ab _ Lake Township; Robert D. Romer, Clawsom ON COUNTY’S GOVERNING BOARD—These are the 11 new faces on the 1959-60 Oakland County Board of Supervisors. From top to bot- tom, counter-clockwise: Edward Cheyz, White J. Huber, Troy; Alex’ Majer and Edmund R. Hocking, both of ant Ridge., Hazel Park: Donald McPherson, Berkley; R. Calhoun, Huntington Woods; Fred W. Hilde- . brandt, Troy; Curtis. H. Hall, Farmington Town- ship; Herbert R. Sinclair, South Lyon; Robert Probate Judge Vote Set for “60 | ‘by Supervisors Governor Would Fill Additional Position if Voters Approve It A proposed second Oak- land County probate judge- wide vote next year. | The Board of Supervisors iyesterday picked the presi- dential election in Novem- ber of 1960°to submit the ‘much-debated question to, ‘county voters. | After several previous cinshes ibetween Republican and Democrat ‘Pentiac Press Pheto David and Arthur G. Elliott Jr., Pleas- Residents Don’t Michigan’s on Rocks = (Edétors Note: This is the first of & two-part series on the “Mood of Michigan,” based on answers in a statewide poll om the state's fi- nancial difficulties The survey was made by reporters of Associated Press member newspapers ) By The Associated Press | Situation is bad. If any state employe misses a La A. Kenyon, a 32- payday because of a shortage of year-old civil engineer in Marys- state money in Michigan it will: ville, says he feels certaim Mich- com@ as a surprise to @ lot of” people. 3) f.) anyone try to pull Reporters who senitiiened Sur eyes by men- than 150 interviews throughout the | tioning payless paydays for state’ state last week found that about employes as a possiblity if it two of every three people asked) weren't true?” he asks. ke & x * & Heres Opinion Sampling of Pontiac Businessmen Break ven ee cityg residents contacted Michigan isn't broke as some say it is. If more revenue is needed, the sales tax should he hiked to four cents. The 50 million dollar Veterans Trust rund belongs to everybody, not just veterans. . Schools are doing a pretty good job in Pontiac, al-. though it might be a wise* idea to utilize schools 12 one-third of it because the months and ‘thereby cut earmarked,” Hirlinger said. “Just the other day the state said they didn’t believe the state's ‘financial situation is desperate Caen Se mange So Pay on payday. * * Pontiac Press reporters. tn particfpating fm an Associated Mood ef Michigan,’ came up with these opinions from tim the survey + rest is down the need Of more j,.4 $135,000,000 in its coffers, and school construction. ‘at the same time we were talking These comments came from five about being financially strapped,” Pontiac businessmen as The Pon- be said. tiac Press set out to find out the rook and the National Food Broke ed for ymen ers of America, cepted rea, “ Surviving besides his wife, Ger- ©, | Newman and Smith said the pos-' aidine are a daughter, Mrs. Robert siblity of more rapid promotion © Luback of Grosse Pointe: three lured them to the new jobs, de-| grandchildren; and one brother. spite $55 a month pay cuts. - The family suggests memorial - x ke tributes be sent to the Michigan Heart Assn. . Evans, former vice squad head, and LaPonsie were rejected by the Phoenix force last month, on the grounds that they would probably not be happy taking pay cuts and lesser rank, They were accepted | after appeals, - All of the officers said their leaving had nothing to do with) the recent Police Department dis-, sension. Eastman said he was pleased to hear of the officers’ being hired, in Phoenix. : ) “Tt is a consigtent policy of mine to help my officers advance them-, selves,” he said. “This will give other men a; chance for promotion and that is’ the sort of thing which keeps a. Police Department alive.” | es i Busy Robin Has Great Expectations | NEW YORK (AP)—‘Most unu- \sual,” said William G. Conway Monday, drumming his fingers on his desk. . He is curator of birds at the Follow Footprints to Home {} “the judge will need plenty of page of Bronx Zoo. Just outside his second] Improvement floor office window is a fire es-' . Sh , cape. Or’ nine successive steps of | ow the. fire escape a robin is building : nine separate nests, Starts Thursday IN RARE MOOD -- President Eisenhower is caught in a rare mood as he uncorks a hearty laugh: before addressing the opening. session of the United States Chamber of Commerce yesterday at What’s wrong th the vobin? | ’ Pontiac Arm its annual ting in Washington, , Twenty-two Pontiac business Qpviously, said nway, ‘she’s | (comptiments 6t Comm. nad Bank) and professional people are attending the’meeting. * Igonfused, eM ee q ae ? \ THE PONTIAC PRESS, TUESDAY, arnt APRIL 28, 1959 ae will follow in Oak eral Home ey. J Mrs. Baer died at her home Sun-|®: day after a long illness, RAYMOND BAZILLE Raymond Bazille, a former resi-|i dent of Pontiac, died yesterday of a heart attack at his home in| Lansing. He was 59. Mr. Bazille was a member of St. Mary Cathedral and the Holy Name Society. Surviving besides his father, Hen- ry Bazille of Pontiac, are six sis- ters, Mrs. Lucille Michaels and Mrs. Catherine Theeringer, both of Pontiac, Mrs. Marvel Smith of St, Paul, Minn., Mrs. Melvina Mc- died versity Hsopital in Columbus, Ohio, after an illness of several weeks, ear kes see Ms. Lodge . 120 FAAM, of Newark, 32nd degree Mason and St Aled Teraple Surviving are his wife, Ruth; a Fi daughter, Mrs, JoAnn Miller of Buffing-| Clubhouse, 4208 N. Main St., Royal Oak. Service will be held at 10:30 a.m, Thursday at the Harrison Fu- _ineral Home in Newark with burial "lin Dover, Ohio, MRS. JOHN DAVIDSON Mrs, John (Jemima) Davidson, 73, of IT14 Eason St., Waterford Township, died yesterday at ‘Pon- @, tiac General Hospital, She had He was 48, i Sarees are ber Sena sd Manager of the Holland Furnace r. pr nag Ohio; Co, in Zanesville, Mr. Buffington er ve two sisters and three was a member of the Crusader Deaths Elsewhere , NEW YORK (AP)—3ohn Gilles- pie Jackson, 79, corporation law- yer who had been President Eisen- hower’s personal lawyer and golf- ing partner, died Monday. He was! a former president of the New! York State Bar Assn., director of! many companies and a leader in, a number of civic activities. He“ was born in Middletown, Conn. * * * ' KANSAS CITY (AP)—Dr. Eu-) gene Altschul, 72, professor eme-| ritus of economics at the Univer- sity of Kansas City, = Monday | y} after a brief illness. . Atischul, who was born in eee formerly Egyptian fighter planes strayed J. of the same address here; a ‘Duke Snider, | President; William Gotshall, father Scotch School PTA Elects-Mrs. MacDuff WEST BLOOMFIELD SHIP—Mrs. Hugh MacDuff has| Se of 45980 been elected president of the, Scotch Ejementary School PT. Executive Board. Other officers elected include! Frank Jones, first vice president; | Mrs, Harold Zielke, mother vice vice president; and Mrs. Floyd. Chowen, teacher vice president. Stray Planes Retreat TEL AVIV, Israel (AP)—Four Service will be held at 1:30 p.m. Thursday at the Farmer-Snover Funeral Home-with burial in For-| est Lawn Cemetery. MISS MARY HUGHES ROCHESTER — Miss Mary | Dequindre died yesterday at | Women's s Clubs : Install Ohiceie.. Avon Chater Mra: Louts M. Stieb of Roches- nual meeting Friday at Oak Ridge Xk 8 Mrs. Stieb will receive the gavel from outgoing president Mrs. For- rest E, Brown of Pontiac. Other officers who will serve during the coming year will also be installed at this time. The day-long program will open at 10:30 a.m. Club presidents will give their reports, and delegates will describe highlights of the state convention held recently in 3 Detroit. * * * Another feature will be a humor- ous reading by Mrs. David Dow- iling of Lathrup Village. ‘Inflation Hits Jail; ‘Ask Fine Rate Hike SALEM, Ore. (AP)—The burden OM Se ge ja ter will be installed as president| othe Oakland County Federation fof Women’s Clubs during the: an-| His term unofficially was to have expired April 28, 1961, In other: action last night the council appointed former City Ad- ministrator Eugene Swem_his- torian for the city, Wife of Soviet President Klementi Voroshilov Dies MOSCOW (AP)—Ekaterina Da-| vidovna Voroshilov, wife of Soviet ‘President Klementi Voroshilov jand a veteran Bolshevik herself, | Hospital following a week's iliness.|inflation casts on the county aa ‘died ok Satie. She had! been a resident of the, area for the past 25 years. Miss Hughes came bere from) The Oregon House ‘of. Represen-' has been seriously ill for months. | ‘prisoner was recognized here; 'Monda ay. been ailing for some Fv 78-year-old husband also ‘Rochester, N.Y. where she was ai tatives passed and sent to the Sen-'Her age was not given, but pre- the Eastern Star. i serve fines at the rate of $5 a ‘lifetime member of the Order of ate a bill to allow prisoners to|sumably it-was close to her hus- band’s. The body was to be sent from day rather than the present $2| She became a revolutionist at today to Rochester, | 'N.Y. for service and burial at 3 |p.m. tomorrow. Surviving are a brother, William | ithe Pixley Funeral Home here atid day rate. (5:30 p.m. ' ‘Duke’s a Rancher star Los Angeles’ taught at the University of Min- over Israel today but were driven/sister, Mrs. Thomas J. Russell) Dodgers outfielder, has qa lemon-| nesota and served at the Univer- off by Israeli fighters, an army and another brother, A. W. | avocado ranch which he tends here vichy Cemetery, the Communist _ sity of Kansas City from 1946 until “ his retirement in 1952. * * * CLEVELAND (AP) — Gordon Armstrong, 69, inventor of the first incubator for prematurely born babies, died Monday of a heart attack. For many years he was president and treasurer of the Gordon Armstrong Co, Inc. He was. born in Worcester, Mass. * * * BENTON HARBOR up — Web- ster Sterling, 51, municipal judge here for the last 14 years, died last night in University Hospital at Ann Arbor. He had been hos- pitalized since February. Charge 3rd Man ‘in Burglaryat | Walled Lake | One of three men charged with) the burglary of a safe from aj, Walled Lake auto dealer Frise | stood mute before West Bloomfield Township Justice yesterday and: was returned to the Oakland Coun- ty Jail. Bond was set at $12.00. Carl E., Hess, 18, of 960 Adelaide Dr., Walled Lake, was scheduled| to appear before Dieterle for ex- amination May 12, companions Raymond Schermer- horn, 28, and his brother Robert, 27, both of 2716 Woodlawn S&t., Oakley Park. The brothers stood mute before Dieterie on Friday. Hess collapsed when arrested and had been hos-/ pitalized at Pontiac General Hos-| pital until late Saturday. The three are charged with steal-' ing a safe containing $300 cash} and more than $3,100 in checks! from Jack Cole’s Plymouth Sales, 1000 W. Maple Rd. Fox Den. Collapses, - Kills Bounty Hunter CALEDONIA w — A 34-year-old father of four suffocated yesterday when a fox den collapsed as he! hunting the animals for bounty, The victim was Carroll Lewis Burgess of Caledonia, a construc- tion worker. He had gone hunting for faxes on the farm of a neigh- bor, Orin Martin. State Police said Burgess already had killed a female and three cubs and crawled back into the den, apparently in the belief there were more animals inside. — Less Than 300 Study Chinese in U.S. Colleges MADISON, Wis, (@®—Prof. Kuo Pling Chou of the University of Wisconsin has conducted a survey which shows that less than 300 students in American colleges are studying the Chinese language. Miss Chou said the language, which is spoken by 650 *nillion—or one-fourth—of the world’s people, is one of the easiest for English- speaking peoples to master. SOMINEX Helps Bring q 96 N,. Saginaw’ . \cnammane said. as were his! - —Main Floor} . |the turn of the century and in 1907) ‘wag sentenced to three years im- iprisonment, She was active in the | |1917 Revolution and worked as a. ‘party organizer among the Red | cavalry. - She will be buried in Novide:| ‘equivalent of America’s Arlington. |Music in Schools: E | Tuesday Musicale has presented aE |intendent Donald C. Baldwin to be sit a Rochester Group Gives $1,000 tor. E Here ples values that uke was Seal pan Waseda tig rags ‘Specials g ‘ 9A. ROCHESTER ~— The Rochester used in development of the music| department in the public schools/E here, : o* * * Miss Hazel Griffith, president of IE pf ema eggs mage Eo 4 Original $1.29 Pair fith said, players and educational records the elementary schools, three i FIRST QUALITY NYLONS in Sige: shades of mulberry, smoke or watermelon shades . @ proportioned lengths . . . all sizes 8'2 to 11. Coeccecoscveccccscecosesossoeeeseseeeesoooese NYLON Enit : Triple Tier-—NYLON Ladies’ Bouffant Reg. $1.49 | 88° struments for the band program, ' choir robes for the junior high, and a hi-fi record player for the: isenior high music appreciation iclasses, _ i | i Tot Suffocates in Bag NEW YORK (AP) — minute shopping trip. |Hughes, both of Rochester, N.Y.|during the off-season. So friendly to your taste e e » -) i oie we SLAVORI NO DRY” euckeD-cUT TASTE! ° ° Peocceneeee®® Outstanding... and they, eee ereerces,, %e e NO FLAT “FILTERED-OUT %e e ®e ee he eects a You get Pall Mall's famous Pall Mall’s famous . length of the finest tobaccos * | length travels and gentiés _ are Mild | 3 money can buy. the smoke natural " e eee *e, s * tobacco travels and gentles the smoke— "3 makes it mild—but does not filter out m . i re AEROWAX é that satisfying flavor! . ‘fi— |i & “ was " wa ata : valve 49° $119 : ‘Hardwood with métal © i a An flogrs te ig eround' end $| ni shiny isthe 16 Moor ‘eiva Product of The narican JebaceoLompany — Tebaceo is rut middle name % ~~ T LUGGAGE re MATCHED.. O95] cot knit with ny- 2 for $2.50 — Including collar. Cholee of TRUNKS & FOOT LOCKERS was “25808 1 Bh MAR necks. PRICED RIGHT a pestels tm sizes EDWARD'S | teen OUTLET _18 S$. Saginaw OC oecccccccccnccccosccssoseoocooosoosonesoese ~ WARNERS Wat Widow’ | ‘ Way BRAS Reg. $3.50 6-Ways te Fashion i with One Bra! Use as regular, wide shoulder, strapless halter, wide halter crossback style. Size 32A to 38C. Fabricon Lined + LADIES’. .-’ PLAYTEX Girdles: 44 As.advertised on ate at pink low pricel Slight irregularities of va to . Regu- ingly. od Sizes XS, $, 1, XL.” Values to $5.95 1 READY-to-HANG—_ Complete with Rings CAFE CURTAINS — 38x36 Inch — Scallop Top See how Pall Mall’s famous length of fine HERE'S WHY SMOKE ‘TRAVELED’ THROUGH FINE TOBACCO TASTES BEST: Travels it over, under, around and through Pall ‘Mall's fine tobaccos! $1.98 Value : C Now PER PAIR Choice of 4 solid colors and white in <™ gald fleck textured finish acetate. & Easy to launder, fast to d ' me % $2. aid Printed Cofe Curtains. . . $1.29 : Mix-or-Match VALANCES — Values to $1.50 or curtains. Full 12- oe Hn bigs = mde op, inches wide. Choice of 59° Ready-to-Hang BARKCLOTH Deluxe DRAPES ‘Value to $6.00 Pinch iene Drapes Value to $3.49 Inexpensive Way to Dress Up Windows READY-TO-HANG Dacron Ninon Tailored Curtains 98 Value — PAIR. $4.49 Value — PAIR. . gm Yane= E 33 3s Sore Aa 7 = Wide........ ,2 Whde.......: ; Salen = eee eeae rm pee dacroa in sheer ninon weaves. Plain whi Easy wash — quick drying ~ and rouge ie shape. 1 | ete tower Valoe — PAIR. eee eeee eee soccedeceseccccesccoecccssoeees : Unbreakable Styrene tor Sete Z 3-Pc. Refrigerator Sets Ate J $1.00 Value—2 PIECES 3 7 : e4, As shown—set has two E ax4n3"” boxes and one ) large 4x8x3" box... ~ More Tax Revenues looking, 9 ~ ao <4. (6tate roverament are beset by vania, When Gov. David L. Law y - those simply trying to make ends LAMP POSTS What ace. the roots of the proviem, {rence took office, he immediately|meet, generally must reconcile F Our quotable notables: “Tradi-| end 5 what 1s being tose? Thug frat of imposed an austerity program and divergent points of view as ex- tions are like lamp posts,” said) ines the: $atont oF the “treasury [asked the politi divided Leg-ipressed in Missouri recently: wise men’ doldrums. islature for 400. jon dollars in “There will finance be — — starry eo ag new ‘tax revenues to balance @|ing ragtiniggh etre d gyre F Associated Press - |$1,907,000,000 - budget for the two-|Goy James T, Blair, who asked}: 4 ‘ = Z Baby Hippo Rammed ' Like the nation’s business enter- year fiscal, “period paghating, dune the ‘Legislature to dig up 40 mil- * Stays beautiful for years. prises, the nation’s state gavern-|1. lion dollar Pe $735 by Mother, Dies at Zoo 4yments were hit by last year’s re- Ohio, ‘another industrial state WKipnaple Gide’t ond tne Goes. bore < cession.” Now, with economic ba-inard by. recession, has dissipated\to Sche® toe te MEMPHIS. nial ceo ‘ y more damn ~ - (AP) — Thelrometers rising; governors and a 213-million-dollar bankroll in 12/taxes,' ‘said one legisiator, “and DONALDSON (iis! i hapten: immer oon See i ae in te : : 2d e lars into debt, It has er study Po , ; [Mgeday after being rammed by| ‘gine states.weathered thea’ tax program that. would yield| omer on2 * * + THE MAN WHOSE PICTURE 1S CIRCLED HAS A $10 MERCHANDISE ‘ its mother. in ants her states with lesser prob CERTIFICATE WAITING FOR HIM... “LUMBER Co. a te ie storm well. Others, caught in'isome 360 million dollars in NeWhiems include Alabama, Colorado The 200 is world renowned for shaky financial positions, were revenue. Florida, Towa, Maryland, Massa. "at the Pontiac Chamber of Commerce offices in the Waldron Hotel. All you need do is 27 Orchard Lake * FE 2-8381 its ba’ and was Idoking less fortunate. _ . CONSIDER TAXES chusetts, Minnesota. New Mexico come to the Chamber office, identify yourself as this shopper. Then take the certificate ei eae a oe to ~tgA hippos to start a new) 4 check. of state capitals by, The rd ‘North Ca rotina Oklahoma Ore- and use it just like cash at any of the sixty-five Downtown Merchants Association Stores. 4 “Buy the paint that's peeety. Fee 3 cools Jonevhine, Associated Press gives this pic- alapey de | Tak ed —_ gon. Rhode Isla oi South ae oe ages sone another shopper picture will run in the Pontiac Press ... watch for it... = ' : . | edness , ok San ' it may, you: trim, are drifting toward danger- 7 a ' Seeen toere. are _|bookkeeping changes, boosted the} x *\ ® : , eee, Vane Sue Sevan 16 Sets ing mabecastio ncaa’ sales tax from 3 13 to 4 per cent) Then there are states like tat WATCH WEDNESDAY S PONTIAC PRESS and reared 16 —— . : and raised over taxes to produce|where Gov. George Clyde present- * * though fiscally sound. Sixteen] |” aaitional 112 million dollarsed a tax program calling for mod-| fo , ee: on t the dates and value-pocked edvertisements The baby weighed 65 pounds ee ene ee in new revenue during the nextiest increases to the Legislature) announcing :— on . birth and was considered‘ a perfect oe the bic ok —— are in gen-|tWo Years, enough to balance the with the suggestion ‘that Utah's: = _ specimen, i avails , finaiscial shape. : 1959-61 budget and retire all butilong tradition of debt-free opera-| | * 38 million dollars of the genera] tion should be continued.” "| Fane The latu With their revenues so closely fund indebtedness. - Legisla re agreed ; ‘ attuned to their economies, state With oil. production slumping, senerrow: Causes | ‘Figovernments can be hurt badly an estimated 65-million-dollar def-|“°** , by business declines. icit . is expected in the Texas (Advertisement) ‘treasury at the end of the fiscal The recession of 1957-58 appar- period Aug. 31, New taxes and in- Free Book on Arthritis For H Home Improvements ctl art Miigan, mae rae | creases worth 92° million dollars ‘and Rheumatism jare under study. seapreoi ay peat when| California has run 68 million the receision hit.’Today its posi-|dollars into the red and Gov. ‘How to Avoid Crippling Detormities tion is critical. |Edmund G. Brown predics the’ 1¢ you act ct, promptly, an an illus-| ‘deficit will top 250 million by next, trated may ae E iti Bo D | TREASURY BROKE year. Chemerticat expects ” 10%. change your whole life will be! XCI ing argain ays Gov, G, Mennen Williams, am million-dollar deficit by June 30. rushed to you by return mail Democrat, and the Republican Georgia, with its surplus funds|_ Send for it today—and' discover, si d Ik B h idewa oothns | Legislature have been unable '0 dwindling rapidly. is outspending| way mee Eve yoo ey pd Your Home We De the Work | * Consolidate All Save All That interest Money - ; agree on a new tax program. income by 22 million dollars. (of your aches and pains without, zie 08 Existing Mortgages treasury is broke. Unless some oo mition drugs,” without *s ey. tow te Free Carnival Ride Tickets was Contracts - ing is done soon, chigan : i avoid years 0 - : oS a be 110 million dollars in the red) New ioip ho ae, away will call. Write: The Ball Clinte.| ' Special Events by the Dozen * Low Interest Rate DIA when the fiscal year ends June |More *e fiom pa sae seca’ oe eet, it to yourself te send | : j tly we | or this valula PREE k with- . . . eee = FE 3-183 s Pik tas talk of “collapse ragga gies A. Heke. igo delay. _— ent | _ Sponsored by Downtown Merchants Association _ ; i ” (fe er warn ast January that) . - FREE APPRAISALS OPERATORS ON DUTY tually ooh cng no 393 avert-ithe state was “on the brink of Sur. & postcard will = esas eaonasesen a 24 HOURS A DAY ed recently when the governor fiscal disaster.” He pushed vie ASK FOR MORTGAGE DEPARTMENT ‘Bipersuaded industry to pay in ad-|' co tx rogram ps © , _ vance 30 million dollars in taxes |2” tonal milion ars, : ¢ R TR CcTio CO. that weren't due until May or|Sut must still use surplus funds to June balance the budget. 92 West Huron | ontiec #| Delaware, one of the smallest} Though their treasuries are sol- states, has one of the biggest fi-|vent, West Virginia, Maine and a Sa——=5|nancial headaches. For the time|section of Kentucky are plagued = 4 ; 5 ] Dr Stanley W. Black against its expenditures, but the x * * ; | ; - new budget makes no provision; States with lesser problems, metri. for the state’s 10 million dollar Opto _ - defieit. However, Gov. J. Caleb 3513 Elizabeth Lake Rd Boggs is hopeful that income Law Anchors Animals ‘“ . revenues will reduce this to 6 Corner of Cass Lake Rd. ;|million. Delaware also has a bond-| QKLAHOMA CITY ®— An old E. > b A * ied debt of $145.185.000. the highest city ordinance pequires that any | venings by Appointment 2/per capita in the nation. animal, which“would include tiny’ 2 « ® * ‘poodles, feft on. city streets must Phone FE 2-2362 Closed Wed. 2! The recession brought a se ihave about its néck a chain at.) = $ ve lnarrrESSS home and auto insurance needs OLDSMOBILES oa | OUR RESEARCH INDICATED THAT MANY FOLKS | ; WOULD PREFER TO PAY FOR HOME AND AUTO IN- SURANCE BY THE MONTH. BUT RESPONSE TO OUR MONTHLY PAY PLAN HAS AMAZED EVEN US—MADE THIS ONE OF THE MOST DISCUSSED INSURANCE ADVANCES IN THE AUTO-AND HOME INSURANCE FIELDS. Lo. : oe : | With our “Buyer’s Choice” plan, yo return envelope provided for your see, youcan pay as little as ten 00 convenience. That’s all there is to it! -§} DYNAMIC 88 2-DOOR SEDAN: —spreading your insur- nits and It come . SEDAR ee crate tet ten months, and PHONE NOW for full facts and Featuring a spirited — eliminate budget-busting payments monthly rates on protection tailored that are made « year in a vance. to the particular needs of your 4 fo7 fess ROCKET —_—,, with ECONn-0-way It’s like paying your utility bills, family. One of: our representatives carburetor and new 2-stage Each month you receive an invoice Will be happy to help. you determine for the balance owing. Yousend your just which protection plan may be VII? you Woltakel. a eegicteny choke “or cian ——: payment in the handy best for you. es vartoa-cs There’ sa Rocket to fit your pocket. 0948 style to sult your taste om ye ao he Bs a “es NOW ON DISPLAY AT YOUR LOCAL oe , ae nw. WuRON st “FEDERAL 2.0141. Sia /, AVENGED. BY AGIY, BENE Mickigen Mutual Liability Company HOME OFFIGE DETROIT AUTOMOBAE . > WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION © FIRE « HOMEOWNERS + INLAND MARINE | +. GENERAL CASUALTY INSURANCE $3 % ‘ : : * ‘By PHYLLIS BATTELLE - one man, “may be a _ gagging r aot eee vee And this is|for Women,” in which he willl’ w Ww, , who owns all Hsapallitthe ciara ‘in Sina come wad hare tees She will ‘say that the (lowing Indiana, may be in for a down-|better off quitting after high school) mentions are utter myths: | women,” Dr. Shriner says. “Wout an’s role in the home is i aw a myth. It used to be the idea ' {that anatomiy was woman's des-| (4) Women care more forthe |‘™Y- ‘This is no longer true, aesthetics of the home. 2 “Society today has given women pr. Sara Shriner, _ bromine. oxi 4G four choanalyst and ‘mother ...What a lovely idea. for a MOTHER'S DAY. GIFT = (as opposed ¢ to lang-) fall. home ec. (1) Women are more devoted “These are myths, if you ot rela blgaes then: tae 9 Mr. McGinnis, who naturally Among those he’ll interview is| to children than are men. amine the real natures of men and calls himself Mac, has just written * to say that what everybody in * . * : Goodri h C | hi d America needs most is one good $3.0 Million Levent to Open in June ricn LO ege | laugh . SS a apple may save doctor thinks, but a laugh $121, 000 L t Y pop : wi we wt te ox mee CaNada Gambles on Gander Terminal at ee They are so popular today ond ance. ; a gift everlasting to en- Jc AKRON, Ohio Colleges and ‘ Thus, Mac has invented a | GANDER, Nfld. ~— Canadians; first recognized by the British Air ent 5,500 with the Increase tn gniveriéties have reotived: $353) 000 loved forever, h “dial-a-smile” service, to be in- (are gambling on Gander’s ability Ministry, which cooperated with! commercial flying. Mayor Rob- lin gifts during the last year as a ou will be opyitionny at how® stalled soon in Indianapolis and, \to retain its title as North Amer-\the Newfoundland government to| ertsom predicts the population Lpocuit of the B. F. Goodrich Co.'s inexpensive these can be. if successful, throughout the jica’s main air terminal for trans-|build the airport in 1937. | WH rine to 10,000 to 1970. \aid-to-higher-education program, Diamonds mounted in l4K country. You call a certain num- (atlantic flights to Europe, \ we ® * se ‘the company has announced. : solid Le start as low as pt Te like say GUffaw 1,2345 or More than 11,000 oceanic flights The facilities were rarely used} The only sighs ‘of the military | x * * $16.50 _— _ the neeen | were serviced here last year, and/until World War II, when they be-/now are some 170 Royal ‘Canadian! The program is designed to as- resipagde quick joke, followed it iooks as if even more will bé/Came some of the world’s busiest.! gir Force men, about 50 U. 8. Air. sist in providing better facilities y @ commercial. ‘handled this- year. (Thousands of Europe-bound mili-|Force personnel, and the streets— | and to help promising young people REGISTERED The inventor of the quickie-quip; J» meet the crush, a new itary flights stopped here for serv-:named after famous military fliers. ' ‘and employes gain higher educa- ! idea evolvéd his plan, now being) ¢3 sog.eg9 air terminal is slated Hiéing and the ae & — Garter’s other claim to fame is tion. | «JEWELERS patent registered in Washington,! tor opening June 19. Last Janu- 15,000. up from around Premier Joseph R. Smallwood, who | «= & * AMERICAN after observing the success in Indi-| ary, a new radar traffic control : - __ *sforiginated his plans for entering, The grants are “unrestricted” JU WEUEAS ‘A _ of a “djal-a-prayer” plan of-| system made Gander Canada’s * * * ,. |Newfoundland inté confederation|and are above and beyond the]. CEM SOCIETY ered by local churches. He already) only airport. equipped with pre- | Immediately afier the war, the | with Canada while supporting tg bi tition - - and - fee income regularly 16° W. Huron St. FE. 2-0294 has enlisted the interest of several * cision approach and airport sur- | Population dropped down to 3,500, | self here as a writer and hog/received by the institutions,” Good i advertisers who hope to give a! veiltance radar. 3 - | but eventually reached the pres- [raiser. irich said. : - — : ( boost to products or at least bujld) - — - good will by sponsoring the phone’ But-prophets of despair continue | f os : @ : 63 Z = service. jto predict the airport will lose its | xk ek tposition because of advances in This. I cannot imagine. iaviation technology, especially. in ne of lomt . In the first place, jokes do not, Jet flying. . sound furiny on telephones unless Mayor Jack Robertson insists you can visualize the person who the “same old story” accompanied is telling them, and better he Very forward step in aircraft de-' should have shaggy hair and a Velopment and that the airport’s monocle. ~ jeontinued growth gives “‘the lie “| these rumors.”? t ; Secondly, a commercial will | « 1 a ~~ { ‘ . r kill a laugh quicker than & 7 a" lieve “the com , . ous ee _WAITE’S guarantees every item at least 1/3 off! : ‘mercial air lines will always find | . — Third ot humor is suck an indi it more profiable to camry exalt WWEIDNESDAY ONLY! Each item is reduced a minimum ef 1/3 from v matter of entertainment and passengers and stop here to refuel, | ° ennui that automation comedy igithan to scrimp om the passenger the price it was in our stock before this bound to bore as many as it Joad and carry enough fuel to fly’ SHOP 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. SORRY, NO I ? cuperfluty ot boredom St the camtoe between North America MATL, OR PHONE ORDERS, NO DELIVERIES cicarance , , ain other 4 , “ end of any given telephone’ BUILT IN 1977 j ; s strategic ition was z . ‘ 41, 8m in tavor of tree clr — = 1. FASHION ACCESSORIES — Street Floor _ WOMEN’S DRESSES — Third Floor BOOKS — Mezzanirie rould c-} i * ee 2" : Ginnis have some titilating profits’ , 20 Housedresses, Were 5.99, Then 3.66, Then $2, New....... $1 100 Children's “We Were There” Books, Were 1.95, Now... 7$¢ to chuckle over, but believe the Waterford Village Plans se rr. oe teeaes tag wr ig oe enaad . - 100 Wash and Wear Dresses, Weré 2.98, Now............. .. $ “dial-a-smile” is hardly his ‘an. ' en's, Women's Exp. Wa n ere 9.95-~12.96. . 15 10 Cotten Uniforms, Were 8.98 and. 14.98, Then 6.99, Now. 4.66 HILDREN’S V. ‘iin sugr. It is no laughing matter. Kindergarten Roundup 32 Men's, Women's Wedding Rings, Were 750 to $20....'; Off 15 Dacrom Uniforms, Were 12.98 and 1498, Then 999. Now 666 * c EN’S VALUES — Second Floor Dial ““M" for madness in Indi-| The annual Waterford Village 9 Ronson Table & Pocket Lighters, Were 8.59 to 16.50. 'y Off 7 Sheath Dresses, Were 5.99, Then 5.00, Now .......... 3.38 15 Girls’ 4-14 Slips, Were 3.98, Then 265, Now............1.76 anapolis. Kindergarten Roundup will be held 44 Costume Jewelry, Were $2, Then 2’$1, Now.....,..... lle 8 Print Dresses, Were 5.99, Then 5.00. Now... ............3.33 4@ Girls’ 2-14 Fancy Pants, Were 1.19, Then 66c, Now......44e Friday, May 8, from 9:30 to 11:45]" 48 Costume Jewelry, Were $1, Then 2/$1, Now.......... Me 15 Dresses, Were 1498 to 17.98, Then $10, Now........... 6.67 fae tle ed ee aren ws a a con Ga ae ’ a.m. and from 1:30 to 4 p.m. 20 Handbags, Were 2.98, Then 1.44, Now......60..05.......88¢ - ped _— rates NEW ‘59 WAGONS J parents of children starting] 40 Copper Bells, Were 5.00 to 8.00, New....ss....cs....'s Off COATS, SPORTSWEAR — Third Floor 4 Damaged Bathinettes, Were 14.98, Now...........00..: 7.88 ravio § OO F school in the Waterford Township 25 Handbags, Were 798 to 1098, Now... 0... ..... 3.99 ; Se 2 Se OES VNR IRR, Ds = ess ene Ge HEATER school system next September 11 Ww Were 3.00 Th $2.00, Now $1 1 Cashmere Coat, Size 10, Was $119, Then $68, $48, Now $32 | 3 Crib Mattresses, Were 8.98, Now.......... eecesenecet ss Se 2 ‘must present their child's birth 21 Imported acts are , Phen $2.00, x sane So Bibs 7 Wool Spring Coats, Were 39.98, Then $25, Now.....,... $16 4 Convertible Car Beds, Were 7.98, Now...... besos eees +. 399 ¥ BIRMINGHAM RAMBLER certificate, establishing the fact 37 Leather Accessories, Were 10, Then 2.00, Now....... te 6 Jr. Suits, Were 39.98 and 49.98, Then $33, New..........$22 4 Damaged Strollers, Were 10.98, Then 5.99, New........ 3.99 MI 6-3900_ that he will be five years old on 109 Linen Hankies, Were 58c, Now... .......-++... Bin ie 12 Spring Suits, Were 39.98 and 59.98, Then $33, Ngw..... $22 3 Damaged Play Lards, Were 12.98, Now................ 4.99 ; ‘or before Dec. 1. 17 Men's Linen Hankies, Were 2.00, New........ eroee... 3/$1 7 Sweater Blouses, Were 9.98, Then 5.99, Now.. .........3.99 _ Group Soiled Layette Items, Were 59c to 1.00, Now... ...38e ——— -— 53 Cotten Print Hankies, Were 1.00. Now............... 3/81 _ 10 Sweaters, Were 12.98 and 14.98, Then 799, Now........4.99 12 Baby Pinafore Dresses, Were 5.98, Now....:.... seer ee B98 ‘ 17 Garden Gloves, Were 1.00, Then 88c, 2'$1, New........ 22e 3@ Blouses, Were 3.98 to 5.98, Then 2.99, Now..........++...1.99 29 Size 1-6 Polo Shirts, Were 1.69, Then 99c, Now.,....... .66¢ 2 PEQUOT NO-IRON PILLOW GASES |] x11 cioves were 300 tostm Now css. 266 | Mlten Were 8 and $38, Then 298, Now «0 148 She 14 Cot Set, Were 12.8 Then 198, Now. on AS 25 Pigskin Gloves, Were 3.98 to 5.00, Now............... 266 =‘: 12: Skirts, Were 898 to 14.98, Then 5.99 and 6.99, Now....... * « Sine 3--Gx Desnoes, Were 498, Phey $90, Now.......... ped 42 White Socks. Were 79c Th 39c stow 7 Me 15 Slacks, Were 6.98 to 10.98, Then 4.99 and 6.99, Now......$3 1l Size 3-6 Overalls, Slacks, Were Now... .....45 cae 188 2 PEQUOT NO-IRON SHEETS N yen ang New ~~ _ 27 Group Sportswear, Was 3.98 to 8.98, Now....... 2.66 to 5.99 13 Girls’ 7-14 Ratneoats, Were 496, Now............00.+. 298 , 65 Nylon Hosiery, Were 99c, Then 67c, NoW.........-..... 2e ; 22 Girls’ 7-14 Blouses, Were 2.98, NoW............00.-vee00 LD i ; 23 Girls’ Twill Slacks, Were 2.98, New................ odes ' i _ BUDGET SPORTSWEAR — Street Floor 13 Girls’ 3-14 Dresses, Were Ary aa 2.99, ea . : i COSMETICS — Street Floor 42 Cotton Blouses, Were 3.98, NOW .......6... 00.80 .see eee. 1.99 9 Girls’ 7-14 Dresses, Were 7.98, "Then 4.99, Now......,...2.99 11 Nylon Blouses, Were 2.98, Now ..........-....0.00eeee0s 1.99 4 Girls’ 7-14 Coats, Were 19.98, Then 12.99, 7.99, Now... .4.99 | : 100 Elmo Cleansing Cream, Was 1.00, Now ........ jaaawns . 66c 10 Orion Cardigans, Were , Then 2.99, Now ..........:1.99 4 Girls’ 7-14 Suits, Were 14.98, Then 10.99, 7.99, Now....4.99 | i 35 Children’s Soap, Was 1.00, Then 66c, Now..... oi wieamee « 44e 30 Platter Collars, W Now ......... 0 eee eees Shani 99 15 Subteen Blouses, Were 3.98, Now ............2..0555 .-1L98 : 60 Bubble Bath, Was 88c, Then 50c, Now...........+...+4.. 22e 20 Scribble Collars, Were 1.00, Now ...........-..5 6. ee ceeee 44 14 Subteen Slipon Sweaters, Were 498, Then 332, New.. 19 Sy ee . 60 Wrisley Bath Seap, Was 25c, Now..... oer ee 10 Wool Plaid Slacks, Were 5.98 & 7.98, Now ........ yo 399 12 Subteen Cardigans, Were 5.98, Then 3.39, Now.......... 1.99 = ; 7 Subteen Dresses, Were 10.98, Now.......... evencoeces 0 : : _- 3 Subteen Rainceats, Were 7.98, Now.i....... ees couws . Ae i FOUNDATIONS, LINGERIE — Second Floor - FABRICS, LINENS — Fourth Floor "23 Boys’ 6-12 Caps, Were 1.98, Then 99c, Now......+:-+...44e. ‘ : 53 Yd. 36” Indianhead Fabric Was 89c, Now.. ............ Ste ® ater 6-16 Pajamas, Were 2.96, New.............. Ete 4 Panty Girdles, Were 10.95, Then 6.00, Now........... 4.59 21 Skirting Lengths, Was 5.99, Then 4.00, Now........... 2.66 ck Boys’ 6-16 Sportshiris, Were 1.98, Then 9c, New..... .¢6e : 20 Famous Make Girdles, Were 10.95, Now ................730 320 Yd 27" Outing Flannel, Was 29, Now... ......... Le eaee tte wey wtuewe Now. ...0. ma 4 ' 5 Strapless Basques, Were 12.50, Then 8 88, New......... $5 50 Yd. 45” Rayon Crepe, Was 1.98. Then 1.44, 77c, New. 2/81 20 Revs’ 6-18 ocks, bg ‘fa tiem oie = “ vases : I N 2 40 Yd. Novelty Fabrics, Was 89c, Then Tic, New... ......2/8L lie Dungarees, Were en 66c, Now.....,.. : . 12 Girdles, P. Girdles, Were 5.95, Then $3, New.......... $2 : 10 Boys’ 6-12 Lightweight Jackets, Were 4.98, Now 2.99 23 Girdles, P. Girdles, W 395. Then 2.69. No L70 52 Yd. Rayon “Cashmere,” Was 249, Then 2.00, Now ».1.27 . rllicas. sheets. 3 . P. Girdles, Were ‘ en 2.69, Now......... : roe é 5c Off - #4 Boys’ Shirt, Slack Sets, Were 5.98, Now.......... oo. O80 WITH T 9 Panty Girdles, Were 1295, Then $9, Now...........0.. $6 si mele cack Wat tua whee tas te ie . 3 , ? PE , oe re a, Tm 2.08, Bic, - cna ee eee . e is - Bras, Were 1.75, Then $1, on tr RRS SARIS 4 Se 103 Hand Towels, Were 79c, Then 69c, 47c, Now.........,. 27e HOUSEWARES, LAMPS — Fifth Floor 38 Nylon cine wy Were 1.00 to ~ INOW nie « « Stina niti Bi8:s ee 75 Wash Cloths, Were 39c, Then 27c, Now.............+. Ie Group Housewares Items, Were 2.98, Then 1.98, Now. .. 88 Crepe ERD, Were 2.56 to 398, NOW ive: -vonstnsnnns: 21 Boxed Luncheon Sets, Were 4.98, Then 3.98, Now...... 2.66 1 GE Elect. Pan, Was 19.95, Then 16.88, 12.88, Now..;... 8.44 16 Shorty PJ.'s, Gowns, Were $6, Then $2, Now.......... ba 4 Changette Rugs, with Insert, Were 5.98, Now....... ....3.97 2 GE Rollabout Fans, Were 39.95, Now........ estes «+ 24.88 Se 8 Cotton Slips, Were 2.98, Then 188, Now... .............$1 60 Dinner Napkins, Were 49c, Then 25c, Now... ..........10e 2 20” Exhaust Fans, Were 29.95, Then 17.99, Now........11.88 AUTOMATIC WASHER 10 Size 32 Gowns, Were $3 to 3.50. Then 223. Now ......... $1 10 Tablecloths, Were 3.98, Then $2, Then 1.66, Now...... sk 2 GE Irons, Were 12.95, Then 6.88, New.......... coel ee Me - = ' 14 Gowns, Were 3.99 to 5.95, Then 2.99, Now...............$2 3 Tablecloths, Were 598, Then $4, New ccc ceeee 2.67 | 2 Unpainted Desks, Were 10.99, Then 6.88,.New.........3.44 20 Crepe Slips, Were $6. Then 399, Now.............005. 2.66 6 Tablecloths, Were 9.98. Then $8, Then 7.66. Now....... $5 6 Bathroom Plaques, Were 2.98, Then 1.88, Now..........88e 11 Duste d Robes. Were 1098. Now $7 : , ’ .. ei 17 Shower Curtains, Were 4.98, Then 2.88, Now..........1.88 . rs an , Were NOW oo cece eeee reese es 74 Napkins, Were 59c, Then 40c, Now .. 0.00.66. see e ees nae Group Bathroom Accessories, Were 1.79, Now.. 4c. Now SEE HOW | . 31 Boxed 8-Pe. Place Mat Sets, Were 299 to 499, New... $2 9 peartized Toilet Seats, Were 895, New........ cece B88 ‘ Group Soiled and Damaged Linens................75% Off 17 11 x 48” Door Mirrors, Were 3.98, Then 2.44, Now. 4 Serving Trays, Were 3.98, Then 2.66, Now.,...........L77 - ot 26 Sport Shirts, Were 299, Then 199, Bow eo cece, 88e 8 Tray Standards, Were>2.98, Then 1.88, Now........:.,.1.22 * , 20 Women’s Blouses, Were 1.99, Then 66c, Now.,........... 440 DRAPERIES, CURTAINS — Fourth Floor - 5 Wall Planters, Were 4.99, Then 2.88, Now...,...,.+...1.88 Wonderful for wash ‘n wear .-. . perfect 15 Caps, Were 1.98, Then 1.50, Then 88c, Now............. He-_ 29 Sines @ ers. 600 46. 34, Ne ‘i Group Ceramic Giftware, Were 1.98, New.,.......0....88¢ . r 2 : 7 P 6. DO, WOW... caer ees , hs . for no-iron bed linens! The new Hamilton - 6 Sportshirts, Were 8.95. Then 5.97, Now ............... 3.88 32 >. Seamer sien were 18.99 io 29.99, Now......... $10 FURNITURE RUGS Do . washer has a special cycle for wash ‘n wear aS Spartibitts, Were 496, Than:5:06, ‘Then 497, Now +5 x1:348 & Pr. Draperies, Were 29.99 to 34.99, Now... ..,......... $15 ’ — Downstairs fabrics, in addition to the regular wash a0 Speipeblets, Were 390,50 9.06. "Tn 298, New sis seco OM 12 Pr. Draperies, Were 12.99 to 19.99, Now... ......6...05.. $8 1 Used Electrie Dryer, Was $99, Now............... veces $87 e. Hamilt Iso gives you three sepa- 17 Jackets, Were 11.95 to 15.95, Then 6.66 to 7.47, Now... 4.44 13 Pr. Draperies, Were 8.99,.to 12.99, Now............ oe. $6 1 30-Gal. Water Heater, Was $58, Now... ... a io, filten. i ce ne ied oop _ 16 Pr. Draperies, Were 4.99, to 6.99, Now ........0.0.0 008. ; ® 2 a a, NOW, . .nccas “a rate TT ' ’ 40 Sofa Pillows, Were 3.99 and 4.99, Now............... ». 188 oom er, Was $55, NOW . 060. scum, film and soil. Hamilton washer NOTIONS; STATIONERY — Street Floor 4 Vinyl Folding Doors, Were 22.49. Now.................813 1 Deluxe co eeieien Macken Was $549, New... $366 4 26” Boys’ Middleweight yeles, Were 39.95, New. .. $26.44 hown $269.95, or only $229.95 + 13 Bolster Covers, Were 499 and 5.99, Now... 82 ys Mi model's ne d $ h Y 11 Rug Runners, Were 2.98, Then 188, Now........., +. BBe 7 Studio, H'I'w'd Bed Slipcovers, Were 899 to 1999New 86 4 29.95 Play Gyms with Slide, Were 29.95, Now.,..,....19.88 and your old washer. 7 Rug Runners, Were 1.89, Then 88c, Now................44e 47 D'm'g'd Ven. Blinds, Were 2.49 to 6.99, Then $1, Now. ..25¢ 15 303 Cal. Enfield Rifles, Were 16.99, Now.............10.88 11 Pant Hangers, Were 88c, Now ...... wiitiars Selene «a wh 260 Drapery Hardware, Were 49c to 1.29, New.............. 25e 1 Man's Damaged Suitcase, Was 27.50, Now............ 12.88" t F Off 2 Hat Boxes, Were 498, Then 288, Now.............-..-1.88 5 Folding Doors, Were 9.98 to 14.98, Then 6.88, Now....... $4 1 Man's Damaged Suitcase, Was 19.50, Now........ ve. 10.88 pecia emons fa ion er 10 Shoe Closets, Were 7.98, Then 3.88, Now. a #mecege'e Wueere es 1.88 22 Pillow Shams, Were 4.99 and 5.99, Now.................$2 1 26” Pullman Case, Was 29.95, Now...........0....00008 19.88 22 Shelf Bags, Were 4.98, Now ..... 22... 5. .c0es eee ese. 2.88 5 Dust Ruffles, Were 3.88 to 6.99, Now .. 0... gees ceeee. $2 1 Woman’s Overnight Case, Was 19.95, Then 12.88, Now. 72.88 ; * | 12 Child’s Closet Bars, Were 2.98, Now. eee 1.88 23 Plastic Inflatable Bolsters, Were 1.99, Now vane andge ves $1 1 Philco Hi-Fi, Was $209, Now .........-....66.005 oes 4. $166 on Pequot no-iron 214 Women’s Panties, Were 3 for $1, Now...... tauweiia halves 18¢ 10 Coverlet Spreads; ‘Were 12.99, Now.........,...655 coe SB 2 Table Model Radios, Were 24.88, Now.......... ses Cc ilt ses—$1.79 1 12 Cotton Bras, Were 1.00, Then 66c, Now............5.....44e - 11 Antique Satin Bedspreads, Were 19.99, Now..... evsiewen St * 1 Tape Recorder, Was 189.95, Then $158, Now.. vanes $88 : pr owice * - 6 Carpet Cleaner, Was 1.79, NOW ...... 0... ccc eeceeeeences 88e 9 Chair Slipcovers, Were 9.99, NOW 2... ccc cece ce veer ens SO 1 Record Cabinet, Was 19.95, NOW 2... ccc c tiveness et value-—Now 98¢ 38 9” Pinking Shears, Were 2.47, Then 1.66, Now.. .» 88 10 Sofa Slipcovers, Were 19.99, NOW... «2... 6.6... 6c. cree $12 5 Mahogany Step Tables, Were 19.95, NOW. eecees MBSR ng. , ; * 30 Yds, Shelf Edging, Was 39¢, Then 16c, Now........ oon Le 60 Yd. Plastic “Fabric,” Was 1.59 to 2.99, Then $1, Now.. 25e poe i golly ppligeon $34, OW soi eo ben sha a _ , Hamilto dé Péquot { 22: Stretch-A-Bar, Was 1.00, Then 66c, NOW... cee cee eee 440 28 Terry Cloth Chaise Covers, Were 2.98, Now.,......... 1.88 , /otten Throw OTE LOG, NOW. oo csc sasccewtunnes Without obligation, gabe lereree man get pa 14 Sets Shoulder Covers, Were 1.00, Then 66c, Now........ 44c 43 Pr. Ruffled Curtains, Were 3.99 to 499, Now....,...... $2 12 Welcome Mats, Were 3.95, Then 1.88, Now........ 40. A22 * tet you qui ene Howcenes. . temuher 9 Boxed Notes, Were 59, Now .......00.....0500005 ccna ws 33e 13 Tailored Panels, Were 2.49 to 2.99, Now.......... veoees Sh 2 Bunk Beds with Rails, Were 39.96, Now. .:......+...+.: $8 genuine Pequot no-iron pillowcases . . . regula 5 Boxed Stationery, Was $1.25, Now .......... veccaee cy. 660 23 Pr. Ruffled Curtains, Were 5.99 to $10, Now.. cases $4 2 30” Spring & Mattress Sets, Were 59.95, Now... ....... 30.88 $1.79, valuas es sserceerereess for only Wel 411 Boxed Notes, Were 3 for $1, Then 22, Now............. He 2 Pr, Ruffled Gurtains, Were 12.99 to 23.99, Now......... .. $8 1 Wooden Night Stand, Was 9.95, NOW........00c060e, O88. é ; : uph Stands, Were 7,98, Now .......... (Hansard 4.88 7 Pr. Cafe Curtains, Were 2.99 to 3.99, New..... Fis eieieiw e's $1 6 Blond End Tables, Were 10.95, Now... veveesqetckoen ME 2 Telephone Stands, 98, ‘ mg wee 1 Desk Set, Was 9.98, Then 6.88, 3.88, Now.....5.....5...1.88° 4 Shower Curtains, Were 4.99 to 6.99, Now...........6....$2 1 Finished Maple Chest, Was 29.95, Now........+5..... 19.88 = 1 Desk Set, Was 6.98, Then 3.88, Now.........- sortecceey MSS 6 Shower Curtains, Were 9.98 to 14.98, Now... ..s..sees.00. BS 1 Self-Propelled 19” Rotary Mower, Was 69.95, Now.....344 : 120 Boxed’ Cards, Were 50c, Then 33c, 22c, Now......6...,.. He 12 Tailored Panels, Were 1.29 to 2.49, Now........ eoreaes + O00 119” Rotary Mower, Was 49.95, NOW. >... 4.. 600555 St . — : —"; SETS & 7 4° é * oot i o , . a ‘ p ae ‘f : , : z) i peas vee *fecretary and Bélior fepublication of all local fs Well ay Ail AP news aivpatches, = | HRS EES EE 0 a 's can. Unless you have 1 to visit the hospital, most 8,100 one in the . daPsehag The Pontiac State Hospital, along with all groups participating in the - Mental Health week program, deserve -@ special vote of thanks for the out- —— 4 es ea ES ‘Mental health problems continue ‘and it is only through understanding that. some of the outmoded ideas can ‘be removed. A visit to the hospital ene eee “ee ete, oe ~ * pa : a8 a of ay : a | ee PONTIAC PRESS, ‘TUESDAY. APRIC. 28. 1050 _ , 7 A Probe 3 ‘School Breakiins ce ee | Seaway test ~Fals hio tae. Port Hos Busiest Day Man Gels Probation Driver Loses Control Ships Mave Cargo ft Morals Conviction | o°”Ackarses sridge on Arkansas Bridge : a Oakland County Cirevit Judge > i TORONTO (UPI) — The half- ‘GS, : { St. Seaway |Clark J. Adams yesterday placed'rnirteen of 16 persons aboard ‘| got down to business today with’ Birmingham restaurant owner Pet-iContinental Trailways bus were] ay this Lake Ontario port starring in| er Nick on probation for two yearsiinjured today, four of them se-| a testing role. and assessed him $500 court costs|verely, when the driver lost con-| The eyes of shippers ‘in ports for the asuey rape of a 15 trol of the vehicle while attempt: j into five area elementary schools break ~ lectrtication Mecsure during the past 48 hours. . All five schools are in Avon “ Seen’ as Test of Power Township and Lape gpd believe! to Beat ike [to | ms : ie WASUINGTON w — Denia a he ene” Gypsum Sfockholders Approve Acquisition are preparing-an attempt to over-, Three. were reported Monday BUFFALO, N.¥. @— Stock. | samadhi ride President Eisenhower's’ veto! and two more this morning. of g rural electrification bill. They, Deputies said that Brookland School, 480 EF. Auburn Rd., had hope to gain a political advantage been entered through whether they win or lose. | aoe * se ‘ winde ‘adding . | holders ef. National Gypsum Co. It they can muster two-thirds' er nis peat! i a approved tetay the acquisition of ranging rong Roni ae i —— oot nm * ~ _s avoid 8 ciilision ‘WOR. i of those voting in both houses and Huron Portland Cement Co. of Chicago . Nick, 35, of 1564 Penistone St... The bus skidded, crashed. Sarnia, Ont., turned to Toronto to! see what happens when big freight.| ers trom the seven seas unload and/CMSHit Court Jy. ng i load cargo for the first time deep! He was sentenced Monday aft. '° Test upright in three feet of in the heartland of North America.| er many white (Water. The accident dccurred on| Toronto was the first port of, his Detroit to | causeway of Lake Hamilton on) cali for the Dutch freighter Prins| appeal the conviction to the State /5tate Highway 7 about four miles! Willem George Frederik, whiclr led south of ware ‘jan armada ign-flag vessels Sclenk the Whatlie.ceuvey G0 et ee Nee! De ‘ise Senies D. Crowell, | the whether the appeal would now be 42,,of Texarkana, said he jammed. ing weekend. dropped, although leave to appealion the brakes of the Dallas-to- had already been approved by the'Memphis bus when he saw the thus enact the measure, Demo-| Auburn Heights Elementary. Michigan. cratic leaders feel they will have School, 260 S. Squirrel Rd., was, National Gypsum Chairman set a new pattern for more im-,entered in. similar manner. De-| Melvin H. Baker said the acquisi- portant bills likely to be bounced tectives said a thorough check ‘of tion “will be the most important baok to Congress by the Presi- the school would have to be made growth investment ih our 34-year dent. ‘today before it could be deter-) history.” x * imined what was taken. Stockholders aise voted to in- ‘These include housing, airport x *& * | crease the number of common aid and depressed areas legisla-- Yesterday, Meadow Brook Schoo]| Steck shares from five million to tion carrying spending authority at Muster and Castlebar roads was| 10 million, The stock closed yes- substantially larger than Elisen- entered through a broken window! terday, at $70.50. hewer recommended. No Eisen- and a total of $16 was stolen from| — oo pg that more than was convicted last Oct. 30 by a through a wire fence, rolled down a 2-foot embankment -and came: OPPRE EEL T? To oe | \ interested in REA expansion pro, Authorities at Hamlin School | immediately available. because the crime was Nick’s first Springfield, Ohio, and Rankin \ |wriggled through. He crawled up ithe steep embankment and ran to | stdre where he summoned help. \ felony conviction. Optometrist Five ocean vessels, including ae Reds Aid Algerians —__ two of the Dutch Fell Oranje Ling and two Canadian Steamship Lines Detroit Sales U State Trooper Glen Minton said BERLIN uw» — The East Berlin!lake ships arrived yesterday. A P when he — wrecked bus, weekly Wochenpost reports Com-/|sixth foreign vessel, the Marquette} DETROIT—#®— Detroit ‘depart: “terrible quiet” prevailed. \ grams. “The argument bver that started) several rooms ransacked and quickly, with ‘statements and more than $11 stelen from the speeches both for and against teachers’ desks. — overriding the veto. A breakin at Stiles School, 3976 Livernois Rd., netted thieves only) hewer veto has been overridden. idesks pried open in several class-) 8@ per cent of all the 4,340,985 fined most of its business to lake jbigh court ,.according to the Pros-|truck speeding toward bin do. the Ny If they: lose. the Democrats be- rooms. | outstanding shares of National ‘faced one of the busi- jectitor’s Office. wrong lane. EYE GLASSES CONTACT LENSES lieve they will have saddled the. | Gypsum common were represent- est days in its history. A total i The truck did not stop. ‘a Republicans with a 1960 political: Deputies said the thieves used | ed in today’s vote. of 11 deep-sea ships were un- | Judge Adams said Nick received| Crowell broke a window ‘beside ‘ liability — the enmity of farmers. rs to pry opep locked desks. | ‘The exact vote count was not lending or scheduled to unload |probation instead of « prison term/Richard Lamar * Rankin, 2%, of DR. C.. I. PHILLIPS 210 W. Hamlin Rd., reported | : | | ~ Anriounces the Removal of ‘His Office ~ to ' = 205 CAPITOL SAVINGS & LOAN BLDG., 75 WEST HURON ST., PONTIAC, MICH, NF ‘ ‘munist East Germany has made|from France, docked at daybreak. ment store sales in March were| “I was afraid they were all badly |’ Detectives said several books ‘of 2¥ailable 400 hospital beds for Al- jand others were expected later'14 per cent higher than those injured,” he said later. aot igerian nationalists wounded aie lof the previous March, the Fed-|. Two fishermen in a boat came fighting Although officials had beenieral Reserve Bank reports. UP/up and took the seriously injured wee France. It said 23 casualties have | ‘readying the 12 miles of berths also were sales of women’s Ap-\to a nearby landing where ambu- | arrived, and adds: “Almost every for months, in anticipation of the: ‘parel stores, 12 per cent; jewelry lances waited. The other injured SPINNING EELS Ifield dressing kit carried by Al-/foreign ships’ arrival, one admitted stores, 9, and men's clothing| passengers climbed the embank-. . Of Coming Soon Automotive; retail sales in 1957.$1.80 in change, detectives said. | totaled $53 billion. Fa il t dl Sr al a 'gerian soldiers comes from Dem-|“We are having trouble handling|stores, 8 | However, appliance|ment or were rescued by boat. | ocratic (Communist East) ‘ Ger-|these peaks.” jstore sales were down 2 per cent) The injured were hospitalized at )many.”’’ He recalled that Toronto Harborjend furniture sales were un-'Hot Springs. i et Commission officials had to do a'changed. None were from Michigan. \Cuba Battles Vice _ HAVANA @ — The Cuban gov-/ }ernment crackdown on vice has closed three houses of prostitution, ‘a half block from the Ministry of , Education, “authoritative sources LIMITED PARKING IN REAR NPP PTT TT TT PP PP PO x ® “This Car 1 Didn’t Buy Has Done a More for Me Than All the Cars I've H ‘o—I wasn't onesof the 15,246 who bogie this 7th place in the industry, And Rambler is still more for me than all the makes I did buy. | first of the present-day Ramblers when it came _in popularity. Currently, only five other makes sell normpover toes anl geet San imaatine of; size-and- ‘ out in 1950. more cafs than Rambler. a 1959 Rambler of my own a | "Instead, like a lot of others, I've bought other makes Today, Rambler outsells not only most big cars, but Pies see months back. ; until this year, that is. all > ae t-selling foreign cars combined. But, not one of those other makes has done as much— ve been icting a market for WHAT RAMBLER MEANS TO Here’s 32 to 44. Perfect Fashions for SPRING! s the slip that more women want! It’s a real buy, with lots of fashion! Its lanolin finish makes it caressably soft. Molded midriff sees that it fits you Wght. We've trimmed it with lace, too. In white, sizes 7 FOR ME—as this car whose wheel I never touched. horsepower race. would have continued if it hadn't been for Rambler. Sidwly but surely, Rambler kept gaining with the belief that it’s the customer, not the competition, that really counts. THE CONSUMER BEGAN TO SPEAK By 1955,.Rambler sales moved up to nearly 75,000. By 1957, they were nearly 100,000 . . . still a small total compared to the others. Then, in 1958, came the explosion that blew the lid off the automobile industry! We, the customers, rebelled. While industry sales dived more then 20 r cent, Rambler sales zoomed more than 100 percent/ Rambler —— 1958... shot from 12th to ° *rRaDEMARK AMERICAN. MoTroRs 2,000,000 com; compact cars by 1961. And Rambler is the Compact Car*. —we wouldn't have the choice we do today. That’s why I say this Rambler I never bought has done EVERY MOTORIST | THE SIZE-HORSEPOWER RACE ; Because Rambler gives me basic excellence, I have a Sew | ‘ WAS ON RAMBLER GAVE US THE CHOICE ne ars mee — cars today, I have a car | Those other makes got longer and wider and lower, If it hadm’t been for this first Rambler—and the With anal /-N y 1 0 N- c OTT 0 NI | _ oe — makes got longer Ramblers that have followed it with increasingly smart, _— . yee ene 1 Each new model was more hopped up with excess styling, fine engineering, quality construction and ex- Saeco quality and ¥ frodiy we pier gas-consuming horsepower that | couldn't begin to clusive features—I feel sure the story wouldn't be low anal ; high resale, 1 my shai | |” use, legally, anywhere. what it is today. of billions of dollars in sa that 1S cone ; , Did Mant this? Not at all! If it hadn't been for Rambler—taking a leaf from Rasnbler nike: ocetbis tne i ‘ — OU R S UCC ESS SLI Pp ~~ B U y | ‘\ i But there’s no telling how much longer the size-and- © modern_aircraft construction and buildihg this car a tas ° different and better way by Single Unit Construction* AMERICAN MOTORS CORPORATION RAMBLER « KELVINATOR. « METROPOLITAN } Qualified as a carrier pilot re- _ jcently was Navy Lt. (ig) Milton H. -(Bank If, son of Dr. and Mrs. Milton Bank of 58 Franklin Blvd. jad : Richard Ho DeWiu Donald E. Hansen ee Res. FE 2-5513 Res, FE 5-3793 Accident Insurance Fire Insurance Automobile Insurance: Life Insurance Liability Insurance Plate Glass Insurance Burglary Insurance Bonds — All. Types Tenants’ Policies ad Welch took up painting as a hobby, She paints on the inside of an egg) stat h Yours of : ve Hours: Daily $ to §. Wed. and § MICHIGAN CREDIT COUNSELLORS | 714 Community Nat'l : lspend Bank Bldg. =" Phone FE 4-1568-9 BAKER & HANSEN An ideal cannot wait for its realization to prove its validity. —George Santayana, 1905, HORTON GONZALEZ | They're New on Menu: \Centennial Bisonburgers erin ice Nov. 20, He US S5041138, 668 OD Co. (Ammo.}| , 4 fe mo. FEderal (Dir), APO 114, N: Y,, .N. ¥, BANK BERGMAN 4 »§090272.—( «Cf ok pe See aA mater of the ene Mo. shel ae ‘| $A. Raymond W. son of|fine’s Varsity Basketball Team 4 ts we cid toe Oh rh. Habe Camp Lejeune, N.C. is Pfc. 441 | BETTER! ° S° TRUE! In its lighter, milder 86 proof, Old Taylor 86 is so rich and deep im flavor that you sip it right down to the bourbon dew on the ice! It is the same in quality as our famous 100 proof - , bottled in bond Kentucky bourbon—which makes it = ,’ the lightest full-flavored bourbon you can buy. Try Old Taylor 86, see how good light bourbon can be! “The Noblest Bourbon' of Them All” rs Ce ee ae "Straight trom Kentucky "4.9.7 z ao he . AR % _ Beil Amenean whieney oes | : | EN TUCKY BTRAIGHT BOURDON WHISKIES, + 100 PROOF, BOTULED IN BOND + 88 PROOF. © THE OLD TAYLOR me DinTHLERY eouPans, FRANKFORT & LouisviLLE, ss . L icethaded ——— —_ ot a : cs pore ‘4 Z ‘leks Old Taylor 86 r YOU CAN - SAVE UP 10 ’ . .WITH FREE LIFE INSURANCE TOO! : You can save $50 to $100 if you shop for finaricing just the way you | . shop for-the best car buy. Before you sign the final papers on your car deal, compare our rates with other finance sources. - HERE ARE THE FACTS: , “4 . Example: On $2400.00 balance due on car after trade in a ! , ) . OTHER PONTIAC ‘ | SOURCE --~STATE “ Finance charge: 24 mos..............++++++-8288.00 . $240.00 Insurance... .... ss ceseeeeeecerecceceeeeees se s4l0,90 FREE Recotding Feé.. 6... ..cciscssesseccescsieesesss2000 , _ ‘FREE: aan Total................306.90 240.00 YOU-CAN SAVE. ..........0.00046-.866.90 You'll find Pontiac State Bank ‘rates are lower! And ygu’ll get FREE “= : life insurance protection—unpaid. balance cancelled in the event of death. , = ._ mee. =_— - is bhdchdel deh iebtiedt Litt? td 1 Phone Federal 4.3591 and save! epitete : ‘STATE BANK A 4 ® » ‘® had ] 4 ) ® had i] a ® > * = 2 * L] a nd ® 1 cs Pr tt ar 0 S54 gee aS Fes aE Ye Ree wore OTR OS Hee YS ee ea ae ew eoem ex # 6 CONVENIENT OFFICES MEMBER FDIC: » : 4 i me Be " ¥ 2 e ~~ oo. t ¥ 3 & = ® < , 8 k os T one = — SS eseeapeate nme ee pot, Spee | , f of 4 { \ ~ wisn eterna te a ( i : : 4 ‘ a F Pe : « ee | eg | € ‘ + a: * * : e | . f x 2 _is your family POLIO tit ayo heen During his Bahamas stay Philip PROTECTED? _ ‘sited. the Out atterided ; congregation, tried The polio season is fast ap- of proaching! There are still oni — millions of Americans who || haven't had any shots! | YOUNG. Husband Polio ien’t licked yet! In fact, parayti polo ene and Woman, 86, cially children’s cases— | oe increased in 1958 me | Wed One Year Sanne Meet net te | BLOOMINGTON, Ind. (AP) — Remember: Your neigh- sprightly hoe yo great-grand- ber’s polio shots will not mother observed their first wed- protect you! Polio strikes _|ding anniversary today and looked all. ages. See your doctor or back on a year of happy married health department NOW| life. & &-2& a _ THE PONTIAC PRESS. TUESDAY, en, 28, 1950. | Lens Cleaner eons f ; "Princess Michiko | With Visit Home “Dangerous Bacteria in Some Batches Could Cause Blindness eS WASHINGTON (AP) — A Cali- fornia company recalled bottles of @ contact lens cleanser after the Food and Drug Administration said it found dangerous bacteria in. some samples. Some of the bacteria could cause blindness in persons. with eyes al- : .Gat. our rates on extended al Ke ani bis HEMPSTEAD] SCHOOL GRADES Rent a ‘Typewriter . 32 : Pe or 3 Months $12.50 been a single case of eye infection She in any form reported.” father, &,:-% 8 ; He said that the pou med -Shé was joined at dinner by her Sine ood and|Scarred Actress Tries | said retail jacogen tn the on that 0 Take Her Own Life DON’T TAKE | Flag cee a Jim is JOE SENT ME — ‘Peering through the door of this cat-speak- A CHANCE— | such a nice boy. The thing I like} ©@5y is Tough Tabby, checking to.see who wants in, Actually, a * about him is that he’s honest, and; ™other cat in Delmar, N. Y., found a hole in a willow tree, and ‘it’s always been my way to be! had her kittens there. So far, the other tenants of the tree, the TAKE YOUR [eamest.” ho a a squirrels, haven't protested. . who doesn’t have m' 0} POLIO SHOTS! |say, added, “We're getting along fine.” ‘celebration, only a q'liet day at @ "They plumed vo amiveroy OtUGeNt-Faculty Debate ) mateo a ae Slated at MSU on ROTC. Publiched as «@ public service in | It hasn't been smooth sailing cooperation with The Advertisin ed Jim bas had a tough time earning EAST LANSING @® — The con-|military and defense developments. tion said use of the solution with a bottle. of sleeping pills. Her con-. ‘a living — he lost some customers troversy over mandatory ROTC Supporters dispute this, when the price of his newspapers tor able-bodied male students only its values have changed some.'no harmful effects. Council and. the Newspaper A vertising Executives Association, /went up, and odd jobs are scarcer jeeng bubbling at Michigan State | . i~, and his sight is not ge ,, |University. | “I'm worried when he’s ce. 2 & \Mrs. Bough said. “He doesnt s see A formal debate will be staged) now as well as he used to, and Tm Wednesday by students and faculty | Lad jaa he th nit by 0 cor. |members | under sponsorship of the | wELP : | * bs iforensics union and the All- They get slong with the help University Student Government. vo GE o sre. Gough's only. $9 en . a escape check t lg ox y recurring st ‘house ahe owned before they were| The Michigan State News re- b= of ‘Bronchial Asthene and ‘Bren- | married. | ported Local 1316 of the Federa- Quickly helps combat eilersy. relsz |. Why did she marry a man only, tion of Teachers has gone on yeecbet hee, Se morus |. little more than one-third her| record against it, and the MSU age? Mrs. Bough explained sim-| chapter of the American Assn. iply, “I was so lonely.” | ef University Professors soon will consider a stand. | Bill Callahan of Detroit, editor- ‘in-chief, said two MSU trustees'| replied affirmatively to his letter’ ‘query whether board members 'would welcome an expression of ‘student opinion, | * * * The development came despite; ‘counsel by John A. Hannah, schoo! ‘president, to protestors to consider (Advertisement) B. R. Bermen _ Or. We Alse ‘their position carefully. = Optometrist Poste | Under longstanding board policy 171 hi Same Lecs Se. |ROTC training is mandatory for | Seginew CONTACT imale students in’ freshman and FE 4-707) x * Morrill Act which estab- the land grant college PYTTIVITI TTT iii in - _— that the) Established in 1898 eer Sa — aa ditionally, such training has compulsory. Of the 69 land| grant — only the Uni- | Farmer-Snover Funeral Home | 160 W. Huron St. FE 2-9171 PARKING ON PREMISES hdd ddd decdadedadadedaditadedadedadicla edad dudadadadochted LT A optional. * * * The main argument by oppo-| nents is that mandatory ROTC) has been outdated by 20th Century | Pas! M. Snover C00CCCCCCOCC OOOO OTe ereceecevecoocesos FOR LESS ! AS FAs LOW AS, PAS LOW as | 10% FFs 450 if YOU ACT NOW! im denny IN JULY OPERATORS on DUTY 24 HRS. A DAY * Room Additions * Kitchens _ : * comes” Siding — * Gara i Aiton “Finished ‘¥& Recreation . Rooms * Baths + Breezeways * SHELL HOMES COMPLETED NO MONEY DOWN £.H.A. 60 Months to Pay 4 ois saying a healthy eye probably would have dition was described as not seri-] | could cause blindness bore the) LOS ANGELES (AP)—A motion’ |code number 010159. ‘picture bit actress despondent/ The entire lot had been sold out, over facial scars resulting from ‘Hinds said. He added that steps . traffic accident tried fo kill her-' ‘are being taken to make future’ self Monday, — nepceset. jlots sterile | * * * | Molly minty * serstvell emer-| The Food and?Drug Administra-'gency treatment after swallowing! No other American beer is brewed this way and that’s why no other American beer tastes like Stroh’s... lighter... smoother... more refreshing ! lous by hospital authorities. Stroh’s beer tastes better - ,,.and it should o It S lighter! % The Sto Brewery Company, Det 26, Michigan ON TV: Enjoy WAGKENZIE? s RAIDERS (Wed., 7 PM, Channel D- « It's America’s only fire-brewed beer fire brewed at 2000° to bring forth the finest flavor of the finest ingredients! ie “Others sini the tea, which i in cluded a tour of the buildings grounds, were, left to righty Dr. Ted W. - Ward, who addressed the — on ae a Sorority. re PUA i ; onday eve- oclety ti ming at se gan ca ie Aco ae bs Ragan we 1 te if Hf a Fe FF Ai rif F if H 1s speaker. Pontise Press Photos left, direc of student services at MSUO, was guest With him are, left to right, Mrs: Mildred Dodson, Barbara Cole, and Alfred Moneta. ad Pr education courses at the graduate level; Ronald Miller, Marylyn Lake \ and Mrs. David Hicks, who was chair- \man Of. iad affair. 4-Piece Ee | HURON at TELEGRAPH stevie Thurs., Fri. 10 to. 9—Tues., Wed, Sat, 10 to 6 Coordinate 399 95 A provincial print skirt and weskit. The weskit is reversible. Also includes the new butterfly sleeve blouse. Every item drip-dry cotton. The outfit has a co-ordinating patent belt. x | ' s tes Students’ been a pioneer group in using ak ORES S _ buildings ot ot . : tion on some of the buildings Roy J, Alexander, director - The pledge to the flag was led by Mrs. Hope Gorman, Mrs. William Kreklo, tea chairman, was assisted Fad Mrs. William Donaldson and Mrs, nee sor oo ; Graves, William Kreklow, and Frank McGregor. Mrs, W.E.C, Huthwaite ° is nominating chairman, and Mrs. — is cochairman for the . ; eledzaae "2 a's ii fi Fey re “Dear Mrs. Post: My son is soon to become engaged. - He has informed me that his fi- pee ceed . pier ili fe Res B A 3 z aye i! = EE i oe eR gBe 5 Es! & fh = ee $ << FS about this?” parents, it would be entirely proper for you to give a party in honor of their engagement. an its 8g ze & Hod The group holds membership in the Associated Male Chor- uses of America and the Mich- igan Male Chorus Association. Members will participate in a _“State Sing’’ May 2 at Mid- Event to Be Held Friday merous musi 1 N ursery School Officers Named New officers are Mrs. Johh Murray, chairman; Mrs, Har- old Jacobsen Jr., first vice chairman; Mrs. Jack Kirksey second vice chairman; Mrs. Paul Rich, . treasurer;. Mrs. Leonard Blackwell, equipment . chairman; Mrs. F. J. Bridge; health and enrollment chair- man; and Mrs. th Me- Intosh, parent education chair- Dr. Edith Roach Snyder, principal of Webster School, spoke on “Growth has a Di- rection.” A question-and-an- swer period followed. Amaranth Members Attend Convention Twenty-five officers and members: of Esther Court of Pontiac attended the grand court session of Michigan Order of the Amaranth, held Thursday through Saturday in Jackson. Among those who attended were Pierre Shaver, retiring grand royal patron, and Mrs. Shaver, present royal matron of Esther Court. Crofoot School Readies May Fair A May Fair will be held by Crofoot School PTA from ‘5 to 8 p. m. Friday in the school’s multipurpose room. Mrs. David Cowan and Mrs. «Ralph Rotsel are cochairmen They include Mrs. John Bragan, Mrs. Lowell Vollmar, Still others are Mrs, Robert Phillips, Mrs. Calvin Page, Mrs. Wiliam Bennett, Mrs. 4 Wrights Home After Marriage Making their home on Markle street are Mr. and Mrs. Ken- - Mrs. Wright, the former Jac- - allie is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. per Marsischky of Indian- . Mr. Wright is the son “a Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wright of Markle street. He is now atiending Genera] Mo- tors Institute. , Marilee Minesinger Wed in Oakland Park Church Oakiand Piark Methodist Church was the setting for the Saturday wedding of Marilee Dawn Minesinger and Airman Donald L. who is stationed at Rock Island, Til. with the U.S, Air Force. The Rev. James Deeg officiated in the: presence of 250 guests, The bride is the daughter of , ‘ Mr. and Mrs, George Eugene of Lowel] street. The bride- groom is the son of Mrs, Leon- - ard Luethye of Rock Island, Iil., and the late Everett Rey- nolds. IN LACE AND TULLE A gown of Chantilly type lace with a fitted bodice accented by a Peter Pan collar and long tapered sleeves was the bride’s choice for her mar- riage. Her bouffant floortength skirt was fashioned with an underskirt of ruffles ‘and a lace and tulle overskirt, Her - headpiece secured a fingertip veil of silk 7 Bere Seclane Vallad was maid of honor, gowned in a blue ny- lon dress featuring a tucked nylon’ bodice’ with satin trim and pleated skirt. Bridesmaids : ‘ “ Joyee Johnson and Ethel Eu- MRS, DONALD L.REYNOLDS. gene, sister .of the bride, wore pink gowns, styled ideritically to that of the honor maid’s. * & * William Saucerman of Al- *toona, Pa;, was best mani. Ush- Donald Greenacre, Mrs. Nor- man Brown, Mrs. Marvin Shapiro and Mrs, Harold Mc- Intyre. Mrs. Norman Brown gets a prevue of some of the items to be featured at he, i fi at fue 4 [ go " Crident School PA will hold its” May: Fair from 5° to 8 pm. Friday in the school’s acs tal sed room. ‘4d: Posters are being made by the children under the direction of Dru Peterson and Mrs. Ralph Dawe, VanHusen. ee | mtriny Mrs... C. Bordeaks, iho’ sill play apron.lady, are Vicki Vollmar and Clifford Gracey. * Mrs. Curry Honored | by Bethel 5 - International Order of Job's Daughters, Bethel No. 5, was host at a reception and dinner honoring Grand Guardian of Michigan Mrs. Clarence Curry of Canterbury drive, Saturday evening at Roosevelt Masonic Temple, Mrs. Curry is a past guardian of Bethel 5. * * * Following the dinner Mrs. Paul Hagle was mistress of *ceremonies~ for a brief “pro- gram. Mrs, Hagle was guar- dian when Bethel 5 first was ” instituted 25 years—ago.. * * * Mrs., Russell Kneale, Bethe? 5 guardian, gave the welcome. narration, “Through the Years with Julia Curry,” was sang the popular “IT Believe,” lanéy Ussociate grand guardian; Mrs. Elizabeth Warden of the fair ‘oi Beth Rotsel and Frank * Pontiac Press Photes v _ toe. feta ape \ bons sf 3 ‘ ee i Di ah 1D 178. | tex Geer Berto ead te. ye eee eee Quest of Birthday Kiss! | seers <= erate By ABIGAIL VAN BUREN 1 oo the .phone and te. John Baxter, ™ i yp all over = ; , Mrs. Her Aroun __"THE PONTIAC PRESS, TUESDAY, £ Y, APRIL, 28, 1959 MopleLeafClub | : Oakland County Dental ‘Auxiliary will meet at. | 7 p.m. May 12 at Kingsley Inn, A talk. on flower nents | will be a feature of the eve- | 88 Wayne ning, . ; DEAR GOLDDIGGER: A * tes - “wife” (rich or poor) is still = a woman, Women need to be CONFIDENTIAL TO AN- loved for themselves. Cold, | NETTE: If you spend 9 years ’ ; hard cash attracts cold, hard | With a dog you can become y ; ; people. There is nothing — ee g ; : “wrong” with your wanting definitely * s married) and - ABBY her—but don't be burt if she oe os ae + still doesn’t. She also con- | doesn’t want you. Want to be popular? Get fided _ this incident to her ; * *x« * _| Abby’s booklet, “What Every : / i= husband, She is leaving it |- “DEAR ABBY: It hastaken | Teenager Wants to Know.” " } ey FE up to me as to what to do. | » long time for me to get up | Send 2% cents and a large, > cow S. Pas drag is 59, | the nerve to write to you. I've Peet stan gabon to - a been married years © Ps of \ . a = es ssocxen | vous anne cies tee | a Gouget 1662 S. TELEGRAPH RD, _|ASHION. SHOP DEAR SHOCKED: Your | me crazy! She shouts in nor- | f & persona! reply, write to - EY . . : friend (7) has done a lot of | mal conversation, screams | 2"lt-sudressed: stamped envelope. a a j confiding. Tell your husband it is unwise to try to kiss a woman who has such a big mouth. - He'll understand, Kenworthy-Jubar Vows “DEAR ABBY To the hus Spoken in Clarkston Rite enough to live on but not pgs presen cas a ~ Wavia Jubar and William P. | = Norieen LaFave. was flower early — ; ' would suggest that agen A ci gsi, wane | girl. Her dress was white ny- someone arrange for him to | Bible Church, Clarkston: The | 108 and lace, and she carried sit for one hour or more on a Rev. Eldon Mudge officiated | & bouquet of pink roses. hardwood seat, too high for his at the double-ring, candlelight x *« * feet to reach the floor and too ' ceremony. ‘Denny Lee Kenworthy was wide for him to touch the beck Parents of the couple are | best man. Ushers were Thomas without having his feet stick yfrs. Irene Rodden of Mann §§ Brady and Michael LaForm. straight out in front of him. road and Mr. and Mrs. George | Randy Jones was ringbearer. Place a taijer person in front of | Kenworthy of Newberry road. | . a him so that he can't see with. | } CHURCH RECEPTION i out stretching his neck. Then | "IN SATIN AND LACE | _ A reception was held in the | have someone up front read- | The bride wore a gown of | church parlors. Before leaving | ing aloud the writings of Aris- | white lace over satin, featur- | for a honeymoon through | totle (in Greek). I think he | ing @ high rolled collar and | Michigan, the bride changed to would not only become ;rest- _ long sleeves. Her fingertip | @ white linen suit with pink _ less’—he would be fit fo be | veil of nylon tulle was held by | accessories and a pink rose ’ tied.”” | a Juliet cap, and she carried a | ge. GRANDMOTHER | cascade bouquet of white roses. | The couple will live in Rapid * * * | * *& | City, S.D., where the bride- “DEAR ABBY: A well-todo | Susan Neal was maid of | groom is stationed with the widow recently asked your ad- honor. Bridesmaids were Sue | U.S. Air Force. - viee on how to get a man who Ann Kenworthy and Ruth Ann | x * ® wasn't a golddigger. You re- McCann. The bridesmaids Mrs. Kenworthy wore a silk ferred to them (the men) as were dressed in ballerina printed sheath dress of tan- | rats after cheese. I would like dresses of pink net over satin _ gerine and beige with beige to clear up that issue because and blue net over satin. Miss |. accessories. Mrs. Rodden was I am one. Most of us have Neal’s dress was aqua lace | dressed in a beige linen suit been born poor. We make Compare this wonderful new kind of car to any other, and you'll know why we have the fastest rising sales curve in the industry. >> The Lark is shorter outside, yet seats six people comfortably. It - costs Jess to buy, less to operate —- runs miles and miles on little, low- -eost regular gas. ‘To wit: in the Mobilgas Economy Run, The Lark V-8 outscored all V-8's with an astonishing 22.28 miles per gallon average. : _ And, of course, the “6” does better, SB> The Lark affords the best of everything you need, at savingsyou can't afford to’ miss. See it today. | ok 245 South Blvd. East Otecover-whet youll cove at YOUR STUDEBAKER DEALER'S MAZUREK MOTOR SALES. Pontide, Mich. ‘| “In. reality,’ however,” Dubos} ‘continued, “air conditioning has 3 poo ge implications: that tran. i renowned Fy (Hee 6 pets Sones enter cent face of Lincoln ould not now that could be fi more than 1,000 be ee, down upon this sag roeer Fi: Brame the wings of jet bombers. i ial rocket ticipate in Modern Woodmen’s 1959 Sales Conference HEAD May 3-6 in =~ Beach. District hier Darjals ; proudest possessions : _ qualified for the Florida trip by new business and pre- Pais nat head of Lincolh done “That entire’ day he was obsessed mium income produced in 1998. in this way Modern by Leo Cherne, executive director bY the expectation of his own 1 Woodmen honors its top Agency personnel, and helps of the Research Institute of Amer-|/9¢4th and that day ‘the last photo- them equip themselves for still better life insurance serv- ica. Cherne, one of the most artic-/8"@Ph of Lincoln ‘alive was taken. ice to their clients. ulate men in the land, I think, is 7B8t's-the story behind my sculps} . . | active in many fields—notably in/Ure . . - the Lincoln of the Final . d d refugee work Yet he has. found/58<* itice. i . time to win himself anew niche The original is in the Lincoln ; mo ern woo men @s a sculptor. Museum, Ford’s Theater, Wash- of america ©, home office @ rock island, ill. His first~head, that’ of Albert) ington. The first copy is on the for modern Life Insurance #’: Modern Woodmen Schweitzer, is in the Smithsonian mantelpiece of the Cabinet Room aot Institution in Washington. -Repro-'| M. E. DANIELS, 563 W. Huron Street, Pontiac, will par- sales leader wins trip e in the Mobilgas Economy Run!... Tet RIO SIE SLL Mary Hauser scored a whopping 22.37 miles per gallon in a Chevrolet Biscayne to win in the Low Price 6-Cylinder Car Ciass. Young secretary proves | -women can drive as economically as men—using | . The New Car Gasoline » # Does your wife often double as the family chauffeur? Here’s good news—the 14 women drivers in the '59 gallon less than the men!” __ Like the wnele Sohlaiiti: Veen wounin drove tun grade traffic, on highways, over desert and mountain roads: Their expert performance helped boost the average of all cars to 19.44 miles per gallon ... . proof that women this tip from the Economy Run drivers . . friendly Mobil dealer’s for your new or late model car! . ‘Look who helped boost average to 19.44 miles per gallon Mobligas Tienoaty Bias etienned, otky 097 piilee: por ing 1898-mile route at maximum legal speeda—in city | , cam. Got a GORE gus coca we meen wheat Cm take - Keep your cat.in good shape, ditve ead use 59: Mobilgas Special—The New Car Gasoline. Get it at your ON ELLE LEE EEE LOE LS crosses finish fine in Kansas Mrs. Hauser City, Mo., after grueling 1898-mile Run. : se Mrs. Hauser and co-driver, Pat Venabie, _ pose in front of victory trophy, ~ HOW you CAN SAVE MONEY ON GASOLINE! | See your, Nearest “Mobil dealer for this Valuable Mobilgas Economy Run folder. Tells 7 ways you can Save on gasoline— gives mileage scored by your make car, Or write~Mobil Oi Co., Inc,, 150 East 42nd _, St. New York 17, N. Y. =e y. = Bs at, pa P F j a ‘ . s oe F r3 Wises Pipes. a = 3 i - : ‘ Co OTN : Roepe # aoe ; f ; r + ‘ < 4 ya ‘ Be oe ks x 2 pos pa sae fs este ee he eee Ss ee : rn. es ee a \ 2 Oe ee F ied s/ x , g 3 j " 5 ' Ad / - Se fy BS i ‘ ; < } ek ee, : ! wee je pe ean . ‘ + Modern Methods Give Mental Patients Hope By LEE WINBORN —_ institutions from Monday through) bers of the institytion’s statt of LAPEER — Mental patients who Saturday is authorized by the De. social workers, ; Tit ait ode ant Oe ee ae years ago were destined to lives of| partment of Mental Heal i “aethiaks and emp mill ponds and a proposed shopping cen waar pore elie ot ee <<, eee youth os ae anol © ae were merged into one mihie problem at last night’s nursery. There they are for coun ing. ; care, training and rehabilitation. (yer IN AUDITORIUM by trained personnel in a self-con- oo eae 1 sabe lersonge genet tors, school superintendents and| medication and equipment. heavy industrial to commercial for the shopping center, Sheer Sb visitors te. the’ Lapeer) ty Wane etticiale, + | Ie See colingns fer 25. 0 00 . until they know what to do about three big mud holes State. Yome aad. Tasheing Schock | ney, Nel Ge teatetelly > ee eee: oe ee och ‘in the center of town : . -ipointed auditorium in the Em-j|Wwhich are joined mainly by en- : : They were. guests at the first (ployes’ Building for a briefing by| closed. walks, every effort is made _ Owner of all water rights connecting the former _ fa a series of “open houses” be- |Gail S$. Smith, public relations di-/to make the patients as comfort- ponds, dams and power houses, James Robbins, opened ing held there to mark “Mental rector of the home. y jable as possible, “F- the flood gates of the main* ‘ - Health Week which ts mew i ay. group was divided into | TWO modern ‘innovations which : ver ‘twat: nae smaiier units which were taken ave helped this program, nurses dam in Huron River two ay cttorts for mandatory. refill- Called “Operation Friendship,”) om tours of the buildings and (Sid, were tranquilizers and tele- weeks ago and all of the ing of the stench-laden mud holes the program of events at state) grounds, Their guides were mem- Vision. And on almost e child's water from the ponds went)in the heart of Milford have failed, : . . bed is a stuffed animal or doll— ine pouring ‘down the . river, Gerrard said. There is absolutely . , and sometimes as many as five or| DAM TROUBLE — Few Milford people have Sealey Pree Poets ‘emptying into Kent Lake at nothing the town can do if they Fes nee six. seen, this controversial dam in the Huron River, sands of tons of water through to Kent Lake. The gton Park —~", }want the seenic ponds . Area Coup le Married “Habit training is one important) because of.a S-foot cyclone fence and barbed owner, James Robbins literally pulled the plug st . ‘except. purchase the p and peers. aspect of cottage life,” Smith said.| wire enclosing the power plant site. The above out of three scenic Ford-built dams in the heart Resher Edward Steel, repress take over the maintenance, accord- in Commer ce Cer emon [Residents are helped to develop) photo shows the floodgates open, pouring thou- of town. : rel would. advise “hin chents | © attorney Harry Mead. y pride im their appearance, good ; here bi ° ‘>| Robbins said the ponds were foe =e eating habits and to assume some to instigate immediate court pro-| emptied for insurance “= Pvt, Jack L. yp . », |Fesponsibility for their clothing ceedings, forcing the council's de- 114 that he has no intentiong of Boldt claimed Mary Alida Holmes I Many wear nail polish and had cision on the eight-month 014 ten (refilling the ponds. with water. for big bride Saturday before an ribbons in their hair. ing issue for the shopping center. | They will probably be refilled with Sa and Sun be te tea tine st ot sd tees a ee The candlelight ceremony was . and council members no specific ; in the Ci Meth- boys and one for girls—could ee “da om apes gan he week ce was tabled odist Church by the Rev. Perry shopping center. They are im- Thomas. maculate—as are ali the facili- The bride is the daughter of ties—and the clothes are attrac- Mr, and Mrs, Edward Holmes tive and designed to appeal to of 722 Andrews St, and the bride- the taste of apy youngster or groom is the son of Mr. and adult. Mrs. Darrell Bojdt of 37-Mile Supervisors of the cottages de- Rd., Almont, - * | termine when new clothing is need- ed. Then the boy or girl—or older For her wedding the bride chose a colonial-style gown of Chantilly lace and tulle. It featured a high neckline with a small collar, long sleeves and a fitted bodice. : * * * Her fingertip veil was held in place by. a crown of small seed pearls and heartshapes. She car- ried a bouquet of white roses and | stephanotis on her prayer book. ; ) Zz Ex-Convict Mute color they prefer. | Schooling is provided for children /above the age of six who can profit -_ gee, £ ot A - { # tiie ad 4 ‘ a ad “ MRS, JACK L. BOLDT SERVE ALL DENOMINATIONS Assisting the bride as maid of honer was her sister, Oril Ann. Sisters of the bridegroom, Mrs. \inations are held regularly. | from: academic training. They at- Religious services for all denom-; a stench-laden mud hole because of the opening | The complete program is round-| ed out by occupational training,! recreation and entertainment. And ___ PONTIAC, MICHIGAN . a RECEDED RIVER — What was once a beau- tiful scene in the heart of Milford has turned into | of floodgates in the main dam pictured above. Three ponds, Moore's Lake north of Milford and 3 es f pas soy : Z UE Ba pee SS Soap Mad , ' ‘ be Se Bees Say fee ae cay } if * BGR Ss ayy Sey ey wt PEE ns ey : ; figs Fd F P | | : é | ( : ; ones st : ‘ fo, ‘i j x 2 ate . : i : : i. a ‘ ? iz < : w A ; E SS —~ es 5 i - 4 Hi : é wd LS : re ad tat }: pe 4 er Pose the Huron River were affected as water poured out of them into Kent Lake. Shown above is the Huron River receded more than 60 feet from the northbound shoreline. , and it was not necessary to open ford business- section, and it is-this|‘he gates at the mein dam.” “co, suare omer toi Almont Voters all water not only . . on ete ()K 3-Mill Hike and Moore's lake levels 1 of | Milford. COSTS REDUCED Pentiac Press Phote Richard Termin of Commerce . and Ruth Boldt of Avon were yp Robbery Charge a hs me bel on el . power plants equipment. Robbins Warns of Half Days ' | = go Bes grounds as well as a bakery, shoe ? , ‘ > had submit same figures fo) : : Dannie Ter- | ALMONT TOWNSHIP John w. Shop, print. sbop, dairy and farm Welcome Guests in London 2 formes pageneer, ey ALMONT — On the third ate mains cnn of Br. Ged MiB | oe 59 colitit® Hough Rd. here, [Md Mattrent shop. t- rindi on wheat More than 160 pupils from var-| . + « «& ious parts of the’country are taught . _ {the basic fundamentals of reading, Miles, in one of his commiunica-| writing and arithmetic, from kin- ~— i nt ~*~ pri \dergarten through the tenth grade. pointed out he. a a ‘od i . in war-| More important — they are had served in the Army in war-| araing tom te git Seng with! i trioti time in performance of patrio € each other, the results of right duty. | ai i | and wrong actions, and the sat- inten ere again to this in the ‘efattion 6d persemak: ‘achieve. ments through individual daily chores, “Many of us who were in the | | Neglected children are either Army had to do things we weren't particufarly happy temporary or permanent wards of about,” he said. ‘I don’t think : . sailed ; the court, depending on conditions, Yaskes deserves say special | ind usually come from parents sympathy. who really do not cate what hap- ~ * * Yankus, who auctioned off his farm in giving up his fight, has returned home from a visit to Australia. He is considering whether to return to Australia with his wife and three caalcege. pens to the children, according to the principal of the school, Arthur Johnson... * ~~ *: Those classified as ‘‘dependent”’ are from homes where one or both parents; are unable to take! © care of the children in a proper manner, | ‘They are brought in, given food, METAMORA — Mr. and MFS./ents can show that ihey are back Raymond Gibson of Metamora an-| 4, soir feet, and indicate pro- meme the engagement of thet vision for the child | : - ; 0 * daughter, Diane Fay, to Rowell are AID HELPS P. Kalisz, son of Mr. and Mrs. ; Minor delinquents — those who JEAN MARIE HOSACK. Mr. and Mrs, William J..Ho- sack of 1250 Green Ridge Rd., Rochester, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Jean Marie, to Darrel V. Thybault, son of Mr. and Mrs, Vern Thy- bault of $520 Ortonville Rd., Clarkston, A wedding is planned Engagement Announced |—are placed on a special rehabili-| and if they are for the balance of the expense of operated like a penal institution is large keeping the child, and last year’s evident by the air of respect and many as 14 boys or girls. county bill totaled some $30,000/security which prevails in the seven! x * &* ar. Neglected Children Find Refuge Here; according to reports at the Board classrooms in the building. of Education office. the center, is a refreshing, warm there are a few ‘pupils in shower with “plenty of soap,’’|grade or about 20 to a room, Johnson said. ido not conflict, said Johnson. * | * * x * After the scrubbing they have, a “square’ meal — often sadly; : ; sae orartué. Then they are as- in the school once in a while, signed to a clean room and in-, troduced to their room mate. ‘In-/6 é variably the reaction to these sim- formula for _behavior that has ple procedures is astounding," |Proved it's weight in gold. Johnson said. . HAS THEORY . Although most detention homes Two things are expected of each loperate on a maxitfiam two-week’ child: To act like a lady or gen-| /stay basis, some of the Oakland tleman one hundred per cent of County Center children stay there the time, and to do the very best for several years, This year’s act-ithat he can at all times. “You'd ual turn-over is expected to €X-/be surprised how well this simple ceed 500 children, Johnson said, theory works out,’’ the principal and added that “We have children) added. here from 15 minutes to five} Not only are there large airy years.” dormitories and dining rooms in blamed for the school building, but a fully te ten bowen, dotpamn said. equipped dental office, barber shop ‘We try to project ourselves into [224 hospital facilities are avail- the child’s situation, and this |*Dle for the youngsters. helps to understand his prob- x *& Jem.” The dormatories are clean, be- For instance, a 14-year-old boy! ¢aUse the children are taught who recently was charged with! Cleanliness and are potas “oh breaking and entering a grocery) {Fr their —— hare net store was asked what he did in) mirsagge 8 aed a par re : > answered, ». Grapes , lh Piaget! ne ln ob.| *ssigned to those with the best served that judging by the way, ePt quarters. the boy consumed his daily meals} Some 80 boys, and 40 girl’ live for the next two weeks, he was/in two different sections of the big Stanley Kalisz of Attica, A dune wedding is planned. ‘ {have committed a small offense) for September 26, 6 v \ % 5 . " * = j : é 1 5 : Me re i eS ee A eee a a I pe ee Oe eS ot telling the truth all right, . ° ‘ 7) : . eos building. Most of ‘the reems- have . The county is handed the tab! The fact that the school is notjone or two bunk-beds, and a few/tables, billiard tables, television _| Each teacher in the school, has) The first thing that a child gets from two to three grades in prog- lounge chairs, after he has been registered atiress at one time, but because, each tainment. On the first level, there|respond to considerate treatment they/are game rooms. with pi and healthful environment,": John- Although officials anticipate dif- ficulties from certain individuals ‘Johnson said that a few years) ago, he had stumbled on a simple 2 Demand Hearing ! in Robbery Charge and radios. Outdoors two big, blacktopped courts are available for playing basketball, shuffleboard or just plain romping around. “Some of the children that come here, never) had it so good, and they certainly wards accommodate as Upstairs there are separate rec- reation rooms equipped with books, television and activity games for evening enter- 7 son said. * * Each school day about 70 young- sters are transported by bus’ to the center. They are children who have run afoul in their home school area skipping classes or trying to St., and Nathan F. Coleman, 37, of von Hillcrest Dr., Waterford:Town- Ship. see quit school before they are 16, robbing Both | Johnson explained, rested Foahg bre the robbery. | “After a few days of just a | Coleman Epley little more demand an individual usually begins to take an interest, home conditions have plenty to do with a child's attitude towards | learning,”’ Johnson added, Future plans call for a dual pro- gram in the school, separating e soe those academically eapable, fro White Lake-Clinic others not interested very in school work, Johnson ‘said, [Tt 4, x * | | ‘Those who dislike schoolwork jand find it traly difficult wilt be placed on an ungraded basis. They will go through a testing program in order to be placed on the cor- rect grade level. Teachers will take it from there to give the child the jet possible education. _ * t | | \ ‘SUZANNE M, YEAGER An August 29 wedding date has been set by Suzanne M. Yeager and Charles M. Gorman. Their | * engagement is announced by her | Johnson summed up the school’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ernest F.. real purpose with “Our success | Yeager of 28000 Sunset Dr., Lath- here is measured by what we can | rup Village. The fiance is the do for a few, rather than how we | son of Mr, and Mrs. Charles C. can influence.many, and getting Gorman of 18800 San Jose Rd., youngsters ‘back on the right track j Lathrup Village, ‘ig our specific goal.” Mud Holes Probe Slated — si Pray, RS insti een, i ap ; — . Um x4 es themseives Ane come “~ ‘petidve this even ee mr ee in et * * Egy oan team whieh ed teen in the frst avian y since 1950, so many tnvinetble players? Prank Lane anewere this last winter, He ead the ‘Tigers “don’t have the guts to trade.” fut ‘iain tants prhotlabg: Whak a asuie's teeee. tie ce nya poucrgening wall when he ot a abape eet De * questions and answers are Heavens No! Trade Kuenn? Absolutely not! Trade vemnonsind is ooceen thus far. x. ‘esa thee the ‘Tigers talk cheat Ae, the: the same. Trade Kaline? ‘Lary? Never! Trade Foytack, Bunning, Hoeft? No! ta the on har dade a ae ve ; oe ee thee . ‘The Tigers never consider the stnetfetbie on the » Baltimore, Kansas City and Wash- players together and still not. as bo challenge the Yankees “on each of the | thr i Mention Roy Sievers, Gus ‘Triandos and Bob Cery and Washington, Baltimore _ and Kansas City come to mind in that order. ss Yet, the Tigers haye miade a bid for each of these OP snecspatiael eae ae: daamailbade Anica seam Or comet eae om rae with Charleston. ‘The sorriest day for Detroit was the day Veeck was refused the Tiger franchise. “nr. Sportshirt” could have supplied the needle the Beteoht ciety eerie noeien ter 19 rears. ke eee Detroit fans deserve a better break than to have five and dime store salesman, disc jockeys, Texas cattlemen, lumbermen and miners from West Virginia guiding the representatives of-this great state in professional base- ball. Just as it takes barbers to cut hair and dentists to pull teeth, tt takes beschell men to run 9 Major League hesebell team. This the Tigers do not have. af DIAGNOSIS: Careless positioning. Treatment: If any golfer ever is to achieve consistently | = accurate drives, he must learn to be consistent in how he ~ Places the ball with reference hod his feet—or vice versa, if you that fer. The point is you stick to a hardly hope to have your shots follow a pattern, For the drive, the ball should be lined up just # about even with the instep | of the left foot. That is _ the correct alignment for There it should be slight — no ‘more than an inch back- ward or forward. peating golf swing, which ‘on to do the same thing, or very near it, time after time. For shorter shots than the drive, the ball positioning This is an important factor in achieving the te- at {s one that can be counted ‘| moves progressively nearer the middle of the feet. Always © | be careful about this lining yourself up with the shot. © you do, don’t forget the four way formula! © "s forget me Pandementals of head, hands, hips and © k &\Bob Turley (1-2) against the White'to By The Associated Press Not since 1952 have the New *|York Yankees been a sub .500 ball *\club going into their first meeting -\with the west in an American _ 2 Leagvie pennant race, But that’s _|the way the defending world cham- © |pions stand as they open a 10-game _|tour at Chicago tonight, With the Yankees having their eet Yanks-in Strange Posi ion winger Alex Delvecchio — plans center Henri Richard and de- fenseman Doug Harvey of Mon- treal. Into National League Lead “But I'm not jealous,’ she laughed, “Most of them afte for autographs anyhow. Not many pro- ae eeu ives Patterson Defends Against London fo same Detroiters Begin Home Stand Tonight Against arene tines” | F LOY Tops. i lion ri ay ‘DETROIT e-— su that be ere Dat tT asreon be "calcd the| ths Fx has looked fair in his workouts. club’s early season miseries would|“tnknown. champion” often of He has.shown fast hands if noth- be pitiful to the point of being|!ate. When he hears about it he as an after-thought and ising else in his drills with Dusty funny. sa must laugh to himself, He proba- Rhodes. The latter, interestingly “ut I am the manager,” the|"Y Would laugh out toud if he enough, used to be Patterson's ‘uarried Ni added quickly. “1\"ere the type. = sparmate, London and. Rhodes po goo ridiculous as thirgs| es .2 2 went three rounds yesterday. “fumy- at all.” : : Both London and Patterson ex- t Pag ie ae pect to wind up their boxing). Norman —— with today’s workout, Patterson's é bol an anes a Sa ala . ond is producing quitters. © _ {tise in 1956, LS ao bekiabe ret up. The dena ‘Wepeend cham Pit ables Seats ft = are & ap,” Nor : é STARING INTO SPACE? — Manager Bill man, who has seen his club drop 12 of 13 starts. fo pg ard Agreed A ace Sex Norman of the Detroit Tigers wears a look of The Bengals open a home stand tonight at Briggs end edige-aly Tve sem ing right hand to the jaw followed disbelief as he watches from the dugout while Stadium against the Baltimore Orioles and Tiger oe have ont of by a sizzling left-right combina-| his team loses another game. Bewildered stares‘ ’ fans hope Norman's woebegone expression can "for my troops. They are giving LEAGUE tion to the head like this have been a daily occurrence for Nor- take on a happier glow. 100 per cent and more.’I know itictevelana ...... ¢ 7 = .. 5S oe 1 ~~ j tm , ; s 8 4 , : , Bi iy, 9 > sn —Kem- a* : 7:00 p.m.—Brewer P . ° pong Rangers Take Family, Advisers Back Him Up the bat- 2 p.m. - ’ Safes it eeresns (Other 2 Berths | Johansson Confident coiched et adae aod iat | SAPNA HEAP sa | He Can Lick Patt ‘a Fegular at either fees Fg S| jon First Team “Nothing works,” he said. | ae H i ar #8 NEW YORK #™ — ingemar| of Brian London of eee = & Hires gua amore: the baiting lend. |i2e Avgsee ® Pitsburgh Suent ‘Wings Place Quartet po mem ated oa ae Seacit ek Kea Bat San Francisco’ st ' is nce. es ot sti win only once oft rate ss a axipened. cia on” 2nd Unit; Howe today, and said he'd like to have) Ingy was backed right up by his ' tries. aed eeagmg leading the|™*° * Roars : Honored 10th Time one thing understood: two brothers, Henry (older) and garam Baty Bre "st Paden. 78 na “If I didn’t think I had a chance} Al (younger). fond slugging st. “ Chostdnatl Be ar MONTREAL o— Andy Bath- of beating Floyd Patterson for * * * oo 8 & - lonteage cat Vewasices: “Tt pm—Dre igate and Bill Gadsby of the New the heavyweight championship, 1) “1 am not too impressed by : “The way we've been going, it’s|Only yp saan York Rangers today joined four - wouldn't be here now. _ Patterson,” observed Henry. “He just like being three or four Tuns| to. _ en members of the champion Mon- - x« * * en ay eee behind when the umpire says ‘play |$s°, Prmcisce a a a i “I have a good right hand and | "™*- ‘/ball.’ And the Tigers. just can't|5t. Tess” at Muwsukee 8:00 p.m. Hockey League all-star team ‘for a good lett one, too. It could be ¥ | Sniffed Al: "afford to be that generous.” 1958-59. The Detroit Red Wings, Lonoren AGAIN e | might beat Patterson with} “I saw movies of Patterson's : patient e _ dominated the second team. ” | oem crete, we, |Cotch Trout Limit ited esd". | me tte Dr Rt |“ ne ib oe Hadar, b Gidea @ oak eb aah ween Stp| J06 elk ‘aietie wing position and Gadsby was| ¥ y was named to the 2nd | Johansson, the European heavy- Furt ae Oe uae ee oe a ng er ~~ a named to one of the defense spots| 20n0 squad of the 1959 National | weight champion trom Sweden—| - hermore, Ingy can hit just as | nt we aot tows T's ie oe coer went AP Wirephote lin a vote of sports writers and| Hockey League all-star team, | who looks more like a Yale tackte| ard in the last round as the first. ‘ ' te not thelr trout limit at Elizabeth Lake “SWEDISH CHAMP AND FIANCE — Ingemar Johansson, iproadcasters in each of the six| ™4rking the 10th time’in the last than a fighter—was talking of his| ,, what I saw in’ the movie, a buttons. pe Swedish heavyweight champion who arrived in New York City ljeague cities. The Canadiens se- 11 seasons that he has éarned a jcoming fight with Patterson for|’atterson can be hit. ~ yesterday to start training for June 25 title bout with world cham- lected were goalie Jacques Plante,| Place on either the Ist or 2nd | the title on June 25 at Yankee Sta-| ,10EY listened attentively to the pion Floyd Patterson, poses with his fiancee, Miss Birgit Lundgren, {defenseman Tom Johnson, center) UZ: dium. Patterson must first. dispose| ‘@"'Y Sumup and nodded. at a welcoming luncheon. Johansson said his only immediate plans (Jean Beliveau and left winger ~ * # included & trip to Indianapolis to see Friday's title fight between [Dickie Moore. : Sitting close by was his fiancee, octorinc our. Olt Patterson and Britain's Brian London. Then he'll return to New The second feam was conm- pode She, too, ap- York to start trang for his own shot atthe heavyweight crown. | prised of tour Red Wings — rys a e | C eS 0 gers peared to agree with the boys. ‘By DR. CARY MIDDLECOFF | man” Perak Ay treme aggre : | romagr mmf! revealed that the . 0 PATIENT'S COMPLAINT: Wild with the driver. tl invade West Below .500 west tee eth i minger--Geauetowe and left giris. ladles ; Is of For 10 of te lat 1 yours Howe) wcteuy ng ona bat toe therfore iY! tases? Ht] a tema tant, of ‘Sox’ “Ray Moore (0-1) rrurtey, [28s been on either the first oF 8€°lptayers in the National League|iiome tii} gamete $138) Qener ee? who lost a three-hitter in his last) Prayers on the first team will the ‘Los -Angeles/Painy st 4910 fost 3» 200 | fighter. He anes tae a outing, was 40 against the Whiteleach receive $1,000. Those on the >°d@ers & threat for the pennant lodges lb 4111 M'ser‘ski 2 4001) has a fishing boat busi- Sox last year when he won 21 andisecond team receive $500 And even the players would anoe 4100 Moje it 2080 aiid owns four bulldogers, a was voted baseball’s No. 1itcher.| The yoting was held twice once Wen they explained that the|"'7sdele p 4121 Wit p » $33 — i, acne and es Moore was 3-2 against the — in January based on performances eee oe fue One © Pv bkravis 191 9/ an athletic field in hs native Gas: a year ago, twice shutting them ; * Gren p 60900 - through games of Dec: 31 and’ go who's in first? The Dodgers. ee, 1 4g3/ te cI diel nad ieeh bel eee “gr antiga made it a one-game lead| Ts» = 6s vile “Foals” =e eveland, formances- over the. last half ofl a nteht whipping Pittsburgh 9-3| taSinte¢ for Blackburn oe drt: b— . ® one of 10 starts before bumping |the regular campaign. Gadsby,|.i, 9 tiverun first inning: That Green tee OOS ot ber California Horse — into’ the White Sox, picked Herb Plante and Beliveau trailed in the}... all the Don Les Angeles ............. 300 119 200~9) 7 i 5 Score (1-1) to face the Red Sox’ jrirst half balloting, oe anpaen Dou Deve jEeMaceroutiinciura,” Bu ont 08-8 , : ‘Tom Brewer (1-1), whose vietery | Bathgate and Johnson made the| ins es Atos 4. Pitisburgh 7-16. DP Dominate Openin ‘was 2 two-hit shutout over New ino 1 team for the first time. A pariyratis + & {and oe Fak wi Mae ek q York. Bathgate, who finished behind] 48 2. 38—Hodges. SB—Neal. Fs sc Kings cy, bi i a oc DO | UT PU ing a 3-2 edge over the White Sox|race after leading until the final ! Drystae cw on 8 38 8 or but 1-4 Cleveland, listed|three weeks, captured the right|""Tyct" wes the caly game played|@sce™rs | ELE 5 3/Sake Slomeen opened £2 line Ray Herbert (14) against the|wing position by a convincing! in' tee toajocs pooteeten. Onty orol ee $333 fas Teaceway lastnight Senators’ Russ Kemmerer (2-1). martin over tows tn cats oter were sched, both the Esbwgy i i * * ak five-time . scoring “leader. Howe! ny, and they were postponed by | prpedaie seat (Demeter). . SP-- Tt was ae: Pale se) openi ‘With his Yarikees below 500 tor|garnered only 90 points, 7 |rain, -” [Veanon Conan T5359, A 10.60" |night in the track’s history ae the first time at any stage of the) , The. Dodgers, with Gil Hodges see ee hardy crowd of 10,741 turned out, race since 1954, ager Casey|/Sutton Signs for ‘59 the only holdover from the Old/Tennis Turned Down to wager’ $413,788, Stengel conceded that “‘a’ lot of Guard in the , Chased win- le sig 28 _ | Cold and a mild drizzle kept the things aré wrong, and f just gotta _ waamangron (AP) — Halt less George Witt, before he re-/ BALTIMORE (AP)—The Balti-|track from eclipsing’ the all-time é ng.” One move back Ed who played his|tired a man. That feft the youngimore Country Club Monday attendance mark of 13,741 set last be the return of Gil McDougiad to|coliege football at North Carolina, [right-hander with an 03 recorditurned down an opportunity to year, a «esha Kubek going /has signed for his third dann, igenen ofthe, pace, four|stage the Davis Cup inter-zone Five of the nine races yere won’ ' a ee games off the, pace itennis firials here this summer. |by California campaigners, * ‘ Ee yee ’ ’ ‘ 8 ’ x , ‘ ‘ ; ; / : a ‘ \ | oe eS \ : Qo is sf eu Signed by Canadian Pros ‘ Bowlers take heart. If you're disappointed o over the} way you finished in your léague the past season this; . should make you feel better. The South Joy Beauty School women’s bowling team in Detroit finished the season with a record of one win and 115 losses. x * * The latest golf expression: “I fritzed on five and ‘took a seven” — meaning “I took four putts on the 5th hole and finished with seven strokes. (It could be any hole and any number of strokes.) Don’t know how ‘the word “fritz” was arrived for four putts. One explanation is the slangular result of the word “fritter” which according to Webster means to “disperse little by little, or break into small pieces.” Must mean piece by piece putting. TRIPLE CROWN NOW BIG GOAL Saturday's Kentucky Derby draws attention to ‘the “Triple Crown” — thoroughbreds. he Triples Crown dawty ‘anise: tha GANG inader. _ Stake races for three-year-olds, namely, The Derby May 2nd, Preakness May 16th and Belmont June 13th. The oldest is the Belmont Stakes with its 91st run- ning. Greatest in prestige is the Derby in its 85th run- ning and. the biggest starting pot is the Preakness with $150,000 added and 138 nominees.. Belmont and the Derby each have 130 nominees and are $125,000 added. x* *« * There are eight Triple Crown winners—Sir Barton (1919), Gallant Fox (1930), Omaha (1935), War Admiral (1937), Whirlaway (1941), Count Fleet (1943), Assault (1946) and Citation (1948). NEW VENOMOUS “SPORT” The bulging world of sports (and today most every- thing is considered a sport) has added another form of “athletics.” Down in Oklahoma they call them “rattlesnake roundups.” More than 25,000 people-jammed the town of Okeene, Okla. which has a population of 1,160 for the 20th annual roundup. Hunters from 25 states crated over four tons of rattle- snakes to be sold at 50 cents a pound. Fried rattlesnake was the menu of the day. Any one for rattle-snaking? FORE! ANOTHER GOLFER ARRIVES Lookout, another red-headed golfer has come into the world. Robert James Wilson was a little over- due but he weighed in at a hefty 7 pounds, 15 ounces. Proud cigar passer is Pontiac Country Club’s Frank Wilson who would have gone bankrupt had it been a girl. Of course the golfer in the family is Ann Wilson, who is one of the better women players in the Pon tiae area. 48 U.S. Gridders Already which today is the goal for 3-year-old: OTTAWA, Ont, (UPI) —When the last two years, continue to Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto and| dip into the veteran ranks of the Hamilton open their training) National Football League for | camps in June there may be any- where from 75 to 100 Americans, both bright-faced collegians and hardened pros, shooting for jobs ¢ with the Big Four Canadian Foot- : Among these are Don ¢ ball League clubs. jthe triangular won by Walled Lake. Wayne State 9, Detroit © NIBBLE AFTER A WORKOUT — Sword Dancer goes into the pocket of his exercise rider, after a workout at famous.Ch ‘ the 85th_running of the Kentucky Derby. The horse was out for an (up early jaunt after winning last Saturday’s stake race at the Downs. Sword Dancer will not run in today’s Derby trial. AP Wirephete Miller, for a’ bite of grass Downs in Louisville, site of #¢ OL St. Mary, Keego Teams Keep Rolling Walled Lake Wins in Two Sports loverall besting Millington 11-8. Ted Monday was kind of a cold, dreary day but Walled Lake sports fans didn’t mind it a bit. ne ee sive victories over local Northern in track 90-19 and won out in a golf triangular with Wa- terford and Berkley with a 173 total. The charges of John Koczman took all but one event at PNH as versatile Frank Fink accounted for 16'4 points. The victors swept all dees places in four of the contests, Sophomore Ed Murray was Northern’s lone victor. He posted his 3rd successive’ mile triumph. * * * Franklin Hills was the scene of The other entries wound up tied at 176 but The Bears won out in a playoff on two birdies. Chuck Canterbury of the Skippers was medalist at 38. Avondale, Fitzgerald and Claw- son were other track victers in Oakiand B action at Fitzgerald. Avondale gained its Ist success by nipping Oak Park 56-53 paced by Tom Greenlees’ 15 points. A Holly gained a split for the day 10-3 backing some excellent pitch- ing by Dale Coggins. Bill Haslock had a 2-run homer in the ist co win. Bill Boyd fired a tter at winless Bloomfield in a 6-0 Northville triumph. Catholic lead by whipping Royal :o Oak St. Mary 10-4 on the hurling and hitting of Stan Krogulechi. by belting Brighton in baseball, we Sskon OL St. Mary held its Suburban |? ‘Sia Mike Wiktor homered. St. James ls: ae i ge cpaE Dziduch won in relief aided by the hitting of Bill Fricke. Lee Kirkey| homered for Millington. The treck summaries: PNH-WALLED LAKE High hurdies—Wileox (W), Clem (W), ‘Medley reay—Won by Walled Lake, |S 2:47.17. oe Bill ame (W), Phelps (W), Smith! wit) 880—Wentzel pm. Taulbee (W), Par-ithe rish (Wh, 2:16. 440—Pierce (W), Laffrey (W), 55.4. Lew hur * ."T a (W), Wilkoff (w), nS » 22.3. “(W), Phelps (W), Smith CW), 22.8. Mile—Murray (P), Hobbs (W), Cosgrove * * * (Ww) . St relay-—Won by Walled Lake, 1:30-7 Mrs. Jacques as Roy- nik mi) ted Ay Og alias P) or ee . — Evans (W), Vincent (Pm) Away and Briardale Farm's Rico ~~ ang ‘Mitchell (W (W) tied for 2nd’ & feet, areaa'| jum pe f Hocking (P), tian (W), 18 feet, is tame t—Whitcomb (W), Toth (B), (W), 43 feet. 1© Inches. AVON - OAK —Greenlees (A), ™ (w, Evans PARK Sweet (O), Acker ’ nage Miles | Shurts BD. ® feet, 6 inches ' High aS, between borne Farm's Dunce is rated the Kropniek 10), Gevin a4 te Smith (A),/second choice in this division at i aa eer ag” a (A), mitee5 to 2 grag, egy be » Our on , Tidden by Pete Anderson, 5 Meany ele Lock eull, Belhost), 2-829" 1is another contender, 100—Kropnick 5 Kovachevich {O), * e80—Fein (Or Bi Blomberg (A), Tong (A), The second division also in- beat St. Rita 6-3. North Branch stayed unbeaten in! A 'the South Central and won its 4th meg ke Approves Pan-Am Funds WASHINGTON (AP) —- Presi- dent Eisenhower Monday signed a bill authorizing a half million dollar appropriation to help fi-| nance the third Pan-American Games at Chicago this year. The games, to run from Aug. 71, to Sept. 7, are expected to at- tract about 2,000 ‘athletes ‘from 25 All told, thus far, the Rough. Riders, Alouettes, Argonauts and Tiger Cats have announced the signing of 48 new Americans for the coming season, but the figure is expected to be almost doubled |8¢!es. by the time the clubs reach their training camps in about 10 weeks. A United Press International survey shows that when it comes to ‘‘names,” the Riders are more than holding their own with their more wealthy brethren. Ottawa may be the “poor” club of the league, but {it’s the one which has shelled out the most money for new faces thus far. . High on the list of imports ‘les will be wearing Ottawa uniforms for the first time this season are quarterbacks Don Allard of Boston College and Ohio State halfback Don Clark. They, along with the veteran Frank Tripucka,-are rated in the five-figure bracket, while: Kentucky halfback Bobby Cravens will receive a reported $8,000. , ke * * The Riders may have an even: bigger ‘name player” in All-| America quarterback Randy Dun-; can of Iowa. However, when coach Frank Clair signed Allard, the club sold the negotiation rights to Dun- can to the British Columbia Lions; who later signed him for about $35,000 for two years. The Ti-Cats, league champions Schaefer | of Philadelphia, Tom Dublinski of New York, Jim Glover of the Chi- cago Bears, Ernie Danjean of ; Greer Bay, Ed Bell of Philadelphia A Day He'll Remember and Clint Westme: , Agdee ou cabetiain - Bernfe Oliver will remember Ron Sabel of Purdue, Jim Tucker) "5 first start as a pitcher for the of Auburn, Duane Wood of Okla- Pontiac Northern junior varsity. ou State, Gury, Seren se Pyrat, in pitching a so hy. Washington State and Bronko Na-| 9) Ot pe he gurski Jr. of. Notre Dame. to beat the Waterford Jayvees, or more countries, Color Artist Rolls 1703, Leads Petersen CHICAGO (AP)—Don Bartz, 30- year-old Milwaukee lithographic eolor artist, took the lead in the $250,000 Petersen Bowling Classic last night with an eight-game total of 1,703, ; * * * Bartz who shot games of 215, 212, 203, 259, 167, 240, 204 and. 203, took a 53-pin ‘point lead over William Maslanka of Rochester, N.Y. * * * The Milwaukean, who has been bowling seven years, appeared in two previous Petersen Classics but didn't finish in the money. The tournament, with a first sk ee. 4-0. He gave up three walks and Toronto- has signed highly rated| hit a batter. | prize of $20,000, began last De- cember and ends June 20. Baylor guard Charlie Horton, Ore-| gon end Ron Stove, a Rose Bo~l| Brandstatter Top End at MSU | record-setter last year, and tackle Pete Johnson, former captain of! the Idaho State University ee The aged season shopping has taken toll on the NFL clubs. LAN: ~ Allard: was the first draft choice of _ ANSING (UPD T ax the Washington Redskins; Clark|L@nsing’s 1” was the top choice of the ‘chicago 1&8 high school football player Bears and Horton was selected on Yesterday {0 fret ‘ava ool she the second round by the Detroit | a 2% hour spring drill at Mich- Lions. ’ igan State University. é * MONDAY’S FIGHTS Bot he'll here a prove his right NEW YORK — Emile Griffith, 148%, oe a rh Cetpointed Mel Barker, 136, to the\position next fall before he starts a\game there. ae. Tex., VIDERCE, R.i—Don Prout, 168, Brandstatter and junior end | Fred Arbanas, Detroit, were rou Hevthasse, opens Jobnny Freitas, | 175, erence, Mass, 178, =. oe eoris “F Lou Bailey. 179. 'P Promote Former Prep Aice spring’s first full-scale passing drill yesterday. * * * Another end, sophomore Jim Corgiat,’ Bessemer, moved, up to second string for his all-around play. Coach Duffy Daugherty empha- sized the promotions are not necessarily permanent and can change before ‘the season starts. Injuries in the first two weeks amounted to only the usual bumps, {iw bundles —G reeniees (A), Miles (0), ‘|trell and Robert §. Lytle’s Sun- lcludes K. G, Marshall's John on 440_McCoskey (A), Luzkow (O}, per ru Brace, c Ao 23.05 gs Kovachevich (0), idown II, all carrying 116 pounds; tee (A), Pulkerson (A),|Dunce and R. G. Burns’ Steno Ste! Bill, 114; and Hatskin and Sair’s 880 rela: a by Oak Park, 1:4).1 ’ ‘roDar's scmEDULE . Master Palynch, 122. i While these colts battle a Went Biscestutd und Monty et at Milford (crack in the 85th running of the i gpret EEE. and in Annual Show. Members of U.S.: Team Featured at Rolain » 2888 F ile r i H g i ff TEE | | 32 1 g [ = Hi ot Ee ae rls li ry Hd He} 5 E ft Ky gee g rs if i 5 Efete ‘tl q i F fi it | Fi [ id il ees regi i iy} - y : H Fi i gabe H i Saft oe jie ME peed and $2 for non-residents will be col- ‘ lected Seen eis Ming et im + meat Clareneeville, St Mary's at Bloomtielg |Derby, ae woe named for Berkley and Melvindale at Redford ano: et 8 : = ae eee Bentley t Southfield a k ill ride Fred Bentley a e Willié Shoemaker w mane * CiBasebal Turner Jr.'s Tomy Lee and Bill e 8 aco d Lake Sword Dancer, Brookmeade Farm’s impressive Stepping Stone Purse winner here Van Lake Waterford at Parmington RO Kimball at oe Southfield at Waterford at Parmington berg Berkley at hn Grosse Poin . 8. at Cranbrook Southfield at t Bloomfield Hills RO Kimball at Birmingham Pontiac Central at Port Huron OL St. Mary at RO Shrine Mt. Clemens at Berkley Birmingham at RQ, Kimball WEDNESDAY’ . SCHEDULE weet Bloomfield and Milford at Clarks- 01 Northville at Hi Brighton at Bloomtet4 Hilis Pontiac ierthere, "™Stio and Mandeville at Grand Blanc Rochester and Roseville at Romeo Avondale vs. Claws Pitzgera’ Cc en at Fihererelé |And-On, Monk's Hood and Silver Spoon remains in doubt, Brown Quits Bowl CLEVELAND (AP) — Coach Paul Brown of the 7 —— Cleveland —. y he has decl an invi «to coach inthis year’s Senior Bowl football game in Mobile, Ala. Brown, who had coached a team in the game for the past © Oxford at Imlay C nine years, gave no reason for Ten: he Bay City et Pontiac Central quitting. Lake Orion vs. —Ed Beaitie, 138. Slams, e| pointed Abit! Randell, 140, (ie oul! targets for a Tom ig and spesins, Daugherty ar a Fae ia. jinocked aa” Gobe Tippee, Wilson, Lapeer \junior, the LEAS tomy 8 img, 175, Dallas, outpoinied Wayne Womachtl, 191, Omaha, | sUARS. Mexico—Javier Garfias Mexico City, knocked Jorge aj ——- 3" SPINNING WHEELS 1959 Coming Soon ROLLADIUM CARL'S GOLF “DRIVING RANGE : Free Instruction FREE. Midget Golf 1 Free Admission with One Pald. 2 can play for just 45¢. $125 “CARL ROSE PRO LINE MODEL SET GOLF CLUBS twee sce $67 Hh 2045 Dixie Hwy. auitast Geta FE 5-8095 ~ ~~ \ GET MORE COMFORT IN... finis WaT Step Oxford ) | Pa 1/2 Pound lghtér per pais. w ‘ois ‘edge type Cushion Crepe soles nail-lese @ “Sweet-Proof” insoles, will not ereck or curl, \ . Black drees uppers, easy to shine, Shotwell’s Shoe Store é 656 Auburn Ae : \ One Block East of East Blvd. otol FE 5-0664 / BRAKES RELINED THESE 15 FAMOUS SERVICES: Remove afl 4 wheels: install SAFTI-GRIP All 4 Wheels complete, ‘rem ia Ted including, tabor and brake; tn; material - 2% all grease se: cesosabiy: : : a Esse at apn ret ii ~ cams Other cars $16.95 except Nash. Stodebaken, Hudson, MARKET TIRE: Co. 77 W. Huron ‘= . on inn emanate sant MUFFLER INSPECTION 4 GRETRL SES ; "Let US INSTALL A | New Firestone Muffler i on your car Come in, we have a “cut-away” muffler like the one pictured. See for yourself the use of aluminum, zinc | and asbestos that makés these the finest mufflers . available, And -our prices are extremely low, well below many mufflers of lesser quality. FREE 88 ee: ‘3 : INSTALLATION ...... $3 Ford bogey ay. . bee bw anit A : ky BET Lee 2 4 ft det g i r z qi} Wi ls 8 Hote ee - WAIDELICH’S RESTAURANT Greyhound Bus Station 124 N. PERRY 8 4 i Ml : i it il I B a hae Ate 3 if i & ' x Ed { a 3 4 ii 3 a i si lif; | #5 ie : 3 gf ag ‘ iH 2 PFs f : |school and service problems. Hol- mec children’s festival revived Old and New World VANCNG ON Yast QhwkW %- Denia ' Holland’s Kollen Park on Lake Macatawa, through their intricate paces. for visitors who in "1958 for the Blend cultural orate SE iaichigan Week 11-23) By W. A. BUTLER Editor, Holland Evening Sentinel HOLLAND—Noted for its tulips and its churches, Holland is a city of unique: advantages geared to wholesome living in the American pattern. “e * * *x Founded. in 1847 by a group of hardy Dutchmen headed 1A. C. Van Raalte, Holland today characteristics * * * Last year, Holland tripled in size through an annexation program on a second-round vote, and chances are that Holland will grow even! larger in an effort to solve pressing land today covers nine square miles and counts some 25,056). population. TULIP FESTIVALS Holland is perhaps best known Sylvan Glen Inn A Very Complete Hot and Cold Buffet Dinner Is Served from 6:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. A : tempting hors d’oeuvre table is arranged for your pleasure ‘questions. A lady telephoned city while having cocktails. Please come—we know you will enjoy it. Barthelmes SYLVAN GLEN INN Conte «. fee Thursday Night Is Always -- Family Night ‘TR 9-0660 Barthelmes is still“ looking ‘for \for her annual Tulip Time festivals iwhich attract about a half-million visitors each May. The festival this year will be a three-day event Digging for Answer NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) — | Newspaper offices get some odd editor Edward asked: “Could you tell me if a a> gp bucket will hold $1,000 worth of poner gk ‘the afiswer to that one. TONIGHT | WEDNESDAY. € _THURSDAY ne eS ; pe ——— KO Open 7 100 P. M. * FIRST WITH THE FINEST ” eyes hb aXe attended as a child. ~DRIVE-IN ;: F by Dr... lyricist, odd Query Sends Editor : Holland Mixes Tulips and Trade May M through 16 and will festure the popular Klompen dance by 300 high school girls, the well known street scrubbing cermonies, and ihe) ‘jusual parades; and other events |; which have made Tulip Time na- tionally famous. * * * jowned and operated by the Re- - formed Church in America. PAPC Vendy Hiller . * #8 4 _ Best Supporting Actress! jonas i Se ee & > > 5 St FRI: Yul =— in “THE JOURNEY” meee finds nearly all churches ja navigable path from Lake “Mich-! jigan into the heart of the city. ie an innate love tor educa-|With miles and miles of shoreline, tion, Holland early established terlaced with paved roads, ma- Hope College, a liberal arts school, jestic dunes and green woods, Hol-| which eros more than Tgenpent & te Sek of « camimer re-) students, This school of higher|/§t area. learning was established as an Holland State Park on Lake academy shortly after the Holland|Michigan is one of the busiest. settlement was founded. It is advantages of swimming, camping and fun-in-the-sun to please the . x * * most discriminating person. Holland lies in the heart of the Western Michigan resort area. Beautiful Lake Macatawa pfovides George Gershwin Still «Sacre Controversial Composer ‘Among American Critics’ By RICK DU BROW | HOLLYWOOD (UPI)—Ira Gersh-' win finds it amusing that his late|- brother, George, is stili a subject! critics’ in this country although) he is accepted as an unqualified) ‘genius abroad, “You know,” said the 62-year-old * “there aré some people! who are still jealous of ‘the fact “Some of these rockbound gen- tlemen even insinuate that orchestrate, Ira, a gray-haired, portly man, p froma chair in the living ‘ot bay home and took a large an, old c's ‘George had compiled as 12-year-old boy, Ira said: “This is to refute those who said George was ‘aaled 4 Tin Pan Alley com- “He always was interested“ sl ‘personally close to him. ‘They YM serious music,” said Ira. “True, he got his rhythm from jazz and pop- jlar melodies, but his harmonic and melodic elements were strong- ly influenced by Debussy and Tschaikovsky. Thea He € Show Starts 7:30 P. M. “EXCLUSIVE! FIRST RUN, The Night Of The Bachelor Party... ‘The story of five ordinary men on your lover-if you're s man one of these five men is yout a stag dinner that exploded into oe ey ee If you're a woman one of these five is your husband, your boyfriend. * 5 , ath scouieiner ae night “a THE BABES, Levant’s house. Virgil Thompson THE SINS AND —a wonderful critic and musician —was there, and so was another critic; who didn’t like George, “Thompson’s main point. was that no other composer has ‘traveled’ like George. What I clude a visit to the Wooden Shoe; iFactory; the Netherlands Museum | ;with its rare exhibits furnished jby the royal family; Little Nether- jlands, a miniature replica of old’ Holland; Baker Furniture Museum, | if he picked up some fringe bene-|a permanent exposition of antique | fits."’ | and modern furniture; excursion’ x * * | boat cruises on Lake Macatawa! Ira notes that Hollywood is tak-! land Lake Michigan; and Poll mu-, of controversy among “‘intellectual| ing a renewed interest in George’s|seum with its collections of gaso-| gh ie and work. — lline, steam and electric vehicles. movie version o gy! and Bess will soon be out, and|NEW CIVIC CENTER | MGM is contemplating another! In recent ag deg down- film bi of the composer. |OWn area has acquiring @/ vane said Ira, oe go\new look through a gradually ex-| years since George died (at the Poon, ot Civic oem pro- er has a age of 38), but people still a lot for 300 cars, and brings athletic and cultural- events to. the city. Industria} activity 4s highly di- versified. Leading firms include’ Holland Furnace Co., H. J. Hinez 'Co., Baker Furniture Co., Chris- | Cratt Corp., Parke, Davis & Co.,. General Electric, Hart & Cooley, Bohn Aluminum, National Biscuit Co. and — Rusk Co. | * * I Holland . in the midst of a! large rural area, mostly small’ farms with diversified crops.; Dairying and poultry are near the, top of the list. Zeeland, which lies/ five miles east of Holland, claims the distinction of being the poul- come up to me and say, ‘Isn't it too bad about your brothér?’—as if it happened ey. It's a wonderful tribu Ira, who teamed with George to turn out some of Broadway's most! memorable* shows, has a book coming out this fall called ‘“‘Lyrics on Several Occasions.” “It contains 100 lyrics with notes,” he said. “If it sells 3,000 copies, I'll be very happy. It’s faite informative, if anybody can live «.”" East Germany Claims parks in the state, offering all the} The TOWERING adventure that clashes apaas! heaven ite an ry NOW SHOWING FIRST RUN PONTIAC AREA BLUE SKY DRIVE IN THEATER TECHNICOLOR* BEN PIAZZA} ">on Added Feature... COMING | } ANOTHER PONTIAC AREA FIRST RUN MANHUNT IN THE JUNGLE . ‘ * try capital the Middle West. ~ |Immigr ation Gains Construcyfon is to start this o~—. mer on a big steam-powered elec. ‘tric qeuneiing plant being built BERLIN # — Communist East’ ‘by Consumers Power Co. at Pigeon! ;|Lake, in Port Sheldon township, 10; jmiles northwest of Holland. First) |unit,- of 265,000-kilowatt capacity, | is to be ready for operation in 1962, / and a second unit of similar capa-| in the first quarter of this year. in Pda is to be completed the follow- | Ger-| “This number is not as large as the number moving from east to west, but is steadily increasing | whereas movement in the other di rection is decreasing,” said Ger- man Report, English language organ of the East German press office. Reporting on the same period, the West German government said 33,605 East Germans registered as refugees in West Berlin and the Bonn republic. This was a decrease of 29 per cent over last year. - ing year. mean is that some eomposers are played in some countries, but not in all. Brahms, for instance, is.very popular in many nations —but not in Italy. But is popular ;in all countries.” Puffing on a cigar, Ira said that} |George’s greatest quality was hon- hi “His music was virile,” - of! course, “but Honesty »was his| |greatest virtue, No matter whom the studied with—and he studied RAW AND VIOLENT a the book REMARKABLE MR PENNYPACKER NEVER LOVE A STRANGER + ne n Last Times Tonite “BULL WHIP” and “NEVER LOVE A STRANGER” STARTING TOMORROW WATERFORD DRIVE-IN FAIL THE COBB LOUISE HOLLIMAN THEATER DRIVE-IN Roade—Box Office 6 NOW! Thru THURSDAY ACADEMY AWARD WINNER! Back By Popular Demand! FROM HERE TO ETERNITY w 45 P.M, MAMMOTH NEW SCREEN! white hair, often called the the- “ house or a road. a | eee i a a eae ee - oretician of the Chinese Commu- nist party, His book “On the Party” is a textbook for young Communists _ Liu, now 61, is a cold, thin faced, humorless man with none of the gruff old soldier heartiness of Chu Teh or the suave, ingratiat- ing charm of Chou En-lai, oe x * * Essentially a practical man, he is an exceptional organizer, He in- variably dresses in a simple, un- adorned uniform and> wears a worker's cloth cap. He is not popular with many- of his colleagues. But the force of his dedication to. communism and * se * SOK a ue) Le : se y campaign which swept over China beginning last August, * * * Under Mao, the presidency was almost entirely a’ ceremonial post with the control of the nation’s affairs vested in the hands of the and his forces took the Long went ite ian Clemo March to Yenan, Liu was left be-|fastness to work with Mao. . as an veer Trin ae nee. Oe . was ports that were sometimes on| ‘In 1937 he was named secretary|in September 1954, Liu became ie da a ae sods henner, pet wath-dy saben airm Me tren wants fence, Liu has long been close to|tral Committee, although he was|tee of the first National. People's Mao Tze-tung and had been re-|being criticized by a number of garded aS one logical suecessor. | colleagues, In 1941 he became|* & Liu was a leading factor behind|secretary of the Central China Bu-| At the party congresses in 1956 the great “People’s Communes’ |reau of the Communist party eA _.. TTR PONTIAC PRESS, TUESDAY. APRIL 28, 1959 weal 6 White Youths foFaceTrial . : Arrested in Connection With, Shooting of Six Virginia Negroes RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Six white Richmond youths have been arrested in connection. with the “shotgun wounding of six Negro teenagers which grew out of .an inter-raciel rock-throwing incident Sunday night, - , . * * * Police said one of those arrest- ed, Jerald. Kenney, 17, was charged with felonious assaul with a shotgun after he admitted | .; firing the weapon from ,an auto- mobile in a middle-class Negro residential section. * * * ~ Two of the Negro victims, walk- ing along the sidewalk when the standing China. | He was born of ‘parents in a village in central |Honan province in 1898 and still ‘speaks with a strong Honan ac- ‘cent, From the village school he went to a “middle school’ and ater entered: a technical college lin Shanghai. : | * * * | In 1920, he enrolled Socialist Youth iter he was one jsent to Mascow | He returned to Shanghai in 1922 [ | thes sx for further study. In 1932 Liu was back at the “You'll never catch me shooting occurred, were hospital-\Communist base+in Kiangsi. When rich playboy just to get my es in the papers.” ized with serious wounds. Four| companions received less serious, wounds. | John B. Flournoy, 18. a sheet, metal worker; Earl Price Garti-| son Jr., 17, a grocery bagger: | Charles Melton Carktpn, 22, a roof-| ing -worker, and his brother Ro-| bert Lee Carlton, 20, also a rdof-| ing worker, were al] charged with) being accessories before the fact. * * Thomas Ashby Parkinson, 20, - was charged with being an acces- sory before and after the fact. | Garrison, Parkinson and Flour- noy were released under bonds of $2,500 e&ach, pending preliminary) hearings in juvenile and domestic relations court May 12. Similar’ bonds were set for Kenney and. the Carlton brothers. Richmond police declined to con-' sider the shootings as evidence of) any deep-seated racial dishar-, mony. They. termed it an isolated, incident. 7 Canadians Hope for Good Tourist © Climate in 1959 OTTAWA \P—Canada may have! a record tourist year in 1959. Good) weather and continued economic, recovery in the United States could) do it, says Alan Field, director of; the Canadian government's travel - bureau | The roval tour of Queen Eliza.) beth II and Prince Philip, and the, opening of the St. Lawrence Sea-, way are the year’s two major at-: tractions. i Field said 1958 looked like a ree-: ord year at first, but recession hit) the United States and bad weather | hit both sides of the border. * * * : “| ‘People didn't feel like holiday- ing,” Field. said: “The United States needs hot weather to put Americans in the mood and make them start thinking of cool lake country." : A record year would mean that more than 28,600,000 American tourists would visit Canada and that tourists from all countries would spend more than 363 million’ dollars, the 1957 total. “Americans are crazy about! royalty,’ said publicity director! Gortion Hogarth of Ontario. Typical | advertisements placed im U-S.! publications operate on that theory | and show the Queen's photograph | with the caption: ‘See history in’ the making.” Open Spaces Still Exist ANTLERS, Okla? (AP) — Okla-| homa is fast becoming industrial. | ized but not all of it. Bill Hoffman | of this southeastern Oklahoma, town says there still are places in| Pushmataha County where a man) can ride horseback all day in one direction and not see a fence, # * v DONALD DUCK around to night clubs with some > BOARDING HOUSE. YU Md Meade, OVOOLE HAD @ ANO EUREKA! A BRILLIANT IDEA JUST ¥ 2 STRUCK ME WHILE PLAYING THE 4 ps SAMISEN! THINK OF THE FORTUNE/ 75 seventy WHEN HIGH~ POCKETS KRUM STRAIGHTENED OUT A CURVE AND PARKED “LAUGHING GAS LED BY FINE | LENGTHS COM- ING INTO THE my MATERIAL“ IF BLIOYANT; I(T mm COULD BE USED IN LIFE PRE- ‘ RVERS~ ee = -* meno T= - — - a es = T 4 OL ts tpn se > BBQ) 6 ogee Loh La Se) Femme WHO'S GOING oe TO PICK UP En 152 OUT OUR WAY YOU SHOULD O° STAYED ON HIM, ICK! THET’S TH’ ONLY T.RMALLIAMS 4-28 : 1959 by NEA Seve ¢ by Service, fue. HEROES ARE MADE -NOT BORN By Walt Disney CCERTAINLY ‘ OH, DEAR, I CANT FINISH oA GAM) | My STEAK! a } WiLL YOU PUT am (TINA SACK - } = FOR MY DOGF 4 j 5 " s THE BERRYS ee am. 2. De Sng we > ‘ “Se vig: = . a . s. . “ Se. ee LET " pa “> ~~ ——tl _——— \ ct ne cy. ene) Bea b>] Ga! < :. ti ti \ 7 * .A b= @ { | itt Pg PUL ERE be SET a! AD Ht ‘ a 2 = pi ene = < sae oF a) el SI af . sy iat / ¢ u Pro ne z 2 ie P Sen 222 af > veya & Ree, j = - 7 m _ ‘ - i ee — cm Se a KS — 4 at cemprtiiins on ae Ln —_ eco e at, a rt > Lf s oF Stamm Some tt ed rst a THAT NEW GIRL IS STARTING SCHOOL ee et on on Se SS By Ernie Bushmiller coe ce oe Ae \ S 1959 by NEA Bervice ie TM Roy UG Par OFF ‘ € ; 5 ; 4 5 | z : - § I STILL Gay wy A BOy'6 BEST FRIEND iS HIG : OH, NOT EXACTLY,’ FL] |... T' HELP ME PROVE MY + THAT ARE ALWA' JUST FASGTENEDA CAMERA! |STORIEG O' THOGE GETTIN’ AWAY <7 T’ MY FISHIN’ POLE... -——— BIG ONEG.. —— — andre nies. baie A eseeyteeee < pease Bee eben eee Ter enneee Peete ine see eee peevregenrs , wen teeters Exchange = Weed cach aenee freasurer . PB, Sansiorlum .....5.....-. 1 for Meelis. jaunt A A 1 ur. Chatman, I more th adoption 0 e|this report. _,uoted, by, Staman supported by Clas oo . toderai ie ae et acta Ee ee come. roan Src eee resolution. from the whefiowine ie Same procedures as used ears we have omitted fr es ae Ss ile wih ee : | Sh ete ts 3 } E g ua HPs Tetuooaile| AMENDMENT, BY eR LILLY 4 RwRE DRAIN COMMISSIONER'S SAL- RY 5 other inter-county drains. Board yp Public Works. Commissioner rs for that his lities are now, . will pr Baga fay in excess of these other posi- _ it was the original plan Plan,|when the Drain Commissioner was ee eee ef He ws eer esewee rs tee taeseetag 1 eereyerreee 3e 66 “= “d —— Petal s desiesdbs ec ee visors com~|ver, Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Drain Committee of the Board of 8. HORKSY | wit supported by. Croteau for the adopted. | fiscal sufficient majority having voted, mendment was adopted.| The report of set up Discussion followed” ‘yelative to Em- the Salaries Committee, totals of which, é } levees Anas a Leave Pian. = ne gees the ee hiae samteen | TOTAL AT LARGE ...... ¢ 4 oc: suppor’ ha Dun- |Com and which ve Drain ot be 4 range end eaministrat a Committee be have been inserted as the recommend nded | GRAND TOTAL low- Bight Mile Road Drain along with sav. jemand by nm thet third pers. amounts in the 1950 .peral. other drains which are Sala being p for early construction. (4) He ts 8 ber of inter-county Red Run Drain) Tieus an tie provious estimate, on recewrtn so thet tn, ne satel **(G)” He acts as agent. for the County| ++ gape MT ae tually received. Oakland edministration tion of t jorty oy aving voted actually r in we | The amounts placed after the réspec-| apie 4 oe . PERRIS B. SYDNEY FRID Moved by Hill. sw Disposal District, the operation of which y: YES: ‘Allerton, Belyea, ieekee, Bren- ey He is a member of the Oakland Ca Christensen, -|budge’ ommendations of Board of LA agg ty Prid, Good- | Auditors, Department Heads and Salaries Holmes, | Commit tee and consideration has been'the report be adopt for the next majocity having rene ee The Drain Committée believes that the mg nye fs doing an Swanso . Yockey, Zap cher. Zapt ( (40) excep tior. his otic wv rought several Se ] te y+ a have remained jand hes ar was effective dn on = $23,500. - AYES: Allerton, ong Bender, a to the General Fund: er Dw Christensen, Claws: ; Horton, 1 inson, \ gesDoueia Mitchell, Swanson, : bcd 468 80,000 50,006 210.2311 nee 10.350 19.750 - 398,071 mnacpendence 14,800 1,000 1,000 13,810 itterd . 15,450 Novi : 1 1,500 103. 8loskiand 20,006 ~ 20,000 ‘$69,677 Orion 454 Oxford 61,500 tise 890.681 $99,250 $260,431 35.108, 1 Oak tele Mo “made trlneewtes, Laktan Lalyy Lenekagh Ble? “ ow * past few “4 Moberly, ue a Ber A sufficient majority ni not having voted Bi therefor, the motion Bi Moved by Webber opera by Yockey' Clawson A sufficient majority having voted ‘or, the suntan carried, wane GENERAL COMMIT- To the Honorable Board of Super- visors , & bh sé 2 23e2s3 os .) 23 HeBassé see 38 3 é 8 38 oT 5 i | - 3 -~ r+ ae 5 22 : | 8 8 28 z for'Smith, W. Smith, , Staman, Tay- —— lor, Tinsman, Vell, Welaburger, Wright coe Seve 3161404 5 2 5 3 be agg won Bis cy gpcoe perce oh be La sal yd nn a age Salaries” “Fringe Bene, | fine", relative to k Leave. A ‘suff 5 maserey bt igg J vote ¢) Townships wnerefo. the motion carried ved by Levinsom supported by Carey | Cities _ Selaries amended to ‘set ae Harbor the salary of the County Drain Commis- the Salaries Commitiee Report be iaid _,,, ’ . ; on the table temporarily to be considered 0.00 pens for. the} ith the Budget. . Tend that the sum of $1,200.00 be|, A sufficient maeety eres voted th t reserved , |therefor. the motion carried. i 3421 | By Mr. F. Smith ' _|IX Re: BUDGET FoR riscaL -vEaR 7°*psbips INNING JANUARY 1. ariel Milford’. CEMBER 3 70 the Oakland County Board of Super. | \Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentiemen: year on January 1. 7 1950 and! ‘ending December And and by of explanation nue as iaees: i budget. ties”; It has been the custom of the Ways annua] and Means Committee In the past, in| Mr. Clisirman, I move the adoption | e \accordance with good budgetary pro- aM this —- icedure, to place @ conservative enough, ;would the estimate be more than was tive departments in the budget have |been p grhibbeen at by caper gr to tite! fiscal year the budget covers. is, J,;ant an increase for the Chairmen from i ry 8 3 s burg, intention of this Committee that the, 18 houses owned , Schock, |edoption of this report shall constitute merly used hag the social W tg? Sta- the exercise of this Board's prerogative for indi Webber, 90,000.00 31,674.00 f thi tat thor- 31,948.00 31/948.00 ~ ree oc is = ee fon, au ie 42,000.00 196,540.00 enter into an Lasenment with the clinton 23. 400.00 23,400.00 | mova’ ‘ 60.284.00 35,000.00 25,284.00 otar heen wee 118,465.00 118,456.00 the total sum of $18 111,797.00 + 111,797.00 ai 171,938.00 171,938.00 visions to be made 61.798.00 61,798.00 99,774.00 12,000.00 « ~ 87,774.00 "Be it further resolved tha 273,288.00 _ 273.2886.00\Clerk forward certifi 155,868.00 155,858.00 018.00 186,000.00 371,962.00 Board and to * 197,731. Tah. b0gp0 90.000.00|” mir 30, 59.00 7,000.00 23,595.00 60,220.00 60,220.00 tees, — move the adop fon 180,612.00 116,000.00 65,612.00| going regolutton. 49,229. 49,229.00 76,365.00 76,365.00 u 972,899: 400,000.00 572,899.00 ee RES tate 13,021. , 2 470,000.00 456,037.00]. PAUL W. 80,868.00 180,866.00 ‘ 70,983.00 100,000.00 €70.982 00 waans 171,665.95 1608.98 71,938,700.00 135,000.00 rete : se $.00 170,000.00 we ao 144,700.00, 144,700.00 ARNO : $8,000.00. rH * Ss 7,500.00 f DOr by 328,563.00, : “00lYockey the resolution be 25,000.00 000.00) sn t 36,600.00 §,000.00/therefor, the resolution was « SER Rana Enema en o08.00| bY Hee, nce MEMORIAL FOR PRED Gling | 913,208, 785.48 $2;121,000.90 $10,164,723.42/-79 » the Os land County Board of ‘Supet- | dep perating and aes ig it tunction wee 70% . ane Mr. Civairinita, Ladies an sit ant ge for, us statute. to Match| Whereas Pred G. Beardsley rect e'Rbliet Laat of RES 100.37 100 of ‘which! died on *Augast 24; 1986 at the, ae 7 AY, ane a ar fei Tee ol : es * ‘ i > é TOTAL TO PROPERTY _ $3239 REASSES AT LARGE operation of the County for the! Keego Harbor... . Pleasant Ridge Walled ts, , Whereas he was an honored —— spected citizen in his community and a 1TOR GENERAL COMMIT-'former member of this Board - Mamaaeer E. WILt, irman sooseee of this Board's meeting, the foi- Fred G. was born in Spring-| field Township on bane 30, 1883 and on given to past experience as well as re-, A sufficient Levin- —— of. increase in service during: big the motion carfied. Har, The amounts placed ip the Supervisors|By Mo. Heacock angon,|item of the budget includes sufficient IN RE: DISPOSAL OF COUNTY-OWNED an ease HOU Clark,|visors per diem from $10.00 to $15.00,|To the Oakland County Board ef Super. J 00 as approved in|Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: Hulet, Laht!,|the Tentative Budget for 1959. It is the Waeeee Ge epee | yo Bae geotoreonered ane the First District of Oakland County, in the Legislature he was a mem-- of the more important com. | Board of Education for President and Director of the! ittee has bed, an rout. President and Director goon eg for several! many er civic posi-| sical tions during his lifetime. He was . oon rp a Church, Masons’ nd pny" “4 Ito and © i bad ph: “w - ¢ further use of thee houses It ‘ws: with « -_ sense of regret seal Board to place in its minutes this record of the loss .o faithful public servant, ‘ oan san | ft ppoerd end Foe the State assing leaves a void. a only the passing of time will fill the members of his family. ‘Roe rd expresses its sincere sympathy in! loss and as eae with them tn mourn-| i menmennaae Resolution No. agree to use éaid buildings ex- thi clusively for facilities at Camp Lake Orion and will not oth ‘Or dispose of said buildings and have Estimated To Be Raised also agreed to clean up gnd restore the Budget Receipts By Taxation [present site of each on the County prop- : lerty = Digs condition after such re- S$ meeting and that-a copy be fo - prem (ed to his surviving Mite. . wart i The resojution was un 1.20600 whereas the experience of your Com- imittee in the disposal of used houses is that {t usually -cost the County money /9:3 neances require Hability ‘bonds, deposit fees and other ———. which — by Cummings duppurten’' by Voit: adjourn to October 6, majority having voted ted. PLORENCE J. Clerk am had Boy Scouts, erning bodies often -waive such require- OCTOBER ¢ 10958 called to A by Chairman ven by Reverend 8. e Community Methodist Orion wt taciitien aval ain which pel i ge Roll, Cantea: Auerton. waa, t County and encourage rood ities sip to prepare them for r Conmivme has tien other valuable aie —— » an. at. 2 totale charge’ of i890 } ra Oakland County Board of Supervisors, by| m a, Bey ete. Tiley seman, Voll, a) Wright “‘Yockey, Zapf, area gen by Cummings supported b ite! let utes on two prev Se pee in addition agreem safeguard the interests rm the County, ed copies résolution to rs County Social Welfare the Clinton Valley Council outs. Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Bulld-| 5 ines end Grounds-and Welfare Commit- nted of fr see “County Officials ir . tt re the Denting os mony be- wees came, trom the) omitted f we sod yearn (Reterred to ' 1 ae TT Tat em, feet Rat a gen ges ond ioadiees i pote ce Pubic” seat at a meets» ol rain that to the nd we ai Palin ¢ year that w+ wu be aah available from: various bond sales which | iain Pas velertee ¢ to the Planning Com mae for consideration of Detroit for po of and treatmen: . te point where execution can take place as soon as cou dec! Ten = Com pie’ cons! a plans for * tn ee and West. Bloom fe plans e eliminated al! ouestions as to how Le —, district can eventually epplication for Prderal the amount of $750,060 60 Grant @ “1700.08 2 Evergreen. Ber Sewage Disposal System. ompleted pians and specifica- sg i s@id syviem ready to go out *. "“Acpiesitensit °DS per cent of the necessary easements are acquired Re- | Gkeber hag B- scquired om or before Pumping Station “ih deed for site on, Bite a . Have had — 8 contracts between . peln coved and = county for tmen financing and op- ere subject to draft of final coo- counse! pleted negotistions wit, City of Detrott Mtor capacity and jrodhasank of sewage from aie¢a to point where execution can take place as so0n as Contracts are completéd between the eloped preliminary master ie for fanure seWers to all of the area orm er! rt of Southf Be: . Sraeene J ield Township, application for Federal Grant in the amount of $250,000.00 T. Acted 9s administrator or execu- tive secretary to North Evergreen Bew- age” sai Authority. including plan approval and acceptance of lateral sys. tems for areas conrecting to existing or Ati bad Work necessary to bring :his project to point of onstruction bids ae be compi eted by November i, Farmington Sew aad wo Bs “%, Om oad System Completed ali 7 soo ne | or Me seatire certain: water at and pa * Sa ae trmingion Township With a value exceeding $1,500,000 00 at no cost to the department or the The department is now stccess- fully opera: al] plLases of these sys tems ineluding operation, mainte- hance, billing and coilection of some 800 individual! accounts which will in- i to about 1890 within the next C All operations have been designe © that these systems will be deviance porting, inclu@ing overhead, so that at no time ia any charges be made to the coun tection inves Sewage Disposa) ays we Application has been made to the Federal Government for a planning ad- vance for this project in the amount mad $309,600.00 to provide” complete pians or @ system to serve the area, Encour- poo ap a been given t us by © government that the ran! made when decision is handee do be frome Geun in our present ues fetore Bloomterg wer emg 9, System: proc f holing public hearings prior . co re) ° field syttem “WETS $0 the Bloom All of the — iv dad P. 1 a TE ge end he ‘ bee with whi the be ; , ic natures on ition: ! a! Com tlssioucr crake take cy Pg ‘ ction of the 8 Mile Storm +| Which the City Detroi ated . ee contract met rier ear ” seman ose Pe = apacity or treatieen through : thelr Fd by ave “bequn the Pamateiey work ae Be Hien Rivet Basin lying -with 3. Ar 4 Oskiand sone ‘De 4 eloped In coo — with the ‘cpu “Reattn Departm & system reby the DPW. is required to issue Health De- riment, for all septic tanks’ or dis | oeeet ayetems in the depart: eof operat « department's areas Completed &@ set of oe gean'4 pte be engineering firms. the onal Associa= rrency Fed | ton a see ube W Works participa- ron Oak city nance poped ¢ Works eral program ; ons 09) has io pre Tass nd a asi as session of Conagtess in the Honea! water ~ and ottlciale. and problems with Tyce on Bitie Lag” sigan + was budgeted dicates 5 were (BpPropriation of $100,150.00 departm fe imate year of 068 ane | unre disbursement it ay : ak 4 at pe were wy for ~ year 1 has an amou tot ow" 00. perm prelecte which ret further reduce in the @mount provided the County p_ Gen- (Continued on Poilbwing Page) vigpcas ¢ ake Se ater Repose tae t * wa tee E ES ates s en Costs of Gove: E : tp ‘ iit ti ble aft i 3 $ 5, weg q Be in a mg I8F i if 2 <= & FES fe H ‘ f i i te ef 5s i] if E g $53 : f ni ; A I f i a water and sewage cannot be & 3 4 Fs i 3 at mit fs not a policy making office, but _¢@ to ot ee ad presently planned ww ‘The reosmmnendy tess on be carried out -|wagte products to the City of . to| “me stood still, the Drain Law as or } ted and sub ly it was until sewer emended. ( , Act 194 of the Public Acts of 1930, as erty, the uate. jowever, in appl me Law to suburban jem She 2 That erks and the instructed to. d and con-'* Boarg for rubmission to the’ The recommendation ts in no way to wet % few year fo be construed as being based solely op a mature of the times. Expansion was in Drain, a j evidence everywhere, monies for ufilit County, for upon its. facility was th Setl oeenn eaten the City greati sewage disposal. This of f-|serve as the overflow i tim -|when service to the losed f th om p county for drains, all good we it wit? probably be neces- ry to\tneredse the anntte! com for certain key personnel the increased work losd but th } BANC consultants or However, with the advent attacking the validity|the Evergreen Interceptors. eff ~~ _ will = = ered into between me two departme at m initiation os a construction a Sees Oe & ‘ ’ This ‘obviates the nee * must be membérs of the Board ot Super: sales” in the state, Lavi i . The present act provides for 3. : a ' ort. bers and wer established b: installation in the drainage de the Board of Supervisors on June 24 1 as 5 members, therefore, @ ae} required to accomplish this The Act now #mended ermite the members of the Board il ublic Works to either pore Seperrees ro. Public Works for @ separate ac partment to io ae up. . DANI W. BARRY. r 'y_ supported by Miller Moved by Crenshaw su organization directly under of and responsible to a body either elect- ed by the voters or appointed by elected . Lahti, . Lockhart, MacDon- | $5.00 Govern, Menzies, Mil ey,|therefor, the motion ted at variou« times to ame Code to — 4, go egy ah McCarin m er, che Mga eet on from rural counties eeping » presen ture needs of the county in rela- on who were intent upor p available should be made by agency “sealing with the ds citizens than has occurred in past ¥' No real and lasting accomplishments) ean be made in the total field works without accurate forec&s' present and future deve county for all —, in Te, Repent jon, commerce an eek oes know whete things are ow and where they, can expec’ be in the future. The present and future needs sre aise things that must be de- n be obtained by shaw, Croteau, Davis, ¥\Frid, Hursfall, Moberly, lar, §chock, Solley, Tinsman, Voll. ( A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resohition was @ 5 Lil IN RE: BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS een To the Oakland County Board of Super- visors r/Mr. Chairman,” Ladies and Gentlemen: Whereas th: Board of Supervisors has taken the initial action necefsary to consolidate the office of Drain Commis- sioner with the Department of Public ssible to construct rtance and wil! continue in the future, they stil! fall roblem of needed drainage in here these two chapters can yet apply. Still unsolved are the ptoblems of the rural areas now being rapidly platted and subdivided. stil) unsolved are th roblems of populous but unincorporated "There are but two. methods do, finance rain construction. For sma. oe provider for their financing by D: 3 ys, On partment establisbin of its own to deal with its spec! is a program, however that less expenditure of funds second and most 5 Whereas among other recommenda- tions made in the submitted reports, was & recommendation that d Public Works be expanded from five (5) members be members of the Board of ssc hereas a close coordination of ef- forts between the two departments must be maintained in the interim period, Now therefore be it resolved that Mis- cellaneous Resolution No, 3238, passed by this Board on June 24, 1957, be amend- @d to establish the number of said members on the Boart_ of Public Works as 7 members instead of 5, and Be it further resolved that the Chair- man of the Board of Supervisors be au- thorized to appoint the other me bers, with a recommendation that they be members of the Drain Committee, —— I move the adoption bonds. However, without the full poe the county to back the Drainage District under the ain Law. the bonds would ecause of venereal limits and eas of the “Li A “finance their ii biems which are pabie of tion Bn r the Depart- 20f Public Works Law, be able to be built and a minimum of time @nd expen has tt cians fully qualified ene aspec ecessary this department sould a on Ath “in ew apacities information in p of public works a could fehed " . effectively accomp yea, Bender, Bon- 5 Yjner, Boyer, Brendel, Cardon, Carey, C diminish the respon- le, Christensen, Clack, Clark, Clawson, ities of the County Plannin: This C epariment Mould’ be administered Om the prot tstons of, chapter tow in’ 1-ounty drains already ‘in| inson “crinton Ber Bolla mst 7 to be administered. © ever, this that| existence: rinay, gontemplaces Oat be continued. The chenge'tinue |Been Paid) The Schock, |tion' shall take lent sw bsidiary te one of ipartmental status jon headed by one 4 Ss pe SR, 8, Soe . AC PRESS, TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 1959_ the Deeds Sorte thoes to help make these of- per ~ i i z i i : ' eee reese oie . office Mortgage redemptions Filing fees ($1.00 returned to sees License fees for Pistols ... com) teaser eaeee Tax Redemption ... eee eee ees changes tin the Mental Health jis mot ready to make r \at this time. regulation issued the in Secre- be gone sta. |'@ry of State's Ottice —% permits dats township residents to obta’ renewals lor recording ftiow ; tn Basin. These stations were joint-/°! drivers licenses at as en this month and your Committee will be Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Leg- \islative ge ge ms I move as follows: 1. That foregoing report be re- tions therein ‘in Oakiand County. ISLA’ JOHN G. Chairman WILLIAM CARL F. WM. C. A. EWART NGRAHAM ‘ HUDSON ARNO L. HULET - | period. Moved by Ewart supported by Hulet of holding the effectiveness of the of the report be adopted. iution fi Discussion followed. ee ce eee fices more nearly self-su ' Proposed changes are as tolows: © . Z Seecss Ses 382832 833 ss 1 5 iaiidi #2 SESSESES SES SE Resseees Sts ss S8ssesss 883 33 ii i . Moret oy tut Oikiand County Board of Guper-|twiting from the | area, tees ng oor, (Sa Bagiee veneer Your Committee is consid ering certain a ws it tions studied the lexisting State laws to -_ ca ipelice departments to aang ‘waee enges. | fr Rg a F a "e ae | ! ‘Or The Board .Program. — Counsel be the appropriate wing the termination of the Such appeal shall have the effect Teso- rom which appealed in — until “the appeal is acted upon by Moved by Horton supported by Lock-;state board of education. ‘Any ‘hart that the followin Register of Deeds, be de! ed: Recording fees for deeds and mort- ag, Ebay $1.50 to $2.00, o $5.00. can, hart, MacDona Philltps, Quinlan, evens, (22) Bonner, son, Tenshaw, Cummings, Dohany, Eckman, speed, Hamlin, Heacock, Henry, Hill, oard, Holmes, Hudson, Hulet, Hursfall, Ingraham, Johnson, Kephart, Kiser, Knowles, Lahti, Levinson, Lewis, Ollar, Ramsey, Ransom, F. Smith, Sta- man, Swanson, Taylor, Thatcher, Tiley. Tinsman, Voll, Webber, Wright, Yoekey, Zapf, (53) sufficient majority not having voted f Do-' therefor, the motion jost. Moved by Swanson {Bender the following item, under No. 11, j-|County Clerk, be deleted: : License Fees from $2.00 to Marriage A sufficient majority not having voted lost. Moved by Bender supported by Kelley the following under No. 11, County Clerk, be deleted: Jury Trial from $3 to $6 Default Judgment from $4 io $€ Contested Judgment from $3 to $6 AYES: Belyea, Bender, Brendel, Horkey, Horton, Kelley. Lockhart, Mo- Cartney, Mitchell, Phillips, Stephenson, Stevens. (17) NAYS: Allerton, Carey, Castle, Christe Crenshaw, Cumm: 4 J. W. Duncan, Eckman, Bonner, Cardon, graham, Knowles, Johnson, rt, Lahti, Levinson, Lewis, Lilly Ramsey, Bolley, . Thatcher, Tiley, Rhos gg Voll, mailed to each supervisor and. Local Board of Education, A’ sufficient majority having vo ted therefor, the motion carried. B bs >) fa ) ” EXHI “Approved by Govervior May 38 10981 —Approy er a AN AMENDMENT TO SECTION 461 Section 461, The county board of edu- eation may, in its discre tion, or when tioned by % of the resi bition to Haye Effect Shall be to the Petitioner or Education Any ‘Amount Baid Coen - eee en A county board educa- @ under No. 11, eleted: redemptions— from $1.00 to AYES: Belyea, Bender, Brended, Clack, Croteau, Diekens, J. W. Duncan, R. Dun- Frid, orks: Horton, Kelley, Lock- Schock, Solley, Steph- Poca an, : r & on, sen, - Clar aw- Davis,{or the joint boards and its action on Ewart, Fouts, Good- supported by msen, Clack, Clark, Dickens, Dohany, Ewa Fouts, enzies, Miller, tion, detach ter- ritory from one district and attach it to anothér when requested to do so by reso- lution of the board of any district whose daries would be changed by such ac- not less than mt owners of the land to be transferred. (Such Petition = — ‘ ecom- anied by a Cash Deposit in an Amount District Board of ining of ‘Taken Under This Section Shall Issue \in Writing and Copies Shall Be Served | jon the State Board of Education and the |Orton ;County Board or Joint Boards Peing Parties to the Action) The state board of education is hereby |® empowered to consider such appeals ‘Only Where it is Alleged and the Btate Board Finds that the position of the Petition or Resolution by the County Board or Joint Boards Resulted from Fraucé Error in Law or Error in Fact,) }and to confirm, modify or set aside the order of the county board of education any such appea] shall be fing]. Vote on report, as amended: A sufficient majority having voted itherefor, the report, as amended, was Lilly, ad McGovern, Menzies, Moberly, Oldenburg. > By Mr. F. Smith 2 TOWARD cose or ENFOnCRUeTe R OP MARINE LAW To the Oakland County Board of Super- visors Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: Whereas this Board, at its meeting held on June 13th adopted Miscell Resolution No. 3380 which provided for| =<”. an appropriation from the Contingent Fund not to exceed the sum of $5,000.00 to pay the cost of maintaining a iake patrol to enforce Laws on the many lakes in this County during thé boating season of 1968, and Whereas the Sheriff instituted a coun- ty-wide patrol consisting of approxi- mately 25 spectal deputies who were paid on @ per diem basis of $10.00 to cover their expenses for work performed on /;}Sundays and holidays and who received a total of $2,970.00 for services rendered during the 1958 boating season, and Whereas Oakland County has over 400 lakes which would require lake patrol and the appointment of three deputies as contemplated in the provisions of Act ,|310 of Public Acts of 1957 as amended by Act 208 of the Public Acts of 1958, would be useless, and wi the results obtained by the reas system instituted by the Sheriff of Oak- . ae County have been very satisfactory, an : Whereas the aforementioned Act pro- vides for the reimbursement to the Coun- ty at the rate of $750.00 per deputy with a maximum total reimbursement of $2,250.00 to be made by the State of Michigan, Now therefore be it resolved that this Board, although aware that the Sheriff's plan for the employment of 25 special deputies on a per diem basis does not coincide with the provisions of said Acts 310 and 208. as to its reimbursement clause, hereby makes formal claim to the Michigan State Waterways Commis- sion, by the adoption of this resolution, for the maximum amount of reimburse- |Be ely $2,250.00 for the year 1056; e rther resolved that this rd instruct its Legislative Committee to sist In whatever way ment, 0 it ible to secufe 1958 which woukd aliow more latitude to the various counties in determining its own course as to the best possible way to enforce the State’s Marine Laws and yet qualify for reimbursement. Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Ways and —_— — I — he adop- tio of the foregoing fesdlution, WAYS ‘AND MEANS COMMIT- TER * FRED W. R. C. CUMMINGS DAVID LEVINSON fr ’ HILAND M.' THATCHE SMITH, Chairman: final action in regard Shane HOLMES =. ” J. vO SR. JOHN L. CAREY - 4A 4 : 7 : Be ub BE ual AL was so ordered pa | Assessing to the state board“of education within 10) jdays folio’ the State's Marine L: p-8 hon ggh OR Bagh : of Mise. Res. 1418 Sept. 8, 1958 (not re- e eeapeetencectensconntoeenns seater sr neg M06 ORR IE jes, Lahti, Levenson. “a son the Leckhae: MacDonald, rthe: 'e C- Govern, Menzies, Miller, Mi Presets. the erly, Oldenburg, Ollar, Phill: ey, Stevens, LOCAL |Swanson, T tor, “Thatcher, ‘Tiley Tins- ‘aylor, . ¥ To the Zapf. (77) ¥ . ph. (4 si NAYS: None. ‘(0) A sufficient majority ha therefor, the resolution was Mr. Levinson requested pp ments be made at the next meeting. It the Chairman. ant by Moved by Miller ed law (Bec. 37 General has caused supported by 'Carey/necessary and now j ‘ and amendments of the Pub- ’ = Two pro 3 $1,315,828.01 sll @n_thelcedures in connection with Plus advances from General Fund made on s loan by Lygestscen nm mt of Seb hay Rel tan ol i RR 190,000.90 the re i Pe. ee ef Seue that te petitionnre' for srandary 310,000.99" cee per ot ae eee, ee Total Funds Provided ..........-.cseesesses $1,626,628.01 Beale when, made to the Slate Board of . including Commitments y i of Public and make boundary changes (County's share. 10%) eEeeee eee 1,068,997.10 po Ba ip Prd ee ye ge AR. EB Excess over Funds Provided .............++» 43,169.09 on goats te this: 2 ” *) Ptup Advances from General Pund on Loon Basis... 310,000.00°— a of the 1 of 1939, 9s| 9. Amendment to Public Act 312 as Totes Apevepetauen Grand se a Ack ig ofthe Pubic Ace ot 100, iets maak of Saks din tee oe ae phen aera S8icrease the amount of State Aid ; + ——o jamended. (1 a the net expeiditures for the;the Board ad: until October 13, 1958. Act 316 of the Public Aste of 1048, as/ tapers, of the, County Board of Btuce-| oot p'mouths of this year as's criterion| A wutficient majority having voted bay a i Nl emg for : for the lastitherefor, the motion carried. Sones & veer Srten Btate oa 3 months of the revised estimated This is less than 20% of its budget. | overdraft be Most school districts receive 60% of mately ¢ thelr operating budgets from the State. Where This amendment would have the effect the me of ° at 6 nite seer Saree Oi te oe of ie. Michigan ‘Department Se ans tclatete fonda Coupty Echood Office trem) oe , besia, from the General spieuture to the length of| Oakland County bas 10% of the chil-/ $160,000.00 {now months) that immunity/dren.in the State. Presently it receives |T® be afforded by various types of but 5% of the State Aid sfford- jyaccine. Other changes wouki permit|¢d county school systems. The amend- townships in the county to adopt ordi-|ment would have the effect of giving the nances caer ee ns at and|County School District tts full share of jmake retroactive the oe the State appropriations for this ; Board of Supervisors rableg Tne paple of the County ef Oskiend vaccination for local units which may|through appropriations by the Board of have adopted a . licensing ordinance | Supervisors, extend support to the Coun- a = a it Of Whe Deare, | Sect Attics aeuating $9 stzi.- Peetent Seqaiioment fey Mesnsing 00-08 This efter, an the. pars the : dogs at 3 of age would be|people of the County of Oakland ts more the report be adopted. - changed to '¢ months. { ve than that in other counties) A sufficient majority having voted 3. Amendment to Section 7 of Act 149\of the state, the County of|therefor, the motion carried. of the Public Acts of 19398 (Authority|Wayne. The effect of the amendment; Mr. presented the Annual Re- Act) as suggested by the ee en irae fee eee It ae Gee ie Oakland County Local Texes to require local units to|Same sort of support to the County of térium. téenut tax monies tor the/Oakland that most other counties are| Moved by Kephart supported by Hea- bi thority | enjoying. 4. cock the report be received snd placed; direct to the County 10. Amendment to Act 316 of the Pub-/00 file. 4. to lie Acts of 1923 a3 the Cor-| 4 ty having voted to collect taxes in a local unit where|poration Counsel's would| therefor, the carried. there oT)permit the of policies of work-| Moved by Hulet supported Carey , School or other taxes.|men's compensa’ and Mability insur-|the vote on the amendment to Sal- This is intended the Troyiance in lew of certain bonds now re- eeet see Township situation where there is a 3! quired by State law. Such bonds are’ now (15. 1958 to salaries of acre parcel of improved land next tojrequired on drain projects and are not it Court Judges, be the City of Birmingham which hes peidireadily obtainable. The smendment/for the urpose of referring this matter no taxes the past two years. No one|would also permit the County Drain/*. laries Y lives on the property. The Commissioner to set the amount of the| A sufficient majority having voted ot SS ture, lest jormance bond required to be filed th En eee concn. ; Commiites. n Vn. Sotentad im Gensto| 15. Amendments to -extating, laws to|By Mr, T FARMINGTON WATER AND | p rte: 2 ; Jn atapuintion to separate the aicht|tbe Regul ef Dents end ‘ne Cou? Fat} Pe Works Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen No 33, by the Board of Super- visors on r 23, 1957, the Depart- ment of Public Works was authorized and’ maintain the ater and Sewer System. This author- y covered prescribed areas to be served : and it ts now desired to include other . lands tm the system and therefore the ont ie following resolution ts submitted. | Mralthel to ail, members at int Beard aaa Ob bane at Oe Deel also the various boards of education to operate, as part of the im the County. Your Committee has held Water and Sewer System, water andis meeting with interested and ny eae gh prepared a revision 4o original! of Section 36, Farmington and of the amendment te this Act. Se ee ee, ee Act &s now ne aaene Rea eat Pen ed would require ] for tac yom h lo: inte an agree- g B i % § z eee i : i J} i ; eit ie Rg . rt i ee ! F Za fi i g t § | 4 il £~* ee rt A ~— District Equalized Drain viee to ‘ Valuation Operating Property Property Operating TOWNSHIPS— we, a tee eee 4,240,605 $ _ 23,832.21 $ AVON |... ie oe 654, aa 7: er ht loom ° 7 96,861,952 . 5 vag Saaamiavee 5, 783,68 32,504.75 466,53 - [Commerce . «..-.c5 21,014,517 123,159.86 Parmington . .....- 56,035,443 320,089.17 Groveland . :...+. 3,125,656 17,566.68 [Highland .9........ 8,041,267 50,250.32 Holly . 11,113,220 62,456.13 |Independ 20,185, 113,442.38 on. 6,222,871 34,972.15 11,317,357 63,602.71 29,416,385 165,320.07 8,626.47 5,911,068 ee 331.57 19,687,445. 110,643.01. 11,746,924 66,017.85 13,304,137 94,769.67 — atl * 3,588,482 20,166.81 : 5,379,066 30,229.89 1,660.37 661.28 30,205,428 220,334.61 209.08 6,107,247 34,323.32 Fs ws 71,240 400.49 Waterford . .....65 oo opr Bs Ww Bloomfield .. 45,736, 193, White Lake ....cc 15,436,030 ©, 86,744.74 11,602.08 CIT! . 232, 424, 3,710.48 ine Ra 491,107.59 1334.06 -—-— oom fie Hi 285, eheoee 7 is 141,850.90 10.64 : Parmington 100.177.4117" Ferndale 987,04 802.27 Hazel Park 243,602.68 Huntington Woods 152,312.38 4,566.27 Keego 93 22,096.08 Lathrup Villege ... 15.238,579 . 85,640.84 Madison Heights .. pete d eatery Oak Park oi, 901620.278 550,865.85 7,138.52 3,166.13 12,420,997 60,806.23 468.08 1 335,048, 188 1,882,971.31 448.57 3 185,164,027 1,040,621.60 5,125.62 1,73 116,321,174 653, 724,87 13,441.95 2,545.62 1 4,897,816 27,526.07 : 4,897,388 27,523.02 46,414,185 272,087.29 5,872.57 Z 7,116,029 39,992.08 TOTALS . ....91,808,669.648 $10, 164,723.42 $70,042.30 = $22,319.69 $16,015,145.37 $22, 759,443.49 MUNICIPAL » Huron Max. Rete - = ea Clinton be Ine, jessin Voted Debt pecia on oted Distr r ot ‘ Operating I iperease Service Assessments Property TOWNGWIPB— sos eg uenmnneenegy "7 38.486.11 Bloomfield , .. 163. 193,723.90 8 S111 42,042.17 5,783. Farmington ....-.. 48,981.68 17,086.63 ® Groveland . essecses Highland . .....e..0 11,802.47 8.941.27 Olly 2. oo ueee aeescee 9,446.24 5,556.61 Independence . ..... 26,644.77 * 20,165.43 355.05 +e Lyon . ...... g ; Milford 6 eeeedeas 844. 2,029.31 Novi . ...s0+ : 7,364.10 Oakland , . ‘ - 1.477.990 rt , 687. 4,021.86 927. 8,810.19 $137.20 2,096.73 , 26,608.28 3,326.03 ‘guritte Ee 30.3 91.06 38,274.43 eet Royal Oak ..0..660 5,379,07 15,330.34: A 274. 344. Southfield > eeesrees 99,208.43 565.08 604.89 9,801.36 Springfield . e.ccenes 1 * +f TOY. ssesesgonnses e Waterford . .....+96 106,745.21 14,721.61 20,216. West Bloomfield . ... 64,050.35 43,756.68 7,662.00 11,439.17 White Lake .....c06 3,858.76 é ca Pkley . .osecseeces 1,532.15 18,339.21 Birmingham « svseee 179,356.88 867.41 ‘ i eanas Bloomfield Hills .... 238.77 4.597.044 WSO oc cseseece 498.22 ord ia oo 1,008. ass. 80 Hazeh Park ...4..08 3,275.63 669 j0 “10,836.42 Huntington Woods 4 6,775.48 Keego Harbor uegeee ——__—_— . 6.11 a Lathrup Village ,.. . — ‘38 Madison Heights .. a3 30 18,392. Northville . 0. as.ses 296.00 Oak Park ......c008 ! 1.879.81 24.906.07 Pleasant Ridge :..., 0 1,181.74 3108.25 Pontiac ee rseueces . 114.38 pipe Royal Oak ...e.c0-5 18,432.96 776.13 pep te | Southfield 2 of. . 6.55 1,678. ; ; 28, South Lron ....s+6 | Bylvan Lake ase-ses " . z TOY. cvcteercerte ‘ O91.74 12, 103.55 Walled Lake. convvees . oe . a ae * wah ae i, O01 TOTALS . oe....8743,101.15 $315,391.05 $33,380.58 $164,930.37 ‘9143.21 $452, ———e 2335 s* cates i z “— > Ss ; Ss ape ie at g i ah t lek : i B of Pontiac, said sy: field Wihete sewers. . as 1 as hea: 0. 80 of the Public Rete to the Count rk, as re the following fo ution is ereas the Board of Public Works by this lot ; thence W'T be Avemie extended to Public Works and certified to Clerk, : Now Therefore Be It Resolved that enue; thence W'ly : : then Spec be/Quinian, Ramsey, ansom, Pos we nd, 8| confirmed by this Board tther Resolved that the uthotized to certify essed and due end lots or parcels of land. . Chairman, I move the adoption of resolution. M. THATCHER Tr supported by Hulet new Wson, 7. ngs, Davis. Dicketis, Do- Dunean Rk. winey c- : Miller Mitchell, Mo- perly, Oveobure, Philips, Quinlan, Ram- ansom, Schock. Smith, -Solley, Stam: i Fl el Voll, W: TERE g : le : li i EF il z : E é 5 iif 6 83 d 4 i & He sal g fa B Baa 54 #39 the Planning 4 Mr, Semann nominated Elmer Johnson! h . Hursfall| stegaded ‘ne “somtcation wed, br. Allston seconded ‘the iomios: i Mr. Webber soconded: the nomiten, oes eevee - 2 the Board for the mem’ % The “Moved by Cardon sty by th ition Counsel’s. statement the of the Chair. : sufficient orit: ving voted ike’ malin cagriet Delos Hi = d. Richards of the First Methodist. Bender, Bonner, Brendel, Cardon, Carey, Castle, Christe: MacDonald, McCartney. M . Menzies, Cyri) Miller, Mitchell, Moberly, \O"Donoghue. Oldenburg, Ollar, Phillips, Schock, Semann, F. Smith, W. Smith, Solley, Sta~ man, Stephenson, Stevens, rayies Thatcher, Tiley, Tinsman, Voll, Wright, Yockey. (72).. Quorum present. .t Clerk read eee of Clarence J. Miller, Hazel rk City Supervisor, to replace Glenn Harper. (Placed on file.) “inven oak a. Royal at City pe: who repleces Alger , Was Diredenet to the Board airman som Chairman, of mittee to 1 tion Com- of bers of the nittee, pointments Sperone by the Board.) | Clerk resolution we Be OS +, ry J. = 3 t from Power Company for ht-of-way cover-| img an easement along tiae Road be-| tween Commonwealth Road and fry Street. (Referred to Bulldings and orop $ igan and the State Mental Health Com- mission relative to mental patients, ¢ The ‘Chairman stated that « petition vil of Woodereft in =~ cetera, Wong been filed and tioners fave advertised a i 7] & ft es IN RE: BIGHT MILE ROAD DRAINAGE DISTRICT c i i order for four members| Commission f | gE 9% af an 53 opty ' “oes 2 Road misston. Corporation: Counsel fuled thet ‘t was not necessary.|crie to 3| SSEEU SEE sy e {over and above those for w be at ot on accoun: highways), and in order to Re: thereof possible, the of this resolution Sih ge A of D of Su Prompt paym principal of and interest on said same shail mature. elected Secretary of the Works of Oakland Coun hereby certify that the foregoing is a resolution Works at of N NOVEMBER 10. 1958 Hi Meeting xenet to order by Chairman amiin Envocation given by Reverend Wil- Lake, les,jtrue and complete copy of a adopted by the Board of Public held on the 10th un jarkston. Ned: Allerton, Alward, Belyea,|Menz! . Row Called ‘ton, Alwa: Belyes, or “. THAT r | Tiley, Tinsman, Voll, ys: Christensen, Dohany, [*ecommensod by the Board of Public : EVERGREEN SEWAGE DISPOS- | M e with the County . 3441 = Recommended by Board of Public Works IN RE: EVERGREEN SEWAGE DIs- POSAL SYSTEM 5‘ fAgreement referred to ‘resolution, which was sees af Tviso! resolution was offered by pointed W. R. Ran. |% the Eq Gon "flow. the’ vitlege of Township gf Bloomfield . of Pon fot the ac- ion, financing and operation of the|3260, Sew and as {Ap- wi mt te the Board of pervisors; Wheress the above menti | Micipalities constitute. all of ks be and they are for the proposed Incorporation of the} a uf i " execu County it tb be dated N ; public hear. ae beheld this morni ‘ik read* notice of Public’ Rearing *| SEWAGE DISPOSAL herewith a certt. on T tiac, wherein the said cities. to age agr Sew Dt fom green spose A, mated at $6.175,008 be as follow: - Total Amt. From ; ae 170,000 ae 38 S58802388822588281 ieee Td be submitted rs. eas — Horton, Hamlin, ty, Michigan, do tehe: r, irman, Ledies and Gentlemen: I offer the following resolution which pproved by Board of Pubiic |Works at their meeting of November 10, Whereas pursuant to Act No. 1 members elect, did establish a Depart-| =x Public Works in and for said administration of the upon the County by reas the seid Board of Super- by miscellaneous resolu . _ geribed in paragraph four. Gouth-|Village of Westeosd-cteximum of 13,100 iv 4 Trsons : Fa Mien referred iM i ef fg " Ei a e ef i Fa Hl i i / z. bg ESSE HY | i i fe tte g efe Fire iH Ba pay Sewa: Disposal Au- |: oot constructing | for ail & of the North Evergreen Gewage Disposal Au- ere desirous of dissoiving said lsenbority and having the assets and ities of said authority taken over by { Qakland in its depart- works; Therefore, it is hereby agreed by and between the parties hereto, as follows: eounty shall proceed to ob-|City of T rtabiser une ee ie - ¥ Ms 'Village of Westwood ..... lanes and specifications for, and t Mile Road Storm Bs gS flow- lage it er system! age rights in the Detroit sewer sy ‘ TOTAL .... a period of mot less than $0 with a contract for sewage disposal by City of Detroit for a period of not less than 40 years from the date hereof T+! put with the option on the part of the ‘jeounty to extend the same for « ig period of 10 years. After the receipt of said plans and specifications and esti- th an ordinance cr oved said board, pro- viding for ‘the issuance of bonds by the hereinafter t the imated cost. If th ¢ t of said county system shali end if such ordinance of resolution shall be adopted by said beard then the beard of aie a or sha. gp Allee oni the construct of the project, to secure for the purchase of the & g é : i g 5 ; von Se ge ag hogy BL of Road north to 1¢ Road. Said sec- tion includes the cost of flowage rights ove SECTION 3 That pert of the interceptor from 14 Mile Road to Maple Road, trom Mapie Road to Hunter d., from Hunter Bivd. to Adams Road, from Adams to tang oer of their, maturities. The ag te esti-| ‘Due and Lakeside, ‘trom Quarton and Lake- ‘ side a ER of Pub- Oakland, County, Michigan jon were filed z -" sertbed in paragra Tow: Bloomf! Lake Road, from Long Lake an and in Square Lake Road, from Maple Road to Quarton Road to Woodward Avenue, from Wood- ward Avenue to Long Lake Road and Grand xk R. R. from Leng Lake Road and Grand Trunk R. R. to Square Prom Lake Road and [Grand Trunk R. R. to Colberry Park Subdivision, Prom approximately N. W. corner of Stonycroft Golf Court to Franklin Road, and from 140 feet south and 250 feet east of the intersection of r Road and Guiif ord Road to tn-|in tersection of Vaughn Rosd, and Long Lake Read. . SECTION 3 ‘That part of the interceptor on 4 ¥ Mile Road from Cranbrook, west 4 roximately N-8 % line of Section 32, Bioomfield Townshi That part of the interceptor from 14 Mile Road, north of Quarton Road an west on Quarton oto Pranklin' Road $s «+ . That part of the interceptor through section 2, Bloomfield Township from Square Lake neat to South Bivd. ON 6 That part of the intereeptor known as the 13 Mile Road Trunk Arm, east from Evergreen Road eas eaieen Drive. Thet part of the interceptor known es the Southfield Mile Road Trunk Arms, more f egge any of @escribed as follows: 9 Mile west from Evergreen pene to approximately 200 feet east of Tr 9 Mile Road east from Evergreen Road to Laura Lane, 10 Mile Evi Road west from ergreen Road to North and South % line of Sec- “9 27, Southfield Tow: Mile Road east from Evergreen’ to Lathrup. 11 Mile Road west from Evergreen Road to approximately 900 feet west of Tue a Highway. ON 8 That part of the interceptor on 13 Mile Road from Evergreen Road west Kenneway Circle. 3. It is understood that the count system {fs to serve the municipalities and not the individual property owners, unless by special mt between the board of publi nicipality in wh cated e res rks and the mu- the property is lo- sibility of .collecting wage and liverl outstanding pe sar Gel tat an 8 the percentages. mentioned in paragraph above shalh be computed|the da upon county interceptor is that of the sev- era) municipalities which shall cause io be construc and intained ddeq facilities for such collection and. deliv- ery. The county shall not be obligated of by this agreement to serve any area out- side that designated in said Resolution No. 3436 of the county board of super- visors or to construct any sewage disposal facilities other than those shown oh said hibit A: The xt latio the district area within each serve in municipality and the extent of the dis-|© ice to be rendered each mu} 0 posal se avert, shall be as follows: City of ingh Maxi of 15,000 coene, posal of sanitary sewage and such portions of storm water as are de- i peragraph four, the|City of 8 of 69,000 rsons. Bisposai of sanitary sewage and such ions of pres oreo are. de- ad four, nship of ield—Maximum of portions of storm water as are de- ‘Disposal of sanitary sewage arid such portions of storm water as are de- seri in egg four, 1 City “of, ‘Bloomfield fils—Maximum of} Disposal of sanitary sewage and such! Eecteg percentages to capital cost of po section in the tots] project, as ' | { | \City. of Bouthfield ceesy | Township of Bloomfield ..,.. " eee } The term “capital cost” as above bonds, to) uh A _ . ok ' the] (@) The cost of any lands or rights issue the bonds, and shall cause e| s ‘s ay & . Bervice charges by the county for - disposal be Township of Pontiag ........ 2.07T16% | ngss » and where no such meter City of Birmin: * enig@inaeine 0.90019 readi Hable, t sald service City of B seid Hills....... ¢.18128% cha shall be bated upon the number City of Lathrup Village .. 4.31616% - 3TBIOU ete te Section 4 | TOTAL ..... «+». 300.00000% | 5 i Township of Bloomfield ...., 66.10530% | \Tewnship of Pontiac ...... 33.20470% | ‘City of Southfield . ........100.00000% | TOTAL ... - ++ -100,00000 % Section & | |Village of. Westwood ....... 100.00000% | \’ TOTAL 100 90000 the sys- cial and legad fees. td) Capitalized interest on bonds for rt gr not exceeding one and one-half ; . (e} Any discount at which bonds ere to be offered. | «f) A@ministrative costs in connec- tion with the project and with the sale bonds therefor. system. | (h) Any other necessary costa directly | financing thereof jnicipality shall be divided into 30 an- ‘nual installments, numbered in direct |coard of public works prior to the time \vyisors a bond r y iwhich aggregate amount shall be divided {between the municipalities on the basis lof the total parcennge of the total proj- ‘ect cost which iwith the spplicable percen speci- (fied in paragraph 6 above. Sela tonal. jments shell be due in consecutive nu- |merical order om the first day of April a@\staliments shall not bear interest dur- |\cipal installment due date, then any such to|bonds and also any premiums required which the county shall be required to connected with ‘the said project and the 7. The amount to be paid by each mu- amount of each installment as to all municipalities shall be determined by the At it shall submit to the board of super- } or municipality ts re- quired to pay d in each year, on orem with the year aie Bacay all amounts thereof from time to unpaid, shall bear interest from | posal ithe date of the issuance of the bonds by the county, at the rate of @% per an- ‘at Apr each ear theresfter:; Provided, that if the d issue shall inelude sny amount for capitalized interest, then the unpaid in- bonds. If the amount of interest due on April 1 of any year on unpaid inetall- ments, shall be collected by eounty in the county shall be required to pay upon -said bonds prior te the next prin- excess In the amount so paid after de- ducting the annual fées and spon connected with the payment said | bonds, shall be credited pro rata to the munitipalities in accordance with the seversi amounts of interest paid oy them in such year, which credit shall be applied on the next interest becoming due. If any Municipality shall fail to pay any ins ent or interést when the same becomes due, then the thereof shall subject to @ penalty, in addition to interest, of 42 of 1% for each month or fraction thereof that the same municipality shall have the right to pre- annual instaliments in advance of the due date thereof: Provided, that there shali be paid in addit thereto in- terest on the prepaid installments t the first subsequent date upon which the county may redeem an equal amount of to be paid by the county upon such re- demption. Installments shali be paid in the board of public works shall other- wise provide in order to prevent the ity of lating and holdt for extended periods, moheys to meet the payment ho pnetees and interest on nds, estimated cost until the actual cost has been determined. If the actual cost shall be less than the estimated cost, then any surplus from the sale of bonds therefor shall be used to pufthase such bonds of the open market or te redeem such bonds as provided therein, and in such event the contract obligation of each municipality shall be reduced by its percentage (compu with paragraph 6 hereof) of the amou f bonds so puri nh . The ferred to shall adopted by the board of public works. If the actual cost shall be greater that the estima cost, then the additional amount ne be allocated among the municipalities in sceordance with the percentages set forth in paragraph 6 hereof, and. che several then remaining tnstaliments ‘or a oe tated shal) be inereased ac- 60) : prea ; municipality. does he eae, ss or + fallin dee be ‘ore the th «cf the follow Fears: i ' excess of the amount of interest which |4u5 remains unpaid after the due date. Any | issue y any one or more of its non-current|!t inverse order of their maturities uniess|?: ted in accordance} nt . Each ons. pledge its full faith credit for the of sanitary sewage and such)?’ The herein mean any property from which there tes that quan- tity of sanitary sew ordinarily aris- ~~ oe the ew of a residence bu! a by a single family of ordinary size, The number of units be assigned particular to any of property used for or ple r be de t by, the board and its decision be final, The board, if the circumstances justify, may More than one unit to a single dwelling. The board shall fix s uniform~gervice charge for each unit. : The county may elect to use the read- of water meters as « for making its service charges: Provided, that if it shall not be feasible to instal) such « flowage meter or meters so as to meas- ure the total sewage from any municips)- ity, then the county charges for sew- age disposai services to any part or paris net 60 measured. may be based upon ———-—- |the Water meter readings if available TOTAL .... ++» .100.90000% |and if not, then upon the number of ' Section 6 junits served. \City of Southfidd .. ........ 32.7102 13. If the county shal) dispose of Village of Westwood ......... 67.28972% ‘storm water from any municipality, thru } — ‘the Detroit system and, en additiona! | TOTAL ceca ccc s scenes 00,00000% charge is imposed therefore by the City - Section 7 lof Detroit, then the county shal) be en- titled to reimb ent from the mu- nicipality for the cost ef the disposal thereof 4. The said service charges shall be ogy aod monthly er quarterly as shal! determined by the board. If any mu- nicipality does not pay its service charge on the date when same becomes due, then there shal) be added to such charge & penalty of ome (1) ‘per cent for each Month or fraction thereof for whith the same remains unpaid. The board shall heave the $ to pursue any method per- mitted by law for the collection of any sum due it under this agreement from any municipality. The payment of said service charges sh the general obligation of the municipality fer which. it f ite full faith end credit. . 5. ig the intention hereof that pone oar ecard shal collect service rges to {made by board te such ee. but this shall not prevent any munictpsl- ity from fixing service chi sufficient 9g IP gence ad¢itional moneys for any . te manichpatity under this con- tract, shall construct or permit the con- struction of any sanitary sewers in the area to be served by the county system, h does not connect to the county's system, and no municipality shall con- struct or permit the construction of any sewage treatment facility within such area: Provided, that in event the coun- ty is unable to serve any particuer area, the board of public works may per- mit the construction of such « treat- ment factlity under terms and conditions to be prescribed by said board, It shail be the a aa of each municipality to provide necessary sewers to trans- port its stwage to the county system. No 3 shall be made to the county system without first securing a permit from the department of public works. 17.- The. boird shail have the right. system, or by any other lawful means 18 Each municipality shall be re- sponsible for the character of the sew- oge Originating therein and shall com- py, with the rd’s standards and regu- tions controlling the discharge of in- trial and/or commercial type wastes inte the- county system. If the character of sewage contributed from any mu- nicipality shall be such that it imposes an unreasonable additiona] burden upon ithe county system, then an additional charge shall be made over and above the regular service charge, or it may be required that such sewage be treated be- fore being emptied into the county sys- tem or the right to empty said sewage into the county system may be denied, if necessary, for the protettion of the said system or the public health or amount | Safet; y. %. The provisions of this eement shall not be modff: os 5 is agreement shall become ef- fective upon ng approved br the leg- {slative bodies of the municipalities and by the board of poms works and board of supervisors of Oakland County and D BY ITS BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS By DELOS HAMLIN, Chairman By HILAND M, THATCHER, Secretar ® CITY OF BIRMINGHAM By CARL F. INGRAHAM Mores . By IRENE E. HANLE&Y crry OF LA UP VILLAGE. GE “BY RICHARD N. coacEn ¥ ALD D. STONE “anne é ae COSTELLO By J, LAWSON LOCKHART VILLAGE OF WESTWOOD , BY MARVIN B. CLINE President \ By ALICE M, SPENCER cory OF suaherrens keruts By DOMINICK VETTRAINO By ROB: ERT J. STADLER TOWNSHIP oF BLOOMPAELD By ARNO L. c : ‘igor By ROBERT H, DUDLEY (Continued on Following Page) a Se OES Wee eee fs. ae ee 3 ba e S A ¥ fi + a . ‘a sepa acne a) 3} * , TUESDAY, APRIT/ 2s, 1950 |. a Look rs oS m = ips : : : . t- Gaec4 - o yD A Cyril se Eo ‘+ | GO 1 ay “yarcs tin . a anes ar an) ) st pk Glenn Harper! th ) COMMITTEE —- Peter P:jfic fri Osear Eckman) Hi Bt : Hh gt = gef afsk §F & E ios aa ag ff Z e iy & : 3 ie And whereas under seid contract of No-| vember 10, 1954, each munieipeiity ts tal as of the (otal emtount of seen eee: instaliment id by the municipal-| pavoamings of the cost of ars to annual ’ pay anauatis oa heed Ist, intere vas provided in tract on ft pertion| : a o 5 4 On of the outstanding un And whereas the Come i di fe capitalized Misc. Res, No. 3415—9/8/58.......004....$384,019.14 Mise. Res. No, 3430—10/6/58 .........+..+ 160,000.00 i _ $544,019.14 —— in j required to : Transfer of monies from other funds, on pie oo i saxt a whereas the County Board of Pub- and} & loan . authorized by . - eden paar ~ Fra c any te Works has spproved this soaaen oe ponte mcetrys Sig MM. J such excess in the amount so paid’ after perv | 's-| roan from Medical Care facility Pund. $100,000.00 a 2 F | it resolved by the board per- Loan from Indigept Housing Fund ...... 100,060.60 “y bonds. Ber to of Oakiand County, Michi- teamnes | ca . m — o Total funds advanced, on # loan basis 3 W4.019.14 : ; somtied ag 0€S/ Total 1958 appropriations, receipts’ and : Oakland Count Agreement made this 2Ind day of when: me , loans advanced ne. fades vatiesans of $1.834,998.98 on Janui “1958, did py|December, 1958 by and between the|fne be age Dis- Less expenditures, including commitments shall be to October 31, 1958 — County's share ution Ni . pal : (10%) csuseastindbscedouenae eet ee vase 1,882,572.04 : silaigisare ware JOHN L. CAREY said commission for the issuance of “ * . as neues be ° Bonds maturing and efter May 1,/° Moved by F. Smith. supported by Cum- Nor heed my “should have dones : . stall Supervisor od that 1915, from time’ to" time outstanding. —_— Tho eare of Publie Works is here-| "ngs the resolution be adopted. Each golden hour I must enjoy, Mar Pi ci eebant —, Punds for which A icinserthgerenemnsties nh authorized ct shall be subject to redemption as @ by authorized to sell said bonds at not|..A sufficient majority having voted As will all chosen ones. Knowles, Lahti Levinson os Mc- in the Tow Clerk ance of any deposits after whole. st the option of the County prior than par « rued therefor, the resolution was adopted. Carney. MeGovers, Menzies, Clarence : said CITY OF expenses which the County has to maturity on sny one or more ang poll erro ga gpg cost “dn eel Moved by F. Smith supported by — Lb “ pad whet I might have been Miller, Cyril Miller, Mitchell, Moberly,| Act No. b By ——-—_______. t.8 in Seamaatitn ‘wlak this BB. oat Payment Getes, on ov after May 1 lend te do ail things necessary to effect \c0ck that the action of the Board previ- The pt wast T om O'Donoghue Oldenburg. Ollar Phillips, existing or hereafter nded. Nothing Mayor - . 1974. Bonds called for redemiption shall | ine sale and issuance of said bonds, sub-|SUSlY taken in setting the salary of the e pleasure that I get today Ramsey, nsom, Remer. shall be By ———_——__.__.._.___.. . Chairman, on behalf of the be redeemed at the par value thereof and sect to the provisions of this resolution |Corperation Counsel at $15,000 per year Is gold. The rest is sham. k. Se F. smith, w ith || @ ter! Smith, Staman, Stephenson Stevens, Taylor, Thatcher, Tiley accrutd interest plus « premium on each’), “an resolutions and parts of reso-|8"d in appointing Harry J. Merritt Cor- Tins- ebber, Weinburger Wright, . bend in secordance with the following! be poration Counsel, be - reconsidered due Tomorrow compasses my hopes schedule. - ° confifet herewith, are hereby rescinded to th death of Mr. Merritt on October But holds for me no fears. : 26. 1958. 2 *°') tf called to be redeemed on or after | a 958. Because it never, never comes, ‘T) DY mr cenereerereenninen May 1. 1974 but prior to May !. 1976. | net roceuetrp tte) me. the adoption “f AYES: Allerton, Alward. Belyea, Bend-| “°F has in all the years. ree ene Se hb oe ae = Clerk C, KNOWLES $25 If called to be redeemed on or after |'"S Cooted “by Mie Dunc “a nil Cake ee ee ABSENT: Bonner. Christensen, Ewart,| Municipality {x we eee Bg _ VILLAGE OF WESTWwooD } Gir May 1, 1976 but prior to May 1. 1978. | UPR ee ea Allerton, Alwerd, tie, Christensen, Clack, Clark. Clawson,| 1 %¢¢ that future day to be Tei, Hoard, Holmes, Hudson, i (ia | staliments and interest beter nowee: BY rn wero. paditagoagrend on tenn" |Belyes, Bender, Bonner, Brendel, Car: \Crenchwe Croteau, Cummings, Davis, Tey bad ae ee a nae Mise" Sat) eaeDeneld, Miinavenl. { come due, then such municipality agrees ~ gy Prestéens | Pas Teemelion te" = ay 1, ut Or yi, le ; : s * . oa vel in ay, . : : x reer 4 els it cated to Be redeemed on afi Clowcen comeietty, Sack |Dickens. Doheny, |. “Duncan Pout | ohne my Tae rt Warns necset NF the Bese af Pett) Bel Tie coat tase fo tine rene on ” “Vinge Glock inaredaitilent tmAlorNy Daring voted May 1, 1980 but prior to May 1, 1982. . - : . . . . "Hul . TOWNSHIP OP PONTIAC NY aes ae te ee Duscen Pout Prig, Geraepene ed, Matalin, |Hirstall, “Tagrahew. Sohnest, Kelley, gh native of Oakland County. Barry oN WAGE. EMENT "|i paragraph 12) of cold’ Section 12 and y —-——____. . ‘Mer after Liay 1, 1082 but p to May 1. Heacock. Henry, Hill, Hoard, Holmes, |Kephart, ier Knovies, Lahtt, Levin-| berritt gy the Inte See ond ate | d that it will at the time of each annual tax By Supervisor E: {CONSUMERS POWER COM £5 Mf plat 10 be redeemed on or after soe Raley “aepharts Wits ensth (ite gleem Lilip, Lackhart, MacDoaald (wuss! Merritt aries tradeats ere; Prob gig he Senay ange Ay hy, peg sex 1. tos. : Labtt, Levinson, Lewis, Lily’ Lockhart,|Milier Corts Miller. “Mitchell” Moberly, |fevmly Cak High School in 1914, he at-| of ater|to the next maturing principa) install-; Mise. 3450 ; visors the Dolsers of tite Semae te te eiena ls |MecDonala, BMcCactney, Be Ooms ne eg ITD Miller, “Mitchell Phillips, |Gaing, Albion College “and the’ Detroit e Count ment and interest By Er. Thatcher Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: = — of be 4 bende baal —— Mensies, Clarence Miller Cyrit Miller’ p daiaewing eameet bss * Remar oma ae ee — in 1918) ~ of Public Works. am. witness Wherest. the agp og Bgemene RE: TatOn WATER AND: the . Power Com- - y publication of 5 notice helt . : 1 some. : e U.S. Army Air Serv-| which proposed -a reement w ave cau; Ss agreemen: exe-| SEW. STEM ‘ fre for redemotiy at leagh once na/aur Otay Pailin “Gunlan Remy sain Stumm” Sipmenasn ateens Se 2 puget ir ewenant trom De Bolter Susteiete teh Tati Se thosised otietta, A ase ns| “Werks ners Oy Oe Beerd of Publi Sone a ixed for redemption, at once in : ; : ‘ , \ : , - 8. School o ary Aeronautics| referred to in the following re uly suthor officers, as e : : newspaper or publication circulated in —— Bag pmo Somaen. P.|Taylor, Thatcher, Tiley, Tinsman, Voll, at the University of Iltnois and was) The following resotution wes Offered by|day and year first above written. Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: ' ‘Mot See. . the City of Detroit, Michigan, which car- ith, * ith, Solley, Staman, Wright, Yockey. (74) . stationed in Texas, New Jersey and Sel.|Mr Thatcher: COUNTY OF OAKLAND Pursuant to Miscellaneous i 3 Bo) ries.as @ part of {ts regular service, no- Til Tincms. Vel wi ., Thateher,| NAYS: None. (0) sata t a|tridee Pieid. After the war, Harry Mer-|_ Whereas the Oakland County Board of By Its Board of Public Works {|N>. 3334, passed b of State tices of the sale of municipal bonds. _ nm, Voll, Wright, -} A sufficient majority having voted rit: returned to complete his education | Supervisors on October 13. 1958, did by y visors on m Bonds so called ‘for redemption shall not | NAYS: Wi ee therefor, the motion carried. br” jin the Law and in 1921 received his the passage of Miscellaneous Resolution Chairman bear interest after the date fixed for aay One ig" Moved by FP. Smith supported sft anid jdeeree. In 1923. he served as Assistant| N° 3435. authorize and direct the Board By sca SC redemption. provided funds are on hand ae a Borer, an: Duncan. Ewart,/mings that the action of the rd’ Prosecuting Attorney and later as Cir- | of Public Works to negotiate contracts} ~ — Bec oF with the paying agent to redeem the|Horkey, jantese. nevault, Swanson. ipreviously taken in setting the salary/eui: Court Commissioner. In 1939, he was! With the City of Detroit for the treatment ~ TOWNSHIP OF FARMINGTON same. Bonds maturing prior to the year | Webber, fi einburger. (9) for the Corporation Counsel at $15,000) appointed County Corporation Counse}. #4 disposal of sewage from the Ever- BY nee | 1975 shall not be subject to redemption —. ( per year fer ieee and 1968 and the! fe was married to the former Bint weet wate Disposal District and to s ee | prior to maturity. All bonds shali have By 2 at a appointment of Harry J. Merritt as Cof-/som Garland in Mt. Clemens on Noven,| Submit said contract to the Board for its T a | proper coupons attached thereto evid REPO! ON PROPOSED LEG-| poration Counsel, be rescinded. Pr 28, 1923, and besides his wife he is *20TOval. and ‘own: : FR ip Clerk ene- as be: ing interest to their respective dates of eae oon POR 1959 SESSION © AYES: Allerton, Alward, Belyes. survived by three children Me mtg Wneress the Oakland County Board of - FORRSMIE OF WEST BLOOM. fo . maturity. nd County Board of Super-/pender, Bonner, Brendel. Cardon, Carey,|P_ Masters, John G. Merritt and. Vir. | supervisors, on January soup Re did by 2. That the principal of said bonds and Castle, Christensen, Clack; Clark, Ciw- ginia Lou Merritt all of Roval Oak Board a Supervisor P : ’ . | No. 3330. guthorize ang dir the interest thereon shall be payable in|Mr. Chairman. Ladies and Gentlemen: [son Crenshaw, Croteau, Cummings.| He was a member of the Michigan a lawful money of the United States cf}, Since the last mittee has eee ard, Your| Davis, Dickens. ~Dohany, R. Duncan.!and Oakland County Bar Ansceiations | oft Werte Detroit for the treatment ” ‘Township Clerk America, at aiueh. bank sation en Legi veh er = a = the roea Paid, Goodspeed. Hamlin. Hoa- jand oreenined | snd Decame a lifetime/ and disposal of sewage from the Por CITY OF SOUTHFIELD company as sha! designa e | legisla grow PETVISOTS | eo jenry, ‘oard, ; -imember o the Oakland County/| mington : ~ fa eriginal purchaser of the bonds. Such|Inter-County Committee and has con-|/ton ’ Huiet. Hursfall, Ingraham John-|Snortamen's Club and the Oakland canbe aid obabrees ce te Bet, saad to “7 Mayor purchaser shai} bave the right to name/ sidered, legislative proposals made by/son. Kelley. Kephart, Kiser, Knowles, (Hunt Clab) Sse was also a Past Com-| approval. and By & co-paying agent. some of the other counties. Lant, Levingon, Lewis. Lilly, Lockhart, mander of Frank Wendtland Post 253.| Whereas the Oakland County Board of City Clerk 3. That the Chairman of the Board of After study of these proposals, your|/ MacDonald, McCartney. MecGovern,iAmerican Legion, serving as State| Public Works on December 18, 1958 did CITY OF KEEGO HARBOR Super tsors and the County Clerk, of the|Committee recommends the endorsement Menzies, Clarence Miller, Cyril Miller,|American Legion Treasurer tn 1925; qa) @Uprove a proposed agreement designat- Sy es S , i y — County of Oakland, are hereby author-/of the following proposals made by Ma- Mitchell. Moberly, O'Donoghue, Olden-/Roval Oak Township Communit Pund|¢d as the “Evergreen-Parmington Sew- Mayor ized and directed to execute said bonds|Omb County: : burg, Ollar, Phillips, Quinlai, msey,,Chairman: a member of the Salvation | axe Disposal Agreement'* between the - By for and on behaif of the said county! Amend Section 196 of the Drain Code|Ransom, Remer, @ehock, Semann, F.[Army Advisory Board: Royal Oak | County of Oakiang through its Board of -” City Clerk and to effix the seal of said county/of 1956 to the of the/ smith, W. Smith, Solley, Staman, Steph-|Lodge 464. F and AM, Moslem Shrine of | Pub . thereto. and to execute the interest cou-|limitation for maintenance funds ©B |enson,. Stevens, Taylor, Thatcher. y,/Detroit and Royal Oak Lodge 1523, pond to be sttached to said bonds by|Grains. At present the amount. is set at Tinsman, Voll, Wright, Yockey. (74) BPOE. causing to be affixed thereto their fac- Law without ® petition. The Drain Com-|" Nays: None, (0) | To all of us who have known Harry = IN| RE: simile signatures: and that upon the aerated has recommended and the Leg-| 4 sufficient majority having voted/as a fellow public servant and friend, | igi Sewace Disposal. District and) POSAL SYSTEM — im execution of said bonds and attached |!slstive SS ee Sn amend-'therefor, the motion carried. jhis integrity and- fidelity to duty have and did’s fer Sewage Disposal District,| Mf. Thatcher resented Ocoee and = =r 2 r coupons, the same shall be delivered to|™ment : ——— e limitation to $500 _ Moved by F. Smith supported by Berliner well recognized. It seems to me! retar: ‘he oe the vig mien and Sec-| Amendment to weserous Pgh ¢. eg -) - ome . in pre the Treasurer of said county who is od mile or fraction therof or 1% of that the functions of Committee Clerk/that the words from a Poem which Harry execute anid verter wd Far “4 ce ae aor gk ne oy Thich was read to the . ia cote, ‘subject to Hereby suthertaeg and directed to ée- p Pec ma ae Becta ae be consolidated with the existing legal/wrote some time ago as a “Sonnet (o Age Disposal Agreement arab} a “o. Board at poperviccts. tne urouen tas county ver said aenes and attached couporte ia te oe *. i getoncall gd 5 bgp Meds functions of a eCarperetion 1 Counsel «| Tioline are very appropriate at this|/aporoval of thus: Board of sepertioots” The following resolution was offered Boa ro of : a to the purchaser, thereof, upon receipt: oaden pow 7 iOffice and t ie ‘OFM: t erk’s : . * pags y of the purchase price therefor ‘Plat Board so that new piets must first Offige be placed under the Corporation His feet trod heavy here, you see the Seas cr mer Te ee at, Wels] by Mr. Lge oe County Board of] _ Ow Teererere Te TS Reaseves ae —e : joer 958, Public orks and the ¥ of Detrott,, Mise. through its Board of. Water Commisston- Recommended by the Board of Public 3, ores sewage from the areas designated as the EVERGREEN SEWAGE DIs- tem and when sounines ‘ i Supervisors does hereby ap-| Whereas the 0: Board ef Public Works Is hereby author-| - 4 at the said bonds are to be is-/be referred to the Drain Commissioner | qouSse. ve ‘ ‘ ton Novembér 10, 1 : sued pursuant to the provisions of Act | for th. age sore being considered| “yroved by Cyril Miller supported by Is hollowed out and grooved from iwane coon Ree arenington tet severe a form of Agreement te we| pee See wee ey Be 1967. im anticipation et the payment of| Macomb County has Suggested certain |this matter to the Special Counts Gere]. ‘tep abart Gee Soe Uotted and dpctonen ie Cts a ned and|County Nef Oakland end’ the chy of of the . im anticipation o @ paymen this matter to the Spec. ounty Gov- e@ years allotted him, ® Secre' { : aic v Oakland an 2 the amounts to become due to‘the Coun-|smendments to the one-man Grand Juryiernment Committee for their recom- ; . sna se Mele _suthor a ee Hf directed to execut éliver o half} Bloomfield Hills, the City of Lathrup ; ty under said contract of November 10, ww. While your Committee does not en- mendation His body gone, hig thoughts will live of the County ef Canina reek ae Village.” the City of Birmingham, the 1958. which amounts aggregate the sum |dorse the principle of the one-man grand)" "g sufficient majority not having voted . Instead, of original copies of sald Agreement as|City of Southfield, the City of Troy, the of $6,175,000 with interest as therein pro-|JUry. it dees endorse the petoguetas as therefor, the motion lost. A comet blazed its way across the|S@\d officers may deem advisable. Village of Westwoor the Township of vided. treed by Macomb County in adding) "Moved by Cyril Miller supforted by sk Be rther Resolved that a copy-of| Bloomfield and the Township of Pontiac s of le 5. That the full faith and credit of|the following words to Section 3 o Davis the motion be amended that the The flame ts gone. The glow sald Agreement as ‘executed chal! be at-|for the acquisition, financing and epera- the County ts hereby pledged for the| Chapter T of the Code ef Criminal Pro-icosioman appoint s special committes never die. Wom WH ached to the taimeien ar le Meeting.|tion of the Evergreen Sewage Disposal] prompt payment of the principal of and|cedure: |from this Board to study the recom- t : Mr Thatcher moved the adoption of) System, and did authorize the Chairman shall| “Providing, any person called before. Mr. Chairman, the foregoing resolution. ' Secreta e Board of Public — = bends as the same sh I the Grand Jury shall be entitled to have | ™endation. majority not having voted membership of the Lowe . connie e motion Was supported by Mr. Hu- Works to execute said agreement subject = ‘ 6. That ail moneys paid to the Coun- legal counsel present at the time SUCD therefor. the motion lost the foregoing memorial for Harry J Posse let to the approval of this Board of Super-|y ty by the municipalities toward the cap-|testimony 1s given so that such witness, Vote on original motion: mitt be spread on the records of this| peo” Yol! call. the resolution was adopted visors, and Fouts tin . ital cost of said Evergreen Sewage Dis-|May be advised of his legal rights, and. | A. ete 8: majority having vated, Board and that a copy be forwarded ¢ by the following vote: Whereas this Board of Supervisors, “Huiet, Hurs: posa! System, pursuant to said contract Provided Purther, that such ‘egal coun. suilictent or y ted bd his surviving wife and to each r} °| AYES: Al'erton Alward’ Belyea, Ben-|on November 10, 1958. did by the passage fail van ‘Jenect, * Kis of November 10, 1958, shall be set aside sel at subject to. the same require. | Merefor. “hy Dian rapport’ by |children, et Gh pe oar Sree, Bekins Crey, cae rol hc ggennin gr eg cag poe Kno Levinson Locknad, ace . 4 r ments secrecy ess"' es A r awson renshaw, HAR pon 4 er ro! "Gee pokes | amend also leeison on of this Chap. | Thatcher that the recommendation o LLIAM C Croteau, Cummings, Davis. Dickenk Do-| Secretary of the Board of Pubile Works|Do' = [beg f . N | tee is The resolution ; lyour Sal-ries Committee that the salary was unanimously sup-|hany, J. W. Duncad R Duncan, F to execute and deliver on behalf of sald for the payment of the principal and in- Neue tir ean arene pie = of the Corporation Counsel be set at 6g ge by the Board. | Goodsneed. | Hamlin. Heacnct” Hoare County of Oakland said Evergreen Ser- meey. amet eaia't Some peg che Grand Jury not only to file a public ac- $12,500 Lge Lie asl We 11 b00 poe oe paid Moberly the beara’ adjourn’ abet 2 Pk Horkey, Horton, Hulet Hursfal! fn-/ age ery gr nee weekieet? “es make; Remer Schock, emann, “F 8m * ag - sé . ‘poration Counsel at %i1.! hg a c am, Johnson, rt, r Whereas Ss no et pons shall be substanitally in the follow-/count of al! monies disbursed by him POT@ . r the cali of the Chair Knowles, Lahtt, Levinson, Lockhart, "Met: certain amendments to said Agreement,|Smith, Sollev. aemen. eemeee, ities render such Led <'s ore its of] F rati 1 at : . : but to require also that such montes|the Assistant Corporation Counse A sufficient majorit " - cone 8 7 “= tor Batted States of America [shall be disbursed under the control and oe See ceo ton se! ar ik. “ therefor, the motion vara weres Crnrence Site Pye eer sachet tatned cy ay tg State of Michigan * _Jdirection of the County Board of Super- adopted. such salaries to be effective DELOS HAMLIN | Moberly O'Donoghue -Olderburg, Ollar | Sewage Disposal System Agreement . County’ cd Oakland _— sore ee heres — doe cbr tineed this daie. FLORENCE J. ALLEN Chairman cues, femien. Ramsey, Ransom Re- rd the Board of Supervisors at this mest- A. aufficient Gakland County Sposa, in ‘cient = . js er. Schock, Semann. Smith ne: an =-Bvergreen ‘System freee legislation ons by ead sen” iba mictinn serene voted | Clerk Smith Soliev. gtaman, abuhieneen, tint: Whereas the Oakiand County Seerd ot Serer, ~ Number $1,000 Supervisors Inter-County Recreation Moved by Staman supported by John- on ens, Swanson. Taylor. Thatcher Tiley,| Public Works, on December 10, ‘ Mr. Thatcher ; pa Committee which would permit counties son that Norman R. Barnard be em.. DECEMBER 22 1958 Tinsman, Voll, _ Webber. Weinburger;®pprove a form of Amendment To Ever- IN RE: COUNTY WA UY at DeLee ene a rations, Whbhee per ae etee ena at: plored. pe: Corperstion Goaceat’ tas Oak pene tine called to order by Chairman|Wrieht_ Yockey. fy) reen Sewage Disposa) Agreement be|IN RE: COUNT ot Publ, W the County of Oakland, Michigan, here-|Missions. While your committee does not land County effective at once to serve) Snvozatn. i inson : —— ° pone. io * ae Recon e ne ee Me alities, and did/Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gen : pid et soto -s~ or ihe are need for sua, Noguetaiion’ tor Ook (the balance of the existing term and! Roll Called” yb Ay preted Mohorty. Frid Hoare Rees yo b Datrid ‘authorite the Chairman and Secretary| Whereas . parosee, fot areatin ot vee ee i eet et fe ee ecom. tifor the year 1959 and) at the will of Bender, Boyer ‘Brenan) ey, | lewis Villy,” Rhinevai ‘lof the Board of Public Works to execute|the Departmen ec bearer, hereof the sum( of land County, it doe fecemmend thet the Board (thereafter), any resolutions! Castle, 'Ciece Ee law. C8TEYs| write gaage’ Riinevaart. (11) sald Atmoninent fo Wivecetnee beaanci bat 185 of the Public Ac Thousand’ Dollars we endorse this new act in principle. : ' ’ ee eck, Clark, Clawson, Crenshaw,| Mise. 3448 ; said Amendment To Everg s vee facilities and render se: onthe tat dey af ny AD. 18 to-| athe Drath of Uh Boar atins of he Hoard previa ade oteeg Comings ‘tBuncans Beate | Make ane oe Board ot Pobe|Beeeel Sram AEs Sapa ites Cretan tbe enn Ree ae : 3. : ; wR, ; 5 s v were Una , sa hoe] nr ea, at the take an Proposed new legisiation which would} AYES: Allerton, Alward, Belyea,| Fouts Goodspeed Himth., Hencock 4 RE AMENDMENT TO FARMING.| visors oek Sore J oe Ape uw ’ . Bender, Bonner, Brendel, Cardon, Carey,/ry, Hill, Horkey, Horton Hulet. Hursfalt| TON &®Wang DISPOSAL SYSTEM! Now Therefore Be tt Resolved that —____——_. (~~) per cénttim per tet uD Couasy tar bere, tent Drain|Castle, Christensen. Clack, @lark, Claw.| Ingraham. Johnson, Kelley, Kephart. Ki,|__ AGREEMENT the Board of Supervisors does hereby/ services or when one, or annum, payable May 1, 1969 and eons Commissioner, and his staff, have pre-/Son, Crenshaw, Croteau,, Cummings, /ser, Knowles. Laht!, Levinson, Lock-| Me Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen-;approve the said amen‘atory contract so bi and services retdered BY stah da- stay and Movceber Te mack teas’ Gan pared a new act to accomplish this. On|Davis, Dickens, Dohany, R. Duncan, |hart, MacDonald McCartney. McGovern, r Thatcher presented a copy of the and does hereby ag «rot Soa ih Chatce tident for the benefit of ita citizens, pritcipal and interest. hereof’ ere. pay.(recommendation of the Drein Gommigice |Pouts. Prid. Goodspeed. " Hafalin. Hes-|Menaiea Clarence Miller. Cyril Miller, Proposed Agreement amending Pa a-|the Board of Public Works by its ‘de-| and aan: ee Rapa Me ygireine Mor the Outted your Legislative Committee has camé}eock, Henry, Hill, Hoard, Holmes, Hor- ie =a f O'Donoghue, Olden: "tanh 7 of the Farmington Sewace Dis- yoo cach wanker ot ssigbenl coats ‘St a ereas the Township Board of West & n law ° . r, 1 $, n States ot America at pletely reviewed this new act and, after | tom, % Mevsfal. Ingraham, Joha-|, ansom Re-ner, eens "bumenn PF. bo" 1 1957, hetween the County of Mak.|sald amendatory agreement as said of-| Bloomfield Township and Smith, W Smith. Solley Staman Steph-//ao) a the affected muuicinatities ficers may deem advisable. services or when one or .” Kelley, Kephart, Kiser, Knowles, petal in the City of ——_—_—__—-—-_—_, upon |Making some minor changes, have ap-|s0n," Ke i wis, Lilly’ Leekhate 1 and presentation and surrender of ,this bond aan polar Fiche arg Mgr | Serteia enone ol rahe Govern. on Ti eee, Tarier, ThiAch.| which Proposed agreement was read to], Mr Thatcher moved the adoption of _ as have certain water systems op- aad the cous menete ae ey liber of the Board for study, These were|Menzies, Clarence Miller, Cyril Miller, burger. "wright “Yockey at ian | erferces 's In the followine resolution | Stpported by Mr. Ingraham. On roll call| erated by¢ the Oak! De | “nis bond 18 6 of a series of bpnds|forwarded to board members by the|Mitchell, Moberly, O'Donoghue, Olden-| present , TUPI Mr. Thatcuer stated. that the execution| the resolution Was Adopted by the tel ‘a haw mene St ous cee nap asto ma-|Committee Clerk on November 3, 1958./burg, Olar, Phillips, Quinlan, Ramsey, Moved by Cummings supported by|of said preemer*t had thie dav heen| lowing vote: of like date and tenor excep eee conrlir a are any questions rding this,|Ransom, Remer, Schock, Semann, F.lorenshaw the minute. of the previous| 8U*horized br the Roard of Public works | YEAS: Allerton, Alward, Belyea, Ben-| No. 185 of the turity sly in’ the direct “the direct oroer of their|/there are members of the Drain Com-|St ith, W. Smith, Solley, Staman, Steph- Peeting be @pproved. as printed | suntect ta e approvel of the County|der, Boyer, Brendel, Cardon, Carey, Cas-| that the consent of socvetioee te 1 to 0178 both inclusive,}Missioner’s staff present to answerjenson, Stevens, Taylor, : A sufficient ajority having voted, The’ following resolution was offered|tie, Clack, Clark, Clawson. Crenshaw, ¢ obtained to aggregating “the principal sum of Sirjthem. Your Legisiative Committee rec- ‘Tinesean. Voll, wees Yockey. (74) gt Soca er motion Ko ae ; _ joy Mr. Thatcher: = ] - : None. re cards o! anks from e) weet ntice RETIRE Gene een ee ee ee nee Sciuily having voted/families of Harry J Merrit, Harry | Supervisors of Oak’and County Anes here |Feuts, Goodspeed, Hamlin. jHeacoek, pmghlae grote a % at full con-| Mf. Chairman, on behalf of the Legis-|therefor, the motion carried. Kyser“and Charles W. Hamilton, (Placed|bY apvrove the Agresment dated De. pat Hil, Horke f, Berton, Kuies, pal ieciae Wide tae One titutt and Sta~|lative Committee, I move as follows: Moved by Staman_ supported by) on file.) cember 22, 1958, between the County of | fell, eran awe sot entie tee rid tee ad ‘he State of Michigan ont 0. 1. That foregoing reers be re-/Thatcher that Norman 8. Becton ge Cor- Prag ead ag? fi grants trom Wil- eae a. i eS “ Farming- "2 Th bMaeDonsia: MeCartney ae i of b ‘ y érein|poration Counsel, be authorized to em- ‘Hudson, . : e v . . Ee land | ae og ost T teak ter tee reer ae cass Ue epprovtd cs tant at te Gone. loy Charles A. Davis as first assistant; The Cosirmen recommended the ap-jof Keego rbor and City "0 iy gerera, Breve iencenpe “ baal a system able to se lic Acts of 1807, for the purpose of|made be =. - g bert P. Al-|pointment of Clayton G. Lilly and Frank Fre Poe eruantield, amending pare-| Miller. Mitchell. Moperiy O'D-s lars Chain We defraying the cost of the Evergreen Sew- 7 That : ration Counsel lhe|len as assistant Corporation Counsel. - Webber as members of the Board of ere of the agreement of November| Olden ae Ba omer Setmann tn stan of a isposal System. . 8 Public Works for three vear terms com-|1, 1957, between said narties providing|sey, Rat .. Romer, i | dbvis' said Bonds of this series’ maturing prior tolinstructed to. draft the appropriate nee, Be ee Le V8N9 8 me pemaee te tae for the’ establishment? financie avd om P. Smith. ‘Smith. Solley, Staman, May 1, 1975 are not subject to redemp-jamendments or new laws to carry out th erator. * motion ¢ _ Moved by Lockhart supported by Good-leration of the Farmington Sewage Din Stephenson, Sidvens. “Swanson Talyor. nate i) * D. = © Whereas the partment of Public “sa, % Sid “repna "on" she'“dverbea tyson fia, Adon tr ube Caf : ds maturing|the foregoing recommendations. . 1 . the Board apptov. appoint-/Posal System, so that said Paragraph 7 tcher. Filev - Tina se It Webber, : ; : on and ater May. is from time 8 Sion ‘be tor sarded by the Gounty IN RE! MEM AL FOR HARRY J ments recomm by x e “chalrman will rend 85 soltowe: “ mat Weinburger, his“ Yookey, (74) and ict been - 18. Oakland cane ceoencing, ont soon to Pegeags avea et SP exrtae aL ee Say fits seein | tig pss fore faing Spee! ede Wea MANTUA REPERZ] BME al curutonan, Pre at MA tthe BESS tts tS He Oaklea 0 eac. ; , | or the As spec . e its nm r the ! ‘ : ‘ ’ P \ P me prong ovis te pa A ps good one or|Legisiature srpreecuet be RD 7 ol County Board of Super-: aa , erton, Alva : Belyea. Berr prompt n payinent of the ateroeeld obliga- Beera, seimee. “Hldson, Lewis, Lily,|/and J is cocem menmee to this 4 mm Lot 4 ‘ ; LEGISLA | r, er, e erase, ey, Cas-| tons eac r levy a tax isors * Mine’ 1. 107k. Bonds. called for. redemp- “JOHN G. SEMANN, From our midst has departed oneltig, Clack, Clark’ Clawsad, Cretilmw,| in an amount Suen anton ine cornid AMENDMENT 10 evERO RFE tion shall be tedeemed at the par value} Chairman es whe | hes een a 4 y 8 Croteau, Cummings, Davis, Dick ens De: Ation p estimated delinquencies, in tx col: SEWAGE AL SYSTEM thereof and accrued interest plus a pre- CARL F. INGRA "“T55s ‘at the age of 62. AD of ts will any, J. W. ca, i ¢ , & be te | ben cordance wi RNO ‘ speed, Hamlin, Heacock | flenry: pt payment of any amoilat falling) This Agreement made this ———/ to 9 fin | mium.on each bond in accordance with yon supported by Hulet|miss Harry Merritt, who, as Corpora-| ii Horne Horton, Hulet. Hursfall, In- She "eters the time. of the’ following tax! day of —-————, by and petw-en| obligations to the cougty since all h | wing schedule: ‘ Moved b ippor 7 See | eile ; : ; ¥ , : TY ™ higan| connected with the operation | oh on of after|the resolution be tion Counsel for Oakland County since am, seange, Kephart, Kiser, collection, une te time of making) the Goon QF OAKLAND, a Michigan e S the individual bé redeemed "sn thal v hall be cash on|county ¢ ( F. Called| tenance will be borne fent- majority he vote d/1639, & good that “on Know, Lahti, Levinson, } rt, Me- ¥' re she ty ‘ ‘ gus if dalled te Po ccmand ox of atter|therefor, the resolution was adopted. very day that he was stricken = ai vs Mociovera, Menzies, Clarence; hand (as ey “for in paragraph 2./the “county”, party of the first part,’ users of said system, é . bar ran ev : . : i ] 5 ' ; a , a Dis- posal bonds— dealt be . oe dated January 1, 1988; shall be num- Excess over funds provided ........ . $ 47,573.08 bered consecutively in ‘the direct order Plus funds advanced, on @ loan basis, as e od baal a trom 3 to 6.178, both Usted above se ieerenteprteererenssece 744,019.14 -%, n ve; ail be in denomi: = ? : ration in Oak s of $1,900 each; shall bear interest at a °* prog TOTAL APPROPRIATION OVER- Whereas the Oakland Coun some 64 rate or rates to be hereafter determined County DRAPT, OCT. 31, 1958........... -° » $ 791,592.22 a P se " oa RY Southfield) ; i with, alt attended not exceeding six all gs of the first day of Janu. + oa oa mpened and the CITY OF HARBOR and pum. tbe. g the net expenditures for theifatai ilineds, we reappointed him to his OF OAKLAND, —. ee re tll My ~— Saanatiog’ se ears red f nga mesting aa "Oct ber City ITNESSETH oA . q ~ | cur! at cur last meet on Octo! 3 as Mor — - and annie esa. the eanscat Relief Be that Ha is _ look Hd — ; re t any dif e ‘ : $ ow try is gone, we can rough the a ; oe Moy 1, mee —— of its Board of rane wa a, ae i dee ee neck on “~ good life thas he lived and Ba ne ae from the areas ichmont, Sensing cash. ab su bonds and tm... ay I, ‘. pervisors ma’ 168, 106. ; . fine representation of our interests shall be cancelled. May 1, 1962 By Wherefore, Mr. Chairman, I move that!here in Oakland County. While he served posal District and authorize the “ by County In Witness Whereof, the Lrg Ragen ba ‘nen tot ee May 1, 1963 . Its, County. Clerk the foregaing report be accepted and the/us his advice, 1 tetpal the To the| have ca this agreement een ae 5 : = May 1, 1964 t Staind (Coupon) _|action of the Ways and Means Commit-iconcept kept pace with the great de- execute said Agree- cuted and delivered we fe Ay yo day] posed Sees May 1, 1965 ; um ‘he lal ' ‘ $——— tee in authorizing the advance, on @ loan|velopment of our area. . the approval of this hg <4 ‘s duly authorized bangs nd Whereas May 1, 1966 » 120, 6 SLs »,AD. 19—-| basis, from the Medical Care Pactlity of] Harry Merrit! w of rvisorss ‘ is ane Footy A pron May 1, 1967 i e County of Oakland, Michigan, will! s199 900.90 and from the Indigent Hous- lawyer but the! Therefore Be It. Resolved that this — ity ego May 1, 1968 | : pay to the Se sum — ing Pund of $100,000.00 at its meeting great outdoors. As the Board of ye Of} Whereas the parties hereto desire te May 1, 1969 y Touliee Steter ern money of thé /held on November 6, 1958, be ratified andiserved in the opening lines of his ‘““Than- Seno” an » Big Bee: amend paragraph 7 of contract May 1. 1979 180. nited States o Pig gl the ——— : atopsis”: “To him who in the love of Public Works — Therefore It Is Hereby Agreed by and May 1, 1971 . » fe c ~ The interest|,. Purther that your honorable body su-|nature holds communion with her visible! fecrenre WG authorized and di-| between the pa that para- May 1, 1972 , des ae tat dae ee Ee une Cannt|thorise the Clerk of this Board to amend/forms, she speaks a various language.”’| Taph 7 of said contract of November 1, May 1, 1973 . = on, a ~ re OUN-iMiseelianeous Resolution No. 3430 as Marry was & good poet as well. He the fos is hereby amended to read in its en. May 1, 1974 2.0... 002... 200,000 fe ate "ica tone 1950, No |adopted on October 6, 1958, said resolur|wrote many poems th: tirety as "Yellows: May 1. 1935 ............ 210.000 yetem, january 1, 1959, No. “|ttom dealing with the confirmation of a thoughts and phflosop 7. unie} does May 1, 1976 ....... e+-ee 220,000 Chairman of the Beara. the Board of loan to the Gen Relief Pund amount-jhaps one of the most expressive was May 1, 1977 .....4....44 230,000 Supervives ing to $234,019.14 striking out thejwritten by Harry in 1932—he ca it : May 1, 1978 sercee 240,000 s lwording (not repay: ) preceding that “View Point”: eting - May 1, 1978 ........ «».. 250,000 County Clerk thus such wording of ne i've no regrets for yesterday r adoption of} 2 May 1, 1980 ........... + 260,000 & That the seid bonds ‘shall not be|foree or effect. And none, for year solution. tion May 1, 1981 .........5-. 270,000 issued_untis the M Com- Pe WAYS AND MEANS COMMIT- What joys I m ll hav¢ today, motion was supported by Mrs. May 1, 1982 ee ceecene 280.000 mission of the State of Mich shall TEE " TH not the futdré*fear. “* a - 4 May 1. 1963 .......:.... 290.000 eee Oe etd ta oan ichigan PRED W. SMITH. Chairman On roll-¢all. the resolution was adopt- ‘ Mey 1. 106 ........-.0- SAO | REET, Savas Ms ender exanting pas- R. C. CUMMINGS - ‘The Now is what I must surpass, wing vote: May 1, 1965 .....5..+0.. 310.000 ee ON Pee eee io Act No. DAVID LEVINSON If Life to me’d be kind May 1, 1986 .......... «+ 328.000 amended, ona the Board of Public Works HILAND M,. THATCHER Tomorrow then will never come May 1, 1987 ......000+.. 338,000 through ‘its Director is hereby suthor- ORPH C. HOLMES - And yesterday's behind. May 1, 1988 ......:..... 335,000 and directed to a FRANK J. VOLL, SR. May 1, 1989 325,000 Time does not panse o'er my regrets Wherea about (12) County employees Means Committee, and with th eligible to participate in/ the the Drain Committee. move the adoption of the foregoing reso-| the Li ba . WAYS AND MEANS COMMIT. age Whereas it is estimated that th lution. will be about $13800 per employes ora ef BE at Aen the sus te 3 Inter-Count: ; pervisors be.\advised that Oakland 73 & Moved by PF. Smith 1,500; cock the resolution be A sufficlent mafority That a sum'not in excess be a urteted Srem the 1609 , purpose be pended by the Board of Auditors as needed: . Ha fi id a & d Fs Fe .OF FUNDS FOR To the Oakland County Board of Super- visors ; Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: At the meeting of this Board heid November 10, | | : Be & That a lution be forwarded Comm i FI z 2 § gf Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Ways and Means Committee, and with currence of the Inter-County Commit- tee, I move the adoption of the forego- ing resolution. a tj ' F g 5 : 7 z = i 2 E » R Resolution No. 44), e rd may be continually of the mounting deficit ing from ee ccna — CAREY mit the following Moved by F. th supported by Levin-iperiod from son the resoluti be adopted 30 which are peculiar to such a wae . ropriation for year 1958 ounty’s share (70%).... oP | Transfer of monies from other funds, on @ loan basis, previously confirmed by s. No, 3415, 9/8/58 » No. 3430, 10/6/58 ...6..0...4... Misc. Res. No. 3444, 11/6/58 ........... Transfer of monies from oth “| @ loan basis, authorized Means Committee on 12/9/58, action not eed confrimed by this Board: ica. eee ii th atlas cl Garage Revolving ... | Central Heating Revol te Laundry Revolving Total funds agvanced on loan basis..... TOTAL 1956 APPROPRIATION, RE- PTS AND LOANS ADVANCED... Less expenditures, including commitments to November 30, 1956: S8—County’s share (70%) ...... ceeseere eee rere er ey on behalf of the Legis- move EXCESS OVER FUNDS PROVIDED... Plus funds advanced, on a loan basis, as‘ listed above .._. emesis Pees capex et. TOTAL APPROPRIATION OVERDRAFT NOVEMBER 36, 1958 sé Wherefore, Mr. Chairman, I move that| ing report be accepted and the/each the Ways and Means Commit- the Medical Care Pacil- By Mr. FP. smith ® To the Honorable Mr. Chairman, sentatives from Oakland County, and to Board of sors in the State Board of Pom need Sore tlemen: Ladies and Gen en: Whereas Act 251 of the Public Acts of 1047 (M.B.A. —e empowers the au 2 thorize y of the Genera) Pund of the cost. of surety bonds for an loan basis, from ¢ ity, Salaries Reserve, Garage Central Heating Revolving and Laundry Revolving fynds 6f the sums above men- tioned and totaling $250,000.00 on De- ber 9, 1958, be ratified and con WAYS AND MEANS COMMIT- FRED W. SMITH, Chairman R CUMMIN: the 50/50 match- in the state welfare appears the best interests of the County that the cost of such bonds sh 3 BMoved re i) by. Philli the resolution be ado ted . " Moved by Mitchell supported by ham this matter be referred to WA polioens oat rity havi ed su nt majority having vot JOHN CAREY therefor, the motion carried. s Moved by F. Smith supported by Cum-/misc. 3468 ngs the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Now therefore be te gi Officer, his deputy or de: f shall be hs ty out of the General Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Ways and Means Committee, I move the tion of the foregoing resolution. WAYS ‘AND MEANS ii FEE tion to provide state in the cost of Leper at 10/1 mill. Statewide in én and of Pri- Application and of f By Mr. Staman IN RE: MEMORIAL FOR CHARLES W. HAMILTO! e To the Oakland Copnty Board of Super- Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: Whereas Charles W. Hamilton of Novi died on November 6, 1968 at the age of Whereas he was an honored and re- specte@ citizen in his community and a of this Board of Super- Now therefore be it resolved that he be memorialized by the ent Board's tu g at fol- i f : MEMBERSHIP OF SPECIAL Saar GOVERNMENT STUDY To the Oakland County Board of Super- visors Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: Miscellaneous Resolution No. “by this. Board on October . 1957, authorized the Chairman to ap- point a continuing committee of nine (9) bers to study Ya government of pe he membership of the Com- ad in said resolution, one of the Board of Auditors and the Corporation Counsel, and Whereas your Committee, after being ration @ little over a year, rec- @ representative Board of Auditors and Corporation Counsel unt, |should continue as members of the Com- W. SMITH, Chairman : | s 5 Hi 5. th supported by Cum- mings the resolution De adepeed. A sufficient mafori therefor. the resoltition was ty having vo t ed ie 3 Fe on November 22, he merried Emma Lorenz who now survives him. He was a ‘ominent farmer in Novi and & mem- r and Treasurer of the Board of Edueation of the Novi-Stone Schoo] Dis- trict for several years. He served urer of Novi Townshi when he was elected Township Su in. which capacity he served until 1934.) clerk ter a _ ‘ear service with the Michi- nt of Agriculty: he was appointed to ~ former Oakiand les W. Northville, Miehiga 1887 and in 1! | f RE: To the Honorable Boa: Mr. Ladies . = Whereas Sec Revised Statutes of 1846, (MS.A, 5.681-2) require a ny if tt iD PEEL 3 a ~ we * i re FF: iF ! i capacity since action basi y recommendations to 1937 to ; County. Social! Welfare Board was or- zed in and the Corporation Counsel, I mov that Miscellaneous Resolution be amended ‘so that the member of the Board of Auditors and the Corporation Counsel will continue on said Commit tee in an advisory and non-voting ca- pacity; Be it further pgs os that said Resolu- C) n ed in all other re- r. Chairman, I move that adoption foregoing resolution. s L co al He retired on fiton was a. member of the Lod Fellow: well as the timist Club of Northville and a member of ee St. Paul's Lutheran orth ville During his more than 30 years in gov- ernmegtal service for his township, coun-| ty and’ state. Mr. Hamilton was known for his devotion to the many signed him and for his quick wit and dry humor. He often was referred. to as the “Will Rogers” of Oakland County. All who knew him enjoyed his friend- ship and his fun loving nature. Tn addition to his wife, he leaves a son Lawrence, a daughter Mrs. Marian oy Se and a granddaughter Muriel with s deep sense of regret that Board has to place in its minutes this record of the loxs of a faithful pub- lic servant who formerly served as a member of this Board. To the members of his family, this Boa “eegnes| its sincere chigan, Be it further resolved that the cost of be paid from the General Fund airman, on behalf of the Ways Means Committee, I move the op: MEANS COMMIT- PRED W, SMITH, Chairman powers of the Count to enable it to reject roposed ts if the JOHN L. i wo! ie for an advisory com-| Moved by F; Smith supported by Carey mittee to the County Plat Board to be ad. be jority having voted! Moved by Carey ‘su L3 was adopted. ham the resolution be ad . A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 3467 ipported by Ingra- opted Mise, 3461 . By Mr, PF. Smith . IN. RE: BO "the Count: ‘Plann To the Honorable fo a of RE id County mn ‘° ra o : here such an agency Ladier POR COUNTY REORGA To the Oakland County Board of Super- {| visors .|Mr, Chairman, Ladies and Gentl Whereas the Spec’ ment Study Committee is established. If permissive. Regional in Application and of Sec-+ is & Mr. Chairman, I move be spread this meeting and that certif rded to his wif nd ce hereas the Committee recognizes the for a simple flexible constitutional amendment that will allow Judge has at the Bond of the Oa! County Treasurer be fixed in the amount 00; im Now therefore be it resolved that. the of the kland Count amodnt of $3000.00 as ud to. the: Court be and the same is hereby ap- Oakland County Board of Supervisor: h ‘mest the ppltestion and of Pri-| ne ‘tporta ty. Legislation ‘requiring ty having voted visots ines to be at ea block, obst; appoint. we by led end next project cost } ill si ' ty Raving voted ouse | therefor, Se carried. readily y the t which wil] grant to counties self deter- vernmental structure such Be it further resolved the cost of the Bond be paid from the ‘General Fund ‘ofthe County. : | R! the misst and? De. MEANS COMMIT- of Public Works as subject a ido in Mcation and of Sec- Amendatory legislgtion te permit the volved. amend certain paragraphs in the bond resolution. The pr proceedings which I will present tor your seme nor tion have been approved by the rd of Public Works. Mise. 3460 _ * > IN RE: EVERGREEN SEWAGE DIS- POSAL SYSTEM Mr. Thatcher presented the revised estimate referred to in the fol filed with the County Cler k. 2 Mr. Thatcher offered the following resol 4 ution; : Be it resolved that the revised esti- te of $6,919.000 as the cost, and 40 and upwards period of the foregoing resolution, which mot! . was supported by Mr. Yockey . call, the resolution wes adopt-! Se mee Se e108 & the following vote: { vote: :» Allerton, Alward, Belyes, Bender, Boyer, Brendel, Cardon, Carey, Christensen, Clack, Clark, Ch 00'ens, Dohany, R. Duncan, Pouts. Frid, Hamlin, Heacock, Henry, Hill, Hoard, Holmes, Horkey, Hudson, Hulet, Hursfall, Ingraham, Johnson, Kelley, Kephart., khart, M McGovern, ence Miller, Mitchell, Mi y, O'Don- oghue, Oldenburg, Oilar, illips, Quin- Semann, P. Strith, Solley, Staman, Steph- enson, Stevens, Swanson, Taylor, Thatcher. Tiley, Tinsman, Voll, Webber, Weinburger. Wright, Yockey. (71) - NAYS: None (0) . Discussion followed. Mr, R. J. Alexander, Deputy Director of Department of Pubii¢g Works, stated that in his opinion, the $200 tie- in charge to Southfield residents would cover additional costs of the Evergreen Sewage Disposal) System. Mise, 3470 IN RE: EVERGREEN SEWAGE DIS8- POSAL SYSTEM Mr, Thatcher presented a proposed amendatory Evergreen Gewage Disposal System agreement to be dated February 9, 1960, between the County and the sev- eral mrinicipalities to be served by said system. A copy of this proposed agree- mast appears in Misc. Resolution No 4 Mr. Thatcher offered the followtng resolution : ‘ Resolved that the Board of Supervisors does hereby approve the said amendatory agreement and does hereby authorize ‘land direct the Board of Public Works by {ts Chairman and. Secretary to/®* Of the cost of acquiring said system which execute and deliver such number of original copies thereof as said officers may deem advisable. Mr, Thatcher moved the adoption of the foregoing resolution, which motion was supported by Mr. Lilly. ¢€ 1 reli call the resolution was adopted by the following vote: YEAS: Allerton, Alward. Belrea, Bender, Boyer, Brendel, Cardon, Carey, Castle, Christensen, Clack, Clark, Clew- son, Crenshaw, Crotenu, Cummings, |Dickens. Dohany, R. Duncan, Fouts, Prid, Hamlin, , Heacock, Henry, Hill, Hoard, Holmes, Horkey, Hudson, Hulet, Hursfall, Ingraham, Johnson, Kelley, Kephart, Kiser, Knowles, Lahti, Levin- son, Lilly, Lockhart, McCartney, M Govern. Clarence Miller. Mitchell, Mot erly, O'Donoghue, Oldenburg,‘ Oilar, Ripe. Quinlan, Ramsey, Remer, RMinevault, Schock, Semann, F. Smith, Solley. Staman, Stephenson, Stevens. Swanson. Taylor, Thatcher, Tiley, Tins- man, Voll. Webber, Weinburger, Wright, Yockey, (71) NAYS: None (0) Mise. 3471 IN.RE: EVERGREEN SEWAGE DIS- POSAL SYSTEM . Mr. Thatcher presented to the Board of Supervisors a certified copy of a reso- lution adopted by the County Board of Public Works on January 30, 1950, fix« ng the amounts of the several annual in- {istallments to be paid to the County by the municipalities in the aggregate, un- der the contract of November 10, 1958, as amended, covering the $6,919,000 esti- mated cost of the Evergreen Sewage Dis- posal System. These amounts correspond with the annual bond maturities in the bond resolution hereinafter set forth. By unanimous consent, the said reso- tution was ordered filed with the County TK. Mise. 3472 IN. RE: OAKLAND COUNTY DISPOSAL BONDS — EVERGREEN SYSTEM P Mr. Thatcher offered the following bond resolution which had been ap- proved by the Board of Public Works on January 30, 1959. Whereas the Board of Supervisors did on the 10th day of November, 1958, adopt Misceli Resolut No. 3441 au- —— the issuance of $6,175,000 ment dated November 10, 1958 between the County of Oakland and the several Municipalities lying wholly or partly within the Evergreen Sewage Dispose! District has been amended by an agree- ment dated Decemer 22, 1958 which reads as follows: . Amendment to Evergreen Sewage posal System Agreement This agreement made this 22nd day of December, 1956, by and between the County of Oakland, a Michigan county corporation (hereinafter called the “county’'), party of the first part, and the City of Birmingham, the City of Bloomfield Hills, the City of Lathrup Village, the City of Troy, the City of Southfield, the Village of Westwood, the Township of Bloomfield and the Town- ship of Pontiac, municipal corporations in the County of Oakland. (hereinaf ngjcalled the ‘“‘municipalities”), parties of the second part. Witnesseth: agree that paragraph 7 .of a certain ted rovem 10, 1958, be- jtweén said parties providing for the construction and financing of the Ever~ green Sewaze Di System, and the Operation La vir be and the same is aval instaliments, numbered { direct rder te ege: . e nstaliment ag to all mu- Nicipalities shall be determined by the Board of Public Works prior to the time ft shall submit to the Board of Super- ; n@ fesolution or apg re tota w each municipality is required to pay computed in accordance with the : , Thia agreement Pebruary, 1959, the City ef Birms m, the Cit Bloom ,. SEWAGE) laneous amended end paragraphs 2, 3, 5, 8, 9 and ter|Said paragraphs Nos. 1 th kia of Six Million Nine Hun Thousa: CITY OF SOUTHFELD By DONALD L. SWANSON Mayor By PATRICK G. FLANNERY Clerk ' CITY OF LATHRUP VILLAGE By RICHARD N. COGGER Ma orion ¢. Danst By ‘AV. BLOCK Clerk Whereas the estima cost of acquir- ing the said Evergreen Sewage Disposal \System has been increased from $4 175,- |000 to $8,919,000, which latter estimate has been approved | dhe Sease of Pub- 3 ber eee ee abd ne et id pursuant to said contract 10, 1958, as amended, has t Sth day of “county”), rty of the first part, ant lage, the City of Troy, the City of South- itt the Vii —s Westwood, the Town- ship ef Bloom Pontiac, fi corp ton in \County of Oskiand ‘hereinafter called the “municipalities’”’}, parties of the sect ond part, ld and the Township of i the Witnesseth : Whereas. the parties hereto did enter into @ certain agreement dated Novem- ber 10, 1958 for the acquisition, financ- ing and operation of the Evergreen Sew- mo Disposal System, paragraph 7 a: which agreement was amended by an ted December 22, 1958, and was in the sum of hgradios ange Migros t new estimate to be made of such acquisi- tion cost, which is in the sum of $6,. Er 919,000; Therefore it ts that the of Public Works aon pene ag acquisition and financing of the —-#ver- green Sewage Disposal System under vised estimete were the or! i estimate; and that this agreement Hi be retro- active as of January 29th, 1959. |. In witness whereof the parties hereto /°7 have caused this agreement to be execu- ted and delivered by thelr respective duly authorized officers, all as of day and year first above written. By iis SOARS OF Poms y *WORKS uc By seieneiinmen:cemiensnsen Chairmén ed OF BIRMINGHAM ~ : Mayor y Clerk CITY OF TROY By Mayor '¥ Clerk oa OF BLOOMPIELD HILLS 7 Mayor iy. Clerk oF OF SOUTHFIELD ¥ Mayor By Clerk ter crry OF LATHRUP VILLAGE dv Mayor y Clerk . Ve OF WESTWOOD y President y Village Clerk . TOWN: P OF BLOOMFIELD By c Supervisor ¥ es Township Clerk. ~ TOWNSHIP OF PONTIAC’ graphs 1, 4, 6 and 7 of said Miscel- Resolution No, 3441 are hereb 10 thereof are hereby a eer so that ru resolution will read as follows: nty of nd, ating the — al sum nd Dollars ($6,919,000) be iss for the purpose of detray the cost af acquiring a pir gi age Dig- 5 at sa: de sh own as “Oakland County Sew: 5 osal Bonds — Evi be aston System” shall 1, 1960 -.....400...9 99,000 May 1, 1961 ............ 100,000 May {, 1962 wsieiveeiss. 110,000 May 1, 1068 .ccescenses. 110,000 000 May 1, 1964 i...cveese., 120, ¢ 1965 Feavacsvares 125,000 + OB. casescesssse 190,000 May 1, 1067 sesseveecees 145,000 epee ee tear! POP neers es ebicciges oe £87 Ect: F- g * i é é 3 E | ; : i vig Hi. - ri i rE H bul Z rT i - f 4 : 8 fl l z é 1 3 & 1 i Vy e ee. fot +4 etedet Ei an-| Used solely for the cipal and interest authorized. 4 1%. That said bonds and attached cou- TN be substantially im the fo!- made by and between the! County of Oakiand, Michigan county |? corporation a etreulated @ Hewspaper or p in the City of Detroit, Michigan, which pers of the pone J. VOLL, SR. By it L, pee ens was adopt- mig nship jing rest to their respective dates of Acte year 1959 as pro La RE; SUPERVISORS INTER-COUNTY edby the following vote Southiield andthe Chiy of een want maturity |Submitted “by Mr. Thateher iVihereas the City Counell. of the; Gig |fisions of ection 45.961 of the Compiled ea = Smith supported by Taylor) COMMITTEE A : Award. Belye@ ites aia enter ete c cers ‘are That the prinetpal of said bonds|a4r. an, Ladies and Gentlemen: |ot Keego Harbor did on December 16 |L@¥% of 1948. To the Oakland County Board of ‘Supere, Bender, Boyer, Brendel, Cardon, Carey.jdaied November | 199] forthevseenn and the interest thereon hall be pey-| “T offer the following resolution which/1958 adopt a resolution requesting Mr, Centres, oe ee wt alice a ‘majority Roving voted) | visors Ree Scan tack: Gark Gecclee” oe Tieration “of th, {able tm lawful money of the United/was approved by the Board ‘of Public\County of Oakland. Dy and throngh the and Means Comasitine 1 move teat Se anata, wee matin Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: sou. Ore =. Duncan Parmington ‘Sewage Disposal” ply co compaay, 88 ahall'be designated oy oo aS Chee menting ot Jeneary 30. Board of Public Works, ‘to enter into @ Fortomanes pliner as steam the fore-|By Mr. F. Smith ad e Frid, Hamlin, B k, “Hill. coay amecdes t b fy thicn agreement wasthe original purchaser of the bonds. Suc h Whereas as of February 21, 1958 the! tion and pom pan Nag os Pane report * . tenes, Hursfall, rele - ieee: *. Serocmens dated el x have the right to name Board of ey, am al pe Coun: posal System within’ the City of £ M tter t t r bam. ease. Keliey. = : Whereas subsequent to Nov ro.i.3 Thas etieins of the Board of pcs we aro ‘John P. MeCollum. Regional pry oe sie . Kaa ba cen Act Know lab McQ Ciar, | 1957. the City of Southfield was ral upervisors d the County Clerk, of|administrater of the Housing and Home Whereas A will n i be pM t th gee ence Miller Mitehel Meheriy, O'Dea- Tow: a Hector A vader Bgecsme the ie ge Pera Pong hereby au-|Pinance cy, the address of Which piedge the full faith and credit ae of ‘Se * 7 : m-|rownship of Southfield, which territory 't and ted te saidiis Room 2000. at 10% West Adams Street, County of Oakland behind the bends pro- it — . Rhinevaull, Schock, /*° incerperated ineuldes sil of the area vonds for and on bebait of the ‘said ung 3, Minis, filed in duplicate. posed to be issued to construct said by the Sonname Smi Soliey, Staman. served by the Parmington ‘Sewage jeounty and to affix the seal of said/“Application For Advance Por Public syctem, and HN L. 1 Swanson, Taylor Disposal System; a {eounty thereto, gy to execute = im-|Works Planning”, dated February 25, Wh. hi 40} s Voll. Webber.|. Wherems pursuant to said nt of terest coupons be attached said! 1958: and mene [3 . cmeiraotain, Ry said oe Moved by F. Smith s ted by Hulet |1957, Theteher, Tier. Tswana) ‘Imevembet 1 1891, as amended the Oak, bends by causing te be aifized thereto, iene, the Oakland County. rent. | 86 sions under the Agreement aoa. wets tone ro. land County Board of Public Works did: | their facsimile signatures; and that Board of on April) - greement de A sufficient majority having vot Ww are NAYS: None. (0) attechea ft Supervisors Pril) November 1, 1957, as weil as protecting|therefar, the tion was adopted. (County as Mise. 474 secure an estimate of the cost of ec- the execution of said bonds*and 1958, under Miscellaneous “Resolution| the public health and welfare of Mise a3 ment ineur IN RE PARMINGTON SEWAGE DIS-|Sum of $900,000; and ne WA 1D the ceanerensurer of sald county Gbe te were |e et Pan Pir noma Ng rg go ofleftisens to be served by “said. system, [By wf Smith the coy 5 oY Water io vt to o:l\er autho . ; 19 Sgetrnchss eericn 2 nt ae ary m eaten. | Now therefore be it resolved that ~ In : PERRY STREET PAVING reirabu probe merepresented 8 tion bids the Board of Public Works |said bonds and attached coupons to the|and “ ‘ Jenter into’ a eoutrect with the Cit of land Coun t Super-|the 2 Se smendatery — ee ae youaty — = = cowld not be ac- Lowbmotd Loreen upon receipt of the| wWh-reas under date of January 6, *980.! cooee ne pola sonaintion Jee te ee Oa ty Board o! the q within the said estimated cost | pur P erefor. fs sion . Loe ecthal es te Oe served ‘wy =" ae ee See ee ts eat oe Deen at ak vostey of Public warns, tests an ghd igre CHty subject to “final ‘te Your’ Ways’ and Means ¢ Committee Ba the severa. such acquisition cost, sued rsusnt to provisions of Actit a ric. x B cl ggg ot Strecdlla neces | “Tach, 12 im the sum of 95.107.000; and [Mo 18,cf the Michigan Public Acte of ing by and" ‘Through the ‘Moustag_ané|" Sat chasese t tesee: the adoption of\iowes nad as for the Cou satation wo hie. = sake ectae further ameudinenta te tee smounts to eceni | due to the coun: un ae ea t sna "9399 e00 ts (ine foregoing resolution. _ The eet = Pontiac has forwarded a it G en im ad Mr. Thatcher offered the following isaid contract of November 1 7, ty under said —, of N ber. 1, aid or, plan prep-| HILAND @ special] assessment levy Rested thei that the Board ef Supervisors does heréby approve the said amend- atery agreement and does hereby au- thortze and direct the Board of blie Works by its Chairman and Sec te execute and deliver such number o original ies Weereet as said officers deem advisable Mr. Thatcher moved the adoption of the foregoin. Se rreT which motion i Lilly. On roll chit ther résolution was edopt- he f w vote ot As: Aber cont Alward, Belyea, . Boyer, Brendel, Cardon, Carey, Clack, Clark, Ciaw- mr Castie, Christensen. Hi ‘ von, Crenshaw, Croteau, Cummings, Dickens, Doheny Fouts, { Prid, Hamlin, Heecock, Henry, Hoard, Holmes, ey. Hudson, Hulet, | Hursfall, Ingraham, Johnson, Kelley K Kiser, Knowles, Labit, Levin- i son, Lewis, Lili, Lockhart, McCartney McGovern, Clarence iv, tehell, Moberly, O* ue, Oldenburg. -— ty , : Phi . Quinlan, Rhinevault, Schock, Semann, —, Stama: Pp 4 Thatcher. Tiley, Tins- ‘ebber, Weinburger, Wright, (a) IN RE PARMINGTON SEWAGE DIS- — SYSTEM. Thatcher presented to me Board of Sabersisare a vertified copy reso- lution adopted by the County Board of jt: Public Works on January 30, 1969, fix- the amounts of the several annua! installments to be paid to the County by the municipalities in the raga -- der the contract of November 1, 1957, amended, covering the $5,107,000 esti- mated cost of the Farmington Sewage Dispossi stem. These emounts corre- spofid with the annue!l bond maturities tn the bond résolution hereinafter set forth. By unanimous consent, the sald resolu- ion, was ordered filed with the County r isc. 3476 IN RE: FARMINGTON SEWAGE DIS- POSAL SY Mr. Thateher offered the following ainendatory bond resolution and stated that the same had been approved by the) Department of Public Works Whereas the Board of Supervisors did on the 24th day of January, 1958, adopt Miscellaneous lution No. 3341 pro- viding for the issuance by the County of ‘ Oakland of ang aoe “Oakland County Sewage Disposal Bo: nds—Farmington Sys- tem” to be dated July 1, 1958, and Whereas subsequent thereto the agree- ment dated November 1, 1957, between the County df Oakland and the several municipalities hi fao wholly or partly within the Farm = Se Disposal District was nimens ny i Mg agreement bar Desenter 22, 1958, which reads as foil Amendment . Porming}en avee : Disposal System Bho agreement goed this 2nd sag of ember, 1958 by and between the Laces of Oakland, a Michigan County Corporation (hereinafter called the “County’), the ae psi Farmington, a Michigan Townsh oration in Oakland Count uthfield. a Michigan city. Carperation in Oakland cont (whose terri was formerly * part of the Township of Southfield); and the City of Lota 2 Har- bor, a Michigan City Corporation tp Oakland County, © 2% Witnesseth: Whereas on the ist day of November, 1957 a contract. in respect to the estab- lishment, financing and operation of the Farmington Sew Disposal Gysiem was sutered into by the County of Oakland, guaskiy of Farmington, the Town- hoe BS West Bloomfield, the Township of Southfield (now the City of Southfield in retary lof November 1, (November i -j time Therefore it 1s agreed by and between the parties heretc as follows: 1. That the City of Southfield shal! Southfield as a | ate to said contract 1987, as amended. 2. That the Board of Public Wores, shell proceed with the acquisition and financing of the Parmi ! System under sa agreement of | . 1957, as amended, upon the oasis of an estimated cost of $5,107,000: bog = perry shall be construed) the the said revised estimate were! © ae ~ oF estimate. at Bonin dog! § of said agree-| enna of 3957, is hereby! amended to read as follows: 5. amount to be paid by each! municipality shal) be divided into 30 an-j nual installments, numbered im direct -\order ef their maturities. The aggregate @mount of each instaliment as to -al!l! maseirentes shall be determined by the Board of Public Works prior to the it shall submit to the Board of pervisors a bond resolution or ordi- nance, which aggregate amount shall be divided between the municipalities on the basis of the total percentage of the total project cost _— .— Muntetpality is required to pa in accordance with the set Poco~ pereeniages speect- fied in paragraph 4 above install- ments shail be due in consecutive numer- teal order on the first day of April in each year, beginning with the year 1960. — all amounts thereof from time = ime unpeid, shall bear interest from ¢ cate of the issuance of the bonds by in county, et the rate of 6% per annum, untii/ paid, payable om Agril 1, 1960 and on the first day of A in each year @Sithereafter: Provided, that if the bond) issue shal tnclude any amount for — italized interest. then the unpaid install ments sh-ll not bear interest prior to (bo: one month preceding the expiration of the period tm which the capitalized tn- terest will pay the interest on the bonds If the amount of interest due on April 1 of any year on unpaid installments, shall be collected ty the county in excess of the amount of tsterest which the county, shall be required to pay upon its said bonds prior to the next principal in-) stellment due date, then any such ex- cess tn the amount so paid after deduct-! ‘inz the annua! fees and expenses con- nected with the payment of said bends, shall be credited pro rata to the mu-/ nicipalities in accordance with the sev- eral amounts of interest paid by them in such yeur, plied on the next interest becoming due. If any municipality shall fall to pay any installment or interest when the same! becomes due. then the amount thereof: shall be subject to a penalty, in addi-| tion to interest, of ‘® of 1% for each month or fraction thereof that the same remains unpaid after the due date. Any municipality may pay advance of maturity all or any part of an annua! installment by surrendering to the coun- ty bonds issued in anticipation of pay- ments to be made under this contrag, of a like principal amount maturing In the same -year-with all future due interest coupons attached thereto Accrued interest upon the amount 50 paid upon @ny installment and acerued interest upon the bonds surrendered, shall be adjusted to the date of sur- render and any difference shail be paid in cash. Allosurrender bonds end cou- pens shall be canceled. a That this saroement shall be ef- Laciivs as of January 29, In witness whereof, ne parties hereto have caused this agreement to be execu- ted and delivered by their respective duly authorized officers, all as of the day and year first above written. COUNTY OF OAKLAND BY ITS BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS ¥ — ceases Secor reta. TOWNSHIP ‘or FARMINGTON espect to the property affected by said contract) and the City of Kewwe arbor. graph 7 of said contract of November 1, 1957 is hereby amended to read in fis entirety as follows: 9. Each municipality Fined Faas 1 fts full faith and cr P van il shail of the aforesaid obliga- a i rf all each year levy a tax in an of a fore pel time > of the following tax collec- tion, unless at tl there be cash on ha tas Pi Drovided, for, tn paragr a eget ton vs of Act No | 1987) earmarked for the “Batic Acs of the onrent: tions which the levy is to be made, dun the annual any may be reduced by that amount. Funds ae ‘ite credit way be 80 —. “ay "3 3 » 2 3 4 z Piguperviser ¥y. TOWNSHIP OF WEST BLOOM- FIELD By Supervisor By Cler ar OF SOUTHFIELD mY ever ; Clerk cme OF KEEGO HARBOR ° ¥ Mayor iy Clerk and Whereas this resolution is adopted on the condition that said contract of Feb- x{tuary.0, 1969, shall be executed by all of th, parties named therein. Therefore be it resolved that para- raphs 1, 2, 4:6 and 7 of said Miscel- | shuoonh Resolution No. 3341 ate hereby amended and J odes alga 3, 5, 8, @ and 10 thereof are said paragra Ey through 10 of said ragr be construed aslresolution wi vad as follows: ke pate municipality; 1. That the bor ds of sald =, ot I totevy . tag 3 ond the limitation pre-|Oakland, aggregating the princ on ave scribed eX, Section 21 of thelof Five Million One paaéred Seren Michigan Fe tnation, or any lawful tn- nd Dollars ($5,107,000) ‘ = ¢ crease th {. If because of said Article/for the purpose of defraying the Lag o * 21, the taxing ony = any acqu eet Panag Foes go on aewe UR mentoipslity Le A sage en mews as “Oakland Count ty Bewage Dis- 1 Ronds—Parmingtof System”, shall men interest as the sam «become ee municipality agrees that dated April 1, 1959; shail be numbered from time to time raise sufficient tt te pay the same by a or ,more consecutively in the direct order of their & nm Sewage Dis-| which credit shail be ap-: igs 4 readopted, so that}. Fy 5 foe owe eat ee sagt ewe aeees PORTH ERED OED eee coer 4 f ; 1965 ” i966 . 1987 1968 1969 10. . = Sherer rrr ees Sselanl-aut-at-antcant-aelet-onl-aet ant ant ae saik-aat : ds turing on and af 1975 from time te tie outst aes anes. n vRSDAY. APRIL: 28, 1958 14 12”. , “ane ction Charge: ihe, shore : charge up W,time at setting ef meter.” } Sewer dnstallation neteeee “main and By rays oregy : = interest due mann oa resolution yon’ Syste = AYES a ee, me be on that day a its Gatland dated 1, 1968, No, * Shotmen of the heard of ~ Supervisor, ‘ec Dickens, Donant, R. Duncan, ‘Pours, Prid, Hamlin. Heacock, Hoard. Holmes, Horkey, meriee son,. Hulet, —.. th Taham son, Kelley, Mea . Ramsey, chock. Remer, Rhinevaul P. th, 1957, as @ ded, whic te aggre- gate the sum of $5 101.000 with interest as therein pr the Township of: 5. That the full “faith and credit of jthe County is hereby pledged for the prompt payment of the principal of and ig: inverest on said bends as the same shall become due. 6. That all moneys paid to the Coun- ty by the municipalities towerd the cap- jital cost of said Parmington age possi System, pursuant to said contract of November 1, - 1957, as.amended, shal) ibe set aside by the County Treasurer in ja separate fund and bank seccount to ibe used solely for the payment of the principal and interest on the bonds here- fin authorized 7 That said bonds and attached cou. ing form: be substantially in the follow- in, orm i . Unies States of America i State of Michigan County of Oakland Oakland County Sewage Disposal Bond —Farmington System Number : $1,000 Know all men by these preetnts, that the County of Oakland, Michigan, here- by acknowiled itself indebted and for value recei promises to pay to the bearer meee the = of Dollars on the first “aes of May. AD, 19—., to- gether with interest thereon from the date hereof until paid. at the rate of nnn ) per centum per an- /num, payable November 1, 1959 and | thereafter semi-annually on the first days of May and November tn each year. (Both Principal and interest hereof are j payable in lawful money of the United States of America at » in ithe City of | upon presentation and surrender of this ind and the coupons hereto attached as they severally mature. This bond is one of a series of bonds redirogg date and tenor —— = to ma tu tively tm the direct order of their ma- turities from 1 to 5,107, both tnelusive. aggtegating the principal sum of Five Million One Hundred Seven Thousand ‘Dollars ($5,107,000), issued under and |purauant to and in full conformity with the Coustitution and Statutes of the and especially Act (State of Michigan |No. 185 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1957, for the purpose of defraying the ;cost of acquiring the Farmington Sew- age Disposal System. Bonds of this series maturing prior to iMay 1, 1975 are not subject to redemp- ition prior to maturity. Bonds maturing on and after May 1. 1975 from time to tite outstanding. are subject to re- demption as a whole at the option of |the county prior to maturity on any one or more interest payment dates on or latter May 1, 1974. Bonds called for re- demption shall be redeemed at the par value thereof and accrued interest plus &® premium on each bond*in accordance with the following schedule $30 If called to be redeemed on or oe May 1, 1974 but prior to May 1, 97 = $25 if called to be redeemed on or or May 1, 1976 but prior to May 1, $20 {f called to be redeemed on or —“— May 1, 1978 but prior to May 1, 1980 $45 if called to be redeemed on or fter May 1, 1980 but’prior to May 1, if called to be redeemed on or br May 1, 1982 but prior to May 1, $5 if called to be redeemed on or after iMay 1, 1984 Notice of redemption shall be given to the holders of bonds called for re- demption by publication of such notice not lesg than thirty (30) days prior tp the dete fixedefor redemption, at least once in a newspaper or publication cir- -jeulated in the City of Detroit, Michigan. which carries as part of its regular sery- tee, nutices of the sale of municipal bonds. Bonds so called for redemption shall not bear interest after the date fixed for re- demption, provided funds are on hand ion the paying agent to redeem the sam This bond as to both principal and interest, is payable from moneys to be paid to the County of Oakiand by the Township of Farmington, Township of West Bloomfteld, city” of Southfield and City of Keego Harhor, pursuant certain contract dated November 1, as amended, betweén the County of Oak- land and said municipalities, whereby each of the said municipalities agrees to pav to the said County a certain per- centage of the capital cost of said Farm- ington Sewage Disposal System, with in- terest, in 30 annual installments begin- ning April 1, 1960. Pursuant to the reso- lution authorizing the issuance of this series of bonds, adopted hy more than a 3/6ths vote of the members-elect of the Board of Supervivors of Oakiand County, the full faith and credit of the County of Oakland, Michigan, is hereby pledged for the prompt peyment of the yee tae | = gees interest On the bonds of t It is pereny Certified,” recited and de- clared that all acts, conditions and things required to exist, happen and be performed precedent to and in the is- suance of the. bonds of this series, exist- ed, have happened and have been per- formed in due time, form and manner as required by the ‘Constitution arid Dip: | Sataies of the State of Michigan, and ‘belthat the total indebtedness ig Sa mond coun- ty, including this sertes of bon does not exceed any constitutional - "state tory limitation. In witness whereof, the County of to a 1957, ATCHER Moved by Thatcher su “— aration, to consist of complete planning jian the resolution be parry a adopted. for & sewerage system including treat-| Discussion fol ment plant for the Clinton River Sewage; AYES: Allerton, Al ward, Delve. Area which must be accepted|/Bender, Boyer, Brendel, Cardon, Care — 60 days from January 6, 1959, |Casile, Christensen, Clack, Clark, Can. behalf of said Board, and -.,»ozhue Oldenburg. Ollar, Whereas the Board of Public Works lan, Ramsey did further authorize and direct the Di- Semann. F. Smith, Solley, Staman, rector and Secretary to request that the Stephenson, Stevens, Swanson, Taylor, cm and Conditions of the Agreement;Thatcher, Tiley, Tinaman, Voll. Webber, be amended to permit interim payments|Weinburger. Wright, Yockey. (74) and advanced payments for the work to} NAYS None. ‘0: be accomplished under the Agreement, [| .. sufficient Now therefore be it resolved that the! therefor, the resolution was adopted. Board of Supervisors of Oakland Coun-) Misc. 3 ; ty, Michigan does hereby accept the of- IBy Mr. Sema fer of the United States of America, by|IN RE: PERMISSIVE Ltn aaa FOR and through the Housing and Home Fi-| COUNTY REORGANIZATIO! nance Administrator, to make an ad-|To the Oakland Conny: Beare of Super- vance of not to exceed $399,600 to aid} visors in financing the cost of plan prepara-|Mr. Chairman, Ladies. and Gentlemen: pee. to consist of complete planning for| Whereas the Oakland County Board = Sewage system, including treatment Supervisors on December 22, 1958, plant for the Clinton River Sewage Dis- | ferred to your Legislative Committee the posal Area; and lresolution of the Special County Govern- - Be it further resolved that the Di- ment Study Committee for inclusic# in rector of Public Works and the Secretary the Legislative Program of Oakland of the Board of Public Works be ahd are|County, and hereby, autherized and directed to execa-| Whereas your Committee has met and the the oo Por Public Works studied the various proposals for con- Phill: Quin- Remer, Rhinevault, Schock, Plan Preparation*®s@nfitled Project No jstitutional amendments and heard the Mich. 20-P-3015, onZpehalf of the Board | suggestions of various interests, ot Supervisors of lwnd County, Michi-|ing the Special County Government gen, and, \Study Committee, the Mayers of South Be It further stsolved that the Director, Oakland County and others interested and Gecretary of the Board of Publiciin. the improvement of county govern- Works be, and are hereby authorized ment, and directed to request that the Terms; Now therefore be {ft resolved that the and Conditions of said Agreement be'resolution of the Special County Govern- amended to permit interim payments and! ment Study Committee be emended to advanced payments for the work to be/read as follows: accomplished under the Agreement. | Be it resolved that the Oakland Coun- Mr. Chairman, I move the adoption|ty Board of Supervisors does hereby te- of the foregoing resolution quest the Michigan State Legislature to HILAND M. THATCHER develop and submit to the voters a rela- Moved by Thatcher supported by John-jtively simple and flexible constitutional son the resolution be adopted jamendment which will be readily under- AYES: Allerton, Alward, Belyea, | stood by the electorate, and which will Bender, Boyer, Brendel, Cardon, Carey, grant to counties self-determination of Castie, Christensen, Clack, Clark, Claw- \governmental structure such as is now son, Crenshaw, Croteau Cummings./enjoyed by cities and villages, saving, Dickens, Dohany, R. Dunean, Fouts, Frid, however, all the rights and present Hamlin, eacock, Henry, Hill, Hoard, status of townships, villages and home Holmes, Horkey, Horton, Hudson, Hulet, jrule eilies and providing for the selec- Hursfall, Ingraham, Johnson. Kelley,'tion of a charter. commission which wil Kephart, Kiser, Knowles, Lahti, Levin- be representative of the electors of Oak- son, Lewis, Lilly, Lockhart, McCartney,/land County, ita cities and townships: McGovern, Clarence Miller. Cyril] Miller.) Be tt further resolved that said reso- Mitchell, Moberly, O'Donoghue, Olden-jlution as amended be adopted by the burg, Ollar, Phillips, Quinlan, Ramsey,/Cakiand County Board of Supervisors; Remer, Rhinevault, Schock, Semann, Fj} Be it further resolved that certified Smith, Solley, Staman, Stephenson. | copies of this resolution be forwarded Stevens, Swanson, Tay ior, hatcher, joy the Couthy Clerk to the President Tiley, Tinsman, Voll, Webber, Weinburg- | and Secretary of the Senate of the State Wright, Yockey. (wh jof Michigan, the Speaker and Clerk of 8: None. (0) Ithe House of Representatives, Senator A sufficient majority having voted)Frank Andrews, Chairman of the Sén- therefor, the resolution was adopted. jate County Government Study Commit- Misc. 3478 tee and to Senator L. Harvey Lodge and > ee by the Board of Public | Representatives Lieyd Anderson, James jClarkson, William Hayward, John C IN RE: AMENDING RATES ESTAB-/Hitehcock. Arthur J. Law and Farrell EB. LISHED FOR WATER AND SEWAGE Roberts of Oakland County, TREATMENT SYSTEMS Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Legis- Presented by Mr. Thatcher lative Committee, I move the adoption Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: /of the fore ae | resojution I offer the following resolution: ATIVE COMMITTEE Whereas the Board of Public Works JOHN ba aan has been authorized to operate certain Chat Water Supply Systems and Sewage Dis- CARL F “INGRAHAM posal Systems, and ly WILLIAM C. HUDSON Whereas the Board of Supervisors es-| ARNO L. HULET tablished rates for water and sewer sys- Moved by Semann supported by Phil- tems, operated by the Board of Publicjlips the resolution be adepted Works, under miscellaneous resolution! A sufficient majority having voted No. 3395, pursuant to the provisions of |therefor, the resolution was adopted, County Ordinance No, 3394, and Mise. 3481 Whereas the Director of Public Works|By Mr. Ingraham has recommended that certain rates be IN RE: ADDITIONS ®O 1959 COUNTY reestablished . LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM Now therefore be {t resolved that the'To the Oakland County Board of Super- Board of Public Works recommends to} visors the Board of Supervisérs that Miscel- . Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: laneous Resolution No, 23395 passed by| Since the last report to the Board, this Board on June 23, 1958, be amend-iyour Legislative Committee hag had -re- ed so that the Schedule of Service In-'ferred to it, several additional matters stallation Rates and Sewer Connection | from the Supervisors Inter- County Com- irmits shall be as follows mittee | Schedule of Service Installation Rates | 1. The Municipal Finance Commission and Sewer Connection Permits 'has the responsibility to scrutinize and Effective on all Service Applications | pass upon bonhd issues and borrowing received on and after February 9, 1959.;proposals contemplated by the various Water imunictpalities. Delays which have re- Permit and Fixed Charge: sulted in the processing of applications Diameter of Total |vefore the Commission have resulted in wae Pipe Charge | higher interest rates, withdrawal of ti- F * $ 29.85 nancing commitments and tapsing of i: 41.25 obligations, thus working extreme hard- 1%” 88.20 shijs.ypon- municipalities endeavoring to 2" 131.40/meet their obligations. The Supervisors Rates for Service Insteliation: | Inter- County Committee has recom- Applicable to all services of sizes in-imended that the State Administrative dicated, except as hereinafter provid- [Board be requested to. devise means to ed: jexpedite the necessary and prope? func- Variable tions of the Municipal Finance Commis-| Re! Charge j ston. per ft. After careful includ- a Diameter of Service Pipe study of this request, a" $1.10 your Committee recommends the epprov- ” 1.45) al ree % 14)" 1.50) Legislation patterned after. the 2 1455 | Wisconsin Mobile Parks law to permit ~The total’ charge shall be deiermined(|iocal units of government to se-trail- er parks and to collect’ fees based upon above inches we svi sea gua ILA THATCHER j Moved by Thatcher r supported by Se- Weryrs ison, Crenshaw. Croteau, Cummings, "‘Wliereee the Oakland County Board of |Dickens, Dohany, R. Dunean, Fouta, Public Works, did on January 30, 1959,/Frid, Hamiin, Heacock, Henry, _ Hill, h this is a pass a resolution accepting said offer | Hoard. Holmes, Horkey, Horton, Hud-/this mealies tren In Lovage instances of @ planning advance and authorized son, Hulet, Hursfaill, Ingraham, John- bed is q and directed the Director of Public/son. Kelley, Kephart, Kiser, Knowles,|; 1.7)) which exem Works and Secretary of the Board of Lahti, Levinson, Lewis, Lilly, Lockhart. Lee gods Po held and howe 2 for governmental | this Public Works to execute the “Agreement|McCartney, McGovern, Clarence Miller, from taxetion gy Por Public Works Plan Preperation” on/Cyril Millet, Mitchell, Moberly, O'Don- majority having voted pe mann A sufficient ma y having voted refor, the cnetietion was adopted, OiBy Mr. P. with|TN RE: APPROVAL OF OFFICTAL’S pom Neat intended — y paving costs te for 108. feet of alg og © Street frontage of the 4-H Pair Oecunie. Your Commi ‘on 1959, rr ‘the poner ej Anditors structed not to pay the against County-owned lands levied by the City of Pontiac for the Perry Street ruc the Board of Auditors te confer with the City of Pontiac officials relative to such assessment. This report is made for the tnforma- tion of the. members of the Board. Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Wa: ant Means Committee, I move that foregoing report be received and placed o y order has been issued. mf Means Com: ‘ittee. I yh that the ns mit move that the petaroce matters be pH ea the tive Committee for pe gg study and possible amendments to the appro- priate state laws. WAYS AND MEANS COMMIT- on file. : ts) “ND M = i Ey - “ su: by Lilly W. SMITH, Chairman|the resolution be -adopted. R. C. CUMMINGS A sufficient padipcoe y having wanes DAVID LEVINSON Legg ——™ motion carried, D M, THATCHER ORPH NRE By iF F. pm req PRANK J. VOLL, SR. COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCA- | porta’ Moved wy F Smith ted” by |r ch Chat Ladies tle survey ove y P. suppor rman, and Gentlemen: > Tiley the he adopted. Whereas } ni being Section S00 of the oan Gena pang provides that members of the — ty Board of Education shall receive the Discussion followed. A sufficient majority ha g@ voted therefor, the motion carrie Misc. 3484 same per diem compensation for actual By “. PF. Sm and et travel and as IN R APPROPRIATION — ENFORCE-\are allowed members of the ‘Board MENTO MARINE fe Su vere. and To the Honorable Board “Supervisors the Board of of Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen:/the County of Oakland did, by Miacel- The Michigan State Waterways Com-|laneous Resolution No. 3421 fix the per mission is presently preparing its an-/ di compensation of s at nual budgetary request to the State Leg-/ $15.00, ; islature. is will include appropriations; Now th te be it ived that the for State grants to the various coun-/per diem compensation for members i. ties participating in the 1950 Marine|the County Board of Education be a Euforcement plan as Pst by Act meron od fixed at Fifteen Dollars (s18-00) 310 of the Public Acts “ oy as omens. per Bee rr ‘turther yrete nt that Five Hun- seieive matching funds. ans required te dred ($500.00) be tra make an a pees and conform with|Contingent Fund a’ Board of Education budget te o ys and Means Committee,|addftional cost resulting from. this in- therefore, recommends _the adoption of/crease for the year 1959. the following resolution Resolved that the Cuma of Oakiand/and Means Commit: ittee, I move the transfer the sum of $5000.00 from thejtion of ~ Ry ‘’ resolution, aot id Sheriff's 1959 budget, such amount hav- ing been included in the Sheriff's Soseet for the enforcement of pros le nage Law ong the 1969 boat: R.c Beit further resolved that ote tase c Coun- DAVID LEVINSON ty urer is hereby authorized and DM. TCHER instricted .to credit the said sum of ORPH C, Hi t] $5000.00 in a restricted account, and to deposit therein any state matching funds ranted, all of which is to be used sole- y for the payntent of salaries or per diem rates of the special deputies a pointed to enforce said marine laws injtherefor, the motion carried. this County. isc.. ge Purther that the Clerk of this Board|By Mrs. furnish the County Board of Auditors IN la TERMINATION OF CASH WORK a cerified copy of this resolution to be| RELIEF PROGR. h forwarded by that Board to ~ joer To = Oakland County Board,of Super-| gan State aterways Comm Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the ‘Vays | Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen; L, Moved by F. Smith supported by Cum- mings the resolution be adopted. and Means Committee, I move the adop-| The Welfare Committee is presenting ton of the foregoing resolution. fo. your information this morning, a WAYS AND MEANS COMMIT- short report on the status of the cash work relief program in Oakland Coun- ty which was started last June. Since that time, a goodly number of individuals esther Chairman DAVID aevenec have performed needed tasks for the HILAND M. THATCHER County, the townships and various mu- ORPH C. HOLM tes. coun J. SS 8R., You will remember that this type of L. CARI program must conform closely to State Moved by "P Smith s ho jimall by Voll regulations. One stipulation ts that these! the resolution be adopte: People cannot be asked to perform Jobs| A sufficient majority having voted )which would have been assigned or con- therefor,.the resolution was adopted. eevee for under regular departmental Misc. 3485 budgets. work done has been extra| coun By Mr. PF. hwork which would not otherwise have| “ue In SE: STRIRD en SWITCH-/been possible and the — have come |¢. from normal welfare source é@ present me the. cuitiawa ‘County Board, ‘of Super- formula for this is that he State pays viso: 30% and the County 70° out of. its di- Mr Chairman, Ladies and Gentiemen: rect relief funds. The workers are Whereas your Ways and Means Com-(jselected from the relief rolls after hav- mittee has had under consideration the ing been judged employable and are as- need to increase telephone switchboard signed work hours enough per week to facilities for county offices, and cancel out their relief budget at the rate Whereas it is necessary to add a third/of $1.50 per hour worked. For example, telephone switchboard which it is esti-/suppose a family after investigation, mated will cost $8.18}. for the year 1969,/Were allotted a budget of $45.00 per as follows: ees week. The marf of that family would be Third Manual Operated Switch- assigned a work relief job of 36 hours board @ $224.50 per month. , $2.894.00;per week. The only difference in his 63% Installation of third | board .... ao a omg = —e be giving year population Switchboard Operator |....+05.. 4,000, e unty value receiv and wow Relief Operator ......,........ 1,000.00/get his relief In cash rather than in rent, es ath - receipts and grocery orders. The rate of and *Twhereas your Ways ahd Means Com-|$1.50 per hour war ss\atdlehes saa te. jalong with mittee, at a meeting on January. 16,/quired by the State at t cigibonn rate in| 1959, adopted a resolution recommend- community. Of our ne coun-| ing that the additional switchboard bejties who have cash work relie installed as soon as possitile; @rams, only one. pays less than fo * Now therefore be it resolved that a/per hour and some pay at a higher rate. r sum not to exceed $8,183.00. be appropri-; There has been a reduction in the dash ated from the Contingent Pund for this|work relief rolls from 730 the ist of purpos November to 420 on January 23. This Be it further resolved that the Board has been due to two factors: of Av tors be instructed to proceed im-| 1. Our inclement weather, mediately with the re of the al el cae attain atr rd te one swite some rl Chel n: OF aif an the Ways Therefore, ge ee gr normal, and Means Conmitt ‘T move -— adop-|fob upturn, we the. spring tion for the foregoing resolutto: the Committee tet, Khat (&, cash wo bE S°AND MEANS COMMIT- relief program should have a definite} eutoff date of March 31, 1059, In our} and) r 7 peda) she, the variable charge per ft. by ¢ full width of the street ori volume of usere and the cost of local alley. Any paving break $50.00 addi- services provided, such aa school opera- tional. tion. fire and police protection and sew- Rates for Meter TIristallation: age disposal. meludes cost of meter and tn-| Your “= ttee hag reviewed the draft stailation of same. of the pr new law suggested by the Site of Installation Total jinter-County Committee. is law would Meter " eter Charge repeal the aniating trailer park legisla- ™” $ 8.10 $ 31.00 $ 39.10) tion. It is the recommendation of your a," 11.40 45.40 §6.90|/Committee’ that rather than repealing. | 15.75 67.25 83.00)the existing law an amendment should 1%” 21.30 93.70 114.00j/be sponsored by the Inter-County Com- ia TPRED W. SMITH, Chairman} [January 23 meeting, « resolution was : ca Mr, Chairmen, on behalf of the Ways wes adop- A sufficient majority having voted wien i Pul ad ld ? it Counties as that our joint efforts in Committee really presentatives pee | Senators from the six ration Same oo. joen ws fhort jority, under How y Satie our County our Works, under increase. 1d | noe Segerged 68 cow af the Seeiees the fact, the has r. ‘ A sufficient maférity having voted” To the Oakland County Board of auper-|ibereten. the motion carried. 53 i age gs! i City of Southfield the Township Agreeme ‘This agreement made this ‘and day of December, 1958 by and sitar hae Coun~ of Oakland, ® Michigan Corporation / with tl ae Nithe amount so paid . upon ment aocrued interest upon the date of surrender and an @ishall be paid in cash. All. higan rporation in nty (whose territory was sonar’ &| 4, That this agreement shall be t : Township of Sou \;}fective as of January 29, 19: ted and delivered by duly authorized officers, as day and year first above wititen,. COUNTY OF om the ist day, of Novernbe: in respec 0. +g ITS BOARD OF + to the cated. the Township ee ee ee ee attend THATCHER [tion by publication of such notice not field in respect to al Coartaty less than (30) days prior to the date said contract) and City of Keego TOWNSHIP i FARMINGTON |fixed for redemption, at least once in a ; ‘ . STEPHENSON [newspaper or publication cireulated {n!o : By /s/ F. J. hereto desire to Supervisor see, Clerk CITY OF SO Mayor By /s/ meer G. City Clerk By /s/ ‘HILAND M, THA’ ota * City Clerk ° A Dnetstore be it resolved that . 8 knd 7 of said [isco na lamented and pa > ie beth 2828 sual ro eg ‘Thousand ee dulen the finet Gopat Many, AD. with interest ther be| Thousand Dollars "(85,748,000 ities'der and nt of thereof ‘that the same remains -unpaid after the due date. Any municipality may pay in advance of maturity allor any part of an annual installment by surrender- ing to the county bonds issued in an- teipation of payments to be made under this contract, of a like principal amount maturing in the same calendar year, all future due interest coupons at- sha lig thereto. Accrued interest upon any install- bonds surrendered, shall ‘be adjusted to|1976 ifference surrender bonds and coupons shall be canceled. a witness whereof, the parties hereto eaused this agreement to be execu- their oy rage the | 1982 ND PUBLIC By /s/ PLOYD A. CAIRNS ELD By /s/ DONALD L. SWAN- SON LANNERY TOWNSHIP OF WEST BLOOM- FIELD CITY oO RaBco_n HARBOR By /ar vie B. coegsap 5 a " EILEEN B, VAN + HORN tsi MECHA SHE RT: eee es ere tee pees heen eeee® GF a het aaah 2 Seen ee ee eree Pee eed ee ee — i i called to de rede n May "ie'igte but. prior to. -4f called to be redeemed’ on. aster Max 1, 1976 but prior to May “it called to be redeemed on after May i, 1048 Out prior to say adil ff, salled. 20 he reqnemed on — but prior to May |: ie iF eslled. te be redeemed on afte May 1, 1982 but prior to-May $5 if called to be redeemed on or af May 1, 198 Notice of redemption eEEE 8 ul t ¥ t i THLE = 4 6 a 8 1957, as amend gate the sum as therein provided. 5. tt the full faith and credit of the ity is for the prompt payment ‘principal of and He pK ids. as the same shall That ell sanneye paid to | ig bw Se ere te mi ir e cap- tal Zoek of onid Dis- pursuant to said con- of November 1, 1957, as amended, bong set aside Kang/ Co a Sq oy count ie te Is aoe! ‘oly for ._ gg “os of the principal the bonds herein aherined.” 1. That yo <_ and 4 ae cou- tantially tn fol- ee urer United State of America State of Michigan County of Oakland Oakland County Sewage Disposal Bond—Farmington Bystem . lvalue received, promises to pay bearer nares, the sum of , to- — eon from, the hereof = paid, at the rate of per annum, payable N and reafter semi-annually on the first days of May and November in each year. Both principal and interest here- (of = pare ol a lawful money of the America at ———. oy city of upon eatabien and sufrender of this bond and the~ —— : hereto attached as ae, severally ma: This bond is is tan of o auves 08 Sends of like date and tenor except as to maturity lconsecutively in = direct order of their maturities from 1 to 5,748, —_— principal su grey A Forty-Eight , issued un- pursuant to and th full con- formity with the Constitution and Sta- tutes of the State of Michigan, and es- t peciauy Act No. 185 e Michigan iblic Acts of 1957, for the purpose of defraying the cost of acquiring the Sewage Disposal System. Bonds of -this series poe vg prior to May 1, 1975 are not subject td re- demption prior to maturity. Bonds ma- turing on and after May 1, 1975 from time to time outstanding, are =“ to redemption as a whole at the option of the county prior to maturity on any one or more interest payment dates on or after May 1, 1974. Bonds called for redemption shall be redeemed at the par value thereof and aceru in- terest plus a premium on each bond tin accordance with the stenine schedule: 30 if. catled to be redeemed on or May 1, 1074 but May 1, if called to be redeemed on or May 1, 1976 but prior to, May 1, if called to be May 1, 1978 but if called to be May 1, 1980 but if zanet to be a on or May 1, 1982 but prior to May 1, a . — to be redeemed on or after ' Notice of redemption shall be given to the holders of bonds calied for redemp- sive, Pive nN prior to ~ ‘redeemed on or prior to May 1, redeemed on or prior to May 1, the City of Detroit, Michigan, which car- ries as a part of its regular service, no- sale of municipal bonds. so called for redemption shall not bear interest after the date fixed for redemption, provided funds are on hand with the paying agent to redeem 88 City o Hatbor, pursuant to a cer- tain conten dated November 1, 1957, : Teso- tution aathorteh ies of bonds,” dopted by more’ than|n {a 3/Sths “vote d Supervisors of Oakland y, the full faith and create of the y of ay ey - ~ ee the prom , recited and w:| * conditions and site Capstittipn nen ‘ed | Cons an Tate of Mic! . and 5 | Ste that the total emperor By inelud! nishing of f\users wit presents, tisaid department act as continuing au- the County of Oakland, Michigan, hereby|thority for all water systems in said itsel: ebted and for to . the Wor ,jconnected with the operation and main- the issuance of this of the seninarnisiet of the pripelpal A and interest = the preceden ny the Low ga bo this series, and, have been. 4] gt ie rE . Tha rebber, Yockey. (60)" NAYS: None, (0) A sufficien’ jr it ot therefor, the nity daving pa BAS hy #4 ceiiy beying’ v080¢: was adopted. 283 ri . ae i Be eee eer. Fs 5. By Mr ‘Thatcher 33 RE: COUNTY WATER SYSTEM COMMERCE TOWN: Mr. Chairman, Wh uch a for «he eee by 5 department for. the fit of its “etisens. and the p Board of Com- merce properties and vey fl owners of cer- a in said township have best imterest of the sae certain water syste the Oa Section 9, Chapter 1 of Act No. 165 of the Public Acts of 1957 re- quire. that the em ity must be obtained prior to the fur- such service to individual hin +" municipality, and Whereas the ip Board of Com- merce Tosumin, by official resolution of a Board passed on Feb ven its consent ta the Coun- nd, by and through its De- partment of Public = to Water system, and to users within the following. subdiv: of gs ea gd Township: of Section 10, T2N, Commerce Toons tp Commerce Hills Subdivision, located in the northwest Al ~ southwest 1% of —- 10, T2N, , Commerce Town- , es Estates Subdivision, located in, the northwest 44 of the southwest ‘4 of =~ 10, T2N, R&E, Commerce Town- ‘p Hill'n Dale Subdivision, located in the northeast ‘4 of Section 26 and the south- send % of Section 23, TIN, R&E, Com- ‘ownship Welch Park Subdivision, focated in the northeast % ‘of Section 26, T2N, R& Commerce Township Target Estates Subdivision, located In the north % of Section 12, T2N, R&E, Com- ’ addition thereto y of Oakland, by and through its Department of Pub- lic Works to operate water systems in '" Towagship, and Whereas the Department of. Public orks has made a comprehensive ‘study | ( and revort on the described systems, and Whereas said report has been duly considered by the Board of Public Works and it is recommended to this ae of Supervisors that said systems be estab- lished as County systems under the De- partment of Public Works, and Whereas the service can be rendered to the areas involved with no financial obligations to the county since all costs tenance will be borne by the individual users of said system, Now. therefore be it resolved that the of Public Works does hereby establish @ county water system to be Known as. the Oakland County Water System, with- in the ar ae of Commerce under the Board of ic Works as provided for in Aet No. 185 of the Public Acts of 1957, an Be it further resolved that the Board of Public Works is hereby suthorized to take any and all necessary steps to ac-, quire, op and in said sys- tem or sy or ny pursuant to the pro- visions of said Act No. 185; Be it further resolved that all costs in connection with the operation and prea igeag oe of said system or systems shall be borne by revenues from same. Mr. Chairnfan, I move the adoption of this resolution. } Seconded by Mr. Tiley. HILAND . ATCHER A sufficient majority having voted ibe, 34 the resolution was adopted. SC By Mr. Heacock : IN RE: SALE OF LOTS 58, 59 AND 60. pg ered HILLS ADDITION, CITY To i. Oakland County Board of Super- Mr, Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: Whereas the Board of Supervisors, by the adoption of No, 3454 on December 22, 1958, authorized | p the sale of certain County-owned prop- erties, and Whereas included in the lst of prop- erties are the following lots ts 58, 59 and 60 o! Bloomfield Hilis Addition to the City of Pontiac, being art of the Northwest \% or Section 4, ‘own 2 North, Range 11 East, Oakland | tr |County, Michigan and Whereas- prior to the- advertisin of the above lots for sale pursuant to lution No, 3454, a bre ge < offer accom. panied by a oe gee af $300, was made by Tony Stolloff of Ponttae, Michigan (as pér’ copy attached) for the purchase of said lots for the _ of $1,350.00 cash, which is not less than the ap raisal value_placed on said three lots by the County Equalization Staff who made, the appraisal thereon in accordance With the By-Laws, and Whereas the offering of said lots has previously been approved by the County Welfare Commission and the Welfare Committee of the Board, and Whereas after careful consideration your Committee fs of the opinion that the acceptance of said offer and the sale of said lots at this time would be in the best interests of the County an so recommends to this Board, = therefore be it resolved as fol- ig “That the offer of Tony Stoiloff to purchase ‘he three lots above described be ree and the sale of ee ra estate for*the sum = $1,350.00. ¢ h be} authorized oe appro 2. That the Chairmas and Clerk of this Board be éuthorixed to the 7 i SHIP} mancamoeden by Board of Public Works Ladies and Gentlemen: ‘jof any area of the Township and to serve! Claren $1,000/ individual users therein to the end that he raham the resolution be adop Moved by Hursfall supported Dohany the lution be all available information on the pro- court house. ffictent majority | —_ having voted) 5 the moti Discussion followed caaive to the lo- cation of the court house. Moved by Levinson supported by Claw- son an amendment be added to the reso- tution that the court house be construct- ed on the site of the Gervice Center on Boulevard. oved by Stephenson supported Hursfall ‘the motion be amended to table new n Board an er to study it further.: 234 land County sheriff's deputies. (Ore), an outspoken admirer of crashed into a parked auto CALL 4 good. faith om the part the bidder | hich $s (ees Tire .... 734 Timk R Bear . 55.6 ithe ‘late Franklin D, Roosevelt, = ka of unsuccessful bidders will be| Burkett testified that the two, Sudderily the hose through which Gitette | 514 Trans W Air | 208 James L. Reynolds, 42, of 779 FE 4-2541 : Plas thal’ be conditioned nedemanded a percentage of the the water was traveling flipped out Gost PT aoe Teen Gen oo ate 7 pee ‘ Pood soit wunicet = rat te 4s Doe \Mae Ct., was a passenger in a car ; conditioned upen the t room 132 0 Cooley St., was fine and! Luce's criticism o ate mo- | } 4 SE ates Se METS ETS ca tle Ta onic eePiy gl Gegtlw LEGS ohn ptdin CU fy a notes. to be secured at the Porchaser's|two vending mac ee ltold officers. Greyhound a5 OS Pee us! 3 Monday after pleading guilty to alvote against her. as PLYMOUTH notes ready for execution at his ex-| ‘plant. iar ‘ae He Unit Aire .... 601 .harge- of drunk. driving before! * * * 'released. : Dense. Notes will be delivered at| Recorder's Judge John P. O'Hara; Police and an ambuiance crew Home ‘gc 38 Unit Pruit a8 8B hip Justice R. Grant| He thus took issue again with, The Reynolds auto was going DODGE—CHRYSLER Gon Ra Cartston,. Michigee #08 Wel treed the pair on $1,000 bond each treated the tot and rushed her to Hooker Ch :.. 384 Og Ors?” $) , Pontiac Township Justice R. Grant) He thus colleague.’ Sen. Wayne south on S. Main street in Clark» DEALER The right t is reserved reject a me set sentencing for May 11. _ St. Joseph Mercy Hospital. There, Indust Ray 216 os L-nondcsiae serena. “Morse (D-Ore) who spoke for 3 Ston when it rammed into a car — oe “Approved. April 2h, sec doctors ee ee i further ~ jnfand tt : 138.4 det Ee | Two cameras valued at moere'hours and 20 minutes Monday in belonging to re Ww. neat JACK COLE, jac. third degree burns t ‘| 276 Walgreen |” llaneous small in front s home at “oneness wither Rega Worried’ Godfrey the tack and relesses Renne 19 Ee Ma adh’ erin. Hinge were stolen by thieves who Obpoation 10 Mrs. Lace, Morse as tn 1000 W. Maple Rd. af Pontive Fral ft , - * wonns wri iy Hospital for" Sh TE. Glo oe ace oe oes eee ee 3581718-20 i er .... 48.5 Woolworth ... 586 ‘ | ra Sates atts, % Thursday Surgery Plan Hussein Celebration i Suis,” BL Pies tee. $fjaccording to city potice bassador to Ttaly. EFFECTIVE MONDAY, Aprit 27 ve soldat pubic sae a 2 ag were ANMAN um — Jordan's Prime Jone Sct: ins $2 SR&T”.144) Police sald yesterday that some-| x65 Luce, 56, playwright, for bo 2 igs ol where “the shite | NEW YORK (AP)—Arthur God- | | Minist Samir Rifai has rine May “i An'en’da W&C 55 ‘one stole a typewriter valued at mer Republican congresswoman All Princi | Stock Exchanges. stored and may be inspected. t aml \Kimb Clk |. a3 Gen T - 393 $162 from the Pontiac Army Re- “ut and pa ifrey was in a hospital today to) icial holiday to | Genesco 36.2) from Connecticut former am- _ April 27, 28. °38., hed. inext Saturday an offici iday to Kresge, 88 |. 334 Genesco... 36 ‘serve Headquarters, 40 Walnut St. : : SIC eet re TO ay Me celebrate King Hussein's return RFT | banendor ts Hale, wax yeeieed Wy Will Open at 9 A. M. At 0:00 am cn May a 1000 8 weal Thee Shears television and) ‘rom © Sedey trip around te TOK Se ts Pong ye Wore dnl ai of ie ey ost adwired Chevrolet Convertibleg Serial | Number b | world. There will be a public re- Tridust, Ralls Util. Stocks| motiidny aaay ist and " and Close at 2: 30 P M P38F137672 will be sold ublic sale|Padio star was smiling but tense ception and four official banquets. NEW YORK, April 28— (Compiled iy rday and Saturday, May bar American women. ° ° °. at 22500 Woodward Ave. Fern ale, Mich, the Associated Press.). g OUR OFFICE HOURS WILL BE 8:30 TO 4:30 P.M. C. J. NEPHLER CO. 818 Community Nat'l Bank Bldg. FE 2-9119 time is for golfers and spend- thrifts. It does provide more time for golf, Gross said, and those in favor of it apparently think ‘‘we should live on bor- rowed time as well as borrowed money.” ‘ To Restrict East Turns From Saginaw Street Eastbound turns ‘oer secinate street onto Lawrence will be elim- inated on a trial basis May 11 to | smooth the flow of downtown Pon- tiac traffic. Theodore M. Vander- stempel, city traffic engineer, an- nounced today. Southbound Saginaw street traf- fic will no longer be permitted to turn left onto East Lawrence, said Vanderstempel, nor will north- bound Saginaw cars be allowed right turns. . * * Since Lawrence is open only to one-way eastbound traffic, west- bound turns have not been allowed ‘for some time. Lawrence street traffic will still be permitted to make north and south turns onto Saginaw, Vanderstempel said, The intersection, he said, is often congested by Saginaw street traf- fie waiting to make turns, with! long lines of backed up ° autos | stretching sometimes as far south | as Pile street. x * * He said that control of the turn- ing movements dovetails into the plan for a progressive light system on Saginaw. Saginaw drivers wishing fo head east on Lawrence will have to detour westward, he said, via Orchard Lake avenue, Pike or. Huron street, reaching West Lawrence by means of Wayne street, Williams street or Cass avenue, Community National Bank and Pontiac State Bank, which have drive-in stations on East Lawrence just east of Saginaw, have agreed to cooperate in the change, said Vanderstempel, and are notifying their ‘drive-in customers of the detours, FOR SALE- HOUSE ‘Sealed proposals will be received by the City Clerk, City Hall, 35 S. Parke St., Pontiac, Mich. up to 4 o ‘clock P.M. Eastern Standard Time, May 8, 1959, for the sale of the following: 61-63 Seminole Avenue—] %4 story 36°x37' frame: duplex house. Purchaser agrees to move or wreck on or before May 20, 1959, and comply with all City regula- tions and Ordinances. Purchase price may be cash or terms to be arranged, and to relocate out- side the Urban Renewal area. A cash or certified check will be required with — this bid in a sum of not less than 20% of bid price. Said deposit to be made as guarantee of good faith on the p part of the bidder; to be forfeited to the City as liquidated damages if successful . bidder neglects.or refuses to enter into an agree- ment to purchase and pay bid price; and co we with City Ordinances within 10 days from .of receiving notice of acceptance of bid vil be City. on of unsuccessful. bidders I be return x Dated April 23, 1959. PE re at TIMI Rt 9 ADA R. EVANS City Clerk. ere MAAN alter Ne ak Ala. Chath li a A to}. the moon had that he eruption ac- on the sup- : gard by astrophysicists, OLD FRIENDS -- When Ph . ‘|eorved. tameual activity, teen i victim Kathy Hoaghtaling, §, of Almont arrived intins B0ees Jesater of Alphonsus which les be nherits Binge sce Anan, gee Bonnar insets and-Mrs. Basil Houghtaling, pees Photw [tween the craters of Plolemains Fag —— et noite ane tee Pcl yn and Arzechel near the middle | 2 state Travels 25,000 Miles eae to ee Gedo ie bee, Teen fowl, arecie of nurses,.’The Mrs, (the moon’s disc, of meet mpadettetig Walt Disney avorite was painted by Mrs. 3 The mural | He said he observed to Earn College Degree characters. Kathy, daughter of Mr. ee if coh ant’ aan a veh et po | , Ohio (UPD — : ’ - He Somme $500,000, feat. Joseph : xas Legi : , took spectrograms of : , 28 of Erie, Pa | TX L sl a candidate for Ae which enabled << figures to be the most traveled)”. islature « |Secunhat's.‘or zeclection sn for He Finc ons which enabled him to ¢ Tel-|student in his class when he : hula president. The)#2 © inds Peril ew ae caead : re-| ran, {Dill passed: the Senate 'S _ {centage of the by eo a wee ean cing abe n for 60 | okie unanimous t the J “s aii of inlcoalnente Mg pe Bi 2 a in the South Pacific, ; -|in June. ' gemopet So “Just has ibe Seolay ungle in This, he wrote, means that the The 4 ‘ ae kind : : earth : cae Oe nil Oo pave Tele- ee Moog gy Tex, (AP)—Sen, tag eo. betas foemdonk fon woula| Cocktail Lounge Dees ae ame Peckahiy bad Gt cw Apdo service will} DiCorpo; a Kor 21 o-orsgen i om kee,” said Rep crs a hier gee origins. a en three minu ipbar bas tie teaches: part-time at Gannon 1 meuieome candidate for the|Sulphur Springs. - tart WEST WARWICK, R.I. (AP)—|was rear that ee ; has a. uae: oo oe —* __ {Cocktail lounges are getting as)about changes Syringe! cook and ack! ~ perilous as . moon's sur-|' 255€S Bi midwife, The Legislature if he decides to Draft Clerk Retires ae ee eee the central peak of the NIA aoa are financed by a aaa at tae i on SOUTH Norman Affleck’ crater. GARA FALLS, N. Y. (UPD) ”* * p HERO, Vt, (UPD). — H.'bitten 's right ear was| “Recently,” said M Bt — Restaurant owner Vincent 1D} ’“We don't do this for profit,’ sent to Gov. Price Daniel Ettian Allen, 're-|day when he . to- .and Dr. F. Brai . P.\ handed him by a cus is the first in I which would let Johnson's tired after 15 years of service as|tile he tried to pet the rep-|reported that . F. Brain, have/when he examined tomer. Later,|second in Europe. In’ England, name Se 'sithe state’s only male , kept by the managemen a reddish spot about /' the bill, which there . In England, appear on the 1960 ballot, as| clerk. draft board)an « : PEs ate cree net ener Goes cara y_ e es No, it wasn’t a lounge lizard. ithern slope of the peak ‘ discovered it was guar-| wish many lives. We also since the er anteed by the to save li Female 7 eruption was reported Confederate States of ves and we are ~ _ Help Wanted Female 7 Work Wanted Male 1 . |America. a ways ready to do so, Try us Ba gunk, L omeee. — . Ey lem AVAILABLE - ROW rancaead Buildin g Service 12 Dressmaking, Tailoring Phone number is Modena 31178." phone a Dereon, Beeded, Yop temporary ware. wea" eavingé ‘work. few aaa ge | "Pree eet Gall chet 6 pm OL 2a ~~ i 16| Painting & Decorating 20 ithout, super. Office yy . D. BH, Murdock. PE 2-7861. | ost. Shee be OL) ARIES TAnOnmO g Wtd. Household of local office, Monday, nA ALL T 1-127@. a terations. Bodell AL- PAPERE. ~~ ; Goods 27 ee a a eng a ee Sex| seure Soon an-CURE- GIRS | toa “He tasm ee mT Ho FO T Ee ee OS | PER ORRIN | ane Phone: MA 61341 =a | has HOME Te Bae 3 &-) MARION AND EY. BLUE SOD Lost: MAN'S PAIR OF sxown | WTD- vanes 2 TAshmeo banat, f 23457 0714, %, MAN, EXPERIENCED. AP-|TADY. 70 LIVE IN; OWN Ri. rouna - Live tn. | Crore Tuesday thre Friday. #8 Gaus ‘Clceawed, bullder. YHA ~ | _2601 Crooks ed UL 3-460. | Siease eal FE rae 8? | pinnae a, garuse, Near Bi pee es 8 oo OLICE PATROLMAN |_ we. deport cease, or | “oun a canes cud mar bins. fare_ References, 7E_¢ss JOHN HAMM OND CONSTRUG. py Bg SG terrier VWicinty ot “Oeetan "aed | Fees eption “to buy. i 7%, 83, CITY OF PONTIAC oe Sem. 441 Emerson. ANTS BA-| basement ising in poured OR 3-6826.| Menomine ia and YOUNG cov b 202, 109 ier oz, 93, $/ ann Sen Abe REPAIRING ~ Help Wanted oe ee ci pe ae sdewsiks, Griveways, sad rough: quer LAWN SERVICE. FE) 3c. @. Heward. Call FE| oom home. reas. within it hlice : Saoneteds people for ee good of ALL the Apply Fox Dey Gieancte, 118 W. 8 tT housework. PE. 2.0041 FOR ao houses. OR _3-7267. COMPL: LAWN MAI eT: MAN'S GRAY” WALLET | —Eet if req. OR 3-200 , ' o| Lothar, antec. . | 6 ROOM HOME, FINISHED, , : - Ss FLOOR. SERVICE. nance. cleanup, PE 4.9220 Walton. Reward | — —~ oe pw ag de ev fo}: - an for ey = tant work: References Bn sing yee. oe sad fiathing. | fees oes ; sent Found — Few | Share Living Quarte ad Funeral Directors 4| BF wei. m im. | Help W. F g| bret men 4g Supls FE 8-8350. : NEW & OLD WORK ALL KINDS senseb seatracts 9 youre, exper Pe ban BEAOLE =e eee : aoa . 3 . : * a am FE 24 é Ww mod * . R a Dee tl eee ae iad LAD see | ee vin SPR, TEE TOD | weiss Sowee perm | ipa NS FRAMED oe Moe — TOE) Feta + school: mar or GED IES AND GIRLS | #¢ OF . Call. PE 8-1540- between Vere elie REPAIR | ding. c . 5 BOS. | martings Answers to Memes _of 2 working gitis. JUniper 677, FUNERAL HOME helght We a wagy Ew om ef ad & 10 p.m, 7 Keller UL 31740 all for tree est. FE 2-546 Answers to '“ = | Wor piper 6-278, Pining mioimum” weight. 14 - at 3 to com-| ins No be PLASTERING x WING, DISKIN 8463.| Vic. Jessie & Wilson, oat KING GIRL TO SHARE MY OR 31180) ghysical cond aid at Ios. exe, | plete Sur vsalen tat food Bar. Sees to oe fete graph ieee te har heme foe LASTERING 9 persis ERAS.) Br" walig baking & airing. 5 Mine = beoe fa Union, Uk Vitege. wi . a BE ; ; ; ai : : . ie. &.G sn’ : 5-8940 q obbies - Do son- a ee sain ary plus bonus, For pergqnal CARETAKERS | dint wishes Wonk BY THE sandine , : & Suppl ie = 2 The evo Ag Jol S Fetumed e east ie "LAD eae age hcg ye. Sas day, FE 8-000 pyran | Sten ee Phone. re | Moving & Trucking 19) aIntT BY NoMBER = =e Wtd. Contr : MERA HOME |. (6 p.m.) to the 4 ay §, 186, Sern agg gy Migs afd ent EACEDRY MEY BHIRTS 5 CUR. SS a A-l RUBBISH Santi Geaee Becenes Wtd. Contracts, Mtgs, 32 City Hall. ® 1 th i s $100 per week with] 26 during spare repair-| tains, Reasonable on ae & CUR-| New & Repair — G : + HAULING Book Store 15 E. 1 Bactenstose _ LIES, 34 itut_ Se FRMAN or wae time Job. ful | GSS oR RO ERING: BES Licensed—Freé Estim. FE $0145 . Lawrence 8t.| CASH, FOR LAND Vo Pe rs beat, RMANENT SALARY fins, cee, &. Tycenars compensation. Write Pontiac Press wteiaral service EM 3000 ROOF REP? EM azA Reduced Rates Notices & Personals 25)” ‘*"on’ sig Dale Hey: se Katy -- character | LAD 8. NEAT APPE ab pe stance : : OF ees-pivle po nen gg Sh die ey Ra REG PULL OR PART TIME XO EXP oe can le ook kes oe. pave OE REPAIRS elfen! gr jong distance moving | pont worry. Know. xo Obiieatin (OE FUNERAL/HOME ™ ens. Reau pte td . m- L 3-478 Grout, $09 mo, | ‘Beceseary, will teach, Bible tales, | ~Hez_Wprk sat Hie part Sue Ce A TCRNG. EECAVATING FOR 5 ee i Vice Cetin’ Comtele,. th OLIE & HARGER co,” __Ambulance Ser lee. Plane or Motor poe mag ob a TADY 70 HELP AEE convey. | SOUSEKEErER Aut Ce pede ee IG FOR | ee AUER NE a on, FE | 3 _W_HURON eve. Ea ve 1m Vacations Age 22 ty 28. Paid| Must ‘pe moat appearing & be aay. male, take full dtcie can tes Day & Night—Licensed @ Bonded. |B aa sake, Field le, feotngs. | a sout price, Any time. Pe t-0008. 4 NAPP. SHC CASH a ful Must be eal appearing & De S0l6 | seereWOMEN $50. —D. ee ES ed.| Building Supplies 12A |” rign Se Ae gta ane | Bred Hern SHOES gn ply, at pion W, Huron 6 Ae oe bing “DAILY sexi. | PR“ AL NURSE WISHES _Light Hauling. OR aa” AND | Fred_Herma: OR 2ise2| AVAILABLE FoR EED 3 ss OR OVER. sae 4, ae ee wert, nighte oF pert time days. > raining well a0 FE S| eT Le ee a? Sues’ ara HERDING TRACTS AND. HOME 'EQUITIES or " TIME WN R = : : 4. Confidential one FE : ee, Mop 3 train this summer. pe the new Me siting. ay ANTS | BABY. Business Services 13 LIOHT TRUCKING, REASONABLE | 4 foMEete COLD WAVE $6.59 A Johnso ee ~ : onth, E: none TFRING OFFICE WORK DORE , * LIGHT Style Rite. OR 3-342f. W * at i ee ee cack ae Be SP gp ee me eae date Kiuss Rave ‘est ‘spear: | Ho Te sees anh oo women | Up and deliver TRONING. PICK. | beet references. jobs are our Rubbish. fill dirt. top soll, send. A (LES CHESTER 8. Telegraph Ra. am ® aglomobis‘eatotia Howsh | Pose fe Zasis.™= SOSt ie ome FOS Burke Asphalt Pavis boat fi en aa send, | a ante Om 3.40 IMMEDIATE %¢ MEN FoR Mion caLiner| 2sve ; fae be uy Orchard Lake | EAL ESTATE GALES PEOPLE Nhome, tet 8. shirey. = Prone FE Seip or OL ae eS el seers 7 = at soles ‘pusitions tome, “A iy 7:30 pan. Deodle. xp. Jan wen al ven day and ' So og om. tee at once. Apply 66 W, Huron, pip ingles a AR WITH EXPERT- gig mre yg FOUNTAIL ; ew FE 6-307 & qualified and capericneed me pr seasoues Your contract, New z. M mteaim. iste eee’ Nab homes. Member ot Multiple bird Bs Ricans Ate ae eaters 4, SALESMAN. restaurant. wes’ work or & sont ote. General. Printing Local DELL CARTAGE be eit Intpartonand: OR title, ask Bection of property and a AE gd oh at a oo PRE OO en na tense st Pons Pe alas fone esos TTT | Pimms i; LE Templeton, Real Gon tek ‘Soest tn: Werke a SALESMAN WANTED, FOR SE | Rd guperitnce. ‘yrite Pons Bon No Broker competi: | ALL, KIND OF CEMENT WORK BULLDOZING, LEVEL ING Trucks to R ony Mrs. Wallsce. FE 0P_Orenare’ sks el oe Sumer “ ‘ay’ ’ call between 9. rt. Peterson. Reasonable. Jenso ; : or ee =e D CON of wok: pal LENTY SAT ESHA 6.0018. r CEGIsT ERED suet | “BUD” iz , Al Bock. seek A ed —_ Scomad ALL CLEA TRUCKS to Rent A. Taylor, 56 Gille Tes — Mrs. 4 ‘iu Earl Gaels, EM ‘S20it Bo ce a ee AN WANTED nurse. No phone calls. i290 Auburn ‘oe Nicholte, Realtor | cial aiso under house | EMENT | wall, and windows. Reasonable, plexups : FoR Als juousans OF Peaat ney - . on . Will, . . ; ouse ba: - 2 truck: stak: ‘ewton flower truck & x " 0 he tn fm Yo y D ® 1 ia REAL ESTATE: whiten: wen FE 2.1372. “Shab seha Ww. Caples call A Peineral FE Fake of Pontiac Farm ree ig hers Srrceniieion uote or ay hgkrou WE SALESMAN TO SELL -| SALES LADY — Pref |" tutional ‘cooks, INSTI- more “ ELECTaTC wee or OF . ; ¥ AND Sei cae Gargee| Greer pect eek te| Py ed hetrie end| aden aca GO| ro TO MOTOR SEROCEME | a © MORSTARD 5 Saree ca’ One| evi it vecinarnin types of dosers, loader iy to work full time, own a c| 3 °t me 'Boombeld Hospital” rehases on custom Cuguality, a Kee Open Datiy Ineludin; — : sEVEN Ih DELINQUENT! eer This |W @, go0 eal tor Mr. well recommended. ea ieutoyment A ¥ ad SA a fiorigga” Np ohtenon stetviced. 6. Nelson Fre bives | © anteD ry Pe tin In Debt? afer @ MA S128" evenings ress, Box 118 wean) Take tor . Elizabeth " “ uilders Exch -| FLOOR TLE LAID, 2 ;| wp free of char; HUMP) : WANTED A-i D Lake Road. Ph. FE 2-4610 Pr 3.7210 s ange FE 25008 after 6 om: : P ge. FE $-4638,| 1 you are haying trou! Pry, HRIES REALT ; —— FE_27210____or__UL_2.063| LAWN m.__| Paintin Decorating Md ale meeting | SHOP At Y bs, hen ee Bu an SALESLADIES | Yocattonay, GouNstiina” TEC RINGS GF aNTENT AND) eso Tyree | MC eg 20| Wee Cheol” SOoiel | oaiSh tines Sei cn oung Men to Assist dren's wear and domestic depar sen ELING | ALUMINUM SIDING Rene OR 340017 OTT | Ming. ees, Doo Beck, OL fai State Bonk Bae FE cone | Ow 8 SAVINGS & LOAN CO ment, depart- ~ouR Ga: NG a2 RooFs.| LAWNMOWERS SHA reas, Don Beck. Ob 1-3141. _Bde FE 00456. ._ Huron 8t. FE 4-061 Manager in local branch in const} Sslaty end Bom En - Goo ig) 3 farages built, New windows in | outhoard (Rg, SHARPENED & |i8T CLASS PAINTING AND aa CoMOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL A E 40661 $d, comminnoon. George's | SUITE 4 Me casea| Cusam homes bulls Pree est: | uu gt anging. FR 44004 a 21 SR BILITY ORT FINISH RS. r . PE 42182 2 hrs, palnseet aioe ber ‘beiane ON AND APrEn THis “pave | 7?,2t% 7" peed. only, ull Une, Appiy tg | REPRESENTATIVE " giratiog cmon Bogie, yeh, fee wate Bene | erie Pee out eet Posie YastiDy ot | Solera, graye tntwegn the a me erty eck tel | far", mecwiass a eet = . 3 hese Kenta Pavia Slane et : | We) teers, eaten se «iam rover mare 5, ress BOX : , FE ‘ 01 cay. ie --s. Soec. e a ie oe wT, “BRO iy hour FH 3 ; 0 Re. ‘ Laws REAL ‘i Man oH skarpened and 8 4% 4 DON'T PASS UP| giounts at tenct mie Balary. bi Sa ee A BETTER CASH SALE ee ; Sate ak Bie Fe neat | - Sav: Hand Lawnmowers For land contracts in white MONEY! Sell unneeded a Nees iagnge, a te . _s - * 8 i a, merit s ach 10 Badley st. Kinsies Nealon” Ge. ‘ols Jono belonels ; WANTS WORK OF Business Services. 13 oh: og Bt. Ph. FE 43525 + Baron gings for cash) for most 13 | an. pymt. | R T | 50 women 10 tose .30 Ibs. thts AB iT _ ' man,’ $1.60) | 42290 Wy prints ame your own month: | ust ABSOLUTELY Fame tO one t SOLUTELY. Box through Classifi an Deale OF Ml 6-082 mates PE! Ask Badan | Fi ons with you. genet een op your land | lassified Ads! ‘ Preah he ROACH BEAUTE inbrirorE _Gall Reattor Partingehteny ane: roar ep. Stephen Navatre. 131 * : ‘ HL, 2-4204. : . ACTION! E 2-8181, BAINTING 3 YEARS EXPERI Wtd. Children to Board 26 On Your Land a It Vuern OR 3-4074, | BABY SITTING prwne | land Sqnreth, ine” wen second ‘ : : : ‘ PE 21730 . LOVING CARE. pear com vw — wes, Uke Wan Wi sm WANTED CHILDREN TO BOARD? st dollar. Reasonable dis- GUARA =~ Paper Remora) | Abs LICENSED BOARDI6| $OUDtS Ask for Mr.- Ht e dis FE home, BOARDING C. for Mr. Hayden. it ¥ Fan 04600, on eh dx @ELAYDEN, Realtor \ : , 4 - ; FE 0441 > rs tee Action eons ~~ SMALL HOUSE GN Sis WADDER Tx 3 BEDRMTE-1C cess, Village stores close, Stove vee furn, $80 me. o™ 3-4682. ¢ RM SRK. i% i Wetking Ww if, pares ae “THIMK!" >. UE Pea tol $82 DOWN ~TOTAL< $69 PER MONTH TERMS— -VA W..W W. Ross’ Homes, Inc. PE 4-0601 F down Spas ~~ RANCH STYLE. 3-BEDROOM ve LAKE PRIVILEGES BY ORIGINAL OWNER ~- an exclusive neighborhood k homes and WEST SID: hg Gas" heat. Exc. cond. FE 3 in WEST SIDE. 5 ROOM DUPLEX, BEDROOM COLONIA a, a ad automatic heat, $85. FE L reaturing & large liv . Im JUDAH Estates aT oo Sa [ae carpet ani : ‘targe French doors _ over For Rent Rooms 37 Lifetime Alumingm a, oalo and lands bed fu; bun A a oe 2 sf big = fuly ; 3 TV, very aes, FH finished with dea _North Eod. PE Lai.” sarelaher = A floor ceiling Saher Prt. = wate, for bachelots, pensioners, OR OPER uosrs large ‘ecrealon foomre 2 ear] seasgueat 8 winler “price, / Ent. Main hw } SS p Wi s2.8 vu . WERY lors, pensioners. NTH arage with 16 ft. cement drive Only $9,500 — . S OR / or Pontiac workers. Modern. : Takes $2,500 OR 36179 or Inquire 5868 Dixie | $"3-4100. couple. No drinkers.| Cottage St. FE 82204 - DLORAH BUILDING CO cone: io = ¢ 92m to 1 pm. only. All day eLeax A : * Buildor of National Homes vei acre out lob onto he THOSE FAMOUS WORDS =z oa nee So tet Sete “tne| DOWMIOWS. 16? F rela. ft fa. A ht, Sevetss | raw SOR OPTIONAL ee ne a tag saddect ever EGoen : Beautiful s for 1 at 134 Huron. €3157. Oak RD OPTIONAL 2 BEDROOM HOME. additions! information The tpn a Nl ch egal ‘ Figg Md or 6 aminuts! Par ehian ist 'W. Buren. CHAR Ot PLEASANT Are cram some hesvies irutt. a yt9. Sppotstments call FE #1784. - _Fesea wast Might Hare ci D. RIL , Broker |"ea” Pee gmt, tx rom queae| OR mca RT rage. Private temiy. Pd pee ge onsen “ HILIS— NOW! “West Saburoan, : . ; * : ¢ famliy. 4 years we rE ait eth Lake Be sts pe. Couple . MY 31934. aaa aka hotel Crescent Lake Estate ang nee” oe piri Rage 0m s, : : . AT & OX- _eeaEp. eed undel} 2 bedroom H ard wood floors. DE 3 BEDRM. HOME, BY cpa HOE basement. _ large ACTION ON NEW On| bow Lake. Schneider. MA 41292. a ROOMS FOR GIRLS Pee puted walla’ Slots | “owner, SiLeap: Cash to merigege.| Am Savctiogs ies Buyers waits ONTRACTS |CIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS QFURNISHED & UNFURNISHED | _ >: men. Se Soe ee). OCF See on corner 1.000 down te fe) ee reese: | Sua tyent eve entiend Buyers waiting Briog + es UIOHT HOUSEKEEPING “RO im ™ or Sale Houses 43| For Sale Houses 43) ‘CUCKIER fous FoR GALE WIL TARE Terms can be ™ Pe Estate. 3 lark LOVELY 4 ROOM. ERB APTS. iis 1 & 2 BEDROOMS é CUCKL R REALTY housetrailer in trade. Cali . 4 1382 W. Huron. Ask on State. PE 54-2203. me aeEs, oe Room: Wi — 7 iG DO 236_N. Saging PE 44001 : HERE'S A CHOICE corne he - ee a * wv %, Mr. Clark. * GOTEL, KITCHENETTE APTS. —pnasricatLY RE s With Board 38) GI—NOTHING ‘DOWN NOTHIN G DOWN . 3 . a tt ane Buulding wiih neat Sell Us Your Equity | Sette ve yet Fee | REDUCED— | poom POR QPxTuEWAN. Bound} 2,oearcom, modein, bunesian in| PRONT. “3 pecrm Storms & | 5>Room Bungalow School and MSUG. Reac. ‘Terms.| SpArtmente. All three Dot 43-9389. tiae’ a optional. 7365 Esta’ ape | . ose poteeees: $55 per month and | eres floors, na ogg | eens. Priced at 06.750 with $650 BR. Basement. 610,671. Terms. | pia ‘otber 5 a - and pf ARGE ROOMS & PVT oar [UP Sy. | heat and hot water FE 2-205) ome. ' y landscaped. storms & $300 square - ane — & entrance. 6) State &. FE eames ce. ee. as Heat & hot 3 FURNISHED COTTAGES aT “we ciapaliiiaimalsiaaneelinian: Rereeas. carpeting, 1.9" 04, bab Lag ZONED ED COMM — Sor eae | « some minor a 4 hy - of ¥2 $55. r., Cass "Willow Beach | sider any offer for ae $1500 | 85 feet of business tage on $ Tile Bath. ast wil Your present aMs NICELY FURN CLOSE. Johnson. Bmail child allowed Call | FE “s018 SALES OFFICE OR BARBER | N » . | home or equity in trade. Clark = 7" $10 wk No @ FE_2-8603. 2 Wenonah Dr ee | bop in ew sir conditioned pad: | SU: Set, seper orth Perry Street. across the | SYLVAN LE. 3 BEDR Real Estate W. Huron, : No arinkers FE PE 7 ee |} BEDROOM ROME, NICELY | next to TED piease, OR | street from gears. Includes @ 7 M, BRICK. 31888 — Re : La phy ; RMS VERY CLEAN. RENT turn. PE Tie 3 DRIVE INN. es oe Walnut den. Screened porch. 7| NEAR ST MICHAEL. 2 ‘Fam te, 7G. 608s. Gece j aa NEWLY DEE | RY Grae | fara. $80_mo__9 Maynerd Court. ‘Sy OWNER, W. SIDE.) BEDRM. | car garage Ceramic bath &| $ rooms & bath on ist oo, | if DEC | Se “ door. | { ROOMS AND BATH. MODERN WTD : 1.100 TO 2 000 84 es “FOR ine cargeting in living and div. | SYLVAN Eneben. Lge. it Case. 3008 bath floor. sn PE wie aner 6) RM. APT. PVT BATH 6 © | Sout sas Ne Steeriass Pree oa | tng rm. Lew dowa payment FE/ 3 bedroo SHORES | | —Atondele PE $3101 Separate Dasements, Each bas! | fff 2 MS."@ BATH NR Bos —Pertly turn. 285 hia poet aie on FE S10. ; ° sai - reine tactiues FE ‘ Se TT 515 | full basement. All. the extras | RM HOME, WOODED LOT. 1x — iM Vine, clean ‘bh quiet Murphy bed. 3 RMS. & BATH SOME PURN. 5 ROOM FURNISHED UTILITIES | oo Libtone OFF Ree AUBURN t oa ‘dyivan Lake. lial siaiaiai mo or oan 860 mo. OF Orr SCOTT LAKE RD Xe { peo as re drinking. 25 Mon _In country $40 mo MA — _ included 161 Mt Clemens. FE re Rent Lease Bus. s. Prop. 4A A NEEDS REPAIR & BATHROOM. | ; mo. OR! Pontiac Lake Rd. Cute 2 BR ont i mOOME NEWLY SDRCORATED .° a oerias MODERN D iN DUPLEX, _*88._ eee PE 45203 need on poveigeo | OWNER TRANSFERRED edier baae “ha Pn e . 103 Mechanic St 2.3460. _ | heat fenced beck yard, gay ee e paty. op v INQUIRE “LARGE BUILDING. strraptr S25 “hovks You In Lincele Jr iiigh Schools, '3 bed-| Family room. 3) Site's ween OG Carport & work nop. storm Ely fr 7 ROOMS & BATA iq weex —* FoR RNISHEL et for warebouse or any type of | MILFORD 3, BEDROOMS. .a.| rooms all dn one floor. Pull base-| Attached garage. Land=-aped_ jo & Sreens. 5.08, ear-Around Cottage rn i? mooe ore ee ee are regen, good ra Pike seus heat. Paved. stweet, City, ener) WiSs00 “at 860 monthly Wonderful terms. MApiesSN™4. | NEAR GINGELL VILLE. 9.050 ts | At Union Lake R rence. New) tte . -| $6. onth andi (2 : Tha Cee ry ew Eee, pega | Tey age een OR ORE FTE OH ebay Ie rere | ya AEN FEAR ROUND ROME, AT BUCK) tadMds "saa ih Tate Sopeme,c Reames eet . er 7 . e- ‘ 7 LARGE RMB pvr Ent aX Gaepes. Bowt cast site location. LAKE et oe CLEAN. HODERS, | sen. Weal for ‘elec _—_ “Many v extras $84 per month bedrooms. 1% story home “with | __OR 40054 or FE 2-3969 diate Possession. Low down pay-| * and hot water. Peaiutes car- ¥ _tie bath 2808 Sylvan Shores ROOMS & B K_____- | utilities included, reasonal | FE 4-065.. | VE 83731. WO 2-3576, 2 tiled baths. butlt. in 1954, Full | CUSTOM BUILT LAKE HOMES | “C. . poted 38 fost living ream. sep 7 RMB CLOsE”T0 DOWNTOWN “ied. $9 ATH HEAT FURN-| Heights Ra, MY 31284. For Rem M Eve, VE 8-3008. g tiled bathe, built, in. 1956. al |" Twin Lakes Village W. of Pontiac | J. C. HAYDEN Realtor) aww . 2 bedrooms, 4 Prt. Ent infant welcome. 6 KE. mac ‘er week. 1195. Merri | GODERN 2 BEDROOMS, PARTLY | OC ot iscellaneous 42. : = wrioed a5 306.00 A | —MarSte Sits. & EM_ 3-653! | 66 E. Walton , so | | nels oe Howard PE 2-1300. = furnished. MApie 5-800. wii, ~~ | suLTIPLE Listine szavice | ‘7 °F “iseount fee’ seek. BARGAIN Open_Eves. Bune 10 102 Ce z ala & BATH ee —_ J aMa PVT BRACE an | meat 33 a wives . Saat. COMET! LE LISTING jun, 10 to 2| um storms and screens. Oa tnd oor Chisd welcome. at pet Rent reas S100 Airport Re | MALL NOUSES FOR TENT gor | fate Snae™3 a “ptesele, FE | BROKER NOTHING DOWN jon zai Swen oon ane 6 oe a ee ate ) LOE RMS. PUT. BATH AND =! Lonnie Weaver FE ¢ [i mc ee 2 BEDROOM HOMES WITH) ¢ iS Ss = cunmey ahoed, * _Fe_ teh | Om Siege! re. Parking area. | SUMMER COTTAGE. -REAS — For Ee Houses _ a FE ¢402t/ 3, BEDROOM | HOMPS ,1'30'3| door. Low taxes. Excellent three |. 210% the : : 3} AND 3} RM APTS. LOTS OF tahe Lax t pantie neanun _ | BEDROOM HOMES ON LARGE | bedrooms. dint . : - only $11,500. terms. ne bent wake ‘ : carte? BX SEEE soTE Gr 7 ROOMS AND BATE Wan | Pathe, Srimming Eade ae 0 ARES one | SERS Us| siesta Seems | TOO Kom } Heights 3 ee ults, Auburn t ‘te month ra Heat GPPER PLAT 5 RMS COM- { ; bedrm. ranch, l'» hatha: 23-ft. | ARE gh Fam GARDE Se we hare iy oogees hed agettparagg Oxford. | Mg : ING COSTS tile on xhitchen. "vent. fan, hin Eliz beth Lak 5 7RMs & BATH. and ENT UTIL S$ rooms and bath, newly. decorated pleteiy furn. $75 mo. FE 2-3701 | istoed a wo rpeted. Sry er | pon what you want off Hatchery | _farm. Excellent soll. #2,000 ‘own birch B cociag ll trim Plaster slide a € Estates >. W. Side. $50. FE 26524. Best Sunihes. Near Sear's. 875 i a soa oe tee . read. lve eit barge, bedrooms. | “to responsible party. HU CETT, Realtor | need bageeroe. plu Ae A furnace. Lake Privi $ a AUBURN attractive kitchen. acer Coal i im : ; 7&3, ROOM fo PVT. EN- | _Rent Hou Houses Unft Unfurn. 36," Heights small down payment. UL, Tage. All for $10,900 with reason- | 314 ACRES FE 8 0458 iz cedar ate mo ay ae ae 5 room ; _ trance seryihing fur. Roy Ansett. Inc. Realtors, 28 F | able terms. RES uire unfinished wootel : : nished Near Saginsw Inquire 22 Huron 8t. FE 8-0466. 2 BEDRM BRICK. CLEAR, GA- Only 2 oad to new Michi an to mortgece. ° sepa: aa 5 Auburn page, lake “priv PE MODERN HOME. 5 ACRES, GRAV- ROCHESTER | State ‘University, Ideal for | L Lot—$500 Ded ee ee eS ' . 7 LARGE ROOMS AND BATH. OA. | el pit. Phone. FE 5-3892 ey. Ideal, site fer | Large ot Down bedrooms and fui 3 ROOM BUNGALOW. 52 NORTON rege All utilities furnished. - FE | Custom-built for present owner | bi Priced er $3,000 w 4 large rooms & bath, STEELE REALTY 136 Highland basement, r me or phone MA §-2438. 4-4525 — 2 BEDROOM DUPLEX — | 4-BEDRM. RANC in 1086. Desirable 3 bedroom, 2) te a This tae sleeper, =| tz Sta asl acne. heat, Ra. (M30) Highland, Mich. MU- hot water iz ? LGE FRONT ROOMS OTILI. 3 RM_ APTS. NEWLY DECORAT-— AUTIFUL -BE M. RANCH | eee ee ee seers off lar | 7m ‘ — = with and _ae '; ee Aduits. 258 Or ed. Heat & lights furn some ' EAST BOULEVARD HEIGHTS |All brick, 1% baths, carport. gas’ otrpeted it ee rcom omendt Ww S | Near Central High | tiste chard Lk _on M56 near airport OR ee | AR prick. 1% bethe. carport. gue Shing aren ante one ocre Wt, Al oe wy ‘Gacins tout, Realtor , , STLYAN LAKE 4 BEDRM. 300. Bay it whi ae F aR RMB. AF ENTRANCE . ON 3 ROOMS AND BATH aera | 8i3 PER M NTH Penna . er Orchdra Lk. & decorator family kitchen with | THN, Soginew &. “PE 5-6166 " Pheaty of room fot children. sete | FRA We Ds. 2S bec ay ; tus line 66_ 8. . erator & stove Adults oniy. Palm | . ; Middle Belt. For app't ca owner, | built-in oven, range. and | y tl 8 pm. ; jot 30x1 Ist. floor | i 4. ~4-BEDROOM R “ ” 3 LARGE RMS. ran RES. _Villa Apts. 454 Auburn. PE ‘2-6850. OFFICE: j 44020 or FE 46196. dishwasher. Laundry room. and | _ | pos dan itbrary. moders rie | A AD CH Bot Nicholie, Realtor’ sonable near Pontiac Motor, 1 3'2 RMS & BATH. STOVE & RE- 544 NE Boulevard at Valencia | numerous closets. on main floor, MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE | en 2nd has 3 bedrooms. bath. 4 . 1\@_ bath Gas | ~ __child welcome. FE 4-4625 after §. frtverator ‘urpished Plenty ' with full Roaerenrgar as recrea 1 | and sewing toom. 3rd floor fin- peek. patie. Rectifice $ 2654 “pu ee ¥ RMS PVT BATH & ENT Parking space. Appiy Gloria Apts. 7 BEDRM CLOSE [FO schOOL. | $2 * Re TION myesrons wived drive, Bus at door >| LAKEFRONT | fshed’ Basement. low cost FA Middle Beit. Poi th va esa hared _Aduits. 100 Norton _57 Mechanic _ Garage. Modern. FE 42405. TO . alee ESTATE te =o and * erect hial Rochester | 4-bedrms. with glassed and | heat. 2 car garage. Vacant. $2,000 4-4020 Te ° i J 4) ROOM PVT BATH we © RMS. ACROSS PONTIAC MO, 2 BEDROOM MODERN | side of town. Paved. street Me oar, Reet, | Screened. lake ‘porch Allin | | SYLVAN LAKE, ? BDRM =. “ Clark "tor. FE $-6928 after 5 White Lake road in Duck Lake Sete. wn oe value for your family’s future | condition thside “and out Ow Tre f \ Bsmt. tiled. Fireplaces. ‘City w: ‘LOOK : ~YRME, Ge WE ADOPTS (AND 5 BOOM APARTMENTS | ares, Only $65 per. mo. JA only 6500 home. ft. lot with gentle) TCT ransferred | ASE Sewer. Bus service, § 0. 8-3528 See caretaker KX Waehiogten. PE | -2A1LOR, Reaher OR ¢0e__ = slope to sand peach Ideal: Attractive ranch, west of city. ; At this. 3 . home with J ROOME Envire “ENTRANCE —! 41091 9 @€RM TERRACES. $8 MO. | WEST SUBURBAN | YOUR HOUSE HUNTING DAYS al Factory, worker with grow- | lake privileges. Living room 15x22. Relghvornecd A i Ld ace. yesmioned ROOMS PRIVATE ENTRANCE ("Sipe GARAUE i 7 chikctes weicnme «a ee: |e oesty & heareem. wiih fm will be over when you “fall in| ing family. oo darge for pres. fireplace. carpeted. 2 spacious | t lagaraied: E* * A OPE oS Se \UTO: | field, PE 2-002 lly teow. Rucloaed Sresee. ere xia ~ =. acagh did f te rue bal. dr sa easonable eons bos th, plenty ot cup- | Ss HR AWN myn feof PVT. ENTRAXCE & § RMS. & BATH UPPER. ‘wep. 7 SMALL HOUSES “ON DINE, | rage ee ens tr rooms and two baths, with an “Hot Point” meres feimiiy ram | C ath, 31 Stowell) FE 42190 room. All utilities furo 3; pear Clarkston. Inquire 22) Au 106 x 150. An eet extra lavatory close to the rec- 4-BEDROOM HOME utility with washer & dry eh y LARGE ROOMS AND BATH line, Adults only, 314 8. Marshall. / burp. at $12.506 T excellent buy reation room. For a busy execu- “Coleman FA oll heat. ? car o a ok ssh Util turn. $16.75 wi. 250 Cham- ¢ FAMILY BRICK APT. HOUSE, |} BEDROOM HOME. ELIZABETH | rms. tive this home is ideal. Attractive On Henry Clay and near Sen- attached garage oe —— _Sewindele Drive, beriain. vest sige, 1 unfum. Vacanc |” Lk Estates with inke privileges. UNION LAKE PRIVILEGES Uvtng room separsie from O° for High School. lo very good | A £ veereme Peete, te a "Ris 6 BATH? FURNISHED fot odern, heat’ Cail FE 50483 Practically new 2 bedroom kitchen, “dining "and _reereation condivion inside and out. Ideal | View of Sylvan Lake | pasement. oll FA heat, Wa | BY_OWNER. § ROOM HOUSE Pvt. ent. Nr. Tel-Huron. SHED rms wer Tien. aouite only 13/2 ROOM HOUSE, PARTLY PUR-| home. Across road from room makes it wonderful for en- for Jarge family, roomere °F | Located in Bt, cupboards ang do country on 1 LY ng mo 174 W. Pike, FE 5-8605. fished. 89 Wall’ St. ood beach. Inc jertaiaing, Tee 8 ee oun game: Price PSEeS “sores. at SS: Pent Pe d rane Ue a Eig yh Eg pi = preferred. 135 Draper FE —— ee | & neludes 2-car garage with cement arive. Own- / 7 room brick,.2 baths, fireplace, | carpeting in and liv. 2 bedrooms. 4 rooms in , ¢ ROOMS. 2 BEDROOMS. PVT.|2 BEDROOM MODERN. BASE. | eee large shaded lot er can give very quick posses-_ LAKEFRONT BRICK full size dining room Basement ing rooms. 2 Y ed . Oil furnace, Elec. hot water “ 3) ee AND BATH NORTHEND | _bath & ent. 148. Wall St. FE 2-4057 | ment. waterfront. Year around. ull price $11,750 — $1,750 sion Priced to sell quick at to- K low cost oi] at 2 car garage. | at $10, eater. 1¥s car garage. Newly decorated Furn. very nice | AR) & BATH. UPPER. FE 8 monthly. EM 33262. sore day's” market. peep eee ee TOO! down, Gall ie 4aani. ie _Aduits, FE 2-4376 _ $1632. 7 ROOMS & ts BATH. 2806 FON: | \ TAYLOR wane goavnaan / Yaneh home with attached 2 Loon Lake Front ah bedregm ranch: with 22 down Call FE REDRM HOUSE PARTLY | r comfortable eine. ery lug kitchen. bedrooms and | tile bath 2 tile lavatories. Oil only 910,900, terms can be r and Sun. FE §-3140 @ nished Drayton Plains. Children | pmong a ver erat yery * ats baths, 85 ft. wide Goo. arme ‘ Aiditional | bo ft. aeati — ROOMS. NEWLY lf RMB. GA _ welcome 3-0669. } large scaped lot with a wood- sha Jot, omk floors; nicely , “ oe with with pvt_bath doent. — TE yard, MA Cue FENCED | noms HOUSE WITH BATELTN: |? pee a, aS. chee White fence that adds to the decorated” and aluminum __. ee rece oes wraY trvien o RMS & BATH PULL BASE. 91" 32st Joslyn RA, FE S3134.{ trade equity for anything of equal home Fay nae ene storms and screens. To in) Cyivan Lake Front toon, ity bathe, Pull dase VALLEYS 4 Fate er and dryer. Price 4 : i na So a. Base rer eee | are \* ig HOME. PARTLY MOD. | Moo 4 Andersonville | “Wa. f tod will be glad to inspect this $ Der moving out of | On desirable north shore atrac-| “— aie? gee beah ned 8 - — all white. stom) ; ppt ‘5 ROOMS * TT STATE 8T., ¢T™. Screened front porch. somit | terford Cail between 8 & 10 p.m. | ay. state. tive. Roman brick, é car garage. ed at ided 3. gw te h ¢ #4 call MY 2-141) 0 $65. FE 4-5032. po jp logge? an ores. OR _3-5624. \, living room sratsed jag ne > celina bath = : 3 NICE RMS. PVT BATH AND F mae + REST. APT. and quiet, close in. $40. % wit tee GAYLORD | place. dint : TON “sech ‘ ent. Bus at dour PE_5-7400. location. Close to al liver ae E. mr OPEN EVES. JOHN & Famity room with mines cake Tedree owe 13 with rr Sa trees : J ROOMS AND BATH. ona ‘7m Near, General Hospital. Ref. re- 4 ROOMS AND UTILITY. OTL \* FE 4- : 2 s | Hig Sate, Coreen es ad iving rooms i4 x i ove vine, entrance. Utiliies furnished. Near WU red. FE 2-260. heat FE 2-6332 or FE 2-5788,| ~ | 7, T | hed 2 car rage. , dining room and a 10x)5 ctrele dr: By ae ; Huron Shopping Center. FE 8-4335 , Raty cx SHIRLE _after 5. O | ‘1 ee terms | —- Pa. Ful base- tng mon th ti.200 oe RMS. ADULTS. DAY WORK.” Tooms & bath. nicely decorated. @ ROOMS AND BATH BRICK. ° peat eet. Da a ers, no denking. Must be ¢) Heat furnished. Adults only. + $45 | 'R A si $i 808" ond os ie e is & quiet. Aliso ‘ema. E 90084 | per month. K. G. Hempstead, 102 eet tae Pasing, Almost: 08:08 | ‘REALTOR OY nnett, nc. soil. $11.800 on — No $17,500, term diate ag 4 N. a Huron 8 FE 4-8284 or FE , -—— sites seein ' | B el 720 W. Huren St * Ph FE 43525 Realtors ‘wie ‘3048 pot payment. closing costs 1 RMS NEAR GENERAL HOsPr. = eg ea AIRPORT | earoom j|-— _Opes_ Eve: _ | E Hu Predera #0466. $1100 down, “910. “tal All util. turn, OR_ 3-952 A LOVELY 3 ROOM APT MUST [%.,") wie Sno oil belP { R COLORED Open Evenings & Sunday -1-4 IVAN W.S nice. ee 7 LARGE RM? & BATH. CLEAR | be seen to be appreciated. Adults __With lawn and garden. OR 3-3943. | Here is ® real good buy ‘.at SCHRAM ; able ca tad te, =. : Child weleome FE 46-1128. _only, 244 8. Marshail. FE 2-0303. §40 MONTH ¢ RMS 2 BEDRMS | ; HOMES. you should see today, Large oat | "NORTH OF PONTIAC AC >;RE ALTOR FE 5- 9471 room amd bath on Pn 4 >) RMS AND BATH. PVT ENT, Children. 2685 Orchard Lk. Ave & SONS and clean 5 room bungalow. Car- | : 4 £ OPEN EVENINGS & Sumpar floor, ns egy | and very Steam heat! All util, furn. Very A. NE W wict aot! es | 5 ROOM MOEA IN HURON | a piace Goan rch. beaut reifie | Tassel Tereaee. wat ale oe 8 ee COR Ms sive Sicles’ seem tal Biter: | c a - : ws siean. In Auburn Heights, FE hitrhien, util, Fm 4 Ie closets. Gardens FE_ 1983 re eelkeepe Taree bro $100 DOWN. kitchen. Pull cement. Only 0 ter neater $7. 000, qittomeltc wa-) _ MULTE} SE LISti ne See SER en. Pull basement, gas heal o. i ca s he rescen each * e ree bedroom | easy terms or‘ ref re ze bedr | wo nice . aT REDUCED — 3ROOM boat privileges. Professional adults . [RM | WILLIAMS. LC FRONT. frame home has a new furnace . ment to GT. veteran. ' ‘Only y closing | furnace 1 bath in Walkout base: $9500 — Balen. : 2 ape! sent on Oakland Ave. Pri-| preferred Availatie May Ist FE tage 6853 Forestiawn, MA 12 \ end rely carpeting. ‘Call to Bee costs | ment. upper part not finished ¢ en. ot woe 3 heat. — and entrance. Steam %-1925 —— | t toda _ Moves You In Two nice homes off Earinoor,) Finish yourself and save North | Wil! bulld 3 bedroom house, com.! BEAUTIFUL LVAN sHOR i Hse ot water, stove and re-/ oe 6 RM ALL MODN. HOUSE. coal | back of St. Joseph hospital, 5- of Pontiac Terms plete with fone is on your R.3 _ DANDY LA HOME j rigerator furnished. FE 4-407. | ; heat, garage. nice back yard. NORTH SIDE INCOME rooms and bath each plus stair- | PONTIAC REALTY Bs rdwood flonrs, bai, 8 The rvteniene «ee room “3° _ | SL ATERS $65 mo 31 Douglas St. FE 42214 ‘Six nice rooms and bath on the! way to attic. No down payment 797 a re 5-8275 . matic heat Don Me Donald “OR home is situated on « $10,- 4 3 4OOMS. MODERN. CLEAN, PVT. first floor, two large rooms and | to GI. veteran Only closing 3-9837 000 lak ; : Sch Bank Go afinkers of peis:| oo = 4811 SUNDALE bath up, with outside entrance SO costs, Call Mrs. Howard. ie Gu: IBY OWNER. 3 Bi aewer and water. Num ; FE 2-3664. rn! \ Arcadia No. 1 s nearly new 3 bedroom brick for upstairs a igi Fut | WHY PAY RENT? lespie St. Ph. FE 2-6412. John tiled kiteh 2 BEDROOM FRAME selling p y f MS. AND BATH. PVT. ENT. Wolverine cae ual heat resovertted stat Brie’ at only: $10 Boo. 90 | a NIE | Rimes Beater, Se W- aren fenced yard x car garage, “goed aiden en i $20 5 a er, ep ore Adulis only! gave op heat, maintenance and|. ‘roughout. Children welcome & — Small down payment. — —_ location, _feasonaite. "yfsea | * heat 2car gacage. plckes t eto”. 6” 337 Bald-| taxes. Downtown — Three blocks | Safe on, quiet street, $85 per . BUILT IN RANGE & OVENS Lake Ho d ELIZABETH fenced jot. A ve are ee ; : east of court house off East onth. References required. K. John K. Irwin & Sons . me sn ae os wens © baw i NICE RMS. BATH COT.| fhtton™ newts decorated apart- | @, Hempstead, 102 ©. Huron St. S ;)LOADs OF MODERN FEATURES 3-Room H room & bath, ult in. 1002 new. j @ only. ments from $50. School % block. | FE 4-8284. Realtors om rouse ly earpeted living room, k 7 GI SP 1 b aPT NEAR AUBURN| All have one separate bedroom. | ~ 313 West Huron Street Across the road from fine beach.| floors, modern 13-ft. kitchen, 3 ° ECIAL et 2-9418, living room, dinette, kitchen and | CHECK Tre Phece_ VE 1 or FE MODEL OPEN 2 Dedrm. & large enclosed porch, vertene Gas. h Alum. storms & . < y_ 88.780, Zero bath. Some are larger. Will fu: & bath. pen. furn. & Real nice en, with lots of eereene. Gas heat. l-car garage. A la r BATH NEWLY e 8 r- newly dec. Util, te ed Es decorated Adults, tak . aryer, Tv Aue. aenery © MULTLLAKES REALTY WEEKD ecupay 1 v0.1) Se Gee mn Reered overbend fOr se, wali | #0 DOWN ttful oak’ Heese 0 brasil comer cere | MAYNARD SLATER ont, FE ote after © pm. | Thi 2 BEDROOM HOME ‘ExcEer CuBr “PRIDat make “payments, Very house will! Jocated and onl iy $43.00 9 Ramme: well | bedroom he Saklan table, 2 a x's on tom MS PVT. eC ME So : isis the place you ‘have been te $10, Call for an sppotni ment, . ue. 3-pe. acts worms an , Minne ban OT] 33'N. PARKE ST. cane arene aanes| Dn mth dhd ae Nia Ble | GL MEE Tat Ht | wer tear setar, ¥en nme gar we ‘ r $100 month. ary m with forced sir furnace, WESTOWN REALTY gage. ” = = rooms, pie wate, large lot 85 x) § 25,000 bad itke Bi & eauier Good born ae §-1110, large shade. and —_* nes, good. CHECK THIS 254. bedroom modem suburban eae ay Zz ab ng FF STREET CLARKSTON, 813,500. Terms | FE 89769 or Byes. 1307) | 3 BDRMS. 14 B rinssed-in pret Oe heat nt po ks ll tate ‘spat rt aan parking. N Perry. 2 iildren plex, garden specs, eas. MER SYLVAN LAKE rhe ATHS car garage has \ beth. One of oPilon , ‘ ute APT.. CLEAN, nie Pome. FE 47 Boo COLORED » RMS 3000 8. COMMERCE RD. MA 1678) | ae KE Brick and 2 ar Garage the Better” homes, and could De | sss POR BOUITY.- 1.902 FU bie, young edtid wileeete. al aie etn cain war. | CauCeher eve Me & BATH. HAVE SHELL — YOU FINISH Oe ot eT stan the tame. Fire. lly oom that ean ““ | 2 took’ your. gate é n° © CL Ria Orit, | oe FE. FARMHOUSE. — RENT. PE | Drshontee a Cane Grin: aren. pee. seeded iol xe garene is mene 8 Bh, livmg room & | RERRINGTON Se. OMS | oat ee en ok tren Lesa at ro back ent. met mone PB RMS. om BATH, $50' 26663 or FE 27734. . | Total price $5400—$200 down. eth od oven and Bion built into pirch | featuring inte ee niet | Large: TKitchen with dining space, ue rot Also 2 rm. wit! prt. month. 2-8203_or FE 3-9735. R LEASE, ROAD | petri all, coy cabinets. * Sia entry, Guest) fly kitchen. Bath. with built-in Lot 50 x 165 feet bath =. ro floor, Adults. % mile North 6 roots, | H. C. NEWINGHAM, REALTOR ie, TS beer n ou closet, Ceramic bath and vanity-| vanity Alum. storms & screens Oakland ity baths ranch style, base | Corner oAupern & Crooks Rds: * . Basement and many other want- 1 basement, and onl S856 | MANY MORE TO SELECT FIXFR? Order Ch ified BIR MLN ORAM - CENTRALLY ent natural fireplace 2% car ~ . UL 2-3310 ed features We'll cu “Qua. down. End the search of tomor- AH Big and .t: 7 out rder Classified) locates “eee Pe oom, auto attached arage, al nes hd '¢ RM. BRICK. LAROM LOT. ics $600 DOWN ity Build” ft. Only $15,023 and row today! Call for details, ' to oftice gn aver our Ads to sell, rent, fined a} matic gss Tat. ‘slov ve re-| yr sppchatine Pwmbs Raj |. fenced. carpeting. tanventent lo. Nice 2. bedroom home. of! heal, Also top #8 t h | eles ie He Lan good job. FE/2-8181 is - frigerator ned. Private A an ster + ie cation, OR 3-4 | ste ate tes weer Mager” Bald: Me an Ge “your home. William Miller | $ rking space alt Midwest | HOUSM FOR RENT. 1699 WHITE 4 ROOM ote "ON LAND CON: | oer ee: | Re: the Want Ad number |, | im or FEderal 82153, ® | Lake Road Available inmediste | tract, completely modern, Oo | “Ww. on marcbiaR RLTR. Be ; ‘had BASS REALTY | ry R ealtor 107s W APE? 2-0263, CL ARKR RE AL ESTATE ™ . ‘ 0846, tt 5 uron 63 uron & ! i‘ \ 2-2930 der 72 Open 9 to 8 | Multiple “Lis ating Service 5 i732 W \ ‘ = ~~ ° : \ . os . ° ? — | ~ _ Pte ee =< . 4 7 ye \ hg , - o ‘ g. ™ 5 a > = eis he ; tg ? Co . @ Li! } EES, Fig” cgi ah oe ae oe = + i Neal * ee eee ee ee ——— ae a ae oe Se CE ‘"PANGUS, Realtor LARERRONT a eon ie kitchens | ic why —— this prilleges “sod pousaat. view” 1s THE “BfkD" TO SEB ‘a throw inm ‘the lake and one of we fo-| RENT WITH OPTION Sh cet ents aionly What o opportunity to $10,090 with $2,159 down. See handy ‘nome weet mt gp rm * 3 on ae 4 3-Bedrm. Contemporary | moved i once. 18 per enon Owner Leaving State rea See it today--itsy much | You's contig pen to ad hows ever | ! room pome loca west ef fay REALTOR PARTRIDGE this Lay 9 ‘such exchusive de- "TIL eign location wooded acres. Tremendous “ fireplace, balcony bedroom | 3 Bedroom starter house with base- other unusual features make its - ment, rough Don pontion the West and must . more immeaisiey wi weniger’ Dream Acres aes : Jn Clarkston REALTOR PARTRIDGE We have 2 new brick ranch-type 2 acre. Lots FE 3581. 1050 W. HURQN) Poady tor your un ts tls GI 3 i ake Waterford “HIN: 3 Fe magge living room. kitchen,| Quaint’ * of Clarks- siorms ‘& serena Only 3 Jeats| Eke dedicated te ths Belot site $51 per mio. including 2 these omer — for appt Middle Straits 1 Lake ea ct 7 — > | ving? oon "$78 or JOHN LS oat VERMETT pA oro 5 cana GARDENS 8 room, 95D, screens. Large lot. down. $7,950. peal M. Jo Jones, Real] Est. a Tormpigoee West. Suburban ee LAKE i ie 2a ~4 ettveae i CeCe ah dings nd] LAKEFRONT price, Low down pay-- 2 Bdrm. Bun ungalow K. L. ~ Templeton, Re Realtor ford, ts this iS ne = m lake . After 6, PE esea ; ap Pe ee cae ia 18 eS — Ex. walk-out ot a, with pi foie icheteee | Bea cts be WITH 61.000 DO x, REEDS sppointment today. Besarvate "| | Clarkston | JIM WRIGHT, Realtor aC pp ree | ee ee toto | sn na wnt SERVICH (ACROSS FROM BANK) P SPECIAL Open Datly'# fo'8 Sunday 12 to 8% BRICK RANCH — 3 ‘— sooking tre ba Ble abe he Rd MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE EAST SIDE—$1,450 DOWN... Excellent 5 room bungalow, + With full basement, fire- and glassed. front ttle ELIZABETH LAKE : bedroom one-floor plan built when acy regily built iste: room, 1 family og kitchen, ru que e ~also for “way. $14,950 — . say “You can't beat Make us prove it.” € iti— NEAR WATERFORD HI § room Ranch built in ri location near 4] ai spose, weter, sottoner space, oi] heat, water ive kitchen with birch cup- ’ boards, darge living room, 4) a bas @ included and more : — Better than new — / ‘ ; $80.86 per mo, incl. taxes and ins. CRESCENT . — — "eee inn a- w vely jon Si R.H Hiltz finished in bea knotty pine’ A kitchen that will please the Iadies, shining _ Wi_W. jim ane 56181) mg ors, forced alr heat. LARGE BEAUTIFUL HOUSE OV-| beoutital park for your INDIAN VILLAGE WILLIAMS children. Smal down pay- ment moves you in. no other cost moves you in thts lovely 2 bedroom ranch, ; te ‘i x a and in! _ yao on! $44.24 . AD) ed 3 bedroom ranch, se- lect oak floors, plastered walls oil furnace, carport, lot 100x150. Located near e. Here’s an outstanding op- ——, for an alert fam- iy to this exclusive 2 baths 3. bedrooms, _ a larte living. room . fireplace, J car garage. paved street and drive. Call sro for the buy of your cloth, REAL pratt & sas wea mo. 3 DELIGHTFUL... : You'll be delighted when inspect this excellent room the West 4° ae. lene mes Ee ar, ‘Vater paved steak pies High sementery - oo ‘screens : ed only $15,050 $1,800 dn. ¢ Two bedrooms plus ‘on BAL sen or 3rd bedroom. Kitch- — en and dining t atreeioner 90 ft. lot. Ribbon res and BUNGALOW, $300 DOWN - 4 rooms and bath big garage, taxes and insurance. i i | fenced lot. block to Oakland bus. Full price $3,960. $36 month _Mae_ St. Phone » OAkland | 8-2918, LAKE ORION, NEW 6 BEDROOM | lake privileges, gas heat, | * owner moving, $4,850" fi home, ull price. all Orion Realty. ~~ HOYT Pru 950 — 3 bedroom brick ranch. i . — recreation x clone fesend. 2 car garage. ances low for adiek sale Call now and | be . MACEDAY LAKE pe. Almost 2 acres complete- ly landscaped. Beautiful la-t ge shade trees. come hag 3 bed- Large ge | range. Large — room ona exposed sement, atfo at J . AD this. and more tis could be it—call now! CLARKSTON AREA 3 bedroom brick ranch on A large iandscaped lot 2 car garage. Gas heat. Paved street. You wiil have to see this A. _— e a een gd of and reek vais, 500 What oat BPaorage “HOYT-REALTY.-- 2-9066 ay 772 { above. for easy and informal é Rolfe F H. pomith ak o PM. ROCHESTER ‘AREA . Attractive 2 bedrm, home. pring Cae Panett te act, North of town: very nice 2 gga home, 26 ft. iy rm., util. ei) most 2 scenic | LAKE , fal bee ro “Alvin just boven pogiat” _For Sale Houses 43 _For Sale Houses, 43 NORTH... ~ DRAYTON — ; | Humphries 83 ON. Tele Side and it's heme built perfection. 190,950, low down- hg elther conventional or ly, it's vac: sar enjoying this all ewty deco- rated home ¢.- We have the key! venience Frio else ta entrance. Carpeted w hg wall. 1% bg garage and com- piatety fenced rear lawn. $12,500, ie ren MULTIPLE (eons SERVICE’ 2 bedroom brick ROCHESTER HOMES NEW MODEL New 3 bedrm, engine with full basement. at $9,950 on Jour lot. F. C. Wood Co. Williams Lake Rd, et M59 OR 31235 - Office Open 9 a.m.-8 p.m. KEEGO HARBOR NICE 5 RM. modern. $6500, $800_dn . FE 5-0107. MULTIPLE LISTING’ SERVICD NOTHING DOWN ARRO REALTY TED McCULLOUGH, REALTOR $243 Casetilenbeth Be. Beeb en to 8:30 p.m. Gentes 3a i BY OWNER, 4 ROOMS AND BATH of age sane. “O — On acre ie 2500. aI Utica, with > on acre lot. $18,500. fruit trees, ries. A real good value, $11,500. Terms. ~~ RIVER FRONTAGE Nearly new 3 bedroom ranch home. heat, 2 car 5 venbed tate oe inbes. Only $13... ge we 3 2 Dorothy iy Snyder Lavender Realtor Est. 29 ¥ re Oe a Highland Ra. Nohnson 20 YEARS OF SERVICE DOWN gone oeiian located es alge both, “nice” dinigg ares, con convenient ent Eitchen. after 6 call FE 5-6447 §-2935 OPE aati or FE A. JOHNSON, Realtor 1704 S. Telegraph Rd. FE 4-253 BY ¥ OWNER. REDUCED $3400 | $3400 FOR f hin “ote. bldg. Se Devesaek: porch . 2 car f oomieags A t 42 8 . Bast f Adam . PRAME, Loe —. ment on land contract. bing w. (rer call, FE 8-2214 . BEDROOM RANCH A new ‘brick © room home in s = = ation of fine custom omes. 3 large bedrooms, Large ceramic tile batb Beautiful elled fam with floors. Birch cabinets with for- mica counters. Full basement. 2 gttae. 115 200, Low terms. 4286 DIXIE HW LADY a. Drayton . Pl: OR 3-1231 2 peat = FPF OAK- land) Ave, Pull basement, gas lots of elose space, FE 4-035 Green Street Large 7 room modern in excel- lent condition. All big rooms, + eae heat, extra large lot. Garage. Use as rooming house Pioneer Highlands Very attractive brick bungalow. Only 6,years old. 3 bedrooms, eeramic tile bath, lovely base- ment, patio. Double garage. Lake privileges. Convenient to bus line. own by appointment. _ WILLIS M, BREWER — F. REISZ, ea Mor 9405 W oy A 5181 VAL-U-WAY + FOR VALUES | OWNER WANTS TO SELL FAST . NOW. BRICK 3 BEDROOM, - FULL A cre we es RAGE. LOT, LA PRIVILEGES: bape SILVER $5,250 $350 DOWN. $47 MONTH. 3 BEDROOM, FULL BASE- MENT. NEEDS REPAIRS. NO DOWN PAYM'T $175 APPROXIMATE COGTS WILL M YOU . CTION CITY OR pee Ee ome WITH _ RJ. (DICK) VALUFT 345 Oaki nie FF 5.0693 Call Eventn Till 8:30 MULTIPLE LIS G SERVICE MANDON LAKE FRONT HOME Now is the ‘time to buy jakefront home before erica: up your full basement, oi] heat, glass- a segtoeee porch. Pu price,: $11,- : $1,750 Down WM. A. KENNEDY 2-840 PE. 254 8. Telegraph Rd. REAL s108 Ww. Huron Open Evenings ‘Tu 9 pa egaas ws fe plastered. walls. Oak}, this spacious home with - 4 bedroom brick 2% baths. 1010 Adams Rd. ¢ BEDRM. 2 BATHS, 12x20 brick with carpeting, family room. & 2%-car areas. bullt- $26,- — Will Show! M. SHEPARD ins. Fireplace. 2-car garage. Ke FRAN WEBSTER livin. ca: . gas heat, s softener, owner, rth... drapes, rms, screens, 2-TTH4, heat, encefient condition. — 1 REALTOR 4536 a Hw: LA WILLIAMS LAKE 3 bedrooms. Pull bath, Basement. Forced air oi on corner lot — plent: oe Do 1 b “WILLIAMS LAKE room ranch, 3 bedrooms. Ler ihe room, pasts arran hiteb- en with —_ wood filoo' from 4 of cabinets. Hard: basement, oil ear old. Lake | gees “ 1 blk. Tom ~ Ragen'e 500 ps oe gage. ‘ms. “GEORGE. ae OR 31251 AYTON PLAINS Eves. on 3-1708 or -OR 3-8842 BY OWNER. LEAVING STATE. 3 bedrm. brick, near schools. Make offer. 128, Featherstone. FE FOR . COLORED . 3 bedroom, full basement, fenced yard, Good location 950. $500 gown. Lauinger Real Estate, oR 5 ROOMS, MODERN, LARGE LOT Lor, 3 car serage, of] heat. 1138 Lake. | view. 23-6682. GI ae — BY —ment. BEAUTIFUL ie ACRES ESTATE er cent interest, tiled bath, plastered walls, cinerator, storms & screens, ‘fully dsea beautifyl sub- division, GI sacrifice, take over payments — small wh y- With § modern. qs heat. You could more homes or beautiful ehurcis site, or doctors clinic. Cor Crooks * Ruby 8&t. By. pes UL 2-29 income 7. nae FE 5-6175 PE GILES North Side 5 room bungalow. Full base- large Other extras. too numerous to mention, 3-Bedroom Located on East side in_the city. On 2 large lots. Only $875 down and $60 per mo. Call for particulars. . : GILES REALTY CO. on BALDWIN AVE. OPEN A.M.-- MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE ‘ tioned ee mat. Very at ryatiractive yar ps FE 43560) “| KENT Established in 1016 $950 DOWN — Here !s an aitrac- tive bedrm. home in Drayton- Clarkston area. Full bath and shower. birch cupboards in roomy kitchen ] heat. Total price $8,500. WATERFRONT HOME — ‘Room for room and dollar for dollar—a @ rooms, 7 —_— use rag’ open front bsmt. Large family rm. New in Aral iad extras. See it at $22,500+ - Lake AREA OxBOW Lake R Takes Lobo haggy na a several Near school down. NEw = Bick sree Ge: ranch home reage tile bath, full bemy with space, Fenced eet ae aved stew. A real buy at $16,- with only 4a 600 down, WHITE BOARD FENCE ~ Sur- rounds this bungalow New.” in sub- oem ‘56, ds, tie nou pie large ventia fan. eo tives. “pbtai’ price beat Py vileges 190 with $1,750 down. Floyd Kent Inc., Realtor 2200 a Ried at Telegraph ° PARKING OL 1-7511/ | SMITH MA Seagnioe. ay ha go ad fire- piace, large — storms- screéns, all s included Got beachy Cail for @ ent. CLARKSTON AREA Lake ren: 3 bedroom ranch. years old. Large per cont EY including taxes and rance. WHY WAIT? income. vat rooms ms oneh fea- a? HIG Ds ttractive } rick. family con with fireplace, fire- furnace ie room, rons. way. car garage. gm 5 7 eae Tandsca CALL. FOR AP POINT: N T- Wideman 412 W. Huron Eves. FE 4.4526 ° FOR gh geo BASEMENT Hi on M24. 3300 North of Oxford. BARGAIN HUNTERS 3 basement, nice lot on in Wate quick sale. as low A ss 100 down. Full eee only $7,200 SETTLE ESTATE Approximately 8 acres m house, needs repairs. i. —— 7 miles boot of Pontiac on iF. C. Wood Co. Williams ,Lake Rd. at M59 Office Open #9 a.m-8 p.m. | ear ae FORMICA COUNTERS, FORCED AIR Of. HEAT. If you would like this home M cnled on your come ge 4 ay us show new model 26 and goes i ron’ bedroom bungalow _ ‘full road a Aysers % Frontage on oman fe e. $5,500 get BROWN N- — Almost unbelievable, neigh! $6,950 FULL PR! edroo ment, "Oil rn. lum. . storms. Large 75 x 180 ft. fenced lot with lake privileges. Immediate session. Easy terms. $5.950 SELL OR TRADE - tow with bath, well, stalled. ea rm. ‘It, &eres. “Only $295 $500 DOWN Littie ig acre with cozy bungalow. pepe Syeseew ay, an arage. Baseray hot water heat. ill trade Yor large home, $8,130 SELL O like new. 2 with df] furn. Brand new 2 aoayee: ll trade for large home. ft. lots. Ot furn. Alum. Located at edge of city. a real deal.” NOTHING DOWN — Repossessed home, All newly decorated. Onl aie Pareegee bases ‘w paint and new gr Are ey credit. and yo $93,089 AKE FRONT ~— asks riy’ American style ran bedrooms, lar bung slow. fam Attached ge@rage. “Many builtins. “It is a beauty.” Be sure and see this one. office . Photo-Listitgs, Fou n ‘care time. Park right at our door. Rag [eee ” bungalow . Large only $7,- RICE two m. bungalow with fa base- fu Alu pos- Little farm. 4 rm., uncompleted bunga- farm. Over two-car Just neon es alow x 7 ft. ear BE: Beautifully ‘one DOWN — Cozy»two bedroom bungalow with two large 60 x 158 storms. | “Here is. per wits Taras your _— Migient service. WE BUY, SELiL & Lae ‘our Ame | through Classified Ads. To ‘| sell, rent, bay. swap, hire, 1. B. BROWN, Realtor . na } f na, ay i atee g a ; 4 . ef $22, y ay ‘ants ith pie 7m, x: ° ture window ov ing lake, pic- peewee, center halbwas Carpet- closets,. modern bathrm ‘ country pice pan » ‘ch, # rm, a. Acre of pe 4 a car garage. wr H ment. au 48032 oF _FE 23-5460. $23. 8. BROS. garage in m. Has such features as: built-in range & oven, large kitchen. huge aremte bath y an At $17,000, with terms. WHITE. BROS. 8660 yy ee Hw Open Eves. ‘til 9; Sunday 10 "tik 6 ~ | ACRE Cozy 2 bedroom modern home. (Potential 3) Nice and clean. Va- rms. Call nee p=’ f mornings MUtual Dorothy ty Snyder Lavender Tears nar Highland ‘ Phone EM 3-3303 or MU 16417 STOUT'S |= Best Buys Today Love Lavish Living ? Beautifully designed brick and frame ranch home in outstanding area = outside meshogier, Just some of the features include 3 own. trict. $24.500 with terms. * $395 DOWN = white frame 3 room ‘and w located west sub- av edl Part basement. In quiet residential area off Elizabeth Lake Road. Vacant for possession to- morrow ff you need it. Payments like rent. Vv ALUE PACKED! Charming white frame bungalow tin Lake Orion's best residential section. No stairs to climb either walis, al the terms | $1,500 down. BRICK TRADE Owner will trade this newly dec- orated brick ranch on paved near Orion for small homa in the city. Large lot 86 x 614. This fs a sharp house we know you will like. Vacant and we have the key! FAMILY STYLE the large family 2 story 7 rooms and bath located just | off Baldwin. 4 bedrooms and ful bath, 2 blocks to school down ard $5,950 full price. Pay- | ments cheaper than rent. Warren Stout, Realtor N. Sacinaw PE 5-8165 Dally tt tl 8 p.m 71 NORTH END 2 Bedroom home with low down payment and yments of only 50 Tt month including taxes insurance. Like-new cone TAPE WE You IMMEDIATELY : No Be PAYMENT We have a number of 2 and ments. Just decorated and top condition. Low monthly pay- ments and only § per cent in- terest. Call,us to see them. WEST SIDE Near High Schoo] for one-third the original cost. Truly a grand brick home large lot. bedrooms, 3rd floor is finished. EAST SIDE Wonderfully conditioned home Nice kitenen. 2 Bedrooms down: 2 1 base- , auto, heat. arage, fenced yard, FHA commitment. Nicholie & Harger. Co. FE 5-81 33 W. HURON Income Property 43A BPA LALA AAAI IAI HOME PLUS $209 OR MORE IN- even come per mo See owner at 791 is north of Auburn, Au- burn Heights io For Sale Lake Prop. ee 20% FT. LA AKEFRONT 1 LOT In exclusive Ry gy mh very soeptialt te for fiudine site z wil | C. SCHUETT, Realtor waite and help Oi home. FE 8- DON’T WISH FOR MONEY! Make vit easily ‘dial FE 2.8181. Double-brick garage, | the | | ‘ | | $1.350 | g9x100 93 | 4536 Dus 1-3 chu a easily sround IXIE HWY, OR_ 31231 LOOK! LOOK! ‘ Lakefront lot on beautiful Lake Angelus. Only $10,500. Lakefront lot om exclusive Wa- terford Hil. $7,000. Lakefront tof on Seymour Lake. North of Clarkston. $2,950. Now ts the time te buy your jake bome site. ™ WE BUY — SELL — TRADE WHITE BROS. OR 3-1295 $660 Dixie Hwy. Open Eves. ‘til 9: Sunday 10 "til § LAKEFRONT Large brick home hab oa located. rd. Large ae nl acento Bt ra ea Carl W. Bird, Realtor 503 Community Bank Bldg. CRAWFORD D AGENCY 3-143 Par engerdine, 1450 foot on 650, "tetas tone INVEST NOW Choice 5 acre parcels. Lovely building spot. $669 down will ban- Dorothy hy Snyder Lavender reaps Ba Phone EM 3-3303 or uo NEAR WIXOM > — — level. land, 66,000,,, “JOHN J. VERMETT - GENERAL REAL ESTATE 9203 Commerce Rd. i 36466 46417 NEAR NEAR ROCHESTER. remo ig fa DEC- orated. Good 1 acre, $14,000. po reas Saul ty the 000, UL 32-2715. VACANT 65 ACRES Fronts on 2 Toads, mear: ae Lake Devisburg. A real © acre. Terms. EA: rar} Rd. (M8) at Highland. MU 420465 48 For Sale Farms acums, CLARKSTON-HOLLY wtiful Coun’ 70 80 ACRES» Good for beef cattle, la barn, setup ow buildings. v room | || JOHN A, LANDMESSER, BROKER 1573 8. Te PARK. AT ove FaDwT boon ipo a $10,000 ome em down s this ark tone. iquor bar north of y Bie is 40x00 owner's sof “ Newid y ses possibilitie buy un 6 ti8'000 dp. A NORTHERN LODGE quite ‘awhile. easy’ to ope + awhile. Eas: ‘ b neon re in comer of winter 5 lodg and — vaca dog pass food nor bar. Ouney fy ia ness increas at a tremendous ce Cal us for more fascinating growing busingss, REALTOR PARTRIDGE Businesses Thruout Mich PE oven 1050 W. HURON RARE OPPORTUNITY INCOME STARTS | IMMEDIATELY FULL OR PART TIME To service established cigarette accounts “No experience required, No soliciting necessary. Tremen- _dous profits up to _ per month, protected territor is an pineal opportunit? for the man or woman selected to build a substantial and prosperous yture We finance expansion, You must have: 1. Automobile. 2. Refer- 3. Gix spare hours weekly. 4 $1,005 to $2.73750 cash evall- able immediajely which is se = by fehandise lease do not waste our time un- less you have the necessary capi- tal and are able to start st once. ou have these reguire- ase write briefly about and include _Write- Pontiac STANDARD TATION POR LEASD at Baldwin & Cornell Pumping a . mo. ness forces sale. - farm bome 5 wetooeme small tenants house. mall stream, 1 partly é re = Tous terms. WEBSTER, REALTOR oxford. ‘OR $3122, Orion, MY om BY OWNER, i100 ACRES repairs, 4045 e ‘wall Ra. Rd. _Ph. Holly WTD.: LEASE #@ TO Dp fe Phone . days. 4 , nights, MA §-1002. Nice lake west of living room large aces. PONTI AC REALTY ™ Baldwin FE 5-6275 LAKEWOOD VILLAGE. = AKE pecodta aoe and Cedar Shores Sites av COLE & EASLICK a MU 4-8825 "Crvan baie Moda 3 ded - pee Carport - builtins $18.006 duplicate $14 500. 2140 Garland Open Sunday 1-6 WATERFRONT HOME SCHOOL HOUSE LAKE OVEN 3 bedrm: 2 fireplaces OPEN SPECTION PRI 500 & UP Bioomfield Real Estate MI 6-6500 wares LAKE, 2 WATERFRONT Clarence Ridgeway. SYLVAN LAKEFR dock Ceme drive. cellent sandy beach. Only $28,000. Cash to a MT Paul M. Jones, Ret Est. FE 48550 8-1275 For Sale Resort Resort Prop. 444 | Sale Suburban Prop. eed 11's ACRES — METAMORA AREA, on good road. seeine grounds he J Bt large me with a Hill, Broker, 814 N. Lapeer, Mich. 46 ain gine For ‘Sale L Lots SYLVAN VILLAGE- | 2 ADJOINING LOTS. 100x150. Sew- Main er, water, , lake privileges. FE 4-4526 or 57388, ask for Mrs. Wheeler. 2 LARGE “LEVEL LOTS, DEEP well, Septic tank. Fieid tile in. ead ‘ag get 2 paved road. Wat- kins mi. Ss city imite- “51.290. $200 a. or $1,080 cash. PE 5. 3 @i9 ACRES i BeACTIFOL Avon Estates. Near MSU, Rea- 1 17-0154. FOOT LOT, KEEGO HAR- ‘bor, $650. OR 3-7519. : BIG '% ACRE LOTS, tegrated wooded $20 DOWN rolling fin tion. Be first to select yours, R- 2, VALU 2T, Realtor FE_5-0093 “MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICEX FE : Rent Le Lease Bus. 3us. Prop. : 49A nice barn Harry | Sale Business Property 49 DBPL PD OTL LLL LDL Lt Lt 120 FT. FRONTAGE. MM Between Oxford — basem Unusual buy. ES NEAR OnION rom two recog, 3 roads — bargain in area li for deta ® RM. HOUSE IN TARE ORION Large lot new garage 2 baths, new A buy at 610, $2,000 dow LAKE QRION REALTY MY 2-2311 140 FEET FRONTAGE ON MT. zoned Seeme et. commercial. Call PE 86-1064 AUBURN RD. BUSINESS FRONT- ons corner, 200x400, sell or trade. -U ase TO BUY OR SELL Commercial or manufacturing lots HOLMES. BARTRAM 4392 Disie dd OR 31950 ______ Eves. OR_3-3230_ messes: FOR LEASE OR RENT any part of 14 eeres, with bern. near Dixie at cat on Williams etely Lake Road. Cali MI +6149 "he information after 7 pm For Sale or or Exchange 50 NORTH END END 2 bedrm., free and clear. aad heat, 772 “St. Clair. Business Opportunities 51 aaa aed ALL “oR | | le { j SUN OCO * Modern bay station IN PONTIAC real opportunity to be your pa and prosper with 3 growing . business. — OIL CO. os Mr. D J. O'Brien Gays TRin- 2.8100; Eves. Mr. D. Bridges, rmont 71-2586 SHOE REPAIR SHOP" Completely equipped. Including butiding an good line of stock —ready to ££ business!" For sale or trade steal at $2700 CUCKLER REALTY | 236_N. Saginaw FE 4-4091 | WHOLESALE” “AND RETAIL MILK routes for lease in the Pontiac area. Apply Pontiac Press Box State credit references and _ qualifications. Capital required _Sale Land Contracts 82 20% DISCOUNT Baty yeer old contract per mo. at 6 to per year Present palance . fwill be discounted to raat Ss .* (REAL TOR PARTRIDGE 43581 1050 W. HURON TIL 6 fenced. | 22% DISCOUNT. LAND CONTRACT balance §7.934. Payments §70 per month. Seasoned i') years $ C. PANGUS, REALTOR | 2160 M-16, Ortonville NA 17-2815 $1,150 DISCOUNTS Secured by 6 room modern home With 2-car garage aod i' Property sod March 1967 $9,000 with $1,000 down Payments are $73 mohthiy at 6 per cent A MAN WANTEDI! | interest Cost, to you, $5.250 To operate joca] business. Sensa- D. Riley, Broker tional new product! . a ‘300 Elizabeth Lk. Rd $23.4 pe, py ogee in- FE 41157 FE 44621 vestmen te . a you can qualify. write Century { LAND CONTRACTS 1 TO BUY OR k Corp. of ‘America. 1620 | to sell. Earl Garrels, EM }-25i1 Baldwin Bidg.. Erie, Pa. Qualified | of EM 3-406. : men in other cities are invited to) Money to Loan 53 apply for their area. ANYONE. IN ESTED -moderi service station around Pontiac with « canati pe vestment required. Phone 2433 er 5 p.m ARE YOU LOOKI ness? Get the free Business Guide” from Rea Partridge & Associates, 1050 Huron, Pontiac FE 4-3581 ATTENTION, BARGAIN ers: Used clothing, household furnishings. bedspreads. curtains. miscellaneous Clean, many. like new. Opportunity Shop, St. James Episcopal! Church, 355 W._ Maple. In Ay tor | 43 Birmingham. (Parking iot en- trance}. Open Tuesdays and Wednesdays 9:30 am. to 4:30 2.) BUSINESS only nrengas 2 15 YRS., and makin, re priced right com on ic a quick sale. Builders Attention residential building lots, all in the sarae subdi- . Huro Next to Becretary State's Office FE 45181 FE 45388 or FE 8-0823 BLA DRAYTON AREA ; nice lots in Drayton. each con- tone acre. Close to schools Te we iaataie Center. Convenient te CLINTONV TLL E RD. Approximately 5 acres. ioe to —e, of Mann Rd. $300 "GEORGE BLAIR ‘ALTOR ° ry. OR 3-1251 RAYTON PLAINS Eves, call OR. 31708 or OR. 3-8842 | GROCERIES, | EXCLUGVE DRY CLEANERS, wi A ioe s. Compact solvent dry pv’ ng plant’ with income property. Established 30 years in same location Write Pontiac __Press, Box FOR SALE SM. BUSINESS. MAY be operated from your g@rage or bsmt. Complete ape and _route, Price, $1200. 3-6590. MEAT, ne AND wine, Self service. Lake Area. Living quarters in r volume $150 yr. 000 inventory, Apely ‘ontiag, Box 73. GIFT & CARD SHOP FOR SALE. Beautiful selection of quality mer- chandise. Good corner location. Wonderful opportunity to own your KING FOR A BUSI ae. | | | | t i ‘Michigan - | \ (State Licen Licensed ed Lenders) BUCKNER FIN ANCE COMPANY E YO! CAN BORROW UP TO $500 OFFICES (N Pontiac — Peayten Piains — Utica Walled Lk., Birmingham, Plymouth LOANS $25 TO $500 — On your — an other on curity. 24 months service is fast, rientiy hapon Gt helps wn Sie our office or phone FZ *NHIOME & AUTO. LOAN CO. 7N Perry St. Corner E. Pike) Borrow with -Confidence $25 to $500 Household Finance Corporation of ede j% 8. Saginaw St ~ GET $25 TO $ $500 ON YOUR Signature Up to 24 te) to Repay Pp -9206 OAKLAND Loan Company own business. Phone days, __ 2-48 Eves., EM 3-2763 202 Pontiac’ State Bank Bidg. gg ae MEATS, BEER & Wine. st de gas station. Bumping. 2 Geen sock. Do: e ancy ean s mr oad bush iness Lease, $3500 $50 TO $500 — $25 TO $509 ag niceie 0 Paqit aie LOAN CO. Mutart Realty * PRIENDLY SERVICE 2410 8. COMMER RD. WALLED LAKE MA \rket 4-2391 Best Otfer—Tri-Level Near Rochester, 100 x ‘325’, venient to new MsvO, FE "1863. ST oa, OR... 3-2007 OR 3-0641 CORNER LOT DRAYTON ee $1525. OR 3-955. FOR PERRY ACRE P_ HOLMES, Wee Pie o2083 HILLSIDE PROPERTY of Bloomfield Hills, mature treés. location i? “tte connection avail- able. $18, oe owner, MI ro ; 1 tor 100x250 ON bl ed LVD. ear Adams te challow well a “ ae Wg on 1-1550. LOT 60 x 142 ON PEARSALL With al eis improvements ve 44-4295, LA A LANE NEAR Be Bas’ building, Some Be L i MickepsiaM,, IN CITY Cranbrook 4 Senet srt Tel GROCERY DOING GOOD BUSBI- nesses. Buy the stock. Pay the rent and you. are in business. $4 Oakland. TN WASHINGTON STATE—SML.— 170,000, Es ir Rg tng caon: nice climate. re, office, stg, bidgs., equipment & Ben ah touse ready to live in if desired. 000, $15, ‘er Peon - handle Wm, Reese, “3 8. Yakima, Wash. LIQUOR AND BEER CARRY-OUT. Licenses _fixttres, uarters. Masonry buildin Uensing. $12,500 ves’ “COUNTRY. STORE. Finest cement bu STATEWIDE : Estate Bervice of Ponti eens 7 sis nt [TOR Pir 40st AS STATION, on busy | Ph- Ph Rochester. O OL 60711 OL A191 FE 8-0421 LOANS $25 TO $500 BAXTER et LIVINGSTONE 64 W. Lawrence St. PE 4-1538-9 NEED $25 TO $500? ~ SEABOARD Phone: FE 8-9661 1185 N. PERRY. ST. “Parking No Problem” Seaboard Finance Co, TEAGUE FINANCE CO. ' 202 N. MAIN ROCHESTER, MICH. LOANS $25 TO $500 LIVESTOCR ou LD WHEN YOU NE ED - $25 TO rage We will ve glad to STATE FIN ANCE. CO, 702 roe State Bank, ane: 574. 3 4:1 detsile sont ¢ » wt . ¥./APRIL 28, 1959 Nt 1G 3 MACHINES || CARNIVAL, : “TRADE, ° | fase" | ny Dick Turner ee cht ene hy ‘ ——s Biba te Sole Farm Eauipment, % = ben i Ditacehien 5 er console poe 4-4 10 "Evans est Sewing Center ! Maple mowers, ear, exc, cond, OR @ Tor ay pat ig crn, Porter-Cable” Boles “ ¥ ayn ning int ace Complete - Pa at Walton oes Barber ~ ice ne waa niower , * mowers and aes FER ; CREDIT tractors. M sae uses wih base ioe rh A a _ . ‘DE; GAS RANG i Len FOR F. r : to ER. trie range lin. 20 ft. conv : & am p tuck ph or! isle Hwy Drayton Plaths. ange 8. B. Munro Electric ; as eS exo BP. ) HOUSETRAILER “ti 6, Prid rayton Plains. “Open FRA tase $13.75 " CHAIN 8A Coat han eS ee DEIN DEPT. | Vigteoed “Mabaasy € and ¢ $521 ots. serte and serene oe ace- | BEDS. CHESTS Tokio top ‘cle. stove ....... ese) pares ‘Mahe $3.71 Ea MY 1 Pest tolase on RE, ELEC |S", waihey once $48.95 | Pir Plywood, tanya ORCHARD Pre is #, etc. M ow +, 998 wood. ess = Me" @ Del. _new, 100 ee aon AND CLOTH m4 Cash and Carry $8.32 Ea. SEE rood NEW MODEL anes e wok senaie. Le set | BUY AN 18 Bes | Phone Na tase eas fenders, MA couch ii a. tebe 95 4” D SAVE ' @ooD ee rs. 61372. F . . STUDIO 05 | soi pipe, §° i A IN. BOY's Saka EM 0 Ww rats att we Spee 2S ee | uction Sales 77 10 price. FOR 18 W. Pike N usb door ; . 245 “4 pes é = ironer FE 59179 4 wpe BE terms. t PE 41122 No. 3 Oak forme $128 DACHSHUND PUPS, 1 gg nc JaMOR PYERT Auction Sdle ree roe. ALL SIZES nn a E FOR G 7 “cabinet; eebinet with __menne AY & makes. PORCH GLIDER 1 a Som a Rm ga finstrie Ge Walvert wee me ae VERY FRIDAY & SATURDAY | — NSU, Sales 321 8. Baiih BMW. "COR at 21 old, $100 _1060_W. Huron Yol FRET Lecetes board. E NER 15 Watkins Lk. Rd Bee | agp PR wwe verine Lumber Plotts, FE 4189) GISTERED a 16 Dixie Hwy. 1 mile section, cwep for seer sowing Rollaway A BED es Reas. anaes DELUXE RE- Paddock PE 2-9784 Reg. English sae 2 NEW MERC ca Boats & Accessories 85 mocking, swan fer Gres’ or cack. Gelvesss Cal Gonna: $19.96,,U8ED VACUUM Nos, Od F e: & L_ DISTRIB ' ers rapria, Fg CLEANERS. 4 Bags Tis Plea. cToORs |! WHEEL CAMPIN eg N iad AL” recip aioe. Maosringhe = y ihe ‘it Conpee R. B. Munro El ss ) HAGGERTY ~- Boscom, 4260 fott Ra For Sale Houset iv motor. G TRAILER & ‘ pn Fah De mee Purntiure a9 t a oa #6, Pearson's! U ‘js Tew w. Huron ectrle oer COMPANY { pera Michigan. La 4 For Sale Housetrailers 78 78 cond. 3-0297. Both in good r, Sump pump. Went gri- | SRAND N rebard Lake Ave sed Trade- In wives 22 PT. SLEEPS Gaga oe poe ey es bunk Be WROUGHT Moti aN ore ‘Dept. Betweet W. Maple & Borsa : | SwGLIaH “FOR - <<: ba STOOL. Exc. inboard motor, T ee. ae ny. SMALL NT MixER — cad mattress | $20.96. springs) Pull ‘size Sear wae $14.98 | BEEF AND PO Arket “¢- a | LONG HATE FE £1411 ek ar ae Se ree Deller Co. i _er, OA $304 oa slectrte ary. | CB — er S iste ace | Pommpen '& viele -- Se os | amen Opdyke. saa? AND | hud. on es DACHS- of 3 coo Ber 8 | 2 °C Mark PLY Woop : r iE dt Chippendaie, or wanes OTP UL 8t & bar srs $18.98 | BEDROOM L7 0 HT mtd 5-7941. | " PARAKEETS A at ee apace, : : ‘a bien bate | case’ auto. Tenstan’ Sis Beamuitel bed. “ tes ¥ irreguiars, rae. Py aa SUFPLIES "a. be Bee used for oS. an * gM08. win bas FE | Moet floral dsapes, tyr itt UF dining rm "Sate ac: $e) SES tise Cireas end values | POODLE PUPPIES, WHI re Pt Like cew. $300 dows, wis windl ALUMING TRADE '3) FORD F. cellent at Condo oe" : _ THOMAS ECO} serene. basetr, Sor cbahirents bed. , © 1000 ty A tapten, 0, | ature, reg, be: Te MINT - _FE 27-6634 call oO & trailer, ) Maemo pre Cueto FE Gn ie eh Ee ant tage $POs | prime: Michieny puoreegen, 305)“ did | eer emirates | Ss BerT FEW Mook” ume | nator ater 6 i. USED DOUB FE 29151 BOWLING ve. — 2. idn't say . i 3 raduati en's | dyke sell. 170 will | pee MARK | “WILL, TRADE, FLOOR SaxDino } Sere Bagg wank. fale Le, DEATH CARE? Mioeal for NDING | MACHINE. ‘How could he ie Soniienn: new: boy friend was worthh eee nial am iogt ON a ae ee eeparaiely. Eat | bem «(Valued Sen) for , COMPLETE 8, FE 4-840. GsEp TY $695 UF “CASH 6 6 PB 3-1484 Pound?" ess when he’ ess! P FEMALES. AS! 17, Auburo 2 BEDRM | 4 ve. RUNABOUT. 25 a band on OF of i by feectin: BABY £D, $18. BA- trigerator, hoes UP. . USED RE- RE- ORANGEBURG CARRY “ 3 . s full of beef at $1.25 - & $85 Also LES. AS | v . PFE Heights Mobile & traile % BLP. EVIN- S200 wit: ee blige age Brey dy _retrigere-| & ‘Appliances, 422 W Sweet's Radio} * regular nriBER PIPE 2 SS : je88, 44 PT. ANDERSON baw Ra. Upstairs $80, ste Sashe- - oo room TY GT 3 SED.| one acti ante ae: . meren Fe| 4... ooreuee oh. te lade oer g CANARYS. CAGES | conti heat, factory ie Prine oe a 4 or ar, late “model ED | dever. oe: re, re fe giectri | WA WALNUT BEDRM” SOTTE. Ml | i" concrete wane For Sale Miscellanec | Hetenery: 2488 Aubara UL. 2.2200 | sgaciione proce, esatlog ot | © ea 7 wT ee 17% | RR ATIEMAD 5- cond . MAR-= : orced © ou: 7 - urn. : i % ih. er 7 BEDROOM HOUSE CRATE-MARR = for § ox 3 becresms traits | er. GE $2 ATER HEAT. dows fo ME STORM WIN. #1 0: COAL & SUPP -YWOOD SPE s 62 registered. § months of. 7S Arma. Like “> pepn.| {eld cover & tr wind __ 31019 after 5 p.m. +. OR CRU . $89.95 r sale. FE 2-0402 ; rchard Lake Av LY CO | *s!'P! + CI: ALS S| PIANO Rrrat ow dows aes Jalouste win. | —72*70_sfte aller. $5235. EM” WILL TRADE 2 BDRM FUR ai ee wrovont i efter | CRAFTSMAN ae ae GENCE GAW SS Spruce: $4 ps cartage, . 80 FER Monrn | PARAKEETS CANARIES CAGES =e + © creme. On) Sco home 6. | cOM : 2-3000 R | include H SAW nel windabs 3546. for 2 bedrm. trailer, MI) MERCIAL DEE UL 39008, complete. E -oniged Ba hi ' power s bench, table pri Rania E* | Mahogany wall pane 3 30 archaced —— all's, “ppg | aR Mince 1007, 506 Cex Oakiand ave. | kins Thea M LIORTWEION : ; Johnson J — / «ex 30" P EEZE Columb new. Reas. 716 E. | penel © work li sion. *4" Birco ling $ 4.95) _ PE 31u pol BASSET PU trailer. pity fr} ‘tie. upholstered javelin elece For Sale Clothi | Courhas OR x & compart diatina’ i MACHINES | comet Ladi Tis eas “a* Seats orm ce 85c ae | naw A HOMMOND eee 2 anteed for See Tee thon Me ge vonming "tai bg aie I a peeepeinediape \CHIL in€ ‘ * | ng 56 ine INATION BOTTLE | Sweepers $1605 “VACUUM _ station poeng NE AND SERVICE | PONTIAC P ak) oe SS een “SPINE - PORE “BRED —poxens” wates.| f° Sele Ce rem eee eh. | battery end tow 4 PORMALS \ coa) and wood EB GAS Hoover re up. Authorization | CAST IRC ash register. FE E ' 1488 B C PLYWOOD CO. 1 money applied eartage Female. $25. FE to join a W. Huron, (Pian rE ben? alloy trailer. enea, exe : eres 1012. WORN. new Big discount. — Bra | Corner of cere Thyle Electric, | CABT IRON 5 SECTIO +5047 aidwin Ave. FE 2 _ chased. when pur- REG. COLLIE PU SMe _ _ citing" care Wally Byam’s ex-| 4 PT : ve F “oe dasiiiaadivail | Saves MA_ 5-601 Mute Ap ara. PE osie obmson and How: | tion 6 room. jocket fee ened PANELING | 718 GRiNNELL’S swaPs'ss oe —— ae "| Mark 25 & trailer. ALL Lt seats CLE PORT. ROU ; Ca. com heating capacity | Birch ' * 8 Sagieew . — Pes CHAMPION - G STAR m5 _4 - UL 24279 AN USE _lawn LAWAY BE WE st OF cy oe ae oer ____PE 31 ~ GREAT LAKES | 14} Ts» or ace ernie ee ora pame O OR SE PE By gre oa gage pate NLT TS "Husting Dogs 9A Autho EAT taxes, | We FT. WOLVERINE WEDO | days. 389 Orcba le Open 600d _conditiog $45 WhemEn. Retrign, wasners. el eppliances lvd. FE ¢5853 7E BE N tion, $313.00. T Rind excellent condi ut rized . whee Or arama \ ‘ -' AKC R Sales trols. 28 b l, and ¢on- saeilatD DR sard Lk Ave DINING R ane _PE 0-3556 | ranges elec. or gas CEDAR FENCE | ae BA N. ue T MBE EGISTERED. 3.2408. p. Jonson, $525. - RESS, ! M TABLE rer ‘Jie EA R CO. “ RRS MUSIC short haired GERMAN OR mitts, size 7-6 HAT AND | bolstered chat AND 6 UP.. WYMAN'S ACH paTIO . Teleerape Ra. pups, OA 82128. , Pontiac Chief. is able for schoo! worn once But-| Westinghouse rs im A-l ¢ond 18 W_ Pi MAN'S STONES 30 > ross fr FE 23-0567 READY TO HUNT et & Detr 1 concert | s elec. v W Pike &t j , off Bizes ER ‘CENT. “ rom Tel-Hure: w NT THIS FA Comp oiter row boat price er, 4050 acuum swee EA) Eat . ses 24x24 $1 20 ot eimaraner ALE. | selection - Cost $175 Goes and bet, cise 4, ‘Waa, fale | Pian “Otmers. Drayton nce SUS | CASH WAY | Smooth finish 6 colon BET —~w ANTED see Poe 4 ae. ot ides. Aigo" 8 are m of 8 and 30) are. $00. Mi 4 © 2 [ears Ste. CLEAN USED +0165. | DINETTE SET. CHEST ¢ _ An -UMBER P EE BS ght! eo man Outdoor ! De aura | ell eo on. Ss oe Sem lake: Bloomfield Mills" hich CHEST ues IC Trai Timber+ _ va. CLOTEINO oe 8 vanity & dresser. & DRESS ee S7A STANLEY ALUMINOM cE tapes ost” 95 ce ae pier USED PIAN ned, Boarded ‘ 70 B b allow ewence — at 20 FOOT CENTURY teh. ao _ n. gf ; ieee , iy Co uthi a SPE A? FLOOR - LENOTH CHANTH trigerator. sie gas stove eS oortad DROP LEAP INDOWS len an Highland Rd (M5@) oF WW ‘ OS oon aD CA O Hut , board, fiberglass ben tai .IN- lee: ANTILLY | wri a5 TABLE est of 4 le | N j T, BO ondition. $1. @ Wedding L vision, nger washer, T . Spool legs & . F EM Pontiae Al gand Music C ~ Burr-Shell 7 3 ARDED. | nis 150. A-l bridal veil. OL iis Also | room ————— top table. tring oe castors, MA urmeiste ‘ im _—_ aii Pp BAExAB AREA MIRA enter | ~~ H 3_S_ Telegraph. _ iM b +0558. 270 GIRLS CLOTHING “SIZE 4 AND pers pcos SE Television & NORTHERN ria Ss |, ROTOTILLERS | Sale St it Sucre wie Grdin & Feed 71° ile Homes | *skt wsier Ma alse Gant ; new reeses, size 14 urniture Dea n | h -D easy to : ore 18ST AN -_* ' PE _Teasonable. PE 21606. | DELUXE oe ee bai Lake a. wre rane won Radios 5 57 B 1940 Cooley on any BER pig Meccan a as ee en une cLER _Equipment 64 maenie, Leeaed Bats STRAW, | Sales * ank and small ~ 23-8627 i : 80) PRIGI : LA rea ~ emonstration Y EL * A_5-0666. ‘ : boat. “ setioe sncrrcal, 36c- 8138. ‘ua cis need | weed Mjookers on glODEL, TV's. Soke eae M3417); Pe, barnes feouine rovers. | emeet._ 810 TEE asec SSH REO ans. | i TYPES OF IST & IND CuT- eek ed ts MERCURY MARE = 7 a League grey-green DETR % up the tnsid r Deli 2 pm M ‘ol aveliobie W. F. | Tate at ce ESSOGRA! c oo ea . be 5 MA Se ap a asue sport jackel. size 4 “like orr JEWEL OAS. GAS RANGE. to Peers, Appliance por dies, SiUGiNatOe Sanaa after Garey & Laws raupment. watene at Tg 70. gs $30 | oan Gay SEED OATS 1 | tee oe 7 days & week oO 4 . ma - ers, elect: AGE BURN- Mile. Birmin ve. N of 14 LK-IN COOLER rence certified R. PR SELL eter aerate sale. a et PREEZE asain $ Seceuer eA, and gas. below ‘cost. . #8053 irmingham. Ph. Midwest; “ith compr LER BOX ioxexe Pr | Oxtord aoe ‘and treated, of — our la lot. Wtd 31 JOHNSON oe Seer. $10. Suit, hie ae on goat | Stove wneemisree a DRY: Water Softeners 57C BoGHOUsES KIDDIES -T. ‘PAINT NOW Wrra KOTO , eet Must remove PE OO6T | OA #2174 eget malsh “mere i on st Oe ae en Boe “ggtted | cuee ee see 98 bee Ui 3aies, 2. FE +1484 wagon. F ore and boys. rockers IFS TABLE out f KOTON WITH- | F 8-067 ickmott, Jr. “Bud” per cent. eee 2-2789, ‘Sale Household Goods 57 javer” pac cence : ~ | Biv swings. 170 © Wallon re blister or peel due to | Sale Sporting Goods 65 eg! ms and Coach Sales, 16930 Helly Bd. iis, UL 2tase Ro oe $40, wrin RIC STOVE AUT AMAGED V arwicks 2678 Or G 4410 Sq . iss? MAREK : 1-2 6x68 OUTS pi | SS Wet waster, (0 IC com ANITY LAVAT | RE-BUIL chard Lake. M4. | Sena Ll ee ) Squirrel Rd NEW dll — ag B. whiriewsy ft oureer a mt ELECTRIC RANGE G Water Condi | ke iompeon_* canis a awa mowere sharpened | eon ae to Baxiey raape. For Sale . Livestock 72: , TRAILERS 8 clamae Sj fisting” red “wall pie: gene GOOD nditio ELECTR West — 294 OAKL ET NEVE Sn nae era tures, full wall $25 EM > CON: = ner i Ie LIG - 204 OAKLAND M EVER si sise 32, fur cn tn "indies coat, | ELECTRIC STO au. was I NO SALT { eamures. fg Mas LL Down | Sauce BOCES WITH PAN. ONLY | FE eee bag. pM : pean IN RIDING HORSE. | Liberal Ter 1987 CURLY CRAPT 16 212 rug Baby mie e= stools. | eretor, goo! cogéiioe a0 Taner Coolev Soft. Won meet Bateres ideal lamp peatores * $29.96 3 a ree ray. ONLY | GUNS—MODER . 0 . centie. spotted . Parts 2 B ttle G ~ oo iss BP. ~ sh Fag = buggy & potty chair’ PE 5-4684 | nots, ty Mile N Liver pe Soft Water Co. | gaa P 95 value $6.95. Michi ost 05 bay sell. OR | ANTIQU! “sied'S pe ae — bottle Gas pom ogg p on Once dack on GALE BED. |FOR SALE Cae ae 2a ——. e.96 Michi STEEL FORCED _ing, BurrShell, Bene yes. ola! Preldbrook | TRAILER EXCH coe i sonable. MA} fat FOR SALE ; REA. | good CRED REPRiO“RA.OSD WATER SOFTEN! FE 440 crpcrRic. Lk Timken ot AIR FURNACE 3158. Telegrap a —— 7 ANGE oe ant cover 3 ne = tr 6-1 A- R 80FTE ELECT n ot! burne _ SPALDING egraph. URRO, elegraph wil] finance buy 2 (HOLLY Woop rTeer oe eEna We mt 213g order, 87 GETER OPTI re Tie ed completel y Ou, , ~HEATERS, ee tank, OR pati? after 6” Pg Woods. 7 gg Ag 3 Pe CWT FS 20 tier . Call FE 63119 Fa Hollywood twin bed, a | rhea ept a NEW SoPT Dock —°mt ies AT BIO ais. | dison lines. ao = Detroit ORM -DOORS REPAIRED F 70143 LeGrand. uc. cond, |COLT, 1 YEAR tao Wee | : 1958, 14 aL _ ei bedrocen, eulte, 980 / 4 chests ete Mak R 3-7380 Samuel's Appl, M oney down. —— 33 after 6 E SPU BAMBOO | : and Arabian ld LCH | FO with 38 Parnas Boat . $15 FE &-$706 Rug. Furke e offer | FOR “SALE BTATIO A 5-6011 - ‘ or Cc BOO PLY & RODS. nw 2. ee ing. $100. MI. UL 2-2583. otor and trailer. neo LNG aL SOE 5 (ne inh bee ee “ For Sale Miscellaneous 60 PFE 7 ial SHEE | ee en W wanes sid FOR ALB OR, FRADE SOREL | TRA ALL NEW 21 uci comn., Fs owe. values $1 eC bed Terrif ne E , STANDING © 7 ETs 43 TROCK t, ™M vs | : y Selding wad s 1 ILER of Gna asain bins : oon SUITE. | E> while they last - Ho - GALVANIZED PIPE. lic PER Lang Ln ane TOT ETS 8 sis an nah dels | ~ innows, E » Ete. 6 65B | land” Peeks Grenger re one fol poo Owens raed 4. t - . , ee Paseo a Cal arene Orchard Lake tiom attlvanized pipe, lie per | te bath sets oun ms Oe ~HURCE (CRAWLERS | 2 (DZ. 0c; | RED. GENTLE SADDLE PONY SALES ° trailer. Save over §2 raft eS ee $x. PREEZER HOLD: papas 700 MSG. West. De colored bath set with 8 CHURCH'S, INC fore: $0 for sc, ‘big worms $0 | HO ae E>. after 6 red STEW cmrmnat. ee hee ions At alee «ROO Miorm rocker PE 40606 | 308 Nelson Ss 500 LBS $128. BAG CEMENT MIX Factory 2p Po UL 23-4000 “i work n Also clean used HORSES 1 SOARDED Ee HOLLY GARWOOD ma. - 6 Oe Ce oe ~— FREEZ yet “condition, gam OR Seen | 122.88 Leen SELEy | STEEL OFFI ~Snee: thy Orchard Li Ave | pegtt Wweinus Laxe Ba. roe | woe ee LY VAGABOND | _REALLY NICE 1a PT ROW. ait vt Hoe . oe dibeS 120. aXe? ie EEZE} sRS | We ZLTECORE tex es |: _S__ Saginaw ene Sve Sia ieee OF ICE DESK. CONFER. Sand, Gravel & Di rt ne GELDING. ¢ YRS. OLD, 3 Le eo REALLY NICE 4 FT. RUN- ij ho michen tal table & = oe sofa, | 15.€ ph pd pular brane TA An jaiden Ro. FE NCE Moret arm chairs, igh chair sa R 66 U_ 47412 or Mare. We have ; ‘or rent | —petiect ag ted 1 «tgagoms i 12 at bers re Pie! at Uprent $289! Order ALUMINUM SIDING jm and % tor heat cushion, MA are ICH BLACK oer REG. TENN. WALK now. See us toda bays rove yell table aa ehaire. MM Terms Samuel's, an $250 | yrhondy - beat the Spring rush estimates, op onths, free SCISSORS. PINKING | 41042. | FRG oer $9505 yds. & PARM waiking pony, 2 saddle ER MARE e south of Orion 7: i Pc A PRIGIDAIRE ELECT! oN ee money pir & awnings. S| eee west Fence. FE wcteper BARES 6 oo A | FE 20346, SOW AND 8 I ae, Te Ie | ‘oat ~ Pe CHROME OINETTE SEF Se tre rcp pirme Sth, Shs cittitigSe OANDEY TRTCTON Waren, Sowtet sam rat SREARS | 21 peat uMUg—y-Yos DE STUD, eenyICR irre owme ron) OH! THAT NEW eS e. OR 37621 OR 17-5048 ce = = fee tou prices. | wheel with 24 — x. OL _1-0321 STUD SERVI 19 ¢ PIECE SILVER ORAY BEDR!} PREEZERS . N eves stallation r cur in-| § mower 4 inch reel TOILETS he WALTON , 4-1 TO eee st —. “GOLDEN 59 VAGAB "7 } a ttachm $4250 VAL P SOIL. ee by My Ch iN, MIKE. OND outfit. Doub e bona BEDRM. | Cuset ‘ORGE - FREEZERS ALUMINUM SIDI riggs & Bir edt. 2% h. Lavatories. UE. $1850.; Send. gray . BLACK biIRT,| Jone y Choice (370374). iss ; bea Large euser, Bookcase | New mode! and Uprights FoR DO IT eS eee pneumati ration engine 5x12) Stall show: $29.50 velue. siags _PUmu avel and fill. “Also | Biues Trixie (441778). Mid OMETHIN 7 all for sa Pay anit 8 ven jamps, | crete-marrec ogee ly scratched or 4 L, valektrco. RS - shape, bis0 Call ig ery good | ctts. $68 oe. cone fats. rm. ¥ E_ 5-47 i en or Lo Bis sire is Wilson's uent SEE THE METHING! SLAYB Pearson Furnity oat, | gount prices els et big dle ey” % Rochester Rd 6:30 E 8-2153 after <8" Fiuores e. $3250 Michi. fill SOIL, SAND, GRAV Lady | 1490671 Dam Midnight G at Oxford Trailer Sale (ODEL AUGH’S Lake Ave re ro 2 Testa ts “ee ; ee no Ans. Res. s. "es écon Uses Sa a Tmereseemt, (303 Onehard ing. at. ose Jerry's AVEL. | _ Oakland e068 Granger Ra. = can unde a wiaifter ¥ 1 FT ORG aya 5 y UO 8 : 12 os 7 Barga! “FPURNA TORO POWER UNT Li AHREWED TOP SOIL Fi ”\ TH Other E FR ame as ¢ b: x 12. $25 IN eee FE 2-7164 CE. WER U ; - 1 SHREW {OROUGHB 1 MILE see too. piece iv eae Se ama aheME CaRENTS | GOED HAND paonk> Ce ARAGE DOORS ied “Uni wire wow. “A Sack sie ri sai TO re Um 3 dead ORION Ow uae! © Or Lane LIVING ROOM SUITE (69005 FE 5-€189 - LAWN MOV F S cultiv eee. 2 ee he ae _of Adams Rd vd. RD TRAILER Biand new ¢ SUITE. BUYS - sual <_< and recond WERS. | natees seconds 1 | tivator. snow plow. p with’ fn & IL, SAND, GRA WTD. PI SALES" i : . ¢ VEL. : HORSES XIE TRAILER _2> modern * avenport and chair, _to $12 PE LL pos |} sor nditioned Also. S2¢% 1m stock. f af standard i ‘echments $300 Pi other at- FE PO aad dirt Ke | ££ TO BOA i Le SALES. 1 tables, Ghe- haces Clin ower with 22) Electri rom $25 and benche enjc table with» ay ro n Jones. | Square Lak 1676 peer Rd, . 1045 _ N. ag ey | Scoutee maps As FANGE. ‘oO CH Doran: monet ee sacine. Engine end: closet e , S00r operators. folding | able $35 a Pa oy drop leat. *t TOP SOIL. SAND GRAVi | nes * m4. Trey. A) | Used rental ‘uelerss "4 New and 899. Pay only $2 oo | § pin $00 FE 48 condition ‘Oa uhar OR. 5 empietely Stairways 2 and disappearing , TRAILER. 1- = fil) & black dirt” Bul GRAVEL, Wanted PARK Pearsec'e Pursitere. @ Orenard Ghee bis E 48105. SWAY OF sot We give estim AA WHEEL WITH H _cavating basements. ( eidoring ¢n- Livestock 73 HURST ¢ cu. ag : REEs DAvENPCSE i comm | = Ae rotroce | ™ COS. ates on garage re. | _ford off “Hatchery m8 Gt 4-1 SHREDDED TOP 80 32._ WTD : PIGS TRAILER SALES * SS. Fr Yuco REraoEnh Spm PE 66518 after) Pormene egtation, Take | Open trom 8 to | Two #FT woop aat | 4 eck ain re soi FILL , _rest Jones. os) ror- | 540 Lapeer Rd. Lak ' ——. Rien, See: OS: Gas ; BERVEL REPOS W 7 FUEL Ol, TANKS GOOD CON BERRY DOOR SA | rage doors. 635._ ROLL UP GA-| 1 TOP S011. CRUSHED STONE "Sele Facm Produce 73 EY so “Ate Oreo 0 Prece © DINING } ROOM SUITE te price eo Rev ATER 7 en ee Pr soiz) 3718. Paadock OR SALES | | “nEp SHIELD. ARMY | _FE éthtz vel till, Lyle Conklin, arm Produce 75 Cre y aa corn RS, 2 ————— | Pr | LD . 'aty pal inn ee APPL, FE scent Lake _ 331 machine. sham 2 aaates GAR FE 2-0203 E-veryth STORE é YARDS ES. ™M r) Sate Reed HOTPOINT ee -” _¥? 07 eee & sink & — Sg MT GCE CHIEF. Clothing Paratture’s vour needs peeks. Prompt tebe DIRTT on | Some 91,25 bu. “eo Ee - rm. Eg ine OAK DINING , c"rme winete. Get PE 2140 ve, ™ RM COLEMAN O11 FLOOR aor watia Fess One ee | TT. if WEST LAWRENCE ae ae peeee Dundtoft me. 18 " Asc AUTO W FE 2-5623 EM 3-4114 Priced fo x10, —2"12 | $695 Celling YT FIXTURES. ~ , 156 W Montcalm, FE 5-47 2 | woop EPLACE & FURNA ae | Porter Co tractors & mowers t aft. solid valv@ litte am- A L-BRACE MARINE On [ne hea awe | PAUNT UP AND SAVI OF Svick, Sale Ceiling or strwell. GA. ntealm, FE $4712 OaKLAND FUEL & PAIN lice oe mere rie fuel pump for Chevrole tee CHRISCRAPT | ; on o-tillers ts FE 5.5 p for Chevrolet, IS-CRAPT 3 ROY'S ee ee and trade. - | Quarant SAVE! Srotts Pine P } eres M59 West Open Sale Musi ORCHARD FUEL & PAINT ity Svectals ¢ 196. after 6 p.m. V-8, |. 96 Oakiand a MENT PARTS | enn house paint. gal teel Clothe aneling ie ft. | SCHUMAKE Pe ic ae usical Goods 62 RCHARD LAKE FE 5-615 36 on used equipment | WRECKING loo ¢ oe . Ey FE 2-0118 : ASE PAINT $1.95, s Post $9.8 UMAKER ™ PR RR F-PLACE WO HOUGHTEN | ior R 00 CARS 1710 _ 2 Eves. & Weekend: is APT. 8 FE_ 2-402 4, ’ al. $375! 4 pr. glaze ii MATCHING Ever. ACCORDION ~~ | _apple, OD BIRCH OAK, IN & SON [> oad off Joslyn. TAY. | MERCUR x! i gongs | Ak, TREES. SS) Sie eer Tord rt 26 NEW RITE Be scar hate gguatigns, ow eaate tne “oo ‘vou 2 tn rade. Corte out oe pees ones ann ‘MATERIAL ea SALES ER B jeather gee solid mshowany | ENRICO ROSELL 7 agar AC Everereens, = Spruce. Pi . Ere. | type aconean “head quality push cone one ae LEY 396 Orenard ta RINE 6 ; s of free erms Curt’s A . end Rd. SMe: cost $84 console and PIANO. _Like new. MA_ 5-1867 " . Mugho, Juniper & r.| mode! of ti y mow- tires. Kuhn Au , Also} SAILBOA . 2-9020 sens I> on e¢ FE 5-924 ppl, OR 02, 4N EXPE OR 3-7002 50 — $45. mirror, NO TUNING OSCAR SCHMID" viate. Dig your Arbor- WE sunein Yer 49_W. Huron. jervice. T. . GAT. @ TO 6 ing m RT LICENSED F AR SCHMTDT, &, burl own. Brin tools Evan E WHAT "WE SELL | STANDARI 23-1215. Good con attion. an needs w HEAT.| Black F ——— B 2-5217 ap, 9992 Sleeth | s Equip. 6507 D Sb RANE wee h. Yn 1 Trade tor 28 4 miles E Ft £5 ‘ro 8 PRINd CLEANING gain than eve ork, Bigger ba bi ‘ormica top, 36" KING = miles west of a. 3| MA_5-7678 ixie Hw trade t NEW OR 35634 vinrude or Johnson, or el oy seis t tr @ with rou . + TRU - yt mm er ee non Gen Raise Conte om Auburs | ~ SPECIALS ttalied sre "aes of wed | (ne mith abinypad, Also S maiche et Ones easine, Teeimice’ eusfs ot mienectan’) COME INAND SE rmbt) Seats eral Safety, Tires, | THOMPSON | REPR IOBRATORS: eettwed, aii money town OR 36 FMA terms, no 7 seat and back. ¢ pes, rub- PRACTION WARGO OA. on a «MU gues ‘| THE NEW inne ROLENG an ED WILLIAMS Pens a fevers poate. i 5. Guarante all) eu, a . > A.FEW ACTO - a r R } WASHERS, ed delivered ft GB. Very ever, BeavTiFUL BUTT wit U #1 8 KELL tee ent Rd a T| uoronr © ‘osatenees ali eines” ferns ony coskhinatios iva walogeny Grand plano, in Pe 5-6. f00 gh A orl me EENS RID RO. M q AN BO. Seginaw gt Reeburn ra rr 1 s! Roo Washer, " sizes. | Mereclis aekt ik took * ore nad cedaten all $5.00. You | so we have several g00 ; . ROGER, apartments mnye | soon tested iat "ly OUR PROBLEM, et eee PP anes site Bit ako Stetitus Maemo at Se re rest, ROK FORRIGN CARS | 3 mers soveuvey gam thing — W -| g00D HO PROB ? 95 — $275 old. Small mediu : betwéen Ponti aie half way EDIT T . : IGN CARS outfits. 1 te ant Ads WwW EEEPING sHoP L E M: a. , m ptano’ $195 _phones — ME ac and Flint. Holly ERMS < you. ACTION, Dial give sw. woron °°" rz 41958; hehe Ads! To sell, rent, gene gy Deed Lewsey organ | NURSERY GROWN” sPRocE A omen R n> Goonue is align Lea 2-8181, a mere He it aed hire, it’s FE 2-818 old, Cost $290.95 ag 2 yrs.) Blonde wneiaedi’ diard dcwts yee. Ne 8 to. or as FE 4-07 1 ry at Opdyke SPLICE sto Harrington Boat Boat Works . ' Mt, Clem- Bunting A rd organ on dig W : ea DAVID FE 41112 ° < STORE OUR EVINRUDE . ’ practi igo oti rockers’ bdx j Used accordia cn ee Ne eee in sales) C BRADLEY TRA 1, 30 8 Cass 100 8. Telegraph : water x Hians all si s & countr . ullivator & W \CTOR FE ~ i ; . $104.50. proof covers. C : z63. 4 -sereens & y homes for eV eeder. FE 2- $417 P —- _ . 50, Hell Be used one S| GALLAGHE Evergreen Pet ae Disk Lane | ire sons i : TEREIETC DISCOUNT % ee a . ~ YFAIR 6140 | 18 E mares. GHER’S mete ts Clarkston, MADle 5-1823. | used Brouit Olver r salee on ____ Auto Service 81 ‘ See ary i er aman ae ; ; , FE +0804 ne Map Baan FaRMATy.TRACTO or Sales on M24 CRANKSHAFT an ie ae ; ' $-9061. . ACT BS ; - : \ - 2 good. #280 Pa 6 7768 OR. RUNS shag eK rebored ng ; . . * Phone rE. * t P } 2 | s008 th 2 ace a 4 “~ / t fi @. Phe se ‘ * / , foes A> ae Bee ae ‘ * t a This) Se eae eC ee oe ee ; . f . at ER oe ee ey eee le, ¢ q - mee ana mm DIRECTIONS AT THE SAME TIME? — An Eddie Steele 2nd Car Witt SOLVE ALL YOUR CREM ‘ mp igen y HOLIDAY. pe ey Eee TN OAKLAND AT CASS hee r ,SuBUR 55 Ford Ya:Ton .... ene $795 * ' , : sais " zs ee Lie : e a 3 : : ; i. Kin ato sin cow ;ginnamon Sows | : as Graeme eee! «= (tf | aieg SMintenty tne now.| SEEM pevens, 18 ber © MONTHLY PAYMENT. JACK COLE, ix 4 ott] oe oe f : : ade, BIRMINGHAM 52 FORD Custom 4-Door 8 seen esenenees . $17.08 Ws RAMBLER || '52 FORD. Station V Wagon ..esseeereseres $20.32 "| Sq” PLYMOUTH $206, SMITH || ’53 PLYMOUTH Cranbrook 4-Door oe se 0c e$22,32 Mtrs. 621 8. Saginaw. FE 8-2461. 1958 Plymouth 53 FORD “Custom 4-Door B sciseveccanns .$22.32 It! 4 pr. AUTOMATIC TRANSMIS- "53 BUICK Speci Special 2-Door sccccvevcescees an i tn a Rigen s | Ou Ou : ewe Son | ig, Perey Rreseiterteniet | ___CaSe ATW FIRE gre. _ MATTHEWS: hy ts aed Cea * 4 GOOD cAR cessories. Solid russet finish. yb ted 7 605 Auburn Ave. FE 29555 {lor Excellent tires. Can't be | ENJOY A USED CAR WITH MAXIMUM REPOSSESSION H ARGRE AVES “CY” OWENS FORD ‘S44 NASH STATESMAN, SHARP, matched. §795. 24 payments. $28.84 | LI SAVE! SAVE! SAVE!) Sportsman hardtop, Loaded with a SaMBLEN GUSTO GTATION| Sia’ tress. O™ “OTD Payment ot Saf t nd m BI ee a oe BD gecen ery AE 631 OAKLAND AVE 55 FORD V1 RAMBLER CUSTOM PATON old IRMIN GHAM S Y a cono Y “RAMBLER” Haskins Chev month. Mr. Bell, King Auto, PE The BIG, BIG Lot ~ 2 29m atu TEAS 7008 owner B RAMBLER | real NEW APPEARANCE & PERFORMANCE SALES & SERVICE— o | 28, ’ CCESS AMBLER an 6 ana FE $4501 Highway a Ms FE 4-4547 _ |%Q RAMBLER STATION WAGON.| 666 S. WOODWARD “Pp R " ' 3 maple Poet sori ss M*ptraight tressmission. Radio & | CAR PAYME NTs f00 BURDEN. ‘ Hee RUTELY NO} MONEY MI 63900 ontiac etal . ace. eee heater, 1 owner. 18,000 mi. New| some? Let us help you adjust to Y WEDN]S | bows. Assume vayments of 48.08 — RENEWED CARS ASSURE YOU MOTORING SATIB FOR LATE MODEL ia BORE GorER coop cons.) ™ TS f sie mm, Pall Coot ME parver Pore. | LOOK! SAVE! Us TO POT PRICE TAGS ON-OUR CARE ae es BRAS USED CARS ; . Lake "Orion Motor Sales 147, SAGINAW at MI 47500. Harold turner Ford. STOP! Us TO PUT PRICE TAGS ONO CARA THAT A HA . Driven 15,000 miles since new | 1958 Edsel 2 dr. Pacer Hardtop, M24 AT CLARKSTON RD FE 6-3588 PE 5-4101| Row'’s THE TIME TO BUY THAT BEAT — AND ABOVE ALL — youl Lu THAN 4 Comm: Motor Sales | transmssioz. ry, ete. Good| automatic transmission. Radio FORD. NICE CAR FE Ott ORES AUTO Sate | Oem Rambler We are, ina con- | 1950 PONTIAC... iecf2tt® || USUAL, PRIDE OF OWNERSHIP — YOU GET MORE FRO ; : FE 403 mess 165 BUICK SP Sit GARDRGe. tie & whitewalls. Like new Huron 3 W. Huron FE 4-2185 +288 . 1705 Baldwin Ave. test {2 2004 ot, boss to Hawalt. Mimic ‘ Before ithet of 37 Hel Sh possers” — eieenpice ie, Tey be nectwatte 7 soturdase bf Verbal fisherman i 56 ad.) “Emerald sie’ 42 Circle parta i income 8 Sediment A War god 0 of a . 9 Sea eagic Greee DOWN 10 Beigten river 28 Not as much i Norse 123] 29 Ttalian T Saucy 13 Pry bar building 48 Gaelic 2 Toward the 18 Peer Gynt's 3% 60 Fisherman's sheltefed s other 36 23d Greek apparatus 3 2 Ditch r 82 Consumed } ‘gan are foreseen by the manage- iment of Consumers Power Com- TV MIGRLIGHTS y Leonetil andj | 6:00 = San Francisco Beat. Janis Paige, Original Wash-| + (9) -~ me aga -~_ ‘News. 9:30 (2) Verdict Is Yours. - (D Curtain ‘Time. (7) Drama: Mystifying story (7) Who Do You Trust? (9) Popeye. results when circus trapeze (4) From These Roots. _ (4) Life of Riley. act has violent argument'4:99 (2) “Day. (2) Weather. peice performance. (4) (color) Truth or Conse- & nerd Woodpecker, 1028 (9) Weather. (7) American Bandstand. (2) News ‘-. |10:2@ (9) Passing Parade. 4:15 (2) Secret Storm “ Analyst. 10:30 {1) N 4:30 (2) Edge of Night. — (2) (&) News, Sports. (9) Theater. War drama: (4) County Fair. (2) Feature. Drama: Battles Frank Lovejoy, Douglas (9) Sherwood Forest. of boxer who's seen better Dick, “Thousands Cheer.”|5* (2) Jimmy Dean. days in Eh Set-Up.” (°49). ('44). (4) (color) George Pierrot Robert R a3 ts. (4) Let’s D 10:45 (7) News: Gordon. (9) Looney T (7) American Legion. British|10:55 (7) Weather. 5:30 (2) Bandstand. force way into Boston homes 11:00 2 () (9) owe, Weather. | (7) Mickey Mouse Club. during American revolution. o" in woes ss \5:55 (4) Sports. See Good Years Ahead for State Consumers Official Says : | Future of Michigan Not “Behind It Good years for outstate Michi- pany. Speaking last night at a regional | Elizabeth and Prifte Philip looked directions in this photo taken recently by Toronto photographer Donald McKague. McKague, who Posing Cooperatién Tops an government. meting of Consumers stockholders in the Company Service Center, Senior Vice President James H. Campbell said: ie eo “prataed the Queen for her ecopera ation in the ple- torial project, was on commission for the Canagi- His work whs done in advance of the royal couple’s visit to Canada this summer, Canadian Photographer Praises Queen oe ak Gane 08 Glee te lee “Your management looks to the months and years ahead with lon to heights of achievement and wii) be host to the royal couple prosperity that we can only dimly on their tour of Canada this sum- =r ber_which had been used in the! rarely eg cice werner The Queen solved everything by} 10:30 (2) Arthur Godfrey, optimism. kholde: picture Queen ! (4) Treasure Hunt. optianiom. You are stockholder ‘tive in posing for him that she/beng to get beth in profile. But (9) Count ‘of Monte Cristo. | preat area im = wonderful state. CVC" aSked him to help her select/u,. difference in their heights was 10:55 (7) News. | § ithe dress she should wear. too great, The Queen stood on & (4) Price Is Sight. ‘said, “Don't let anyone tell “you for an informal color shot and thatu, Hatem, Philip onthe, for (1) Cleo. |that Michigan’s future is behind it.|she took his advice. his wife. (9) Leon Errol. Our state, like every other, may x *& . '11:18 (9) Nursery Schooltime. /have its ups and downs, but it has, McKague spent four days at 11:30 (2) Top Dollar. /Rot even begun to realize its full Buckingham Palace just before = (iy Conceieatiodl jpotental. Wtib the natural advan ‘Christmas taking photographs o Blame Loose Fitting (7) Burns and Allen. tages we have and the of the Queen and Prince Philip for) f.,. (9) Howdy Doody. [people we have, Michigan will £0 the Canadian government, which|*or Seven Boat Deaths \tract and hold industry ~ ‘Youth Gets 5-10 Years imagine “a: a * * Campbell aa Michigan will at. “It is well located in mid- America. It has skilled man- power. It offers excellent trans- | pertation facilities, including wa- | ter transportation via the Great Lakes and now the deepened St. Lawrence Seaway,” he said. “Living conditions and cultural avantages are exceptional. It’s an attractive place to live and a wonderful location for industry, as proved by the fact that so many well-known manufacturing companies have developed and | prospered in Michigan,"" Campbell | concluded. * * * In the first quarter of 1958, he! {Power Company’s kilowatt-hour ‘electric sales were 13 per cent | above the first quarter of 1958 and’ 'gas sales in cubic feet were up 20 per cent. The company supplies’ electric service in 64 Michigan | ‘counties and natural gas service) in 2. | | in Shooting Woman FLINT #—William J. Miller, 16, who shot and wounded a woman. who refused to let him hunt on her property, was sentenced to a 5-to-10.year prison term yesterday. The youth, convicted by a jury of assault with intent to do great bodily harm, was sentenced by) Circuit Judge John W. Baker. Miller fired a rifle at Mrs. Dale, ‘Leiter, 36, when- she refused him| permission last Oct. 30 to hunt} | home. Miller was a runaway from the Starr Commonwealth for Boys ‘at the time. Mrs. Leiter, wife of the president ‘of the Utley Board of Education, | ¥ | ‘6 point aia |has been hospitalized since the! ; |shooting.. Miller is the foster son| ‘of Dr. and Mrs. H. I. Miller of! ‘Flint. | -- Today's Radio Programs ~ Programs furnished by sfations listed in this column are subject to change without notice } | Proud eusen: \.war (700) CELW (800) WWs (950) WCAR (1130) WXYZ (1270) WPON (1460) , WJBK (1500) | wx Surrell WJBK, News, Geor CKL' News, Davies - \ wm nen - Met Stereo bab News, Martyn WBE, Baseball 200, . News ri Rnd ees Ge WIR, Meets "CREW. News Me Lavbitt | 200—-WJR, Right Happiness | Wxy2, Wattrick, McKentle CKLW. News titan 10:00—Wae. Godt WWJ, News, Network | _ arthur odtr WJBK, News, McLeod WEDNESDAY MORNING WWd, News, True Story wae — Grant. Davies; | wo on ewe, aoitse 4:00—WJR, News, Agriculture cai News, “ary Morgan | : WW), News, Roberts WJBK, News, 2:30—WJR, Helen Trent : ve ws Dinner Date WPON, News, in CKLW, News. Ghiftoreak | Weve. °3 ive babclag acomt Club Wear. 8 Party WJBK. Tom George nay Teva Davies | 800. WIR, Deas Shirtey ON, Concnte WCAR, News, Sheridan % Paul Winter WIBK. Mcleod | : ews, | 1:00— WIR, Guést House WPON. Early Bird 11:00—WJR, House Party WCAR News Bennett Wiyrne axwell WWJ, News WXYZ, M. Shorr werk, &b. oa 4m, Mowe Rab Paul Winter WPON, News, Lark CKLW, iten Lewis Jr. oy. cay ce fin Davies R, TNooaiia w. News, George 3:30—W, Cunpente WJBK, Jack, WAR. ie 8B aertre CKLW, News, Music 1:00—WJR, Dan Kirby N Chuck te WJBK. McLeod Saha We, eter Etre Wd, Meee. eee 1:30- WIR, sctme a Muste _Sxuw ia ‘Davies Ww, ere, Toby David CKLW. News. Davies. 4: eeewee, News, Musie Tomte , orge ‘ — ; \ : News. aeey ; werkt wa Shorr ‘ PS tise wa. Baseball ete secu eal WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON | CKLW. News Muste SaLw, an "Wave sews, Holt 12:00—-WIR, News, Wells woAe Mcteca ' pA News, well WPON, rriage Trade $:30—WIR, Baseball : ews, | ootbank CKLW. Grant, Livestock { stows, a aaa AR. News. Sheridan - Wak, 8 : CKLW. ~t: WJK, News, Guest weak a Martin ae a WIR, Muste Hall pehiged Jace. Bellboy ww News. Roberts : WPON. News. ‘Comm WXYZ,’ Ne nail f = aa a Seetal Ww ews., Wo CKLW. News, Muste ‘my tal sine cat. Fay one a et an. for Musil) wigK! Sports, McLeod or KLW. A New vies CKLW: World Today WoAR pews cay . Sie Pore 6:00-WIR, Neve, Musto *10:00—WWJ, M. Kottler m . ent a ON, Nite Sts ~ eam has Fae ‘roby, David ‘wa, a cLeod . : . bined Wea Tenn. Ernie Ford may rid egy J _Bigapetn ews, v ts, Breakfast Club 1:90 WJR, Yng. Dr. scsiond 6:30—WXY2, M. Bhorr bt i, Bewa, David eek bs Martin” - CKLW, News, Musie. | rA ~ . * imer, \dress he had in mind. The agreed to all. Philip returned a oe Ge Ay ee ‘could make it three. /|That’s earl, brother, list submitted to him with word “certainly” written across it in his own panier. For one he bloch-and-whiteltreeped te ae Mediators Seek fo Settle Strike Dispute on ‘Today’ Bilko’s Last TV Show Will Really Be Rouser By EARL WILSON * NEW YORK — Phil Silvers isn’t too gloomy about his Sgt. ‘told the stockholders, Consumers. Bilko soon going off the air here—because he’s so big now in England. And so he'll be going to England late in iMay—to get even bigger there. _ He and his. cast including Private Deberman, of course, are winding up their filming, and they're soing to make it a rouser. The last show will have on it the writer ‘who created Sgt. Bilko, Nat Hiken, and also \the current gag writers, including the Pitts-. burgh wit, the pride of Pennsylvania, Cole- man Jacoby, who once said, “Women don’t like mustaches — because they don’t look 8 good in them,” and also said, “I have the most wonderful wife in the country—and I hope she stays there.” x* * * It was also Coleman Jacoby who got 4 dun from a dentist who caustically noted, “This bill is a year old today!” Coleman P sent it back with another note: “Happy Birthday!” Rod Steiger’s quiet divorce in January from actress Sally Gracie just came to light (so it’s perfectly legal for him to woo jsmall game at her Flint Township' ang wed his “Rashomon” co-star Claire Bloom if he likes)... x* * * Now during Passover I have a letter from Jerusalem, Israel. “Dear Eari,” it says. “I have been here for a month up to my ears in Zionist archives gathering material for a biography of the late great Zionist leader Henrietta Szold of Baltimore. “What a country! “For the Purim Carnival in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, every- « body poured into the streets, but not a single rowdy or drunk was to be seen. * x * ‘ “Theaters, balelts, movies, opera, concerts were Standing ‘Room Only. Saw lorry full of soldiers in untform carrying, bou- quets of wild-flowers. “Saw biologists doing cancer rentseile fn Hadassah Bldg. pocked with bullet marks where several scientists died serving humanity. And those Israeili breakfasts: Oranges bigger and better than California, so help me; olives, cottage cheese, herring, tomatoes, eggs, rolls, jam, coffee . “Heard of: Last Chance Cafe in ‘Beersheba, popular with beatniks. Can't imagine beatniks in this gay, exciting lit- ‘tle country. You'd think they hadn’t an enemy in the world. Great place for women. Have seen Eleanor Roosevelt, Queen of Belgium, Sophie Tucker. Hear Liz Taylor is coming. Why not you?” Seriously, Kim Novak could get an Oscar nomination for her completely be- Hievable love affair with a guy 56 (played by Fredric March) in “Middle of the \Night,” say our sptes who've seen the pic- ‘ture, And March, winner of two Oscars, TODAY'S BEST LAUGH: Once heav- ‘en protected the working girl. Now it itakes a union, a wage-hour law, social security and a pension plan.—Quote. & (Copyright, 1959) - |Garroway's ‘ scheduled for the NBC-TV net-! an | ‘hours Monday. walked out. . b 4 * * * to “Today"’ work from 7 to 9 a.m. personnel took over handling of the electronic equip- ment. In some cases they were a little rusty, and there were occa- sional fluffs. * * NBC reported it had several lacked sound, An NBC spokesman said that all were broadcast live, and the | same would hold true today. NBC said normal programing, would continue, and no programs. would be dropped. x * * NBC operations fn |San Francisco, Philadelphia, Chi- cago and Washington were also, affected by the walkout. The company claimed it haa complied fully with the contract. | NBC employs about 750 mem- bers of the union in New York, ‘Royal Oak Youth | Goes to Prison in Car Thett | | A 19-year-old Royal Oak -vouth ; was sentenced yesterday to 114 to 5 years in Jackson Prison for car, -|theft while his alleged companion, ‘lescaped the same fate as he sud-| denty changed his plea before Oak-| and County Circuit Judge Clark | J. Adams, Sentenced was Richard Searles, | of 602 EF. Farnum St. | of 463 Bauman Ave., Clawson, | j pleaded guilty April 13 to steal- | ing a car out of the Royal Oak L | police yard. They were appre- hended later in the-car in Ohio. © Soon after Searles was sentenced | by Judge AdanfS yesterday, the judge asked Burge if he had any-| ‘thing to say before sentencing. “f didn’t steal that car,” he an-| swered. Judge Adams immediately, ‘set aside his previous guilty plea and entered a plea of innocent. The’ ate? Hollywood, judge ordered the case set for trial. | ed bar te ‘Sodanteacenr ak a WILLIAM EWALD. | _ YORK (UPD —CBS-TV of daytime programming yester- day with “On the Go,”-a new daily. that packs a good deal of McKague said he and the prince| SHORT SHOTS: ering searched around the palace and, ys: Jack = found a two-by-four piece of lum-' volunteering to remove her shoes. | PHILADELPHIA (AP) — TV, Radio Technicians "ewsrapers in puzzle contests, Out at NBC Over Tape Georg i The program, which inchided an) trial for murder es am whut 2 interview with Brigitte Bardot, | SUPP: er com- ‘plicated matters a bit by playing |the TV emcee — that is, shuttling jbetween euphoria and ‘hysteria. : Drop Fraud: Charges ‘Against Canadian Fraud icharges against a Canadian in ‘connection with an alleged puzzle jcontest conspiracy were dismissed ‘yesterday. The same charges are) ito be dismissed in Detroit. On motion of the government | Summer Stay~~ | engagement a’ the Moscow Trades Fair Aug. 328 Birds Returning / _« «North Again Feathered Friends Building Nest /for ithe charges against Lawrence. A.! imen charged with defrauding Chief Assistant U.S. Attorney e Woods of Detroit said the \ Philadelphia charges were dropped ‘at his recommendation because of lack of jurisdiction. Woods said NEW YORK (AP) — Federal the Detroit charges against Dyson mediators sought today to settle a, also will be dropped. strike of engineers and technicians. at the National Broadcasting Co. Doctors Cite ‘Disorder’ which knocked its television and in Housewife’s Slayer ‘radio networks off the air for “| ue fied yesterday that 15-year-old The Federa! Mediation and Con-’ pee Carison, slayer of a. young \ciliation Service scheduled a meet- housewife neighbor, has a char- ing between NBC and the National acter ‘disorder’ though he is not Assn. of Broadcast Employes and/mentally ill. Technicians (NABET), Both tele-! vision sand radio technicians) Probate Court is holding a hear- x *& * iing for the 274-pound_ high school boy who fatally beat and slashed Union members ‘Monday refused Mrs. Patricia Dixon, 24, mother of video tape for Dave three children, in her home program, | April 4. The court hearing is to deter- mjne whether Gerald must face Gerald for the slaying. Both experts said Gerald lacked respect for social custom. Dr, Rehn described him as dangerous. birds suffered severe 1958. . Migrant flocks perished in’ storms over the Gulf of Mexico. Bitter cold jcut food supplies during the winter and migration season. * * * However, nature takes its own ql t ae Beta ; tied 8 Z Hi ER MUNTZ TV | SERVICE Member of FE 4-1515 C @ ¥ RETRO MART red ws Sometimes a man has three dif- ferent incomes — the one he gets, veel television programs which had/— ‘the one he tells friends he gets, concerning dim commercials, or and the one he tells the-govern- » inserted ment he gets... somewhat abruptly. Several says she’s dressing and won't be When a woman a minute — you can be sure she’s right. —Earl Wilson. RCA Color TV _ Sales and Service | CONDON’‘S TV. come® s. boat Eat. been scheduled for live broadcast | | ' i Searles, like Mallo Burge,’ 21, I EXPANSI expand his building 1989 G-E 30" Electric Range ~ Reg. $199.95 - 49" 1957 Gibson 30” Range Electrie one es and Many Reg. $349.95 Now ‘Open Evenings ‘til 9 Hampton Electric announcing this great Expansion Sale, due to the need to * his merchandise to raise money. Stop in today and see bargains galore! — Credit Terms Available - FE 4-2525 . HAMPTON ‘ELECTRIC co. ON SALE .. he must reduce ‘38 Admiral 30” | Electric Range- . Reg. $269.95 ie $25 W. Huron St. BER . April because funds ran out: . difficulty: meeting welfare obliga- se with “its chronic coal Bets, eaeaplayrcnt, is an excep- tion. Louisville alone dropped 3,- 600 families from relief rolls in ‘Michigan, a state with big finan- cial as well as unemployment problems, shows signs of having Detroit, with. 16,000 families on Charge Safecrackers Used State Convicts | OCALA, Fla, (AP)—Three men accused of operating a safe crack- ing ring with state convicts face nding $1,200,000 available, annually. Helen Smith, welfare; director of | rural Antrim County, 200 miles | northwest of Detroit, characterizes | month in relief and debating new taxation: to make an additional the effort to reduce welfare rolls, relief, : * * * Relief applications in the. Dis- trict of Columbia increased more | dividuals applied, The estimate was 20,604, change in relief rolls. However, | more persons are receiving sur- | prison terms. * * * Clemit Barnes and brothers) and Samuel Altman plead-|} George ed guilty in Circuit Court Monday to breaking and entering a° feed was taken. The state charged that Samuel Soviets Take Over : British Nuclear Idea GENEVA (AP)—In an apparent Girl, 11, Kills Her Sister in Pistol Accident WASHINGTON (AP)—Police said accidentally forehead Monday night. The wounded child, Darlene Mill, died five hours later The weapon was a .22 caliber target pistol the children found under a mattress in their moth- er's bedroom, Lt. Charles Burns of the homi- Alice Green, 34, mother ot the children, and her husband, James Green, ‘4, were not at home, last — 143,283 in March 1959, as Nikita | pressed concern; but there seems tito be no coordinated effort to do plus commodities this year than compared to 111,283 in March} 958, * * * sistance cases this year at 1,078. Last year it was 1,076. Utah’s relief rolls are holding steady but the number of employ- able persons on relief is dropping —" of spring job. opportuni- * * * Among states reporting no | significant changes were Connec:| ticut, Pennsylvania, Wyoiming, | Mississippi, West Virginia, North Dakota, South Dakota, Washing- ton, Towa, Rhode Island and Massachusetts. Urge Mental Group fo Lead Crime Fight WASHINGTON (AP)—The Na- tional Institute of Mental Health | was urged today to take primary | responsibility in helping solve the | problem of poe es | In an aan ba. the House | Committee gave. year starting July 1. This is $8,-| 025,000 more-than President Eisen- ; hower requested. The problem of juvenile delin-| quency, the committee said, “‘is| one about .which parents, teach-| a the courts, civic groups and other organizations have all ex- anything about it and no one group accepts responsibilitty for giving leadership.” Pope’s Homefolk to Give Him a Modified Crown BERGAMO, Italy (AP) — Pope John XXIII gets a new crown Sat- urday from the people of his net tivé Bergamo province. But the] original design has been simpli-| fied with half the jewels left off at! the reir’ net: > : The ciastuacd gem-encrusted | crown was ‘to have been presented to the Pope after his coronation last November wheh he received! 3,500 pilgrims from the province Burns said, in ee Italy, PRESCRIPTIONS Semen Boreal PERRY RY DRUGS Bast Bivd., Cor. Perry because ecclesiastic authorities suggested ‘minor changes in de- } sign: Thé pontiff himself i others, He asked that the er- ence in cost be used for charity, The crown, i to cost $10,000, was completed for $5,000. “Thoughtful Service” 4b Williams St., Ponti To have Sidbilly ... to offer, to those in P of it, a strength based pon knowledge, experience and a genuine desire to be of service... this is iac pene » Chops! -Auburn a ae UL .2-1800 - dropped; ‘| Every family is expected: to grow |} a vegetable garden to: supplement | than predicted this year—23,856 a | ‘Texas with 191,500. unemployed |} ‘in February. reported no large) * i | The presentation was’ delayed | FE 2.5841 | : 3 In the far West, the San Fran-} store where approximately $600)Ci8co County Public Welfare De-/ k | | qi | avi lac ATTENTION ALL TRUCKERS! BIG TRUCK TIRE SAVINGS! | Rugged Lug Light Delivery Tire FOR STOP-START FLEETS e 6-Ply Rated . « . Rayon Cord © Perfect for Pick-Up Trucks: © Super Deep. Tread Design to | Give You Extra. Troction 6.50x16.. 7.00x16. . oe @ @ + © e eo are *NO. TRADE-IN oe o rw 19.88 Each, Plus Tax” . 24.88 Each, Plus Tax" | , a 6.00216 ach, Plus Tax SIZES kw and FRIDAY NITES ‘TIL 9 2. € 15 North 4 dugiiaw't St. Phone TE 5-417]