- town street system > “ hurry in order to get back to your car in time to avoid a park- _ing meters. - “the. Senate, with Sen. L. Harvey .Lodge (R-Oakland County) SURVEY RUINS—Firemen look over the still smoldering ruins of buildings destroyed in 4 pre-dawn fire that roared through downtown Mid- land yesterday. Fire fighters from neighboring “\ AP Wiepheto Bay City and Saginaw were called to help quell the flames of the third major fire in five months in the downtown section. In Downtown Royal Oak ‘No-Cost Parking Planned for Mall ‘This is the secomd of a two-part series showing how Royal Oak businesamen are redeveloping that city's downtown shopping district to Tevitalige the area and reverse the trend of decline in Shopping downtown.) BY PETE LOCHBILER Royal Oak Chamber of Commerce plan to turn down-) town Royal Oak into a shopping mall. The first is that parking should be free to attract as many customers as possible. The second is that the business district itself, not the whole city, should pay the $2,610,000 construction costs. | CITY HALL SYMPATHETIC | ., Since public parking and vast changes in the down- e controlled by city government, the chamber turned toCity Hall and found a highly sympathetic ear. With an ever-practical ae carefully watching prop- erty tax revenues, city officials realized that a prosperous downtown would result in a prosperaus city. The Royal Oak City Commiss gladly gave approval, in principal, to the chamber’s ; Central Busi- | ness District Redevelopment Plan and special | mayor’s committee of business and professional men was appointed to study it. : ‘ | The mayor’s committee held conferences with prop-| erty owners and store building operators last year and} with the help of the city administration was able to’ trim the cost of the project. | | i legally. kt ko * | “Free parking would, of course, attract a few more shop-| pers who want to save a nickel,” explained Roland Powers, Chamber president. “But more importantly it would attract a lot more shoppers who don't like to worry about-whether their parking meters are about to expire. : “It’s no fun to shop when you have -to rush around in a, ing ticket. ai, | FEEL AT EASE” “It's fo fun te get a parking ticket while shopping, either. That makes the shopper feel like a criminal and certainly dis-| ~ courages him from coming back taking a chance on a ticket) again. i injuries. Huling, the father of one -son, to browse around, to visit a couple of extra stores if they want, worked for the GMC Chevrolet Diz to drop in somewhere for a bite to eat without having to un |Vision., in Flint, The accident oc- back to the parking lot first to put another nickel in the ‘ eured t midnight Saturday. “We want our shoppers to feel at ease, to have lots of ‘ine ‘meter.” ; * xk * ™ But if the proposed parking system were not to be financed, through parking meters, another method had to be found and Royal Oak turned to Lansing for help in the answer. Rep. William Hayward (R-Royal Oak) and other Oak- land County legislators. have asked for legislation permit- ting the city to pay off the parking lot on a s spocial assess- ment basis. This includes the $220,000 which the city still’ owes in revenue bonds for existing parking lots, a debt which mer- chants have agreed to shotMder if it will mean the end to park- The measuré has passed the House and is now up before as one of its. champions. * * ke It is generally agreed that the merchants should also bear the cost of land purchase and construction involved in rajsing the total number of parking spaces from 1,306 to 3,404. A tentative list ‘of. special assesamenta shows that sometimes _ (Continued on cial 2, Col. 1) County Traffic Claims 3 Lives 2 Men; Third Is Victim of Earlier Crash Two persons died in Oakland |County traffic accidents this week-| Two financial considerations lie at the heart of the ¢"d and a third succumbed Sunday ONE DISSENTER to injuries received in a smashup a week before. Dead are David Huling. M. of) 2390 Auburn Rd., Utica; Cass Milo, | |tax allocation purposes only. 34, of 1622 Mandalay Rd., Royal; _ Oak, and Robert Steinert. 32, of 712 Lewis Rd., Royal Oak Oakland _A father of four, | Milo was dead on) at about 12:50 a.m. Sunday, said iRoy al Oak Police. k* * &* | Police said a car driven by Mrs. |. | June Seidel, 32, of 400 Pil Rd., imi olay equalized valuation al $1,808,669, -' ii ‘Avro Tudor which disappearedjeign ministers ¢onference, begin- Turkey/ning Wednesday. . British officials specu-| |lated foul weather had forced the| much closer working links with Birmingham, was waiting for a/ itraffic light to change facing north’ ‘en Woodward. The Milo car struck her auto | and knocked it 140 feet across j i | | the intersection into a tree, offi- | cers said. She is at William | | Beaumont Hospital in fair con- dition_with spinal injuries. Huling-was killed instantly when|figures are out before’ the new It appeared that nearly everyone agreed that the municipal 1 i. auto collided headon with an. budget is prepared?” » parking shovld be free, if somehow this cout be arranged other car whith was swerving to. ‘avoid a dog running across John R! -|road in Troy, * * bd ipeau, 17, of 902 E. 14-Mile Rd., ‘Royal Oak, told police a large dog ran in front of his southbound car'the budget in September. | and he swerved to miss it but pENTES IT’S INFLATED failed to pull out of the path of jHuling’ s oncoming car in time. Compeau was treated at St. j not heid by A passenger in his car, Howard Griffin, 15, son of Mr. and Mrs. ‘Harold Griffin of 4630 Rochester| |Rd., Royal Oak, ‘is in satisfactory! police, + _|wisors turned over its pro- jard K. Kelley who criticized the | | present Weekend Accidents Kill! jthat. the supervisors refer to its tk ke x &* & C ounty Budget Okayed 75- l x * * 7 Must Switch Position to Pass Supervisor Says | Approval Now ls Premature Notes State Altering Equalization, Meaning Figures Will Change A more “business-like ap- proach” of preparing of county budgets’ was called for today as the Oakland County Board ‘of Super- posed 1960 budget of $13,- 997,018 to the Tax Alloca- ition Board. Supervisors approved the record-high budget without any discussion of any ap- propriated items. Rather. some echoed the sugges- tion of Royal Oak Supervisor How- budget preparations as “putting the cart before the horse.”’ “How can we approve a budget without even knowing what our na pier ar artis is going te be?” he asked. With this in mind, Kelley moved |Legislative Committee possible ichanges in the law which would |permit counties to revamp prepara- tion’ of budgets “‘so we can get a/ little business-like approach.” FISH TALE — Supervisors approved the idea, and then approved by a 751 roll call vote the tentative budget for Roy} F. Goodspeed, Ferndale super-| ardent some doubt on his story. disciple ot.Jzaak Walton. DanEbrhardt c this beautiful bass in the middle of the street, but he turned from a fishing trip on the-San Joaquin Ri - UPT Photo Nearly an inch of rain in 30 minutes flooded and clogged storm drains in Lodi, Calif., and brought out this “he hal ate , which cast “| five days. ¥ It'll Get ra but Showers May Dampen Fun Vet Fund Bill Failure to Act Tonight Could Bring Stoppage Cloudy, warmer with possible} of Welfare, Pay Checks scattered showers and thunder- : Be showers is the weather outlook for}- LANSING (#—Tension in il average i to sO doen S| the Capitol hit its highest Pee scuttel teeter an Ua | eee ee ee . : ele t e weatures will trenee ¢ u 8 te{brink of financial disdster grees above the normal 62 high| that would ruin its credit and- normal 42 low for the next across the nation. The focus was on 23 sen- ators—18 Republicans and 5 Democrats — who have withheld support from a plan for emergency state treasury relief. The question was whether - the necessary seven would switch their ‘position on cashing veterans Showers are expected again Sat- urday, In downtown Pontiae the lowest temperature recorded preceding 8 a.m. was 38. At 2 pm. the ther- mometer registered 52 Judge Bemoans Kidnaping = stwenernaattnm Action expected tonight was on Says Abductors Sinned| * motion to reconsider the cartier , unfavorable vote. Such — mo- tion would need a majority of those voting on it te carry. Against Mississippi; He Fears Consequences POPLARVILLE, Miss. — A Circuit Court judge said today the| immediately or in a day or two... kidnaping of a Negro prisoner} Unless the bill is reconsidered charged with raping a pregnant! tonight, it would take 22 votes to white woman “has opened the flood \gates of hate and hell” on the people of Mississippi. Judge Sebe Dale was to fiave presided at today's scheduled trial ot Mack Charles Parker, 23-vear old truck driver dragged from his cell at the Pearl River County) | jail early Saturday. Prosecuting Attorney William Stewart asked for a continuance “of the trial hécause “we have no defendant.” Parker and his abductors were passage roll call could be taken— visor, cast the loné dissenting vote. | * * *® Goodspeed said after the meet Russic Denies jing that he believed the county | jwas “‘padding” the budget aod Any Knowledge jing expenses, Robert Y. Moore, ing near Soviet territory with 12) jchairman of the Board of Audi- /men and secret equipment’ tors, told supervisors. la This, Moore said, was deter-, * * * Herter, De Gaulle to Talk in Paris De Gaulle jnnkemnan said sfoday. * Herter is doe here about noon cussion of international affairs, a against, he said, by the action of objects of a two-state search led by special teams of FBI agents, “A fair trial has been denied this man,’ Judge Dale said. “I believe had he been tried, the record would have brought a kind- ival at Willi “asking for too large a share’’ of + : and unequivocal” position taken Sesunent , ‘ten the 15-mill taxing limitation. of British Plane = Sitar toward the people of by. the Democratic State Conven- pital shortly after| The budget, which the Board of PARI - . o 2 & ¢« -| tion. in February in favor of trust his auto smashed/Auditors takes two months to pre-- 1 oxpoN (AP) — The Soviet S @ = Socrctaty ae, , fund utilization. he yiPare, will require 6.45 of the 13,0 ie (Christian A. Herter will be re-/_ “T do not know now what to ex-('" ss thei disbicts into the rear oi Union says it knows nothing about, pect Dale said, ‘‘what laws will another car on Mills to raise $11,796,018 from} ceived by President Charles. de be, passed against us.” were instructed to call them to ac- Woodward avenue at 14-Mile road|taxes to meet next year's operat-/@ big British freighter plane miss-\¢ sui Tuesday for » general dis- count. Mississippi has been sinned | the raiders in dragging Parker from his jail cell. If it succeeded, a second — % ned on the county's 1958 state, The Soviets s unday denied Tuesday to head the U.S. delega- nowledge of the ‘four-engined/tion to the Western Big Four for- PRAYER INTONED About 50 or 60 spectators were} - on hand when a Methodist minister questioned, ‘counties must alter their prelim jinary The other driver, Arlie G. Com-|When the new equalized values are! released and when the Board -of. \Supervisors gives final approval to) page rrmapg today vetoed a bill | jthat the proposed 1960 budg@t ‘ However, this figure will (over mountainous East fluctuate up or down this year | Thursday. as the state is currently work- Herter is beginning to forge ing on new equalization figures. |aircraft into Soviet Georgia or Democratic miembers of Con- “ | Armenia. ‘Why wouldn't it be more eff. + «£ * icient and feasible, " Kelley then Soviet jet fighters sxced doen “to wait until these la US. Air F same area last June. News Flashes * * * As it is now, Moore pointéd on budgets between the time} jo strip the secretary of agricul- pais of authority over rural elec- trification loans. Moore denied Kelley's charge ‘is! said further it LONDON (UPI Moscow | Radig reported..today that Pre- nflated."’ Kelley | Joseph Mercy Hospital for minor should be trimmed now and not in mier Nikita S. Khrushchev was injuries and released. He was ‘September. | back in the Soviet capital after a “If anything,’’ Moore said “this| month-long vacation that touched (Continued on Page 2, Col. 6) | eff Western rumors he was ill. orce transport in the! WASHINGTON (iF — President | | | gress than John Foster Dulles | maintained. * * * The personal liaison which Her- jter has established with Chairman iJ. William Fulbright (D-Ark) of the Senate Foreign Relations Com- mittee will be handed over until Ihis return to Assistant Secretary | William B. Macomber. atin Learned to Travel on gor ae \" NORTHAMPTON, England | (UPI) — James Wagstaffe, 22, | just loved it in the Army. He | was shipped home from Singa- | pore at. his discharge last July, | and he's starting back there on years, at 25. miles a day. jintoned a prayer opening the Cir- Friday—on foot,’ Wagstaffe said | the titles of coming films an- he expects to make it in two | cuit Court's term. Three Negroes, huddled in the jammed the first floor. red pécket handkerchief and a red. tie, the trademarks of the late Theo Bilbo, Mississippi’s apostle of white supremacy, Bil- bo called Poplarville home and lies buried just south of town. The search for Parker and the kidnapers continued through south- ern Mississippi and Eastern Louisi- ana. A special team. of about 50 FBI ‘agents led the search. | | ‘Come In From Way Out balcony and lawmen and reporters|° Dele were a bins wait wih o | \Part of Prémotion Mystery Photos for Value Days ‘Surprises and terrific buys, are in store for area residents who take advantage of the Downtown Pontiac Spring Valué Days coming up this Thursday, Friday, and Sat- urday, The eventful-selling days are be- ing sponsored by the Downtown Merchants’ Assn., with Richman, owner of Wiggs- Colon: | HOLLYWOOD’ (UPD — Among nounced by a major studio: | “Teenager From Outer Space.” City Group Wants to Boost Business | condition today with head and back x '* * ‘ened died at 11:15 a.m< yes- (DMA) will initiate a drive tomor- row to improve Michigan's busi- Richard O. Cook, assistant execu- tive vice presidefft of the state three passengers wefe treated for’ minor injuries and released from! William “Beaumont Hospital. smashup occurred at 2:55 a.m. here after remaining on the critical list at William Beaumont Hospital with head and internal injuries suffered in an. accidentit April 19. t Fhe Steinert car rammed into the rear of one driven by, Frank Dirkse, 47, of 617 Florence Rd., Royal Oak, who was stopped at Washington and Lincoln roads, Royal Oak, waiting for‘a traffic light to change, Royal Oak police said Dirkse and The The two Royal Oak accidents brought that city's total to five ness and industrial climate. protest against personal property | The association is kicking off a] axation that it hopes will sweep he state. retailers agency. | Cook indicated that a statewide| movement may result, not only on; the part of retailers but also in! Merchants to Protest Property Tax “The Downtown Merchants Assn.| boards throughout the state, said | renilie in unfair competition in many instances, the DMA indi- cated. * * * Norman Pattison, DMA presi- ident; described the 50-year-old tax jbe pictures run in the Pontiac Shop, 24 W. Huren St., as chair * man, x * * One of the special features will Press today, tomorrow and Wednesday, If the person circled in each photo can identify * One Pontiac businessman, who planned to sign the petition, de- scribed his feeling this way: himself, he will win a $10 gift certificate, Mystery shoppers will roam: through crowds starting Thurs- day handing out 600 gift certifi. cates to lucky shoppers. The cer- tificates will range from $1 to $10 in value. x~ * * Mystery'customers will also hand “A lawyer is not taxed for edu-|@ut valuable awards to courteous cation and experience, which is/elerks, and chastisement notes to . his stock-in-trade, Why should we|those who aren’t courteous, State Senate and. they call for a stiidy to end tax inequities that the DMA State tax Jaws. behalf of industry and farms, which also pay a portion of local per= sonal property taxes. A meeting of retailers has been scheduled for 10 a.m. at the Pon- tiac Area Chamber of Commerce ~*~ * * at which petitions calling for tax a The ‘DMA petition branded the adjustments will be distributed: personal property tax as “an| The petitions are aimed at the nessmen, “highly inequitable “and grossly unfair.”’ says exist under present . The tax bears “little or no | * * * relation”’ to profits, the DMA The meeting is sponsored »y the! Said, and “is a major deterrent DMA’'s Personal Property Tax| to the growth and expansion of n| ever-increasing’ burden’’ on busi- 1 t | | Committee and culminates about traffic: fatalities so far this year, two months of planning with the! i* business and industry.” | Sincé-the tax is based on esti-| ‘as ‘‘outmoded and vastly unfair." | He said the’ DMA wants the Senate to appoint a special com- mittee to trim the tax to the point Where it is “equitable.” Businessmen, local representa- tives and tax experts should be on the committee, said Pattison. The personal property tax’ is ‘largely based on assessments on |inventory,. or (in the case of. re- tailers) on the goods ‘that each store has on hand for sale. Pattison viewed retail goods as |the retailer's “‘tools of trade.” be taxed for our stock-in-trade, that is, for the retail goods we stock for - oar *. State income tax was only “coin- cidentally” related to the DMA drive ‘against inal Property | . taxes, “But the governor's proposal takes a-double crack at mer- chants, In'a way,” he said, “It fs ers, Pattison said ied the proposed oon In Todays s Press Most stores will offer free park. ing and pay bus fare for custom- i veg eece@ivueeee 2» & Commie. osececeuasacek Editorials ......besscescces 8 nyeeety De Redvetion Sale 3 % (Off Old Pere, ‘Book Shop _. #9 W. Lawrence St, ais citi. can eS = oS = a ee Michigan Retailers Assn. mates of value by local ameneieg ‘Copies of the committee’s ‘pe- boards, and assessing methods tition will be circulated to gham- |vary from community to com- bers of conimerce and retail ‘munity, the personal property tax “No other group has {6 pay such a high tax on its tools of trade as the retaiers,”” he as- serted, ' ‘a proposal for evea more taxes Markets PRUE EARP EES Hea dee es at a time when inequities exist Obituaries eee From ‘Antarctic Means Football Tactics McMURDO SOUND, Antarctica (UPID—Catching penguins and bringing them back aliv nearly symbolizes the Antarctica in -the minds of people throughout the world, loses most of its native re- serve when pursued by would-be captors. The‘result is a free-for-all in the snow, In @ penguin roundup near this U. S. Navy airhase 800 miles trom the South Pole some 30 penguins of. the emperor species were cap- tured, «- , * x * The emperor penguin, weighing three feet tall, is one of the largest of birds. Usually quiet and pas- sive, the emperor becomes very aggressive when provoked, Jack Marks of the Poftland, the big birds back home to go with about 30 smaller adelie penguins which he had caught without too much trouble soon after his arrival in Antarctica, The emperor is not seen in any great numbers in this area of Antarctica, and Marks had to wait several weeks before the | penguins appeared. Most of the emperor breeding grounds, or rookeries, are inacces- sible, and only five have been found on this continent, the size of the United States and Europe com- bined Marks, who ventured to the South Polar regions last year on a simi- lar mismon, was armed with 20 canvas bags like strait jackets, two ae tet i i. & = E vices. . No gaudy showpiece, but a Basically, it’s a Boe cial OT with de Horse Revives The first of the 544-million-dollar VC137s to be delivered to the Mili- tary Air Transport Service Thurs- day will be followed by the second near the end of May and the third It probably will be toward the close of summer, however, be- fore tests and shakedown flights are finished and the planes go into service. ‘ The size of the plane extends half the length of a football field and is nearly as wide, To be pre- cise, 144% feet long and 130 feet 10 inches from wingtip to wingtip. To the left after entering through the forward door is the cockpit in _|_ THE PONTIAC late in June. ; the nose with a maze of dials, oe! seating section with eight seats. Then the President's, or VIP | section — most luxurious in the plane. To the rear is the largest seating! section, 32 feet, with 28 seats in! double rows. Farthest aft is an 18-foot section holding three’ stainless steel gal-| Bygone Days for New Yorkers NEW YORK (AP)—People along | Sixth Avenue Sunday night) stopped and gaped at a rare sight) — a runaway horse and a hansom) cab. . . The cab, which usually carries| couples on leisurely trips through | Central’ Park, was drawn by a 14-| year-old gray horse named George. went clattering down the avenue,| leaving his driver behind. © The empty cab was smashed as crates with air holes punched in the | sides and two long steel rods with | bands of steel on the ends. * * * The emperors, aptly named be- cause of their regal | almost immaculate “white tie and| tails” appearance, were gathered in groups of four or five near the waters of the Ross Sea. George bolted between two parked | cars George was caught some distance away, shaken but unhurt. | Robert College and th eAmeri-| can College for Girls both Ameri-| located Turkey. | Most of the students are Turkish, | wut they ise have students of 15) = | *& Improve Your Home We Do the Work or Land Contracts | %& Low Interest Bate 12 to 15 Year Terms 92 West Huron * Consolidate All Payments Save All That Interest Money * Pay Off Existing Mortgages - ASK FOR MORTCACE DEPARTMENT BIG BEAR CONSTRUCTION CO. | MORTGAGES For Home Improvements | and CONSOLIDATION of DEBTS : Pontiec themselves face down across the! Tibet _ Z tj 3 single-engined Otter, almost crowding out all the way back to this air base. There, they were placed in a makeshift cage to await air-ship- ment to Portland, 8,000 miles away. we = janous LUSSY Deodorants Now BO? eccuiarly 400 Pius Ten Cosmetics ..« Street Floor PRESS. MONDAY, APRIL 27, 1959 built into the plane. The latest in redar, warning systems, four Every safety factor possible was among them the President's sonal pilot, Col. William G, Draper. per- | JTSCE Pratt & Whitney jet rest, shopping pusher, canopy. chase savings. $] 9°» -masonite floor, ers, teething ra 9 pads... 2 12” Hooded ... Reclining DELUXE STROLLER 25.00 Value Deluxe stroller with foot All-around teething rails .. . PLAY YARD Reg. 14.98 Hardwood play yard with eas Fi — Phone FE 4-251) — NATIONAL BABY WEEK April 25-May 2 SHOP TONIGHT and Friday Nights TILL 9 Reg. 29.98 | Full panel, double white, birch, grey or 396 basket. adj. | Cover: Save! Special pur- Full Panel... Double Drop Side . . . | 7-Yr. HARDWOOD Crib drop -side 7-yr. crib with all =. atound feething rails, 4-position spring. Choose Innerspring Crib Mattress - $7.99 Acid resistant, water repellent *24 honey maple. finished in bronze. « Famous Kant-Wet CAR BED *] Oo” Tubular steel “‘Tour-a-bed” matic safety lock hinge, gym bar, safety belt. Prints, Trundle Bundle SLEEPING BAG - Reg. 3.98 (if perfect) ‘3 Very slight imperfections do not affect wearing quality. Soft cotton suede fictty i a i- “ “eos Auto- Wash.‘n Wear CRAWLERS Special purchase savings on wash ‘n wear cotton plaid crawlers. Gripper crotch, lined bib. S, M, L, XL. Blue, yellow, lucite cast- ils. Play yard MORE LAYETTE SPECIALS! . - Reg. 1.69 National Brand Knit Kimonos ........0...5000500%+ 99 If Perfect 3.75 Slight Irreg Gauze Diopers . Reg. 3.00 Nat'l Brand Fitted Crib Sheets, 7-Yr. ........... woe 199 Reg. 1.19 Sanforized Fitted Crib Sheets, 7-Yr. ..........++++..88¢ 8. Special Purchase Cotton Quilted Crib Comforter.............:..1.99 NX CHARGE THEM AT WAITE’S — INFANTS’. DEPT. .. . SECOND FLOOR FE 4-2511 - 2 Leaves His Name Out, | Too Many Hats Return EMINENCE, Ky. @® — Martin J. Kahn has stopped stamping his | firm’s name inside hats the store, Seems everytime one of: Kahn's customers loses hat, it’s re- turned to Kahn. There are now 27 whooping | cranes (once almost extinct) win-! tering on the Arkansas National Wildlife Refuse on the Texas coast. | } | i DRAPES! hae sananncoropeanncnn: ell i Fae le FATHER & SON SAVE on CASH and CARRY Plan Two Stores to Serve You.. FE 2-6424 ‘FATHER & SON CLEANERS Open 7 A. M..to 6 P.M. 941 Joslyn, Corner Mansfield (Office & Plant) Branch: 369 N. Saginaw St. Corner Howard’ St. Also available: © Coty, Inc, tn U.S. Ay Toilet Water w/Atomizer, 2.75; Talc w/Toilet Water, 1,75; Dusting Powder w/Toilet Water; 2.50 (Lilies of the Valley) the very essence .S of Spring... ~— Cosmetics ..« ‘Street Floor — C) Prices plus tax | Waite’s... Fourth Floor You save because of almost unnoticeable tiny irregularities! SPECIAL SALE of Pesto, _ FAMOUS BRAND SHEETS * MUSLINS * - IF Perfect Size SALE Reg. 1.99 Twin—72 by 108” $1.57 Reg. 2.29 Full—81 by 108” $1.87 Reg. 55¢ Cases—42 by 36” 37¢ - % PERCALES * — Reg. 2.79 Twin—72 by 108" $1.87 Reg. 3.09 Full—81 by 108” $2.17 Reg. 69c Cases—42 by 3842" 57c Muslin or percale flat sheets . . . No. 1 seconds of famous mills! You save because of very tiny irregularities or oil spots. Bleached sparkling «white. Save now! ” Phone FE 4-2511 Waite’s... Fourth Floor Beautiful MARTEX “Finesse”’ CHECKERBOARD ‘TOWEL ENSEMBLES Bath Towel Hand Towel Wash Cloth 51.98 51.29 49 I | Largest, Heaviest Quality Available at These Prices! Here is a new decorator idea in fine toweling . . . Soft, heavy quality Martex checkerboard ‘’Finesse” pattern sparked with metallic thread. Really charming in turquoise, shadow green, butterscotch, blush “or antique gold checks on. sparkling white. Choose now! Lo vd ge * é rat ee ae ae ee ee eee ee eee eee ge a See ae ee *v* ice é a ‘ ; : 2 Vy Z 3 i 4 % Rees ee a, hae Re gh a i a Ne ke ad Cok: ea cet ce Re ck ek edhe SS ae ck let Nc ce Ee “nn ek cee ek main fire _" = | ATLANTA W — A 41-year-old ; nh : oc di ldeargiach. An Sapien MC @hleleeet meowlant econ y “jwim and to swim{uemplayed father of seven today |Boy Is Electrocuted | his re-| department Store at 2:45 a.m, led|from the burned-out block. es, : denied that he poured @ pot of While’ Taking a Bath ay to its discovery. Paints and var-| Firemen were on the delegates ob-/bolling coffee over his 9-year-old me 9: q iad ne |nishes fed the flames | _|in moments of the report “expected! daughter. 50 MONROE (UPD'— A three-year- j so eee eee Wt eee em ore oe Jn Eel ern 3 ol ta we es } than|eyt off electrical sérvice in the|cope with them. rags hogy in By good oss Token ye : nOr-| area to protect firemen in event] Robert Wilson, opera "What bind of father ue a the di-lot collapse of high tension wires.| Wilson Funeral Home, said he saw oe ees tak it ce Eee ne ee an ae _ * |renants were evacuated from near-|a “sheet of flame’ at Sears Roe ee Fe ws eee Tk eee Score. OY awellings. back after being awakened by an greater savings should be|and battery a He was taking a bath in the} { prtiations a of eB ' 1 McEiroy|KNOCK DOWN WALLS explosion, ' | Betty Ann Lane, ‘suffering first|Wickenheiser bathroom which was |; Servousness. m. uineece | 76 Williams Street ' dan tee ae Power McDonnell, a St. Louis banker, /@” second degree burns over the | being remodeled when he ‘ ating irritating germs in acid FE 5-1451 be pat boom eee ae (Pam Blasted Open meptomaconed Ce. iiution: theme Myf Oe cad te Welter ater neat aka ae te te tor you peerex | trave! i. it. * 2 a poured boiling coffee = 1 etl ests es NOW! , The "fireman, Orin’ |blast tore .a 13-foot gap’ in | cd il;| Brown of Midiand, was burt dyke on-the farm of Williaa | years, be said, and continued: = “ [ when 2 section of wall collapsed. |Horton near Rush Lake ih north-|, 1 we Keep on going as we hive During This Say ores en ee Ms Pare ca Gigantic a Water from the , lly. Oe Rae grt reemed. woay of 1300 epson, Seeded sleet eee Tae eyo eit aaah 99 U.S.| Firemen said they found no evi-|1,000 acres of farmland in this! 1. }ine.” : SALE? | pop Sh RSS SA le eg ER 3 2 same a i : a ‘ : season blaze caused considerable| water from land. _ worry QUALITY : idea’ of|damage last year. Sheriff McErritt K. McBride FALSE TEETH Saal in Ber-| Besides the Sears Roebuck dam-|described the dynamiting as the . : PLUS SS ecneees latest development in a long con-| Slipping or Irritating? 3 SAVINGS i orale of} ‘ ec ete. hanes we factions ve _ Dams be ona ip, snoee tains —— f officer, Businessmen Urged (Caseville. He said ‘one group spenile's fn fa sree ie aigets vie : : AU FREE &() EXTRAE | gine tae ee emt ae SIGOLD BELL Gif ay — Ph newsmen. * >| = wal aime ty hg ie Urge Your Wife to SHOP EM with the Purchase ‘eng 3 — Enroll Now a z 3 49%) : : SAVE 3 inne AT qj = tS ths. 3 HOUSE of VENUS ‘ PETER’S GR A DE Goo | ; Jnerernriereitrermern onan rang . . = : t ¢ ce oe RING BOLOGNA | GI) FREE 50 EXTRAB - Put her on the short, fun-filled road back ” ‘Plus 50 Free : ches 3 lS | to health and a lovely figure. She'll really 1 Gold Bell Stamps _ @ = GOLD BELL Gift Stampsee: appreciate it, going from flabby softness to with Purchase ¢ COIN wink tho Purch of Aiki@: Pigs, ‘ol 3 wonderful fitness! Deep down underneath ~*~ of 1 Pkg. or: More ¥ lb e -"E) F it all she knows she ean't do better than | and Coupon . G FROZEN FOODS 4 | . she looks and feels! SWIFT'S MEAT -. S| ee a) : oe ar | } ith 29° SOU W UW OURN OURS UNTO TOD Se ---------- SS, «> SPAGHETTI zany : 4 ' . 1 4 S / FREE BASEBALLS! | 2 per | It wo fall te get the following: result | FREE-5() EXTRA &). FREE BATS! | ONLY week OVERWEIGHT: UNDERWEIGHT =|, ‘ i , . ae nae 4 enw $8 Seuntiiees or AVERAGE: =, OLD BELL Gift Stanips 5) FREE GLOVES! For = Course Individually } inches Off Hipe and eg Ri — to — ' with the Purchase of 1 Lb. or More of 3 Designed For You! ,, Waist — take one inch saprepestion Body meas | ‘ : me PETER’S Lb. =) - ahi buck, lt ON - oF © FA Ring Bologna” 49°F , ty oo, Co . uj Pe QIU in exchange: oe | NO EXTRA CHARCE FOR SUN ROOM, a Call | " : Prater Naina naira 1 A Wilson Official League Base- | MECHANICAL MASSAGE end STEAM CABIN :, | — a -_ — _— _ For 2 such tires we'll give you I + : f V For Your Free ‘Trial Today! , ; ; e y, oe y, /- 1 ee i : Ouse Oo : -@nus HOURS: , ; er 7 ~ 7 Dc P] D4 . , : * ‘ ,* lar ft} . ~wantor 7 . ray i> a: vi . ont ) : HURRY —CFFER ENDS. | Fi S | “1010.6 Sat. rm. tie Cet antord otrect h. FE 2-1298 : : APRIL 30th ‘ : : age -_ was ; — ee a aie rcs: ISUTE QAIONS 16 we £0 Mn, Fei. — > e = ALD TIRE CO - Sah A W < Ave Ph. FE5-831) ) 4 Q “CS , mM) /Auburn 7% Gi a Serta ened toe te ee MIRACLE MILE SHOPPING CENTER—S. Telegraph at Square Lk. Rd. | ord | iii «|. PHONE FEderal 4-9882-3. 0 | wa aay PARE IC AE EDOR ABIES PIE HEB, . . il ( pa. SEE CoRR EEN BAIT EASINESS GLE EEE ANE LLLOG READ LIBEL: = 7 ac OEE MSAD SEE SE ET eI Conters ia ort aoe - I. SEE YOURLOCAL AUTHORIZED PONTIAC DEALER IN METROPOLITAN PONTIAC ' Ma For positive insurance against stuffed fit hare n"Taletes"ioreur me) BOMTIAG MOTOR DIVISION JACK W. HAUPT KEEGO SALES SERVICE RUSS JOHNSON © HOMER HIGHT MOTORS, SHELTON PORTIAG-BUIOK 65 tury . te ’ ra a? a. ~ RETAIL STORE PONTIAC SALES & SERVICE . _—ING. MOTOR SALES INC, | AT MOST HARDWARE STORES General Motors Corp. Ni Main $t., Clarkston, Mich. -. "3080 Orchard Lake Road $1 N, Broadway T60 $. Washi Oxford, Mich, 2 “ah 65 Mt. Clemens, Pontiac 15, Mich. : ° Keego Harbor, Mich. ; Lake Orion, Mich. moon eo es 23 Main S$t., Sisters: ; : ° e . s St ae B 5 Basket of Horn Toads _ |Brings Chain Reaction You don’t tell your age, why show it? Bifocals dre @ give- - away'of being “over-40,” uto Dealer Appointed | 2 ; : : “Kes m\ ving. * With BLENDED no-line : ree . : me 7 3 = = Authority on Cavalry ~ IF hard: Pa deol ertrana cgay Sites aid Caen ~:Laneind's cieteted Acing the conte city's larger automobile plants. Payrolis of government and edu- | co yMBUS ie ecsaoaa : ——— . N. : q of ‘government, industry ‘and education is portrayed in this com- _catiorfal institetions along with indystrial employment give the |never ridden a horse. but James| ee ees , ; - posite photo showing the capitol dome and Michigan State Univer- city sis eutstannny bance: eromeeny. }Hutchins is a nationally recognized | We guarantee sdittl Xe heciiloe with these amazing new Blended no-line glasses! . : sity’s Beaumont Tower imposed on an aerial view of one of the or y authority on the U.S, Cavalry, | : - eee t, Ed Pha de re ie 3 —s a Columbus = a. seicey MONDAY and “Crea 9:30 to 8:30—DAILY 9:36 to 5:20 P.M. | Governmen ae Industry ey a er and ex-infantryman, has been | , ae : samet Vaeen wore esi oe é : “lime -Vision iCal vtualos : _ Lansing’ S Pohany Has 3 Pillars" Nature produces soil at} 2 BIRT DARLING Lansing economic scene. It almost, tive venture — and Motor Whee ater as a result, of & merger of|a wee oe about a! cme in 500 | 109 North Saginaw Street : Phone FE 2-2895 snitlaghba Xiesiag web jieieel prame the agricultural school of Corp. came along a few years'smaller supplier firms. Reo, now|years. eens a = i. LANSING — Michigan's capitalthe University of. Michigan, and city, now in its centennial -year,|would have except for the Mic-/ PRESENTING THE NATIONAL OPEN CHAMPIONS FOR 1959 __ . had to weather some serious crises igan State Agricultural Society. we ie a = in the past 100 years before it be- The Society, having lobbied vig- ? - came ‘firmly planted on its state/orously in Lansing, liked the idea Ms university-indus-/ot having the agricultural college World's aaly votwestahte hardtop - try bases, nearby and 676 acres in the woods the Galaxie Skyliner. Its steel top folds These bases ow provide Lans acer Lansing were chosen forthe « down into the trunk quickly, automati- | | The fy convertible everyone would ing with an economy unique, in'site of what started out in 1855 as ' cally, dependably! Wonderful idea! Wait love te own. Ford's Thunderbird is 4- Michigan, almost: unique in the Michigan Agricultural College. - till you try it. , Eaeenpes ween geen samenics 6 nation; “they weren't always'19.597 STUDENTS : 8 desired car. eS . “Today, Michigan. State boasts ; State government, which now (19,597 enrolled students, on its : : \ provides employment for an es- campus and is ranked 10th in en- : ‘ timated 5,000 in Lansing, was. among institutions of ts : here even before Lansing. The learning in the | capital wags removed from De- . . E troit to Lansing in 1847. A vil- {| The city had industry of a sort lage grew up around it, but the it had the state capital or village wasn't important ‘Agricultural College e i ; to be incorporated until a " & tae ‘ x, te : : 4 es ‘WONDERFUL AND. if = EEE ‘WORTH MORE . ls It pays’ to choose QUAL- | ITY CLEANING in money bi Municipal Parking Lot i Reo Motor Car Co. emerged in i farther j saved replace- engines Le ae experimenter with gasoline] ie , Ransom Eli Olds, a Sal te ge . Call Today: |rome man whose tatner owned a) oe ae Pick-up . | dimensions of this ex- e 3 ; up “peep ape pear hy fons :. FE 5-6107 in 1897, but Lansing Ng ost: this promising new indus-| : moved his operation; GENEY ura ne , | , in 1901. Lansing busi- ; jnessmen.gniffed a second chance,| : DRY CLEANERS eS Stent Sane. 12 WEST PIKE ST. ‘the city — and propelled Lansing P Park Near Our Door abla ae — age, : : : gS Bn : -Glamour convertible of the year. The tig e j é . Galaxie Sunliner has the added distinction ; ee a | i] ° of being the newest version of America’s . Risen, se 4 all-time favorite fun-in-the-sun car, . pre aii ‘ ie a Pie in every window | Have your ev My ) old 2-piece living room ‘suite. | : COMPLETELY = pew As Look to America’s Convertible Specialists and thrill to its Thunderbird sizzle: Own it and you'll Ld >| RE-UPHOLSTERED *149°° axe Workmanship Guaranteed 5 Years! A wonderful way to ‘give your living room a fresh new look ... with re-styled and, ' love its saving ways. Glistening Diamond Lustre Finish . 5 for sunshine living at its best?! never needs wax. Mufflers are aluminized for double life. : Standard Six and Thunderbird V-8 engines go 4000 miles - ~ If your taste runs to top-downers (and whose doesn't) —_hetween oil changes and thrive on lower-cost regular gas. just consider for a moment the glamorous Galaxie Sun- The sleek-tailored top is double stitched and fade resist- liner. ... Ford’s newest, most exciting edition of the ant... and folds down completely flush. Best of all, the WORLDS MOST BEAUTIFULLY PROPORTIONED CARS — Rx o nemgoseok wl f ahi nitu 4 ng a ghd most popular convertibles ever built. ' Ford Galaxie Sunliner is the lowest-priced convertible LS oamt | ES |. WORRIRODEED RNG QUAISY . Tite ive : FoRD Division, ord: MoTOR ‘ e rigls throughout. Phone today — we'll be See it and marvel at its Thunderbird styling. Drive . of the best satng three, ; SOMPANY SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED FORD ‘DEALER gied to bring fabric ‘samples to your home.» ; Furniture WHAM: WRIGHT 2 : Upholsterers 270 Orchard Lake Ave. FE 4-0558 re, Pontes See, the 36-page Version “ Ford's legal — nT i the May READERS Dies e Learn tow to Save When You a New atte Save. as You Drive A - , | . . ‘ * ‘ : ae ae rey ee / * 86-Ib. frozen food capacity. ¢ Cycla-matic automatic defrosting - dn the refrigerator section. © Big storage door with compart- ment for butter and cheese; serv- ers for eggs. * 1-year Warranty, plus 4-year Pro- tection Plan. _* ’ All yours for as little as is 33 a week Yes, another great Frigidaire Special Gold Crown Appliance Value... typical of the many you'll find throughout our after small down store now during Gold Crown Value Days! peyment or suitable trade-in at... PRIOIDAIRE ADVANCED APPLIANCES... DESIGNED WITH YOU IN MIND! ME-5048-RESC-30 ‘iit HE | thaw She Deserves a MiO]0}RRIN MODERNIZATION LOANS CAN BE MADE IN MINUTES £ > KITCHEN... - A good starting point for that modernizing program . SHE deserves it... YOU can ‘do it. WE have the cash to help. 3% _. THRIFT BOOK — ACCOUNTS Start tomorrow on HER room. - National or PON Offices at W: Huron ot Tilden. . Keego ence’ . Walled Lake . ~ Member F.D.IC. “et . N. Perry at hieeicsd. . Union Lake Milford . _. Waterford and Bloomfield Hills i “Ee ee ae ee og ‘Bank . Lake Orion | Sliced Bacon ‘wren .), jh Thick: Sliced Bacon Siri 2-8S We We - ~ s =< LB. 6% , saewneur beak “SHORT Tenderloins | ‘4% LB. MONDAY ” ee , “Super-Right” Smoked — PICNI LARGE, CRISP, 24-SIZE HEADS ; | LETTUCE ....2 - 5 CHASE & SANBORN Instant Coffee 12¢ OFF LABEL 6-0Z. JAR 89 FREESTONE HALVES | A&P Peaches..... 4s : 79 SAVE AT AGP ON DELICIOUS Sultana Tomatoes 7 SAVE UP TO 17c on “Super Right” Luncheon Meat 3: 12-0Z. CANS Another A&P Special Savings Keyko Margarine IN QUARTERS 16-0Z. CANS PLUMROSE BRAND Deviled Ham 2 10¢ yoo] NATIONAL BABY WEEK FEATURE Baby | A = 99: Foods cre. ) GERBER — HEINZ - BEECH-NUT All Strained Varieties Your Choice Save at A&P On Soap Needs, Too! Cheer or Fab 3 OFF LABEL REG. PKGS. 11 iz 1.00 Lesser Quantities Sold at Regular Retail Prices Effective Thru Tuesday, April 28th THE GREAT ATIANTIC“@ PACIFIC TEA COMPANY 3 ) Super Markets | THS9 AMERICA'S OFF ENBAR 'OOR MERC HLeT | 4.00. ¥ i E o ee ee nap # * = pre eceeeseaee | y PUZZLE NO. 1 \ : | : i) : ; | I LL I in 1847, is a showplace of . | 4 i J | Dutch influence in Ameri- | | j i ca..An annual tulip festi- | ; | ee val here attracts thou- . | \ I | sands of visitors. | ‘ , : ANSWER :... . HOLLAND fs, Wy ‘| - : : | CLUS: This city 1s situated on a river, With nearby» . : ‘ J} "27s that provide power for paper mill here, | The three ewer on this page will a you started and show settled In 1832, the place was incorporated first as Y 2 H rf + iG- j Secor cca | Ye wht Taal Tave ie Yul er th eal | | ANSWER ...............4. Pend at hed 2 t teewisdes | fit! ona ° 9 “" fe ' ' (Please print or type answer in CAPITAL LETTERS) n ge, proti fede =. ad Your “ The Correct Answers Are in this List: N SECS THHHRSEHE SHEER ECHR S eee eet eDH ss OeeeEHenEe . te CLINTON —_ OLIVET FREMONT —- FULTON | Address pesbvaeeee rasan ver vecds laconsckesst¥ibeics j GALIEN , FENT DAFTER ITHACA { acate . OTSEGO COLOMA CHELSEA PONTIAC a ft ee ee coe LIVONIA HANCOCK LELAND 1 Do NOT send in until all 45 puzzies are completed ; sie | PUZZLE NO. 3. — 1 _ ' : , I I HOW TO PLAY: We want everyone to know about the wonderful $ ; l i I- In the Sample Puzzle, as in MICHIGAN TANGLE TOWNS GAMBE just starting (i | | each of the 45 Official Puzzles, in the DETROIT FREE PRESS. It offers entertain- ) Py . " I - there are exactly enough Iet- ment, excitement, education, and the opportunity for : z . : ‘a I jf ters contained within the really fabulous cash prizes—an unbeatable combina- : FIRST PRIZE an square to spell correctly the tion! It’s not a “national contest.” And there’s nothing . { 1 I) seater ot a:cactaix Gaed i os ta icy be aul Si oben’ ta-quallty for any of tha cash =| lg aaa | ; | | State of Michigan. The object prizes listed here. It's a smashing good game—de- 3r — Ce ey ee 000.00 I ? r 1 of the game is to untangle the signed for residents of Micligan and just two Ontario 4th Prize... 2.0.2 see eeeeeee toes. $1,000.00 : " suide dctceuctl eae counties. If you're a Free Press reader—if you're 5 Prizes of $100.00............... $500.00 l E guide, determine and spell out = going to be a Free Press reader .... TANGLE 10) Priges of $50.00............... $500.00 i | . GLUE: The canning of baby tood is a feeperiens: 4 .. ee rests a oe nae reas 50 Prizes of $10 00. samineapwntiny $500.00 ; CLUE; Detroit businessmen founded this olace in. ff ; a , make sure you get one of the 45 puzzles ) See 00. industrial dev: ; : industry here. The place was settled in 1853, There WHO MAY PLAY: ; < ize | i of im peg ine aetcom 1 are a number Of Indian sites and mounds in the I 4 in the series. There'll be a puzzle each day in... 1000 Prizes of $5.00..............$5,000.00 j r mobile and truck plants.'An early-day Indian treii vicinity. : | Michigan Tangle Towns is 54 ois ‘ee peel iia SD answer Bae me. 2 peaaad pianeas ah econ? Order Your Free Press Home-Delivered! Call your local Free Press distributor; fe Please print or type aniwer in CAPITALLETTENS B Pi*0t® Print or type answer in CAPITAL LETTERS) J] cotitles of Hssex and Kent in ». FEderal 5-9272 |. } » | Your — Your - bh ee : the Province of Ontario. For a we é [ee p MOINS csosecsvecnvsvccnscevestesecsssecenccsccstess: Naane aevene 9001 Eg ee” eee nneerey { the very few exceptions, see ‘ I Addren x : is ss te : ss : i Address TOOPOCES SHORTER ET EEOC SEH CHGS EH ES OORT Eds 4 the Official Rules, which will fi ogee ae leew eg a State ‘l appear in the Free Press Tues- 4 ao é Such vs takes seus beneade tak eb, Kaus ovneyavdereeaivns tarevex QP ENO ed» osihee , April 28. ea t Se NG send fn wntit ali 48 Soocungleiss . Se Nor ven in until all 45 pildzles are compicied I or Ne : oe Das oes se ee ew = om oe oe oe Ge Gs on Gn oe oe ee Piatt ¢ ® y ‘ ° ‘Teach Need Easing Slightly | | Criti¢al Fields Gaining, |! Over-All Shortage Still)’ About 135,000 3 In its annual survey, the NEA found that the over-all shortage The NEA said the nation’s pub-! lic schools will need 227,500 new; teachers next September, broken | down this way: 94,300 to replace those. leaving) the field, ' | BEGINNER or | 33,000 to serve increased en- rollment. 30,000 to relieve over-crowding | and eliminate half-day sessions. 50,000 to replace unprepared or | unqualified teachers. f If only: 92,500 members of the class of °59 take teaching jobs, where are the other 135.000 com-| ing from? The big eniarliss~prebably in. excess of 90,000—will be college. graduates of previous years. The one big bar to staffing every classroom with a qualified teach- er, Maul said, is the low scale of teachers’ salaries. * * * “If teachers’ salaries were com. petitive with other fields open to college graduates,” he said, ‘we would soon have all the teachers we need. If we could make teach- ing financially attractive, our teacher shortage would evaporate overnight.” Elias Howe, a Massachusetts ma- chine operator, spent five years in his off-time to invent the sew- ing machine. That was in 1846. |Wagon nEintin : ‘Hol Louisville Next on Trail Independence, Mo., to Independ- ence, Ore., in observance of Ore- gon’s centennial, : The travelers bad a. tree diner Saturday, and a basket social and four gallons of ice cream Sunday. Clothes © were cleaned and 4 laundered free. : * * * . About 5,000. persons visited the camp Sunday, A church service was held, with two bales of hay jfact that hig age was checked pre- | vious fo the sale. ; * * * Bobbie L. Allen, Darrel D. Allen, | Jack J, Onesian, and Carney J. Onesian, owners of the Twelve High Bar, 28670 Northwestern High- way, Southfield, were fined $50 for allowing gambling on the premises. | All fines are due and effective. May 11. A charge of selling to a minor against Kevin J. Ritter, owner of Ritter’s Farm Market, 32% W. Hu- | ron. St., Waterford Township, has | been dropped by. the commissién. | COURTWRIGHT, Ont. w—The ibody of Mrs. Beatrice Sliva, 47,| -An adult migratory sesthapal of Port Huron, washéd ashore can eat its own weight in green ifour miles north of here Sunday range forage in 16 hours. In con- ,on the Canadian side of the St.'trast, a mature, 1,000-pound cow Clair River. Mrs. Sliva had been requires 7.6 days to eat her own pnisaing since Feb. §. ‘weight in green forage. . i hat Body of Woman Found | REVIEW STUDENT | Training Will Bring Results The demand for stenographers, secretaries, typists, accountants, and other trained office - help is greater than the supply. Beginning sal- aries are excellent. There are many good oppor- tunities for advancement. You can prepare for one of these desimble positions by attending either Day, Half-Day, or Evening School. Classes Throughout the Year VETERAN APPROVED The Business Institute 7 West Lawrence Street § Phone FE 2-3551 Phone or Return This Ad for Bulletin Now at WKC’s sensation- al low price — the ideal electric grill. Its copper finished body and at- tached hood are rust re- sistant. The new hi-lo grid adjusts to give you better cooking to a more exact heat requirement: Extra handy features are the hardwood cutting board and the removable fire box. Hurry and save! WKC, 108 N. Saginaw | Please send me the New Copper-Tone Wagon Grill with Motor § Driven Spit with 50c Down Payment required. | SOc weekly on balance lo New Account aenidh COME IN...PHONE...OR MAIL THIS ATED phone oe. ~ Woe, Cutting board —_ 4 Be ae Full sized shelf for storage All steel wheels | Teday' | agree to pay O Charge fo My Account yO Full Amount Enclosed 0 Send €.0.0. peri Phone . City Zone__ Stote Envloyed by How Long 108 NORTH SAGINAW 1 Have or Have Hod Accounts at - JOIN IN AND SAVE SELECTED Chuck DURING. ouR spECTED — BLADE cuT Roast ee @ AND IN NO OTHER BEEF SO FRESH CAN nteed # is @ use Tenderay Bee nen ision. renee ir guerenteed tender by your K superv or your money beck. USDA CHOICE VT. GRADED CHOICE BE SO TENDER! 89 LIVE oye I We reserve the right to limit quantities. Prices and items effective through Wednesday, April 29, 1959 at all Kroger stores in Detroit and Eastern Michigan. Neapoliten” é PAtewrt _ Butterscotch Strawberry Marble ¢ eeee Carton ESSEX BRAND FROZEN Fithwemneme-tey | | COUNTRY CLUB — BEEF,, CHICKEN, TURKEY MEAT PIES.... =19° | KROGER FRESH SLICED ‘CRACKED WHEAT BREAD ° . + 3 % .\ : % ae oe ee ea ee an ger gc ee ee ee ee ar, re, ae o> en, Fae Fe ee PN Be ee RY Oe SPRING FOOD FESTIVAL POUND CAKE > COUNTRY CLUB DELICIOUS Save 17° 12 LIBB' LIBBY’S DELICIOUS FRUIT COCKTAIL LIBBY’S. NUTRITIOUS TOMATO JUICE LIBBY’S YOUNG GARDEN 303. 00 SWEET PEAS 6 a" LIBBY’S WHOLE KERNEL OR CREAM CORN 6 2. $4°° National Baby Week! HEINZ—GERBERS or BEECHNUT STRAINED ‘Baby Food YY 990 GREEN | a SALE! 4x $400 az ty “a 7 5° LOAF 8 % fay 1 c ne i ail gy : 2 é ie eee. tg a mE ae ae +e ae a ee ee re we ee ew ee ee ee ee Dee ee eee nn en ee ee a ee yw lear { ™ Smarty ef 0 i spins a disc as | Mrs. George Totten gives a@ preview of the fish or ham dinner menu, to be Married Saturday at St. Benedict Church were _ Mary Ellen Wait and - * couple are Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wait and Mr. and Mrs. F; V. Thomas. _ MRS. JOHN T. C. THOMAS Mary Wait, John Thomas Wed in St. Benedict Rite Mary Ellen Wait and John _ Charles.Thomas were married at noon Saturday at St. Bene- dict’s Church. The Rev. F. J. Hoar officiated at the ceremony before 250 guests. Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. C. E, Wait of Oge- maw road and Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Thomas of Chicago, Ill. IN BOUFFANT GOWN The bride wore a gown of white silk organza accented with Alencon lace with a ba- teau neckline and long sleeves. The bouffant skirt formed a court-length tr@in. Her madon- na veil of illusion was bordered with Alencon lace and she car- ried a bouquet of stephanotis centered by a white orchid. She also wore a pearl pendant, a gift of the bridegroom. * & * Nency Thayekwes maid of honor. Attendants were Mrs. - Michael ag oe Joan Serre of Rochester, Vetriice Moody of . Chiengo and Gall Trkesen of They wore aqua sheath ae ee aan cocaar overskirts and circular po sca trimmed with « pearls. They carried crescent bouquets of pink carnations and red roses. ASSIST BRIDEGROOM Best man was Donald Peto of Chicago. Ushers were James Spring, Gerald Nureminger of Saginaw, Vincent Parisi of Chicago and Jack Northrup of Coldwater. Michael Thomas ‘was his brother’s ringbearer. x* * After a reception; held at Dev- on Gables, the bride changed to a blue silk sheath dress and jacket ang a straw hat with navy blue accessories and the orchid from her wedding bou- quet. The couple will honey- . Moon in Florida and Nassau and will live in Chicago. Both are graduates of Mich- igan State University. "28° 2% Mrs. Wait wore a beige silk organza sheath dress with a. flowered hat and beige acces- , Sories for her daughter’s Wed- ding. Mrs. Thomas was dressed in a pink embroidered organza sheath with a pink organza hat,” Both wore pink cymbidium or- chid corsages, Parents: of ‘the «Adams (center) and Mrs. Theodore Figa. served from 5 to 7 p.m., to Mrs. Lorena : “Alcott Plans. May Day Festival Pythian Card Party ‘Is Given Mizpah Temple Event Includes Fashion Show A style show and.card party . was held by Mizpah Temple 7, Pythian Sisters, Thursday eve- ning at Fellowship hall. Mrs. “Edward Models were Frank Ketchum, 2 2 dy 1 F i 7a elf ful rilaees Rut in Hospital Frank B. Ruf, former city mayor, ig a patient at Harper. Hospital, Detroit. . During his 2t years here as . secretary of YMCA, the pres- ent building was acquired. The =o Oak. ‘ 2 ~ Mr. ee Mrs.. Victor jae of Chippewa'road will sing several duets when. the. MacDowell . Male ' Chorus spring concert is held April 29 at Pon- tiac Northern High School.. The tal- “ Mrs. Bes Carey, left, president of ‘Teta Chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa Sorority, chats with Patricia Jéaes, new member, and Mrs. David L. Zeta Chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa Sorority met at Devon ’ Gables Saturday for luncheon and the initiation of new mem- bers. Mrs. Sam Hale, toastmis- tress, introduced Mrs, Eugene Carey, ‘chapter president, who welcomed the initiates and guests. Representing the De- Women to Open Golf Season at Orchard Lake “Sobbers Delight,” a nine- hole golfing event in which participants may toss out their three worst holes, will open the Orchard Lake Country Club women's golf season Friday morning. » & Mrs, E, W. Griffith will be hostess for the event, The an- nual opening luncheon will be. held at 12:30 p.m., with a busi- ness meeting following. Mem- bers of the women's golf com- mittee will be presented at this time They are Mrs, R. E. Leahy, chairman;: Mrs. R. S. Glover Jr., vice chairman; Mrs. R. Ww. "Struck, secretary, and Mrs. C. B, Harman, treasurer. Dinner Held | by Homebuilder Church Group A progressive dinner was held by Christian Homebuild- ers Class of Oakland Avenue United Presbyterian Church Saturday evening. Hosting dif- ferent courses were Mr. and Mrs: John Sneed, Mr. and Mrs; Charles Aguayo and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Feneley. Dinner was at the church and the group ended up the evening at the High street _ home of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Rood for dessert. k* * &y, Those attending were the Rev. and Mrs. Theodore Alle- bach, Douglas Alexander, Brenda Milan, Mrs. William Bowes, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Dean, Mr. and Mrs. William Porter and, Mr. Thomas Robb. if Ne tind troit Eta Chapter were Mrs. David L. Golden and Katherine te [a 2 ‘Mrs. Golden, who spoke on of Alpha Delta Kappa and its growth in Mich- igan, is a former state presi- dent of all Alpha Delta Kappa chapters. Golden ipo Highland Park she was guest scher at luncheon . AlphaDeltaKappa Neck Welcomed into the group as new members were Mrs. Mar- othy Hensel, Gayle Hullinger, Patricia Jones, Mrs. Donald McLean, Mrs. Gordon Paull, Mrs. Frances Savers, and Mrs. George TurnBull IIL Mrs, Eugene Carey, Betty By Epsilon Sigma Alpha Pontiac Press Photo ‘ thur O'Neill were arrangements for ® ‘Bouquet of Styles’ to Be Shown Alpha Alpha Chapter of Ep- silon Sigma Alpha national so- rority will present a fashion show, ‘Spring Bouquet‘of Fash- ion,”’ at 8 p.m, Thursday eve- ning at Pontiac Northern High uditorium. Married: Saturday morning at St. Michael Rivard. couple are Arnold A. Glenn R. Rivard. \ "MRS. DENNIS G. RIVARD Katherine Ann Bentham Wed in St.: Michael Rite White gladioli banked the altar of St. Michael Church for the wedding Saturday of Katherine Ann Bentham and Dennis Glenn Rivard. The Rev. Michael J. O'Reilly officiated at the ceremony, before 200 guests. Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Arnold A, Ben- tham of Nelson street and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn R. Rivard of Pontiac Press _ Pi Phote ‘senaad couple is well—known among Pontiac music circles and both appear. . in local musi¢al programs. ° The bride wore her sister’s _ wedding gown, of Alencon lace with a chapel train. The bod- ice featured an oval, scalloped neckline and short shirred sleeves. Her fingértip veil of illusion was held by a crown of iridescent sequins and seed pearls and she carried a cas- cade bouquet of white roses, ; carnations, pompoms and ivy. ATTEND BRIDE Mrs. James F. Brown was her sister’s matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Jane Ellen Bentham, another of the bride’s ' sisters, and Julie Ann Noggle of Harbor Springs. * * * ,»They were dressed in aqua taffeta dresses with frosted white organza overskirts, oval necklines, aqua cummerbunds. Their headpieces were wide bows and they carried colonial bou- quets of pink and white carna- _ tions. x &« * Best man was Roger L. Rivard, brother, of’ Jackson. Ushers were James F, Brown, James L. Cook of Grand Rapids and James Bentham, the - bride- groom’s brother.’ A luncheon. reception was held at Kingsley Inn. Before leaving for a honeymoon to Washington, D. C., the bride changed to a beige sheath dress with matching’ jacket and tangerine accessories. They, will live on East Howard stred, - The bride is a gradiiate of.» -# Nazareth College, Division of «Nursing. Mrs. Bentham was’ dressed in a deep aqua peau de soie sheath dress. with pink ac-. cessories and pink cymbidium orchids pinned to her . Mrs. Rivard wore a dress of white lace over bronze taffeta _ with matching accessories and ‘a bronze cymbidium orchid pinned to her purse. Church were Katherine Ann Bentham and Dennis Glenn Parents of the Mr. and Mrs. Bentham and Mr. and Mrs. short sleeves and . the bridegroom's . De’Cor Shop and Alicia Bridal Salon. Mrs. Frank Anderson and Mrs. William McGrath of the stores, will narrate, x * Guest soloist will be Vickey Williams accompanied by Cheryl Isanhart. Edward Smith will be organist. Genera] Chairman is Mrs. — Gerard M. Jones. Assisting are Mrs. Fred Baumgartner, Mrs. Harry Rhodes, Mrs, Winston Hopp, Mrs. Jerry Swanson, Mrs. Gordon Carlson, - Mrs. Earl Smith and Mrs. Fred Mueller. Others are Mrs, L. L. Schief- ler, Mrs, Edgar Plympton, Mrs. Donald Stone, Mrs. Rudy Maz- za, Mrs. James Vincent, Mrs. James Stone and Mrs. Marshall Rose. Cochairmen of the usherettes are Mrs. Carl Rose and Mrs. Marshall Rose. Ushering are Mrs, Edmund Smith, Mrs. An- thony Grand, Stephanie Lina- bury and Mrs. Schiefler. * * * Models will include Dee Brim, Mrs. Carl Rose, Mrs. Edward Hummel. Jr., Betty Lou DeGroot, Mrs. Plympton, Mrs. Donald Moore, Mrs. Frank A. Jalosky Jr., Mrs. Keith Clauser, Mrs. Bert Anselmy, Mrs. Jack Andress, Mrs. Ben Sweeney, Mrs. Donald Stone, Mrs. James Stone, Mrs. Hopp, Mrs. Elmer O. Jghnson, Mrs. Norman Nelson, Mrs. Earl Smith and Judy Steinhelper, * * * The show is open to the pub- lic and tickets may be ob- tained from any member or at the door. _ Card Party to Aid Tubercular Tots Oakland County Fight et For- ty Salon, 224 is holding a card party at 8 p.m. Wednesday evening at Cook-Nelson Amer- ican Legion Home. , Proceeds ores COMPLETE. WITH CUT and SET NONE i Ruth Shain Class Has | Anniversary Banquet president of the Birmingham By ALICE MORGAN Another year, the 39th, has League of Women Voters. Willett, Mrs. Shain introduced a num- | lett, United Others were Mrs. Florence Birmingham mayor pro tem; Mrs. E, E. Schaffer, - brated with a breakfast and-| Community House director; program held Friday morning Mrs, Willys Wagner, first vice at the Orchard Lake Country | president Village Women’s Club, with Mr, and Mrs. Car- | club; Jeanne Lloyd, Baldwin son Bingham as host and hos- | Public Library; Mrs. Cyril B. tess. - Lewis, Birmingham represen- * *.* tative and chairman of the wel- Guest speaker was James fare division of the Oakland County Board of Supervisors; Mrs. Pearl Newcombe, presi- ‘dent Altrusa Club of Greater Birmingham; Mrs, Earl Tripp- Church Women president; Mrs. Peter B. Loom- is and Mrs. Dean Beier, Bir- mingham Board of Education; Mrs,s William Grabendike, Woman’s Club president;. Mrs. John Schramm, Ruth:Shain In- ternational Relations Class sec- i B Amini - COMPLETE - "119 W. Huron, FE 4-1536 Quality Cleaning _* Since 1929 \, Te t/i¢ ryogc abit te ’y Y CIE ANE) be smart-look smart im i ee of Regents; Mrs. F. G, Gar retary; and Mrs. George president of the Oak- | Green, Mrs. Karl Bailey and land: County Branch of United Mrs. A. Coit Allee, who as- Nations study group; Mrs. sisted with details of the 1959 Evan Hannay, newly-elected | reufliion breakfast. be smart-look smart SPR RD pies: Pa SHIRT SERVICE . ~ For Information Call: ~ CRUMP ELECTRIC, Inc. 3465 Auburn Rd. FE 4-3573 | OPEN EVERY F R A [ NIGHT TO 9 Mon. through Sat. Stores Downtown AND i. Shop the savings now! Just say _ ‘CHARGE IT’ at Federal’s se # gest this to him but hesitate _ Mary to do so for fear of -hurting : ; his feelings. What do you ad- « SoS Pe You Get All This: vise?” ; ey ; ee es eee Ea a. ? ji on 8 4 Over she goes to touch the toes. It to do this Spring Makeover exercise. Caretres Ke sens potent dort tank | 100% difficult but you should be able = | Pesmanent By an: Exper it will hurt his feeling if you 7 oe Woe 2 | enced, Licensed Operator | tell him how much you ap- |. By JOSEPHINE LOWMAN _ {must be feeling pretty pleased withjhead. Slowly return legs to the Styled Set | | preciate his wanting you to | ‘There are two facts which I be-|YoUrselves, BUT—) of PONTIAC tsi W, HURON _ Ore mu = fe 4.1555 eee ee tne | RE MARKLT ul reek i if ie iH Bled i # i i ly i PREG LEC BE a Ae ER TE Se This Valuable Coupon Entities the | ad fa ons cs oie unique “ ie : REMUS es =e Se nae ior ‘ | BUTTER e Jair detense: at ftactured by ) Makes Dishes Sparkle . Chiffon a LIQUID SP chirron tiquin C wire Pt evan four 5 wr 5 Q< ge 59° Se \ eas to Bankers 0 Hison—Cenoen Boone Sut WITH COUPON ONLY “a : : | EVAPORATED PARADA RAAL FOAM RUBBER: REVERSIBLE CUSHIONS. —ae-hCUM ; I NYLON FRIEZE COVERS LARGE SELECTION.OF COLORS || | | MILK ‘PET MILK TALL 10° m TALL 10° “ae — ; ; ({ ware ne Re )) WITH COUPON ONLY We reserve the right to limit quantities. “WHILE THEY L LAST. . = ’ * : Pas: e | Oa" 7 am “ | " ° Qo or. [i You Get a Second Big 20-02. Loof of for ALL 3 SECTIONS: savEMee conver Mame: [OVEN FRESH WTE e YELLGW © DEVILS FOOD _ ae ae ET BRE av tor 4 a ¢ WHITE oR BUTTERSCOTCH When you buy one loat/ at the regular price of 24c. EVERBLOOMING BEAUTY FOR YOUR HOME EVERBLOOMING © TEA ROSE &. | a dg ee Phone FE 58114-5 | ORCHARD eum COMPANY oo — ' a = _ | HIGHWAY” 17580 HIGHLAND (M-59) | __ 1200 BALDWIN [164 ORCHARD LAKE AVENUE - PONTIAC | 4TIM2008 SIS I] ot TELEGRAPH RD. | erszematchers Be ec scdie talc orem isa PARKING a DELIVERY. |, DENETES 86 3. A oo ) rtasaie 3 zs ic J : yn nt 990A 60 | u _~ na ee Se on ee ‘Mrs. s. Samuel (Anna) Baer, 74, of 2804 Oldsmobile St., Waterford township, died Sunday at her home after 4 long illness, * $hé was a member of First Methodist Church, Surviving besides her husband are a sonj Clyde Putman, of Clarksville, Tenn.; two daughters, Mrs. Bertha Schmitton, also of Clarksville, Mrs. Lauretta Baer, of Watkins Lake; and a sister, Mrs. Josephine Haynes, of Pontiac. The body is at the Farmer-Snov- er Funeral Home. DIANNE E, EVANS Dianne E, Evans, 16, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Hubert E. Evans of 336 Dover Rd., was dead on arrival at Pontiac General Hos- pital Saturday following a heart attack. She had suffered prolonged ill health. Surviving besides her parents is a brother, Rodney. Service will be held at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday at Don- elson - Johns Funeral Home with burial in Acacia Park Cemetery. The family suggests contribu- tion tions be made to the Associa for’ Handicapped Children, Inc. are you a little short this month? Most of us have months when we are a little short of ready cash to pay bills, buy new clothes, take weekend trips, meet med- “jeal expenses or for other worthwhile purposes. If you can use some extra eash right now, call SEABOARD ~— your lend- ing neighbor! | eas in Pontiac and Nearby re uae Nats ke Word has been received of the death of former Pontiac resident, Mrs, Walter R. (Marian E,) Gross, 59, of Palo Alto, Calif, Mrs, Gross died Sunday after an illness of one Wi Surviving are a son, Joseph L. Gross, of Los Altos, Calif.; a sis- ter, Mrs. C, F, Heymann, ‘of Pon- tiac; a brother, and three grand- children. The body is at the Case Funeral Home in Saginaw, CHARLES A. HIBNER Service for Charles A. Hibner, 15-month-old son of Airman: 1.C. and Mrs, Charles W. Hibner who are stationed with the U.S. Air Force at Casablanca, Morocco, formerly of Orchard Lake, will be held at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday at Don- elson-Johns Funeral Home with burial in White Chapel Memorial Cemetery. The infant died Tuesday of in- juries received in a fall. es ANDREW TASCA . Andrew Tasca, 38, of 647 Phil- lips Rd., died Saturday at Pontiac |Generaj Hospital after a one year illness, A pipe fitter at Pontiac Motor | Division, Mr, T. was a mem- ber of St. Paul Lutheran Church, Surviving are his wife, Gizella; two sons, Andrew J. and Alexan- der C., both at home; and a broth- er, George of Pontiac. The body will be at the Pursley Funeral Home until noon Tuesday vat which time it will be taken to \St. Paul Lutheran Chiirch for serv- ice at 2 p.m. Burial will be in ‘Oak Hill Cemetery. . HARRY W. YEAGER Harry W. Yeager, 61, of 749 Ge- neva Ave., died Saturday night at St. Joseph ‘Hospital Mercy Hospital. | Mr, Yeager attended Central Methodist Church and was a re- tired superintendent at General Motors Truck and- Coach Division. He was a member of the Roosevelt ‘Lodge,: the Foreman’s Club, and |was one of the first employes to ‘be in GMTC's “Hall of Fame.” ‘He also served as chairman of ithe pastoral relations eommittee ‘of his church. | Surviving are his wife, Donna; a ‘daughter, Mrs. Twyla Johnson, of ‘Park Forest, IL; a son, Richard |M., of Milford, and six idren. He also leaves six neothers | | Loans $25 to $500 Phone FE 8-9661 1185 N. Perry St. fer Immediate Action! be Ne Prebiem™ SEMBOMAD | INANGCE COMPANY jand a sister. Service will be held at. 2 p.m. , Cemetery. The family has suggested that contributions. be made to the build- ‘ing fund of Central Methodist Church. EDWARD A. DUBERVILLE LAKE.ORION — Service for Ed- ‘ward A. Duberville, 71, of 2088 Paint Creek. Dr. will be held. at Here's t to Cleaner, E During the past heating season Mobitheat which actudily cleans costly furnace repairs . oil ing eters with finer quality fuel . . you expect from GEE! . . . May Economical Oil Heating! of new Mobilheat furnace oil has been increasing... . we know that you, too, will appreciate the cleaner burning quality of New . « for cleaner, easier, more economical Call FE 5-8181 Now For Mobilheat a And, Remember .. . For over thirty years Gee has been servicing the Pontiac area . winning and holding warm friends . we pride ourselves on the courteous manner the painstaking care and dependable delivery system we are known for and which the Way. asier, More our hundreds of satisfied users as it burns thereby eliminating we serve you? ATTENTION COAL USER: SAVE 50° +on < Order your coal in load lots of 2 ton or more— save 50¢ a ton! , \e- 2. p.m,- wcdanntes? oi) tidaslate Johns Funeral Home with’ burial at White Chapel Cemetery, s Mr. Duberville died this morn- ing at St, Joseph Mercy Hospital in Pontiae after a short illness.” A retired general foreman at) Pontiac Motor Division he wes a member of the Foreman’s. Club. Surviving ae his wife, Sadie, his son Kenneth E. of Pontiac and two daughters, Mrs. A. E. Davis of Clarkston and Mrs. Jack Martin of Pontiac. ALFRED W. LYONS ROMEO — Service for Alfred|H W. Lyons, 84, of 17825 31-Mile Rd., will be held at 2 p.m, tomorrow at Roth’s Home for Funerals with THE: PoNTTAC PRESS, MONDAY, ‘APRIL 27, 1959 burial to follow in, Wilow Grove [Cemetery in Armada. , STANLEY 8. SCHCFF Waterford Board © Tonight to Get » Citizen Requests’ ’|Waterford Township Board meet- _ seven bag ga p forscewen Man-|intg the Gordonier Elementary, Markers ag ge or subdivision on Walton boule-| School in Romulus Township over from A request for sidewalks to new- Damage to the school wag esti-| ly-constructed school buildings om | mated at $2,000. School janitor John’ Pontiac’s Oldest and Most road will be presented | taidynaik said the vandals scat- Reliable Monument Builders | by Powell of 2336 George- |tered books and supplies and’ 2 S : ae ! 7 F : i e Several Watertord Township res- idents are expected at tonight's i i j : : E vee | Check Our Prices - Before You Buy el & ing for various business reasons, AOE So, CHE saeage Sate: Weieane billie Gapunet ec bail Vandals Wreck School. DETROIT (UPI)—Vandals broke the weekend tearing apart five rooms. $3500 é s]7500 wrecked chairs, desks and other equipment, He said the school had been vandalized before but “never any-' Jthing like this.” | INCH MEMORIALS, INC. | Tegepene TE SERS : em ton Ss, wi STOCKTON PEELED TOMATOES Toilet Thue Personal Size Green Glo Tender “Natco Chunk Style e SHORT SHANK e SUGAR CURED UNCLE TOM — THE EASY TO CARVE HAM — SEMI-BONELESS FULLY COOKED HAM Fm, NO. 214 ~ CANS Ivory Soap , ne Fresh Frozen Apple or Cherry Tuna Fish... oe HALF S 69%, Betty Natco - 51 Gauge, 15 Denier HONEY BEIGE ORCHARD FRESH, FROZEN. ORANGE JUICE $00 4, STOCK YOUR ) FREEZER AT - _THIS LOW, LOW BP) 6-02. PRICE CANS . e menses | @ » SOO Peas ...... rw Pik-Nik Tomato e 00 14-02, Catsup.....4 = ‘8 tesla | 9 303 00 Sauer Kraut 9 = 00 —aenn NBME 0 0 0 0 weies ~ BURNETTE FARMS , TOMATO JUICE STOCK UP AT NATIONAL’S LOW PRICE TOP TASTE -- FROZEN MEAT PIES @ CHICKEN @ TURKEY OR © BEEF PKGS. ah 00 = i | | YOUR CHOICE DINNER BELL SMOOTH SPREADING oeeeee a FREE Holden Red STAMPS mn sheng MMM CAVA PEL ALERES LA . re "I \ AMUN " HOLDEN RED, STAMPS WITH THE PURCHASE OF 1 U.S. NO. 1 PLYMOUTH VARIETY LSA SAAA SAAR ARSAAALAARAAAAL AJ VUUUV UU del Dedede eal 07 PRCA C RRA TER RGR ER CC ERE YS) em ‘ood Store. Coupon expires pereereeeny ‘ l v v v \ di i} i vy tert VOUVUU OY | ty v Wi Vila youve dar | a in . io th Qn Friday, April 24, -'The Pontiac Press “PRINTED MORE INCHES OF a CLASSIFIED LINEAGE THAN EVER BEFORE-1,116 INCHES! ¢ Be. Bo And On This Same Day > -... ‘The Pontiac Press 72 ee... -.__ PRINTED-A-GREATER NUMBER OF INDIVIDUAL CLASSIFIED ADS THAN eS BWER BEFORE-1,678 ADS! | «Tf You Want to Add Strength to Your Sales Pitching — _.°.... Staff Use the Services of the Want Ad Department — of The Pontiac Daily Press. Call FE 28181 Today! © = - ry F * =a 2 ‘ 7 4 F * S i aus } Paki a + it oe 25 Yrs. of Preston Experience 205 Voorheis Rd. FE 4-2857 Between Telegreph & Orebare Lake HAZEL PARK HARNESS RACEWAY .o ) Exciting | races nightly—rain or shine POST TIME 8:30 Mon. thru Sat. For Reservations Cali JO. 6-1595 A full. ‘evening’ s sports entertain- ment for only ‘ao GATES BUSES DIRECT to the 10 MILE x DEQUINDRE Heated Grandstand a the Susitna River. —~| Michigan. -| Susitna are uninhabited, but they j \ | THE PONTIAC, rene MONDAY. ‘APRIL a 1050 set Will Be Called ‘New Michigan’ DETROIT i — ery s 59ers finally are camped in the Alaskan land from which they intend to hew a farm community called New : ~ RY Word of this came today to the Detroit News from Edward (Shor- ty) Bradley, a trapper who mapped out a route for crossing the ice of The 58ers, who left Detroit 53 days ago, got five trailers, two eamp wagons, three trucks, three autos, a tractor, farm im- plements, household appliances, |-a-big-tent and a-sizabie store of supplies westward across the ice. Fearful of the treacherous spring ice they left their largest trailer behind on the east side of the river. It is. at Talkeetna, to which the 59ers were transported by flatears from Anchotage, and will serve as an -across-the-rivér base. ‘Homesteaders on the west side of the river will be isolated in a week or so when the Susitna’s ice breaks up and the river becomes a wide and treacherous, rushing stream. | ¢ Except for Bradley and two previous homesteaders the wild, virgin lands to the west of the also are level and fertile. ayo, The 58ers set up camp on the west side ofthe river along a mine ® Three Toned Tw road that runs westward toward the huge Alaskan mountain range and Mt. McKinley, highest peak in North America. The lands they plan to homestead | and to which they'll have to hack | their own road are turee miles) west of the river and five miles south of the mine trail. Signals to the west side have been arranged for emergencies, Latéx Coateg Back © Rug Pad Included All Is Now Over for Discoverer II WASHINGTON (UPI) — Ameri- ca’s Discoverer I] satellite has plunged back into the earth's at- — and presumably burned up from friction after two weeks in orbit, the Defense Department 1 early today. A spokesman for the depart-) ment’s Advanced Research Proj- ects Agency said he was | by the Cambridge, Mass., Observ jatory that the 1,600-pound satellite | jhad falien into the earth’s dense air. | The spokesman said he did not | ‘know at what time or lotation the f re-entry took place. © Plain “Bei © Loo ge Coloring ry v7 FOREMOST Professional g Gale! Open Tonight ‘til 9 Free pavers .-- Ample Free Parking MASSAGERS HELP YOU SLENDERIZE! BE LOVELIER... F LIVELIER and STAY Ped Surface —_— © Rug Pad Included - FEEL NEIGHT CONTROL tele) aunt Ce ae ae ee Open Tonight ‘til 9 * We Will Cut, Measure and Install Any Carpet ~¥ou Choose to Your Complete Satisfaction See Our Large Selection of Lees, Firth and Gulistan Carpeting _Easy Credit Terms . . Free Delivery 861 SOUTH Saginaw sraur PONTIAC i 361 SOUTH SAGINAW STREET + ° . PONTIAC ~ <* _ \ % “ a en ae eee ee et” ee ee ee eee Pe aa ee ee ee ms Se Re “ee ae ee ae ee a eS Se ee ae ee ee ee ae nikee ee Be i Pa mau t ees Bi, i) ae & -_— = ‘ * ; as ae ¥ man i an 4 2. Be ANC A Cage os eR ao He eee ne ‘8 4 q MEN IN BLUE Pires (left to right) Shag Crawford, -Delmore and Al Barlick join forces as an army of Pirates , Bo toward them to argue . he ) th a to les Dodgers took) Straight win. /~ owe Nealegs, ere: -Place with a 17-11 win) withelm's knucklers were work- : St, Louis Cardinals, theling so meli that Baltimore catches|TR Reds, who hadn't beaten | Reds outslugged the Gus Triandos tied an American|“@!re® Spahn for almost two Milwaukee ‘Braves, 11-10, the San'reague record by being charged|¥e@"s until Saturday, did it for co Giants beat the Chicago with four passed balls. the second time in 24 hours when| St oh merece (ttf 1. Cet tad eateel ox Feud mibte a | : C on Phar Pig, edhe ae ay Sa, ow th /4n National League a¢-| any and Gerry Staley’s four | : sg a he out innings of relief preserved gdie cto e : 7 | tied ‘the opener |rarty’s 251st big league win. Schies to Pica Theos tol. CALL ME TARZAN — Catcher Sammy White of the Boston a ninth-inaing pinch single |/Pierce pitched an eight-hitter, chth-Fourteen pitchers | Red Sox does a bit of net climbing trying to get a pop fly off the Robinson then sia- (pied home two runs, and scored) Reds end ‘eix Bre saw| dat of Clint of Washington. He missed the ball off the | himself after a ninth-inning triple hi screen even to use the chair in his climb. Washington won | single-handedly. homer was the decisive blow for hit homers for the Senators and Sanford pitched re; Bill Fischer scattered nine Bos- fanned four in uM ton hits. Fischer, who pitched game in four : from. 10 shutout innings against the Giants. q The Yankees last Wednesday, didn first grand slam in yield the Red Sox’ rum until the Pirates to their Or ee _| ninth when Jackie Jensen - then Dave Philley bled and scored on a two-out ‘ homered to ' : single by Bill Renna. Phillies a split. Vern Law| The largest representation in his- sce for toe firs time an epee aed pact fu oe Pie tticngee| PRESS BOX jplace for the first time as a opener and Jack'first tournament of the Michigan Angeles entry by scoring up the win for Publinx Golf Association yesterday runs in both the eighth and -nin the second game.|at Sylvan Glen. Bob Leppan of Detroit led a ” Of 300 players registered in the field of 178 drag racers at the MPGA, 227 played in the MPGA |Michigan Hot Rod Association 8 : handicap event with Bill Ickes, (strip in New Baltimore. Leppan ¢ 44-year-old toolmaker from Li- |joined the ‘Hundred-Mile-an-Hour | af sion ers vonla shooting 37-35—72 to take |Club” when he piloted a Canibal | the honors. | Mark Il, powered by a Triumph ® member came in 1946 when he * * © in ourne onors qualified for the National Public! The new Western Intercollegi- ; Links tourament. ate Hockey Association voted . x * * yesterday te adopt a playoff ~ AP Wirephete restrained at the left by coach Jimmy Dykes. Ritibarb started when outfielder Bill Virdon missed the plate because he and umpire Delmore collided and catcher Valmy Thomas ofthe Phil- lies made the tag. Det i ij gs ar J ti me i | H rh ef Pal 3 i i i : é Be ; ‘ ' i * * $ * - = ewe © Sete me ee ene a ee ee a ee ee ee ee ee | ian ae ee ee tisk Rill Tuttle fell while: fielding the ss 53 z pio en Saige S acccameemsccRonars,. © esrerirccogpraine rate cps pig tone : ) and : : _ Picked up the second Tiger run in|; 7 Bivweexr’ eae : Then in.the ninth, Kienn again|f , __ By DR. CARY MIDDLECOFF : 2 Be ‘aid Kaline ea oe : PATIENT'S COMPLAINT: Strokes being lost in sand : | Larry Doby blooped a single to/@ traps. . ) i Rocky Bridges singled|— pIAGNOSIS: Wrong technique. | : 2 - Daley went in to pitch for the Treatment: The simple explosion shot will take you : Athletics and walked pinchhitter}® safely out of almost any sand trap situation. The tech- Johnny Groth to force in Kuenn.|% nique is simple. but effective. © , Daley then fanned another pinch-/— 1. Take a slightly open . cues Red Wilson, to end the/® stance, meaning that the ne | right foot is advanced : ES: abenns “ANAS CFL Y aii about three inches ‘ahead si Being mm «3315 wills wm 4ii0l8 of the left. c ~ et $241 m 3120/6 1 feet d = wil ' th 5000 ff 3100\/@ 2. Settle your own “{ y Mt 65030 Sean > 6 f02e0/¢ into the sand to insure 2 | oc TESS Batt’ os 13331) firm footing. 1 © $220 ams,” 223S18 9. Pick out-a.epot in the a ing 3018 # sand about two inches be- — S 338 hind the ball. Your lub. oo8 head should enter the : SSeS eta ry Recta % agg ane, si tll) the spot. . = : €;, Walked for Berberst io 9th; t—Struck | 7 for. e . 4, Take a normal <3 = ‘ ORO OEE SS eS a er Se See ee Cl Se) a ee Lubanski wrote his name in the new record book with @ 2,116 all-events score which replaced swing of about. three-quarters maximum power. Hit on through and under the ball, taking a divot of sand about the size of your hand. 5. Keep the head in place, with the eye riveted on the / spot you picked out for the clubhead to enter the sand. This is the basic sand shot. ~ roiters C 2 + ~important to the field. of bowlers who traveled here from all parts of the country, including Hawaii, - Alaska and Saudi Arabia, are the. low in-the-money totals. chance of any major change are: _ The Unofficial totals; with little Rochester, N. Y, cab driv ABC Ends er teams, doubles, 1,091; Brodhage of St. Louis, Robert Orth of Kenosha, Wis., and Allan Post\of Las Vegas, Nev.,-rvolled the 289 single games. The best team igame was a 1,176 by. the Pfeiffers. ” Meanwhile, at Buffalo, the had its biggest exciteméat Katie Gesaman of 3 EF jor weekend change. Al Andressi, into 4th place yesterday in Peter- Phyllis Shaul and Gerald Weber are the 1959 Elks Mixed Doubles * * * . Big Lou rolled 797 for the only 70 of the season in tournament or league play at the Lodge 810 alleys. ished on the board making 12th. Port Huron gained the 10th and 13th slots and Ann Arbor No. 14. All competed Saturday and Sun- day. . The pins really took a beating in the two-day Howe’s windup as Ortonville’s Ray Ball had to be satisfied with 2nd after leading all the way with 942, Roy, who has been bowling only of Washington held its lead in the =| 1,3) his delight. handicap honors with 297. up. He is from Flint. Mike Andonian, state Publinx _|champion, and Wally Smith, both of Pontiac shot 73's along with | qyutam fer Gotermnining: fe two entries in the NCAA tournament. | A two-game series will be played between the Ist and ith place feams and the tnd and 3rq place clubs. The two winners , de- cided on the basis of ‘most goals 1s,| Scored, will represent the WIHA 4 im the NCAA meet. * * * Alma, Hope and Albion college Stan baseball teams are tied for 1st ‘Iplace in the MIAA race with 5-1 records following weekend double header acfion. Hope's ist loss came in the nightcap of a twin ibill with Hillsdale as Walled Lake's Jerry Taylor pitched a 6-hitter for ithe Dales to beat the Dutchmen. ‘Souchak Tops at Las Vegas By The Associated Press Leading the-delegation on to the Colonial Invitational at Fort Worth, Tex., the 30-year-old pride LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP)—Hefty i |Mike. Souchak ° brought him a $10,000 purse — x * * richer by $5,000 himself, was the’ 14th green at the Desert Inn Country Club yesterday cost slen- der Arthur any chance of winning. heads the Men's teams with 3282.| BOSTON (AP) — The Boston 5.1. Jim Northrup of Alma hurled Frank Weir and Leo Bruins of the National Hockey|a no-hitter against Calvin. Oe ein nat sit 1423 to head the|League were scheduled to depart xz *« * pac Moose for Europe today where they will) . The fine stand play 23 exhibition games in six) , Mchard Berry of Birmingham P sheul-c countries against their arch-rivais,| °° 3r@ place im the epee divi M. and © Oshust | Ban "| slom of the state fencing cham 8 Poin , . : Bat * «tt saber mek Shun” eeud died re~ te . The first game wil be Played ssh pf Lapenr won (hs weenen's £ ag 3 $32 | Wednesday night at London's + : - 28 Wimbly Stadium. title im fell with Mary Ann ¥ Sag B. Bates. : 38 * * * Saghy of Pontiac finishing 4th Sepege seo, According to NHL rules, the * .# -% Rey Bell. Ortonville | ** §42|Rangers will travel in a different . =) +. oa ‘Mew York with tuleces Chuck Kocsis is No 1 on the i igs -- $08 | Plane from honor ‘roll of the Detroit District Zim Bishop, - se1\Red Storey accompanying them. |Goif Association for 1959. The top Marvin Hersch, Rove : go| Storey resigned from the NHL of-/19 selections are based on 1958 Mae Torrey “* $gg|ficials” crew during the first round tourney performance. Completing art ses'of the playoffs amidst a turmoil.'t6 DDGA honor roll, in order of s rating, are Glenn Johnson, Bud evens, John Myles, Bud Badger, Wall's 4-Putt Green Costly Wilt, Tommy Grace, Tom Draper, Dick Whiting and Jack Zinn. Badger and Grace are 18-year-olds. . . * * * Maury Rose, three-time winner of the Indianapolis 500-mile race, was the guest speaker at the annual Father-Son banquet at the Lake Orion Masonic Temple Sat- urday night. Remeo High athletic director Dan Barnabo was honor- ed at a testimonial at the school Saturday for 24 years service. x * «€ The South Lyon Tuesday Night -|Businessmen’s League has’ been won by the same bowling team for the 8th time in the last 10 years. Howard’s Market, captained by Dale Segrest, clinched the. title recently. Hope for Sellout af Indianapolis INDIANAPOLIS: (AP) — Pro- moter Al Farb was cautiously hoping for a*sellout today for the Floyd Patterson . Brian London heavyweight championship’ fight here Friday. * + * Farb's hopes skyrocketed yes- terday when 3,500 fans turned out to see the two fighters in a double header workout at the Fair- grounds Coliseum, where thé bout will be staged. Both boxers will return to heavy drills today then. begin tapering off tomorrow. + *& & The champion sparred three rounds yesterday and then Lon- don, who is training at Municipal Gardens, climbed into the same ring for three rounds with his sparring opponents. London, former British heavy- weight champion., is a 10-1 under- National Duckpin tourney at Balti- more despite strong bids by Mary-| Boston ce bie ae de ee to get the land entries, : . : , Mike: required 77 strokes. for a Terry Grosslight of Michigan a et ts Wi h R d § aptured the all-events and sin- Ranses oy Bi Detroit 7, night -"~ it ecor cor e ‘ ga total of 281, Wall a 74 for “|gles championships in the week-|Washington &. Boston 4 . ' She mene: : Sjend’s annual Big Ten keg meet. YESTERDAY'S Ts SPARTANBURG, S.C. (AP)—|Mike » $10,000 i | He hit 622 in singles and 1739 tor|Chicago %, Cleveland 2. ‘nd game | Wiffi Smith, hit the nail on the|Art wall Jr." go" vee7-# \nine games. Michigan State's Joe| Baltimore 5, New York ist same head when dne said “I played as Fosene Manor. Pa. .. 72-68-69-74—283 /\Zambrano and Dick PriccoO WOM) Kansas City’ 4, Detroit 3 7 well as I ever have” in witining| 3 Diego, Calif joe TETD-71-71—~285 q|doubles with 1142. Minnesota took/¥** DAY'S GAMES the Betsy Rawis-Peach Blossom Sar ancouver, BO... TL79-70-75—280 2 honors with 2697 followed by (Eastern , Doug Sanders, $1,606.66 a| eam No games scheduled women’s open golf tournament. Miami Beach, Fla. ... 71-73-72-73—289 Hinois with 2685. TOMORROW'S SCHEDULE The St. Clair, Mich., swinger|Jwins Boros, $1,606.66 " New York at Chicago, 8 p.m. ‘ . u Mid Pines, N.C. ..... '70-70-75-74—268 Final Mpeetings: fer peer, Detrott, | wasnineton at Kansas chy. 9 pm. shot a 73 over the wind-blown Ernie, Vossler, $1.360 isan Fe old Tharecale’ Cuieayo, Sa08) Dakine Gt’ Denas, 0:ls p.m. Spartanburg Country Club course|smy Maxwell. 8.3600" pam sees te Ss "Pa | yesterday to win the S#-ole tomy agg 1" T2727 TR-B0 ureps, Tulsa, Oia. 3,143. _ ; NATIONS. oo gat ol ‘ ndeues nament with a 211, five under par pan ae Ato, Cale. éaews 71-75-72-72—290 pings: | ad _Lubenski, ‘Detroit. St. Los Angeles beets 2 3 and good enough to break the old Valley. Calif, .. 72-75-73-72—292 Louis, 743; Don Schmidt, Lansdale, Pa..|Saq" Francisco... 9 600 ig jtournament mark of 213 set by|Pete Comper, £1,300 jetinite-tit . and Reuther, Wheeling. W.Va., C Te | 6 “600 % Betsy Rawls of s nburg in Jenn Mente £300 sveee f vpauting: lh Plenbech and Barney/@Uong fe P1856. = sen AER, Ca ag + OEE rea nay on gets ft 1 3e8: Duke He rte . a Al i Miss Smith had rounds of 68, 70 Ligonier. Pa. i“ 70-73-74-76-—-293 Me Grew and . Loa SATURDAY’S RESUL and 73 for her 211 total. Her first|7 "whiner cat... 72-76-69-76—202 133; Gi! Gerech, Cincinnati 7, Milwaukee 6 ' we|Beb. Goalby. #1 an Smith and Jim Tod Biicage"s" su Angeles 5 | — winnings were $997.50, ' as Batt, 0 92-74-73-77—296 llpred Potter, Erie, Pan 3 04h; red Bast: a ladelpria ets ee prego a” oeeteteoat, ‘site? DOT wood, Los Angeles, 1,993; Gene Vetrone, Pittsburgh 9, ia 2, tet me The oo Dow, F : #1. cll "73-74-77-73—297 Newark, oe ae and James Aiani,/Phijadeiphis 6, game| Wirt Smith, 2s es aie ‘ § | River Grove, “til., 1.060. - Los 1, Se. Laws. i | Ste Clairy seveees 68-70-73—011 Me. eee T9RO-70-74—~297 Rar Ao ip Lag ok — kr Sl i ¥ ‘- : 2. te : ks, a : see enedme, % 5 Ds vehane TOTE , Bellevitie. Tit 2.783, and Vera's vending, (meson tae 7. “diticows doh Mental woreester:, ‘tact, see. 72-73-80-76—900 —" ‘ we ational (29) ‘vs ‘anew, ea Irland “Ga 7474-73-20. aa ha 73-74-81-82—300 WEEKEND FI nts dale 75-78-75—225 rood. Pi. bstane "42-79-75-65—308 jie, Boston, 2” a teas. ; "ps te sda sestibveed 13-75-7722)" wikelanrbalern, N.C... 70-76-76-76~206 ‘A g Fz ‘ P 1 23: 2 Lae a? Se mn ¢ pense At Gines, Nk, Perio tie Me a ices, ” bie anal pe ae. OAe + H14-79-79—106 / : ; : a ¥ z » | 3 ‘ ‘ zy ; & /, Jor es 7 “ eae ee } here big > oe haat eee ee Le ek ee ey 28 ge zal Ne a eh Re! Bs We rg ee A ee, a ee dog in current betting. SPRING CHECK -UP| a | | ; | t 1 BONDED week. BRAKE RELINING 122 High quality lining, 1,000 mile adjustment. As low as $1.25 a { I t | Free installation 1949-53 Chev. or Ford & Ply. SILIKOTE BRONZED MUFFLERS 8” | \Calumet Farm’s On-And-On ang C.|vaulter Doug -Ga GUARANTEED TO -OUTLAST TWO ORDINARY MUFFLERS | Call Us for Money Saving | Prices On Your Car Muffler Chev. 52-59 (six Ply, 52-56 (six Motor Tune-Up| = , MSU 9 Gets Better of ‘M’ 4°" = |Gophers, Illini Share Lead ) .) FE 2-1215 Kuhn Auto Service 149 W. Huron Street following the first weekend of Big} | | May Give Clu TIRE BUYS!) as fo Favorite | LOUISVILLE, Ky. ~The hunt | jin | Eighteen trainers’ indicate they | tory; Biue Grass champ Temy Field. of 18 to Race Tomorrow for Warmup to. Saturday Classic continues for a sure-fire favorite jwant one~last look at their cplts lin the one-mile derby trial. How Swerd Dancer, fresh from Sat- urday’s stepping stone purse vic- Lee; Atoll and Quantrell prob- | ably will wait out the week with- out competition before going .in the Derby. But Florida Derby winner Easy (Spur is a question mark, as is) iV Whitney's filly Silver Spoon. Easy Spur, second to Sword! eo Saturday, came up lame in| ihis right front ankle yesterday. * * * | On-And-On, seeking an unprece-. dented third straight Derby ' vie-| /ment: may have recurred. PCH 9 Divides | Home Twin-Bil Cranbrook Held Hitless; “Orion Top Local at Marysville Relays Pontiag Central dropped its 1st Orion had 20% points’ at Marys- ville getting a ot Re pole that title with Gianian i Meter iCurt Smith at 11 feet, 3 inches. ‘Brown City atid Romeo had eight Nicklaus Beats for Golf Crown ‘points apiece. Pat Emrich of Imlay; 'City won the shot put with a heave) of 48 feet,.6 inches. The PCH linescores: -- 910 got 3 ..200 131 28 13} o— 3023 —: Tiltman (5) and Skelly Jones | "ede, ot. By the Associated Press Defending champion Minnesota | and Illinois found themselves’ locked in a first. place tie today! Ten baseball. The Gophers, aiming for their third title in four years, ope: opened | “, HERE'S 120°Years of Barbering Experience for You . . . | 580 W. HURON ST. FE 5-8912 “Plenty of Off-Street Parking” | Scot soca ‘ . 1 it ieee FEEE i i A Bg a8 He a Uni- pay raise tor state employes decreed by the Sate Civil Service, Com- more for state.school aid, assum- cn Ale goed age preg ore beg ne change to Oe Te 9: An aed enutch pupil formula, to take care of | Fo. Dox Island also failed to an expected 70,000 enrollment There are other possibilities, in-| There is at. least one, pet in 40 cluding a Guess the cost of one page of advertising ...Un one copy 3 of the daily newspaper! cos ora ANSWER:... JUST ABOUT A PENNY! In spite | of greatly increased costs of production and moderate rate © you can still buy a big full-page newspaper ad, to run in every daily in the U.S., for about a : penny a copy. And an advertiser can continue to plan future newspaper campaigns secure in the knowledge § that any cost increase will be moderate and will not . Series disrupt his budget. ee Sees ey Aye { ‘(THE PONTIAC PRESS of Country Kitchen-SLICED . ) , ~ Lean Streaked 1-Lb. Pkg. ‘Frosh Lake Erie Perch Fillets - 39° ~— Erie Smelts * 10° HOMOGENIZED 3 Gal. Glass = EE : o Sealtest : = e Borden's B _ eForemost - Sugar Sweet Fresh _ a: ¢ 1-Lb. Cello. Pkg. Cho oi Blocks ..39°} oco ate OCKS «= Snow-Drift — 10¢ Off Label. } c Shortening _ 3: ce 39 Wrigleys. Krispy Flake _ ) Potato Chips = 49: Frozen STRAWBERRIES or. | a Raspberries 59 s. SAGINAW ST. “700 (PONTIAC TRAIL “536 N. PERRY ST. NORTH HILL Rag a gi 2.5 Md oe ., Cor. i © "yagunt la bathing Fri. ‘mee DIXIE HWY, 4s ‘S TeLEcRArH RD. 398 AUBURN AVE. . «caso om > cite -Ararhn Mee Open 810 ¥en. pen 9 00 Bens We Ba: Open’ to 9, Thurs. Fri. Set. | , yg 7v tke Will Sign Doesn't See How Hel aad Can Decline as Labor comes Bill Passes Senate WASHINGTON un —~ oy John F. Kennedy (D-Mass) said today |™* he does not see how President Eisenhower could decline to ap- prove the Senate-passed Labor regulation. bill. The bill, passed 90-1 by the Sen- ate Saturday, went through that body without inclusion of several provisions. the administration has insisted are needed for effective labor legislation. Among. these are provisions portant duties a ae 8 party. Choice ery Liu, a 61-year-old Hunanese, trengthened his _Peiping radio indicated, ever, that Liu was not unopposed early this month when the party command chose him to be-chair- -|the puppet Panchen Lama, his ~ which would limit sharply organ- - write all three of these izational picketing, ban all second- ary boycotts, and let: state agen- cies’ handle laber cases im. which the National Labor Relations Board refuses to take jurisdiction. There is no forum now for dling such cases. Kennedy, author of the bill, sisted strong efforts in the nine days of Senate floor debate into the bill, He contended that they either were unworkable Kennedy said he was confident the measure would be recognized How State Solons Voted WASHINGTON #®—Democratic Senators Patrick McNamara and Philip Hart of Michigan voted together on the Kennedy labor regulation bill Saturday. Both voted “aye” in its 90-1 final ap- proval by the Senate. Both voted “aye” on the substitute ‘bill of rights’ amendment which was passed 77-14, Both voted ‘‘nay”’ on the amendment to give states the right to ban strikes in public service industries; this was re- jected 64-27, as a strong, effective measure to clean up many abuses in unions. HEARINGS IN HOUSE The Senate finally did accept a compromise section aimed at some organizational picketing, but in a) much less drastic form than the administration asked. The House has been hoiding hearings on similar legislation, but is not expected to act on it before June or July. Traditionally, the House has been) apt to write somewhat stronger la- bor legislation than the Senate. But igesting the choice was not unartfi- a largely ceremonial post. It said that he “had the support of a large segment of party members,” sug- mous. Mme. Sun Yat-sen, widew the founder of republican China, and veteran revolutionary Tung _Pi-wu were named vice chair- men, succeeding Marshal Chu Teh who had held the job alone. & Chu, old crony of Mao and for- mer warlord governor of Yunnan PRESIDENT LAU SHAO-CUt jworker. He is widely. known as a - [some time in the Soviet Union, he standing ed the self-exiled Dalai Lama and successor on the throne of Tibet. ments that he fled from Tibet .vol- untarily, the Red Chinese still hope to get him to come -back and head a collaborating government, * * * Born of poor peasant parents, Liu first gained prominence as a organizer and underground Communist theorist arid as an or- ganizer. Though he has spent isnot considered more pro-Soviet than other members of the Pei- ping hierarchy. Berths at Toronto After Seaway Run TORONTO (P—A Dutch ever to berth here.. after being the first ocean der 30 hours, slicing the old itwo days. ‘After hustling> ithrough the 135 miles of canals, locks and channels, | the Dutch freighter staged’ Prins Johan Willem Friso| for the honor of being the! first ship in Toronto. Both ships_are. owned by The Netherlands Oranje Line which had been waiting, working and plan- ning for the seaway opening week- ehd for months. The winning captain was Steve this year, backers of the Kennedy bill in the House contend they have) Aaldijk. Ships of six nations were in the race to Toronto. Dutch Ship Races In First a bow-to-bow race with the! ‘State Court Backs Faubus School Plan freighter churned in to, Toronto Harbor today and became the first ocean ship garded as his last major defense | againet integration of Little Rock The Prins Willem George Frederik tied up at 4:44 a.m. EST, completing the 350-mile run from Montreal ship to enter the newly opened St. Lawrence Seaway Saturday. She sped from Montreal to Kingston, Ont., in just un- seaway times by as much as [way pilots, lack of pilings and pemose guards in the lower locks and approaches and a tedious ‘do it yourself’ system of moving ships along by ropes through the locks Many of the bigger ships and iquite a few of the small ones lost some of their gala opening day paint trin in bumping against. un- protected concrete walls. LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — ag constitutionality of Gov. Orval E. Faubus’ school closing law, re- 'public high schools, was. upheld today by the Arkansas Supreme Court. , * + '* In a 43 decisior, the court held the Faubus-sponsored legislation does not -violate the federal Con- stitution. Rather, it held, the issue falls within a ‘sphere which allows the court judical discretion in deal- ing with state police powers. . * x * the grb ape any E Despite the Dalai’. Lama's state-| -lof Royal Oak; was killed when ‘his car rammed the rear of. one 7 Die Owe ‘Weekend, “Making” Worst of ‘59 By The Associated Press of the year on Michigan highways. At least, 17 persons died. Suzan Brew, 20; Gary Ww. Sea- mans, 15; and Melvin Charbeneau Jr., 23, all of Mount Clemens, and a Royal Oak father of four. - Mys. Katherine Estlund, 25, of Muskegon, a mother of five, was killed Sunday in the collision of her car and a girl friend's at an intersection in Muskegon Town- ship. A father of four, Cass Milo, 34, waiting for a traffic light in sub- urban Detroit. David Huling, .54,.of Utica, was killed Sunday in the Detroit suburb of Troy when. another driver swerved to miss a dog and col- lided head-on with Huling. Daniel Capitan, 18, of Detroit, was killed Sunday when strack from the rear as he pushed a stalled car. George'\M. Campbell, 44, of Detroit, was arrested on a charge of felonious driving. Donald Gillespie, 18, of Detroit, died Sunday when a car he was riding in went-off a road in Center Line, outside Detroit, and hit a tree. : Mrs. Virginia Brown, 41, of Sag- inaw, was killed Saturday when her car skidded on a curve and was struck broadside by an on- Faubus used the law last fall to close Little Rock's four public high schools against a federal-approved integration ‘plan. But the law still has a major| legal hurdler. Its constitutionality | three-judge federal court here a week from today. Housing Still Sore Point the votes to put it through in much) The Grace Line's Santa Regina’ the same shape as the Senate ver-| is the biggest. ship to enter the EAST LANSING \#—-Racial dis- sion Two Pontiac Markets Scene of Burglaries Someone broke the front window of the Kennett Market at 530 E. Kennett Rd. and reachéd through the glass to take 10 bottles of wine, from a window display, it was re-| ported to. Pontiac Police over the weekend. The front window of Papazian's, Market, 239 Ferry St., was broken | by burglars over the ‘weekend but nothing was reported missing from the store. The U., §. battleship Maine was blown up in the harbor of Havana, Cuba, in 1898, thus launching the Spanish-American War, faa a ani, Oe ul | ‘complained of inexperienced sea- jseaway since it opened Saturday -rimination in Michigan was de- who had moved into white neigh- |Niles, was injured fatally and the first of U.S. registry. Her captain hoped to be the first) to reach Chicago, but he may need plenty of home stretch fury. FRISCO LEADS Some 10 hours ahead is the Dutch Pring Johan Willem Friso, 2,338 tons and also Chicago-bound. The Friso escaped most of the itraffic snarls that bedeviled the )14th place American ship. * * * After passing through the Snell and Eisenhower locks near Mas- sena, N. Y., the Santa Regina faced one more of the seaway's seven locks and the Welland Canal between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie. Once in the clear on the Great Lakes, the Santa Regina hopes to overtake the sthaller Friso. The new 470-million-dollar wa terway brifigs true the centuries- ; old dream of opening the great heartland of the continent to di- rect ocean trade with foreign | i | ports. The long gray line of freighters, iwaiting at Montrea] to enter the iSeaway created such a jam that only slightly more than half of the 24 slated to start through the lock system on opening day made the grade. The. Santa Regina and jothers back in the pack got start- ed more than nine hours late and could make only 80 miles the first OFFICERS COMPLAIN But officers of the larger ships. David Niven .. Wendy Hiller... Best Supporting Actress! . Best cant tender, bidden”’! THEY'RE " Fedtures At: a:20 3,20 am 20 9:20 The ways of love are many . some violent, THIS MOTION PICTURE! FRI.: Yul Brynner in “THE JOURNEY” some ALL HERE IN cyeer's Best! “Don't miss a? “Old Italian -§ po re’ Plus Cartoon iscPibed as lessening today by Dr. John A. Hannah, Michigan State University president. But housing remains a major problem, said Hannah. The MSU educator made his observations after studying a preliminary re- port from the Michigan Civil Rights Committee. ‘The group, headed by former Defense Secretary Charles E. Wil- son, stems from President Eisen- ihower’s Commission on Civil! The committee’s preliminary stu- |derstanding, more tolerance and 'dy reportedly shows a better un- common sense among citizens of |Michigan. Minority groups are us-| ing more reasoning and less mili-' tancy, it contends. Hannah said the Michigan August before a final report is submitted to the President. Other preliminary findings included: \Rights which has probed into race| prejudice on a state and national ' level. Hannah is chairman of the) ‘lof work to do before: we have this group’s study will continue through | Michigan Bias Lessening Disclosure that 50 Negro families | borhoods in Kalamazoo were ac-| ‘cepted slowly. Availability of a large reserve of qualified Negro teachers who are unable to find employment. A committee member said 55 super- intendents from school boards through the state gave flimsy ex- jcuses for not hiring Negro teach- ers. Gov. Williams said he would Democratic bill to stiffen Michi- gan’s Civil Rights laws. “The report seems to confirm the position taken by’ the 18 states which gathered in Detroit on Jan: 30 for a conference on Civil Rights —that we in the North have a lot ugly problem licked,”’ he said. The measure, now in the House State Affairs Committee, would enlarge the powers of the Fair will be put to the test before a| coming auto. The smashup oc- jcurred in St. Charles Township, on 20 miles southwest of Sagi- myobn Schilling, a Tl-year-old De- day when struck by a car on a Detroit street. Mrs, Ida La Fleur of West. Bloomfield Township, was struck and killed by a car Saturday at a Detroit intersection. It Michigan’ a the Blue Sky Drive In. STARRING TRIO — Gary Cooper, Maria Schell and Kari Mal- | den star in “The Hanging Tree,” the story of a ranaway doctor from the East who settles in Montana and treats a blind girl living _ | there. The technicolor movie is playing now through Thursday at TOM THUMBHE ~ Hollywood Headlines nomination for the studio (they've had hundreds of Oscar contenders) that Phyllis is being given the biggest movie role she’s ever had. She is the first star set by Pan Berman for ‘The Bixby Girls,” story of a Texas family and the loves and heartaches of two beau- this is Miss Kirk’s big year — she’s in love, you know, with the beatnik idol, Mort Sahil. I have just heard that author with Emmy Bid Lands Role: as Film Star for Phyllis AT 7:20 & 9:20 Children 20c Adults 70c and the Cannes Film Festival, has| Tournament gave come, ‘Buddy Bregman, who went. to’ ‘Palm Springs over the weekend | with the Milton Sperlings and the! Dean Martins, has been. working) hard on aq -pilét film for a new Buddy Bergman TV show, “‘Mu- sic Box." a big wel- COMING FRIDAY WALT DISNEY’S , “TONKA” story, “Leétag, the Legend,” to be filmed in Tahiti. Burl plays the California artist who became as celebrated for his) * * Burl’s attorney Edward Scho-/f itroiter, was injured fatally Satur-| field, and Leroy Prinz will co produce the movie for Burl’s own, Morea Productions. He won an Academy ‘Award as best supporting actor in “The Big Country,”” but. Burl gets the full star treatment in “Leetag,”’ which Mrs. Lena Phillips, 59, of Vicks- burg: was killed when her car iplunged into a ditch near Three) | Rivers. William Ashley Strickland, 21, of} \when his car went off M40 and struck a tree near Dowagiac. Mrs. Nellie Jefferson, 33, of De- troit, and her 21-month-old son (name unavailable) were killed Sunday when the car in which they were riding and another auto collided in Romulus Township. George H. was killed when his car and another collided about 8 miles south of West Branch in Ogemaw | mn Or a eey t's rupert i Culy, beost legislative support of a | ‘Man Sleeps as Burglar ‘Takes Money in Wallet While Wayne Hawley of 517 N. Saginaw St. slept, a stealthy bur- glar entered his bedroom and took $25 from his wallet. ‘Hawley, reporting the theft to Pontiac police Saturday, said the intruder left $19 in the billfoid. He discovered the theft upon , 6, of Detroit,’ ishes ‘Our Man In Havana.’’ INA FOCH BACK When love flew out the window) for Nina Foch she dlew back to movieland and is now back in ‘from James Lipton she decided ‘| that her place is in Hollywood, and apparently Hollywood agrees with her, for she’s just been signed for a top part with Natalie Wood and James (“Maverick”) Garner in “Cash McCall” at Warners, Previous to that she completed a role in ‘ ” with Kirk Douglas. She’s a good actress and we ail welcome her back. A close friend of Francisco “Baby” Pignatari, Jorge Guinle, told me you could have knocked him over with a feather when someone telephoned him from Rio to say that “Baby” is marrying Ana Marie de Carvalho, 18-year- old beauty from Bahia, early next month, This will postpone ‘“Baby’s” re- waking up Saturday. Employment Practices Commis-| ‘sion to cover discrimination in| ‘housing, education and public ac- ,commodations as well as employ-' /ment, } | The prototype gf Boeing's 707 \—first U.S. jetliner to be in com- mercial service—was first test- flown July 15, 1954, Since then, it has accupulated more than 1,000 hours of flight time. | MAMMOTH Screen DRIVE-IN THEATER THE FAMILY DRIW F-1N heart away on Cor. Williams Lake, - Airport Roads—Box Office Opens 6:45 P.M. LAST TIMES TONITE They'll float your waves we |ASTo# 1 CinemaScopt ST GUNS tFA ‘Its peninsula-like! the Arctic’ | square miles. lcountry extérds—.to Ocean, jless he should come here for his honeymoon. Norway has an area of 124,556! * turn to Hollywood indefinitely, un- * * Snapshots of Hollywood amie at random: + Shirley MacLaine, who was so BLUE SKY THEATER FE 4-4611 DRIVE IN Opdyk« Rd TECHNICOLOR® BEN PIAZZA} Teecovon-t Added ‘Feature RE OF THUNDERING POWER! NOW “SHOWING: FIRST RUN PONTIAC AREA we PRIZE NOVEL~ MARTY ROBES “Tete Ee) MANHUNT: IN THE JUNGLE FroM WARNER BROS. Production eee COMING ANOTHER PONTIAC AREA FIRST RUN f will be made as soon as he fin-|f I Saturday | husiness. After getting her divorce’ iv OPEN 10:45 strange appetite. They will eat only! 1 potato peelings which have been NOW ... 25¢ to I P.M. doused with gasoline preparatory Se to burning. : All that can be-. to + — men sag => ' " appens Doré 25c ‘til 1:00 P.M. Schray's. “Lonely- : hearts“ — ” | * fi 3 i ALA Sif rs: NEVER LOVE A STRANGER & FIRST WITH THE FINEST * IO 4 HWeltiis 3 “HOLLIMAN “COBB - PAE PRL ND | TO TOMORROW! | | FIRST RUN! | ERNE AL SE LE HOW DEEP CAN A MOVIE GO... RAW ano fe ~ kN ? MALIED e ARTISTS q PcTURE “What kind of rooms Pee VIOLENT as the book thet sold oe ay { TeHALe 4UMMON THE , eee a ea >) rs Soo : : s y Pei _ “BBB WaeRe's G27 © 1950 by NEA Servics, tne, TM. Reg, US. Pat, OFF. ALVIN € . OUT OUR WAY Z > i, jaya: | DONALD DUCK — : mt NOPE, DION'T Bit... a — : oS Pe sera BUT THe LINES ARE — . MY UNCLE 15 | pms —) [---THAT PEOPLE OW WHAT HAPPENS, VERTICAL NOW! - INSIDE BS HE HAS A DISLIKE HIM — -— — THE DOCTOR STRANGE % ~ FEST thy _, DR. NOODLE PSYCHIATRIS NN es et eA te Pe eM WIT Be” CME ee Tt og hs Neue Youll Find OPPORTUNITIES Every Day in the Pontiac Press Want Ad Section Take acvaritage of this easy wey to sdive all your buying and selling problems ag Sass Pee oh eee, Cth ot ig ARN ns Si RON eggs Mi Mima RR cM 3 eh 4 To Place Your TM, Rog, US, Par. OM SS -_ WANT AD awe ‘ 4 DIAL FE 2-8181 By Charles Kuhn | | NO, THANKS/ A NEW | . : ies ehcwvand toteee Eel GASSER TH ORAS] i THIN toony: NE&ED , RIGHT NOW/ ' 5 ¢ : ; 6 Oe ban Bis sy ome pore 3 aN pe oer oo . : -| “Let me check — no,/we can't maek it Wednesday — that’s Ed's | night —~ Thursday we've got @ dinner engagement — how about i Di oS 2 on ise Again ! i P 3 e . = obec Poe {sm Airis oh NEW YORK «Wide moves|Am ¢ysn Sa ote lf rs of|by motors and chemicals high-|Am Newsy... lighted a rising stock market injAm Foe ....-1 : active age trading today. reo Bi ee’ Detroit Produce * * vee 205 . eueees Pivotal issues were up from x eet: 33 wees Apples, Deliclous, 0. .......0.+00».24.0| fractions to a point or so. Selected|Bony “aium °: 343 . vecetsbies st-cks carved out gains running|Bordes °°." 743 —% uM. : Beets. topped, bu. Seseevecseseses O2.50 to 3 points nid gee 34 Motorole * BE aaa net eeherapeeeeeeeen. 1 Otis and ii tt were wn- Fe adie * od uray’ oP: 4 : F ee Horhradiah hos den, “*rssesreers 498) changed to moderately lower. |Ductuce, °°” 264 Nat Cash > 943) la vote 'to accept has been re- Ontons, aa aa vensresehé =e Rails were unchanged to 2 bit |‘ pou... 23.3 Wes. me m4 | {ported at the New Bedford, Mass. parsnip fonmedbarsasee . - {San Dry -..° 207 Nore ge West; a4 and St. Mary's, Ohio, plants. - Potatoes (bag) $0 be. ee ore ase +%|_, The wider gains were made by Gansta; Atrl| ai oe ae At}. Be anit Radishes, cote fe Darriet Cp’... aq MOF Pee... Rouhard onthouse ibehs.) ree ge) electronics end stocks, some|cats. J 224 Nor Sta Pw. 26.1 eee a Turnips topped. bu. .4......+--:+.- 3.18! affected by-stock. splits. Texas In- Cater Trac. 4 gems St fos em ga gh Bo to raise more struments, Raytheon and Colgate-\ches & Oxio | 73. one Ft: re whea' er acre basis is than Poultry and €. Palmolive were up about 3. Gains/Chrysler ...... 66.9 Pan AW Air ; 3 , any other country in the world. SOS — jot about 2 were made by Litton|Seet stip: 1 Bam, pl .: 03 . a p Fronds and Amencan Machel Seog 82 Bi : , ee . tC - FOR COMPLETE | Pet, pound J. 0.0. Detroit No. 1 quatity| & Foundry. Colg Palm’ ...-1384 Penney Jo "118 SCIENTIFIC CAMPFIRE — Several Boy Scouts from Troop as Pontiae Press Phoie ; ok sont heat hens 1s-19: light type hens! See ee a4 Pepal Cola... 36 63 of Rochester examine a specially constructed “campfire” at — demonstrations were open to the public from 10 a. m. until 9 p. m. INSURANCE SERVICE ef ae sapacecies tant See F Gas... 007 Phelps D “7: 83 the annual Boy Scout show held Saturday in the CAT building at (See story and pictures on page 21.) CALL” os ae ‘25-28; turkeys ‘heavy ‘type hens am. astro C Pw Pt v4.16) 942 Phill et $03 Waterford. Thirty-five booths with various Scouting displays and | : ‘DANIELS AGENCY. Cont Can ||’: 473 Pure Ol) ...... 464 : 563 W. Huron FE 32-7019 5 a ro oe Goat Meter =.: 126 Repud ‘sti... 34 ) : __ Detroit, 1 case tots," federal-state of Assassins a ae a3 Reso it ro X-Ray Therapy Couple Sleeps Grain Futures Swedish Auto Concern 14 1. apes, Ae A se ieee es beh St as Thiet Breaks to Moke Sports Car to i ; on ; ; Edis ..... 45.2 St. Reg. Pap .. 49.4 ; rade B large 26-29, wid. avg. 28: browns 4 - : Sorede A extra large 33° large 31; me-| OCS 10 Houston Today | Duo See --- 344 Scoville ME... 26 | House Window eis.) s | STOCKHOLM (UPI)—Manutact- djum a; small 23; grade B large 28 on Final U.S Stop; Dow Chem +4885 Shel ou ween 3 OF ti e .) . on inve 0: | urers of the Volvo auto- . Commercial! ‘ . ws N. Best Air L .:. 416 ginclagr Belair... 62.6 ; A Waterford Townsh {mobiles plan to put'a new sports itt Heo lane See mene ae| Then to Argentina Eston Sg’s""" 304 Sou Pac <2. $81 aed “dit thie tone Kee car on the U.S. miarket by the large 28-30: only ia 20.28: ence Ei hes tase % on NY aoe ~ 2 Former Secretary Now are, _— one CHICAGO W#—The grain futuresjend of | 1960. Grade B large 2344-25. From Our News Wires Emer Red “itl 207 60a Brand 0. 633 Gi D to Relie sure thing about themselves — it j Longa = H-0 °°.) 413 iven Urugs to Kelleve market resumed its general down-| The car was designed by Per . MONTREAL — Cuban Premier’ Firestoos 0" 14;> S84 Q0 Cal. $83 , takes a lot of noise &¢ wake them Livestock Fidel Castro left by plane today pees Mach ... 45.3 ms b= ay ee Pain of Cancer up. . ward trend in early transactions | Petterson, whose father Helmer de- aeaaca eaiy 6 dow velesidd alter ‘Welle Froap Tra: bi Std Ol Ob .. S18 When Mr. and Mrs. David Tuck.|*°#4Y ©" the Board of Trade with) | signed the Volvo model PV4H. The DETROIT. April 31 (AP) fe) = received a message from authori- | Sewesee }« OF Stud-Pack ... }34/ WASHINGTON - (AP) — X-ray er of 3065 Old Orchard Dr. arose|™°™ STP wheat and soybearis slip-|ear body will ‘be built in Britain. 3 slaughter steers and heifers sbout 7% ties in New York saying that two Gen PE. 334 Suther roe - $3) treatments have not eased the can-|this morning, they Glacoverad tat that |Piné. around a cent a bushel dur-/ The price in Sweden’ will be 4 dominating cows, comprise shout ao perimen were on their way here to Gen Bs --:: 3 Texas 0°... i a kitchen door window had been|ing the first few minutes. Other] about $3,000. a fen heed “saestunes ctonsther| | Gem Bde ..... 1203 Tex O Sul’ *.: 223/C€r pain of former Secretary of “ trae of Sos "corly, eplon ‘shsers “und| He flies to Argentina, completing | $*® Motors :..' 434 Tim B eBar’ * iste te John Foster Diet snd hove rece gr 1, as i pastors fully, steady trade new hoveveria North American tour during Gen Time ....108° FrameeG*’, | 34 \been stopped. There is no signifi-| Tucker's wallet containing $i {oe Young Boy Swept : still unsold cows opening fully steady Which police said he took almost | Gervey Prod’ mH Teent Cen. .-. #2,/cant improvement as yet, the| which had been left on the ved. May wheat attracted scsesersah as Se ere Sas mcg nO ES EE ee er eet atee et el cgteny ote OVET Niagara Falls | «meek ation * f , choice steers. --+-- 0 Unit Air Lin . 39.3 r Lincoin "8a Also = 5 Hee Ie 33 25-2050, makel net ‘utly| The bearded Cuban revolutionary, Goodyear -...136.¢ var Aire $95/he was not aware of any further | purse ine a Tucker's nent of long positions, mostly by | ance—every home buyer should a ice betiers grades bg loads leader left Dorval Airport for Greyhound 23 Un Gas ce. a 49-6 treatments planned for Dulles, | speculators who have been in and) NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. (AP)—| have mortgage insurance. For ’ 28.50; Righ choice to prime heif- |Houston, Tex., where he plans to, Holland ae is” UB Lines - 34) who has been under treatment | out of the market frequently dur-/ Thomas Bradbury, 342, died Sun while one home is burning, four. Satta hes Sir, Tints pend « maximum of two hours! Honea, -- 4 Us gi, Hilat Walter Reed Army Medical Fi ‘ ts FI ing the past week trying to es-|day when he fell ino the river end Bayern ae dyi it 1,000. Butchers |there before flying on to Buenos! 1! Cont °°! 48.2 Tob . 4.1 Center. ive onvic S ee tablish themselves and the bot-|was swept over Niagara Falls. An| ‘en home buyers are dying Heady to a6e lower, ‘most mised iets|Aires to attend an economic con-' Ing Hand’... .1984 Walgreen. 838) * * tom of the decline. ‘ Syear-old playmate who couldn't! - before the mortgage is paid. If Sythe La Paes fre ete reting to ie Bias A EET". BP ne. trmer secreary sored From Alabama Jail |r sovrmet rp rs tempt to seve him. | Youre Paving Sar your Mame. 1. “ er A ¥ receiv -Ta ° - *) Mgt gait Ne dane 3 tee Re |e ! - | fae bes Men oat SRS £4, 84 lower part of his neck at the boc pc genedcragrakr ti + 2 # oh dered ancchegrtrani Hee quoted 15 M1635: ‘mined. grades’ sows| , Texans tPew out plans for a | it Mier <7." $2) Woolworth. 58-7\ vital April 14. Doctors attributed) MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) — lightly bearish, slightly bullish |, Police said the Bradbury bay of Virginia's mortgage redemp- 309-400 Tos. 1300-1490; Ne. 2 and 3) barbecue for og Cuban | tae Paper ....137 oung S&W . 31 pain Dulles was having to a pos-|A search with bloodhounds was on; and of no significance. fell into the river about a mile) tion plan. Let me tell you about . Vealers—Galable 200. Fully steaay:| prime minister and instead lined (in: giver .::: 45.2 Zenith “Rad 3284 sible malignant tumor in the lower, |today for five convicts who sawed above the American Falls. He had ailable at small : cael se, Prine salt, Mee G| SP 1S binechipped citizens to craent avmsens cervical vertebrae: rast ilby Pricos See |, PHCeS had firmed up somewhat] been playing on the rocks with his| "Ns i'* available at small cot. utility 40 and "poe - shake hands with him at a NEW YORK. April 27—(Compiied py White said in a. bulletin an- eir way out of Kilby Prison Sun-| in spots near the end of the first brother, Albert, 6, and Michael . oun te ead te leet oo ter or] bmncheen. — ae ae ¢ ,nouncing an end to the X-rays as |5#¥ night. hour wheat was 1% cents a bushel) Fournier. » gt gee GARL MATHENY : owes scarce, wachanged: “A federal ith a double. , Indvst Rafe (it stn-**'of last Friday alt ine treat... The escapees were described asjhigher to % lower, May $1.99;| ; ’ $peits 30-00-52 $0 1 ere xy sia barrelled shotgtin rade herd over,neemage 218. Oe ee et ‘aie tobe Dulica’ Sa ieceiving| dangerous, but were not believed|corn % to % highér, May $1.254;/ Michael’ said he tried to reach FE 2-0219 snare lambs 22.80; utility to good shorn}. than 100 armed police and) Prev. day 338. 1912 1408 23/5! appropriate analgesics — pain- |to be armed. oats unchanged to % lower, Mayjthe boy but the current was too 1080 W: Huren Se Sate Sacco ee les ctivere whe immed cues te < case int ee mello + + GM: rye % tot lower, May] swit vere ® over the Houston International Air-| ips Stn "Seed seen ae ttt * * | Dep. Prison Director Frank Lee|$1.37; soybeans \% higher to %| Thomas was the son of Mr. and Represen 5 ’ r] port asa security measure. 1960 Low teens 306.1 133.8 nop rg The State Department spokes- | said the convicts broke into the lower, May $2.29%4. Mrs. Richard Bradbury of Nia- . News in Brief | There was not enough time tojies tow |." 1307 ‘sos ‘29 ise.¢/man said Dulles will continue Stree — ma ee Willard me ore. Fee. THE LIFE |hold planned barbecue, wel- istay at Walter Reed, where he has| Lloyd Prison, an i i INSURANCE The Bethany Baptist Church at coming a officials said. gag oP oiiag ary been most of the time since a searched without success for a Grain Prices Bayon O'Neill's first Pulitzer OF VIRGINIA 6 Merk Ave. wes tcolun tote! * * Figures after decimal points are eighths |hernia operation in February dis- | Weapon. They seized the Lioyd’s HICAGO GRAIN Prize play was — the Hori-}= omer cree the wacker end S2i'tolen| Castro arrived three hours late| ate’ rec & equip cor Mit® i25 ert |closed a recurrence of Dulles’ 1956 eet an inde g fBICAGO! Ape IAP) — Openine| zon” in 1920. i een ee Offices and cabinets were rap-| Sane — Rost Gear Cor coe" se ne 3 314| abdominal Sener: =f y ry a May ere Bape’. th : sacked by the burglars, it was and, mainly because ns ON) Howell Elec Mtr Co* *s a via Lee identified the escapees as: JUly . seeese 1.88 Opts (new) : ; : a hund prt eee . . * Sept. , a 1.90% July 83% | reported to Pontiac police. |seeking en os de phan Riny Mets! Prod Co. °° 12 13 loway's Spring Color Lewis Marston, 30, serving 10/Dee. 190% Sept. 64% : S ee | Geimesas sisle a pair ot tennle — stn Ha | Ready ay _ Manstoctaring Co 4 134 134 years. for robbery; Earl Phillips.) corn— May . | 1.37% 0 ice 0 0 : ous toe ‘Vercetedion & Sen ‘as ae m vana,” kept aad eae witlsch Co auca «=6'7 «67 |S DES MOINES, Iowa (UPI)— |36, serving 36 years on two FOb-|May. . ..... 1.24% duly . so0-- 1.2806 sare from 7 St... te, | The Iowa state branch of the Na- [bery convictions; Charles|sen °°". (20% Dec”. 1am : ba shoe store at 472 S. Sanford The Cuban leader was assigned tional Hair Dressers a yeeney, 26, serving 20 years for|Dec.._...| 1.14% | -Lard (drams: it was reported to Pontiac police | ards by the Royal Canadian Th Fi il rs and Cos- |Sw 7: 8 years { Oats (old) ay 10.10 Ges vochend. ic y teree which be ey Finally Met P metologists Association an- jrobbery; James Moore, 29, serv-imay ..... 65% July | ||... 10.35 over eeke seamed a a in Cuba, and| SLOUGH, England (UPD nounced today that the fashion- jing life for robbery; and Walter . Maynard J has now oe = . — | able spring hair color in “Iowa |Tatum, 35, serving 20 years for| In World War II, 12,000 army, mee ik Saez er rut towed) Eater Nicola Sar | Wat geen (gander sl my tee tek wee PO surance Agency. New on atiaway e school in ° . 10 W: Sawrence at w Ihe get the teate ond atone petat| Malaya, As teumnqera they eed |. 1959 Dog Licenses now due and payable * downtown asked Montreal Mayor) in the same city in Australia. ‘ : * goth" am. to 1 p.m. St. Johns|Sarto Fournier to call them off. | Both moved back to England 9. ee at City Clerk's office, first floor, City iscopal Church, 11 Mile and| —a : | with their families and settled Hall, 35 South Parke Street. Woodward, Royal —Adv.| “He could ahave Deen Killed | in Oxtord. They met for the first AA Private Detectives Gee semen See ee way time after their families moved us,” one high police Licensed—Bonded—FE 5-5201 | ignored id of the stivear-old, | 0 SeParate villages, both near i U to and includin Ma 15 v | officer sa “year-old, | here. John, now 24, and Esther, g y Bronx Zoo ‘Oddity’ NEW YORK (UPI)—Members of Russia's Bolshoi Ballet took pictures during a Sunday visit to the Bronz Zoo. Among their sub- jects: American fathers, push- ing baby carriages, ibe impressed by him. told newsmen. fatigue-uniformed Cuban leader. Castro apparently was as im-| ‘pressed by Montreal as Montreal-' “There's a | City. The only monument ers, who shouted “Viva Castro”) |country dedicated to birds is the | ‘and “Hurray, Fidel” seemed to Seagull Monument in Salt Lake) ‘poultry farmer Stanley Yankus| than I dislike.” It commemorates the sec- | Latin atmosphere here that I/ond year of the settlement when| missed in the United States,” he seagulls saved the crops from) swarms of crickets. in ' 23, will be married tomorrow. this > 3 JUST HOW HOT? — All in science, cesearcher Jack McCafferty, Philadelphia, took out a portable potentiometer and. made spot checks to determine tempera; tures in steam baths, a redhead’s id s ® ~~ LJ the interest of \ left, of lips, a cucum- AP Wirephote . ber, a cold shoulder, and the like. He found the steam bath, as at left, went up to 130 degrees, while the pretty redhead, Peggy Nolan, could push the temperature only/to 92 degrees. DOW AGIAC {UPD — Dowagiac| today said he would make a de- 'cision in the next few days on whether to move to Australia. He said his decision would be based on what he believes to be the future course of the US. against the future of Australia in regard to social trends. Yankus returned here yester- “day trom the land down-under to the 100-acre farm which he re- cently sold in protest against government controls on the ‘amount of wheat he could grow to feed his chickens. Yankus tralia and assessing the migra- tion possibilities, The wheat rebel said he wouldn't make his decision for a few days. But he said if the decision was to leave the U.S.,.his wife and family would make the trip with him. His wife, Mildred, last week described as ‘silly’? rumors that she would not accompany her hus- band if he decided to leave the country. She said, ‘‘of course I will | go with Stan.” Commenting on his inspection of country. He said he particularly watched for the attitude of the people concerning government “handouts.” He said he wanted to determine whether, when something went wrong, the Australian people tried to right it themselves or whether | _|they sought aid from the govern: | menf,. Yankus said he hadn't yet | evaluated his observations on the matter, and he did not elaborate on what he observed. When he left Sydney, Australia, last week he told newsmen, “TI spent 10 days looking over Aus- | Australia, Yankus said he liked the| Soon on Australia, Move like more things about Australia Yankus said he ¢xpected a visit within the next few days from another wheat rebel, John Donald- son, of New London, Ohio. Donaldson’s protest was similar, a protest against government quo- ceeding the quotas, but the Ohio | farmer’s plans calledgfor moving} to Canada» «| 3 will be charged mn tas and fines-he received for ex-) Yankus said when Donaldson’ came here they would discuss al relative merits of both Canada and Australia. | CALL FE 2-8181 To Place Your Want Ad Se en SS a es ; eae hs rie é ea NASHVILLE, | wems.: {MN os ce : E 1. (AP) . , ekin, steers long. se o “sewing up Me a = eS er" : Ac , 7 sere S : hi | 24 | eaerte a) oo Worker ama rae a| Saws, Hand g| ate & Foe 25 ; of : SAN FOR 1 Ss, fFian io MAN FOR MOTEL "eae Te re : ‘Hfand Lawnmower ae ee ' s Must 2 f “Work ne in CORLED ENS ) ecoatian. PE oat AND FHA Want | seni | ENAP , Tat Pyaar howe : Amber- NA sell es 4 1 ed Female ll é, of Lal ber-| Pred Herm: PP SHOES. raion sof Bad ANY GIRL, OW WOMAW NEEDING 2 ee fee we, DON ats ‘ References. wma. $3 BUSHEL. WE CARRY bs On OR 31 yu oo faa ie 8 ade ete twee ae ee wo) Sk eel pol ante Brice see Oifiee ‘Building. 1) ay leaning. PE APeuia “Sf “we” dnape, | # . Fa ay Sy He sp Gar re * : i | Rows $6 Oakland PE «Pein aps mie Oa Sat rh as ag IRS true, ind, ‘#0 ‘generous NY pampcngg mg : ee ee OMAN POCOME IN ee vreent ay N a _ re a 2 Crest bin, Jeaus, en to inal home WANTED: WOMA ny sitting W ag, Tailoring 16) tices & Personal ALL wr wa | oe cntdeed ‘by Gienveniy red eysteme, Apply Satard E|"and take sare ob arteu val ee Core ened BA-| DRESSMAKING a Cc nals 25) Po Se ass neuil See mate Pee a Fe vse fa moa elee eron, PE eens girls at rant bey ig Beene .| _terations. TAILOR: CHARLES oa for ae: Se we 3 a, . H 482] FE rence Mrs, Bod ING AL CHES — janeous ..,., ae | _ Joe & Mom Laie Dr ‘foun ot searapn| elp W : sagt wie ell, PE AIR CUSHION TER P gemma | the : Micheeh | pant TIME rE eat male 7| tee ny wore. Relates RESSMAKING "TATLORIXG. otis an ¥. 2b KEALTY picchaked vice 4 ie ‘ a sure quarters Ms] } The P at Lion store, (ox. | WAITRESSES able. Call PE AN wOULD| Rt enngee Sees (Ae | has OLYaisGRNTRE. cote TR a a eae ae The Pontiac Press Pine _Conter. a a ao 5, COUNTER GIRL ee om between 7 UE 60459. | Saitlind aad onps Ip abipe 5H. ‘ Real le ieee ope r. _ 4" exp. CED : : Garden ist. experienced ' you : . Estate... “aa FOR WANT AD PERMANENT gon. er, ight shift. Apply. in per- “Svadlable for we isu TrPiet Plowing 16 Registered. Eapertenced oa (tS 7B HOME OR, EQUI : fl emen ere sett horse Ered Melek Ry" tte te her ome. EM oar hen AName_"OTO . tS pharma ovet your proneny form. aa DIAL FE 2-81 Sed insures invenigae fem: {FE 2 ARTERNOON SHIFT ye 2: Aehidhcaemant ince: rs "Sia) Se deeb suet we fas he RENTAL OFFERED ' Froxp ‘ 81 ens. Requires knowiedg Mate Clem: (ca te eg gg REISS Riso Mrs. Wallace. Fae) fauities, for smal Or ean set : jee be eof typing.| "leurist spent ie ee comer CaINEY MAES SUPPLIES ae 2 i se ws cpltonnm || seeeteaen of gore |" eure wl ore ne sgt FINES, WORK HY TH ss» rawr ~A arian, 6 espe Ee Sheen pee = 3 errors rd ; j air Stylis th Jap WA aa GAR s Ly - for or | Remt Apt nurateg os should be Vacations and expenses. Ail repies Mair Stylist, 2901 W. Mop Mase OL, WaNTs “DAY GARDEN caer SIT POR Ae ODES FE 31383 Bh. whak for Mr, Gar furaished, cco 38 a aie rience Tal, aualifes ana OY oY. Maple, Bir- Cait mene TEE CO rE EN PLOWING” & “HARROW: ie eet ot ae weveeness BO be Bins are ees DRY PE tie" Ra ops Saw. | —Semenatration or andl ¥ veeeee 3h] ito 6 3 ee wore bert helper. Fond tains Reasona 7s oan Marti an re 3 : eo ” for cancel the chs GRILL MAN FOR $, : esi children. Liye GueSaeAPRINe FE 33000. . ay as ar Hand Weavers At f ia e ; bocopercsunae 9 ay the first Sie hey po la A NG, GIRL TO IMECGRAPHING, TYPING, SEC |“{or" Jiaywhere. PE 3611 Mew matetisie See tention 7. oeunnie ment which advertise- WY. r, Drive-In, 2490) care for 3 Liv 1 NEA 3-2843. for EARLY ARR. EB 5-651). ‘i fi. long. weaving, U ; || SES |) me ee (See ee weg aren oe rh fo Ee ete rar am ion acusesevessupenson ets A the € a © ae INTAKE ke part time | _t Ba’ wo 3 aaa ere inade, be Have salesmen say a TO LIVE IN ens atc rs. re’ coum SeaRY FA ldwin and Wal- eeonoaticaly SAPELY AND ¢ Can p.-y Your a au Oc ennsgneeee your sure tp people. Exp. time sal Works: Apply 441_ Emerson, Sar e ‘sabes hroees Waseca 1 mh PARE warDiet wvlet. 08” cent wl in tee, matter 5 a. Tala wil be Go f| homes.” Ne but if you “at Emerson, ‘Day & Might YAILABLE, — | |PLOWi r PARE. GARDEN PLOW. oases ‘het 8 cents. at acetic tt ihe, mon oe ate eee Be __ Help W. fod ha “1 abel maria , 3 i Ureo, miner. Cause eoneee ATS Ep Ciaelng time, tor adverts 5 perce. oe oe a a outed Si sen see a a — In Debt? , Petition — of freer type sizes seal oak WANTED. Sout. Betling nate sages mdb og YOUR OWN + or part tim ‘Auburn uo jo. If you are is : svouts sileging. that, the filed tn “tats reguias | sgate se eae sally advertised Wat) silting. ox e days. ft <<: encase lao Nic. OF | Stcmtos ments, trouble meeting BROS.’ 18. 7,9 outlay NTS LORS ‘EDIT p . a eR ae. miner SA "ESMAN WANTED FULL on 82 2 m. A c “pliediom ei: > ateelenenebaiad Se - REAL, Bereze : Beng Cone. Def esenty. will tench. Bible sales TPS 5 ee eee MOTHERS DAY SPECIA Open Even 8: aes meas ier os Berrien Pe ais oul teh is my tee Pe era “Inaurance Agencies I7A\nintiuoe Sees eeapee a ope eet eT : : EKEEPER. early ~ fifth Ww INURAN RUM iT ae. Dd mee os are hereby note os = ey N10 SELL COMPLETE | sow re tas wk. MALE OR PE housekeeping Mesizes part time TURANCE FOR, EVERY UMMAGE SALE AT CH th, ~ ‘proper ans] : aid eby noti- | Sale Bale Lote oe csss--. 4 2, Py LETE | MEN-WOME ec 1 } ee 6 eopoeai. time} serves arasia yd April 30th ae Sine he. Paul M. Jon Buyers S008 Court County | For po Ena acon ete. Thins an} laminens Pt AR agp ww. atic’ Press| 7. FE. Sikes tasurenee Age Plothin Ween. women's, “chi to 2 ofa ME Joss Reale, - eae ae [Se , 1g 98 a Ee a Se ye a fear, “nat ahs Se pee oo oar Lewndey ae ie ae eee eASH . on the Pretit ted 4 BB. T TIME irley. MY ur AR [ALL AVAILA the forenoon, axa vat ib get eae Property snes gs 350 | re} | _Pontine Prose, ton 08a ine Press, this summer. sel FOL, TME| Building S . pera oeaeertd means MERE LABLE FOR) we , WILL TRAV " ppear personally pA 4 7 4 5. a: WANTED A- 3." Y| $300 pe maremoete Kt. 4 4 Service Servi FAMILY WE SPECIALIZE RD. PE 47065 we we travel te eee EL ae said ;: 2 SS by Lake i FORD learn. Gall. DI sah While you| ui 12 LTD FAMILY LAUHOST pomee Bagge wy your bome a ee eS: a es 450 7.20 © (11.04 wore Motor , Saies .|PART TIME ye Kare oe CauEe iquaary. 00 &. Te Pontisc rience with ceed. tyenes| ass . land contract for 0 ©6600 4 na’ ae aes, tans highty intell PosiTion cea att tay towers - legraph. FE (Free pick up mi detiver dealer RD a Sos ‘Copy. 00 ‘0 "f se Ww CAR Hours oe od mas we an. Sa Ze BRICK AND 23-2340. ~~~~- ndscaping 18A Ht hy = ir’ }. en R. RILEY, B k ute olen : inl commer-|'moval’s _s1sb op Drive by soa ro BOX Young M for Sppaintment REAL EST. 31128 Jone re, well eit eatipped. Call ne, basements moval ae SERVICE WE RENT brite el “as Eom Lake Rd. = RUPLIES en -to A ATE 8A upped. Call MY FE 2-7 RE-| _Dunch_bo ‘3. SILVER FE At 10 to in local ssist Experienced p LESMAN. ceed wo Oe a ALL 0 PE bafis Get our bid wis. FE 46896. WARE 4-4821 ; a.m. Toda: to oon em branch in coast Kuperionced » Sue, bones ALL KINDS KINDS OF LA WA Rent Apts. ‘were replies ..t ae there }| but mast Experience annest past! Bon. Por Broker competi a x AE ial aut aaa e DEo 80 women to \NTED cs Furnished 33 office Press tellig able to unnecessary me Bae appointm UMINUM SIDIN ROTO FE _2-0603. 20 Ibs. OUSEKEE: ane oe P ; in the following $4 geny apd) oetateg with “ , Peterson. ent call Garages 1 SIDING "4 & ROOFS MARION TILLING FE = 5 “ea ernie mo. veryenes — =. 1 ADULT, % 3, train. you to those accepted. We BUD” Nicholi yout home. ,Drivewsys ROOPS.|“Aetiveriers, made or you pick Up. ROACH HEALTH | it, you. |) ROOM BTU od . 5, 10, 14, 23. f at our P d. We 49 Mt. e, Realtor _mates FE mes built. ages __2601 Crooks @ or you pic gel, INSTITU Everyth Dio APT. FO = 32, 35, , 31 Sepeeed, Call, Mr. Duet Car|FE_5-120 Clemens § a _ VE +510 3% esti-| A-l boks Rd UL pick up. Te | + eat gag 4 LADY. of Wo snacbier 5, 37, 57, 59, 68, ' before 1p. y at FE|W : or FE , GL FINISH sain m ai TREE TRIMMD “400. Wtd, C week. FE _o3ist ue, Cooling snarenteeser ly 15, 83, 85, » 6, 7, = Bae aces They Pontiac Hard Wish, FE 5-372. ovals Free esti ING AND Wtd. Children to a a 1 Ole re 5-4isi. move ai 108, 114, ae 2, 93, 19, || Help Wanted . cock and. serv Rast be able to ee CK, Pioot Service| 20001. Lia canine ea AAA LICENSE: 0 Board 26 van wrig ve Ra a PVT. pies cclecenee BT 17, 118. Female 7 ties, & 5 mre i aa a] eee "ee fo CEMENT oo; SERVICE FE_ Aa. LICENSES, BO re & 1 LARGE “ROOM ; | Gifts easier ietaoeten “68 . ayon eaux 3 _Apoiy in. perbon, fj Dag ~BOLTpOERG ‘e. OR 3-8402.) COMPLETE CiWwi “BABY say PE $6590. ARDING _ Parkhurst. FE > io. 1¢2 | Trees ..... cesueseren 38 F r x has at ADVERTIS- WANTED “as Hospital. RNER TRUCKING mages. Grins cle MainTe.| = > ITTING LOV ty BLK N. 2 | Miscellaneous ceieses HOR 1 uneral Direct you have re the dem ray or wom IMMEDIATELY Al- FE 5-2853 ing lawn ew ‘ing fertilizin 1730 ING 7 CARE | Theater. 3 pontiac DRIV + SORAUED «conse eon st - 2 “i eno Ti| ith’ Rawleigt supply S eteens + Quality ING SERV. ence. contracts 's. Wtd. seniors tor wating bath. VEIN Gamers. 8. 5 ripammnecenpel COATS 4) Tiiset prose toge st rapre| fee, Can sain Wo, weet Bene| MA ER CONSTRUCTION ¥-}, Lndacape” Sere fee Elan Household Goods 2b serting coun, every : Hee eee ee eH - - D ‘* a a wat ged 9 Rs ae © abemensistsen Detain Mins, oe = ae, Soo kad up ful ime, Write rt ce ea or On bai ee toe seme +538. ANTIQUE DIS HES, 7 1 1 ROOM, M. KITCHEN : ae er FB pti co Be saan) Dicken month _Preepott. tu custom drawn, OL PLANS, Se eens vie. ee “Form. omt|_Gock. Albena mere. re ; Btore sees nees ANB Do 1 sarig;| Pick-up monthly OVER 7. ~ B i) Suse Sars OF ee es WING DISKDS 3 PE 2-5463. “EB mare fey tne, MF i — Alberta ne 290 N. pvr. Sooriing Dood 2c 8 nelson-Johns); Gar eeeotia, Phone for vicinity =|" Employment Agencies 8A meat work, Reskental,& com rine |B nevme re amie PEA sy, Pome | raaka a Wires Le ee signed fot Furer gy Rng sie ei rte | aw rucking 19 nancr Gan ebcocs ox ieee Suk 1 RM, KITCHENETTE _— = Trees, peel ne anes UE tan fag rome tae, Gensel won. Fal ' &1 ROBB 19) Cini oe ee ee a 2 ITE. PVT, Ext. = Bardo CHAPEL || fed. tiegwurpal eapeiece velyn = "iets. aareniag| he SOE Yn ES | Space 5 = | Eee ceapre on a4 Se - Sanaaee oa V .. MI + unless quaii- con, in ee TNOE 1-A Reduced od tae ITURE NEEDE ly, $11 Sia Gee COUPLE O a Wateriord venecenicnd oorhees-Si ] BEA OPERA " a. — ate Sheet or FE 23100. DER orn MOVING “CO =F ates - pene oe one ee _ Se ee ROOMS. aw Saginaw. * “wy , ASEMENTS 4 ‘ =o NOTICE OF sn, 0. | , ’ FUNERAL ple a tg gd wards Work Guaranteed ST ROOFED |Reaschable Rs 9 wereng,| _ Sele. m Jo yon Ez, quiright of Cutis iit EWLY DEC. = Se “rime wencusxome ca FUNERAL HOME sears sgt an S| BEE vers Sega neassabie tes Sore Cal uran 70 BOT = aL i i s te ty Bevomtinld | ante a Vase or Moter.|'$ as OL 2.1911. pacernoster i LOCK, BRICK. CEMEN Sune te BIH MAM E ANTED TO BUT — ALi TYPES) 3 ROOM APTS. P : a —— days wk. 3:30 : ag a ® handsom es T WORK rout prca_Aay tine. FE 8-008 WILt. L. FE 2-553 ae ae VT. BAT og Grain Peed Cemetery ; ights. Vic. of dy: 4 6:00. y” to assist s “Girl sme | BRICK. MA _5-0378. Tas Any time ME hold IQUIDATE Y FE & & $16, 266 8. is LB Meee jssnsevescvee Lots a ee ist. $225. fim, good typ-| Tate. CEMEn eget Sowing « SERVICE ee yee! HOUSE |" ee name. nee 4 CHOICE 5 me WANTED. ET GENER Lan. r $ p.m "vig ating On Set. L. , — aieatien. —— sale Ground “RM NEWLY ag ae os lors ¢ cnarm oD P. 2. Write ‘Pontiae - ree lax 2 i to ‘ao tite ~ cul Haas RATES iim A Michigan. Ot Farm, Roch: Pa FE 81293 poli an tik J t. - t= mre EAS RATS OCKING. ' . . . 9 *holce lot at Oakland Ain ene aesenabiowriay pay Ae oifice, A er oar CUSTOM BUIL’ d pe ey 7 with Marca Anal tine, met BATH NR enn near Wa s Ce “Apply at MUST BE Lite typing efal ih f Get ou . HOMES fil) ditt,. Ui | _im_good- springs Ee BED) Stults quiet, ‘Murph: Bus oo vod Bow | cu te Hey ‘Drive-in. 2000 LEGAL-STEN | ea mLARbo BUILDERS Sous Sot front end woading. FE|_ Wid. is nal ett aa 5 Shcatb- NEWLY DECORATED. aickane SH CURB eee eae © to EOD —— le eee ; : ory Mt Pa reat Comet Or PER dependable: Ap Apply ibe BE NEAT | iioeal Ty a bons waows going — er ee: A: . | own todls. ‘Aspiy se ee oe EVELY ay Ppesemey 3 i 3-0881 vo Wb OR 6 ROOM HOUSE. ar . , 21, *80. és is. ust SERA MAID. TO LIVE IN ZLYN E w TING, base Tal. |_ St NGALO “NOTICE OF | BAER, “| aut. Apel ane. St L MAID, TO Liv SVELYN EDWARDS ~ Ghee F ier cae BaTIeT ting, FE 40255. ment & garage z reek or phowe MA_ 5: NORTON HEARING ABR, APRIL, 26,1960 AROUND Ing and Shae tains aul ONAL COUN cio. | tonk 2 a yee ihe etal ee Sa “FRONT 2428. ae eat Ctaprerements by Boot ae, i baored Rertora “Fomahip: “as eeazrare broom Vee Some ld “Sate gyro 3 Benvige NSLNO | the So water heaters ranges and en cooem ee ar Bar| ey tuned: tls. 28 Or the m- leas burn, my Used id care. MUS corre gt EAS amon- | -_&2 ; tee val COUPLE DESIRE ae Se owners Schmi Sam ef Bemuel | A | SUITE T HU - tric_Co. 10 v| P I foom RMB. wi in we mee We Sic laes nase Gatton Sen gectiera| e SET? fos) REE mo saul Sa care Ad ll eee aa rigor mt en Bay oe ve Replat of | 12, 18, 16. 17. Mrs. : deer Baer an, free TION ré vi Pet .. n Walled PRESENT ESTI ; . AINTING | rs red. OR_3-2403. fies.{2 LARGE Sanford. Estates; — Lake & cee 24 of — i ts will weet ap, Bt irleee tn “ta town: ae Pikes or ros ber on WE ge A TIVE j8. Pgh he & COUNTER TO Net er removed maa re Li nes tear RMS, CLEAN | F REA- _, Replat’ Lots 111 thru clu oI oe agg 7 ‘\capy “ip Live TN OwN ai et mB, Munro Electric Co. FE f-42 Share Living Quarters . ¥ cM 7 Rotates ot Form pry 08 cae wh | _nerai Home. Parmer-Snover P= Erie ey ee Lake Orioa| “and TV. General it OWN a. Administration ajo, ny getnen GARAGES Electric Oo. FE uot) i Work uae pBAPERHANG-|WoRs ving Quarters 30|7 asuts. 100 Norton, 28 sitet 8 bt peal "Soeur | AMEE, AT a BUMPER & PAINTE bs Raarorne 2 ser. et ya te deat pe ce dee aa Se Steg uate, "ek ig. 3 ROOM. ee take notice wig a PRIt. 26 1060, ‘KATH. rienced, body R| LA lag. PESO oo gk gt x eg caste = Stsranieed ee est FE «a0. Eas ee sath "aa wo A sammeiehelllinn: iat that the Tow Ha of Mrs. 101; “pers ment ee an, Ste DY WI SA FEE ne __inets. UL 2-347) — ‘cab| Pa iG 4-9205. 5 Sr GA| > RMB. 70 wont Tripp, Lettie ; oto "reliable em-| Ea TH. M LES | GUAR FE 3- years & DECORA d ge abUTR of Bloomfield taken 8 ee. in ates Deater, Onas ¥ Desoto Ply reid| the Fie dateri — $100 per CAR ie gene 28-40 with tree ROOFS sone yo ona Wtd. iene. Fe onal pioomfce| Sgn Pugera Bane, Tak | oor, 0 as sh We Pike, |_Lends ering Company, showing Gm Aeeaeaa iy aa eee os hawbe tet me Maras eee acigip Mtge, 32| faite ats hte . Ohio, for servicg, an pe ees. | eer ¥RS. OL hina, sterling, $a Pe oe Mee le re oar ary) PE 5-775 ‘pymt. Name R 8 cAsH < 32 sulznnet.. 2 ee are PRIVAT =e atSe pin, Arrange | Sap watt pee, 8 oad joe. Woe TADY 70 HELP MAKE a ea] se ertae) ORS oat Mae eines | —— Pom tap commmacre.| #2 2: I 8 gy 'Rome. Grittin Fa. | CAB 5 DRIVEN EX EXPER si Mist pe neat a0 ee cr oen| Instruction ~% TOUSEMONING MEO SB TeAns a Ge aie Dnt SY?) vain + 3VE ceca stead art TENCED, talk to Se Ps bi RS E 4-8450. FULLY Sues ree estimate: | MoO y= CASH’ bath, 31 Sto . ENTRAN 5 elon Bi at pnw) Huroo eae ee Civil Se fous GARAGE mee aa a oo gptgatlen “Te Extra raMa_ 6 BAP ie Ph. Mi #1900 for dtrection to Joh. Fhe ie ee rvice - terms. FE 00 CAINS ADDF wan Washing — ancl HoROK NOPE BoFeet| coupe preter tee ee gat Ec sor ee von on to SERN Toon Gan Ee rg “CASH cuirhedaaall OWN Boss, ig indies fo { M base specializi UC. 1 eal 2) c? eas BATHNORTHEND. years rs one — ‘under coor, ed sales work at en — Wome: sid ment plaster ng in poured aa tt etn ee av Newiy decc > NOR 8 elles small ai $,800 der on| Healt Bsmt pote agg 7 ag commea Cvewary, od rough: by sien, FE 24608. AILABLE FOR ue Fe ae ile put| Beslth Ins ‘essenti ervic e stud ae ing ia Seance On et 4698 TRACTS LA 3 ery nice. pe yn varinesss 14" giher Avenue call . 53 pone foach a ¢ appointments,” for Civil| MILLER 8 Bee On 41967. : Television Se wo Fe Re eee ee Ss + AMS, MOOERY FEN . oT . ie Esa Peas ie et Salaries start high Eaving saanaing and tnahog DAY rvice 22| [\ OM Cae |? ICE LORS Pontine Rds nr. Opdyke: | nton. Se ra orext * aaahaal ity; high salaries, Bt Phy a eee OL hing L.o% mors *y, aERVICI o John tie: "pe bain ga _&. Fast B ‘Chuck, iy GE ING FOR = ean pelt vocations "paid sick Tong IND al Kl ee poled En ere Hes a otigs wont Buta | Fe de ee : eae Ts sain SE tela Mia aader Ope cage "Tite Pre. aa ie une & ev be ad Telegraph Ra. 42533) FE bath & ent, Soe a be expert rator tnd ire pase, box e informat! U PE 2-0495 IMM +) only. Seas coltice enced, Attte Baer ei oo lvemente Gig ns pholstering __ py ot Nl Kd Ban st Pontiac. B RE ‘| : DRIVERS W 9 Bev Cr * icbigan. GISTERED NUR 514 Court LINCOLN SERVICE . KLE'S CUSTOM a 23) on ‘any good ION roe mis * ‘por aeey model Tande S wit LATE CHALLENGING < § SE 4 Court Ses 5-050. intebin PE ie Comer 0k PROLSTER: i peacmoes. ind contract. New a GEV™ BATE AD pen cowetete to haul Nursing | post eed Ta Pekin, Mitpots Dept. 25) ROC rem ups, Me EM) tie Ase ken fim upen sate oor, ne phy "S|. Bepending, upon eps Plnue| Work Wanted Male 10 ae males ir: onl Seager ompen FUMPERa| cations ale REPAIRS | |Ruge aNp, DesOLaTERED TURAN conre 8 a fl tsi ease leant etre: Aa PAINTER INTERIOR fe NCHING!. EXCA eine FOR weitere. cleaned. le wt orohare_ te “_74 Realtor . insure AN Ditch ‘eld . ti se Sm rs ‘ cere | tered, Min neut-| 4-1 CARPENT ae a ery a Mite Hi 8. 83 gay Cal OL 5-4080. AND CONTRACTS TO BUY 0 iKooMs. HOT i + have and NEW ing, ae | ROOFING, 'OMAc : or EM 51006 arrels, al at ter farnished AN coats : Mic! i 8 Eee repal: sib. 197 NO Bsa 11| -week 130 and heat, $1 tertor So. Pree ests Licensed RTH PERRY #6 So. Pace Phone Pr or Ok Sait. ect “Buildin ewe ia : By WE ha Ae » Phone FE aT, ae ” ers, no drink DAY ‘ L : age Supplies T2A\ cose. st& Found 24) nt Land Contra & auiet. Also 4 ae? ve ee \ =e ® EDGE R ake LUE AN N racts dock. ig wail, ROCK .FOR et, Vieintt; D WHITE Ask IF DELIN 3 ROO f ree oo. ON ™ #118. Ra, bend os r~ 4 we Crescent PAR: FE 34 Sais" ot Saies aoe i oe ie ata: “ . ‘Reward! OR MA 6-128 Se NE 22508 : et epee HUMPHRIES RE ol” ceed Ge” Son oes Bosrr, f Chiid a ‘TH, za . * PE eli Ld ‘ i ger. Beautiful W 13x. “443 eae streete, 44.680.” - arvelignee one {lee Wr. Sets Homes, Tnc.| BY OWNER ie Inc.| nek ~ | Commer , Mar 41870. id. Near new 'THIMK!' RA KI" | RANCH | 3.EDROOM BRIG wor a ELSE CAN You" LAKE OO WIPEGES on or BY Y ; : - NER 4 R 4 ROOMS ae tom $82 DOWN: y Caneel, is ° at Ae ayment. ARAGE. LOW -TOTAL-— brick WHY PA Sasknen ‘AL- homes =: YR : or MY 2-6006 AND seven im: and acre lots ; i ae som A $69 PER | N Pontiac in from Just f ‘2 wir With 700 F Estate PER MONTH | itty a a SULT 1 RANGE & OVENS t. on L 4 ‘eatu : LOADs : 1 ake “3 restaring © latge taxes. OF MODERN and Toom PEATURES BEDROOA sear See oavagete , ~ OM COLONI eS oe, a MODEL “ h doors ancam “ DAH LAKE Esta AL and landacaped lot, bur OPEN a4 uw . "| ithe Hel Ww Huten Fai Cifetioes Al ee bedrooms: bath: 3 WENAUERCEET Fuipat 1 0° : ? aap i oe 8) —— f ull | ROOF & uminum ae basement} 3 blocks yews Y 1 Three , SPACE INDUSTRIAL; 2% nets oe . PRL $45 mee, attached 2 Bn gene ——s laree ge Nr. eS , We have severe’ newiy Courthouse, 5 cess rorkers. Modern. 1 wal consider" se cown. Owner sus FHA > Greed! ‘vith aia’ ft “coment. drive WESTOWN oe oo hast, he = oh eglie ghewag © Parking. 238 Peadeck: PE $tizi Dandy Tittle Fare 4, oe ~ ‘atre Je minviee PE ¢2163. or ul poe Septal vedSaim® and taxen.| 141g Paddock PE wsizi| Bear é Little Farm : DLORAH ™ Fe odie. gek|_ SYLVAN LAKE Me A aod. see ‘Bome "more. |» He ceo Oe fhe Onat.| berries. Saov sno trees, grapes “and . AP Newsfeatures Builder of BUILDIN Soome For additional inf etre - . w . “ iad A tYNARD. SLATER |—fit_brvate tomy: Ps GENTLE | brent living. ete fame. peed | - FE 2.9122 ecient, ot] Bee a home Pire- WIN SLATER. | wee ee ee ne. privileges. ge Soin, ising seam, cheers Xie Larse’ For Sal | HERRINGTON Bity, sewer arias 1s 53-55 North Pa ' 89 io ko OM seis. Property all Tented. Carag an. eeenceaes Houses 43 Sale He 3 bedrm, br i HILLS — 43 THORS, lake Pog vopet aa . ‘PE arke St. | SLEEPING Noa i $10,000 in ad “Asn u pees | BY ey * conus ans oara For H euses a e € sto 3 BED *s smt., owner day ’ . 2 Sue RCH : | _ St. $6 per. wk. 16 THORPE wn and $65 acre of eet Ake AND BATH ; . owner, $1 EDRM HOWE. BY i MILE ROAD AND DECKER 3 HARD CO) COURT SLEEPING ROO FE 5-401. | Fee See, Pay dbwn. me EXCELLENT eck OTTAWA HIL 4 FE 5-056." sto: to mortgage. | bedrm ; Py men. Ing. Me FOR ints ( 7] rd, Utica. RE soo, souls Se * ae ea ol You've ne HOUSE FOR je, car garage. on lot, 80x: + * = —BR. 3190. . School 8 TOUX- 8SYLVAN LAKE screens . -privs. Sto Tm. good hom ays Wanted : housetrailer gale. WiL 7 = pangs. Fenced pers storms AN SLEEPING ROG IN RIG? HOME ra 3. Di rm. e on th a CL Face | _ 2-400 all —AIR D NEW EEPING ROO! or nKS FHA $500 Dn. 4 BEDRM. rapes & gas ms & —-HERE IT ec West Side 5-1550, trade. Call 5 $6,900. FE FURNISHED 5:0 00 ve pc Bhaigys Pei nd 005 Dine Hey YOR 3 FOR SALE B FE +706 comer Bat served. mee) SS ha fruit, 2% yrp old. | Pecren Mire jeratery. Car- bee ee —_— cs, rough win: wey —DRASTICALL ROOM ; ; = ay recreation Gas —< FE s2057, og ‘ ¥ REDUCED— "epuona! gh ga BOARD | GI- NOTHIN MULTI-LAKES REALTY (| See ec oe room. Double brick faunity | ofie oe ta Oe ay ba &Z tarter Home is ‘ Pontiac's _ most ; 165. ee tana dT0o L d patio - wareg er low UILDERS : : ss west side spartsnean det modern ROOM Etats BOARD z beatoom reach bome win | co ee tad screens iota sinum storms $Secieyes wits Bars: purchases Yoo 9 cunonn ‘stom. “Quality $600 wh . : elopment. ex 4-604 g Toom; edroom. at . Carpo ms oo-0 ek Nic : Balcony tye building "| EXTRA CLEAN. HOME ee eS ae with fireplace. oll FA : home, furnace. $11. rpert,_ insulates. for further eee, wee care matntes We’ date” ty | Bee Bae tat weses he wit aF car gar to ctric heat th $2 ation B obligation. hot . off heat, entrances. th individ- §-0377. Ye Matthews: Privi i ge On lot a}: 9 boa cascepek ee’ Large aoe Paul M M. J saad L ry rye MICH. FE Builders Exchange we: Seabee hester,. Ga- ENGLISH R s.| ~ ~Chostn Crescent Lake rms. Price $76 ones, Real Huron St .. 33 had - Immediate | "Bald- ACER, Conv ya a. costs wi . ,o09, | FE eal Est.} de BY or ,W. G. L Beautiful Kitcher » aia COND. | inst valescent Homes 28A /s pouty “will move | 3060 8. Commerce Rd j Crescent Take PE tims) “eral ma iy PEATHER- PeaThnn: BLTR. VAR LAZEPRO ts in decorator th meta) cabl-|- ringy Loom vac. aT - Y INCOME s MA 46-1578 sadroses ke Estate 2 GI contract. PE $1.200 buys| He: WATURE LOVERS” nT colors with pias. iy lady io our CANCY FOR EL- | brick with 5 Y OWNER. 5 Praste Hardwo | 7B BEDRM. Here is a very - LOVERS couple = Meal re 6 limited oF amb Cant. borg for the ceure' a and gountsy wi Mocigey HOUSE ae on —— painted Atk floors. | GARAGE. tee iae consisung of I piece of oPPER arity epee eH + Bo, leases” er HAVE VACANCY aid bate sp renting L~ gbedrooms. 4 AM gerd g emo | sponsible $1,000 down to ~ ‘ROCHESTER “AREA _ schoat noel ad “Gece Re _ heart : : nore 2 NICELY FURNISHED ONLY— paling | bed or R MAN on; heat and tone with gas Beater. lavcere Elec. + oe CUCKLER tacty 9 bedroom brick LOVELY 6 ROOM MOE mci 2 terms —— "Zoned ase ogg =“ luanao ground floor. 34 ‘bo ambulatory Wil ieee men cat garage. Pert base. | REALTY fetes, “Danke: * K. Double at: $ ROOM MODERN BRICK boat yg poninn 9 va. Be TV., utilities, - eae 8 OO ST. APT. 6 Home gates. Glen png Rea- pra le. " soea. — = of trees. en base- N. Saginaw 4 =) y fi. oi. Dining _ basement, =| ay cones BR Bye Ah gg ad / 4 erred. FE , Sayiatien | 8-6918 ea et ureing wae 3 PLA 42281. 1 5 44001 | baths patio | y tm wood floors. Piastered with | . Nearly another sm : 1 ACANCY oe —aMBULA INS ; : . Owned fireplace. 1's red walls. ter modern. all : cps meee ’ oR ta MUL * | S m : call, occupie 1\y 2 car o restaurant “hen Pp pemt 's weRerFe ores w ree SUNDAY po aaa Men or women. ve ~ iat gly po ony oa TIPLE LISTING SERVICE e inole Hills fas 1185 Thepection "avited. Ae es Sat. are wi ‘ony i cai home ed . a x rms., ° cat Onl BRICK - Vin Tk 3 BEDE BRICK . down i ee ai a bein on beautiful pri. lake and grown Hotel Rooms | IV: 1 are Al 1R ROOMS PULL BASEMENT! Walnut ea. Screened porch. 2 rai Dorothy Snyder La prey Em. tots = bate.) son re: - lake and ground | W - ; t carpeting and BED-| kitchen. ee ee 2 Realtor iyde ven a After 6. eet ee FE “Fate . ‘aia fishing. UN HOTEL AUBURIN 'REAI TOR” OPES First una, oeret Area i tying soom. Sains 4 draperies ; Avondaie e. Jot: TiAGee es | e co BARGAIS * 7001, Highland Je, Tones r et EE 3 STREET. GR | Boome | 942 5-94 offered fo ort ‘nse sinsbed te house + . HO} a : DOWN — or woe. d baih, sa | £m oe OUND FL by, Day fe JOBLY 71 feet er es See ts om ont eee S| ME. WOODED LOT 2 BEDROOM r MU 46417 tioned prt. ent., air | path, 645 te entrance R.| wa 2 Wot Onn TE ANSF’ South a e, located extra lava’ er. There v, Buy m: LK BASEMENTS. TH. Ct ace e fara vay jute sxvern 6 per mo. CH;| Coukiog “and” refrigeration. waite amy ENING oe aN SUNDAY wit have to see itt ise i! | ‘food dime oe Other fear | _Sé000 ssn ectiy, Mee | EAROR at Meory, 3 | ~ Zo. Aexere Secs. some - 2-9239 ~ ee reciate | Sne, erran up you : Finns ON ee OF ae. on apt. Pri floor. Stu) 3 bedroo: at features $21, ze a y hens OWNER TRA. ALL ‘ Res tA Unf pati a pubes oper at aod Rest = * L] laree ior wall cerpeting in me. “ewe arrange t peng! pote root ranch ia Clarkston ats CLOSIN " NT. , Se pe as ea UMIOW LAKE = 1 BEDRM APT, Okie Male oa miacx: ms 2 lg tee wg «te: Drayton . __gisteg trace, “Eaatictped | yiM PR RICH, Rest | Nothing Do BATH. OIL HE apt ne e. Heat 1 4 NCH Hi oom, 1% as & fost | YEAR : ple . R ’ D AT ie Playste: building. —— ow ov fur-| less than 32 OME and it Secrene L* seoe tied 3. bedroo! a HOME be 3 Ontiand A tealtor ° wn 1 Room SO TCHENE WALLED LA gotect 7 El se ewe Set teen| bedroom ean sare |e uilt-in vanity, path | 22 ft ree ranch bung 4 bed AT DUCK EITE. KE — rate. TOwn wilt 8 and cer e| porch lovely 14x breeze sew v OR rooms, AUBUR: pore y irc _refris., heat bet, -| Nice selgabe 1 ee WELY, 2 CLEA EW any time. &-T700 Pao Price ving © room. ie Is tle bat | pipes gional bs Jalousie windows 16 | — carpeting and a end 2. car | ante. «78 : ae, oes floors, glChOTLe LeeO seeeice te tint abtlce as becrocm aay fg p Pre ggyy tories 71383. ee Rees. yaw at | ore tapes eed beams | te recreation roo e-| nice ne on win |. Tom Lake LAKE HO! Som 5 RM of Aubern a ae wot i a vernese | Cue Pe ena ONES WEST ing “Lh ball The lasge, aut | Ii SS * eee iiss tae (genes Be ate pen gi Ponuae Some, funiture, Smal ge paly Hugh, le rine feeires, ugtern sae eee Houses Furnished 35 ~ Rent Office Space 41 dining ace, Ful Eosenes mbes, Vest Bloomfield Sto ema all Soot ae eat Price aL ui _sdults Sa atectatetaiiatas ; and ment, * oil | room fam 2 = 3 : pena FE +1560 ture. 2 R merrier | DESIR Paved ‘st extra } il | bedroo ly hom p. : __With $1200 reduced move 7 ROOM OOMS — ABLE 0} oO reet, cit avatory. | ~ has e with 4) - down. FE $8650 you in. stove, refrigerator. arARTENT,| $e ts ust competes mae (cat. Rete Raines, sue pare Greer iy nevine Sate, wis brick ta R nthe woet| TON, BLVD a ook! 4025 W. ie ee Bue FANS) BEDROOM Sangalow. The mpnom _ furn Private r and of ern. ¢ area. Call at 170 W | you wan itchen replace, DY wal: ms & bath, se: ment. - $38 beth and | DESIRAB St 170 W. Pike | tit. with = b peneied | see for es, Griv screen full reens. Vi ing Toom 14x16 . te."re Seam and encrance 3 7 BEDROOM HOME. MY ga oe“ LE 1 OR 2) ROOMS | cee Gar’ anes “beaees | range, fll basement e em and | describe” Situated . words fot soo, low dows peyment. ‘Only $8. Seautit coin oeeat are ing, — of 3 7 BEDRM | from Union Lak 1 BLOCK er Very reasona’ eego Har- | home—all ry nice 2 bedi .N, lot Only $1 be on 180x120 | Ng Ranch Home on four lots. , ° “1 schools, a jon ésee Ga: . Tiled Ps wan > Cee AND Bat 3 oe Et asst ee at wee ro BIO FOR RENT | Renced cmneat ised, joome, ad $50 ) Dow x00 down. | floors, al exits. ordinary 0 o: Woodhall Lake Area eee ce ” Sopping sr se a bay at tee i a iy vil | bad TBEDROOM APARTMENTS. AZamy Reni 5 MONTH. NEw Bt eR eoee FE ars an Saved wee ai" rome 80 tp with no delay. 4, planter nee isso" beventn “siding gua, ar rinses Sal | Snag wr W. Colum M2 , auburn. BUILDING | oW acre ath with lay. 4) view! dining e ce imsul: . gas 4 i -3 FU down! tg BLOCK EST SUBU of land approx. 4 OL Wh room with | fm ated thruou! fur- ; ° ; 3 vRMS, WS §. W._ SIDE, UTILITIES TILITIES FUR, "ota thane anew soe | Rent own Pectin: om ck FROM cedar shakes exterior? bed! wis so ls sal Stee LooK. You 0 Cab: De = —S rou full | Sg cca pi Y apy ot end = ts ten . Bished_FR_ +0. 4-3916, low Bea parking jot lights and, livt ath. Ah room $ akef yes. gas N BLVD ndscaped location, la “ ARCADIA APT_ iF) B : ch. a gg gr tdeal fo: : ng room. @ omey carpete With 160 ront ° Tag heat and Oh bus at a lot ~=CClarkston rge NEAT é Newly de NO 2 EDROOM HO ok per mon r any | floors & pai rapes included. a Lak ft. frontage e attached ga- ‘terms oor, $11,960, school PONTIAC NO! low ? BEDROOM i 3 rooms pesrytooy apariment w | furn. $80 mo. 9 ME. NICELY ew th and Close in F corgenea walls. OF oer beara 6 room older b on Sye0 | convenient LEBARON retayen AREA. all ‘im St. Michael’ Chiidr bath at $54 per Pong 7 BEDR Maynard Court. / _2: OFPICES = w ;, $6.800- cat wily ae Pen pace) rooms. large living ro with Syl 3 _— home — Lots. Excell oe feet. Pare ’ achools FT Bagge 9 Cloge > reliable Mey BRICK 2 Est sbe re °°" ioe weiades tc oei bal. 655 k— Saat 1car oni fuil | mM Sylvan Lak Term: Basement. $1 “4 . seer on i Welthoased hes. and down! to. May ist. OR HOME. SALES OFF includes taxe al. 635 2.750. l car garage, U Attr e Area Ww. COR . $14,950. ment. Liv base- ; and town |* ROOMS ri ee ICE | e: active 2. bed to wae. 22 rooms ¢ ple laundry nd ‘maintained. Am-| Body ‘turns BATH. MODERN shop in new sit ono ORDER WILLIAM } see sete wets N. Tele r les ae room nena te ve well carpet Ti R. home. wall! fe me garoned Areal bud Aa Ar See care-| Bod a; ae ee {ILL 314 UGH REAL grapn ng Foom. ne Lake 1.200 Base- ones ymenta Leet Aree hae IW ett. TS Re sbaa ie Realtor FE reo tgy eames Bae Foon | Ee Se ettee MES | fger g Soro Lr or. FE On ~ 1 - Bigg ace. i ; sees Ie 2 Huron. FE Hemp | ty RM. aouke. i e | Rent se Bus. — 1013 Ww. Jt 2-0263 | Open 9 a.m.-to 8:30 p.m. Fe sam MULTIPLE LISTING 8ER ; ; eat. eral i automate pal nace. $11 200. Terms e. Ot) a Yo NEIL, R ; BOO Aree pone Se oe oo ae eee WOO Canoe Prop. AIA | ore ts | a = mice _| eS (ibe afasaseebed. “Boat dining el, Bagement 08 ut sera retorts Ra. ee to downto all utilities. LAKE | BUI z . . te Boat Pins eo) “sz r wn | 4186 PRIV. : LDIN : ] ms T iz Ssicome. iif Besceron Corser poe 2 cael vole ee eee seripieion Central High A PEP Ed atm.’ Rtad| | “MITS-AW } ROOM SE IN W ke. ation. as ; a 2 rea $500 . ormas, “TT trance. UPPER. PVT | . cation, te rivileges, . D ice # + = 2 apa t Side Income pl ge oo 1 acre sion. DOWN. ae . w IT’S-AWFUL” lige. EN. ace good } lOUSE. partme stre: plot Of ate Posse: ° peter Lcnichen ott Heat & hot _ Market 4-269 yar ee ee | 4105 jot cia aumeoe ON i | ‘ minum a? rooms each, Alu- & bath = home Ea ochaan = Tue = Newly decoret home the our johnson. Smail woekiand of.j ene ORION. wt son. Ideal fo uburn & And pletely’ ve-wined, C3 roof, ¢ = oe. © hecrooms, oe ms | 1086 - 2 BR. Built now my way wo wan n~ond ; _FE 25005. eid abowed. Cai| Sit n, aaa wa clinic oj er. : | school red. Ciose om: GIs—Nothi =. oS irmace ° in| bim it—and 2 Wenonah . Call es incl MODERN.|~ g business. | Corne te erase] * Wada No y priced. bath. Rea- © Fi ; ras VERY CL Br _hsignts Rs as reasonabie, es Fo whine | down payment Reascasie| acest — thing Down orate May be sold sep- NEAR ST. MICHAEL. Scareene & eit "12" Beautituly 300 N. Se caretanin reat Soot | —— BEDROOMS. mee r Sale Houses 43 UK, L bse 3 Sedteeen” Pao in Sylv ‘ 5 foomma hs bath on 13 a. m2, fireplace in 3 wise SR aR w. : door. | Sone Larenpr yy PARTLY unr - | s339 Sr i ai R caltor’ auto. Gardens. Baseme ja . “. van-Canal Front $13,780 wie basements. Ist floor, Kitchen ine ote ist Tedtient __Partly furn. 265. ATH & ENT Room CASS LAKE | IPLE LISTING : _ k Rd. FE 44563 Tont porch. Also lassed-in fe be ton, =! =— . ons Rs 3 hs & ATH. SOME. FURN | shower. porepes,, Brepines KE. SERVICE | & SONS | 6 pe 29500 ‘rage. Cail for further tn- niet Enchen, & mace’ water-| OFF SCOTT of heat, The In country, $40.” SOME Ft &. aiamal . ar | ssranesies. further in- on tt: Hom a bearees . dining | Pontia LAKE : Ey ey Furn, SMALL oe tee. INDIA SQUARE } a floor. 2 bi r bedroom | hb c Lake Rd. RD. Nea . Privileges 1. 7 ROOM AP $40 mo. MA 60687, fon N VILLA Beauti LAKE | Pp. Pull edrooms ome wi - Cute d . Sale on ye irenes. art. PRIV BATH ie 1676 Taylor ae | See these ZOE: Beautiful ranch home t i ln pe i gan ot sor eo bee eo on 3 BR EM ‘Sines . beat. het Newly decorated. EN: sci Weaver, FE 4-2031 ag for | bod and 107 pecials located at Handy "eitehet with es 2 Houses Some Pavel. ample rg 30 ft. 2 eae ry ge. Carport & a Ge “Attached ge BREE GREGG a" stove. Pigiaats 0 | MME COTTAGE. a | SPACTOU Rosa. both have zabeth Lake | bedrooms reer dining ee. i near Baldwin a large lot eaves drive & boat stora screens. $7,950, Storms GG rt ‘only, i Fe ioe. | --fiabing, —<— fake eS mochenter area, 1 N peting and ' ‘a bed- ob oma. ath Full, basement monte: has 2 fn tee tee andscaped. $16,050, — Experiiy NEAR GIN we down. EM feke RA, J ROOMS & 27 | UPPE mint. = 2-568: Toom hom ewer thre paym re Maceo Low. care nace. Gara hot air Ind ho m apart- W ms- the IGELLVIL: 3-4393 or ished, BATH | R FLAT 1h. plent e. Large je bed- yments. FH "vow down | teins oF ge. Storage : hoger ouse has est S es LE. $6,950 : "ted, oper ween. "0 8,"Merr “Rent Ho fn noe SOM) ine wo! bathe, ue & coumman wits. Bluiy ‘posession a Seg ony MAGS with ot | om pan og diate 2a 100 ae rg Ra "| ~ tif om m : e Tau EYE _ERTRARCE AND 2 ent Houses Unfurn. 36. fa oreo oe ee tad Se PAE et asi ee cs INC. |= tie REALTY CO Foom a2 Reach, eh cant | J.C M BANDEN. ‘Secwnc- tie te: See an | JLOE. 4100 Airport ‘2 BEDR SN exter grounds acre of | w PHA terms. 8. Lapeer 5 175 1 . th. mod room N _ Immedia 5 bsmt. Loe. Kase. FYS. Rare AND 5 Re.) eee ate "pre SPE onde oo extras. Belling for s Manyemacy Sten Ys thin 3 mt | RO e's eT ee 55 alae places, Pull basem ktenen, 2” fire: we Walton Realtor |Terms. ueneiee- Me trance. est fore. are AND ER. Far x priv FE 2-2909. GA Senne fer ehkew price of area is this pe eeaies: te the | 2 OCHESTE -R HOME a9 | MULTILS a Poe | Se oe aah. Many omite n_Eves, : sut™ 8-044) | Good Se aanias price. 7 ROOMS rea 1 near Cl crags ON _ ‘POR THE 0} bri cedar shake room home | droom brick S NEV SERVICE rete pag expe be nings, _ . 10 to 2 Ben off Ma. 3 bedrm, AND B. arkston DIXIE.| Thi UTDOOR rick front. siding with | on acre | with ba: : V MOD t 2 car ndsca NORTH t. Auto water F erator & sto ATH. REFR. Also 4 rm s ¥ bedroo FAMILY F 3 bed ot. $18,300 sement,| New 3d EL rom downt e. oe END . heater, Vilia ve. Adults oni 1G-, garden. - house. big tng on on m brick.gane WEST § . f room brick base edrm. bun terms. ane montinc. miles 3 room PO a mabe al ee ee Beaune, Tneuire 12 Bid Saceeteete| T acom beget | Sechiaelgen 8: aa La atis| jygectepomeseeg| PONTIAC REALTY. ~ vate. PE 5-6566. MONTH. PRI- naw uburn, arate di g. Large livin € and en-|} aluminum sidin ungalow with bedroom bri ee.) PPER PLU ‘R and ins: r m includ only |. % prreg | * en. Bl sayin very mdern s Bep- | dition. Easy Ben spotless con- ins Piegine's 2% baths buil NUM SIDING. ee wk ALUMI OY Ann t tion a yr ‘Like-new taxes Linvesas’ odie BIOVE & R — 3 BEDROOM DUP with its aa Aiea kitch- CHER ms. 900 _ Dear garage 136. pocorn. Re BATH, Sank | e t, Inc. TAPE — nice re . ey ee dl parking Me cig me Plenty E-) LEX — be the pad stone fireplace will Sphectapas HILLS Have Key -—- Wil , AIR MICA COUNTE CABINETS. 28 E Reahars since You namen ‘AN qualir? : il te apace, Anply Gloria 4 et] ener BCpLEYOED ae me eet et ee wil | .. ee ens ce 1010 FRANK M SHEPARD. ck COUNTER, RoRcES: = © ig Federe aATELE , 7 Rid hCROSE PONTIAC MO Se ee aan we tT BOULEVARD satine. Suu oriis cat tivity wasiy mew is bedroom brick seas a oe pen Evenin nat bout | wee , hey N HEIGH . Full pri attached and at ith full b If you . gs & Sund Lj PAYME = ware Some ener 3 Row Renting Fee | MER Oe: “pea, Ae) ESS aettat a BEDE 2 BATS —Weberen ould ike this ome dup: ATTENTION INVESTO m nge |” sites area 2s : : | t ! en to bi rea. M carpet, vin 3 show me out TE : _——- out e ace * ik APARTMENTS. _‘t4 NE meOEF ICE: valte tad" guaitier obese bests | SYLVAN soars. mel “ carpet, eas beat, forms. atapes, MSE HOO Loo Maia tardy 8S : EON JINvEstors men town. Some with is ted | Near St. Mike’ ton. FE. vard at V comfortabi a home Ss: TT3. j edroom condition. ated oo oO s T Roo 3 BED DROOM Mop alencia tats Ge fom & living. -W needs Located in thi F side of modern on w. __ments and on month ta nly $1,500. hot T sip mite Lake ODERN as SS ie a aia’ ofea| Privileged # s restricted Ink C W od acer ant aheer Pa < terest. Call ur to be ly pay: 00 Do 7 water fu fame. "re ein & Roew ae x Duck yon in'a home women will i Poros Toon Berek and alumisum Ea wilhe O Co k only ‘ie Fu price wast a Ge Sem. ine Rome this delight wot heat & hot ARAGE 13 ealtor. 0 ay weear seftsene, Berta reach oe bl ms Lake Rd w . Ne ont perch. ouly’ cnclooed ee F REoRCON Hox, EhAae Ts yd Boe Diacktemeny peed ae Dow amas ane gg we | Et et Tole tors ence) Seed oa ae m. All till x, Sete aoe MMe paivae ae ee en has a base- | SPECT lt N — Rea MULTIPLE nf am-6 p.m. _ jang 5 eee ick home ee ariel ie ae . Adults only ; bus|2 ROOM ges.| hob Sarg husband's ee ot: No wes thc meres wih a nae kee LISTING SER way. 2 closed breeze- rage, large’ ble-brick din living room wi T FAMILY , 314. §, Marshall _nshed HOUSE, P aeealaiies of our T VAs: DOWN pay. | galow, Un s with 4 rm e VICE rage. car attached even the lot. 4 pearoons. room, 2 and ._§, Marshall. ‘4. 580 Wall ARTLY FUR- this ne s mei be 1 wome A 2 bed well completed. Has — bun- Well land Ee 3rd foo: m8, and bath, _ bedroom: A eee Sha yein eget |S leo ce eS Sai | a, eeateent | Eanes SSeS) EARS hot water |_echects & but, cM, eo | sP a ment located o race, full | $600 at only "$5950. N erm. Paontertay con ond sereane Guten: Newens m: &2 BED 8-2267. ARKLE, n the “north DOWN — . OTHIN _ | UNION L ice kitch ditioned R ; 8 74 ROOM SPA Co NG rae AK en. hom Y oR w. aly, § ment, w ener: BARE. | 1s the word RKLE! A ; Hd large 60 ty bungalow with | Beautiful b Au DOWN | Practic E PRIVILEGES large Soareuen Bedrooms do e. . buy it le ¢. HUR- 5 8-1632. = ; = onihly. ree Year ereuns. £9,cnromeh fohgers of when you a aden family home i leaving ei * storms. lots. OH | ati it vew'en leeking 1 starter bom “Aciess. : rege po Te ‘ Neaoe base: Like Ne oe i ROOMS AND Bs . 3 SOOba & ts 262. the paneled built room home $8-600.00 reasonably Dg ‘ood tate." - “Qwner- ng different ! ng for som a good beach. I ad = frbm . commit ge, fenced < w F . ou i charm of in ba i priced at | er hom n the line e arage and neludes 2-c tment. Onl | furn, , eae ATH, UTILITIES tiac Leake Rd. FE tee PON.) *f0lf of country tr. So | $850 DOW i ¢ es—then of start. | ant large car ‘Nicl y $1,500. i. . 8-9408 = | course living plu ; > N — Lov ‘ford to. you can't $$$ | ull price ye shaded lot icholie & R, ’ 00 Dow 8 ae in, FE 3-0877 } BEDRM. BRICK. . | door. Your b practically at s Johh Kk. . _ bungalow with avay 3 weanom| fon miss this op af- own $11,750 — $1,750 3_W, Har Built last wo | ATH, ©. . _&. Bivd. Re NEAR TOWN. | it. Very. Bsa husband will your | Irwin & S | ees fura, L ful] basement & have S down on your corgpggd | , . sane HURON ger Co seumn tetiowel this 3 be | ear St, Miche R FLAT.|3 RMS. & BA’ as. FE 4-9262. Ni.) recreation ro good kitch love | py Asaiiecs Sons | Price onl args tet ement &| abe. several choice or we) “4-BED ee Gait oe level offers clesn. rs. 17}, Re & BATH. NE with room is al en, The | one FE 5-0447 altors - | living b y $7950. * ed St.- lots avail-| J AT ‘ ROOM 83 en suburban liv clean, as, OR 3-0847 AR PONTIAC @ paneled built 1, finishes EVE ot FE 2 ‘ton ie et ha ie ARRO RE | Real EST AYLOR An brick. 1% bet RANCH ty of garden spac with 4 ROOMS E for enterta: it} bar, 8 FE 2-8503 2-4031 geo e family.” ED McCULLO ALT ail ESTATE & . heat 1% beth, ¢ “green thum apace for AN as a fi {nin 50 FU UGH, 7732 H INSURA patio. ca ort. family. b” in eee hter 8 AD, ORGY | a muita oa fe | 4 BEDRM. RAN buy. ‘Modern bungalow with _ Re Si BLLQUGH REALTOR | OR 0308 RANCE | Middle Beit. F sain go frame exterior ie-time "tod §-3140. Crocus are. priced at Or & 8- | all brick. x [CH ft. ment ofl furn. ow with tut | pen 9 a.m. to 8:30 FE 4-3844 FE 4.1820 or For a and 8. uiltin ' kite! ear. 5 ‘A ; OMS WITH BATH, et the facts toda good fig.| heat. 1% baths, c lot fenced, Li jlarge 75x180 | p.m. Sunday 1-5 | BY OWNER. s¥L sop t call ‘quest aven, rec hen stove eae HEA mo, OR 347 $65 PE today. patio, satrifi arport, gas Only 2% mi ake privil 3.1070 ‘SEMI-FINISH — Tati automatic reation room 7. FENCED |‘ AND 23. R LAWRE Penna Dr ce, $15,900; | terms. ws fon cc hee vl OR 3-2681 ED. OR i 2 BDR — ier, clare test ‘ot he ee BATH, 136 NCE W Midd » nr. Orch 2654 city, Easy — ed. Fi im. BRICK. wa- oe Res. To man an NEAR - E. PIKE . GAYLORD le Belt. Fo ard Lk. if r. “cewe City whole { screens. Th: d . FE T app't. & | GI F r. Bus ami e as Baty men FULL BASE: @ with lawn ae we io will help FE 49 sere EVES. 4-4920 or FE Tad owner, | I Special — West side. Noth 4] 1 tee service, $16,500. LOOK TOD. fam will love it, . 909 & BATH. a [ WILLIAMS LK. | gg oh souemiat, modern home | cL ARKSTON V : ‘ ae. large ki “BUD” ey | ‘aie wr Bega Sa athe “Aad Ee, sereened porgh Gar torn | PARE Se. LAGE, og ee tee icholie, Realtor location. Close. APE IDEAL |° esi, uorag stlawn MA £2916. coat Gonaia’ coder Wik 4. ok ARELEN tee oP | “Call : Near Ge Coe el ochests. heat, gara ODN. HOUSE. COAL hear mee aoe ee dice ove CRESCE , bs FE $1201 ort _quired. Fm 2-2690 Hospital. Ref. Te- 79 ROOM 31 Bougias st. FE « rad. : $500 site oi mee of tiving area. consis ooo sare | im 2 Tilee 8. room b w $9500 ss ei : re EE: are. " sine ; living rm nsisting of large is lovel ungalow it butid ‘ ILE 3 8 “abe FRONT 8T. rE 30a. UNFORNIsHED. | “PAR STM 7s . TATES — Large TH LAKE FS: | ee eee ei 3 apechass sree) ne Kite oy Meetite im wutig 9 bedroom nouse | ICH tee roo { grm., 2 pin ful dase: com ould be rented ‘ae 01 lower. |e Moen, Orb Hogg Wes merge RAE. Donan § Closed tn front por Gas toe Lge a sae ae rm ie abintne shies the mate be fioors, tle “ral aa nS ‘ ee, — Se eaten merageri ns Orakard 2 BEDRMS. ao, Beets 38, e with, staltway . living rm. ront porch. “17 furn | ceiling her andes. Bence | forced air beat floors. ae Seat Bb Werenee ten On scenic nem arg é 7 Lk. * 8. f os e f “er + eo . et o's fo both 8 spare TIVE 4 x ANE space, rol kitchen with on HUN ; place. Easy | i ba reation rm. amily Pat 26 Small Ped your eaniren. ‘OWNER, 2 Bi er attach me baths, t. ‘Kenneth a, On single apart- heat. East full ba ae ely landsca car Fath , timing : ‘ TOON I A H $8170 SELL | desi n kitchen and b replace: you {n wn payment m n yes kitche: EDROOM FR berate mage your ga ‘ 2 fe a 308) 2S st ‘side on busine. OR garner. S127 gt 1% car Soe. Sone with KE | Be bedroom oo | Gontenes oe mates "Sane an r owes issame yard Sone os basement ge —_ | ; parc ——— CLAR: fe} nt. Timke' full base- new. Lar ngalow 4 y+ ow e. Buitlt-t y and| OFF JOSL on, ' Car ge 5 $450 DOWN = New! RESTON, ii JOSL &- n oil heat se. ws Latge 2 x ust like ange, 3 zon mn oven a YN aE rage, room y dec N, 3 BEDR YN. Tw painted w . Plast ell 27 ft. w e_ bas nd | Ne as and E 3 rooms ecarated pari scent “el i id initates wate Gace 2 vo bedroom bunga- A Seage slg Maar targy Tis larger landscaped oa ue water heat. 2 sseboard ol! hot) rary 3 bedroom contem MULTIP she BS Se reat. a b. full basen ERT re nrleome cote min] ifgrelt De $100 moni, BA spe ath toe: erm Wl Ho Bilng aren, "plue Jona a ot Tih" tS! cdnied aod al) TER arch mi fal bane: |] au sieves |. easy ne . . chu . to| CLAR. r e. . s, Will| 4 way, garag us enclosed | wN — expect 1 eatures you | i ft, kitche eat, large Lak 3 | ) ell-heated p wows. . rive. Excel and NT Sens. Cee expec) iereding =e would galore n with cupboa e Fron i Liar ne te : ple iaindry snd rintintained. od. Am: iene ee #1455. ™ yh mag hw ROAD. Three b = on cient neighborhood. 8 Bit- "a coxy” oo" ates Kee iuekea en os oad urpeting, cue price, Just (ate sewn on none? ne Brick on a un fu cn peved street pond Meg Ba Areadie, Court, cor: HOUSE FOR R ~ opor home balk oes | eptistioges.. Total colo with | Bescray 7 2 ecco benanier- eee Sia as Wo at geven $55 ome. with attached Scar ge —. i farmace needs som: ©, 0a T Hur «x G. Hemp-|FOR LEA oan a = =e) ¢ ct large gr and ‘school rms: price $15, eray heat. Priice only. §16400 *nive frontage | Ext co aa no othe room. with ee “carpeted “I ~| “owe “ aed with $096 at LOVELY poe, 48284.; 4, mi a PaO aii bee 0. Ferme » garden & $23,000 L eel iat ty Comey enn ending to} — into her cost mov fi massi livin boss S 4 8284. 1 5. ‘ pot. é AKE ng to chann this lov es you replac ve ledg eee ty hs settines, Me Te Weheteet aee ee | LOO cha rioee san DEER LAKE Aingnctn aoe ye Nome ah is ea Satin a Spa | Ee Tied Skea Sie! Renae tae arshall, FE natural fi q base- M . THREE ft. of 1 ‘ . has ‘m . Custom only |” $00 cost bus s ed air heat,” lot 85 n. i er 20303, | Sttached replace 24 * ACRE 1. FLOOR HOM BED-+ 4 bed akerront and any desirab built and y appointme and school near ine baie shed street trea. ids "A NEW 4 garage, oil te 4 car} ° Close to OME. ¥ room hom et room. |. yore ot ye le feature ORTONVIL nt. . dryers P ei . 4 ROO $125 at, child oad, 2 ca Pontiac, bj a) stone fire e with bas . |) Brick ‘a ins, Att s AH! Id LE’ LAKE INDIAN rice $22,500 eludes a lex, wood M RANCH DU £08 epgeintament per month, Call cera r garage. The bh acktop; Pore place & lar emert., F froft 21 ft ached gar. eal family ho FRONT Her VILLAG: . Eli . terms, Koen, si.’ rm. ving rim. & HOUSE =. Wester hae (+ ent c tile bath ome has) 4 a erctasean” inte nA rapisce Large pentlad he ‘eke oa win a Includes } e's an Slizabeth , - : loors, many clo andy wood la! ke. room. . 85 rge paneletl m.; Su with natu arge por outatendin Lak . (fae, heat, C ig. closets. im cee Aned room plastered alls cucten karnge ith od ot pus 8 worth ol EL geiko ~ pct aa den dung fireplace. il tupity for an al 8 Op Brick e Estate 7 at privile renceit ‘x beach. & ‘Kvallable immediate: hot ene roo dining) 7ou ere is m car “a'te atin ar ern kitche ning rm, mod- or Ee archece tits: best Ranoh Ho ; |; qian rick. renene uw bas you make ore, bu g price. 1b n, 2. bal ful se this: view me wW L me vatltie May ist PE aan DRM. ane ee i ts] 5.800 dows was BPs 00 ota tbe | ag wire ug ‘ Ee ruriee tay arte res Sighorien Gg eclunrg tate sand Peach ssossetG| on Brven Lite cietl i ; AT. de ' price efficient servi =e or fast 1 OF small apt servants quart: | s, large rooms, 2 living . center : RENT Se FEL - beighbor sh ce — We sold & fully land pt, Situated on be ers decorated wn room |: rooms, saoeel bi room 3 bed- E FE 6-3010. LL INCOM ‘ CLARK RE Es. Ft Open 9-0 ome why not yours, ing to scaped grounds atl cloth, firepl h Japanese filed bathe. 0 itehen and 1) " , 3 y rs. - water’ extend: | ace, lots, AS Va eR, | 134 war REAL ESTATE) waae-phos, (1a Bie a ga |- foe. Toa property eae ot ie Egat“ te one Me oes z TUTE LISTING SERVICE S. L Solntment at $2¢ J ta of i Ane “ L NO SERVICE | Open E S060 Dixie i H. BROWN, Real miment st. $36,700" on terms. ma . ves. 1 9; St wy. 2407 .E alto = 8. 9; Sunday 10 ‘til 8 Ph. FE race? tg Lake Roed r ROLFE Hi. Sd * | ae ~ i . Multiple Listin 2-4610 4 REAL 1IT H 7 * \ 4 / / > ’ a Service “ons raph R aia Po , © , ! ’ : Jpen Hrenings "ul 8 pm. | QUAL, PATATE INSURANCE || \ ‘ PE 4-0547 REA : : { ’ ‘ . 670 W. Burge aT ve . : Ico ee e pen Eve, 4-395 509 whoeee . : ie Beha . . . , t+ 3 bs , nae: oes 1 ye * ; 2: = if cal ioe EE . » * & - —- t pe * 4 4* 3 pt sai ‘. \ + ie at > a i: “* ‘ei. ji £4 catia diithinat Pee eee Low ea nati A oe ia a ater age uh Wik ates gets 0" oye ® a -Bateman & BLS Telegraph i : t * of : ze fF las i : Se i ine Ess? de Ef tN; if SHEES basement. g fe Fie] i: po i ite é , i id i : i: i a”) 8 ef e ; FS tod EAE fill | like family t home. Nat- u frepiaca,” “tes. 4 BEDROOMS . in aes vos Pull —_ renk: barat i oe . $14,950 — terms. PIONEER HIGHLAN SPECIAL 1 1 1 sins i $9,950 — The features will mee you at this pric a 8 e. New Aluminum siding, hot ‘water heat, water pen . ioneratte, full base- Storms and screens. We urge you ‘to see this ex- cellent buy at yoar earliest conv venience. OUR TODAY'S Poun VALUE. SPPRAISE IT YOURSELF maculatel + Fea a4 maintsa home. i ag file +» © bagem 2 ag a with tnd. pesto of aul's $12.680 $1,950 do LAKE OAKLAND ,. . For family faa inn fortune, | retirem this charm-. Kampsen REALTORS ‘FE 40528 Eves. & Sun. THE ANSWER TO). duneaiow "YOUR PROBLEM: . Want ag To sell, Vee: ‘ine i’ vite .C. HAYDEN, Realtor E, Walton FE 8-0441 Sl menace MODEL OPEN DAILY 10-8 Ti MELROSE : — Perry and "$8,250 COMPLETE DOWN PAYMENT TOTAL MONTHLY PAYMENT $69 DLORAH BLDG. Co. FE 8-6455 CRESCENT LAKE PRIVILEG: ‘= ane ear schools. 2-car . of E 7 garage 2 2 7 2 car gar. Bem't, rec. rm. and . PE §-2311. Partridge RENT WITH OPTION » What @ ity to own this iy 4 st of ne the . © yard for m It's v — can moved into at once. per month rent will on dbwn payment of $450. See much today—it's nicer than you'd ever dream! REALTOR PARTRIDGE FE 4-358i 1050 W. Huron 9 $200 DOWN 3 Bedroom starter house with base- McDonald. OR j Dream Acres ~ In Clarkston = ha’ ne 14 einer ee Se siete for” your in this a - LOON LAKE Waterfront . Located in } ne of Waterford’ . besa car garag home Heed om for only $27 with down. Will actest aa for appointment LAKEFRON T 2 Bdrm. Bun ee a py on —_ fh _— — — = featurin C2 ving im, Ww rs oul kitchen with ¢ cL, spacious n . Eednstas'and iat dhe sak, Pah walk-out basement - Ctarkston REAL ESTATE, INC. 20 8 Main, Clarkston, Mich. (ACROSS FROM BANK) Open Daily 9 to 9—Sundawyi2 to 5 BEAUTIFUL WOODED FIVE acre lot with lake privileges and eee de oak ee 5 e asemen o. 500 $1,500 down or $8, cash. STEELE REALTY hiand Rd. (M59), Pent tual 4-2045, Highland, Mich. MU- | LAKE — 3 BR. RANCH INDIAN VILLAGE — 2 a brick stairg to unfi up, gas heat, fireplace, double rage and more, J. R, Hiltz - | REALTOR PARTRIDGE Soo ee 300. lot, ink at- garage gt By wy, |. lent real & $16,500. TERMS. | kr ae Easy Terms a oe vee : ny and homes. : KENNEDY and basement, ona’ recreation room, pa paneled crn elchen with lay” suess, thermo oven — # lot of dollar v ite. DITION $200 oes Be 3 BEDROOM OME IN LIKE NEW CON- Parohh? EPP SE MENT e.|R. J. (DIC K) VALUET | DON'T HESITATE |= nage 4 ts a = & Close ag © basement, on heat ¢ ~ “water heater, storms and Pull $10.700 adi a pating net an c. SCHUETT. T. Realtor FE 8-0458 Green Street Large 7 room modern in excel- lent condition, All big rooms, gas heat .extra large lot. Garage. Use rooming house. as Pioneer Highlands Very grog o's puoeswe. Only 6 3 bedrooms, coin gl ‘ile * sath, lovely take @ gar ke riviieges. Convenient 10 bus iin WIL Lis M M. BREWER STOUT'S Best Buys Today SHINY WHITE Just painted last fall. 3 year old rban ranch! style home. 3 spacious bed-' rooms, family style kitch- Sen, ca iving room and oil $395 DOWN tee monthly Ww priviioges Vacant and reaty go Bring your deposit, CASS LAKE “SMALL FARM | rocks .-- atea. South - of ™m 5 room and vith aie, “ex. for ore ie bath |W Ki 90 Pe! "Bice Farden soil. $2,700 down will _Warren Stout Realtor 7H. re 5-8165 v0 W, Huroa AUTOR oe 5.6181 "Open mves "Ti @ P.M For A: Houses. 4“ "! room. heat. oy iieee. &a ngs, Lends of berries. Rea- “sonable 5. PHA terms avail- , Village of Waterford: - en with I a pon mero Dining room. Wall-to-wa on vie ywemlently lo- lous lot in highly Bi wie. 58 useanes to public = admire = J e down. and all the outstanding set, GEORGE BLAIR ing 4 ents demanded REAL’ a, Ss most disc 4536 Desig Bey ame 3-1251 Eves. 3-8842 Gey DOWN aean “ F VELY ROO! LAKEFRONT A home with jE ag ap- 7 ee cosad’ niaehes, uvens Guns reem tae gaits. marste Window sills, me, Fruit kitehen bedroom and bath der room, Tec. room. down. ie bedrooms up bao Owiade replace. Boat Excelent Basem gas heat. Ss sandy poem. Only $25,000. Cash DORRIS & SON REALTORS WE TRAD: , we te coke Paut ¥ i Jones, Real —. G.I. NOTHING N é + i es SEbRws. with | ioe 2 Pag NORTH END bedrm., free and clear, Clair. gas _heat, 772 “Bt. ‘Business Opportunities 51 ; 11 NEW DUAL NUT VENDING hi on locati $80. FE 4-1000. ' 7 ‘ A MAN WANTED!! To Zo operate local business. Sensa- new product! ~ . $23,500 r year. Minimum vestm of 32,500 —_— B x Erie, Pa. en in other cities are invited to apply for their area. ANYONE INTERESTED In A modern service station in or aes genet __ vieee small i . 334633 after >. p. ARE 7o0. LOOKING. FOR A BUSI- new. Gpporte it ot nity piece ned Soe Sata Ts am. to” 4:30 arceas or caauee bee gt YRS., and ' m mone’ mpe- oi ~ gaa right ie os quick. sale. Y CLEA Sree caveat 1 pba clea tne i ent vith income 10 cut elfiee on phone F' pevesrty, Raantbes 3 rgery | “HOME & AUTO Press, Box 99 LOAN co FOR SALE 5M. BUSINESS. Mai > : "be operated fro eee. MAY | om Perry 8t. _ ‘Corner ©. Pike) roe, Prive 41200 OR 5-680, Borrow with Confidence GROCERIES, MEATS, BEER & $25 to $500 - rue. ping” sol ps — a Household Finance sis. on of Pontia: Welt cette Bs 4 8. Saginaw Bt, FE i Mutart rt Realty GET $23 510 $500 8. | eats LARE Mar Maret” sent DOIN at a % ae : e in | nd 000, ° $15,000. will Wm. Reese, 403 S. 19 Ave. Yakima, Wash. DONT PASS UP belongings: for cash v0 w: TAWREN through Classified Ads! —— Pama tea FE 2-8181, W. Lawrence St. FE ¢1630-0 w 7 battding & MICHIGAN BUSINESS SALES CORPORATION JOHN A. ! BROKER Main se north = sia be ent. Better we oe ‘STATEWIDE Service of Pontiac 3% “CHARLES. cas re na Telegraph Partridge Ig THE “BIRD” TO SEE HIGHWAY LIQUOR Here's 5 8 rare “C” BAR—TRADE $10,000 down on this big sttractive bar with modern ¢, in the oo 'N a R. ¥ uy. 1 area . Large «6 with tee Sem as fireplace. Dance Gene, ‘ of It's w ve interests _ e. for quick sale at 000 down REALTOR PARTRIDGE Businesses Th it PE ¢3561 Jose W. SURON RARE OPPORTUNITY INCOME STARTS IMMEDIATELY FULL OR PART TIME selected to an unusual for the man or woman build ibstantial Only it have these require- ments. ease write briefly about yourself and include your erage p Hae a OF cocoons - bene Tess, SUN OCO Modern 2-bay IN PONTIAC - A real seperate to be your own boss prosper with a growing besinens Enjoy oe at ton 121- high 3 revolver, Sump pump. —= dril\- — 6 TRAILER, SWAP POR seer . FE 8-3795, wae TRADE ? BDRM. FURN. home for 2 bedrm. trailer. MI For Sale ens. 56 4 PORMALS. orleans , Once, exc, cond. * wood. lace W Size bridal veil. 965. UL 21154 GIRL'S NOG SIZE 4 AND 5. Maternity dresses, size 14, like new, reasonable. PE 2-7505. MENS’ SUITS, SIZE 44 REGULAR. $15 each. MA 6-3286. SOPT YELLOW TROPICAL JACK- et. size 40, $10: also jen cae em Sale Household Goods 57 PDP PP PPB A el ~ 2 DAVENPORTS FOR SALE REA- sonabie. MAytair 6-1253 27 PC. LIVING ROOM SUITE. Good cond 20541. efits of the ’ ine Kew 7 Geen Y Bitwting SUN OIL CO. Cth tase: yo ST Bronce _Viermont 72886. Skee SHOE REPAIR SHOP- oxstbned. Inciuding line of stock CUCKLER REAL "TY 236 N. Saginaw PE 44091 TO $15,000 AVAILABLE POR share in any ¢ eferably bar or unoaat . Write Box 6, Jac WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MILK routes f in the required _Sale Land Contracts 52) 20% DISCOUNT eld contract paying REALTOR PARTRIDGE +3561 1050 Ww. HURON 8% DISCO NTRACT NT. LAND CO —— $7,934. Pa — EO we Seasoned |e: Bie . FE 2 PIECE LIVING ROOM SUITE. — | cee PE 62623, Cail r 5 Ld eo gr DINETTE SET & coffee table, OR 3-7621 re Piece ‘SILVER GRAY BEDRM. at . sree. bookcase tge chest, 2 vi amps, a's for 60. Pay only week)y. earson re. 42 Orchard ¢ Ave Ail for 400, Lane Sa, re, 42 Orcherd yy ae 8 cu. PT. PHILCO REPRIGERA- = exc. condition, $50. CAM PRY?E DININ( set, $150: Weswsiec, $30: coer $30, All exe. cond. PE 6 PC. JACOBEAN tS tae rm. suite. Good oxi? RUGS. WOO. PACE. $15 95. Reversib.e, $1650; imported, $3495 Axminster. #& Rog TABLE MODEL TV . Table 2S FINANCE COMPANY BORROW UP TO $500 OPFICHS ¢ — Drayton Plains — Utte Walled Lk., Birmingham, Plymouth ~ LOANS $25 TO $500 _ On your —_ or other se curity. onths to yepey: Our i is fast, f friend hel; Signature SH Te 2 Oo y PH. F OAKLAND - Loan Company 202 Pontiac State Bank Bidg. “LOANS | “COMMUNITY an. “ee oom tne en c ‘PANGUS, REALTOR 9 to 9. . 2160 M-16, Ortonville. NA _7-2815 | 17 PT. UPRIGHT FREEZER, $85. ~ $1,750 DISCOUNTS ~~ Occasional chairs, $5. Complete Secured by 6 room modern home bed, $20. Mattress, $10. 2 lawn jane 2car enone ont 1% sezes. mowers. FE 8-6545. so are - $9,000 with $1,000 down Payments | 71 ;,SVERTONE TV. 4S. CALL fmterest. Gost te stu “soaco 8" | 52 GALLON HOTPOINT WATER : . heater, $99.95. With trade-in R. D- Riley, "Broker $89.95. Convenient terms. No down 509 ‘Elizabeth Lk. Ra. payment. R. B. Munro Electric | FE 41187 FE 44821 €o., 1060 W. Huron. LAND CONTRACTS TO BUY OR | 54” YQURGSTONE KITC to sell. Earl Garreis, EM 11 sihk. Good cond, B. ‘unre or . Electric Company, 1660 W. Huron. . T.V. MADE BY FIRESTONE —_ QUICK SERVICE — | os, © Conese, 38 E, Saginaw. Laid Contracts—Low Discount | AUTO. , WASHER (8 MANTAG PLENTY OF CASH "AVAILABLE Govaee tas’ pa 2.6 SS a See Me Before You Sell refrig., $50, Ee MY 33711. AUTO. WASHER,, 2 YRS. OLD. ROBFE H. SMITH amet furniture, "ines, OR 3-815, TOR— RANGE .... $20 244 8, Telegraph Rd. FE 3 1848 > Open Evenings "Til 8 P.M. Bed vanity spring. maerese ait Money to Loan 53 Baby bed complete -...... oe Walnut avons ioweves (State Licensed Lenders) Speed 2 ee gees $29 ave ks, beet ‘3 bd pedestal 7 OAKLAN FURNITURE CO. : WE BUY, SELL & EXCHANG EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME 104 8> Saginaw FE 2-5523 ABC AUTO WASHER, REG. $310.95 Or sale $219.95 trade. ROY’S REPLACEMENT PARTS 96 v PE 24021 iPr aE SETA ‘RANGE, ood cond. $35. FE . A LOveLY ag mash “OB: EL ever $7.09 onth, balaice $4 iat = pa m “4 FE 5-9407. | agour ANYTHING YOU WAN T HE ME CAN BB AY We buy, sell or trade. Come out look . 2 acres of free Siees $40. ences, . gemuel's Apple wank tant uel’s Apply DON’T WISH FOR MONEY! Make it easily through Classified Ads. To sell, rent, buy, swap, hire, dial FE 2-81 1. R . Ceeeptens ent, eudloghenemerne. Worl or not. 5 + | League sport jack 40, - HEAT- Ce ee jo FONEO ca eeee, . washer eenenepes ~ Used Trade- n Dept. biond ‘ cea. vse u does cueuens Ba ws perESET IS, sou Plot nase ra GRAY. $40. PE Davenport & chair... ge saben onvasr owe poseene- COMBINATION BOTTLE Gas Hi Wood hester. Brand|? eleé. vacuum sweep- . Woodmere, Drayton SET, CHEST & DRESS- ers, er | & dresser, 30 in. gas e, size gas siove,- re retor, wringer washer,” Tele pate, Evang beds odd p mt Be furniture. Dealer. ¥ Orehare Lake UNDRY Pe gg and sep. $10. TOR S ieee. OAS (en . Beora BO05 Con. wis. ‘EE 33117. aad ane REPRIG- | condition. G RM TABLE AN Soe at id chairs in - cond. sn 8. Ba iv DOUBLE DRAIN = 2 | URE oa DRE capone UsEp TV $995 UP. U RE- f 4 #5. Sweet's Radio 4-11 neges, 422 W. Huron gas. |WOODEN FRAME STORM WIN- et for sale. PE 2-0602 alter WASHING MACHINES. VACUUM gi ete c' son and How- WE WILL BUY. SELL OR TRADE old furnitu: 18 W Pike 8t re washers, WYMAN’S FE ¢-i122 or appliances, elec, or gas Antiques 587A ANTIQUE CHINA CABINET, $40. FE 5-6007 'WALNUT DROP LEAP TABLE. | —— VANITY CAVATORI et 7005. 38x51, 6-5462 legs & = soeees, MA | oie ; eee ee eee = “Re veateee | 2 GOOF coe escvs - . CASH WAY LUMBER PRICES STANLEY ALUMINUM WINDOWS Burmeister’s- NORTHERN LUMBER 7040 Cooley Lake RG EM 3-417] Open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily ° Sundays 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Deliveries available CALCINA’ GE BURN- ers, elec Te below cost. Samuel's A 35-6011 neh ned ‘4 te Briggs- & u eye. r Stration é t $100, eet offer. UL oa. ein et ns gr notes ultivator mower. only FE 47879. vemeet DOGHOU TES —— ——. swings. 770 z AWest. | saaorine LIG HT FIXTORES i 4 mbnet’ ¥ 4 L Reg. U.S, Pat. OFF ~ 989 by NEA Serving; ine, — she hasn't eaten a thing!” . “Sis has been getting ready for your dinner date all day For Sale Miscellaneous 60 NT NOW Wirda EOTON WITH- out fear of blister or peel due to moisture. a , 2678 Orchard Lake. RE-BUILT LAWN MOWERS Lewn mowers sharpened 234 OAKLAND RANGE ae WITH FAN, ONLY $29.95 A. ‘Konsess, 7006 —M59,_West, STEEL FORCED AIR tage = installed, Timken oii burner al. OR 3-2117 after 6 = | oe ‘DOORS REPAIRED. + after 6. SHEETROCK 4x8, Pag 4x12 CHURCH’ %, INC. __- UL _3-4000 OFFICE DESK, ence top, matching ang 2 arm chairs, also a beat cushion, MA | . erator, 2850 Liver-| For every room in house. N nels, ie Milo MN. of Auburn. | Television & Radios 57B ste onigns. large 5 sorimeat at | FoR URED dow balloons, tor, TALE vs ee 4 winten LATE MODEL Tv's,| Stars. Terrific values Bedroom re 2508. good jookers on the outside. Qur, $450 value. $2.25: porch, $2.95 FURNITURE. NEW SOFT | experts fis ap the insides, Bring) OOM saipies. At prices thet eoly. Odd chests, etc. Make offer. Bt Sw, oe factory can give. Michigan Piuor- r q ; re Ave.— PaEEzENs — UPRIONT FAMOUS neme brands. Beretehes Terrie Water Softeners 57C ELEcTRIC WaTeR HEA Values. $148 95 while they is No) P instal on Detroit orton, pee uchigaa' Edison lines, no money down. AUTOMATIC | ,ersets spe ua tabu AF. si wal FOR SALE FUR STOLE, WORTH 308 Nelson, ; Water Conditioner onable Call UL 22161. .—— = NEEDS NO SALT FREEZERS. | $125 PER WEEK | BOF Wares 1 PAT EMS, 30 bl Pa iitemere—Pepune pease Cooley Soft Water Co. | approved. $89.50 value, $39.95 up. cu & woe pe: % FF PE 44404 | arred. Buy @ new heater for @ cu. | pright y $259 litte more than a used unit. Also Terms Samuel's, PM RADIO. NEW. ALSO AM & F radio. _Bargains PE 5-8756 FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC _ DAVER | Good cond. $75 chair, coostiind or, at big dis- i71_N. Saginaw Gag RANGE. oven, — t _5 pm _ $68 mn. ib} Ww ‘ —GHS SPECIALS MAYTAG Washers, Wringer built, Guaranteed. Delivered HAMILTON Electric Dryer Re- built, Guaranteed. Delivered Like new FRIGIDAIRE Automatic Washer. nstaited, Be eer cna ig gpa Washer. & —_, uP. Choice a 19-Come, and @ INCH, DU concition. Cal! after _ Ypsilanti “— : The ° GOOD HOUSEKEEPING SHOP Of Pontiac $1 W. HURON * PE +1596 _count MA | — USE) wee ATER SOPTENER, CALL | M @aTER SOFTENERS AT BIO DIs- | OR 3 * - For Sale Miscellaneous 60 ‘4% GALVANIZED PIPE, lic PER in standard ft. %° galvanized ee. He pst | 300 .— pompecn. 7005 M59, West. BAG CEMENT . MIXER EXCEL- at $200. OR 3-8668. i *" PLYSCORE 16x40 INCHES, OR | m6 Waldon 3-602. 1 ae AND naar MA_ 5-1065 1-AAA- Order Alum, money walily, service af = for a free tour ALUMINUM OR DO IT J.L. VA 1 ALUMINUM 6SIDING now, beat the Spring rush storms & ounines No @own tst p t in June med a of i | SIDING IN oe | YOURSELFERS. LLELY CO. Aubura & Rochester Rds. UL 2-4900 i 4623 Ans. Res. OL 1} x 12, 625. 2WaY units GE RADIOS 2 TRUCK & 1 base aren Take over payments. FE ¢ GREEN DAVENPORT & CHAIR.|} PUEL OIL TANKS Fair condition. PE 5-6519 after! 6 pm GAS SERVEL REFGS.. WATER) heaters, rest. equip Reiaxator | iy oe popcorn machine. _ 351 HOTPOINT ELECTRIC (STOVE. chrome dinette set. FE 2-1403 HOTPOINT ELECTRIC —~ STOVE. ; Curly maple S-drawer chest, 3c tc PER FT 3 * < ' eoll tots other $25; 9 antique clockd; 1-3 horse mrotwr. $15; Craftsman table saw with motor, like new, $75. Elec-. trie refrigerator, $10. 4-612. KENMORE DRYER, GOOD CON. . ditlon, $75. 2478 Ivanhoe, = KENMORE DISHWASHER LARGE |4 . $50, OR 3-1 canes poe SER VEL, NETRIOERATOR| Call after 4 LARGE CRIB AND MATTRESS, brana new. $15 95. Pearson's Fur- nity 42 Orchard Lake Ave stove, electric dryer. meee sofa a & chair, Lazy Bo hair. & chair. | Earawer chest & power mower 3-7854. i TeaviNa STATE. ALL_ MAJOR. wane ote & bouseho’a furniture ke offer, MY 3-1688 LINOLEUM & PAINT SALE. HALF _Price At Jack's, 281 Baldwin MAGNOVOX TABLE TV. EXC condition barg& Peer's Appliances. ‘merce Rd. EM 3414 j MAPLE AND WALNUT T CHESTS, | bookcases, GE portable ironer,: dinette set, bed gry a Beauty Fest mattress, FE 5-7. MODERN 2 PIECE = BROWN Liv-! ing room. suite. at bboy pm, __and weekends. FE 8-8588 [> MOHAIR DAVENPORT & MATCH- | nian chair. 2735_V Watkins | Lk. __Rd-| ECCHI SEWING } MACHINE. | LIKE 3 ae $40 cash or payments of eg a Sewing Cen- OataaiOWAL CHAIRS, $5. COM- lete bed, $20. Mattresses, $10. lawn mowers, good con- | __dition. FE 8-6545. OVER 5 USED TV V SETS FROM *814.95 pup TV TON” $9.95. Ke a N TV $15 rs Walton - FE 32-2257 WA NTED: GOOD GRANDFATHER elock, with chimes. . FE 2-1160 TABLE TV WITH MATCH- base, excellent condition, bar- ge n for cash. Peer’s Appliances, 161 Commerce Rd, E 32-4114. PAINT UP-AND SAVE! . Guaranteed house paint, $1.95 RUBBER BASE. P PAINT ag $3.75 4\-Ft. Wall Tile re 12x12 LINOLEUM ..... Syer’s, 141 W, Huron.) FE. oe REFRIGERATORS. LAST YEAR'S 1958 models Ore of America’s best. makes. Per’ect,: new, rescent, RED VELVET SETTEE, $25. EM BINGER PORT. ZIG-ZAG ATTACH. 19.50, Electrolux vecues. 2 $14.95. erms_ Curt's Appl, 0 9702, RENT IT FAST through Rent Rds! Room, house, apartment, any-|1 thing — Want. Ads givels: dition. Will gal Warner $-rm. behrnd the Or gas blower, deliver. furnace with controis, thermostat side take-offs Installed at half price, no money | _ down at low, 7005, OR 3-5062 — i¢3 ROMEX IN rough-in materials | low os. GA. Thomp- | we is Nike new. truck, co) LL TIRES, | 16 we ony | many others. 197 3. 4 PC. se Rel Pale & anne. sofa, 12 t boy's b children's table and chelta: 4-4428 D DOUBLE BEDRM. ike, MA : +INcH | Samp Pumps VE AVING STATE, 30° ELECTRIC /172 8. Saginaw otha SOIL PIPE § FT. Loe 4 UMBING SUPPLY ve FE 56-2100 $2-GAL- ELEC. WATER r $6750 cash & carry. GA. Thea pece. 7005 M39 west. Open eves 22 RIFLE. ad Pow | $25. 57 GAL. cel amar faucets nm South | Saginaw | St. Com- 55 GALLON DRUMS FOR SALE. Suitable for gh trash, burners 4-9696. or fuel oil tanks, 215-Ib. Asphalt Shingles Shingle ae Shingle Church's S Inc. io oT Rd. petees WATT AUTOMATIC ne GEN- OL 1-6355, 172 $375. ALL GOOD BARGAINS USED LUMBER,- NAIL FREE. Better Than New 2x4.—2x8,—2x10,—2x12 RBriced for Quick | enotty Pine- Paneling .. Steel Ch Sale ft. othes Post ry OF PIPE~-BRICK-STEEL out Many other re ome and around, prices and A cegeies will ou, piterms Free Estimates OPEN 8 to 6:30 MON. thru. SAT. SURPLUS LUMBER & MATERIAL 5340 Highland Rd, BAL: co. Baise OR 37092 peed heh ite tl a AN EXPERT LICENSED HEAT- in man needs work, Bigger bar than ever on variety of used ga. and new heati n@ units, if sold or installed at once. FHA terms, no money @ down O ~“ANCHOR FENCES. No mon FREE ATES FHA oh ore i Base Shoe W- you ACTION. Dial FE)" iq 2-8181. 4x8’ = one side ......, $8.32 and COrTy aeveee $1,396 electric, of] and bottled gas oe ers at terrific values. POR Sale STATION EQUIPMENT |FPREE STANDING TOILETS $18 95 | Double bow! sink $5.95 | waenhont with fittings .. $0.96 with + $89.95 trim te _colared th set with bs | ‘i 300-98 cent 393 Orchard Lk. ioe. vibrator SCISSORS, PINKING SHEA chala ane blades, serrated knifes, ws sharpened. co. 2355 E. ae Gs wow &PT. WOOD ROLL UP Ga- rege doors. $35. FE 5-1651. TORO 22° ROTARY MOWER WITH $40. FE peer handle. YF. old to meet your needs rniture appliances (118 WEST LA ENCE “TALBOTT LUMBER ~ Glass —- in sash, a for = ere Paint, hardware um bing, os lumber, 1025 44505, Tew VIRTUAL- | OED FIPEWE ITER. GOOD CON- FENCE | Steel ond wood. 36 months, free _ Seon ** “Northwest Fence, FE ; GARDEN TRACTOR — WATER- | | bury 2 wheel with 2¢ inch reel. type mower attachment. 244 -h, tiggs & Stratton en $x12 |, pneumatic tractor tires good | i $150. Cal) FE +2133. er | | anon USED COAL FURNACE. _ Bargain. PE 2-716. ~~ GARAGE DOORS closet doors and appearing We ive estimates e e m on garage re- modeling. codices BERRY DOOR * SALES 3 8 Paddock GARDEN TRACTOR, — ane. _With attachments. PE 2.9960 ee LIME METAL CULVERTS. Giass bloek. Sibley Coal & Supply | _Co, 140 MN. Cass Ave | JELLED MAGIC This paint needs no attrzing. igo not drip, sag or run ot] Hundreds of colors . cheno from. OAKLAND FUEL & PAINT 438 ore Lk. Ave. FE_5-6150 ee ABLE AND CHAIRS, “boy's bike, children's oe Nad en MA’ 4-4428. LOCHINVAR = “BURNING WaA- Pon- ter heater. cond., tiac Trail. 2-2802. LOW BOY) 1SPT. sIN. DECK. 35.000-Lb. trailer, er ft, Terms. Call OR 3-2303-or UL 21508. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED.| “Pick up. PE 2-1311 values from $8.95. siightly marred — Also extraordinary values in - toilets and bathtubs. Ave 303 Orchard L Ave ake NATION'S FINEST COUNTER TOP material, plastic surfacing 65c Cabinet. hardware at — . dition, $25. FE 8-4480. VM eg ae pe TAPE RE. corder. FE &- ' AIR ™ CORDEFIONERS, $169. Frayer’s 689 Orchard Lak | Ave. FE 4-0526 Machinery 2-BAY CITY NO. 3. CRANE oR! - Hoe 1 Q- General, 420 Chane x Hoe = -Cai ilar a rpiliar Allis Chalmers, Doser Trader model. 610 opte Backhoe 2—Tandem Lowber tratlers fay bere viable Road i- Road. gravel plants rms trades. John Flemming, Dort Hey at Lippencott, Flint. he industrial ee A a used ‘en: av | distribu,or MI's6033 HEAVY LUMBER YARD MA- chines. UL 23-3507 — SHOP TOOLS FOR ork, Like new. 2 — flush doors cheap. FE 2- Do It Yourself DO IT THE EASY WAY! hats ~ FOR RENT Wail paper steamer. floor sand-' ers polisher. hand sanders, fur- nace vacuum cleaners Oakland Puel =. Paint. 436 Orchard Lake Ave. 5-6150 PPAFP Dry goods, Paint “Sormica gi s 8: t to €:00. Scophenben Builders - ply, 156 W. Montcalm, FE 5-4712 jumbing & elec- ” dpen 7 days week, 6:00 ——re 10 ONE 10" CRAFTSMAN TABLE saw, heavy duty; 3 table exten- sions; 6-blade Dado set, $250 for all. FE +4156. OTL, HOT WATER HEATER. Let aged LIGHT FIXTURES, ~ §e or sidewall, G.A. Thompson _ M59 West. Open es PISTON WATER eae. Guauice PREFINISHED TFANELING Mahogany %" r ft. Birch ad sca Step erica rena be oar r ft. Cherry pene: ag a per ft. BEN SON. LUM. BE R CO. PATIO STONES 30 PER CENT off. Sizes 24x24 $1.20, 12 x 24 > inser 16x16 $.60, 16 x 32 81.36, ~cotors, -Outdoor | fireplaces $55 biel Rustle piertc | ad Roger A. Authier. Go. “10st Highland Rd. (M50) 4 miles west of Pontiac Airport. EM_3-4825 ROTOTILLERS ladi Pant thems Ut ‘us. prove. with a demonstration. Only one com- lin. ft. 4 ’ SAVE use ._F WANT ADS! To find a job, place to live or a good used car, see Classi- fied NOW! » Cheap. OR 3-2140 evenings after 7. |" well, like new, PLYWOOD SPECIALS e Plywood ............- eee 45 sere SGN Steps a wcaeiR eels 8 S50 3 a eis val pansiieg yy! pi ‘Form. cat... 5c sq. ft. Marine Plywoods. ..............5 PO! AC PLYWOOD is 1488 Baidwin Ave. 92-2543 special prices, G.A. Thompecn.| Sale Musical Goods 62 few, PURRACE $1801, OR F-7103, |B FLAT CLARINET, VERY GOOD tein BL engi ones Ie f. UL 24292 between 4 and_§ p.m. ae | it ie PLOMBING surly * Cet alae. Terme rns ginaw FE 5-2100 GALLAGHER’ S "Ss nee 18 E, Huron GOOD USED SKXOPHONE ELK- __hart. OR 3-2602. | KING TRU M PET. CLARINET, used 6 mos, OR 3-3195. MAPLE SPINET GEORGE STECK piano, $400. Like new, FE 4-0903. PIANO RENTAL. a | PER MONTH us cartage erin — f rchased nelle Saginaw. FE PRACTICE FARO Fi. Very smal] Grand piano, in mahogany. Small apt. plano Small medium plano, $195. ~ Used Lowrey organ Blonde Hammond chord organ Used accordians, G! ALLAGHER’ S 18 E Huron 4-0566 all sizes. Sale ale Store Equipment 64 CLERY ELECTRIC CasH REG- _ister, $100. FE 2-6844. $20. ELLI0TT 'H. Tabs at cost. 79 W. Lawrence. NATIONAL CASH REGISTER FOR sale. FE 4-5029. WALK-IN COOLER BOX i0xax6 FT. ouys — PP ty SELL, TRADE. Manley Leach 10 Bagley GOLF ser mi ER USED. Faiee wie bag. Sacrifice $35, GUNS—MODERN OR ANTIQUE, buy sell, repair i _ __ing. Burr. tlegtaph. &PLIT BAMBOO. FP abba. $4.5, B or c—-_ fly arg $2.50. ‘s 677 W. Walton Bivd. Bait, Minnows, Etc. 65B CRAWLERS 2 Sc; RED- worms $0 for 45c; big worms 50 = 50c; ee. Also, clean baa. Gays. 38 Orchard Lk Ave. _Sand, Gravel & Dirt 66 A hard SOIL, BLACK DIRT, revel and fill. Also peet _humisg’ PE 5-4766. - Bs 4 ao SAND. GRAVEL, k dirt. Jerry's Truck- a1 SHREWED TOP SOIL, FILL & black dirt. FE 5-6261, __ 4-1 TOP gor. SAND, GRAVEL. s & dirt. Ken i TOP Pa RE GEE im & k dirt Bul tine banca OR a SHREDDED TOP SOIL. FILL black dirt. FE 5-8261. | a TOP S8Oll, CR { A | OR_3-2001 CEMENT MIXERS, % BAG CA- pactty, used. LI 3-7589 roED DIESEL ENGINES 4 & 6. tinder for trucks. saw mills. etc. | asoline « igines for irriga-; ble. Call | ~ SEWING MACHINE.: drapery materials i Fe‘ oi vel x te Conklin, |7% YARDS hace DIRT OR peat. Pres delivery. OR 3-9644. LACK DIRT—'' $8 PER "LOAD DELIVERED OR_3-0641 | BLACK — DIRT & A & A-l ie - BOIL, shredded if preferred. FE 27774. BLACK DIRT. SAND. GRAVEL, pick-up truck. FE 5-0640. BLACK DIRT - Clarkston - Waterford Area $8 PER LOAD — DELIVERED OR 13-2997 OR 3-9641 BLACK DIRT AND ROTO<{ILL- ing. FE 8-6642. 371 COW MANURE, #3 A TRAILER load. % mile 8. of 14 Mile Rd. on Haggerty, Raymond Seeley. | CRUSHED STONE. SAND GRAV el. Ear] Howard EM 30631 COW MANURE 6120 Dixie Hwy. DAIRYMEN & NURSERY MEN Free sawdust and shavings, pick up at Forest Products 6926 National Twist Dr: DRIVEWAY GRAVEL. LOADED al caeereace. PE ¢3263 or FE FREE FILL DIRT—445 BROWN FE 47201. BLACK DIRT, SAND & gravel, will deliver PE 5-3004 cash. Mun remove FE te6me | BC Sale Sporting Goods 65. . 584 i. Since U RSiee ”" {irs males ne le ‘e! 5 trained, Reas. JU ‘e2eke PART BASSET PUPPIES, 1136 La- Salle Bt. REGISTERED LISH er, UL 32-4257, after 6. ragea ¥ P. Fics Pel shop. #1 T Henderson. PE r7 Hunting Dogs ~ 69A 2 COON HOUND PUPS, 11 MOS. Sh tes tor the pak, MA 5-1045. pegs Trained, Boarded 70 Burr-Shell Burr-Sbell, ms Sseingraph , -Hay, Grain & Feed 71 18ST & IND CUT HAY, STRAW, manure, Loaded. Ph. MA 5-0666 aL oF & IND CUT- | hay, straw, corn and cats, iver. OA 7? GARY i YR. iM certified, ¢ r at Oxford leva! Oxford. OA 62174. Grown by Baipa “Bud" Hickmott, Jr. : 8-2159. HORSE HAY & iST iG_AL- falfa. 60¢ bale or $20 ton. John Lessiter, R4., Lake Orion. MY 3-1401, For Sale Livestock ~72 Orion Rd., eg ee across from . One wagon an band on Like new. ST 1-531, Wash- | ington. PINTO GELDING, 6 YRS. OLD, $150. pad will trade for Mare. Wanted Livestock 73 WTD.: rest Jones. MAple Sale Farm Produce 75 __ mortar trucking & tile. OR 3-1534. RICH BLACK DIRT & FARM TOP soll, $9.50 5 yds. FE 2-0346, FE 4-9177_ to $20. Seeding lawns. FE 5 V & C LANDSCAPING gravel at $6.25 fill dirt peet, FE 4-0047, load. Top landscape Road soil, ston YARD, DRIVEWAY GRADING, be on. gravel, fill, etc. FE for 2 yard load delivered. OA 8-3636. Cleon Middleton. Wood, Coal Coal ¢ & ¢ Fuel 67 67 FIREPLACE’ CANNEL ¢ COAL—ALL iW. FUE lL & PAINT 4 ORCHARD LAKE. FE §-6150. ——. WOOD BIRCH OAK, le, cedar kindling, FE 2-6244. D DRY SLABWOD 2 CORDS for $10 delivered. FE 4-€588. TOP | SOIL. SUPER DELUXE oe -0214 YEAR OLD COW MANURE, $10| ARIEN Diack dit 5 yds fi fy AND ‘SEED POTA’ ATOES. ¥_ COB- ac s. for . de- livered. FE . Also Loading| biers and Ponti yh truckers Young .MY 1711. PONTIAC LAKE BUILDERS SUP- ipmen ply. Sand, gravel & dirt. Cement, Sale Farm Equipr t 76 PIGS QP ALL KINDS. FOR- | ah i) We sel] them on our lot for 10 per cent. Holly Marine and Coach Sales, 15210 Holly Rd., aE 1. NEW AND USED TRAILERS Liberal Terms Parts — Bottle Gas TRAILER EXCHANGE #0 8. Telegraph PE 23200 OXFORD TRAILER SALES STEWART GENERAL GAR RT GENERAL GARWOOD OH!! THAT NEW 1959 VAGABOND IS SOMETHING! SEE THE CUT-AWAY MODEL a ___ OXFORD TRAILER SALES Lapeer Rd., and used rental trailers PARKHURST TRAILER SALES 1540 Lapeer Feat new 1959 New Moon ween e only 995. sharp. 15 ft. siumioams travel with brakes, $505, See many other used trailer’ buys. & Coach Sales, 15210 R4., ly. MElrose 46771 .| VACATION TRAILERS FOR GALE TRAILERS FOR r rent, Jacouvson's Trailer Sales. $685 Williams Lake Rd. OR 3-3838. Rent Trailer Space 79 AUBURN HOTS MOBILE YIL- 170 N. ke FE 5-3361 INSIDE CITY r LiMirs. 3 Coach Park. FE 5-9902. ” 2 11X38 WHEELS & —_— FOR — 200. tractor... MA - ATTENTION See the new Oliver Crawlers with SPOT TURN. Dozers, load. ers, back hoes. Pe or diesel. Also, 4 sizes Oliver wheel tractors with fe Ca & back Liveral financing terms & rental purchase availiable Pontiac Farm & industrial Tractor boo 8. Woodward OXFORD MOB'LE MANOR FOR thosé who wart the best. lots 16x40" cement patios, etc. ~ mile at «oe of Oxford on Lake- e Rd, PARKHURST ces TRAIGER Court MY 24611. The best for less. Wonderful location. On 172 acres. Between Lake Orion and Oxford MOBILEHOME ESTATES, WOD- ern —— and yground. EM 3-266 pore YOUVE SEEN TRE BESTOW see ee best r Park. Saue e@ Lake Trailer zogeveve lawn mowers. ens tractors & mow POCAHANTAS SCREENING. Bon licity tractors & mowers $8.50 per ton in 2-ton loads. FRANCIS COAL & OIL Porter Ck coe eee 3722 Orchard Lk. Rd. FE ials on used equipment Plants, Trees, Shrubs 68 A-1 TREES, MAPLE: OAK, iP Evergreens — Spruce, Pine. Yews, Mugho, Juniper & civkor: viate. Dig your own. hes Pig tools & burlap, 29°92 Sleeth 4., 3 miles west of Commerce Village, 1'g miles east of intersection, of Wixom Rd. & Duck Lk. : Daily 8 to 6 MU_ 4-8038. PIANO © TUNING—OSCAR SCHREDT _A_HOMMOND S8PINET OR- an, $15 a month plus cartage. 2 money applied when pur- chased : F GRiINNELL’S 27.8. Saginaw USED SMALL PIA. no hema = console in exceljent condi- oe, ier t ste “ 8. Teles Ree Rd. FE 2-0567 Across from Tel-Huron ° Music Instruction 62A REKT A. WURLITZER ORGAN tor as little as $4.95 week yOU GET THIS. PE_}-7168 GET ALL use of organ in your home —priv weekly ons all lesson materials bu y BAZAAR AREA FOR: SALE: ‘A FEW BEAUTIFUL evergreens 3-4 foot Juniper pfiti- gers 5-6 foot Arbor Vitaes Juni- pers and cedars, all $5.00. dig them. Groveland farms at Groveland on the Dixie half way between Pontiac and Flint. Holly phones ME 4-9451 or ME. 7-176 NURSERY GROWN SPRUCE & B30" 5 4. ft. ae or are, less than to eke es & screens & borders. Evergreen Farm. 8970 Dixie U.S. 10 Clarkston, MAple 5-1 NEED A _ FINANCE- FIXER? Order Classified Ads to sell, rent, find a good job, FE 2-8181 is the Want Ad number} 4 » HOUGHTEN & SON 3 a: Rar) 3. 1. Case & New Id hs if BY’ QUALITY ONLY 4 h.p. Wheel Horse and 7 h.p. Bolens riding tractors with elec. starters. Ideal tor lawn and. gar- den. 5% h.p. Bolens porter cable, 26” rid mowers and attach- ments 19509 new Toro ere ies mower, rotary or reel type. 3 blade Good power or om type. Jacobson first quality mow- e:s, 6 model of till WE SERVICE WHA Evans Equip. 6607 MA 5-7878 COME IN AND SEE NEW 1969 BOLEME PDEs CTO PUS AND BO. Pontiac Rd. at Opdyke FE 4-07 FE’ 4-1112 DAVID + SRIDLRY TRACTOR. Cultivator & weeder. FE 32-6019, evenings. FARM MACHINERY — NEW AND z, Olver en on M24 Proul peed North of Ox! Oxford. ar FARMALL F-20 11 FRAGT disk, $360. low & hover ty: ‘prooders, Gneenteal 42868, 27615 ARMAL: CTOR Also 2 $15 .each. Hslatead good, $250. rue. | Pie TRAILER SALES. 1045 WN. | Oxford. New 3 TF avinntDe MOFOR wit 7 Pontiac Chief & Detroiter ee ee el nt eS late oget tn teadotmn, We ees mote for ae ss. L} UL 232-1258. Bob Hutchinson Mie, ly sapped, PE Pat ah Mobile Homes iss? CURLY ORAET 16 Fr, UEII- Sales | Ste Aa , 4-3134, lage. The finest, % mile SE Poo- | 7%. Sens your Che ’| SusTOM BOAT COVERS AND canvas repair, FE 44277 or FE Also Car boats 3-6598 or HP. rokee, all controls. MERCURY- OUTBOARDS INLAND LAKES SALES 3127_W. HURON p bat wg Boy sa0, sigel find San ava all ia sites Op. ad ea ts List used . mm trailers with us, Buyers fang gr oo 8. Saginaw PeEaatas SKI BOAT, 40 pee ee Ry aoeir, skiis, PE 54-1967. MARINE EXCHANGE 5 EN §-4101 HP. N, id ft. calm and cover. 296 W. Mont- Mercury miles per = FE 4-046 = 4-1442 8 aT FRAZER ROTO- ate Accessories 80 tillers, new and og paste andj ~~~ . service, L. W. A dyke. VETTE, 4 SPEED TRANSMIS- sion, duo 4 barrel by odes at BOLENS GARDEN TRACTOR, 42°; Mallory ignition. Dundtoff cam- sickle bar, an ee cultivator, shaft, solid valve lifters. AC alee arden plow items oe Dey oS ge ty fr Chevrolet, V-8, riee_c¢ mon 33617. i BEAN N SPRAYER, RO AL 55, WRECKING 100 Sina 1710 TAY- powered with 6 cylinder Hercules; jor Road off Joslyn. FE 5-2000. wand ng gd pounee Tessure, wW' T . ‘ . t. hose on power feel. Gfounted For Sale Tires 80A on 1%-ton Chevy truck. 1625 Welch Rd., Walled Lk. MA 42865: | 4750520 TIRES, TUBES & FORD BUY EARLY & SAVE . $20 each. OR wheels, good co .3-8037. A-i USED TIRES, $3.50 UP. WE buy, sell, Aiso whitewalls. STATE TIRE SALES 503 Saginaw 8t FE 4-0687 Auto 149 w " Huron. FE 2-1215. STANDARD BRAND NEW TIR ‘trade in on General Safety rues. bl Md to * per cent off. Black or ED. WILLIAMS 451 8. Saginaw at Raeburn Service, Your Headquarters FOR FOREIGN CARS TIRES GOODYEAR SERVICE STORE 0 8 Cass FE 56-6123 Auto Service 81 CRANKSHAFT GRINDING IN THE car. linders rebored, Zuck ye eee, op. 23 Hood. Phone F- Sale Motor Scooters 82 1953 Cosmas EAGLE, PERFECT condition, 2887 Pontiac Rd. rj CAMBRETTE, sae hat MODEL. Good cellent condition, MA Head pm. week days. All day EW uN . ern DE CAR, Cushman, Comp, $25, MA 5-0620. NEW WHITE WALLS, KELLEY Springfield, 6.70x18, $15.95. Also |: used Kuhn ¢, ? MERCURY MARK 20H AND ‘oot Hydroplane. Good con- 306 Orchard SQUAR) bag ro oo Gest motors Dar sete ae. Bes Bvinrade er FROMPOOR CREST LINER, LONE Star, and Meyers boats. Evinrude Ga traile Now Lake Ave. E KAY. electric trolling motor, - — board. #25 Call Ram J 4 itor rs. KELLY'S HARDWARE 3904 Auburn at Adams, FE 2-8811 coast quers gpeeeres 3 3-0010, tion. Trade for 26 or = ler 0! ad TRADE-INS We have several v ood used - in stoc some with Evin stock, nog motors. Trade My Financ. Hirtiogtn Boat Works eX OUR EVINRUDE DEALER” Telegraph FE 2-809 2695 Or arbor. TONY'S MARINE SHRVICE chard Lk. Rd. FE TERRIFIC DISCOUNT A. P. “Bowman & Son . ——t2t_8, Sanford ot Beeern. 8-0112 Fiberglas i 85A BOATS 32-1448 s Lake Orion. COVERED. 4 MIDGET racer bodies, all types work Rini’ FIREROLAS PRODUCTS SALES, service and repair. oA. 3-6183, For Sale Airplanes 86 2 PLACE PLANE, FOR SALE. 4-3186 * LES Eves ATTENTION TOP $$$ DOLLAR GLENN'S. - MOTOR tn #2 WEST BURON days oF ve erm | NOW READ THIS. BRING YOUR CAR HERE FOR TOP DOLLAR oF oe co lel “AVERILL'S 2020 Dixie Hwy. CASH FOR CARS FOR 4 GooD BILL SPENCE “RAMBLER” ree CASH PAID for al models Used Trucks scuRAM's & TRUCK on 31208" Pe, 30311 Used Truck Parts 89A cP. ’49 CHEVROLET Walk-in vanette. Runs good.. V clean inside. / iid $295 Factory Branch OAKLAND AT CASS “itabe cond. baad, FE 44868, oe ie Waren, ‘IN ad. C eogee snanadbotio “ome, nee eet a= Me itakeg iit . f. PLACE A “LOST” AD. Call FE 2-8181 for an ad to recover a loss. : 2-8181 for an Say wor it” over $1 -for your next new car? 72 5% aT Russ | Dawson 232 2 SS ShcinkW AW" al til Bums oraka Ba) “ ‘Stop In = Motor Sales . “TODAY ABSOLUTELY be a | ae | ‘of any additional cost A Coupon . ona brand new HOLIDAY OUTBOARD = FIBERGLAS BOAT ‘ AND A : «6 HP: Mercury Motor = Alloy Boat Trailer Fee, 3 teh GELS cd with any used car purchased from - ae ery . “20 Orchard Lake Ave.’ Bode Open Eves. SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! eee and gold finish, SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! 1 Haskins Chev. e712 Pit ay at ae | “en ae Sart gg Bel Air, 2 door. heater, $299. $17.06 "Eddie Steele 7 FORD 2105 ORCHARD LE RD. KEEGO HARBO! 9204 2.2529 ’ Are ‘you paying over $1900 for your next new car? IF 80. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE JACK HODGE Russ Dawson Motor Company 232 S. SAGINAW ST. MERCUR ENGLISH 1ORD LINE OP for your convenience Stop in and shop our fine selection of “Bright Spot” SAFETY-CHECKED USED CARS. OVER to select from Very Liberal ALLOWANCES °° un your trade-in JEROME “Bright Spot’’ Mle cant BE 32° 232:S. SAGINAW ST. ST. LINCOLN . “enor at ; Russ Dawson Motor Com ATS TRUE Haupt Pontiac Is the Place to Buy! 1950 Pon Starchief, 1954 Pontiac, —_ white 4, “bo or "51 will make dowp paym 1966 Chevrolet, r ~- pick-up. 3200 ag ee payment ” 1083 Cunyater, § dr., ons a auto-* eae $145. No money down, —__ a atic §=«6transm ,. , ad & whitewalls. Like new 1956 Buick Century. 2 dr. mation. Radio & heater. 22, miles . . . $1395. 1954 c. Starchief- 2 dr. Hardtop. dramatic. Radio & heater... sit Saamoiey 5 te Hardtop. Mer- comatic. Radio & Euseee Jeew walls. . . $1245. 1965 Hudson Jet. 4 dr. sedan. Continental. Radio & heater $605. sey eavasies ae gy ho dr. ‘Hard- Powergiise. Radio & pester $1705. 1956 Pontiac 4 dr. 870. Hydra- -+matic. Radio & heater. neomrel cond. 1 owner . , . $1085, 1954 Pontiac 4 dr. sedan. Radio Heater & bydramatic $545. * 958 Vauxhall. adio & heater . HOMER HIGHT MTRS. Oxtord, Michigan 1957 Dodge Cornet 2 dr. V-8 atittomatic transmission $1350 Larry Jerome ROCHESTER FORD DEALER OL _1-9T11 -NORTH CHEVROLET CO. ‘Has The INTERNATIONAL 1-YEAR DISCOUNT WARRANTY GIVEN“FREE WITH EVERY CAR 100% Coverage; No Exclusions » 54 Ford 500 Vic. Power ... Thess 56 Chev. 2-dr. VB, PGlide ...$ 983 ey Chevy, 4dr. wagon ...... $ 691 ; Seer Gonree ve. PG: S00 ‘87 Chev. 2dr. Stick ‘ "$2 Pontiac Dr. Nice ‘54 Olds” Super 86 hardtop .. § Chev, poole wagon $ 807 "54 Chev, yw id Powergiide. . $ 568 56 pe =~ 876 Ae ertevege’ 68 More to pick from BANK RATES ome oe a.m to" 9 p.m. North Chev. Hunter Bivd. af 8, _ Woodward ats Orchard ‘Lake at, Cass FE 80488 2 ‘til 9 4,000 actual miles. + « $1545, , A ates cham GH ty — CX Gace mach for “Poweriide, Radie Bel Alr, oo, Aer. “Eddie Steele thenwe corte eweeeee f tt | the one they had in the book: ” ‘ ———— For Sale Cars 91 _For Sale Cars m1 _ Are you paying ‘96 CHEV. 4 DR. HARDTOP, for your next new car? $5 DOWN strains ettek. aia Steet "Eddie > Steele FORD 2706 ORCHARD LK. RD. FE_ 6.9204 PE_2-2529 "S8 FORD 2 DR. 2-TONE GRAY &. white. V-8. POM, R&H, Sharp. Clarkston Motor Sales CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER Main 8t., Clarkston. _ MA _5-5141 ‘Se PLYMOU H. Riggins. ™ ‘82 FORD $345. EM 2. $125. — ‘S56 FORDOMATI iA — clean. Newly painted. ‘69 Cadillac best offer, OLive ‘1 FORD $00 HARDTOP, V-8. Clean. FE 8-8605. 31,050, EM ; . eee eevee ve | tgs sacs Radio — automatic — one owner JACK COLE, INC. r Wie take * Oa ia 4 DR. GOOD COND. . mae” L. 1968 Rambler Ambassador, ond. 7 i 8,000 miles. Like new. Fully equipped. Priced to . blue. ay Rambler Cross Country sta- 2 dr. . | 1955 Rambler, ir. walls. | Several $100 cars. Good second car & C RAMBLER SALES we_H. 3, at Union Lk. 3-4155 58 ENGLISH FORD Ta ae blue with _— & iS eee clean ve "ease. over ao pg dealer = bet trade. Onuy Ar ora 2 Pe. BLER. 666 §. WOODWARD. MI FACTORY BRANCH $7 FORD PAIRU ARS CON “300"" — TIBLE & Heat- ‘Store FE 3-7117 less expensive model. Lake Orion Motor Sales M2¢ AT CLARESTON RD 54 FORD. A NICE T-Huron 923 w. Huron FE_42186 7% FORD CUSTOM & RAB, $120 a. tg" — pymis, FE 2- $5 DOWN 1954 Ford, 2 door, hardtop, all biack, Leather interior, ordo- matic. Radio and _boeter. Power. $409. $27.24 month - Eddie Steele FORD © 2705 ORCHARD LK. RD. KEEGO HARBOR FE 5-9204 FE_2-2529 GOOD CARS NO_RUST 58 CHRYSLER | ower r. HT. . Auto, trans. 5 57 PLYMOUTH Savoy 2 dr. V-8 Auto, trans. R&H. 1395 ’°56 CHRYSLER ba iy Rong 4dr a4 a rakes. R&H . tire: 1505 '56;DeSOTO . ~ 4 dr. Power steering. A-1 auto, 139 '56 FORD Victoria HT, Black. Power steering, auto. trans. R&H WW tires, 56 PLYMOUTH Belevedere: 4 ar. ae. '56 DODGE | come Sy), ae Auto, trans. ~ $1195 55 DODGE Coronet 4 dr, Std aa V-8 R&H. 54 BUICK Special 4 dr. Std. mee Very nice. 54 CHRYSLER. - Windsor 4 dr. sos trans R&H. 54 PLYMOUTH 6 cylinder. Std trans. WW tires. Rammler $49 DOWN 86 Ford V-8 2dr. sedan. New W- walls. Standard shift. Only . Tom Bohr, Inc., MU 4-1715. DO DOWN ‘Eddie Steele -¥OUR_FRIENDLY OL; FOREIGN CAR FOR THE FINEST | | OF USED CARS WILSON -PONTIAC-CADILLAC 1950 N. Woodward B’HAM MI 4-1930 198 Vs rea ee _IMPORT SPECIALS eta aitgka's & SON. aaa 528 N, Main, Rochester, OL 1.9761 i686? FORD PAIRLANE. YELLOW Pi sal ba a ae Pe Walls, - FE 4-3856 for 3 o 1955 D, § CYLINDER, FA lane; ¢ 4dr, rrotdomatic. _ Saha FE 62217 or FE so DOWN - 1953 Ford 2 door. , mere matic. Radio at r. eri pew. $498. oat. month. Eddie Steele AGO! 7, econom 2 te isoguoe > a iin oe. SoTL INDER- CUETO bs = Delve it, you'll bu ar ¥ — a. 70 Mo. ent or old hee ‘BinitinGelate wanes ke 666 8. WOOI COUNT! Ford 1954 V 4+DR. white, Very clean. 393 W. quois. REPOSSESSION | needed. st aie ae ag FORD Vs. STANDARD TRANS. Radio, ig ly new 1 aaa Clean, no rust. '/$5 DOWN 1952 Ford Station’ Wagon. Fordo- w 2 1955. Zona St atte | “BRAID | _MOTOR SALES - ‘MOUTH _AT W. PIKE STs. iG JEEP, V-8 ENGINE. 4 WHEEL with snow 237 — FACTORY BRANCH ‘7 MERCURY Mitte, For 4%; steering **$1695 Pontiac Retail Store FE 3-7117 65 MT. __BEHIND THE POST OFFICE blade. iN. Merc-0- and CLEMENS ST. 1965 RAMBLERS agons, Sedans, Take your pick, $605 BIRMINGHAM RAMBLER ees Ss. woopware. 2- pany oe sme ¢ Grice. 193 S. Saginaw. . “bugs’ out Owner joined A 41006. RAMBLER Forces. $2,006. No trades. a ‘Fe ay eban Va RADIO a; 666 S. Woodward MI 6-3900 | _4-7000. EATER. ABSOLUTELY ‘7 FORD, 8, STOM ALL | BEATOTIFUL EXTRA sOONOME. | ae Bee een’ oP Foal, W. Wall. RAH, fear | cals! Metropolitan. 2.0pe. hard A S HE - Mer tr. "Pa 4 Parks 2 t MI 4.7500. speaker. 0 $300, take rn payments. a oar at seve job. ‘oe a aa DO DOWN 952 Ford 2 door, ——. Bs Fordomatie FE coe and "Eddie Steele Ford 270 ORCHARD LK. RD. KEEGO HARBOR “SPENCE” NEW “RAMBLER” Trade-Ins IT MARES SENSE TO DEAL WITH Bill Spence "ST PONTIAC 8-Chief H-Top $1850 4 Door—Radio & Heater, Hydra- matic. Power brakes, W-Wal!s. Like-new condition. A shimmer: ing Black beauty ‘ot ‘BAMBLER” Rebel H-Top $1695 cyl. Doo: enigma ay 9 As Wed tainente: Brakes. Rad glass. Many, many ,ctras. clean as new —Sh ‘87 “RAMBLER” Station Wgn, $1750 Custom 4 Door—Radio & Heater, Rycrometis W-Walls, Reclining seats, Chrome luggage carrier. Black & White pai and red trim. A with 000 miles, ‘b6 OLDS Super “88” Holiday $1595 Radio & Heater, eonmene. Double power, one rig & W-Walls, Padd: dash. ne paint, Low mileage. Tinted Glass. "655 FORD Custom 4 Door ..:$ 695 6 Cyl. standard shift. Radio & Heater, W-Wall: A real gas saver. New ‘Green paint. ‘55 gg re cat Sedan $ 795 Ld Standard shift, heater & Mi A feel ‘anaes 2 tone Blue with good .ti "85 CHEVY % Ton Pickup 4 885 Heater, Signals, and was ponies This truck has been used as passenger car, with stoapuionally good care. Dark Blue finish. ‘34 “RAMBLER” itation Wgn. $ 705 Custom 4-Door — Radio & Heater. Hydramatic. Red & White paint. Reai clean ‘54 STUDEBAKER COMDR. $ 5 : Cyl. Biareers shift with O’Drive. Hea & Washers, W- Walls. Red 4 Black paint — Extra nice "83 CHEVROLET Standard model. but a good runner. ‘60 PLYMOUTH Deluxe Cpe., $325. This little jewel has low mileage and is really nice. Has-radio & heater. — ad new. No rust, A good runn 4 Door $ 195 , little ‘ragged ie Bitay.,, Ss." "59 RAMBLER’ : DEMOS : A TERRIFIC SAVINGS * SPENCE “RAMBLER”: ame Sales & Service— 211 8, SAGINAW FE 8-454 I "37 FORD FAIRLANE, R&H, AUTO. trans. Good cond. FE 4-9955, oe. If be traded EM 3-3125 Se 4 p.m. STOP! LOOK! SAVE! 1968 PONTIA $2805 4-door sadea, with power steering, wer — Hydramatic, eater, white wall tires, back a lights all secessories. Has demonstrator and 1 $2645 Fairlane 500 hardtop. “Fordomatic. V8 engine, radio, heater, white wale. plastic ses seat overs Like 1958 < Impala hardtop, power steering, power brakes, Powerglide, V8 en- radio, heate: rt, white wal res. Solid white finish with low 1958 PORD ............ $1865 Wagon with standard shift, 6 cyl- — engine, spare tire never Radio, heater, white wail — A most economical weeee. 1957 BUICK 805, Special 4-door “hardtop, ower steering, power brakes, Dynafiow, — tinge white wall. tires. files ee = perfect a 1938. “OLDSMO. 295 Super 88 tip power ‘sheatieg. poser brakes, Hydramatic, radio, eater, white wall tires. They come no nicer oe this ie Month-End — CLEARANCE See Our BEAUTIFUL SELECTION The Finest WE'VE EVER HAD All Late Models HAND SELECTED TO MAKE CERTAIN THAT YOU The Most For Your Money ‘GET 1955 PONTIAC : Star Chief hardtop. ‘Hydramatic, | '38 FORD Custom 4 Door .... $1594 radio, heater, white wail tires. isan a extra si a "$8 FORD Custom 300" ...; $1604 Chieftain ¢dr. sedan With Hydra- | 88 PONTIAC Safari wagon .. $2774 matic, radio, h r white wall i i Sass Extra sharp inside and | ’ST CHEVY B-A Convertible . e174 out. : 1958 FORD .........-:..ceees $2195 | 57 D Doo: agon .. 1396 | rank $00 "convertible. Power ORD 3 Deer . stee wer brakes. jo- |” i 1 . 8 costes, radie.. heater, 57 CHEVY 2 Door 210 $1304 white, wall tires. Don’t miss this | +57 FORD F-Lane “500% .... $1580 1988 “PLYMOUTH ods Besar etovarwrece $1805 | » ; avo hardtop, paiidomiatic trans: 57 CHEVY 4 Door 210 .... $1404 mission, radio, heater, white wall | . sere Ageia white beauty." 57 FORD Country Sedan .. $1004 Super hardtop rith ‘power, steer- "ST BUICK Super H-Top .. $1874 we ‘akes, radio, eater, ri + acéestories, A beautiful car ali| 37 FORD “500” Convertible $1780 901 P LY iO rE ‘eae “sie $1605 "6T PONTIAC Chieftain .... $1504 elvedere e, Ta- dio heater, white wall tires, coral ‘857 PLYMOUTH Convertible . $1689 Ls , 57 CHEVY Wagon .........- $1794 1951 PONTIAC ree vecseeees si005 | 9 Passenger Star Chief rdtop. Power senda, Thgate get Sa ea res, "36 FORD % Ton Pickup .. $ 804 5 086 BUICK " 2 "66 CHEVY 2 Door 210 .... 8 904 cial 4door with a ow, ra- “he tal {door with, Dynafion. [9 | 66 BUICK Special 2 Door .. $1004 oreer a with low miles. 1956 MERCURY ...... $1295 | "56 BUICK Century H-Top .. $1304 Victorie t eh bknad Mercomatic, got hee . White wall tires.| ‘56 BUICK Super H-Top .... $1304 real nice car. 1956 PO! Ch eg ey $1295 | 56 ** BLER” Wi cic 4 seed mapel ~ - Bower ain a RAMBLER = oe ydramatic. r 0, ie Yr, Ww i FOR. Door .. ‘wall tires. Sandalwood and ivory ad D Custom 3 r $7 finish with beautiful leather Hird ‘65 CADILLAC Cpe. Deville $1904 Fairlane tudor sedan. “Fordomiatic, iy radio, beeter, new white wall | © SU!CK Century H-Top .. $13 oltre, Red and white finish. ‘86 BUICK Super H-Top .... $1304 Special 4-door ‘sedan, “Dyna: ow. ‘pare radio. heater, white’ wall tires, | 55 LDS 2 Door “#8” H-Top $1144 wads BomORNT oF and Teal Bice: a5 CHEVY Bair H-Top .... # 00 ees heater wie 4 How: '86 FORD F-Lane 4 Door .. $ 804 — fim. te finish with CUS-| 455 PONTIAC starchiet ...... $994 PONTIAC o2. 52s ccceress- $1095 Sarde atop with poe steering, bow pe *68 DODGE Coronet 2 Door .. $ 674 es, a- matic, white wail Ores. Red and | ‘8 CHEVY B-Air 2 Door .... § 49 ay OLDsMoBrt. jos waneee $1005 | "54 FORD Custom 4 Door .. § 544 sertan. payaanette,” radio , heater white ‘wall tires. Solid | ‘$4 MERCURY 4 Door... § a4) = ‘and 1 owner. 30,000 actual | 10st ‘Stpsmontur silt. poner br “brakes, tame radio, SHELTON cuone etiae Buick a ROCHESTER R OL 1-8133 FE 4 erst "51 PONTIAC 2 Door GLENN’ S MOTOR SALES OUR NEW LOCATION ee WEST HURON ALUE” USED CARS Peewee FE 4-1797 a “The Boss Is Back” AND SAYS: “LET'S SELL 'EM”" WE’ Not Turning Down AnyDeal Within Reason BEST DEALS EVER t 58 CHEV ROLET DELRAY 4 DOO wie Pie & ester Ww Waits. Sea ist Was $100" Lassen RES NOW 61580 'S8 CHEVROLET “NOMAD STATION ‘een Was $2406 59 DODGE concn er HARDTOP Door, Tone Paint Radio and W/Walls, eater Was $2795.......... NOW $2435 "57 CHEVROLET 2 DOOR 150 Solid Jet Biack Paint, Radio & Heater, 6 Cyl, Beautiful. Was $1495 NOW $1385 56 PONTIAC STARCHIEF HARDTOP Radio & Heater, Hydra- matic, 8 Cyl., Power Was une. _... NOW $1180 '55 Cl CHEVROLET 210 Feadio & Heater, v/8, . Powerglide.. Was $995............ NOW $845 55 MERCURY: WORICL ATS HARDTOP Radio & Heater, Mere- O-Matic, Coral & Grey Paint. Was $995.0... .. NOW $795 54 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 4 poor 6Cyl, Powergiide, Radio & meet Tone. Was $795 ....... NOW $695 54 CHEVROLET 2 DOOR 2 210 - Radio & Heater, Power- lide. Solid- Mist Green. NOW $685 Was $ YOU HAVEN’T SEEN GOOD USED CARS MATTH VISITED "| HARGREAVES 631 OAKLAND AVE. A547 FE 4 Auto rans., wer 5 Brakes, Original New Spare re. Ivory and Case: B Was $095 ........,... NOW $809 55 CHEVROLET 4 DOOR 210 6 Cyl. inenee. ne dio & Hea Ton Gree Was $005............. NOW $845 55 PONTI AC 2 DOOR Vien Hydramatic. 2 Tone Green. Was $895 ............ NOW $646 54 DeSOTO P comers Mondera Trans. “7 eae’. 2 Ton Was $706: o 5.) cseesccs NOW 3608 °53 BUICK 4 DOOR 5 adio & Heater, Dyna- Was $045... NOW $300 RE "58 FORD. 2 DOOR ; 6 él. Standard Trans.. “ ° Heater. India — Point. Was $1705........ NOW $1545 58 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE 4 DOOR E 8, Powerglide, Radio Heater lid Canyon é zal Paint. -»Was $1 . NOW $1675 "37 BUICK ROADM pared boa HARDTOP ivie 4 Door — Full Power, W/Walls, Radio & Heater. Onyx Black. Low mileage. Was $1995'.......... NOW $1875 oe eee EVROLET DOOR aa Lo & Heate r, > Was arent. Corsow “Siset 55 P: ACKARD CLIPPER DELUX: 4 Door, Radio & Heater. oWS- Pci m4 ’ 3 sg Y : iP Fa ks ees ine A a Sie ae a a og &: aes 3 = % ‘. x f Pe 3 ‘ a é as Mother Wears Tight ia Brame duct Laniovs T lovelier than most of the chorus dolls and when I mentioned 5 engagement in El Paso, returned pt tind Mother still. working on : Broadway. “Usually I come home to find a0. : takes off again for 6:45 working couple. 7:00 : rich 2:30 (2) House Party. a picture was released. The baby “Halt a Loaf.” (4) Playhouse. Drama: re (Color) Haggir Beggis. ‘and Mother (7) Péopie’s Choice. Ke snyder fends two} | (7) Gale Storm. probably looks better in tights now than vat ie tees chug (1) Star Performance aw pri al pv In any case, Mother : ‘Tune. . — a oung 2 Wi f ‘ © Buckabia. Western: Jay agg ae Baya pos Beg C1) Beat the Glock. os gga lass these nights. manager and faces wild) ™oves from the city to the/s.s5 (9) verdict Is ¥ ! ABC news chief despite a report cattlemen, robbers, drunks. | ° cman. Macies tee 1a) Prone tea ee hadrian aie ged ayn alr age (7) Shirley Temple. Fantasy:| .* (9) News. , (7) Who Do You Trust? surrender the news job to Tom Valotta of Hollywood. Daly Mi _— poay a og f 4:00 (2) Brighter. Day. has @ contract; his position is, “Have Contract, Won’t Travel.” cd tomo Prone veri ( Kews Parade. - (4) (Color) Truth or Conse- “ee & ¥¢ is England). ioe Sa . $ (7) Bandstand, | Rod Steiger and Claire Bloom (his leading lady on stage Anaad with Cro sivals in| ee Te Meeosope New show.| 15 (2) Secret Storm. - and off) are around with Claire’s mother who came from aiuiee tay mee Bretton Temby with behind|**% (2) Edge of Night, ©. | England to see her daughter star in “Rashomon.” Back- Desens Career woman tries| news. : (4) County Fair. stage kidders refer to the visitor as “Rod’s mother-in-law.” to rum her. younger sister’s|11:00 (2) (4) (9) — ‘. Pa bn ton tee . That’s slightly premature because Rod’s not divorced. (3D. Willian Powell, Myrna|1s15 o (4) (9) Weather. pod poco sono Pierrot, | - en ad -* * ee . iss G) Nighteutch Th ater,|5:30 ©) Bandevand ro hew aon ter ie: _ 8:00 (2) Texan. Western: Greedy ij ‘ ? nr aa ‘ desperado and sons plot to Comedy: Betty Grable, Gene! 2 a 3 -feableapoons of vinegar in a glass of get ex-convict into violating Lockhart, “By Your Leave” |5'68 (4) Sports. = = water. As @ result of the illness he parole, (4). The surprising expe- — picked up in Africa. (4) Restless Gun. Western: riences of husband and wife . Hired gun is unjustly accused during holiday. esium Metal I asked Sophia Loren whether of murdering would-be bride-|11:30 (4) Jack Paar. Clark Gable isn’t too old to play groom. (7) Night Court. ; — ‘| her leading man in “Bay of 8:30 (2) Father Knows Best. Com- (9) Theater, War Drama: . Naples” which they'll shoot dur- cy! Bod gor ut ot hs) ‘Kath Graynn, Geel \ Precious Say tes Gammon. Sopkin seed, group to date deb. daughter Kelty, Denne Kast, ZL . ' “No, because I am a woman of all of the town’s wealthiest fam- oat Home of the Brave. 7 ages” Ingrid Bergman's hus- | Only Scientists Know! band, Lars Schmidt, wants to pro- (4) Tales of Wells Fargo ¥ MORNING . te Western: Outlaw gives Weils TUESDA It Now; May Be Used] duce “Raisin in the Sun” in Paris. Fargo agent tip on train/6:30 (4) Continental Classroom. for Moon Rockets ° He says it would be a smash hit— robbery. 6:50 (2) Meditations if he can find a good Negro cast (7) Bold Journey. Travel:|€:55 (2) On The Farm Front. - that speaks fluent French. Four men go ‘5,000 Miles by|7:00 (2) TV College. WASHINGTON — A metal more 9:00 (2) Danny Thomas. Comedy: (7) Big Show. help send rockets to Mara, Hiller getting rapped for her com- Met. opera star Salvatori/7:38 (2) Cartoon Classroom. Cesium could be used in the jon ments about winning the Oscar. “I —— mye —_ (7) Breakfast “ire rocket engines now under study.|don’t think she’s a heavy—I think she BETTY Damy’s who wants to es prt cagenr banr In the new type .of engine, a/meant well,” says Peggy, one of her - ta Cé.dmeoie cc. nuclear-powered turbine generates competitors. “I think she said it tongue-in-cheek, After all, Two elderly ladies hire Gunn) (4) 1 Married Joan. an ¢léctric current. when you win something like that you don’t say, ‘I deserve it’.” to protect spinster singerig:39 (4) (color) Bozo the Clown. The current creates a magnetic) Peggy tells me that on a recent American Jet flight, a pas- from the attentions of an 19:99 (4) Dough-Re-Mi. . field aS fons oy Senser got around the liquor limit fixed by the airline by steal- oft-married philandered in (7) Jean’s Notebook. charged 2 particles — of ing the stewardess’ supply of miniature bottles when she wasn’t “Love Me to Death.” 10:18 (7) Lady of Charm. such elements as cesium tl 15oking. “I wonder how that poor girl made out her inventory,” (1) Voice. .;Music: “High- 10:25 (9) Billboard. speeds reaching 400,000 miles per . poor r ’ lights of Carmen” features hour. The jens are spewed out|Pesey groaned. . 19:30 (2) Arthur Godfrey. Rone Met. opera baritone Robert (4) Treasure Hunt. of the engine, and the reaction a _e7 ; Merrill, mezzo-soprano Rosa- (9) Count of Monte Cristo. (ives the engine a forward thrust. SAID T: Joe E. Lewis said it once. “To me a ling Eliag and tenor Nicolai’ 19.55 (7) News. ~ Cesium is high on the list of guy’s still sober if he can reach his glass without help.” .. . Gedda. 11:00 (2) I Love “Lucy. possible propellents because it is That's earl, brother. - (9) Byline Steve Wilson. (4) Price Is Right any Hh eate: | (Copyright, 1959) Drame: Wilson clashes with) (7) Cleo , An fon rocket engine would | editor over story attacking) = (9) Leon Errol operate far more efficiently and |. . . yg ol ty. l4:18 (9) Nursery School Time. | longer than today’s chemical Twister for Engineers: Sergeant Lost 24 Hours Katy tries to get out of work| 4:3? (2) Top Dollar. rocket cagines, but ue ums Huge 8-Story Gate SUFFOLK, Va. —"I thought I by hiring Japanese houseboy (1) and Allen. ° G. Mich UPD | Could make it back to the road by —who turns out to be beauti- pvindtag’ Hence, a Mars-bound vehicle} EAST LANSING, ( myself but I missed the track and ful young girl who prac- (9) Friend Gant would have to be hoisted into|—How do you keep a gate as tall) 149» tically takes over the hotel.|11:45 (9) Cartoon Storybook. space by a regular chemical|®5 a” eight-story building from The words were those of S. Sgt 4) Theater. Comedy-drama:| spay apreRNooNn |focket engine. Once free of the| twisting while it's in operation? |) oa an tound in Virginia's “A Light in the Fruit earth's gravitational pull, the jon The quéstion has been answered! ni) Swamp after being lost 24 Closet.” After Mr. Biandings| 12:00 (2) Love of Life. engine would take over for the/by a Michigan State University) “OU O'S aban hunt He is one built his dream house, he| i (4) Tic Tac Dough. rest of the 40-million-mile voyage | professor of civil engineering, Dr. ‘wis ‘thine. teed Gis must keep it in repair. (7) George Hamilton IV. through space, where little thrust|Carl L. Shermer, The gates jaune many wee are, sew Steve Dunne, Maggie Hayes (3) Whistle Town. is needed. question will be used 6n the Rob-|* P reg co-star. 12:30 (2) Search for Tomorrow. Cesium was unknown less than| inson Bay and Grass River locks "escue- | a century ‘ago, the National Geo-|— two of the largest on the St. | . sraghle Sectaty says. Its discov- wrence Seaway, A I5-foot high _cast fron gate ‘ , Aonoss rh 10 ery was made possible by the| Twisting will be controlled by’ taken from the “entrance to a | i Hsacy seaners a instrument. that | Precisely tensioned diagonal braces|Paris subway station is one of Girl's vame — reveals the component wave-|across the steel girder framework.|the exhibits at New York's Mu- Hy Chilis and tever lengths tn 0 beam of light. seum of Modern Art. It was made i sentainer Using spectroscopes, scientists| About 95 per cent of all Indiana’s/about 1900 and is considered a ier found that each element such as farm land is under cultivation. —_|work of art. Bie a distinctive ave Ro oom bas | % Simple In 1880 German chemist Robert | Security for You pa) | Bunsen, familiar to high school s ‘ 8 ¥2 Desicate } eo dCh Vital f A ~ Colored =f {| ventor of the Bunsen burner, ; 38 Roman officials ry YY, } and a colleague, G. R. Kirch- 00 oice | q ; OF ge 9 a? hoff, were studying the spectra 40 Morel wrongs 7 of certain minerals when they : 3S Gene found evidence of some unknown By RAY HENRY 45 Scandinavian element or elements. They al- Dear Mr. Henry: ! 49 Lsderate most immedfately succeeded in My mother who recently reached 70 has fust come to Hi Mine oo sis x isolating cesium and. {ts sister | live with me. Her health and spirits are fine. But, I can’t Greek letter™ element, rubidium. get her to eat much. I don’t understand this since she used rf ssebail clubs td: Cesium thus becdine the first} to be a big eater. Have you got any suggestions as to how Ferber’ 1 Ocesn | 23 Wicked Clans element discovered with a spectro-| I can get her to eat more? 07 Indien weight § Rays Closed car 41 Musical scope, now an important tool of Miss R. L. of Oakland, Calif DOWN Napoleon's 27 Puts up with drama The tal derived ~ ba > : 1 Detest 5 ame, a ceeenceenn ef Free, og chemistry. me x * * \ 3 Rowe ged 10 Deitione 29 Finest Helen of Troy {name from the Latin word mean- How do you know she ought to eat more? Have you 4 Non-commis- 11 Observes 3} ghade ot red = fo Gear ak [in “sky-blue” — a reference '0) +44 a doctor give h sical? Perha: sioned efficer 17 Came ashore 33 Essential 4 Solar disk. the bright blue lines of its spéc-| “ad a doctor give er a physical? Perhaps, because you're ‘ (slang 19 Concerning 38 ~_ 4 48 Belov trum. used to seeing your mother with a big appetite, you're try- * —— 24 After (prefix) land 50 Shad ing to push her into eating more than she wants or needs. - - Today's: Radio Programs - - Ca 00) ww, (se) WOAR, (1190) WEY, (127) WON, (1668) WIBK, (1500) AR Page's Party Wron Candietiaht reeg Quest House WxyY Rottielient 2:30—WWJ, 3 Star fztre Gea Sol bare w mos ‘a’ Andy Sn Eee $:00—WJIR, Philharmonic LELW Gibie . WCAR News 0:00 RLW, World Today ; , WIRK tank, Rellhoy 16:00-—.WWJ, Concert Ron Jacvien Bellboy © | _ WERE, ¥ 11:00—WJR, News WXYZ. News, Surretl CKLW. News, Sports WCAR, News WPON. Music WJBK, Stereo 11:30—-WJR, Musie TUESDAY MORNING 6:00— WJ, Voice of Agric. News, Roberts WCAR, News. WPON €arty Bird 6:30—WJK, Music Had ~ CKLW. : David | WIBK, News, George WOAR. News | 4:00—-WJK, News, Musto ews, on News, Casey Tito ws, Muste Hall WxYZ. hewn wolf OKLW. . David WIJBK News,- George B News, ‘ wae News, z 280 WIK, Maste Mel WwW. Ne Gibk, News, George 6:00. WJK News, B Guest . WW. News, { wy News, P. Elisabeth 0:30—W Jack Harris ORLW. Newe M. Labbitt: 10:00—WJR, Arthur Godfrey bai Lite. wJR, Time tor Muste CKLW. News, vies TUESDAY AFTERNOON 0:100— WIR News. Mra. Page Club WPON. uck Lewis GKLW. News Darid” | y'socwam, Ma Perkin * WCAR, News, Martyn CKLW. Heatter, Davies WPON, Lark 2:00-—WJR, Rt. to Happiness WWJ, News, Network CKLW. News, Davies “> WJBK Reid CELT News, Mary Moreaa| 9:30 ews. Mary ry w. Bel t WIBK News. Reid eeychgr ee fee 10:30-—-CKLW, News, Davies | CKLW “News. shiftbregt WXYZ. News, Winter . ‘ sWWI) News, Network 11:00—WJR, Héyse Pa . Www neon Teeen WX¥%. M. Shore CRLW News a CRLW . Shittbreak, Davies ce oi rr i i WON’ Bon tars 3:30—WJRK, : CKLW, News, Musio . 1100 WIR, Parade of Banc WXYZ M Bhore ‘WwW, New: CKLW, 3¢ Music pt | News, McLeod CAR, News it: Ww. , Wella WWI, News, Maxwell - WPON, Carriage de KLW Grant, Livestock . ; XYZ, B.. Martin acto WK, agg WCAR. News, Purse CKLW., .. News, , Kingsley Stetao . ; . News, Lewis | 8:00 WIR, News ; WWJ News Deland 12180. WJH, Time Out Music) WXY% M. Shorr WXYZ. News. Yhorr CKLW. Sports, Music GEL News’ Davies . WJBK. News, Mc’ ‘e ‘ WCAR News. Tenn Gru’ i: wk W . Streets W 4, Mews, wel) 6:88 wit ttume fan , wa, v - CKLW, News, Musi Wibe. ewe, Reid WCAR, Sporte Keep this in mind: As we grow older, the kinds of food _ we need don’t change. At 7 or 70, the elements needed to keep our body in good working order and to maintain vital- ity are about the same. But, the quantity of food we need does decrease. - So, before you go any farther, you should have your doctor give your mother a thorough physical exam. Because older people are usually less active and need less food, the selection of food is much more im- portant than when they were young. A poor selection of food frequently causes a lack or protein, minerals and vitamins in the diet of people be- yond 60. / . Milk, eggs, meat, poultry, fish and cheese are the best sources of protein. Fruit and vegetables are important for minerals and vitamins, ~ . _If your mother has drastically cut down on these foods, you should mention it to your doctor. These foods -shuld be eaten by old people in about the same quantity as they were eaten when they were younger. CUT DOWN ON FATS To get your mother to. eat. ap ean: minerals and vitamins, you'can probably cut down on the amount of fatin her foods. 4 7 You can largely eliminate fried foods from your moth- ér’s diet. Nutrition experts figure that an older person needs only about half the fat usually needed by a younger person, _ To help you plan food for your mother, perhaps, you'll want to get the Department of Agriculture’s “Food Guide ' for Older People.” You can buy it for 10 cents from the _ Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Becoming an-Invalid Is His “Only Fear’ as He Lands in New York tumor is cancerous. The operation, scheduled. later this week at Co- used to it. Don't you know, every time a pilot takes off, he's close -|to it.” Old Yule Trees Help to Nature Town in New Mexico Dumps ‘Em in Spots to Halt Soil Erosion, servation. several hundred tons of soil in the «* & &. > As people of Los Alamos have become acqainted with the plan, cooperation has increased to the paint where they practically de- mand that their trees be lected, Shaffer said, and the task of collecting has become much easier and requires less time. They are taken to a central loca- tion, from where the Izaac Walton League members and Boy Scouts truck them to arroyos in the -Los \lamos or Bandelier Monument areas. ; The trees are dumped into ar- jin St. Louis’ — presented asa NEW YORK (AP) — Television|CBS-TV — is a tasseled and parties and who’ looks like Tab Hunter and Next | Course, an urban pastorale—an == Wildcatter Drills| ealfor Steam Heat {Meet Me in St. Louis NEW YORK (UPI—Like the contemporary gift shop, ““Meet.Me/ two hour special last night on container It stocks on its shelves: A grand-| pa who wears a beret, a little patience of : souffle r lollipop picnics @ young beau behold! — turns out, in fact, to be Tab Hunter. “Meet Me in St. Louis” is, of ‘Would Harness Power Trapped in ‘Hot’ Earth in California it + Short Shots: “Professor an Abbey Ht 5 i : Bs z fi i Seog 2” : As the earth cools, it contracts, causing fractures or faults in the} waters percolating downward, pro-/] 21 Water St. ee ee SWEETS RADIO-TV 42) ¥ royos with their trunk ends facing upstream. They are packed down thoroughly, thus providing a trap for drifting silt and pebbles and sticks. . Shaffer says that one big arroyo about five or six feet deep and a mile long has become overgrown with grass and weeds since the plan was begun three years ago, silting hag practically ceased, and the arroyo his filled up to the stage where in another year or so it will be about leveled over. “We are real proud of what we fave done, and there is no doubt jabout the program's benefits,"’ he said. | Wept for Plaintiff but Ruled for Defense NIAGARA FALS, N.Y. (UPD —Court observers were sure they knew how a $200,000 negligence suit against the New York Central Railroad would turn out when one juror broke down and cried during the testimony, eu. However, the Supreme Court jury decided in favor of the railroad. Carthaginian warrior Hannibal Office, Washington 25, D.C, ~ TTTITIIILILILLLILI LL itil = : CARLOAD SALE} t ARMSTRONG ASPHALT TILE! crue | “eer : , MF . : . $7.18 $3.59 Cin, : | THE FLOOR SHOP : a 9” S Seomey Free Parking in Rear of Store ings f TTtttllitiiiitiiiti ttt ttt til Tim,”* Se i gaara earn AMERICAN SCHOOL Kensington Branch, No \ " ; . nee i MORE Phone. inhi pe MOVER ERe eee oe Pree used wigs. But strictly as a meang of disguise. ; : WOOO OOOOODaMDO LM, {SLOVO IODIDa IDE as: , The People of Ockland County “Who Never Finished HIGH SCHOOL invited to write for FREE booklet. ny he ek al : are sas : our FREE 59-Page High Schéot Booklet, pee beteecas reneceoeenbrrecedeese STi. is ea ar 4mm coer r : Bhs So } AT HOME IN SPaRE TIME ‘The Company's directors and officers ec cordially invite. you to attend 1 a7 regional i meeting of Share Owners tobe held in the ‘POWER COMPANY SERVICE CENTER 1 4600: COOLIDGE HWY., ROYAL OAK, MICHIGAN MONDAY, APRIL 27, 1959-—8 P.M. ~ Consumers Officers will discuss your Company's affairs. HOMART iisslne Combination Door Husbands and wives of share owners also are invited: | : | Sen gee ee CO pete tee “iE 31,95 MOTION PICTURE REPORT . .,. REFRESHMENTS — Never needs painting. All nec- cage a eer. essary hardware included Screen insert, piario ia Grill tara ag tue id aL ope inigcl extra. rer) Colors can't wear {[_| off. Waterproof, fire- proof. Made of as- bestos fiber and ce- | ment. Long-lasting. Heat resistant. ARS af You'te assured of LW, the best possible job \~ ¢. when Sears ar- ranges for expert installation, ee ee ee Ke SS es SS. Homart ” "Tilt-Action” Guaranteed Aluminum Windows 10 Years Rey. 1695 14,98 Ty Both materials and Extruded aluminum, designed workmanship G1@ with easy cleaning in mind guaranteed in writ- Homart quality. Hurry in today ing for 10 full years. . While quantities last. Reg. 19.95 Triple Tress Windew 17.956 Save Fuel Like an extra blan- ket... around _ the 3 house. -Keeps cold winter winds out. Saves on fuel. fk Beas HOMART GLASS-LINED ‘GAS | WATER HEATER Smart Aluminum Combination Door Has Glass Louvers HOMART 69” i , j Just a flick of the wrist ad- . ee - Tih justs glass louvers . . . lets nae summer in, shuts winter Raaepecbt Alidialdete out! Never change panels. Homart Door Canopy * Builtin screen. Non-usting — Combination ;-2. 79 Ea. | Reg. 8.95 7.99 alumifiym needs no pdint. . l 4 ONLY weamaiaes $5 DOWN * @ Eye-level Thermo-Slide Temp. control. © Extra-thick . fiberglass insulation © Efficient wrap-around Thermo-Channel flue. The HOMART automatic 600" is your best buy! New higher gas m inputs combine with new monoport burner to give you more hot nOMART El t ‘. Gl water from regular size tank. Hurry in today during this gigantic Sears Days Sale .’. . Save $10.07! Lined Water Heaters 40 Gallon Glass-Lined Heater Reduced for this sale. ..104.88 5.11935 795 alla ' $5 Down ~— “Combir ation basement sash : UNPAINTED Gallon Glass-Lined Heater oo , bry With Trade-In All hardware. included. In 33. 15-in. Pine frame, gal- Preticte becuitied/ you she Gallon Glass-Lined Heater Reg. Pt ere * @rark Line. ed clear storm cite of easy-to ors - ” Fully gun ae all popular ames. noe ~~ Complete, ready to install with . hardware - ee “ sn a Bae Hr, ed 2 ot EL RT lei BATS atcha te f Ri em f 9 1 Shop Sears Mon. and Friday Nights ‘til 9 us, “issen.iew Laboratories. Hurry! _ . ‘ ee + “ype 30-Gal. Glass-Lined Gas Heater : 88 ¢¥ Regularly sells at $74 - Full 10 Yeor Guarantee 66 Series "400" Glass-Lined Gas Heater : a ._ | o Regularly sells at 89.95 : 74° Shallow Well Phen Full 10 Year — $5 bowN ‘prranven tedwood: stain : Sane 60.2705 HOMART Automatic a Cellar Drainer With. 17-Gal. Tank _ Protective: pr et : Regularly 43.95 3195 my. 195 9288 52-Gal. Deluxe Electric Heater Tederle i, ese 3, | y Tedwi or ted: cedar. ' ; i UL! M 250 951 I ae 3 ‘ plug iin reed UL! fust GPH. Cont ‘ron. ith bras : J Regularly sells at 129. 95 i w co at — pepe i fui GA Geeeaee ai rst resistant _— ie Full 10 Year Guorontes ere DOWN - | a . awn ss hee ne, i" “=, 999 Gallon Now's the time to put'those paint-up | plans :into. action with this terrific | housé paint buy. Seroco house paint | eee emesis nneeevasaennereennnesientnp =o ‘Fiber Gloss Reps “ HOMART Morbleized HOMART Chesed” Phasennell Pipe Insulation ~ Solid Plastic Seats Stirrup: nT Chrome ‘ Medicine tanta gy ag Pa weet the ye — emenis ; - ie — ; . 94 | io give you a durable, econ ‘Reg. 98 TT¢ _ Reg 19 395 Reg. 2.29 159 5 - Reg. 34.95 ¥995 © ae | Qt. 2. 39. house paint that adds Gee Bee | | | | "J | 3 way protection penetrates tection and beauty to yo : * rust, arrests rust, durable coat Y your. ome Will not split, crack or warp. beautiful addition to any 6x321n. plate glass. mirror it “Prevents heat loss ‘on long pipe Colors 9° clear through: Beige, rere Gleaming ¢hrome stainless ical pons seed runs. Heavy lass loyer, blue, green, wine Gnd plate is easy to clean. Conveni- pulbs 18 inches long. Has | le th ll attractive Buy now for big savings. th aluminum outer. ares ra Seinen éel sp 2. ulbs are 18 inc ng. | repels weather. II attractiy j = ¢ g ry. .. 4 af ‘195 ent—ends grouping. razor blade slot. colors. Paint Dept., Main Deremettt Sato paar ge mg bak SEARS. ta” Sap pont poy hk YRS, "AE Be