE 65-8183 IMMEDIATE ACTION On any good tand contract New of seasone,» Vour cash upon sat- factory inspection of property and title. Ask Ken Templeton. K. L, Templeton, Realtor 2339 Orehara e Rd. FE 46-4563 LAND CONTRACTs TO BUY te sell Earl Garrels, EM 3-2511 or EM 34006 * Buy Land Contracts © EVEN IP DELINQUENT! Ase for Saces Manager at 2-0236 or MA 5-7128 evenings After 6 HUMPHRIES REALTY _Wanted Real Estate 324 ALL CASH Paid immediately for acreage anywhere . . . PENN KEALTY 4122 N. Woodwerd Royal Oak LI 9-5900 CASH YOUR HOME OR EQUITY. If cash interests you, let us look over age Property for a cash sale, ma. ou la: ic tate. 1362 W. Huron, PE 3-7888 or PE 44813. Ask for Mr. Clark. DO YOU HAVE ake Orion aaa Detroit. . DON'T DELAY—CALL TODAY! H. P. HOLMES, INC." 2531 8. r.Rd. FE 52953 AKE ORION GI AND FHA CASH FOR YOUR HOME Yes we can sell your home for eash with very «mall down pay- ment Call .s ‘or further infor- u WE TRADE, WE BUILD DORRIS & SON. REALTORS 762 W Huron FE 44-1557 Immediate Action We Can Sell Your House 1 Now WHITE BROS. REAL ESTATE OR 3-1295 Open vie it or Benne 0 "til § HAVE CASH, WILL TRAVEL We will travel to see you and show you how to get enab for your home, land c ‘act of acre» 4 509 Elizabeth Lak . PE 41157 “xe FE 4-4821 WANTED? IMMEDIATELY! A ‘Hobbies & Supplies . 24A (Tar tales, venings & Sat. BOLIN TAR SERVICE f ESR 42 E. Pike 41192 or FE 5.5773. UMBER PICTURES. A es. Backenstose x. aS Store. Lawrence St. Notices & Personals 28 AA PRIVATE DETECTIVES * Don't : Wa 21246... KNAPP SHOES _ a GIRL © OMA. Wed. Contracts, To sell your iand contract at the lowes! d No Mtgs. 32 ~ ABILITY t ‘ iscount—is a rvice Ted McCullough has given fr many years! Also cash for rer equities. Mortgages avail- able. ' ‘CASH BUYERS WAITING é call | hour 5-0975, ARRO REALTY 5 "yanwait as) pale ey. : Fi . i ; anne | Homes, farms. iake property and gant oop vigwins, and lowe | noms . 6 OR 6 ROOM HOUSE land contracts Buyers waitin ' Wal-| Lost “BROWN sen i 8. re asia “ ois anced gs gly fk. mncheee Sith eotion to hoe Paul M. J ones, Real Fst. RY PARK DEN PLOW-| Name Fi-Fi, last ceen in the Oak-| rp 4.5538 ‘| 932 W Huron FE 42580 . Reas. FE 47871. ley Park area, W: WANTED TO BUY OR LEASE: PLATS die DIEING VIE OF G AND DISKING, Vic. OF | _} ease xo MUtual aoe Share Living Quarters 30- Home or duple ser ae Mt chee: burn eights. 3067 : . RIT- : ‘ . : ie . ‘lose 3, Bis : : .| tany spaniel. Reward. FE 5-0302. WongIna Gini. BY guns uy ee ad eT OTO-TILLING SON LOST: aome nion . ge RO aN BONA | Leer yeie Bet Presse vevura, to | working girl. 1M 36001, Rent Apts., Furnished 33 | Income Tax Service 17) Porant papers & keep money. FE Wanted Transportation 31 |; room stupto apr. Por LaDy. ~~ ° ~ “¢ Everythi furnished, e week. FE 4-3181 or re ole 1 RM. APT., 1 GIRL, $10. PVT. Ent. washing, PE 2. : ROOM WITH COMPLETE Tina feng -etulpinent, utilities, lines ‘furnished, or 2 adults. 186 N.. Perry. 2-5236 or FH 1&2? RM LOVELY APTS. NEw appliances Just tight for work- ~ 1 BEDROOM APT Witt 2 Pvt VT, ehtrances, close in Te as aregri aft- {, K bath, 2 adults only. ‘ " : te ha nM. Pad i RM. 1 ete lel * * * tae ~$er EN & vim. Ab will Adults. 85 Sem}- 3 ROOMS AND BATH. > $- 3036 ly decorated. 2 bed- e ii room, auto © and re- Private - Call Midw x.| Possess" Ederal 8-2163. ot COLORED — | Rima at Sar Gatland Av dren okay. pranmemes, “WSY. ARTMENTS, 114 E. cutronee, . Chil- “ORCHARD COURT APARTMENTS _ —BRAND NEW FURNISHED & UNFURNISHED 1 & 2 BEDROOMS “RENT” -—DRASTICALLY REDUCED— 8AM WaRwice AT ordxevan Lake car- Lease $125. Nake erelicges: 4-5000. WALLED LX. 3 BEDRM. wYilags stares close. - ACc- wats pais LAKE PRIVILEGES. 2. bedroom house with bath, auto- matic oii automatic hot water heater, 2326 Overridge. OR 3-3786. RM BRICK. ba] baths. Gas beat, Exc. cond, 45707. WEsT SIDE 5 ROOM DUPLEX. at soomets Sen, oe. Fe For Rent Rooms 37 PEDDLE ers ee WEST SIDE. 6 — Pontiac’s most exclustve, West side apartment sodupnenn near, EN RMS, PRIVATE BATH AND EN- ’ clean gas heat, 7 RMS. NICELY @ ed person, Es No drinking. 4 AN BATH. ADULTS Ciean. Nicely furn % Miller St ‘ FLOOR, BATH neat. 2-7503. 4 RMS AND BATH, 4 RMS. & BATH. FURN. OR UN- furn. Neer Pontiac Mtr. FE 40926 or FE 22-4308. PVT. BATH AND ZLL YEAR ROUND. ALL_FUR- "ROUND. ALL 3 rms. & path on Pontiac boat. ‘Private entrance. Be, ghiidrea. $70 per mo. OR BACHELOR APT. NEWLY ¥ DEC- orated. Tile bath, very nice. N End, FE 2-4376. NJOY H EERE SURROUND- woes. 3 furn. rms, with pvt. bath, On line. Must & “ogg drinkers. Ph. 4p. §-5015. m. FE 2 & 4 ROOMS COLORED ee on or unfurn. FE 5-8963 or FU APTS. AT WIXOM & OX- bow ‘Lake. Schne Schneider. MA 4-1202. LovELY 4 ROOM: ERD APTS. 110 State. FE 5-2203, HOUSEKEEPING men. 261 State St. SYLV. LASEFRONT 3 rooms, All utilities furn. Ideal for cou 4-u877. CORNER ALL. rms., wiy dee decorated, fous. y Bk ‘careta er, 7 Prall Rent Apts. Unfurnished 34 18ST FLOOR. a H, & pase OIL MEAT. Glose in ROOM. STCRERS PVT. * path ster tarnished. neat, tS water e SBT" Fiadod” hibernate BEDROOM APT. BUILT- * weve - ref . many fine features, modern architecture, ‘adults, oD Fnooi DIO ARTMENT. Tb $k alg, So & light and entrance. KERN, "path Fg mo. Sut aA. 2-9200. 3 ay $ RMS. AND BATH 8-8792 after 5. ¢. FE ROO GROUND FLOOR’ og arden in rear. beet 4 sai," for retired couple. Call F 14, eves RM. AND BATH, NEAR FisH- , teins newly decorated, heat furn., Se. ie + decorsted, aitors ":. | TTaRG AND BA ie pe, at eee toe T RMB, W SIDE, UTHLITIES FOR 4-4481. Bg tera foome wo vat "ht 27.9008. water 8 mn all oma atiowed. yea. Galil ENT Reas. EM FURN FOR | peautitul kitchers with metal gd nets in decorater colors with plas- m |For a limited time. no leases or security RMS. UTIL. ent. Upper. 148 Wail St. PE 2-4087. | = RM. COTTAGE. HURON L- —ot_Part. 12 Downie. __. : |COMMERCIA” — type building with Individ- entrances. ag RACER, GOOD COND 3-5432. —$DULTS ON -/ MANAGER 19 SALMER ST. APT. 6 FE 8-6918 OPEN DAILY & SUNDAY . wWAM-O PM COxgRY 2 BEDRM. TERNACE fies oN Seimming. ting. Boation 32-2965 afte: cabl-. BIRMINGHAM. DORMITORY RM. good addres... Exchange referen- ces. Cal’ MY 48159 N ROOM FOR MAN, PRI- vate entrance and shower, __ week. FE 2-2416 . LADY KITCHEN PRIVILEGES. | Py:i. bome. Garage. 128 Lincoin. LGE ROOM NEAR GENERAL FE 2-944. nat LADIES NICE CARPETED ROOM. Bath. Phone. Sun deck, $6, §7 & $8. Alter 5, Oriole Rd. FE 2-9002. BOARD OPTIONAL M4l% Oakland Ave re. 3-9100 ONE HOUSEKEEPING « round floor Private irense Mt. oles 32-4063. _Tage. Fe en ae te 3 nus AR gate STOVE All util. uire ese ie ST ATER APTS. ange No. 1 NELIN WOLVERINE AND INDUSTRIAL Three blocks east of Courthouse. We have severa’ newly decorated choice ——— from $48. Sa MAYNARD SLATER ERWIN SLATER ‘§3-55 North Parke St. FE 4-3546 TAYLOR STREET, GROUND FLR 3 room apt. Private entrance and bath, $45 per mo. Auburn Avenue, second floor. Stu- . Private bath. heat and rn. $55 per mo. FE 2-9208 PAUL A Rent Houses Furnished 35 ‘2 RM. HOUSE a sou Court 2 HOUSE FUR- nished Serres Gardens. FE 2-9689 2 BEDRM. HOUSE. COMPLETELY furn. FE 48267. $40 MO. LAKE PRIV. seRvrEs 4180 Chenlot, Dodge Park. “BUD |: S-room Terrace, partly furnished, Clean, available May 1, 1959. $65.00 per month “Bud” Nicholie, Realtor CLEAN. Rf , ne aad door. ; naw. 49 Mt. Clemens St. FE 5-1201 or FE 4-8773 7OR AGI & NUTRILITE eR ines FE 4-073% ron RENT: NICE LARGE MOD- on Groveland Groveland on the ohones. ME 4-945) or ME 71-1761. FURN. HOUSE. NEAR TEL-HU- ron Center, FE 4-1694, |CENTRALLY Loca: TED rtable home, ¢ to cit bu une. Reeconatie. fl ‘Ort MODERN 2 ged ster furnished. 58-5000. M a ae * ny season, Pontiac Lk. FE Skt ROE TOR EPR | quire et) at 1676 yee ae Ask for Lonnie Weaver. P@ 4-203). Rent Houses Unfurn. 36 RM. WA $75 MO, | ~~~ 2 penal wanes if Me on heat, maintenance and taxes * Schoo! ‘a block. Al have one separated hedroom. Some more. | | PVT. _ ENT. SHOWER, F coameine 48 E. Iroquoi 00M WITH BATA FOR GENTLE: man. Vicinity of Square Lk. Weodward, Bloomfield. Mi 6-4188 or FE 2-2671 Eves. SLEEPING ROOM. $8.00 ae ee Les s Se FE sere. — ROOMS 1 FOR GIRLS or none Ing. 16 School St. FE __ 23780. SLEEPING ROOM IN NICE HOME — No other roomers Call after 5:30 p.m. PE 8-4440. Rooms With Board 38 3 ROOMg & % BATH. 2886 PON- tac Lake Rd. FE 8-0406 ROOM AND BOARD PE 4-692« _Convi alescent ent Homes SBA FIRST PLOOR VACANCY FOR EL- derly ep nurses home. Conv. or amb. 5-8371 HAVE VACANCY FOR MAN OR ground floor, sonable rates 25. Acres Nursing Home. FE ei es OR AMBULA- salads. aren or women, FE 39 Hotel Rooms HOTEL AUBURIN Rooms by Day o Week Also 1 or 3 room riments. and. refri orn ion units. 46 Auburn —- 2-9239 Rent Stores 40 STORE, 20x30° WITH UPPER nished. available. Heat fur- nee. newly decorated, M59 rom airport. Will rent separate TOwnsend 87700 days. 786 any time. ° : ULTRA-NEW STORES WEST side. FE_2-2144. ~__Rent Office Space 41 BARBOUR BLDG. — next to “pulldt ing _ Near bank, restaurants MI_6-3030 DESIRABLE OFFIC: SPACE. heat, lights fu with park- ing area. Call at.170 W. Pike, MUSIC STUDIO FOR RENT 3 days Wk, 8614 Saginaw FE __2-1810 or OR ‘4 tos art NEW BUILDING. % BLOCK FR FROM wntow on bus line Rent includes: heat, and parking lession, Ideal for, any per mon th and zoe gots mins gt me esr DMIVE INN, i] | | | iS | —— ate estiga ior further ba meg tt “Gals Fe dno RAY O'NEIL, Realtor 262 $. Telegraph Ra rT) MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE ATL had scaped water front lot. te a room with built in china closet. Breeseway with built in barbecue, attached garage. Price pace _ with substantial down pay- MOVE IN AND RELAX Everything has been dome in this home. Landscaping-insulation-ga- e. recreation room and a decorated. This e is .only years old and it Loads Well lecated for a growing family. You'll be prow to own this mn by sppointment, please WEST OF ROCHESTER A ijovely 5-room bome with 2-car | sw J attached, with breezeway egged hardwood floors, built in | bar and over ‘@ acre of | spac. ground This almost new home is being offered below duplication price at $14509 with terms. BLOOMFIELD HIGHLANDS One of the best homes in this sub- oa excellert construc- tion, 4 rooms, 2% baths. a per- fect family room with outside en- trance. 2 car garage with paved drive. You'll be surprised at the price of this home with so many Many extras you will enjoy. Call today to see at once. LAWRENCE W. GAYLORD e nm Eves. FE 4-9584 $500 Down—Large Lot Near Longfellow School, bome of cinder block and frame, 4 rooms, oli] heat, bath. utility. Vacant. Orion Twp.—1 Acré modern ranch home, lake seebiene. $10,750; terms. Near Central High ¥nd of room for children, shad- 60x160. ist floor living room 14x24, library, modern kitchen, 3nd has 3 bedrooms, bath. and sewing foom. 3rd floor finished. Basemem, low cost FA heat. 2- Car gatfage. Vacant. $2009 down. St. Benedict’s Area Sylvan Lake privileges, room brick, extra closet spa baths, fireplace, full size dining room. basement. FA oil heat, 2- car garage. $22,500; Terms. Loon Lake Front Zohed commercial, 126 ft. Dixle Hwy. near Drayton, ideal site for clinic. Large oe bedroom home tile bath, 2 : Oil heat. 3 ase eee $26.- ed terms. Additional 90 ft. svail- able. sylvan Lake Front On desirable north. shore. aftrac- tive Roman brick, 3 bedrooms, living room, | na dining area, amily room with fireplace, 12 tile baths. Carpeting included, At- | tached 2-car garage. $34,500 Terms. Roy Annett, Inc. Realtors e {923 2% E. Heron FEtieral 8-0466 Open Evenings Sunday 1 - 4 MILLER. OVERLOOKING SILVER LAKE golf course—nearly new 6 room ranch home-3 iarge bedrooms. tile bath, large living rom & dining L, are complete with new carpeting,. picture window and beautiful fireplace. -The 19 ft. kitchen has built in stove & oven. breakfast nook. The full basement has oi] furnace & fireplace in rec. room, large rch enclosed with jalotsie windows, arage etc. See if you can beat is for only $15,950. ELIZABETH LAKE ESTATES— Excellent 7 & bath home. large bedrooms, a large car ving room & a separate room, drapes are included, Ful finished basement has oil furnace, 12 x 18 ft. breezeway is finished for a family room. 2 car at- tached nd garage, 2 lovely lots with Weautiful landscaping & a: Owner is moving out of to is offering neo A pcagad home oe only $18,000—te DRAYTON AREA home — 2 large | bedrooms, lovely 22 ft, carpeted living room, oapataie dining rm., 12 x 14 family room. The large kitchen has birch front cabinets, full modern basement, large cor- ~ nin, William Miller . Realtor FE 2-0263 1075 Pe _, Open 9 Rent Les Lease Bus. Prop. 41, 41A LARGE BUILDING, | “SUITABLE for wa of Be . For Rent Miscellaneous 42 De en DON'T WI St H FOR MONEY! Make it easily through Classified Ads. To sell, rent, buy, swap, hire, dial FE 2-8181, or 22 slippers! ” * Onno © 1089 by NEA Service, Ina, ¢ Tang "Dadi sid mo as son as he saw me with hs pipe an STOUTS Best Buys Today | LAKE ORION Buy’ $1500 dow TRELEV EL at Lake be seen to convince you of the bargain at $15,000 DRAYTON PLAINS This home is located near Witiems and eday Lakes. Three ms, living room, ands Thi handy utility room. This brick-n-frame ranchette — Songer as $75 PER MONTH Warren Stout, Realtor | TIN. Saginaw FE 5-8165 Open till 6:00 BARGAIN NOTHING DOWN jim" W RIGHT, Realtor 345 Oakland Ave. 5-0441 Cail Sunday MA 71804 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE BY OWNER. 5 RM. TERRACE. Ramone Terrace. Call FE 4¢-1550 5 RM HOUSE, $500 DOWN, $55 r mo. Balance = rant St FE 8-6$17 SPRINGTIME VALUES COMMERCE LAKE FRONT : Pg = J Wired Ry rn, Bae $55 1045 ‘oe By with wast cedar. ree ull: bath. Lege. family rm, Pull bsmt. Auto. of) water heater. __ furnace, Elec; Car- met. <<. Pull bath. Ceramic r plimbing. Storms & screens. Viny! tile floor. Util. rm. 2 car garage with overhead doors. Fr yd. Well landsca: Ce- ment drive & walk, to Home is 2 $1,500 “down. our Gi ANN NETT BUYS SELLS FRADES raised hearth fire-"| model kitchen. | | FARMS HOMES: EQUITIES CONTRACTS ‘Roy Annett, Inc. pestets since 1923 28 £. Huro' F Opea Evenings & Sunday 1-4 6 ACRES. 3 « Scenic, BEDROOM RANCH 2 car garage. area, Only $16,500 with terms, OLDER COUNTRY HOME 2 story, gll modern with many extras. Approximately 1 acre. Has 6 bedrooms, 1% baths for that , large family. Priced at $16,900. Desirable terms. AR CRESCENT LAKE 80x120 1 ft. lot, Neat 2 bedroom home — 2 car garage. Wel) cared for and attractive See this at, $11,- 950. Easy — ealto Davy WanD. YOUNG Sherwood" 4045 E. * hcamares Rd. EM 3-6500, CLARK BRICK RANCH HOME. Buitlf tn 1957, 3 bedrooms, hardwood floors nicely decorated, basement as Recreation room, Oil auto- matic furnace. Only $3,300 down. Full price $16,900. | GLEAMING WHITE FRAME. Good neighborhood, nicely decorated, a better built home, ght oak floors, | ment, rear F ar garage, aved street, weity bus at door. riced right with easy terms. 6 room modern 1 floor hom bedrooms, ceramic til th, 8 roomy home, gees a extra room car worn, he. “a ‘waackto top GI SUBURBAN. Lt down, You'l; ke this neat 2. bedroom home with attached garage on lot 100x134 font | ned west ot Pontiac. Has oll forced ar furnace, mastered walls, > latge kitchen. Only $9,900. Just mortgage costs down CLARK "REAL ESTATE 1363 % unipie’ e. &. Bun. le Lis 8 For Sale Houses 43 E 8-0466 | COUNTRY HOME. Sell or trade. |’ lent buy—call today! KEEGO HARBOR — Canal frontage close to Cass Lake. 7 room, 4 m home. Downstairs is plas tered. home is very close bathing beach and an ideal end for large family. $400 m artgnge cece to han- de. Pull price $8,950, AUBURN GHTS, 2 bed- extra clean, HERE'S A DANDY 2 bed- a —_— 5 ore “Sell now ot include the ce rapes.’ it can be Tf you yours at $8,750 with no down payment. RAY O'NEIL, Realtor 262 8. ralogremh Ra. Be av ne FE 311 3 Seca RANCH SCH HOME aid . Needs some rE HAYDEN | MEDIATE POSSESSION = hose built in 1966 Tile Ry rated. Oi) furnace. NEAR M.8.U.0 oo ot road. 3 bedroom frame & brick ceaeren. rate con- somperaey design. Large living and din area, Modern kitchen has built in stove and oven, hood and fan th with built in vanity. All bedrooms have double closets. 1% car ga- rage, Only $1,620, Down. rome, 2 ACRES with 2 arber. $12,500. Terms. MaDe ST. Off Josie. $10,500 Low F.H.A. Terms, 2 B.R. home with full basement, gas furnace. Fenced yard J. C. HAYDEN, 8 E Walton Open Eves. Sun: to to? Near schools. 2car garage. 91 Euclid. . BUILD NOW 3-BEDRCOM HOME , Cail pono Financing available. Aall fe custom building On penal lot or yours, Your plans or Lc HAYDEN, Realtor FE 8-044 E. Walton 2 ACRES 6 Bedrooms N DRAYTON PLAINS ern home with bed- Full bath. Large gushes jong living room with Liful brick. fireplace, Breeze- way/ and img | area. All on floor. Also bedrooms, full , family room and 2 addi- al rooms on other floor Could easily converted into 2 family come. Attached garage. Large well landscaped parcel. Close to schools, stores and busline. LADD'S, INC. OPEN SUNDAY 4286 Dixie Hwy Drayton — OR 3-123} FE 2 FURNISHED MODEL OPEN DAILY 10-87 171 MELROSE [phrbees North Perry and Montcalm $8,200 © COMPLETE DOWN PAYMENT or TOTAL sone PAYMENT DLORAH BLDG. CO: FE 8-6455 Easy to Take! This 5 room bungalow has been loved by the owners and they have dolled it up and — every convenience — B they have outgrown it. The iorn- tion is corset. ene in Dray- ton close to 9 church and schools. Carpe ing er drap- eries included in the newly dec- orated living room. This home is spotless throughout-even the fine recreation room in the basement. Fenced yard--separate re area — 1} _ n'fdelay A for $12, delay, dial that phone ‘gowi Cramped? For $1,000 down you can get im- mediate possession of this large family home in the city-—just off Oakland Avenue on Plorence Street, Sunporch, living room, din- room, kitchen and bedroom basement, gas heat. ive your family room! Call to see it now! Humphries 83 °N.. Telegraph __ Open’ Eves. , FE 36 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVIC 3 BEDRM.. HOME, BASEMENT, | ly $1,000 Down. juick Possession $1,500° Do room, water storms and sc eed emily a foren "jook’ TO- “Bud” Nicholie, Realtor “ Clemens 8t. = Moves You In WHY PAY RENT? BUILT IK RARE © Cree LOADS OF MODERN FEATURES MODEL OPEN El ies \s 1 70 T WESTOWN ois Rent PE ,8-2763 or Eves. LI 2-467 CLARKSTON, Bk bedrm., 2 Sat oc. kee SYLVAN LAKE Warwick ik utiaven rhack heme, Pre Fo ieded. int” Mxclusive, comune Be ee le Se TEMPLETON” your inspection ARRO REALTY TED McCULOUGH 5143 Cass-Elizabe PE 5-1284 PE Open 9 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Sunday 1-5 “THIMK!” F aaa ro” ” $2 DOWN ~TOta~ $69 PER" MONTH TERMS— -VA TOR Ra. 3 BEDROOM COLONIAL In JUDAH LAKE Estates WITH: Lifetime Aluminum ROOF & SIDING FHA $390 MOVES YOU IN $74 PER MONTH FE 2-9122 OTTAWA HILLS — You've always wanted a appointment to see. NI LIE & HAR CO., 33 W. Huron St. PE 83. 5 ROOM HOME, caked CAR GA- condition, full base- flovors. Beautiful corner lot. Priv- fleges om very good lake. Com- merce township, Only $10,900 with good terms. B e > attached garage, family room, en- closed ren, on 155 x 390 lot in West Bloomfield Estates. Priced right. Terms. Shown by appointment only. STEELE REALTY 135 meet Rd, me, at MUtual 4-2045. anaes RANCH STYLE 3-BEDROOM BRICK LAKE PRIVILEGES BY ORIGINAL OWNER — Located in- an exclusive nei ghborhood of brick homes and acre seyen minutes in eS, Pontiac ‘ceiling, including a large recreation room; 2° car garage with 16 ft. cement drive o road; aluminum d Brice $22,500. For additional information appoint ments call FE 8-1764, aii 3 BEDnoo — HOME. GAS ore Che Bn erg yea e, c Kak Lee am ‘Near 7 Walon Lk. KENT Ld ESTABLISHED IN 1916 ‘story. hom of closet and -ttorage act Pia? bsm't, and Fenced yard. See this at bosaal terms. space. $950 DOWN — Here ts an at-. tractive 2 bedrm., home in Dray- shower. birch eupt stele: Smear 8 rch cup! 8 in roo: kitchen. Oi] heat. Total price Ny _ screened patio” 2 car = ge. Large lot with shad Call for etails, a we LAKE FRONT -— Two lots with this log aor ee 3 bedrms., stone fireplace, bath with shower, built- in sink.” Immediate possession. See this at $11,500 with $2500 dn. Floyd Kent Ine.; Realtor 2200 Dixie Hwy. at “Telegraph FE 32-0123 — LE CUi PARKING 670 W. Huron st For Sale Houses 43/10 excellent is, upper tiat dal ae " eee “age wer West Suburban Ranch large room. W. 2 . brick fireplace, dising room Mi” bath eatpated ‘ room: with gas heat and 3 car garage. tall’ baapeneat, oll heat, " Bréeae- North Suburba way and 2 car the’ ort bas id Large lot. WP sci Ret Resadaat itis | K. tC Templeton, Realtor Nothing Down large T6x200 ft, lot that, is aleely bie r 6. FE — —ae $200 DOW LESS AN 5 ft shot * + ag fume Reston, Gat aad $800 Dow an on |” Beneregeh garg meant Ba hd 3 bedroom he Come with Pleaty f . wore garden on Z wees i oR . reeze wa. a- * marae ake | Sateat'wtaat nie” |” mem ts ame Very pheasant neigh Bi-Level and Tri-Level furniture. & neat. By owner. Large 110x200 ft. martes homes. Nothing down on = "le oseaie "wnaee, x J i 84 a ode) om for eee Cys ES Partridge LEAVING S' STATE tg A = “oo eras Modern 6 unit briek rms. Attic. Gar. Bem't, ; tiful large sore (eo Drive by. r appoint, Owner, MI £0116. Nothing Down 5%4-Acre Estate With 700 Ft. on Lake Grounds like “Garden of Eden,” cyclone fenced. of white bi part of frontage Daylight Baser: t Brick 94 Feet on Water te eben cel bee tare REAL al 7 HUNTOON LAKE ng foom wth. i ieplace. 20 Sep- DRAYTON AREA ‘Attractive pine brick, 2 podresme. itchen rate al GEORGE BLAIR REALTOR 4536 Dixie 5Yi., OR 3.1251 DRA Eves. call OR 3-1708 or OR 3-8842 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE OXBOW LAKE FRONT 4 bedrooms with glassed and screened lake-porch. All in ood ition inside and out. made 00 ft. with “1 in "tactor my ie ‘und e for pres- ent widow owner. Reason price and terma, '| LAKEFRONT BRICK | howe 4 newer all face brick r with 2 Eee eS extras + . Must a. Fg ¢ Kinzler BaD re go OPEN | ce |: of Be zi : RA < SRO tats eens 26 : a fw cron. tin, one Einar value. “All you need ts $500. L.sH. BROWN, Realtor FE cast oF PE Dante * sewer Wat wee. price 3 be ‘ ty Sot ee ne : af A, TAYLOR - real a ase INSURANCE ns — eesreten I pleased arn jarge fenced lot. th . thet Classi Gi, each, 455 month 4a per Sent, Iauerest. ere is eto GI SPECIAL — West side 6 rooms and vet.” Extra stool in base- Frias sore All Easy to « an Fie cea en iain — hl * ‘alan ote Seiad ila ee ae eee REALTOR PARTRIDGE “ Sreicaee seat Fa Py nage | eae eo Pa EEE) STATEWIDE tte tate | ee = AVE. ‘ed 3 7 For Sele Houses 42 For Sale Houses 4 on, ‘ 4 bedroom. her ; a ait wetter Ae wails 5 ceux | FEderal Seis or _Pideral 44278 | ~Terms. are Sia pent a terms. é * oan teen ‘ | Dorothy Snyder Lavender | SUBURBAN MARKET : a and wine. Grossed 29 : "foom, : : SIDE LET a.” they . Red hot location. ome . MENTS. 2s 4-6417 7 i : i -_ Custom Built Home? . ; : spot, — Bee Pigs 3 4 uity. iyo : tance : BASEMENT, LARGE LOT . cost, $7500 down will handle. No __ E. J, DUNLA : Tia Rouse’ seDaMs Wink 3 mi tele. ad or force * RM ACE. TO- or Bundey work. Til health . se | tsa eae | ages ee ETD wae | Rag Se ERNE | ye Ge ae | Dorothy Suyder Lavender] ieyag tgsehaor"s| WILL TRADE <= > he . ’ * : i . MD vee.| Metering. foom e ainike sa | BLOOMFIELD -CONG-LAKE-ED fecorner jot Priced’st | Sarno dle, ft, ot. Pull price 34'M WRIGHT, Re: tt | Puan Wegsiepiend i. fas RANGIT is Pore homes “for Painting "cr, Rooting, Includes costs. 2 bea. soaveting & . $18,-| New.3 bedroom, 2% baths. : $10,950 with terms westh Ave ee 447 Call evening ae 5 seS_ or MU 4.6617 . CONVEY-| You must have excellent ides te cnt serene | tame ea ineiudes | tre Har ates |< , = aoe rose 112. | MULTIPLE LisTinG service | Rochester—Adams Rd. | vupiiy’"S et tee rating and + FE is ivileges._ : ory of found large, recreation | IVAN W. SCHRAM | seras Mer fermace,| OPEN EVENINGS | 3,,ic' tl,ling (ug, win | Gorn. Ontort. 08 eiib. | *Ranor’ si’ sliaboth Lake Ned oe namtymen | J Hiltz ing. 2car garage. we | REALTOR FE 5-9471| Stag corset oem. .88/ — SAT. AND SUN University. ‘Today's price — "91300 ) “salen Ackime ‘Pan. | weer RURORSAN-7-WEDEGOL - ‘ js ee = 4 le ‘& SUNDAY % 166 ‘ rides per acre. * . 3 Sok eta igi fing i“ = ..° > or TUnees bien 2ises | oer doaee . MANSPIET.D | 3200 Rochester Ra. UL 3-4550| Punt In tong’ WMeTierd. Move the KAAnE M. SHEPARD Work Where You Play Ay neg ie Shae are tS ONTTAC = —MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE LAKE “0 R10 ¥. INDIANWOOD NWOOD | isn, full basement. $12,950 with ag a 9 gp Sale F OL ETSI) Gasoline, gr caries, ments. deer Wil trade iy tor housetrailer, - = : © in a frontage + hm arm s. Toker. : : ie eions a hr ee | See SRS eave ae 2 bedroom vttame” stone | A. J. PRIMM, Realtor a Mont | esos Prager Pena | pee Sele Clothing 56 SSE siege Rome | Bie katie ee Cal: 8 to’ 6 p.m. GAkland #2515 Gn Ce ak tens |” peoestoen gate larg ae sg eg ee. ae PTRIEY EAP RO NCE | FOR Gata on nets. | Eosgan Fate” Mr | Freres ace |° ROMAN SR & ONC fer. Sewer. Bus service, $16,590. Gown and 6 up tnfiniated” 1 14| Exe soll, 2tamity home. Large | Pulltin cupboards, Laundry tubs.| 7 FORMALS WORN ONCE. SIZES 7 BEDE POMAW BRICK HOUR <. Seeaeuaes Sr oo, Commerce Rd. by) barn. Other out Ags. Adjoins ¢ ee . 40} 6, 10, 12. PE 6-1280.— xepe: House | owner. 41870. After 6 p.m.,|+ limits ot Lapeer. Paved to prop Owner retiring ee © a ik. | & CLEAN at 1063 Bsabots Lx. Ra.” |~SOLTIPLE LIRGING BERVICE- | OO tarmey Tt SA MON ME) wont last “bate ho heen Vaan tome it pm, RONEN Evie vice 2 acres MUTART REALTY Su, 4 pm. at the ati Se Metrm~ eae heat. cheap, Ti] COMMERCE LAKEFRONT = fireplace tos dane rae | «80 & COMMERCE RD, moon Ave — Sty Clair, =o 2-bedroom, room " eel . . MARKET 4-239) - Lime om Sam MED OR | Stik hat eae arene | farm Maes “ood aad. S030 | Sa.tiaresae fie ES. 2 1Ge BEDAMS> sors | % landscaped lot Price’ $16,900, “Stas cince salt : WELDING SHOP Tape CLORRING. ae ALL eg rm, Pruii — MY _2-2311 cmt poe tans on sa , GLARKSTON, 3 BEDRM~ BRick | —>5-Commeree Ray __ MA 41578 ~ 80 ACRES ent in just @ few years : ranch home wigh basement. so Good setup for beef cattle, large Eetsstichos eine reery: SOPT JACK. BLOOMFIELD HIGHLANDS saeee lot. Of extras. $14,900. Income Property 43A = other out + ings. 9 room auto, manufacturers. G oo 4 ft ye | $18; else oon food with tireplace fee wn peer ot Oot Soe a | small t pause, Small seca ntst, Seeouale. | Latest sik. Ma 4atee oe with fireplace ofa MODERN Wiser —¢ |? JNOOME, PROPERTINS SOLD| Steam,’ fod Cabtiy WUE. , Small) — sauipment. You can be your " ‘ Way. ive car garegs, Lote ae Price redesed oe bak | © ore ht, oe, tice: $00, terms. en, | ment of $i oee ren" «= | USED WHITE UNIFORMS RANG: : decaped ot With $1200 down Fe cose, 8? Mf you have income property tor! ‘C £“ wensten REALTOR 31109 ang ee Col PE ing fi . oo ge ire ey with 4 bedrooms, 1% bathe, |,FOR SALE BASEMENT HOLE te wh Dew eae mMaNE | Ould, OR OSE, Cre, MY Bb | Bronecn ME Se Me | ee eet donna : MENT. new Kitchen, Sr ; mae Bulta’*? it . with loads “of tees’ s wae piumbing. “S00, feet. of frosre| WE BUY — SELL — rape | ACRE FARMER'S FARM RAY -O’N ap ganache and lox ‘ garage. Only $16,950—own- on +324. 3300 La: Ra. 4 Good large barn, fair outbuild- x NEIL, Realtor 1 AM NEW 21° mo- for Your Home Widem a er | lake. femtheas Nath at Gaere e 8 are’ ~ ings and Yery good 10 room 282 8. Telegragh Ra Open 9-9} torols for $144. extra, Terms "s another one : man hump Aitck sale — better | BY OWNER. ¥ BEDROOM MOD. ‘WHITE BROS Sanclan On et a ot 189 Commatce ba 2 ADPumaees, S16i o3 HS, FAMILY RM. 42 w. ma eek eee. earry ag Ss one! on On 5 actes, MY 3-2726, OR 31295 . - On'y $300 ber sére. Sale Land Contracts 52 i PC LIVING ~ROGA —SUTRE ay i p2? BEDRM. HOME. $950 DOWN. 5660 Dixie : Vacant 25 - ttream, | rn ees 22 | * . SEMINOLE HILLS eat tie 2 goa $12,114 PE 4-4526 _. | SETS TRADE! ; ~ PE 40391 Open Eves ‘th 9; sunday 10 "un 5 Oniy 44.500, “7% ve FOR ALL REORDERS ON PEGGY 7 LANGE LIVING pecaz NT BARGAIN—BARGAIN ay Tid, th ‘closets carhe —— _ | paved street. ‘sae ga00 down, | vcore pe me tec R MORE IN| STEELE REALTY, 138 Mightand | _demenstration ‘call PE binek' > | 1 ereen & 1 gray, 000. PR esi, _—_ Pg 1954. 4 bedroom home} and oven, bul 3 mange ag ag dna a bang. x month. ee. SOR ay ia north of Auburn, Au-| ¢ io at Highland. MUtuai “any CONTRACT.” IMPROVED PP q bavi. ROOM SUITE. room wall to w: 2 et ial kitchen. - Ol furnace. Just West of — rege OOM, FL ents Schick's, MY discount. | 7 GOOD REFRIGERATORS ’ oA. ae furnace, lake privileges. $9,500. st owne _ | Schick's, MY 43-3711. REFRIGERATORS. : Sere eet 2 ith with 8% 5. nieleet9 eat floors. portation. Prices ar piaaen, | Will ‘consider ‘aun “offer EM! For Sale Lake Prop. 44| repairs. 465 "ones wat ane | CAND SORTHACTS TO BUY OR | gS ene eee 6.950 on PHA terms,, if so ages 9 2 ceramic baths 700 equity. We need-a 3 : : ne | | Ph oily MEIrose 12501 EM sent! Carrels, EM 3-2611/.° 2 Jf. sis. > Ee yaad ) shower stall. Many other beaeeean “biwe’ CUSTOM BUILT LAKE HOMES : or EM 3-4088 zormie® (ind 2 3einch covered We'll custom reasonably | ~ twin 5 ADJOINING LOTs rnite boards PERFECT BEACH | Baig' “*) “tom Cation and in gend thse; | _Startize Bidg. Con” EMM S501 | Near Crooks, near Chrjsler ‘ete: | Sale Business Property 49 Money to Loan 53| mack’ sete “hte te et ae Plans? & TAT ky district. Can pay $90 to $63 | BY OWNER. 3 BDRM. sicoo DWN. vom on lots, 455135 each, 3 other | 149 peer FRONTAGE ow (State Licensed Leaders; 6 PIECE SILVER GRAY BEDRM. room mares Pt BASS REAL monthiy. : Balance $69 month. "MA 5-2228. | {ssci0 Sach gig seen Clemens st OF ON Mr. = ieee arenter,, bookcase : indow | B yy FE ; ; IMMACULATE 2 BEDROOM | _Box 65. . A Say AES f “| ah tor sibs0 Pap . Se ie i] >siorg|UEMINGHAMPEMGROKE AREA — eee 2% FOOT LIVING koom .. . ta oe ee ee. gp RL privene ee ae ne cornet, Waseee ooo eae semen, Para a rebar attic. oll heat.| + a4 iy ak « BEDRM. 7 BATHS. WEBSTER | 3-1408. 2.2452." __ "| “FINAN : 1 PC. DINING Ril SET Tike On easy terkey, Wacky st $12,750 ius az: ogg De. TR dicture window in this | SGbo0l 12x20 living rm., drapes, | BEAUTIFUL RUNYON LAKE 5 FINANCE COMP ANY " Bew. 20 Ogemane a : REAL ESTATE x 150 ft. ‘ot sae old, 3 bedroom bun- Orne FE ae | Milles trom Detroit, lake frontage PUDNUT BUSINESS TO) ex~y |) BiSCE DINING ROOM SUTTER — sow Satame ; S ote sod taper SYLVAN LAKE 7 BEDAGOR | balance. Un ‘Stat’ “7 | Senta pesatcs, CTE ant BORROW U1 UP TO $500 oe poet. ervice at . brick, walnut den, screened FOR SALE LARGE NEW YEAR Pout ——. | Pontiae — % yion Plains — Uties * Send pew dovemecet = ae City bus r rch, A house with that “feel | 2 car e, ‘lake rivlieges areond 3 z cas Walied Lk. Birm ho Gaus we Nome, simocphere May | _$18000. {440 Avondaic. Pu’ 8IS | merce Lake: Must se’ sacs | Smith-Wideman Realty LOANS $25 TO $500 | settee tame dsegrtior tenes 412 W. Huron 26 |- on ma $ All for $99. Pay $3 wenty, ore, Menature or dther se-|. Pearson's Purniture 42 Urevscd we make appointmen cause famil: 4-45 ¥ $12,250, * . FE _ ‘ LOOK On SALE BY OwnEs eevon.| TO BUY OR SELL | can” atigaaie or, cier sel, Pearone service is fast, friendly and s | Ec. DUNCAN PHYPE Dit ‘CAN Divin a, Soe ‘fo : ee of iake ha | ganar NEW MODEL | siete “tnettan Sa", Bate At this 3 bedrm. f ful Hollywood — style Co ‘ BLA eee -|Bateman & | S223 eager | Weigeeeet meng mine | OT cieree | faa ath eer ee WATKINS LA : Elon area Ro ert lst | ame," Beds’ | ma Dug ter, vom vane] HOME & AUTO | fiat Speen, “ot anes Modern aoe tiger a ° al I } sen tion call Pic S43it wer tmorm* | Porch and sun deck facing lake. ves. OR 3.320 LOAN Cr $30._All exe. cond. pe aie 5 - — on rset ia Gen ate 3 DSe@r HERBERT C. DAVIS | §¢ ice cn road, Has new “ack. | Business Opportunities 51 LN Perry St. (Commer B. Pte “Reversibie, $inde; Tacky SBME 4 ’ : . 4915 Irwindale Drive Tuxurlous living ~ $94.96. Axminster, Toom- Hardwood floors, full ‘tbase- REALTORS. FE 4.0528] SRIGK_RANCH. 3 BEDROOM, fae fired, baseboard type “heee:| 11 NEW DUAL NUT vEnpina | ~OtTOW with Confidence pads, 988 Pease fensk toom, Gas heat, Garage Pate p WwW | | } 371_S. Telegraph . Eves. & Sun. | {Ul tile basement. Btorms and | snd on secert, minfwvam gown | pachities on location, $0. PE $25 to $500 z Lake Ave. coon Pan at berries. $4,000 Pioneer Highland het ssiene "Lntes tere a r 6 pm, : ARE YOU LOOKING FOR-A-BUGT. Household Finance | (3: 7A LE MODEL TV .~ ¢i0.95 GEORGE BLAIR & SONS Owner leaviag Michigan, offers | Scene situ! sad? Sy heet | FURNISHED, CABIN. “9 MITES Dontnoes Ghasae ieee mentigae | 1) 8. Sagmee OS ce] FV rc taoss ee Digs Wey TO on sss | NO oGwm ravwemme. va | mimsige,tauie's*pmesaay Wine | Seog #0 sat tor Bea | River. sao" eM on | Birtige Sideacee ER | GET Oe 7 ace | ake Meera a icine he ayy. 261 VA old, Car. : LAKE ORION — 2 BEDROOM. @.| — FE 43581. . O 5.00 a unr NW Dicture subs, $25 Moves You In _|—E~s Oh 3100 Sr OR sana |’ ancien Sit" sottnctt | fied bah nie ace ie'tiaiet | | NOTHING DOWN | fig ftom, femigntchos tag incon ult, MILFORD 3- BEDRMS A THINKING MAN’S HOUSE » (@s furnace, near sehools. and | oo! + Maby extras. Truly; OWN YOUR HOME, BRICK HARSEN: : aa tition, coe S t take trades, OB 3036 af beat. [Faved street Gily, Sewer| “Soult SORES, MAN'S Price | Shopping. North side. cee West Sider | TRONT. 2 tearm, storms. 8 | “ern furnished sotiage OR Siok, | Fe boon eee Hm! VOIOQOTALUTE | shen tease Lae Be bate “disposal 10 A ot fats] 3,Dedtooms. Basement. Automat; | COLONIAL MILLS BRICK: gust oft West Huron St. oi Oreen | “BE Ferree Tyee | Sherwood and Geiss Ghorka* thee | epee aDproved Giatio Tae | — OAS 8 Months to Repay | iT ABMARAL PORTABLE FV Sarpeting. stove and refrigerator | or Gilr neat ten Terms, (0, suit| One of the nicest 6 room homes | St.. an outstanding’ mone Geet | ~=B & Z Starter Homes available 00 Mies | BP agent condasr oat Shoes PH. FE 2-9206 $50. Walnut china cabinet $13, VE Sort Won ashe’ Ber Mond.) er as down payment i} im this area. Large living room| large family. 7 rooms, gas heat | MA 63858 on 40m1! COLE & railer as part of down payment __1684 Petrolia. : ‘EE AS, WO 21914. MU «oss. N THE Cry tree ween, with eating space,| garage, lot Sex1i7 ft. ‘Priced for | | BEBRGOM BRIGK Worn & EASLICK | onin's.“nbsa, REAL werare O A 42 IN. KENMORE GAs RANGE Eve 8-3088. + heart, i three bedrooms and bath ali| action. - 3 RDS Com BRICK RANCH. BY he COMMUNITY Ph VA 63506 ie mae : ae ‘RANGE. 4 BEDROOMS and dining ‘room carpeted. Hace.| cat geraee’ Bate inate me | WILLIS M. BREWER | faine Maser. in, of city in Lor- nd 4-885 MAKERS SPECIAL — Loan C it GALLON HOTPOINT ment. Gas heat. 1 block fr $17,500 7 tt: | sosmpu FR: ter. garage, basement, c Lake Lo -— | Complete woodworking = oan Cor paan heater, ATER Sree Patti S| Ma seman, |_ Hahae ST PR Bi Be cees™ S| SB PRS, | tate he ean yrce| Geman om aint” | Pree wae Rew hae | bb Sadat anble down, vent THEM. Rew) Park payment oan OKEE : Bret_FE_t-0023 iODERN HOME. ¢ ACRES GRAV. ACRES, GRA churches, shopping st door. Wind: | in ° ? ai payment. able down. elwodn? SALTY PE 2.5452 os Bags oi ba BY OWNER. 3 BEDRMS. 41,500 M pogo 1 BOM (EB, 5 pes , GRAV- ing, Paved street. $1,995 full P- oe 2 A, erected. Ova ae nw luron, CUCKLER REALTY ELIZABETH LAKE stares, 2| “ith 24 car erage, attached. | $982; Incudes furniture," OR | TARGE 5 BEDSAE Home WITH | lat. orn 8208 ménth, Al How: nent. GEORGE IRWIN, Bape telat vine, YOUNGSTOWN eee : PE 4-4001 room. 4 room frame, by own- tee large bedrooms, separate - ‘ carport, $500 eq take over ~~ NBAR AIRPOR? : - 3509 Electric Com , yy Huron, ge te Rom omae er. FE 49756. dining \area, living room with anette i. AIRPORT FOR SALE 8M. BUSINESS. MA COMMUNITY LOAN CO. GTO. WASHER ge WEST SUBURBAN - ledge rock fireplace, nice kiteh- | CLARKSTON VILIAGE | BY OWNER a eeURGOM FRAME 5 oom and utility, Iarge lving operated from your garage or | 90 B. LAWRENCE oom | Ce eryer Bat . Braes of Bl en Gnd two ceramic: tile baths : ¢ ,seetms car-| bsmt, Complete equipment and | RIENDLY SERVICE di S bedrecet tela whe hat S| nites so noe oOmtield full basement | gas heat, large | TAKE PRivi eee HOOD home. completely furnished. West] Port,’ 100x150 fbot lot, $1,860 —-| route, Price, $1200 OR 9-6800, LOANS $25 TO $300 ——~ | retrig, ‘$50, "s Beomss Lrrosmpiee’ farmee,, Tus rome, 2 teplaces,f “bathe, ha | former lots €24.000.00 with terms. Executive eee level brick | BY OWNER. 4 ROOMS AND BATH| {AF CEDAR IsLanp Lane | Resses, Buy the sist: Pas cy | 1 Watawrence rv NOSTONE, move in immec:ately, $15,950, ®- dream hous with scscened, fe) ; i mea NSE 2.800 sq. ft.| 22 On acre of land. $500 down. | wis’ ‘on corner, “outm. 4 laree| rent and you are in buciness. a cenrence SPE +15380 seals em | teak ping: eRe | 7 wines "5 - | ne Eat eaemaaae oe | Pee, Sate they, ON], et male a iaseaiacee | 2 STETS TALK NEED $25 TO $500? Se # = rms, own- est Huron Street ining tm. 3 spacious | HOUSE FOR SALE WiLL TAKE ‘ j | yrith recreation room} hice homes th sow, Me, many | ADEIOUs to se.’ Will consider fea-| ated om beautifully” iene es | plecee ets er ares: 2 fire. 8c La. Small town tavern — easy to - . MAIN « and screens, Attached me ther’ y.n, Simost any loca-; sonable offer. - grounds: ste ‘ent: prety] 08 i 3 . No food or entertain. Ener e learn tm marment”® SH) GENOTHING DOWN | fire teuuetliuae,"ss| Hoon ane hen til" | gota ahr ass AC, | Fpsaderpamaenecoe me | ROCESTER, MICH. C. PANGUS, Realtor |trave to pet “tue Seeks telranme to several aren inkes ao. Benjamin R. Back bedrms, fireplaces tgtartine 15 rile. NA tae} ZY Zberoom, ranch, tocateg | Larke itonen Sieg ‘ath: “Maple | gre fF bolog reproduction éoxt | ~ e™amin R. Backus o PRICED Pr R_INsPECtION | MICHIGAN BUSINESS HOUSEHOLD GooDs ee Select oak fones pesettl| fleece, -t eMe SHR lake priv. | alee: = BY appotot- | we ¢rs9g EP we oasis Bicomfield Real Betate st ¢4s00 | SALES CORPORATION | *: aint OL eorit. Ob 1-s191 — ; 7 a : ; ~| WATEKING L JOHN ~ WHEN YOU NEED — TRWIN | Biss O'S") 1inc) vermerr lopornsis sarsmnor | VALU-WAY |“sariites saeir| ot potas greees| WHEN YOU NEED Po SUN OFF JOSLYN 9203 ““ommerce Ra. > living ym. with natural fireplace. | « EN IOV Pru FE ¢isea O™ e will be glad to he’ ane New 3. wh contemporary | EM 3-6406 _ crn ahett® 4 aing rm., "mod: pm VaLoRs ENJOY LIVING : ~ STATE FINANCE CO ; ranch with Pas fenlemborary rca ern kitchen, "2 4’ iarge | Have House—Will Travel ee Dede ORD TWE . | LARGE GROUERY STORE WITH| ~ 702 Pontiac tar, 0. cupboards galore gercnen | ON PAINT GREEK Bs, scres, 3|° car’ naiags servants quart | Rober pean?) .BED- Knouy pine vine tome egment; | all fixtures “Has 2° gas pumps, | FE 4.1594 ‘down'on PHA terms." "| Dedmm. home. Stable. “A steal at Seautfang on} PULL BASEMENT in front porch Large,. shady lot | owner. a tata oppertant = rhe Vlsate NER $A with Ste tending Tatere cage: Cyclone Ww. Wha WASH: conmteietes sar peees, Pattie Owners retiring. $6,000 will Mortgage Loans 54 ibsbod eat eis pateain. Only | ete. Owner moving North ‘Priced rg eens BR LT IN iz. "Mi front dot 166 ards to swim- “commercial. 90 ft. front-| ~~ Co eee ly 3 bedroom brick situates take Pert | Woei. Appointment at 426-700 00 terme | gpd | tcluded, ‘an ‘acre of ground with| iy "aceetetaa merge new. CONSOLIDATE & comer lot. Full basement, | home ape ‘out eke *ROLFE- Se eee judy po ee tn 7! “ton i. ene ‘a Your debts. Get eash to " Teasonable. nee _H. SMITH © a Cash price $0260. We = hy. wn otae’ cars, bamp, shop Uo mode mise your hone ee SE: £—4e teres land Very UB LOT. * lovely ho: aoe : today 7 Meme | Rood terms. rm 7 ce hen Pm $2500 DOWN, WILL TRADE, taller in Srade at realiatie vale P toons iv s TH Fis Wilt ler Selling — | STEELE REALTY 138 Highland OT FE _3-7833 3 No other cost : © fey ‘ ener Civilians and Vet nished. Pilates” vane ece fame | ge Meu we | RENT IT FAST| i, moves "Ed PK et: liebe Mc: “axel asain 5 na atet Rent Ras! Room, | Gogy™ Wx Mew cor |: seve ee wee GET IT QUICK. Maree wa Seas ea ae EE mode] car, exc, OR . ' - geres. Neary new brick ae __ | fpme. Large itving room, Flor-/ house, apartment, any- POR 3 8B ,_ Pam, P : ida ; ir ; Pe ae ? ¥ a peed : ’ ; : LLIAMS) abies 22 re [thing = Want’ ads give) Eat itiee’wfaPStaet | °° through Camsified _Ads!| sateen 3 | HP HOLMES INC. igh CT OM Dial FE) RJ. (DICK) VALUET |< 58 Resort Brop. 444) oo Oe iene oat i fT. REbWooD PLYWOOD ge a Nally | Bape nan vig "SEC os aE | Hea A Set | writer and getty | ea Ra ten ai AML Alum. storms & ~~ A ay ye stallations. — name values. $1 SEHOLD en. 3 Years! week. Leeving) Dr. Cass, 289 | | Samo Pumps Oniy MA 75-6011 sam i's, ft. setrigureser. 1 ee enella Pontiac. FAMOUS 9149.96 they las Pe fendi none gigs nt aichigas 3 UTBO Lake) MM HP filers, $19.95 each. ‘Radic & —% teerision, Baby Saubce Le fey, Niches, tab table x} Oma vert. 95 8A PLUMBING surety 172.8, 5-2100 - 85,000 ‘a “BUS eae OIL VE C3 FREEZERS - HORGE - FREEZERS | Chest aad ghts Mew models, slightly secatched ort crate-ma: at big dis-| | me furnace controls, thermostat, . $25. OR 35003. ave 62-GAL. ELEC. WATER heater $61.40 eash & GA. Thompson, 7006 Mbe 3 Seat Open rred eves. prices /§2 GAL E . . 96 2 wo pay gal Lag gas ‘as 3 Wane Cancer | fat sks end Stags 001 mn eagee FE Saas SAVE. PL o- GREEN DAVENPORT & CHAI 172 8 mae PE sisi after | 215-Ib. Asphalt Shingles Gai SERVEL REFGS — wares “SS. fest. equip Relazater | , popcorn machine. Rly mao Paeet ge 7 nel ~y clocks; E CABINET chair, Like new. $166. FE VEL REFRIGERATOR Satire ae er 4 FE 2- ARGE CRIB AXD S MATTRESS | brana “— 615.95. Pearson's Fur-) _Biture 42 Orchard Lake Ave (GE & SMALL BABY BED HIGH | , chair, playpen, Teeter Babe, ear peat ison sewing machine. _ +t T SALE. HALF gat Bi Baldwin. LINOLEUM & P wees ai Sack’ 8. = beagle WASH. 4 YRS OLD. Good eth OLD paeoweD a, “SED. complete with oak princes dres-| ser. OR 3-4834 OVER S USED TV SETS FROM $1495 up TV ON TV $9.95. WALTON “ $15 EB. lls FE 22357 PAINT UP | AND SAVE! Guaranteed how: point, gu $1.95 RUBBER BASE 1 PAINT. Gai. $3.75 4A-¥*. Wall Tile 25c! 12 LINOLEUM 3 $7.34) sre 141 W. Huron PE 4-3064 LEATHER CHROME DI-| igo, $20; swivel | cha! ngs orewe —< desk & pe “dining rm. suite, Willet, solid cherry. $300 OR 34-4663. ee Renewed Trade-Ins MAYTAG Wringer Washer. built, Guaranteed, Delivered, FRIGIDAIRE, Automatic Washer. KELVINATOR eatigctilecs. Renewed Guaranteed. Delive LECTRIC RANGE Delivered. Baranet. 49 inch. Geop et ee SHOP 51 WEST HURON ° FE 41555 WITH FREEZER. pletely automatic range, crib mattress —— divan. Excellent) cond, FE 4-1453. Kppaisesaron Other household 23-1082. furniture. ' SINGER PORT. Z10-ZAG ATTACH | Bas 19.590, Electrolux Vacuum, $14 95 | ‘erms Curt's Appl, OR 3-9702 SINGER PORTABLE SEWING MaA-| chines. Cash & carry for PE 23-3337, 7 rogene Sewing Cen- ter. 143 Oakiand -_ STUVES “BOUGHT, SOLD, EX- . Turner's, 602 Mt. Clem- ens. 1. TABLE Meta! eloth! ternity dresses. “rE 2-7505. TRADE GAS RANGE FOR ELEC- tric i e. R. B. Munro Electric Co W. Huron TWIN “COT SPRINGS, $8 typewriter, uote: with Sie, baieaoe i230 "o 4 "Cail collect, LU 4-42 TWO ng me, WwooD ROLL oF GA- $35, FE 5-1651. REM. $37. FE TRADE: IN DEPT. 7 tallied. Delivered DINETTE SET | $20. Plyscore ome —%". | Church's § Inc. lier Squirrel Rd. UL 2-4000 sree! ALL GOOD BARGAINS USED LUMBER, NAIL FREE Better Than New \ | 2x4.—228,—~2210,—2212 | Priced for Quick Baie Knotty Pine Paneling | Steel Clothes Post * pIPE- BRICK - STEEL other ba: | Come | — < —— me i po A eens aérvies. will | pleas® you. (PHA Terms Free Estimates —_—eerrr thru. SAT. ‘SURPLUS LUMBER & | MATERIAL SALES co. |5340 Highland Rd. (Mie) OR 37008 3.000 WATT La er $375. | zocomBo ver “FOLDING door 6 IRONER. | | { Me ft -- OG pr 1 WE from are we in » stimaitn on “garage re- value, $40.50 8 tw 5 Noon on. Saturdays BERRY DOOR SALES Paddock and slightly marred. . bottied gas at terrific values. Michi- an Ave. Fluorescent, 393 Orchard Lk. ELLED MAGIC eo . PE 4-5085 in high x 14 ft . $60. Also 2 wheel m body hauling trail-| PULL-DOWN LIG . | 2r"65S. Call after 4 p.m. week-| $695. Ce or sidewall. G.A. Iz ae MI 6-0580. ssameeee, Mbe West. “Open EXPERT LICENSED HEAT- : ‘_. (“ man needs work. Bigger bar | PATIO STONES 30 PER CENT ings than ever on ¥ of used off. Sizes $1.20, 12 x éod new heating = or $70. 16x16 al ge a = 32 $1.0. installed at once. FHA terms, no| Sm rs. Outdoor money down OR 3-592. pete _ ers cc. ustic \AUTO bd tat 1M PARSER matched. ‘@ _5-4355. ~ ANCHOR FENCES — Pee Le tMATES rE at! erat BATHROOM PIXTUREs YOUNGS- town kitchen ofl and gas ger toy - hot water and steam rs, automatic water heater, hard- ware. Electric supplies, crock and tile galv copper black pee and fi . _ Lowe Bros, An MEIOnTS SUPPLY 2685 LAPEER RD. me 4-5431 BEEF AND - AND PORK — HALF quarters Opdyke Mkt FE 5-704. BARRELS FOR SALE. 77 LE- heigh Street. — BETTER BUYS — $29.50 — atri; Good 2 xe sfanhesay ‘Plywood V-grooved x8’ $4.99 Del. Between Ww. PHONY] ee. AND SAVE ‘" —s Fouts Reg 4 zl R fete High Roger A. user PAINT NOW WITH WITH- KOTON out fear of blister or peel due to moisture. Warwicks, 2678 Orchard Lake. Rd. REBUILT LAWN MOWERS Sharpened RANGE HOODS WITH FAN, ONLY $2995 G a, weekdays. MIj-! 6-0580, TALBOTT LUMBER pee installed in in sash, Thoroseal Paint, hardware, plum elec- rie at supplies re esi tum." 1025 ional. $120.05 vaeiue, $79.95 ‘ Mi Pluoreacent, 393 Orchard Lake Ave. = 45, Machinery 60A 2-BAY CITY NO. = od : rpilla Allis ~Adams ir t—Terra Cobra 12 ¢ tourneau«C-2 ~Gener 1— Cat .7 CEMENT pecs indust: 30, CRANE ,OR al 420 Crane or Hi DA Donets ” EE i 800 Oo g7linder fof for trucks, saw ly be rd gatoliae itriga- “eal by GRINNELL’S 21 8. Saginaw PE 3.1168 Ween senna . amadllonk: ends tion, $375.00. ei FE 2-0567 Used amat Exc. Used Eran spines in walnut, 8G. T OAL RepeR’ S 18 E. Huron PE 4-0566 Music Instruction 62A RENT A ‘WURLITZER ORGAN for as little as $4.95 Week YOU GET ate THIS. —use of organ in your home —private weekly lessons —al] lesson Frond ond. 85. Terms. —option buy —all money paid applies Tu PH Sale Store Equipment 64 Equipment 64 ELLIOTT AD! RAPH. $30. _Tabs ast cost. 7 W. Lawrence. NATIONAL Fey REGISTER FOR sale. PE 4-5029 RESTAURANT EXHAUST FAN, 18 Se eae oe deep Hood f rin lor Cash re ‘slee MA e108. “135 _GSakiey “Park Ra TWo 0 PT. ET COUNTERS, modern $50 ea., 2 recond. scales, . e@., One compressor §100., one 8x10 lined w with com $400.. wil] sel) our $700 or cose "Consens $276 ie. t cash. Must remove. FE $-0679. Sale Sporting Goods 65 14 «PT. a BOAT, 3 HP and i Johneon Paccage ie MA _ +1200. 1 Oakley Park Rd showni® [<} SS CMa rifle. pete model 63 tically pew, sac- Both rifice. Pe 3213. M, Reg, US. Pat. OF. 1959 by NEA Service, ing, ¢-24 sig ieee tu Seti Every time you go out to eat te point Sets we & Som Doors Geen NURSERY ger tal SPRUCE Everergen Farm. OAKLAND TREE SER SG mm. & removal. FE 8-2275. STATE RASPBERRY ROBINSON INSPECTED plants. MApie 5-3601. erga Latha 8 rry m ras] berry 6-1882, di ‘STRAWBERR My gerne ., fos Se "Rd, ae my ~Sell-Out by Grower 3,000 ¢« shrubs, Wothing over a. Du it yoursels. peeeee and burlap. Colum- Nursery, 4662 Howell Rd. 3 mies N, ‘of Columbiaville, nr. Otter pate gee planing bet ig 7, yee Stark ag Nursery Re Landsce Pruit EM 33125 r4pm. For Evening Appointment For Sale Pets «69 ii | AKC SHEPHERD PUPS, WORMED and shots, reasonable, MA 4-2650. AEC POODLES. 4 MO8. Se HOUSES ALL PET SHOP, SLORD CORES PE 5-0136 Cpls —sooees oe es BOSTON TERRIER STUD CHAMP stock. Curtiss OR mount- 4 Y SurrBhell 375 elegraph. GUNS — BUY, is TRADE. | wEMinroe Leath, 0 Bagley AUTOMATIC 16 | SPLIT BAMBOO FLY RODS. $4.75. _ $2.50. | “refs veaat gone new vt |DACHSHUND PUPS, AKC. JAMOR Kennels. PE 8-2538. DACHSHUND PUPS. AKC. $35. FE 8-0993 PEMALE ag go =e To good home. FE Reg. set Par pape. of DIRT AND ing. FE 8-6642. WADERS — HODGEMAN CHEST high. Used once 12. Cleat eneott Rd. Le: boot. Cost $42. Sell $28. 3315 Lex-| peer Saichigas. Mohawk ington, Scott Lake, after 6. 46746 Bait, Minnows, Etc. 65B | German sHEPHERD PUPS. 7 > weeks old. Good pets. $15. MI BAIT & TA | _ 67932. Mouses 20 cents dz. — 3 dz, GERMAN , MALE 6 389 Orchard Lake Avenue ne me aes. 6 moms. | FS Sand, Gravel & Dirt 66) Eas°“Sr jom Ro : LOO OP POLO LOL Ann G N SHEPHERD. WHITE & A-l SOIL, BLACK DIRT, . . \ sand. cravat ead fill. poet tan, at mos. old. Very reas. FE um Us 5-4758. HE THY KITTENS. ‘5c, 1,7OE SO. SAND GRAVE.| “on 4ais jac e UC. Pinan Bhitn wa fre, woe ing. OR 30638. . KITTENS PREE TQ GOOD HOME Mi aree and tin, Fe b7060 SAND. | cACRES KENNELS. POODLES gravel, and_fill, irish ‘Terriers, Siamese kittens. ©) Sra ritane P| MC ee ee se — MALE ‘D SPANIEL. A-| TOP SOIL, SAND, GRAVEL,| 5 mos. $10, FE 27857. 43 Lyford. — & black dirt, Ken Jones. ——"PARAREETS SUPPLIES 5-873. 2.7721 ETOP SOIL, SAND (GRAVEL. eee witire tails ex- coretng ee nie eo) iature, Mui Kenn ts Ry A SHREDDED TOP SOIL, FiLL| "°% ar ME Diack aint. FE “esa of Graduation, 171 Navajo. &-i TOP S0il, CRU AKEETS Ys. CAGES, sand. gravel wi! narle Conklin, | P42 supplies” Crane Bird FE #111 or FE _ Hatchery, 2480 Auburn. UL, 2.2200. BLACK DIRT SAND. GRAVEL, | PaRT COLLIE PUPPIES FOR pick-up truck. FE 5-0440. sale OR 3.4160. BLACK ROTO-TILL- | PARAKEETS CANARIES CAGES, food. Since 1927, 684 Oakland Ave. BLACK DIRT. SAND. GRAVEL delivered reasonable, Vic Bald- _¥in_ and Walton, FE 4-8543 “COW MANURE, DELIVERED. PE 4-3371 mile of {¢ Mile Rd. on Haggerty, Raymond Seeley. CRUSHED STONE, SAND GRAV el. Earl Howard EM_ 3-0531. DAIRYMEN & NURSERY MEN — pee sawdust and shavings, a up + vores Orton R. d Ahoy nh sirens een cow eagle $2 A TRAILER | load % 8. t POMERANIAN PUPPIES, AKC registered. MArket 43817. REGISTERED ENGLISH POINT- er, UL 24257, after 6. SIAMESE CATS EM 3-63660 C TOY FOX TERRIERS. FE- male puppies. OR 3-8079. Hunting Dogs 694 69A AKC GERMAN SHORT - se HAIRED ST COMO BRITTANY, FEMALE 1 YR., #10 4-0090 DRIVEWAY GRAVEL. LOADED waste aaa SETTER. . wid. Excellent hunting SUP- & dirt. Cement, rtar trucking & tile. OR 3-1534. Gap GRAVEL, FILL Nagao TOP or delivered. FE. 4-3263 or FE mos Foe MAES LARGO QUINT stock $65 E2718 A : Peat & Black Dirt. OL 1-7291. Dogs Tt Trained, _ Boarded 70 .| DOGs ND CAT; BOARDED. are 45 &. ¥s. ht Dusr-Shell. 375_‘8. Sretegra aph. truckers. on Hay, Grain & Feed 7 18ST & 23ND CUT SAT. Peg manure, Loaded. Ph. MA 5-0666. soil. Landscape stone ing. Pest dirt, OF a soot YARD, DRIVEW. GRADING Fi foul mere. Yn, etc. FE rake OLD COW MANURE, $10 for 2 yard load — OA 8-3636. Cleon Middleto: Wood, Coal & Fuel 67 EPLACE CANNEL COAL—ALL L—KIND Soop nanaTe A eet BaKLAND FUEL & PAINT 436 D LAKE FE §-6159 ora appre. cee eed kindling OD 2 CORDS for $10 “Geltverea, PE 4-6568. POCAHANTAS SCREENING. $8.50 r ton in 2-ton loads, FRANCIS COAL & OTL 9722 Orchard Lk. Rd. FE 2-8282 Plants, Trees, Shrubs 68 PLACE A “LOST” AD. Call FE 2-8181 for an ad to recover a loss, Dial FE 2-8181 for an ad-writer. Say “charge it.” OOD ag OaAK,- 1ST AND 2ND CUTTING HAY, MA 5.4985. ALL TYPES OF 18ST & 2ND CUT- ting bey, straw, corn and oats, _will deliver. OA %-2179. Plants, Trees, Shrubs 68|_ POTATOES, EARLY COB- blers and Pontiac Charies Young MY 21711. Rochester BY QUALITY ae 4 bp. be -cd ee og — BT. Bolens oa ee tractors, ers and Bg . eeecREDIT TERMS KING BROS. ve ntiac Rd. at Opdyke PE’ ¢-1112 | 1 FARM MACHINERY — NEW. AND AND an ave f Sales on M24 “Gtr manure i6c A BA LE er anure reader. @ a s-b080. acHAR! SPRAYER. 0 GaL- jons,| very good conditjen, UL TABLE : 3 table exten- set, $250 for ORCHARD SPRAYER, TRAILER type 50 gal. wag ft. hose. Nearly new, EM 3-08 Pontiac Chiet & Desi inte a gel traders, ¥ of Bob Hitch auioet Mobile Homes m .or No FI da: S... NEW AND USED * FRAILERS Liberal Term Parts — Bottle G TRAILER EXCHANGE 60 8. Telegraph FE_23200 OXFORD TRAILER take south’ of Pane < Orion gn Ma. MY 20721. OH!! THAT NEW 1959 VAGABOND 1S SOMETHING! SEE THE CUT-AWAY MODEL at Oxford Trailer Sales. Even chila can understand anna ~— ence. Other models 1 MILE SOUTH ‘ort LAKE ON M24. OXFORD TRAILER “BALES PARKHURST TRAILER SALES 1540 Lapeer Rd. zi .4750x20 TIRES, TUB wheels, good cond. Rent Trailer Space 79 AUBURN “HOTS MOBILE VIL- age. The finest, 4 mile SE Pon- 170 _N. Opdyke PE 5-3361 BOATS Seo en ie | FE e4se2, Tdays 3 ‘ BOATS & M Ss your used FE eat MERCURY foot point Hydropiane Pontiae Lake, After 4 — MARK ramps | mt Beanie i 386 Orchard Lake Ave. FE 2-020 THOMPSON CREST LINER, LONE axe Star, and M boats. Evinrude te. motors. Gator trailers $8 HARDWARE 3004 Pog at Adams. , FE 20811 ern lakefront EM 3-266: YOU'VE SEEN REST. see the best Square Lake Trailer Park. PE PARTS TO 1951 NASH, STA’ . FE 5-4508 ater é p.m. ATES G 100 CARS 1710 TAY- Joslyn. FE 5-200, Hg Fiberglas TRADE-INS ing. -| Harrington Boat Works EVINRUDE mbckine lor Road off For Sale Tires 80A GALL APT. 2-600 x 16 6 PLY & FORD each. OR 3:40 p.m. 732 om Ber xe Rae achinery, Phone. ‘1-3292 = : Auction Sales 77 cao SAT. APRIL 2 AT 10:30 a.m., located ‘ bry west a Milford on Comm Ra. mile coe on m Ploasatis rValley a. or 4 miles north of Bri UB. 23, gi porn east on Hye Pleasant Valley” “Rd. Fougenetd goods sold at 10:30 a.m. cultivator. Case Scitery after lunch, r & smal} he My -— cle eee ment, py ie 2 door eons 1,000 oats, & baled hay. 8 rooms furni-, , 2 GARY SEED OATS Rigg ¢ Rata istered seed. . 8-2041. reg) GARY SEED OATS “~; YR FROM certified, cleaned and treated, at Oxford Co-op elevator, xford, OA 8-2174. Grown by Raiph “Bud” Hickmott, Jr. Oxford. 8-2159. MIXED HAY, 60c BALE, FRANK Ruggles, 5561 Cooley Lake Rd., Milford MU 4-2521. TOP QUALITY FIRST A ond cutting alfalfa saa » eer hay in quantity. Made with crim er. Some extra fan Also Ib oats in Mme § reat Oaks Stock Far ontiac RA MP. OLive. 1-0841. For Sale Livestock 72 GENTLE HORSE WITH SADDLE. Will trade for motor. scooter, UL 2-4783. él TREES, MAPLE as STO eee ee Ever —_ Pine, Fir, HORSES BOARDED, EXC, CARE. Tova beste, sentpee & Arbor- | _ 5311 Walnut Lake Rd. EM_ 3-3004. viate. Dig your own. Bring tools | HORSE Ry UIP. AU Ev- i —. Ry a oe ‘ees a heat tig Dealers & — miles we merce ge, Maw v 1% miles east of intersection, 5500 Highland Rd. aah MU Wixom e Duck Lk, Rd.| 4-0696, iy 8 fe q A ‘ LT. E A A BEAUTIFUL | horse trailer, tandem, wheels. One evergreens 3-4 foot Juniper pfiti- | ‘pdny” Magen & Exh. ser Sind zers 6-6 foot Arbor Vitaes wht- saw. . ST 1, them. “Ore eran “farms un | gon eh“ aGieae em. rovelar ‘atiis i cms Groveland on the Dist half wey pete Sriniee, T908) aie between egy Ag ’ a” Punt Holy #0 BOahb 168 phones, ME _ $0661 of ME TUR: B, aauare ‘Lake Rd... Troy, Al _Wanted Livestock 73) i rr a1 WANTED FEEDER CATTLE. rest Jones. AA es A iced oo ture, mane e “eo Seme, es walnut ball tree, igatelen “vable, love seat & matchi oe. Iron ettie—dutch oven & s mmatehin NE | ; kettle. Marble top dresser, c pictures & frames, Also rugs. refrigerator, a” i beds, line: and hb —_ other ems. the wane h i ibis, Ned Ned ‘ca ry, “% ine! are able, ey, terms. Floyd Kehri, clerk. Ea Gottschalk, auctioneer. ARM AUCTION, SAT, APR. cloner | FA p.m. Floyd paaea®. 11101 eas Rd. 6 mi. North & sey West of Holt Chalmers B ~ John Dec ore 'B tractors, Wee goed, all dat ull ment. _ erature & = det Bian a Auctionee: ie Beavis Creek SATURDAY APRIL 25, AT . Farm auction 4 miles vost gid to 209 Baldwin Rd. 26 head very good hong y tart Lh sh and due ‘Guerns ernsey we y er aggendl bull, esta 30 ie 4 leas aa 4 surge pump, 1 qe, old. Plus many more is and jewelry wagon. os work: bank, iwi ditivs : 7} " vette tietor; Bud Hickmott, Anctisnper. Oxford. oa 8-2160. a 21425 Rosedale, i USED TiRES. 9350 UP. WE buy, sell. A:so whitewalls, TATE TIRE SALES 503 Saginaw St * PE 4-0687 STANDARD BRAND NEW TIRES ‘Trade in on General Safet Up te 50 per Ont oat. a’. or ED WILLIAMS 451 3. Saginaw at Raeburn Your Headquarters FOR FOREIGN CARS TIRES GOODYEAR (SERVICE STORE: FE 56-6123 “Auto Service 81 CRANKSHAFT GRINDING IN 70: car, Cylinders rebored. Zuck Ma- sues Shop. 23 Hood. Phone FE Sale Motor Scooters 82 1953 CUSHMAN EAGLE. 1 PERFECT condition. 2887 ‘8? CUSHMAN gs BOG. 2-1508. scooter. Reas. UL ae Tie orm N EAGLE, # HP. Going oier “4 ai St., NEW, USE CUSHMAN SCOOT ers 230-5. ©, FE 44246. _For Sale Motorcycles 83 1956 AJ8& SCRAMB D condition, fan zt Brow he, ‘8S? ZUNDAPP, LO __mileage, MAple afore 1965 INDIAN 2 35, SOUR SIND For Sale Bicycles 84 2 GIRLS, pode 26 IN, BICY- cleg. Good cond. 167 8, . Jessie. 2% «6IN BOYS SCHWINN. a new. $25. MI 6-1432 after 7. BoY's 2% BICY hiteh | "size 4 ‘Chicago = s. ron OL 1.4398. Boats & Accessories 85 Ka. Sale: Housetzsiters 78 2 BEDROOM, 1957 Like new. Call 4-5602 - wey ied 43-FT, trailer m a bs & A ~ $8,400; ic. MOLDED p FLYWOoR BOAT “e sm. wheel trailer’ $175. UL 2-2604 after 4 p.m. 12 FT. PEN YAN WITH FRONT & center decks, steering wheel,’ cover @& Mercury Hurricane, $350. 13. ft. Runabout with con- verted Ford 65. * au” $850 50 Mohawk. FR 5 ee : wil ace $3,800. Terms pe. ed, OR 2031 66 ALMA «. oe" FORCED TO} 12 sell, Call 53-6268, 5 Cell FE 0004. hp. bpat cover, racer bodies, all work. Rinl's, Lae 85A TOP GL 952 FE 4-7371 "ATTENTION! elisha $$$ DOLLAR : ENN'S - MOTOR SALES After All! MONEY TALKS! SO. shop the rest then drive png for the test and prove rself the TOP cae al det the DIXIE Le LIBERTINE Dixie “OK” Lot pea dots AS MUCH AS $50 FOR JUNK AND suree cars. FE 2-2666 days or ANY pon, 20 PA OR_3-1355 TOP BUT GET MAKE - TEARS ¥ THE TOP CASH ite RIGHT SEE MALEN ELLSWORTH OR LEE KELLEY. ard HK. J, bee 3 NOW READ THIS BRING YOUR CAR HERE FOR DOLLAR RSF Bnea 95 oie 109 oF THE BEST A ee ee ‘TOP DOLLAR CASS-OAKLAND CASH pi fecin SCHRAM'’s “ore & ras Dinie Hwy, " Used Truck Parts 9A ‘53 Chevy, 12 Platform Factery Branch — OAKLAND AT CASS — BILL SPENCE “RAMBLER” — 55. CHEVROLET Heater © Signals. Cle new. This has been used at A *MONEY-MAKER Bill Spence’ Clean as HASKINS. DEMO SALE owerglide, heater. wash- i se SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! vrolet SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! and gold finish. SAVE! SAYS! pert coupe, OWydramatie. dramatic, white power ia caver py ‘SAVER "| alle * DON’T PASS UP MONEY! Sell unneeded belost tees for cash h Classified Adst Haskins’ Chev.. S Pant Gyan alles the i Me’ vee, Peele te er, on eae ca ies, Eels coral - USED CARS Wanted Used Trucks 89 a * Eddie See | FORD Ete alee “i “tours this isthe garden party 1 invited you to — grab | 8 spade and get busy!” : "36 OLDSMOBILE Se ‘Bill Spence t . Moter Sales 210 Orchard Lake Ave. oso! FE 5 phe alt -. Open. Eves. = a Bere scaleable ace Eade Biuele _FORD. _ RD, mS alg reasonable otter, PE 56712, after Benen ’58 PONTIAC FACTOR ic, eer 2 Power brakes, 2 green. $2895 Pontiac Retail Store: FE 3-7117 by ira. Power steerin; brakes. New tires. $8085. before 5:20. FE 6-184. Afler 6 Cc, 4 DR. A- matic. Radio. heater. Excellent | condition, $250. FE 5 after | Ss: Wee PONTIAC ‘66 CHIEFTAIN. ¢ DOOR | hardtop Has everything. | 2-486. ‘3 PO DELUXE. MANY EX. tras. 6-045 days, ULysses 27-1563 after 5. Ask Pat, "8 PONTIAC 3 DOOR, $100. FE 8-0520_ "52 rp 4 = BRAID MOTOR SALES DeSOTO-PLYMOUTH DEALER YEARS PAIR DEALING Ca&s AT W. PIKE 8TS. FE 20186 For Sale Cars 91| ForSaleCars. 91 55 - x7 —BILL SPENCE “RAMBLER"— | CHEAP — — onan, FR Se, ? P ; ATION ’ ee. (eT ee) RT rs an we vis 8TS.. Spotiess For aie BRAID ‘37 FORD WAGON. CLEAN. TARE over payments, EM 3-0258. ; ee Heater. Continental kit. “hie ra ol nan | Bill Spence “BIRMINGHAM MOTOR SALES s or Sale ig Oe De EALER “CHEV. Bi gHRYSLER- PLYMOUTH Are : 5 shou aw Pe 2-4541 | 606 8 jena i Cale at w. PIKE BT. wo 4 poe. Detve yen’ er Fe. | SILL SPENCE “RAMBLER — ~ 95! ; . : monty payments, 70 Mo. C esnst| Yo Ms" Me, cost pended eB tl orice. | Sta Sininodawenausien,| ‘57 “RAMBLER” 80 : ‘peng Re : 53-4681. 2 oe oe Mr.| 666 5. ARD. MI 6-390°. ‘ STATION WAGON FINE CARS Se Ta? Lee ore | Spans ae et NE CAF pages 2 FE “CY" OWENS FORD Fon Coen Wart —— i. el many, " AT THE i 58 BUICK ‘57 FORD —, Me prea "TOW IN PRICE Bright Spot "$1395 eae Look ’em Over Today REPOSSE: SSION Bill Spence ‘O 79 . Cy’ Owens | tastes stat | ction.) TEROME \ x MILES. st 8. -sacinaw st. | WETTA ee te ‘Walnut |. RAM J ' pa] FORD ae se Bivd. Rochester. OL 1-0608. aie ra Ie" edan immscuiais ss “Bright Spot” FORD se worce | irae AN ER: sector| M4 Sedan Blue & wile” Sear) Orchard Lake at Cass _sharp, EM_ 3-008. Sales. __ "88 Wagons, to choose trom) sie / FE 8-0488 Open ‘til 10 SRE) gD | eer porman See ee) SS PNOUTI = ie vets 2, door, ‘hardtop. all power, ra- DRIVE. RADIO & HEA 'AB- 9 Pase- BRAID |azea32| faeces =~ "6 5 r & HEATER. ABSOLUTELY | > noes MOTOR SALES Mo eo BONN, AeeumePedi | Clean tmierior,, no rust oo body. BRAID — YMOUTH DEALER Mer. Mr. at MI 47500. fies “ir Si monine We = Gale at Woke sre | ee fo permit urate. MOTOR SALES Bs +su | FACTORY BRANCH B IRSINCHAS "8 ae Fain DEALING. YMENTS 2 , Y 666 8 WOODWARD MI 63900) sone? Let te bel You naiut to Rc) po on SEA NO MONEY DOWN Tay PU OUTH sPome STE Lake “Orion Motor Sales Matic, sicering & = |S, "5% KTS Fon Pose | aa ST -SLAREBTON RD. oe 5169 5 tiees pian EI ’*5§ PLYMOUTH ie Ae ia : Eee SiS Se ER) Seceoean gon, ine oc aliens oie eaees mS cs sla a Pontiac Must Have |am'Sowe sn ren mo. ie Hunter Blvd. oH Like ‘new $100. ae, erie, Dae | re . Room BRAID Buick 2Dr, Sis eae an oct | | =| Roti] | telelkietitin. rowel SGRaxas |"ES*ecse, Sebati? $P° “gs | Mle ucnge. = boon Bae tua” be] peaptorurmourn DEALER IMPOR SPECIALS "34 & '53 Fordomatic. ...6385_ ea 38 YEARS FAIR DEALING = on. wm, Nip 7MGA Roadster tore hee hen pies ‘pitas & cass a a ‘oe oss. AE case glial 5 loads 3 MA eu cau yer) 9 sa, Dat & a Frorettes * ¢ ‘58 Morr aca dgiurs, FE 3-7117 PupOONOMY USED "CARS ETWOOD. * sien OO MT. iS ST. OLDS “tS 4 DR. aunee & VERY . TZ, HOMER, HIGHT TRS. HOU! GHTEN & SON BEHIND POST OFFICE 305 W SCHU Pome YOUR _FR: ¥ HA . AUTO- emia agAND one goLureLY No MONEY DOWN EROME BIRMINGHAM’S aatog! Pay pes a. bi Diack aX Soe ince? saeee. "Bright Spot” oP foal tear Fort | Saiakectnly parmeues tana T d -Ins "eae ae | Eom eee GIGANTIC| | aviomatie Picone “actual” sities. | ME ahs ey . Sth Anniversary Sale 4 door, Souls ;] See mo. very’ jow” down per- "wane bela pa ears 2-YEAR WARRANTY. Frctors air, conditioned, low RIRMINCHAM 66 5, WOODWARD” MI 63000 ‘T sens PONTIAC owner, Just the car yaaa mee . AUTOMATIC'........ + $305 pars, Inc | %S.woopwarn | C)] [VER PDA ar sence : -igsg' bao 360 , HODGES, aC MI 60029 . MI.6-3900 ’ RE- ~ ing ron cnsie 8 sihbRis ue tees ROUT DEPERIAL. Iie ¢ DOOR "53 FORD 2 V4..8STANDARD | - PAIRLANE sees te Bn Gow eid pet monts| ivea™'cet ‘shor'S' pin” UL Etch "Shane Motor Sales DUC- rarntang Mee TORO. st ce 5 POSSESS: inne, ayar- sRordomed, "Bre 1156 Buick vas $1395 BEL AUR eAPLYMOUTH | . : ‘nent REPOSSESSION 9605, FE 5-2217 or FE| , CK sees SPORT _. cee $1545 Gee Mis. “Vogel Teacher.| Sportsman hardtop. ed with Sage 55 Buick ......+..$ 995 TION 1958 PONTIAC A attendees fal price, Np cash nendea) 61146) 4. |, REPOSSESSION 53 Dodge ......+..$ 259 ROO. as : ; Bell, King Auto, FE $11.46 month. ° MICK eee $495 | Chub Petlandard trebamie| © aay BOGE Uucky Aut Auto ales” 193.8. Saginaw. eed phe estes s ss $135 | mace = cena sm SAS 2h Frames, perments:| or. +6 cylinder. Automatic. Ra- Se ONL ae 'S7 Ford ssssecess $1695 | ' "08" POWERS org $995 ment or old trade. BIRMING-| G0 & heater. Very clean, (Look) RANCHWAGO ord . ONE OF THE BEST ...... $1295 Ht. 666 §. WOOD-| $1645. 36 monthly payments. $39.25) org 1957, econom e like new. | 54 Pont $-450 964 FORD WARD. Mr On | Beater a tease” ee | Bw mary owe: |'55 Pont. Conv. ....8 975| NOW IN PROGRESS! |"* "SEV citevaoie:” - . 37 FORD PAIRLANE HT 1 OWN. -p wee JIN r ! 8 ee eT on BIRMINGHAM ‘en POM RGH, WW. tires’ & ex: | 54 Ford Wagon ...$ 660 HARDTOP powniac ‘ _.. RAMBLER tras, Perfect cond. Lo ei nee Hcg Duick $2195 | HURRY! HURRY! | marprop Power ......... $1095 95 CHEVROLET — jaws. wecavara_—_ut_eoee | TCT BE SEEN eee ae | manvrop 0 POOUM ss (oe ES 57 Buick .........$1745| BRING YOUR TRADE | |) lst FiyMouTH tio ren wo| sot via SP 15 ‘55, Pontiac :.......$ 995| | OR DEPOSIT! ° ibaa CHEVROLET” : a 57 Ford ......++4-$1195 cuene i PuYMourin” SOO "BR AID NORTH Of The Nicest Used Cars f ase o 3 845 50 gg 1008 OLDSMOBILE'” r . ’ evrole Soek® "abba iM eb saarey oc . ; 4 ‘ 9 BIG sic iibdviecegeneveworees $695 esoneriyae SALES CHEVROLET CO. : samen FORD wacon | 98 Ford .....44.. $1645 FINE convenninigs MPAA wate $2395 ‘Cage mie eae Has The eiovctias 1953 F eee a ee Hewes dies CONVERTIBLE ..., FULL POWER arrow ots Radio aad heat] INTERNATIONAL | oun 1983" BUICK 55 Buick ....-....8 895| USED CARS bei 5 mae in Sexenee . is tales 1-YEAR 1953 CHEVROLET ‘55 Pontiac .....,..$ 995 MUST GO! eo cae $ : , ese PivMoura > re ISCOUNT _ | cveros;'se doom ‘56 Plymouth 2.1..$ 993| TYPICAL EXAMPLES | ™"°"0iy sons 'widox” 'M MERCURY SEDAN. pans a DISCOUN 1983 CHEVROLET |, ymouth .. +. 945 (000 MILES og $1895 — me S305. W ARR ANTY BEL AIR, CONVERTIBLE 35 an vepeeece$ 845 1954 OLDS WHITE CONVERTISLE .... $1995 86 y 4Dr, radio. and | ; 1954 PONTIAC 39 Buick ...+2+0+6$ CONVERT. Ain RIDE $1295 errs, STARCHIEP HARDTOP 55 Buick .........$1045 Er i025 GIVEN FREE 1954 STUDEBAKER |. eas giggs CONVERT. AIR RIDE... 12408 heer uee dee” Mereomale) WITH EVERY CAR | AMPICN RARITY Es ated se 1957 MERCURY =| NEW TIRES... 308 ; STOM 8, 2 DOOR . pee POWER (ois ues cree $1295 ergan, zou rae ot oar} 1.00% Siendost MERCURY |'S7 Buick Conv. «...$1895) - BIAQH mn = i ee = =< c 2 ~ - 4 seeeedews 1 1957 DESOTO ‘FORD TUDOR - s5~ Coverage; No Exclusions aE PONTIAC 53 Portiac. .......:$ 24 245 1958 PONTIAC # DOOR nn wacon’ “cy - — R Se BRPME Bate: Ha] 98S RAMBLER [53 Buick .........$ 150 =| POMBO iiora os 19 Q 56 Chev. 2dr, Vb, PGlide ...$ 983 "ES Buick 895 4 DOOR cane iigu'acnes $ 395 ae +: 55 Stude, hardtop. ....... 62.8 492 ag td OLDSMOBILE Buick .........$ 8 eA ONTO ‘$3 suick nardiopy Byset,... 8. oat manpyee A Buick .........$1695 ALL ARE a gee ae YSEI S is Ser Petats PO Bal, 1988 PONTIAC = coo vesessens§ OAS Hien te ioe a Pat 4 - : Bide Sines 8, eee ; 18 ; wore cae: ne eeeeeee BY BY. PACTORY TRAINED OTHERS ; $2267 i Shor: Sac Pboreeghas ". $Smg| CURTOM STATION WAGON 1155 Buick .....441-$ 8431 Stop IN TONIGHT. 2 m Force 68: BHO A | bet of ate gue BaF dg™|'51. Chevrolet «,...-$ 150] Wart: OPEN TILL 9 | ,10,CHOOSE FROM including taxes— 4 Moré to pick from. | ont on be. ge WE 2-YEAR WARRANTY ~ RE Peters zent| OLIVER | JEROME | SCHU ‘Open 8:30 #m to ® p.m. 18 “mola: ance im ne J SC TZ "Bright Spot” Orchard Lake at Cass FE 8-0488 - Ogee till 9 pasar ni ‘MOUTH DEJ DEALER en "82 Pontiac = HYDRAMAT- it M! 47600. Harold Turner Ford. POR, SALE: VOLESW AGEN As ee Call FE 54-3426. AMP. ‘51, EXC. TIRES. y. O.D. $175. Owner, I 43376. "FIRST FIND OUT WHAT | WE CAN OFFER We Stress ‘QUALITY’ Pay No More FOR GLENN'S Hand Selected Top Value Quality ‘S38 PONTIAC Safari Wagon $2704. Fuli power, Radio & Heater Hy-) dramatic, Like-new! "58 METROPOLITAN Btor. $1306 | 2 Radio Heater. 30 | | Miles per r gallon 1 "aT BUICK § Super Hardtop Door il power, byaeliow,| Radio s Heater, One-ow { ‘ST FORD Convertible . $1794 Double Power — =, & ‘eeeer, Fo-.O-Matic. Real shar 4 ‘$7 CHEVROLET 4 Door 210 at 9 Radio ‘' get Powerglide, W. Walls. nice. ‘57 FORD Station W. on ... $1604 Country Sedan Radio & Heat- ay F0-O-Matic, W,Waills. Very “Deiate ‘Hes porte, 3 fer, Mist Greea paint paint. Our today's best buy. ‘56 CHEVROLET B.Air 2 Door $1004 Radio & Heater 6 cyl., Sharp! 56 BUICK Special 2 Door . “adie kB & ape op oynatow. ‘foe ‘87 FORD F.Lane ‘‘500’* $1804 2 Door — Radio & Heater, Fo- O-Matic. "18.060 actual miles. 4 5 age r Hardto 1404 4 fg power Rado s Hester, Dynafiow. herp! ‘ upEaArEs Commander $604 ee Radio & Heater, "auto. transmission. "S53 FORD F. Radfo & ieater’ Pod-atic, Galen Se One "55 ponte 8.chiet 4 Door $994 Radio & Heater, Hydramatic, Power steering, Power brakes. One owner $804 Radio. & 3 Own: ag slag med Bel. Air 2 dr. & Heater 6 cyl. Wiese" ‘84 PONTIAC 4 Door Sedan $404 ye & Heater, Hydramatic. ae ewee 2 Door nee ‘gaion ‘ae: Poe eREE ES "66 FORD % Ton P.Up .... $804 ; ee & Heater, Very good con- GLENN'S © MOTOR SALES | 952: WEST SATION yg OUR NEW LOC FE 4737 F. seen eens 58 CHEVROLET mm utes Ra Seen alee” 58 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN fa oe bed cinsdae eee '88 CHEVROLET 58 CHEVROLET “NOMAD” STATION WAGON ’ “YBOMAN” STATION WAGON vA Ser ek ntact Be mS a 4 : Svcd cavadeq eee * et gays ‘97 BI BUICK ‘58. CHEVROLET oe BUCATHE 4: DOOR = Pad Yuder rs Me Bain © ERE “7 CHEVROLET» 'S7 FORD nahag ey +“ & H . aol ’ owes W/Wali, Coras Soa SMa : ichadde id m2 20 e138, MERCURY. Boetiglia tee mie" nage ett 5 8s '55 CHEVROLET 210 HARDTOP & ff, os ces ceceeeee $1675 ’55 PONTIAC eres eee enee ; POON /s Mydramatic 2 Tone Signalt, W/W : Boer sv vaaceesaeeg 795 cecum sence e $1045 55 CHEVROLET 55 CHEVROLET — af Powerglid * OC nate Hester Auto Lis 6 teen 2 Tons Lo trans. ‘3 Eee en ceeeeee$ 843 nT. 54 DeSOTO 54 CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE AIR 2, DOOR side Sacked. ) = Radio's Heater. § Tone. eecceeereee.d O95 osecccccces 145 YOU HAVEN'T SEEN GOOD USED CARS | HARGREAVES 631 OAKLAND AVE. PE 4-4547 Whe Pay More? When all you have to do is drive those eight short miles to the friendly village of Rochester and be convinced that our prices are lower. You'll like our cars, too. They're all in tip-top condition. Open ‘til 9 p.m. or later, 1958 FORD ............$2195 Pairiane 500 convertible. Power steering, power brakes, Fordomatic, V-8 ‘radio, ester, white weil tires. -Don’t miss this one. 1958 PLYMOUTH ......$1895 Sa hard Atttomatic transmission, radio, beater, Shite well ties, A solid white besuty. 1957 BUICK ...........°$1945 poo hard’ with wer Rane er brakes Steer Boose a sec = lg gs ony 1957 PLYMOUTH Belvede ere Powe all tires, coral and woke This is nice, come see 1957 PONTIAC .........$1995 Chief 4door hasgrep. Power steering and on Hydramatic, radio, heater, white walt tires. 1956 BUICK ............$1295 Zoectal ‘dear with renin: radio, Beater, tires new. one owner car with low miles 1956 MERCURY ........$1295 Victoria hardtop with Merecmnet, radio, heatet, white wall tires. A real nice ¢ 1958 PONTIAC .........$1295 st coat parte. reeset brakes rérametie, ratio. en s. Sandalwood and finish with beautiful leather trim. sia 1956 DODGE vee ewes « B1295 vee es © © ew radio, heater, white finish. extra al hard automatic transm 8 engl: oo bog heater,» wite wall tires, red white finish. Really a beaut: 1956 FORD beeeee reese BLL9S Fairlane tudor sedan. Fordomatic, radio, Ms new white Wall tires, Red and white finish, paeees: Spec Hal 4door sedan. Dynaflow, wall tires. A one owner car and r 1955 BUICK ............$1095 Special pardon with Drpelew. radio, heater, white wall tires and white finish with custom trim. 1955 PONTIAC edit aah $1095 power steering eyet brake pete sdremate, white walt Red and pred 1955 PONTIAC .........$1195 4door wagon. r.. dramatic, — heater, whi tires. One ow 4 and very a a 1955 OLDSMOBILE .... $1095 -4-door sedan. nr ee, radio, Set SS white bit 1984 OLDSMOBILE 995 power stee or brakes, Hydr Fe ge Rng Atl ae he - 1953 DODGE. bs wks 00 905 ja automatic transmis: Coavertioie | rNone ome me oe ees v8 engine, SHELTON - PONTIAC- BUICK - ACROSS FROM NEW CAR SALES radio, heater, whi eal nice. vd reer ache “OL 1-8133 $1695 | 1955 BUICK veces sss. $1095 | adventure man, arriving in U.S. to coi- “fect inheritance, disappears. - 42) I’ve Got a Secret. Panel quiz: Guest actress Jeanne Crain. (4) Bat Masterson. Western: Bat becomes man of action when tailor is kidnaped by local gambler. 9:30 : French-| a : hadley . & ter Boat.. Adventure: |12:30 . Crunch tries to get young} boxer to stop fighting career. 10:00 (2) ee Richard | God.’"|1260. (9) News. 2 Warm drama about TB oa-/1:00 (2)"QOur Miss p (4) It’s a Great Life. 10:30 (4) U.S. Marshal. Western: Marshal tracks 10:45 (7) News: Gordon, loo % Brighter. Day 11:00; (2) (4) (9)° News, Weather. $ , On = (# ¢ ) Truth. or, Conse- 11:18 (2) ( eather. j American Bandstand. 11:20 (2) (4) Sports. 215 s Secret Storm, (9) Movie. Drama: When : 4:30 (2) Edge of Night. nightclub entertainer is (4) County Fair. kee her sneaaien. or _ (9) Sherwood Forest. ow ts ” 5:00 (2) Jimmy Dean. f van yall (4) (color) George Pierrot R (9) Looney Tunes. 11:25 (2) Movie. Drama: Psycho-|g; 39 pathic daughter becomes in- fatuated with the family's 5. 55 (4) Sports. , 11:30 (4) Jock Past, Vostety: Ooh 6 N aval Gr ads ny Myers. - |Choose Army at Graduation (7) Night Court. . THURSDAY MORNING |10:55 (7) News. 11:00 (2) T Love Lucy. Navy careers under the new law, but a few have picked the Ma- (4) Price Is Right. rines, One Air Force senior also (7) Cleo. | wants to be a Leatherneck. (9) Leon Errol, “ 11:15 (9) Nursery Schooltime. 11:30 (2) Top Dollar. (4) Concentration. (7) Burng and Allen. (9) Maggie Muggins. Cite Lunch Workers LANSING (—More than 13 cen- turies of combined service in the The government ahnounced that it had found the boy ef a Cuban in an area near Santa Clara where ise re Fy copies py \ et eg : a ss et ‘Patrick E. Walsh, and ie aie Ee ff Fe i ISDAY, APRIL 22, 1959 * . ; : Z TRAXLER WHEELER Advanced individual was employed at Franklin Products, Doctors Will Leave an Historic Memento com’ U. Pitt Jr., junior high tal with severe abdominal pains. An ulcer, he figured. & X-rays were taken. No ulcer. It _iwas a calcified carbine slug nest-| | ing below the liver, vintage 1944, Normandy invasion. es The doctors decided to leave it there, a historic memento. Emerson School Cubs to Receive Ist Year Pins Cub scouts of Pack 58 Emerson School, will receive first-year pins at a special ceremony Monday at the school honoring the first an- niversary of the pack. Charles Nash, pack master, said 24 scouts would receive the pins at the 7 to 8 p.m. ceremony. 80 Seen as Top Average - the National Guard swapped shots =ilongevity Near Peak level off at about 80. sters to remain active to the EAST LANSING, Mich. (AP) — America’s senior citi-- zens of the future will be living it up until their dying day but that few would live past 80. That's the outlook as seen by Dr. Austin Smith, presi- dent of the American Pharmaceutical Assn. x * * He told a Michigan State University meeting that — man’s quest for longevity has nearly reached its peak. He said the average age of mortality — now about 74 — will But Smith said medical advances will allow most old- . * end. : completed April 17 at Ft. Hood,las RICHMOND, Va, (AP) + Mal-| school principal, entered a hospi-) g ) Continentaj Classroo band Monday. ee i - = ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — The _ os any charged 3 6:50 (2) Meditations. Govern 6:58 (2) On the Farm Front. 800 officers at graduation cere been forming a hired force in ee oT ee monies this June — six of them) Cuba to invade Panama. : po Lag A as second lieutenants in the Army. e ¢€. &- 7:30 (2)'Cartoon Classroom. ** * _ The_ government ordered the ar-) (7) Breakfast Time. A new law permits a certain’rest of Arias over the weekend, 8:99 (2) Capt. Kangaroo. number of graduates of each serv-| accusing him of plotting an attack 8:30 (7) Our Friend Harry, |! &¢ademy to pick any branch/on a National Guard garrison at :00 (2) Moyle. of service. Preference in picking|Chorrera, 2) miles west of the (4) 1 Married Joan. Army careers was given midship-| capital. At time he and his) ‘9:30 (4) (color) Bozo the Clown.) ™e" who served in the Army or wife were in the Gulf of \10:00 (4) Dough Re Mi. ‘jare the sons of Army men. ‘Panama on their 42-foot yacht i (7) Jean's Notebook. Two of the Army-bound middies| Nola. 19°18 (7) Lady of Charm. are the sons of Army colonels, but) |10:28 (9) Billboard. = & the ‘son = “ admiral. Retired Ward Chairman }10:30 (2) Arthur Godfrey. (4) Treasure Hunt. As far as anyone knows, no West fO Undergo Surgery Soon (9) Count of Monte Cristo. Point graduates are choosing) cancaGco (AP) — Sewell L. | Avery, 8, retired board chairman! lof Montgomery Ward & Co., will: jundergo surgery soon for an in- |testinal obstruction. | * * | Avery, member of the Ward ‘board of directors, entered Wesley Memorial Hospital two days ago for examinations. By EARL Bolshoi Ballet Is O.K. but Night Club's Better NEW YORK — I'm still a slob, because the Bolshoi Ballet, which is kind of.a Russian Cha-Cha-Cha, hasn't driven me out WILSON 12:00 (2) Love of Life. 11:45 (9) Pieces of Eight. J THURSD4Y AFTERN (4) Tic Tac Dough. Michigan school lunch program wi) In a statement Tuesday night, be recognized at a State Depart-|the hospital said: “doctors con- ment of Public Instruction meet-| firmed a minima] intestinal ob- years in the program. surgery is contemplated.” ing here Saturday. Citations will|struction. Examinations indicate| eve go to 52 persons with 20 to a ee et ae 5: with you again one day.” -- Today s Radio Programs -- WIR (700) CKLW (800) WWI (930) WOAR (1130) - WXYZ (1270) WPON (1460) WJIBK (1500) NIGHT © WXYZ. Surrel} WPON News. Casey 1:26—WJR, Yong. Dr Malone soe 11:20—WJR, Musie ; CKLW. News. Davies é 9:30—WJIR, Jack Harris 6:00 WIR, News, Sports sai CKLW News. Labbitt SN : 2:00—WJIR, Rt 2 Happiness WRYS, Wattrick, Shorr THURSDAY MORNING [10:00 wiR, arthur Godtrey SRL W a eee Oe R. News, Page €:00— Agriculture Rpt. Y2, Peter & Ma ue w ws. Sports et aly lg CKLW. News. Mor, 2 WCan, Wows on Fred we ‘ wo ews. Cc. 2:30 ‘i ev Rooster Clu z 8 $ JR, He! ¢ “wi, See Marmol | WRK Roe SSetioun—|rnan WEE ewe Matra” we. 5: 10: bs h 8, Ly WY. Jobo £ WPON Karly Bird OATS Pew Winter | CRLW News’ Ghittpreat CKLW, News WPON, Candlelite 6:30— WIR, Musi¢ 11:00—WJR, News, #. Party $:00— WJR, Dear Shirley KLW, Quy Nunn- WWJ. News, French 1:00-- WJ, Guest House WIK News Georne WXYZ. Pau) Winter WXYZ, Mickey Shorr ~ WXYZ. t Morgan CKLW News. Davies WJBR News. McLeod CKLW Puiton Lewis Jr. | 3:90~wJR, Dan Kirby WIJBK News Reid WCAR News, Bennett WCAR Woodlin: Wwi. News, Roberts WCAR News. B Martyo | wpow anv bare WIBK tack. Beitnow Weiz News wolf — WPON Chuck Lewis WErz, — Geis kere seoree 11130 WIR; Muste 3:$0-_ WJ, Componttg 1:80 wwe 8 WCAR News CKLW a, Davies ww gman in House p= ad ag WPON Newnan Casey WxYe aoe Sats WYZ Night Tretn : : 4 ew 5 ; CKLW David THURSDAY AFTERNOON | 4:00—WJR, Music ey wJR far. pe. WJBK. News, core r : ee. . Deland Yo ane Fram WCAR Rewe 12:00—WIR, News, Roundup | Lgrw' New ® W Fintine. “Report 8:00~—WJK. News, B: Guest 3, News, Cederber 8 Decles® New ; WJ, News, Ww Bob Martin ‘Ode wsr answer “Please | WXY2. News. Wol WJBK. Stereo é WJBK, News, AR Pur: t a trang | Hh Bee more “ty | “aaa r . = ‘ . LW Worle Today WPON News. Cassy 18:80 WIR, Time Out, Muste] 6:09 - WIR Reve: . wae cusaen | Ste ota Reet tee, | ly "cnt ww, ie “¢ News. Martyn Wd ‘ews. M ‘ : Jgck Surrell . News. ne . WCAR . Tenn. Ernie weteay tas won, nowy tare | at Beat Masai | 10:90. WWI Music . a evs, War 6:80— WIR, Muste ‘Hall WIBK, Jack, ‘Bellboy Tita wetia ts ree Revs fee XZ. Wows, Shorr i # ‘ . News, ews, | CKL ’ . “Wea. Denasane WCAR, News, Chuck Lewis WIBK, pen 4 MolLeoa " - we ed | a i Patriot, Henry . f | tage TV News and Reviews 4 Ber , “4 — * « Censor iy wie y, Television Heyday Over 18 Starts ie 18 Makes less iy f C h ° B f B wee Y or Chic Baretoot Boys "s ones a ~ a 4 7 ; wi tdditions Ui; By WILLIAM EWALD I would like to think Godfrey 24 Arrow poison i, NEW YORK (UPI)—Arthur God-| is right in this hope because TV 3 Ran tocether frey has been beset by a fair| needs more of his barefoot boy 33 rked cost | Lt muster of woes in recent years—| With chic quality. But I think i Getaway aout ty ' Ibad publicity, mopish ratings, ss oe hed bseagy Ay doletul Genditions A —_ physical ordeal” : y Godfrey. 7 THE : | heavyweight Ue This season his CBS-TV shows) ‘YPe performer has passed on Max ° have failed to create much stir) ° 2 Sn mat except for a couple of extended, The character of TV has changed 40 Source ot 3 |chat sessions with Jackie Gleason|in recent seasons. Once it spe- 41 Watch ; and Sam Levenson. Last night in cialized in creating personalities, a Tender —ddj a bid to rejuice a melancholy but the bulk of its current effort Operated 2 Musical i Fleg-maker, 31 Wess Gaxon season, Godfrey brought back Lev-|is devoted toward the manufacture ss Sens 3 Freakin end 11 Loafers 33 Colder enson in a tapeds interview, but /of group formula shgws. $3 ene fastion Disraelt | ” 9 Eat ower 38 Cheered sad to say, the t Was sapless. * * * truth Linen 24 Half (prefix) | 41 Closed car _ Yesterday gff*hie-CBS-TV morn-| The reason is this: During a Ss Orpen pert, Tevelings 28 Norwegian (2 Hebrew ing show, Gédfrey talked about his|formative period, the individual 58 Beftcn °° 5 ati 26 Perfect , re) Number coming ‘chest surgery and advised) helps carve and chart paths, There/ sr Bepouse |, § Steatrioes | 77 Character eS Eun’*” —s|viewers: “. . . if you keep yourjis room in a seedling milieu for DOWN fn: 99 French on td Hestened fingers crossed, I think I'll be back|experimentation, for a low pres- 1 Hairless 39 Roman date 60 Hail! sure approach, for personality. But television has moved out of its infant period and into the settied stage. As a result, it has little. Inclination to create and instead has become an organiza- tion tian medium—in ‘the same fashion that the movies did after their early and heady days. The trend now is toward sure things. TV now is created by committee. The Godfrey-type of performer will not disappear from TV in the immediate future, but I suspect that he and his pioneering fellows are the last of their bunch. A business created by committee finds. it difficult to tolerate the assertive individual. Short Shots: Visually, last night's NBC-TV Jimmie Rodgers show was a couple of cuts above his opening show, but Rodgers: sure fingers his guitar peculiarly. All he moves along the frets is his thumb—the other fingers are never called into use at all.” It. looks iy as he le faking. Betty Sinclair turned in a nice job as a lady bank robber on ABC-TV’s Naked City last night. The show was pretty solid too... I've seen a couple of NBC-TV's David Niven shows now and it strikes me as a standard anthology series, sliced from the ‘same tired 7 galami as TV's other half-hour dramas. of my mind yet. Artistically, I was probably already out of my head, because I got more enjoy- ment watching the new Billy Daniels and Betty Kean-Lou Parker show. I’ve got to be daffy to say that; call the keeper! “I think it was very, very nice of that American audience to stand up and cheer, for the Russians for 15 minutes,” said my Beautiful Wife — who had the gall to disagree with me. , k ok “Yeah, but was it really that good?” I debated. “Well, but look at the way they received Van Cliburn and Jan Peerce. Now argued. I had to admit that some of our leading American capitalists turned out to greet some of the leading Russian Communists. Marilyn Monroe canceled out — she had an earache. (Funny, I never noticed her ears.) ' Greta Garbo begagd the photographers, “Please, please, no pictures!” Marlene came with Noel, and Moss was with Kitty, and I didn’t see who Tennessee was with; probably Kentucky or Alabama. Cole and Adlai were both supposed to come but after I gave the nice captain a fin for a table in a local club, I was so fluttery I couldn’t keep my eye on the hall. x * * Mitzi Gaynor had a party of about 14 and I kept thinking, “I’d like to see her do that Moscow Mambo.” ; Ed Sullivan was claiming he'd like to book it for TV providing he could get Khrush- chev to sit In the audience. Oh, as the Sinatra crowd would say, it was a gas. It’s only because I’m & moron that I got the first laugh all even- ing when Betty Kean, the- comedienne, strolled out like a clothes horse at the ballet, swathed in breath-of-spring mink, and smoking a long cigar. ae we're returning their kindness,” the B.W. | Liz Leaves Hospital Minus Her Tonsils Court Finds Woman Unavailable as Jurist MISSOULA, Mont. (AP) — The name of Charlotte E. Bryant ‘Service Personnel — son of} ler Sresnawawans, & et etesaeneetascen And Betty told Lou that, “if that blonde doesn’t stop staring at you, I'll get up and let the air out of her figure.” x * * Billy Daniels sang. with all the old, old feeling, too, and said, probably sincerely, that he had no place else to go (“I promised the Commissioner I’d go right home after work”). Betty and Lou finished up with Betty saying if anybody in the audience had a good recipe for gefulte fish, to leave it with Ronnie, the headwaiter. “Gefulte fish!. What you want it for?” asked her husband, Lou. : . “It’s not for me. Liz Taylor asked for it!” Betty said. And then that woman reader came over and told the B.W. BETTY _ {that she does just like the B.W.: keeps her shoes off and her contact lenses in, and has a ball. After that, I even was rav- FE ues i .% an e s oe oe? oveseecncese ececceeeovessucenceseceece ~~ Fith - Pint $3.80 $2.39 Code No. 770 Code No. 771 WILLIAM PENN BLENDED WHISKEY, 86 PROOF, QHISKEY 6 YEARS On m ada bi GOODERNAM ORE OLD, 65% GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS, & WORTS LTD., PEORIA, ILL, A te atte cna tnststnettnanaatinnt ateatntenneaatnaetie BE REERER EERE RRR Armstrong's _ home, tonight on | Enough tile for] : Armstrong Theater a 9x 10 room Channel 4 TV eee for only 9 P.M. $14.40, a H 4 “PARK FREE REAR OF STORE ing “Oh Boy” for the Bolshoi. . ae , EARL’S PEARLS: A reader saw this ad: “We Paint Signs ~All Kigns.” ° WISH I’D SAID THAT: Nowadays when a mother hangs a star in her window, it means she has a son playing a sheriff on TV... That's earl, brother. THE FLOOR SHO The actress is expected to fly] today or Thursday to rejoin her] Miracle Mile Shepping Center fiance, singer Eddie Fisher, in Las|] ¢, telegraph at Square Leke Rd. } Cc toch (Copyright, 1959) Aven Se Seenseacena® : § q two smart styles in black, brown, smoke fn every pair! 154 North Saginaw. St. ' Phone FE 5-4171 rf What a nett oe every 5 as * Geld sn TROUT SEASON; OPENS APRIL 25th--- GET YOUR LICENSE AT SEARS! Sporting Goods Dept. Perry St. Basement Minnow YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR _ PICTURE TUBES, RECEIVING TUBES...BATTERIES - compare Sears low Prices... example, for ; 17-in. eluminized plerorenrraA toe Seere | 2 50 to specifications of Industry Association. erin © Complete selection of and types to fit any TV set, © Silvertone picture tubes bes are ‘ sluminized; give. sharp contrast,’ Sears low Sears low prices prices. 4 sai8 qweansistor battery | “© Guaranteed | fresh y @ Replace any brand’ | @ Complete selection 0 ype : | 154 North Saginaw an —— Phone FE §-4171 2.22 Floating Type Galvanized steel 10-qt. ca- pacity Molded Polystrene float. il Zibeo Rod and Ree for Junior Fishermen Completes 3,50 Designed for the young crew. — Sturdy 1l-pe. rod, spinning reel. Complete with practice plug. Priced low at Sears. Hurry im today and take advantage of this special buy! Your choice, of 85-lb. Aluminam boat or 100-lb, Fiber- glass. Both are Elgin Quality! Hurry “in teday! —, : ts 7 HP Motor Reg. $199 sees $16 : dl Ss ek ‘ "Lightning Fast Spin Cast Rod | — 4 More fun ... more fish. Specialy designed for top : mount push button, closed face reels, Foolproof cast- : - ing —'no back lash. Detachable aluminum handle with cork.grip. Solid fiberglass. 2 chromed guides and braced tip top. Try it! 5. Light Action Tubular Fiber Glass Spin Cast Rod Light action combines easy casting 3 chromed guides and braced tip- 88 with plenty of power when playing top. See it. your fish. Detachable cork handle. ’ Save 1.10 Accurate, Light Spinning Rod Rod for All Types of Lures Medium light action’ sensitive Best with lures ¥% toMy oz, Med- feel. Composition cork handle 288 ium light action, Natural cork 6* 3 chromed guides. In piastic handle. 5 chromed spinning case: 6 ieet. . guides. At Sears Fine, Easy Working Push-Button Spin Cast Reel New closed face push button style mately 100 yds. of &lb. test mono- 88 Adjustable drag, positive automatic filament line. ; line’ pick-up Anti-reverse. Approxi- J.C. H. Landing Net Seve 1.10 Bucket. \ , Reg. 1.98 1° Made to land those big catches easily. Floating aluminum 15//2- in. hoop with colta twine net. See it at Sears Enameled Tackle Box Reg. 1.98 1* Completely rustproof. . . ideal for iresh and salt-water fishing. Seamless! Handy top tray for extra storage. inoculars 19 1x35. center focus Tower ee ons - eqse: 22; power folding | . leather Cn. detachal Jeather poucs. . ange viewing. er’ set at sports, outing. - Japan. ‘ ee . $27.88 With 75x50 power binoculars - pod tax Plastic Utility Box Nylon Casting Line Pocket size. 3 for 88¢ 15 tb, test. 2 for 88¢ * » ” “$pinning Line Spin Tackle Box 8 ib. test. 2 for 88¢ Contilever tray. 88¢ yi, ‘Classic ea ae e 12 patterns . e Hook sizes 10‘to 12 Assortment of the Most Popular Imported Flies Real fish getters. Here at Sears for the first time ever you con buy expertly tied flies for only 1c each. Large selec- tion to choose from .. :,in/12 patterns and 4 hook sizes. Hurry in today for the biggest and best selections. —-, Snetted Hook Holder , Holds 20 or more. 88e each Many More Items to Choose — Choice of types. 88¢ ea. erent gome mty bck SENRS